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Cornell University 


The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 




Restoration of a scene along a sluggish creek in Texas and New 
Mexico during the late Carboniferous (Upper Pennsylvanian) and early 
Permian times. The lowlands of this period doubtless swarmed with 
reptiles such as shown in the picture, and with other animals, now 
extinct. Some specimens of the giant ‘‘dragon-flies” had a spread of 
wings of two feet. The fern-like trees and the bushy plants in the fore- 
ground are Cycadofilicales. To the right of the water are wide stretches 
of the huge scouring rush (Calamites); on the left bank of the stream are 
the unbranched Sigillarias (still as prominent as earlier in the coal 
period), and on higher ground to the left the branched Lepidodendrons. 
One must view this scene as one of many such landscapes, with ever- 
varying detail, along streams and inlets. Cordaites, which in later 
Devonian time made the first great forests of which there is record, is 
still present, though not shown. So, too, there are hidden in the recesses 
of the forest the forerunners of the modern coniferous types, as well as 
other forms destined to give rise to the angiosperms. (Landscape from 
Williston, adapted from Neumayr.) 

Heke Diy 








CopyricHT, 1920, BY P. BLAKIsTON’s Son & Co. 

We aR as 


To the Memory of 

“What a science Natural History will be 

when. . all the laws of change are thought 
one of the most important parts of Natural 

Charles Darwin. (Letter to J. D. Hooker.) 


The present little book was originally intended to be 
merely a reprint of Chapters XXXI to XXXVIII of the 
author’s Fundamentals of Botany. The reprinting of those 
chapters was suggested by comments received from various 
correspondents, who pointed out that the subject matter 
which they cover had not been elsewhere presented in so 
concise a treatment in one volume, and in a manner 
suited, not only to beginning students, but also to more 
general readers. The chapter on Experimental Evolu- 
tion has received the approval of the author of the mu- 
tation theory, as being an accurate presentation of the 
essentials of that theory. ‘‘I have especially appreci- 
ated,’ writes Professor de Vries, ‘the statement of the 
difference between fluctuating and saltative variation, 
which is, to my mind, the real empirical basis for the 
theory, far more than the experiments on mutation with 
single plants. The relation of my view to Darwinism 
is misunderstood by many authors, and it is a great satis- 
faction to me that you have outlined it in such a plain 

In the preparation of the copy for reprinting, consider- 
able new matter has been added, certain sentences and 
paragraphs, pertinent only to an elementary text-book, 
have been omitted, and others recast, and several fresh 
illustrations have been introduced, either as new or as 



Chapters X, Geographical Distribution, and XIII, 
The Great Groups of Plants, and the Bibliography are 
new. No attempt has been made to cite the voluminous 
periodical literature in the Bibliography, but needless to 
state, this has been freely consulted and drawn upon. 
Numerous citations are given as foot-notes, especially in 
Chapter X. 

In going over the chapters it also became evident that 
since, in order to read them understandingly, one must 
have a clear conception of the facts of the lift history of a 
vascular plant, it would be best to introduce from the 
Fundamentals of Botany the three chapters (viz. XII- 
XIV) on the life history of the fern. As stated in the 
Preface to that book, while the ultimate problem of botany 
is the development of the kingdom of plants, the more 
immediate and fundamental problem is the development 
of the individual plant. “‘Ontogeny is fundamental 
because without a knowledge of its processes the processes 
of phylogeny cannot be comprehended. Phylogeny is 
the ultimate problem because its complete solution in- 
volves an orderly description of all the phenomena of 
plant life, and their relation to each other.” 

The author is specially indebted to Dr. O. E. White, 
curator of plant breeding in the Brooklyn Botanic Garden, 
for a careful reading of the entire manuscript and for 
many valuable suggestions; also to Mr. Norman Taylor, 
curator of plants, in connection with Chapter X, and 
to Dr. Alfred Gundersen, associate curator of plants in 
the same institution, for numerous constructive criticisms 
in connection with Chapter XIII. The diagram show- 
ing the apparent affinities and approximate geological 
distribution of the main groups of vascular plants (p. 


248) originated with Dr. Gundersen, but has been modi- 
fied, as here printed, in certain details for which the 
author alone is responsible. Grateful acknowledgment is 
made to Dr. Ralph E. Cleland for photo prints of Figs. 
74 and 75 from negatives made by him on the summit 
of Mt. Madison (Adirondacks); and to Prof. Harvey 
W. Shimer, author, and The Macmillan Co., publisher, 
for permission to reproduce Fig. 66. 

If the following pages shall prove to be a source of re- 
liable and readable elementary information to those in- 
terested in the subjects treated, the object of the book 
will be accomplished. 

BRooKtyn BoTranic GARDEN, 
March 25, 1920. 



I. Lire History or A FERN 

IL. Lire History or A FERN (Concluded) 
IV. Hereprry 
VI. Evolution 
Vil. Darwinism 
VIII. ExperIMENTAL EvoLution 
1X. THe EvoLution or PLANts 
XIL. Tae Evotution or Plants (Concludzd) 
XIII. THe Great Groups or PLANTS 


« IOL 


« 183 
. 201 
+ 243 
2 252 

» 257 


1. Life History—Every plant, in the course of its ex- 
istence, passes through a series of changes in orderly 

Fic. 1.—A fern (Anisosorus hirsutus), showing portion of the stem above 

sequence. Like an animal, every plant begins life as a 
single cell, the egg, or the equivalent of an egg. Except 

in some of the lower forms, the egg develops into an 


Fic. 2.—Portion of the rhizome of the common brake (Pieris aquilina) 
showing a cross-section view at the right. 


Fic. 3.—Cross-section of the rhizome of the bracken fern (Pleris aqui- 
lina), showing the tissue systems. Greatly magnified. 


embryo, and the embryo matures into an adult. By a 
series of more or less complicated processes the adult 
eventually gives rise to another egg, like the one from 
which it came, thus completing one life-cycle and initiat- 
ing another. These various changes constitute the life 

Fic. 4.—Tree ferns on the military road between Cayey and Caguas, 
Porto Rico. (Photo by M. A. Howe.) 

history of the individual. The various stages of life 
history common to most plants are nowhere more clearly 
illustrated than in the ferns. 

2. Description of a Fern Plant.—The more common 
ferns of temperate regions have underground stems or 
rhizomes (sometimes called root-stocks), so that only the 


leaves appear above ground. The stem may be branched 
or unbranched. When branched, the branches are pro- 
duced without reference to the insertion of the leaves, 
in contrast to the habit of higher plants of forming 
branches only in the upper angle (axil) between the stem 
and leaf-stalk. There is always a terminal bud at the 

Fic. 5.—A, Upper epidermis; B, lower epidermis of the leaf of the fern, 
Drynaria meyeniana. (Camera lucida drawing.) 

tip of the fern-stem (and of the branches when any oc- 
cur); and the leaves are usually attached just back of this 
tip. The stems are commonly (though not always) 
covered by hairs or scales (Fig. 1), and on their older 
portions, at some distance back from the tip, may be seen 
the scars, or the ends of leaf-stalks, left by old leaves that 

! The leaves of ferns are often called fronds. 


have died and fallen away. The rhizome bears true roots 
(Fig. 2), and its tissues are differentiated into epider- 
mal, fundamental, mechanical, and conducting systems 
(Fig. 3). In tropical countries there are ‘‘tree ferns,” 

Fic. 6.—Osmunda Claytoniana. Young sporophylls, showing circinate 
vernation. Note the spore-bearing pinne. 

with upright stems, and this type of fern is common 
among the fossil plants of earlier geological ages (Fig. 4). 
There are also climbing ferns. 

3. Two Kinds of Fern-leaves.—Careful examination 
of the leaves of certain mature ferns will disclose the fact 


that they are not all alike. Some of them are merely 
foliage-leaves, and do not differ in any essential point from 
the foliage-leaves of higher plants, such as the maple or 
lily; they possess stomata for the exchange of gases and 

Fic. 7.—Portions of the sporophylls of two ferns to show the sori. 
On the left Polypodium punctatum (L.) Sw.; on the right a variety of Pteris 
longifolia, with sporangia marginal on the pinnules. 

water-vapor with the outer air (Fig. 5), and they also 
resemble the leaves of higher plants in their internal struc- 
ture. All fern-leaves, however, have a very characteristic 
arrangement in the embryonic or bud condition, being 


coiled up from the tip. As the leaves grow they unroll, 
and in some ferns, at certain stages, they often closely re- 
semble the neck of a violin (Fig. 6). The leaf-blade 

Fic. 8.—Sporophylls of two ferns. At the left, a species of Polypodium 
(Phymatodes), having no indusium; at the right, Diplazium zelanicum. 

possesses veins of fibro-vascular bundles that pass down 
the leaf-stalk and through the stem to the roots. Because 
of the possession of these vascular bundles, ferns (and 
all other plants of which this is true) are called vas- 


cular plants. These leaves perform all the functions 
performed by the foliage-leaves of other plants, the most 
important of which are the manufacture of organic, car- 
bohydrate food from inorganic raw materials (photosyn- 
thesis), and the giving off of water vapor from within 

4. Spore-bearing Leaves.—The second type of fern- 
leaf bears, on its underside, numerous ‘‘fruit-dots”’ or sori 
(singular sorus) (Figs. 7 and 8). These structures have 
to do with reproduction. A single sorus of such a fern 

Fic. 9.—Cross-section through the marginal sorus of a sporophyll of 
the bracken fern (Pteris aquilina). 1, palisade layer; fb, vascular bundle; 
sp, sporangium; im, indusium. (Greatly magnified.) 

as, for example, Polypodium, is composed of a cluster of 
tiny stalked cases. The cases contain minute unicellular 
reproductive bodies called spores, and the entire structure 
is a sporangium. The place where the sporangia are 
attached to the leaf is the sporangiophore! (Fig. 9), and 
over all is often found a thin membranous covering, the 
indusium (Figs. 9 and 10). In some ferns the indusium 
is lacking, and the sorus is naked. Spore-bearing leaves 
are called sporophylls, and plants that bear sporophylls 
are called sporophytes. 

1 Also called receptacle, 


Ns. wis aes 

Vic. 10,—Cyrtomium falcatum. Under (dorsal) surface of a portion of 

a ~ ONG 
LE IGE: 3 ? 

ANS 9 yt, 
ypyss af i. ah 
«if SS Ee 

SANS ag 

Fic. 11.—Fern leaves, showing various degrees of subdivision or branch- 
ing of the blade. A, Phyllilis; B, Polypodiwm; C, Pieris; D, Adiantum. 


5. Types of Foliage-leaf—tIn some ferns the foliage- 
leaf presents a simple, unbranched blade, and petiole; 
but in other species the blade is variously branched. In 
such cases the larger, primary divisions are called pinnae, 
and the secondary subdivisions pinnules. Illustrations 
of these various types are shown in Fig. 11. 

6. Sporangia.—As noted above, each sporangium con- 
sists of a spore-case borne on a stalk (Fig. 12). The stfuc- 
ture of the case varies considerably in various groups of 
ferns, but it usually possesses walls only one cell thick, with 
a clearly differentiated region, the annulus, composed of 
cells whose radial and inner cell-walls are greatly thick- 
ened. Various types of spore-cases are illustrated in 

Fic. 12.—Sporangia of an undetermined species of fern; i, lip-cells; 
an, annulus; st, stalk; sp, mature spores. Each of the four nuclei in the 
upper cells ‘of the stalk is in the terminal cell of one of the four vertical 
rows of cells that compose the stalk. 

Fig. 13. Among the group of ferns which are now most 
common, and to which the bracken fern (or ‘‘brake’’), 
the maiden-hair fern, the common polypody, and others 
belong, the sporangium always originates from a single 
epidermal cell. Ferns whose sporangia thus originate are 
called leptosporangiate ferns (Cf. p. 29). The walls of 
their spore-cases are always only one cell thick, and 


always possess some form of annulus. As the sporangia 
mature the spore-case itself becomes differentiated into 
two distinct kinds of tissue, namely, vegetative tissue on 
the outside, forming the wall and reproductive tissue within, 
from which the spores are developed. 

7. Number of Spores.—The number of spores pro- 
duced by a vigorous fern is a great revelation to one who 
has never given such matters. careful thought. Pro- 

_ is 

vad a 
lic. 13.—Types af fern sporangia, A, Loxsoma Ciinninsianll: "B 
Gleichenia circinata; C, Todea barbara; D, Bhyesoblents elegans; E, Matania 
pectinata; F, Lygodium japonicum. (Redrawn from various sours. ) 
: ope v 
fessor Bower, of Glasgow, has calléd attention to this, ‘fact 
in the following words: ‘ 

fe fouahh estimate may be made of the numerical output of spores ‘ftom 
a large plant of the Shield fern, as follows: In each sporangium 48! 
spores may be formed; a sorus will consist of fully 100 sporangia, usually 
more; 20 is a moderate estimate of the sori on an average pinna; there may 
be fully 50 fertile pinne# on one well-developed leaf, and a strong plant 
would bear ro fertile leaves. 48 X Ico X 20 X 50 X 10 = 48,000,000. 
The output of spores on a strong plant in the single season will thus, on a 
moderate estimate, approach the enormous number of fifty millions.” 

8. Types of Sporophylls —In many ferns the leaves 
serve both vegetative and reproductive functions in about 

! Bower gives this number as the characteristic output for the species 
Aspidium Filix-mas. In other species the number may be 64. 


equal degree, as in the case of Polypodium mentioned 
above. In some species, however, there are two kinds of 
leaves—one devoted entirely to vegetative functions, and 
another to the reproductive, or spore-producing function 
(Fig. 14); between these two extremes all grades of transi- 
tion are found (Fig. 15). But however widely the sporo- 

Fic. 14.—The cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea), showing foliage’ 
leaves and sporophylls. 

phyll departs from a foliage-leaf in appearance, it must, 
nevertheless, be regarded as morphologically a leaf. As 
partial evidence of the true foliar nature of sporophylls, 
there may be cited the interesting experiment of Atkinson, 
who, by removing the true foliage-leaves just beginning to 
unfold in the spring, was able to induce developing sporo- 
“phylls to alter their character, and become transformed 


Fic. 15.—Clayton’s fern (Osmunda Claytoniana), showing sporophylls 
in the center, surrounded by foliage leaves. 


into foliage-leayes. Similar results were also obtained by 
Goebel. These experiments indicate that foliage-leaves 
and sporophylls are very closely related to each other, 

Fic. 16.—Portion of a leaf of a fern (Tectoria cicutarig) that bears 
bulbils on both the upper and lower surfaces of its leaves. Plantlets 
develop from the bulbils while they are still attached. 

and demonstrate clearly that foliage-leaves may be pro- 
duced by the sterilization of spore-bearing leaves. The 
interesting question here naturallyjarises as to whether, in 
the evolutionary development of the plant kingdom 






Fic. 17.—Walking fern (Camptosorus rhizophyllus). The smaller,. 
lower plant originated at the tip of a leaf of the larger plant, and one of its 
leaves has, in turn, struck root. 


through long geological ages, foliage-leaves have in gen- 
eral originated by the sterilization of spore-bearing organs. 

9. Vegetative Multiplication—In addition to repro- 
duction by spores, ferns may also be propagated vege- 
tatively in at least four ways. By one of these methods, 
the rhizome is cut into several pieces, and from every 
piece that contains a bud a new plant will develop. By 

Fic. 18.—A Boston fern (Nephrolepis), reproducing vegetatively by 
means of runners or stolons. The parent plant is in the round pot. 
(After R. C. Benedict.) 

the second method, the plant is progagated by means of 
bulbils, which occur on the foliage-leaves of several species. 
In the fern Tectoria cicutaria, bulbils occur on both the 
upper and under sides of the leaf (Fig. 16). These bulbils 
fall to the ground, and under suitable conditions of light, 
moisture, and temperature give rise to new fern-plants. 
One of the ferns native to the eastern United States 
(Cystopteris bulbifera) received its specific name from the 


fact that it bears bulbils. A third method is illustrated 
in the very interesting “walking fern” (Camptosorus 
rhizophyllus), where the tips of the long acuminate leaves 
rest upon the moist ground, take root, and develop an 
entire new plant at the distance of the leaf’s length from 
the parent fern (Fig. 17). The result of several repeti- 
tions of this suggested the common name “walking fern.” 
A fourth method is by means of stolons or ‘runners”’ 
(Fig. 18). 

10. Dispersal of Spores.—After the spores are mature 
the essential need is that they become dispersed, so that 
they may find favorable conditions of moisture, tem- 
perature, light, and soil for development; for, with rare 
exceptions, such conditions do not obtain within the 
spore-case. Moreover, if the spores remained within the 
sporangia they would be so greatly crowded that only a 
very small percentage of them would be able to develop 
into new plants. When the spores are ripe the spore-case 
opens, and by various movements the spores are expelled, 
often to a considerable distance; by wind and other 
agencies they may be carried still further from the parent 

11. Germination of Spores.—After dispersal, and under 
favoring conditions of temperature, moisture and light 
the spore begins to absorb water, and soon commences 
to grow. As the internal pressure increases, the walls of 
the spore are burst apart, and a tiny tube, the germ-tube 
or protonema (first thread), begins to develop. ‘This 
process is germination. Shortly, near the wall of the spore, 
a smaller, slender tube develops as a branch of the germ- 
tube (Fig. 19). This is the first of innumerable root-like 
bodies, or rhizoids, which will help to hold the new plant 



a, Before germination; 

and first rhizoid (rk); c, d, e, f, 

successive stages in the development of the prothallus. 

showing protonema (pr.), 


Fic. 19.—Germination of the spores of a fern. 

b, early stage 








(After Margaret 

Archegonia on the (central) cushion 

the rhizoids, 

Fic. 20.—Prothallus of a fern. 
near the notch; antheridia among 

C. Ferguson.) 



firmly to the soil, and also serve to take in water and dis- 
solved mineral nutrients. 

12. The Prothallus.—Before the germ-tube has greatly 
enlarged, it becomes divided into two cells, and then, 
by successive cell-divisions, into an increasing number. 
Meanwhile chlorophyll bodies begin to appear, but never 
in the rhizoids. The final product of these cell-divisions 
and growth is a tiny, flat, green body, often (but not 
always) heart-shaped, with a central portion, the cushion, 
several cells thick, and a marginal part, the wings, of only 
one cell in thickness. Because of its flatness this little 
plant (for such it is) is called a thallus; and because it 
precedes, in the order of reproduction, the new sporophyte, 
it is called the prothallus (Fig. 20). It is usually possible 
to divide the prothallus into right and left halves, similar 
in shape and in other characters, and hence it is said to 
possess bilateral symmetry. 


The prothallus, as just described, bears little resem-~ 
blance, indeed, to the fern plant with which we are com- 
monly familiar. In fact, the relation between the two was 
not understood, nor even suspected, until about 1848, 
when Count Lesczyc-Suminski, a Polish botanist, first 
gave a connected description of the life history of the fern. 
We shall now proceed to follow the steps which lead from 
the prothallus to the new sporophyte. 

13. Dorso-ventral Differentiation The appearance of 
the first root-like body, or rhizoid, was noted above. 
As the prothallus develops the rhizoids become more and 
more numerous, forming a mass of fine thread-like bodies 
on the under side, opposite the notch, of the heart-shaped 
prothallus. The presence of rhizoids, and of other struc- 
tures soon to be described, makes it easy to distinguish 
at once the surface that bears them from the opposite 
surface. Since the surface bearing the rhizoids lies nor- 
mally next to the substratum it was called the ventral 
surface, while the opposite surface was called dorsal. As 
now used, the terms dorsal and ventral are morphological 
terms, and have no reference to the manner in which the 
prothallus lies. Normally the ventral surface is the under 
one and the dorsal surface the upper, but the application 
of the terms would not be changed if the differentiated 
prothallus should happen, by any chance, to lie upside 



down. The dorsal surface would then be the under 
surface, and the ventral surface the upper one. Organisms 
or organs having two such surfaces clearly distinguishable 
are said to have dorso-ventral differentiation. Among many 
other structures thus differentiated are foliage-leaves, 
sporophylls, man, fishes, and other animals. In buds the 
dorsal surface of leaves is the upper or outer surface; 
when foliage leaves are fully expanded the dorsal surface 
is commonly underneath, and the ventral surface above. 

Fic. 21.—Archegonia of a fern (Adiantum). A, young archegonium; 
B, mature; C, top view, showing terminal cells of the four rows of wall 
cells; 2, wall of venter; e, egg; v.c.c, ventral canal-cell; 2.c, neck-canal; 
sp, sperms entering the neck-canal. A and B in longitudinal section. 

14. Reproductive Organs: Archegonia.— Examination 
of the ventral surface of a mature prothallus with a lens 
will reveal near the notch and on the cushion, several 
tiny flask-shaped bodies, the archegonia. Each arche- 
gonium consists of a wall, one cell thick, and contents 
(Fig. 21). The neck projects away from the surface 


and is usually slightly curved, while the remainder, the 
venter, is imbedded in the tissue of the cushion. As the 
archegonium approaches maturity it is seen to contain 
three cells; a long neck-canal cell, nearly filling the neck, 
an egg-cell or ovum, filling the venter, and between these 
two a ventral-canal cell. The egg is the female reproduc- 
tive cell. As it matures, the other two cells become disin- 
tegrated into a mucilaginous mass that fills the neck-canal. 
Since the archegonia contain the eggs they are the female 
reproductive organs. 

Fic. 22.—Portion of a cross-section of a prothallus of a fern (Adian- 
_ tum), showing an antheridium (am), and sporogenous cells within. 
(Drawn from preparation of E. W. Olive.) 

15. Reproductive Organs: Antheridia—Search among 
the rhizoids will reveal another class of organs, the an- 
theridia, globular and also having walls only one cell 
thick. ‘These are the male reproductive organs. At 
maturity they contain a large number of tiny motile cells, 
composed chiefly of a coiled nucleus, and able to swim 
about in water by the vigorous lashing of numerous little 
thread-like cilia attached to one end. These are the 
sperms, or male reproductive cells (Figs. 22 and 23.) 


16. Fertilization.—Neither the eggs nor the sperms are 
able, independently, to reproduce their kind. In order 
to accomplish this they must unite, and the fusion of the 
sperm and egg is fertilization. One of the most significant 
facts about fertilization in ferns is that free water is re- 
quired, in order that the sperms may reach the egg by their 
own locomotion. When the antheridia and archegonia 

Fic. 23.—Fern prothallus; cross-sections showing antheridia (an), 
sperms (sp), and rhizoids (rz). Below at the right is a sperm (sp) 
greatly enlarged. 

are mature, a suitable amount of water (such as would 
result from a rain or a copious dew), soaking through the 
archegonial walls, will cause the mucilaginous matter in 
the neck-canal to swell. This in turn will rupture the 
archegonia at their distal ends, and a portion of the con- 
tents of the neck-canal will become extruded, while the 
egg will remain in the venter. The same conditions of 


moisture will cause the rupture of the antheridia, and the 
sperms will be set free (Fig. 23). The mucilaginous matter 
extruded from the archegonia contains a substance (malic 
acid, in some ferns) which stimulates the sperms to swim 
toward it. This they are enabled to do by the free 
external water. On reaching the archegonia, they enter 
it, and swim down the neck-canal to the egg. The sperm 
that first reaches the egg penetrates it, and passes through 

Fic. 24.—Fertilization in the fern, Onoclea. A, longitudinal section 
of archegonium, showing the egg in the venter, and numerous sperms 
passing down the neck-canal. B, an egg-cell in the venter. One sperm 
has entered the nucleus, three sperms have failed to enter the egg. (After 
W. R. Shaw.) 

its cytoplasm until it reaches the egg-nucleus, with which 
it fuses, thus completing the act of fertilization (Fig. 24). 
As soon as one sperm enters the egg-cell, the latter at once 
forms a fertilization-membrane about itself, through which 
the remaining sperms cannot enter. 



17. Nature of the Fertilized Egg.—It will at once be 
recognized that the fertilized egg, resulting from a union 
with the sperm, possesses a double or diploid nature.! 
In recognition of its dual nature it is called the dosperm 
(egg and sperm).? The dosperm, however, like the un- 

Fic. 25.—Young embryo of a maidenhair fern (Adiantum concinnum), 
still surrounded by the archegonium, which has grown in size. L, leaf; 
S, stem; R, root; F, foot. (After Atkinson.) 

fertilized egg, is still only one cell, though its nucleus com- 
prises substances contributed by both egg and sperm. 
In some cases the egg and sperm that unite in fertilization 
may come from different parents; their fusion is then 
called cross-fertilization. 

1 As distinguished from the unfertilized egg, which is of a single, or 
haploid nature. 

2 The term dospore is often used here, but this term lacks the advan- 
tage of indicating the real nature of the fertilized egg. 


18. Development of the Fertilized Egg.— After fertili- 
zation the egg begins to develop, undergoing a series of 
nuclear and cell-divisions, accompanied by increase in 
size. The cell-wall of the first division (in all of the family 
Polypodiacez) is parallel to the axis of the archegonial 
neck. The second wall, at right angles to the first, di- 
vides the odsperm into four cells. The beginning of these 
divisions marks the beginning of the embryo. By further 
cell-divisions each of the first four cells develops a mass of 
embryonic tissue. ‘The two cells on one side of the first 
wall formed represent, the one the embryonic stem, and 
the other the embryonic leaf, or cotyledon. One of the 
two cells on the opposite side of the first wall, develops 
into the embryonic root, while the other develops into an 
organ peculiar to the embryonic stage, and known as the 
foot (Fig. 25). The function of the foot is to absorb 
nourishment for the young embryo from the prothallus. 
The need of such an organ becomes apparent when it is 
recalled that the odsperm, and consequently the embryo, 
lie free in the venter of the archegonium, without any 
organic or structural connection with the prothallus. 
This necessary connection is early established by the foot. 

19. Growth of the Embryo.—As the embryo continues 
to grow, the root develops first. The advantage of this 
will become evident when we remember that the primary 
and most fundamental need of the young plant is water, 
which is taken in by the roots. The next most funda- 
mental need is nourishment, and as plant food is manufac- 
tured in chlorophyll-bearing organs, and usually in 
leaves, we would expect the early development of leaves. 
Such is the case, the growth of the first leaf being second- 
ary only to that of the root, and in advance of the stem. 


The development of the stem follows, and finally spore- 
bearing leaves appear (Fig. 26). We then have. an 
organism similar to that with which we started—a full- 
grown fern-plant, capable of producing spores, which can 
develop into prothallia again, with antheridia and arche- 
gonia, producing sperms and eggs, and so on. Thus we 
see that the steps in the life history of a fern constitute 
a life-cycle. At whatever point or with whatever struc- 

Tic. 26.—Prothallia of a fern. 1, Before the sporophyte had appeared; 
2-5, with sporophytes attached; /, cotyledon or first leaf of the sporophyte; 
2, circinate vernation of a leaf; s, mass of soil, 

ture we start, if we follow the course of development we 
are brought back again to the same point, or the same 
kind of structure with which we began. 

20. Simpler Ferns.—In addition to the leptosporan- 
giate ferns, which have served as a basis for the general- 
ized description given above, there is another group, 
having a more primitive type of organization. Repre- 
sentatives of this group include the “‘moonworts”’ (species 
of Botrychium, Fig. 27), and the ‘‘adder’s tongue” (Oph- 


ioglossum vulgatum, Fig. 28). The species of Botry- 
chium usually (though not invariably) possess but one 

Fic, 27.—Rattlesnake fern (Boirychium virginianum (L.) Sw.). 

foliage-leaf, and a fertile spike, both of which are more or 
less branched. . Abnormal forms are not uncommon in 
which the fertile spike is more or less sterilized, sometimes 


being entirely so; whilein other cases sporangia occur on 

the foliage-leaf. As in the re- 
placement of sporophylls by 
sterile leaves in the ostrich fern, 
Onoclea struthiopteris (para- 
graph 8), these abnormalities 
indicate the close relationship 
between leaves and spore-bear- 
ing organs, and clearly show 
that the latter may be com- 
pletely transformed, by sterili- 
zation, into foliage-leaves. 

In Ophioglossum the foliage- 
leaf and spore-bearing spike 
are both unbranched, the latter 
suggesting an adder’s tongue, 
whence thename, Ophioglossum. 
In both Ophioglossum and Botry- 
chium the sporangia originate 
from a group of epidermal and 
sub-epidermal cells, and are 
consequently imbedded in the 
surrounding tissue. Their walls 
are more than one cell in thick- 
ness, the annulus is lacking, and 
they open by a slit. Ferns of 
this type are called eusporangiate 
(Cf.p.10). Their prothallia are 
usually fleshy and subterranean, 
bear the antheridia and arche- 
gonia on the dorsal instead of on 
the ventral surface, and are per- 

Fria. 28.—Adder’s tongue 
fern (Ophioglossum vulgatum 
L.). #&, runner or stolon. 


ennial, often living on after the sporophyte has died. In 
general the sporophyte possesses less sterile tissue in pro- 
portion to fertile tissue than is the case with the lepto- 
sporangiate forms. These characters mark the group as 
more primitive than the leptosporangiate ferns, and they 
are much less numerous, only about 100 species being 
known from the entire world, while of the leptosporangiate 
ferns between 3,000 and 4,000 species have been described. 

Recent studies of the vascular anatomy of the Ophio- 
glossacee have disclosed features in common with the 
Osmundacee# and Polypodiacee. The fact that the vas- 
cular bundles of the fertile spike originate in the same 
manner as those extending into the pairs of pinne of 
the sterile segment points to the conclusion that the fertile 
spike represents, or is homologous with, two fused pinne 
at the base of a fern leaf. From this and other evidence 
the Ophioglossacee, while “simpler’’ in structural fea- 
tures, have been regarded as not having had a strobilar 
origin (by progressive sterilization!) from the liverworts, - 
and as not standing in the ancestral line of the modern lep- 
tosporangiate ferns, but as having themselves been derived 
at a very early period from a primitive fern stock closely 
related to the Osmundacee. On the other hand, Camp- 
bell? has adduced evidence for the derivation of the fertile 
spike of Ophioglossum from a sporogonium like that of the 
liverwort, Anthoceros. This and other evidence indicates 
that the Ophioglossacee, and the eusporangiate ferns 
as a group, are the oldest fern stock, and this conclusion 
is supported by the geological record, for the oldest known 
fossil ferns are eusporangiate. Further investigation is 
necessary before the question can be definitely settled. 

‘Cf. pp. 379, 432, and 574 infra. 
? Campbell, D. H., Amer. Nat. 41: 139-159. 1907. 



21. Two Kinds of Reproduction.—In the two preced- 
ing chapters attention has been called to three ways of ob- 
taining new fern-plants, namely, by spores, by vegetative 
multiplication, and by fertilized eggs. The first two 
methods may be grouped together as asexual, while the 
second is sexual, as shown in the following table. 

By the giving off of { Artificial (slips, 

multi-cellular por-J| cuttings, etc.). 
Asexual, in-| tions or outgrowths | Natural (tubers, 

volving cell- | of vegetative tissue. | bulbs, gemmz). 
divisions By the giving off of 
only. special reproductive 

bodies of one or few 

Reproduction cells, called spores. 

Sexual, in- 
volving cell- 

22. Vegetative Multiplication—Vegetative multipli- 
cation may be accomplished either without or with the 
intervention of man. In the first case the plant produces 
special reproductive bodies such as tubers, bulbs, offsets 
and stolons, which become separated from the plant with- 
out assistance, and develop into new individuals. In 
the second case a similar result is accomplished through 
the removal by the gardener of portions of the parent 
plant, such as slips, cuttings, leaves (e.g., in the begonia), 
or by bending branches over until they touch the ground, 
and there take root, after which the newly rooted portion 


may be severed from the parent plant. This is called 
layering. The production of new individuals by the arti- 
ficial methods of the gardener is called propagation; but 
between these methods and multiplication by special 
bodies, given off spontaneously by the plant, no hard and 
fast line can be drawn. Some plants, for example, be- 
come layered without the gardener’s assistance; other 
plants (as the willow), by self-pruning, spontaneously 
give off branches from which new plants may develop; 
while, on the other hand, the gardener may cut a tuber, 
such as the “‘potato” into a number of pieces, from each of 
which a new plant will develop. In this practice artificial 
propagation and vegetative multiplication are combined. 

23. Reproduction by Spores.—The essential fact about 
a spore is that it is an individual cell or small group of 
cells, produced primarily for reproductive purposes, 
given off by the plant, and capable by itself of producing 
a new individual. The essence of all reproduction is the 
separation of the reproducing cell or body from the parent 
plant. Ifa bud or a bulb remains attached to the plant 
that formed it, it produces only a branch or other organ, 
but not a new individual. So, also, a spore must be sepa- 
rated from the parent plant in order to reproduce the 
latter. In many cases spores may germinate before they 
are set free, but the separation must come sooner or later. 

24. Sexual Reproduction—In marked contrast to 
reproduction by spores, is the reproduction by means of 
sperms and eggs, involving cell- and nuclear-fusions, known 
as fertilization. Eggs and sperms are called gametes,! 
the egg being the female gamete, the sperm the male 
gamete. The diploid cell, resulting from the union of two 
gametes, is called a zygote, and this term is often extended 

1 From the Greek word, yéuos (gamos), meaning marriage. 


to apply to the resulting diploid organism through all 
stages of its development to maturity. 

25. Two Kinds of Generations.—A study of the life 
history of the fern disclosed two distinct phases or genera- 
tions, one bearing spores, and therefore called the sporo- 
phyte (spore-bearing plant), the other bearing gametes and 
for that reason called the gametophyte (gamete-bearing 
plant). The gametophyte of the fern was seen to be 
entirely independent of the sporophyte, capable of manu- 
facturing its own food by means of its own chlorophyll, 
not dependent upon any other plant, and in some groups 
being perennial, living on from year to year, and giving 
rise to sporophytes that live for only one season. The 
sporophyte, on the other hand, is at first, entirely de- 
pendent upon the gametophyte for its nutrition, living as 
a parasite upon the prothallus, from which it absorbs its 
nourishment by means of the special organ, the foot. 
Gradually, however, the sporophyte puts forth roots, 
capable of taking in water and dissolved mineral sub- 
stances from the soil, and chlorophyll-bearing organs the 
fronds or leaves), capable of manufacturing organic food. 
As the sporophyte becomes independent, the gameto- 
phyte (with few exceptions, as noted above), perishes. 
A comparison of the two generations shows that the 
sporophyte is the much more complex of the two, being 
clearly differentiated into roots, and leafy shoot. The 
difference in the origin of these two generations results in 
a very fundamental difference in the nature of all the 
cells in each. Since the sporophyte is derived from an 
odsperm (zygote), formed by the fusion of the two, 
gametes, all of its cells are diploid, containing material 

derived from both its male and female parentage. The 


gametophyte, on the other hand, being derived from a sin- 
gle reproductive cell (the spore), without nuclear or cell-fu- 
sions, is composed of cells of a single or haploid nature. 

26. Alternation of Generations.—Our study of the 
fern also brought out another fact of very fundamental 
importance. Sporophytes do not produce sporophytes, 
nor gametophytes, gametophytes; but there is always 
an alternation of generations, sporophytes producing 
gametophytes, and gametophytes, sporophytes. 

The order of sequence in the life-cycle is as follows: 

The order of structures and processes involved in the 
life-cycle is as follows: 

Gametophyte (prothallus) 

Antheridium Archegonium 
Sperm (male gamete) Egg (female gamete) 


Odsperm (zygote) 
Mature soe (mature zygote) 



TTT [yun 

Spore Spore Spore Spore 



The fact of a cycle in the life history is brought out 
clearly in the following diagram: 

Gametophyte Sporophyte 
Stage Stage 

Fic. 29.—Diagram of life-cycle of a fern. 

27. Reduction.—Since the sporophyte (descended from 
the diploid odsperm) has cells of a double nature, resulting 
from fertilization, and since the spores which give rise to 
the gametophyte are of a single (or haploid) nature, 
there must occur, at some stage in the life of the sporo- 
phyte, a process of reduction, restoring the cells, made 
diploid by fertilization, to the haploid condition. Pains- 
taking studies of cellular structure and processes has 
disclosed the fact that this reduction takes place during 
the two successive divisions (tetrad-divisions) of the spore- 
mother-cell, resulting in the formation of four spores. 
The diploid condition persists in all the cells of the 
sporophyte, and through every cell-division, up to the two 
divisions preceding spore-formation, just as the single or 
haploid condition persists in all the cells of the gameto- 
phyte, up to the very act of fertilization. 


28. Nature and Method of Reduction.—In order 
thoroughly to understand fertilization and reduction one 
must have a knowledge of the structure and behavior of 
the nucleus in cell-division and cell-fusion. This subject 
is too difficult and too extended to be thoroughly treated 

Vic. 30.—Diagram illustrating various stages of indirect nuclear 
division (mitosis). A, resting nucleus of the mother-cell; B, formation 
of nuclear skein or spirem; C, longitudinal splitting of the spirem; D, the 
chromosomes (four in number) have been formed by the transverse seg- 
mentation of the spirem; E, chromosomes arranged on the equator of the 
nuclear spindle; F and G, early and late anaphase, the chromosomes moving 
to the pales of the spindle; H, formation of daughter spirems; J, resting 
stage of the two daughter-cells. 

in an introductory study, but the salient facts are as 
follows.. The nucleus of all cells comprises at least four 
substances: nuclear sap, a threadwork of linin, and a 
substance called chromatin,’ all these are enclosed by a 
nuclear membrane. In the non-dividing nucleus the 
‘Because it stains readily when treated with certain aniline dyes, 


chromatin is distributed on the linin threads in the 
form of minute granules (Fig. 30.) At one of the stages 
preliminary to nuclear division the linin network, with the 
chromatin, becomes transformed into a thickened skein, 




Fic. 31.— Diagram illustrating various stages in the reduction division 
(maiosis) of a spore-mother-cell of a plant; A, resting stage of the mother- 
cell-nucleus; B, the nuclear skein or spirem, in synizesis (during synapsis); 
C, the spirem after synapsis, showing its double (diploid) nature; the dot- 
ted line indicates the segmentation of the spirem into two diploid chromo- 
somes, each of which has split longitudinally in D; E, the diploid chromo- 
somes on the equator of the spindle of the first (heterotypic) division; 
F, late anaphase; G, metaphase of the second or homotypic division; H, 
late anaphase of same, two haploid chromosomes approaching the poles 
of each spindle; 7, the four daughter-cells (spores) of the tetrad. 

which shortly becomes split into two, throughout its entire 
length. The skein finally becomes divided transversely 
into a number of double chromatin bodies or chromosomes. 
The number of these chromosomes is characteristic, and 
always the same for each species of plant. The nuclear 



membrane then disappears, and, by a complicated mechan- 

, not entirely understood, the two halves of the chro- 
mosomes are separated and carried apart to opposite sides 


(S835 “AY Jey) “wWes8erp 24} NoySnosy} paoesz? oq ACU HI }eY} OS 
yeu oysuayoereyD @ Aq p2}eUsIsep st suosoWIOIYD PRA *(St4D98 Y) WIOM-pBeIy} 94} 
jo dsoy} wo paseq oie eusmOUaYd Ivapnu aq, -ayAqdorods 94} Ut sautosOMOIyD Inof 
THA uray peoremodséy v uo paseq ‘a]94-9jT] yeows0joysd Be Jo ueBeIq—'zf *o1] 



After this division of the nucleus, a new cell- 

of the cell. 


wall forms, dividing the entire cell into halves; new nu- 
clear membranes develop, and the chromosomes in-each 


daughter-nucleus becomes gradually retransformed into a 
resting nucleus, like the one with which we started. 

In reduction (Fig. 31) a new resting nucleus is not 
organized after the first nuclear division by which the 
number of chromosomes in each nucleus is reduced by 
one-half, but this division is followed at once by a second. 
This is the process of tetrad-division, by which four 
spores are formed from each spore-mother-cell. The 
reduced number of chromosomes persists throughout 
the gametophyte-phase, including the formation of both 
egg and sperm. When the latter unite, the nucleus of the 
zygote will, of course, possess the doubled number of 
chromosomes, which then persists throughout the body of 
the sporophyte (mature zygote); until the stage of spore- 
formation is again reached. These facts are shown dia- 
grammatically in Fig. 32. 

29. Inheritance.—It is, of course, common knowledge 
that men do not gather grapes of thorns, nor figs of 
thistles. A given species of fern always reproduces the 
same species, and this is true of all plants. It requires 
only a brief reflection to realize that this must be so, for 
the beginning of every living thing is always merely a 
piece of an antecedent organism, the parent. The off- 
spring would, therefore, naturally partake of the nature of 
its parent—it is a piece of it—was originally a part of 
it. Resemblance between ancestor and descendant is 
commonly regarded as inheritance, but only a little 
careful thinking will lead us to see that resemblance 
and inheritance are by no means synonymous. The real 
nature of inheritance is well illustrated by the inheritance 
of property by ason from his father. The thing inherited 
is not an external appearance, but a material substance 


(land, buildings, a business), which is handed from one 
to another. So it is in reproduction. That which one 
generation of plants inherits from another is the substance 
of the reproductive cells—the protoplasm of the spore, 
odsperm, tuber, or bulb—plus a certain characteristic 
organization of this protoplasm, and the effects of its past 

30. Inheritance Versus Expression.—That inherit- 
ance and expression are not the same thing is plainly 
shown in the life history of the fern, for the gametophyte 
clearly derives its living matter by inheritance from the 
sporophyte, and the sporophyte, in turn, its living matter 
from the gametophyte, and yet the two generations look so 
little alike that men for centuries knew them both with- 
out recognizing the fact that they were merely two dif- 
ferent phases in the life history of the same species of 
plant. So, often, among human beings, children may 
bear very little if any resemblance to their parents, but 
may closely resemble their grandparents. Clearly we 
do not inherit the color of our eyes or hair, the shapes of 
our noses, the peculiarities of our voices, or our mental 
traits from our parents, nor even from our more remote 
ancestors. What we do inherit is a tiny particle of proto- 
plasm having a certain characteristic composition, struc- 
ture, and past history. This protoplasm is capable, under 
certain combinations of circumstances, of developing 
into a mature organism, resembling the one from which 
it came, but under other combinations of circumstances 
the external appearance—the expression—may resemble 
that of the parent only a very little, or not at all. In- 
heritance may therefore be defined as the recurrence in 
successive generations, of a similar cellular constitution. 

1 Following Johannsen, Cf. p. 67. 


Expression of this cellular condition is greatly modified 
by circumstances, which are never precisely the same 
for any two individuals (Cf. p. 48). 

31. Variation.—The preceding sentence explains, in 
part, why it is that no two individuals are ever precisely 
alike—precisely similar circumstances surrounding de- 
veloping organisms never occur twice; that is, the environ- 
ment varies. Besides this, internal changes may take 
place in the reproductive cells. For either one or both of 
these reasons, constant variation is the rule for living 
things. This subject will be considered more at length 
in Chapters V and VI. 

32. Adjustment to Environment.—By the term 
environment is meant all the circumstances that surround 
a cell, tissue, or organism at any given time, or throughout 
its existence. The environment of tissues and organs 
includes surrounding tissues and organs, and the environ- 
ment of cells includes the neighboring tissues and cells. 
The most essential thing in the life of every plant or animal 
1s to keep in harmony with its environment. Every change 
of environment necessitates an adjustment on the part 
of the plant in order to maintain this harmony. Adjust- 
ments are most easily made when the plant is young and 
plastic, and especially while it is developing to maturity. 
If the amount of water in the soil is diminished the young 
plant will send its roots deeper, if light is entirely cut off no 
chlorophyll will form. A leaf, or the prothallus of ferns, is 
bilaterally symmetrical partly because the environment is 
uniform on all sides; the same organs have dorso-ventral 
differentiation largely because the environment is unlike 
above and below. The motility of sperms is an adjustment 
to water in the environment. Thus, variations in the 


environment may result in different expressions of in- 
heritance, just as variations in inheritance would be 
followed by differences in expression, even in an unchang- 
ing environment. In order correctly to understand a 
plant nothing is more necessary than to remember that 
its characteristics are the result, not of its inheritance 
alone, nor of its environment only, but of the interaction 
between the two. 

33. Struggle for Existence.—In paragraph 7 atten- 
tion was called to the fact that a moderate-sized fern pro- 
duces each year about 50,000,000 spores. If each one of 
these spores ultimately produced a mature fern-plant, and 
if we allowed only 1 square foot of ‘‘elbow-room”’ for each 
plant, the progeny of one parent only, in one season 
would require at least 50,000,000 square feet, or nearly 124 
square miles. If each of these plants in turn, produced 
50,000,000 offspring the next season, the descendants of 
only one fern plant would, in only two years, cover the 
stupendous area of over 83,000,000 square miles, or an 
area equal to that of the North American Continent. 
It has been calculated that a single plant of hedge mustard 
may produce as many as 730,000 seeds. If each seed 
developed another full-grown plant, and if the plants were 
distributed 73 to each square meter, there would be enough 
mustard plants to cover an area equal to 2,000 times 
the dry surface of the earth. One may easily imagine 
the result if all the seeds produced by one of our large 
forest trees were able to mature. And yet the total 
number of any given kind of fern, of hedge mustard, or 
of forest tree does not appreciably change from year to 
year. ‘The reason, of course, is that not all of the spores 
and seeds produced are allowed to come to maturity. 


The direct result of the enormous number of spores and 
seeds produced is a struggle for existence—for sufficient soil, 
water, light, and food to insure a healthy, mature plant. 

34. Elimination of the Unfit——As a result of variation 
certain individuals will succeed better than others in the 
struggle for existence. Those most poorly adapted to 
their surroundings will perish, and only the more vigorous 
ones—-those best adjusted to their surroundings—will 
persist. The result of this struggle for existence was 
called by Herbert Spencer the ‘‘survival of the fittest.” 
What really takes place in nature is the elimination, by 
death, of the unfit. Darwin called this natural selection, 
implying that the result is similar to that when plant 
breeders select out of a progeny the best individual for 
further breeding. What really takes place in nature, 
however, is not so much the selection of the fittest, but a 
rejection of the unfit. Thus, among the 50,000,000 
progeny of a single fern-plant, some are sure to have a 
weaker constitution than others; to develop a weaker root- 
system, less chlorophyll in their leaves, a less number 
of sporophylJs or spores, or to be inferior in other ways. 
The result will be that, in the course of only a few years, 
the descendants of the most vigorous or otherwise superior 
plants will alone be left to perpetuate the race. 

35. Problems to Solve.—In the preceding paragraphs 
we have called attention to a number of the problems 
which arise from the study of a fern. Some of these have 
been partially solved—probably none of them has been 
completely solved. In fact, we may say that our igno- 
rance of life-processes greatly exceeds our knowledge. 
Very much more remains to be ascertained than has al- 
ready been found out; for example, what is protoplasm? 


Nobody really knows. We have analyzed the substance 
chemically, we have carefully examined and tried (but 
without complete success) to describe its structure. We 
know it is more than merely a chemical compound. It 
is a historical substance. A watch, as such, is not. The 
metal and parts of which a watch is made, have, it is true, 
a past history; but the watch comes from the hands of its 
maker de novo, without any past history as a watch. 
But not so the plant cell. It has an ancestry as a cell; 
its protoplasm has what we may call a physiological mem- 
ory of the past. It is what it is, not merely because of its 
present condition, but because its ancestral cells have had 
certain experiences. We can never understand a plant 
protoplast by studying merely it; we must know something 
of its genealogy and its past history. 

What is the origin of the sporophyte, and how did there 
come to be two alternating generations? What is the 
meaning of fertilization; what the mechanism and laws 
of inheritance? How did there come to be on the earth 
such plants as ferns? What was the origin of life? What 
is life? No one can give complete answers to these ques- 
tions; but the purpose of the study of botany is to help 
fit us to seek the answers intelligently. To those who are 
interested in problems of this sort, nothing can be more 
fascinating, nor more profitable. It is the aim of the fol- 
lowing chapters to give a brief, elementary résumé of the 
method employed and the results obtained during the 
past fifty years by investigators in their attempts to solve 
two of the more important of these problems, namely, 
the nature and mechanism of inheritance and the causes 
and course of plant evolution. 



36. Importance of the Study.—1. To Pure Science.— 
No knowledge is more fundamental than a correct under- 
standing of the aws of heredity. Its fundamental im- 
portance to pure science becomes evident at once when we 
consider that, since evolution has been accomplished by 
the descent of one organism from another, there have been 
one or more unbroken lines of inheritance from the dawn 
of plant life to the present. Hence, until we know the 
laws of heredity, we cannot fully understand expression, 
reproduction, development, variation, sex, or evolution. 

2. To Applied Science-—Correct ideas concerning he- 
redity are absolutely essential to such phases of applied 
science as animal and plant breeding. In the light of such 
knowledge the breeder can avoid making useless experi- 
ments, and can accomplish desired results more quickly, 
more cheaply, and with greater certainty of success. 

3. To Man.—A correct knowledge of the principles of 
heredity is vital to mankind; no knowledge is moreso. To 
realize this, we have only to reflect that our own characters 
are very largely the result of inheritance from our ances- 
tors; and not only our characters, but our physical char- 
acteristics, our vigor of m’nd and body, our capacity for 
education, our susceptibility to disease, and often the 
actual existence of some disease within our bodies or minds. 



37. Heredity Reduced to Its Lowest Terms.—We may 
study heredity under the very simplest conditions in the 
descent of one-celled organisms, such as Pleurococcus. 
This plant, a unicellular green alga, is a globule of proto- 
plasm, containing chlorophyll, and surrounded by a 
cellulose cell-wall (Fig. 33). But why is it globular, why 
does it contain chlorophyll, why has 
it a cell-wall of cellulose? Why is 
it not elliptical, why is it not red in- 
stead of green, why does it have a 
cell-wall, instead of existing naked 
like the plasmodium of a slime- 
mold, why is its cell-wall of cellulose, 
rather than of lignin or chitin? 

The short answer is, because its 
ancestors, for ages and ages, have 
possessed the characteristics which 

Fic. 33.—Individual 
plants of green slime : 
(Pleurococcus vulgaris) NOW characterize Pleurococcus 

showing the tendency of plants. But that only puts the 

the cells to remain question back an indefinite number 
attached after cell-divi- 

iow, thus causing dinate of generations. The real reason is, 
tions from a one-celled to because the Pleurococcus protoplasm 
a _multi-cellular plant. possesses a physical and chemical 
(Gf. Fig. 34) constitution—or in other words a 
mechanism—that, under normal external conditions, 
manufactures green pigment instead of red, cellulose in- 
stead of lignin, or any other substance, at the surface, 
and makes the cell-wall of even resistance to the osmotic 
pressure within, thus producing a sphere and not an ellip- 
soid, or filament, or any other shape. 

38. What is Inheritance.—When the Pleurococcus cell 
divides, this wonderful, invisible mechanism—the certain 


definite physical and chemical constitution—is transmitted 
to each of the daughter-cells; each, in other words, re- 
ceives Pleurococcus protoplasm. This protoplasm, with 
us definite organization, constitutes the inheritance. ‘The 
daughter-cells do not inherit a spherical shape (as is evident 
from Fig. 33), but a definite kind of protoplasm, cell-sap 

Fic. 34.—Pleurococcus vulgaris. Sections of one-, two-, and four-celled 
plants, showing the nuclei and the large chlorophyll bodies (chb) to which 
the green color of the plants is due. In D, the larger chloroplast is shown 
in perspective. (Camera lucida drawings from a microscopic preparation 
by E. W. Olive.). (Cf. Fig. 33.) 

of certain osmotic properties, and surface cellulose of even 
elasticity, so that, in surroundings uniform on all sides, 
a spherical shape must finally result. The shape is an 
expression of the inheritance for the given environment. 
Under different external conditions the expression might 
be different; but the inheritance would be the same. The 
chlorophyll in the daughter-cells, immediately after cell- 


division, is a direct inheritance, but the chlorophyll subse- 
quently manufactured, and the green color which it gives 
to the plant, are not inherited; they are expressions of the 
inheritance—-which in this instance is a chloroplastid 
(Fig. 34) that reproduces itself by division, and manufac- 
tures chlorophyll in the presence of sunlight. Under abnor- 
mal external conditions the mechanism may not act, or 
may act abnormally, so that yellow pigment appears 
instead of green—or in darkness no pigment at all. In 
either case the inheritance is the same, but the expression 
varies. A modern writer (J. Arthur Thomson) has defined 
inheritance as all that an organism has to start with. It is 
the protoplasmic substance, with all its potentialities, 
passed on from parent to offspring. 

39. Inheritance Versus Expression.—In the light of 
this information, obtained by a study of the simple Pleuro 
coccus, we are able to understand that what we inherit 
from our parents or grandparents, is not a certain shape of 
nose, a certain characteristic gait, a musical or mathe- 
matical bent of mind, a quick temper, but a substance 
(protoplasm) possessing a very delicate, intricate, and 
characteristic constitution or mechanism. Under certain 
conditions this inheritance may so express itself as to 
cause resemblance in some physical or mental trait; or it 
may find a quite different expression, as when parents of 
medium height have tall children, or parents musically 
inclined have children that do not care for music; or sweet- 
peas, having white flowers only, produce, when crossed, 
peas having colored flowers. Or again, not all that is in- 
herited may be expressed; this is illustrated when children 
resemble, not their parents, but their grandparents. 
Here the parents transmitted an inheritance which, in 
them, found no expression. . 


A remarkable illustration of inheritance without expres- 
sion is seen in the case of the alternation of generations 
(pages 33-35). The inital protoplasm of the sporophyte 
is all inherited through the fertilized egg from the game- 

Fic. 35.—Vegetative propagation of Haworthia sp. The new plantlet 
forms on the flower stalk, below the flower-cluster. Ultimately it falls 
to the ground and takes root, becoming established as an independent 

tophytes, but most of the gametophytic characters do not 
appear in the sporophyte, nor do the typically sporophytic 
characters find expressionin the gametophyte.’ (Cf. p.4o.) 

1 The chlorophyll, of course, is an exception. But the osmotic strength 
of the cell-sap is a different expression in gametophyte and sporophyte, 
otherwise the young sporophyte could not live parasitically upon the 


40. Inheritance Versus Heredity.—As stated above, the 
inheritance ts that which is actually transmiited from parent 
to offspring. The fern-spore, for example, is the inheri- 
tance of the fern gametophyte from the sporophyte. 
Heredity is the genetic relationship that exists between suc- 
cessive generations of organisms. The relation between two 
brothers and their parents is similar—it is one of heredity; 
their inheritance may be quite different. 

41. Inheritance and Reproduction.—Inheritance is, of 
course, inseparably linked with reproduction and may be 
studied in connection with the three following types: 

1. In vegetative propagation, e.g., by means of tubers, 
cuttings and “slips,” bulbs and bulbils, gemmez, ‘“‘run- 
ners,’ scions, vegetative rejuvenation or “budding” (Fig. 
35), etc., the new plant is obviously only a portion of the 
vegetative tissue of the parent plant, isolated and growing 
independently byitself. The separationof the propagating 
piece from the parent is often (though not always) mechan- 
ical and artificial. The protoplasm remains unaltered by 
the act of separation, reduction divisions of cell-nuclei are 
not involved, and the inheritance, except in bud-varia- 
tions, is unaffected by the change. This is evident in those 
cases where the isolated piece is grafted upon another 
plant; the specific or varietal characteristics of the scion 
are seldom, if ever, affected by the stock. Thus, in the 
experiment illustrated in Fig. 36, a tomato stem was 
grafted upon a tobacco plant, and upon the tomato were 
grafted three other species—Solanum nigrum, Solanum 
integrifolium, and Physalis Alkekengi. Each species was 
apparently not in the least altered by this drastic change 
in the conditions of its life. 

2. In asexual reproduction by spores the situation is 
quite similar to that in vegetative propagation, but in 


certain cases there is abundant opportunity tor the proto- 
plasm to become more or less altered during the compli- 
cated changes that accompany the division of the cell- 
nucleus. This is notably the case in the chromosome re- 

Fic. 36.—Graft of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum) on tobacco 
(Nicotiana tabacum). On the tomato are grafted Solanum nigrum, S 
integrifolium, and Physalis Alkekengi. (Graft made by Mr. M. Free.) 

duction divisions preceding spore-formation in the sporo- 
phytes of higher plants (p. 37), especially when the plant is 
a hybrid; and in spore-formation in the sporangia produced 
from the zygospore of some of the filamentous fungi, like 
Rhizopus or Mucor, the common black mold of bread. In 


the latter case the nuclear divisions, some time preceding 
spore-production, result in separating out the female (+) 
and male (—) strains, so that the spores in a given sporan- 
gium are unlike as to sex—some being female (+), some 
male (—), (Fig. 37). This will be discussed more fully 
in the next chapter. Such changes result merely in dis- 
tributing the heritable units (genes) of the mother-cell 

Fic. 37.—Sexual reaction between a hermaphroditic Mucor and (+) 
and (—) races of a dicecious species. Diagrammatic representation of a 
Petri dish culture showing a heterogamic hermaphroditic Mucor (2) in 
the center separated by channels on either side from the (+) and (—) 
races, respectively, of a dicecious species. Sp., sporangia containing 
spores by means of which the plant may be reproduced nonsexually. 
1-6, stages in development of a hermaphroditic zygospore from unequal 
male and female gametes. A, sexual reaction between a (—) filament and 
a female gamete. B, sexual reaction between a (+) filament and a male 
gamete. C,a male zygospore formed by stimulus of contact with a (+) 
filament. (After Blakeslee.) 

unequally to the daughter-cells, but introducing nothing 
new; they may, however, result in the complete loss of 
one or more heritable units, or in the formation of a new 
one, not existent in the parent. In the latter two cases 
we recognize a mutation. No hard and fast line can be 
drawn between the various kinds of asexual reproduction; 

there are various degrees of transition between reproduction 


by spores, gemme, bulbs and tubers, and the artifically 
severed buds and scions used in grafting and “slipping.” 

3. In sexual reproduction there intervene between par- 
ents and offspring, not only the complicated reduction 
divisions involved in the formation of the gametes, but 
also the nuclear and cell-fusions accomplished by the union 
of the egg and sperm in fertilization (Fig. 38). Both proc- 
esses—the formation of the gametes, and their fusion— 

Fic. 38.—Fertilization in the white pine (Pinus Strobus). The smaller 
sperm-nucleus (above) is imbedded in the (larger) egg-nucleus. The fu- 
sion of the nucleoplasms will finally become more intimate. (After 
Professor Margaret C. Ferguson.) 

offer almost unlimited opportunities for alterations of the 
protoplasm—especially that of the nucleus. This method 
of reproduction, therefore, has the very greatest interest 
and importance for the study of heredity. In the fertilized 
egg! are united inheritances from two parents—from two 
distinct lines of ancestry—protoplasms (germ-plasms) with 
two entirely different histories extending back into the 

1 The fertilized egg (as Thomson has pointed out) is the inheritance, 
and becomes, in the mature individual, the inheritor. 


past, no one knows how far. How will these two inheri- 
tances affect each other when they intermingle in the 
fertilized egg? Will one tend to inhibit or check certain 
characteristics or functions of the other; will they evenly 
blend, so as to produce an expression intermediate between 
that of the parents; or may entirely new substances be 
formed or new combinations take place, resulting in an en- 
tirely new expression in the offspring? 

42. Methods of Study.—To endeavor to answer the 
questions just asked is as fascinating an occupation as it is 
important, and the answers are significant for man, as well 
as for plants. It is indeed, a fortunate thing that prin- 
ciples ascertained by studying plants apply equally to man 
and other animals, since plants are so much easier to 
handle in experimental investigations. 

We may go about the answering of these questions in 
either of two ways. We may gather large numbers of 
statistics to measure and analyze (statistical or biometrical 
method), or we may employ the experimental method. The 
method of biometry enables us to deal with a larger number 
of individuals, but the material studied is usually a mixed 
population, whose history is only imperfectly known, the 
conditions are more complex, and little if at all under 
control. By the experimental method it is not necessary 
to deal with such large numbers; we may choose carefully 
pedigreed material, about the history of which we have 
more or less accurate knowledge, and we may greatly 
simplify and control the conditions under which we make 
our observations. The.largest advance toward the solu- 
tion of the problems of inheritance has been made by the 
experimental method, in the form first employed success- 
fully by Gregor Mendel. This method will be briefly 
explained in the next chapter. 


43. Gregor Mendel.—Two of the most important 
contributions ever made to biological science, namely, 

Fic. 39.—Gregor Mendel, at the age of 4o. His theory of alternate 
inheritance (Mendelism), based largely on experiments with the garden 
pea, is the most important and most fruitful contribution ever made to 
the study of inheritance. 

Mendel’s laws of heredity, and his method of investigating 

them, were made by a teacher who studied plants as a pas- 

time because he loved to do it. This man was Gregor 


Mendel, a monk in the monastery at Briinn, Austria, where 
he finally became abbott. In order to understand his work 
clearly the student should familiarize himself the various 
characters of the edible or garden pea, the chief plant with 
which Mendel worked. 

44, Mendel’s Problem.—Mendel was much interested 
in problems concerning the origin and evolution of species. 
It was largely this interest that led him to hybridize (i.e., 
cross-pollinate) plants of different species and varieties, 
and observe the behavior of the resulting hybrids in succes- 
sive generations. The problem which he endeavored to 
solve was the law or laws ‘‘governing the formation and 
development of hybrids,’’! with special reference to the 
laws according to which various characters of parents 
appear in their offspring. 

45. Mendel’s Method.—He recognized that, in order 
to solve the problem, attention must be given to at least 
four points, as follows: 

1. To start with pure-breeding strains. 

2. To consider each character separately. 

3. To keep the different generations distinct. 

4. To record, for the progeny of each generation sepa- 
rately, the proportions in which the various characters 

No previous student had recognized the fundamental 
importance of these requirements. 

46. Choice of Material—Mendel realized that the 
success of any experiment depends upon choosing the 
most suitable material with which to experiment. He 
laid down the requirements as follows: 

* All the quotations in this chapter are from an English translation of 
Mendel’s original paper. His form of expression has been preserved as 
far as possible, even when the “quotes” are omitted, 


1. “The experimental plants must necessarily possess 
constant differentiating characters.’ 

2. “The hybrids of such plants must, during the flower- 
ing period, be protected from the influence of all foreign 
pollen, or be easily capable of such protection. 

3. ‘The hybrids and their offspring should suffer no 
marked disturbance in their fertility in the successive 

Mendel also called attention to the advantage of choos- 
ing plants which, like the peas, are easy to cultivate in 
the open ground and in pots, and which have a relatively 
short period of growth. 

47. Characters Chosen for Observation.—‘ Each pair 
of differentiating characters [have been thought to] unite 
in the hybrid to form a new character, which in the pro- 
geny of the hybrid is usually variable. The object of the 
experiment was to observe these variations in the case of each 
pair of differentiating characters, and to deduce the law ac- 
cording to which they appear in successive generations. The 
experiment resolves itself therefore into just as many 
separate experiments as there are constantly differentia- 
ting characters presented in the experimental plants.” 
The following were the characters chosen for observation: 

1. The difference in the shape of the ripe seeds (round 
and smooth vs. angular and wrinkled). 

2. The difference in the color of the cotyledons (pale 
or bright yellow, or orange vs. light or dark green). 

1 Differentiating characters are those in respect to which the two species 
or varieties to be crossed differ. The possession of chlorophyll by the 
leaves of peas, for example, is a common character. ‘Common characters 
are transmitted unchanged to the hybrids and their progeny.”’ The color 
of the corolla (for example, white in one species and purple in the other) is 
a differentiating character, serving to differentiate or distinguish one species 

from another, 


3. The difference in the color of the seed-coat (white 
vs. gray, gray-brown, leather-brown, with or without violet 
spotting, etc.). 

4. The difference in the form of the ripe pods (deeply 
constricted between the seeds and 
more or less wrinkled, or the 

5. The difference in the color 
of the unripe pods (light or dark 
green vs. vivid yellow). 

6. The difference in the posi- 
tion of the flowers (i.e., axial vs. 
terminal, on normal vs. fasciated 

7. The difference in the length 
of the stem (the extremes chosen 
were ‘‘talls” 6 to 7 feet, and 
“‘dwarfs” 34 feet to 115 feet in 

48. Artificial Hybridizing — 
The edible pea is commonly self- 
fertilized; therefore, to make 
crosses it is necessary carefully to 
Fre, 4oi-Methad af pros OMe the stamens of one flower 
tecting flowers from foreign before the anthers have begun to 
pollen by paper bags, in shed their pollen, and then place 
oot ae pollen from another flower on the 

; stigma. The flowers must then 
be carefully guarded, e.g., by tying paper bags over them 
(Fig. 40), to prevent other pollen being deposited by 
insects or otherwise. In this way the experimenter 
knows just what characteristics enter into the hybrid. 


Careful record is kept of all data, and plants produced in 
this way, with ancestral characters noted and recorded, 
are called pedigreed. Plantings of such plants are called 
pedigreed cultures. 

In many species, in ‘“‘making the cross” (7.e., doing the 
cross-pollinating) great care must be taken to avoid con- 
tamination from foreign pollen, of which the air may be 
full. The fingers and all instruments are usually rinsed 
in alcohol before each operation, to insure killing any 
foreign pollen that might be present. Numerous other 
precautions are also taken. 

When the hybrid plants are mature, careful observations 
of whatever character is under observation are made and 
recorded. Whenever possible the observation should be 

49. Mendel’s Discoveries—We may illustrate Men- 
del’s results in a simple manner by choosing, as the pair 
of contrasted characters, smooth and wrinkled seeds of the 
pea. Removing all the stamens from flowers of a variety 
having smooth seeds, he pollinated those flowers with 
pollen from a plant bearing wrinkled seeds. 

It should now be kept clearly in mind just what the 
inheritance of the fertilized egg is in such a case. From 
the pistillate plant the inheritance, contributed by the 
egg-cell, included the protoplasmic properties (whatever 
they may be) which, when free to produce their effect, 
cause smooth seeds; from the staminate parent the in- 
heritance, contributed by the sperm-cell, included the 
protoplasmic properties, which, when free to act, cause 
wrinkled seeds. 

1. Law of Dominance.—What Mendel actually found 
by his experiments was that, in such a cross, all the seeds 


of the hybrid plants are smooth. The inheritance was 
“smooth” and “wrinkled,” but the expression was of 
only one type—smooth. A character thus expressed, to 
the exclusion of another, in the first filial (Fi) genera- 
tion Mendel called dominant, and the phenomenon he 
called dominance; the other character is recessive. From 
such observations Mendel formulated the law of domi- 
nance, as follows: When pairs of contrasting characters 
are combined in a cross, one character behaves as a dominant 
over the other, which ts recessive. 

By similar experiments Mendel found that, in the coty- 
ledons, yellow is dominant over green, tallness over dwarf- 
ness, axial flowers over terminal, and so on. Such pairs 
of contrasting characters are called allelomorphs. 

2. Law of Segregation—But what will happen if the 
first filial (F,) generation is inbred or self-pollinated. Its 
inheritance included factors that make for both “‘smooth”’ 
and ‘“‘wrinkled,” but the expression was of one kind only. 
The experiment was made, and Mendel found that the 
second filial (F2) generation included plants, part of which 
possessed only smooth seeds, while the others had only 
wrinkled seeds (Fig. 41). “Transitional forms were not 
observedin any experiment.” This illustratesin a striking 
way the difference between inheritance and expression, 
for a character cannot appear in a plant (or animal) unless 
the plant possesses the factor or factors for that character. 
Now, except for the comparatively rare cases where 
mutation occurs, the factors in the F, generation must have 
been derived by inheritance from the germ-cells of the F, 
generation; but the experiment shows that they did not 
come to expression there. The same law is illustrated in 
the crossing of a sweet variety of maize (having wrinkled 


grains) with a starchy variety (having smooth grains). In 
this cross starchiness is dominant over sweetness (Fig. 42). 

ek % 3 

@@ EG €E@S 

€ ‘ 

Fic. 4x—Mendelian segregation in the edible pea (Pisum sativum) 
Full explanation in the text. (Cf., Fig. 42.) 

50. Ratio of Segregation..-But now we come to that 
feature of Mendel’s experiments which, perhaps more than 


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Fic. 42.—Mendelian segregation in maize. uw, the starchy parent; d, 
the sweet parent; C, the first hybrid (F1) generation, produced by crossing 
a and b, showing the dominance of starchiness; ¢d, the second hybrid (F2) 
generation, showing the segregation of starchiness and sweetness with the 
ratio of three starchy to one sweet (wrinkled) grain. Lower row, daughters 
of d; e, f, and g resulted from planting starchy grains. One ear in three is 
pure starchy, the other two mixed; h, result of planting sweet (wrinkled) 

seed. They are pure recessives, and the ear is pure sweet. (After 
East.) (Cf. Fig. 41.) 


anything else, made them superior to all others that had 
preceded. He carefully counted the number of plants 
bearing each kind of seed, and found that the number 
of smooth-seeded plants was to those with wrinkled 
seeds as 3 : 1. 

51. Theory of Purity of Gametes.—When the wrinkled 
seeds (one-fourth of the total crop) were sown they all 
bred true to wrinkledness—their descendants of the F; 
generation bearing only wrinkled seeds. The expression 
was alike in every case. The gametes that united to 
produce these plants were therefore considered pure for 
““wrinkledness;’”’ that is, it was inferred that they did not 
carry any inheritance tending to produce smoothness of 

52. Not All Dominants Alike.—-But when the seeds of 
’ the F, plants, having only smooth seeds, were sown it 
was found that the dominants were not alike, except in 
external appearance. The seeds, though all appeared 
smooth, carried different inheritances. One-third of 
them (z.e., one-fourth of all the seed produced by the F; 
generation) bred true to smoothness, being therefore pure, 
or homozygous for smoothness; the other two-thirds of 
the dominants (i.e., one-half of all the seed produced) 
again segregated in the ratio of 3:1—one-fourth wrinkled 
and three-fourths smooth, showing that they were hetero- 
zygous; that is, that they still carried inheritance from 
both the wrinkled and smooth-seeded grandparents. 

If we designate the first parental generation by P, the 
dominant character (whatever it may be) by D, and the 
recessive character by R, then.the facts above described 
may be diagrammed as follows: 

Dex Re P (1st Parental generation) 

D (R) F; (xst Hybrid generation) 

3D 1R F, (2d Hybrid generation) 

1D + 2D(R) 
af EE 

D 3D iR x F; (3d Hybrid generation) 

53. Significance of the Mendelian Ratio.—The ratio 
3: 1 or, asit appears on analysis, 1 : 2 : 1, is the ratio that 
one might expect, or that might be predicted, on the basis 
of chance. Students of algebra will recognize in it the 
essence of the familiar square of a + b, namely, a? + 
2ab + b?, where a and 8 each equal 1. In the plants the 
multiplication of inheritances (produced in fertilization) 
was as follows: 

eggs (s + w) X sperms (s + w) = ss + 2sw + ww 

where w = wrinkling and s = absence of wrinkling, 2.e., 

54. Theory of Purity of Gametes.—The above ratio 
is what we would expect if half of the egg-cells and half 
of the sperm-cells in a heterozygous plant (one of the Fy 
generation), carried only character-units or determiners! 
‘that make for smoothness; the other half only those 
factors that make for wrinkling, giving s and w egg-cells, 
and s and w sperm-cells in equal numbers. Therefore, in 
pollination the chances would be equal that an s-egg would 

1 The substance or condition (protoplasmic constitution), whatever it is, 
in the germ-cells that corresponds to any given character of the plant is 
variously referred to by the terms factor, determiner, gene (= producer), 
character-unit, and others, These terms are essentially synonyms, 


be fertilized with either an s-sperm or a w-sperm, giving 
(stw) X(s+w) =ss+2sw+ww. Sincesis dominant 
over w the product should be written: 

ss + s(w) + s(w) + ww 

giving im external appearances 3s + 1w. Since the re- 
sult actually observed is what it would be zf the gametes 
were thus “pure” for smoothness and wrinkling, Mendel 
concluded that they really are, and moreover that each 
character behaves as a unit, appearing and disappearing 
in its entirety. 

56. Character-units versus Unit-characters.—As just 
stated, Mendel held that the various visible characters of 
his plants (dwarfness, for example) behaved as units, 
either appearing in their fullness, or not appearing at all. 
From more careful observations we know that such is 
not the case. A blossom may, for example, be more or 
less pink, an odor more or less strong, dwarfs are not 
all the same height, but fluctuate around a mean. We 
conclude therefore that characters do not behave as 
units, and that the conception of “‘unit-characters”’ is 
erroneous. The evidence does, however, seem to justify 
the conclusion that the factor or factors, whatever they 
may be, that are causally related to the given character 
do behave as units. We may therefore designate them 
as character-units. Since they are causally or genetically 
related to the character they have been called genes (from 
the root of the Greek word, genesis). They are more 
commonly known as factors. Quite probably, in many 
if not all cases, more than one factor is involved in the 
production of any given character. 

1Substance or condition, we know not what, within the germ-cells, 


56. Applications of Mendel’s Law.— Over 100 pairs 
of structural and color characters have been found, in 
plant breeding, to behave more or less closely in accord- 
ance with the Mendelian conception. In peas alone over 
20 pairs of characters are expressed in successive genera- 
tions, in accordance with this law. Among the more 
striking results which are explainable upon Mendelian 
theory are the following: 

1. Mottled beans have been produced in the Fi genera- 
tion by crossing two varieties, neither of which had mottled 
seeds. Various types appeared in the F, generation. 

2. Jet black beans have appeared in the Fi generation 
from a cross between two varieties, one of which had pure 
white seeds, the other light yellow. Vafious shades and 
colors appeared in the F, generation. 

3. In one case three distinct varieties of beans, breed- 
ing true to white seeds (when selfed*), were crossed with the 
same variety of red bean. In the F, generation each cross 
gave a different color—one blue, another black, and the 
third brown. A varied assortment of colors appeared in 
each case in the F. generations. 

4. Two varieties of sweet peas, each breeding true to 
white flowers, when crossed gave, in the F, generation, 
nothing but purple-flowered offspring, resembling the 
wild sweet pea. A medley of white, pink, purple, and 
red-flowered plants appeared in the F, generation. Num- 
erous other cases might be cited, all of which would have 
been unsolvable riddles except in the light of Mendelism. 

57. Inheritance and Environment.—Emphasis should 
be laid on the fact that the behavior of any plant, and the 

1 The pollination of a flower with its own pollen, or with pollen from an- 
other flower of the same plant, is called selfing. 


characters it manifests, are the result of the combined 
influence of inheritance and environment. A bean seed- 
lingyis green, not merely because it has inherited chloro- 
plastids, but because it develops in sunlight; without 
sunlight the green color could not come into expression. 
If we vary any factor of environment (temperature, mois- 
ture, illumination, food) the expression of the inheritance 
may be altered, just as truly as though the inheritance 
were changed. The characteristics expressed by any plant 
(or animal) are the result of the combined action of inheri- 
tance and environment. It is of fundamental concern to 
a man, not only to be ‘“‘well-born” (eugenics), but also 
to be “well-placed”? (euthenics), although the former, 
according to present day conceptions appears to be more 

68. Johannsen’s Conception of Heredity.—The con- 
ception that inheritance, as previously noted, is not the 
transmission of external characters from parent to off- 
spring, but the reappearance, in successive generations, 
of the same organization of the protoplasm with reference 
to its character-units, was first developed by Johannsen, 
of Copenhagen, Denmark, who proposed the term “‘ genes.” 
“The sum total of all the ‘genes’ in a gamete or zygote,” 
is a genotype. Inheritance is the recurrence, in succéssive 
generations, of the same genotypical constitution of the pro- 
toplasm. Johannsen does not attempt to explain the 
nature of the genes, ‘‘but that the notion ‘gene’ covers 
a reality is evident from Mendelism.”’ This conception 
of heredity is diametrically opposed to the older and 
popular conception, but is much more closely in accord 
withthe facts revealed by recent studies of plant and 
animal breeding (Cf. p. 40). 


59. Pure Line Breeding.—Johannsen also originated 
the “pure line” theory—a theory which has done 
much toward elucidating the problems of selection. He 
and his followers regard genetic factors as fixed and un- 
varying. Hence the results obtained in selective breeding 
of a given variety of maize for high or low oil content, or 
of a given variety of beans for larger or smaller size of seed, 
would be interpreted on this theory, as the isolation or 
separation of pure strains from a “‘mixed population”’ 
or “impure” variety. In practical language, several true 
breeding varieties of beans, differing in seed size, might be 
obtained by selection from what appeared to be a “pure”’ 
variety with considerable variation in size of seeds.1 

60. Value of Mendel’s Discoveries.—The discoveries 
that, in inheritance, certain characters are dominant over 
certain others; that a given inheritance (e.g., conditions 
associated with seed-color, odor, eye-color, stature, musi- 
cal ability, insanity, tendency to some disease) may be 
carried and transmitted to offspring by an adult who gives 
no outward signs of carrying the inheritance; that, under 
certain conditions of breeding, some characters (the re- 
cessive ones), whether good or bad, may become perma- 
nently lost; that dominant characteristics are certain to 
reappear in some of the offspring—all of these truths, 
learned by the study of a common garden vegetable, will 
be recognized at once as of enormous importance to the 
breeders of plants and animals, and above all to man- 
kind, in connection with our own heredity. They point 
the way to the explanation of such enigmas as the pro- 
verbial bad sons of pious preachers, spendthrift children 

1A detailed discussion of Johannsen’s method of ‘pure line” breeding 

belongs to more advanced studies. 


of thrifty parents, talented offspring of mediocre parents, 
blue-eyed children of brown-eyed parents,! and so on. 

61. Increased Vigor from Crossing.—Experiments with 
pedigreed cultures have disclosed a principle of the utmost 
practical importance for the plant breeder. A careful 
analysis of a field of Indian corn (Zea Mays) has disclosed 
the fact that any given variety is very complex, being 
heterozygous for many characters; in other words any 
horticultural variety is a composite of numerous elemen- 
tary species, and is therefore heterozygous for most of its 
characters. When pollination is allowed to take place in 
the corn field without interference by man, both crossing 
and selfing occur. As a result the yield, in bushels per 
acre, remains about stationary, or gradually becomes less 
and the variety changes and deteriorates by the segregation 
and recombination of the numerous elementary species 
that compose it. 

By artificial self-pollination for several generations (e.g., 
(five or more) less complex strains result, which are homo- 
zygous for one or more characters, and the yield per acre , 
may thus become greatly reduced.? If now, two of these 
simplified strains, homozygous for many characters, and 

1If both parents have blue eyes the children with rare exceptions have 
blue eyes; if one parent has brown eyes and one blue, the children may be 
both blue- and brown-eyed, or all brown-eyed, for brown eye-color tends 
to be dominant over blue color. When both parents have brown eyes, 
part of the children may have blue eyes and part of them brown, or they 
may all be brown-eyed. As usec! here, the term “brown-eyes” means all 
eyes having brown pigment, whether in small spots (gray eyes), or traces 
(hazel eyes), or generally distributed (brown, or sometimes black, eyes). 
The term “blue eyes’’ designates only those cases in which brown pig- 
ment is entirely lacking. 

21f a high-yielding strain was separated out by selection, the yield _ 
would of course be increased above the average of the mixed field. 

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having a low yield per acre, are crossed, there results an 
F, hybrid progeny that is heterozygous for all of these 
characters. This heterozygosity is correlated with a 
greatly increased vigor; the plants are much larger, and 
the yield per acre is enormously increased (Fig. 43). 
Thus in one experiment of this kind the average yield of 
the heterozygous horticultural variety was 61.25 bushels 
per acre. After self-fertilization for several generations 
the yield became reduced to 29.04 bushels per acre; but 
in the F, generation of a cross between two of these self- 
fertilized strains the yield per acre rose at once to 68.07 
bushels. In the F2 generation the yield again fell to 44.62 
bushels. From this, and numerous other experiments, it 
is found that the biggest corn crop is to be obtained by 
finding the strains that will produce the largest yield 
when crossed, and then using for seed the grains of the 
first-generation hybrids each year. 

62. Breeding for Disease-resistance.—Biffen, in 
England, crossed a wheat of poor quality, but resistant 
to rust disease (Puccinia glumarum), with a superior 
variety but very susceptible to the disease. Suscepti- 
bility proved dominant in the F generation, but in the 
F, generation disease-resistant forms appeared, of superior 

Fic. 43.—Zea Mays. In the experiment, the results of which are here 
illustrated, nine strains of Indian corn were selected according to the 
number of rows of kernels on the cob, varying from 8 to 24 rows. These 
were pollinated by hand each year, with mixed pollen, in such manner that 
self-pollination was entirely prevented. An average ear of each strain is 
shown in the first row above. In the second row is shown an average 
ear of each strain after self-fertilization for five generations. Note the 
resulting decrease in the number of rows, lack of filling out of the ears, 
and other marks of inferiority. The last row shows the remarkable and 
immediate increase of vigor resulting in the Ff: generation of hybrids be- 
tween various pairs of the selfed strains. (Photo supplied by G. H. Shull.) 


quality, which bred true for resistance. The water- 
melon, in the southern states, is subject to a very de- 
structive disease which causes a wilting of the vines and 
consequent loss of fruit. By crossing the ordinary non- 
resistant watermelon with the closely related common 
citron, which is wilt resistant, W. A. Orton, of the United 
States Department of Agriculture, produced a water- 
melon resistant to this disease. Numerous other illus- 
trations might be given. This is becoming one of the 
common and successful methods of combating plant 

63. Unsolved Problems.—Like all truly great con, 
tributions to science, Mendel’s discoveries have raised 
more questions than they have answered. Therein lies, 
in part, their great value. So, also, the most important 
effect of Darwin’s work was that it set men to asking 
questions. The history of botany, as of all natural science 
since 1859, is chiefly the attempts of men to answer the 
questions raised by Darwin, or stimulated in their own 
minds by his books. So with Mendel and de Vries; 
biological science, since 1900, has been largely occupied 
in trying to answer the questions raised by these men. 

What are these questions? There is not space here 
even to ask them all, much less to endeavor to answer 
them even briefly; but they include the following large 

1. Are acquired characters inherited? In other words, 
do characteristics acquired after birth by the body or 
mind of the parent, either by its own activity or as a re- 
sult of the immediate effects of environment, influence 
the germ-cells so as to alter the inheritance which they 
transmit? Some say yes, others say no; others say, only 


in part. There seems to be evidence both ways, but the 
bulk of the evidence and the weight of scientific opinion 
is against the inheritance of acquired characters as here 
defined. We can arrive at the correct answer only by care- 
ful experimentation, that is, by asking questions of nature.! 

2. Can the inheritance of a strain be artificially altered? 
This is a question of the very first importance. If the 
inheritance could be so altered the marvels that breeders 
might perform would be greatly increased. A blue rose 
(the despair of all plant breeders) might possibly be pro- 
duced by sufficiently careful and extended experiment- 
ing; disease and undesirable traits of character might be 
eliminated from certain tainted family strains by artificial 
treatment. On the other hand, by an unfortunate com- 
bination of circumstances, most undesirable and _ re- 
grettable results (e.g., a weed poisonous to cattle, or a new 
and virulent disease-causing bacterium) might be experi- 
mentally produced. The experiment has been made of 
exposing the ovaries of flowers to the rays of radium, and 
of injecting them with various chemical substances, with 
an idea of altering the physical or chemical nature of the 
egg-cells, and thus altering the inheritance. The results 
of such experiments, so far tried, need to be further con- 
firmed before we can say with certainty that the result 
sought has been accomplished. 

3. How may dominance be explained? Why is tallness 
dominant over dwarfness, brown eye-color over blue, 
any one character over any other? At present we can 
only speculate on these questions. 

4. What is the mechanism of inheritance? In other 
words, by what arrangement and interaction of atoms 

10Qn the inheritance of acquired characters, see Thomson, J. A., 
Heredity. London, 1908. Chapter VII. 


and molecules is it made possible that the peculiar tone 
of one’s voice, the color of a rose, the odor of a carnation, 
the evenness (or otherwise) of one’s disposition, may be 
transmitted from one generation to another? How may 
it be transmitted through one generation, without causing 
any external expression, and reappear in the second gen- 
eration removed? Is the cytoplasm the carrier, or the 
chromatin, or both combined, or neither? Is the transfer 
accomplished by little particles (pangens), as de Vries 
contends, or by chondriosomes, or otherwise? We do 
not definitely know, but many careful investigations point 
to the chromatin as the bearer of the hereditary factors. 

64. Weismannism.—It was a botanist, Nageli, who first 
recognized and clearly stated that inheritance must depend 
upon a least quantity of matter, and numerous experi- 
ments by both botanists and zoologists soon made it 
evident that the hereditary substance is in the cell- 
nucleus, rather than in the cytoplasm surrounding the 
nucleus. Niéageli called the hereditary substance idio- 
plasm. Observations of the germ-cells of plants by Stras- 
burger, and of the germ-cells of animals by O. Hertwig, 
led them to conclude that the chromosomes of the dividing 
nucleus (Fig. 30 )are the locus of the hereditary substance. 
The subsequent evidence. upon which this conclusion rests 
is too voluminous, and some of it too technical, to be pre- 
sented here in any detail.’ As an illustration there may 
be cited the experiment of Boveri who removed the 
nucleus from the egg-cell of one species of sea-urchin, and 
then caused the remaining cytoplasm to be fertilized with 
a sperm-cell of another species of sea-urchin; the result- 
ing larva possessed only paternal characters. 

1See Morgan, T. H. The physical basis of heredity. Philadelphia, 


Weismann expanded the above conception of hereditary 
substance by calling attention to the fact that it must 
contain elements, not only from one individual or pair, 
but from a long line of ancestors. He called the idioplasm 
(of Nageli) in the germ-cells germ-plasm, and the heredi- 
tary units, ‘‘necessary to the production of a complete 
individual,” he called ids. Each id contains a full com- 
plement of hereditary factors necessary to produce a 
perfect plant or animal. The germ-plasm corresponds 
to the deeply staining chromatin of the cell-nucleus, and 
the ids are grouped together in idants, which correspond, 
in general, to the chromosomes. Weismann further 
postulated that the ids were composed of ‘primary con- 
stitutents,’’ which he called determinants, and that every 
character independently inherited has its own determinant 
in the germ-plasm. Finally Weismann postulated that 
each determinant is a complex of biophors (the ultimate 
units of matter in the living state), each biophore being 
composed of (non-living) chemical molecules. Thus we 
rise through his categories as follows, from atom to mole- 
cule, from molecule to biophore, from biophore to deter- 
minant, from determinant to ids, from ids to idants 
(chromosomes), which are composed of the hereditary 
substance or germ-plasm; schematically as follows: 

germ-plasm (chromatin) 
idant (chromosome) 
determinant (factor, of Mendel) 
biophore (biogen, of Verworn) 

The germ-plasm is continuous from generation to genera- 
tion, and therefore possesses a kind of physicalimmortality. 


65. Relation of Weismannism to Mendelism.—It will 
readily be recognized that the ‘“‘determinants” of Weis- 
mann are the “factors” of Mendelian nomenclature. 
Morever, it follows logically from Weismann’s theory 
that acquired characters are not inherited, an inference 
that agrees with observation and experiment. Nageli, 
director of the botanic garden in Munich, transplanted 
specimens of Hawkweed (Hieraceum) from the high Alps 
to the lower altitude and changed climate of his garden, 
and these plants began to manifest new characters which 
reappeared in successive generations for more than a 
decade. This looked like the inheritance of acquired 
characters, but when the plants were subsequently taken 
back to the high Alps, they failed to manifest the charac- 
ters expressed in the botanic garden, reverting to their 
former alpine characteristics. Thus it is seen that the 
reappearance of the new characters in successive genera- 
tions in the botanic garden was not due to inheritance of 
these acquired characters, but to the continuity of the 
new environment. The inheritance had not been altered 
though the expression of ithad. This isin agreement with 
what we should expect from the definition of inheritance 
given on page 50. 

66. Eugenics.—Students of biology have been quick 
to recognize the fact that, if we correctly understand the 
laws of heredity, we are in a position to apply them, not 
only to plants and the lower animals, but to mankind. 
The application of the laws of heredity in a way to produce 
a healthier and more efficient race of men constitutes the 
practice of eugenics.” The underlying principles of eugenics 

1See also pages 48 and 66-67. 
2 The word eugenics is from two Greek words meaning well born. 


are of course, very largely those of heredity. Eugenics is 
the applied science based upon the pure science of heredity. 
The main problem of eugenics is how to eliminate human 
beings with a tendency to any physical or mental weakness 
making for poverty, misery, ignorance, and crime; and 
how to increase the number of individuals physically, 
mentally, and morally more robust and sound; and withal 
how, if possible, to raise the standard of all desirable 
human traits. A careful study of heredity and eugenics 
will make possible a much more intelligent and efficient 
program for charity work and social betterment. 

67. Investigations Since Mendel.—It must be re- 
membered that Mendel’s most valued contribution was 
not the observations which he made and recorded con- 
cerning the garden pea, nor the hypotheses which he ad- 
vanced on the basis of those observations, but this method 
of procedure, whereby he elevated the study of heredity 
to the rank of an exact science. As in the case of all 
hypotheses, the task for science is to subject them to the 
. most searching tests, to see if they invariably agree with 
facts, and may be accepted as in all probability embody- 
ing the actual truth—may be elevated to the rank of 
theories. The testing of Mendelism has been occupying 
all the best talents of many investigators since the re- 
discovery of Mendel’s publication, about 1900. Many 
biologists are still skeptical, a few reject the hypotheses, 
and still others believe they contain the germ of truth, 
but must be more or less modified. Whether they prove 
to be erroneous or true is not so important, but it 1s impor- 
tant for us to know which is the case. ‘True or not, they, 
like nearly all working hypotheses (natural selec- 
tion, mutation, nebular hypothesis, atomic hypothesis 


in chemistry, etc.) are rendering, or have rendered, a 
priceless service to science by pointing the way to further 
study, which enriches our knowledge of the living world, 
including ourselves, and therefore increases the intelli- 
gence with which we may order our own conduct and lives. 
If the study of plants had rendered no other service to 
mankind than this contribution of an effective method of 
ascertaining the laws of heredity, it would have amply 
justified all the arduous labor that men have devoted to 
it for 2,000 years.? 

t Only one of the simplest cases worked out by Mendel is summarized 

in this chapter. A more thorough study of his experimental results and 
theories must be reserved for more advanced study. 



68. Doctrine of Special Creation.—In the time of 
Linnzus, the “father of botany,” men believed that the 
seven ‘‘days”’ of creation left the world substantially as 
we now find it. The stars and planets, mountains and 
oceans, plants and animals were created once and for all, 
and continued without important change until the present. 
In the beginning, as now, there were the same oceans and 
hills, the same kinds of plants, and the same kinds of 
animals. Nor, it was believed, are any fundamental 
changes now in progress. Creation was not continuous; 
it took place within a brief period (seven ‘‘days’’), and 
then ceased; after that the Creator merely watched over 
the objects of his handiwork. Opposed to this doctrine 
is the theory of evolution. 

69. Meaning of Evolution.—Evolution means gradual 
change. Applied to the natural world the theory of 
evolution is the direct opposite of the doctrine of special 
creation. It teaches that things were not in the beginning 
as we now find them, but that there has been constant 
though gradual change. Creation is regarded, not as 
having taken place once and for all, but as being a con- 
tinuous process, operating from the beginning without 
ceasing—and still in progress. 

70. The Course of Evolution—The theory teaches 
that the gradual changes have been from relatively 
simple conditions to those more complex. The compli- 



cation has been two-fold: (1) simple individuals, whether 
mountains, rivers, planets, animals, or plants, have become 
more complex (e.g., compare the structure of the plant, 
Pleurococcus, a simple spherical cell, with that of the fern) ; 
(2) the relation between living things, and between them 
and their surroundings has become more complex (e.g., 
compare a unicellular bacterium, with its relatively simple 
life relations, with the clover plant, highly organized, and 
related to water, air, soil, light, temperature, gravity, 
bacteria (in its roots), and insects (for cross-pollination)). 

Most of the steps of evolution have been progressive, 
toward higher organization, greater perfection of parts, 
increased efficiency of function, as, for example, from 
alge having one or a few cells only, to flowering plants, 
like roses and orchids; but not all the steps have been in 
this direction. Some of the steps have been regressive, 
toward simpler organization, less perfection of parts, 
decreased efficiency of function, as, for example, from 
green alge to the non-green, alga-like fungi (Phycomy- 
cetes, such as bread mold), from independence to parasitism 
(mistletoe and dodder), or to saprophytism (Indian pipe 
and toad-stools). 

The thirty odd species of the Duckweed family, related 
to the Arum family (Jack-in-the-pulpit, calla, skunk cab- 
bage, sweet flag, etc.), illustrate regression; they comprise 
the simplest, and some of them the smallest of all flowering 
plants. The plant body of Lemna is a tiny disc-shaped, 
thallus, having a central vein (vascular strand) with or 
without branches. Each plant has one root with no 
vascular tissue. The flowers, borne on the margin or 
upper surface of the thallus, have one simple pistil and 
only one stamen (Fig. 44). The dozen or more species 


of Wolffia possess still simpler bodies, somewhat globose, 
with neither roots, veins, nor other organs, except flowers; 
even flowers are unknown in some species (e.g., Wolffia 
populifera, Fig. 44). Wolffia punctata measures only 
0.5-0.8 mm. long. The plants are fittingly described in 
the manuals as ‘‘minute, alga-like grains,” floating on or 

Fic. 44.—Lemnacee. a, b, c, Lemna trisulca; d, Wolffia punctata; 
e, f, Wolfia papulifera. (Redrawn from Britton and Brown, slightly 

just beneath the surface of still water. Some botanists 
consider the plant body as morphologically a frond, others 
asaleaflessstem. Since the first plant-body from the seed 
is only a matured cotyledon, or seed-leaf, Goebel considers 
that it cannot be interpreted as other than a free-living 
leaf. These tiny, simple plants are considered to have 


originated by regressive evolution, their simplification 
being closely correlated with a reversion from dry land to 
an aquatic habit of life. A similar reduction of structure 
is found in the tiny floating ferns, Salvinia and AZolla. 

71. Inorganic Evolution.—The process of evolution is 
not confined to living things, but, as indicated above, 
applies to all nature. Even the chemical elements are 
believed to have been produced by evolutionary changes, 
and to be even now in process of evolution. This is one 
of the results of the recently discovered phenomenon of 
radioactivity, which is essentially the transformation of 
the atoms of one chemical element into those of another. 
Fossil remains of marine animals and plants, found im- 
bedded in the rocks on mountain summits, indicate, with- 
out possibility of reasonable doubt, that what is now 
mountain top was formerly ocean bottom. The mountain 
has come to be, by a series of gradual changes. Rivers 
and valleys are constantly changing so that the present 
landscape is the result of evolutionary processes; climates 
have changed, as we know from the fact that fossil re- 
mains of tropical plants are now found in the rocks in 
arctic regions; the atmosphere and the water of the ocean 
have reached their present condition as the result of gradual 
transformations extending over aeons of time; even the 
stars and planets, like our own earth, are coming gradually 
into being, undergoing changes of surface and interior 
condition, and ceasing to exist. Nothing is constant except 
constant change. The main problem of astronomy is to 
ascertain and record, in order, the evolutionary changes 
that have resulted in the present system of suns and 
planets. The main problem of geology is to ascertain and 
record, in order, the evolutionary steps that have resulted 
in the present condition of the earth. 


72. Fitness of the Environment.—Biological literature 
has always taken account of what has been called ‘‘adapta- 
tion,” or the fitness of living things for life in the surround- 
ings or environment where they are placed. But a recent 
writer,’ has elaborated the complimentary notion of 
the fitness of the environment. Recognizing living things as 
“mechanisms which must be complex, highly regulated, 
and provided with suitable matter and energy as food,” 
he shows that the present inorganic environment is the 
best conceivable. Inorganic evolution has resulted, among 
other things, in the occurrence of large quantities of water 
and carbon dioxide; their physical and chemical properties, 
and those of the ocean, together with the chemical properties 
of the elements, carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen, and their 
numerous compounds, “‘are in character or in magnitude 
either unique or nearly so, and are in their effect favorable’’ 
to the organisms with which we are familiar, and which 
possess the three fundamental characteristics of complexity, 
regulation, and metabolism. The elements carbon, hydro- 
gen, and oxygen, says Henderson, are uniquely and most 
highly fitted to be the stuff of which life is formed, and of 
the environment in which it exists. 

73. Organic Evolution——Developmental changes in 
living things constitute organic evolution. Such changes 
are manifested in the development of an individual from 
a spore or an egg. The development of a mature in- 
dividual is ontogeny. The development of a group of 
related forms (genera, families, orders, etc.) is phylogeny. 
The chief problem of biology is to ascertain and record, 
in order, the evolutionary changes that have resulted in 

1Henderson, Lawrence J. The fitness of the environment. New 
York, 1913. 


the appearance of life and the present condition of living 

The major problem of botany is to record, in order, the 
evolutionary steps that have culminated in the present con- 
dition of the plant world. 

Organic evolution means that, after the first appearance 
of life, all living things, plant or animal, have been 
derived from preéxisting living things, in other words, that 
the present method of formation of living things, by the 
reproduction of organisms already existing, has always 
been the method—‘‘Omne vivum ex ovo”’ (all life from an 
egg), ‘‘omne vivum e vivo” (all life from preéxisting life). 

74. Method of Evolution.—To recognize that evolution 
is the method of creation still leaves unanswered the im- 
portant question as to the method of evolution. By what 
process was the gradual development of the living world 
accomplished? Various hypotheses have been elaborated 
in answer to this question. We can here only briefly 
outline three of the most important ones. 

1. Agassiz’s Hypothesis —The great teacher and student 
of nature, Louis Agassiz, believed that the vast array of 
plant and animal species, past and present, had no material 
connection, but only a mental one; that is, they merely re- 
flected the succession of ideas as they developed in the 
mind of the Creator, but were not genetically related to 
each other. “Wemust . look to some cause outside 
of Nature, corresponding in kind to the intelligence of 
man, though so different in degree, for all the phenomena 
connected with the existence of animals in their wild 
state. . . Breeds among animals are the work of man: 
Species were created by God.’”! 

1 Agassiz, L. ‘‘Methods of Study in Natural History,’’ Boston, 1893, 
pp. 146, 147. 


But to state that species were created by God does not 
satisfy the legitimate curiosity of the scientific man. 
What he wishes to know is: By what method was creation 
accomplished? God might have worked in various ways. 
Now, the study of Nature has never revealed to us but one 
method by which living things originate, and that is by 
descent from preéxisting parents. Agassiz’s hypothesis 

Fic. 45.—Louis Agassiz. (From Ballard’s ‘Three Kingdom.’’) 

contradicts this. All oaks now-a-days are derived by 
descent from preéxisting oaks, but the first oak, accord- 
ing to the doctrine of special creation, was created by 
supernatural means; it had no ancestors. The chief objec- 
tion to the acceptance of this hypothesis is that the more 
profoundly and accurately we study living things, the more 
obvious it becomes: that truth lies in another direction. 


2. Lamarck’s Hypothesis —The noted French naturalist, 
Lamarck, taught that all living things have been derived 
from preéxisting forms; that the effects of use and disuse 
caused changes in bodily structure; that these changes 
were inherited and accentuated from generation to genera- 
tion; that, being of use, those individuals possessing the 
changes in greatest perfection survived, while others per- 

Fic. 46.—Water buttercup (Ranunculus agquatilis), showing aerial 
leaves (a), and aquatic leaves (w). f, fruit. Drawn from herbarium 

ished; and that the derivation of new species is thus ac- 
counted for in a simple and logical manner. By continual 
reaching for tender leaves on high branches, the long neck 
of the giraffe was gradually produced, the slight gain in 
length in one generation being transmitted by inheritance 
to the next, and so on. 

The main thesis of Lamarck, as stated by himself, is 
as follows: 


“In animals and plants, whenever the conditions of 
habitat, exposure, climate, nutrition, mode of life, et cetera, 
are modified, the characters of size, shape, relations be- 
tween parts, coloration, consistency, and, in animals, 
agility and industry, are modified proportionately.” 

As illustrating the direct effect of environment on organ- 
isms, Lamarck chose a plant, the water-buttercup (Ran- 
unculus aquatilis), which may grow in marshy places, or im- 
mersed in water (Fig. 46). When immersed, the leaves 
are all finely divided, but when not immersed, they are 
merely lobed. 

While plants are more passive, and are affected by their 
surroundings directly, through changes in nutrition, light, 
gravity, and so on, animals react to environmental changes 
in a more positive and less passive manner. Thus, in 
the words of Lamarck:? 

“Important changes in conditions bring about impor- 
tant changes in the animals’ needs, and changes in their 
needs bring about changes in their actions. If the new 
needs become constant or durable, the animals acquire 
new habits. ... Whenever new conditions, becoming 
constant, impart new habits to a race of animals 
these habitual actions lead to the use of a certain part in 
preference to another, or to the total disuse of a part which 
is now useless. The lack of use of an organ, made 
constant by acquired habits, weakens it gradually until 
it degenerates or even disappears entirely.” Thus, “‘it 
is part of the plan of organization of reptiles, as well as of 
other vertebrates, that they have four legs attached to 
their skeleton . . . but snakes acquired the habit of glid- 

1 Translated from his Philosophie Zoologique, vol. I, pp. 227, 223, 224, 


ing over the ground and concealing themselves in the grass; 
owing to their repeated efforts to elongate themselves, in 
order to pass through narrow spaces, their bodies have 
acquired a considerable length, not commensurate with 
their width. Under the circumstances, legs would serve 
no purpose and, consequently, would not be used, long 
legs would interfere with the snakes’ desire for gliding, 
and short ones could not move their bodies, for they can 
only have four of them. Continued lack of use of the 
legs in snakes caused them to disappear, although they 
were really included in the plan of organization of those 

On the other hand, “‘the frequent use of an organ, made 
constant by habit, increases the faculties of that organ, 
develops it and causes it to acquire a size and strength it 
does not possess in animals which exercise less. A bird, 
driven through want to water, to find the prey on which 
it feeds, will separate its toes whenever it strikes the water 
or wishes to displace itself on its surface. The skin uniting 
the bases of the toes acquires, through the repeated sepa- 
rating of the toes, the habit of stretching; and in this way 
the broad membrane between the toes of ducks and geese 
has acquired the appearance we observe to-day.” 

If such modifications are acquired by both sexes they 
are transmitted by heredity from generation to generation. 
This hypothesis is known as “the inheritance of acquired 

One of the weaknesses in Lamarck’s hypothesis appears 
in his illustration of the snake. If we should grant that 
inheritance of the effects of disuse of the legs might possi- 
bly explain their absence in snakes, still it would not ex- 
plain the origin of the snake’s desire to glide. That is, of 


course, as much a characteristic of the snake as the absence 
of legs. 

Other arguments against the validity of Lamarckism 
are: first, that no one has ever been able to prove, by ex- 
periment or otherwise, that the effects of use (the so-called 

Fic. 47.—Jean Baptiste Lamarck (1744-1829). He elaborated the 
hypothesis of organic evolution by inheritance of the effects of use 
and disuse. 

“acquired characters’’) are inheritable, while innumerable 

facts indicate that they are not; second, the hypothesis 

could apply only to the animal kingdom, since plants in 

general have no nervous and muscular activities like those 

of animals. A hypothesis of organic evolution, to be valid, 

must apply equally to both plants and animals. ; 

3. Darwin’s Hypothesis —This will be outlined in the 
next chapter. 


75. Darwin and Wallace.—The question of the 
method of evolution continued to be debated, with no 
satisfactory solution in sight, until 1859,1 when Charles 
Darwin published the greatest book of the nineteenth 
century, and one of the greatest in the world’s history, 
the Origin of Species.2 This book was the result of over 20 
years of careful observation and thought. It consisted 
of the elaboration of two principal theories: (1) that 
evolution is the method of creation; (2) that natural 
selection is the method of evolution. 

By a strange coincidence Alfred Russell Wallace, also 
by many years of thoughtful observation, reading, and 
reflection, had independently formulated the conception 
of natural selection in far-off Ternate, and embodied 
his ideas in a paper which he sent to Darwin for the purpose 
of having it read before the Royal Society. The paper, 
with its accompanying letter, reached Darwin on June 
18, 1858, while the latter was engaged in writing out 
his own views on a scale three or four times as extensive as 
that afterward followed in the Origin of Species. Asa 
result of the unsurpassed magnanimity of the two men, 
and their generous attitude toward each other, it was 

1 This date should be memorized. It is one of the most important 
in the whole history of human thought. 

* The full title of the book was “The Origin of Species by Natural 
Selection, or the Preservation of Favored Races in the Struggle for 



arranged to have a joint paper by Darwin and Wallace 
presented to the Society. This paper, entitled ‘On 
the tendency of species to form varieties; and on the per- 
petuation of varieties and species by natural means of 
selection,’ was presented at a special meeting of the Society 

Fic. 48.—Charles Darwin. The publication of his ‘‘ Origin of Species,’ 
in 1859, revolutionized human thought, and gave direction to all scientific 
and philosophic thinking from that time to the present. 

on July 1, 1858, being read by the secretary in the absence 
of both Darwin and (of course) Wallace. 

76. Early Antagonism to Evolution.—The concep- 
tion that evolution (as distinguished from periodic, super- 
natural interventions of the Deity) is the method of 


creation was arrived at independently by Darwin, but was 
not new with him. As we have just seen, it was proposed 
by Lamarck. Greek philosophers 2,000 years previously 
had suggested the idea; but it had never won the general 
acceptance of the educated world, partly because it was 
feared to be anti-religious, partly because it was never 
substantiated by sufficiently convincing evidence, and 
partly because of the antagonism of a few men of great 
influence in the world of intellect. Men preferred to fol- 
low a leader, more or less blindly, rather than take the 
pains to examine the voluminous evidence for themselves, 
and accept the logical conclusion without prejudice or 
fear, wherever it might lead them, or however much it 
might contradict all their prejudice and preconceived 
notions. But truth will always, in the end, command 
recognition and acceptance, and there is now almost no 
scientific man who does not regard evolution as axiomatic. 
It is one of the most basic of all conceptions, not only in 
the natural and the physical sciences, but also in history, 
sociology, philosophy, and religion; it has, indeed com- 
pletely revolutionized every department of human 

77. Darwinism.—It is the second of the above men- 
tioned theories, i.e., natural selection, that constitutes the 
essence of Darwinism. The theory is based upon five 
fundamental facts, which are matters of observation, and 
ie be verified by anyone, as follows: 

. Inhevitance-—Characteristics possessed by - parents 
ee to reappear in-the next or in succeeding generations. 
We are all- familiar with the fact that children commonly 
resemble one. or both parents, or a grandparent or great 
grandparent, in-some characteristic. From this we infer 


that something has been inherited from the ancestor which 
causes resemblance in one or more characters—physical or 

2. Variation.—But the expression of the inheritance is 
seldom, if ever, perfect. Eyes are a little less or a little 
more brown; stature is never just the same; one-half the 
face may resemble a given ancestor more than another; 
petals may be more or less red or blue; no two oranges 
taste exactly alike; no two maple leaves are of precisely 
the same shape. There is inheritance, but inheritance is 
usually expressed with modifications or variations of the 
ancestral type. 

3. Fitness for Environment.—It is common knowledge 
that living things must be adjusted to their environment. 
Poor adjustment means sickness or weakness; complete 
or nearly complete lack of adjustment means death. 
Water-lilies, for example, cannot live in the desert, 
cacti cannot live in salt marshes; cocoanuts cannot be 
grown except in subtropical or tropical climates, edelweiss 
will not grow in the tropics. This is because these various 
kinds of plants are so organized that they cannot adjust 
themselves to external conditions, beyond certain more or 
less definite limits or extremes. A cactus is fit to live in 
the desert because it is protected by its structure against 
excessive loss of water, and has special provision for 
storing up water that may be used in time of drought. 
Deciduous tress are fitted to live in temperate regions, 
partly because their deciduous habit and their formation 
of scaly buds enables them to withstand the drought of 
winter. Negroes live without discomfort under the trop- 
ical sun because they are protected by the black pigment 
in their skin. And so, in countless ways, we might illus- 


trate the fact that all living things, in order to flourish, 
must be adjusted to their surroundings. 2 

4. Struggle for Existence-—The clue to the method of 
evolution first dawned upon Darwin in 1838, while reading 
Malthus on ‘‘Population.”” Malthus emphasized the fact 
that the number of human beings in the world increased 
in geometrical ratio (by multiplication), while the food sup- 
ply increased much less rapidly by arithmetical ratio (by 
addition). Therefore, argued Malthus, the time will soon 
be reached when there will not be food enough for all; 
men will then struggle for actual existence, and only the 
fittest (i.e., the strongest, the fleetest, the most clever or 
cunning) will survive. In pondering this hypothesis 
Darwin at once saw its larger application.’ There are 
always more progeny produced by a plant or an animal 
than there is room and food for, should they all survive. 
Darwin showed that the descendants of a single pair of 
elephants (one of the slowest breeders of all animals) 
would, if all that were born survived, reach the enormous 
number of 19,000,000 in from 740 to 750 years.” But 
the total number of elephants in the world does not appre- 
ciably increase: evidently many must perish for every one 
that lives. 

1“Tn October 1838,’ says Darwin, “that is, 15 months after I had 
begun my systematic inquiry, I happened to read for amusement ‘Malthus 
on Population,’ and being well prepared to appreciate the struggle for 
existence which everywhere goes on from long-continued observation of 
the habits of animals and plants, it at once struck me that under these 
circumstances favorable variations would tend to be preserved, and 
unfavorable ones to be destroyed. The result of this would be the forma- 
tion of new species. Here then I had at last got a theory by which to 

°* One pair of elephants produces an average of only one baby elephant 
in ro years, and the breeding period is confined to from about the 3oth to 
the goth year. 


Linneus, a century before Darwin, had called attention 
to the fact that if an annual plant produced only two seeds 
a year, and each of the plants from these seeds, in turn, 
produced two seeds the second year, and so on, there would, 
if all the individuals lived, be a million plants at the end of 
twenty years. But, few species breed as slowly as that. 
According to Kerner, the common broad-leaved plantain 
(Plantago major) produces 14,000 seeds annually; shep- 
herd’s purse (Capsella Bursa-pastoris),64,000;and tobacco, 
360,000. The number of seeds produced each year by the 
orchid, Acropera, was carefully estimated by Darwin at 
74,000,000. But these figures are wholly surpassed by 
the ferns. Professor Bower estimates the number of 
spores produced each year by a well grown specimen of the 
shield fern (Nephrodium filix-mas) at from 50,000,000 to 
100,000,000, while the estimate for the fern Angiopteris has 
been placed at 4,000,000,000 spores for asingle leaf. One 
plant may have as many as 50 or more spore-bearing 
leaves. It has been pointed out that, at these rates of 
increase, unrestricted, a given species of plant would, in 
two or three years, cover an area several thousand times 
that of the dry land. But nothing of the sort occurs. 
There must, therefore, be an intense struggle for existence, 
in which the vast majority of individuals perish. Darwin! 
gives the following illustration: 

“Seedlings, also, are destroyed in vast numbers by 
various enemies; for instance, on a piece of ground 3 
feet long and 2 wide, dug and cleared, and where there 
could be no choking from other plants, I marked all the 
seedlings of our native weeds as they came up, and out of 
357 no less than 295 were destroyed, chiefly by slugs and 

1 ‘Origin of Species” (New York, 1902 edition), pp. 83, 84. 


insects. Jf turf which has long been mown, and the case 
would be the same with turf closely browsed by quadru- 
peds, be let to grow, the more vigorous plants gradually 
kill the less vigorous, though fully grown plants; thus out 
of 20 species growing on a little plot of mown turf (3 feet 
by 4) nine species perished, from the other species being 
allowed to grow up freely.” 

“Struggle for Existence” Used in a Large Sense.—‘‘I 
should premise,” said Darwin, ‘“‘that I use this term in a 
large and metaphorical sense including dependence of one 
being on another, and including (which is more important) 
not only the life of the individual, but success in leaving 
progeny. ‘Two canine animals, in a time of dearth, may 
be truly said to struggle with each other which shall get 
food and live. But a plant on the edge of a desert is said 
to struggle for life against the drought, though more 
properly it should be said to be dependent on the moisture. 
A plent which annually produces a thousand seeds, of 
which only one on an average comes to maturity, may be 
more truly said to struggle with the plants of the same and 
other kinds which already clothe the ground. The mistle- 
toe is dependent on the apple and a few other trees,! but 
can only in a far-fetched sense be said to struggle with 
these trees, for, if too many of these parasites grow on the 
same tree, it languishes and dies. But several seedling 
mistletoes, growing close together on the same branch, may 
more truly be said to struggle with each other. As the 
mistletoe is disseminated by birds, its existence depends 
on them; and it may metamorphically be said ‘to struggle 

1In the above quotation, Darwin is undoubtedly referring to the 
European mistletoe (Viscum album). The American mistletoe (Phora- 
dendron flavescens) is found in the eastern and central United States on 
various deriduous-leaved trees, including the sour gum and red maple. 


with other fruit-bearing plants, in tempting the birds to 
devour and thus disseminate its seeds. In these several 
senses, which pass into each other, I use for convenience 
sake the general term of Struggle for Existence.” 

5. Survival of the Fittest—In this struggle for existence 
only those best suited to their environment will survive. 
The dandelion from the seed that germinates first secures 
the best light; the one that sends down the longest and 
most vigorous root-system, that produces the largest, most 
rapidly growing leaves will survive, and will tend to trans- 
mit its vigorous qualities to its progeny. Less vigorous 
or less “fit” individuals perish. To this phenomenon 
Herbert Spencer applied the phrase, ‘“‘survival of the fit- 
test.” Darwin called it “natural selection,’ because it 
was analogous to the artificial selection of favored types 
by breeders of plants and animals. It will be readily seen, 
however, that the process in nature is not so much a selec- 
tion of the fittest, as a rejection of the unfit; the unfit are 
eliminated, while the fit survive. It has been suggested 
that ‘‘natural rejection” would be a better name than 
“natural selection.” ‘Variations neither useful nor in- 
jurious,” said Darwin, “would not be affected by natural 
selection.” . 

78. Difficulties and Objections.—The publication of 
Darwin’s “Origin of Species” aroused at once a storm of 
opposition. Theologians opposed the theory because they 
thought it eliminated God. Especially bitter antagonism 
was aroused by Darwin’s suggestion that, by means of 
his theory ‘‘much light will be thrown on. the origin of 
man and his history.’ The unthinking and the careless 
thinkers accused Darwin of teaching that man is descended 
from monkeys. Neither of these accusations, however, 


is true. Darwinism neither eliminates God, nor does it 
teach that monkeys were the ancestors of men. 

By slow degrees, however, men began to give more care- 
ful and unprejudiced attention to the new theory, and not 
to pass adverse judgment upon it until they were sure they 
understood it. ‘‘A celebrated author and divine has 
written to me,” says Darwin, “that he has gradually 
learnt to see that it is just as noble a conception of the 
Deity to believe that He created a few original forms capa- 
ble of self-development into other and needful forms, as 
to believe that He required a fresh act of creation to supply 
the voids caused by the action of His laws.”’ 

And in closing his epoch-making book, Darwin called 
attention to the fact that, in the light of evolution, all 
phases of natural science possess more interest and more 

‘When we no longer look at an organic being as a savage 
looks at a ship, as something wholly beyond his compre- 
hension; when we regard every production of nature as 
one which has had a long history; when we contemplate 
every complex structure and instinct as the summing up 
of many contrivances, each useful to the possessor, in the 
same way as any great mechanical invention is the sum- 
ming up of the labour, the experience, the reason, and even 
the blunders of numerous workmen; when we thus view 
each organic being, how far more interesting—I speak from 
experience—does the study of natural history become!”’ 

“Tt is interesting to contemplate a tangled bank, clothed 
with many plants of many kinds, with birds singing on the 
bushes, with various insects flitting about, and with worms 
crawling through the damp earth, and to reflect that these 
elaborately constructed forms, so different from each 


other, and dependent upon each other in so complex a 
manner, have all been produced by laws acting around us. 
These laws, taken in the largest sense, being Growth with 
Reproduction; Inheritance which is almost implied by 
reproduction; Variability from the indirect and direct 
action of the conditions of life, and from use and disuse; 
a Ratio of Increase so high as to lead to a Struggle for Life, 
and as a consequence to Natural Selection, entailing Diver- 
gence of Character and the Extinction of less-improved 
forms. Thus, from the war of nature, from famine and 
death, the most exalted object which we are capable of 
conceiving, namely, the production of the higher animals, 
directly follows. There is grandeur in this view of life, 
with its several powers having been orginally breathed 
by the Creator into a few forms or into one; and that, 
whilst this planet has gone cycling on according to the 
fixed law of gravity, from so simple a beginning endless 
forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and 
are being evolved.” 

79. Objections from Scientists.—Objections to Dar- 
win’s theory were also brought forward by scientific men— 
partly from prejudice, but chiefly because they demanded 
(and rightly) more evidence, especially on certain points 
which seemed at variance with the theory. For example, 
they said, no one has ever observed a new species develop 
from another; this ought to be possible if evolution by 
natural selection is now in progress. The absence of 
“connecting links,’ or transitional forms between two 
related species was noted; the presence of apparently 
useless characters (of which there are plenty in both 
animals and plants) was not accounted for; and the 

geologists and astronomers claimed that the time required 


for evolution to produce the organic world as we now behold 
it is longer than the age of the earth as understood from 
geological and astronomical evidence. 

There is not space here to summarize the answers to all 
these objections. Suffice it to say that scientific investi- 
gation since Darwin’s time has given us reasonably satis- 
factory answers to most of them, so that now practically 
no scientific man doubts the essential truth of evolution; 
it is the corner stone of all recent science, the foundation 
of all modern thought. 

80. The Modern Problem.—But Darwinism left us 
with a very large and very fundamental problem unsolved. 
Upon what materials does natural selection act in the 
formation of species? Obviously the “‘fittest’”’ survives, 
but what is the origin of the fittest? This problem Darwin- 
ism did not solve. The solution of it is one of the most 
fundamental and‘important tasks now being undertaken 
by biologists. The most effective attack is by the method 
of experimental evolution, which forms the subject of the 
next chapter. 


81. A New Method of Study.—Previous to Darwin’s 
time the study of plants and animals, was carried on chiefly 
by observations in the field. The science was largely 
descriptive—a record of what men had observed under 
conditions over which they did not endeavor to exercise 
any control; it was accurately named ‘‘ Natural History’’ 
—a description of Nature. But Darwin and a few of his 
contemporaries, especially among botanists, began to 
make observations under conditions which they determined 
and largely regulated. In this way the problems were 
simplified, observation became more accurate, and the 
endeavor was made to assign the probable causes of the 
observed ‘phenomena. With the introduction of this 
experimental method, science began to make rapid strides, 
and, more than ever before, facts began to be, not only 
recorded, but interpreted and explained. 

82. Hugo de Vries.—The director of the Botanic Gar- 
den in Amsterdam, Holland, Hugo de Vries, was among 
the first to demonstrate that the method of experiment 
may be applied to the study of the origin of species. His 
plan was to secure seed of a given species from a plant 
which he believed to be pure with reference to a given 
character, that is, not contaminated or mixed by being 

cross-pollinated with another variety or species. The 


characters of the parent plant were carefully noted and 
recorded by photographs and written descriptions, and by 
preserving dried and pressed herbarium specimens. The 
plants of the second generation were carefully guarded 
from being cross-pollinated, and thus ‘‘pure” seed were 
secured for a third generation. This was continued often 
for 25 or 30 generations of the plant, requiring as many 

Fic. 49.—Hugo de Vries. His pioneer studies of osmosis resulted in 
fundamental contributions to our knowledge of that subject; his mutation- 
theory is one of the most important contributions to the study of evolu- 
tion since Darwin. 

years when a species produced only one crop of seed a 
year. Very careful records and preserved specimens were 
kept of the plants of each generation, and accurate com- 
parisons were made to see if any individuals showed a 
tendency to vary widely from their parents in any sig- 
nificant way, such as showing entirely new characters, not 
expressed in the parents, or failing to manifest one or more 
of the characters of the parent. 


83. Two Kinds of Variation.—One of the first results 
of de Vries’s painstaking work was the demonstration of 
what he believed to be a fundamental difference between 
two distinct kinds of variation—continuous (or fluctuating) 
and discontinuous (or saltative, z.e., leaping). 

84. Continuous Variation.—Continuous variation is 
quantitative—a case merely of more or less. It deals with 
averages. Some flowers on a red-flowered plant may be 
lighter or darker red, but, in a series of generations, the 


Semceete sas een ee ee 

mPOD Ne 

Fic. 50.—Fluctuating variation in the leaves of an oak (Quercus chry- 
solepis), a, all the leaves of a twig; 6, younger leaves of « twig; c, con- 
secutive leaves; d, some leaves on one season’s growth of a twig. (After 

average of a large number in each generation does not 
vary, and the departure from the average never exceeds 
certain limits. The flowers of a given species may have a 
certain characteristic odor, but the odor may be stronger 
in some flowers than in others, or in some individual 
plants thanin others. The plants grown from a handful of 
beans of the same variety may vary in height within 
limits, but the average height of a large number will not 
vary in successive generations, and will be characteristic 


of the species or variety. In other words, continuous or 
fluctuating variation is variation about a mean. It may 
be illustrated by the bob of a swinging pendulum, which 
continually fluctuates within definite limits about the 
mean position assumed when the pendulum is at rest 
(Fig. 56). 

All plants and animals manifest fluctuating variation 
in all their characters (Fig. 50), and such variations are 
largely, if not entirely, dependent upon the environment. 
A slight change in the kind of food elements supplied, or 
in the amount of water or sunlight available will make the 
leaves or petals a deeper or a paler color. Rich soil, fa- 
voring a more abundant food supply, will cause a greater 
average growth than poor soil, but unless the seed for 
future generations is selected from the tallest plants, 
and the richness of the soil is maintained, the plants will 
revert to their normal, lower average of height. In other 
words, the average height of the plants of any given variety 
is a constant (unvarying) character, except that it may be 
temporarily altered by careful selection of seeds from the 
tallest or shortest individuals, or by choosing the largest 
or the smallest seeds from any given plant, or by making 
the soil richer or poorer, or otherwise. When the selection 
ceases, and the soil is maintained at average fertility, the 
characteristic average height of the plants is restored. 

85. Illustrations of Continuous Variation——In a 
quart of beans, for example, there are no two seeds of 
precisely the same proportion or size; some are longer, 
some shorter. De Vries describes! an experiment in 
which about 450 beans were chosen from a quantity 
purchased in the market, and the lengths of the indi- 

1De Vries. “The Mutation Theory,” vol. 2, p: 47, Chicago, 1909 


viduals measured. The length varied from 8 to 16 
millimeters, and in the following proportions: 

Millimeters....... 8 9 10 «Ir «12 13 14 «4S 16 
Number of beans. 1 2 23 108 167 106 33 7 #1 

The beans were then placed Lf U—-G 

in a glass jar divided into 
nine compartments, all the 
beans of the same length 
in the same compartments. 
When this was done it was 
found that the beans were 
so grouped that the tops of 
the columns in the various 
compartments followed a 
curve, known as Quételet’s! 
curve (Fig. 51). 

This curve may be plotted 
by erecting vertical lines 
(ordinates) at intervals of one 
millimeter on a horizontal 
line or base, the height of 
each vertical line being pro- 
portionate to the number of 
beans having the length in- Fic. 51—Demonstration of 
dicated in figures at its base. Quételet’s law of fluctuating varia- 
This curve shows the freq- bility in the length of seeds of the 

common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris). 
uency of occurrence of seeds 

: Description in the text. (Redrawn 
of any given dimension from de Vries.) * 



1 So named from its discoverer, Quételet (Ket-lay). As de Vries states: 
“For a more exact demonstration a correction would be necessary, since 
obviously the larger beans fill up their compartment more than a similar 
number of small ones.” 


between the two limits or extremes, and is therefore often 
referred to as a curve of frequency. It should be noted 
that, in the case illustrated, the greatest frequency (in- 
dicated by the highest point of the curve) very nearly 
coincides with the average dimension; in other words, the 
more any given character departs from the average for that 
character, the less frequent is its occurrence. 

In another experiment, ears of corn, harvested from. 
the same crop, were measured and found to vary in length 


Fic. 52.—Curve of fluctuating variation (Quételet’s curve), formed by 
arranging 82 ears of corn in ten piles, according to the length of the ears. 
The extremes were 4.5 and ginches. The ears were taken from unselected 
material from a field of corn. (After Blakeslee.) 

from 414 inches to 9 inches; the largest number of ears 
(20) were 7 inches long. The greater the departure from 
this length, in either direction, the fewer the individuals; 
for the lengths 4 inches and g inches the frequency was 
zero. When the ears were arranged in piles according 
to their length, the tops of the piles indicated the curve 
of frequency (Fig. 52). 

The curve of frequency indicates the quantitative dis- 
tribution of any character or quality when its occurrence 
is dependent largely upon chance. This is strikingly 


Fic. 53—Photograph of beans rolling down an inclined plane and 
accumulating at the base in compartments, which are closed in front by 
glass. The exposure was long enough to cause the moving beans to appear 
as caterpillar-like objects hopping along the board. If we assume that 
the irregularity of shape of the beans is such that each may make jumps 
either toward the right or toward the left in rolling down the board, the 
laws of chance lead us to expect that in very few cases will these jumps 
be all in the same direction, as indicated by the few beans collected in the 
compartments at the extreme right and left. Rather the beans will tend 
to jump in both right and left directions, the most probable condition 
being that in which the beans make an equal number of jumps to the right 
and to the left, as shown by the large number accumulated in the central 
compartment. Ifthe board be tilted to one side, the curve of beans would 
be altered by this one-sided influence. In like fashion, a series of factors— 
either of environment or of heredity—it acting equally in both favorable 
and unfavorable directions, will cause a collection of ears of corn to assume 
a similar variability curve, when classified according to their relative size. 
Such curves, called Quételet’s curves, are used by biometricians in classi- 
fying and studying variations in plants and animals. (Photo by A. F. 
Blakeslee. Legend slightly modified from Journal of Heredity, June, 



illustrated by the grouping of bean seeds rolled down a 
smooth inclined plane, and collected in receptacles at the 
bottom (Fig. 53). The seeds are started rolling midway 
between the edges of the plane; the chances are about 
equal for some of the seeds to fall into the outside compart- 
ments, but the odds are vastly in favor of their landing at 
or near the center. Thus they group themselves so that 
the tops of the piles form a curve of chance variation. 
When the result is influenced in one direction more than 
in another the crest of the curve will be nearer one extreme 
than the other, and the curve is to that extent skew. The 
curve of bean seeds in Fig. 53 is slightly skew toward 
the right-hand extreme. Suggest one or more reasons 

86. Fluctuating Variation and Inheritance.— When 
the ancestry is not mixed or hybrid the curve of frequency 
of any character in one generation ordinarily tends to 
recur in successive generations of descendants, providing 
the environment remains essentially the same.! 

87. Discontinuous Variation.—Long before Darwin, 
students of plants and animals had observed a different 
kind of variation than continuous—one which was not 
quantitative but qualitative, resulting in the expression of 
new characters, or of a new curve of frequency; that is, in 
fluctuation about a new mean. Plants from some of the 
seeds of a red-flowered specimen bear flowers, not that 
vary from deeper to paler red, but that suddenly, at one 
step, have become pure white; one or more seeds from 
an odorless plant may give rise to individuals whose 
flowers are sweet-scented; or vice versa, odorless specimens 

1The behavior of hybrid descendants is a special case described in 
Chapter XXXVII. 



10-15 | 20-25 | 3035 | 4045 70% 
510 «1520 = 2530 = 3540 78 an 500 B50) 

Fic. 54.—Curves of variation, illustrating the difference between 
fluctuation about a given mean, and the appearance of a new mean, 2.e., 
mutation. At the right, variations in the stature of Oenothera Lamarckiana; 
at the left, variation in the stature of Oenothera nanella, a form derived 
from O. Lamarckiana by mutation. (After de Vries.) 

Fic. 55.—Leaves of varieties of the Boston fern (Nephrolepis), showing 
(from left to right) progressive branching of the pinne and pinnules, and 
illustrating ‘so-called ‘‘orthogenetic saltation.” (After R. C. Benedict.) 


may spring at one leap, not by gradual changes, from those 
that are fragrant; in one generation the factors controlling 
height are so altered that, in successive generations, the 
average of height may change by either more or less, so 
that the heights of the individuals fluctuate about a new 
mean. In other words, we recognize a second type of 
variation—not the fluctuation of individuals about an 
unchanging mean, but the appearance of a new mean, 
about which the given character in individuals may 
fluctuate (Fig. 54.) 

When discontinuous variation proceeds along a definite 
line through several successive generations, each step being 
an intensification of the preceding one, it is designated 
“‘orthogenetic saltation”’ (Fig. 55). 

88. Illustration of the Pendulum.—The difference be- 
tween discontinuous and fluctuating variation may be 
aptly illustrated by a swinging pendulum (Fig. 56). The 
vertical position, assumed when at rest, is .he mean of all 
positions that may be assumed as the pendulum swings; 
the oscillation about this mean illustrates continuous or 
fluctuating variation. 

But we may conceive that the point of suspension of the 
pendulum changes, as shown in the figure. The pendulum 
continues to oscillate, but now about a new mean position; 
a new character has been introduced, with its own fluctua- 
tions of more or less. 

89. Mutations.—Darwin, as well as others before and 
after him, recognized both kinds of variation, but de Vries 
was the first to work out in detail the hypothesis that 
discontinuous variations furnish the material for natural 
selection. Discontinuous variations he called mutations; 
plants which give rise to or “throw” them are said to 


mutate. A plant that arises by mutation is an elementary 
species, or mutant; and the theory that mutations (and not 
fluctuations) explain the origin of the fittest, and supply 
the materials upon which natural selection operates in the 

; ; \ 
i F ; 
t Ne y A 
+ \ 
a + / * 
‘ \ . 
2 \ ; 
7 : 
if . 
/ As x 

a \ 

Bo re \ 
P ; ee ‘ 
fi Helge ROS xe) 
t ey x 2 Be Fluctuat ; Vari ie ua 

seed eS uctuating Variation + 

‘ Extreme & Extreme 
ie ss 
/ Ee = Mean 
’ N 
ze a 
OP ; ae pi) 
NL. Fluctuating|Variation ne 
Extreme reme 


Fic. 56.—Diagram to illustrate the difference between fluctuating 
variation and mutation; O, original point of suspension; M, new point of 
suspension after the mutation has occurred. 

formation of new species, de Vries called the mutation 

90. Examples of Mutation.—The kohlrabi, cauliflower, 
and other horticultural varieties of the wild cliff-cabbage 
(Fig. 57), are believed to be mutants, and to have arisen, 



(‘sadanos SNOLIZA 
WoI] UMBIPEY) *(pasn spnq-ramog) Jamogyynes ‘H '(pnq feurussy pedojessp Ayq3ry ev) aeqqeo wouoo ‘y ‘(pesn spnq 
[e1aye]) synoids sjassniq “7 ‘iqeapyoy ‘q ‘apex ‘D *(pesn y}Oq samoy pue S2AR9T) ToI0Iq ‘g ‘sUMIOJ [eIN][{NIVIOY U1epour 
snosauinu ay} JO 10jsa0ue yeorJaqjodAy ‘aSeqqeo-yLp pila ‘y ‘aBeqqeo pps ayy Jo samarres yeanqNoyI0p}—"LS “OLz 


not by the prolonged selection of fluctuating variations, 
but at one step—in one generation—as “‘sports” of the 
wild Brassica oleracea. Strawberry plants without run- 
ners, green dahlias and green roses, the common seedless 
bananas of the markets, the Shirley poppies, pitcher- 
leaved ash trees, Pierson’s variety of the Boston fern, 

Fic. 58.—Clover leaves with three to nine leaflets, illustrating a tend- 
ency to mutate. The normal clover leaf is a pinnately compound leaf 
with three leaflets. Plants with leaves having five to nine leaflets con- 
stitute a ‘“‘half-race,’’ z.c. the normal character is active, the anomaly 
semi-latent. (Photo by the author; specimens from cultures of G. H. 

5-9- “leaved” clovers (Fig. 58), white black-birds (and 
other albinos, including albino men), moss-roses, thornless 
cacti and thornless honey-locusts, red sunflowers, com- 
posites with tubular corollas in the ray-flowers (Fig. 48), 
and the innumerable white flowered varieties of colored 
flowered species, are all illustrations of mutation. Fre- 
quently the mutative change occurs in a lateral bud, pro- 


ducing a “bud-sport” (Fig. 60). Such was the origin of 

the seedless naval orange from the seed-bearing orange. 
91. The Evening-primrose.—In 1886 de Vries began to 

search for a species that was in a mutating condition, be- 

Fic. 59.—Yellow daisy, or cone-flower (Rudbeckia sp.), showing varia- 
tions of the character of mutations in the ray- and disc flowers. At d 
the normally ligulate corollas are tubular; at f they have all aborted, 
except two; at # many of the normally tubular disc-flowers have become 
ligulate, making a nearly “double flower.” (Photo by E. M. Kittredge.) 

lieving that any given species is at some periods in its 
history more labile or changeable than at other periods. 
After a long search he found, in an abandoned potato field 
at Hilversum, near Amsterdam, a large number of plants 
of Lamarck’s evening-primrose (CEnothera Lamarckiana) 
(Fig. 61). 


“That I really had hit upon a plant ina mutable period 
became evident from the discovery, which I made a year 
later, of two perfectly definite forms which were immedi- 
ately recognizable as two new elementary species. One of 
them was a short-styled form: O. brevistylis, which at first 
seemed to be exclusively male, but later proved to have 

Fic. 60,—.\ plant of the evening-primrose (Cnothera biennis) which, 
by “bud sporting,” has given rise (at the left) to a branch having the 
characters of another species. 

the power, at least in the case of several individuals, of 
developing small capsules with a few fertile seeds. The 
other was a smooth-leaved form with much prettier foliage 
than O. Lamarckiana, and remarkable for the fact that 
some of its petals are smaller than those of the parent type, 

and lack the emarginate form which gives the petals of 


Lamarckiana their cordate character. I call this form 
O. levifolia.” 

‘‘When I first discovered them (1887) they were repre- 
sented by very few individuals. Moreover each form 
occupied a particular spot on the field. O. brevistylis 
occurred quite close to the base from which the Gnothera 

Fic. 61.—Lamarck’s evening-primrose (CEnothera Lamarckiana), A muta- 
ting species. Cf. Fig. 62. (After de Vries.) 

had spread; O. levifolia on the other hand, in a small 
group of 10 to 12 plants, some of which were flowering 
whilst others consisted only of radical leaves, in a part of 
the field which had not up to that time been occupied by 
O. Lamarckiana. The impression produced was that all 
these plants had come from the seeds of a single mutant. 


Since that time, both the new forms have more or less 
spread over the field” (de Vries). 

Another mutant of O. Lamarckiana was called by 
de Vries CEnothera gigas (Fig. 62). The cells of this 
mutant have twice as many chromosomes as the parent 


Fic. 62.—Giant evening-primrose Cnothera gigas, a mutant from 
Gnotheta Lamarckiana, originated in 1895. Cf. Fig. 61. (After de 

92. The Test of a Mutation.—The deciding test as to 
whether a given new form, arising without crossing from 
a form that has bred true for at least two generations, is 
really a mutant or merely a fluctuating variant, is to see 
if it breeds true to seed for the new character or characters. 


If it does it is a mutant; otherwise it is not. It is clear, 
therefore, that the only way the problem can be followed 
out is by experiment—hence the term experimental evolu- 
tion. The next step for de Vries to take, after discovering 
the two forms that he supposed to be mutants, was to breed 
them in carefully guarded, pedigreed cultures in his 
garden, and also to breed the parent form, Ginothera La- 
marckiana, and see if he could observe the two forms above 
mentioned, or other mutants, arise from seed produced 
without crossing with any other species. 

The entire story of this classical series of experiments 
is too long to be told here. Suffice it to say that de Vries 
did observe numerous other aberrant forms arise, and also 
found that they bred true (except for additional muta- 
tions) when propagated by seed for over 25 years—that 
is, they were true mutations. 

93. Relation of Mutation Theory to Darwinism.—The 
mutation theory is not intended by de Vries to supplant 
the theory of natural selection, but to demonstrate that 
the materials upon which selection acts in the formation 
of new species are mutations, and mutations only—never 
fluctuating or individual variations. Here lies the essen- 
tial difference between Darwin and de Vries, for Darwin, 
though recognizing, and with increasing clearness, that 
mutation furnishes part of the material to be “‘selected”’ 
by nature, assigned a larger and more important réle to 
fluctuating or individual variations. ‘Species have been 
modified,” he said, ‘‘chiefly through the natural selection 
of numerous successive, slight, favorable variations; aided 
[however] in an important manner by . . . . variations 
which seem to us in our ignorance to arise spontaneously. 
It appears that I formerly underrated the frequency and 


value of these latter forms of variation, as leading ‘to 
permanent modifications of structure independently of 
natural selection.!. And he goes on to say that, ‘‘as my 
conclusions have lately been much misrepresented, and it 
has been stated that I attribute the modification of species 
exclusively to natural selection, I may be permitted to 
remark that in the first edition of this work (the Origin), 
and subsequently, I placed in a most conspicuous position 
—namely, at the close of the Introduction—the following 
words: ‘I am convinced that natural selection has been 
the main but not the exclusive means of modification.’’’? 

In the second place, the mutation theory explains away 
numerous objections to natural selection. It shows how 
characters that are never of vital importance*—i.e., matters 
of actual life or death—to a species may arise and be per- 
petuated. Without mutation this is difficult to explain,* 

1Darwin, C. The Origin of Species. 6 Ed. New York. D. Apple- 
ton & Co., 1902, p. 293. 

2Darwin almost dispaired of making his position on this point under- 
stood. The clear statement above quoted, he said, “has been of no 
avail. Great is the power of steady misrepresentation; but the history 
of science shows that fortunately this power does not long endure.’ 
Darwin. 1. c., p. 293- 

3 As required by Darwin’s theory. See quotation above (p. 118), and 
on p. 97. 

“ Other explanations have been offered. For example, sometimes two 
characters appear to be always associated, so that the presence of one 
involves the presence of the other; as a mane and maleness in the lion, 
dicotyledony and exogeny in Angiosperms. The constant association of 
two characters is often (though not always) due to the fact that the factors 
for those characters tend to keep together in the same chromosome, in- 
stead of segregating during the formation of egg-cells and sperms. This 
tendency is called linkage. The association of smooth (vs. wrinkled) seed 
with tendrilled (vs. non-tendrilled) leaves in the garden pea, and of red 
flower-color with round pollen in the sweet pea may be cited as examples of 
linkage. In such cases one of the characters might be of vital importance 
to a plant in the struggle for existence and the other not. 


and yet many, if not most, of the characteristics by which 
different species are distinguished from each other are of 
this kind—not, so far as we can see, absolutely essential 
to the life of the species. Mutation also offers a method 
by which evolutionary changes may take place within a 
much shorter time-period than was demanded by the 
natural selection of fluctuations. Incidentally, the muta- 
tion theory clearly shows that the absence of “connecting 
links” between species is-not, as was formerly urged, an 
argument against evolution, but is, on the contrary, just 
what we might expect to find. 

94. Value of the Mutation Theory.—The elaboration of 
the mutation theory (together with the rediscovery of 
Mendel’s law, to be discussed in Chapter V) furnished the 
biological world with a new method of study; it demon- 
strated that the method of evolution, so far as it concerns 
the origin of new characters, may be studied by experi- 
mentation.1 The mutation theory should also be of great 
service to breeders. It has helped to establish plant and 
animal breeding on a more scientific basis, has pointed the 
way to correct methods where men where formerly groping 
in the dark, and has showed, that results of commercial 
value do not require a life time, but may be obtained with- 
in two or three seasons. By the application of modern 
methods it has been possible, within a few seasons, to 

1 Like most great contributions to science, the elaboration of the experi- 
mental method of approach to the problem of heredity and evolution cannot 
be attributed solely to any one man. Students of science in any period 
come into a rich inheritance in the labors of many predecessors. To 
fully assign the credit for the experimental method in the study of heredity 
it would be necessary to write the history of investigations extending from 
Kélreuter (1760) one of the first, if not the first hybridizer, of plants, Knight 
(1799), through Gaertner (1849), Jordan (1853), Naudin (1862), and others 
to Mendel, de Vries, and‘those of more recent date, down to our own time. 



obtain new strains of oats yielding as much as 14 bushels 
per acre more than the variety from which they were de- 
rived, and to produce new strains of corn not only giving 
a larger yield, but maturing nearly two weeks earlier than 
the parent variety. 

Fic. 63.—Linnzus, the great classifier (1707-1778). He is wearing a 
sprig of the twin-flower (Linnea borealis), one of his favorite flowers, and 
named after him by his friend, Gronovius. He is regarded as the father 
of modern systematic botany. 

95. Classification.—Mere information is not science. 
A “book of facts” is not a scientific treatise for it is com- 
posed of bits of unrelated information, presented on some 
artificial basis of sequence, as for example, alphabetically. 


Scientific knowledge, in addition to being as accurate as 
possible, is characterized by having an orderly arrangement 
in one’s mind, and this order is based on a logical, funda- 
mental relationship between the facts and ideas. Only 
by such an arrangement of our ideas are we able to under- 
stand their relation to each other, their relative impor- 
tance, and their real significance. Classification, there- 
fore, is essential to allscience. The very existence and use 
of such words as oaks, maples, roses, indicate that men 
have grouped or classified their ideas of certain plants 
(e.g., red oaks, white oaks, black oaks, bur oaks, live 
oaks, etc.), and have thereby recognized that certain kinds 
resemble each other closely enough to be placed in one 
group with a group-name. All the common names of 
plants indicate the recognition of classes—a classification. 

96. Evolution and Classification.— Without the guiding 
idea of evolution classification would be arbitrary and 
artificial. Linneus classified plants on the basis of the 
number of stamens they possessed, thus placing in one 
group plants now known to be wholly unrelated, except 
that they have a chance similarity in the number of 
stamens. In like manner we may group together plants 
with red flowers, blue flowers, or pink flowers, as is often 
done in ‘‘popular” guides to the wild flowers. This has 
its value, but it tells us really nothing about the significant 
relationship between plants, does not help clear up our 
own ideas, does not show the gaps in our knowledge and 
tell us where to search for new facts to fill up the gaps. 
Evolution, by showing that plants are all related to each 
other by descent, just as are the members of a large family 
of persons, discloses to us the only true basis of classifica- 
tion—the plan that endeavors to arrange all plants so as to 


show their descent and their relationship to each other. 
Without evolution there might be any number of arbitrary 
systems; on the basis of evolution there can, in the end, 
be but one true system, which all students must accept, 
because it will be a true record of what has actually oc- 
curred in the history of development of the plant or animal 
world. In other words, if our knowledge should ever be- 
come sufficiently complete and exact, the classification of 
planis would give a summary—a bird’s eye view—of the 
course of evolution and the history of development. To 
approximate this end is one of the largest problems of botany. 


97. The Problem Stated.—If we knew the entire 
history of development of the plant world, we could ar- 
range all plants now living, and that have lived, so as to 
show their genetic relation to each other. The prob- 
lem is illustrated on a small scale by various related culti- 
vated plants, all known to be derived from a common 
wild ancestor. Cabbage and its relatives are a case in 
point. The botanical relatives of the cabbage include 
such forms as kohlrabi, brussels-sprouts, collards, kale, 
broccoli, and cauliflower (Fig. 44). All of these garden 
vegetables are believed to have been derived from the 
common wild cliff-cabbage (Brassica oleracea) of Europe 
and Asia, by selecting mutations in various directions, 
e.g., excessive development of the stem in kohlrabi, of 
the terminal bud in cabbages, of the lateral buds in brus- 
sel’s sprouts, of the flower buds in cauliflower. Or, to 
refer to de Vries’s studies in experimental evolution, where 
the course of descent was actually observed, we may 
arrange the forms of Lamarck’s evening-primrose so as to 
show their known derivation. 

The general problem, therefore, is to establish the 
genetic relationship of all known plants, living and fossil. 
Since the Angiosperms stand at the top of the series, the 
problem resolves itself largely into ascertaining the 
phylogeny, or line of ancestry, of that group. 



98. Methods of Study.—In the solution of this prob- 
lem two methods of attack may be employed: (1) That 
of observation and comparison of structure, followed by 
classification, and inference; (2) that of experiment. The 
use of experiment is indicated in Chapters V and VIII. 
By this means we may learn something of the relationship 
of different groups having living representatives, but it 
chiefly serves to throw light on the method of evolution. 
The course of evolution is best ascertained by the observa- 
tion and comparison of plant structures. 

99. Sources of Evidence.—There are five main sources 
of evidence as to the course of evolution: 

1. Comparative life histories of living forms. 

2. Comparative anatomy of living forms. 

3. Geographical distribution. 

4. Structure of fossil forms. 

5. Geological succession of fossil forms. 

Studies along these five different lines have resulted 
in some conflict of evidence, but on the whole the evidence 
from the various sources all points to the same broad 
conclusions. Conflict or contradication is in most cases 
the result of insufficient evidence from one or more sources. 

100. Evidence from Life Histories.—In the study of 
the life history (ontogeny) of any higher sporophyte, 
we find that vegetative (sterile) tissues develop first. On 
the basis of this fact it has been inferred by some in- 
vestigators? that all reproductive organs (stamens, carpels, 
sporophylls) arose by a modification of vegetative organs. 
Other facts, however, as set forth on pages 126-129, have 
lead to the directly opposite conclusion. 

1See Bower, F. O. “The origin of a land flora.” Macmillan and Co. 
Ltd., London, 1908. 


101. Evidence from Comparative Ontogeny.—In zool- 
ogy, evidence of the course of evolution is also seen in the 
recapitulation of the characters of lower forms in the em- 
bryogeny of higher forms. This is often referred to as von 
Baer’s law. Evidence of that nature is less striking and 
less common in plants. It is found, however, in a com- 
parison of the young or embryonic stage of the sporophyte 
of the higher liverwort, Marchantia, with the mature 

Fic. 64.—The apical cell in the stem apex in various phyla, from 
Bryophytes to Gymnosperms. A, acrogynous liverwort (Notothylus 
orbicularis); B & C, eusporangiate ferns (B, Marattia Douglasii, C, 
Ophioglossum pendulum); D & E, homosporous leptosporangiate ferns (D, 
Osmunda Claytoniana, E, Adiantum emarginatum, representing Polypodi- 
ales); F, heterosporous leptosporangiate fern (Marsilia vestita); G, a 
horsetail (Calamophyte) (Equisetum telamateia); H, a late gymnosperm 
(Pinus Laricio), (A-G redrawn from Campbell, H from Buchholz). 

sporophyte of the lower liverwort Riccza (Fig. 65). The 
latter consists almost entirely of “fertile” (7.e., reproduc- 
tive) cells. As we pass to more highly organized forms, 
such as Marchantia, the relative amount of vegetative 
tissue gradually increases by a progressive sterilization’ of 
fertile tissue. This progressive sterilization is repeated 
in the ontogeny of the sporophytes of the higher forms. 
The thread-like, green protonema of mosses is often in- 
1$ee foot-note, p. 125. 


terpreted as reminiscent of an ancestral filamentous green 
alga, and the appearance in the embryo of pines and 
other conifers of a larger number of primordia than of 
mature cotyledons, has also been regarded as a re- 
capitulation of an ancestral feature (Fig. 104). Bucholz! 
has demonstrated that young pine embryos possess 
an apical cell similar to that characteristic of ferns 
and fern-allies, this apical cell persisting until the pine 
embryo comprises several hundred cells, and then loosing 
its identity (Fig. 64). 

102. Evidence from Comparative Anatomy.—Compara- 
tive study of structure has led to the conclusion that, 
in its broadest aspects, the course of plant evolution has 
been from the simple to the complex; that such simple 
organisms as Pleurococcus, and other green alge, preceded 
more complex forms like the liverworts; that Bryophytes 
probably appeared before ferns, and they in turn before 
the modern Gymnosperms and Angiosperms. 

A difficulty of accepting this conclusion as final is the 
possibility that, at certain points, the course of evolution 
may have been retrograde—.e., from the more complex 
to the less complex. For example, it is generally accepted 
that the filamentous, alga-like fungi were derived from 
green alge by retrograde evolution (degeneration). Were 
the plants with one seed-leaf (monocotyledons) derived 
from those with two (dicotyledons) by retrograde evolu- 
tion, or were the dicotyledons derived from the monocoty- 
ledons by progressive evolution? Evidence ascertained 
by comparative studies of vascular anatomy and other de- 
tails of structure points to the conclusion, that, although 

1Bucholz, J. T. Suspensor and Early Embryo of Pinus. Bot. Gaz. 
66: 185-228, Sept., 1918. 


monocotyledony seems the simpler, more primitive condi- 
tion, it is really a later phenomenon, the monocotyledons 
being derived from the dicotyledons by simplification.* 
As a further example there may be cited the application 
of the method of comparative anatomy to solve the problem 


Fic. 65.—Progressive sterilization of tissue in sporophytes. a, Riccia 
trichocarpa (mature); b, Marchantia polymorpha (embryo); c, Marchantia 
(mature); d, Porrella, a leafy liverwort (mature); ¢, anthoceros; f, Lyco- 
podium Selago; g, Lycopodium complanatum; h, Botrychium Lunaria 
(Eusporangiate); i, Polypodium venosum (Leptosporangiate). (Re- 
drawn from various sources.) 

of the origin of the leafy sporophyte. As noted above 

(101), the most primitive spore-producing phases (sporo- 

phytes) of the lower liverworts (Hepatice) consist 

almost entirely of “fertile” (¢.e., reproductive) cells, 

and the relative amount of vegetative or sterile tissue 
1See page 223. 


gradually increases, as we pass to more highly organized 
forms, indicating a progressive sterilization of the fertile 
tissue during evolutionary development. Asurvey of 
the sporophytic phases of the liverworts, mosses, and 
ferns will show how these sporophytes gradually in- 
crease in complexity and importance, from the simple 
condition in the liverwort Riccia, with almost no sterile 
tissue, through the sporogonium of the higher liverworts 
and mosses, to the leafy sporophyte of the ferns (Fig. 65). 
The final step in the development of the sporophyte was 
the differentiation of plants bearing only large spores 
(megasporophytes), and those bearing only small spores 
(microsporophytes), represented in the Angiosperms re- 
spectively by the pistillate and staminate plants. The 
progressive sterilization accompanied a change in the 
habitat of the plants from water to dry land.! 

On the other hand, a careful student of fossil plants 
has recently been led to state that, ‘‘it is beginning to 
appear more probable that the Higher Cryptogams (ferns 
and fern allies) are a more ancient and primitive group 
than the Bryophytes, which would seem to owe theiy 
origin to reduction from some higher type.”? In view of 
this diversity of opinion, we learn at once that great cau- 
tion must be used in interpreting the evidence—that we 
must not “jump at conclusions.” 

103. Results of the Method of Comparative Anatomy. 
By their study of comparative anatomy and morphol- 
ogy, botanists have been led to propose the following 

“The fern, as we normally see it, is an organism with, so to speak, 
one foot in the water, the other on the land.” Bower, F. O., The origin 

of a land flora. p. 82. 
2Scott, D. H. The Evolution of Plants. p. 18. 



arrangement of plant groups as representing the general 
course of their evolution (Table I): 

From what has already been said, however, it should 
be understood that such a table represents, not the line 
of evolutionary advance, but the paths travelled by plants 
in the course of their development. For example, it im- 
plies that dicotyledons were derived from monocotyledons, 
pteridophytes from bryophytes—hypotheses which, from 
other trustworthy evidence, as stated above, now seem 
untenable. . 

MorpPHoLocy oF Livinc Forms 

Thallophytes Alga—having chlorophyll. 
(no archegonia) Fungi—no chlorophyll. 

| Bryophytes—no vascular system. 

Archegoniates Pteridophytes 
(archegonia, but no seeds) | Calamophytes ; vascular system. 
| Lepidophytes 
Gymnosperms—no closed ovary. 
Spermatophytes Angiosperms—closed ovary (pistil). 
(seeds) Monocotyledons—one-seed leaf. 
= Dicotyledons—two-seed leaves. 

Again, the table suggests that Angiosperms were de- 
rived from Gymnosperms, and therefore appeared late 
in the history of plant life; but the study of fossil plants 
shows that they appeared in the geological past, and were 
dominant in the Tertiary period, as now, We are led, 
therefore to proceed with caution in drawing inferences 
based only upon a comparative study of the structure of 
forms now living. 

104. Consequences of an Amphibious Habit of Life.— 
The life history of the fern affords a concrete illustration 


of the consequences of a change from an aquatic to an 
amphibious habit of life. The gametophyte is semi- 
aquatic in habit, and the method of fertilization is purely 
aquatic, the sperm being unable to reach the egg except 
by swimming through free water.t But, when the ferti- 
lized egg began to develop as a land plant, the chances of 
fertilization by a sperm swimming in free water bécame 
increasingly remote. The perpetuation of the species, 
and the multiplication of individuals could be insured only 
by the formation of a large number of reproductive bodies 
(spores), capable of distribution by wind in dry conditions, 
and each able to reproduce its kind independently, without 
fusion with another reproductive body. The larger the 
number of such spores, the greater the chances of perpetua- 
tion of the given species. 

105. Consequence of Enormous Spore-production.— 
But the formation of a large number of spores requires a 
vigorous plant body to supply them with an abundance 
of water and nourishment, and to lift them up into the 
air where they would stand a better chance of distribu- 
tion when dry. This is accomplished by the sporophyte, 
producing an abundance of broad, green leaves for food- 
manufacture, and of roots for absorption of water and 
minerals in large quantities. From such considerations as 
these the plant body of the sporophyte is regarded by Bower 
and his followers as produced by the progressive sterili- 
zation of tissues originally reproductive. After the for- 
mation of a vigorous plant body, spores, produced in special 
regions (sporangia) could be nourished in enormous 

106. Origin of Vegetative Organs.—On the basis of 
Bower’s theory we are to regard foliage leaves and branches, 

1See p. 23. 


. . te . 
either as new formations, developed (by * enation’’) on some 
primitive reproductive axis like a strobilus or cone, or else 

ae 2 

Fic. 66.—Diagram to show the increase in prominence of the sporo- 
phyte stage of plant life from the alge to the higher seed-plants. Among 
the thallophytes both the sexual and asexual methods of reproduction 
are represented. A illustrates the asexual, wherein certain cells of the 
plant divide into smaller cells, the zodspores, which, without union with 
other cells, develop directly into new plants. BE illustrate the sexual 
method, effected through an alternation of generations, wherein a 
vegetative stage, the sporophyte, alternates with a reproductive stage, 
the gametopyte. (After Shimer.) 

as produced by the sterilization of parts originally fertile, 
i.e., modifications of reproductive tissues. Thesporophyte 
has become increasingly well developed and increasingly 
independent, while the gametophyte has become increas- 
ingly simple and increasingly dependent. The evolution 
of plants has proceeded by the progressive development of 
the sporophyte, and the gradual but steady regression of 
the gametophyte. This changing relationship is roughly 
indicated in the following diagram (Fig. 67, and also in 
Fig. 66). 

107. Steps in the Evolution of the Sporophyte.—The 


possible steps in the evolution of the sporophyte may, 
on this theory, be tabulated as follows:! 

1. Sterilization of fertile tissue. 

2. Localization of spore-production in sporangia. 

3. Origination of lateral organs (leaves), and of roots. 

4. Development of heterospory. 

5. Introduction of fertilization by the pollen-tube 

6. Assumption of the seed-habit. 




Fic. 67.—Diagram illustrating the gradual change in the relative promi- 
hence of the gametophytic and sporophytic phases in the life-cycle of 
plants during their evolution from the primitive alge (at the left) to the 
modern seed-bearing plants (at the right). 

108. Second Hypothesis.—In a discussion of Bower’s 
theory, Tansley,? considers it “a priori in the highest 
degree unlikely that so fundamentally important an organ 
as the foliage leaf of the vascular plant appeared in descent 
as an ‘enation’ from the surface of a cylindrical body of 
different morphological nature,” and states that ‘‘there 
is no well established case of any such origin of an organ 
of the importance and with the potentialities of the leaf in 
the evolutionary history of the plant kindgom.” He also 
calls attention to the fact that the sporophyte (sporo- 
gonium) of mosses and liverworts has never been known to 
produce by enation or otherwise, any structure resembling 

1 Following F. O. Bower. 
2 New Phytologist 7:177-129. April and May, 1908. 


a foliage leaf or a sporophyll, and considers that it probably 
as we now know it, “represents its highest capacity for 

On the hypothesis of progressive sterilization and ena- 
tion (strobiloid theory), one would expect more primitive 
sporophytes to possess relatively small leaves, that is, to 
be microphyllous, and those with relatively large leaves 
(megaphyllous) to be of later evolutionary development. 
But there is no fossil evidence that the microphyllous fern 
allies (club-mosses, horsetails, sphenophylls) are older 
groups than the megaphyllous true ferns. The suggestion 
is at hand, according to Tansley, that smaller leaved forms 
have been derived from the larger leaved group by reduc- 
tion. The facts of embryology and gametophyte anatomy 
of the Lycopods are also interpreted by Sykes! as, on the 
whole, supporting the hypothesis that the simpler Lyco- 
pods are reduced forms and not primitive, the entire genus 
Lycopodium being regarded as formed by reduction from 
some of the larger fossil cone-bearing fern-allies, such, for 
example, as Lepidodendron or one of its near relatives. 
Miss Sykes has further suggested that the fossil genus 

, Spencerites may represent the connecting link, between the 
two groups. 

It is not possible nor essential, in a book of this nature 
and scope, to give a detailed discussion of the evidence and 
the literature bearing upon this and similar questions. 
It is only intended here to call attention to the fact that 
different inferences as to the origin of the leafy sporo- 
phyte and the broad course of plant evolution may be 

1Sykes, M. G. Notes on the morphology of the sporangium-bearing 

organs of the Lycopodiacee. New Phytologist. 7:41-60. Feb. and 
Mch., 1908. 


logically deduced from the same facts, depending on which 
facts or classes of facts the emphasis is placed.! 

109. Homologous Alternation.—By the theory of anti- 
thetic alternation the leafy sporophyte was derived from 
some such structure as the sporogonium of the Bryo- 
phytes, the axis existing first, the leaves originating as out- 
growths at its surface. There could thus be no true 
homology between any of the organs of the sporophyte 
and those of the gametophyte, however close the super- 
ficial resemblance might be. The (gametophytic) leaves 
of the true mosses, while of like function (analogous) to the 
(sporophytic) leaves of the club-mosses, are not the same 
structural elements, 7.e., are not homologous with them. 
By a contrasting theory the gametophytic and sporo- 
phytic stages were at the first vegetatively or somatically 
equivalent (except for chromosome number), as is the case 
now, for example, with the red alge, Dictyota and Polysi- 
phonia, but, in the course of evolution, the sexual phase 
became more, and the asexual phase less, important in other 
forms (e.g., ferns). This is called the hypothesis of 
homologous alternation, since the vegetative organs repre- 
sent the same structural or morphological elements. 
According to the antithetic theory the sporophytic phase 
was originally entirely dependent on the gametophyte 
(as now, e.g., in the Liverworts), while according to the 
homologous theory, the sporophyte has been free-living 
from the start. By the latter theory, also, leaves did 
not originate as new formations at regions of the axis 
previously unoccupied by lateral organs (enation), but 

1 Those wishing to go more fully into this question will (in addition to 
the article above cited) find much of the evidence presented and analyzed 
by Lady Isabel Brown in a series of five articles on “The phylogeny and 
inter-relationships of the Pteridophyta,” in The New Phytologist for 1908. 
An extended bibliography accompanies each article of the series, 


axis and foliar organs were both derived from an ancestral 
thallus, branching dichotomously.! 

The structural differences in the two generations are, 
on the basis of this hypothesis, considered as due almost, 
if not entirely, to differences in environment, the main 
factor being the gradual transition from aquatic to dry- 
land surroundings. Where the environment is uniform 
and the same for both generations, as for Dictyota, the 
gametophyte and sporophyte are identical in external 

Fic. 68.—Dictyota dichotoma, Left, sporogonial plant; right, sperma- 
gonial (gametophytic) plant. (After W. D. Hoyt.) 

organs and general appearance (Fig. 68). In any event 
the hypothesis postulates a homology between the various 
organs of the two generations, however much these parts 
may differ in external appearance as a result of individual 
variation and environmental influence. 

110. A Third Hypothesis.—Viewing the matter from 
the standpoint of individual development (ontogeny) Lang 
has developed the ontogenetic hypothesis of alternation. 

1In a forked manner, resulting from the occurrence of two growing 
points at the tips of the axes. 


From this point of view two alternatives are recognized: 
1. Either the fertilized egg and the haploid spore are 

potentially unlike, and will therefore produce unlike plant 

bodies, even under essentially similar environment, or 

2. Fertilized eggs and spores are potentially alike, but 
produce unlike plant bodies as a result of the difference 
in the environment in which they develop. 

The ontogenetic school accepts the latter alternative 
as a working hypothesis, and regards the gametophytic 
and sporophytic generations as essentially homologous. 
The degree of homology which can actually be traced in 
the vegetative structure of the two generations may vary 
from substantial identity, as in Dictyota, to such wide 
divergence that the tracing of homologies is quite out of 
the question. In testing this hypothesis. a crucial ex- 
periment would be to obtain a gametophyte by artificially 
bringing a fertilized egg to mature development outside of 
the archegonium and under the environment in which 
the spores normally develop; or to obtain a sporophyte 
by causing a spore to develop within the tissue of a game- 
tophyte, as the fertilized egg normally does. 

111. Hypothetical Ancestral Tree——From a compara-’ 
tive study of both living and fossil forms some botanists 
have been led to infer the common derivation of Filicales, 
Equisetales, and Lycopodiales from the Hepatice, and 
probably through some form belonging to the Anthocero- 
tales, somewhat as shown in the following ancestral “‘tree”’ 
(Fig. 69). It should be clearly understood that this 
tree does not illustrate known facts, but only the hy- 
potheses which have been tentatively proposed by care- 
ful students on the basis of known facts. 

The evidence from fossil forms will be considered more 
at length in chapters XI and XII. 



Dicat.An tosperms 


(Fossid FOAMS) 

i =D sate aN Fquisetales 

tral Anthocerotales._. 


Ancestrat Bavoruy ta (Hy PotHeTicat) 

Fic. 69.—Hypothetical genealogical tree to illustrate the probable 
affinities of the modern plant orders. This diagram is intended to indicate 
that the plant orders now existing are the tips, only, of the branches of a 
genealogical tree, whose lower limbs and roots extend into preceding geo- 
logical periods. Our knowledge is not sufficient to enable us to connect 
these branches with each other, nor with the main trunk. The diagram 
teaches that hypothetical (indicated by the dotted line) Anthocerotales 
gave rise to a now fossil Filicalean stock, from which have been derived all 
the modern orders above the mosses and liverworts. 



112. Significance of Geographical Distribution From 
the evidence of comparative anatomy and comparative 
life histories, and also from the geological record (to be 
noted later), it has been possible to determine the course 
of evolution, in broad outlines, with reference to certain 
of the larger groups of plants. As noted above, we may 
learn that, in all probability, ferns preceded gymnosperms, 
and gymnosperms preceded angiosperms; but within these 
various groups, and for living forms, the problem becomes 
increasingly difficult. For example, how shall we deter- 
mine whether the family represented by the bracken fern 
(Polypodiacee) is more ancient or more modern than the 
royal-fern family (Osmundacee)? Is the maiden-hair 
tree (Ginkgo) a younger or an older species than the pine 
and the hemlock? Did herbs precede trees in the evolu- 
tion of Angiosperms, or vice versa? This question of the 
relative ages of living groups is greatly illuminated by the 
evidence afforded by the facts of geographical distribution 
of fossil and living forms. 

Darwin spoke of geographical distribution as the 
‘almost keystone of the laws of creation,’ and one does 
not need to pursue the study of that subject far to under- 
stand the truth of his statement. Before the diffusion of 

1 The interested reader will wish to consult those two remarkable chapters 
(XII and XIII) of volume two of the Origin of Species. 



Darwin’s teaching, which freed men’s minds from the 
shackles of preconceived notions, founded, not on observa- 
tion of facts, but on a more or less blind acceptance of 
current theological suppositions, or on the teachings of 
ancient writers, the facts of distribution had a far different 
significance than they were seen to possess when men began 
to interpret the present state of nature as being the result 

Fic. 70.—Alexander von Humboldt (1769-1859). Founder of the 
science of plant geography. 

of the operation of natural causes; by most students they 
had been regarded as so much information, like the matter 
in a guide book, but pointed the way to no larger conception 
or generalization, so far as historical evolution was con- 
cerned. ‘To find giant redwood trees exclusively in Cali- 
fornia meant nothing, except that they were created there 
and nowhere else, and had never spread; to find the bracken 


fern of almost universal occurrence, in both temperate 
and torrid latitudes, eastern and western hemispheres, 
could be easily explained on the supposition that it had 
gradually spread from the center of distribution where 
it was created, or on the theory that it had been indepen- 
dently “created” in many different localities. 

The idea that the same species was “‘created”’ indepen- 
dently in different localities, from which it might spread, 
was taught by Gmelin as early as 1747. It is often 
referred to as Schouw’s hypothesis, from the Danish 
botanist who elaborated and urged it in the first part of 
the nineteenth century.1. Reasoning from the facts of 
discontinuous distribution (to be noted in following para- 
graphs) Schouw argued for the hypothesis of the multiple 
origin of species, that is, that there were originally many 
primary individuals. The existing vegetation of the 
globe was not created at once, argued Schouw, but by 
degrees, since the surface of the earth has only gradually 
become fitted for the growth of plants, and moreover 
certain plants (e.g., parasites) depend upon the existence 
of others, and therefore the latter must have previously 
existed.2. The hypothesis of multiple origin was also, at 

1Schouw, J. F. Desedibus plantarum originariis, Hauniae, 1816. His 
memoir On the origin of plants was published in Danish in 1847, and the 
English translation by N. Wallich was published in Hooker’s Journal of 
Botany, 2: 321-326, 373-377. London, 1850; and Ibid, 3: 11-14, 1851. 

2 This is an interesting illustration of how the same kind of evidence may 
lead one student toward the truth and another toward error. Schouw was 
proposing the ideas here set forth at the same time that Darwin was 
elaborating his theory of natural selection, and only twelve years before 
the appearance of the Origin. Raising the question as to whether new 
species continue to be created, or whether the existing vegetable kingdom 
has been finally completed, he argues that, ‘‘The most rational mode for 
accounting for new species being possibly created, seems to be by suppos- 


first, adopted by Alphonse DeCandolle, but finally aban- 
doned by him in his Géographie Botanique Raisonée (1855). 
About the middle of the last century Agassiz was urging 
his autochthonous: hypothesis, namely, that each species 
originated where it is now found (indigenous), covering 
from the first as large an area as at present. This hy- 
pothesis, if true, would, as Gray pointed out, “remove the 
whole question out of the field of inductive science.” 
There would be no incentive to study the question of 
geographical distribution, and little of value could result 
from such an investigation. Both Schouw’s and Agassiz’s 
ideas have long since been abandoned. It is no longer 
considered a matter of hypothesis or theory, but. of well 
established fact, that most of the existing species are im- 
measurably older than the present configuration of the 
continents; in fact many genera and families of Angio- 
sperms of the present land flora were clearly defined as 
early as the Tertiary period, and have undergone little 
change since that remote time. 

113. Means of Dispersal.—The question of the means 
of dispersal of the seeds and spores of plants is a largé one, 
and a voluminous literature exists on the subject. This 
is not the place to go extensively into the matter, but a dis- 
ing that a change of climate or soil produces a corresponding change in 
the character of its plants; or that some casual difference in the character 
of the type of any given plant, may have become permanent by its being 
isolated. It is in this way that constant varieties have arisen, which may 
sometimes even have become real species, ‘but on all these occasions it is 
culture that has been the cause; as far as I know, we possess no facts to 
prove that natural causes have produced this effect.’’ Schouw also 
reached the erroneous conclusion that the present flora was probably not 
derived from the plants of preceding geological periods. 

1 Autochthon, from the Greek airés, self + 0av land, meaning from the 
land itself. 


cussion of geographical distribution requires a clear under- 
standing of certain points which may be briefly alluded 
to here. The situation with plants is, of course, quite 
different than that with animals. With the advance of a 
continental ice sheet, for example, animals may actively 
retreat, by their own locomotion. There are exceptions 
to this method of animal dispersal. Insects and small 
birds may be blown by the wind over considerable dis- 
tances, and insect eggs, larve, and cocoons may be trans- 
ported in the soil about the roots of floating uprooted trees 
and otherwise; and instances are on record of animals 
being carried as passengers on floating objects, notably, 
according to Semon, in the Malay Archipelago; snakes 
and crocodiles are known to have drifted in this way to 
the shores of the Cocos or Keeling Islands, a group of 
coral atolls in the Indian Ocean, about 700 miles south- 
west of Java, the nearest land. 

But plants, at all times and under all circumstances, 
are wholly dependent on being carried passively by exter- 
nal agencies. The chief means of seed dispersal are the 
wind, streams and ocean currents, and animals—particularly 
birds. For distribution over great distances it is of im- 
portance to consider chiefly wind, ocean currents, and 

114. Dispersal by Wind.—DeCandolle, the great 
Swiss student of plant geography, regarded the wind as 
“the most general and ordinary cause of the distribution 
of species over the entire surface of a country,” but re- 
jected it as a means of dispersal over even narrow arms of 

1 The distribution of seeds in connection with commercial shipments is 
interesting, but not essential to our present purpose. The word “‘seeds’”’ 
is used above to designate all reproductive bodies, including fruits, spores, 
and vegetative reproductive bodies, such as gemmz, bulbils, etc. 


the sea. “I have never heard,” he said,’ ‘‘of a single seed 
carried from England to France, nor from Ireland to 
England by the agency of the west winds, although they 
are so intense and so frequent in those countries. I do 
not believe it has ever been demonstrated that seeds have 

Fic. 71.—Alphonse De Candolle (1806-1893). Noted Swiss botanist 
and student of plant geography. Author of Géographie Botanique 
Raisonée. (From Acta Horti Bergiani.) 

fallen in Sardinia from Africa, in Corsica from Sardinia, 
nor from Corsica to the coast of Genoa and Nice, although 
the south winds are there very violent.” Other students 
have reached the same conclusion on similar negative 
evidence. It has also been argued, on general grounds, 

1 Géographie Botanique Raisonée 2:614. Geneva, 1855. 


that the rate of fall of various seeds in air is such that they 
would have to be carried to improbable heights by the 
wind in order to travel for very great distances before 
falling to the ground. 

But no amount of negative evidence is conclusive in the 
face of even one firmly established bit of positive evidence, 
and the positive evidence is not only more conclusive but 
more voluminous than the negative. Seeds of the pitcher 
plant, Nepenthes ampullaria; are known to have been 
transported from Ceylon to the Seychelles, a distance of 
1500 miles, and Engler calculated that, out of a total of 
about 675 species in Hawaii, 140 ferns and other spore- 
bearing plants, and 14 angiosperms were quite certainly 
transported thither by wind. In fact, a large percentage 
of the vegetation of isolated oceanic islands is of plants 
whose seeds could hardly have been transported there in 
a viable condition except by winds.! 

As Warming has noted, there is not an oceanic island 
destitute of plant life, though many of them are separated 
from the present mainland by hundreds and even thousands 
of miles of salt water, and have never, in all probability, 
been connected with any continent; all their vegetation, 
therefore, must have been transported thither by some 
agency. In igor there fell in Switzerland large quantities 
of dust which is said to have undoubtedly come from 
Africa. If this were possible it is certainly not improb- 
able that light seeds of various species might be trans- 
ported very long distances in a similar manner. The 

1Even small animals, and especially insects, are known to be trans- 
ported to considerable distances by the wind. During his voyage on 
the exploring ship Beagle (1832-1836), Darwin observed spiders, buoyed 
up by their webs, being wafted over the vessel by the wind as far as 
60 miles from land. 


wind is known to be a factor in plant-distribution in the 
West Indies. Thus, for example, previous to 1899, the 
sedge, Fimbristylis spathacea Roth, was not known on 
Great Bahama island, of the West Indies. After the hur- 
ricane of August 13, 1899 this sedge appeared in clearings, 
and ‘“‘soon spread as a troublesome weed through culti- 
vated lands, killing out pasture grass in places; it had 
therefore come to be called ‘Hurricane Grass.’’! 

In August, 1883, the island of Krakatoa, west of Java 
in the Sunda Strait, experienced a terrific volcanic erup- 
tion, which completely destroyed every vestage of its 
vegetation, converting the green island into a desolate 
desert. Within three years thereafter Treub found grow- 
ing there six alge and 26 vascular plants, including 11 
ferns and 15 spermatophytes. A little over ten years 
after Treub’s visit Penzig found 62 vascular plants, of 
which 60 per cent. had been brought by ocean currents, 
32 per cent. by wind, and 7 per cent. by fruit-eating birds. 
Within twenty-five years from this eruption the island was 
again green with forest growth and other vegetation, and 
in 1906 a party of botanists confined their collecting to a 
narrow zone of forest near the shore because of the diffi- 
culty of “cutting a way through the dense growth of tall 
grasses” between the shore and the volcanic cone in the 
center of the island. Among the means of transportation 
of plant life to Krakatoa, the wind is regarded by Ernst as 
a factor of exceptional importance. Up to 1906, as cal- 
culated by him, 39-72 per cent. of the total number of 
phanerogams on the Krakatoa group were brought by ocean 
currents. Ten torgper cent. of the entire flora by birds, and 
16-30 per cent. by air-currents. Beccari found the same 

Britton & Millspaugh. Bahama Flora., p. 51. Unpublished. 


species on widely separated mountain tops in the Malay 
Archipelago where wind (particularly the west monsoon) 
is the only agent of dispersal that may reasonably be as- 
signed. The seeds of many plants are as light as dust 
particles, and it has been calculated that nearly 850,000,- 
ooo tons of dust are transported as far as 1,440 miles a 
year in the western United States.! In the light of this 
information it is not difficult to understand how seeds of 
Nepenthes phyllamorpha, that weight only 0.000035 gram, 
seeds of Rhododendron verticillatum and of Dendrobium 
attenuatum, that weigh 0.000028 gram and 0.00000565 
gram respectively, can be transported many miles, re- 
sulting in a geographical distribution of those (and various 
other) species, on the mountain tops of oceanic islands that 
are miles apart. 

James Small has carried outa series of painstaking 
experiments on the transportation of the seeds of various 
plants by artificially produced air currents. Among many 
valuable results of these experiments, he determined that 
for the seeds of the dandelion, ‘‘so long as the relative hu- 
midity of the air remains above 0.77 per cent. and so long 
as the fruit does not encounter an obstacle, a horizontal 
wind of 1.97 miles per hour is sufficient for its dispersal to 
anydistance. If theair becomes moist the pappus closes up 
and the fruit falls rapidly.”” Small further concludes that 
the ordinary pappose fruit of the Composite, under the 
proper meteorological conditions, can be blown many hun- 
dreds of miles over land and sea, and “that hypothetical 
land bridges are not necessary to explain the present dis- 
tribution of the Composite, so that we can take the world 

1 Cited by James Small (New Phytologist 17: 226. 1918) from Evans, J.W. 
The wearing down of rocks, Pt. II, Proc.Geol. Assoc. 25, Pt.4:229. 1914. 


as it is without raising and sinking continents, as Darwin 
says, ‘in a quite reckless manner.’ This latter is an impor- 
tant point, as the Composite are almost certainly of such 
recent origin that the possibility of land bridges is in many 
cases quite out of the question.”” In fact, Small contends 
that a “rational study of the history of the Composite, 
their migrations and colonizations, their paths of travel 
and regions of concentration,’ is not possible without a 
correct understanding of the conditions of wind dispersal. 

The occurrence of a species of Senecio (a pappose- 
fruited Composite) on the Falkland Islands, 300 miles 
from the nearest land, and of another species on St. 
Helena and on Prince’s Island, nearly 1500 miles from the 
nearest land, are attributed by Small respectively to the 
westerly and the south-east trade winds. The distri- 
bution of the family, as worked out in detail by Small? 
affords an instructive illustration of how geographical 
distribution affords new evidence and confirms other 
evidence as to the relative ages of various related groups 
of plants, and as to the fact and course of evolution within 
a given plant family. The immense genus, Senecio, 
for example, according to Small, comprising over 2300 
species, is of very wide distribution, being marked by a 
concentration at high altitudes, which is not surprising in a 
wind-distributed group.?. Some of the species are wide- 
spread, and some are local, and the group is characterized 
by its ready response to the influence of environment; 
to this is attributed, in large part, its great morphological 
variation. No species covers the range of the genus. 

1§mall, James. The origin and development of the Composite. 
Chapter X. New Phytologist 18: 1-35. Jan. and Feb., 1919. 

? It has been calculated by Ball that 25-30 per cent. of the flora of the 
higher Andes are Composites. 


Small has shown that the local species have regions of 
concentration along the paths of migration of the wide- 
spread species, and that they are most abundant “along 
the ridge which extends around the Pacific and Indian 
Oceans from Tierra del Fuego to South Africa.” The 
paths of migration are chiefly coextensive with the alti- 
tude of 3,000 ft., or higher, and all the facts point to the 
Andes of Bolivia as the probable (hypothetical) center of 
distribution for the genus, whence it has rapidly spread 
“‘along the unwooded regions of the mountain ranges of the 
world.” This world-wide distribution, and the posses- 
sion of pappose fruits which would make possible a wide 
distribution in a relatively short period of time (geologi- 
cally speaking), all point (as do the facts of its morphology) 
to the comparative youth of the group; while its marked 
tendency to variation, its success in the struggle for exis- 
tence (as may be noted everywhere), and finally the 
existence of innumerable local species, with centers of 
distribution along the paths of migration of the genus as a 
whole, are just the facts which one would expect to find 
on the basis of the theory of evolution. 

115. Dispersal by Water and Birds.—Space at our 
disposal will permit of only a passing reference to seed- 
dispersal by water and birds. In order to be carried for 
long distances by water, seeds and spores must"be able to 
undergo prolonged soaking in water, and in the case of 
ocean currents, in salt water. Many species of the new 
strand flora of Krakatoa were certainly brought many 
miles by ocean currents, and Guppy, who made a study 
of ‘Plants, seeds, and currents in West Indies and Azores,” 
cites the case of a ragweed (Ambrosia crithmifolia) whose 

1 Guppy, H. B. London, 1917. 


seeds were dispersed on floating logs; and the small seeds 
of several species were safely transported in the crevices 
and holes made in small stems and branches by worms and 
molluscs. Other seeds were floated on blocks of pumice. 

In Hawaii, while nearly 85 per cent. of the spermato- 
phyte flora is endemic (see p. 165), about 70 per cent. 
of the species of the coastal zone are introduced. This 
is in marked contrast to the general rule for oceanic 
islands, whose littoral floras, as might be expected, are 
predominantly cosmopolitan. In this particular case 
MacCaughey attributes very great importance to ocean 
currents as agents of dispersal. The natives of these 
islands, at the time of their discovery, are reported to have 
had large canoes hewn from tree trunks of the Douglas 
spruce, which could have come only from the north- 
west shores of North America; and considerable numbers 
of tree trunks and large branches are brought from the 
same coasts to Hawaii each year. Ocean currents also 
bring annually large quantities of plant material to the 
coast of other oceanic islands. Tansly and Fritsch have 
noted large numbers of young seedlings and germinating 
seeds in drift material on the coast of Ceylon, and Moseley 
observed many living plants in the coastal drift of the 
Moluccas, including trees, palms, epiphytic orchids, and 
large quantities of fruits containing viable seeds. 

Seeds are carried by birds in mud adhering to their 
feet, lodged in their feathers, and in the alimentary canal. 
In mud adhering to the feet of a partridge Darwin found 
82 seeds that germinated. Wallace is authority for the 
statement that ‘all the trees and shrubs in the Azores 
bear berries or small fruits which are eaten by birds; 
while all those which bear larger fruits, or are eaten 


chiefly by mammals—such as oaks, beeches, hazels, 
crabs, etc.—are entirely wanting.! It has been suggested 
by both Guppy and Schimper that the wide distribution 
of fig trees in oceanic islands (e.g. Malay and Solomon 
Archipelagos) is due to their fruit being eaten by doves 
and other birds capable of sustained flight. The pro- 
digious powers of flight of some of the migratory birds 
would make them, theoretically at least, most efficient 
agents of seed dessemination over wide areas. The scarlet 
tanager, for example, breeds in the eastern United States 
from Oklahoma to the mountains of North Carolina, and 
north to New Brunswick and Saskatchewan. At the 
close of summer the birds migrate south, passing from 
the Gulf coast of the United States to and along Central 
America to the west tropical coast of South America. 
The arctic tern nests during the northern summer along the 
northeast arctic coast of North America and the southwest 
coast of Greenland, but passes the northern winter within 
the Antarctic Circle, 11,000 miles away. Passing as it 
does through regions of similar climate in the northern 
and southern hemispheres, it would theoretically be 
possible for spores and light seeds to be carried to con- 
genial habitats on both sides of the equator. The 
American golden plover breeds in summer along the 
northern coast of Canada, the parallel of 70° north latitude 
passing approximately through the center of its breeding 
range. In early fall the birds migrate to Labrador, 
thence to Nova Scotia, and thence, after a few weeks, 
in a straight flight of 2,400 miles to the north coast of 
South America. From their landing point the birds 
pass to Argentina where they pass the northern winter, 
1Wallace, A. R., Darwinism, 3d edition, p. 361. 


returning the following spring to the Arctic coast, but 
by an entirely different rout, passing over Central America, 
the Gulf of Mexico, and across central North America. 

The Pacific golden plover nests along the arctic shore 
of Eastern Siberia and the western coast of Alaska, 
but winters in southeastern Asia, eastern Australia 
and generally in the islands of Oceanica, the winter home 
having an east-west range of about 10,000 miles. The 
journey from Alaska to Hawaii, a distance of some 3,000 
miles, is made in a single flight.1| Whether seed dispersal 
is actually accomplished by any of the above long distance 
travelers is not definitely known to the writer; but the 
flights are accomplished in a comparatively brief period, 
and it seems not unreasonable, from what we actually 
know of seed-transportation by birds, that lighter and 
more resistant seeds and spores of plants may be thus, 
transported, concealed in the plumage of the birds, or 
otherwise, and between stations where no other known 
agent of dispersal would appear to be adequate. 

In 1911 a violent eruption of the Taal Volcano, on 
Volcano Island, Luzon, Philippine Islands, ‘‘ annihilated” 
(as Maso described it) every vestage of vegetation on the 
island. The destruction was caused by superheated 
steam, and by the deposit of a layer of fine “mud,” 
which fell like rain, and carried with it large quantities 
of sulphur dioxide and possibly other substances fatal 
to plant life. In a study of the revegetation of the island, 
made six years after the eruption, Brown, Merrill, and 
Yates found evidence that birds were the most important 

1 For the above data on bird migrations the author is indebted to the 
article on “Our greatest travelers,” by Wells W. Cooke. Nat. Geographic 
Mag. 22 : 346-365. April, rorr. 


agents of transportation of seeds for the new growth, 
about 54 per cent. of a total of 157 species having seeds 
adapted to dispersal by birds, only 21 per cent. adapted 
to wind dispersal, and only 9 per cent. apparently brought 
by currents of water. Of course, the distance from 
Volcano Island to the nearest uninjured vegetation was 
short, and the various agents of dispersal would, no doubt, 
assume a different relative importance for greater dis- 
tances, as they did, for example, in the case of Krakatoa, 
noted above.? 

116. Struggle for Existence a Factor.—DeCandolle 
early contended that it was not sufficient that one or 
even a few seeds be carried to a country already well 
covered with vegetation in order for the new arrivals to 
become established, but that a very large number of 
vigorous seeds must be introduced to insure success in 
the struggle for existence with the native plants. Atten- 
tion has been called in a preceding chapter (pp. 94-96), 
however, to the enormous rate of propagation of plants 
and animals, which proceeds in geometrical progression; 
so that if we allow a sufficient time period, and postulate 
a species suited to the climate and soil of its newly found 
home, we may expect a large degree of success in its be- 

1In contradiction to the above statements of fact and logical inference, 
there should be noted here Warming’s quotation (Botany of the Faeroes), 
p. 676. London, 1901-1908) from the Danish Zoologist, H. Winge, of the 
Zoological Museum, Copenhagen, who stated in a letter to Warming that 
he had carefully examined thousands of migratory birds picked up dead at 
Danish lighthouses, and had never found any seeds adhering to the feathers 
beaks, or feet. Dried mud was found “‘fairly often,” but there were ad- 
hering to it no seeds large enough to be seen with the naked eye or the 
hand-lens. Moreover the stomachs of migrating birds were always found 

to be practically empty, indicating that migrating birds travel on empty 
stomachs. See, however, p. 164, infra. 


coming established, at least in limited area and numbers, 
even though the number of seeds introduced was compara- 
tively small. Farmers in America can bear emphatic 
but sad testimony to their practical helplessness to com- 
bat successfully the spread through the hay fields of the 
hated daisy or white-weed (Chrysanthemum leucanthemum), 
or the still more dreaded Devil’s paint brush (Hieracium 
aurantiacum). Both of these species are now common 
weeds in America, though introduced from Europe, the 
former almost, and the latter quite within the memory of 
men now living. Wallace has stated that, if a million 
seeds were brought to the British Isles by wind in one year, 
there would be only ten seeds to a square mile. ‘‘The 
observation of a life time might never detect one, yet a 
hundredth part of this number would serve in a few cen- 
turies to stock an island like Britain with a great variety 
of continental plants.” When we recall the enormous 
mortality of seeds and seedlings, such facts as these enable 
us to appreciate the importance to a species of an abundance 
of spore and seed production, as, for example, in dandelions 
and other composites, in ferns, and indeed in most plants. 

117. Types of Distribution—There are two broad 
types of geographical distribution; continuous, as in the 
case of the bracken fern (Pieris acquilina); and discon- 
tinuous, as in the case of the Osmunda family, where a 
given species is found in widely separated localities, but 
not in the intervening regions. Osmunda regalis (the 
Royal Fern), for example, is known from eastern North 
America, central and northern Asia, and Europe; Os- 
munda Japonica from central and northern Asia and Japan 
and the cinnamon fern (Osmunda cinnamomea) only from 
eastern North America and Japan, The genus Diervilla, 


of the Honeysuckle family, is represented in the eastern 
United States and Canada by the bush-honeysuckle 
(Diervilla Lonicera), and in the mountains of the southern 
States by D. sessilifolia and D. rivularis; it is not found 
elsewhere except in eastern Asia, where it is represented 
by the shrubs commonly cultivated in temperate America 
under the name Weigela. 

In the herbarium of the Brooklyn Botanic Garden are 
two specimens of the cloud-berry, or mountain bramble 
(Rubus chamemorus), collected in a bog near Montauk 

Fic. 72-—Map showing the geographical distribution of the skunk- 
cabbage, Symplocarpus fetidus. (After M. L. Fernald.) 

Point, Long Island, by Dr. William C. Braislin, in 1908. 
This is an arctic and sub-arctic bog plant, ranging from 
Labrador and Newfoundland to New Hampshire, British 
Columbia, and Alaska; also in Europe and Asia. It was 
found on the Peary arctic expedition as far north as Lat. 
64° 15’ north. Its discovery as noted above was unex- 
pected, and affords an interesting example of discontinuity 
of distribution. Another striking illustration is the “curly 
grass” fern (Schizea pusilla), of the Polypodiacee, found in 
Nova Scotia and Newfoundland, and in the pine barrens of 
southern New Jersey, but not known to occur between 


these two regions. The skunk-cabbage (Symplocarpus 
fetidus, Fig. 72), species of Magnolia, Hydrangea, 
Hamamelis (witch-hazel), Liquidambar (sweet-gum), Ara- 
lia (ginseng), Eupatorium, Onoclea (sensitive fern), Lyco- 
podium (L. lucidulum), and scores if not hundreds of other 
species, have a similar type of distribution. 

Similarity of Floras of Eastern Asia and Eastern 
North America.—The similarity in the floras of eastern 
North America and eastern Asia and Japan was first 
pointed out by Asa Gray,! in 1859, on the basis of his 
study of the plants collected in Japan in 1855, by Charles 
Wright, botanist of the U.S. North Pacific exploring ex- 
pedition. Of 580 Japanese plants of this collection 
Gray found only 0.37 per cent. having representatives in 
western North America, while 0.61 per cent. has repre- 
sentatives in eastern North America; for identical species 
the corresponding percentages were 0.27 per cent. and 0.23 
per cent. Of 56 Japanese species not known in Europe, 
22 were known from eastern but not from western North 
America. Exploration subsequent to the date of Gray’s 
paper has altered our knowledge of the distribution of 
many species in the region referred to, but the broad 
fact pointed out by Gray has only been confirmed by more 
careful investigation. 

Several writers? have called attention to the fact that 
various species of plants and of invertebrate animals are 
confined to the west of Ireland and North America. 

+ Gray, Asa. On the botany of Japan, and its relations to that of North 
America, etc. Botanical Memoirs, extracted from Vol. VI (New Series) of 
the Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts and Sciences. Boston and Cambridge, 25th 
April, 1859. 

2 E.g., Colgan, N., and R. W. Scully. Cybele Hibernica. 2d Ed. p. 
71. Scharff, R. F. Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 28:13. Nov., 1909. 


Among the plants may be mentioned ladies’ tresses (5 pi- 
ranthes Romanzofiana) and the seven-angled pipewort 
(Eriocaulon septangulare); and among animals, the land 
snail, Helix hortensis. 

Fic. 73.—Asa Gray (1810-1888). Noted American botanist and student 
of plant geography. 

Of the various theories which have been advanced to 
explain the occurrence of identical species on opposite 
shores of the North Atlantic, Scharff enumerates the 
following three.! 

1. Migration from Europe across Asia and a Bering 
Strait land-bridge to America, or vice versa. 

1 Schartf, Robert Francis. On the evidences of a former land bridge be- 
tween northern Europe and North America. Proc. Royal Irish Acad. 
28B:1-28. Nov., 1909. 


2. Occasional transport by birds across the Atlantic 

3. Migration across a direct Atlantic land-connection. 
Human agency is generally rejected, except in cases where 
it can positively be demonstrated. 

In interpreting the above facts Scharff argues that ‘“‘the 
interchange between the fauna and flora of north-western 
Europe and north-eastern America was effected across 
the northern land bridges,’’ which the facts of distribu- 
tion and other evidence indicate existed in pre-Glacial 
times, and probably in late Pliocene and early Pleistocene. 

Numerous alpine species have a present discontinuous 
distribution in the lowlands of arctic and sub-arctic lati- 
tudes, and on lofty mountain peaks, widely separated, 
in more southern latitudes. Darwin called attention to 
the fact that ‘‘a list of the genera of plants collected on the 
loftier peaks of Java raised a picture of a collection made 
on a hillock of Europe;” and again that “‘certain plants 
growing on the more lofty mountains of the tropics in 
all parts of the world, and on the temperate plains of the 
north and south, are the same species or varieties of the 
same species.” A striking illustration of this latter fact 
is the small white water-lily (Castalia tetragona), which is 
found along the Misinaibi and Severn rivers in Ontario 
(Canada), and at Granite Station, in northern Idaho 
(U. S. A.), but is not known elsewhere except in Siberia 
China, Japan, and the Himalaya mountains (Kashmir). 

The flora near the summit of Mt. Washington and other 
peaks of the White Mountains, in New Hampshire, has 
elements in common with that of Labrador. ‘In ap- 
proaching these mountain summits,” says Flint,! “one 

1Vlint, William F. The distribution of plants in New Hampshire. 
In Hitchcock, C. H. The Geology of New Hampshire, 1: 393. 1874. 


is struck by the appearance of the firs and spruces, which 
gradually become more and more dwarfish, at length ris- 
ing but a few feet from the ground, the branches spread- 
ing out horizontally many feet and becoming thickly inter- 
woven. These present a comparatively dense upper 

i mae a ai ay 

Fic. 74.—Lapland rhododendron (Rhododendron lapponicum). Photo- 
graphed on the summit of Mt. Madison, New Hampshire, June 25, 1917, 
by Ralph E. Cleland. 

surface, which is often firm enough to walk upon. At 
length these disappear wholly, and give place to the Lap- 
land rhododendron (Fig. 74), Labrador tea, dwarf birch, 
and alpine willows, all of which, after rising a few inches 
above the ground, spread out over the surface of the 


nearest rock thereby gaining warmth, which enables them 
to exist in spite of tempest and cold. These in their 
turn give place to the Greenland sandwort, the diapensia 
(Fig. 75), the cassiope, and others, with arctic rushes, 
sedges, and lichens, which flourish on the very summit.””! 

According to Flint, there are about fifty strictly alpine 
species on these summits, found nowhere else in New 
England and New York, except on similar summits, such 
as Mt. Katahdin in Maine, and Mt. Marcy and Mt. 
McIntyre in New York State. 

Incidentally, it may be remarked that a similar state- 
ment may be made for the animal life. Writing of the 
insects, Scudder says? that, ‘‘in ascending Mt. Washing- 
ton, we pass, as it were, from New Hampshire to northern 
Labrador; on leaving the forests we first come upon animals 
recalling those of the northern shores of the Gulf of St. 
Lawrence and the coast of Labrador opposite Newfound- 
land; and when we have attained the summit, we find 
insects which represent the fauna of Atlantic Labrador 
and the southern extremity of Greenland.” 

118. Effects of Continental Glaciation—The above 
mentioned and other similar cases of discontinuity are 
satisfactorily explained by the advance and retreat of the 

1 Among numerous species that have been recorded from both Labra- 
dor and the peaks of the White Mountains, there may be mentioned the 
following: Salix argyrocarpa, S, phylicifolia, S. herbacea, S. uva-ursi, 
Comandra livida, Arenaria groenlandica, Silene acaulis, Oxyria digyna, 
Cardamine bellidifolia laxa, Saxifraga rivularis, Sibbaldia procumbens, 
Empetrum nigrum, Epilobium Hornemannii, Loiseleuria procumbens, 
Rhododendron Lapponicum, Phyllodoce coerulea, Cassiope hypnoides, 
Arctostapphylos alpina, Vaccinium cespitosum, Diapensia Lapponica, 
Veronica alpina var. unalaschensis, Guaphalium supinum. 

? Scudder, Samuel H. Distribution of insects in New Hampshire. In 
Hitchcock, C. H. The geology of New Hampshire, 1:341. 1874. 


continental glacier during the Ice Age. With the advance 
of the ice all vegetation was either exterminated or com- 
pelled to migrate southward. With the subsequent 
retreat of the ice northward the glaciated region was 
gradually re-occupied by the encroachment of vegetation 
from the south, and of this flora the arctic species could 
become permanently re-established only in what are now 
the arctic regions, and in the arctic or sub-arctic climate 
of the higher mountain tops, forming there what is known 
as a relict flora.' It has been suggested that, in theory, 
alpine plants on high mountain peaks south of the region 
covered by the continental ice sheet, should not be related 
to arctic and sub-arctic forms. In harmony with this 
idea Wallace has cited the volcanic Peak of Teneriffe 
(Pico de Teyde), in the Canary Islands, 12,000 feet high, 
where, above the timber line, von Buch found only eleven 
species of plants, eight of which appeared to be endemics; 
but all of them were related to the plants of the same 
general region, growing at lower levels. 

However, seed-distribution by birds and winds and 
other agencies has been going on continually since the 
continental ice sheet began to recede, with the result 
that arctic-alpine and subarctic-alpine plants are numer- 
ous in the alpine zone of higher peaks below the southern 
limits of continental glaciation. Thus the snowy cinque- 
foil (Potentilla nivea) is found, not only throughout the 
arctic regions, but also in the Alps, in alpine Asia, and 
in the Rocky Mountains as far south as Utah and Colo- 

1 The effect of continental glaciation on the distribution of plants was 
first noted by Edward Forbes, but was also worked out independently by 
Darwin several years previous to the publication of Forbes’s paper. 
(Darwin, C. Life and Letters, 1 :71-72, 372. New York, 1901. See also 
The Origin of Species, 2: 152. New York, 1902.) 



rado. According to Rydberg! there is evidence that it 
has spread not only in the earlier postglacial period, but 
also in recent years. The common arctic and sub-arctic 
grass, Phleum alpinum, occurs as far south as Arizona and 

Fic. 75.—Diapensia lapponica. Photographed on the summit of Mt. 
Madison, New Hampshire, June 25, 1917, by Ralph E, Cleland. 

California and the Sierra Madre of Mexico, and also in 
Patagonia. It is also found throughout the Montane 
zone, from which it might have spread to the subalpine, 
following the woods throughout the whole mountain 
system. Other similar cases might be cited. 

1Letter from Dr. P. A. Rydberg to the author. 


119. Escapes from Cultivation—Every case of discon- 
tinuous distribution must be carefully analyzed by itself, 
and care must be taken not to adopt unwarranted con- 
clusions. Thus, certain cases of discontinuity are ex- 
plained by the escape from cultivation of forms introduced 
by human agency for economic uses, and thus have no 
scientific significance. The presence in the Hawaiian 
Islands of such economic plants as sugar-cane, cocoanut, 
and others is an apparent case of discontinuity, but these 
plants are known to have been introduced there by man, 
and to have escaped from cultivation. Campbell thinks 
that the candle-nut tree (Aleurites moluccana, the source 
of a commercial oil) and the mountain apple (Eugenia 
malaccensis), which now constitute the chief elements in 
the lowland forests of Hawaii, were also introduced by 
man, and are therefore only apparent cases of disconti- 
nuity. Among numerous illustrations of this in North 
America may be mentioned the paper mulberry (Brousone- 
tia papyrifera), white mulberry (Morus alba), hemp, 
(Cannabis sativa), stinging nettle (Urtica dioica), the day 
lily (Hemerocallis fulva), all natives of Europe and Asia, 
and the tree, Paulownia, a Japanese species now becoming 
established as an escape from cultivation in New York, 
New Jersey, the District of Columbia, and Georgia. The 
last two species were introduced into North America as 
ornamental plants, the hemp and white mulberry, of 
course, as economic plants, the latter in connection with 
the raising of silk worms. 

Attention has recently been called to the wide and rapid 
spread of the Japanese honeysuckle (Lonicera japonica) 
introduced in the Eastern United States from Asia. 
Twenty-five or thirty years ago this was a comparatively 


rare cultivated vine, but since that time, according to 
Miss Andrews,’ ‘‘it has spread over practically the whole of 
the Eastern States, from the Gulf of Mexico to the estuary 
of the Hudson, making itself equally at home in the low 
hammocks of the Coastal Plain, on the old red hills of the 
Piedmont region, on the stony ramparts of the Lookout 
Plateau, and onward for a thousand miles up the great 
Appalachian Valley.” The adaptability of the plant, as 
indicated by this description of its habitats, in no doubt a 
large factor in its rapid spread, for while it is a profuse 
bloomer under cultivation, it tends to become weedy, as 
it grows wild, blossoming rarely and therefore setting few 
seeds. But its wide distribution must have been accom- 
plished by the dissemination of its seeds, and in this Miss 
Andrews believes that the most probable agents are birds, 
to whose feet the small, inconspicuous nutlets, ‘‘embedded 
in a mucilaginous pulp,” readily adhere. 

Several species (e.g., the fleabane, Pluchea fetida) 
are found in shallow fresh water or fresh or salt water 
marshes from southern New Jersey to Florida, and then 
across 120 miles of salt water in Cuba. In this case it 
seems clearly evident that the seeds have been able to 
undergo transportation across the Florida strait within 
comparatively recent times. Examples might be multi- 
plied, and in such cases discontinuous distribution has 
little evolutionary significance for the particular species 
concerned, though the facts may serve to throw light upon 
other cases that are significant. 

120. Endemism.—On the basis of the evolution theory 
every species originated in some one area (its center of dis- 

1 Andrews, E. F. The Japanese honeysuckle in the Eastern United 
States. Torreya, 19 : 37-43. Mch. toro. 


tribution), where it was at first endemic,! and whence it 
gradually spread as far asit could. This is well illustrated 
in the distribution of the Verbenacee, one of the higher and 
therefore more recent families of flowering plants, com- 
prising about 75 genera and 1300 species, occurring 
widely throughout tropical and temperate regions. Of 
104 species belonging to various genera in the Philippines, 
60 per cent., according to Lam,? are apparently endemic. 
These endemic forms have undoubtedly been derived from 
the 39 non-endemic species, and will, in the course of time, 
spread from the Philippines to neighboring islands and 
thence to the mainland. About 85 per cent. of the 
flora of Hawaii is endemic,*? and even the strand flora, 
while cosmopolitan on the whole (the general rule for 
coastal vegetation), is nearly 40 per cent. endemic, a 
surprisingly high percentage. 

From the facts of geographical and geological distri- 
bution, Wallace deduced the following law:* Every 
species has come into existence coincident both in time and 
space with a pre-existing closely allied species.” ‘The law 
here enunciated,” said Wallace, “‘not merely explains 
but necessitates the facts we see to exist, while the vast and 
long-continued geological changes of the earth readily 
account for the exceptions and apparent discrepancies 
that here and there occur.” And again, ‘“‘this law agrees 

1 Endemic: found in a given region, but not elsewhere. 

2Lam, H. J. The verbenacez of the Malayan Archipelago. Gronin- 
gen, 1919. 

3 Including, for example, all the native Hawaiian palms, belonging to the 
genus Pritchardia. See MacCaughey, Vaughan. Bull. Torrey Bot. 
Club, 45: 259-277. July, 1918, and Plant World 21: 317-328. Dec., 1918. 

4 Wallace, Alfred Russel. On the law which has regulated the introduc- 
tion of new species. Annals and Mag. of Nat. Hist. 16, Ser.2: 184-196. 

Sept. 1855. 


with, explains and illustrates all the facts connected with 
the following branches of the subject: rst, the system of 
natural affinities; 2d, the distribution of animals and 
plants in space; 3d, the same in time . . . 4th, the 
phenomena of rudimentary organs.” And Wallace goes 
on to show, in detail the bearing of the law upon each of 
the four points enumerated. 

Fic. 76.—Alfred Russel Wallace (1823-1913). Co-discoverer, with 
Darwin, of the principle of natural selection. Noted student of geo- 
phical distribution. 

A quotation from Darwin is also pertinent here: “It 
is . . . obvious,” said Darwin, ‘that the individuals of 
the same species, though now inhabiting distant and 
isolated regions, must have proceeded from one spot, where 
their parents were first produced for, as has been explained, 
it is incredible that individuals identically the same should 
have been produced from parents specifically distinct.” 

121. Mutation and Discontinuous Distribution —Read- 
ing Darwin’s statement in the light of the mutation theory 


of de Vries, we must of course recognize that, if a mutating 
species were widely distributed, different individuals of the 
species in widely separated localities and even with a dis- 
continuous distribution, might throw the same mutants. 
Cnothera Lamarckiana, for example, threw the same ele- 
mentary species (mutants) in experimental pedigree 
cultures in Holland and in various localities in the United 
States.!. Had O. Lamarckiana (contrary to fact) been 
widely distributed in nature, such mutants as O. gigas, 
O. scintillans, O. levifolia, and others would possibly (or 
even probably) have appeared in different and widely sepa- 
rated stations, and these elementary species might con- 
ceivably (and not improbably) have become established as 
true species of the systematist. When, therefore, we 
find a given species (or a larger group) in widely separated 
localities, but not in the intervening regions, we must 
(barring the phenomenon of mutation referred to above) 
conclude, either that it has been able to migrate across 
barriers where it could not become established (as when 
seeds of land plants are carried by ocean currents across 
barriers of salt water), or else it has formerly had a con- 
tinuous distribution, but has subsequently died out in 
regions between its present localities; in the latter case it is 
referred to as a relict endemic. When these localities are 
distant hundreds or, as is often the case, thousands of miles 
from each other, one can readily understand that species 
having such discontinuity of distribution must, other 
things being equal, be older than species having continuity 
of distribution; they must have existed long enough for the 
changes above mentioned to have taken place. 

This principle is confirmed by the evidence of fossils. 
A striking case is that (cited by Chodat) of Zelkowa, 

1See pp. 114-117, 


related to our modern elms. This genus comprises 
only four living species, which occur in only three widely 
separated areas, namely, the far East (Eastern China 
and Japan), the area between the Black and the Caspian 
Seas (Caucasia), and islands in the eastern Mediterranean 
Sea. But a study of the fossil evidence shows that during 
a preceding geological age this genus had a very extended 
distribution, including central Europe, the Iberian penin- 
sula, Iceland, southeast Greenland, Labrador, western 
North America, and Alaska. Owing to profound changes 
of climate, in the transition from one geological age to 
another, Zelkowa was apparently unable to survive, 
except in the two restricted and widely separated areas 
where it is now found. 

122. Continuous Distribution.—Continuous distribution 
is of two types: ubiquitous, like the bracken fern, and 
isolated, like the redwoods, Sequoia. In the latter case 
two suppositions are possible: either the species or genus 
is very new and has not had time to spread (indigenous 
endemic) ; or it is very old and a relict endemic, as defined 
above. Which of these two alternatives is correct for 
any given case may be ascertained only on the basis 
of comparative anatomic evidence, or on fossil evidence, 
or on both. 

The motile sperms and the structure of the wood of the 
maiden-hair tree (Ginkgo biloba), for example, point 
without question to affinities with an older type of seed- 
bearing plants, the Cycads. In the case of the genus 
Sequoia, with only two living species, the coast redwood 
(S. sempervirens) and the giant redwood (S. gigantea), 
restricted in range to one state, California, the fossil 
evidence shows that these two species are the meager 


remains (relict endemics) of a genus of several species, 
which, in Tertiary times, was widespread over most of 
the northern hemisphere (Fig. 77). 

By a like balancing of evidence we are able to ascertain 
that the ubiquitous fern family, Polypodiacee, with 
some 200 genera and about 3,000 species, is a com- 
paratively modern group, while the Osmunda family, 

spear ee 
Fic. 77.—Map showing the known geographical distribution of Se- 
quoia during the Cenozoic era. The cross indicates the only known loca- 

tion of living specimens. (After E. W. Berry.) 

with only two (or possibly three) living genera and some 
ten species, and with wide but discontinuous distribution, 
is much older. The greater antiquity indicated for the 
Osmundacez by the facts of their geographical distribu- 
tion is also attested by fossil evidence, and further by the 
nature of their spores. The spores when mature contain 
chlorophyll, and this fact, of itself, indicates antiquity; 
for this and other structural and physiological reasons, 


they quickly perish unless they find at once suitable 
conditions for germination and development. Thus they 
could not spread rapidly over large areas. In the light 
of these facts the only logical inference is that their 
wide and discontinuous distribution must have required 
a vast period of time. The tulip tree, represented now 
by only one genus (Liriodendron) and one or possibly 

Fic. 78.—Map showing the known geographical distribution of the 
bald cypress (Taxodium) in the Tertiary and Pleistocene. Tertiary dis- 
tribution, shaded; Pleistocene occurrences north of its present limits, in 
dots; present distribution, black. (From Shimer, after E. W. Berry.) 

two species, and with discontinuous distribution (Eastern 
North America and China), represents an old type now, 
perhaps, on the way to extinction. A similar statement 
may be made for Sassafras, for the bald cypress (Taxodium, 
Fig. 78), and numerous other groups. 

In general it may besaid that groups considered relatively 
more primitive or ancient on morphological or paleonto- 


logical grounds, are characterized by few genera and a 
restricted or (if wide) discontinuous distribution. Thus 
the Barberry family, one of the relatively primitive 
groups of dicotyledons, contains only about 10 genera 
and over 130 species, found in temperate North America 
and Asia, temperate South America, and sparingly in the 
tropics; the Nympheacee (Water lily family), more 
primitive than the Berberidacee, contains only eight 
genera and about 50 species, of wide but discontinuous 
distribution. In contrast there may be mentioned the 
gamopetalous Potato family (Solanacez), with about 
70 genera and 1,600 species, found generally on every 
continent, and in New Zealand, Hawaii, Australasia, 
and other oceanic and continental islands, and specially 
abundant in the tropics; and also the still more highly 
developed Madder family (Rubiacee), with as many as 355 
genera and 5,500 species, also of almost cosmopolitan 
distribution. As a final example among families of 
flowering plants, there may be mentioned the Orchidacez, 
the most highly developed of the Monocotyledons, and, on 
morphological grounds, possibly the most recent family 
of seed-bearing plants. This family contains about 430 
genera and over 5,000 species, of almost cosmopolitan 
distribution, most abundant in the tropics, and gradually 
diminishing toward the poles. The seeds of orchids are 
very tiny, and the embryo consists of a few undifferenti- 
ated cells. They are capable of rapid and wide 
distribution (Fig. 78a). 

In the Nympheacez is the relatively primitive genus, 
Nelumbo, containing only two species, one the lotus 
(N. lutea), in North America, the other the Oriental 
lotus (N. nucifera), in Asia and Australasia. In the 


Rubiacez is the genus Mitchella, also relatively primitive, 
and containing only two species, one in Japan, the other 
the Partridge berry (M. repens) in North America. 

123. Evidence from the Distribution of Liverworts.— 
The geographical distribution of the lower cryptogams 
(below the ferns and their allies) has not been the subject 
of as extensive study as that of the ferns and flowering 
plants, but the evidence marshalled by Campbell! in 1907, 
concerning the distribution of the liverworts (Hepatice), 
illustrates in a striking manner the importance of the 

Fic. 78a¢.—Seed capsule and seeds of an orchid. 

facts of geographical distribution in endeavoring to 
determine the question of the relative age of a group of 
plants. It had been argued by Scott, in 1906, that the 
liverworts were probably of comparatively recent origin 
because of the almost entire absence of fossil remains in the 
Paleozoic rocks. But, as Scott himself records, impres- 
sions have been described from Paleozoic strata of plant 
forms that can be assigned only to the Hepatic, and 
indeed to one of the most highly organized groups—the 

‘Campbell, Douglas Houghton. On the distribution of the Heptatice, 
and its significance. New Phytologist 6: 203-212. Oct. 1907. 


Marchantiacee. This, of course, means a long period 
of evolutionary development from similar forms to the 
more complex, preceding the geological age of the rocks 
containing the fossil record, and one such bit of positive 
evidence fully substantiated, is of itself sufficient to 
establish the antiquity of the liverworts. Moreover, 
when such testimony is in agreement with the evidence 
derived from other sources, such as comparative mor- 
phology and geographical distribution, the fact of anti- 
quity would seem to be reasonably well established. Now, 
in addition to the evidence of comparative morphology, 
there are, as Campbell points out, certain facts of dis- 
tribution that can only be satisfactorily interpreted on 
the basis of the comparative antiquity of the liverworts.’ 
The liverworts are a widely distributed group; some of the 
genera are cosmopolitan, i.e., they are found practically 
everywhere, in all continents, climates, and habitats, 
and widely on oceanic islands. Riccia and Marchaniia 
are cosmopolitan genera of continuous distribution. 
Other genera are of wide, but discontinuous distribution, 
such, for example, as Targionia, a genus containing only 
two species, which are found in Southern and Western 
Europe, Africa, Java, Australia, and Western America, 
but are absent from Eastern America and from most of 
Asia. The familiar Lunularia cruciata of our greenhouses 
has a distribution similar to Targionia in the eastern 
hemisphere, but is unknown in the western hemisphere 
except where introduced. 

1 Throughout the discussion of liverworts I have drawn freely on Camp- 
bell’s article, cited above, and have, to a certain extent, adopted his 
wording, asking the reader and the author quoted to accept this statement 
in lieu of frequent quotes. 


A third type of distribution is that of limited range, 
such as has been mentioned above for the venus’s fly- 
trap and the giant redwood trees. Among genera thus 
distributed are Wiesnerella Javanica Schiff., known at 
present only from Mt. Gedeh, in Java, and Geothallus 
tuberosus Campbell, known only from near San Diego, 
California. These ranges may ultimately be extended, as 
was that of Treubia insignis, known for a time only from 
Mt. Gedeh, but later found by its original discoverer 
in New Zealand. 

As already noted, in order to become widely distributed, 
either continuously or discontinuously, a plant must either 

1. Have reproductive bodies capable of rapid distribu- 
tion over wide areas, or 

2. Possess sufficient antiquity to have been in process 
of dissemination for a comparatively long period of time. 
Tn the former case, its reproductive bodies must be of such 
nature as to resist unfavorable environment and vicissi- 
tudes, during transit over long distances, and be able to 
establish themselves readily in the new habitat, especially 
in competition with the plants already established, and pos- 
sibly also in an unfavorableenvironment. Now the spores 

_of many of the most widely distributed Hepatice are not 
of thisnature.. Wecan hardly explain the present distribu- 
tion of such widespread tropical genera as Dendroceros, 
Monoclea, and Dumortiera, says Campbell, by the theory 
that their spores could be carried across the wide ocean 
barriers that separate the regions where they now occur, 
as the spores are not of the type that could be carried long 
distances without perishing. Since there are no connecting 
forms in the higher latitudes that could explain the passage 
of these forms from one tropical zone to the other, we can 


only assume that these genera are the little changed 
descendants of ancient, widely distributed types. 

Although making a special search for Liverworts on 
Krakatoa in 1906, Campbell found no specimens, nor up 
to that time had any other collector. Professor Treub, 
of the Botanic Garden at Buitenzorg, Java, had reported 
two species of mosses. ‘‘Inasmuch as Krakatoa is 
within sight of Java and Sumatra, both of which have 
an extremely rich hepatic flora, the absence of these 
plants from the new flora of Krakatoa is, to say the least, 
worthy of note.” In a similar way Campbell argues 
that the wide distribution of mosses (cosmopolitan in 
the case of the genus Sphagnum), combined with the 
inability of their reproductive bodies to withstand trans- 
portation over great distances, indicates a great antiquity 
for the group; and this inference is substantiated by the 
meager but positive evidence of fossil remains. 

In a later discussion of the origin of the Hawaiian 
flora, Campbell! notes that the filmy ferns, since they are 
hydrophytic with a rain-forest habit, and are, therefore, 
not suited to transportation over wide stretches of ocean, 
must have existed in Hawaii since those islands were 
connected with some mainland, now submerged. The 
relatively shallow water between Hawaii and the 
Australasian-Malaysian regions, as compared to the 
great depths between Hawaii and North America, in- 
dicate a former mainland connection to the west, and 
this inference is further substantiated by the great pre- 
ponderance of Australasian-Malaysian plants in Hawaii 
over those represented in America. In this connection 

1Campbell, D. H. The origin of the Hawaiian flora. Mem. Torrey 
Bot. Club, 17: 90-96. June, 1918. 


is should be noted that a considerable proportion of the 
species of the strand vegetation of Hawaii are endemic, 
but many of the introduced littorals are known to be 
transported by ocean currents from the north Pacific.’ 

124. Distribution of Algze—And finally, to bring all the 
great phyla under brief review, it may be mentioned that 
facts of distribution of the Alge point to a great antiquity 
for the group. This is not only in harmony with the 
generally accepted evidence from comparative morphology, 
but is substantiated by fossil remains, in early Paleozoic 
rocks, of calcareous Siphonogamous forms related to liv- 
ing calcareous forms. The absence of fossil remains of 
non-calcareous green forms is readily explained by the 
delicate nature of their tissues. 

125. Hypothesis of ‘‘Age and Area.””—As noted above 
(p. 165), an endemic species is one found in a given local- 
ity but not elsewhere. According to some botanists? 
endemism is a criterion of youth. The area occupied 
by a species within a given country, argues Willis, varies 
directly with its age within that country; that is, the longer 
it has been a part of the flora, the wider the area it occupies, 
so long as conditions remain constant. But Willis enumer- 
ates various conditions that would interfere with the 
operation of this law, including ‘“‘chance”’ (i.e., causes not 
understood), the action of man (clearing of forests,* etc.), 

1 Twenty-one littorals and eleven pseudo-littorals, out of a total of over 
75, are listed as endemic by Vaughan MacCaughey. Bull. Torrey Bot. 
Club, 45: 259-277. July, 1918. 

2 Willis, J. C. The relative age of endemic species and other controver- 
sial points. Ann. Bot. 31:189-208. April, 1917. James Small (see p. 
148) has characterized Willis’s Age and Area hypothesis, as the most im- 
portant contribution to geographical botany since the Origin of Species. 

3 Macrozamia Moorei is being systematically exterminated in Australia 
because it is poisonous to cattle. 


interposition of barriers (mountains, broad deserts, salt 
water areas, sudden changes of climate from one district to 
the next, geological changes, natural selection, local adapt- 
ation (the possession of acharacter usefulin one country but 
not in another), the dying out of occasional old species, the 
arrival of a migrating species at its climate limit, et cetera. 
But on the whole the endemic species, says Willis, are the 
youngest. As an illustration of the operation of the hy- 
pothesis of age and area, Small (/.c., p. 25-30) mentions 
numerous Composite which have limited distribution, 
although there would seem to be practically no limit to the 
distance their pappose seeds can be transported by wind. 
They are limited (endemic) because they are young. 
According to another view,! endemic species are the 
oldest species of a region; they are either relicts, and thus 
very ancient, or they represent types which have been in 
the region so long that their original characters have been 
lost. The latter are indigenes, and are spoken of as 
indigenous to the country. Endemics, according to 
Sinnott, contain a greater percentage of trees than do 
wides (or polydemics)? but, according to the same author, 
trees and shrubs are older than herbs, and therefore the 
endemic woody species must be older than the herbaceous 
element of agivenflora. The hypothesis of Willis demands 
that herbs be considered as an older form of vegetation 
than trees and shrubs, which, others argue, is contrary to 
amass of evidence. Trees are more common as endemics 
(in Ceylon, e.g., twice as common), notwithstanding the 
fact that they spread less rapidly than herbs. After its 

1Sinnott, Edmund W. The “age and area” hypothesis and the 
problem of endemism. Amn. Bot. 31:209-216. April, 1917. 
2“ Wides” and “polydemics” are used as antonyms of endemics. 


first rapid spread, says Sinnott, a species becomes less 
common the older its age of occupation. 

Reviewing these two theories, Taylor! holds that, in the 
flora of the vicinity of New York at least, endemism is not 
a criterion of antiquity nor of youth, for while many 
endemics of the flora of New York and vicinity are very 
recent (as the hypothesis of Willis would require), and 
while some of them are even found in the geologically 
recent portion of the area (one, Hibiscus occuliroseus, 
being a salt marsh plant and therefore very ‘new’), 
other forms are relict endemics (p. 167), and could not, 
therefore, be of very recent origin.? 

As an example of relict (and therefore old) endemics 
(outside the local flora region of New York, there may be 
cited the well known case of the giant and coast redwoods 
(Sequoia gigantea and S. sempervirens), and the begonia, 
Hilldebrandia sandwicensis, endemic in Hawaii.® 

An example of an indigenous (and therefore relatively 
recent) endemic, is the well-known insectivorous plant, 
Venus fly-trap (Dionea muscipula), a genus having only 
one species, 7.e., monotypic (Fig. 79). This unique plant is 
found in sandy swamps, only in a narrow strip of country 

1 Taylor, N. Endemism in the flora of the vicinity of New York. 
Torreya 16:18-27. Jan. 1916. 

* Five cases of apparently relict endemism are cited by Taylor from the 
vicinity of New York. Torreya 16: 18-27. Jan. 1916. 

* The Begoniacee have scarcely any representatives in the islands of 
the southern, equatorial, and Northern Pacific, but are abundant in the 
Andes region of South America and Mexico. The endemic begonia of 
Hawaii is regarded by MacCaughey (Bot. Gas. 66:273-275. Sept. 1918) 
as one of several bits of evidence that “at one time in the history of the 
Pacific basin the Hawaiian islands were much more closely associated with 
the Andean and South Pacific regions than they are at present. See also 

p. 175. 


about ten miles wide and extending about 4o miles south of 
Wilmington, North Carolina. The yellow waterlily (Nym- 
phea mexicana Zuccarini)! may also be cited as an aquatic 

Fic. 79.—Venus fly trap (Dionea musci pula). 

example of an indigenous endemic, being known only from 
Florida, Texas, and Mexico.” 

1 Castalia flava Greene (1888). 
2 Conard, Henry S. The waterlilies, p. 167 and 213. Carnegie Insti- 
tution of Washington, Publication No. 4. 1905. 


Again, as Taylor points out, most of the recent endem- 
ics in the New York flora are not woody, the proportion 
of woody species among the endemics (17 per cent.) 
being essentially the same as for the entire flora (18.2 
per cent.) Most of the endemics are probably accounted 
for by generic and specific instability, that is, by the ten- 
dency of existing forms to vary, at or near the edge of their 
range, and for the variations to become established. At 
least one is a case of ‘‘habitat’’ endemism; that is, the 
endemic species is confined to a given locality because 
suited to the environment afforded by that locality. This 
is illustrated by Prunus Gravesii, a saxitile form of the 
beach-plum (P. maritima). 

Many factors are involved in the phenomena of en- 
demism, and here, as in the case of discontinuous geo- 
graphical distribution, each case must be carefully analyzed 
by itself. In view of our present restricted knowl- 
edge, we can generalize only with extreme caution. 

126. An Illustrative Study.—As an illustration of the 
application of evidence from various sources in an en- 
deavor to decide the relative age of two large groups of 
plants, herbs and woody plants (trees and shrubs), there 
may be mentioned the recent work of Sinnott and Bailey,' 
who marshalled evidence from paleobotany, anatomy, 
phylogeny, and phytogeography, as bearing on the rela- 
tive antiquity of herbaceous and woody plants. Very 
briefly summarized, their argument runs as follows: 

1. A study of fossil plants shows that the remains of 

1Sinnott, Edmund W. and Irving W. Bailey. Investigations on the 
phylogeny of the Angiosperms: No. 4. The origin and dispersal of 
herbaceous Angiosperms. Ann. Bot. 112: 547-600. Oct. 1914. The 
phraseology of the authors is freely incorporated in the above very brief 


Angiosperms in earlier geological periods were almost all 
woody. The number of herbaceous forms increases as 
we pass from older to more recent strata. Fossils of 
herbaceous plants are rarely found in Cretaceous rocks 
but become increasingly abundant throughout the Ter- 
tiary. Caution is necessary here, however, for the foliage 
and other parts of herbs are more tender and delicate 
than those of woody plants, and therefore less liable to 
be preserved as fossils. This evidence is significant only 
in connection with evidence derived from other sources. 

2. A study of the comparative anatomy of stems indi- 
cates that the continuous ring of wood, which character- 
izes the stems of all trees and shrubs, is a more primitive 
character than the separate fibro-vascular bundles of 
herbaceous stems. It is suggested that a change from a 
woody to an herbaceous type may have resulted from 
regional decrease in the activity of the cambium layer, 
from which the wood is formed by cell-division followed 
by lignification. 

3. Evidence from phylogeny shows that the more 
primitive groups of Angiosperms and their probable an- 
cestors are composed overwhelmingly of woody plants. 
In more than half of the families of Dicotyledons there are 
no herbaceous species, and the few families which are 
entirely herbaceous are almost all insectivorous plants, 
water plants, parasites, or monotypic families, and hence 
can lay no claim to great antiquity. Also, there is a 
much larger proportion of woody plants in the lower 
groups of Angiosperms (Apetale and Polypetale) than 
in the higher groups (Sympetalz.) 

4. From a study of plant geography we learn that 

14 monotypic family is a family having only one genus. 


dicotyledonous herbs preponderate in north temperate 
regions, and woody plants in the tropics. The latter 
climate probably approaches more nearly to that under 
which Angiosperms first appeared. Herbs, having a 
short life cycle (one to two or three seasons) are able to 
survive periods of intense cold in the form of seeds, and 
would, therefore, survive in larger numbers than woody 
plants on the advance and retreat of the continental ice 
sheet of the Glacial period. This would account for the 
fact of a much smaller proportion of woody plants in the 
flora of Europe, for these could not migrate southward, as 
the ice encroached, since the mountain ranges there have 
a general east-west trend (in contrast to the general north- 
south trend of American ranges), and southern migration 
would necessitate an ascent to high altitudes that would 
be fatal to temperate or subtropical species. 

The above facts are not cited as established, but only 
to illustrate a method. There is also evidence and argu- 
ment suggesting the opposite conclusion, namely, that 
herbaceous plants are older than woody. 



127. The Scope of Paleobotany.—The study of fossil 
plants, though of course a phase of botany, constitutes 
a science by itself, not only covering a special subject 
matter, but having its own methods (technique), and pos- 
sessing a large literature. It is called paleobotany. One 
cannot pursue this study without a knowledge of the 
anatomy and morphology of living forms. This is neces- 
sary in order to interpret the meaning of plant fossils, 
which often occur only in small fragments of the entire 
plant. Moreover, one must have a good knowledge of 
at least the elements of geology, since fossils are found in 
rocks. One must not only know the geological age to 
which the fossil-bearing rock he studies belongs, but also 
something of the geological processes by which fossils, 
and even the rocks themselves, are formed. 

128. What is a Fossil?—A fossil is any remains of a 
plant or animal that lived in a geological age preceding 
the present; these remains are preserved in rocks.!_ There 
are two methods of preservation, namely, incrustation and 
peirifaction. Incrustations are merely impressions or 

‘ By an extension of the term we also speak of fossil footprints of ani- 
mals, fossil ripple marks, e¢ cetera. The word fossil is derivcd from the 

Latin jodere (to dig), and originally signified anything dug up. 


casts resulting from the encasement of the organ or 
organism in the rock-forming material. The tissue itself 
either decayed or became carbonized, leaving only the 

Fic. 80.—Fossil incrustations of the foliage of two species of Spheno- 
phyllum from the coal measures of Missouri. (From U. S. Geological 


impression of its surface features. The well-known 
“fossil fern-leaves,”’ found in coal mines, are of this nature. 
The tissues of the plant were transformed into coal, 


leaving the impression or cast on the adjacent shale. The 
first stage in this process may often be observed in the 
autumn, when impressions of recently fallen leaves are 
made on the surface of wet mud. Obviously from 
such fossils we can learn nothing of internal structure 
(Fig. 80). 

Petrifactions are formed by the gradual replacement 
of the organic tissue by mineral matter, usually carbonate 
of lime (CaCOs) or silicic acid (H,SiO,). In this process 
the tissues become soaked with a saturated solution of 
the given mineral, which is gradually deposited from solu- 
tion, and takes the place of the original organic matter. 
By this means the most minute details of microscopic 
structure are preserved, even in some cases the nuclei 
and other cell-contents (Figs. 97 and 100). 

129. Conditions of Fossil-formation.—In order to 
understand how fossils come to be formed, we must pic- 
ture to ourselves certain geological processes now in 
operation—the initial stages of rock-formation. Rocks 
are of two kinds, igneous and sedimentary. Igneous rocks 
result from the cooling of molten lava poured out on 
the surface or injected into crevices by volcanic action. 
Such rocks never contain fossils, as the intense heat 
necessary to melt the rock destroys all trace of organic 

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the deposit under 
water of the sediment formed by weathering and erosion 
and transported by streams. This deposit may occur 
along the flood-plains or at the mouths of streams empty- 
ing into inland lakes or into the ocean. In addition to 
rock-sediment eroded from the surface of the land, streams 
also transport quantities of plant (and animal) frag- 



Czg ag YD) (-Xerg “7 “mM wor pajonb pussay -iyeg “gd “WH Aq (904d) = 984NBy 9y2 ur puod yo yySu 07 spies perzpuny suo 
‘gonids Ya¥[q 94} Japun daap 399} 1y S19 jnoqe Zureq ‘uIseq ay} Jo sursieUr dy} PALMO}] JAMOT[VYS SouIOIaq sIT], “zeed uMoAG"yJo 

399} INOJ-A}UIM} JBAO MOYS sZutiog ‘uls1eu puod oy 1y 

‘uUMOYS 918 voNIds YDeIq pojIVMp Surpunoiins sy} puv ‘qniys-yiv9y 

JAVMp oy} ‘oU0z Joyem-uado ‘ssafayy] ay, “Soq YOepuorpy jo adA} owasjxo we ‘euoyeuTAA IvaU ‘puog UvIgG—"Ig “Oly 


ments, leaves, stems, pieces of bark, fruit, flowers, pollen 
and spores, roots, and even entire plants. These natur- 

We ate pn ooh Ban Mees pee ae ee ee 

Fic. 82.—Diagram illustrating the gradual filling up of lakes by the 
encroachment of vegetation, and also the stages in the origin of peat and 
marl deposits in lakes. The several plant associations of the Bog series, 
displacing one another, belong to the following major groups: (1) O. W., 
open water succession; (2) M., marginal succession; (3) S., shore succes- 
sion; (4) B., bog succession, comprising the bog-meadow (Bm), bog-shrub 
(Bs) and bog-forest (Bf); and (5) M. F., mesophytic forest succession 
(Cf. Fig. 81.) (After Bray.) 

ally become buried in the mud and sediment wherever 
deposition takes place, and when the deposit becomes 


converted into rock the organic remains may become con- 
verted into fossils by either of the processes described 
above. Swampy regions are especially favorable to the 
preservation of plant and animal remains as fossils, as is 
illustrated in Figs. 81 and 82. 

130. Metamorphism.—After sedimentary rocks are 
once formed they are subject to various changes. The 
amorphous carbonate of lime, of limestone rocks, may be 
transformed into crystals of calcite until marble results; 
thin flakes of mica may form in clay rock in thin sheets, 
transforming the rock into slate; vegetable deposits in 
the form of peat may become transformed into anthracite 
coal and graphite; molten lava poured out on the surface 
or into crevices of sedimentary rocks may fuse the adja- 
cent material, causing contact metamorphism, while the 
heat engendered over larger areas by mountain folding, 
or by the weight of superincumbent strata! may cause 
regional metamorphism. Obviously such changes, espe- 
cially those caused by heat, result in the complete de- 
struction of all plant or animal remains or impressions, 
and thus fossil records over large areas, and representing 
vast periods of geologic time, have been obliterated. 

131. Stratification of Rocks.—Changes in the relative 
level of sea and land have occurred many times in the 
geological past, so that submerged areas of sedimentation 
in one period have become areas of dry land, undergoing 
erosion in another; and vice versa, areas of erosion have 
become areas of sedimentation. As a result of this, 
rocks occur in layers,? the deeper lying layers (with ex- 

1 Some rocks are buried under more than 40,000 feet of strata, and the 
temperature increases approximately 21°F. for every 50 to 60 feet of depth. 
? Several layers form a siratum, or bed. 


ceptions readily explained by geologists) being older than 
those above, or nearer the surface. Moreover, as a result 
of a second submersion following elevation and erosion, 
subsequent layers were often deposited with an wncon- 
ormity on the weathered and eroded surface under- 

By the presence of fossil imprints of rain drops, foot- 
prints, ripple marks, and mud cracks, and by the character 
of the plant and animal fossils which they contain, we 
know that most sedimentary rocks were deposited in 
shallow water, not far from the shore line. But since 
these same rocks may have a thickness of thousands of 
feet we know the area of sedimentation must have been 
slowly sinking while the sediment was being deposited. 
As a result of the enormous pressure of the overlying 
material, of the deposit of cementing substances from 
solution, and of other causes, the sedimentary deposits 
became, in time, converted into solid rock. 

132. Classification of Rock Strata.—By a study of the 
fossils which the rocks contain, geologists have been able 
to classify the various strata according to their age. 
As a result of the period of erosion, indicated by un- 
conformity, the transition from the stratum of one age 
to that of another is often abrupt, the fossils in successive 
periods being quite characteristic of the given stratum 
or period. In other cases, as for example between the 
Silurian and Devonian in New York State, there is no 
unconformity, and this renders it more difficult to decide 
just where the plane of division lies. The names and 
order of occurrence of the known rock strata are given in 
the following table, the older rocks being at the bottom, 
the most recently formed at the top. 


TasLe II.—Tasie or GrorocicaL TIME 
Era Period 
(recent, or the present) 
(ice age) 




Upper Cretaceous 
Lower Cretaceous 
Mesozoic Secondary (Comanchean) 

( Permian 

Upper Carboniferous 

| Lower Carboniferous 

Paleozoic Primary (Mississippian) 





{ Huronian 

micheant Laurentian 

133. Paleogeography.—By changes in the relative level 
of the land and sea, above referred to, rocks contain- 
ing fossils may be elevated as dry land, and frequently 
as mountains, so that remains of marine organisms, as 
well as of others, are often found at high elevations. In 
some cases forests near the seashore have been submerged. 
and covered over with sediment, then elevated again as 
dry land, so that subsequent excavations have revealed 
the fossilized trunks and stumps (Figs. 83 and 84). Thus 


Fic. 83.—Fossil tree stumps in a carboniferous forest, Victoria Park, 
Glasgow. (Cf. Fig. 84.) (After Seward.) 

Fic. 84.—Part of a submerged forest as seen at low tide on the Cheshire 
coast of England. (Cf. Fig. 83.) (After Seward.) 


it is seen that, by a study of fossils, we may not only learn 
of their structure and thus fill in many of the gaps in 
the evolutionary sequence left by a study of forms now 
living, but we may also learn of the distribution of plants 
and animals in previous geological ages—in other words, 
we have the basis for a science of fossil geography or 

134. Plant Migrations.— With the development of 
Paleogeography, a clearer conception of the location and 
changes of the continental areas of the past is gradually 
being gained. Asa consequence, plant geography is a sub- 
ject of increasing interest to the paleobotanist. More- 
over, geology, the fossil. record, and the present zonal 
grouping of plants indicate that, in the past, the polar 
areas, then much warmer than now, must have been fruit- 
ful in new species.!_ High mountains or plateaus are also 
suggested as homes of plastic races.?. In the tropics en- 
vironments are more nearly static, and, it is reasonable 
to suppose, less likely to favor variation. It is knownthat 
once established, many species move most readily along 
the geologic formation which supplies the exact soil con- 
stituents most favorable to their growth, the rate of 
movement often being rapid. Flotation of seeds is also 
a factor. The facts here briefly cited rest on the obser- 
vations of a large number of investigators, extending over 
more than a century. 

135. Distribution of Plants in Time.—In addition to 
the distribution of plants in space (plant geography), the 
problem of their distribution in geologic time is one of 

1 Owing to the precession of the equinoxes these areas undergo an ex- 

treme variation in the length of winter and summer of 37 days every, 12,934 

2 Cf. pp. 148-149. 

absorbing interest and importance. 



The following table 

indicates the known distribution of the various plant 
groups from the earliest geologic time to the present. 


Division eu ee ene Range ig Be 
2 | Monocotyled »nes | Comanchean to present | Oaks 
3 Dicotyledones Comanchean to present | Grasses 
Spermato- < 
IV.§ phyta i 
Cycadophyta & Gnetales (Fossil record scant) Ephedra 
% | Coniferales Permian to present Pines 
& | Ginkgoales Permian to present Ginkgo 
& | Cordaitales Devonian to Jurassic Cordaites 
g Cycadales Permian to present Cycads 
© | Cycadofilicales Devonian toComanchian! Neuropteris 
Lepidophyta Lycopodiales Devonian to present Club mosses 
Calamophyta Equisitales Devonian to present Horsetails 
III Sphenophyllales Devonian to Permian Spheno- 
Pteridophyta Filicales Devonian to present Ferns 
IL. Bryophyta Musci Tertiary to present , Mosses 
: Hepatice Tertiary? to present Liverworts 
Fungi Silurian to present Fungi 
Alge Pre-Cambrian to present | Seaweeds 
I. Thallophyta Diatomee Jurassic to present Diatoms 
Schizophyta Pennsylvanian to present! Bacteria 
Myxomycete (Fossil record lacking) Slime-molds 

1 Modified from Shimer. 

2See, however, p. 172. 

136. Gaps in the Fossil Record.—In the Origin of 
Species Darwin called attention to the paltry display of 
fossils in our museums, as evidence of how little we really 

know of the plant and animal life of past ages. 


number, both of specimens and of species, preserved in 



our museums,” says Darwin, ‘‘is absolutely as nothing 
compared with the number of generations which must 
have passed away during a single formation.” The 
meagerness of the record is, of course, due in part to the 
relatively small area explored in proportion to the whole; 
but there are other reasons much more serious, because 
they represent opportunities lost forever. Among them 
are metamorphosis, explained above, and the fact that 
many of the organisms of the past were composed wholly 
or largely of soft tissues, which were entirely destroyed, by 
decay or otherwise, in the process of rock-formation. 
Such plants, for example, as Spirogyra and many other 
alge, the fleshy fungi, and, among animals, jelly-fish, 
earthworms, and others, would form fossils only under 
exceptionally favorable circumstances, if at all. 

But there is an even more effective cause of oblitera- 
tion of the fossil record in the long-continued erosion and 
denudation represented by unconformity in the rock 
strata. In many cases only a small proportion now re- 
mains of the thickness of a rock stratum originally de- 
posited, and all traces of the plant and animal life that 
may have existed on the denuded area have thus been ob- 
literated forever. These blank intervals between suc- 
cessive periods were of vast duration. 

“T look at the geological record,”’ said Darwin, ‘“‘as a 
history of the world imperfectly kept, and written in a 
changing dialect; of this history we possess the last 
volume alone, relating only to two or three countries. 
Of this volume, only here and there a short chapter has 
been preserved; and of each page, only here and there a 
few lines. Each word of the slowly changing language, 
more or less different in the successive chapters, may 


represent the forms of life, which are entombed in our 
consecutive formations, and which falsely appear to have 
been abruptly introduced.”! These views have received 
added emphasis from the recent development of Paleo- 

137. Factors of Extinction.—The question may natu- 
rally arise, ‘‘Why did the species common in previous geo- 
logical ages die out, giving place to newer forms?” The 
answer is found in the facts of struggle for existence and 
survival of the fittest. In the words of the great American 
botanist, Asa Gray, species may continue only “while 
the external conditions of their being or well-being con- 
tinue.’ The struggle may be with other organisms or 
with the physical conditions of the environment. Among 
the more important factors of extinction, may be men- 
tioned the following: 

1. Struggle with Other Plants for Adequate Space —This 
is illustrated in a simple way by the crowding out of culti- 
vated plants by weeds in a neglected garden, or of grass by 
dandelions or chickweed in a lawn. By more rapid ger- 
mination and growth, and by other “weedy”’ character- 
istics, the weeds get the start of the cultivated plants, 
occupying all available space, and choking them out. 

2. Attacks of disease-causing parasites, e.g.. chestnut 
trees by a parasitic fungus, elm tress by the elm tree beetle. 

3. Changes of Environment too Great or too Rapid to Per- 
mit of Readjustment.—Plants are plastic organisms, and 
can adapt or readjust themselves to considerable environ- 
mental change, but there are limits of speed and amount 
of change beyond which readjustment is not possible, and 
the plant must consequently perish. If such changes 

1 Darwin, C. “Origin of Species,” vol. 2, p. 88. New York, 19¢2. 


involve the entire area of distribution of the species con- 
cerned, the species will, obviously, become extinct. The 
following nine factors (paragraphs 4-12) are specific 
instances of this. 

4. Diminished Water Supply.—Aquatic plants may be 
destroyed by the draining of a pond or lake; hydrophytic 
forms by the drying up of a swamp. Sometimes forms 
suited to conditions of moderate water supply (hydro- 
phytes) are destroyd by the conversion of wide areas into 
desert regions, as has doubtless occurred. If such changes 
are gradual, resting spores (e.g., Spirogyra), winter buds 
(e.g., Utricularia, Elodea, Vallisneria), and seeds readily 
transported by wind (e.g., cat-tail) enable the species to 
become reéstablished in a new location, but not so when 
the changes are too abrupt, or cover too wide an area. 

5. Temperature changes, when too abrupt, too extreme, 
or too long continued. When the continental ice-sheet 
advanced southward during the glacial period, many 
forms, adapted only to temperate conditions, became ex- 
tinct. Fossils of extinct tropical plants are found in 
Greenland, which is now undergoing a glacial period. 

6. Volcanic eruptions, such, for example, as those of 
Mount Pelée, which occurred in 1902, on the island of 
Martinique, W. I., often destroy all signs of life over a 
radius of many miles. In the states of Washington, 
Oregon, and Idaho floods of molten lava, covering thou- 
sands of square miles, have, during a previous geological 
age, been poured out over the surface, forming a wide 

A great volcanic eruption in Alaska, in prehistoric 
times, covered an area of over 140 square miles with a 
deposit of ash and pumice varying in thickness from a 


few inches near the margin to some 300 feet near the crater. 
In 1883 the eruption of Krakatoa, in the Straits of Sunda, 
killed practically all the plants and animals on an island 
of five square miles in area, and on neighboring islands; 
a part of the island was completely blown away, leaving 
only deep water. So recently as 1912 the eruption of 
Katmai, in Alaska, spread a layer of ash nearly a foot deep 
over the entire surface of Kodiak Island, one hundred 
miles from the volcano, and killed all the herbaceous vege- 
tation, leaving only trees and bushes. It is almost certain 
that many species of plants and animals have become ex- 
tinct by such agencies. Not only the lava, but poisonous 
gases that fiill the air during volcanic eruptions, may 
prove fatal to plant and animal life. 

7. Encroachment of salt water in coastal regions, 
caused by changes in the level of the land, resulting in the 
killing of fresh-water vegetation. According to Fernald, 
one of the sundews, Drosera filiformis, is known to occur 
in only two regions, namely along the Gulf coast from Flor- 
ida to Mississippi, and along the Atlantic coast from Mary- 
land to Massachusetts (Fig. 85). Its extinction in the 
intervening region is explained by the subsidence and 
drowning of a former high continental shelf, along which 
this and other species migrated northward during the 
late Tertiary. If a similar subsidence should occur in the 
two limited regions where the species is now found it 
would become extinct unless, by some combination of 
circumstances, it could migrate and become established 
in new localities. It is not unlikely that species have 
often been exterminated in this way. 

8. Encroachment of Fresh Water over Land Areas. — 
Previous to about the year 1900, the Salton basin, in 


lower California, was a saline area of a so pronounced 
desert type that its flora contained less than 140 species 
of ferns and flowerng plants, five of which were endemic. 
During the winter of 1904-1905 the fresh waters of the 
Colorado River began to debouche into this basin, and 
by early 1907 had formed a brackish lake, over 80 feet deep 
and of about 450 square miles in area, known as the Salton 
Sea. At the end of ten years it still had an area of some- 
what less than 300 square miles. Some three or four 
hundred years previously the entire Salton Basin was 

Fic. 85.—Sketch map showing the geographical distribution of the sun- 
dew, Drosera filiformis. (After M. L. Fernald.) 

occupied with a lake of over 2,000 square miles in area, 
which, in turn, had dried up and given place to the desert 
conditions above mentioned. It is not improbable that 
such drastic changes as this may have resulted in the 
obliteration of one or more species, though the flora was 
not well enough known previous to the last inundation 
to make a definite statement on this point possible. For 
example, the presence there of endemic species was not 
known until the recent botanical survey of the region 
lying between the late water level and that of the ancient 


sea. According to MacDougal,' if the water had risen in 
1907 to its ancient level of three or four hundred years 
ago, it would have destroyed all these endemic species. 

7. Transformation of fresh water lakes into salt lakes, 
as in the case of the Caspian Sea, and the Great Salt Lake 
of Utah (18percent.salt). This change gradually extermi- 
nates plant and animal life until the given body of water 
becomes a true “dead” sea, where practically nothing 
remains alive, as in the Dead Sea (24 per cent. salt). 
A more extreme case yet is Lake Van, in Turkey, where 
saline matter constitutes over one-third of the contents. 
In the last stages of such transformations the lake may give 
place to a salt marsh or plain (salina). South of Lake 
Titicaca, in the Andes Mts. of Bolivia, ar several salinas, 
one of some 4000 square miles in area, with a layer of 
salt three or four feet thick. 

10. Disturbance of Symbiotic Relationships-—The inter- 
relationships of organisms are very complex, affording 
innumerable opportunities for extinction by a disturbance 
of adjustments. Shade-loving forms in a forest may 
perish by the destruction of those affording the shade; 
obligate parasites may perish from the destruction of the 
necessary host; plants dependent upon certain insects for 
cross-pollination may perish on account of the extinction 
of the necessary insects. 

11. Diminution of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere.— 
There are reasons for thinking that in certain past ages 
the atmosphere was richer than now in carbon dioxide, 
and that that condition was favorable to the development 
of certain vegetatively vigorous species which cannot live 
in an atmosphere like the present, having a smaller per- 
centage of carbon. 

1TIn a letter to the author. 


12. Denudation of the Land Surface——In the course of 
ages even lofty mountains are planed down by erosion, 
and the arctic and sub-arctic species of the high altitudes 
thus undergo extinction. Furthermore, erosion may be 
coupled with general subsidence. In fact, not only do 
geologists now recognize numerous old mountain “‘roots,” 
such for example as the Adirondack region of New York 
State, but there are also abundant evidences of periodic 
emergencies and subsidence of areas of continental extent, 
quite throughout geologic time. The climatic and other 
environmental disturbances accompanying such changes 
would inevitably result in the extinction of certain species. 
(See also J 129.) 



138. Evidences from Fossil Plants.—The study of fossil 
plant remains has greatly enlarged our knowledge of 
the course of plant evolution, filling in gaps derived from 
the study of living forms, and affording new facts, not 
disclosed by the study of plants now living. Like the 
study of comparative anatomy and life histories, paleo- 
botany teaches us that there has been a gradual evolu- 
tionary progress from the simple to the more complex, but 
it has also disclosed the fact that some of the complex 
forms are much more ancient than had been inferred from 
the study of living plants only. 

139. Discovery of Seed-bearing Ferns.—For example, 
remains of seed-bearing plants, quite as highly organized 
as those of to-day, are found far back in the earliest fossil- 
bearing strata of the Paleozoic. Great forest types ex- 
isted as early as the Devonian. Later in the Carboniferous 
occur many seed-bearing ferns. These have been called 
Cycadofilicales (cycadaceous ferns), or, by some, Pterido- 
sperms. Recent studies have disclosed the fact that 
most of the fossil plants from the Carboniferous coal- 
bearing strata, formerly thought to be ferns, are not even 
cryptogams, but are these fern-like seed-bearing plants. 
The best known pteridosperm is Lyginodendron oldhamium 
(Fig. 86), first described from fossil leaves, in 1829, as 
a tree-fern, under the name Sphenopteris Hoeninghaust. 

After investigations extending over nearly go years, “‘ we are 


now in position to draw a fairly complete picture of the 
plant as it must have appeared when living. 

“Tt was in effect a little tree-fern, with long, slender, 
sometimes branched, stem, 4 centimeters or less in diame- 

Fic. 86.—Lyginodendron oldhamium.. Pinna of a microsporophyll, 
found in an ironstone nodule. Before its identity was established this 
specimen was named Crossotheca Hocninghausi. The somewhat peltate 
fertile pinules on the ultimate branches, bear each a fringe of micro- 
sporangia about 3 mm. long. The appearance has been likened to that 
of a fringed epaulet. (After Scott, from a photo by Kidston.) 

ter, and provided with spines by means of which it prob- 
ably climbed on its neighbors. The foliage was disposed 
spirally and consisted of relatively very large, finely 
divided fronds with small, thick pinnules with revolute 


margins, suggesting a xerophytic or halophytic habitat. 
The stem in the lower portion gave rise to numbers of 
slender roots, some of which appear to have been aerial 
in their origin. These grew downward and often branched 
where they entered the soil. 

Fic. 87.—Young leaf of the Cycad, Bowenia serrulata. Comparison 
of this with a leaf of the fern Angiopteris (Fig. 88) shows how difficult 
it might be to decide from a fossil leaf whether the plant was a cycad ora 
fern. (Cf., also, Fig. 91.) (Photo from specimen in Brooklyn Botanic 

“The stems, roots, and petioles, and even the pinnules, 
have been found calcified and so beautifully preserved 
that their entire structure can be made out with certainty. 
Without going into a technical description of these organs, 
it may be said that the stem when young, and before 
secondary growth has begun, has a very strong resemblance 


to the stem of [the fern] Osmunda, but when more mature 
certain cycadean characters appear to predominate.”? 

Its foliage and other characters closely resemble some 
of our modern tree-ferns (Cf. Figs. 87 and 88), but more 

Fic. 88.—Leaf of a fern (Angiopteris evecta). (Cf. Fig. 87.) 

careful study of the calcified specimens of much beauty, 
found in calcareous nodules (the so-called English 
“‘coal balls’’?), has disclosed both the microsporophylls, 

1 Knowlton, F.H. American Fern Journal, 5:85. 1915. 

2 Coal balls are “concretions of the carbonates of lime and magnesia 
which formed around certain masses of the peaty vegetation as centers 
and, through inclosing and interpenetrating them, preserved them from 
the peculiar processes of decay which converted the rest of the vegetation 
into coal. In them the mineral matter slowly replaced the vegetable 
matter, molecule by molecule, thus preserving the cellular structure to a 
remarkable degree. Such balls are especially frequent in the coal of 
certain parts of England (Lancashire and Yorkshire).”” Shimer, H. W. 
“ An introduction to the study of fossils,” p. 53. London, 1914. 



bearing pollen-sacs, and the megasporophylls, bearing, 
not merely megasporangia, but true seeds. The ovule has 
a pollen-chamber, like the cycads, except that it projects a 
bit through the micropyle, and, strange as it may seem, 
fossil pollen-grains have been discovered, well preserved 
within this chamber. The seeds, about 14 inch long, 
have been described as resembling little acorns, enclosed 
like hazelnuts in smaller glandular cupules (Fig. 89). 
They are similar to those of the cycads, except that they 
are not known to have organized an embryo with cotyle- 




e. @ 

Fic. 89.—Restoration of a seed of Lyginodendron oldhamium (Lagenos- 
tema Lomaxi), from a model by H. E. Smedley. (After Scott.) 

dons and caulicle. Instead, the tissues of the female 
gametophyte only are so far found, retained within 
the megasporangium, which is enclosed in the integument. 
In this connection it is of interest to note that the seeds of 
some modern plants (e.g., orchids) do not possess differ- 
entiated embryos, but whether this is a primitive or a 
reduced character is not certain. The pollen was formed 
in spindle-shaped pollen-sacs, having two chambers, and 
borne in clusters of four to six on the under side of little 
oval discs, from 2 to 3 millimeters long. These structures 


are found on pinhules of ordinary foliage leaves, resem- 
bling the sporophylls of certain ferns (Fig. 90) rather than 
the stamens of modern flowers. 

The discovery of the seed-bearing character of the fern- 
like plants of the Paleozoic has been called the most im- 
portant contribution of paleobotany to botany ever made. 
It was predicted by Wieland, of Yale University, nearly 
two years before it was announced by Oliver and Scott. 
It is now believed that seed-bearing plants of the pterido- 

Fic. 90.—Top, lateral pinna from a leaf of Maraitia fraxinea. (After 
Bitter.) Below at left, synangium of same. (After Bitter.) At right, 
cross-section of the synangium. (After Hooker-Baker.) 

sperm type were nearly as numerous in the Paleozoic 
as were the cryptogams. 

140. Significance of the “Pteridosperms.’’—The close 
resemblance of the pteridosperms to ferns, on the one hand, 
and to modern cycads on the other, justifies the conclu- 
sion that they represent a ‘‘connecting link”? between the 
true ferns and the cycads, and that the modern cycads 
have descended from the same ancestry as the modern 
ferns, each developing along somewhat different lines. 


It was in recognition of their vegetative resemblances that 
the Pteridosperms were first called (by Potonié) Cycado- 
filices, now Cycadofilicales. Van Tieghem tersely de- 
scribed them as “‘phanerogams without flowers.” 

141. A Modern Fern-like Cycad.—One of the modern 
cycads (Stangeria paradoxa)! is of much interest in this 

Fic. 91.—Slangeria paradoxa Moore. Specimen from the cycad house 
at the New York Botanical Garden, bearing, at the apex of the stem 
a carpellate cone. (Photo from New York Botanical Garden.) 

connection. So closely does it resemble a certain fern 
(Lomaria) that the botanist Kunze, who first described it 
when it was brought from Natal to the botanic garden at 
Chelsea, England, supposed it was a fern, and named it 
Lomaria eriopus. The specimen possessed no fruit, which 
would have helped to identify it. Its leaves, with circinate 

1 Stangeria paradoxa Moore = Slangeria eriopus (Kunze) Nash, 


vernation, have a pinnately compound blade, and leaflets 
with pinnate dichotomous yenation. Two or three years 
later another botanist, examining it more closely, pro- 
nounced it a “‘fern-like Zamia or a Zamia-like fern.” 
These facts show how puzzling the specimen was, and how 


Fic. 92.—To the left, Cacadeoidea dacotensis Macbride. Longitudinal 
section of a silicified specimen of a bisporangiate cone (unexpanded flower), 
so. taken that the pinnules of the microsporophylls on both sides of the 
central axis, or receptacle, are successively cut throughout their entire 
length. The lines indicate the planes of various sections through the cone, 
published in Wieland’s “American Fossil Cycads.”’ To the right Cycado- 
cephalus Sewardi Nathorst. Microsporangiate cone, natural size, preserved 
as an impression on a flat slab. From a fossil-bearing bed of the Trias, at 

Bjuf, Southern Sweden. (Left figure from Wieland, right figure from 

closely a plant may resemble both acycadophyte and afern. 
In asense this plant may be called a living fossil. Speci- 
mens have since come into flower in botanic gardens, and 
the typical cycadaceous cones (Fig. 91) leave no doubt 
that the plant is a true cycadophyte. 


142. Derivation of New Types.—Attention should here 
again be called to the fact that the theory of evolution does 
not teach that one given species becomes transformed into 
another, but simply that new species are descended from 
older forms which may or may not continue to exist. It 
is not supposed, for example, that ferns developed into 

Fic. 93.—Cycadeoidea dacolensis. Semi-diagrammatic sketch of a 
flower (bisporangiate cone), cut longitudinally; one sporophyll folded, and 
one (at the right) arbitrarily expanded. At the center is the apical, cone- 
shaped receptacle, invested by a zone of short-stalked ovules and inter- 
seminal scales. The pinnules of the sporophylls bear the compound 
sporangia (Synangia). Exterior to the flower are several hairy bracts, 
About three-fourths natural size. (After Wieland.) 

cycads, and cycads into higher gymnosperms, but that 

there has been an unbroken line of descent (possibly more 

than one) in the plant kingdom, that closely related forms 

(like ferns and cycads) have descended from a common 

ancestral type which may or may not now be found. We 

must not, in other words, expect necessarily to find in 


fossil forms the direct ancestors of those now living, although 
a study of their structure is of the greatest value in ena- 
bling us to understand the genetic relationships of the great 
groups of plants. 

143. Ancestors of the Angiosperms.—Just as the Cyca- 
dofilicales indicate the ancestry of the cycads, so fossil 
types of Cycadophyta have been discovered which are 

Fic. 94.—Cycadeoidea dacotensis (?). Photomicrograph of a young 
seed (X 15), showing a sterile scale on either side. Between them pro- 
jects the entire length of the tube through which the micropyle extends. 

The partially collapsed nucellus is distinctly shown in the center. (After 

interpreted by some paleobotanists as ancestors of the 
modern angiosperms. Other investigators, however, 
dissent from this view and consider that we have not yet 
sufficient knowledge of fossil forms to be justified in desig- 
nating the ancestors of the Angiosperms. This differ- 
ence of opinion is largely due to the meagerness of the 
available evidence. As one writer has stated it, “A 


trayful of flowers may be all the record of the Pterido- 
sperms from the Devonian on. The gaps in the evidence 
are always enormous.”’ 

Although the Cycadophyta are now a very insignifi- 
cant element in the earth’s flora, in the Mesozoic period 

Fic. 95.—Macrozamia spiralis. Tip of the trunk, showing three 
lateral cones, inserted in the axils of leaves. Photo from specimen in 
Brooklyn Botanic Garden. (Cf. Fig. 96.) 

they form about one-third of the recovered vegetation of 
the land. One order, the Hemicycadales (Bennettitales?), 
then had a cosmopolitan distribution and seemingly was 
as important as the Dicotyledonsarenow. Over 30species 
of the petrified stems have been found in the Mesozoic 

1In his paper on the Classification of the Cycadophyta (Am. Jour. Sci. 
47: 391-406. June, 1919), Wieland states “Simple and good reasons” 

for letting the name Bennettitales fall into disuse, and substituting there- 
fore the term Hemicycadales (half-cycads). 


terrains of the United States, the Black Hills of South 
Dakota alone yielding ascore. The Isle of Portland forms 

Fic. 96.—Cycas circinalis. Tip of trunk, showing numerous leaf- 
stalks, and the large terminal cone. Photo from specimen in Brooklyn 
Botanic Garden. (Cf. Fig. 95.) 

were called Cycadeoidea by the celebrated geologist Buck- 
land. The original name of the order was derived from 


bearing many ovulate cones with seeds approaching maturity, and a lesser 
number of either young or abortive cones. j’, Receptacle of a shed or 
non-preserved cone with surrounding bracts yet present; /’, two cones 
broken away during erosion, with a portion of the basal infertile pedicel 
yet remaining; m, four cones eroded down to the surface of the armor, 
in this instance about or a little beneath the level of the lowermost seeds; 
y, three of the dozen or more very young cones, in some cases known 
to be simply ovulate and to be regarded as having aborted or else as be- 
longing to a later and sparser series of fructifications than the seed-bearing 
cones present, the latter unquestionably representing the culminant fruit- 
producing period in the life of this cycad; s (over lower arrow), the ovulate 
strobilus, shown at the right, in its natural position, this photograph having 
been made before the cone was cut out by a cylindrical drill. x 0.5. 

At right, longitudinal section of the small ovulate strobilus cut from 
its natural position on the trunk as denoted by the arrow s, in photograph 
1. ¢ (upper arrow), seed with dicotyledonous embryo preserved, cotyle- 
dons being similarly present in the lowermost seed on the left-hand side 
of the strobilus; s, traces of hypogynous staminate disk; b, bracts; J, leaf 
bases. 5. (After Wieland.) 


the genus-name, Bennettites.1 Other forms, usually found 
as casts, are called Williamsonza, still others are known 
mainly as genera founded on leaf imprints. 

144. Cycadeoidea.—In most of its purely vegetative 
characters, such as the anatomy of the stem and the 

Fic. 98.—Cycadeoidea Wielandi. Longitudinal section through the 
axis of a female inflorescence, or cone. J, old leaf-base; d, insertion of 
disc; », erect seed, borne at summit of seed-pedicle inserted on convex 
receptacle; 5, hair-covered bract. (After Wieland.) 

structure of the leaves, Cycadeoidea resembled modern 
cycads, but its reproductive branches were character- 
istically lateral, which is one of the most fundamental 
characteristics of the higher seed-bearing plants of to- 
day. Only two modern cycads (Macrozamia and Bow- 

1 Cycadeoidea Buckland = Bennettites Carruthers. 


enia) have lateral seed-bearing cones (Fig. 95);! in the 
other genera the carpellate cones are terminal (Fig. 96). 
Various structural characters of Cycadeoidea are shown 
in Figs. 92-100. 

In Cycadeoidea dacotensis the “flower,” which in some 
specimens was 5 inches long, was a strobilus, consisting of 
a thick axis on the lower part of which were numerous 



Fic. 99.—Cycadeoidea ingens. Restoration of an expanded bispor- 
angiate cone, or flower, in nearly longitudinal section. Restored from a 
silicified fossil. (After Wieland.) 

bracts arranged in spirals. The bracts surrounded a 
campanula of about 20 stamens. Each stamen was, in 
reality, a pinnately compound sporophyll, about 4 inches 
long, rolled in toward the center of the flower, and bear- 
ing two rows of compound microsporangia (pollen-sacs) 
on each leaflet. They thus closely resembled the sporo- 
phyll of a fern. 

1 The staminate cones of Zamia are lateral. 


The axis of the flower terminated in a cone-shaped 
receptacle, bearing the stalked ovules, and numerous 
sterile scales (Figs. 97 and 98). The mature seeds often 
contain the well-preserved fossil embryos, with two 
cotyledons which quite fill out the nucellus, and show 
that there was little or 20 endosperm. ‘These are char- 
acters never found in the lowest group of modern seed- 

a s j 

Frc. 100.—Cycadeoidea Dartoni. Tangential section through’ outer 
tissues of the (fossilized) trunk, showing the very numerous seed-cones. 
The seeds are very small (the illustration being natural size), and nearly 
every one has a dicotyledonous embryo. There were over 500 such cones 
on the original stem. (After a photograph loaned by Prof. Wieland.) 

bearing plants (the Gymnosperms), but only in the 
highest group of Angiosperms, the Dicotyledons. In 
fact, the French paleobotanist, Saporta, called some of the 
Cycadeoids, Proangiosperms. 

145. Relation of Cycadeoidea to Modern Angiosperms. 
—The question of the ancestry of the Angiosperms is the 
most important problem of paleobotany. Although the 


Hemicycadales possess many of the primitive anatomical 
features that characterize the Cycadofilicales, their 
development of a bisporangiate strobilus with two sets 
of sporophylls, related to one another as they are in the 
flower of the Angiosperms, indicates a genetic relationship 
to that group, as does also the fact that the seeds, enclosed 
in a fruit, possess a dicotyledonous embryo, without endo- 

Fic. 101.—Flower of magnolia. (Cf. Fig. 102.) 

sperm. In other features the Hemicycadales are unlike 
the Angiosperms; the ovules, for example, are enclosed 
by sterile scales, instead of by the carpels on which they 
are borne, and the protrusion of the pollen-chamber 
through the micropyle signifies the gymnospermous type of 

These and other comparisons indicate that the Hemi- 
cycadales were essentially Gymnosperms having certain 


Angiospermous characters, and therefore, while they arenot 

Fic. 102.—Magnolia. 
Flower with perianth 
removed, showing the 
compound pistil, and four 
of the stamens. Most of 
the stamens have been 
removed so as to bring 
out their spiral arrange- 
ment as shown by the 
scars at the points of 
attachment. (Cf. Fig. 

to be considered as the ancestors of 
the Angiosperms, it is probable that 
they and the modern dicotyledons 
are both descended from a common 
branch of theancestraltree. Among 
modern plants, the flower of the 
magnolias most closely resembles 
that of Cycadeoidea in the spiral 
arrangement of its stamens and 
pistils (Figs. 101 and 102). Just 
what significance should be attached 
to that fact has been disputed by 
students of morphology. The older 
view of the systematists regarded the 
primitive flower as more complex in 
structure, with pistils, stamens, and 
floral envelopes arranged spirally in 
centripetal or acropetal succession on 
a fleshy axis, as in Magnolia and other 
flowers of the order Ranales; other 
types of floral structure were con- 
sidered as derived from this one by 

> reduction. This is often referred to 

as the ‘“Strobiloid theory of the 
flower’’ (Cf. pp. 132 and 134). 

A more recent view recognizes 
that simple staminate or pistillate 
flowers may, im some cases, be in- 
terpreted as derived by reduction 
from more complex forms, but re- 
gards the primitive flower as uni- 


sexual—in effect a microsporophyll or a megasporophyll, 
from which complex forms were derived by elaboration. 
This latter view, however, is not in harmony with avail- 
able evidence from fossil plants, such as that afforded by 

“The strobiloid theory of the flower seems in the present 
state of our knowledge to stand alone as a working hy- 


Fic. 103.—Theoretical stages in the reduction (from Cycadeoidea to 
modern Angiosperms) of staminate discs represented as segments. 4A, 
any] common campanulate form with simple stamens (e.g., morning 
glory); B, hypothetical Cycadeoid reduced to a single synangium to each 
frond component; C, inner view of a sector of a Williamsonia mexicana 
disc; D, sector of a Cycadeoidea dacotensis disc with the pair of shoulder 
spurs borne by each frond. (After Wieland.) 

pothesis. If we reject it, we are left without any historical 
clue to the origin of the floral structure of Angiosperms. 
If we accept it, the Primitive Angiosperm must be cred- 
ited with a flower resembling that of Magnolia or Lirio- 
dendron in general plan.”! From this it follows that the 
Magnoliacee must be among the most primitive, if not the 
most primitive, of all Angiosperms, as Wieland first and 
Hallier later and independently pointed out. 

1Sargant, Ethel. The reconstruction of a race of primitive Angiosperms. 
Ann, Bot. 22:121-186. April, 1908. 


The gap between the stamen of Cycadeoidea and the 
type characteristic of modern Angiosperms is partially 
bridged by the genus Williamsonia (which has simple vs. 
pinnately compound stamens), and by another genus, 
Wielandiella, both older genera than Cycadeoidea (Fig. 
103). From this it has been inferred that the Hemicycad- 
ales are a lateral branch, further removed than their 
ancestors from the direct evolutionary stock of the 

146. Origin of Dicotyledony.—Two problems of major 
importance are involved in the question of the evolution 
of Angiosperms, namely, the origin of dicotyledony and 
the origin of monocotyledony. Are dicotyledons more 
ancient than monocotyledons, or vice versa? Again, in 
the evolution of seed-bearing plants was the condition of 
polycotyledony antecedent to that of dicotyledony, or the 
reverse? This would be a comparatively easy question 
to answer if we had an unbroken series of fossil remains 
of the primitive and intermediate spermatophytes; but 
unfortunately such evidence has not yet been discovered. 
We know nothing of the embryos of the geological ances- 
tors of modern conifers. The Mesozoic gymnosperms 
(Cycadeoidea and other related genera) are known to have 
had dicotyledonous embryos, but these forms do not stand 
in the ancestral line of the (polycotyledonous) conifers 
of to-day. To answer our question, therefore, we must, 
for the present, depend largely on the study of living forms. 
The evidence has seemed conflicting, and for nearly three- 
quarters of a century opinion has varied. Adanson and 
Jussieu, in the early nineteenth century, contended that 
polycotyledony was derived from dicotyledony by a split- 
ting of the primordia cf two original cotyledons; Sachs 


(1875) held the opposite opinion. Hill and de Fraine 
(1908-1910) are among the recent protagonists for the 
hypothesis that dicotyledons are the more primitive. One 
of the most recent studies is that by Bucholz! who ex- 

L ‘i K Zt 

Fic. 104.—Development of stem tip and cotyledons in Pinus Bank- 
siana. Dotted line represents plerome of root-tip; shaded area, meristem 
of stem tip; H, J, J, K, fusing cotyledons. (After Bucholz.) 

amined the embryos of pine, spruce, larch, juniper, balsam 
fir, cedar of Lebanon, and others. Many instances of 
the fusion of the primordia of cotyledons were found, but 
no evidence of cotyledonary splitting. This fusion has 
resulted in reducing the number of cotyledons, and, in 

’ Bucholz, John T. Studies concerning the evolutionary status of poly- 
cotyledony. Am. Journ. Bot. 6:106-119. March, 1919. 


certain species, in the formation of a cotyledonary ring, 
or tube. Bucholz interprets the facts set forth by him- 
self and other investigators as leading to the conclusion 
that the more primitive gymnosperms had numerous coty- 
ledons, that their number was reduced by the fusions of 
their primordia and, in some species, a cotyledonary tube 
or ring was formed. ‘‘Dicotyledony was attained either 
by a general fusion of many cotyledons in two groups, or 

Fig. 105.—Polycotyledonous seedlings of dicotyledonous species. A-C, 
Silene odontipetala, with hemi-tricotylous, tricotylous, and tetracotylous 
seedlings; D-H, Papaver Rhoeas (semi-double cultivated form), dicoty- 
lous, hemi-tricotylous, tricotylous, tetracotylous, and pentacotylous 
seedlings; I, Acer Pseudo-Platanus, tetracotylous seedling. (All figures 
re-drawn from de Vries.) 

by an extremely bilabiate development of a cotyledonary 
tube” (Fig. 104). 

The final conclusion of Bucholz, based on the evidence 
of comparative anatomy, supplemented by studies of 
development, is that the polycotyledonous condition is 
the more primitive, and the dicotyledonous one derived. 
On the basis of this theory, the rather common abnormal 
a ppearance of supernumerary cotyledons in dicotyledonous 


seeds is to be interpreted as a reversion to a more primitive 
condition (Fig. 105).! 

147. Origin of Monocotyledony.—Ii the earliest Angio- 
sperms were dicotyledons, as now seems probable, the 
monocotyledons were probably derived from them by 
a process of simplification. Several hypotheses have been 
framed as to how the final result was accomplished, but 
the voluminous evidence and the conclusions can only be 
briefly summarized here. 

For nearly a century it has been generally accepted 
by botanists that the two seed-leaves or cotyledons of 
dicotyledonous plants were lateral organs, originating 
below the tip of the embryonic stem or hypocotyl, while 
the single cotyledon of monocotyledonous plants was 
considered as a terminal organ. The grass family offers 
a casein point. The embryo of Indian corn (Zea Mays), 
for example possesses a well developed cotyledon, called 
the scutellum; there is little or no trace of a second 
cotyledon. The embryos of many other grasses, however, 
possess an organ, the epiblast, homologous in position with 
the scutellum, and regarded by earlier botanists as a rudi- 
mentary cotyledon (Fig. 106). Recent studies of Coulter 
and Land leave little doubt of this as the correct interpre- 
tation of that organ. 

A study by Bruns (1882) of 82 genera of grasses, repre- 

1 According to de Vries (The Mutation theory. 2: 393-456. Chicago, 
1gt0) tricotylous intermediate races do not arise by selection but by 
mutation, tricotyly being the expression of an ancestral character which 
is alent in the normal species. If the normal character is active and 
the anomaly semi-latent we have what de Vries calls a “half-race;”’ if 
the normal character becomes latent and the anomaly active, we have a 
“constant variety.’’? Sometimes an equilibrium is maintained in the ex- 
pression of the normal character and the anomaly, giving rise to a 
“middle race,’ or “eversporting variety.” 


senting 12 tribes, demonstrated the presence of the rudi- 
mentary cotyledon (epiblast) in 29 of the genera, repre- 

Fic. 106.—Diagram of longitudinal sections of grass-embryos (Gram- 
ine) to illustrate the rudimentary cotyledon (epiblast). A-C, E+G, 
redrawn from J. M. Coulter, after Bruns; D, from nature. A, Zizania 
aquatica; B, Leersia clandestina; C, Leptochloa arabica; D, Triticum wul- 
gare; E, Spartina cynosuroides; F, Triticum vulgare; G, Zea Mays; 
s, scutellum; ¢, coleoptile; ¢, epiblast. 

senting nine tribes; later studies by Van Tieghem (1897) 
disclosed the presence of an epiblast in 61 out of 91 genera 
examined. From these figures we may reasonably infer | 


that the majority of the so-called “monocotyledonous” 
grasses possess two cotyledons, one of which is more or less 
rudimentary, and that the grasses are primitive monocoty- 
ledons, representing a transitional stage from dicotyledons 
tothe higher monocotyledons. Monocotyledony, then, as 
stated by Coulter, is simply one expression of a process 
common to all cotyledony, gradually derived from dicotyle- 
dony by reduction, and involving no abrupt transfer of a 
lateral organ to aterminal origin. Variations in the rela- 
tive size of the second cotyledon in grass embyros are 
illustrated in Fig 106. 

Henslow’ was among the first to suggest the origin of 
monocotyledons from dicotyledons.? Previous to the pub- 
lication of his paper, it was generally assumed that mono- 
cotyledons were the older group, and Henslow stated that 
no systematist of his day recognized any real points of con- 
nection between the two groups. He proposed the hy- 
pothesis that the monocotyledons were derived by the 
arrest of the development of one seed-leaf in a primitive 
dicotyledonous Angiosperm;? hence said Henslow, “only 
one elongates, its superior vigour carrying it on ina straight 

1 Henslow, Rev. George. A theoretical origin of endogens from exogens, 
through self-adaptation to an aquatic habit. Journ. Linnean Soc. Bot. 
19 3485-528. May 15, 1893. 

2 The first to make the suggestion appears to have been Agardh, in his 
Lérobok i Botanik, Part I. Maliné, 1829-32. 

3In discussing the origin of Angiosperms, Arber (Journ. Linnean Soc. 
Bot. 38: 29-80. July, 1907) calls attention to the “Law of corresponding 
stages in evolution,” namely, that in the evolution of seed-plants, the stages 
reached by different organs at any one period are dissimilar. From this 
law it follows that such a plant as a ‘‘primitive Angiosperm,”’ in the strict 
sense of the term, that is, with all its organs primitive, never existed in 
reality. We must picture the ancestors of modern Angiosperms as having 
certain organs in a primitive stage of evolutionary development, others 
as more advanced toward the stage in which they are now found. 



line with the suspensor, finally making the cotyledon ter- 
minal.” This he calls ‘‘the real interpretation of a mono- 
cotyledonous embryo.” Henslow further inferred a very 
early origin of monocotyledons from dicotyledons, from 
the fact that so many of their orders contain very few gen- 
nera and monotypic groups, for groups of plants or animals 
with few members, are regarded, in general, as survivals, 
representing a lost ancestry. He recorded voluminous 
observations in support of his theory, and, among other 
evidence, called attention to “ Dicotyledonous monocoty- 
ledons”’ suchas Tamus communis (black bryony), a tuberous 
rhizomed species of the Yam family, where the first foliage 
leaf, situated exactly opposite the cotyledon, is interpreted 
(with Dutrochet) as a second cotyledon; and to ““Mono- 
cotyledonous dicotyledons,” especially among aquatic 
species such as the water-chestnut (Trapa natans), where 
one cotyledon is arrested in its development. Other illus- 
trations, not mentioned by Henslow, include such forms 
as Dioscorea bonariensis and Pinguicula vulgaris (Fig. 107). 
Ranunculus Ficaria is not an aquatic, but it flourishes 
by the waterside, and is regarded by Henslow as descended 
from an aquatic form. About one-third of the orders of 
of monocotyledons are aquatic, as compared to only 4 
per cent. in dicotyledons, and the monocotyledonous dicoty- 
ledons are all aquatic. The final conclusion of Henslow 
is, ‘‘that endogens [monocotyledons] have in the first place 
descended from very early types of exogens [dicotyledons] 
. ; and that, secondly, the more immediate cause of 
their origin was an aquatic habit of life assumed by certain 
primitive exogenous plants.” 
Miss Ethel Sargant has more recently elaborated the 
hypothesis of the derivation of monocotyledons from 


dicotyledons, by a fusion of the two cotyledons into one. * 
On this basis the single seed-leaf of monocotyledons is 
interpreted as homologous to the two seed-leaves of di- 
cotyledons. The evidence supporting this suggestion is 
derived largely from a study of the anatomy of monocoty- 
ledonous seedlings. “The young epicotyl of monocotyle- 
donous seedlings contains a single ring of collateral bundles 
which may even show traces of cambium, much resembling 

Fic. 107.——A-B, embryos of a “dicotyledonous monocotyledon,” A, 
longitudinal section through an embryo of Tamus communis; B, Tamus 
communis, entire (A and B enlarged after Solms-Laubach.). C-G, 
embryos of “‘monocotyledonus dicotyledons;” C, D, Dioscorea bonariensis, 
enlarged (after Beccari); E, Trapa natans, the water chestnut x 34 
(after Barnéoud); F, Pinguicula vulgaris; G, Pinguicula caudata. (F and 
G after Dickson, both greatly enlarged.) 

dicotyledons.” Professor Jeffrey has also called attention 
to evidence that the anatomy of the stem of the hypotheti- 
cal ancestor of the Angiosperms was exogenous (dicotyle- 

Miss Sargant has further pointed out that the few 
dicotyledons which possess but one seed-leaf (pseudo- 
monocots) are widely distributed through the dicotyle- 
donous families, from Ranunculacee to Umbillifere, 

1 Annals of Botany 17: 1-88. Jan., 1903; Botanical Gazette 37: 325- 
345. May, 1904, ana other papers. 



Primulacee, and Nyctaginacee, which indicates that the 
abnormality was not derived by inheritance from a com- 
mon ancestor; its explanation, therefore, must be sought 
in the influence of environment. Professor Henslow, as 
noted above, associated the monocotyledonous tendency 
with an aquatic habit of life, but Miss Sargant points out 
that all the pseudo-monocots possess some underground 
organ whichis thickened as a tuber, suggesting that the signi- 
ficant ecological factor is a geophilous, rather than aquatic, 
habit. In further confirmation Miss Sargant notes that 
of twenty genera having their seed-leaves fused for some 
distance upward from the base, the majority have a 
tuberous hyocotyl. The dicotyledonous may-apple (Po- 
dophyllum), for example, with a geophilous habit has 
partially united cotyledons and a stem anatomy resembling 
that of the monocots. The only exception to correlation 
of this nature is the mangrove (Rhizophora Mangle), 
a tropical tree whose seeds germinate in the air while still 
in the fruit. 

The monocotyledons are separated from the dicotyle- 
dons by seven characters as follows:! 

1. A single cotyledon. 
Development of the embryo. 
Parallel venation of leaves. 
. Short duration of primary root. 
. Seeds with endosperm. 

7. Parts of the flower in threes. 

Of these characters, ‘four have been shown to appear 
frequently among geophytes, and to be useful to the plant 
growing under conditions which determine the geophilous 


1 As enumerated by Miss Sargant. 


habit. They are therefore in all probability adaptations 
to that habit. Two more—stem anatomy and the ap- 
parently terminal cotyledon in the embryo—may be 
considered as direct consequences of such adaptations; 
the stem anatomy acquiring its peculiar features from the 
insertions of numerous broad-based leaves on a squat 
subterranean axis, and the embryonic 
cotyledonary number arising from the 
congenital fusion of two ancestral cotyle- 
dons. Theseventhcharacter—trimerous 
floral symmetry—bears no obvious re- 
lation to the geophilous habit, but is not 
inconsistent with it.” 

Recent evidence as to how monocoty- 
ledony may have been derived from 
dicotyledony has been furnished by a 
study of the embryogeny of Agapanthus 5.,  498.— 
umbellatus L’Her (Fig. 108), a South agapanthus 
African plant of the Lily family. umbellatus. A, 

The sequence of events is as follows.’ a 

mbryo. B, dicoty- 
As the massive pro-embryo enlarges the ee emhaye: 
root-end elongates, thus remaining (Redrawn from 
narrow and pointed; while the shoot-end ae by W. J. G. 
widens, becoming relatively broad and © 
flattish. At this broad and flat end the peripheral cells 
remain in a state of more active division than do the 
central cells, and form what is known as the cotyledonary 
zone. In this zone two more active points (primordia) 
appear and begin to develop. Soon the whole zone is 
involved in more rapid growth, resulting in a ring or 

1The above description closely follows Coulter and Land. The origin 
of monocotyledony. Bot. Gaz. 57: 509-518, June, roT4. 


tube, but with the primordia still evident. The cotyle- 
donary zone continues its growth until a tube of con- 
siderable length is developed, leaving the apex of the pro- 
embryo depressed. At this stage either one of two things 
may occur. As the cotyledonary zone continues to grow, 
the two primordia on the rim of the tube may continue 
to develop equally, forming two cotyledons; or one of the 
primordia may cease to grow, resulting in an embryo of 
only one cotyledon; in other words, the entire cotyledo- 
nary zone may develop under the guidance of only one 
growing point. It is not that one cotyledon is eliminated, 
but the whole growth is diverted into one. There thus 
develops what appears to be an “‘open sheath” and a 
‘‘terminal”’ cotyledon. 

In other words, according to Coulter and Land, mono- 
cotyledony is not the result of the fusion of two cotyledons, 
nor of the suppression of one; but is simply the con- 
tinuation of one growing point on the cotyledonary ring, 
rather than a division of the growth between two growing 
points. In a similar way, polycotyledony is the appear- 
ance and continued development of more than two growing 
points on the cotyledonous ring (Cf. p. 222, and Fig. 104). 

We are not in possession of enough facts to construct 
a genealogical tree showing the derivation of Mono- 
cotyledons from Dicotyledons, nor the derivation of the 
original Angiosperm stock, but the table of Arber and 
Parkin (Table IV, p. 231) shows in a very general pro- 
visional way a possible course of events, and the ap- 
proximate geological period when the various advances 
were made, beginning with the Paleozoic Cycadofilices 

The first step in the immediate evolution of the Angio- 


(After Arber and Parkin) 
' Recent | a 
} q S 
8 3 
: 3 3 
Tertiary > 6 
I Ss ° 
! o & 
r 9 Ranalian plex} us Bs 
i o 
d : Ta 5 | Eu-anthostrobilateae| 5 
Mesozoic ; 3 2s e 
2 F 3 
6) ey , 2 
& | Pro-anthostrobilateae| & 
ees cs q 
Monosporangiateae) @ Amphisporangiateae 
< F | 
: 8 
Palaeozoic 2 
1 be | 
1 o 
i aah 1 
f l Ay i 
| | 
) : | 

sperms, according to Arber,’ was the transfer of the pollen- 
collecting surface from the ovule to the carpel or carpels, 
resulting in the stigma as now known. “It was this act 
which called the Angiosperms into being.” 

Arber does not regard the Apetalous orders (Piperales, 
Amentiferous families, and Pandanales) as primitive 
Angiosperms, for that theory necessitates the view that 
the perianth arose de novo, by enation.” He considers 

1 Arber, E. A. Newell. On the origin of Angiosperms. Jour. Linnean. 
Soc. Bot. 38: 29-80. July, 1907. 

2Cf, ps 132: 


the perianth an ancient structure, present in the ancestors 
of the Angiosperms, and inclosing an axis (‘“‘amphispor- 
angiate cone”’) bearing both megasporophylls and micro- 
sporophylls. Such a structure is called by Arber an 
“anthostrobilus.’ The term “flower,” should be re- 
stricted to Angiosperms, and may be termed an “ew- 
anthostrobilus.” The earlier form of anthostrobilus (such 
as occurs in modern Gymnosperms, and in the Mesozoic 
Benettitee) is called a pro-anthostrobilus. The hypo- 
thetical, direct ancestors of the Angiosperms are called 
“Hemiangiosperme,’ and the possible order of evolu- 
tionary development is conceived by Arber as follows: 

 Raeiepeias Eames and Tertiary (Recent) 

? Eu-anthostrobilate. 

4. Hemiangiosperme 
(Fossils unknown) 

3. Cycadofilices 


2. Heterosporous fern-like 

ancestor Paleozoic—Non-strobilate 
1. Homosporous fern-like ancestors. 


148. Ancestors of the Gymnosperms.—As far back as 
Devonian time, preceding the great coal period (Carbon- 
iferous), fossils have been found of a plant, Cordaites (of 
the order Cordaitales), common in that period, and 
having characters which indicate that it stands in the 
ancestral line of our modern conifers—that it and the 
conifers had a common ancestry. 

The leaves of Cordaites resembled those of the Kauri 
pines (Agathis) of the southern hemisphere (Fig. 109), 
or the leaflets of Zamia. They varied from a decimeter to 
over a meter in length. The male cones resembled those 
of the still living Ginkgo, each stamen having from four 


to six microsporangia (pollen-sacs) on astalk. The female 
cones resembled the male in general appearance, and 
the seeds resembled those of the Cycadofilicales (F ig. 94). 
The plant itself was a slender tree, some forms of which 
attained a height of over 100 feet. The Cordaitales 
formed the world’s first great forests. They represent a 

Fic. 109.—Branch, with cones, of the Kauri pine (Agathis australis). 
(From the Gardener’s Chronicle.) 

wide departure from the Cryptogams, and must be con- 
sidered as true seed-bearing plants. They were closely 
related to the Ginkgo—another living fossil, ranking next 
below the modern cone-bearing trees. We thus ascend 
from the ferns to the conifers by a series of transitional 
forms as follows (reading from the bottom, up): 


Coniferales (modern cone-bearing trees). 
Ginkgoales (primitive gymnosperms). 
Cordaitales (transitional conifers). 
Cycadales (true cycads). 

Cycadofilicales (cycad-like ferns). 

. Filicales (true ferns). 

149. Relation of the Above Groups.—It must not be 
inferred that the above groups were derived one from the 
other by descent from lower to higher. They should be 
interpreted rather as samples remaining to show us, not 
the steps, but the kinds of steps through which the plant 
kingdom has passed in developing the more highly organ- 
ized, modern cone-bearing trees from more primitive forms 
like the ferns. As stated above, it is doubtful if the actual 
transitional forms have been preserved, so that the entire 
history of development can probably never be written. 

150. A Late Paleozoic Landscape.—The frontispiece 
illustrates the kind of landscape that must have been 
common in the latter part of the Paleozoic era along 
sluggish streams in certain regions such as Texas and New 
Mexico. Of the primitive vertebrates then abounding, 
only a few larger types areshown. The dragon-flies of that 
time are known to have had a spread of wing amounting, 
in some cases, to as much as two feet. In the foreground, 
at the left, are representatives of the Cycadofilicales, some 
of them bushy, and others resembling our modern tree ferns. 
At the right are dense thickets of Calamites, the ancient 
representatives of our modern scouring rushes (Equisetum). 
In the background, at the left, are the unbranched, 
Sigillarias, and the branched Lepidodendrons. The Cor- 
daitales, which formed the Devonian forests, were not yet 
extinct, but none is shown in the figure. Other forms, 

HP eens 


ancestors of our modern conifers and angiosperms, must 
be imagined as hidden in the recesses of the forest. 

151. Significance of the Fossil Record.—Before the 
brilliant discoveries in fossil botany, just outlined, were 
made, there had been (as stated in Chapter VI) a general 
tendency among botanists to consider the comparatively 
simple moss-plants as an older type than the fern, and 
that either they or their close relatives were the ances- 
tors of Pteridophytes. As outlined in the same chapter, 
the sporogonium of the moss was regarded as representing 
the form from which, by elaboration of vegetative tissues 
and organs, the sporophyte of the fern was derived. This 
view was clearly expressed in 1884 by the noted botanist 
Na&geli, who considered that the sporophyte of Pterido- 
phytes was derived from a moss-like sporogonium by the 
development of leafy branches. 

A consideration of the fossil record, however, makes it 
difficult to accept this hypothesis. Not only do we find, 
in the fossil forms described above, sporophytes that do 
not bear the remotest resemblance to the moss-sporo- 
gonium, but fossil mosses and liverworts have never been 
positively identified in either the Palaeozoic or the Meso- 
zoic rocks, while the same rocks are rich in fossils of such 
advanced forms as the broad-leaved sporophytes of the 
Cycadofilicales and Cycadophytes. We must not, how- 
ever, hastily conclude, from this lack of evidence, that 
mosses and liverworts did not exist in those early ages. 
Quite possibly they were present when the Paleozoic rocks 
were being deposited, though doubtless not represented by 
the same genera, or at least not by the same species, as 
are now living. 

1Cf., however, p. 172- 


152. Summary of Results.—From what has been said, 
in this and in Chapter VI, we recognize that the method 
of evolution is to be ascertained chiefly by experiment—by 
studying living plants in action; but the course of evolution 
chiefly by the study of comparative morphology, with special 
attention to fossil forms, and supplemented by the facts of 
geographical distribution. Other points are necessary to 
complete the history of the evolution of plants; the above 
paragraphs give only the barest outline of the problem, 
for the entire history is much too long and much too 
difficult to be treated here. To summarize; the facts now 
known have led some investigators to infer: 

1. The origin of Angiosperms from Cycadophyta (pro- 

2. The origin of Cycadophyta from Cycadofilicales. 

. The origin of Cycadofilicales from Primofilices.* 

. The origin of Filicales from Primofilices. 

. The origin of Cordaitales from Primofilices. 

. The origin of Coniferales from Cordaitales. 

An ancestral tree embodying these views is shown in 
Tig. 110. 

What was the origin of the Primofilices? Here, as 
often in every science, we have to acknowledge that 
we do not know; the group is a hypothetical one, and 
some investigators doubt its actual existence altogether. 

153. Other Views.—(a) Other and equally competent 
students of the problem take exception to one or more 
of the six points tabulated above. Not all of their views 
can here be discussed, but mention may be made of 
that first elaborated by Jeffrey, of Harvard University. 

Dun pw 

1 The term Primofilices, not hitherto used in this text, refers to a hypo- 
thetical, primitive fern stock. 


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Qawn of THE Fossit Recoro 


ea ae a ean ra ee a te 

Ancestors of Primofilices 

Fic. 110.—Genealogical tree, showing the ancestral lines of the mod- 
ern plant orders, according to a monophyletic hypothesis. Full ex- 
planation in the text. (Cf. Fig. 111.) 


According to this view, vascular plants appear at the 
beginning of the fossil record as two distinct series, the 
Lycopsida and Pteropsida. The Lycopsida, like the 
modern Lycopodiales, are characterized by the possession 
of small leaves (a primitive character), and by few spor- 
angia on the upper surface of the leaves. The Pteropsida, 
by contrast, like the modern Filicales, are in general, dis- 
tinguished by large leaves, having the numerous sporangia 
on the lower surface. The two groups also have well- 
marked anatomical differences. The Lycopsida reached 
their greatest development in the Paleozoic period, and 
now appear to be on their way to extinction. The Pterop- 
sida, on the other hand, although possessing many repre- 
sentatives in former geological ages, still maintain their 
full vigor, and are considered by this school of paleo- 
botanists to be in the direct ancestral line of our modern 
vascular plants, substantially as indicated in Fig. 111.1 

(b) Greater precaution in drawing conclusions from the 
few known facts has led still other students of fossil plants 
to refrain from endeavoring to connect up the ancestral 
lines, claiming that while they may converge, indicating a 
common ancestry of the known forms in the geologic past, 
on the other hand they may not unite, or at least may not 
all converge toward the same ancestral type. In other 
words, it is suggested that fossil and modern plants had a 
polygenetic origin from the stage of primitive protoplasm. 
Such views are illustrated in Table V (p. 240). 

It is seen from this diagram that our modern ferns have 
a long ancestral history, extending from the present back 

1 Scott restricts the name Lycopsida to the Lycopodiales, and proposes 
a third group, Sphenopsida, incuding the Equisetales, Pseudoborniales, 
Sphenophyllales, and Psilotales. Wieland has recently adduced reasons 
for using the term Hemicycadales, vs. Bennettitales. (Cf. foot-note, 
p. 211.) 



Gomshe rot yledong 

Apetalousfand 9 
‘olypetaljous Y 

Dicotyledonfous oy y 
Angtosperms y 
< g y, ofr> 
me © es ft of off 
29 fe © Y Be AX 
—- BA fee ae 
oO CT ho o ° 
ae EX S o © KS 
<S, A 2 Oo oft 
oN “fos He AE 
as on RB oy 
(eg =O Ex Hy* 
"i 2? Zu sa ee rr 
aan com PA WAne 
Vaal ie © 99 at 
As 42 Cy user" 
je : 

Oe ~-Archigymnospermae 
ovo (Hypothetical) 
Az \« Fe 
o\s Vs e 
le S 
me \e 

Lycopsida.-_... _..-Pteropsida 

Dawn \of the [Fossi/ Record 
OOO ap 

Ancestors of Lycopsida.and Pteropsida 

Fic. r11.—-Genealogical tree, showing the ancestral line of the modern 

plant orders according to a polyphyletic hypothesis. Full explanation 
in the text. (Cf. Fig. 110.) 


to early Palaeozoic times; the same is true of our modern 
cycads, maidenhair tree (Ginkgo), club-mosses (Lyco- 
podiales), and horse-tails (Equisetales). The Coniferales 
may be traced back into the upper Carboniferous period, 
while the most highly developed of modern plants, the 
Angiosperms, appear to have come into existence as late 
as about the middle of the Mesozoic era, perchance as 

TaBLe V 
Ascéndaiic Periods Persistence and relationship of 
y great groups 
wm) {2 
2 EY 
Tertiary £13 3 cs ¥ 
VII. Reign of Angiosperms | Cretaceous FARA 8 2 yg i 
Comanchian |S) Biola] |2 = 
Slo SI lis a 
$102.15 10/010. 8 
Jurassic a 8 _ rs 
VI, Reign of Pro-angiosperms| Triassic io} g giz < 
Permian S| |s Sly 3 
O}..2| egal. 
V. Reign of Acrogens (High-| Pennsylvanian 4 iS as i} 8 
er Equisetes. Lycopods,! Mississippian | Sl eiajS) Pe 
? By o a 3 ° oO 
etc.) 4 SISlaS) 3s 
MD || A eeanasanasconeuaaiied Oo on rAd... F 
IV. Reign of Gymnosperms | Devonian 3 
Silurian 5. Actual Fossil Land Plant rec- 
III. Reign of Early Land ere Begs j 
Plants 4. Primofilices—Early Equisetes 
Ordovician 3. Basal Plant Complex with va- 
riety of species 
Cambrian 2. Differentiation of Dry Land 
Il. Reign of Algze Precambrian and Aquatic Plants 
(Proterozoic) (Fossil Algz abundant) 
I. Reign -of Primitive Life| Old Precam- APossil Alge begin) 
(Hypothetical) Baek 1, Primitive Protoplasm and 
(Archeozoic) Unicellular Life 

In the above table (after Wieland), the groups are to be considered as 

arranged on an unrolled cylinder, projected from a hemisphere; thus the 
phyletic lines are to be pictured as converging below toward the pole, 
and the Cordaitales as coming between the Ginkgoales and Filicales, to 
both of which they are related. 


recently as 20 million years ago. The lateness of their 
appearance and the rapidity with which they have spread, 
until they are now the dominant element in the flora 
of the land, indicate how well they are adapted to their 
environment. “Nothing is more extraordinary in the 
history of the vegetable kingdom,” wrote Darwin to 
Hooker, “than the apparently very sudden or abrupt 
development of the higher plants.” 

“The construction of a pedigree of the Vegetable King- 
dom is a pious desire, which will certainly not be realized 
in our time; all we can hope to do is to make some very 
small contributions to the work. Yet we may at least 
gather up some fragments from past chapters in the history 
of plants, and extend our view beyond the narrow limits 
of the present epoch, for the flora now living is after all 
nothing but one particular stage in the evolution of the 
Vegetable Kingdom.””! 

154. The Element of Geological Time.——How many 
years has it taken for the evolution of the higher Angio- 
sperms—that is, from the dawn of the fossil record in the 
Silurian period to the present? No one knows. From a 
study of the thickness of rock strata, and a knowledge of 
the probable time required for the depositing of those 
strata as sediment on the floor of the ancient oceans, and 
their elevation and denudation to their present condition 
by weathering and erosion, geologists have been able to 
suggest relative measures of geologic time. Paleozoic 
time is Jong, twice as long as Mesozoic time, and Meso- 
zoic time must be at least twice as long as Cenozoic time. 
The actual age of the earth is, however, a problem which 
engages the attention of physicists as well as geologists. 

1Scott, D. H. “Studies in Fossil Botany,” p. 3. 


Sixty years ago Lord Kelvin gave a mean estimate of 
100,000,000 years. With this estimate two geologists, 
Walcott and Geikie, have nearly concurred; but since the 
discovery of radium it has been estimated that certain 
carboniferous iron ores have an age of 140,000,000 years. 

Figures of such magnitude convey but little meaning to 
our minds; they are too large for us to grasp their real 
value. ‘‘Therefore,’”’ as Darwin has said, ‘‘a man should 
examine for himself the great piles of superimposed strata, 
and watch the rivulets bringing down mud, and the waves 
wearing away the sea-cliffs, in order to comprehend some- 
thing about the duration of past time, the monuments of 
which we see all around us.” 


155. The entire question of taxonomic groups is very 
difficult and intricate, and there is at present a consider- 
able difference in opinion and usage, even among those 
equally competent to judge. As set forth in Chapter IX, 
the segregation and sequence of larger groups may be 
based chiefly upon the morphology of living plants, or 
upon that basis supplemented by the findings of anatomy 
(including embryology and histology), comparative life 
histories, and paleobotany.1. Manuals and “‘Floras” of 
systematic botany are, for the most part, arranged upon 
the former basis, which operates at present in the direction 
of conservatism and few changes in connection with the 
largest groups, or phyla. Regard for the evidence from 
other sources is more apt to result in conflict of opinion and 
more frequent revisions in the light of new studies, but it 
is also more apt to result in a closer approximation to the 
truth. In the former case the sequence of groups is 
chiefly based upon complexity of organization, proceeding 
from the simpler to the more complex. On this basis the 
monocotyledons, for example, would precede the dicotyle- 
dons, the order observed in the Manuals. 

In the latter case the sequence of groups attempts to 
indicate or reflect their order of development in time, as 
indicated by the data of paleobotany, comparative life- 
histories, comparative anatomy, and plant geography. 
On this basis the monocotyledons would follow the 

1See, also, p. 236. 


dicotyledons, as being derived from the latter by a process 
of simplification (Cf. p. 223). The structural and ana- 
tomical evidence that eusporangiate ferns are more 
ancient than leptosporangiate ferns is rendered more cer- 
tain by the fact that the earliest fern fossils (in Paleozoic 
rocks) are eusporangiate; the leptosporangiate forms do 
not appear until later, and the fossils belong to families 
closely related to the more ancient eusporangiate group, 
while the fossils of more recent rocks show closer affinities 
with the modern living forms. (See, however, p. 30.) 

In any tabular arrangement including all the great 
groups or phyla every group must, of course, come defi- 
nitely after some one group and precede another. Thus, 
mosses logically fall between the Thallophytes and the 
fern allies; but there is scarcely any evidence that they are 
phylogenetically related to the groups that follow them 
in the table. Strangely enough, there are few well- 
authenticated fossil remains of mosses (and those not 
below the Mesozoic), and it has even been seriously 
suggested that they may have developed from more 
complex groups by processes of reduction and simplifica- 
tions; but there is little, if any, evidence to indicate from 
what higher group they might have been thus derived, 
and the positive, though meager, fossil evidence is suffi- 
cient to render highly improbable, if not to nullify, the 
suggestion of derivation by reduction. 

The old group ‘“Pteridophytes,” of the manuals, 
including the true ferns and their “allies” (horsetails, 
lycopods, and little club-mosses), served a useful purpose 
before the recent researches in fossil botany; but the 
results of those studies have made it impossible consist- 
ently to maintain the group longer in its former con- 


notation. The term “Pteridophyta” may still be used 
to advantage in a more restricted sense, as applying 
to the “true ferns,’”’ while the ‘‘fern allies” naturally 
fall into two other Divisions or phyla, namely the Club- 
mosses (Lepidophyta) and the Horsetails (Calamophyta 
of Bessey, or Arthrophyta of Berry). 

The discovery of the fossil seed-bearing ferns (Cycado- 
filicales) and their fossil and living relatives (Hemicycad- 
ales, Cycadales, Cordaitales, and Ginkgoales), all having 
cryptogamic (i.e., centripetal) wood,! and all the living 
forms distinguished from the other gymnosperns by the 
possession of ciliated motile sperms, suggested the group 
to which Jeffrey has given the convenient and descriptive 
term Archigymnosperme (Early Gymnosperms) :in contrast 
to the Yews (Taxales), Conifers (Pines, Spruces, Hem- 
locks, Firs, Cypress, etc.), and Gnetales, which lack both 
those characters. To this latter group Jeffrey has given 
the name, Metagymnosperme (Late Gymnosperms). 

Other authors have suggested grouping the woody- 
stemmed and comparatively small leaved Cordaitales, 
Ginkgoales, and Coniferales together, and apart from 

1The first formed woody tissue is primary wood or proloxylem. It is 
present when the organ (stem, root, etc.) is young, and its cell walls 
are thickened in rings or spirals and thus it can readily stretch as the 
organ elongates in growth, After growth in length has ceased, or has 
been greatly retarded, secondary wood or metaxylem,forms. The cell 
walls of this tissue have scalariform, reticulate, or pitted thickening, 
and thus they cannot readily stretch. In the vascular cryptogams (e.g., 
Club-mosses and related forms) the secondary wood forms inside the 
zone of primary wood; in the later or “higher” gymnosperms (Metagym- 
nosperms) this order of development is reversed; while in the ferns and 
lower gymnosperms (Archigymncsperms) the earlier development is cen- 
tripetal and the later centrifugal. Thus the mode of development of 
the woody tissue is an index of the evolutionary position of a, given 


the Cycadean series (Cycadales, Hemicycadales (Bennet- 
titales) , Cycadofilicales) which have pithy stems; but some 
of the Cordaitean forms also have pithy stems and com- 
paratively large leaves. Here again, as so often, an 
attempt at a formal classification necessitates drawing 
an apparently sharp line where in fact one does not exist. 
As Professor Jeffrey! has said, the term Archigymno- 
sperme is one of convenience, and like most scientific 
terms falls short of covering the situation. On the basis 
of certain criteria (e.g., the structure of the wood), the 
Ginkgoales appear to be intermediate between the Coni- 
ferales andthe Cordaitales. In fact, as Jeffrey” has pointed 
out, the “living fossil,’ Ginkgo, may be regarded as a 
connecting link or transitional form between the Archi- 
gymnosperme and the Metagymnosperme. 

The relationship of Jsoetes is one of the most difficult 
to determine among all the vascular cryptogams. Argu- 
ments for and against interpreting it as derived by re- 
duction from the Lepidodendron group are given by Lady 
Isabel Browne.? The secondary growth in thickness of 
its stem (in such a dwarfed form) must be regarded as a 
character of long standing, not recently acquired; plants 
in both groups have mucilage cavities. Isoetes resembles 
some of the Lepidodendrales (e.g., the so-called Stigmaria‘) 
in the dichotomous branching of its roots. Other facts 
of structure (e.g., the occurrence of the sporangia on the 
upper side of the leaves) have also been interpreted 

1Jeffrey, E.C Science, N. S. 47: 316. 1918. 

*Jeffrey, E. C. The anatomy of woody ptanls, p. 315. Chicago, 1917. 

3 Browne, Lady Isabel. The phylogeny and inter-relationships of the 
Pteridophyta. New Phytologist 7: 93, 103, 150, 181, 230. 1908. 

4The fossil remains to which the generic name Stigmaria was assigned 
have long been known to be the root-system of Sigillaria. 


as pointing to the origin of Isoetes (by reduction) from 
the Lepidodendrales. One of the most cogent objections 
to this theory is the great amount of reduction which 
must be postulated; moreover, Isoetes has no cone, 
while most of the Lepidodendrales have. The absence 
of secondary growth in thickness of the stem and of a ligule 
on the leaves, combined with the possession of a biciliate 
sperm, in Lycopodium, would tend to preclude its close 
affinity with [soetes. While certain features of sporophyte 
anatomy (e.g., the possession of a ligule) suggest Selag- 
inella, it seems difficult to accept a close relationship 
between Jsoetes and the Selaginellales, since the sperms 
of the latter like those of Lycopodium are biciliate, while 
those of Isoetes are multiciliate. The possession of multi- 
ciliate, sperms and the structure of the archegonia suggest 
affinity with the eusporangiate pteridophytes, and notably 
with the Marattiales. 

Without going further into details which belong to a 
more advanced and technical treatise than this, and 
disregarding certain mooted points, or almost equally 
balanced choices like the one just mentioned, it may be said 
that the following tabular statement (pp. 249-251) reflects 
the present state of our knowledge concerning the rela- 
tionship and developmental sequence (phylogeny) of the 
great Divisions and Orders! of the Kingdom of Plants. 
The same thing is shown diagrammatically in Fig. 112 
(p. 248). The tabular statement aims, not only to indi- 
cate the relationship and sequence of groups, but also to 
help the student define the terms commonly met with in 
the established literature of botany. 

1 Attention is called, in passing, to the uniform termination (-ales) of 
the plant Orders. 



Leaves small, 
sporangia on 
upper aide, 
woody oylinder 


Leaves large, 
sporangia on 
under Bide, 
woody oylinder 
with foliar 



} living planta 

(Lepido~ (Calamo- (Pteridophyte (Spermatophyta } 
phyta) phyta) In restricted 
sense Lower 
a a a 13 
r) o ” oe 
rd 7 
3 4 Ba) a 
: : 
a 4 ge 
Ho ° 
2. Lal 
Dal o ° 
8 Z|. 
a sjo 
a a \|2 
a) a 
4] enclosed| a 
I sperms 3 
1 not u 
; \ ciliated a 
! ! Seed! s a q 
| ! nake! 4 oo 
t { eper! ms tad 
o T hot ray 
ola HH i oiliatea a3 
aa P 28 
aa 3 3 i} cI eo] 2 
ES a I oils 
Lc] oO xf ° 
Bic) | q s 
all ° 
os i=] | ° 
ala|3 8 
A] A] ©} 5 bes 
rt A A 
Stem Stem with|/ Euspor- | Lepto- Eusporan- g tal 
smooth, ridges & || angiate | sporan- giate ; 
leaves joints, giate g 
spirally | leaves With 3 
arranged,| whorled, Without seeds seeds A 
sporangial sporangia ° 
single several EY 

| well known fossil plants 

| foasile of doubtful affinity 


Their apparent affinities and approximate geological distribution 



+ exclusively foasil groups 



Plants without “flowers” —Cryprocams (Nos. 1-5) 
Plant body usually a thallus; sexual organs usually one 

suicy cme niu eA Ree anes te co aaa ss Hd Thallophytes x 
No archegonia 
Chlorophyll-bearinpiny.cgee cs ceeyatoricatarneuk eaaee 6 Alge 1a 
Non-chlorophyll bearing...........0.-... 000. c cece cee Fungi 1b 
Plant body thalloid or leafy; sexual organs usually several 
CONEM ciao a4 gulpe.nle satelite wan WRU Aodh ek ate cn etna Bryophytes 2 

Protonema rudimentary or wanting, 
sporophytes with elaters 

Protonema well defined, 
sporophytes without elaters 

Pha ehigan ity apse fet a . .....Liverworts 2a 

$Se yee ke Biaey esse wiawaas Mosses 2b 
1. Thallophytes 
1a. Alge 
Cyanophycee (Blue-green) Pheophycee (Brown) 
Chlorophycez (Green) Rhodophycee (Red) . 
1b. Fungi 
Myxomycetes (Slime-molds) Basidiomycetes (Spores on stalks) 
Schizomycetes (Bacteria) Including the Basidiolichenes 

Phycomycetes (Molds) Fungi imperfecti (Life histories 
Ascomycetes (Spores in sacs) imperfectly known). 

Including most Lichens 


2-6b, Archegoniates; 2-6c, Embryophyta 
2. Bryophytes 
2a. Liverworts 

Ricciales Jungermanniales 
Marchantiales Anthocerotales 

2b. Mosses 
Spagnales (Peat mosses) Bryales (True mosses) 

Andregales (Black mosses) 


Woody cylinder continuous, (¢.e., without foliar gaps), 
leaves small, sporangia above——LycopsIDA 


3-5, Vascular Cryplogams 
Stem smooth, leaves spirally arranged, sporangia single. Clubmosses 3 
Stem with ridges and joints, leaves whorled, sporangia 
SOV EL Al a ioeninacaenAe wesc ecenneetaln pie eee ees Horsetails 4 
Woody cylinder discontinuous (z.e., with foliar gaps), 
leaves large, sporangia below—PTEROPSIDA 

Without seedse vs ok ces stis sich nodduaiduidie eee ae Seaton Ferns 5 
With seeds—SprRMATOPHYTA (PHANEROGAMS)...... Seed Plants 6 

Ovules naked, endosperm formed before fertilization.Gymnos perms 6 
Sperms ciliated yoso¢ encae paces ce eta den Early Gymnosperms 6a 
Sperms not ciliated........ 0.0... . cc eee Late Gymnos perms 6b 

Ovules enclosed, endosperm formed after fertilization . Angiosperms 6c 

3. Clubmosses (Lepidophyta (Bessey)) 

Lycopodiales Selaginellales 
Isoetales (?) Lepidodendrales (Fossil) 
4. Horsetails (Calamophyta (Bessey), Sphenopsida (Scott), Arthrophyta 
Spenophyllales (Fossil) Calamariales (Fossil) 
Pseudoborniales (Fossil) Equisetales 
5. Ferns (Pteridophyia, in restricted sense; Filicinee). . 
Eus porangiate Leptos porangiate 
Primofilices (Ccenopteridez) Osmundales 
Marattiales Polypodiales 
Ophioglossales Marsiliales 

. Seed-Plants 
(6a & 6b Gymnos perme of Brongniart) 

6a. Early Gymnos perms (Cycadophyta (Nathorst) except Ginkgoales; 
Archigymnos perme (Jeffrey)) 

Cycadofilicales (Fossil) Cordaitales (Fossil) 

Hemicycadales (Wieland) = Ginkgoales 
Bennettitales of Potonié (Fossi/) 


6b. Late Gymnosperms (Conifere (Hallier); Metagymnosperme (Jef- 
frey); Strobilophyta (Bessey)) 
Taxales Pinales 
Araucariales Gnetales 


6c. Angiosperms (Angiosperme; Anthophyta (Braun)) 
Two cotyledons, leaves net-veined, parts of the flower in 5’s or 4’s 

A petale (petals wanting) 
1. Casuarinales 8. Fagales 
2. Piperales 9. Urticales 
3. Salicales to. Proteales 
4. Myricales 11. Santalales 
5. Leitneriales 12. Aristolochiales 
6. Balanopsidales 13. Polygonales 
7. Juglandales 14. Chenopodiales 

Polypetale (petals distinct—wanting in a few exceptional cases) 

1. Ranales 8. Malvales 

2. Papaverales 9. Parietales 
3. Sarraceniales Io. Opuntiales 
4. Rosales 11. Thymeliales 
5. Geraniales 12. Myrtales 

6. Sapindales 13. Umbellales 

7. Rhamnales 

Sympetale; Gamopetale (petals more or less united) 

1. Ericales 6. Plantaginales 
2. Primulales 7. Rubiales 

3. Ebenales 8. Valerianales 
4. Gentianales 9. Campanulales 

5. Polemoniales 

One cotyledon, leaves usually parallel-veined, parts of the flower in 3’s 

1. Naiadales 6. Arales 

2. Pandanales 7. Xyridales 
3. Graminales 8. Liliales 

4. Palmales (Principes) 9. Scitaminales 

5. Cyclanthales (Synanthz) 10. Orchidales 



Bateson, W. Problems of Genetics. Yale Univ. Press. New Haven, 1913. 

Bergson, Henri. Creative Evolution. New York, 1911. 

Candolle, Alphonse de. Origin of cultivated plants. London, 1904. 

Chamberlin, T. C., and others. Fifty years of Darwinism, etc. New 
York, 1909. 

Conn, W.H. The Method of Evolution. New York. 1g00. 

Coulter, John M. Evolution, heredity and eugenics. (School Science 

_ series.) Bloomington, Ill., 1916. 

Darwin, Charles. The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection. 
New York, 1902. (1st Edition, London, 1859). 

Darwia, Francis. The life and letters of Charles Darwin. New York, 
tgor. More letters of Charles Darwin. New York, 1903. 

Delage and Goldsmith. The theories of evolution. New York, 1913. 

Geddes and Thomson. The Evolution of Sex. London and New York. 

Gray, Asa. Darwiniana. New York, 1876. 

Hertwig, O. The biological problem of to-day. (Preformation or Epi- 
genesis?) Eng. translation by Chalmers Mitchell. New York. 
No date. 

Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Thomas Henry Huxley. New 
York, rgor. 

Judd, John W. The coming of evolution. Cambridge (Eng.), 1912. 

Kellogg, Vernon L. Darwinism To-day. New York, 1907. 

Lamarck, J. B. Zoological Philosophy (Eng. translation by H. Elliot). 
London, 1914. 

Lock, R. H. Recent progress in the study of variation, heredity, and 
evolution. 3d. Ed. London, rorr. 

Morgan, T. H. A critique of the theory of evolution. Princeton Univ. 
Press, 1916. 

Osborn, H. F. The Origin and Evolution of Life. New York, 1917. 

Osborn, H. F. From the Greeks to Darwin. 

Pemberton, Henry. The path of evolution. Philadelphia, 1902. 

Seward, A. C. (Editor.) Darwin and Modern Science. Cambridge 
(Eng.), and New York, 1909. 

Thomson, J. Arthur. Darwinism and human life. New York. 

1 Omitting periodical literature 


Thomson and Geddes. Evolution. New York, ro11. 

Wallace, Alfred Russel. Darwinism. 3d. Ed., London, rgor. 

Fifty years of Darwinism: Modern aspects of Evolution. 
New York, 1909. 


Doncaster, L. The Determination of Sex. Cambridge Univ. Press. 

Gates, R.R. The Mutation Factor in Evolution. London, 1915. 

Lotsy, J. P. Evolution by means of hybridization, The Hague, 1916. 

Vries, Hugo de. The mutation theory. Eng. trans. by Farmer and 
Darbishire. Chicago, 1909. 

Vries, Hugo de. Species and Varieties, their origin by Mutation. 
Chicago, 1905. 

Vries, Hugo de. Intracellular pangenesis. Eng. trans, by C. Stuart 
Gager, Chicago, 1910. 

Vries, Hugo de. Gruppenweise Artbildung. Berlin, 1913. 

Weismann, A. Theevolution theory. Trans. by J. Arthur Thomson and 
M.R. Thomson. 2 vols. London, 1904. 


Babcock and Clausen. Genetics in relation agriculture. New York, 1919. 

Babcock and Collins. Genetics laboratory manual. New York, 1918. 

Bailey and Gilbert. Plant breeding. New York, rors. 

Bateson, W. Materials for the study of variation. London, 1894. 

Bateson, W. The Methods and Scope of Genetics. Cambridge, 1808. 

Bateson, W. Problems of Genetics. Yale Univ. Press. 1913. 

Bateson, W. Mendel’s Principles of Heredity. Third Impression. 
Cambridge and New York. 1913. 

Castle, W. E. Genetics and eugenics. Cambridge (Mass.), 1916. 

Castle, Coulter, et al. Heredity and Eugenics. Chicago, 1912. 

Conklin,E.G. Heredityand Environment. Princeton Univ. Press, 1915. 

Coulter, John M. Fundamentals of plant breeding. New York & 
Chicago, 1914. 

Coulter (John M.) and Coulter (Merle C.). Plant genetics. Chicago, 

Ditbkhire, A.D. Breeding and the Mendelian Discovery. London and 
New York, 1913. 

Darwin. C. The variation of animals and plants under domestication. 
2d Ed. New York, rgoo. 


Davenport, C. B. Heredity in Relation to Eugenics. New York, 1911. 

Davenport, E. Principles of breeding. Boston, 1907. 

Doncaster, L. Heredity in the light of recent research. Cambridge 
(Eng.), 1912. 

Mendel, Gregor. Experiments in plant hybridization. Eng. trans. by 
Royal Horticultural Sec. (In Bateson, W., Mendel’s principles of 
heredity. Cambridge, 1909.) The original paper, Versuche sber 
Pflanzen-H ybriden, was published in Verhandlungen des naturforschen- 
den Vereines in Brinn. Abhandlungen IV, Band 1865. Briinn, 

Morgan, T. H. ef al. Mechanism of Mendelian heredity. New York, 

Morgan, T. H. The physical basis of heredity. Philadelphia, rorg. 

Popenoe and Johnson. Applied eugenics. New York, ro19. 

Punnett, R.C. Mendelism. 3d Ed. New York, 1911. 

Thomson, J. A. Heredity. London, 1908. 

Vernon, H. M. Variation in Animals and Plants. New York, 1903. 

Vries, Hugo de. Plant breeding: Comments on the experiments of 
Nilsson and Burbank. Chicago, 1907. 

Walter, Herbert E. Genetics: An introduction to the study of heredity. 
New York, rors. 

Weismann, A. Essays upon heredity and kindred subjects. 2 vols. 
Trans. Oxford, 1891, 1892. 

Weismann, A. The germ-plasm: a theory of heredity. Trans. by W. 
N. Parker and H. Rénnfeldt. London, 1893. 


Bailey, L.H. The Survival of the Unlike. New York, 1897. 

Bower, F.O. Plant life on land. Cambridge (Eng.), 1911. 

Bower, F.O. The origin of a land flora. Cambridge, 1908. 

Campbell, D. H. Plant life and evolution. New York. t1og11. 

Campbell, D. H. Lectures on the evolution of plants. New York, 1899. 

Coulter, J. M. The evolution of sex in plants. 

Jeffrey, E.C. The anatomy of woody plants. Chicago, 1917. 

Scott,D.H. Studies in fossil botany. 2d Ed. London, 1909. 

Scott, D. H. The evolution of plants. New York & London, 1911. 

Seward, A. C. Links with the past in the plant world. Cambridge, 

Seward, A.C. Fossil plants. 3 vols. Cambridge (Eng.), 1898-1917. 

Shimer, H.W. An introduction to the study of fossils. New York, 1914. 

Stopes, Marie C. Ancient plants. i910. 

Wieland, G.R. American fossil cycads. Carnegie Institution of Wash- 
ington, Publication No. 34, Vols. 1-2, 1906. 



De Candolle, Alphonse. Géographie Botanique raisonnée. Geneva, 

Humboldt and Bonpland. Essai sur la géographie des plantes. Paris, 

Huxley, Leonard. Life and letters of Sir Joseph Dalton. Hooker. 
New York, 1918. 

Marchant, James. Alfred Russel Wallace: Letters and reminiscences. 
New York, 1916. 

Scharff, Robert Francis. Distribution and origin of life in America. 
New York. The Macmillan Co. 1912. (Treats chiefly of Animals.) 

Schimper, A. F. W. Plant geography upon a physiological basis. Eng. 
translation by Fisher. Oxford, 1903. 

Thistleton-Dyer, Sir William. The distribution of plants. In Darwin 
and Modern Science, Chapter XVI. Ed. by A. C. Seward. Cam- 
bridge, 1909. 

Wallace, Alfred Russel. Geographical distribution of animals. New 
York, 1876. 

Island Life, 3d Ed. Revised. London, rg11. 

Darwinism. Chapter XII. The geographical distribution of 

organisms. 3d Ed. London, 1901. 

My life. New York, 1906. 

Warming, Eugene. Botany of the Faerées. London, 1901-1908. 
(Especially the chapter on “The history of the flora of the Faerées,”’ 
pp. 660-681). 


American Journal of Botany, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, 
N. Y. 

American Naturalist. The Science Press, Garrison, N. Y. 

Annals of Botany. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 

Botanical Abstracts, Baltimore, Md. 

Botanical Gazette, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Ill. 

Ecology, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, Brooklyn, N. Y. 

Genetics. Princeton Univ. Press, Princeton, N. J. 

Journal of Heredity. Amer. Genetic Association, Washington, D. C. 

New Phytologist, London, Eng. 

Revue général de Botanique, Paris, France. 


Acer Pseudo-Platanus, 222 
Acquired characters, 72 
Acropera, 95 
Adiantum, 9, 21, 22 
concinnum, 25 
emarginatum, 126 
Africa, 145 
Agapanthus umbellatus, 229 
Agassiz, Louis, 85 
Agassiz’s Hypothesis, 84 
Agathis, 232 
australis, 233 
Age and Area, Hypothesis, of, 176 
Aleurites moluccana, 163 
Algz, distribution of, 176 
Alternation, homologous, 135 
of generations, 132 
ontogenetic hypothesis of, 136 
Ambrosia crithmifolia, 149 
Anaphase, 36 
Anatomy, evidence from compara- 
tive, 127 
results of the method of com- 
parative, 129 
Andes, 149 
Angiopteris, 95, 203 
evecta, 204 
Angiosperm, primitive, 225 
Angiosperms, ancestors of the, 210 
Anisosorus hirsulus, 1 
Annulus, 10 
Antheridia, 18, 22, 23 
Anthostrobilus, 232 
Apiéal cell, 126 
Aralia, 156 
Archegoniates, 130 

Archegonium, 18, 21, 24 
Archigymospserme, 245 
Arthrophyta, 245 

Ascaris, 38 

Ash, 113 

Aspidium Filix-mas, 11 
Autochthonous hypothesis, 142 
Azolla, 82 

Azores, 149, 150 

Bananas, 113 
Barberry family, 171 
Beagle, 145 
Bean pond, 186 
Beans, 66, 104, 105, 107 
Bennettitales, 211 
Bennettites, 214 
Berberidacee, 171 
Bibliography, 252 
Biometry, 54 
Biophors, 75 
Birds, dispersal by, 149 
Blakeslee, 52 
Blue eyes, 60 
Blue rose, 73 
Bolivia, 149 
Boston fern, 16, 109, 113 
Botany, the major problem of, 84 
Botrychium Lunaria, 128 
Boveri, 74 
Bowenia, 214 

serrulata, 203 
Bower, Professor, 11 
Bracken fern, 2 
Brake, 2 
Brassica oleracea, 113, 124 

17 257 

258 INDEX 

Bread mould, 80 

Broccoli, 112 

Brousonetia papyrifera, 163 
Brown eyes, 69 

Brown, Lady Isabel, 135 
Brussels sprouts, 112 
Bryophytes, 127 

Bucholz, 127 

Bud-sport, 114 

Bulbils, 16 

Cabbage, wild, 112 
Cacti, thornless, 113 
Calamophyta, 245 
Calla, 80 
Camptosorus rhizophyllus, 15, 17 
Canary Islands, 161 
Cannabis sativa, 163 
Capsella Bursa-pastoris, 95 
Castalia flava, 179 
tetragona, 158 
Cauliflower, 112 
Ceylon, 145, 150 
Character-units, 64 
versus unit-characters, 65 
Chromatin, 36, 75 
Chromosomes, 37 
Chrysanthemum leucanthemum, 154 
Cinnamon fern, 12 
Classification, 121 
evolution and, 122 
Clayton’s fern, 13 
Cliff-cabbage, 124 
Clover, 113 
Coal balls, 204 
Cocos Island, 143 
Coleoptile, 224 
Cone-flower, 114 
Cordaitales, 233 
Cordaites, 232 
Corsica, 144 
Cotyledonary ring, 222 

Cross-fertilization, 25 
Crossing, increased vigor from, 69 
Crossotheca Hoeninghausi, 202, 
Cultivation, escapes from, 163 
Cultures, pedigreed, 59 
Curve of frequency, 106 
Cycadeoidea, 212, 214, 220 
dacotensis, 208, 209, 210, 215, 
Dartoni, 216 
ingens, 215 
Wielandi, 213, 214 
Cycadocephalus Sewardi, 208 
Cycadofilicales, 201, 207 
Cycas circinalis, 212 
Cyrtomium falcatum, 9 
Cystopteris bulbifera, 16 

Darwin, Charles, go, 91 
Darwinism, 90, 92 

mutation theory to, 118 
De Candolle, 144 
Dendrobium attenuatum, 147 
Dendroceros. 174 
Determinants, 75 
Determiner, 64 
de Vries, Hugo, 74, 101, 102 
Diapensia lapponica, 162 
Dicotyledons, monocotyledonous, 


Dicotyledony, origin of, 220 
Dictyota, 135, 137 

dichotoma, 136 
Diervilla, 154 

Lonicera, 155 

rivularis, 155 

sessilifolia, 155 
Differentiation, Dorso-ventral, 20 
Dionaea muscipula, 178, 179 
Dioscorea bonariensis, 226, 227 
Diplazium selanicum, 7 
Diploid, 25, 35 


Disease-resistance, breeding for, 71 
Dispersal, means of, 142 
Distribution, continuous, 168 
types of, 154 
significance of geographical, 139 
Division, heterotypic, 37 
homotypic, 37 
Dodder, 80 
Dominance, law of, 59 
Dominants, 63 
Drosera filiformis, 197, 198 
Drynaria meyeniana, 4 
Dumortiera, 174 

Earthworms, 194 
Egg, 21, 24 
Elementary species, 111 
Elephants, 94 
Elodea, 196 
Enation, 132, 135, 231 
Endemism, 164 
Environment, adjustment to, 41 
fitness for, 93 
fitness of the, 83 
inheritance and, 66 
Epiblast, 223, 224 
Epidermis, 4 
Equinoxes, precession of the, 192 
Eequisetum, 234 
telamateia, 126 
Eriocaulon septangulare, 157 
Eugenia malaccensis, 163 
Eugenics, 76 
Eupatorium, 156 
Evening-primrose, 114 
Evolution and classification, 122 
Evolution, early antagonism to, 91 
experimental, 118 
inorganic, 82 
meaning of, 79 
method of, 84 
organic, 83 


Existence, struggle for, 42 

Experimental evolution, ro1 

Expression, inheritance versus, 40, 

Extinction, factors of, 195 

Factor, 64 

Factors, 65 

Falkland islands, 148 

Fern, life-cycle of a, 35 

Fern, life history of a, 1, 20, 34 
Fertilization, 23, 24, 53 
Fertilization-membrane, 24 
Fimbristylis spathacea Roth, 146 
Fittest, survival of the, 43, 97 
Fleabane, 164 

Foliage-leaf, 10 

Foot, 25 

Forbes, Edward, 161 

Fossil, what is a, 183 
Fossil-formation, conditions of, 185 
Fossil record, significance of the, 235 
Fronds, 4 

Gaertner, 120 

Gametes, 32 

Gametophyte, 33 

Gaps in the fossil record, 193 

Genealogical tree, 23'7, 239 

Gene, 64, 65 

Generations, alternation of, 34 
two kinds of, 33 

Genoa, 144 

Geothallus tuberosus, 174 

Germination, 17 

Germ-plasm, 75 

Ginkgo, 139, 232, 233, 246 
biloba, 168 

Ginkgoales, 246 

Glaciation, effects of continental, 

Gleichenia circinata, 11 

260 INDEX 

Gmelin, 141 Ids, 75 
Grass-embryos, 224 Incrustation, 183 
Gray, Asa, 157 Indian corn, 69, 223 
Green dahlias, 113 Indian pipe, 80 
Green roses, 113 Indigenes, 177 
Groups of plants, the great, 243 Indusium, 8 
Gymnosperms, ancestors of the, 232 Inheritance, 39, 92 
early, 245 and environment, 66 
late, 245 and reproduction, 50 

mechanism of, 73 
versus expression, 40 
versus heredity, 50 
what is, 46 

Tsoetes, 246, 247 

Habit of life, consequences of an 
amphibious, 130 
Half-race, 223 
Hamamelis, 156 
Haploid, 25, 35 
Hawaii, 145, 150 
Hawaiian flora, origin of the, 175 
Hawkweed, 76 
Haworthia sp., 49 
Hedge mustard, 42 
Helix hortensis, 157 
Hemerocallis fulva, 163 
Hemiangios perma, 232 
Hemicycadales, 211, 238 
Hepatice, 128, 172, 174 
Heredity, 45 
experimental study of, 55 
inheritance versus, 50 
Johannsen’s conception of, 67 
Heterozygous, 63 
Hibiscus occuliroseus, 178 
Hieraceum, 76 
aurantiacum, 154 
Hilldebrandia sandwicensis, 178 
Honey-locusts, thornless, 113 
Humbolt, 140 
Hurricane grass, 146 
Hybridizing, artificial, 58 
Hydrangea, 156 

Jack-in-the-pulpit, 80 
Jelly-fish, 194 

Johannsen, 40, 67 

Jordan, 120 

Kale, 112 

Kauri pine, 233 

Keeling Islands, 143 

Kerner, 95 

Kingdom of plants, the great 
groups of the, 249 

Knight, 120 

Kohlrabi, 112 

Kdlreuter, 120 

Krakatoa, 146, 149, 175 

Labrador, 160 

Lagenostema Lomaxi, 205 

Lakes, filling up of, 187 

Lamarck, Jean Baptiste, 89 
Lamarckism, arguments against, 89 
Lamarck’s hypothesis, 86 
Landscape, a late paleozoic, 234 

Lang, 136 
Hydrophytes, 196 Laverinn, 2 
Idants, 75 Leaf, free-living, 82 

Idioplasm, 74 Leersia clandestina, 224 


Lemna, 80 
trisulca, 81 
Lepidodendron, 134, 246 
Lepidophyta, 245 
Leptochloa arabica, 224 
Leptosporangiate ferns, 10 
Lesezyc-Suminski, Count, 20 
Life-cycle, cytological, 38 
Life-histories, evidence from, 125 
Life history, 1, 3 
Linin, 36 
Linkage, 119 
Linnaeus, 121 
Linnaea borealis, 121 
Liquidambar, 156 
Liriodendron, 170, 219 
Lomaria eriopus, 207 
Lonicera japonica, 163 
Loxsoma Cunninghami, 11 
Lunularia cruciata, 173 
Lycopersicum esculentum, 51 
Lycopodium, 134, 247 
complanatum, 128 
lucidulum, 156 
Selago, 128 
Lycopods, 134 
Lycopsida, 238 
Lyginodendron oldhamium, 201, 202, 
Lygodium japoricum, 11 

Macrozamia, 214 
Moorei, 176 
spiralis, 211 

Madder family, 171 

Magnolia, 156, 218, 219 
flower of, 217 

Magnoliacee, 219 

Maidenhair fern, 25 

Maiosis, 37 

Maize, 60, 62 

Malay archipelago, 143, 147, 151 


Malthus, 94 
Marattia Douglasii, 126 
fraxinea, 206 
Marattiales, 247 
Marble, 188 
Marchantia, 173 
polymorpha, 128 
Marchantiacez, 173 
Marsilia vestita, 126 
Matonia pectinata, 11 
Megasporophytes, 129 
Membrane, nuclear, 36 
Mendel, Gregor, 55 
Mendelian ratio, significance of the, 
Mendel, investigations since, 77 
Mendelism, relation of Weismann- 
ism to, 76 
Mendel’s discoveries, 59 
discoveries, value of, 68 
law, applications of, 66 
method, 56 
problem, 56 
Metagymnosperme, 245 
Metamorphism, 188 
contact, 188 
regional, 188 
Metaxylem, 245 
Microsporophytes, 129 
Migrations, plant, 192 
Mistletoe, 80 
American, 96 
European, 96 
Mitchella, 172 
repens, 172 
Mitosis, 36 
Moluccas, 150 
Monoclea, 174 
226, 227 
Monocotyledony, 225 
origin of, 223 



Monophyletic hypothesis, 237 
Morus alba, 163 
Moss-roses, 113 
Mt. Gedeh, 174 
Mt. Washington, 158 
Mucor, 51 
hermaphroditic, 52 
Multiplication, vegetative, 16 
Mutant, rrr 
Mutation and discontinuous dis- 
tribution, 166 
examples of, 111 
Mutation theory to Darwinism, 
Relation of, 118 
value of the, 120 
Mutations, 110 

Nageli, 74, 76 
Naudin, 120 
Nelumbo, 171 
lutea, 171 
nucifera, 171 
Nepenthes ampullaria, 145 
phyllamor pha, 147 
Nephrodium filix-mas, 95 
Nephrolepis, 16, 109 
Nice, 144 
Nicotiana tabacum, 51 
Notothylus orbicularis, 126 
Nymphaeacee, 171 
Nymphaea mexicana, 179 

Oak, 103 
Objections, difficulties and, 97 
Oenothera biennis, 115 
brevistylis, 115, 116 
gigas, 117, 167 
laevifolia, 116, 167 
Lamarckiana, 109, 114 
115, 116, 167 
nanella, 109 
scintillans, 167 


Onoclea, 24, 156 
Ontogeny, 83, 136 
evidence from comparative, 
Odsperm, 25, 33 
Odspore, 25 
Ophioglossum pendulum, 126 
Orchid, seed capsule and seeds of 
an, 172 
Orchidaceex, 171 
Organs, origin of vegetative, 131 
Orton, W. A., 72 
Osmunda, 169, 204 
Claytoniana, 5, 13, 126 
cinnamomed, 12, 154 
Japonica, 154 
regalis, 154 
Osmundacee, 139 

Paleobotany, the scope of, 183 

Paleogeography, 190 

Palisade layer, 8 

Pangens, 74 

Papaver Rhoeas, 222 

Paulownia, 163 

Pea, edible, 61 

Peak of Teneriffe, 161 

Pendulun, illustration of 

Petrifaction, 183 

Petrifactions, 185 

Phaseolus vulgaris, 105 

Phleum alpinum, 162 

Phoradendron flavescens, 96 

Photosynthesis, 8 

Physalis Alkekengi, 50, 51 

Phycomycetes, 80 

Phyllitis, 9 

Phylogeny, 83 

Phymatodes, 7 

Pinguicula caudata, 227 
vulgaris, 226, 227 


Pinus Banksiana, 221 
Laricio, 126 
Strobus, 53 
Pisum sativum, 61 
Plantago major, 95 
Plantain, 95 
Plant groups, sequence of, 130 
Plants, evolution of, 124, 201 
Pleurococcus, 80, 127 
vulgaris, 46, 47 
Plover, American golden, 151 
Pacific golden, 151 
Pluchea faetida, 164 
Polydemics, 177 
Polyphyletic hypothesis, 239 
Polypodiacee, 139, 169 
Polypodium, 7, 8, 9, 12 
punctatum, 6 
venosum, 128 
Polysiphonia, 135 
Porrella, 128 
Potentilla nivea, 161 
Primofilices, 236 
Prince’s Island, 148 
Pritchardia, 165 
Proangiosperms, 216 
Pro-anthostrobilus, 232 
Problem, the modern, 100 
Propagation, 32 
vegetative, 49, 5° 
Prothallus, 18, 19 
Protonema, 17, 18 
Protoxylem, 245 
Prunus Gravesii, 180 
maritima, 180 
Pteridophyta, 245 
Pteridophytes, 244 
Pteridosperms, 201 
significance of the, 206 
Pleris, 9 
aquilina, 2, 8, 154 
longifolia, 6 

INDEX 263 

Pteropsida, 238 

Puccinia glumarum, 71 

Pure line breeding, 68 

Purity of gametes, theory of, 63, 64 

Quercus chrysolepis, 103 
Quételet, 105 

Quételet’s curve, 106, 107 
Quételet’s law, 105 

Race, middle, 223 

Radium, 73, 242 

Ranales, 218 

Ranunculus aquatilis, 86, 87 
Ficaria, 226 

Receptacle, 8 

Reduction, 35 
nature and method of, 36 

Relict endemic, 167 

Relicts, 177 

Reproduction, inheritance and, 50 
sexual, 32, 53 

Rhizoid, 18, 17, 23 

Rhizomes, 3 

Rhizophora Mangle, 228 

Rhizopus, 51 

Rhododendron lapponicum, 159 
terticillatum, 147 

Riccia, 126, 129, 173 
trichocarpa, 128 

Rock strata, classification of, 189 

Rocks, stratification of, 188 

Root-stocks, 3 

Rubiacee, 171, 172 

Rubus chamaemorus, 155 

Rudbeckia sp., 114 

Rust disease, 71 

Salina, 199 

Saltation, orthogenetic, 109 
Salvinia, 82 

Sap, nuclear, 36 


Saprophytism, 80 

Sardinia, 144 

Sassafras, 170 

Scarlet tanager, 151 

Schizaea pusilla, 155 

Schouw, 142 

Schouw’s hypothesis, 141 

Scutellum, 224 

Secd-bearing ferns, discovery of, 


Segregation, Jaw of, 60 
Mendelian, 61, 62 
ratio of, 61 

Selfing, 66 

Self-pruning, 32 

Semon, 143 

Senecio, 148 

Sequoia, 168, 169 
gigantea, 168, 178 
sempervirens, 168, 178 

Seychelles, 145 

Shepherd’s purse, 95 

Shield fern, 11, 95 

Shirley poppies, 113 

Sigillaria, 246 

Silene odontipetala, 222 

Siphonogamy, 133 

Skunk cabbage, 80 

Slate, 188 

Small, James, 147 

Snakes, 87 

Solanacee, 171 

Solanum integrifolium, 50, 51 
nigrum, 50, 51 

Solomon archipelago, 151 

Sorus, 8 

Spartina cynosuroides, 224. 

Special creation, doctrine of, 79 

Spencer, Herbert, 43, 97 

Spencerites, 134 

Spermatophytes, 130 

Sperms, 21, 22, 23 


Sphenophyllum, 184 
Sphenopsida, 238 
Sphenopteris Hoeninghausi, 201 
Spiranthes Romanzofiana, 157 
Spirem, 36 
Spirogyra, 194, 196 
Sporangia, 8, 10, 11 
Sporangiophore, 8 
Spore-production, consequence of 
enormous, 131 
Spores, dispersal of, 17 
germination of, 17, 18 
reproduction by, 32, 50 
Sporophyll, 9 
Sporophylls, 6, 7, 8, 12 
Sporophyte, 33 
steps in the evolution of the, 132 
Sporophytes, 8 
St. Helena, 148 
Stangeria eriopus, 207 
paradoxa, 207 
Sterilization, 14 
progressive, 126, 128 
Stigmaria, 246 
Stolons, 16, 17 
Strawberry, 113 
Strobiloid theory, 218, 219 
Struggle for existence, 94, 96, 153 
Stumps, Fossil tree, 191 
Sunflowers, red, 113 
Sweet flag, 80 
Sweet peas, 66 
Switzerland, 145 
Sykes, Miss, 134 
Symmetry, bilateral, 19 
Symplocarpus fetidus, 155 
Synangia, 209 
Synapsis, 37 
Synizesis, 37 

Taal volcano, 152 
Tamus communis, 226, 227 


Targionia, 173 
Taxodium, 170 
Tectoria cicutaria, 14, 16 
Teneriffe, Peak of, 161 
Tern, arctic, 151 
Thallophytes, 130 
Thomson, J. Arthur, 48 
Thyrsopleris elegans, 11 
Tierra del Fuego, 149 
Time, distribution of plants in, r92 
distribution of plants in geo- 
logic, 193 
table of geological, 190 
the element of geological, 241 
Toad-stools, 80 
Todea barbara, 11 
Tragspiration, 8 
Trapa natans, 226 
Tree ferns, 3 
Tree, hypothetical ancestral, 137 
Treubia insignis, 174 
Triticum vulgare, 224 
Twin-flower, 121 

Unconformity, 189 
versus, 65 
Uriica dioica, 163 
Utricularia, 196 


Vallisneria, 196 
Variation, 41, 93 
and inheritance, fluctuating, 
continuous, 103 
curves of, 109 
discontinuous, 108 


Variation, fluctuating, 103, 106 
illustrations of continuous, 104 
two kinds of, 103 

Variety, constant, 223 
eversporting, 223 

Vascular plants, 8 

Venus fly trap, 179 

Viscum album, 96 

Vries, Hugo de, 74, 101, 102 

Walking fern, 15, 17 
Wallace, Alfred Russell, 90, 166 
Wanakena, 186 
Warming, 145 
Water, dispersal by, 149 
Water buttercup, 86, 87 
Water lily family, 171 
Weismannism, 74 
to Mendelism, Relation of, 76 
West Indies, 146 
White Mountains, 160 
White pine, 53 
Wides, 177 
Wielandiella, 220 
Wiesnerella Javanica, 174 
Williamsonia, 214, 220 
mexicana, 219 
Willow, 32 
Wind, dispersal by, 143 
Wolfia papulifera, 81 
punctata, 81 

Zamia, 215, 232 

Zea Mays, 69, 223, 224 
Zelkowa, 167 
Zygospore, 51 

Zygote, 32, 33