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Rew Pork 
State College of Agriculture 

At Cornell University 
Ithaca, N.Y. 



Blight Canker of Apple Trees 


Assistant Professor of Botany in New York State College of 
Agriculture at Cornell University. 


Cornell University 


The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
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H. H. Wuerzer, Assisranr Prorgssor or Borany. 

Cankers in one form or another on apple trees are familiar to 
inust orchardists. As the term is generally understood to-day, 
we mean by a canker a dead area in the living bark of the body 
or main limbs of trees. This area may be sunken and smooth or 
it may be swollen and rough. (Fig. 1 and 2). The term * canker,” 
as used to-day, applies usually to diseases of trees that are caused 
by parasitic fungi or bacteria. Altho these injuries to the bark 
of living trees have been, in the large majority of cases, abso- 
lutely proven to be due to the growth of fungi or bacteria, grow- 
ers very generally attribute them to “sun scald” or “ winter 
injury.” Not only have experiment station men shown that these 
injuries are due to the attacks of living organisms rather than 
to the results of unfavorable weather conditions, but they have 
demonstrated that the different forms of these cankers are due 
to distinctly different organisms. 

Of the two common cankers in the State the best known is the 
New York Apple Tree canker. This is very prevalent in the 
orchards of Western New York. It has long been known to 
growers but the true cause of it was first worked out by Pad- 
dock of the New York State Experiment Station at Geneva in 
1899. It is caused by a fungus, Sphaeropsis malorum, and is in 
inmost respects very different from the blight canker. In the early 
stages of this canker concentric cracks appear in the outer skin 
of the diseased area. (Fig. 3.). The cankered surface is always 
black and roughened and covered with minute black pimples, 
which are the fruit bodies of the fungus, often not so evident in 
old cankers. These occur, for the most part, on the main limbs 
of trees in old orchards, causing the death of limbs here and 
there on the tree (Trig. 4). 

There is another canker which ig very severe thruout the State, 
especially in certain sections. This we have named the Blight 
Canker. The surface of this canker is sunken with a cracked 


margiv caused by the drawing away of the diseased bark from 
the healthy tissue. This differs from the Sphaeropsis canker in 
that the surface is smooth, the only cracks being those which 
mark the extent to which the canker has spread in a given 
period of activity. The Blight Canker is always of a brown 
color and never shows any fruit bodies, except when it is old 
and the dead tissues have been attacked by rot fungi. Soie- 
times these cankers kill a limb, but frequently the disease does 
not extend thru the bark into the wood, except in a few places. 
It simply kills the outer portion of the bark (Fig. 5). 

In the New York Apple Tree canker, the fungus lives from 
year to year, gradually spreading sol as to involye a large portion 
of the limb, but the Blight cankers are for the most part annual. 
living only one year. Only a small percentage of Blight cankers 
live thru the winter and serve as infection sources for the spread 
of the disease the following vear. 

The chief differences between these two cankers are set forth 
in the following parallel columns: 


Caused by a fungus. 

Usually found on the 
limbs of old trees. 


Diseased portion more or less 
swollen, cracked and rough- 
ened. (Fig. 3). 

Cankered surface black. 

Covered with minute black pim- 
ples—the fruit bodies of the 
fungus often not so evident 
in old cankers. (Fig. 3). 

Freshly cankered tissue dry. 

Cankers perennial, i. e., living 
over and spreading from year 
to year. - 

Caused ly bacteria. 
Occurring most frequently on 
the body and limbs of young 
trees just coming into bear- 


Diseased area sunken and 
smooth not  eracked and 
checked, (Fig. 7). 

Cankered surface brown. 

Not showing any pimples or 
fungus fruit bodies, except in 
old cankers that have been 
invaded by — saprophytic 

Freshly cankered tissue watery. 

A large per cent. of the eankers 
active but one season. 



Blight cankers occur most commonly and are most destructive 
on trees 8-14 years old—trees just coming into bearing. Unless 
promptly attended to they very frequently result in the death of 
the entire tree. 

In young trees with smooth bark the cankers are easily de- 
tected, even in their first stages. They appear as discolored and 
somewhat sunken areas, the margin along the advancing front 
being usually slightly raised or blistered. The tissue in actively 
spreading cankers is of a darker green than the healthy bark 
and is very watery or sappy. On damp cloudy days drops of a 
milky, sticky fluid (Fig. 6) exude from the cankered tissues 
thru the lenticels or pores in the bark. After a short time the 
diseased tissue begins to turn brown and dry out. Unless in a 
very active state of progress the margins are very distinct, marked 
by a crack where, in drying, the diseased tissue has separated 
from the healthy bark (Fig. 1). The older cankers are brown, 
somewhat darker than the healthy bark. They are distinctly 
sunken. The surface is smooth, never checked or roughened or 
beset with pustules or pimples, except in the old cankers, where, 
after a time, rot fungi gain entrance and, thriving in the already 
dead tissues, produce their fruit bodies on the surface. The 
progress of the spreading canker depends largely on the con- 
tinuation of favorable weather conditions, which seem to be a 
humid atmosphere and cloudy days. With the return of bright 
sunny weather, the active spread of the canker is checked ab- 
ruptly, often to be resumed again with the return of favorable 
conditions. This checking and renewing of activity sometimes 
results in large cankers ‘with concentrically arranged cracks 
within the cankered area (Fig. 7). This renewal of activity may 
take place during the same season or the canker may partially 
heal over to spread anew the following year (Fig. 8). A large 
percentage of the cankers are active during but one season. 
There are always some, however, in which the disease is peren- 
nial, living thru the winter-to become active again the following 
spring, spreading and enlarging the original limits of the can- 
kered area (Fig. 9). The diseased bark is usually killed to the” 
wood, to which it clings tenaciously the first season. It grad- 
ually decays, however, and falls out, leaving the wood bare and 


exposed (Fig. 8). In small cankers the cone of diseased bark 
may be quickly forced out by the rapidly formed calluses, which 
heal and close the canker wound (Fig. 10). In some cases the 
canker is superficial, never reaching the cambium, except, per- 
haps, in a limited area at the point of infection. Such wounds 
heal quickly beneath the dead bark, which clings to the tree as 
a sort of scab (Fig. 5). 

The canker manifests itself in different forms on different 
parts of the tree. Those that grow on limbs are usually small 
and circular. If the disease is very severe the canker may be 
larger. These we designate as “pit” cankers (Fig. 11). Often 
the dead bark remains as a sort of lid to the pit but is easily 
removed with the finger or knife blade (Fig. 10). These pit 
cankers, in most cases, heal over quickly and by the end of the 
second year close the wound entirely. Aside from affording 
entrance to rot fungi such cankers unless they enlarge do not 
seriously affect the health of the tree. 

There is another form of the canker which frequently becomes 
serious, called “crotch canker.” It usually appears in the 
crotches where the main limbs arise from the body (Fig. 12), 
but may also appear in the secondary crotches well up in the 
tree. In general characters they are similar to the limb and 
body cankers. Owing to their peculiar position, water is re- 
tained more readily in the dead bark, thus affording the very 
best conditions for the entrance and growth of rot fungi. These 
find easier access to the heart wood at the crotch than on the 
limbs. It was observed that these crotch cankers heal much less. 
readily and successfully than do the limb and body cankers. 
Crotch cankers, unless promptly attended to, mean the almost 
certain destruction of the trees. In some sections of the country, 
especially the Hudson river valley, they have been very serious. 

Cankers are frequently formed about pruned stubs (Fig. 18). 
These will be discussed further under another heading. 

On the bodies of trees are often found large, irregular cankers,. 
which originated from the “pit” cankers. They come either 
from new infection in the spring or from the organism remaining 
in the canker during the winter. Fig 9 shows how such cankers 
are formed. 


The large cankers at the bases of young trees, frequently re- 
ferred to by growers as “ collar rot” (Fig. 14) are in many cases 
very probably due to the same cause as that of the cankers on 
the upper parts of the tree. The well known “collar rot” of 
King trees may also be due to the same or a similar organism. 


The blight canker has been known for many years and was 
probably first observed by horticultural writers as early as 1780. 
It has been repeatedly referred to in horticultural writings 
since that time, altho its true nature does not seem to have been 
suspected until 1880. In that year Professor T. J. Burrill, of 
the Illinois State Experiment Station, while working on the fire 
blight of pears and apples, came to the conclusion that the so- 
called “sun scald” spots on the bodies and larger limbs of apple 
trees are due to the same cause. At a meeting of the Illinois 
State Horticultural Society in 1881, in answer to a query regard- 
ing the nature of “sun scald,” he said: ‘“ The sun scald on apple 
trees is the same as pear blight.” Upon what experimental 
evidence, if any, this and other statements were based I have so 
far failed to discover. A number of writers since that time have 
referred to these cankered patches as “body blight” due to 
attacks of Bacillus amylovorus, but none seem to have actually 
produced the cankers by the introduction of the bacteria into 
the bark of healthy trees. Much of my work has been to try 
to prove that these cankers were due to pear blight organ- 
isms. In Saratoga county and vicinity, the disease has been very 
bad. At least ninety-five per cent. of the young trees which 
were just coming into bearing were affected with this canker. 
It is a dangerous pest for the very reason that it affects the 
trees just at the time that the grower may expect some reward 
for his labor. In an orchard of about 400 trees (Fig. 15) there 
were not ten trees out of one hundred still alive that were entirely 
free from canker and finally the entire orchard was destroyed 
altho it was given the best of care. There are also sections in Cen- 
tral New York and Jefferson county where orchards are affected 
as bady as those in the Hudson River valley (Fig. 16). I believe 
the disease is common thruout the State, as well as in numerous 


states in the United States. Wherever the twig blight of apples 
and pears occurs, I believe you will find the cankers on the 
bodies of the trees. 


Most orchardists regard the trouble as due to freezing or sun 
scald. In seeking to discover the real cause of the trouble I 
examined many cankers in different orchards at different times 
of the year. One moist cloudy day early in May I discovered a 
cankered apple tree from the diseased bark of which were exuding 
drops of a sticky milky fluid (Fig. 6). Examined under a micro- 
scope this fluid was found to be made up almost entirely of 
bacteria—minute rod-shaped plants (Fig. 17). The diseased 
tissue within the bark was also found to be alive with these 
minute plants. By their rapid growth and multiplication within 
the cells of the bark they cause its death. They are not carried 
along in the sap, but slowly work their way from cell to cell. 
When the canker dries down they die and disappear, so that ex- 
amination of the tissues of old ‘cankers does not show them. That 
they are the direct cause of the disease was proved in the fol- 
lowing way: Bacteria from the cankered tissue were introduced 
into the bark on the body of a healthy apple tree and also into 
the bark-of a healthy pear tree, with the result that typical 
cankers appeared in both cases (Fig. 18). Blossoms and growing 
twigs of both pear and apple trees were also inoculated with 
bacteria from this same canker. These nearly all developed good 
cases of blight in about ten days (Figs. 19 and 20), while twigs 
and blossoms punctured with a sterile needle gave no infection. 
This last experiment was twice repeated during the summer with 
pure cultures of the bacteria from the apple tree canker. The 
blight resulted in practically every case. Young fruits of both 
the pear and the apple were also inoculated and gave well de- 
veloped cases of the disease (Fig. 21). By a comparative study 
in various culture media of the bacteria from cankers, twigs and 
fruits of both pear and apple secured from different orchards 
about Ithaca, the organism of the canker was shown to be iden- 
tical with that of the well known “fire blight" of the pear and 
“twig blight” of the apple, Bacillus amylovorus. 


How Trees Become INFECTED. 

The next problem was to find out how the trees become in- 
fected. Only those ways of infection which have come under my 
personal observation will be mentioned, tho there is no doubt 
that the bacteria gain entrance to the bark in still other ways. 

The bacteria frequently get into the bark of the limbs and 
body by way of short spurs and watersprouts (Fig. 22). In 
1905 twig blight became very prevalent during July and August, 
especially in the region about Ithaca, and it was an easy matter 
to find blighted spurs and watersprouts with active cankers about 
their bases (Fig. 23). When these watersprouts grow out from 
the trunks, as is often the case in young trees, typical body 
cankers are formed. The infection of the sprout itself is generally 
attributed to the work of insects, which after visiting freshly 
cankered sprouts or blighted twigs introduce the bacteria into 
the succulent tissues of the rapidly growing healthy shoots. The 
blighted watersprout soon dries up and falls away, leaving often 
a very indefinite scar in the cankered area so that the following 
season it is usually impossible to tell with certainty the manner 
of infection. Observation on a large number of trees this past 
season, ednvinces me that the blighting of adventitious shoots 
on trunk and limb is responsible for most of the cankers in such 

Another source of infection was found to be the pruning knife. 
Along one side of an orchard of about 350 trees which was under 
observation thruout the season, it was early noticed that the 
pruned stubs, of 1904 especially, showed the collars of dead bark 
often two or three inches in width (Fig. 18). Instead of forming 
a callus and healing over the wound, as would normally occur, 
the tissue had died and shriveled up but still clung to the stub. 
In most cases the bacteria which had caused the death of the 
bark had died out the first season. In a few instances, however, 
the canker was observed to be active early in the spring, extend- 
ing down the side of the adjoining limb. Two badly diseased 
trees on this side of the orchard seem to have been the source of 
infection. Owing to their diseased condition, they had been 
severely pruned the previous season and very probably the knife 
or saw had carried the bacteria to the healthy trees. Flies, 


which were observed constantly to follow the pruner to suck up 
exuding sap, may have been the direct agent in many cases in 
transferring the bacteria. The knife itself may convey the dis- 
ease, as is shown by the following incident: While making 
inoculations into the body of an apple tree on the Station grounds, 
I had occasion to remove from near the base a large sprout of 
several years’ growth. | This I did with my knife which I had but 
shortly before used: to cut bark from a fresh canker. A typical 
canker soon developed about this pruned stub (Fig. 24). 

Of a similar nature are infections which occur thru wounds or 
bruises on the limbs and bodies of trees. These wounds, commonly 
results of “barking,” may be made by careless workmen when 
plowing or working about the trees or from the gnawing of ani- 
mals; one of the worst animals in New York being the woodchuck. 
A large percentage of such wounds heal over eventually, but 
frequently thru the agency of insects or other means these wounds 
serve as infection courts for the canker bacillus. An interesting 
case of wound infection came under my observation last season 
In cutting a cankered branch, I accidently “barked” a healthy 
limb with the cut end of the diseased branch. The tree was not 
again visited until some weeks later, when a large and actively 
Spreading canker was found to have developed about the abra- 
Sion (Fig. 25). The bacteria were found in abundance in the 
diseased tissue and pure cultures were secured. 

The wounds or punctures of insects seem to be directly re- 
sponsible for some of the infections. Sometimes cankers on the 
bodies of trees cannot be attributed to infection thru blighted 
shoots, and in some cases these cankers have been traced directly 
to the wounds made by insects. It is very probable that many of 
the cankers at the base of young trees originate in wounds made 
by borers. The bacteria are probably carried to these wounds 
by flies or other insects which visit these places to feed on the 
exuding sap and excrement. The infecting agents in the case 
of crotch cankers have not as yet been definitely determined. 
It seems likely that insects again are responsible. I have 
found them repeatedly hiding in the crevices of the dead bark 
that accumulates in the crotches, and one species seems to feeq 
to some extent on the living tissue in such. places. I haye also 


observed this same species feeding on the exuding sap of can- 
kered limbs and stubs. That it may carry the bacteria to the 
ecrotches seems obvious. Besides this, many of the crotches are 
of. such form that they readily retain moisture and thus afford 
the best of conditions for bacterial growth. 

How tue Disease AFrects THE TREE. 

The effect of the canker on the tree is to lower its vitality to 
a greater or less degree by cutting off the food supply to the 
roots, and thus indirectly reducing the flow of sap to the branches 
and leaves. The “collar rot” and “crotch cankers ” seem to be 
the most fatal to the tree. The effects of the canker are first 
evidenced in the foliage. If there is a large body canker, the en- 
tire tree may show the effects of the trouble. More often the first 
symptom noted by the grower is the peculiar appearance of the 
foliage on one or more of the limbs. Either these branches fail 
to leaf out at all in the spring, or if they do, the leaves never fully 
expand but remain undersized and curled or inrolled. They never 
take on the dark green color of healthy foliage, but remain pale 
and gray. Growers often refer to such trees as having “mouse 
ear” leaves. As the season advances and the cankers spread, 
the leaves often die and dry up on the branches. Sometimes 
badly infected trees may live for two or three seasons, but such 
trees have scanty foliage, blossom profusely and frequently set 
a heavy crop of fruit, which falls prematurely or is small and 
inferior in quality. 

As I have already pointed out, small cankers may not of them- 
selves seriously affect the health of the trees. When the trees 
are strong and vigorous they frequently succeed in promptly 
healing the wounds. The dead bark of the canker, however, 
makes an excellent infection court for the entrance into the tree 
of “heart rot” and decay-inducing fungi. Moisture, so necessary 
to the germination and growth of the spores of fungi, is retained 
for a considerable time in the dead tissue. This is more especially 
true of crotch cankers. No doubt these rot fungi are often to 
blame for the final death of the tree. The heartwood of badly 
affected limbs and trees is commonly found to be soft and rotted, 
with only a thin rim of sound sap-wood surrounding it. 



In most cases, it is very difficult to cure a tree after it has 
become diseased. However, in the case of young trees that are 
just coming into bearing it seems that something should be done 
to save them. I believe they can be saved, at least long enough 
to bear several good crops. 

In the first place, all dead limbs and trees should be promptly 
removed from the orchard and burned. Old pear trees in the 
neighborhood of young apple orchards are often a constant source 
of infection, and, unless kept absolutely free from blight, should 
be removed. Also every case of twig blight in both pear and 
apple trees should be cut out and burned. 

Cut out with a sharp knife all the diseased tissue of the canker 
well back into the healthy bark, and treat all the cut surfaces 
with corrosive sublimate,—one tablet to one quart of water, or 
copper sulfate solution,—one ounce to four quarts of water. 
When dry, paint over thoroly with some heavy lead paint. This 
should be done early in the season, as soon as the cankers are dis- 
covered, for two reasons: Ist, the spreading of the canker and its. 
consequent damage to the tree is checked; 2d, the wound is thus 
given a long period in which to heal. The painting should be 
repeated again toward the close of the season and again the next 
year, or until the wound has completely healed. This prevents 
a second infection or the entrance of rot fungi. A twice-monthly 
inspection of every tree should be made and all cankers carefully 
cut out and treated as soon as they appear. Cankered trees so 
treated early in the spring of 1905 have formed good calluses 
and are fast healing the wounds. Treat all accidental wounds 
in the same way. 

Keep the body and main limbs of the tree free of watersprouts. 
thruout the summer. 

In planting, choose trees with open or spreading crotches. 

Avoid excessive fertilizing with nitrogenous manures. Apply 
some form of phosphoric acid to ripen new growths. 

The planting of varieties known to be more or less resistant 
to this disease is to be recommended. The Wolf River and Tal- 
man Sweet appear to be of this sort, while Baldwin and Ben 
Davis suffer most severely. Desirable non-resistant varieties may 
be top grafted on resistant stocks. 



Pror, Baitzy: Are the trees that have been thoroly sprayed 
as liable to attqgck as unsprayed trees? 

Mr. WuHerzeL: I do not think it makes any difference as the 
canker develops where there has been some wound. Unless bor- 
deaux was applied to a wound as soon as it was made it would 
not prevent infection. We treated a large number of trees with 
bordeaux mixture of double strength and I could not see that it 
made any difference in the number of infections. 

Mr. Sirrine: Are there any ill effects from the use of linseed 

Mr. Wuerzet: The tissue dies back a little but not enough 
to cause any trouble. 

Mr. Eustace: Have you observed much twig infection? 

Mr. Wuerzet: I found practically no active cankers in the 
Hudson river valley, where the last two seasons have not been 
favorable for the development of this disease. However, around 
Ithaca the last two years have been good for the disease and twig 
blight and active cankers are easily found. The work of the 
disease in the Hudson River valley was chiefly done during the 
seasons of 1902 and 1903. 

Fie. 1—Showing a characteristic blight canker. This resulted from a wound 
infection. Note the crack limiting the diseased area; otherwise the diseased bark 
is smooth. 

Fig. 2.—Typical New York apple tree canker. Note the cracked and rough- 
ened surface as compared with Fig. 1. 

Fic. 3.—New York apple tree canker. The first season’s development of the 
disease. Note the concentric cracks and cross checks, and also the fruit pus- 
tules of the fungus, sphaeropsis malorum. 

‘Joyo ver} a[dde YroX Moy; oy Aq por|L] 9013 pfo ue ul sq] peoq—'F ‘DI 

Fra. 5.—The outer portion of the bark has been killed by the blight. The 
healing tissue beneath is pushing off the dead bark. 

Fic. 6.—Active canker showing exuding milky drops. This sticky sap is 
made up almost entirely of the blight bacteria. 

Fic. 7.—Showing concentric cracks in diseased area due to successive periods 
of activity of the canker. ( 

Fic, 8—Canker in body of tree, resulting from the renewal of activity,"season 
after season. 7 

I'ic. 9.—Canker spreading the second season, destroying callus of last season 
and enlarging area of cankered surface. 

Fig. 10.—Pit canker, rapidly forming callus, closing the wound and forcing 
out the diseased bark. 

Fic. 11.—Typical pit cankers in the body of a tree trom which the diseased. 
bark has dropped out. 

Fie. 12—Crotch canker. The diseased bark has been removed. 

Fic. 13.—Pruned stub canker, infected at the time of pruning. Note the collar 
of dead bark. 

Fie. 14.—Large body canker near the base of the tree. The tree_has’ made 
repeated attempts to heal this wound. 

Fic. 15.—Orchard of some 400 trees in the Hudson River Valley. Began to 
go out from blight canker in 1903. Less than 50 alive in June, 1905. 

.—Map showing the epidemic centers of the blight canker in the State 

Fie. 16 
in 1905. 

Fic. 17.—Bacteria taken directly from active canker on apple tree. 

Fic. 18.—Canker on pear tree resulting from inoculation with bacteria from 
active’canker on apple tree. 

Fie. 19.—Blossom and spur blight of apple resulting from artificial inocula- 
tion with bacteria from canker on limb of apple tree. 

Fic. 20.—Actively growing pear twigs blighted by artificial inoculation with 
bacteria from canker on limb of apple tree. 

Fie. 21.—Half grown apple inoculated with pure culture of bacteria ,from can- 
ker on limb of apple tree. Note milky drops exuding from diseased tissue. _ 

Fig. 22.—Recently blighted water sprout on limb of greening. Note the welt 
marked canker about its base. 

Fic, 23.—Active canker formed about base of blighted spur, 

Fie. 24.—Pruned stub canker resulting from cutting away a water sprout with 
an infected knife. , 

Fig. 25.—Canker formed about a wound resulting from accidental “barking” 
with cut end of diseased limb. 

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