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Full text of "The wild garden, or the naturalization and natural grouping of hardy exotic plants with a chapter on the garden of British wild flowers"

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the naturalization an 


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Combe in west country with PRIMROSES, KINGCUPS, and DAFFODILS. 


or the 

Naturalization and Natural Grouping of 
Hardy Exotic Plants with a Chapter on 
the Garden of British Wild Flowers 
’ By W. ROBINSON Author of 
‘The English Flower-Garden’ 

Fourth Fdition 

Illustrated by ALFRED PARSONS 

‘Adspice quos submittat humus formosa colores 

Ut veniant hederae sponte sua melius’ 

London John Murray Albemarle Street 











EXPLANATORY : ‘ ‘ ‘ . F j ; I 
EXAMPLE FROM Harpy Butgs 1n Grass oF Lawns oR 
MEapDows . a : : - . : : 12 





Ditcnes, SHADY Lanes, CopsEs, anD HEDGEROws . 48 






Woop.ianp Drives anp Grass WALKS 


Tue Brooxk-sipDE, WaTER aND Boc GaRDENS 


Witp GarpENInNG on Watts, Rocks, or Ruins 






Harpy Exotic FLowerinc PLants FOR THE WILD 



















Combe in west country with Primroses, Kingcups, and 

Daffodils. i ghey oe ee Frontispiece 
Columbines and Gerentnte in meadow-grass . i . Xiii 
A Golden Rod . : : . Xvi 
Lilies coming up through aipel of White Arabis . xvii 
Spirzeas, bushy and herbaceous ~ ow ox , XX 
Large-flowered Meadow Rue . ‘ I 
Night effect of Large Evening Primrose in the Wild Garden 

To face page 4 
Blue-flowered Composite (Mulgedium Plumieri) . ; 8 
The Mountain Clematis .. : a II 
Star of Bethlehem in Grass ; ; ‘ . 2 
The Bell-flowered Scilla, naturalized F : : 14 
Portion of field of Poet’s Narcissus in bloom To face page 22 
‘Caucasian Comfreyin shrubbery .. 24 
The Cretan Borage (Borago Cretieca) 4 28 
Group of Globe flowers (Trollius) . f 30 
The White Japan Anemone in the Wild Garden ‘ 32 
Anemones in the Riviera . To face a 34 
The Green Hellebore in the Wild Garnier 38 
Tall Perennial Larkspurs, naturalized in Shrubbery (1878) 39 
Double Crimson Pzeonies in grass at Crowsley Park 4 
Type of erect Compositze for the Wild Garden 43 
The Giant Scabious (Cephalaria procera) ‘ 44 
Giant Cow Parsnip. ‘ ‘ To face page 44 

Foliage of Teazle, on hedechank in spring. ‘ . 48 

List of Illustrations xl 

The large white Bindweed_ 50 
The Nootka Bramble . . , 52 
The Yellow Allium (A. Moly) naturalized 54 
Large White Clematis on Yew tree at Great Tew . 69 
Climbing shrub (Celastrus), isolated on the grass. qI 
A Liane in the North. Aristolochia and Deciduous Cypress 74 
A beautiful accident.—A colony of Myrrhis odorata 80 
The Lily of the Valley in copse i 87 
Colonies of Poet's Narcissus and Broad- leayed Saxifraze 
To face page 92 
Solomon’s Seal and Herb Paris, in copse by streamlet . . 100 
Colony of hardy exotic Flowers, naturalized i brook-side . 102 
Cyperus longus . ; . 106 
The Cape Pond Weed in an i Basligh, ditch i in winter 108 
Day Lily by margin of water... 109 
Marsh Marigold and Iris in early spring ‘ Ilo 
The same spot as in opposite sketch, with dhurgrowth of Iris 111 
Partridge Berry (Gaultheria) . : : 113 
Arenaria Balearica, self-planted on wall at Great Tew : 114 
Cheddar Pink, Saxifrage, and Ferns, on cottage wall at Mells 115 
The Yellow Fumitory (Corydalis lutea) on wall 4 117 
Purple Rock Cress (Mountains of Greece) .. 118 

Wild Rose growing ona Pollard Ash in Orchardleigh Park, 

To face page 120 
White Climbing Rose scrambling over old Catalpa Tree 

To face page 124 

Climbing Rose on grass... 128 
Autumn Crocuses in the Wild Garden 129 
Crane’s-bill, wild, in grass . I3I 
Tiger Lilies in Wild Garden at Great Tew To face page 134 
Large-flowered Clematis . 3 : ; .  . 138 
Sun Roses (Cistus) . To face page 140 
WoodruffandIvy ... . 144 
Snowdrops by streamlet . 145 
The Monkshood, naturalized. : : 147 
The White Narcissus-like Allium, in the orchards of Provence 149 
Siberian Columbine in rocky place . : 153 

Tall Asphodelincopse_ . ; 154 

xii List of Illustrations 


The foliage of the Meadow Saffron in Spring... 160 
The White-flowered European Clematis (C. erecta) 161 
Cyclamens in the Wild Garden oe £ -§ 163 
A South European Bindweed . owe Ly . 164 
A Sea Holly; Eryngium . 167 
Groups of Siebold’s Plantain oe ; 2 8 ; 170 
Ahardy Geranium . 172° 
Everlasting Pea, creeping up stem in slant heryy : : 178 
Type of fine-leaved umbellate plants seldom grown in gardens 180 
The Bee Balm, Monarda. American wood plant . 5 . 181 
The Great Japan Knotweed (Polygonum cuspidatum) . 184 
Phlomis . 185 
The tall Ox-eye Date (Pyrethruin senodinain 186 
The Great Reed of Southern Europe (Arundo Donax) 187 
Telekia. Type of the larger Composites . ‘ 192 
Group of Tritoma, in grass sae Lake sedi 193 
Tall Mullein ‘ 195 
Large White Aeros ere into wide masses Gua ghade 196 
Ophrys, in grass. -: : . 197 
Large-leafed Rockfoil in the Wild Carden . 210 
Robinson’s Blue Windflower . : : ‘ . 216 
Native Sun Rose in Somerset Combe : 222 
The Field Rose (R. arvensis) . : ; To face page 228 
Natural growth of umbellata plants . : ; . 239 
The Vernal Gentian. (Engraved from a plofogragh 244 
Snowflake (Longleat) ; ‘ : » 253 
Giant Horse-tail (Equisetum Telmateia) . . 256 
White Willow in Hampshire . Ti o face page 258 
Crack Willow in Kennet Valley ; : . 263 

The Black Poplar in the Kennét Valley Ti 0 face page 268 

COLUMBINES and GERANIUMS in meadow-grass. 


WHEN I began, some years ago, to urge the cause of 
the innumerable hardy flowers against the few tender 
ones, put out in a formal way, the answer frequently 
was, ‘We cannot go back to the mixed border’— 
that is to say, the old way of arranging flowers in 
borders. Knowing, then, a little of the vast world of 
plant beauty quite shut out of our gardens by the 
‘system’ in vogue, I was led to consider some ways 
in which it might be brought to our gardens; and 
among them was the name and scope of the ‘Wild 
Garden.’ I was led to think of the vast numbers 

of beautiful hardy plants from other countries -which 

XIV Preface 

might be naturalized, with a very slight amount of 
trouble, in many situations in our plantations, fields, 
and woods—a world of delightful plant beauty that 
we might in these ways make happy around us. 
We can not only grow thus a thousandfold more 
lovely flowers than were seen in flower gardens, but 
also many which, by any other plan, have no chance 
of being seen in gardens. 

In this edition, by the aid of drawings, I have tried 
to tell what the system is ;—if I were to write a book 
for every page that this contains, I could not suggest 
the many beautiful aspects of vegetation which the 
Wild Garden may give us. 

The illustrations are, with a few exceptions, the work 
of Mr. Alfred Parsons, and the drawing and engraving 
have been several years in execution. They are after 
nature, in places where the ideas expressed in the first 
small edition of the book had been carried out, or 
where accident, as in the case of the beautiful group 
of Myrrh and white Harebells at Cambridge, had 
given rise to beautiful plant pictures. I cannot too 
heartily thank him for the skill which he devoted to 
the drawings, and for his success in showing the 
motive of the ‘Wild Garden.’ 

There has been some misunderstanding as to the 
term ‘Wild Garden.’ It is applied essentially to the 
placing of perfectly hardy exotic plants under conditions 

Preface XV 

where they will thrive without further care. It has 
nothing to do with the old idea of the ‘Wilderness.’ 
It does not mean the picturesque garden, for a 
garden may be highly picturesque, and yet in every 
part the result of ceaseless care. 

What it does mean is best explained by the winter 
Aconite flowering under a grove of naked trees in 
February ; by the Snowflake, tall and numerous in 
meadows by the Thames side; by the blue Lupine 
dyeing an islet with its purple in a Scotch river; and 
by the blue Apennine Anemone staining an English 
wood blue before the coming of our blue bells. 
Multiply these instances a thousandfold, given by 
many types of plants, from countries colder than ours, 
and one may get a just idea of the ‘Wild Garden.’ 
Some have thought of it as a garden run wild, or 
sowing annuals in a muddle; whereas it does not 
interfere with the regulation flower garden at all. 

I wish it to be kept distinct in the mind from the 
various sorts of hardy plant cultivation in groups, beds, 
and borders, in which good gardening and good taste 
may produce many happy effects; distinct from the 
rock garden in its many aspects—all asking for skill 
and care; from the borders reserved for choice hardy 
flowers of all kinds; from the hardy sub-tropical 
garden or that of hardy plants of fine form; from 

the ordinary type of ‘Spring Garden;’ and from our 

Xvi Preface 

own beautiful native flowers, delightful in our woods 
and fields and hedgerows. In country gardens, where, 
on the outer fringes of the lawn, in grove, park, 
copse, or by woodland walks or drives, there is often 
ample room, fair gardens and new and _ beautiful 
pictures may be formed by its means as the swift 

springs and summers pass. 

May 28, 1881. 


LILIES coming up through carpet of WHITE ARABIS. 


THE wild rose has given her petals to the winds for 
over twenty sumiers since this book with its solitary 
wood cut first saw the light, and if these many years give 
me any right to judge my own book, T may say that 
much experience since tells me that the ‘Wild Garden’ 
desericd to live, and that such ideas carrted out with 
sone regard to the sotl and other things affecting 
plants in cach place, may be fertile tn making our open 
air gardens more artistic and delightful. 

The best thing [ have learnt from my own wild garden- 
me ts that we may grow without care many lovely early 
bulbs in the turf of meadows, t.e. fields mown for hay, 
without in the least interfering with the use of the fields. 


Xviil Forewords to New Edition 

The Blue Anemones, Crocus, Snowdrops, Narcisses, 
Snowflakes, Grape-Hyacinths, Dog’s-tooth Violets, Stars 
of Bethlehem, Fritillaries, St. Bruno’s Lily, Snow-glories, 
Wild Hyacinths, Scilla, and Wild Tulips best fitted for 
this early-gardening in the meadow turf, wither before 
the hay ts ready for the scythe, and we do not find 
a trace of the leaves of many of them at hay time. Many 
of the plants of the mountains of central Europe and 
also of those of what we call the south and east, such as 
those of Greece and Asia Minor, bloom with me earlier 
than our own field or woodland flowers. Our feebler 
sun awakes them in the snowless fields, and so we 
enjoy many spring flowers while our grass is brown. 
And if they come so early in the. cool and high ‘ forest 
range’ in Sussex they will be no less early in the warm 
sotls asin Surrey, or in the many valley sotls—sheltered 
as they often are by groves and banks of evergreens. As 
nearly every country house is set in meadows it is easy 
to see what a gain this ts, not only for its beauty but 
because it lets us make an end of the repeated digging 
up of the flower garden for the sake of a few annual 
and other spring flowers—themselves to be removed just 
in the loveliest summer days. 

This spring [ saw some evidence of what bold wild- 
gardening may give us in its effects on the beauty of 
landscape views. The picturesque view from Narrow- 
water Fouse near Newry, across the park to the bay 
and the mountains that guard it, was much enhanced 
during March and the early part of the present spring 

Forewords to New Edition XIX 

by the great cloud of daffodils covering a mound in the 
foreground. The daffodils (the double kind so common 
in Ireland) spread over the mound in clouds, here and 
there massed close. It was not only good as a picture 
but as a lesson in the planting in the wild-garden of 
such flowers—which are often dotted about separately, 
much as fruit trees are in an orchard, instead of being 
held together in masses and bold groups, running out 
here and there into smaller ones. 

Many of the reviewers of the book did not take the 
trouble necessary to see its true motive, and some of then 
confuse tt with the picturesque garden, which may be 
formed in many costly ways, whereas the idea of the 
wild garden 7s placing plants of other countries, as 
hardy as our hardiest wild flowers, in places where 
they wili flourish without further care or cost. As 
I first used the word ‘wild garden’ in this book and 
in the ‘Field’ newspaper, where some of the articles 
appeared many years ago, [ wish to make tts aim and 
meaning clear. 

I am happy to be able to illustrate the book with good 
wood engravings in these days of many ‘processes,’ often 
called ‘improvements, in book illustration, but which, so 
far, are its ruin. The few cuts done in the former 
edition by such processes have been re-engraved on wood 
for this. Some of the ideas in the book, such as the 
beautiful effects one may get in hedgerows and by 
grass-walks, are not illustrated as I hope they will be 

in future editions. 

XX Forewords to New Edition 

Als good examples of wild.gardening are likely often 
to lie out of my own path, and as distinct and unlooked 
Jor results will often arise, I should be grateful to all 
who will tell me of them in the hope of making the 
book more suggestive in future, as among the ways of 
escape from the death-note of the pastry-cook’s garden 
there 1s none more delightful to all who have any grass 
or fields or woods about them. 

W. R. 

April 18, 1894. 

SPIRAAS, bushy and herbaceous. 



ABOUT a generation ago a taste began 
to be shown for placing numbers of ten- 
der plants in the open air in summer, 
to produce showy masses of colour. 
The plants were mostly from sub- 
tropical lands; placed annually in 
the open air of our summer, and 
in fresh earth, every year they 
grew and flowered abundantly 
until cut down by the first frosts. 
The showy colour of this system 
was very attractive, and 

since its intro- 
duction there 
has been a gra- 
dual rooting 

: out of all the 
LARGE-FLOWERED MEADOW RUE; type of plant mostly excluded 
. i ea old favourites 

2 The Wild Garden 

in favour of this ‘bedding’ system. This was car- 
ried to such an extent that it was not uncommon, 
indeed it was the rule, to find the largest gardens 
in the country without a single hardy flower, all 
energies being devoted to the few exotics for the 
summer decoration. It should be borne in mind that 
the expense for this system is an annual one; that no 
matter what may be spent in this way, or how many 
years may be devoted to perfecting it, the first sharp 
frost of November announces yet further labours. 

Its highest results need hardly be described ; they are 
seen in all our public gardens ; our London and many 
other city parks show them in the shape of beds filled 
with vast quantities of flowers, covering the ground 
frequently in a showy way. I will not here enter into 
the question of the merits of this system; it is enough 
to state that even on its votaries it is beginning to pall. 
Some are looking back with regret to the old mixed- 
border gardens; others are endeavouring to soften 
the harshness of the bedding system by the intro- 
duction of fine-leaved plants, but all are agreed that 
a mistake has been made in destroying all our old 
flowers, from Lilies to Hepaticas, though few have 
a fair idea of the numbers of beautiful hardy plants 
which we may gather from every northern and temperate 
clime to grace our gardens under a more artistic 

My object in the Wild Garden is now to show how 
we may have more of the varied beauty of hardy 

Explanatory a 

flowers than the most ardent admirer of the old style 
of garden ever dreams of, by naturalizing many 
beautiful plants of many regions of the earth in our 
fields, woods and copses, outer parts of pleasure 
grounds, and in neglected places in almost every kind 
of garden. 

I allude not to the wood and brake flora of any 
one country, but to that which finds its home in the vast 
hill-fields of the whole northern world, and that of the 
hill-ground that falls in furrowed folds from beneath the 
hoary heads of all the great mountain chains of the 
world, whether they rise from hot Indian plains or 
green European pastures. The Palm and sacred Fig, 
as well as the Wheat and the Vine, are separated 
from the stemless plants that cushion under the snow 
for half the year, by a zone of hardier and not less 
beautiful life, varied as the breezes that whisper on 
the mountain sides, and as the rills that seam them. 
They are the Lilies, and Bluebells, and Foxgloves, 
and Irises, | and id Windflowers, -and Columbines, and 
Violets, and Crane’s-bills, and countless Pea-flowers, 
and Moon Daisies, and Brambles, and Cinquefoils, and 
Evening Primroses, and Clematis, and Honeysuckles, 
and Michaelmas Daisies, and Wood Hyacinths, and 
Daffodils, and Bindweeds, and Forget: me-nots, and 
_blue Omphalodes, and Primroses, and Day Lilies, and 
Asphodels, and St. Bruno’s Lilies, and the myriads 
of plants which form the flora of the northern or 
temperate regions of vast continents. 


4 The Wild Garden 

It is beyond the power of pen or pencil to picture 
the beauty of these plants. Innumerable and infinitely 
varied scenes occur in all northern and temperate 
regions, at many different elevations, the loveliness 
of which it is impossible to portray; the essential 
thing to bear in mind is that the plants that go to 
form them are hardy, and will thrive in our climate 
as well as native plants. 

Such beauty may be realized in every wood and 
copse and shrubbery that screens our ‘trim gardens,’ 
Naturally our woods and wilds have no little loveliness 
in spring; we have here and there the Lily of the 
Valley and the Snowdrop, and everywhere the Primrose 
and Cowslip; the Bluebell and the Foxglove take 
possession of whole woods ; but, with all our treasures 
in this way, we have no attractions in or near our 
gardens compared with what it is within our power 
to create. There are many countries, with winters 
colder than our own, that have a rich flora; and by 
choosing the hardiest exotics and planting them 
without the garden, we may form garden pictures. 
To some a plant in a free state is more charming than 
any garden denizen. It is taking care of itself; and, 
moreover, it is usually surrounded by some degree 
of graceful wild spray—the green above, and the moss 
or grass around. 

Numbers of plants of the highest order of beauty 
may be at home in the spaces now devoted to rank 
grass and weeds, and by wood walks in our shrubberies. 

Night effect of LARGE EVENING PRIMROSE in the Wild Garden (GEnothera Lamarckiana). 

Explanatory 7 

Among my reasons for thinking wild gardening 
worth practising by all who wish our gardens to 
be more artistic and delightful are the follow- 
ing :— 

First, because hundreds of the finest hardy flowers 
will thrive much better in rough places than ever they 
did in the old-fashioned border. Even small plants, 
like the ivy-leaved Cyclamen, a beautiful plant that 
we rarely find in perfection in gardens, I have seen 
perfectly naturalized and spread all over the mossy 
surface of a thin wood. 

Secondly, because they will look infinitely better 
than they ever did in formal nal beds, in “consequence of 
fine-leaved | plant, “fern, and fic flower, and climber, grass 
and trailing shrub, relieving each other in delightful 
ways. Many arrangements will prove far more 
beautiful than any aspect of the old mixed border, 
or the ordinary type of modern flower-garden. 

Thirdly, because no disagreeable effects result from 
decay. The raggedness of the old mixed border after 
the first flush of spring and early summer bloom had 
passed was intolerable to many, with its bundles of 
decayed stems tied to sticks. When Lilies are sparsely 
dotted ed_through masses of shrubs, their flowers are 

‘admired more than if they were in isolated showy 

_ masses 5 when they ca out of of bloom a they are un- 

when in rigid “aalicvel Sake a in | borders, “&e. In 
a semi-wild state the beauty of a fine plant will show 

8 The Wild Garden 

when at its height; and when out of bloom it will 

be followed by other kinds of beauty. 
Fourthly, because it will enable us to grow many 
plants that have never yet obtained 

a place in our ‘trim gardéns.’ I 

“i E mean plants which, not so showy 

as man: ns, are never 
seen_ therein. The flowers of many 

of these are of great beauty, especially 

A tuft of one of these 
in a border may not 
be thought worthy of 
its place, while in some 

wild glade, as a little 

ai an “ colony, grouped natur- 
Vane \ AQ 

ally, its effect may be 
and habit; type of noble plants excluded from 
dium Plumieri 

exquisite. There are 

many plants too that, 
grown in gardens, are no great aid to them—like the 
Golden Rods, and other plants of the great order Com- 
positee, which merely overrun the choicer and more 
beautiful border-flowers when planted amongst them. 
These coarse plants would be quite at home in copses 
and woody places, where their blossoms might be seen 
or gathered in due season, and their vigorous vegetation 
form a covert welcome to the game-preserver. To 
these two groups might be added plants like the winter 
Heliotrope, and many others which, while not without 

when seen in numbers. 

Explanatory 9 

use in the garden, are apt to become a nuisance 
there. For instance, the Great Japanese Knotworts 
(Polygonum) are certainly better planted outside of 
the flower-garden. 

Fifthly, because we may in this way settle the 
question of the spring flower-garden. Many parts 
of every country garden, and many suburban ones, 
may be made alive with spring flowers, without inter- 
fering at least with the flower-beds near the house. 
The blue stars of the Apennine Anemone will be 
enjoyed better when the plant is taking care of itself, 
than in any conceivable formal arrangement. It is 
but one of hundreds of sweet spring flowers that 
will succeed perfectly in our fields, lawns, and woods. 
And so we may cease the dreadful practice of tearing 
up the flower-beds and leaving them like new-dug 
graves twice a year. 

Sixthly, because there can be few more agreeable 
phases of communion with Nature than naturalizing 
the natives of countries in which we are infinitely 
more interested than in those of which greenhouse 
or stove plants are native. From the Roman ruin— 
home of many flowers, the mountains and prairies 
of the New World, the woods and meadows of all 
the great mountains of Europe; from Greece and 
Italy and Spain, from the hills of Asia Minor; from 
the alpine regions of the great continents—in a word, 
from almost every interesting region the traveller 
may bring seeds or plants, and establish near his. 

10 The Wild Garden 

home living souvenirs of the various countries he 
has visited. If anything we may bring may not 
seem good enough for the garden autocrat of the 
day, it may be easy to find a home for it in wood or 
hedgerow; I am fond of putting the wild species of 
Clematis and other exotic climbers and flowers in 
newly-formed hedgebanks. 

Moreover, the great merit of permanence belongs 
to this delightful phase of gardening. Select a rough 
slope, and embellish it with groups of the hardiest 
climbing plants,—say the Mountain Clematis from 
Nepal, the sweet C. Flammula from. Southern Europe, 
‘Virginian creepers,’ various hardy vines, Jasmines, 
Honeysuckles, and wild Roses and briers. Arranged 
with some judgment at first, such a colony might 
be left to take care of itself; time would but add to 
its attractions. 

Some have mistaken the idea of the wild garden 
as a plan to get rid of all formality near the 
house ; whereas it will restore to its true use the flower- 
garden, now subjected to two tearings up a year— 
i.e. in spring and autumn; as may be seen in nearly 
all public and private gardens, in France as well as 
in England—new patterns every autumn and every 
spring—no rest or peace anywhere. In the beautiful 
summer of 1893, the flower-beds in the public gardens 
of Paris were quite bare of all flowers in June, 
before. the | wretched winter-nursed flowers had been 
set out in their patterns. If such things must be 

el ie ee 


done in the name of flower-gardening, it were many 

times better to carry them out in a place apart, rather 

than expose the foreground of a 
beautiful house or landscape to such 
disfigurement. Spring flowers are 
easily grown in multitudes away from 
the house, and, therefore, for their 
sakes the system of digging up the 
flower-beds twice a year need not be 
carried out. Wild gardening should 
go hand in hand with the thorough 
cultivation of the essential beds of 
the flower-garden around the house, 
and to their being filled with plants 
quite different from those we entrust 
to the crowded chances of turf or 
hedgerow :—to rare or tender plants 


or choice garden flowers like the Tea Rose and Carna- 
tion—plants which often depend for their beauty on their 
double states, and for which rich soil and care and 

often protection are essential. 




WE will now see what may be done with one type 
of vegetation—hardy bulbs like Daffodils and plants 
dying down after flowering early in the year, like 
the Winter Aconite and the Blood-root (Sanguinaria). 
How many of us enjoy the beauty which hardy 
Spring flowers of these orders might give us? How 
many get beyond the conventionalities of the flower- 
garden, with its patchings, and taking up, and drying, 
and playing with our beautiful Spring Bulbs? Garden 
adornment with early bulbs is merely in its infancy; 
at present we merely place a few of the showiest in 
geometrical lines. The little done leads to such poor 
results, that many people, alive to the charms of a 
garden too, scarcely notice Spring-flowering Bulbs 

Example from hardy bulbs in grass 13 

at all, regarding them as things which require endless 
care, and as interfering with the ‘bedding-out.’ And 
this is likely to be the case so long as the most 
effective of all modes of arranging them is unused. 
Look, for instance, at the wide and bare belts of 
grass that wind in and around the shrubberies in 
nearly every country place; frequently, they never 
display a particle of plant-beauty, and are merely 
places to be roughly mown now and then. But if 
planted here and there with the Snowdrop, the blue 
Anemone, Crocus, Scilla, and WinterAeonite, they 
would in spring surpass in charms the gayest of 
‘spring gardens.’ Cushioned among the grass, the 

flowers would unfold prettier than they can in the 
regulation sticky earth of a border; in the grass of 
spring, their natural bed, they would look far better 
than they ever do on the brown earth of a garden. 
Once carefully planted, they—while an annual source 
of the greatest interest—occasion no trouble whatever. 

Their leaves die down so early in spring that they 
would not interfere with the mowing of the grass, 
and we should not attempt to mow the grass in such 
places till the season of vernal flowers had passed. 
Surely it is enough to have a portion of lawn as 
smooth as a carpet at all times, without shaving off 
the ‘long and pleasant grass’ of the other parts of 
the grounds. It would indeed be worth while to 

leave many parts of the grass unmown for the sake 

of growing many beautiful plants in it. If in a spot 

14 The Wild Garden 

where a wide carpet of grass spreads out in the 
sheltered bay of a plantation, there be dotted the 
blue Apennine Anemone, any Snowdrops, the Snow- 
flake, Crocuses in variety, Scillas, Grape Hyacinths, 
many Narcissi, the Wood Ane- 
mone, and a oer Gene 
flowers liking the soil, we 
should have a picture of vernal 
beauty, the flowers relieved by 
grass, and the whole devoid of 
man’s weakness for tracing wall- 
paper patterns where everything 
should be varied and changeful. 
In such a garden it might be 
clear that the artist had caught 
the true meaning of Nature in 
her grouping, without sacrificing pe : 

anything of value in the garden. 
Mowing the grass once a fort- ™ ae 

night in pleasure grounds, as — xaturaizea wich our own WOOD 


now practised, ts a costly mis- 

take. We want shaven carpets of grass here and 
there, but what nonsense it is to shave it as often as 
foolish men shave their faces! There are indeed 
places where they boast of mowing forty acres! 
Who would not rather see the waving grass with 
countless flowers than a close surface without a 
blossom? Think of the labour wasted in this ridicu- 

lous work of cutting the heads off flowers and grass. 

Example from hardy bulbs in grass 15 

Let much of the grass grow till fit to cut for hay, 
and we may enjoy in it a world of lovely flowers 
that will blossom and perfect their growth before hay 
time; some who have carried out the ideas of this 
book have waving lawns of feathery grass where they 
used to shave the grass every ten days; a cloud 
of flowers where a daisy was not let peep. 

It is not only to places in which shrubberies, and 
plantations, and belts of grass in the rougher parts of 
the pleasure ground, and moss-bordered walks occur 
that these remarks apply. The suburban garden, 
with its single fringe of planting, may show like 
beauty, to some extent. It may have the Solomon’s 
Seal arching forth from a shady recess, behind tufts 
of many Daffodils, while in every case there may 
be fringes of strong and hardy flowers in the spring 

The prettiest results are only attainable where the 
grass need not be mown till nearly the time the 
meadows are mown. Then we may have gardens 
of Narcissi, such as no one dreamt of years ago; 
such as no one ever thought possible in a garden. 
In grass not mown at all we may even enjoy many 
of the Lilies, and all the lovelier and more stately 
bulbous flowers of the meadows and mountain lawns 
of Europe, Asia, and America. 

On a stretch of good grass which need not be 
mown, and on fairly good soil in any part of our 
country, beauty may be enjoyed such as has hitherto 

16 The Wild Garden 

only gladdened the heart of the rare wanderer on 
the high mountain lawns and copses, in May when 
the earth children laugh in multitudes on their 
mother’s breast. 

All planting in the grass should be in natural 
groups or prettily fringed colonies, growing to and 
fro as they like after planting. Lessons in this 
grouping are to be had in woods, copses, heaths, 
and meadows, by those who look about them as 
they go. At first many will find it difficult to get 
out of formal masses, but that may be got over by 
studying natural groupings of wild flowers. Once 
established, the plants soon begin to group them- 
selves in pretty ways. 

As further showing what may be done with the hardy 
bulbs, not only outside the flower-garden but even 
in what forms part of the farm, I print here a paper 
read by me before the Royal Horticultural Society 

in 1891. 

Earty FLowerinc Buiss in Meapow Grass. 

Having during the past five years planted several 
hundred thousand bulbs and roots in meadow grass, the 
results may, perhaps, be suggestive to others. An 
advantage of this method is the delightfully - artistic 
arrangements of which it permits. It is also a deliver- 
ance of flower-beds from the poor thing known as 
spring bedding. This system of ‘bedding,’ which began 

Example from hardy bulbs in grass 17 

in France, and is there still seen in all its bareness, 
spread to many of our gardens; it consisted of putting 
out in formal masses a few biennial plants, such as the 
Wood Forget-me-not and Silene. This necessitated 
a complete change in the contents of the beds every 
year, or, rather, twice a year, and therefore prevented 
their being given to the nobler kinds of flower 
gardening. It is easy to have all the flower-beds proper 
devoted to precious and enduring plants, such as Tea 
Roses, Carnations, and the plants that require good 
and constant culture and time for development, by 
the aid of the wild garden. We begin with the blue 
Apennine Anemone: of this I planted several thou- 
sand roots in grass. Not having any beds or borders 
near the house where I wanted it, I put it in meadows 
around the house in light broken groups and masses. 
It flowers and increases every year without the slightest 
attention ; and, being early in growth as compared with 
grass, disappears before the meadow grass has to be 
cut in summer. This is an important point, and 
shows what may be done with many beautiful spring 
flowers. One has the pleasure of seeing them year by 
year flowering in their seasons, and giving delightful 
effects, as these Anemones did this year, both in groups 
in the open sunny fields, and also clustering thickly 
round the base of old Elm-trees on their margin. 
Among the blue Anemone, here and there, stood 
groups of Narcissus, and in cases where the Anemones 
and Daffodils flowered together the effect was often 

18 The Wild Garden 

beautiful. This Anemone is hardy, and always grows 
freely in grass, and never deteriorates. In Greece this 
year I saw on the mountains acres of the blue Greek 
Anemone, and think it is equally as hardy and as free as 
the Italian one, and quite as useful for naturalization in 
the grass. The simplicity of the culture of plants like 
this, which thrive in meadow grass, and the foliage of 
which withers before the grass need be mown for hay, 
makes them a most important group, as so much 
meadow grass comes near most country houses. A very 
great number of the spring flowers of the northern 
world may be treated in this manner, and give us 
beautiful spring gardens. 

The most important group of all these early flowers 
is the Narcissus. Five years ago I planted many 
thousands in the grass. I never doubted that I should 
succeed with them, but I did not know I should succeed 
nearly so well. They have thriven admirably, bloomed 
well and regularly, the flowers are large and handsome, 
and, to my surprise, have not diminished in size. In 
open, rich, heavy bottoms, along hedgerows, in quite 
open loamy fields, in every position I have tried them. 
They are delightful when seen near at hand, and also 
effective in the picture. The leaves ripen, disappear 
before mowing time comes, and do not in any way 
interfere with farming. The harrowing and rolling of 
the fields in the spring are a little against the foliage, 
and probably a better result could be obtained with the 
finer Narcissus by wood walks and open copses, which 

Example from hardy bulbs in grass 19 

abound in so many English country places. With the 
great group of forms of the common English, Irish, and 
Scotch Daffodils I have had good results; they thrive 
better and the flowers are handsomer than in the wild 
plant—not uncommon in Sussex. The little Tenby 
Daffodil is very sturdy and pretty, and never fails us. 
The only one that has failed is the Bayonne Daffodil. 
A very delightful feature of the Narcissus meadow 
gardening is the way great groups follow each other in 
the fields. When the Star Narcissi begin to fade a little 
in their beauty the Poets follow, and as I write this 
paper we have the most beautiful picture I have ever 
seen in cultivation. Five years ago I cleared a little 
valley of various fences, and so opened a pretty view. 
Through the meadow runs a streamlet. We grouped 
the Poet’s Narcissus near it, and through a grove of 
Oaks on a rising side of the field. We have had 
some beauty every year since; but this year, the plants 
having become established, or very happy for some 
other reason, the whole thing was a picture such as one 
might see in an Alpine valley! The flowers were large 
and beautiful when seen near at hand, and the effect in 
the distance delightful. This may, perhaps, serve to 
show that this kind of work will bring gardening into 
a line with art, and that the artist need not be for ever 
divorced from the garden, by geometrical patterns 
which cannot possibly interest anybody accustomed to 
drawing beautiful forms and scenes. I need say no 
more to show the good qualities of this group of 

20 The Wild Garden 

plants for wild gardening, many places having much 
greater advantages than mine for showing their beauty 
in the rich stretches of grass by pleasure-ground walks. 
Various kinds of places may be adorned by Narcissi in 
this way—meadows, woods, copses, wood walks, and 
drives through ornamental woodland and pleasure 
grounds, where the grass need not be mown until late 
in the summer. 

Dog’s-tooth Vziolet.—This beautiful and delicate- 
looking plant surprises me by the free way it grows in 
grass in several places where I have planted it, varying 
a good deal, according to the soil, in its size, but never 
failing to interest by its beautiful leaves and flowers. 
It withers rather early, and is a perfect plant for 
meadow culture. 

Last autumn I made a trial of the Grape Hyacinth 
(Muscari), and was delighted with the result this spring, 
with the pretty clouds of blue, quite distinct in the 

Snowdrops in various forms are indispensable, and 
do fairly well, though they vary very much in the way 
they thrive on different soils. They look much better 
in the grass than in bare earth. 

Among the flowers in the meadow grass there is 
nothing more beautiful than the varieties of Snake’s-head 
(Fritillaria). It is the very type of plant for this work, 
and the white and pretty purple flowers are admired by 
all who see them in the early grass. 

The Crocus, from its early brilliancy, is indispensable, 

Example from hardy bulbs in grass 21 

and the hardier forms are able to take care of them- 
selves. In all this kind of work, if we could get the 
wild types of plant it would be all the better, because 
such beauty as they possess is certainly never the 
result of cultivation. When we buy bulbs highly cul- 
tivated we may expect some reduction in the size of the 
flower when it assumes a semi-wild state; but nobody 
who cares for the form and beauty of the flowers will 
mind this reduction. Flowers from bulbs planted 
several years are somewhat smaller than the newly 
planted kinds, but certainly no less beautiful. While 
we have proof enough that Crocuses grow well in 
meadow grass on a large scale, they seem particularly 
suitable for growing under groves of trees, their growth 
coming before the trees spread forth their leaves. In 
many country places outside the garden proper there 
are many spaces under trees often possessed by 
Goutweed and other weeds which should be given to 
the Crocus and like early flowers. 

Tulips.—I have tried only one wild Tulip, the Wood 
Tulip (T. sylvestris), sent me from Touraine to the extent 
of a thousand roots, and I do not think we have lost 
any ; they bloom gracefully every year. The shortness 
of bloom which Tulips show should lead one to try the 
wild kinds in grass. Their broad, fragile leaves are apt 
to be injured by the harrow. They are better tried in 
copses or drives through woods, where they are free 
from this injury. 

Stars of Bethlehem ( Ornithogalum).—The starry trusses 


22 The Wild Garden 

of the common old border kind are quite different in 
effect from our other early flowers, and very pretty. 
In this genus there is much difference in habit, the 
greenish, drooping-flowered kinds, like nutans, giving 
quite a different effect from that of the common white 
border kind. There is no difficulty about growing these 
in grass. 

The Snowflakes (Leucojum) do admirably, the early 
one being a more precious flower than the Snowdrop, 
useful to gather, and brightly effective very early. The 

‘later ones are also graceful things, free and handsome 
in rich grass. 

Living in a world of Wood Hyacinths, there was less 
need to try the Scillas than the non-British flowers, 
which give us new aspects of flower life ; but so far the 
results have been good with the Spanish Scilla and the 
new Scilla-like plants (Chionodoxa), which are early and 
disappear early. 

To this sort of flower-gardening, which extends so 
much the interest in flower life, the bulb merchants 
might do great good by offering such bulbs and roots 
as these at lowest possible rates by the thousand. 
It would pay cultivators to grow such roots in quantity 
for the public, as it now pays Lincolnshire farmers to 
grow the Snowdrop for the trade in that popular 
flower. The whole success of wild gardening depends 
on arranging bold, natural groups with a free hand. 
ee ee eee 

rer ar 



I wILL now 
try to show 
° what may be 
= done’ with 

one type of 
CAUCASIAN COMFREY in shrottey. Northern 
| plants—the Forget-me-nots, one not 
so rich as others in plants for the wild garden. Through 
considering it, however, we may be able to form some 
idea of what we may do by choosing from all the 
plants that grow in the meadows and mountain-woods 
of Europe, Asia, and America. 

The Forget-me-not family embraces a number of 
coarse weeds, but if it had only the common Forget- 
me-not, would have some claims on us; but what lovely 
exotic plants there are in this order that would afford 
delight if met with creeping’ about along our wood’ 
and shrubbery walks! Nature, say some, is sparing 
of her deep true blues; but there are obscure plants 
in this order that possess the deepest, and most delicate 

Example from the Forget-me-not family 25 

of blues, and which will thrive in the wild garden. 
The creeping Omphalodes verna even surpasses the 
Forget-me-not in the depth and beauty of its blue, 
and runs about quite freely in any shrubbery or open 
wood, or even in turf in moist soil not very frequently 
mown. Besides, in the garden border, it would be 
a not very agreeable object when once the sweet 
spring bloom had passed; whereas, in lanes, woods, 
or copses, the low plants are not noticed when out 
of flower, but live modestly till returning spring jewels 
them with the charm of fine colour. 

Another plant of the order is so useful for this 
purpose, that if a root or two of it be planted in any 
shrubbery, it will soon run about, exterminate the 
weeds, and prove quite a lesson in wild gardening. 
I allude to the Caucasian Comfrey (Symphytum cauca- 

sicum), which grows about twenty inches high, and 
bears quantities of the loveliest blue pendulous flowers. 
It, like many others, does well in a grove, or shrubbery, 
filling in the naked spaces between the trees, and has 
a quick growth but never becomes weedy. As if to 
contrast with it, there is the deep crimson Bohemian 
Comfrey (S. bohemicum), which is sometimes ‘startling 
from the depth of its vivid colouring ; and the White 
Comfrey (S. orientale), quite a vigorous-growing kind, 
blooming in spring. 

These Comfreys, indeed, are admirable plants for 
rough places—the tall ones thriving in a ditch, and 

flowering better than they do in the garden in prim 

26 The Wild Garden 

borders. There are about twenty species, mostly from 
Southern and Central Europe, Asia, and Siberia. 

I should perhaps omit the British Forget-me-nots, 
wishing now chiefly to show what we may do with 
exotics quite as hardy as our own wildlings, but where 
a British plant is not wild within the district in which 
we live, it may be brought into the wild garden with 
good effect. When I went to Gravetye Manor there 
was not a trace of the common water Forget-me-not 
there, in either of the two lakes or in the woodland 
streams that fed them. We had of course to get so 
good a plant for the garden to carpet moist beds; 
it grows very rapidly, and as when the plants were 
thick the boys took baskets of them and threw 
them into the streamlets and round the margin of the 

ponds so that in a year we had delightfal protivs 
of the. Forget-me-not by the wate he water in many places, an 

as the ponds and streams of the place flow into the 

Medway river, no doubt seeds and plants were 
carried far down its banks. Also, as there was none 
of our beautiful wood Forget-me-not in the place, I 
sowed some in freshly sown turf and had the pleasure 
of seeing it bloom for many years. Thus we may 
not only introduce hardy exotic plants, but some fair 
flowers of our own country. How many garden waters 
do not show some of our handsomest native water 
plants, as the flowering Rush, great Buttercup, and 
Bog-bean? We have another Forget-me-not, not 
British, which surpasses them all—the early Myosotis 

Example from the Forget-me-not family 27 

dissitiflora. This is like a patch of the bluest sky, 
before our own Forget-me-not has opened, and is 
admirable for banks in a wood or for moist stony 
slopes. In carting away the soil to put in the foun- 
dations of an addition to Gravetye house, many 
loads of rubbish were thrown in a heap in Warrens 
wood, where a year afterwards I came upon some 
beautiful tufts of this which had planted themselves 
from bits thrown out with the rubbish. 

For rocky places and sandy banks we have the 
spreading Gromwell (Lithospermum prostratum) of 
a fine gentian-blue. 

Good plants are the Lungworts (Pulmonaria), and often 
destroyed through exposure on bare dug and often 
dry borders. The old Pulmonaria (Mertensia virginica) 
is one of the loveliest of spring flowers. It is rare 
in gardens; if placed in a moist place near_a stream, 

or in a peat or free sandy bottom, it will live ; whereas 
it frequently dies in a garden. The newer and more 
easily grown Mertensia sibirica is a lovely plant, taller 
and loving a marshy place. These two plants alone 
would repay a trial in the wild garden and may show 
that for cultivation alone (apart from art, or arrange- 
ment) the wild-garden idea is sometimes worth 
carrying out. 

Among annual flowers we have Borage, a few seeds 
of which scattered over fresh ground soon germinate, 
and form pretty patches. 

The Cretan Borage is a curious old perennial, 

28 The Wild Garden 

seldom seen in gardens; for its growth is robust and 
its habit coarse. It is, however, a good plant for 
a rough place where the ample room which it wants 
may be spared and where it may take care of itself, 
showing among the hardiest of the early spring 

THE CRETAN BORAGE (Sorago Cretica); example of perennial too vigorous for flower-beds. 

Thus, though I say little of the anet (Anchusa 
tribe, several of which could be found worth a place 
with our own British Evergreen Alkanet, it will be 
seen that a garden of beauty may be reaped from 
the Forget-me-not tribe alone. Any one could settle 

Example from the Forget-me-not family 29 

the matter to his satisfaction in a couple of years 
with these plants alone, in a shrubbery, ditch, lane, 
or copse, always provided that he takes care to adapt 
each kind to the position and the soil. For instance, 
the Giant Comfrey will grow six feet high in rich or 
moist soil in a ditch, and therefore, once fairly started, 
might be trusted to take care of itself. The Caucasian 
Comfrey, on the other hand, grows from eighteen 
inches to two feet high, and is at home in the spaces 
in a copse or shrubbery. The creeping Forget-me-not 
(Omphalodes verna) is a little plant that creeps about 
in grass not over a span high, or forms a carpet of 
its own—these differences must be thought of, as 
without knowing something of the habits and stature 
of plants, mistakes will be made. These Borageworts, 
as rich in blue as the gentians, are often poor rusty 
things in exposed sunny borders, and much in the 
way when out of flower, whereas in shady lanes, 
copses, or shrubberies, in hedgerow-banks, or ditches, 
we only notice them in their beauty. 

GROUP OF GLOBE FLOWERS (Trollius) in moist place; type of nobler 
Northern flowers little cultivated in gardens. 



THE Buttercup order of plants embraces many 
widely diverse in aspect from the common kinds that 
burnish our meadows. In it, for the Wild Garden, 
is the sweet-scented Virgin’s Bower (Clematis flam- 
mula), a native of the south of Europe, but as hardy 
in all parts of Britain as our native Clematis. And 
as the Hawthorn sweetens the air of spring, so will 
this add fragrance to the autumnal months. It is 
never more beautiful than when crawling over some 
low tree or shrubs, and I have planted it in newly 
formed hedgerows. An open glade in a wood, or on 
shrubby banks near, would be charming for it, while 
in the pleasure ground it may be used as a creeper 

over old stumps or trees. The Hair Bell Virgin’s 

Bower (Clematis campaniflora), and the beautiful white 

Example from the Globe Flower Order 31 

Indian Clematis montana grandiflora, a native of 
Nepaul, are as beautiful, and many others of the 
family are worthy of a place, rambling over old 
trees, bushes, hedgerows, or tangling over banks. 
These single wild species of Clematis are more 
graceful than the large hybrid kinds now common; 
they are very hardy and free. In genial sea-shore 
districts a beautiful pale kind, common in Algeria, 
and in the islands on, and the shores of, the Mediter- 
ranean (Clematis cirrhosa), will be found charming— 
nearly evergreen, and flowering very early in spring 
—even in winter in some places and in mild years. 
Next in this order we come to the _Windflowers, 

_or Anemones, and more beautiful flowers do not 
adorn this world of flowers. Have we a bit of 
rich grass ‘land not mown? If so, the beautiful 
Alpine Anemones (A. alpina and A. sulphurea) may 
be grown there, though they are rare and ‘slow’ to 
establish. Any sunny bushy bank or slope t to adorn 
with charming early flowers? For this we have 
Anemone blanda, a lovely Greek kind; place it in 
open bare spots, as it is dwarf, and it will perhaps 
at Christmas, and onward through the spring, open 
its large blue starry flowers. The common Poppy _ 
Anemone _ (A. _coronaria) will be happiest in open, 

bare, sandy or rocky places in loam; and the showy 
scarlet Anemone will do best in rich but not heavy 
soil. Of other Anemones, hardy, free, and beautiful 
to run free in our shrubberies and pleasure grounds, 

a2 The Wild Garden 

the Japan Anemone, its white varieties, and the 
Snowdrop Windflower (A. sylvestris), are among the 
best of the exotic species. The Japan Anemones 
grow so strongly that they will thrive even among 
stiff brushwood, brambles, &c.; and scattered along 
the low, tangled margins of shrubberies. 

The WHITE JAPAN ANEMONE in the Wild Garden. 

Few plants are more lovely in the wild garden than 
the White Japan Anemone and the various other tall 
Anemones of the same country. The wild garden is 
a home for numerous plants, to which people often 
begrudge room in their borders, such as the Golden 
Rods, Michaelmas Daisies, Compass plants, and a host 
of others, which are beautiful for a season only, or 

Example from the Globe Flower Order 33 

perhaps too rampant for what are called choice bor- 
ders and beds. This Anemone is one of the most 
beautiful of garden flowers, and one which is as well 
suited for the wild garden as the coarsest. Partial 
shade seems to suit it; and in any case the effect of 
the arge white flowers is, if anything, more beautiful 
in. halfshady places. The flowers, too, are more 
lasting here than where they are fully exposed. 

As for the Apennine Anemone (the white as well 
as the blue forms), it is is one of the prettiest flowers 
of any clime, and should be in every garden, in the 
borders, and scattered in woods and_ shrubberies. 
I have planted many thousands of it in various 
soils, and it never fails, though it shows a great 
difference in growth and freedom of bloom, according 
to the soil, being much larger for example on warm free 
Irish limestone soils than on cool soils in Sussex. But 
it is so well worth growing everywhere that for it 
alone it would be worth while to form a wild garden! 
Near to it is the also beautiful blue Windflower of the 
Greek hills, in effect like the blue Apennine Wind- 
flower, but more varied in size and colour to the south, 
and in some of its forms earlier in bloom in spring. This 
might perhaps not have the same love for the grass as 
the Italian blue Anemone, but if not it would be easy 
to naturalize in bare or stony places. The yellow 
A. A. ranunculoides, a doubtful native, found in oné or two 

Srna at 
spots, but not ‘really British, is strange and charming 
but flowers well only on chalk. 

ee ae Se ea 

34 The Wild Garden 

The large Hungarian Hepatica (angulosa) grows 
freely among low shrubs and in half-shady spots, and 
we all know how readily the old Hepatica grows on 
garden soils of fair quality. There are many forms of 
the common Hepatica (Anemone Hepatica) grown in 
gardens, and all the colours of the species should be 
represented in every collection of spring flowers, 
where the soil is favourable to these plants, but 
Hepaticas are often evergreen plants, and being very 
dwarf ask for more care in naturalizing them than is 
needed for vigorous plants of the same order, some of 
which will hold their own among the coarsest weeds. 

There are many of the Ranunculi, not natives of 
Britain, that would grow as freely as our native kinds. 
Many may remember the pretty button-like white 
flowers of the Fair Maids of France (Ranunculus 
_aconitifolius fl. pl.), in the old mixed border. This, 

and the wild form from which it comes—a frequent 
plant in alpine meadows—may also be enjoyed in our 
wild garden. Quite distinct from all these, and of 
charming beauty, is R amplexicaulis, with flowers of 
pure white, and simple 1 leaves of a glaucous green and 
graceful form; a hardy and pretty plant on almost any 
soil. This is one of the elegant exotic forms of a family 
well represented in the golden type in our meadows, 
and therefore valuable as giving us a distinct form. 

Of the Globe Flowers (Trollius), there are various 
kinds apart from the native one, all rich in colour and 
good inform. These are among the noblest wild-garden 

ANEMONES in the Riviera. 

Example from the Globe Flower Order 37 

plants—quite hardy, free of growth in the heaviest of 
soil and wettest of climates, a a “lovely ‘type “of e early 
in our fields or gardens; for these handsome Globe 
Flowers are among the many flowers that for years have 
found no place in the garden proper. They are lovely 
in groups or colonies, in cool grassy places, where 
many other plants would perish, but where they will 
get on well, even among docks or the coarsest native 
plants. I put them in wet hollows at Gravetye that no 
man could clear of weeds and had the pleasure of 
seeing their handsome flowers come instead. 

The Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis) should be 
naturalized quite under the branches of deciduous trees, 

will come up and flower when the trees are naked, will 
have its foliage developed before the leaves come on 
the trees, and be afterwards hidden from sight. Thus 
masses of this earliest flower may be grown without 
sacrifice of space, and will be noticed only when 
bearing a bloom on every little stem. On heavy 
soils it is not so free or bright as on free and 
limestone ones. That fine old plant, the Christmas 
Rose (Helleborus niger), likes partial _ shade_ better 
than full exposure, and should be used abundantly, 
given rather snug and warm positions, so that its 
flowers may be encouraged to open well and fully. 
Any other kinds may also be used. Recently many 
kinds of Helleborus have been added to our gardens ; 
and all of them are not so conspicuous at first sight 

38 The Wild Garden 

as the Christmas Rose, yet they are of remarkable 
beauty of foliage and habit as well as of blossom, 
and they flower in the spring. These, too, show the 
advantage of the wild garden as regards cultivation. 
They will do better in any bushy places, or copses, 
or in mutually sheltering 

groups on warm banks *-~ 

and slopes, even in hedge 
banks, old quarries, or 
rough mounds, 
than in the or- 
dinary garden 
border. Of the 
difference in the 
effect in the two 
cases it is need- 
less to speak. 
Some of the as 
Monkshoods are THE GREEN HELLEBORB in the Wild Garden, 
handsome, but 
they are virulent_poisons ; and, bearing in mind what 
fatal accidents have arisen from their use, they are better 
not used at all in the garden proper. Amongst tall and 
vigorous herbaceous plants few are more suitable for 
rough places. They are robust enough to grow any- 
where in _shady or half-shady spots; and their tall spikes 
of blue flowers are very beautiful. An illustration in the 
chapter on the plants suited for the wild garden shows 
the common Aconite in a Somersetshire valley in 

Example from the Globe Flower Order 39 

company with the Butterbur and the Hemlock. The 
larger rich blue kinds, and the blue and white one, 
are showy grown in deep soils, in which they attain 
a great height. When out of flower, like many other 
stately perennials, they were often stiff and ugly in 
the old borders and beds; in the wild garden their 
stately forms when flower-time is gone, no longer tied 

into bundles or cut in by the 

knife, will group finely with 
other vigorous herbaceous 
The Delphiniums, or tall Pe- 
“rennial Larkspurs, 
are amongst the 
most beautiful of 
all flowers. They 
embrace almost 
every shade of blue, 
and, being usually 
of a tall and strong 
type, will make way 
among vigorous 
Severe IA ee ese rietts weeds, pruee many 
things for which we 
have to recommend an open space, or a wood with 
nothing but a carpet of moss under the trees. 
One of the prettiest effects which I have seen was 
a colony of tall Larkspurs. Portions of old roots had 
been chopped off by the men when a bed of these 

40 The Wild Garden 

plants was dug in the autumn, and the refuse thrown 
into a near plantation, far in among the shrubs and 
trees. Here they grew in half-open spaces, so far 
removed from the margin that they were not dug 
and were not seen. When I saw the Larkspurs in 
flower they were more beautiful than they are in 
borders or beds, not growing in such close stiff tufts, 
but mingling with and relieved by the trees above and 
the shrubs around. This case points out that one 
might make wild gardens from the mere parings and 
thinnings of the beds and borders in autumn in any 
place where there is a collection of good hardy 

The engraving on the next page represents one of the 
most beautiful effects obtained in his wild garden by an 
acquaintance of mine who began when he knew very 
little of plants and their favoured haunts, and succeeded 
well in a not very favourable site. Herbaceous Peonies 
were amongst those that succeeded best. The effect 
was very beautiful, either close at hand or seen at 
a considerable distance off. Herbaceous Pzeonies are 
amongst the most free, vigorous, and hardy of perennial 
plants, and in free good soil with them alone most novel 
and beautiful effects may be carried out in most places 
where there is room. Even in small gardens, a group 
or two outside the margin of a shrubbery would be good. 
The effect of the blooms amongst the lo Fass is 

ne ee ner eer ee pene 

finer than any they present in borders, and when out of 
flower they are not in the way. It is almost needless 

Example from the Globe Flower Order 41 

to speak here of the great variety of forms now obtain- 
able amongst these Herbaceous Pzeonies, the fine 
double forms of which deserve the best cultivation in 
beds and borders—the hardy free-growing wild kinds 
will often come in for the wild garden. My friend’s 
Peeonies formed a group that could be seen from 
a distance; when I saw them they were surrounded 

DOUBLE CRIMSON PONIES in grass at Crowsley Park. 

by long and waving grass. I cannot give any idea of 
the fine effect. 

The blue alpine Clematis-like Atragene alpina is one 
of my favourite flowers—seldom seen out of a botanical 
garden. It likes to trail over old stumps or through 
bushes, or over rocky banks. Speaking of such plants 
as this, one would like to draw a sharp distinction 
between them and the various weedy and indistinct 

42 The Wild Garden 

subjects that are now creeping into cultivation owing to 
the revival of interest in hardy plants. Many of these 
have some botanical interest, but they can be only 
useless in the garden. Our chief danger now is getting 
into cultivation plants that are neither very distinct nor 
very beautiful, while perhaps we neglect many of the 
really fine kinds. This Atragene is a precious plant 
for low bush and bank wild gardening. 

Among plants which one rarely sees in a flower- 
garden are the Meadow Rues; yet there is a quiet 
beauty about them. As some will grow often in a 
hedgerow or lane or byway, or in a copse, or under 
the shrubs, in places usually abandoned to common 
weeds, there is no reason why they should not be 
rescued from the oblivion of the botanic garden. 



A Goop reason for one 
form of the Wild Garden is 
that it offers us a way of 
growing a number of exotic 
plants not suited for garden 

culture in the old sense. 
Many of these plants have much 
beauty when in flower, and at other 
seasons, but they are so vigorous in 
growth that they overrun all their 
more delicate neighbours. Many, too, 
are so coarse that they are unfit for 
choice borders, and after flowering 
they leave a blank or a mass of un- 
sightly stems. These plants are not 
Type of srest COMPOSITE 6s pretty In gardens, and are a main 

cause of the neglect of hardy flowers ; 
yet beautiful at certain stages. A tall Harebell, stiffly tied 
up in a garden border, is at best of times an unsightly 

object ; but the same plant growing amongst the long 

44 The Wild Garden 

grass in a thin wood is lovely. 
The Golden Rods and Michael- 
mas Daisies used to overrun 
the old mixed border, and were 
with it abolished. But these 
seen together in a New England 
wood in autumn are a picture. 
So also there are numerous 
exotic plants of which the in- 
dividual flowers may not be so 
striking, but which, grown in 
colonies, afford beautiful aspects 
of vegetation. When I first 
wrote this book, not one of 
these plants was in cultivation 
outside botanic gardens. It 
was even considered by the 
best friends of hardy flowers 
a mistake to recommend them, 
for they knew that it was the 
mastery of these weedy vigorous 
plants that made people give up 
hardy flowers for the glare of 
bedding plants. The ‘ wild 
garden’ then, in the case of 
these particular plants, opens up 
to us a new world of infinite 
beauty. In it every plant 
vigorous enough not to require 
the care of the cultivator or 

THE GIANT SCABIOUS (8 feet high). 
(Cephalaria procera.) Tail herba- 
ceous plant, best fitted for the Wild 

GIANT COW PARSNIP. Type of Great Siberian herbaceous vegetation. 
For rough places only. 

Plants chiefly fitted for the Wild Garden 47 

a choice place in the mixed border will find a home. 
Of such plants there are numbers in every northern 
country. The taller Yarrows, the stately Aconites, the 
vigorous, and at certain seasons handsome, “ Althzeas, 
Angelica with its fine foliage, the herbaceous kinds of 
Aralia with fine foliage from the American woods, also 
the Wormwood family (Artemisia), the stronger kinds 
of American Cotton-weed (Asclepias), certain vigorous 
Asparagus, Starworts in great variety, Betonica, pretty, 
and with delicate flowers, but hardly fit for the mixed 
border, various vigorous Grasses, showy Buphthalmums, 
handsome Bindweeds, too free ina garden, the stout 
Campanulas, exotic Thistles, numerous Centaurea, 

somewhat too coarse for the garden ; and among other 
hardy plants, the following are chiefly suitable for the 
wild garden : 

Crambe. Helenium. Rhaponticum. 
Digitalis. Helianthus. Rheum. 
Dipsacus. Heracleum. Rudbeckia. 
Doronicum. Inula. Scolymus. 
Echinops. Lavatera. Silphium. 
Elymus. Ligularia. Solidago. 
Epilobium. Mulgedium. Symphytum. 
Eupatorium. Onopordon. Veratrum. 
Ferula. Phytolacca. Verbascum. 
Funkia. Polygonum. Vernonia. 




Foliage of TEAZLE, on hedge-bank in spring. 

Men seek sunny spots for their 

gardens, so that they 
would scarcely per- 
haps care for these for 
a garden! Yet there 
are ditches, and shady 
nooks in every dis- 
trict, that may be made 
more beautiful than 
many a ‘flower-gar- 
den.’ But what would 
grow in them? Many 
of the beautiful wood 
plants of the north— 
things that do not care 

for sunny hillsides or meadows, but take shelter in woods, 
or are happy deep between rocks, or in caves beneath 
the great boulders on many a mountain gorge, and 
garland the flanks of rock that guard the rivers on their 
way through the hills. And as these dark walls, ruined 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 49 

by ceaseless flow of the torrent, are often beautiful, so 
may we adorn the shady dykes and lanes. For while 
the nymph-gardener of the ravine may depend on the 
stray grains of seeds brought in the moss by the robin 
when building her nest, or on the mercy of the hurrying 
wave, we may place side by side the snowy white wood 
Lily (Trillium grandiflorum), whose home is in the > shady 
American woods, the twin flower of Northern Europe, 
and find both thrive on the same spot. In North 
America in the woods and near them I often saw the 
wet ditches filled with noble ferns. And not only may 
we be assured that numbers of the most beautiful plants 
of other countries will thrive in deep ditches and in like 
positions, but also that not a few of them, such as 
the white wood Lily, will thrive much better in them 
than in the open garden, the results widely differing 
according to the nature of the soil and many other 
things—not always easy to understand the action of. 
The Trillium has a flower as fair as any white lily, but, 
in consequence of being a shade-loving plant, it often 
perishes in a dry garden border, while in a shady moist 
dyke it will thrive as in its native woods; and, if in 
moist, free soil, prove as fair as anything seen in 
our stoves. 

Our wild flowers take possession of the hedges 
that seam the land, often draping them with such 
inimitable grace that half the conservatories in the 
country, with their small red pots, are poor compared 
with a few yards’ length of the blossomy hedgerow 


50 The Wild Garden 

verdure. Wild Roses, Purple Vetch, Honeysuckle, 

<— fee 
and Virgin’s Bower, clamber above smaller, but not 
teat hn Be oy 

less pretty, wildlings, and, throwing veils of graceful 
life over the » 

hedgerow, a 
remind us of. ile. ay 
x a ON 

the plantlife Se oe 
in the thick- 2 Ses OF 

act N44 
ets of low aN 

shrubs on the 

Alpine mea- 
dows. Next 
to the most . 
beautiful as- h. 
pects of Al- 

pine flowers, there 
are few things in 
plant-life more 
lovely than the delicate 
tracery of low-climbing things 
wedded to the shrubs in all 
northern and temperate regions. 
Often perishing like grass, they are 
safe in the earth’s bosom in winter; 

In spring, finding the bushes once 55D. type of nobler 

climbing plants, with annual 

more enjoyable, they rush over them ‘Siurbeie, 8" “4 

as children from school over a meadow of cowslips. 
Over bush, over brake, on mountain or lowland -copse, 
holding on with delicate grasp, they engrave them- 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 51 

selves on the mind as the type of graceful plant-life. 
Besides climbing Pea-flowers and Convolvuli, of which 
the stems perish in winter, we have the great tribes of 
wild vines, noble in foliage, the many _Honeysuckles, 
from coral red to pale yellow, all beautiful; and the 
Clematidze, varied, and lovely, some with small flowers 
borne in showers like drops from a fountain jet, and 
often sweet as Hawthorn blossoms. 

This climbing vegetation may be trained and tor- 
tured into forms in gardens, but never will its beauty 
be seen until we entrust to it the garlanding of shrub, 
and copse, or hedgerow, fringes of plantation, or 
groups of shrubs and trees. All that need be done 
is to put in a few tufts of a kind, and leave them 
alone, adapting the plant to the spot and soil. The 
large Hungarian..Bindweed would be best in rough 
places, out of the pale of the garden, so that its roots 
might spread where they could do no harm, while a 
fragile Clematis might grow over a tree and star its 
green with fair flowers. In a wood we see a Honey- 
suckle clambering up through an old Hawthorn tree, 
and then struggling with it as to which should give 
most bloom—but in gardens not yet. Some may say 
that this cannot be done in the garden, but it can be; 
because, for gardens we can select plants from so many 
countries, and adapt them to our particular wants and 
soils. We can effect contrasts, in which nature is often 
poor in one place, owing to the few plants that naturally 

inhabit one spot of ground. Foolish old ‘laws’ laid 

52 The Wild Garden 

down by landscape-gardeners—perpetuate the notion 
that is a ‘work of art, and therefore we 
must not attempt in it to imitate nature!’ the true. 
“garden differing from all other arts in this that it 

gives us the living things themselves, 
and not merely representations of them 

in paint or stone or wood. 
Where there are bare slopes, 
an excellent effect may be ob- 
tained by planting the stouter 
climbers, such as the Vines, 
* Mountain Clematis, and Honey- 
* suckles, in groups on the grass, 
away from shrubs or low trees ; 
while, when the banks are 
* precipitous or the rocks crop 
forth, we may allow a curtain 
of climbers to fall over them. 
fee MOORE ees Endless charming combina- 
ssamnvey. tions «may be made in. this 
way in many spots near country houses. The 
following are among the climbing and clinging 
hardy plants most suitable for garlanding copses, 
hedges, and thickets :—Everlasting Peas (many kinds), 
the Honeysuckles, Clematis (wild species mainly), the 
common Jasmine, Brambles, Vines (American and the 
common varieties), single Roses, Virginian creepers 
(Ampelopsis), the large Bindweed (Calystegia dahurica), 

Aristolochia Sipho, and A. tomentosa, and several of the 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 53 

perennial Tropeeolums (T. pentaphyllum, speciosum, 
and tuberosum). The hardy Smilax and the Canadian 
Moonseed, too, are very handsome, and suitable for this 
kind of gardening. 

Among the plants that are suitable for hedgerows and 
lanes, &c. are—Acanthus, Viola, both the sweet varieties 
and some of the large scentless kinds, Periwinkles, 
Speedwells,; Globe Flowers, Trilliums, Plume Ferns 
(Struthiopteris), and many other kinds, the Lily of the 
Valley and its many varieties and allies, the Canadian 
Blood-root, Winter Greens (Pyrola), Sina Seal, 
and ie species, May -Apple, Orobus in 
variety, many Narcissi, the Common Myrrh, the 
perennial Lupin, hardy common Lilies, Snowflakes, 
Everlasting Peas and allied plants, admirable for 
scrambling through low hedges and over bushes, 
Windflowers, the taller and stronger kinds in lanes 
and hedgerows, the various Christmas Roses that 
will repay for shelter, the European and hardier 
kinds of Gladiolus, such as segetum and Colvillei, the 
taller and more vigorous Crane’s-bills (Geranium), the 
Snake’s-head (Fritillaria) in variety, wild Strawberries 
of any \ variety < or species, Giant Fennels, Dog’s-tooth 
Violets in spots bare in spring, the Winter Aconite, the 
May Flower, for sandy poor soil under trees, Toothworts 
(Dentaria), the ‘coloured’ forms of Primroses, ‘ Bunch’ 
Primroses, Ox-lips, Polyanthus, the hardy European 
Cyclamens, Crocuses in places under trees not bearing 
leaves in spring, the yellow and pink Coronilla (C. 

54 The Wild Garden 

montana and C. varia), many of the taller Harebells, 
Starworts (Aster), the Monkshoods which people fear in 
gardens; the different species of Allium often not 
welcome in gardens, some of which are beautiful, as, 
the White Provence kind and the old yellow garden 
Allium (Moly). With the above almost exclusively 
exotic things and our own wild flowers and ferns, 
beautiful colonies may be made. 

When I first wrote the Wild Garden, it was to 

THE YELLOW ALLIUM (A. Moly) naturalized. 

encourage the gardener to put some beautiful life 
in his garden grass, shrubberies, and half waste places 
—if ashamed of that beautiful life among his Perilla 
and dark Beet and Alternanthera. But now I want 
the fields to be gardens too, since at Gravetye I found 
I could do so much in the meadows mown for hay. 
The Wild Garden I see now need not stop at the 
pleasure-ground fence. Among the ways one may 
enjoy it most is in the making of living fences. In 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 55 

our country the system of keeping stock in the open 
air, instead of in sheds, makes a fence a necessity as 
all know to their cost, who have to look after a country 
place or farm of any size. But we live in mechanical 
days, when many think that among the blessings 
and fine discoveries of the age is that of making 
a gridiron fence! and so we see some of the fairest 
landscapes disfigured by a network of iron fencing. 
“And when a man throws away beautiful living fences 
and gives us miles of ugly iron in the foreground of 
a fair landscape, I think of the Devil setting up as 
an economist. Artistic, too, no doubt some of these 
“fmprovers think themselves! 

Iron Fences and our Landscapes. 

The iron fence bids fair to ruin the beauty of the 
English landscape, unless men see its ugliness and 
its drawbacks as a fence, its great cost, and the further 
cost of tinkering and daubing it with tar or paint. With 
bullocks on one or both sides of an iron fence, its 
fragility as a fence is soon seen. It is no use as 
a shelter, nor as a protection, as it only forms a ladder 
for all who want to get over with ease. As a boundary 
fence it means the loss of all privacy. Estates of much 
natural beauty have their charms stolen away by iron 
fences. Used to fence the pleasure ground or by 
drives, the effect is bad to any one who knows how 
much more beautiful live fences are. There is nothing 
an iron fence does that an ‘old-fashioned’ one will not 

56 The Wild Garden 

do better, while it always looks well with its Ivy, Ferns, 
Primroses, and varied life. The bad opinion of the 
old-fashioned fence arose from its being so often 
neglected, and injured by trees until no longer 

It is not only the tradesman emerging from the 
city who fancies there is no fence so perfect as an 
iron one. Such an idea would be excusable in 
mechanics, and many others who have not studied 
the question of fences from the point of safety, en- 
durance, and beauty, and who fear the expense and 
trouble of forming a living fence. But I regret to see 
the plague of iron fencing in some of the finest country 
places and marring the foreground of good views. 

No Fence so good as a live one on a bank. 

One objection to the live fence is its weakness at 
first, and the need of protecting it when small, but 
these difficulties are not insurmountable. It is usual to 
plant Quick small, and then protect it with elaborate 
fencing on either side—wearisome work, for which 
there is no need if people would take the trouble 
to get plants strong enough to form a good fence 
to begin with. With stout Quick, and a mixture of 
Holly, or other strong bushes, a good fence can be 
made at once without protection being needed. In 
every country place it would be easy to have a few 
lines of young and vigorous Quick put out in fields 
in lines a yard or so apart, where they might get 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 57 

stout, and be ready for fencing at any time. Where 
there are underwoods with Quick growing in them, 
it is often easy to grub up bushes of it, cut them down 
half way, and plant them in a fence, always on a bank. 

I have done this with success and without losing 
a bush, but should prefer to have a few lines of stout 
grown Quick ready to take up at any time. Most 
fences should be on banks with ‘dicks’ where the 
ground requires them, because the bank itself forms 
a fence against lambs and small animals, and the 
added soil that goes to make the bank gives much 
better growth. Three years ago I formed a fence 
of this sort, every bush of which was gathered in 
the underwood near ; the line of Quick was so strong 
that there was no need to fence them. To prevent, 
however, any chance of cattle rushing through, a thin 
Larch pole was run through along and just below 
the top of the fence, supported by the bushes, and 
no animal has since passed the fence or injured it. 
The waste slender tops of Larch lying in a wood 
near were used. This fence will be good for as many 
years as it is wanted, will form a shelter as well as 
a fence, and will not want any attention for many years 
to come. It should be clearly understood that in the 
formation of this fence we had not even the cost of 
the ordinary ‘stake and heather’ protection commonly 
' used in re-making rough fences. The tough bushes 
did it all themselves, the sod bank helping them in 
all ways. Consider this as compared with the costly 

58 The Wild Garden 

galvanized or iron fence, with its dangers, ugliness, 
and coldness! 

By far the best fence for farm and general work 
is the living fence—the most satisfactory and least 
expensive in the long run, and the most beautiful in 
its effect upon the landscape and for its varied life. 
I mean the living fence that is not too trim, and annual 
trimming is not necessary. Small, ‘skinny’ Quick 
fences are not so handsome as rough ones. The con- 
stant clipping of fences is needless in many grazing 
and woody districts. In good arable farms it may 
be desirable, but in most districts where fields are 
large the fence should also be a shelter—a_ bold, 
free-growing screen, with Bramble, wild Rose, Ferns, 
Ivy, and other scrambling things that like to live in 
it. I have many such fences that do not want attention 
for years at a time—on banks, as they always should: 
be. They are better furnished at the bottom than 
some of the constantly clipped hedges. To plant on 
a bank may in some very dry soils, and where there 
is a low rainfall, be a mistake, but the bank itself 
doubles at least the depth of the soil, and the pro- 
tection of the bank and its little dick is a great gain 
to fencing, by allowing Briers and wild Roses to fill 
in the bottom of the hedge, and preventing small 
animals from making tracks through. My fences 
round woods are only re-made when the underwood 
is cut, say every ten years, and that is sufficient. The 
mass of wood. behind and the strong growth in the 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 59 

fence itself are such that no animal makes an attempt 
on them. The only source of weakness in such places 
is hedge trees, and they should be removed. 

A hedge can be kept in good order for generations 
by cutting and laying it every ten or dozen years, 
and the owner of such a fence deserves to suffer if 
he does not take care that this is done when the time 
comes round. The labour for it is enormously less 
than the cost of forming and tarring the iron fence 
and keeping it in repair. 

Bushes to use and avoid in Fences. 

To use bad fencing plants is folly, the money is 
thrown away, and the work never done. I have planted 
some thousands of Quick this season, in lines 3 feet 
apart, for the sake of getting strong bushes to make 
fences, and some Cockspur Thorn, of which I saw 
an excellent fence in France in 1892. I am not so sure 
about the Cherry Plum, which grows well in some 
places, but is not so tough as a Thorn, and in some 
cold soils, where the Quick is all we want, the Cherry 
Plum will not thrive. A few Sloe bushes may be 
used, but they are not so tough as Quick. A few 
seedling common Hollies not over 3 feet high are 
good, and, where there are not many rabbits to bark 
it, nothing is more successful than Holly. Hollies 
grow under trees better than any other fence plant. 
From the protection they give to stock, it is surprising 
that they are not more largely grown for shelter in 

60 The Wild Garden 

_ stock-raising districts, and not clipped but grown 
naturally. One very often sees beautiful, almost 
natural fences of Holly and Quick in the forest 
districts of the south of England, and among Holly 
hedges well formed in better land, those at Woolver- 
stone, in Suffolk, are excellent. Except, however, 
in open woodless districts where rabbits are few, 
Hollies are sure to be barked when rabbit food is 
scarce. I have planted several thousands within a few 
years, and none are intact that are not protected by 
wiring. Sweet Brier, Dog Rose, and cut-leaved 

Bramble are very good to mix, and beautiful too in 

a rough, wild-looking hedge. 

It is as necessary to avoid bad fencing plants as to 

select and grow good ones. The worst is the common 
Privet, the ghost of what a fence plant should be. 
Its rapid growth deceives, and it is often used with 
a dangerous sharp-pointed iron fence outside as a guard, 
and perhaps, at the same time, to be the death of some 
animal. Privet is a rapid grower, or seems so at first ; 
it is never so strong a grower in the end as Quick, 
Holly, or wild Rose. The quicker the Privet grows 
the worse it is, and the plant should never be seen in 
a fence. Laurel is a soft useless fence plant, apt to 
be killed in cold districts and in valleys. Spruce is 
sometimes used in hedgerows, and is most unfitted 
for them for many reasons. The common Elder is 
always a source of weakness in a fence, and should 
never be planted or allowed to live in a fence. 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 61 

Oak and other not ugly Fencing. 

Where there are beautiful views, people who enjoy the 
landscape will do well mot to mar them with iron fencing. 
In some cases good views are kept by a sunk fence, 
and to prevent this from looking hard or deceptive in 
any way I throw a garland of wild Roses along the top 
of the wall, which marks the position of the fence, and 
always looks well. The groups of wild Roses I set out 
in a colony along the sunk fence made at Grave- 
tye are charming at all seasons. In many other cases, 
along important drives perhaps commanding interest- 
ing views, a finer thing by far than any iron fencing 
is the strong split Oak post-and-rail fence. There are 
many estates where Oak is abundant, and where the 
men split it up into stout heartwood posts and rails. 
This is not necessarily a dear fence, and it is a very 
beautiful and efficient one if well done. In colour 
it is perfect, improving as it gets older. Such a visible 
tangible fence will last for many years, and might 
come in the foreground of a picture by Corot or 
Turner. A few Sweet Briers or wild Roses stuck 
in the post-holes often turn out very pretty. For 
dividing lines in stockyards, too, nothing is so good and 
safe as a split Oak fence. Where good effects are 
thought of, nothing is more important than good post- 
and-rail fences in certain places on the farm, where 
we want to keep animals back without hiding the 
view, and where shelter is not required. Oak park 

62 The Wild Garden 

fencing is pretty, and in many cases efficient, but 
too expensive to be done on a large scale for field 
work. Nor should I rank it as high as a good live 
fence, because of its cost, repairs, and the quickness 
with which it is often destroyed when old. 

The Fence as a Shelter. 

Apart from the ugliness of the iron fencing, its 
giving no shelter whatever is one of its worst points, 
as a good live fence gives excellent shelter for sheep 
and other animals. The prim, neat little hedge is 
not so good as a shelter, but better than an iron 
fence. A well-grown fence, cut down and re-made 
after a lapse of say ten years, gives good shelter. 
There are many such shelter fences, with Holly and 
Thorn allowed to grow at will, with an interlacing of 
Ivy, all seated on a good bank. Such lines as these 
in the direction of the prevailing winds could not 
fail to be helpful for stock in exposed fields. We 
have plenty of materials to form such fences as hardy 
and enduring as the bank itself. We might even 
have them evergreen if we used the Holly largely. 
The shelter of a good line of naturally-grown Holly 
on the north side of a high field in an exposed district 
would be equal to that of a shed. There would be 
no great difficulty in establishing such Holly fences 
in open farming districts where rabbits do not abound, 
but it is not so easy in wooded districts. Seedling 
plants, not large—i.e. 1 foot to 3 feet high— 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 63 

are the best to use. It is a good plan to buy some 
very small seedling Hollies, and let them get strong 
in a nursery, so as to be able to get a few when 
mending or making fences. The more ordinary 
materials, too, with an occasional Holly intermixed, 
give very efficient shelter indeed. The Ivy runs 
through such fences and makes them very pretty, 
tying them together with its graceful lace work, and 
its growth seldom chokes the Quick or other plants. 

The Fence Beautiful. 

So far this about the true British fence is to lead 
to what I want to emphasise—that the best and safest 
live fence may be beautiful as well as enduring and 
effective. If my reader will go so far as to form the 
right fence, then he has it in his power to make 
a very beautiful one, and to prove that use and beauty 
are one even in a fence. Wild rough fences in many 
countries are often pretty with Ivy, Clematis, Thorn, 
Fern, wild Rose, Honeysuckle, Brier and Sloe, but 
the trim clipped fence made of one sort of bush or 
tree only is stupidly ugly. We may make fences 
for miles, for ever beautiful yet always varied as one 
goes along. But to do this one must never deviate 
from the best fencing plants as a centre to the 
fence—Quick, Holly, and Cockspur Thorn, and while 
keeping to this central idea of the resisting and 
enduring bushes, add what beauty we can, and that 
is much! And as this is the Wild Garden its main 

64 The Wild Garden 

idea may well be kept in view; for though we 
may make a fence of beautiful native plants, fences 
in pretty positions near the house may be made more 
beautiful and interesting by adding perfectly hardy 
plants of other countries. It gives us a means of 
varying fences which is often surprising, and we may 
tie them together with graceful climbers which are 
not of our own country, though none surpass our 
Honeysuckle wreathed over a fence. I use Sweet 
Brier largely, and have for several years planted thou- 
sands in fence making. As this plant is not native in 
all parts of our country, it may be considered as worth 
introducing as any exotic! The odour from the early 
days of spring fills the field, and then there are 
the summer flowers, and the bright Hips for autumn 
and winter days. Its advantages are that cattle do 
not eat it, and that the flower or fruit-laden branches 
swing careless into the field, when Hazel and other 
things would be eaten back to the stump. The shoots 
are so fiercely armed with spines that cattle respect 
it, and it is a fine aid in live fence making. In 
building our fence some young Sweet Briers should be 
put alongside the bank, while Quick and the essential 
fencing plants that we may prefer for the spot go on 
the top. The same thing applies to the wild Roses, 
the common Dog Rose of England being excellent. 
Other Roses will be found useful, such as the Japanese 
and the Needle Rose (R. acicularis). Different kinds 
of Bramble too are excellent, and often beautiful in 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 65 

flower, fruit and leaf. There is great variety among 
our Brambles, and not a few foreign ones are worth 
introducing, if we can get them. Anyone who notices 
English landscape beauty in spring will know how 
much we gain from Crab and Sloe, and May Blossoms 
in the fence. More beautiful things we cannot have, 
but it is wise to add to them as we can in various 
ways. Various bushes often abundant in gardens may 
be introduced here and there. I have used some of 
the dwarf Japan Crabs and Apples, the common Medlar, 
the Quince, the Japan Pear, which in some places 
comes so easily from seed, sowing the seeds on 
banks as well as planting. The beautiful ‘ Pyracantha’ 
is a dwarf evergreen shrub, which I look forward to as 
an excellent evergreen fence plant. 

It is not only this kind of shrub we may use, for 
beautiful climbers, such as the wild species of Clematis, 
which are often easily raised from seed; or small 
plants may be got for a few pence from English 
or continental nurseries. I speak of such kinds as 
the Virgin’s Bower (C. Viticella), C. Flammula, C. mon- 
tana, C. graveolens, C. campanulata and other wild 
kinds, many of them yet to be introduced. The 
gardeners are not always alive to their charms, and 
if we get them at all, we may sometimes have to put 
them in newly-made fences, in which they do and 
look well. The large Bindweed and other climbers 
may also be used in these free fences. Our common 
Ivy is a delightful plant in fences, and some of the 


66 The Wild Garden 

less common and more graceful kinds (when plentiful 
in gardens) may be used. The same is true of many 
hardy climbers. It is not only shrubs and climbers 
we may add to our fences, but hardy flowers of the 
more vigorous kinds, which indeed often thrive well 
in hedge banks. I have planted in them bulbs of 
Narcissus, Tulip, Violets, Wild Strawberries, Star- 
worts, Moon Daisies, and various vigorous plants 
which grow perhaps too well in the garden. They do 
not add to the strength of the fence, but when large 
rough fences are made they often adorn it, whereas 
the shrubs above mentioned, Wild Roses and Briers, 
tie the fence together, and add security as well to 
its beauty. 

In certain parts of Kent, on the. hills, we see a very 
picturesque fence, of unclipped Yew, creeping in dark 
single files across the hills, here and there bearing 
garlands of wild Clematis. A fence suggested by this 
may often be useful in gardens, and be improved upon. 
I mean an unclipped fence of native Evergreens, not 
planted close, and among them, at intervals, flowering 
shrubs. Where Yew is used for this, such a fence 
should not be put in open fields, but in country places 
there is often occasion for such a free dividing line, to 
separate orchards and other enclosures from roads or 
woods. Such a fence I made to protect the west side 
of the new orchard at Gravetye, running from the moat 
up the hill, using Yew in this case, as there was no 
grazing on either side; between the Yews were 

Ditches, Lanes, Copses, and Hedgerows 67 

planted Medlar, Sloe, Quince, Wild Rose, Sweet Brier, 
Wild Raspberry, and, here and there, Virgin’s Bower 
and other Clematises, and the large Bindweed, which 
could do no harm there. This fence is meant to be 
a good shelter as well as a division, and such fences 
should not be clipped if their shelter is to be 
thought of. They are also much more beautiful 
unclipped, and where planted on the cold sides of 
orchards or fields are valuable for the warmth and 
shelter they give. The Holly in such positions, 
carrying garlands of Wild Rose, is very beautiful. 


Tue numerous hardy climbers are rarely 
seen to advantage, owing to their being 
stiffly trained against walls, and many 
of them have gone out of cultivation 
for this reason. One of the happiest 
ways of enjoying them is that of 
training them in free ways over trees; 
in this way many beautiful effects may 
be secured. In some low trees a grace- 
ful creeper may garland their heads; 
, in tall ones the stem only. Some vigo- 
rous climbers in time ascend tall trees, 

and there are few more beautiful than 
a veil of Clematis montana over a tall tree. Many 
lovely kinds may be grown, apart from the popular 
climbers, and there are graceful wild Clematises 
which have never come into gardens. The 
same may be said of the Honeysuckles, wild Vines, 
and various other families. Much of the northern 

Climbers for Trees and Bushes 69 

tree world is garlanded with creepers, which we may 
grow in similar ways, and also on rough banks and 
in hedgerows. The trees in our pleasure grounds, 
however, have the first claim. 


Sometime ago I saw a Weeping Willow, on the 
margin of a lake, its trunk clothed with Virginian 
Creeper, and the effect in autumn, when the sun 
shone through the drooping branches of the Willow 

70 The Wild Garden 

—whose leaves were just becoming tinged with gold 
—upon the crimson of the creeper-covered trunk was 
very fine. The Hopis avery effective plant for draping 
trees, but the shoots should be thinned out in spring 
and not more than three or four allowed to climb 
up to the tree. When the leader emerges from the 
top of the bush, and throws its long, graceful wreaths 
of Hops over the dark green foliage, the contrast is 
most effective. The Wistaria is a host in itself, and 
should be freely planted against Pines and other 
trees, also by itself on banks and in the open; its 
use on houses is too limited for the noblest of hardy 
flowering climbers. I have planted many against 
Pines and other trees in plantations. 

A correspondent, who has added largely to the 
charms of a place in Suffolk by means of the wild 
garden, writes as follows :— 

‘Some time ago I discovered and had removed from 
the woods to the pleasure grounds a robust Holly, which 
had been taken entire possession of by a wild Honey- 
suckle, which, originating at the root of the tree, had 
scrambled up through the branches to the top, and there, 
extending itself in all directions, had formed a large head 
and hung in festoons all round. The Holly had endured 
the subjection for many years, and still seemed to put forth 
sufficient shoots and leaves annually to ensure a steady 
support to its companion.’ 

The Honeysuckle in question is an example of what 
might be done with such handsome climbers. The 

Climbers for Trees and Bushes 71 

climbing Honeysuckles are now numerous as delight- 
ful, and require very little encouragement to garland 
a plantation, and flourish in hedgerow or on bank 
without care. 

Mr. Hovey, in a letter from Boston, Mass., wrote 
me as follows, on certain interesting aspects of tree 
drapery :— 

‘Some years ago 
we planted three 
or four rows of 
climbers in nursery 
rows, about 100 
feet long; these 
consisted of the 
‘Virginian Creeper, 
the Moonseed 
Periploca  greeca, 
and Celastrus scan- 
dens; subsequent- 
ly, it happened that 
four rows of Arbor- 


vitees were planted GRASS; way of growing woody Climbers away from walls 
or other supports. 

on one side, and 
about the same number of rows of Smoke trees, Phila- 

delphus, and Dogwood (Cornus florida) on the other. For 
three or four years many of these climbers were taken 
up annually until rather too old to remove, and year by 
year the Arbor-vitees and shrubs were thinned until what 
were too large to transplant remained. The land was 
not wanted then, and the few scattered trees and climbers 

72 The Wild Garden 

grew on until the climbers had fairly taken possession 
of the trees, and they are now too beautiful to disturb! 
Some of the Arbor-vitee are overrun with the Moonseed 
(Menispermum), whose large leaves overlap one another 
like slates on a roof. Over others, the leaves of the Peri- 
ploca scramble, and also the Celastrus, and on still others 
the deep green leaves of the Ampelopsis completely fes- 
toon the tree; from among the tops of the Sumach the 
feathery tendrils of the Ampelopsis, and, just now, its 
deep blue berries, hold full sway. The Apios tuberosa 
is indigenous, and springs up everywhere as soon as our 
land is neglected. This also has overrun several trees, 
and coils up and wreaths each outstretching branch with 
its little bunches of fragrant brownish flowers. One Hem- 
lock Spruce has every branch loaded with the Apios and 
profuse with blossoms. When such strong climbers as 
Bignonia and Wistaria take possession of a shrub they 
generally injure it; but the very slender stems of Meni- 
spermum and Apios die entirely to the ground after the 
first sharp frost, and the slender stems of the others do 
not appear to arrest the growth of the Arbor-vite.’ 

But the noblest kind of climbers forming drapery 
for trees are not so often seen as some of the general 
favourites mentioned above. A neglected group are 
the wild Vines, plants of the highest beauty, which, 
if allowed to spring through the tall trees, which 
they would quickly do, would soon charm by their 
bold grace. With these might be associated 
certain free-growing species of Ampelopsis. In the 
garden of MM. Van Eden, at Haarlem, I was surprised 
to see a Liane, in the shape of Aristolochia Sipho 

se yo8 



or Dutch- 
man’s Pipe, 
which had 
grown high 
into a fine 
old decid- 
uous Cy- 
Isawit early 
inspring the 
leaves had 
not appear- 
ed on either 
the tree or 
its compan- 
ion, and 
the effect of 
the old rope- 
like stems 
was very 
The Aristo- 
lochia as- 
cends to a 
height of 
over thirty- 
five feet on 
the _ tree, 
which was a 
superb one. 

The Wild Garden 

=n sone un 

A LIANE IN THE NORTH. Aristolochia and Deciduous Cypress. 


Ir must not be thought that the wild garden can be 
formed only in places where there is some extent of 
rough pleasure ground. Pretty results may be had 
from it in even small gardens, on the fringes of 
shrubberies and plantations, and on open spaces 
between shrubs, where we may have _ plant-beauty 
instead of garden-graveyards—the dug shrubbery 
borders seen in gardens, public or private. Every 
shrubbery that is so needlessly dug over every winter 
may be full of beauty. The custom of digging 
shrubbery borders prevails now in almost every 
garden, and there is no worse custom! When winter 
is once come, almost every gardener, with the 
best intentions, prepares to make war upon the roots 
of everything in his shrubbery. The practice is to 
trim and to mutilate the shrubs and to dig all over 
the ground that is full of feeding roots. Choice shrubs 

76 The Wild Garden 

are disturbed, herbaceous plants are disrooted, bulbs 
are injured, the roots as well as the tops of shrubs are 
mutilated, and a miserable aspect is given to the 
borders; while the only ‘improvement’ that comes 
of the process is the darkening of the surface of the 
upturned earth! 

Illustrations of these bad practices are seen by the 
mile in our London parks in winter. Walk through 
any of them at that season and observe the borders 
around masses of shrubs. Instead of finding the earth 
covered with vegetation close to the margin and each 
shrub grown into a fair example of its kind, we find 
a wide expanse of dug ground, and the shrubs upon 
it with an air of having recently suffered from a whirl- 
wind, that led to the removal of mutilated branches. 
Rough pruners go before the diggers and trim in the 
shrubs for them, so that nothing may be in the way; 
and then come the diggers, plunging their spades 
deeply about plants, shrubs or trees. The first shower 
that occurs after this digging exposes a whole network 
of torn-up roots. The same thing occurs everywhere 
—in botanic gardens as well as in our large West-end 
parks, and year after year the brutal process is repeated.. 

While such evil practice is the rule, we cannot have 
a fresh carpet of beautiful living things in a plantation. 
What secrets one might have in the hidden parts of 
these now dug shrubberies—in the half-shady spots 
where little colonies of rare exotic wildings might 
‘thrive! All the labour that produces these ugly dug 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 7 

borders is worse than thrown away, and the shrubs 
would even do better if left alone. 

If no annual digging is to be done, nobody will 
grudge a thorough preparation of the ground at first. 
Then the planting should be so done as to defeat the 
digger, and this could best be done by covering the 
whole surface with groups of free-growing hardy plants 
and of dwarf Evergreens. Happily, there is quite 
enough of these to be had suitable for every soil. 
Light, moist, peaty or sandy soils, where such things 
as a ree Cneorum would spread 
forth its neat bushes, would be better than a stiff soil; 
but for every soil good plants might be found. The 
dwarf Evergreen Sun Roses (Helianthemum), Ever- 
green Candytuft (Iberis), Purple Rock Cress (Aubrietia), 
Arabis, Alyssum, dwarf shrubs, little conifers like 
the a1 creeping Cedar and the Savin, and Lavender in 
spreading groups and colonies would help well. All 
these should spread out into wide groups covering 
the margin and helping to cut off the stiff line which 
usually borders a shrubbery, and the margin should 
be varied also as regards the height of the plants. 

In one spot we might have a wide-spreading colony 
of the prostrate Savin bush with graceful evergreen 
branchlets; in another the dwarf Cotoneasters might 
form the front, relieved in their turn by “Scotch or 
pretty Wild Roses of dwarf stature ; and herbs, dwarf 
evergreen or grey shrubs, and stout herbaceous plants, 
in colonies between the trees. 

78 The Wild Garden 

In forming a garden plantation of evergreen or other 
trees, the best way is not to plant in the far too thickly set 
way that is usual, but rather openly, and then cover all the 
space between the trees with groups of easily increased 

hardy flowers. This was done at Gravetye, in the belt 
of evergreen trees I planted west of the house, using 
Starworts (Aster), 

among other plants Compass plants, Starwo 
Lavender, Moon Daisies, Geraniums (hardy spreading 
kinds), Jerusalem Sage (Phlomis), Fuchsia, scarlet 
Bee Balm (Monarda), Evening Primrose, Sea Lyme 
Grass (Elymus), Alum root (Heuchera), Stenactis 
speciosa, Prairie Sunflowers, Rheum Emodi, Globe 
. Thistle,and Golden Yarrow. The effects were the best 
we had, the plants giving little trouble after planting, 
but, on the other hand, saving us trouble. Before 
we planted in this way weeds were a constant trouble, 
but the vigorous colonies of plants wanted all the 
good of the ground for themselves, and took care of 
the weeds for us! Certainly it was very much less 
trouble than an ordinary mixed border; there was 
no staking of any kind, and the stems were not cut 
down till late in spring; they looked very pretty in 
colour in winter. This, like every other plan, must 
be changed in the course of years; when the trees 
meet there will be less need of the plants, but it is 
a system that can be easily suited to the circumstances 
as they arise. 

All that the well-covered shrubbery would require 
would be an occasional weeding or thinning, and in 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 79 

the case of the choicer plants, a little top-dressing 
with fine soil. In suitable soils such dwarf plants 
as Forget-me-nots, Violets and Primroses might be 
scattered, so as to give the borders interest even at 
the dullest seasons; but in large and new plantations 
and shrubberies the best plants are those that give bold 
effects and are very hard to kill. 

In beds of choice shrubs, the same plan on a small 
scale will do, but in this case rare plants might often 
be planted, and that is flower gardening. But the 
theme of this book is the planting of things that will 
take care of themselves once fairly started, and we 
only come into the shrubberies to save them from 
ugliness and dreariness by a modification of the same 
plan, which to succeed must be done in a bold and 
simple way. -To do it well, one should have a few 
nursery beds of hardy flowers, or frequently divide 
and make groups of those that grow and increase 
rapidly. The rule should be—never show the naked 
earth: clothe it. It need hardly be said that this 
“greumient against digging applies to two or three 
beds of shrubs and to places where the ‘shrubbery’ 
is little larger than the dining-room, as much as to 
the large country seat, public park and_ botanic 

One of the prettiest plant pictures I have ever seen 
was in a shrubbery forming a belt round a botanic 
garden. In the inner and hidden parts, probably 
from want of labour, the digging had not been done 

80 The Wild Garden 

for years. Some roots of the common Myrrh (Myrrhis 
odorata), thrown out of the garden in digging, had 
‘rooted by accident and spread into a little colony. 
Among the tufts of Myrrh some tall white Harebells 
__came, also thrown out of the flower-beds in the garden 
to get rid of them, and the effect of these, standing 
above the spreading foliage of the Myrrh in the shade 

4 BEAUTIFUL ACCIDENT,—A colony of Myrrhis odorata, in shrubbery not dug, 
with white Harebells here and there. 

of the trees, was very beautiful. The front of the 
shrubbery in which this picture was found was as 
stiff and hideous as usual—raw earth, full of mutilated 
roots, and shrubs cut in for the convenience and the 
taste of the diggers. This was in the shrubbery 
surrounding the Botanic Garden at Cambridge, where 
Mr. Parsons made a sketch of it here engraved on 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 81 

There are some advantages, too, in leaving the leaves 
to nourish the ground and protect it. Here is a note 
-from a friend inquiring about what he thinks difficulties, 
and an answer to it :— 

‘You draw a pretty picture of what a shrubbery border 
should be and how it should be kept in winter. There 
should be no digging, and the fallen leaves should be left. 
I fully agree, except as to the leaves. Theoretically, it 
seems quite right to allow the leaves to lie and decay 
amidst the surrounding plants, but in practice it does not 
answer. There are, for instance, in most gardens such 
things as slugs and snails. These delight in a leafy 
covering, and, protected from frost by the shelter, will prey 
upon the perennial green leafage and the starting crowns 
of the herbaceous plants, and do an immense amount of 
mischief. Then there are usually in gardens in winter, 
especially in hard weather, blackbirds and thrushes, which 
in their efforts to obtain food set all notions of tidiness at 
defiance. The first storm that came would whirl the 
disturbed leaves all over the place.’ 

How do the swarming plants of the woods and 
copses of the world exist in spite of the slugs? In 
the garden we may please ourselves as to leaves, and 
besides all gardens are frequently enriched by soil 
and other things, but not one leaf would I ever allow 
to be removed from a clump of shrubs or trees on 
lawn or pleasure ground, and I should prefer the leaves 
all over the place to dug borders. In a plantation 
of choice trees, their branches resting on the ground, 


82 The Wild Garden 

with low shrubs and hardy plants like, say, Starworts 
between, there are impediments to the leaves rushing 
abouk a the way mentioned. Our annual cong 

other, and ar are e shielded ons hard “Host. and a heat by 
layers ‘of fallen leaves, which gradually sink into light 
soil for the young roots, are practices that must be 
given up by all who look into the needs of our hardy 
garden flora. In my plantation 10,000 stems of 
Starworts and other plants all the winter standing 
brown in their place, keep hold of all the leaves that 
may get among them! 


Woods vary so much in their character and the 
plants growing beneath the trees, that we may for 
ever see different effects, and a thousand things may 
be suggested to us by woods. In Pine woods in 
mountain districts we may see sheets of Ferns and 
even alpine flowers in them, and our own southern 
Pine woods in Surrey and Hants often spring out 
of gardens of lovely Heaths. In the same parish we 
find woods so close with oaks and underwood, that 
only tall and stout flowers like wood Angelica, showy 
Ragwort, large wood Grasses and Foxglove, French 
Willow and Bracken will grow—these, too, if one goes 
into the wood and looks at them, often giving us 
pictures. But this little book cannot tell us the lessons 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 83 

to be learnt about flowers in the woods of the world, 
whether in those set out by man for his use, or in the 
great and more stately woods of the earth mother, 
as, say, in those of the mountains of California, a garden 
woodland with lovely Evergreens set below great 
Pine trees, and on the ground lace-work of delicate 
Ferns and a thousand flowers. 

Here is a letter from an observer of what goes on in 
the woods of New England. 

‘I go into the woods in the spring-time, and find them 
carpeted with Dog’s-tooth Violets, Wood Anemones, blue 
and purple Hepaticas, Spring Beauty, Trillium, Blood-root, 
Star-flowers, Solomon’s Seal, Gold Thread, trailing Arbutus, 
and a host of pretty little flowers, all bright, arising from 
their bed of decaying grass and tree leaves, and many of 
them in perfection, too, before a tree has spread a leaf; 
nourished and sheltered by their tree friends. When their 
petals drop and their leaves are mature, the trees expand 
their leafy canopy and save the little nurslings from 
a scorching sun. And early as the earliest, too, the out- 
skirts of the woods and meadows are painted blue and 
white with hosts of Violets and speckled everywhere with 
Bluets, or little Innocents, as the children call them. 
Woodsias, tiny Aspleniums, and other Ferns are unfolding 
their fronds along the chinks among the stones; the common 
Polypody is reaching over blocks and boulders, and even the 
exposed rocks, with their rough and Lichen-bearded faces, 
are beautiful. Every nook and cranny among them, and 
every little mat of earth upon them, is chequered with the 
flowery print of the Canada Columbine, the Virginia 


84 The Wild Garden 

Saxifrage, and the grey Corydalis. What can be prettier 
than the Partridge Berry (Mitchella repens), the ‘Twin: 
flower __(Linnzea_borealis)—does well with us—Creeping 
Winter Green (Gaultheria procumbens), Bearberry (Arctos- 
taphylos Uva-Ursi), Cowberry (Vaccinium Vitis-idzea), dwarf 
Cornel (Cornus canadensis), Fringed Polygala (P. paucifolia), 
the common Pipsissewa (Chimaphila umbellata), with its 
shining deep green leaves, the Spotted Pipsissewa (C. 
maculata), the sombre-hued Pyrola and Galax, and that bright 
Club Moss (Lycopodium lucidulum) ? 

‘One day last spring, when strolling through the Medford 
Wood, I came upon an open meadow with a high bank— 
cleared timber land—on one side. Adown this bank in 
a rocky bed came a little stream of water, bordered on both 
sides with patches of Blood-root, with large blossoms, 
clasped erect in their own leaf-vases and sparkling in the 
sun, while the sward and other vegetation around were yet 
dormant. True, near by in the hollow, the malodorous 
Skunk Cabbage was rank in leaf and flower, and the Indian 
Poke was rushing out its plaited, broadly oval leaves, 
and away in the streamlet a few Marsh Marigolds glittered 
on the water. But the Blood-root is neither an aquatic nor 
a bog plant, but most at home in the leaf-mould beds of rich 

‘ Hereabouts, a little wild flower (Erythronium americanum), 
more commonly known as Dog’s-tooth Violet, is a charming 
plant, with variegated handsome leaves and comely flowers 
in earliest spring. In low copses, in rich deposits of vegetable 
mould, it grows around here in the utmost profusion. In 
one place by the side of a wood is a sort of ditch, which is 
filled with water in winter, but is dry in summer, wherein is 
collected a mass of leaf-soil. Here the Yellow Dog’s-tooth 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 85 

Violet runs riot, and forms the densest kind of matted sod, 
all bespeckled with yellow blossoms before a tree has 
spread a leaf. When Blackberry bushes get a growing and 
sprawling everywhere, the trees expand their leafy shade, 
and grass and weeds grow up and cover the surface of the 
earth, it is all too late for evil, the early flowers’ mission 
for a year is ended; it has blossomed and retired.’— 
W. Fatconer. 

THE Woop Witp GarDEN. 

Longleat is one of the first places in which the 
idea of the wild garden in English woods was ably 
carried out by the late forester, Mr. Berry. With 
such a fine variety of surface and soil, the place 
offers many positions in which the plants of other 
countries as cold as our own could be so planted 
that they would take care of themselves in the woods. 
A forester’s duties make it difficult for him to carry 
out such an idea, and even to know the plants 
that are likely to succeed is in itself a knowledge 
which every planter does not possess; however, the 
idea was clearly understood and carried out well, 
so far as possible in the face of rabbits, which are 
the great destroyers of almost all ground vegetation. 
To get the necessary quantities of plants, a little 
nursery in which could be raised numbers of the 
more vigorous perennials, bulbs and climbers was 
required. If the Wzld Garden is to be carried out on 
the old dotting principle of the herbaceous border, 


86 The Wild Garden 

its charming effects cannot be realized. To do it 
rightly we must group and mass as Nature does. 
Though we may enjoy a single flower or tuft here 
and there, the true way is to make pretty colonies 
of plants, one or two kinds prevailing in a spot; in 
that way we may secure distinct effects in each place, 
and better means of meeting the wants of a plant, 
inasmuch as, dealing with a colony we can easily 
see the result of putting the plants in any soil or 
place. Among the plants used are vigorous hardy 
climbers on old trees, Thorn and other bushes of 
little value—Japanese and other Honeysuckles, Vir- 
ginian creepers, Clematis, Wistarias and others. A 
part of the arboretum is devoted to these plants, and 
forms a wild garden, where the Poet’s Narcissus may 
be found among Sweet Briers, Lilacs and many kinds 
of fragrant shrubs and stout perennials. While carry- 
ing out wild gardening, pure and simple—that is to 
say, the naturalization of foreign hardy plants—beautiful 
native kinds were also planted when not naturally 
wild in the neighbourhood. Thus the Lily of the 
Valley has been brought in quantities and planted 
wide along the drives, and so have the Meadow 
Saffrons and the Snowflakes and Daffodils. To group 
and scatter these in a natural and pretty way has 
required care, the tendency of the men being, almost 
in spite of themselves, to plant in stiff and set or too 
regular masses. 

Few things are more delightful to anybody who 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 87 

cares about hardy plants than naturalizing the Lily 
of the Valley in woody places about a country house. It 
is in every garden, and very often so crowded and so 
starved that it seldom flowers well. A bare garden 
border is not so suitable for it as a thin wood or little 
openings in a copse, where it enjoys enough light. And 
by planting it in various positions and soils, we may 
secure an important difference as to bloom. On a cool 


northern slope it blooms ten days later than on a warm 
garden border. Recently different varieties of Lily 
of the Valley have been collected, and are cultivated. 
This fact should be noted by any who would, in places 
where the Lily of the Valley does not grow wild, desire 
to establish it. 

There are advantages in plantation culture for many 
hardy plants—the shelter, shade, and soil affording 
for some things conditions more suitable than garden 

88 The. Wild Garden 

borders. The warmth of the wood, too, is an ad- 
vantage, and the fallen leaves help to protect the plants 
in all ways. In a hot country, plants that love cool 
places could be grown in a wood, while they would 
perish if exposed. Mr. G. F. Wilson has made him- 
self a remarkably interesting wild garden in a wood, 
from which he sent me in the autumn of 1880 flowering 
stems of the American Swamp Lily (L. superbum) 
11 feet high. These Lilies grow in a woody bottom 
where rich dark soil has gathered, and where there 
is shelter and shade. 

Mr. Wilson sends me (August, 1893) a list of the 
things that did best in his wood wild garden. Lilium 
auratum (many thousands), and some of its varieties 
such as platyphyllum and rubro-vittatum; Lilium 
superbum (many), L. pardalinum and varieties, L. 
Szovitzianum, L. giganteum, L. cordifolium, Leichtlinii, 
and others in smaller quantities. Iris Keempferi, raised 
in most part from seed, in different parts of the garden 
from 5000 to 6000 clumps, Iris siberica and orientalis in 
large quantities, and other Irises in smaller numbers. 
Most of the plants liking heath soil such as heaths 
Andromeda, Ledum, Gaultheria procumbens, Linnza 
porealis, Pyrola, Shortia galacifolia, Galax aphylla, 
Xerophyllum asphodeloides, Gentians — Gentianella, 
G. septemfida in large quantities, G. asclepiadia blue 
and white, hundreds of clumps, a number of other 
Gentians in smaller quantities, and many Hypericums. 
‘Rhododendrons grow so freely in our wood that we 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood 89 

planted an acre with seedlings which were crowding 
their parents.’ 

‘Though the wood comprises but a few acres, there is 
a wide range of soil and aspect in it. The wood is chiefly 
of Oaks ; beneath them is a great depth of leaf soil—a soil 
in which many plants will thrive if the exposure is right for 
them. A better place for shade-loving plants could not well 
be found. Outside the wood is a wide stretch of sloping 
treeless ground fully exposed, consisting of a good loam, 
and between it and the wood is a low-lying portion through 
which runs a little stream ; in another place is a deep bog 
where one might sink knee-deep in soft mud, and where 
Calthas and such plants thrive. 

‘Lilies abound everywhere in the wood, and may be 
counted by the thousand under various conditions of soil 
and aspect. For Lilium auratum, total shade is worse than 
full exposure, particularly if the season be a wet one. The 
healthiest plants are well sheltered and have a partial shade. 
Here North American Lilies of the superbum and pardalinum 
types may be seen probably finer than in their native haunts. 
The tall stems of the Swamp Lily rise up midst brushwood 
and carry huge heads of flowers that make the slender stems 
bow with every breath of wind. Never till now had we 
seen large colonies of Lilies of the dahuricum and elegans 
type, the effect of which was charming. Just at the bottom of 
the slope, in a deep loam, where they were fully exposed, 
they were the finest, some of the stems being 4 feet and 
5 feet high, and loaded with blossoms. Higher up were 
masses of Lilium monadelphum and its varieties, called 
severally Szovitzianum, Loddigesianum, and colchicum, all 
uncommonly fine, the stems tall and stout, and carrying huge 

90 The Wild Garden 

heads of flowers. In this spot the soil is a deep loam, 
neither too light nor too heavy, but of such a character as 
just to suit this Lily as well as all the Martagons, the old 
white L. candidum, testaceum, and, in fact, all the European 

‘Besides Lilies may be noticed here—other interesting 
results—gigantic tufts of Funkias in the shadiest part of the 
wood, for, as a rule, they like sun. It is clear they are not 
fastidious in this respect, for finer tufts we have not seen ; 
those who would relieve the monotony of woodland walks 
might plant by the margins tufts of F. Sieboldi, F. ovata 
and F, subcordata, avoiding the small-growing kinds, especially 
those with variegated foliage. One of the greatest successes 
has been with the charming little Epigaea repens or May 
Flower of the N. American woods. Here it forms quite 
a carpet, amidst the fallen leaves, and under these con- 
ditions pretty Linnzea borealis also grows.’— Garden. 

A great many beautiful plants haunt the woods, 
we cannot change their nature easily: and even if we 
grow them well in open places, their bloom will not 
be so enduring as in the wood. The secret of 
wild gardening is adapting plants to the soil. The 
Solomon’s Seal is typical of certain wild garden plants 
that do not go off early, like Daffodils and Crocus, 
and therefore require a different position—the friendly 
shelter of wood or copse. In my district there was 
not a bit of it wild, and it was important to secure so 
beautiful a thing in large groups, without giving any 
of the flower garden to it—I mean places where we 

Shrubbery, Plantation, and Wood gl 

wanted to grow our Roses and Carnations, and the 
many things on which the beauty of the flower-garden 
depends throughout our summer. So I put it pretty 
freely under a plantation of Hollies, right out of the 
garden, in a place never disturbed, and there it takes 
care of itself, and flowers abundantly without any 
kind of attention. A prettier thing could hardly be 
seen in masses. At about the same time roots of it 
were scattered in the Moat shaw where there were 
large oaks overhead, and the usual underwood. 
They have done pretty well every year since, but 
each year they get stronger, and this year we have 
been surprised at their beauty, especially in the 
lower and richer parts of the copse, where they 
found a depth of washed down soil near a small 
stream. It is delightful to creep through the under- 
growth and see their beautiful forms a yard high or 
more fully blown and very much prettier than in 
a mass in the pleasure garden, because they grow 
separately, and one gets the full value of the arching 
and bell-laden stem growing out of sheets of Bluebell. 
No manure or attention has even been given beyond 
planting—taking a basket of roots, making a few 
holes in the copse here and there at not too regular 
intervals and letting the plants alone ever since. In 
districts where Solomon’s Seal grows in the woods 
there is no need to plant it, but there are many 
places where it does not; and where there are no 
woods it is sure to make a charming feature in the 

92 The Wild Garden 

shrubbery. I remember, at Angers, seeing some forms 
of it tall, and natives of central France—at least, I 
was told so by M. Boreau, the then director of the 
Angers garden. There is also a tall American kind, 
which would be very charming if naturalized in similar 
places. In the same wood with Solomon’s Seal 
I have also been planting Narcissus stella, which 
naturalized in this way, and blooming at the same 
time, has made the pretty copse a charming spring 
garden. Solomon’s Seal in masses shows good colour 
of the leaves in autumn. 

In the hot days of May, 1893, in walking fron 
Compiegne to Pierrefonds, in the Forest of Compiegne, 
we passed by many acres of Lily of the Valley in bloom 
under trees. It was one of the few things that retained 
its delightful freshness in the greatest drought within 
living memory. As people so often ask for plants 
suitable for growing in bare places under trees, they 
might try the Lily of the Valley. It is so common 
in gardens, and gets so thick when planted in rich 
ground, that many ean spare some for trial. It is 
a mistake to suppose that it requires rich ground. 
The attempt to grow Grass in shady and _ half-shady 
places is often a failure, and it is well to know of 
some plants that will grow in such situations. The 

Lily of the Valley is one of the things that will 

form a carpet and require no attention. It would be 

hardy a Solomon’s Seal, bale Woodruff. 

pretty to_vary its mass here and there with groups of 



In the larger country places the often noble oppor- 
tunities for beautiful woodland drives are not always 
seized, sometimes because people have the primitive 
and wholly inartistic idea that the proper way to make 
a drive is to plant two or four lines of trees along it. 
These are often set far too close, and as they are 
rarely thinned in time, the whole ends in a gloomy 
tunnel without air, light, or shade. Even where the 
avenue is not the ‘leading feature, drives through 
woods and parks are too narrow. 

Fine airy effects might be got by breadths of low 
covert or fern beside drives, and these drives should 
take the line of easiest grade, and the best for views 
where possible. There is no reason why drives should 
not pass under trees here and there, but, generally, 
a better effect is got by keeping the groups and fine 
trees a little off the drive, and having bold groups of 

Woodland Drives and Grass Walks 95 

hardy shrubs and carpets of plants as a foreground 
to the woodland picture. 

Here and there, as at Penrhyn, are some beautiful 
glades of wild Fern coming near the drives, and there 
is a lovely example at Powys of what our native plants 
do in the foreground of a really picturesque drive. 
But by a little forethought we may easily get finer 
things in this way from Thorns, Foxglove, or Willow 
herb, wide sheets of large Ferns with breaks of Wild 
Roses, large rambling colonies of Sweet Brier, lovely 
fields of native Heaths, double Furze as well as the 
single kind, Broom on poor banks and Partridge Berry 
in half-shady places—a host of beautiful things that 
would spread about and give excellent covert as well 
as pretty effects. 

Of regularly formed roads—those made of gravel, 
flint, or other stone—there are three times too many 
in most country seats. It is wise economy to reduce 
these to the real needs of the place. All places are the 
uglier for being beset with gate lodges, which are 
usually ugly in themselves and lead to needless cutting 
up of beautiful ground, the increase of gates, and the 
springing up of the iron fiend in every direction. As 
the artistic and true way is to reduce as much as possible 
these needless drives often made for mere show, or to 
save five minutes, let those we keep be as good in 
grade and view as we can make them, and have as 
many picturesque charms as we may give them. 

We never have enough of Grass walks and drives. 

96 The Wild Garden 

When we want a way merely for our own convenience, 
by far the best is a Grass drive or walk through pretty 
woodland scenery, over park, hill, or by stream or river. 
A delightful privilege which English gardens have, 
more than others, is that of having Grass walks of the 
finest texture and verdure. At Holwood, in the late 
Lord Derby’s time, it was pleasant to see the number 
and the delightful charm of the Grass walks there. 
Around our houses we must have good firm walks; 
but once free of the house and regular gardens, one 
may break into the graceful Grass walks without injury 
to anything. Some prefer gravel walks in winter, but 
the gravel walk is not always much drier than a well- 
made Grass walk; however, as we use our gardens 
most in summer, it does not matter so much. Even 
on heavy soils Grass walks may be delightful the 
greater part of the year, and on dry soils we need not 
fear the wet. 

It is not only the effect of Grass walks that is in their 
favour—they area great economy. They can be cleaned 
with one-fourth of the labour which the gravel walks 
take. Once free of the garden, it is rather in the 
rougher parts of the pleasure ground and about the 
park that Grass walks are made with the best results. 
The line of ground should be studied both for ease in 
walking and mowing, and for the sake of the best views. 
Nothing in gardening rewards us so well as well 
thought out Grass walks and drives. If, as they should 
be, the gravel walks about the house are reduced to 

Woodland Drives and Grass Walks 97 

the strictly necessary dimensions, it is surprising how 
much the wearisome trouble of hoeing is done away 
with. The toilsome labour of ripping up walks, raking, 
and hoeing, seen in so many gardens, need not, happily, 
go on. It only makes matters worse by softening 
the walks, for the hoeing is a serious labour in the hot 
days and is absolutely unnecessary. 

Having our Grass drive or Grass walk, what shall 
we place beside it? Our British plants are as fair as 
any others, and we may see as beautiful groups of fern, 
heather, thorn, and bramble as are given by the flora 
of any country. Still, those who care for the plants 
of other countries have by the Grass walk a charming 
opportunity of adding other pretty things to our own 
wild flowers. 

There is much difference in districts as to their 
wild flowers and the effects from native plants. Some 
places may be full of beautiful things—others have very 
few. What a place has in this way depends upon the 
cultivation and the quality of the land, and other con- 
ditions which need not be gone into; it is enough to 
know that these differences exist. Where the natural 
vegetation is poor, there is all the greater need for 
adding beautiful things of easy naturalization. Our 
wood anemone is pretty in the fields and groves in 
spring, but the blue Apennine anemone, which is quite 
hardy, gives us a wholly distinct and charming colour, 
and this is true of other things. The high mountain 
plants of the Alps of Europe, to whose flora many 


98 The Wild Garden 

early flowers belong, give us the precious gift of earli- 
ness; crocus, narcissus, and scilla, all come before our 
own early flowers awake, while nearly all are as hardy 
as our own native flowers. Then there are many 
hardy climbers which, if we planted them among trees, 
would be quite as beautiful as any native climbers, 
of which the number is too small. The Indian 
Mountain Clematis is hardy, and as easy to establish 
as our native Clematis, while it is more beautiful, and 
there are other beautiful plants one may add to our 
own, though, generally, it will be safer to trust to our 
native flora by drives. The prettiest brake of shrubs 
I ever saw was an immense group of the common 
Barberry at Compton Winyates, laden with berries 
weeping down with glowing colour. 

Much may be done in the direction of Grass walks 
to take them not only where the views and landscape 
charm us, but also where the native flora shows itself 
best. Very often our common ferns in the west country 
and in moist districts make themselves great ferneries 
which ought to be seen. The idea that the fernery can 
only be made with heaps of old stone or other rubbish 
is too absurd to be worth disputing. The plants rarely 
grow naturally in that way, and the most vigorous and 
effective of ferns, which make evergreen covert and 
give such cool and beautiful effects, certainly do not. 
There are also numbers of fine hardy North American 
and other ferns tempting us to naturalize them, but for 
all artistic ends our native ferns are sufficient. 

Woodland Drives and Grass Walks 99 

Still those who have ever seen the fine North 
American hardy ferns in their own country, sometimes 
in more severe climates than that of our own country, 
will often be tempted to naturalize the more vigorous 
kinds—success in which will depend on the positions 
chosen for them. 



SOLOMON’S SEAL AND HERB PARIS, in copse by streamlet. 

In the 
water, at 
least, plants 
do not trou- 
ble us for 
If we take 
the trouble 
to establish 
them _ the 
rest is easy, 
and _there- 
fore those 
living near 
lake or 
stream may 
find much 

interest in adorning them with beautiful flower life of 
our own and other lands. The richness of our own 

Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 101 

country in handsome water-plants is not known to 
many even of those who know our wild flowers 
—until perhaps they row up a back-water of the 
Thames, where the water-plants are often superb, or 
see the great size and variety of those by the Norfolk 

Nearly all landscape gardeners seem to have put 
a higher value on the pond than on the brook as an 
ornament to the garden; but many pictures might be 
formed by a brook on its way through glade or 
meadow. No such beauty comes through the pond, 
which gives us water in repose—imprisoned water ; 
while the brook ripples between mossy rocks or flower- 
fringed banks, its margin, too, giving an excellent place 
for hardy flowers. Hitherto we have only used in such 
places water or bog plants, but the improvement of the 
brook-side will be most readily effected by planting 
the banks also with vigorous hardy flowers, making 
it a wild garden, in fact. Many of our finest herbaceous 

plants, from Iris to Meadow-sweet, thrive in the moist 

soil; many hardy flowers, also, that do not in nature 
‘prefer such soil, exist in health in it. Plants on the 
bank would have this merit over water-plants, that 
we could fix them, whereas water-plants are apt to 
spread too much and often one kind exterminates 
the rest. The plants, of course, should be such as 
would grow freely among Grass and take care of 
themselves. If distinct groups were encouraged, the 
effect would be all the better. The common way of 

102 The Wild Garden 

repeating a plant at intervals would spoil all: groups 
of free hardy things, different in each place, as one 
passed, would be best; Day Lilies; Iris, many; Gun- 

nera ; Starwort ; American swamp Lilies in peaty soil ; 
er te a aan ane TET TNR ere eae 

COLONY OF HARDY EXOTIC FLOWERS, naturalized by brook-side. 

the deep rose variety of the Loosestrife; Golden 
Rods ; the taller and stouter Bell-flowers (Campanula) a 
the Compass plants _ (Silphium) ; Monkshoods; the 
free-flowering _Yuccas ; the hardiest flame-flowers 

(Tritoma); the stouter kinds of Yarrow (Achillea) ; the 
perennial Lupin; the red and other Meadow-sweets 


Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 103 

as well as our own wild kind—these are some of 
many types of hardy flowers which would grow freely 
near the water-side apart wholly from the plants that 
naturally frequent the water. With these hardy plants 
too, a variety of the nobler hardy ferns would thrive, 
as the Struthiopteris ; and the Royal Fern would also 
come in well here. _ 

We will now consider the plants that naturally 
belong to the water. Water-plants of northern .and 
temperate regions add much to the beauty of a garden 
if well chosen. A great deal of variety may be added 
to the margins, and here and there to the surface, of 
water, by means of hardy aquatics. Usually we see 
the same monotonous vegetation all round the margin 
if the soil be rich; in some cases, where the bottom 
is of gravel, there is little or no vegetation, but an 
unbroken ugly line of washed earth ‘between wind 
and water. In others, water-plants thicken till they 
become an eyesore—not only submerged weeds, but 
such as the Water Lilies when matted together. A 
plant or group of plants of the Water Lily, with 
its fine leaves and -flowers, is beautiful; but when it 
runs over a piece of water and water-fowl cannot make 
way through it, then even this fine plant loses its 
charms. No garden water, however, should be without 
a few groups of the Water Lily. Where the bottom 
is not rich enough, earth might be gathered in certain 
spots for the growth of the Nympheea, and thus grown 
it would not spread much. In the summer of 1893, 

104 The Wild Garden 

at Middleton Hall, Tamworth, I saw the finest example 
I remember of its beauty, not only in growth and large 
flowers, but in effect over a lake—in masses and 
sheets divided by open water—an enormous sheet 
of Water Lilies, and the picture, in association with 
a pretty old manor house, was lovely. The flowers 
were very large, and of two forms—one with a bronzy- 
green outer division of the flower, and a flush of delicate 
pink inside ; the other, a smaller form, pure white with 
dark green outer divisions; so we have at least two 
forms of our native Water Lily, and there may be others. 
In the numerous waters which have to be occasionally 
cleared of sediment in gardens and parks, instead of 
throwing all the mud on to the land, it would be better 
to put some of it in masses near the margins of lakes 
in which Water Lilies and other vigorous plants might 
grow, and front which they would not wander far. It 
is one way and the best of keeping rambling water- 
plants in groups, instead of spread all over the water. 
The Yellow Water Lily (Nuphar lutea), though not so 
beautiful as the preceding, is worth a place; then there 
is the large N. advena, a native of North America, 
which pushes its leaves boldly above the water, 
and is bold in habit. The American White Water 
Lily (Nymphza odorata) is a noble species, and there 
are other spécies, while our gardens have lately been 
enriched with a series of noble hybrids of these plants, 
soft yellow, rose, and of other good colours. When 
these are increased the hardiest of them will be good 

Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 105 

to add to our water-gardens. A very pretty effect is 
that of a sheet of Villarsia belting round the margin 
of a lake near a woody recess, and before it, in deeper 
water, a group of Water Lilies. The Villarsia is 
a pretty little water-plant, with Nymphza leaves and 
‘golden flowers, which give a beautiful effect under 
a bright sun. It is not very common in Britain, 
though, where found, generally very plentiful. 

Not rare—growing, in fact, in nearly all districts of 
Britain—but beautiful and singular, is the Buckbean or 
Bog-bean (Menyanthes trifoliata), with flowers fringed 
on the inside with white filaments, and the round buds 
blushing on the top with rose. It will grow in a bog 
or any moist place, in or by the margin of water. For 
grace, no water-side plant surpasses Equisetum Tel- 
mateia, which, in deep soil, in shady places near 
water, often grows several feet high, the long, close- 
set, slender branches depending from each whorl in 
a singularly graceful manner. It will grow on the 
margins of lakes and streams, especially among water- 
side bushes, or in boggy spots in the shade, and 
will run by thousands through the worst and stiffest 

As a picturesque plant on the margin of water, 
Hydrolapathum); its fine leaves of a lurid red in 
the autumn—a grand ‘foliage’ plant, and, unlike 

few are finer than the Great Water Dock. (Rumex 

many water-plants, not spreading much. This plant, 
like many others named here, needs no care after 

106 The Wild Garden 

planting, and thus is a true wild-garden plant. 
The Cat’s-tail (Typha) must not be forgotten: the 
narrow-leaved one (T. angustifolia) is more graceful 
than the common one (T. latifolia). Carex pendula 
is excellent for the margins of water, its elegant 
drooping spikes being 
quite distinct in their 
way. It is common in 
England, more so than 
Carex pseudocyperus, 
which grows well in a 
foot or two of water or 
on the margin of a 
muddy pond. Carex 
paniculata forms a thick 
stem, often 3ft. or 4 ft. 
high, somewhat like a 
tree Fern, with luxuriant 
masses of drooping 
leaves, and on_ that 
account is transferred to 

moist places in gardens, 


and cultivated by some, 

though generally these large specimens soon perish. 
Scirpus lacustris (the Bulrush) is too good a plant to be 
ee sometimes attaining a height of 
more than 7 ft. and even 8 ft., look very imposing ; and 

Cyperus longus is also a fine plant, reminding one of 
the Papyrus when in flower. It is found in some of 

Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 107 

the southern counties of England. Poa aquatica 
might also be used. Cladium Mariscus is another 
distinct water-side plant which is worth a place. 

If one chose to name the plants that grow in British 
and European waters, a long list might be made, but 
plants having no distinct character or no beauty of 
flower would be useless, it is only by a selection of the 
best plants that gardening of this kind can charm us. 

Those who plant the flowering Rush_ (Butomus 
umbellatus) in blossom are ‘not likely to omit it now. 

“Te is a native of the greater part of Europe and Asia, 
and of the central and southern parts of England 
and Ireland. Plant it not far from the margin, and it 
likes rich muddy soil. The Arrow-head. (Sagittaria), 
frequent in England and Ireland, |, but not in Scotland, 
might be associated with this; and there is a finer 
double exotic kind, which is really a handsome plant, 
its flowers resembling, but larger than, those of the 
old white Double Rocket. This used to be grown 
in abundance in the pleasure gardens at Rye House, 
Broxbourne, where it filled a wide ditch, and was 
very handsome in flower. It forms large egg-shaped 
tubers, and in searching for these, ducks destroy the 
plants occasionally. Calla palustris is a beautiful bog- 
plant, and nothing gives a better effect creeping over 
rich, soft, boggy ground. It will also grow by the 
side of water. Calla eethiopica (the beautiful Lily of 
the Nile) is hardy in the south if planted rather deep. 
Pontederia_cordata is a stout and hardy water-herb, 

= aii penis tere 

108 The Wild Garden 

with erect habit, and blue flowers. The Sweet-flag 
will be associated with the Water Iris (I. Pseudacorus), 
and a number of exotic Irises will thrive in wet ground, 
such as I. sibirica, ochreleuca, graminea, and others. 
The Cape Pond Flower (Aponogeton distachyon) is 
a native of the Cape of Good Hope, a singularly pretty 
plant, which is hardy in our climate, and, from its 
sweetness and curious beauty, a good plant to have. 
It frequently succeeds in water not choked by weeds, 

THE CAPE POND WEED in an English ditch in winter. 

and wherever there are springs that tend to keep the 
water a little warmer than usual it seems to thrive 
in any part of the country. The Water Ranunculuses, 
which sheet over our pools in spring and early summer 
with such silvery beauty, are not worth an attempt at 
cultivation, so rambling are they; and the same applies 
to not a few other things of interest. As beautiful as 
any plant is the Water Violet (Hottonia palustris). It 
occurs most frequently in the eastern and central 

Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 109 

districts of England and Ireland, and is charming in 
ditches. A companion for the Marsh Marigold (Caltha) 
and its varieties is the very large and showy Ranun- 
culus Lingua, which grows in rich ground to a height 
of 3 feet or more. 

If with our water-garden we combine the wild- 
garden herbaceous plants—I mean 
the handsomer of the hardy flowers 
that love moist or heavy 

soil—some of the loveliest 
effects in gardens will be 
ours. The margins of lakes 
and streams are happily 
not upturned by the spade 
in winter; and here- 
abouts, just away from 
the water-line, many 
a vigorous and hardy 
flower (among the 
thousands now in our 
gardens) may be grown 
and will afterwards take 
care of itself’ The 
Globe flowers form 
beautiful effects in such positions, and would endure 
as long as the Grass. Near the various Irises that 
love the water-side might be planted those that thrive 
in moist ground. The singular Californian Saxifraga 
peltata is a noble plant for the water-side. It would 

DAY LILY by margin of water. 

1IO The Wild Garden 

require a very long list to enumerate all the plants 
that would grow near the margins of water, apart 
from the true water-plants; given a strip of ground 
beside a stream or lake, a garden of the most delightful 
kind may be formed of them. The juxtaposition of 
plants inhabiting different situations—water-plants, 
water-side plants, and land-plants thriving in moist 
ground—would prevent what would, in many cases, 
be so undesirable—a general admixture of the whole, 

MARSH MARIGOLD AND IRIS in early spring. (See p. 111.) 

and greatly add to the effect, which is very fine indeed 
where both the surface of the water and the banks are 
gay with flowers. 

An interesting point in favour of the wild garden zs 

the succes ssion of fects which it may afford, and which 
are shown by the illustrations on these pages, both 
showing a succession of life on the same spot of 

The bog garden is a home for the numerous children 
of the wild that will not thrive on our harsh, bare, and 

dry garden borders, but must be cushioned on moss, or 

Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 111 

grown in moist peat soil. Many beautiful plants, like 
the Wind Gentian and Creeping Harebell, grow on our 
own bogs and 1d marshes, much as these are now en- 
croached upon. But even those who see the beauty of 
the plants of our own bogs have, as a rule, but a feeble 
notion of the multitude of charming plants, natives of 
northern and temperate countries, whose home is the 

open marsh or the boggy wood. In our own country, 

The same spot as in opposite sketch, with aftergrowthb of Iris, Meadow-sweet, and 
Bindweed. (See p, 110.) 

we have been so long encroaching upon the bogs that 
some of us come to regard these as exceptional tracts 
all over the world. But in new countries in northern 
climes, one soon learns what a vast extent of the world’s 
surface was at one time covered with bogs. In North 
America day after day, even from the railroads, one sees 
the vivid spikes of the Cardinal-flower springing from 
the wet peaty hollows. Far under the shady woods 
stretch the black bog-pools, the ground between being 
so shaky that you move a few steps with difficulty. 

112 The Wild Garden 

One wonders how the trees exist with their roots in such 
a bath. And where the forest vegetation disappears 
the American Pitcher-plant (Sarracenia), Golden Club 
(Orontium), Water Arum (Calla palustris), and a host 
of other handsome and interesting bog-plants cover the 
ground for hundreds of acres, with perhaps an occasional 
slender bush of the swamp Magnolia (M. glauca) among 
them. In some parts of Canada, where the painfully 
straight roads are often made through woody swamps, 
and where the few poor ‘houses’ offer little to cheer 
the traveller, he will, if a lover of plants, find con- 
servatories of beauty in the ditches and pools of dark 
water beside the roads, fringed with a profusion of 
stately ferns, and often filled with masses of the pretty 

Southwards and seawards, the bog-flowers become 
tropical in size and brilliancy, as in the splendid 
herbaceous Hibiscus, while far north, and west and 
south along the mountains, the beautiful Mocassin- 
flower (Cypripedium spectabile) grows the queen of the 
peat waste. Then in California, all along the Sierras, 
there are a number of delicate little annual plants grow- 
ing in small mountain bogs long after the plains have 
become quite parched, and flowers have quite gone from 
them. But who shall tell of the beauty of the flowers 
of the marsh-lands of this globe of ours, from those of 
the vast bog wastes of America, to those of the breezy 
uplands of the high Alps, far above the woods, where 
the mountain bogs teem with Nature’s most brilliant 

Brook-side, Water and Bog Gardens 113 

flowers, joyous in the sun? No one worthily; for 
many mountain-swamp regions are as yet as little 
known to us as those of the Himalaya, with their giant 
Primroses and many strange flowers. One thing, how- 
ever, we may gather from our small experiences—that 
many plants commonly termed ‘alpine,’ and found on 
high mountains, are true bog-plants. This must be 
clear to anyone who has seen our pretty Bird’s-eye 
Primrose in the oozing mountain bogs of Westmore- 
land, or the Bavarian Gentian in the spongy soil by 
alpine rivulets, or the Gentianella (Gentiana acaulis) in 
the snow water. 

Bogs are not often found near our gardens nowadays, 
but, wherever they are, there are many handsome 
flowers from other countries that will thrive in them as 
freely as in their native wastes, and among these the 
strange and beautiful Pitcher Plants of the bogs of 
North-Eastern America which are hardy here too. 

PARTRIDGE BERRY (Gaultheria), 



TuerRE are hundreds of 

mountain and rock-plants 
which thrive better on an 
old wall, a ruin, a sunk 
fence, a sloping bank of 
» stone, with earth behind, 
i or a ‘dry’ wall than they 
Ml! do in the most carefully 
prepared border! Many 
an alpine plant, which 
may have perished in 
its place in the garden, 
thrives on an old wall near 
at hand, as, for example, 

ee the pretty Pyrenean _ 

ARENARIA BALEARIGA, selfplanted on wal Erinus, the silvery Saxi- 
Sle nee 

at Great Tew, 

frages of the Alps, Pinks 

Pane aae 
1 The rocks meant here are natural ones—not the absurdities too often 
made in gardens, 

Wild Gardening on Walls and Rocks 115 

like the Cheddar Pink, established on the walls at 
Oxford, many Stonecrops, Houseleeks, the Purple Rock 
Cressand Arabis. — 

In the gardens at Great Tew, in Oxfordshire, the 
charming Balearic Sandwort, which usually roots over 
the moist surface of stones, planted itself high up on 
a wall in a small recess, where half a brick had been 
displaced. It is suggestive, as so many things are, 
of the many plants that may be grown on walls. 

A mossy old wall, or ruin, gives a home for many 
rock-plants which no_ specially-prepared situation 

CHEDDAR PINE, SAXIFRAGE, AND FERNS, on cottage wall at Melle, Somerset. 

equals; but even on well-preserved walls we can 

establish rock-plants which year after year will repay 

us for their planting or sowing. Those who have 

observed how dwarf plants grow on the mountains, 

or on stony ground, must have seen in what hard 

places many flourish, fine tufts sometimes springing 

116 The Wild Garden 

from a chink in an arid rock or. boulder. They are 
‘often stunted in these conditions, but always more endur- 
ing than when growing on the ground. Now, numbers 
of alpine plants perish if planted in the ordinary soil of 
our gardens, and even do so where much pains are taken 
to grow them. This results from over-moisture at the 
root in winter, the plants being made more susceptible 
of injury by our moist green winters inducing them 
to make a lingering growth. But by placing many 
of these fragile plants where their roots have a dry 
if poor soil they remain in perfect health. Many 
plants from latitudes a little farther south than our 
own, and from alpine regions, show on walls and 
rocks a dwarf, sturdy growth, which enables them 
to endure a winter quite different from that of their 
native countries. 

In many parts of the country there are few oppor- 
tunities for this gardening; but in various districts, 
such as the Wye and other valleys, there are miles of 
rock and rough wall-surface, where the scattering of 
a few seeds of Arabis, Aubrietia, Erinus, Acanthus, 
Saxifraga, Viola, Stonecrops, and Houseleeks, would 
give rise to a garden of rock blossoms that would 
need no care from the gardener. Growing such 
fine alpine plants as the true Saxifraga longifolia of 
the Pyrenees on the surface of a rough wall is quite 

A few seeds of the Cheddar Pink, for example, sown 
in a mossy or earthy chink, or even covered with a 

Wid Gardening on Walls and Rocks 117 

dust of fine soil, would soon take root; and the plant 
would live for years in a dwarf and perfectly health- 
ful state. The seedling roots’ vigorously into the 
chinks, and gets a hold which it rarely relaxes. The 
names of some of the plants that will grow on walls 
will be found at the end of this chapter. 

In forming dry or rough walls to support banks we 
may easily plant many kinds of rock-plants so that they 
will grow well thereon, but that work belongs rather 

THE YELLOW FUMITORY (Corydalis lutea) on wall. 

to the planting of a rock-garden, whereas the whole 
aim of this book is to take advantage of surfaces 
already at hand for us. 

118 The Wild Garden 

Some or THE Famities oF Rock anD ALPINE PLANTS 
FoR Watts, Rocks, aND Ruins IN Britain. 

Achillea. Coronilla. ’ Lychnis (rock and 
Alyssum. Corydalis. mountain kinds). 
Antirrhinum. Dianthus. Saxifraga. 
Arabis. Draba. Sedum. 
Arenaria. Erinus. Sempervivum. 
Aubrietia. Erodium. Silene. 
Campanula Gypsophila. Thymus. 

(mountain kinds). Helianthemum. Tunica. 
Centranthus. Hutchinsia. Veronica (rock and 
Cheiranthus. Iberis. mountain kinds). 

PURPLE ROCK CRESS (Mountains of Greece’. 


PEopLeE who shake their heads about naturalizing 
plants in grass, and say it cannot be done, will hardly 
say we cannot enjoy the Wild Roses of Europe and 
Northern Asia in any rough place. These do not 
want our assistance to trail over the mountains and 
adorn the river-bed rocks down to the shore. If the 
soil of the hillside and the stony waste is enough 
for them, surely the rich fields of lowland England, 
and its hedgerows, and the good soil which is found 
near most country houses will nourish Wild Roses 
as well as the mountains and heaths. Our own Wild 
Roses—we know what they do in the midlands, the 
west country and on the hills, but not many have a 
just idea how many beautiful Wild Roses there are in 
the world that are as hardy as our Sweet Brier. If at 
present many Wild Roses cannot be had at nurseries, 
there are some interesting kinds that can be, and there 
is scarcely a country of Europe or Asia that one goes 

120 The Wild Garden 

into, in which the seeds of beautiful Wild Roses may 
not be gathered, and they are easy to raise. 

It will not do to put Wild Roses in the flower-garden, 
where we want choice cultivated flowers; but there are 
ways in which any Wild Rose we bring or gather 
might be delightfully used, i.e. in the shrubbery, and in 
forming fences and also in beds in the rougher parts of 
pleasure grounds. It is a very common thing to see 
the sunk fence, which has been made in so many places, 
without any plant life upon it, though some is needed 
for marking the drop and to some extent garlanding the 
brow of the fence. In my own garden, where I made 
a sunk fence, we planted groups of various Wild Roses 
from one end to the other—bold running groups 5 to 
7 feet wide, and few things have given us so good 
a return ; they do not grow high, they garland the sunk 
fence and add to its effect from both sides and give 
pretty effects of flower and fruit. I use the Sweet Brier, 
the American Glossy Rose, the Japan Rose, Scotch 
Rose, Carolina, and the Russian Wild Rose, and any 
Wild Roses that are plentiful and grow freely, and 
take care of themselves. 

How may we get a slight idea of the riches of the 
world in Wild Roses? I thought I had some notion of 
it myself till I went to Lyons last September (1892) to 
get Tea Roses for my garden. These roses of garden 
origin are the loveliest things raised or grown by man: 
sweet with all the delicate fragrance of the morning air 
on down or Surrey heath, having the colours of the 

WILD ROSE growing on a Pollard Ash in Orchardleigh Park, Somerset. 

Wild Roses in the Wild Garden 123 

cloud, and all that is loveliest in form of bud and bloom. 
But these precious roses are things of cultivation only. 
Without the good gardener’s spade and knife they 
would soon become a tangle with less meaning and 
beauty than the Wild Brier. Their size and beauty are 
not to be had without good cultivation, and nothing can 
so well show us the difference between the Wild Garden 
and the flower-garden than these fairest garden roses 
and the Wild Roses of the hills, growing in the same 
place in quite different ways. 

Having got my garden roses a friend happened to 
say that the Wild Yellow Rose, that has given us 
the Austrian Yellow Rose, was wild in the district, and 
I bought a flora of the country to see something 
about its Wild Roses’. In it the Wild Roses are 
grouped as shown below, and the numbers given 
represent the species in each section. And this, it will 
be noted, is only in one region of France. 


“v. SABINIA. 5 x. POMIFER. 8 

Here in one district of France, exposed to the alp 
wind and frost, we have nearlytwo hundred kinds of 

fe PE ay ee ee ee 
Wild Rose: it shows how rich the northern world is 
in rose beauty—at least to all to whom the earth-born 

1 Etude des Fleurs. Renfermant la Flora du bassin moyen du Rhone et 
dela Loire. Par L’Abbé Cariot. Lyon, 1889. 

124 The Wild Garden 

loveliness of the leaf, bud, blossom, and fruit of the 
Wild Rose is visible. And these roses want no budding, 
pruning, or learned cultivation of any kind; but let no 
one suppose I wish them to take the place of our 
lovely Tea Roses in the flower-garden. There are, at 

least in my own garden, places for both. 

The Rev. H. N. Ellacombe writes as to old 
garden Roses among bushes: 

‘IT have here a large Box bush, in the centre of which 
there has been for many years an Ayrshire Rose. The long 
branches covered with flowers, and resting on the deep green 
cushion, have a very beautiful effect. Other Roses may be 
used in the same way. The Musk Rose of Shakespeare and 
Bacon would be particularly well suited for this, and would 
climb up to a great height. Rosa scandens or sempervirens, 
Rosa | multiflora, and perhaps some others, might be grown 
in the same way ; and it would be worth while to experiment 
with other garden forms, such as Aimée Vibert, purple 
Boursault, &c. If grown against a tree of thin foliage, such 
as a Robinia, they would grow quicker and flower sooner ; 
but this is not necessary, for even if grown near a thick- 
foliaged tree they will soon bring their branches to the 
outside for the light. But besides climbing Roses, there is 
another way in which Roses may be combined with trees to 
great advantage, viz. by planting some of the taller-growing 
bushes in rough grassy places. These would grow from 
6 feet to 10 feet high, and would flower well in such a position. 
For such a purpose the old Dutch Apple Rose (Rosa villosa 
var. pomifera) would be very suitable, and so would R. 
- cinnamomea, R. fraxinifolia, R. gallica, R. rubifolia, and the 
common monthly China.’ 

pa, Tree, 

WHITE CLIMBING ROSE scrambling over old Catal; 

Wild Roses in the W, wld Garden 127 

Mr. Greenwood Pym writes, referring to the above 
note :— 

‘I have two large Hawthorns—round-headed standards— 
growing close together, so that their edges touch, forming, as 
it were, two gentle hills with a valley between, and sloping 
down to within about 6 feet of the lawn. Of these one is 
Crateegus Crus-galli; the other C. tanacetifolia. Behind, 
and partly through these, climbs a very old Noisette Rose— 
all that now remains of an arched trellis—producing a vast 
number of bunches of white flowers, six or eight together, and 
about 1% in. or 2 in. across. The old gnarled stem of the 
Rose is scarcely noticeable amongst those of the Thorns till 
it reaches the top of them, whence it descends between the 
trees in a regular torrent of blossom, in addition to occupying 
the topmost boughs of the Cockspur Thorn. A smaller plant 
of the same Rose has recently been trained up a large Arbor- 
vitee and has its stem clothed with Ivy. It is now festooned 
with snowy flowers hanging down from and against the dark 
green of the Arbor-vitee and Ivy.’ 

‘We have,’ says a correspondent, ‘a collection of Roses, but 
one of the most attractive is an old double white Ayrshire 
Rose, growing in a group of common Laurel. We cannot 
tell how old the plant may be, but it has probably been in its 
present situation for thirty years, struggling to keep its place 
among the tall Laurels, sometimes sending out a shoot of 
white flowers on this side and sometimes on that side of the 
clump, and then scrambling up to the tops of the tallest limbs 
and draping them with its blossoms throughout June and 
July. Nearly three years ago the Laurels were cut down to 
within 6 feet of the ground, leaving the straggling limbs 
of the Rose amongst them, and since then it has thriven 

128 The Wild Garden 

amazingly, and now seems to gain the mastery, the plant 
being now over 7o feet round. Within this space the 
plant forms an irregular undulating mound, in all parts so 
densely covered with Roses that not so much as a hand’s 
breadth is left vacant anywhere, and the Laurel branches are 
quite hidden, and in fact are now dying, smothered by the 
Rose. The plant has been a perfect sheet of bloom for 
a month or more, and there are thousands of buds yet to 
expand, and hundreds of bunches of buds had been cut just 
at the opening stage—when they are neater and whiter than 
a Gardenia—to send away. Except against walls, there is no 
need to prune climbing Roses. Left to themselves, they give 
the best bloom in deep, strong soil, and with a fair amount of 
light on all sides.’ 

CLIMBING ROSE on grass. 

AUTUMN CROCUSES in the Wild Garden. 


Detaits of a few of the results obtained, where the 
system has been tried, in addition to those already given 
of Longleat, may not be without interest. How much 
a wild garden intelligently made may effect for a country 
seat is shown at Crowsley in Oxfordshire. It is one of 
the first-formed wild gardens existing, and in May was 
full of charms. No garden yields its beauty so early in 
the year, or over a more prolonged season, than the wild 
garden, as is abundantly evidenced here. The maker 
of this wild garden had no inviting site with which to 
deal; no great variety of surface, no variety of soil for 
plants of widely different habitats to be grown; he had 
only a neglected plantation, with a poor gravelly soil 


130 The Wild Garden 

and little variety of surface beyond a few gravel banks 
thrown up long before. The garden is on each side of 
a Grass drive, with scattered trees on the one hand and 
rather shady ground on the other. The most beautiful 
aspect at the end of May after an ungenial spring, which 
had not allowed the Pzonies to unfold, was that of the 
German Irises, with their great Orchid-like blossoms 
seen everywhere through the wood, clear above the 
Grass and other herbage—stately flowers that, like the 
Daffodils, fear no weather, yet with hues that cannot be 
surpassed by tropical flowers. Ifthis wild garden should 
teach only effective ways of using the many beautiful Iris 
in our garden flora, it would do good service. The 
Irises are perfectly at home in the plantation and among 
the Grass and wild flowers. When they go out of 
flower, they will not be in the way as in a ‘mixed’ 
border, but rest in the grass till awakened in spring. 

In the wild garden the fairest of our own wild flowers 
may be happily grouped with like plants from other 
countries. Here the sturdy Bell-flowered Scilla (S. 
campanulata) grows wild with our Wood Hyacinth; the 
white and pink forms also of the last-named look 
beautiful here associated with the common well-known 
form. The earlier kinds of Scilla are past; they are 
nice for the wild garden, especially S. bifolia, which 
thrives freely in woods. The Lily of the Valley did not 
inhabit the wood before; it was pleasant to thin out 
some of its matted tufts in the garden and carry them 
to the wild garden, where they are now in bloom. The 

Some Results Cor 

Solomon’s Seal, which is often charming on the fringes 
of shrubberies, is here arching high over the Woodruff 
and other woodland flowers, among which it seems 
a giant, showing fine form with every leaf, and stem, and 
blossom. The vigour and grace shown by this plant in 
rich soil are delightful, The greater Celandine (Cheli- 
donium majus) and its double form are very pretty here 
with their tufts of golden flowers, taking care of them- 
selves. The same 
may be said of the 
Honesty, the com- 
mon Columbine, 
and Allium Moly, 
an old plant, which 

CRANB’S BILL, wild, in grass. ‘ 
is one of the many 

at home in the wild garden, and better 
left out of the garden proper. The 
myriads of Crocus leaves dying off with- 
out the indignity of being cut off or tied 
into bundles as is common in gardens, 
the dense growth of Aconite and Snow- 
drop leaves, of coloured and common Primroses and 
Cowslips, suggest the beauty of this wild garden earlier 
in spring. The yet unfolded buds on the many groups 
of Peeonies, promise noble effects early in June; so 
do the colonies of the splendid Eastern Poppy (Papa- 
ver orientale) and the Lilies, and Sweet Williams, and 
Lupins, which will show their blossoms above or 
among the summer Grass in due time. The most 
K 2 

132 The Wild Garden 

brilliant effect I have ever seen in any garden was 
in a corner of this wild garden in summer, when 
many great oriental Poppies stood in ranks with the 
Lupins and Columbines, all growing close together 
in long grass in a green bay of the plantation. 
Among the best of the Borageworts here, are the 
Caucasian Comfrey (Symphytum caucasicum), an 
admirable wood or copse plant, and red-purple or 
Bohemian Comfrey (S. bohemicum), which is very 
handsome. And what lovely effects from the Forget- 
me-nots—the wood Forget-me-not, and the Early 
Forget-me-not (M. dissitiflora)—are seen here! where 
their soft clouds of the Grass are much prettier 
than when set in the brown earth in a prim border. 
Here the pushing of the delicate Grass blades through 
the blue mass, and the way in which the fringes of the 
tufts mingle with the other plants, are very beautiful. 
Some gravel banks are covered with Stonecrops,. 
Saxifrages, and the like, which would, as a rule, have 
a poor chance in Grass. Some of the prettiest 
effects of this wild garden result from the way in 
which dead trees have been adorned. Some of the 
smaller branches are lopped off, and one or more 
climbers planted at the base of the tree. Here a 
Clematis, a climbing Rose, a fine Ivy, a wild Vine, 
or a Virginian Creeper, has all it requires, a firm 
support on which it may arrange itself after its 
own natural habit, without being mutilated; it gives 
no trouble to the planter, and has fresh ground 

Some Results 133 

free to itself. Even when an old tree falls and tosses 
up a mass of soil and roots the wild gardener is 
ready with some handsome Bramble or wild Vine to 
scramble over the stem. Ferns are at home here in the 
shady corners; all the strong hardy kinds may be so 
grown, and they look better among the flowers than 
in the ‘hardy Fernery’ so called. Even more graceful 
than the Ferns, and in some cases more useful, because 
they send up their plume-like leaves very early in the 
year, are the giant Fennels (Ferula), which grow well 
here, and hold their own easily among the strongest 
plants. The common Fennel is also here, but it seeds 
so freely that it becomes a weed, and overruns plants 
of greater value. Such plants as Heracleum, Willow 
Herb, and many others, which not only win, but destroy 
all their fellows, in the struggle for life, should be 
planted only in outlying positions, islands, hedges, and 
small bits of isolated wood or copse, where their effects 
might be seen in due season, and where they might 
ramble without destroying. Rabbits—dreaded vermin 
to the wild gardener—are kept out here effectually by 
means of wire fencing. The presence of these pests 
prevents all success in the wild garden. To succeed 
with the wild garden, one should have a good collection 
of hardy flowers from which it can be supplied. Here 
one has been formed, consisting of about 1,100 species, 
mostly arranged in borders. From these, from time to 
time, over-vigorous and over-abundant kinds may be 
taken to the wild garden. In a large collection one 

134 The Wild Garden 

often finds kinds fit for freedom. The many plants 
good in all positions may increase in these borders till 
plentiful enough for planting out in some quantity in 
the wild garden. The wild garden here has been 
wholly formed by the owner, who planted with his own 
hands the plants that now adorn it throughout the year. 

Tew Park will long be interesting, from the fact that 
it was there J. C. Loudon practised agriculture before 
he began writing the works that were such a marked 
addition to the garden literature of England. The 
Grove there is a plantation of fine trees, bordering 
a wide sweep of grass that varies in width. This grove, 
unlike much of the rest of the ground, does not vary in 
surface, or varies but little, so that one of the greatest 
aids is absent. Originally this now pleasant grove was 
a dense wood, with Gout-weed mainly on the ground, 
and troublesome flies in the air. A few years ago the 
formation of a wild garden was determined upon, and 
the first operation was the thinning of the wood; light 
and moving air were let into it, and overcrowded trees 
removed. It was found, after deeply digging the 
ground, and sowing the Wood Forget-me-not in its place, 
that Gout-weed disappeared. The effect of broad 
sheets of this Wood Vood Forget- -me- endl (Maesotersylva ica). 
beyond, and seen above, the long waving Grass, gradually 
receding under the trees, was very beautiful; now 
(June) its beauty is not so marked as earlier, when, the 
plants being more compact, the colour was fuller; but 
one charm of the wild garden is that the very changes 


Some Results 137 

of plants from what may be thought their most perfect 
state of blossom, may be itself a new pleasure instead of 
a warning that we must cut them down or replace them. 
Not to mow is almost a necessity in the wild garden, 
and as there is often in large gardens much more mown 
surface than is necessary, many will not regret it. 
Here the Grass is left unmown in many places. Of 
course it may be cut when ripe, and most of the spring 
flowers have past and their leaves are out of danger. 
Even in parts where no flowers are planted the Grass 
is left till long enough to cut as meadow. Except where 
wanted as a carpet, Grass may often be allowed to grow 
even in the pleasure ground ; quite as good an effect is 
afforded by unmown as the mown Grass—indeed, better 
when the long Grass is full of flowers. Three-fourths 
of the most lovely flowers of cold and temperate regions 
are companions of the Grass—like Grasses in hardiness, 
like Grasses in summer life and winter rest, like Grasses 
in stature. Whatever plants may seem best to associate 
together in gardens, an immense number—more than 
two thousand species of those now cultivated—would 
thrive to perfection among our meadow Grasses, as they 
do on the Grassy breast of the mountain in many northern 
lands. Some, like the tall Irises or Columbines, will 
show their heads clear above the delicate bloom of the 
Grass; others, like the Cerastiums, will open their cups 
“below it. The varieties of Columbine in the Grass were 
perhaps the prettiest flowers at the time of my visit. 
The white, purplish, and delicately-coloured forms of 

138 The Wild Garden 

this charming old plant, just seen above the tops of the 
long Grass, growing singly, in little groups, or in colonies, 
formed a June garden of themselves. Established 
among the Grass, they will henceforward, like it, take 
care of themselves. The rosy, heart-shaped blooms of 
the Dielytra spectabilis are seen at some distance through 
the Grass, and, so grown, furnish a bright and pretty 


effect. Tyee Paeonies succeed, and their great heads 
of flower quite light up this charming wilderness. 
Plants of the Goat’s Beard Spireea (S. Aruncus) are 
very stately and graceful, even now, before they flower, 
being quite 6 feet high. In the wild garden, apart 
from the naturalization of free-growing exotics, the 
establishment of rare British flowers is one of the 
most interesting occupations; and here, under a Pine 
tree, the modest, trailing Linnza borealis of the 

Some Results 139 

northern Fir-woods is beginning to spread. The Fox- 
glove was not originally found in the neighbourhood ; 
now the ordinary kind and the various other forms 
of this fine wild flower adorn the woods. In this way 
also the Lily of the Valley has been planted and is 
spreading rapidly. Many climbing Roses and various 
other climbers have been planted at the bases of trees 
and stumps. A White Indian Clematis here, first trained 
ona wall, sent up some of its shoots through a tree close 
at hand, and now the long shoots hang from the tree full 
of flowers. The large plumes ofthe nobler hardy Ferns 
are seen here and there through the trees and Grass, 
and they are better here among the Grass and flowers, 
half shaded by trees, than in the ‘hardy Fernery.’ The 
wild garden of the future will be also the true home of 
all the larger hardy Ferns. The rivals of the Ferns in 
beauty of foliage, the Ferulas, and other hardy plants 
with beautifully cut foliage, have also their homes in the 
wild garden. The Welsh Poppy thrives, as might be 
expected, admirably in the grove, its rich yellow cups 
just showing above the meadow. 

In another part of the grounds there is a high walk 
quite away from trees, open and dry, with banks on each 
side—a sun-walk, with Scotch Roses, Brooms, Sun 
Roses, Rock Roses, and things that love the sun, like 
the plants of the hot and rocky hillsides of the Mediter- 
ranean shores. Spanish Broom, Lavenders, Rosemary, 
Thyme, and Balm, are among the plantsthat thrive as well 
ona sunny sandy bank in England asin Italy or Greece. 

140 The Wild Garden 

True taste in the garden is, unhappily, much rarer 
than many people suppose. No amount of expense, 
rich collections, good cultivation, large gardens, and 
plenty of glass, will suffice. A garden of a few acres 
showing a real love of the beautiful in Nature, as it can 
be illustrated in gardens, is rare; and when it is seen 
it is often rather the result of accident than of design. 
This is partly owing to the fact that the kind of know- 
ledge one wants in order to form a really beautiful 
garden is very uncommon. No man can do so with 
few materials. It is necessary to have some know- 
ledge of the wealth of beauty which the world contains 
for our gardens; and yet this knowledge must not 
have a leaning, or at any rate but a very partial leaning, 
towards the Dryasdust. The disposition to ‘dry’ 
everything, to concern oneself entirely with nomen- 
clature and classification, is not the gardening spirit 
—it is the Ue we want. The garden of the late 
Mr. Hewittson, at Weybridge, had some of the most 
delightful garden scenes. Below the house, on the 
slope over the water of Oatlands Park, and below 
the usual lawn beds and trees, there is a piece of heathy 
ground—charming beyond any power of the pencil 
to show. The ground was partially clad with common 
Heaths with little green paths through them, and 
naturalized in the warm sandy soil were the Sun Roses 
which are shown in the foreground of the engraving. 
Here and there among the Heaths, creeping about in 
a perfectly natural-looking fashion, too, was the Gentian- 



on sandy slope. 

SUN ROSES (Cistus) and other exotic hardy planta among heather, 

Some Results 143 

blue Lithospermum prostratum. Among these groups 
were the large Evening Primroses and Peruvian Lily 
(Alstrcemeria), the whole relieved by bold masses of 
flowering shrubs, so grouped as not to show a trace 
of formality. All this was done without in the least 
detracting from the most perfect keeping. The garden 
is more free from offensive geometrical-twirling, barren 
expanse of gravelled surface, and all kinds of puerilities 
—old-fashioned and new-fangled—than any garden 
I have seen for years. 

The following, from a correspondent, shows what may 
be done with few advantages as to space or situation :— 

‘We have a dell with a small stream of spring water running 
through it. When I first came to Brockhurst I found this 
stream carried underground by a tile culvert, and the valley 
sides covered with Rhododendrons, the soil between carefully 
raked and kept free from weeds, so that it was only during 
springtime that flowers relieved the sombre effect of this 
primness. After five years this has all been changed into 
what I think you would call a wild garden, and we have 
cheerfulness and beauty all the year round. 

‘In the first place the brooklet was brought to the surface, 
and its course fringed with marsh plants, such as Marsh 
Marigolds, Forget-me-nots, Celandines, Irises, Primroses, and 
Ranunculuses, together with Osmundas, Hart’s-tongues, and 
other Ferns. Many large-growing Carex and large Rushes 
are also here. Little flats were formed and filled with peat, 
in which Cypripediums, Trilliums, Orchises, Solomon’s Seal, 
and many rare bog-plants find a home. In the valley we 
have planted bulbs by thousands--Crocuses, Snowdrops, 
Daffodils, and Narcissi. The Rhododendrons were thinned and 

144 The Wild Garden 

interspersed with Azaleas, and other handsome-foliaged shrubs, 
to give brightness to the spring flowering, and rich colour to 
the foliage in autumn. In the spaces between we introduced 
Wild Hyacinths everywhere, and in patches among these the 
“Red Campion, together with every other pretty wild flower 
we could obtain— Forget-me-nots, Globe-flowers, Columbines, 
Anemones, Primroses, Cowslips, Polyanthuses, Campanulas, 
Golden Rods, &c. We have also planted bulbs very 
extensively, and as they have been allowed to grow on un- 


disturbed we have now large patches of Daffodils, Narcissi, 
and other spring flowers in great beauty. When we trim 
the garden all the spare plants are brought here, where they 
form a reserve, and it is thus gradually getting stocked, and 
all the bare ground covered with foliage and flowers. Lastly, 
for autumn blooming we raised large quantities of Foxgloves 

“in every colour, and the larger Campanulas, and these were 
pricked out everywhere, so that we have, to close the year, 
a glorious show of Foxglove flowers worth all the trouble. 
A wild garden of this sort is a very useful reserve ground, 

Some Results 145 

where many a plant survives after it has been lost in the 
borders. The Lily of the Valley and Sweet Violet also 
flourish here, creeping over heaps of stones, and flower more 
freely than they do in more open situations. Visitors often 
say that the dell beats all the rest of the garden for beauty, 
and it certainly gives less trouble in the attainment. 

Wm. BrockBANK.’ 

Brockuurst, Dinssury. (In Garden.) 

SNOWDROPS, by streamlet. 




WuerEVER there is room, plants for the Wild Garden 
should be at first grown in nursery beds to ensure 
a good supply. The many nursery collections of hardy 
plants being now more numerous than they were a few 
years ago, getting the plants is not so difficult as it once 
was. The sources of supply are these nurseries ; seed 
houses, which publish lists of hardy plant seeds— 
many kinds may be easily raised from seed ; botanic 
gardens, in which many plants are grown that hitherto 
have not found a place in our flower-gardens; orchards 
and cottage gardens in pleasant country places may 
supply good plants from time to time; and those who 
travel may bring seeds or roots of plants they meet 
with in cool or mountain regions Bulb and seed- 
merchants should offer hardy bulbs in large quantities 
for wild gardening, and at nearly wholesale rates. Few 
plants, vigorous and hardy in the British Islands with- 
out any attention after planting, are included here :— 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 147 

Bear’s Breech, Acanthus.—Vigorous perennials with hand- 
some foliage, mostly from Southern Europe. Long cast out 
of gardens, they are now receiving more attention, and in no 
position will they look better than planted here and there on 
the margin of a shrubbery, where the leaves of the Acanthus 
contrast well with those of the ordinary shrubs or herbaceous 
vegetation. Hardy 
in all soils, they 
flower most freely 
in free loamy soils. 
Not varying very 
much in character, 
all obtainable 
hardy species 
would group well 
together. The most 
vigorous kind at 
present in cultiva- 
tionisthe onecalled 
A. latifolius, which 
is almost ever- 
green, and a fine 
plant when well 
established. Few 
plants are more 

THE MONKSHOOD, naturalized, 

fitted for adorning 

rough and stony places, as they grow and increase without 

care, and are, for foliage or bloom, unsurpassed by any of the 

numerous plants that have been so long neglected because 

they have not been available in ‘flower gardening.’ 
Monkshood, Acouitum.—Tall, handsome perennials, with 

very poisonous roots, which make it dangerous to plant 


148 The Wild Garden 

them in or near gardens. Being vigorous they spread freely, 
and hold their own amongst herbaceous plants and weeds. 
Masses of them seen in flower in half-shady places in rich 
soil give a fine effect. There are many species, nearly all of 
equal value for the wild garden. Coming from the plains and 
mountains of Siberia and Northern Europe and America, they 
are among the hardiest of plants. Spreading groups of 
Aconites in bloom in open spaces in shrubberies have a finer 
effect than when the plants are tied into bundles in trim borders. 
The old blue-and-white kind is charming, and attains stately 
dimensions in good soil. The species grow in any soil, but 
on cold heavy ones are often somewhat stunted in growth. 

Bugle, A4juga.—Not a very numerous family as represented 
in gardens, but some of the species are valuable for the wild 
garden, notably Ajuga genevensis, which thrives freely in 
ordinary soils in open and half-shady places among dwarf 
vegetation, and affords beautiful tufts and carpets of blue. 
It spreads rapidly and. is hardy everywhere. The plants 
mostly come from the cool uplands and hills of the temperate 
regions of Europe and Asia. 

Yarrow, Achilicaa—A numerous family of hardy plants 
spread through Northern Asia, Italy, Greece and Turkey, 
Hungary, but more in Southern than in Central or Northern 
Europe. In the Alps and Pyrenees numerous species are 
found. The Golden Yarrows (A. Eupatorium and A. fili- 
pendula) are stately herbaceous plants, with handsome 
corymbs of yellow flowers attaining a height of 3 feet or 
4 feet; growing freely in any soil, they are well worthy of 
naturalization. Various other kinds would grow quite as 
well in plantations and rough places as the common Yarrow. 
The vigorous white-flowering kinds are fine for shrubberies, 
where their many white heads of flowers give a pleasing 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 149 

effect under the trees in summer. With few exceptions these 
plants have never been grown out of botanic gardens, many 
of them being thought too coarse for the mixed border. 
They are, nevertheless, remarkably beautiful both in flower 
and foliage, and many effects never before seen in gardens 
may be obtained by massing them under trees in open 
shrubberies or copses, as a rule allowing one species to 
establish itself in each place and assume an easy and broken 

Allium.—Plants scattered in abundance throughout the 

Ki AN 


Mi d 


THE WHITE NARCISSUS-LIKE ALLIUM, in the orchards of Provence; 
type of family receiving little place in gardens which may be beautiful 
for a season in wild places. 

northern temperate and alpine regions of Europe and Asia, 
and also America. Some are so beautiful as to claim a place 
in gardens notwithstanding their disagreeable odour. It is 
only in the wild garden, however, that this family finds 
a fitting home. One of the prettiest effects to produce in the 
wild garden would be that of the beautiful white Narcissus- 
like Allium of the south of Europe (A. neapolitanum). The 
sheets of this in the Lemon orchards of Provence will be 

150 The Wild Garden 

remembered by many travellers. It would thrive in warm 
and sandy soils, and there is an allied species (A. ciliatum) 
which does well in any soil, gives a similar effect, and 
produces myriads of star-like white flowers. Singular effects 
may be produced from species less showy and more curious 
and vigorous, as, for example, the old yellow A. Moly. 

Alstremeria.—All who care for hardy flowers must admire 
Alstreemeria aurantiaca, especially spreading into healthy 
masses, and when there is a great variety in the height of the 
flowering stems. A valuable quality of the plant is, that it 
spreads freely in any light soil, and is quite hardy. For dry 
places between shrubs, for dry or sandy banks (either planted 
or bare), or heathy places, this plant is admirable. I have 
noticed it thriving in the shade of fir trees. It is interesting 
as being a South American plant, thriving in warm soils, 
but often slow and dwarf on cold soils. 

Marsh Mallow, Althea.—These are plants rarely seen out 
of botanic-gardens, and yet, from their vigour and showy 
flowers, may be effective in the wild garden. The common 
Hollyhock is an Althea, and in its single form is typical of 
the vigorous habit and good showy flowers of other rampant 
species, such as A. ficifolia. A group of these plants would 
be effective near a wood walk, no flower garden being large 
enough for their extraordinary vigour. 

Alyssum.—In spring every single little shoot of the wide 
tufts and flakes of these plants sends up a little fountain of 
small golden flowers. For bare, stony, or rocky banks, and 
for poor sandy ground, and ruins, they are admirable. 
Alyssum Wiersbecki and A. saxatile are strong enough to 
take care of themselves on the margins of shrubberies, &c., 
where the vegetation is not very coarse, but are best for 
rocky or stony places, or old ruins, and thrive freely on 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 151 

cottage garden walls in some districts. There are many 
species, natives of Germany, Russia, France, Italy, Hungary, 
and Dalmatia; Asia, principally Siberia, the Altai Mountains, 
Georgia, Persia, and the entire basin of the Caspian, is rich 
in them. 

Windflower, Anemone.—A numerous race of dwarf herbs 
that contribute much to the most beautiful effects of the 
mountain, wood, and pasture vegetation of all northern and 
temperate climes. The flowers vary from intense scarlet to 
the softest blue; many of the exotic kinds would thrive as 
well in our woodlands and meadows as they do in their own. 
There is hardly a position they may not adorn—warm, sunny, 
bare banks, on which the Grecian A. blanda might open its 
large blue flowers in winter; the tangled copse, where the 
Japan Windflower and its varieties might make a bold show 
in autumn; and the grove, where the Apennine Windflower 
would contrast charmingly with the Wood Anemone so 
abundantly scattered in our own woods. The Hepaticas 
should be considered as belonging to the same genus, not 
forgetting the Hungarian one, A. angulosa. The Hepaticas 
thrive best and are seen best in half-woody places, where the 
spring sun may cheer them by passing through the branches, 
which afterwards become leafy and shade them from the 
scorching heats of summer. 

St. Bruno’s Lily, Axthericum.—One of the most lovely 
effects in the alpine meadows of Europe is that of the delicate 
white flowers of the St. Bruno’s Lily in the Grass in early 
summer, looking like miniature white Lilies. All who have 
seen it would no doubt like to enjoy the same on their 
Grassy meadows. The large-flowered or major variety might 
be tried with advantage in this way, and the smaller-flowered 
kinds, A. Liliago and its varieties, are pretty. They are not 

152 The Wild Garden 

so likely to find favour in gardens as the larger kind, and 
therefore the wild garden is the home for them, and in it 
many will admire their graceful habit and numerous flowers. 
The kinds best worth growing are natives of the alpine 
meadows of Europe. 

Alkanet, Anchusa.—Tall herbaceous plants, with numerous 
flowers of a fine blue, admirable for dotting about in open 
places in sunny glades in woods or copses. They mostly 
come from Southern: Europe and Western Asia. A. italica 
and A. capensis are among the most useful. The English 
Anchusa sempervirens, rare in some districts, is an excellent 
wild garden plant. 

Snapdragon, Axtirrhinum.-—The common Snapdragon 
and its beautifully spotted varieties are easily naturalized on 
old walls and ruins by sowing the seed in mossy chinks. 
Antirrhinum Asarinum, rupestre, and molle do well treated 
in the same way. Probably many other species would be 
found good in like places. About two dozen species are 
known, but comparatively few of these are in cultivation. 
They mostly come from the shores of the Mediterranean. 

Columbine, <Aquilegia.— Favourite herbaceous plants, 
generally of various shades of blue and purple, white, and 
sometimes bright orange. The varieties of the common kind 
(A. vulgaris), which are very numerous, are those most likely 
to be naturalized. In bare places in elevated and moist 
districts some of the beautiful Rocky Mountain kinds would 
be worth a trial. In ‘places where wild gardens have been 
formed the effect of Columbines in the Grass has been 
beautiful—the flowers group themselves in all sorts of pretty 
ways, showing just above the long Grass. The tall and 
handsome A. chrysantha of Western America is the most 
hardy and enduring of the American kinds. The Colum- 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 153 

bines are a northern and alpine family, most abundant in 

Wall Cress, Arabis.—Dwarf mountain plants, often 
producing myriads of white flowers, suitable for sandy or 
rocky ground, where the vegetation is very dwarf. With 
them may be asso- 
ciated Cardamine 
trifolia and Thlaspi 
latifolium, = which 
resemble Arabis in 
habit and flowers. 
All these are suited 
for association with 
the purple Aubrie- 
tia or yellow Alys- 
sum, and in bare 
and rocky for gra- 
velly places, and old 

Sandwort, Are- 
narta.—Of these 
little plants there 
are certain kinds 

that are vigorous 
and useful, such as 

SIBERIAN COLUMBINE in rocky place. 

A. montana and A. 

graminifolia. The small alpine species are charming for 
rocky places, and as for the little creeping A. balearica, moist 
rocks or stones suffice for its support. It covers such 
surfaces with a close carpet of green, dotted with numerous 
star-like flowers. Some of the smaller species, such as 
Arenaria czespitosa, better known as Spergula pilifera, might 

154 The Wild Garden 

be grown in gravel and sandy places. In certain positions 
in large gardens it would be an improvement to allow the 
very walks or drives to become covered with very dwarf 
plants—plants which could be walked upon with little injury. 
The surface would be dry enough, being drained below, and 
would be more agreeable to the feet. 

Asphodel, Asphodelus.—The Asphodels are among the 
plants that have 
never been popu- 
lar, the habit of 
the species being 
somewhat coarse 
and the flowering 
period not long; 
and yet they are of 
a distinct order of ° 
beauty, which well 
deserves to be seen 
in open spaces in 
shrubberies. The 
plants are mostly 
natives of the coun- 
tries round the 
and thrive freely in 

ordinary soils. 
Lords and 
Ladies, Avum.—Mostly a tropical and sub-tropical family, 
some plants of which grow as far north as Southern Europe. 
These are quite hardy in our gardens. The Italian Arum 
deserves a place in the wild garden, from its fine leaves 
in winter. It should be placed in sheltered places where 

TALL ASPHODEL in copse. 

Hardy Exotic Flowerig Plants 155 

it would not suffer much from storms. The old Dragon 
plant (A. Dracontium) grows freely enough about the foot 
of rocks or walls in sandy or dry peaty places. The nearly- 
allied Arum Lily (Calla ethiopica) is quite hardy as a water 
and water-side plant in the southern counties of England 
and Ireland. 

Silkweed, Asclepias——Usually vigorous perennials, with 

“very curious flowers,-common in fields and on river banks in 
North America and Canada, where they sometimes become 
troublesome weeds. Of the species in cultivation, A. Cornuti 
and A. Douglasi could be naturalized easily in rich deep 
soil. The showy and dwarfer Asclepias tuberosa requires 
very warm sandy soils to flower as well as in its own dry 
hills. A good many of the hardy species are not introduced ; 
some of them are water-side plants, such as A. incarnata, the 
Swamp Silkweed of the United States. 

Starwort, Aster.—A very large family of vigorous, often 
beautiful perennials, mostly with bluish or white flowers, 
chiefly natives of North America. Many of these, of an 
inferior order of beauty, used to be planted in our mixed 
borders, which they very much helped to bring into discredit, 
and they form a very good example of a class of plants for 
which the true place is the copse, or rough and half-cared-for 
places in shrubberies and copses, and by wood-walks, where 
they will grow as freely as any native weeds, and in many 
cases prove charming in autumn. With the Asters may be 
grouped the Galatellas, the Vernonias, and also the handsome 
Erigeron speciosus, which, however, not being so tall, could 
not fight its way among such coarse vegetation as that 
in which the Asters may be grown. Associated with 
the Golden Rods (Solidago)—also common plants of the 
American woods—-the best of the Asters or Michaelmas 

156 The Wild Garden 

Daisies will form a very interesting aspect of vegetation. 
It is that which one sees in American woods in late summer 
and autumn when the Golden Rods and Asters are seen in 
bloom together. It is one of numerous aspects of the 
vegetation of other countries which the ‘wild garden’ will 
make possible in gardens. To produce such effects the 
plants must, of course, be planted in some quantity, and not 
repeated all over the place or mixed up with many other ° 
things. Nearly 200 species are known, about 150 of which 
form part of the rich vegetation of North America. These 
fine plants inhabit that great continent, from Mexico—where 
a few are found—to the United States and Canada, where 
they abound, and even up to the regions far north of that 
quarter of the world. 

‘In my own garden, at Gravetye, many thousands of these 
Asters were massed in picturesque ways for the first time: 
almost every kind in cultivation in gardens in broken but 
effective groups between the cedars, yews, and other ever- 
green trees near the house. The trees were planted in 
a much more open way than is customary, thus avoiding 
a crowded growth. The Asters kept the ground quite 
furnished and clean, and were often very beautiful in the 
autumn winds. They were never staked and perfectly hardy 
they required no attention after planting. As these plan- 
tations, however, were really part of the garden, some more 
attention was given the Starworts than would have been the 
case in a wild garden; that is to say that after two or three 
years in the same place they were moved, to encourage 
growth and a longer bloom. The more vigorous of the 
species—and indeed all of them—may be naturalized in open 
woods or copses, or by river banks and in hedgerows. 

Milk Vetch, Astragalus.—A numerous family of hardy 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 157 

plants, little seen in our gardens, though hundreds of them 
are hardy, and many of them among the prettiest of the Pea 
flowers that adorn the mountains. They are best for rocky 
or gravelly soils, or bare banks, though some of the taller 
species, like A. galegiformis, are stout enough to take care 
of themselves among the larger perennials. This plant is 
valuable for its handsome port and foliage, though its flowers 
are not such as recommend it for the flower-garden. The 
species from the Mediterranean region might be successfully 
introduced on banks in our chalk districts and in rocky 
places. A. ponticus, a tall kind, and A. monspessulanus, 
a dwarf one, are both worth growing. 

Masterwort, Astrantia.—This is an elegant genus, of 
which few species are known, five being European —found in 
Italy, Carinthia, Greece, and the centre of Europe—others 
from Northern Asia. They are among the few umbellates 
with attractive and distinct flowers, and yet they are rarely 
seen in gardens. In the wild garden they are quite at home 
among the Grass and medium-sized herbaceous plants, and 
partial shade prolongs their quaint beauty. 

Blue Rock Cress, Audrietia—Dwarf rock plants, with 
purplish flowers, quite distinct in aspect and hue from 
anything else grown in our gardens, and rarely perishing 
from any cause, except from being overrun by coarser 
plants. They are admirable for association with the 
Alyssums and Arabises in any position where the vegetation 
is very dwarf, or in rocky bare places. There are several 
species and varieties, all almost equally suitable, but not 
differing much in aspect or stature from each other. The 
Aubrietias come chiefly from the mountains of Greece, Asia 
Minor, and neighbouring countries. Wherever there is an 
old wall, or a sunk fence, or a bare bank, evergreen curtains 

158 The Wild Garden 

may be formed of these plants, and in spring they will be 
sheeted with purple flowers, no matter what the weather. 

Great Birthwort, Aristolochia Sipho.—A great climbing 
plant for covering arbours, banks, stumps of old trees, and 
also wigwam-like bowers, formed with branches of trees. 
It is American, and will grow as high as 30 feet; A. 
tomentosa is distinct and not so large in leaf. These 
will scarcely be grown for their flowers; but for covering 
stumps or trees they are valuable, and afford a distinct 

Virginian Creepers, Ampelopsis.—Although this chapter 
is mostly devoted to herbaceous plants, the Virginian 
Creeper and its allies are so useful for forming curtains 
in rocky places, ravines, or over old trees, that they deserve 
mention here. These plants are not very distant relations 
of the vine—the wild American vines that are worthy of 
a place in our groves, garlanding trees as they do in 
a grand way. 

Bamboo, Bambusa.—In many parts of England, Ireland, 
and Wales, various kinds of Bamboos are more hardy, 
and perhaps near the sea thrive freely. Their beauty is the 
more precious from their being wholly distinct in habit from 
any other plants or shrubs that we grow. They are so 
tall and so enduring that they will thrive among the 
strongest plants or bushes, and the partial shelter of the 
thin wood saves their leaves from the effects of violent 
winds. By quiet Grass walks, in sheltered dells, in the 
shrubbery, or in little glades in woods, the Bamboos will 
be at home. The commonest kind is that generally known 
as Arundinaria falcata (sometimes called Bambusa gracilis) ; 
but others, such as Bambusa Metake, B. Simmonsi, and 
B. viridis-glaucescens, are of equal or greater value. They 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 159 

all delight in rich, light, and moist soils, and in our country 
some shelter helps them. 

Baptisia.—A strong Lupin-like plant seldom grown in 
gardens, but beautiful when in bloom for its long blue 
racemes of pea flowers, growing 3 to 4 feet high; it will 
hold its own in strong soil. 

Borage, Borago.—A genus seldom seen out of Botanic 
gardens, where they form part of the usual distressing 
arrangements honoured with the name of ‘scientific.’ 
Among the best kinds for our purpose are B. cretica and 
B. orientalis; even the well-known annual kind will be 
found a_ retty plant, naturalized in stony places, old 
quarries, and the like. 

Bell-flower, Campanula.—Beautiful and generally blue- 
flowered herbs, varying from a few inches to 5 feet in 
height, and abundant in northern and temperate countries. 
All the medium-sized and large kinds thrive very well in 
rough places, woods, copses, or shrubberies, among grasses 
and other herbaceous plants; while those smaller in size 
than our own Harebell (C. rotundifolia) are quite at home, 
and very pretty, on any arid or bare surfaces, such as sandy 
banks, chalk pits, and even high up on old walls. In such 
positions the seeds need only to be scattered. C. rapuncu- 
loides and C. lamiifolia do finely in shrubberies or copses, 
as, indeed, do all the tall-growing kinds, and where there 
are white varieties they should be secured. Many people 
will begin to see the great beauty of this family for the 
first time when they have them growing among the grass— 
the effect is far more beautiful than that which they show in 
the garden border. 

Red Valerian, Centranthus ruber.—This showy plant is 
seen best only on banks, rubbish-heaps, or old walls, in which 

160 The Wild Garden 

positions it endures much longer than on the level ground, and 
becomes a long-lived perennial with a shrubby base. Grows 
apace on old bridges, banks, chalk pits, and on stone heaps. 

Knap-weed, Centaurea.-Vigorous perennial or annual 
plants, seldom so pretty as autumn-sown plants of our corn 
bluebottle (C. Cyanus). They are scarcely important enough 
for borders; hence the wild garden is the place for them. 
Among the best are macrocephala, montana, babylonica, and 
uniflora, the last being more suitable for banks. 

Mouse-ear, Cerastium.—Dwarf plants with many white 
flowers. Half 
adozen or more 
of the kinds 
have silvery 
leaves, and will 
grow in any 
position where 
they are not 
choked by 
coarser plants. 

Chetranthus. — 

The foliage of the MEADOW SAFFRON in Spring. 

The varieties of the common Wallflower have great beauty 
for rocky places and old walls. The clear yellow Erysimum 
ochroleucum is very like a wallflower in type, and thrives 
well in dry sandy places. With these might be associated 
Vesicaria utriculata. 

Meadow Saffron, Colchicum.—In addition to the Meadow 
Saffron, dotted over the moist fields in various parts of 
England, there are several other species that could be 
naturalized in grassy places, and they would be useful 
where plants that flower in autumn are sought. 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 161 

Crocus.—One or two Crocus are naturalized in England. 
They should not be placed where coarse vegetation would 
choke them up or prevent the sun getting to their flowers 
and leaves. Some of the pretty varieties of vernus are 
well worth planting in grassy places and on sunny slopes. 
C. Imperati is an early kind, and the autumnal Croci are 

‘In the plantations here,’ writes a friend, ‘on each side of a long 
avenue, we have the common Crocus in every shade of purple 
(there are scarcely any yellow ones) growing literally in hundreds 
ofthousands. We have no record of when the roots were originally 
planted (and the oldest people about the estate say they have 
always been the same); but they grow so thickly that it is im- 
possible to step where they are without treading on two or three 
flowers. The effect produced by them in spring is magnificent. 
I have transplanted a good many roots to the wild garden, to the 
great improvement of the size of the blooms; they are so matted 
together in the shrubberies, and have remained so long in the same 
place, that the flowers are small.’ 

In my own garden the prettiest early effects are those 
of Crocus in the grass, which come up year after year 
without attention 
of any kind, and 
which no manure 
or ‘compost’ of 
any kind has once 

Virgin’s Bower, 

Clematis.— Mostly 


climbing or trail- 

ing plants, free, often luxuriant, sometimes rampant, in habit, 

with bluish, violet, purple, white, or yellow flowers, and 

162 The Wild Garden 

sometimes deliciously fragrant. They are best suited for 
covering stumps, planting on rocky places, among low 
shrubs in copses, for draping over the faces of rocks, 
sunny banks, or the brows of sunk fences, covering objec- 
tionable railings, rough bowers, chalk pits, hedges, &c., and 
occasionally for isolating in large tufts in open spaces where 
their effect could be seen from a distance. Not particular 
as to soil, the stronger kinds will grow in any ground, but 
the large-flowered new hybrids will thrive best in warm, rich, 
deep soil. C. Viorna, C. flammula, montana, campaniflora, 
Viticella, and cirrhosa, must not be omitted from a selection 
of the wild kinds. 

Dwarf Cornel, Cornus canadensis.—This charming little 
plant, beautiful from its white bracts, thrives in moist, sandy, 
or peaty spots, in which our native heaths—Mitchella repens, 
Linnzea borealis, and the Butterworts would be likely to 

Mocassin Flower, Cypripedium spectabile—The hand- 
somest of hardy orchids, found far north in America, and 
thriving perfectly in England and Ireland in deep rich 
vegetable soil. In places where the soil is not naturally 
peat or rich vegetable matter this fine plant will succeed on 
the margins of beds of rhododendrons, &c. It should be 
sheltered by surrounding bushes, and be in a moist position. 
Others of the genus, and various other hardy orchids, are 
worthy of naturalization; the mocassin flower is the best as 
well as the most easily tried. 

Sowbread, Cyclamen.—It was the sight of a grove nearly 
covered with Cyclamen hederzefolium, near Montargis,\ in 
France, that first led me to think of how many plants 
might be trusted in like ways. Both C. hedereefolium and 
C. europzeum may be naturalized with ease on light, loamy, 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 163 

or other warm soil. C. vernum, C. Coum, and C. repandum, 
are also well worthy of trial. Nothing can be more agree- 
able to the lover of hardy plants than endeavouring to 
naturalize these charming flowers, now rarely seen out of 
the greenhouse. The best positions would be among dwarf 
shrubs, that would afford slight shelter, on banks or sunny 
open spots in copses or woods. Bare or dug borders they 
abhor, and a sunny warm exposure should be chosen. In 
the case of C. hederzefolium (and perhaps some of the 

CYCLAMENS in the wild garden: from nature. 

others) ground under trees, bare, or with a very scant vege- 
tation, would do quite well if the soil were free and warm. 

The Giant Sea-kale, Crambe.—C. cordifolia is a fine 
perennial, but its place is on the turf in rich soil. It has 
enormous leaves, and small whitish flowers in panicles. 
It is one of the finest plants in a wild garden in Oxford- 
shire of about 5 acres, associated with Rheums, Ferulas, 
Gunneras, Centaurea babylonica,y Arundo Donax, and 

Bindweed, Calystegia.—Climbers, with handsome white 
or rosy flowers, often too vigorous to be agreeable in 
gardens. C. dahurica, larger than the common kind, is 

M 2 

164 The Wild Garden 

handsome trailing through shrubs, in rough places, or over 
old stumps. 

The pretty little Rosy Bindweed that one meets often upon 
the shores of the Mediterranean is here depicted at home in 
an English garden, creeping up the leaves of an Iris in 
Mr. Wilson’s garden at Heatherbank, Weybridge Heath. 
We possess a great privilege in 
being able to grow the fair flowers 
of so many regions in our own. 
This beautiful pink Bindweed is, 
so to speak, the representative in 
the south of our own Rosy Field 
Bindweed, but it is perfectly hardy 
and free in our own soils. Its 
botanical name is Convolvulus 
althezoides. I put the Great 
Bindweed in the banks when 
forming fences, as in these it is 
a harmless as well as a beautiful 

Marsh Calla, Calla palustris.— 
A creeping Arum-like plant, with 
white flowers showing above a low 

carpet of glossy leaves, admirable 

creeping up the stems of anIrisin fOr naturalization in muddy places, 
icicle moist bogs, on themarginsof ponds. 

Rosy Coronilla, Coronila varia.—On grassy banks, stony 
heaps, rough rocky ground, spreading over slopes or any 
like positions. A very fine plant for naturalization, thriving 
in any soil, 

Giant Scabious, Cephalaria.—Allied to Scabious but 
seldom grown. They are worth a place for their fine vigour 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 165 

alone, and the numerous pale yellow flowers will be admired 
by those who do not limit their admiration to showy colours. 

Coral-wort, Dentarta.—Showy perennials, the purplish 
or white flowers of which look like a stock-flower, are distinct 
in habit and bloom, and too rarely seen in our gardens; 
they will be found to thrive well and look well in peat 
soil beneath rhododendrons, and towards the margins of 
clumps of American shrubs. 

Leopard’s Bane, Doronicum.—Stout, or dwarf perennials, 
hardy, free, and with very showy flowers; well suited for 
naturalization among herbaceous vegetation, in any position 
where the beauty of their early bloom can be enjoyed. 

American Cowslip, Dodecatheon.—All who care for hardy 
flowers admire the beautiful American cowslip (D. Meadia), 
found in rich woods in Pennsylvania, Ohio, to Wisconsin 
and south-westward, in America. This would be a charming 
plant to naturalize on rich and light sandy loams, among 
dwarf herbs, low shrubs, &c., in sheltered and sunny spots. 
Jeffrey’s American cowslip (D. Jeffreyanum), a vigorous 
kind, is also worth a trial. 

Fumitory, Fumaria, Dielytra—Plants with graceful leaves 
and gay flowers suited for association with dwarf plants on 
open banks, except D. spectabilis, which in deep peat or 
other rich soil will grow a yard high. The little Fumaria 
bulbosa is one of the dwarf plants that thrive under the 
branches of trees, and Corydalis lutea thrives in almost every 
position from the top of an old castle to the bottom of a well 
shaft. I saw Dielytra eximia naturalized in Buckhurst Park, 
in a shrubbery, the position being shady. Its effect was 
charming, the plumy tufts being dotted over with flowers, 
it thrives and spreads freely in shady spots. The blossoms, 
instead of being of the usual crimson hue, were a delicate 

166 The Wild Garden 

pale rose, no doubt owing to the shade; and, as they drooped 
over the graceful leaves, they looked like snowdrops of 
a faint rosy hue. 

Delphinium, Perennial species.—Tall and beautiful plants, 
with flowers of many exquisite shades of blue and purple. 
They are well suited for rich soil in glades, thin shrubberies, 
or among masses of dwarf shrubs, above which their fine 
spikes of bloom might here and there arise. 

One of the prettiest effects I have ever seen among natu- 
ralized plants was a colony of tall Larkspurs (Delphiniums). 
Portions of old roots of various kinds had been trimmed off 
where a bed of these plants was being dug, and in the autumn 
the refuse had been thrown into a near shrubbery, far in among 
the shrubs and tall trees. Here they grew in half-open spaces, 
which were so far from the margin that they were not dug 
and were not seen. When I saw the Larkspurs in flower 
they were certainly the loveliest things that one could see. 
They were more beautiful than they are in borders or beds, 
not growing in such close stiff tufts, and they mingled with 
and were relieved by the trees above and the shrubs around. 
This suggests that we might make wild gardens from the 
mere parings and thinnings of the borders in autumn, where 
there is a collection of hardy plants. 

Pink, Dianthus.—Beautiful dwarf mountain plants, with 
flowers mostly of shades of rose, sometimes sporting into 
other colours in gardens. The finer alpine kinds would be 
likely to thrive only on bare stony ground, and with plants 
of like size. The bright D. neglectus would thrive in any 
ordinary soil. Some of the kinds in the way of our own 
D. casius grow well on old walls and ruins, as does the 
single carnation ; indeed, many kinds of pink would thrive 
on old walls far better than on the ground. 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 167 

Foxglove, Digitalis—It need not be said here that our 
own stately Foxglove should be seen in the wild garden, in 
districts where it does not naturally grow wild; there are a 
number of exotic species for which a place might be found— 
some of them are not very satisfactory elsewhere. The most 
showy hardy flowers of midsummer are the Foxglove and the 
French Willow (Epilobium angustifolium), and in rough places 
in plantations, their effect is beautiful. In such half-shady 
places the Foxglove thrives best; and, as the French willow 
is too rampant a plant for the 
garden proper, the place for it too 
is the wild garden. It is a most 
showy plant, and masses of it may 
be seen great distances off. The 
spotted varieties of the Foxglove 
should be sown as well as the 
ordinary wild form. 

Hemp Agrimony, Exupatorium. 
—Vigorous perennials, with white 
or purple fringed flowers. 
Some of the American kinds 
might well be associated with 4 SEA HOLLY; Eryngiam. 

our own wild one—the white 
kinds, like aromaticum and ageratoides, being beautiful and 

Sea Holly, Eryngium.—Distinct and beautiful perennials, 
with usually spiny leaves, and flowers in heads, sometimes 
surrounded by a bluish involucrum, the stems of a fine 
amethystine blue. They are handsome on margins of 
shrubberies and near wood-walks, thrive in ordinary free 
soil, and will take care of themselves among grasses and 
all but the most vigorous plants. They often come freely from 

168 The Wild Garden 

self-sown seed and may be easily naturalized on warm soils 
and in sunny places. 

Heath, Erica, Menziesia.—The brilliant Erica carnea is so 
charming that it well deserves naturalization among our 
native kinds. The beautiful St. Daboec’s heath (Menziesia 
polifolia), though found in the west of Ireland, is to the 
majority of English gardens an exotic plant. It will grow 
almost anywhere in peaty soil. In the country place no kind 
of gardening is more delightful than the growth in rather 
bold groups and masses of all hardy Heaths, native or other. 
It is gardening that may be done in a bold and careless way, 
and the growth after a few years left to mingle with the grass 
and other vegetation around. The Heaths beds after a year 
or two’s growth look well throughout the year, and are often 
beautiful with bloom. Such bold groups would seldom come 
into the flower-garden, and they are best placed by grass- 
walks in the pleasure ground preferring open and raised 
ground. The natural soil for such plants would seem to 
be peat, but it is not necessary for their culture. At 
Gravetye where there is no peat I planted many Heaths 
which did well. 

Barren - wort, Epimedium.—Interesting perennials, with 
pretty flowers, and finely formed leaves. They like peaty 
or free moist soils, among low shrubs or on rocky banks. 
The variety called E. pinnatum elegans, when in deep peat 
soil, forms tufts of leaves nearly a yard high, and in spring 
bears long racemes of handsome yellow flowers. 

Globe Thistle, Echinops.—Large perennials of fine port, 
from 3 feet to 6 feet high, with spiny leaves and numerous 
flowers in spherical heads. These thrive in almost any position, 
and hold their ground amid the coarsest vegetation. Of 
a ‘type’ distinct from that of our native plants, they are also 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 169 

well fitted for naturalization—E. exaltatus and E. ruthenicus 
are among the best kinds. 

May-Flower, Epige@a repens.—A small creeping shrub, 
with pretty and fragrant flowers, which come soon after the 
melting of the snow in N. America, and are there as welcome 
as the hawthorn with us. In its native country it inhabits 
woods, mostly in the shade of pines; and wherever I saw it, 
it seemed to form a carpet under three or four layers of 
vegetation,—that is to say, it was beneath pines, medium- 
sized trees, tall bushes, and dwarf scrub, the plant itself was 
not more than one or two inches high. It can be naturalized 
in pine woods on a sandy soil. 

Dog’s-tooth Violet, Erythronium.—This beautiful plant, 
some years ago rarely seen in our gardens, adorns many 
a dreary slope in the Southern Alps, and there is no difficulty 
in the way of adding its charms to the wild garden. 

The Winter Aconite, Eranthis hyemalis.—Classed among 
British plants but really naturalized. Its yellow buttons 
peeping through the moss and grass in snowdrop time form 
one of the prettiest aspects of our garden vegetation in spring. 
It will grow almost anywhere, and is one of the plants that 
thrive under the spreading branches of summer-leafing trees, 
as it blooms and ripens its leaves before the buds open on 
the beech. On many lawns, spring gardens might be formed 
by planting some spring flowering plants that finish their 
growth before the trees are in leaf. Another advantage of 
such positions is, that the foliage of the tree prevents coarse 
plants taking possession of the ground, and therefore these 
little spring plants have the ground to themselves, and wander 
into natural little groups in the moss and grass. The winter 
Aconite does not thrive in some cool soils. 

Plantain Lilies, Funkia.— The conditions in the wild 

170 The Wild Garden 

garden are sometimes more suitable to many plants than 
borders, the plants remaining longer in bloom in the shade 
and shelter of shrubby places than when exposed. As an 
instance of this, I saw Funkia ccerula showing great size and 
beauty in a shady drive at Beauport, near Battle. The plant 
was over a yard high, and bore many stately stems hung 
with blue flowers. The Plantain Lilies are plants for the wild 
garden, not being liable to the accidents that are fatal to Lilies 
and other plants exposed to the attacks of slugs and rabbits. 


Snake’s-head, Fritillaria.— The beautiful British Snake’s- 
head (F. Meleagris) grows wild, as most people know, in 
meadows in various parts of England, and should be 
established in the meadows of many a country seat. Various 
other Fritillarias not so pretty as this, and of a peculiar livid 
dark hue, which is not like to make them popular in gardens, 
would be worthy of a position also. Of such is F. tristis, 
and the Crown Imperial would do on the fringes of 
shrubberies. The Golden Fritillary is charming, and when 
plentiful will be lovely in the wild garden. 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 171 

Giant Fennel, /Feru/a.—Noble herbaceous plants of the 
parsley family, with exquisitely cut leaves; forming magni- 
ficent tufts of verdure, like the most finely-cut ferns. The 
leaves rise very early in spring, and go at the end of 
summer, and the best way to plant them is in places occupied 
by spring flowers, among which they give a fine effect. 
With the Giant Fennels might be grouped various other 
plants of this distinct family of plants, so far very little seen 
in gardens. 

Ferns.—No plants may be naturalized with more charming 
effect than ferns. The royal ferns, of which the bold foliage 
is reflected in the marsh waters of Northern America, will 
do well in the many places where our own royal fern thrives. 
The graceful maidenhair fern of the rich woods of the 
Eastern States and Canada thrives in any cool place, or dyke, 
or in a shady wood, but the soil must be leafy and good. 
The small ferns that find a home on arid alpine cliffs may 
be established on old walls and ruins. Cheilanthes odora, 
which grows on the sunny sides of walls in Southern France, 
should be in the south of England, the spores to be sown in 
mossy chinks of the walls. The climbing fern Lygodium 
palmatum, which I saw with great pleasure running through 
native shrubs in cold New Jersey, and which goes as far 
north as cold Massachusetts, will climb up the undershrubs 
in England. There is no fern of the numbers that inhabit 
the northern regions of Europe, Asia, and America, that may 
not be tried with confidence. One could form a rich and 
stately type of fern vegetation without employing one of our 
native kinds at all, though the best way will be to associate 
all so far as their habits will permit. Treat them boldly ; 
put strong kinds out in glades ; imagine colonies of Daffodils 
among the Oak and Beech Ferns, fringed by early Aconite, 

172 The Wild Garden 

in the spots overshadowed by the branches of summer 
leafing trees. There are few kinds of gardening more 
interesting than naturalizing the fine hardy ferns of North 
America. Those having peaty and leafy soils have a great 
advantage, as many of the plants grow in these soils natur- 
ally; though the ferns will often grow in loamy soils they 
do not endure so long or spread so rapidly. The great 
ferns, like the Feather Ferns that live in the ditches and 
wet hollows in American woods, are not so difficult, and 
will grow in any moist deep peat. 

Geranium, Geranium Erodium.—Handsome perennials, 
mostly with bluish, 
pinkish, or deep rose 
flowers. Some of the 
stouter kinds of the 
hardy geraniums, such 
as G. ibericum and 

hig G. Armenum, are the 

A hardy GERANIUM. very plants to take 

care of themselves in 

open places. With them might be grown the fine Erodium 

Manescavi; and where there are very bare places, on which 

they would not be overrun by coarser plants, the smaller 
Erodium, such as E, romanum. 

Goat’s Rue, Galega.—Tall and graceful perennials, with 
numerous pink, blue, or white flowers, G. officinalis and its 
white variety are among the pretty tall border flowers, and 
they are useful for planting in rough places, as is also the 
blue G. orientalis and G. biloba, being all free growers. 

Gypsophila, Gypsophila—Neat perennials, hardy, and 
with myriads of flowers, mostly small, and of a pale pinkish 
hue. They are best suited for rocky or sandy ground, or 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 173 

even old ruins, or any position where they will not be 
smothered by coarser vegetation. Like them in character is 
the pretty little Tunica Saxifraga, which grows on the tops of 
old walls and sand heaps in Italy and in Southern Europe, 
and will thrive on bare places with us. 

Gentian, Gent:ana.— Dwarf, and usually evergreen, alpine 
or high-pasture plants, with large and numerous flowers often 
handsome, and frequently of the most vivid blue. The large 
G. acaulis (Gentianella) would grow as freely in moist places 
on any of our own mountains as it does on its native hills; 
indeed, it would flourish in all moist loams, where it could 
not be choked by coarse and taller subjects. The tall willow 
Gentian (G. asclepiadea) is a handsome plant, which, in the 
mountain woods of Switzerland, I have often seen blooming 
among long grass in shade of trees, and this fact is suggestive 
as to its use in this country. 

Snowdrops, Galanthus —The charms of our own Snow- 
drop when naturalized in the grass are well known to all, but 
many of the new kinds, such as Elwesi and G. plicatus, have 
claims also in that respect, all of which would be as easily 
naturalized as the common Snowdrop. For some account of 
the various kinds of Snowdrop that have come into our 
gardens of recent years see the article in the ‘ English Flower- 

Cow Parsnips, Heracleum.—Giant herbaceous plants, 
mostly from Northern Asia, with huge leaves, and umbels 
(sometimes a foot across) of white or whitish flowers. They 
are very suitable for rough places on the banks of rivers 
or artificial water, islands, or for any place where bold 
foliage may be desired. In planting them it should be 
borne in mind that their foliage dies down and disappears 
at the end of summer. When established they often sow 

174 The Wild Garden 

themselves, so that seedling plants in abundance may be 
picked up around them; but it is important not to allow 
them to become giant weeds. To prevent this, it may, in 
certain positions, be desirable to prevent them seeding. 

Day Lily, Hemerocallis. Vigorous plants of the Lily order, 
with long leaves and large and showy red-orange or yellow 
flowers, often scented delicately. There are two types, one 
large and strong like H. flava and H. fulva, the other short and 
somewhat fragile like graminea. The larger kinds are valu- 
able plants for the ‘Wild Garden,’ thriving in any rich soil. 

Christmas Rose, Helleborus.—Stout dwarf perennials, 
with showy blooms appearing in winter and spring when 
flowers are rare, and with handsome leathery leaves. 
They thrive in almost any soil; but to get their early bloom 
good, it is well to place them on sunny banks in groups, 
and not far from the eye. They form beautiful ornaments 
near wood walks, where the spring sun can reach them. 
There are various kinds useful for naturalization, especially 
on warm chalky soils. 

Sun Rose, Helianthemum.— Dwarf spreading shrubs, bear- 
ing myriads of flowers in a variety of colour. The most 
satisfactory way of employing these in our gardens is to 
naturalize them on banks or slopes in the half-wild parts of 
our pleasure grounds, where there is sandy or warm soil. 
They are best suited for chalk or rocky districts, where they 
thrive and make a brilliant display. ; 

Perennial Sunflower, Helianthus, Rudbeckia, Silphium— 
Stout and very tall perennials with showy yellow flowers, the 
best known of which is Helianthus multiflorus fl. pl., of which 
plenty may be seen in Euston Square and other places in 
London. Asarule these are all better fitted for rough places 
than for gardens, where, like many other plants mentioned in 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 17s 

these pages, they will tend to form a vigorous herbaceous 
covert. H. rigidus is a brilliantly showy plant, running very 
freely at the root, and an excellent subject for naturalization. 
H. giganteus, common in thickets and swamps in America, 
and growing as high as Io feet, is also desirable. The showy 
and larger American Rudbeckia, such as laciniata, triloba, 
and also the small but showy hirta, belong to the same type. 
All these plants, and many others of the tall yellow composites 
that one sees among herbaceous vegetation in America, 
would give showy effects in autumn, and might perhaps 
interest those who only visit their country seats at that time 
of year. The Silphiums, especially the compass plant (S. 
laciniatum), and the cup plant (S. perfoliatum), are in general 
character like Helianthus. 

St. John’s Wort, Hypericum.—The well-known St. John’s 
Wort does only too freely in many places ; there is scarcely 
one of its numerous brethren which will not thrive in rough 
places, in any soil. They have all the same bright yellow 
flowers as the St. John’s Wort, and are nearly all taller. 
Some of the newer kinds have handsome flowers like the 
St. John’s Wort. It should be noted that the common St. 
John’s Wort so exhausts the soil of moisture that it sometimes 
is the cause of the death of trees. Many places have too 
much of it, as they also have of the common Laurel. 

Rocket, Hesperis.—The common single Rocket (Hesperis 
matronalis) is a showy plant in copse or shrubbery, and very 
easily raised from seed. 

Evergreen Candytuft, /beris.—Compact little evergreens, 
forming spreading bushes from 3 inches to 15 inches high, 
and sheeted with white flowers in spring and early summer. 
There are no plants better for naturalization in open or stony 
places, or, indeed, in any position where the vegetation is not 

176 The Wild Garden 

strong enough to overrun them. They, however, attain 
greatest beauty when fully exposed to the sun, and are 
admirable for every kind of rocky or stony ground and 

Iris, Fleur de Lis—These plants, once so well known in 
our gardens, rivalling (or rather exceeding) the lilies in 
beauty, are varied and numerous enough to make a wild 
garden by themselves. The many beautiful varieties of 
germanica will grow in almost any soil, and may be planted 
in woods, copses, by wood walks, or near the margin of 
water, though the water-rat often eats the roots. I. sibirica, 
will grow in the water, as will the Japanese and the beautiful 
Asiatic Iris such as I. aurea and I. monnieri. On the 
other hand, I. pumila, and the varieties of germanica, are 
often seen on the tops of old walls and thatched roofs, in 
France, flowering well. 

Common Lupine, Lupinus polyphyllus——Amidst the hand- 
somest hardy plants, grouped where they may be seen from 
grass drives or wood walks, or in any position or soil. 
Excellent for islets or on river banks, in the soil of which 
it spreads freely. 

Honesty, Lunaria.—This, which approaches the Stocks in 
the aspect of its fine purplish violet flowers, is one of the 
best plants for naturalization. Sows itself freely in dryish 
ground or on chalk banks, and is one of the prettiest plants 
in early summer. 

Lily, Liium.—There are hardy lilies that may be 
naturalized. The places that these grow in, from the high 
meadows of Northern Italy, dotted with the orange lily, to 
the woody gorges of the Sierras in California, rich with tall 
and handsome kinds, are such as make their chances in 
copses and rough grassy places, hopeful. In woods where 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 199 

there is rich vegetable soil the fine American lilies will do. 
The European lilies, dotted in the grass in the rough unmown 
glades, would not grow nearly so large as they do in the 
rich borders of our cottage gardens; but the effect of the 
single large blooms of the orange lily just level with the tops 
of the grass, in early summer, where it grows wild, is as good 
as any effect it gives in gardens. Along the bed of small 
rivulets, in the bottom of narrow gorges densely shaded by 
great Pines, Arbutus trees 60 feet high, and handsome 
evergreen oaks on the Sierras of California, I saw in 
autumn numbers of lily stems 7, 8, and g feet high, so 
one could imagine what pictures the flowers formed in early 
summer. No mode of cultivating lilies in gardens is equal 
to that of dotting them through beds of rhododendrons 
and other American plants usually planted in peat, the soil 
of these beds, usually and very unwisely left to the rhododen- 
drons alone, being peculiarly suited to the majority of the 
lily tribe. As for Lilies in the wild garden, Mr. G. F. 
Wilson sent me a stem of Lilium superbum, grown in 
a rich woody bottom, 113 feet high; this fine lily—the swamp 
lily of North America—should be planted in rich boggy 
bottoms where these occur in the wild garden. 

Snowflake, Leucojum.—I have rarely seen anything more 
beautiful than a colony of the summer Snowflake on the 
margin of a tuft of rhododendrons at Longleat. Some of the 
flowers were on stems nearly 3 feet high, the partial shelter 
of the bushes and good soil causing the plants to be 
unusually vigorous. Both the spring and -summer Snow- 
flakes (L. vernum and L. estivum) are valuable plants for 
wild grassy places, and the last grows freely in the good soil 
in the islets in the Thames near Wargrave. 

Gentian Lithosperm, Lithospermum prostratum.—. A very 


178 The Wild Garden 

distinct and pretty plant, with many flowers of as fine a blue 
as any gentian. Thrives in any deep sandy soil, and in such 
well deserves naturalization among dwarf rock plants, in 
sunny spots. 

Lychnis.—Handsome perennials, with showy blooms, 
mostly of a brilliant rose or scarlet colour. If the type 
were represented by the rose campion only it would 
be a valuable one, as 
this is a beautiful plant 
in dry soils, on which it 
does not perish in winter. 
The Lychnis are most 
fitted for association with 
medium-sized perennials, 
in open places and in rich 

Honeysuckle, Lonz- 
cera.—Such favourites as 
these must not be omitted. 
Any kind of climbing 
Honeysuckle will find a 
happy home in the wild 

garden, either rambling 
EVERLASTING PBA, creeping up stem in shrubbery. over stumps or hedgerows, 
or planted by themselves on banks. Our woods are graced 
by our wild Honeysuckles, but where garden varieties or 
new kinds of Honeysuckle from other countries occur, it is 
well to add them to the wild garden. 

Pea, Lathyrus.—Most cultivators of flowers are aware of 
the rambling habits of the greater number of plants of the 
pea tribe, but in that particular L. pyrenaicus eclipses them 

all. It produces an immense quantity of bright orange 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 179 

blossoms, but a strong plant of this species will ramble over, 
and by its density of growth prevent every plant and shrub 
that comes within its reach from thriving; indeed, it is 
a greater rambler than the Hop, the Bindweed, or the 
Bryony, and is very handsome. Tying up or training such 
a plant is out of the question; but there are many rough 
places in the wild garden where it would be quite at home. 
Every kind of Everlasting Pea is excellent for the wild 
garden, either for scrambling over hedgerows, stumps, or 
growing among the grass.—J. W. in Garden. 
Monkey-flower, Mimulus.—‘ Wandering one day in the 
neighbourhood of “Gruigfoot,” a queer-shaped hill in 
Linlithgowshire, my eye was attracted by a small burn 
whose banks were literally jewelled throughout its visible 
course with an unfamiliar yellow flower. A nearer approach 
showed me that it was the garden Mimulus (Monkey-flower), 
the seed of which must have escaped from some cottage 
garden, and established itself here, in the coldest part of the 
British Isles. I took the hint, and have naturalized it by the 
banks of a small stream which runs at the foot of my garden, 
and I strongly recommend your readers to do the same. It min- 
gles charmingly with the blue Forget-me-not.’—S. in Garden. 
Grape Hyacinth, Muscari—These free and hardy little 
bulbs are easily naturalized and very handsome, with their 
little spikes of flowers of many shades of blue. At 
Gravetye I used to throw the bulbs in little hollows in 
grassy places, and then fill up level with a couple of inches 
of soil, thus saving the trouble of lifting the turf to plant. 
We had some very pretty effects, my only trouble was in 
not being able to get these things by the million. 
Forget-me-not, Myosotis—There is one exotic species, 
M. dissitiflora, not inferior in beauty to any of our handsomest 
N 2 

180 The Wild Garden 

native kinds, and well worthy of naturalization everywhere. 
It thrives best on moist and sandy or rocky soil. 

Molopospermum cicutarium.—A very fine plant, with 
large deeply-divided leaves of a lively green colour, forming 
a dense irregular bush. Many of the umbellate plants, while 
very elegant, perish by the end of June, but this is firmer in 
character, of a fine rich green, growing more than 3 feet 
high. It is hardy, and increased by seed or division, and 
loves a deep moist 
soil, but will thrive 
in any good garden 
soil. It is a fine 
plant for grouping 
with other hardy 
and graceful-leaved 

Stock, Matthiola. 
—Showy flowers, 
mostly fragrant, 
peculiarly well 
suited for old ruins, 
chalk pits, and stony 
banks. Some of the 
annual kinds are 
pretty. With the 
Stocks may be asso- 

ciated the single 

Type of fine-leaved wmbellate plants seldom grown in gardens, 

rocket (Hesperis 
matronalis), which thrives on woody banks and in copses. 
Bee Balm, Mouarda.—Large and very showy herbaceous 
plants, with scarlet or purple flowers, beautiful in American 
and Canadian woods in autumn, and good plants for 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 181 

naturalization in woods and shrubberies, copses, or anywhere 
among medium-sized vegetation. They thrive best in light 
or well-drained soils. Few plants have given me more 
pleasure than wide groups of the scarlet Bee Balm, which 
are splendidly effective, and form pictures from various 
points of view in the same place. Even in the broiling 
summer of 1893 we enjoyed their beauty for many weeks. 
Mallow, Malva, Althea, Malope, Kitaibelia, Callirhoe, Sida.— 
Plants of several distinct genera may be included under this 
type, and from each very showy plants. 
They are for the most part too coarse 
for gardens generally; but among the 
taller vegetation in rough shrubberies, 
and glades in woods, they give good 
effect. Some ofthe Malvas are vigorous- 
growing plants, mostly with rosy 
flowers. The Althzeas, close allies of 
the common single hollyhock, are fine, 
as are also the Sida and Kitaibelia 
vitifolia. The Malopes are among the 

best of the annual flowers. The 
Callirhoes are dwarf, handsome raz sez satu, Moneraa 
trailers, brilliant too, and are the only pean toa 
ones of the type that should be planted amidst dwarf 
vegetation, as all the others are of vigorous character. 
Mulgedium Plumieri—A plant of distinct port, with 
purplish-blue blossoms. Till recently it was generally seen 
in botanic gardens only, but it has many merits as a wild 
garden plant, and for groups in quiet green corners of 
pleasure grounds or shrubberies. It does best in rather 
rich ground, and in such will pay all who plant it, being 
a hardy and long-lived perennial. The foliage is sometimes 

182 The Wild Garden 

over a yard long, and the flower-stems over 6 feet high 
in good soil. 

Water Lily, Nymphaea and Nuphar.—Two noble North 
American plants well deserve naturalization in our waters, 
associated with our own beautiful white water lilies—the 
large Nuphar advena, which thrusts its great leaves well 
out of the water in many parts of North America, and the 
sweet-scented Nymphzea odorata, which floats in crowds 
on many of the pine-bordered lakes and lakelets of New 
England, looking very like our own water lily. These and 
the new and beautiful hybrid water lilies have been dealt 
with fully in the Chapter on Water Plants. 

Daffodil, Narcissus——Most people have seen the common 
daffodil in a wild state in our woods and fields. Apart from 
varieties, there are more than a score of species of daffodil that 
could be naturalized quite as easily as this in all parts of these 
islands. Of all the planting I have ever made, the planting of 
these in the grass has given the greatest pleasure and the 
most lasting. They were put in by thousands, in the meadows 
mown for hay as well as in the less shaven parts of the pleasure 
ground, and no kind that we tried failed save the Bayonne 
Daffodil. We did not try the southern and Hoop Petticoat 
kinds, as the soil was not warm or sandy enough. 

Bitter Vetch, Ovobus.—Banks, grassy unmown margins 
of wood-walks, rocks, fringes of shrubberies, and like places, 
with deep and sandy loam, well drained, will grow the 
beautiful spring Bitter Vetch or any of its varieties or allies 

Evening Primrose, Exothera.—Among the handsomest of 
hardy flowers. The yellow species, and varieties allied to 
the common Evening Primrose (@. biennis), may be readily 
naturalized in any soil. These noble and fragrant flowers 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 183 

are easily grown and beautiful. They, however, from their 
boldness, are suited for. shrubberies, copses, and the like, 
sowing themselves freely. 

Cotton Thistle, Oxopordon.—Large thistles, with very 
handsome hoary and silvery leaves, and purplish flowers on 
fiercely-armed stems. No plants are more distinct than 
these, and they thrive freely in rough open places and rubbish 
heaps, and usually come up freely from self-sown seeds. 

Star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum.—Various handsome 
hardy species of this genus will thrive as well as the common 
Star of Bethlehem in any turf; other less popular kinds 
have a quiet graceful beauty, and not being generally admitted 
to the gay company of showy tulips and the like, there is 
all the more reason to give them a home in the grass. 

Creeping Forget-me-not, Omphalodes——The creeping 
Forget-me-not (Omphalodes verna) is one of the prettiest 
plants to be naturalized in woods, copses, or shrubberies, 
running about with freedom in moist soil. It ismore compact 
in habit.and lives longer on good soils than the Forget-me- 
nots, and should be naturalized round every country place. 

Wood Sorrel, Oxalis.--Dwarf plants with clover-like 
leaflets and pretty rosy or yellow flowers. Two of the 
species in cultivation, viz. O. Bowieana and O. floribunda, 
thrive on sandy soils amidst plants not more than 6 inches 
high ; the family is so numerous that probably other members 
of it will be found equally free-growing. 

Knotweed, Polygonum.—Vigorous herbaceous plants, two 
at least very precious for our present aim, i.e. P. cuspidatum 
and P. sachalinense. These are among the plants that 
cannot be put in the garden without fear of their overrunning 
other things, while outside in the pleasure ground or planta- 
tion, or by the water-side where there is enough soil, they 

184 The Wild Garden 

may be very handsome indeed. I find P. sachalinense is 
often very beautiful in foliage in the autumn when in the 
sun, and P. cuspidatum is most effective in flower in autumn. 
They are fine plants for deep soils and certainly can take 
care of themselves. 

Peony.—Vigorous herbaceous plants, with large and 

THE GREAT JAPAN KNOTWEED (Polygonum cuspidatum). 

splendid flowers of various shades of crimson, rosy-crimson, 
and white. There are many species and varieties, the 
flowers of some of the varieties being very sweet-scented, 
double, and among the largest flowers we have. Fringes of 
shrubberies, open glades in copses, and indeed almost any 
rough place, may be adorned by them; and they may also be 
on the grass in the rougher parts of the pleasure ground. 
I never felt the beauty of the fine colour of Paeonies till 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 185 

I saw a group of the double scarlet kind flowering in the 
long grass in Oxfordshire. The owner had placed a large 
group of this plant in an unmown glade, quite away from 
the garden proper; and yet, seen from the lawn and garden, 
the effect was most brilliant. To be able to produce such 
effects in the early summer is a gain from a landscape point 
of view, apart from the beauty of the flowers when seen 
close at hand. 

Poppy, Papaver, in var.—The huge and flaming Eastern 
Poppies, Papaver orientale, P. bracteatum, and P. lateritium, 
are the most important of this type. They will thrive and 
live long in almost any position, but 
the proper place for them is in open 
spots among strong herbaceous plants. 
For the wild garden the Welsh Poppy 
(Meconopsis cambrica) is one of the 
best plants. It is a cheerful plant at all 
seasons ; perched on some old dry wall 
its masses of foliage are very fresh, but 
when loaded with a profusion of large 
yellow blossoms the plant is handsome ; 
it is a determined colonizer, ready to 
hold its own anywhere. Its home is 
the wall, the rock, and the ruin, Tt eee acer 

some Labiates; flowers 

. admirably suited for the 
even surpasses the Wallflower in adapt- Wild Garden. (See p. 166.) 

ing itself to out-of-the-way places; it 

will spring up in the gravel walk under one’s feet, and is 
happy among stones in the courtyard. It looks down on one 
from crevices in brick walls, from chinks where one could 
scarcely introduce a knife-blade, and it delights most in shady 
places. No plant can be better adapted for naturalizing on 
rough stony banks, old quarries, and gravel pits. 

186 The Wild Garden 

(Pyrethram serotinam), 

Phlomis.—Showy and stately her- 
baceous or half-shrubby plants, with 
a profusion of handsome yellow 
or purplish flowers. Excellent for 
naturalization in warm open woods, 
copses, banks, growing well in 
ordinary soil. Some kinds carpet 
the ground very closely and keep 
away weeds. 

Virginian Poke, Phytolacca decan- 
dra.—A robust perennial, with long 
dense spikes of purplish berries. 
It will grow anywhere and in any 
soil; but is most imposing in rich 
deepones. The berries are relished 
by birds, and it is fine for association 
with the stoutest herbaceous plants 
in rough places. 

Lungwort, Pulmonaria. — Dwarf 
plants of the borage family, with 
showy blue or pinkish blossoms. 
Easily established in woods or 
copses, in which position the common 
blue one must be familiar to many in 
the woods of England and France. 
The plants are common in cottage 
gardens ; they grow in any soil. 

The tall Ox-eye Daisy, Pyrethrum 
serotinum.—This fine autumn flower- 
ing plant, for years left in the 
Botanic Gardens, is one of the 
handsomest flowers. It grows 5 or 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 187 

6 feet high, and flowers late in 
autumn. It is picturesque in 

Bramble, Rubus.—Although we 
have nearly fifty kinds of bramble 
native in Britain, some of the exotic 
species, entirely distinct from our 
own, are well worthy of naturali- 
zation among low shrubs and tall 
herbaceous plants; for shady 
woods there is the large white 
Rubus Nutkanus, and the deep 
rose-coloured Rubus odoratus, and 
the early spring-flowering R. 
spectabilis ; while the very strik- 
ing white-stemmed R. biflorus is 
a good plant for warm slopes, 
sunny sides of chalk and gravel 

The Great Reed, <Arundo 
Donax.—This noble reed I do 
not like to omit here, it is so 
beautiful in the southern counties 
of England, though in cold soils 
and hard winters it may perish. 
Where the hardier Bamboos find 
a place this will be welcome, 
though in our country it is only in 
the warmer parts that it attains 
the dignity it shows in the south 
of Europe. 

Rhubarb, Rheum.—There are 


THE GREAT REED of Southern Europe 
(Arundo Donaz). 

188 The Wild Garden 

several species of rhubarb in cultivation in addition to those 
commonly grown in gardens. They are much alike in port 
and in the size of their leaves, R. palmatum and Emodi 
being the most distinct. The rhubarbs are fine plants for 
association with large-leaved herbaceous plants in deep soils. 

Rose, Rosa.—As in the case of brambles, we have many 
more kinds of wild roses in England than is commonly 
supposed, but nobody ever thinks of planting such things 
in gardens or shrubberies, where such ill-smelling and ugly 
things as privet make up the underwood. There are scores 
of the roses of northern and temperate countries which would 
thrive as well in our woodlands; but as these are not to be 
obtained in our nurseries, it is useless to mention them. 
Any species of rose froma northern country might be tried ; 
whilst of roses commonly cultivated the climbing races—such 
as the Boursalt, Ayrshire, and Sempervirens—are the most 
likely to be satisfactory. The Damask, Alba gallica, and 
vigorous climbers, being hardy, would do, as would 
Felicité Perpetuelle, Banksizeflora, the Garland roses, 
Austrian brier, berberifolia, and microphylla rubra plena. 
Pruning, or any other attention after planting, should of 
course not be thought of in connexion with these. Rosa 
Brunoniana is a very fine free and hardy species from India. 
See the Chapter on Roses. 

Sea Lavender, S/atice.—Vigorous hardy plants with a 
profusion of bluish lavender-coloured bloom, thriving freely 
on all ordinary garden soils. S. latifolia, and some of the 
stronger kinds, thrive in any position. 

Meadow Sweet, Spirwa.—Usually vigorous herbaceous 
plants, with white or rosy flowers. Such beautiful kinds 
as venusta and palmata are good among the medium- 
sized perennials. S, Aruncus is, perhaps, the finest plant 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 189 

for the wild garden. Mr. Ellam planted out some spare stock 
of S, japonica in a wood at Bodorgan, and with the happiest 
effect. The plants grow and flower freely, the flowers 
appearing a fortnight later in the moist cool wood than on 
plants of the same kind on a north garden border; and so 
prolong the season of this favourite flower. 

Golden Rod, Solidago.—Tall perennials with yellow flowers, 
showy when in bloom, and attractive when seen in America 
in autumn, mingled with the Starworts of that country, but 
rarely pretty as grown in gardens. These, like the worst of 
Asters, used to be grown to excess in the old borders; but 
the positions they are best for are rough places, where in 
many cases it would be easy, with their aid and that of the 
Asters, to form that mixture of Golden Rod and Michaelmas 
Daisies which is one of the prettiest effects in American woods 
in autumn. 

Catch-fly, Sz/ene.— Dwarf or spreading plants, allied to the 
pinks, and generally with white or rosy flowers. The choice 
mountain kinds, such as S. Lagascee, alpestris, Schafta, &c., 
are among the most charming subjects that can be naturalized 
on rocky places or banks, associated with very dwarf plants. 
Such fine annual or biennial kinds as S. Armeria or S. pendula 
are among the best, and might be easily established by 
scattering a few seeds in likely places. 

Bloodwort, Sanguinaria canadensis.—This little plant, 
which abounds in the woods of Canada and North America, 
and which is very rarely indeed seen well grown in our gardens, 
will thrive under the branches of deciduous trees as well as 
the winter aconite, and in spring will give a beautiful effect. 

Squill, Scz//a.—Several kinds of Scilla, closely allied to the 
common bluebell, would do quite as well in our woods as that 
well-known native plant, notably S. campanulata, S. bifolia 

190 The Wild Garden 

and S.sibirica. Bifolia and sibirica would be better on sunny 
banks or sheltered fringes of shrubberies. The tall kinds 
would do in woods or copses like the bluebell. With the 
dwarfer Scilla might be associated the grape hyacinth and 
the amethyst hyacinth (Hyacinthus amethystinus). 

Comfrey, Symphytum.—Herbaceous plants of the borage 
order, usually with handsome blue flowers. One of the 
handsomest spring flowers is Symphytum caucasicum, and it 
is also one of the easiest things to naturalize, running about 
in shrubby places. Coarse kinds, like S. asperrimum (unfit 
for garden culture), thrive apace among the largest plants in 
ditches and rich bottoms, and look beautiful when in flower. 

Scabious, Scabiosa, Cephalaria, Knautia.—Sometimes hand- 
some and free-growing herbaceous plants, bluish, purplish, 
or yellowish in colour of flowers. Among these may be seen, 
in botanic and other gardens, plants suited for naturalization, 
but scarcely worthy of a place in the garden. The fine 
S. caucasica would thrive in warm soil, as would the Knautias 
in any soil. 

Stonecrop, Sedum.—Small and usually prostrate plants, 
with white, yellow, or rosy flowers, and occurring in multi- 
tudes on most of the mountain chains of northern and 
temperate countries. There are few of these pretty plants 
that would not grow on the top of an old wall, or thatched 
house, or stony bank, or bare ground, as well as our common 
Stonecrop. All grow in any soil, are as easily increased as 
any weed, and grow anywhere if they are not too much 
overshadowed by trees and coarser vegetation. Such kinds as 
S. spurium, S. pulchellum, kamtschaticum, and S. spectabile 
are among the best. 

Rockfoil, Saxifraga.—A very extensive family of plants, 
abundant on mountains in northern countries. For our 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 19! 

purpose they may be thrown into five sections—the mossy 
section, represented in Britain by S. hypnoides; the silvery 
section, represented by S. Aizoon; the London Pride 
section, by the Kerry saxifrages; the Megasea section, by 
the large S. crassifolia; and the oppositifolia section, dis- 
tinguished by its rosy-purple flowers. With the exception 
of the Megasea and oppositifolia sections, which have rosy 
flowers, most of the saxifrages have white blossoms spotted 
with red; a few are yellow, and all are very hardy, and the 
easiest to grow of all alpine flowers. The mossy, silvery, 
and purple saxifrages may be naturalized with the greatest 
ease on bare rocky or mountainous grounds, amidst dwarf 
vegetation ; but, as the places in which this kind of ground 
occurs are comparatively few, the Megaseas and the Kerry 
saxifrages are probably the most generally useful, as they 
can fight their way amongst grass and other common herbs. 
There are probably nearly 150 species in cultivation in 

Houseleek, Sempervivum.—Very dwarf and_ succulent 
plants, with their fleshy leaves arranged in dense rosettes, 
and mostly with curious but seldom conspicuous flowers. 
They abound in mountainous regions, and are very hardy. 
The greater number of these grow quite as freely as the 
common Houseleek in any arid soil, and in any position 
where the vegetation is not taller than themselves, such as 
on bare sandy banks, gravelly heaps, &c. There are about 
fifty hardy kinds in cultivation in this country. 

Meadow Rue, Thahctrum.—tTall herbaceous plants, often 
affording a pleasing effect when seen in groups, and hence 
pretty for this mode of gardening. They grow in any soil, 
and should be placed among rank vegetation. There are 
many kinds not differing much in aspect; some of the 

192 The Wild Garden 

smaller ones, like our British T. minus, deserve a place 
among dwarf plants for the elegance of their leaves. With 
these last may be associated the Italian Isopyrum thalictroides, 
which is handsome in flower and leaf. 

Spiderwort, 7radescantia virginica.—A handsome North 
American perennial, with purple, blue, or white flowers, 
attaining a height of 14 feet or 2 feet. A good plant for 
naturalization on almost any soil, 
thriving often on the wettest, and 
therefore suited for many places 
where other perennials would make 

little progress. 

Wood Lily, Trilium.—Very sin- 
gular and beautiful American wood 
plants, of which T. grandi- 
florum is worthy of special 
mention, thriving in shady 
places in moist rich soils, in 
woods and copses, where some 
vegetable soil has gathered. 

Globe Flower, TJvollius.— 
Beautiful plants of vigorous 
TNE eRUadeA hom Gatene pepe habit, with handsome yellow 

flowers, of a fine colour, like 
those of the buttercups, but turning inwards so as to form an 
almost round blossom, quite distinct in aspect. Few plants 
are more worthy of a position in grassy glades where the soil 
is rich, although they will grow in ordinary soil. There are 
several distinct kinds suitable, though there is little difference 
in their effect. I have established them without trouble in 
wettish places foul with crowfoot and other bad weeds, 
and planting them without any preparation of the ground. 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 193 

Tulip, Zupa.—Various species of Tulips might be natural- 
ized by wood walks and in the rougher parts of the pleasure 
grounds. In such positions they would not attain such a size 
as the richly-fed garden flowers, but that would make them 
none the less attractive to those who care about the wild 

Telekia, Telekia cordifolia.—A vigorous herbaceous plant, 
suited for association with Echinops, Rheum, and plants 

Group of TRITOMA, in grass (by Lake Longleat). 

grown for their foliage. It is very free in growth, and has 
large leaves and sunflower-like flowers. 

Flame-Flower, 7yitoma.—Flame-Flowers are occasionally 
planted in excess, so as to neutralize the good effect they 
might otherwise produce, and they, like many other flowers, 
have suffered from being, like soldiers, put in straight lines 
and in other geometrical formations. It is only where a fine 
plant or group of plants is seen in some green glade that 
the true beauty of the Flame-Flower is seen. Although not 


194 The Wild Garden 

always hardy plants, they are so free in many soils that 
they might with confidence be planted in the wild garden, 
and our sketch shows a picturesque group of them planted 
in this way. 

Showy Indian Cress, Tropewolum speciosum.—Against 
walls, among shrubs, and on slopes, on moist banks, or 
bushy banks near the hardy fernery, in deep, rich, and light 
soil, this brilliant plant is well worth any trouble to establish. 
Many fail with it in the garden, but moist, shady, and bushy 
places will suit it better, and, in the south of England and 
on warm soils, the north sides of houses and walls, rocks 
and beds of shrubs should be chosen. 

Mullein, Verbascum.—Verbascum vernale is a noble plant, 
which has been slowly spreading in our collections of hardy 
plants for some years past, and it is one of peculiar merit. 
I first saw it in the Garden of Plants, and brought home 
some roots which gave rise to the stock now in our gardens. 
Its peculiarity, or rather its merit, is that it isa true perennial 
species—at least on warm soils—and in this respect quite 
unlike other Mulleins that are sometimes seen in our gardens, 
and oftener in our hedgerows. It also has the advantage 
of great height, growing to a height of to feet, or even 
more. Then there are the large and green leaves, which 
come up rather early and are extremely effective. Finally, 
the colour is good and the quantity of yellow flowers with 
purplish filaments that are borne on one of these great 
branching panicles is enormous. The use of such a plant 
cannot be difficult to define, it being so good in form and so 
distinct in habit. Another good kind is V. phlomoides, which 
I saw last autumn abundantly wild in Touraine, in stony 
places about Chenonceau, and which might be sown with us 
in like places. 

Hardy Exotic Flowering Plants 195 

Periwinkle, Vinca.—Trailing plants, with glossy foliage 
and blue flowers, well known in gardens. They grow in any 
position, shady or sunny. There 
are variously-coloured and very 
pretty varieties of V. minor, while 
the variegated forms of both 
species are pretty. 

Speedwell, Veronica. — Herba- 
ceous and alpine plants, usually 
rather tall (14 feet to 3 feet), in 
some cases dwarf alpine plants 
with blue flowers in various 
shades; they are among the 
hardiest of plants, and will grow 
in any soil. All the taller kinds 
are admirably suited for naturali- 
zation among long grass and 
other herbaceous vegetation. 
Very many that are in cultivation 
in borders are fit only for the wild 
garden. The dwarf kinds are 
equally suitable for bare places, 
or among other dwarf plants 

Violet, Viola. — A numerous 
race of dwarf and _ interesting 

plants, thriving freely in our ‘ 

climate, in  half-shady places, TALL MULLEIN. 

rocky spots or banks, fringes of 

shrubberies, or almost any position. The very handsome 

bird’s-foot Violet of North America (V. pedata) would thrive 

in sandy level places or on rocky banks. In this family 

occur a good many kinds, such as V. canadensis, which, 

196 The Wild Garden 

not being fragrant, or not possessing sufficient charms to 
ensure their general cultivation in gardens, are best suited 
for wild gardening. Our own sweet Violet should be 
abundantly planted wherever it does not occur in a wild 


LARGE WHITE ACHILLEAS, spread into wide masses under shade of trees in shrubbery, 



AN important point 
is the getting ofa stock 
At o.. of plants to begin with. 
‘ y In country or other 

lis ‘\ places where many 
> good old borderflowers 

remain in the cottage 
gardens, many plants may be found. Nursery 
beds should be formed in which such plants 
could be increased. Free-growing spring- 
flowers, like Aubrietia, Alyssum, and Iberis, 
may be multiplied to any extent by division 
or cuttings. Numbers of kinds may be raised 

OPHRYS. in grass’ from seed sown rather thinly in drills, in 
nursery beds in the open air. The best time for sowing is 
spring, but any time in summer will do. Many perennials 
and bulbs must be bought in nurseries, and increased as well 
as may be in nursery beds. As to soil, the best way is to 
avoid the trouble of preparing it; the point is to adapt the 
plant to the soil—in peaty places to place plants that 
thrive in peat, in clay soils those that thrive in clays, and 

so on. 


The Wild Garden 

A Selection of Plants for Naturalization in places with dwarf 
vegetation, on bare banks, and in poorish soil. 

Dielytra eximia. 
ay formosa. 
Arabis albida. 
Aubrietia, in var. 
Alyssum saxatile. 
Iberis corifolia. 

»» sempervirens. 

»» correzefolia. 
Thlaspi latifolium. 
Helianthemum, in var. 
Viola cornuta. 

»» cucullata. 
Gypsophila repens. 
Tunica Saxifraga. 
Saponaria ocymoides. 
Silene alpestris. 

a ocbaita, 
Cerastium Biebersteinii. 

ay grandiflorum. 
A tomentosum. 
Linum alpinum. 

>,  arboreum. 

» flavum. 
Geranium Wallichianum. 

59 striatum. 
33 cinereum, and 
Oxalis floribunda. 
Genista sagittalis. 
Anthyllis montana. 
Astragalus monspessu- 
Coronilla varia. 
Hedysarum obscurum. 
Vicia argentea. 
Orobus vernus. 
»,  lathyroides. 

Waldsteinia trifolia. 
CEnothera speciosa. 
ap missouriensis. 
* taraxacifolia. 
Sedum dentatum. 
»,  kamtschaticun. 
sy  Sieboldii. 
»»  spectabile. 
»,  spurium. 

Sempervivum calcareum. 
” montanum, 
re soboliferum. 
38 sedoides. 

Saxifraga Aizoon. 

4 cordifolia. 

‘3 crassifolia. 

55 crustata. 

6 longifolia. 

55 Cotyledon. 

- rosularis. 
Astrantia major. 
Dondia Epipactis. 
Athamanta Matthioli. 
Cornus canadensis. 
Scabiosa caucasica. 
Hieracium aurantiacum. 
Doronicum caucasicum. 
Aster alpinus. 
Tussilago fragrans. 
Achillea aurea. 
Symphyandra pendula. 
Campanula carpatica. 

- fragilis. 
” garganica,. 
» cxespitosa. 

Vinca herbacea. 
Gentiana acaulis. 
Phlox stolonifera. 
>, subulata. 
y»» ameena. 
Lithospermum prostra- 
Pulmonaria grandiflora. 
oa mollis, 
Myosotis dissitiflora. 
Physalis Alkekengi. . 
Pentstemon procerus. 
Veronica austriaca. 
ey candida. 
59 taurica, 
many others. 
Teucrium Chameedrys. 
Ajuga genevensis. 
Scutellaria alpina, 
Prunella grandiflora. 
Stachys lanata. 
Zietenia lavandulefolia. 
Dodecatheon Meadia. 
Acantholimon  gluma- 
Armeria cephalotes. 
Plumbago Larpente. 
Polygonum Brunonis. 

” vaccinifolium. 
Euphorbia Cyparissias. 
Iris cristata. 

» grTaminea, 

>» pumila. 

» reticulata. 

» nudicaulis, and many 


Plants of vigorous habit for the Wild Garden. 

Trollius, any kind. 

Thalictrum aquilegi- 

Delphinium, in var. 

Aconitum, in var. 

Peeonia, in var. 

Papaver orientale, 

»  bracteatum. 
Macleaya cordata. 
Datisca cannabina. 
Crambe cordifolia. 
Althzea ficifolia. 

Althzea nudiflora. 
»  taurinensis. 
Lavatera Olbia. 
Galega officinalis, 
» biloba. 
Lathyrus latifolius. 


Lathyrus grandiflorus, 
and any others. 
Lupinus polyphyllus. 
Thermopsis barbata. 
Spireea Aruncus. 
Astilbe rivularis & rubra. 
Molopospermum cicuta- 
Ferula communis. 
»  sulcata, 
Statice latifolia. 
Peucedanum _involucra- 
és longifolium. 
Heracleum, any exotic 
. Dipsacus laciniatus. 
Mulgedium Plumieri. 
Alfredia cernua. 


of Hardy Exotic Plants 

Onopordon, any. 
Centaurea babylonica. 
Echinops bannaticus. 
ia purpureus. 

Aster elegans. 
Novi Belgii. 
Novee Anglize. 

» ericoides, and any 

strong and pretty kinds. 
Eupatorium purpureum, 
Telekia cordifolia. 
Helianthus angustifolius. 
orgyalis and 





Harpalium rigidum. 
Silphium perfoliatum. 
Campanula, all the tall 

and showy kinds. 


Asclepias Cornuti, 

a Douglasii. 
Verbascum Chaixii. 

‘* phlomoides. 
Physostegia imbricata. 

Pr speciosa. 
Acanthus latifolius. 

55 spinosissimus, 
Phytolacca decandra. 
Polygonum Sieboldii. 

Rheum Emodi. 

»»  palmatum. 
Achillea Eupatorium. 
Bambusa, hardiest kinds. 
Veratrum album. 

Yucca flaccida 

3 recurva, 
Peucedanum ruthenicum. 
Astragalus ponticus. 


Hardy Plants with fine foliage or graceful habit suitable for 

Acanthus, several species. 
Asclepias syriaca. 
Statice latifolia. 
Polygonum cuspidatum. 
re sachalinense. 
Rheum Emodi, and other 
Euphorbia Cyparissias. 
Datisca cannabina, 
Veratrum album. 
Crambe cordifolia. 
Althzea taurinensis. 
Elymus arenarius. 
Bambusa, several species. 
Arundinaria falcata. 


Yucca, several species. 
Verbascum Chaixii. 
Spireea Aruncus. 
Astilbe rivularis. 
»»  Tubra. 

Eryngium, several species. 
Ferula, several species. 
Phytolacca decandra. 
Centaurea babylonica. 
Acteea, in var. 
Cimicifuga racemosa. 
Heracleum,several species, 
Aralia japonica. 

» edulis. 

Macleaya cordata. 

Panicum bulbosum. 

»  Virgatum. 
Dipsacus laciniatus. 
Alfredia cernua, 
Carlina acanthifolia. 
Telekia cordifolia. 
Echinops exaltatus. 

5 ruthenicus. 
Helianthus orgyalis, 

and others. 
Silybum eburneum. 

is Marianum. 
Onopordon Acanthium, 



Plants for Hedge-banks and like Places. 

Aster, in variety. 
Clematis,the wild species, 
in var. 


Anemone japonica, and 

Delphinium, in var. 

Chrysanthemum maxi- 

mum, and allied kinds. 

Aconitum, in var. 
Macleaya cordata. 
Kitaibelia vitifolia. 
Tropzolum speciosum. 
Baptisia australis. 


Coronilla varia. 
Galega officinalis, both 
white and pink forms. 
Galega biloba. 
- Astragalus ponticus. 
Lathyrus grandiflorus. 
a rotundifolius. 
5 latifolius. 
i albus. 

Rubus biflorus. 
CEnothera Lamarckiana. 

Astilbe rivularis. 

Ferula, in var. 
Campanula, in great var. 
Calystegia dahurica. 

FA pubescens. 
Verbascum Chaixii. 
Veronica. tall kinds in var. 
Phlomis Russelliana. 

is herba-venti. 
Physostegia speciosa. 

» virginica 

The Wild Garden 

Lilies, common kinds. 
Narcissus, common kinds, 
Scillas, in var. 
Phytolacea decandra. 
Aristolochia Sipho. 
Asparagus Broussoneti. 
53 officinalis. 
Vitis, in var. 
Honeysuckles, in var. 
Leucojum, in var. 
Fritillary, in var. 

Trailers and Climbers. 

The selection of plants to cover banks and old trees 
suitably is important, particularly as the plants fitted for 
these purposes are equally useful for rocks, precipitous 
banks, sides of bridges, river-banks, ruins, covering out- 
houses, or rough sheds in pastures. 


Vitis cestivalis. 

., amooriensis. 

-» Labrusca. 

» vulpina. 
Aristolochia Sipho. 



Clematis, in 
Calystegia dahurica. 
Wistaria sinensis. 
Periploca greeca. 
Hablitzia tamnoides. 
Boussingaultia basel- 



53 virginicum. 

Cissus orientalis. 
3) pubescens. 
Ampelopsis bipinnata, 
cs cordata. 
s tricuspidata. 
Jasminum nudiflorum. 
Fe revolutum. 
Passiflora coerulea. 
Lonicera, in variety. 



Spring and early Summer Flowers for Naturalization. 

Anemone alpina. 
a trifolia, and 
many others. 

Ranunculus aconitifolius. 



Helleborus niger. 
olympcius and 
many other 
Eranthis hyemalis. 
Aquilegia, various. 
Pzeonia, many kinds. 
Epimedium pinnatum. 
Papaver bracteatum. 
» orientale. 
Dielytra eximia. 
+ spectabilis. 

Corydalis capnoides. 
3 lutea. 


Aubrietia, various. 

Alyssum saxatile. 

Tberis corifolia. 


1 correzefolia. 
Viola cornuta, 
Saponaria ocymoides. 
Silene alpestris. 
Arenaria montana. 


Selections of Hardy Exotic Plants 201 

Vicia argentea. Primula, in var. fitted for the wild 
Orobus flaccidus. Tris amcena. garden.) 

x»  eyaneus, »» cristata, Galanthus, in var. 

»  lathyroides. | , De Bergii. Leucojum pulchellum. 

»  Variegatus. » flavescens, +) vernum. 

»  vernus, | 5) florentina. Paradisia Liliastrum. 
Centaurea montana. |, germanica. Ornithogalum, various. 
Doronicum caucasicum. | ,, graminea. Scilla amoena. 

Thlaspi latifolium, and; ,, ochroleuca. »,  bifolia. 
others. | 5» pallida. yaltaica. 
Hesperis matronalis. »» Sambucina. y» campanulata. 
Erica carnea. | ,, sub-biflora, and many »  italica. 
Vinca major. other kinds. »»  Sibirica. 
Gentiana acaulis. Crocus aureus, Hyacinthusamethystinus. 
Phlox reptans, and other » —- Speciosus. Muscari botryoides. 
alpine Phlox. | » versicolor. >»  Moschatum, and 
Pulmonaria grandiflora. , ,, susianus,andmany| various others. 
” mollis. others. Allium neapolitanum. 
Symphytum bohemicum. | Narcissus angustifolius. »  Ciliatum. 
ss caucasicum. ' Pe bicolor. Tulipa Gesneriana. 
Myosotis dissitiflora. wf incomparabilis. » suaveolens. 
Omphalodes verna. a5 major. »  scabriscapa, and 
Dodecatheon Jeffreyi. 3 montanus. many others. 
4 Meadia. ; 5 odorus. Fritillaria, in var. 

Cyclamen europeeum. | a poeticus & vars. | Bulbocodium vernum. 
¥9 hedereefolium. (All the hardy kinds are 

Plants for Naturalization beneath Trees on Lawns. 

Where the branches of trees, both evergreen and deciduous, 
sweep the turf, a great number of pretty spring flowers may 
be naturalized beneath the branches, where they will thrive 
without attention. It is chiefly in the case of deciduous trees 
that this could be done; but even in the case of conifers and 
evergreens some graceful little spring flowers might be dotted 
beneath the outermost points of their lower branches. We 
know that many of our spring flowers and hardy bulbs mature 
their leaves and go to rest early in the year. They enjoy the 
sun in spring, under the deciduous tree; they have time to 
flower and develop their leaves under it before the foliage 
of the tree appears; then, as the summer comes, they are 
gradually overshadowed and go to rest; the leaves of the 

202 The Wild Garden 

trees once fallen, they soon begin to appear again and cover 
the ground with beauty. 

Take a spreading old summer-leafing tree, and scatter 
a few tufts of the winter Aconite beneath it, and leave them 
alone. In avery few years they will have covered the ground; 
every year afterwards they will spread a pretty carpet beneath 
the tree; and when the carpet fades there will be no eyesore 
from decaying leaves as there would be on a border—no 
need to replace the plants with others; the tree puts forth 
its leaves, covering the ground till autumn, and in early 
spring we again see our little friend in his glossy coat and 
yellow buttons. There are other plants of which the same 
is true. We have only to imagine this done in a variety of 
cases to see to what a beautiful result it would lead. Given 
the bright blue Apennine Anemone under one tree, the spring 
Snowflake under another, the bright and many coloured 
Crocuses, and so on, we should have a spring garden of 
the most beautiful kind. The plan could be carried out 
under the branches of a grove as well as under those ot 
specimen trees. Pretty mixed plantations might be made 
by dotting tall plants, like the large Jonquil and other Nar- 
cissus, among dwarf spreading plants like the blue Anemone. 
The following are selected as among the most suitable for 
such arrangements as that just described, with some little 
attention as to the season of flowering and the kind of soil 
required by some rather uncommon species. A late-flowering 
kind, for example, should be planted under late-leafing trees, 
or towards the points of their branches, so that they might 
not be obscured by the leaves of the tree before perfecting 
their flowers. 

Anemone angulosa. Anemone blanda. ‘Anemone fulgens. 
3 apennina. 9 Coronaria, 9 Hepatica. 

Selections of Hardy Exotic Plants 

Anemone stellata. 

” sylvestris. 

a trifolia. 
Arum italicum. 
Bulbocodium vernum. 
Corydalis, solida. 

3 tuberosa, 
Crocus Imperati. 

» _ biflorus. 
>,  Teticulatus. 

Crocus versicolor, and 
many others. 

Cyclamen in variety. 

Eranthis hyemalis. 

Erythronium Dens-canis. 

Ficaria grandiflora. 

Snowdrop, many kinds. 

Snowflake, all the 

Iris reticulata. 

Muscari, any of the 

numerous kinds. 
Narcissus, in var. 
Puschkinia scilloides. 
Sanguinaria canadensis. 
Scilla bifolia. 

») sibirica, 

») campanulata. 
Trillium grandiflorum. 
Tulipa, species in var. 

Plants for very morst rich Sous. 

Althzea, in var. 
Astilbe rivularis. 
Aralia edulis. 

»  wnudicaulis. 
Asclepias Cornuti. 
Asphodelus ramosus. 
Aster, in var. 

Baptisia exaltata. 
Caltha palustris fl. pl. 
Campanula — glomerata, 
and large kinds. 
Convallaria multiflora. 
Colchicum, in var. 
Crinum capense. 
Datisca cannabina. 
Echinops, in var. 
Elymus, in var. 
Epilobium, in var. 
Eupatorium, in var. 

Galax aphylla. 

Galega officinalis. 
Gentiana asclepiadea. 
Helianthus multiflorus. 

5 orgyalis. 

9 rigidus. 
Helonias bullata. 
Hemerocallis, in var. 
Heracleum, in var. 

Iris ochroleuca. 

Liatris, in var. 

Lythrum roseum super- 

Mimulus, in var. 

Mulgedium Plumieri. 

Narcissus, stronger kinds. 

Cnothera, large kinds. 
Onopordon, in var. 
Phlomis herba-venti. 

Phlomis Russelliana. 
Physostegia speciosa. 
Phytolacca decandra. 
Rudbeckia, in var. 
Ranunculus amplexi- 

4 parnassifolius. 
Sanguinaria canadensis. 
Solidago, in var. 
Spireea Aruncus. 
Silphium, in var. 
Swertia perennis. 
Telekia speciosa. 
Thalictrum, in var. 
Trollius, in var. 
Vaccinium, in var. 
Veratrum, in var. 
Polygonum, in var. 

Plants suited for Peat Soil. 

Alstroemeria, in var. 
Calluna, in var. 
Chimaphila maculata. 
Chrysobactron Hookeri. 
Coptis trifoliata. 

Cornus canadensis. 
Cypripedium spectabile. 
Dentaria laciniata. 
Daphne Cneorum. 
Dryas octopetala. 
Epigzea repens. 
Epimedium, in var. 

Funkia Sieboldii. 

» grandiflora. 
Galax aphylla. 
Gaultheria procumbens. 
Gentians, in var. 
Helonias bullata. 

Tris nudicaulis, pumila, 
and vars. 

Jeffersonia diphylla. 

Linnza borealis, 

Podophyllum peltatum. 

Podophyllum Emodi. 

Polygala Chamebuxus. 

Pyrola, in var. 

Hardy Heaths, in var. 

Ramondia pyrenaica. 

Sisyrinchium —_ grandiflo- 

Spigelia merilandica. 

Trientalis europza. 

Trillium grandiflorum, 

Lilies, in var. 


The Wild Garden 

Plants suited for Calcareous Soil. 

Adenophora, in var. 
Ethionema, in var. 
Anemone, in var. 
Alyssum, in var. 
Anthyllis montana. 
Antirrhinum, in var. 
Cistus, in var. 
Cheiranthus, in var. 
Campanula, in var. 
Carduus eriophorus. 
Coronilla, in var. 
Dianthus, in var. 
Echium, in var. 
Erodium, in var. 
Genista, in var. 
Geum, in var. 

Geranium, in var. 
Gypsophila, in var. 
Hedysarum, in var. 
Helianthemum, in var. 
Lunaria biennis. 
Onobrychis, in var. 
Ononis, in var. 
Ophrys, in var. 
Othonna cheirifolia. 
Phlomis, in var. 
Prunella grandiflora. 
Santolina, in var. 
Saponaria ocymoides. 
Saxifraga (the encrusted 
and the large-Jeaved 

Scabiosa, in var. 
Sempervivum, in var. 
Sedum, in var. 
Symphytum, in var. 
Thermopsis, fabacea. 
Thymus, in var. 
Trachelium cceruleum. 
Trifolium alpinum. 
Triteleia uniflora. 
Tunica Saxifraga. 
Vesicaria utriculata. 
Vicia, in var. 
Vittadenia, triloba. 
Waldsteinia trifoliata. 
- geoides. 

Plants suited for Dry and Gravelly Soil. 

Achillza, in var. 

Ethionema cordifolium. 

Agrostemma coronaria. 
Alyssum saxatile. 
Antennaria dioica. 
Anthyllis montana. 
Antirrhinum rupestre. 
Arabis albida. 
Aubrietia, in var. 
Armeria cephalotes. 
Artemisia, in var. 
Cerastium, in var. 
Carlina acanthifolia. 
Cheiranthus, in var. 
Chrysopsis mariana. 
Cistus, in var. 
Corydalis, in var. 
Dianthus, in var. 
Dracocephalum, 1n var. 
Dielytra eximia. 

Dorycnium sericeum. 
Echium, in var. 
Erodium, in var. 
Eryngium, in var. 
Euphorbia Myrsinites. 
Fumaria, in var. 
Geranium, in var. 
Gypsophila, in var. 
Helianthemum, in var. 
Helichrysum arenarium. 
Hypericum, in var. 
Iberis, in var. 

Jasione perennis. 
Lavandula spica. 
Linaria, ia var. 
Linum, in var. 
Lupinus polyphyllus. 
Modiola geranioides. 
Nepeta Mussinii. 
Onobrychis, in var. 

Ononis, in var. 
Ornithogalum, in var. 
Plumbago Larpente. 
Polygonum vaccinifolium. 
Santolina, in var. 
Scabiosa, in var. 

Sedum, in great var. 
Sempervivum, in great var. 
Saponaria ocymoides. 
Stachys lanata. 
Teucrium Chamedrys. 
Thlaspi latifolium. 
Thymus, in var. 
Trachelium, in var. 
Tussilago fragrans. 
Verbascum, in var. 
Vesicaria utriculata. 

Selection of Plants for Growing on Old Walls, Ruins, or 

Achillea tomentosa. 
Alyssum montanum. 
39 saxatile, 

Rocky Slopes. 

Antirrhinum rupestre. 
ef majus. 
% Orontium. 

Arenaria balearica. 
$5 ceespitosa. 
Pp ciliata. 

Selections of Hardy Exotic Plants 

Arenaria graminifolia. 

” montana. 
os verna, 
Arabis albida, 
»  petraea. 

Asperula cynanchica. 
Campanula Barrelieri. 

5 rotundifolia. 
a fragilis. 
33 fragilis lanu- 
a garganica, 
35 pumila. 
6 pumila alba. 
Centranthus ruber. 
r albus. 
sy coccineus. 
Cheiranthus alpinus. 
5 Cheiri. 
»  Ppleno. 

Coronilla minima. 
Corydalis iutea. 
Cotyledon Umbilicus. 
Dianthus cesius, 
»  deltoides. 
5 monspessulanus, 
” petreeus. 
Draba aizoides. 
Erinus alpinus. 
Erodium romanum. 
9 Reichardii. 
Gypsophila muralis. 
Wy prostrata. 
Helianthemun, in var. 

Hutchinsia petreea. 

Tberis, in var. 
Ionopsidium acaule, 
Koniga maritima. 
Linum alpinum. 
Lychnis alpina. 

» Flos Jovis. 

»»  lapponica, 
Malva campanulata. 
Santolina lanata, 
Saponaria ocymoides. 
Saxifraga bryoides. 

8 caryophyllata. 

4s crustata. 
i cuscutzeformis. 
; diapensioides, 
3 Hostii. 
Ff intacta. 

8 ligulata. 
a longifolia. 

5 pectinata. 
5 pulchella. 
7 retusa. 
“ Rhei. 
i rosularis. 
55 Rocheliana. 
33 sarmentosa. 
Sedum acre. 
»  aureum, 
»  Aizoon. 
» album. 
» anglicum. 
»  arenarium. 
»,  brevifolium. 


Sedum ccernleum. 

»,  dasyphyllum. 

» elegans. 

»  Ewersii, 

»  farinosum. 

»  globifernm. 

»  Heuffelli. 

» hirtum. 

nm hispanicum. 

»  kamschaticum. 

+  multiceps. 

»  piliferum. 

>»  pulchrum, 

»» | Sempervivoides, 
Sempervivum arachnoid- 

‘ soboliferum. 
“a spurium. 
: sexangulare 
Pr sexfidum. 
+5 tectorum. 
Silene alpestris. 

>»,  rupestris. 

»  Schafta. 
Symphiandra pendula. 
Thlaspi alpestre. 
Thymus citriodorus. 
Trichomanes, and vars. 
Tunica Saxifraga. 
Umbilicus chrysanthus. 
Veronica fruticulosa. 

ss saxatilis. 
Vesicaria utriculata. 

Al Selection of Annual and Biennial Plants for 

Papaver somniferum. 
Eschscholtzia californica. 
Platystemon __ californi- 

Matthiola annua. 

5 bicornis. 

Arabis arenosa. 
Alys-um maritimum. 
Iberis coronaria. 



Malcolmia maritima. 
Erysimum Peroffskianum, 
Gypsophila elegans. 
Saponaria calabrica. 
Silene Armeria. 

Viscaria oculata. 

Malope trifida. 
Limnanthes Douglasii. 
Ononis viscosa. 
Cnothera odorata. 

Godetia, various. 
Clarkia elegans, 

»»  pulchella. 
Amberboa moschata. 

* odorata. 
Dimorphotheca pluvia 
Gilia capitata. 

» tricolor. 
Collomia coccinea. 
Leptosiphon androsaceus. 


Leptosiphon densiflorus. 
Nicandra physaloides. 
Collinsia bicolor. 
e verna. 

Dracocephalum nutans. 

as moldavicum. 
Blitum capitatum. 
Polygonum orientale. 
Panicum capillare. 

Bromus brizzeformis. 
Briza, in var. 

Agrostis nebulosa. 
Matthiola, in var. 
Lunaria biennis. 
Hesperis matronalis. 
Erysimum asperum. 
Silene pendula. 
Hedysarum coronarium. 

The Wild Garden 

CEnothera Jamesi. 
CEnothera Lamarckiana. 
Dipsacus laciniatus. 
Silybum eburneum. 
Onopordum, in var. 
Campanula Medium and 
Verbsacum phlomoides. 

Grasses for Naturalization. 

Agrostis nebulosa. 
Briza maxima. 
Brizopyrum siculum. 
Bromus brizzeformis. 

Hordeum jubatum. 
Panicum virgatum. 
55 bulbosum, 

Polypogon monspeliensis . 
Stipa gigantea. 

x»  pennata. 
Milium multiflorum. 

- capillare. 

Some of our nobler grasses, like the Pampas and the New 
Zealand reeds, have not the qualities of perfect hardiness and 
power of increase without care in our climate that would entitle 
them to a place in these selections. 

Hardy Bulbs for Naturahzation, 

Allium Moly. 

¥s fragrans. 

ia neapolitanum, 

»  Ciliatum. 
Brodiza congesta. 
Bulbocodium vernum. 
Camassia esculenta. 
Crocus, in great var. 
Colchicum, in var. 

| Cyclamen, in var. 

| Erythronium in var. 

' Fritillaria, in var. 

| Gladiolus, hardy Euro- 

| pean species. 

' Hyacinthusamethystinus. 

| Leucojum, in var. 
Lilium, in var. 
Merendera Bulbocodium. 

Muscari, in var. 
Narcissus, in great var. 
Ornithogalum, in var. 
Scilla, in var. 
Snowdrops, in var. 
Sternbergia lutea. 
Trichonema ramiflorum. 
Triteleia uniflora. 
Tulipa, in var. 

List of Plants for Naturalization in Lawns and other 

Bulbocodium vernum. 
Colchicum, in var. 
Crocus, many. 
Snowdrops, all. 
Leucojum, various. 
Scilla bifolia. 

» alba. 

»»  sibirica, 

Grassy Places. 

Scilla italica. 
»»  amoena. 

Anemone apennina. 

S tanunculoides. 

55 blanda. 

3% trifolia. 
Antennaria dioica rosea, 
Anthyllis montana. 

Dianthus deltoides. 
Fumaria bulbosa. 
Narcissus, many kinds. 
Hyacinthus amethystinus. 
Merendera Bulbocodium 
Muscari, in var. 
Trichonema ramiflorum. 

Selections of Hardy Exotic Plants 207 

Climbing and Twining Plants for Thickets, Hedgerows, 

and Trees. 

Ampelopsis bipinnata. Clematis Viticella, and | Menispermum canadense. 
os cordata. others. 93 virginicum. 
+9 hederacea. Hablitzia tamnoides. Periploca greca. 

a tricuspidata. | Jasminum nudiflorum. Roses, single, in great var. 
Apios tuberosa. 5 officinale. Smilax, hardy kinds, 
Aristolochia Sipho. Lathyrus grandiflorus. Tamus communis. 

33 tomentosa. re latifolius. Tropzeolum pentaphyllum. 
Calystegia dahurica. 9 rotundifolius. 5 speciosum. 
Cissus orientalis, 5 tuberosus and | Vitis, various. 

Clematis flammula. others, Wistaria frutescens. 

8 montana. Lonicera, in variety. i sinensis. 

These selections are proposed only as aids to those dealing 
with special positions. The selection and best guide to the 
material for the beginner will be found in the Chapter on 
the principal types of Hardy Exotic Plants for the wild 


This sad subject has been kept for the last, as the only 
disagreeable one in connexion with the wild garden. 

It is incalculable the injury rabbits do to young trees 
alone; indeed, where they prevail there is no chance of 
getting up cover except at an extravagant cost. Hares are 
less destructive, if they damage trees at all; and it is said by 
experienced gamekeepers that they never thrive so well 
where rabbits abound. And as regards pheasants, rabbits 
drive them away by eating down the evergreen cover so 
necessary for shelter in winter. Pheasants will not remain 
in a wood where there is not shelter of this kind ; and nothing 
are they more partial to than the Holly, which ought to 
abound in every wood, but which the rabbits destroy first. 
Here are two sorts of game—hares and pheasants—which 
many can never have enough of, and the existence of which 

208 The Wild Garden 

is directly interfered with by the rabbits ; not to speak of the 
expense incurred year after year making up losses in plantation, 
and the expense of wire-netting in protecting the trees. The 
extermination of rabbits is not sucha difficult matter as might 
be imagined. When it was determined here a few years since 
to reduce their numbers to a minimum on the farm lands and 
woods, it did not require more than a couple of years to do so 
by shooting and ferreting during the season; and they are 
now principally confined to one part of the estate—an exten- 
sive tract of waste land not of much use for any other purpose. 
I feel pretty certain that a few active poachers would under- 
take to clear an estate of its rabbits in a short time, and would 
be glad to pay for the right of doing so. In whatever degree 
rabbits contribute to our food supply—and it is not much 
—they certainly destroy a great quantity of our crops, are 
no profit to game preservers, and there is little excuse for 
their existence. 

Hungry rabbits, like hungry dogs or starving men, will eat 
almost anything that can be got. Rabbits, as a rule, prefer to 
nibble over a pasture that contains short, sweet, wholesome 
grass, and a proportion of Clover, Dandelion, and Daisies ; but 
in and about woods where rabbits are numerous, the grass, 
from being closely and constantly eaten off, gradually dis- 
appears, and at the approach of winter is succeeded by Moss, 
a very cold, watery, and innutritious substitute ; then rabbits 
are driven to seek food from other sources than grass, and 
the bark of small trees, the leaves, stalks, and bark of shrubs, 
are eaten almost indiscriminately. Amongst evergreen shrubs, 
Rhododendrons and Box are generally avoided, but I have 
known newly-planted Rhododendrons to be eaten by rabbits. 
The elder is distasteful, and American Azaleas are avoided. 
I have frequently seen Yew trees barked; Mahonias are 

Selections of Hardy Exotic Plants — 209 

devoured in these woods as soon as planted ; and Periwinkle, 
which is named amongst rabbit-proof plants, is generally eaten 
to the ground in severe weather. Where rabbits are per- 
mitted, the fact that they require food daily, like other creatures, 
should be recognized. A certain portion of grass land should 
be retained for them and managed for them ; a few acres 
might be wired round, or, surrounded with wire-netting, to the 
exclusion of rabbits, until the approach of wintry weather, when 
it could be thrown open for them. If this cannot be done, 
and frosty weather sets in, when the mischief to shrubs is done, 
trimmings of quick hedges should be scattered about, and an 
allowance of turnips, carrots, or mangold wurzel made and doled 
out daily in bad weather. Rabbits prefer newly-planted trees 
and shrubs to those established. I have even had the fronds 
of newly-planted Athyrium Filix-fcemina eaten, while other 
ferns have been untouched: certain breeds of wild rabbits 
are much more prone to bark treesthan others. The barking 
of trees is more done by north-country rabbits.—J. S. 

A correspondent who has given much attention to the subject 
(Salmoniceps) gives the following, as among the most rabbit- 
proof of plants:—‘Most of the Lily family are,’ he says, 
‘rejected by them, including Daffodils, Tulips, Snowdrops, 
Snowflakes, Lilies, Day Lilies, Asphodels, and others, and 
they cannot be too extensively planted ; but even in that tribe 
the Crocus is greedily devoured.’ 

Androsemum officinale. | Cineraria maritima. Honesty (Lunaria). 
Anemone coronaria. Columbine. Iris. 

5 japonica. Common Yews. Lilies (common orange 
Arabis. Deutzia scabra. and white kinds). 
Artemisia Abrotanum. | Dog’s-tooth Violet. Lily of the Valley. 
Asphodelus albus. Elder. Lonicera, in var. 
Aubrietia. Euonymus. Lycium barbarum. 
Berberis Darwinii. Fuchsia. Mahonia Aquifolium. 
Canterbury Bells. Hibiscus syriacus. Monkshood. 


210 The Wild Garden 

Muscari. Primrose. Syringa vulgaris. 
Narcissus. Ruscus aculeatus. Tritoma. 
Omithogalum. » _Tacemosus. Violets. 
Pansies. Scilla. Weigela rosea. 
Periwinkle (large and | Snowberry. Winter Aconite. 
small). Solomon’s Seal. Woodruff. 
Phlox, in var. Stachys lanata. Yucca gloriosa. 
Poppy. Syringa persica. 

Lists, however, and considerations of the above sort, are 
a poor substitute for what is really required in such cases 
—the extermination of pests which are destructive alike to 
field crops, to trees and shrubs, and to plants, and which 
offer at best a very scanty return for the havoc they commit. 

LARGE-LEAFED ROCEFOIL in the Wild Garden. 


Tue Garpen or British WiLtp FLowERS AND TREES. 

My learned and travelled friends who tell me I cannot 
naturalize Narcissus in thick grass, will hardly say we 
cannot grow our own lovely British tree willows, or 
have our own native Heaths in all their delightful 
variety growing near us in picturesque tangles, and 
some of our own more beautiful Wild Roses in the 
hedge! The passion for the exotic is so universal that 
our own finest plants are never planted, while money 
is thrown away like chaff for worthless exotic trees like 
the Wellingtonia, on which tree alone fortunes have 
been wasted. Once on the bank of a beautiful river 
in Ireland, the Barrow, I was shown a collection of 
ornamental Willows, and very interesting they were, 
but among them not one of our native Willows, which 
are not merely as good as any of the garden Willows 
but as good in beauty as the Olive tree—even where 
the Olive is most beautiful. We search the world 
over for flowering shrubs—not one of which is prettier 


212 The Wild Garden 

than the Water Elder (Viburnum Opulus), common 
in Sussex woods, and often seen near the water-side 
in Surrey. Mr. Anthony Waterer, who has the finest 
nursery in England in our own day, told me that 
when asked for a number of it he could not find 
them in his own nursery, or in any other. As 
many of our beautiful wild flowers, and even our trees 
and shrubs, are strangers to our own gardens, | 
cannot do better than try to show, so far as I may, 
what beautiful things may be gathered from our British 
Flora that may have charms for our gardens and wild 
gardens. However well people may know the beauty 
of our fields and woods in spring or summer, few 
have any idea of the great number of flowers that 
are wild in our own country, and worth a home 
in gardens—at least in those of a picturesque nature. 
Few of us have much notion of the great variety of 
beauty that may be culled from British flowers alone. 
Many of us have full opportunity of seeing the beauties 
of the fields and hedges; not so many the mountain 
plants, and few, such rare gems as Gentiana Verna, 
which grows wild in Teesdale, and here and there 
on the western shores of Ireland; or the mountain 
Forget-me-not, a precious little dwarf alpine that is 
found but rarely in the north. It is only by a good 
choice of the plants of the British Isles that we can 
hope to arrive at a ‘ garden of British plants.’ 

It is not only the curious and rare that may afford 
us interest among the plants of Britain; among them 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 213 

are plants of much beauty. Even for the sake of 
plants for lakes, rivers, ponds in parks, pleasure 
grounds, or gardens, the subject is worthy attention. 
For the rock-garden, too, many of our wild flowers 
are fitted. In any part of the country where the 
soil or surface of the ground suits the habits of 
a variety of native plants, it would prove interesting 
to collect kinds not found in the neighbourhood, and 
naturalize them therein; and wherever the natural rock 
crops up, much beauty may be added by planting these 
rocky spots with wild mountain flowers. 

‘Botany,’ says Emerson, ‘is all names, not powers ;’ 
to press and dry wild plants is necessary for botanists, 
but it is not likely to cause any wide human interest in 
such things; and therefore I propose that we look 
through our British wild flowers with a view of giving 
some of them a home in the garden. It will be well 
to have a complete list of our wild flowers, which 
would be found in the index to Syme’s, Bentham’s, 
Babington’s, or any other good book on our flora; 
but best is a list called the ‘London Catalogue of 
British Plants,’ which was published by Pamplin of 
Soho, and is now published by Bell in Covent Garden. 
This gives a full list of all the species, and by means 
of numbers indicates their distribution. The compilers 
adopted Mr. Hewett Watson’s division of Britain into 
a number of botanical districts, and after the name 
of each species a number is placed, which tells the 
number of districts in which that particular plant is found. 

214 The Wild Garden 

Those who wish to work at wild flowers should 
get one of these lists, as on them may be at once 
marked the kinds we have or want; by their aid 
in part we may exchange the Orchids of the Surrey 
hills for the Alpines of the higher Scotch mountains, 
and so on throughout the country. Every admirer 
of British plants should have a manual, to aid in 
identifying the species. Another aid would be a ‘local 
flora, a list of the plants growing in any particular 
neighbourhood or county; such, for instance, as the 
‘Flora of Reigate,’ Baine’s ‘Flora of Yorkshire,’ and 
Mackay’s ‘ Flora Hibernica,’ or the ‘Cybele Hibernica.’ 
We will next turn to the plants, beginning with the 
natural order of Crowfoots. The Crowfoot order is 
the order which brightens the moist hollows in the 
spring with the glittering of the lesser Celandine, the 
meadows in May with Buttercups; when ‘those long 
mosses in the stream’ begin to assume a livelier 
green, ‘and the wild Marsh Marigold shines like fire 
in swamps and hollows grey.’ ‘Those long mosses 
in the stream’ of ‘The Miller's Daughter’ are the 
Water Crowfoots that silver over the pools with their 
pretty white cup-like blossoms in early summer ; and 
it is the same family which burnishes our meadows 
with a glory of colour not equalled by any tropical 
flowers. But in considering British plants from a 
garden standpoint only, we can only seek those that 
are worthy of garden culture, and certain to reward 
us for giving them a place in the garden. 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 215 

The first plant named in books of British Plants 
is the Traveller’s Joy (Clematis Vitalba), the well- 
known common Clematis that streams over the trees, 
and falls in graceful folds from trees in many parts 
of the south.of England, having in autumn heads 
of feathery awns. It is well known as a garden plant, 
and from its rapidity of growth nothing is better 
adapted for quickly covering rough mounds or bowers. 
However, it may be best used in the shrubbery, and 
particularly so on the margin of a river, or water, 
where the long streamers of its branchlets are graceful. 
It is the only native plant that gives an idea of the 
‘bush ropes’ that run in wild profusion through tropical 
woods. We have the Meadow Rues, which early in 
this book we have seen a figure as showing plants 
of some claim to beauty not often seen in the ordinary 
garden: the elegant lesser Meadow Rue (Thalictrum 
minus), so like the Maidenhair fern that some say 
it is as pretty for the open air as the Maidenhair 
fern is for the greenhouse. It is wild in many parts 
of Britain, in Scotland and north-western England, 
and rather abundant on the island of Ireland’s Eye, 
near Dublin, and in many parts of the limestone 
districts of Clare and Galway. There are several 
other species, natives of Britain, but none of them 
showing any gain on this kind. 

NaTIvE WINDFLoweERs. Next come the Windflowers, 
or Anemones, four kinds, at least two of them— 
A. nemorosa, the wood Anemone, and A. apennina, 

216 The Wild Garden 

the blue Anemone —indispensable for our garden. 
The wood Anemone is pretty either in its wild or 
cultivated state, and besides the common white variety 
there are a reddish and a double white variety. 
The most beautiful form of our wood Anemone which 

has come into the garden in our day is the large 


ROBINSON BLUE WINDFLOWER. A large sky-blue form of the wood Anemone. 

sky-blue form. I first saw it as a small tuft at 
Oxford, and grew it in London where it was often 
seen with me in bloom by Mr. Boswell Syme, 
author of the Third Edition of Sowerby, who had 
a great love for plants in a living state as well as 
in their merely ‘botanical’ aspects, and we were 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 217 

often struck with its singular charm about noon on 
bright days. There is reason to believe that there 
is both in England and Ireland a large and handsome 
form of the wood Anemone—distinct from the common 
white of our woods and shaws in spring, and that 
my blue Anemone is a variety of this. It is not 
the same as the blue form wild in parts of North 
Wales and elsewhere in Britain, this being more 
fragile looking and not so light a blue. 

As for the Apennine blue Anemone it is one of the 
loveliest of spring flowers, both in the borders and 
scattered here and there in woods and shrubberies 
and grass. The flowers are freely produced, and of 
the loveliest blue. It is not a true but a naturalized 
native flower, so to speak, its home being the hills 
of South Europe, having escaped out of gardens 
into our land. The Pasque Anemone, or Pasque- 
flower, is a beautiful native plant bearing large flowers 
of a lovely violet purple, silky outside. It grows on 
limestone pastures, and occurs in several districts in 
England, though it is wanting in Scotland and Ireland. 
The Pasque-flower is one of those that are more 
beautiful in a wild than in a cultivated state, for 
though it grows freely in light and chalky soils in 
gardens, it has not half the beauty it shows in spring 
on the Downs. I never saw any plant more charming 
than this in the woods and hills and even on walls in 
Normandy in spring. Another kind, A. ranunculoides 
(yellow), is a doubtful native found in one or two 

218 The Wild Garden 

spots, and pretty for chalky soils, on which it flowers 
freely. Being uncommon it is just the sort of plant 
to which those who have the right soil may give the 
hospitality of the garden. 

Adonis autumnalis-is the pretty ‘pheasant’s-eye,’ an 
annual plant found in corn-fields, and of which the seed 
is offered in catalogues under the name of Flos Adonis. 

The Ranunculus, or Crowfoots, begin with R. aquatilis 
and its several varieties, and several other species of 
Water Ranunculi with divided leaves. Few gardens 
offer any facilities for cultivating these. The most 
we can do is to introduce them toa pond or stream 
in which they are not already found, or add one of 
the long-leaved or rarer kinds to the common kind 
or kinds; but their home is in the fresh stream, ‘hither, 
thither, idly playing,’ or in the lake, and therefore they 
hardly come among garden plants. I have tried to 
grow all the kinds I could get, but the Canadian weed 
or the common R. aquatilis soon exterminated them. 
R. Ficaria is the pretty shining-leaved yellow kind, which 
abounds in moist and shaded places in spring; R. Flam- 
mula (the Spearwort) is a native of wet marshes and 
river-sides in all parts of Britain, and is well suited 
for planting by the water-side, though not so hand- 
some as the greater Spearwort, R. Lingua, which is 
2 or 3 feet high, and with large showy, yellow 
flowers. Itis very fine near water, and is freely scat- 
tered over the British Isles, though not often plentiful. 
These plants must usually be collected in a wild state, 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 219 

though they are grown in some botanic gardens. 
R. acris pleno and R. repens pleno are double forms 
of the wild kinds, and worth growing, from their pretty 
‘bachelor’s-button’ flowers, bright yellow, neat, double, 
lasting longer in flower than the single kinds. 

Then we have the Marsh Marigold (Caltha palustris), 
which makes such a glorious show in spring along 
moist bottoms, or by river banks in rich soil—notably 
on the banks of the Thames, where, when in high 
tide, the ground for many feet under water looks as 
if strewn with gold, the water having overflowed 
numbers of these showy flowers. Even where common, 
in the woods and fields, this handsome plant, single 
or double, deserves a home beside all garden waters, 
or even in moist ground, because it makes a truly 
fine spring-flowering plant. There is a double 
variety sold in Covent Garden in early summer, 
bearing double flowers of large size, which, like the 
double Crowfoots, last longer than the single bloom. 
Apart from the double garden forms of the Marsh 
Marigold, these~are the kinds now recognized as 
belonging to our flora. 

palustris (Linn.). 
a. vulgaris (Schott). 
b. Guerangerii (Boreau). 
c. minor (Syme). 
radicans (Forster). 

Trollius europzeus is the Globe-flower, well worthy 
of a garden home from its fine form, colour, and 

220 The Wild Garden 

sweetness. Not a common plant in England, but 
frequent in the North and West, and in Ireland, it 
will grow in moist places and in clayey hollows 
often hopeless from weeds. I planted a large group 
in such a spot, and it has kept the weeds in 
check ever since, and gives us its welcome bloom 
every May. That pretty early spring flower, the 
Winter Aconite (Eranthis hyemalis), also belongs to 
this order, and is well worthy of culture. Itis naturalized 
here and there, and is beautiful in light and chalky 
soils under trees in spring. The common Columbine 
(Aquilegia vulgaris) is often pretty. It is not common 
in the wild state, but a true native in several counties 
of England. In one gorge on Helvellyn I have seen 
it ascend almost to the top of that mountain, flowering 
beautifully in almost inaccessible spots; it is rather 
common in gardens, but in many and varied garden 
forms. The common poisonous Aconite (A. Napellus) 
is a fine native plant; it is, however, very common 
in gardens, where it should be kept quite isolated 
from any roots likely to be used as food, owing to its 
poisonous roots. Lastly, in the Buttercup order we 
have our native Helleborus (viridis and foetidus), which 
will adorn rough banks with their evergreen leaves. 
The common Berberis vulgaris, which is rather 
widely distributed, must not be forgotten, for there is 
no more beautiful sight afforded by any shrub than by 
this when draped over with its bright racemes of fruit. 
The white Water Lily, so common in our rivers, should 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 221 

be seen in all garden waters, not thickly planted, but 
a single specimen or group here and there. It is most 
effective when one or a few plants are seen alone on 
the water; then the flowers and leaves have full room 
to develop and float ‘right regally; but when a dense 
crowd of water lilies are seen together, they crowd each 
other out. With it should be associated the yellow 
Water Lily (Nuphar lutea), and if it can be had, the 
smaller and rare Nuphar pumila. 

Among the Poppies, the one best worth growing 
as a garden plant is the Welsh Poppy (Meconopsis 
Cambrica), which grows so abundantly along the 
road sides in the lake district. It is a perennial of 
a fine yellow, and thrives well at the bottom of walls 
and on stony banks. Some might care to grow 
the large Opium Poppy (P. somniferum); its finer 
double varieties are handsome, but these are scarcely 
British, the plant is naturalized. The field Poppy is 
everywhere in our corn-fields, and from it we get pretty 
races of Poppies, double and single. The Horned Poppy 
of our sea-shores is distinct and may be grown in 
a garden. Corydalis bulbosa is a dwarf early flower, 
scarcely a native, or rare; and the yellow fumitory 
(Corydalis lutea) is almost wonderful in its way of 
adorning walls and stony places, with the greatest 
differences as to soil and moisture. 

In the natural order Cruciferae, Thlaspi alpestre 
(a pretty Alpine), Iberis amara (a fine white annual), 
Draba aizoides (a rare and beautiful Alpine), Koniga 

222 The Wild Garden 

maritima, the sweet Alyssum, and Dentaria bulbifera, 
rare, and curious; the Ladies’ Smock, and its double 
variety; Arabis petreea, a sweet dwarf alpine; the 
common Wallflower, and the Single Rocket (Hesperis 
matronalis) and the Sea- 
kale of our shores are 
worth growing. 

All the British Helian- 
themum or Sun Roses, 
and the annual kind 
H. guttatum of the 
Channel Islands, are 
pretty plants. Many do 
not know we have a list 
so full as this of native 
kinds :— 

a) Ae : 

guttatum (Mill). 
Breweri (Planch.). 
marifolium (Mill). 

b. vineale (Pers.). 
Chameccistus (Mill). 
Native Sun Rose in Somerset Combe. polifolium (Mill). 

These of course apart from the garden forms of the 
common sun rose which are numerous. Of the violets, 
in addition to the sweet violet, which should be grown 
on a north aspect, V. lutea and V. tricolor will be found 
the most distinct and worthy of culture. Apart from the 
many garden varieties there are the white and various 
wild forms. The interesting little Milkworts, which 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 223 

are so pretty on our sandy and chalky hills, are very 
rarely grown—though they well might be in a garden of 
native rock or heath and down plants. The very dwarf 
trailing Frankenia levis (Sea Heath) runs over stones, 
and looks neat and mossy on a rock-garden. In the 
Pink tribe, the scarce, single, wild Carnation (D. Caryo- 
phyllus), D. plumarius, the parent of the garden pink, 
and the Cheddar Pink, which thrives on an old wall, 
D. deltoides, the maiden pink, the soapwort (Saponaria 
officinalis), the Sea-bladder Campion (Silene maritima), 
Silene acaulis, the beautiful little Alpine that clothes our 
higher mountains, the Corn Cockle (Lychnis Githago), 
the Ragged Robin, and the Alpine lychnis; the vernal 
sandwort (Arenaria verna), Arenaria cilata, found on 
Ben Bulben, in Ireland, and Cerastium Alpinum are 
among the prettiest. The last is as shaggy as a Skye 
terrier, and does not grow more than an inch high. 

A pretty species of Flax is not a common plant in 
British gardens, but one occurs wild in some of our 
eastern counties,—Linum perenne,—a blue flowered 
plant, of which there is a pure white variety, both very 
pretty plants, quite hardy and perennial. The perennial 
Flax, or any of its varieties, will be found to thrive in 
any place where the grass is not mown as well as on 
borders. The field flax is sometimes found wild with us, 
but it is not a true native. Among the Malva tribe we 
have several showy plants, but less worthy of garden culti- 
vation, except it be Lavatera arborea (the tree Lavatera), 
sparsely found along the south and west coasts. It is 

224 The Wild Garden 

a plant of fine habit, growing 5 or 6 feet high. The 
best of the Mallows is the Musk Mallow (M. Moschata), 
which has showy flowers, and is a charming native flower 
by streams and on banks: it is a very good garden plant, 
especially the white form. 

The St. John’s Worts (Hypericum) have some beauty, 
and might find a place among low shrubs; the best 
perhaps is H. calycinum, or ‘St. John’s Wort,’ a kind 
which is not perhaps truly British, but which is now 
naturalized in parts of England and Ireland. The 
showy flowers of this and its habit fit it for the garden ; 
and it is particularly adapted for rough banks, or will 
crawl freely under and near trees, though it will best 
show its beauty when fully exposed to the sun and air. 
It should not be used as a ‘carpet’ under old or 
favourite trees, as it will sometimes starve and kill trees. 

In the Geranium order there are a few pretty plants 
for the garden—notably, G. pratense, G. sylvaticum, 
and G. sanguineum, with its fine variety G. lancastriense. 
This variety was originally found in the Isle of Walney, 
in Lancashire, and some writers have made it a species 
under the name of G. lancastriense. Both plants are 
well worth growing ina garden. G.sanguineum makes 
a very pretty border plant, or for forming groups 
between shrubs. The stubwort (Oxalis Acetosella) 
is the prettiest among its British allies; and a chaste 
little plant it is, too, when seen in shady, woody places, 
along hedge-banks, and over mossy stumps; in gardens 
where there is a little diversity of surface, or half shady 


British Wild Flowers and Trees 225 

spots, it might be grown with advantage where it does 
not come of itself. Some say it is the Shamrock of the 
ancient Irish, but they are wrong. Custom among the 
Irish, during the experience of the oldest people, and 
everything that can be gleaned, point to the common 
trifolium as the true Shamrock. 

In the Pea order there are a few plants of great merit, 
and the first we meet with is the very pretty dwarf 
shrub Genista tinctoria, or Dyer’s genista. This is 
a little shrub, but vigorous in the profusion of its 
yellow flowers, and would be at home on any rough 
banks or grassy places, or among dwarf shrubs. It is 
frequent in England, but rare in Scotland and Ireland. 
Its two allies, G. pilosa and G. anglica, are also neat 
little shrubs, both worth a place among dwarf British 

Many who care for wild flowers must have been 
struck with the beauty of the common Restharrow, 
which spreads such delicate colour over many a chalk 
cliff and sandy pasture. It bears garden culture well, 
and is prettier when in flower than numbers of New 
Holland plants, which require protection. There is 
a smoother and more bushy form of this sometimes 
admitted as a species, Ononis antiquorum, which is 
also a fine plant, growing freely from seed, and of 
the easiest culture. 

The Bird’s-foot trefoil, though common, is so beautiful 
that it must not be forgotten, flowering as it does nearly 
the whole summer. There are several forms and few 


226 The Wild Garden 

better plants for the front edge of borders. The lady’s 
fingers (Anthyllis vulneraria) is a pretty plant found in 
chalky pastures and dry stony places in England. 

The three native kinds of Astragalus are worthy of 
cultivation, and so are the allied plants, Oxytropis. 
Both O. campestris and O. uralensis are dwarf plants, 
the foliage of the last being silvery. The first is found 
only in one spot among the Clova mountains in 
Scotland ; the second is rather common on the Scotch 
hills. Hippocrepis comosa is rather like the bird’s-foot 
trefoil, both in habit and flower, and is worth a place 
among rock plants. 

Of the Vetches two at least are worthy of culture— 
V. Cracca and V. Sylvatica. The first makes a charming 
border plant if slightly supported on stakes, so that it 
may have hidden its supports by the time the flowers 
appear. The wood Vetch is of a climbing habit, and 
very elegant when seen running up the stems of young 
trees or over bushes. This is found in most woody 
hills of Britain and Scotland, and V. Cracca is common 

Among native peas the best is the Sea Pea (Lathyrus 
maritimus), a handsome plant in rich ground. It occurs 
on the coast of southern and eastern England, of 
Shetland, and of Kerry, in Ireland. 

In the Rose order both the Spiraeas should interest 
us—certainly S. filipendula, which has leaves cut some- 
what like a fern. The double variety is pretty. Dryas 
octopetala, a plant found on the limestone mountains 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 227 

of North England and Ireland, and abundantly in 
Scotland, is a pretty little rock evergreen bush. 
About Edinburgh’ pretty edgings are made of it in 

Native Briars anD Witp Roses. As for the 
blackberry, raspberry, dewberry, and cloudberry, many 
may desire to cultivate them, and very interesting it 
is to observe the differences between some of the 
sub-species and varieties of blackberries, and the 
beauty, both in fruit and flower, of the family. 
Many people, even among those who care for trees 
and shrubs, have little idea of the variety existing 
among our native Brambles. Over ninety species and 
their varieties and wild forms are given in the last: 
edition of the ‘London Catalogue’! The question of 
whether these are true species or merely varieties 
need not trouble us, for plants showing very slight 
distinction to a botanist may be essentially distinct in 
beauty and effect. A man might do a more foolish 
thing than get these together and grow them on some 
rough bank or corner or even in newly made banks 
of hedgerows. There is much beauty of leaf among 
the plants, and variety in the quality of the fruit, 
some of the kinds being valuable for their fruit. 
Whatever we may do with brambles, however, our 
native wild roses deserve a place in fence or 
hedgerow, or rough banks if convenient. Some indeed 
come of themselves, but it would be very interesting 
to grow many of the less common kinds and consider 


228 The Wild Garden 

them for their beauty. Botanic gardens might well 
show us such fine families as these, instead of 
rivalling the pastry-cook ‘bedding’ of the private 
gardener, and I do not remember ever seeing any 
attempt to grow them except in the Cambridge 
Botanic Garden, the curator of which writes as 
follows of our wild roses. 

‘We all allow the Roses of the florist to be without rival 
among flowers of the garden, and we can but admit that wild 
Roses are perhaps the most lovely flowers of the field. But 
there are numbers of the wildings, and all beautiful, and some 
of surpassing charm. We want to see them more often 
grown in our gardens. Sometimes we admire a chance seed- 
ling, as, for instance, in the Cambridge Botanic Garden, 
where some years ago R. dumalis (a form of the Dog Rose) 
took possession of a Spruce Fir, and now attains to a height 
of about twenty feet, forming wreaths of blossom in summer. 
The Spruce is dead, but the Rose still clings to the old stem, 
which forms just the right kind of support. Such an object 
as this, or Rosa arvensis, in the collection, makes us wonder 
why these single Roses have not received more attention. 
They are usually so robust, just what is wanted for pleasure 
grounds and the wild garden, and then in autumn we fre- 
quently have their brilliant red fruit. At this moment in 
some of the hedges of the neighbourhood are shrubs with 
quantities of fruit, which in a garden would help consider- 
ably in colour effect. 

‘To show what material there is, I may mention that the 
many forms of our native roses fall under seven distinct 
aggregate groups. 

‘We have first the well-known Scotch or Burnet Rose 
{R. spinosissima), lovely with white or pink flowers; next, 

THE FIELD ROSE (R. arvensis). Engraved from a picture in the possession of Mrs, L. Masse. 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 237 

R. villosa, which in various forms makes a large bush, with 
erect or arching branches, very hairy leaves and densely 
glandular sepals. It is distinguished from the last-mentioned 
by its larger size and equal prickles, and from R. canina by 
its straight prickles. Under it we have R. tomentosa, with a 
large pale pink flower, and R. mollissima, with a smaller, 
deeper-coloured flower. The succeeding species is R. involuta, 
under which are numerous kinds, small and erect, with short 
branches and crowded prickles, passing into bristles. Among 
them we may note R. Wilsoni, with bright red flowers, and 
R. Sabini, with ample foliage and pale pink flowers. Next 
is our fragrant R. rubiginosa, the sweet Briar, which, however, 
is less fragrant, as it approaches R. canina and R. villosa. 
Near to this species we may mention R. macrantha and R. 
sepium, both of which have rather pretty flowers, though 
they are somewhat small. R. hibernica is the next species 
to refer to, and it is intermediate between R. spinosissima 
and R. canina, though most like the latter. It is small and 
erect, with short, sometimes arching branches and erect 
globose naked fruit. It is figured with pale pink flowers. 
Rosa canina is the familiar Dog Rose, of which the varieties 
are very numerous. It has long arching branches, with stout 
hooked prickles, having a thickened base, and in the common 
form is the strongest growing of British Roses. It is often 
very beautiful, and, all things considered, some of the best 
results may no doubt be got from this species. R. cesia 
and R. incana, belonging to this species, have glaucous leaves. 
The foliage of R. Bakeri is very pretty, and R. dumalis is a 
fine tall kind, but the varieties of this species are so numerous, 
that it is difficult to specify. Our last species is R. arvensis, 
known from R. canina by the union of the styles into a long 
slender column, that species having the styles free. There 

232 The Wild Garden 

are two sub-species, R. arvensis proper (R. repens) having 
the leaflets glabrous, glaucous beneath, and R. stylosa with 
leaflets pubescent beneath. This last connects R. arvensis 
with R. canina, and under it the several varieties occur. 
The variety Monsonize, found in a hedge at Watford, has 
very large red flowers and sub-globose, orange-red fruit. It 
is our present R. arvensis proper to which the Ayrshire Rose 
must be referred. The flowers are more cup-shaped than 
those of any other British Rose, and Lindley says that 
Sabine had a variety with pink flowers. No illustration has 
before appeared in any journal, but a figure in “ English 
Botany ” shows to some extent what a fine thing it is. The 
plant has long, trailing shoots, with small, scattered prickles, 
oval leaflets, glabrous on both surfaces, and glaucous or 
whitish green beneath. The flowers are of elegant outline, 
with pure white corolla, except the throat, which is yellow, 
and have a purple calyx. The fruit is scarlet when ripe. It 
is a common plant in the south of England. This same 
form, probably, is very charming in the Cambridge Botanic 
Garden, where it grows over and over itself, making a great 
round hummock of flowers and foliage.’: 

Stor, Buttace, Witp Cuerry, Rowan, WILD 
Service, WHITE Beam, Witp Pear, Cras, Mepiar, 
May. These are native trees—some of them of much 
beauty, taking great share in the landscape beauty of 
our country, and a place in its literature—some of 
them being the source of our best hardy fruits. I 
wish to plead for their use in the wild garden, if 
not in the garden itself. What is more beautiful in 
the landscape than a snowy wreath of old sloe trees 
in spring, seen beyond the wide fields, or more 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 233 

delicate in bud when seen at hand? The Wild 
Cherry, Rowan, White Beam, and Crab do their own 
part in adorning our woods, but we need not leave 
them wholly there. I find the Medlar charming for 
its leaves in the fall as well as for the large simple 
flowers in spring, and make groups of it on the 
grass. The May is the one loved tree that all enjoy: 
there are several wild forms in Britain besides the 
garden varieties :— 
Oxyacantha (Linn.). 

a. oxyacanthoides (Thu.). 

b. daciniata (Wallr.). 

c. Ayrtostyla (Fingerh.). 

d. monogyna (Jacq-). 

To remind the reader of how much tree beauty 
there is in this now obscure corner of our flora—so 
far as gardens go—I print here the names of the 
wild kinds of these trees, so far as known to us now, 
with their English names where they have any. 

communis (Huds.)—Sloe. 
b. fruticans (Weihe). 
insititia (Linn.)—Bullace. 
Avium (Linn.)—Gean. 

Cerasus (Linn.)—Wild Cherry. 
Padus (Linn.)—Bird Cherry. 

torminalis (Ehrh.)—Wild service. 
Aria (Sm.)—White, Beam. 
b. rupicola (Syme). 
latifolia (Syme). 

234 The Wild Garden 

Pyrus (continued). 
scandica (Syme). 
hybrida (Linn.). 
Aucuparia (Gaert.)—Rowan. 
communis (Linn.) —Pear. 
a. Pyraster (Linn.). 
b. Achras (Geert.). 
c. cordata (Desv.). 
Malus (Linn.)—Apple. 
a. acerba (DC.). 
b. mutis (Wallr.). 
Germanica (Linn.)—Medlar. 

The Cloudberry can be grown best in a wet, boggy 
soil, and is difficult of culture as a garden plant, 
except in moist and elevated spots. The dewberry, 
distinguished principally by the glaucous bloom on 
the fruit when ripe, is of easy culture. Of the 
Potentillas, P. rupestris, white-flowered, found on the 
Breiddin Hills in Montgomeryshire, and the large 
yellow P. alpestris, from the higher limestone 
mountains, are the best. P. fruticosa, of the north of 
England, and in Clare and Galway, in Ireland, is 
a free flowering low bush; and the marsh potentilla 
(P. Comarum) will do well in boggy ground, if we 
have it, though it is more distinct than pretty. 

The common willow-herb (Epilobium angustifolium), 
so showy, and so apt to become a bad weed, is 
well known. But, in a wood or out-of-the-way spot, 
where it cannot overrun rarer plants, it is very 
pretty. Even the botanist, in describing it, says, 
‘a handsome plant’—an expression very seldom used 
by gentlemen who write on English botany. 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 235 

The Evening Primrose (A‘nothera biennis) deserves 
a place from its fragrance; and it is as well to 
sow it in some out-of-the-way spot. It often covers 
waste building ground in London. 

Next we have the Loosestrife (Lythrum Salicaria), 
a water-side plant, abundant in many parts of Britain. 
There is a variety of this plant known in gardens 
by the name of L. roseum superbum, which should 
be in and by every pond. The Common Herniary 
(Herniaria glabra) and Scleranthus perennis are two 
very dwarf green spreading plants, found in some 
of the southern and central counties of England, 
and which give a neat Lycopodium-like effect in 
the rock-garden. 

Then we come to the Roseroot (Sedum Rhodiola) 
and the tribe of pretty stonecrops (Sedum), every one of 
which is worthy of a place on the rock-garden—from 
the common stonecrop, which grows on the thatch of 
cottages and abundantly in many parts of Britain, on 
rocky places, to that little gem for a wall, Sedum dasy- 
phyllum of the south of England. The Roseroot is so 
called from the drying root-stock smelling like roses. 
The Orpine or Livelong (Sedum Telephium) is also 
a fine old plant of this order. If you have any old walls 
or buildings, try and establish a few of the smaller kinds 
on these; it is interesting to have rare plants established 
in such places, and that the tenderer kinds will always 
survive on walls; whereas they may get cut off by the 
winter on the ground. Fern-growers find it difficult to 

236 The Wild Garden 

establish the little Wall Rue (Asplenium Rutamuraria) in 
pots, pans, or any way in the fernery ; but by taking a few 
of the spore-bearing fronds, and shaking a little of the 
‘fern-seed’ into the chinks of an old wall, we may soon 
establish it; and in like manner it is quite possible to 
cultivate the Ceterach and the graceful Spleenwort, only 
that the wall must be somewhat older, so to speak, to 
accommodate these than the Wall Rue, as this little fern 
will grow on a wall that is in perfect condition, as may 
be seen at Lord Mansfield’s at Highgate, where the 
high garden-wall that runs for some distance parallel 
with the road running from Hampstead to Highgate is 
covered in its upper part with this plant. In gardening 
few things are more interesting than an old wall covered 
with ferns and rock and mountain plants. 

The Stonecrops are followed in the natural classifica- 
tion of British plants by the Rockfoils (Saxifraga), like 
the Stonecrops in size, but more valuable for the garden. 
First, there is the Irish group of Saxifrages, the London 
Pride and its varieties; and the Killarney saxifrage, 
S. Geum and its-interesting varieties, both species very 
pretty for the rock-garden and borders. Next we have 
the mountain S. Stellaris and S. Nivalis, and the yellow 
marsh S. Hirculus, and the yellow S. Aizoides, which 
fringes the rills and streams on the hills and mountains 
in Scotland, and the north of England and Ireland, all 
interesting, but surpassed in beauty by the purple Saxi- 
fraga oppositifolia, which opens its bright flowers soon 
after the snow melts in the Scotch Highlands, and 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 237 

as far north, among the higher mountains of Europe 
and Asia, as the Arctic Circle. It bears garden culture 
well, on the rock-garden, or in patches in the front of 
a border, planted in the full sun. 

The meadow (Saxifraga granulata) differs in most 
respects from most of the other Rockfoils, and is worth 
growing ; its double variety, seen in cottage gardens, is 
used for the spring garden. It flowers so well that the 
very leaves are hidden by large double flowers. It is 
frequently found in small cottage gardens in Surrey. 

The dense green mossy Rockfoils are precious for 
the garden, from the living green which they take on 
in winter, when all else fades—when the fallen leaves 
rush by, driven by the winds of autumn—and when 
geraniums and all the fleeting flower-garden things are 
cut off. These mossy Rockfoils grow on almost any 
soil or situation, and may be grown with ease even 
in towns. They are dotted over with white flowers in 
early summer, the stems of which should be cut off 
as soon as the flowers perish, but their greatest charm 
is in winter. S. hypnoides, abundant in Scotland, 
Wales, and northern England, with its varieties, is 
our best plant in this way; and S. Caspitosa, found on 
some of the higher Scotch mountains, is allied to it, 
and also good. In towns shrubs do not keep their 
verdure, through various adverse influences; in all 
places these mossy Rockfoils charm us with their 
verdure if we take the trouble to put them in bold 
flakes on the rock-garden or on borders, or to use them 

238 The Wild Garden 

as a carpet beneath tea and other roses. There are 
many forms of the mossy Rockfoil, natives of Britain. 

Next we have the beautiful Grass of Parnassus (Par- 
nassia palustris), a distinct and charming native plant, 
rather frequent in Britain in bogs and moist heaths. 
I have grown it very successfully in a small artificial bog, 
and still better in 6-inch pots in peat soil, the pots being 
placed in a saucer of water during summer, and pre- 
served in a cold frame in winter. It is, however, much 
better to ‘naturalize’ it in moist grassy places than to 
grow it in this way. 

The Spignel or Baldmoney (Meum athamanticum), 
of the Scotch highlands, Wales, and the north of 
England, having elegantly divided leaves, and being 
very dwarf and neat in habit, is an interesting border 
or rock plant. In the plants of the umbelliferous 
order there are not many native plants worthy of culti- 
vation, except the Sea-Holly (Eryngium maritimum), 
and the sweet Cicely (Myrrhis odorata), often culti- 
vated in old times and gardens for various uses; not 
a rare plant, but most plentiful in the hilly parts of 
the north of England. This for its odour and foliage 
is welcome in the garden, and groups of it are pretty 
between shrubs. The sweet Fennel, which is often 
seen wild in the south on chalk banks, is a graceful 
plant, and typical of the great beauty of form, which 
belongs to many plants of the order. For the rest of 
this numerous order they are best seen in a wild state 
where their effects are often striking—particularly in 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 239 

some rich woods. The twin flower Linnza borealis 
is one of the most charming among our native plants, 
trailing as it does so prettily in fir woods in the north. 
It is found, though rarely, in Scotland; and it may be 
grown easily in gardens in moist peat, or cool sandy 
parts of the rock-garden or cool borders, and may indeed 
be naturalized in peaty soil with a sparse growth. 

Natural growth of umbellata plants. (Durham, engraved from a photo.) 

Of our native Dogwoods (Cornus), one (sanguinea) is 
an excellent native shrub, the beauty of which is very 
effective in gardens where it is grouped in bold and 
artistic ways. The winter effect is bright and good, and 
the plant fine for association with our handsomer native 
willows: this Dogwood being used as undergrowth 

240 The Wild Garden 

near the largest willows. The little native Cornel is 
a charming alpine and bog plant. Our native woodbine 
appeals to all, so I need hardly tell of its beauty: the 
value of our native Viburnums is not so well known— 
few shrubs of any countries are so handsome in blossom 
and berry as the Water Elder (V. Opulus)—so called in 
some of the home counties, from its frequence on river 
banks, though common too in underwoods. The other 
is the wayfaring tree (V. Lantana) common in hedge- 
rows in the south, its berries conspicuous in autumn. 

Our naTivE Heatus. Of the variety and beauty of 
our native heaths few have much idea. The wild 
species are beautiful ; from time to time varieties have 
appeared amongst them which nurserymen have pre- 
served ; and in a collection of these, the variety of gay 
colour is charming. I had no idea of the beauty of 
colour afforded by the varieties till I visited the comely 
bank nurseries at Edinburgh a few years ago, and there 
found a large area of ground covered with their exquisite 
colours, and looking like a beautiful flower garden. But 
if all this beauty did not exist, the charms of the common 
species, as spread out even on our southern heaths, 
should lead us to give the heaths a good place in the 
picturesque garden. 

All species and varieties are worthy of a place, be- 
ginning with the varieties of the common ling (Calluna 
vulgaris)—the commonest of allheaths. It has ‘sported’ 
into a great number of varieties, many of which are 
preserved in nurseries. Some of them are bright and 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 241 

distinct in colour ; others differ distinctly in habit, some 
close to the ground in dense bushes. There is no more 
beautiful shrub than the native Heather in its commonest 
form, so that it is easy to judge of the value of the fine 
white and other forms if we use them well: as to vigour, 
the plant may be often seen flourishing on banks with 
little soil on them, and the same fine vigour is true of the 
varieties —excluding merely monstrous and variegated 
forms. Then we have the ‘Scotch heather’ (Erica 
cinerea), the reddish purple showy flowers of which 
are very attractive, but surpassed in beauty of colour 
by a variety of the same plant, coccinea; and there 
is also a white variety, as there is of the Bell Heather 
(Erica tetralix), to which is also closely related the 
Irish E. Mackaiana. Next we have the ciliated Heath 
(E. ciliaris), a pretty kind, with flowers nearly as 
large as those of St. Daboec’s heath, and the Irish 
heath (E. hibernica), found in some of the western 
counties of Ireland. Finally, we have among these 
interesting plants the Cornish Heath (E. vagans), and 
from what has been said of the family it will be seen 
what interesting beds or groups might be made from 
these alone, grownalmost anywhere. Our object should 
be to make the most of natural advantages, and as many 
persons must have gardens suited for what are called 
American plants, they would find it worth while to devote 
a spot to our Heaths and their varieties. It is charming 
to form a garden of bold beds of these, as the late 
Sir W. Bowman did so well in Surrey, but the most 

242 The Wild Garden 

artistic way is to form bold masses of these Heaths 
without the garden proper, on rough banks and the 
outer parts of the grounds. It is an error to sup- 
pose that peat is required for these plants. Even in 
1893—the year of many sunny months and days— 
I often saw the Heather in bloom on stony railway 
banks in Sussex, often facing the sun; and that 
same year too when staying at Coolhurst I saw the 
prettiest possible foreground to a house in the home 
counties at Newells—a field of Heather in full bloom 
with the rich weald seen across ‘it. This field had, 
I think, come of itself. Where we seek to establish 
the heaths in the way named above it is best to get 
them in some quantity from growers who offer them 
in liberal numbers: to set my picturesque beds I 
plant in large masses in well-dug ground, but once 
established leave the beds alone, and allow them to 
grow together in their own way. I must state here 
for those who will not take the trouble to understand, 
that these Heath beds are vot in my flower garden. 
Nearly allied to the Heaths we have the interesting 
bog Vaccinium, which may be cultivated in marshy 
or peaty ground. To these belong the cranberry, 
bilberry, and whortleberry; and for some of these 
and the American kinds, people have ere now made 
artificial bogs in their gardens. The little creeping 
evergreen, Arctostaphylos uva-ursi, or bearberry, is 
neat in the rock-garden. It is found in hilly districts 
in Scotland, northern England, and Ireland. Then 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 243 

the Marsh Andromeda (A. polifolia), found chiefly in 
central and northern England, bears very pretty pink 
flowers, and grows freely in peat. The very small 
English Azalea (procumbens) is also a very interesting 
native plant, forming a cushiony bush not more 
than .a couple of inches high. In Britain it is found 
only in the Scotch highlands. I have only once 
seen this well established in a garden. Few people 
who admire what are called peat shrubs can have 
failed to notice from time to time the beautiful St. 
Daboec’s Heath (Menziesia polifolia), a plant found 
abundantly on the heathy wastes of the Asturias and 
in south-western France, and also in Connemara, in 
Ireland. It is usually associated with ‘American 
plants’ in our nurseries and gardens, liking peat soil, 
and is a beautiful plant. The flowers are usually 
pink, and there is a white variety even more beau- 
tiful. The very rare blue Menziesia of the Sow of 
Athol, in Perthshire, is also charming. The Pyrolas, 
or Winter-greens, are very pretty native plants, some 
of them fragrant. P. rotundifolia and P. uniflora are 
among the best, and both are rare, flourishing in 
moist sandy soils, as they do between the sand-hills on 
the coast of Lancashire. The periwinkles, Vinca minor 
and V. major, and their forms, are well known, and 
they often garland banks and hedgerow bottoms. 

One of the most precious gems in the British flora 
is the vernal Gentian (G. verna), which grows in 
Teesdale and on the western shores of Ireland. The 


244 The Wild Garden 

blue of this flower is most vivid; it is one of the 
most charming of all Alpine flowers, and should be 
in every garden of hardy plants, on the rock-garden, 
or borders where only dwarf plants are grown. It 
may be grown well in sandy loam mixed with broken 
limestone or gravel, and indeed is not particular as 
to soil, provided that it be mixed with sharp sand 
or grit, and kept moist, and left for several years 
undisturbed. It is best suited for a level spot on 

THE VERNAL GENTIAN. (Engraved from a photograph.) 

the rock-garden with a good body of soil into which 
its roots may descend. It may be grown in rock- 
gardens, the surface of the ground being studded here 
and there with small stones, among which this lovely 
plant will grow and flower. It is abundant in mountain 
pastures in central and southern Europe; it is, in fact, 
a true Alpine, and may now be had in various nurseries. 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 245 

It cannot be too well known that ‘rock-works,’ 
as generally made, are ugly, unnatural, and quite 
unfit for a plant to grow upon. The stones or 
‘rocks’ are piled up, with no sufficient quantity of 
soil or any preparation made for the plants, so 
that all delicate rock-plants die upon them, and 
the ‘rocks’ are taken possession of by rank weeds. 
These rock-gardens are generally made too per- 
pendicular, even in the best gardens in England— 
masses of rock being used merely to produce an effect, 
or masses of stone piled up without any of those chinks 
of soil into which rock-plants delight to root. The 
best way is to have more soil than ‘rock,’ to let the 
latter suggest itself rather than expose its uncovered 
sides, and to make them very much flatter than is the 
rule, so that the moisture may freely enter in every 
direction, and that the rock-garden may more resemble 
a cropping out of stone or rocks than the ridiculous 
wall-like structures which pass for rock-gardens. 

The Marsh Gentian (G. pneumonanthe) is also 
a lovely plant, which should have a moist spot in 
a border, and is not difficult to find in the north of 
England; also, less plentifully, in central and southern 
England. The Brighton Horticultural Society is in 
the habit of giving prizes for collections of wild 
plants, and thereby doing much harm by causing 
a few rude collectors to gather bunches of the 
rarest wild flowers, and perhaps exterminate them. 
When at one of its meetings a few years ago, I 

246 The Wild Garden 

observed among the collections competing for a trifling 
prize large bunches of this beautiful Gentian, which 
had been pulled up by the roots, to form one of 
one hundred or more bunches of wild flowers torn 
up by one individual. In the Gentian order we 
have also the beautiful Bogbean (Menyanthes trifoliata), 
a plant that will grow on the margin of water or 
ditches or ponds; it will also grow and flower in 
a moist border. It is a well-known plant almost 
everywhere in Britain; a beautiful native flower ele- 
gantly fringed on the inside with white filaments, 
and its unopened buds tipped with apple-blossom | 
red. Villarsia nymphzeoides is also another pretty 
water-plant, with floating, small, water lily-like leaves, 
and, in July, many yellow flowers—so. many as to give 
a very showy effect; and it associates well with 
the white water lily. One of the prettiest effects 
I have ever seen was produced by this plant 
lining a small bay with a group of water lilies on 
its outer side. Seen from the opposite shore the 
effect was charming—large water lilies in front, then 
a wide-spreading mass of green sprinkled with starry 
yellow, and behind the shrubs which came to the 
water’s edge on the shores of the little bay. 

Jacob’s Ladder, or Greek Valerian as it is some- 
times called, also belongs to the Gentian order, and is 
a border plant, and its variegated variety (Polemonium 
ceeruleum variegatum) is much used in fine flower 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 247 

Most worthy of notice, in the Galium tribe, is 
the little white-starred Woodruff (Asperula odorata), 
which grows profusely in many British woods in 
spring. Where not wild, it should be grown in 
gardens, even if only for its fragrance. It is as sweet 
as the new hay, and continues to give forth its odour 
for a long time. When green, the ‘haulm’ of this 
plant betrays no very noticeable fragrance, but begins 
to emit it very soon after being cut, and merely 
requires to be placed on some dry shelf or half- 
open drawer, where it may get quite dry. 

The common Red Valerian, as it is called, or 
Centranthus ruber botanically, is a handsome plant, 
on banks, borders, or rocky places and walls. As 
it may be readily raised from seed, there can be no 
difficulty in procuring it, and it should be noted that 
there is a fine deep red as well as the ordinary 
variety, and also a pure white one. Like the Wall- 
flower, they do well on old walls and bridges, and 
thus have become ‘naturalized’ in many parts of 
the country. It is the first plant that comes up 
in newly-opened chalk-pits. 

The Hieraciums are often beautiful plants, as may be 
well seen in Mr. Hanbury’s book now in progress. 
Many of them may be grown on rock-gardens or 
on well-exposed borders of dwarf plants. Such 
plants as these, the beauty of which is so little 
known in gardens, should be taken up by persons 
who like to get out of formal tracks, as botanical 

248 The Wild Garden 

books rarely or never show the beauty of plants 
as they grow, and as very few have opportunities 
of seeing the plants on the hills when in flower. 
One who grew the more beautiful species might 
give rare pleasure to people who cared for our 
native mountain plants. 

Silybum Marianum, the Milk thistle ; Carduus erio- 
phorus, a noble thistle—found chiefly in the limestone 
districts of the south of England—and the great, woolly, 
silvery Cotton thistle, as it is often called, are hand- 
some plants. One isolated plant or a group or two 
will be sufficient for ordinary gardens; but where 
there is sufficient space these, with many other fine 
wild plants, might be naturalized by sowing a few of 
the seeds in any waste place, or in the shrubbery. 
The Milk thistle, with its shining green leaves and 
white markings, is very desirable among the British 
plants, though scarcely so much so as the great 
Cotton thistle. 

The common Corn-flower (Centaurea Cyanus) is 
a beautiful garden plant, if sown in autumn: sown 
in spring, it is not so strong. I know of nothing 
more beautiful than a bold group of the Corn-flower in 
spring and early summer ; the bloom is so lasting, the 
flowers so pretty for cutting. One of the prettiest of 
dwarf trailing silvery plants is the woolly Diotis 
maritima, which is found on the southern shores of 
England, coming up as far as Anglesea on the west 
and Suffolk on the east, but generally a rare plant 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 249 

in this country. The double variety of the Pyre- 
thrum, now so frequent in our flower gardens, is 
a native plant—or, at least, the single or normal form 
of the species is. The Sea Wormwood (Artemisia 
maritima) forms a silvery bush, common on our shores, 
and worthy a corner now and then in our gardens. 
There is a deep rose-coloured variety of the common 
Yarrow, which should be in every garden, and there 
is a very pretty double white variety of the ‘Sneezewort’ 
(Achillea Ptarmica) which comes from British parents. 

The Mountain Everlasting (Gnaphalium dioicum) is 
a beautiful dwarf plant, admirable for rocks or the front 
of a border, or in-any way amongst Alpine plants; it 
abounds on mountains in Scotland, Wales, and many 
parts of England. There is a variety called G. d. 
roseum, that has its dwarf flowers delicately tinted 
with rose; neat edgings are sometimes made of this 
plant, so that there should be no difficulty in procuring 
it, even supposing we cannot find it wild; it is a 
popular plant wherever Alpine flowers are grown. 

We will now turn to the extensive Harebell order, 
where we shall find much beauty, from the Harebell 
which swings its pretty blue above the wind-beaten 
turf on many an upland pasture, to the little prostrate 
Ivy Campanula (C. hederacea), plentiful in moist spots 
in Ireland and western England. 

The giant Campanula (C. latifolia) is one of the hand- 
somest, and is pretty frequent. The Spreading Cam- 
panula (C. patula), of ‘the central and southern counties 

250 The Wild Garden 

of England, is also very ornamental. C. Trachelium 
is also good, and indeed nearly all the plants of 
the family are pretty; but none of them surpass in 
beauty the common Harebell, which, although it may 
struggle for existence on poor or exposed pastures, yet, 
when transferred to a garden, makes a vigorous plant 
and flowers profusely—a mass of pleasing colour. 

The little Ivy Campanula had better be grown in 
a pan of peat soil, or in some moist and slightly shaded 
spot where it may not be overrun by tall plants. 
Both this plant and the even more interesting Linnea 
borealis may be grown well on the outside of the 
window, with a north or shady aspect, during the seven 
warmest months of the year, by planting them in pots 
of peat earth, and standing these in pans of water. 

The Ivy-leaved Cyclamen, or the common Cyclamen 
(Cyclamen hedereefolium), a native of Southern Europe, 
but not supposed to be truly British, has been found in 
several places, apparently wild, and as such is generally 
included among British plants. Being a_ beautiful 
plant, it is worthy of a place. We cannot easily find 
it wild in England, but it is not difficult to obtain, and 
a lovely plant it is when seen in flower. A ring of it 
planted round a small bed of choice shrubs forms 
a pretty sight, and it may be naturalized, in bare places, 
in woods and shrubberies. The Water Violet (Hottonia 
palustris) with its whorls of pale purple flowers is 
a pretty plant for ponds or ditches. 

I had almost forgotten our native Primroses and 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 251 

Cowslips, but there is no need to plead for these and 
their numerous and beautiful varieties. The Bird’s 
Eye Primrose of northern England—one of the sweetest 
of our native plants—is, however, very rarely seen in 
gardens. It would thrive well in wet spots on pastures 
and heaths, and also in bare moist spots by the side of 
rivulets, and in the bog bed, as would the smaller and 
beautiful Scotch Bird’s Eye Primrose. 

The Loosestrifes, or Lysimachias, are pretty for 
cultivation ; L. Nummularia, the Creeping Jenny of the 
London windows, trailing its luxuriant leaves where few 
other plants would thrive sowell. The upright-growing 
species L. thyrsiflora is good for the margin of water, 
in consequence of the curious habit it has of half- 
hiding its flowers among the green of its leaves; 
a mass of it by a river, or pond, or ditch, looks very 
distinct and pleasing. Finally, we have in the Primula 
order the beautiful Trientalis of the north, a wood 
plant, and somewhat difficult to cultivate, but one that 
may be grown in shady and half-shady spots in peat soil. 

Of the Thrift’ family, certainly the most valuable 
plant is a deep and charming rose-coloured variety of 
the common Thrift (Armeria vulgaris). Everybody 
knows the Thrift of our sea-shores, and of the tops of 
some of the Scotch Mountains, with its pale pink 
flowers ; but the variety named here is of a showy rose, 
and one of the plants we can use in the spring garden 
as an edging plant, or in borders. This kind is sold 
and known as Armeria vulgaris rubra. Any of the 

252 The Wild Garden 

British Statices that may be collected are worthy 
a place in a collection of wild flowers. 

Euphorbia Lathyris is the stately Caper Spurge, 
which is established here and there with us; it is 
worthy of a place, though not for the beauty of its 
flowers. Nor must we forget the common Hop 
(Humulus lupulus) which is graceful when well grown 
over a bower. . 

The beautiful ‘Poet’s Narcissus’ (Narcissus poeticus), 
hawked about the streets of London so abundantly in 
spring, is generally included in native plants, though 
not considered truly British; but whether it be so or 
not, such a distinctly beautiful plant should be in every 
garden. The Snowflake (Leucojum estivum) occurs 
in several of the south-eastern counties, and makes 
a handsome border plant; the dwarf, sweet, and fine 
vernal Snowflake has been recently found in Dorset- 
shire in some abundance ; while the common Snowdrop 
is freely naturalized in various parts of the country. 
These, it need hardly be said, should all be in any 
collection of British wild flowers, and with them the 
Daffodil and the Wood-tulip (Tulipa sylvestris). This 
last is found most frequently in some of the eastern 
counties of England, but may be had readily from the 
nurserymen, who sell it as T. florentina and cornuta. 
Lloydia serotina is an extremely rare little bulbous 
plant, found in North Wales. It is also known as 
Anthericum serotinum. 

Among native bulbs there are some very interesting. 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 253 

The Snake’s Head (Fritillaria meleagris) is abundant 
in some parts of the south and east of England, and it 
is worthy of a place in a garden. I know of nothing 
prettier in the spring garden than the singular sus- 
pended bells of the English Fritillary, often so prettily 
spotted, and occasionally white. The white form is 
a plant to encourage in every garden, the large white 

SNOWFLAKE (Longleat). 

bells being so distinct. The two British Scilla, though 
not so pretty as some of the continental species, so 
conspicuous among spring flowers, must not be for- 
gotten in a full collection, nor the varieties of the wood 
hyacinth, and there are several of interest, both white 
and pink. The Two-leaved Lily of the Valley (Con- 
vallaria bifolia) is a diminutive and sweet little herb, 

254 The Wild Garden 

found in only a few localities, and thriving on rocky 
borders and banks among dwarf plants. It is common 
on the Continent, and may be readily had from some 
nurseries, and in all botanic gardens in this country. 

The common Lily of the Valley is a true native plant, 
abundant in some counties, though wanting in others. 
The graceful Solomon’s Seal (Polygonatum multiflorum) 
and the Lily of the Valley should be planted to establish 
themselves in a semi-wild state in every place which 
has a shrubbery or wood. The Star of Bethlehem 
(Ornithogalum umbellatum) and the drooping O. nutans 
are established in several parts of the country. The 
first is a well-known old garden plant; the second 
a handsome kind with drooping flowers. To these we 
may add the Meadow Saffron (Colchicum autumnale), 
abundant in parts of Ireland and England, and fre- 
quently cultivated as a garden plant, commonly under 
the name of the Autumn Crocus, which name properly 
belongs to our blue Crocus nudiflorus. 

A Gladiolus (G. illyricus) has recently been found 
in the New Forest, near Lyndhurst; it is worthy of 
culture, and indeed is, or was, a favourite plant in many 
gardens before it was discovered as a British plant, 
having come to our gardens from Southern Europe. 
The Spring Crocus (C. vernus) is abundant in the 
neighbourhood of Nottingham, and other parts of Eng- 
land and Ireland; and the less known but equally 
beautiful Autumn Crocus (C. nudiflorus) is also natural- 
ized in Derbyshire, about Nottingham, and in a few 

British Wild Flowers and Trees aA 

other places. The Vernal Crocus is in nearly every 
garden, but the Autumnal Crocus is uncommon in 
gardens, and should be introduced to all, because it 
opens its handsome flowers when most others have 
perished. It is as easy of culture as the Spring Crocus, 
but, being so much scarcer, deserves good soil, and 
some watchfulness, to prevent its being dug up. 

Those who have seen the Flowering Rush (Butomus 
umbellatus) in flower, are not likely to omit it from 
a collection of water-plants, as it is handsome and 
distinct. It is a native of the greater part of Europe 
and Asia, and the central and southern parts of England 
and Ireland. Plant it near the margin, it likes 
rich muddy soil. The common Sagittaria, frequent in 
England and Ireland, but not in Scotland, might be 
associated with this; and there is a very much finer 
double kind which is to be had here and there, and 
is probably a variety of the corimbt kind. 

Among picturesque plants for the water-side, nothing 
equals the great Water-dock (Rumex Hydrolapathum), 
which is rather generally dispersed over the British 
Isles, and has leaves quite sub-tropical in aspect and 
size, becoming of a lurid red in the autumn. It forms 
a fine mass of foliage on rich muddy banks. The Reed 
Maces (Typha) must not be forgotten, but they should 
not be allowed to run everywhere. The narrow-leaved 
one is more graceful than the common kind. Carex 
pendula is good for the margins of water, its drooping 
spikes being so distinct. It is rather common in 

256 The Wild Garden 

England, more so than Carex Pseudo-cyperus, which 
grows well in a foot or two of water, or on the margin 
of a muddy pond. Carex paniculata forms a strong 
and thick stem, sometimes 3 or 4 feet high, some- 
what like a tree-fern, and with luxuriant masses of 
falling leaves, and on that account is transferred to 
moist places in gardens, though the larger specimens 
are difficult to remove and soon perish. Scirpus 
lacustris (the ‘ Bul- 
rush’) is too dis- 

tinct a plant to be 
omitted, as its stems, 
sometimes attaining 
a height of more than 
7 and even 8 feet, 
are very singular; 
Cyperus longus is 
also a handsome 
water-plant, remind- 
ing one of the aspect 
of the Papyrus when 
in flower. It is found 
in some of the 

southern counties of 
England. Cladium 
Mariscus is also another distinct and rather scarce 
British aquatic which is worth a place. 

GIANT HORSE-TaIL (Equisetum Telmateta). 

The ‘Great Horse-tail,’ which grows pretty commonly 
in the greater part of England and Ireland, attains its 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 257 

greatest development in rich soil, reaching a height 
of four or five feet, and the numbers of slender 
branches depending from each whorl look most grace- 
ful. The wood Equisetum (E. sylvaticum) common 
all over Britain, is smaller, but even more graceful. 
The long simple-stemmed Equisetums, or Horse-tails, 
are also interesting to cultivate in marshy spots, or 
by the sides of water, but are not so gracéful as 
the species above named. 

British WitLtows. Our Willows are as beautiful 
as Olives, perhaps much more beautiful, as after 
one has enjoyed their slender wands and silvery 
leaves against the summer sky they are the prettiest 
things in the winter landscape when they have lost 
all their leaves. Few even among the very men 
whose business it is to study trees, and plant them, 
i.e. landscape gardeners, have any idea of the noble 
effects that may be got by the artistic (i.e. natural) 
massing of our native willows, and their best varieties, 
in fitting situations. These occur often in this river- 
veined land, where there is so much marsh and 
estuary and shoreland, in which the hardy willows 
of our country and northern lands are at home. 
I say again, nothing in tropical or other lands is 
so effective in the landscape, so simple to secure, 
and so enduring as the pictures we may make from 
willows. Take the White Willow (Salix alba) alone— 
a stately and very large tree with its mass of silvery 
leaves so graceful in movement, and also a tree of 


258 The Wild Garden 

much value for its timber. Around this tree, naturally 
grouped so to say, there are various forms of even 
greater value, of which the shoots assume yellow, red, 
and other hues—trees which are almost as large as the 
common White Willow in good soil by rivers, or in 
marsh land. But in effect and colour they are even 
more important, one of them, the scarlet form, glowing 
with splendid colour in the winter sun. 

The better known yellow form (S. vitellina) is 
most delicate and. charming in colour in the winter 
or in the sun after showers, and indeed in all 
lights. The colour in the summer is_ beautiful 
certainly, but it is the change from the silvery 
foliage of the summer to the bright decisive colour 
of winter that is so charming in this and its allies. 
Simply massed in groups, as things arrange them- 
selves, these willows give us all we could desire in 
the way of pictures and beautiful effects in places 
where there is any breadth or expanse of marsh; 
but these great spaces are not necessary for single 
trees; Red and Yellow Willows may be grown in a 
small garden and be there beautiful. By putting in 
a few cuttings in the dykes of many farms these 
Willows will soon give a living picture. 

Among British Willows there are some that claim 
our attention more than others. No doubt every 
one is interesting from the botanical point of view, 
but what we seek are effective and picturesque 
things that can take their place among the trees 


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WHITE WILLOW in Hampshire. (From. drawing in possession of Lady Carn arvon.) 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 261 

of the land, finer than any of which they are in 

The earliest flowering British Willow is what is ° 
called the Goat Willow, or ‘pussies’ by the children 
in spring. Next in importance is the Crack Willow 
or withy, which also becomes a very fine handsome 
tree nearly a hundred feet high, with a trunk some- 
times twenty feet in girth, as in the specimen drawn by 
Alfred Parsons and engraved herein. There is a variety 
with the twigs orange or crimson in colour. The 
Bedford Willow also is a handsome tree and is sup- 
posed to be a hybrid between the White and the Crack 
Willow. The Goat Willow is not so handsome a tree 
as the others though precious for its beauty, but in 
almost every woodland district so common that there 
is no need to plant it. The Violet Willow is the next 
to claim our attention, being a graceful tree with violet 
shoots, very free and with a pretty grey bloom upon 
the leaves. Then we have the common Osier with 
its long wavy leaves silvery beneath—this willow is 
very common in wet places and in osier beds ; it does 
not give us such beautiful trees as the White Willow 
in its various forms. Of the osier there are numerous 
varieties ; and, lastly, we have the purple Osier, which 
is not quite a tree but a shrub attaining ten feet or 
so, with the advantage of being so bitter that rabbits 
will not eat it. Of this, as of all the others, there 
are various forms. 

Although from a landscape point of view the ‘best 

262 The Wid Garden 

are the tree willows, there is scarcely one which 
‘is not right by the water side; and for all who live 
in cool or mountain districts and have any kind of 
rock garden, the dwarf willows of our own mountains 
are charming, such as the Creeping Willow in its 
various forms, and the Woolly Willow, a dwarf silvery 
shrub of easy culture and a very pretty rock shrub: 
also the Netted Willow. 

British Orcuips. Orchids everywhere beautiful 
and singular, whether showy, as in the hot or moist 
East, or tiny on the Kent and Surrey hills, where the 
Bee Orchis is often frequent,—it is most interesting to 
collect our native Orchids and to cultivate them. If 
we can succeed in growing the British Orchids, we are 
not likely to fail with any other hardy plants. They 
are the most difficult to cultivate, but amongst the most 
interesting things which can be grown. I have cultivated 
the Bee Orchis and the Fly Orchis and the Hand 
Orchis, and a number of other British Orchids, for 
several years, and flowered them annually. Devoting 
a small bed to their culture, in an open spot, digging 
some chalk into the bed, so as to give the plants the 
soil in which they are found most abundantly, I suc- 
ceeded with all except those kinds that are parasitic 
on the roots of trees. 

The difficulty was to imitate the state of the surface 
of the ground which exists where they live in a wild 
state. I knew that the surface-dressing of stunted, 
storm-beaten grass among which they nestle prevents 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 265 

the ground from cracking and drying, and also shelters 
the plants in winter—in short, keeps the surface open 
and healthy. To plant grass over a bed in a garden 
would not do, as the shelter and richness of the ground 
would induce it to grow so strong that unless we were 
to look after and shorten it very frequently there would 
be no chance of keeping it within bounds; and if we 
did not do that, it would soon smother all the Orchids. 
A good substitute is cocoa-fibre with a little sand to 
give it weight. An inch or two of this was spread over 
the bed, and it prevented cracking and evaporation, 
and kept the surface in a healthy state. The roots 
should be inserted firmly but without injuring their 
fibres—a great point. Few people know how to plant 
anything beyond a strong bedding plant. 

If one of these Orchids which are accustomed to send 
their fleshy roots down into moist broken chalk in 
search of food were to be planted without care, it would 
soon perish. 

Well, in this way I have grown and freely flowered 
the most curious and beautiful Bee Orchis, the Spider 
Orchis, the Fly Orchis, and a dozen others less difficult 
to cultivate. The marsh Epipactus palustris is one of 
the easiest native Orchids to cultivate, growing well 
in an artificial bog or moist border; whilst most of 
the Orchises will do well under the treatment above 
described. The Bee, Fly, and Spider Orchids belong 
to the genus Ophrys. 

The common spotted Orchis (O. maculata), found 

266 The Wild Garden 

almost everywhere in the British Islands, is one of the 
freest to grow in a garden ; it makes large tufts of great 
beauty in stiff ground. Lately nurserymen have been 
offering a plant described as a variety of this, under the 
name of O. maculata superba. This is in reality the 
true British Orchis latifolia, a noble species, easy to 
grow in a moist spot, and having large spikes of bloom. 
O. militaris and O. fusca are among the handsomest of 
our Orchids; but all are interesting, from the early 
spotted O. mascula to the Butterfly Orchis, both of 
which are of easy culture in a garden. Perhaps the 
rarest and finest of all the British Orchids is the 
Lady’s Slipper, nearly if not extinct. Some of our 
nurserymen supply it, and they get their supplies from 
the Continent, where it is a widely distributed plant. 
It should be planted in broken limestone and fibrous 
loam, on the eastern side of a rockwork. When well 
grown it is a beautiful plant, quite as much so as some 
of the Cypripediums grown in the Orchid house, but, 
being perfectly hardy, is far more interesting for the 
British garden. The most important thing with regard 
to the Orchids is the procuring of them in a suitable 
state for planting. When they are gathered in a wild 
state, the roots should be taken up. as carefully as 
possible, and transferred to their garden home quickly 
and safely. They are very often sold in markets, but 
the roots are mutilated, not only from careless taking 
up, but from being tightly bound with matting. 

In the Grass family the common Ribbon Grass 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 267 

(Phalaris arundinacea), Hierochloe borealis (a rare 
northern plant, sweet-scented when dried), Milium 
effusum (a handsome wood grass), the exquisitely 
graceful Apera Spica-venti of the eastern counties, 
the Hare’s-tail Grass of the Channel Islands (Lagurus 
ovatus), the Quaking Grasses (Briza), the variegated 
Cock’s-foot Grass, and Elymus arenarius, a_ stout 
grey grass, are interesting or beautiful. Some of 
those Grasses, now never seen in a garden, are worthy 
of being grown for use in the house. 

Our Native Poprars. While there is little space to 
tell of all our native trees, many of which, in nature at 
least, are as well worthy our attention as any exotic 
ones, a few words on our native Poplars—among the 
hardiest of trees and the easiest to increase and grow— 

-may not be amiss. When we think of the rapid growth 
and the good effect both of single trees and groups in 
the landscape, we find much to encourage us to plant 
Poplars—even our native kinds. They will grow in 
soils not so good for Oak or Ash or Pine, and this is 
important for a country like ours where there is so 
much swampy or low-lying land by rivers and estuaries, 
and also inland bog land, where the effect of Poplars 
will be beautiful and their growth profitable. The 
White Poplar or Abele, a native tree, is so fine in 
form and in all ways that it is not neglected, and 
about country houses we see noble trees of it nearly 
or quite one hundred feet high. It is excellent for 
planting by rivers and in spots likely to be under water 

268 The Wild Garden 

betimes, and very handsome in the colour of the stems, 
especially where a number of old trees are seen 
picturesquely grouped. The Grey Poplar comes near 
this but is not so fine a tree. I love our true native 
Aspen (P. tremula), best of all Poplars: though not 
uncommon in some underwoods, we rarely see it in 
England planted either as a garden or woodland tree— 
a great mistake, as in some countries of North Eurepe 
it is a large and useful tree, and always a beautiful one. 
There is a weeping form and one or two wild ones. 
The Black Poplar (P. nigra) is a valuable tree of rapid 
growth and good effect in the landscape, as is shown 
in Mr. Parsons’ sketch of it by the Kennet. 

Our Native Evercreens. When after a very 
hard winter we see the evergreen trees of the 
garden in mourning, and perhaps many of them 
dead, as happens to Laurels, Laurustinuses, and often 
even the Bay, it is a good time to consider the 
hardiness and other good qualities of our British ever- 
greens and the many forms raised from them. If we 
are fortunate enough to have old Yew trees near us, 
we do not find that a hard winter makes any difference 
to them, even winters that sear the evergreen Oak. 
We have collected within the past two hundred years 
evergreen trees from all parts of the northern world, 
but it is doubtful if any of them are better than the 
common Yew, which when old is often picturesque, 
and which lives green for a thousand years. Of this 
great tree we have many varieties, but none of them 

THE BLACK FOPLAR in the Kennet valley. 

British Wild Flowers and Trees 271 

quite so good as the wild kind when old. In the 
garden little thought is given to the Yew, and it is 
crowded among shrubs; while in graveyards the roots 
are cut by digging, so that one seldom sees it in 
its fine character when old, which is very beautiful. 
The Golden Yew is a form of it, and there are other 
slight variegations which are interesting from a merely 
garden point of view. The Irish Yew is a well-known 
form ; its prim shape is too often seen. Other seedling 
variations of the common Yew are better than the 
Irish variety. 

After the ever-precious Yew, the best of our ever- 
green trees is the Holly, which in no country attains 
the beauty it does in our own; no evergreen brought 
over the sea is so valuable not only in its native form, 
often attaining forty feet even on the hills, but in the 
almost innumerable varieties raised from it, many of 
them being the best of all variegated shrubs in their 
silver and gold variegation ; in fruit, too, it is the most 
beautiful of evergreens. Not merely as a garden tree 
is it precious, but as a most delightful shelter around 
fields for stock, in paddocks and places which we wish 
to shelter. A big wreath of unclipped Holly on the 
cold sides of fields is the best protection, and a grove 
of Holly north of any place we want to shelter is the 
best thing we can plant. As to the garden, we may 
make beautiful evergreen gardens of the forms of Holly 
alone ; the only thing we have to fear are rabbits, which 
when numerous make Holly difficult to establish by 

272 The Wild Garden 

barking the little trees, and in hard winters even killing 
many old trees. 

Notwithstanding the many conifers brought from 
other countries within the past few generations, it is 
very doubtful if as regards beauty, more than one or 
two equal our native Fir, which when old is so fine in 
its stem and head. Fewthings in our country are more 
picturesque than old groups and groves of the Scotch 
Fir ; few indeed of the conifers we treasure from other 
countries will ever give us anything so good as the 
ruddy stems and frost-proof crests of this northern and 
British tree. 

Again, the best of evergreen climbers is our native 
Ivy, and the many beautiful forms allied to it or that 
have arisen from it. Ivy in our woods arranges 
its own beautiful effects, but in gardens it might be 
made more delightful use of. The form most com- 
monly used in Britain—the Irish Ivy—is by no means 
so graceful as some others, and there are a great 
number of delightful forms varying in form and even 
in colour. These for edgings, banks, forming screens, 
covering old trees, and forming summer-houses should 
be made far larger use of. In many northern countries 
our Ivy will not live in the open air, and it is socommon 
with us, that we rarely take advantage of our privileges 
in such a possession in making bold shelters, wreaths, 
and many beautiful things of it that would need little 
care. It requires care in trimming when on our houses 
and on cottage roofs; but there are many pretty things 

British Wild Flowers and Trees a3 

to make of it away from buildings, and among them 
Ivy-clad and Ivy-covered wigwams, summer-houses, 
and covered ways, the Ivy supported on a strong 
open frame-work, and trained over sticks and mats 
till it takes hold 

The Box tree, which is a true native in certain dry 
hills in the south of England, is so crowded in shrub- 
beries, that one seldom sees its beauty as it is on the 
hills full in the sun, where the branches take a charming 
plumy toss. To wander among natural groves of Box 
is a great pleasure, and there is no reason why we 
should not plant it in groups or colonies by itself full 
in the sun, so that one might enjoy the same charm of 
form that it shows when wild. In some heavy soils it 
barely lives, but many soils suit it perfectly. A bower 
of one of the handsome-leaved Ivies in a grove of Box 
would be charming, and its charms would last long. 

Also among our native evergreens is the common 
Juniper, a scrubby bush in some places, but on heaths 
in Surrey, and favoured heaths elsewhere, often growing 
over twenty feet high and very picturesque, especially 
where mingled with Holly. There is an upright form, 
called the Irish Juniper, in gardens. 

The Arbutus, which borders nearly all the streams in 
Greece, ventures into Ireland, and is abundant there in 
certain parts in the south. This beautiful shrub, though 
tender in inland districts, is very precious for the 
seashore and mild districts, not only as an evergreen, 
but for the beauty of its flower and fruit. Still, it is 


274 The Wild Garden 

the one British evergreen which has to be planted with 
discrimination in places where the winters are severe in 
inland districts. 

We have thus glanced rapidly at the garden of British 
Wild Flowers and Trees, from showy Buttercups to 
modest Grasses; but it would require much greater 
space to do justice to the many delightful aspects of 
vegetation that they give rise to. 


Illustrations in Italics. 

Abele, 267. 

Acantholimon glumaceum, 198. 

Acanthus, 53, 116, 147, 163, 199. 

— latifolius, 147, 199. 

— spinosissimus, 199. 

— spinosus, 199. 

Achillea, 102, 118; 148, 204. 

— aurea, 108. 

— Eupatorium, 148. 

— filipendula, 148. 

— Ptarmica, 249. 

— tomentosa, 204. 

Achilleas, white, large, 196. 

Aconite, 131. 

— common, the, 38. 

— — poisonous, the, 220. 

~~ early, the, 171. 

— Napellus, 220. 

— Winter, the, 12, 13, 37, 53, 169, 
202, 210, 220. 

Aconites, 47. 

Aconitum, 147, 198, 199. 

Actzea, 199. 

Adenophora, 204. 

Adonis autumnalis, 218. 

Ethionema, 204. 

Agrostemma coronaria, 204. 

Agrostis nebulosa, 206. 


Ajuga, 148. 

— genevensis, 148, 198. 

Alfrodia cernua, 199. 

Alkanet, 28,152. 

Allium, 148. 

— ciliatum, 150, 201, 206. 

— fragrans, 206. 

— Moly, 54, 131, 150, 206. 

— naturalized, 54. 

— Neapolitanum, 149, 201, 206. 

~- White, Narcissus-like, the, 149. 

— White Provence, 54. 

— Yellow, the, 54. 

Alpine and rock plants for walls 
and ruins, some of the families 
of, 118. 

Alstroemeria, 143, 150, 203. 

— aurantiaca, 150. 

Alternanthera, 54. 

Althzea, 47, 150, 181, 203. 

— ficifolia, 198. 

— nudiflora, 198. 

— taurinensis, 198, 199. 

Althezeas, the, 181. 

Alum-root, 78. 

Alyssum,. 77, 118, 150, 157, 197, 

— maritimum, 205. 



Alyssum montanum, 204. 

— saxatile, 150, 198, 200, 204. 

— sweet, the, 222. 

— Wiersbecki, 150. 

— yellow, 153. 

Amberboa moschata, 205. 

— odorata, 205. 

Ampelopsis, 52, 72, 158. 

-- bipinnata, 200, 207. 

— cordata, 200, 207. 

-— hederacea, 200, 207. 

— tricuspidata, 200, 207. 

Anchusa, 28, 152. 

— capensis, 152. 

— italica, 152. 

— sempervirens, 152. 

Andromeda, 88. 

— marsh, 243. 

— polifolia, 243. 

Androszum officinale, 209. 

Anemone, 33, I5I; 204. 

— alpina, 31, 200. 

—~ angulosa, 151. 

— apennina, 9, 14, 33, 200, 206, 

— — blue, the, 17, 97, 202, 217. 

— blanda, 31, 200, 206. 

— — Grecian, the, 151. 

— blue, the, 13, 17, 202, 216, 217. 

-— Coronaria, 31, 200, 209. 

— fulgens, 200. 

— Greek, 18. 

— Italian, 18. 

— — blue, the, 33. 

— Japan, 32. 

— japonica, 199, 209. 

-— nemorosa, 215. 

— Pasque, the, 217. 

— Poppy, common, the, 31. 

— Ranunculoides, 33, 200, 206, 

— scarlet, 31. 

— stellata, 203. 


Anemone sulphurea, 31. 

-— sylvestris, 32, 203. 

— trifolia, 200, 203. 

—- White Japan, the, in the wild 
garden, 32. 

— Wood, 14, I51, 215, 216, 217. 

— — large sky-blue form of, 216. 

Anemones, 17, 31, 144,215. ° 

— Alpine, 31. 

— in the Riviera, 35. 

— Japan, 32. 

— Wood, 83. 

| Angelica, 47, 83. 

Antennaria dioica rosea, 206. 

Anthericum, 151. 

— serotinum, 252. 

--- liliago, 151. 

Anthyllis montana, 198, 204, 206. 

— vulneraria, 226. 

Antirrhinum, 118, 152, 203. 

— Asarinum, 152. 

— majus, 204. 

— molle, 152. 

—- orontium, 204. 

— rupestre, 152, 204. 

Apera spica-venti, 267. 

Apios tuberosa, 72, 207. 

Aponogeton distachyon, 108. 

Apple, 234. 

— May, 53. 

Apples, 65. 

Aquilegia, 152, 200. 

— chrysantha, 152. 

— vulgaris, 152, 220. 

Arabis, 77, 115, 116, 118, 153, 157, 
200, 209. 

— albida, 198, 204, 205. 

— arenosa, 205. 

— petrzea, 205, 222. 

— White, Lilies coming up through 
carpet of. xvit. 

Aralia edulis, 199, 203. 

— herbaceous, 47. 


Aralia japonica, 199. 

— nudicaulis, 203. 

Arbor-vitze, 71, 72, 127. 

Arbutus, the, 273. 

—- trailing, 83. 

— trees, 177. 


Arenaria, 118, 153. 

— balearica, 153, 204. 

— — on wall at Great Tew, 

— ceespitosa, 153, 204. 

— ciliata, 204, 223. 

— graminifolia, 153, 205. 

— montana, 153, 200, 205. 

— verna, 205, 223. 

Aristolochia, 74. 

— and deciduous Cypress, 74. 

— Sipho, 52, 72, 158, 207. 

— tomentosa, 52, 200, 207. 

Armeria cephalotes, 189, 204. 

— vulgaris, 251. 

— vulgaris rubra, 251. 

Arrowhead, the, 107. 

Artemisia, 47, 204. 

— abrotanum, 209. 

— maritima, 249. 

Arum, 154. 

— Dracontium, 155. 

— Italian, the, 154. 

— italicum, 203. 

— Lily, the, 155. 

— Water, I12. 

Arundinaria falcata, 158, 199. 

Arundo Donax, 163, 187. 

Asclepias, 47, 155- 

— cornuti, 155, 199, 203. 

— Douglasi, 155, 199. 

— incarnata, 155. 

— syriaca, 199. 

— tuberosa, 155. 

Ash, 267. 

Uva-Ursi, 84, 

Ash, Pollard, in  Orchardleigh 
Park, Somerset, Wild Rose 

growing on a, 121. 
Asparagus, 47. 
— Broussoneti, 200. 
— officinalis, 200. 
Aspen, native, 268. 
Asperula cynanchia, 205. 
— odorata, 247. 
Asphodel, 154. 
— tall, in copse, 154. 
Asphodels, the, 3, 154, 209. 
Asphodelus, 154. 
— albus, 209. 
— ramosus, 203. 
Asplenium Rutamuraria, 236. 
— tiny, 83. 
Aster, 54, 78,155, 156, 189, 199, 203. 
— alpinus, 198. 
— elegans, 199. 
— erlcoides, 199. 
-- Novi Belgi, 199. 
Asters, thousands 
Gravetye, 156. 
Astilbe rivularis, 199, 200, 203. 
— rubra, 199. 
Astragalus, 156, 226. 
— galegiformis, 157. 
— monspessulanus, 198. 
— ponticus, 157, 199, 200. 
Astrantia, 157. 
-— major, 198. 
Athmantia Matthioli, 198. 
Athyrium Filix-foemina, 209. 
Atragene, 41. 
— clematis-like, the, 41. 
Aubrietia, 77, 116, 118, 157, 197, 
198, 200, 204, 209. 
— purple, the, 153. 
Aubrietias, the, 157. 
Azalea procumbens, 243. 
Azaleas, 144. 
— American, 208. 

massed at 


Baldmoney, 238. 

Balm, 139. 

Bamboo, 158. 

Bamboos, 158, 187. 

Bambusa, 158, 199. 

-— gracilis, 158. 

-- metake, 158. 

— Simoni, 158. 

~~ viridi-glaucescens, 158. 

Bank, no fence so good as a live 
one on a, 56. 

Baptisia, 159. 

-- australis, 199. 

— exaltata, 203. 

Barberry, common, at Compton 
Winyates, 98. 

Barren-wort, 168. 

Batchelor’s-buttons, 219. 

Bay, the, 268. 

Bearberry, 84, 242. 

Bear’s Breech, 147. 

Beauport, near Battle, Funkia 
coerula at, 170. 

Beautiful accident, a, So. 

Bee Balm, the, 78, 180, 78. 

Beech Fern, 171. 

Beet, 54. 

Bell-flower, 102, 159. 

Berberis Darwini, 209. 

.— vulgaris, 220. 

Betonica, 47. 

Bignonia, 72. 

Bilberry, 242. 

Bindweed, 163, 179. 

— field, rosy, the, 164. 

— great, the, 164. 

— Hungarian, 51. 

— large, the, 52, 65. 

-— large white, the, 50. 

— rosy, the, 164. 

— South European, a, 164. 

Bindweeds, 3, 47. 

Birthwort, great, 158. 


Bitter Vetch, 182. 
Blackberry bushes, 85. 

, Blitum capitatum, 206. 

Blood-root, 12, 83, 84. 

-- — Canadian, the, 53. 

Bloodwort, 189. 

Bluebell, 4, 91, 190. 

Bluebells, 3. 

Bluets, 83. 

Bodorgan, wood at, Spiraea japo- 
nica in a, 189. 

Bog and Water gardens. 
Brookside, roo. 

Bog-bean, 26, 105, 246. 

Borage, 27, 159. 

— Cretan, the, 27, 28. 

Borageworts, the, 29, 132. 

Borago, 159. 

— cretica, 28, 159. 

— orientalis, 159. 

Boussingaultia baselloides, 200. 

Box, 208, 273. 

— bush, 124. 

— groves of, 273. 

— tree, the, 273. 

Bracken, 82. 

Bramble, 58, 64, 97, 133, 187. 

— cut-leaved, 60. 

— Nootka, the, 52. ° 

Brambles, 3, 32, 52, 65, 188. 

— native, 227. 

Brier, 63. 

-- Sweet, 60, 64, 67, 95, I1g, 120. 

— Wild, 123. 

Briers, 10, 58, 66. 

— native, 227. 

— Sweet, 61, 86, 231. 

Briza, 206, 267. 

— maxima, 206. 

Brizopyrum siculum, 206. 

Brockhurst, 143. 

Brodizea congesta, 206. 

Bromus brizzeformis, 206. 



Brookside, Water and Bog gar- 
dens, the, too. 

Broom, 95. 

— Spanish, 139. 

Brooms, 139. 

Bryony, 179. 

Buckbean, 105. 

Buckhurst Park, Dielytra eximia 
naturalized in, 165. 

Bugle, 148. 

Bulbocodium vernum, 201, 203, 

Bulbs, early-flowering, in Mea- 
dow grass, 16. 

— hardy, for naturalization, 206. 

— — in grass of Lawns or Mea- 
dows, example from, 12. 

— Spring-flowering, 13. 

Bullace, 232, 233. 

Bulrush, the, 106, 256. 

Bupthalmums, 47. 

Bushes to use and avoid in 
Fences, 59. 

Butomus umbellatus, 107, 255. 

Butterbur, the, 39. 

Buttercup, great, 26. 

— the, 30, 192, 214, 220. 

Buttercups, the, 274. 

Butterworts, the, 162. 

Calla azethiopica, 107, 155. 
— marsh, 164. 

— palustris, 107, 112, 164. 
Callirhoe, 181. 
Callirhees, the, 181. 
Calluna, 203. 

— vulgaris, 240. 

Caltha, 109. 

— Guerangerii, 219. 

-— minor, 219. 

—- palustris, 219. 

— — fl. pl. 203. 

— radicans, 219. 


Caltha vulgaris, 219. 

Calystegia, 163 

— dahurica, 52, 163, 200, 207. 

— pubescens, 200. 

Camassia esculenta, 206. 

Campanula, 47, 102, 118, 144, 159, 
199, 200, 204. 

— Barrelieri, 205. 

-- caespitosa, 198. 

— carpatica, 198. 

— fragilis, 198, 205. 

— — lanuginosa, 205. 

— garganica, 198, 205. 

— giant, the, 249. 

— glomerata, 203. 

— hederacea, 249. 

— Ivy, 249, 250. 

— lamiifolia, 159. 

— latifolia, 249. 

— patula, 249. 

— pumila, 205. 

— — alba, 205. 

— rapunculoides, 159. 

— rotundifolia, 159, 205. 

— spreading, the, 249. 

— Trachelium, 250. 

Campion, red, the, 144. 

— sea bladder, the, 223. 

Canadian weed, 218. 

Candytuft, evergreen, 77, 175. 

Canterbury Bells, 209. 

Cape Pond flower, the, 108. 

— — Weed in an English ditch in 
Winter, the, 108. 

Caper Spurge, 252. 

Cardamine trifolia, 153. 

Cardinal flower, the, 111. 

Carduus eriophorus, 204, 248. 

Carex, large flowering, 143. 

— paniculata, 106, 256. 

— pendula, 106, 255. 

— pseudo-cyperus, 106, 256. 

Carlina acanthifolia, 199, 204. 


Carnation, 11. 

— single, the, 166. 
— Wild, the, 223. 
Carnations, 17, 9I- 
Catch-fly, 189. 
Cat’s-tail, the, 106. 
Cedar, creeping, 77. 
Cedars, 156. 
Celandine, 214. 

— greater, the, 131. 
Celandines, 143 
Celastrus, 71, 72. 

— scandens, 71. 
Centaurea, 47, 160. 
— babylonica, 163, 199. 
— cyanus, 160, 248. 
— montana, 201. 
Centranthus, 118. 

— albus, 205. 

— coccineus, 205. 

— ruber, 159,205, 247. 
Cephalaria, 164, 190. 
— procera, 44. 
Cerastium, 160, 204. 
— alpinum, 223. 

— Biebersteinii, 198. 
— grandiflorum, 198. 
— tomentosum, 198. 
Cerastiums, 137. 
Ceterach, the, 236. 
Cheddar Pink, 115, 116, 223. 

— — Saxifrage and Ferns, 115. 

Cheilanthes odora, 171. 
Cheiranthus, 118, 160, 204. 
— alpinus, 205. 

-- Cheiri, 205. 

— —- plenus, 205. 
Chelidonium majus, 131. 
Cherry, Bird, 233. 

— Plum, 59. 

—. Wild, 232, 233. 
Chimaphila maculata, 84, 203. 
— umbellata, 84. 


Chionodoxa, 22. 
Christmas Rose, 37, 38, 53; 174- 
Chrysanthemum maximum, 199. 

‘Chrysobactron Hookeri, 203. 

Chrysopsis Mariana, 204. 

Cicely, sweet, 238. 

Cicimifuga racemosa, Ig9. 

Cineraria maritima, 209. 

Cinquefoils, 3. 

Cissus orientalis, 200, 207. 

— pubescens, 200. 

Cistus, 204. 

— on sandy slope, r41. 

Cladium Mariscus, 107, 256. 

Clarkia elegans, 205. 

— pulchella, 205. 

Clematidee, 51. 

Clematis, 3, 10, 51, 52, 63, 86, 132, 
161, 200. 

— campaniflora, 30, 162. 

— campanulata, 65. 

— cirrhosa, 31, 162. 

— common, the, 215. 

— erecta, 161. 

— flammula, 10, 30, 65, 162, 207. 

— graveolens, 65. 

— Indian, white, 139. 

— large flowered, 138. 

— large white, on Yew tree at Great 
Tew, 69. 

— montana, 65, 68, 162, 207. 

— montana grandiflora, 31, 69. 

—- mountain, 10, IT, 52. 

—- — Indian, 98. 

— native, 98. 

— viorna, 162. 

— vitalba, 215. 

— viticella, 65, 162, 207. 

— White-flowered, European, the, 
r6z. : 

— Wild, 65, 66, 199. 

— —single, 31. 

Clematises, 67. 


Clematises, Wild, 68. 

Climbers and Trailers, 200. 

— for Trees and Bushes, 68. 

Climbing Shrub isolated on the 
Brass, 71. 

Cloudberry, 234. 

Clover, 208. 

Club Moss, 84. 

Colchicum, 160, 203, 206. 

— autumnale, 254. 

Collinsia bicolor, 206. 

— verna, 206. 

Collomia coccinea, 205. 

Columbine, 209. 

— Canadian, 83. 

— common, the, 131, 220, 

— Siberian, in rocky place, 153. 

— varieties of, in the grass, 137. 

Columbines, 3, 132, 137, 144, 153- 

~—and Geraniums in meadow 
grass, xtit, 

— in the grass, 152. 

Combe in Somerset, frontispiece. 

— Somerset, Native Sun Rose in, 

Comfrey, 190. 

-— Bohemian, 25, 132. 

— Caucasian, 25, 29, 132. 

— — in Shrubbery, 24. 

— Giant, 29. 

— White, 25. 

Comfreys, 25. 

Compass plants, 32, 78, 102. 

Composite, type of erect, 43. 

Compton Winyates, common 
Barberry at, 98. 

Convallaria bifolia multiflora, 

Convolvuli, 52. 

Convolvulus althzeoides, 164. 

Coolburst, Heather in bloom at, 

Copse, Lily of the Valley in, 87. 


Copses, Ditches, Shady lanes, 
and Hedgerows, 48. 

Coptis trifoliata, 203. 

Coral-wort, 165. 

Corn Cockle, the, 223. 

Cornel, dwarf, 84, 162. 

— native, 240. 

Cornflower, common, the, 248. 
Cornus, 2309. 

— canadensis, 84, 162, 198, 203. 
— florida, 71. 

— sanguinea, 239. 
Coronilla, 118, 204. 

— minima, 205. 

— montana, 54. 

— rosy, the, 164. 

— varia, 54, 164, 198, 200. 
Corydalis, 118, 204. 

— bulbosa, 221. 

— capnoides, 200. 

—— grey, 84. 

— lutea, 117, 165, 200, 205, 221. 
— solida, 203. 

—— tuberosa, 203. 
Cotoneasters, dwarf, 77. 
Cotton Thistle, 183. 

— — great, the, 248. 

_— — silvery, the, 248. 

Cotton-weed, American, 47. 
Cotyledon umbilicus, 205. 
Cowberry, 84. 

Cow Parsnip, Giant, 45. 

— Parsnips, 173. 

Cowslip, 4. 

— American, 165. 

— — Jeffery’s, 165. 
Cowslips, 131, 144, 251. 
Crab, 65, 232, 233- 

Crabs, Japan, 65. 

Crambe, 47, 163. 

— cordifolia, 163, 198, 199. 
Cranberry, 242. 

Crane’s-bill wild in the grass, 131. 


Crane’s-bills, 3, 53. 

Crateegus Crus-galli, 127. 

— Kyrtostyla, 233. 

-- laciniata, 233. 

— monogyna, 233. 

— oxyacantha, 233. 

— oxyacanthoides, 233. 

— tanacetifolia, 127. 

Creeping Jenny, the, 251. 

Cress, Indian, showy, 194. 

— Rock, blue, the, 157. 

— Wall, 158. 

Crinum capense, 203. 

Croci, autumnal, the, 161. 

Crocus, 13, 20, 21, 90, 98, 131, 161, 
206, 209. 

-— aureus, 201. 

— autumn, 254, 255. 

— biflorus, 203. 

— common, the, 161. 

— Imperati, 161, 203. 

— in the grass, 161. 

— nudiflorus, 254. 

— reticulatus, 203. 

— speciosus, 201. 

— spring, the, 254, 255. 

-- Susianus, 201. 

— vernal, the, 254, 255. 

— versicolor, 201, 203. 

Crocuses, 14, 21, 53, 143, 202. 

— Autumn, in the Wild Garden, 

Crowfoot order, the, 214. 

Crowfoots, 214, 218. 

— double, 21g. 

— Water, 214. 

Crown Imperial, 170. 

Crowsley, Oxfordshire, Wild Gar- 
den at, 129. 

Cruciferze, 221. 

Cybele Hibernica, 214. 

Cyclamen, 162, 203, 206. 

— common, the, 250. 


Cyclamen Coum, 163. 

— europzeuni, 162, 201. 

— hedereefolium, 7, 162, 163, 201. 

— repandum, 163. 

— vernum. 163. 

Cyclamens, 53. 

— in the Wild Garden, 163. 

Cyperus longus, 106, 256. 

Cypress, 74. 

— deciduous, and Aristolochia, 74. 

Cypripedium, 266. 

— spectabile, 112, 162, 203. 

Cypripediums, 143. 

Daffodil, Bayonne, 19, 182. 

— Hoop Petticoat, 182. 

— Tenby, Ig. 

Daffodils, 3, 12, 15, 17, 86, 90, 130, 
143, 144, I71, 182, 209, 252. 

— English, 19. 

— Irish, 19. 

— Kingcups and Primroses, Combe 
in west country with, frontis- 
piece. : 

-- Scotch, 19. 

Daisies, 208. 

— Michaelmas, 3, 32, 44,155, 189. 

— Moon, 3, 66, 78. 

Daisy, Ox-eye, tall, the, 186. 

Dandelion, 208. 

Daphne cneorum, 77, 203. 

Datsica cannabina, 198, 199, 203. 

Day Lilies, 3, 102, 209. 

Delphinium, 198, 199. 

Delphiniums, the, 39, 166. 

Dentaria, 53, 165. 

— bulbifera, 222. 

— laciniata, 203. 

Deutzia scabra, 209. 

Dianthus, 118, 166, 204. 

— ceesius, 166, 205. 

— caryophyllus, 223. 


Dianthus deltoides, 205, 206, 223. 

— monspessulanus, 205. 

— neglectus, 166. 

—- petreeus, 205. 

— plumarius, 223. 

Dielytra, 165, 204. 

— eximia, 198, 200. 

—_—naturalized in Buckhurst 
Park, 165. 

— formosa, 198. 

— spectabilis, 138, 165, 200. 

Digitalis, 47, 167. 

Dimorphotheca pluvia, 205. 

Diotis maritima, 248. 

Dipsacus, 47. 

-— laciniatus, 199, 206. 

Ditches, Shady Lanes, Copses and 
Hedgerows, 48. 

Dock, Great Water, 105. 

Dodecatheon, 165. 

— Jeffreyanum, 165, 201. 

— Meadia, 165, 198, 201. 

Dog Rose, 60, 64. 

Dogwood, 71, 239. 

Dogwoods, native, 239. 

Dog’s-tooth Violets, 20, 53, 83, 84, 
169, 209. 

— Yellow, 84. 

Dondia Epipactis, 198. 

Doronicum, 47, 165. 

— caucasicum, 198, 201. 

Draba, 118. 

— aizoides, 205, 221. 

Dracocephalum, 204. 

— moldavicum, 206. 

— nutans, 206. 

Dragon plant, the, 155. 

Dryas octopetala, 203, 226. 

Dutchman’s Pipe, 74. 

Echinops, 47, 168, 193, 203. 
— bannaticus, I99. 
— exaltatus, 169, 199. 


Echinops purpureus, 199. 

— ruthenicus, 169, I99. 

Echium, 204. 

Elder, common, the, 60. 

-— the, 208, 209. 

— Water, 212, 240. 

Elm-Trees, 17. 

Elymus, 47, 78, 203. \ 

— arenarius, 199, 267. 

English Flower Garden, the, 173. 

Epigzea repens, 90, 169, 203. 

Epilobium, 47, 203. 

— angustifolium, 167, 234. 

Epimedium, 168, 203. 

— pinnatum, 200. 

-— — elegans, 168. 

Epipactus palustris, 265. 

Equisetum sylvaticum, 257. 

— Telmateia, 105, 256. 

— Wood, the, 257. 

Equisetums, 257. 

Eranthis hyemalis, 37, 169, 200, 
203, 220. 

Erica, 168. 

— carnea, 168, 201. 

— ciliaris, 241. 

-- cinerea, 241. 

— hibernica, 241. 

— Mackiana, 241. 

— tetralix, 241. 

-— vagans, 241. 

Erinus, 116, 118. 

— Alpinus, 205. 

-— Pyrenean, the, 114. 

Erodium, 118, 172, 204. 

— Manescavi, 172. 

— Reichardii, 205. 

— romanum, 172, 205. 

Eryngium, 167, 199, 204. 

— maritimum, 238. 

Erysimum asperum, 206. 

— ochroleucum, 160. 

— Peroffskianum, 205. 


Erythronium, 169, 206. 

— Americanum, 84. 

— Dens-canis, 203. 

Eschscholtzia californica, 205. 

Euonymus, 209. 

Eupatorium, 47, 203. 

— ageratoides, 167. 

— aromaticum, 167. 

— purpureum, Ig9. 

Euphorbia Cyparissias, 198, 199. 

— Lathyris, 252. 

— Myrsinites, 204. 

Evening Primrose, 182, 235. 

— common, the, 182. 

— large in the Wild Garden, night 
effect of, 5. 

Evening Primroses, 3. 

Evergreen, Creeping, the, 242. 

Evergreens, 66, 83. 

— dwarf, 77. 

— our native, 268. 

Everlasting, Mountain, the, 249. 

Fair Maids of France, 34. 

Fence as a shelter, the, 62. 

— beautiful, the, 63. 

— gridiron, 55. 

— no, so good asa live one on a 
bank, 56. 

— Oak post and rail, 61. 

— Yew, at Gravetye Manor, 66. 

Fences, Bushes to use and avoid 
in, 59. 

— Holly, 62. 

— Iron, and our Landscapes, 55. 

Fencing, Oak and other not ugly, 

Fennel, common, the, 133. 

— Giant, 171. 

— sweet, the, 238. 

Fennels, Giant, 53, 133, 171. 

Fern, 63, 97. 

— Beech, 171. 


Fern, Climbing, the, 171. 

— Maidenhair, 215. 

— Oak, 171. 

— Royal, 103. 

— tree, 106. 

-— wild, 95. 

Fernery, hardy, the, 133, 139. 

Ferns, 56, 58, 82, 83, 92, 95, 112, 
133, 143, 171. 

— Cheddar Pink and Saxifrage, 

— common, 98. 

— feather, the, 172. 

— great, the, 172. 

— hardy, 139. 

— of North America, 98, 99, 172. 

— Plume, 53. 

Ferula, 47, 133, I71, 199, 200. 

— communis, I99. 

— glauca, 199. 

— sulcata, 199. 

— tingitana, 199. 

Ferulas, 139, 163. 

Ficaria grandiflora, 203. 

Field Rose, the, 229. 

Fig, sacred, 3. 

Fir, our native, 272. 

— Scotch, 272. 

— Spruce, 228. 

Flame-flower, 102, 193. 

Flax, 223. 

— field, the, 223. 

— perennial, the, 223, 

Fleur de Lis, 176. 

Flos Adonis, 218. 

Forest of Compiégne, Lily of the 
Valley in the, 92. 

Forget-me-not, 25, 27, 28, 179. 

— blue, the, 179. 

—- common water, 26. 

— Creeping, the, 29, 183. 

— early, the, 132. 

— family, example from the, 24. 


Forget-me-not, Mountain, 212. 
— wood, 17, 132, 134. 
Forget-me-nots, 3, 24, 79, 132, 
143, 144. 
— British, 26. 
Foxglove, 4, 95, 139, 167. 
— flowers, 144. 
— spotted varieties of, 167. 
Foxgloves, 3, 82, 144. 
Frankenia levis, 223. 
Fritillaria, 20, 53, 170, 201, 206. 
— meleagris, 170, 253. 
— tristis, 170. 
Fritillarias, 170. 
Fritillary, 200. 
— English, the, 253. 
— golden, the, 170. 
Fuchsia, 78, 209. 
Fumaria, 165, 204. 
— bulbosa, 165, 206. 
Fumitory, 165. 
— Yellow, the, 117. 
Funkia, 47, 169. 
~ ceerula, 170. 
— grandiflora, 203. 
— ovata, go. 
— Sieboldi, go, 203. 
— subcordata, go. 
Funkias, 89. 
Furze, double, 95. 

Galanthus, 173, 201. 

-— Elwesi, 173. 

— plicatus, 173. 

Galatellas, the, 155. 

Galax, 84. 

— aphylla, 88, 203. 

Galega, 47, 172. 

— biloba, 172, 198, 200. 

-— officinalis, 172, 198, 200, 203. 

Galium, 247. 

Garden of British Wild Flowers, 
the, 211. 


Garden of MM. Van Eden, Liane 
in the, 72. 

Gardenia, 128. 

Gaultheria, 173. 

— procumbens, 84, 88, 203. 

Gean, 233. 

Genista, 204. 

— anglica, 225. 

— Dyer’s, 225. 

— pilosa, 225. 

— tinctoria, 225. 

Gentian, 173, 246. 

— Bavarian, 113. 

— Lithosperm, 177. 

— vernal, the, 243, 244. 

— Wind, 111. 

Gentiana, 173. 

— acaulis, 113, 173. 189, 201. 

— asclepiadea, 173, 203. 

— pneumonanthe, 245. 

— verna, 212, 243. 

Gentianella, 88, 113, 173. 

~— asclepiadea, 88. 

— septemfida, 88. 

Gentians, 88, 203. 

Geranium, 53, 172, 204 224. 

— armenum, 172. 

— cinereum, 189. 

— hardy, a, 172. 

— ibericum, 172. 

— lancastriense, 224. 

— pratense, 224. 

— sanguineum, 224. 

— striatum, 198. 

— sylvaticum, 224. 

— Wallichianum, 224. 

Geraniums, 78. 

—and Columbines tn meadow 
Lrass, x11, 

Geum, 204. 

Gilia capitata, 205. 

— tricolor, 205. 

Gladiolus Colvillei, 53. 


Gladiolus, hardy European, 206. 

— illyricus, 254. 

—- segetum, 53. 

Globe flower, 192, 219. 

— order, example from the, 30. 

— Flowers, 34, 37. 53, 109, 144. 

— — group of. 30. 

— Thistle, 78, 168. 

Gnaphalium dioicum, 249. 

Goat's Rue, 172. 

Godetia, 205. 

Gold Thread, 83. 

Golden Club, 112. 

— Rod, xvi, 8, 32, 44, 102, 144, 
155, 156, 189. 

— Yarrow, 78. 

Goutweed, 21, 134. 

Grape Hyacinth, 179. 

— at Gravetye, 179. 

Grape Hyacinths, 14, 30. 

Grass, 92, IOI, 132, 134, 137, 138, 

— climbing Rose on, 128. 

— climbing Shrub isolated on the; 

— cock’s-foot, 

--- drive, 130. 

— family, the, 266. 

— hare’s-tail, the, 267. 

— meadow, early-flowering bulbs 
in, 16. 

Grass of Parnassus, 238. 

— Ophrys in, 197 

— of Lawns and Meadows, ex- 
ample of hardy bulbs in, r2. 

— Ribbon, the, 266. 

— Star of Bethlehem in, 12. 

Grass Walks, 96, 158. 

—and Woodland Drives, 75. 

Grasses, 47, 83, 137, 267, 274. 

—— for naturalization, 206. 

-- Quaking, the, 267. 

variegated, the, 


Gravetye, Heaths at, 118. 

— Manor, 26, 27, 37. 

— Narcissus in bloom at, 23. 

— — thousands of, planted in the 
grass at, 18. 

Great Tew, 115. : 

— Arenaria Balearica on wail at, 

— Tiger Lilies in Wild Garden at, 

Gromwell, spreading, 27. 

Group of Globe flowers, 30. 

— of Tritoma in grass, 193. 

Groups of Siebold’s Plantain Lilies, 

Gunneras, Io2, 163. 

Gypsophila, 118, 172, 204. 

— elegans, 205. 

— muralis, 205. 

— prostrata, 205. 

— repens, 198. 

Hablitzia tamnoides, 200, 207. 

Hardy exotic flowering plants 
for the Wild Garden, 146. 

Hardy Bulbs in grass of Lawns 
or Meadows, example from, 12. 

— Heaths, 203. 

Harebell, common, the, 250. 

Harebell, creeping, 111. 

— tall, 43. 

es the, 159, 249. 

Harebells, 54. 

— white, 80. 

—— and Myrrhis odorata, colony 
of, So. 

Hares, 207. 

Harpalium rigidum, 199. 

Hart’s-tongues, 143. 

Hawthorn blossoms, 51. 

— the, 30. 

— tree, 51. 

Hawthorns, 127. 


Hazel, 64. 

Heath, St. Daboec’s, 168, 241, 243. 

Heath beds, 242. 

— ciliated, the, 241. 

— Cornish, the, 241. 

— Irish, 241. 

— Sea, 223. 

Heather, 97, 242. 

— Bell, 241. 

— Scotch, 241. 

Heatherbank, Weybridge, Iris in 
the garden at, 164. 

Heathers, native, 241. 

Heaths, 82, 168, 241, 242. 

— at Gravetye, 168. 

— common, the, 140. 

— hardy, 168, 203. 

— native, 95, 211, 240. 
Hedgerows and Shrubberies, large 
white Bindweed for, 50. 
—Ditches, shady Lanes 

Copses, 48. 
Hedysarum, 204. 
— coronarium, 206. 
— obscurum, 108. 
Helenium, 47. 
Helianthemum, 77, 118, 174, 198, 

204, 205. 
— Breweri, 222. 
— British, 222. 
— chameecistus, 222. 
— guttatum, 222. 
-~ Marifolium, 222. 
— polifolium, 222. 
— vineale, 222. 
Helianthus, 47, 174, 175- 
—angustifolius, 199. 
— giganteus, 175. 
— multiflorus fl. pl., 174, 199, 203. 
— orgyalis, 199, 203. 
—rigidus, 175, 203. 
Helichrysum arenarium, 204. 
Heliotrope, Winter, 8. 



Hellebore, green, in the Wild Gar- 
den, the, 38. 

Helleborus, 37, 174. 

— feetidus, 220. 

— niger, 37, 200." 

—— olympicus, 200. 

— viridis, 220. 

Helonias bullata, 203. 

Hemerocallis, 174, 203. 

— flava, 174. 

— fulva, 174. 

— graminea, 174. 

Hemlock, spruce, 72. 

Hemp Agrimony, 72, 167. 

Hepatica, common, the, 34. 

— Hungarian, 34. 

Hepaticas, 2, 34, 151. 

-— blue, 83. 

-— purple, 83. 

Heracleum, 47, 133, 173, 199, 203. 

Herb Paris and Solomon's Seal, in 
copse by streamlet, roo. 

Herniaria glabra, 235. 

Herniary, common, the, 235. 

Hesperis, 175. 

—- matronalis, 175, 201, 206, 222. 

Heuchera, 78. 

Hibiscus, herbaceous, 112. 

— syriacus, 209. 

Hieracium aurantiacum, 198. 

Hieraciums, the, 247. 

Hierochloe borealis, 267. 

Hippocrepis comosa, 226. 

Hips, 64. 

Hollies, 59, 91. 

— seedling, 63. 

Holly, 56, 59, 60, 62, 63, 67, 207. 
271, 273. 

— fences, 62. 

— grove of, a, 271. 

— unclipped, 271. 

Hollyhock, common, the, 150. 

Honesty, the, 131, 176, 209. 


Honeysuckle, 50, 51, 63, 64, 70, 
178. ‘ 

Honeysuckles, 3, 10, 51, 52, 68, 

— climbing, 71. 

— garden, varieties of, 178. 

— Japanese, 86. 

— Wild, 178. 

Hop, 70, 179. 

— common, the, 252. 

Hops, 7o. 

Hordeum jubatum, 206. 

Florse-tail, Giant, 256. 

Horse-tails, 257. 

Houseleek, ror. 

Houseleeks, 115, 116. 

Houttinia palustris, 108, 250. 

Humulus lupulus, 252. 

Hutchinsia, 118. 

— petrzea, 205. 

Hyacinth, Amethyst, 190. 

— Grape, 14, 20, 179. 

— Wood, 130, 253. 

— — the bell-flowered Scilla natu- 
ralized with, I4. 

Hyacinths, wild, 144. 

Hyacinthus amethystinus, 
201 206. 

Hypericum, 175, 204, 224. 

—calycinum, 224. 

Hypericums, 88. 


Iberis, 77, 118, 175, 197, 204, 205. 
— amara, 221. 

— corifolia, 198, 200. 

— coronaria, 205. 

— correefolia, 198, 200. 

— sempervirens, 198, 200. 
— umbellata, 205. 

Inula, 47. 

Ionopsidium acaule, 205. 
Iris, or, 102, 176, 209. 

— ameena, 201. 


Iris and Marsh Marigold in early 
Spring, 110. 

— Asiatic, the, 176. 

— aurea, 176. 

— cristata, 189, 201. 

— De Bergii, 201. 

— flavescens, 201. 

— florentina, 201. 

— germanica, 176, 201. 

— graminea, 108, 198, 201. 

— in the garden at Heatherbank, 

— Japanese, 176. 
— Kempferi, 88. 

— Meadow Sweet, and Bindweed, 

— nudicaulis, 198, 203. 

— ochroleuca, 108, 201, 203. 

— orientalis, 88. 

— pallida, 201. 

— pseud-acorus, 108. 

— pumila, 176, 198, 203. -. 

— reticulata, 198, 203. 

— sambucina, 201. 

— sibirica, 88, 108, 176. 

— sub-bifolia, 2or. 

— Water, 108. 

Irises, 3, 88, 130, 143. 

— exotic, 108. 

— German, 130. 

— tall, 137. 

Iron fences and our Landscapes, 

Isopyrum thalictroides, 192. 

Ivies, handsome leaved, 273. 

Ivy, 56, 58, 62, 63, 127, 132, 273. 

— and Woodruff, 144. 

— Campanula, 249, 250. 

— common, 65. 

— covered wigwams, 273. 

— Irish, the, 272. 

— leaved Cyclamen, 250. 

— our native, 272. 


Jacob’s Ladder, 246. 

Jasione perennis, 204. 

Jasmine, common, the, 52. 
Jasminum nudiflorum, 200, 207. 
— officinale, 200, 207. 

— revolutum, 200. 

Jeffersonia diphylla, 203. 
Juniper, common, the, 273. 

-~ Irish, the, 273. 

Kitaibelia, 181. 

— vitifolia, 181, 199. 
Knapweed, 160. 

Knautia, Igo. 

Knotweed, 183. 

— Great Japan, the, 184. 
Knotworts, Great Japanese, 9. 
Koniga maritima, 205, 221. 

Ladies Smock, the, 222. 

Lady’s Fingers, 226. 

— Slipper, 266. 

Lagurus ovatus, 267. 

Landscapes, Iron fences and our, 

Larch, 57. 

Larkspurs, 40, 166. 

— perennial, 39. 

— tall perennial, naturalized in 
Shrubbery, 39. 

Lathyrus, 178. 

— grandiflorus, 199, 209, 207. 

— latifolius, 198, 200, 207. 

— — albus, 200. 

— maritimus, 226. 

— pyrenaicus, 178. 

— rotundifolius, 200, 207. 

— tuberosus, 207. 

Laurel, common, 127, 175. 

Laurels, 127, 268. 

Laurustinuses, 268. 

Lavandula spica, 204. 

Lavatera, 47. 



Lavatera arborea, 223. 

— Oblbia, 198. 

— tree, the, 223. 

Lavender, 77, 78, 139. 

-— Sea, 188. 

Lawns or Meadows, grass of, 
example from Hardy Bulbs in, 

Ledum, 88. 

Lemon Orchards of Provence, 149. 

Leopard’s Bane, 165. 

Leptosiphon androsaceus, 205. 

— densiflorus, 206. 

Leucojum, 22, 177, 200, 206. 

— eestivum, 177, 252. 

— pulchellum, zor. 

— vernum, 177, 201. 

Liane, 72. 

— in the north, a, 74. 

Liatris, 203. 

Ligularia, 47. 

Lilacs, 86. 

Lilium, 176, 206. 

— auratum, 88, 89. 

— — var. platyphyllum, 88. 

— — var. rubro-vittatum, 88. 

—- candidum, go. 

-- colchicum, 89. 

— cordifolium, 88. 

— dahuricum and L. elegans, 86. 

— elegans, 89. 

— giganteum, 88. 

— Leichtlini, 88. 

Loddigesianum, 89. 

monadelphum, 89. 

— — var. Colchicum, 89. 

— — var. Loddigesianum, 89. 

— var. Szovitzianum, 89. 

pardalinum, 88, 89. 

— platyphyllum, 88. 

— roseum-superbum, 235. 

— rubro-vittatum, 88. 

— superbum, 88, 89, 177. 


Lilium Szovitzianum, 88, 89. 

— testaceum, go. 

Lily, 176. 

— Arum, the, 155. 

—- day, 109, 174. 

— family, the, 209. 

— Peruvian, the, 143. 

— Plantain, Siebold’s, groups of, 

— St. Bruno’s, 151. 

--- — in the grass, 151. 

— Swamp, 89. 

— — American, 88. 177. 

— Water, 103, 104, 182. 

— — White, 220, 246. 

— — White American, 104. 

— — Yellow, 104, 221. 

-- White Wood, 49. 

— Wood, 192. © 

Lilies, 2, 7, 15, 88, 89, 90, 131, 170, 
200, 203, 209. 

— American, 177. 

— coming up through carpet of 
White Arabis, xvtt. 

— common, hardy, 53. 

— day, 3, 102, 209. 

— European, the, 177. 

— in the Wild Garden, 177. 

—- Martagon, go. 

— Plantain, 169, 170. 

— St. Bruno’s, 3. 

— Swamp, American, 102. 

— Tiger, in Wild Garden at Great 
Tew, 135. 

— Water, 103, 104, 105. 

— — hybrid, 182. 

— — white, 182. 

— White, miniature, 151. 

Lily of the Nile, the, 107. 

Lily of the Valley, 4, 53, 86, 87, 
92, 130, 139, 145, 209. 

— common, the, 254. 

— in copse, the, 87. 


Lily of the Valley inthe Forest of 
Compiégne, 92. 

— two-leaved, the, 253. 

Limnanthes Douglasi, 205. 

Linnza borealis, 84, 88, 90, 138, 
162, 203, 239, 250. 

Linum, 204. 

— alpinum, 198, 205. 

— arboreum, 198. 

— flavum, 198. 

— perenne, 223. 

Lithospermum prostratum, 27, 
177; 198. 

— — gentian-blue, 143. 

Little Innocents, 83. 

Livelong, the, 235. 

Lloydia serotina, 252. 

London Pride, 191, 236. 

Longleat, 129. 

— Group of Tritoma in grass at, 

— Rhododendrons at, 177. 

Lonicera, 178, 200, 207, 209. 

Loosestrife, 102, 235, 251. 

Lords and Ladies, 154. 

Lunaria, 176. 

— biennis, 204, 206. 

Lungwort, 27, 186. 

Lupin, common, the, 176. 

— perennial, the, 53, 102. 

Lupins, 131, 132. 

Lupinus polyphyllus, 176, 199, 

Lychnis, 118, 178. 

— alpina, 205, 223. 

— Flos-Jovis, 205. 

— Githago, 223. 

— lapponica, 205. 

Lycium barbarum, 209. 

Lycopodium lucidulum, 84. 

Lygodium palmatum, 171. 

Lysimachia Nummularia, 251. 

— thyrsiflora, 251. 


Lysimachias, 251. 
Lythrum roseum superbum 203. 
— salicarium, 235. 

Macleaya cordata, 198, 199. 

Magnolia glauca, 112. 

-~ Swamp, 112. 

Mahonia aquifolium, 209. 

Mahonias, 208. 

Malcomia maritima, 205. 

Mallow, 181, 224. 

—- Marsh, 150. 

— Musk, 224. 

Malope, 181. 

— trifida, 205. 

Malva, 181, 223. 

— campanulata, 205. 

— moschata, 224. 

Marigold, Marsh, 109, 214, 219. 

— — and Iris in early Spring, 
ILO, Iii. 

Marigolds, Marsh, 84, Io9, 143. 

Masterwort, 157. 

Matthiola, 180, 206. 

— annua, 205. 

— bicornis, 205. 

May, 232, 233. 

— Apple, 53. 

— blossoms, 65. 

— flower, 53, 90. 169. 

Meadow Grass, early-flowering 
bulbs in, 16. 

— Rue, IgI, 215. 

— — large-flowered, 1. 

— Rues, the, 42, 215. 

— Saffron, 254. 

— — foliage of, in Spring, 160. 

— Saffrons, 86, 160. 

— Sweet, tor, 188. 

— — Iris and Bindweed, 111. 

— Sweets, 102. 

Meadows or Lawns, grass of, ex- 
ample from hardy bulbs in, 12. 


Meconopsis cambrica, 185, 221. 

Medlar, 65, 67, 232, 233, 234. 

Mells, Somerset, Cheddar Pink, 
Saxifrage, and Ferns on Wall at, 

Menispermum, 71, 72. 

— canadense, 207. 

— virginicum, 207. 

Menyanthes trifoliata, 105, 246. 

Menziesia, 168. 

— blue, 243. 

— polifolia, 168, 243. 

Merendera Bulbocodium, 206. 

Mertensia sibirica, 27. 

— virginica, 27. 

Meum athamanticum, 238. 

Michaelmas Daisies, 3, 32, 44, 
155, 189. 

Milium effusum, 267. 

— multiflorum, 206. 

Milk Thistle, 248. 

— Vetch, 156. 

Milkworts, 222. 

Mimulus, 179, 203. 

Mitchella repens, 84, 162. 

Mocassin flower, the, 112, 162. 

Modiola geranioides, 204. 

Molopospermum cicutarium, 180, 

Monarda, 78, 180, r8r. 

Monkey flower, 179. 

Monkshood, 209. 

— naturalized, the, 147. 

Monkshoods, 38, 54, 102, 147. 

Moonseed, 71, 72. 

— Canadian, 53. 

Moss, 208. 

Mouse-ear, 160. 

Mulgedium, 47. 

— Plumieri, 8, 181, 199, 203. 

Mullein, 194. 

— tall, 195. 

Mulleins, 194. 

U 2 


Muscari, 20, 179, 203, 206, 210. 

— botryoides, 2or1. 

— moschatum, 2o1. 

Myosotis, 179. 

—dissitiflora, 27, 132, 179, 198, 

— sylvatica, 134. 

Myrrh, common, the, 53, 80. 

Myrrhis odorata, 80, 238. 

—-— and white Harebells, colony 
of, 80. 

Narcissus, 17, 18, 19, 66, 98, 182, 
200, 203, 206, 210, 2II. 

— angustifolius, 201. 

— bicolor, 2or. 

— incomparabilis, 2or. 

— Jonquil, 202. 

— major, 201. 

— montanus, 201. 

— odorus, 2o1. 

— poeticus, 86, 201, 252. 

—— and broad-leaved Saxifrage, 
colonies of, 93. 

— — in bloom, portion of a field of, 

— stellatus, 92. 

Narcissi, 14, 15, 20, 53, 143, 144. 

— Poet’s, 19. 

— Star, 19. 

Naturalization beneath Trees on 
Lawns, plants for, 201. 

-— grasses for, 206. 

— hardy bulbs for, 206. 

— hardy plants with fine foliage 
and graceful habit for, 199. 

—in Lawns and other grassy 
places, list of plants for, 206. 

— Phlomis excellent for, 186. 

— selection of annual and biennial 
plants for, 205. 

— spring and early 
flowers for, 200. 



Nepeta Mussinii, 204. 

Newells, field of heather at, 242 
Nicandra physaloides, 206. 
Nuphar, 182. 

— advena, 104, 182. 

— lutea, 104, 221. 

‘— pumila, 221. 

Nympheea, 103, 105, 182. 
— odorata, 104, 182. 

Oak, 61, 267. 

— and other not ugly fencing, 61. 

— evergreen, 268. 

— Fern, 171. 

— post and rail fence, 61. 

Oaks, 19, 89. 

— evergreen, 177. 

Oatlands Park, Weybridge, 140. 

(Enothera, 182, 203. 

— biennis, 182. 235. 

— Jamesi, 206. 

— Lamarckiana, 5, 200, 206. 

— Missouriensis, 198. 

— odorata, 205. 

— speciosa, 198. 

— taraxacifolia, 198. 

Olive tree, 211. 

Olives, 257. 

Omphalodes, blue, 3. 

— verna, 25, 29, 183. 

Onobrychis, 204. 

Ononis, 204. 

— antiquorum, 215. 

— viscosa, 205. 

Onopordon, 47, 199, 203, 206. 

— acanthium, Ig9. 

— arabicum, 199. 

— tauricum, 199. 

Ophrys, 204, 265. 

— in grass, 197. 

Orchardleigh Park, Somerset, Wild 
Rose growing on a Pollard Ash 
in, 121. 


Orchids, 265, 266. 

— British, 262, 266. 

— of the Surrey hills, 214. 

Orchis, Bee, 262, 265. 

— Butterfly, 266. 

— Fly, 262, 265. 

— fusca, 266. 

— hand, the, 262. 

— latifolia, 266. 

— maculata, 265. 

— — superba, 266. 

— mascula, 266. 

— militaris, 266. 

— spider, 265. 

— spotted, the, 265. 

Orchises, 143. 

Ornithogalum, 21, 183, 201, 204, 
206, 210. 

— nutans, 22, 254. 

— umbellatum, 254. 

Orobus, 53, 182. 

— flaccidus, 201. 

— cyaneus, 201. 

— lathyroides, 198, 201. 

— variegatus, 201. 

— vernus, 198, 201. 

Orontium, 112. 

Orpine, the, 235. 

Osier, common, the, 261. 

— purple, the, 261. 

Osmundas, 143. 

Othonna cheirifolia, 204. 

Oxalis, 183. 

— acetosella, 224. 

— Bowieana, 183. 

— floribunda, 183, 198. 

Oxlips, 53. 

Oxytropis, 226. 

— campestris, 226. 

— uralensis, 226. 


Pzeonia, 198, 200. 
Peony, 184. 


Peonies, double-crimson, in grass 
at Crowsley Park, 41. 

— groups of, 131. 

— herbaceous, 40, 41. 

— tree, 138. 

Palm, the, 3. 

Panicum bulbosum, 199, 206. 

— capillare, 206. 

—virgatum, I99, 206. 

Pansies, 210. 

Papaver, 185. 

—bracteatum, 185, 198, 200. 

— lateritium, 185. 

— orientale, 133, 183, 198, 200. 

Papyrus, 106, 256. 

Paradisia liliastrum, 2o1. 

Parnassia palustris, 238. 

Parsnip, Cow, Giant, 45. 

Partridge Berry, 84, 95, 113. 

Pasque flower, the, 217. 

Passiflora coerulea, 200. 

Pea, 178, 225. 

-- everlasting, 179. 

—— creeping up stem in Shrubbery, 

— Sea, 226. 

Pea-flowers, 3, 31, 157- 

Pear, 234. 

— Japan, 65. 

— wild, 232. 

Peas, everlasting, 52, 53- 

— native, 226. 

Pentstemon procerus, 198. 

Perilla, 54. 

Periploca, 72. 

— greeca, 7I, 200, 207. 

Periwinkle, 53, 195, 209, 210, 243. 

Peucedanum involucratum, 199. 

— longifolium, 199. 

—ruthenicum, 199. 

Phalaris arundinacea, 267. 

Pheasants, 207. 

Philadelphus, 71. 


Phlomis, 78, 185, 186, 204. 

— herba-venti, 200, 203. 

— Russelliana, 200, 203. 

Phlox, 210. 

—amoeena, 198. 

—reptans, 201. 

— stolonifera, 198. 

— subulata, 198. 

Physalis Alkekingi, 198. 

Physostegia imbricata, 199. 

— speciosa, 199, 200, 203. 

— virginica, 200. 

Phytolacca, 47. 

— decandra, 186, 199, 200, 203. 

Pine, 267. 

— tree, 138. 

— trees, 83. 

Pines, 70, 177. 

Pink, 166, 223. 

— Cheddar, 115, 116, 223. 

— Saxifrage and Ferns, 115. 

— maiden, the, 223. 

Pipsissewa, common, the, 84. 

— spotted, 84. 

Pitcher plant, American, 112. 

— plants, 113. 

Plant, composite, blue-flowered, 8. 

Plantation, Shrubbery and Wood, 

Plants, annual and biennial, for 
naturalization, selection of, 205. 

— British, London Catalogue of, 

— chiefly fitted for the Wild Gar- 

den, 43. 

—climbing and twining, for 
Thickets, Hedgerows, and 
Trees, 207. 

— for growing on walls, ruins, 
or rocky slopes, selection of, 

— for hedge-banks and like 
places, 199. 


Plants for naturalization beneath 
Trees on Lawns, 201. 

— for naturalization in Lawns and 
other grassy places, list of, 206. 

— for naturalization in places with 
dwarf vegetation on bare banks 
and poorish soil, selection of, 

— for very rich soils, 203. 

— hardy exotic, 47. 

—hardy, with fine foliage or 
graceful habit suitable for 
naturalization, 199. 

— suited for calcareous soil, 204. 

— — dry and gravelly soil, 204. 

— — peat soil, 203. 

— umbellate, natural growth of, 239. 

— — type of fine-leaved, grown in 
gardens, 180. 

— water, 182. 

Platystemon californicum, 205. 

Plum, cherry, 59. 

Plumbago Larpentz, 198, 204. 

Plume Ferns, 53. 

Poa aquatica, 107. 

Podophyllum Emodi, 203. 

— peltatum, 203. 

Poke, Indian, 84. 

Polemonium czruleum variega- 
tum, 246. 

Polyanthus, 53. 

Polyanthuses, 144. 

Polygala Chamzebuxus, 203. 

— fringed, 84. 

Polygonatum multiflorum, 254. 

Polygonum, 9, 47, 183, 203. 

— Brunonis, 198. 

— cuspidatum, 183, 184, 199. 

— sachalinense, 183, 184, 199. 

— Sieboldi, 199. 

— orientale, 206. 

— vaccinifolium, 198, 204. 

! Polypodium paucifolium, 84. 


Polypody, 83. 

Polypogon monspeliensis, 206. 

Pontederia cordata, 107. 

Poplar, black, the, 268. 

— — in the Kennet Valley, 269. 

— grey, the, 268. 

— white, the, 267. 

Poplars, our native, 267. 

Poppy, 185, 210. 

— Anemone, common, the, 31. 

— eastern, the, 131. 

-— field, the, 221. 

— horned, the, 221. 

— opiuni, the, 221. 

— Welsh, the, 139, 185, 221. 

Poppies, oriental, 132, 221. 

Populus nigra, 268. 

— tremula, 268. 

Potentilla, 198. 

— alpestris, 234. 

— comarum, 234. 

— fruticosa, 234. 

— marsh, 234. 

— rupestris, 234. 

Potentillas, 234. 

Primrose, 4, 210. 

— Bird’s-eye, 113, 251. 

— — Scotch, 251. 

— evening, 78, 182, 235. 

— -- common, the, 182. 

~- — large, in the Wild Garden, 
night effect of, 5. 

Primroses, 3, 56, 79, 143. 144, 

— bunch, 53. 

— common, I3I. 

— evening, 3, 143. 

—- giant, 113. 

— Kingcups and Daffodils, Combe 
in west country with, frontispiece. 

Primula, 201, 251. 

Privet, 60. 

Prunella grandiflora, 198, 204. 


Prunus Avium, 233. 
— Cerasus, 233. 

— communis, 233. 

— fruticans, 233. 

— insititia, 233. 

— Padus, 233. 
Pulmonaria, 27, 186. 
— grandiflora, 198, 2o0r. 
-— mollis, 189, 2or. 

-— old, the, 27. 
Puschkinia scilloides, 203. 
Pyracantha, 65. 
Pyrethrum, double, the, 249. 
Pyrola, 53, 84, 88, 203. 
— rotundifolia, 243, 
— uniflora, 243. 
Pyrolas, the, 243. 
Pyrus acerba, 234. 

— achras, 234. 

— Aria, 233. 

— Aucuparia, 234. 

— communis, 234. 

— cordata, 234. 

— germanica, 234. 

— hybrida, 234. 

— latifolia, 233. 

— Malus, 234. 

— mitis, 234. 

— Pyraster, 234. 

— rupicola, 233. 

— scandica, 234. 

— torminalis, 233. 

Quick, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 63, 64. 
Quince, 65, 67. 

Rabbits, 133, 207, 208, 209. 

— Rhododendrons eaten by, 208. 
— Yew tree barked by, 208. 
Ragged Robin, 223. 

Ragwort, 82. 

Ramondia pyrenaica, 203. 


Ranunculus aconitifolius fl. pl., 
34, 200. 

— acris fl. pleno, 219. 

— amplexicaulis, 34, 200, 203. 

— aquatilis, 218. 

— Ficaria, 218. 

— flammula, 218. 

— Lingua, 109, 218. 

— montanus, 200. 

— parnassifolius, 203. 

— repens fl. pleno, 219. 

— the, 218. 

Ranunculuses, 34, 143, 218. 

— water, the, 108, 218. 

Raspberry, wild, 67. 

Red Valerian, 159. 

Reed, Great, the, 187. 

— Maces, the, 255. 

Rest-harrow, the, 225. 

Rhaponticum, 47. 

Rheum, 47, 187, 193. 

— Emodi, 78, 188, 199. 

— palmatum, 188, 199. 

Rheums, 163. 

Rhododendrons, 88, 143, 208. 

— at Longleat, 177. 

— beds of, 162, 177. 

—: eaten by rabbits, 208. 

Rhubarb, 187. 

Robinia, 124. 

Robinson's Blue Windflower, 216. 

Rock and Alpine plants for walls, 
rocks, and ruins, some of the 
families of, 118. 

— Cress, blue, the, 157. 

— — purple, the, 77, 115, 278. 

Rocket, 175. 

— common, the, 175. 

— double, the, 107. 

— single, the, 222. 

Rockfoil, 170. 

— large-leaved, 210. 

— mossy, the, 238. 


Rockfoils, 236, 237. 

— mossy, the, 237. 

Rockworks as generally made are 
ugly, 245. 

Rod, Golden, xvt, 8, 32, 44, 102, 
144, 155, 156, 189. 

Rosa, 188. 

— acicularis, 64. 

— alba gallica, 188. 

— arvensis, 228, 229, 231, 232. 

— Bakeri, 231. 

— Banksizeflora, 188. 

— berberifolia, 188. 

— Brunoniana, 188. 

— ceesia, 231. 

— canina, 231, 232. 

— cinnamomea, 124. 

— dumalis, 228, 231. 

-- Felicite, 188. 

— fraxinifolia, 124. 

— gallica, 124. 

—- hibernica, 231. 

— incana, 231. 

— involuta, 231. 

— macrantha, 231. 

— microphylla rubra plena, 188. 

— mollissima, 231. 

— Monsonie, 232. 

— Perpetuelle, 188. 

— repens, 232. 

— rubifolia, 124. 

— rubiginosa, 231. 

—- Sabini, 231. 

— scandens, 124. 

— sempervirens, 124, 188. 

— sepium, 231. 

— spinosissima, 228, 231. 

— stylosa, 232. 

— tomentosa, 231. 

— villosa, 231. 

—— var. pomifera, 124. 

— Wilsoni, 231. 

Rose, 188, 226, 228. 


Rose, Aimée Vibert, 124. 

— American glossy, 120. 

— Apple, Dutch, 124. 

— Austrian brier, 188. 

— Ayrshire, 124, 188, 232. 

— — white, 127. 

— Boursault, 124, 188. 

— British, 232. 

— Burnet, the, 228. 

— Carolina, the, 120. 

-- China, common monthly, the, 

— Christmas, 37, 38, 174. 

— climbing, 132. 

— — on grass, 128. 

— -— white, 125. 

— Damask, the, 188. 

— Dog, 60, 64, 228, 231. 

— Field, the, 229. 

— Japan, the, 120. 

— Japanese, 64. 

— Musk, the, 124. 

— needle, the, 64. 

— Noisette, 127. 

— Scotch, 120. 

— Sun, 174. 

—— native in Somerset Combe, 

— Wild, 58, 60, 67, 124. 

— — Russian, 120. 

— — Yellow, 123. 

—- Yellow, Austrian, 123. 

Rosemary, 139, 204. 

Rose-root, 235. 

Roses, 64, 91, 128, 188, 228. 

— British, 231. 

—- Christmas, 53. 

— climbing, 124, 128, 139. 

— garland, the, 188. 

— old garden, the, 124. 

— rock, 139. 

— Scotch, 77, 139. 

— single, 52, 207, 228. 


Roses, Sun, 139, 140, 222. 

— — evergreen, dwarf, 77. 

— — on sandy slope, 141. 

—- tea, II, 17, 120, 124. 

— Wild, ro, 50, 58, 61, 63, 64, 66, 
67, 77,95) 119, 120, 123, 227, 228. 

— — and other, in the Wild Gar- 
den, II9. 

— — in the hedge, a11. 

Rowan, 232, 233, 234. 

Rubus, 187. 

— biflorus, 187, 200. 

— Nutkanus, 187. 

— odoratus, 187. 

--- spectabilis, 187. 

Rudbeckia, 47, 174, 203. 

— American, 175. 

— laciniata, 175. 

— triloba, 175. 

Rue, Goat’s, 172. 

— Meadow, 191, 215. 

— Meadow, large-flowered, 1. 

--- Wall, 236. 

Rues, Meadow, the, 42, 215. 

Rumex Hydrolapathum, 105, 255. 

Ruscus aculeatus, 2to. 

— racemosus, 210. 

Rush, flowering, 26, 107, 255- 

Rushes, 143. 

Saffron, Meadow, 86. 
Sage, Jerusalem, 78. 
Sagittaria, 107. 

— common, the, 255. 
Salix alba, 257. 

— vitellina, 258. 
Sandwort, 153. 

— Balearica, the, 115. 
-— vernal, the, 223. 
Sanguinaria, 12. 

— canadensis, 189, 203. 
Santolina, 204. 

— lanata, 205. 


Saponaria calabrica, 205. 

— ocymoides, 198, 200, 204, 205. 

— officinalis, 223. 

Sarracenia, 112. 

Savin, bush, 77. 

— the, 77. 

Saxifraga, 116, 118, 190, 204, 236. 

— Aizoides, 236. 

— Aizoon, 191, 198. 

— bryoides, 205. 

— ceesia, 205. 

— ceespitosa, 257. 

— caryophyllata, 205. 

— cordifolia, 198. 

— cotyledon, 198. 

— crassifolia, 191, 198. 

— crustata, 198, 205. 

— cuscutzeformis, 205. 

— diapensioides, 205. 

— Geum, 236. 

— granulata, 237. 

-- Hirculus, 236. 

— Hostii, 205. 

— hypnoides, 191, 237. 

— intacta, 205. 

— ligulata, 205. 

— longifolia, 116, 198, 205. 

— nivalis, 236. 

— oppositifolia, 191, 236. 

— pectinata, 205. 

— peltata, 205. 

— pulchella, 205. 

— retusa, 205. 

— Rhei, 205. 

— Rocheliana, 205. 

— rosularis, 198, 205. 

— sarmentosa, 205. 

— stellaris, 236. 

Saxifrage, broad-leaved, and Poet's 
Narcissus, colonies of, 93. 

— Cheddar Pink and Ferns, 115. 

— Killarney, the, 286. 

— Virginian, 84. 


Saxifrages, 132. 

— Irish, group of, 236. 

— Kerry, rot. 

— silvery, the, 114. 

Scabiosa, Igo, 204. 

— caucasica, 190, 198. 

Scabious, Igo. 

— Giant, the, 44, 164. 

Scilla, 13, 98, 130, 189, 206, 210. 

— alba, 206. 

— altaica, 201. 

— amcena, 201, 206. 

—- Bell-flowered, the, 130. 

— — naturalized with Wood 
Hyacinth, 14. 

— bifolia, 130, 189, I90, 201, 203, 

— British, the, 253. 

— campanulata, 130, 189, 201, 203. 

— italica, 201, 206. 

— sibirica, 190, 201, 203, 206. 

— Spanish, 22. 

Scillas, 14, 22, 200. 

Scirpus lacustris, 106, 256. 

Scleranthus perennis, 235. 

Scolymus, 47. 

Scutellaria alpina, 198. 

Sea Holly, a, 167, 238. 

— Kale, Giant, the, 163. 

— — the, 222. 

Sea Lyme Grass, 78. 

Sedum, 118, 190, 204, 235. 

— acre, 205. 

— Aizoon, 205. 

— album, 205. 

— anglicum, 205. 

— arenarium, 205. 

— aureum, 205. 

— brevifolium, 205 

— californicum, 205. 

— ceeruleum, 205. 

-- dasyphyllum, 205, 235. 

—- dentatum, 198. 


Sedum elegans, 205. 

— Ewersii, 205. 

— farinosum, 205. 

— globiferum, 205. 

— Heuffelli, 205 

— hirtum, 205. 

— hispanicum, 205. 

— kamtschaticum, 190, 198, 205. 

— montanum, 205. 

— multiceps, 205. 

— piliferum, 205. 

— pulchellum, 190. 

— pulchrum, 205. 

— Rhodiola, 235. 

— sempervivoides, 205. 

— Sieboldi, 193. 

— spectabile, 1go, 198. 

— spurium, 190, 1098. 

— Telephium, 235. 

Sempervivum, 118, 191, 204. 

— arachnoideum, 205. 

— calcareum, 108. 

— hirtum, 198. 

—  montanum, 198. 

— sedoides, 198. 

— sexangulare, 205. 

— sexfidum, 205. 

— soboliferum, 198, 205. 

— spurium, 205. 

— tectorum, 205. 

Service, wild, 232, 233. 

Shady lanes, Ditches, Copses, 
and Hedgerows, 48. 

Shamrock, the, 225. 

Shortia galacifolia, 88. 

Shrub, climbing, isolated on the 
grass, 71. 

Shrubbery and copses, the Nootka 
Bramble for, 52. 

— Caucasian comfrey in, 24. 

— everlasting Pea creeping up stem 
in, 178. 

— Plantation and Wood, 75. 


Shrubbery, tall perennial Lark- 
Spurs naturalized in, 39. 

Sida, 181. 

Silene, 17, 118, 189. 

— acaulis, 223. 

— alpestris, 189, 198, 200, 205. 

— armeria, 189, 205. 

— Lagascee, 189. 

— maritana, 223. 

— pendula, 189, 206. 

— rupestris, 205. 

-- schafta, 189, 198, 205. 

Silkweed, 155. 

— swamp, the, 155. 

Silphium, 47, 102, 174, 203. 

— laciniatum, 175. 

— perfoliatum, 175, 199. 

Silphiums, the, 175. 

Silybum eburneum, 199, 206. 

— Marianum, 199, 248. 

Sisyrinchium grandiflorum, 203. 

Sloe, 63, 65, 67, 232, 233. 

— Bushes, 59. 

— trees, old, 232. 

Smilax, hardy, the, 53. 207. 

Smoke Trees, 71. 

Snake’s-head, 20, 53, 170, 253. 

— — British, the, 170. 

Snapdragon, 152. 

— common, the, 152. 

Sneezewort, the, 240. 

Snowberry, 210. 

Snowdrop. 4, 13, 22, 131, 203. 

— common, the, 173, 252. 

— Windflower, the, 32. 

Snowdrops, 14, 20, 143, 173, 206. 

— by streamlet, 145. 

Snowflake, 14, 22, 177,203, 252, 253 

— spring, the, 177, 202. 

— summer, the, 177. 

— vernal, 252. 

Snowflakes, 53, 86, 209. 

Soapwort, the, 223. 


Solidago, 47, 155, 189, 203. 

Solomon’s Seal, 15, 53, 83, 90, 92, 
I31, 143, 210, 254. 

—and Herb Paris in copse by 
streamlet, roo. 

Sowbread, 162. 

Spearwort, 218. 

Speedwell, 53, 195. 

Spergula pilifera, 153. 

Spigelia marilandica, 203. 

Spignel, the, 238. 

Spirzea, 188, 226. 

— aruncus, 138, 188, 199, 203. 

— filipendula, 226. 

— Goat’s Beard, the, 138. 

— japonica, 189. 

— palmata, 188. 

— venusta, 188. 

Spireas, bushy and herbaceous, sx. 

Spleenwort, 236. 

Spring Beauty, 83. 

Spruce, 60. 

— Fir, 228. 

Squill, 189. 

Stachys lanata, 198, 204, 210. 

Starflowers, 83. 

Star of Bethlehem, 183, 254. 

— — in grass, 12. 

Stars of Bethlehem, ar. 

Starwort, 47, 54, 66, 78, 82, 102, 
155; 156, 189. 

Statice, 188. 

— latifolia, 188, 199. 

Statices, British, 252. 

St. Bruno’s Lily, 151. 

— — in the grass, 151. 

— — Lilies, 3. 

Stenactis speciosa, 78. 

Sternbergia lutea, 206. 

Stipa gigantea, 206. 

— pinnata, 206. 

St. John’s Wort, 175, 224. 

— — commnon, the, 175. 


Stocks, 176, 180. 

Stonecrop, 115, 116, 132, 190, 235, 

— common, the, 190. 

Strawberries, wild, 53, 66. 

Streamlet, Snowdrops by, 145. 

— Solomon's Seal and Herb Paris 
in copse by, roo. 

Struthiopteris, 53, 103. 

Stubwort, the, 224. 

Sumach, the, 72. 

Sunflower, perennial, 174. 

Sunflowers, prairie, 78. 

Sun Rose, 174. 

— native, in Somerset Combe, 222. 

Sun Roses, 222. 

— evergreen, dwarf, 77. 

Swamp Lily, 89. 

— — American, 88. 

— Lilies, American, 102. 

Sweet Brier, 60, 64, 67, 95, II9, 

— Briers, 61, 64, 86. 

— Cicely, 238. 

— Flag, the, 108. 

— Williams, 131. 

Swertia perennis, 203. 

Symphytum, 47, 190, 204. 

— asperrimum, Igo. 

— bohemicum, 25, 132, 201. 

— caucasicum, 25, 132, 190, 201. 

— orientale, 25. 

Symphyandra pendula. 198, 205. 

Syringa persica, 210. 

— vulgaris, 210. 

Tamus communis, 207. 

Tea Rose, 11, 17, 120, 124. 

Teazle, foliage of, on hedge-bank in 
spring, 48. 

Telekia, 192. 

— cordifolia, 193, 199. 

— speciosa, 203. 

Index 301 

Teucrium chameedrys, 108, 204. Tritoma, 102, 193, 210. 
Tew Park, 134. — in grass, group of, 193. 
Thalictrum, 191, 203. Trollius, 34, 192, 198, 203. 
— aquilegifolium, 199. — europzeus, 219. 
— minus, 192, 215. — group of, 30. 
Thermopsis barbata, 199. Tropzeolum pentaphyllum, 53, 
— fabacea, 204. 207. 
Thistle, cotton, 183. — speciosum, 53, 194, 199, 207. 
— — great, the, 248. — tuberosum, 53. 
— — silvery, the, 248. Tropzeolums, perennial, 53. 
— milk, 248. Tulip, 66, 193. 
Thistles, exotic, 47. -~ Wood, the, 21, 252. 
Thlaspi alpestre, 205. 221. Tulipa, 193, 203, 206. 
— latifolium, 153, 198, 201, 204. — cornuta, 252. 
Thorn, 59, 62, 63, 86, 97. — florentina, 252. 
— Cockspur, 59, 63, 127. — Gesneriana, 201. 
Thorns, 95, 127. — suaveolens, 2o1. 
Thrift, 251. — scabriscarba, 201. 
Thyme, 139. — sylvestris, 21, 252. 
Thymus, 118, 204. Tulips, 21, 209. 
— citriodorus, 205. Tunica, 118. 
Toothworts, 53. — saxifraga, 173, 198, 204, 205. 
Trachelium, 204. Tussilago fragrans, 198, 204. 
—- ceeruleum, 204. Typha, 106, 255. 
Trailers and climbers, 200. — angustifolia, 106. 
Traveller’s Joy, 215. — latifolia, 106. 
Tree Pzonies, 138. 
— Willows, British, 211. Umbilicus chrysanthus, 205. 
Trees and Bushes, Climbers for, 

68. Vaccinium, 203. 
— British Wild Flowers and, 211. | —bog, 242. | 
— Pine, 83. — vitis-idzea, 84. 
Trees, smoke, 71. Valerian, Greek, 246. 
Trefoil, bird’s-foot, the, 225, 226. — red, 247. 
Trichomanes, 205. Verbascum, 47, 194, 204. 
Trichonema ramiflorum, 206. — Chaixii, 199, 200. 
Trientalis, 251. — phlomoides, 194, 199, 206. 
— europza, 203. Vernonia, 47, 155: 
Trifolium alpinum, 204. Veronica, 118, 195, 200. 
Trillium, 83, 192. — austriaca, 198. 
— grandiflorum, 49, 192, 203. — candida, 108. 
Trilliums, 53, 143- — fruticulosa, 205. 
Triteleia uniflora, 204, 206. — saxatilis, 198. 


Veronica laurica, 198. 

Vesicaria utriculata, 160, 204, 205. 

Vetch purple, 50. 

— wood, the, 226. 

Viburnum Lantana, 240. 

— Opulus, 212, 240. 

Viburnums, native, 240. 

Vicia, 204. 

—-argentea, 198, 201. 

—cracca, 226. 

— sylvatica, 226. 

Villarsia, 105. 

— nympheeoides, 246. 

Vinca herbacea, 198. 

— major, 201, 243. 

— minor, 195, 243. 

Vine, 3. 

— Wild, 132, 133. 

Vines, 52. 

— American, 52. 

— Wild, 68, 72. 

Viola, 53, 116, 195. 

-— canadensis, 195. 

— cornuta, 198, 209. 

— cucullata, 198. 

— lutea, 222. 

— pedata, 195. 

-— tricolor, 222. 

Violet, 195. 

— Bird's-foot, the, 195. 

— Dog’s-tooth, 20, 84, 169. 

— Sweet, 145, 196. 

-— Water, the, 108, 250. 

Violets, 3, 19, 66, 83, 2to. 

— Dog’s-tooth, 53, 83. 

Virginian Creeper, 69, 71, 132, 

— Creepers, I0, 52, 86, 158. 

—- Poke, 186. 

Virgin’s Bower, 30, 50, 65, 67, 

— — Hair Bell, the, 30. 

Viscaria oculata, 205. 


Vitis, 200, 207. 

— eestivalis, 200. 
—amooriensis, 200. 
— cordifolia, 200. 

— Isabella, 200. 

— Labrusca, 200. 

— laciniosa, 200. 
—riparia, 200. 

— Sieboldii, 200. 

— vulpina, 200. 
Vittadenia triloba, 204. 

Waldsteinia geoides, 204. 

— trifolia, 198, 204. 

Wall Cress, 153. 

Wallflower, common, the, 
185, 222, 247. 

Wall Rue, 236. 

—on a wall at Lord Mansfield’s, 
Highgate, 236. 

Water and Bog Gardens, The 
Brookside, roo. 

— Arum, I12. 

— Crowfoots, 214. 

— Dock, great, the, 105, 255. 

— Elder, 212, 240. 

— Iris, 108. 

— Lily, 182. 

— — White, the, 220. 

— — Yellow, the, 221. 

— plants, 103, 182. 

— Ranunculuses, 108. 

— Violet, 108, 250. 

Wayfaring tree, the, 240. 

Weigela rosea, 210. 

Wellingtonia, 211. 

Wheat, 3. 

White Beam, 232, 233. 

Whortleberry, 242. 

Wild Brier, 123. 

— cherry, 232, 233. 

— flowers, British, garden of the, 



Wild garden at Crowsley, 129. 

— — at Great Tew, Tiger Lilies in, 

—- <utuni Crocuses in the, 129. 

— — Cyclamen in the, 163. 

— — Giant Scabious for the, 44. 

— — Green Flellebore, the, in the, 38. 

— — hardy exotic flowering plants 
for the, 146, 197. 

— —large-leaved Rockfoil in the, 

— — Lilies in the, 177. 

—w—plants chiefly fitted for the, 

— — —of vigorous habit for the, 

—— some results, 129. 

— — type of erect Composite for the, 

—— White Japan Anemone in the, 

— — Wild and other Roses in the, 

— Gardening on Walls, Rocks, 
or Ruins, 114. 

— Pear, 232. 

— Rose, 58, 60, 67, 120, 123, 124. 

— — growing on a Pollard Ash in 
Orchardleigh Park, 121. 

— Roses, 227, 228. 

—w— in the hedge, arr. 

— Service, 232, 233. 

Willow, Bedford, the, 261. 

— British, 261. 

— crack, the, 261. 

— — in Kennet Valley, 263. 

— creeping, the, 262. 

— French, 82, 167. 

-- goat, the, 261. 

— Herb, 95, 133; 234. 

— netted, the, 262. 

— Weeping, 69. 

— White, the, 257, 258. 


Willow, white, in Hampshire, 259. 

— Woolly, the, 262. 

-—— Violet, the, 261. 

Willows, 240, 247. 

— British, 257, 258. 

— garden, ait. 

— native, 211, 239. 

— ornamental, art. 

— red, 258. 

— tree, British, arr. 

— Yellow, 258. 

Windflower, 151. 

—- Apennine, 151. 

—— blue, 33. 

— blue, 33. 

— — Robinson's, 216. 

— Japan, 151. 

— Snowdrop, the, 32. 

Windflowers, 3, 31, 53, 215. 

— native, 215. 

Winter Green, creeping, 84. 

— Greens, 53, 243. 

Wistaria, 70, 72, 86. 

— frutescens, 207. 

— sinensis, 200, 207. 

Wood Anemone, 14. 

Woodbine, native, 240. 

Wood Forget-me-not, 17. 

— Hyacinth, the bell-flowered Scilla 
naturalized with, 14. 

— Hyacinths, 3, 22. 

— Lily, 192. 

— Plantation, and Shrubbery, 75. 

— Sorrel, 183. 

— Tulip, 252. 

Woodland Drives 
Walks, 94. 

Woodruff, 92, 131, 210. 

—and Ivy, 144. 

— White starred, the, 247. 

Woods, 82. 

Woodsias, 83. 

Wormwood family, the, 47. 

and Grass 

Wormwood, Sea, the, 249. 
Xerophyllum asphodeloides, 88. 

Yarrow, 102, 148. 

— common, the, 148, 249. 
— golden, 78. 

Yarrows, 47. 

— golden, 148. 

Yew, 271. 

— common, the, 268, 271. 
— fence, 66. 

— Golden, the, 271. 


Yew, Irish, the, 271. 

— tree at Great Tew, large white 
Clematis on, 69. 

—trees barked by rabbits, 208. 

—— old, 268. 

Yews, 66, 156. 

Yucca, 199. 

— flaccida, 199. 

— gloriosa, 210. 

— recurva, 199. 

Yuccas, 102. 

Zietenia lavanduleefolia, 198. 




THE ENGLISH FLOWER GARDEN. Design, position, and 
arrangement, followed by a description of all the best plants and flowering 

shrubs for it, and their culture. Illustrated. Third Edition. John Murray. 

ALPINE FLOWERS for English Gardens. Second Edition. 
THE SUB-TROPICAL GARDEN; or, Beauty of Form in the 

Flower Garden. Second Edition. 

HARDY FLOWERS. Description of upwards of 1300 of the most 

ornamental species, with Directions for their Arrangement and Culture. 
Fifth and Cheaper Edition. 

Relation to the Wants of other Cities, and of Public and Private Gardens. 
Being notes made in Paris Gardens. Second Edition. John Murray. 

trated, to show, by actual examples from British Gardens, that clipping and 
aligning trees to make them “harmonise” with architecture is barbarous, 
needless, and inartistic. 1892. John Murray. 

London: The “Garden” Office. 1893. 

GOD’S ACRE BEAUTIFUL; or, The Cemeteries of the Future. 
With Illustrations. London: John Murray. New York: Scribner and 
Welford. Published in a cheaper form and with additions under the name 
—CREMATION AND URN-BURIAL. Cassell and Co., Limited. 


THE GARDEN. An Illustrated Weekly Journal of Gardening in 
allits branches. Vol. XLIV. 

A Weekly Journal for Amateurs and Gardeners. Vol. XV. 

FARM AND HOME. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of Agriculture 
inallits branches. Stock, Dairy, Tillage, Stable, Pasture, Orchard, Market- 
Garden, Poultry, House. Vol. XII. 

WOODS AND FORESTS. A Weekly Illustrated Journal of 
Forestry, Ornamental Planting, and Estate Management. Vols. I. and II. 

COTTAGE GARDENING. Poultry, Bees, Allotments, Food, 
House, Window and Town Gardens. Vol. III. 1894. 

BOOK. Containing new plants of the past year. Alphabetical list of 
Nurserymen, Seedsmen, and Florists. Lists of Gardens, Country Seats, and’ 
Gardeners, &c. London: The ‘‘Garden” Office. Vol. XIV. 1894. 



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