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Full text of "Gazetteer and business directory of Steuben County, N.Y., for 1868-9"

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Cornell University Library 
F 127 .S8C53 

Gazetteer and business directory of Steu 

3 1924 025 959 622 

(Statmll ImoKraitg 2Iibrart| 

atljata, Weni Sorft 




The original of tliis bool< is in 
tlie Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 


fS' W. PERHJE & CO, 

Bath, Steuben Co., N. Y., 





Dress Croods 












Cassi meres, 




Oil Clotlis, 



Wall Paper 

SHADES, &c. 


Hats and Caps, Groceries, &c. 

OIoaii.8 and OTantUlas receive ouv special attention. Great inducements in 
style aiicl price and workmanship in.ijeady-niaddgarments, or made to order. Materials 
and Trimming, Gutting, Fitting, &6,i Tiaving a lady of long experience in Cloak and 
Dress-maleiig to attenl to tMa department. 

Onr ClAtba and €assin»eres are taking the gentlemen right and left. No hon- 
orable man attired in one of those fanltlests. suits dispensed at our counters, ever 
annroacbed the la(^ of his choice in vaih. Wo liave aiftHBJtioua for all.ageS, slsses and 
camplexiohs, and can beat the besti)rice to be found within 6ne hundred miles. 


That errors may have occurred in so great a number of names 
and dates as are here given, is probable, and that names have been 
omitted that should have been inserted is quite certain. We can 
only say that we have exercised more than ordinary diligence and 
care in this difficult and complicated feature of book-making. To 
such as feel aggrieved in consequence of error or omission, we beg 
pardon, and ask the indulgence of the reader in marking such as 
had been observed in the subsequent reading of the proofs, and 
which are noted in the Errata, following the Introduction. 

It is also suggested that our patrons observe and become familiar 
with the explanations at the commencement of the Directory. 

The Map of the County was engraved with great care by 
Messrs. "Weed, Parsons & Co.," of Albany, and, it is believed, will 
prove a valuable acquisition to the work. 

The Advertisers represent some of the leading business men 
and firms of the County, and also many enterprising and reliable 
dealers in other parts of the State. We most cheerfully commend 
Ihem all to the patronage of those under whose observation theee 
pages may come. 

With thanks to friends generally, we leave our work to secure 
the favor which earnest endeavor ever wins from a discriminating 
business public. 




Postal Rates and Regalatlons.— The new Postal ConTention with the 
United Kingdom, which goes Into operation on Jannary 1, 1869, estahllahes the follow- 
ing rates of internatlonalpostage: 

1. Letters twelve cents per single rate of fifteen grammes, one half ounce, in the 
United States, and six pence (twelve cents) in the United Kingdom ; pre-payment 
optional. A fine of five cents In the United States, and two pence (four cents) in the 
United Kingdom, is, however, to be levied and collected, in addition to the deficient 
postage, on each unpaid or insufficiently {tre-paid letter received by one country from 
the other. 

2. Newspapers, two cents each in the United States, and one penny each in the 
United Kingdom, if not exceeding four ounces In weight. 

3. Book packets, ingluding printed papers of all kinds, and patterns or samples of 
merchandise, including seeds and grain, when not exceeding one ounce In weight, two 
cents in the United StateS4 and one penny in the United Kingdom ; when exceeding 
one ounce, and not exceeding two ounces in weight, four cents in the United States, 
and two pence in the United Kingdom ; when exceeding two ounces, and not exceed- 
ing four ounces in weight, sis; cents in the United States, and three pence in the United 
Kingdom; and when exceeding four ounces in weight, an additional rate of six cents 
in the United States, and three pence in the United Kingdom, will be charged for every 
additional four ounces, or fraetion thereof. The postage chargeable as above upon all 
articles of printed matter, including patterns or samples of merchandise, must be 
fully prepaid at the mailing office in either conntrir, and is in full to destination, the re- 
ceiving country delivering the same in all cases without any charge whatever. 


Cameron. — Weti Cameron p. o. is abolished. 

South Cameron is a post office in the south part of the town. 

Coming. — Gibson is a post village. 

Sylvester Gillett, son of Joseph Gillett, one of the early settlers of Coming, then 
Painted Pest, says, his father came to this town in 1779 or 80, but ti'om other informa- 
tion we think he made a mistake in the year ; as to the other items we presume he is 
all right. Mr. G. was obliged to go to Tioga Point to mill, a distance of forty miles. 
His mode of transportation was a canoe, and the time occupied by the trip about three 
days.. He purchased a farm upon the river flats for five dollars an acre ; it is now worth 
about one hundred. In 1818 he was a soldier In the company of Captain John Kenne- 
dy, and "at the sortie opposite Black Rock, on the Canada side of the nver, was wound- 
ed. He was removed to the residence of his father-in-law, at Honeoye Hollow. Mr. 
Gillett owned a mare that he frequently rode to his father in-law's, and while there 
awaiting transportation, that mare broke out of her inclosnre and wept fifty miles to 
Honeoye Hollow, and was harnessed with another horse to carry her master to his 
home upon a feather bed. This was regarded at the time as a very singular circumstance. 

GreenwooA,— Hough, and Beady p. o. is abolished. 
Jasper.— iVor^A Jaeper is a pose office 19 the north-east part, 
TtLarstoa.—Merchantville is a post office. 
\,—PerUnsville is a post village. 
Wootlikall.—BedgefistUe is a post office. 
East WoodhvU is a post office in the east part. 




Addison.— ANDRUS, JAMES M., (Ad- 
dison,) tarmer leases SOO. 

ATWATKE,A. C, (Addison,) wholesale 
and retail dealer in dry goods and 

BEEMAN, ALMON, (Addison,) flirmer 180. 

EDWARDS & JONES, (Addison,) ( W. H. 
Sdwards and J. M Jonts,) livery and 
exchange stables. 

*ELDBIDGE, J. & H., (Addison,) props, 
of American Hotel. 

PAENHAM, GEO., (Addison,) fermer 26. 

Hooker, -^, (Addison,) photograph artist. 

♦HORN, O. A. Sl BKO., (AddlsonJ {Wm. 
P.,) manuf. steam engines, Dollers, 
planing mills, Improred clrcnlar saw 
mills, SiC. 

JONJJs, E. L.. (Addison.) farmer 438. 

JONES, HENRY S., (Addison,) town clerk, 
also dealer in butter and produce. 

JONES, W. S., (Addison,) firmer 180. 

MANNERS, W. H., (Addison,) grocer and 
provision dealer. 

MEBRIIiLS, LEVI, (Cooper's Plalnp,) fir- 
mer SO. 

SANFOED, H. W., (Addison,) dealer In 
books,' stationery, &C. 

SMITH, JAMES E., (Addison,) prop. Ex- 
change Hotel, 

•smith; W. A., (Addison,) general mer- 

THOMPSON, ROBERT, (Addison,) firmer 


(Avoca,) was omitted. 
END ■ 

HENDERSON, HENRY, (Wallace,) {.wUh 
Jama^) farmer SOO. 

JINCKS, MELVIN, (Wallace,) machinist. 
PALMER, S. H., (Avoca,) flirmer 144. 
TUCKER, E. M., (Wallace,) station agent, 
TUCKER, SMITH, (Wallace,) lumberman 
and flirmer 1S6. 


vona,) farmer 107. 
BARTON, ANDREW J., (Kanona,) car- 

penter and flirmer 1U«. 

BABTON, MARTIN V., (Bath,) black- 
smith, 86 Washington. 

CARROLL, ANDREW, (TowlesvUle,) far- 
mer 12(1. _ 

CLARKSON, L. L. MMS, (Bath,) drees 
maker and milliner, Steuben St. 

COOPER, D., (Bath,) carpenter and Joiner, 
Church St. 

COSS, M. D., (Bath,) carpenter. 

DANIELS, GEO. T., (Bath,) {.with Sylvenxu 
W.,) flirmer 86. 


•HULL & Barnes, (Bath,) (Henry H. 
Hiill and JSWos W. Bamet,) editors and 
proprietors of the SUubm CourUr, 
Liberty St. 

Greenivood.— HUSH, WM. A., (Green- 
wood,) flirmer. 

MATTSON, GEO. Q., (Greenwood,) flir- 
■ merl20. 

EEIMANN & DAVIS, (Greenwood,) ( Fa;- 
entint Utimann and Sedmund S.J)avit,) 
boot and shoe dealers. 

WATERS, A. G., (Greenwood,) cloihler. 

WILLCOCK, CHAS., (Greenwood,) firmer. 

HornellsTllIe.—BEZNOR, JOHN, should have been capitalized as a subscriber. 
Wbeeler.— In the name of SERLES, WILLET T., the initial T. was omitted. 

The HornaUaTlIIo Trllbnne, the 

oldest paper In the town, advertises on 
page 170. It is a good paper for local and 
general news, ana as a medium of adver- 
tising Is worthy of patronage. The pro- 
prietors, Mesf Hough & Beecher, are 
men who will not allow their patrons to 
suffer through any neglect on their part. 
Their Job Qgice Is well supplied with all 
the materials for doing a first-class business. 

Allen Sc Parker, dealers in Ameri- 
can, English and German Hardware, No. 6 
Liberty Street, Bath, N. Y., publish a card 
on page 186. This is one of the most en- 
terprising Hardware establishments in the 
County. The proprietors have a very ex- 
tensive stock of goods In the line of gen- 
eral Hardware, also a large assortment of 
Carriage and Saddlery Hardware. Carriage 
and Harness makers will find it for tieir 
advantage to call upon Messrs. A. & P., as 
they make this branch of their business a 
specialty. They also keep a large stock 
of Stoves, Tinware and Agricultural Imple- 
ments, and everything in the line of hard- 
ware that the country demands. Call and 
see them. 

The Reynold's Steel Temper- 
Ins 'Works, Reynolds, Barber & Co., 
I roprletors, at Auburn, are largely engaged 
in the manufacture of Reaper and Mower 
Knives, Plane Irons, Chisels, &c. The 
process by which they temper steel Is a pe- 
culiar one, and as patented by Mr. Rey- 
nolds, is the result of over forty years 
labor. This gentleman always worked on 
the plan that tempering steel was simply 
changing it fl-om a Jmroiu to a ;ranuW 
state. He certainly has succeeded In pro- 
ducing a finer trrannlation (temper) tnan 
has ever before been produced. Messrs. 
Reynolds, Barber & Co., control the patents 
lor these processes, and are applying them 
successflilly in all their mannractures.— 
Their establishment is capable of turning 
out an immense amount of work, yet their 
orders are now, and have been ror some 
months, accumulating fir in advance of 
their present ability to supply i a circum- 
stance which they will not long allow to be 
the case. We predict that the time is not 
far distant when all Mower and Reaper 
Factories and farmers will use their im- 
proved sections. See their advertisement 
on page 6, fronting the Introduction, 




Addenda, Bedington & Howe'e Mnslol Catalogue, latter part of book 

Almanac or CaleDdar for 20 years %% 

Biographical Sketches 115-120 

Briniant Whitewash 59 

Business Directory 121-261 

Capacity of Cisterns or Wells 58 

Censni Report...-. 263-263 

Chemical Barometer 69 

County Offlcers 16 

Courts in Stenhen County , 19 

Discount and Premium 68 

Errata 9-10 

Facts on AdTertlsing 58 

French Decimal System of Weights and Measures 6S^T 

Gazetteer of County GS-I^ 

Gazetteer of Towns '77-114 

Government Land Measure 52 

How to get a Horee out of a Fire '. 59 

How to Judge a Horse ; 61 

How to Secure the Public Lands ;. 47-48 

Howto Succeed in Business 46-47 

Interest Table , 67 

Law Maxims 48-63 

Leech Barometer 59 

Measurement of Hay in the Mow or Stack 61 

Postal Sates and Begulations 41-43 

Post Offices and Postmasters,.- 15^16 

Kules for Detecting Counterfeit or Spurious Bank Notes 44-45 

Stamp Duties 34-40 

Table of Distances 364 

Table ofWeights of Grain, Seeds, &c 58 

The States, their Settlement, &c 21-33 

The Territories, their Area, Boundaries; Population, &c 33-34 

To measure Gr^in in a Bin 69 

U. S. Internal Bevenue Offlcers 19 

Valuable Becipes 60-61 



Addison 131 

Avoca 126 

Bath 130 

Bradford 141 

Cameron 144 

Campbell 147 

Canisteo 150 

Caton 153 

Cohocton 156 

Corning 163 

Dansviue 171 

Brwin 175 

Fremont 177 

Greenwood 180 

HartsvUle 183 

Hornby 184 


BomellsTille 188 

Howard 196 

Jasper 203 

Lindley 206 

Prattsburgh 209 

Pnlteney 216 

Bathbose 219 

Thurston 223 

Tronpsburgh 327 

Tuscarora 383 

Urbana 337 

Wayland 243 

Wayne 347 

West Union 249 

Wheeler ,...258 

Woodhnll 356 






Aber & Htewirt, Bath, 174 

Book Binders. 

TJnaerhill & DeWolfe, Bath, J32 

Boots and Sboes. 

Davison, ThoB. Jr., Bath, 138 

Kobie, J. C. & Co., Bath, 64 

WaiBon, W. W., Bath »3& 

Cancer Doctor. 

Kingaley, Dr., Kome, 1 

Cole Patent Trace Baclcle. 

Harrell & Sergeant, Syracuse, 265 


Hunter, Wm. B., Jasper, 190 

Wilcor, M. H., corning, 200 


Sawyer, Harris C, HomellsvUle, 208 

Dry Goods. 

Burke, I'itzsimons, Hone & Co., Boch- 

ester, aee 

Ferine, H. W. & Co., Bath, 2 

Bobie, J. C, & Co., Bath, 64 

Willson, W. W., Bath, 228 

Edge Tool makers. 

Aber & Stewart, Bath, 174 

Empire Stump machine. 

Johnson & English, Coming, 265 

Fomrardlng and Commission 

Young, C. H., Bath, 252 

Furniture Dealers. 

Curtis, E. 8., Hornellsville 164 

Deutsch & Tschachlll, HomellBTlile. 212 
Knight, C, Bath ....228 

General merchants. 

Craig, A. B. & W. B., Jasper. ... 216 
Perine, H. W. & Co., Bath, . I . . "a 

Bobie, J. C. & Co., Bath '. " M 

Smith, W. A., Addison,.. ;:;:.":210 

Grape Box makers. 
Fairchild Eros., Hammond's Port 198 

Grape Vines. 


McDowell.I'. M., Wayne 220 

Wagener, David S., Pulteney, 208 

Groceries and Provisions. 

Ormsby, W. N. , Tronpsburgh, 190 


Allen & Parker, Bath, 186 

Beekman, A., Bath^ 220 

Harris, M. 8. & B. B., Cohocton 224 

Howell & Barron, Bath, 20O 

Harness, Trunks, Etc. 

Drakeford Bros., Hornellsville, 212 

Harris, M. S. & B. B., Cohocton 128 

Hats, Caps and Furs. 

Willson, W. W., Bath 228 


Aber & Stewart, Bath, 174 


Eldridge, J. & H. , Addison 186 

Fuller, Geo. W., Corning, 154 

Wilkinson, Melvin, North Cohocton,.. .138 

Hoire's Ague Care, Etc. 

Howe, C. B., Seneca Falls 20 

Insurance Agents. 

Ormsby, W, N., Tronpsburgh 190 

Walker, Wm., Corning, 128 

Iron Founders and machinists. 

Horn, O. A. & Bro., Addison 

_ inside first cover. 

Preston & Heermans, Coming, 210 

Iieather and Findings. 

Davison, Thos. Jr., Bath, 138 

liUmber Dealers. 

McConnell & Co., Hornellsville, 128 

melodeons, Organs, Etc. 

Dodge & Lord, Ithaca, 174 


Jenness, O. E. Mrs., Coming, 190 

movrers and Reapers. 
Hill, Edgar, Coming, 267 



Moirer and Reaper Knives. 


Reynolds, Barber & Co., Auburn, 6 

lllnsic & Mnslcal Instruments. 

Purdy, W.H. & Co., Batb 252 

Redington & Howe, Syracuse, on Hap 

See also i4 ddenda at end of volume, 

Wilcox, M. H., Coming, 200 

News Dealers. 

Sawyer. Harris C, HomellsTille, 20S 

Oriental Syrup and Balm of 
Gllead Ointment. 

Taft, Q. T. & Co., Seneca Palls, 20 

Paper makers. 

Tremain, Chas. &Co., Manliue, 236 

Pbotograpb Artists, 

Myers, C.E., HomeUaville 63 

Sutton, Wm. L., HornellSTille, 198 


CaBe,0. F., Pulteney 128 

Horton,T. H., Cossville, 236 

Kingeley Dr., Rome, 1 

Seeley, J. £., Hornellsville, 198 

Planing mills. 

McConnell & Co., HomellBTiUs, . ,. 128 

Printing Offices. 

Addison Advertiser, 204 

Canisteo Valley Times, Hornellsville, . . 158 

Coming Democrat, 142 

Corning Journal , , .124 

Hornellsville Tribune ITO 

Steuben Courier, Bath, 240 

Steuben Farmers' Advocate, Batb, 232 

Produce Dealer*. 

Young, C. H., Bath, 252 

Raspberry Plants. 

Wight, Warren. Waterloo, 224 

Saddlery Hardivare. 

Harrell & Sergeant, Syracuse, 265 

Sasb, Doors and BUnds. 

Harris, M. S. & R. E., Cohocton, 224 

McConnell & Co., Hornellsville, 128 

Senrlne macblnes. 

Sheffield, C. C. Mrs., Elmira, 14 

Steam Engines, Boilers, Etc. 

Horn, O. A. & Bro., Addison 

inside first cover. 

Preston & Heermans, Coming, 210 

Stoves, Tlnvrare, Etc. 

Allen & Parker, Bath 186 

Beekman, A., Bath, 220 

Harris, M. S. & R. E., Cohocton, 224 

Howell i<^ Barron, Bath, 200 

. ITndertakersa 

Curtis, R. S., Hornellsville, 154 

Deutsch & Tschachlll, Hornellsville,... 212 

TVoolen mils. 

Burke, Fitzsimons, Hone & Co., Roch- 
ester 266 

Hayden Bros., Port Byron, 252 

If. H. Perlne tc Co., dealers in 
Dry Goods, Bath, N. T., have one of the 
largest establishments of the kind in the 
Southern Tier. The "Excelsior" is a 
model store, located in a pleapant part of 
the village, and recently constructed with 
all the modern conveniences. The building 
is 100 feet by 42 and three stories high, the 
whole of which is used for the business of 
the firm. The different classes of goods 
occupy their respective apartments, each of 
which has its clerks, and everything is con- 
ducted in the most systematic manner and 
on a strictly cash basis. A great variety of 
goods is to be found at this establishment. 
Bress Goods' of every description. Staple 
and Fancy Dry Goods, Millinery Goods, 
Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Yankee No- 
tions, Cloths and Cassimeres, Carpets, Oil 
Cloths and Matting, Wall Paper, Window 
Shades, Shawls, Sacqnes, Cloaks, and al- 
most every article desired for domestic pur- 
Soses, The Millinery and Dress Making 
epartments are features of interest. The 
patronage of this irnmense concern is not 
strictlylocal. It has its customers from 
the remote towns of Steaben, as well as 
from other connties, and enjoys a reputa- 
tion for fairdealing second to none in West- 
em New York. To the enterprise of the 

proprietors the people of Bath and of the 
county are greatly indebted. 

A liberal Mid judicious system of adver- 
tising has not been without its influence in 
promoting the remarkable success of the 
"Excelsior," and the proprietors have 
reaped a rich 'reward in the confidence of a 
wide circle of patrons. There are very few 
vilifies, or even cities, in the State, ih&t 
can Doast of an establishment superior to 
this, and It vrill remain in the ftitute, as it 
has been in the past, a truly great and pop- 
ular depot of domestic Supplies to the peo- 
ple of that section. See card, page 2. 

'Walter A. IFood's Improved Fold- 
ing Bar Mower is advertised on colored 
Sage 2f7. This machine is pronounced the 
est ever manufactured in the country, by 
many of the best judges. It was awarded 
the Grand Gold MeAl at the Paris Expo- 
sition, and has received prizes too numer- 
ous to mention at State and County Fairs, 
where it has been exhibited. It is manu- 
factured by Walter A. Wood Mowing and 
Reaping Machine Co., Hoosick Falls, N. 
Y. Edgar Hill is the agent for this and 
several adjoining counties, in this State 
and Fennsylvanu. Farmers will do well to 
try this machine. 



jB^ IMX. ISi 3E^ X <D j^ H^ 

Button Hole, Overseaming 





It is also the CHEAPEST aB well as the BEST, since it is really txro MacMnes 
combined in one, making either the Lock Stitch or Button Hole Stitch, as occa- 
sion may require. It Is at the same time simple in construction, almost noiseless, easily 
understood, and in a word it combines with those advantaE;es exclusively its own, the 
most desirable qualities in all others. It will work beautiful Button Holes, Eyelet Holes, 
Embroider over the edge, do Overseaming as by hand— also all kinds of Stitching, Hem- 
ming, Cording, Felling, Braiding, Bnffling, Tucking. Every Machine is warranted to 
give entire satisfaction to the purchaser. InBtruction given on the Machine gratuitously. 

Samples of work will be mrnished upon application to 

Mrs. C. C. Sheflaeld, General Agent, Elmira, N. Y. 

Salesroom on Baldwin Street, nearly opposite the Post Office, and directly over the Uni- 
ted States Express Office. 
^~ For further pwticulars address Mrs. Sheffield for illustrated circular. 

Hayden Brotbers, proprietors of 
the Retail Woolen Mills, at Port Byron, 
have long been celebrated as being manu- 
facturers of desirable and reliable goods. 
The establishment was started in 1814 as a 
small custom mill. Since then the greatly 
increased business has called for extensive 
additions and improvements, which have 
been made ; and to day their cloth is known 
and worn in every county in the State and 
every State in the Union. They use only 
the best qualities of wool, entirely free 
from waste or shoddy, and employ only ex- 
perienced and careful workmen who strive 
to maintain the reputation their goods 
have ever borne (rnong their retail cus- 
tomers. A few months since thCT opened 
a store at No. 39 Warren street, Syracuse, 
where they keep fliU lines of all goods of 
their manufacture. Farmers, mechanics 
and business men generally, can make good 
bargains by calling at the store, where Mr. 
J. W. Gates the manager, will be pleased 
to give them good goods at advantageous 
terms. See card, page 853. 

O. H. ITonng, Produce, Forwarding 
and Commission Merchant, Bath, N Y 
advertises on page 263. Mr. Young has a 
new warehouse near the depot of tSe Erie 
Eailway, where he Isprepared to receive all 
kinds of grain and term produce on com- 
mission. Farmers and others who have 
wool, grain or any other article, may safely 
leave U with Mr, Young with the assurance 
^hat he will dispose of it to the beat ad- 

Aber dc Ste^vart, manufacturers of 
Edge Tools, Bath, Steuben Co., advertise 
on page 174. Having been engaged in busi- 
ness lor twenty years, their edge tools are 
too well known to need any recommenda- 
tion from us. Those who have used them 
understand their merits and still continue 
their patronage. They also carry on a 
general Blackemithine business, giving 
especial attention to Horse Shoeing, In 
which they have no superiors. All work 
warranted and charges reasonable. 

Tbe American Hotel, Addison, 
N. Y., has recently been refitted, and the 
proprietors, Messrs. J. & H. Eldridge, are 
prepared to receive their old patrons as 
well as many new ones, and provide them 
with all the comforts for which this house 
has been so justly celebrated. Give them 
a call. Their card appears on page 186. 

,_ ^'i Klnesley, of Borne, justly cele- 
brated for the many cures he has effected of 
that most distressing disease. Cancer, pub- 
lishes a notice on page 1. He is prepared 
to treat all scrofulous diseases, and others 
oflong standing, and assures his patients 
that they will not be charged a heavy bill 
and dismissed without receiving any bene- 
fit. Persons who cannot conveniently call 
upon him in person, can address him by 
letter, and will receive prompt attention. 
Br. E. is a graduate, with an experience of 
over fourteen years In the practice of medi- 
cine. Let the afflicted give him a call. 


Post Offices and Post Masters in Steu'ben 



Addison, Addis™,... J. N. Brown. 

Addison Hill, Tascarora, H. Q. Cornell. 

Adrian, , Canisteo, Nathan S. Baker. 

Allen's Station, Canisteo, O. B. Moelier. 

Arkport, HornellSTille, Chas. A. Baldwin. 

Avoca, Avoca, Frank N. Barney. 

Bath Bath, Ebenezer Ellis. 

Bennett's Creek, Canisteo Wm. C. Alger. ' 

Bradford, Bradford, Cyrus M. Merriman. 

Baena Vista, Howard Samnel S. Mullikin. 

Cameron, Cameron, James Lawrence. 

Cameron Hills, Bathbone, Bussell P.Baldwin. 

Campbelltown, Campbell, Wm. Stewart. 

Canisteo, Canisteo, Geo. Rlddell. 

Caton Caton, Wm. D. Gilbert. 

Center Canisteo Canisteo, Phineas O. Stephens. 

Cohocton, Cohocton, Walter M. Eldred. 

Cooper's Plains, ■. Erwin, John A. Bhultz. 

Corning, Corning, Chas. H.Thomson. 

Doty's Corners DansTiUe, George Q. Babcock. 

East Troupsbnrgh, Tronpsbnrgh, Samnel Olmstead. 

Bast Woodhull, Woodhnll, Erl Castle. 

Erwin Center, Lindley, Henry C. Ball. 

' Gibson Corning, Merritt P. Cooper. 

Qoff's Mills., Howard, Henry A. Bouton. 

Greenwood Greenwood, Henry Bennett. 

Hammond's Port, Urbana, Lewis S. Boee. 

Haskinvllle, Fremont, «ChaB. N. Miller. 

HedgesTille, Woodhnll, Samnel Olmsted. 

Hornby, ;. Hornby, Darins L. Wellman. 

Homellsville, Bomellsvllle, John W. Shelley. 

Howard, Howard, Henry Baldwin. 

Jasper, Jasper, Solomon Countryman. 

Kanona, ; Bath John J. Ostninder. 

Llndleytown Lindley, Wm. More. 

Merchantville, Thurston, :... Albert W. Keith. 

Neil's Creek Avoca Martin A, Hoadley. 

North Cameron Cameron, Ellas Mason. 

North Cohocton, Cohocton, Asa Adams. 

North Jasper, Jasper, Leonard S. Lamson. 

North Urbana, Urbana, Obadiah Wheeler. 

Painted Post, Erwin Henry D. Edwards. 

Perkinsville,... Wayland, John P. Miller. 

Frattsbnrgh, Prattsburgh, James Gilbert Wygant. 

Pnlteney, Pnlteney Enssell B. Fargo. 

Purdy Creek, Hartsvllle, Dennis McGraw. 

Rathboneville Bathbone Northrnp P. Yonng. 

Bezrille West Union, Francis Ward. 

Biker's Hollow, Prattsburgh, Thos. J. Clark. 

nidinirville Thurston, Andrew Shanger. 

Sivona Bath...... Thos. J. Bolllan. 

sSnora Bath Abram C. Biyan. 

South Addison, Tuscarora, Geo.W. Carr. 

South Bradford Bradford Abraham B. Hoagland. 

South Cameron Cameron Chas. A. Bateman. 

South DansviUe Dansville, I'y"^'^"'^,? J' 

South Howard,; Howard Samuel T. Hoagland. 

South Pulteney Pulteney ^i™™ %; t?IS' 

South Thurston Thurston, jJ'^^^Ki'- i, 

South Troupsburgh Troupsburgh, Wm. B. Murdock. 

Stephens' Mills,.;.. Fremont, Elijah F. Bliven. 

Swale, Canisteo Isaac Jones Jr. 

Thurston Thurston, John C. Brand. 

Towlesville, ...Howard, Alphens Welsh. 

Troupsburgh, Troupsburgh, Geo. C.Blake. 

Wallace,..;.. Avoca Smith Tucker. 

Wayland Depot, Wayland, Thos. A. Abrams. 

Wayne, Wayne, James B. Qleason. 

Wayne 4 Comers, Wayne..;.... Nathan Lonnsberry. 

West Addison, Bathbone Israel Horton. 

West Greenwood, Greenwood, James W. Babcock. 

West Jasper Jasper Allen W. Hayes. 

West Troupsburgh, Troupsburgh, Jonathan Updike. 

West Union, West Union David Sherman. 

Wheeler Wheeler Bphraim Anils; 

WileysTille, W^st Union, John Wiley. 

Woodhull, WoodhuU, Nelson Perry. 

Toung Hiokoigr, Troupsburgh, Thomas W. Bailey. 


Clerk of Board, of Snperrlaora. 


Henry H. Bouto^ GoflfsMills. 


D. J. Chittenden Cameron Mills. 

Henry C.May ...Corning. 

Sewell E. Shattuck Hornellsville. 

Ira P. Smith, M. D Bath. 

County Clerk. 

Nirom M. Crane , , Bath. 

Henry Faucett, Deputy Bath. 

County Judge and Surrogate. 

GuyH. McMaster Bath. 

County Treasurer. 

Peter Halsey Bath. 

District Attorney. 
John H. Butler Cohocton. 

Excise ComnUssloners. 

Charles Hartshorn Homellsvllle. 

Wm. W. Lindsay Bgtl, 

Amazlah S. McCay '.'.Addison' 

Justices of Sessions. 


Benjamin Bennett Hammond's Port. 

Samuel Irwin Painted Post. 

Loan Commissioners. 

Spencer Francis Prattsburgh. 

tjamuel S. Seely Bath. 

Member of Congress. 

Hamilton Ward Bolmont, Allegany Co. 

School Commissioners. 

Geo. P Avery Prattsburgh- 

Wm. M. Sherwood Woodhall. 

B. Whiting. Jasper. 

State Senator. 

John I, Nicks Elmira. 


Willis E. Craig 5^th. 

Lewis D. Pay, Under Sheriff B^th. 

Superintendents of tbe Poor. 

Rufhs fl. Alderman Sonora. 

Ell Carrington South Dansville 

JohnTolea ;;. Cameron Mills 




Important^Knotrledge.— As mn- 

Bic is now an indiBpeneable neceBsity In 
every hoasehold, any reliable Information 
Ib valuable ae to the beat place to buy mu- 
sical instrnments. We have been acq^ain^ 
ed for years personally with the firm of 
Bedington & Howe, and have known of 
their bUBlness fecillties. We hnmo that no 
House between New York and Chicago can 
compete with them BUCceBsfUUy, as their 
facilities are onequ^ed. In addition to 
the immense capital at their control, they 
have special contract! with several leading 
flrst-olasB mannactnrers, whereby they buy 
cheaper than any other dealers in the Uni- 
ted States anywhere. Their immense trade 
requires only a small profit on each one of 
their many transactions to ensure them a 
handsome income. Their terms are most 
highly liberal, ijid another important 
consideration Is that their treatment of 
their customers Is perfectly honorable, a 
very important matter in the purchase of 
such a complicated affair as a musical in- 
strument. Their recommendation of In- 
struments can be depended on implicitly. — 
This we know from an extensive acquaint- 
ance among hundreds to whom they have 
sold instruments. We advise our readers 
to give them a call, or certainly to write to 
thembefore deciding on the purchase of a 
Piano Forte, Organ or Melodeon, or any 
musical merchandise. See the Addenda to 
this volume, which contains a portion of 
their catalogne. Also see card on Co. Map. 

Bnrke, Fltzslmons, Hone & 
Co., Importers, Jobbers and Eetailers of 
Dry Goods, Fancy Goods and Woolens, No. 
53 Main street, Bochester, pnblisb a card 
on page 266. This House was established 
in 1849, since which time its success has 
been unintermpted, each year increasing its 
amount of business. Their annual sales 
amount to the enormous sum of near 
$1,500,000, their trade extending from the 
Eastern portions of the State to the "Far 
West." Occupying, as they do, fully 25,000 
feet of flooring in actual business depart- 
ments, every portion of which is crowded 
with immense piles of goods from- foreign 
countries, as well as of domestic manufac- 
ture, renders the facilities of this house for 
Jobbing equal to any in the country. The 
firm are also proprietors of the " Genesee 
Falls Woolen Mills," where they manufac- 
ture 100,000 yards of goods annually. 

Motbers, Kead Tbls!— So says 

Dr. Q. T. Taft <fc Co., of Seneca Falls. In 
their advertisement on page ao, they desire 
to inform you of the wonderful qualities of 
their " Oriental Syrup," for children. We 
have heard of many cases where this valu- 
able medicine has given great relief. They 
are also proprietors of " Eosenberger's 
Balm of Guead Ointment," for old botIbb, 
ulcers, rheumatism, bums, chilblains, 
piles, &c., and for galls, or wounds on 
horses, it is unBurpassed. 

Howe's Ne-rer-FalllnK Agne 
Care and Tonic Bitters, and 
Hoiv^e's Concentrated Syrup, are 

Prepared under the personal supervision of 
ir. C. B. Howe, the proprietor, at Seneca 
Falls, N. T., for ague and fever, and all 
periodic diseases, meumatism, paralysis, 
etc. The "Ague Cure " has produced won- 
derful cures. The " Syrup, for the blood, 
liver, skin, digestive and uterine organs, 
has cured many cases of scrofula, cancer, 
tumors, goiter, salt rheum, scaldhead, and 
many other diseases too numerous to men- 
tion in this place. See card, page 20. 

Cole's Patent 'Wedge Tongne 
Trace Buckle, as manufactured by 
Messrs. Harrell & Sargeant, at Syracuse, 
have secured a high reputation wherever 
they have been introduced. As the adver- 
tisement gives a good idea of the improve- 
ment, we advise the reader to peruse it.— 
Seecard, page 265. 

O. A. Horn & Brother, Successors 
toE. B. Horn, manufacturers of Steam En- 
gines, Circular Saw Mills and all kinds of 
machinery for manufacturing lumber, ad- 
vertise iuBlde first cover. Messrs. Horn are 
enterprising men and we cordially recom- 
mend them to all engaged in the manufac- 
ture of lumber, as men who understand 
their, business, and who are prepared to 
ftimish at short notice, and on reasonable 
terms all machinery used by carpenters, 
joiners and builders. Orders by mail ad- 
dressed to Addison, Steuben County, vnll 
receive prompt attention. 

Cbas. Tremaln dc Co., manufac- 
turers of Kag, Book, News, Tea and Wrap- 
ping piper, at Manlius, publish a card on 
page 236. Publishers and paper dealers 
win find them fair and honorable men to 
purchase from. In the manufacture of 
book and news, they use only domestic stock, 
which is conceded to be superior to import- 
ed rags. They employ experienced paper 
makers only, and Iwvingimproved machin- 
ery, they can insure a superior article in 
all cases. We use their paper in the pub- 
lication of our directories. 

Tbe Stenben Conrler, published 
by Hull & Barnes, Bath, N. Y., advertises 
on page 240. This is a thoroughly Bepnb- 
lican paper of large size, and is calculated 
to supply the demand of a large class in the 
country who cannot fail to appreciate the 
efforts of the publishers to give them a re- 
liable journal Of passing events. Job Print- 
ing in all forms is executed at the Courier 
Office. Those who wish 'TOr flrsfe-diagB 
work at reasonable rates vfi» (Sail and have 
their wants supplied. 



A. B. & W. E. Craig, dealers in 
Dry ooodVt Groceries, Crockery, Boots, 
Shoes, Clothing, Drugs, and everythinj; 
nsnally kept in a cointry store, pnDUsta a 
card oil page 816. Messrs. Craig ander, 
stand tlie wants of the public and how to 
supply them, and they are determined to 
do 11 at the lowest rate consistent with 
living. All kinds of country produce re- 
ceived and the highest price paid for it. 
Let all the inhabitants of Jasper and the 
region round about call on them for a sup- 
ply, and none of them will be turned away 


Keaka VInerard and Propa- 
atlng Hoase, Lake Eeuka, Wayne, 
. Y., is one of the most extensive estab- 
lishments of the kind in the State, and con- 
tains all the choicest varieties of grapes 
raised in this region. Several hundred 
acres of land in ttis vicinity are especially 
adapted to grape culture. For particalars 
see card, page 220, or address F. M. Mc- 
Dowell, agent. 

Dr. T. H. Horton, Physician and 
Surgeon, is located at Cossville, in Bath, 
Steuben Connty, where he will be glad to 
relieve the sufferings of any who may give 
him a call. Those who have had occasion 
to test his skill in the treatment of dis- 
ease, need no recommendation from ns. 
To others we say give him a call. See 
card, page SS6. 

Tbe Stenben Fanners' Advo- 
cate, published by Underbill & DeWolfe, 
Bath, N. T., was established in 1815, and 
is the oldest newspaper in the County.— 
For more than half a century it has carried 
its weekly messages to the homes of the 
citizens, and kept them posted as to what 
was going on in the world, and has mingled 
with its news, bits of gossip and adver- 
tisements showing where the wants of the 
people could be most cheaply and easily 
supplied. It has been enlarged from time 
to time, until it has become the largest in 
the Southern Tier. Let those who have 
not already subscribed, and who wish for a 
reliable Democratic paper, subscribe at 
once. See card, page 23!!, 

Tl'lIUam 'Walker, Insurance Agent, 
Corning, N. ¥., whose card we publish on 
page 128, represents some of the oldest and 
most reliable Life and Fire Insurance Com- 
panies in the country. Their agency was 
established in 1856, and numbers amongst 
its customers most of the business men of 
Corning and the surrounding country. 

Deat«cb.& TsebacblllL wholesale 
and retail dealers in Furniture, and Under- 
takers, 89 main street, Homellsville, N. Y , 
have one of the largest and best selected 
stocks of furniture Jo be found in this part 
of thq State, and they are selling at prices 
that astonish their customers. Their stock 
of U^ertaker's goods is large and well se- 
lected, embracing everything ftom metallic 
and walnut caskets to common coffins 
Their card appears on page 212. 

OT. S. «: ». E. Harris, Harness 
Makers, Cohocton, Steuben Co., ^publish a 
card on page 128. Messrs. Hams employ 
first class workmen and keep the best of 
stock from which they manufacture all 
kinds of Harness. Give them a call for 
anything in their line and yon will be hon- 
orably dealt with. 

Dodge ic liOrdj manufacturers of 
Melodeons and Bfed Organs, at Ithaca, N. 
Y., were formerly connected with Syracuse 
manufactories. l!|iey have since moved 
their business where lumber is cheap, and 
expenses less than in the larger cities, like 
New York, Boston, Albany or Syracuse. 
The styles of their organs are particularly 
their own, possessing all modern improve- 
ments, and some unknown to. other manu- 
flicturers. They have found market for 
their instruments in every connty of the 
State, and in Northern Pennsylvania and 
New Jersey, and have an increasing trade 
with the West, in all of which places they 
are brought into snccessfhl competition 
with the first Eastern mannfoctnrers. They 
are both practical men, and have secured 
workmen of long experience and tried 
abilities. Situated midway between the 
Erie and N. Y. C. Railroads, they can ship 
conveniently to all parts of the country. 
See card, page 174. 

TV. W. irUIson, dealer in Foreign 
and Domestic Dry Goods, &c., Bath, N. Y., 
publishes a card on page 228. Mr. W. 
keeps a large and well selected assortment, 
necessary to clothe a man or woman, and 
is selling at such prices that none can fail 
to be satisfied with them. Give him a call 
at 13 Liberty street. 

Vbe Oanlsteo Talley Times, Hor- 

nellsville, N. Y., is published by Thacher 
Tuttle. It has a,large circulation in Steu- 
ben and adjoining counties and is worthy 
of the patronage which it receives. As an 
advertising medium it is unsurpassed by 
any paper in the vicinity. The Job OMce 
is provided with all the facilities for doing 
every variety of plain and fancy work. See 
card, page 1S8. 

A. Beekman, proprietor of the Bath 
Hardware Store, Bath, Steuben Co., N Y 
advertises on page 220. This house 'was 
established in 1840, and is the oldest and 
one of the most reliable Hardware Houses 
in the Connty, and has areputaiion ex- 
tending throughout this and adtoining 
Counties. The unparalleled success that has 
attended it has been the result of close a^ 
tention to the wants of his customers, a 
thorough knowledge of the business, ond 
by keeping at all timea his stock complete 
in all departments. Saddlery Hardware is 
made a specialty, under the charge of a 
competent person. His trade in this line 
extends over several counties. All kinds 
of seeds are kept in large qnantitles his 
purchases amounting to several thousand 
dollars annually. 







First Monday of January, 1868, at Coming, Johnson, Justice. 

First Monday of January, 1869, at Coming, Johnson, Justice. 

FirstMondayof April, 1868, at Batli, B. D. Smith, Justice. 

FirstMondayof April, 1869, at Bath E. D. Smith, Justice. 

Fourth Monnay of September, 1868, at Corning, J.C.Smith, Justice. 

Fourth Monday" of September, 1869, at Corning, J. C. Smith, Justice. 

Third Monday of Novembei-, 1868, at Bath Johnson, Justice. 

Third Monday of November, 1869, at Bath, Wblis; Justice. 

List ofU. S. Internal Revenue OflBlcers. 



p. 0. ASDBEBS' 

Oscar J. Averell Blmira. 

Sepoty Collector. 

Erasmus S. Palmer Elmira. 


Curtiss C. Gardiner Elmira. 

Wm. B. Robertson, Clerk Elmira. 

Assistant Assessors. 

F. o. AnHBESS. 

iBt Dist. — Owen Riley Jr., Prattsburgb. 

8d " Daniel F. Brown Corning. 

Ganger of DlstUled Spirits. 

Andrew A. White ; .Hammond's Port. 

Orriu N. Smith lElmira. 

Inspectors of Tobacco Sc Cigars. 

Owen Riley Jr Prattsbnrgh. 

Daniel F. Brown Corning. 

W^arren WlgIit,Propagatorand deal- 
er in the celebrated Seneca Black Cap and 
Davison's Thornless Raspberries, Grape 
Vines, Strawberries, and other small fruits, 
at Waterloo, Seneca Co., publishes a card 
on page 224. His experience in the busi- 
ness is large, and his soil is excellent, 
probably no better can be found in the 
State for the purpose he uses it. We ad- 
vise our friends to pemse his advertisement 
and purchase their supplies ofhim. Hense< 
great care in packing for shipment, and 
sends out none but first-class plants. It 
would do no harm to address him for a cir- 
cular, and might be the means of affording 
you an abundance of his delicious fruits. 

McOonnell St Co., dealers in Lum- 
ber, Maple street, Homellsville, N. Y., ad- 
vertise on page 198. Dressed Lumber, 
Sash, Doors aod Blinds, «re manufactured 
and furnished to order in large or email 
quantities. Builders and others in want 
of lumber will do well to give them' a call. 

Drakeford Brothers, manufactnr- 
ers and dealers in Harness, Saddles, and 
all articles usually found in a flrst-dass 
establishment, at 182 Canisteo street, cor- 
ner of Park, Homellsville, N. Y., publish a 
card on page 212. The proprietors feel con- 
fident that they can furnisn any article in 
their line as cheap as it can be bought any- 
where in the connty. Repairing of all 
kinds done at short notice and on reasona- 
ble terms. 

Preston Sc Heermans, Machinists 
and Iron Founders, Corning, N. Y., man- 

ufacture Steaih Engines, Boilers,. Circular 
Saw lilills. Bridge Irons, Mill Machinery, 
Iron Fronts for buildings, Window and 
Door Caps and Sills, and Castings of every 
description. Mr. George W. Preston, of 
this firm, is a practical machinist, having 
had an experience of many years at the 
business, and for several years was fore- 
man of a large establishmeut of this kind. 
It is generally conceded that he has no su- 
perior as a machinist in this section of the 
country. All machinery manufactured by 
this firm has his personal supervision. His 
card appears on page 310. 

W. A. Smltb, dealer in Dry Goods, 
Carpets, hoots, Shoes, <S!c., Addison, N. 
Y., has a large stock of goods which he is 
selling at low prices, as all his old custom- 
ers know. . By fair dealing and by selling 
at the lowest living profits, he has succeef 
ed in building up a trade highly creditable 
to his enterprise. Groceries and Wall Pa- 
per of 'the best quality may always be 
found at his store. Call at tiie Iron and 
Brick Store, south side of the river, Addi- 
son, N. Y. See card, page 210. 

C. Knigbt, manufacturer and dealer 
in Fashijonable Furniture, No. 7 Pulteney 
Square, Bath, N. Y., advertises on page 
228. This concern was established \a 1843, 
and has recently been enlarged, offering 
rare inducements to those in want of any 
article of plain or ornamental fiiruitnre. 
Mr. E. la determined to sell at so low a 
price that no customer shfll go away dii- 



Are yonr cMMren restless. Irritable, wakeflil, feverish ? Are they cutting teeth ? Are 
thegnmsredandpainflil? Have they dlnrrhtea? Have they fits or spasms? irso, 


It Is the only Syrup or Cordial, or CHILD MlEJJICINE in market free from Opimn, Mor- 
phine, or Paragoric. These you can't give~ of, at least, yon ought not tp. They de- 
stroy the functions of the BEAIN; the child grows pale ; its eyes grow wdd: its flesh 
becomes soft : it loses its mind ; it becomes an Idiot. Mothers, these are iiicts 1 To be 
convinced, try it. The Oriental SfVnP contains NONE of those pojsons. It is per- 
fectly harmless. It is soothing— (ini«>g: The child sleeps^weetly, and awakes refresh- 
edand lively. The teeth penetrate the-gnms without pain. It is good for aged and ner- 
vous people. TKYIT. „ . , 

DE. G. T. TAFT & CO., Proprietors, • 

Seneca Falls, S, T. 

THE balm: oe guleadz 

SIR ASHLEY COOPER, in one of his lectures to his class, says :— I hayenised the 
Balm of Gilead in my practice, in one form or other, for more than forty" years-- and for 
Old Sores or ITleers, Eruptions, Rbenmatlsm, Bums, Glillblalns, 
Scalds, iPiles, Chafes, dec, it surpasses every other known remedy. 

Rosenberger's Balm of Gilead Ointttieixt 

Is composed of Oils and Balsams from trees and shrubs, and for all the diseases referred 
to by Jjf. .^Cooper, we -warrant it almost a'spSciflc. .Kojr.jGiall, Grease and 
'WonQdis) of Horses, it has no ecmal. We warrant it; therefore do not hesitate 
to try it for every kind of 'Wound, Bruise or Sore.. 

DE. Q. T. TAPT & CO., Proprietors, 

; , Senecji Falls, N. T. 


Warranted to cure, permanently. Chills, Ague & Pever^and all Periodic Diseases. It 
cnres Sciatic Eheumatism, Neuralgia, Paralysis, and all Weaknesses, Ac, being won- 
derfully adapted to CUEING Disease, restoring health and strength. 

This Preparation Is purely Vegetable, and entirely free from Quinine 
or Mineral Poison. N, B. Persons using this Medicine can commence working imme- 
diately, and without fear of the disease returning. 

Howe's Concentrated Syrup. 

Xt Xlestoireat]a. tjy X>-u.x-lfylxxB 

the Blood,, Correcting the Liver, Cleaiising the Skin, Strengthening and Eestoring the 
Digestive and ITtenne Organs, Eegulating and Renovating the System. 
„, r.i.S5=° Q i/?J^' °' l""?? ^"I^i Cancers, Tumors. Goiter, all Swellings of the Throat 
w^itA " Ktenm, Scald Head, Camp Itch, Erysipelas, Carbuncles; Boils, Blotches, 
T JSS #'■ J ' Mercurial and Syphilitic diseases, tflceration of the Mouth and Throat, 
dlfflcuiUes ^° ' Catarrh, Eheumatism, Piles, Gravel, Jaundice, Uterine and Female 

C. B. HOWE, M. D., Prop'r, Seneca Falls, N. Y. 

Office on Fall St. Rooms overthe P.O. Residence, Cayuisa St. above R. R. 




jiZjiSAMsL was settled near MobUe, in 1703, by the French; -was 
formed into a Territory by act of Congress, approved March 3, 1817, 
from the eastern portion of the Territory of Mississippi ; framed' a CoH' 
stitution August 3, 1819, and was admitted into the Union December 
14 of the same year. Area 50,723 square miles, or 33,463,080 acres. — 
Population in 1860, 964,301, of whom 435,080 were slayes. It is- the chief 
cotton growing State of the Union. White male citizens who have re- 
sided one year in the State and three months in the coimty, are entiitlad 
to vote. An election' for a Convention was held December 24,, 1860>, 
and a majority of over 50,000 votes cast for secession ; the ConvenJaon 
met January 7, 1861, arid on the 11th passed the ordinance of secession^by 
a vote of 61 to 39, which was followed on the 3l8t by the resignation' of 
its members of Congress. 

ji.^£^JVSjlS was settled at Arkansas Post in 1685, by the French, 
and was part of the Louisiana purchase ceded by France to the United 
States, April 30, 1803. It was formed into a Territory bjf act of Congress, 
March 3, 1819, from the southern part of the Territory' of Missouri;, ita 
western boundary was settled May 26, 1834, and its souttt«jcn, May 19, 
1838. Having adopted a Constitution, a memorial was presenteo. in 
Congress, March i, 1836, and an act for its admission into the Union 
passed June 15 of the same year. Area 52,198 square miles, or. 33,406,- 
730 acres. In 1'860 its population was 435,450,. of whom 111,115 were 
slaves. It is an agricultural State, its staples being com and cotton.— 
Citizenship and residence in the State for six months, qual^ voters in the 
county and ^strict where they reside. January 16, 1861, its Legislatui'a 
ordered a State Convention, which assembled, and on May 6, voted to 
secede, 69 to 1. January 4, 1864, a Convention assembled in Little 
Rock, which adopted a newConstitution, the pririciple feature of which 
consisted in a clause abolishing slavery. The Convention adjouined 
January 32. This body also inaugurated a Provisional Government. 
The Constitution was submitted to the people, and 12^77 votes cast for it, 
to 326 against it. The State was re-organized under the plan contained 
in the Amnesty Proclamation of President Lmcouir,. in pursuance of 
which an election was held March 14, 1864. The vote reqpiied under the 
Prdclaimation was 5,405. About 16,000 votes were cast. 



eslZIJfOSJVIA. was settled a* Diego ia 17^8, by Spaniards, and was 
part of the territory ceded to tlie Ifntted States byB&Xico, by the treaty 
conelii(Sed at Guadaloupe Hidalgo, I'eferuai-y 33, 1848. After several inef- 
fectual aittempts to organize it as a Tei*ritory or admit it as a State,' a' 
law was (passed by Congress for the lat,ifer purpose,- -rtihich was approved 
September 9, 1850. Area 188,981 sqjuare miles, or 130j947,784 acreS; 
Population in 1860, 305,439. It is the most produbtive gbfd mining re- 
gion on the continent, and also abousfds^ in' many othter minerals. — 
White male citizens of the United States, andHhose o* Mexico who may 
choose to comply with the provisions of the' Weaty of Qtaeretaro, of May 30, ■ 
1848,,wh0ihave resided iti ttie State six moratfes'and'in the county or dis- 
trict tUirty, daySi, are entitled to vote. 

COM!V22^eS'J'CZ7'T-WB& settled at Windsor, im 1688, by English Piiri- 
tanff from Massachusetts, and continued under the^T-lBdietibHi ofthat Prov- 
.ince until April33,1663, when a separate charter wSflgrantedy which con»- 
tinned in force uattl a Constitution was formed, SepteratierlS, 1818. It was- 
one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the' Fiitedi States Con-- 
stitution, January 9, 1788. Area 4,674 square miles-, or 2,991,360 acres: 
Population .:in 186Q, 460,147. It is one of the moat densely populated 
ana priaeipal manufacturing States in the Union, Residence for six 
months, or military duty for a year, or payment of State tax, or a free- 
hold of the yearly value of seven dollars, gives the right to vote. 

S>£!Zi,3ijriij3i^y^9& settled at Wilmington, early in l'6S8,.by Swedes 
and Finns; .was granted to William Penn, in 1683, and coatinued under 
the government of Pennsylvania until the adoption of a Constitution 
September 30, 1776 ; a new one was formed June 13, 1793, It was one 
-of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States- Gonstitu- 
,tion, December 7,1787. Area 3,130 square miles, or 1,35&,800 acres.— 
jPqpulation, in. 1860, lia;316, of whom 1,798 were slaves. It is a grain and 
fruit growing State, with some extensive manufactories. Residence in 
the State one year, and ten days in the election district, with payment 
'trf :a State, or county tax assessed ten days prior to an election, gives the 
ragbt to vote, except -that citizens between twenty-one and twenty-two 
Sjears «f age nee^not have paid the tax. 

PLO'^IDA, was settled at St. Augustine, in 1565, by Spaniards ■ was 
formed fi-om part of the territory ceded by Spain to the United States 
by tseatyof February S3, 1819; an act to authorize the President to 
establish a tem,po|:ary government was passed March 3, 1819 ; articles 
of siM-ender of Ea^t Florida were framed July 10, and of West Florida 
?, ' ^^^^' ^^^ ** ^^^ ^^° taken possession of by General Jackson 
as Governor. An, act, for (he establishment of a Territorial Govern- 
ment was passed, Mwli 30, 1833, and by act of March 3, 1833, East and 
West Florida, .were constituted one Territory. Acts to establish its 
Boundary ime betn^een Georgia and Alabama were passed Mav 4 1836 
and March 3,1831. ^t«r several ineffectual attempts to organize it 
into two Territories, or4nto a State and Territory, an act for its admis- 

™T«- o^^no?™"."^ ^^ P^^^* ^^r'^^ 3- 1845. Area 59,368 square 

miles or 37 930,520 acres. Population, in 1860, 140,425 of whom 
61,745 were slaves. It is ,a^ agricultural State, tropical in its climate and 
products, iiw&sj^ free -s^Wte male citizen, who has resided in the State 
*'^?..y®f'^*,^'id in.the.cojjnty six months, and has been enrolled in the 
mditia (unless exempt by liw,) is qualified to vote ; but no soldier seaman 


or marine can vote unless qualified before enlistment. Its Legislature 
called a Convention, December 1, 1860, which met January 3, 1861, and 
passed a secession ordinance on the 10th by a vote of 63 to 7. \ 

^-SYJ^Jfi'Zrf was settled at Savannah, in 1733, by the English under 
General Oglethorpe. It was chartered June 9, 1732; formed a Con- 
stitution February 5, 1777 ; a second in 1785 and a third May 30, 1798. — 
It was one of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States 
Constitution January 3, 1788. Area 58,000 square miles, or 37,130,000 
acres. Population, in 1860, 1,057,386, of whom 463,198 were slaves. It is 
a large cotton and rice growing State. Citizens of the State, six months 
resident of the county where voting, who have paid taxes the year pre- 
ceding the election, are entitled to vote. November 18, 1860, its Legis- 
lature ordered an election for a State Convention, which assembled and 
passed a secession ordinance JJanuary 19, 1861, by a vote of 308 to 89, and 
on the 23d of the same month its members of Congress resigned. 

IZi^IJVOJS was settled at Kaskaskia, in 1683, by the French, and 
formed part of the northwestern territory ceded by Virginia to the 
United States. An act for dividing the Indiana Territory and organizing 
the Territory of Illinois, was passed by Congress, February 3, 1809 ; and 
an act to enable it to form a State Constitution, Government, &c., was 
passed April 18, 1818 ; a Constitution was framed August 26, and it was 
admitted into the Union December 33 of the same year. , Area 54,405 
square miles, or 64,819,300 acres. Population, in 1860,1,711,951. It is the 
chief " prairie" State, and the largest grain growing and second largest 
cattle raising State in the Union. All white male inhabitants, who have 
resided in the State one year and election district sixty days, can vote in 
the district where actually residing. 

IJVDIA^A was settled at Vincennes, in 1690, bjr the French, and 
formed part of the northwestern territory ceded by Virginia to the United 
States. ■ It was organized into a Territory May 7, 1800, from which the 
Territory of Michigan was set oflf in 1805, and Illinois in 1809. An act 
was passed to empower it to form a State Constitution, GovOTnment, &c., 
April 19, 1816, and it was admitted into the Union Decemb* 11 of the 
same year. Area 33,809 square miles, or 31,637,760 acres. 
1860, 1,350,428. It is an agricultural State, chiefly devoted to grain grow- 
ing and cattle raising. A residence 'Of one year in the State entitles males 
of 21 years of age to vote in the ^county of their residence. 

10 yVA was first settled at Burlington by emigrants from the Northern 
and Eastern States. It was part of the region purchased from Prance ; 
was set off from the Territory of Wisconsin and organized as a. separate 
Territory June 13, 1838 ; an act for its .admission as a State was passed 
and approved March 3, 1845, to which the assent of its inhabitants was to 
be given to be annoimced by Proclamation of tihe President, and on De- 
■cember 28, 1846, another act for its admission was passed. Area 50,914 
square miles or 32,584,960 acres. Population, in 1860, 674,913. It is an 
agricultural State, resembling Elinois, and contains important lead mines. 
White male citizens of the United States, having resided in the State six 
months and county twenty days, are entitled to vote. 

JTjiJl^SAS was formed out of the original Louisiana purchase, and or- 
ganized into a Territory by act of Congress, May 30^ 1854, and after several 
LefFectualfattemptfl was finally admitted into th« Union m JpnaY, 1861. 
Area 78,4l8 square miles, or 50,187,530 acres. Population, m I860, 107,- 
306 It is an agricultural State, with a soil of rich and deep black loam, 
except the central portion, which is partly a desert.. The western portion 
is a &ie grazing country, well wooded. Residence m the State six months, 
and in the township or ward thirty days, confers the right of suffl-age on 
white male citizens. It also abounds in minerals. 

£:BJVTU'CJS:T was settled in 1775, by Vir^nians ; formed into a 
Territory by act of the Viiginia Legislature, December 18, 1789, and ad- , 
mitted into the Union June 1, 1793, by virtue of an act of Congress pass- 
ed February 4, 1791. Area 37^680 square miles, or 34,115,300 acres.— 
Population in 1880, 1,155,684, of whom 335,483 were slaves. It is an agri- 
cultural State, raising more flax and hemp than any other. Loyalty, a 
residence of two years in the State and one in the county are the require- 
ments to vote. " Any citizen of this State who shall enter the service of 
the BO-called Confederate States, in either a civil or military capacity; or 
into the service of the so-called Provisional Government of Kentucky, in 
either a civil ormilitaiy capacity ; or having heretofore entered such ser- 
vice of either the Confederate States or Provisional Government, shall 
continue in such service after this act takes eflFect, (March 11, 1863,) or 
shall take up or continue in arms against the military forces of the United 
States or State of Kentucky, or shall give voluntary aid and assistance to 
those in arms against said forces, shall be deemed to have expatriated him- 
self, and shall no longer be a citizen, except by permission of the Legisla- 
ture by a general or special statute." 

ZiOU'lSIjiJVA was settled at Iberville, in 1699; by the French, and 
comprised a part of the territory ceded by France to the United States, by 
treaty of Apnl 30, 1803, which purchase was erected into two Territories 
by act of Congress March 36, 1804, one called'the Territory of Orleans, the 
other the District of Louisiana, afterwards changed to that of Missouri.— 
Congress., March 3, 1806^ authorized the inhabitants of Orleans Territory 
to , form a State Constitution and Government when their population 
should amount to 60,000 ; a Constitution was adopted January 33, 1813, 
and the State admitted into the Union April 8 of the same year, 
under the name of Lomsiana. Area 41,355 square miles, or 36,403,300 
acres. Population in 1860, 708,003, of whom 331,736 were slaves. It is 
the chief sugar producing State of the Union. Two years' residence in 
the State and one in the parish are the qualifications of voters. Decem- 
ber 10, 1860, the Legislature ordered a State Convention to be held, which 
assembled and passed an ordinance of secession January 36, 1861, by a 
vote of 113 to 17. The people voted on the question, and on March 38 
the follo-yring was announced as the result : For, 30,448 ; against, 17,396 ; a 
majority of 3,153. The Convention ratified the 'Confederate', Constitution 
March 11, 1861, by avote of 107 to 7, and refused to submit it to the peo- 
ple by 94 to 10. On the 11th day ot January, 1864, Maj. Gen. Bants 
issued a Procla,mati6n for an election of State officers and delegates to a 
Constitutional Convention, for the purpose of affecting a reconstruction of 
the State Government under the plan suggested in the Amnesty Proclama- 
tion of President Lincoln. The election was held on the 23d day of I'eb- 
ruary, 1864. The officers thus elected were installed March 4. The total 
vote cast was 10,725. The vote requisite under the Proclamation was 
5,051. The Ctmventton amended the Constitution so as to abolish slavery. 
The new Constitution was adopted by the people by a vote of d,836 for, to 
1,566 against. 


MAIJ^fE was settled at York, in 1633, by the English, and was for- 
merly under the Jurisdiction of Massachusetts. October 29, 1819, the in- 
habitants of the District of Maine framed a Constitution ; applied for ad- 
mission December 8, 1819. OoBgress passed an act March 3, 1820, and it 
was admitted as a State March 15, of the same year. Area 31,766 square 
milps, or 20,380,240 acres. Population, in 1860, 628,279. It js la,rgely en- 

faged in the lumber trade and ship building. Citizens of the United 
tates, except paupers and persons under guardianship, who have resided 
in the State for three months next precedmg the dection, are entitled to 

MA-RTZAJVS) was settled at St. Mary, in 1634, by Irish Eoman 
Catholics, having been chartered June 20, 1632. It was one of the origin- 
al thirteen States ; formed a Constitution August 14, 1776, and ratified the 
Constitution of the United States April 28, 1788. Area 11,124 square 
miles, or 7,119,260 acres. Population in 1860, 687,049, of whom 87,189 
were slaves. It is mainly an agricultural State, producing grain and to- 
bacco. A residence of one year in the State, and six months in the coun- 
ty, gives the right to vote to every white male citizen who takes the oath 
of allegiance prescribed in the Constitution. January 28, 1864, a bill pass- 
ed the Legislature submitting to the people the question pf a Convention 
to i«vise the Constitution of the State. The popular vote on the question 
was as follows : For Convention, 33,203 ; against, 18,337. The Convention 
assembled and adopted a Constitution abolishing slavery, which was sub- 
mitted to and adopted by the people ; and in accordance with its provis- 
ions, on the 29th of October, 1864, the Governor issued his Proclamation 
declaring the slaves in that State free from the Isl day of November. 

MASSjLCSirSBTTS was settled at Plymouth, November 3, 1620, 
by English Puritans, and Charters were granted March 4, 1629, January 
13, 1630, August 20, 1726, and October 7, 1731. It was one of the original 
13 States; adopted a Constitution March 2, 1780, which was amended No- 
vember 3, 1830, and ratified the Constitution of the United States Febru- 
ary 6, 1788. Area 7,800 square miles, or 4,992)000 acres. Population in 
1860, 1,231,066. It is a largely commercial, the chief manufacturing and 
most densely populated State in the Union. A residence of one year m 
the State, and payment of State or county tax, gives the right to vote to 
male citizens of 21 years and upward, except paupers and persons under 

MICHIGAJ\r was settled at Detroit in 1670, by the French, and was 
part of the terri^iory ceded to the United States by Virginia. It was set 
off from the territory of Indiana, and erected into a separate Territory 
January 11, 1805 ; ^n act to attach to it all the territory of the United 
Stales west of the Mississippi rivet, and north of the State of Missouri, 
was passed June 28, 1834. Wisconsin was orgaiuzed froln it April 30, 
1836 In June of the sahie year an act was passed to provide for the ad- 
mission of the State of Michigan into the Union, and a Constitution having 
been adopted, it was admitted January 26, 1837. Area 56,243 square 
miles, or 35,995,553 acres. Population in I860, 749,J13. It is a gfam 
growing and cattle rearing State, with rich and extensive mines of copper 
and iron in the Northern Peninsula. A residence in the State of six 
months preceding the election, entitles white male citizens to vote. 


MIJVJ\rBSOTA was settled about 1846, chiefly by emigrants from 
the Northern and Western Statps. It was organized as a lerntory Dy 
act of Congress approved March 3, 1849, and admitted into the Union 
Februaiy 26, 1857. Area 95,274 square mUes, or 60,975,536 acres. Pop- 
ulation in 1860, 172,133 whites, and about 25,000 Indians, many ot the 
tribes being of a warlike character. It is an agricultural State, chiefly 
devoted to Northern grains. The right to vote is extended to male per- 
sons of 21 years of age, of the following classes, if they have resided in 
the United States one year, the State four months, and the election dis- 
trict ten days: White citizens of the United States, and those of foreign 
birth who have declared their intention to become citizens ; persons of 
mixed white and Indian blood who have adopted the customs of civiliza- 
tion, and those of pure Indian blood who have been pronounced capable 
by any district court of the State. 

MISSISSITTI yiss. settled at Natchez, in 1716, by the French, and 
was formed out of part of the territory ceded to the United States by 
South Carolina in 1787, and Georgia in 1802. It was organized as a Ter- 
ritory by act of Congress, April 7, 1789, and enlarged on the north March 
37, 1804, and on the south May 14, 1813. After several unsuccessful at- 
tempts to enter the Union, Congress finally passed an act March 1, 1817, 
enabling the people of the -western part of the Territory to form a State 
Constitution and Government, which being complied with August 15, it 
was admitted December 10 of the same year. Area 47,156 square miles, 
or 30,170,840 acres. Population in 1860, 791,805, of whom 436,631 were 
slaves. It is the second cotton growing State of the Union. Citizens 
who have resided one year in the State, and four months in the county, 
and having performed military duty or paid taxes, are entitled to vote. A 
Convention met January 7, 1861, and on the 9th passed an ordinance of 
secession by a vote of 84 to 15. 

MISSOURI was settled at Genevieve in 1763, by the French, and 
was part of the territory ceded by France by treaty of April 80, 1803. 
It was created under the name of the District of Louisiana, by an act 
approved March 26, 1804, and placed under the direction of the officers 
of the Indiana Territory, and was organized into a separate Territory June 
4, 1812, its name being changed to that of Missouri; and was divided 
March 2, 1819, the Territory of Arkansas being then created. An act au- 
thorizing it to form a State Constitution and Government was passed 
March 6, 1830, was admitted into the Union December 14, 1821. 
Area 67,380 square miles, or 43,123,300 acres. Population in 1860, 
1,182,012, of whom 114,931 were slaves. An act of gradual emancipation 
was passed July 1, 1863, by a vote of 51 to 30. On the 6th of January, 
1865, a Constitutional Convention assembled in St. Louis, and on the 8th 
of April adopted a new Constitution, declaring the State free, prohibiting 
compensation for slaves, and adopting many other radical changes. On 
^o^flwi^ °^/2°^ *^® Constitution was adopted by the people by a vote of 
43,670 to 41,808, and pursuant to a Proclamation issued on the 1st of Ju- 
ly, the Constitution went into effect July 4, 1865. It is an agricultural 
and mining State. Citizens of the United States who have resided in the 
State one year, and county three months, are entitled to vote. By an act 
♦passed by the Legislature of 1868, voting by ballot was adopted, and the 
wua wee system abolished. 


JVSS^AS£^3i was settled by emigrants from the Northern and 
Western Statag, and was farmed .out of a part of the tenitory ceded by 
France, April 30, 1803i. A;ttenip,ts to organize it were made in 1844 and 
1848, but '\\ was not accomplished uiitil May 30„ 1854. Axea 76,955 square 
miles, or 44,796,160 acres. Populatioa 28,841, besides a few roving tribes 
of Indians. A Convention adopted a State Constitution February 9, 1866, 
which was submitted to the people on the 22d lof June, and adopted by a. 
vote of 3,938 for, to 3,888 against, and State offlceie were elected. A bill 
was passed by Congress, July 27th, admitting the State, but the President 
withheld his signature. In February, 1867, Congress passed an act im- 
posing certain conditions to admission, which were promptly accepted, and 
the territory became a State. It is an agricultural region, its prairies af- 
fording boundless pasture lands. 

JVMYA.D3i. was organized as a Territory March 3, 1861. Its name 
signifies snowy, and is derived from the Spanish word nieme (snow.) It 
comprises 81,^9 square miles, or 53,184,960 acres, lying mostly within the 
Great Basin of tSie Pacific coast. Congress, at its session in 1864, passed 
an act which was approved March 21, to eDable«the people of the Terri- 
tory to form a Constitution and State Government, in pursuance of which 
a Government was organized and the Territory admitted as a State by 
Prodamation of the President, October 31, 1864. At the time of its or- 
ganization l^e Territory possessed a population of 6,857 white settlers. 
The development of her mineral resources was rapid and almost without 
parallel, and attracted a constant stream of immigration to the Territory. 
As the population has not been subject to the fluctuations from which 
other Territories have suffered, the growth of Nevada has been rapid and 
steady. At the general convention election of 1863, 10,934 votes were cast. 
During 1864 great accessions t^o the population were made. It is probably 
the richest State in the Union in respect to mineral resources. No region 
in the world is richer in argentiferous leads. It also contains an immense 
basin of salt, five miles square. Quartz mills are a very ioaportant feature 
in mining operations. The State is barren for agricultural purposes, and 
is remarkably healthy. 

JV:E'W SiiM'l'SSI'RB was settled at Dover, in 1623, by English 
Puritans, and continued under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts until 
September 18, 1679, when a separate charter was granted. It was one 
of the original thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitution 
June 21, 1788 ; its State Constitution was framed January 5, 1776, and 
amended in 1784 and 1793. Area 9,280 square miles, or 5,939,200 acres. 
Population in 1860, 336,073. It is a grazing and manufkjturing State. 
AH male citizens, except paupers, are allowed to vote. 

J^TJSyV JlESiSJSTy^aa settled at Bergen, in 1634, by the Dutch and 
Danes ; was conquered by the Dutch in 1655, and submitted to the English 
in 1664, being held thereafter under the same grants as New York, until it 
was surrendered to the Crown in 1702. It was one of the original thirteen 
States, adopted a State Constitution July 3, 1776, and ratified the United 
States Constitution December 18, 1787. Area 8,320 square miles, or 5-, 
324,800 acres. Population in 1860, 672,035. It is a grain and fruit grow- 
ing region, its orchard and market products being relatively greater than 
those of any other State. A residence of one year in the State gives the 
right to vote, except to paupers, &c. 


JVBWrO:Ri: was settled at Manhattan, in 1614, by the Dutch ; was 
ceded to the English by grants to the Duke of York, March 20, April 36, 
and June 34, 1664 ; was retaken by the Dutch in 1673, and surrendered 
again by them to the English, Februaiy 9, 1674. It was one of the ong- 
inal thirteen States ; ratified the United States Constitution July 36, 1788 ; 
framed a Constitution April 30, 1777, which wis amended October 27, 
1801, and November 10, 1831 ; & new one was adopted November 3, 
1846. Area 47,000 square miles, or 30,080,000 acres. Population in 
1865, 3,881,777. It is the most populous, wealthy and cominercial of 
the States. While male Citizens of the United States, who have resided 
in the State one year, in the eoulity four months, and dection district 
thirty days, are entitled to vole ; and all men of color who have resided 
in the State three years, and own and pay taxes on a freehold assessed 
at $350. 

JVO^TS CA^OZIJVA. was settled at Albemarle, in 1650, by the 
English, and was chartered March 30, 1663. It was one of the (»-iginal 
thirteen States, and ratified the United States Constitution, November 21, 
1789 ; its State Constitut|Dn was adopted December 18, 1776, and amended 
in 1835. Area 50,704 square miles, or 33,450,560 acres. Population in 
1860, 993,633, of whom 331,059 were slaves. It is an agricultural State, 
with some mines and extensive pine forests. Every freeman of 21 years 
of age, having resided one year in any county in the State, may vote for 
a member of the House of Commons, but must own fifty acres of land to 
vote for a Senator. A State Convention passed an ordinance of secession 
May 21, 1861. An election for delegates to a State Convention took place 
September 31, 1865. The Convention assembled October 3. On the 3d of 
October it passed an ordinance forever prohibiting slavery. The Legisla- 
ture ratified the Constitutional amendment December 1. An election was 
held on the first Thursday of November, for Governor, Members of Con- 
gress and the Legislature. 

OMIO was settled at Marietta, in 1788, by emigrants from Virginia and 
New England; was ceded by Virginia to the United States October 20, 
1783 ; accepted by the latter March 1, 1784, and admitted into the Union 
April 30, 1802. Area 39,964 square miles, or 25,576,960 acres. Popula- 
tion in 1860, 2,339,511. It is the most populous and wealthy of the agri- 
cultural States, devoted principally to wool growing, grain and live 
stock. A male of 21 years of age, who has resided in the State one year, 
and has paid or been charged with a State or county tax, is eligible to 

O^MGOJV, although it had previously been seen by various naviga- 
tors, was first taken possession of by Capt. Robert Gray, who entered the 
mouth of its principal river May 7, 1793, naming it after his vessel, the 
i^oiumbia, of Boston. Exploring expeditions soon followed, and fiir com- 
panies sent their trappers and traders into the region. In 1811 a trading 
post was estabhshed at the mouth of the Columbia river by the American 
•?^ y?^P*°y' ■«^ho named it Astoria. For some time a Provisional Ter- 
ritorial Government existed, but the boundary remained unsettled untU 
ntff »^'l? ^™^* ?"*^"' ™ ^846, when the 49th parallel was adopted. 
MaT^ 2Tfi^q^.°^fK°'5«'l'^ "^ Territory August 14, 1848; was di^ded 
w«cv 2'1853,onthe 46th paraUel, the nortlem portion being called 
Washmgton and tile southern Oregon. November 9, 1857, a State Con- 
stitution was adopted, under which it was admitted February 14 1859 


about one-third of it on the east being added to Washin^toa Territory, 
its northern boundary following the Columbia river until its intersection 
with latitude 46° north. Area 102,606 square miles, or 65,667,840 
acres. Population in 1860, 53,465. It is afl agricultural State, pos- 
sessed of a fertile soil, extensive pastures, genial climate, and is well 
wooded. Gold and other precious metals are fouad in Considerable abun- 

T^JVJVSTZ TjUVJA was settled at Philadelphia, in 1681, by Eng- 
lish Quakers, and was chartered February 28 of the same year. It was 
one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the United States Constitution 
December 12, 1787 ; adopted a State (3onstitution September 38, 1776, and 
amended it September 2, 1790. Area 46,000 square miles, or 29,440,000 
acres. Population in 1860, 3,906,115. It is the second State in wealth 
and population, suid the principal coal and iron mining region in the 
tJnion. itesiuence in the State one year, and ten days in the election 
district, with payment of a State or county tax assessed ten days prior to 
an election, gives the right to vote; except that citizens between 31 and 33 
years of age need not have paid the tax. 

^SODB lSI,ilJ\r3> was settled at Providence in 1636, by the Eng- 
lish from Massachusetts, under Roger Williams. It was under the juris- 
diction of Massachusetts until July 8, 1663, when a separate charter was 
granted, which continued in force until the formation of a Constitution in 
September, 1842. It was one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the 
United States Constitution May 29, 1790. Area 1,306 square miles, or 
835,840 acres. iPopUlaition in 1860, 174,620. It is largely engaged in 
manufactures. A freehold possession of $13; or, if in reversion, renting 
for $7, together with a residence of one year in the State and six months 
in the town ; or, if no freehold, then a residence of two years in the State 
and six months in the town, and payinelit of $1 tax or Inilitary service in- 
stead, are the qualifications of votCrS. , 

SOtTTS CA^OZIJViL was settled at Port Royal, in 1670, by the 
English, and continued under the charter of Carolina, or North Carolina, 
until they were separated in 1729. It was one of the original thirteen 
States, ratifying the United States Constitution May 23, 1798 ; it framed a 
State Constitution March 26, 1776, which was amended March 19, 1778, 
and June 3, 1790. Area 29,885 square miles, or 18,806,400 acres. Population 
in 1860, 703,708, of whom 402,406 were slaves, an excess of 101,270 over 
the whites. It is the principal rice-growing State. Whites, who have re- 
sided 'in the State two years and district six months, and have a freehold 
of fifty acres of land, or have paid a State tax, are entitled to vote. De- 
cember 17, 1860, ■& Convention assembled in Columbia, adjourned to 
Charleston, and on the 24th unanimously adopted an ordinance of seces- 
sion, which was followed the next day by a Declaration of Causes Claimed 
to be sufllcient to justify the act. An election for delegates to a State Con- 
vention was held September 4, 1865. The Convention assembled Sep- 
tember 13, and adjouriied on the 28th. It repealed the ordinance of seces- 
Bion, abolished slavery, equalized the representation of the Senate and 
taxation throughout the State, giving the election of Governor and Prrai- 
dential electors to the people, ordered votmg in the Legislature by mw, 
tme, endorsed the Administration unanimously, and directed a commis- 
sion to submit a code to the Legislature for the protection of the colored 
population. The Legislature ratified the Constitutional Amendment No- 
vember 13, 1865. 


T£!J\rj\rBSSJE!£! was settled at Fort Donelson, in 1756, by emigrants 
fl-om Virginia and North Carolina ; was ceded to the United States by 
North Carolina, December, 1789, conveyed by tlie Senators of that State 
February 25, 1790, and accepted by act of Congress April 3 of the same 
year ; it adopted a Constitution Feb. 6, 1796, and was admittfed into the 
Union the 1st of June following. Area 45,600 square miles, or 39,184,000 
acres. Population in 1860, 1,109,601, of whom 375,179 were slaves. It 
is a mining and agricultural State, and is largely productive of live stock. 
Citizens of the United States who bave resided six months in the county 
are entitled to vote. A military league was formed between the Governor, 
Isham G. Harris, and the rebel States, May 7, 1861, ratified the same day 
by the Senate by a vote of 14 to 6, and a Declaration of Independence 
submitted to the people, the election to be held June 8, the result of which 
was declared by the Governor, June 34, to be 104,913 for, and 47,338 
against. This movement not being acceptable to the people of East Ten- 
nessee, which had declared against separation by a vote of 32,933 to 14,780, 
they, in a Convention held at Greenville, June 18-31, repudiated it. An- 
drew Johnson, Provisional Governor of the State, called a State Conven- 
tion to be held in Nashville the second Monday in January. Delegates 
were elected, the Convention met, declared slavery forever abolished, pro- 
hibited compensation to owners of slaves, and abrogated the secession or- 
dinances. These amendments of the Constitution were submitted to the 
people 33d of February, 1865, with the following result : For ratification, 
33,197; rejection, 63. The United States Constitutional Amendment was 
ratified April 5, 1865. 

T^XjiS was first settled at Bexar, in 1694, by Spaniards; formed a 
part of Mexico until 1836, when she revolted from that Republic and in- 
stituted a separate Government, under which she existed until admitted 
into the Union by a joint resolution approved March 1st, 1845, imposing 
certain conditions, which were accepted, arid a Constitution formed July 
4 of the same year, and another joint resolution adopted by Congress, 
consummating the annexation, was approved December 29, 1845. Area 
337,504 square miles, or 153,003,500 acres. Population in 1860, 604,315, of 
whom 183,566 were slaves. It is an agricultural region, principally devo- 
ted \to grain, cotton and tropical fi:uits. Free white male citizens of 21 
years of age, who have- resided in the State one year and district six 
months are entitled to vote. A Convention assembled at Galveston Jan- 
uary 38, 1861, and on February 1 passed an ordinance of secession, by a 
vote of 166 to 7, to be submitted to the people February 33, and on Marcli 
4 they declared the State out of the Union, and Gov. Houston issued a 
Proclamation to that effect. 

T£!^MOJVT was settled in 1734, by Englishmen from Conneeticut, 
chiefly under grants from New Hampshire ; was formed from a part of 
the territory of New York, by act of its Legislature March 6,1769 ; framed 
a Constitution December 35, 1777, and was admitted into the Union 
March 4, 1791, by virtue of an act of Congress passed February 18 of the 
same year. Area 10,313 square miles, or 6,535,680 acres. Population in 
1860, 815,098. It is a grazing region, producing more wool, live stock, 
maple sugar, butter, cheese and hay, in proportion to its population, than 
any other State. Any citizen of the United States who has resided in the 
State one year, and will take the oath of allegiance, is entitled to vote. 

VIS,GIJVIA was settled at Jamestown, in 1607, by the English and 
was chartered April 10, 1606, May 23, 1609, and March 13, 1613 It was 
one of the original thirteen States, ratifying the United States Constitution 
June 35, 1788; it framed a State Constitution July 5, 1776, which was 


amended January 15, 1830. The State was divided ia 1863. Present 
area 37,353 square miles. Population in 1860, 1,314,532, of whom 481,- 
410 were slaves. It is a large corn producing, and the chief tobacco grow- 
ing State. Every white male citizen of the age of 31 years, who has been 
a resident of the State for one year, and of the county, city or town where 
he offers to vote for six months next preceding an election, and has paid 
aU taxes assessed to him, after the adoption of the Constitution, under the 
laws of the Commonwealth after the re-organization of the county, city 
or town where he offers to vote, is qualified to vote for members of the 
General Assembly and all officers elective by the people. A Convention 
sitting in Richmond on the 17th of April, 1861, passed an ordinance of 
secession, by a vote of 88 to 55, which was submitted to the people at an 
election held May 33, the result of which was announced June 35 to be 
138,834 for, and 33,134 against. The State Grovemment was re-organized 
by a Convention which met at Wheeling, May 11, 1861. Upon the divi- 
sion of the State in 1863, the seat of Government was removed to Alexan- 
dria. A State Constitutional Convention, March 10, 1864, adopted a sec- 
tion abolishing slavery. 

yVJESr n^GIJVIsi.— On the passage of the ordinance of se- 
cession by the Virginia Convention, a Convention of the western and other 
loyal counties of the State was held at Wheeling, which assembled May 
11, 1861, and on the 17th unanimously deposed the then State officers and 
organized a Provisional Government. On the 36th of November, 1861, a 
Convention representing the western counties assembled in Wheeling and 
framed a Constitution for West Virginia, which was submitted to the 
people on the ,3d of May, 1863, and adopted by them by a nearly unani- 
mous vote. The division of the State was sanctioned by the Legislature 
May 13, 1863, and ratified by Congress by an act approved December 81, 
1863, conditioned on the adoption of an amendment to the Constitution 
providing for the gradual abolition of slavery, which was done on the 84th 
of March, 1863, by a vote of the qualified electors of the proposed State, 
38,318 voting in favor of the amendment, and 573 against it.. In pursu- 
ance of the act of Congress, the President issued a Proclamation, April 
20, 1863, admitting the State sixty days from the date thereof, and on the 
30th of June the new State 66vernment was formally inaugurated. Area 
34,000 square miles. Population in 1860, 350,599, of whom 12,754 were 
slaves. It is a large corn producing State, and abounds in coal and other 
minerals. The Alexandria Legislature adopted the United States Consti- 
tutional Amendment February 9, 1865. White male citizens, residents of 
the State one year and county thirty days, unless disqualified by rebellion, 
are entitled to vote. 

TVISCOJVSIJV -vfaA settled at Green Bay, in 1669, by the French ; 
was a part of the territory ceded by Virginia, and was set off from Mich- 
igan December 34, 1834, and was organized into a Territory April 30, 
1836. Iowa was set off from it June 13, 1838, and acts were passed at 
various times setting its boundaries. March 3, 1847, an act for its admis- 
sion into the Union was passed, to take effect on the issuing of a Procla- 
mation by the President, and by act of May 39, 1848, it was admitted into 
the Union. Area 53,934 square miles, or 34,511,360 acres. Population in 
1860, 775,881. .It is an agricultural State, chiefly engaged in grain raising 
and wool growing. Both white and colored citizens of the United States, 
or white foreigners who have declared their intention to become citizens, 
are entitled to vote. Colored citizens were admitted to the franchise, by a 
decision of the Supreme Court, rendered the 37th day of March, 1866, 
holding that, whereas an election was held in 1849, under the provisions 
of chapter 137, of that year, at which election 5,265 votes were cast in 


favor of the extension of the right of suffrage to colored inen, and 4,07B 
against such extension, therefore, the section of said law conferring such 
right had been constitutionally adopted and is the law of the land., 



ji.IiA.S£^ji., our new territory, recently purchased of Russia, compre- 
hends all the north-west coast on the Pacific, and the adjacent islands north 
of the parallel of 50 degrees 40 minutes north, and the portion of the main- 
land west of the meridian (about 140° west) of Mount St. Elias. The area 
is computed at 481,376 square miles. The climate, although warmer than 
in the same latitude on the eastern coast, is too rigorous to admit of suc- 
cessful agricultural operations, and the chief value of the country and ad- 
jacent seas is derived from their fisheries and hunting grounds. The south- 
ern and central portions are moimtainous; the northern portion along the 
Arctic ocean is quite flat, nowhere rising more than fifteen or twenty feet 
above the sea. The population is estimated at about 80,000, mostly Esqui- 

ji. 'RTZOJVA. was organized by the Thirty-Seventh Congress, in the win- 
ter of 1863, out of the western half of New Mexico, the boundary between 
the two Territories being the 109th meridian (33d west from Washington,) 
and includes the greater portions of the valleys of Colorado and Gila, 
which two rivers drain its entire surface, with parts of Utah, New Mexico 
and Nevada, and yet convey, it is reported, a less volume of water to the 
sea than the Hudson at Albany. The fertile Messilla Valley was left with 
New Mexico. The Territory forms a block nearly square, and contains 
126,141 square miles, or 80,730,240 acres. Its white population is probably 
considerably less than 10,000. For agricultural purposes it is probably 
the most worthless on the Continent, owing to the absence of rains, but it 
is reputed to abound in silver mines. 

<?<?Z<?^.3i^<? was organized March 2, 1861, from parts of Kansas, 
Nebraska and Utah, and is situated on eftoh side of the Rocky Mountains, 
betweeh latitude^?" and 41°, and longitude 35° and 32° west from Wash- 
ington. Area 104,500 square miles, or 66,880,000 acres. Population 50,- 
000, beside^ numerous tribes of Indians. By an enabling act passed March 
31, 1864, the people of the Territory were authorized to frame a State Con- 
stitution and organize a State Government, and a Convention accordingly 
met in 1865, anil on the 12th of August adopted a C6nstitution, which was 
submitted to and adopted by the people September 6, and State ofiScers 
elected November 14. A bill to admit the Territory as a State passed 
Congress, but was vetoed May 25, 1866. It is said to be a superior graz- 
ing and cattle producing region, with a healthy climate and rich soiL 
An extensive coal bed, and also gold, iron and other minerals abound. 


J>.jlZfV9.?H was first settled by emyloyees of the Hudson Bay Com- 
pany, but is now being peopled by emigrants from theKorthern and Wes- 
tern States. It was set off from the western portion of Minnesota when 
that Territory became a State in 1857, and was organized March 3, 1861. 
Area 148,933 square miles, or 95,316,480 acres. Population 3.376 whites, 
and 3,361 Indians, besides the roving tribes. 

JS)ii.MO was organized by the Thirty-Seventh Congress, at its second 
session, in the winter of 1863. Its name means 'Bead of the Mountains,' 
and it embraces the whole breadth of the Rocky Mountain region, and has 
within its bounds the head waters of nearly all the great rivers that flow 
down its either slope, but the greater portion lies east of the mountains. 
Its southern boundaiy is the 4lst, its northern the 46th parallel of latitude. 
It extends from the 104th meridian on the east to the llOth on the west. 
Area 336,373 square miles, or 308,870,730 acres. For agricultural purposes 
it is comparatively worthless, but aboundslin gold and other valuable 

M'OJVTiiJVci. was settled by emigrants from the Northern and West- 
ern States. Organized in 1864", with the following boundaries: Com- 
mencing at a point formed by the intersection of the 37" L. W. from Wash- 
ington with the 45" N. L. ; thence due west on said 45th degree to a point 
formed by its intersection with the 34th degree W. from Washington ; 
thence due south along said 34th degree of longitude to its intersection 
with the 44th degree and 30 minutes of N. L. ; thence due west along said 
44th degree and 30 minutes of N. L. to a point formed by its intersection 
with the crest of the Rocky Mountains; thence following the crest of the 
Rocky Mountains northward till its intersection with the Bitter Root 
Mountains ; thence northward along the crest of said Bitter Root Moun- 
tains to its intersection with the 89th degree of longitude W. from Wash- 
ington; thence along said 89th degree of longitude northward to the 
boundary liile of the British possessions; thence eastward albng said 
boundaryto the 37th degree of longitude W. from Washington; thence 
southward along said 87th degree tb the place of beginning. Tff is makes 
it the northermost Territory next the States east of the Missouri Valley. It 
is a goad mining and agricultural region. The total population is put 
down at 15,833. Large accessions have been made since the census was 

JV^WMSXICO was formed from a part of the territory ceded to 
the United States by Mexico, by the treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo, Feb- 
ruary 3, 1848, and was organized into a Territory September 9, 1850. — 
Area 131,301 square miles, or 77,568,:a;40 acres. ■ Population 83,000, besides 
large tribes of warlike Indians. The principal resource of the country is 
its minerals. 

ITTAH-^^ settled by the Mormons, and was formed from a part of 
the territory ceded to the United States by Mexico, by the treaty of Guada- 
loupe Hidalgo, February 3, 1848, and was organized into a Territory, Sep- 
tember 9, 1850. Area, 106,883 square miles, or 68,684,460 acres. Popula- 
ton, 40,373, of whom 39 were slaves. Brine, sulphureous aRoL chalybeate 
springs abound ; li»estoiie, granite, sandstone and marble are found in 
large quantities; iron is abundant, and gold, silver, copper, lead and zinc 
have been foijnd. Not one-flftieth part of the soil is fit for ttHage, but on 
that which is, aboftdant crops of grain and considerable cotton are raised. 
A Convention was held at Great Salt Lake City, January 33, 1863, and a 
State Oons#tutk)n formed, but it has not been acted on by Congress. 

WjiSMJJV€r'TOJV'W»& settled by emig*a«ts from the Northern and 
Western States, and was organized into a Territory, March 3, 1853, from the 
northern portion of Oregon, to which was added another portion from the 



eastern part when the latter Territory was admitted as a State, February 
14, 1859. Area 69,994 square miles, or 48,636,800 acres. Population 
11,168, besides numerous tribes of Indians. 

WTOMIJVG was organized in July 1868. It lies between the 27th and 
34th meridians of longitude -west from Washington, and between the 
4l8t and 45th parallels of latitude. The Territory is rich in mineral wealth,, 
having large quantities of iron, coal, gypsum and building stone, besides 
vast quantities of gold, 8ilver«and copper. Salt springs of great value are 
found within its limits. The western portion of the Territory embraces 
what is generally known as the " Sweet Water Mines." The climate is 
healthy, and the Territory is rapidly filling up with an enterprising and 
hardy population. The act of Congress organizing the Territory, provides 
that " There shall be no denial of the elective franchise or any other right, 
on account of color or race, and all persons shall be equal before the law." 




Stamp Duty. 

Accidental injnrieB to peTsons,tlck- 
ets, or contracts ror inBuiauce 
against, exempt. 

Affidavits, exempt. 

Agreement or contract not other- 
wise specifled : 
Pbr every sheet or piece of paper 
upon which either of the same 
shall he written, $0 5 

Agreement, renewal ofvBame stamp 
as original instrument. 

Appraisement of value or damage, 
or for any other purpose ; Bx)r 
each sheet of paper on which it 
is written, 6 

Assignment of a lease, same stamp 
as original, and addition^ 
stamp upon the value or con- 
sideration of transfer, accord- 
ing to the rates of stamps on 
deeds. (See Conveyance J 

Assignment of policy of inaarance, 
same stamp as original Instm- 
ment. (SeeEi's^ance.) 

Assignment OT^ mortgage, same 
stamp as ithat tequlred upon a 
mortgage for the amonnt re- 
maining' unpaid. (Bee Mort- 



_ check, draft or order for any 
sum of money drawn upon any 

Stamp Duty, 
hank, hanker or trust compa- 
ny at sight or on demand, 2 
When drawn upon any other per- 
son or persons, companies or 
corporations, for any sum ex- 
ceeding $10, at Bight or on de- 
mand, g 

Bill of exchange, (inland,) draft or 
order for the payment o'f any 
sum of money not exceeding 
$100, otherwise than atsightor 
on demand, or any promissory 
note, or any memorandum, 
check, receipt, or other writ- 
ten or printed evidence of an 
amonnt of money to he paid on 
demand or at a 'time designa- 
ted : For a sum not exceeding 
$100 5 

And fb'r every aaflltional $100 or 
ftactlonal part thereof to ex- 
cess of $100, 6 

Bill of exchange, (foreign^ or let- 
ter of credit WKvm. fi, hut pay- 
ahle out of, the United States : 
If dravm Blngly same rates of 
duty as inland bills of exchange 
or propiBBory notes. 
If drawn to sets oftliree or more, 
for every bill oi each set, where 
the sum made payahleshallnot 



Stamp Duty. 

exceed $100 or the equivalent 
thereof In any foreign currency 2 

And for every additional $100, or 
fraction&l part thereof in exceBB 
of $100, a 

Bill of lading or receipt (other than 
charter party) for any goods, 
t merchandise, or effects to be 
exported from a port or place 
In the United States to any for- 
eign pdrt or place, 10 

Bill of lading to any port in Brit- 
ish North America, exempt. 

Bin of lading, domestic or inlan d, exempt. 

Bill of sale by which any ship or 
vessel, oranypartthereof,shall 
be conveyed to or vested in any 
other person tit persons : 
When the consideration sliall not 
. exceed $500, BO 

Exceeding $600, and not exceed- 
ing $1,(X10, 1 00 
Exceeding $1,000, for every ad- 
ditional $&00, orftactionalpart 
thereof, 50 

Bond for indemnifying any person 
for the payment of any sum ot 
money : When the money ulti- 
mately fecoVefable thereupon 
is $1,000 or less, 50 

When in excess of $1,000, for 
each $1,000 or firaction, 60 

Bond-administrator or guardian, 
wheii the value of the estate 
and effects, real and personal, 
does not exceed $1,000, exempt. 

Exceeding $1,000, 1 00 

Bond for due execution pr per- 
formance of duties Of ofice, 1 00 

Bond, personal, for Security for 
the payment of money. (See 

Bond of any description, other than 
such as may be required in le- 
gal p^oceedmgs, Or tised in con- 
nection with nlOrtgage deeds, 
and not otherwise charged in 
this schedule, So 

Broker'snotes. (See Contract.) 

'Certificates of measurement or 
weight of anlifials, Wood, coal 
or hay, exempt. 

CertifLcates of meastoemftnt of oth- 
er articles, 5 

'Certificates of stock in any incor- 
porated comp&A)^, 25 

Certificates of profits, tit any certi- 
ficate or memorandum showing 
an Interest It. the property 
or accumulations of any incor- 
porated company : If for a sum 
not less than $10 and not ex- 
ceeding $50, 10 
Exceeding $50 kua not exceed- 
ing $l-,000, 25 
Exceeding $l,flOO, for every ad- 
ditionaT $^\000 or fractional 
part thereof, 25 

Certificate. Any cartlflcate of dam- 
age or otherwise, and all other 
certificates oi: documents is- 
sued by any port warden, ma- 

Stamp Duty. 

rine surveyor, or other person 

acting as such, 25 

Certificate of deposit of any sum of 
money in any bank or trust 
company, or with any banker 
or person acting as such : If for 
a sum not exceeding $100, 2 

For a sum exceeding $100. 5 

CertiflcaJ:e of any other descrip- 
tion than those specified, 5 

Charter, renewal of, same stamp as 
an original instrument. 

Charter party for the cliarter of any 
ship or vessel, or steamer, or 
any letter^ memorandum, or 
other writing relating to the 
charter, or any renewal or 
transfer thereof: If the regis- 
tered tonnage of such ^hlp, 
vessel, or steamer does not ex- 
ceed 150 tons, 1 00 
SKcceedlng 150 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 300 tons, 3 00 
Exceeding 300 tbns, and not ex- 
ceeding 600 tons, 5 00 
Exceeding 600 tohs, 10 00 

Check. Bank check, 2 

Contract. Broker's note, or mem ■ 
orandum of sale of any goods 
or merchandise, 'exchange, real 
estate, or property of any kind 
or description issued by brok- 
ers or persons acting as such : 
Tftil: each note or memorandum 
of sale, , 10 

Bill or memorandum of the sale 
or contract for the sale of 
stocks, bonds, gold or silver 
bullion,coin, promissory notes, 
or other securities made %y 
brokers, banks, or bankeffs,- 
either for the benefit of others 
or on their own account : For 
each hundred dollars, or frac- 
tional part thereof, of the 
amoont of such sale or con- 
tract, 1 
Bill or memorasButtL of the sale 
or contract for the sale of 
stocks, bonds, gold or silver 
bullion, coin,ptomisSory notes, 
or other securities, not his or 
their own property, made by 
any person, Ann, or company 
not paying a special tax as bro- 
ker, bank or banker : For each 
hundred dollars, or fractional 
part thereof, of the amount of 
such sale or contract, 5 

Contract. (See Agreement.) 

Contract, renewal of, same stamp 
as original instrument. 

Conveyance, deed, instrument ' or 
writing, whereby any lands, 
tenements, or other realty sold 
shall be granted, assigned, 
transferred^ or otherwise con- 
veyed to or vested in the pur- 
chaser tit purchasers, or any 
other person or persons, by his, 
her or thei* direction, when the 
consideration or value does not 
exceed $600, 50 



Stamp Duty. 
WbeD the consideration exceeds 
$600, and does not exceed 
$1,000, 1 00 

And for every additional $500, or 
fractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $1,000, 60 

Conveyance. " The aclmowledg- 
ment of a deed, or proof by a 
■witness, exempt. 

Conveyance. Certificate of record 

of a deed, exempt. 

Credit, letter of. Same as foreign 
bill of exchangg. 

Cnstom-house entity. (See Sn- 

Cnstom-honse mthdrawajs. (See 

Seed. (See Convsyajjoe — Trust 

Draft. Same as inland bill of ex- 

Endorsement of any negotiable in- 
strument, exempt. 
Bntry of any goods, wares or mer- 
chandise at any custom-honse, 
' either forconsumption or wa]:e- 
honsing: Not exceeding $100 
in value, 25 
Bxceeding $100, and not e^c^ed- 

ing fBOT in value, 60 

Exceeding $500 in value, 1 UO 

Entry for the witbdravvai of ?ny 

foods or merchandise from 
onded warehouse, 60 

Ganger's returns, exempt. 

Indorsement upon a stamped obli- 
gation In acknowle4^ent of 
Its fiilflllment, exempt. 

Insurance (life) policy : When the 
amount insured sball not ex- 
ceed $1,000, 25 
Exceeding $1,000, and not ex- 
ceeding $5,000, BO 
Exceeding $5,000, 1 00 
Insurance (marine, inland, apd 
Are,) ppUojes, or renewal of the 
same : If the premium does not 
exceed $10, 10 
Exceeding $10, and not ez;ceed- 

ing$50, 26 

Exceeding $60, 60 

Insurance contracts or tickets 
against apcidental injuries to 
persons, exempt. 

Lease, agreement, memorandum, 
or contmct for the hire, use, or 
rent of any laud, tenement, or 
portion thereof: Where the 
rent or rental value is $300 per 
annum or less, 50 

Where the rent or rental vajue 
exceeds the sum of $300 per 
annum, for each additional 
$200, or fractional part tbereof 
in excess of $30O, 60 

Legal documents : 
Writ, or other original process, 
by.,-«ihlch any B«,it, either crim- 
inJsJipr civil, is . coaimienced in 

ConfesSion of judgment or cog- 

TO^R.'*'' o, exempt, 

Wnts or other process on ap- 

Stamp Duty, 
peals t!Om justice courts or 
other courts of inferior juris- 
diction to a court of record. exempt. 
Warrant of distress. exempt. 

Letters of administration. (See 

Probate of will.) 
Letters testamentary, when the 
value of the estate and effects, 
„ real and personal, does not ex- 
ceed $1,000, Exempt. 
Exceeding $1,000, 6 
Letters of credit. Same as bill of 

exchange, (foreign.) 
Manifest for custom-house entry or 
clearance of the cargo of any 
ship, vessel, or steamer, for a 
foreign port : 
If the registered tonnage of such 
ship, vessel, or steamer does 
not exceed 30O tons, 1 00 

Exceeding 300 tons, and not ex- 
ceeding 600 tons, 3 00 
Exceeding 600 tons, 5 00 
[These provisions do not ap- 
ply to vessels or steamboats 
plying between ports of the 
United States and British 
North America.] 
Measurers' returns, exempt. 
Memorandum of sale, or broker's 

note. (See Contract.) 
Mortgage of lands, estate, or pro- 
perty, real or personal, herita- 
ble or movable, whatsoever, a 
trust deed in the nature or a 
mortgage,or any personal bond 
given as security for the pay- 
ment of any definite or cenain 
sum of money : exceeding $100, 
and not exceeding $500, 50 

Exceeding $500, and not exceed- 
ing $1,000, 1 00 
And for every additional $500, or 
il-actlonal part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $1,000, 50 
Order for payment of money, if the 

amount is $10, or over, S 

Passage ticket on any vessel basa 

a port m the United States to a 

foreign port, not exceeding 

„$35, 60 

Exceeding $35, and not exceed- 

ing $50, 1 00 

And for every additonal $50, or 
fractional part thereof, in ex- 
cess of $60, 1 00 
Passage tickets to ports in B^t- 
Ish North America, exempt. 
Pawner's checks, 5 
Power of attorney for the sale or 
transfer of any stock, bonds or 
scrip, or for the collection of 
any dividends or Interest there- 
on, 25 
Power of attorney, or proxy, for 
votine at any election for offi- 
cers or any incorporates com- 
pany or society, except reli- 
gious, charitable, or literary 
societies, or public cemeteries, 10 
Power of attorney to receive or col- 
lect rent, 95 
Power of attorney to sell and con- 
vey real estate, or to rent or 



Stamp Duty, 
lease the same, . 1 00 

Power of attorney for any other 

purpose, 50 

Probate of will, or letters of admin • 
istration ; where the estate and 
eftects for orin respect of which 
such probate or letters of ad- 
ministration applied foe shall 
be sworn or declarednjOttO'ex:- 
ceed the value of $1,000, exempt. 

Bxceeding $1,000, and not ex- 
ceeding $2,000, 1 00 
Exceeding $-2,000, for everjr ad- 
ditional |l,000, OP fractional 
part- thereof, in excess of 
$2,000, BO 

Promissory note. (See Bin of ex- 
change, inland.) 
Deposit note to mutual insurance' 
companies, when policy i&sujlv- 
ject to duty, easempt. 

Renewal of a note, subject to- the- 
same duty as an original note.. 

Protest of note, bill of exchange^ 
acceptance, check, or draft, &c 
any marine protest, . 25 

Quit-claim deed to be stamped as a 
conveyance, except when giv- 
en as a release of a mortgage- 
by the mortgagee to the mort- 
gagor, in which case it is ex- 
empt; but if it contains cove- 
nants Tnay be subject as an 
agreement or contract. 

Beceipts for satisfaction of any 
mortgage or judgment or de- 
cree of any court, exempt. 

Eeceipts for any sum of money or 
debt due, or for a draft or oth- 
er instrument given for the 
payment ot money ; exceeding 
$20, not being for satisfaction 
of any mortgage or judgment 
or decree of court', 2 

(See Indorsement.) 

Receipts for the delivery of pro- 
perty, exempt. 

Renewal of agreement, contract or 
charter, by letter or otherwise, 
same stamp as original instru- 

Sheriff's return on writ or other 

process, exempt. 

Trust deed, made to secure a debt, 
to be stamped as a mortgage. 

Warehouse receipts, exempt. 

Warrant of attorney accompany- 
ing a bond or note, if the bond 
or note is stamped, exempt. 

Weigher's returns, exempt. 

Official documents, instruments, 
and papers issued by officers 
of the United States Govern- 
ment, exempt. 
Official instruments, documents, 
and papers issued by the offi- 
cers ofany State, county,town, 
orother municipal corporation, 
in the exercise of fhnctions 
strictly belonging to them in 
their ordinary governmental or 
municipal capacity, exempt. 
Papers necessary to be used for 


Stamp Duty, 
the collection from the United 
States Government of claims 
by soldiers, or their legal rep- 
resentatives, for pensions, 
hack pay, bounty, or for prop- - 
erty lost in the service, exempt. 


In all cases where an adhesive stana-p is- 
need for denoting the stamp duty upon an 
instrument, the person using or affixint; the 
same must write or imprint thererapon in 
ink the initials of his iiame, and the date 
(the year, month, and! day) on which the- 
same is attached or used. Each stamp> 
should be separately cancelled. When 
stamps are pnnted upon checks, &c., so. 
thatiniiliing up the instrcmient, the face of 
the stamp is and nmst necessarily be writ- 
ten across, no other cancellatio,n will be re- 

AH cancellation must be distinct and legi- 
ble, and except in the ease of proprietary 
stamps from private dies, no method of 
cancellation which differs from that aliwive- 
de^^cribed can be recognized as legal audi 


A penalty of fifty dollars is imposed upoa 
every person who makes, signs, or issues, 
or who causes to be madte-, signed, or issu- 
ed, any paper of any kind or description 
whatever, or whoi accepts, negotiates, or 
pays, or causes to be acceptedl, negotiated^ 
or paid, any bill of exchange, draft, or or- 
dter, or promissory note, for the payment o£ 
money, without the samebein^dnly stamp- 
ed, or having thereupon an adhesive stamp< 
fiir- denoting- the tax chargeable' thereon,, 
cancelled in the manner required by law,, 
with intent toievadte the provisions ot the- 
revenue act. 

A penalty of two hundred dollars is im- 
posed upon every person who pays, nego- 
tiates, or offers in." payment, or receives on- 
takes in payment,, any bill of exchange- or. 
ordter for the payment ofany sum of money- 
drawn or pucporting to he dKiwn in a for- 
eign conntiy, but? payable in the United! 
States, until the- proper stamp has been af- 
fixed thereto. 

A penalty of fifty dollars is imposed upon, 
every person who fraudulently makes use- 
of an adhesive stamp to denote the duty re- 
quired by the revenue act, without effeotur 
ally cancelling and obliterating the same in 
the manner required! by law. 

Attention is particularly called to the fol- 
lowing extract from section 165, of the- act 
of June 30, 1884, as amended by the aotott 
July 13, 1866 : 

"If any person shall wulfiiUy remove on 
cause to be removed; alter or cause al- 
tered, the cancelling, or defecing marks on 
any adhesive stamp, witb initent to use the 
same, or to cause the use of the same^ aftei 
it shall have been nseiS once^ OB-shall know- 
ingly or wilfully sell: or buy such washedc 
or restored stamps, or- oflfei the same for 
sale, or give or expose tltesame taacy pec- 



Bon tor use, or kno-n ta'ly use the same or 
prepare the same with intent for the far- 
ther use thereof, or If any person shall 
Imowinely and without lawful excuse (the 
proof whereof shall lie on the person accus- 
ed) have in his possession any washed, re- 
stored, or altered stamps, which have heen 
removed from any vellum, parchment, pa- 
per, instrument or writing ; then, and m 
every such case, every person so offending, 
and every person knowingly and wilfiiUy 
aiding, abetting, or assisting in committing 
any such offence as aforesaid, shall, on con- 
viction thereof, * • * he punished by 
ft tine not exceeding one thousand dollars, 
or by imprisonment and confinement to 
hard labor not esceedingfive years, or both, 
at the discretion of the court." ■ 

It is not lawful to record any instrument, 
document, or paper required by lavp to be 
stamped, or any copy thereof, unless a 
stamp or stamps of the proper amount have 
been af&xcd and cancelled ip the manner 
required by law ; and such instrument or 
copy and the record thereof are iitteily null 
and void, and cannot be used or admitted as 
evidence in any court until the defect has 
been cured as provided in section 168. 

All willful violations of the law should be 
reported to the tJhited States District Attor- 
ney within and for the district where they 
are committed. 


Revenue stamps may be used indiscrimi- 
nately upon .any of the matters or things 
enumerated in Schedule B, except proprie- 
tary and playing card stamps, for which a 
special use has been provided. 

Postage stamps cannot be used in pay- 
ment or the duty chargeable on instru- 

The law does not designate which of the 
parties to an instrument shall furnish the 
necessary stamp, nor does the Commission- 
er of Internal Revenue assume to determine 
that it shall be supplied by one party rather 
than by another ; but if an instmment sub- 
ject to stamp duty is issued without having 
the necessary stamps affixed thereto, it can- 
not be recorded, or admitted, or used in ev- 
idence, in any court, until a legal stamp or 
stamps, denoting the amount of tax, shall 
have heen affixed as prescribed by law, and 
the person who thus Issues it is liable to a 
penalty, if he omits the stamps with an in- 
tent to evade the provisions of the internal 
rcvt-nue act. 

The iirst act Imposing a stamp tax upon 
certain s^pecificd instruments took effect, so 
fur as said tax is concerned, October 1, 1883. 
The impression which seems to prevail to 
some extent, that no stamps are required 
upon any instruments issued in the States 
lately in insurrection, prior to the surren- 
der, or prior to the establishment of collec- 
tion districts there, is erroneous. 

Instruments issued in those States since 
October 1, 186?, are subject to the same tax- 
es as similar ones issued at the same time 
in the other States. 

No stamp is necessary upon an instrument 
executed prior to October 1, 18(i2, to make 

it admissible in evidence, or to entitle it to 

Certificates of loan in which there shall 
appear any written or printed evidence of 
an amount of money to be paid on demand, ; 
or at a time designatedt are subject to stamp ' 
duty as "promissory notes." 

When two or more persons join in the ex- 
ecution of an instrument, the stamp to which 
the instrument is liable under the law, may 
be affixed and cancelled by either of them ; 
and "when more than one si^ature is atllx- 
ed to the same paper, one or more stamps 
may be affixed thereto, representing the 
whole amount of the stamp required fdr 
such signatures." 

No stamp is required on any warrant of 
attorney accompanying a bond or note, 
when such bond or note has affixed thereto 
the stamp or stamps denoting the duty re- 
quired; and, whenever any bond or note js ' 
secured by mortgage, but one stamp duty is 
required on such papers — such stamp duty 
being the highest rate required for such in- 
struments, or either of them. In such case 
a note or memorandum of the value or de- 
nomination of the stamp affixed shonld be 
made upon the margin or in the acknowl- 
edgement of the instmmeut which is not 

Particular attention is called to the 
chauige in section 154, by striking out the 
words "or used ;" the exemption thereun- 
der is thus restricted to documents, ^c, 
issnecL by the officers thereiU' named. Also 
to the changes in sections 1S3 and 158, by 
inserting the words "and cancelled in the 
manner required by law." 

The acceptor or acceptors of any hill of 
exchange, or order for the juyment of any 
sum of money, drawn or purporting to be 
drawn in any foreign country, but payable 
in the United States, must, before paying or 
accepting the same, place thereupon a 
stamp indicating the duty. 

It is only upon conveyances of realty sM 
that conveyance stamps are necessary. A,i 
deed of real estate made without valuable ' 
consideration need not he stamped sk a 
conveyance ; but if it contains covenants, . 
such, for instance, as a covenant to warrant 
and defend the titles it should be stamped 
as an agreement or contract. 

When a deed purporting to he a convey- 
ance of realty sold, and stamped according- 
ly, is inoperative, a deed of coniirmatioii. 
made simply to cure the defect, requires n» 
stamp. In such case, the second df>ed 
should contain a recital of the facts, and 
should show the reasons for its execution. 
Partition deeds between tenants in com- 
mon, need not be stamped as conveyances, 
inasmuch as there is no sale of realty, but 
merely a marking out, or a defining. Of the 
bonnciariesofthe part belonging to each;' 
but where money or other valuable consid- 
eration is paid by one co-tenant to another 
for equality of partition, there is a sale to 
the extent of such consideration, and the 
conveyance, hy the parly receiving it, 
shonla b« stamped accordingly. 

A conveyance ol lands sold for unpaid 
taxes, issued since August 1, ISWi, by the- 
officers of any county, town, or other mu- 




nicipal corporation in the discharge of their 
strictly official dutiee, is exempt from 
gtamp tax:. 

A conveyance of realty sold, subject to a 
mortgage, should be stamped according to 
the consideration, or the value of the ^Top- 
Qriy unencumbered. The consideration in 
such case is to be found by adding the 
amount paid for the equity of redemption 
to the mortgage debt The fact that one 
part of the consideration is paid to the 
mortgagor and the other part to the mort- 
gagee does not change the liability of the 

The stamp tax upon a mortgage is based 
upon the amount it is o;iven to secure. The 
fact that the value of the property mortgag- 
ed is less than that amount, and that conse- 
quently the security is only partial, does 
not change the liabUity of the instrument. 
When, therefore, a second mortgage is giv- 
en to secure the payment of a sum of mon- 
ey partially secured liy a prior mortgage up- 
on other property, or when two mortgages 
upon separate property are given at the 
same time to secure the payment of the 
sitme sum, each should be stamped as 
though it were the only one. 

A mortgage given to secure a surety ftom 
loss, or given for any purpose whatever, 
other than as security for the payment of a 
definite and certain sum of money, is taxa- 
able only as an agreement or contract. 

The stamp duty upon a lease, agreement, 
memomndum, orcoatractfor the aire, use, 
or rent of any land, tenement, or portion 
therteof, is based upon the annual rent or 
rental value of the property leased, and the 
duty is the same whether the lease be for 
one year, for a term of years, or for the 
fractional part of a year only. 

Upon every assignment or transfer of a 
mortgage, a stamp tax is required equAl to 
that imposed upon a mortgage for the 
amount remaining unpaid ; this tax is re- 
quired upon every such transfer in writing, 
whether there is a *a/e of the mortgage or 
not; but no stamp is necessary upon the 
endorsement of a negotiable instrument, 
even though the legal effect of such indorse- 
ment is to transfer a mortgage by which 
the instrument is secured. 

An assignment of a lease within the mean- 
ing and intent of Schedule B, is an assign- 
ment of the lease/told^ or of some portion 
thereof, by the lessee^ or by some person 
claiming by, from, or under him ; such an 
assignment as subrogates the assignee to 
the rights, or some portion of the rights, of 
the lessee, or of the person standing, in his 
place. A transfer by the /e«*or of his part 
of a lease, neither giving nor purporting 
to give a claim- to the leasehold, or to any 
part thereof, but simply a right to the rents, 
&c., is subject to stamp tax as a contract 
■ or agreement only. 

The scamp tax upon a fire insurance 
policy is based upon the premium. 

Deposit notes taken by a mutual fire in- 
surance company, not as payment of pre- 
mium nor ■ as evidence of indebtedness 
therefor, but to be used simply as a basis 
upon which to make rateable assessments to 
meet the losses incurred by the company, 

should not be reckoned as premium in de- 
termining the amount of stamp taxes upon 
the policies. 

When a policy, of insurance properly 
stamped has been issued and lost, no stamp 
is necessary upon another issued by the 
same company to the same party, covering 
the same property, time, &c., and designed 
simply to supply the loss. The second 
policy should recite the loss of the first. 

An instrument which operates as the re- 
newal of a policy of insurance, is subject to 
the same stamp tax as the policy. 

When a policy of insurance is issued for 
a certain time, whether it be for one year 
only or for a term of years, a receipt for 

gremium, or any othet instrument which 
as the legal efftect to continue the contract 
and extend its operation beyond that time^ re- 
quires the same amount of revenue stamps 
as the policy itself; but such a receipt as 
is usually given for the payment of the 
monthly, quarterly, or annual .premium, is 
not a renewal within the meaning of the 
statute. The payment simply- prevents the 
policy from expiring, by reason of non-per- 
formance of its conditions ; a receipt given 
for such a payment requires a two-cent 
stamp, if the amount received exceeds 
twenty dollars, and a two-cent stamp only. 
When, however, ■ the time of payment has 
passed, and a tender of the premium is not 
sufficient to bind the company, but a new 
policy or a new contract in some form, with 
the mutuality essential to every contract, 
becomes necessary between the insurer and 
the insured, the same amount of stamps 
should be used as that required upon the 
original policy. 

A permit issued by a life insurance com- 
pany changing the terms of a policy as to 
travel, residence, occupation, &c., should 
be stamped as a contract or agreement. 

A bill single or a bill obligatory, i. e., an 
instrument in the form of a promissory 
note, under seal, /is subject to stamp duty 
as written or printed evidence of an amount 
of money to be paid on demand or at a 
time designated, at the rate of five cents 
for each one hundred dollars or fractional 
part thereof. 

A waiver of protest, or of demand and 
notice, written upon negotiable paper and 
signed by the indorser, is an agreement, 
and requires a five-cent stamp. 
. A stamp duty of twentyTfive cepts is im- 
posed upon the "protest of every note, bill 
of exchange, check or draft," and upon 
every marine protest. If several ■ notes, 
bills of exchange, drafts, &c., are protest- 
ed at the same time and all attached to one 
and the same certificate,' stamps should be 
affixed to the amount of twenty-five cents 
for each note, bill, draft, &c., thus protest- 

When, as is g;enerally the case, the cap- 
tion to a deposition contains other certifi- 
cates in addition to the jurat to the affida^ 
vit of the deponent, such as a certific^ite 
that the parties were or were not notified, 
that they did or did not'appear, that they 
did or did not object, &c., it is subject 4%) 
a stamp duty of five cents. 

When an attested copy of a writ or other 



proGBss- to naed by a sheriff orother person 
m maMng personal service, or in attaching 
property, a flve-cent stamp should be affix- 
ed to the ccrtiflcate of attestation. 

A marriage certificate issued by the om- 
ciating clergyman or magistrate, to be le- 
tnrned to any officer of a State, county, city, 
town, or other municipal corporation, to 
constitute part of a public record, requires 
no stamp ;. but if it is to be retained by 
the.partieSy a five-cent stamp should be at- 

^^^- ,,■„ . , 1, 

The stamp tax upoo a bill of sale, by 

which anyshiip or vessel, or any part there- 
of, is conveyed to or vested in any other 
person or persons, is at the same rate as 
that imposed upon conveyances of realty 
sold ; a bill of sale of any other personal 
property should be stamped as a contract 
or agreement. 

An assignment of real or personal prop- 
erty, or of both, for thebeneflt of creditors, 
should be stamped as an agreement or con- 

Written or printed assignments of agree- 
ments, bonds, notes not negotiable, and 
of all other instruments the assignments 
of which are not particularly specified in 
the foregoing schedule, should be stamped 
as agreements. 

No stamp is necessary upon the registry 
of a judgment, even thoagh the registry is 
Buchj in Its legal effect as to create a lien 
which operates as a mortgage upon the 
property of the judgment debtor. 

When a "power of attorney or proxy for 
voting at any election for officers of any 
incorporated company or society, except 
religious, charitable, or literary societies, 
or public cemeteries," is signed by sever- 
al stockholders, owning separate and dis- 
tinct shares, it is, in its legal effect, the 
separate instrument of each, and requires 
stamps to the amount of ten cents for each 
and every signature; one or more stamps 
maiy be used'Oepresenting the whole amount 

A notice from landlord to tenant to 
quit possession of premises requires no 

A stamp tax is Imposed upon every 
"maniiiest for custom-house entry or clear- 
ance of the cargo of any ship, vessel, or 
steamer for a foreign port," The amount 
of this tax in each case depends upon the 
registered tonnage of the vessel. 

If a vessel clears in ballast and has no 
cargo whatever, no stamp is necessary; 
but if she has any, however small the amount 
—a stamp should be used. 

A bond to convey real estate requires 
stamps to the amount of twenty-five cents. 

The stamp duty upon the probate of a 
will, or upon letters of administration, is 
based upon the sworn or declared value of 
all the estate and effects, real, personal 
and mixed, undiminished by the debts of 
the estate for or in respect o-f which such 
probate or letters are ajjplied for- 

WTien the property belonging to the es- 
tate of a person deceased.,, lies under dif- 
ferent jurisdictions and it becomes neces- 
sary to take out letters in two or more 
places, the letters should be stamped ac- 
cording to the value of all the property, real, 
personal, and mixed, for or in respect of 
which the particular letters in eact case 
are issued^ 

Letters Oe bonis non should be stamped 
according to the amount of property re- 
maining te be adminis,tered upon thereun- 
der, regardless of the stamps upon the orig- 
inal letters. 

A mere copy of an instrument is not sub- ' 
ject to stamp duty unless it is a certified ' 
one, in which case a five-cent stamp should 
be affixed to the certificate of the person 
attesting it ; but when an instrument is 
executed-and issued in duplicate, triplicate, 
&c., as in the case of a lease of two or more 
parts, each part has the same legal effect as 
the other, and each should- be stamped as 
an original.- 




Letters. — The law requires postage on 
all letters (iudnding those to foreign conn- 
tries when prepaid), excepting those writ- 
ten to the President or "Vice President, or 
members of CongresB, or (on ofiScial busi- 
ness) to the chiefs of the executive depart- 
ments of the Government, and the heads of 
bureaux and chief clerks, and others invest- 
ed with the itanking privilege, to be pre- 
paid by stamps or stamped envelopes, pre- 
payment In money being prohibited. 

All drop-letters must be prepaid. The 
rate of postage on drop-letters, at offices 
where ftee delivery by carrier is establish- 
ed, is two cents per half ounce or fraction 
of a half ounce ; at offices where such free 
delivery is not established the rate is one 

The single rate of postage on all domes- 
tic mail letters throughout the United 
States, is three cents per half ounce, with 
an additional rate of three cents for each 
additional half ounce or fraction of a half 
ounce. The ten cent, (Pacific) rate is abol- 

Newspapers, etc. — Letter postage is to 
be charged on all handbills', circulars, or 
other printed matter which shall contain 
any manuscript writing whatever. 

Daguerreotypes, when sent in the mail, 
are to be charged with letter postage by 

Photographs on cards, paper, and other 
flexible material, (not in cases), can be sent 
at the same rate as miscellaneous printed 
matter, viz., two cents for each four ounces 
or fraction thereof. 

Photograph Albums are chargeable with 
book postage — four cents for each four 
ounces or fraction thereof. 

Newspaper Postage. — Postage on daily 

papers to subscribers when prepaid quar- 

. teriy or yearly in advance, either at the 

mailing office or office of delivery, per 

quarter (three months), 35 cts. ; six times 

f)er week, per quarter 30 cts. ; for tri-week- 
y, per quarter 15 cts. ; for semi-weekly, per 
quarter 10 cts, ; for weekly, per quarter 5 

Weekly newspapers (one copy only) sent 
by the publisher to actual subscribers with- 
in the county where printed and published, 

Postage per quarter (to he paid quarterly 
or yearly in advance) on newspapers and 
periodicals issued less frequently than once 
a week, sent to actual subscribers in any 
part of the United States: Semimonthly, 
not over 4 oz., 6 cts. ; over 4 oz. and not 
over 8 oz., 12 cts. ; over 8 oz. and not over 
12 oz., 18 cts. ; monthly, not over 4 oz., 3 cts \ 
over 4 oz. and not over 8 oz., 6 cts. ; over 8 
oz. and not over 12 oz., 9 cts. ; quarterly, 
not over 4 oz., Icent; over4oz. and not 
over 8 oz., 2 cts. ; over 8 oz. and not over 
12 oz., 3 cts. 

Tbansient Matter.— Books not over 4 
oz. in weight, to one address, 4 cts. ; over 4 
oz. and not over 8 oz., 8 cts. ; over 8 oz. and 
not over 12 oz., 12 cts. ; over 12 oz, and not 
over 16 oz., 16 cts. 

.Circulars not exceeding three in number 
to one address, 2 cts. ; over 3 and not over 
6, 4 cts. ; over 6 and not over 9, 6 cts. ; over 
9 and not exceeding 12, 8 cts. 

On miscellaneous mailable matter, (em- 
bracing all pamphlets, occasional i)ublica- 
tions, transient newspapers, hand-bills and 
posters, hookmanuscriptsand proof-sheets, 
whether corrected or not, maps, prints, en- 
gravings, sheet music, blanks, flexible pat- 
terns, samples, and sample cards, phono- 
graphic paper, letter envelopes, postal en- 
velopes or wrappers, cards, paper, plain or 
ornamental, photographic representations 
of different types, seeds, cuttings, bulbs, 
roots and scions,) the postage to be pre-paid 
by stamps, is on one package, to one ad- 
dress, not over 4 oz. in weight, 2 cts. ; over 
4 oz. and not overs oz., 4cts. ; over 8 oz. 
andnotoverl2oz.,6cts. ; overlS oz. and 
not over 16 oz., 8 cts. The weight of pack- 
ages of seeds, cuttings, roots and scions, 
to be franked, is limited to thirty-two 
ounces. ^ 

[AiL printed matter (except single cop- 
ies of newspapers, magazines, and periodi- 
cals to regular subscribers) sent via over- 
land mail, is to be charged at letter post- 
age rates.] 

Any word or communication, whether by 
printing, writing, marks or signs, upon the 
cover or wrapper of a newspaper, pamphlet, 
magazine, or other printed matter, other 
than the name or address of the person to 
whomit istobe sent, and the date when 
the subscription expires, subjects the pack- 
age to letter postage. 



" ^ § 























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S.2|5 aCLc § 

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Additional Table of Foreign Postage. 

The*indieateBth»t, unless the letter is reristerecl, pre-payment Is optional; in all 
other cases it is recraired. § Pamphlets and Periodicals, ten cents per four ounces or 
fraction thciieof, J PampMtits, Magazines, &c., two cents per four ounces or fraction 
tbereot. • • 





ft, a. 


Argentine Eepublic, 22d each month from N. Y. . . 


Australia, British Mail, Tia Panama 

Bahamas, bj direct steamer from New York 

Bogota, New Granada 

BoJivia ; 

Brazils, 33d each month fromNew York 

Buenos Ayres, a3ii each month from New York... 

Canada, any distance, {if not prepalid, 10 cts.) 

Central America, Pacific Slope, via Panama 

Chili, British Mail, via Panama 

China, via, San Francisco. . . : 

Costa Rica 


Ecuador, British Mail, via Panama, y. 




Hong Kong, via San Prancisco 

<rapaa, via San Francisco 


Montevideo, 22d each month from N. Y 

Nassau, N. Prov., by direct steamer ftom N. Y. . , 

New Brunswick 

Newfoundland, (15 c. if over 3,000 miles) 

New Granada, (except Aspinwall and Panama). . 
Nicaragua, Pacific Slope, via Panama 

do Gulf Coast of 

Novia Scotia (* 15 cts. if over 3.000 miles) 


Peru, British Mail, via Panama 

Porto Eico, Bri' sh Mail, via Havana or San Juan . 

Prince Edward's Island, [under 3,l'00 miles] 

Sandivich Islands, by mail to San Francisco 

Turk's Island 

Uruguay, by Am. pkt. 33d each month from N. Y. . 

Vancouver's Island 

Venezuela, British Mail, via Aspinwall 

do by American Ven. packet 




The recent postal treaty with Great Britain provides that besides letters and newspa- 
pers, "book packets," and '• packets of patterns and samples," may be sent. Such 
packets — 

1. Must contain no writing. 

2. Must be fully prepaid (6 cents per 4 ounces from the U. S., or 3 pence sterling from 
Great Britain.) 

3. Must be open at the ends to allow inspection. 

• Samples of merchandise must not be of intrinsic value. 

Dattable articles— books, music, &c., sent from Great Britain to the United States, 
niiiat in addition to the postage, pay the regular duties, which are— On books and 
engravings, 25 per cent.; music and photographs, 20 per cent. 

If letters or articles sent to Italy are not prepaid, or are insulBciently paid, they will 
be charged with deficient postage, and subject to fine, on arrival at their destination. 

Infallible Rules for Detecting Counterfeit or 
Spurious Bank Notes. 

EuLB let.— Examine the shading of the 
letters in title of Bank called lathbwobk,' 
which in genuine notes presents an even, 
straight, light and silky appearance, gen- 
erally 80 fine and smooth as to appear to be 
all in one solid, pale body. In the counter- 
feit the lines are coarse and irregular, andi 
In many of the longer lines breaks will be 
perceived, thus presenting a very inferior 
finish in comparison to genuine work. 
_ 2d. — Observe the dies, circles and ovals 
in the genuine ; they are composed of d 
network of lines, which, by crossing each 
other at certain angles, produce an endless 
variety of figures ; see thk one cent stamp 
ATTACHED. The fine line alone is the 
unit which enables you to detect spurious 
work. In the counterfeit, the bepbbbented 
white lines are coarse, irregular, and cross 
each other in a confused, irregular manner, 
thus producing blurred and imperfect 

3d.— Examine the form and features of 
all human figures on the note. In the gen- 
uine, the texture of the skin is represented 
by fine dots and lines intermixed. In the 
eyes, the pupil is distinctly visible, and the 
white clearly seen ; the nose, mouth and 
chin, well formed, natural and expressive ; 
the lips are slightly ponting, and the chin 
well thrown out ; and the delicate shading 
of the neck perfectly harmonizes with the 
rest of the figure. Observe the fingers and 
toes ; they should be clearly and accurately 
defined. The hair of the head should show 
the fine strands and present a natural ap- 
pearance. The folds of the drapery of hu- 
man figures should lay natural and present 
a fine finished appearance. In the counter- 
feit the female figure does not bear the 
natural prominence in outlines; observe 
the eyes and shading surrounding does not 
present the lifelike appearance it should. 
The fingers and toes are not properly and 
proportionately defined; the hair does not 
bear that soft and finished appearance as in 
the genuine. . = >u 

4tE.— Examine the imprint or engraver's 
names in the evenness and shape of the 

fine letters. Counterfeits never bear the 
imprint perfect. This rule should be Btric^ 
ly observed, as it is infallible In detecting 

5th. — In the genuine note the landscapes 
are well finished : trees and shrubs are 
neatly drawn ; the limbs well proportioned, 
and the foliage presenting a fine natural 
appearance ; clear sky is formed of fine 
parallel lines, and when clouds or heavy 
skies appear, they cross each other, and 
bear a soft, smooth and natural appear- 
ance. The perspective, showing a view of 
the surrounding coniitry, is always clear 
and distinct. T'he small figures in the 
background ate always plainly seen, and 
their' outlines and general character re- 
cognized. Ships are well defined and the 
canvass has a clear texture ; railroad cars 
are very accurately delineated ; in examin- 
ing a train observe carefully the car most 
distant. In the counterfeit the landscape 
is usually poorly executed ; the leaves of 
trees poorly and unnaturally defined.— 
The lines representing Btlll water are 
scratchy rather than parallel, the sky is 
represented generally in like manner, and 
where rolling clouds are to be seen, the 
unnatural effect is obvious. Domestic 
animals are generally poorly executicd, 
particularly the head and limbs ; the eyes 
are seldom clearly defined. Ships ace 
poorly drawn, the texture of the canvass 
coarse and inferior in style of workman- 
ship, thus giving an artificial appearance, 
Bailroad cars are also poorly executed ; the 
car farthest from the eye is usually the 
most imperfect. The perspective is always 
imperfect, the figures in the background 
can seldom be recognized. 

«ith.— Bills altered from a smaller to a 
higher denomination, can readily be de- 
tected by a close observer, in consequence 
of the striking difierence between the parts 
which have been extracted and the rest of 
the note. This difierence is readily per- r 
ceived In the lack of color, body and finish 
of the dye ; we have seen bills where the 
surrounding shading In altered dies was 



too dark, but from the back or finish of the 
white lines you have a sure test. Again 
observe particularly the words " Five " or 
'''' Ten Dollars " as the case may be, denot- 
ing the denomination of the note ; the 
parallel outlines and shading (if any) are 
coaree and imperfect. Alterations are fre- 
q_uently made by pasting a greater" denomi- 
nfitiOQ over a smaller, Tout by holding the 
bill up to the light, the fraud will he per- 
ceived. Another method resorted to is to 
cut out the figures in the dies as well as 
the words one dollar, or the words two or 
three as the case may be, and with a sharp 
eraser, scrape down the ends and also the 
edges of the pieces 'to be inserted ; when 
the pieces thus prepared are affixed they 
are nardly perceivaole; but by passing 
the note through the hand, so as to feel 
the die both with the finger and thumb 
at the same time, the fraud Will be de- 
tected by the stiffness of the outer 
edges, " occasioned by the gum or method 
adopted" in affixing the parts. The letter 
S should always be examined, as in many 
alterations it is pasted or stamped at the 
end of the word " dollar;" and even when 
stamped there, the carrying out of the out- 
lines for its shading will readily. slyDw the 
fraud. Bills of broken banks are frequent- 
ly altered by extracting the name of bank, 
state and tovra ; they may readily be de- 

tected by observing first the state, second 
the title or name of the bank, third the 
town or location. 

General Bbharks in Keferenge to 
CouNTERPEiTS. — The paper on which they 
are printed is generally of a very inferior 
quality, with less body, finish and tough- 
ness than bank note paper has. The ink 
generally lacks the rich luster of the gen- 
uine ; the red letters and figures are gen- 
erally imperfect, and the ink does not pre- 
sent the vermlUion hue as it should. The 
printing is generally inferior, usually ex- 
hibiting specks of white in the most promi- 
nent letters. The date and filling up, and 
the President's and Cashier's names are 
generally written by the same person, 
although in many instances they present 
a different appearance. There are bills in 
circnlation bearing either genuine dies or 
vignettes; but npon close examination 
you will be enabled to detect any spurious 
bill, whether counterfeit or alteyed, by the 
instructions here given, if persevered in for 
a short time. We beg to suggest, it time 
will admit, the learner should examine 
minutely every bill he receives. A pow- 
erful pocket magnifying glass, which can' 
be purchased for irom Juty cents to one dol- 
lar at any of the bpticians, will greatly en- 
able you to see and comprehend the differ- 
ence between genuine and spurious work. 


What will my readerB give to- know how 
to get rich f Now, I will not vouch that 
the following rales will enable every per- 
son who may read them to acquire wealth ; 
but this I will answer for, that if ever a 
man does grow rich by honest meanSj and 
retains his wealth for any length of time, 
he mast practice upon the prmciples laid 
down in the ■ following essay. The re- 
marks are not original with- me, but I 
strongly commend them to the attention 
of every young man, at least as affording 
the true secret of success in attaining 
wealth. A single perusal of such an essay 
at an impressible moment, has sometimes 
a very wonderful effect upon the disposi- 
tion and character. ^ , , - , „ 

Fortune, they say, is a fickle dame— luu 
of her freaks and caprices ; who ,l>lii'aiy 
distributes her favors without the slightest 
discrimination. So inconstant, so waver- 
ing is she represented, that her most faith- 
fuf votaries can place no reliance on her 
Twomises. Disappointment, they tell us, 
IB the lot of those who make offerings at 

her shrine. Now, all this is a vile slander 
upon the dear blind lady. 

Although wealth often appears the result 
of mere accident, or a fortunate concur- 
rence of favorable circumstances without 
any exertion of skill or foresight, yet any 
man of sound health and unimpaired mind 
may become wealthy, if he takes the prop- 
er steps. ,. ^ . . .X 
. Foremost in the list of requisites are 
honesty and strict integrity in every trans- 
action of life. Let a man have the reputa- 
tion of being fair and upright in his deal- 
ings, and he will possess the confidence of 
alfwho know him. Without these qualities 
every, other merit will .prove unavailing. 
Ask concerning a man, " Is he active and 
capable ? " Ttes. " Indnatrious, temper- 
ate and regular in his habits f "—Oh yes. 
"Is he honest? Is he trustworthy?" 
Why, as to that, I am sorry to say that he 
is not to be trusted ; he needs watching ; 
he is a'little tricky, and will take an undue 
advantage, if he can. "Then I will have 
nothing to do with him," will be the in- 



variable reply. Wljy, then, is honesty the 
best policy ? Because, without it, yon will 
get a bad name, and everybody will shun 

A character for knavery will prove an in- 
surmountable obstacle to success in al- 
most every undertaking. It will be found 
that the straight line is, in business, as in 
geometry, the shortest. In a word, it is 
almost impossible for a dishonest man to 
acquire wealth by a regular process of bus- 
iness, because he is shunned as a depreda- 
tor upon society. 

Needy men are apt to deviate from the 
rule of integrity, under the plea that ne- 
cessity knows no law ; they mie:ht as well 
odd that it knows no shame. The course 
is suicidal, and by destroying all confidence, 
ever keeps them immured in poverty, 
although they may possess every other 
quality for success in the world. 

Punctuality, which is said to be the sonl 
' of business, is another important element 
in the art of money getting. The man 
known to be scrupulonsly exact in the ful- 
fillment of his engao;ement8, gains the 
confidence of all, and may command all 
tho means he can use with advantage : 
whet'eas, a man careless and regardless of 
his promises in money matters will have 
every purse closed against him. Therefore 
be prompt in your payments. 

Nextj let us consider the advantages of 
a cautious circumspection in our "inter- 
course with the world. Slowness of be- 
lief and a proper distrust are essential to 
success. The credulous and confiding are 
ever the dupes of knaves and impostors. 
Ask those who have lost their property 
how it happened, and you will find in 
most cases that it has bf en owing to mis- 
placed confidence. One has lost by en- 
dorsing, another by crediting, another 
by false representations; all of which a 
little more foresight and a little more dis- 
trust would have prevented. In the af- 
fairs of this world men are not saved by 
faith, but by the want of it. 

Judge of men by what they do, not by 
what they eay. Believe in looks rather 
than words. Observe all their movements. 
Ascertain their motives and their ends. 
Notice what they say or do in their un- 
guarded moments, when under the influ- 
ence of excitement. The passions have 
been compared to tortures which force men 
to reveal their secrets. Before trusting a 
man, before putting it in his power to 
cause you a loss, possess yourself of every 
available information relative to him. 
Learn his history, his habits, Inclinations 
and propensities ; his reputation for honor. 
Industry, frugality and punctuality; his 
prospects, resources, supports, advantages 
and disadvantages ; his intentions and mo- 
tives of action; who are his friends and 
enemies, and whafl are his good or bad qual- 
ities. Tou may learn a man's good qualities 
and advantages from his friends—his bad 
qnahties and disadvantages from his ene- 
mies. Make due allowance for exaggeration 
in both. Finally, examine carefully before 
engaging in anything, and act with energy 
afterwards. Have the hundred eyes of 

Argns beforehand, and the hundred hands 
of Briarius afterwards. 

Order and system In the management of 
business must not be neglected. Nothing 
contributes more to dispatch. Have a 
place for everything and everything in its 
place ; a time for everything, and every- 
thing in its time. Do first what presses 
most, and having determined what is to be 
done, and how it Is to be done, lose ho 
time in doing it. Without this method all 
is hurry and confusion, little or nothing is 
accomplished, and business is attended to 
with neither pleasure nor profit, 

A polite, afikble deportment is recom- 
mended. Agreeable manners contribute 
powerfully to a man's success. Take two 
men, possessing equal advantages in every 
other respect, but let one be gentlemanly, 
kind, obliging and conciliating in his man- 
ners ; the otjier harsh, rude and disobliging; 
and the one will become rich, while tho 
■other will starve. 

We are now to consider a very important 
principle in the business of money-getting, 
namely — ^Industry — persevering, indefati- 

table attention to business. Persevering 
iligence is the Philosopher's stone, whicfi 
turns everything to gold. Constant, regu- 
lar, habitual and systematic application to 
business, must, in time, it properly directed, 
produce great results. It must lead to 
wealth, with the same certainty that pov- 
erty follows in the train of idleness and 
inattention. It has been truly remarked 
that he who follows his amusements in- 
stead of his business, will, in a short time, 
have no business to follow. 

The art of money-saving is an important 
part of theart of money-getting. Without 
frugality no one can become Hch ; with it, 
few would be poor. Those who consume 
as fast as they produce, are on the road to 
ruin. As most of the poverty we meet 
with grows out of idleness and extrava- 
gance, so most large fortunes have been 
the result of habitual industry and frugali- 
ty. The practice of economy is as neces- 
sary in the expenditure of time as of 
money. They say if " we take care of the 
pence the pounds will take care of them- 
selves." So, if we take care of the 
minutes, the days will take care of them- 

The acquisition of wealth demands as 
much self-denial, and as many sacrifices 
of present gratification, as the practice of 
virtue itself. Vice and poverty proceed, in 
some degree, from the same sources, 
namely— the disposition to sacrifice the 
future to the present ; the inability to fore- 
go a small present pleasure for great ftature 
advantages. Men fail of fortune in this 
world, as they fail of happiness in the 
world to come, simply because they are nn- 
willlng to deny themselves momentary en- 
joyments for the sake of permanent future 

Every large city is filled with persons, 
who, in order to support the appearancfc of 
wealth, constantly live beyond their in- 
come, and make up the deficiency by 
contracting debts which are never paid. 
Others, there are, the mere drones 6( so- 



ciety, who pass their days in idleness, and 
pubsist by pirating on the hives of the in- 
dustrious. Many who run a short-lived 
career of splendid beggary, conld they be 
but persaaded to adopt a system of rigid 
economy for a few years, miirht pass the 
remainder of their days in afQnence. But 
uo 1 They must keep np appearances, 
they must live like other folks. 

Their debts accumulate; their credit 
fails ; they are harassed by duns, and be- 
sieged by constables and sheriff. In this 
extremity, ae a last resort, they submit to 
a shameful dependence, or engage in crim- 
inal practices which entail hopeless wretch- 
edness and infamy on themselves and 

Stick to the business in which yon are 
regularly employed. Let speculators make 
thousands in a year or a day ; mind your 
own regular trade, never turning from it 
to the right hand or to the left. H you are 
a merchant, a professional man, or a me- 
chanic, never buy lots or stocks, nnlens 
yon have surplus money which you wish 
to invest. Your own business you under- 
stand as well as other men ; but other peo- 
Ele^B business yon do not understand. 
et your business be some one which is 
useful to the community. All such occu- 
pations possess the elements of profit in 

How to Secure the PuTdIIc Lands, 



The following circular gives all necessary 
information as to the procedure necessary 
in purchasing and securing the public 
lands ; 

Department oi* the Interiob, \ 
Gen'l Land Ofmob, July 19, 1865. ) 

Numerous questions having arisen as to 
the mode of procedure to purchase public 
lands, or acquire title to the same by bounty 
land locations, by pre-emptions or by home- 
stead, this circular is communicated for the 
information of all concerned. 

In order to acquire title to public lands 
the following steps must be taken : 

1. Application must be made to the Eeg- 
ister of the district land office in which the 
land desired may be situated. 

A list of all the land offices in the United 
States is furnished by the Department, 
with the ' seats of the different offices, 
where it is the duty of the Eegister and 
Receiver to be in attendance, and give 
proper facilities and information to persons 
desirous of obtaining lands. 

The minimum price of ordinary public 
lands is $1,35 per acre. The even or re- 
served sections falling within railroad 
"■rants are increased to double the minimum 
price, being $2,50 per acre. 

Lands once offered at public sale, and not 
afterwards kept out of market by reserva- 
tion, or otherwise, so as to prevent free 
competition, may be entered or located. 

2 By the applicant filing with the Eegis- 
ter his written application describing the 

tract, with its area ; the Eegister wiU then 
certify to the receiver whether the land is 
vacant, with its price ; and when found to 
be so, the applicant must pay that price 
per acre, or may locate the same with land 
warrant, and thereafter theEeceiver will 
give him a "duplicate receipt," which he 
16 required to surrender previous to the 
delivery to him of the patent, which may 
be had either by application for it to the 
Eegister or to the General- Land Office. 

3. If the tract has not been offered at 
public sale it is not liable to ordinary pri- 
vate entry, but may be secured by a party 
legally qualified, upon his compliance with 
the requirements of the pre-emption laws 
of 4th September, 1841, and 3d March, 1843; 
and after such party shall have made ac- 
tual settlement for such a length of time 
as will show he designs it for his perma- 
nent home, and Is acting in good, faith, 
building a house and residing therein, he 
may proceed to the district land office, es- 
tablish his pre-emption claim according to 
law, by proving his actual residence and 
cultivation, and showing that he is other- 
wise within the purview of these acts. — 
Then he can enter the land at $1,25, either 
in cash or with bounty land warrant, unless 
the premises should be $2,50 acre lands. 
In that case the whole purchase-money can 
be paid in cash, or one-half in cash, the 
residue with a bounty land warrant. 

4. But if parties legally qualified desire 
to obtain title under the. Homestead Act 
of 20th May, 1862, they can do so on com- 



.plying with the Department Circular, dated 
30th October, 1862. 

5. The law confines Homestead entries 
to surveyed lands ; and although, in cer- 
tain States and Territories noted m the sub- 
joined list, pre-emptors may go on land be- 
fore survey, yet they can only establish their 
claim,aftcr return of survey, but must file 
their pre-emption declaration within three 
months after receipt of oflQcial plat, at the 
local Jand-office where the settlement was 
made before survey. Where, however, it 
was made after survey, the claimant must 
file within three months after date of set- 
tlement ; and where actual residence and 
cultivation have been long enough to show 

that the claimant has made the land his 
permanent home, he can establish his 
claim and pay for the same at any time 
before the d^te of the public sale of lands 
within the range in which his settlement 
may fell. 

6. All unofifered surveyed lauds not ac- 
quired under pre-emption, homestead, or 
otherwise, under express legal sanction, 
must be offered at public sale under the 
President's Proclamation, and struck oflFto 
the highest bidder, as required by act of 
April 24, 1820. 

Commissioner General Land Office. 


1. A promise of a debtor to give " satis- 
factory secarity" for the payment of abor- 
tion of his debt, is a sumcient considera- 
tion for a release of the residue by his 

S. Administrators are liable to account 
for. interest on funds in their hands, al- 
though no profit shall have. been made 
upon them, unless the exigencies of the 
estate rendered it prudent that they should 
hold the funds thus uninvested; . 

8. Any person .who voluntarily becomes 
an Bgeiit for anoljher, and in that capacity 
obtains information to which as a stranger 
he could have had no access, is bound in 
subsequent dealing with his principal, as 
purchaser of the property that formed the 
subject of his agency, to communicate such 

4. When a house is rendered untenanta- 
ble in consequence of improvements made 
on the adjoining lot, the- owner of such 
cannot recover damages, because it is pre- 
sumed that he had toowledge of the ap- 
proaching danger in time to protect him- 
self from it. 

5. When a merchant ship is abandoned 
by order of the master, for the purpose of 
savmg life, and a part of the crew subse- 
quently meet the vessel so abandoned and 
bring her safe into port, they will be enti- 
tled to salvage. 

6. A person who has been led to sell 
goods by means of false pretenses, cannot 
recover them from one who has purchased 
them in good faith from the fraudulent 

7. An ao:reement by the holder of a note 
to give the principal debtor time for pay- 
ment, without depriving himself of the 
right to sue, does not discharge the surety. 

8. A seller of goods who accepts, at the 
time of sale, the note of a third party, not 
endorsed by .the buyer. In pa yment, can- 
not in case the note is not paid, hold the 
buyer responsible for the value of the 

9. A day-book copied from a "blotter" 
in which charges are first made, will not 
be received in evidence as a book of origi- 
nal entries. 

10. Common carriers are not liable for 
extraordinary results of negligence that 
could not have been foreseen by ordinary 
skill and foresight. 

11. A bidder at a Sheriff's sale may re- 
tract his bid. at any time before the prop- 
erty is knocked down to him, whatever 
may be the conditions of the sale. 

12. Acknowledgment of debt to a stran- 
ger does not preclude the operation of tlie 

13. The fruits and grass on the farm 
or garden of an intestate descend to the 

14. Agents are solely liable to their prin- 

15. A deposit of money in bank by a hus- 
band, in the name of his wife, survives to 



16. Money paid on Sunday contracts may 
be recovered. 

17. A debtor may give preference, to oiie 
creditor over another, unless fraud or special 
leg:islation can be proved. 

18. A' court cannot give judgment for a 
larger snm tban that specified in the ver- 

19. Imbecility on the part of either 
husband or wife, invalidates the mar- 

30. An action for malicious prosecution 
will lie, though nothing further was done 
than suing out warrants. 

21. An agreement not to continue the 
practice of a profession or business in any 
specified town, if the i>arty so agreeing has 
received a consideration for the same, is 

23. When A consigns goods to B to sell 
on commission, and B delivers them to C, 
in payment of his own antecedent debts, A 
can recover their value. 

23. A finder of property is compelled to 
make diligent-inquiry for the owner there- 
of, and to restore the same. If, on finding 
such property, he atterapis to conceal eucn 
fact, he may be prosecuted for larceny. 

24. A private person may obtain an in- 
junction to prevent a public mischief by 
which he is affected in common with others. 

35. Any person interested may obtain an 
injunction to restrain the State or a munici- 
pal corporation from maintaining a nuisance 
on its hinds. 

28. A discharge under the insolvent laws 
of one State will not discharge the insol- 
vent from a contract made with a citizen of 
another State. 

37. To prosecute a party with any other 
motive than to bring him to justice, ia 
malicious prosecution, and acdonable as 

28. Ministers of the gospel, residing in 
any incorporated town, are not exempt 
ft-om jury, military, or fire service. 

39. When a person contracts t;o build a 
house, and is prevented by sickness from 
finishing it, he can recover for the part per- 
formed, if such part is beneficial to the 
other party. 

30 In a suit for enticing away a man's 
wiffe, actual proof ofthejnairiage is not ne- 
cessary. (GijiteBit&tion, reputation, and the 
admissioS^of marriage by the parties, are 

31. Permanent erections and fixtures, 
made by a mortgagor after the execution of 
the mortgage upon land conveyed by it, be- 
come a par? of the mortgaged premises. 

32. When a marriage is denied, and plain- 
tiff has given sulBcient evidence to estab- 
lish it, the defendant cannot examine the 
wife to disprove the marriage. 

33. The amount of an express debt can- , 
not be enlarged by application. 

34. Contracts for advertisements in Sun- 
day newspapers cannot be enforced. 

33. A seller of goods, chattels, or other 
property, commits no fraud, in law, when 
he neglects to tell the purchaser of any 
flaws, defects, or unsoundness in the same. 

36. The opinions of witnesses, as to the 
value of a dog that has been killed, are not 
admissible in evidence. The value of the 
animal is to be decided by the jury. 

37. If any person puts a fence on or plows 
the land of another, he is liable for trespass 
whether the owner has sustained injury or 

38. If a person, who is unable from ill- 
ness to sign his will, has his hand guided 
in making his mark, the signature is valid. 

39. When land trespassed upon is occu- 
pied by a tenant, he alone can bring the 

•40. To say of a person, "Ifhe does not 
come and make terms with me, I will make 
a bankrupt of him and ruin him," or any 
such threatening language, is actionable, 
without proof of special damage. 

41. In an action for slander, the party 
making the complaintmuat prove the words 
alleged ; other words of like meaning will 
not suffice. 

42. In a suit of damages for seduction, 
proof of pregnancy, and the biri;h of a child, 
is not essential. It is sufficient if the ill- 
ness of the girl, whereby she was unable to 
labor, was produced by shame for the seduc- 
tion ; and this is such a loss of service as 
will sustain the action. 

43. Addressing to a wife a letter contain- 
ing matter defamatory to the character of 
her husband is a publication, and renders 
the writer amenable to damages. 

44. A parent cannot sustain an action for 
any wrong done to a child, unless he has in- 
curred some direct pecuniary injury there- 
from in consequence of some loss of ser- 
vice or expenses neca^sarily consequent 

46. A master is responsible for an injury 
resulting from the negligence of his ser- 
vant, whilst driving his cart or carriage, 
provided the servant is at the time engaged 
in his master's business, even though the 
accident happens in a place to which his 
master's business does "not call him ; but if 
the journey of a servant be solely for a pur- 
pose of his own, and undertaken without 
the knowledge and consent of his master, 
the latter is not responsible. 

. 46. An emigrant depot is not a nuisance 
In law. 

47. A railroad track through the streets is 
not a nuisance in law. 




48. In an action for libel against a news- 
laper, extracts from Buch newspaper may 
oe given to show its circulation, and the 
extent to which the libel has been published. 
The jury, in estimating the damages, ate 
to look at the character of the libel, and 
whether the defendant is rich or poor. The 
plaintiifis entitled, in all cases, to his ac- 
tual damages, and should be compensated 
for the mental sufferings endured, the pub- 
lic disgrace inflicted, and all actual discom- 
fort produced. 

49. Delivery of a hnsband's goods by a 
wife to her adulterer, he having knowledge 
that she has taken them without her hus- 
band's authority, is suflicieut to sustain an 
indictment for larceny against the adul- 

60. The fact that the insurer was not in- 
formed of the existence of impending liti- 
gation, affecting the premises insured, at 
the time the insurance was effected, does 
not vitiate the policy. 

Bl. The liability of an Innkeeper is not 
confined to personal baggage, but extends 
to all the property of the guest that he con- 
sents to receive. 

62. When a minor executes a contract, 
and pays money, or delivers property on the 
same, he cannot afterwards disaffirm such 
contract and recover the money, or prop- 
erty, unless he restores to the other party 
the. consideration received from him for 
such money or^roperty. 

53. When a person has, by legal inquisi- 
tion been found an habitual drunkard, he 
cannot, even in his sober intervals, make 
contracts to bind himself or his property, 
until the inquisition is removed. 

54. Any person dealing with -the repre- 
sentative of a deceased perspn, is presumed, 
in law, to be fully apprizedjpf the, extent of 
such representative's authority to act in 
behalf of such estate. .'■^„ 

65. In an action against a railroad .pOm- 
]jany, by a passenger, to recover dgmages 
for injuries sustained on the road. It is nof 
compulsory upon the plaintiff to prove ac- 
tual negligence , ini*he defendants; but it 
is obligatory on'thefpart of the latter to 
prove that theinjury'.was not owing to any 
fault or negligence of theirs. 

.56. A guest is a competent witness, in an 
action between himself and an inn-keeper, 
to prove the character and value of lost 
personal baggage.. Money in a trunk, not 
exceeding the amount reasonably required 
by the traveler to defray the expenses of 
the journey which he has undertaken, is a 
part of his baggage ; and in case of its loss, 
while at any inn, the plaintiff may prove its 
amount by his own testimony. 

SJ- The deed of a minor is not absolutely 
void. The court is authorized to judge 
flrom the instrument, whether it is void or 
not, according to its terms being favorable 
ac unfavorable to the interests of the minor 

58. A married woman can neither sue nor 
be sued on any contract made by her dur- 
ing her marriage, except in an action relat- 
ing to her individual property. The action 
must be commenced either by or against 
her husband. It is .only when an action 
is brought on a contrapt itxade by her be- 
fore her marriage, thiit .fliefsto be joined 
as a co-plaiutin, or defendant, with her hus- 

59. Any contract made with a person ju- 
dicially declared a lunatic is void. 

60. Money paid voluntarily in any trans- 
action, with a knowledge of the facts, can- 
not he recovered. 

61. In all cases of special contract for ser- 
vices, except in the case of a minor, the 
plaintiff can recover only the amount stip- 
ulated in the contract. 

62. A wife is a competent witness with 
her husband, to prove the contents of & lost 
trunk, or when a party, 

63. A wife cannot be convicted ofreceiv* 
ing stolen goods when she received them 
of ner husband. 

64. Insurance against fire, by lightning or 
otherwise, does not cover loss by lightning 
when there is no combustion. 

65. Failure to prove plea of justification, 
in a case of slander, aggravates the offence. 

66. It is the agreement of the parties .to 
sell by sample that constitutes a sale by 
sample, not the mere exhibition of a speci- 
men of the goods. 

67. An agent is liable to his principals 
for loss caused by Ms misstatements, tho' 

68. Makers of promissory notes given in 
advance for premiums on policies of insur- 
ance, thereafter to be taken, are liable there- 

69. An agreement to pay for procuring an 
appointment to office is void. 

70. An attorney may plead the statute of 
limitations, when sued ,by a client for mon-' 
ey which he has collected and failed to pay 

71. Testimony givQn by a deceased wit- 
ness on first trial, is not required to be^ie: • 
peatcd verbatim on the second.. . ,;> ■ 

72. A person entitling himself to a reward 
offered for lost property, has a lien upon the 
property for the reward ; but only when a 
definite reward is offered. 

73. Confession by a prisoner must be vol- 
untarily made,to constitute evidence against 

74. The defendant in a suit must be serv- 
ed with process; but service of such pro- 
cess upon his wife, even in his absence from 
the State, is not, in the absence of statuto- 
ry provisions, sufficient. 



75. The measure of damasea in trespass 
for catting timber, is its value as a chattel 
on the land where it was felled, and not the 
market price of the lumber manufactured. 

78. To support an indictment for mali- 
cious mischief in killing an animal, mal- 
ice towards its owner must be shown, not 
merely passion excited against the animal 

77. No action can be maintained against 
a sheriff for omitting to account for money 
obtained upon an execution within a reas- 
ohable time. He has till the return day to 
render such account. 

78. An interest in the profits of an enter- 
prise, as profits, renders the party hold- 
ing it a partner in the enterprise, and 
mikes him presumptively liable to share 
any loss. 

79. Males can marry at fourteen, and fe- 
males at twelve years of age. 

80. All cattle found at large upon any pub- 
lic road, can be driven by any person to the 
public pound. 

81. Any dog chasing, barking, or other- 
wise threatening a passer-by in any street, 
lane, road, or other public thoroughfare, 
may be lawfully killed for the same. 

83. A written promise for the payment 
of such amount as may come into the hands 
of the promisor, is held to be an instru- 
ment in writing for the payment of money. 

8.?. The declaration of an agent is not ad- 
missible to establish the fact of agency. — 
But when other proper evidence is given, 
tending to establish the fact of agency, it 
is not error to admit the declarations of the 
agent, accompanying acts, though tend- 
ing to ahow the capacity in which he act- 
ed! When evidence is competent in one 
respect and incompetent in another, it is 
the duty of the court to admit it, and con- 
trol its effects by suitable instructions to 
the jury. 

84. The court has a general power to re- 
move or suspend an attorney for such im- 
moral conduct as rendered him unworthy 
of confidence in hia official capacity. 

85. Bankruptcy is pleadable in bar to all 
actions and in all courts, and this bar may 
be avoided whenever it is interposed, by 
showing fraud in the procurement of the 
discharge, or a violation of any of the pro- 
visions of the bankrupt act. 

86. An instrument in the form of a deed, 
but limited to take effect at the termination 
of the grantor's natural life, is held to be a 
deed, not a will. 

87. A sale will not be set aside as froud- 
nlent, simply because the buyer was at the 
time unable to make the payment agreed 
upon, and knew his inabihty, and did not 
intend to pay. 

88. No man is under an obligation to 
make known his circumstances when he is 
buying goods. 

89. Contracting parties are bound to dis- 
close material facts known to each, but of 
which either supposes the other to be igno- 
rant, only when they stand in some special 
relation of trust and confidence in relation 
to the subject matter of the contract. But 
neither will be protected if he does any- 
thing, however slight, to mislead or deceive 
the other. 

90. A contract negotiated by mail is 
formed when notice of acceptance of the of- 
fer is duly deposited in the post-offlce, pro- 
perly addressed. This rule applies, although 
the party making the ofter expressly re- 
quires that if it IB accepted, speedy notice 
of acceptance shall be given him. 

91. The date of an instrument is so far a 
material part of it, that an alteration of 
the date by the holder after execution, 
makes the instrument void. 

93. A corporation may maintain an action 
for libel, for words published of them and 
relating to its trade or business, by which 
it has incurred special damages. 

93. It is unprofessional for a lawyer who 
has abandoned his case without trying it, 
a term or two before trial, to claim a fee 
conditional upon the success of his client, 
although his client was succcssftal. 

94. Although a party obtaining damages 
for injuries received through the default of 
another, was himself guilty of negligence, 
yet that will not defeat his recovery, unless 
his negligence contributed to cause the In- 

95. A person may contract to labor for an- 
other during life, in consideration of receiv- 
ing his support ; but his creditors have the 
right to inquire' into the intention with 
which such arrangement is made, and it will 
be set aside if entered into to deprive them 
of bis future earnings. 

96. A grantor may by express terms ex- 
clude the bed of a river, or a highway, 
mentioned as boundary; but if without 
language of exclusion a line is described as 
* along, or ' upon,' or as ' running to ' the 
highway or river, or as ' by,' or ' running to 
the bank of the river; these expressions 
carry the grantee to the center of the high- 
way or river. 

97. The court will take pains to construe 
the words used in a deed in such a way as 
to effisct the intention of the parties, how- 
ever unskiUfully the instrument may be 
drawn. But a court of law cannot exchange 
an intelligible word plainly employed , in a 
deed for another, however evident it may 
be that the word used was used by mistake 
for another. 

98. One whp has lost his meinory and 
understauding is entitled to legal protec- 
tion, whether such loss is oCoasiOned by 
his own misconduct or by an act of Provi- 



99. When a wife leaves her hueband vol- 
untarily, it must be shown, in order to 
make him liable for necessaries furnished 
to her, that she could not stay with safety. 
Personal violence, either threatened or in- 
flicted, will be sufficient cause for such Bep- 

100. Necessaries of dress furnished to a 
discarded wife must correspond with the 
pecuniary circumstances of the husband, 
and be such articles as the wife, if prudent, 
would expect, and the ^husband should 
furnish, if the parties lived harmoniously 

101. A fugitive from justice from one of the 
United States to another, may be arrested 
and detained in order to his surrender by 
authority of the latter, Vi'ithout a previous 
demand for his surrender by the executive 
ol' the State whence he fled. 

102. A watch will not pass under a be- 
quest of '' wearing apparel," nor of 
'■ household furniture and articles for fami- 
ly use." 

103. Money paid for the purpose of set- 
tling or compounding a prosecution for a 
supposed felony, cannot be recovered back 
by a party paying it. 

104. An innkeeper is liable for the death 
of an animal in his possession, but may free 
himself from liabilitjjr by showing that the 
death was not occasioned by negligence on 
his part. 

105. Notice to the agent of a company is 
notice to the company. 

10(1. An employer is not liable to one of 
his employees foranlnjury sustained by the 
latter in consequence of the neglect of oth- 
ers of his employees engaged m the same 
general business. 

107. Where a purchaser at a Sheriff's sale 
has bid the full price of property under 
the erroneous belief that the sale would di- 
vest the property of all liens, it is the duty 
of the court to give relief by setting aside 
the sale. 

108. When notice of protest is properly 
sent by mail, it may be sent by the mail of 
the day of the dishonor; if not, it must be 
mailed for the mail of the next day ; ex- 
cept that if there is none, or it closes at an 
unseasonably early hour, then notice must 
be mailed in season for the next possible 

109. A powder-house located in a populous 
part of a city, and containing large quanti- 
ties of gunpowder, is a nuisance. 

110. When the seller of goods accepts at 
the time of the sale, the note of a third per- 
son, unindorsed by the purchaser, in pay- 
ment, the presumption is that the pay- 
ment was Intended to be absolute ; arid 
though the note should be dishonored, the 
purchaser will not be liable for the value of 
the goods. 

111. A man charged witb crime before a 
committing magistrate, but discharged on 
his own recognizance, is not privileged 
from arrest on civil process while returning 

from the magistrate s ofllce. 

112. When one has been induced to sell 
goods by means of false pretences, he can- 
not recover them from one who has bona 
fide purchased and obtained possession of 
them from the fraudulent vendor. 

113. If the circumstances attendant upon 
a sale and delivery of personal property are 
such as usually and naturally accompany 
such a transaction, it cannot be declared a 
legal fraud upon creditors. 

114. A stamp impressed upon an instru- 
ment by way of seal, is good as a seal, if it 
creates a durable impression in the texture 
of the paper. 

115. If a party bound to make a payment 
use due diligence to make a tender, hut 
through the payee's absence from home is 
unable to find him or any agent authorized 
to take payment for him, no forfeiture will 
be incurred througb his failure to make a 

Oovernment Land ITIeasure. 

A township, 3(i sections, each a mile 

A section, 640 acres. 

A quarter section, half a milB square, 
1(50 acres. 

An eighth section, half a mile long, north 
and south, and a quarter of a mile wide, 80 

A sixteenth section, a quarter of a mile 
square, 40 acres. 

The sections are numbered from one to 
thirty-six, commencing at the northeast 
corner, thus: 






n w n e 
B w 8 e 































The sections are all divided in quarters, 
which are named by the cardinal points, , 
as in section one. The quarters are divi- 
ded in the same way. The description of, 
a 40 acre lot would read : The south half: 
of the west half of the southwest quarter] 
of section', m township ^4.. north of rangff] 
7 west, or as the case might be ; and somcj 
times will fall short, and sometimes overrairi 
the number of acres it is snppjosed, to con- 
tain. ' 







As Antliorlzei ly Act of Goigress-AjproM My 28, 1866. 


In every system of Weights and Measures 
It is necessary to have what are called 
^' Stcmdards,'" as the pound, yard, gallon, 
<Sic., to he divided and multiplied mto 
smaller and larger parts and denominations. 
The definition and construction of these 
Standards Involve phUoBophical and scien- 
tiflc principles of 'a somewhat abstruse 
character, and are made and procured by 
the legislative department of the govern- 
ment. The nominal Standards in the new 
system are the Meteb, the Abb, the Litbh, 
and the Gbah. The only real Standard, the 
one by which all the other standards are 
measured, and ftom which the system de- 
rives its name of " Metric," is the Mbteb. 


Is used for all measures of length, distance! 
breadth, depth, heighth, &c, and was in- 
tended to be, and is very nearly, one ten- 
millionth of the distance on the earth b 
snrface from tlie equator to the pole. It as 
about 39% inches, or 8 feet, 3 mches and 
3 eighths, and is to be substituted for the 

Is a sur&ce whose side Is ten Meters, and 
is equal to 100 square Meters or about 4 
square rods; 

la the unit for measuring solids and capa- 
ity, and is equal to the contents of a cube 
whose edge IS one-tenth of a meter. It is 
about equal to 1 quart, and is a standard in 
cubic, dry and liquid measures. 


|^~ A cubic Meter (or Eiloliter) is callad 
a atere, and is also usedas a standard in cer- 
tain cubic measures. 


Is ttie Unit of weight, and is the weight of 
a cube of pure water, each edge of the cube 
being one one-hundredth of a Meter. It is 
about equal to 16^ grains. It is intraided 
as the Standard in aU weights, and with its 
divisions and multiples, to supersede- the 
use of what are . now called Avoirdii^ois, 
Apothecaries and Troy Weights. 

Bach of the foregoing Standards is divi- 
ded decimally, and larger units are also 
formed by multiples of 10, 100, &g. The 
successive subordinate parts are designa- 
ted by the prefixes Deci, Centi and Milll ; 
the successive multiples by Deka, Hecto, 
Kilo and Myria ; each having its own nu- 
merical signification, as will be more clear- 
ly seen in the tables hereinafter ^ven. 

The terms used may, at first sight, have 
a formidable appearancej seem difficult to 
pronounce, and to retain in memory, and to 
be, therefore, objectionable ; but with a lit- 
tle attention and use, the apprehended dif- 
ficulty will be found more apparent than 
real, as baa been abundantly pioved by ex- 
perience. The importance, also,, of con- 
formity in the use of commercial terms, on 
the part of the United -States, with the 
practice of the many nations in which the 
system, witti, itt present riomenelatare, has 
already been adopted, muat gteatlj over- 
balance the comparatively slight, objection 
alluded to. 





4 farthing make] penny. 
13 pence *' lehilling. 
30 BhiUmgs " 1 ponnd. 



10 mills make 1 cent. 
10 cents " 1 dime. 
10 dimes " 1 dollar. 

10 millimeters make 1 centimetsr. 

10 centimeters 

10 decimeters 

10 meters 

10 dekameters 

10 hectometers 

10 kilometers 





100 square millimeters make 
100 square centimeters 
100 square decimieters 
loo centares 
100 ares 

1 square centimeter. 

1 square decimeter. 

1 square meter or ceittaee. 

1 ABE. 

1 hectare. 

J^^ The denominations less than the Are, including the Meter, are used in speciftina 
the contents of surfaces of small extent ; the terms Oentare, Are and HeeUwe in exDreS ' 
sing quantities of land surveyed or measured. »"'.>,»" cip.eii 

The ahove table may, however, be continued beyond the Meter, thus : 

100 s<|uare meters make 

100 square dekameters "' 

loo B<^are hectometers " 

100 square kilometers " 

1 square deksmeter. 

1 square hectometer. 

1 square kilometer. 

1 square myriameter. 


1000 cubiemillimeteFS 

1000 cubic centimeters 

1000 cnMcdecinleters 

1000 cubic meters 

lOOO cubic dekameters 

1000 cubic hectometers 

1000 cubic kilometers 

For SoMs. 

make 1 cubic centimeter. 

1 cubic decimeter or liter, 

1 cubic meter or stere. 

1 cubic dekameter. 

1 cubic hectometer. 

1 cubic kilometer. 

1 cubic myriameter. 

Eor Brv and Li^aM Meaewrea. 

10 milliliters 

10 centiliters 

10 deciliters 

10 liters 

10 dekaliters 

10 hectoliters 

10 kilolitets 





[^-ALiTEE, the standard of Measures of Capacity, usually in s cvlindrioal form is 
Tl^:^l^l^f^^lX^r^^ " "^^ one-thousLdthVof aWcS^e^t^^^SiS 
andSeJ""'"®''^""'' *' »'='"'i=^<«'- a°d"i8«dM a unit in measuring firewood 

10 deeisteres make 1 stere. 

10 Bteres " i dekastere. 

,— New, 








millier or tonneau. 




make 1 





U -1 



" 1 


*► 1 



kl 1 



*' 1 



** 1 


11 1 






















































Acts and Resolutions of Congress. 

PUBLIC — ISTo. 183. 

AN ACT to authorize the use of the metric 
system of weights and measures. 

Be it enacted ty the Senate and Houee of 

ea in Congreea assembled. That from and af- 
ter the passage of this act, it shall be law- 
ful throughout the United States of Ameri- 
ca to employ the weights and measures of 
the metric:system ; and no contract or deal- 
ing, or pleading in any court, shall be 
deemed invalid or liable to objection, be- 

cause the weights ormeasores expressed or 
referred to therein are weights or measures 
of the metric system. 

Sbo. 2. And be it further enacted. That 
the tables in the schedule hereto annexed, 
shall be recognized in the construction of 
contracts, and in all legal proceedings, as 
establishing, in terms of the weights and 
measures now In use in the United States, 
the equivalents of the weights and meas- 
ures expressed therein in terms of the me- 
tric system ; and said tables maybe lawful- 
ly used for computing, determining and ex- 
pressing, in customary weights and meas- 
ures, the weights and measures of the metric 


Meteio Denomhtations and Valitbb. Bquitalents in Denominations in Use 

Myriametre, 10,000 metres. 

Kilometre, 1,000 metres, 

Hectometre, 100 metres, 

Dekametre, 10 metres. 

Metre, 1 metre. 

Decimetre, 1-lOth of a metre. 

Centimetre, 1-lOOth of a metre, 

Millimetre, . . . . 1-lOOOth of a metre. 

6.3137 miles. 

0.62137 mile, or 2,280 feet and 10 inches. 

328 feet and one inch. 

393.7 inches. 

39.37 inches. 

3.937 inches. 

0.3937 inch. 

0.0394 inch. 


Metbio Denominations and Values. 

Hectare, 10,000 square metres. 

Are, 100 square metres, 

Centare, 1 square metre. 

EquiTAMiitTS nj Denomikations in Use. 

2.471 acres. 

119.6 square yards. 

1.650 square mches. 




£ mm S'o 




g a a g. o u g 



■S 88 ,S ,2 ** w " 

tf o u 5 o S S 






HOimrAnoiiBiii TTss. 


No. of 

■Weight of what quantity of 
water at mazimom density. 

A.yolidnp<^ weight. 

MilUer or tonneau,. 













10 litres 

2304.6 pounds. 
S20.4B pounds. 
22.046 ponndB. 
2.2046 pounds. 



IdeclUtre, f... 


10 cubic centimetres, 

352? ounce. 

16.432 grains. 
0.5432 grain. 
0.1643 grain. 
0.0164 grain. 


.1 of a cubic centimetre 


1 cubic millimetre, . .' 


At Seven per Cent. In Dollars and Gentfs, ttova. fl to 910,000. 


1 day. 

7 days. 

16 days. 

1 mo. 

3 mos. 

6 mos. 

12 mos. 


$ C. 

$ C. 

t c. 

$ C. 

$ C. 

$ C. 

$ C. 






01 Ji 






































01 Ji 































01 Ji 





















2 10 







1 40 

2 80 







1 75 

3 60 










• 04 






14 00 







10 60 





2 33>f 


14 00 

28 00 





2 91?i 

8 75 

17 60 

35 00 




2 92 

6 83>4 

17 50 

35 00 

70 00 



2 72X 


11 66« 


78 00 

140 00 



4 08K 

8 75 

17 50 

62 50 

105 00 

210 00 



6 44>f 


23 33)f 

70 00 

140 00 

280 00 



6 80Jtf 

14 58 

29 16X 

87 60 

175 00 

350 00 



13 61 

29 17 

58 33 

175 OO 

350 00 

700 00 



Discount and Premlam. 

When a person bpys an article for $1,00— 
20 per cent off, (or discount,) and sells It 
again for $1,00, he makes a profit of 2S per 
cent. on his investment. Thus: He pays 
80 cents and sells for $1,00— a gain of 30 
cents, or 85 per cent of 80 cents. And for 
any transaction where the sale or purchase 
of gold, silver, or currency is concerned, 
the following rales will apply in all cases. 

EtTLB Ist.— To find premium when dis- 
count is given: Multiply 100 hy rate of 
discount and divide by 100, lees rate of dis- 

EuLK 2d.— To find discount when pre- 
mium is given, Multiply the rate of interest 
by 100, and divide by 100, plus the rate of 

Suppose A has $140 in currency, which 
he wishes to exchange for gold, when gold 
is 27 per cent, ^premium, how much gold 
shonla he receive ? In this case the pre- 
mium is given, consequently we must find 
the discount on A's currency and subtract 
it from the $140, as per rule 2d, showing 
the discount to be a tnfle more than 21 per 
cent, and that he should receive $110.60 in 
6 pr ct. Dls. allows +5Ji pr ot. Pre. or profit 

10" " " +11 '" II " 41 



8^- A 

100 " " " 

„„- (+) denotes the profits to 

be a fraction more than specified. A (*) 
denotes profits to be a fraction less than 

Table of TTelglits of Oraln, 
Seeds, See. 


Barley weighs 48 lb. per bushel. 

Beans ^' 63 " " 

Buckwheat" 48 " " 

CloverSeed 60 " " 

Com weighs ..58 " " 

Flaxseed* " 55 " " 

Oats " 82 " " 

Peas " ....60 " " 

Potatoes " 60 " " 

Bye " 56 " " 

TimothySeed 44 " " 

Wheat 60 " " 

*Plax Seed by cust'm weighs 56 lb. per bush. 

Facts on Advertising. 

The advertisements In an ordinary num- 
ber of the London Times exceed 2,500. The 
annual advertising bUls of one London firm 
SJLSSL*" "mopiit to $200,000: and three 
2S,if.,T® mentioned wlB. eacL annually 
expend for the purpose $60,000. Theex- 
fh?'?. Wn'.^^fMl'^SLthe eight editions of 
the "Bncyolopffidla MtannTa" is said to 
have been $16,000. 

In large cities nothing is more common 
than to see large business establishments, 
which seem to have an immense advantage 
over all competitors, by the wealth, expe- 
rience, and prestige they have acquired, 
drop gradually out of public view, and be 
succeeded by firms of a smaller capital, 
more energy, and more determined to have 
the fact tl£t they sell such and such com- 
modities knovm from one end of the land to 
the other. ' In other words, the establish- 
ments advertise; the old die of dignity,— 
The former are ravenous to pass out of ob- 
scurity into publicity; the latter believe 
that their publicity is so obvious that it 
cannot be obscured. The first understand 
that they must thrust themselves upon 
public attention, or be disregarded; the 
second, having once obtained public atten- 
tion, suppose they have arrested it perma- 
nently; while, in met, nothing Is more char- 
acteristic of the world than the ease with 
which It forgets. 

Stephen Glrard, than whom no shrewder 
business man ever lived, used to say : I 
have always considered advertising liber- 
ally and long to be the great medium of 
success in business, and the prelude to 
wealth. And I have made It an invariable 
rule too, to advertise in the dullest times 
as well as the busiest ; long experience 
having taught me that money thus spent is 
well laid out ; as by keeping my business 
continually before the public it has secured 
ine many sales that I would otherwise have 

Capacity of Cisterns or TTells. 

Tabular view of the number of gallons 
contained in the clear, between the brick 
work for each ten inches of depth : 



2 feet 

equals 19 
^' 30 


































" 705 








" 1958 


" 8059 



Brilliant Whltowasli. 

Many have heard of the brilliant stncco 
whitewash on the east end of the Froel- 
dent's house at WashlnEton, The fbllow- 
Ing 1b a recipe fbr it ; It Is gleaned from the 
Xatlonal IntoUlgencor. wltb some addi- 
tional Improvements learned by experi- 
ments : Take half a bushel of nice un- 
slaclced lime, slack It with boiling water, 
cover it during the process to keep in the 
steam. Strain the liquid through a fine 
sievu or strainer, and add to it a peck of 
salt, previously well dissolved in warm wa- 
ter ; tltree pounds of ground rice, boiled to 
a thin paste, and stirred inboillnehot;half 
a pound of powdered Spanish whiting, aud 
a pound of clean glue, which has been pre- 
viously dissolved by soaking it well, and 
then hanging it over a slow nre, in a small 
kettle within a large one filled with water. 
Add five gallons ofnot water to the mixture, 
stir it well, and let It stand a few days cov- 
ered Jtom the dirt. 

It should be put on right hot ; for this 
purpose it can be kept Tu a kettle on a 
portable furnace. It Is said that about a 
pint of tills mixture will cover a square 
yard upon the outside of a house if proper- 
ly applied. Brushes more or less small may 
be used according to the neatness of the Job 
required. It answers as well as oil paint 
fbr wood, brick or scone, and is cheaper. 
It retains its brilliancy for many years. 
There is nothing of tuo kind that will 
compare with it, either for inside or outside 

Coloring matter may be put In and made 
of any shade you like, Spanish brown 
stirred in will make red pink, more or lees 
deep according to the quantity, A delicate 
tinge of this is very pretty, for Inside walls. 
Finely pulverized common clay, well mixed 
with Spanish brown, makes u reddish stone 
color. Yellow-ochre stirred in makes yel- 
low wash, bnt chrome goes flirther, and 
makes a color generally esteemed prettier. 
In all those cases the darkness of the shades 
of course is determined by the quantity of 
coloring used. It is difficult to make rules, 
because tastes are different. It would be 
best to try experiments on a shingle and let 
It dry. We have been told that green must 
not be mixed with lime. The lime de- 
stroys tlie color, and the color has an effect 
on the whitewash, which makes It crack 
and peel. When walls have been badly 
smoked, and you wish to have them a clean 
whlte.ltls well to squeeze Indigo plenti- 
fully through a bag into the water you use, 
before It Is stirraa In the whole mixture. 
If a larger quantity than five gallons be 
wanted, the some proportion should be ob- 

n.ovr to set u Horse out of a 

The great difficulty of getting horses ftom 
a stable where surrounding buildings are in 
a state of conflagation, is well known.— 
The plan of oovenng their eyes with a blan- 
ket will not always succeed. 

A gentleman whose horses have been In 
groat peril ftom such a cause, having tried 

In vain to save them, hit upon the expedi- 
ent of having them harnessed as though go- 
ing to their usual work; when, to his aston- 
ishment, they wore led team the stable 
without difficulty. 

The Cliomleal Barometer. 

Take a long narrow bottle, such as an old- 
fashioned Eau-de-Cologne bottle, aud put 
into it two and a half <uachms of camphor, 
and eleven drachms of spirits of wine ; 
when the camphor is dissolved, which it 
will readily do by slight agitation, add the 
following mixture: Take water, nin* 
drachms: nitrate of potash (saltpetref 
thirty-eight grains; and muriate of am- 
monia (sal ammoniac) thirty-eight grains. 
Dissolve these salts in the water prior to 
mixing with the camphorated spirit : then 
shake the whole well together. Cork the 
bottle well, and wax the top, but after- 
wards make a very small aperture In the 
cork with a red-hot needle. The bottle may 
then be hung up, or placed In any stationa- 
ry position. By observing the different 
appearances which the materials assume, 
as the weather changes, it becomes an ex- 
cellent prognosticator of a coming storm or 
of a sunny sky. 

I>eoob Barometer! 

Take an eight ounce phial, and put in it 
three gills of water, and place in It a healthy 
leech, changing the water In summer once 
a week, and In winter once In a fortnight, 
and It will most accurately prognosticate 
the weather. If the weather Is to be flnej 
the leech lies motionless at the bottom of 
the glass and coiled together in a spiral 
form ; if rain may be expected, it will creep 
up to the top of Its lodgings and remain 
there till the weather is settled ; if we are 
to have wind. It will move through its habi- 
tation \flth amazing swiftness, and seldom 
goes to rest till it begins to blow hard ; if a 
remarkable storm or thunder and rain is to 
succeed, it will lodge for some days before 
almost continually out of the water, and 
discover great uneasiness In violent throes 
and convulslve-l^ke motions ; in ftost as in 
clear summer-like weather it lies constantly 
at the bottom ; and in snow as in rainy 
weather It pitches its dwelling in the very 
mouth of the phial. The top should be cov- 
ered over with a piece of muslin. 

To Mbuttbi Obain in a Bm.— Find the 
number of cubic feet, team which deduct 
oru-XftA. The remainder is the number of 
busnels — allowing, however, one bushel 
extra to every SSf. Thus in a remainder of 
DM there would be SSS bushels. In a re- 
mainder of 448 there would be 460 bushels. 




[The fonowUg recipes areToacbed for by 
several who have tried them and proven 
their virtuee. Many of themhavebeen sold 
singly for iuoi?e than the price of this 
book.—." — ' 

book.— Pub.] 


Erss Boira akd Spatw.— 2oz. each of 
Spanish flies and Venice tnrpentine; 1 oz. 
each of aqua ammonia and euphorbium ; ^ 
oz. red preelpltttte ; Jf oz. corrosive snbli- 
mate ; IX lbs. lard. When thoroughly pul- 
verized and mixed, heat carefully so as not 
to bum, and pour off free from sediment. 

For ringHbonet rub in thoroughly, after 
removing hair, once in 48 hours. For spav- 
in, once in 24 hours. Cleanse and press 
out the matter on each application. 

PoLL-EvH.. — Gum arable X oz : common 
potash a oz ; extract of belladonna X dr. 
Put the gum in Just enough water to dis- 
solve it. Pulverize the potash and mix 
with the dissolved gum, and then put in the 
extract of belladonn8,8ndit willbeready for 
use. Use with a syringe after having 
cleansed with soap suds, and repeat once 
m two days till a cure is affected. 

Soomis.- Powdered tormentil root, giv- 
en in njilk, from 3 to 5 times daUy till cured. 

Qkease-Hbbi, akd Scbatcheb.— Sweet 
OTie oze^borax 8 ozs.; sugar of lead 2 ozs. 
Wash off with dish water, and, after it is 
dry, apply the mixture twice a day. 

Chomo ra HoBSBB.— To X pt. of warm 
water add 1 oz. laudanum and 3 ozs. spirits 
of turpentine, and repeat the dose in about 

U not"?eUeve'd"''^^°® ^ °^' P°^**"^ ^^o^^, 

1 S TT™"^„*.°'?»- l»t- 2 q'B milk and 
1 ofmolasses. ad. 15 minutes after, 2 qts. 

^* m ,5.*^* ****• !!• A^^' tl>e expiration 
of 30 minutes, sufflclent lard to physic- 
Never fails. vi-i"- 


Piles— Phbtbotlt Ccbei).- Takeflonrol 
sulphur 1 oz., rosin 3 ozs., pulverize and mix 
well together. (Color with carmine or 
cochineal, if you like.) i>o»«— What will 
lie on a five cent piece, night and momiipg,. 
washing the parts freely in cold water once 
or twice a day. This is a remedy of great 

The cure will be materially hastened by 
taking a table-spoon of sulphur in a half 
pint of milk, daily, until the cure is affected. 

SmiE CmiB FOB CoBNS, Warts aj»J), 
Chilblains.— Take of nitric and murmCic 
acids, blue vitriol and salts of tartar, 1 oz. 
each. Add the blue vitriol, pulverized, to 
either of the acids; adSthe salts of tartar 
in the same way ; when done foaming, add 
the other acid, and in a few days it will be 
ready for use. For chilblains and corns 
apply it very lightly with a swab, and re- 
peat in a day or two until cured. For warts, 
once a veek, until they disappear. 

Hoor-An, in Sheep.— Mix S ozs. each of 
butter of antimony and muriatic acid with 
1 oz. cf pulverized white vitriol, and apply 
once or twice a week to the bottom of^the 

CoMuoir RHStruATisH.— Kerosene oil 2 
ozs.; neats-foot oil 1 oz.; oil of organum }i 
oz. Shake when nsed, and rub and heat in 
twice daily. 

Vbbt Fine Soap, QinoKiT ahb Cheap- 
ly Made. — Fourteen pounds of bar soap 
in a half a boiler of hot water ; cut up fine ; 
add three pounds of sal-soda made fine; 
one ounce of pulverized yosin; stir it often 
till all is dissolved : jnst as you take it off 
the fire, put in two table-spoonfuls of spirits 
of turpentine and one of ammonia : pour it 
in a barrel, and fill »p with cold soft water; 
let it stand three or four days before using. 
It is an excellent soap for washing clothes, 
extracting the dirt readily, and not feding 
colored articles. 



Wateb Pbooi' fob Lbathbb.— Take lin- 
seed oil 1 pint, yellow wax and white tur- 
pentine each 3 oza. Bnrgnndy pitch 1 oz., 
melt and color with lampblacK. 

To Ebbp Cidxb Swmt.— Pat into each 
barrel, immediately after making, }( lb. 
gronnd mustard, 2 oz. salt and 8 oz. pnlTer- 
ized chalk. Stirthem in a little cider, poor 
them into the barrel, and shake np well. 

Agtts Ctjbb.— Proctire 1^ table-apoons of 
f^esh mandrake root juice, (by pounding) 
and mix with the same quantity of molas- 
ses, and take in three equal doses, 3 hours 
a part, the whole to be taken 1 hour before 
the chill comes on. Take a swallow of 
some good bitters before meals, for a couple 
of weeks after the chills are broken, and the 
cure will be permanent. 

Cdrk fob Sait Ehbum ob Sourtt. — 
Take of the pokeweed, any time in enm- 
mer ; pound it ; press out the juice ; strain 
it into a pewter dish; set it in the sun till it 
becomes a salve— then put it into an earth- 
en mug: add to it fresh water and bees^ 
wax safacient to make an ointment of com- 
mon consistency ; simmer the whole over 
a Are till thoroughly mixed. When cold, 
rub the part affected. The patient will, al- 
most immediately experience its good ef- 
fects, and the most obstinate cases will be 
cured in three or four months. Tested. — 
The juice of the ripe berries may be pre- 
pa red in the same way. 

Suteriob Paint — for Bbiok Honsiss.— 
To lime whitewash, add for a fastener, sul- 
phate of zinc, and shade with any color you 
choose, as yellow ochre, Venetian red, etc. 
It outlasts oil paint. 

Felons. — Stirloz. of Venice turpentine 
with a tea-spoonfbl of watw, till it looks 
like candied honey, and apply by spreading 
upon cloth and wrapping around the finger. 
If not too long delayed will cure in 6 hours. 

A poke root poultice is also said to be a 
sure remedy. 

Watbb-Peoof Blackino and Harness 
Polish.— Take two and a half ounces gum 
shellac and half a pint of alcohol, and set 
in a warm place until dissolved ; then add 
two and a half ounces Venice turpentine 
to neutralize the alcohol ; add a tableepoon- 
ful of lampblack. Apply with a fine sponge. 
It will give a goodpblisa over oil or grease. 

MosquiTOB.— To get rid of these tormen- 
tors, take a few hot coals on a shovel, or a 
chafing dish, and burn upon them some 
brown sugar in yonr bed-rooms and parlors, 
and you effectually banish or destroy every 
mosquito for the night. 

Cheap Outsidb Paint.— Take two parts 
(in bulk) of water lime ground fine, one part 
(in bulk) of white lead ground in oil. Mix 
them thoroughly, by adding best boiled lin- 
seed oU,enoagh to prepare it to pass through 
a paint mill, after which temper with oil 
tifl it can be applied with a common paint 
brush. Make any colbr to suit. It will last 
three times as long as lead paint, and cost 
not one-fourth as much. It is Stjfbriob. 

CiniB FOB A Cough. — A strong decoction 
of the leaves of the pine, sweetened with 
loaf sugar. Take a wine-glass warm on go- 
ing to bed, and half an hour before eating, 
three times a day. The above is sold as a 
cou^h syrup, and is doing wonderful cures, 
and it is sold at a great profit to the manu- 

Bow to JTadse a Horse. 

A correspondent, contrary to old maxims, 
undertakes to judge the character of a horse 
by outward appearances, and offers the fol- 
lowing suggestions, the result of his close 
observation and long experience : 

If the color be light sorrell, or chestnut, 
his feet, legs and face white, these are 
marks of kiimness. If he is broad and full 
between the eyes, he may be depended on 
as a horse of good sense, and capable of be- 
ing trained to anything. 

As respects snch horses, the more kindly 
you treat them the better you will be treat- 
ed in return. Nor will a horse of this de- 
scription stand a whip, if well fed. 

K you want a safe horse, avoid one that 
is dish-fiiced. He may be so far gentle as 
not to scare ; but he Trail have too much go- 
ahead in him to be safe with everybody. 

If you want a fool, but a horse of great 
bottom, get a deep bay, with not a white 
hair about him. If his face is a little dish- 
ed, so much the worse. Let no man ride 
such a horse that is not an adept in ridmg 
—they are always tricky and unsafe. 

If you want one that will never give out, 
never buy a large, overgrown one. 

A black horse cannot stand heat, nor a 
white one cold. 

If you want a gentle horse, get one with 
more or less white about the head ; the 
more the better. Many persons suppose 
the parti-colored horses belonging to the 
circuses, shows, &c., ars selected for their 
oddity. But the selections thus made are 
on account of their great docility and gen- 

measnrement of Hay In tbe 

mo'Vr or Stack* — It is often desirable, 
where conveniences for weighing are not at 
hand, to pnrchase and sell luiy by measure- 
ment. It is evident that no fixed rule will 
answer in all cases, as it would require 
more cubic feet at the top of a mow than at 
the bottom. The general rule adopted by 
those who have tested it, is tH cubic feet of 
solid Timothy bay, as taken from mow or 
bottom of stack. The rule may be varied 
for upper part of mow or stack according 
to pressure. 



-A^lmanao or Calendar for 30 Years. 














1874 ■ 





































































. Tues. 





























Jan. and Oct. 





















• G 



Feb., Mar., 







c . 









Sept. & Dec. 








April & July. 








Mm^^fl7inTTr^ui'',?7!i''L''°T*.?'"^^« t''^ ^«'*" absreit; then look for the 
^d tte fl^r?. oi^L^i"^ 'J "Jl^ *''^ ^^^^^ °' *"» ^«" ; «'"''? tlie Letter find the D»y f '■ 
and the flgures on the left, in the same line, are the days o/ the B»me name in the mpnfi; 

t^^Jy^i'^^^^rot'x^'^k^^'"^^^^''^^ ™ "''' ■*'"' of I^ol'n'O'y. the eecond' 





No. 151 Main St., Gor. Canasteo St., 

Opposite tlie Park, is the Place to 


m fc 

It is Bitnated on the "Bnnny side," Tritb a pleasant, aiij parlor, Trell lighted and over- 
loolcing the most cheerfbl portion of Main and Canasteo Streets, and is reached by one 
broad, easy flight of stairs. 

It presents many worthy objects of interest to Tisitors, and ladies and gentlemen are 
cordiaUy invited to visit it frequently whether they want pictures or not. 

Its glass room is more skillfnlly lighted, and it possesses a better class of instraments 
and more of theitn than is usually found outside of our largest city galleries. 

The Artist is prepared to execute in the best style, 




Ambrotypes, Ferrotypes, 

TIN-TYPES, or any other "TYPES," 

The OPAL or Porcelain Picture, and the MEW PEABL PICTDBB, which rivals the 
Porcelain, at a lower price : single or double POETHAITS, GKOtJFS, SCHOOLS, 
or STEEBOQBAPHS of yourself or family, taken at home, and at any distance from the 

STATUABT, executed promptly- 

Old Pictures Eestored, Copied or Enlarged. 

PICTURE CASES and FRAMES of all sWes, shapes and finish : plain or colored PIC- 
plied upon application. . . 

If you visit the Gallery, and do not see JUST what you want, 





THIS COUNTY was formed from Ontario, March 18th, 
1796, and named in honor of Baron Steuben. The seventh Eange 
of Townships was annexed to Allegany County, March llth, 1808; 
the part in the fork of Crooked Lake to Ontario County, February 
25th, 1814; a part of Dansville, to Livingston County, February 
15th, 1822, and a part to Schuyler County, April 7th, 1854. It 
lies upon the south border of the State, considerably west of the 
center, is centrally distant 188 miles from Albany, and contains 
1,425 square miles. The surface consists chiefly of ridges and 
high rolling uplands, which form the northern continuation of the 
Alleghany Mountains. The water-shed between Lake Ontario and 
Susquehanna River extends from Allegany County eastward, 
across the northern part of the County. The deep valley of 
Crooked Lake breaks through this chain of highlands and extends 
seventeen miles south-west from the head of the lake, connecting 
with the Conhoeton Valley at Bath, forming a natural pass be- 
tween the southern valleys and the basin of Lake Ontario. The 
highlands in the south-western part of the County form a portion 
of this watershed, being drained by branches of the Canisteo on 
the east, and of the Genesee River on the west. The highest sum- 
mits in the County are about 2,500 feet above tide. The elevation 
of the upland region is nearly uniform, with a slight inclination 
towards the north. It is intersected by numerous deep valleys, 
which have evidently been excavated by more powerful currents 
of water than those which now flow through them^ G«ologists 
refer their formation to the drift period. The formation of the 
steep hillsides which border on these valleys, proves conclusively 
that a wide, roUiBg plateau once spread out over this whole re- 
gion, now so irregular and la-oken. The principal of these valleys 
are those of the Conhootoii and Canisteo Rivers, extending nearly 


north-w,est and south-east through the County. From these mam 
valleys numerous others diverge at nearly right angles and branohj 
off into numberless deep, crooked ravines, inferseoting the plateau 
in every direction. The hills bordering upon these valleys are 
usually steep, and from 300 to 500 feet high. 

Conhocton Eiver flows south-east throi^ the County, near the 
center. In high water it was formerly navigable for arks, fourteen 
miles above Bath. It receives several tributaries from the south-1 1 
west, the chief of which are Neil's, Bennett's, Campbell's, Stotktofl, ' 
Michigan and Stephens's Creeks ; and from the north-east, Twelve 
Mile, Ten Mile, Eive Mile, Mud and Mead's Creeks. Mud Creek I 
is the outlet of Mud Lake, in Schuyler County. When the County | 
was first settled, this stream was navigable, and arks floated from J 
Mud Lake, down the creek and the Conhocton, to the Susquehanna,! 
thence to Baltimore. Since the clearing of the forests, the stream 
has entirely failed for the purposes of navigation, and in summer , 
it is almost dry. Canisteo Eiver flows through a valley south- 
west of the Conhocton, and nearly parallel to it. In freshets the 
water rises from six to eight feet, and the stream is then navigable i 
for boats and arks about forty miles. Its principal branches are 
the Canacadea, Crosby, Purdy, Bennett's, Col. Bill's and Tuscarora 
Creeks, all flowing into it from the south-west. Tioga River rises 
in Pennsylvania, flows north through a deep mountain valley, and 
unites with the Canisteo at Erwin, and with the Conhocton at 
Painted Post; from this place the combined stream takes the 
name of Chemung River. These streams were formerly much 
larger than now. The early settlers describe them as being " full 
from bill to hill" in time of high water. Canascraga Creek, flow- 
ing north, drains the north-west corner of the County ; and several 
small streams, rising in the south-west corner, form branches of the 
Genesee River. Crooked Lake lies in a deep valley along the 
north-east border of the County, while the surrounding ■ hills are 
from five hundred to eight hundred feet high. Little Lakie lies in 
a shallow valley along the east border of the town of Wayne, and 
discharges its waters south into Mud Lake, and through Mud 
Creek into the Conhocton River. Loon Lake, in Way land, lies in 
a valley that is the continuation of the valley of Hemlock Lake, i 
in Livingston County. Mud Lake lies in the same valley, and its 
outlet, Mud Creek, flows into the Conhocton, 

The rocks of this County are generally of a shaly nature, and 
not fit for use. The shales and sandstones of the Portage group 
^^crop out in all the deep ravines in the northern part of the County 
and on the west bank of Crooked Lake. At Hammondsport, in 
the ravine above Mallory's Mill, about three hundrect feet of roo^| 
belonging to the Portage group, lie exposed to view. It consists 
of shale and thin layers of sandstone, in the lower part, and at « 


8TEVBEN amfNTY. 67 

higher point, layers of sandstone from four to ten inches thick. 
The edges of all the layers exposed are covered with crystals of 
selenite or crystallized gypsum. An excavation for coal was once 
made about a mile from the mouth of the ravine, but it was finally 
abandoned. About a mile north of Bath is a stratum, three feet 
thick, of tough argillo-calcareous rock, forming an excellent build- 
ing stone. In Woodhull, Canisteo and Jasper, the sandstone 
ledges furnish an excellent quality of grindstones. At Arkport, 
in Dansville, arid Troupsburgh, are marl beds, from which lime is 
manufactured. The rocks of the Chemung group continue along 
the valley of the Conhocton to Painted Post, and through the 
Tioga valley to the State line. The valley of the Canisteo is em- 
braced in the same group. Near the State line the highest hills 
are capped with a coarse silicious conglomerate, which forms the 
floor of the coal-measures. There is a salt spring at Lagrange, 
from which salt was manufactured by the Iridians, and since by 
the early settlers ; sulphur springs are also found in Campbell, 
Jasper- and Urbana. The tooth of a Mastodon was dug from a bed 
of blue clay, some years ago, on the road between Bath and 
Wheeler ; it was eight or ten inches in length. The soil is com- 
posed chiefly of detritus of the adjacent rocks, and is better adapted 
to grazing than to tillage. Upon the intervales along the lai^e 
kreams, the soil is a rich alluvium, and there is no better land in 
the State than the extensive flats along the banks of the Chemung. 

Agriculture constitutes the chief occupation of the people. 
Grain is largely produced on the alluvial lands, and stock is raised 
extensively on the uplands. The principal branches of agriculture 
pursued in this County are stock-raising, dairying and wool grow- , 
ing. Lumbering is carried on to some extent, but is gradually 
diminishing. The manufacturing is chiefly confined to lumber, 
articles of wood, and the heavier and coarser products necessary 
to an agricultural region. 

The County is divided into the Northern and Southern Jury 
Districts, the County " buildings ^ being situated at Bath and Cor- 
ning. When the County was organized, in 1796, the County 
buildings were located at Bath. A wood Court House, one and a 
half stories high, with two wings, was erected the same year. It 
was removed in 1828, and the present brick Court House erected. 
About the time of the erection of the first Court House, a jail was 
built of hewn logs, which was superseded by the erection of the 
present jail in 1845. By an act of the Legislature passed July 
19th, 1853, the County was divided into two Jury Districts, and, 
the County buildings for the Southern District were located at 
Corning. The first County officers were William Kersey, Virst 
Judge ; Abraham Bradley and Eleazer Lindley, Associate Judges ; 
George D, Cooper, County Clerk; William Dunn, Sheriff; and 


Stephen Ross, Surrogate. The Court House at Bath is a commo- 
dious brick building, erected in 1828. The Jail is built of wood, 
and closely surrounded by other buildings ; the cells are in the 
basement. The County Clerk's Office is permanently located at 
Bath. The Court House at Corning is a fine brick edifice,. erected . 
in 1853-54, at a cost of $14,000. The Jail at Corning was erected I" 
at the same time. The Courts are held alternately at Bath and 

The County Poor House is located upon a large farm, about 
two miles north-east of Bath village, from the report of the 
Superintendents of the Poor for 1867, we find that the total ex- 
pense for the support of the poor for the year, was $16,64ii@.78. J 
The paupers are well cared for, and everything is done to promote 
their health and comfort. There is a flourishing school in connec- 
tion with the Poor House, in which a large number of pupils are 
taught, and are making commendable progress. "Hie farm is in 
good condition, some valuable improvements in the way of fenciiig 
having been recently made. The number of paupers at the Poor 
House, from the several towns, is as follows: Avoca 1,. Bath4, 
Bradford 1, Cameron 5, Campbell 4, Caton 1, Gohocton 8, Canis- 
teo a, Corning 12, Greenwood 1, Howard 7, Hartsville 1, Hor- 
nellsville 1, Jasper 1, Lindley 1, Prattsburgh 3, Rathbone 3, 
Tuscarora 3, Thurston 3, Urbana 5, WoodhiiU 1, "Wheeler 1, 
Wayne 1. 

The New York and Erie Railroad enters the County from Che- 
mung, and extends along the valleys of the Chemung and Canisteo 
Rivers to Hornellsville ; thence west, along the valley of the Can- 
aca:dea, to the County line. It passes through Corning, Erwinj 
Addison, Rathbone, Canieron, Canisteo and Hornellsville. The 
Bufialo, New York and Erie Railroad extends north-west from 
Corning, up the Conhocton valley, through Erwin, Campbell, Bath, 
Avoca, Cohoeton and Wayland, to the north border of the County. 
This road intersects the Genesee Valley Railroad at Avon ; the N, 
Y. Central at Batavia; the Bufialo and New York City at Attica; 
and the New York and Erie at Corning. The Hornellsville DiviSf 
ion of the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad extends north- 
west, up the valley of the Canisteo, from Hornellsville, passijf 
through that town and the south-west corner of Dansville. The 
Blossburg and Corning Railroad extends from Corning, through 
Erwin and Lindley, south, along the valley of the Tioga, to thei 
Blossburg coal region. Crooked Lake is navigated by steam and 
canal boats, and forms a link in the chain of internal water com- 
•munication in the State. It is united with the Erie Canal at Mob- 
teziima, by the Crooked Lake Canal, Seneca Lake, and the, Cayugs 
and Seneca Canals. The Chemung Canal navigable feeder extend 
from Corning, east, to Horseheads, in Chemung County. Larg> 


quantities of lumber are floated down the river to Philadelphia 
and Baltimore. These works of internal improvement afford 
ample facilities for the transportation of goods and passengers, and 
bring the farm products of the County into close proximity to 
eastern markets. 

Nine newspapers are now published in the County. The first 
paper published in Steuben County, and the first in Western New 
York, was 

The Bath Gazette and Genesee Advertiser. It was established 
by William Kersey and James Eddie, in 1796, and was. continued 
several years. 

The Steuben and Allegany Patriot was started at Bath in 1815, 
by Benjamin Smead, and was continued till 1822, when it was 
changed to 

The Farmeri Advocate and Steuben Advertiser. In 1849 it 
passed into the hands of William C. Rhoades, and in 1857 into 
those of P. S. Donahe, by whom it was changed to 

lished by A. L. Underbill and T. S. DeWolf. 

The F^rmers^ Gazette was started at Bath, in 1816, by David 

The Steuben Messenger was started at Bath, April 17th 1828, by 
David Rumsey, and was published by him, Samuel M.. Eddie, 
William P. Agnel and Charles Adams, successively, until 1834, 
when it was changed to 

The Constitutionalist, and its publication was continued, suc- 
cessively, by R. L. Underbill, Whitmore & VanValkenburgh, and 
Dowe & .Richards, and by the last named as 

27ie Steuben Democrat, until 1844. The paper was then sus- 
pended, but revived in 1848 by L. J. Beach, and in 1849 it was 
transferred to George H. Bidewell, by whom the publication was 
continued until 1852. 

The Steuben Whig was published at Bath during the political 
campaign of 1828, by William M. Swain. 

THE STEUBEN COURIER was established at Bath in 1843, 
by Hull & Whittemore. It is now published by H. H, HulL 

The Temperance Gem was published at Bath in 1854, by Jenny 
and Caroline Rumsey. 

The Addison Record was published in Addison by Isaac D, 
Booth, from 1840 to 1842, and in 1849 by Dryden & Peck. 

The Addison Advocate was published by H. D. Dyer, in 

The Voice of the Nation was commenced at Addison in 1852, 
by R. Denton. In 1855 it passed into the hands of A. L. Under- 
hill, by whom it was published until 1856, when it was removed 
to Bath, and its name changed to 




The Steuben American, and its publication continued until May 

The Canisteo Sxpress was published at Addison in 1850, by T. 

The Addison Journal was started in 1851, by R. Denton, and 
was removed to Allegany County in 1852. 

ITie Addison Democrat was started by Charles L. Phelps, in 
1853, and was united with the Voice of the Nation in 1854. -i 

THE ADDISON ADVERTISER was established in 1858, 1^| 
E. M. Johnson and Henry Baldwin. It is now published by John- 
son & Roberts. 

The Corning and Bhsshir.g Advocate was commenced at Cor- 
ning in 1840, by Charles Adams. ' In 1841 it passed into the 
bands of Henry H. Hull, by whom it was merged in the Steuben 
Courier, at Bath, in 1843. 

THE CORNING JOURNAL' was started by Thomas Messen- 
ger, in May 1847. In 1851 it passed into the hands of A. W. 
McDowell and G. W. Pratt, and in 1852, into the hands of Geo. 
W. Pratt, its present proprietor. 

The Corning Sun was started in 1853, by M. M. Pomeroy, bet- 
ter known as "Brick" Pomeroy, and P. C. VanGelder. In 1854 
Rev. Ira Brown became the publisher, and changed its name to 

The Elmira Southern Tier Farrner and Corniiig Sun, and con- 
tinued it until 1856. 

The United States Farmer was published at Coming in the 
sprmg of 1856. 

THE CORNING DEMOCRAT was established in 1857, by 
Charles T. Huston and Frank B. Brown. Mr. Brown bought Mr. 
Huston's interest soon after, and has continued its publication to' 
the present time. 

The Fainted Post Gazette was started by Mr. Fairchild in 1846, 
and continued one year. 

The Fainted Fost Herald was published by Hawlev & Bennett, 
from 1848 to 1850. j j > 

THE HORNELLSVILLE TRIBUNE was started in Novem- 
berl851, by Edwin Hough. It was subsequently published by 
Hough & Son, and is now published by Hough & Beeoher. 

The National American was started at Hornellsville in 1856, by 
C.M. Harmon. In November 1858 it was sold to Charles A. 
Kinney, aud its name changed to the 

OANIST^EO VALLET TIMES. Its present publishers are 
Thatcher & Tuttle. 

The Saturday News was started at Bath in April 1868, by E. 
W. Barnes, and continued until July 4th of the same year. ' 

rTS? PRATTSBURGH ADVERTISER was started in the fall 
of 1867. It IS published by 0. B, Hoke. 


August 1868, by Charles E. Clute, its present publisher, 

A paper was published for a time at Hammondsport, on Crook- 
ed Lake. 

Steuben County was all included in the "Phelps and Gorham 
Purchase." The original grant to the colony of Massachusetts 
embraced an indefinite extent of territory, from the Atlantic to the 
Pacific, or " South Sea," as it was called in the " Royal Charter." 
Subsequent grants to other colonies, quite as indefinite, if not as 
extensive, caused a conflict of claims between different colonies, 
which in some instances resulted in great inconvenience to the set- 
tlers. The rival claims of New York and Massachusetts to certain 
lands in the western part of the former State, were amicably ad- 
justed by a compact entered into on the 16th of December 1786. 
It was agreed that Massachusetts should surrender to New York 
all claims of sovereignty to lands lying within the boundaries of 
the latter State ; and the State of New York should confirm to the 
State of Massachusetts the right of pre-emption of the soil from 
the Indians, of all that part of New York lying west of the merid- 
ian passing through the 82 mile-stone on the Pennsylvania line. 

On the 21st of November 1788, the State of Massachusetts, for 
the consideration of three hundred thousand pounds in the consoli- 
dated securities of that State, (equal to $100,000,) conveyed to 
Oliver Phelps and Nathaniel Gorham all its right, title and inter- 
est to about 2,600,000 acres of land lying west of the meridian 
just mentioned. The Indian title to this tract had been purchased 
by Phelps and Gorham in July 1788, and it was immediately sur- 
veyed and divided into seven ranges, numbered from east to west, 
by lines running north and south. The ranges were six miles in 
width, and divided into townships six miles square, and these were 
sub-divided into lots. That part of the tract which now constitutes 
the County of Steuben, was surveyed by Frederick Saxton and 
Augustus Porter, in the summer of 1789. Judge Porter, in his 
narrative of this survey, says : " While engaged in it, we made 
our headquarters at ' Painted Post,' on the Conhqcton River, at 
the house of old Mr. Harris and his son William. These two men, 
Mr. Goodhue, who lived near by, and Mr. Mead, who lived at the 
mouth of Mead's Creek, were the only persons then on the terri- 
tory we were surveying." 

November 18th, 1790, Phelps and Gorham sold to Robert Mor- 
ris, of Philadelphia, about one million and a quarter acres ; and 
April nth, 1792, Robert Morris conveyed to Charles Williamson 
about one million two hundred thousand acres of the same tract, 
which has since been known as the " Pulteney Estate." Mr. W. 
held this estate in secret trust for Sir William Pulteney, an 
English baronet, and others, till March 1801, when he conveyed it 


formally to Sir William. The policy of the proprietors and trus- ! 
tees was to sell the lands as rapidly as possible to actual settlers, ! 
and in a few years a large part of the most valuable lands were 
disposed of. 

The first settlements in this County were made in 1787-90, 
by immigrants from Pennsylvania. Settlements were made in 
the south-eastern part, on the Chemung, and also on the upper 
Canisteo, about the same time. William Harris, an Indian trader 
is supposed to be the first white man who settled in the County. 
His cabin was at Painted Post in 1787, but at what time it was 
built is not known with certainty. At that time a pack-horse or a 
canoe was sufficient to transport the merchandise for the citizens 
of the County for a whole year. Frederick Calkins, from Ver- 
mont, was the first farmer in the County. He settled near the 
head of the "Chimney Narrows," in 1788. Township number 
two of the second range was purchased of Phelps and Gorhami% 
1790, for eight cents an acre. ■ ■* 

In 1793, Captain Charles Williamson, with a large number of 
Scotch and German immigrants, commenced a settlement at Bath, 
on the Conhocton. From an exploration of the country it was 
supposed that the products of Western New York would find their 
way to the sea through the Susquehanna and its tributaries. Here 
Captain Williamson decided to build a city which should rival the 
cities of the old world and have no equal in the new. Every in- 
ducement was oflfered to settlers in this region to occupy lands 
under his patronage. Money was freely expended in improver 
ments, and lands offered for sale at a low rate and on long credit. 

For a time settlements rapidly increased in number and size. 
Forests were cleared, roads were made, bridges and mills were 
built, rivers were cleared of their obstruction^ to navigation, and 
houses were erected as if by the hand of the magician. Arks and 
rafts laden with lumber and other products of the country, glided 
down the Conhocton and the Canisteo to the Susquehanna, thenoe 
to Baltimore and the sea. Land speculation was carried to excess, 
as is often the case in new countries. It is said that any respect- 
able looking gentleman could purchase- on a credit of six years, 
any amount of land, from a mile square to a township. The title 
that Captain Williainson gave was a bond for a deed at the end of 
the term, provided payment was made in full ; otherwise the con- 
tract became null and void. These bonds were transferable, and 
the speculators sold to each other, and gave their bonds for large 
amounts, which ruine^ multitudes who engaged in such enterprises.; 
Many honest, industrious and enterprising men were ruined in the 
same way. 

For the purpose of improving th« navigation of the streams, 
t^aptam Williamson ordered the Conhocton and Mud Creek to be 


explored by a competent committee, and a report to be made, 
estimating the probable expense of making them navigable for 
arks and rafts. The committee rendered a favorable report, and a 
number of men were appointed to remove obstructions and open 
a passage to Painted Post. This was done, though the passage 
was still considered dangerous. After removing obstructions, the 
next thing was to test the enterprise by a practical navigation of 
the stream. To do this, Mr. George McClure, afterwards a prom- 
inent citizen of the County, built an ark seventy-five feet long and 
sixteen feet wide, loaded it with staves and started for Baltimore. 
After many difiiculties and delays, the ark reached Painted Post, 
having been six days in making the passage. At this time the 
water of the Chemung was too low to be navigable, and craft and 
crew were compelled to wait several days for a rise in the water. 
At length a new start was made, and the ark ran two hundred 
miles in four days. At Mohontongo, twenty miles from Harris- 
burgh, it ran upon a bar of rocks in the middle of the river, which 
at this point was one mile wide. . After lying here for twenty-four 
hours, with no means of getting on shore, two gentlemen came on 
board and informed the navigators that it would be impossible to 
get the ark off the rocks without a rise in the water. As there 
was no telling when such an event would transpire. Captain Mc- 
Clure decided to sell craft and cargo as they were for six hundred 
dollars and a horse worth two hundred. He lost nothing by this 
expedition, but would have made five hundred dollars had he gone 
to Baltimore with his ark and cargo. This was sufficient to estab- 
lish the fact that Conhocton River was navigable, and that the 
produce of the County could be transported to Baltimore at a tri- 
fling expense. Emigrants from all parts came flocking to this 
promised land. Some came up the rivers in canoes and barges, 
driving their cattle along the bank, while others made long and 
tedious journeys through the forests with ox teams. Many Vir- 
ginians left their worn-out plantations beyond the Potomac, and 
came up the Susquehanna, and through the forests, the old people 
in chaises, kept in their upright position by their faithful negroes, 
while the young came on horseback. 

Captain Williamson lived in good style for a backwoods settle- 
ment, entertaining his visitors from different parts of the country 
with the suavity and hospitality for which he was noted, and using 
every means to increase his rapidly growing settlement. To sup- 
ply the wants of the settlers, and the adventurers who came hither, 
flour was brought from Northumberland and pork from Philadel- 
phia. Sometimes it was brought on pack-horses from Tioga Point,^ 
and subsequently from the Friends' Settlement at the outlet of 
Crooked Lake. 


In 1794, the threatened invasion by the Governor of Canada 
created some excitement, and several block-houses were built for 
defense, and a requisition was made upon the Governor of the 
State for one thousand stands of arms and several cannon, but the 
alarm subsided and no blood was shed. 

In order to make the wilderness attractive. Captain Williamsofl 
had caused one hundred acres to be cleared, and a race-course to 
be laid out. This novel entertainment was duly heralded by 
handbills sent far and near, announcing to all " North America 
and the adjacent islands" that grand races would take place at 
Bath. The resources of the whole region were laid under contri- 
bution to provide entertainment for all who might attend. On 
the day appointed, there were assembled from New York, Phila- 
delphia, Baltimore, and the adjacent country, sporting men of all 
classes, as they now gather at Saratoga to witness the annual races, 
The contest was between "Virginia Nell," entered by Captain 
Williamson, and " Silk Stocking," entered by High Sheriff Dunn, 
Money was plenty and betting was lively; even the ladies of the 
owners of the rival horses partook of the general excitement, stak- 
ing liberally and depositing the stakes with a third lady. " Silk 
Stocking" was the winner, but the time made is not known. The 
great race-course was seldom used after the first great festival, 
except as a drive for those citizens who were so fortunate as to own 
chaises. A theater was also erected, and a troup of actors from 
Philadelphia, kept at the expense of Williamson, gave dramatij 
exhibitions. An advertisement in the Bath Gazette, of 1799, indi- 
cates that the theater was in full blast. The plays announced are 
the " Mock Doctor, or Dumb Lady Cured ;" and " A peep into the 
Seraglio." Admission, "Pit, six shillings; Gallery, three shil- 

The Duke of Liancourt visited Bath in 1795, and gives the fol- 
lowing account : " The habitation of the Captain consists of sev- 
eral small houses, formed of the trunks of trees and joiner's work, 
which at present forms a very irregular whole, but which he in- 
tends soon to improve. His way of living is simple, neat and 
good. Every day we had a joint of fresh meat, vegetables and 
wine. We met with no circumstances of pomp or luxury, hut 
found good ease, humor and plenty.'' 

The expenditures during Col. Williamson's management were 
enormous, and the returns very small. The expectations of the 
English baronet and his associates were not realized. In 1801 
Col. Williamson conveyed -to Sir William Pulteney the property 
he had held in trust, and resigned his stewardship. Robert Troup, 
Esq., of New York, was appointed his successor. When William- 
son departed, the County contained about two thousand inhahi- 
tants. The work of subduing the forests had been begun will 


vigor and hope. A, lumber trajie had been opened with the ports 
of thp lower Susquehanna and the Chesepeake, and Bath was be- 
coming a market for the grain of the surrounding country. The 
change in the administration of affairs was sensibly felt, and the 
stir and bustle of Bath, as well as of the County generally, was 
greatly diminished. Williamson had been the life of the land ; 
" times were dead enough when he left." " No more the Hudson, 
the. Potomac and the Delaware were startled by proclamations of 
races in the wilderness ; no more did rumors of bull fights and 
the uproar of horns disturb the goodly; no more did gallant re- 
tinues of riders gallop through the forest, while servants followed 
with luncheons and baskets of wine. Newspaper paragraphs no 
longer told the citizens of the East of the great things done in 
Steuben, and pamphlets no longer enligh,tened London and Edin- 
burgh concerning the, capabilities of the Conhocton River." 

The County from this time began to work its own way, and hew 
its own road to prosperity and independence. The settlers gener- 
ally were poor men, and struggled against difficulties and discour- 
agements, at which weaker hearts would have fainted. Railroads 
now intersect the County, and canal and lake navigation open ave- 
nues to the markets of the world. The population of the County 
has increased' during every decade, until it ranks among the first 
in the State. The population in 1790, was 168 ; in 1800, 1,788 ; 
in 1865, it was 66,193. 

Steuben County constituted a part of the domain of the Seneca 
Indians ; but this part of their dominion, was only used as a hunt- 
ing ground. Hundreds of them came i^ the winter from the Gen- 
esee and the Niagara, built their lodges and killed deer for their 
summer stock of dried venison, and other animals for their peltry. 
Sometimes a; solitary old savage made his wigwam and hunted and 
fished alon^. Sometingies two would unite in the same sport, and 
a,gain a score or more of men, women and children, would unite 
around the same camp fire, eat, drink and smoke, in the most free 
and easy manner. On great occasions,, the Indians arrayed them- 
selves in flaming blankets, adorned with plumes and medals, and 
girt with curious belts from which hung the tomahawk and glitter- 
ing scalping knife. The traffic in ardent spirits here, as elsewhere, 
proved destructive to the unfortunate red men. A large portion of 
their game was bartered for "firewater." A favorite place for 
their carousals at Bath was in the bushes at the edge of the village. 
Here they would lie, howling, screaming and singing all night, to 
the great annoyance of the quiet villagers. The river abounded 
in fish, and half a dozen Indians wading up the stream and pushing 
their canoe before them, would spear their boat half full of fish in 
a very short time, and sell them for a mere trifle. 


Game was very abundant at the time of the settlement. It is 
said two young men from the vicinity of Northumberland, came 
up the river in a canoe, in 1790 or 1791, and built a lodge at the 
mouth of Smith's Creek, on the Conhocton, and hunted in the 
neighborhood for two months. The product of their labor was 
more than two hundred deer, several elk, three panthers, besides 
wolves, foxes, martins, and a few beaver. Two canoes were 
loaded and taken to Northumberland, and their cargoes disposed of 
for more than three hundred dollars. 

Rattlesnakes abounded in the County, and the vicinity of Bath 
was especially productive in these reptiles. From all accounts, 
the Pine Plains may challenge competitioil with any field of 
dragons the country has ever produced. When Patterson, the 
hunter, first visited this regioii, he was startled by their number 
and size. Every size from the little " fiery serpent ' with ne'er a 
rattle in his tail," to the veteran with sharp, shrill sounding rattles, 
numbering more than half a score, were gliding across his path or 
dragging their slimy folds over the logs, and from bush to bush, 
in a manner frightful to behold. Unaccustomed to these reptiles, 
he took to the river and waded several miles, until he passed be- 
yond this habitation of dragons. 

The military statistics are not sufiiciently full and accurate to 
enable us to determine with certainty the full amount of service 
rendered by the citizens of Steuben, in crushing out the Rebellion 
that for four years was carried on against our Government with an 
- energy worthy of a better cause. The State Census reports the 
number of enlistments in the County to be 3,357, and the number 
of deaths in the military service, or from injuries received while 
in the service, 752. Only three counties in the State report a 
greater number of deaths ; showing that while the strong aind brave 
volunteered cheerfully, they did not shun the post of c&nger while 
in the service ; but where the battle waxed hottest, there were the 
soldiers fi-om Steuben County found, battling for freedom and their 
country. Long may the survivors of the war live to enjoy the 
blessings which they fought to perpetuate, and may the memory 
of those who gave their lives for their country be embalmed in the 
hearts of all future generations. 



ADDISON was formed as "Middletown," in March, 1796. 
Its name was changed April 6, 1808. A part of Troupsburgh was 
taken oif in 1808; Cameron in 1822; a part of Woodhull in 
1828 ; a part of Rathbone in 1856, and Tuscarora in 1859. It is 
an interior town, situated south-east of the center of the County. 
The surface is a hilly upland, broken by the valley of the Canisteo 
and its branches. The principal valley is about one and a half 
miles wide and is bordered by steep hillsides from 300 to 400 feet 
high. The principal streams are Canisteo River, Tuscarora, Elks 
Lick, and Goodhue Creeks. Goodhue Lake lies in the north-western 
corner of the town and covers an area of 500 acres. The soil is 
chiefly a clay loam, with strips of gravel and alluvium upon the 
streams. \ 

Addison, (p. v.) situated on the Canisteo River, in the south- 
east part of the town, contains three churches, a bank, and several 
manufacturing establishments. Among the last may be mentioned 
the sash and blind factories of A. G. Crane and of C. W. Gillett, 
a hoop skirt factory, a tannery, a manufactory of steam engines, 
boilers, planing mills and circular saw mills. 

The first settlement was made by Samuel Rice, in 1791. Reu- 
ben and Lemuel Searles, John, Isaac, and James Martin, Jonathan 
Tracy, William Benham, Martin Young and Isaac Morey, were 
also among the first settlers. 

The first tavern w-as kept by Reuben Searles, on the " Lockerby 
Stand." George Goodhue built the first sawmill, in 1793, and 
"William Wombaugh built another in 1805, and a gristmill in 1 806. 
The first store was kept by Samuel Smith. The first birth was 
that of Stephen Rice, and the first marriage that of Brown Gilles- 
pie and Miss Gilbert. The first death was that of James Martin. 
William Wombaugh, William B. Jones, John and Stephen Towsley, 
and Rev. Tarathmel Powers, were early settlers. 


The population of the town in 1865 was 1,819, and its area is 
17,000 acres. 

There are five school districts, employing nine teachers. The 
whole, number of pupils during the last year was 633 ; the average 
attendance was 112, and the amount expended for school pur- 
poses, 81,365.37. 

AVOCA was formed from Bath, Cohocton, Howard and 
Wheeler, (.April 12, 1843. It was probably named 'from Tom 
Moore's "Sweet Vale of Avoca." By early settlers it was called 
Buchanan, or the Eight Mile Tree. It is an interior town, lying : 
north-west of the center of the County. The surface is chiefly a 
broken upland, divided into two. ridges by the valley of the Conhoc- 
ton. The declivities of the hills are steep, and their summiti 
are about 400 feet above the river. The town is well watered by 
the Conhocton Eiver, flowing through it in a south-easterly direc- 
tion, near thte center, and its tributaries, Twelve Mile and Ten 
Mile Creeks, from the north, and Bennett's and Neil's Creeks, 
from the south-west. The valley of the river is about one and onti 
fourth miles wide. The soil is a clayey and gravelly Iqam. 

Avoca, (p. V.) situated in the valley of the Conhocton, is a station 
on the Buffalo, New York and Erie E. R. It contains two churche^! 
an iron foundry, a flouring mill, several mechanic shops, and about 
600 inhabitants. 

Wallace (p. o.) is a station on the Bufialo, New York and Erie 
R. R. 

NeiVs Creek is a post office in the north-west part of the town. 

The first settlement was made in 1790, by Michael Buchanan.^ 
He was established at this point by the agent of the Pulteney 
Estate, and kept "accommodations for travelers." Among the 
other early settlers we find the names of James Moore, Joel Col- 
lier, Asa Philips, James MoWhorter, Finley McClure, Daniel 
McKenzie, Abram Tower, Jonathan Tilton, James Babcock, John 
Donahe, Richard and John Van Buskirk, Eleazur Tucker, Henry ; 
and Allen Smith, James Davis, Samuel W. Burnham and a Mr, 

MicKaicl Buchanan, 2d, was born in 1809, and Michael Buchanan 
died in 1811. James McWhorter and Widow Buchanan were 
married in 1812. Eleazur Tucker built the first sawmill, and 
Jonathan Tilton the first gristmill, in 1825. Joel Collier kept the 
first inn, in 1808, and Alonzo Simmons the first store in 1830. 
The first church (M. E.) was organized in 1827, at East Hill. 

A hunter living in this town was annoyed by the proximity of 
the Indians to certain hunting grounds, and wished to dislodg^ 
them. Taking advantage of their great repugnance to labor, he 
cut a great many branches from the trees in the vicinity of their 
camp, bored holes in them, and after inserting a quantity of powder, 


left them for the indolent redskins to gather and burn at their 
lodges. -They were delighted at their good fortune in finding such 
a quantity of fire-wood prepared for them by some good spirit, 
they knew not whom. When gathered around the camp fire, an 
explosion started them, then another and another, hurling coals 
and brands in the faces of the unsuspecting savages, lifting the pot 
from the fire and hurling its contents into the basket of a sleeping 
papoose. Alarmed at this unaccountable phenomenon, and think- 
ing the wood bewitched, they immediately abandoned the neigh- 
borhood, leaving the wUy hunter in the full enjoyment of his forest 

The population of the town in 1865 was 1,85S, and its area 
22,000 acres. 

There are in the town eleven school districts, employing twenty- 
four teachers. The whole number of pupils is 538, and the aver- 
age attendance 232. The whole amount expended for school pur- 
poses in 1867 was $3,718.14. 

JBATMyv&s formed March 18, 1796, and nalned in honor of Lady 
Bath, the only child and heiress of Sir William Pulteney, of Lon- 
don. Pulteney was taken off in 1808 ; a part of Howard and Co- 
hocton in 1812 ; a part of Wheeler in 1820; Urbana in 1822; a 
part of Avoca in 1843, and a part of Cohocton in 1852. A part 
of Urbana was annexed April 26, 1839. Savona was set off in 
1859, and re-annexed in 1862. It lies a little north-east of the 
center of the County. Its surface is broken and hilly. The Con- 
hocton valley extends south-east through the center, dividing the 
town into two nearly equal parts. The south half is a hilly upland, 
and the north half consists of a series of wide valleys, broken by 
several st?ep and isolated hills. The streams are Conhocton Eiver 
and its tributaries, Five Mile and Mud Creeks from the north; 
and Campbell's and Stockton's Creeks from the south. The Crooked 
Lake valley extends north-west, and opens into the Conhocton val- 
ley at the village of Bath, 340 ifeet above the lake. The soil is 
chiefly a gravelly and clayey loam, with a deep alluvium in the 

Bath, (p. V.) incorporated April 12, 1816, is situated upon the 
north bank of the Cochaoton. It is a half-shire of the County. It 
commands the trade of a rich agricultural district and has a man- 
ufacturing business of some iipaportance. Besides the county build- 
ings, it contains six churches, two banks, two newspaper offices, 
two carriage factories, and a union school. The Davenport Or; 
phan Asylum, a fine structure, erected throi^gh the liberality of the 
late Col. Ira Davenport, is an object; of a,dmiratipn, and a monur 
ment to the benevolence and generosity of its founder. About 
forty female orphan children are enjoying in the Institution all the 


comforts of a Cliristian home. The population of the village in 
1865 was 2,383. 

Kanona, (p. v.) situated north-west of Bath, is a station on the 
Buffalo, New York and Erie R. R., and contains two churches and 
about forty or fifty houses. 

Savona, (p. v.) south-east of Bath, on the-^KWe jr^ilroad, contains 
two churdies, a flouring mill and planing nliltiiand aBout 400 inhab- 

Sonora (p. v.) contains one church and twenty or thirty houses. 

The first settlement was made at Bath village in 1793, by Charles 
"Williamson, land agent for the Pulteney Estate, with fifteen fami- 
lies, mostly Scotch and Germans. Among the first settlers were 
Dugald and Charles Cameron, two excellent specimens of Scotch 
character, both being distinguished for their intelligence, integrity, 
and other amiable qualities. Charles Cameron was the first to 
open a store in Bath, and was also the first postmaster, by appoint- 
ment of Captain Williamson, who paid all expenses of transport- 
ing the mail once a week from Northumberland. Dugald Cam- 
eron was a clerk in the land office for some time, and was after- 
wards elected to the Legislature of the State. Andrew Smith, 
another Scotchman, had charge of the farming operations of Cap- 
tain Williamson, having from thirty; to fifty men in his employ. 
George McClure, a native of Ireland, but of Scottish descent, had 
charge of the building department. Mr. McClure and " Muckle 
Andrew," as Smith was called, were great cronies, both being bach- 
elors. They were accustomed to meet at each other's apartments 
on Saturday evenings, to converse about the business of the week, 
drink, sing, and tell stories. Hector McKenzie was anothor Scotch- 
man. Robert Campbell and Daniel McKenzie arrived about the 
same time. Henry and William McElwee, Frank Scott, Charles 
McClure, Gustavus and Brown Gillespie, and John Metier, with 
large families of children, were also among the first settlers. Wil- 
liam Dunn kept a tavern/ and was appointed High Sheriff" after 
the organization of the County. 

Mr. Henry McElwee, a young man from the north of Ireland, 
came here on New Year's Day, 1794, and gives the following ac 
count : " I found a few shanties standing in the woods. Williamson 
had his house where Will Woods has since lived, and the Met- 
calfs kept a log tavern above the Presbyterian church. I went to 
the tavern and asked for supper and lodging. They said they could 
give me neither, for their house was full. I could get nothing to 
ea^. An old Dutchman was sitting there, and he said to me: 

?^% ™™' i^ you will go with me, you shall have some mush 
and milk tor your supper, and a deerskin to lie on, with your feet 
to the hre, and another to cover yourself with.' " This offer was 
thankfully accepted. He accompanied the Dutchman to a little 


log house which had no floor, made a supper of mush and milk, 
and slept soundly with his feet to the fire. The trees had been 
out away sufiiciently to admit of the erection of cabins and to open 
a road. The first clearing was made in the spring of 1794, being 
" Pulteney Square," and four acres behind the agent's house for a 
garden, for the cultivation of which he afterwards imported a gar- 
dener from England. The trees were cut close to the ground. A 
single pine was left standing in front of the agency house, trimmed 
up closely, only leaving a tuft upon the top. It stood for several 
years, but was finally blown down in a storm. 

The first saw and grist mills were erected by Capt. Williamson 
in 1793. Charles Williamson Dunn, born in 1795, was the first 
male child born in ' the town. . The first tavern was kept by John 
Metcalf. It was built of pine logs, in two apartments, and one story 

Mr. McClure first came here on horseback, through the forests, 
swimming creeks, and camping out or lodging in the cabin of some 
semi-barbarian. He returned to Northumberland, shipped his 
tools to Tioga Point, hired a few carpenters, and proceeded on foot 
to Bath, where they arrived in five days. To give Mr. McClure's 
own language : "One more trip was necessary before we could 
commence business, as our baggage would be landed at Tioga Point. 
There were no roads at that time through the narrows, on the 
Chemuns, for wagons to pass with safety ; therefore, eight of us 
started on foot for the Point. When we came within four miles of 
Newtown, we discovered a number of canoes owned by some Dutch 
settlers. I purchased four of them. One of them was a very 
large one which 1 purchased of a funny old Dutchman, who said 
his canoe 'wash de granny from de whole river up.' " They laid 
in provisions for the voyage, and a "full supply of the yoy/wZ." 
Their trip of twenty-four miles was made in four hours. Hav- 
ing shipped their goods, they commenced the return voyage 
against a strong current. Many times they were obliged to land 
and tow their canoes up the rapids by means bf a long rope. In 
the Conhocton they were obliged to out through piles of driftwood, 
making their progress extremely slow, and their labor excessively 
hard. The trip from the Point to Bath, fifty-six miles, was made 
in nine days. Previous to this time Captain Williamson had erected 
two sawmills on the Conhocton, near Bath, both of which were in 
full operation. Mr. McClure took charge of the building opera- 
tions, and was erecting houses as fast as thirty or forty men with 
him could do it. Captain Williamson received visitors and busi- 
ness men from abroad, and entertained them sumptuously. At 
one time, expecting more company than his limited apartments 
would accommodate, he ordered a building, forty feet by sixteen, to 
be erected with all possible dispatch. It was completed in forty- 


eight hours, and Mr. MoCIure received four hundred dollars for the 

In 1796, when the County of Steuben was organized, Bath was 
made the County seat. The population increased more rapidly than 
the resources to supply their wants, and, consequently, the inhab- 
itants were often in great straits. Pleasant Valley and Canisteo, 
as well as the more distant settlements, contributed to their sup- 
port. Wheat was wprth five dollars a bushel, and beef a shilling a 
pound. An old farmer paid two dollars and a quarter for a hog's 
head, " and it was half hair at that." During Court week the larders 
of Bath were speedily exhausted, and the more prudent of the jury- 
men provided for such an emergency, by taking with them a hunk 
of pork and a loaf of bread. The horse-racing, the theatre, and 
other amusements of this town, gave it an unenviable notoriety 
among the more sober and discreet inhabitants. 

Mr. George McClure, whose name has already been mentioned, 
became a very active business man, and engaged in several impor- 
tant enterprises in connection with this and adjoining towns. In 
1800 he opened a store in Dansville, and, during the winter, took 
in 4,000 bushels of wheat, and 200 barrels of pork, which he shipped 
to Baltimore on arks, the first that descended the Canisteo.* This 
enterprise proving a success, he purchased the " Cold Spring Mill" 
site, and erected a flouring mill, sawmill, fulling mill, and carding 
machine. The flourifig mill, with two runs of stdnes, was com- 
pleted in three months. He then sent out hand-bills through the 
surrounding country, offering a liberal price for wheat, delivered at 
Penn Yan, Danville, Bath, Pittstown, or at the mill, and during 
the winter took in 20,000 bushels, two-thirds of which he floured 
and packed at his mills. In the spring he shipped the flour to Bal- 
timore, and the wheat to Columbia, on arks built during the winter, 
eight having been built at Bath, and four on the Canisteo. The 
enterprise was a success, and the net profits were sufiicient to pay 
for all his improvements and expenditures on the Cold Spring pro- 
perty, though the site included one thousand acres of land. The 
next enterprise was the navigation of Crooked Lake. For this pur- 
pose he built a schooner of about thirty tons, to carry wheat from 
Penn Yan to the head of the lake. The schooner " Sally " was 
advertised as a regular trader, "The embargo to the contrary not- 
withstanding." For this mark of disrespect to the Administration, 
he was charged with a want of patriotism, and one portly gentle- 
man, « whose corporation was much larger than his intellect," wrote 
him a very abusive letter. To this he replied, and concluded by 
saymg that if Jefferson would not immediately raise the embargo, 

larJcarMdnwn'th'AJ*'^* fl«t "oats, built of plank, and capable of transporting a 
inlinturad Ct v»r^ m<,i™' » ^^^ "^"^ *™ »°1^ ani broken np for their lumberVle- 
S£ ™K™i^ ^^J^ 1"?^- ^= *«y ^«" no' designed to be brbnght up the stream a 
few men could navigate them, and transportation was very cheap stream, a 


he would dig a canal from Crooked Lake to the Conhocton Eiver, 
and the next heard from the Sally would be that she had put into 
Passamaquoddy Bay, or in some other northern harbor, in distress. 
He continued his milling and also engaged in the Indian trade, in 
which for several years he was quite successful. In 1814 he sold 
out the Cold Spring Mills to Henry A. Townsend, and erected 
others at Bath. In 1816 he went to Baltimore with 1,000,000 feet 
of pine lumber and 100,000 feet of curled maple and cherry. He 
shipped his maple and cherry, and 500 barrels of flour, to Boston, 
and purchased a machine for spinning wool by water power. With 
this he returned and engaged in woolen manufacture, and did well 
until the tariff was reduced, when he was obliged to close up. 

Early in January 1776, Col. Williamson procured a second- 
hand newspaper office, and William Kersey and James Eddie, soon 
after issued " The Bath Gazette and Genesee Advertiser." This was 
the first paper published in Western New York. Afterwards Mr. 
Kersey, who, as appears by his letter, was a Quaker, wrote to Col. 
Willjamson, at Albany, for some new type, saying that the type 
brought from Pennsylvania, was " old and worn." " We, on con- 
sidering the case, conclude it is best to have a sufficient quantity of 
new type to complete the office, so that we may do business in 
good fashion; therefore request that, in addition to the order by 
Capt. Coudry, thou may be pleased to send us as soon as may be, 
300 weight of small pica or bourgeois. We have some encour- 
agement to pursue the business, but many of our patrons com- 
plain of the badness of the print, and that not without sufficient 
cause." Authorities are somewhat conflicting as to the success of 
the enterprise in Bath. The State Gazetteer says that the paper, 
" in six months from its first issue, had reached a circulation of 
] 000 copies." It was published for several yearsy but the time of 
its departure is not known. In 1798, Col. Williamson said re- 
specting the papers ; " The printer of the Ontario Gazette disperses 
weekly not less than one thousand papers, and the printer of the 
Bath Gazette from four to five hundred." 

Hon. Wm. H. Seward, in a speech to the members of the Legis- 
lature of the State of New York, made at the Astor House, 
March 22, 1851, refers to the great expectations of Bath, in the 
following language : 

" Gentlemen : It seems to me that we can improve this festival 
occasion by considering how intimate is the relation between the 
City and State, how essential each is to the other. There is a town 
in the interior of the State, far away, in what was lately known as 
the secluded^ sequestered part of it, Bath by name. Many of the 
representatives of the rural districts know it well, the members 
fi'om Steuben can speak for it. Of this town I wish to speak. It 
is a beautiful, but quiet one, situated in the delightful valley, and 


on the banks of the Conhoctpn, a tributary of the Susquehanna.— 
But those who know it well have remarked that it has a broad and 
magnificent plan, imperfectly filled out. There are houses on cor- 
ners designating streets and avenues without inhabitants. In short 
it was laid out for a great city, but has long since renounced all 
ambitious pretensions. You do not know how this has happened. 
Well, if on your return to Albany, you will call on my excellent 
friend (Mr. Street,) the State Librarian, he will give you a small 
duodecimo volume, published in the year 1800, containing an ac- 
count of a journey performed by an English gentleman, in the 
short space of six weeks, from the city of New York, all the way 
to Niagara Falls. That traveler visited Bath, then in the day- 
spring of its growth, and he recorded of it that it was destined to 
become the greatest commercial metropolis of the State of New 
York. The Hudson was only a short arm of the sea. It did not 
J)enetrate the interior far enough to take a hold of the trade of the 
country. Bath was to receive all of it that could be diverted from 
the channel of the St. Lawrence, and the market of Quebec, and 
send it down through the Conhocton and the Susquehanna, to 
Chesapeake Bay. Had that calculation been realized, Bath might 
have been a city like Albany, and New York would have been a 
city over which the President could have had but little ambition 
to preside." 

The population of Bath in 1865 was 6,247 ; its area, according 
to the last Supervisors' Eeport, is 53,000 acres. 

The number of school districts is twejity-six, employing fifty- 
eight teachers. The whole number of pupils 1,573, and the 
average attendance 731. The amount expended for school pur- 
poses in 1867, was $16,869.23. 

BJRADFOMDf named from General Bradford, was formed 
from "Jersey," (now Orange, Schuyler Co.,) April 20, 1836. A 
part was annexed to Orange, April 17, 1854. It lies near the 
center of the east border of the County. Its surface is a hilly 
upland, broken by the valley of Mud Creek. Mud Lake is situ- 
ated near the east border, in Schuyler County; its surface is 1,100 
feet above tide, and the summits of the adjacent hills are 600 feet 
above the lake. The soil generally is a gravelly and clayey loam, 
better adapted to pasturage than to tillage. 

Bradford, (p. v.) on the outlet of Mud Lake, in the north-east 
part of the town, contains a church, a grist mill, and about 300 in- 

South Bradford, (p. v.) contains two churches and about 100 

The first settlement was made in 1793 by Frederick Bartles 
?? /t° 1 ■^^''^^y- ^""o™ New Jersey, who located on the outlet of 
Mud Lake, at a place known in early days as "Bartles' Hollow." 


Under the patronage of Captain Williamson, he erected a flouring 
and saw mill in 1795. While the hands were employed in erect- 
ing this mill, Benjamin Pa,tterson was hired to supply them with 
wild meat, and was paid two dollars a day and the skins of the 
slain animals. In three months he killed nearly one hundred deer 
and several bears, and kis companion named Brocher, about as 
many more. Bartles was an intelligent, generous, and hospitable 
man. His mill-pond covered about a thousand acres, and was 
filled with fish of various kinds, affording rare sport for the Bath 
gentlemen during the fishing season. Parties of pleasure were 
entertained by Mr. Bartles in the best style and free of charge. 
He possessed an inexhaustible fund ■of pleasant anecdotes, and his 
dialect being a mixture of Dutch and English, was very amusing. 
Mud Cre^ at this time was a navigabte stream, and it was thought 
that the commerce of Mud Lake wouid require considerable of a 
town at i&is point, but the early ■expectations were not realized. 
In 1798 Mr. Bartles rafted 100^000 feet of boards from his mills 
to Baltimore. In 1800 he ran two arks from the same place, of 
which the following record was made by the County Clerk : 

"Steuben County: — This fourtJi day of April, one thousand 
eight hundred, started from the mills of Frederick Bartles, on the 
'O'Utlet of Mud Lake, two arks of the following dimensions : One 
built by Col. Charles Williamsoii, of Bath, 72 feet long and 1 5 
wide; the other built by Nathan Harvey, 71 feet long and 15 
wide, were conducted dwwn the Conhocton, (after coming through 
Mud Creek without .aoMdent,) to Painted Post, for Baltimore. 
Those arks are the first- built in this County, except one built on 
the ConhoctOJi, at White's saw mill, five miles below Bath, by a 
Mr. Patterson, Sweeny and others, from Pennsylvania, 70 feet 
long' and 16 feet wide, which was finished and started about the 
20th of March the same year." 

" This minute is entered to show at a' future day the first com- 
mencement of embarkation in this (as is hoped) useful invention, 

By Henry A. TownsehOj 

Clerk of Steuben. County." 

Mud Creek has ceased to be navigable since tke clearing of the 
forests, and the produce of this region seeks the' easfteim markets 
by canals and railroads. Among -the early settlers were Henry 
Switzer, Samuel S. Camp, Abram Rosenburg, Thomas Rolls, Mi- 
chael Scott, Daniel Bartholomew and Capt. J ohn N. Hight.. John 
Hemiup, John Schrinner, Henry Axtelle, Ezekiel Saekett and one 
of the Smith family, also settled here at an eaily day.. 

The first birth was that of a daughter of John Harvey,, in 1799, 
and the first death that of Mrs. Thomas Rolls, in August 1803. 
Frederick and Charles Bartles opened the first store in 1800, and 
p . . 


the first inn in 1806. The first school was taught by Mr. Smith, 
in 1810. Eev. E. Sanford was the first preacher in town, and Rev, 
Mr. Lazelle, (Bap.) )vho settled in town in 1816, was the first set- 
tled minister. 

The population of the town in 1865 was 1,163, and its present 
area is 17,000 acres. 

The number of school districts is six, employing fifteen teachers. 
The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 333, and the average 
attendance 139. The amount expended for school purposes was 

CAMEROIT, named from Dugald Cameron, one of the first 
settlers of Bath, and afterwards an agent of the Pulteney Estate 
was formed from Addison, April 16th, 1822. Thurston was taken 
off in 1844, and a part of Rathbone in 1856. It lies a little south 
of the center of the County. Its surface is a high, rolling upland, 
broken by the deep valley of Canisteo River, which flows south- 
east through near the center of the town. The soil is a clayey and 
gravelly loam. ' 

Cameron, (p. v.) on the Canisteo, is a station on the Erie rail- 
road, and contains two churches and about forty houses. 

West Cameron (p. v.) .contains a church and about twenty 
houses. ■' 

North Cameron is a poet ofiice. 

The first settlement was made in 1800, by Richard Hadley 
Fhones Green, Samuel (Bsker and Ira Pratt. Joseph Butler John 
Sauter and John Hollet were early settlers. ' 

The first grist mill was built by Samuel Baker. John Hollet 
kept the first mn and Andrew G. Erwin the first store 

The population in 1865 was 1,439, and its area 27,000 acres 

ihere are ten school districts, employing eighteen teachers. 
The number of pupils lis 492, and the average attendance 184. 
Ihe amount expended.ifor -sckaol purposes in 1867 was $1,947.14. 

CAMPBELL, named from the Campbell family, who were 
early and prominent settlers, was formed from Hornby, April 15th, 
Pni, ; n ''" 'i?*^""*" '°'^"' ^^'"g south-east of the center of the 
thP v!fi' At? «°"^'^<^« °f high, broken ridges, .separated by 
allvl ^'°^ *!!!■''""'"'•. ^^ declivities of the hills are gener- 
ally steep and their summits from 300 to 500 feet above tht val- 

hro;,<,S» f ^fConhocton River, which flows south-east 
McNftt i!7ll r^°^ ?^'T^*°^^' ^""^ ^^^ tributaries, Wolf Run, 
Creeks ThI 'if ' ^Pf' ^'^ ^"" ^"^^ Stephens' and Michigan' 
wide Th^^^r '^,°^ *^' T"" '^ ^^°"* °"« and a half miles 
Tnta riSX^ir iftre^v:ifeyr^"^ ^^^'^ "^""^ *^' '^'^^ ^^^^^ 


CamphelUown, (p. v.) situated on the Conhocton, in the western 
part of the jtown, is a stlation on the Buffalo, New York and Erie 
Railroad, and contains two churches, a flouring mill, two large tan- 
neries, several saw and shingle mills and about twenty-five houses. 

Curtis is a station on the railroad. ' 

The first settleinent was commenced in 1806, by Samuel Calk- 
ins, Elias Williams, Joseph Wolcott, Rev. Robert Campbell and 
his son Archibald. 

The first birth was that of Bradford Campbell, and the first 
marriage that of Asa Milliken and Rachel Campbell. The first 
death was that of Frederick Stewart, in 1806. Campbell and Ste- 
phens built the first saw-mill, and Campbell^ and Knox the first 
gristmill. Robert Campbell kept the first inn and Frederick 
Stewart the first ifetore. The first church (Presb.) was organized 
in 1831. Rev. B. B. Smith was the first settled pastor. 

The population of the town in 1865 was 1,794, and its area 
22,000 acres. 

There are eight school districts, employing sixteen teachers. 
The whole number of pupils is 614 and the average attendance 194. 
The amount expended for school purposes in 1867 was 12,348.01. 

CAIflSTEO was formed in March 1796. A part of Troups- 
burgh was taken off in 1808, Hornellsville in 1820, and parts of 
Jasper and Greenwood in 1827. A part was annexed to Troups- 
burgh in 1818. It is an interior town and lies a little south-west 
of the center of the County. Its surface is chiefly a hilly upland, 
broken by the deep valleys of the streams. Canisteo River flows 
eastward through the north part of the town. Its valley is about 
one half mile wide, and is bordered by steep hillsides, 400 feet 
high. From the bouth the river receives Bennett's and Col. Bill's 
Creeks, both of which flow through deep valleys, bordered by steep 
hillsides. The soil is a clayey and gravelly loam. 

Canisteo, (p. v.) situated on Bennett's Creek, in the north-west 
part of the town, is a station on the New York and Erie Railroad, 
and contains two churches, viz : Presbyterian and Methodist, an 
academy, two hotels, a large boot and shoe factory, employing 
about fifty hands, a gristnjill, two sawmills, two planing mills, two 
stone mills, a spoke factory, a tannery, and about 500 inhabitants. 

Adrian, (p. v.) on the New York and Erie Railroad, contains a 
.church, a hotel, a sawmill and 25 houses. 

Center Canisteo (p. o.) is a hamlet. 

Bennett's Creek, Allen's Station and Swale are post offices. 

The first settlement was made in the fall of 1789, by Uriah Ste- 
phens, Sen., and Richard Crosby, with portions of their families. 

In 1788, Solomon Bennett, Capt. John Jameson, Uriah Stephens 
and Richard Crosby, from' the Wyoming region in Pennsylvania, 
started on an exploring expedition to Steuben County. They 


passed up the Chemung and the Conhocton, but finding no land to 
suit them, crossed over the hills and discovered the beautiful val- 
ley of the Canisteo. This valley^ about half a mile wide, was bor- 
dered by steep hillsides from 400 to 500 feet high, inclosing a for- 
est of heavy timber for a considerable distance, but terminating in 
an open flat of several hundred acres, covered with grass " so high 
that a horse and his rider could pass through almost unperceived." 
The explorers decided to purchase two townships on the river, 
which included the open flats. In the summer of 1789, a company 
was sent to the flats to cut and stack hay for the cattle which were 
to be driven on in the fall. The first settlers conveyed their pro- 
visions, baggage and families, from Newtown, on a " Seven-ton 
boat," while four sons of Mr. Stephens drove the cattle along the 
shore. The ascent of the river was no easy task, as frequently 
they were obliged to cut away the trunks of trees and dams of 
driftwood to clear a passage for their boat. Sometimes they en- 
countered rapids, where all hands were obliged to go on shore and 
tow their craft by means of a long rope. Having gained the upper 
flats, their cattle were turned loose to feast upon the luxuriant 
grass, while the pioneers proceeded to build a house of logs, 
twenty-six feet long and twenty-four feet wide. There was only 
one room below. Four fireplaces were excavated in the four cor- 
ners of the room, and, with plenty of wood, the settlers passed the 
wmter quite comfortably. Two families spent the winter in this 
log palace, and in the spring two others were admitted, each occu- 
pymg a corner and arranging their domestic affairs in their own 
way, with as much good humor as if their apartments had been 
separated by brick and mortar. In the spring of 1790, Solomon 
Bennett, Uriah Stephens, Jr., and Col. John Stephens, with their 
fami ies,jomed the new settlement. They immediately commenced 
breakmg a portion of the open flats. Four yoke of oxen were 
necessary to force the old fashion plow through the thickly matted 
roots of this miniature prairie. After sowing their wheat and 
planting their corn, they constructed an enormous log fence inclos- 
ing about four hundred acres of land. From the present site of 
&nnt 7 f' i°r *° ^'^\^^^\ township, about six miles, they 
aid out twelve lots across the valley and assigned them by ot to 
the several proprietors. The first house wis built on what has 
since been known as the "Bennett" or "Pumpelly farm " Jede 
diah Stephens, John Bedford and Andrew Bennet also s^itled her; 
ZXTZI '''?;, ^°'°"'°'^ ^.^""^" ^- -- °f the leading 
Can eoiSnoTI r',''*''^^ ^"''? '^' ^''' g"«t°^i" «» ^^e 
from fts mllit tI ''°°\°" ^T-^^'' ^'■«^'^' ^^^^' ^alf a mile 

mm was bm°lt th« J^" ^""'/ /" ^ ^'^' "'^ t^°- before this 
mill was built the settlers carried their grain to Shepard's Mill on 
the Susquehanna, nearly one hundred miles.- Afte? the Sing 


of the mill, Mr. Bennett went to New York to procure machinery 
for another, but became engaged in other business, and failed to 
supply the wants of his neighbors. George Hornell, (afterwards 
known as Judge Hornell,) settled in Canisteo in 1793, and was 
induced to build a mill on the site since known as Hornell's Mills. 
The settlers were so impatient for its erection that they turned out 
and prepared the timber voluntarily. Solomon Bennett kept the 
first store, and Jedediah Stephens the first inn. James McBurney, 
of Ireland, first came to- Canisteo as a peddler ; he bought " Great 
Lot " No. 12, in the lower township of Bennett, and other lands, 
went to Ireland, and upon ,his return settled some of his country- 
men on his lands. 

The first birth in the town was that of Oliver Stephens ; the 
first marriage that of Eichard Crosby and Hannah Baker, and the 
first death that of Henry Stephens. 

The early settlers of Canisteo frequently recognized among the 
Indians who came to hunt in that vicinity, some of their old antag- 
onists of the Wyoming; but old enmities were generally forgotten, 
and the savages and settlers lived together on the most amicable 

Under the old organization of Ontario County, the settlement 
of Canisteo was in the town of Williamsori, which at that time 
embraced an indefinite amount of territory in Steuben and adjacent 
counties. Jedediah Stephens was the first Supervisor of that 
town, and attended the meeting of the Board at Canandaigua. The 
town meeting was held at the house of Uriah Stephens, and seven 
votes were cast. Solomon Bennett is said to have been the captain 
of the first military company organized in Steuben County. The 
following graphic description of the early settlers of Canisteo is 
taken from McMaster's History of Steuben County : 

" A large proportion of the first settlers of Canisteo were from 
Pennsylvania, and had within them a goodly infusion of that bois- 
terous spirit and love of rough play for which the free and manly 
sons of the back-woods are everywhere famous. On the Susque- 
hanna frontier, before the Revolution, had arisen an athletic race, 
lovers of hard blows, sharp-shooters and runners, who delighted in 
nothing more than in those ancient sports by which the backs and 
limbs of air stout-hearted youths have been tested since the days 
of Hercules. The eaiting of bears, the drinking of grog, the de- 
vouring of hominy, venison, and all the invigorating diet of the 
frontiers ; the hewing down of forests, the paddling of canoes^ the 
fighting of savages, all combined to form a generation of yeomen 
and foresters, daring, rude and free. Canisteo was a sprout from 
.this stout stock; anS on the generous river flats flourished with 
i amazing vigor. "Everything that could eat, drink and wrestle, was 
welcome; Turk or Tuscarora, Anak or Anthropophagus, Blue 


Beard or Blunderbore. A ' back-hold' with a Ghoul would not 
have been declined, nor a drinking-match with a Berserkir. Since 
the Centaurs, never has there been a better specimen of a 'half- 
horse ' tribe. To many of the settlers in other parts of the County 
who emigrated from the decorous civilization of the east and south, 
these boisterous foresters were objects of astonishment. When 
a ' Cauisteer ' went abroad, the public soon found it out. On the 
Conhocton they were known to some as the Six Nations, and to 
the amusement and wonder of young Europeans, would sometimes 
visit at Bath, being of a social disposition, and sit all day, ' singing, 
telling stories and drinking grog, and never get drunk nayther.^ " 
The Indians were accustomed to come down from "Squakie 
Hill " several times a year to engage in horse and foot-racing, and 
other rude sports. At such times the uproar of their festivals 
made the valley appear like a den of maniacs. The Indians, though 
"quick as cats" and "limber as snakes," were not a match for 
their better trained and more experienced antagonists. On these 
festive occasions the Indians came down with all their households, 
women, children, dogs and l^orses, but conducted themselves with 
great civility, giving their hosts no cause for complaint. Elias 
Stephens was the great champion of the whites in the wrestling 
matches. No Indian in the Six Nations could lay him on his back. 
On one occasion a powerful young chief was brought by his tribe 
to test the strength of the Canisteo champion. He had been care- 
fully trained and exercised, and after " sleeping in oiled blankets" 
for several nights, was brought into the ring. Stephens clinched 
the young savage, and at the first round hurled him to the ground 
with a broken thigh. The chief's backers were very angry, and 
threatened to kill the victor, but the affair was finally made up, 
and the unfortunate chief was borne off on a deer skin, stretched 
between two poles. " Young America" .was not slow in following 
the- example of the fathers, either in contests with the red men, or 
in fishing and hunting, where the streams abounded in fish and the 
forests in game. The Indians sometimes made a military display, 
marching forth upon the flats to the number of three hundred war- 
riors, in full costume, to exhibit the grand war-dance. They made 
a fire about eight rods long, and paraded around it with hideOus 
chants and a great clattering of little deerskin drums. Elias Ste- 
phens, by his display of strength and resolution, became an object 
of respect to the Indians, who well knew that he dared to do all he 
promised. Fourteen men were once at work in Bennett's mill- 
yard, when sixteen of the savages came on whooping and brandish- 
mg their knives, and drove the men from the yard. Stephens was 
immediately informed of this raid, and said : " What ! you fourteen 
let sixteen of the critters drive you out of the yard? Lord ' 1 can 
whip a hundred Indians." Seizing a club, he hastened to the mill 


where the Indians were capering about and brandishing their knives 
in great glee. " Put up your linives, damn you, and be off, or I 
will beat all your brains out," exclaimed Stephens. The hilarious 
red skins put their knives in their belts, and walked away. 

The population of Canisteo in 1865 was 2,132, and its area 34,000 

The town contains sixteen school districts, employing seventeen 
teachers. The number of pupils in 1867 was 810, and the average 
attendance 288. The amount expended for school purposes the 
same year was $3,313.25. 

CATON was formed from Painted Post, (now Corning,) as 
"sWormly," March 28th, 1839, and its name was changed April 3d, 
1840. It is the south-east corner town of the County. Its surface 
is a rolling upland, though not as uneven as most towns in the 
County. The forests have not been cleared to such an extent as in 
many of the towns. The streams are small brooks flowing north- 
ward. The soil is a clayey and shaly loam. Lumber is exten- 
sively manufactured. 

Caton, (p. V.) is situated near the center of the town, and con- 
tains three churches, two grist mills, several saw mills and about 
forty houses. 

A temporary settlement was formed here in 1814, by Joseph 
and Charles Wolcott, but the first permanent settlement was made 
in 1819, by Isaac Rowley, from Bradford County, Pennsylvania. 
Stephen and Simeon Hurd settled in the town in 1821, Solomon 
Tarbox in 1822, and E. P. Babcock, Edward Eobins and Henry 
Miner in 1823. 

The first church (Presb.) was organized in 1832, and Rev. Ben- 
jamin Harron was the first settled pastor. The first birth was 
that of Shepard Hurd ; the first marriage that of Oliver Wood-" 
worth and Elizabeth Hurd ; and the first death that of a child of 
John Rowe. Bennett Bruce built the first grist mill; Samuel 
Wormly kept the first inn, and W. D. Gilbert kept the first store. 
Edward Robins taught the first school. 

The population in 1865 was 1,543, and its area 23,000 acres. 

There are twelve school districts, employing twenty-two teach- 
ers. The whole number of pupils is 480, and the average attend- 
ance 160. The amount expended for school purposes in 1867 was 

COHOCTON^ was formed from Bath and Dansville, June 
18th, 1812. A part of Avoca was taken off in 1843, and a part of 
Wayland in 1848. It is situated on the north border of the 
County, west of the center. The surface is mostly a hilly upland, 
separated into ridges by deep and narrow valleys. The principal 
streams are Conhocton River, flowing southerly through the cen- 


ter, and its tributaries. The soil is chiefly a slaty and gravelly 

Liberty, (Cohocton p. o.) on the Conhocton Eiver, is a station 
on the Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad, and contains two 
churches, a carriage factory, a saw mill, a manufactory of shingles, 
lath &c., and a population of 200 to 300. 

North Cohocton (p. v.) contains a church and about 35 houses. 

Bloods is a hamlet and a station on the railroad, one mile from 
North Cohocton. 

The first settlement was made soon after the settlement of Bath, 
by Joseph Biven, who was sent there by Captain Williamson to 
keep a tavern. He settled at the point known as the " Twenty- 
two Mile Tree," and subsequently as "Biven's Corners," now 
Blood's Corners. Richard Hooker, James and Aruna "Woodward, 
were the next settlers. In 1805 or 1806, Joseph Chamberlain, of 
Herkimer County, settled on the " Davis farm," near Liberty Cor- 
ners. His household consisted of a cow and a dog, and all his 
property, except his ax, was contained in a small pack. His 
style of living, in its simplicity, would rival that of the old philos- 
opher who lived in a tub. For a milk pail he cut a notch in a log, 
and driving the cow astride, milked into the notch, then crumbed 
his bread into the same and ate with a wooden spoon. In the fol- 
lowing year, Levi Chamberlain, Capt. Jonas Cleland, Joseph Shat- 
tuck and Deacon Horace Fowler settled in this town. Timothy 
Sherman, James Barnard, Samuel Rhoades, Jesse Atwood, Isaac 
Morehouse and Charles Burlingham were also early settlers. The 
Brownsons settled at Loon Lake at an early day. Abraham Lint 
settled at Lint Hill in 1789, and about the same time the Hatches, 
the Ketches and others. 

The first marriage was that of Joseph Biven and Sarah Hooker, 
in 1798, and the first birth that of Bethiah Hooker, their child, in 

1800. The first death was that of Richard Hooker, February 10th, 

1801. Jonas Cleland built the first saw and grist mills, in 1808 ; 
and Joseph Shattuck kept the first inn, in 1809. Sophia Trumbull 
taught the first school,. in 1810. The first settled minister was 
Rev. Elisha Brownson, (Bap.) in 1811. 

The population in 1865 was 2,614, and its area 25,000 acres. 

The town contains twelve school districts, employing 29 teach- 
ers. The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 728, and the aver- 
age attendance 275. The. amount expended for school purposes 
was 83,631.13. 

COJRNINO, named from the Hon. Erastus Corning, of 
Albany, was formed as " Painted Post," March 18th, 1796. Its 
name was changed March 31st, 1852. Erwin' and Hornby were 
taken off" in 1826, and " Wormly" (now Caton,) in 1839. A part 
was annexed to Erwin in 1856. It lies on the east border of the 


County, south of the center. The wide valley of the Chemung, 
extending north-west and south-east, through near the center of the 
town, and the lateral valleys, divide the uplands into rounded hills 
and narrow ridges. Th6 principal streams are Chemung River 
and its tributaries, Borden, Pos^, Narrows, Clump Foot and Win- 
field Creeks. The soil upon the hills is a heavy, slaty loani, and in 
the valleys a fine quality of sandy and gravelly loam, occasionally 
intermixed with clay. 

Corning, (p. v.) incorporated September 6th, 1848, is situated 
on the south bank of Chemung River, in the west part of the town. 
It is a half-shire of the County.* The Chemung Canal, the Bloss- 
burg and Corning Railroad and the Buffalo and New York and 
Erie Railroad, terminate here, and the village is an important sta- 
tion on the New York and Erie Railroad. It contains seven 
churches, a union school with academic department, three banks, 
six hotels, two newspaper offices, several manufacturing establish- 
ments and about 5,000 inhabitants. Immense quantities of coal 
and lumber are shipped from this place to different parts of the 
country. In May 1850, a most destructive fire occurred, destroy- 
ing entirely the business part of the village. About one hundred 
buildings and large quantities of luinber were consumed in a few 
hours. The work of re-building immediately commenced, and 
was prosecuted with vigor, so that in a short time good, substan- 
tial and elegant buildings occupied the places of those so recently 

Knoxville, named from Judge John Knox, and situated on the 
opposite side of the river from Corning, contains one church and 
about 500 inhabitants. 

Gibson is situated on the north side of Chemung River, one and 
a half miles east of Corning, at the head of the Chemung Canal 

Centerville is a small village about one mile west of Knoxville, 
and contains about 200 inhabitants. 

The first settlement of this town was made near the village of 
Corning, in 178P, by Frederick Calkins and Benjamin Eaton. 
Calkins was from Vermont, and was the first farmer of Steuben 
County. After living there alone for a time, he went East for his 
•family, and was absent when Phelps and Gorham's surveyors 
made their advent, which accounts for the omission of his name in 
Judge Porter's narrative. Township number two of the second 
range was purchased of Phelps and Gorham, in 1790, by six men, 
Frederick Calkins, Justus Wolcott, of Eastern New York ; Eph- 
raim Patterson, of Connecticut; Silas Wood, Caleb Gardner and 
Peleg Gorton. They paid eight cents an acre for the township. 
The old town of Painted Post comprised the present towns of 
Hornby, Campbell, Erwin, Corning, Caton and Lindley. The 


earliest settlers were the proprietors, (except Silas Wood,) and Eli 
and Eldad Mead, David and Jonathan Cook, of New Jersey ; 
Judge Knox, of Eastern New York ; Benjamin Eaton, Elias Wil- 
liams, Henry McCorraick, Hezekiah Thurber, Bradford Eggleston, 
Samuel Colgrove, John Berry and others, who settled in the town 
from 1790 to 1793. Jonathan 'and Warren Rowley settled in 
1794; James Turner and Caleb Woloott in 1795; George McCul- 
lick and Benjamin Patterson in 1796, and Nehemiah Hubbell in 

The first birth was that of James Calkins, November 24th, 1790 ; 
the first marriage that of Benjamin Gorton and Rachel Wolcott, in 
1794 ; and the first death that of Ichabod Patterson, in August 
1794. Ichabod Patterson built the first saw mill, and James Hen- 
derson the first grist mill, in 1793. Benjamin Eaton kept the first 
store, in 1791. He went for his stock to Wattle's Ferry, (now 
Unadilla Village,) in a canoe, with a man and boy. At that place 
he purchased another canoe, and returned with his fleet laden with 
goods to Painted Post. Samuel Colgrove taught the first school, 
in 1793, and John Warren conducted the first religious services 
the same year. 

The population of Corning in 1865 was 6,724, and its area 
24,300 acres. , 

There are fifteen school districts, employing fifty-three teachers. 
The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 2;3J5, and the average 
attendance 814. The amount expended for school purposes the 
same year was $10,645.96. 

DANSVILLB, named from Daniel P. Falkner, an early 
and enterprising citizen, known as « Captain Dan," was formed in 
March, 1796. Parts of Cohocton and Howard were taken ofl" in 
1812, a part of Wayland in 1848, and Fremont in 1854. A part 
was annexed to Sparta in 1822, and a part of Cohocton was re- 
annexed April 26th, 1834. It is the north town on the west bor- 
der of the County. The surface is mostly an upland, divided into 
ridges by the narrow valleys of the small streams. The declivi- 
ties ot the hills are steep and their summits are from 300 to 400 
feet above the valleys. The streams are the head branches of Can- 
ascraga Creek, flowing north, and of Canisteo River, flowing south. 

i»lT ^n'^^i^'^u'^P^^"^'^"*"* '" ^^^ «^«t and north, and 
gravel underlaid by hardpan in the south-west. 

nartT/^r'? ^^°"'^^ Dansville p. o.) is situated in the central 
emy 2inZ''' •,1'^ T^'Z ^^? *'*'"<''^"'' ^''^ ^ogersville Acad- 
tTre; hundred Seminary and a population of two or 

^Zll 'n ^ '*^*?°'' *"" ^^^ ^"^^'"^ «°<^ New York City Railroad. 
/^oCy s Comers is a post ofiice. 


The first settlement was made in 1804, by Isaac Sterling and 
Samuel Gibson. James, John and Major Jones, Frederick Fry, 
William Ganong, Thomas and Nathaniel Brayton, Tisdale Haskin, 
Thomas and John Root, Joshua Healey, Charles Oliver, Joseph 
Phelps, Elisha Robinson, William C. Rogers and Jesse Bridges, 
were some of the early settlers. ' 

Robert Fuller built the first saw-mill, in 1820, and Handy and 
Miller the first grist-mill, in 1825. Isaac Sterling kept the first 
inn, in 1806. The first school was taught by James Jones, in 
1811. ^ -^ 

The population in 1865 was 1,980, and the area 30,000 acres. 

The number of school districts is seventeen, employing seventeen 
teachers. The number of pupils attending school during the year 
was 766, and the average attendance 236. The amount expended 
for school purposes was $2,319.34. 

MHWIW was named from Col. Arthur Erwin, of Bucks 
County, Pennsylvania, an oflScer in the Revolutionary war, who 
purchased the township of Phelps and Gorham. It was formed 
from "Painted Post," January 27th, 1826. Lindley was taken 
off in 1837, and a part of Corning was annexed in 1856. It lies 
west of Corning, in the south-east part of the County. Its surface 
is about equally divided between high, rolling upland, and the low 
valleys of the streams. The summits of the hills are 400 to 600 
feet above the valleys. Tioga and Canisteo Rivers unite in the 
south-east part of the town, and Tioga and Conhocton in the north- 
east part, forming the Chemung River. The valleys of these 
streams are from one to two miles wide. The soil upon the hills 
is a shaly and clayey loam, and in the valleys it is a fine fertile 
alluvium. A large part of the town is still covered with forests. 
The lumber trade is extensively pursued. 

Painted Post, (p. v.) situated at the junction of Conhocton and 
Tioga Rivers, is a station on the New York and Erie Railroad, 
and thp Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroad. It contains three 
churches, a bank, a hotel, a sash, blind and door manufactory, a 
foundry and machine shop, a grist, saw, and plaster mill, a manu- 
factory of hemlock bark extract, and about 800 inhabitants. 

Coopers Plains (p. v.) is a station on the Binghamton, New York 
and Erie Railroad, and contains two churches, a hotel, and about 
300 inhabitants. 

About one mile south-west of Painted Post, the gang-mills of 
Fox, Weston & Brownson are located. They manufecture about 
10,000,000 feet of lumber, 3,000,000 shingles and 4,000,000 latl> 
annually. Their lumber yard covers about sixty acres. 

. William Harris, an Indian trader, settled at Painted Post in 
1787, or previous to that. The Indians manifested much zeal in 
promoting the establishment of a trading post at the head of the 


Chemung. They assisted him in erecting his cabin, carrying logs 
to the proposed site, and after the store was opened, patronized 
him to the extent of their ability. Previous to the arrival of Har- 
ris the people were obliged to go to Tioga Point, nearly fifty miles 
below, for their supply of the necessaries of life. After remaining 
here for a few years, Harris returned to Pennsylvania. David 
Fuller, Eli Mead and a Mr. VanNye settled in 1791-92, and Sam- 
uel, Frank and Arthur Erwin, Captain Howell Bull and John E. 
Evans, a few years later. 

David Fuller kept the first inn. It is described by one of the 
early settlers as composed of round logs, one story high, and divi- 
ded into two apartments. " Fuller, the landlord, was a good na- 
tured, slow and easy sort of a man, but his better half, Nelly, was 
a thorough going, smart, good looking woman, and much admired 
by gentlemen generally." The first school was taught by John E. 
Evans, in 1812. 

The population in 1865 was 1,982, and the area 23,400 acres. 

The town contains six school districts, employing seventeen 
teachers. The whole number of pupils attending school the last 
year was 712, and the average attendance 216. The amount ex- 
pended for schools in 1867 was $3,443.45. 

In the summer of 1779, a party of tories and Indians, under the 
command of a Loyalist named McDonald, and a renowned Seneca 
war-chief named Hiakatoo, returned from an incursion into the 
Susquehanna settlements, bringing with them a large number of 
men, women and children, as prisoners, and a large number of 
their own warriors, wounded. At the confluence of Tioga and 
Conhocton Elvers, Captain Montour, a fine young chief, and son of 
the famdus Queen Catharine, died of his wounds. His comrades 
buried him upon the bank of the river,and erected above his grave 
a post Upon which were painted various symbols and rude devices. 
This monument was known throughout the Genesee forests as the 
Painted Post. - It was a landmark well known to all the Six Na- 
tions, and was often visited by their braves and chieftains. This 
account of the origin of the Painted Post was given to Benjamin 
Patterson, the hunter, by a man named Taggart, who was carried 
to Fort Niagara a prisoner, by McDonald's party, and was a wit- 
ness to the burial of Captain Montour, or at least was in the en- 
campment at the mouth of the Tioga at the time of his death. 
Col. Harper, of Harpersfield, the well known officer of the frontier 
militia of New York in the Eevolution, informed Judge Knox, of 
Knoxville, in this County, that the Painted Post was erected over 
the grave of a chief wiio was wounded at the battle of the Hogback 
and brought in a canoe to the head of the Chemung, where he died. 
The post was standing many years after the settlement of the 
County, and the story goes that it rotted down at the butt, and 


was preserved in the bar-room of a tavern till about the year 1810, 
when it disappeared unaccoimtably. It is also said to have been 
swept away in a freshet. 

FREMONT, named in honor of John C. Fremont, was 
formed from Hornellsville, Dansville, Wayland^ and Howard, 
Nov. 17th, 1854. It is an interior town, lying north-west of the 
center of the County. Its surface is a hilly upland, forming a part 
of the dividing ridge between the Conhocton and Canisteo Rivers. 
Its streams are small brooks. The soil is chiefly a shaly loam 
derived from the disintegration of the surface rooks. 

Fremont Centre (Stephens' Mills p. o.) and Haskinville (p. o.) 
are hamlets. 

There are in the town two churches, two hotels, one grist-mill 
and four saw-mills. 

The first settlement was made by John B. Eathbun, Amos Bald- 
win and Sylvester Buck, in 1812. John A. Buck, Joel Everett 
and Daniel Atherton settled in the town in 1813-14; Francis 
Drake and a Mr. Taylor in 1815; and Solomon and Levi Gates, 
Robert Kilburg, Daniel Upson, Samuel Sharp, Nehemiah Luther, 
Lemuel Harding, Stephen Holden and Edward Markham in 1816. 

The first marriage was that of John A. Buck and Rebecca Bald- 
win, August 24th, 1815; the first jsirth that of Charles E. Buck, 
Nov. 12th, 1816; and the first death that of Mrs. Amos Baldwin, 
Dec. 21st, 1815. Daniel Upson built the first saw-mill, in 1816, 
and the first grist-mill, in 1819. The first school was taught by 
Lydia Everett, in 1819. The first religious services were con- 
ducted by Rev. Mr. Ford, in 1814. 

The population of the town in 1865 was 1,011, and its area 
19,000 acres. 

There are eleven school districts, employing eleven teachers. 
The whole number of pupils was 431, and the average attendance 
181, during the last year. The amount expended for school pur- 
poses in '1867 was $1,887.47. 

GREENWOOD was formed from Troupsburgh and Canis- 
teo, January 24th, 1827. West Union was taken off" in 1845, and 
a part of Jasper was annexed in 1848. It lies upon the west bor- 
der of the County, south of the center. The surface is chiefly a 
rolling upland. The principal stream is Bennett's Creek, which 
flows northerly through the east part of the town, i" a valley from 
400 to 600 feet below the summits of the adjacent hills. Ihe soil 
isasravelly and clayey loam. . r *u * 

Greenwood (p. v.) is situated in the eastern part of the town, on 
Bennett's Creek, and contains a church and about forty houses 

Mough and Beady, (p. v.) near the south border, contains about 
a dozen houses. 

West Greenwood is a post office. ^^ 

98 0-i- ZETTEER OF TO WN8. 

The first settlement was made by Christian Cobey, Jolra H., 
Ezra and Phineas Stephens, in 1820. Eleazer Woodward, John 
H. Hoyt, H. Carr and Lewis Ordway settled in the town in 1822. 

The first birth was that of Charles C. Stephens; the first mar- 
riage that of Hiram Putnam and Lucinda Stephens ; and the first 
death that of Ezra Cobey. The first grist-mill was built by Col. 
John Stephens, and the first inn and store were kept by Levi Davis. 
The first school was taught by Sarah Carr. 

The population in 1865 was 1,163, and the area 26,000 acres. 

There are twelve school districts, employing thirteen teachers. 
The whole number of pupils in attendance in 1867 was 579, and 
the average attendance 212. The amount expended for school 
purposes was $2,354.48. 

HAKTSVILLE was formed from Hornellsville, February 
7th, 1844. It lies upon the west border of the County, south of 
the center. I]he surface is a hilly upland, broken by the deep val- 
leys of its streams. The valley of Bennett's Creek extends along 
the east border, and Purdy Creek flows east through the north part. 
The steep hillsides bordering these streams are from 400 to 600 
feet high. The soil is a shaly and clayey loam. 

Hartsville Center, (Purdy Creek p. o.) situated on Purdy Creek, 
near the center of the town, contains about twenty houses. 

The first settlement was made in 1809, "by Benjamin Brookins. 
Joseph Purdy settled in the town in 1810, and a Mr. Blake in 1815. 
Thomas Williams, Joshua Davis, and men by the name of Satter- 
lee and Neff, settled in 1818 ; William D. Burdick and Perry Pot- 
ter in 1819 ; Daniel P. Carpenter, Frost Powell, Joseph Thomp- 
son, John and Robert G. Martin and a Mr. Hudson, in 1822 ; Cas- 
per VanBuskirk and William Ellison in 1823. 

The first birth was that of Sarah A. Carpenter ; the first mar- 
riage that of Robert G. Martin and Mary A. Gleason, and the first 
death that of an infant child of Ebenezer Mather ; these all took 
place in 1823. Daniel P. Carpenter opened the first store, in 
1825, and built the first saw-mill, iYi 1828. Henry Frisbie kept 
the first tavern, in 1849, and Miss Z. A. Purdy taught the first 
school, in 1826. 

The census of 1865 gives the town a population of 995, and an 
area of 23,000 acres. 

The number of school districts is ten, employing ten teachers. 
The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 390, and the average at- 
tendance 148. The amount expended for school purposes in 1867 
was 11,573.01. 

HORNBY, named from John Hornby, an English land- 
holder, was formed from " Painted Post," (now Corning,) January 
27th, 1826. Campbell was taken off in 1831, and a part was an- 


nexed to Orange, (Schuyler County,) April 11th, 1842. It lies 
near the center of the east border of the County, and has a high, 
rolling surface, intersected by deep, narrow valleys. Dry Run 
flows through the north-west part, and Post and Borden Creeks in 
the south, all tributaries of the Conhocton and Chemung. The soil 
is a shaly and clayey loam, of excellent quality. 

Hornby Forks (Hornby p. o.) contains two churches, several 
manufactories and about thirty houses. 

The first settlement was made in lgl4, by Asa and Uriah Nash, 
from Otsego County. Jesse Piatt, John Bobbins and Edward 
Stubbs settled in the town in 1815 ; John^t. John, Amasa Stanton, 
James S. and Hiram Gardner, Chester Knowlton and Aden Palmer 
in 1815-16; Benjamin Gardner, Isaac Goodell, Aaron Harwood 
and John Sayer, in 1818., 

The first birth was that of George Stanton ; the first marriage 
that of John Bidler and Miss Piatt, in .1816; and the first death 
that of John Stanton. Ezra Shaw kept the first inn, and Hon. A. 
B. Dickinson the first store. Mr. LaFevre built the first mill, and 
James C. Leach taught the first school. 

The census of 1865 gives the town a population of 1,193, and an 
area of 22,300 acres. 

There are twelve school districts in the town, employing twenty- 
four teachers. The whole number of pupils . attending school dur- 
ing the year 1867 was 492, and the average attendance 177. The 
amount expended for school purposes was $1,799.48. 

HORNELLSVILLE, named from Hon. George Hornell, 
one of the early settlers, was formed from Canisteo, April 1st, 
1820. Hartsville was taken off in 1844, and a part of Fremont in 
1854. It lies near the center of the west border of the County. 
The surface is chiefly a rolling upland, divided into two nearly 
equal parts by the Canisteo valley. This valley is from one to 
two miles wide, and is bordered by steep hills from 400 to 500 feet 
high. Canacadea and Crosby Creeks, tributaries of the Canisteo, 
flow through deep valleys from the west. The soil generally is a 
clayey and gravelly loam. 

Hornellsville, (p. v.) situated at the jun<?tioii of Canisteo River 
and Canacadea Creek, is an important station on the New York 
and Erie Railroad, and is the southern terminus of the Buffalo and 
New York Central Railroad. It contains five churches, viz : Meth- 
odist, Baptist, Presbyterian, Episcopal and Roman Catholic ; nine 
hotels, two banks, two newspaper oflSces and several mills and 
manufactories. The Canisteo Agricultural Society has a fair 
ground of seventeen acres in extent at Hornellsville. The popu- 
lation in 1865 was 8,536. 

Arhport, (p. v.) on the Buffalo and New York Central Railroad, 
contains a church and about 300 inhabitants. 


The first settlement' was made by Benjamin Crosby, in 1792. 
Elias Stephens and George Hornell settled in the town in 1793; 
Elijah Stephens in 1794; Christopher Hurlbut and Nathan Cory 
ill 1795 ; John and Hugh Carney in 1796 ; Reuben Crosby in 
1797, and James Jones in 1790. 

The first birth was that of AVilliam Stephens, in December, 
1792; the first marriage that of Reuben Crosby and Jenny Mc- 
Queen, in 1799 ; and the first death that of a child of Judge Hor- 
nell. Judge Hornell built the first saw and grist mills, and kept 
the first store and inn. The first school was taught by Abigail 
Hurlbut, in 1796. About the year 1800, Christopher Hurlbut ran 
the first ark, laden with* wheat, that descended the Canisteo, and 
about the same time, John Morrison ran the first raft. The honor 
of piloting the first ark out of the Canisteo is also claimed for Ben- 
jamin Patterson. I 

The population of the town in 1865 was 5,338, and its area 
32,000 acres. 

The number of school districts in the town is thirteen, employing 
eighteen teachers. The number of pupils is 1,732, and the average 
attendance 422. The amount expended for school purposes $4,- 

SOWAUD was formed from Bath and Dansville, June 18th, 
1812. A part of Avoca was taken off in 1843, and a part of Fre- 
mont in 1854. It is an interior town, and lies a little north-west 
of the center of the County. Its surface is mostly a rolling upland, 
forming a part of the dividing ridge between Conhocton and Canis- 
teo Rivers. The streams are all small, flowing into the Conhocton 
or the Canisteo River. In the north-east part are two small ponds. 
The soil is chiefly a heavy clay loam. 

Howard (p.- v.) contains two churches, two hotels, three stores, 
two wagon shops, a tannery and several mechanic shops, and about 
forty-five houses. 

Towlesville (p. v.) contains two churches, several mechanic shops, 
and about twenty houses.- 

Beuna Vista (p. o.) contains a church and about a dozen houses. 

Goff's Mills (p. o.) is a hamlet, and 

South Howard is a post ofiiqe. 

The first settlement was made in 1806, by Abraham Johnson. 
Reuben and A.braham Smith, Abel BuUard, Jacob and Thomas 
Bennett, Charles McConnell, Simeon McMurty and Mr. Colgrove, 
settled in the town in 1808; Samuel Baker, Joel Bullard, Benjamin 
Bennett, Ephraim Rumsey, William Allen, Daniel N. Bennett, 
Jonas and Seth Rice and Nathan Corey, in 1810-11 ; and Simeon 
Bacon, William Goff, Israel Baldwin and Rufus Halsey, in 1812. 

Arethusa Bullard was born in 1809, which was the first birth; 
and the first death was that of Mrs. Rowley, who died the same 


year. Henry Kennedy built the first saw-mill, in 1809, and James 
Vaughn the first grist-mill, in 1810. The first inn was kept by 
Benjamin Bennett, in 1816. 

The population of this town in 1865 was 2,373, and its area 
36,000 acres. 

The number of school districts is sixteen, and the number of 
teachers employed seventeen. The whole number of pupils is 861, 
the average attendance 328, and the amount expended for school 
purposes in 1867, $3,569.48. 

tTASJPERf named from Sergeant Jasper, who was noted for 
his courage at the battle of Fort Moultrie, South Carolina, June 
28th, 1776, was formed from Troupsburgh and Canisteo, January 
24th, 1827, and a part was annexed to Greenwood in 1848. It is 
situated near the south-west corner of the County. Its surface is a 
hilly and broken upland, the highest summits being nearly 2,000 
feet above tide. The streams are small brooks, and the soil is a 
slaty, gravelly and clayey loam. 

Jasper Fow Corners (Jasper p. o.) contains two churches and 
about 250 inhabitants. 

West Jasper is a post office, and 

Jasper Five Corners is a hamlet. 

The first settlement was made in 1807, by Nicholas Botzman, 
Ebenezer Spencer and William Wooley. Adam Botzman audi 
Andrew Craig were also early settlers. 

The first birth was that of Sally Botzman, and the first marriage 
that of Samuel Gray and Polly Simpson. Nicholas Botzman kept 
the first inn, and Amanda Smith taught the first school. 

The population of this town in 1865 was 1,678, and its. area 
31,000 acres. 

It contains fifteen school districts, employing fifteen teachers. 
The whole number of pupils during the last year was 582, and the 
average attendance 213. The amount expended for school pur- 
poses in 1867 was $2,386.88. 

JjINDLJEY, named in honor of Col. Eleazur Lindley, was 
formed from Erwin, May 12, 1837. It lies upon the south border 
of the County, east of the center. Its surface is a hilly upland, 
broken by the deep valley of Tioga Eiver, which extends through 
the town from north to south, near the center. The summits 
of the hills are from 400 to 600 feet above the valley, and covered 
to a great extent by forests. The valley is about one mile wide 
and is bordered by steep hillsides. The soil upon the hills is a 
heavy, shaly Icam, and in the valleys a rich alluvium. A large 
part of the surface is still covered with forests. Lumbering is ex- 
tensively pursued. 



lAndleytown, (p. v.) on Tioga Eiver, is a station on the Bloss- 
burg and Corning E. E., and contains a church, a tannery, a grist 
mill, several sawmills, and about twenty houses. 

Ervnn Center, (p. o.) situated on the E. E., near the north 
border of the town, and also on the river, is a hamlet. 

The first settlement was made in 1790, by Col. Eleazur Lindley, 
from New Jersey, the original proprietor of the town, upon the 
Tioga Flats. He was an active ofRcer of the "Jersey Blues" 
during the Revolutionary war, and had, previous to 1790, rode 
through the " Genesee Country " to find a tract of land where he , 
might establish himself, and gather his children around him. The 
un healthiness of the regions around Seneca and Canandaigua Lakes, 
prevented his settling in that region, and he chose a tract less 
promising for agricultural purposes, but one that promised freedom 
from the diseases to which the more fertile northern plains were 
subject. His colony consisted of about forty persons, who, with 
their goods, were transported to the Susquehanna. At Wilkesbarre 
these were transferred to boats and poled up the river, while the 
horses and cattle were driven along the trails or rude roads upon 
the bank. They arrived at their place of destination June 7, 1790. 
Plows were made and the river flats were immediately broken ; 
the season was too far advanced fop corn, but a great harvest of 
buckwheat was secured. Buckwheat, milk, and game constituted 
their food the first winter. " Old Pomp," a negro, made himself 
useful by pounding buckwheat in a mortar, from the time the ice 
closed the river in autumn till spring removed the embargo and 
allowed the transportation of grain in canoes to Shepard's Mill. 
Old Pomp seems to have been a skillful hunter as well as miller, 
if we credit the report handed down to us, that he killed four bucks 
at one shot, as they stood in the water. 

Colonel and Mrs, Lindley were members of the Presbyterian 
Church, at Morristown, in New Jersey, and in this new settlement 
the Sabbath was strictly ©bserved. Traveling missionaries were 
cordially welcomed, and when none of these was present to con- 
duct the religious services. Col. Lindley himself would read a ser- 
mon. In 1793. he 'was elected a member of the Legislature, and 
while attending the session of that body, died in New York. Col. 
Lindley was accompanied to his new home in the Tioga Valley by 
his two sons, Samuel and Eleazur, and by his sons-in-law. Dr. 
Ezekiel Mulford, Ebenezer Backus and Capt. John Seely. 

The first birth was that of Eliza Mulford, August 10, 1792 ; the 
first marriage, that of David Cook, Jr. and Elizabeth Cady ;' and 
the first death, that of Col. Eleazur Lindley, in June 1794. Joseph 
Miller taught the first school, near the Pennsylvania line, in 1793 ; 
the widow of Col. Lindley kept the first inn ; and John P. Eyers' 
the first store. The first sawmill was erected by Col. Lindley. 


The population in 1865 was 940, and its area 23,000 acres. 

nnmW <fr "f school districts, employing nine teachers. The 

aC«l r^'^' '^ i®5 ^""^ ^^*' ^""^ ^''^ ^^erage attendance 92. 
i-he amount expended for schools in 1867, was $1,184.21. 

^f^i^^^^^?^^^^' ^^^^ froKi Captain Joel Pratt, one 
ot the farst settlers, was formed from Pulteney, April 12 1813 
and a part of Wheeler was taken off in 1820. It is centrally 
situated upon the north border of the County. Its surface is i 
hilly upland broken by the valleys of several small streams, flow- 
ing in a south-westerly direction. The principal streams are Five 
Mile Ten Mile and Twelve Mile Creeks. The valley at Pratts- 
burgh village is 1,400 feet above tide, and the hills are from 300 
to 400 feet higher. The soil is a gravelly and clay loam. 

Pratisburgh, (p. v.) situated in the eastern part of the town 
was incorporated December 7, 1848. It contains two churches 
the J^ ranklm Academy, and several manufacturing establishments. 

Biker s Hollow (p. o.) is a hamlet. 

The first permanent settler in this township was Jared Pratt a 
nephew of Captain Joel Pratt, from whom the town was named. 
He and his wife came here in the spring of 1801, and for about 
two years and a half constituted the only family in the town. It 
was several miles to the nearest neighbor ; there was no road ex- 
cept a mere trail, and for miles a dense forest surrounded them. 
To obtain flour for their bread, Mr. Pratt would fill a bag with 
grain, lay it across the yoke of his oxen and drive eleven miles to 
Naples, the nearest mill. Mr. Pratt continued to reside here till 
his death, in 1840. In 1799, Captain Joel Pratt, from Columbia 
County, came to Steuben and purchased several thousand acres of 
land in township No. 5, range 3, in the present town of Wheeler. 
He cleared one hundred and ten acres and sowed it with wheat. 
He afterwards returned to Columbia for his family. In 1802, 
becoming dissatisfied with his purchase, he was permitted to ex- 
change it for a tract in township No. 6, in which purchase William 
Root, of Albany County, joined him. In the sale of this town- 
ship two hundred acres were reserved for the support of a resident 
clergyman. Captain Pratt was a Congregationalist, and intended 
to establish a church of that order in this new settlement. With 
this view, he required every person to whom he sold land to give a 
note to the amount of fifteen dollars on each hundred acres pur- 
chased, payable within a given time, with legal interest annually 
till paid to the Trustees of the Religious Society which should be 
formed. Rev. John Niles, a licentiate of a Congregational Asso- 
ciation, settled in 1803 on a lot of eighty acres, given him by 
Captain Pratt as an inducement to settle. The Sabbath after Mr. 
Niles' arrival he held religious services at the house of Jared 
Pratt, being the first held in the town. 


In the winter of 1804, William P. Curtis, Samuel Tuthill, 
Pomeroy Hull and Salisbury Burton, with their families, settled 
in the town. Noah Niles, Cyril Ward, Aaron Bull, Enoch Niks, 
Harmon Fowler, Eufus Blodgett and Stephen Hall, all originally 
from New England, settled in 1805-6. Isaac Waldo, Judge Hop: 
kins, John Hopkins, Dea. Ebenezer Rice, Robert Porter, Dea. 
Gamaliel Loomis, Samuel Hayes and others, arrived about the 
same time. The first extensive clearing in Prattsburgh was one 
of seventy acres, including the Public Square of the village, made 
in 1803, under the direction of Captain Pratt. 

The first frame building erected in the town was a bam, by Joel 
Pratt, Jr., in 1804. This was a sort of resting place, for several 
years, for families just arrived, sometimes half a dozen at once 
taking up their quarters here till their own homes were arranged. 
It was also the place of religious worship previous to the building 
of the first church. The first merchants of the town were Joel 
Pratt, Jr. and Ira Pratt, and the first hotel keeper was Aaron 
Bull. The first child born was Marietta Pratt, in 1802, and the 
first death that of a daughter of William P. Curtis, in 1804. The 
first marriage was that of Isaac Pardee and Patty Waldo, in 1806. 
The first school was taught in a church by Horace Bull, in 1806-7, 
The first? mill was erected on Five Mile Creek, by Robert Porter. 

The Congregational Church was organized in 1804, consisting of 
eleven members. The first church edifice was erected in 1807, it 
was a framed building and stood at the south-east corner of the 
public square. Some were disposed to build it of logs, but Capt. 
Pratt was greatly opposed to that, and " retorted upon the Society 
the anathema pronounced against those who dwelt in ceiled houses, 
while the temple of the Lord laid waste." Captain Pratt, under 
whose direction and encouragement the town was settled, con- 
tinued to reside here till his death, in 1820, greatly respected, and 
esteemed by all who knew him. 

Judge Porter was for many years one of the most prominent 
citizens of the town, holding at different times all the most respon- 
sible offices in the gift of the people of his town. 

Rev. James H. Hotohkin, author of "The History of the Pres- 
byterian Church in Western New York," was for many years a 
citizen of Prattsburgh; h^ died Sept. 2, 1856. He was the son of 
Beriah Hotchkin, a pioneer missionary, graduated at Williams 
College, in 1800, studied theology with Dr. Porter, of Catskill, 
and removed to Prattsburgh in 1809, where he labored twenty-one 
years. " He had a mind of a strong masculine order, well dis- 
ciplineid hy various reading, and stored with general knowledge. 
The doctrinal views of the good old orthodox New England stamp, 
which he imbibed at first, he maintained strenuously to the last, 
and left a distinct impression of them wherever he had an oppor- 


tunity to inculcate them. His labors through the half century 
were 'abundant' and indefatigable. He had the happiness of dos- 
ing his life in the scenes of his greatest usefulness." 

The population of Prattsburgh, according to the census of 1865, 
was 2,606, and its area 34,000 acres. 

There are seventeen school districts in the town, employing 
thirty.four teachers. The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 
672, and the average attendance 328. The amount expended for 
school purposes the same year was $2,914.38. 

IPTTLTENEY, named from Sir William Pulteney, the 
former owner of the Pulteney Tract, was formed from Bath, 
February 12, 1808. Prattsburgh was taken off in 1813, and a 
part of Urbana in 1848. It lies upon the west shore of Crooked 
Lake, and is the north-east corner town of the County. The sur- 
face is a rolling upland, from 700 to 900 feet above the surface of 
the lake. The declivities along the lake are broken by numerous 
narrow ravines formed by small streams. The soil is chiefly a 
shaly and gravelly loam, and in some parts, near the lake, it is 

Harwionyville (Pulteney p. o.) contains two churches and about 
twenty houses. 

Bluffport (South Pulteney p. o.) contains about the same number. 

Peltonville, in the northern part, and Gulicksville, a landing on 
the lake, are hamlets. 

The first settlement was made on g Bully Hill," by John Van 
Camp and D. Thompson, in 1797. Some of the other early set- 
tlers were Samuel Miller, G. F. Fitzsimmons, John Block, James 
and George Simms, Henry Hoffman, Abraham Bennett and Shad- 
rach Norris. Samuel and Nathaniel Wallis, John Ells, William 
White, James Daily, Erastus Glass, Harmon Emmons and Seth 
Pierce arrived in 1806. 

The first marriage was that of Chistopher Tomer and Jane Mil- 
ler, in 1809, and the first death that of a child of James Daily, in 

1806. Melchior Waggoner built the first saw-mill, in 1810, and 
the first grist-mill in 1814. Shadrach Norris kept the first inn, in 

1807, and Augustus Tyler the first store, in 1808. The first school 
was taught by Polly Wentworth, in 1808. Eev. Ephraim Eggles- 
ton, the first settled preacher, removed to the town in 1805. 

The census of 1865 gives the town a population of 1,387, and an 
area of 19,000 acres. 

There are ten school districts in the town, employing twenty- 
two teachers. The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 333, and 
the average attendance 159. The amount expended for school 
purposes the same year was $2,226.17. 


MATHJBOJVE, named from General Ransom Rathbone, 
who settled in the town in 1842, was formed from Addison, Came- 
ron and WoodhuU, March 28th, 1856. It is an interior town, 
Jyii?g just south of the center of the County. Its surface consists 
of a high, rolling upland, broken by the valleys of Canisteo River 
and a branch of Tuscarora Creek. The upland is from 300 to 400 
feet above the valleys. Naked and precipitous ledges of rocks crop 
out on the hillsides along the valleys. The soil is a shaly and 
clayey loam upon the hills, and alluvium in the valleys. 

Rathhoneuille (p. v.) on Canisteo River, is a station on the Erie 
Railroad, and contains a church, a flouring mill and about 40 

West Addison (p. o.) and Cameron Mills (p. o.) are hamlets. 

James Hadley and William Benham were the first settlers, in 
1793. Among the early settlers we find the names of Isaac and 
Jonathan Tracy, Martin Young, William Morey, Moses Powers, 
Zephaniah Townsend, Thomas Maybury and Samuel Colgrove. 

Isaac Tracy built the first saw-mill, in 1806, and Lemuel Benham 
kept the first inn, in 1804. The first store was kept in 1842, by 
General Rathbone. 

The population in 1865 was 1,464, and its area 22,000 acres. 

There are ten school districts, employing twenty teachers. The 
whole number of pupils in 1867 was 586, and the average attend- 
ance 186. The same year the town expended $2,383.47 for school 

TELUBSTON was formed from Cameron, February 28th, 
1844, and named in honor of William B. Thurston, a land owner. 
It is an interior town, and lies a little south-east of the center of the 
County. Its surface is chiefly a high, broken upland, forming a 
part of the dividing ridge between Conhocton and Canisteo Rivers. 
The summits of the hills are from 500 to 600 feet above the river 
valleys. The principal streams are Stockton's Creek, in the north- 
west, and Michigan Creek in the south, flowing in deep, narrow 
ravines, bordered by steep hillsides. The soil is a shaly and grav- 
elly loam. 

Merchantville, in the east. Bonny Hill, in the north-east, and 
Bisingville, (p. o.) in the west, are hamlets. Thurston and South 
Thurston are post oflices. 

The first settlers were William Smith, Luke Bonny and Ander- 
son Carpenter, at Bonny Hill, in 1813. Amos Dickens settled in 
1814, and Joseph Fluent in 1817. The first settlers at Aldrich 
settlement were William Jack, Samuel Fisk and Thomas Aldrich, 
in 1823. 

The first birth was that of Irena Smith, in 1813, and the first 
marriage that of Joseph Fluent and Fanny Dickinson, in 1818. 


The first death was that of Anderson Carpenter, killed by the fall- 
ing of a tree, in 1817. The first school was taught at Bonny Hill, 
by Caroline Vinan, in 1818, and the first store was kept by Har- 
low Sears, at Merehantville. The first religious society (M. E.) 
was formed in 1814. Eev. Buel Parker was the first preadier. 

The population in 1865 was 1,176, and its area 23,000 acres. 

There are ten school districts, employing twenty-one teachers. 
The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 475, and the average at- 
tendance 193. The same year the town expended for school pur- 
poses $1,977.12. 

TBOUPSBUMGH:, named in honor of Robert Troup, 
agent of the Pulteney Estate, was formed from Middletown (now 
Addison,) and Canisteo, February 12th, 1808. The town was re- 
duced somewhat in territory in 1827 by taking off" parts of Green- 
wood and Jasper, and in 1828 it was still further reduced in size 
by taking off a part of Woodhull. A part of Canisteo was annexed 
in April, 1818. It lies upon the south border of the County, west 
of the center. Its surface consists principally of a hilly upland, 
broken by the deep valleys of small streams. The highest sum- 
mits are 2,500 feet above tide, and are the highest in the County. 
The principal stream is Troup's Creek, flowing south. The soil is 
a slaty and clayey loam. 

Troupsburgh Center, (Troupsburgh p. o.) situated on Troup's 
Creek, near the center of the town, contains an academy and about 
twenty houses. 

South Troupsburgh (p- v.) contains about 100 inhabitants. 

East Troupsburgh (p. o.), West Troupsburgh (p. o.), and Young 
Hickory (p. o.) are hamlets. 

Samuel B. Rice, from Connecticut, was the pioneer settler of 
this town, in 1805 ; he located a little east of the center of the 
town. Peter Young and Peter Dolson, fi:om Addison, settled near 
Mr. Rice, in 1806. Lieutenant Reynolds and Jonathan Rogers 
settled at the same place in 1800 ; George Martin in 1810, and 
James Works in 1811. 

The first child born was Polly Young, and the first marriage 
was that of Zebulon Tubbs and Sarah Rice; the first death was 
that of Jeremiah Martin. Abner Thomas taught the first school, 
a little east of Troupsbugh village; Lieut. Reynolds kept the first 
inn, four miles from the center, and Ichabod C. Leach the first 
store, two miles from the center. George Martin erected the first 
grist-mill, at Troupsburgh village. The first religious society (M. 
E.) was formed at the house of Samuel Cady, by Rev. Parker 
Buell, the first preacher. 

The population of this town in 1865 was 2,100, and its area 
38,000 acres. 


There are sixteen school districts, employing seventeen teachers. 
The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 760, and the average at- 
tendance 253. The amount expended for school purposes was 

TUSCAHOIIA was formed from Addison, December 13th, 
1F59. It includes township number one of the third range of the 
Phelps and Gorham purchase. It is situated on the- south border 
of the County, east of the center. The surface is a hilly upland, 
broken by the valley of Tuscarora Creek in the north-west part. — 
The streams are all small. The soil is chiefly a clay loam, with 
gravel and alluvium along the valley of Tuscarora Creek. 

South Addison, (p. v.,) in the north part, contains about twenty 

Addison Sill is a post office. 

The settlement of this town was commenced about 1792 or 1793. 

The census of 1865 gives the town a population of 1,523, and an 
area of 23,000 acres. 

The number of school districts in the town is twelve, and the 
number of teachers employed twenty-five. The whole number of 
pupils is 572, and the average attendance 193. The amount ex- 
pended for school purposes in 1867 was $2,600.72. 

UMBAI^A was formed from Bath, April 17, 1822. A part 
was annexed to Bath in 1839 ; a part of Wheeler was annexed 
May 3, 1839, and a part of Pulteney, April 12, 1848. It lies at 
the head of Crooked Lake, north-east of the center of the County. 
Its surfacie is divided by Pleasant Valley, a continuation of Crook- 
ed Lake Valley, into two series of highlands, rising from 800 to 
1,000 feet above the lake. Cold Spring Creek rises in this valley, 
flows north-east and empties into the lake. The soil is alluvium in 
the valleys, and upon the hilltops a heavy, gravelly loam. From 
their sheltered situation, the slopes of the hills descending to the 
south and east, are well adapted to the culture of the grape. In 
1857 thirty acres were devoted to vineyards, and the success was 
so great that the number of acres was doubled in 1858. There are 
about two thousand acres in the town, with a south and east incli- 
nation, adapted to this purpose. The town is noted for the pro- 
duction of a superior quality of very fine wool. 

Hammondsport, (p. v.,) at the head of Crooked Lake, was incor- 
porated June 12, 1856, and contains six churches, the Hammonds- 
port Academy, three hotels, several manufactories, and about 900 
mhabitants. The "Urbana Wine Company," organized with a 
capital of $250,000, is employed in grape culture and the manu- 
facture of wine. Their vineyards are capable of producing 300 
ton^ of grapes annually. This Company manufacture a superior 
quality of wine. "The Directors of the Company pledge their 


personal reputation that their wines are pure." J. W. Davis is the 
President of the Company. The " Pleasant Valley Grape Grow- 
ers Association," is an organization for the promotion of horticul- 
ture and pomology. A Fair is held annually, T. M. Younglove, 

North Urbana (p. v.,) contains two churches and about twenty 

Cold Spring is a hamlet. 

The first settlers of Pleasant Valley, in this town, were William 
Aulls and Samuel Baker. Mr. Aulls was from the southern part 
of Pennsylvania. He made the first clearing and built the first 
house in the Valley in the spring of 1793, and in the fall of the same 
year removed his family to the same place. 

Samuel Baker was a native of Connecticut. When fifteen years 
of age he was taken by the Indians and remained a prisoner till 
released by the surrender of Burgoyne at Saratoga. He after- 
wards enlisted in Col. Willett's corps, and served for a time in the 
army. Previous to 1793, Mr. Baker had spent several years of 
pioneer life in the valley of the Tioga, but not obtaining a satisfac- 
tory title to his land, and having heard froija Harris, the hunter, of 
a beautiful valley in Steuben County, selected a farm of three hun- 
dred acres in Pleasant Valley, built a house upon it, and in the fol- 
lowing spring removed his family from the Tioga. He resided 
here till his death, in 1842, at the age of 80. He was for several 
years Associate and First Judge of the County Court. 

In 1795 the whole Valley was occupied. Beginning with Judge 
Baker's farm, and going towards the lake, the next one was occu- 
pied by Captain Amos Stone; William Aulls, Ephraim Aulls and 
James Shelter occupied the next farms. The other farms between 
Hammondsport and the lake were occupied by Capt. JohnShether, 
Eli Read, William Barney and Richard Daniels. Most of these 
had been soldiers of the revolution. Of Captain Shether it is said, 
he was, during the war, a Captain of Dragoons, and had the repu- 
tation of being an excellent officer, and a favorite of Gen Wash- 
ington. He lived on his farm at the head of Crooked Lake, in 
good style, and fared sumptuously. He was a generous, hospita- 
ble man, and a true patriot. 

For many years the settlement in Pleasant Valley was the niost 
prosperous and one of the most important in the County. ihe 
soil was very productive and yielded a supply for the inhabitants 
and furnished much food also for the less fortunate inhabitants of 
Pine Plains, as Bath was called. An old settler of Pleasant Val- 
lev gives the following account of Bath : 

"If it had not been for the Valley, the pine plains would have 
been depopulated. After Court had been in session two or three 
days you would see a black boy come down here on a horse, and 


with a big basket, foraging. He would go around to all the farms 
to get bread, meat, eggs, or anything that would stay life. Bath 
was the hungriest place in all creation. You couldn't trust a leg 
of mutton to anybody but the land agent." 

Cold Spring Valley was occupied by Gen. McClure in 1802. 
He erected mills and kept them in operation till 1814, when Henry 
A. Townsend took possession of the Valley and resided in the 
" Cold Spring House " till his death, in 1839. Mr. Townsend re- 
moved from Orange County to Bath in 1796, was elected County 
Clerk in 1799, and continued to hold the office till 1814. Mr. Laz- 
arus Hammond removed from Dansville to Cold Spring in 1810, 
and afterwards resided near Crooked Lake till his death. He was 
Sheriff of the County in 1814, and afterwards Associate Judge of 
the County Court. 

The first child born in this town was Samuel Baker, jr.; the first 
marriage that of Jonathan Barney and Polly Aulls, in 1794 ; and 
the first death that of John Phillips, in September of the same year. 
Eliphalet Norris taught the first school, at Pleasant Valley, in 
1795 ; Caleb Chapman kept the first inn, at North Urbana, and 
Henry A. Townsend the first store, at Cold Spring, in 1815 ; John 
Shether built the first sawmill, in Pleasant Valley, in 1795, and 
Gen. George McClure the first gristmill, at Cold Spring, in 1802; 
Elder Ephraim Sanford (Bap.) preached the first sermon, at the 
house of Mr. Baker, in 1795. 

The population in 1865 was 1,711, and the area 24,000 acres. 

The number of school districts is eleven, employing eighteen 
teachers. The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 415, and the 
average attendance 175. The amount expended for school pur- 
poses the same year was $3,235.77. 

WAYLAWD, named from Rev. Br. Wayland, of Rhode 
Island, was formed from Cohocton and Dansville, April 12, 1848. 
A part of Fremont was taken off" in 1854. It is the most western 
town upon the north border of the County. The surface is an up- 
land, rolling in the north, and moderately hilly in the south. It 
forms a portion of the watershed between Susquehanna River and 
Lake Ontario; and its highest summits are from 1,600 to 1,800 
feet above tide. The streams are small creeks and brooks. Loon 
and Mud Lakes are situated in a valley in the south part of the 
town, and their waters flow in opposite directions. The outlet of 
the former is subterranean for half a mile, and where it comes to 
the surface it is of sufficient size to form a valuable mill stream.— 
The soil in the north is gravel and muck, and in the south a shaly 
loam. '' 

Wayland (Wayland Depot p. o.,) is situated in the north-east 
part of the town, and contains about 40 houses. It is a station on 
theB.,N. Y. &E. R. R. 


FerkinsviUe is situated two miles south-west of Wayland, and 
contains two churches and about thirty houses. 

Patchen's Mills is a hamlet. 

The arst settlement was made in 1806, by Adam Zimmerman, 
at the depot. The north part of the town was settled by Captain 
inomas Bowles. Among other early settlers were John H. Miller, 
Uavid Brown, Stephen Hicks, Thomas Begole, Solomon James, 
ihsha Brownson, Isaac Willey, Walter and Dr. Warren Patchen 
Benjamm Perkins and Samuel Draper. No road, passed through 
the town except the ancient one from Bath to Dansville. The set- 
tlers were generally poor, and suffered the hardships incident to a 
new country. Rev. E. Brownson relates the following among 
other hardships of the early times : 

" In 1815 there was a scarcity of bread. I went through the 
towns of Springwater, Livonia and Sparta, and thence to Dans- 
ville, in search of grain for sale, and none was to be had in those 
towns, nor in Western New York. People had to hull green 
wheat and rye for food. I found a field of rye on William Perine's 
farm which was thought nearly fit to cut. I went home and got 
some neighbors, and, with oxen and cart, went and cut some of it, 
threshed it, a,nd took it to the mill and had it mashed, for it was too 
damp to grind, and thought ourselves the happiest people in the 
world, because we had bread." 

The first sawmill was built by Benjamin Perkins, and the first 
grist mill by Dugald Cameron and Abijah Fowler, in 1816. Sam- 
uel Taggart kept the first inn, in 1827, and James L. Monier the 
first store, in 1830. The first school was taught by Thomas Wil- 
bur, in 1811. 

The population in 1865 was 2,621, and the area 25,000 acres. 
The number of sphool districts in 1867 was twelve ; the number 
of teachers employed thirteen ; the whole number of pupils was 
945, and the average attendance 186. The town expended for 
school purposes in 1867 $1,855.42. 

WA YNXjf named in honor of General Anthony Wayne, was 
formed as " Prederickstown," March 18, 1796. Its name was 
changed April 6, 1808. Heading (Schuyler Co.,) was taken off in 
1806 ; Orange (Schuyler Co.,) in 1813, and Barrington (Yates Co.,) 
and Tyrone (Schuyler Co.,) in 1822. A part was annexed to Ty- 
rone, April 17, 1854. It is situated upon Crooked Lake, on the 
east border of the County. Its surface is a rolling upland, from 
400 to 500 feet high, descending abruptly to the lake. Little Lake, 
lying upon the east border, is a beautiful sheet of water. The soil 
is a gravelly and slaty loam, underlaid by hardpan. 

Wayne, (p. v.,) locally known as " Wayne Hotel," is on the line 
of Tyrone, (Schuyler Co.,) and contains three churches and about 
forty houses. 


Wayne Four Corners is a post office. 

The first settlement was made in 1791, by Zephaniah Hoff, Hen- 
ry Mapes, Widow Jennings and Solpmon Wilson. Enos, Joseph 
and James Silsbee, Abraham Hendricks, Joshua Smith, John Hold- 
ridge, Elijah Eeynolds and Ephraim Tyler were among the early 

The first birth wai that of Elizabeth Wixon, November 6, 1793, 
and the first marriage, that of Ephraim Sanford, Jr., and Julia 
HofT; James Silsbee kept.*he first store, and Enos Silsbee the first 
inn. The first school was tau^t by Nathaniel Frisbee, in 1797. — 
Rev. Ephraim Sanford (Bap.) was one of the first settlers, and for 
many years the only clergyman ic town. 

This town is the smallest in the County, both in extent of terri- 
tory and population. In 1 865 the population was 814, and its area 
13,000 acres. 

There are five school districts, and ten teachers employed. The 
whole number of pupils in 1867 was,227, and the average attend- 
ance 95. The amount expended for school purposes was $1,220.- 

WEST UWIOJS' was formed from Greenwood, April 25, 
1845. It is the south-west corner town of the County. Its sur- 
face is a broken and hilly upland, and the highest summits are 
from 2,000 to 2,400 feet above tide. Large forests still remain 
standing in the town. Bennett's Creek is the principal stream ; it 
flows north through the town near the center. The soil is a heavy 
slaty loam. Lumbering is extensively carried on. 

Bexville (p. v.) contains a hotel, a carriage shop and three 

Wileysvilh (p. o.,) is a hamlet. 

West Union is a post office. 

The first settlement was made in 1822, by Abraham N. Olmsted, 
at Rexville. The greater part of the land embraced in this town 
was owned in England, and by heirs under age ; this was one 
cause of the late settlement. Fred Hauber, William Buryer and 
William Bray, from Delaware County, came in 1823, and located 
near Rexville. John Wiley, William Fisher and Benjamin Wilks 
settled at Wiley ville in 1849. 

Uriah Stevens taught the first school ; Charles Rexford kept the 
first mn, and Walter B. Olmsted the first store, at Rexville; John 
Wiley built the first saw and grist mill, in 1849-50. The first 
church (M. E.) was formed at Rexville in 1831. 

The population in 1865 was 1,382, and the area 23,000 acres. 

Ihere are ten school districts, employing ten teachers. The 
number of pupils is 490, and the average attendance 166. The 
amount expended for schools in 1867 was $1,349.26. 



JVELEELMRf named in honor of Captain Silas "Wheeler, 
the first settler, was formed from Bath and Prattsburgh, February 
25th, 1820. A part of Avoca was taken off in 1843, and a part of 
Urbana in 1839. It is an interior town lying north-east of the cen- 
ter of the County. Its surface is a high, rolling upland, broken by 
the valleys of Five Mile and Ten Mile Creeks and of several small 
lateral streams. The soil is a shaly and clayey loam, well adapted 
to grazing and tillage. 

MitchMville, in the south-east part, contains about twenty houses ; 
and Wheeler Center (Wheeler p. o.) contains a church and about 
twenty houses. 

The first permanent settlement was made in 1799, by Captain 
Silas Wheeler, a native of Rhode Island, but recently of Albany 
County. Captain Wheeler was a soldier of the Revolution ; he 
was with Benedict Arnold in his perilous march through the forests 
of Maine, and at the assault of Quebec, stood near Montgomery 
when he fell. He was four tidies taken prisoner, twice by land and 
twice upon the high seas, as a roving privateersman. After his 
second capture, on the coast of Great Britain, he was confined in 
jail at Kinsale, Ireland, and condemned to be hanged as a pirate. 
He escaped by the aid of a friendly Irishman, and of the distin- 
guished orator and statesman, Henry Grattan. Mr. Grattan pro- 
cured for him a passport, protected him from press gangs and the 
police, and secured for him a passage to Dunkirk, in France. Cap- 
tain Wheeler's first trip to mill is worthy of record, as it gives an 
insight into the hardships and privations of the new settler. There 
were at this time three mills in the neighboring towns, viz : at the 
Friend's Settlement, at Naples and at Bath. The mill at the last 
named place had suspended operations, for the reason that there 
was nothing to grind. Capt. W's first business was^o make a 
cart, which he did after the most primitive style. The wheels 
were sawn from the end of a log of curly maple; the box was 
made to correspond; and with a yoke of oxen attached to this 
vehicle, he started for Naples. Two pioneers went before with 
axes to clear the road, while the Captain, with his bovine vehicle, 
bouncing over logs and stumps, and flounflering through the bushes 
followed. The first day's march was six miles the second brought 
them to their place of destination. Captain Wheeler was famous 
throughout all the land for his anecdotes, and many an otherwise 
weary hour has been beguiled by listening to his adventures. He 

'"£ha\' Kwilia- Holmes and Turner Gardner settled in 
the town in 1799, and Col. Jonathan Barney and Thomas AuUs in 
1800? Philip Martle, Otto F. Marshall, and others named Bear 
Fervol and ^ifle, were among the early settlers The Gulf 
Road" to Bath wa;s opened by Capt. Wheeler, and the Kennedy- 
viUe Road" was opened a year or two afterwards. ^ 


The first birth in the town was that of William, son of Jonathan 
Barney, Nov. 1st, 1801 ; and the first death was that of the same 
child, December 1st, 1802. Hon. Grattan H. Wheeler was a 
party to the first marriage. Captain Wheeler built the first saw- 
mill, in 1802, and George W. Taylor the first grist-mill, in 1803-4. 
John Beals kept the first inn, in 1820, and Cornelius Younglove 
the first store, In 1835. The first school was taught by Uriel Cha- 
pin. Eev. E. Eggliston (Bap.) was the first preacher. 

The population in 1865 was 1,297, and the area 2^000 acres. 

The number of school districts in the town is eleven, employing j 
twenty-one teachers. The whole number of pupils is 356, and the 
average attendance 143. The amount expended for school pur- 
poses in 1867 was $2,029.78. 

WOODHULL, named in honor of Gen. Nathaniel Wood- 
hull, of the Revolution, was formed from Troupsburgh and Addi- 
son, Feb. 18, 1828. A part of Eathbone was taken off in 1856. 
It is the central town on the south border of the County. Its sur- 
face is a hilly upland, a large extent of which is still covered with 
forests. The principal stream is Tuscarora Creek, which flows 
east through the northerly part of the town. The soil is a clayey 
and gravelly loam. Lumbering is carried on to some extent. 

Newville (Woodhull p. o.,) is situated on Tuscarora Creek, and 
contains three churches, four stores, a tannery, three wagon shops, 
and several other mechanics' shops. 

Hedgesville is a hamlet. 

The first settlement was made in 1805, by Stephen Dolson, Dan- 
iel Johnson, Patrick Breakhill, Bethuel Tubbs and Samuel B. Rice. 
Caleb Smith settled in the town in 1808. 

The first birth was that of 'Polly Smith ; the first marriage that 
of Levi Rice and Cynthia Tubbs, and the first death that of Benja- 
min Tubbs. Caleb Smith built the first gristmill, in 1805 ; Ichar 
bod S. Leach kept' the first inn, and Josiah Tubbs the first store. 
The first school was taught by Abner Thomas. The first church j 
(Pres.) was organi:*d in 1830; and the Rev. Mr. Pomeroy was 
the first pastor. ,i'r-f' ' 

The populaticto of'tMs t« 1865 was 2,130, and its area 33,- 
000 acres. ' ' V ./ -. ■ 

There are sixteeri icllool districts, employing thirty-four teachers, j 
The whole number of pupils in 1867 was 841, and the average 
attendance 278. The amount expended for school purposes the 
same year was $3,065.39. 




Charles Williamson was a native of Belgray, in the County 
of Dumfries, Scotland. ' He enlisted in the British army early in 
life, and during the American Revolution held the commission of 
Captain in the 25th Regiment of foot. The regiment was ordered 
to America, but the vessel upon which it embarked was captured 
near the Atlantic coasfr by a French privateer, and Captain Wil- 
liamson was carried to Boston, where he remained a prisoner until 
the close of the war. He then married, returned to Scotland, made 
the tour of the Contineait, and returned to England. Here he 
made the acquaintance of some of the leading men and statesmen 
of England, and his knowledge of American affairs, together with 
his expressed desire to return hither, pointed him out as a suitable 
person for agent of thes London "Association," just organized for 
the purchase and settlemenfj,of lands in America. The " Associa- 
tion " was generally known in America as the " Pulteney Estate," 
He sailed for this country,, accompanied by two intelligent Scotch- 
men, John Johnston an(J Charles Cameron, as assistants. Northum- 
berland, Pennsylvania, was the headquarters of his correspondence 
during the preliminary arrangements to the i^ettlement. From this 
place a road was opened through the forest, via Blossburgh, thence 
down the Tioga to Painted Post ; thence up the Canisteo to Hor- 
nellsville ; thence to Dansville, and down the Canascraga to Gene- 
see River. The attempt to establish a German Colony at the last 
named place proved a failure. In 1794, when the British Govern- 
or of Canada threatened to drive out the settlers in Western New 
York, Mr. Williamson received the commission of Colonel from 
the Governor of iNew Yorfc. He was elected a member of the 
State Legislature in 1796, and for three succeeding years; and for 


ten years exerted a greater influence over Western New York than 
almost any other man. At the close of his agency, in 1801, Col. 
Williamson returned to England, but afterwards visited America 
occasionally. He died in 1807, white on a mission from the BritjSh 
Government to Havana. Col. Williamson was a man of spirit, 
energy and great versatility of talent. Prepossessing iii person, v.asy 
and frank in manner, of generous and friendly disposition, he read- 
ily won the hearts of the young pioneers who opened his roads, 
felled his forests and erected his buildings. lie could easily adapt 
himself to the circumstances of all men, and was welcaped alike to 
the palace of the peer and the cabin of the backwoodsnaan. He is 
described as " dark of feature, tall, slender and erect of figure. His \ 
habits were active, and he pleased the foregters by vaulting lightly 
to his saddle, and scouring the woods at full gallop." One of the 
early settlers, and an influential man in the County, says, " He was 
a gentleman in every sense of the word. He was well qualified 
for the duties conferred upon him as agent of such an immensq^ 
estate, and for the settlement and growth of a new country, so 
long as Sir William Pulteney would furnish the means to improve.j 


GlEOKOB McClure, one of the early settkrs of Steuben County, ' 
was born in the north of Ireland in 1770. His ancestors were 
" Scotch Covenanters," who emigrated from their native country * 
to escape the cruel persecution to which tl^ were exposed. From i 
the age of four years till he was fifteen', he attended school, and ^ 
then learned the trade of a carpenter. At the age of twenty he re- 
solved to come to America, and soon after enlbarked on board the 
ship Mwry, of LondondiOTry, for Baltimore. After a quick and 
pleasant passage of five *eek8, he landed in Baltimore, hia whole ^ 
property consisting of "three suits of elothir^, three dozen linen 
shirts and a chest of tools." He commenced work at his trade the 
next day after landing, and worked two months 'for seventy -five 
dollars. This he thought a good b^imiitig, and " better than to 
have remained in Iceland, and worked for two shillings and six- 
pence a day." Desiring to see more of the land of liberty, he 
started on foot to^visit some relatives near GRambersburgh, PeBHi^l | 
leaving his baggage to be sent by the first o;^portunity pres^ted. 
There were no stages at this time except between large places, the 
trade of the backwoods being carried Oti by pack-horses. He re- 
mained in the vicinity of Chambersburgh till the spring of lf93, ' 
when he discovered an advertisement signed by Charles WilliamTJ 

„„ mi4-^s:'''Wt ::^ 



son, offering steady employment and good wages to mechanics and 
laborers to go to the "Genesee Country." Mr. McClure immedi- 
*tfily set out for Notttumberland, "but on^is arrival learned that 
't^ptain W. had started with a^inp^ny to open a road through 
the ■wilderness to his place of destination, 140 miles distantt Mc- 
Clure had an uncle near Northuniiberland, at whose house he re- 
mained .until he heard of Williamson's arrival at Bath. Having 
persua^ed|iis uncle to accompany him, they started, each mbpscsJigiii ^ 
on a good horse, with "provisions enough for a four weeks' jour- 
ney." They had traveled about twenty miles when they arrived 
at a stream so swollen by recent rains that it was impossible to 
ford it. The uncle was faint-hearted, and declared he would go no 
further. At length a canoe was discovered, and they decided to 
cross in that arid let their horses swim by its side. The passage 
was made in safety. Other "similar difficulties presejited them- 
selves, but all were surmounted, and in due time they arrived at 
Bath. For a time h? was employed to work at his trade by Col. 
"Williamson, but afterwards engaged in, various entei-prises, some 
of which are mentioned in connection with the towns. in which they 
were located. There was scarcely any branch of business in which 
he did not engage with greater or less success. During 3<4 war of 
1812-15 he held a commission of Major General, and was in active 
service. He held most of the offices of the County at different 
Ltimes, being Justice of thef^eace. Judge of the Court of Common 
iS'leas, Surrogate and^High Sheriff. He was Post Master of Bath 
for about eight years* and for three years in succession represented 
the people of Steub^i in the State Legislature. In 1834 he re- 
moved to Elgin, Illinois, where he resided till his death in 18&1. 


One of the characters of Steuben County from its earliest settle- 
ment, was Benjamin Patterson. He was born in Loudon Cbunty,. 
Virginia in 1759. His mother was a cousin of Daniel Boone,. the 
first settler of Kentucky. Early in life he removed to Pennsylva- 
nia and here,, amidst Ms wilds, formed a taste for huntmg an4 
the' exciting life which he afterwards followed. During the Revo- 
lutionary war he sepved in a rifle corps, organized for the defense 
of the border, and, in this service met with many exciting adven- 
tures Sometimes he was scouting among the most fearless;, 
sometimes skirmishing in the forests with the wily savage, and 
IS. ' ■ 


sometimes acting as guide to travelers and emigrants in the wild 
woods of the Genesee. For many years his home was near 
Northumberland, on the west branch of the Susquehanna; but the 
advent of farmers, the clearing of land and the destruction of game, 
induced him to leave those haunWfor the, more congenial ones »f 
the deeper forest, where he would not ibe disturbed by: the wocwi- 
man's ax. In 1796 he boated his goods up therlVef to Pate6& 
Post, and kept for seven years the old tavern' at Knoxvilfe. " He 
then moved up two iriiles above Painted Post;, to a farm, wliich'the 
first year produced a crop of " twenty-two wolves, nine panthersj a 
few bears, deer, shad and salmon in botintless numbers." He fios- 
sessed great physical strength, and w4s, never worsted In a hand to' 
hand encounter. It is related th^t a'party of Indians, with a few 
white men, had gathered around a fire, near the Genesee,- when the 
savages began to iristilt and abufee^ a white man who stood by| and 
presently threw him into the filsS. He scrambled out, and' was 
again thrown into the pre byiithe IVidianSi Patterson, a sttanger to 
them, standing near, sprang forward and dra^^d the.ipan from ' 
the fire, saying " Don't burn the man alive !" Several of the party 
then stepped forward' and assaulted the hunter, but turned him 
over to Jones, the interpreter, who was supposed to have no equal 
in a rough and tumble fight. Jones was badly beaten, and kept 
his wigvwam for several days. Patterson retained to old age a love 
ifor the sports of his youth, and found his chief pleasure in thefe 
pursuit. 'When attending Court at Bath, as a juryman, he 'was Ht 
the habit of going out. early in the morhing and shooting a (Jeer 
before breakfast. 'When an old man, and living upon his farm ; 
upon the Tioga, and game was becoming scarce, he was accustomed ' 
to lay aside his rifle every year when he had killed a hundred deer. 
He was a man of keen observation, of remarkable memory, of good 
judgment, intelligent, and of strict integrity. He possessed great 
powers of narration, interesting not only the rough frontier 
men, but the educated and refined. The late Chief Justice Spencer 
once met him, and was so interested in his conversation that he sat 
up all night to listen to his narrations, and afterwards, whenever 
;he was holding Court at Bath, would send for Patterson, provide;, 
for him at the hotel, and pass as much time as possible with him, 
when off' the bench. Patterson died at Painted Post, in 1830. 


CoL. Ira Davenport was born at Spencertown, Columbia Coun- 
ty, N. Y., September 29th, 179.5. At the age of fourteen he went 

_. jread, 

BIO&BAFBiqAL SKBTOHES. tyrea!*''^' 

*°i.P^^r^'^^®^'^' •'^®l®^»'"e County, to act as clerk in: ^faring, j 
T*hich his father had an interest. Here he remained:|»^er. ,;- 
Wie^lst year of his age, when he commenced business fe; 
With a single wagon load of goods, he drove three hunittMn^"" '», 
to the httle backwoods village of Hornellsville, built as %, tih 
his own hands and commenced the sale of the merchandiS'L Vi«"ght 
with him. Col. Davenport remained in business at Hptu theville, 
engaging in all the business enterprises of the times, till,, tea, , He 
had stores at Baker's Bridge, Angelica, Burns, CanisteQiai'ier gi^Ll- 
mond, Hamniondsport, Dansville, Almond, Independent ™®- ^j 
also a partner in a mercantile house, and in a coalcoinp^king 
York. He was also largely engaged in runnirig Im!,^""**;- .ail 
arks down the river from Hornellsville. In , j^'"""^"'' •: 
moved to Bath and there resided till his death, May'. ,,,^_ ^8. 
While in life he was known as an enterprising and succu . asi- 
ness man; he will be known to posterity as the foundfe] ,^^ 'the 
" Davenport Institution for Female Orphan Children." F g , V"'"' 
to erect a building designed for children of this class in 16 T 

1863 the corporation was organized, and July 19th, 1864, '>t ' .c ' 
orphan was received into the Institution. Col. Davenport '' i- ' 
veyed to the Corporation sixty-five acres of the Cameron farr' ti- 
the village of Bath, with the mahi building of the Institutidn,' w? •ch 
cannot be valued less than $75,000. Besides this he endoWed it 
with funds to the amount of $100,000, to which his brother, >Mr. 
Charles Davenport, added $30,000. Additions to the building arei 
already in process of erection, ^'*By his will. Col; Davenport left' 
the further sum of .$50,000 to the Institution, making in all $225,- 
000 for the support of orphan girls. ^ 


We clip the following fr«|ti article in the Knickerbocker Mag- 
azine, showing the charact^^es of sopi^ of thg early magistrates 
of the County: '"""-' , - , , 

" Among them was a jolly o.ld Vii n, Judge H-^ , a sports 

man of the old school of buff ftrf - ■* «>!>• <-^"->>"'^t= •°'»ii 

known throughout the country for ^ 

pitality. He had been appointedl a i 

Pleas. Though little versed in legi 

fund of genuine common sense, wMc 

ojie occasion, in the absence of th< 

charge the Grand Jury. The substj 

istic of the man and of his opinions, 

d feir top-boots, well 
'^^- *s and generous hos- 
'Mid le Court of Common 
^"'"calities, he possess(>-; a 
Him ^ good. Juiige. .On 
t udge, Ifcfell to him to 
5{the charge!^ so character- ■ 


' Gmtlemen of the Grand Jury : — In the absence of the first 
Judge, it becomes my duty to address you. If you expect much 
of a charge, you will be disappointed, as it will be nothing b«t a 
squib. I see among you many gentlemen who understand the du- 
ties of Grand Jurors much better than I do. I need only say, then, 
you know your duties, go ahead and perform them. The Sheriff, 
has handed me his criminal calendar, by which it appears he has 
five poor devils in jail for various offenses; two of them are for 
horse-stealing. Now, gentlemen, there are grades in crime, and 
common sense would indicate that the punishment should be in 
proportion to the criminality of the offense, as exhibited by the 
circumstances of each case. That I suppose is the law ; if it is not, 
it ought to be so. You will understand what I mean by this, when 
I inform you that one of these scamps stole a slab-sided Yankee 
mare, while the other took a Virginia blood-horse. Two others 
are indicted for miayhem. One of them for biting off a negro's 
nose, which I think exhibits a most depraved appetite ; the other 
for gouging out an Irishman's eye, a most ungentlemanly vray of 
fighting, I hope you will look well to these fellows. The last is 
a poor cuss who stole a jug of whisky. The article is so plenty 
and cheap that it may be had by asking, anywhere, and stealing, it 
is the meanest kind of offense, ^nd deserves the severest punisfS 
ment that the law will permit. The great men at Albany have 
made it our special duty to charge you in regard to private lot-**! 
teries. What is the mighty crime involved in this business I can- 
not see, When hustling and pitchiag coppers is tolerated ; but I sup- 
pose they know.) and as the law niakes it our duty, I charge you to 
look out for them. Sheriff, select two constables, and march these 
men off to their duties.'" 


iiiiiisti liis 

Situated between Blossburg and Erie Depot, 

CJ O I=L HNT I KT C3^ , 3>3" . "K'. 

N. B.-Good Stabling Attached. GEORGE W. FULLER, Prop. 



Notions, ClotMng, Hats, Caps and Furs, 

Groceries and Provisions, Boots and Shoes, 

Stone Ware, Crockery, Glass Ware, 

PAPER HANGING-S, &o., &c., 

J. K. atriNNip. 








ridual or firm. 

2, Post office ad- 

Directory is arranged as follows : 1. Namel 
dress in parentheses. 3. Busiiless or occupatioi^, 

' A Star (*) placed before a name, indicates an adve^lser in this work. For such ad- 
yertieement see Index. , . 

I^gnres placed after the occupation of/OTvne?-*, Indicate the nnmher of acres of laid 
owned or leased by the parties. 

Names set in CAPITALS indicate subscribers to this work. 

For addltloiis and corrections see Errata following' tbe Intro- 


'■-■--' ^*P* vjroo 
il and J'aj'Miss A., (Addison,) milJljier, fi^sca- 

"* ^jSiloN ADVEKrtSEE, CAddlson,) 
lake 1 (.Johnson & Roberts, editors and propri- 

i curse; jjgQJij BANW; '(Addison,) Lattimer 

tEjW'inton, bankers, 
oys ! w WORTH, ;H. R., M. D., .(Addison,) 
. ihrsician and snrgeon, olice'oTer Orr'e 
ras saiijtart. Tttsoarora st. , ^ ■ ■ 
! u"??! •fi'^ii®*'"'"' ^Mieoiiji farmer SI. 

drus, James Jft^ (iasWiP,) carpenter 
look arid joiner. ' ,. 

Vodrus, James M., (AdiUson,) flirmei leases 
ir'^; 200. 

jl' Atwater, A. C, (Addison,) wholesale and 
.) • .» Retail dealer in dry goods andgroceries. 
Balier, Nathan, (Addison,) fann^ 170. 

'' J Addresses in Pai^ntheses.) 


<fc Satmciin,) dealer in'ftliV- .^1 
ber, also real estate, ofSoe^S 
Block. .,.•.•.- 

BALDWIN, HORACE O., (Aidison,)' at- 
torney aniJiPpujisBlot^at law, j^and nota- 
ry public. IS,, 

Baldwin, JameSi (Addison,) (GVoA^^ 
flo.) y r^ 

BecKwith, ^uPiddison,) farmer 16. 

Beeman, Alm(VMKAddison,)farm^a80. 

]Jellfiiger,Johnf (Cooper's PlaMB farmer 

Blabg^e, BsSSley Dr., (Addison J asses- 
sor. " i.'M-jn 

BouhaijiWm. B.,,(4d#i«Qn,) prop, steam 
sawiilHt ' ;s 

BOWMAWi^AVlD, (AddlBon J '^10, & 
£owrMn.y . ' ■ . 

'j^ — ■'^*- '4" ■ ' ' - 




off." D 

502r;'ierful, for d 

SJBrewBter, G. B., (Addison,) farmer 284. 
'Bridgeman, Otis, (Addison,) prop, sliingle 
and saw mill, and farmer 460. 

Brooks, Brastua, (Addison,) (Qraham & 

BEOWN, J. N., (Addison,) post master 
aod general merchant, Jones^ Block. 

BEOWN, E. P., M.D., (Addison,) physi- 
cian and snrgeon. Maple. 

Buck, L. W., (Addison,) dentist. 

Backbee, Anna, (Addison,) dress making, 
TuBcarora at. " ■ 

Burke, Michael, (Addison,) farmer 30. ': 

Burt, Mrs., (AddisonO farm^rgp. ^ iC; 

Burt, Patrick, (Addiacm,) (wiih Alrick 
Purcell,) farmer 15(f.<^ ' 

Butler, Je jse, (AddiB0n,3lifarmer IC • 

Campbell, James, (Addison,) blacksmith. 

Cai'pcnter, Hnldah, (Addison,) filmier ll^X- 

Clark, Patrick, (Addlsori,) firmer 100.' '' 

COBUEN & GEIFPITH8, (Addison,) (L. 
D. Oobum and Wm. H. Griffiths,) gen- 
eral merchants, 1 Union Block. " '■>• 

COBUEN, L. D., (Addison,) (Cobum <§ 
GriSlhs.) ,, 

Cokely, Cornelius, (Addison,) fanner 78, , 

Cokely, Timothy, (Addison,) farmer 60. ■■ ■ 

Conner, James, (Addison,) termer 60. 

Cook, F. 7., (Addison,) manuf. and dealer 
In harness, trunks, whips &c.. Main,' 

Cowley, Calvin, (Addison,) farmer 400. 
, Crane, A. G., (Addison,) hardware dealer. 

CEANE, ALBEET G., (Addison,) ((7. C. 
Oram efc Co.) 

Crane, Charlotte, (Addison,) farmer 35. , .. 

CEANH, CTEUS C, (Addison,) {C C. 
Crane & Co.) 

CEANB,C. C. &C0., (Addison,) (Cyrm C. 
and Albert (?.,) manufs. of doors, sash, 
blinds, planed and matched lumber, 
flooring, ceiling, fence rails, pickets, 
mouldings &c. 

Crane, E. L.i'fAddUfen,) painter. 

CUETIS, DAVID,%Pamted Post,) (^CurtU 

CUKTia, JAMES, (Addison,) manuf. and' 
deale^'-ln' harness, saddles, bridles, 
halters, trunks, whips, buffalo robes, 
. horse blankets &c.,Tuscarora 8t, 

CUETIS & PAWON, (Addison,) (David 
Curtis, JosuM Curtis and Thomas Pax- 
ton,) propSi<)f Addison flouring and 
plastef miU^; -* ^ 

DAELINQ, B. E. MES.,(AdilsssP,) milliner. 

DAEEDSr & BALDWIN,' (Ilffiison,) (Mil- 
ton . JK Jb^ierin and Henry Batdwin,) 
marinls. and wholesale and tretall deal- 
ers In fhniltnre, also undertakers, 
Baldwin Block. 

Darrin, D., (Addison,) wagon maker, Tna- 
carora St. 

DAEEIN, MILTON W., ttddlson,) (Dar- 
^jin & Baldwin.) ^ ■ 

Bawdson, G. Wy (Addison,) groceries and 
provisions, Tnscarora St. i 

Dee, Jerry, (Addison,) farmer BO. > 

Dickinson; Hiram L., (Addteon,) farMifr BO. 

Dininny,F. C, (Addison,) supervisor. 

Dininny, John W., (Addison,) attorney and 
counselor at law and claim agent. 

Edwards & Jones, (Addison.) ( Tr. a iEB- 
wardsand J. AVotk*,) livery «nd ex- 
change Biablea. «; ««.& i ' ■ 

Bdwards, W. H., {UWim,)-<(mwards <t 
Jorm.) . ... 


Eldgislgej/, - H.,i (Addlflon,) props, of 

Smertijrfi Hotel. 
Eygabroat, flohn, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

>i 75. " 
Pa am, Geo., (AdfliBon,) farmer525. 
Flaherty, Joha, (Addison,) farmer 85. 
Pogel, Josejih, (Addison,) shoemaker. 
Fra>«er, John, (Addison,) fanner 6M. 
FEEEMAN, W. H., (Addison,) (,Orr & 

Gibson, Harvey, (Addison,) farmer 200 and 

leases 160. 
Gillet, 0. W., (Addison,) (McKay & Oittet.) 
Gokey, 'H. W., (Addison,) manuf. and 

dealer in boots, shoes and leather, cor. 

TusoSrora and Wombongh. 
Gould, A. ^ Jr., (Addlson,)r*oot and shoe 

mai .^ ^^Uroad. 
Graham1&|Co., (Addison,) (J. V. Oraham, 

Jamil Baldwin and Brastut Brooks,) 

hardware dealers. i 

Graham,_J. V., (Addison,) (ffroAam & Co.,) ' 

flirniHire dealer, . 

Grenell, Z., , (Addison,) architect and 

builder. ' 

Grifflii, Thomas, (Addison,) farmer 50. 
GEOTITHS, WM.'E., (Afldison,) (Cotum 

df: Ormths.) 

(2;. Park & Co.) 
HILLJ JPHN, (Addison,) farmer 145. 
Hogue, Eatrick, (Addison.) farmer 75. 
Honmr Eli, (Addison,) farmer 30. 
HOLLIS, GEO. H.,^ddison,) general in- 

Buraiice agent for fire, life, accident^' '* 

health and live stock, Baldwin Block, 

2d floor. 
HOEN, O. A. & BEO., (Addison,) (Tfm. P.,) 

manufs. of steam engines, boilers, 

planing mills, improved circnlar saw 

raOls &c. 
HOEN, WM. P., (Addison,) (0. A. Bam & 

Homning, Jacob, (Addison,) farmer 50. 
UoniffiBS, Sarah C, (Addison,) hoop skirt 

ihOinuf., Tuscarora st. 
Hurdick, Jacob, (Addison,) farmer 25. 
James, John, (Addison,) farmer 10. 
Jennings, J. If & L. A., (Addison,) d 

foods, e-- 'ries, and clothing man 
one's L, 

Jennings, S., ,n~nm0|^) saloon, Eall Eonc-rr 
JOHNSON, eBwARD M.; (Addiamaa * 

(.Johnson & PobertsJii i i 
♦JOHNSON & OBEETS, (Addison,) (JEd- 

ward U. jjimson onM 'Amos. Boberit,) 

editorsof the Addisofi^dvefttiscf. ■ 
Jones, E. L., (AddlBon,),iirm6r'«88. 
JONES, H. BOSS, -(llfdiBo6,)Vprop. of 

saloon and bUllard' parlgf-' and farmer 

400. ^ m ^, 

Jones, Henry S., (Addi60i£»town cl^ 

also dealer In ontter and^Kbduce. i>t 
Jones, I. J. A., (AddlsonJ'fatijSer 50. 
Jones, J. E., (Addison,) (Maieards ifc Joi 
Jones, Llewellyn, (Addiscm,) farmer 500. 
Jones.fL. M,, (Addison,) deputy sheriff.'*; 
flfories, William, (Addison!) fajier fcO. '?l' 
Jones, W. S., (Addi8on,)larSlr liMl* | ' 
Kellogg, Geo. C., (Addlfton.xSfrBp. of HsgT 
, Hotel. Iir jf^ll 

Kent, J. M., (Cooper's Plains,) prop. 

saw mill and tornT^r 150. 
Kinne, Alfred, (Addison,) town collector. 
Lansing, E. D., (Addison,) jeweler. 



LATTIMER, S. V., (Addiion,) (Lat&mer d 

LATTIMKE & WINTON; (AddisoB,) (fi. 
B. Winton and.,S. V. Laltimer,) bank- 
i era, Addiaon Bank. 
f LEWIS, E. H., <Addi6on,) druggist, 4Union 
Little, Jesse, (Addison,) prop. WoodhuJl 
aiid Jasper stage route, leaves Addison 
1 p. m. 
Lynch, Albert, (Addison,) farmer 34. 
Lynch, MelY^ J., (Addison,) farmer 60: 
Xyons, JamSSj (Addison,) farmer 50. 
Maners, W. H., (Addison,) grocery and 
I provision store. 

rMANNING, E. J., (Addison,) photograph- 
er, 1 Union Block. 
,ManUe, James Jr., (Addison,) grocery 9n.d 
';; prtmsion store, Tuscarora St. , ■* 
Martin, Ira, (Addison,) farmer 6. ^^.v- 

, MATTEESON, L. A. MRS., (Addistw,) 
McKAT, AMAZIMI S., (AddisonJ lawyer. 
McKay & Giliet, (Addison,) (H. O. McKay 
. tfTiiZ C. W. GilleiA mauufs. and \^ole- 

tt , sale dealers in doors, sash, blinds-and 
^^ . ilaned lumber. '<' . 

MJpay, H. C, (Addison.) (.McKay tfe-'^fe,-) 
MSrills, Levi, (Cooper's Plains,) farm^iMO; 
jdfchell, James P., (Addison,) blapksmjia. 
l^TCHELL, JOHN, M. D., (AtJ^dison,! 
J physician and surgeon, junotion or 
^ Front and Water. 
Molson, John, (Addison,) hair dresser. __ 
LMorse, Bennett, (Cooper's Plains,), farmer 
"^ 20. 

Mose, Wm., (Addison,) farmer 50. . 

ODBLL, O., (Addison,) tobacconist, Tus- 

carorast. '" _^ ' 

i7;'0EE & FREEMAN, (Addison,) (O. K Orr 

and W. S. Freeman,) meat market. 

0®E, G. H.,- (Addison,) (Orr S Freeman.) 

OER, J. & P. W., (Addison,) grocers and 

provision dealers, Tuscarora 9t. 
C&r,. Levi, (Addison,) farmer 75. 
PARK, ELIJAH, (Addison,) (E. Pari & 

EAEk', E' &*©., (Addison,) (iBffi/aft Park, 

' ■ J. E. Park anA Charles H. Henderson,) 

manufs. and wholesale and retail 

dealers in lumber, Tuscarora St. 

PARK, J. H.,(AddiB<^Ssi^4<£ Cb.) 

L;Parmcter, D. V., (AffaSSB,) prop, steam 

. sawmill and farmer.' "' '„ ^, 

PAXTOIT,? THOMAS, (Addison,) (OiirtiJ. 

» Paeftdi,) (faxton &•»*«:) 
PASKBJ & T"-"" " '■'-- 

y \ 

Per8onflfWHM(Ado^5Jfn,) farmer leases 



(AddiaoB,) (ThomcU 

' True,) iflour, :ff ed, 

ahoeSjIJniou Block, 

1. H.,4^Hrdi«on,) prop, saw 
farmer Sk 
EANS0S„ (Addison,) farmer 

Pnrceir^affick, mBOfson,) («>«ft Patrick 
•Surt,) mkerlhO. 

"JDY, WM. S., M. D., (Addison,) hpmeo. 
)hysician. Maple. 

'., John, (Addison,) farmer 50. 
fOLDS, C. J., (AddiBop,) (Wagner dt 


Reynolds; Dwight, (Addison;) (H. Pey- , 
nolda & SorCj _ ^ *^' [ 

Reynolds, Harry, (H. l!e!/nol<fs & Son.l ; 

Reynolds, H. &, Son, (Addi.. ffn,) (Story 
and Dwight,) &o\ajinHeei,^tore, Tub- . 
caroia'St. /* '•' 

Rial, Carofline Mrs., (Addisonp-farmer 100. 

Bidden, , L.. C, .(Addison,) telegraph oper- 
ator. * 

EGBERTS, -AMOS, (Addison,) (Johnson & , 
Roberts.) \^ . 

SANBOEN, A., (kddison,) (TfootJ * /Sore-, 
t)om.) , - 

SANDFORD, H. W., (Addison,) dealer irf 
bookp;;8tationery, &c. ,' .. 

SCPFIET<D, JAMES, (Addison,) (Strock A 
Scofiud.f^ 'I' "'.C, ' 

Scott, Peter, (Addison,) farmer 50. 

Sexton, 'Thomas G., (Addison,) fanner 127.'' ■ 

ShepstiyGeo. S., (Addison,) station»?g«>nt 
ai.d telegraph (jperator. 

Shepara,d(. K., (Addison,) saloon and bil-* 
liard parlor, 5 Union Block. 

Shey, Cornelius, (Addison,) farmesl70. 

Shockey, Kate , Miss, (Addisoa,), dress . 
making. ,. 

SMITH & BOWMAN, (Addison,) i, (if. If. 
Smith, and David Bowman,) black- 
smithing and wagon making, t 

Smith, James B.j (Addison,) prop, of Ex- 
change Hotel. „ 

SMITH, JEFFREY, (Addison,) (Wescott & 
Smith.) ;, 

SMITH, M. N., (Addison,) (Smith & Bow- 

Smith, W. A., (Addison,) general mer- 

Snay, Oliver, (Addison,) farmer 15. 

Stapleton, James, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 73. . ,^ 

Stephens, Wm. J., (Addison,) blacksmith, 
Tui>ca£()j^ St. 

Stewart, W. H., (Addison,) farmer 116. 

STONE,, LOUIS D., (Addison,) (Stone <& 
Wilson.) ' % . „ 

STONE <fc WIL3ONi(Addis0h,) (Lmu D. 
Stone and B. C. Wilson,) clothing, fur- 
nishing goods, hats and caps, 3 Union 

STE0:;K, J. K., (Addison,) (Strock & Seo- 
fidd.) ,.r -^ ' 

STROCK &, SCOFIELD, (Addiaon,) (J. K, ■ 
Strock and James Scofield,) dealers in 
grain, flour and feed, seed^, butter, 
coal and Cayuga ground plaster. 

Thomas, B. & A. L., (Addison,) grocery , 
and provision dealers, Tascarora St. 

Thompson, Robert, (Addiaon,) farmer 609. 

Tobin, Elchard, (Addiaon,) farmer. 

Tompkins, Quinton, (Addison,) fanner 
leases 160. 

TRUE, GEO. I., (Addiaon,) (Paxton <Sb 
True.) ,„ 

•TUENER, JOHN F., (Addison,) (Turner 

A Wood.) 
TUENBE &iS700D, (Addison,) (JoAn J". 
Turner am Jama M. Wood,) tanners 
and currier^ mouth of Goodhue Creek. 
Vangorden, Cyrus B., (Addison,) farmer 75. 
VJU? OESDALE, JAMES C, (Addison,) 
attorney and counselor at law andU. S. 
aspistant assessor, Baldwin Block. 
Waddell, SamuelartA^ison,) farmer 50. 



iiiiiw liimis 

GEO. W. PRATT, Editor & Proprietor. 









a And has just received a lai^e 
new fonts of Type foi 

Cards, Bill Heai 




And has now as varied an assottraent as any Office in the County. ^ 

Business Cards, Note Heaai^gBi Letter HoadinOT, Contracts or Deed^s, Posters or 
Placards, Labels, Circulars, Law Cases, Tenduc Bills, Catalogiies, Ball' Tickets, Pam- 
phleta. Receipts, Constitutions and IBy-LSws, and all other varieties of 

^OIB ' I>I=l.X3XrTI]>a-<3- 

Done with Neatness and Dispatch. 


Bronzing and Printlne done In Colors, when required. 

(Addison,) ( Wagner & 

WAGNER &'KEYNOLDS, (Addison,) (J?-. 
JR. Wagner arul 0. J. BeyjtoiOs,) deal- 
ers in drugs and medicines.. 

Webster, .Tared, (Addison,) farmer 50 and 
leases 116. 

Wells, Chester, (AddisonO dealer in grocer- 
ies and provisions, boots and shoes, 
croclrery, &c., Tascarora st. 

Welsh, Thomas, (Addison,) farmer 30. 

WBSCOTT & SMITH; (Addison,) {Wm. 
Wescott and Jeffrey Smith,) carriage 
nuinufs., Wombougli. 

WESCOTT, WM., (ASdison,) (WescoU <£ 

West, Solon, (Addison,) farmer leases 100. 

WILSON, B. C, (Addison,) (Stone & Wil- 

WINTON, D. B., (Addison,) {Latlimer & 

Womboiigh, Henry, (Addison,) farmer 300. 

WOOD, JAMJSS M., (Addison,) (Turner & 

WOOD, J. M., (Addison,) (Wood c6 San^ 

WOOD & SANBORN, (Addison,) (A. San- 
bom and J. M. Wood,) inanufs. of plow 
and cultivator handles, plow rounds 
and cart felloes. 

WOODBURN, R. S., (Addison,) marble 

Worell, Fanny, (Addison,) farmer 50. 

Wormley, Frederick, (Addison,) farmer 
leases 300. 

Worth, M. C, (Addison,) dress and corset 
making, Tascarora st. 

Wright, H. A., (Addison,) farmer 127)^. 


(Posi Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ALDBN, ANDREW J., (Avoca,) harness 

ALDEN, LORENZO, (Avoca,) (NewMrk 

& Alden.) ■ ■ 

Alexander, Gilbert, (Wallace,) carpenter 

and joiner and farmer 50." 
Allen, George H., (Avoci,) farmer H6. 
Allen, John^ (Avoca,) (wit/i WiUiam S.,) 

farmer 26TX. 
AILEN. JOSEPH A.,- (Wallace,) (with 

Samuel 0.,) farmer leases 126. 
ALLEN, SAMUEL O., (Wallace,) (wit/i^ 

Joseph. A.,) farmer leases 12B. 
Allen, William. (Howard,) farmer 200. 
Allen, William E., (Avoca;) farmer 140. 
Allen, William H., (Avoca,) (wWi John,) 

farmer 267X. ' 

Ambrose, Frank, (Avoca,) carpenter an^ 

ARNOLD, ALEXANDER, (Avoca,) sheoR 

breeder of Merino virieUes and fara. 

mer 400. 
Baker, LydiaA.. (&Mca,) seamstress, ."'i ! 
BALDWIN, ABRAM B., (Howard,) bree^ 

er of line wool sheep and farmer 188. ' 
BALDWIN, ISAAC) (Howard,) dairy and 

farmer 122. 
Banks, John V. W., (Avoca,) carpenter and 

Bassett, Isaac A., (Avoca.) retired taniior. 
UAXTEE. ALVIN N.J (Wallace,) (with 

3fo™ .ST.,) farmer IJ^. 
BAXTER, MART H., (Wallace,) («ijift Al- 

vinN".,) farmer IK. , , ' , 

BBEOHBR, JOHND., (Avoca,) breeder of 
■' ' fine wool sheep and farmer leases 127. 

Boors, Nathan N. Rev., (Avoca,) Methodist 

BELLINGER, WILLIAM P., (Avoca,) far- 
mar aiik "> 

Billsen, Coinglhis, (Avoca,) farmer 113. 

Bordan, Waruni tT.;- (AyocsS) hfdcksmlth/ 

SOUTON, GB0R««?(aufi;2« Mills,) farmer 
137 I - • ^ ' ' ' 

i^0T(5N, HENRY H^."' .**!8 Hills,) post 

: mastec^ltffiede;. lie wotfl sheenand j 
».ft«meil45,. ,. ,■[ 

Brodie, Francis, (SelVi Creek,) firmer 60. 

Brn'sHi'i Jitcob W., (Ka*ioifB5)ifarraer 123., 

Bm)i^,5Joilii W., (Kai;oua,)Jiirraert5. 

Butler, Harry E., (Avocaj rajmer 40. 

OSflj'.^Racheffi.Wk.SiXiteh;,) Oailoress. 

X(lilkins,*.CaJ»in'tiic(WaUB*e,) breeder of 

', fine wool sljeep aujlfarmcir 2SS. 

KJalkins & H6afl,* fVrSSiice,y(jmn. W. Cal- 

f- kins and William li. Hmd,) general 

X merchants. 

MalkJiiKJbhn^^V., (Wallace,) (GaUcins & 

\ Head.) 

Calkins, Mary E. Mrs., (Avoca,) dress 

V" maker. 

tJARRINGTON, JOEL, (Avoca,) prop. 

M«*i8Sllf«flM»4nBitemce agent, wool buyer 

CSi%;t»la; imlliaS,) farmef . ■ 

Chafresworm, .Wlriii (.\voca,) fiugner 118. 

CharleBwortih,;^)^^? L.< (Avoca,) musician 
ait d farjftet lOOr'r ' • 

CHASE, THOMAS G., (A'rt)fca,)i!tationand 
expjess agenC,., i- ' ■''' 

Clark, uarzfllaliiftiipiaa,) farmer. 

Clark, Joshua, pfeward,) fermer -75)^. 



Clark, Lnther Q., (Avocaj) blacksmith. 
Cobin, Mary B. MrB., (Wallace,) farmer 8. 
Collier, Albert^(Avoca,) farmer 50. 
Collier, Jacob H., (Avoca,) former 45. 
Collier, John, (Avocaj farmer 50. 
CONNfeK, HARVEY, (Wallace,) farmer 

Conway, Andrew, (Avoca,) farmer 68. 
Cook, Ehodie M. Mtb., (Avoca,) farmer 1. 
Codlbaugh, George W., (Avoca,) carpenter 
and joiner, IttethodlBt clergyman and 
farmer \H. : 
COOPER, SETH W., (Avoca,) miller. 
Cotton, Silas, (Avoca,) (witli Thomas^ 

farmer 260. 
Cotton, Thomas, (Avoca,) (with Silas,) far- 
mer 260. 
Cramer, Nelson, (Avoca,) carpenter and 

Culver, James M,, (Wallace,) miller. 
Cnrtis, George' C.,fWallace,) shoemaker. 
Danchy, Samoel B., (Avoca,) millwright 

and farmer 13. 
Davis, Amasa, (Avoca,) farmer 50. 
Davis, Samuel, (Avoca,) farmer 58. 
Decker, Jacob K.. (HowardJ farmer 185. 
DKMABEST, DAVID L., (Wallace,) breed- 
er of fine wool sheep and farmer 110. 
Dennis, Alexander D., (Avoca,) farmer 6, 
Derrick, David, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 
Dollver, Joseph, (Wallace,) farmer 100. 
Drum, A. B., (Avoca,) saloon keeper. 
Dunton, Hannah Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 160. 
Dyer, James, (Avoca,) farmer 160. 
Dygert, Henry E., (Avoca,! blacksmith. 
Edwards, Solomon, (Wallace,) farmer 110. 
Bldred, Daniel, (Wallace,) farmer 90. 
Ellis, Chester, (Avoca,) farmer 73X- 
Ells, Joseph, (Avoca,) peddler. 
Foults, Henry^JWallace,) farmer 50. 
Pox, Albert, (Wallace,) farmer 68. 
FOX, CHEISTOPHBK, (Avoca,) (Shaver & 
Fox.) 1 i 

FOX, DAOTEL A., (Avoca,) (ff. P. <fc D. 

A. Fox.) ' 

FOX, GEO. P., (Avoca,) ((?. P. <t S. A. 

FOX, Q. P. & D. A., (Avoca,) (Geo. P. and 
Daniel A.,) carriage and wagon makers. 
Fraley, Jacob, (Avoca.) farmer 136. 
French, Charles, (Wallace,) farmer 40. 
French, Wiliard L., (Neil's Creek,) farmer 


Qoff, Warren W., (Avoca,) inventor of 

Qoff's improved self wagon brake and 

thill coupler. 

GOLDEN, JOB, (Avoca,) (J. Oolden &3on.) 

Golden, Job Eev., (Avoca,) Methodist 

GOLDEN. J. & SON, (Avoca,) (Job and 
William B.,) prop, of Avoca marble 
factory. . 
GOLDEN, WILLIAM B., (Avoca,) (J. Gol- 
den dt Son.) 
Gonzolas, Matthew E., (Wallace,) farmer 

Gorton, Peleg, (Avoca,) justice of the 

Gray, A.mbroae, (Avoca,) farmer 168. 
GriBwold, John D., (Avoca,) jeweler. 
GRISWOLD, JOHN E. DR., (Avoca,) me- 
chanical deutiat. 
Gnnsolus, George W., (Nell's Cree'k,) far- 
mer 40. 

Gunsolns, John H., (Wallace^ farmer 48. 
HALLOCK, SILAS, (Avoca,) farmer 46. 
Hamblin, Martin E., (Avoca,) boot and 

shoemaker. ^ „., 

Hammond, Horace J., (Wallace,) (£. Wilson 

& Co.,) farmer 47X- 
Hammond, William H., (Wallace,) farmer 

Harrington, Brayton, (Neil's Creek,) far- 
mer 40. 
Haskins, Isaac J., (Wallace,) farmer 231. 

Hasklns, Samuel -E., (Wallace,) farmer 323. 

HASKIN, STEPfiBN B., (Neil's Creek,) 
farmer leases 133. 

Head, William B., (Wallace,) (Calkins dt 

Hees, Henry, (Avoca,) drng^st, and in- 
surance agent. 

Hees, James, (Avoca,) produce dealer. 

Henderson, Henry, (Wallace,) (with James,) 
farmer 200. 

Henderson, James, (Wallace,) (with Henry,) 
fanner 200. 

Herington, Andrew, (Wallace,) farmer 80. 

Higgins, -Artemus, (Avoca,) farmer leases 

Hilton, Orange, (Avoca,) farmer 31. 

Hilton, William, (Avoca,) farmer 135. 

Hinerman, Charles, (Kanona,) fanner 153. 

Hinerman, Jeremiah, (Kanona,) farmer 50. 

Hinerman, Oliver, (Kanona,) farmer 80. 

HOADLET, DANIEL B., (Avoca,) general 
agent for Cleveland Lightning Rod Co. 
and farmer 133. 

idlex, Eliphalet, (Neil's Creek,) farmer 

HOADLEY, MARTIN A^ (Neil's Creek,) 
general agent for Walter A. Wood 
mowing and reaping machine Co., and 
post master. 

Hoagland, JameSi (Wallace,) dairy and far- 
mer 120. 

JSoodt Lawson R., (Avoca,) farmer 40. 

Hopkins, Duty, (Wallace,) farmer 160. 

Hopkins, Edward, (Neils Creek,) farmer 80. 

Hopkins, Samuel J., (Wallace,) farmer 50. 

House, Addison, (Howard,) farmer 63. 

HOtrSE, ELIJAH, (Avoca,) hop grower, 
dairyman and farmer 186. 

HOUSE, JEREMIAH, (Avoca,) dairy and 
farmer 115. 

House, Peter R., (Avoca,) allop. physician 
and sni^on and farmer SO. 

Rowland, James, (Avoca,) farmer 31. 

Hughes, Charles, (Neil's Creek,) farmer 
leases 136. 

Hunt, Horace, (Avoca,) hardware mer- 

Jenks, Joseph, (Neil's Creek,) farmer 49 
and leases 44. 

Jincks, Melvin, (Wallaoe",>machini8t. 

feeler, Bbenezer, (Wallace,) farmer 312. 
eeler, Sylvester, (Wallace,), farmer 200. 
Kelsey, William, (Avoca,) cattle dealer. 
Keyser, Mary A. Mrs., (Avooa,) tailoress. 
Kingkade, John, (Avoca,) farmer 181. 
KIELbY, ANDREW J., <SwJlace,) agent 

, for P. & J. Kirley, tanfloM: 
Klrley, P. & J., (WaUace,) (PhUip and 

James,) tanners. 
Kyser, Levi, (Avoca,) farmer 62. ' 

Lafurge, George, (Avoca,) farmer 125. 
Lape, George, (Avocaj farmer 123. , 
I Linkletter, Samuel, (Howard,) farmer 100. 


Longcoy, Leonard, (Avoca.) blackemith. 

Loucks, John, (Avooa,) dairy and former 

loucks, Wm., (Avoca,) farmer 113. 

MACKIE, EOBEBT, (Avooa,) dairy and 
farmer 327. 

Malette, S. 8., (Avoca,) farmer 40. 

Markell, Jacob, (Avoca,) farmer 144. 

Martin, Orlando, (Wallace,) hotel proprie- 
tor and farmer 1. 

Martin^ Patrick, (Kanona,) farmer 20. 

Mathewson, Samuel, (Wallace,) farmer 314. 

MathewBon, Zelpha Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 

Matson, Sarah A. Mrs., (Neil's Creek,) far- 
mer 25. 

Mattoon, Blias, (Wallace,) farmer 107. 

Mattoon, Henry, (Wallace,) farmer 50. 

MoCarter, Gideon, (Wallace,) farmer ISO. 

McCaslin, John, (Avoca,) shoemaker. 

McClara, Daniel, (Wallace,) farmer. 

McClary, James, (Wallace,) wool grower 
and farmer 156. 

McQee, Semantha Mrs., (Avoca,) fanner 1. 

MoGONJEQAL, ORBN, (Goff 's MUls,) far- 
mer 270. 

McNeil, Catherine Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 

Meeks, Christopher, (Wallace,) fanner 174. 

Mills, Bills, (Avoca,) farmer 100. • 

MILLS, EMILY, (Avoca,) honse cleaner. 

Moore, James N., (Avoca,) farmer 55. 

Moore, Spence, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

Morgan, Daniel, (Wallace,) farmer 125. 

Morrow, Eobert, (Avoca,) farmer 40. 

Neill, Nancy Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 60. 

NEWKIEK & ALDBN, (Avoca,) (John 
NewMrk and Lorenzo Mden,) cabinet 

NEWKIEK, JOHN, (Avoca,) (.NmUrlc dt 

Olds, Alfred C, (Avoca,) carpenter and 
■ joiner. 

Olmsted, Elijah, (Wallace,) farmer 105. , 

©Imsted, Jeremiah, (Avooa,) farmer 150. 

Olmsted, John, (Wallace,)farmer 111; 

Olmsted, Margaret Mrs., (Avoca,) tailoress. 

Olmsted, Solomon, (Wallace,) farmer 90. 

Otis, Francis, (B^nona,) tanner and far- 
mer 40. 

Overhiser, Cynthia B., (Avoca,) dress 

OVEEHISBE, JOSEPH S., (Avoca,) car- 

Oxx, Jonatlian, (Wallace,) wool grower 
and farmer leases 100. 

Oxx, Samuel, (Wallace,) farmer 110. 

Palmer, S. H., (Avoca,) farmer 144. 

Patterson, Christopher, (Avoca,) allop. 
physician and surgeon. 

Peck,Marcu'8 A., f Wallace,) farmer 150. 

PECK, WILLIAMj (Wallace,) carpenter 
and farmer 3. 

PECK, WILLIAM E., (Neil's Creek,) wool 
grower and farmer lOO. 

Peek, AdamI/., (Avoca,) farmer iH- 

PEEK, STLVBSTBE, (Avoca,) general 

Perry, Lyman S., (Avoca,) wool grower and 

farmer Oax- . , . - 

Pratt, WUliam, (Avooa,) carpenter and 

joiner. _ , 

Price, Wilder, (Avooa,) wagon maker. 
Eice, Caroline Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 5. 

Eioe, Chester, (Wallace,) .Wjjp} grower and 
farm6rl04, and (with CMsier Jr.,) 30. 

Eice, Chester'Jr., (Wallace,) (vilth Cheater,) 
farmer 30. 

Bice, Daniel,' (Wallace,) prop, of Head grist 

, (AvbolJ farmer 114. 
lotf H,, (liLyoca,) prop, of Avooa 
EICE, WILLIAM* (Neil's Creek,) wool 

growet and fariSier 105; 
Eoberts, Emiline Mrs., (Wallace,) {with 

George E. ,) farmer 4. 
Eoberts, George E., (Wallace,) {jjiith Mn. 

Emuine^ tariaei 4. 
Eoberts, Lyman P., (Avoca,) (Eoberts <fe 

Eoberts & Stocking, (Avooa,) (I^/man P. 

Soberts and Herwy- Stocking,) iron 

foimdersj ,' ' ^ 
Eohertson, Henry, (Avoca,) attorney and 

counselor at fa^ and tovpn clerk. 
Bobinson, YanrenBUilaer S., (GcfTs Mills,) 

farmer 200. %. 
Bobords, Aaron, (ATOca,) well driver. 
BOBOBDS, DA VH) L.,» (Avoca,) onion 

grower and farmer 160. 
BOBOBDS lEAC, (Wallace,) wool grow- 

I er and farmer 160.' .•■ • 
Bobords, John, (Avoca,) fanner leases 50. 
Eobords. Lorenzo; (Wallace.) farmer 84. 
■KOSBJ'JMES, (Wallace,) blacksmith. 
Bps^ntoans, Auborts D., (Wallace,) farmer 
"^' 21ff* '1, 

Wgewfieorge WMVallace,) farmer 160. 
flffinoff^enendiDr(Avoca,) farmer leases 

SaR^MFJosfaarfivoca,) siwyer. 

SALfflVIAN, BALPH, XfTO^,) saw and 
'shingle mill ana fanner 65. * 

Shaver, Abraham, (Avoca,ViQp grower and 
farmer 121. Mm ^ , 

Shaver, Edwin, (Avoca,) faitter I|4>^: 

SHAVBH & FOX, (XvocA^ (John, jF.'Shmier 
and ChHstopher l^ox,} dealeg in dry 
goods, groceries, boots and shoes, and 
general ptoduce. ,. 

Shaver, Hirafn, (Ayaca,),farmer 287. 

SHAVEB," JOHN X., (Avoca,) (Shaver <S 
JB^.) ' ' , ■ . 

Shaver^Levi, (Kanona.) farmer leasef) 160. 

Shaw, John, (Avoca.) blacksmlthj ■ 

SHEBWOOD, NBHEMIAH. (Avoca,) far- 
mer. ■ • «*«' ' ' 

Sholts, George, (Avoca,) farmer 62. . 
^huits,, Alexander G., (iyflSSs) Ijnner. 

SSmlts,'Alonzo, (Walla^SaFmer 90. 

ShUlts, AlonzO|;.(Avoca)7!Ta&er 5e.« 

Shults, Baijjpy,! (Wallace,) blacksmith and 
farmer 1. ^ 

Bhults, C. M., (Avoca^ farmer 15. 

Shults, GUes,' (AraM^l^la^ksAit)! and far- 
mer 7. ' 

SHQLTS, JAMBS,. (*voca^ grpcer. 

ShultSi James, (Asr^) farmer S. 

Shults, James MrOAvoca,) milliner. 

Shults, Josiah' (wBllace,) saw mill and 
farmer 100. J^X* •• 

Shults, Lymattj (Avoca,) dairy and fanner 

SHULTS, NICHOLAS, (Avoca,) black- 

SMITH, CHEIS'EOPHEE, (Wallace,)farmer 







Planing Mill, Sash, Door 
and Blind Alannfkctory. 




M. S. & R. E. HARRIS, 


Kem frst-clasB workmen to make to order all 

kinds of Barnees, and do Job Work 

and Carriage Trimminge. Keep 

an assortment of Harness of 

every style, and extras 

made up. 

Co., 1 I 



o6R.i^i]Ma-, ]sr. 



Connecticut IHuti^al life InR. Co., 
Mverpool and Loifdoji and Globe Ins. Co. 
Home Insurance. Co., New Yorta, 
Continental " «• « « ' , 

Niagara <^ « tt cc . . 

market " « c( tc 

^snrance Company of Nort^ America, 
Putnam Ins. Co., dartford, . *' . 

Aetna Live Stock Ina. Co., - 









Smith, Henry B., (Wallace.) former 62. 

SMITH, HENRY P., (Wallace,) farmer. 

SMITH, OSCAE S., (Avooa,) dry goods, 
groceries, clothing &c. 

SneU, George W., (Kanona,) dairy aiid for- 
mer 147. 

SNBLL, JlC&B B., (Kanona,) dairy and 
former 150. 

BPOONER. ADIN M., (Avoca,) attorney 
and counselor at law and notary public. 


Stever,. Peter, (Wallace,) former 51. 

STEWAUT, THOMAS A., (Avoca,) eolectie 

Stocking, Henry, (Avoca,) (Boberli & Stock- 

Sweet, John H., (Avoca,) painter. 

Tilton, Daniel, (Avoca,) {with David,) 
former 238. 

Tilton, David, (Avoca,) (with Daniel,) for- 
mer 238. 

Tobias, Bennett B. Jr., (Avoca,), agent for 
plastic roofing and forinbr 'i'S. 

TOBIAS, HILLOKY H., (Avoca,) farmer 

TOBIAS, WILLIAM B., (Avoca,) farmer 50. 

TOWNER BEOS)., (AiiEoca,) (George W. 
and Joel S.,) props, of Cohocton Val- 
ley mills. 

Towner, Daniel, (Wallace,) farmer 135. 

Towner, Ebenezer, (Wallace,) farmer 139. 

TOWNEE, GEORGE W., (Avoca,) (.Town- 
er Bros.,) farmer IfO. 

Towner, James, (Avoca,) farmer 65. 

Towner, James 2d, (Avoca,) farmer 72. 

Towner, J. E., (Avoca,) farmer 62. 

TOWNER, JOEL H., (Avoca,) (Towner 

Towner, N. H., (Avoca,) f«rmferl40., 

TUBES, CHAUNOEY D., (Kajiona,) far- 
mer 60. 

Tucker, B. M., (Wallace,) station agent. 

Tucker, Ira, (Wallace,) farmer 280. 

Tucker, Oscar J., (Wallace,) fanner 40. 

Tucker, Smith, (Wallace,) lumhermaii and 
fanner 236. 

Vader, Cornelius, (Wallace,) shoe maker 
and farmer 1. ^. , 

TiNATTEN, STBVBN, (Wallace,) retired 

VanAuker, Eliza, (Wallace,) farmer 4. 

VanHonsen, Edward H., (Avoca,) (WH- 
liama & YanHaueen.) 

Vanhusen, Jacob, (Avoca,) farmer 58. 
Vanhnsen, Samuel, (Wallace,) farmer 130. 
VanValkenhnrg, Peter A., (Avoca,) (Tan- 
YalHetUmrg & WMtbeck.) 

VanValkenburgh & Whitbeck, (Avoca,) 

CPisfej- A. van VaUemtmrgh and Bichard 

V. WAi<ft«(!*,) wagon makers. 
Van Wie, Arie, (Howardj) hop grower, 

dairy and farmer 130. 
VIckery, William,:(Avoca,) tannery. ■ 
Voorhees, Jeremiah, (Avoca,) gunsmith 

and farmer 1. 
Viroman, Hnlda Mrs. (Avoca,) milliner. 
Vrooraan, Abram D., (Avoca,) carpenter 

and joiner. 
Wagnor, Augustus C, (Avoca,) (with John 

,/..) farmer 175. 
Wagnor, Benj^miuf (Avoca,) farmer 162. , 
Wagnor, John J., (Avoca,) (with Augustus 

0.,) farmer 175. 
WALL, HENRY A., (Avoca,) cutter and 

Wallace, G. C, (Wallace,!) farmer 110. 
Wallace, Mary, (Wallace,) farmer 75. 
Wallace, Sarah Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 100. 
Wallace, William M., (Avoca,) physician 

and surgeon. 
Ward, Alexander, (Wallace,) blacksmith. 
Ward, Jacob, (Avoca,) farmer 162. 
Waterbury, Salmon, (Wallace,) farmer 92. 
Waters, James H., (Avoca,) artesian well 

Wessel, Daniel, (Wallace,) wool grower and 

farmer 90. 
Wheeler, Nathaniel S., (Avoca,) blacksmith 

and farmer 80. 
Whitbeck, Isaac, (Avoca,) carriage manuf., 
7 . painter and fanner 3. 
Whitbeck, Richard V., (Avoea,) (YanYal- 

kenJmrg <fc Whitbeci.) 
Williams, Ira C, (Avoca,) (yfiniams & Yan 

Hausen.) ■ ' 

Williams & Van Hoiisen, (Avoca,) (Ira C. 

Williams and Edward H, Jtoi Bausm,) 

prop'rs Avoca Mills. 
WILSON, JAMES A., (Avoca,) mason, 

carpenter and cabinet maker. 
Wilson, Leonard^ (Wallace,) (i. H ilson <fe 

Cb.,) justice of the peace. 
Wilson, li. &i. Co., (Wallace,) (Leonard Wil- 
son and Horace J. Hammond,) general 

Winnie, Fralncis, (Avoca,) farmer 60. 
Wood, Alfred, (Avoca,) wool grower and 

foriner 160. 
Yohon,' Christopher, (Avoca,) farmer leases 

. "An- 
Zielley, Elizabeth Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 

Zielley, Oliver, (Avoca,) dairy and farmer 

Zielley, Thomas, (Avoca,) dairy and farmer 




(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Atbott, William, (TowleaviUe,) farmer 88. 

ABEL, JOHN, (Bath,) manuf. and dealer in 
saddles, harness, trunks i&c., 14 Lib- 
erty, 8d floor. 

ABBLES & BEO., (Bath,) (Sigmuna and 
Joseph,) dealers m ready made cloth- 
ing, hats, caps, and gents flirtilshinK 
goods, 14 Liberty. 

ABELES, JOSEPH, (Bath,) UJefe, <£ Bro.) 

ABELES; SIQMUNb, (Bkk,) (ld1z« * 

ABEK, GEOBGE Q., (Bath,) horse shoeing 
and blacksmithing, Morris. 

f?5?i''??SS ®-' ffowlesviUe,) farmer 70. 
^W * STBWAteT, (Bath,) (neoiore J. 
Aber and Bobert Stewart) blacksmiths 
and manufs. edge tools. 

ABER, THEODOKB J., (Bath,) (Aber dk 

Ackerson, Chaa. N., (Bath,) farmer 80. 

Aokerson, Henry, (Savona,) farmer 60. 

Adams, Daniel, (Bath,) farmer 90. 

ADAMS, JOHN, (BaUi,) farmer BO. 

Ahern, J., (Savona,) section foreman. 

Aleer, Stoughton, (Bath,) farmer 16. 

Allen, Eugene C, (Bath,) (/. B. AUen dt 

Allen,! B.& Co., (Bath,) (Israel B. and 
Migme G.,) groceries and proTisions, 
Steuben st. 

Allen, Israel B., (Bath,) (7. B. AUen & Co.) 

Allen, John J., (Bath.) farmer. 

•ALLEN & PAkkER, (Bath,) (Wm. W. 
Allen and Lewis Parker,) hardware. 6 
Liberty. ' 

A^f^M- K-- ^' (^.?J'''> <-^"«" A Parker.) 

ALLEN, WM. W., (Bath,) teller of First 
National Bank. 

AUerton, Delanson, (Savona,) farmer 107. 

T7T'V'5Jivl'^?S?F' (Savona,) farmer 270. 

ALLISON, WILLIAM, (Bath,) taUor, far- 
merlj^. ' 

Armstrong, Daniel, (Bath,) fkrmer 1. 

A??o^?S??4^*™"^> (Savona.) farmer 100. 

AUSTIN,mRVET, (Wona,ywagon makl 
er and blacksmith. 

■^^r^.l'ii??''^"''' (Sonera^ stone mason. 

AVBRELL, OSCAR J., (Wh,) collector U. 
S. Internal Eevenue, office west side 
Fulteney Square, in Park Hotel build- 

Bain, Jamea, (Bath,) farmer 1. 

Baker, Harmon S., (Kanona,) miller. 

sob ™™'°' ^ '^ °*^ ""' ™* ''"™®'' 
BAKER, JOHN K., (Kanona,) prop, of 
Kanona flouring mills, flour and feed 
store at Bath. 

^»K°'mu"-/-' (Kanona,) cabinet maker. 
Barber, Thepdorns W., (Bath,) groceries 
BAPwiS''°\'?j2,'"' 81 Steuben st. 
BARNES, AUGTTSTTTS E., (Bath,) attor- 

S?fr''"Glitt?o''/e«'« peace, eiibertj;, 
ElbMty Saturday News, No. 8 

Barrett, Levi, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

Barrett, Samuel S., (Bath.) farmer leases 

BARRON, CHARLES H., (Bath,) (HoweU d 

wagon maker and carpenter and joiner. 

Barton, Andrew J., (Kanona,) carpenter 
and liirmer 100. 

Barton, Leonard^(Kanona,) farmer 60. 

Barton, Martin V., (Bath,) blacksmith, 85 

Barton, Mrs., (Kandna,) farmer 100. 

BECK, DANIEL, (Bath,) gunsmith, Steu- 
ben St. 

BEDELL, CALVIN C, (Savona,) farmer 

Beecher, Adam, (Bath,) blacksmith, Steu- 
ben St. 
•BEEKMAN, ABRAM, (Bath.) dealer in 

hardware, agricultural implements, 

seeds, &c.i^l7 Liberty. 
BEEKMAN, JOHN, (Bath,) sash, doors, 

blinds and planing mill, Steuben st. 
BELFAST MILLS, (Bath,) Valentine and 

Henry H. Brother, prop'rs. 
Bennett, David, (Bath,) farmer 40. 
BENNETT, HENRY S., (Bath,) resident. 
Bennett, Jonathan, (Bath,) farmer 112 
BENTON, NORMAN, (Bath.) (Biggmt A 

Co.,) harness maker, Steuben st. 
Billington, Samuel, (Bath,) farmer 7V. 
Birkett, John, (Savona,) farmer 4. 
BLACK, JAMES W., (Bath,) (Black <S 

BLACK REBECCA MISS, (Bath,) farmer 

BLACK & SHANNON, fiBath,) (James 
W. Black and Tims. SJtannon,) phy- 
sioians and surgeons, Steuben st. 

Blaksley, Abram, (Kanona,) cooper and 

Blaksley, George, (Bath,) finrmer 15, 

Blunt, George, (Savona,) farmer 53. 

BOGARDUS, JAMBS, (Bath,) livery and 
exchange stables, Steuben at. 

BOILEAU, THOMAS J., (Savona,) post 
master and general merchant 

BONHAM WK E., (Bath,) attorney, west 
side Liberty. 

Borden, Alonio, (Towlesville,) farmer 

l6EtSteB ISO 

BORDEN, JAMES M., (Towlesville,) 

breeder of fuU blood Spanish Merino 

sheep and farmer 148. 
Bosenbark, Chas.,, (Sonora,) farmer 85. 
Bosenbark, H. D., (Sonora,) former 20. 
Bosenbark, Jacob, (Sonora,) farmer 138. 
BOSENBARK, J.' 'S., (Sonora,) farmer 31. 
Bottriel, William, (Bath,) firmer 12Jf . 
BOVIER, SIMON; (Batii,) hats, caSi tart, 
_„ china, glass ware, &c.. Liberty. 
BOWES, MARTIN, (Batt,) general westr 

era and foreign passenger ticket agent, 

Steuben st. 
Bowes, Patrick. fBath,) gardener 4 
BOWES, PAtMck &.f (Bath.) engineer 

andfl»rmer4. b"">" 

Bowlby, Jas. N. W., (Bath,) firmer 156. 

Bowlby, John A., (Bath,) fanner 355. ■ 

Boyer, Amon, (Bath,) fanner 1. 

BOTEE, ELI, (Bath.) carpenter and joiner 

and farmer 138, (fann for sale.) 

retired merchant. 

BEADLBY.ZEHA, (Kanona,) firmer 166X- 
BEECK, GEO. W., (Bath,) auctioneer and 

constahle, residence 49 Morris. 
Brewster, Selah, (Savona,) farmer 5. 
Brink, Andrew B., (Savona,) farmer 69X. 
Brink, John, (SavonaJ farmer 3000. 
BROOKS, AAEON H., (Sawna,) fanner 

BEO.OKS, DAVID B., (Bath,) farmer 113. 
Brooks, John, (Bath,) farmer 30. 
Brooks, J. C, (Savona,) farmer leases 100. 

school teacher. 
BROTHER, HENRY H., (Bath ) (wWA Fai- 

mtine,) prop'rs of Belfast M.ills. 
BROTHER, VAIENTINE, (Bath,) (with 

Henry B.,) prop'rs of Belfast Mills. 
Brown, Charles E., (Bath,) ready made 

clothing, Stenhenst. 
BROWN, JOSEPH M., (Bath,) farmer 1S6. 
Brown, Rnssell, (Kanona,) farmer 35. 
Brown, Stephen Rev., (Savona,) M. E. min- 

Brundage, Clarence M., (Bath,) farmer 125. 

Bhindage, Erank, (BathJ farmer 223. 

Brundage, GrattanH., (Bath,) farmer 356. 

Brandage, Monroe, (Bath,) farmer 270. 

BRUNDAGE, MOERIB, (Bath,) farmer 95. 

Brandage, William, (Bath,) farmer 118. 

Bryan, Abram C, (Sonora,) postmaster. 
Justice of thepeace and grocer. 

BRYAN, DANIEL B., (Sonora,) manuf. of 
lumber and former 365. 

BRYAN, JOSHUA W.,(Savona,) farmer 93. 

Buck, John W., (Kanona,) fermer 50. 

Buckley, Moses M., (Savona,) farmer 84. 

Bulkley, Ira, (Savona,) farmer 25. 

BULL, HARVEY, (Bath,) farmer 183. 

BURT, ABRAM W., (Savona,) {lOiOi, Mor- 
ris H..) farmer 268. 

BURT, MORRIS H., (Savona,) (with Abram 
F.,) farmer 268. „ 

(Watts BushTiea,) mannfs. and dealers 
in boots, shoes, leather, findings &c., 
31 Liberty cor. Buell. „ 

BUBHNELL, WATTS, (Bath,) (Harvey 
Busfinetl & Co.) 

BUTLER, ALLEN JR., (Bath,) wagon 
maker, Steuben St. 

Butler, Alvah, (Bath,) farmer leases V&^. 

Butler, Joseph D^ (Bath,) farmer 2. 

BUTTS, JOSEPH, (Bath.) manuf. of lom- 
ber and shinries, and farmer 148. 

CALKINS, DAVID T., (Bath,) carpenter. 

Calkins, Ira M.^JBath,) farmer 64. 

CAMPBELL, CHA8. C.; (Bath,) farmer 50. 

Campbell, Jesse, (Bath,) farmer leases 54.' 

Campbell, John M., (Bath,) farmer 125. 

CAMPBELL, ROBERT, (Bath,) ez-Lieut. 
Governor, lawyer and farmer 160. 

CAMPBELL, WILLLAM M., (Bath,) farmer 

CANFIBLD, CALEB A., (Bath,) (Doughty 

& Oanfleld.) 
Carey, John, (Bath,) farmer 70. 
Catlton, James, (Savona,) farmer 20O. 
Carr, George, (Savona,) farmer 50. 


Carroll, Andrew. (Towlesville,) farmer 120. 
CARROLL, ANOREW 2d, (Kanona,) car- 

peiicor and joiner and farmer 64X. 
Carroll, John^ (Kanona,; lanner 64. 
Carroll, Owen, (Towlesville,) farmer 40. 
Carroll, Thomas, (Towlesville,) farmer 53. 
Case, Chauncey, (Kanona.) farmer 88. 
CASS, MINOR D., (Bath,) carpenter and 

joiner and former 30. 
Chamberlain, Jesse M., (Kanona,) farmer 

Chapin, John, (Bath,) carpenter and farmer 

Chase, Fanny B. Mrs., (Bath,) farmers. 
Chase, Hirah Rev., (Bath,) Baptist clergy- 

' man. 
ChaSe, Llewellyn, (Bath,) farmer leases 

Chism, Nathaniel, (Bath,) farmer 1. 
Chufch, Edwin L., (Bath,) fancy dry goods, 

CHURCHILL, DB LOS, (Bath,) house 

bowlder and former 25 in Chenango 

Clark, A. J., (Savona,) farmer 90. 
Clark,' Alvah P., (South Howard,) farmer 

Clark, Galen A., (Bath,) gate tender and far- 
mer 60. 
CLAftK, JAMES J., (South Howard,) 

Clark, John, (Kanona,) farmer 102. 
Clark, John, (Savona,) farmer 50. 
Clark, Jonathan, (Towlesville,) farmer 100. 
Clark, Nathaniel J., (Kanona,) farmer 103. 
Clark, Sarah Mrs., (South Howard,) farmer 

Clark, Thomas, (Savona,) farmer 103. 
CLARK, UZIEL E., (Bath,) marble works, 

Steuben st. 
CLABKSON, ABRAHAM, (Bath,) saddler 

and farmer 5>f . 
Clarkson, Charles, (Bath,) farmer. 
Clarkson, L. L. Miss, (Bath,) dress making 

and millinery, Steuben st. 
Clarkson,Matthew,(Bath,) farmer leases 100. 
Clemens, John, (Kanona,) farmer 104. 
Clute, Chas. E., (Bath,)publlBher Tri-week- 

ly Conservative. 
Coats, Henry D., (Bath,) farmer 25. 
Cole, Aaron, (Savona,) cooper. 
Cole, Chester B., (Sonora, (Horace Cole & 

COLE, HARRY, (Savona,) dry goods, gro- 
ceries, boots and shoes and millinery. 
Cole, Horace & Son, (Sonora,) (Chester K,) 

farmers 150. 
Collier, James N., (Savona,) farmer 150. 
Concklin, Josiah J^ (SaVona,) farmer 74. 
Conine, Lorenzo, (BatlO farmer 110. 
COOK, CONSTANT, math,) president of 

the First National Bank. 
COOK, HENRY H., (Bath,) cashier of First 

National Bank. 
Cooley, Jesse, (Bath,) farmer 120. 
Cooley, Jesse H., (Bath.) farmer 120. 
Cooley, William, (Bath,) famier 74. 
Coon, Harrison, (Savona,) farmer«6. 
Cooper, David, (Kanona,) carpenter and 

farmer 4. 
Cooper, George, (TowleBVille,) mason and 

farmer 98. 
Cooper, William, (Towlesville,) former 87. 
COSS, ALLEN B., (Baith,) farmer 50. 



COSS, D. Jf., (Bath.) drover and termer 

IGl), Morris, cor. Pine. 
COSS, JOHN B.. (Bath.) miller. 
OOVEL, HE]SiTa'.(Bath.) laborer. 
Covert, Jeanette Mrs.. (Bath,) farmer 4. 
Covert, John, (Bath,) rarmer.'J>f. 
Covin. Jacoii, (Bath,) farmer % 
CRAIG, TlIOMAS, (Batli,) (SecoT & 

CEAIG, WJIjLIS E., (Bath,) sheriff. Court 

Crance, Jack, (Bath,) farmer ."iO. 
Crisler, Oeorge, (C ith.) farmer leases 16. 
Crittenden, Lyman, (Bath,) blacksmith 

and farmer 6. 

school teacher. 
CRONK, JOHN, (Ifannna,) fanner leases 3. 
C;ronk, Ralph, (Savona,) harness maker. 
Crumb, J. H., (Bath,) princiyal of Uaver- 

ling Union School. 
Crumb, Samuel, (Bath,) farmer leasee 2.W. 
Cruttenden, Alexis H., (Bath,) physician 

and surgeon, HI. Steuhen Bt. 
Cryetler. Richard. (Sonora,) farmer Wi. 
CULVER, DANIEL, (Savona,) harness 

Cummings, Daniel, (Bath,) farmer B. 
CURTIS, JOHN W., (Bath.) a!;ent for Em- 
pire Sewing Machines and Thayer's 
Iron Mower. 
Dane, Or."on, (BaOi.) farmer 07. 
DANIELS, GEOROE F., (Bath,) farmer 

leases 87. 
Daniels, George T., (Bath,) {with Sylvenw 

>K,) farmer 85. 
DAUIKLS, SYL VENUS W., (Batt,) farmer 

165 and {with Geo. T.,) e5. 
DANIELS, WILLIAM H., (Bath,) firmer 

130 and leases 300. 
DART, GILBERT, (Savona.) 
Dart, Hiram, (Savona,) farmer 64. 
Davenport, Erastus, (Savona,) farmer leases 

DAVIS CHAS. S., (Savona.) drugs and 

Davis, Jairufs (Savona,) farmer 232. 
DAVIS, ROBERT W., (Sonora,) prop, of 
marl bed and lime works, and farmer 
Davis, Susan M., (Bath,) dress and cloak 

making, 11 Liberty. 
Davis, W. Chas., (Savona,) attorney and 

♦DAVISON, THOMAS JR., (Bath,) mannf. 
and dealer In boots and shoes, leather 
and findings, of best quality, aa Liberty. 
Dawson, Bonham. (Bath,) blacksmith. 
DAWSON, CAEltlE MISS, (Kanona,) 

Dawson, George, (Kanona,) carriage maker 

and farmer 1. 
Dean, Milan, (Bath,) farmer 100. 
DECKER, HEZEKIAH, (Bath,) farmer 96; 
DePue. John S., (Bath,) farmer SO. 
DePuy, Aaron, (Bath,) farmer 120. 

x7' Harriet Mrs., (Bath,) (resides In 

New York,) farmer U. 

DEWITT, CARPENTER H., (Bath,) black- 

_ „ sJJJSS and farmer BO. 

S?Zn'"H"'Si(Bath,) firmer IBO. 

nlwlh 'S"i?''£'' '^^^>'> f""™" leases 106. 
DeWltt, Sally Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 106. 

DEWOLF, ALONZO, (Bath,) homeop. 

dhysician and surgeon, 101 Morris. 
DEVVOLF, T. SCOTT; (Bath,) (UnOerAiU d 
. VeWolf.) 

Dillenbach. Hiram, (Kanona,) fanner 86. 
Dimick, JSdmund, (Savona,) farmer 80. 
Dobbin, Robert, (Bath,) farmer 150. 
Donahe, Perry S., (Bstlij) attorney and 

c'lanselor at law, Hallock's jJIock, 

Porman, John, (Savona,) farmer 80: 
Diirsoy, Henry, (Bath,) farmer 80. 
DOUGHTY & CANFIELD, (Bath,) {Charles 

D. DougMy and Caleb A. Canflela,) 

general agents, Eiinltable Life lusur- 

ance Society, branch office, W. side 

Pulteney Square. 
DOUGHTY, CHARLES B., (Bath,) {Douah- 

ty & Cajifield.) 
Drake, George VV., (Bath,) farmer 104. 
Draice, Phillip. (Savona,) farmer 13(1. 
DUDLEY, CHAS., (Bath,) (estate of John 

Dudley,) farmer 300. 
Dudley, Henry C, (Bath,) farmer 50 and 

DUDLEY, JAMBS K., (Bath,) book keeper 

of First National Bank. 
Dudley, Joseph A., (Bath,) farmer 132. 
Dudley, Joseph C, (Bath,) farmer leases 

Dunlap, Josephj (Bath,) farmer 1. 
DUNTON, ANDREW R., (Kanona,) farmer 

Dnnyan, Jane, (Towlesville,) farmer 4. 
Durham, Wra. M., (Bath,) farmer 62. 
Duruian, Richard, (Towlesville,) farmer 

Dygert, JameS, (Kanona,) firmer 217. 
Dygert, Peter, (Kauona,) farmer 160. 
Dygert, Walter, (Kanona,) farmer 70. 
Edwards, Ira P., (Bath,) blacksmith. Liber- 
Edwards, James, (Bath,) farmer 120. 
Bells, Reuben, (Bath,) farmer 100. 
ELLAS, ADDISON F., (Bath,) assessor 

and firmer 258. 
ELLIS, EBBNEZEE, (Bath,) prop, of 

book store and post master, east side 

of Liberty. 
Ellis, Orin, (Bath,) farmer leases 78. 
Ells, Horace, (Towlesville,) farmer leases 

Emerson, Amis Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 8. 
Emerson, Chas., (Bath,) firmer 157. 
EMERSON, CHAS. W., (Kanona,) farmer 


farmer 70. 
EMERSON, JOHN, (Bath,) farmer 94. 
EmersoM, John, (Bath,) insurance agent, 9 

Liberty. " ' 

Emerson, Oliver H., (Bath,) farmer 50. 
Emof son, Orrin, (Bath.) farmer 98. 
Emerson, Robert K., (Bath,) farmer 6. 
ENSIGN, SAMUEL, (BatA) alkTp. physl- 

clan and surgeon, 83 Liberty. ' "^ ' 

So' ^P''™''"' (South Howard,) farmer 
Evans', George D., (Kanona,) machinist. 



FAEB, B. B., (Bath,) watch maker, 8 Llls- 

Farr, John 8., (Bath,) jewelry and watch 
maker, 8 Liberty. 

FAUCBTT, ANTHONT, (SaTona,) farmer 

Faucett, Arthur, (Swona,) farmer 93. 

Faacett, George, JBath,) farmer. 

Faucett, George L., (Savona,) farmer BO. 

FAUCETT, JAMES, (Bath,) farmer 116. 

FAUCETT. JAMES 2d, (Bath,) farmer 96. 

Faucett, John, (Bath,) farmer 600. 

Faucett, Bichard, (Savona,) farmer 133. 

Faucett, Robert, (Savona,) farmer 140. 

Faucett, Roberts., (Savona,) farmer 146. 

Faucett, Samuel James, (Savona,) farmer 

Faucett, William, (Sonora,) farmer 181. 

FAY, CHARLES L., (Bath,) prop, of Clin- 
ton saloon, cor. of Steuben and Liber- 

Fay, G. B. W., (Bath,) dealer in flour and 
feed and farmer 6. 

Fay, Lewis D., (Kanona,) fanner 126. 
- FERRIS, ALFRED P., (Bath,) (Ferris & 
Ward^ attorney and counselor at law, 
cor. Liberty and Steuben. 

Ferris, Benjamin, (Bath,) farmer 10. 

FERRIS, DELANSON, (Bath,) assessor 
and farmer 160. 

Ferris, John, (Bath,) farmer 80. 

FERRIS & WARD, (Bath,) U?^«tf P. Fer- 
ris and Benjamin. C. Ward.) lite and 
fire insurance agents, cor. Liberty and 
Steuben, over First National Bank. 

stant Cook, president ; Henry H, Cook, 
cashier: Wm. W. Allen, teller; James 
K. Dudley, book keeper ; cor. of Liber- 
ty and Steuben. ^ ^, , ^ 

Fitzslmmons, Calvin, (South Bradford,) 
farmer 100. _ , , . 

]Flewellin, EdwardB., (Bath,) farmer leases 

' Flint, Chas., (Bath,) former leases 180. 
Fluent, Amos, (Bath,) farmer 80. 
Forgus, Isaac C, (Bath,) boot and shoe 

maker. ,„. „ . 

Forgus, Misses, (Bath.) milliners, Morris. 
Foster, Henry, (Bath,) carpenter and lar- 

mer 180. 
Foster, William, (Savona,) farmer 60. 
Foster, William, Hammond's Port,) farmer 

• Fradenburgh, Alfred,(Bath,) farmer leases 3. 

Freeman, Baskln, (Bath,) farmer 126. 

Freeman, John W., (Bath,) peddler. 

Freeman, Richard, (Savona,) farmerllS. 

! Freeman, William, CBath,) farmer 225. 

French, Henry S., (Bath,) 180. 
. Frink. Elam, (Bath,) farmer 100. 
1 FRY, 'bLIZUR, (Savona,) farmer BO. 
1 Fuller, William C., (Towlesville,) farmer 48 

QANSEVORT,^ TOHN M., (Bath,) physi- 
clan, Steuben. .„„iik 

Garey, James, (Savona,) farmer leases 116. 
Garey, Nelson, (Sonora,) shoemaker. 
GATES, A. H., (Savona,) farmer 860, and 
2,400 in Michigan. „ _ _ . ji w» \ 
GATES, D. W.,(fath,) (W. ff. Purdy & Co.) 
I Gay, Andrew, /Kanona,) farmer 90. 
; GA^, DAVIDS., (BatW anner 110. 
Gay, James, (Kanona,) fermer 68. 

I . 

GILBERT, HIHAM D., (Bath,) farmer 62. 
Gillett, M. L., (Bath,) farmer 145. 
GILMORB, PERES, (Bath,; boarding 

house, 42 Liberty cor. William. 
Gilmore, William, (Somth Bradford,) far- 
mer 110. 
GOODSELL, JOHN E., (Savona,) farmer 

160. , 

Goodsell, Reuben, (Savona,) farmer 180. 
GOULD, ABRAMS., (Bath,) cabinet maker 

and undertaker, Morris. 
Gould, John C, (Bath,) farmer 69. 
GRAHAM, MERLIN, (Bath,) manuf. of 

carriages, sleighs, wagons, &c., 94 

Steuben ,st. 
GRANT, BENJAMIN F., (Bath,) homeop. 

physician and surgeon, Steuben St., 

over Allen^s erocery. 
Grant, John W., (Bath,) farmer 40. 
Gray, William S., (Kanona,) farmer 122. 
GREEK, MARY M. MRS., (Kanona,) seam- 
Green, William S., (Bath,) farmer 110. 
Gregg, Edward, (Bath,) farmer 170. 
Griffith, John, (Bath,) farmer 60. 
GRISWOLD, CHARLEY, (Bath,) farmer 

Gunderman, Robert, (Bath,) farmer leases 

QUNN, STEPHEN J., (Bath,) tobacconist, 

6 Liberty. 
Hadley, Sydney, (Bath,) farmer 63. 

Hadley, , (Bath,) farmer TO. 

Haight, Peter J., (Savona,) carpenter. 
Hailht, William, (Savona,) farmer 90. 
Hall, Jerrie, (Savona,) blacksmith. 
Hall, Thomas R., (Bath,) farmer leases 172. 
HALLOCK, GEO. W., fflath,) banker; 

Wm. S. Hubbell, cashier; established 

Jan'y, 1849 ; Hallock's Block, Liberty. 
HALSBY, THADDEUS, (Bath,) sawyer. 
HAND, JAMES P., (Bath,) hoot and shoe 

manuf., 169 Morris. 
Hanks, John, (KanonaO farmer 115. 
HANKS, EDFtrS R., (Kanona,) farmer 120. 
Hanna, Jane Miss, (Kanona,) seamstress 

and farmer 2. 
Hanna, John, (Kanona,) mail carrier. 
HAEDBNBEOOK & CO., (Bath,) (Richard, 

Seo. H. amd Fdward S. Bardenbrook,) 

props, of Steuben ftamace. Liberty, cor. 

Wifiiam. „ , , 


(Earderdyrook <t Co.) 


justice of the peace and farmer 216. 
HARDENBROOK, GSO. H., (Bath,) (Bar- 

denirook db (jO.) „ ,. , 


(Bardenirook as Co.) 
HARDER, SANFORD, (Bath,) farmer ISO. 
HARLOW, JAMES S., (Bath,) physician 

and surgeon, Liberty. 

Harper, , (Bath,) farmer 6. 

Harris, Hiram, (Bath,) farmer 35. 
HARRIS, MATHIAS, (Bath,) carpenter and 

joiner and farmer 43. 
Haswell, George, (Bath,) former 60. 
Havens, George, (Bath,) farmer 8. 
Haverling, Gedrge S., (Bath,) former 24. 



HaTerllng Union School, with Academical 
department, (Bath,) £. H. Wilson and 
'J. H. Crumb, prlDcipaU; twelve as- 
BistantB and teachers, Liberty, TS. 
Washington Square. 

Hays, Warren, (Saroua,) farmer leasee 65. 

Herroii, Jamee, Wath,) farmer 100. 

Hewey, James, (Sohora,) farmer 100. 

HEWLETT, EMEBY T., (aarona,) steam 
shingle and cider mill, and lumber 

Hiemaman, Jeremiah, (Eanona,) farmer 60. 

HIQGINS & CO., (Bath.) {Oreon Biggins 
and Norman Bent&n,) grocery and pro- 
vision store, 63 idteuben St. 

HIGGINS, ORSON, (Bath,) (Biggini & Co.) 

Hillerman, James, (Sonora,) assessor and 
farmer 64. 

nona.) M. E. clergyman. 

Soagland, Martin, (Bath,) farmer 97. 

HODQMAN, LANSrNG D., (BathJ dealer 
in flour, feed, plaster, lime, lumber, 
coal, dry goods, groceries, hardware, 

Hoig, Philip C, (Bath,) blacksmith and far- 
mer 50. 

HOLLBTT, PETER S., (Sonora,) homeop. 
physician and grape grower. 

Halfey, S. S., (Savona,) grocer and confec- 

HONBYMAN, AUSTIN, (Bath,) {with Pe- 
ter Wyolcoff^ farmer 83. 

Hopkins, Charles E., (Bath,) honse, sign 
and carriage painting, graining and pa- 
per hanging. Liberty. 

Hopper, Mansfield, (Kanona.) fiinner 107X- 

Horton, Oglesbe, (Savona,) farmer 183. 

Horton, Stephsn, (Savona,) farmer 116. 

HOBTON, T. H., (Bath,) physician and 
fanner 2. 

Hosmer, Bicknel C, (Kanona,) farmers. 

Honck, Angeline Mrs., (Sonora,) farmer 

HOUSE, JOSEPH W., (Bath,) carpenter 
and farmer 100. 

House, Nathan. (Kanona,) farmer 86. 

Hovey, Thomas, (Bath,) carpenter and far- 
mer 104. 

HOWELL, AMBROSE S., (Bath,) (A. S. 
BoweUtt Co.) 

HOWELL, A. S. &C0., (BathO (Ambrose 
S. Howell and James F. Bmaell,) gen- 
eral merchants, 7 Liberty. 

*HOWBLL & BARRON, (Bath,) (CharUi 
Emeea and Charles H. Barron,) hard- 
ware, stove and agricnltaral imple- 
ment dealers, 18 Mberty. 

HOWELL, CHARLES, (Bath,) (Bawell & 

HOWELL, DANIEL C, (Bath,) cashier 
ofSteahenCo. Bank. . 

HOWELL, JAMBS F., (Bath,) (A. 8. How- 
eU <6 Co.) 

Howell, William, (Bath.) attorney and coun- 

■„„iSl°'' *' l*'^. office Morris. 

HOWELL, WM. B., (Bath() teUer of Sten- 
hen Co. Bank. 

HUBBELL, WM. S., (Bath,) cashier bank- 
ing house of Geo, W. Hallock, and 

„„"S.'"y public. ' 

HUGHES, filBAM, (Savona,) lumber deal- 
er, prop, custom and flouring mill, 
planing, matching and re-eawlng. 

HUQHSON, FRANK L, G., (Savona,) 
(L. D. Hughson & Son.) 

HUQHSON, X. D. * SON, (Savona,) 
(Frank L. 0.,) props, of Eagle Mills 
and farmers 88.' 

♦HULL, HBNBY H., (Bath,) editor and 
prop, of the Steuben Courier, Liberty. 

Hunt, Jerome B., (Bath,) farmer 184. 

HUNTER, GEOBGB, (Bath,) farmer 160. 

HUNTER, JAMES, (Bath,) farmer 100. 

Hunter, Samuel D., math,) farmer! 

Huston, Seymour, (Kanona,) mason and 
farmer S. 

IngersoU, John, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

Ingersoil, — , (Bath,) farmer 100. 

OFFICE, (Bath,) Oscar J. Averell, 
collector, office W. side Pulteney 
. Square, in Park Hotel building. 

Ives, Susan H. Mrs., (Bath,) millinery, 85 

. , Liberty. 

Jarvis, Selah, (Bath,) farmer 1. 

Jayne, Austin S., (Sonora,) blacksmith 
and farmer 7. 

Jpnks, Waterman, (Bath,) farmer 63. 

Johnston, Henry, (Savona,) farmer 103. 

JOHNSTON, ISAAC, (Savona,) (with Hen- 
ry,) farmer. 

Jolly, Dexter S., (Kanona,) prop, of the 
National Hotel. 

JONES GEO. »., (Bath,) (Bumsey, Jones 
&Bobie.) , 

Jones, Joseph F., (Sonora,) carpenter and 
farmer Ijf . 

Jones, William B., (Bath,) farmer 100. 

KEARNEY, PATRICK, math,) stone ma- 
son and farmer 1. ' 

Keeler, Cyrus, (Bath,) farmer 68. 

Keeler, Samuel, (Bath,) farmer leases 100. 

KELLOGG HOUSE, (Bath,) 34 Liberty, 
Robert S. Kellogg, prop. 

KELLOGG, ROBEET S., (Bath,) pron of 
Kellogg House, 34 Liberty. 

Kenedy, James, (Bath,) farmer 68. 

King, J. C, (Savona,) miller. 

Kingkaid, Andrew, (Kanona,) carpenter 
andjoiner and farmer 100. 

KINQSLBY, CHARLES F., (Bath,) at- 
torney and counsellor at law, 12 Liberty, 
up stairs. 

Kirkham, William, (South Howard,) far- 
mer 60. 

maker and undertaker, 7 Pulteney 
Square, cor. Steuben. 
Soon. George E., (Savona,) farmer leases 

Kring, William H., (Bath,) farmer 96. 
Kyser, Frederick, (Bath,) farmer 94. 
Labar, Edward, (Sonora,) farmer 60. 
LA(}KEY, O. WEST, (Bath,) merchant 

tailor, over 12 Liberty. 
LACY, ED WESTS., (Bath,) tailor, 8 Liberty, 

np stairs. 
Lane, Amos, (South Howard,) farmer 94. 
Lane, Benjamin, (South Howard,) farmer 

Lane, George S,. (South Howard,) farmer 

ard,) resident, 

Layton, Jesse S., (Savona,) farmer 60 

Lee, Henry C, (Bath,) farmer leases 180 



Leech, Thomas, (Savona,) farmer 66. 

LBQRO, S A.M0EL, (Bath,) farmer 23. 

LBPPBR^LORBNZO, (Bath,) farmer 13S. 

LKWIS, HOEAbB L., (Sonora,) steam 
saw mill and farmer 15. 

LEWIS, ISAAC S., (Bath,) firmer leases 

Lewis, Jesse, (Bath,) fitrmer 86. 

LEWIS, JOHN F., (Bath,) farmer 50. 

Lindsay, Gieorge C, (Bath,)(uiitA Jamet if.) 
fari^er 135. 

LINDSAY, JAMBS, (Bath,) justice of the 
peace, town clerk and conTeyancer, 
over 9 Liberty. , , 

Lindsay, James M., (Bath,) (ui<A Cftorge 
. v.,} farmer 126. 

Lindsay, Jotm, (Sathjfarmer 160. 

MNDSLEY, JOHN W., (Savona,) farmer 
leases 60. 

LINDSAY, WILLIAM W., (Savona,) ex- 
cise commissioner and farmer 128. 

Little, Catharine Krs., (Bath,) tiirmer 168. 

Little, Chas. O.^jBath,) farmer 57K- 

Little, James B., (Bath,) (with John and 
Philip M.,) farmer 137 and leases 158. 

Little, John, (Bath,) (with Philip M. ana 
, Jamei B. ,) farmer 137 and leases 158. 

Little, Philip M., (Bath,) (with John and 
.Jamet M.,) farmer 137 and leases 168. 

tlTfLK, WILLIAM, (Bath,) farmer 63. 

IiCighry, Helen M. Mrs., (Bath,) school 

LONG WELL, QBOKGB, (Bath,) (Wait & 

Longwell, George, (Bath,) prop, of Croton 

Look, Bvert, (Bath,) farmer 25 and leases 

Look, Isaiah, (Bath,) sawyer and farmer 6. 
Look, Sanson, (Bath,) farmer 111. 
LOOMIS, HBNKY, (Bath,) carriage and 

sleigh manuf., Steuhen st. 

Loncks, , (Bath,) farmer 110. 

Loughry, Chas., (BathO farmer 184, 

Low, Philip, (Bath,) shoemaker. Pine cor. 

Lucas, Harvey, (Bath,) barber. Liberty. 
LYON, JAMBS, (Bath,) resident, lOSMor- 

LYON, HOBEETM., (Bath,) engineer and 

surveyor, HaverUng. 
Machesney, Hugh, (Towlesville,) mason 

and farmer M. , , ™ ^^ v , * 

MAGBE, JOHN, (deceased,) (Bath,) late 

president of Steuben Co. Bank. 
March, Jacob, (Bath,) carpenter and lar- 

Mar^Tsarriet Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 100. 

Marsh, Holman, (Bath,) farmer 72. 

Mason, Enoch, (Bath,) farmer 76. 

Mather, Napoleon B., (Bath,) mason. 

MATTHEWS, M. T., (Kanona,) produce 
dealer and farmer 3. „,,_>.,, 

MATTESON, OESON C, (Bath,) black- 
smithing and horse shoeing, Steuben 

Maxwell, James, (Bath,) farmer ,60. 

m5^, cTa., (Bath,) agent for United States 
Express Co., office depot. 

McAndrew, John, (Bath,) farmer 166. 

McAStee, Hugh, (Bath,) (wUh Fettr,) far- 

McMteefpeter, (Bath,) (wUhBitgh,yt>j- 

McCabe, John, (Bath,) farmer IJf. 
MoCALL, ANSEL J., (Bath,), ittorney and 

counselor at law, Hallock'in Block, 

McCAETNEY, JAMBS, (South Howard,) 

farmer 60. 
Mccarty, Eeuben, (Bath,) farmer 19>tf. 
McCarty, William H., (Kanona,) butcher, 

stock dealer and dealer in groceries and 

McOHBSNEY SAMUEL, (South Howard,) 

(with WUltam,) farmer 108. 
McCHBSNEY, WM.j (South Howard,) ped- 

ler and (with Sartmel,) farmer 108. 
McClave, Michael H., (Bath,) overseer of 

County Poor House. . 
McCuUoch, Alexander,) (Bath,) farmer 80. 
MoCuUoch, Thomas, (Bath,) farmer 1. 
McCullough, John, (Bath,) farmer 80X- , 
Mcdowell, THOMAS a., (Savona,) far- 
mer 135. 
McELWEE, HENEY, (Savona,) (with Chat. 

3. Boiie.) farmer 600. „ , 

McELWEE, JAS. G., (Savona,) (withBenj. 

S. White,) farmer 250. 
McElwee, Samuel, (Savona,) farmer 342. 
McGee, Hiram, (Bath,) farmer 26. 
McGee, Jefferson, (Bath,) faxmer 60. 
McGiU, Alexander, (Bath,) farmer leases 

McKay, Eobert, (Bath,) farmer 44. 
McMASTEE, GAY H., (Bath,) county 

judge and surrogate,oflace Court House. 
McNeA, GILLIS.^athj) farmer 103X. „ 
McPHBESON, JOHN, (Bath,) fanner 100. 
Merrill, Myron, (Bath,) farmer leases 1. 
Messerschmitt, John M., (Bath,) confec- 
tionery, 43 Liberty. 
MILLEE, ANDEBW, (Bath,) farmer 88. 
Miller, Chas., (Bath,) farmer 2. 
Miller, George Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 50. 
Miller, Hiram, (Bath,) farmer 150. 
MiUer, John, (Bath,) carpenter and farmer 

MILLEE, JOHN W., (Bath,) carpenter and 

joiner and farmer 66. 
MILLEE, OLIVER, (Bath,) farmer 70. 
MILLEE, O. P. Dr., (Savona,) allopathic 

physician and surgeon. 
MILLER, WILLIAM, (Bath,) farmer 181. 
Miller, WiUiam P., (Bath,) farmer 8. 
Mills, Amron S., (Sonora,) carpenter and 

joiner. . j j 

Mills, Charlotte, (Bath,) fancy dyer and 

clothes cleaner, Steuben St. 
Mills, Daniel C, (Savona,) farmer 140. 
Monell, Gilbert, (Bath,) farmer 80. 
Monell, Oliver P., (Bath,) farmer 74. 
Montgomery, George, (Bath,) farmer 187. 
Moore, John, (Savona.) farmer 126. 
MOOEE, JOHN D., (Savona,) farmer 40. 
MOOEE; JOHN W., (Bath,) stock dealer 

and farmer 76. ■ , 

MOORE, M. J., (Savona,) telegraph oper- 

Morgan, Emma, (Bath,) farmer 20. ■ 
Morgan; Lewis P., (Bath,) (with WilliamS. 

and Mary Ann,) farmsi lis. _ 
Morgan, Mary Ann, (Bath,), («i4ffii Wm. S. 

and irfWW.F.,) farmer 126. 
Morgan, Wm. S., (Bath,) (with Lewis F. 

and Mary Ann) farmer 126. 
Morrison, David, (Bath,) meat market, 

under Boviei'B store, Liberty. 




MORRISON, DAVID H., (Bath,) iWhite- 

head & Oo.) 
Morrow. tTames, (Sonora,) farmer 50. 
Morse, John, (Bath,) farmer 100. 
Morse, Lewis, (Savona,) farmer 47. 
Morton,Eber L., (Bath,) peddler and farmer 

MOSS, PHILIP, (Savona,) farmer 60. 
Moss, Thomas, (Savona,) farmer 60. 
Mount, Enoch, (Kanona,^ farmer 3. 
Mowers, Jane Mrs., (Bath,) fariher l}i. 
Musgrove, Agnes M. Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 

Myers, Alexander, (Savona,) farmer 50. 
Nash, Levi^TBath,) farmer 104>i. 
NBALLY, WILLIAM L., (Kanona,) farmer 

NELLIS, JOHN L., (Kanona,) {lem Mrs. 

J.i) hop grower and farmer 94. 
NELLIS, PAULINA MRS., (Kanona,)(m«A 

John L.,) hop grower and farmer 94. 
Nichols, Wm. M„ (Bath,) attorney, 17 Lib- 

Niles, Jerome H., (Bath,) farmer 53. 
Niles, Moses, (Bath,) farmer 89. 
Niver; William E., (Bath,) farmer 100. 
NOBLE, EDWAftD, (Bath,) farmer 830. 
Noble, Martin, (Bath,) farmer 130. 
Nobles, Jonathan, (Bath.) farmer 160. 
Norris, Case, (Eanona,) farmer 75. 
Norrls, Henry J., (Kanona,) farmer 100. 
Norris, Seth E., (Kanona,) blacksmith and 

former 131. 
Nye, Charles, (Sonora,) farmer 140. 
O'Brien, James, (Savona,) (mMA Patriok.) 

farmer 40. 
O'Brien, Patrick, (Savona,) (with James,) 

farmer 40. 
O'Carr, Nancy Mrs., (Bath,) tailoress and 

farmer 1. 
Olney, Parmenas F., (Bath,) photographer, 

cor. Liberty and Steuben. 
Orcntt, C. Benson, (Bath,) painter. 
O'EEILLY, KATE A., (Bath,) hoop skirts 

and corsets made and repaired, Steuben 


Ormsby, Richard, (Bath,) farmer S. 

OSTRANDBR, ED. B., (Kanona,) licensed 

OSTRANDBR, JOHN J., (Kanona,) dealer 
in dry goods, groceries, hats, caps, 
boots and shoes, crockery, ,oilB, paints, 
hardware, medicines &c,, also post 

Ostrander, Mrs. E., (Kanona,) farmer 896. 

O ris, A. H., rKanona,) (F. Otis (fc Co.) 

OTIS, FEAirciS, (Kanona,) (F. Otis & 

OTIS^ P. & CO., (Kanona,) (Franeis and A. 
B. Otis and 0. D. Whiiwood,) proprie- 
tors of Kanona tannery, saw-mill and 
farmers 7. 

Paine, G. L. Rev., (Bath,) Wesleyan Meth- 
odist minister. 

PARK HOTEL, (Bath,) Park Row, comer 

T,A^;!SS^',i- H- & J. Sahler, proprietors. 

PARKER, HANNAH S., (BatK) dress and 

-Cloak making, Morris st. 

^ ) ^^^^' (^''*'''> (-^'^^ * ■PB''- 

Parker, Otis;^B., (Sonora,) farmer 82. 

Parkh^rst, J. Foster, (Bath.) attorney and 
counselor at law, Court House. 

PARKS, JAMBS, (Bath,) (Parks * Under- 

PARKS & tJNDERHILL, (BathO (James 
Parks and Charles A. underhiA,) gro- 
cery and Yankee notion store, 15 Lib- 

Patterson, John G., (Towlesville,) farmer 

Patterson, Thomas, (Towlesville,) farmer 

Pearce, Jackson, (Savona,) carpenter and 
(with WUtiam,) farmer 75. 

Pearce, William, (Savona,) (with Jackson,) 
farmer 75. 

Pelham, John, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

Pelton, Sterling, (Kanona,) carpenter and 

PBEINB, CLAEENCB, (Bath,) (S. W. Fe- 
rine lib Co.) 

PBRINE, HBNET W., (Bath,) (fl. f?. Fe- 
rine S Co.) 

•PBRINE, H. W. & CO., (Bath,) (Senry 
W. and Clarence,) jobbers and retailers 
in foreign and domestic goods, corner 
Liberty and Steuben. See card facing 
county mnp. 

Perkins, Elisha B., (Bati,) wholesale ped- 

Peters, George W., (Savona,) farmer 180. 

PETERSON, JEROME B., (Savona,) far- 
mer 172. 

PHELPS, lEA, (Bath,) (Shaw A Phelps.) 

Pier, Henry, (Kanona,) farmer 63. 

Pilgrine, John, (Sonora,) farmer 4. 

Pool, James, (Bath,) maltster, prop, of Bath 
malt bouse and farmer IK. 

PLATT, BURCHAKD D., (Bath,) farmer, 

PLATT, lEA M., (Savona,) farmer 284. 

PRATT, SYLVESTER H., (Bath,) farmer 

99 • •• If , ^ 

PRATT, WILLIAM M., (Bath,) farmer 36. 

Benj. F. Young, agent. 
*PirEDY, W. H. & CO., (Bath,) (D. W. 

Oates,) dealers in music and musical 

instruments, 19 Liberty. 
QUACKENBUSH, GEO., (Bath,) harness 

maker, Morris. 
Qninn, Edward C, (Bath,) farmerlBO. 
EAILROAD HOnSB, (Savona,) Andrew 

Bvland, proprietor. 
Randall, John, (Bath,)bllliardhall, Liberty. 
READ, ANDREW J., (Bath,) eating sa- 
loon, Steuben st. 
Read, Daniel V., (Kanona,) farmer 400. 
READ, FRANKLIN, (Kanona,) termer 

leases 120. 

Read, George, (Kanona,) firmer 100. 
Read, William H., (Bath,^ larmer 128. 
Rice, Henry, (Towlesville,) farmer 130. 
Richardson, Edward, (Bath,) farmer 66. 
Richardson, John, (Bath,) farmer 214. 
RICHARDSON, JOHN J., (Bath,) farmer 

EICHAED80N, THOMAS J., (Bath,) far- 
mer 203. ' 

Eider, Lorenzo N., (Bath,) farmer 220. 

EOBIB, CHAS. H., (Savona,) (with Benry 
McElvee^ farmer 600. 

ROBIE, JOBL C, (Bath,) (j: C. BoUe i* 



EOBIB. JONATHAN, (Bath,) (J. C. Sobie 

♦EOBIE, J. C. & CO., (Bath,) (Joel C, Levi, 
Jortatkan and SeitSen,) jobbers and re- 
tailers in foreign and doiaeBtio dry 
goods J!l and 23 Liberty. 

EOBIB, LEVI, (Bath,) (J. C. Sobie & Co.) 

EOBIB, EKUBEN, (Bath,) (J. C. BoHe & 
Co.) - ' 

EOBBE, EEUBBN E., (Bath,) (Bumsey, 
Jones & Bobie.) 

Boblnson, Amon, (Bath,) harness maimer, 

KOBINSON, THOMAS, (Bath,) farmer 126. 

Eose, Geo. W., (Bath,) eating saloon, 
Stenhen st. 

EO WE, LEWIS, (Kanona,) tanner. 

EUGGLBS, WM. B., (Bath,) attorney and 
counselor at law, 10 Liberty, up stairs. 

RUMSBY, DAVfl), (Bath,) (Bumsey, Jones 
and Bobie.) 

(Ba/oicl Bumsey, Qeo. 8. Jones and Beu- 
bm E. Bobie,) attorneys and connselors 
at law. Liberty. 

Ennnels, tTohn, (Bath,) fanner 1. 

Eutherford, Isabella Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 

Rntherford, Wm., (Bath,) photographer, 9 

SAHLBR, J. H. & J., (Bath,) proprietors 
of Park Hotel, Park Eow, corner Mor- 

SCHITTLER, GEOEGE G., (Bath,) fanner 

Scott, Henry, (Sayona,) farmer 50. 

Scott, Samuel, (Bath.) maltster. 

Seager, Catherine Mrs., (Sonora,) farmer 

Seager, George M., (Sonora,) farmer 190. 
Seager, Jacob E., (Sonora,) farmer 25., 
SBAQEK, JOHN W., (Savona,) attorney 

and counselor at law. 
Seager, Montgomeire, (Sonora,) farmer 50. 
Seager, Sylvenus, (Sonora,) farmer 72. 
SECOE & CEAIG. (Bath,) (WortUng Secor 

and Thomas Craig,) manufacturers of 

hoots and shoes. „ „ , ,„ , 

8BC0H, WOETHING, (Bath,) (.Seeor & 

SEDGwfcK, WM. P., (Bath,) dealer in 

watches, jewelry, silver ware and fancy 

goods, 20 Liberty. . , t-,. » 

See§, Samuel S., (Bath,) druggist. Liberty. 
BELOVBR, JOHN E., (BathJ dentist, 15 

Seymour, Hiram, (Bath.) 
Seymour, William, (Savona,) constable. 
Shadick, John A., (Eanona,) manufacturer 

of boots and shoes. „ ^, . ,_, , » 
SHANNON, THOMAS, (Bath,) (Blaclc & 

Shwmon.) ^ ^, ^ ,_ „„ 
Sharp, Jacob, (Bath,) firmer 180. 
SHaSp, TH6mAS, (Bath,) farmer 160. 
Shattuck, Calvin, (Bath,) farmer 70. 
Shattuck, Daniel, (Bath,) farmer 60. 
Shaut Winslow, (Bath,) farmer 113. 
SHaW& PHELPS, (Bath,) (Tmman W. 

Shaw and Ira Phelps,) wooden pump 

manufacturers, Steuoen St. 
SHAW, TEUMAN W., (Bath,) (Shaw <£ 

Sha^'^^bert P., (Kanona,) proprietor of 
Kedddut Hotel and farmer 67. 

Shepard, Henry, (Kanona,) farmer 20. 

Shoemaker, Daniel, (Bath,) farmer 117. 

Shoemaker, John, (Bath,) farmer 60. 

Shoemaker, Philip, (Bath,) farmer 52. 

Shults, Aaron G., (Kanona,) tanner and fir- 
mer 1. 

SHULTS, ARNOLD, (Bath,) fanner ISaH- 

Shults, Azariah^jKanona,) farmer 1.: 

Shults, David, (Kanona,) rarmer leases 117. 

Shults, George H., (Kanona,) farmer 1. 

Shults, Henry, (Kanona,) carpenter and 

SHULTS, JAMES W., (Kanona,) black- 

Sharbin & Smith, CBath,).ftatniture dealers. 

SILLENBBCK, S., (Bath,) manuf. of luin- 
ber, shingles and lath, and farmer 40. 

SIMMONS, WM;, ^ath,) livery BtaWe, 
Steuben st. 

Simonds, James (Savona,) farmer 10. 

Simpson,^Wi)liam, (Savona,) fanner 65., 

SINCLAKE BEOS., (Kanona,)(Jbmcs P. <& 
William A.,) farmers 220. 

SINCLARB, JAMES P., (Kanona,)(5»nctore 

Sinclair, John A., (Kanona,) farmer 102. 

SINCLARB, WM. A., (Kanona,) (Sindare 
Bros.) ■ , 

Sitteriy, Adam, (Bath,) cheese maker and 
farmer 173. 

Skinkle, Isaac, (Savona,) farmer 7B. 


Smallidge, James B., (Bath,) farmer 216. 

Smith,,Abram H., (Bath,) saw mill iand far- 
mer 3D. 

Smith, Andrew J., (Bath,) farmer 280. 

Smith, Chaa., (Bath,) farmer 100- 

SMITH, EDWIN, (Bath,) tanner, shoe- 
maker and farmer 40. ,„.,., 


Smith, George, (Savona,) farmer 120. 

Smith, George W., (Kanona,) farmer 120. 

SMITH, HAKLOW, (Bath,) farmer 150. 

Smith, Ira L., (Bath,) tanner and farmer 
leases 6. , , . . . , 

Smith, Ira P., (Bath,) physician and sur- 
geon, Morris. 

Smith, Ira E., (Bath,) firmer 64. 

SMITH, JAMES, (Bath,) fanner 177. 

Sn^th, John H„ (Towlesville,) (with 
Bobert.) firmer 125. 

Smith, John J., (Bath,) farmer 85. 

Smith, John L., (Bath,) farmer 120. 

Smith, Lewis, pBath,) (guardian of children 
of Isaac Smith J^ fanner 14. 

SMITH, MATTHEW, (Savona,) farmer 

SMITH, 0. H., (Bath,) (imth S. S.,) farmer 

Smith, PhUlp T., (Kanona,) farmer 109. 
Smith, Piatt P., (Bath,) farmer 6. 
Smith, Polly Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 2. 
Smith, Eobert, (Towlesville,) («ijW John 
' H.,) farmer 126. 
Smith, Sarah A. Mrs., (Savona,) farmer 

SMITH, S. S., (Bath,) (Mth 0. H.,) farmer 

SMITH, THOMAS N., (Kanona,) farmer 3 

and leases 100. 
Suell, Andrew P., (Bath,) farmer leases 3. 
Snell, Catharine Mirs., (Kinona,) farmer 80. 
SNBLL, LEVI, (Kanona,) farmer 172. 



THOMAS mmi JR., 

Keeps constantly on hand and for sale the 
largest and best StocK of 

Leather & Findings, 

In the Village of Bath. I select all my etock and have sn- 

Servision over the entire mannfactuTe, bo that neither 
ady or Gent., desiring a neat fitting Boot or Shoe, ehonld 
fail to give me a call before purchasing eUewhere. 
Don't foreret. Sis^n of tlie Maminotli Boot, 

No. 22 Liberty Street, 

Balli, ^. ¥. 





Carriages To and From the Cars. 

patronage of the pub 




IS,H' 9^^S S- IBathO farmer 156. 
Snell, Peter, (Bath,) farmer 18S. 
Snider, AMn, (Bath,) farmer 63. 
Snyder, AMn, (Bath,) farmer 63«. 
In^^fe ^r^rS- (^^'h,) farmer 126. 
SOmE, ANNA MRS., (Savona,) farmer 

SPALDING, PHILO B., (Bath,) farmer 

1 lO. 

Sprague, Alanson, (Bath,) farmer 5X. 

Bpragne, Jacob, (Savona,) peddler and far- 
mer 1. 

Spralj,ei-, Edward, (Bath,) teamster and far- 
mer Ix. 

Spraker, Henrjr, (Bath,) farmer SO. 

Spraker, Josiah, (Bath,) fanner leases 93. 

SR'nSS!."^*™^^ H,, (Kanona,) farmer 150. 

STEtfbEN CO. BANK, (Bath,) John Ma- 
g«e, (deceased,) president; Baniel C. 
Howell, cashier ; Wm. B. Howell, tel- 

a.„ JSIi.'"^^^' "de Pulteney Square. 

*STBtfeEN COUEOiE, (Batfi,) Henry H. 
Hull, editor and proprietor, ofBce Lih- 

(Bath,) office 19 Liberty, tJnderhill & 
DeWoif, publishers. 

Stevens, Eev., (Bath,) M. E. clergy- 

Stewart, Alvira Mrs., (Kanona,) farmer 4S. 

Stewart, Ambrose, (Towlesville,) carpen- 
ter and joiner and farmer 50. 

STEWART, CALVIN P., (Savona,) farmer 
58X. , 

Stewart, Elliott, (B4th,) farmer. 

Stewart, Geo. H., (Bath,) livery and ex- 
change stables, Morris. 

Stewart, Ithlel H., (Towlesville,) farmer 50. 

Stewart, James G., (South Howard,) far- 
mer 100. 

Stewaj-t, James T., (Towlesville,) farmer 50. 

Stewart, Marshall, (Savona,) farmer 10. 

Stewart, Oliver, (Bath,) farmer 16. 

STEWAET, EOBEET, (Bath,) (Aber & 
Stewart,) farmer 74)<f. 

Stewart, William, (South Howard,) farmer 

Stinson, Edward, (Bath,) farmer 49. 

Stinson, George, (Bath,1 farmer 84. 

Stinson, James, (Savona,) farmer 230. 

gtocum, — Capt., (Bath,) farmer 100. 

Stoddard, William, (Bath,) carpenter and 
farmer 1. 

Storing, Joseph, (Bath,) farmer 94. 

Story, Betsy M:rs., (Bath,) basket maker 
and farmer 10. 

Story, Jacob, (Bath,) farmer 30. 

Stout. John, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

STOUT, OLIVE Mrs., (Bath,) (estate of 
Wm. Morgiin,) former 126. 

SUTHBELAND, JAMBS, (Bath,) merchant 
tailor, 16 Liberty, residence Bnel. 

SWAETHOUT, HENET, (Savona,) invent- 
or and manufacturer of Swarthout^s 
Patent Lever ContractingChurn Power, 
also wood and iron turner. 

Tagge, Thomas, (Bath,) farmer 90. 

mer 62. 

Taylor, George, (Bath.) 
Taylor, John, (Bath.) 

Teachman, , (Savona,) fanner 80. 

Tharp, Isaac, (Bath,) farmer 117. j 

THAEP, JOSEPH, (Bath,) cooper, manuf. 

of firkins, pork barrels, wash tubs, 

churns and wine kegs, 69 Morris. 
THARP JOSHUA H., (Bath,) tailor, 100 

Steuben st. 
Tharp, Wm. B.., (Bath,) cooper, Cruger. 
Thomas, Albert G.. (Bath,1 fanner TO. 
Thomas, George, (Bath,) farmer 2S. 
Thomas, James M., (Bath,) farmer 86. ^ 
THOMAS, MARTIN G., (Bath,) farmer 

Thomas, Martin G. Mrs., (Bath,) millirier. 
Thomas, Orvill A., (Bath,) farmer leases 

Thompson, George, (Bath,) farmer 100. 
Thompson, John C.', ^ath,) carpenter. 
Thompson, Joseph, (Savona,) farmer 2 and 

leases 15. 
Thompson, Judy, (Bath,) farmer 14. 
TIFFANY, ORLANDO, (Kanona,) station 

agent, E. R. R. and farmer 2. ' 

Titns, Jacob S., (Bath,) farmer 18. 
Tobias, Edwin, (Kanona,) farmer 45. 
Tolbert, George W., (Savona,) (withJamei 

(fnd Henry TT.,) farmer 400. 
Tolbert, Henry W., (Savona,) (wia tfames 

and George Tf.,) farmer 400. 
Tolbert, James, (Savona,) (with Henry W. 

and George W.,) farmer 4O0. 
TOLBERT, J. B., (Sonora,) groceries and 

provisions and fanner 50. 
Tolbert, Rufiis, (Sonora,) fanner 100. 
Tompkins, Hiram, (Sonora,) grape grower 

and farmer 118. 
Topping, Perry, (Bath,) prop, of Mansion 

House, Morris. 
Towle, Jonathan, (Bath,) firmer 44. 
Townsend, Abel, (Bath,) farmer 198. 
Townsend, Gilbert, (Bath,) farmer 75. 
Townsend, Henry L., (Bath,) farmer leases 

Tri-WeeMy Conservative, (Bath,) Chas. E. 

Clute, publisher. 
Trovenger, John, (Sonora,) farmer 26. 
Trumbull, David M., (Savona,) farmer 130. 
TRUMBULL,. JAMES, M., (Savona,) iarmer 

Tutfaill, Mary Jane Mrs., (Kanona,) farmer 

Tyler, James, (Savona,) boot and shoe 

UNDEEHIl^L, ANTHONY L., (Bath,) (Z7ra- 
derhUl S SeWcOf.) 

(Parka & UnderMU.) 

*UNDBEHILL & DbWOLE, (Bath,) (An- 
thony L. TJnderhUt and T. Seott Be 
Wolf,) publishers of Steuben Farmers'' 
Advocate, office 19 Liberty. 

Underbill, Robert L., (Bath,) books, sta- 
tionery and wall paper, 19 Liberty. 

U. S. EXPRESS OEEICB, (Bath,) C. A. 
May, agent, office depot. 

VanAmburgh, Ereeman, (Sonora,) farmer 

VanAmburgh, Sheldon, (Sonora,) fanner 86. 

VAN CAMP, DAVID M., (Bath,)general in- 
surance agent for fire, life, accideht and 
live stock, 17 Liberty. 

Van Gelder, Jonaihan, (Bath.) farmer 97X. 

Van Gelder, Mathew, (Savona,) farmer 44. 

Van Hnsen, John H., (Bafh,) farmer 152. 

Van Karen, Moses T., (Sonora,) farmer 200 



Van Loon, David H., (Bath,) farmer leases 
90. ■ , 

Van Loon, J., (Eanona,) farmer 162. 

VAN LOON, JOHN, (Bath,) farmer 90. 

VAN ORSDALB, ALLEN A., (Bath,) coun- 
ty clerk, Pnlteaey Square. 

Van Vleet, Jeremiah, (Savona,) fcrmer 60. 

VAN WIJB, JAMBS, (Bath,) {J. Van Wie 
& Brother.) 

VAN WIB, JONAS, (Bath,) {J. Tan WU & 

VAN WIB, J. & BROTHEE, (Bath,)(./am« 
and Jonas,) wholegaje and retail gro- 
cers and provision dealers, flonr and 
feed, 10 Liberty. 

Veley, Cornelius, (Bath,) farmer 175. 

Veley, Stephen D., (Bath,) farmer 315. 

Veley, William, (Bath,) farmer leases 175. 

VBLIE, J. W., (Bath,) dealer in drag;B, 
medicines, choice perhimery, wines, 
liquors &c., 25'Liberty. 

VIBBEET, WILLIAM, (Bath,) steam saw 
mill, lumber dealer and farmer 313. 

WAONBK. CHAS., (Bath,) farmer 145. 

WAGNER, JAMBS C., (Bath,) farmer 30. 

WAGONER, it. T., (Bath,)lnsurance agent, 
east side of Liberty. 

Wagoner, Peter S., (Savona,) tiirmer 57X. 

WAIT & LONGWELL, (Bath,) (Marod 
Wait and George Longwell,) meat mar- 
ket, Steuben st. 

WAIT, MARVEL, (Bath,) (Wait & Long- 
wea,) farmer 184^. 

WALKER, HENRTH., (Bath,) farmer 1(M. 

WALKER, JOHN, (Bath,) farmer 232. 

Walker, Robert, (Bath,) farmei; 150. 

Walker, William, (Kanona,) former 100. 

Wallace, James, (Savona,) (;with William 
and Thomas,) farmer 175. 

Wallace, Thomas, (Savona,) (with William 
and,) farmer 175. 

Wallace, William, (Savona,) (with Thomas 
and James,) farmer 175. 

WARD, BENJAMIN C, (Bath,) (Ferris & 

Ward, Edward, (Savona,) painter and far- 
mer 65. ' ' 

Ward, Frederick, (Bath,) tinman. 

Ward, John H. Rev., (Hammond's Port,) 
Free Will Baptist minister 

Ward, Wesley, (Savona,) patent right agent 
and farmer 1. 

Waring, — , (Savona,) farmer 85. 

Warren, Francis, (Bath,) farmer 100. 

Warren, George C, (Bath,) farmer 162. 

Watkins, Jnliana Mrs., (Bath,) farmer 1. 

Watkins, Willis, (Bath,) barber, Liberty. 

WEBSTER, ALVAH, (Savona,) cabinet 

maker and undertaker. 

WEDGE, HANNAH, (Bath,) proprietor of 
Clinton saloon, corner Liberty and 

West, Abram, (Savona,) farmer 50. 

WBSTCOTT, JOSEPH B., (Bath,) attorney 
at law, and canvassing agent for 
Child's Gazetteer and Directory, Steu- 
ben St. 

SSS^TON, HENRY, (Bath,) farmer 81. 
WHEELER, ALBERT A., (Kanona,) far- 
mer 171. 

Wheeler, Carlton J„ (Kanona,) farmer 127. 
Whee er, George, ^Kanona,) farmer 65. 
Wheeler, Joseph, (Kanona,) farmer 130. 

WHEELER, LEVI J., (Bath,) druggist, 13 

WHITCOMB, EDWARD, (Savona,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 86. 

WHITE, BENJAMIN S., (Savona,) farmer 
241 and (with Jas. ff. MeElvee,) 250. 

WHITE, D. L., (Savona,) farmer 60. 

WHITE, DAVID M., (Bath,) farmer 48. 

White, Joseph L., (Bath,) farmer 60 and 

WHITE, THOMAS, (Bath,) firmer 75. 

WHITEHEAD & CO., (BathO (Hudson J. 
Whitehead and David B. Morrison,) 
meat market, Steuben st. 

( Whitehead <6 Co.) 

Whitehead, Philander, (Bath,) farmer leases 

Whitehead, Ralph, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

WHITWOOD, Q. D., (Kanona,) (F. Otis <fc 

WILBER, BENJAMIN P., (Bath,) farmer 
50 and leases 105. 

Wilber, Eliza N. Miss, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

Wilber, Frederick, (Bath,) farmer 75. 

Wilber, Gnilford, (Bath,) Oirmer 89 and 
leases 75. 

Wilber, Henry L., (Bath,) farmer 55. 

Wilber, John, (Bath,) carpenter and joiner 
and farmer 75. 

Wilber, John M., (Bath,) farmer leases 75. 

Wilber, Patience Mrs., (Bath,) former 75. 

Wilcox, Elijah. (Bath,) mason and farmer 1. 

WILE, DANIEL, (Bath,) ready made cloth- 
ing, gents' furnishing goods, hats, caps 
■fee, 37 Liberty. 

Wilhelm, Ann, (Bath,) farmer 45. 

WILHELM, JACKSON, (Bath,) resident. 

Wilke8,,Eobert, (Bath,) farmer 300. 

Williams, John, (South Howard,) farmer 

Williamson, George, (Bath,) farmer 50. 

WILLIS, WILLIAM, (KanonaS) former 275. 

Wills, John, (Bath,) farmer 7S. 

*WILLSON, WARREN W., (Bath,) gen- 
eral merchant, 13 Liberty, 

Wilson, E. H., (Bath,) principal of Haver- 
ling Union School. 

Winchell, Alonzo, (Bath,) former 7. 

Wise, Charles, (Bath,) farmer leases 140. 

WIXSON, HENRY, (Savona,) farmer 76. 

Wixson, James M., (Bath,) former 204. 

WOOD, B. P., (Bath,) manager of W. U. 
Telegraph office, depot. 

Wood, Joseph, (Bath,) former 200. 

Woodbery, James, (Bath,) blacksmith and 
farmer 137. 

Woodhouse, Norman, (Savona,) farmer IJf. 

Woodruff, Wilson T., (Savona,) farmer 110. 

Worth, John, (Bathjbarber, Liberty. 

Wright, Hezekiah W., (Kanona,) farmer 

depot, B. P. Wood, manager. 

Wyckoff, Henry, (Bath.)^farmer 60. 

WYCKOFF, PETER, (Bath,) (with, Atutin 
Honeyman,) former 83. 

WYLIE, PARAND, (Bath,) allop. physi- 
cian and surgeon, 85 Liberty. 

YOUNG, BENJAMIN P., (Bath,) agent for 
Pulteney land office, Morris. 

•YOUNG, '- - 


CHARLES fa., (Bath,) produce 
ision merchant, B, or E. R. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 


Abel, David O., (South Bradford,) farmer 

Andrews, Ursula Mrs., (Bradford,) milliner 

Andrews, Zenas, (Bradford,) wagon maker. 

AULLS, FRANK, (Bradford,) lumberman 
and farmer 1S2. 

Axtell, Franklin, ^Bradfbrd,) farmer 105. 

Axtell, Henry, (Bradford,) farmer 227. 

Axtle, Jobn, (Bradford,) farmer 130. 

Bailey, Squire W., (South Bradford,) farmer 

Baley, William O., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 100. 

Barkley, Franklin, CBradfotd,)farmer 80. 

Barlow, Samuel, (Bradford,) firmer 81. 

Bartholomew, Daniel, (Sonora,) farmer 

ford,) firmer 50. 

Bartholomew, James T., (Sonora,) farmer 

Bartholomew, John, (Sonora,) farmer 60. 

Baseett, David, (Bradford,) farmer 60. 

Beard, James, (South Bradford,) farmer 63. 

Beekman, Isaac, (Sonora,) farmer 10. 

Bennett, Epbraim, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 50. 

BENNETT, EPHRAIM W., (South Brad- 
ford,) farmer 182. 

BENNETT, LEWIS, (South Bradford,) 
farmer 76. 

Bennet, Susan M. Mrs., (South Bradford,) 
farmer 50. 

Blain, Richard M., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 50. 

Bowerman, Richard, (Bradfordj) farmer 88. 

Brewer, Truman S., (Sonora,) farmer 89. 

Brown, Allen, (South Bradford,) farmer 86. 

BROWN, JAMES W., (Bradford,) farmer 

BRYANT, PHILEMON A., (Bradford,) 

Butler, Alva Jr., (Bradford,) farmer 124. 
Camdfleld, John, (Savona,) farmer 53. 
Carr, George C, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Chapman, Abram, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Chubb, Lorenzo W., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 235. 

Coby, Jacob, (South Bradford,) farmer 60. 

Cole, Theron, (Bradford,) farmer 176. 

Compton, Joshua J., (Bradford,) farmer 80. 

COMPTON, REUBEN, (Bradford,) land- 

• Comstock, Clarissa, (South Bradford,) far- 

•COimLING, ADRIAN D., , (Bradford,) 

Ponply, Isaac O., (South Bradford,) farmer 

Cook,' Jeremiah, (Bradford,) shoemaker 
and farmer 20. _ 

Cook, William, (Bradford,) farmer 82K. 

CRANDBLL, DAVID A., (Bradford,) har- 
ness maker. , ^ ,, a * ^ 

CRISBB, HIBAM, (South Bradford,) far- 

Crisles, Fredeflck, heirs of, (South Brad- 
ford,) farmer 173. 

Damouth, Joseph, (Sonora,) farmer 50. 

Decker, James, (Bradford,) farmer 100. 

Degraw, Isaac, (South Bradford,) farmer 50. 

Degraw, John P., (South Bradford,) farmer 

Dennis, David, (South Bradford,) farmer 
100. * 

Dennis, Ira, (South Bradford,) shoemaker. 

Dennis, Isaac, (South Bradford,) mechanic 
and farmer 50. 

Dennis, John, (South Bradford,) farmer 75. 

Dickerson, Francis H., (South Bradford,) 
farmer 75. 

Dorman, Stephen, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Drake, Milo, (South Bradford,) farmer 60. 

Drake, Philo, (South Bradford,) farmer 86. 

Durland, Henry, (Savona,) farmer 100. 

Dykes, Hiram, (Bradford,) farmer 78. 

Dykes, Van Rensselaer, (Bradford,) farmer 

Blyeii, William H., (Bradford,) farmer 75. 

Emery, Alfred J., (Bradford,) tin peddler. 

Eveland, Alonzo, (Bradford,; school teach- 
. er. 

Peagles, Ruchael Mrs., (South Bradford,) 
' farmer 100. 

Ferris, Byron, (Bradford,) farmer 100. 

Ferris, ElCana, (Bradford,) farmer 60. 

Franklin, Caroline, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 60. 

Frost, Julia Mrs., (Bradford,) farmer 50. 

Puller, Abram, (Bradford,) farmer 100. 

Gannon, Stephen, (South Bradford,) fir- 
mer 104. 

Gaultry, Francis, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Genung 4b King, (Bradford,) (Oscar Ot- 
nung and William King,) wagon 
makers and repairers. 

Genung, Nathan B., (Bradford,) carpenter 
and farmer 40. 

Gennne, Oscar, (Bradford,) (.Genwig <t 

Gillmore, James M., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 100. 

Gilmer, Joseph B., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 100. 

Giveans, George P., (Bradford,) fanner 71. 

GIVEANS, JiUUES H., (Bradford,) farmer 

Griffith, George 6., (Savona,) farmer53. 

Hall, William, (South Bradford,) farmer 35. 

Havens, Dewit, (south Bradford,) farmer 80. 

HAVENS, JOHN P., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 90. 

HAVENS, THOMAS, (Sonora,) farmer 66. 

HEDGES, WILLIAM, (Bradford,) {RoUe &. 
Bedgee,) firmer 114. 

Hoagland, Charles, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 100. , 

HOLLBY, BBEN Y., (South Bradford,)far- 

Ide, Julius L., (Bradford,) (Me <Sk SeyMt.) 

Ide & Seybolt, (Bradford,) (Juliua L. Ide 
and JaeoB J. Se/ifidli^ blacksmiths. 

Inscho, David, (Bradford,) ffimer 25. 



Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y., 

Frank B. Brown & Daniel E. Da Voe, 



Circulates extensively thronghont Stenben, Allegany, Chemung and Schnyler Coun- 
ties, New xork ; and Tioga County, Pennsylyania. Democratic m politics. 






Inscko, Jeremiah, (Sqnora,) farmer 100. 
Janes. George W.; (Sonora.) blacksmith 

and fanner 1. 
Jtoerson, Sarah MrB., (South Bradford.) 

farmer 55. 
KINQ,QEOEGE H., (Bradford,) farmer 40 

and leases 50. 
Kingr William, (Bradford,) (Otmmg <* 

Kishpangh, John, (Sonth Bradford,) farmer 

Kniffln, Lewis, (South Bradford,) farmer 

' Lake, James, (Sonth Bradford,) farmer 100. 
Leonard, Bichard, (Sonth Bradford,) far- 
mer 110. 

Longcor, Martin, (South Bradford,) black- 

' smith and farmer 79. 
LONGCOE, WILLIAM, (South Bradford,) 

LONGWBLL, AZAELiH, (Bradford,) saw- 
yer and farmer 60. 

Longwell, Frank, (Bradford,) fermer 36. 

LONGWBLL, HOSEA, (Bradford,) farmer 

Mathews, Nathaniel, (Sonth Bradford,) 
farmer 160. 

Matthews, William, (Sonth Bradford,) far- 
mer 73. 

McDowell, Mathew D., (South Bradford,) 
wagon maker and farmed 41. 

Mclntyre, John, (Bradford,) shingle maker 
and farmer 2. 

MoNBILE, GBOHGE W., (Bradford,) far- 
mer leases 1. 

MEERIMAN, CTEUS M., (Bradford^ deal- 
er in dry goods, groceries, hardware, 
Yankee notions &c-.,' post master ana 
notary public. 

Merrlman, Hiram, (Bradford,) lumberman 
and farmer 600. 

MILLBE, MIEABDA A., (Mead's Creek,) 
farmer 20. 

Moffatt, James L., (Bradford,) farmer 42. 

Moffatt, Moses, (Bradford,) farmer 60. 

Morris, Franklin, (Bradford,) farmer 168. 

MOEEIS, JOHN, (Bradford,) groceryman 
and farmer 60. 

Morse, Lawyer, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Morse,-. Philip, (Sonth Bradford,) hotel 
keeper and farmer 174. 

Mowers, Matthias, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 50. 

Mozier, Paris, (South Bradford,) farmer 

MUNSON, EDGAR, (Bradford,) general 

MDNSON, J. & B., (Bradford,) dealers in 
dry goods. 

Myers, Nicholas, (Bradford,) farmer 150. 

Nixon, Blihu, (South Bradford,) farmer 80. 

Oakley, Gilbert, (South Bradford,) farmer 

PADDOCK, DAVID, (Bradford,) cooper 
and constable. , 

Patterson, Henry, (South Bradford,) car- 
penter and joiner and farmer 43. 

Perkins, Luther, (Bradford,) farmer 55. 
EAPALEB, EBASTTJS, (Bradford,) farmer 

BOBIE & HEDGES, (Bradford,) (Jonathan 
Mobie and William Hedges,) general 
dealers in dry (goods, crockery, glass 
ware, boots and shoes, hats, caps, gro- 
ceries, hardware and drugs^ 

EOBIE, JONATHAN, (Bradford,) (Bobie <fe 

Eobinsou;, Abraham, (Mead's Creek,) far- 
mer 50. 

Eobison, Silas W., (Bradford,) farmer 85. 

shoe maker. 

Sandford, Sullivan T., (Bradford,) farmer 

Scamerhom, Samuel, (Bradford,) farmer 6. 

Soofleld, Thomas, (Sonora,) fanner 60. 

Scott, Thomas E., (Bradford,) farmer 200. 

Sexton, George O., (South Bradford,) far- 
' mer50. 

Sexton, Norman, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Seybolt, Jacob J., (Bradford,) (Ide * Sey- 

ShsWjJEIfflah, (Braaitprd,) termer 28. 

SILLTMON, PETBE, (Bradford.) 

Silvemail, John W., (Bradford,) farmer 
leases 123. 

SilTemail, Jonathan, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 50. 

Silyernail, Seymour B., (South Bradford,) 
farmer 97. 

Simons, JameSj^fflradford,) farmer 80. 

Smith, James W., (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 108. 

Smith, William, (Bradford,) flirmer 150. 

Soles, Daniel H., (South Bradford,) farmer 

Solsbury, Joseph, (Sonth Bradford,) farmer 

Spragne, Abram, (Bradford,) shoemaker 
and farmer 79. 

Sprague, William, (Bradford,) farmer 85. 

SWITZBE, BALTIS B., Sen., (Bradford,) 
supervisor and farmer 360. 

SWITZBE, CHAELBS B., (Bradford,) far- 
mer 100. 

Switzer, Lawrence, (Bradford,) farmer 100. 

Syliman, Andrew, (Bradford,) farmer 10. 

TALLMADGE, WAEEBN A., (Bradford,) 
physician and surgeon. 

Taylor, Henry, (South Bradford,) farmer 

T-aylor, Malinda Mxf„ (Savona,) farmer 175. 

THOMAS, EVAN F., (Bradford,) farmer 

Thompson, William, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 60. 

Tobias, Amos H., (Bradford,) farmer 80. 

Travis, Davis, (South Bradford,) farmer 

farmer leases 67. 

VEDDEE, E. G., (Bradford,)''residenti 

WALBEID6E, MADISON, (Bradford,) mil- 

WALLING, ASA, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Walling, Noah, (Bradford,) farmer 60. 

WALLING, PETBE, (Bradfordi,') farmer 97. 

Wheaton, Jacob C, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 86. 

WHEATON, LTMAN B., (South Bradford.) 

Wheeler,' Summer, (South Bradford,) far- 
mer 50. 



farmer 188. 

ford,) farmer 60. 

WOLCOTT, EDWIN, (Bradford,) fermer. 

Wolcott, Jonathan C, (Bradford,) farmer 

WOBT?MAN, ELIJAH, (South Bradford.) 

farmer 142. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Ackerman, John, (Cameron,) farmer 85. 
Aldrich, Stephen, (West A ddiaon,) farmer 

ALLEN, ALYA J., (Eathboneville,) (with 
Isaac,) farmer 200. 

ALLEN, SKOKGE, (Bathbone-siille,) far- 
mer 224. 

ALLEN, ISAAC,, (Rathboneyille,) Iwith 
Alva J.,) farmer 200. 

Anderson, Cornelia A. Mrs., (Allen's Sta- 
tion,) farmer 37. 

ANGEL, FRANKLIN, (Allen's Station,) 
farmer 405i. 

Angell, Ira S., (North Cameron,) &rmer 75. 

ANGLE, ABNBB C, (North Cameron,) 
farmer 65. 

Angle, Theodore, (Allen's Station,) farmer 
j5. . . 

Anible, Caleb, (North Cameron,) farmer 

Arnold, Seong, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 14. 
Averell, Hiram, (Cameron,) farmer 45. 
Babcock, Charles D., (Cameron,) farmer 

Babcock, Silas.A., (Cameron.) farmer 100. 
Bailey, Thomas, (North Cameron.) farmer 

Balconib, Abraham, (North Cameron.) far- 
met 3. 
BALCOMB, MART C, (North Cameron,) 

iimier 71 and leases 47. 
Barber, Daniel, (Cameron,) farmer 51. 

'A'^' ''^'™' (North Cameron,) former 

Barrett, William W., (North Cameron,) 

farmer 46. 
^^Tows, John, (Cameron,) farmer leases 

Bateman, Charles A., (South Cameron,) 

post master and farmer 205. 
Bates, Hiram, (West Add.i8on,)farmer 80. 

m' ^"*' '■^°^*^^ Cameron,) former 
B?.TO'{rJS"?S'x?-' (Oameron,) fermer 42. 

mif 122 ^^^■' (Cameron,) for- 

T£*//pi^?4 S- i^""*'' Cameron,) 
^mih Robert JE.,) lumberman and farmer 

^°T5fe»®r?lFzr?-^ (South Camerpn,) 
merllC * «.) lumberman and for- 
Brace, Hirain L., (Cameron,) fermer 80. 

Brady, Robert, (Cameron,) farmer 1. 
Briggs, Philip, (Cameron,) hotel keeper and 

fermer 126. 
BROWN, EZRA M., (South Cameron,) 

farmer 46. 
BROWN, ROBERT E., (Cameron,) farmer 

Brownell, Lucinda Mrs., (Cameron,) far- 
mer 2. 
Bnmp, John D., (Cameron,) fermer 25. 
Bundey, George W., (Cameron,) farmer 113. 
Bnndy, George; (North Cameron,) farmer 

BuEley, Oliver F., (West Addison,) fanner 

BURLET, WM. A., (Cameron.) 
Campbell, George, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 

CAMPBELL, THOMAS, (Cameron,) farmer 

Carpenter, Hi, (Bath,) farmer 100. 
Carrier, James, (South Cameron,) shoe 

maker and fnrmer 12. 
Charles, John, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 4. 
Chase, Dudley M., (Bath,) farmer leases 

150. ', 

Chase, Elias D., (Cameron,) blacksmith 

and farmer 40. 
Chase, Levi, (Cameron,) fermer 41 Jf. 
Chase, Solomon, (Bath,) former 184. 
Chase, Solomon, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

Chisem, David M., (Allen's Station,) farmer 

Chisom, Robert S., (Allen's Station,) me- 
chanic and farmer leases 60. 

Clark, Alford B., (North Cameron,) farmer 

Cochran. James, (Cameroq Mills,) farmer 

Colbath, William S., (Cameron,) farmer 63. 

Cole, Daniel B., (Cameron Mills,) physi- 
cian and fermer 5SJi. 

CONKLIN, ISAAC W., (Allen's Station,) 
farmer 180. 

Cook, James A., (Cameron,) carpenter. 

S^??iS5S"''™v<"'«8' Addison,) farmer 40. 

COUNTRTMa'n, ADDISON, (South Cam- 
eron,) dairyman and farmer 153. 

Crandal, Francis, (Cameron,) farmer 100. 

Cranale, Albert, (North Cameron,) farmer 

Crane, Milton E., (Cameron,) blacksmith 
and farmer 51. 



Crocker, Wickham K., (Cameron,) physi- 
cian and farmer 250. 

CKOSS, LBWIS, (Cameron,) former 80. 

Dean, L., (Cameron Mill?,) fiirmer 135. 

Dean, Urbane, (Cameron Jslills,) Jtomer 1. 

Dickey, Amasa, (Cameron,) farmer 217. 

Dickey, Erastus, (Cameron,) farmer 150. 

DICKEY, HORACE, (Cameron,) (with A. 
Dickey,) farmer. 

DTQEKT, PETEK, (Allen's Station,) car- 
penter and farmer 175. 

DYKES, WILLIAM J„ (Allen's Station,) 
fanner 104. 

Earls, Augnstns, (Batb,) fanner 34. 

Eaton, Benjamin, (North Cameron,) me- 

Eggleston, Joel, (HedgesTille,) farmer 92. 

EUis, Clark, (North Cameron,) farmer 

laacipa Q 

ELLISON, FBANK, (Cameron,) farmer 

Ellison, Samnel, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

PAKEAND, JAira MRS., (Cameron,) 

g oa yn afl 1" A H ft 

PENTON, ALBERT, (Cameron,) farmer 

Pollansbee, John, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

Freeman, William H., (Cameron,) farmer 

French, Byron, (Cameron,) farmer 100. 

French, John, (Cameron,) farmer 85. 

GARDNER, SANFORD A., (Cameron,) 
deputy sheriff and farmer 90. 

Gere, William, (Hedgesville,) farmer 123. 

Gibbs, William H., (West Addison,) far- 
mer 50. 

GOBLB, JOHN M., (West Addison,) far- 
mer 97. 

■ Gray, Charles M., (Bath,) farmer 1. 

Ganderman, George, (HedgesTille,) farmer 

Hall, Nelson. (West Addison.) fanner 1, 

Hall, Rhoda Mrs., (West Addison,) weaver. 

Hillett, Isaac, (Cameron,) farmer 75. 

HAIXETT, JOHN C, (Cameron,) farmer 

Hallett, Nathan, (Cameron,) farmer 550. 
Hardington, John, (Cameron MiUs,) farmer 

Hargrave, George, (South Cameron,) far- 
mer 20. ■ 
HASELTIN, LOTUS, (Cameron,) farmer 

Hawkins, Jacob, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

Hemenway, Truman J., (Cameron,) farmer 

leases 100. 
Henderson, Harris, (Cameron,) fanner 96. 
Hicok, Nacy, (Bath,) farmer 46. 
Higgins, Hannah Mrs., (North Cameron,) 

farmer 23i. _ , ,. , 

Hinds, Almon H., (Cameron,) school 

Hine, Orange W., (Cameron,) farmer 214. 
Hodge, Levi B., (Allen's Station,) farm 

HOFFMAN, RICHARD T., (Cameron,) 

farmer 60. 
,Hogens, Richard, (North Cameron,) farmer 

fidllett, William, (Cameron,) merchant. 


Hopkins, Thomas J., (Cameron Mills,) far- 
mer 17. 

HOUSE, CHANCY, (South Cameron,) far- 
mer 190. 

fionse, George I., (South Cameron,) farmer 

Hubbard, Chancy P., (Cameron,) farmer 

HUSH, CHARLES H., (Cameron,) farmer 

Jack, Allen T., (Cameron Mills,) farmer 

Jackson, James A., (Cameron,) farmer 66. 

Jackson, John, (South Cameron,) farmer 

Jackson, Morris D. Rev., (Cameron,) cler- 

Jackson, William, (South Cameron,) farmer 

Johnson, John R., (Cameron,) farmer 60. 

Johnson, Zelotis, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

Jones, Luther B., (Cameron,) farmer 60. 

JUDD, JOHN, (West Addison.) farmer. 

Judd, Noah, (West Addison,) lumberman. 

Judd, Susan Mrs., (West Addison,) farmer 

Karr, Alexander H., (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 76. 

Kendriok, Michael, (Cameron,) former 30. 

Kinner, William T., (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 50. 

KNAPP, CHARLES P., (Cameron,) farmer 

Knapp, John T., (North Cameron,) farmer 

Knapp, Simeon, (Cameron,) farmer 84. 

Knapp, William, (Cameron.) farmer 67. 

Kniffln, John, (Cameron,) farmer 160. 

Lane, Caroline Mrs., (South. Cameron,) far- 
mer 41. 

LANE, GEORGE, (RathboneviUe,) cabinet 

Lawrence, Andrew J., (Cameron,) black- 
smith and carriage mannf. 

Lawrence, James, (Cameron,) blacksmith, 
postmaster and farmer 40. 

Lewis, William, (Hedgesville,) farmer 106. 

ILOGHRY, ISAAC, (Allen's Station,) far- 

lUB' 50. . „ i. > ^ 

Loghry, Charles, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

130. ,, ..„ 

Loghry. Willson, (Cameron,) farmer 47. 

Mack, Betsy, (Cameron,) farmer 2. 

Margson, Cornelius, (North Cameron,) far- 
mer 104. , ,,_„ s 

MASON, CHARLES W., (North Cameron,) 
justice of the peace and farmer 150. 

Mason, Enoch L., (North Cameron,) far- 
mer 200. „ . , 

McFadden, William, (Cameron,) farmer 

McGregor, COBNBLIUS, (Cameron,) 
former 1. , , « 

McKenzle, Amos, (Cameron,) fanner 6. 

McTire, Arcliable, (Bath,) farmer 103. 

Merrell, Jacob, (North Cameron,) black- 

'Merrell, William, (North Cameron,) farmer 

MONAGHAN, JAMES, (South Cameron,) 
millwright and farmer 836. 

Monroe, BlSah H., (Cameron,) firmer 54. 

Monroe, E^ah H., (Bath,) farmer 56. 



Moore, Daniel F., (South Cameron,) 
Jeremiah,) farmer 104. 

Moore, Jeremiah, (Sonth Cameron,) (with 
Daniel J'.,)farmer 104. 

Morse, Moses H., (Cameron,) farmer 36. 

Northrup, Norman, (Kathhoneville,) far- 
mer eo. 

Northrup, Orrin, (Cameron,) farmer B3. 

Ordway, Daniel A., (Cameron,) farmer 100. 

Ordway, William I., (Cameron,) farmer BO. 

Osborn, Benjamin, (CameronJ farmer 100. 

OSBOBN, NATHAN P., (Cameron,) far- 
mer S. 

Owin, Alonzo, (South Cameron,) farmer 
leaBOB 14^, 

Page, Eaptis, (Cameron,) farmer 100. 

Peterson, Jessie, (Cameron,) farmer 1. 

PHELPS, WILLIAM B., (Cameron,) car- 
penter and joiner and farmer leases 8. 

Pierson, Julia Ann, (Cameron,) farmer 3. 

Pierson. Lucius C, (Cameron,) merchant. 

POETEB, WILLIAM L., (Cameron,) far- 
mer 80. 

PUNCHES, QEOEGB W., (Cameron,) far- 
mer 90. 

Qulclc, John H., (South Cameron,) farmer 

REYNOLDS, SAMUEL M., (Cameron,) 
farmer 160. 

Bichmond, George W., (Cameron,) farmer 

Bobins, Lucinda Mrs., (Cameron,) seam- 

EOPF, THOMAS E., (Allen's Station,) 

farmer 1D2J^. 
Bnlofsou, Henry, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

Enmsey, Bradley, (West Addison,) former 

SahiUi Eansom, (Cameron,) farmer 2. 
Sanford, Peter, (HedgeBVille,) farmer 96. 
Sauford, William E., (Hedgesville,) farmer 

SANTBE, ADDISON, (Cameron,) (with 

Isaac,) merchant. 
SANTEE, ISAAC, (Cameron,) {with Addi- 

son^ merchant. 
SANTEE, JESSE, (Cameron,) fi.rmer85. 
Santee, William, (Cameron,) merchant. 
SCEIBNEB, FEANK, (Cameron,) farmer 

leases 135. 
Scribner, John, (Cameron,) farmer 8. 
SCUTT, GEOEGB W., (Cameron,) farmer 

Scntt, Jonas Eev., (Cameron,) clergyman. 

Sears, Alonzo, (Allen's Station,) lariner 

SELLECK, SAMUEL D., (Cameron,) as- 
sessor and farmer 245. 

Selleok, Zeno, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 150. 

Selleck, Zeno C., (Cameron,) farmer 100. 

Sherwood, Sarah Mrs., (South Cameron,) 
farmer 40. 

SLY, JOHN M., (Cameron Mills,) Inmber- 
man and farmer 40. 

Smith, Austis E., (Cameron,) farmer leases 

Smith, Ceylon, (North Cameron.) farmer 25. 
oSTrntr-^^f^'^r-f^ort'i Cameroii,) farmer 25. 
SMITH, LUCIUS H., (Bath,) farmer, (with 

Jr, amtth.) 
Smith, Pitt M., (Bath,) farmer 100. 
Smith, Porter, (Bath,) farmer 231. 
Smith, Eichard, (Cameron,) fanner 2S6. 

Smith, Bichard E., (North Cameron,) far- 
mer 100. 

Smith, Bobert, (Cameron,), farmer 150. 

Smith, Samnel, (Cameron,) farmer 160. 

Snyder^ Daniel, (Cameron,) farmer 110. 

STAMP, JOHN C., (Cameron,) farmer9SK. 

Stewart, Abraham, (South Cameron,) far- 
mer 86. 

Stewart, John S., (South Cameron,) farmer 

Stocum, John, (Cameron,) farmer 100. 

Strait, Daniel, (Hedgesville,) farmer 38. 

Stuart, George W., (South Cameron,) far- 
mer 80. 

STUAET, GlEDBN, (Cameron,) farmer 74. 

Stuart, Jacob, (Cameron,) farmer 204. . 

Stuart, Zeri, (South Cameron,) farmer 80. 

Swart, Benjamin, (North Cameron,) far- 
mer 53. 

eron,) farmer 127. 

Swift, Heman H., (Cameron,) farmer 107. 

Talbot, Jedediah F., (Cameron,) fanner 
leases 93. 

Thomas, Ira D. Bev., (South Cameron,) 
clergyman and farmer 70. - 

Tompkins, Augustus, (Bath,) farmer 120. 

Torene, Solomon D., (West Addison,) far- 
mer lis. 

Yancuren, Abraham, (Cameron MU1»,) car- 
penter and farmed 80. 


VAUGHN, HAEEY J., (Cameron,) mason 
and farmer 170. 

Walrath, Abratiatn, (South Cameron,) far- 
mer 240. 

Walrath, Abraham, (Jasper,) farmer 260. 

WALEATH. DAVID, (South Cameron,) 
farmer 64. 

WalrathLGeorge, (Jasper,) farmer 130. 

Walton, Edward, (Cameron,) shoemaker. 

WATBBS, ALMON, (North Cameron,) far- 
mer 150. 

Watrua, Samnel, (Cameron,) farmer 81. 

Watson, Seneca, (Allen's station,) farmer 

Watton, William H., (Cameron,) farmer 

West, John S., (Cameron,) farmer 79. 

Wheaton, Joel, (South Cameron,) farmer 

WHEBLEE, JAMES B., (Cameron,) lum- 
berman and farmer 530. 

Wheeler, William H., (Cameron,) farmer 

White, Ann Eliza Mrs., (Cameron,) far- 
mer 4. 

WHITE,. JOSEPH S., (Allen's Station,) 
fanner 75. 

WHITE, LUTHEE, (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 650. 

WHITE, MAETINL., (Cameron,) farmer 

White, Eoyal S., (Sonth Cameron,) farmer 

WHITE, WILLIAM, (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 50. 

WILBUE, WILLIAM, (Bath,) firmer 65. 

WILDEE, CHAELES, (South Cameron,) 
farmer 82. 

Williams, Henry, (Allen's Station,) farmer 



WilliamBon, William C, (Cameron.) far- 
mer 36. 
Williamson, Da-rid L., (Cameron.) farmer 

Wilson, Joseph, (South Cameron,) farmer 

leases 138. 
Winship, Mory, (South Cameron,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 60. 
Wlthey, DelosB B., (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 25. 

Wlthey, George W., (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 25. 

Wood, Charles, (South Cameron,) farmer 

TOST, CHAELBS W., (North Cameron,) 
saw mill and farmer 40. 

Tost, Kelson, (Cameron,) farmer 51. 

Tonng, Christopher, (North Cameron,) 
farmer SO. 

(Post Offioe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abel, Benjamin, (Campbelltown,) farmer 60. 

Abel, Emmons W., (Campbelltown,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

ALLING BEOS., (Campbelltown,) (Lewis 
B. and SamuM T.,) tannery, John L. 
Tinker, agent. 

ANGST, CHAELBS, (Campbelltown,) en- 
gineer and farmer 12. 

town,) (Cass & Amittrong,) lumber- 
man and farmer 100. 

AUSTIN, STEELING, (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 120. . ™ , , 

BALCOM, BENJAMIN, (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 215. ™ . i , 

BALCOM, JOHN, (Cooper's Plains,) lum^ 
berman and farmer 745. , 

Barnes, Geo., (Cooper's Plams,) farmer 25. 

BAEEETT, AMOS C, (Campbelltown,) 
farmer 25. „, . , , no 

Barrett, Ceo., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 28. 

Barrett, Warren, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Bartlett, Wm. ,W., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 

BaSB™H, Clark, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Bates, Silas Eev., (Cooper's Plains,) Bap- 
tist clergyman and farmer ^. 

Beckwith, Grilfln, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 

BBlSf, CHAS. H.. (CampbeUtown,H5«- 
mU & McKay,) prop. Campbelltown 

Beml^JolS' «"■ (Campbelltown^) lumber- 

man and farmer 300. 
BKMIS, JOHN M. & CO., (CampbelUowu,) 
^giussOl B. Mgar,) prop, of Halifax 

BEMS&McKAJ, (Campbelltow,)(CTa.. 
; ; B. Mems and James S. McKay.,) hour 

BBNNITT,' GEORGE K., (Campbelltown,) 

BmfLfeE,DX^. (Cooper's Plains,) far- 

Bideler, George, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Bideler, Martin V., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 180. 

Bixby, Simeon, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 22. 

BONHAM, MAKT b; MES., (Campbell- 
.town,)v former 103. 

Briscoe, Henry A., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 90. 

Brown, Joseph, (Campbelltown,) farmerSO. 

BEOWN,N. W., (BradfordJ farmer 100. 

BEUNDAGB, VICTOR D., (Campbell- 
town,) proprietor of ITnion Hotel. 

Buck, Charles, (Cooper's Plains,) fanner 16. 

Bullard, Isaac, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 6. 

BUEEILL, SIMON C, (Savona,) proprie- 
tor of saw mill, dealer in all kinds of 
lumber and farmer leases 140. 

Burrows, Josiah T., (Campbelltown,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

town,) general mercliant, lumberman 
and farmer 140. 

Campbell, Philo, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Carman, Alexander, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 20 
CASS & ARMSTEONG, (Campbelltown,) 
(Charles Vass and Edward J. Arm- 
strong,) proprietor of steam saw mill, 
CA8S, CHARLES, (Campbelltown,) (Cass 
& Armstrcmg^ supervisor, lumberman 
, and farmer 600. , t.i • \ 

Ctamberlain, Chauncey, (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 104.^ , ,„ , -ci.--. \ 

Chamberlain, Edward, (Cooper's Plains,) 

f&riii6r TO 
Chambers, John C, (South Bradford,) far- 
Chase! John B., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 
Christtei:, Peter, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

CLANSON, JOHN M., (Campbelltown,) 

lumberman and farmer 50. 
Clanson, John E., (Campbelltown,) farmer 




Clark, Daniel, (Campbelltown,) farmer 100. 

Clark, Daniel Jr., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Clark, Hiram, (Campbelltown,) farmer 350. 

Clark, Joel, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 43>i. 

Clark, Josepli B., (SonthBradford,) farmer 

Cleveland, Shepard, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 50. 

Cobb, Elvira Mrs., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer lOT. 

Comstock, Albert, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Cook, David, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 63. 

Cook, Frederick, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Cooper, Frederick, (Campbelltown,) boot 
and shoe maker. 

Covert, Jacob J., (Cooper's Plains.) 

Covert, John, (Cooper's Plains.) 

Cox, Clarissa, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Cregge, John, (Campbelltown,) farmer 200. 

Cunningham, John, (Savona,) farmer 50. 

CURTIS, DANIEL B., (Campbelltown,) 
lumberman and farmer 200, Curtis' 

Cashing, Charles, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Cusbtng, ' Susan, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

DAET, JOSEPH, (Savona.) farmer leases 

Davis, Clark, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 180. 

Dean, Mary, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 6. 

DeCamp, John, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Demingston, Walter, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 13. 

belltown,) physician, surgeon and 

Dibble, Ira F., (Cooper's Mains,) saw mill 
and farmer 180. 

DOLIVER, DANIEL, (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 50. 

Duerlein, Andrew, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 77. 

Dnnagan, Michael, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Dunkley, Ellis, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Hcker, John, (Campbelltown.) farmer 20. • 

Eckles, John, (Campelltown,) farmer 110. 

Edsall, John J., (Savona,) farmer 100. 

Edwards, Dennis, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Eldred, Elvira, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Eldred, John, (Cooper's Plains,) fimner 25. 

Emmerson, Charles, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 180. 

Emery, George, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Emery, Ceorge W., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 38. 

Evans, C. B., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 100. 
Everett, Jessie, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Everetts, Samuel N., (Cooper's Plains.) 


BT&ABROAT, JACOB, (Cooper's Plains 1 
farmer 100. " 

FAIRBANKS, HIEO, (Cooper's Plains,) 

farmer 10. 
FORD, JOHN K. & CO., (CampbelltowF,) 

{AmaiaB. TOite,) proprietors of steam 

saw mill. 
Foster, L„ (Campbelltown,) farmer 50. 
Franklin, Bufus, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Fuller, Geo,, (South Bradford,) farmer 46. 
GARDNER, JOHN A., (Cooper's Plains,) 

farmer 141. 
Gleason, Davis, (Sontb Bradford,) farmer 

Godfrey, Mary, (Cooper's Plains.) farmer 62. 
GODLBY, E. MRS^, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 60. 
QODLET, SAMUEL T., (Campbelltown,) 

GOODRICH, ALPHEU8 A., (Cooper's 

Plains,) farmer 9. 
Greek, James, (Savona,) farmer leases 25. 
Greek, Johij, (Campbelltown,) farmer 15%. 
HAMILTON, JOHN D., (Campbelltown,) 

(J. B. Hamilton & Co.) 
HAMILTON, J. D. &C0., (Campbelltown,) 

(John D. Bamilton, John 8. Martin, B. 

M. Vail, JT. C. Sanford and JoBephut 

Terbell,) props, of Conhocton Valley 

Hamilton, Silas H., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 126|f . 
HAMMOND, JOSEPH, (Cooper's Plains,) 

farmer 80. 
Hammond, Julia, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Harrington, Fordyce Rev., (Canmbelltown,) 

Presbyterian clergyman andjrarmer417. 
Hoonm, Horace, (South Bradford,) farmer 

HOFF, C. W., (Campbelltown,) boot and 

shoe maker. 
HOLLENBECK, ABRAM,(Campbelltown,) 

farmer 286. 
town,) Universalist exhone'rand farmer 

Hood, John D., (Campbelltown,) harness 

HOPKINS, FREEMAN D., (Campbell- 
town,) firmer 155. (farm for sale. ) 
Hopkins, Samuel, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

HOST ON, CHARLES T., (Campbelltown,) 
justice of the peace, town clerk, fiirmer 
lOOJi and leases 79. 

Horton, Thomas J., (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Hough, James, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Hough, Sanford, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Hubbard, Cyrus, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Hubbard, Elisha, (Savona,) farmer 40. 
Hubbard, Jerome, (Cooper's Plains,)farm6r 


Hubbard, Joel, (Campbelltown,) farmer 69. 
Hull, Bailey, (Cooper's Plains^ farmer 47. 
Jenks, Simeon, Jr., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 60. 

Jenks, Simeon, Sen., (Cooper's Plains.) 

farmer 22. 
Jenks, Wm., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 65. 



Jessop, Bdwatd, (Oampbelltown,) farmer 

Jessop, Spencer W., (Oampbelltown,) for- 
mer 55. 

EIMBALI<, H. W., {Campbell-town-,) agent 
and telegraph operator, Campbell H. B. 

KNAPP, CYRUS C, (CampbelJtoWn,) fir- 
mer leaseB 100. 

KNOX, JOHJSt P., (Campbelltown,) lum- 
berman and farmer 395 

Lawrence, Wynckoop, (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 1-40. 

Lee, Erastna, (Cooper's Plaias,) farmer 43. 

Lee, Joel, (Cooper's PlalnSj) farmer 60. 

Lee, Kichard, (Oooper''s Plains,) farmer 

Littlefleld, Spencer, (Cooler's Plains,) far- 
mer 42. 

Manning, Stanley, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 98. . ,„ 

MaUrv, Levi, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 40. 

May, Leonard, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 84. 

McKAT, JAMES B.,<Campbelltown,) (Be- 
mis (& McKay,) lieutenant colonel of 
loetb^ee. National Gnaj-ds. 

McNEIL, ■WILLIS, (Campbelltown,) mill- 
wright and SEariner 65. 

MEREELL,, MORGAN, (Savona,) black- 
smith and farmer 100. 

Merrella, Clark, (Mead's Greek,) farmer 73. 

Messer, Thos., (Cooper's Plains,) firmer 

Millard, R. S., (Cooper's Plainsp farmer 74. 
Miller, John, (Campbelltown,) farmer 5. 
1 MILL&, FRiSLNCIS M., (Campbelltown,) 

dealer in stoves, tinware &c. 

MILLS, HENRY, (Savona,) farmer 280. 
MORSE, BOS WELL, (Campbelltown,) far- 

: Moshe/, sirah C, (CampbeUtown,) termer 
Mulvahill, Patrick, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 75. . -ni f , *•«« 
Nickerson, Wm., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 

NO'MR, ETJ^SSBL H^ (Campbelltown,) 
iJolm M. Bends & Co.) 

Noles, Charles W., (Campbelltown,) black- 
smith and farmer 45. ' „v.'„, 

Noles, Squire, (Campbelltown,) lumber- 
man and farmer 146. x.i.,-^d ^ 

Northaway, Daniel O,, (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 100. ,„ , ™oi„o ^ 

Northaway, Harlow, (Cooper's Plains,) 

NUTlerMINOE C, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 175 and leases 100. .„,„., 
Owen, Wm. S., (Campbelltown,) farmer 

OwJns, Hector, (Cooper's PlainsJ farmer 

Palmer, Wilson, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Payi*e!"Harw,'''(CoopVs PMns,) farmer 

Pavne Niles, (Campbelltown,) farmer 150. 
Peckr't^nderH.,. (Cooper's Plains,) far- 

PeteX'nfwm., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 
,1 100. 



Pierce, Alson, (Campbelltown,) farmer 75. 
Pierce, Byron Dr., (Cooper's Plains,) phy- 
sician and surgeon and lumberman. 
Piatt, A. Mrs., (Campbelltown,) farmer 100. 
PLATT, NATHAN H., (Campbelltown,) 
general stock dealer, daii^man and farr 
flier 680. 
Plyna, Gibson, (Cooper's Plains,), farmer 2. 
Pooley, Field, (Campbelltown,) wagon ma- 
Prinz, Frederick, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer. 

Prudten, Daniel Q., (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Quick, Hiram, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Reed, Jerry, (Campbelltown,) (with Zepha- 

niah,) farmer 140. 
Seed, Zepheniah, (Campbelltown,) (,wllh 

Jerry,) fanner 140. 
Rhoda, Peter, (Campbelltown,) firmer 56.. 
iRoe, Ge«rge, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 2. 
Rosier, Joseph, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer, 

Ross, A. J., (Cooper's Plains,) saw-mill. 

and fat-mer SOO. 
Rowley, Chas. K., (Cooper's Plalns,);farmer 

Ramsey, Elvira, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

50. ™ . , , 

Rumsey, Nathan, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 72. 
Rumsey, Samuel, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Runner, John, (Campbelltown,) termer 273. 

Sawyer, Sylvester, (Cooper's Plains-,) leases 
saw mill and farmer 26. 

SCOTT, ABEAM H., (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 60. 

Scott, Elijah, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 50. 

Scott, John, (Cogner's Plains,) farmer 32. 

Scott, Joseph, (Cooper's PlainsO (Brmer 30. 

Shannon, Thos., (Cooper's Plams,) far- 
mer 150. . ™ . , « on 

Share, Frank, (Cooper's Plains,), farmer 60. 

Shaw, Benj., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 30. 

Shoefelt, Ueorge W., (Campbelltown,) car- 
penter andjoiner. , ™ ■ , 

Shoemaker, Vincent M., (Cooper's Plains,) 
lumberman and armer 300. 

Short, Lorentns, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Smith, Abner, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Smith', Daniel, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Smith", G«o., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 55. 
Smith Joseph A., (Campbelltown,) fbre- 

mamtoi Ailing Bros, tannery. 
Smith, Orr, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 150. 
Smith O. A., (Cooper's Plains,) faraner 37. 
Smith, Silas, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 45. 
Snyder, Joseph, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Sontherland, Leander, (CampbeUtown,) 

general merchant. 
ST:^ENS, BENJAMIN, (Campbelltown,) 

farmer 140. 
Stevens, Jonas, (CampbeUtown,) farmer 

STEVENS, LEVI W., (Campbelltown,) 

farmer 100. 
Stevens, Ralph, (CampbeUtown,) farmer 8. 
Stewart, Charry Mrs., (Savona,) farmer 12o. 



STEWART, WILLIAM, (Campbelltown,) 

postmaster ssd farmer 60. 
Straight, Samuel, (Campbelltotrn,) fanner 

SaUivan, Eugene, (Campbelltonn,) &rmer 

Switzer, Jacob, (Campbelltovru,) faijner 

Tensler, Daniel, (Campbell to^ii,)i99rnlei'60. 
TEEBELL, JAMBS G., (CampbeUtown,) 

(7. Terbell ,Ss Son.) 
TEEBELL, J. & SON, (Campbentown,J 

(Josep/ms and James <?.,) lumber deal- 
ers and farmer 1800. 
TINKEE, JOHN L., (Oampbelltown,) 

agent for Ailing Bros, tannery. 
Todai A. Mrs., (Cooper's Plains,! farmer 60. 
Todd, Eli, (Campbelltown,) farmer 60. 
TOMEB, JOHN, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Tomer, W. D., (Campbelltown^ farmer 80. 

Tompkins, Daniel, (Cooper's PlaiJia,) prop, 
of saw mill and firmer 10. 

Tompkins. Joseph J., (Campbelltown,) ftir- 

Tompkins, Nathaniel, (Cooper's Plains,) 
ftirmer 180, 

Tousey, Walter, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

TUENBITLL, JOHN, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 60. 

UNION HOTEL, (Campbelltown,) Victor 
D. Brundage, prop. 

XIuMiller, George, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Vandemark, George, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 60. 

Van Gorder, , (Cooper's Plains,) flirmer 

leases 400. 


Tanrleet, John, (Cooper's Plains,) farmei 

Wakeman, Joel Ber., (Campbeltown,) 

Presbyterian clergyman. 
Warner, Geo. B., (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Warring, Anson, (Savona,) farmer 35. 

Waterhouse, Charles H., (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 36. 

Watrous, Mary, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Welch, James, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Wemple, John H., (Campbelltown,) black- 

WHITAKEE, DAVID P., (Savona.) 

Whitaker, Jonathan, (Savona,) farmer 109. 

WHITE, AMASA B., (Campbelltown,) 

(John K. Ford * Co.) 

WING, LDTHBE A., (Campbelltown,> 
prop, saw mill, manuf. of hemloc^ and 
pine lumber, stock dealer and farmer 

Wixon, Lewis, (South Bradford,) farmer 

Wood, Henry, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 
leases 10. 

Wood, John, (Cooper's Plains.) farmer 64. 

Wood, Lydia, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Woodward, J. W. I., (Cooper's Plains,) 
farmer 60. 

Woodward, Zatter, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer VtH- 

Woodworth, Moses, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 100. • 

Wrig ht, C, (Campbelltown,) ftirmer 9T. .i 

town,) master bailder and farmerjlso. 

(Post Offioe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ADEIAN HOTEL, (Adrian,) Enoch Ord- 

way, proprietor. 
ALGEB, WILLIAM C, (Bennett's Creek,) 

postmaster and wagon maker. 
ALLEN, E.,(CauiBteq,) farmer. 
ALLEN, GEOBQE C., (Allen's Station,) 

farmer 200. 
ALLEN, JUSTIN, (Canisteo,) farmer 350. 

wholesale manufacturer of custom 

made boots and shoes. 
ALLISON, L. & M. A CO., (Canisteo,) 

proprietors of jgrist mill and tannery. 
ALLI86N, MOBTmEB, (Canisteo,) (Bin- 

nett db Allison.) 
-"^gelBinger, Geo. W., (Canisteo,) farmer 

''"'ca'iisteXtef ''"'"**°'^ P"P''^'" "' 
Baker, Asa, (Adrian,) firmer 100. 

BAKEB, NATHAN 8., (Adrian,) (Baier d 
Ordway,) postmaster and farmer. 

BAKEB & OEDWAY, (Adrian,) (iToWian 
S. Baker and Daniel Ordway,) gen- 
eral merchants and landholders. 

Barber, Daniel, (Swale,) fanner 61. 

Barkalow, Samuel, (Swale,) farmer 69. 

Barkalow, Samuel, (Canisteo.) ftirmer 68. 

Barkalow, William. (Swale,) farmer 65. 

BABKLET, JAMBS T., (Canisteo,) pre 
prietor of saw and planing mill. 

BAETLETT, B. P., (Canisteo,) farmer 180. 

Bassett, Baylies S., (Bennett's Creek,) 
dairyman and firmer 460. 

5SSi?SHt,'^°'™ Sj (Adrian,) firmer ISlJtf. 

BENNETT & ALLISON, (Canisteo,) (TK 
W. Bermett and Mortimer Allison,) pro- 
prietors cheese lictory, firmer 300 and 
leases 40. 

Bennett, AloOzo, (Canisteo,) farmer 137. 



BENNETT HOUSE, (Canlsteo,) W. W. 

Bennett, proprietor. 
BENNETT, ^. W., (CanlBteo,) {Bennett & 
AUtson,) proprietor of Bennett Huuse. 
Borflon, Otis, (Adrian,) farmer 88. 
BEODARD, STEPHEN, (Bennett's Creek,) 

farmer 170. 
Brown, Charles A., (Swale,) farmer leases 

BEOWN, JOHNH., (Canisteo,) flirmer253. 
BEOWN, J. M., (Adrian,) farmer 100. 
BROWN, THOMAS, (Swale,) farmer 63. 
Back, Ben, (Adrian,) firmer 75. 
BUCK, J. M., (Allen's Station,) farmer 
'• leases 130, 
Bann, W. S., (Canisteo,) farmer leases 27. 
Bard, William, (Adrian,) farmer ISO. 
Biirlingame, Lymanj (Swale,) farmer 61. 
BUEEELL, ALLEN M., (Canisteo,) (Bur- 

Barrel], Alphonso H., (Canisteo,) attorney 

and coanselor at law. 
BDEEELL & SOULB, (Canisteo,) {.Allen 
M. Burrai, Eli iSoule,) attpmejs and 
coanselors at law. 
Campbell, Jesse, (Canisteo,) farmer 25. 
'CAEli, KOTAL B., (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 63. 
Carter, Anthony B., (Canisteo,) farmer 145. 
iBABTER, DANIEL L., (Canisteo,) farmer 

Carter, George W., (Cainsteo,) farmer 200. 
Carter, John. (Canisteo,) farmer 450. 
CHAMKBELAIN, C. P., (Canisteo,) phy- 
sician and surgeon. 
CHASE, CHAELBS, (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 43. 
Childs, Samuel, (Canisteo,) farmer leases 

Chisom, George, (Allen's Station,) farmer 

CLARK, HIRAM, (Bennett's Creek,) me- 
; Clark, John, (Canisteo,) firmer leases 460. 
i Clark, William, (Swale,) farmer 178. 
' Cohn, Julius, (Canisteo,) clothing and 
. gents' furnishing goods. 
COnEGEOVE, HIEaSi, (Canisteo,) farmer 

Conine, Lorenzo D., (Bath,) farmer 106. 
Conklin, Alvin, (Canisteo,) carpenter. 
Consalus, J. H., (Canisteo,) tin and stoves. 
Convers, Julia, (Swale,) farmer 123. 
Convers, Mathlas, (Swale,) farmer 60. 
Cooley, Harrison, (Canisteo,) farmer 235. 
Cooley, Isaac A., (Canisteo,) farmer 76. 
Coston, C. M., (Bennett's Creek,) pro- 
prietor of saw-mill. „ , , . 
COSTON, JOHN, (Bennett's Creek,) far- 
mer 400. 
Crandall, W. W. & Co., (Canisteo,) iron 

founder and machinist. 
Crane, D. P., (Canisteo,) marble dealer. 
Creesy, A. P., (Swale,) firmer 60. 
Creesy, Levi, (Swale,) farmer 50. 
Crosby. Benjamin, (Adrian,) farmer 120. 
Crosby Hiram, (Adrian,) famier 200. 
CROSBY, JOHN, (Adrian,) farmer 50. 
Ctosby, Nathan, (Adrian,) farmer «0. 
Crosby, Nathan, (Adrian,) farmer 150. 
,Ctosby; Nathan H., (Adrian,) amer leases 

Cross,' William, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Davis, Daniel D., M. D., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer ijOO. 
DAVlSON, L., (Canisteo,) (Walda <Ss Davi- 
Delany, Geoige, (Canisteo,) (floB * Sela- 

Dennis, Samuel, (Swale,) farmer 50, 
DeWitt,Alonzo, (Swale,) farmer 60. 
DICKEY, ERASTUS, (Swale,) farmer 125. 
Doty, Hannah, (Canisteo,) (viith Laeretia 

and Sarah,) farmer 70. 
Doty, Lncretia, (Canisteo.) (with Sarah 

and Hannah,) farmer 70. 
Doty, Samuel M., (Canisteo,) fanner B5, 
Doty, Sarah, (Canisteo,) (wWi iMsretia and 

Hannah,) farmer 70. 
Downs, Warren P., (Swale,) farmer 29. 
Drake, S. L., (Swale,) farmer 38. 
BASON, HART, (Canisteo,) farmer 451. 
Bdgett, William, (Adrian,) farmer 150. 

farmer 80. 
Fairbanks, George, (Cameron,) {^Uh Joet,) 

farmer 125. 
Pairbanks, Joel, (Cameron,) (mWA. George,) 

farmer 125. 
PARENHAM, DANIEL W., (Canisteo,) 

farmer 40. 
Porbes, J. N., (Canisteo,) dentist. 
PRISBEE, ANSON, (SwaleJ farmer 200. 
Goff, Jacob, (Bennett's Creek.) farmer 80. 
GofE, Lucien, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 80. 
Granger, Leffert, (Canisteo,) farmer 229. 
Green, Abel, (Canisteo,) carpenter and 

Hackett, Charles, (Swale,) blacksmith and 

farmer 54, 
Hackett, Charies E., (Swale,) farmer 100. 
Hadley, Jefferson, (Adrian,) farmer 136X. 
Hadley, Thomas, (Adrian,) farmer 98. 
Hall & Delany, (Canisteo,) (Jamea S. EaU 

and Geo. DeUmy,) boot and shoe mer- 
chants. > 
Hall, James S., (Canisteo,) (flofl * Delany,) 

harness maker. 
HALLETT, A. S., (Adrian,) farmer IM. 
Hallett, Elizabeth, (Adrian,) farmer 100. 
Hallett, Henry, (Center Canisteo,) farmer 

HALLETT, JAMES, (Adrian.) agent for 

Diamond hay fork and knife and farmer 

Hallett, James E., (Adrian,) farmer 81. 

Hallett, Nelson, (Adrian,) farmer BO. . 

HALLiTT, NILES, (Center Canisteo,) 
farmer 100. „ . i > . 

Hallett, PhUander, (Center Canisteo,) far- 
mer 75. « . X X * 

Hallett, Sylvester, (Center Canisteo,) far- 

HALLBTT,' THEODORIO, (Adrian,), pro- 

frietor of steam saw mill. „ , . . 
LETT, THOMAS, (Center Canisteo,) 
farmer 260. . , , _^ 

Hamilton, Henry, (Canisteo,y farmer 700. 

Hammer, Alonzo, (Canisteo,) farmer 66. 

Hatci, Silas, (Swale.) farmer,66. 

Hathaway, Thomas, (Allen's Station,) far- 
mer 150. _ , , ». 

Hawkins, Prancis, (Swale.) famer- 

Hayes, William, (Swale,) fanner 1B9. 

Hazen, Alexander B., (Swale,) carpenter 
and joiner. 

Helmer, George, (SwaleJ farmer 81Jf . 



Helmer, Lewis, (Swale,) farmer 81K ■ 
HELMBS, E. W., (Adrian,) boot and shoe 

Howland, William, (Swale,) farmer 63. 
Ireland, Leroy, (Swale,) farmer 50 and leas- 
es 62. 
JAMISON, DANIEL, (Canisteo,) (with 

Thomas B.,) farmer 800. 
JAMISON, THOMAS B., (Canisteo,) {with 

DanielAtaimei 300. 
Jamison, William, (Canisteo,) farmer 184. 
JONES, ISAAC, (Swale,) farmer 86. 

Jones, Isaac Jr., (Swale,) post master and 
farmer 100. 

Jones, Israel, (Swale,) farmer 230. 

Jones, John A., (Canisteo,) farmer 140, 

Jones, Simeon, (Swale,) farmer 60. 

Jones, William D., (Canisteo,) farmer 205. 

Jones, William D., (Canisteo,) attorney 
and counselor at law. 

Kearney, John, (Adrian,) farmer 131. 

Kent, Erastus, (Swale,) farmer 180. 

King, B. D., (Swale,) farmer leases 60. 

Kuapp, Jamefc, (Swale,) farmer 118.- 

Knapp, Jonathan, (Swale,) farmer 100. 

Lane, C. H., (Canisteo,) cooper. 

LANQLBT, DAVID, (Canisteo,) (7. i. 
Langleu dk Bro.) 

LANGLEY, THOMAS L., (Canisteo,) (7". L. 
Langley db Bro.) 

LANGLBT, T. L. & BHO., (Canisteo,) 
iThomcuZ. and David,) general mer- 

Larrabee, J. W., (Canisteo,) hair dresser. 

Lason, Silas, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Lee, W. S., (Canisteo,) farmer 200. 

Loghry, Emily, (Allen's Station,) farmer 34. 

LoomiSiF. B., (Canisteo,) farmer 90. 

Loper, Henry A., (Canisteo,) grocer and 
farmer 60. 

Loper, Justice, (Adrian,) farmer. 

Mack, Bobert, (Canisteo,) barber. 

Marlatt, John, (Canisteo,) farmer 48. 

Marsh, Porter, (Swale,) farmer 83. 

Marshall, Darnel, (Adrian,) farmer 324. 

McOrady, Hichard, (Swale.) farmer 103. 

McKeen, Batman, (Canisteo,) jeweler and 
watch maker. 

McLean, William, (Canisteo,) farmer 116. 

MILLAED, CHAELES H., (Adrian,) saw- 

MILLAED, JOSIAH D., (Adrian,) lawyer 
and farmer 96. 

Millard, M. H., (Adrian,) farmer IST^i'. 

Miner, A. -P., (Canisteo,) farmer 45. 

MOOEE, B. B., (Canisteo,) (Jos^h Moore 
<S Co.) 

Moore, Hertry, (Canisteo,) farmer 60. 

MOOKE, JOHN D., (Canisteo,) proprietor 
of saw mill and farmer 230. 

Moore, Joseph, (Canisteo,) farmer 200. 

MOOEE, JOSEPH & CO., (K B. Moore.) 
(Canisteo,) farmer 300. 

Moore, William, (Cameron,) farmer 65. 

Morley, Eussel, (Adrian,) sawyer. 

MOSHEE, Q. "b., (Allen's Station,) post 

■.r^SJ**^'' miller and fanner 60. 

MOSHIEE, AAEON, (Adrian,) blacksmith. 

Mulha Ion, Samuel, (Canisteo,) firmer 240. 

Mulhallon, WiUiam, (Canisteo ) farmer 145 

JJe'^yjiSj Peter, (Adrian,) farmer 100. 

nfew*A'-J°'S'.C^Jl%"'' Station,) fl»rmer62. 
OEDWAY, DANIEL, (Adrian,) (Baktr & 
Ortoajr,) farmer 200. 

OEDWAY, ENOCH, (Adrian,) proprietor 
of Adrian Hotel and farmer 300. 

Ordway, Enoch 2d., (Swale,) farmer 100. 

OEDWAY, WILLIAJVt H., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 164%. 

Orr, William, (Canisteo,) grocer. 

PAEK, T. E. & CO., (Canisteo,) mannfac- 
tarers and dealers in lumber, shingles 
and lath. 

Peck, M. S., (Swale,) farmer 61. 

Peters, Ephraim, (Swale,) fariner 75. 

Pierce, Horace, (Adrian,) farmer 60 and 
leases 150. 

POWELL, MILES, (Swale,) farmer 380. 

PEATT, ASA L., (Canisteo,) (Pratt &BU- 

Pratt, Joseph, (Bennett's Creek,) dairyman 
and farmer 1.160. 

PEATT & EIDDBLL, (Canisteo,) {Asa L. 
Pratt and Wm. Biddell,) dealers in dry 
goods, groceries, boots and shoes. 

Price, Jeremiah, (Swale,) farmer 61. 

Punches, George, (Swale,) farmer 90. 

Punches, Samuel, (Swale,) farmer 150. 

Eeynolds, Emily Mrs., (Canisteo,) bakery 
and confectionery. 

EICHEY, B. C, (Canisteo,) (Sichey <t 
Starr,) farmer 53. 

EICHEY & STAEE, (Canisteo,) (B. C. 
BichM and S. P'. Starr,) blacksmiths. 

EIDDELL, GEOEGE, (Canisteo,) (George 
Biddm <fc Co.,) postmaster and super- 

EIDDBLL, GEO. & CO., (Canisteo,) (e«o. 
and Leroy,) proprietors of drug and fur- 
niture store, pnysicians and surgeons. 

EIDDELL, LEEOY, (Canisteo,) (Gmrge 
Bidden & Co.) v k y 

EIDDELL, WILLIAM, (Canisteo,) (Pratt 
& Bidden.) .' I »' 

Boosa, Daniel, (Allen's Station,) farmer 97. 

Boss, Samuel, (Adrian,) farmer 75. 

BOWLEY, JAMES V., (Canisteo,) farmer 

BOWLEY JOHN S., Jn., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 160. 

Eussel, Alphonzo, (Adrian,) farmer 175. 

Sage, ElizUr, (Canisteo,) farmer 64. 

Sanford, John, (Adrian,) farmer 90. 

Schenck, Jacob, (Swale,) farmer 135. 

Sherer, Manley, (Swale,) farmer 6S}i. 

Sherman, George, (Canisteo,) wagon maker. 

Sherwood, Delos, (Canisteo,) farmer 161. 

Sherwood, John, (Canisteo,) farmer 23. 

Sherwood, Myron, (Canisteo,) &rmer 60. 

Shults, D. C, (Allen's StaUon,) farmer 45. 

Smith, Q., (Adrian,) farmer 50. 

Smith, Jesse B., (Canisteo,) armer 105. 

ISYS& 5^1' (Canisteo,) (BurreU A Smile.) 

STAEE, S. P., (Canisteo,) (Bichey d Starr.) 

Stephens, Benjamin, (Canisteo,) Sinner 120. 

Stephens, C. H., (Canisteo,) ilirmer 70. 

Stephens, DeWittC, (Canisteo,) farmer 90. 

Stephens, Ellas, (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 

Stertens, George J., (Canisteo,) fermer 

STEPHENS, lEA G., (Adrian,) lumber- 

STEPHENS, JOSHUA C, (Center Canis- 
teo,) fiirmer 600. 

Stephens, J. H. W., (Center Canisteo,) far- 
mer 160. 

STEPHENS, T B. & W. E., (Canisteo,) 
meat market. 



lf^S»n=^'ny-^?-i('^*'^^*«0') fanner 60. 
proprietOT ' ^'^*°'^'^ Canlsteo,) hotel 

^"^ gristiMll''^*'"' '''■' ^'^^'^ CaniBteo,) 
IJnl™'' w^S.®^ ^■' (Cani»teo,) farmer 58. 
It^^T'J"'"!?'' (Canisteo,) Farmer 65. 
Strong, Geo. N., (Adrian,) station agent. 

'^fa?meT?r'^- =- ^*"™'^ ^"'*"'°'> 

TAYLOR BEOTHBES, (Canlsteo,) (N. C. 
ana WiUiam,) dealers in dry Eoods, 


TAYLOE, N. C, (CaniBteo,) (yaj^^or Bros.) 

TWor Samuel, (Adrian,) farme *118. ' 

TA^OE, WILLIAM, (Canisteo,) (Taylor 

mfeiSJ^.'/^'aS*'' (Adnan,) farmer 119. 

THOMAS, WILLLOI, (Allen's Station,) 
farmer 192. 

TILLOTSON.D.T., (Canlsteo,) {TmUon 
& Vorhis.) 

TILLOTSON & VOEHIS, (Canlsteo,) (Z>. 
1. ViMotson and A. B. Yorhis,) pro- 
prietors of Empire Planing Mill, and 
dealers in lumber. 

Totten, Levi, (Canisteo,) tailor. 

Travis, A., (Swale,) farmei: 50. 

Travis, Andrew, (Swale,) farmer 100. 

Travis, John, (Swale,) farmer 80. 

Turner, Simeon- C., (Swale,) farmer 50. 

Vanderhoof, Chauncey Mrs., (Bennett's 
Creek,) faimer 50. 

VANDEELIP, WILLIAM, (Adrian,) lum- 

Vanhoughtoii, Halph, (Swale,) farmer 27. 

Vertron, D. J., (Bennett's Greek,) blaek- 

VORHIS, A. B., (Canisteo,) (Tillotson & 
' Torhis.) 

WALDO & DAVISON, (Canisteo,) (L. A. 
Waldo and L. Damson,) dealers in dry 
goods, groceries, lumber, shingles, 
staves and spokes. 

WALDO, L. A., (Canisteo,) (Waldo A 

Walker, James, (Canisteo,) farmer 55. 

Wampold, Frederick, (Canisteo,) farmer. 

Watts, Eobert, (Allen's Station,) farmer 60. 

WEED, L. P., (Canisteo,) proprietor of 
stave, shingle and saw mill. 

Whitmarsh, Reuben W., (Adrian,) wagon 

Whltwood, H. £ L., (Canisteo,) black- 
smiths and wagon makers. 

WILSON, FRANKLIN N., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer leases 350. 

Wilson, Hawley. (Canisteo,) farmer 60. 

WILSON, WABEEN J., (Canisteo,) farmer 

Wolbert, Samuel, (Swale,) farmer leases of 
James Rowley, 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Allen, Trowbridge, (Caton,) farmer 100. 

Amberg, Henry C., (Caton,) farmer 100. 

Babcock, Henry L., (Caton,) farmer 195. 

Barber, Seneca, (Caton,) farmer 80. 

Barnard, Edwin W., (Corning,) farmer 50. 

Barnard, George, (Coming,) farmer 25. 
, Bellew, Bradford, (Corning,) farmer 153. 
■ Berry, Dexter, (Corning,) farmer 40. 
4 Berry, Norman, (Corning,) farmer 40. 

Berry, Spicer S., (Coming,) farmer 110. 

Bideler, Solomon, (Caton,) farmer 90. 

Bois, Harmon, (Caton,) farmer 73. 

Bbnham, Amos, (Caton,) farmer 50. 

Bortle, Richard, (Caton,) farmer 64. 

Bowcher, Henry, (Caton,) farmer 100. 

Boyer, Wm., (Caton,) farmer SIH- 

Brace, Henry, (Caton,) farmer 41. 

Brees, A. B., (Caton,) prop, grist and saw 
mills and farmer. 

Brooks, Wm.j(Caton,) farmer 54. 

Brown, Geo. W., (Caton,) blacksmith. 

Brown, Wm. A., (Caton,) farmer 94. 

iBttchanan, James, (Caton,) farmer 78. 

Bnohanan, Wm., (Caton,) former 50. 

Buohir, Samuel, (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Bumard, Dennis, (Coming,) prop, sawmill 
and farmer 130. 

Carley, Wm., (Caton,) farmer 49. 

Caster, Wm., (Caton,) farmerl47. 

Chumard, Wm., (Caton,) farmer leases 80. 

Cleaveland, Chancey, (Caton,) farmer leases 

Cole, Israel, (Caton,) farmer leases. 

Comfort, David, (Caton,) farmer 26. 

Cook, James, (Caton,) farmer 32. 

Coon, ilathew, (Lawrenoeville, Pa.,) far- 
mer 40. 

COOPER, ANSON, (Caton,) farmer 173. 

Cooper, John, (Caton,) farmer 74. 

Cowen, Nelson, (Caton,) {BatMxme & 

Cowley. John, (Corning,) farmer 135. 

dOWLBY, RIOHAED, (Corning,) farmer 
leases 135. 

Cram, Duty S., (Caton,) farmer 164. 

Crawford, Daniel, (Lawrencefille, Pa.,) 
farmer 450. 

Crawford, Henry, (Lawrenoeville, Pa.,) far- 
mer 60. 

Crooker, James R., (Caton,) farmer 80. 








Opposite tbe HomellBTllIe House, HornellsTlUe, N. Y. 

Patent MBTALIC BURIAL CASES AND CASKETS, from the best manufactories 
in the United States. RoseivOod, Mahoeany, Black Ifalnnt &■ Cherry 
Coffins and CASKETS always on hand, and ready to trim at a moment's notice. A 
full assortment of the best Trimmings and Linings. I hare a Stanton's Patent 
Body Preservation Case, to use when necessary, for preserving the body and 
keeping It for several days in a state of perfect preservation in the wannest weather. 

An Elegant 

The finest in Western New York, will be used when required, and suitable persons to 
take charge on Funeral Occasions, lay out the bodies and render such other assistance ; 
as may be required. A good assortment of all kinds of Furniture, Parlor and } 
Cbamber Sets, Spring Beds, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, Picture Frames, Window i 
Shades, Cords, Tassels, &c., constantly i.n hand at living prices. K- S. CURTIS, i 


8itnated between Blossbnr^ and 
Erie Depot, 

0©pnlmgf H» W* 


N. B. — Good Stabling Attached. 

GEO. W. FULLER, Prop. 



Cummins, Elijah, T., (Caton.) farmer 74!^. 

Cashing, Lambert, (Caton,) farmer 25. 

Darmstaadt, John, (Lawrenceyille, Pa.,) 
farmer 43J<, ' " 

Davenport, Henry, (Caton,) farmer 6R. 

DAVIS, DANIEL, (Corning,) prop. Of saw 
mill and farmer ?85. 

Davis, Nelson, (Caton,) farmer 104. 

Davis, Norris, (Corning,) ptop. of cheese 
factory and farmer 112. 

Davis, Wm., (Caton,) farmer 42X. 

Davison, Clifton, (Caton,) farmer 64. 

Davison, James, (Caton,) farmer 109. 

Day, Alonzp, (Coming,) farmer 40. 

Dewater, Wright, (Caton,) farmer 88. 

Deyo, Alonzo, (Caton,) farmer 18. 

Durro, Julia Ann, (Caton,) farmer 36. ' 

Eldred, A. B., (Caton,) {with Salmon,) far- 
mer no. 

Eldred, Salmon, (Caton,) (with A. B.,) far- 
mer 170, 

Ellis, Hiram, (Coming,) farmer 53. 

Em^, Reuben, (Coming,) farmer 10. 

ENGLISH, B. C, (ComTng,) fkrmer 155. 

English, William, (Caton,) farmer 43. 

Parnsworth. James, (Coraing,)farmer aoX- 

Farren, H. J., (Caton,) firmer 54 

Ferguson, William, (Caton,) farmer 112. 

Force, Levi, (Coming,) farmer 183. 

Garrison, John, (Caton,) farmer 86. 

Genung, Moses, (Corning,) farmer 86. 

Gilbert, Harry, (Caton,) farmer 130. 

GILBERT, WM. D., (Caton,) post master 
and generAl merchant. 

Gillet, George, (Caton,) farmer 40. 

Gillet, John, (Oaton,) farmer 80. 

Gordon, Geo. W., (Lawrenceyille, Pa.,) far- 
mer 160. 

Gorton, Horatio N., (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Graham, Joseph, (Caton,) farmer 50. 

Gregory, C. W., (Caton,) farmer 84. 

Gregory, Emerson, (Caton,) farmer 49. 

Gregory, Orlando, ^aton,) farmer 62. 

Gregory, Stephen L., (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Gregory, Wellington E., (Caton,) (,wUk 
Wells B.,) farmer 90. 
( Gregory, Wells B., (Caton,) (wWi Welling- 
ton il.,) farmer 90. 

Gridley, Anson, (Caton,) farmer 80. 

Gridley, Eli, (Caton,) farmer 98. 

Gridley, Levi, (Caton,) farmer 50. 

Gridley, Lewis, (Caton,) shoemaker and 
farmer 10. 

Gridley, P., (Caton,) farmer 40. 

Gridley, Willis, (Caton,) farmer 100. 

Griswold, B., (Caton,) farmer 35. 

Griswold, Wm. B., (Caton;) farmer 85. 

Gnlliver, Lemuel, (Caton,) farmer 60. 

Hamlin, Ira C, (LawreUceville, Pa.,) fir- 
mer 110. 

Hardenbarg, Lyman, (Corning,) firmer 65. 

Harps, Henry Rev., (Caton,) Methodist 

Harrington, Alonzo, (Caton,) farmer 53. 

Harrison, Jesse, (Caton,) farmer 80. . 

Henderson, Cornelius, (Caton,) farmer 4B. 

Herrick, Augustus C, (Caton,) farmer 120. 

Hill, Addison, (Caton,) farmer 50. 

Hill, Daniel, (Caton,) farmer 30. 

Hill Earl, (Caton,) farmer leases 75. 

Hill, Ephraim, (Caton,) farmer 110. 

Hill, Esek A., (LawreUceville, Pa.,) farmer 

Hill, George J., (Caton,) farmer 101. 

Hill, Henry, (Caton,) farmer 350. 

Hill, J. Edwin, (Caton,) farmer 47 and leas- 
es 65. 

Hill, Noble, (Caton,) firmer 180. 

Hill, William, (Caton,) farmer 60. 

Hitchcock, Enoch, (Caton,) farmer 16. 

Holmes, James, (Caton,) farmer 136. 

Honneas, B. F., (Caton,)ft(«A J. E. S J.,) 
farmer 140. 

Honness, J., (Caton,) (with B. F. S J. E.,) 
farmer 140. 

Honness, J, B., (Caton,) (with B. JF. & J.,) 
farmer 140. 

Howe, Francis, (Caton,) (wl(h WeUer Mv- 
er,) firmer leases 148. 

Howe, Harvey C, (Gaton,) farmer 2, 

Howe, Jervls P^ (Caton,) farmer 58Jf . 

Howe, Joseph H;., (Corning,) farmer 90. 

Howe, Rafus, (Caton,) farmer 17. 

Howe, Wm. P., (Caton,) farmer 33. 

Hubbard, Philip, (Caton,) farmer 122. 

Hunt, Arad J., (Caton.) farmer 80. . 

Hunt, Chas., (Coming,) farmer 40. 

Hunt, E. J., (Coming,) physician and far- 
mer (.6. 

Hunt, George, (Coming,) farmer 44. 

Hunt, Joseph, (Corning.) farmer 44^ 

Hunt, Mary, (Coming,) farmer 14. 

Hurd, J. B., (Caton,) farmer 160. 

Johnson, Eenoni, (Caton,) farmer 83. 

Johnson, Edward, (Caton,) farmer 100. 

Johnson, H., (Caton,) farmer 28. 

Johnson, James, (Caton,) farmer 53. 

Johnson, Jonas, (Caton,) farmer 60. 

Eeach, iTohs, (Lawrenceville, Fa,,) &rmer 

Kelley, H., (Caton,) firmer 50. 

Enipp, John, (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Lewis, Christopher D., (Caton,) firmer 200. 

Lindsay, Allen, (Caton,) farmer 67. 

Lindsay, D. M., (Corning.) farmer 207. 

Lindsay, Horace, (Caton,) farmer 5. 

Lindsay, Levi, (Caton,) farmer 15. 

Marcy, James, (Caton,) farmer 90. 

Mathew, Wm., (Caton,) farmer 50. 

Mattison, Wm. O., (Caton,) farmer 49. 

Mead, Wm. D., (Caton,) hotel prop, and 
farmer 42. 

Mercey, Job, (Coming,) firmer 50. 

Mercey, Job, (Caton,) farmer 50. 

Merrick, S. D. Rev., (Caton,) Baptist 

Miles, James Rev., (Caton,) clergyman and 
farmer 22. 

Miller, Eben A., (Caton,) farmer 68. 

Minitr, Christian, (Caton,) farmer 30O. 

Niver, Eyert D., (Caton,) blacksmith and 
farmer 60. 

Niver, James H., <Caton,) farmer 3 and 

Niver, Weller, (l'aton,)(«ii<ft JPVanrfsflow*,) 

farmer .eases 148. 
Nixon, George P., (Corning,) farmer 85. 
Piilmer, .)ames, (Caton,) mrrher 118. 
Pew, Daniel T., (Coming,) farmer 40. 
Piprt, Jvhn, (Caton,) farmer 50. 
Pratt, T. L., fCaton,) farnier 97. 
Quimby, John, (Caton,) farmer 6. 
Rathbone & Cowen, (Caton,) (John B. 

BatKbmeaM Nelson Gawm,) props, of 

Caton mills. 



Eathbone, John B., (C«ton,) {Bathbme & 

Eeed, B. B., (Caton.) farmer 88. 

EEEU, JUSTUS, (Corning,) farmer 113. 

Reville, Juliii, (Caton,) farmer 28. 

EhodeB, Halsey A., (Caton,) farmer 180. 

Etiodes, Silas B., (Caton,) carpenter and 

Eichards, Damon H., (Caton,) farmer 27. 

Eichards, Geo., ^aton,) fkrmer 66. 

Richards, Eobert, (Caton,) farmer 73. 

Eiley, Experience, (Caton,) farmer 44. 

Eipley, Heman, (Caton,) farmer 114. 

Eowley, Almon, (Caton,) fkrmer 30. 

Eowley, Philo J., (Caton,) farmer ST^iT. 

EusBeli, Henry, (Caton,) farmer 92. 

Eussell, James, (Caton,) farmer 34. 

Sage, S. G., (Caton,) farmer 85. 

Sawyer, John W. Key., (Caton,) clergyman 
of Free Methodist Church and farmer 
SCHUTT, ANDEEW, (Caton,) physician. 
Schutt, D., (Caton,) {wUh Senry E.,) far- 
mer 90. 
Schutt, Dobois, (Caton,) town clerls. 
Schutt, Henry E., (Caton,) (viUh B.,) far- 
mer 90. 
SEWELL, D., (Caton,) jeweler and grocer. 
Seyter, Chas., (Caton,) farmer 60. 
Shoemaker, Garret, (Lawrenoeville, Pa.,) 

farmer 100. 
Smith, Bmory M., (Caton,) farmer. 
Smith, Hnos S., (Caton,) termer 120. 
Smith, L. B., (Caton,) farmer 82. 
Smith, Samnel H. Dr., (Caton,) physician. 
Soule, Seneca, (Coming,) farmer 100. 
States, Herman, (Coming,) shoemaker and 

farmer SO. 
Striebeck, Edward, (Caton,) farmer 66. 
Strock, Wm., (Caton,) fanner 28. 
Strous, Edmund, (Caton,) farmer 53. 
Swimley, Silas, (Caton,) farmer leases 110. 
Tarbox, Salmon, (Caton,) farmer 56. 
Thomas, Eiohard, (Citon,) shoemaker and 
farmer 3. 

Thomas Elizabeth, (Lawrenceville, Penn.,} 
farmer 45. ■ • 

Thompson, Henry, (Caton,) farmer 100. 

Thompson, John, (Lawrenoeville, Penn.,) 
farmer 90. 

Thompson, Lemuel, (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Thnrber, Alfred, (Caton,) farmer 200. 

Thurber, Mathew C, (Caton,) farmer 49. 

Tobey, Amiziah arl, (Caton,) farmer 304. 

Tobey, Bonham, (Caton,) farmer 34. 

Tobey, Eansford, (Caton.) farmer 63. 

Tobey, Stephen, (Caton,) farmer 77. 

Tobey, Willard, (Caton,) farmer 66. 

VanAi sda., George, (Coming,) termer 41. 

VanArsdal, Jacob, (Corning,) termer 53. 

VanArsdale, John H., (Coming,) farmer 7S. 

Veazie, Stephen, (Caton,) farmer 62. 

Walden, Hiram, (LawrencevlUe, Pa.,) fir- 
mer 42. 

Walden, James, (Caton,) fanner 65. 

Walden, Wm., (Caton,) farmer48. 

Weale, Wm., (Caton,) farmer 126. 

Wellman, John E., (Corning,) farmer 40. 

Wescott, George, (Caton,) termer 57. 

Wescott, Horace, (C&ton,) termer. 

Wheat, Thomas, (Caton,) termer ZX. 

White, Benjamin, (Coming,) termer 51. 

White, Charles L., (Coming,) farmer 50. 

White, Lester »., (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Whitmore, Calvin, (Corning,) farmer 80. 

Wilcox, Abel, (Coming,) wagon maker and 
farmer 63. 

Wllkins, C. W., (Caton,) millwright and 
farmer 64. 

Wilkins, Guy B., (Caton,) blacksmith and 
farmer 95. 

Williams, Wm. L., (Corning,) farmer 43. 

Wolcott, Archibald, (Caton,) farmer 75. 

Wolcott, Archibald S., (Caton,) larmer 85. 

Wolcott, J. B., (Caton,) farmer 110. 

Wolcott, Timothy 8., (Caton,) farmer 65. 

Wolcott, Wm. M., (Caton,) farmer 68. 

Wood, Harvey, (Corning,) termer 80 . 

Wood, Lewis, (Corning,) farmer 150. 

Woodard, B. G., (Caton,) termer 50. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abbott, Parley, (Cohocton,) farmer 11. 
ABRAMS, SOLOMON R., (North Cohoc- 
..„ 'o°0 eclectic physician and surgeon. 
ADAIR, EDWiJ&, (Cohocton,) (J. <fc JS. 

^DAIR, JOHN, (Cohocton,) {J. <& JB. 

^°^K- J- * E., (Cohocton,) (John and 
.fiawarii,) carriage manufs. and black- 

^^^' ASA, (North Cohocton,) attor- 
ney and counselor at law, justice of the 
peace, post master and termer 150. 

Allison, Miles, (Cohocton,) farmer Vln. 
Andrus, Lewis F., (North Cohocton,) 

Armstrong, James, (Cohocton,) termer 80. 

Armstrong, Thomas C, (Cohocton,) far- 
mer 120. 

Aebinwall, Ell, (North Cohocton.) prop. 
Railroad House, at depot. 

AVERY, ASA C, (Wallace,) termer 63. 

BAILEY, CYBU8 P., (North Cohocton,) 
insurance agent, buyer and shipper of 



Baiiey, Eliza E. Mies, (North Cohocton.) 

{M. C. & E. S. BaUey.) 
BaU<!y, Hannali C. Mrs., (North Cohocton.) 

{.H. C. & E. S. BaUet/.) 
Bailey H. C. & B. E., (North Cohocton.) 

(,mt. aUnnah. C and Miss Blita, S.,) 

Barber, David, (North Cohocton.) farmer 

leases 100. 
Barnes, George, (Wallace,) former 112. 
Bamea, George, (Cohocton,) farmer 118. 
Barney, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 46. 
Barney, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 36. 
Barney, William M., (Cohocton,) termer 

Barney, Wilson, (Cohocton,) farmer 72. 
Beachner, George, (Cohocton,) farmer 17. 
Beachner, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 20. 
Beckwith, John F., (North Cohocton.) 
BENNETT. AZAEIAH, (North Cohocton,) 
{with John 2".,) hop grower and farmer 

BENNETT, JOHN T., (North Cohocton,) 
\jfit\ Azariah,) hop grower and far- 
mer 9. 

Bennett, Samuel, (North Cohocton,) hatch- 

Bentley, Sodema Mrs., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Bentley, William, (Cohocton,) farmer 75. 

Beverly, Armona,XWallace,) farmer 48. 

BEYEE, CHAELBS H., (Cohocton,) music 

Blehl, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 42. 

Birdsall, Henr^, (Cohocton,) farmer 99. 

Blackcreek, Nicholas, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Blair, James, (North Cohocton,) farmer 70. 

Blood, Bmellne Mrs., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 100. 

Boon, Abram, (North Cohocton,) farmer 90. 

Boon, Eodney, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Borts, Philip, (Cohocton,) farmer 90. 

Bowles, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 36. 

Bowles, Lyman, .(Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Bowles, Thomas A., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 37. 

Brando, Henry, (Cohocton,) farmer 20. 

Bfiggs, Delos F., (North Cohocton,) (with 
William S.,) farmer 111. 

Briggs, Perry B., (Cohocton,) farmer. 

Briggs, William S., (North Cohocton,) 
Cwith Delos E.,) farmer 111. 

Brooks, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 7o. 

Brounschwig, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 45. 

Brown, Abiather, (Cohocton,) mason and 
fiarmer 20. 

Brown, Abram, (Cohocton,) farmer 50. 

Brown, Alfred, (Cohocton,) farmer 65. 

Brown, Ezekiel, (Cohocton,) blacksmith. 

Brown, Manvill J., (Cohocton,) shmgle 
manuf. and farmer SO. 

Brown, Sylvanus, (Cohocton,) farmer 40. 

BEYANT, WILLIAM J., (Cohocton,) 
homeop. physician. , ^^ „ . , . 

BUEENS, HBNEY, (North Cohocton,) 

Bush, John, (North Crhocton,) farmer 55. 

Bush John W., (North Cohocton,) farmer. 

Bush! William J., (North Cohocton,) farmer 
leases 12. 

BTJTLEE, JOHN H., (Cohocton,) (Butler 
& ParltMU,) district attorney. 

BTJTLEE & PAEKHILL, (Cohocton,)(J"oAn 
H. Butler and Albert T. ParkhiM,) at- 
torneys and counselors at law, insur- 
ance and claim agents. 

Carpenter, Ezra S,, (Cohocton,) physician 
and surgeon. » 


CASE, SOLOMON, (North Cohocton,) 

Cec, Kelion, (Cohoc on,) farmer 33. 

Christian, John, (Cohocton,) lumberman. 

Chuck, George, (Cohocton.) farmer 40. 

Church, Oscar, (Cohocton,) farmer 80. 

Clapman, William, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 86X- 

Clark, James P., (Cohocton,) farmer 1,300. 

Clark, Jeremiah, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Clayson, Emily M., (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 120. 

Clayson, Lewis, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

CLAYSON, WHBKLBE, (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 112 and leases 120. 

hocton,) commercial broker and farmer 

CLELAND, JAMES, (Cohocton,) saw mill 
and farmer 460. 

Cleland, Lydia Miss, (Cohocton,) farmer 100. 

Cobin, Nelson, (Cohocton,) farmer 50. 

COHOCTON HOTEL, (Cohocton,) Samuel 
S. Turn, prop. 

Cole, John B., (Cohocton,) farmer 200. 

Colman, Ardon, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Conley, Francis M., (Cohocton,) farmer lH. 

Conley, Minor, (Cohocton,) wagon maker 
and painter and farmer 80. 

Connor, Dennis, (Cohocton,) farmer 90. 

CONNOE, DENNIS JE., (Cohocton,) far- 
mer 65 and leases 90. 

Coones, Elijah M^ (Cohocton,) farmer 30. 

COEBETT, JOHN, (Cohocton,) farmer 
1prs6B loo 

Corey, Horatio C, (North Cohocton,) 
(Solomon Corey & Son.) 

hoctoii,) (Soratio C.,) farmer 172. 

Cosgriff, John, (Cohocton,) farmer leases 

Courtney, Michael, (Cohocton,) farmer 250. 

Covin, John H., (Cohocton,) farmer 3. 

Cramer, Harvey B., (Cohocton,) farmer 65. 

Crawford, James, (Cohocton,) farmer 33. 

Crawford, John N., (North Cohocton,) far- 
™er 70. „ , 1 , J 

Crawford, Mary S. Miss, (Cohocton,) dress 

Crawford, Norman, (Cohocton,) farmer 
CBAWPORD, SYBBIL E., (North Cohoc- 
Cronk, David, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

CEOSBY, THOMAS S., (Cohocton,) fhmi- 
ture dealer, justice of the peace and 
former 100. „ , ^ 

Cross, Ichabod, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Crouch, Joel, (Cohocton,) farmer 122. 
Culver, John, (Wallace,) farmer 50. 





Is Published Every THUESDAT, at 





Editors & Proprietors. 


Circnlates largely In Steuben, Allegany and other coanties in the Boathem Tier, and 

18 a first class advertising medium. 


Connected with this Establishment is a FIEST CLASS 





CUBTIS, JOHN P., (CohoctonO farmer 68. 
Dance, Godfrey, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 
Dance, Philip, (Cohocton,) farmer 40. 
DaviB, Aaron, (Cohocton,) farmer 99. 
Davis, Dan H., (Cohocton,) farmer. 

Davis, Martin, (North Cohocton,) retired 

Demre8t,John H., (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 50. 

Dewey, Hiram, (Cohocton,) farmer lOO. 

DEWEY, MABEL MK3., (Cohocton.) 

Deusenbery, Meritt, (Cohocton,) carpenter. 

Dewsenbery, Seth, (Cotooton,) retired 

DOTY, FRANK B., (Nbrth Cohocton,) 
farmer 36. 

Dozstader, George L., (Wallace,) farmer 

Drake, George W., (Cohocton,) retired 
merchant and lumber dealer. 

Draper, James, (Cohocton,) merchant tail- 

Drum, Adam, (Cohocton,) farmer 64. 

Drum, Nicholas, (Cohocton,) farmer 80. 

Dye, Orrin, (Cohocton,) farmer 1. 

Edmond, Daniel L., (Cohocton,) farmer 109. 

Bdmond, Fredericks., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Bldred, Walter M., (Cohocton,) post mas- 
ter and dealer in flour and feed. 

•EMPIRE H0U8B, (North Cohocton,) 
Melvin Wilkinson, proprietor. 

Fairbrothers, Robert, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Fairfield, Baker, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Fenton, Isaac H., (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 56. 

Ferris, Henry, (Cohocton,) farmer 75. 

Ferris, Jacob B., (Cohocton,) farmer 4. 

FERRIS, JOHN D., (Cohocton,) farmer 60 
and leases 60. 

Field, Darius D., (Cohocton,) farmer 3. 

Finch, Cornelius, (Wallace,) farmer 50. 

Finch, Daniel, (Cohocton,) farmer 5. 

FINCH, SILAS, (Cohocton,) farmer 33. 

Flashman, David, (Cohocton,) farmer 70. 

Flashman, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 49. 

Folts, Charles, (Cohocton,) {with PMip,) 
saw-mill and farmer 163. 

Folts, Philip, (Cohocton,) {with Charla,) 
saw-mill and farmer 168. > 

Foster, HoUister, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer. ^ _ 

Fuller, Reuben, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Gardner, Abner, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Garnsey, James, (W»yland Depot,) farmer 
■ Gear, James, (Cohocton,) firmer 80. 

Gehrich, Alois, (Cohocton,) {J. * A. 
Oehrich.) , , ,, . . 

Gehrich, John, (Cohocton,) (J. * -A' 

Gehrich, J.' & A., (Cohocton,) (AloU and 
John,) shoe makers and farmers 50. 

Gerould, Horace, (North Cohocton,) hop 
grower and farmer TTX- „ 

Getsiger, John, (Cohocton,) ftrmer SO. 

Gibson, William, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Gilbert', Angustns L., (North Cohocton,) 
(William A. Gilbert & Cb.,) physician 
and surgeon. 

Gilbert, Wm. A. & Co., (North Cohocton,) 
(Avguatua L.,) general merchants. 

Godfrey, George A., (Cohocton,) caipenter, 

dreen, James, (Cohocton,) farmer leases 40. 

Green, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 89. 

Greene, Wm. W., M, D., (Cohocton,) phy- 

Grelve, Alexander, (North Cohocton,) ma- 

Griesa, Henry, (North Cohocton,) cabinet 
maker and farmer 7. 

Griswold, Alonzo, (Cohocton,) farmer. 

Groff, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 1^. 

Qrover, Hamilton A., (North Cohocton,) 
hop grower and farmer leases 350. 

Gurgil, Jacob, (Cohocton.) lumberman. 

Hall, Austin, (Cohocton,) drugs and gro- 
ceries. ♦' 

Hammond. James. (Wallace,) fiirmer 40. 

HARRIS, MARCUS »., (Cohocton,) (M. S. 
& B. E. Harria.) 

♦HARRIS, M. S. & R. E., (Cohocton,) 
(Marcus 3. and Rodmy M.,) hardware 
merchants and harness makers. 

HARRIS, MYRON W., (Cohocton,) (WU- 
■ son <fc Barrie.) 

HARRIS, RODNEY B., (Cohocton,) (M. S. 
& B. E. Barris.) 

Harter, Adam, (Cohocton,) farmer 70. 

Barter, Jackson S., (Wallace,) fanner 40. 

HARTER, LEONARD, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Hartwell, George, (Cohocton,) proprietor 
of saw mill. 

Haskins, Price, (North Cohocton,) farmer 3. 

HAT.CH, HIRAM W., (Cohocton,) hop 
grower and farmer 94. 

Hateh, Nelson, (Oobpcton,) (with Samuel 
St. John,) fanner leases 130. 

Hatch, Philip, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Hatch, Sylvanus C, (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 100. 

HAVEN, JOSEPH B., (North Cohocton,) 

Havens, Zebulon, (North Cohocton,) hop 
grower and farmer 50. 

Hawk, Mattice, (Cohocton,) farmer 7. 

HayneS, Marvin, (North Cohocton,) black- 

Healy, Benjamin S., (Cohocton,) farmer 

HEALY, LESTER B., (Cohocton,) phy- 
sician and surgeon. 

Helzerman, Frits, (Cohocton,) farmer 74. 

HENDERSON, SMITH S., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) inventor of Henderson's Patent 
Improved Self-acting Wagon Brake, 
and farmer 110. . „ 

HENRY, FREDERICK, (Cohocton,) . far- 
mer 122. 

HENRY, ISAAC, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 

Henry, Lncy A. Miss, (North Cohocton,) 
milliner. , , _. 

Herbert, George, (Cohocton.) farmer 50. 

HERBERT, GEORGE E. W., (Cohocton,) 
mechanic, hop grower and fanner 10. 

HESS, ALFRED M., (Wallace,) (WiUon & 

HEWITT, GEORGE M., (North Cohocton,) 
mechanic, justice of the peace and far- 
mer 25. , . , 

HEWITT, JAMES C, (Cohocton,) lawyer. 

HEWITT, JOHN W., (North Cohocton,) 
lumberman and farmer 100. 



Higgins, Eomeyn O., (Cohocton,) station 

Hill, Eliza Mrs., (North Cohocton,) farmer 


Hinkle, Henry, (Cohocton,) farmer 96. 
Hoig, Benjamin S., (Wallace,) saw mill and 
farmer 166>^. 

Hoig, Charles, (North Cohocton,) black- 
smith and former 8. 

HOLCOMB, ALFBED W., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) proprietor Wait's Exchange, at 
Blood's Station. 

HOLLIDAY, MELVIN J., (North 9ohoc- 
ton,) carpenter and joiner, painter and 
farmer 320. 

Holsmire, John, (Cohocton,) farmer. 

HOLT, WALTER W. Rey., (North Co- 
hoctonj Baptist clergyman, hop grow- 
er and farmer 100. 

HORE, PLINY F., (Cohocton,) farmer 70. 

House, Martin V., (North Cohocton,) black- 

Howard, Nathaniel, (Cohocton,) farmer SO. 

Hard, Norman L., (Cohocton,! farmer. 

Ireland, Firman, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 

Irons, Emer, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. " 

Jackman, Albert (j., (North Cohocton,) 
grocer and deputy post master. 

JACKSON, WILLIAM W., (Wallace,) far- 
mer 150. 

Jaqua, Samuel, (Cohocton,) farmer 80. 

Johnson, Betsy Mrs., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Johnson, Ira, (North Cohocton,) firmer 

Johnson, William L., (North Cohocton,) 
carpenter and joiner. 

Jones, David D., (Cohocton,) fermer 855. 

Katner, Daniel, (North Cohocton,) me 

Kellogg, John, (Cohocton,) farmerTO. 

Kimball, Darwin, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Kline, Crist, (Cohocton,) farmer TC. 

Knapp, Lewis, (Cohocton,) blacksmith and 
farmer 8. 

Knapp, Theodore, (Cohocton,) blacksmith. 

Knickerbocker, James, (Cohocton,) fermer 

Knickobocer, Phllo, (Cohocton,) carpen- 
ter and joiner. 

KNIGHT, CHARLES S., (Cohocton,) far- 
mer 94. 

Kurtz, Christian, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 

Larrowe,, Albertus, (Cohocton,) prop, of 

, . Jd''°X'L^°"rtng mills and f&rmer BOO. 

ton,) firmer 250. 

Lee, Cyrus, (North Cohoeton,) farmer 3. 

Lee, Cyrus, Jr., (North Cohocton,) black- 
smith and farmer 27. 

Leggett, Allen, (Cohocton,) farmer 74. 

Leggett, Harriet, (North Cohocton,) ter- 
mer 33. 


(Cohocton,) (Z««« <S 

LEHLE &'TBfBNBMAN. (Cohocton,) Ua- 
cob LeMe and Michard TrtnemanX tan- 
ners. " 

Lefsel, Wllliiim, (Cohocton,) farmer 1 

Lewis, Henry, (North Cohocton,) surveyor 
and farmer 100. 

Lewis, Joseph, (North Cohocton,) firmer 

LICHIirS, THEODORE, (Cohoclon,) fer- 
mer 50. 
Liddiard, John, (Cohocton,) farmer. 
Loomis, David, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 
LORD, JOHN, (Cohocton,) farmer 75. 
Lovelan, Henry, (North Cohocton,) (with. 

Joseph,) farmer leases 3S0. 
Lovelan, Joseph, (North Cohocton,) (wiU 

Benry,) fapaer leases 380. 
LYON, DAVH) W., (Cohocton,) farmer 

800. - 

Lyon, John V., (North Cohocton,) black- 
smith and former 20. 
Magoon, Isaac: (North Cohocton,) farmer 

MANNING, ALONZO, (North Cohocton,) 

Marsh, Darwin, (North Cohocton,) hop 

grower and farmer 130. 
Marph, George W., (Cohocton,) farmer 70. 
Mason, Gardner, (Cohocton,) shoemaker. 
MATTICB, JOHN, (Cohocton,) farmer 200. 
McCarthy, John, (North Cohocton,) mason. 
McDowell, CHRIS JOHN, (Cohocton,) 
attorney and counselor at law and far- 
mer 247. 
McDowell, Jacob, (Wallace,) shingle manuf. 

and lumberman. 
Mellenbacker, Lewis, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Meritt, Steven M. Rev., (North Cohocton,) 

M. E. clergyman. 
Mike, Jacob, (Cohocton,) carpenter. 
Miller, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 66., 
Miller, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 40. 
Miller, Robert, (Oohocton,'^ farmer 71. 
Miner, Henry B., (Cohocton,) telegraph 

Moore, Anthony N. Rev., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) Free Methodist minister. 
Moore, Clinton, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

leases 50. 
Moore, Daniel, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

MOREHOUSE, DAVID S., (Cohocton,) 

■ sawyer. 
Moulton, Hiram, (North Cohocton,) fermer 

Moulton, James H., (Cohocton,) farmer. 
Moulton, Rice & Son, (North Cohocton,) 

(Richard P.,) farmers 187. 
Moulton, Richard P., (North Cohocton,) 

(Bice Moulton <8 Son.) 
NASH, ALFRED J., (Cohocton,) shoe 

Nash, Edward D., (Wallace,) farmer 37Jf . 
Nash, Robert B., (Cohocton,) farmer 77. 
Nash, William J., (Cohocton,) fermer 63. 
New, Jacob, (Cohocton,) (fTewfang * New.) 
Newfang & New, (Cohocton,) (ThmbcM 
Nettfang and Jacob New,) carpenters 
J and Joiners and farmers 128. 
Newfang, Theobald, (Cohocton,) (Newfang 
<& New.) 

Nlohoson, Henry, (North Cohocton,) tele- 
graph operator, 

Nichoson, Ithiel H., (Wallace,) justice of 
the peace and farmer 150. 

NICHOSON. WILLIAM O., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) ticket agent and U. S. Express 

Noble, Adna, (Wallace,) farmer 60. 





NOSTRANT, SAMUEL, (Cohocton,) wood 
turner and farmer 8. 

O'CONNELL, JOHN, (Nortli Cohocton,) 
farmer 480. 

Ovid, David, (Coliocton,) fanner 40. 

Palmer, Harriet Mrs., (Cohocton,) firmer 

PAEKHILL, ALBERT T., (Cohocton,) 
(Butlsr S Parkhitl.) 

PARKS, ABA M., (North Cohocton,) 

Parks, Lorenzo, (North Cohocton,) farmer 
leases 150. 

Parks, Samuel M., (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 30. 

Parmenter, David, (Cohocton,) resident. 

Farmenter, Edward A., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Partridge, James N., (Cohocton,) farmer 
leases 200. 

Partridge, Jasper, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer IIM. 

Paul, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 1B4. 

Peck, Alvah, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Fershall, Bulbs, (Cohocton,) farmer 6. 

Peterson, Jacob, (Cohocton,) shinglie man- 
■facturer and farmer 800. 

Pierce, Otis, (North Cohocton,) farmer 52. 

PIERCE, SILAS N., (North Cohocton,) 
grist mill and farmer 150. 

Philips, James, (Cohocton,) farmer 50. 

Philips, James V., (Wallace,) sawyer. 

Philips, Steven C, (Cohocton,) farmer 140. 

Polmanteer, Arnold, (Cohocton,) farmer. 

POLMATEEB, IRA, (North Cohocton,) 

Polster^eorge, (Cohocton,) fanner 87. 

Potter, Henry, (North Cohocton,) farmer 63. 

Fritting, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 47. 

Ean, Michael, (Cohocton,) farmer 47>i'. 

Eaydant, Casper, (Cohocton,) farmer 25. 

Kazea, Nathan, (Wallace,) farmer 230. 

Rector, William, (Cohocton,) farmer 50. 

Redsiegar, Andrew, (Cohocton,) farmer 40, 

Reeves, George, (Cohocton,) farmer 5. 

Rex, Charles N., (Cohocton,) farmer 40. 

■Rex, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 

Rex, William H., (Cohocton,) farmer 68. 

Rexricker, Barbara, (Cohocton,) farmer 11. 

REYNOLDS, JAMES, (Cohocton,) shingle 
manuf. and farmer 360. 

RICE, OLIVER MRS., (North Cohocton.) 

Rice, Robert E., (Wallace,; farmer 60. 

ton,) farmer 2>i?. , , , 

Koe, Lemuel P., (Cohocton,) farmer 5. 

Rosencrans, Samuel, (Cohocton,) farmer 

constable and collector. 

Eosenkrans, Simeon, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Ross, Lewis B., (North Cohocton,) team- 
Roth, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 44. 
Row, Philip. (Cohocton,) farmer 98. 
Rowe, Delia Mrs., (Cohocton,) farmer 2. 

i RUSSELL, HIRAM, (Cohocton,) carpenter. 
Rynders, Abram, (Wallace,) farmer 135. 

;Rynders, Charles A., (Cohocton,) farmer 


RYNDERS, DANIBL, (North Cohocton,) 
(JBynderi <& Walden.) 

Eynder, Hiram, (Cohocton,) farmer 100. 

Eynders, Nelson, (Cohocton,) farmer 85. 

EYNDBES & WALDEN, (North Cohoc- 
ton,) {Daniel Bynders and Beorgt W. 
Walden,) hop growers and farmers 140. 

RYNDEES, WILLIAM, (Cohocton,) hop 
grower and farmer 340. 

Sacton, John, (Cohocton,) farmer 86. 

ton,) farmer 1. 

Schwingel, Adam J., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Schwingle, Henry, (Cohocton.) farmer 81>f . 

8BC0R, ISAAC W., (North Cohocton,) 
{Wetmore, Secor & Co.) 

hocton,) shoemaker. 

SHATTUCK, STEVEN D., (Cohocton,) 
(Shattuck cfc Waehbum.) 

(Steven D. Shattuck and ffUliam 
Washburn,) general merchants. 

Shepard, Asahel, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Shepard, Lyman, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Shepard Sallle Mrs., (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 27. 

Sherman, William H., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 11. 

Sholdice, George, (Cohocton,) farmer 80. 

Shnlts, Andrew, (Cohocton,) farmer 44. 

Shults, Andrew 2d, (Cohocton,) manuf. of 
boots and shoes. 

SHULTS, CONRAD, (Cohocton,) grocer. 

Sick, Daniel, (Cohocton,) farmer 62. 

Sick, Philip, (Cohocton,) farmer 43. 

Slayton, James B., (Cohocton,) farmer 104. 

Smith, Cook O., (Cohopton,) farmer 70. 

Smith, George, (North Cohocton,) termer 

Smith, Joseph C, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer leases 41. 

Smith, Samuel Q., (North Cohocton,) car- 
penter and joiner and farmer 1. 

Smith, William H., (Cohocton,) farmer 275. 

Snyder, JohnB., (Cohocton,) farmer 40. 

Spaulding, Steven T., (North Cohocton,) 
hop grower and farmer 70. 

Spike, Henrx, (North Cohocton,) farmer 1. 

SPIKE, SjpLiY J. MRS., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) farhifer 1. 

Spike, Thaddeus, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

STANTON, ABEL, (North Cohocton,) hop 

grower and farmer 81. , „ .^ , 
Stanton, SamanthaMrs., (North Cohocton,) 

farmer 50. 
Stevenson, Charles, (North Cohocton,) 

carpenter and joiner and farmer 1. 
St. John, Samuel, (Cohocton,) («»tt Neltm 

Hatch,) farmer leases 120. „ . ^ ^ 
Stoddard, Horace, (North Cohocton,) 

wagon maker. , , 

STONE, AMOS, (Cohocton,) grain and 

wool dealer and farmer 80. 
STREET, SAMUEL Jb., (Cohocton,) ar- 
chitect and builder. 
Strobelv Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 78. 
Summer, James, H., (Cohocton,) carpenter 

and joiner. ^ , 

Tambling, Benjamin W., (Cohocton,) dealer 

in cattle and sheep, farmer 11 and leases 




Thorp, Calrin E., (Cohocton,) saw mill and 

former 40D. 
Thorp, Nelson T., (Cohocton,) farmer leases 
. Tlfft, B^Tvey B., (North Cohocton,) fanner 

TOWNER, NOAH, (Cohocton.) farmer 100. 

TOWNEB, SAMUBL, (Coho6ton,) farmer 

TOWNEK, tfBIAH, (Cohocton,) farmer IB. 

Tripp, Charlee, (Cohocton,) farmer 5. 

Tripp, Henry 0., (Cohocton,) carpenter. 

TKIPP, IRA M., (Cohocton,) farmer 88. 

Tripp, Job. (Cohocton,) farmer 168. 

TBiPP, SIDNEY B., (Cohocton,) breeder 
of fine wool sheep and farmer leases 168. 

TURN, SAMUEL 8., (Cohocton,) prop, of 
Cohocton Hotel. 

Tyler, Asahel. (North Cohocton,) farmer 140. 

TYLKE, BYKON A., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 160. 

TanAnlterj,Ja8on, (Cohocton,) farmer 23. 

VANDOEEN, JAMES S., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) hop grower, former 156 and leases 

Tan Voorhis, John, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer leases S. 

Van Wormer, Asa C, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Tan Wormer, JohnL., (Cohocton,) farmer 

ton,) fanner 37. 

TBEDEE, ISAAC F., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Wager, George, (Cohocton,) carpenter. 

Wagner, Harmon, (Cohocton,) firmer 80. 

Wagnor, Nicholas, (Cohocton,) farmer 70. 

Wagoner, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 110. 

WAIT, DATID S., <North Cohocton,) fir- 
mer 400. 

Wait, Frances W. Mrs., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 100. 

Wait, John, (North Cohocton,) farmer 9B. 

WAITB, BOTUS D., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer leases 95. 

WAIT'S EXCHANGE, (North CoBoeton,) 
at Blood's Station, AMlred W. Hoi- 
comb, prop. 

WALDEN GEORGE W., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) (Syndert & W(Men,)^ti 

Waldher, Fred. C, (C(di6ctiffiRi saw-mill 
and farmer 168. 

WALLACE, GBATTAN H., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) farmer 172. 

Warner, Thomas, (Cohocton,) mannf. of 
pine and hemlock Inmber, timber, 
shingles, lath, Ac, and former 1,148. 

Warring, John, (Cohocton,) former leases 

(JihMtmclc dk WashMtrn.) 

Webb, Bergamin, (North Cohocton,) (wUk 
Sylvester,) hop grower and farmer 1S6. 

Webb, SylTester, (North Cohocton,) {with 

.^Bsi^omsn,) hop grower and farmer 126. 

WELCH, SALLY ll. MBS., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) farmer 90. 

Welch, William, (Cohocton,) former 60. 

Weld, Abijah B., (Cohocton,) farmer 97. 

Weld, Albert H., (Cohocton J farmer 4. 

Weld. David F., (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Weld, EliT., (North Cohocton,) farmer 69>i. 

Wells, Alvah, (North Cohocton,) former 50. 

Wells, Myron, (North Cohocton,) fanner 

Wells, Orcemns, (Cohocton,) former 1. 

Wells, Samuel D., (Cohocton,) former 45. 

Wells, Worden Y., (Cohocton,) blacksmith. 

Wemple, Benjamin A., (North Cohocton,) 

Wemple, Ephralm T., (Cohocton,) painter 
and farmer 88; 

WETMORE, EDWIN H., (Notiii Cohoc- 
ton,) {yvetmort, Seeor <k Co.) 

Wetmore, Frank A., (North ^ C(dioctpn,) 
produce dealer. 

WETMORE, MAEK L., (North Cohocton,) 

WETMOEE, NELSON A., (North Cohoc- 
ton,) (Wetmore, Secor A Vo.) 

Wetmore, Orlando, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 41. 

WETMOBE, SBCOB & CO., (North Co- 
hocton,) (Nelson A. Wetmore, Bdwln H. 
, Wetmore and Isaac W. Secor,) general 

WHBATON, THOMAS C, (Cohocton,) 

WHEBIJEB, ANN M. MBS., (Cohocton,) 

farmer 70. 
Wheton, Oscar, (Cohocton,) former 40. 
Whiting, Joseph, (CohoctonJ) sawyer. 
Wilcox, Albert H., (Cohocton,) former 

leases 66. 
Wilcox, Carlos H., (Cohocton,) farmer 

16£188B 330 

WILCOX, DOLPHUS S., (Cohocton,) mil- 

■►WILKINSON, MELTIN, (North Cohoc- 
ton,) prop, of Empire House. 

WILSOir & HAEEIS, (Cohocton,) (War- 
ren W. Wilson and Myron W. Harris,) 
dealers in dry goods, groceries, crock- 
ery, boots and shoes, £c 

WILSON & HESS, (Wallace,) (Alfred M. 
Hess and Milton J. Wilton,) prop, of 

^saw mill, lumberman and farmer 280. 

WILSON, LBONABD, (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 110. 

WILSON, MILTON J., (Wallace,) (Wilson 
tfc Hess.) 

WILSON, WABHEN W., (Cohocton,) (?P«- 
son dk Harris.) 

Winance, David, (Cohocton,) farmer leases 

WING, ELNATHAN H., (North Cohoc- 
tonO farmer 104. 

Wood, Henry, (Cohocton,) former 110. 

WOOD, JAMES F., (Cohocton,) justice of 
the peace and lawyer. 

Woodard, Bphraim, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 61. 

Woodard, Henry, (Cohocton,) farmer. ' 

Woodard, James N., (North Cohocton,) 
former 40. 

Woodard, WlUiSm A., (Cohocton,) farmer 

WOODWOETH, SAMUEL F., (Cohocton,) 
farmer 124 and leases of Mrs, Letitia 
Magoon, 46. 

Zimmer, Frederick, (Cohocton,) former 60. 



Zimmer, Fritz, (Cohocton,) farmer Bl. 
Zimmer, Jacob, (Cohocton,) farmer 28. 

I Zimmer, Fhilip, (Cohocton,) eaw-mill and 
I farmer 160. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, John, (Coming,) blacksmith. 
Allen, Thomas O., (Coming,) farmer leases 

AMERICAN HOTEL, (Coming,) Erie 
Avenue, Smith & Bacon, props. 

ARCADE HOTEL, (Coming,) Pine, Flor- 
ence ISmead, prop. 

ARCHER, GEOHGB H., (Gibson,) (SmU 
cB ffi6«o«.) 

AUSORGB, MARE P., (Corning,) ready 
made oJothing, Pine, 4 doors from E. 
R. R. depot. 

Austin, James, (Coming,) manufacturer of 
tin, copper and sheet Iron ware, 14 

ATerill, Elijah, (BigjPlats,) farmer ISO. 

BACON, JOSBPHT?., (Coming,) (Smith <Ss 

Baker, David, (Coming,) prop, saw-mill 
and farmer gTS>{f. 

Balcbm, Benjamin F., (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 1S5. 

Banks, Daniel E., (Gibson,) farmer aOO. 

Barnes, Edward 8., (Corning,) groceries, 
provisions and bakery, 9 Market. 

BEATZEL, JACOB, (Coming,) (5cAo«(f * 

BECK, LEONARD, (Coming,) cabinet 
maker. Market. 

BEERS, ANDREW, (Corning,) agent Mor- 
ris Rnn Coal Co., opposite Dickinson 

Benedict, Harris S., (Coming,) physician 
and surgeon. Market. 

Bennett, Wilson S., (Corning,) (DieHneon 
(& Hennett.) 

BILES, H. S., (Gibson,) clerk in Gibson 

pile driver and contractor. 

Bishop, John, (Coming,) shoemaker. 

CO., (Coming,) John Amot, presi- 
dent ; H. H. Cook, secretary and treas- 
urer; Fracklin N. Drake, agent ; office 

BOLAND, JAMES, (Corning,) grocer. Mar- 

Bonharii, Henry, (Coming,) wheelwright. 

BOSTWICK, HIRAM W., (Corning,) (John- 
son, Brcnigh & Boetwiek.) ^ , 

BRADLEY, GEORGES., (Coming,) (Brad- 
ley & KendaU.) „ 

BRADLEY & KENDALL, (Corning,) (Geo. 
S. Bradley and Amaiiah S. Xendall,) 
attomeys and counselors at law. Ar- 
cade Block. . , , _ , 

BROUGH, WILLIAM, (Corning,) (Johnson, 
Brouah & Bostwick.) 

brown; DANIEL F., (Coming,) (Brown 
d Graves.) 

Brown, Elijah, (Coming,) farmer 10. 

Brown, Esick, (OorningJ farmer leases B40. 

BROWN, FRANK B., (Coming,) canal col- 
lector, ofBce Concert Hall. 

BROWN, FRANK B., (Corning,) (F. B. 
Brown S Co.) 

*BROWN, F. B. & CO., (Coming.) (Frank 
B. Brown and Daniel S. Devoe,) pub- 
lishers and proprietors of Corning 
Democrat, Arcade Block, cor. Pine and 

BROWN & GRAVES. (Coming,) (Danld 
F. Brown and Geo. S, Graves,) attor- 
neys and counselors at law, office Con- 
cert Hall. 

BURGEY, JOHN, (Coming,) undertaker. 

Burris, Sally M., (Coming,) fanner SX- 

Burt, Benjamin, (Gibson,) farmer 100, 

Burt, Henry A., (GibsonO termer 100. 

BURT, JOHN M., (Big Flats,) farmer UB. 

Campbell, Freeman, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Canfleld, Abby Jane, (Gibson,) farmer BO. 

CARR, JOHN P., (Corning,) (Robertson, 
Saule & Co.) 

Cary, Martin, (Corning,) farmer 100. 

Caster, David. (Corning,) fanner lOO. . 

CAULKINS, FRIEND, (Gibson,) grocenes, 
and provisions. 

Chase, Frederick W., (Coming,) mill- 

Clark, Charles K., (Gibson,) fiirmer 80. 

CLARK, ISAAC P.. (Coming^ house and 
sign painter, Pultney St. Snoiville. 

Clark, James, (Gibson,) farmer leases 80. 

Clark, Jonas, (Gibson,) farmer 80. 

Clark, Robert, (Coming,)farmer leases 187. 

photograph gallery, over E. S. Barnes 
bakery. Market. 

Clute, Isaac M^ (Coming,) former 14. 

COLE. CHESTER S., (Corning,) (Cole tt 
Thomson^ secretary and treasurer Com- 
ing Gas Co. . , . 

COLBTHABVBTT., (Coming,) carpenter 
and Joiner, Pultney St., Knoxville. 

COLB & THOMSON, (Coming,) (Chester 
S. Cole and Chas. H. Thomson^) bank- 
ers and insurance agents, 4 Concert 

Hall Block. ^^ „ „ 

Coon, M. A. Miss, (Coming,) (with Mrs. M. 

S Savory,) dress maker. Market. 
COOPER, MEKRITT F., (Gibson,) post 
master and claim agent. 

CORBIN, CHARLES B., (Coming,) books 

and stationery, 8 Market St. 
cade Blocltf, cor. Pine and Market, F. 
B. Brown & Co., publishers and pro- 



establiBhed in 1868 : Amory Houghton, 
preeident; Henry P. Sinclalre, secre- 
tary ; Theodore Olcott, treasurer ; capi- 
tal $125,000. ^ 

Coming Gas Co., (Corning,) S. C. Kings- 
bury, president ; C. S. Cole, secretary 
. and treasurer; office 4 Concert Hall 

COENING HOUSE, (Corning,) cor. Pine 
and Erie Avenue, Adam Shults, prop. 

*COKNINQ JOURNAL, (Corning,) Geo. 
W. Pratt, editor and publisher. 

G. Benison, agent, storage and forward- 
ing dealers in porls, flour, salt, water- 
lime. Are and clay brick, also retail 
dealer in bard and soft coal. 

Cowan, John, (Gibson,) farmer 130. 

Cowan, Nelson, (Gibson,) coal dealer and 
farmer 70. 

COWLEY, JOHN, (Corning,) (^Stelnacker & 

Cretsley, Abram, (Gibson,) farmer 100. 

Cretsley, Francis, (Gibson,) farmer 120. 

Cronin, Timothy, (Corning,) farmer 40. 

Cutler, James Dr., (Corning,) physician 
and farmer 100. 

Daley, George, (Corning,), farmer 80. 

Darr, John, (Corning,) lager beer saloon. 

DAKEIN, SEBA, (Gibson,) boat builder 
and repairer. 

Davenport, Charles, (Coming,) fanner 10. 

Davis, Thomas, (Gibson,) farmer 40. 

Deathloff, Augustus, (Gibson,) farmer 30. 

Dee, William, (Painted Post,) farmer IJi. 

DBNI80N, CHAS. 6., (Coming,) agent 
Corning Warehouse, dealer in porli, 
flour, salt, waterlime, fire and clay 
bricl^, also retail dealer in hard and 
soft coal. 

DBVENPOET, MIEON, (Gibson,) farmer 

DeVOB, DANIEL B., (Corning,) (F. S. 
Brown <& Co.) 

DeWolf, Hiram, (Coming,) farmer 100. 

DeWoIf, James, (Corning,) farmer IST. 

DeWOLF, WILLIAM A., (Corning,) far- 
mer 180. ' •> 

Dickinson & Bennett, (Corning,) ( Walter 
8. Dichvnson and WUson h. Sennett^) 
di'uegists. Market. 

•DICKINSON HOUSE, (Coming,) Geo. 
W. Fuller, proprietor. 

Dickinson, Walter S., (Corning,) (BicMn- 
son & Bennett.) 

Dodge, Charles F., (Corning,) shoemaker. 

Deliver, Eraetus, (Coming,) farmer (t. 

Douglas, Charles Q., (Coming,) (W. D. 
TerieU S Co.) 

Dox, E. S., (Gibson,) blacksmithing and 
carriage ironing. 

DEAKE, FRANKLIN N., (Corning,) agent 
BloBS Coal Hining and Eailroad Co., 
president Tioga E. E. Co. 

Driscol. Patrick, (Coming,) farmer SOV. 

DUDLEY, ALBEET D., (Corning,) watch 
maker and jeweler, 10 Market. 

Dutoher, Thomas M., (Corning,) hotel 
keeper, opposite depot. 

Dwycr, Thomas, (Corning,) groceries and 
provisions, n Market. 

Easterhrooks, John A., (Corning,) hop 
grower and farmer 100. 

Edelins, A., (Corning,) physician. 

BDGEE, B. F., (Gibson,) boat builder and 

Bdger, Robert, (Gibson,) boatman. 

Edsell, Oscar, (Corning,) farmer 15. 

Elchhom, Charles, (Coming,) tobacconist, 
near IS. Depot. 

ELLIOTT, ADAM W. JR., (Big Flats,) far- 
mer (with A. W. Elliott.) 

Elliott, A. W., (Corning,) farmer leases 230. 

Ellison, Curtis, (Coming,) farmer 120. 

Ellison, Nelson, (Coming,) farmer 68. 

Elmer, Curtis, (Corning.) farmer leases 15. 

♦EMPIRE MANUF. CO., (Corning,) Mar- 
ket St.. mannf. stnmp machines, John- 
son & English, props. 

ENGLISH, LUZON C, (Corning,) (Johnson 
& English.) 

Erwin, Samnel, (Coming,) tobacco grower 
and farmer 310. 

Swing, Alex. L., (Coming,) bakery and con- 
fectionery, cot. Market and Walnnt. 

Duncan S. Magee, president; Geo. J. 
Magee, vice-president; A. Judson 
Owen, agent; office, Pine St. and 
Tioga Avenue. 

FANCHEE, HORACE, (Coming,) black- 

Parrell, Francis, (Coming,) boots and 
shoes. Market. 

Farrington, Peter J., (Corning,) general in- 
surance agent and adjuster. 

FELLOWS, JOSEPH, (Corning,) agent 
Pulteney Estate, alsoprop. of Corning 
Monumental Stone Works, ofiice Brie 

Ferenbaugh, F. & J. B., (Corning,) harness 

F«ro, Peter, (Corning,) farmer 91. 

Ferris, Joel, (Gibson,) farmer 8. 

FINN, EDWARD J., (Corning,) merchant 
tailor and dealer in gents^ furnishing 
goods, 10 Market. 

FITZGERALD & FOLEY, (Coming,) (Mor- 
ris Fitzgerald and Thomas Fwey,) gro- 
ceries and provisions. Market. 

FITZGERALD, MOERIS, (Coming,) (Fite- 
gerald db Foley.) 

FOLEY, THOMAS, (Corning,) (Fitzgerald 
& Foley.) 

Force, Henry, (Painted Post,) keeps toll 

Force, Levi, (Corning,) farmer 200. 

Fordham, Laura Mrs., (Corning,) milliner, 
Erie Avenue. 

Forrester, Charles, (Coming,) (C. & E. A. 

Forrester, C. & E. A., (Coming,) (Charles 
and Edward A..,) crockery and grocer- 
ies. Market. 

Forrester, Edward A., (Corning,) (<7. t&E. 
A. Forrester.) 

Fowler, John, (Corning,) farmer 25. 

Freeman, Lorretta Mrs., (Coming,) farmer 

Freeman, Rosette, (Corning,) former 22. 

French, Mrs., (Corning,) farmer 200. 

FEYMIEE, SAMUEL, (Corning,) black- 
smith, Market. 

Fulford, Henry, (Coming,) former 113. 

FULLEE & GAM MAN, (Coming,) (Lewis 
T. Fuller and Charles M. Oamman,) 
dealers in boots, shoes, leather and 
findings, 6 Market. 



•FTTLLKE, GBOBSE W., (Coming,) prop. 

Dickinson House. 
Fuller, L. B. MrB.,(</0rning,) millinery and 
dress making, Market. 

I-TJLLEB, LEWIS T., (Corning,) (maier <t 

Gallop, Wm. H., (CerningO (.with Btnedict 
Utton,) farmer leases 100. 

GAMMAN, CHAELBS M., (Corning,) (JW- 
ler <& Gamman.) 

ing,) Geo. W. Patterson, Jr., president ; 
Zerah Todd, cashier ; Public Square. 

Gibbs, William, (Big Flats.) farmer leases 

GIBSON HOUSE, (Gibson,) Snell & Arch- 
er, props., H. S. Biles, clerk. 

GIBSON, JOHN, (Gibson,) farmer S60. 

'Gilbert, Albert J., (Corning,) livery and 
hack stable. Market. 

Gilbert, Julias H., (Gibson,) farmer 80. 

Gillan, Sarah, (Corning,) farmer 1. 

Gillett, Aaron Hy (Coming,) farmer 76. 

GUlett, Joseph H., (Corning.) farmer 86. 

GILLETT, STLVE8TEK, (Corning,) far- 
mer 56. 

Gillett, William, (Coming,) farmer 114. 

GILMAETIN, MICHAEL,(Corning,) tailor, 
cor. Market and Cedar. 

6ITHLBE BEO'S, (Painted Post,) {George, 
Jacob and Michael,) tanners and cur- 
riers, dealers in upper and harness 

GITHLEE, GEOEGE, (Painted Post,) 
(Githler Brot.) 

GITHLEE, JACOB, (Painted Post,) {Gith- 
ler Broi.) 

6ITHLEK, MICHAEL, (Painted Post,) 
{OitlUer Bros.) . . 

GOFF, HBNEY, (Coming,) President of 
the village of Corning, vfholesale and 
retail dealer in dry goods, carpets, oil 
cloths, boots and shoes, groceries, 
provisions and crockery, cor. Market 
and Pine. 

Goff, Stephen, (Corninfi,) farmer !i6 and 
. leases 100. 

Goflf, William. (Gibson,) farmer 76. 

GOETON, BENJAMIN, (Gibson,) carpen- 
ter and joiner, boat builder and farmer 

Gorton, Charles, (Gibson,) farmer 93. 

Gorton, D., (Corning,) farmer 100. 

Gorton, Hiram, (Coming,) farmer 44. 

Gorton, Peleg, (Corning,) fanner 36. 

Gorton, Perry, (Gibson.) farmer S5. 

Gorton, Philander, (Gibson,) grocer and 
lime bumer, 

Gorton, Polly Mrs., (Gibson,) farmer 30. 

Gorton, Euftis, (Corning,) surveyor and 
farmer 70. 

Gorton, S. D., (Corning,) farmer 115. 

GOETON, WAREEN, (Coming,) black- 

Gorton, William, (Coming,) farmer 60. . 

GEAVES, CHAELBS M., (Corning,) 
(Graves S MUlt.) , ,,„ 

GEAVES, GEOEGE E., {Comiag,) {Brown 
cfe Graves.) , . ,„ 

GRAVES, JOSHUA B., (Coming,) {Graves 
dk Mills.) 

GHAVeS & MILLS, (Coming,) {Joshva B. 
(Graves, Avgusim T. Mills and Charles 
M. Graves,) physicians and surgeons, 
Graves Block, Market. 
Graville, Dennis D., (Coming,) clock re- 

Groton, Eufus Jr., (Comii^,) farmer 3. 
HADGEE & E0GEE8, (Coming,) {Wm. 
Hadger and Daniel D. Sogers,) gro- 
ceries and provisions. Pine. 

HADGEE, WILLIAM, (Corning,) {Badger 
& Rogers.) 

Hall, William, (Gibson,) farmer 46. 

Haradon, Horatio B., (Coming,) carpenter 
audi joiner. 

Haradon, Julius S., (Corning,) carpenter 
and joiner. 

Haring, Chauncy J. Mrs., (Corning.) dress 
and cloak maker. Market. 

Harmon, Eri B., (Corning,) grocer, saloon 
keeper, manuf. domestic wines and 
farmer 67. 

Hart, Michael, (Corning,) farmer 60. 

Havens, Nathaniel, (Gibson,) farmer 36. 

Havens, Peter, (Gibson,) farmer 70. 

Havens, William P., (Corning,) ornamental 
painter, Farwell Block. 

HAYT & OLCOTT, (Coming,)prop. South- 
ern Tier Mills, flouring, custom and 

HEEEMANS, GEO., (Coming,) (Preston & 

HEBS, ABEAM, < Comlue,){ J. Bees d: Son.) 

HBES, JAMBS, (Corning,) {J. Bees A Son.) 

HEES, J. & BON, (Coming,) {James and 
Aoram,) groceries, provisions and 
country produce. Grave s Block,Market. 

Hegg, , (Coming,) {Sluivsr <fe Begg.) 

Hellman, William, (Coming,) lager beer, 

Higman, John, (Coming,) gardener and far- 
mer 176. 

HIGMAN, WM. B., (ComlngJ cashier of 
Q. W. Wellington & Go's Bank. 

*HILL J!DGAE, (Coming,) agent Walter 
A. Wood mowing machine. 

Hoey, George, (Gibson,) farmer 90. 

Hoffman, Jacob, (Coming,) prop, of the 
Steuben House, Market. 

Hoffman, Jacob, (Corning,) shoemaker. 

HoUenbeck, Jacob, (Coming,) farmer 25. 

Hollenbeck, Joseph, (Coming,) farmer aOO. 

HOOD, ALBBET M.y (Coming,) {Wm. 
Bood i6 Son.) 

Hood Brothers, (OorniHg,) {N. D. and J. D.,) 
' harness and trunk dealers, 14 Market. 

Hood, J. D., (Corning,) {Bood Brothers.) 

Hood, N. D., (Comintr,) {Hood Brothers.) 

HOOD, WM. & SON, (Coming,) {Albert 
M.,) groceries and provisions, Market. 

Hooker, Thomas, (Corning,) farmer 80. 

Hooper, Eansom, agent, (Corning,) whole- 
sale and retail liq.uor store. Market. 

Hotchkiss, M. Miss, (Coming,) milliner, 
Erie Avenue. 

HOUGHTON, AMOEY, (Corning,)' presi- 
dent Coming Flint Glass Co. 

Hounesa, Conrad, (Coming,) farmer 4. 

Howell, Christian G., (Corning,) oil refine- 
ry and bag factory. Market. 

Hungerford, John, <Coming,) banker and 
ftrmer 560. 



president J. N, Hungerford'B Bank. 

HUNTi JOHN, (Gibson,) farmer 60. 

Hunt, Jolin Jr., (Corning,) farmer leases 47. 

Hunt, Natiianiel, (Cormng,^ farmer loases 

Huy, A. D., (Big Flats,) gardener and far- 
mer 66. 

Huy, 8. G., (Coming,) farmer 160. 

Huy, L. Grant, (Big Flats,) farmer 64. 

Ingle, Peter, (Corning,) firmer leases 33. 

JACOBS, EICHARD, (Corning,) tailor. 

JAYNE8, ANTHONY D., (Corning,) pho- 
tographer, Market. ^ 

JAYNEB, EUGENE, (Corning,) (Mynt4 A 

JAYNES & ROLLINS, (Coming,) (Sugtne 
Jaynet and Tluodore H. BoUim,) 
dealers In hats, caps, ladles' and gents' 
fine fiirs, furnishing goods, &c., also 
life and fire insurance agents, corner 
store, Arcade Building, opp. Dickinson 

*JBNNBSS, OCTAVIA R.M11B., (Coming,) 
millinery, Maricet. 

(Coming,) (Thomai A. Johmon. Wil- 
liam Brougk and Biram W. Boeiwick,) 
manufacturers and dealers in Sour, 
feed, meal, lumber, lath, and plaster. 

♦JOHNSON & ENGLISH, (Coming,) 
(Jamet Johnton, Jr. and IJuron O. Eng- 
lis/i,) manuf. stump machines, Empire 
Manufacturing Co., Market. 

Johnson, James, (Gibson,) farmer 16. 

JOHNSON, JAMBS Jb., (Coming,) (Joh.n- 
ion db MlngHth.) 

JOHNSON, JEFFERSON, (Gibson,) far- 
mer 165. 

Johnson, Mathew, (Gibson,) fanmer 60. 

John N. Hnngerford, pres., Horace N. 
Fond, cashier, Market, opposite Dick- 
inson House, 

JOHNSON, THOMAS A., (Coming,) {John- 
son,. Brffugh <fe Bost'WickJ) 

Jones, B. F., (Coming,) saloon, cor. Market 
and Walnut. 

JONES, EDWARD,. (Gibson,) constable 
and master boat onllder. 

Jones, P. K., (Coming,) telegraph operato'. 

JONES, T. & J., (Coming,) tanners and 

KADEN, JOHN .B., (Coming,) lager beer 
saloon. Pine, ' 

Eastner, CHiarleB, (Corning,) beer and ci- 
gars. Market. 

KEEFEB, WILLIAM L., (Corning,) livery 
and exchange stable, Market. 

{.Bradley <£ Kendall,) 

Kent, Miles, (Gibson,) farmer TO. 

Kenyon, H. Mrs., (Coming,) milliner, Eric 

Keyes, Thomas, (Big Flats,) farmer 40. 

KIMBLE, ISAIAH W., (Corning,) grocery 
and provision store, cor. Cedar and 

King, David, (Gibson.) farmer 40. 

King & Loveless, (Corning,) (WUliam iV. 
Xin? and Tunis W. LavOeee,) black- 

„. '"ylSi^S and wason making. 

King, WiUiamN.,:(Cornlng,) {King <t Love- 

Kingsbury, L. C, (Coming,) president 

Corning Gas Co. 
Kirkendall, ErasCUs, (Coming,) camenter. 
KNAPP, AUGUSTUS H., (Gibson,) {A. H. 

Knapp dk Co.) 
KNAPP, A. H, & CO., (Gibson,) {Augustus 

H. and Eraslus,) cider and vinegar 

KNAPP, ERASTUS, (Gibson,) {A. B. 
. Knapp & Co.,) carpenter and joiner 

and boat builder. 
Knapp, Tracy, (Gibson,) farmer leases 110. 
Knimn, lAxzw Miss, (Coming,) dress 

maker. Market. 

Lake, , (Corning^ farmer 60. 

LANSING, JACOB H., agent, (Coming,) 

dealer m watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., 

next door to Smith & Waite. 
LATHKOP, AUSTIN Jb., (Coming,) 

( Walker Jb Lathrop,) 
Lawrence, Whitehead, (Gibson,) farmer 13. 
Lindner, Louis, (Coming,) boots and shoes, 

19 Market. 
Lindslejr, Merrltt, (Corning,) farmer SOO. 
Linsey, Richard, (Corning,) eating saloon, 

cor. Market aL.d Pine. 
Longcoy, Mathew, (Gibson,) farmer 36. 
Longcoy, Nathaniel, (Coming,) farmer 43. 
Lord, Daniel, (Gibson,) farmer. , 
Lord, Daniel, (Coming,) farmer 60. 
Lord, Henry, (Gibson,) farmer 80. 
Loveless, Tunis W., (Coming,) {King db 

LOWER, JAMES B., (Coming,) wagon 

maker. Market. 
LtJC aS, M. F., (Coming,) hair dresser, cor. 

Fine and Market. 
Lntz, Francis, (Coming,) prop. Eagle Ho- 
tel, Pine. 
Lyon, Alexander, (Gibson,) lamp-black 

mtnufacturer and fiirmei 6. 
Lyon, Cornelius, (Corning,) groceries and 

provisions. Market. 
LYON, ELI B., (Gibson.) manufacturer of 

calcined and refined lampblack. 
MAGEE, DUNCAN S., (Coming,) president 

Fall Brook Coal Co. 
MAGEE, GEORGE J., (Coming,) vice- 
president Fall Brook Coal Co. 
MAINZEH HOTEL, (Coming,) Market, 

J. Mainzer, prop. 
MAINZER, J., (Coming,) proprietor of 

Mainzer Hotel, Market. 
Malady, Thomas, (Coming,) groceries and 

f>rovisions. Market, 
ory, Nancy Mrs., (Coming,) farmer 68. 
Maltby, Chorles B., (Corning,) (C. B. MalU 

by & Bro.) 
Maltby, C. B. & Bro., (Corning,) {Chaa. S. 
and Erastut C.,) wholesale grocers, 
cor. Market and Walnut. 
Maltby, Erastils C, (Corning,) {C. B. Malt- 
by it Bro.) 

MANGAN, JOHN, (Coming,) groceries 

and provisions, Market. 
Mann, Samuel Mrs., (Corning,) ice cream 

saloon. Market. 

Mapes, Philip, (Corning,) farmer 38. 
Marikle, Jacob A^ (Corning,) farmer TO. 
Martin, George W., (Corning,) farmer 100. 
Mathews, Alanson, (Coming,) farmer 80. 
MathewsoUjR., (Corning,) firmer 100. 
Matthews, Ira, (Corning,) farmer 143. 




groceries and provisions, 97 Market. 
May, Henry C, (Coming,) physician and 

surgeon, Marlset. 
McBUENKY, JAMBS, (Coming,) farmer 

McCABB.B. B., (Corning,) groceries, pro- 

Tisiona and crockery. Market. 
McCabe, Jolin, (Corning,) farmer 8. 
McCord, Abram, (Gibson,) farmer BO. 
McCord, Samuel J., (Gibson,) farmer leases 

McQKORGH, FRANK H., (Corning,) den- 
tist, Fartrell Block. 
Mcintosh, Johm (CorningO marble works. 
MEA8KR, CONEAD, (Gibson,) farmer 85. 
Mercy, Job, (Coming.) farmer 60. 
MILLER, GEOVEE P., (Corning,) dentist, 

Market, Sullivan Block. 
Miller, William, (Coming,) grocer. Market. 
MILLIKBN, JOSBPH, (Corning,) cooper. 
MILLS, AUGUSTUS P., (Corning,) (Gravel 


(Spencer, Thomson & Mills.) 
Morrison, Martin, (Big Flats,) farmer 55. 
Moultrup, Willis, (Big Plats,) former 40. 
Mnrphy, David, (Corning,) farmer 79. 
Murphy, William, (Big Plats,) farmer 84. 
NATIONAL HOTEL, (Coralng.) cor. Pine 
and Erie Avenue, Scnoed & Beatzel, pro- 
NEWELL, JAMES K., (Coming,) manu- 
facturer and dealer in' boots, shoes, 
leather and findings, 13 Market. 
NOLAN, JAMES, (Coming,) prop. Canal 
bam and blacksmith, cor. Water and 
Nolan, Michael, (Gibson,) farmer 95. 
Noys, Henry B., (Big Plats,) farmer 170. 
O'Connell, Mathew, (Coming,) farmer SS. 
O'CONOK, THOMAS, (Corning,) boot and 

shoe maker. Wall cor. Erie Avenue. 
Odell, Sheld, (Gibson,) former 6. 
OLCOTT, ALEXANDER, (Coming,) (T. <fe 
A. Okoit.) , ,„ . 

OLCOTT, THEODORE, (Coming,) iT. & 
A. OlooU,) treas. Coming Flint Glass 
OLCOTT, T. & A., (Coming,) (T/i£0(iore 
and Alexander,) real estate agents 

OLCOTT, .(Coming,) {Hayf&Olmtt.) 

OWENS, A. JUDSON, (Coming,) agent 

Fall Brook Coal Co. 
Packer, Charles, (Coming,) farmer 200. 
Park, William, (Corning^ tobacco grower 
and farmer 100. . ,t i »»- 

Parsons, Henry C, (Coming,) (J. A. Par- 
sons & Co.) ,,T A 71»». 

Parsons, James A., (Corning,) (.A. A. Far- 
sons & Co.) . , / T„^.. 1 

Parsons, J. A. & Co., (Coming,) (Jam«.A. 
and Benry C) dry goods. No. 3 Con- 
cert Block. 

Patterson, George W Jr., (Corning,) presi- 
dent (leorge Washington Bank. . 

PaynerBetJaminW., (Coming,) (Payiw * 

Payne & Pritehard, (Coming,) W-TT 
Payne and Hiram Fntchard,) foundry 
and machine shop. 

Perd^enpine, Mary Mrs., (Coming,) cigar 
manufacturer. > 

Perry, Rachael Miss, (Coming,) cigar 

Perry, Rollin P., (Corning,) agent U. S. Ex. 

Co., Erie Avenue. 
Pier, Edwin, (Corning,) groceries and pro- 
Pierce, Amos, (Comingj) farmer 3. 
POND JIORACE N., (Corning,) cashier J. 

N. Hungerford's Bank. 
Potter, John, (Corning,) farmer leases MO. 
Powers, A. M. Mrs., (Coming,) millinery 

and dress making, Market. 
*PEATT, GEORGE W., (Coming,) editor 
and publii-her of Coming Journal, Mar- 
PRESTON, GEO. W., (Coming,) {Preston 

<6 Heermans.)_ 
(,9eo. W. Preston and Geo. Beermans,) 
en^ne, boiler and machine works. 
PRITCHARD,ALBEET,(Comlng,) (Priteh- 
ard, Saylet * Co.) 
Pritehard, Hiram, (Coming,) (Payne & 

Pritehard, M. M., (Coming,) telegraph 

PRITCHARD, SATLES &C0., (Coming,) 
(TYuman F. Pritehard, Martin V. 
Sayles and Albert Pritehard,) deal- 
ers in stoves, tin and hardware. Market. 

(Pritchurd, Sayles <fc Co.) 
Quackenbush, Abram,(Coming,) farmer.40. 
Quackenbush, Augustus, (Gibson,) far- 
mer 50. ,„ . , • 
Quackenbush, Warren, (Commg,) farmer 

Quackenbush, William, (Coming,) farmer 

80 • 
QUANDT, WILLIAM, (Coming,) shoe- 

maker and saloon keeper, 44 Market. 
EEASE, PETER, (Gibson,) lime manu- 

Eeasor, Peter P., (Gibson,) farmer 120. . 

EEMMEL, FREDERICK, (Coming,) hair 
dretser, basement Dickinson House. 

REYNOLDS, K. S., (Coming,), fanner 70. 

Eiehl, Joseph, (Corning,) repairer of um- 
brellas. Market. 

Ripley, Jaines, (Coming.) farmer 80. 

,„JeTSON, SAMlfflL C, (Coming,) 
(BoberUon, Boule & Co.) „„ ,„ , , 

ROBERTSON, SOULB & CO., (Coming,) 
(Samuel C. Sotertson, Charles B. SouU 
and John P. Carr,) butchers, dealers 
in cattle, sheep, hogs, poultry, &c.. 
Bull's Head Market. _ ■, „ . , 

newsdealer, Post-office Building, Mar- 

ROBINSON, JAMES S., (Cfornlne,) justice 
of the peace and pojice jusHoe, Con- 
cert Hall. . , , „„ 

Roblyer, John Jr., (Coming,) farmer 80. 

Roe, John, (CorntogJ resident, _ . ^, 

ROdBES, DANIEL D., (Corning,) (Badger 

ROUvrair* THEODORE B., (Coming,) 

(Jaynet & BoUiru.) 
Rose, George, (Gibson,) farnier SB- 
ROSE, HERMAN S., (Coming,) manuftc- 

turer and dealer in all kmds of Jur- 

niture. Market. 



Boae, iBaac, (OibBon,) farmer 10. 

Rose, Orin W., (QibBon,) farmer 240. 

Rose, Peter, (Gibson,) farmer 143. 

Rosenbanm, Martin, (Corning,) dealer m 
ready made clothing. Market. 

EOUSB, PLINY A., (Corning,) lumber in- 
spector and schoolteacher. 

Eowfey, Alvah, (Coming,) farmer 150. 

Rowley, John W., (Corning,) farmer 40. 

Rowley, Nicholas D., (Corning,) farmer 

Rntherford, Ellery D., (Coming,) fancy 
goods, notions, &c., 10 Market. 

Savory, M. E. Mrs., (Corning,) (wUh, Mies 
M. A. Coon,) dressmaker. Market. 

SATLBS, MARTIN V., (Coming,) (,PHicA- 
ard, Sayles & Go.) 

Schenk, M., (Corning,) tailor. 

SHOED, & BEATZEL, (Corning,) (Freder- 
ick Sclwed and Jacob Beaizel,) pro- 
prietors National Hotel, cor. Pine and 
Erie Avenue. 

SCHOBD, FREDERICK, (Corning,)(S(!Ao«(2 
& Beatzel.) 

Schofield, Eber, (Coming,) farmer 13. 

8CH0NLEBER, JOHN, (Coming,) lager 
beer saloon, R. R. St. 

Searles, Gilbert B., (Gibson,) blacksmith. 

Senders, Alex., (Corning,) ready-made 
clothing, %S Market. 

SERGEANT. JOHN, (Corning,) saloon. 

SEYMOtfR, HIRAM, (Gibson,) millwright 
and farmer 50. 

Shaver St, Hegg, (Corning,) farmer 100. 

Shaw, B. T.j (Corning,) farmer 25. 

Sherwood, Jesse, (Corning,) farmer BO. 

SHOCKEY LEWIS R., (Coming,) billiard 
parlor, Erie Avenue. 

Shoemaker, Charles, (Coming,) farmer 80. 

Shoemaker, Wallace, (Corning,) farmer 100. 

SHULa?S, ADAM, (Corning,) prop. Corn- 
ing House, cor. Pine and Erie Avenue. 

SILL, CYRUS D., (Coming,) wholesale 
and retail dealers in allltindsof gro- 
ceries, provisions, wines, liquors, ci- 
gars, &c..Fine and Market. 

SINCLAIRE, HENRY P., (Corning,) secre- 
tary Corning Flint Glass Co. 

Sloan, George^ (Corning,) farmer 57. 

Sly, George, (Cornlngj) farmer 200. 

SMEAD, FLORENCE, (Corning,) prop. 
Arcade Hotel and, restaurant. Pine. 

Smith, Alfred, (Corning,) fermerBO. 

Smith, Anna Mrs., (Coming,) millinery, 10 

SMITH & BACON, (Coming,) (CH^ohn 
Smith and Joseph T. Bacon,) prop. 
American Hotel, Brie Avenue. 

Smith, Calvin W., (Corning,) {Todd cfc 

Smith, Charles, (Coming,) farmer 80. 

SMITH, CRISJOHN, (Corning,) (Smith <£ 
Bacon,) boot and shoe maker, American 
Hotel. • 

SMITH, EDWARD E., (Coming,) photo- 
graph artist, cor. Pine and MTarket, 
Arcade Block. 

Smith, Ephraim, (Coming,) carpenter. 

|™tn. George, (Corning,) farmer 17. 

Smith, Gilbert, (Gibson,) butcher, peddler 
and farmer 80. 

Smith, Henry D., (Gibson,) farmer 100. 

Smith, Henry P., (Gibson,) fanner 1 

SMITH, JAMES N., (Gibson,) groceries, 
provisions, feed, flour &c. : 

SMITH, JARVIS E., (Coming,) wholesale 
and retail liquor store, 21 Market. 

SMITH, JUSTm M., (Coming,) (Smith & 

_..rpe-_, -^^ 

SMITH, WELCOME, (Gibson,) minister of 
the gospel, insurance agent and gen- 
eral agent for sewing machines. 

SNELL & ARCHER, (Gibson,) (Ohaimcy 
Snell and Geo. Hi Arclier,) proprietors 
Gibson House. 

SNELL, CHAUNCY, (Gibson,) (Smtt & 

SOtJLE, CHARLES H., (Corning,) (Eobert- 
eori,, Soule S Co.) 

Hayt & Olcott, proprietors, flouring, 
custom and plaster mills. 

Sparks, John, (Coming,) cooper and far- 
mer 1. 

SPENCER, GEORGE T., (Coming,) (Spen- 
cer, Thomson <6 Mills.) 

Spencer, S., (Coming,) farmer 200. 

ing,) ((?«o. T.Spencer, Charles B. Thom- 
son and Ellsworth D. Mills,) attorneys 
and counselors at law, office. Concert 
Hall Block. 

SPENCER, WILLIAM A„ (Gibson,) jus- 
tice of the peace and Tarmer 36. 

STEARNBS, A. C, (Coming,) secretary 
and treasurer Tioga R. R. Co. 

(John Steinacker and John Cowley,) 
meatmarke'. Market. 

STEINACKER, JOHN, (Coming,) (S/«»- 
acker <& Cowlev.) 

Stickle, John D., (Painted Post,) carpenter 
and joiner. 

Stickler, George, (Big Flats,) farmer 1. 

STONE, HATT, (Corning,) provisions, 
flour and feed, 10 Market. 

Storms, Asa, (Big Flats.jfarmer 38. 

Storms, Charles, (Big Plats,) prop, saw 
mill and farmer 3110. 

Storms, John, (Big Flats,) tobacco grower 
and farmer 150. 

Stumer, J., (Coming,) blacksmith. 

TAYLERSON, THOMAS, (Corning,) un- 
dertaker and manufacturer of cabinet 
ware. Market. 

Teheny, Owen, (Coming,) lager beet sa- 
loon, Market. 

TERBELL, WILLIAM D., (Corning,) (W. 

TKRBELL, W. D. & CO., (Corning,) (Wm. 
D. Teroell and Charles O. Dougilass,) 
wholesale and retail druggists, Jobbers 
in paintLOil and glass, 21 Market. 

TERRILL, J. FOWLER, (Corning,) boat- 

Andrew Beers, agent, omce' nearly 
opposite Dickinson House. 

Thoma, Jacob, (Corning,) farmer 7. 

(Cole (& Thomson,) (Spencer, Thornton 
<& Mills,) postmaster. 

manufacturer of wagons, blacksmrth 
bellows, board and log rules. 

Tiff't, Charles B., (Coming,) farmer 160. 

TIFFT, J. J., (Corning,) 6rmer 90. 

Tioga Eail Road Co., (Corning,) Franklin 
N, Brake, president; A. C. Stearnes, 
secretary and treasurer ; ofBce Pine. 

Tide, Mrs., (Corning,) grocery. 

Todd & Smitli, (Corning.j^ziraA Todd and 
Calmn W. Smith,) grocers, 13 Market. 

Todd, Zerah, (Corning,) cashier George 
Washington Bank. 

Todd, Zerah, (Corning,) (Todd & Smith.) 

Tone, Arnold, (Gibson,) fanner 30. 

TOWNLBY, WILLIAM F., (Corning,) 
planing mill, sash, door and blind 
manufactory, cor. Cedar and Market. 

Traver, George W. C, (Corning,) wagon 

Tapper, Bradford, (Coming,) farmer 1. 

Tupper, Thomas, (Corning,) farmer 1. 

Tattle, Lncias, (Big Flatsi) farmer 50. 

Utton, Benedict, (Coming,) (with Wm. B. 
■ Gallop,) farmer leases 100. 

Tan Deren, Elizabeth Mrs., (Big Flats,) 
farmer 45. 

VAN DEREN, GRANT, (Big Flats,) black- 

Vanderhoof, Henry, (Gibson,) farmer 147. 

Van Etten, John, (Qibson,1 farmer 120. 

Van Gorder, Charles, (Coming,) farmer 3. 

Van Gorder, Horace, (GibsonO farmer BO. 

VAN KURIN, ISRAEL F., Gibson,) boat 
bnilder and farmer 56. 

Van Order, David, (Corning,) farmer 40. 

Vaaehn, Eussel, (Coming,) farmer 80. 

VBITH, FRANK, (Corning,) manufacturer 
and dealer in tobacco and cigars, Pine, 
opposite N. T. & E. depot. 

Veith, Nicholas, (Corning,) Spring Brewery, 
cor. First and Peck. 

Vischer, John, (Coming,) farmer 13)J. 

Viacher, John, (Corning,) lumberman. Mar- 

WAITB, NEVILLE E., (Corning,) {Smith 
& Wctits ) 

WALKJIR, CHAS. C. B., (Corning,) ^Walker 

WALKER KaTHROP, (Coming,) (.Chat. 
C B Walker and Austin Lathrop Jr.,) 
hardware and stoves, iron, nails, &c.; 
also manufacturers and dealers in all 
kinds of lumber, cor. Pine and Market. 

*WALKEE, WILLIAM, (Coming,) insur- 
ance agent, also dealer in hats, caps 
t&c, 29 Market. 

WAL8TBR, JOSEPH, (Coming,) boot and 
shoe maker. Pine. 

Walters, Abraham R., (Corning,) groceries 

and shoe shop. 
Ward, William F., (Gibson,) farmer leases 

Weeks, Hiram, (Coming,) farmer 25. 

President of the Q. W. Wellington & 

Co's. Bank. 

Wemer, Jalins, (Coming,) dealer in ready 
made clothing &c., opposite Dickinson 

Whitmarsh, Alexander, (Coming,) grocery. 

Wicks, Charles K., (Coming,) tobacco 
grower and farmer 47. 

Wilcox, Carrie L. Miss, (Coming,) dress 
and cloak maker. Market. 

'WILCOX, MYRON H., (Corning,) surgi- 
cal and mechanical dentist, also music 
dealer. Market, opposite Dickinson 

WILLIAMS, FRANCIS A., (Coming,) at- 
torney and counselor at law, justice of 
the peace and claim agent ; office Con- 
cert HalL 

Wolcott, Frederick, (Corning,) farmer 125. 

Wollheim, Simon & Son, (Coming,) deal- 
ers in ready made clothing, 33 Market. 

Woodruff, Daniel, (Coming,) farmer 50. 

Woodraff, John, (Corning,) farmer 7. 

Wormley, Jacob, (Big Flats,) gardener and 
farmer 29. 

Wormley, Joseph G., (Coming,) farmer 28. 

Wormley, William, (Coming,) farmer 800. 

Worth, Jacob, (Coming,) saloon, R. R. at. 

Worth, Jacob, (Corning,) hair dresser. Pine. 

Wright, John, (Gibson.) farmer 40. 

Zeak, Christopher, (Gibson,) farmer leases 


The Oldest Paper in Hornellsville. 



HOUGH &BEECHER, Editors &Prop'rs. 

This Paper circulates prettygenerally . in Steuben and AJlegany Countiee, and is a 
good advertising medium, and adesirable paper for local and general news. 

Terms of Advertising Reasonable. 

The Office is supplied with one of CAMPBELL'S POWER 'PRESSES. 
Also a POTTEE POWEE PRESS, and is prepared to do all kinds of 

On short notice, in a workmanlike manner, and on reasonable terms. 




(Post Offise Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ALLEN, PHILETtrs, (South Dansville,) 

Allen, Polly Mra., (South Dan8Tille,)farmer 

Avery, James J., (BuruB, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 200. i s j ,/ 

EABOOCK, GEOKGH G., poty'sCornerB,) 

farmer 100. 
Baboock, William S., poty's Corners,) 

Beach, Robert, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Beach, Robert, (South Dansville,) tormor 

BENJAMIN. LBDEAN H., (South Dans- 
ville.) (Kingtleu & Benjamin.) 
Berger, William, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Bettinger, Frederick, (South Dansville,) 

former 58. 
BLACK, JOHN, (Burns, Allegany Co.) 
Blank, Daniel S., (South Dansville,) farmer 

Blank, David D., (Dansville, Livingston 

Co.O farmer. 
Blank, John, (Barns, Allegany Co.,) farmer 


BLANK, WILLIAM H., (DansviUe, Living- 
ston Co.,) carpenter and joiner and 

former 230, 
BONNES, NATHANIEL C, pansville, 

Livingston Co.,) farmer 147. 
Booth, Cyrus, (South Dansville,) wagon 

BRIDGE, CH4ELES M., (South Dansville,) 
former 100. 

Bronson, Henry, (South Dansville,) former. 

Bronson, William, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 80. 

Brookins, Thomas W., (South Dansville.) 

Burdick, Chauncey, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer leases 65. 

Campbell, Murdy, (Dansville, Livingston 
Co.,) farmer 2S. 

CARNEY, ALONZO,(BamB, Allegany Co.,) 
{Weldy S Carney.) 

CARNEY, CHARLES R., (Bums, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 101. 

Carney, David L., panaville, Livingston 
Co.,) farmer 70. 

Carney, Joseph, pansviUe, Livingston 
Co.,) farmer ,46. „ , 

Carney, Lyman J., (Bums, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 90. 

CAKNEY, MORGAN H., (Bums, Allegany 
Co.,) former 245. .„ , , 

Clark, Charles R., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 106. . . « X 

Clark, Cyrus, (Dansville, Livingston Co.,) 
farmer 700. 

Clark, Lewis, poty's Comers,) farmer 110. 

Comfleld, Robert, (South Dansville,) shoe- 

COOK, ANDREW W., (South Dansville,) 
carpenter and joiner. 

Cflok, Elizabeth Mrs., (Soath Dansville,) 
farmer 162. .„ , , 

Cook, John, (South Dansville,) farmer. 

Cook, Thomas, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Cridler, Daniel S., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 200. 

CRIDLER, EDWARD, (South Dansville,) 
farmer 160. 

CRIDLER, JOHN, (South Dansville,) for- 
mer 235. 

Gridler, Russell, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Cridler, William, (South Dansville,) farmer 

CURRY, JAMES B., (South Dansville,) far- 
Iner 225. 

Davis, George, (South Dansville,) farmer. 

Densmore, Anthony, (South Danaville,) 
farmer 100. 

Dicenroth, Elizabeth, (South Dansville,) 
farmer 37. 

Drlesbach, E. & H., (South Dansville,) far- 
mers 223. 

Ellis, Abner, (South Dansville,) farmer 175. 

Ellis, Albert, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 200. 

Evelaud, Jacob, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Eaulkner, John P., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 200. 

Faust, Henry, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Fleck, Jacob, pansville, Livingston Co.,) 

FLECK, JOHN, pansville, Livingston 
Co.,) farmer 114. 

Flickinger, John, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 97. 

Flickinger, Reuben, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 133. 

Flint, Elijah, (South Dansville,) farmer 60. 

Flint, Joseph S., (South Dansville,) car- 
penter and Joiner. 

PLORY, JOHN H., (Bums, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 109. 

Fox, Andrew, (South Darsville,) farmer 50. 

Fritz, Ellas, (Doty's Corners,) farmer 130. 

FRITZ, GEORGE W., (Doty's Comers,) 

FRITZ, WESLEY, (Bums, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 185. „ 

Galbraith, Sarah Harriet P. Mrs., panB- 
ville, Livingston Co.,) farmer 41. 

Gesner, Michael, (South Dansville,) farmer 

GOODNO, ALBERT, (South Dansville,) 
stone ware, groceries and provisions. 

Green, Philip, (South Dansville,) farmer 

ville,) farmer 160. , „ , 

Grlswold, George, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 117. _ 

GRISWOLD, HOMER, puras, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 82. 

Grlswold, Hubbard, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 171. „ 

GRISWOLD, HUBBARD, 2d.. Pums, Al- 
legany Co.,) former 140. 

Grob, John N., (South Dansville,) former 



Grobb, Conrad, (Doty'e Corners,) farmer 75. 

Hall, Daniel, (Dansville, Livingston Co.,) 
farmer 131. 

Hall, William, (Dansville, Livingston Co.,) 
farmer 280. 

Hall, William H., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 174. 

Harris, Martin, (Barns, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 11. 

Hartman, HeniV S., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 180. 

Haynes, David G., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 22fi. 

HBALY, JOSHUA, (Doty's Corners,) far- 
mer 830. 

HEALY, WILLIAM W., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 1,008. 

HECKMAN, HENRY H., (Doty's Comers,) 
(with Lewie B.,) keeper of flrst-dass 
Jack, of Black Warrior breed, and far- 
mer 386. 

HECKMAN, LEWIS B., (Doty's Corners,) 
(with. Henry S.,) keeper of flret-class 
Jack, of Black Warrior breed, and far- 
mer 385. 

Henshaw, George W., (South Dansville,) 
farmer leases 36. 

Herrington, Aaron, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 40. 

Hiltstin, Conrad, (Dansville, Livineston 
Co.,) farmer 80. 

Hofman, Philip, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Holiday, Charles E., (South Dansville.) 

Hulbert, Catharine Mrs., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 100. 

HULBERT, JULIUS, (South DansviUe,) 
farmer 99. 

Hunt, Richard, (South Dansville,) farmer. 

Johnson, Amory C, (South Dansville,) 
(with Levi (?.,) farmer 275. 

Johnson, Charles, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 50. 

JOHNSON, LEVI Q., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 94, and (miMA Amary E.,) 875. 

Jones, Henry L., (South Dansville,) farmer 

JONES & KENNEDY, (Burns, Allegany 
Co.,) (PhilatiOer 8. J&nesand JohnS. 
Kennedy,) dry goods and groceries, also 

JONES, PHILANDER S., (Bums, Allega- 
ny Co.,) (Jonee tfe Ktnmdy.) 

Jones, Uriah, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 125. 

Karn8,.Daniel, (Bums, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 165. 

Kenel, Peter, (South Dansville,) farmer 75. 

KENNEDY, JOHN N., rBurns, Allegany 
Co.,) (Jones dh Kennedy.) 

Ketcham, Richard, (South Dansville,) 

Kiefer Lewis, (South Dansville,) farmer 86. 

Kiel, Elizabeth Mrs., (South Dansville.) 
farmer 50. 

Kimball, Margaret, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 85. 

ville,) (Dyer L. Kingsleyand Ledran H. 
Jienjamln,) general merchants and 

TrTs???J'T"SS''S?FS,''f ''°°'8 a"d shoes. 
KIN QbLEY, DYER L., (South Dansville,) 

(SingaUy cfc Benjamin.) 
Kreidler Proderlok, (South Dansville,) fiir- 

mer 138. 

Kridler, Cyrus, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Kridler, Peter, (South Dansville,) farmer 

KRIDLER, SIMEON, (South Dansville,) 
farmer 400. 

Kriedler, Daniel, (South Dansville,) farmer 

KUDER, HENRY A., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 100. 

Kurtz, Jacob, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Lander, Christian, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 130. 

Lander, Frederick, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 90. 

Lavrrcnce, Jane Mrs., (South Dansville,} 
farmer 204. 

LEVERS, JOHN, (Doty's Comers,) farmer 

Lieb, Alexander, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 61. 

Look, Jacob D., (South Dansville,) retired 

Losey, Franklin W., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 870. 

Losey, Willium H., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 97>f . 

LOSEY, ZEBULON,' (South Dansville,) re- 
tired farmer. 

Lyon, Isaac,' (South Dansville,) farmer 150. 

Mark, Anthony, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Mark, John, (South Dansville,) farmer 52. 

Marvin, James, (South Dansville,) farmer 

MATHEWS, JAMES H., (South Dansville,) 
proprietor of steam savr mill, manufac- 
turer of shingles, lumber and lath, also 

Mathews, William, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 106. 

Maynard, James, (South Dansville,) farmer 

McMaster, Moses, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) 
produce dealer. 

McWoolever, James, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 168. 

Miller, James, (South Dansville,) former. 

MILLER, MORGAN L., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 125. 

Moe, Tollman, (Bums, Allegany Co.) 

Morrell, Cassander, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 1. 

Morrison, Geo. M., (South Dansville,) black- 

Mosher, William, (Burns, Allegany Co. J 

Neiss, Jacob, (South Dansville,) carpenter 
and joiner and fkrmer 27. 

Newcomb, Hoyt, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Newcomb, Joseph, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 49. 

Nichols, Edmund, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 160. 

Oatley, Ward, (South Dansville,) wagon 

Oliver, Charles, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Owston, Jonathan, (South Dansville.) far- 
mer 100. 

Paff. Philip. (South Dansville,) farmer 37. 

PATTERSON, ROWLEY, (Dansville, Liv- 
ingston Co..) farmer 147. 



Phelps, Jerome, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Phelps, Perrv, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Pierce James L., (South Dansville,) Ijlack- 

Preston, Othaniel, (South Danaville,)farmer 

(Corning,) Quincy W. Wellington, Pres- 
ident ; Wm. E. Higman, Cashier; capi- 
tal $56,000; cor. Pine and Market. 

Ean, John, (Dansville, Livinsstou Co.,) far- 
mer 214. 

Riindall, Edwin "V., (Dansville, Livingston 
Co..) produce dealer. 

Reed, Hiram, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) farmer 

Reed, Linae, (South Dansville,) farmer 112. 

Roberts, Melvin P., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 214. 

Rohinson, Bliphalet, (South Dansville,) saw 
mill and farmer 20. 

Robinson, E. K., (South Dansville,) farmer 

Rollins, John, (South Dansville,) farmer 64. 

RO WE, ABNER D., (Dansville, Livingston 
Co.) , „ 

f ROWLEY, AMBROSE L., (South Dans- 
ville,) miller. 

Saverbier, Casper, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Schobmehl, Jacob, (South Dansville,)farmer 

80. .„ , 

Schubmehl, Nicholas, (South Dansville,) 
farmer 160. 

SHIPMAN, ISAAC, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 94. 

Shipman, Mathias, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 70. .,, , 

Shipman, Kuth A. Mrs., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 70. „ „,„ 

Small, Francis, (South Addison,) farmer 248. 

Smith Amos, (South Dansville,) farmer 150. 

Smith, William, (South Dansville,) mason. 

Snider, Jacob, (South Dansville,) farmer 

SPONABLE,-HERMAN, (South Dansville,) 

farmer 133. ^ . . 

SPREGG, PRANK, panaville, Livingston 

Co..) farmer leases 94. 
STANSELL, JOHN,(South Dansville,) mill- 
wright and wagon maker. 
Staub, John, (South Dansville,) farmer 97. 
Staub, Peter, (South Dansville,) farmer 52. 
Stevens, James H., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 80. 
Stone, Lydia Mrs., (South Dansville,) far- 
Straight, Elijah A., (South Dansville,) wag- 
on maker. , ,, ^^^ \ *•„,. 
Strait, Joseph, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 100. 

Sutfin, Abram, (Dansville, Livingston Co.,) 

farmer 178. 
SUTFIN, CHARLES L. G., (Dansville, Liv- 
ingston Co.,) farmer. 
SUTPIN, DAVID B., (Dansville, Living- 
ston Co.,) farmer. 
Swick, Jacob, (South Dansville,) farmer 154. 
Sylvester, Charle8,(Soutt Dansville,) farmer 

Sylvester, Enoch, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Sylvester, George, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Sylvester, Joseph, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Thomas, Harmon, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer leases 150. 
Wallace, Charles, (South Dansville,) farmer 

leases 100. 
Wallace, John, (South Dansville,) farmer 

leases 100. 
Wallace, Nehemiah, (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 265. 
Wallace, Timothy, (South Dansville.) far- 
mer 80. 
Wallace, Warren, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Webb, Amaziah H., (South Dansville,) far- 
mer 5X. 
WELDY & CARNEY, (Bums, Allegany 
Co., {Samuel E. Weldy and Almto Car- 
ney,) grocery and provision merchants. 
WELDY, JOHN, (Bums, Allegany Co.,) 

Eouitrj ueuier. 
DY, SAMUEL E„ (Burns, Allegany 
Co.,) {Weldy <£ Carney.) 

Wellington, Sarah Mrb., (South Dansville,) 
farmer 17. 

WHITE, GEORGE, (Doty's Comers,) far- 

WILBER, THOMAS, (Dansville, Living- 
ston Co.,) firmer 76. 

Wilkins, Austin H., (Burns, Allegany Co.,) 

Willey, George, (South Dansville,) farmer 
210. ^. . 

WILLIAMS, JOHN J., (Dansville, Living- 
ston Co.,) farmer 98. 

Witter, Alonzo, (South Dansville,) farmer 

Wolfaiiger, George, (South Dansville,) 
(wit/i Jacob Wolf anger,) farmer 125. 

Wolfanger, Jacob, (South Dansville,) (with 
George,) farmer 125. 

Wood, George B., (South Dansville,), far- 
mer 90. 

Wood, Oscar A., (South Dansville,) carpen- 
penter and joiner. 

Woolever, Hiram, (Burns, Allegany Co.,) 

Woolever, James P., (South Dansville,) 

farmer 86 and leases 100. 
, Zeliff, Adam, (South Dansville,) farmer. 



Manafactiirers' of all Kinds of 


This old, well known and reliable firm is located at 


Between the Tillage and Cook's Mills, where they have been doing business for the last 
20 years In the manufacture of Edge Tools, together with general Blacksmlthlng, 
Their Tools are justly celebrated f&r their fine quality and even temper, as hundreds in 
this County can testify. And in the line of Blacksmithing they cannot be excelled: 
especially in FanC7 Borse Shoeing, to which they pay especial attention. 
Work warranted and charges reasonable. 

T. I. ABER, 

Besidence 6 

i Main St. 


Residence 41 Morris St- 

Dodge & lord, 

Manufacturers of 



Of every description and in the various styles of finish, and containine all modem 
6Tw^mS!R?°y.^?l^,';S ^.°^^J° "^« '"■"^e- Buoh as TREMOLO, SUB BASS, COM- 

Rooms' A*il.^1»'^V.^?' ^'^^ooi.s, churches. tECTrSB 

more "desired ''""'*'^®» """* containing from one to four Seta of Eeeds, or, 

win'herp"flSS'«,*i'?^"o'J°'''"?^*°'"'^°''''¥^»°'J *•'« t™^"- Also retail customers 
with tin?Pi^f f/*™'"^''^ oTcheapness of material and light expenses, as compared 
FIVETEAHm""^„^°"%^"^^- .•^" ^."^ warranted flrlt-class, and for a tem of 
DIVE YEARS. Factory, Hintermister Block, Jl StateSt., opposite Watkins' Exchange, 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, B. C, (Painted Post,) Sunday 

echool missionary. 
Badger, HarTey P., (Painted Post,) farmer 

Badger, Herbert, (Painted Post,) farmer 50. 
Badeer, Herbert L., (Painted Post,) gro- 
ceries and provisions. 
Balcom Brothers, (Painted Post,) (Choi, 
and Saimiil^) manufacturers of lumber 
and farmers 710. 
Balcom, Charles, (Painted Post,) (Balcom 

Balcom, Lyman, (Painted Poet,) farmer SSO. 
Barr, Thomas, (Painted Post,) farmer 125. 
BEATY, A. D., (Cooper's Plains,) (Beaty 

BEATY BROS., (Cooper's Plains,) (A. D., 
James and Napokon,) props, saw and 
grist mills, dealers in lumber, flour, 
feed &c. 
BEATY, JAMES, (Cooper's Plains,) (Beaty 

BBATY, NAPOLEON, (Cooper's Plains.) 

(Beaty Brothers.) 
Beebe, Benjamin, (Painted Post,) (Beebe A 

Beebe & McGrath, (Painted,) (Ber\j. 
Beebe and Henry A. McOrath,) general 
Beers, Joseph H., (Painted Post,) farmer 

BEERS, UHlj (Painted Post,) farmer. 
Birdsall, H. H., (Painted Post,) farmer 400. 
Blackman, Andrew, (Cooper's Plains,) 

dealer in .stone pumps and washing 

Borland, E. S., (Painted Post,) farmer 

Bradbury, C. 3. Rev., (Painted Post,) M. E. 

Bronson, Alva, (Painted Post,) (with James 
F. Simmons.) in charge of saw mill. 

BKONSON, WILLIAM C., (Painted Post,) 
(W. C. Branson <6 Co.,) (A. Weston <t 
Co.,) (Fox, Weston & Branson,) far- 
mer 10. T, X X 

Bronson, W. C. & Co., (Painted Post,) 
(Wm. C. Branson, 0. Weston, C. B.Mr- 
win, M. H. McOrath and W. Calkins,) 
manufacturers of sash, blinds and 
doors. . ™ . ^ 

BRUNDAGE, DAVID, (Cooper's Plains,) 
manufacturer of aU kinds of carriages, 
coaches, carts, &c. „ , , • 

Burnside, (i. B., (Painted Post,) farmer 
leases 130. . ^ , v 

Caiu, James, (Painted Post,) telegraph 
operator. , _ ^\ / a 

Calkins, William H., (Painted Post,) (A. 
Weston (6 Co.,) (Tf. 0. Bmnson f Co.) 

Compbell, Solomon, (Painted Post,) farmer 


CARPENTER, N., (Painted Post,) (Cher- 
ry & Carpenter.) 

Chatfleld, Mrs., (Corning^) farmer 6. 

CHERRt & CARPENTER, (Painted Post,) 
(./. B. Cherry and Jf -Carpenter,) groce- 

Clapham, Thomas, (Painted Post,) fore- 
man of planing mill. 
Cleary, John, (Corning,) farmer 100. 
Cole, William, (Painted Post,) farmer 125. 
Cooper, Arthur E.,(Cooper'B Plains,)farmer 

Cooper, Charlotte E., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 500. 
COOPER, FRANCIS E., (Cooper's Plains,) 

farmer 500. 
Cooper, Frederick, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 600. 
Cooper, John E., (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Cooper, Theodore, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 600. 

Plains,) Philip Miller, prop, 
rtright, Albert A., (Painted I 
office and saloon. 

Cortright, Albert A., (Painted Post,) news 

Covenhoven, Peter, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Covert & Dorman, (Painted Post,) (John 
Covert and Bkigene C. Dorman,) meat 
market and provision store. 

Covert, John, (Painted Post,) (Covert A 

Cowley, Barney, (Painted Post,) farmer 254. 

CROUCH, WILLIAM T., (Painted Post,) 
manufacturer of boots and shoes. 

CUTLER, JOHN K,, (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 125. 

DeWitt, A. W., (Painted Post,) station 

Dorman, Engene C, (Painted Post,) (Co- 
vert & Barman.) 

Dowdle, Walter, (Painted Post,) farmer 40. 

Drake, Lewis M., (Painted Post,) farmer 86. 

Dunkle, Ell F., (Painted Post,) wagon 

BDMISTER, WILLIAM H., (Painted Post,) 
prop, of Erwin House and farmer 250. 

EDWARDS, HENRY D., (Painted Post,) 
postmaster, dealer in and repairer of 
watches, clocks, jewelry, &c., also en- 

Brwm, Anna L., (Painted Post,) farmer 432. 
Erwin, Arthur, rPainted Post,) farmer 400. 
Erwin, Arthur H., (Painted Post,) farmer 

Erwin,' Charles H., (Painted Post,) (A. 

Weston <t Co.,) (W. C. Bronson & Co.) 
Erwin, DaWitt C, (Painted Post,) farmer 

442 and leases 432. 
Erwin, Edward E., (Painted Post,) farmer 

ERWIN, EUGENE H., (Painted Post) 

prop, steam saw mill, farmer 1,094, 

and leases 871. 
Erwin, Francis, (Painted Post,) farmer 820 
Erwin, Francis E. Gen., (Painted Post,) 

farmer 150. 
ERWIN HOUSE, (Painted Post,) Wm. H. 

Edmister, prop. 
Erwin, William, (Painted Post,) farmer 


ryl saloon and billiard room 11 • f,HABLE8 B., (Painted Post,) 

CHERRY, J. B., (Painted Post,) (Cherry <t BVA^s, oiiaxu.ji.d a., y 





FAEWELL, BENJAMIN, (Painted Post,) 
mannfactarcr and dealer in boots and 
Ferenbaugh, Valentine, (Painted Post,) 

harness maker. 
Ford, i-zra, (Painted Post,) farmer 185. 
FOX, ALANSON J., (Painted Post,) (JFox, 

Weston & Broneon.) 
Post,) (estate of Norman Fox,) (Alan- 
son J. Fox, AUjah Weston and Wm. 0. 
Jlronson,) manufs. and wholesale deal- 
ers in all kinds of sawed lumber, lath, 
pickets, shingles, clapboards, dressed 
floorini?, ceiling, .fee, and farmer 10,000. 
Frost, J. Mrs., (Painted Post,) milliner. 
Gibson, John, (Painted Post,) farmer 303. 
Gilbert, Eachael Mrs., (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 900. 
Graham, Ichabod, (Painted Post,) foreman 

of Bhingte mill. 
Gray, Andrew, (Painted Post,) farmer 30 

and leases 10. 
GRAY, NATHAN, (Painted Post,) "Brick 
Pomeroy" Genius, occupation painter. 
Harnden, David H., (Cooper's Plains,) 

HAVENS, WILLIAM H., (Cooper'« Plains,) 

(.Jenningt & Havens.) 
Hill, William, tainted Post,) blacksmith. 
Hodgman, L. D., (Painted Post,) (W. S. 

Hodgman <fc Co.) 
Hodgmau, W. S. & Co., (Painted Post,) 
(Z. D. Hodgman,) wholesale and retail 
dealers in flonr, feed, plaster and lum- 
ber and farmers 550. 
Howard, Aaron, (Painted Post,) shoemaker. 
Howell & Sayles, (Painted Post,) {8. B. 
Howell and A. S. Sayles,) general mer- 
Howell, S. B., (Painted Post,) (Howell d: 

Howell, William N., (Painted Post,) livery 

and ezchan°;e stables. 
Hubbard, M. wT^ (Cooper's Plains,) (Hub- 
bard cfe Soss.) 
Hubbard & Ross, (Cooper's Plains,) (M. W. 
Hubbard and CD. Boss,) dealers in 
drygoods, groceries and provisions. 
JENNINGS & HAVENS, (Cooper's Plains,) 
(Him. Jennings and Wm. H. Haeens,) 
carriage ironing and custom work, 
horseshoeing, &c, 
JENNINGS, WILLIAM, (Cooper's Plains,) 
_ (Jennings <6 Havens.) 
KIMBLE, CHABLES H., (Painted Post,) 

Kinsella, Lawrence, (Painted Post,) en- 

, is, George, (Painted Post,) farmer 
leases 900. 
Lovell, Calvin, (Painted Post,) farmer 95. 
Mann, S. p., (Painted Post,) farmer 50. 
MoCarty, Daniel, (Painted Post,) farmer 60. 
Bo''''' ■'^®''°''' (Painted Post,) farmer 

"°^16o'*'°' •^'""**' (Painted Pdst;) farmer 

McGrath, M. H., (Painted Post,) (W. C 

Branson <6 Oo.Y '' * 

McKean, D. F., (Coming,) farmer 101. 

METCALF, HUBBARD, (Painted Post,) 

carriage maker and blacksmith. 
MILLER, PHILIP, (Cooper's Plains.) prop. 
Cooper's Plains Hotel, and farmer 
leases li, 

Morse, Henry. (Corning,) farmer 100. 

Morse, Samuel, (Corning,) farmer 100. 

Morse, Willard C, (Painted Post,) farmer 

OECUTT; DANIEL, (Painted Post,) drugs 
and medicines, paints, oils, toilet arti- 
cles, pure wines and liquors and dye 

Owen, Alvin, (Painted Post,) blacksmith. 

Palmer, John L., (Painted Post,) carriage 

Parkhnrst, Porter D., (Painted Post,) gen- 
eral merchant. 

Patterson, Alilred D., (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 417. 

Patterson, John M., (Painted Post,) farmer 

Paul, George, (Painted Post.) 

Paul, James, (Painted Post,) well-digger. 

Peck, Joseph, (Corning,) farmer 70. 

Phenes, Barnabas, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Phenes, Martin, (Painted Post,) farmer 60. 

Piatt, Cephas F., (Painted Post,) president 
of the Bank of Caynga Lake, lawyer 
and farmer 932. 

Piatt, Mary B. Mrs., (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 275. 

Potter, Hiram, (Cooper's Plains,) flour and 

Pusey, Israel, (Painted Post,) (Cyrus Pule 
<4 Co.) 

Pyle, Cyrus & Co., (Painted Post,) (Israd 
Pusey and N. Spencer Tliomas,) mann- ■ 
facturers of Extract of Hemlock Bark. 

Post,) eclectic physician. ,.i|i 

Rhodes, Joseph, (Coming,) fanner 590. :# 

Ross, C. D., (Cooper's P&ms,) (HiMara^ \ 

Savory, Willis J., (Painted Post,) prop, of 

Fainted Post Hotel. 
Sayles, A. K., CPointed Post,) (Howell A 

Setts, Isaac, (Painted Post,) barber. 
Shepard, James, (Corning,) farmer 100. 
Shinner, Patrick, (Corning,) farmer 65. 
SHULTS, JOHN A., (Cooper's Plains,) 

post master, R. R. ticket agent, %ent 

U. S. Ex. Co., justice of the peace, 

inetice of sessions, also dealer In all 
:ludB of lumber, agent for the Ohio 
and Buckeye Combined Reapers and 

Simmons, James F., (Painted Post,) (with 
A. Branson,) in charge of saw mill, i 

Smith, A. M., (Painted Post,) photograph 

Smith, Edward H., (Painted Post,) fore- 
man in lumber yard. 

SMITH, JOHN S., (Painted Post,) grocer- 
ies, provisions, perfumery and yankee 

Steen, Hugh, (Painted Post,) tailor. 

Stewart, Crayton, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Stewart, Robert,(Painted Poet,) farmer 125. 
Stewart, William, (Cooper's Plains,) boot 
and shoe maker. j 



Terry. JIareena, (Painted Post,) allopathic 

Thomas, N. Spencer, (Painted Post,)(Cy 
rus Pyle & Co.) 

Thompson, Anthony, (Painted Poet,) car- 
penter and farmer 6T. 

THOMPSON, JAMES W.. (Painted Post,) 
carpenter and farmer 67. 

TOBIAS, JAMES S., (Painted Post,) attor- 
ney at law. 

Townaend, Edward, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Tuttle, Charles, (Painted Post,) foreman of 
lath mill. 

VanDeusen, John C, (Painted Post,) 
( Yovng d: Van Deusen.) 

Voak, Charles W., (Painted Post,) farmer 

WAKD, REUBEN, (Painted Post,) fanner 

Ward, Reuben C, (Painted Post,) farmer. 

"Welch, Edward, (Corning,) farmer 60. 

Welch, William, (Corning,) farmer 50. 

Welch, , (Painted Post,) farmer 190. 

WESTON, ABIJAH, (Painted Poet,) {Fox, 
Weston <£ Branson.) 

Weston, A. & Co., (Painted Po8t,)(^. TT^y- 
ton, Wm. C. Bronson, Chas. H. Erwin 
and Wm. H. Calking.) prop'rs Painted 
PoBt Iron Works, iron founders, ma- 
chinists and boiler makers. 

Weston, O., (Painted Post,) (TF. C. Bron- 
8on S Co.) 

Wilcox, Calvin, (Painted Post,) farmer 440. 

Wilder, James, (Painted Post,) blackemith. 

Williams, H. N., tPainted Post,) cabinet 

WOOD, AUGUSTUS H., (Painted Poet,) 
saloon and restaurant. 

Wood, Barry C., (Painted Post,) gunsmith. 

Youmans, J. F., (Cooper's Plaini?,) dealer 
in groceries and medicines, and deputy 
post master. 

Young, Francis E., (Painted Post,) (Young 
(fc Van Deusen.) 

Young tfe Van Deusen, (Painted Post,) 
{Francis E. Y&unr/ and John C. Van 
Deusen,) dealers in hardware. 

IF" ^8. E3 I^iff o I»3" "3? . 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Allis, Almon T., (Stephens' Mills,) (with 
IraB..) farmer 125. 

Allls, Ira B., (Stephens' Mills,) {with Al- 
mon y.,) farmer 125. 

Babcock, J. E., (Stephens' Mills,) carpen- 
ter and joiner and farmer 121. 

BABCOCK, W. W., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 

B.iker, Morfan, (Haskinville,) farmer 100. 

Baker, Philo, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 163. 

Baker, Reuben, (Haskinville,) farmer 100. 

Baldwin, A. H., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

BARBER, JOHN H., (Stephens' MiUs,) 
school teacher and farmer 100. 

Barber, Joseph, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer. 

Barber, Luciuda, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Bardeen, E., (Stephens' Mills.) farmer 100. 
Bardeen, George C, (Hornellsville,) car- 
penter and farmer 102M. 
Bartholomew, Justus Rev., (Stephens 

Mills,) farmer 45. ,,.„ ^ , 

.BEEBE, JOSHUA, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
' mer 23}^. 

'.BEECHER, OREN, (Haskinville,) (with, 
' Sylvester Saiford,) farmer leases 100. 
: BEEOHER, R. F., (Haskinville,) horse and 
cattle doctor and farmer leases of John 
Donahe. 102. 
•Benjamin, Silas, (HaeldnviUe,) farmer 164. 
(Bcunett, David, (Hornellsville,) farmer 100. 


Mills,) farmer 48. 
BENTON, HENRY, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Billings, John, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

BLIVEN, ELIJAH P., (Stephens' Mills,) 

gost master, general merchant and 
otel prop., also pastor of Fremont 
Bowen, Wm. H., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 
150. .„ , 

BRIDGE, FLINT Y., (South Dansville,) 

farmer 50. 
Briggs, Warren, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Bronner, Josiah, (Hornellsville,) farmer 4. 
Bronson, A. H., (Stephens' Mills,) mason. 
Bronson, Jas., (Haskinville,) farmer 70. 
Brownell, Daniel, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

leases 54. 
Bryant, Eleanor Mrs., (Stephens' Mills,) 

farmer 52. , „ 

Buck, John A., (Stephens Mills,) farmer 

Bullock, Caleb, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

BURD, LEWIS P., (Stephens Mills,) 

( Wainright & Burd.] 
Burden, T. D., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

leases 97;(?. 



BtTRDITT, PAUL S., (HasklnviUe,) far- 
mer 30. 

Burnham, JoBeph I., (Hornellevllle,) far- 
mer 160. 

Butcher, Edmand, (HomellBTille,) farmer 

Canfleld, Milo, (Stephens Mills,) farmer 

CANUTE, JACOB, (Stephens Mills,) far- 
mer leases 76. 
Carrington, Ira, (Haskinrille,) farmer SIS. 
Chapman, Lovina, (Hasklnvllle,) farmer 30. 
CHObbUCK, JOHN, (Howard,) printer 

and farmer 79. 
Coddington, Wm. B., (HomellavUle,) far- 

znfip Ic&BGB TS 
COLLER, WM.,' (HornellsvlUe,) farmer 

leases 150. 
Collins, Geo., (Httsklnville,) farmer 860. 
Conderman, Hiram, (Haskinville,) hlack- 

Conderman, Isaac, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer leases 140, 
Conderman, Jacob, (HaskinTllle,) farmer 

Conderman, Jacob H., (Stephens' Mills,) 

farmer S85. 
CONDERMAN, JACOB R., (Haskinville,) 
farmer 87, and leases of Cornelius 
Conderman, 8S. 
Conderman, John D., (Stephens' Mills,) 

farmer 564. 
Conderman, Phebe M., (Stephens' Mills,) 

farmer 60. 
Conderman, Samuel H., (Stephens' Mills,) 

Cook, Daniel, (Haskinrille,) farmer 117. 
COOK, D. C, (Haskinville,) farmer 38. 
Cornell, Correll, (Stephens' Mills,) former 

Cornue, Myndert, (Haskinville,) farmer 98. 
Cotton, Daniel M., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer leases 76. 
Cotton, Henry, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Cotton, Samuel S., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 42. 
COTTON, WM. Q., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 136. 
Cridler, Wm. W., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 153. 
Cummings, Henry, (Homellsville,) firmer 

Dartt, Burton, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 90. 
DAVIS, ALFRED, (Stephens' Mms,)farmer 

DAVIS, JA8., (Stephens' Mills,) mason and 

farmer 100. 
Demmery, Bllsha, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Demmery, Warren, (Stephens' Mills,) fiir- 

mer leases 100. 
Dexter, D., (Stephens' Mill?,) farmer leases 

Dunham, David, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Dunham, Lewis, (Stephens' Mills,) former 

DUNHAM, O. W., (Stephens' Mills,) car- 

Fisher, Cornelius, (Eornellsville,) farmer 

FISHER, JAS. M., (Hornellsjrille,) farmer. 

Mills,) farmer leasee 67. 
Fox, Adam, (Haskinville,) farmer 136. 
Freelove, Wm., (Haskinville,) farmer 45. 
Fuller, Leander, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

leases 60. 
Gates, Alvin, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 105. 
Gates, Andrew J., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Gates, Celia D., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Gates, Geo. W., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Gates, Siphoms, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

100. , 

Gload, John A., (Homellsville,) prop, steam 

saw mill. 

penter and farmer. 
Bveland, Joseph, (Stephens' MlUs,) farmer 

BVBLAND, WESLEY, (Stephens' MiUs,) 

„ , Men- 

zoS.,) farmer 55. 

GREENE, FRANK M., (Homellsville,) far- 

Greene, Menzo R., (Homellsville,) farmer 
50, and {wUh A. B.,) 55. 

Grey, Morris, (Haskinville,) farmer 60. 

Harding, Morrison, (Homellsville,) farmer 

Harris, Wm. B., (Haskinville,) farmer 98. 
Hathaway, H. D,, (Homellsville,) farmer 

Haw, Henry, (Haskinville,) wagon maker 

and farmer 4. 
Head, Daniel, (Stephens Mills,) ftmner 160. 
Head, Hubbard W. R., (Stephens Mills,) 

farmer 25 and leases 70. 
Head, Jas., (Haskinville,) farmer 80. 
Head, Louisa, (Haskinville,) teacher and 

farmer 25. 
Hedges, Delos, (Haskinville.) farmer ISO. 
Helmer, Adam, (Stephens Mills,) farmer 

Helmer, Cyrus C, (Stephens Mills,) farmer 

Helmer, Jacob, (Howard,) farmer leases SCO. 

Hendee, Samuel B., (Stephens Mills,) black- 
smith and farmer 108. 

Hicox, Samuel, (Haskinville,) farmer 1S4. 

Hoag, Bllsha, (Haskinville,) lumberman 
and farmer 136. ' 

Holden, Jediah, (Stephens Mills,) termer 1. 

Holden, Joseph, (Stephens Mills,) farmer ^ 

Hopkins, Chas., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

leases 112H. 
HORTON, LAUREN, (Howard,) farmer 

Huguanir, Adam, (Haskinville,) farmer «5. ; 
Huguanir, David A., (Stephens' Mills,) fir- 
mer 122. ! 
Huguanir, L. V., (Stephen's Mills,) farmer , 

50. I 

Hulhert, Benjamin, (Homellsville,) farmer I 

76. \ 

Hulbert, Cyrenns, (Homellsville,) farracr60. * 
Hnlbert, Freeman, (Stephens' Mills,) far- ,i 

mer80. ' ^ >• .|*i 

Hurlburt, Byron C, (Haskinville,) carpen- i 

ter and farmer 10. 
INGALLS, ISAIAH, (Stephens' Mills,) fa^ ii 

mer inn And Ifinaaa RR J* 

mer 100 and leases 66. 




IvlaoD, Thos.,(Hornellsville,) farmor leaBea 

Jolinson, Bnakirk, (HaakinTille,) farmer 80. 
.JghnBon, Wm,, CHaBkinville,) farmer 9S. 
J^ones, Harley, (Haskinville,) farmer 100. 
Jones, Seymour, (HiiBkinville,) farmer 50 

and leasee 100. 
KELLY, CHAS. A., (Haskinville,) tootand 

shoe maker. 
Kelly, John, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 140. 
KELLY, JOHN M., (Stephens' MUla,) far- 
mer 64 and leases 140. 
Kilbury, Joel, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

leases 145. 
Kilbury, Bo'oert, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Lake, Israel, (Hornellsville,) farmer IBS. 
Leigh, Daniel D., (Howard,) farmer 270. 
Lewis, Calvin D., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Luther, James, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

MANHABT, D., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

MASON, BBENBZEE H., (Hornellsville,) 

farmer 114. 
Maxfleld, Levi, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

. Maynard, Eichard, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 

, mer 100. 

McCallum, Daniel S., (Hornellsville,) hor- 
ticulturist and farmer 60. 

McCallum, FInlay, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

" 120. 

McCallum, Hugh, (Hornellsville,) farmer 72. 

HcNaughton, John, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

McNaughton, Bobert, (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer leases 1.^0. 

Meads, Asal, (Haskinville,) farmer leases 

MILlER, CHAS. N., (Haskinville,) post 
.master and farmer 35. 

Miller, Frederick, (Haskinville,) farmer 100. 

Miller, Geo., (Haskinville,) farmer 40. 

Miiler, Increase, (Stephens Mills,) farmer 

Miller, Milan, (Stephens Mills,) farmer 88. 

Morris, H., (Haskinville,) farmer 27X. 

MYERS, JAS., (Howard,) farmer leases 

Myers, Samuel, (Haskinville,) farmer leases 

Nicholson, Charles, (Hornellsville,) farmer 
' SO 

NIPHER, JOHN, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

O'Brien, Edward, (Hornellsville,) farmer 50. 
: OER,IRA, (Hornellsville,) farmer 100. 

Mills,) farmer 75. , ,,.„ , .... 

Osborn, Lewis M., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 55. , „,„ , ,,„ 

Osborn, Luther M., (Stephens' MlUs,) far- 
mer 110. 

RANDALL, S. B., (Haskinville,) shoe- 

Easy, Mathew, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 
leases 90. 

Eathbun, Fanny, (Howard,) farmer 50. 

Eathbnn, Isaac K., (Haskinville,) farmer 73. 

Eathbun, Wilson, (Howard,) farmer 70. 

Eazy, Asa, (Haskinville,) farmer 141. 

Ready, Philander, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

EIDER, MIEON H., (Haskinville,) farmer. 

Page, Esek, (Haskinville,) farmer 346. 
Patterson, Edward, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 

PawTing^^lienry J., (Haskinville,) farmer 

Phillips, Asa, (Stephen's Mills,) '"."ff 1.^9- 
Finchio, AMn A., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 

mer 150. 

RIDER, OREN L., (HaBkinville,) prop, of 
Haskinville Hotel, grocery and fanner 
Rider, Samuel, (Haskinville,) farmer 125. 

Roberts, John W., (Haskinville,) flirmer 

80 and leases 80. 
EobertB, Wm. D., (Stephens' Mills,) wagon 

Eobinson, Simeon, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 96. 

Rose, John, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer leases 

Eumsey Squire, (Stephens' Mills,) harness 

EuBSell, Harrison, (Howard,) farmer 110. 

SANFOED, SYLVESTER, (Haskinville,) 
{with Oren Beecher,) farmer leases 100. 

Sayles, Stephen, (Howard,) farmer 160. 

Seeley, J. E., (Haskinville,) wagon maker. 

Series, Obadiah, (Hornellsville,) farmer 90 
and (wUh Wm. D..) 81. 

Series, Wm. D., (Hornellsville,) farmer 50 
and {with Obadiah,) 81. 

Shell, John, (HaskinvilleJ farmer 100. 

Shepherd, George W., (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 130. 

Shults, Jerome, (Haskinville,) farmer 150. 

Shults, Mary, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 60. 

Smith, Lidy, (Haskinville,) farmer 15. 

Smith, Silas. (Haskinville,) farmer 175. 

Sommers, Arthur, (Haskinville,) farmer 50. 

Spalding, Luther, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Sprague, Geo. H., (Haskinville,) farmer 40. 

Stephens, Elisha G., (Stephens' Mills,) 
prop, grist mill, saw mill and farmer 

Mills,) farmer 110. 

Stephens, James, (Stephens' Mills,) black- 
smith. ,,.„ , . 

Stephens, Maria, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

STEPHENS, WM. B., (Stephens' Mills,) 

miller and apiarian. 

Tester, Peter M., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

TBEFT, JOHN, (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 

Timmerman, Levi, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer leases 52. 

TRAVIS, JAS., (Hornellsville,) farmer 113. 

Tripp, Daniel, (Haskinville,) farmer 68. 

Tripp, Francis G., (Stephens' Mills,) prop, 
shingle mill and farmer 100. 

TrowbriSge, Calvin, (Stephens' Mills,) 
farmer leases 45. 

Tuttle, Henry, (Haskinville,) farmer 70. 

Vankeuren, T. P., (Stephens' MUls,) far- 

VANVLECk, TEUNI8, (Stephens' Mills,) 
farmer 102. 



WAINEIGHT & BCRD, (Stephens' Mills,) 
{Daniel Wainrighl and Lewis F. Burd,) 

WAINEIGHT, DANIEL, (Stephens' Mills,) 
( WainrlgM, <fc Burd.) 

Ward, Duraatus, (Hornellsville.) farmer 86. 

Watlvins, Fernando, (Haslcinville,) farmer 

Webb, LeRoy J., (Haskinville,) blacksmith. 

Welch, Wm., (Haskinville,) farmer 33. 

Wellington, Erasmus, (Haskinville,) black- 

Westcoot, Willard, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 50. 

Wetmore, H. M., (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 69. 

Wheeler, Eohraim, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 200. 

Wheeler, H. L., (Hornellsville,) farmer 87. 
White, Bussell C, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Winnie, Bphraim, (llaskinville,) physician 

and surgeon. 

Woodward, Marshall, (HornellBville,) far- 
mer 100. 
Wright, David L., (Stephens' Mills,) farmer 


Wright, GeorM, (Haskinville,) farmer 90. 
Zimmerman, Horace, (Stephens' Mills,) far- 
mer 100. 

Mills,) farmer 136. 

Zimmerman, Richard, (Stephens' Mills,) 
retired farmer. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Atkins, Harriet, (Greenwood,) farmer 480. 
BakerjWilliam, (Greenwood,) farmer 103. 
Bess, William, ((jreenwood,) farmer 115. 
Bljir, William, (Greenwood,) larmer 80. 
Brown, Daniel, (Greenwood,) farmer 160. 
Brundage, Lnish,(Greenwood,) grist mill. 
Brnndage, Miller, (Greenwood,) justice of 

the peace. 
Bunker, George W., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Burger, Hiram, (Greenwood,) farmer 100. 
BOETaN, WILLIAM, (Greenwood,) black- 
smith and farmer 10. 
Campbell, Henry, (Greenwood,) farmer 100. 
Campbell, John, (Greenwood.) farmer 100. 
Carr, Francais, (Greenwood,) (viith P. 

0''Hargmi,) farmer. 
CAETER, PETER, (Greenwood,) laborer. 
Cocomen, Patrick, (Greenwood,) farmer 

COKLEY, MICHAEL, (Andover, Allegany 

Co.,) farmer 50. 
Cole, David D., (Greenwood,) farmer 126. 
COSTON, STEPHEN D., (Greenwood,) 

harness maker. 
Crane, Cavelier, (Greenwood,) farmer 39. 
Crusen, Abraham, (Greenwood,) farmer 

leases 60. 
Crusbu, C, (Greenwood,) farmer 60. 
Davis, Elias W., (Greenwood,) watch mak- 
er and jeweler. 
DAVIS, JOHN. (Greenwood,) {Greenwood 

Cheese Factory,) general merchant, and 

farmer 180. 
DAVIS. EBDMUND S., (Greenwood,) 

(Greenwood C/teese Factory,) (Ranunn 

<6 Davis.) 

Dell, George O., (Greenwood,) farmer 160. 
S??^S%,"''i?''Ph. (Greenwood,) farmer 16.3. 
ELLISON, JOSEPH H. Dr., (Greenwood,) 

Ersky, Chauucey J., (Greenwood,) farmer 

FISHER, GEORGE F., (Greenwood,) 
( Greenwood Cheese Factory,) hardware 

Fisher, Jacob, (Greenwodd,) farmer 80. 

Flinn, Michael, (Greenwood,) farmer 116. 

Flynn, Patrick, (Greenwood,) farmer 68; 

Foster, Jonathan B., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Foster, Philip L., (Greenwood,) farmer 70. 

Freeland, Thomas. (Greenwood,) farmer. 

French, John 8., (Greenwood,) farmer .3. 

Giant, John, (Greenwood,) farmer 160. 

Gillen, Hugh, (Greenwood,) farmer 40. 

Goldsmith, Julius, (Greenwood,) specula- 

Greenwood Cheese Factory, (Greenwood,) 
John Davis, Kedmon S. Davis, George 
F. Fisher and A. E. Stephens, proprie- 

GEEENWOOD HOr'EL, (Greenwood,) 

Davis L. McClay, prop. 
Hartrnm, John S., (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 184. . h J w 

Hartrnm, William L., (Andover, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer US. 

Hill, H., (Greenwood,) farmer. 

Hoyt, Jane, (Greenwood,) teacher. 

HUET, GE0E6B, (Greenwood,) farmer 

HUSH, WILLIAM H., (Greenwood,) far- 

Kellogg, Silas, (Greenwood,) dealer In hon- 
ey and beeswax. 

Keyhill, John, (Greenwood,) farmer 80. 

KING, LEONARD C, (Greenwood,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

LAVEETY, MAEGAEET, (Andover, Allfr 
gany Co.,) farmer 136, 



Leddy, JamsB H. EeT., (Qraenwood,) Cath- 
olic clergyman. 
Lehee, John &., (Greenwood,) fanner ISO. 
LINZA, ISAAC, (Greenwood,) cooper. 
McCaragho, Hugh, (Greenwood,) farmer 

McOerager, Henry Jr., (Greenwood,) far- 
mer 80. 

McCLAY, DAVIS L., (Greenwood,) prop. 
of Greenwood Hotel and farmer leases 

McCormick, James W., (Greenwood,) far- 
mer lOO- J , , 

McOormlck, John, (Greenwood,) farmer 80. 

McCormlck, John L., (Greenwood,) farmer 

McCormlck, Patrick, (Greenwood,) farmer 

McCormlck, Thomas, (Greenwood,) farmer 

METTSON, QBO. Q., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Millar, Andrew, (Greenwood,) farmer 160. 
Millar, James, (Greenwood,) farmer 160. 
Miner, Alden, (Greenwood,) farmer 92. 
Miner, A. J., (Greenwood,) farmer 92. 
MttUan, A. & H., (Greenwood,) farmer 184. 
Mullen, Archibald, (Greenwood,) farmer 

Murray, Thomas, (Greenwood,) farmer 94. 
O'HAKGAN, PATEICK T., (Greenwood,) 

carpenter and Joiner and farmer 160. 
O'Hargen, Neal, (Greenwood,) farmer 270. 
PATCraSN, CHAKLBS N., (Greenwood,) 

billiard aaloon and farmer 45. 
PEASE, L., (AndoTer, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 156. , ^ _ .,„_ 
Pease, Levi, (Greenwood,) farmer 120. 
Pease, Mathias, (Greenwood.) farmer 190. 

Pontine, , (Greenwood,) farmer 60. 

Prentice & Whiting, (0^™"°"^' )OT'?S 
S. PrenOce and John W. Whitiifig,) dry 
goods and grocery dealers. 
Prentice, William E., (Greenwood,) (Pren- 
tice i Whiting.) ,.™,„ 07 
Putman, Hiram, (Greenwood,) farmer 97. 
EAMENN & DAVIS, (Greenwood,) (W- 

' boot and shoe store. 

KAMBNN, VALENTIME, (Greenwood,) 
(Bamtnn & DavU.) 

Eeynolds, Norman, (Greenwood,) farmer 40. 
Richards, Alvah, (Greenwood,) farmer 80. 
Eichey, Mathias, (Greenwood,) farmer 62. 
Rodgers, Andrew J., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Rodgers, Freeman, (Greenwood,) farmer 

Eodgers, George, (Greenwood,) farmer 80. 
RU6ER, JOHN A. Jr., (Greenwood,) wag- 
on maker. 
Scrihner, Lorenzo D., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Shaw, Darius, (Greenwood,) farmer 112. 
SHEFFIELD, E. H., (Greenwood,) physi- 
Sheffield, William H., (Greenwood,) physi- 
cian and Burgeon. 
Slocum, Clarke, (Greenwood,) (St^hmt <t 

SMITH, MEREBTT F., (Greenwood,) car- 
Starr, John, (Greenwood,) farmer 100. 
Stephens, A. R., (Greenwood,) (Greentcood 

Cheese Factory.) 
Stephens, James H., (Greenwood,) (Stephens 

& Slocumy) farmer 190. 
Stephens & Slocnm, (Greenwood,) (Jameji 
H. Stephens and Clarhe Sloctm,) rake 
factory and saw mill. 
Trowbridge, Aleric, (QreenwoodO cooper. 
Trowbridge, Bessy, (Greenwood,) farmer 

TURNER, JAMES, (Greenwood,; tinner. 
ITpdyke, Franeals, (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 

fanner 185. 
WARD, GEORGE, (Greenwood,) farmer 

WATERS, R. & G., (Greenwood,) clothiers. 
White, George S., (Greenwood,) gunsmith. 
White, J. B., (Greenwood,) farmer 120. 
Whiting. John W., (Greenwood,) (Prentice 

d- Whiting.) ^ , ^ . 

Whitwood, Julia, (Greenwood,) teacher. 
Williamson, John, (Andoyer, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 84. 
Wood, Enoch, (Greenwood,) farmer 140. 
Young, Benjamin, (Greenwood,) farmer 100. 
Young, Jeremie, (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 90. , , , j„ 

Toane, Rebecca, (Greenwood,) fcrmer 107. 
Young, William, (GreenwoodJ fanner 172. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Acker, Hngh J., (Pardy Creek,) farmer 337. 

Acker, John, (CanlBteo,) farmer 4U0. 

Allen, Cyrenaa M., (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
denti'Btand farmer leases 90. 

ALLISON, BIOHARD F., (Canieteo.) en- 
perviBor, lumberman and farmer^. 

Almy, A. W., (Pardy Creek,) farmer 1(B. 

Almy, JoBeph, (Purdy Creek,) former 100. 

Amidon, ChaB. B., (Furdy Creekj) lumber- 
man and farmers. 

Amidon, Lucy M., (Canlsteo,) farmer 178. 

AMIDON, MHLOb.y S., (Canlsteo,) farmer 
witb Lucy M. 

AMIDON, M. V. B., (CanUteo,) farmer 
67^ and leases 160. 

APPIER, DANIEL, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

ABhbauchj David, (Purdy Creek,) mason 
and farmer 97, and (,wUh Wm. S.,) 
leases 75. 

Ashbaiich, Wm. H., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 
191 and (with David,) leaeet 75. 

Eabcock, James L., (Alfi'ed, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 150. 

Baker, Klisha A., (Purdy Orfeek,) firmer 4(). 

BAKBB, LUCY, (Canisteo,) farmer 40. 

Beard, Daniel E., (Canisteo,) farmer leases 
150 and owns 68. 

Beard, Jas., (Canisteo,) cooper. 

Becker, John, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 57. 

Belisle, Wm. H., (Bennett's Creek,) far- 
mer 50. 

Best, Jonas, (Canisteo.) farmer 56. 

Beyea, Oscar, (Purdy CIreek,) farmer 50. 

BIJEDICK, ISAAC H., (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer S25. 

Burdick, Samuel H., (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
firmer 60 and leases 18. . 

Burdick, Wells M,, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer IS. 

Call, DaTid, (Pflrdy Creek,) farmer 85. 

Cannon, Michael, (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 50. 

Cames, Henry, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 

Carney, Bobert, (Canisteo,) farmer 76. 

CasB, MoeeB A., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 126. 

Clancy, Patrick, (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 50. 

Clark, Alexander, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

CLABK, JOEL J., (Bennett's Creek,) {with 
Wedty LangtS farmer 175. 

Clark, Joseph, (Alfred, Allegany Co. J far- 
mer 100. 
Clark, Lewis, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 900. 
Clark, Ryerson, (Purdy Creek,) blacksmith. 
Cline, George M., (Canisteo,) farmer 110. 
Cline, Jacob, (Canisteo.) former 60. 
Cline, John, (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 
Collins, Joseph, (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 50. 
Comfort, ThoB, M., (Canisteo,) farmer 800. 
COOK, EDMUND, (Canisteo,) carpenter 

and joiner and farmer 16. 
COOK, LELON A., (Canisteo,) (with Ed- 

COOK, LYMAN A., (Canisteo,) dealer in 
lumber, ties and farmer SIO. 

COOPER, JOSEPH W., (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer leases 13S. 

COKBBTT, DARIUS, (Canisteo,) farmer 

Corbett, Geo. B., (Canisteo,) farmer leases 

Crandall, Q. Morris, (Purdy Creek,) black- 
smith and farmer 9S>f . 

CRANE, JOHN H., (Canisteo,) farmer 960. 

Crane, William, (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 

Crusan, Nancy, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Danelson, Edmund, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

Demmery, Thos., (Canisteo,) farmer leases 

Dewey, HaUnah, (Purdy Creek,) farmer S5. 

Dideen, Jerry, (Canisteo,) farmer 60. 

Dizon, Anthony, (AndoVer, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 99; < 

Cikon, Patrick, (Andover, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 113. 

DonaldBon, Uiram, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

Donlon, John, (Hornellsville,) farmer 70. 

Dutoher, Chas., (Hornellsville,) farmer 76. 

Edwards, William, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 160. 

Bells, James, (Alfl'ed, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 120. 

EMERSON, MABTIN E., (Alfred, Allega- 
ny Cp.,) firmer 335. . 

EVens, Levi,'(Purdy Creek,) farmer 106. 

Kvermann, Theodore, (Purdy Creek,) far- 
mer 240. 

Foster, Adam, (Bennett's C*feek,) farmer 

Foster, Rod, (Beanett's Greek,) lumber- 

Frace, Wm., (Purdy Creek,) farmer leases 

FRANK, FEEDEBICK, (Alfrfed, Allegany 
Co.,) Sinner 150. 

GAHAET, JOHN, (Bennett's Creek,) far- 

GAY, EDWABD B., (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 

GAY, O. M., (Canisteo,) farmer. 

Gayhart, Wm., (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Goodno, Jonas, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 200. 

Green, Andrew J., (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 118. 

Gwin, J., (Andover, Allegany Co.,) farmer 

HALE, IRA, (Bennett's Creek,) firmer 127. 

HALE, WM., (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 155. 

Hall, Samuel, (Canisteo,) farmer 74. 

HALL, VARNUM G., (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) firmer 100. 

Halsted, Lycurgus, (Bennett's Creek,) far- 
mer leases 60. 

Harris, John, (Canisteo,) farmer 8. 
Harrison, Dwight, (CanlBteo,) farmer 100. 
Hays, Mtlo, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 103. 
Hemphill, John B., (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 114. 
Hemphill, Robert, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 200. - 



HempIiUl, Bobect D., (Alfired, Alleganr 

Co.,) nirmer IBO. 
HKNDEB, JAS. B., (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer S30. 
HENRY, ALLEN C. Ebv., fPurdy Creek,) 

pastor Baptist church and farmer ISO. 
Henry, Ann Mrs., (Pardy Creek,) farmer 

i , as5. , ,, 

BBNRr, JAS. M., (Purdy Creek,) justice 
of the peace and farmer 85. 

Henry, Joseph W., (Purdy Creek,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 36. 

Henry, Levi C, (Purdy Creek,) fkriner 156. 

Hinkley, Chancey H., (Canisteo,) farmer 

Holmes, Chas. A., (Canisteo,) farmer 200. 

HOOD, QEOEGB, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
carpenter and joiner and farmer 800. 

Hopper, Lawrence, (Canisteo,) farmerglO. 

JENKINS, CHAS. S., (Purdy Creek,)(«iMA 
Edsm. N., Beuben and Jered W.,) far- 
mer S15. 

JENKINS, EDSON N., (Purdy Creek,) 
{vAth Ohat. S., Eeubm and Jered W.,) 

JENKINS, JERED W., (Purdy Creek,) 
(wiih Chaa. S., EosanN. and Seuben,) 
farmer 215. , , ,,,, 

JENKINS, REUBEN, (Purdy Creek, )(«ii«A 
Chat. S.,Edion and Jered W.,) farmer 

Kaple, B. G., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 42. 

Ki5,LER, HENRY, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
(.toitk W. B. H.,) farmer 236. 

Keller, W. H. H., (Alfred, Alleeany Co.,) 
(aiMA Benry,) farmer 236. 

Kennedy, Aaron V., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

KENNEDY, FRANCIS, (Purdy Creek,) 

farmer 100. „ , ■ 

King, Luther, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 

leases 100. ,, _,., 

Lander, John, fCamsteo,) farmer 45 K. 
LANGS, WKSLEY,(BBnnett'B Creek,)(«iitft 

Joel J. Clark,) farmer 175. 
Langs, Wm., (Canisteo,) farmer 150. 
LANGS, WM. W., (Canisteo,) farmer. 
Luther, Amos, (Canisteo,) lumberman and 

farmer 100. „ , , , 

Martin, Ebenezer, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

Martin, Wiser, (Purdy Creek,) farmer leases 

Mathews, Wm.. (Purdy Creek,) farmer 67. 
McCain, Geo. W., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

McCAIN, SIMON L., (Purdy Creek,) far- 

McCAIN, THOS., (Pnrdy Creek,) lumber- 

McCarty, C, (Canisteo,) fanner 100. 
McGraw Dennis, (Purdy Creek,) carpenter 

and joiner, post master and farmer 1. 
ilerwin, George H., (Canisteo,) horticultur- 


NO^SSf r-^ 'fflL^BERT. (Bejmett.. 

OLIVER, iJlJTHER, (Bennett's Creek,) 
Orvis, Jas. 'c, (Canisteo,) farmer 150. 

OEVIS, WM. R., (West Greenwood,) far- 
mer 200. 

Palmiter, Hiram C, (Alfired, Allegany 
Co.,) blacksmith, carpenter and joiner. 

PALMITER, SILAS, (Alfted, Allegany 
Co.,) justice of the peace and farmer 

Pettibone, Jonathan, (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) dairyman and farmer 210. 

Pettibone, Jonathan Jr., (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer, 

Phelps, Dana, (Canisteo,) carpenter and 
farmer 130. , , 

Phelps, Walter A., (Canisteo,) farmer 125. 

POPE, HORATIO G., (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 84. 

Porter, Jas., (Canisteo.) lumberman. 

Potter, Eli'sha, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 100. „ , 

Potter, Mathew, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 126. „ , , 

Potter, Perry, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer 90. 

POWELL, DANIEL K., (Canisteo,) farmer 

POWELL, EDMUND K., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 100. 

Powell, Hiram P., (Canisteo,) farmer 94. 

Proper, Mary M., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 100. 

Purdy, Jonathan, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 75. 

EEED, CHAS. H., (Canisteo,) farmer. 

EEED, DANIEL, (Canisteo,) farmer 125. 

Eeihn, Patrick, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 

Reynolds, Sylvester H., (Pnrdy Creek,) 
auctioneer and farmer 100. . 

(vAth Tlws. Demerman.) farmer. 

Eollins, Austin, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 

Eowlo, Aarin, (Puray Creek,) fanner TO. 
Russell, Jacob D., (Purdy Creek,) fanner 

Sherman, Henry, (Purdy Creek,) fanner 

Smith, Abin, (Canisteo,) farmer 84. 
smith, David, (Canisteo,) farmer 1(M. 
Smith; Wm., (Canisteo,) horse and cattle 
doctor and farmer 100. ^„ ~ , , 

Stephens, Casslns, M. C, (Bennett's Creek,) 

StephensTDWel, (Bennett's Creek,) &nner 


Tiptt's Creek.) farmer 150. 
Stephens, Lle,lBennett's Creek,) farmer 

Stewart, John, (Purdy Creek,) fanner leases 

StrykCT, Newman P., (Pnrdy Creek,) fanner 

Stryker, Wm. H.,. (Purdy Creek,) fanner 

Tarberv John, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 
KSy, Minard, (Bennett's Creek,) far- 

ThateherVwm-K., (Purdy Creek,) farmer 

Tice^Chancy, (Pnrdy Creek,) fanner 85. 
Tice' Peter (Purdy Creek,) fanner 21. 
TmiierrThos!; (Ldover, Allegany Co.,) 

TEAm IEA; (Pnrdy Creek,) farmer leases 



Truman, Ephralm 0., (Canlstteo,) farmer 

Ig&bqs 1 iO> 
Tnller, Hemaii B., (Pnrdy Creek,) farmer 

Tnller, Isaac, (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 
TuUer, Morns, (Canisteo,) farmer 150. 
Tnller, Philemon, (Purdy Creek,) farmer 


T0LLBH, SHDBBL TV., (Purdy Creek,) 

farmer 180. ' 
VAN BTJSKIRK, CBLIA, (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 176. 
Vandusen, Benj., (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 
Vickers, Jacob, (Canisteo,) (foith Joseph^ 

farmer 200. 
Vickers, Joseph, (Canisteo,) (with Jacob,) 

farmer 200. 
"Wallace, Nathaniel, (Canisteo,) farmer 119. 
Whitfcird.Langford, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer leases 204. 
Whltford, Lorenzo, (Canisteo,) lumberman 

and farmer leases 100. 

Whiting, W. E., (Pnrdy Creek,) carpenter 

and farmer 110. 
Wilber, Harry, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 

Wilber, Wm. W., (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 


Creek,) armer 160. 
Witter, Chauncy, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 60. 
Witter, Silas S., (Canisteo,) farmer 150. 
WOODWOETH, ELI, (Pnrdy Creek,) far- 
mer 202. 
Woodworth, Henry, (Canisteo,) farmer 

leases 81. 
Workman, William, (Pnrdy Creek,) farmer 

TOEKS, THOS. F., (Pnrdy Creek,) farmer 

Zeliff, John, (Pnrdy Creek,) farmer 50. 
Zeliff, Peter, (Pnrdy Creek,) farmer 177. 
Zeliff, Samuel J., (Pnrdy Creek,) fanner 90. 

(Post OfB.ce Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, George, (Hornby,) farmer 210. 

ADAMS, JOHN H., (Hornby,) farmer 130. 

Allen, Henry, (Painted Post,) farmer 39. 

Armstrong, Benou, (Corningj) farmer. 

Armstrong, James E., (Coming,)- saw mill. 

farmer 70. 

Austin, Thomas S., (Mead's Creek,) farmer 

AUSTIN, WALLACE W., (Mead's Creek,) 

BAIED, JAMBS, (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer leases 100. 

BAKEE, MANLY L., (Hornby,) farmer 40. 

Bedient, Gideon A., (Corning,) farmer 58. 

Bedient, James H., (Corning,) farmer 105. 

Bennett, Almond L., (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 85. 

Bixby, Daniel, (Hornby,) retired farmer. 

Bixby, George W., (Hornby,) farmer 80. 

Bixby, Jesse D., (Hornby,) farmer 90. 

Bixby, JohnM., (Hornby,) farmer leases 

Bixby, Judson A., (Cooper's Plains,) far- 
mer 176. 

Bixby, Rebecca Mrs., (Hornby,) farmer 40. 

BLANftIN, EDWARD, (Hornby,) farmer 

BLISS, HENET O.. (Mead's Creek,) car- 

BRACE, DANIEL, (Hornby,) farmer 80 
and leases 30. 

Brown, Eobert D., (Corning,) prop, of saw 
mill and farmer 200. 

Buck, Seely E., (Post Creek, Chemung 
Co.,) farmer 125. 

Burch, Samuel, (Post Creek, Chemung 
Co.,) farmer 100. 

BITENAP, PHBBE C. MBS., (Hornby,) far- 
mer 60. 

Butler, John A., (Hornby,) carriage maker. 

Butler, Thomas, (ilomby,) farmer 164. 

Bntts, Morris, (Painted Post, I farmer 25. 

Call, Silas E., (Post Creek, Chemung Co.,) 
farmer 20. 

Schuyler Co.,) (.BanitaU & Carmichael.) 

CATWOOD, JOHN, (Corning,) farmer 50. 

Chapin, Joseph E., (Hornby,) farmer 92. 

Cogswell, Renel, (Hornby,) farmer leases 

Oonover, Daniel, (Painted Post,) farmer 300. 

Conover, Thomas, (Painted Post,) farmer 

COOK, JOHN P., (Hornby,) farmer 200. 

Coon, John, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.,) 
farmer leases 64. 

Covenhoven, Daniel, (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 300. 

Covenhoven, Henry, (Hornbyj) farmer 137. 

Covenhoven, Peter, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Coye, Levi, (Hornby,) farmer 120. , 

Coykendall, Alonzo, (Post Creek, Che- 
mung Co.,) saw mill. 

Culver, William H., (Hornby,) farmer 35. 

Decker, William, (Hornby,) farmer 47. 

Dellmatter, William, (Corning,) farmer SO. 



George, (Mead's Creek,) farmer 
Thomas, (Mead's Creek,) farmer 

Dickerson, John W., (Hornby,) town clerk 
and farmer 47. 

DICKINSON, BEAT A., (Hornby,) farmer 

Dickinson, William, (Hornby,) farmer 28. 

Donghterty, George, (Mead's Creek,) far- 
mer 70. 

Drake, Bichard W., (Hornby,) farmer 60. 

DUVALL, ALBBKT JR., (Mead's Creek,) 
farmer 156. 

Davall, RalphL{Mead's Creek,) farmer 60. 

EASLINQ, JOHN, (Hornby,) farmer 100. 

EASLING, JOHN J., (Hornby,) farmer 190. 

Eaeterbrooks, . Abial, (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 32S. 

Easterbrooks, Isaac Eev., (Painted Post,) 
farmer 96. 

Easterbrooks, Samuel, (Painted Post,) far- 
mer 138. 

Eastin, Abraham D., (Hornby,) farmer 395. 

BDDT, ASEM, (Hornby,) manafactnrer 
and farmer 21. 

Eddy, Myron A., (Hornby,) farmer 50. 

Egbert, Bobert E., (Hornby,) farmer 183. 

EUison, Andrew, (Mead's Creek,) tormer 



ELLISON, THOMAS M., (Mead's Creek,) 
farmer 80. , „ , 

EMOET, GBOEGE W., (Painted Post,) 
farmer 112. 

Erwin, Samnel C, (Painted Post,) farmer 

Chemnng Co.,) farmer 217. 

FEEENBAUGH & BEOS., (Corning,) Wohn 

3., Lyman G. and Wallace H.,) props. 

of saw mill, lumber dealers and farmers 



prop, of saw mill and farmer 280. 
FEEBNBAUGH, JOHN H., (Corning,) 
(Fereribaugh dS Bros.) , „ ,„ , . 

PBRENBAuWh, WALLACE H., (Corning,) 
'. (Fsrenbaugh db Bros.) 

Fero, .•'braham, (Hornby,) farmer 60. 

Fero, Garret, (Hornby,) farmer 94. 

Fero, Joel P.,.(Homby,) farmer leases 9S. 

Freaer, Jones, (Coming,) farmer 110. 

Frost, Abraham, (Corning,) farmer 60. 

Frost, Eliza Mrs., (Coming,) farmer 47. 

lalford^^John, (CornineO farmer 15. 

FULLE^, GEORGE W., (Beaver Dams 
Schuyler Co.,) prop, of steam saw mill 
and farmer 50. , , , «« 

Gardner, Benjamin, (Hornby,) farmer 60. 

Gardner, Daniel, (Hornby,) farmer 80. 

Gardner Drusllla Mrs., (Hornby,) farmer 

Gardner, Nathan, (Hornby.) farmer m 

Gaylord, Marcus, (Hornby,) farmer 183. 

Gifford, Joseph, Sornby,) fa™^''^*;,.^! 

Goodsell, DaSiel v., ^''"''y,). farmer 101. 

G00D8ELL, GEORGE, (Commg,) farmer 

GOODSELL, ISAAC P., (Hornby,) black- 
smith and farmer 278. /Hnrnhv^ 

farmer 10. 

GREEN, WILLIAM H., (Hornby,) farmer 

Hall, Henry, (Post Creek, Chemnng Co.,) 

farmer 66. 
Hamilton,William,(BeaTer Dams, Schuyler 

Co,,) farmer 60. 
Hanmer, James, ^omby,) blacksmith, 

hotel keeper and fai'iner 50. 
Haradon, Parnack, (Corning,) farmer 88. 
Harrison, Henry F.. (Hornby,) farmer 76. 
HARRISON, JOHN T., (Hornby,) farmer 

Harrison MelvinW., (Hornby,) farmer 100. 
Harrison, Myron J., (Hornby,) farmer 90. 

Post,) farmer 40. 
Hendrick, Benjamin, (Coming,) farmer 63. 
Hendrick, Dexter, (Hornby,) farmer 4. 
Hendrick, Elbert S., (Hornby,) farmer 69. 
Hendrick, William W., (Corning,) farmer 

Henry, Alonzo, (Coming,) farmer 98. 
Henry, John, (Coming,) farmer 60. 
Herrald, William, (Corning,) farmer 146. 
Hilton, Josiah, (Hornby,) groceries. 
HILTON, JOSIAH P., (Hornby,) farmer 


farmer 110. 
Humphrey, Jas. B., (Hornby,) farmer 100. 
Hungerford, Simeon E., (Hornby,) farmer 

Hyalop, Andrew, (Cooper's Plains,) farmer 

Jaynes, Edwin A., (Hornby,) carriage mak- 
er alid blacksmith, 

Jaynes, Timothy J., (Corning,) carpenter 
and farmer 100. 

JEWBTT, AMOS, (Corning,) farmer. 

Jewett, Thomas, (Coming,) farmer 200. 

Kent, Stephen, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler 
Co.,) farmer 139. . . , 

Kent, Stephen E., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler 
Co.,) farmer 40. „ „ ,. 

KENT, THOMAS, (Beaver Dams, Schuy- 
ler Co.,) lath mills. 

Kerrick, Cornelius, (Coming,) farmer 60. 

KIFP, SAMUEL, (Corning,) farmer 47. 

Kine, John, (Mead's Creek,) farmer «. 

Knapp, William, (Hornby,) farmer 100. 

KnAfIN, GEOEGB a., (Post Creek, 
Chemung Co.,) farmer 78. 

KNIFFIN, LEWIS F., (Post Creek, Che- 
mmig Co.,) farmer 60. 

Knowlton, Susan Mrs., (Hornby,) farmer 

Lake, Isaac, (Hornby,) farmer 143. 

Lane MianSi Mrs., (Hornby,) fanner 60. 

Lane, William H., (Beaver Dams, Schuyler 
Co..) fanner 50. ^ .,, ,. , 


Lee, George, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler Co.,) 

farmer 100. , , - „., 

Lilly, Samuel, (Coming,) farmer 94. 
LILLY, WILLIS 8., (Coming,) fanner 

16EIB68 94 

MASTBE9, HENEY W., (Coming,) farmer 

l6flB6B 165 

Masters, Lewis, (Hornby,) firmer 100. 
MASTEES, SAMUEL O., (Coming,) far- 

MASTEES,' SAMUEL O., (Coming,) fir- 
mer 132. 



AtBK M wMmmmm^ 




Saddlery, Carriage Trimmings, Paints & 
Oils, Carpenters^ Tools, Sash, 6lB)iB and 
Putty, Plated and Brittania Ware, Cnt- 
lery. Pumps, Lead Pipe, Clover and Tim- 
othy Seed, Garden Seeds, Guns, &c., &c. 

Iron and Steel, Agricultural 
Tools, Stoves &, Tln-'Ware. 

^F" All kin^s of Jobbing promptly 
and efflciently attended to. Cash paid 
J— for Purs. _^ 

Bath, Stenben Coun- 
ty, W. Y. 

J. T. Allen, A. P. Allen, Lewis Parker. 



This Hotel has been refitted, and the Proprietors are now ready to see all their old 
friends, and as many new ones as will fivor them with a call, trusting that by strict at- 
tention to the wants of guests the American will rdcelve its share of public patronage. 



Masters, SUns M., (Corning,) farmer 16B. 
McClnskay, Pargus, (Hpmby,) fanner 68. 
McCuskar, Francis, (Hornby,) farmer 111. 
McElwie, William, (Fainted Post,) farmer 

Mclaughlin, JAMES, (Homby,) farmer 

KcLanghlin, William, (Hornby,) farmer 84. 
Miller, George T., (Painted Post,) farmer 

Miller, John Jr., (Painted Post,) farmer 65. 
Moorehonse, Gideon, (Horiiby,) farmer 

leases 200. 
Morrow, James, (Post Creek, Chemung 
. ..Co.,) farmer 108. 
MOEHOW, JAMBS H., (Post Creek, Che- 

mang Co.,) carpenter and farmer 85. 
lilnrphey, George J., (Hornby,) carriage 

Noble, Walter, (Coming,) farmer 5. 
pLDFIELD, THOMAS, (Corning,) farmer 

Parker, Lewis 0., (Coming,) farmer 2. 
Person, Nathaniel a., (Painted Post,) farm- 
er 140 and leases 70. 
PIERCfi, WILLIAM, (Painted Post,) farm- 
. ,er2l5. 

Pitts, John, (Hornby,) blacksmith. 
POND, AMBKOSB, (Hornby,) farmer 50. 
Pond, Egbert A., (Hornby,) farmer 43. 
Powell, Carpenter, (Post Creek, Chemung 
' W.J farmer 70. 

POWELL, LAYTON, (Coming,) farmer 26. 
POWELL, WILLLilM L., (Corning,) far- 
mer 50. 
Eandall & Carmichael, (Beaver Dams, 
Schuyler Co.,) {ITerrick Bandatt and 
Jarnee Carmichael,) prop'rs of saw 
Eandall, Joseph T., (Homby,) farmer 100. 
Eandall, Merrick, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler 

Co.,) {Randall <fe Carmichael.) 
Remington, Albert W., (Hornby,) farmer 

lAAgpa ^nn 
Eemihgton, Joseph, (Mead's Creek,) far- 
mer leases 60. 
Rising, Sarah Mrs., (Hornby,) farmer 60. 
EOGEES, CHANCY P., (Hornby,) farmer 

Eogers, (Charles G., (Homby,) farmer 80. 
E0GER8, DANIEL, (Corning,) farmer 100. 
Holfe, Emmra, (Corning,) farmer 84. 
Eolison, Isaiah, (Coming,) farmer 60. 
Eolison, Lysander, (Coming,) farmer 160. 
EOLNISON, PETEE, (Corning,) farmer 

600. , , 

EOLOSON, ALPEED, (Hornby,) farmer 



GEEELY D., (Coming,) farmer 


Eowlee, Jonathan, (Coming,) farmer 20O. 

Eowlee, William, (CoraingO farmer TO. 

Sample, H«nry, (Coming,) farmer 333. 

Sands, Michael H., (Homby,) prop, 
shingle mill and farmer 18. _ 

SAUNDERS, HBZEKIAH, (Coming,) far- 
mer 47. , „„ 

SAYRE, LEWIS, (Hornby,) farmer 91. 

Scott, John, (Hornby,) farmer 60. 

Sherman, Samuel, (Beaver Dams, Schuyler 
Co.,) farmer 70. 

Shnre, Charles W., (Corning,) farmer 162. 

SLY, GEORGE, (Coming,) farmer 470. 

Smith, Clark L,, (Homby,) shoemaker. 

Smith, David P., (HombyJ farmer leases 

Smith, Jacob, (Hornby,) blacksmith. 

Smith, Joel, (Homby,) farmer leases 39. 

Smith, John B., (Hornby,) pliysician. 

Smith, Samuel A., (Hornby,) farmer 100. 

SNOW, GEORGE S.,JHomby,) farmer 90. 

Stanton, Mary Mrs., (Hornby,) farmer 80. 

Stanton, Nathaniel E., (Fainted Post,) far- 
mer 270. 

Stanton, Sherman E., (Corning,) farmer 69. 

STEVENS, ELDAD, ^ornby,) farmer 60. 

St. John, John, (Hornby,) farmer 134. 

Tayloson, Eobert, (Corning;,) farmer 30. 

Timerman, Conrad, (Hornby,) farmer 80. 

TOWNSEND, LUTHEE S., (Corning,) far- 
mer 316. 

Travis, Elisba, (Homby,) farmer 80. 

Travis, James, (Mead's Creek,) farmer 73. 

Underwood, Josiah, (Homby,) farmer 50. 

Underwood, Samuel H., (Hornby,) firmer 

Underwood, Orson L., (Homby,) firmer 76. 

Vanallstine, James, (Coming,) farmer 290. 

Vanallstihe, Martin, (Coming,) farmer 80, 

Van Hoesen, Richard v., (Homby,) black- 
smith and farmer 120. 

Van Nortwick, Joseph R., (Homby,) farmer 
2B6. „ , 

Vosburgh, Margaret Mrs., (Orange, Schuy- 
ler Co.,) farmer 88. 

Wait, James M., (Painted Post,) farmer 100. 

Chemung Co.,) saw mill and farmer 112. 

WANDS, EOBEET Q., (Comjngj) agent for 
William Dunlap, of Seneca Co,, farmer 

Ward, Abiiah, (Cooper's Plains,) iiirmerSO. 

WAEb, JOHN, (Hornby,) farmer 3. 

Ward, William M., (Hornby,) farmer 47. 

WasBon. Andrew, (Mead's Creek,) (with 
T/umai,) farmer 130. 

Wasson, John, (Mead's Creek,) fermer 60. 

WASBON, JOHN B., (Mead's Creek,) far- 

WasTon, Thomas, (Mead's Creek,) (uii/A 

Andrew,) farmer 130. 
Wellman "Darius L., (Hornby,) postmaster 

and U. S. MarshaU. ,. , , 

Wellman, Philander H., (Hornby,) farmer 

WHEAT, CHAELES G., (Homby,) groce- 
ries and provisions, prop, of saw mill 
and farmer 119. . , , 

WHEATON, SAMUEL A., (Hornby,) far- 
mer 66. . , , ,1ft 

Wheeler, Lemon, (Coming,) farmer 40. 

Wheeler, William, (Coming,) farmer 47. 

Whitney Oeorge V„ (Hom^O farmer 55. 

Whitney, Lemuel, (Hornby,) farmer 50. 

WILSON, EOBEET, (Coming,) farmer 124. 

Wolever, Andrew, (Coming,) farmer M. 

Wolever, Daniel, (Coming,) farmer 170. 

Woodard, Abell, (Coming,) farmer 6S. 




(Post Offioe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ADSIT, CHARLBS, (Hornellsville,) cashier 
of First Nationai Bank. 

ADSIT, JOHN O., (Hornellsville,) book- 
keeper of First National Bank. 

ADSIT, MARTIN, (Hornellsville.) (AdsU 
& TuUU^) president of First National 

ADSIT & TUTTLB, (Hornellsville,) (Uar- 
iin Adait and Martin A. Tuttle,) 
dealers in dry soods, groceries, crock- 
ery, Ac, 132 Mam. 

Akins, Charles H., (Hornellsville,) boot 
and shoe maker, 104 Canisteo St. 

AMMACK & GREGG, (Hornellsville,) 
dealers in crockery and glassware, 
lamps, lamp chimneys, table cntlery, 
plated ware, groceries, &e., 94 Main. 

Angell, James, (Hornellsville,) farmer 
leases 96. 

Armstrong, Kiel, (Arkport,) carriage manu- 

ABNBTT. SAMUBL P., (Hornellsville,) 
grist mill. 

Arnold, John, (Homellsville,) carpenter 
and joiner and farmer 60. 

AEVBRi JAMES P., (Hornell8vme,)(4n)«r 
(£ Olzvsi* ) 

ABVKR & (JLIVER, (Hornellsville,) (Jot. 
P. .irvtr and T. ff. Oliver.) billiard hall 
and ice cream saloon, 10 Center. 

Atkinson <Sb Co., (Hornellsville,) oyster 
dealers, (burnt out in June.) 

Avery, A. J., (Hornellsville,) (McDaugaU it 

Ayers, B. Mrs., (Arkport,) farmer 1. 

Ayers, Elias, (Arkport,) farmer 100. 

BAOHMAN, J. W., (Hornellsville,) drng- 
gi6t, pharmaceutist and book seller, 
143 Main, Metropolitan Block. 

BADGER, EDWARD H., (Hornellsville,) 
grocer, (burnt out in June.) 

BADGERS, , (HomellBville,)(S«r»Aom 

c£ Badgers.) 

Baker, John, (Hornellsville,) farmer 180. 

Baker, Uriah S^ (Hornellsville,) farmer66. 

BALDWIN, CHARLES A., (Arkport,) gro- 
ceries and provisions, also post master. 

Baldwin, Chas. B. W., (Hornellsville,) deal- 
er in drugs, medicines, books and sta- 

BALL, M., (Homellsville,) 'conductor on 
Erie R. R., residence IS Center. 

Ball, T, S., (Hornellsville,) conductor Erie 
E. R. 

Ballcw, William H. & Co., (Hornellsville,) 
manufs. and dealers in boots, (burned 
out In June.) 

BARBER, SAMUEL A., (Hornellsville,) 

farmer 36. 
Bardeen, Dwight, CHomellBville,) farmer 

leases 55. 

Bardeen, Thomas, (Homellsville,) farmer 
96 and (with. Oeorgt Hood,) 160. 

Barry, D. (Homellsville,) farmer 100. 

Barry, John, (Homellsville,) farmer 18. 

Hartley, C. Mrs., (Canisteo,) farmer 40. 

Beattie, Thomas, (Hornellsville,) farmer 


-, (Homellsville,) (Bough 

& Beecher.) 
Betts, Henry, (Homellsville,) farmer 365. 
BBMIS, HORACE, (Homellsville,) {Bemit 

<£ Near.) 
BEMIH& NEAR, (Hornellsville,) '(Horace 

Bemia and Irwin W. Near,) attorneys 

and CQunselors at law, 130 Main, 2nd 

Bennett, Benjamin E., (Homellsville,) 

blacksmith, 6 Cass. 
Bennett, Hiram, (Homellsville,) attorney 

and counselor at law, and justice 6f 

the peace. 
Bennett, Marshall, (Homellsville,) miller. 
Bennett, Thomas, (Horne.Isville,) farmer 

Bentley, John I., (HomellsviUe,) conductor 

Erie R. R. 
BEBKY, R. B., (Homellsville,) physician 

and Burgeon. 
Berry, E. <Ss A., (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 

farmers lease 160. 
Bertram, Charles, (Homellsville,) barber, 

83 Loder. 
BIXBY, WILLIAM H., (Homellsville,) 

manager telegraph office, 24 Mill. 
BOWEN & TRUBSDELL, (Hornellsville,) 

druggists and booksellers, 133 Main, 
Boynton, Joshua, (Hornellsville.) 
BRBBS, ARZA P., (Hornellsville,) prop. 

Brees House and general westem ticket 

agent, opposite depot. 
BROWBR, R., (Hornellsville,) prop. Erie 

R. R. Dining Saloon and farmer 200. 
BROWN, AARON, (Homellsville,) car- 
penter and joiner, ITS Genesee. 
BROWN, JOHN W., (Arkport,) former 60. 
BROWN, MARCUS B., (Hornellsville,) 

(Brown <b Stevens.) 
BROWN & STEVENS, (Homellsville,) 

(Marcue E. Brown and Moies Stevens,) 

dealers in coal, lime, cement, plaster, 

also salt buyers and shippers of all 

kinds of produce, 94 Canisteo. 
Brunnhofer, Jacob, (Hornellsville,) cigar 

manufacturer, 81 Loder. 
Burch, Orrin H., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

BURDICK, B. G., (Homellsville,) farmer 

Bnrdlck, George A., (Almond, Allegany 

Co.,) farmer 150. 
Burdick, John, (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 226. 
BURDICK, JOSEPH T., (Homellsville,) 

farmer 96. 
BURDICK, J. W., (HoraeUsville,) farmer 

Burdick, William D., (Hornellsville,) lum- 
ber dealer and farmer 120. 
Burley, William W., (HomellsTille,) car- 
riage manufecturerLS Cass. 
BURNHAM & BADGERS, (Homellsville,) 

dealers in dry goods, carpets, oil cloth, 

shoes, wall paper, notions, &c., 139 

Burris, .Charles, (Homellsville,) farmer 100. 
Burris, Thomas, (Hornelisville,) farmer 40. 



Batler, DaDiel, (HomelliTille,) carpenter 
and joiner and house builder, % Mill. 

CADOGAN, ABEAM, (Hornellsville,) car- 
penter and joiner, 11 Center. 

Caldwell, Amos, (HornellsTille,) farmer 150. 

Cameron, John, (Hornellsville,) manuf. and 
dealer in boots and shoes, 4 Center. 

general station agent. 

ellsville,) 87 Main, Thacber & Tuttle, 

Carter, N. S., (Almond, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer leases 800. ' 

CHADWICK HOUSE, (Homellsvilla,) 
Loder, opposite depot, John Q. Ste- 
phens, prop. 

Chapman, Hiram, (Canisteo,) farmer SO. 

Chapman, Martin H., (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 10. 

CHARLES, ANDREW S., (Hornellsville,) 
insurance agent, 130 Adsit Block, up 

Cheevers, Thomas, (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer leases 60. 

Cheevers, Thomas Sen., (Almond, Allegany 
Co.,) mason. 

Chichester, Ambrose, (Hornellsville,) car- 
penter and joiner, 68 Maple. 

CILLEY, HENRY D., (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer leases 84. 

CLANCY, JOHN, (Hornellsville,) pri , 
Clancy's Hotel, corner Loder and Erie 

Clancy, S., Mrs., (HornellsTille,) boarding 
house, 7 Erie Avenue. 

Clark, James A., (Hornellsville,) (JTres* tfc 

Clark, Lewis, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) far- 
mer ISO. 

CLARK, S. E. , (Hornellsville,) farmer leases 

CLBAVELAND, MRS. B., (Hornellsville,) 
farmer 100. 

Cleveland, John, (Hornellsville,) farmer 100. 

CLINE, HIRAM, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Cobb, Samuel Mrs., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Cobb, S. A. Miss, (HornellsTille,) miUinery 
and dress making, 98 Main, 3d floor, 

Cobern, B. A., (HornellsTille,) farmer 12)^ 

COFFEY, SIMON, (Hornellsville,) boot and 
shoe manufacturer, 91 Loder. 

COHN, DAVID, (Hornellsville,) dealer in 
ready made clothing and gents' flirnish- 
ing goods, 100 Main. 

COHN, JULIUS, (Hornellsville,) dealer in 
ready made clothing and gents' ftarnish' 
ing goods, cor. Main and Church. 

cole; JBAEY C, (Hornellsyille,) lumber- 
man. . 

COLGROVE, FRANCIS, (Arkport,) farmer. 

Collier, James M., (Hornellsville,) painter 

and farmer 68. . , .tt o. 77 

. Collier, Richard, (Hornellsville,) {JanSuMe 

& Co.) 

Collins, Williom, (Hornellsville,) farmer 70. 

Collins, William L., (HorneUsville,) con- 
ductor Brie R. E., 19 Center. . 

CONDEMAN, DAVID, (HornellsTille,) (J. 
Condeman <£ Co.) 

CONDEMAN, D. & CO., (Hornellsville,) 

(.David Condeman and William Elliott,) 

carriage manufacturers, 8 Union. 
CON DEEM AN, CALEB, (Hornellsville,) 

carriage manuf,, cor. Canisteo and 


(Hornellsville,) (JbA» Hanne,) carriage 

and wagou makers, 166 Canisteo. 
Connell, Patrick, (HornellsTille,) farmer SO. 
COOK, JAMES N., (HornellsTille,) farmer 

Coon, Celeste & Carrie, (Homellsville,) 

millinery and fancy goods, hair work 

&c., 165 Main, 2d floor. 
Corn, Jacob, (Hornellsville,) (Erlich td 

Congin, James, (Hornellsville,) farmer 13. 
CoTill, Benjamin, (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 3. 
Coy, — — , (HomellSTllle,) (Crane, Coy & 

, Toung^ 
Crandell, H. W., (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 

CEANE, COY & YOUNG, (Hornellsville,) 

insurance Agents, 98 Main. 
CEANE", N. M. & CO., (HornellsTille,) 

bankers, 98 Main. 
Cranson, EusselB., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

CEITES, OSCAE H., (HornellsTille,) far- 
mer 10. 

Croby, William, (HornellsTille,) farmer 60. 

Cross, Tryon E., (HornellsTille,) farmer 

Crotty, Michael, (HornellsTille,) dealer in 
groceries andproTisions, 90 Canisteo. 

Cuns, William, (Hornellsville,) saloon keep- 
er, 3 Brie Avenue. 

CUEEY, MICHAEL, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

*CUETIS, EICHARD 8., (Hornellsville,) 
furniture dealer and undertaker, 69 Main 

DAVENPORT, GEORGE, (Arkport,) far- 
mer 260. 

DaTis, Anson, (HornellsTille,) fiirmer 10. 

DAVIS, C. C.,'(Hornellsville,) (Seymour & 

Davis, C. Mrs., (Arkport,) farmer 26. 

Davis, Samuel, (HornellsTille,) (Davu <fc 
Thome.) ,.„,,„ , 

DaTis & Thome, (Homellsville,) (Samuel 
Davit and Owen S. T>wrne,) dealers lu 
dry goods, shoes, notions &c., 122 Main. 

DAVIS, WILLIAM, fHornellsTille,) barber 
shop, 106 Canisteo. ._ 

Dean H B. Mrs., (HornellsTille,) milliner, 
127 Main, 3d floor. 

DENNIS, EODNBY, (HomellsTiUe,) at- 
torney and counselor, 135 Main, second 

DENT, THIRZA Mas., (HornellsTille,) far- 

♦DBUTSCH & T8CHACHTLI, (Hornells- 
Tille,) furniture dealers and under- 
takers, 89 Main. 

Dewitt, Daniel, (HomellsTille,) (VanSlekl* 

Dildine, Margaret Miss, (HomellsTille,) 

farmer 46. 
Dildine, Zechariah, (Homellsville,) farmer 

Doosley, John, (HornellsTille,) farmer 38. 


Surgical & Mechanical 


A large assortment of Teeth of the newest styles and patterns kept constantly on 
hand, from which to select. Call and see. 

■— ^— — — ^M— — ■^^■^^■■— ^—^■F^^— ^■^■— — ■^^"*— ^^^^■^'^* ^^^^— *^*— ^™^ 

J. E. SEELEY, M. D., 


No. 155 1-2 Main St., 
Hornellsville, - ■ N. Y. 

"SJ^ . USS . O 1=1. M IS i^ "ir , 




Where you will find a large and select assortment of Choice Family Qroceries. 



Market St., Corning;, IT. Y., 

(Over C. B. COEBIN'S Book Store,) where mav be found aU the latest novelties in 
the line of Eashionable 

Mats, Bonnets, Flowers, Ribbons & JHillinery 

GCjODS GENBKALLT. Hats and Bonnets Cleaned, Dyed and Altered to the latest styles. 



Doyeley, Tl"""*'! (Hornellsvllle,) farmer 


TiiWeMPrak^ord Brothetrt.) 
nellsTille,) {WiUiam E. and Addir 
ion /.,) mannft. and dealers in hamess, 
Baddies, bridles, whips, tranks, blank- 
etSi &c,^ 18% Ganisteo. 
DKAKEFOHtt, WILUAM H., (HoraellB- 

Tille,) (Srakeford Brothtrt.) 
DUNNING, HUMPHKBY, (HornellBTllle,) 

farmer 150. 
Eddy, Polly Mra., (HomallSTille,) farmer 

EDGETT, ANDREW J., (HomeUsvllle,) 
patent rigbt dealer, 14 Hill. 

Edward, Leland, (HomellsTille,) (0U2iea <Sk 

Edwards, Sazton, (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer BO. 

Edwards, Wesley, (Homellsville,) (.Sher- 
wood & Edwardi.) 

Biley, George, (Homellsville,) farmer 16. 

ELLIOTT, WILLIAM, (Homellsville,) (2?. 
dondeman (S> Co.) 

Emery, Jfapies, (Homellsville,) farmer 103. 

Emo, Hiram, (Homellsville,) barber, Os- 
borne House. 

Erlioh & Com, (Homellsville,) {ToiioBEr- 
lleh and Jacob Com,) dealers in dry 
apd fancy goods, 126 Main. 

Erlich, Tobias, (Homellsville,) (Erlich c6 

EVANS, JAMES K., (Arkport,) boot and 
shoe mannf. 

Evens, Oliver, (Arkport,) farmer BS> 

Everetts, S. Mrs., (Homellsville,) fermer 80. 

FAULKNER, DORR, (HornellBviUe,) iPop- 
^.&Jfasirf*ner«A _ 

FAfflLKNER, ROBERT K., (Homellsville,) 
iPimle <£ Faidknera.) 

FEEKlS, HOMER, (Homellsville,) blaok- 
smltning and horse-shoeing, 3 Cass. 

Ferry, Silas, (HomellsviUe,) farmer 11&. 

ville,) Martin Adsit, president; Charles 
Adflit, cashier: John O. Adsit, book- 
keeper ; cor. Main and Canisteo. 

Fitzgerald, Manrice, (Homellsville,) dealer 
m groceries, provisions, &c., 113 Can- 

Fitzgerald, Michael, (Homellsville.) far- 
mer 66. ^ , 

Fleikinger, Wendel, (HomellsvUle,) baker, 
01 Coder. „ ,, ,„ . 

FLETCHER, JOHN P., (Homellsville,) 
(.OtiVioiS, <fe Fhtcher.) 

Fox, John, (CaniBteo,) farmer 68. 

Frank, William, (Alfred, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 60. „ . . 

Fries, , (Homellsville,) (Gepdron & 


Gallagher, John, (Homellsville,) farmer 29. 

Qendron & Fries, (Bomellsville,) barber 
shop, 69 Loder. 

Qerber, Mrs. C, (Homellsville,) dealer in 
cigars, pipes a£id tobacc^, 66,Loder. 

GnPFORD, ANSEt, (Homellsville,) farmer 
1 and leases S. 

GiflTord, Charles, (HomeUsvllle,) former 7. 

Gilbert, O. Mrs., (Homellsville,) dress ma- 
ker, ao Washington. 

Gillies &, Edward, (Homellsville,) (John 
CnUiea arid Ltland Edward,) insurance 
agents, 132 Main, 2d floor. 

QlUiea, John, (HomellsvUle,) (imfeB A Ed- 

Glinn, Bartholomew, (HomeJJsvtlle,) flirmer 

Glynn, James, (HornellsviUet), farmer 67. 

Goff, Job, (Homellsville,) farmerl^O, 

Granger, Henry M., (Hornellsville,^ groce- 
ries and provisions, 95 Canisteo. 

GRAVES, CHARLES O., (Hornellavillo,) 
conductor Erie B. B., 17 Center. 

Green, Charles, (Homellsville,) gunsmitb, 
74 Main, 2d floor. 

Gregg, , (Homellsville,) (Ammack <fc 

1 Oregon 

Gregory, Wyllys, (Homellsyillt), groceries 
provisio' s and notions, 57 Loder. 

yillej) (George W. Oriswold and John 
P. Fletcher,) dealers in groceries and 
provisions, flour and feed, 157 Main. 

GRISWOLD, GEORGE W., (Homellsville,) 
( Grimold. & Fletcha:) 

Grover, B. C, (Homellsville,) farmer 150, 
28, Genesee. 

Hagadone, Norman R., (Homellsville,) saw- 

Hagadom, Hiram, fBtomellsvllle,) carpen- 
ter and joiner, 64 Main. 

Haieht, William E., (Arkj)ort,) firmer 108. 

Hakes, Harlp, (HomellsviUe,) (tiakei S 

Hakes & s'tevenSi (HomemviUe,) (Harlo 
BaTcea dndJaiMt H. Steveni Jr.,) attor- 
neys and counselors at law,, 130 Main, 
2d floor. _ „ .„ . 

Hammelmann, George, (HorneUeville,) 
merchant tailor, 86 Loder. 

Hammer, Alonzo, (HorneUsviUe.) farmer 60. 

Hammon, A. Mrs., (HomellsviUe,) farmer 

HANNB, JOHN, (HpmellavUle,) (Jacob B. 
Condmnfm <SsBajm) „ .„ ^ . ^, 

Harrison, DwlgUt, (HorneUsviUe,) farmer 

hart; CHARLES M- & pNRT C 
(Homellsville,) cattle dealers and far- 
mers 900, 178 Main. ^ , . 

HART, REUBEN, (HomeUBViUe,) lumber 
dealer and fi.rmer480. ,„,„.,. 

Hartshorn, Charles, (HoroeUsvUle,) farmer 

HASKELL, L. p., (HomeUsyUleJ lumber- 
man and farmer 88. 

TIATHAWAT. L. C, (Arkport.) farmer 28. 

H^thfwaP, S^' B... Okorneflsviile,) foundry 
and dIow shop, 16 Church. 

Ha*ley Clark L. (HomellsviUe,) grocer 
and farmer 12P (lumed out in June.) 

Hawley, , (HomeUsvUle,) (EoUiday & 

BdwUy.) . , , 

Hendershott, David, (HomeUsvUle,) farmer 

HEl?>l"B'si0T£sAMUEL, ^omeUs- 

ville.) (iJ-m IWJSamO «Smer m 
HBNDBMHOTT, Wrii^mM, WomeUs- 

ville,) (with Samud,) farmer 200. 

villej tible wa»er at Osborne House. 
HBRSHBBRG, henry, (HorneUsviUe,) 

cigar manufacturer, 66 Loder. 



HeBeltine, E., (Hornellsville,) farmer leases 

Hevekin, John, (HorneUaville,) dealer In 
groceries and provisions, 61 Canisteo. 

Hickey, I/„ (HornellsTille,) farmer 40. 

Higgins, Hiram D., (Arkport,) carpenter 
and joiner. 

HIGGINS, RUSSELL, (Arkport,) carpenter 
and joiner and (wUft WaMtr B.,) farmer 

HIGGINS, WALTER B., (Arkport,) (with 
BusaeU.) farmer 94. 

ville,) dress and cloak maker, 136 Main, 
!jd floor. 

Hill, Adam, (Hornellsville,) grocer, 123 Can- 

HILL, AUSTIN C, (Arkport,) farmer leasee 

Hinkley, Barney & Co., (Hornellsville,) gro- 
cers and confectioners, (burned out in 

Hober, Leonard, (Hornellsville,) meat mar- 
ket, Erie Avenue. 

Hoffman, , (Hornellsville,) (Smettzer 

tfe Hoffman.) 

Hoffstettler, Kasper, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Holliday & Hawley, (Hornellsville,). attor- 
neys and counselors at law, 97 Main. 

HoUis, George W., (Hornellsville,) farmerl. 

Hood, George, (Hornellsville,) (witA Thos. 
Bardeen,) farmer 160. 

neUaville,) Hough & Beecher, props, 
cor. Main and Church. 

Horten, A., (Hornellsville,) farmer BO. 

HOUCK., PETER P., (HorneUsville.) dealer 
in groceries and provisions, 81 Main. 

♦HOUGH & BEECHER, (Hornellsville,) 
publishers BorinUsvilU TrVmnt, Main 
and Church. 

HOWARD, ALLAN G., (Hornellsville,) 
[icket agent, B. R. R. 

HOWARD, ALONZO B., (Hornellsville,) 
merchant tailor, 102 Main. 

Howard, Henry A., (Hornellsvile,) boot 
and shoe maker, (burned out in June.) 

Howard, M., (Hornellsville,) conductor Brie 
R. R. 

Howley, John, (Hornellsville,) attorney and 
counselor at law, 88 Main, %d floor. 

Hubbard, Alphonzo, (Hornellsville,) lum- 
berman, 89 Main. 

HUBBARD, DANIEL B., (Hornellsville,) 

Humphrey, George P., (Hornellsville,) 
dealer in watches, clocks and jewelry, 
(burned put.) 

HUNT, HORACE, (Hornellsville,) pro- 
prietor Osborne House and livery 

stable, cor. Loder and Center. 

farmer 100. 

HURLBUT, HENRY M., (Arkport,) tormer 

Hurlbut, John JArkport,) farmer 180. 

HURLBUT, ItYRON, (Arkport,) farmer 80. 

Hurlbnt, William S., (Arkport,) farmer 220. 

Ingstrum, Thomas & Son, (Homellsville,) 
grocers and provision dealers, (burned 
ontinJune.) • 

JAMISON, JOHN S., (Hornellsville,) phy- 
sician and surgeon, 27 Center. 

Johnson, Elijah J., (Hornellsville,) (E. J. 

Johnton <6 Bro.) 
Johnson, E. J. & Bro., (Hornellsville,) 

(.Elijah J. and Horace P.,) surgeon den- 
tists, 122 Main, second floor. 
Johnson, Horace P., (HomellsvUle,) (E. J. 

Johnton & Bro.) 
JONES, ALEXANDER, (Hornellsville,) 

attorney at law and farmer 100, 71 

Eaple, L. P., (Almond, Allegany Co.,) far- 

< mer leases 150. 
Kellinger, G. H., (Hornellsville,) prop. 

Merchant's Hotel, 84 Main. 
Kellison, James, (Hornellsville,) farmer 6. 
Kellison, John D., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

KENNEDY, EDWARD, CHomellsville,) 

commercial broker and wool dealer. 
Killison, Robert N., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

KIMBALL, WILLIAM A., (Hornellsville,) 

conductor Erie R. R., residence 21 

King, Delancy, (Hornellsville,) prop, of 

Hornellsville House, 66 Main. 
EINGKADE, JAMES, (HorneUsville,) meat 

market, 72 Main. 
Kress, Charles, (HorneUsville,) (Kr4S> & 

Kress & Clark, (HomellsvlUe,) (Charles 

Kress and James A.. Clark^ bouse 

builders, 7 Union. 
Labour, Elijah, (HorneUsville,) farmer 30. 
Labour, Jacob, (HorneUsville,) farmer 100. 
LA DOW, ROBERT, (Hornellsville,) dealer 

in hats, caps, fiirs, furnishing goods, 

&c., (burned out in June.) 
ville,) bakers and confectioners, (burn- 
ed out in June.) 
Lamphere, Alonzo, (Arkport,) farmer 62. 
Lamphere, Charles A., (Arkport,) farmer 

■ 115. 
Landon, John W., (HomellsviUe,) flour 

and feed, 77 Loder. 
Leach, H. D., (HorneUsviUe,) (J. Leach & 

Leach, Joseph, (HorneUsviUe,) (J. Leach & 

Leach, J. & Son, (HorneUsviUe,) (Joseph 

and H. D.,) brewers, 2 River. 
Leahy, W'illiam,(HomeUsville,) farmer 73>f . 
Lincoln, George H., (Almond, Allegany 

Co.,) farmer 1. 
Lincoln, WiUiam, (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 75. 
Lismen, Prank, (HomeUBVille,) prop. Un- 
ion House, 21 Loder. 
LOCKWOOD, JARED A., (HorneUsviUe,)- 

carriage manuf., 168 Canisteo. 

Loohn, John A., (HorneUsviUe,) farmer 115. 

LOUCKS, HORATIO, (HorneUsviUe,) far- 
mer 114. 

Loveland, Henry B., (Arkport,) farmer 88. 

Maddigin, Patrick, (HomellsvUle,) fermer 

MAGEE, THOMAS J., (HorneUsviUe,) 
sheep breeder and farmer 700. 

MAJOR, JO HN A. , (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 
(Je. 0. & J. A. Mcflor.) 

MAJOR, RICHARD C., (Almond, AUegany 
Co.,) (iJ. C. & J. A. Major,) farmer 60. 



MAJOR, E. C. & J. A., (Almond, Allegany 

Co..) (Richard O. & John J..,) lumber 

dealers and farmers 90. 
MAJOR, THOMAS & JOHN A., (Almond, 

Allegany Co.,) farmers 115. 
Markham, Charles, (Hornell8ville,)(C Mark- 

ham & Co.) 
Markham, C. &Co.,^orne11sville,)(C%ar^ 

Markham and Ira S. Sidtr,) marble 

factory, 31 Church. 
Marley, Ann Mrs., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Marley, James, (Hornellsville,) farmer 95. 
Marley, Thomas, (Hornellsville,) farmer 25. 
Marriman, S. H., (Hornellsville,) dealer in 

musical instruments and sewing ma- 

clilnes, 99 Church. 
Mathews, bamuel & Son, (Arkport,) (Wl- 

liam,) saw mill. 
Mathews, Wm., (Arkport,) (Samuel Ma- 

theas & Son.) 
McCay, Samuel & Paten, (Hornellsville,) 

billiard rooms, 91 Main, 9d Boor. 
McCONNELt, ASA, (Hornellsville,) (Mc- 

ConneU & Co.) 
McCONNBLL, B., (HomellBville,) (McCotir 

nell * Co.) 
*McCONNELL & CO., (HomellsTille,) 

(Aia,B. and P. F.,) planing mill, sash,- 

door and blind mannf.. Maple. 
McCONNELL, P. F., (HorneUsville,) 

(McConnelt £ Co.) 
McDougall & Avery, (Hornellsville,) (John 

McDougaU and A. J. Avery,) props, of 

ess works, Franklin, 
McDougall, John, (Hornellsville,) (McDou- 
gaU & Avery.) 
McGraavy, John, (HornellsvUle,) bakery, 

100 Canlsteo. 
McMichael, James, (Htmellsville,) farmer 

McMichael, John, (HomellBvUle,) farmer 

McMichael, Phillip, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

McMichael, William, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

MEEKS, CHARLES M., (HomellsviUe,) 

(Mm John,) farmer leases 190. 
Meeks, David J., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

MEBKS, JOHN, (Hornellsville,) (with 

Choi. M.,) farmer leases 120. 
Meeks, John, Jr., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

MILLER, HENRY, (Hornellsville;) manu- 
facturer and wholesale and retail dealer 
in cigars and tobacco, 71 Loder. 

Miller, Leonard, (Hornellsville,) farmer 100 

Miller, Philip, (Hornellsville,) prop, hotel, 
11 Loder. , 

Minanich, John, (Hornellsville,) saloon 
keeper, 6 Erie. 

Morgan, John, (Hornellsville,) farmer 61. 

.aicmiTZ, JUSIAH, (Homellsville,) manu- 
• facturer and dealer in furniture, chairs, 
bedsteads, upholstery, gilt frames, &c., 
also undertaker, 169 Canlsteo. 

MORRIS, ANDREW, (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 220. 

Mnrphy, Owen, (Hornellsville,) farmer 107. 

»MYEES, CHARLES E., (Hornellsville,) 
photographer, 151 Main. 

NEAR, IHVIN W., (Hornellsville,) (Btmia 
<fc Near.) 

NEQtrS, H. J., (Hornellsville,) conductor 
Erie Railway, Osborne House. 

Nicholson, Ambrose, (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 98. 

Nicholson, David, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

NICHOLSON, EDMUND, (Hornellsville,) 
farmer 120. 

Nicholson, Francis, (HomellsviUe,) farmer 

NICHOLSON, HARMON, (Hornellsville,) 
farmer 200. 

Nicholson, Horace, (Hornellsville,) mail 
agent N. Y. & E. R. E. 

Nicholson, Perry, (Canlsteo,) farmer 67. 

Nicholson, Wesley, (HomellsviUe,) farmer 

O'Connor, Michael, (HorneUsville,) farmer 

O'CONNOR, WILLIAM, (HorneUsvUle,) 
tanner, 172 Canlsteo. 

OLIN, SAMUEL, (HorneUsville,) farmer 

OLIVER, T. Q., (HorneUsviUe,) (Arver & 

ORDWAY, JAMES M., (HomeUsviUe,) 
dealer in staple and fancy dry goods, 
notions, trimmings, hosiery, &c., Il4 

OSBORNE HOUSE, (HomellsviUe,) comer 
Loder and Center, Horace Hunt, prop. 

OSSOSKL SOLOMON, (Hornellsville,) 
dealers in cigars, tobacco &c., 190 Main. 

Palmer, WiUiam, (HomeUsviUe,) grocer 
&c., 118 Main. 

Palmer, WiUiam D., (HomeUsviUe,) (W. JD. 
Palmer <fc Co.) 

Palmer, W. D. & Co., (HomeUsviUe,) (Wil- 
liam D. Palmer and FrarMin Wari- 
7jej',)dealers in groceries and provisions, 
118 main. __ 

vUle,) dealers in fine watches, clocks, 
jewelry &c., 131 Main. 

Parsons, Abraham, (HomeUsviUe,) farmer 

Paten, ' ^, (HomeUsviUe,) (Samuel Mc- 
Kay dk Paten.) „ .„ > j 

Fatten, Anna Miss, (HomeUsviUe,) dress 
and cloak maker, 45 Church. 

PATTEN, GEORGE, (Arkport,) (miAJoAn 
JV^.O farmer 983^. „ „ „ .,, , 

PATTEN, JOHN E. E., (HorneUsville,) 
farmer 913. , , .,.1 « » 

PATTEN, JOHNN., (Arkport,) (With Geo.,) 
farmer 98J4. „ .„ ^, 

Peak, D. P.. (HomeUsviUe,) farmer 35. 

PECK, JANES M., (HorneUsviUe,) inspec- 
tor of engires and farmer leases 60. 

Penston, Michael, (HorneUsviUe,) farmer 

P6ttibone,D. S., (HomeUsviUe,) farmer 50. 

Phelps, Matbew, (HorneUsviUe,) farmer 38. 

Phillips, Lewis, (HornellsvUle,) farmer 100. 

Pickering, Carlton B., (HomeUsviUe,) deal- 
er In confectionery, frait Ac, Erie de- 

PINCH, RICHARD, (HomeUsviUe,) mason 
and farmer 5. . , , ^. , »v 

Pitts, Samuel D., (Arkport,) justice of the 
peace and farmer 130. 



POPPLE & FATJLKNEHS, (Homellsvllle,) 

(James M. PoppU, Dorr Faulkner and 

Bcbert K. Fawkner,) dealers in groce- 

riea, flour, feed and j)roduce, 151 Main. 
POPPLE, JAMBS M., (HornellBville,) 

(Popple & Faulknere.) 
POST, DUEA, (Homullsvllfe,) conductor 

E. B. B., Osborne House, 
Pratt, L. D., (HornellBville,) supervisor. 
PEENTISS, JOHN, (Hornellsville,) (with 

Wateon,) farmer 183. 
Prentiss, John, (Hornellsville,) painter. 
PKENTISS, WATSON, (Hornellsville,) 

(with John,) farmer 183. 
PBESTON, HOEATIO O., (Harnellsville,) 

painter, 67 Loder. 
PED^DLE, Albert T., (HomellSTiUe,) 

(A. T. & M.-Prinaie.) 
PEINDLE, A. T. & M., (Hornellsville,) 

(Albert T. and Mitrk,) tanners and fcur- 

PEINDLE, MABK, (Hornellsville,) (A. T. 

& U. Prtndle.) 
Prior, Sylvester, (Arkport,) boot and shoe 

Eafferty, George, (HomelUvllle,) harness 

mannf., (burned out in June.) 
Eanger, Henry E., (Hornellsville,) former 

Eazey, Warren, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

leases 160. 
EEED, G, M., (Almond, Allegany Co.,) 

patent right agent and farmer 1, 
Bees, John, (Hornellsville,) prop, salbon, 

85 Elver. 
Bewalt, W., (Hornellsville,) dealer in oys- 
ters, confectionery, fruits, toys and 

notions, 145 Main. 
Beznor, John, (Arkport,) farmer 125. 
Eider, Ira S., (Hornellsville,) (C. Markham 

* Co.) 
Biesner, B. Mrs., (Hornellsville,) saloon, 

79 Loder. 
nellsville,) (Joieph W.,) physician and 

surgeon, 69 Main. 

^OBlirsON, JOSEPH W., (Hornellsville,) 
(Charles D. Boblnson & Son.) 

BOBINSON, WILLIAM, (Hornellsville,) 
farmer 100. 

EOBISON, T. W., (Hornellsville,) sawyer. 

Eose & Van Scooter, (Hornellsville,) (Wai- 
Ur O. Eose and Philip Van Scooter,) 
sheep skin pulling, Canlsteo Bt. 

Eose, Walter G., (Hornellsville,) (Bose & 
Van Scooter.) 

Eose, Walter G., (Hornellsville,) dealer in 
hardware, &c., 133 Main, 

Bose, William B., (Hornellsville,) mannf. 
and dealer in harness, 76 Main. 

BOSS, JESSE B., (Hornellsville,) farmer 
50. ' 

Eym, Jerry, (Arkport,) blacksmith. 

BALISBUET, JOSBPHH. (Homellsville,) 
dealer in tin, glass and wooden ware, 
160 Main. 

Sarsfleld, Dominick O., (HornellsvillB,) 
groceries and provisions, 75 Loder, 

SAESPIELD, OWEN C, (Hornellsville,) 
groceries and liquors, 11 Canlsteo. 

Samer, John, (HornolUville,) taloon keep- 
er, 68 Loder. 

SAVAGE, JAMES S., (HornellavUle,) far- 
mer 127. 

♦SAWTEB, HAEBIS C, (Hornellsville,) 
druggist and newsdealer, 95 Loder. 

Saxton, £. D., (Hornellsville,) farmer leasee 

SCHU, JACOB, (HornellsVillfe,) prop, of 
Schu's Hotel, 118 Canlsteo. 

Scoville, Daniel A. (Hornellsville,) (ScoviUe 
<6 Telford.) 

Scoville & Telford, (Hornellsville,) (Daniel 
A. acovUle and William ff. Telford,) 
props. Franklin House, 88 Canlsteo. 

♦SBELEY, J. B., (Hornellsville,) homeop. 
physician, 88 main, second floor. 

SEYMOUE & DAVIS, (Hornellsville,) (ff. 
W. Seymour and C. C. Davis,) res- 
tanrant, 61 Loder. 

SEYMOUE, G. W., (HomeUsvUle,) (Sey- 
nUrUr A Davii.) 

Sharp, Isaac B., (Hornellsville,) dealer in 
hats, caps, boots, shoes and furs, 129 

SHAEP, JOHN J,, (Arkport.) farmer 100. 

Shattuck, Sewal B., (Hornellsville,) phy- 
sician and surgeon, 88 Main, 2d floor. 

(J. B. and F. Jit.,) dealers in foreign and 
domestic hardware, stoves, tin ware, 
agricultural implements, coach and 
saddlers' hardware, mecnanics' tools, 
&c., wholesale and retail, 106 Malin. 

SHELDON, F. M., (Hornellsville,) (Shel- 
don BrotMrs.) 

SHELDON, J. E., (Hornellsville,) (Sheldon 

SHELLEY, JOHN W., (Hornellsville,) 
(John W. Shelley tt Co..) post master, 
143 Main, 

SHELLEY, JOHN W. & CO., (Hornells- 
ville,) dealers in dry goods and carpets, 
187 Main. 

Sherwood & Edwards, (Hornellsville,) 
(George W. SMraood and Wesley Ed- 
wards,) livery and sale stable, 93 Can- 

Sherwood, Franklin D., (Hornellsville,) 
dealers in groceries and provisions, 97 

Sherwood, George W., (Hornellsville,) 
(Sherwood & Edwards.) 

SMnebargA, Williani, (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 1. 

SIMMONS, WILLIAM H., (HornellBville,) 
prop. Simmons House, opposite the 
Railway Depot. 

ville,) butchers, (bilrned out In ,Jnne.) 

SMITH, ABEAM L., (HornellsviUe,) far- 
mer 158. 

SMITH, A. L., (HornellsviUe,) dealer in 
dry goods, crockery, boots and shoes, 
155 Main. 

Smith, Charles ' F., (Arkport,) carriage 

SMITH, CHAELES F. & CO., (Hornells- 
viUe,) mannf. of tin, copper, brass and 
sheet iron ware, wholesale dealers in 
glass and wooden ware, <ftc., 122 Can- 

Smith, Charles W., (HornellsvUle,) barber 
and hair dresser ^08 Main. 

Smith, DaVid A., (iaomellsviUe,) wheel- 
wright and farmer 60, 110 Canlsteo. 

Smith, E. D., (HorneUsville,) farmer 50. 



Smith, H., (HornellBville,) cooper, 110 Can- 

SNBLL, THOMAS, (Homellsville,) dealer 
ill boots and shoes, 128 Main, 

Snyder, Andrew, (HornellsTille,) farmer 21. 

SPENCER, DB WITT Q., (Almond, Alle- 
gany Co.,) former leases 300. 

Spencer, Jade, (HornellsvlUe,) farmer 100. 

Stearns, Elvira Miss, (Hornellsville,) mil- 
linery and drcBS making, 159 Main. 

ateinepach, Jacob, (Hornellsville,) prop, sa- 
loon, IS Loder. 

STEPHENS, ALANSON, (Hornellsville,) 
lumberman and farmer 80O. 

Stephens, D., (Hornellsville,) farmer 600. 

STEPHENS, EKASTUS, (Hornellsville,) 
farmer 108. 

Stephens, James B., (HorneUsville,) farmer 

Stephens, John, (Hornellsville,) farmer 38. 
STEPHENS, JOHN Q., (Hornellsville,) 

prop. Chadwtck Honse, Loder. 
Stephens, Leander C, (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 55. 
Stephens, Matt, (Hornellsville,) farmer 54. 
Stevens, James H. Jr., (Hornellsville,) 

(Bakes & Stevens.) 
STEVENS, MOSES, (HomellBville,)(B?-Oum 

& Stevens.) 
Stevens, Olive Miss, (Hornellsville,) millin- 
ery store, 124 Main, 2d floor. 
Straasa, K., (Hornellsville,) bottling soda 

water, 0)nmed out in June.) 
Sullivan, Mary Miss, (Hornellsville,} mil- 
linery and dress making, 102 Main, 2d 
Sutton, Daniel, (Hornellsville,) farmer 44. 
Sutton, Henry P., (Hornellsville,) marble 

factory, 32 church. 
♦SUTTON, WILLIAM L., (Hornellsville,) 

photographer, 113 Main, 2d floor. 
Swarts, Boss H., (Hornellsville,) farmer 

SWEET, JBEET J., (Somellsville,) far- 
mer 96. 
Swift, Charlee,(HomelIsville,)prop. saloon, 

6 Loder. 
Taggart, Christopher, (Arkport,) farmer 


TUTTLE, , (Hornellsville,) (Thacher 

& Tuttle.) 
Van Scooter, Philip, (Hornellsville,) (Sose 

& Van Scooter.) 
Van Scoter, Anthony, (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer leases 65. 
VAN SCOTER, MONROE D., (Hornells- 
ville,) (with PhUip.) farmer 350. 
VAN SCOTER, PHILIP, (HomeUsville,) 

(with Monroe D.,) farmer 850. 
Van Scoter, Philip, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Van Sickle S Co., (HomellBviUe,) (John 
Van Sickle, Siehard CtoUier aM Daniel 
Dewitt^ dealers in doors, sash, blinds, 
flooring, <Sc., cor. Pardee and Main. 
Van Sickle, John, (HomeUsville,) (Van 

Sickle & Co.) 
Pattengill, A. A., (HomeUsville,) conductor 

Erie R. R. 

VINTON, HARRISON W., (HornellBville,) 

importer and wholesale dealer in 

brandies, wines, gins, <fcc., 80 Main. 

Wall, Thomas, (HornellBville,) dealer in 

groceries and provisions, 68 Canisteo. 

Wardner, Franklin, (Hornellsville,) (W. 2>. 

Palmer & 00.) 
Webb, Alfred, (Hornellsville,) farmer 5. 
WEBB, CAMERON, (Hornellsville,) dealer 
in dry goods and groceries, and farmer 
145.69 Xoder. 
Webb, Foster, (Hornellsville,) farmer 60. 
Webb, Shepherd, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Taylor, Thomas, (HoroellBTiUe,) farmerTS. 
Telford, William H., (Hornellsville,) 

TERRY, GEORGE W., (Hornellsville,) 

cattle dealer and former 298, 7 River. 
Thacher, Morrey, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Thacher, Scott, (Hornellsville,) miller and 

farmer 500. ^ „ „ .„ n 

•■•THACHER & TUTTLE, (HomeUsville,) 

pnbUshers of Canisteo Valley Times, 87 

Thatcher, Otis, (HomeUsviUe,) farmer 114 
Thome, Owen S., (HomeUsville,) (Davit * 

Thnrber, Lucy Miss, (HomeUsville,) millin- 
er, dress and clokk maker 126 Canisteo 

Trenciard, Gratton, (HomeUsviUe,) farmer 
If &S6B 298 

meat market, 93 Loder. „ , ,„ „ , 

Tru^deU, , '(HomeUsviUe,) (Bowen & 

TschSlt*"— , (HomeUsviUe,) (Deutsch 
TUT*TLlf KAeW a., (HomeUsviUe,) 
. (AdHt & Tuttle.) 

Webb, Stephen, (HomeUsviUe.) farmer 100. 
WETHERBY, JOHN M., (Almond, AUe- 

gany Co. ,) miller and farmer 202. 
Weyenier, WiUiam, (HornellaviUe,) farmer 

WHEELER, A. N., (HomeUsviUe,) farmer 

190 ' 
WHITCOMB, S. P., (HornellsvUle,) farmer 


Whitfo'rd, A., (HorneUsvUle,) farmer 70. 

Whitford, Daniel S., (Altted, Allegany Co.,) 
(vAth Sylvenus S.,) farmer leases 338. 

Whitford, Sylvenua 8., (Alfred, Allegany 
Co.,) (wiOi DamdS.,)pnaev leases 883. 

WHITTAM, THOMAS W., (HomeUsviUe,) 
carpenter andjoiner, 62 Canisteo. 

Wieeins, Benjamin F., (HomeUsviUe,) sur- 
geon dentist, 130 Main, 2d floor. 

wulv, , (HorneUsvUle,) farmer 60. 

Williams, G. E., (HomeUsviUe,) carpenter 
and joiner and farmer 33. 

WiUiams, Gilbert B., (Hornellsville,) far- 
mer 80. 

Withey, Sylvester, (HomellBvUle,) farmer 

Woolever. Michael, (HomeUsville,) farmer 

WOOLEVfat', SAMUEL, (HomeUsviUe,) 

former leases 114. 

WOOLEVER, WILLIAM, (Arkport,) hotel 

keeper and farmer 200. 
Wright. GUbert, (Hornellsville,) farmer 40. 
Wvant, Henry, (Arkport,) farmer 101. 
ToiSg Edward T., (Hornellsville,) mer- 

cBant tailor and gents' fumishinggoods, 

116 Main. 
Young, , (HomellsvUle,) (Crane, Coy 

<fc Young.) 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abber, Jonas, (South Howard,) farmer 60. 

Aldea, Barney, (Howard,) cabinet maker. 

ALDEN, BK^fJAMIN, (Howard,) farmer 40. 

Alden, Gilbert, (Howard,) carpenter. 

Aldon, a. v., (Howard,) (O. F. <ft D. O. 
Alden,) millwright and farmer 53. 

Alden, Q, V. & D. C, (Howard,) props. 
Bteam saw mill. 

Alden, Hamuel A., (Howard,) farmer 170. 

Alexander, Epbraim, (Howard,) farmer 86. 

Alexander, John H., (Howard,) farmer 40. 

Alger, Dexter, (Canisteo,) farmer. 

Alien, Nathan, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Allen, S. C, (Center Canisteo,) farmer 160. 

Annabel, Frederick, (Towlesville,) farmer 

Atherton, Caleb, (Adrian,) farmer 99. 

BADBAU, P. A., (Adrian,) carpenter and 
joiner and farmer 63. 

Baldwin, Henry, (Howard,) merchant and 

Banter, Andrew, (TowleBville,) fiarmer 110. 

BABTHOLOMBW, EBEB, (Howard,) far- 
mer 87. 

BAXTER, A., (Howard,) farmer 100. 

Bellinger, Phillip, (Howard,) farmer 106. 

BENNETT, ALKALI, (Howard,) eupervlB- 
or and farmer 380. 

Bennett, Benjamin, (Howard,) wagon mak- 

Bennett, Byron, (Howard,) painter. 

Bennett, Daniel N., (Howard,) farmer 3S6. 

Bennett, Omar, (Howard,) {Spatilding dk 
Mennett,) farmer 80. 

Bennett, Oscar, (Howard,) farmer. 

Beverly, Jesse, (Haskinrille,) farmer 126. 

Billings, Chas., (South Howard,) farmer 78. 

BISHOR WM. C, (Howard,) prop. Cen- 
tral Hotel. 

BRASTBD, C. M., (Howard.) firmer. 

BEASTED, EDMUND, (Howard,) fanner 

BEASTED, HENRY B., (Howard,) farmer 

Brasted, John^ (HorDellayille,) farmer 101. 

BEASTED, JOHN C, (Howard,) farmer 

BRASTED, J. M., (Hornellsville,) farmer 
leaves 41. 

BRASTBD, LEVI W.,(Howard,) farmer 160 
and leases 60. 

Brasted, Nicholas, (Howard,) farmer 180. 

BRISCOE, JOHN, (Howard,) constable. 

BROWNBLL, JOHN A., (Howard,) farmer 
leases 30. 

Buck, Moses B., (Towlesville,) farmer B5. 

Bullard, Abel, (Howard,) dairy and farmer 

BTJLLARD, HASKELL, (Howard,) farmer 


Bullard, Joel, (Howard,) farmer 180. 
Burd, Samuel O., (South Howard,) farmer 

Burlison, Hiram, (Howard,) farmer 60. 
CADOGAN, CHARLES, (Hornellsville,) 

dairy and farmer 160. 

(with Joieph,) farmer leases 135. 

(with Vj/rwi,) farmer leases 136. 

Carey, Calvin, (Howard.) farmer. 
CARPENTER, ALLEN C, (Bnena Vista,) 

Case, A. B. Dr., (Howard,) physician and 

Case, D., M. D., (Howard,) physician. 
CENTRAL HOTEL, (Howard,) Wm. 0. 

Bishop, prop. 
Chase, Wm., (South Howard,) farmer 76. 
CHAFLIN, L. T., (Haskinville,) carpenter 

and joiner. 
Clark, Simeon, (Howard,) farmer 64. 
Coats, Daniel, (Howard,) farmer 37. 
Cobb, Almerian, (Howard,) farmer 130. 
Cochran, John, (Towlesville,) farmer 65. 
Cole, Alva, (Howard,) farmer 80. 
Cole, Harvey J., (Howard,) farmer 60. 
COMBS, GEO. W., (Buena Vista,) tube 

well driving and farmer 114. 
Comfort, E. P., (Canisteo,) farmer 103. 
COMFORT, R. H., (Canisteo,) farmer 161. 
CONKLIN, JOHN C, (Canisteo,) farmer 

COOTS, THOMAS, (Center Canisteo,) far- 
mer 105. 
CORNELL, AUSTIN, (Canisteo,) farmer 

CORNELL, ELIAS, (Canisteo,) farmer 79. 
CORNELL, GEORGE, (Canisteo,) farmer 

Crozier, Wm., (Buena Vista,) farmer 140. 
Crozier, Wm. Jr., (Towlesville,) farmer 80. 
Cunderman, Abram, (lloward,) farmer 100. 
Danes, N., (Towlesville,) blacksmith and 

farmer 6. 
Davis, George, (Towlesville,) boot and shoe 

DAVY, CHARLES R., (Howard,) farmer 90. 
Dawson, Martha, (Buena Vista,) ftirmer 66. 
De Graff, Q. W., (Towlesville,) farmer 112. 
De Graff, Theodore, (Towlesville,) farmer 

Degrath, James, (Howard,) farmer 115. 
Demarest, Cornelias, (Haskinville,) farmer 

DEMAREST, SAMUEL J., (WalUce,) far- 
mer 100. 
DEMINQ, AARON, (Canisteo,) farmer 70. 
Dempsey, James, (Howard^ farmer 73. 
Dockstader, Crownedge, (Haskinville,) far- 
mer 60. 
DRAKE, PETER, (Buena Vleta,) farmer 

Dunham, Jonathan, (Buena Vista,) farmer 

Dunham, Richard, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

Dunham, Samnel, (Buena Vista,) (with 

Thomai,) farmer 168. 
Dunham, Thomas, (Benna Vista,) (with 

Samuel,) farmer 168. 
Dunn, Asa, (Haskinville,) farmer 44. 
Dyer, Bradford, (Towlesville,) farmer 60. 
Dyer, Thomas, (Howard,) firmer 50. 
Easton, James, (Canisteo,) farmer 60 and 

leases 300. 
Edget, Edward, (Howard,) farmer 52. 
Edget, George, (Howard,) farmer 78. 
Edget, John G., (Buena Vleta,) farmer 50. 
Edget, Margaret, (Howard,) farmer 130. 

™80&. '^°'^^' ^°™'"''') farmer leases 
™'feme™4i) (S°™«"»ville,) iwith Zevi,) 

Emry, Blyah B., (Howard,) farmer BO. 
Farley, Patrick, (Howard.) farmer B5. 
Feenaaghty, James. (Oamsteo,) farmer 274. 

FERRIS, EEUBi^ P., (Howard,) dairy and 

^°^Co f*^''®'' (Howard,) (Kalb, Bahn & 
FORD," ELI P., (Howard,) firmer 580. 
Foreman, Henry, (HorneUsvUle,) farmer 72. 

SS-^'xTi/fte ^'J5°™«"^'^1?!) farmer 104. 

FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN, (Soward,) far- 
mer ISO. ♦ ■ ' 

Franklin, DaTid A., (Howard,) firmer 138. 

Franklin, George M., (Howard,) prop, saw 
mill, carpenter and joiner and former 

Franklin, J. B., (Wallace,) farmer 34 

Franklin, Lincoln J., (Howard,) farmer ISS. 

Garrison, Martin, (Howard,) farmer 11. 

Gay, Hnghee, (Towlesville,) farmer 46. 

Gay, Wm., (Towlesville,) farmer 48. 

Gifford, Alonzo, (Howard,) farmer 119. 

Gilchrist, A. G., (Buena Vista,) farmer 114. 

Glover, Alexander, (Towlesville,) firmer 

Goff, Hiram, (Howard,) farmer 3. 
Goff, John E., (Howard,) farmer 3. 
GOFF, STEPHEN M., (Howard,)farmer83. 
GOFF, WM. S., (Howard,) prop, saw mill 

and farmer 40. 
Goodrich, James, toward,) farmer 23. 
GRAVES, ALMON, (Howard,) farmer 160. 
Graves, C. C, (Howard,) dairy and farmer 

187. » 

GRAVES, M. JHoward,) farmer. 
GRAVES, O. T., (Howard,) farmer 98. 
GRAVES, WM. H.,?Howard,) painter. 
GRAY, SAMUEL H., (Center Canisteo,) 

farmer 65. 
Gnlifer, John, (Howard,) farmer 75. 
Qnliver, James, (Howard,) farmer 60. 
Gnmeey, H. D., (Howard,) farmer leases 
tiOnmsey, James H., (Howard,) blacksmith. 
Hahn, Charles, (Howard,) (Kalb, Hahn <fc 

Hallett, Wm., (Buena Viata,) termer 15. 
'Hamilton, Horace, (Howard,) farmer 55. 
• HAMILTON, LEWIS, (Buena Viata,) dairy 

and farmer 214. 
Harris, Amasa, (Towlesville,) farmer 10. 
Harris, John, (Buena Vista,) farmer 60. 
Head, Alvin, (Howard,) farmer 100. 
,B,ecox, David, (Haskinville,) dairyman and 
i^_ lhrmerl58. 

HIQGINS, ABEL K., (Howard,) (McCoa- 
_ fuUitBiggint.) 

HIQGINS, MABTIN, (Howard,) farmer 130. 
Higgins, Nelson, (Howard,) farmer 49. 
Hoagland, Abram, (Howard,) farmer 160. 
Hoagland, Josiah, (Towlesville.) farmer 4. 
Hoagland, Richard, (Towlesville,) farmer 
„ 150. 

ards postmaster and farmer 160. J 

^^}l' ""^".T'' (Canisteo,) farmer 88. 
Honey, Alexander, (Buena Viata,) farmer 

HOKTON, LUTHER T., (Howard,) farmer 

H?,yi^i^9?' (Howard,) farmer 137. 
HnS=!' n"^"'' Ogpward,) farmer 65. 
n™^f f ' ?™'^' .igoward.) farmer 186. 
nn,«^ '""'^ (Howard,) farmer 108. 

°°Trme?S' '^°™'''^ ^'"'^^ '^^ 

^"'in^'^i'St^tf T^""^- (Howard,) Spauld- 
„„ "gS <s Bennett, props. 

To^°' ^°°^^ »•' (Howard,) farmer 

H.^r,"'^*',^- S., (Howard,) farmfer 140. 

Too "^ ' ^''™* '^"'"•' farmer 

lOHW s^'w "qV^*!'?*''^''') fanner 197, 
JOHNSON, SILAS H., (HomellaTrtUe,) 

aaleaman and farmer 125. 

115°' ^™' ■'''■' (Homellsville,) farmer 

JONES, EMANUEL, (HornellsviUe,) far- 

mer 125. 
Jones, L^man, (Howard,) prop, of National 

JONES, SAMUEL, (HomellaviUe,) farmer 


i°?^'v?™^°n> (Howard,) farmer 62 
Kalb Hahn & Co., (Howard,) (^eph. Kalb, 

Omrlet Hahn and CharlesFtohr^^movs. 

Howard tannery. '^ 

Kalb^ Joseph, (Howard,) {KaU, Hahn dk 

grist mill and farmer 40. 
KTSOE, A., (Howard.) farmer 165 
KTSOR, WM. B., (Howard,) farmer. 
Lane, Ira, (Howard,) firmer. 
Lang, Chas. A., (Bath,) farmer 104. 
LAtJDER, WM., (Canisteo,) firmer 75. 
Lavery, John, (Buena Vista,) farmer 71. 
Leonard, John J., (HornellsviUe,) farmer 

Lyke, Abram E., (Howard,) farmer 161 
Lyke, James H., (Howard,) dairy and fir- 
mer 147. 
LTKB, JOHN, (Howard,) dairyman and 

farmer 408. 
Machesney, Alexander C, (South Howard,) 

carpenter and joiner and farmer 67. 
Madison, Fayette, (Howard,) blacksmith. 
MANHART, A. B., (Howard,) carpenter 

and joiner. 
MANHAET, WM. H., (Howard,) farmer 

MAEQBSON, GEO. W., (Canisteo,) farmer 

Martin, Allted, (Howard,) fanner leasee 140. 
MASTERS, JOHN, (Howard,) farmer 118 
Mattoon, B. J., (Towlesville,) farmer 103. 
McBeth, James, (Bnena Vista,) former 74 
McCaddam, Thomas, (Towlesville,) farmer 

McCaddam, Wm., (Howard,) farmer 106 

McCann, John, fSouth Howard,) fanner 103. 

MoCHESNfiY, JAMBS, (Bnena Vista,) far- 
mer 44. 

McChesney, Joseph, (South Howard,) for- 
mer 49. 

MoCONNELL, AAEON, (Howard,) farmer 




112 Main Street, 

XZoarxxeZloixrllle, "SSg-isv "SToxrlx.. 


WM. L. SUTTON, Proprietor. 

The fact that the ahove Eetablishment has been in enccessfal operMlon for the. last 
twelve years, is a eufficienlgnaran tee that all work executed by him or his assistants 
will be of a snperior style, and as good as can be done in the country. Satisfaction 
guaranteed in every case, Fartlcumr attention given to copying and enlarging old pic- 
tures into Photographs. In fact, all kinds and styles of j^ictores known to the Art, 
made at the above Gallery. All are invited to call and ezamme specimens of his work, 
whether they wish to purchase or not. W. L. SUTTON. 

Fairchild Bros. Celebrated Grrape Box. 

Ilgbest Prices obtained for Grape* sblpped In tms Box. R 

commended toy all Crrape Growers Who bave used ttaem, 

and Commlaslon mercbants larbo bave bundled 

tbem, to be tbe best Package In ase. 


Hammondsport, Steuben Co., N. Y. 



Commlsion House of JOHN C, DAVIS, No. 6 Brie Buildings, andS98Dnane St., I 

NEW TOHK, July 18, 1867. ■ ) 

Messrs. FAIKCHILD BROS :—(?«»<«.' We would recommend to all &rape PocJot'I 
to secure your ityle of package in preference to any other now in use, as the most desir- 
able one for our market, it being neat, light and the best for transportation. It also 
takes the preference for the retaU trade and shipping abroad. Our experience Would 
suggest Pine as the best material for making the boxes ; it should be well seasoned to 
prevent mould. Yours Truly, JOHN C. DAVIS & 00, 

Office of C. W. IDELL, Fruit and General Produce Commission Merchant, I 
West Street, Foot of Dey, NEW YOBK, June 4, 1886. 1 
. Messrs. FAIECHILD BROS.— G«n««m«n,- Permit me to congratulate you on the 
invention of your Ave pound Grape Box. , In eighteen years experience in the market I 
have never met with a box that gave such general satisfaction. They are neat, cheap, 
and give general satisfaction to both wholesale and retail dealers. Last season I sold 
about eighteen tons of grapes in your boxes, and sent them to several Eastern and 
Southern cities, and in no single instance did they fail to give satisfaction. 

Tours Truly, CHAS. W. IDELL. 



(Howard,) (ifc- 

Conmll dk Biggins.) 

{Aaron. Mc ConneU and Abel B. IRggim,) 
general merchants. 

UcSaniela, John, (Howard,) former 115. 

McDowell, Elchard, (Howard,) farmer 57: 

McKihbin, Andrew S., (Buena Vista,) far- 
mer 180. 

McK11)bln, Mary, (Buena Vista,) farmer 80. 

McKlbben, Samuel, (Buena Viata,) farmer 

Meeks, C. C, (Howard,) farmer 40. 

Meeks, Horace M., (Howard,) farmer 42 and 

MBEKlj, J. Bi., (Howard,) dairyman and 

farmer 165. 
Heeks Mary, (Canisteo,) farmer 82. 
Meeks, Wm. A., (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 
Merrills, Idophia, (Wallace,) farmer 95. 
MK3ICK, SIDNKT, (Howard,) dairy and 

farmer 186. 
Miller, Hiram, (Howard,) farmer 7. 
Miller, Jo'seph, (TowlesTille,) farmer leases 

Miller, Oren, (Howard,) farmer 66. 
Miller, Polly Mrs., (Howard,) farmer 86. 
Miller, Thomas, (TowlesvlUe,) farmer 72. 
MILLBB, WM., (Canisteo,) farmer 146. 
MILLER, WILLIAM H., (Goff's Mills,) 
prop. Howard woolen mill and saw 
Milne, Elder, (Howard,) Presbyterian min- 
Moore, Lyman, (Howard,) prop, saw mill 

and farmer 80. 
Morgan, Chapln, (Howard,) farmer 80. 
Morgan, Edward, (Howard,) {with John 

Salomon,) farmer 108. 
Morris, Dennis, (Towlesville,) farmer 80. 
Mount, Jenny, (Howard,) milliner. 
Mullikin, Samuel G., (Buena Vista,) post- 
Niphor, Michael, (Howard,) farmer leases 

Norris, Peter, (Kanona,) former 104. 
Norton, Shadrach J., (Canisteo,) farmer 

NORTON, THOMAS J., (Canisteo,) farmer 

Oatley, A., (TowleBville,) blacksmith. 
■ O'Brien, Robert, (Towlesville,) farmer 60. 
Ormsby, Edgar, (Howard,) farmer leases 

Ormsby, Blihu, (Howard,) farmer 70. 
Ormsby, O. W., (Howard,) hameas making. 
0X1, Wm., (Howard,) farmer 80. 
Palmer, Bradley, (Howard,) farmer 120. 
Parker, Joseph, (Howard,) farmer 26. 

1PABKHILL, R. F. & C. S., (Howard,) phy- 
sicians and surgeons. 
ParkhUl, M. S., (Howard,) farmer leases 
' 100. 

Parkhill, Ransom, (Howard,) shoe maker, 
Parsons, Van L.^oward,) farmer 105. 
I Parsons, Wm., (Howard,) farmer 114. 
i Patterson, John, (Howard,) blacksmith. 
» PECK, GEO. W., (Howard,) farmer 75. 
, Philipson, Edward, (Howard,) tailor. 
Plank, Dan M., (HomellsviUe,) fanner 

I16&B6B 100 
Powell, David, (Towlesville,) mason. 
PRENTISS, ALTKED M.. (Howard,) prop, 
grist and steam saw mill and former 108. 

PRESTON, EDWIN, (Howard,) wagon 

Qijiglfey, David, (Hornellsville,) farmer 

167>f ; . 
Rathbone, Chauncy, (Howard,) farmer 

Rathbone, Dennlson, (Haskinville,) farmer 

Rathbone, .Isaac Dr., (Howard,) farmer 26. 
RATHBim, HIRAM, (Center Canisteo,) 

farmer 100. • 
Rice, Austin, (Howard,) carpenter. 
Rice, Ezekiel, (Howard,) farmer 60. 
RICE, LEVI P., (Howard,) town clem, 

and prop, grocery and fancy store. 
RICE, &BTHH., (TowlesvUle,) justice of 

the peace, dairy and former 258. 
Richardson, Thomas, (Towlesville,) farmer 

Roberts, Chas., (Howard,) farmer 14. 
'ROSS, ISAAC,(Adrian,)farmer 70 and leases 

Ross, Julia, (South Howard,) farmer 60. 
Rose, Lester H., (Howard,) painter. 
RUSSEL, JOEL, (Howard,) dairy and far- 
mer 280. 
Russel, Lewis, (Howard,) farmer 107. 
Saltsman, Lawrence, toward,) farmer 

leases 120. 
Saxton, Benjamin, (Howard,) farmer 200. . 
Schell, Simeon, (Howard,) farmer leases 

Searls, Nathanlel,(Hornellsville,) farmer 30. 
Sharp, A., (Howard,) farmer leases 120. 
SHARP, ABRAM, (Howard,) farmer 210. 
SHARP, BARNEY O. C, (Howard,) far- 
mer 100. 
Sharp, Garret, (Howard,) farmer 149. 
Sharp, O. G., (Howard,) dairyman and far- 
mer 161. 
Sharp, Thomas B., (Howard,) farmer 77>i. 
Shean, John, (South Howard,) farmer 40. 
Sherer, Daniel, (South Howard,) farmer 59. 
8HBRER, ROBERT JB.,^(Sonth Howard,) 

(with, Sl|^velter^ farmer 280. 
SHERER, SYLVESTER, (South Howard,) 

(with Robert Jr..) farmer 230. 
Sherman, George, (Howard,) farmer 75. 
Smith, Albert D., (South Howard,) farmer 

leases 225. 
Smith, Andrew, (Hornellsville,) former 68. 
Smith, Benjamin, (Canisteo,) farmer 82. 
SMITH, CHAS. H., (Canisteo,) carpenter 

and joiner, and farmer leases 76. 
Smith, Geo. H., '(Hornellsville,) farmer 80. 
Smith, Jas., (Howard,) constable. 
Smith, Peter A., (Howard,) dairy and far- 
mer 150. , , ,11 J 
SMITH, WM., (Howard,) magistrate and 

Solomon, John, (Howard,) (with Mdward 

Moraan.\ farmer 108. 
South^?John, (Hornellsville,) (with Oil- 

btrtEBU,) farmer 15. , , ,_ . ^ 

Snanlding & Bennett, (Howard,) (a. dSX/. 

SpaiSding and Omar Bennett,) ptova. 

Howard cheese foctory. 
Spaulding, H. & L., (Howard,) (Spaulding 

cE B«m««,) fanners 315. 
Spragne, J. Q., (Wallace,) prop, saw and 

shingle mill. „ ^ , , , j 

Stevenson, Newton, (Howard,) dairy and 

term,or 187. ^, ^ ^ , 
Steward, George, (Howard,) farmer 68. 







American, English & German 

. ,y >- HARDWARE, 

Pi "?*' - ;^x " Carriap & Harness 

Carpenters' and other Edge TeolB, Cook and Parlor Stoves, Tin, Copper and 

Sheet Iron Ware, Farming Tools, ALL KINDS OP BENT STUFF, 

Turpentine, Glue, Linseed Oil, Faints, Varnish & Fancy Colors, 

18 Liberty Street, Bath, N. Y. 






DR. M. hT'wILCOX, 


All operations performed in the most skillful manner. Particalar attention paid 
to preserving the Natural Teeth, hy treating and filling with great care. Teeth extract- 
ed without pain, by using Nitrons Oxide, or Laughing Gas, Chlorolorm or Ether. 

Plate work of all kinds carefully^ made. 

All work is fully warranted to give satisfaction. Dr. Wilcox is an old established 
Dentist, and feels confidence in offferlng his services to the Inhabitants of Corning and 
its surrounding towns. 

Dr. Wilcox also deals extensively in miTSICAIi HVSTRITinsiNTS of all 
kinds, being agent for Chickerings, Steinways, Hains Bros., and Decker Bros. Pianos, 
Mason & Hamlin, Shoninger & Hintermister's Organs and Melodeons. 

Has Pianos, Organs and Melodeons to rent, and rent allowed if the Instrument is 
pnrchased. Also sells Instruments upon monthly or quarterly installments. Persons 
wishing to buy will do well to call and see me before purchasing elsewhere, as I can 
make them very liberal terms. 

Office oil market St., opp< the Dickinson Honse, Corning, N. T. 

m. H. \niiCOX, Surgeon Dentist. 



Stewart, Alexander, (Bneua Vista,) farmer 

STBWAET, ANDREW, (BuenaVlBta,) far- 
mer 80. 

Stewart, Andrew G., (Soutli Howard,) far- 
mer 60. 

BTEWABT, ANDREW JE., (Buena Vista,) 
farmer S3. 

Stewart, Ezeklel, fBnena Vista,) farmer 47. 

Stewart, George, (Towlesville,) farmer 110. 

STEWART, WO. W., (Bnena Vista,) far- 
mer 113. 

Stewart, Henry, (Towlesville,) farmer 41. 

Stewart, Moses, (Buena Vista,) farmer 83X. 

Stewart, Samuel, (Buena Vista,) farmer 168. 

Stewart, Samuel, (Soath Howard,) farmer 

Stewart, Thomas, (Towlesville,) farmer 89. 

Stewart, Wm., (Buena Vista,) farmer 121?^. 

STEWART, WILLIAM H., (Buena Vista,) 
farmer 75. 

Stewart, Wm. H., (Buena Vista,) farmer 

Stratton, Oliver, (Towlesville,) farmer 88. 

SWACKHOMEB, HENRY, (Howard,) dai- 
ry and farmer IBSJi. 

SWAJN, HENRY, (Homellsville,) farmer 
aiOand leases 313. 

Swezey, Joel P., (Buena Vista,) carpenter 
and joiner and farmer 160. 

Swezey, Nathaniel H., (Buena Vista,) car- 
penter and farmer 16. 

Taylor, Thomas, (Center Canisteo,) farmer 

Tilden, A. Kev. .(Howard,) Baptist minister. 

TILLOTSON, D. L., (Buena Vista,) prop. 
saw mill. 

Timmerman, M. , (Haskinville,) farmer B75i- 

Towle, Eben, (Towlesville,) dairy and far- 
mer S15. 

Travis, Henry C, (Canisteo,) farmer 147. 
i Travis, Henry F., (Canisteo,) farmer 87. 

Trowbridge, Cyrenius, (Howard,) farmer 
( 100. 

Trowbridge, Erastns, (Howard,) farmer 41. 

Trowbridge, Isaac W., (Howard,) black- 
smith and farmer 5. 

VanCampen, John, (Towlesville,) farmer 

Vandlender, G., (Buena Vista,) farmer 90. 

Vandlender, Martin, (Buena Vista,) farmer 

Vandusen, Henry, (Howard,) farmer 111. 

VanDusen, John, (Howard,) shoemaker. 
VanHorn, Charles W., (Canisteo,) (with 

Geo. N.,) farmer B3. 
VanHorn, (jeo. N., (Canisteo,) (jvith Chaa. 

W.,) farmer 53. 
Vanorder, Lewis, (HowardJ farmer 150. 
VauWie, Alonzo, (Howard,) farmer 100. 
VanWie, Henry J., (Howard,) farmer 100. 
VELEY, STEPHEN, (Towlesville,) farmer 

WAGNER, CLARK H., (Howard,) dairy 
' and farmer 160. 

WAGNER, JAMBS A., (Howard,) dairy 
and farmer 197X. 

WALES, JAMES, (Howard,) farmer ISO. 

Walker, Grier, (Towlesville,) farmer 164. 

Walker, Samuel, (Towlesville,) farmer 326. 

Watson, Alexander, (Howard,) farmer 

leases 67. 

WEBSTER, ALBERT, (Howard,) farmer 60. 

Wells, Gilbert, (Howard.) dairy and farmer 

Welsh, Adolphus, (Towlesville,) post- 

Wheaton, John, (Canisteo,) fanner 55. 

WHITCOMB, ALBERT M., (Wallace,) far- 
mer leases 80. 

White, James, (South Howard,) farmer 67.' 

White, James L., (South Howard,) farmer 

White, John, (Towlesville,) farmer 100. 

White, Patrick, (South Howard,) farmer 

White, Robert, (South Howard,) farmer 

White, Wm., (South Howard,) farmer BO. 

White, Wm. R., (Howard,) farmer 67. 

WHITING, JOHN W., (Howard,) farmer 

WHITING, T. J., (Towlesville,) farmer 86. 

Willis, Henry, (Towlesville,) farmer 30. 

Willis, Horace, (Towlesville.) farmer 60. 

WILLIS, JAMES M., (Towlesville,) far- 
mer IIB. 

WILLIS, JAMES M., 2nd., (Towlesville,) 


WILLIS, WM. S., (Towlesville,) farmer 

WILLYS, PHILANDER G., (Howard,) far- 
mer 65. 

Wilson, George, (Buena Vista,) farmer 131. 

Wilson, John L., (Homellsville,) farmer 108. 

WOODS, WM., (South Howard,) farmerBO. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ALVOIKD, EITFUSL., (Greenwood,) far- 
mer 100. 

ANDREWS, HENHT B., (Jasper,) farmer 

Armstrong, Maria Mrs., (Jasper,) tailoress 
and farmer 3. 

Bachelor, Franklin, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Baley, Abraham, (Jasper,) farmer 180. 

Banks, William, (Jasper,) farmer 85. 

Barnard, Eli, (Greenwood,) farmer 180. 

Barnard, Horace P., (Jasper,) farmer 62. 

Barnes, Chester, (Jasper,) farmer 3. 

Barnes, Kehemlah, (Jasper,) farmer leases 

Barnes, Nelson, (Jasper,) butcher. 

Bartoo, Bli, (Jasper,) farmer 80. 

BATCHELDER, JOHN F., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 180. 

farmer 188. 

Benaway, James, (Greenwood,) farmer TO. 

Benedict, Lafayette M., (North Jasper,) far- 
mer 88. 

Brldgman, Orlando, (Jasper,) farmer SIO. 

Brooks, James F., (Jasper,) groceries and 

Brotzman, Abraham, (Jasper,) farmer TSXiX- 

Brotzman, George, (Jasper.Karmer 85. 

Brotzman, Nicholas A., (Jasper,) farmer 

Brdnghton, Charles W., (Canisteo,) fanner 

Broughton, Uriah, (Canisteo,) farmer 60. 

Bullock, John, (Jasper,) farmer 64. 

Butler, William, (Canisteo.) farmer 48. 

Calkins, Myron, (Jasper,) farmer 60. 

CAMPBELL, DANIEL, (Jasper,) farmer 68. 

CAMPBELL, MARTIN, (Jasper,) farmer 

Cardwill, Lncins T., (Jasper,) farmer 16. 

Case, John, (Greenwood,) farmer 60. 

Chappie, John, (Jasper,) cooper. 

Chatfleld, Ezra, (Jasper,) farmer 70. 

CHATFIELD, EZRA JR., (Jasper,) farmer 
leases 70. 

Cheesman, Edward, (West Jasper,) farmer 

Cla'k, Jane D. Mrs., (North Jasper,) farmer 

Clark, Mary Mrs., (Greenwood,) (itUh Wil- 
liam, Letts,) farmer 140. 

Conkey, Ambrose, (Greenwood,) farmer 98. 

Coneidine, Michael, (Jasper,) farmer lS>f. 

Cooper, William H., (Jasper,) farmer 26. 

Coricle, Benjamin, (Canisteo,) farmer 122. 

Countryman, Solomon, (Jasper,) post mas- 
ter and farmer 68. 

CRAIG, ANDREW B., (Jasper,) (A. B. & 
W. B. Craig.-) 

♦CRAIG, A. B. & W. E., (Jasper,) (Andrea 

B. and WUlit E.) general merchants, 
lumbermen and farmers 620. 

CRAIG, JAMES A., (Jasper,) (wiO. Morton 

C. Orepory,) farlner leases 240. 
crale, Josiah 8., (Jasper,) farmer 70. 
CKMG, WILLIS B., (Jasper,) (A. B. <£ W. 

£/. uraig.) 
CRATSENBUEGH, JOHN, (Jasper,) fir- 
mer 48. 

CRONE, LEWIS F., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Crosby, George F.. (Jasper,) farmer 126. 

Crosby, Lorenzo, (Jasper,) farmer 116. 

Davis, Benjamin, F., (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 

Davis, Edwin D., (Jasper,) farmer 66. 

Deck, Hiram, (Jasper,) farmer 83. 

Deck, John, (Jasper,) liarmer 98. 

Deck, Solomon, (Jasper,) physician and far- 
mer 110. 

Deck, Uriel, (Jasper,) farmer 40. 

Demun, David Ht, (Jasper,) (a)iiA i\rt«Mo» 
JPruteman,) farmer iSi, 

Dennis, Albert, (North Jasper,) (with An- 
drew.) lumberman and farmer 530. 

Dennis, Amos, (Jasper,) farmer 62>f . 

Dennis, Andrew, (North Jasper,) (with Ai- 
berty) lumberman and farmer 580. 

Dennis, Daniel W., (Jasper,) farmer 70. 

DENNIS, FRANKLIN, (Jasper,) farmer 

Dennis, George, (Jasper,) farmer 200. 

Dennis,-Ruth A. Mrs., (Jasper,) farmer 126. 

DENNIS, SAMUEL F., (Jasper,) farmer 

Dennis, Samnel Jr., (Jasper,) farmer 240. 

DENNIS, SEYMOUR, (West Jasper,) dai- 
ryman and farmer 164. 

Divena, Truman, (Greenwood,) farmer 100. 

Doty, Oliver S., (Jasper,) farmer 60. 

Doty, Philander, (Jasper,) farmer 72. 

DRAKE, ALLEN, (Jasper,) wool grower, 
dairyman and farmer 662. 

DRAKE, AYRES, (West Jasper,) wool 

grower, dairyman and farmer 300. 
e, James, (Canisteo,) farmer 60. 
Drake, John A., (Greenwood,) farmer 200.' 
DRAKE, SIDNEY, (Jasper,) farmer 84. 
Drake, William, ((jreenwood,) farmer 26. 
DUNCKEL, JOHN N., (Jasper,) farmer 

FAILING, BENJAMIN, (Jasper,) (with 

Evhraim,) farmer 13?. 
FAILING, EPHRAIM, (Jasper,) (wUh Bm- 

jamin,) firmer 183. 
Foster, Jeremiah B., (Jasper,) blacksmith. 
FRANCE, JAMES H., (Jasper,) dairyman 

and fanner 228. 
Freeland, Abraham, (Jasper,) farmer 80. 
Geferr, George, (Greenwood,) farmer 78. 
Gleason, William, (Greenwood,) farmer 85. 
GREGORY NORTON C, (Jasper,) (with 

James A. Craig,) farmer leases 240. 
Griffin, Asa, (Jasper,) farmer 100. 
Griffin, Asa H., (Jasper,) cooper. 
Gulick, Alexander Rev., (Jasper,) Presby- 
terian clergyman. 
Hadley, Charles B., (Jasper,) farmer 70. 
HADLBY, WILLIAM W., (Jasper,) farmer 

Hale, William H., (West Jasper,) farmer 

leases 130. 
Hamill, George W., (Jasper,) farmer leases 

Hamlin, Henry, (Jasper,) farmer 60. 
Harder, Chancy L., (Jasper,) blacksmith 

and farmer 10. 
Hardy, Adrian 2d, (Jasper,) farmer 140. 
Hardy, Adrian, (Jasper,) farmer 62. 



Hardy, Eli, (Jasper,) farmer !20. 

Hardy, Qeorge A., (West J««per,) farmer 

Hardy, William, (Jasper,) (with Mcholat 

Patter,) farmer 160. 
Hatch, Fbet)e Mrs., (Jasper,) itirmer 100. 
Hawl(iaa, Lewis T. Rev., (Jasper,) clergy- 
man Hethodlst church. 
Hays, Allen W., (West Jasper,) firmer 54. 
Hays, Royal B., (West Jasper,) farmer 54. 
Healy, Elezer, (Jasper,) farmer 60. 
Heckman, Daniel, (Jasper,) farmer 6t)(. 
Heckman, George, (Jasper,) farmer 120. 
Heckman, Isaac, (Jasper,) farmer, 150. 
HECKMAN, SAMUEL, (West Jasper,) la- 

Heckman, Samnel, (Jasper,) farmer 100. 
Hilhom, Charles B., (Jasper,) farmer 75. 
HILBORN, ROBERT, (Jasper,) farmer 202. 
Hill, Enos, (Jasper,) farmer 50. 

farmer ISO. 
Holt, Jahn,(Qreenwood,) farmer S5K- 
Holt, Mary Mrs., (West Jasper,) farmer 58. 
House, Alexander, (Jasper,) farmer 93. 
HOUSE, HIRAM M., (Jasper,) farmer 81. 
Hulta, Benjamin, (Jasper,) farmer 24. 
HUNTER, ANDRBWC, (Jasper,) {Bun- 

ter Brother!.) 
HUNTER BROTHERS, (Jasp«,) (Wittiam 
W. and Andrew C.,) merchants and far- 
mers 276>f . 
•HUNTER, WILLIAM R., (Jasper,) den- 
HUNTER, WILLIAM W., (Jasper,) (Hun- 
ter Brothers.) 
HUNTINGTON, LEWIS, (West Jasper,) 

farmer 186. 
Hutchinson, Charles Q., (Jasper,) hlack- 

IngdsoU, Elbert, (Jasper,) farmer 50. 
Jackson, Nathaniel, (Greenwood,) farmer 

Jackson, Robert, (Jasper,) farmer 10. 
Jackson, Thomas T., (Jasper,) farmer 60. 
Jacobs, DeLosB, (Jasper,) farmer leases 

Jacobs, Leonard, (Jasper,) carpenter and 

joiner and farmer 26. 
Jennings, Joseph, (Jasper,) farmer UK- 
Johnson, Ransom E., (Jasper,) farmer 110. 
Jot, Orlando, (Jasper,) farmer 80. 
JUNE, ELIAS C, (Jasper,) farmer 100. 
JUNE, GEORGE R., (Jasper,) cooper and 

farmer 86. 
June, Lemuel A., (Jasper,) farmer 60. 
Eeiman, Patrick, (Greenwood,) farmer 58. 
Kent, Roderick P., (Jasper,) farmer 165. 
Ketchnm, Thomas T., (JasperO farmer 41. 
KINKIER, FREDERICK B., (North Jasper,) 
deputy postmaster and farmer leases 70. 
Kinney, Adam B., (Jasper,) farmer 88. 
Kinney, Joseph B., (Jasper,) farmer 50. 
Lamson, Sylyester, (North Jasper,) farmer 

LATHROP, MATHIAS, (West Jasper,) 

farmer 40. 
Lent. Wilber F., (Jasper.) farmer 80. 
LETTS, WILLIAM, (Greenwood,) (with 
' Mrt. Mary Clark,) farmer 140. 
Lewis, Ezra D., (Jasper,) farmer 110. 
Little, Jesse, (Jasper,) stage proprietor and 
mail contractor. 

LODER, job; (West Jasper,) farmer leases 
107. . > 

Loomis, Elisha, (Canisteo,) peddler and 
farmer 84. 

Loomis, William H., (Canisteo,) former 40. 

Marlatt, Anson, (Jasper,) farmer S27X. 

Marlatt, John G., (Jasper,) farmer 260. 

Marsh, Joseph, (Jasper,) farmer 166. 

McMinds, Charles, (Greenwood,) farmer 

Merithew, Amara, (Jasper,) farmer 154. 

Merrit, Spauldicg R., (Jasper,) farmer 100. 

More, John, (Jasper,) (wif A 7. V.,) farmer 

More, Philip Sy (Jasper,) farmer 110. 

More, Seler, (West Jasper,) farmer 133. 

More, T. V., (Jasper,) (with John.) farmer 

More, Theodore V.. (Jasper,) farmer 105. 
MORE, THEBON V., (Jasper,) farmer 68. 

Mor.!, Uzal M., (West Jasper,) farmer 60. 

MULHOLLEN, WILLIAM, (Jasper,) far- 
mer leases 110. 

Mnnroe, Margaret Mrs., (Canisteo,) farmer 

MURPHY, JOHN, (Greenwood,) farmer 

Murphy, John, (Jasper,) farmer 64. 

Mnrphy, Robert, (Jasper,) inventor of 
Murphy's improved chum, and farmer 

Nellis, Abraham G., (Jasper,) farmer 138. 

Ordway, Charles W., (Jasper,) farmer 141. 

Ordway, Jonathan L., (Jasper,) farmer 165. 

Ostrander, Betsy Mrs., (Jasper,) farmer 70. 

Ostrander, Erwin B., (Jasper,) farmer 50. 

Ostrander. John, (Jasper,), farmer 51. 

OUTMAN, JAMES »., (Jasper,) (Outman 
<£ Toft.) . 

OUTMAN <e TAFT, (JWper,) (Jamei 8. 
Outman and Merrltt M. Taft,) mer- 

PHILLIPS, ANDREW B., (Jasper,) farmer 

PIERCE, JOHN, fWoodhull,) farmer 168. 

Ploss, Simon H., (Jasper,) farmer 237. 

Potter, Nicholas, (Jasper,) (with Wm. Ear- 
dy,) farmer 150. 

Prentice, Henry C, (Jasper.) farmer 28. 

Prentice, John H., (Jasper,) farmer 69X . 

Prentice, Jonathan K., (Jasper,) farmer 80. 

Prentice, Judson, (Jasper,) farmer 184. 

Prutsman, Nicholas, (Jasper,) (with David 
H Demun,) farmer 234. 

Purdey, William, (JasperO farmer 276. 

PURDT, ANDREW, M. D., (Jasper,) phy- 
sician. ' 

PURDT, DANIEL^ (Bennett's Creek,) far- 
mer 97. , , 

PURDT, DANIEL S., (Bennett's Creek,) 
farmer 100. 

Pnrdy, John, (Bennett's Creek,) farmer 97. 

PURDT, JONATHAN, (JaspSr,) farmer 

QUICK, IRA C, (Jasper,) farmer 170. 
Reynolds, Frederick, (Jasper,) farmer 114)4. 
Reynolds, James, (Jasper,) farmer 75. 
ROBINSON, JOHN, (Jasper,) blacksmith 

and farmer 140. 
Rowley, George, (Canisteo,) farmer 100. 
Sargent, Burnham, (Jasper,) carpenter and 

SARGENT, JAMES R., (Jasper,) farmer 

leases 57. 






Wednesday of Each Week. 

Johnson & Roberts, Prop's. 

This Paper being pnbliBhed at a point bordering on Potter and Tioga Connties, in 
Pennsylvania, makes it 

The Best Adrertising^ Medium in the Coun- 
ty of Steuben. 

It lias an extensive circulation, and offers liberal inducements to the advertising 
pablic. For Terms Address ^ 





Sargent, Jason S., (Jasper,) assessor and 
farmer 73. 

SAEGBNT, JUDSON N., (Jasper,) farmer 

SAVAGE, HIEL, (Jasper,) firmer 115. 

Savage, Nathaniel, (Jasper,) farmer 10. 

Saxton, George M., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Schanck, William, (Jasper,) farmer 60. 

Schenck, Charles, (Jasper,) farmer 95. 

Schanck, Garret, (Jasper,) farmer 155. 

SBAGEE, Z. WHITEMAN, (Jasper,) far- 
mer 59. 

SHARP, WESLEY J., (Canisteo,) farmer 

SHAUT, MORGAN, (West Jasper,) far- 
mer 43. 

SHAWL, JOHN, (Jasper,) farmer 214. 

Shefflel, Thomas J., (Jasper,) farmer ITO. 

Sheffield, Hichard H., (Jasper,) farmer 160. 

SHERWOOD, HIEAM, (Jasper,) farmer 

Sherwood, James W., (Jasper,) farmer 
leases 56. 

SHBEWOOD, THOMAS, (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 153. 

Sibley, George, (Greenwood,) farmer 53. 

Sibley^ Rebecca Mrs., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Sibley, Samuel, (Greenwood,) farmer 40. 

Siljby, Joseph, (Jasper,) farmer 25. 

Simpson, Almon B., (Jasper,) farmer 60. 

Simpson, Jerome M., (Jasper,) harness 
' maker. 

Slawson, Thomas N., (Jasper,) blacksmith 
and wagon maker. 

Slocnm, James L., (Canisteo,) farmer 161. 

Snyder, Joseph, (Jasper,) farmer 67. 

Spaulding, Milton L., (Jasper,) farmer 246. 

Spencer, Allen, (Jasper,) farmer 120. 

Spencer, Asa, (Jasper,) farmer 200. 

Spencer, Ebenezer, (Jasper,) farmer 52. 

Steams, George, XJaaper,) tinsmith. 

Steams, Henry, (Jasper,) dealer in cabinet 
ware and nndertaking. 

Stephens, Comfort B., (Greenwood,) far- 
mer 60. 

Stephens, William, (Jasper,) shoe maker. 

Stewart, Hiram, (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

Stickles, William, (Jasper,) farmer 95. 

Stone, Earl, (Jasper,) mason. 

Stone, Prentice B., (Jasper,) farmer 78. 

Swan, Orren Jr., (Jasper,) farmer 90. 

Swarthout, James, (Canisteo,) farmer 

TAPT, MERRIT M., (Jasper,) (Outman & 

Taft, Serril, (Jasper,) farmer 198. 
Talbot, Ebin, (North Jasper,) farmer 100. 
Talbot, Jarvis, (North Jasper,) farmer 180. 
Talbot, Mark, (North Jasper,) farmer 160. 
Talbot, Sophia Mrs.,^ (Jasper,) farmer 80. 
Taylor, Charlotte A.Mrs., (Jasper,) farmer 

THOMAS, WILLIAM H., (Jasper,) wagon 

Tilman, Levi, (Greenwood,) farmer. 
Timermin, Engene, (Jasper,) farmer 163. 
TIMERMAN, MILTON, (Jasper,) wagon 

maker and farmer 8. 
Towsley, John R^ (Jasper,) farmer 77. 
Travis, Charles W., (Jasper,) farmer 72. 
Tnrner, James, (Jasper,) farmer 170. 
Twogood, Mrs., (Jasper,) farmer 25. 

Vanorman, Oliver, (Jasper,) farmer 180. 
Van Orsdale, Augustus, (Jasper,) tanner, 
extract manuf. and farmer 178. 

Van Orsdn^e, Charles A., (Jasper,) tanner. 

VAN ORSDALE, HENET, M.D., (Jasper,) 

Van Orsdale, Vinson, (Jasper,) farmer 76. 

Vanschaick, Charle?, (Jasper,) former 450. 

Vanskiver, Abraham P., (Canisteo,) far- 
mer 86. 

Vanwie, Henry, (West Jasper,) farmer 107. 

Vaughn, Stephen, (Jasper,) farmer 84. 

Vroman, Isaac W., (Jasper,) carpenter and 
farmer 3^. 

Vroman, John, (Cameron,) farmer 69. 

WAIGHT, FEANKLIN, (Jasper,) wool 
grower, dairyman and farmer 44. 

Waight, Georges., (Jasper,) farmer HI. 

Waight, William M., (Jasper,) farmer 175. 

Walrath, Abraham, (Jasper.) farmer 80. 

Walrath, Josiah, (Jasper,) farmer 135. 

farmer 106. 

Wentworth, Joseph, (Jasper,) farmer 110. 

Wheeler, Edwards, (Jasper,) farmerlSO. 

WHITEMAN, BLIAS, (WoodhuU,) butch- 
er and farmer 80. 

Whiteman, Henry R., (West Jasper,) far- 
mer 65. 

Whiteman, John, (West Jasper,) farmer 40. 

burgh,) farmer 175. 

WHITma, CHARLES,(Jasper,)farmer 114. 

WHITING, EDWIN, (Jasper,) school com- 

Whiting, Jonathan, (Jasper,) farmer 80. 

Whiiing, Oliver, (Jasper,) farmer 100. 

Whiting, Oliver M., (Jasper,) farmer 90. 

Whiting, Thomas, (Jasper,) farmer 70. 

Whitman, John, (Jasper,) farmer 48. 

Whittemore, Mosea JP., (Jasper,) farmer 

Williams, John A. Jr., (Greenwood,) far- 
mer 105. 

Wood, Abraham L., (Greenwood,) farmer 

Wooda'rd, Julius, (West Jasper,) farmer 49. 

Woodbury, Amos P., (Jasper,) farmer 180. 

WOODWARD, DAVID F., (Jasper,) gun- 
smith, mannf. of the improved revolv- 
ing churn and farmer 65. 

Woodward, Ephraim, (Jasper,) farmer 116. 

Woodward, Ephraim A., (Jasper,) farmer 

Woodward, George D., (Jasper,) farmer 

Woodward, George M., (Jasper,) farmer 

66Ji. • 

Woodward, Jacob E., (North Jasper,) far- 
mer 97. . .. „n 

Woodward, Philo P., (Canisteo,) farmer 50. 

farmer 55. , , , ^ .^„ j 

Wychoff, Albert, (Jasiper,) blacksmith and 

farmer 62. 
Wyckoff, Rosaloo, (West Jasper,) farmer 

Wyckofl, Wilson, (West Jasper,) ihrmer 

Zeh, Joseph, (Jasper,) farmer leases 63. 



(Post Offio| Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Anthony. Peter, (Erwin Center,) farmer BO. 

Baker, Peter, (Lindleytown,) farmer BO. 

Barber, Grant, (Lindleytown,) farmer 4B. 

Bennett, Geo. Z., (Erwin Center,) {Bennett 
& LobdeU.) 

BENNETT & LOBDELL, (Erwin Center,) 
(Oeo. Z. Bennett and mdney LobdeU,) 
dairymen and farmers 4S0. , 

BillB, Hiram, (Erwin Center,) farmfer 79. 

Blaclc, Arcliibaia, (Lindleytown,) farmer BO. 

BLY", GAKDNEB W., (Erwin Center,) far- 
mer 20. 

BEANCH, EDWINP., (Lawrenceville, Tio- 
ga Co. Fa.,) manuf. of lamber, shingles 
and lath. 

BEANT, AUGUSTTTS L., (Addisoh,) (Bin- 
inny, Clinton <St Brant^ 

Brenen, Tboa., (Lindleytown,) farmer 100. 

BEINK, TIMOTHY W., (Erwin Center,) 
farmer B. . 

BEONSON, WM. C.,. (Painted Post,) (M. 
Hammond & Co.) 

BULL, HENEY C, (Erwin Center,) carpen- 
ter and joiner and post master. 

BtTEE, PHINEA8, (Lindleytown,) collec- 
tor and farmer 16. 

Burr, Wm., (Lindleytown,) wagon maker 
and farmer 1. 

Camp, Edward, ^lindleytown.) 

CAMP, OLIVBE, (Lindleytown,) farmer 

CAEEY, JOHN, (LindleytoWh,Vfarmar 191. 

Cary, Thos. E., (Lindleytown,) .carpenter 
and farmer BO. 

CLINTON, SHELDON D., (Erwin Center,) 
(Dinlnny, CUnion <£ Brant,) general 

COLDBE, HIEAM W., (Lindleytown,) far- 
mer 96. 

Cole, Alva D., fflrwin Center,) farmer 103. 

Cole, Erwin H., (Lindleytown,) farmer 
leases 300. 

Cole, Thos., (Lindleytown,) farmer leases 

Collins, Abner A., (Erwin Center,) farmer 

Collins, Joseph, (Lindleytown,) farmer 18S. 

COOK, AAKON P., (Erwin Center,) (with 
. Peter,) farmer. 

Cook, Arthur, (Lindleytown,) farmer 80. 

COOK, JAS., (Erwin Center,) farmer SOO. 

COOK, PBTEE, (Erwin Center,) farmer 49. 

COOK, RALPH, (Erwin Center,) (.wm 
James,) farmer. 

Cook, Eobert, (Lindleytown,) farmer ISO. 

Curran„Thomas, (Lindleytown,) farmer 30. 

De GroSt, David, (Addison,) farmer 100. 

Dickson, James, (Lindleytown,) farmer 4, 

Center,) (Terral C. DVninny, Sheldon 
D. Clinton and Auguatia L. Brant,) 
lumber manufacturers and farmers 800. 

DININNY, TEBEAL C, (Addison,) (Din- 
inny, Clinton dk Brant.) 

|airchilds, Geo., (Addison,) farmer 80. 

Stt T ??lE°"Su9'™^'«y'<'wn,) farmer 4. 
850 ' (^™^'=y'°wn,) farmer 

B., (Erwin Center,) 

POX, ALANSON J., (Painted Post,) (M. 
aammond <£ Co.) 

Gale, Wm., (Lindleytown,) farmer 81. 

Gibson, Luke, (Erwin Center,) miller. 

GEINNBLL, ISA N., (Erwin Center,) far- 
mer 120. 

GEINNBLL, WALTEE S., (Erwin Center ) 
blacksmith and farmer 60. ■ 

Hall, Jacob, (Erwin Center,) cooper and 
(with Vincent,) farmer 32. 

Hall, John, (Lindleytown,) former B7. 

Hall, Vincent, (Erwin Ciiuta,)(with Jacob.) 
farmer 32. 

HAMMOND, MASON, (Erwin Center,) (M 
Hammond <fc Co.,) farmer 90. 

HAMMOND, M. * CO., (Erwin Center,) 
(JUaeon Hammond,Alanion J. Fox, AH- 
jah Wettonand Wm. O.SroneOn,) piopt. 
•of custom and Souring mill. 

Harris, Theron, (Lindleytown,) farmer 100. 

HAEBISON, THOS., (Lindleytown,) far- 
mer 394. 

town,) lumberman and farmer 744. 

Heckart, Elliot, (Erwin Center,) farmer IBO. 

Heckart, Perry, (Lindleytown,) farmer 85. 

Hill, Henry T., (Lindleytown,) minister, 
lumberman and farmer BO. 

HILL, EODNEY B. , (Erwin Center,) farmer 

Hovey, Geo. L., (Erwin Center,) farmer 

farmer 60. 

Howard, Chester A., (Erwin Center,) far- 
mer 62. 

Huggins, John, (Lindleytown,) farmer 100. 

Huggins, Eobert, (Lindleytown,) farmer 

Klerman, Mathew, (Erwin Center,) farmer 

Kinney, Abram D., (Lindleytown,) (with 
Henry L.,) farmer 61. 

Ktaney, Henry L., (Lindleytown,) (with 
Aoram D.,) farmer 61. 

Knapp, Ira, (Lawrenceville, Tioga Co. Pa.,) 
farmer 75. 

Knhl, Eichard H., (Lawrenceville, Tioga 
Co. Pa.,) fanner SOO. . 

LINDSLEY, ABEAM B., (Lawrenceville, 
Tioga Co. Pa.J farmer ISO. 

LindaleVjEleazar v., (Lawrenceville, Tioga 
Co. Pa.,) farmer leases 76. 

LOBDELL, SIDNEY, (Erwin Center,) (Ben- 
nett & Lobdea.) 

Lovell, Geo. L., (Erwin Center,) black- 

Lyon, A. F., (Lindleytown,) farmer 60. 

Maddison, B. O., (Lawrenceville, Tioga 
Co. Pa.,) farmer leases 180. 

Manley, Alexander, (Erwin Center,) far- 
mer lOO. 

Mathews, Isaac, (Lindleytown,) flirmer B6. 

Mayo, Phelonzo. (Erwin Center,) farmer SB. 

McHENEY, HAMILTON, (Erwin Center,) 
farmer 96, 

Middlebrook, Hiram, (Lindleytown,) far- 
mer 400. 



Mlddlebrook, James H., (Lindleytown,) 
general merchant. 

Miller, Joabna, (Addison,) farmer 60. 

MILLS, HBNET C, (Lawrenceville, Tioga 
Co., Pa.,) B. C. <fc T. K. K. agent. 

Mills, Baymond, (Lawrencevule, Tioga 
Co., Fb.O station agent B. dk C. B. B., 
andprodnce dealer. 

More, William, (Lindleytown,) postmaster, 
town cleric and farmer B80. 

Monrhess, Geo., (Lawienceville, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 75. 

Mnlford, John C, (Lindleytown,) mannf. 
of siungles and farmer 60. 

Mnlford, Perry, (Lindleytown,) farmer BO. 

NEWMAN, ALPHBU8 0. JK., (Brwin 
Center,) {with Jot. C, Orr, Jr.) 

Newman, Sanford D., (Brwin Center,) far- 
mer leases 160. 

Niles, Z., (Lawrenceyllle, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
fanner 60. 

Oliver, Phillip, (Brwin Center,) farmer 80. 

ORR, JAS. C. Jr., (Brwin Center,) general 
merchant and farmer 150. 

Orr, Joseph C, (Lindleytown,) retired far- 

ORE, JOSEPH J., (Lindleytown,) farmer 

Owens, Joseph, (Addison,) farmer 64. 

Parsons, Edwin, (Addison,) farmer 60. 

Patterson, Robert, (Lindleytown,) farmer 

PATTERSON, SAMUEL, (Lindleytown,) 
farmer 320. 

Payne, Henry S., (Lindleytown,) farmer 

PBASLEB, JOHN C, (LawrenceTille, Tio- 
ga Co^ Pa.,) farmer leases 832. 

Pepper, George, (Erwin Center,) farmer 

PKESHO, THOS. J., (Brwin Center,) gen- 
eral merchant, telegraph operator and 
farmer 25. 

Redfleld, Wm. H., (Lindleytown,) farmer 

BIFFLE, BBBB, (Lindleytown,) farmer 26. 

Riffle, Hiram, (Lindleytown,) farmer 70. 

Riffle, Jackson A., (Lindleytown,) taxmet 

Riffle, Ja8„ (Lindleytown,) farmer 2. 

Robieon, (3eo. H., (Brwin Center,) farmerB. 

Eobison, Peter, (Brwin Center,) farmer 49. 

KOEABAUGH, JOSEPH, (Erwin Center,) 
farmer 164. 

Rnssell, Orren, (Lindleytown,) fanner 60. 

Sands, Frederick, (Addison,) farmer 100, 

Sandt, Isaac, (Lindleytown,) prop, of saw 
mill!!and farmer 60. 

SCOPIBLD, EBBR, (Lindleytown,) super- 
Tlsorand farmer 403. 

SBBLY, JESSE, (Erwin Center,) carpenter 

Seelye, Wm. S., (Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 107. 

Sieger, Damian, (Lawrenceville, Tioga Co. 
Ta.,) farmer 60. 

Smith, Ansel C, (Erwin Center,) fanner 

Stewart, Levy, (Lindleytown,) farmer 50. 

Stocam, Chas., (Brwin Center,) farmer 68. 

Taft, John B., (Erwin Center,) farmer 87. 

TAFT, NATHAN, iBrwin Center,) carpen- 
ter and joiner and farmer 105. 

Temple, Edwin, (Lindleytown,) fanner 60. 

town,) farmer 200. 

Thorber, Frederick, (Lindleytown,) farmer 

Tillinghast, John L., (Lawrenceville, Tioga 
Co. pa.,) farmer 51. 

UPHAM. HENEY J., (Erwin Center,) far- 
mer 15. 

Upham, Jno., (Erwin Center,) farmer 170. 

VASTBINDER, HOBACB, (Lindleytown,) 
fanner 240. 

WALES, GAD, (Lindleytown,) mannf. of 
hemlock sole leather, general merchant 
and farmer 17. 

Walker, Henrjr, (Lindleytown,) farmer 100. 

Wall, James, Uiindley town,) farmer 51. 

Warner, Ira, (Brwin Center,) farmer 66. 

WATSON, ELAM, (Lindleytown,) black- 
smith and farmer 60. 

Welden, Harvey, (Lindleytown,) farmer 61. 

WBLTT, JACOB, (Erwin Center,) farmer 

WESTON, ABIJAH, (Painted Post,) (M. 
Hammond & Co.) 

WHITMAESH, WM. H., (Erwin Center,) 
farmer 2. 

WITTEE, ANDEEW H., (Brwin Center,) 
farmer leases 260. 

Witter, Lester, (Lindleytown,) insurance 
agent and farmer 13. 

Wright, Edmund, (Brwin Center,) farmer 

Young, John, (Lindleytown,) fanner leases 









PRICES EXTREMELY LOW. Liberal dednction to Trade to Parcha«ers of large 

?nantlties. I have a eplendid assortment of the best Tarieties, and particalarly the 


XI.T7G- sa^ozi-iE: ! 


C Harris 0. Sawyer,^ 
.,..._.Jst & Keis Dealer,^ 

M.\M 9S liODER ST., Near tbe Depot. 
^* HornellsviUe, N. Y. 

Prescriptions carefully Compounded. 

A Dmgslst of over ten years experience wonld respectftilly announce to the people 
of HornellBville and surrounding country, that he has opened a Drug Store at No. 95 
liODER STm where can beTonnd a select Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, PER- 
FUMERY & STATIONERY, which were bought for cash and will be sold for the same. 
We shall expose for sale none but the purest and best Drugs and Medicines. WINES 
& LIQUORS, (for Medical and Sacramental purposes.) A complete stock of Dtjs 
Woods and Coloes, Populab Patent Msdicinb, and DBUoaisT's Abticlss Oensb- 
ALIT. Believing that nothing impure in the Drug line should be sold, we shall offer 
none but the purest and best of goods, and hope by honest and fair dealing, and atten- 
tion to business, to merit a share of public patronage. HARRIS C. SAWYER. 




(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Ackereon, Jacob, (PrattsTjnrgh,) fanner 90. 

Agard, Samael, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 190. 

bargh,) banker and merchant, Ains- 
worth Block. 

Allen, Caleb, (Prattsburgh,) (joUh SleMrd 
i2.,)farmer 143. 

Allen, Eichard M.., (Prattabnrgh,) iwWi 
■ (7a2«i,) farmer 143. 

Allis, Jerry, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 43. 

Ardell, Oeorge, (Prattsburgh,) boot and 
shoemaker, Weet Main. 

Ardell, George W., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Armstrong, Josiah, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Austin, Benjamin, (Prattsbnrgh,) &rmer 50. 

Austin, Benjamin B., (Prattsbnrgh,) (4m«- 
tin A Ifkf.) 

Austin & Neff, (Prattsbnrgh,) {Benjamin 
B. Austin and Daniel 2. N^,) black- 

AuBtin,.William, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 50. 

Averey, Daniel, (Biker's Hollow,) farmerBO. 

Ayerey, Samuel C, (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer 200. 

Avery, George, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

Avery, Joseph H., (Cohocton,) farmer 185. 

BABCOCK, WAIiTEB H., (Prattsbnrgh,) 
farmer 117. 

Bailey, John S., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 50. 

BAKEB, DAinEL, (Prattsbnrgh^ mannf. 
of Inth and shingles, prop, of planing 
mill and farmer SO. 

BAKEE, SETH A., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

BAIDWXN, DANIEL W., (Prattsbnrgh,) 
(WatUni & Baldwin.) > 

Banta, John, (Prattsbnrgh,) fanner 95. 

BELL, PHILO H., (Biker's Hollow,) shoe- 
maker and farmer 3. 

Bellows, Jeremiah, (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 110. 

BENNETT, JAMES A., (Prattsbnrgh,) 
{Wa7-fleld <fc Co.,) physician and sur- 

Billsen, Joseph, (Wallace,) farmer 1S3. 

Birdseye, James B., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Blodgett, Ansel, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

BLOOMEB, AAEON, (Prattsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 80. 

Bodge, Mary A. . Mrs., (Cohocton,) farmer 

Bodine, Amaaa, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer leas- 
es 136. 

Borden, Aaron P., (Avoca,) farmer 102. 

Borden, Porter A., (Avoca,) farmer 135. 

Boyd, William B., (Prattsbnrgh,) (.Boyd & 
Williams,) dealer in grain and wool, 
and farmer 200. ,„„. 

Boyd <8 Williams. (Prattsbnrgh,) (WlUtam 
B. Boyd and MoUand B. ymliams,) for- 
warding and commission merchants 
and grape growers 30 acres. 

Bramble, Ezra C, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 55. 

Bramble, John B., (Prattsbnrgh,) manuf. 
of boots and shoes. 

burgh,) (Hayes & Bramble.) 

Briglin, Charles H., (Avoca,) farmer 30. 

Briglin, George, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

Briglin, Harrison, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

BBOCkWAT, WALTEB, (Prattsbnrgh,) 
farmer 104. 

BB00K8, IBA L., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Brown, John, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 70. 

Brnndage, Charles W., (Prattsburgh,) deal- 
er in general merchandise and farmer 

Brnndage, T. J. Mrs., (Prattsbnrgh,) mil- 

Brush, Charles, (Prattsburgh,) farmer. 

Bnrge, Charles, prattsburgh,) blacksmith 
and fanner 1. 

Bnronghs, 'William J., (Prattsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 160. 

Chapel!, Lyman, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 13. 

Chapell, Oliver N., (Prattsburgh,) (Terry & 

Chapin, Addison, (Prattsburgh,) photo- 
grapher and farmer 37. 

Chapman, Benjamin, (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer 80. 

Chapman, John, (Biker's Hollow,) fanner 

Chilson, William, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 
leases 130. 

Chisom, Byron, (Prattsburgh,) cooper. 
Clark, Albert, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 311. 
Clark, Francis L., (Biker's Hollow,) miller. 
Clark, Hiram G., (Biker's Hollow,) con- 
stable and fanner 35. 
Clark, J. B. Mrs., (Prattsburgh,) milliner. 
Clark, Newell, (PrattsburghJ (Clark ds 

Clark tfc Parsons, (Prattsbnrgh,) (Newell 

Clark and James Parsons,) harness 

makers, Kremlin Block. 
Clark, Stephen, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer S06. 
Clark, Thomas J., (Biker's Hollow,) miller 

and farmer 860. ' 
Cole, Hiram E., (South Fnltney,) farmer 

Cook, S. Dwight, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 80. 
Oomue, Wesley A., (Avoca,) farmer 176. 
Crafts, Elijah, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 60, 
CroBsman,Evander, (Prattsburgh,) farmer. 
Crnthers, George, (Prattsbnrgh,) fanner 

Curtis, SUman B., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 60. 
Curtis, Willlai* P., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

100. * 

DaboU, Ashmnn, (Prattsbnrgh,) carriage 

DaboU, Aurin, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 46. 
Dayton, Bichard, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 100. 
Dearlove, William, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Denniston, Aaron J., (Prattsbnrgh,) (wiih 

(Mdnnith,) farmer 813. 
Denniston, Goldsmith,. (Prattsburgh,) (wjjA 

Aaron J.,) farmer 213. 



Preston & Heermans, 


Steam Engines, Boilers, 

Circular Saw Mills, 

Mill Machinery, Bark Mills, UriAge Irons, Iron 

Fromts for Buildings, Window and 

Door Caps and Sills, and 



Particular attention paid to Eepairing of all kinds. 




® 1^ JH 




Drr Cools, Carpets 

Alii Skoes, Hjts k Caps, fall Paper, Brocerles, 

&c., &c.. Established 1836. 

Iron & Brick Store, South Side of River, 



DENNISTON, HABVEY Q., (Prattsburgh,) 
attorney and counselor at law, real 
estate agent and dealer in agricultural 
implements; office in Ainsworth Block. 

Dickson, William, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

DUlenbeck, Jacob, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 
leases 140. 

Dolittle, Lamberton, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Drake, Aaron, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

Drake, Cornelias, (Rlker's Hollow,) wagon 

Drake, Elijah, (Hiker's Hollow,) farmer. 

Drake, Isaac, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 13. 

"Drake, Levi L., (Biker's Hollow,) farmeria. 

Draner, John E., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 157. 

DUNTOI^, STEPHEN B., (Prattsburgh,) 
watchmaker and jeweler, Kremlin 

Earley, Absalom, (Prattsburgh,) farnjer ST. 

Early, Marcus G., (Prattsburgh,) black- 

KAELEY, THOMAS, (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer leases 230. 

Edmonds, Jesse, (Cohocton,) farmer 170. 

Edson, Benjamin S., (Prattsburgh,) (with 
Dan Edton,) farmer. 

Edson, Dan, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 140. 

Edwards, Daniel H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Ellas, Henry E., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Ellsworth, Alanaon, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Ellsworth, Orion, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 69. 

Everett, Lewis Clark, (Prattsburgh.) 

Flinn, Jerry, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 14. 

Flian, Michael, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 4. 

Plinn, Timothy, (Prattsburgh,) farmer. 

■ Foster, George, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 1S8. 

Foster, Joseph, (Prattsburgh,) farmer leas- 
es 220. 

POBTEE & McCABRICK, (Prattsburgh,) 
(WUtiam S. Foiter andjohn L. McPar- 
rick,) furniture and lumber dealers and 
undertakers, Mechanic st, 

FOSTER, WILLIAM S., (Prattsburgh,) 
(Fatter ■£ MoCarrick.) 

FRANCIS & McLEAN, (Prattsburgh,) 
(Spencer JPrancit and Geo. McLean,) 
brokers. ' 

FRANCIS, SPENCEB, (Prattsburgh,) 
(Francis & McLean,) loan commission- 

Frost, Samuel D., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 10. 

Fuller, David A., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 130. 

GATES, D. W., (Bath,) (Wm. H. Purdy 
* Co.) 

Gibson, Geo. M., (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

Gilder, Thomas, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 200. 

Gillett, Theodore G., (Prattsburgh)) farmer 

Gleason, William, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Graves, Asher, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 160. 

Graves, Charles D., (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer 95. 

Graves, Harrison, (Rikerls Hollow,) fanner 

Graves, Hart D., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 163. 

Graves, I. D. Mrs., (Hiker's Hollow,) tax- 
mcr 170. 

Green, James B,, (Prattsburgh,) boot and 

Grenell, "Charles F., (Prattsburgh,) (WU- 
liame <t GreneU.) 

Hare, George, (Hiker's Hollow,) farmer 

Harris, Thomas, (Prattsburgh,) Jttrmer 60. 

HATES & BRAMBLE, (Prattsburgh.) (Syl- 
veeter E. Bramble and Ckauney Hayei, 
2(2 J props, of grist mill, dealers in flour 
and feed and iarmers 62. 

Hayes, Byron, (Prattsburgh,) (Bayet Broi.) 

Hayes Bros., (Prattsburgh,) (Byron and Ot- 
car,) manufs. of lumber, shingles and 

HATES, CHAHNCY Sd, (Prattsburgh,) 
(Bayet <fi Bfatntle.) 

Hayes, George B., (Prattsburgh,) dealer In 
drugs, medicines, paints, oils, books, 
stationery &c. 

Hayes, Oscar, (Prattsburgh,) (Bayes Brot.) 

Hedger, Decatur, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 3. 

Herron, Bobert, (Prattsburgh,) groceries 
and provisions, West Mam. 

HIGBT, CHARLES G., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 386. 

Higby, John C, 2nd., (Prattsburgh,) (with 
CharUt 0.,j farmer. 

HILL, EBEB, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 120. 

Hill, Willard, (Biker's HoUow.Vblacksmith. 

Himes, Andrew J., (Hiker's Hollow,) far- 
mer leases 90. 

•HOKE, CALEB B., (Prattsburgb,) editor 
and proprietor of the Frattaburgh Ad- 

Hopkins, Asa, (Prattsburgh,) carpenter and 

Hopkins, Evelyn H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Hopkins, Henry A., (Prattsburgh,) (with 

Ralph TT.,) miller and manuf. of lumber. 
Hopkins, Joseph, (Prattsburgh,) fanner 240. 
Hopkins, L. B., (Prattsburgh,) (Pvnngbm 

& Bopkint.) 
Hopkins, Ralph W., (Prattsburgh,) (with 

flwiT^jl.,) miller and manuf. oflumber. 
Hopkins, Sireno B., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Horr, Appleton, (Prattsburgh,) (with John,) 

farmer 105. 
Horr, John, (Prattsburgh,) (with Appletm,) 

farmer 105. 
Hotchkin, James H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Hotchkin, John D., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Hotchkin, Joseph, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

HOWE, PAUL C, (Prattsburgh,) insurance 

agent, dealer in books, stationery and 

general merchandize, 
Hubbard, Ephraim A., (Prattsburgh,) far- 

mer 152. 4 

d, Ezekiel T., 

(Hiker's Hollow,) far- 


mer 95. 
HUNT, HOBACE dk CO., (Prattsburgh,) 

(Frarik Stormt,) hardware merchants, 

Ainsworth Block. 
Hurd, Uri L., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 17. 
Jackson, Stephen A., (Prattsburgh,) manuf. 

of gloves and mittens. 
James, Samuel, (Cohocton,) farmer 298. 
Johnson, Edwin, (Hiker's Hollow,) farmer 






Sridles, l¥Mps, Tmulks, Blankets, and Eve- 
ry Description of Morse Furnishing Goods. 

Sloi 132 Caflistfio St, Cor. of Pari, HomelMle, N. 1 

!^" All kinds of Eepairing done promptly, on reasonable terms. 

"B^/L Jk, S/dC J^/L O T H I 

— ■ — «f — ■ 

Deutsch & Tschachlli, 


mmmn dmiers& ciwakers, 

89 mnln Street, Sornellsvllle, N. Y. . 

We keep conatantly on hand one of the Largest Stocks of Cabinet Furniture In the 
County of Steuben. We also make to order Sets for any suit of rooms. A large as- 
sortment of Metallic and Walnut Caskets, also common Cofflhs constantly kept on 
hand. Wo have one of the iinest Hearses in Western New York, which was made to 
our order in Newark, N. J. Ohas. W. Kress is'connected with us in the Undertaking 
JJusinesB, and will give his personal attention at all times when onr services are desired! 




Johnson, Nlcholaa, (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer S6. 

Johnson, William; (Pratt8bargh,)farmer BO. 

fones, John, (Wallace,) farmer 100. 

Eetch, Cyrus, (Wallace,) farmer 180. 

Ketch, Hiram, (Wallace,) farmer 71. 

bni^h,) farmer S2. 

Lamphire, Samnel, (Prattshurgh,) farmer 6, 

Lare, DaridA., (Pratteburgh,) farmer leases 

Iiarowe,..Mherta8, (W allace,) farmer. 

Larowe, Malinda, (Wallace,) farmer 79. 

Lee, William, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 80. 

Lee, Samuel O., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer IB. 

Lent, William H., (Wallace,) farmer 60. 

Lewis, Abraham Q., (Prattsburgb,) farmer 

Lewis, Henry, (Naples, Ontario Co.,) far- 

Lewis, Jeremiah S., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Lewis, John, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer %%. 

Lewis, Joseph, (Naples, Ontario Co.,) far- 
mer 10. 

Lewis, Bichard, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer IIB. 

Lewis, Sebastian, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 63. 

Lincoln, Lewis L., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Look, Geo. H., (Prattsbnrgh,) hardware 
merchant and tinner. 

Lonnsbnry, Charles, (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer Bii. 

Lyon, Benjamin, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

Lyon, Sterne H., (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 
leases 800. 

Magrada, Samuel, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Magrada, William, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Matice, Byron, (Cohocton,) farmer SOO. 
Matice, John W., (Wallace,) farmer 230. 
Maxfleld, Godfrey, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

leases 76. 
Maxom, Manly, (Prattsburgh,)farmer leases 

MoCABBICK, JOHN L., (Prattsbnrgh,) 

(Foster <b McCarriek.) 
McLBAN, GBO., (Prattsbnrgh,) {FramAs 

& McLean,) attorney and counselor at 

law and magistrate. 
McMlchael, Alexander, (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 302. 
Merrltt, Chauncey, (Cohocton,) farmer 85. 
Merrit, Willard, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 118. 
Middleton, James, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Miller, Henry H^ (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 80. 
Miner, Martin, (Prattsburgh,! farmer 70. 
Mooney, D., (Prattsburgh,) farmer BO. 
Moor, Eobert S., (Cohocton,) farmer 92. 
Morgan, George W., (Prattsburgh,) dealer 

in chnrning machines. 
Mnrphy, Eobert, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 120. 
NeffDaniel I., (Prattsburgh,) (Avstin & 

Noble, William B. S., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Norris, James, (South Pnltney,) farmer 

TTorthrop, Blii (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 60. 
Olney, Nathaniel, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 


Orvis, Seward, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 54. 

Ouderkirk, Jacob H., (Wallace,) farmer 

Ouderkirk, John, (Wallace,) farmer leases 

Parmelee, Euftas H., (Prattsbnrgh,) black- 

Parsons, James, (Prattsbnrgh,) (.Olarh <S> 

Partridge, Fayette J., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 68. i 

Partridge, Julia, (North Cohocton,) farmer 

Partridge, Moore W., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer leases 33. 

Patch, Andrew, (Prattsbnrgh,) Baptist min- 
ister and farmer 65. 

Patch, Franklin, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer B6. 

Pinner, Hepry J., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 75. 

Pinney, Martin, (Prattsbnrgn,) dealer in 
general merchandise. 

low,) farmer 70. 

Polmentur, Aaron, (Biker's Hollow,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

Polmentur, Pavid, (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer 80. 

burgh,) Caleb B. Hoke, editor and pro- 

Presler, James M., (Biker's Hollow,) far- 
mer 57. 

PUEDY, WM. H. & Co., (Bath,) (D. W. 
Bates,) dealers in pianos, organs and 

Puiington & Hopkins, (Prattsbnrgh,) (TF. 
T] Purinsfon and L. B. Hapkms,) gen- 
■ eral merchaihtB. 

Pnrington^. T., (Prattsburgh,) (Furing- 
ton & H&pld'ns^ 

Patman, Aaron. H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Quackenbush, Abram I., (Prattsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 80. 

Biker, Harvey, (Biker's Hollow,) fanner 

Eingrose, John, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 160. 

Eohan, JohnE., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 190. 

Bouse, Seymour, (Cohocton,) farmer 300. 

Sanders, John, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 22. 

Scott, James P., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 140. 

acott, Maria, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 14. 

ShortSri Frank, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Shults, Charles, (Avoca,) farmer 176. 

Shults, George, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 91. 

SKINNBB, DANIEL G., . (Prattsbnrgb,) 
farmer 200. 

Skinner, Henry G., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 
80. ■ 

SMITH, ANBEEW K., (Prattsburgh,) pri- 

Smith, ArtemuB, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 141. 
Smith, Charles C, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 

Smith, George, (Biker's Hollow,) farmer 

IfiftflGB' lOo 

Smith, Ira.tPrattsbnrgh,) farmer 12B. 
Smith, Jacob p., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

IfiUBGS 94 

Smith, William E., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Snyder, Antony, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 1. 
Stoddard, Philo K., M. D., (Prattsburgh,) 

physician and surgeon and dentist. 



STOHMS, FBANK, (Prattaburgli,) Ifiorace 
Sunt & Co.) 

Stratton, William, (Prattibnrgli,) farmer 

Street, John, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 76. 

Strong, David, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 135. 

Sturdevant, James, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Sturdevant, Josepb, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

SULLIVAN, HKNET, (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 220. 

SULLIVAN, EHODT O., (Prattsburgh,) 
draper and tailor, Aineworth Block. 

Taylor, James C, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 3. 

Taylor, Robert B., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 80. 

Terry & Chapell, (Prattsburgh,) (Z, Jack- 
ton Terry and Oliver N. Chapell^ car- 
riage manufb. and props, of planing 

Terry, Z. Jackson, (Prattsburgh,) (Terry S 

TEBETC, NATH AN N. , (Prattsburgh,) (with 
W. H..) farmer 74. 

TEHBY, W. H., (Prattsburgh,) (with Na- 
than N.,)Ja.Tmav 74. 

Townsend, Belden, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

TEANT, JOHN, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 41. 

Tuthill, Tyrus, ffrattsburgfi,) farmer 50. 

Tyler, Daniel H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 
leases 89. 

Tyler. Ira, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 50. 

TrLEE, JOHN G., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Vandewarkin, Peter, (Biker's Hollow,) 
farmer 330. 

VanVoorhees, Daniel, (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 70. 

Voorhees, Lewis, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 60. 

Voorhees, Lucas, (Prattsburgh,) farmer ^. 

Vromau, James, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Vrooman, Cornelius, (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 115. 

Vunck, Hugh, (Prattsburgh,) former leases 

Waldo, Charles, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 210. 

WALDO, DANIEL D., (Prattsburgh,) at- 
torney and counselor at law and presi- 
dent of the Crooked Lake Wine Co. 

Waldo, Henry, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 172. 

Waldo, Otis, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 294. 

Waldo, William A., (Prattsburgh,) willow 
grower and farmer 62. 

Warfleld & Co., (Prattsburgh,) (Myron F. 
Warjleld and James A. Bennett,) dealers 
in drugs and medicines, Kremlin 

Warfleld, Myron P., (Prattsburgh,) (War- 
field & Co.) 

WATKINS & BALDWIN, (PrattsburghA 
(Elijah T. Watkine and Daniel W. 
Saidwin^ general merchants. 

WATKINS, ELIJAH T., (Prattsburgh,) 
(WatkiM & Baldwin.) 

Welch, Solomon, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 
leases 150. 

Weld, James A., (Eiker's Hollow,) farmer 

Wells, Augustus, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 85. 

Wells, Warrin, (Eiker's Hmlow,) firmer 

Wells, William E., (Biker's Hollow,)farmer 

Wheaton, Abram, (Cohocton,) farmer 
leases SO. 

Wheaton, James E., (North Cohocton,) far- 
mer 133. 

Wheaton, Samnel, (Cohocton,) farmer 228. 

Wheaton, Samuel J., (North Cohocton,) 
farmer 36. 

Wheeler, Elbrldge Q., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 31. 

Whitehead, Aaron, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Whiting, Peter, (Eiker's HoHow,) farmer 

Wilcox, Clinton H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Williams, Aaron, (Pratt8bnrgh,)farmer 102. 

Williams & Grenell, (Prattsburgh,)(CAoj'ie» 
F. OreneU and John VF. Williams,) 

Williams, Holland B., (Prattsbnrgh,XBos/(i 
it Williams.) 

Williams, Jacob, /Biker's Hollow,) farmer 
50. * 

WILLIAMS, JOHN F., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 206. ^ 

WUliams, John W., (Prattsburgh,) (Wil- 
liams tfc OreneU.) 

Williams, Thomas, (Eiker's Hollow,) far- 
mer 100. 

Wilson, Edwin, (Prjttsburgb,) carriage 
and wagon making. 

Wing, George W., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

WiUne, Garrett, (Prattsburgh,) tanner. 
Winne, Seeley M., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

leases 40. 
Wixom, Mrs., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 60. 
Worter, John, (Wallace,) farmer 328. 
Wygant, Blias, (Prattsburgh,) harness 

Wygant, James Gilbert,(Prattsburgh,)post- 

Tales, Joseph C, (Prattsburgh,) fttrmer 80. 



(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Alexander, Jamfes, (South Paltney,) farmer 

Andrews, Bobert, (PrattBbargh,)farmer 115. 
Armstrong, Charles, (Pultney,) farmer 150. 
Armstrong, David J., (Pnltney,) tiarmer. 
Armstrong, Hugh, (Pultney,) farmer 130. 
ARNOLD, JAMES M., (Pultney,) boot and 

shoe maker. 
Austin, Benjamin F., (Prattsburgb,) farmer 

Axtel, Joseph, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

farmer 87. 
Bachman, William, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Bacon, Hiram, (South Pultney,) farmer 80. 
BABTLBTT, JAMBS, (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 79. 
Barton, Edwin C, (Pultney,) grape grower 

and farmer 140. 
Bedel], Chauncy, (Brf^nchport, Yates Co.,) 

grape^grbwer 14. 
BENNETT, D. HAfRKI§ON, (Branchpcirt, 

Yates Co.,) grape grower 18>i. 
Bennett, George S., (South Pultney,) far- 
mer 137^. ' 
Bennett, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 15. 
Bidell, Delos E., (South Pultney,) farmer 

BONNBY, BBLAH, (Pultney,) farmer 80. 
Boss, Samuel, (Prattabuigh,) farmer 130. 
Boyd. Thomas W., (Pultney,) farmer 43. 
BOYD & WILLIAMS, (Pultney,) ware- 
house at Guliok's Point, Charles H. 

Koff, supt. 
Bradbury, Ziba N. Bev., (Pultney,) pastor 

Presbyterian church. 
Brink, Satira, (South Pultney,) farmer 27. 
BEOWN, JOHN W., (Pultney,) grape 

grower 12. 
Brush, Albert, (Pultney,) farmer 85. . 
Brush, James, (South Pultney,) farmer 101. 
Brush, Sperry,. (South Pultney,) farmer 84. 
Carpenter, Franklin N., (Pultney,) farmer 

♦CASE, GEO. F., (Pultney,) physician and 

CHIDSlY, WM. H., (Branchport, Yates 

Chidsey, , (Pultney,) (Wagtti^ <£ 

Clark, Hirum L., (South Pultney,) hotel 

keeper and postmaster. 
Clark, B. L., (South Pultney,) secretatj^ 

and treasurer of Crooked Lake Wine 

Clark, James A., (Pultney,) grape grower 

and farmer leases 13. 
Clark, John M., (South Pultney,) farmer 

Clark, Joseph, (South Pultney,) farmer 86. 
Clark, Willuuu H., (South Pultney,) farmer 

Clark, William H. H. H., (South Pultney,) 

farmer 88. 
Cogswell, Tyler, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

farmer 260. 
Cole, Barnum, (South Pultney,) grape 

grower and iiirmer 166. 

Combs, Jacob, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer leases 80. 

Cook, Charles, (Italy Hill, Yates Co.,) far- 
mer leases 275. 

Coryell, Andrew, (Pultney,) farmer 100. 

Coryell, Jacob, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

Coryell, John, (Pultney,) farmer 14S. 

Coryell, John B., (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 70. 

Covell, Amasa, (i'rattaburgh,) farmer 4. 

COVELL, JOSEPH E., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 117. 

Covell, William, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 109. 

Creasey^John, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 60. 

Cresey, Philip, (Prattsburgh,) farmer leases 

Crooked Lake Wine Co., (South Pultney,) 
D. D. Waldo, president : A. F. Skin- 
ner, vice president ; H. L. Clark, sec- 
retary and treasurer; located at Gib- 
son's Point, on west shore of Lake> 

Cross, Odie C, (South Pultney,) farmer 70. 

Cross, Beuben L., (South Pultney ) larmer ' 

CroBsmau, George, (Prattsburgh,) black- 
smith, match maker and farmer XX. 

Darby, Morgan, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 7U. 

Dean, Darius, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 160. 

Dean, George, (Prattsburgh,) {with Mary 
J.,) farmer 350. 

Dean, John, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 230. 

Dean, Mary J. Miss, (Prattsburgh,) (with, 
George,) farmer 360. 

Dean, Wm. C, (Pultney,) joiner and grape 
grower 3 acres. 

DECKER, SIMEON, (Prattsburgh,) me- 

Dennlston, Anselm H., (Pultney,) farmer 

Depew, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 127. 

Drew, Lathrop, (South Pultney,). farmer 37. 

Drew, LebbeuB, (South Pultney,) farmer 

Drew, Myrtle, (South Pultney,) grape 
. srower, grape vine propagator and far- 
mer 26. 

Drew, Theron, (South PultneyO farmer .100. 

Drum, James, (Prattsburgb,) farmer 158^. 

Edgett, Charles, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

EGELSTON, JOSHUA W., (South Pult- 
ney,) farmer 176. 

Bgelston, Thomas, (Pultney,) farmer 190. 

Eggleston, Sally, (South Pultney,) farmer 

English, William, (South Pultney,) farmer 

FAEGO, EUSSBL E., (Pultney,) cooper, 
postmaster and farmer 66)^. 

Ferguson, Solomon L;, (Pultney,) carpen- 
ter and joiner and farmer 6. 

Finnegan, Barney, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

ney,) farmer 230. 



A. B. £ W. E. CRAIG, 


Grezi.ex-A.X JDea^lers In 

ii¥ mm 


We shall endeavor to keep ftaU lines of the new styles of Goods as thev malrp thofr 
appearance in market, and wilTsell them low as th"marketwill afford ^ 

^^ Hig^hest Price Paid for Produce. 



Foster, Edward, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 20. 

Foster, Jesse H., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer TO. 

FRENCH, JOHNSON, (Piiltney,) manuf, 
of grape boxes and gra^e grower 3. 

Gay, John, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) farmer 

Gay, Kansom, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) far- 
mer 43. 

Genung, Abel, (Prattsbnrgh,) carpenter and 
joiner and farmer 115. 
'Gibson, George, (South Pultney,) ware- 
house, grape grower and farmer 80. 
- Gibson, Ira, (South Pultney,) grape grower. 
, Gibson, Isaiah, (South Pultney,) grape 

grower and farmer 7. 
. Gibson, Samuel, (South Pultney,) boatman 
and farmer 40. 

Qillett, Chancy B., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

QLOAD, JOHN, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 2. 

Godftey, Harry, (South Pultney,) farmer 

Godfrey, Sarah B. Mrs., (South Pultney,) 
farmer 42. 

Green, Daniel H., (Pultney,) boot and shoe 
maker and fariner 2^. 

Green, William H., (Pultney,) fanner 5. 

Hadden, Gilbert, (South Pultney,) erape 
grower and farmer 8. 

Hadden, John O., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 68. 

Hall, Joseph, (South Pultney,) grape grower 

Hall, Eansom T., (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 150. 

Hall, William H., (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 81. 

Harford, Michael, (South Pultney,) farmer 

HARRIS, JAMES K., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 80. 

Harris, Otis, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) far- 
mer 67K. 

Hayward, Joseph D., (South Pultney,) far- 
mer 100. 

Hess, Jacob, (Pnltney,) farmer 90. 

Hess, Jeremiah, (Pultney,) grape grower 5. 

Hiler, Francis, (Pultney,) farmer 1. 

Hiler, Jacob, (Pultney,) farmer 70. 

Hiler, Wm., (Branchport, Yates Co.,). far- 
mer 104. 

Hill, Daniel, (South Pultney,) farmer 63. 

HILL, GEORGE T., (Prattsburgh,) iwith 
Uenry B. Hill,) farmer. 

Hill, Henry B., (Prattsbur^,) farmer 68. 

HILL, JOHN A., (South Pultney,) faj-mer 

Hill, Priscilla Mrs., (South Pultney,) far- 
mer llfi. 

Holden, Franklin, (Pultney,) farmer 80. 

HOPKINS, ALBERT W., (Prattsburgh,) 
farmer 1. 

Horton, Ira H., (South Pultney,) farmer 62. 

Horton, Joseph S., (South Pultney,) far- 
mer 62 )<. 

Horton, Lewis S., (South Pultney,) farmer 

Horton, Richard F., (Pultney,) farmer 81. 

Horton, Spencer, (Pultney,) farmer leases 

Horton, William, (Pultney,) farmer 96. 

Horton, William Jr., (South Pultney,) far- 
• mer 50. 

Hotchkin, Beriah H., (Pultney,) farmer 80. 

Hulse, Charles T., (Pultney,) farmer 100. 
Hyatt, Nelson R. , (Pultney,) grape grower 6. 
Hyatt, Thomas, (South Pultney,) farmer 98. 
Ingraham, Eachael, (Branchport, Yates 

Co.,) farmer 65. 
Kellogg, Ezra B., (Pultney,) grape grower 

Larzelere, David W., (South Pultney,) far- 
mer leases 160. 
Lee, Charles R., (Pultney,) farmer 43. 
Lee, ErastuB, (Pultney,) farmer %%. 
Lee, Sarah, (Pultney,) farmer 29. 
Lester, Cassius, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

farmer 77>f . 
LEWIS, S. G., (South Pultney,) snp't of 

the Crooked Lake Wine Co. 
Lockwood, Francis H., (Pultney,) grape 

grower 20. 
Long, S., (Pultney,) vineyard 10. 
Lounsbnry, John L., (Branchport, Yates 

Co.,) farmer 202. 
Lounsbnry, Polly Mrs., (Pultney,) farmer 

Lounsbnry, William, (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 100. 
Lyon, Betsey, (South Pultney,) farmer 250. 
Lyon, Samuel B., (South Pultney,) farmer 

(with JBeteeyi/i/cm.) 
Macan, Isaac, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 40. 
McConnell, Hulse H., (Prattsburgh,) firmer 

McConnell, James H., (Pultney,) farmer 80. 
McConnell, Peter, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

McCONNELL, SMITH, (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 130. 
McCORMICK, WILLIAM, (Prattsburgh,) 

farmer 60. 
McNella, James, (Pultney,). farmer 79. 
Miller, Brastus R., (South Pultney,) farmer 

Miller, George M., (Pultney,) farmer WH 

MILLER, JERRY T., (Branchport, Yates 

Co.,) farmer 88. 
Miller, Lee, (Pultney,) blacksmith. 
Miller, Norman W., (Branchport, Yates 

Co.,) grape grower 2X. 
Miller, Reuben R., (South Pultney,) farmer 

Miller, Robert, (Pultney,) farmer 96. 
Miller, Thaddeui, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

farmer 80. 
Mintonye, Albert A. Rev., (South Pujtney,) 

Baptist minister. 
Morrison, William, (Prattsburgh;) farmer 

Morse, Joseph, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

farmer 60. 
NEFF, JOHN Jb., (Pultney,) grape vine 

propagator and grape grower 7)i. 
Nevias, Josiah, (Pultney,) farmer 138. 
Nevias, Wilson, (Pnltney,) farmer 60. 
Norris, Levi, (South Pultney,) merchant 

and justice of the peace. 
Northrop, Eli D., (South Pnltney,) farmer 

10 and leases 77. 
Northup, Oliver L., (Branchport, Yates 

Co.,) farmer fO. 
Page, Chester, (Prattsburgh,) fanner. 
Palmer, Abraham, (South Pultney,) farmer 

Palmer, David, (South Pultney,) grape 

grower and farmer 74. 



Parker, Alexander L., (Prattsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 122X. 

Parker, Aeel, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 65. 

PaHKBR, CHARLES L., (Poltney,) vine- 
yard and farmer 60. 

Parker, Ephralm, (Prattsbnrgh,) farmer 76. 

Parktr, George, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 90. 

Parker, Giles, (Brancliportr, TateB Co.,) 
grape grower 15. 

Parker, Jonn W., (Paltney,) farmer leaees 

Patker, Lather, (Pnltney,) (vMh John TP.,) 

Parker Ozias, (Prattsbnigh,) farmer 80. 

PAHKBR, SARAH J. MH8.,.(Pratt8bBrgh.) 

Parks, Charles W., (Soulfi Poltney,) fanner 

Pelton, Clinton, (Prattebnrgh,) farmer 80. 

Perkins, James, (Pultney,) grape grower 3. 

Piatt, Francis, (Sonth Pultney,) farmer 126. 

Pickett, Eli, (South Pnltney,) farmer 130. 

Pickett, Lemuel T., (Sonth Pultney,) farmer 

Pierce, Allen, (Prattsburgh,) farmer leases 

Pierce, Benj., (Branchport, Tates Co.,) far- 
mer 80. 

Pierce, Harry, (Pultney,) farmer 1(J0. 

Pierce, James, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 215. 

Powell, Garry, (Branchport, Tates Co.,) 
farmer leases 70. 

PRENTISS, JOHN A., (Pnltney,) farmer 

PRENTISS, JOglAH W., (Pnltney,) grape 
grower 60. 

Prentiss, William, (Pnltney,) farmer 185. 

Reese, John, (Prattsburgh,) &rmer 10. 

Eetan, Barnett, (South Pultney,) former 

RET AN, JEPTHA, (Sonth Pultney,)fermer 

Retan, Nelson, (Sonth Pultney,) farmer 66. 

Rctan, Olna, (Pnltney,) farmer. 

REYNOLDS, JAMES J., (Pultney,) super- 
visor and farmer 60. 

Rice, Nathaniel, (South Pultney,) farmer 

Riley, Owen, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 160. 

RILEY, OWEN Jb., (Prattsburgh,) U. S. 
deputy revenue assessor and farmer 

Riley, Patrick C, (South Pnltney,) farmer 

Robbins, Samuel, (Prattsburgh,) shoe- 
maker and farmer 26. 

ROPP, CHARLES R., (Pultney,) snpt. 
Boyd. & Williams^ ware house. 

Rosenkrans, Isaac, (Prattsburgh,) firmer 

Rupert, Bamet, (Pultney,) assessor and 
farmer 100. 

Sanders, Henry D., (Pultney,) grape grower 

SARLES, CHARLES W., (Branchport 

Tates Oo.O fanner 90. 
SCOPIELD, HIRAM p., (Pultney,) grape 

grower and box manufacturer. 
Scutt, Cornelius, (Pultney,) farmer 93. 
Sears, Major, (PultneyO vineyard 10. 

m°,l' "^''"1^» ^■< (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Sebnng, Daniel, (Branchport, Tatea Co..) 
farmer 107. " 

Seely, Edwin L., (Pnltney,) grape grower 
and farmer 10. 

Shattnck, Joel p., (Prattsburgh,) manuf. of 
lumber and shingles. 

Shaw, Mary, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) far- 
mer 60. » 

Sheridan, Farrel P., (South Pultney,) far- 
mer 80. 

Simerson, Barnet, (South Pnltney,) farmer 

SIMMONS, MAHLON F., (Sonth Pultney,) 
farmer 182. 

Sinseboz, Isaac, (Sonth Pnltney,) farmer 

SISSON, STEPHEN, (South Pnltney,) 
blacksmith and fanner 19. 

Skinner, A. P., (South Pultney,) vice presi- 
dent of Crooked Lake Wine Co. 

Smith, Allen R., (Branchport, Tates Co.,) 

Smith, George W., (South Pultney,) grape 
grower and farmer 38. 

Smitn, Joel, (South Pnltney,) farmer 60. 

Stebbins, Elon, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 40. 

Stever, George W,, (Branchport, Yates 
Co.,) farmer 146. 

Stewart, Arnold, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 25. 

Stewart, Arnold P., (Pultney,) farmer 30. 

Stewart, Joseph, (Pultney,) farmer 16. 

Stewart, Lyman, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Stewart, Richard F., (Sonth Pnltney,) 
grape grower and farmer 4>j and leases 

Stone, AnnaE., (Sonth Pnltney,) farmer 64. 

Stone, Chester A., (South Pultney,) farmer 

Stone, James D., (South Pultney,) farmer 

STONE, SELDENE., (Sonth Pnltney,) far- 
mer 103. 

Stone, William, (South Pnltney,) farmer 60. 

Sullivan, John S., (Sonth Pnltney,) farmer 
120. . 

Sullivan, Peter, (Sonth Pultney,) farmer 

Taylor, Benj. P., (Prattsbnrgh,) fanner 134. 

TAYLOR, JEREMIAH, (Prattsbnrgh,) far- 
mer^orks farm of Daniel Taylor, 150. 

Taylor, Wm. F., (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
farmer 40. 

Tomer, Hiram D., (Pnltney,) justice of the 
peace and mannf. of lumber, lath and 

TOMER, LEVI, (Poltney,) (with Webster,) 

Tomer, Webster, (Pnltney,) farmer 170. 

Tyler, Darius, (South Pultney,) farmer 6i. 

Tyler, Isaac, (South Pultney,) farmer 54. 

VanHouton, Simon J., (South Pnltney,) 
farmer 60. 

♦WAGENER, DAVID 8., (Pultney,) horti- 
culturist and grape grower 80. 

Wagenet, Jacob, (Pultney,) farmer 180. 

WAGENER, MELCHIOR, (Pultney,) for- 
mer 66. 

Wagener, Simeon Jr., (Pnltney,) vineyard 2. 

Wagstaff & Chidsey, (Pultney,) {Geo. Wag- 
staff and (7Aid»«y,) general mer- 

WAQSTAPP, GEORGE, (Pultney,) cabinet 

Wagstaff, George, (Pultney,) {Wagstaff * 



Wagataff, Henry, (Paltney,) farmer 2S. 
Wagstaff, Sarah MisB, (Paltney,) milliner 

and cailorese. 
Waldo, D. D., (Sonth Poltney,) president 

of Crooked Lalse Wine Co. 

WatkinSi Charles, (Prattsburgh,) fanner 5 

and leases 94. 
Watroua, Armena Mrs., (Branchport, Yates 

Co.,) farmer 31. 
Watroas, John, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 

farmer 146. 

Watroua, John Jr., (Branchport, Yates 
Co..) farmer 31. 

WELLES, BENJAMIN F., (Pnltney,) far- 
mer 22. 

Whitebread, Aaron, (Prattaburgh,)farmer 1. 

Wildman, Francis A., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 65. 

grape grower and fanner 73. 

Wright, David, (Branchport, Yates Co.,) 
grape grower 9. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adamson, John, (West Addison,) farmer 

leases 100. 
Aldrich, Ethan A., (Addison,) farmer 122. 
Bailey, Willard, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 

■BAEEON, WM. P., (Addison,) farmer 950. 
Bates, Ocorge, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 136. 
BATES, OEIN, (Eathboneville,) farmer 99. 
Beckwith, Amaaa B., (Cameron Mills,) 

BECKWITH, JAS. T. <fc CO., (Cameron 

Mills,) (Gilbert E. Wedsier,) props. 

flouring and custom mills, 
Bowyer, John, (Eathboneville,) farmer 120. 
BEADY, F. J., (Eathboneville,) merchant 

Brady, James, (Eathboneville,) farmer SO. 
BRINK, HENEY, (Addison,) farmer 119. 
BEINK, OLIVEE P., (Addison,) farmer 

Brown, Frederick D., (Bast Woodhull,) 

. tailor and farmer 78. 
Brumley, Frank, (Eathboneville,) farmer 50. 
Bramley, Jonathan, (Eathboneville,) farmer 

Burchard, Henry, (Eathboneville,) farmer 

BTJEGETT, HAEVEY, (Eathboneville,) 

Is. Burgett & Son,) saw mill and far- 
mer 100. 
BUEGETT, H. & SON, (Eathboneville,) 

(Uarvey and Martin B.,) dry goods, 

groceries, provisions &c. 
BUEGETT, MAETIN B., (Eathboneville,) 

(H. Burgett <t Son.) 
Burlingame, Edgar, (Eathboneville,) (with 

Joseph,) farmer 28.. 
Burlingame, Joseph, (Eathboneville,) with 

Edgar,) farmer 28. 
Burlingame, Orson, (Eathboneville,) farmer 

Burlingame, Theodoms, (Eathboneville,) 

farmer 100. 
Castner, Isaac H., (Eathboneville,) carpen- 
ter and joiner. 
Chambers, Wm., (Eathboneville,) farmer 


Chapel, Frank, (Eathboneville,) farmerlOO. 
CHEBSMAN, WAENEE, (Eathboneville,) 

farmer (with P. S. Voorhees.) 
Chllson, Milo, (Eathboneville,) wagon ma- 

Mills,) physician and surgeon. 

CLAEK & DAY, (Eathboneville,) (Reman 
Clark and George Day,) general mer- 

CLAEK, HEMAN, (Eathboneville,) (CHark 
A Day.) 

Cole, Albert, (Eathboneville,) farmer 96. 

Cole, Alonzo, (Cameron Mills,) farlner 70. 

Cole, Corimando H., (West Addison,) fiir- 
mer 300. 

Cole, George F., (Eathbonevil)e,) lumber- 
man and farmer 104. 

Cole, Jacob,XWoodhull,) farmer 350. 

Cole, Jacobs., (Eathboneville,) farmer 196. 

Cole, James E., (West Addison,) lumber- 

COLE, JOHN, (West Addison,) saw and 
lath mill. 

Cole, Silas, (West Addison,) farmer it}i. 

COLGEOVB, JAS. H., (Addison,) farmer 

Colgrove, Samuel, (Addison,) retired far- 

Cook, Jacob, (Eathboneville,) saw mill. 

Coon, John, (Addlaon,) farmer leases 1. 

Cooper, Frederick D., (Eathboneville,) far- 
mer leases 170. 

CEANS, JOHN P., (South Addison,) far- 
mer leases 160. 

Crans, Smith, (Addison,) fEirmer leases 150. 

Crawford, Jas., (Eathboneville,) farmer 70 
and (vAth John,) 300. 

Crawford, John, (B^thboneville,), (with 

Jamee,) farmer BOO. 
CRAWFOED, LEWIS D., (Eathboneville,) 

lumberman and farmer 1S4. 
Crawford, Wm., (Cameron Mills,) general 

Crittenden, H. G. <fc J. H., (Eathboneville,) 

props. Burgett House. 



Keuka Vineyard & Propagating House, 

Lake Keuka, Wayne, N. Y. 


S jQl. 

Choice GRAPE VINES,' one and two years old,— grown at home from well ripened 
wood, of all the LEADING VAmETIES OF GRAPES, such as the 

lona, Israella, Delanrare, Diana, Itcb Seed- 
ling, Concord, Hartford Prolific, Salem, 
Catairl>a, Isabella, Rogers Bybrld, 
dec, &e. 

Propagating Done in Season 

At Fair Rates, 

And Pot Plants and Clrm WooiX of most varieties for SALE. Also two hmidred aera 
of Grape land on Bluff Point, and 50 acres on the east side of the Lake, acknowledged 
to be the best localities for growing the grape. Also Farms for Sale, 

Wayne, N. T., 1869. 
F. M. McPO'WE Iil., Agent. 




A. BEEKMAN, Proprietor, 

Keeps the largest and best Stock of Hardware in the 
County. Saddlery, (a speciality,) Carriage Wood Worls 
and Trimmings, Paints, Oils, Mechanics'^ Tools, Hoiise 
Trimmings, Plated Ware, Iron, Steel, Agricnltural Tools, 
Stoves, Tin Ware, &c. The "Ohio Wooden Pump" 
and Iron Pumps for Wells and Cisterns. Saw Mill sup- 
plies. Head quarters for Clover and TimoOiy Seeds. A 
good TIN SHOP in connection, and all kinds of Job 
Work done in a reliable manner. 

1 7 Liberty St., (west side,) 




CroBsman, Andrew, (BathbonevUle,) far- 
mer 140. 

Cmnmins, Albert S., (Woodhall,) {with 
Wm. 0.,) fanner 160. 

OTJMMINS, WM. C, (Woodhnll,) mason 
and {with Alberts.,) fanner 160. 

Cunningham, Wm. H., (Cameron Milla,) 

Dates, Wm. L., (Eathboneville,) lumber- 
man and farmer 87. 

DAY, QEOKQE, (Rathboneville,) (Clark S 

DeGROAT, EDWARD, (Rathboneville,) 
farmer 38>f . 

De Long, Joseph, (Rathboneville,) farmer 
(with Chas. Soe.) 

Denel, John, (Rathboneville,) farmer 149. 

DICKINSON, WM. H., (Addison,) (w«A 
John Bechnan,) farmer leases 100. 

Drake, Qeorge W., (Cameron Mills,) gen- 
eral merchant. 

Draper, Nahum, (Rathboneville,) farmer 50. 

Edgson, Marvin, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Edmonds, Nancy Miss, (Cameron Mills,) 
farmer 167. 

Everts, E. C, (Rathboneville,) farmer 100. 

FANCHER, ALANSON, (Rathboneville,) 

Fav, Chas. M., (Addison,) farmer leases 54. 

FETZER, DANIEL J., (Cameron Mills,) 
house, sign, and carriage painter, pa- 
per hanger and grainer. 

PULTS, NELSON, ^ast Woodhnll,) farmer 


Gloyd, Deloss W., (Woodhnll,) farmer 90. 

GOFP, FINLA, (Cameron Mills,) manu- 
facturer of lumber and proprietor of 
saw mill. 

Gokey, Lewis, (Rathboneville,) shoemaker. 

Goodwin, Henry, (Addison,) farmer 200. 

Grover, Isaac, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 200. 

Gnptill, Daniel, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 

Hanrahan, John, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Harder, Robert, (Rathboneville,) saw mill 
and farmer 100. 

Harrington, George W., (West Addison,) 
farmer 3 and (with Jonathan ffarring- 
ton,) farmer 97. 

HARRINGTON, ISAAC, (West Addison,) 
carpenter and joiner. 

Harrington, Jonathan, (West Addison,) 
(with Geo. W.,) farmer 97. 

HARRINGTON, JOSEPH,(Rathboneville,) 

Harrington, Lyman, (Rathboneville,) far- 
mer 102. 

Hathaway, Chas., (Rathboneville,) painter 
and farmer. 

Hathaway, Henry C, (Rathboneville,) tin- 

Heckman, John, (Addison,) (with Wm. H. 
ihckinaon,) farmer. 

Helmer, George W., (Addison,) farmer 195. 

Hewsin. Wm;, (Rathboneville,) farmer 182. 

Hibbard, Wm., (Rathboneville,) farmer 40. 

Hope, Thos., (Rathboneville,) farmer 100. 

HORTON, ISRAEL, (West Addison,) gen- 
eral merchant, lumberman, poet master 
and farmer 90. 

Howard, Albert, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Humphry, Chas., (Rathboneville,)farmer99. 
Jones, Major, (Addison,) farmer 50. 
Jones, R., (Addison,) farmer 10. 
Jones, Ross, (Rathboneville,) butcher and 

(with Michael VanTi/k,) farmer 9. 
Kenally, John, (Rathboneville,) station 

agent, U. S. Express agent and justice 

of the peace. 
Kimbell, David, (Ratlitoneville,) farmer 

Kinney, Alvah H., (Rathboneville,) general 

LAMBERT, RICHARD, (Cameron MiUa,) 
boot and shoe maker. 

Learn, Andrew J., (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Lewie, Samuel, (Rathboneville,) prop, saw 
mill and farmer 55. 

LLOYD, GEORGE C, (Rathboneville,) far- 
mer 253. 

LOPER, JOHN, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

LOPER, JOHN H., (Rathboneville,) re- 
tired farmer. 

Lyon, Kitchell, (Rathboneville,) farmer 450. 

MATHER, HORACE, (Rathboneville,) lum- 
berman and farmer 500. 

McCaig, John, (Rathboneville,) farmer 160. 

McCaig, Richard, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Mead, Stephen, (Rathboneville,) farmer 140. 

Merrin, Qeorge B., (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Merring, Peter, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Miles, John, (West Addison,) farmer 240. 

Miles, Stephen (Rathboneville,) cooper and 
farmer 4. 

Mlnkler, Edgar, (West Addison,) lath man- 

MITCHELL, SAMUEL, (Cameron Mills,) 
physician and siiryeon, and farmer 200. 

Moore, James, (Rathboneville,) farmer 96. 

Morey, Robert, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 
leases 80. 

Myers, Oliver P., (Rathboneville,) farmer 

MTRES, JACOB W., (Rathboneville,) far- 

MYRES, OLIVER P., (Rathboneville,) far- 
mer 39. 

Northrup, Alfred, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Northrup, Benjamin D., (Rathboneville,) 
retired farmer. 

Northrup, George, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

NORTHRUP, JAMES, (Rathboneville,) 
farmer 270. 

NORTHRUP, MOSES, (Rathboneville,) 
fanner 300. 

NORTHRUP, NORMAN, (Rathboneville,) 
farmer 280. 

NORTHRUP, PETER, (Rathboneville,) 
farmer 2'^. 

O'Brien, John, (Rathboneville,^ farmer 50. 

Owen, Cortland, (Rathboneville,) (John 
Owen tfc Son.) 

Owen, John & Son, (Rathboneville,) (Cort^ 
land,) prop'rs saw mill and farmers 

Park, John M., (Woodhnll,) farmer 125. 



Parker, Lucius, (West Addison,) termer 

Paul, Ira, (Addison.) farmer 114. „,,, . 
Peckham Edmnn.i D.,^ (Cameron Mills,) 

lumber merchant and farmer 210. 
Pelton. Collins, (BathboneTille,) fermer 8». 
Perry, George (EatlibonevUle,) lumberman 

and farmer 230. .„ , ^, , 

Perry, Levi A., (BathboneTille,) thresber 

and farmer 1(W. . , 

Perry, Nelson L., (Woodhull,) farmer 104. 
Phelps, Le Roy, (East Woodhull,) farmer 

Phinex, JohUiCElathboneTille,) farmer 50. 
Pierson, Jas. H., (Cameron Mills,) retired 

farmer. ,.,„ ^ 

POETEK, HENET, (Cameron Mills,) wag- 
on and carriage maker. 
Powers, J. Jr., (Itathboneville,) farmer 250. 
Pntman, Elisha, (Bathboneville,) farmer 16. 
Quillu, John, (Kathboneville,) farmer 3. 
Ragln, Jerry, CRathboneville,) farmer 50. 
EaSin Jerry, (West Addison,) farmer 5. 
EMLLY, EDWARD C, (Eathboneville,) 

farmer 89>i. „ .^ .„ , , 
Reynolds, C. H. Mrs., (Eathboneville,) far- 
mer 103. 

Rieby, Lorain, (East Woodhull,) farmer 35. 
Roche, Rose Miss, (Rathboneville,) mU- 

liner. .„ , , 

ROE, CHAS., (Eathboneville,) fanner 
leases S8}i. ... . . 

Rolls, Benj., (Rathboneville,) farmer leases 

RTJMSBY, CHAS. W., (Rathboneville,) far- 
mer 89. 
Sanders, George J., (West Addison,) far- 
mer 176. 
Sanders, Isaac M., (West Addison,) farmer 

Selleck, John H., (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Selleck, Zeno, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 160. 
Shaver, John, (Eathboneville,) farmer 26. 
SHERMAN, MAETIN D., (Addison,) far- 
mer leases 100. 
Sizer, Mathew, (Addison,) farmer 160. 
Sly, Edward, (Cameron Mills,) farmer 127. 
Smith, Charles, (Eathboneville,) farmer 4. 
Snay, Alexander, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Sou».hworth, Jbel, (RathbonevUle,) fanner 

Stephen, Ira, (Rathboneville,) farmer 70. 
STEPHENS, LUCIUS P., (Cameron Mills,) 
blacksmith and dealer in patent wash- 
ing machine, Beckwith's Bxcentric. 
Stewart, Wm., (Rathboneville,) farmer 50. 
STICKLES, ANSON, (Eathboneville,) far- 
mer 52. 
Stickney, Edmund, (West Addison,) prop. 

saw mill, millwright and farmer 230. 
STICKNEY, WILLIS, (West Addison,) 

SWAETS, GEO. W., (Woodhull,) farmer 

Taylor, Wm., (Eathboneville,) harness 

Timerman, Augustus P., (Rathboneville,) 

wagon maker, 
fitus, Chas., (Eathboneville,) farmer 75. 
Tolas, John, (Cameron Mills,) boot and 

shoe manufacturer. 
Van Scoy, Harrison, (Rathboneville,) fisr- 

Van Tyle, Michael, (Rathboneville,) (with 

Boss Jones,) farmers. 
Vermilyea, George D., (Eathboneville,) far- 
mer 50. 
Voorheea, Peter S., (Eathboneville,) farmer 

Vretenburg, George, (Woodhull,) farmer 

Ward, John, (Rathboneville,) farmer 107. 
Ward, Thos., (Rathboneville,) farmer 100. 
Warner, Wm. H., (Cameron Mills,) carpen- 
ter and joiner. 
WATTLES, CHAS. M., (Rathboneville,) 

. farmer 95. 

WEBSTER, GILBERT By (Cameron Mills,) 

(/(M. T. BeckwUh <£ Co.) 
Whelpton, J osepb, (Addison,) former 118. 
Orman S. and Seth,) eejaetai merchants. 
Whitmore, Keyes, (Rathboneville,) {Whit- 
more Brothers.) 
Whitmore, Orman S., (Rathboneville,) 

(.Whitmore Brothers,) farmer 66. 
Whitmore, Seth, (Eathboneville,) (Whit- 

mwe Brothers.) 
Wilhart, Gilbert L., (Eathboneville,) leases 

saw mill. 
Willard, Julia, (West Addison,) farmer 100, 
Wilson, Adam, (Eathboneville,) farmer 126. 
Wilson, Nelson, (West Addison,) farmer 

Wilson, Peter, (Rathboneville,) farmer 100. 
Wood, Foster P., (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Woodruff, George, (Eathboneville,) farmer 

Yost, Henry, (Rathboneville,) farmer leases 

YOUNG, BROTHERS, (Eathboneville,) 
{Sydney C. and Northrup P.,) grocers. 
Young, Jas, B., (Rathboneville,) town clerk 

und farmer Sd. 
Young, Martin B., (Eathboneville,) retired 

Young, Nathan T., (Eathboneville,) black- 

YOUNG, NOETHEUP P., (Eathboneville,) 
^ ■' • ■ [naster. 


( Young Brothers,) postmaster. 
YOUNG, SYDNfiY C, — ' 

( Toung Brothers.) 

Young, Wm., (Eathboneville,) butcher and 
farmer 280. 




(Post Offioe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abbott, Charles, (Rieingville,) farmer 67. 

■i-I'DBRMAN & c6RWnq,(Carapbelltown,) 
(J. Julvtn Alderman and Orlando Cor- 
«tn,) insurance agents and farmers 

16£IB6 12H 

town,) {Aldtrman & Corwin.) 

Alderman, O. P., (CampbeHtown,) farmer 
129, in charge of Alderman & Corwin. 

ALDRICH, QEORQB, (West Addison,) 
farmer 102. 

Aldrich, Leonard, (Merchantville,) jaetice 
of sessions, justice of the peace and 
farmer 160. 

Aldrich, Seward, (West Addison,) farmer 

ALDRICH, THOS. S. JR., (Kisingville,) 
(with Tkos. S.,) farmer 110. 

ALDRICH, THOS. S., (Eiaingvllle,) physi- 
cian and {xvith That. S. Jr.,) farmer 110. 

ALDRICH, WILLIAM, (West Addison,) 
eon of George Aldridge. 

Allerton, Townsend, (Herchantville,) fir- 
mer 100. ' 

Amron, Ira, (Savona,) farmer 1. 

APPKLTON, DAViD, (Merchantville,) 

alft, - 

AalTs, George B., (MerchantTille,) farmer 


Anils, William, (Merchantville,) farmer 98. 
Babcock, Clark, (MerchantviDe,) farmer 86. 
Barker, James, (West Addison,) farmer 43. 
Barker, John, (West Addison,) farmer 21. 
BARRBTT, THOMAS S., (Merchantville,) 

farmer 50. 
BEATON, GEORGE S., (Merchantville,) 

{with Hugh,) farmer 150. 
BEATON, HUGH, (Merchantville,) (with 

Geo. 3.,) farmer 150. 
BENEDICT, DAVID B., (Savona,) firmer 

Benham, Moses, (West Addison,) farmer 

Bishop, George W., (Merchantville,) wagon 

maker and firmer 27. 
Boileau, Daniel B., (Merchantville,) me- 
chanic and former leases of Wm AuUs, 

Booth, James A.. (Risingville,) farmer 42. 
Booth, Olive M. Mrs., (Bath,) former 57. 
Bowers, Benjamin F., (Savona,) farmer. 
BOWERS, ISAAC, (Merchantville,) farme* 

Brand, John C, (Thnrston,) postmaster, 

and (with Walier and Wullam,) former 

Brand, Walter S., (Thurston,) (leith John 

C. and William,) former 200. 
Brand, William, (Thnrston,) (with- John 0. 

and Walter S.,) former 200. 
Briggs, Henry, (Savona,) mason and farmer 

Brown, William, (West Addison,) farmer 

BRUNDAGE, CHARLES, (Bath,) farmer 

Brundage, Charles M., (Bath,) farmer 100. 
Buck, Seymour A., (Mercliantville,f<irm6r) 


BURGET, WM. M. J., (MerchantviUe,) far- 
mer 30. 

Burr, George W., (West Addison,) fanner 

Bnsh, John, (Savona,) former 60. 

Cabill, Michael, (South Thurston,) farmer 

Cahill, Patrick, (South Thnrston,) farmer 

Carpenter, Alva, (Meroh"antville,) proprie- 
tor of saw mill. 

Carr, Mathew, (Savona,) farmer 60. 

Carroll, Morse, (Campbelltown,) farmer 20. 

Chapman, Amos B., (Merchantville,) lum- 
berman and farmer 107. 

CHAPMAN, LUCIUS, (Savona,) farmer. 

Colcord, Amos D., (Batn,) famier 37 and 
leases of Sallie Colcord, 80. 

Collier, Richard, (Thnrston,) farmer 104. 

Collson, Anthony, (Merchantville,) farmer 

Collson, John W., (Merchantville,) general 

Conner, James, CBath,) (with Jno. Conner,) 
fanner 70. 

Conner, John, (Bath,) (with Jame»,) farmer 

Cook, Seth, (West Addison,) farmer 150. 

Coolbaugh, William, (Merchantville,) re- 
tired farmer 92. 

Corbitt, John, (Thurston,) farmer 101. 

Corbitt, Thomas G., (Thurston,) farmer 

CORWIN, OBLAlilDO F., (Campbelltown,) 
(Aldermat^ <£ Corwin.) 

Coston, Christopher, (Thurston,) former 94. 

Covel, William, (Merchantville,) farmer 
leases 65. 

CJrans, Eitoh N., (Merchantville,) firmer 35 
and leasee of L. A. Wing, 103. 

Crevling, Jacob, (Thnrston,) farmer 68. 

Griveling, Isaac N., (Thurston,) farmer 75. 

CURTIS, LEWIS H., (West Addison,) me- 
chanic and farmer leases of Phebe Mar- 

Davis, Homer C, (Thnrston,) farmer 100. 

Davis, Orson D., (Thurston,) justice of the 
peace and former 100. 

DECKER, DANIEL B., (Risingville,) saw- 
yer and farmer IS. 

Decker, William H., (Risingville,) fanner 

DtcklBSOp, David, (Bath,) farmer 160. 

Dickinson, David H., (Bath,) farmer 60. 

DICKINSON, FRANCIS A., (Bath,) farmer 

Dingley, William B.< (Thnrston,) stone cut- 
tar and farmer 200. 

Downing, John M., (Merchantville,) far- 
mer leases 38. 

DUSENBERY, DWIGHT, (Savona,) (with 
Tirzah,} farmer 154. 

DUSENBBRT, TIRZAH, (Savona,) (with 
Dwight,) farmer 154. 

Eaton, Charles W., (Merchantville,) shoe- 
maker, tanner and former 3. 
Baton, Edwin H., (Campbelltown,) firmer 



S. & R. I. HARRIS, 


Agricultural Tools, 

Stoves, Tin Ware, Paints 
/ij!|C and Oils, 

'^t^''^2ash, Blinds & Doors, 

Mechanica' Tools, House Trimmings, Mill and Croes-Cnt Saws, Belting Lace Leather, 
and Saw Mill supplies. Table and Pocket Cutlery. A good Tin Shop with first-class 
workmen in connection. Tin Hoofing and all kinds of Job Work done in a reliable 
manner at reasonable charges. 

I^IBERXY STATION, IV. IT. Post Office Address, Oobocton, 
Steuben County, N. If. 




AND ' 

Davison's Thornless Raspberries. 

Waterloo, N. T., 1868. 

The nndersigned who is the one who first introduced the Seneca Raspberry to the pub- 
lic, will now be prepared to furnish No. One First Class Plants, of Senecas and Davi- 
son's Thornless, wnich are to be the leading Raspberries and should go together. 

The THORNLBSS is early, ripens a trifle earlier than the Doolittle ; the SENECA 
ripens about two weeks later than THORNLBSS, which makes the season complete in 
the berry line. 

All wishing good, first-class plants of these two valuable berries, can'rely on me for 
them, as I will send out no poor plants. 

Send stamp and get my prices, when issued next fall. 

My soil enables me to grow plants equal to any grown in the country, and they are 
pronounced No. One, by reliable dealers. Tours Truly, 


Waterloo, Seneca Co., N, Y. 

P. S.— Write your name very plain, that there may be no mistake, and send early. 

heta-iij hates. 

SBNECAS— $75 per 1000. $10 per 100. $8 per doz. 
DAVISON'S THORNLBSS— 15 " 100. 8 " doz. 
Cash with Order or C. O. D. 



EDDT, FENNEB, (MerohantvUle,) tanner 
and farmer 86. 

EDDY, JEEBY F., (MerohantTlUe,) ter- 
mer. , 

EDSAIL, HAEMON P., (MerchantTllle,) 
farmer 70. 

Edaall, Milton, (Savona,) farmer 800. 

Edsall, Peter D., (MerohantvUle,) farmer 

EdBall, Thomas D., (Thurston,) farmer. 
Fairfield, John, (Campbelltown,) farmer 60. 
Felton, Joseph, (West Addison,) farmer 26. 
Filkina, Comelins N., (Savona,) farmer 

FILKINS, JOHN A., (Savona,) farmer 90. 
Fish, Eliphns, (Savona,) farmer 100. 
Flak, Eher, (Campbelltown,) {FUk & Leav- 
Flsk & Leavenworth, (Campbelltown,) 

{JSberFitk and Silvan E. Leavenworth,) 

prop'ra df saw mill and farmers 100. 
Flsk, Phenia, (Merchantville,) farmer 40 

and leasea of Eev. O. P. Alderman 104. 
FLINN, SHELDON A., (Savona,) lumber- 
man and farmer 63. 
Forer, Daniel, (West Addison,) farmer 110. 
Fort, Isaac, (Thurston,,) farmer 62. 
Foster, Isaac, (West Addison,) farmer S. 
Foster, James, (West Addison.) farmer 180. 
Franley, Morgan, (West Addison,) farmer 

French, Lewis T., (Merchantville,) tttcmet 

Fulkerson, Samnel, (Merchantville,) mason 

aud farmer 60. 
Gates, David W. Bev., (Merchantville,) 

pastor M. E. Church. 
Gilbert, Timothy J., (Bath,) thresher and 

farmer 62. 
Gillet, James, (Savona,) farmer 85. 
Gleason, Henry, (Merchantville,) farmer 

leases of O. D. Davis, 100. 
GOODSELL, JOHN H., (Merchantville,) 

lumberman and farmer 76. 
GBEEN, LYMAN D., (Merchantville,) 

Green, Samuel, (Bisingville,) blacksmith. 
GREGG, THOMAS W., (Bath,) fanner 67. 
Hal!, James H., (Bisingville,) farmer t9. 
Hall, Orman, (Bath,) farmer 60. 
Halliday, Hervey, (Bath,) justice of the 

peace and farmer 63. 
Hanrahan, James, (Weat Addison,) farmer 

Hanrahan, Michael, (BlslngvUle,)farmer 66. 
HABEIS, BENJAMIN F., (West Addison,) 

HABEIS, FEANK,(WestAddison,)farmer. 
Harrison. William^math,) farmer 133. 
Harvey, William, (West Addison,) farmer 

Hawley, Elijah H., (West Addison,) farmer 

HECKMAN, BOBEBT H., (Bisingville,) 

farmer 116. 
HELM, HENBY M., (Savona,) farmer 61. 
HELM, JAMES B., (Savona,) farmer. 
Helm, Selah, (SavonaO farmer 113. 
HELM, ZACHABIAH S., (Savona,)carpen- 

ter and farmer 80. 
Hoeford, ChannceyjjCBath.) farmer 26. 
Hurd, Charles H., (West Addison,) farmer 

JACK, AMOS, (West Addison,) farmer 60. 

JACK, CHEISTIE A., (South Thurston,) 
farmer 60 and leases of Wm. Jack 60. 

Jack, James N., (South Thurston,) post 
master, teacher and farmer 65. 

Jerry, James, (Bisingville,) (Terbell <t Jer- 

Johnson, Charles M., (Bath,) Insurance 
agent and farmer 7. 

Jones, Edmund, (Merchantville,) farmer 76. 

Keith, Albert W., (Merchantville,) post 
master, wagon maker and farmer leases 

KEITH, JOHN, (Merchantville,) farmer, 
works for Benj. F. Harris. 

Keith, Marions O., (Merchantville,) farmer 

Kelly, Nelson, (Merchantville,) farmer 
leases 60. 

Kinne, George, (Savona,) farmer 63. 

Knowles, Andrew, (Campbelltown,) farmer 

Knowles, Erie L., (Campbelltown,) farmer 

LAYTON, PHILIP, (Thurston,) farmer 35. 

Leavenworth, Lyman B., (Campbelltown,) 
farmer 60. 

Leavenworth, Silvan B., (Campbelltown,) 
(Fiek & Leavenworth.) 

Lewis, William S., (Merchantville,) farmer 

Linn, Alonzo, (Merchantville,) farmer 47. 

LINN, JAMES, (Merchantville,) farmer 56. 

Look, Isaiah, (Bath,) farmer 3. 

Lynn, Lewis G., (Merchantville,) farmer 

Lyons, John, (Thurston,) farmer 100. 

Mack, George W., (Bisingville,) shoema- 

Mack, Zadock, (Merchantville,) farmer 61. 

Martin, Charles H., (West Addison,) far- 
mer 49. 

MABTIN, JAMES D., (West Addison,) far- 
mer leases 23. 

McCann, Eichard, (Bisingville,) farmer 37. 

Merchant, Edwin, (Merchantville,) black- 
smith and farmer 140. 

MEEE8, CHARLES E., (Merchantville,) 
carpenter and farmer 110. 

Marrow, Robert D., (Bath,) {with Thomat,) 
farmer 150. 

Morrow, Thomas, (Bath,) (with Bolert D.,) 
former 160. 

Murry, James, (Savona,) former 94. 

Mygan, Charles, (West Addison,) farmer 

Nellfon, Hiram, (West Addison,) termer. 

NOBTHEDP, ASHER S., (Bath,) farmer 

O'Donnell, William, (Campbelltown,) far- 
mer 100. 

Ottanson, Thomas J., (RisingvDle,) cooper. 

PAEKBB, AMASA D., (Bath,) son of A. J. 

PAEKEE,' ANSEL J., (Bath,) blacksmith 

and fanner 107. 
Peck, Fernando, (Merchantville,) farmer 

Perkins, Jonas, (Thurston,) farmerSO. 
PETEES, DAVID, (Thurston,) farmer 60. 
Peters, Joseph K,, (Thurston,) former 100. 
Philipps, Jonas, (Merchantville,) farmer 

PhUipps, Lyman, (Merchantville,) justice 
of the peace and farmer 80. 



Philippe, WllUam, (Merchantville,) fiirmer 

Piatt, Geonje, (MercliantTUle,) farmer 

Piatt, Willis B., (Merchantvills,) sawyer 
and farmer 1. 

Fageley, 8teptienaan, (West Addison,) far- 
mer 4S. 

Pagsley, William H., (KiBingrllle,) general 

Heidy, Ellen, (West Addison,) farmer 60. 

EICHTMTEE, CHARLES E , (Eisingville,) 
builder and farmer 78. 

Bicbtmyer, John H., (Bath,) steam mill 
and farmer 97. 

Bicbtmyer, Jolin K., (Bath,) farmer 60. 

BICHTMYBE, WM., (Eisingville,) Suiner 

Bising, Charles M., (Risingrllle,) lnmber> 
man and farmer 77. 

BISING, JUSTUS, (Eisingville,) mason 
and farmer 100. 

Bising, Willis H., (Sontb Thurston,) far- 
mer. 69. 

Bosenkrans, Garret, (Bath,) farmer 44. 

Boyce, David, (West Addison,) farmer 186. 

Boyce, Ezra M., (MerchantriUe,) farmer 30 
and leases of E. Boyce 66. 

Eoyce, John, (Merchantville,) farmer 1. 

Bumsey, Peter, (West Addison,) farmer 88. 

Bumsey, Simeon E., (West Addison,) far- 
mer 30. 

farmer 76. 

SANPOED, CABOLINB M., (Thurston,) 
farmer 68. 

SANFOED, SAMUEL F., (Thurston,) far- 

Seager, William L., (Thurston,) former 89. 

Seamans, Alvin, (Mei:chantville,) (wi^ 
Aden Yost,) farmer 124. 

SEABS, JAMES, (Merchantville,) farmer 

Severaijce, Luther, (West Addison,) black- 
smith and farmer 87. 

SHAUGEE, ANDEEW, (BieingvUle,) post 
master and farmer 41. 

Simons, George W., (Savona,) farmers. 

SIMONS, PHILO, (Savona,) mason and 
farmer 15>tf . 

SKINKLB, GEOEQE, (Savona,) farmer 10. 

SKINKLE, WILLIAM, (Thurston,) ikrmer 

Smith. Peter, (Merchantville,) farmer BO. 

SPBNCEE, PEANK, (Eisingville,) teacher 
and farmer 146. 

Sprague, Henry, (Bath,) flirmer 11. 

Stepvens, Harmon, (Merchantville,) black- 
smith and farmer 85. 

Stewart, Julia Mrs., (Bath,) (jeUh Thaadeiu 
ff.,) farmer 66. 

Stewart, Tbaddeus G., (Bath,) (with Mrs. 
Julian farmer 66. 

STICKLEE, GBOKQK A., (Campbelltown,) 
farmer 60. 

Stickler, George W., (Campbelltown,) far- 

Stocking, Alva, (Bath,) farmer leases 160. 

Stocking, Jno. A-jfBath^J farmer 8. 

Sutton, Mary E., (Eisingville,) farmer ICO. 

Swezey, Bertha, (Merchantville,) farmer 80. 

Terbell &, Jerry, (Eisingville,) (Jotephut 
Terbelland James Jerry ^ proprietors 
st«am saw mill. 

Terbell, Josephus, (Bieingville,) (TurbeB, <£ 

ton,) farmer 61. 

Thompson, Henry M., (South Thurston,) 
farmer 40. 

Thornton, William, (Thurston,) former 60. 

Torrence, Austin W., (West Addison,) far- 
mer 143. 

Tyler, Bedding, (Merchantville,) carpenter 
and farmer 60. 

VANCE, DAVID, (South thurston,) far- 
mer 100. 

VANCE, MOSES H., (Sonth Thurston,) 
son of David Vance. 

Vandarwarka, Henry, (CBmpbeUtown,) far- 
mer 119. 

VANKEUEBN, SBTH, (Etaingvllle,) far- 
mer leases 200. 

Vose, Aaron C, (Merchantville,) retired 

Vose, Aden, (Merchantville,) ^uAth A. Sea- 
mans,) farmer 124. 

Vose, Alton M., (Merchantville,) fanner 

Vose, Eobert C, (Merchantville,) farmer 76. 

Wager, Jacob, (Bath,) farmer 40. 

Ward, Duel P./(Savona,) farmer leases of 
Wesley G. Ward, 60. 

Whitcomh, Battle Miss, (Merchantville,) 

Wbitcomb, Seymour A., <Merchantville,) 
farmer 3. 

Wilher, George, (Bath,) farmer leases 60. 

Wilber, Samuel K., (Bath,) farmer lOO. 

Wilhelm, Benjamin S., (Merchantville,) 
farmer 186. 

Wood, Francis, (Campbelltown,) farmer 96. 

WOODHOUSB, CHASlES D., (Merchant- 
ville,) farmer 130. 

WEIGHT, DAVIS D., (Eisingville,) sou of 
McCarthy Wright. 

WEIGHT, MoCAETHT, (Eisingville,) for- 
mer 99. 

Wright, Bohert, (Merchantville,) black- 
s mith. 

WTGANT, WILLIAM, (EisingvUle,) far- 

Tost, D. Mrs., (West Addison,) former 70. 
Tost, John D., (Bath,) farmer 190. 
Yost, John Jr., (Bisingville,) farmer 86. 
Yost, Nicholas, (Bath,) former 84. 
YOUNG, EUFUS B., (Merchantville,) for- 
mer 94. 
Youngs, John B., (Merchantville,) farmer 1. 



(Post Office Addresses In Parentheses.) 

Abbott, Mo., (TroupBburgh,) mechanic and 

farmer 1. 
'Abby, Geo. W., (WoodhuU,) farmer 48. 

AbelB, Henry, (Young Hickory,) farmer 80. 

Ackley, Samuel Jr., (Young Hickory,) saw 
mill and farmer 10. 

Ackley, Samuel Sen., (Toung Hickory,) 
farmer 90. 

Ackley, Solomon P., (Young Hickory,) far- 
mer 100. 

Adams, John B., (Troapaburgh,) farmer 
116. * 

Adams, Thomas Q., (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 

Allen, Enos, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Allen, Norman, (xoung Hickory,) farmer 

ALVOKD, WILLIS J., (West Troups- 
burgh,) ftirmer 196. 

Andruss, Darius C, (Young Hickory,) far- 
mer 60. 

AUSTIN, ERWIN H., (East Troupsburgh,) 
farmer T7. 

Bailey, Geo. P., (West Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 60. 

Bailey, Nathan Z., (Woodhull,) farmer 50. 

Bailej, Thomas W., (Young Hickory,) 
postmaster and farmer 90. 

Baker, Edward, (White's Comers, Potter 
Co. Pa.,) farmer 60. 

Baker, Isaac, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 60. 

Barnes, Boyetta Mrs., (Troupeburgh,) far- 
mer 44. 

Bartle, Charles H., (East Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 102 and leases 186. 

BAETLE, GEO. W., (East Troupsburgh,) 
(wWA Philip jr.,) farmer leases 189. ' 

Bartle, Lucy Mrs., (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 

BARTLE, PHILIP J., (East Troupsburgh,) 
{with Geo. FK.,) farmer leases 189. 

Bartle, TJrisnia V. Mrs;, (East Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 139. 

Bates, Eli, (WoodhulU farmer 75. 

Bates, Henry, (East Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Bates, Henry B., (East Troupsburgh,) (witli 
James i?.,) farmer 50. 

Bates, James H., (East Troupsburgh,) (wliA 
Henry B.,) farmer 50. 

BEAN, LUTHEB, (Troupsburgh,) farmer. 
, Seth, (Troupsburgh,) farmer leases 75. 


Bean, Seth, . (Troupsburgh,) farmer leases 

Bennett, James D., (South Troupsburgh,) 

Bennett, Norman, (Young Hickory,) far- 
mer 78K. 

BIEBCE, MISS BUTH, (Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 86. 

Bishop, Charles A., (West Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 186. 

Bishop, John, (Rexville,) farmer 75. 

Bishop, Peter, (West Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Blowers, Geo., (Troupsburgh,) blacksmith. 

Bouten, James, (East Troupsburgh,) col- 

Bowers, Charles A., (Woodhull,) farmer 
leases 100. 

Bowman, Alpheus, (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 

Bowman, Wm. H., (Young Hickory,) far- 
mer 64. 
Brooks, CliarleB, (Troupsburgh, )farmer 100. 
Brooks, Geo., (TroupsburghO farmer 60. 
Brooks, Noah M., (Young Hickory,) farmer 

Brotzman, Charles, (Jasper,) farmer 312. 
Brown, Daniel, (Brookfleld, Tioga Co. Pa.) 

farmer 60. 
Brown, Henry, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 60. 
BROWN, JOHN, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Brown, John M., (Troupsburgh,^ farmer 61. 
Brown, Warren, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 39. 

farmer 98, 
BRUTSMAN, HENRY, (Jasper,) farmer 

Brutsman, Nicholas, (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 88. 
Brutsman, Philip, (Jasper,) farmer 165. 
BRUTSMAN, WM. W., (Jasper,) farmer 

Cady, Levi E., (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 114. 
Cady, Bauson, (Brookfleld, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 18. 
CADY, WM. E., (South Troupsburgh,) 

farmer 175. 
CADY, WM. W. Capt., (Brookfleld, Tioga 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 180. 
Cameron, Keleey, (White's Corners, Potter 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 25. 
Capwell, James, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 98. 
Capwell, Richard, (Troupsburgh,) carding 

mill and farmer 60. 
Car, Geo., (White's Comers, Potter Co., 

Pa„) farmer 65. 
Car, Wm., (White's Corners, Potter Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 60. 
Card, Charlps E., (Woodhull,) farmer 76. 
CARD, HIBAM, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 170. 
Card, Willis H^ (Woodhull.) farmer 56. 
CARD, WM. W., (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 120. 
CARPENTER, HENRY B., (Woodhull,) 

farmer 176. 
CAEPENTEB, JAMES, (Woodhull.) far- 
mer 96. 
Castle, Simeon, (Troupsburgh,) (tirmer 19. 
Chase, Benjamin, (Brookfleld, Tioga Co. 

Pa.,) farmer 68. 
CHASE, VINCENT, (Brookfleld, Tioga 

Co. Pa.,) farmer 48. 
Cheeseman, Lncenia Mrs., (West Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 30. 
burgh,) carpenter and farmer 100. 
CHUBCH, DAVID, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Church, Ira, (Troupsburgh,) farmer leases. 
Church, BandaU, (Troupsburgh,) farmer. 
CLARK & CO., (Troupsburgh,) ^Noel and 

Boyal (7.0 hotel proprletorB. 
Clark, Isaac M., (Woodhull,) farmer 22. 
Clark, Joel, (West Troupsburgh,) farmer 21. 
Clark, Myron, (Troupsburgh,) tamer 81. 




Foreign & Domestic 


Silks and Fancy Goods, 


13 Liberty Street, - - Bath, If. Y. 


rashionatle Furniture, 

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Havlne enlareed hia Ware Rooms, now' offers a largo and complete stock, which 
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BATH, N. Y. 



OLAHK, NOBL, (Troupeburgh,) (,aUiTk A 

GLAEK, OSCAK, (Tronpaburgh,) former 

CLARK, EOTAL C, (Troupsbnrgh,) {Glarii 

& Co.) 
CLARK, WM. B., (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer. 

burgh,) farmer 80 and leases 75. 
Cleaver, Wm., (Troapsburgh,) shobmaker. 

(Toang Hickory,) farmer 140. 
COLLINS, JAMBS, (Troapaburgh,) farmer 

Cook, David, (Soutli Tronpaburgh,) farmer 

. 50. 
Cook, Delos, (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Cook, Jamsa P., (South Troupsburgh,) 

farmer S6. 
COOK, JOHN R., (South Troupsburgh,) 

fanner 87. 
Cook, Rufaa, (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Cook, Thomas M., (South Troupsburgh,) 

farmer 60. 
Cornish, Charles, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 76. 
COENBLL, B'BANKLiN,(Yoang Hickory,) 
'. farmer 60. 

CORNELL, NATHAN, (South Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 100. 
Cornell, Socrates, (Young Hickory,) far- 
mer 100. 
CORNISH, EPHKAIM, (Troupsburgh,) 

farmer 40. 
Crandall, Achaah Mrs., (Woodhull,) farmer 

Cummings, Sarah B. Mrs., (South Troupa- 

burgn,) farmer 94. 

Troupsburgh,) farmer 75. 
Davis, EHphalet, (White's Comers, .Potter 

Co., Pa.,) mason and farmer 44. 
DAVIS, ISAIAH B., (Eexville,) farmer 75. 
DAVIS, JAMES M., (Brookfleld, Tioga 

Co., Pa.,) farmer leases 113. 
Dempoey ^Dennis, (Eexville,) farmer 84. 
DBMPSBT, MORRIS, (Eexville,) farmer 

Demun, Benjamin L., (Jasper,) farmer 96. 
DEMUN, JOHN F., (Woodhull,) farmer 83. 
DONLEY, PATRICK, (Eexville,) farmer 

DUNNE, laNATItrs, (Eexville,) farmer 

Dunne, Ignatius T., (Eexville,) farmer 830. 
Bdwarde, Artemas, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Edwards, Elizabeth Miss, (Bast Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 16. 
Edwards, Ira, (Woodhull,) farmer 150. 
Everett, Geo. S., (Woodhull,) mechanic and 

farmer 5. 
Everett, James S., (Woodhull,) farmer liH. 
Fanner, Jerah, (Woodhull,) farmer 52. 
PBNTON, BLBAZBR, (South' Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 138. 
Pinch, Philander, (South Troupsburgh,) 

farmer 50. 
PINCH, SILAS L., (South Tronpaburgh.) 
Pisk, Alva T., (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Pitzpatrlck, Thomas, (West Troupsburgh,) 

farmer 103. 

Poster, Nathaniel, (TroapsburghJ cooper, 

Gardner, Charles L.,. (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Gardner, Charles R., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 40. 

Gardner, Geo. W., (South Troupsburgh,) 
retired farmer. 

Gardner, Leonard, (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 75. 

George, Abner, (Woodhull,) farmer. 

Glover, Martin, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 75. 

GLOVEE, WM,, (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 80. 

Griggs, Nelson, (Troupsburgh,) merchant. 

Griggs, Nelson W., (Troupsburgh,) mer- 
chant. ' 

Griggs, Samuel W.,' (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 220. 

QEIGGS, WILSON S., (Tronpaburgh,) far- 
mer aso. 

GRINOLDS, EUGENE W., (South Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 137. 

GRINOLDS, LEVI, (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 76. 

Grinolds, Levi W., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 300. 

GRIST, CHESTER, (Woodhull,) former 76.~- 

QUENSBY, JAMES, (Woodhull,) farmer 

Hall, Geo. H., (Troupsburgh.) farmer 100. 

Hall, Royal, (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Hall, Warren, (South Troupsbnrgh,) ma- 
son and farmer 44. 

Harrington, Aaron, (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 

Harrington, Alpheus, (Troupsburgh,) far- 

Harrington, James C, (Tronpaburgh,) far- 
mer 88. 

Harris, Alonzo, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 35. 

Harris, Gorum B., (Brookfleld, Tioga Co. 
Pa.,) farmer 79. 

Hauber, Simeon B., (Tonng Hickory,) car- 
penter and farmer 78. 

Hayes, James B^Jasper,) farmer 154. 

HATES, ROSWBLL S., (East Troups- 
burgh,) farmer SO.i^. 

Healey, John, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 80. 

Henley, Joseph, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Hendrick, Alonzo, (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 108. 

HILBUEN, WM. D., (Woodhull,) farmer 
leases 370. 

HILL, CYRUS B., (Troup3burgh,)former50. 

Hill, James, (South Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 

Hilyer, Wm. S., (Brookfleld, Tioga Co. Pa.,) 
ifarmer 81. 

Hober, Jonathan M., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

HOBER, JOSEPH, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Hollister, Mrs. Hannah, (Tronpaburgh,) 
farmer 47. 

HOLMES, ABEAMD., (Bast Tronpaburgh,) 
farmer leases 250. 

Holmes, Ilando P., (Woodhull,) farmer 300. 

Holmes, William, (East Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 68. 

HOLT, CALEB D., (Troupsburgh,) car- 
peinter. Joiner and farmer 66. 

Holt, Charlotte Mrs., (Young Hickory,) 
farmer 152. 

Holt, Bdwin, (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 65. 



Holt, Geo. A., (Tonng Hickory,) farmer 47. 
HOLT, HIRAM, (TroaRBburgh,) farmer 12. 
HOLT, WM. A.^jfTronp'sbupgh,) farmer 68. 
Hooper, Wn}., (WoodhuU,) tormer 4S0. 
Hopper, CamuoU, (Troupsbargh,) farmer 

Hubbard, Ansel, (Brookfield, Tioga Co. 
Pa.,) farmer IIS. 

HUBBAHD. NOAH B., (Brookfield, Tioga 
Oo. Pa.,) farmer 90. 

Huftelling, Sasan A. Mr»., (South Troaps- 
burgh,) farmer 48. 

Hunt, Daniel W. Kev., (South Tronpa- 
burgh,) Free Will Baptist .clergyman 
and farmer 103. 

HUSTED, LDMAN, (Woodhnll,) farmer 30. 

Hunted, ZImri, (Woodhnll,) farmer 40. 

Johnson, Anthony, (Rexville,) farmer 128. 

Johnson, James, (Rexville,) farmer 139. 

Johnson, James, (Young Hickory,) farmer 

Johnson, James B., (Woodhull,) farmer 30. 

Johnson, Thomas, (Young Hickory,) farmer 

ry,) farmer 100. 

Jones, Byron, (Tronpsburgh,) general mer- 
chant and farmer 80. 

Jones, Henry, (Brookfield, Tioga Co. Pa.,) 
farmer 40. 

JONES, .IBRBMIAH, (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 100. 

Jordan, Charles H., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 43, 

Jordan, Martin V., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 68>tf. 

Jordan, William, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 148. 

Keegan, Thomas, (West Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 160. 

Kelly, Lydia Mrs., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Kittle, Mrs. SaUsr (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Lamphear, Joseph, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Lamphere, Joseph, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Lampman, Franklin, (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer S6. 

Lampman, Henry Jr., (Young Hickory,) 
»rmer 50. 

Lampman, Nicholas, (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 25. 

Lathrop, Henry, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 60. 

LAWTON, HENRY, (YoungTaickory,) far- 
mer mx- 

Leach, Eliza Mrs., (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 

LEACH, EPHRAIM, (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 112. 

LEONARD, WM., (Rexville,) farmer 100. 

Lewis, Joseph 8., (Rexvilje,) farmer 180. 

Lewis, Lester B., (Young Hickory,) farmer 

LILLY. HORACE, (Troupsburgh,) miliar 
and farmer 6. 

Loomis, Henry B., (West Troupsburgh,) 
, farmer 70. 

LOOMIS, JEDTJTHAN, (Young Hickory,) 
farmer 115. ' ■"' 

LOZIER, JOHN G., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 100. r s v 

MaUaroy, Amos N., (West Troupsburgh.) 
farmer 200. 

Mallory, Abner T., (Troupsburgh,) me- 

Mallory, Brastua T., (Troupsburgh,) {E. T. 
& N. X. Malloru-l 

Mallory, B. T. <fc N, B., (Troupsburgh,) 
(Urasiui T. and Nathaniel B.,) props, 
grist mill, steam saw mill, planing 
mill, shingle mill and chese box fac- 

Mallory, Nathaniel B., (Troupsburgh,) (E. 
T. dt N. B. Mallory.) 

Marlatt, Frank, (West Tioupsburgh,) far- 
mer 83. 

Marlatt, Gideon, (Troupsburgh,) carpenter 
and farmer 2. 

Marlatt, John, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Mayhew, John C, (Jasper,) farmer 50. 

McCULLOUGH, RALPH, (South Troups- 
burgh.) dairyman and farmer 520. 

McFAELAND, ORSON L., (East Troups- 
burgh,) carpenter, joiner and farmer 40. , 

McMindes, Chester A., (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 30. 

McMINDBS, HBNRT W., (Troupsburgh,) 

Metz, William, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 100. 

MILLER, JOHN L., (Woodhull,) farmer 

MILLER, PARLA B., (East Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 93. 

Miller, Thomas, (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 

Miller, Wm. J., (Woodhull,) farmer 221. 

Minard, John H., (Troupsburgh,) {with 
Samuel W. Olmstea,)lnTmer 300. 

Mitchell, Asa, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 65. 

Morey, James, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 75. 

Morton, Albert W., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 53. 

Morton, Hiram, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 87>«. 

Mowry, Wilson G., (Woodhull,) farmer 95. 

Mulkin, Rafne H., (South Troupsburgh,) 
cooper and farmer 100. 

Murdock, Edward P., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 175. 

Murdock, James B., (South Troupsburgh,) 
merchant and fanner 620. 

Murdock, Wm. B., (South Troupsburgh.) 
proprietor of grist mill, postmaster aud 
farmer 390. 

Northrop, Geo. W., (Woodliull,) farmer 

Nndd, David, (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

O'Hargan, Barney. (Rexville.) farmer 160. 

O'HAEGAN HENRY,(W8SI Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 200. 

Olmsied, Hiram, (Bast Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 275. 

Olmsted, Samuel, (Bast Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 75. 

Olmsted, Samuel Jr., (East Troupsburgh,) 

Olmsted, Samuel W., (Troupsburgh,) {with 

John H. Minard!) farmer 300. 
O'MEARA, MICHAEL., {Troup8burgh,)far- 


Ordway, Aaron, (Brookfield, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 60. 
Ordway, Abram, (Brookfield, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 65. 
Ordway, Benjamin, (Brookfield, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 64. 



*ORMSBT, WILMOT N., (Tronpebnrgh,) 
dealer ia groceries and proviuont, and 
general insurance agent. 
OSTEANDER, PBTBK, (Troupibargh,) 

farmer 75. 
Ontman, Stephen, (Jasper,) farmer 166. 
Paine, Benjamin, (TroapaSurgh,) farmer 

Paine, David C, (Troupabnrgh,) farmer 85. 
Paul, Irwin, (Woodhull,) farmer 220. 
PAUL, JOHN, (Woodhull,) farmer 74. 
Perry, Albert N., (West Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 180. 
Perry, Lnman, (WestTronpsbnrgh,) farmer 

'Percy, Nathaniel M., (Troupsburgh,) phy- 

Perry, Norman L., (West Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 100. 

Perry, Orange, (West Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Phillips, Geo. N., (Troupsburgh,) mason 
and farmer leases 100. 

Pickett, Charles K., (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 65. 

Pierce, Baker, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 75. 

Pierce, Charles, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 86. 

Pierce, Geo., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 35. 

Pierce, Henry L., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Pierce, Wm., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 126. 

Plumstead, James, (Broolsfield, Tioga Co,, 
Pa.,) farmer 41. 

Potter, Allen, (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Potter, Almon A., (Brookfleld, Tioga Co., 
Fa.,) farmer 40. 

Potter, Darlin, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 110 and leases of liphraim Leach 

Potter, Ell, (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Potter, Gardner, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Potter, Newton, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 40. 

Potter, Hiohard, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 62. 

Potter, Samuel, (YOnng Hickory,) farmer 

Potter, Wm., (South Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Powers, Asa, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 45. 

Powers, James L., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

PRICE, AARON H., (West Troupsburgh,) 
farmer \^)4. 

Reynolds, Geo., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 140. 

Reynolds, Haryey B., (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 60. 

Reynolds, Hiram N., (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 100. 

Reynolds, Lent, (Troupsburgh,) retired 

Reynolds, Nathaniel, (Troupsburgh,) far- 

Reynolds, Willit, (Woodhnll,)farmer leases 

Reynolds, Wm. S., (Troupsburgh,) express- 
man and farmer 20. 

Rice, Abel, (Tronpsbureh,) farmer 100. 

Rice, <Jeo. M., (Woodhull,) farmer 103. 

Rice, Samuel, (Woodhull,) farmer 97. 

Rice, Samuel B., (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 

Rice, Stephen, (Woodhull,) retired farmer. 

Rigby, Abijah B., (Woodhull,) blacksmith 
and farmer 17. 

ROPF, JAMES H., (South Troupsburgh,) 

Rogers, Daniel, (Troupsburgh,) farmer S3. 

Rogers, Griffin, (TroupBburgh,) farmer 143. 

Rogers, Jasper, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 40. 

Rogers, Matthew,(Troupeburgh,)farmer 62. 

Rogers, Wm. J., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 40. 

Rowley, Josiah, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 100. 

RUDE, ORRIN, (Troupsburgh,) mechanic 
and farmer 6. 

Rutherford, John, (West Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 150. 

Salsbury, i obias, (Troupsburgh,) farmerSO. 

Sanford, Byron, (Troupsburgh,) general 

Sanford, Lorenzo L., (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 55. 

Sanford, Seymour, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Savage, Charles H., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

SchooLOver, Aaron, (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 60. 

Schoonover, Calvin, (Troupsburgh.) farmer 

Schoonover, Charles, (Troupsb.urgh,) far- 
mer 60. 

Schoonover, Ezra W., (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 56. 

Schoonover, Richard, (South Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 100. 

Scott, Lafayette, (Brookfleld, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 28. • 

Seely, Stephen, (Woodhull,) farmer 117. 

SHAUGHNBSST, WM., (Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 127. 

SHAUT, JOHN, (West Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 216. 

Sheffield, Alfred S., (West Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 180. 

Sherman, Calvin, (West Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer leases 200. 

Shumway, Emmons E., (South Troups- 
burgh,) farmer 120. 

SIMPSON, ANDREW J., (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 430. 

SIMPSON, HENRY, (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 819. 

burgh,) farmer 206. 

Skinner, Alanson B., (Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 88. 

Skinner, John, (South Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer 140. 

Smith, Jeremiah, fRexville,) farmer 190. 

SMITH, NELSON, (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

SMITH, WM., (Rexville,) fiirmer 88. 

STATHAM, WM., (Brookfleld, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 50. 

STEELE, HARRISON O., (Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 100. * 

Stiles, Anson, (East Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Stiles, Collins, (Woodhull,) farmer 26. 

STILES, EBER, (East Troupsburgh,) far- 
mer SOO. 

STILES, ISRAEL, (East Troupsburgh,) 
farmer 60. 

, Stiles, John, (Woodhull,) farmer 97. 



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STILES, KEHBEN, (Troupsbnrgli,) fanner 

leBBes 93. 
Stiles, Timothy, (Troupsbnrgli,) fewner 45. 
Stocum, John JRexviUe,) farmer 24. 
Stone, Geo., (Woodhull,) farmer 77. 
Stone, Joel S., (Jasper,) fiirmer 70. 
Straight, Wm., (Yomig Hicbory,) farmer 

Strate, James, (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer SO. 

Symondf, Wm. B.^Woodhnll,) farmer 186. 

Tanner, Amos, (West Troupshargh,) far- 
merlSO. v & ,i 

Thomas, AbialP., (East Troupsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 100. 

Thomas, Amos, (Bast Tronpshnrgh,) far- 
mer leases 100. 

Thomas, Eli P., Hev., (Woodhnll,) Baptist 
clergyman and farmer 215. 

Thofnas, Sylvanns, (East Tronpshnrgh,) 
farmer 40. 

Thompson, Theodore, (Tronpsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 102. 

Tobias, Charles K., (Tronpsbnrgh,) firmer 

TOwnsend, Walter, (Tronpsbnrgh,) former 

To«er, Andrew, (Tronpsbnrgh,) farmer 100. 

Tucker, John, (Woodhull,) firmer 260. 

Tucker, Ziba, (Tronpsbnrgh,) farmer 49. 

Updike, Jonathan, (West Troupsbnrgh,) 
post master, shoe maker and dealer in 

Vandine, Jacob, (Jasper,) farmer 96. 

Van Winkle, Cyrns, (South Tronpsbnrgh,) 
farmer 57Jf . 

Wagner, Henry, (West Troupsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 100. 

Ward, James, (Tronpsburgh,) fiirmer 160. 

Warren, Isaac, (South Tronpsburgh,) far- 
mer 95. 

WAKRBN, WESLET, (South Troups- 
bnrgh,) firmer 6. 

Watkins, Palmer B., (South Tronpsbnrgh,) 
farmer 50. 

Webster, Harvey S., (Troupsburgh,) farmer 

Welty, Geo.. (WoodhnlUflirmer 90. 

WHKATON, SAMUEL W., (Troupsbnrgh,) 
former 80. 

WHITE, FRANCIS L., (Tronpsbnrgh,) 
farmer 45. 

White, Henry P., (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 

White, Hiram, (Tronpsburgh,) farmer 190. 

Whittaker, James L., (Tronpsburgh,) far- 

mer 115. 

WILCOX, FEEDEKICKD.,(Tro'upBburgh,) 
farmer 160. 

Wilcox, leelton, (East Tronpsbnrgh,) jew- 
eler and farmer 65. 

Wilcox, Philander, (Tronpsburgh,) farmer 

Wilkinson, Elizabeth Mrs., (Tronpsburgh,) 
farmer 50. « 

Williams, Daniel B., (East Tronpsburgh,) 
. farmer 170. 

Williams, John B., (East Tronpsburgh,) 
firmer 47. 

Williams, Merrittj(Woodhull,) fiirmer 61. 

Willis, Nathan, (toung Hickory,) farmer 

Willson, John A., (East Troupsbnrgh,) far- 
mer 115. 

Wood, John Rev., (Tronpsburgh,) Metho- 
dist clergyman. 

Woodard, Joel A., (South Tronpsbnrgh,) 
farmer leases 60. 

Works, Leonidas, (Troupsbnrgh,) farmer 

WTCKOFP, HENHY S., (West Tronps- 
burgh,) farmer. ' 

Wyckoff, Samuel S., (West Troupsbuigh,) 
farmer 184. 

TOUMANS, ALANSON, (Brookfleld, Tio- 
ga Co., Pa.,) farmer 60. 

Toumans, Geo., (Brookfleld, Tioga Co. 
Pa.,) farmer 80. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abgeor, James, (Son th Addison,) farmerGO. 
Albee, Daniel, (Addison,) farmer 130. 
Albee, Ellis, (Addison,) farmer 107. 
Albee, Horace, (Addison,) farmer 150i 
Albee, Ira S., (Addison,) farmer 76. 
ALBEE, OTIS C, (Addison,) farmer 60. 
ALBBE, STEPHEN T., (South Addison,) 

blacksmith and firmer IB. 
Aldrich, Aden, (South Addison,) (Aldrich 

Aldrich Brothers, (South Addison,) (Aien, 

Trvman and ff.,) proprietors of saw 


Aldrich, S., (South Addison,) {Aldrich Bro- 

Aldrich, George C, (Addison,) farmer 85. 

Aldrich JesseT., (Addison,) farmer 60L 

Aldrich, Taft, C, (Addison,) farmer 80; 

Aldrich, Ti:nman, (South Addieon,) (At- 
drich Brothers.) 

Baker, John A., (Addison,) farmer 44%. 

dison,) mannficture cloths and woolen 
goods, also deal in wool, H, C. Kenyon, 
superintendent; N. P. Eaton, agent. 



Baree, Benjamin, (Sonth Addison,) propri- 
etor of 'Franklin House. 

Baxter, Calvin, (Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 200. 

Baxter, De Witt, (Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 70. 

Baxter, George F., (Addison Hill,) farmer 

Baxter, William, (Addison,) farmer liX). 

Beers, Dennis P., (South Addison,) farmer 

Benedict, Washington, (Addison Hill,) far- 
mer 100. 

Benjamin, Andrew, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 95. 

BENJAMIN, DAVID P., (Addison,) farmer 

Benjamin, Mordecai, (Addison,) farmer 80. 

BE8SE, H. W., (South Addison,) black- 

Bills, Hannah, (Lawrenceville, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer lB>f . 

BIXBY, E.W., (South Addison,) proprie- 
tor of steam saw mill and farmer 74. 

Blade, James, (Addison Hill,) farmer 4. 

Blend, John, (Addison Hill,) farmer 154 

Blend, Sarah, (Addison Hill,) farmer 60. 

BRENNAN, MICHAEL, (Addison Hill,) 
farmer 145. 

Brown, Grant, (Addison Hill ) farmer 150, 

Brown, Jerome, (South Addison,) farmer 
leases 200. 

Burt, John, (South Addison,) farmer 94. 

Burt, Sylvenus T., (South Addison,) farmer 

Butler, George, (South Addison,) farmer 45. 

Carr, Amos, (South Addison,) farmer 7 

Carr, George W., (South Addison,) post 
master and farmer 140. 

Carr, Jesse A., (Sonth Addison,) farmer 15. 

Casson, John, (Addison,) farmer 58. 

Casson, Mordecai, (Addison,) farmer 300. 

Casson, William C. & M., (Addison,) far- 
mer 210. 

Clark, Amasa, (Nelson, Tioga Co., Pa ) 
farmer 50. 

CLINTON, HAEMON, (Addison,) far- 

CLINTON, HAEMON JE., (Addison,) far- 
mer 42. 

COON, STEPHEN, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 75. 

COENELL, H. G., (Addison Hill,) post 
master and grocer. 

Cranse, Marcus, (Addison,) farmer leases 

Crowl Joel, (Addison Hill,) farmer 51. 

Crowl, Wlllard, (Addison Hill,) 

DALTON, PETER, (Nelson, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 107M. 

S5SSS43!- ^'^•^"y (Addison,) fanner. 

DEGEGAT, DAVJfD, (Addison,) farmer 
100 and leases 80. 

I^'guon, Patrick, (Sonth Addison,) farmer 

Dininy, Dan E., (Addison Hill,) farmer 68. 
Dimnny, Henry, (Addison Hill,) farmer 310. 
Dininny, Owen, (Addison Hill,) farmer 110 
Dminny, William, (Addison Hill,) farmer 

5'A°mJ,4'\?-'i'^™'5'«yt°w.) farmer 80. 
BATON, N. P. (Addison,) agent Baldwin 

Manufacturing Co. 
Pay, Elizabeth, (Addison Hill,) farmer 67. 

Penton, Amos, (South Addison,) farmer 75. 

Fenton, J. W., (Addison Hill,) farmer 60. 

Finikin, James, (Addison,) farmer 60. 

Pinnican, Dan, (South Addison,) farmer 

Fleming, Ellen, (Addison,) farmer 84. 

FREEMAN, G. H., (Addison.) farmer 62. 

FEEEMAN, SIMEON, (Addison,) farmer 

GIBSON, LUKE B., (South Addison,) far- 
mer leases 50. 

Gordon, Jeremiah, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 186. 

Graves, Ezra, (Addison Hill,) mechanic. 

Qurnsey, James, (South Addison,) farmer 

Hamilton, Albert, (South Addison,) farmer 

Hamilton, Charles, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 183. 

HAMPTON, PHILETUS, (Addi80n,)farmer 

Hampton, Sarah H., (Addison,) farmer 26. 

Hand, Lansing, (Addison Hill,) farmer 100. 

Harrington, Daniel, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 62. 

Haskins, Jason, (South Addison,) farmer 

HAYNES, THOMAS, (Addison,) farmer 

Hepworth, Joseph, (South Addison,) pro- 
prietor of carding mill. 

Hillis, William, (Addison,) shingle maker 
and farmer 62. 

Hitchcock, S., (.- ddison Hill,) farmer 62. 

HoUlB, William, (Addison,) farmer 240. 

Hulburt, Daniel B., (South Addison,) har- 
ness maker and mason. 

Hunt, Samuel E., (Addison Hill,) farmer 

Hurd, Joel, (Addison Hill,) farmer 103. 

Hurd, Sherman, (Addison Hill,) farmer 40. 

Jenkins, Marshall C.,- (Nelson, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 60. 

Jones, David I., (Addi«on,) farmer leases 
ofWm. HoUis, 240. 

Jordan, Richard, (Addison,) farmer 16. 

KENYON, H. C, (Addison,) superintend- 
ent of Baldwin Manafacturing Co. 

Kittle, James, (Addison Hill,) farmer 128. 

Lamunyan, James, (South Addison,) far- 
mer lOO. 

Lee, John, (Addison,) farmer 40. 

Lee, John, (Addison,) farmer 20. 

Lee, Tinman, (Addison Hill,) farmer 00. 

Mack, William, (Addison Hill,) farmer 140. 

Mandeville, William, (Addison,) farmer 100. 

Manley, Archibald, (Addison,) farmer 166. 

Manley, George, (Addison,) farmer 194. 

Manley, Joseph, (Addison,) farmer 100. 

Manley, Nehemiah, (Addison,) farmer 130. 

MANLEY NEHEMIAH 2d, (Addison,) far- 
mer 75. 

Manley, O. C. & M. M., (Addison,) farmer 

Manly, J. B., (Addison,) firmer 169. 

Manly, Nicholas, (Addison,) farmer leases 

Mantle, Jas., (Addison,) farmer 111. 
Marsh, Thomas, (South Addison,) fkrmer 

Mather, B. S., (South Addison,) farmer 90. 
McDevet, Edward, (South Addison,) farmer 




MoDowel, William, (Addison Hill,) farmer 

Morrlsy, Thomas, (South Addison,) farmer 

Murray, James, (Addison Hill,) farmer 98. 
Murray, John, (Addison Hill,) {with T?u».,) 

farmer 240. 
Murray, Thomas, (Addison Hill,) (with 

Jo/in,) farmer 240. 
Newman, A. C, (South Addison,) farmer 

Newman, Phllo C, (Addison,) farmer 87. 

Nichols, Alfred, (Addison,) farmer 139. 

Nichols, Alfred, (Addison,) {with H. Host,) 
farmer 140. 

NICHOLS, ALFRED I., (Addison,) farmer 

Nichols, EnoB, (Addison,) farmer 78. 

Nichols, Hiram, (Addison,) farmer 140. 
■ Nichols, H. Ross, (Addison,) (with Alfred,) 
farmer 140, 

NICHOLS^ MORRIS A., (Addison,) farmer. 

Nichols, W. J., (Addison,) farmer 220. 

Oakden, H. D., (Addison,) farmer 350. 

Oakden, Joseph, (Addison,) farmer 336. 

Orr, Aaron, (Addison,) farmer 48. 

Orr, John, (Addison,) farmer 90. 

Orr, LcTi B., (Addison,) farmer 80. 

Orr, Philip, (Addison,) farmer 144. 

Orr, Robert, (Addison,) farmer 8S. 

PARSELS, V. J., (South Addison,) farmer 
leases S3. 

Perkins, Philip W., (Addison Hill,) farmer 

Perkins, S. O., (Addison Hill,) farmer 109. 

Plemley, John, (South Addison,) farmer 60. 

Reynolds, P. S. Mrs., (Addison Hill,) far- 
mer 20. 

Ribbe, Abner, (South Addison,) farmer 30. 

Robinson, Charles, (South Addison,) gro- 
cer and farmer 290. 

ROWLEY, EDMUND F., (South Addison,) 
farmer leases 290. 

Rowley, J. W., (South Addison,) farmer 

Rowley, E. B., (South Addison,) farmer 

Rowley, William, (Addison Hill,) farmer 

Sanders, William, (Addison Hill,) farmer 
16. * 

Schoonover, Daniel, (Addison,) farmer 60. 

Schoonover, Jonas, (Addison,) farmer 40. 

Shumway, Uri, (South Addison,) proprie- 
tor of saw mill and farmer 600. 

Smith, Amzi L., (Addison,) farmer 60. 

Smith, Charles, O., (Addison,) farmer 120. 

Smith, Daniel, (Addison Hill,) farmer 3. 

Smith, D. B., (Addison Hill,) farmer 56. 

SMITH, HENRY A., (Addison,) farmer 
leases of Jas. E. Smith 205. 

Smith, Hiram, (Addisonj farmer 200. 
Smith, Ira J., (Addison Hill,) farmer 20. 
Smith, Joshna C, (Addison Hill,) farmer. 
Smith, Olive J., (Addison Hill,) farmer 51. 
Smith, Samuel D., (Addison,) farmer 110. 
Smith, S. C, (Addison Hill,) farmer 60. 
Smith, Zalmon, (Addison,) farmer HX- 
Sprague, Cyrus, (Addison Hill,) blaek- 

Sprague, William, (Addison Hill,) farmer 

Stid, CaMn, (Addison,) farmer 220. 

Stokum, Daniel J., (Erwln Centre,) (with 
Lewis,) farmer 80. 

Stokum, Lewis, (Erwln Center,) (with Dcm- 
tci/,) farmer 80. 

Strait, Joel, (Nelson, Tioga Co., Pa.,) far- 
mer 63. 

Strait, Luke, (Nelson, Tioga Co., Pa.,) far- 
mer 208. 

Strait, Richard, (Addison,) farmer 69>f. 

Stratton, John, (South Addison,) farmer 

STRATTON, O. R., (South Addison,) 
(WeUs & Stratton.) 

SulIlTan, Michael, (South Addison,) farmer 

Swan, Alanson, (Addison Hill,) farmer 206. 

Swan, Henry, (South Addison,) farmer 67. 

Swan, John B., (South Addison,) farmer 

Taft, Benedict, (South Addison,) farmer 

Taft, Daniel, (Addison,) farmer 193. 

Thomas', Asabel, (Addison,) farmer SO. 

THOMAS, EDWARD, (LawrenccTille, 
Tioga Co., Pa.,) farmer 70. 

Thomas, Geotge, (LawrenceTlUe, Tioga 
Co., Pa.,) carpenter and joiner and far- 
mer vsa. 

THOMAS, JOSEPH, (Addison,) farmer 58. 
Thomas, Lester, (Addison.) farmer tSX- 
Thomas, Sarah, (Llndleytown,) farmer 66X. 
Tinch, Anna, (Addison Hill,) farmer 48. 
Tinker, Edwins, (Addison,) farmer 93. 
Tolles, Jolin M., (Addison,) farmer 104. 
Tremain, Albert, (Lawrenceville, Tioga 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 30. 
TtTBBS, WILLIAM O., (South Addison,) 

proprietor of Washington House. 
Vanvllet, Asa, (Addison Hill,) farmer 131. 
Walton, Thomas, (Addison,) farmer 22K. 
Warner, Elder, (Addison Hill,) farmer 90. 
WASHINGTON HOUSE, <South Addison,) 

Wm. O. Tubbs, proprietor. 
Webb, Charles, (Addison,) farmer 50. 
Weeks, Alva, (Addison Hill,) carpenter and 

joiner and farmer 3. 
Weeks, Alva, (Addison,) carpenter and 

farmer 3. 
Wells, *lBert V., (Addison.) farmer 44. 
WELLS, H. P., (South Addison,) {Wells & 

WELLS & STRATTON, (South Addison,) 

(H. F. Wells and 0. B. Stratum,) pro- 

Erietors of tannery and farmers 38. 
LS, THOMAS P., (Addison,) farmer 

Westlake, J. E., (Addison,) farnier 65. 

Wetenhall, Geo. <S Cicero, (South Addison,) 

Wetenhall, Lorenzo, (Sonth Addison,) far- 
mer 110. 

Wetenhall, William H., (South Addison,) 
wagon maker. 

White,Tolly, (Addison,) farmer 63. 

Whitehead, J. W., (Addison,) farmer 49. 

Williams, Heman, (South Addison,) farmer 

Williams,. Thomas, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 53. 

Winter, Mahala Mrs., (Addison,) farmerllO. 

Wombaugh, William, (Addison,) prop, 
grist mill and farmer. 

Wood, Richard C, (Addison Hill,) farmer 



EesUence, Cossville, (Tom of Batl,) 

Treats all kinds of CHEONIC & ACUTJB DISEASES of long or short standing in the 
most skillful manner. Afflicted ones will do well to confer with him. 

Ohas. Tremain & Co., 


!ag - Book, News, Tea and 

Ordinary Sizes constantly on Hand. 








Wright, Daniel, (Addieon Hill,) farmer 38. 
Wright, Edson, (Addison Hill,) farmer 
leases 50. 

Wright, John, (Soutl Addison,) farmer 70. 

Wright, Justus, (South Addison,) farmer ■ 

Wright, Nelson, (South Addison,) firmer 

Tonngs, Edward, (Addison Hill,) farmer 95. 

(Post Offioe Addresses in ParenthesesJ 

Ahbott, Moses, (Hammond's Port.) farmer 

Aber, Aaron, (Hammond's Port.) farmer 65. 
Aber, William, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Acial, Hiram, (Hammond's Port,) vineyard 

Ackerson, Henry A., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 227. 
Adams, Edward, (Hammond's Port.) bar* 

her and hair dresser. 
Agor, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 66. 
Ahant, Jacob, (Hammond's Port,) vineyard 

and farmer 10. 
Alcock, Benjamin Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 3. 
ALDRICH, ADOLPHUS, (Bath,)proprietor 

of turning mill and farmer 5. 
Allen, Elijah, (Bitth,) farmer 2. 
ABGITS, MARTIN, (Hammond's Port,) 

vineyard and farmer 15. 
Argust, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

BABCOCK, M. T. & O. H., (Hammond's 

Port,) {Motes T. and Oliver H.,) phy- 
sicians and surgeons. 
BABCOCK, MOSES T., (Hammond's Port,)' 

{M. T. <fi O. H. Bdbcock.) 
BABCOCK, OLIVER H., (Hammond's 

Port,) (M- T. & 0. H. Sabcock.) 
BACON, JAMES H., (Hammond's Port,) 

Bailey, Bradley, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

BAILEY, CHARLES L.,(Hammond's Port,) 

vineyard 6 and farmer leases of D. 

Bailey, 95. 
Bailey, David, (Hammond's Fort,) farmer 

BAILEY, BWING. E., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 60. 
Bailey, James Monroe, (North Urhana,) 

farmer SO. 

Port,) farmer 156. 
Bailey, Lc, (North Urbana,) farmer 100. 
Bailey, Lewis, (Hammond's Fort,) farmer 

Bailey, Lewis C, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 4. 
Bailey, Samuel, (North Urbana,) farmer 38. 
BAKER, AARON Y., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 400. 

Ballard, Avah, (Hammond's Port,) painter 
and farmer 3. 

BARDEBN, GEORGE W., (Bath,) farmer 
leases of A. S. Brundage, 240. 

Barrett, Albert W., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 10. 

Bauder, DeWitt, (Hammond's Port,) ac- 
countant, P. V. W. Co. 

Beam, Charles, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Beaton, Donald, (Hammond's Port,) tailor 
and proprietor of vineyard 3. 

Benham, Henry, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard, 4. 

Benner, Timothy, (Hammond's Port,) resi- 

Benner, William, (Hammond's Port,) car- 
riage painter and vineyard 4. 

Bennett, John W., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 4. 

Bennett, Samuel B. (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 167. 

Bennett, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 100. 

BENNITT, BENJ., (Hammond's Port,) 
lawyer and vineyard 2. 

Booth, Ambrose E., (Bath,) carpenter and 
joiner and vineyard 11. 

Booth, Moses, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

BRADLEY, JAMBS, (Hammond's Port,) 

BRADLEY, PATRICK, (Hammond's Port,) 
mason and prop, vineyard 5. 
»s, Charles, (Bfammond's Port,) farmer 

Brink, Franklin J., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 60. 

Brink, Luther C, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 7 and farmer 23. 

BRONSON, CLARK H., (Hammond's 
Port,) leases vineyard 4K. 

BROWN, JOHN R., (Hammond's Port,) 
boot and shoe store and vineyard 2. 

Brundage, Abram, (Bath,) fatraer 400. 

Brundage, Azariah C., (Bath,) farmer 200. 

Port,) farmer 295. 

BRUNDAGE, GfiORQE S., (Hammond's 
?ort,) farmer 206. 

BRUNDAGE, HENRY, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 116. 

Brundage, Hiram, (Bath,) farmer 299. 



BRUNDAQE, HIRAM W., (North Urbana,) 
farmer 100. 

Brundage, Ira, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Brundage, James, (North Urban*,) farmer 

Brundage, James A., (North Urbana,) Tine- 
yard 18. 

BKUNDAGB, JAMES M., (Hammond's 
Port,) vineyard and farmer 300. 

Brundage, James W., (Bath,) farmer 195. 

Brundage, John, (Bath,) farmer 100. 

Brundage, Lewis, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 90. 

Brundage, Lewis, (North Urbana,) farmer 

Brunaon, Isaac H., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 1^. 

BUECH, DAVID, (Hammond's Port,) 

BURGESS, EBEN H., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 25. 

CADMUS, JAMES M., (Hammond's Port,) 
homeopathic physician and surgeon and 
vineyard 8. 

CAMERON, DUGALD JR., (Hammond's 
Port,) trustee of Pleasant Valley Wine 
Co., vineyard and farmer 83. 

Carman, Thomas, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 38. 

Carr, Sarah A. Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 3%. 

Port,) (Nic/wle £ Casterline.) 

Casterline, Finis, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard, 4. 

Champlin, Charles D., (Hammond's Port,) 
treasurer and sec'y of P. V. W. Co., 
miller and-farmer 380. 

Chrisler, Henry, (Sonora,) farmer 130. 

Clark, Amea 0., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 8. \ 

Clark, Charles R,, (Hammond's Port,) far- 

Clark, Hiram, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 2>i. 

Clark, Hiram S., (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 3. 

Clark, Jacob B., (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

CL.'.RK, MATHIAS M., (Hammond's 
Port,) vineyard WH. 

Clark, Norman B., (Hammond's Port,) 
watch maker, 

Clark, Solomon, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 5 and farmer 128. 

Clark, Sophronia L., (Hammond's Port,) 

Clark, Theron H., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 3 ). 

Cole, Francis N. Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 24. 

Corriell, James H., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 90 and leases of N. Wixson, 50. 

Cotton, Edward W., (Hammond's Port,) 

Covell, Osa Ann Miss, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 133. 

Covert, Hoel J., (North Urbana,) vineyard 6. 
Covert, James, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 


CRAIG, PETER, (Bath,) (Sobert Craig dh 

CRAIG, ROBERT & SON, (Bath,) (Peter 
CraigA woolen manufactory. 

CRANE, JOSEPH N., (Hammond's Port.) 
lawyer, dealer In real estate and (with 
John W. Davit,) vineyard 12 and far- 
mer 141. 

Cranmer, Ssrah Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 5. 

Cushing, John T. Rev., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard and farmer 80. 

Damoth, George, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer leases of D. Olann, 205. 

Davenport, Charles, (Hammond's Port,) 
retired merchant, 

David, Wm. W., (Hammond's Port,) (with 
ThOB. I. Wiluon,) farmer leases 80. 

DAVIS, JOHN W., (Hammond's Port,) 
general merchant, dealer in wool, lum- 
ber and grain, president of Urbana 
Wine Co., and (with Joseph N. Crane,) 
vineyard 12 and farmer leases 141. 

DECKER, BENJAMIN,(Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 400. 

Depew, Abraham, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 40. 

DEPEW, ELEANOR MRS., (Hammond's 
Port,) farmer 137. 

Depew, Ferris, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 6 and farmer 192. 

Depew, Rose], (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Depew, Samnel, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Dilldine, James H., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 100. 

Dlldine, Uriah E., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 223. 

Dildine. William, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 10. 

Dimon, John, (Hammofid's Port,) vine- 
yard 4. 

Distance, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer leases 100. 

Dolson, Joseph S. Dr., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 2!)0. 

Douglass, Jane B. Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 90. 

Drew, Benjamin P., (Hammond's Port,) 
(with James 3.,) farmer 112. 

Draw, David, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

.Drew, James, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Drew, James S., (Hammond's Port,) (with 
Benjamin F.,) farmer 112. 

DREW, MORRIS, (Hammond''s Port,) 
(with Bdmond Stewart.) farmer 76. 

Drew, Samuel, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Dunning, Lemon O., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 73. 

Dunning, Matilda Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 114. 

EARL, BENJAMIN, (Hammond's Port,) 
head sawyer. 

Eckel, Jacob, (Hammond's Port,) vineyard 

Edwards, George, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
L. P. Hard and O. H. Wheeler,) vine- 
yard 4. 

EG6LEST0N, ALTHON H., (Hammond's 
Port,) blacksmith. 

Eggleaton, David, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 130. 




^„ Port,) carpenter. 

B1U80D, Jabez, (Hammond's Port,) black- 

Ellison, Oscar P., (Hammond's Port,) 

Evans, Norman, (Hammond's Port.) vine- 
yard 6. 

■►FAIECHILD BKOS., (Hammond's Port,) 
(5. Smith and Sdward B.,) manufac- 

T . T,!J™^ °^ grape boxes and wine cases. 


™ > V&"'*'' L^airehUd Broa.,) vineyard 5. 

PAIBCHILD, HENRY O., (Hammond's 
Port,) vineyard and farmep 29>i. 

Fairchild, Stanley B., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 70. 

FAIRCHILD, S. SMITH, (Hammond's 
Port,) (JFaircAUd Bros.,) vineyard 10. 

Faulkner, Prazler, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 92. 

Faulkner, John, (Bath,) farmer 845. 

FAULKNER, JOSEPH, (Bath,) wool 
grower and farmer 49. 

Ferestein, Loui, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
Tobias Sour, J. D, Masson and Jult 
Masson,) vineyard IS. 

PISK, DAVID H., (Hammond's Port,) la- 

Folsom, Charles, A., (North Urbana,) far- 

Polsom, Horace M., (Hammond's Port,) 

Poster, Hial J., (Hammond's Port,) fanner 
leases of S. Clark, 133. 

PREY, JACOB, (Hammond's Port,) bake- 
ry. * 

FREEMAN,' HENBT B., (Hammond's 
Porto farmer 63. 

French, Linas, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

French, Samuel, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 

Pries, Andrew, (Bath,1 farmer 469. 

Fry, Jacob, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 146. 

Gardner, George, (North Urbana,) farmer 

■ 290. 

Garlinghouse, Daniel B., (North Urbana,) 
vineyard and farmer 40. 

Garrey, Salmon P., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard, 3. 

Garrey, Samuel L., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 3. 

Garrison, John T., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 43. 

Garrison, Lydia, (Hammond's Port,) toll 
gate keeper. 

GATTNEB, GEORGE, (Hammond's Port,) 
Urbaiia Refreshment Room. 

Gilmore, Richard, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 110. 

Glann, Drew, (Hammond's Port,) meat 
market and farmer 220. 

.Glnnn, Drucilla Miss, (Hammond's Port,) 
(Vrii/i Mrs. 3. A. LocJcwood,) farmer 115. 

Gray, Bennett, (North Urbana,) farmer 85. 

GRIMES, ORRIN, (Bradford,) farmer 125. 

HAASE, FREDERICK, (Hammond's Port,) 
lager beer saloon and vineyard 4, 

HADDEN, AB80L0M, (Hammond's Port,) 
lawyer and prop, of grape land 30. 

HAGAN, 0HAHLB9, (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 14Jjf. 

Haight, James, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Haight, Kazlah Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 

' farmer 61. 

HAIGHT, SAMUEL C, (Hammond's 
Port,) farmer 150. 

Hall, James, (Hammond's Port,) dealer in 
drugs, medicines, stationery and gro- 

Hall, Josiah D., (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

HALL, PETER, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 9. 

Halladay, John Rev., (Sonora,) Baptist 

Hallendeck, Jeremiah D., (Hammond's 
Port,) blacksmith and farmer 25. 

Hammond's Port Academy, (Hammond's 
Port,) John W. McLaury, principal; 
Joseph N. Crane, president of board of 

Handerson, Dryden, (Hammond's Fort,) 
vineyard and farmer 10. 

Hard, Lemuel P., (Hammond's Port,) {with 
0. Edwards and G. B. 'Wheeler,) vine- 
yard 4. 

Harvey, Charles, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
vard 3. 

HASTINGS, LEMUEL D., (Hammond's 
Port,) (Hastings & Nichols.) 

Port,; {Lemuel D. Hastings and Qeorge 
W. Nichols,) general merchants. 

Hawkins, Bylvenns, (Bradford,; farmer 167. 

Hoagland, Louisa Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 195. 

Holly, Bbenezer, (North Urbana,) farmer 

Holly, Jonathan, (North Urbana,) vine- 
yard 5. 

HORTON, ALANSON, (Hammond's Port,) 
(Horton <fc Swiizer.) vineyard 5. 

HORTON * SWITZER, (Hammond's 
Port,) (Alanson Horton 'and Jacob N. 
Switzer,) vineyard SJif. 

Hunt, John, (Hammond's Port,) vineyard 

Hutches, David, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

HUTCHES, GEORGE J., (Hammond's 
Port,) laborer. 

Hatches, Julia D. Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
fiirmer 230. 

Jacobns, Henry, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

JACOBUS, JOHN, (North .Urbana,) farmer 

Jacobus, Obedlah, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 10. 

Jacobns, Obedlah, (North Urbana,) vine- 
yard 10. 

Jayne, Andrew, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 
108. • 

JAYNE, GEOEGE M., (Htmrnond's Port,) 
farmer 88. 

Jayne, Ludlow, (Hammond's Port,) fiirmer 

Jayne, William A., (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 4 and leases 7. 

Jewell, Nelson, (North Urbana,) farmer 

Jones, Joshua, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 10. 

Kane, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 3. 


Tie M\l\ 


offers inducements in all btanclies of 


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Kane, Peter, (Hammond's Port,) fanner BO. 
Keller, John, (Hammond's Port,) cooper. 
Ketcham, Harris 8., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 130. 
Ketoliam, Tyler, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Ketchem, John J., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 135. 

KINQSLEY, FEANK L., (Hammond's 
Port,) (toith LlemeUyn W.,j farmer 158. 

mond's Port,) (i»i<A Prcmk L.,) farmer 

LAKE, THOMAS W., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 14S. 

Lane, Alexandria, (Hammond's Fort,) car- 

LAKEOWE, JACOB, (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 26 and farmer 55. 

liaitghlin, Frank, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
!SoSer<,)fiirmer 72. 

Laushlin, Frank & Robert, (Hammond's 
Port,) vineyard 12 and farmer 45. 

Langlilin, Robert, (Hammond's Port,) {with 
Prank,) fiirmer 72. 

LavaB, James, (Hanmiond's Port,) vineyard 

LATTON, ISAAC, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 496. 

Layton, James B., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 3 and farmer 155. 

Layton, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Layton, Lewis F., (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 3 and farmer 77. 

LAYTON, THOMAS, (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 8 and farmer 100. 

LESLIN, CHABLES, (Hammond's Port,) 

Lewis, Sebastian, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
Treayr Home,) vineyard SJtf . 

Little, Amos, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Lockwood, Bradley E., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 75i. 

LOCKWOOD, ISAAC F., (Hammond's 
Port,) proprietor of stage line from 
Hammond's Port to PennYan. 

Lockwood, John, (Hammond's Port,) fir- 
mer 70. 

Lockwood, Jonathan, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 100. 

mond's Port,)' (with Mies BrucUla 
Glann,)farmeT 115. 

Longwell, David, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 80. 

LONGWELL, DAVID S.,CBath,) farmer 151. 

Longwell, Hosea Jr., (Sonera,) farmer 114. 

Longwell, James, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 215. 

Longwell, James M., (Hammond's Port,) 
fermer 90. 

Port,) farmer 128. 

Port,) vineyard 4. 

Loveridge, Daniel E. Eev., (Hammond's 
Port,) clergyman and (with, (hrin E.,) 
propagating house and vineyard 29. 

LOVEEIDGE, OEEIN B., (Hammond's 
Port,) (with Daniel E.,) propagating 
house and vineyard 29. 

Margeson, Bradley, (North Urbana,) vine- 
yard 11. 

MasBon, Jule, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
Zoui FerettHn, Tobias Sour and J. D. 
Motion,) vineyard 12. 

MasBon, J. D„. (Hammond's Port,) Super- 
intendent P. V. W. Co., and (with Lorn 
Jf'erettein, Tobias Sour and Jim Hassan,) 
vineyard 12. 

McFie, Alexander, (Bath,) (Thos. MeFie & 

McFIE, THOMAS, (Bath,) tannery and 
farmer 6. 

McFie, Thomas Jr., fflath,) vin^ard 8. 

McFie, Thomas & Son, (Bath,) (Alemn- 
der,) vineyard 8. 

McGowan, William, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer lOO. 

McKea^ne, Joseph, (Hammond's Port,) 
carriage maker. 

MoLAtJEY,JOHNW., (Hammond's Port,) 
principal 'Hammond's fort Academy 
and vineyard 4. 

Merritt, Gilbert, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

MILLS, BENJAMIN F.,(Hammond's Port,) 
fiirmer 91. 

Mills, John C, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 2. 

Mitchell, Elchard, (Hammond's Port,) saw 
mill and farmer 320. 

Moore, Trevor, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
Sebastian isMii*,) vineyard SJf . 

MOOEE, WALTEEL., (Hammond's Port,) 
cabinet maker and vineyard lljf . 

MOEIS, ALEXANDEE H., (Hammond's 
Fort,) harness maker. 

Morrison, Norman, (Hamjnond^B Port,) far- 
mer leases 60. 

Myrtle, Benjamin, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard 10. 

Myrtle, Henry C, (Bath.) farmer 240. 

Port,) (Geo, W. Nichols and David Caat- 
erline^ vineyard 18. 

NICHOLS, GEOEGB W., (Hammond's 
Fort,) (NicTiols dt Casterline,) (Hastings 
& Nichols.) 

OSTEEHAIT,ABEAM,(Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 80. 

OVENSHIEE, GEOEGE W., (Bath,) far-- 
mer 139. 

OVENSHIEB, HENEY C, (Bath,) farmer 

OVENSaiKE, MBLI T., (Hammond's 
Port,) farmer 108. 

Palmer, A. Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) cloak 
and dress maker, and agent for the 
Howe, and Wheeler & Wilson sewing 

PALMEE, ABIJAH, (Hammond's Port,) 
boot and shoe maker. 

Pierce, Hannah Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 230. . ■ 

Pierce, Sylvester, (Hammond's Fort,) far- 
mer 99. 

mond's Fori,) John Eees, proprietor. 

Pleasant Valley Wine Co., (Hammond's 
Port,) Daniel C. Howell, president ; 
Charles S. Cfaampli^, sec'y and treas.; 
J. D. Masson, superihtendent. 

Pollay, David, (Hammond's Port,) carpen- 
ter and vineyard 2. 



PULVEE, WILLIAM S., (Hammond' B 
Porto carpenter and joiner. 

Handel, John, (Hammond's Port,) retired 
merchant and farmer 250. 

Eeace, Darius, (Hammond's Port,)/ farmer 

Eead, Ira Mrs., (Hammond's Port,) Tine- 
yard and farmer 25. 

EEBS, JOHN, (Hammond's Port,) prop, of 
Pleasant Valley Hotel. 

Eetan, Almeran, (Sonora,) farmer 50. 

Eetan, Barnard L., (Sonera,) vineyard 4 
and farmer 73. 

Eetan, Sylvester L., '(Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 10. 

Eice, Clinton, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Eice, Lewis, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 66. 

Eice, Thomas, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Eogers, Delevan, (Bath,) vineyard 4. 

Hose, Deloss, (Hammond's Port,) general 
merchant and vineyard 8. 

Eose, Hubert I)., (Hammond's Port,) (H. 
D. Rose & Co.) 

EOSE, H. D. & CO., (Hammond's Port,) 
groceries and provisions, flour, feed, 
wood and willow ware, fancy goods, 

EOSE, LEWIS J., (Hammond's Port,) post 
■ master. 

Bosenkraus, Aaron, (Hammond's Port,) 
carriage maker, vineyard and far- 
mer 9. 

EuBsell, Peter B., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 105. 

Sanford, Daniel, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 200. 

Sanford, John, (Sonora,) head sawyer and 
farmer 7. 

SANPOED, THOMAS, (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 7X. 

SATJEE, TOBIAS, (Hammond's Port,) 
propagating house and vineyard 5. 

Sayton, Bradley, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 156. 

Schmoker, Ulrick, (Hammond's Port,) pro- 
prietor of Urbana Hotel and bakery. 

BcoiBeld, John, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 105. 

Scofleld, Charles A,, (Hammond's Port,) 

Scofleld, Bleazer G., (Hammond's Port,) 
proprietor of saw mill and farmer 96. 

Scofleld, Henry, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 220. 

Scofleld, Hezekiah, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 117. 

Scofleld, Milton M., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 110. 

Sergent, Andrew J., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard W. 

Seymour, Ova H. Eev., (Hammond's Port,) 
Presbyterian clergyman, vineyard, and 
farmer 10. 

SHANI.AY, PATEICK, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 83. 

Sheappard, Eanaom Q., (Hajnmond's Port,) 
gardener 2. 

Shepard, George, (Hammond's Port,) pro- 
prletor of vineyard and farmer 30. 

Sherman, Oscar A., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 100. 

Sillyman, John, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 1. 

Port,) farmer 50. 

Simmons, George B., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 73. 

Port,) farmer 199. 

SINSBBOX, MILAN, (Hammonds Port,) 
farmer 103. 

Smallaidge, Charles B., (Hammonds Port,) 
farmer leases £. 

Smalley, Orren, (Hammonds Fort,) farm- 
er 50. 

SMALLET, STEPHEN B., (Hammond's 
Port.) farmer 80. 

Port,) farmer 115. 

SMITH & CO., (Hammond's Port,) (Jamea 
and Edward P.^ foundry and tin shop. 

SMITH, EDWAED P., (Hammond's Port,) 
(Smith & Cto.,) vineyard and farmer 27. 

SMITH, HESSBL, (Hammond's Port,) pro- 
prietor of Steuben House. 

SMITH,.TAMES, (Hammond's Port,)(Smi<A 
& Co.,) vineyard and farmer 13ji. 

Smith, Joseph L., (Hammond's Port,) mil- 
liner shop. 

Smith, Silas, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 40. 

Snow, Eobert G., (Hammonds Port,) ma- 

Sour, Tobias,CHammond's Port,)(wi«A Zotii 
Fereateln, J. D. Morton and Jvlt Mas- 
eon,) vineyard 12. 

Sprague, Elijah, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Sprague, John L., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 10. 

SPEAGUE, TOBIAS, (Hammond's Port,) 

Sprague, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 270. 

STEUBEN HOUSE, (Hammond's Port,) 
Hessel Smith, proprietor^ 

Stewart., Edmond, (HammoniTs Port,) (with 
Morris Drew,) farmer 76. 

STEATTEN, STEPHEN J., (Bath,) vine- 
yard 8. 

Streeta, Bela, (Hammond's Port,) vineyard 

Sweat, Edward A., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer leases 5. 

SWITZEE, JACOB N., (Hammond's Port,) 
(Borlon <fc Switzer.) vineyard 8!f . 

TAGyAHT, JOHN W., (Hammonifs Port,) 
proprietor of Cold Spring Mills and far- 
mer 300. 

TOBIAS, OLIVER D., (Hammond's Port,) 
dealer in books and drugs and vineyard 

Urbana Wine Co., (Hammond's Port,) John 
W. Davis, president : Henry H. Cook, 
secretary and treasurer ; Antolne Guret, 
superintendent of wine making; An- 
drew J. Switzer, general superintend- 

Vanamburg, James B., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 147. 

Vanauken, Jacob B., (Hammond's Port,) 

vineyard 3. 
VanCamp, David M., (Hammond's Port,) 

(with Andrew A. White^ vineyard 13. 



Vangelda, Henry, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 94. 

Vangelder, James C, (Hammond's Port,) 
meat market. 

Vangolder, Joseph, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 114. 

Vangelder, Michael, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 45. 

YanHousen, Mary E. Mrs., (Hammond's 
Port,) photographer. 

YanNesB, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

VOGH, NICHOLAS, (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 5. 

Voshurgh, Henry Rev., (Hammond's Port,) 
pastor M. B. Church. 

Vroom, Jabez H., (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard ti. 

Vroom, William H., (Hammond's Port,) 
vineyard 4 and farmer 70. 

Walters, Daniel, (NorthUrbana,) farmer 12. 

Waters, Samuel, (Hammond's Port,) grocer. 

Watklns, James, (Bradford,) farmer 360. 

WEBER, JOHN F., (Hammond's • Port,) 
vineyard and fruit garden 6. 

Webster, KriatuB, (North Urbana,) carpen- 
ter and farmer 52. 

WEBSTER, GURDON L., (Hammond's 
Port,) farmer 157. 

Welch, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 80. 

WHEELER, GRATTEN H., (Hammond's 
Port,) vineyard and farmer 901. 

Wheeler, Jacob W., (North Urbana,) vine- 
yard 10. 

Wheeler, Obadiah, (North Urbana,) post 
master and farmer 120. 

Wheeton, John, (Hammond's Port,) vine- 
yard ax- 

WHITB, ANDREW A., (Hammond's Port,) 
lawyer and prop, vineyard 13. 

Whitney, Charles A., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 20. 

Wilber, Deles, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Williams, Barney, (Hammond's Port,)vine- 
yafd 5. 

Willson, Thos. I., (Hammond's Port,)(aji<A 
Wm. W. David,) farmer leases 80. 

Wintermute, Nathaniel V., (Hammond's 
Port.) shoe maker and vineyard 7. 

WISE, GEORGE C, (Hammpnd's Port,) 
vineyard 3>i and leases 3. 

Wixon, Alverson, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 124. 

Wixon, Avery, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Wixon, Stephen, (Hammond's Port,)farmer 

Wixson, Samuel, (Hammond's Port,) car- 
penter and joiner, and vineyard 6i^. 

WOOD, ALLEN, (Hammond's Port,) pro- 
prietor of Steamers Youngs and Keu- 

Wood, Lewis, (Hammond's Port,) vineyard 

WOOD, WILLIAM S.,(Hammond's Port,) 
student at the Academy. 

Port,) farmer 171. 

Woodruff, Aaron, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 10. 

Woodruff, Benjamin, (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 97. 

Woodruff. Benjamin D., (North Urbana,) 
farmer 100. 

WRIGHT, JOHN, (Hammond's Port,) 
{with. William,,) grape vine propagator 
and vineyard 19. 

WRIGHT, WM,, (Hammond's Port,) (with 
John,) grape vine propagator and vine- 
yard 19. 

WYGANT, JOSEPH, (Bath,) carpenter 
and joiner. 

mond's Port,) wool grower, proprietor 
of vineyard and farmer 500. 

ZIMMEEL, FRANK, (Hammond's Port,) 
[ vineyard 9. 

(Post Offipe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Abrams, Thomas, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Amen, Frank, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 1. 
Avery, Charles, (Wayland Depot,) fiirmer 

Avery', Channcey S., (Wayland Depot,) fer- 
mer leases 160. 

Babcock, William, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer leases 155. 

Baker, Frank, (Perkinsville,) farmer 20. 

Baker, William, (Wayland Depot,) grocery 
and farmer 50. „ , ^ „ ^ , , 

Barnhart, Stufiinan, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 10. 

Barthlomay, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Baehford, John, (Wayland Depoi,) farmer 

BECK, JOHN G., (Wayland Depot,) dealer 
in groceries and provisions. 

Bennett, Chauncey, (Wayland Depot,) 
blacksmith and farmer 91. 

Bennett, James G., (Wayland Depot,) rail- 
road agent. • 

Bergher, Benjamin, (Wayland Depot,) 
(with John,) farmer leases 251. 

Bergher, John, (Wayland Depot,) (with 
Henjamin,) farmer leases 251. 

Biel, John N., (Perkinsville,) farmer. 



BUI, Christian, (estate,) (Perkinavllle,) aOO. 

Bill, John Christian, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 47. 

Bill, John G., {Perkinsville,') hotel prop, 
and farmer 180. 

Booth, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 60. 

Booth, William M., (Wayland JJepot,) far- 
mer aa. 1 

Booth, William W., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
iner 154. 

Bowel, Valentine, (Wayland Depot,)farmer 

BRAYTON, ANSON, (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer leases 90. 

Brick, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 60. 

Bricks, Peter, (Perkinsville,) harness ma- 

BRICKS, STEPHEN, (Perkinsville,) dry 
goods and groceries and farmer 11. 

Briggs, Spencer, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Brown, Benjamin, (Wayland Depot,) fiirmer 

BEOWN, DAVID, (Wayland Depot,) (with 
Abram VanSiperj) farmer 71. 

Brown, George A., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 70. 

Brownson, Elisha Eev., (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 90. 

Brunswick, Philip, (Cohocton,) farmer 60. 

Ensh, Ira, (Wayland Depot,) merchant. 

Byer, George, (WaylandDepot,) farmer 160. 

Cambell, Lafayette, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 76, 

Campbell, Hezeklah, (Wayland Depot,) 

Campbell, Sylvester, (Wayland Depot,)-far- 
mer 800. 

CAPEON, WILDER W., (WaylandDepot,) 
(Sice, Fowler &, Co.) 

Carleton, Cook, (Wayland Depot.) 

Oarleton, David, (Wayland Depot,) farmer. 

Carleton, Osgood W., (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 55. 

CHAD WICK, RANSOM A., (Wayland De- 
pot,) carpenter and joiner. 

Chase, Ira, (Wayland Depot,) shoe maker. 

Claysen, Lyman, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Clayson, Abram, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Clayson, Jerome, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Conrad, Adam, (Perkinsville,) farmer 50. 

Conrad, Caroline, (Perkinsville,) farmer 70. 

Conrad, Charles, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Conrad, Philip, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

CONRAD, PHILIP J., (PerkinsvUle,) hotel 

Connte, Solomon J., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 60. 

Cooley, Martin H., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 150. 

Coon, Jacob, (WaylandDepot,) farmer 145. 

Coon, Peter, (Perkinsville,) dealer in dry 
goods and groceries. 

Cooii, William, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Depot,) butcher and stock dealer. 

Curtis, Harris, (Wayland Depot,) black- 
smith and farmer 144. 

Day, Franklin E., (Wayland Depot,) far- 

DID AS, PETER, (Perkinsville,) proprietor 
Perkinsville House, tannery and far- 
mer 16. 

Doty, Murray, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Dramer, Charles W., (Wayland Depot,) 

telegraph operator. 
Dmm, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer 100. 
Dudley, Isaiah, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Dye, Ira, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 74. 
Elliott, James A., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 38. 
Endler, Michael, (Perkinsville,) boot and 

English, Luke W., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 45. 
Evans, Stephen C, (Wayland Depot,) fa^ 

mer 20. 
Faulkner, William, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 280. 
Federkeil, Peter, (Perjclnsvllle,) carpenter. 
Ferguson, Angus, (Wayland Depot,) black- 
Field, CharlesB., (Wayland Depot,) hard- 
ware and tin ware dealer. 
Finch, Hiram R., (Wayland Depot,) hotel 

Fish, David, (Wayland Depot,) tanner and 

farmer 18. 
Pish, Martha, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 21. 
Pleishaver, Charles, (Cohocton,) farmer 41. 
pot,, engineer. 
FOLTS, GEORGE, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 180. 
POLTZ, JOHN, (Perkinsville,) farmer 118. 
Foot, Joseph, (PerMnavlUe,) iSirmer 49. 
FORESTER, DAVID, (Wayland Depot,) 

FOWLER, THOMAS M., (Wayland De- 
pot,) {Rice, Fowler & Co.) 
Fox, George, (Perkinsville,) carpenter. 
Fox, Henry, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 
Fox, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) carpenter and 

Fox, Jacob, (WaylandDepot,) farmer 58. 
Fox, John C, (Perkinsville,) boot and 

shoe maker and farmer. 18. 
Fronk, Jacob,; (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Fuller, Arnold, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Fults, Charles, (Perkinsville,) farmer 50. 
Geesner, Matilda, (Perkinsville,) milliner. 
Gillmore, Frank, (Wayland Depot,) tailor. 
Glover, Jacob, rWayland Depot,) farmer 46. 
Glover, John, (Wayland Depot,) sawyer. 
Glover, Thomas, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Gottshall, Augustus, (Perkinsville,) far- 
mer BO. 
Gottshall, Christian, (Perkinsville,) farmer 

Grab, John N., (Perkinsville,) farmer 110. 
GRANGER, GIDEONS., (WaylandDepot,) 

Gray, Davis, (Wayland Depot,) retired far- 
Gray, Jesse, (Wayland Depot,) farmer leas- 
es S80. 
GRAY, JOSIAH, (Wayland Depot,) hotel 

keeper and farmer 177. 
Gross, Anson, (Perkinsville,) farmer 60. 



Gross, George, (Perkinsville,) farmer 30O. 
Gross, George, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Gross, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 153. 

Guire, Mathew, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

GUNTHEE, NICHOLAS, (PerkinsvUle,) 
proprietor tannery. 

Hamer, Michael, (PerkinsvUle,) farmer 80, 

Hankel, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer 40. 

HARTFUS, HENRY, (Perkinsville,) dry 
goods and groceries. 

Harvey, Valentine, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 85. 

Hay ward, James, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Henderson, Mathew P., (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 54. 

Hess, Mary, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 836. 

Hill, Dewitt, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 20. 

Hill, William E., (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Hoag, Perry, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 50. 

Hoffman, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer 75. 

Hoffman, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Hoffman, Joseph, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Hoffman, Philip, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Holliday, Franklin B., (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 180. 

Holsor, Peter, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 80. 

Holtz, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer .60. 

Hood, Charles, (Perkinsville,) farmer 50. 

Hogs, John, (Dansville, Livingston Co.,) 
farmer 30. 

Howa'd, Henry, (Wayland Depot,) pump 

Hnff, Minerva Mrs., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 60. 

Jacobs, Joseph, (Perkinsville,) farmer 100. 

Depot,) laborer. 

Jones, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 65. 

Kaicb, Voltine, (Wayland Depot.) 

KIEL, FREDERICK, (Wayland Depot,) 
carpenter and Joiner. 

Kimball, Anna, (Waylaijd Depot,) farmer 

Kimball, Cornelia, (Wayland Depot,) mil- 
liner and dress maker. 

Kimball, Isaac, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Kimball, Martin, (Wayland Depot,) prop, 
paw mill and farmer 160. 

Kirtz, Valentine, (Perkinsville,) {wUh 
Christian Wei,rmiller,) farmer 80. 

Klein, Volentein, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 50. 

Krine, Anthony, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Krine, Christopher, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 50. 

REUTCHBN, JOHN, (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 85, 

Loomis, Minor, (Wayland Depot,) steam 

Loon, ,jvdam, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Loveland, Albert, (Wayland Depot,) liirmer 

Levell, WilJiam, (Wayland Beisot,) fftrmec 

Madison, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

MALTEE, NICHOLAS, (Perkinsville,) far- 
mer 18. 

Marsh, Nicholas, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Marvin, Albert C, (Cohocton,) farmer 156. 

Mather, Aqgustus, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 75. 

Mather, Thomas, (Wayland Depot,) "car- 
penter and joiner. 

May, Joel S., (Wayland Depot,) harness 

McDowell, .ALEXANDEE, (Wayland 
Depot,) farmer. 

McDowell, ASA, (Wayland Depot,) tan- 
ner and farmer 76. 

Miller, Conrad, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Miller, Francis J., (Perkinsville,) carpen- 
ter. . 

Miller, George, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

MILLER, JOHN P., (Perkinsville,) post 
master and wholesale dealer in liquors. 

Miller, Melviu, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Miller, Murray, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Miller, Peter, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Millerbacher, Christopher, (Wayland De- 
pot,) farmer 60. 

Millerbacher, Christopher H., (Wayland 
Depot,) farmer 80. 

Millerbacker, Christian, (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 60. 

Millerbacker, Conrad, (Cohocton,) farmer 

Millerbacker, Lewis, (Perkinsville,) farmer 

Mintrich, Martin, (Perkinsville,) farmer 10. 

MOOSE, MERIT, (Perkinsville,) firmer 

Depot,) dealer in drugs, medicines, dye 
stuffs, paints, oils, glass, perfumery 
'and pure liquors. 

Morehouse, Ira H. Rev., (Cohocton,) Chris- 
tian minister. 

Morehouse, Mary, .(Wayland Depot,) mil- 

Morley, Addison L., (Wayland Depot,) 
grocery and provision store. 

MORLET, JASPER, (Wayland Depot,) 
dealer in groceries and manuf. boots 
and shoes. 

MORSEH, JACOB, (Perkinsville,) farmer 

Moulton, Eichard, (Wayland Depot,) far- 

Mush^Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 150. 

New, Fred, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 60. 

Newfang, Conrad, (Wayland Depot,)farmer 

pot,) dealer in dry goods and groceries. 

NortUrup, Margaret, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 60. 

pot,) farmer. 

OVERPECK, SAMUEL, (Wayland Depot,) 

Paff, Adam, (Wayland Depot,) hotel keep- 



Palmeter, Amery, (Wayland DepotJ far- 
mer 76. 

Ptttchin, Cameron, (Wayland Depot,) phy- 
Bician and sdrgeon and farmer 400. 

Patchin, Delano Mre., (Vfayland Depot,) 
farmer IS. 

Patchin, Electa Miss, (Wayland Depot,) 
dress maker. 

Patchin, Electa P. Miss, (Wayland Depot,) 

Patchin, Ira, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 100. 

Patchin, Mlron M., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 175. 

PATCHIN, WAERBN, (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 400. 

Patchin, Warren Jr., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 200. 

PECK, GEOEGE, (Wayland Depot,) watch 
maker and jeweler. 

PBEKINSVILLE HOOSE, (Perkinsville,) 
Peter Didas, proprietor. 

Pettys, Orlando, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 
50. ■ 

Pfoil, Philip, (Perkinsville,) farmer 30. 

Pierce, Allen, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 50- 

Pierce, Ira B., (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

PIERCE, KBZIAH, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 32. 

Poor, Moses, (Wayland Depot.) £arnier 160. 

RABBR, WILLIAM, (Wayland Depot,)pro- 
duce dealer. 

Ranber, Mathias, (PerkinsviHe,) farmer 20. 

Rauber, Nicholas, (Wayland Depot,) cigar 

Razy, Manel, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 
leases 50. 

Recterwald, Jacob, (PerkinSTille,) farmer 

RICE, POWLBE, & CO., (Wayland Depot,) 
^H^ry B. Siee, Thomat M. Fowler and 
WUber W, Oapron,) dealers in dry 
goods and groceries. 

RICE, HENRY B„ ,(Wayland Depot,) (Sice, 
Fowler <& Oo.) 

Rice, Thomas B., {W^a^land Depot,) farmer 

Ritz, John, (Perkinsviille,) shoemaker. 

Ritz, John, (PerkinsvilileJ farmer. 

Root, DaYld C, (Waylaaid Depot,) fanner. 

Rosenkrance, Hamilton fi.j (Wayland De- 
pot,) juslioo of the pence and farmer 180. 

Rosenkrance, John A., <Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 91. 

Rover, Nlehslas, (Wayland Depot,) saloon 

ROWB, HENRT, (Perklnsrille,) general 

Saxton, Aaron, (Wayland Depot,) steam 

aaxton, Thomas, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

SchvriRgle, Jacob, (Perklnivile,! farmer 

Bchirangle, Jacob, (Wayland Depat,) fwcmer 

Schsrfngle, Philip Mrs., (Wayland Depot,) 

farmer 60, 
Soeon, Joseph S., (Wayland Depot,) floor 

and feed store. 
BBKUEY, PBEMILLON, (Wayland Denot,) 

former 30. ■ ^ .< -ir- <i 

'Seete, William, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 
{eases 75. 

Seman, Joel, (Wayland Depot,) fanner 15, 

Sergunt,, Syda, (Wayland Depot,> farmer 8, 

bHAVER, ENOCH, (Wayland Depot,) 
blacksmith and fanner 75. 

SHAVER, STEPHEN, (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 112. • 

Sheely, Theodore, (PerkinOTille,) armer 
leases 130. 

Shott, Charles, (Wayland Depot.) farm«r 

Shover, Lewis, (Wayland Depot,)f»rmer 75, 

Shntz, Daniel, (Perkinsville,) fanDei 100. 

Sick, Prank, (Wayland. Depot,) farmer 80. 

Sick, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 70. 

Sick, Philip, (Wayland Depot,) fermer70. 

Sick, Philip, 2d, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

SIMON, EUGENE N., (Perkinsville,) cigxr 

Smith, Henry, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 4. 

Smith, Jacob Jr., (Perkinsville,) farmer 200. 

Smith, Jacob Sen., (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Smith, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 50. 

Smith, Nicholas, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Smith, Nicholas, (Wayland Depot,) black- 

Smith, Peter, (Perkinsville,) Jhrmer. 

Snider, Philip, (Perkinsville,) farmer 50. 

Sommers, Nicholas J., (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 93. 

Soverlier, Albert, (Wayland Depot,) saloon 

Steadman, Samuel M., (Dansville, Living- 
ston Co.,) farmer 195. 

Stone, Frank, (Perkinsville,) farmer 11. 

STONE, JAMES, (Perkinsville,) foreman 
miller for Capron, Fowler & Co. 

Stone, Mary Ann, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Strick, Adam, (Cohocton.) farmer 65. 

TABBR, J AMIES P., (Wayland Depot,) 

THAYRE, J. L.j (Wayland Depot,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

THOMPSON, THOMAS C, (Cohocton,) 
steam shingle mill and farmer 109. 

Thrall, Chauncey H., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 142. 

Tichenor, George K., (Wayland Depot,) 
blacksmith and farmer 44. 

Tichenor, Lewis J., (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 54. 

TOLTB, GEORGE JR., (Wayland Depot.) 

Tompkins, William H., (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 90. 

Toortlott, Joseph, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 38. 

Totten, Gilbert, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Totten, James, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Towneend, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Valantine, George, (Wayland Depot,) tan- 

VAN RIPER, ABRAM, (Wayland Depot,) 
(wi<A DaHd Brown.) farmer 71. 

V^n Riper, William, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 50. • 

Vogel, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 50. 

Togel, Valentine, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 



Wagner, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Walter, George, (Cohoctoq,) farmer 20. 

WARNEE, NOEMAN, (Wayland Depot,) 

Warren, Isaiah, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Wayand, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) brewery. 

Weirmiller, Christian, (PerkinsTille,) (with 
Valentine Kirtz,) farmer 80. 

pot,) farmer 50. 

Weirmiller, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 66. 

Werdein, Jacob, (Perkineville,) dry goods 
and groceries. 

Werkle, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer 60. 

WHEKLEB, LEMUEL, (Wayland Depot,) 
farmer 40. 

WHITEMAN, EDWARD, (Dansville, Liv- 

. iugston Co.,) farmer 400. 

Whiteman, Samael S., (Wayland Depot.) 
farmer 116. 

WHITMAN, GEOEQE, (Wayland Depot,) 
wagon maker and farmer 60. 

Whitman, Samael, (Dansville, Livingston 
Co.,) toll-gate keeper. 

WILSON, WILLIAM F., (Wayland Depot,) 

WINANDS, D. M. Ekt., (Perkinsville,) 
Catholic pastor. 

Wittig, Christian, (Wayland Depot,) saw- 

Wolf, Jacob, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 100. 

Wolfanger, Catharine Mrs., (Perkinsville,) 
farmer. .. 

Wolfanger, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer. 

Worth, John, (Perkinsville,) farmer 50. 

Worth, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 87. 

Yocom, Jacob, (Perkinsville,) farmer 75. 

Yocom, John, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 30. 

Yocom, Matson, (Wayland Depot,) farmer 

Yocom, Mcholafl, (Wayland Depot,) far- 
mer 48. 

Tohan, Casper, (Perkinsville,) farmer 87. 

Young, John, (Wayland Depot,) thresher 
and farmer 40. 

Zeiger, Philip, (Perkinsville,) painter. 

ZIMMERMAN, ANN Mbs., (Wayland 

ZIMMERMAN, N., (Wayland Depot,) jus- 
tice of the peace and lawyer. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

ALLISON, ELI, (Wayne,) physician and 

ARMSTRONG, MILTON, (Wayne,) hotel 

keeper and vineyard 135^. 
AULLS, LYJJAN B., (North Urbana,) 

(with, Mrs. Marinda L.,) farmer 190. 

Urbana,) (with Lyman E.^) farmer 190. 
Bailey, Charles C, (Wayne,) farmer 95. 
Bailey, Cynthia Mrs., (Wayne,> farmer 66. 
Bailey, John S., (Wayne,) farmer 46. 
Bailey, Nancy Mrs., (Wayne,) farmer 50. 
BAILET, SAMUEL S., (North Urbana,) 

farmer 60. 
Bailey, William W., (Wayne,) vineyard and 

farmer 4. 
Bavrett, Catharine A., (Weston,) farmer 10. 
BAEEBTT, OSMAN.jWayne,) farmer 76. 
Barrett, William Ws, (Wayne,) farmer 90. 
Bennett, Erastas, (Wayne 4 Corners,) far- 
mer 60. 
Bennett, Henry B., (Weston,) farmer 160. 

farmer 87. 
BIED&BYB, JOHN B., (North Urbana,) 

saw mill and farmer 476. 
Bonrman, John, (Bradford,) farmer 60. 
Brown, John B., (Wayne,) vineyard 1. 

Brundage, Alfred, (Wayne,) farmer 222. 

Bulkley, Franklin, (Weston,) farmer 10. 

Bulkley, Joseph, (Weston,) farmer 9. 

Bi.RDGB, JONATHAN, (North Urbana,) 
farmer 1. 

Burley, James, (Wayne,) farmer 17. 

Cameron, Mattison, (Wayne,) farmer 126. 

CAMPBELL, JOHN J., (Wayne,) vineyard 
and farmer 43. 

CANPIBLD, MINAED, (Wayne 4 Corners,) 
farmer 96. 

Clark, Isaac, (Bradford,) farmer 60. 

Clark Jjewis, (Wayne,) retired farmer. 

Cole, Henry G., (WayneJ farmer leases 80. 

Cole^oseph, (Wayne,) farmer leases 80. 

COOK, SEELY, (Wayne 4 CornerB,) farmer 

farmer 76. ■ 

Covert, Tompkins, (North Urbana,) far- 
mer 62. 1 ■ 

Crans, Williams, (Wayne 4 Corners,) far- 
mer 11. 

Crawford, Clark, (Wayne 4 Comers,) farmer 
91J< and leases of Harvey Washburn 

Crawford, Leonard, (Wayne,) former 90. 



Crawford, Nathaniel, (North Urbana,) far- 
farmer 88. 

Crawford, Stephen, (North Urbana,) farmer 

Crommer, Oliver, (Bradford,) farmer 70. 

Crookston, Harriett, (Wayne,) farmer 47. 

CKOOKSTON, MOBBIS, (Wayne,) farmer 

Crooltston, Moses, (Wayne,) farmer 219. 

CROOKSTON, MOSES W., (Wayne,) far- 
mer 9t>. 

Croolieton, Nelson, (Wayne,) farmer 100. 

CURRAN, LEVI D., (Wayne,) wagon ma- 

DAMOTH, ADDISON G., (North Urbana,) 

farmer 160. 
DAMOTH, DANIEL, (North Urbana,) far- 
mer leases 50. 
Dean, James S., (North Urbana,) farmer 75. 
DEAN, WILLIAM, (North Urbana,) farmer 

Degraw, John, (Wayne,) farmer 76. 
Dunn, Andrew, (Wayne,) farmer 13X. 
Eagleson, Frederick C, (Bradford,) farmer 

Earl, Ezra, (Weston,) farmer 1%. 
Earl, Lewis H., (Weston.l farmer 121. 
Earnest, John, (Wayne,) retired fai-mer. 
Earnest, John J., (Wayne,) mechanic and 

farmer 175. 
Earnest, Wallace W., (Wayne,) carriage 

Ellis, Benjamin P., (Wayne,) farmer 120. 
Elwood, Homer G., (Bradford,) farmer 

leases 147. 
FLETCHER, JOHN, (Wayne,) cooper and 

farmer 21. 
Folsom, Otis W., (North Urbana,) farmer 

Frost, William, (Wayne,) blacksmith. 
GARDINER, HOWELL, (North Urbana,) 

farmer leases 90. 
Gardner, James, (Bradford,) farmer 5. 
GIBSON, RUffUS K., (Wayne,) farmer 

leases 10. 

■ Gleason, Alvin H. P., (Wayne,) farmer 23. 
Glcason, George W., VWayne,) farmer 21. 
Gleason, James R., (Wayne,) farmer 75. 

Gobson, Wm., (Wayne,) vineyard 1. 

Grace, John A., (Wayne,) farmer 100. 

Gray, James A., (North Urbana,) farmer 6. 

Griffith, Harris, (Weston,) farmer 130. 

Griflith, Susan J.Mrs., (Wayne,)farmer 162. 

Hand, George, (Weston,) farmer 5. 

Harris, Andrew, (Bradford,) vineyard 8. 

Harrison, William K., (Wayne,) farmer 47. 

Hieley, Geor, e D., (Wayne,) farmer 94. 

Hill, Hanson S., (Wayne,) grist mill. 

Holly, Almira Mrs., (North Urbana,) (with 
Judion,) farmer 16. 

Holly, Judson, (North Urbana,) (with Mrs. 
Almira,) farmer 16. 

Hopkins, Gilbert, (Wayne,) farmer 40. 

Houck, Henry, (Wayne,) (with Seymour,) 
farmer 300. 

Houck, Joseph, (Wayne,) farmer 160. 

Honck, Lewis v., (Wayne,) farmer 151. 

Houck, Nathaniel, (Wayne,) farmer 53. 

Houck, Seymour, (Wayne,) (with Benrv.) 
farmer 300. 

IngersoU, Josiah, (Wayne,) farmer leases 
100, and owns vineyard 8. 

KALAHAB, MARY Mrs., (Wayne 4 Cor- 
ners,) farmer 4. 

KLECKLEE, HENRY, (Weston,) farmer 

Knapp, James, (Wayne,) farmer 18>^. 
Knapp, William H., (Wayne,) farmer 91. 
Lacost, Charles, (Wayne,) harness maker. 
Lacost, Francis, (Wayne,) shoemaker. 
Lacost, Francis, (Wayne,) harness maker. 
Lttmb, David A., (W&yne,) (with John M.,) 

farmer 150. 
Lamb, Francis, (Wayne,) farmer 127. 
Lamb, John R., (Wayne,) (with David A.,) 

farmer 150. 
Lord, George P., (Wayne,) farmer 65. 
Lounsberry, Nathan, (Wayne 4 Corners,) 

postmaster and farmer 123. 
MargesonLlsrael, (Wayne,) farmer 120. 

♦Mcdowell, fbancis m., (Wayne,) 

agent for Keuka Vineyard and farmer 

McINTIEE, JOHN, (Wayne,) farmer 50. 
Minor, Charles K., (Wayne,) vineyard 32>^ 
.and (with Capt. Allen Wood,) owns 

Keuka Warehouse property. 
MITCHELL, HENRY^T., (Wayne,) inn 

founder, grape propagator and farmer 

Mitchell, Joseph, (Wayne,) resident. 
Morehouse, John, (Bradford,) farmer leases 

Moreland, William, (Wayne 4 Comers,) 

farmer 91, 
Morse, Harriett Mrs., (Wayne,) farmer 6. 
Morse, William, (Wayne,) blacksmith. 
OSTRANDEE, GEOEGE, (Wayne,) la- 
Peacock, John F., (Bradford,) farmer 1. 
Pierce, John H., (Wayne,) farmer 62 
POLLAY, FBANK C, (Wayne,) wagon 

maker and prop, of vineyard. 
Potter, Clark, (North Urbana,) farmer 166. 
Banner, Jacob, (Wayne 4 Corners,) farmer 

RAPALEE, HIEAM,(Bradford,) farmer 100, 
Reed, Walter, (Wayne,) vineyard 7. 
Roat, Joseph, (Wayne,) farmer 88. 
Robbins, William, (Wayne,) farmer 6. 
Sanford, David, (Wayne,) farmer 100. 
Sauford, Rnssel, (Wayne,) farmer 295. 
Scribner, Jacob B., (Wayne,) farmer leases 

Silsbee, Isaac, (Wayne,) farmer 70. 

Silsbe, Martin, (Wayne.) farmer 68. 

Smith, Charles E.,- (North Urbana,) car- 
penter and joiner. 

SMWH, LUMAN, (North Urbana,) farmer 

Smith, Eenben, (Wayne,) butcher 

STANHOPE, JOHN G., iWayne,) grape 
propagator, vineyard 4. 

Strader, Mattison, (Wayne 4 Comers,) far- 
mer 40. 

Swarthont, Andrew D., (Wayne,) 63v<. 
Swarthout, Darius, (Wayne,) farmer 60. 
Swarthout, Derastus, (Wayne,) farmer 75. 
Swarthout, William B., (Wayne,) farmer 
52. ' 

Taylor, Francis, (Wayne,) farmer 57>f . 

Tliompson, David, (Wayne 4 Corners,) far- 
mer leases 2. 

Tomlinson, Watson M., (North Urbana.) 
farmer 97. 

Travis, Ellas C, (Wayne 4 Comers,) car- 
penter and farmer 77. 



TYLER, WILLIAM M., (Wayne,) farmer 


Corners,) farmer 80. 
VAN NESS, FOSTER H., (Wayne,)black- 

WALSH, CHARLES T., (Wayne,) clerk 
WALSH, THOMAS E., (Wayne,) carriage 

maker and deputy sheriff. 
Warren, George, (Wayne,) farmer 87 
Weeks, John W., (Wayne,) farmer 57. 
WELLES, CHARLES D., (Wayne,) lumber 

dealer and farmer 157. 
Westcott, Martin R., (Wayne,) farmer 19 
Wheeler, Jonas, (North Urbana,) vineyard 

and farmer S3. 
Whitehead, John T., (Bradford,) farmer 50. 
Whitehead, Sears, (Bradford,) farmer 62 
WILSET, WILLIAM H., (Wayne,) farmer 

leases 123. 

WlxBom, Elijah, (Wayne,) old resident and 

one of the first settlers. 
Wixsom, James, (Weston,) farmer 120. 
WIXOM, NOKMAN, (Wayne,) farmer 50. 
Wiiaom, Solomon R., (Wayne,) farmer 106. 
Wixson, Alfred, (Wayne,) farmer 98. 
Wixson, Joel, (Wayne,) farmer 196, 
Wixson, John, (Wayne,) farmer 117. 
Wood, Allen Capt., (Wayne,) (with Chas. 

K. Mirwr,) owns Kenka warehouse 

WOOD, ANDREW T., (Wayne 4 Comers,) 

farmer 77. 
Wood, Israel. (North Urbana,) farmer 206. 
WOOD, JONATHAN, (North Urbana,) 

farmer 192. 
Wortman, Amos, (North Urbana,) farmer 

WORTMAN, WILLIAM, (North Urbana,) 

farmer 110. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Alnsworth, Leroy, (RexviUe,) farmer 100. 

Allen, Henry, (RexviUe,) farmer 25. 

Anderson, William, (RexviUe,) farmer 110. 

Atkins, Allen, (White's Comers, Potter 
Co., Pa.,) farmer 100. 

Atkins, Allen, (RexviUe,) farmer 111. 

Atkins, Charles F., (RexviUe,) farmer 106. 

Atkins, Charles J., (White's Comers, Pot- 
ter Co., Pa.,) farmer 100. 

Atkins, Haxton, (White's Comers, Potter 
Co., Pa.,) farmer 100. 

Atkins, Sexton, (RexviUe,) farmer 249. 

Austin, Derance, (RexviUe,) farmer 162. 

Baker, Maxon, (RexviUe,) farmer 70. 

Baker, Samuel J., (West Union,) farmer 

Banks, Samuel, (RexviUe,) farmer 57. 

Barber, Joseph W., (RexviUe,) farmer 95. 

Barker, Ellen J., (West Union,) farmer 68. 

BARKER, ELON J., (WhitesviUe, Allega- 
ny Co.,) carpenter and farmer 120. 

BARNEY, ALVIN C, (West Union,) far- 
mer 68. 

BARNEY, DARWIN E., (West Union,) 
(with, Levant E.,) dairyman and farmer 

BARNEY, LEVANT A., (West Union,) 
(with Darwin E.,) dairyman and far- 
mer 285. 

Bartelle, Stephen, (Wileysville,) farmer 158. 

Barto, J. W., (Wileysville,) farmer 35. 

Barto, William, (Wileysville,) farmer 72. 

Bartoo, William, (White's Corners, Potter 
Co., Pa.,) carpenter and joiner and far- 
mer 75. 

Bates, Richard, (Wileysville,) firmer 52. 

BEAGLE, JAMES, (WhitesviUe, AUegany 
Co.,) farmer 150. 

Beagle, John, (WileysviUe,) farmer 150. 

Benson, Charles, (WhitesviUe, Allegany 
. Co.,) sawyer. ^ 

'Bess, Enoch, (White's Comers, Potter Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 128. 

Birmingham, Pat,(We6t Union,) farmer 137. 

Birmingham, Patrick,- (RexviUe,) farmer 

Birmingham, Thomas, (EexvUle,) farmer 

Blair, John, (Rexville,) farmer 125. 

Boucher, Jeremiah, (RexviUe,) farmer 111. 

Boucher, Wallace, (White's Cornors, Pot- 
ter Co., Pa.O farmer. 

Bradley, Wm. H., (Spring Mills, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 50. 

Briggs, John, (Wileysville,) farmer 57. 

Brown, Chas. E., (Independence, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer leases 325. 

Brown, Edward, (RexviUe,) farmer 103. 

Bugby, Euel D., (WileysvUle,) farmer 60. 

Burt, John N., (Rexville,) farmer 100. 

Byrne, John, (RexviUe,) farmer 100. 

CampbeU, Catharine, (RexviUe,) farmer 54. 

Campbell, Elizabeth, (WileysviUe,) farmer 

Campbell, Lyman B., (Spring Mills, Alle- 
gany Co.,) farmer 65. 

CampbeU, , (West Union,) (Tniey it 


Carey, Patrick, (WhitesviUe, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 150. 

CAER, MICHAEL & CO., (RexviUe,) deal- 
ers in dry ^oods, groceries, boots and 
shoes, crockery, hats, caps, <&c. 

Carr, Peter, (RexvUle,) farmer 83. 

Caton, John, (RexviUe,) farmer. 

Chapin, Giles H., (Spring mills, Allegany 
Co.,) (with Hiram 0.,) farmer 325. . 

Chapin, Hiram O., (Spring Mills, Allegany 
Co.,) (wit/i Biles S.,) firmer 325. 

Chapman, Job T., (Whltesville, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 182. 

Cobb, Aurelius, (Wileysville,) farmer 170. 

Colman, Daniel, (Rexville,) farmer 100. 

Coqall, James, (Besville,) farmer 45. 

Conelly, J., (Eexville,) farmdr 60. 

Connel, Christopher, (Spring Mills, Alle- 
gany Co.,) tailor and farmer 1i, 

Connell, James, (KexviUe,) farmer 45. 

Connolly, J., (Eexville,) farmer 30. 

Cornell, Christopher, (west Union,) farmer 

Cornell, Cloe, (Kexrille,) farmer 100. 

Cornell, Egbert, (Rexville,) farmer 64. 

Corwin, Benjamin, (White's Corners, Pot- 
ter Co., Pa.,) (with I'heophilus,} farmer 

Corwin, John, (Eexville,) farmer 117. 

Corwin, Theophilas, (White's Comers, 
Potter Co., Pa.,) (with Benj.,)f!ivmei 67. 

Corwin, William, (Eexville,) farmer 40. 

Cory, Patrick, (Eexville,) farmer 206. 

Coway, James, (Eexville,) farmer 187. 

Cramer, Henry, (Whitesville, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 75. 

Crandall, Bennett F., (Wileysville,) farmer 

Crocker, James, (Eexville,) farmer 90. 

Daly, Edward, (Eexville,) mechanic and 
farmer 124. 

Daly, Patrick, (Eexville,) farmer 140. 

Davis, Edwin, (Eexville,) farmer 53. 

Davis, Eichard, (Eexville,) farmer 60. 

Dawson, Barney, (Eexville,) farmer 177. 

Day, Jonas B^ (Wileysville,) farmer 50. 

Day, Eiley, (Wileysville,) farmer 40. 

Day, Thomas, (Kexvllle,) farmer 40. 

Dempsey, John, (Eexville,) farmer 100. 

Dickey, Adam, (Whltesville, Allegany Co.,) 
farmer 200. 

Donnelly, Patrick, (White's Corners, Pot- 
ter COj Pa.,) farmer 100. 

Downey, Harriet, (Eexville,) farmer 50. 

Driscol, Daniel, (Re?;ville,) farmer 76. 

Dunbar, Delos H., '(Whitesville, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 35. 

Dunleavy, James, (Eexville,) farmer 96. 

Edwards, Benjamin B., (Whltesville, Alle- 
gany Co^) farmer 115. . 

Edwards, John, (Whitesville, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 139}i. 

Elliot, Curtis, (Wileysville,) farmer 107. 

Erskin, John, (Eexville,) farmer 81. 

Palling; Lucien J., (Eexville,) farmer 98. 

Failing, P. W., (Eexville,) farmer 256. 

Eeely, James, (KexviUe,) fiirmer 60. 

Fisher, William, (Wileysville,) farmer 58. 

Gatons, John, (Eexville,) farmer 28. 

Qibbs, Charles, (Wileysville,) farmer 50. 

Goodman, James, (Eexville,) farmer 50. 

Graves, Chauncey, (Whitesville, Allegany 

Co.,) farmer 150. 
Qreely, Eosett, (Wileysville,) farmer 65. 
Grumlay, Michael, (Eexville,) farmer 89. 
Grumley, John, (Eexville,) farmer 64. 
Hamilton, Daniel, (WUeysville,) farmer 

Hamilton, Dennis, (Rexville,) farmer 113. 
Hamilton, John, (Eexville,) farmer 166. 

Hamilton, W. W.y (Eexville,) prop. Eagle 

Hannan, James, (Eexville,) farmer BO. 

Hannan, Thomas, (WileyBville,) farmer 100. 

Harden, Patrick,, (Eexville,) general mer- 

Harkenrather, John, (Eexville^) farmer 100. 

Harkenrather, Penrod, (Eexville,) farmer 

Haselton, Almon S„ (Whitesville, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer IQO. 

Haselton, Norman W., (Whitesville, Alle- 
gany Co.,) farmer 100. 

Hauber, David T., (Eexville,) farmer 79. 

Hauber, John, (Rexville,) farmer 238. 

Hendrickson, Colambus,(White'B Corners, 
Potter Co. J'a.,) farmer 8. 

Hendrickson, Dennis, (Wileysville,) far- 
mer 2. 

Hendrickson, Joshua, (Wileysville,) far- 
mer 326. 

Henry, A., (Rexville,) farmer 95. 

Hesejtine, Almond, (Rexville,) fanner 115. 

Heseltine, Norman, (Rexville,) farmer 100. 

Higgenbottom, John, (Eexville,) farmer 54. 

Hilborn. Andrew E., (Eexville,) farmer 69. 

Hober, Harrison, (Wileysville,) farmer 60. 

Hodges, Edward, (Rexville,) farmer 76. 

Hood, Earll L., (West Union,) musician 
and farmer leases 100. 

HOPKESfS, EDWIN A., (Whitesville, Alle- 
gany Co.,) (B. SB. A. Hopkins.) 

HOPKHfS, H. & E. A., (Whitesville, Alle- 
gany Co.,) {Horace and Edwin A.,) 
props, of grist and saw mills and far- 
mers 57. 

HOPKINS, HORACE, (Whitesville, Alle- 

tany Co.,) (if. & B. A. Bopldns.) 
en, Patnck, (Eexville,) farmer 50. 

Horton, Lewis F., (Wileysville,) farmer 178. 

Houghtailing, Allen, (Wileysville,) far- 
mer 113. 

Houghtailing, Dorcy, (Wileysville,) farmer 

Houghtailing, John, (Wileysville,) farmer 

House, Seymour, (Wileysville,) farmer 101. 

House], Seymour B., (Whltesville, Alle- 
gany Co.,) farmer 53. 

HubTiard, Geo. H., (Whitesville, Allegany 
Co.,) farmer 50. 

Hubbard, Orland, (Wileysville,) farmer 40. 

Jones, Cyrus M., (Eexville,) farmer 106. 

Eain, John, (Eexville,) farmer 102. 

Kane, Daniel, (Whitesville, Allegany Co.,) 

Keating, John, (Eexville,) farmer 288. 

Keeffe, Daniel, (Eexville,) farmer 100. 

Keeffe, Dennis, VEexvlUe,) farmer 99. 

Keefife, John, (West Union.) farmer 160. 

Keenan, Alexander, (Rexville,) farmer 207. 

Keenan, Alexander, (Rexville,) farmer 109. 

Keleher, John, (Rexville,) fermer 140. 

Kelly, Arthur, (Eexville j farmer 164. 

Kilduff, Michael, (Rexville,) farmer 38. 

Kilduff, Michael, (Rexville,) wagon maker. 

King. Edgar B., (White's Comers, Potter 
COy Pa.,) farmer 70. 

Ladd, James, (White's Comers, Potter Co., 
Pa.,) prop, shingle mill, and farmer 

Lawrence, Philip W., (Spring Mills, Alle- 
gany C!o.j) farmer 81. 
Lee, David, (West Union,) farmer 100. 

wmT vmoN. 


Lee, Peter, (KexviUe,) farmer 123. 
Lee, Peter, (Eexville,) farmer 65. 
Lehe, ThomaSjJSexvUle,) £armera70. 
Lindsay, A., (West Union,) farmer 50. 
Lindsay, John, (West Union,) farmer 62. 
Lindsley, Aaron, (White's Corners, Potter 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 50. 
Lodd, James, (White's Corners, Potter Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 236. 
Lowrey, Walter S., (West Union,) farmer 

Lyons, John, (Eexville,) farmer 166. 
Lyons, John J., (Rexville,) farmer 62. 
Madeson, Abel, (West Union,) faimer 50. 
Mahoney, Thos., (Rexville,) farmer 134. 
Maxwell, Michael, (Eexville,) farmer 125. 
McCaffery, Thomas, (Eexville,) farmer 90. 
McCambridge, Alexander, (Whitesville, 

Allegany Co.,) farmer 100. 
McCarry, John, (Eexville,) farmer 66. 
McCay; James, (Eexville,) farmer 145. 
dealer- in dry goods, groceries, hard- 
ware, boots, shoes, &c. 
McCormlct, James, (Eexville,) farmer 46, 
McCormick, Maiy, (Eexville,) farmer 3. 
McCormick, P. D., (Eexville,) farmer 133. 
McCnne, Patrick, (Eexville,) farmer 100. 
McDanlel, Morris, (Eexville,) farmer 270. 
McDonald, Alexander, (Eexville,) farmer 

McDonald, Eandall, (Eexville,) farmer 54. 
McDonnell, Dennis, (Eexville,) farmer. 
McFail, Daniel, (Eexville,) farmer 56. 
McPail, Jackson, (Eexville.) farmer 107. 
McKendry, James, (Eexville,) farmer 167. 
McKinley, John, (Eexville,) farmer 100. 
McKinley, John, (Eexville,) farmer 152. 
McKinley, Mary, (Eexville,) farmer 106. 
McNaraara, Patrick, (Eexville.) farmer 116. 
McNamara, Wm., (Eexville,) farmer 142. 
McNeil, Daniel, (Eexville,) farmer 116. 
McNeil, John, (Whitesville, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 100. 
McNeills, Frank. (Eexville,) farmer 50. 
Mehan, John, (Eexville,) farmer 134. 
Miller, Geo. B., (Spring Mills, Allegany 

Co.,) farmer 58. 
Moran, Martin, (Eexville,) farmer 100. 
Malharon, Charles, (Eexville,) farmer 57. 
Mnlbaran, Patrick, (Eexville,) farmer 00. 
Mulraney, William, (Eexville,) farmer 40. 
Marry, Morgan, (Eexville,) farmer 65. 
Nixson, Smitb, (Rexville,) farmer 2. 
Nye, Louis, (White's Comers, Potter Co., 

Pa.,)- farmer 64. 
Nye, Obed D., (Whitesville, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 40. 
J^ye, Thomas, (Eexville,) farmer 105. 
O'Connell, John, (Eexville,) farmer 56. 
O'Connell, John, (Eexville,) farmer 50. 
O'Hara, John, (Eexville,) farmer 104. 
O'Harrigan, John, (Eexville,) farmer 119. 
O'Harrigan, Susan, (Eexville,) farmer 85. 
O'Honar, John, (Eexville,) farmer 104. 
O'Keefe, D., (Eexville,) farmer 94. 
O'Keefe, Dennis, (Eexville,) farmer 150. 
O'Keefe, John, (Wileysville,) farmer 160. 
O'Kief, Dennis, (Eexville,) farmer 91. 
Olmstead, A. E., (Eexville,) farmer 10. 
Olmsted, Alexander, (White's Corners, 

Potter Co., Pa.,) farmer 126. 
Osman, D., (Eexville,) farmer 102. 
Osmin, Dartas, (Eexville,) farmer 202. 

Plalsted, Edward, (Eexville.) farmer 162. 
Plaisted, James H., (Eexville,) farmer 93. 
Postle, Daniel, (White's Corners, Potter 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 30. 
Postle, David, (Wileysville,) farmer 31. 
Eichey, Daniel, (Eexville,) farmer 71. 
Eichey, John, (Eexville,) farmer ISO. 
EICHEY, MORTIMEE, (Eexville,) carriage 

manufacturer and blackt-mith. 
Eobinson, Daniel, (Eexville,) blacksmith. 
Sanders, Philip E., (Eexville,) farmer 114. 
Saxon, Israel, Jr., (Eexville,) farmer 55. 
Saxton, I., (Eexville,) farmer 36. 
Scott, A., (Eexville,) farmer94. 
Seely, Silas E., (Whitesville, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 125. 
Segur, Eoyal, (Whitesville, Allegany Co.,) 

farmer 33. 
Sexton, Amelia, (Eexville,) Girmer 75. 
Shanl, George, (White's Corners, Potter 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 67. 
Shaw, Philip, (Eexville,) farmer 56. 
Shean, William, (Eexville,) farmer 100. 
Sherman, David, (West Union,) postmaster 

and mrmer 646. r 

Simmonds, Peter H., (Whitens Corners, 

Potter Co., Pa.,) farmer 31. 
Simons, Peter, CKexville,) farmer 31. 
Skillman, Charles, (Eexville,) farmer 50. 
SKILLMAN, DAVID S., (Eexville.) 
Skillman, Franklin, (Eexville,) farmer 69. 
SKILLMAN, J. C.jjKexville,) farmer 105. 
Slocum, William, (White's Comers, Potter 

Co., Pa.,) farmer 98. 
Sluyter, Alonzo F. M., (White's Comers, 

Potter Co., Pa.,) farmer 72. 
Smith, David, (Eexville,) farmer 60. 
Smith, David D., (Eexville.) farmer 144. 
Smith, William, (Eexville,) farmer 112. 
Spencer, Eoyal, (Eexville,) farmer 30. 
Stafford. William, (Wileysville,) farmer 115. 
STEBBINS, ELIHU, (Whitesville, Alle- 
gany Co.,) farmer 100. 
Stehbins, Fredus, (Wileysville,) farmer 100. 
Stebblne, Harvey, (White's Comers, Pot- 
ter Co., Pa.,) farmer 126. 
Stebbins, Henry, (Wileysville,) farmer 261.' 
Stlllman, B. D., (Wileysville,) farmer 100. 
Strait, S., (Eexville,) farmer 50. 
Strait, Thomas, (Eexville,) fiirmer 70. 
Tadder, B., (West Union,) farmer 110. 
Tadder, Bugene, (White's Comers, Potter 
Co., Pa.,) farmer. < 

Tagsart, William, (West Union,) farmer 

Temey, Patrick, (Eexville,) farmer 31. 
Thompson, Joel, (West Union,) farmer 50. 
Tieraey, Patrick, (Eexville,) farmer 39)^. 
Tig^rt, Wm. H., (Whitesville, Allegany 

Co.,) farmer 100. 
Tracy & Campbell, (West Union,) farmers 

UNDEEWOOD, NELSON, fWhitesville, 

:« Allegany Co.',) fanner 125. 
Urfderwood, Reuben, (Whitesville, Alle- 
gany Co.,) farmer 60. 
Wallace, John, (Wileysville,) fermer 194. 
Wallace, John, Jr., (Wileysville,) farmer 50. 
Wallace, Robert, (West Union,) farmer 60. 
Ward, Francis, (Eexville,^ postmaster and 
^ justice of the peace. 
Warfleld, P., (Wileysville,) fiirmer 72. 
Waas. David, (Rexville,) farmer 259. 
I Watkins, S., (V®leysville,) farmer 66. 






Produce, Forwarding & Commission 



BATH, IV. 7. 

; Wool, Wheat, Barley, Oats, Butter, Sbc., bo'aght on 
CommiBslon, Orders Solicitea. 

Office In my Neir TParelioiise, near tbe 
Erie Rallnray Depot. 

W. E PDBDY & CO., 


19 Liberty St., 

BATH, N. Y. 



P"OKT BYRON, ]V. if. 


Is the most successful establishment of the kind in the State. Every yard is war- 
ranted to be wrought from Pure 'Wool. No waste, shoddy or shearings were ever 
used in the manufacture of our goods. 

Parties wanting Gasslmeres, Tireedg, Grays, Ladles' Cloths, Flan- 
nels, &c., of a superior quality, should order directly from the Mill. 

Samples sent wUen required. 


Thomas Davison, dealer in Boots 
Shoes, Leather and Findings, 22 Liberty 
street, Bath, N. T., advertises on page 138. 
Mr. Davison is an enterprising business 
man, selects his (took and gives his per- 
sonal supervision to its manufacture. If 
you want a good article call on Davison and 
he will certainly give yon Jita. 

The Empire Hoasfe, at North Co- 
hocton, N. Y., has been thoroughly refitted 
and newly furnished and is in every respect 
a comfortable place for the weary traveler. 
Mr. Melvin Wilkinson, the proprietor, is a 
landlord who anticipates the wants of his 

§ue5tB and will see tnat they are supplied, 
ee card on page 138. 



White, B., (WileysTille.) farmer 3fi. 
White, Edward,JWiIey9ville,) farmer 58. 
White, Elvira, (West tJnion,) farmer 127. 
White, James, (West Union,) farmer 161. 
Wiley, Almanzo, (Wileysville,) farmer 115. 
Wiley, James B., (Wileysville,) farmer. 
Wiley, John, (Wileysville,) farmer 116. 

Wilson, Willis, (Wileysvilte,) farmer 50L 
Wood, 13., (Wileysville,) farmer 115. 
Youmans, George, (Keaville,) farmer 40. 
Youngs, Adam, (West Union,) farmer 207. 
Youngs, Bphraim, (West Union,) farmer 

Youngs, William, (West Union,) farmer 10. 

(Post Offioe Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Aber, Alvah, (Wheeler,) farmer 1. 

Ackerson, D. H., (Wheeler,) farmer 152- 

Alcot, Thanlifal, (Avoca,) farmer 60X- 

Allen, James, (Avoca,) farmer 42. 

Allen, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 18. 

Andrews, William, (Wheeler,) farmer 16. 

ANGEL, ALONZO D., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 52. 

AULLS, BPHRAIM, (Wheeler,) post mas- 
ter and farmer 344. 

AULLS, EUGENE, (Wheeler;) farmer 75J^. 

Bailey, John H., (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Bailey, John 2d, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

BARNEY, IRA P., (Kanona,) fatmer 260. 

Barret, Joseph, (Wheeler,) farmer 20. 

Barret, Susan E., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 24. 

Barse, Jacob, (Avoca,) farmer 12X . 

Bates, Anthony, (Wheeler,) farmer 40. 

Bates, Nicholas, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Banter, Clinton, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

BAUTER, DAVID, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

BAUTER, JOHN M., (Avoca,) farmer 105. 

BAUTER, MARCUS, (Avoca,) farmer 290. 

Beals, E. R., (Avoca,) larmer 210. 

Beals, S. J., (Avoca.) farmer 100. 

Beam, Isaac, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 44. 

Bellinger, George, (Avoca,) farmer 151. 

Bennett, Jonathan, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 8. 

BILLINGS, ALBERT, (Avoca,) farmer 250. 

Bliss, Eliza A., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 50. 

Borden, John, (Avoca,) farmer 99. 

Borden, Lewis, (Avoca,) farmer 99. 

Brewer, Henry, (Avoca,) farmer 5. 

Brewer, Thomas J., (Avoca,) farmer 50 and 
leases 130. 

Briggn, Joseph L., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Briggs, Lewis, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Brown. David, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 78. 
BROWN, JOSEPH F., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 88. 
Canmer, George E., (Avoca,) farmer 115. 
Garr, Joline, (Hammond'a Port.) farmer 60. 
Caster, Charles, (Avoca,) (with nuiiam,) 

farmer 105. 

Caster, Henry, (Avoca,) farmer 60. 

Caster, William, (Avoca,) (with Charles,) 
farmer 105. 

Castor, Harry, (Avoca,) farmer 60. 

Castor, Willard, (Avoca,) farmer 117. 

Charlesworth, Charles, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

mer 125. 

CHARLESWORTH, H. Y. M., (Avoca,) 
assessor and farmer 1S5. 

Chichester, Henry, (Wheeler,) fliirmer 220. 

Clark, Almira, (Haramoad's Port,) farmer 

Clark, John, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 99. 

CLARK, MIRON, (Prattsburgh.) 

Clark, Peter, (Hammond's Port,) carpenter. 

Coats, Henrietta P., (Wheeler,) farmer 75. 

Colgrove, Robert, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Cook, Adam P., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 


Cook, Constant, (Bath,) banker and farmer 

Comus, Anthony, (Avoca,) farmer 73. 
CORNUE, JAMES R., (Avoca,) farmer 75. 
Couch, George, (Wheeler,) blacksmith. 
Covert, James C, (Hammond's Port,) far- 

lUSr I6AB68 174> 

Cox, William P., (Avoca,) farmer 4. 

Craner, John, (Bath,) farmc* 54. 

Cranmer, Abram, (Avoca,) farmer 115, 

CRUVER, AARON, (Avoca,) farmer SO. 

Davis, Williams, (Wheeler,) farmer 69. 

Dean, Willis, (Kanona,) farmer 100. 

Derrick, Charles, (Wheeler,) farmer 100. 

Derrick, Ephraim, (Wheeler,) farmer 124. 

DERICK, HENRY, (Wheeler,) farmer 245. 

farmer 100. 

DILLENBACE, ISAAC, (Avoca,) farmer 91. 

mer 80. 

Dond, Martha, (Avoca,) farmer 50, heirship 
land 50. 

Drake, Sylvester, (Avoca,) farmer 150 and 
leases 100. 

Dunn, Jacob, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Early, Stephen, (Prattsburgh,) farmer leas- 
es 400. 



BCKLBE, GBOHQE, (ATOoa,) farmer leas- 
es 95 

Eckler, Jolin, (Avoca,) farmer 250. 

Eckler, Levi, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

EDMISTER, B., (Kanona,) lumberman. 

Edwards, John, (Avoca,) farmer 127. 

Bgelston, Ira, (Hammond's Port,) grocer 
and farmer 90. 

Ellis, J. B., (Avoca,) farmer 56. 

Erlls, Williard, (Avoca,) farmer 9X- 

E7HETT, JOHN, (Avoca,) farmer 161. 

Everett, Levi, (Avoca,) farmer 160. 

Bergnson, Georse W., (Wheeler,) hotel 
keeper and farmer 1. 

Ferris, John, (Bath,) farmer 30. 

Flaherty, Patrick, (Prattsbur^h,) farmer 

Fox, (Jhristopher, (Avoca,) farmer 15S. 

Fox, Harvey, (Avoca,) farmer 89. 

FOX, PETER I., (Avoca,) overseer of the 
poor and farmer 150. 

French, Philamon, (Eanona,) farmer 33. 

Gardner, Henry, (Wheeler,) farmer 385. 

Gardner, Wm., (Wheeler,) farmer 390. 

Gibbs, D. Z., (Wheeler,) saw mill and far- 
mer 183. 

Hankison, Frederick, (Wheeler,) farmer 34. 

Hiney, Enoch, (Avoca,) farmer 3S6. 

Hiney, John, (Avoca,) farmer 50. 

Hockenbery, William (Avoca,) farmer 95. 

Home, Henry, (Wheeler.) farmer 19. 

Horton, John, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

HOUSE, ABRAM, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

Johnson, Charles A., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

JONES, GEORGE, (Wheeler.) farmer 51. 

Jones, James P., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 311. 

Jones, M. P., (Wheeler,) blacksmith and 
farmer 58. 

Jones, Wakefield, (Prattsbnrgh,) carpenter 
and farmer 50. 

Jordan, Solomon, (Eanona,) farmer 100. 

Kelly, Edwin, (Wheeler,) farmer 60. 

Kilbury, Ell C., (Kanona,) farmer 96. 

Larrowe, Asa S., (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 48. 

Larue, A., (Wheeler,) farmer 305. 

Lewie, B. V., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 90. 

Lewis, Daniel D., (Wheeler,) farmer 86. 

LEWIS, GEORGE W., (Avoca,) farmer. 

Lewis, Hermon, (Wheeler,) farmer 1. 

Lewis, J. H., (Wheeler,) farmer 133. 

LEWIS, L. H., (Wheeler,) farmer 158. 

Lockwood, Charles, (Wheeler,) farmer 80. 

Lockwood, James H., (Wheeler,) farmer SO. 

Lockwood, Lewis, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 65. 

Lockwood, Lewis H., (Hammond's Fort,) 
farmer 55. 

Longcoy, James, (Wheeler,) /armer 42. 

MARSHAL, O. P., (Wheeler.) farmer 693. 

MATHEWS, N. M., (Wheeler,) farmer 50. 

MAXFIELD, JAMES L, (Avoca,) farmer 

Meritt, J. Mrs., (Wheeler,) farmer 1. 

Merritt, Jesse, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 819. 

Miller, George, (Wheeler,) farmer 180. 

Myrtle, P. P., (Wheeler,) farmer 509 

Olmsted, Ambrose, (Avoca,) farmer SO. 

Olmsted, James E., (Avoca,) farmer ili. 

OLMSTED, JAMES P., (Avoca,) farmer 
135. " 

Overhlser, A. P., (Wheeler,) farmer 88>f . > 

Overhiser, C. A., (Avoca,) farmer 160. 

Paddock, Andrew J., (Avoca,) farmer 73. 

Pelham, John, (Bath,) farmer 60. 

Pierce, William, (Avoca,) farmer 105. 

POTTER, SENECA A., (Prattsburgh,) far- 
mer 100. 

Powers, Israel, (Avoca,) farmer 54K. 

Fntman, George, (Avoca,) farmer 150. 

Putman, John H., (Avoca,) farmer 160. 

Ouick, Cyrus, (Wheeler,) farmer 80. 

RAYMOND, J. W., (Wheeler,) (wi«ajr. 8.,) 
farmer 100. 

RAYMOND, N. S., (Wheeler,){wti!A J. Tf.,) 
farmer 100. 

Raymond, Orville^Wheeler,) farmer 156. 

Reynolds, Clark, (Wheeler,) farmer 50. 

Rice, Samuel, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

RICHARDS, GEO., (Avoca.) 

Richards, Hezekiah, (Avoca.) farmer 5. 

Richards, Theron P., (Bath,) book agent 
and farmer 12>j. 

ROBORDS, JOHN, (Avoca,) cheese fac- 

Rose, E., (Wheeler,) farmer 884. 

ROSE, NATHAN, (Wheeler,) farmer 150.' 

ROSE, S. H., (Kanona,) assessor and far- 
mer 875. 

Scot, Robert, (Prattsburgh,) farmer 100. 

Searls, L. R., (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

Series, John W., (Wheeler,) farmer 300. 

SERLES, WILLET* (Wheeler,) farmer 163. 

Seydam, Henry, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
mer 142>i. , 

Shader, Adam, (Wheeler,) (with Jamei^ 
farmer 146. 

Shader, James, (Wheeler,) carpenter and 
joiner and (with Adam,) farmer 146. 

SHADT, ABRAHAM, (Avoca,) farmer 100. 

8HAUT, ISAAC, (Avoca,) fanner 330. 

Shaut, Mary Mrs., (Avoca,) farmer 107. 

SHAtTT, PETER, (Avoca,) farmer 193. 

Shults, A. J., (Kanona,) farmer 196. 

SHULTS, FLORA Z., (Wheeler,) school 

SILLYMAN, JAMES W., (Hammond's 

Port,) farmer. 
Bilijrman, Lewis, (Wheeler,) farmer 35. 
Smith, Oren, (Avoca,) fiirmer 800. 
Squires, Henry, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Steller, Jeremiah, (Avoca,) farmer 108. 
Stevens, Daniel, (Avoca,) farmer 146. 
8TICKNEY, JULIUS, (Wheeler,) farmer. 

Storm, Celia, (Avoca,) fkrmer 260. 

Stratton, George W., (Hammond's Port,) 
farmer 18. 

Stratton, Stephen, (Wheeler,) fanner 33. 

Streight, Asa, (Wheeler,) farmer 102. 

STREIGHT, JAMES P., (Wheeler,) me- 
chanic and farmer 185. 

Strong, Ezra, (Avoca,) farmer 54. 

Sturdevant, Edward M., (Wheeler.) far- 
mer 135. 

Sumner, William, (Hammond's Port,) far- 
Taylor, J. W., (Wheeler,) farmer 166. 

Thompson, Daniel D., (Wheeler,) farmer 

Thompson, Jacob, (estate,) (Wheeler,) far- 
mer 150. 

Thompson, Joel, (AvocaJ farmer 100. 

THOMPSON, JOHN W., (Wheeler,) far- 



ThompBon, Orville, (Avoca,) farmer 150. 

Thompson, William B., (Whoeler,) farmer 

TEKNCHAKD, FRANK, (Wh&ler,) far- 
mer 84. 

Trenchard, W. H., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 

Tnbb, Chancy, (Avoca,) farmer 50. • 

Vandewarkin, Jacob, (Avoca,) farmer SO. 

Wagner, John H., (Avoca,) farmer 80. 

WA(JNBR, SIMEON, (Avoca,) farmer 600. 

Ward, John & Son, (Kanona,) (Orlando.) 
farmer 895. 

Ward, Orlando, (Kanona,) (John Ward A 


Warner, N., (Hammond's Port,) carpenter. 

Webh, John, (Wheeler,) farmer 110. 

WELCH, JAMES, (Avoca,) farmer 50. 

Welch, Luther, (Avoca,) farmer m'i. 

WELCH, R. D., (Avoca,) farmer Sljtf. 

Wells, Weesner, (Wallace,) farmer 100. 
Wheaton, Marietta, (Wheeler,) farmer 18. 
Wheeler, Addison, (Wheeler,) termer 270. 
WHEELER, D. D., (Wheeler,) farmer 834. 
Wheeler Estate, (Bath,) (James 0„ Almra, 

Eliza, Clara and Henrietta,) 700 acres. 
Wheeler, Q. H.-, (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

Wheeler, John, (Wheeler,) farmer 126. 
Wheeler, S., (Wheeler,) (estate) 104. 
Wheeler,. Silas P., (Prattsburgh,) farmer 83. 
Williams, Mary H. Mrs., (Wheeler,)farmer 5. 

farmer 2J<. 
Willour, Henry, (Avoca,) farmer 90. 
Wraight, Caroline. (Avoca,) farmer 97>^. 
Wrenchan, George, (Wheeler,) lumberman 

and farmer 1298. 
Wygant, D. M., (Hammond's Port,) farmer 

WYGANT, LEWIS P., (Hammond's Port,) 

farmer 140. 

(Post Office Addresses in Parentheses.) 

Adams, Grin, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 65. 
Adams, William, (South Addison,) farmer 

Allen, Civillian, (Woodhnll,) farmer leases 

Allen, Thomas, (Rathboneville,) farmer 

Allen, Thomas A., (Woodhnll,) farmer 150. 
Allen, William, (WoodhuU,) farmer 140. 
Andrns, John S., (Woodhnll,) fanner 74. 
Andrns, Lewis LyjWoodhull,) farmer 100. 
Arnold, Simon, (WoodhnlL) farmer 117. 
ATWOOD, URIAL, (Woodhnll,) builder. 
Baker, Daniel G.,(Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 64. 

farmer 210 and leases of Henry Wom- 

boagh 180. 
Barker, Charles, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 124. 
Barker, George M., (WoodhuU,) carpenter 

and joiner. 

farmer 96. 

Bates, Daniel, (South Addison,) farmer 

Baxter, Charles F., (Woodhnll,) farmer 72. 

Baxter, Henry H., (WoodhuU,) fiirmer 100. 

Baxter, OrrinB., (WoodhuU,) general mer- 

BAXTER, PHILO A., (WoodhuU,) (Baxter 

Baxter, PhUo N.,(WoodhnlI,) express agent. 

BAXTER & SPENCER; (WoodhuU,) (Pfiilo 
A. Baxter and Charles J. Spencer,) 
merchant millers and lumber dealers, 
. Mill. 

Beardsley, Gideon J., (East WoodhuU,) 
carpenter and farmer 80. 

Bebout, Stephen, (WoodhuU,) farmer 115. 

Beebe, Nathan, (HedgesviUe,) cabinet 

Bingham, Porter R., (WoodhuU,) farmer 

Blackman, Anson, (WoodhuU,) farmer 40. 
Blain, Samuel W., (WoodhuU,) carpenter 

and farmer 50. 
Blind, Clarissa Mrs., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 60. 
Boldman, James, (South Addison,) farmer 

Bosard, Peter, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 110. 
Bost, Joseph M., (South Addison,) farmer. 
Bottum, Walter C, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) cooper and farmer 22. 
Bowen, Benjamin, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 67. 
Bowen, Joseph, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

carpenter and farmer leases 130. 
BOYD, ROBERT A., (WoodhuU,) fiirmer 90. 
Boyl, David M., (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 125. 
Bradley, Luther, (WoodhuU,) farmer leases 

Brady, James B., (WoodhuU,) farmer 50. 
Brees, Orville, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.) 

farmer 40. 



Brewer, John M., (WoodhuU,) farmer 100. 
Brewer, John W., (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 
Brong, Jamea E., (Woodhull,) wagon ma- 
Brown, Clark, (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 
Brown, Clark W., (Woodhull,) blacksmith. 
BEOWN, ELIHU T., (Woodhull,) phy- 
sician, Main st. 
Brown, Jeremiah, (Woodhull,) farmer 220. 
Brown, Sylvester G., (Woodhnll,) farmer 

BBOWNELL, ASA, (East Woodhull,) far- 
mer 10. . 
BUCHANAN, JOHN J., (Woodhull,) har- 
ness maker and carriage trimmer, 
Buck, David, (Woodhull,) farmer 167. 
Bullen, William, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 75. 
Burley, Lafayette P., (Woodhull,) propri- 
etor of saw mill and farmer 130. 
Butler, Daniel, (Woodhull,) carpenter and 

joiner and farmer 62. 
CaiDj John, (Woodhull,) farmer 117. 
Calkins, Cha'rles, (Woodhull,) farmer 93, 

farmer 272. 
Carpenter, Willis, (Woodhull.) farmer Vmyi. 
Castle, Eri, (East Woodhull,) postmaster 

and farmer 70. 
Champlin, Edward, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 5. 
Champlin, Elisha, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 46. 
Chapman, Ebenezer J., (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 70. 
Chapman. Josiah, (Woodhull,) farmer 135. 
Christian, James, (South Addison,) far- 
met 30. 
Cilley, Horace B., (Osceola, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 80.- 
Clark, Eleazer, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 117. 
Clark, Leander, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 62>4. 
Clark, Manville, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 65. 
Cobb, Daniel H., (Woodhull,) principal 

Woodhull Academy. 
Cole, John D., (Woodhull,) farmer 119. 
Colgrove, Albert, (Woodhull,) cabinet ma- 
Colgrove, Andrew, (Woodhull,) (wiih Da- 

vid A.^ farmer 60. 
COLGROVE, DAVID A., (Woodhull,) (liiith 

Andrew,) farmer 60. 
Collins, Richard, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 55. 

Colvin, Caleb, (East Woodhnll,) farmer 25. 
Colvin, Christopher, (Woodhull,) farmer 

Colvin, Emmet, (Woodhnll,) carpenter and 

Colvin, Stephen, (Woodhnll,) farmer 75. 
Cook, Charles, (Woodhull,) farmer leases 

Cook, Daniel B., (South Addison,) book 

agent and farmer 75. 
Cook, Jerome W., (Woodhull,) farmer 35. 
Cornell, Flagrer, (South Addison,) farmer 

Cornwell, A., (WoodhuU,) general mer- 
chant. Main. 

Cornwell, M. B. Miss, (Woodhull,) milli- 
ner and dress maker. 

Coryell, David, (Woodhull,) farmer 120. 

Coryell, JosiahD., (Woodhull,) farmerl20. 

Costolq, Michael, (Woodhull,) farmer 107. 

COWLEY, D WIGHT K., (Woodhull,) jew- 
eler, news agent and variety store, 

CROCKER, GEORGE E., (Woodhull,) 

( Warner & Crocker.) < 
Dailey, Joseph, (Woodhull,) farmer 37. 
Dawley, Hosea, (Woodhull,) farmer 62>^. 
Dawley, Enth B. Mrs., (Woodhull,) farmer 

DAWSON, WM. H., (Woodhull,) dealer in 

fine wool sheep and farmer 255. 
Beats, Henry, (Bast Woodhull,) lumber- 
man and farmer 92. 
Deats, Peter, (East Woodhnll,) lumberman 

and farmer. 
Delamater, Abram, (South Addison,) farmer 

De Long, Franklin, (Woodhull,) (.with W. 

De Long.) 
Delong, William, (Woodhull,) farmer 75. 
Doharty, Peter, (Woodhull,) shoemaker. 
Dorance, Lester, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

farmer 60. 
Durkin, John, (Woodhull,) farmer 125. 
Edward, A. J. C, (Woodhull,) lawyer. 
Edwards, George, (Woodhull,) farmer 122. 
Edwards. George & Co., (Woodhull,) (Ste- 
phen^ building movers. 
EDWARDS, OSMEE W., (Woodhull,) land 

EDWARDS, STEPHEN, (Woodhull,)build- 

ing mover. 
Edwards, Stephen, (Jasper,) (Gfeorge Ed- 
wards & Co.) 
Edwards, William 8., (Woodhull,) shoe- 
Everitt, Lewis H.,(Woodhull,)farmer leases 

Everts, Abel, (South Addison,) carpenter 

and farmer 160. 
Everts, Henry, (East Woodhnll,) farmer 55. 
Everts, Silas, (East Woodhnll,) farmer 76. 
Penton, Joseph, (Woodhull,) general mar- 
Fenton, Norman, (Woodhull,) farmer 50. 
Fenton, Velona, (Woodhull,) farmer 30. 
Fisk, Bphraim, (Woodhull,) farmer 72. 
Fisk, Horace, (WoodhuU,) farmer leases 

Foofe, Albert, (South Addison,) farmer 58. 
Foote, Alvinza, (South Addison,) farmer 70. 
Foster, Alonzo H., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 108. 
Freelind, Abraham, (WoodhuU,) cooper 

and farmer l}^. 
French, Ira, (Woodhnll,) farmer 68. 
Falkerson. Joseph, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 125 and leases 12S. 
Fults, Harvey D., (Woodhull,) farmer 154. 
Gardner, Daniel, (Woodhull.) farmer 100. 
Gee, Edward, (East Woodhull,) farmer 121. 
Gee, Ephraim, (South Addison.) fermer 60. 
GEE, JOHN T., (WoodhuU,) farmer 184. 
Gee, Joshua, (WoodhuU,) farmer 145. 
Gee, Silas, (WoodhuU,) farmer 50. 
Gibbs, Edward H., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 81. 
GoodseU, Charles, (South Addison,) farmer 



Goald, Thomaa H., (Woodhull,) carpenter, 
joiner and farmer 100. 

Gould, William H., (Woodhnll,) farmer 50. 

Greengrase; James, (Woodhull,) farmer 130. 

GKISWOLD, CHESTER M., (Woodhull,) 
saddler. Main st. 

Guild, Aaron, (Souii Addison,) farmer 

Hallock, Ahram, (Woodhull,) farme* 60. 

Hallock, Gabriel S., (Woodhull,) farmer 25. 

Hamilton, James w., (South Addison,) 
shoemaker and farmer 30. 

Hand, Owen B., (South Addison,) farmer 

Harder, Ezra F., (East WoodhulU farmer. 

Harder, Peter E., (East Woodhull,) farmer 

Harris, Hiram, (South Addison,) farmer 81. 

dison,) farmer 360. 

HARRISON, SALMON, (South Addison,) 
justice of the peace, sawmill and far- 
mer 268. 

Harwood, Francis E., (HedgesvlUe,) shoe- 

JIathaway, Mahlon D., (Woodhull,) farmer 

Herrick, Lewis, (Woodhull,) shoemaker. 

HERRINGTON, CALEB G., (Osceola, Ti- 
oga Co., Pa.,) farmer 44. 

Herrington, Jeremiah,(OBceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer leases 160. 

Hibhard, Isaac, (WoodhulU farmer 115. 

Hoglin, John, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 30 and leases of L. Hoglin 85. 

HOLDEN & REED, (Addison,) proprietors 
of steam saw mill, manufacturers of 
extract of Hemlock and farmers 600. 

Holmes, Tyler D., (Woodhull,) farmer 

Hopper, John,' (Woodhull,) farmer 136. 

Houghtaling, David, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 84. 

Houghtaling, William, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 100. 

Howard, Harlow, (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 

Howard, Heman, (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 

Howard, William, (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 

Humphrey, Joseph V., (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 826. 

Hurd, Orville A., (South Addison,) farmer 

Hnsted, Abram, (Woodhnll,) farmer 75. 

Husted, Charles H., (Woodhull,) farmer 45. 

Hasted, Clark, (Woodhull,) cooper. 

Husted, George O., (Woodhull,) farmer 182. 
. Husted, William, (Woodhull,) farmer 50. 

Hyer, Norman, (Woodhull,) farmer it. 

Johnson, Hiram, (South Addison,) farmer 

Johnson, Isaiah, (South Addison,) black- 

Johnson, John M., (Woodhull,) r^ired far- 

Johnson, Thomas S., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 61. 

Johnson, Wilkinson W., (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 140.' t ~ 

JOHNSON, WM. S., (Woodhull,) farmer 5. 

Jones, Daniel, (South Addison,) farmer 35. 

Jones, George W., (Woodhull,) black- 
smith and farmer 60. 

Jones, John M., (Woodhnll,) clothing meN 
chant, cor. Main and Mill. 

Kent, Henry, (Woodhnll,) farmer 125. 

Kent, Stephen,^ (Woodhull,) farmer 110. 

KINNEY, ANDREW S., (Jasper,) {with 
Barnabas,) farmer 100. 

KINNEY, BARNABAS, (Jasper,) (with 
Andrew S. ,) farmer 100. 

Kittle, Chester, (South Addison,) farmer 

Kittle, George, (South Addison,) farmer 50. 

Kline, James, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 75. 

Knox, Charles A., (Hedgesville,) prop. 
HedgesvlUe Mills and farmer 100. 

Lamson, Leonard S., (Woodhull,) farmer 

Laning, John, (East Woodhnll,) proprie- 
tor of saw mill and farmer 50. 

LANNING, W. B., (Woodhull,) farmer 76. 

Lattimore, John C, (Woodhull,) farmer 

Lawrence, George, (Woodhull,) farmer 80. 

Lawrence, J. Blanchard, (Woodhull,) dent- 
ist, cor. Mill and Main. 

LEACH, CORTLAND, (Woodhull,) farmer 

Leech, Ichahod C, (Woodhull,) retired 

Lewis, Milton, (Elkland, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
former 100. 

Lines, Charles, (Woodhnll,) carpenter and 

Long, Eli, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) far- 
mer 53. 

Lunger, Abram R., (South Addison,) farmer 

Lyon, Asher H., (Woodhnll,) farmer 160. 

Lyon, Cordelia Mrs., (Woodhnll,) farmer 

Lyon, David, (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 

Mack, B. Franklin, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) fermer 138. 

Mack, George, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 40. 

Maddison, Cummins, (East Woodhull,) 
farmer 20. 

Malunney, John, (South Addison,) farmer 

Marauville, Asa, (Woodhnll,) farmer 25. 

Marlatt, Andrew J., (Woodhnll,) carpenter 
and builder. 

Marlatt, Christopher, (Woodhull,) farmer 

Marlatt, Frank, (Woodhull,) farmer 85. 

MARLATT, HAMILTON, (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 660, and (with John 0. and Wll- 
eon,) 400. 

Marlatt, John 6., (Woodhull,) (with Hamil- 
ton and Wilson,) farmer 400. 

Marlatt, Willard, (Woodhnll,) fiirmer 80. 

Marlatt, Wilson, (Woodhull,) (xoith John 
G. and Bamiltbn,) farmer 400. 

MARVIN, JOSEPH, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer. 

Mason, Robert H., (Woodhull,) hardware 

MASTEN, ABRAM S., (Woodhull,) car- 

Masten, Peter, (Woodhull,) lawyer. 

Mateney, Patrick, (Woodhull,) farmer 110. 

Mathews, William H., (Woodhull,) farmer 

Matson, Harmon P., (Woodhnll,) farmer 



McCaig, John B., (Woodhnll,) draggiat, 
cor. Main and Mill. 

McCarthy, James, (Woodhnll,) farmer 66. 

McDanielB, O. N., (Woodhull,) farmer 66. 

McPHE, JOHN, (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 

Meads, John, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Fa.,) 
farmer 60. 

Mericle, Charles, (South Addison,) farmer 

Merritt, Nathaniel, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.j (with Mre. Sencord.) 

Miher, William P., (Woodhnll,) farmer 140. 

Millard, Philo, (Woodhull,) retired farmer. 

Miller, Albert P., (Woodhull,) farmer 160. 

Miller, John S., (East Woodhull,) farmer 

Miller, Sarah C. Miss, (Woodhull,) milli- 
ner. Main. 

Morehouse, Joseph C, (Woodhull,) farmer 
183. . 

Morehouse, William, (Woodhull,) farmer 
leases 75. 

Morgan, Coral W., (South Addison,) (with 
tVeieritk D.,) farmer, 850. 

Morgan, Frederick D., (South Addison,) 
(with Coral Tf.,) farmer 360. 

Morison, Lucinda Mrs., (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 7%. 

Mosher, William H., (Hedgesville,) miller, 

Myers, Eliza A. Mrs., (South Addison,) 
farmer 44. 

Nash, Emery, (Woodhull,) (ifiwA tH Wil- 

Nash & Williams, (Woodhull,) (Emery 
Nash and Horatio Williams,) boots and 

Newell, Sanford, (Hedgesville,) blacksmith 
and farmer 7X. 

Newton, Luther, (Woodhull,) farmer 80. 

Northrup, Benedict, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 60. 

Northrup, George T., (South Addison,) 
farmer 186. 

Northrup, James B., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 122>i. 

Northrup, Warren, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 50. 

ODSON, THOMAS, (Woodhull,) farmer 

. IH. 

Olin, Franklin, (Woodhull,) (MiiiA Wm. W.,) 
farmer 121V. 

Olin, William W.,(Wooiha\l,)(withIYank- 
lin,) farmer 121K. 

OLMSTED, SAMUEL, (HedgesTille,) gen- 
era] merchant and postmaster. 

Orton, Andrew J., (Jasper,) farmer 66. 

Parcels, George, (South Addison,) farmer 

Parcels, John W., (South Addison,) farmer 

Parigo, William, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 56. 

Parker, -iohn A., (Woodhull,) farmer 100. 

PAESONS, RICH AED, (Woodhull,) (Wm. 
Parsons & Son.) 

PAHSONS, WM. & SON, (Woodhull,) 

(Bichard,) tanners. 
Paul, Andrew, (Woodhull,) farmer 65. 
Paul, George, (East Woodhull,) farmer 50. 
Paul, William, (Bast Woodhull,) farmer 

PAYNE BROTHERS, (Woodhull,) (Levi 
V. and Worcester,) carriage and black- 
smith shop, Addison street.. 

PATNB, LEVI v., (Woodhull,) (Payne 

PAYNE, WORCBSTBE,(Woodhull,)(Pay>i« 

Perry, Morris J., (Woodhull,) farmer 12. 

Perry, Nathan S., jiHedgesville,) farmer 73. 

Perry, Nelson, (Woodhull,) post master 
and farmer 170. 

Perry, Wheeler, (HedgesTille.) farmer 169. 

Perry, Whittington H., (Hedgesville,) far- 
mer 73. 

Perry, Worcester, (Hedgesville,) farmer 170. 

Persons, George, (Woodhull,) farmer 40. 

Fierce, Nathaniel C, (Hedgesville,) farmer 

Pomeroy, Grove, (Woodhull,) farmer 72 and 
leasBs of S. Mandeville, l25. 

Putman, Theodore, (Woodhull,) farmer 50. 

Eeed, , (Addison,) (Holden & Reed.) 

Eice, Nelson, (Woodhull,) farmer 80. 

Eichards, Jared G., (South Addison,) far- 
mer leases 112. 

Robinson, Asher E:, (South Addison,) far- 
mer leases 6. 

Eoche, James, (Woodhull,) farmer 60. 

ROCHE, RO BEET, (Woodhull,) farmer. 

Royl, Amos, (Woodhull.) farmer 100. 

Sample, John, (WoodhullO farmer 66. 

Sample, John Jr., (East Woodhull,) farmer. 

Sooonover, Bengwright, (Osceola, Tioga 
Co., Pa.,) farmer 66. 

Schoonover, Frederick O., (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 38. 

Seacord, Catharine Mrs., (Osceola, Tioga 
Co., Pa.,) farmer 60. 

Seeley, Albert H., (Woodstock,) physician. 

dison,) farmer leases of P. Sensabaugb, 

Sensabaugb, Peter Eev., (South Addison,) 
M. E. clergj'man. 

Sharpe, Phebe, (Woodhull,) farmer 37. 

Sherwood, William M., (Woodhull,) school 
' commissioner and &rmer 200. 

Shirley, Sidney, W., (Woodhull,) cabinet 

SIMONSi CALEB. (South Addison,) car- 
penter and farmer 50. 

Simons, Eichard, (Woodhull,) farmer 50. 

Simons, Samuel, (Woodhull,) carpenter 
and fanner 30. 

Simons, Warren, (South Addison,) farmer ' 

Sly, William H.,(Woodhull.) farmer 105. 

Smith, Alfred, (Woodhull,) lumberman and 
farmer 120. 

SMITH, ANDREW S., (Woodhull,) justice 
of the peace. 

Smith, Azariah, (Woodhull,) farmer 120. 

Smith, Eddy H., (Woodhull,) farmer 190. 

SMITH, EDWIN F., (Woodhull,) (Wm. B. 
Stephens <k Co.) 

Smith, Jeffrey, (Woodhull,) farmer 200. 

Smith,, Joseph, (South Addison,) farmer 

Smith, Ransom, (Osceola, Tioga Co,, Pa.,) 

farmer 26. 
SFENCEE, CHARLES J., (Woodhull,) 

(Baxter <k Spencer.) 
SPOOR, ADDISON, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 

Pa.,) farmer 75. 

Sprague, Alonzo H., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 75. 



Sprague, AmoB, (South Addison,) (with 
Saniel Welch,) farmer 84. 

Sprague, Bei^jamin, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 30. 

Squire, Isaac H., (Woidhull,) farmer 60. 

Stafford, Thomas, (South Addison,) farmer 

Stearns, John H., (WoodhuU,) Western 

Stearns, John W., (Woodhnll,) prop, of 
Western Hotel. 

Steere, Enoch M., (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer IDS'. 

( Wm. H. Stephens & Co.) 

STEPHENS, WM. H. & CO., (WoodhuU.) 
{Bract w. Stephens and Edwin Y. 
Smith,) carding and cloth dressing, 
MiU street. 

Stewart, James M., (Woodhnll,) farmer 65. 
• Stone, Joel, (Woodhnll,) farmer 340. 

Stone, Thomas P., (WoodhuU,) farmer 60. 

Stone, T. P. Mrs., (WoodhuU,) photograph- 

Strate, Abner, (Woodhnll,) farmer 25. 

S:rate, Abram, (WoodhuU,) farmer 75, 

Stratton, Horace, (WoodhuU,) farmer T5. 

Stricland, Samuel, (HedgesvUle,) black- 

Stroud, Edward L., (WoodhuU,) farmer 9S. 

Stroud, BUzabeth, (WoodhuU,) farmer 60. 

Stroud, Jacob P., (WoodhuU,) farmer 167. 

Stroud, Jeffry, (WoodhuU,) farmer 50. 

Stroud, John, (WoodhuU,) farmer 84. 

Stroud, John M., (WoodhuU,) farmer 1S3. 

Stroud, J. P., (WoodhuU,) general mer- 

Stroud, Robert, (WoodhuU,) farmer 63. 

Stroud, William, (WoodhuU,) farmer 50. 

Stryker, George A., (WoodhuU,) farmer 7. 

STBYKEE, PETER, (WoodhuU,) farmer 

Stiyker, WUson H., (WoodhuU,) farmer 60. 

Sullivan, John, (WoodhuU,) farmer 25. 

Sullivan, Patrick^WoodhuU.) farmer 40. 

Swarts, Halsey, (WoodhuU,) farmer 80, 

Taylor, Silas, (Blkland, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 60. 

Tenbroeck, Hiram, (WoodhuU,) farmer 114. 

Tenbroeck, Jeremiah E., (WoodhuU,) com- 
mission merchant and farmer 140. 

Thomas, David, (WoodhuU,) farmer 50. 

Thomas, Samantha Mrs., (WoodhuU,) far- 
mer 60. 

Thomas, Sylvenns, (WoodhuU,) farmer 70. 

Thompson, David. (WoodhuU.) farmer 40. . 

THOUNTON, OLIVBR R., (Elkland, Tio- 
ga Co., Pa.,) farmer 78. 

Toles, Linus, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 50. 

Towner, Gesler, (WoodhuU,) farmer 50. 

Towsley, William H., (East WoodhuU,) 
farmer 41X. , , , 

Trumble, Homer, (South Addison,) farmer 

TubbB, Benjamln,(Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer. „. „ 

Tabbs, Benson 2d, (Oseeola, Tioga Co., 
Pa,,) farmer 45. „ „ , 

Tabbs, Hugh, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

Tnbbs, James H., (WoodhuU,) farmer 63. 

Tubbs, James R.,(OBceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
&rmer 150. 

Tubbs, John, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) far- 
mer 30. 

Tubbs, Samuel, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 

Tnbbs, Silas G., (WoodhuU,) general mer- 
chant. Main. 

Tuhbs, WHliam T.jfWoodhuU,) farmer 150. 

Tubbs, WiUiam W., (WoodhuU,) farmer 

Tucker, Edward M., (South Addison,) far- 
mer 206. 

Tuttle, Ceylon, (Woodhnll,) farmer 136. 

Tuttle, Phineas, (Woodhull,) oyster saloon 
and farmer 60. 

Underwood, Eliab, (WoodhuU,) farmer 125. 

UTTER, ALBERT, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.O farmer 62X. 

Utter, Jesse, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) far- 
mer 62. 

Vancise, Thomas, (Osceola, Tioga Co., Pa.,) 
farmer 95. 

Vanoredale, Ami, (WoodhuU,) farmer 78. 

Yastbinder, Frank, (Osceola, ■ Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 100. 

Vastbiiider, PhUlip, (Osceola, Tioga Co., 
Pa.,) farmer 126. 

Walker, John D., (South Addison,) farmer. 

Walker, Leonard C, (South Addison,) far- 
mer 85. 

Walker, Newton, (South Addison,) farmer 

Warden, John, (Woodhnll,) farmer 50. 

WARNER & CROCKER^ (WoodhuU,) (Je- 
rome S. Warner and Geo. B. Crocker,) 
iron founders, Mill. 

Warher, Ebenezer, (WoodhuU,) mason and 
farmer 4ft 

WARNER, FRANCIS, (WoodhuU,) farmer 

WARNER, JEROME S., (WoodhuU,)— 
( Warner dk Crocker.) 

Warner, Stebbins, (WoodhuU,) druggist 
and farmer 15. 

Watson, Hazard, (South Addison,) farmer 

Welch, Daniel, (South Addison,) (with 
Amos Sprague,) farmer 84. 

Welch, Hiram,. (South Addison,) farmer 

Welch, Isaiah H., (South Addison,) farmer 

Whipple, Leander, (South Addison,) car- 
penter and farmer 1 . 

Whltd, Johh, (WoodhuU,) (with Sylvester,) 
farmer 48. 

Whitd, Sylvester, (WoodhuU,) (with John,) 
farmer 48. 

WUoox, Alfred W., (WoodhuU,) general 

Wilcox, Charles E., (WoodhuU,) (with 
Amos W. Wiicosi.) 

Wildrick, Charles, (Woodhull,) farmer 123. 

WUdrick, WUliam, (WoodhuU,) stock drov- 
' er and farmer 150. ~ 

Wildrick, Wm. L., (WoodhuU,) stock 
drover and farmer 150. 

Wilhelm, Charles, (WoodhuU,) carpenter. 

WUhelm, Albert, (WoodhuU,) farmer 40. 

WiUhelm, Ira, (WoodhuU,). (aittt Jacob,) 
farmer 37 and leases 62ji, 

WiUhelm, Jacob, (WoodhuU,) (with Ira,) 
farmer 37 and leases 63>i, 

WiUiams, Dorastus H., (East WoodhuU,) 
fiirmer 116. 




Dr. Wm. R. Hunter, Surgical and 
Mechanical Dentist, Jasper, N. Y., pub- 
lishes a card on page 190. Those who are 
BO unfortunate as to lose the teeth which 
nature has given them can here be supplied 
with any desirable pattern. Dr. Hunter 
will spare no pains to render his work sat- 

J. E. Seelisy, OT. D., Homeopathic 
Physician and Surgeon, 155X Main street, 
Hornellsville, N. YT, publishes a card on 
page 190. I'hose who prefer that system 
of practice will find Dr. Seeley able to treat 
them in th« most satisfactory manner, and 
ready at all times of night or day to piinis- 
ter to their necessities. Give him a call. 

The Corning Democrat is pub- 
Jished at Corning, Steuben Co., N. Y., by 
Frank B. iirown and Daniel E. De Voe. 
It has an cxten8i\'e circulation in Steuben 
and adjoining counties and advocates the 
principles of the Democracy with an able 
pen. The Job Officein connection with the 
paper, contains a good assortment of ma- 
terials for executing -all w«i3c intrusted to 
its enterprising proprietors. See card on 
page 143. 

R. S. Curtis, dealer in Furniture and 
Undertaker, No. B9 Main street, Hornells- 
ville, N. Y., publishes a card on page 1S4. 
Mr. Curtis beeps constantly on hand a large 
and elegant assortment of frirnitare for the 
parlor, chamber or kitchen, which he will 
sell at reasonable prices. Everything usu- 
ally found in a first-class undertakSig es- 
tablishment is kept constantly on ha^d. 
Mr. Cnrtis has an elegant Hearse which will 
be furnished to order. Give him a call. 

W. N. Ormsby, dealer in Groceries 
«nd Provisions, Troupsburgh, N. Y., ad- 
vertises on page 190. His stock of family 
groceries is large and of such a quality as 
to give general satisfaction. Give him a 
call ; you cannot do better. Mr. O. rs also 
tt general Insurance Agent. 

-.Mrs. O. R. JennesB, Fashionable 
-Milliner, Market street, Corning, N. Y., 
keeps constantly on hand a general assort- 
ment of the most fashionable goods which 
she will sell at reasonable rates. Hats and 
Bonnets cleaned, dyed and altered lo the 
latest styles. Call and see for yourselves. 
See card on page 190. 

.David S. TTagener, dealer in all 
kinds of Grape Vines, Pulteney, Steuben 
Co., N. Y,, advertises on page 208. Mr. 
Wagener has a fine assortment of the best 
varieties of Vines, and of the best quality, 
which he will sell at prices to suit the 
times. Those who purchase of him may 
rely on getting the article represented, as 
an are warranted genuine. He has a splen- 
did lot of lona and Israella, which are 
favorites of some. Give him a call and 
f?ilt yon^elf a supply of this luscions 

"Wm. Ij. Sutton, the proprietor of 
the well known Photograph Gallery at lia 
Main street, Hornellsville, N. Y., adver- 
tises on page 198. This establishment has 
been in successful operation for twelve 
years, and thousands can testify to the ex- 
cellence of his pictures. Mr. S. is prepared 
to take pictures in all styles, and guarantees 
satisfaction in all cases. Call •and.fSee his 
assortment whether you wish pictures or 

Faircblld Brotbers advertise their 
celebrated Grape Box on page 198. This 
box is ackn.owledged by those who have 
used it to be far superior to any other iu 
use. It is light, neat and the safest for 
transportation. For particulars see card 
and address Fairchild Brothers, Ham- 
mond's Port, Steuben Co., N. Y. 

Hoirell & Barron, dealers in all 
kinds of Hardware, 181/iberty Street, Bath, 
N. Y., keep a laree and well selected as- 
sortment and do the heaviest business 
of any Hardware Store in town. They 
have the exclusive sale of the celebrated 
American Cooking Stove, Littlefield's Base 
Burning Morning Glory, for coal, and 
Lane's Base Burning Parlor Stove, for 
wood. These stoves are unsurpassed by 
any now in use, and the rapid sales indicate 
tha,t they are eveijwhere appreciated. 
Messrs. Howell & Barron are honorable 
men and will deal fairly wiih all their cus- 
ofners. See card on page aOO, 

Dr. M. H. 'Wilcox, Surgical and 
Mechanical Dentist, Corning, W, Y., is 
prepared to perform all work in the best 
manner. Particular attention paid to fill- 
ing teeth and preserving them. Artificial 
teeth, from one to a full set, inserted and 
warranted to give satisfaction. Dr. Wilcox 
keeps a general assortment of Musical In- 
strnmenls on sale and to rent. Give him a 
call. See card, page IdOO. 

Tlie Addison Advertiser, pub- 
lished at Addison, Steuben County, JN. Y. 
has an extensive circulation iu Stenbuii 
and the adjoining counties in Pennsylvania 
Its columns are filled with local and gen- 
eral news, and olTers inducements to sub- 
scribers or advertisers not surpassed by 
any papers in the County. Messrs. John- 
sou & Roberts will make the paper worthy 
of an extensive patronage. See card va^o 

ap4. '^ " 

Harris C. Sawyer, Druggistjand 
News Dealer, 95 Loder street,' Horaells- 
ville, N. Y., keeps a choice vajiety of drugs, 
medicines, and all the articles usually found 
inia first-class Drug Store. Mr. Sawyer 
has bad an experience of more; than ten 
years, and thoroughly understand^ hisj bu- 
siness; and those who favor him with their 
patronage will find him an;'honorable and 
reliable man. His card appears on page 



WILLIAMS, 6E0KQE H., (Woodhull,) 
farmer 185. 

WaiiamB, Horatio, (Woodliull,) (Nash it 

Williams, Horatio S., (WoodlinU,) general 
agent and fiirmer 14. 

Willlama. John A., (Woodhull,) farmer 133. 

WILLIAMS, LESTEIR A., (Woodhull,) far- 
mer 91 . 

Williams, Miles, (Woodhull,) farmer 100 

and leases 263. 
Williams, Nathan, (Woodhull,) farmer. 
Williams, Noma P., (Woodhull,) farmer 


Williams, Beuben H., (Bast Woodhull,) 
farmer (with B. B. WUHams.) 

Wills, Charles H., (Woodhull,) farmer 132. 

Wilson, George 8., (Woodhull,) farmer 70. 

Wilson, John, (Woodhull,) termer 10. 

WILSON, MTKON P., (Woodhull,) black- 

Wilson, William, (Woodhull.) farmer 58. 

Wing, Charles B^ (Woodhull,) fanner 114. 

Wines, James, (Woodhull,) farmer 65. 

WOOD, LAtrzON S., (Woodhull,) farmer 


Wood, Theodore^fWoodhull,) farmer 66. 
Youngs, Robert W., (Bast Woodhull,) far- 
mer 108. 


Tbe Empire Stump inacblne, 

Johnson & English, proprietors. Corning, 
N. T., possesses many advantages over 
all other machines heretofore invented. 
It is simple in construction, light and du- 
rable, and is easily^ operated. Those who 
have used the machine speak in the highest 
terms of its capabilities, and, in unmistaka- 
ble terms, recommend it as superior to all 
others in use. It is easily moved from 
place to place, and can be used on uneven 
ground with little difficulty. The first pre- 
mium was awarded to this machine by the 
N. T. State Fair of 1867, and was endorsed 
by the American Institute farmers' Club 
in 1868. See cut of Machine on page 266. 

W. H. Fardy & Co., MneicBealers, 
19 Liberty Street, Bath, N. Y., publish a 
card on page 252. They keep a great variety 
of music and musical instruments which 
they vrill dispose of at prices to suit the 
times. Give them a call and you will test 
the truth of our statement. 

Tbe Dickinson House, at Corn- 
ing, Steuben County, N. Y., has for many 
years been the popular home of the travel- 
er. Notwithstanding its wide-spread popu- 
larity, its present proprietor, George W. 
Puller, still maintains the reputation of 
the house by his friendly greeting and his 
ever watchfiil care for the welfare of his 
guests. His father, D. A. Fuller, Esq., 
who has had many years experience as a 
landlord, is also connected with the hotels 
while his younger son ofiftciates as clerk. 
Take the Fullers together as managers, no 
duty will be overlooked and no guests will 
Siil of receiving proper attention, but will 
be made to feel at home. This House, for 
comfort and convenience, is unsurpassed 
by any in Western New York. It is located 
near the center of the village, a short dis- 
tance only from either Depot, and a porter 
is always on hand to convey baggage to 
and fl:om the Hotel free of charge. That 
the entire Fuller family may long retain 
their present popularity is the desire of all. 
See card, page 164. 

Cr. V, Case, Physician and Surgeon, 
Pultney, Steuben Co., N. Y., publishes a 
card on page 128. Doctor Case is ready at 
all times of the day or night to answer the 
calls of the afflicted and wUl take great 
pleasure in relieving their distresses. Give 
Mm a call if you must have a doctor. 

The great Dry Goods House of J. C. 
Ro1>le Sc Co. is a continuation of the 
oldest and best known House in Steuben 
County. The senior member, R. Robie, 
commenced business in 1830, and, although 
he has made changes since that time, yet 
by strict attention, fair and honest dealing, 
he has maintained the foremost rankamong 
the merchants of the country. During the 
panics of the last 40 years, this House has 
maintained itself and its Integrity, which 
many others failed to do. For a few years 
past the busineBB has been conducted by 
his sons, who have kept up the good repu- 
tation of former years. We need not com- 
ment on the amount of busiuess that this 
House does every year, but a reference to 
their card on page 64, will satisfy any one 
that they stand second to none in Western 
New York. 

C. E. Myers, of the Homellsville Gal- 
lery, No. 151 Main street, corner of Canis- 
teo, has fitted up rooms in superb style, 
where he is prepared to take pictures of 
all sorts and sizes in a manner to suit cus- 
tomers. A visit to his rooms will pay, 
even if you do not wish your picture taken. 
We cheerfully recommend all in want of 
pictures to give him a call, and if he cannot 
suit them they must be hard to please. His 
card appears on page 63. - 

Xbe Corning Journal, published 
by G. W. Pratt, was established more than 
twenty years ago, and under its present 
able management is growing in iiivor and 
popularity. In connection with the Jour- 
nal, the proprietor has one of the most ex- 
tensive job offices in the County, where he 
is prepared to execute all work intrusted 
to nis care in the best style of the art. Call 
at the Journal office for posters, business 
cards, bill beads &c. See card on page 124. 

ntessrs. n. S. Sc R. Ei. Harris, 
Hardware dealers, Cohocton, Steuben Co., 
N. Y., publish their card on page 824. They 
are an enterprising firm of young men, 
thoroughly underswnding their business in 
all its branches. Careful management, en- 
terprise, an interest in the wants of their 
customers, a large assortment of goods and 
low prices, have built them up an exten- 
sive and permanent trade in the short space 
of two years, and given their store an en- 
viable reputation among the older estab- 
lishments of the kind in the county. 




O I^ 1 .8 6 S . 



Addison,*. . . . 













Greenwood, . . 
Harts viUe, . . . 



Howard, . . 











West Union,. 




Changes since 





















VOTERS, 1865. 

































2232 232 63 728 



a a Q 









♦Rathbone erected from Addison, Cameron and Woodhnll. In 1866 
tTuscarora erected from Addison, in 1869. 




CgOI CO t-^ l-L lO (O t-t 

Winter Wlieat, 

bUBhels harveBted 



0Oa«OCO& _._. 

3 CC- M- iP- -^ -4 01 tE> «0 O tik. en 


it; !»; 


■' — -T'-^ -a Or go 00? I-" _- 

O OS to 

OOOOOiCO^.^ „,_ 






bnshelB harvested 


Indian Com, 

bushels barvested 



i<: a; 


bubbels harvested 


5 Oi o o o< 




pounds harvested 


i gS 

g; Sg 


pounds harvested 





i(^ ot or en 00 w •3-K) 01 Ki 4^ OS *a CO tU' S 

^ -D «o 0- 

n OS 00 CO •CI Or oa d 
- — -acocoooOQ 

- ■ J. cot-* 03* 



buBhelB narvested 




=D en eo J „ 




05 -a M. 

I-* JO CO 

Milch. Cows, 
number of, 1865. 






poundB made 


CO lb. 03 CO CO 09 

OikOOiOOifO -• ,. , _^-,,^. 


Horses, two years 
old and over, 1865. 




3 :o'i-i -1 cc I- 



number shorn, 



In addition to the above extracts we give the following totals for the County, as per 
returns for the several heads mentioned : — 

Cash Fo/t^o/Jftrms, 1865, $18,533,955;of/StocJ,186o,$3,664,286.B0; ot Tools andltmle- 
tnenis, 1865, $768,093.50; Acres Plowed, 1865, 106,962K i TansofHay, 1864, 103,531 ; WinJter 

.By«,bnsbels harvested in 1864, 18,3"°- "— '— ' — >--■-'- *-j =_ ..^.^ w, „.„.... ™_ 

acres sown, 1865, 2T3>i; Pounds c, 

108,787; TForiinfl' Caere, number in: , , 

4,630; Swine, number of pigs in 1865, 11,613: one year old and over, 1865, 14,053; slaugh- 
tered in 1864, 15,085; pounds of pork made, 1864, 3,034,800; Wool, pounds shorn, 1865, 
9a3,892X ; Sheep, npmber of lambs raised, 1865, 87,849 ; number killed by dogs, 1864. 717 • 
PoiMry, value owned, 1865, $33,657; value of eggs sold, 1864, $18,330.83; Fertilizers, 
value bought, 1864, $13,315.30 ; Domestic Manufactures, 1864, yards of fulled cloth, 8,099 ; 
yards of flannel, 33,664; yardsof linen, 16,334; yards of cotton and mixed goods, 3,703 ; 
Apples, number of trees in fruit, 1864, 286,949 ; barrels of cider, 1864, 6,370. 




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li ^2«^ 




h H O 


_j - "V"^i,lii.aul>Ie for- Freaservatioia.. 

^ GUIDE! ^ 



Directions for care of Piano Fortes ; 

« Calendar for 1869; 

Hints for Piircfeasing Mnsical InstrHraents ; 


Piano Fortes, Organs and Melodeons ; 

Information of Value to Musicians Generallf ; 

£iucl ailso 

A description of the Mammoth Wholesale and Re- 
tail Piano, Organ and Music Store of Redingtow & 
Howe, Syracuse, N. Y. 


' - »• - 


Published by Eedington <Ss Howe, No. 2 Wieting Block, (Salina St.) 

Uusic Fubliehers and Dealere. 

r ' : rrr- '^ 1 


\^-' 1 

L ' 1 PUAos. 

*"■ nii 1 jsteii'iwaf. 

Auburn Daily Adverliscr, 

1 Bau.ios, 

11 : 

' Bradbury Piaim, 

11 j Dunhaii'i, 

'', fl, 10 

i Burdott Organs, 

1-J Chickcriiijr, 


: Calendar for ISliii, 

-'Ji I Bradbury, 


; bampanella Organ. 
Central Co.'s Piano, 

i:5 j Central,' 

1 1 ! Hallet, Davis &, Co., 


(Jluokering Piaino, '•■ '' 

11 I MoCammon, _, , ;i ,,••, 


< ;hildron's Song. 

■Mi ,' Hazleton, " ,J 
■2<\ 1 Kaiven <fe BaeoLi. ,' '' 


< 'linrcli Organs, 

33 ; 

< Uiuroh Music Bool<s, 

27 1 Decker Brof , 


1 iCombination Organ, 




I jCounectiout Organ, 

-J, 2 



^Correspondence InviLcd. 



2» t 



GroVesleen ife Fuller, ' ' 

•2H ' 

.Dunham Piano, 

f. n, JO 

Pianos For Kent, 


,Estey Organs, 

l.i, 17 

Piano Polish, 


Favorable Terms, 


Piano Stoqls. 


lA Few Words about I'iaiiui, 


Popularity: o.f Dunham Plan*, 




Price List, Dunham, 




'■ Burdetto Orffan, 


God bless our KativeLand, 

■■'i> : ■' Estey Organ". 


:Guitarss ;' ; 
.Hallct, Davis & Co.'s Piiuo, 

.■ajll Publishing MupijC, ' 

; 281:; 

11 j Purchasing Instruments, 


Harmonic Attachment, 

1.1 1 Renting In.strument6, 


Hints for care of Pianos, 


Itochester Daily Union, 


'Honor in Manufsoturerai,- 


.-Keasons for buying of K. & H. 
Sabbath School Song, 
Seminaries Supplied, 


How to unpack Pianos, 
Loiter Bro^s Jewelery House, 





Manual Sub Bass, ' ; 


Sheet Music, 



Shoningor Orgail, i ; 


' '■ MELt)DEOKS. 

Singing Books, ' ' ' 
Situations for Teachers. 





: Bui'dctt, i^'-ii! 


So Far Away, (Song and Chorus, 
Steinway Piano, ! ' ' 

■)20 21 
., ' 11 

, , Corineeticu'l; '!'!)'■ 


Sunday School Singinsr Books. 


; 1 MoCammon Piano, 


Syracuse Datly Journa'l, 

C, 7 

j 1 Music Boxes, 


Syracuse Daily Standard, ■ 
'iS^dtfilse Daily Courier, 
Tempcrajicc Music, 


1 National Hymn, 
' Northern Christian Advocate 


, 7 


' ' Xotiebs of the Press, , . 

4, 5, 6, t 

Tricks of the Piano Ti-adc, 

, i'9. 

Tuning Pi^iios, • ■ 


, , OKGrAKS. 

Various Instruments, 


1 ^ ' ■ ' ' 

Violins, , ! ,' ! 


1 Burdott, 

13, 14 

Violin Strings, 


.1 Estcy, 


Vqse Piano, , . \ 


' Shoningor, 


Vox Celeste, 


, (Connecticut, 


Vox Humana Tremolo, 

1?, 15 

i ' Organs for Kciil, 


Vox Jubilantc, 


Oswego Daily Palladium, 


■:-W5eting3«U, ' :; " .: 

lli . 


■^^— _ii 

Redington & Howe's CATALoatrE. 


At the Wholesale Music Store of 

No. 2 Wieting Block, Salina St., Syracuse, N. Y. 

; Ist. — Purchasers find in our store mueh. the largest stock of Piano Fortes, Or- 
, gans, MelodBoms and Musical Merchandise to be met with any where in the State, 
outside of Kow York City. We offer another advantage : New York City Houses 
i keep only one Mater's instruments or their own., -Here you see eighteen. 
i ad.^You can sec the instrument you wi^h to buy, and know exactly its tone. 
I Persona at their homes are often indoiibt whether to buj; a Piano, Organ or Me- 
I lodeori. There are always great varieties in tone and finish. 
j 3d. — You can compare each instrument with those of several other makers, 
. thereby judging whafrwill suit you best. 

•tth. — You will find^ra* class instruzaents. We arc no experimental manufact- 

' urers. Wa select our entire stock from good reliable makers who are not ashamed 

to own their work, and will not allow the name of a dealer to be placed on their 

name boaj^ds as the manufacturer. We have no interest in any factory and no 

reason to recommend any instruni,en,t except for its reliability. 

5th. — Wo have exports in each department to test thoroughly all goods we sell. 
The purchases wS make are only of instruments selected expressly for oui- trade. 
6th.— We warrant perfect satisfaction to every purchaser. We have always 
done this through a successful busiiless experience of twelve years before com- 
ing to Syracuse. . 

Tth. — As we buy much more largely than any other House m the State, we 
buy 'cheaper. We give our customers the benefit of this. You save money. 

8th. We have the best wholesale facilities, so that we supply all classes of 

' dealers at the lowest Now York and Boston prices. We have the only Wlwle- 
\ sale, Agenpy for the Steinway Piano Forte in Central or Western New York. We 
i tan orcourse, retail at the lowest prices. 

1 9th.— We employ only the best tuners, who will, sqe to the rehability of m-, 
, struments after they leave our Ware Booms. Om- traveling agents will also assist 
in earing for insttuments'. .„ „ , , 

10th. If you want Icm priced, instrumerits, you will find them here cheaper 

I then elsewhere. We can sell you at a profit and charge you only what the retail 
■ dealers piiiy for their goods. • , „. 

Xltjj. Our buying tiMjilities enable us to purchase a lower grade oi mstruments 

of laig'e .^Eastern Factories, (which manufacture from two to tour himdred instru- 
ments per mpnth,) at a less price than the actual first oo^t of constructing the 
same, at ajiy factory (Piano, Organ or Melpfleon) in Central New York. 

ikh —Our speciality is first-class goods. ,0n no other can we maintam per- 
manently our large tusiness. We shall tell you therefore,, candidly, the grade 
of in^trilments, if We'dffer you any btljer than first ijuality. 
j ISthi— We can furnish you unequaled opportunities for exehangmg instru- 
'ments; new for new, or old for new. ' \, . , ,, , 

14.tli. The commercial standmg of our house, furnishes you the strongest se- 
curity "for the reliability of the instrnmenits^iWe, or our agents, sell you; and for 
the.yalue of our warrant, (which we gijve you in addition to the warrant of the 

Imanu&oturers.) . j , „ v ,.■ j ■ j ,. xi 

I IsSv^You are cordially invited to call at any time arid pxamme and hear the 
linstruments, (players ^Iways in attendance,), whether, d«siring.ta buy or not. 
'Come'and see for yourselves what are the best ihBtrui^pijts, Qr write to 

REDINGTON & HOWE, No. § Wieting Block, 

Opposite Main Entrance to Syracuse House. 

Ebdington & Howe's Catalogtje. 


("From The Syracuse Daily Standard. ) 

Tie Mamniotli Musical Emporiiiffl of ReilDf ton & Howe. 

I'or Bome time we have designed an account of this immense establishment, 
that our readers might be posted in regard to one of the leading business 
establishments of our city, and which has been brought so rapidly to magni- 
tude by the well directed tact and indomitable energy of its- proprietors. 
The store No. 2 Wieting Block, isone of the largest and most elegant on 
! the main thoroughfare, and right in the very centre of the business part of 
ihe town. As we pass along the street, and more especially on entering the 
store, the eye is attracted by the elaborate and tastefully arranged exhibit 
in the show window of all the smaller, class of musical Instruments, &c., that 
make as an attractive a display as any window on South Salina Street. As 
we enter, glancing to the right, the eye quickly runs over a large array of 
: Guitars, Violins, and all varieties of musical instruments and wares, on 
I ^helves,, hanging up, and in cases. Upon the counter of this department is a 
Burdett Keed Organ, in a most elaborately carved case, worth $1,600. It is 
a beauty. Next, upon the same side, we come to a long eounter, behind 
: which the shelves are loaded with Sheet Music. Prof. T. H. Hinton super- 
! Aises tqis department ; the best guarantee that the assortment i^ not only well 
I ^elected but complete. The opposite side of the store is. crowded with Stein- 
; way and Dunham Pianos, the sides being lined with the unequaled Vox 
Humana Organs: with a large variety of Piano and Melodeon covers, and 
: stools added above. 

' Passing by the center arch we come to rows and rows more of Pianos, Or 

; gans and Melodeons, of all varieties and styles. On the right Is the depart 

ment for Music Books, — a branch to which this house gives the most prompt 

attention- Drawers the entire length of the store (140 feet) are devoted to 

i flie storage of Violin and Guitar strings, Accordeons, Harmonicas, Piano 

Polish, and multitude of the different wares to be found in a complete music 

■ itove, for the wholesale as well as retail trade. And still above, we find 

more Piano and Melodeon stools, cords of Violins, Guitars, Banjos, Drums, 

&c., &c. Goods are also stored in the basement— the whole size of the main 

store — finished and lighted for the purpose. 

In glancing through this great establishment one particularly notices the 
large stock and variety of Piano Fortes, Organs and Melodeons, numbering 
more than fifty different kinds. The speciality of the proprietors is first-class 
instruments— on which the public can rely Implicitly as being worthy in 
' every way of confidence. This is an important matter for purchasers. Many 
dealers do not hesitate to tell buyers that second grade instruments are first 
; class. Sometimes small dealers are really ignorant of what i|9 a first class 
•instrument. Others are themselves manufacturers of second quality instru- 
jments, and of course are bound to oall their own as good as any mad«. 
Sometimes, also, they sell second and third rate goods as first grade for out- 
rageous profits, calculating on only a brief business career in each place 
ithey visit. We say then, be careful to buy first class goods, and at a house 
where they are sure to have such. 

i Messrs; Redington * Howe, in a twelve years business history, have earned 
,an unblemished reputation for giving perfect satisfaction to their customers 
'This they accomplish IjJ knowing that everything sent out by them is exactly 
what it is represented to be. Besides, they are independent of any partiou- 

Redington & Howe's Catalogue. 

lar factory, and therefore the better fitted to judge betveen different makers, 
While R. & H. malie a speciality of first class goods, they are enabled through 
their great adyantages in buying, to sell second and third grade instruments at 
cheaper rates than any honse in Central or Western New York. They buy 
at the large factories east, at a price actually less than the small makers can 
manufacture. The proof of the matter is in the trying. We say, go to Bed- 
ington & Howe's and see what their facilities are. Their establishment is 
well worth a visit, even if one does not wish to buy anytbiner. All will be 
made welcomei 

(From the Syracuse Baily Courier and Union.) 

The Imuense Musical Establishment op Redinciton & Howe. — The enter- 
prising wholesale Music Dealers of our city, Messrs^ Redington & Howe, 
have just closed a most successful business year. Their sales have been im-' 
mense— something entirely unparalleled in the history of the Music trade in 
Central New York. They have deserved their increasing success. Their 
store is the most magnificent emporium between New York and Chicago. 
Their stock would supply a dozen ordihary city music stores. Theirs is the 
only strictly wholesale Music House in the State outside of New York City, 
They have even some advantages over the Metropolitan houses. Our Syra- 
cuse wholesale store keeps constantly on hand, the Pianos; Organs and Melo- 
deons, of several different makers, (a total of eighteen, with over fifty differentj 
varieties,) while New York houses keep only one maker's instruments. Be^ 
sides, business expenses are mnch less in Syracuse than in New York ; con-j 
sequently Redington & Howe are diverting much wholesale trade from Newj 
York, and building up for themselves a mammoth business in snpplyirigj 
deaXert. The question is sometimes asked, whether other dealers cannot buyj 
in New York, as cheaply as Redington & Howe. The dealers have thorough-! 
ly satisfied themselves that they cannot, for there is not a house in Central! 
New York that will agree to take the great quantities of Musical Goods that 
Redington & Howe buy. Consequently, others have to buy on a higher tariff. 
It is on the same principle that Stewart of New York forced a neighboring; 
house to withdraw. He could sell at a profit, cheaper than his competitor 
eould buy. Messrs. Redington & Howe, have similar purchasing facilities.: 
Indeed, they can justly be called the " Stewarts " of the Music trade in Cen-j 
tral New York. ! 

We are glad, also, to notice that Redington & Howe do a first class busi-i 
ness in the Pianos, Organs and Melodeons they furnish. Their principal 
stock is composed of first grade instruments. These they advertise and rec- 
ommend because they know their reliability. This house can furnish second 
class instruments cheaper than any other establishment in Central New York. 
(for the reason of buying cheaper,) so that if purchasers want a low-priced 
Ingtrument, Redington A Howe's is the place to procure it. _ We advise our 
readers not to buy any instrument without first seeing or writing to Reding- 
ton & Howe. They will also tell honestly the quality of the goods. 

Another point : this house is financially responsible for all they recom- 
mend. Besides having the largest capital in the Music business in Central 
New York, they are backed up by as much more as they choose to call upon. 

For everything in the musical line, go to Redington & Howe, No, 2 Wiet 
ing Block. 

(From The Koohester Daily Union.) 
" The House of Redington & Howe is attracting^ the attention of the trade 
everywhere, on acceunt of their superior facilities for wholesaling the ac- 
knowledged first-class Pianos, Organs and Melodeons, as wejl as every 
variety of Musical Merchandise. 

6 REMiraTON & Howa^'s Oa-talogite. 

rrom the Syracuse Dally Jfoumal. 
They have a musical empariutn eecond to none west of New Tork ;oity. 
In saying this wo do but simple, justice to Messrs, Redington iSs Bowe, who 
occupy one of the largest stores ,in CentraLNew Yorfc,, fitted up wito 
an especi^ view to the accommodation of their tapidi^f inoreasbtg business. 
The yarioHs departments- of tbei siuBioal business) have each receiTed proper 
attention, and each is conducted with a view the demands and cater 
to the tastes of a most fastidious .public. First and foremosfr, Messrs. , B«di 
ington & Howe have in their Piano Department a full line of the' Taripus 
makes of Pianos, thug restricting purchasers to no particular make of Piano, 
but affording them' unusual facilities- ff>r the comparing of the various instru- 
ments. They hfl,ve in their Organ,and Melodeon Department all of the most 
approved Instrumenta manufactured, and offer inducements superior to any 
establishment, to p^ons desirous of purchasing this kind of instruments. In 
this, as in the Piano trade, Messi^ Bedington . ^ Howe hove the exclusive 
St^te agency for the sale of certain makes of Pianos, Organs and Melodeons, 
and all business connected with suQh instruments passes through their hands, 
thuB'giviog them a chance to furnish at lower rates than any other establish- 
ment outside of the manufacturers. 

This statement is established beyond a doubt, firom the fact tb«t the mann- 
&cturerB of the best grades of instruments refuse to furnish smaller dealers 
with instruments as low as tbej do, those dealers whom they designate as 
their wholesale agents. The, f^ct is well known and, conceded by all persons 
thatany article can be, manufactured at less, cost where the manufacturers 
are turning out hundreds of such articles monthly th^n they can be made by 
manufacturers who make on a smaUer scale. This would' lead to the con- 
clusion that this line of goods can be sold by Messrs. R. & H. at the lowest 
possible figures. 

In the smaller instrument department their stock embraces the most com- 
plete and varied assortment ever opened in Central New Yorkj with instru- 
ments from the various leading manufactories of this and other States. The 
sheet music department of tlus firm is one of the especial features of their 
trade, and to enable them to be first and foremost in the introduction of all 
new and popular sheet music, they have secured . the services of our well 
known townsman, Professor T. H. Hinton, who superintends this depart- 
ment. His well known capability, is the surest guarantee of the manner in 
which this branch of their trade is conducted. In this department at all 
times maj be found all the latest vocal and instrumental gems issued in New 
York, Philadelphia and Boston which will be received so as to enable Messrs 
Redington & Howe to offer them to the public simultaneous with their 
appearance in the Eastern cities. The department of general mnsical mer- 
chandise has been supplied with everything pertaining in any wibe to music, 
and which assortment they keep fully supplied. 

The immense musical emponum of Messrs. R. & H. is open at alltimes to 
musicians and the public generally aSa:p>lace where they can call at all 
hours of the day and ezamiile for thiemselvea the various features of a well 
conducted and stocked musical establishment. The acknowledged leader- 
ship in the musical business has securedfor them the ticket-selling of all ope- 
ras, concerfa! and other first class entertainments given in our city. . 

From the Daily Journal Oct., 24th, 1868. 

Something New and Bbautipcl. — Messrs Redington & Howe have just re- 
ceived a newly_ patented Burde^t organ, with what we should call a Fairy 
Bell accompaniment. By means of a stop the effect of a beautiful music 
box or Mandoline is added. The orgain is a perfect gem— worthy ofa'spec- 
ial visit to their store. ' 

This house is always foremost in introducing to the public in Cenliral New 
York the various really valuable improvements that appear in' musical 

RiEfelkG^TOl^ <fe •H'O'Ive's CA'TALOGtjfe. 

instruia^nts.' ,Tliey are jagt is oaTeful to rieject.4iiie humbosiiaili baye act 
ually declined the agency of sexexalpi^nos and organs which less informed ( 
dealers here have since adopted and are trying to sell. ■ 

'gii^nrff«fose'>iisiiea^acquai"ntance of,|tedin|toH &Bpw«, ,to|efii* .^^h 
their ffigh reputation ift New TdrK, ■Bostoa and ©Mia^ is ffi^tJoBgiBsiJahd 
most energetic house in New York State (outside of the city), secures to 
them the first choice in rega»d to the agency of any raamrfactui'eirs of musieal 
instruments in the Unifed States. , i' -./■, 

Their Mamma'th trade enaWes them io buy cheaper than any other Geli- 
trtil New ■ Yo* House, as they buy so much more - largely. While their 
principal trade'ig in'^sifltoss articles, they swe able to furhiBh, second or 
third igrade ii^trurhents, ehefaper than 'the.firsb;C06t .of, manufacture in this 
• eily.. large eastern faietevries,; which, on jtecftunt of operating 
on a larger bfwJSuc&n manufacture much cheaper tjiw small concerns! And 
K. 4. H. buy, very closely,, bec?.use, buying so m^ch, On.thi'a aceonnt they 
can and do sell cheajier— qviftlit^ea of the goods being consHdered, than an V 
oth^jwuse. For flij?' reason parties in Albany, Troy, Utica, Rochester and 
Buffalo are sending to Eedmgton&flpwe for ihstruilients.'' ' 

Wf.a.dyise our readers to call there— No. 2: Wieting blpck^Uy all means, 
before buying any jnu?}calj, instrument or merchandise. , 

(From Tlie NovUxern (jhristlau Advocate, Auburn.) 

" This is an old House,, and has th^ best kind of a record for prompt busi- 
ness ability ^n4 fpr reliskble and honorable dealing, , They secure perfect 
sa|isfaction to all customers, whether wholesale or retail. Their jfacilities are 
the bestjifif, anyj estabir^hirieWjri Cep'trripr Vesfern'New York, and their 
prices, c'orresppndingly liberal,. J'astprs^ Churches, Sabbath ,S6hoola and 
families will do well to correspond' with or visit this Housfe. 'Redington & 
Powe are known tii us and we! can' recommend them as reliable Healers.'" 

(From The Aitburn Daily Advertiser.) 
■' A pr'oinpt, honorable House, who have the best facilities in WestepiNew ; 
York for tli«('Miisio Business, and who^ secure satisfaction to all custoirtere." 

I From The O.swego Ually Palladium:) 

" They are thoroiigii, honorable business men, with a larger capital and 
better facilities than any House in the State, outside of New York City. They 
keep the best instruments manufactured, and are fully iresponsible for the 
warrant they givfrof perfect satisfaction. - We ate certani that our citizens 
wi^l do, well to visit or correspond with this House.'" 

■ '-■ ' i-rom the' Syra(!liseD«iIy. Tdutnnl, Xov;, Uth, 1868. 

MpoH Music.— tVe had no adequate idea ^t the magnitude of Eedington & 
Howe's transactions in mu^cal instrunieiits until. permitted the oliifer day to 
see their order book, "djfe were surpris^a'atl the. number of instruments 
making their way over the country. We' noticed espec;a,lly a single drder 
recently! sent, which surpasses the entire yearly business of many retail es- 
tablishments. Tie ord«i Was for one' 'hundred and se:ven Bnrdett organs 
and melodeons, having' jan aggregate value of over $20,000. We now see 
why 'Redlngton & Howe^ay the only wholesale dealer's license in tke music 
line, assessbd by "Uncle Sam" in Central New York. They., sell such large 
jquantlties because they can sell cheaper than any other d,ealera, (as low, if ■ 
neccess^ry, as their competitors buy or manufacture their goods.) They are 
also well known to be entirely reliable and honorable in their transactions. 

8 Rkdingtow & Howe's Catalogtje. 

Numbers, Description and Prices, 



No. 1—7 Octave.— Rosewood. Large front round comers, moul- 
ding on plinth, octagon legs, carved lyre, scroll desk. $560 

No. 2 — 7 Octave — ^Rosewood. Large front round comers, carved 

legs and lyre, scroll desk 575 

No. 3 — 7 Octave. — ^Rosewood. Large front round comers, ser- 
pentine and fancy moulding on plinth, Gothic legs, car- 
ved lyre, scroUdesk, beveled top 600 

No. 4—7 Octave. — ^Rosewood. Large front round comers, ser- 
pentine and fancy moulding on plinth, carved legs 
and lyre, scroll desk, beveled top 625 

No. 5 — 7 Octave. — ^Rosewood. Four round corners, pearl and 
serpentine mouldings on plinth, carved legs and lyre, 
scroll desk, beveled top 6.50 

No. 6 — 7}£ Octave. — ^Rosewood. Large front round corners, ser- 
pentine and fancy mouldings on plinth, carved legs, 
and lyre, scroll diesk, beveled top 725 

No. 7 — 7X Octeve — ^Rosewood. Four large round comers, pearl 
and serpentine mouldings on plinth,[richly Carved legs 
and lyre, etc ■; 750 

No. 8 — 7X Octave. — ^Rosewood. Four large round corhers, 
heavy mouldings on rim and plinth, rich serpentine 
moulding on plinth, rich carved legs and lyre, scroll 
desk, beveled top 800 

No. 9 — 7/i Octave. — ^Rosewood. Same style of case as No. 8, 

with agraffe arrangements throughout 900 

No. 10 — 7 Octave. — Rosewood. Upright or Boudoir Piano 550 

No. 11 — 7 Octave. — ^Rosewood. Large Grand Piano, French re- 
peating action, richly carved legs, lyre, etc 1200 

No. 12 — 7X — Octave. — Rosewood. Same style of case as No . 11 . 1500 
— ' » ♦ » 


The great combination of improvem^lits attained in the Dunham 
Piano-Forte in regard to tone, touch, p6wer, equality, durability and 
workmanship, has built for it a reputation which, to-day, stands un- 
rivalled in every section of the country, and. has also elicited from the 
most eminent professors, critics, connoi^euK, and the most energetic 
of our competitors, the unanimous opipion i^at the Dunham t^OiUo 
can not be excelled. , , 

Being confident that the production of a ^od article is the best 
and surest road to success, we have always aiB)«ld for perfection in our 
manufactures, regardless of cost. The patronage which such a course 
of business has gained for us, without the metetricious aid of Uedals 
or Foreign DecoraUons, has proven satisf slcto^ to us beyond our most 
- sanguine expectations, and placed us in the highest position of the 
Piano-Forte trade. 

Rebington & Howe's Catalogue. 9 

While cljauuing am we do, without the fear of contradiction, for our 
house,' the honor of first introducing to the American public this last 
great era of Piaho-Forte improvement, which has given to American 
Pianos the highest honors, and whose perfections have astonished the 
world, we would state that the First Grand Square Piano made by us 
some fifteen years since, served as the model for the great improve- 
ment in American Piano Fortes. 

We also own the patent, now expired, for the cross or Over-Strings, 
which is now in general use— so popular has it become, and so pecu- 
niarily satisfactoiy has it proved to us, that we freely gave it to the 

The Agraffe an-angement we have used in Pianos for a period of 
thirty years. 


Its Durability has become a proverb. 

Thousands of them can be found in use, which have required no 
repairs, other than tuning, during a period of thirty years. 

In Workmanship, It cannot be surpassed if equaled. 

The best niaterials and the most accomplished workmen, only are 
employed in its construction. 

In Power, Solidity, Purity, and Equality of Tone, it has no 

It is pronounced by the elite of the musical profession, and the 
dilettanti the most perfect Piano made. 

As a Safe Investment, it is the best. 

Dealers throughout the country, who have sold thousands of 
them dtuing our business career, have never had one returned 
1 for being defective; nor have they, during a period of nearly 
twenty years, been called on to pay five dollars for repairs on the 
whole number sold. 

It can be sold after years of use, for nearly, if not quite, its 
original cost. 

We havo orders for any quantity of them, at an advance of 333i 

per cent over any other make of half its age. 

It is warranted in the most satisfactory manner. 

The commercial standing of our house is sufiicient guarantee that 
any claim will meet with instant hqnidation. 

The Juries of the Universal Expdsition'of ParisJ admit that Amer- 
ican Pianos are the best, therefore Americans must be the best judges. 
Convinced that such is the fact, we have always striven to meet their 
critical requirements, and their approbation and patronage has been 
our reward; and we shall continue to manufacture such Instruments 
as will command the HIOHESX POSITION IM THE ART, 
regardless of Foreign Medals or Boyal Decorations. 



In asking attention to the preceding circnlar of the mAiufacturera, we add ] 
a few , , I 


This establishment is the oldest in the country and possessed ef the most 
valuable experience, taking the lead in iraporta,nt improvement'^. (Th6y 
were the inventors of the Overstrung Bass and own the Patent.) 

They have the largest capital of any establishment, without exception. 

Their workmanship is the most perfect and durable possible. 

Their scales are the most perfect. 

Note — We ask attention to the following criticism from Watson^ftArt 
Journal. , 

" Their new square is one of ihe most beautiful instruments we ever heard. 
In depth, purity, and grandeur of tone, it can hardly be equaled ; its touch 
is exquisitely sensitive ; the registers are perfectly equalized ; it sings with 
a wb'ndejJul purity of vibration, and the quality of its sound' is fetTned, lim- 
pid'and melodious, and at the same time, great in sonority and briliance. 

It is truly a perfect Piano. 

The house of Dunham has also been among the intellectual leaders 6f Piano 
improvers, and this new Piano is another step in advance, which will still 
further enhance its reputation." 

The Action of the Dunham is perfect. 

These Pianos have a peculiar timbre of tone, cletir and melodeous, pre- 
ferred by the majority of musicians to that of aliy other Piano wliateuer. 

The price is more reasonable than that of any other flrst-elasB maker. 

Finally the house is of the most honorable character and ensure beyond the 
possibility of doubt the perfect satisfadimi to 6very owner of one of the 
Dunham Pianos. 

A most important improvement has just been introduced by Messrs. Dunham 
& Sons' in the construction of the Upright or Boudoir Piano. 

The large size of the Full Scale Square Piano has always been an objectipn 
from the amount of standing room required for the instrument. The Upright 
form has always been preferred and is the popular style in Europe and among 
thei older musical n ations . 

' While possessing ;a quality of tone so pecuUarlyits own and generally pre- 
ferred to the other gra,des of Pianos, an objection has always been raised to 
its general use on account of its complicated action. Messrs. Dunham & Sons 
.have removed this great objection in the new 

DunJiam Upright Crrand. > 

This Piano has all the merits of the compactness and beauty of form of the 
Upright pattern and employs at the same time the simple action of the Square 

The arrangement of the Scale in the Dunham Upright is diagonal instead of 
perpendicular, thereby giving an immense advantage in power and beauty of 
tene, as well as in the arrangement of the action. In full, round, rich power 


with an indescribable sweetness. that the Grand does not possess. 

Anotbier moat important feature is the wonderful cheapness im pric^ as com- 
pared witU the same qualtity and' qusatity of tone in amy other form. . , . 

We are tjie Manufapturor's Special Agei^ts for the State of New York and por- ' 
tions of some' othfer States, and supply dealers of nil grades, as well a!» rotifil 
«uRtomers,'atthe]?ao<*yrriecs.i ' ' 


Music Pdblishbrs and Dealers. 

REDmGTolT Ai Howe's CATALoetrE. 11 


. uii^^W®^ wonderful instruiiients are so -well known, we do n6t takei 

.'uiespaqe to re^produee their price list, (ranging from $650, to'$l800.) 

'.TJies^ Piano-Porte? liave twice taken the first prize over all thai 

Pianos of the World, and are universally acknowledged to be the best) 


We sell them at wholesale and retail at lowest factory prices, being 
■the manufacturers exohisive agents in this vicinity. 



has }ong .siipod at the Head. We are dealers in these magnificent 
-ittStrnmients. Prices from $550, upward. 

The Hallet, Davis & Co., Piano* 

This standard iu^t^wi^nt maintfdns its well estabhshed superiority. 
The Compeer and' only- Boston rival of the Chickering, (having sever- 
al times'teken thefirst prize over its world renowned neighbor,) it is 
famished by the m'ajfnifactjirers at a veiy small mafgiii of profit. It 
is S9ld wonderfully low for such a complete flrSt-dlaSs Pia:no_ Porte, 
afipfding customers a large saving of money. When we consider its 
extremely reasonable prioe, in, connection with its unsurpassed quali- 
ty and dtirabiMty, and the unexcelled perfection and beauty of its 
scales, this Piamo is xnaasyAtJLm). 
Pricbs from- •$450, upward. We supply the Trade. 


is fwelbfcnown to be ofjsuperior merit. We have them at Wholesale 
iMid Retail. Pricesrfroiii' $575, to $1,000. 


Tli4wiu.factur^dty]anas§6oiation of worknienfrom Steinway's factory, 
' 1^, closely iiesp^itlies: the Steinway, as to be .(galled the Steinway's 
Q^m^&!4 We( sell these to the Trade'on very favorable terms. Retail 
Prices $545, and upwards. 

12 Kedington <fe Howe's CATALoauE, 


It is evident that if the Fiaao is to remain in good order for maay yean, 
good care must be taken of it. The instrument should lie closed when not in 
use, in order to pr^vetit tbe collection of dnat, pins, eto., on tbesoimd-board; 
howeyer, it must not be closed tor a period Of several months or longer, bnt 
be bpened occasionally, and the daylight allowed to strike the keys, er else 
the ivory may turn yellow. 

Any hard substance, no matter how small, dropped inside the Piano, will 
cause a rattling, jarring noise. 

It is in every case desirable that an indiarrabber or cloth should protect, 
the instrument from bruises and scratches, as well as dampness. 

The Piano should not be placed in a damp room, 6r left open in a draught- 
of air — dampness is its most dangerous enemy, causing the strings and tnmr 
ing pins to rust, the cloth used in the construction of the keys or action, to 
swell, whereby the mechanism will move sluggishly, or often stick altogether. 
This occurs chiefly in the summer season, and tbe best Pianos, made of tbe 
most thoroughly seasoned material, are necessarily tbe mest affected by 
dampness, the absorption being more rapid. Extreme heat is scarcely less 
injurious. The Piano should not be placed very near to an open fire or a 
heated stove, nor over close to the hot air from furnaces now in general use. 

Moths are very destructive to the cloth and felt used in tbe Piano, and may 
be kept out of it by placing a lump of camphor, wrapped in soft paper, in 
the inside corner, care being taken to renew it from time to time. 

Many persons are unaware of the great importance of having their Pianos [ 
kept in order, and only tuned by a compderU tuner. A new Piano should be ' 
tuned at least every three or four months, daring tbe first year, and at long- 
er intervals afterward. 

How to Unpack a Piano. 

Take out the screws holding ;the lid of the boz, remove tbe lid. take oiit 
the Piano legs and lyre, temOve the board across the inside box. Plaee two 
benches or strong wide chairs, which should be covered with a qnilt or other 
soft substance, alongside tbe box where the back of the Piano la, slide the 
Piano toward the end Where the legs were — about six inches, have the I^oo 
lifted out by four persons, one at each corner, and set it on the two benches 
or chairs on its back. 

Unscrew the cross-boards ou each end of the bottom, and put tbe lyre and 
legs on, which are numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, for their respective pUces. OAro the 
four persons lift tbe Piano off tbe benches and set it down so that tbe four 
legs will touch the floor at tbe same time. Unlock the instrument (the key 
will be found tied to the lyre,) and wipe off tbe dust lightiy with a soft silk 
handkerchief, or piece of buck-skin. 

Purchasing Musical Instruments. 

There is, probably, no article of household equipment, the cbnstraetion of ' 
which the majority of purchasers know so little of as pianos. There are few 
articles that are used so continuously, and for the length of time that pianos 
are, hence the importance of durability; The finest case may cover a fifth 
rate interior ; a fine tone piano when new may subsequently prove to be 
made of cheap material that fails after a few years use. 

Cheap Pianos with which the country is flooded, are invariably the most ex- 
pensive in the end, i. e., if wo estimate loss of tone and constant annoyance 
by the instrument being out of repair, of any account. It is wisest therefor*, 
for purchasers to get their instruments of dealers^ If they are to be faaiA, 
who are known as practical men, both musically and mechanically, as well 
as honorable. — Ogdensburg Daily Journal. 


I '%';-; REDINGTOT* & HOWE, 

! Ai6' happy to announce that they have secured the State Agency for the abqve 

' Qzeans. Our own opinion agrees with the acknowledgement of all leading Mu- 

(ioians as to the great superiority of. the Burdett Organ, with its present patented 

A carefilf' examination of these Instruments will convince any lover of the 
ifmtifitl in music, that these organs contain more purity of tone— more variety 
<^8i)ftiesBion-^morff power, than any other Organknown. 

We would call eBpecial atjKntion to their last great improvements, the Combi- 
SAnos OuoAN of Sir. Burdett, and the wonderful Vox Celeste Stop ; the Cam- 
i TASBLLA Attaghmen* of Mr K. M. Carpent^, together with his Impkoved Vox 
i Hthaita Tbxholo. Also^the improvea HAbmonio • Attachment, (douhKng the 
1 power ;) the Patent Manual Sub-Bass, (giving a wonderful depth and volume 
: of tone ;) the Obohestkal Swell ; tlie Double Blow Pedals, and others. 


. Harorie and a half Banks of Keys, with four Sets of Eeeds, tuned in a manaier 
i toTUve the greatest variety possible in a Eeed instrument. 

We have only space to mention one peculiar and beautiful stop in the Combina- 
: tioiti Organ, the effect of which heretofore has never been heard in a E^ed Organ. 

.used for solos alone, is most entrancing when used with the Vox Humana. It 

seems almost to speak words— certainly it speaks to the heart of every listener. 

No one should fail to make Inquiry about this Organ. 

Is a new and most valuable improvement, which brings into use an extra set of 
i reeds, which, by their peculiar arrangement and method of tuning, produce a 
' wonderfully beautiful string quality of tone, with a most astonishing power, sur- 
ipmsing all the previous efforts of Wie inventor. This admirable improvement, 

which has created such a sensation among Organ makers, as well as with the 

Musical Public, is found only in the Burdett Organ. 


The" latest and best of all Mr. Carpenters inventions, now for the first timcplaced 
before the public, will, when listened to, tell its own sweet story. The Campa- 
nella is a stop resembling the tinkUng of Fairy Bells, or the rippling waters of 
a fountain, making music so sweet and harmonious, that it passes aiolmn-like 
over the senses— as passes the music of a Harp at night touched by Fairy fingers. 
This enchanting stop should certainly be heard by all lovers of music. The 
patent his been applied for by Mr. Capenter, the inventor. 
of Mr. E. M. Cai'penter, so much admired by musicians every where, needs only 
a word It has already become a Household Glory, and no Organ is complete 
without the beauty it imparts to the tone. This {top should not be confounded 
iritb Mr Carpenter's former invention. It is an wymmed, Vox Humana— has no 
third pedal— is perfectly noiseless in its operation— has no clock work to get out 
of ^(fcr— is enlM-ely simple in construction- is found only m the Burdett Organ— 
'andwheh once heard, delights, and fascinates the listens. ^ ^ , . 

'' We invite the most rigid scrutiny of these Organs by Dealers, the Profession 
and 'the Musi<ml Public, to prove thejustioe of the title acknowledged to them as 

■ W« have constantly on hand a large stock of these Excelsior Instruments. We 
«uppry all classes of dealers, as well as retpdl oustomei-s, at the lowest Factory 
T»fi»: Agents will soon be foundat all principal points. 

Satisfaction warranted in all transactions. Send for Hlustrated Catalogue. 

tsatiBiBOtion warnm EEDIN6T0N & HOWE, 

Qeneral Agents, No. 2, Weiting Block, Syracuse, N. Y. 

14 Eedington & Howe's )CAT-4J<p^ij;p.-| 


Containing R. W. Carpenter's Improved Vops ^]|nana, 
Patentedi Juiie 1st, 1867..,! t rj^ 

One Se*. of Heeds* vj -i -->,■.. ,,. 

1 . Four Octave — in paneled Wahiut Case, with Vox Humana, 1 stoj),- ki J19f 

2. Five Octave — in paneled WaJnut Case, >" " > 1 . "S. . , ; 16» 
8. The same — in elegant Rosesfrood Case, ." " J, " 200 
4. Six Octave — in paneled Waimut Case, . " " % " i ]»0 
0. The same — in elegant Eosewood Case, " 4 " ^ "' "■''''■ 325 

T-wo Sets Qf Ile«;dfa, ^.,,, 

: 6. Four Qotaya — in paneled 'VVaJnut Qasc, with Voxiwiiana, 1 stop, -^ . I(f5„ 
I 7. Five Octave— in paneled Walnut Case, " J^ " 1. " , ' > J9^ 
i 8. The BOJnc — in elegant Kosewood Case, " t " 1 " , , , 3S5„ 

I 9. Five Octave — in paneled Walnut Case with maimal-Sub Bass,. and Vox' „,,. 

Humana, 2 stops, , 226 

lO. The same — in elegant Eosewood Case, 3 stops, 255 

il. Five Octave — ^with Harmonic Attachment and Manual Sub Bass and Vox ; i 

Humana, 3 stops, 250 

12. The same — ^in elegant EDsewood Case, with Vox Humana, 3 stops, 275 

13. Six Octave — in paneled Walnut cCasc, " " 1 " 340 

14. The same — in elegant Eoseivood Cwe, , _ ". ;, " 1 •' 270 

15. Six Octave — ^in paneled Walnut Case, with Hsfrmoiiio Attachment, Man- 

ual Sub Bass, and Vox Hnmana, 3 stops, 2S5 

Tmto audi Sk Ha/Jtt' 0e>t» ol' XSieeds< 

16. Five Octave — in paneled Walnut Case, with Manual Sub Bass, Ha,rmonic 

Celeste, and Vox Humana, 3, stops, 250 

17. The same — in elegantly carved case, with Vox Humana, 3 stops, 280 
}S. Five Octave — ^in paneled Wainut Ca£e, with Harmonic Attachment, 

Manual Sub Bass, Harmonic Celeste, and Vox Humana, 4 stops, 275 

'I'livee IS«rtei of X£ee<^s. 

19. Five Octave — ^withHarmonie Attachment, Mawual Sub. Bass, and Vox 

Humana, 8 stops, ,.. .>.>... 400 

20. The same — with 1}^ Octaves of Pedal Bass instead of Manual S»b Bass 

8 stops, 450 

Sis; Sets of Keeds. 

21. Five Octave — two Keyboards with Manual Sub Bass, Hiu-monic Celeste 

and Vox Humana, 12 stops, j ..'. md 

•:?2. The same — with 1% Octaves of Pedal instead of Majiual Sub Bass, 370 

ThcGombination Organ, with one and o»e-half banks of keys,- four sots ot 

reeds,. . . . ; : 1 , $326 

' Campauella Attachment — on tlie different styles of Organs-^ S25 extra. 

Messrs. Burdett & Co., are also manufacturing, two styles; of Organs with less 
expensive cases, (5 Octave single reed, and, 5 .Octave douljle rebel,) called the 
I^ational Organ. These will bb sold mlich eheiiper, ttibreby' obviating any neeos- 
^ty fur customers to buy second grade Oigans,l)ecBUBo desiring to puTcliasB at a' 
Ibw price. ' 

^Styles 1 to 15 iaclndTe, are lurnislied, if required, without the im- 
proved Vox Humana, at $251688 than tlie printed prices, ^ 



41. Five OotMe — Single Eeed, Walnut Caso, ...... 95 , 

'42. Five Ootare— Single Eeed, Sosejwood Case, . . .1 ...,......,, 110, 

148. Five Octave— Single Eeed, EosewoQcl Case,.... i...'. ■; 150 

;_SixX)ota^--Siingte See4, Epeiewpd Case, .' . ..'.....,.?.,."',! llj^'i!] ', [ ',[' iso 

'^ber Walnut to^trumen.liSOTe also furnished in elegantly carved' Cases, at 
ap 94vj»ce of t30 on the above prices. , 

Redington & Howe's CATALoaUBi , 15. 


, This_ Veteran Housp (establiahcdiulS4B) liolds its rank at tholieacl, and are 
hoyr Imi^Jiijjg, every i^ionth hundreds of Orgausjand Melodeous, which aa'e a jji^t 
bredjt to Amei:ioaii_ skill and enterprise. , •( - 

The vast amount of patronage reeeLvedr h^" been seoured more by the aotuial 
merits of the Uistrunieut, than by extensive stdvertiging ajid . the pretentious pa- 
rade of their wftjj^^s before the public. They have,enjployed and, retaii^aji, ft^wn. 
the first, some or'tho iinest mechanics and inventors of the age, jind have ftij^jpij- 
ted, and patented more valuahl'ii' improvements, than any other .establishujent ill .' 

the' land. As the result, their instruments stand unrivsQled by aiiythmg found 
in this country or in Europg, as is admitted by all impartial jud|^es. Tho'most 
eminent Pipe-Organ buildei-s and performers— the last to disoovet e.^oellence in 

in this country or in Europg, as is admitted by all impartial jud|^es. Tho'most 
eminent Pipe-Organ buildei-s and performers— the ? 
reed rtoiies"— pronounce them much superioivto other 

They possess the following improvements : 

THE PATENT IIAEMONIC ATTACHME^'T is an .jctiivo coupler .used on 
ia single manual; arid doubles the power of the instrument without increasing its 
size or number of rccds. Thus, by the use of this improvement, an Organ con- 
jfcaining two sets of reeds is instantly made equivalent to onp«f four; and a tri- 
reed equals an instrument of six sets of reeds, making the most powerful 
'instrument of its size yet known in this coimtrv. 

[ THE PATENT MANUAL SUB-BASS brings into use an independent sot of 
largfe and powerful shb-bass eeeds, which are played with the ordinary keysftnd 
!controlled by a stop. The manner in which this set of reeds is placed upon the' 
air ohamberinereases the volume of tone at least one-third. This new and val- 
uable invention requires no extra room, and has nil the effect of pedal bass, and 
can be used by any ordinary performer. I ■ 

THE PATENT IJNEE-SWELL, whereby the- player ha.'= complete opntroJ 
over the instrument, obtaining a perfect Oekscexdo or Diiuxckxdo, mor.e.bpau- , 
tiful than the Automatic Swell, or any other ever before used. , 

i THE PATENT ORGAN BELLOWS greatly enhances the power and quality • 
!of the tone without increasing the size of the case. . . , ., 

THE PATENT EEEDEOAED, whereby the tone is creatly improved, ren- 
dering it more like a Pipe Organ than is found in any other instrument. This 
Wportaut improvement is covered by two patents. 


In attempting to describe the eifeet of this stop, we are at a loss for laiiguage ; 
iL« beauties cannot be written, butmi^st be heard to be appreciated. By this 
stop an ordinary performer can produce an etl'cct which requires a lifetime of 
practice for an firtist upon the Violin. 

It changes entirely the recd-tone, giviuj? the sympathetic swcttiioss of tlie 
JIcMAx Voice, making it so melodious and pure that it never fails to enchaut 
ithe appreciative listener. 

' The Tremolo is produced by means of a BEvoLvixii has placed j ust back of 
the swell, which imparts to the tone a charming wave-like effect hitherto un- 
inown in instrumental music. .,: 


Is a new and beautiful stop, peculiar to the Estey Oisga.ns. The character of 
!thc tone is marked and wonderfully effective, giving a stylo 'of musift hitherto 
junattained in instruments of this class. This is accomplished by an extra set of 
reeda; ingeniously arranged, and adjusted to meet this special, and hitherto un- 
^uppUedwant. It is considered by competent judges a great suoeess. 
i Send for Illustrated Catalogue, giving accurate pictures of the styles., 

' Wholesale Agents. 

16 Redington &, Howe's Catalogue, 

Popularity of the Dunham Piano. 

We are Bometimes asked why the Dunham Piano Forte has not been more 
prominently before the public for the last eight year*. We give the reason. 
At the commencement of the late war, the Dunham, senior, concluded to de- 
•rease the very large manufacturing done by himself, so long as public at- 
tention should be BO cempletely absorbed in the stirring events then, tran- 
spiring, consequently he diminished his force employed and sent during the 
war the greater portion of his pianos to the Canadian Provinces, (Where the 
demand for the Dunham Pianoi* call for more than five hundred instru- 
ments every year). 

At the conclusion of the w^r, he associated with him two sons as partners, 
built a new factory, and the firm of John B. Dunham & Sons are now manu- 
facturing very largely. 

The high opinion of their pianos entertained by Piano Dealers is evinced 
by the great desire of the principal houses to secure the Dunham agency. 

Leiter Brother's Jewelry House. 

These gentlemen occupy a portion of the shelf and counter room in our 
store with a very fine stoclc of well assorted Jewelry and Silver Ware. Their 
connections with a New York Importing House enable them to sell at whole- 
sale and retail cheaper than any House west of New York City. 

Situations for Music Teachers. 

We keep a registry of Music Teachers in Central New York. Also a list 
of those desiring locations. 

We can, therefore, always put parties in any town or village in corres- 
pondence with good reliable musio teacliers. who can be secured at reason- 
able rates. We charge nothing eithei: to the teachers or the public. We 
act cheerfully without pay, as we desire to extend our acquaintance. 

Teachers should send us their name, terms, &c., when desiring a new field 
of employment. Individuals wishing teatehers are invited to write us freely 
at any time. , 

Wieting Hall. 

The largest, best, most central' and most popular Hall iu tbo city,lcan be 
leased for Concerts, Lectures, and all varieties of first class entertainments. 
Particulars can be learned in our olHce. 

Correspondence Invited. 

It is impossible in our Jpreaent limits to give full particulars^of our trade 
and varieties of musical goods we sell. We invite thererore,} inquiries by 
jmail, or othei'wise in regard to any department of the music business. We 
jcan send to any.address, circulars with fuller details than purj^catalogue ad- 

,mit8 of, or forwrard written information. We do so with pleasure 

1 Rbmbmber that it costs no, more to wiite one .tbousaud miles, to us than 
five miles to some smaller House. . , .' , , 

Remember that,\ye save you much more than j,oost of freight on what you 
buy of us. We, guarantee to"db it. 

Kbmbmber that Unisys ybu 4le satisfied with our treatment to you, you havt 
nothing to pay. ' . 


'To HarucKM JHakers, Farmers, Tcamsterai Sc otller«> using Team Harness 

Tlie annexed ISngravlng Represents tlio 

"Cole Patent Wedge Tongue Trace Buckle,". 

liflilcU was Patented' Oct. 10, 186ai, It lias been fully and practteaj- 

1 y t(^it6d*j and wherever introducea has met With the hearty approval of all parties using it. 
T^e foUowingare & few of its advantages. " - ,■ . ' 

l...ItallowB the trace tote drawn PERFECTLY STRAIGHT Avitliout any Cramping. 

" ' 2. There is no tXraiight on a tongue as in nearly every other trace bnckle in nse, which is . 

jiable to c^j and firm* the' trace'; bat the strain comes tiirecffy on ah iroiiibedge. and the hard-i 

er the pull on the trace the flrmerthe wedge holds it. 

3. It is more easily adjusted than any other buckle in use; No hammers^ sticks^ slones or 
Users being needed to assist in lengthening or shortening the trace. 

4. The saving in wear of traces, will, in a very short time, more thau pay the slight dif- ; 
fel'once in cost between it and the ordinary buckle. ; 

5. Any tliiokness of trace can be used that is desired, as ther6 are rivet holes cast in the 
under side of the buckle-for the purpose of fastening in layers of leather which, will vai-y the 
irpace under the wedge as may be required. 

We only ask a fair trial, being coufldeut that it 'willprove the trnthof the above statement. 
For sale by all Saddlery Hardware Dealers and Hai'ness Makers in the United States and; 
iJCanadas. < 

; manufactured Exclusively toy 


Manufacturers of Saddlery Hardware. 

EMPIRE STUMP MACHINE. J0H.SS0N& English, Prop're.Corning.N.Y. (ScePublisher'sNoticep.aoi.) 



Importers, Jobbers and Retailers 




jVq- f>3 ]\Iiain Street, 

;'■'■ '. AND 

Nob. 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 IVortli St. Paul Street, 

K^OOHESTEIi, - - IX. ^r. 

Having established the most extensive Dry Goods House in the Slate outside of Now 
Yorlc City, we can offer advantages to 'hnyef s of Diy Boods unoqiialed by any ■ other 
dealers in the oonntry. We import directly and keep Constantly on hand full lin,cs of 

Brochc and Paisley .Shawls; Pim Bros. Genuine Irish Poplins, 

Black ahd Colored Silks ; Irish Linens aiid Lace Curtains ; 
' Lupins' Merinoes and Alpacas ; 

. Hilgers' Celebrated Broadcloths and Doeskins. 

Our stock of the following goods is ahvays full and complete: 

Cloaks. Sacgues and Mantillas ; English, French and American Casmlneres ; 
Genesee Mils Cassimeres, "our own make;" Mohair and Cashinere Dress Goods ; 

Shaker arid Bbenezer Flannels ; White. Scarlet and Opera Wool Flannels; 
Damask Table Cloths and Towclings ; Napkins, Doylies and Wine Cloths ; 

Linen Sheetings and Pillow Casings ; 
3-4, 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 7-4, 8-4, 9-4, 10-4, and 11-4 Cotton Sheetings ; 
I'rendi, American & Scotch Ginghams ; English, French & American Calicoes 

Woolen and Cotton Yarns ; Blankets, Qnilts arid Conntei'panes ; 
Real Laces and Embroideries; Swiss Nafn^ook and Victoria Muslins; 

Fancy Goods and Yankee Notions ; Rflibons and Trimmings ; Hosiery, 
Wrappers and Drawers ; Balnloral and Hoop Skirts;. &c., ifcc, &c., iSrc, &c. 

Our -Jobbing Inisiness, which nowextends from tile Eastern portion of the State to 
the "Far West," offers inducements to city and Coventry Merdiants equal to any house 
in the United States. In addition to our advaTitagei»^8 ManufacturoM and direct Impor- 
ters, we have the sale of several makes x)f Brown Cottbnsa'nd Woolen Mills in this • 
locality. ~ ' ' ' 

Price Lists and Samples fuiiiished on appUoation, and orders sent by mail or entrusted 
to our agents, will rcceiye prompt attention, and Dealers can rely upon purchasing of us 
the year around 

At IVew York Jolrberis' Prices. 

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