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Insects and insecticides. 

New Pork 
State College of Agriculture 
At Cornell Cniversitp 



ELLWOOD COOPER, Commissioner 




AUG 2 6 193 


W. W. SHANNON,’ ‘ 


ELLWOOD COOPER ..-..------ Commissioner ----.---------- Santa Barbara. 
JOHN ISAAG cossecss cocewsaces Secretaryeccvecesusercsmeend San Francisco. 
ED. M. EHRHORN -_.---.---.- Deputy co ts205 cc ecas sec cces Mountain View. 
RB; Ki, CARNES! 2 2.-g22c2eeeeees Assistant Deputy -.-.----.------- Riverside. 
Oo. E. BREMNER...-.---.------ Second Assistant ---.---------- Santa Rosa. 
GERTRUDE BIRD ..------. --- Stenographer ...--.---.---.---- Sacramento. 

Room 41, State Caritot, SACRAMENTO. 

Brancu Orrice, Room 11, Ferry Burtpine, San FRANCISCO. 


In order to intelligently apply insecticides, and to be able to 
judge whether one remedy or another will be more effective, it 
is necessary to understand something of the habits of the 
different insects attacking plants. Many insects, like cater- 
pillars, grasshoppers, and beetles, devour the foliage, while 
others, such as scale insects, plant lice, squash bugs, etc., injure 
the plant by inserting their sharp beaks into its tissue and 
sucking the sap from beneath the surface. Insects of the first 
class can nearly always be destroyed by means of poisons, 

such as paris green and various forms of arsenates. Those of 
the second class, or sucking insects, are unaffected by these 
poisons and must be killed by contact sprays, such as kerosene 
emulsion, whale-oil soap, crude-oil mixtures, or the lime-sul- 
phur-salt' remedy. Another class of insects, and which none 
of the above remedies will reach, are those which burrow into 
the bark and trunks of trees. These must -be treated mechan- 
ically—dug out, and barriers or repellants provided to prevent 

- them from regaining entrance into the trees. In the following 
pages the most successful remedies are given, but, under cer- 
tain climatic conditions or in abnormal seasons, other steps 
may become necessary and advice from the State Commission 
of Horticulture should always be obtained in cases where any 
doubt exists. 

It should be remembered that the successful application of 
remedies is dependent upon the exercise of proper judgment. 
It is essential to first positively identify the insect to be 
destroyed, then to know the most effective remedy to use, and 
finally to apply it at the proper season. -Promptness, thor- 
oughness, and persistency, combined with good judgment, are 
the essential factors necessary for the successful application of 

This office is at all times glad to render any assistance pos- 
sible in determining the identity of insects and in advising as 
to the remedy to be used for their control. Insects should not 



be sent by mail in envelopes or pasteboard boxes, as they are 
almost invariably crushed beyond recognition; strong wooden 
or tin boxes should be used. Openings to admit air are not 
necessary. Plant specimens, showing the injury done, are 
desirable. The name and address of the sender should be on 
every package. It will help greatly if correspondents, when 
writing about insect pests, will give as full a description of 
the habits, food plants, injury and abundance as possible. 
Specimens of twigs, living plants with foliage, etc., should be 
wrapped in damp (not wet) cotton cloths so that they will 
reach us in fresh condition. 

Correspondents can materially aid the work of this depart- 
ment by informing it of their success or failure in using the 
methods recommended for controlling injurious insects, at the 
same time giving a detailed account of the method used and 
the results obtained. Such information will prove of value to 


These insects are among the most dreaded pests on fruit 
trees in the State, owing to their prolificacy and easy mode of 
transportation. They are generally firmly 
attached to the foliage or bark of trees, and 
when present in great numbers soon kill 
the plant on which they are feeding. 

All the species 
in our orchards 
have been intro- 
duced. Although 
many now have 
their natural 
enemies, it hav- fA 
ing been the pol- RWS 

many years to \ 
control these 
pests by their" “~ 

Fic. 2, Pear, showing effects of 
San José scale. 

Fic. 1. San José scale 
on twig. natural para- 

sites,” yet it is 
necessary, in abnormal seasons, to use artificial means to 
combat them. The grower very often overlooks the few small 


specks on the leaves, fruit, or bark of his trees until it is too 
late. The proper time for effective work is when the insects 
first appear, and not after the trees are half killed by their 

Nearly all species of scale insects can be killed by the reme- 
‘dies recommended in this bulletin, but some species have to 
be treated by fumigation with hydrocyanic acid gas; especially 
is this true on evergreen trees, it being difficult, owing to the 
. dense foliage, to reach every individual by sprays, and a suffi- 
cient number always escape to 
reinfest the trees. Our report 
for 1903-04 gives a list of scale 
insects and also illustrates many 
species of parasites which attack . 
them, colonies of which will be 
supplied to growers on applica- 
tion to this department. 

Following are the sprays rec- 
ommended for the various scale 
insect pests: 

Winter Wash for San Jose Scale, 
Pear Diaspis, and Greedy Scale.— 
Following is the lime-sulphur- 
salt solution: 

Unslaked lime------ 40 pounds. 
SULPHUP so2sesee ese 20 pounds. 
Stock salt. _,-.--.--- 15 pounds. 
Water, to make ----. 60 gallons. 

Place 10 pounds of lime and 
20 pounds of sulphur in a boiler ‘ 
with 20 gallons of water, and Fic. 3. Brown ae scale (Huteca- 
boil over a brisk fire for not less " ntwm armeniacum, Craw). 
than one hour and a half, or 
until the sulphur is thoroughly dissolved. When this takes 
place, the mixture will be of an amber color. Next place in a 
cask 30 pounds of unslaked lime, pouring over it enough hot 
water to thoroughly slake it; and while it is boiling, add the 
15 pounds of salt. When this is dissolved, add to the lime 
and sulphur in the boiler, and cook for half an hour longer, 
when the necessary amount of water to make the 60 gallons 
should be added. 


Rosin Wash for all Species of Scale Insects on Deciduous Trees.— 
The following are the proportions of materials for the winter 

MOSUL accmcecoues sacesee ee Cease oat ae un os eee 30 pounds. 
Causticsoda (O87) occ ccccescaecceceisscv twos ence ceeds 8 pounds. 
WishsOtl oe nae dena eh etn ees Soe eed 44 pints. 
Water rtoimake ooo cacnicsatises eeccesece eescstuee nese 100 gallons. 

Place the rosin, caustic soda, and fish oil in a large boiler, 
pour over them about 20 gallons of water, and cook thoroughly 
over a brisk fire for at least three hours; then add hot water, a 
little occasionally, and stir well, until you have not less than 
50 gallons of hot solution. Place this in the spray tank, and 
add cold water to make the necessary amount. Never add 
cold water when cooking. 

Distillate Spray for Young Black Scale on Orange Trees.—To be 
used with power machine, fitted with an agitator, speeded at 65 
or 70 revolutions per minute: 

Distillate: 28?) os.c2ccee wisceec eee ee aSciene 2 gallons. 
Water nnoie ace ecateeetes eeptepuneneesteeusceeceare 100 gallons. 

Use only the best 28° distillate and see that a perfect mixture 
is attained at nozzle before applying to trees. This can be 
determined by agitating for a sufficient time to thoroughly mix 
the contents of tank; the time will vary somewhat according 
to speed and construction of agitator. Examine the mixture 
at nozzle by holding hand in front of same; when the mixture 
is at its whitest it is ready to apply. 

When engine stops from any cause, immediately discontinue 
application of spray. When starting up again, empty hose 
into tank until the mixture is again at its whitest. Apply 
spray at a pressure of 160 pounds. 

Do not spray an orchard in need of irrigation. Trees that 
are not in a thrifty condition should be sprayed with a weaker 
solution. . 

Avoid spraying during the prevalence of high winds, cold 
weather, or when trees are wet with rain or fog. 

For Red Scale increase the solution to 24 per cent on orange 
and to 24 per cent on lemon trees, and add one quart of pure 
turpentine to the 100-gallon tank. 


Distillate Emulsion for Black Scale on Citrus Trees.—The follow- 
ing are the proportions for the stock solution: 

Distillate 28° (untreated)..--.-.----.-.-. ..----------- 5 gallons. 
HOt Waters sceeeciere eee seeete sores enece een ceeeeers 5 gallons. 
Witale-ouli sa prec aoe eerie oe eee See ees 14 pounds. 

The whale-oil soap must first be dissolved in the water. Then 
add the dissolved soap to the distillate. It is important that 
the distillate be placed in the mixing vessel first, then place 
the dissolved soap on top. Then attach the spray pump to 
the bottom of the vessel in which the compound is being 
mixed, and keep pumping it out of the vessel through the spray 
pump and back into the vessel, until the whole becomes of a rich 
creamy substance. Keep pumping or churning it through the 
pump until it becomes a complete emulsion, without a speck 
of free oil in sight, which will take from ten to fifteen minutes. 
When properly emulsified, it should increase in volume about 
one third, because it becomes aérified. 

After the stock solution has been thoroughly prepared, it 
will readily mix with cold water. To each gallon of the above 
stock solution add 14 gallons of cold water: Always place the 
emulsion in the spray tank first, then add the water, as by this 
means a more uniform mixture can be made. This emulsion 
can be applied with an ordinary hand spray pump. 

Summer Wash for San Jose Scale and Other Armored Scales on 
Deciduous Trees —Following are the proportions of materials 
to be used: 

Wehale-oil s0api.sess oscssewece netiiecseeeoeseatee sees 20 pounds. 
SUI PAU wc -osssocon etc odcecemes. Gkadsececsemcescce. 8 DOUNGE:, 
CaUStiC S008 98 Hors coer esa ena toss seh eee dee eee eae 2 pounds. 
Waters ces ose eno eee aereetene Siem etc aeee 100 gallons. 

Place sulphur and caustic soda in about two gallons of 
water and boil for at least one hour. Dissolve the soap by 
boiling in water. Mix the two solutions, and reboil all for a 
short time. Apply the spray warm. 

This wash also makes a good combination spray for scale 
and fungus. 

For Individual Trees and Shrubs on a Small Scale use the fol- 

W Hale-otl s0ap ice ecec cmedusoseeenereet couse neceeesecee 1 pound. 
EL Ob WALER ace ete ee oc eee eee lear 5 gallons. 

Dissolve the soap by boiling, and apply warm. 


Hydrocyanic Acid Gas Treatment, for Destroying Scale Insects on 
Citrus Trees.—This treatment should be used in the night so as 
to avoid light, heat, and sea breeze, which neutralize the effect 
of the gas. The chemicals used for producing the gas are: 
Sulphuric acid (commercial), cyanide of potassium (98% to 
99%), and water. 

The following instructions must be carefully observed: First, 
the tent, which must be air-tight, is placed over the tree; 
second, the tent is made air-tight around the bottom by 
throwing some loose soil over the bottom of the canvas; third, 
the necessary amount of sulphuric acid, together with the 
required amount of water, is put in a glazed earthenware ves- 
sel, and placed under the canvas, and the cyanide of potassium 
is added. A piece of sacking or burlap is thrown over the top 
of the vessel, to spread the gas and prevent it from burning - 
the leaves immediately above the generator. The tree is left 
covered forty minutes. 

The Riverside County Board of Horticultural Commis- 
sioners recommends the following proportions of chemicals: 

Height of Diameter of Cyanide C. P., 93 | Sulphuric Aci 
Wee. Tree. Water. ‘ per cent. ‘i per fete a 
Feet. Feet. Ounces. Ounces. Ounces. 

2 1 1 

8 6 3 1 14 

10 8 5 ot ay 

12 14 11 5 5s 

16 16 17 8 9° 
20 16-20 22 10 12 
20-24 18-22 30 14 16 
24-30 20-28 34 16 18 
30-36 25-30 52 24 28 

The cyanide should be used about the size of walnuts, so 
that the chemical action will be less violent. The gas is also 
generated more evenly, and there is not so much danger of the 
chemicals boiling over or spattering the tent. As soon as the 
tent is removed ;the vessel is rinsed with clean water and 
prepared for another charge. 


Next to the scale insects are the aphids, or plant lice, as they 
are generally called; these also belong to the sucking insects. 
Plant lice are small, usually green, but varying to brown or 
black insects, and are generally found on the under side of 


leaves or on growing shoots. These insects multiply very 
rapidly, but fortunately for the grower the hot summer climate 
of California prevents long duration of their attack and there 
also exist in California hordes of natural enemies which attack 
them shortly after their appearance and soon reduce their 

In favorable seasons, however, plant lice become a very seri- 
ous pest and artificial means for fighting them have to be 
resorted to. Near y all varieties of fruit trees are attacked by 
them and a great many of our early fruits are rendered unsal- 
able by the abundance of honey-dew exuded by these insects. 

The principal known species are: 

Woolly Aphis (Schizonewra lanigera).—This little insect 
secretes a white cottony mass about its body and infests both 
the roots and the ' 
branches of apple 
trees. Its presence 
can be readily de- 
’ tected by this white 
cottony mass, and 
upon close examina- 
tion the brownish- 

pink lice are found 

under the cotton. The Fig. 4. Woolly Aphis of the apple (Schizoneura 
lanigera, Hausm.) 

root form causes great 

damage to the tissues of the roots by forming swellings or 
galls, giving an unhealthy growth, which soon kills the small 
roots. As the root-infesting form is by far the most destruc- 
tive, it is important that remedial measures should be directed 
against it. By eradicating the root form in winter a great 
reduction in the branch or aérial form follows, but it can be 
readily understood that this underground form is extremely 
difficult to combat. 

Early in the fall dig a trench around the tree, uncovering 
the crown roots as much as possible; in this trench place one 
or two shovelfuls of unslaked lime, according to the age and 
size of the tree; add enough water to slake the lime, and cover 
up with earth. The rain will keep carrying the lime to the 
roots and reduce the pest. As a substitute for the unslaked 
lime, gas lime is very often used, but great caution must be 


exercised, for if applied in too great quantity there is danger 
of killing the tree. One or two shovelfuls can be used on an 
old tree, but a young tree should not be treated with this 

The use of tobacco dust has given good results, particularly 
on young trees and nursery stock. The application should be 
made in the fall of the year, so that the rains can leach out the 
tobacco juice and bring it in contact with the aphids. 

For the branch, or aérial, form a good kerosene emulsion 
or whale-oil soap wash (summer formula) will soon reduce 

the pest. 

Coal:oil 60? teSt oct coseceeec ee sock ec eecececes 4 gallons. 
Laundry SOa pio. sce seco see eet e ecco seeenes vesens 1 pound. 
Wratel 2.0 sceccecctusscecseicevescnccuasceessdenedeeneee 2 gallons. 

Dissolve the soap by boiling in the water, and when dissolved 
and while boiling pour with a dash into the kerosene. Churn 
the mixture for ten or fifteen minutes, either by pouring back 
and forth from one vessel to another, or by pumping the liquid 
back upon itself. The emulsion should have the consistency 
of cream. 

For a winter wash when trees are dormant, use one gallon of 
emulsion to six gallons of hot water. 

For a summer wash use one gallon of emulsion to ten gallons 
of hot water. 

Prune Aphis (Aphis prunifoliz)—These insects are readily 
recognized by their bluish-green color 
and by the abundance of honey-dew 
generally found on the ground under 
the infested trees. In abnormal! sea- 
sons only does this pest become inju- 
rious to the prune trees. Our native 
lady-birds and syrphus flies generally 
keep this species under control, but 
in the absence of these friends use the 
summer formula of the kerosene 

Fig. 5. Prune Aphis (Aphis emulsion or the whale-oil soap ‘solu- 
pruntfolizx). ti 

Black Peach Aphis (Aphis persicx-niger).—This insect is 
one of the most dangerous foes of the peach tree, and the 
grower should, at the very start, wherever he notices its 


appearance, thoroughly eradicate it. It is a small brownish- 
black insect and exists in the wingless as well as in the winged 
form. It attacks the roots as well as the foliage, and this 
makes it all the more diffi- y 

cultto combat. The branch ~ 
form is readily controlled 
by the use of kerosene 
emulsion or the whale-oil 
soap wash, using the sum- 
mer formula; but, so far, 
no wash or remedy has 
been found to give perfect Fic. 6. Black Peach Aphis (Aphis 
results on thé root form, persic#-niger). 

only partial relief having 

been obtained by the use of a diluted kerosene emulsion, used 
around the base of the tree and applied during or just before 
arain. This allows the water to carry the emulsion to the 
infested parts. Tobacco dust, as recommended for the root 
form of woolly aphis, will also give partial relief. 

Hop Louse (Phorodon humuli).—The following is recom- 
mended, to be applied as a spray: 

Whale-oil soapiussccseiesesscetescccie: Geeseuee eet ses 7 pounds. 
QUaSSIaCHIPS:.<c5- 24 -ot2e seecceteesse chek spdesesey 8 pounds. 
Wisteria Jo 5 foe ee pie niente ans Saale 100 gallons. 

Soak the quassia chips for eight or nine hours in hot water. 
Dissolve the whale-oil soap, by boiling, and mix the two 
liquids, adding enough water to make 100 gallons. 

The best machine to use is the Knapsack sprayer with a 
Cyclone or Vermorel nozzle, using a very fine spray and 
applying it to the under side of the foliage. 


For these pests the following is recommended: 

ArsenateOl lead is2 sess 5o5. clos ces Se ceetene os len 12 pounds. | 
Wrealter.oce.s2ente sie ash dew este oeuvre sete ecoas 200 gallons. 

Rub up the desired quantity of arsenate of lead into a 
smooth, thin paste in a small amount of water, and pour into 
the spraying tank or barrel. Keep the mixture well stirred 
and use a fine spray with plenty of pressure. A warm, sunny 
day should always be selected. 


Cankerworms.—Two species of cankerworms do damage to 
our trees, but they so closely resemble each other that it is 
difficult to distinguish them in the larval form. The adult 
moths, male and female, do not resemble each other, the male 
being winged, the female wingless. The proper time for fight- 
ing this pest is when the wingless female makes her appearance 
out of the ground where she has been hibernating in the pupal 
form. For years many devices have been used to prevent the 
¢ female from ascending the 
tree, and any substance 
which will retain its sticki- 
ness will be good for this 
purpose. During 1905 ex- 
Fic. 7. Spring Cankerworm (Paleacrita vernata). tensive experiments were 

a. Male moth. b. Female moth. c. Three carried on with tree tangle- 
joints of antenne of female moth. d. Abdom- 7 
inal segment of female moth, enlarged. foot, a very sticky sub- 

¢. Ovipositor, enlarged. stance manufactured in 
the East. The results were very gratifying; in fact, tests were 
made side by side with the wire-mesh trap, and the tanglefoot 
gave by far the better results. The substance should be ap- 
plied in early November, and is put on a paper band which 

Fic. 8. Fall Eamkeawin ‘(Alsonnaia pometaria). 
a. Male moth: b. Female moth. c. Joints of antenne of female, 
enlarged. d. eines of body of female, enlarged. ¢. Larve of 

has been fastened to the tree, and when the wingless moth 
crawls upon it she is held captive and soon perishes. 

If through neglect in banding the trees the moths ascend to 
the branches and deposit their eggs, producing a brood of 
worms, the only remedy is the arsenate of lead solution. 

Tussock Moth (Hemerocampa vetusta, Boisd.)—The larva of 
this moth does not form a tent, as in the case of the forest-tent 
caterpillar, which is often taken for it. It is generally found 
singly on the under side of leaves, or along the stems of new 
growth, and is a very general feeder. Gathering the white, 


woolly egg-clusters in pruning season has proved very success- 
ful in combating this pest in certain sections, while in other 

Fic. 10. Tussock Moth. Fic. 11. Tussoek 

u. Female moth. b. Young larva. c. Female pupa. Moth, male. 
d. male pupa. 

sections it is held in check by parasites which attack these egg- 
clusters. In very badly infested orchards spraying can be 
resorted to, and the arsenate of lead solution will be found a 
good remedy. 

Tent Caterpillars—These caterpillars are at times very abun- 
dant and cause a great deal of damage to the foliage of 

Female moth. Larva. 
Fig. 12. Tent Caterpillar (Clistocampa sylvatica). 

fruit trees. The presence of the caterpillars can easily be 
detected by the tents or webs which the colony of worms spin 
in the tops of the trees. Collecting and burning thitse tents, 



in which the caterpillars rest during the day, is about the 
quickest and best method to check their ravages. 

Leaf-Rollers (Cacecia sp.).—These caterpillars are gener- 
ally concealed in a few leaves rolled together, and feed at night. 
They have been known to do a great deal of damage in favor- 
able seasons, and very often have been taken for cankerworms, 
but the dark green color with a black head and the non-loop- 
ing movement of the body correct this error. In orchards 
where spraying with paris green or other arsenates is done 
this pest soon disappears, as any arsenate spray, by poisoning 
the leaves, will soon reach it. 


The following poison bait is recommended: 

Brann ose ee ate a pea cceaneeasaa ees 40 pounds. 
MiddiingsSicccnvse senda sctensuene wacekseeascteecdss ste! 20 pounds. 
White arséni¢-< s_s..22cce8es2 22.35 Seceecscccdtacecese 20 pounds. 
Cheap molassesi.cce-ew mo tsenseee= sack sctemeescoss ates 2 gallons. 

Thoroughly mix the bran, middlings, and arsenic together 
dry, then add two gallons of cheap molasses and sufficient 
water to make the whole into a crumbling moist mash. Place 
a tablespoonful of the mixture a few inches from the tree 
or vine. 

Cutworms (Peridroma saucia and Agrotis spp.).—Cutworms 
are the larve or caterpillars of owlet moths. They feed at 
night, resting underground during the day. Their natural 
food is weeds, clover, grasses, etc. In wet seasons, when weeds 
are abundant, cutworms are found in great numbers, and 
when the grower turns under the weeds, depriving the worms 
of their natural food, they will attack cultivated plants. 
trees, and vines. The most successful way of fighting cut- 
worms is to place a poisoned food wherever this pest is doing 
damage, care being taken not to allow livestock or poultry to 
run where the poison is placed. Alfalfa or any succulent 
vegetable, such as cabbage or lettuce, can be dipped in a strong 
solution of arsenic and water and placed on the ground around 
the damaged plants, but the bran-and-arsenic remedy given 

above is more generally used. 

It has been found that their numbers can be greatly dimin- 
ished and the loss from their depredations materially checked 


by gathering the worms by jarring the vines over canvas sheets 
and collecting them while hoeing the weeds around the vines. 

Grasshoppers.—-Grasshoppers appear periodically in large 
swarms and farmers are ata loss to know what to do. This is 
generally the case when the insects are on the wing, at which 
time it is almost impossible to combat them. The proper time 
to eradicate a swarm of grasshoppers is when they are in the 
nymph or wingless stage, at which period they are slow of 
motion and can be driven on to any kind of dry material and 
destroyed by burning. Grasshoppers generally breed in pas- 
ture lands or uncultivated fields near cultivated areas, and as 
the pastures dry up they migrate to the cultivated fields. It 
is absolutely necessary to check this wandering before the 
insects develop wings. A great many devices have been 
invented to prevent them from entering cultivated grounds, 
and by the use of smudges swarms have been scattered, but 
these methods have generally been used on prairie lands. If 
the pasture lands are beginning to dry up and the young 
hoppers are starting to move, a very successful attack can be 
made by using the poison bait recommended herein. 

FLAT-HEADED APPLE-TREE BORER (Chrysobothrys femorata). 

Whenever fruit trees become burned they at once become 
infested with the flat-headed borer, a yellowish-white grub, 
with large, flat head, the larva of the 
beetle. All trees, when planted, 
should be placed as nearly as possible 
as they stood in the nursery, for by 
reversing the north side to the south 
they invariably become sunburned. 
Tree-protectors or a good whitewash 
will prevent this trouble, if used in 
time. If borers infest a tree, they must be removed and the 
trunk of the tree painted with the following solution: 

Unslaked! lim ¢ one eeeyecouusenercsete: ck esyhoss ees 50 pounds. 
Whalé=01l S08 pia jesse siceneeeee sce ema nameueennee 12 pounds. 

Fig. 13. Flat-Headed Apple- 
Tree Borer. 

Slake the lime with sufficient water to make a thick white- 
wash; dissolve the whale-oil soap by boiling, and add this to 
the lime, mixing it thoroughly; the whole should have the 
consistency of cream. Apply to the trunks of sunburned trees. 


PEACH-TREE BORER (Sanninoidea opalescens). 

The larva of this insect is a pale-yellowish, cylindrical grub, 
nearly an inch in length, and very destructive to the lower 
trunk and roots of peach, almond, apricot, prune, and cherry 
trees. Many devices and remedies have been used to check its 
work, but none have proven entirely satisfactory. The worm- 
ing or digging-out method, although very expensive, is no 
doubt the most reliable one, and when followed by the appli- 

LEH! ¢4, 


Fic. 14. Peach-root Borer (Sanninoidea opalescens). 

cation of a barrier, or preventive, to keep out the new brood, 
which is absolutely necessary, has given good results. 

In the digging-out method, the earth should be removed 
from around the tree and wherever gum is found, the borer 
chisel should be carefully used and the borers removed, care 
- being taken not to remove too much bark. The proper time 
to do this is in November, December, or January. After the 
trees have been thoroughly gone over, a barrier compound 
should be applied. The following two mixtures have given 

good results: 
: Mixture‘No. 1. 

Unslaked lime ._.-.-.--...--.--.---------------------- 50 pounds. 
Whale-oil/soapinss22cstonevcsent sutidzessc antes eddeeds 12 pounds. 
COM RAR. cess tous ntachedote neues encccselcamesen ad 13 gallons. 

To make the compound, slake the lime and tar together, 
adding enough water to make a medium thick whitewash. 
Dissolve the soap with hot water and add this to the lime 
solution, using enough water with the mixture to make a 
thick, paste-like whitewash. 

Mixture No. 2. 

Unslakeéd Mime «.2-..c602 4) ccsceesee ss cee Ske cots idence 50 pounds. 
Crude oil, 16° Beaume -.-.--...----- .--- -------------- 3 gallons. 

Slake the lime and crude oil together, adding enough water 
to make a thick whitewash. 
The application of crude oil alone (14° or 16° Beaume) will 


successfully drive out or kill the small borers, but does not 
seem to affect those that are full grown. The constant appli- 
cation of crude oil alone to trees, especially in warm localities, 
should be avoided, as experience has shown that it is detri- 
mental to the bark. 


These pests usually attack 
old plantings. The best rem- 
edy for the strawberry borer 
is to dig up, as soon as discov- 
ered, the plants showing in- 
festation. In the case of the 
currant borer, the infested 
canes should be carefully re- 

moved below the point of | Pupaand Larva. ph 
pnraabati di diatel Fie. 15. The Currant Borer (Zgeria 
Intestation and immediately tipuliformis). 

PEACH MOTH (Anarsia lineatella). 

The sudden wilting of the young, tender growth of peach, 

Fic. 17. Peach Moth (Anarsia 
¢ tineatella). © 
Fic. 16. Peach Moth (Anarsia lineatelia). a. Egg. b. Young larva. ec. Eye. 
a. Moth with spread wings. b,c. Same with d. Thoracic leg of same. e. Anal 
wings closed, illustrating positions normally segment from above. All greatly 
assumed. All muchenlarged. (After Marlatt.) enlarged. (After Marlatt.) 

apricot, and prune trees is caused by a small -reddish-brown 
worm, the larva of the peach moth. This worm hibernates 


during the winter months in the soft bark of the crotch of the 
tree, and can be killed by the use of the lime-sulphur-salt 
solution, or by a good kerosene emulsion. Care should be 
taken to select sunny weather and spraying should be put off 
as late as possible, preferably just before the swelling of the 
buds. Either spray will penetrate the burrows and kill the 
small worm. 

CODLING-MOTH (Carpocapsa pomonella.) 

The larve of the codling-moth, or worm of the apple, pos- 

i sibly do as much 
damage to the ap- 
ple and pear crops 
in this State as 
anything which 
attacks fruit trees. 
Thorough spray- 
ing, clean culture, 
== and collecting all 
fallen fruit go far 

toward coping 

Fic. 18. Codling-Moth (Carpocapsa pomonella), : 
ie in ale. oe with the pest. The 


newly introduced 
parasite, Calliephiates messer, Gray., has already taken hold 
of this pest in 
several sections 
and may prove Sie, 
a great aid in |: i 
keeping it in- 
check in the 
future. During 
the present sea- 
son the arse- 
nate of lead 
seems to be the 
leading spray 
materialin use, 
owing to its ad- 
hesive properties. This material in a prepared form and 
ready for use simply by the addition of water in sufficient 
quantity, is on the market in different sized packages. A 

4 x. B\ ap 
wie wie 

Fig. 19, Codling-Moth (Carpocapsa pomonella). 
Showing variations. All natural size. 


great deal of disappointment in the use of paris green gener- 
ally occurs, on account of either poor material or unfavorable 
weather conditions. The weather does not seem to have the 
same effect on the arsenate of lead as it does on other sprays, 
and storms do not seem to remove this poison, as it is not sus- 

ceptible to the rain. 
Mixture No. 1. 
Arsenate of lead__-_..--..--.---.... -._....------ 8 to 12 pounds. 

Wikiteltn sete ooo see loco ci AS ace Pi cers 200 gallons. 
Make the arsenate of lead into a smooth, thin paste by using 
the necessary amount of water, then pour into the spray tank, 
and keep well stirred while spraying. Use a fine spray with 

plenty of pressure. 
Mixture No. 2. 

Paris @TGGM en een eG Stee see cee eseees 1 pound. 
Unislaked Mime:e2 22s. cs. peacusmessnedeenewentace sceels 6 pounds. 
Wiate? <2csn5c congccos sceameeecckdemmeeedasoniadecacce 200 Rallons, 

Make the paris green into a — ‘beter placing it in the 
spray tank. Slake the lime with plenty of water and strain 
thoroughly so as to eliminate all particles which might clog up 
the nozzle. Place the lime solution and paris green in the 
tank with the water and stir the mixture constantly while 
spraying. Lime water alone has been used, but it is preferable 
to use the lime, as it shows when the trees have been sprayed 

PEAR OR CHERRY SLUG (Lriocampa cerasi). 

When the pest first makes its appearance, especially on 
young trees, a good dusting with air-slaked lime or, better, 
hydrated lime, will check the damage. Spraying with arsenate 
of lead, as recommended for cankerworms, will be found very 
efficient on larger trees. 


The following are recommended: 

Wet Sprays. 
(1) Arsenate of lead.-..6 to 8 pounds. (2) Paris green ._.-..--..- 1 pound. 
Wrater:..s-2scesese5 ced 100 gallons. Unslaked lime. __-.--- 2 pounds. 
Wiiler sa en esos 160-200 gallons. 
Dry Sprays. 
(1) Paris green -_.. --..---- 1 pound. (2) White arsenic_.--.---- 1 pound. 
Hydrated lime, air-. Hydrated lime, air- 
slaked lime, or wheat slaked lime, or wheat 

MOUP scase tote eas 10 pounds, AOUM So eo cs ees 12 pounds. 


Both the wet and the dry sprays, when thoroughly mixed, 
will be found very efficient in eradicating these pests by either 
dusting with the dry compound or spraying in the regular 
manner with the wet solution. 

gantia histrionica); BOX ELDER PLANT BUG (Leptocoris trivittatus). 
These insects are too well known to need description. The 

females, which hibernate during winter in dried leaves and 

weeds along fences, lay their eggs on the under side of the 
leaves or on the stems of young plants. To be successful in 
fighting these pests the hibernating females must be gathered 
before they lay their eggs, thus preventing the spring brood 
from making its appearance. This has been done on a large 

BP. Ne 

Fic. 20. Harlequin Cabbage Bug (Murgantia histrionica). 

a. Larva. 6. Pupa. c. Eggs, natural size. d. Eggs, enlarged. e¢. Eggs seen from 
above, enlarged. 

scale and is the only true way of preventing the enormous 
increase which generally occurs where these pests are let alone. 
In case the spring brood makes its appearance, about the only 
available method is hand picking or jarring them into recepta- 
cles containing kerosene. Where the pest is very numerous 
the planting of early trap crops has also been found quite 

HESSIAN FLY (Cecidomyia destructor). 

This is one of the pests which, in favorable seasons, appear 
in our grain fields and it does considerable damage to the grow- 
ing grain. The adult fly is a small black gnat, resembling 
somewhat the mosquito on a very small scale. The female 
deposits her eggs on the leaves and leaf-stalks of the sprouting 
grain. These eggs, which are very minute, are pale orange in 
color, with reddish dots, and are laid with the head end 
downward. As soon asthe tiny grub hatches, it goes down the 
stem and forces itself between the stem and the sheath ag near 
the joint as possible. At this point the grub makes its attack 


by sucking the sweet juices of the stalk, which soon wilts and 
falls over. After the grub has attained its full growth it 
passes into a brown pupa form, which resembles a flax seed, 
and the empty pupa case is left protruding from the stalk 
after the fly has emerged. 

Where this pest has appeared it is advisable to burn off the 
stubble in the fall, as this will destroy the “flax-seed” pupe, 
which hibernate in the stubble. It is also advisable to sow 
the grain as-late as possible. 


Although slugs or snails do not belong to the same sub-king- 
dom as insects, yet the damage which some of them inflict on 
vegetables and other products of the gardener and florist is 
sufficient to cause mention of these pests in this bulletin. They 
are generally found in damp places, hiding under stones and 
in cracks of the ground in daytime. In the evening they come 
from their hiding places in search of food, and as they are 
voracious feeders, they often do great damage. . 

At sundown thoroughly drench the garden. Place pieces of 
board, shingles, or even cabbage leaves on the beds where the 
damage has been done. The slugs will congregate on the under 
side of these traps instead of returning into the wet soil and 
can easily be killed in the morning. Spreading fresh slaked 
lime on the ground around the plants that have been attacked 
will act as a repellant, but if much watering is done the lime 
will soon be washed away. 


Red spiders appear as minute red, reddish-brown, or yellow | 
specks on either the surface or the under side of the leaves and 
by the aid of a hand lens are easily recognized. The eggs 
are generally laid in masses on the under side of branches and 
around the buds, this being particularly true of the almond 
bryobia. The damage done by these minute creatures can 
easily be noticed. The mites suck the sap from the cells of 
the leaves, which take on a pale color and finally drop to the 
ground. The following remedies have been used to advantage: 

For Red Spider or Yellow Mite on Deciduous Trees.—Soon after 
the trees are in leaf in the spring, and while they are damp 


with dew in the morning, thoroughly dust them with sulphur: 
Use sulphur bellows, or if the orchard is extensive, fix up a 
broadcast seeder on a wagon. With this arrangement an 
orchard can be treated very thoroughly and with dispatch. 
Infested orchards should be treated at least three times during 
the spring and early summer. 

While this is true generally, sometimes the dry sulphur does 

Fig. 21. Yellow Mite. Fic. 22. Pear-Leaf Blister Mite (Phytoptus pyri), very 
greatly enlarged. 

not seem to do the work, owing to climatic conditions, and it is 
best to apply the sulphide of potash wash, as follows: 

Caustic soda 98% ...-..---------------------- ------ ...- 10 pounds. 
SUIPRUM 2 os ossco2 ese seeeees woes ceseescuteeseraasesiee 20 pounds. 
Dissoly ein: water 2scvessoscccas. docnewe ates Sete ssercea 20 gallons. 

Take the sulphur, mix it to a paste—not sloppy-—with cold 
water ina barrel, then add to this wet sulphur 10 pounds of 
caustic soda (98 per cent), and it will boil the sulphur just like 
lime slaking; have 20 gallons of water to add to it as it boils, 
to prevent its burning. This is the stock solution, and when 
ready to spray the mites or spiders, put 40 gallons of water in 
another barrel, and take a half gallon of the stock solution 
and add to the 40 gallons of water, straining it to take out any 
sediment there may have been in the sulphur. Remember, 
this is for mites and spiders only. This stock solution should 
be diluted one-half gallon to 40 gallons of water, and applied 
with a spray pump under 100 pounds pressure. 

The distillate spray of 2 per cent strength with the addition 
of 7 pounds of flour of sulphur has proved very effective in 
some sections of the State. To use the sulphur in this mixture, 
it is necessary to first make a paste of the sulphur before adding 
it to the distillate mixture. 

For Pear-leaf Blister Mite, Walnut-leaf Blister Mite, Grape-leaf 
Mite, Orange and Lemon Peel Mites—The burrowing mites, or 
Phytoptt, differ from all the other mites in having but two 


pairs of legs, always located near the head (see figure), whereas’ 
the “red spider” (Tetranychus) has three pairs in the young 
stage and four pairs in the adult, located upon the sides. 
The body of the Phytoptus is cylindrical, transparent, and 
long, as compared with the other portions of the mite. From 
the position of the legs it has to drag its body in walking. 

Kerosene emulsion is considered the most effective wash for 
winter use. It is very effective when diluted with from three 
to eight parts of water and sprayed on the infested trees or 
vines before the leaves start. Trees sprayed with the strongest 
solution are practically free from this pest. Those sprayed 
with the weaker solution show very few galls—not over one 
per cent of the number that were on the trees the preceding 
year. Summer treatment with liquid remedies is of little avail. 
As soon as the leaves start in the spring they should be liber- 
ally treated with dry sulphur in the early morning while yet 
damp with dew; a second and third application as the growth 
develops will be found effective. 


