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*Tantus amor florum’ 



In the sixteenth century several botanists interested 
themselves in the plants of the ancient Romans. 
Among them were two able Italians, Pietro Andrea 
Mathioli (1500-1577), whose name has been given to 
the cruciferous genus of stock, and Andrea Cesalpini 
(1519-1603), from whom is named the leguminous 
genus of Caesalpinia. Over Dodoens or Dodonaeus 
they had the advantage of being natives and in- 
habitants of Italy. Their works were studied by 
John Martyn, Professor of Botany in the University 
of Cambridge, who in 1741 published an edition of 
the Georgics with an English translation. His 
works deal with the substance rather than with 
the language of Virgil’s poem. He had been for 
some years in correspondence with Linné, from 
whom he probably received help. Although Linné 
was occasionally in error, a list of the scientific 
names will show how skilfully he had studied the 
ancient Roman writings. Martyn made two or three 
bad. blunders, but his book is a monument of clear 
observation and sound common sense. It was 
followed in 1749 by an edition of the Eclogues. At 



later dates several French botanists published Floras 
of Virgil. In view of more recent discoveries their 
conclusions cannot always be accepted, and, as their 
works have long been out of print, there seems room 
for the present little work. 

The Flora Italiana of Dr. Giovanni Arcangeli 
(and edition, Turin, 1896) is useful in its records of 
the present geographical range of Virgil’s plants. Of 
later knowledge, perhaps the most notable discovery 
is the difference between the Italian and the English 
elms, but Arcangeli was able to accept incidentally 
Boissier’s identification of Virgil's phaselus with the 
plant known in Italy as fagiolo dall’ occhio. Although 
Virgil directs the sowing of it in autumn, even 
Martyn, followed by many editors, identified it with 
the tender French bean, which probably did not find 
its way to Europe before the days of Queen 

It is to be regretted that Conington, who gave 
much thought to Virgil, had little interest in natural 
objects. His notes on plants are sometimes gro- 
tesquely in error. It is, however, to another child 
of the cloister that readers of the ancient pastoral 
poems owe the information that birds follow the 
plough in order to pick up the grain. Unless a 
benevolent ploughman sowed it with his heels, the 
birds must have made a poor living of it. Birds do 
pick up grain, but not behind the plough. Perhaps 
the obituary of the house of Grub could provide a 
more mournful explanation. 

I ought to say that with two or three plants on my 


list I am acquainted only through descriptions and 
figures. On the other hand, I have nearly half of 
them growing in my garden, and others are to be 
found near at hand. 

The addition of plants from Movetum and Copa 
will, I hope, be welcome, and not be taken as 
necessarily involving any view on the authenticity of 
those poems. 





By descent and birth Virgil was not an Italian but 
a Gaul, and at the time of his birth his father was 
not a Roman citizen. Nevertheless, Latin civiliza- 
tion was already entirely at home in the plain of the 
Po, and had brought with it the Hellenic strain 
which runs through the whole of the Eclogues. 
Thus Virgil was not afraid to call Italy his own 
country, even without reference to the share of 
Tuscan blood which he believed to be possessed 
by the men of Mantova. Thus, when he came in 
the second Georgic to celebrate the praises of Italy, 
it hardly needed the extension of the franchise to 
justify him in ignoring the boundary made by the 
Apennines and the little brook of Rubicon. In his 
encomium of Italian valour the Ligurian takes his 
place beside the Marsian and the Samnite, and the 
lakes of Como and Garda are no less Italian than 
the Tyrrhene surge which sweeps into the haven of 

In the youthful Virgil there were two characteris- 

I B 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

tics which were not always at one. He had a native 
love of observation and he had a young man’s passion 
for the beautiful language of the Greek pastoral 

His power of observation may well have been 
inherited, and we can hardly doubt that it was 
encouraged by the parents who made a push to give 
him a gentleman’s education. It was not driven out 
of him by the training in bad rhetoric which poisoned 
for him the last days of his school life. He saw 
natural objects with a clearness which in later days 
sometimes deserted him when he came to describe 
the scenes and incidents of an epic poem. We do 
well to call the Aeneid his greatest work, but its 
greatness is other than that of the Georgics. 

Martyn calls attention to the exactness with which 
his poet characterizes a group of willows, ‘ glauca 
canentia fronde salicta.’ ‘The leaves,’ as he says, 
‘are of a bluish green, and the under side of them 
is covered with white down.’ This is not true of all 
willows, but is true of the species which Virgil had 
in mind. For a more detailed description and an 
attempt to create an exact vocabulary reference may 
be made to the article on ‘Amellus.’ For an attempt 
to give on the authority of authors a clear account 
of a tree of which he can have seen only the fruit we 
may refer to the article on the citron. 

Beside this power of observation, there is in Virgil’s 
earliest work the literary strain which is not always 
in accord with it. Wordsworth has told us that 
English poetry published between the years 1668 



and 1726 does not, with two exceptions, ‘contain 
a single new image of external nature.’ One of the 
exceptions is ‘a passage or two’ in the earlier work 
of Pope. Although Pope and Virgil were destined 
to develop on very different lines, there was a touch 
of likeness in their earlier works, and Pope’s juvenilia 
stand somewhat to Virgil’s pastorals as Virgil’s stand 
to the works of Theocritus and Moschus. Virgil 
seems at times to think less of the objects with 
which he deals than of his desire to reproduce in 
the graver, not to say heavier, language of Rome 
the beauties of the Sicilian poets. My subject does 
not call for any defence of the Eclogues. It might 
else be necessary to contend that the pastoral form 
of these poems is not to be accused of affectation 
or falsehood. It is the vehicle by which a young 
poet expresses his view of beauty and of the purpose 
and passions of life. 

Now when Theocritus tells us that the goat goes 
in quest of cytisus and the wolf in quest of the 
goat, we may well believe that he had seen the goat 
browsing on the shrub and the wolf coming down 
from the hills. But the shrub did not come within 
many miles of Mantova, and, although the possi- 
bility of Alpine wolves occasionally descending upon 
the plain cannot be denied, we cannot be certain 
that Virgil had yet seen one. If Virgil, when he 
wrote the fourth Eclogue, had ever seen a tamarisk, 
he would probably have chosen some other epithet 
than humilis to represent the shrub as the emblem 
of lowly poetry ; for the word might suggest that the 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

shrub itself is never tall, whereas sometimes it is 
almost a tree. 

It must be admitted that even in his more mature 
work Virgil sometimes accepted statements from 
others, and took no pains to see that they were true. 
Thus he had heard that any scion could be success- 
fully grafted on any stock. On the strength of this 
information he fancied pear blossoms covering with 
white the branches of the manna ash, and swept away 
by his poetic fervour conceived of swine champing 
acorns under an elm. Columella tried to save his 
master’s credit in this matter by showing how such 
grafting could succeed. It is, however, manifest 
that in Columella’s subterranean grafting the scion 
makes roots not in the stock, but in the ground, and 
is, in fact, not a grafted scion, but a cutting. 

The names of colours present great difficulties. 
The colour sense, especially in reds and blues, seems 
to have developed rather late in man’s history. The 
yellows are fairly clear, except that there seems to 
be no word which clearly indicates the shining 
yellow of the buttercup. Both croceus, which comes 
from the stigmata of the saffron crocus, and luteus or 
Juteolus, which come from the dye of weld, seem to 
have a dash of orange in them. Virgil in one place 
combines them and speaks of saffron weld. The 
yolk of an egg was always called luteum. Then comes 
flavus, which is used most of fields of ripe corn, but 
also of the yellow sands, an auburn head of hair, and 
gold. Gold is also called fuluum, much as we speak of 
red gold; for of this hue is the tawny hide of the 



lion, and even the less red hide of the wolf. Last is 
gtluus, which is dun, and is used of a horse. 

Then there are white and black. It seems clear 
that Virgil does not distinguish candidus and albus, 
for he applies them both to the same objects. The 
original meaning of candidus was white hot, and it 
therefore implies a shining white, but Virgil applies 
it toa beard and a poplar-tree. Nor can it be made 
out that he distinguishes ater and niger except in 
metaphorical uses. Properly ater seems to be the 
colour of charcoal. There is also a wide extension 
both of black and of white. Of two Sicilians one is 
called black and the other white. A black flower 
need be no darker than violet, and we may say that 
in some contexts white means little more than not 
black and black little more than not white. 

Worst of all are the two words purpureus and 
Jerrugineus. As applied to flowers, the former ap- 
pears to mean no more than bright, a meaning 
which it retains when applied to the light of youth— 
‘lumen iuventae.’ A contemporary of Virgil applied 
the epithet to snow, and I cannot see that Virgil 
ever uses it of a_dark hue, not even when he applies 
it to the breath or soul leaving the body in a violent 
death. On the other hand, ferrugineus, which must 
originally have signified the colour of iron rust, does 
connote some darkness, and clearly Virgil uses it of 
Tyrian purple. He also uses it of the darkness that 
comes over the sun in an eclipse and of Charon’s 
boat. A character in Plautus tells us that it is the 
colour of the sea, and as the sea displays so many 


tie, Mow. 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

colours he was doubtless in part right. It seems, 
however, that none of these uses would make it 
impossible for a Roman to apply the word to some 
shade of red. On the Ayacinthus we cannot rule reds 
out on the ground that Virgil writes of ‘ ferrugineos 

Another difficulty is that we are not always sure 
whether Virgil’s epithet applies to the whole of a 
blossom or part of it, whether to the blossom at all 
or to the leaves or some other part. Sometimes we 
can see him using an epithet as we should not. 
Thus to a Latin the important part of a poppy is 
the seeds, and, because the seeds are small, Virgil 
writes of the small poppy, though the plant will 
out-top a man. Again, as we see in Theophrastus, 
when the stamens and pistils of a flower were large 
they were regarded as a second flower within the 
other. The Greek writes thus, for instance, of the 
lily and the rose. Thus when Virgil writes ‘ pur- 
pureo narcisso’ he seems to me to refer to the 
shining white of the outer perianth; but to some 
he seems to speak of the cup, which Arcangeli calls 
scarlet, and Nicholson, perhaps more correctly, 
scarlet-edged. There can be no doubt that in 
‘pallentes hederae’ the epithet applies solely to the 

From the writers on country affairs, especially 
Pliny and Columella, some help is obtained on these 
points. They also aid us to ascertain things which 
were probably known to Virgil, though they are not 
mentioned in his works. 



It is, perhaps, not superfluous to say that the 
lexicons err at times, not only in their identification 
of the plants, but also in the names of their parts. 
Several examples will be found in the text. One 
may be mentioned here. The lexicons say that both 
palmes and pampinus mean a vine-tendril. In fact, 
they have different meanings, but the meaning of 
tendril belongs to neither. 

It may be well to set forth the various meanings 
of some of the Latin words used of plants, as the 
lexicons are defective in this matter. 

Folium usually means a leaf, but it also is used to 
signify the petals of a polypetalous flower, such as 
the poppy; the ray-flowers of a composite, such as 
the daisy; and the divisions of the perianth in 
monocotyledons, such as the lily. Further, it may 
mean a spray or branchlet of any coniferous tree, or 
the tunics of the bulb in such plants as squills. 

Ramus normally means a branch or bough, but 
Virgil also uses it of the male catkins of the walnut. 

Filum, from its sense of a thread, comes to mean 
the filament of a stamen. Since, by a metaphor 
from weaving, it sometimes signifies the outline or 
contour of a human or other figure, it is used for the 
habit of a plant, and, it would seem, also for its stem. 

Silva may signify the flowering stems of any plant 
that has more than one, such as lupins and Michael- 
mas daisies. 

Cespes, which properly means a sod, may be used 
of a stool—that is to say, a mass of roots in a plant 
which makes offshoots, as the Michaelmas daisy. 



‘ casus abies visura marinos’ (Ge. ii. 68). 
“ pulcherrima . . . abies in montibus altis’ (Ec. vii. 66). 

‘nigra. . . abiete’ (Ae. viii. 599). 

The red or silver fir (Abies pectinata) is common 
on the Alps, and occurs, though seldom in great 
quantity, through the range of the Apennines, where 
Theophrastus notes that it grew to a great size. 
Byron knew it, though not as Virgil’s tree; and in 
the lines, 

‘ But from their nature will the tannen grow 
Loftiest on loftiest and least shelter’d rocks ’ 
(C.H.P. iv. 20), 

he naturalized its German name, a fact overlooked 
by the N.E.D. In a note he adds that it is the 
tallest mountain tree, a statement true of Europe. 
It runs up to a hundred feet. The timber was used 
in shipbuilding, and on account of its lightness pre- 
ferred to all others for masts and yard-arms. 

Since a large mass of this fir as seen in the 
distance looks black, especially against the sky, 
Virgil’s epithet is justified. The Romans, however, 
generally called evergreen trees black in contrast 
with the usually lighter foliage of deciduous species. 

Flower, March to May. 
Italian name, Abete rosso. 




“A. ‘ molli circum est ansas amplexus acantho’ (Ec. iii. 45). 
B. ‘circumtextum croceo velamen acantho’ (Ae. i. 649). 
‘ baccas semper frondentis acanthi’ (Ge. ii. 119). 

Here we have two distinct plants under one name. 
The former is our garden bear’s-breech (Acanthus 
mollis), a scrofularious plant with a dull flower and 
the large leaves which were long thought to have 
suggested the Corinthian capital. In Theocritus the 
carving is in relief on the body of the cup; Virgil 
transfers it to the handles, and perhaps meant it to 
represent the flower spike. The epithet of ‘ mollis’ 
both alludes to the carver’s skill, and distinguishes 
the plant from a kindred species whose leaves end in 
short spines. 

Flower, March to July. 
Italian names, Acanto and Brancorsina. 

The other plant is gum arabic (Acacia Arabica), 
which is not native in Italy, and with us is a green- 
house tree. It is akin to the shrubs whose sprays 
of yellow flowers are in spring imported from the 
Riviera to London, and sold under the name of 
mimosa. These are of Australian origin. The 
flowers of our plant are in globular heads. By 
‘baccas’ Virgil means either these heads or the 
curious seed-pod, which resembles a string of beads. 

In Ge. iv. 123 is the difficult phrase ‘flexi vimen 
acanthi,’ referred by Martyn to the bear’s-breech, 
though neither the substantive nor the adjective well 
fits this plant. He finds an explanation in a story 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

told by Vitruvius, who says that a basket covered 
with a tile happened to be placed upon a root of 
acanthus, and when the plant shot up in spring the 
stalks came up round the basket till they were caused 
by the tile to bend outward. The architect Calli- 
machus, passing by, was struck by the effect, and, 
having to make some pillars at Corinth, imitated it 
in the capitals. The story, probably a fiction, may 
have been known to Virgil, but is not satisfactory as 
an explanation of our passage. It is better to refer 
Virgil's phrase to the gum arabic, and to suppose 
that in favourable spots in Italy, such as the 
Corycian’s garden at Taranto, the plant could be 
grown in the open air with such protection in winter 
as in the north was given to myrtles. With us it is 
a greenhouse tree. 

The robe which Leda made for Helen had a 
woven border representing our plant. 

Flower, spring. 
Italian name, Acacia. 

‘trabibus . . . acernis’ (Ae. ii. 112; ix. 87). 
‘solio . . . acerno’ (Ae. viii. 178). 

The maple (Acer campestre), both in Greece and 
in Italy mainly a tree of the hills, disappears in 
southern Italy, but is found again on the mountains 
of Sicily. Virgil gives it, together with pine and 
spruce, as supplying the timber for the wooden 
horse, and he doubtless thought of them as. trees of 
Mount Ida. In our second passage ‘trabibus’ is used 



of living trees, which form part of a sacred grove of 
Cybele. The maple throne of Evander marks the 
simplicity of the Arcadian exile’s life. Silver and 
gold he had none. 

Maple wood is hard, and was used for the yokes of 
oxen and for writing tablets. It was a favourite 
material with the wealthy for tables, either entire or 
veneered; and Pliny says it was second only to what 
the Romans called citron—that is, the wood of 
Juniperus oxycedrus. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian names, Acero, Chioppo, and Loppo. 

‘nec miseros fallunt aconita legentes ’ (Ge. ii. 152). 
~~~. ‘fallax herba veneni’ (Ec. iv. 24). 

Dioscorides has distressed the commentators by 
saying that there were aconites in Italy, but the 
species to which he refers were probably well known 
as poisonous. Virgil is speaking of a noxious plant 
which was liable to be confounded with a harmless 
one, and probably means the pale yellow monk’s- 
hood (Aconitum anthora), a near relative of our 
own blue and poisonous monk’s-hood, which is sotne- 
times mistaken for horseradish. Virgil might justly 
say that his country was exempt from the danger of 
this plant, for its only claim to a place in the Italian 
flora is that it occurs in the mountains of Liguria. 
There is nothing to show that Virgil had ever seen 
the plant, but he had read of it in the Greek authors, 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

and learnt from them that there was no known 

Flower, July and August. 
AESCULUS: see Robur. 


‘saxa frenunt laterique illisa refunditur alga’ (Ae. vii. 590). 

‘proiecta vilior alga’ (Ec. vii. 42). 

This was a general name for various kinds of sea- 
weed. They are not entirely worthless, for one yields 
a red dye, and Palladius was aware of their value 
as manure. Columella also recommends its use in 
transplanting cabbage. Dulse appears to have been 
unknown. Since much of the seaweed cast up on 
the shore was wasted, and that which was used cost 
no more than the labour of moving it, seaweed came 
to be a synonym for what is worthless. 

‘alia serpyllumque herbas contundit olentes’ (Ec. ii. rr). 

That Virgil is justified in the epithet which he 
assigns to garlic (Allium sativum) no one who has 
sat beside an Italian or Sicilian driver will care to 
dispute. The plant is Asiatic, but early found its 
way into Greece and Italy, and in both countries 
it was regarded as giving both courage and strength 
to him that ate it. In our passage the leaves are 
bruised together with thyme for the reapers’ midday 
meal. This salad included flour and cheese with oil 



and vinegar. Its name was ‘moretum,’ and the 
poem with that title, ascribed to Virgil, supplies this 
work with some names of plants. 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian name, Aglio. 


‘crassis . . . paludibus alni | nascuntur ' (Ge. ii. 10). 
‘tunc alnos primum fluvii sensere cavatas’ (Ge. i, 136). 

The alder (Alnus glutinosa) is a common tree along 
river-banks in most parts of Europe, and goes up to 
three thousand feet above sea-level on the Apennines. 
It is akin to the birch, which in Italy is confined 
to sub-alpine districts and is not mentioned by 
Virgil. The hollowed trunk supplied an early, though 
perhaps not the earliest, form of a boat. It is 
plentiful on the Po, where it seems still to have been 
used for boat-building in Virgil’s days: ‘innatat 
alnus missa Pado’ (Ge. ii. 451). The flowers and 
fruits are in a somewhat inelegant catkin, which 
appears before the leaves. Hence the jilted shepherd, 
in praying for an inversion of Nature, desires that 
the blossoms of the poet’s narcissus may appear 
upon the alder: ‘narcisso floreat alnus’ (Ec. viii. 53). 
Virgil notices the very rapid growth of alder shoots 
in spring (Ec. x. 74). 

Flower, March. 
Italian name, Ontano. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 


‘mollis amaracus illum | floribus et dulci adspirans com- 
plectitur umbra’ (Ae. i. 693). 

The sweet marjoram (Origanum majorana) is a 
North African herb, which has been in our gardens 
since the days of Elizabeth. As it will not stand 
our winters, it is treated here as an annual. It is 
naturalized in Italy, and Virgil may have known it 
as a garden plant. Since, however, the passage 
deals with a miracle of Venus, we need not assume 
this. The plant was used for wreaths. 

Our plant seems to be Shakespeare’s sweet mar- 
joram, though our old writers ascribe sweetness and 
other virtues to the native species also. They belong 
to the labiate order, and are akin to thyme and mint. 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian names, Maggiorana and Persia. 


‘est etiam flos in pratis cui nomen amello 
fecere agricolae, facilis quaerentibus herba ; 
namque uno ingentem tollit de cespite silvam ; 
aureus ipse, sed in foliis, quae plurima circum 
funduntur, violae sublucet purpura nigrae. 
saepe deum nexis ornatae torquibus arae. 
asper in ore sapor : tonsis in vallibus illum 
pastores et curva legunt prope flumina Mellae.’ 

(Ge. iv. 271 sqq.) 
Here we have Virgil describing solely from his 
own observation a plant of his own district with 
what we may presume to be a Gallic name. It does 


not extend into southern Italy, and it is clear that 
Columella never saw it, and mistook Virgil’s descrip- 
tion of it. There seems to be no certain mention of 
it in any other ancient author. 

The plant is the Aster amellus of Linnaeus, one of 
the many species to which our gardeners have given 
the name of Michaelmas daisies. Virgil had no 
technical vocabulary for botanical descriptions, but 
in this case he almost creates one. The flower is a 
composite, the head consisting of disk flowers and 
ray flowers. His name for the disk is flos ipse, and 
his name for the ray flowers is folia, a word which 
Ovid applies to the petaloid perianth of a lily, just 
as @vAAopv is one name for a petal. What gardeners 
call the stool—that is, the mass of roots and sub- 
terranean stems—is ‘ cespes,’ and the stems which 
rise from it are the ‘ingens silva.’ When Virgil 
says that in the ray flowers purple shines under dark 
violet, he seems to indicate a particular shade of 
purple or violet for which there was no name. Our 
earlier translators made sad work of a passage which 
is as clear as Virgil’s vocabulary could make it. 

The Mella is a tributary of the Po, which rises 
in the mountains above Brescia, and Virgil here 
refers to its upper course, for the plant does not 
descend into the plains. It grows on the sides of the 
valleys, and is conspicuous in August and September, 
when the grass has been shortened by mowing or 
grazing. We may take ‘tonsis ’ in either sense, for 
the effect is the same. The latter sense seems more 
likely, for, although the plant is not full grown at 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

the time of the hay harvest, it is tall enough to be 
topped by the scythe. Moreover, it affects the slopes 
rather than the level ground. ; 

Under cultivation and through hybridizing amellus 
has developed many varieties. In many of them 
the disk has taken the colour of the rays. 
Whether it ever does this in the wild state I do 
not know. 

Virgil recommends boiling the roots in wine as 
a remedy for bee disease. The taste, as he says, 
is rough, and the Brescian bee-keepers may have 
known their business when they gave the root to the 
sick bees. 

Flower, July to October. 
Italian names, Amello and Astro. 

‘ferat et rubus asper amomum’ (Ec. iii. 89). 
‘Assyrium ... amomum’ (Ec. iv. 25). 

Virgil cannot have known this East Indian shrub, 
which is akin to the banana and the plantain, 
though he knew the balsam which it produced. It 
is cardamom (Amomum cardamomum), and the 
spice yielded by its seed capsules fetched a high 
price at Rome. It has been cultivated in our stoves 
for nearly a hundred years, but its brownish flowers 
are not very attractive. 

Flower, summer. 
Italian name, Cardamomo. 




‘florem bene olentis anethi’ (Ec. ii. 48). 
‘vetus adstricti fascis pendebat anethi’ (Mor. 59). 

In our first passage Virgil follows the Sicilian 
poets, and probably did not know what plant he 
meant. In Greek the name usually meant dill; but 
it’ may well be doubted whether in Sicily, where 
this plant was not native, the name was not applied 
to the nearest native species. This was fennel (Foeni- 
culum vulgare), a common plant in the lower ground 
of Italy and Sicily. When it was gathered the 
bunches were dried in the sun and used in cookery. 

In Pliny and other writers our name means ‘dill’ 
(Anethum graveolens). The dried leaves were used 
to flavour soups. 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian name, Finocchio (fennel). 
Aneto (dill). 

‘virides apio ripae’ (Ge. iv. 121). 
— ‘apio crines ornatus amaro’ (Ec, vi. 68). 

The lexicons call this plant parsley, but they are 
certainly wrong, as Virgil’s epithet alone should 
have shown them. His plant is smallage or celery 
(Apium graveolens), the Greek oéAwov, which gave 
its name to the Sicilian city. Celery likes to grow, 
where Virgil puts it, with its toes in water; while 
parsley, nowhere known as a wild plant, naturalizes 
itself, as Hooker says, ‘on castle walls and in waste 

17 c 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

places.’ In a wild state celery is rank, coarse, and 
unwholesome; but it has been much improved by 
cultivation, and the bitterness, to which Virgil 
refers, is annulled by blanching the leaf-stems. For 
this purpose we earth it up, but Columella and 
Palladius recommend the use of a ‘cylindrus,’ which 
in this context clearly means a sea-kale pot or some- 
thing like it. 

The leaves were used in garlands and chaplets. 
An Italian scholar has in his possession a wreath 
taken from the heart of a mummy made in the 
fifteenth century B.c. It is composed of alternating 
leaves of celery and buds of the blue water-lily of 
the Nile. 

Theophrastus refers to what seem to be cultivated 
varieties, and regards the plant as an effective 
remedy for the stone. 

Flower, June. 
Italian name, Sedano. 


‘arbutus horrida’ (Ge. ii. 69). 

“~ ‘vos rara viridis tegit arbutus umbra’ (Ec. vii. 46. Cf. 
Ec, iii. 82 ; Ge. i. 148 ; ii. 69, 520; iii. 301 ; iv. 181). 

The arbute (Arbutus unedo) is a tree of the 
Mediterranean region, which extends northwards 
to Killarney. It is called the strawberry-tree from 
a superficial resemblance in the scarlet fruit, called 
by Lucretius ‘puniceus’; but the tubercles on the 
surface are not, as in the strawberry, the seeds. 



Pliny’s name of ‘unedo’ was supposed to mean that 
he who ate one would never eat another, but Italian 
peasants do eat it when it is quite ripe. Both leaves 
and fruit seem to have been a favourite food of 
goats—‘ dulcis depulsis arbutus haedis’ (Ec. iii. 82). 
Virgil makes bees feed on it (Ge. iv. 181), but the 
flowers come too late in the year to be of much use 
for honey. The bark of the stems is very rough, 
and to this Virgil’s epithet alludes. Hurdles were 
made of the wood (Ge. i. 166). 

In our gardens the tree will grow to the height 
of ten feet, and in autumn displays both flowers and 
ripe fruits. 

Flower, autumn. 
Italian names, Albatro and Corbezzolo. 

‘urit enim campum lini seges, urit avenae’ (Ge. i. 77). 
““«steriles nascuntur avenae’ (Ec. v. 37). 
‘steriles dominantur avenae’ (Ge. i. 154). 

The two plants are of different species, but the 
Romans gave them one name, and held that the 
wild oat (Avena fatua) was a degeneracy from the 
cultivated oat (A. sativa), or from barley. 

The oat is not a plant of southern climates, and in 
the central peninsula was probably cultivated only 
in Cisalpine Gaul, where Virgil, as a boy, must have 
seen it, and on the northern slopes of the Apennines. 
He was thus able to confirm the observation of 
Theophrastus that it ‘runs’ or exhausts the soil. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Columella says it should be cut green for fodder or 
hay. In comparing it to a wild plant the Greek 
authority does not mean that it was not cultivated, 
but refers to what he calls the many husks of the 
seed. The wild oat occurs all over Europe, and has 
increased in our cornfields since the beginning of 
the war. It is probable enough that the name of 
‘avena’ was used of other grasses. 

Although the straw of the oat can be made into 
a musical instrument, it is probable that our poets 
in dealing with it have not always had their eyes on 
the object. It was enough for them that Virgil used 
‘avena’ of the pastoral instrument. Hence Spenser 
speaks of the shepherd who broke ‘his oaten pipe,’ 
Shakespeare of shepherds piping on ‘ oaten strawes,’ 
and Milton of ‘the oaten flute.’ Of these three poets 
Milton was the most musical, and in this case the 
most inaccurate. A single straw could not be made 
into a flute, and even as a pipe could hardly make 
the woods resound in praise of Amaryllis. The fact 
is that ‘avena’ as a musical instrument is the pan- 
pipe, the accompanist in this country of the now, 
alas! obsolescent Punch and Judy show. This 
consisted of seven pipes, sometimes perhaps oaten 
straws, but more often reeds or kexes—‘septem 
compacta cicutis fistula’ (Ec. ii. 36). The single 
pipe was despised by a shepherd of musical powers, 
and left to those whose use it was ‘stridenti 
miserum stipula disperdere caronen’ (Ee. iii. 27), or 
to ‘ grate on their scrannel pipes of wretched straw.’ 

Within the memory of men living half a century 


Avena and Avena Sterilis 

ago pan-pipes of straw were still made in remote 
parts of Oxfordshire, but even at that time the 
Punch and Judy men seem always to have employed 

Italian name, Vena. 

hederas passim cum baccare’ (Ec. iv. 19). 
“baccare frontem cingite’ (Ec. vii. 27). 

The name covers at least three species of cyclamen, 
only one of which, C. repandum, flowers in the 
spring. The other two species are autumnal, and 
geographically seem not to overlap, C. Europaeum 
not growing south of Lombardy and C. Neapoli- 
tanum not north of the Apennines. In Lombardy 
the former still bears the name of ‘ baccare,’ but 
in the Apennines the only name I have ever got 
from the peasantry for either of the other species 
is ‘scacciabile,’ which doubtless refers to the purga- 
tive power. An allied species, C. hederaefolium, 
with a paler flower, is naturalized here and there 
in southern England. There is still considerable 
confusion in the nomenclature of these species. 

The blossoms of the sowbreads, to give them their 
English name, are still made into nosegays and 
wreaths, not only in Italy, but also in the Tyrol, 
where children throw bunches of them into coaches 
and carriages and look for a reward. It is possible 
that there are districts where the flowers and the 
tubers are used, as they were in Theophrastus’ time, 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

for love charms. The plants are hardy in this 
country and easy to cultivate in shade and leaf 
mould, to which it is well to add a little lime. They 
seed freely, but seedlings take some years to flower. 

In our second passage Virgil treats the blossom as 
a prophylactic against curses and ‘ overlooking.’ The 
Greeks used the powdered corm as a love charm. 

The lexicons will have it that ‘baccar’ is the 
foxglove, though, as a native, that plant does not 
come nearer to Italy than Sardinia, and there seems 
to be no evidence that it was ever cultivated. More- 
over, it is not well suited for a chaplet. 

Visitors to Tivoli may find our plant on Monte 
Catillo above the railway station. 

Flower: C. Europaeum, June to October. 
C. repandum, April and May. 
C. Neapolitanum, September and 
Italian names: Pan-porcino, Pan-torreno, and 


‘late fundentes brachia betae’ (Mor. 72). 

The wild beet (Beta maritima) supplies nothing 
that is useful to man, but under cultivation it has 
developed what are called the roots of beet and of 
mangel-wurzel. Our passage shows that in Roman 
times the leaf also had increased in size, though 
probably not to the length of a yard or so, as in 
the modern variety known as Chilian beet. There 



were two kinds, of which the red must have been 
like our beet and the white like our mangel. As 
a vegetable neither was held in much account. 
What was most valued was the leaf of the species 
now called B.cicla. Columella describes this species 
as having green leaves and a white root. 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian name, Bietola. 


‘undantem buxo spectare Cytorum’ (Ge. ii. 437). 
‘torno rasile buxum’ (ib. 449). 

The box (Buxus sempervirens) is a rare native of 
Italy, as of England, but was largely grown in 
gardens, and suffered much from the topiary art. 
Virgil’s line seems to imply a preference for it in 
its natural state, though he knew the woods of 
Cytorus, a mountain in Paphlagonia, only through 
his Greek authorities. 

The slow-growing and hard wood is useful for 
various purposes. Virgil speaks of it as made into 
a frame for ivory (Ae. x. 136), and into a top 
(Ae. vii. 382); while the ‘buxus Berecyntia matris 
Idaeae’ (Ae. ix. 619) is a musical pipe. The cheapest 
form of writing tablets was made of boxwood and 
wax. Dennis mentions an Etruscan wreath of box 
sprays which was found in a tomb, but the Greek 
authorities do not seem to refer to box as a coronary 

It seems to have been the box and not, as Virgil 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

implies, the yew that gave the bitterness to Corsican 

Flower, March and April. 
Italian names, Bosso and Bossolo. 


The Greeks, from whom this word was borrowed, 
use it as a generic name for reeds, and distinguished 
many species, among which are our own common 
reed, Phraginites communis, sweet flag, Acorus 
calamus, and the fine grass, sometimes known as 
wood small-reed, Calamogrostis epigeios. Some 
of the Roman prose writers on country matters 
use the name generically of reeds and specifically 
of the sweet flag. In the poets it seems also to 
stand for the whole or part of the stem of a reed 
as put to some use, or, like the English halm, of the 
stem of some other plant, for instance, the lupin 
(Ge. i. 76). Virgil uses it once of reeds used as vine- 
props (Ge. ii. 358), once of an arrow (Ae. x. 140), 
and some eight times of a musical pipe. Virgil can 
hardly have failed to know the sweet flag, which 
grows on the Mincio as a native, and seems to 
have been imported for cultivation across the 

‘mollia luteola pingit vaccinia caltha’ (Ec. ii. 50). 
By a mistake Linnaeus gave this name to the 
‘marsh marigold, which, though a native of Italy, 

Caltha, or Calta 

cannot be Virgil’s plant. Corydon’s nosegay, of 
which it forms a part, could hardly be gathered at 
any one season, and gives us no guide to the flower- 
ing time of our plant. Not much is said of ‘caltha’ 
by our early authorities. For Virgil’s epithet Colu- 
mella substitutes flammeola, with a reference to the 
fiery orange tint of the bridal veil. From Pliny we 
learn that our plant had a strong scent, both in the 
leaves and in the blossom. All this points to the 
common pot marigold (Calendula officinalis), an 
African, brought early into cultivation for its use 
in condiments. The yellow ray flowers are still 
used in soups, and the plant has naturalized itself 
here and there both in Italy and in England. 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian names, Calendula and Fiorrancio. 

‘segnisque horreret in arvis | Carduus’ 
(Ge. 1. 151; cf. Ec. v. 39). 
Thistles are reckoned by Virgil among the plagues 
sent by the gods into the cultivated fields in order 
that the farmer might not have too easy a life. It 
is probable that several species are covered by the 
name, but in Italy, as with us, the worst enemy is 
the common field thistle (Carduus arvensis). It 
increases rapidly by means of stolons, and is hard 
to eradicate, because any broken bit of them will 
produce roots and stems. It is well that the flowers 
are often barren. Thus we may put aside Dr. Wood- 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

ward’s calculation that a thistle three years old 
might have five hundred and seventy-six million 

Another candidate is Centaurea solstitialis, St. 
Barnaby’s thistle, a yellow-flowered annual very 
common in Italian cornfields. It is occasionally 
found in England, where the seeds have been intro- 
duced with those of lucerne. This, however, seems 
to be ‘ Tribulus,’ q.v. 

Pliny and other later writers give the name of 
‘carduus’ to the esculent cardoon (Cynara cardun- 

Flower, summer. 
Italian names: Astone (Carduus). 
Spino giallo (Centaurea). 

‘carice pastus acuta’ (Ge. iii. 231). 
‘tu post carecta latebas’ (Ec. iii. 20). 

Possibly several of the larger sedges are included 
in this name, but the best claim to be Virgil’s plant 
is owned by that which still bears the names of 
‘carice’ and ‘caretta.’ This is Carex acuta, which 
is common in Italy and its islands. The flowering 
stems are some three feet long, and the leaves equal 
them. It is rather common on the Thames and 
other English rivers, and, as Virgil implies, no satis- 
factory food for cattle. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian names, Carice, Caretto, and Nocca. 



A, ‘humiles casias’ (Ge. ii. 213). 

‘casiae virides’ (Ge. iv. 30; cf. Ec. ii. 49). 

B. ‘nec casia liquidi corrumpitur usus olivi’ (Ge. ii. 466). 

The two plants are quite distinct. The first is 
a spurge-laurel (Daphne Gnidium), akin to the 
spurge-laurel and the mezereon of our gardens. It 
is a native of Italy, but seems not to occur on the 
eastern side of the Apennines. It has a white flower, 
which Virgil commends to bee-keepers, and a small 
red berry, very acrid, but used in aperient pills under 
the name of ‘granum Gnidium.’ The flowers were 
used in garlands. 

The second plant is the cinnamon of the Bible 
(Laurus cinnamomum). It is an Oriental plant, and 
was not cultivated in Italy, but the aromatic bark 
was imported. It was used as a scent by men who 
liked scent, with oil when used as an unguent, and 
together with myrrh in funeral pyres. 

Flower of Daphne, July to September. 
Italian names of Daphne, Dittinella and 


‘altae castaneae’ (Ge. ii. 14). 
~~~‘ castaneas molles’ (Ec. i. 82). 
_ > ‘eastaneae hirsutae’ (Ec. vii. 53). 
“s¢castaneas . . . nuces’ (Ec. ii. 52). 

The sweet chestnut (Castanea sativa) is a tree of 
uncertain provenance, for the fruit of which the 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Latins had no single name. Pliny says, with some 
reason, that it should rather be classed with the 
glandes than with the nuces. The epithet of ‘ hirsutae’ 
refers to the prickly covering and ‘molles’ to the 
roasted kernel, which was a common article of food. 
Pliny thought little of it, and was surprised that 
Nature had taken so much pains to protect so poor 
a fruit. The best variety was known as Corellia, 
and was supposed to have originated from a graft, 
in which both stock and scion were of the same tree. 
Chestnut bread was especially eaten by women at 
fasting seasons. 

In autumn the large leaves completely cover the 
ground under the trees, whence comes Milton’s 

‘Thick as autumnal leaves that strew the brooks 
In Vallombrosa.’ 

The chestnut was largely used for cutting in a 
young state, the growth renewing itself rapidly, and 
the stakes being much used as props for vines in 
a ‘vinea.’ We still grow it in this way as material 
for fences. 

The timber of full-grown trees was useful in build- 
ing, but some Roman architects objected to its 
excessive weight. 

Flower, June. 
Italian name, Castagno. 




‘odoratam stabulis accendere cedrum ’ (Ge. iii, 414). 
‘effigies . . . antiqua e cedro’ (Ae. vii. 177). 

The cedar of Lebanon was not known to the 
ancient Italians, and did not come to England until 
the year 1683, though it seems that before that the 
name was given to some other conifer. Virgil’s tree 
is Juniperus oxycedrus, a native of central and western 
Italy, and is hardly more than a shrub, though it 
sometimes runs up to twelve feet. In earlydays wooden 
statues were made of it. The purpose of burning 
it in stables was to keep away snakes. Circe worked 
at her loom by the light of a fire of perfumed juniper 
(Ae. vii. 13). Virgil also couples the wood with 
cypress as building and other timber (Ge. il. 443). 
The shrub refuses to grow satisfactorily in our 

Flower, February. 
Italian name, Appeggi. 


‘ceparubens . . . famem domat’ (Mor. 83). 

The onion, Allium cepa, is probably a native of 
Beluchistan, and had broken into several varieties 
before the time of Aristotle. Its Italian uses were 
much as ours. As a vegetable it was sometimes 
served in a thick fish-sauce. 

Flower, June. 
Italian name, Cipolla. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘pullulat ab radice aliis densissima silva | ut cerasis’ 
(Ge. ii. 17). 

Virgil makes no, mention of the cherry which is 
indigenous in the woods of Italy. This is the gean, 
a tree without suckers, and with a dark and some- 
what harsh fruit, from which is descended the 
morello. Virgil’s cherry is Prunus cerasus, which 
produces many suckers, is rather a bush than a tree, 
and affords a red and juicy fruit. It is the origin 
of most of our cherries. The Romans held that it 
was introduced into this country by Lucullus in 
73 B.C., but it seems never to have taken rank as 
a first-rate fruit. It was thought that they were 
best gathered with the morning dew on them. 
Eaten stone and all they were accounted a remedy 
for the gout. 

Flower, April. 
Italian name, Visciolo. 

‘cerinthae ignobile gramen ’ (Ge. iv. 63). 

Honeywort (Cerinthe aspera) is a common plant 
in Italian fields and woody places, and is still called 
‘cerinta.’ It is allied to our garden lungworts, and 
like some of them has leaves spotted with white. 
The flowers are yellow, with a purple base. Virgil 
joins it with balm as material for an ointment in- 
ducing a swarm of bees to settle in a hive. 

The epithet applied to it is difficult, for in habit 



and blossom the plant seems no more to deserve 
it than many others which he names. It has been 
explained as an allusion to the general distribution 
of the plant, but this is unsatisfactory. It seems 
possible that Virgil refers to the little account made 
of honeywort in the works of the Greek botanists. 
One is reminded of ‘the little northern plant, long 
overlooked,’ which Linnaeus chose to bear his own 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian names, Cerinta, Scarlattina, and Erba- 


‘ disparibus septem compacta cicutis | fistula’ (Ec. ii. 36). 

‘fragili cicuta’ (Ec, v. 85). 

Umbelliferous plants are notoriously difficult to 
identify, and Virgil may have used our word of any 
plant of that type which Shakespeare and North- 
amptonshire folk call kexes—any large plant of the 
order with hollow stems. It seems likely that what 
was used for executions at Athens was not hemlock 
but cowbane, to which Linnaeus gave the name of 
Cicuta virosa. This cannot well be Virgil’s plant, 
for it is rare in Italy, and confined to the lands north 
of the Apennines. The Latin cicuta was, however, 
a poisonous plant, and may well have been what we 
call hemlock (Conium maculatum). If so, Linnaeus 
has transposed the names, giving to hemlock the 
Greek name for cowbane and to cowbane the Latin 
name for hemlock. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Hemlock is found throughout Italy and Sicily. 
In a luxuriant state its stems would be too large for 
a pan-pipe, but the smaller stems were of the right 
size. Technically cicufa came to mean the piece 
of stem between two joints of reed. 

The plant is sometimes six feet high, and may 
usually be recognized through the purple blotches 
on the smooth stem. 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian name, Cicuta. 

‘tellus | mixta . . . ridenti colocasia fundet acantho’ 
(Ec. iv. 20). 

The caladiums, as our gardeners call them, of 
which Virgil’s species is Colocasia antiquorum, the 
Indian taro, are akin to the arum or ‘lords and 
ladies’ of our woodlands. In Virgil’s time they 
were grown in Egypt, and the esculent roots im- 
ported to Rome. They are not very good eating, 
and Dioscorides recommends boiling them to make 
them less sharp to the palate. According to Pliny, 
the large leaves were made into the drinking cups 
which Horace and Didymus call ‘ ciboria.’ In later 
days the plant was introduced into Italy, but, except 
in the extreme south, it had to be protected with 
mats against hard weather. In Sicily it has estab- 
lished itself by the sides of streams. 

Some of the American caladiums appear in state 
at the Royal Horticultural Society’s shows, and have 



a violent sort of beauty, which commends them to 
the stoves of Dives, but they do not excite the envy 
of a mere Corycian. They have, however, some 
value in sub-tropical gardening. 

Flower, spring. 

Italian name, Colocasia. 

‘exiguo coriandra trementia filo’ (Mor. go). 

Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) is an umbel- 
laceous plant, a native of the East, and cultivated 
in very early times for the sake of its seeds. These 
seeds are mentioned in the Book of Exodus. They 
were used medicinally and in cakes. The word 
‘filum’ is used of the habit of a plant or possibly 
of the stem. Our plant has a slender stem, and the 
poet’s description contrasts it with such stout kins- 
men as ‘ ferula.’ 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian name, Coriandola. 

‘lapidosa . . . corna’ (Ae. iii. 649 ; Ge. ii. 34). 

The cornelian cherry (Cornus mas), near akin to 
our dogwood, is a native of Greece and Italy. It 
grows to the height of fifteen feet, and in March its 
yellow flowers are conspicuous on the leafless boughs. 
It seems to have been for the sake of its flowers that 
it was first cultivated, for Theophrastus tells us that 

33 2 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

the fruit of the wild form was sweeter and better. 
It is good for preserving, but in my garden is usually 
cut off by frost. 

Virgil’s epithet cannot mean more than that the 
fruit has a stone. He can hardly mean to speak ill 
of it, for he says, though here he must be in error, 
that it was sometimes grafted on the sloe. It is true 
that in our first passage the marooned Achaemenides 
complains that he had to live on ‘victum infelicem, 
bacas lapidosaque corna’; but it must be remem- 
bered that he might regard even a fairly good fruit 
as unnourishing when it was his only food. The 
boy who plays the micher and eats blackberries, 
though he likes them well enough, would be sulky if 
on his coming home at night his mother said there 
was nothing in the stew-pot. Pliny, indeed, had no 
great fondness for cornels, for he says that they were 
dried in the sun, like prunes, just to show that there 
was nothing not created for man’s belly. 

In the early days of Rome the stem of the tree, 
‘bona bello cornus’ (Ge. ii. 448), was made into a 
lance shaft. Hence in poetry ‘cornus’ sometimes 
means a lance (Ae. ix. 698, xii. 267). Better material, 
such as the ash, was afterwards employed. Usually 
the timber was too small for anything but wedges 
and the spokes of wheels. For these its hardness 
made it fit. 

Flower, February. 
Italian names, Corniolo and Crogniolo. 



“~ inter densas corylos’ (Ec. i. 14). 
‘edurae coryli’ (Ge. ii. 65). 

The hazel, Corylus Avellana, gets its specific name 
from the Campanian town of Abella, where possibly 
the filbert was first grown. The slopes of Palestrina 
were also famous for nuts, which were therefore 
often called ‘nuces Praenestinae.’ Virgil makes no 
mention of the fruit, but Theophrastus compares its 
flavour to that of olive-oil. 

The tree was grown for firewood, and in Tuscany 
you may still see women carrying home large faggots 
of it standing upright in baskets bound to their 
backs. Virgil forbids the planting of it among vines 
(Ge. ii. 299). The reason is that its roots spread 
and take much out of the soil. When the goat was 
sacrificed as an enemy to the vines (2b. 390), the 
spits on which the entrails were roasted were made 
of hazel wood, and it may be supposed that these 
spits also, as the product of an enemy to the vine, 
were afterwards consigned to the flames. 

Catkins, winter; female flower, March. 
Italian name, Nocciuolo. 


‘crocum ... rubentem’ (Ge. iv. 182). 

‘picta croco ... vestis’ (Ae. ix. 614). 
Of the crocus a dozen species are found in 
Italy, but Virgil’s plant is only the saffron (Crocus 
sativus), which gets its name from an Arabic word 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

for yellow. The perianth of the flower is purplish, 
but the stigmata, from which the dye comes, are, as 
Martyn says, of the colour of fire. It must, I think, 
be to the stigmata that Virgil’s epithet applies. The 
dye is too distinctly yellow, and a yellow blush would 
exceed even the ancient capacity for confounding 

As a native plant the saffron extends from Kurdi- 
stan to the Mediterranean, and some botanists regard 
it as a native of Italy. Arcangeli, however, says 
that it is only naturalized in his country, and Virgil 
seems to hold that opinion, for he says that the 
saffron perfume came from Tmolus, a range of 
mountains in Lydia. Theophrastus, however, holds 
that the best was made in Aegina and in Cilicia, 
but he adds that the plant was plentiful about 
Cyrene in North Africa. The Cilician brand was 
generally preferred at Rome. 

The product of the stigmata had three uses: as 
a scent, as a dye, and as an ingredient in cookery. 
As a scent it is coupled in the Song of Solomon with 
spikenard, and at Rome mixed with wine it was 
used as a spray in the theatres and on the floors 
of rooms. Jt was also put into a pot-pourri. As 
a dye for clothing it was regarded as somewhat 
Oriental and luxurious. Virgil makes the fierce 
Numanus, a primitive Italian, taunt the followers of 
Aeneas with their yellow and purple robes: ‘ Vobis 
picta croco et fulgenti murice vestis’ (Ae. ix. 614). 
Nevertheless, Virgil must often have seen women 
at least wearing it. For its abiding use in cookery 



we may refer to the clown in The Winter's Tale, 
who must have saffron, he says, to colour the warden 
pies, but nowadays it seems to be supplanted by 

Tennyson’s line, 

‘And at their feet the crocus brake like fire,’ 

must refer to C. aureus, which is not found in Italy. 
It is the parent of our yellow crocuses. Our large 
purple crocuses come from C. versicolor, which 
grows in the hills by Nice and Mentone. 

Flower, autumn. 
Italian name, Zafferano. 


‘tortus ... per herbam | cresceret in ventrem cucumis’ 
(Ge, iv. 121). 

The cucumber (Cucumis sativus) was of Eastern 
origin and in early cultivation, and a lodge in a 
garden of cucumbers is the Oriental equivalent of 
Tony Weller’s pike. Virgil’s phrase is precise. 

Some kind of garden frame, ‘speculare,’ was used 
by Roman gardeners, but it is not clear whether as 
early as Virgil’s time. Columella says that frames 
gave Tiberius his cucumbers in winter, and Martial 
(viii. 14) implies that these ‘specularia’ were no 
rarities under Domitan. 

Flower, summer. 
Italian name, Cetriolo. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘gravis in latum demissa cucurbita ventrem’ (Mor. 76). 

The original country of the pumpkins and gourds 
is in some doubt. The kind named in our line is 
perhaps Cucurbita Pepo, which was brought from 
the Levant to England in the reign of Elizabeth. 
By Columella’s time there were several varieties in 
Italy, perhaps some species and others hybrids. 
Pumpkins were cheap food, and an economical or 
niggardly entertainer could make of one fruit a dozen 
different dishes by cutting it into different shapes 
and cooking the sections in different ways. 

Flower, summer. 
Italian name, Zucca. 


‘ coniferae cyparissi’ (Ae. iii. 680). 

‘Idaeis . . . cyparissis’ (Ge. ii. 84). 
‘vittis atraque cupresso’ (Ae. iii. 64). 
‘ferales . . . cupressos’ (Ae. vi. 216), 

‘quantum lenta solent inter viburna cupressi’ (Ec. i. 26). 

The cypress (Cupressus sempervirens) seems to 
have travelled westward from the Taurus moun- 
tains, and Virgil may be right in taking it for a 
native also of the Caucasus (Ge. ii. 443). In speak- 
ing of cypresses of Ida (1b. 84) he seems to have in 
mind the belief of Theophrastus that the tree was 
native in Crete. In travelling by railway in Italy 
you may often descry on the hillside a square en- 
closed by cypresses, whose fastigiate growth makes 


Cupressus, or Cyparissus 

them easy to recognize at a considerable distance. 
The square is a cemetery, and you remember that 
Virgil’s epithet for the tree is ‘ feralis’ (Ae. vi. 216). 
The association of the cypress with funerals seems 
to be unexplained, for we can hardly accept Varro’s 
view that the trees sheltered the mourners from the 
smell of the burning body. The timber was used in 
house-building (Ge. ii. 443). 

The cypress is probably a long-lived tree. When 
Mrs. Piozzi visited the famous garden at Verona in 
the year 1785 she asked how old the cypresses were, 
and was told between four and five hundred years. 
On visiting the garden some twenty years ago I put 
the same question to the custodian and received the 
same answer. To such consistency as this a change- 
able mortal can but make a humble bow. 

The meaning of ‘coniferae,’ as applied to our tree, 
was disputed by the ancient commentators. Some 
were for the obvious sense of cone-bearing. The 
cones of the cypress, which are about an inch in 
diameter, though less arresting than those of a fir, 
are distributed over the whole tree. Other authori- 
ties, pointing to Ovid’s ‘metas imitato cupressus,’ 
considered Virgil to mean that the leafy part of the 
tree was shaped like the turning-post in a chariot race. 

The cypress was sometimes grown to support 
vines. In that case it was recommended to plant 
the vine at some distance from the tree and train 
it accordingly. 

Flower, April. 
Italian name, Cipresso. 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

“s ¢florentem cytisum ’ (Ec. i. 78, ii. 64). 

“sic cytiso pastae distendant ubera vaccae’ (Ec. ix. 31). 

~~‘ nec cytiso saturantur apes’ (Ec. x. 30). 

‘tondentur cytisi’ (Ge. ii. 431; cf. Ge. ili. 394). 

Virgil’s plant (Medicago arborea) is not wild in 
the Cisalpine, and he probably made his first ac- 
quaintance with it in the poems of Theocritus. In 
Sicily it is somewhat common, and Theocritus 
mentions it as food for goats. The plant, however, 
is a native of Tuscany, and, as it was evidently con- 
sidered valuable, it may have been cultivated in 
Virgil’s country. It is a tallish shrub, akin to the 
clovers. Virgil’s epithet seems to imply that as food 
for goats it is best in the flowering season, which is 
from May to July. Theophrastus says that it is 
destructive even to trees, and it seems to have 
hungry roots. 

The fourth passage suggests that, as cattle and 
goats are fond of the plant, farmers do well to 
grow it. 

Flower, May to July. 

[I have never heard and cannot find any Italian 
name for this plant. The name of cttiso has been 
transferred to the laburnum.] 


‘dictamnum ... puberibus caulem foliis et flore coman- 
tem | purpureo’ (Ae. xii. 412). 

Here we have a plant which Virgil can hardly 
have seen, and whose description he took from 



others. The plant is Origanum dictamnus, a little 
shrub with pink flowers, which is akin to marjoram. 
The leaves, as Virgil says, are covered with thick 
wool. Theophrastus was informed that they spoke 
truth who said that if goats ate it when they had 
been shot it ejected the arrow. With more truth 
Pliny says that the leaves had some power to cure 

The plant was brought from Crete to England in 
the reign of Edward VI., but our winters are too 
hard for it, and it is not in general cultivation. 

Flower, summer. 
Italian name, Dittamo. 


‘sanguineis ebuli bacis’ (Ec. x. 27). 

The danewort, or dwarf elder (Sambucus ebulus), 
is a very common weed in Italy, and still bears the 
name of ebbio. It is rather like the elder, but is an 
herbaceous plant, not a tree. The reddish-black 
berries give a blue dye, but their colour, when 
smeared on fresh, might be called red. It is said 
that statues of Pan were painted red. 

The plant has established itself here and there in 
England, whither legend says it was brought by the 
Danes. It is supposed to have been used by them 
like woad as a dye for the human skin, 

Flower, June. 
Italian names, Ebbio, Lebbio, and Colore. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘venerem revocans eruca morantem ’ (Mor. 85). 

This little cruciferous plant, though called rocket 
in some books, really has no English name. In 
actual use the name of rocket is applied to some 
species of brassica and hesperis. Our plant is Eruca 
sativa, which in early spring bears a whitish flower 
tinged with violet. It grows in fields and open 
places, and its leaves are gathered for use in salads, 
In this country it seems not to be in cultivation. 

Flower, February to May. 
Italian names, Rucola and Ruchetta. 

‘quam pingui macer est mihi taurus in ervo’ (Ec. iii. 100). 
This species of vetch, Vicia ervilia, is closely akin 
to the lentil, but its flowers are pinkish, while those 
of the lentil are white and smaller. Unlike the 
lentil, it is regarded as a native of Italy, and is 
cultivated there as fodder for cattle. 
Flower, June. 
Italian names, Mochi, Capogirlo, and Zirlo. 

‘vere fabis satio’ (Ge. i. 215 ; cf. Ge. i. 74). 
On the season for sowing the field bean (Vicia 

faba) Virgil is not at one with the ancient Italian 
authorities, who commend October or November. 



But Virgil was a Gaul, and in the land of the Po 
the bean was sown in February. 

Italian botanists believe the bean to be of Asiatic 
origin, while other authorities hold that it was de- 
veloped from some native vetch. In Sicily the 
young seeds are regarded as a fruit and eaten raw, 
the outer skin being first removed. 

Virgil recommends that in the rotation of crops 
wheat should follow beans, ‘laetum siliqua quassante 
legumen.’ The advice is sound, for it is now known 
that leguminous plants have the property of fixing 
the nitrogen of the air. 

The meaning of ‘siliqua quassante’ is disputed. 
I believe Martyn to be right in seeing a reference 
to the method of threshing beans. The halms are 
laid on the edge of the threshing-floor, and pushed 
across it by the feet of three or four men, who as 
they go beat the halm with sticks. The beans drop 
on to the floor, the halm is bundled at the other end 
of the floor, and winnowing is needless. 

Beans were ground into meal, on which swine and 
other beasts were fed. As food for man it took the 
lowest rank, though it seems to have been frequently 
eaten by artisans. 

Flower, April to June. 
Italian name, Fava. 

_ ‘patulae recubans sub tegmine fagi’ 
™ (Ec.i. 1; cf. Ec. ii. 3, iii. 37, ix. 9; Ge. i, 173, ii. 71). 
This name is etymologically identical with beech, 
and in Latin and English keeps its meaning, which, 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

if it be connected with ¢ayeiv, refers to the esculent 
mast. In Greek the name was transferred to the 
Valonia oak. 

The beech (Fagus silvatica) is native to a trian- 
gular region of which the points are Cilicia, Spain, 
and Norway. Theophrastus says that in Latium 
the beeches were splendid, and from them was 
named the spur of the Esquiline called Fagutal. 
Virgil’s epithet is well illustrated by the great tree 
at Knowle with its diameter of over a hundred feet. 

The wood is used for carpentry and carpenter’s 
tools and for bowls and cups. Menalcas prizes the 
beechen cups carved by Alcimedon, possibly a friend 
of Virgil, whom he took this occasion to compliment 
(Ec. iii. 37). When Cowley and Wordsworth speak 
of the beechen bowl as characteristic of country life, 
they probably follow Virgil, for in England the 
maple was mostly used for this work. The fruit 
or mast of the tree is included under the name of 
‘ glans,’ which also covers the fruit of all oaks. The 
strength of the timber causes Virgil to recommend 
the use of it for the staff of the plough. Thin planks 
of it can, however, be bent, and thus it was the 
usual wood for making the circular bookcases called 

Groups of beech-trees were sometimes allowed to 
stand until the trees were old and as timber worth- 
less. We may hope that the love of beauty was in 
part the cause of this uneconomic course, and regret 
that it now has less force in Italy. Although Virgil 
habitually blends Sicilian and Cisalpine scenery, it 



looks as though ‘the old beeches, now broken tops,’ 
of the ninth Eclogue were a landmark on his Man- 
tovan estate. Against this view it must be admitted 
that nowadays the tree does not descend to so low 
a level above sea. The shepherd in the fifth Eclogue 
disfigures a young beech by cutting his song on it, 
words and tune, and Gallus in the tenth may be sup- 
posed to use the same tree for his 
‘Woeful ballads 
Made to a mistress’ eyebrow.’ 

Beech bark could be used as writing material, and 
some editors think that the shepherd so used it. 

Flower, April. 
Italian name, Faggio. 

‘robusta .. . farra (Ge. i. 219). 
‘flava... farra’ (ib. 73). 
‘farre pio .. .’ (Ae. v. 745). 
‘mola ... testatur deos’ (Ae. iv. 517). 

‘adorea liba’ (Ae. vii. 109). 

Spelt (Triticum spelta) is an inferior variety of 
wheat (T. vulgare). The legend that wheat was the 
invention of Osiris may perhaps mean that wheat 
was developed from spelt in Egypt. Spelt was the 
original corn of the Romans, and was never sup- 
planted by wheat in ceremonial and sacrificial use. 
Hence ‘ confarreatio’ was the original and remained 
the most binding form of marriage. The grain was 
called ‘ ador,’ and the cakes made of it had associa- 
tions like those of our pancakes and hot-cross buns. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Coarsely ground, partly roast, and mixed with salt, 
it was called mola, and used in sacrifices and incan- 
tations (Ec. viii. 84). In our third passage Virgil, 
like Horace, uses ‘far’ in the sense of mola. From 
the latter comes the verb ‘immolo,’ to sacrifice. 

Spelt is still cultivated in Italy on soils where 
wheat fails. The covering of the grain is as ad- 
hesive as that of barley. 

The ‘donatio adorea’ was in old agricultural 
Rome the reward of a soldier for gallantry. Thus 
‘adorea’ came to mean victory, and is so used in 
a fine line by Horace, who calls the day of Metaurus 

‘qui primus alma risit adorea.’ 

Like other esculent grasses, spelt broke into 
several varieties. The best and whitest was grown 
about Chiusi, but another white kind gave a heavier 
crop. The kind called ‘rutilum’ had of course a 
reddish grain, and was held in less account. 

Italian name, Spelta. 

‘florentes ferulas et grandia lilia’ (Ec. x. 25). 

This splendid umbelliferous plant (Ferula com- 
munis), though not very common in Italy, is widely 
distributed over the lower altitudes. The dark 
green and finely divided leaves make a fine mound 
in spring, and the flowering stem rises to six feet 
and in cultivation much more. It was held that 
this stem was the means by which Prometheus con- 



veyed fire from heaven, and the pith of it is still 
used as tinder. Like the lily, it is in flower from 
May to July. It grows well in our gardens, though 
the earliest leaves are apt to be damaged by frost, 
and it becomes a little ragged before the summer 
is gone. 

Pan’s garland in our passage is one which a man 
of little courage would hardly wear, but a god had 
the appropriate stature. Images of Silvanus repre- 
sent as large a chaplet. 

In a dried state the stem was the school cane, 
the mildest instrument of corporal punishment, the 
climax being ferula, scutica, flagellum. It was also 
an old man’s walking-stick, and, if it was so used in 
Greece, perhaps ought to supplant the clouded cane 
in the Westminster Play. 

Flower, April to June. 
Italian name, Ferula. 


‘filicem curvis invisam .. . aratris’ (Ge. ii. 189). 

The bracken (Pteris aquilina) was as common in 
Italy as it is with us. The stout rhizomes go very 
deep and increase very fast. Though a modern 
plough would make little of them, they could 
doubtless be an obstacle to that which Virgil de- 
scribes, and which is still used in the backward 
districts of southern Italy. 

Bracken was useful as litter for sheep (Ge. iii. 297) 
and probably also for cattle, as it still is in Sussex 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

and other parts of England. Pliny says that the 
rhizomes were given to swine to fatten them. 

Italian name, Felce aquilina, 


‘humi nascentia fraga’ (Ec. iii. 92). 

The wild strawberry (Fragaria vesca) is abundant 
in the hilly districts of Italy and Sicily. Although 
the large strawberry had been developed before 
Linnaeus assigned the specific name to our plant, 
it seems not to have been a Roman plant. The 
fruit of the wild kind was valued below its merits. 
Of all table fruits it grew closest to the ground. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian names, Fragola and Fravola. 


~—~ ‘fraxinus in silvis pulcherrima’ (Ec. vii. 65). 
‘ingens | fraxinus’ (Ge. ii. 65). 
‘fraxineae .. . trabes’ (Ae. vi. 181). 

The ash (Fraxinus excelsior) deserves Virgil’s 
epithet and its specific name, for it out-towers the 
manna ash, and is sometimes nearly a hundred feet 

The timber had many uses. Poles of the younger 
growth were used as supports for vines. 

The leaves, like those of the elm, were habitually 
stripped as food for cattle (Ec. ix. 60), as they still 



are in some parts of northern England. In Italy 
the hot summers often cause a lack of herbage. 

Flower, March and April. 
Italian name, Frassina. 

Ge. i. 134, 150, 176, 189, ii. 205, iii. 176; Ae. iv. 406. 
This is a general name for corn, especially spelt 
and wheat, and when used without qualification 
usually means wheat. Etymologically the word 
seems to stand for frugimentum, and so is connected 
with frux, fruor, fructus, and fruit. 

‘lentae .« . genistae’ (Ge. ii. 12). 
‘humiles . . . genistae’ (2b. 434). 

The fine yellow flowers of the Spanish broom 
(Spartium junceum) have long been an ornament to 
our gardens. It is common in southern Italy, and 
and is found also in the north. It grows on the 
plains and on dry and stony river banks. Virgil 
counts it among bee plants. The rush-like and 
almost leafless branches were used for withs to tie 
up bundles and stalked fruits. Pliny adds that it 
yields a yellow dye like its near kinsman, the dyer’s 
greenweed, which abounds in the Weald of Sussex. 
Since the shrub grows to the height of eight feet, 
a group of it might afford shade to the shepherd, 
as it does in our second passage. 

It is possible that the name may include also 

49 z 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

the common broom (Cytisus scoparius), which is 
common in the lower ground of Italy, and especially 
magnificent round the ruins of Veii. It is highly 
probable that it also includes the dyer’s greenweed 
(Genista tinctoria), which must certainly be the 
plant of the ‘ Pervigilium Veneris.’ All leaves have 
flowers like enough in shape and colour to justify 
the Romans in giving them one generic name. 

Flower, April to July. 
Italian names: Ginestra and Maggio (Spar- 
Amareccioli, Estrici, Rug- 
giulo, and Ginestra de’ 
Carbonaj (Cytisus). 
Baccellina, Braglia, Cerretta, 
and Ginestrella (Genista). 


‘ fluvialis harundo’ (Ge. ii. 414). 
‘hic viridis tenera praetexit harundine ripas | Mincius’ 
(Ec. vii. 12). 
‘harundine glauca’ (Ae. x. 205). 
“~~ ‘agrestem tenui meditabor harundine Musam’ (Ec. vi. 8). 
‘letalis harundo’ (Ae. iv. 73). 

Under this name there seem to be included two 
species, Phragmites communis, the common reed, 
and Arundo donax, the great reed. The former 
covers large tracts of ground in most temperate and 
some tropical regions, and it is a frequent fringe to 
river banks. When Virgil calls his river green he 
may be thinking not only of the banks but of the 



reflection of the reeds in the water. The reddish 
panicle of the reed turns grey in autumn, as is im- 
plied in our third passage. 

Of the reed could be made pan-pipes and the 
shafts of arrows. Plautus and other writers refer to 
the use of it as thatch. Pliny seems to say that it 
was so used mainly in the north, while other authori- 
ties give the bulrush as the plant used for this 
purpose in the south. 

There were other uses for which the great reed 
was more in demand. It formed the middle bar in 
the loom, not, as some lexicons give it, the comb. 
Pens were made of it and probably also thatch. 
The long stems were used as supports for vines, 
for knocking down olives which were too high on 
the tree to be gathered by hand, and for fishing- 
rods. Plashed alleys and pergolas were sometimes 
constructed of it. For these purposes it is still 
cultivated in Italy. In the warmer parts of England 
it succeeds in gardens, but on cold soils it cannot 
bear our frosts. 

Flower, August and September. 
Italian names: Canna (Arundo). 
Canna di palude (Phragmites). 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 


‘hederae nigrae’ (Ge. ii. 258). 
“*hedera pallente’ (Ec. iii. 39; cf. Ge. iv. 124). 
“hedera formosior alba’ (Zc. vii. 38). 
-‘errantes hederas’ (Ec. iv. 19). 
‘hedera crescentem ornate poetam ’ 
(Ec. vii. 25 ; cf. Ec. viii. 13). 

The ivy (Hedera helix) as an evergreen was sacred 
to Bacchus, and, since wine was a source of in- 
spiration, became one of the emblems of the poet. 
Virgil claims it especially for the woodland poet, 
who does not claim rank with Homer or Pindar. 
He hopes that Pollio will place his protégé’s spray 
of ivy among his own victorious bays. The berries 
of the common ivy are black, but those of a rare 
variety, H. chrysocarpa, are yellow, and Pliny says 
that these were preferred for the poet’s crown. 
Virgil implies that the Corycian grew this variety in 
his garden. According to Arcangeli, it grows in the 
Neapolitan district and near Rome and Florence. 
The gardener may have got it from Naples, whether 
for the sake of its rarity and beauty or to give honey 
to his bees. As it does not flower until September, 
it would perhaps not be very valuable for the latter 
purpose. Columella, however, says that ivy supplies 
bees with very much honey, though it is not of the 
best quality. It may be doubted whether Virgil 
when he wrote the Eclogues had yet seen the yellow 
fruited variety. He probably owed his knowledge of 
it to Theocritus. 

It is difficult to see why Virgil reckoned the 


Hedera, or Edera 

presence of ivy as a sign of a wickedly cold soil. 
In such ground ivy flourishes, as may be seen in the 
deep clay of some of our woodlands. It is true that 
it flourishes as vigorously on limestone and other 
warm soils. 

Theophrastus says that dry sticks of ivy are the 
best for lighting a fire, and they are. To obtain the 
sacred spark of fire the Romans recommend the 
rubbing of a piece of bay wood on a piece of ivy. 

Flower, September. 
Italian names, Edera and Ellera. 

‘helleboros ... graves’ (Ge. iii. 451). 

The plant of which Virgil gives the Greek name 
had also a Latin name, which Linnaeus gave to 
the genus. Our species is lyngwort (Veratrum 
album). Visitors of the Apennines and the Alps 
are struck by its large plaited leaves and liliaceous 
spike of flowers or, in August, of seeds, and it some- 
times figures in our gardens. The poisonous quali- 
ties of the thick rhizome were well known to the 
ancients, though Lucretius and Pliny, while admit- 
ting that this was mortal to man, held that the 
leaves were fattening to goats. From my own ob- 
servation I should say that they are always left un- 
cropped. A decoction of the rhizome was accounted 
a cure for madness. The recipe for it was possessed 
by the inhabitants of Anticyra, an island in the 
Malian gulf. Hence Horace’s ‘ naviget Anticyram’ 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

is a suggestion that his man is mad. Theophrastus, 
however, held that the best variety grew on Mount 
Oeta. Virgil, whose epithet refers to the poisonous 
quality of the plant, recommends its use in a sheep- 
dip, which by competent authorities is held to be 
a very good one. Modern gardeners use the pow- 
dered rhizome to kill caterpillars. 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian names, Veladro and Elabro bianco. 


‘haedorum .. . gregem viridi compellere hibisco’ 
(Ec. ii. 30). 
‘ gracili fiscellam texit hibisco’ (Ec. x. 71). 

From Dioscorides and Theophrastus we find that 
our plant had three names: one that used by Virgil, 
another that adopted by Linnaeus, while the third 
was wild mallow. We call it the marsh mallow 
(Althaea officinalis), and find it in sea marshes of 
southern England. Its light pink flowers much 
resemble those of its kinsmen, the mallows. The 
flowering stem is sometimes four feet high, and 
could be used as a wand in driving kids. It yields 
a long and strong fibre, out of which the shepherd 
in our second passage weaves a pliant basket, such 
as we use for carrying fish. Virgil sometimes uses 
an adjective where we use a noun. As he writes 
‘tenue aurum,’ meaning threads of gold, so here he 
writes ‘gracili hibisco,’ meaning fibre of mallow. 



The basket would serve for letting whey out of 
curdled milk. 
Flower, May to July. 

Italian names, Altea, Benefisci, and Mal- 

‘rarum ... holus’ (Ge. iv. 130). 

This is a general name for kitchen garden stuff, 
and ‘holitor’ was a greengrocer. Virgil’s epithet 
means that the plants were set in rows. 

In Italy, especially in the south, vegetables play 
a larger part in the people’s diet than with us. The 
volcanic soil round Naples grows them excellently, 
and in Taranto I have seen a heap of lettuce eight 
feet high. Virgil names endive, celery, garlic, 
cucumber, and caladium. Among others that he 
must have known would be cabbage, turnip, lettuce, 
nettle, onion, and globe artichoke. One of them 
might be alexanders, whose bright green leaves 
are conspicuous on the Dover cliffs. Little more 
than a century ago Abercrombie gave directions 
for growing and blanching it, but it has now dropped 
out of use. Having tried it, I can hardly say that it 
deserved a better fate. 

‘fragili . . . hordea culmo’ (Ge. i. 317; cf. ib. 210). 
Barley (Hordeum vulgare) was probably of Eastern 
origin, and must have come early into cultivation. 
In Palestine it was made into bread, and the xpiOwds 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

olvos, which Xenophon came across in Asia, must 
have been some kind of ale. The Greeks held that 
barley bread strengthened the senses, and especially 
the eyesight. : 

Pearl barley was made into a coarse porridge 
called ‘polenta,’ a name afterwards transferred to 
the finer porridge made of ground chestnuts, and 
now used of the porridge made of maize. Pliny, 
if his text be right, implied that the finer porridge 
made of lentil meal was the earlier use of Italy, and 
that they took the coarser porridge from the Greeks, 
whose word for it is yovdpos. 

Barley was given to mules as we give oats to 
horses, but draught cattle were said to have no 
liking for it. 

Virgil accepts the Greek belief that barley, if ill 
cultivated, would degenerate into darnel (Ec. v. 36). 
His epithet contrasts the stem with the stronger 
stem of wheat. 

Italian name, Orzo. 


“suave rubens hyacinthus’ (Ec. iii. 63). 
‘ferrugineos hyacinthos’ (Ge. iv. 183). 
“Jatus niveum molli fultus hyacintho’ (Ec. vi. 53). 
‘ille comam mollis iam tondebat hyacinthi’ (Ge. iv. 137). 
‘vaccinia nigra leguntur ’ (Ec. ii. 18). 
‘et nigrae violae sunt et vaccinia nigra’ (Ec. x. 39). 

It seems probable that ‘ vaccinium’ is the Latin 
form of id«ivOos, and in our last passage it takes its 
place, Virgil following the line of Theocritus, 


Hyacinthus and Vaccinium 
kal rd tov pédav éori kal d ypamra taxi Oos. 

Pliny’s ‘ vaccinium’ is an entirely different plant. 
He calls it a shrub, and it may possibly be the bilberry. 

No ancient flower has stirred more controversy 
than this, and it cannot be said that the identifica- 
tion even now is beyond dispute. Columella has 
caused some complication by speaking of hyacinths 
not only as ‘ ferrugineos,’ wherein he merely followed 
Virgil, but also as ‘ vel niveos vel caeruleos’ and as 
‘caelestis luminis.’ We may, however, leave out of 
account this sky-blue hyacinth, possibly the two- 
leaved squill, for beyond doubt it is not the same 
plant as Virgil’s. It may, however, be well to bear 
in mind that the Greeks applied the name to several 
flowers, which do not greatly resemble each other, 
and that probably among them are the squill, already 
mentioned, the larkspur, and the flower which we 
know as the hyacinth. 

Let us start with the passage of Ovid in which, as 
Martyn says, ‘ the form of the hyacinth is particularly 
described.” The poet is describing what followed 
the death of the youth Hyacinthus: 

‘Ecce cruor, qui fusus humi signaverat herbam, 
Desinit esse cruor, Tyrioque intentior ostro 
Flos oritur formamque capit quam lilia, si non 
Purpureus color his, argenteus esset in illis. 
Non satis hoc Phoebost, is enim fuit auctor honoris. 
Ipse suos gemitus foliis inscribit, et ai ai 
Flos habet inscriptum, funestaque litera ductast.’ 

Now, if this passage contained all our information, 
there could be no doubt about our plant. There 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

is only one Italian species so near to the white lily 
as to justify Ovid’s word. This is Lilium bulbiferum, 
with its variety, as Arcangeli ranks it, L. croceum, 
which the Romans are not likely to have distin- 
guished from the type. The figures in Curtis's 
Botanical Magazine (L. candidum 278, L. bulbi- 
ferum 1018, and L. croceum, given with a wrong 
name, 36) show the likeness of these plants in habit 
and perianth. The objection that nothing very like 
letters can be found on them applies, I believe, 
equally to any other Italian lily. I cannot resist 
the conclusion that Ovid meant what our forefathers 
called the red lily. 

It does not, however, follow that Virgil’s plant 
is the same as Ovid’s. Martyn supposed himself 
to find both in the purple martagon, L. martagon 
(B.M., 893). He sinks, as Johnson would have 
said, the wide differences between this plant and 
the white lily. In the latter the perianth is erect 
and its divisions but little reflexed, while the mar- 
tagon belongs to the Turk’s-cap group, in which the 
perianth is cernuous, and its divisions very much 
reflexed. The stem leaves of the martagon are in 
distant whorls, while those of the white lily are 
irregular and even crowded. It is hard to believe 
that the martagon is Ovid’s plant. 

On the question of colour Virgil does not give us 
much help, for his ‘suave rubens’ and ‘ ferrugineus’ 
have too wide arange. He applies both to the dye 
of the Tyrian shell-fish. The ram in the fourth 
Eclogue has his fleece coloured ‘suave rubenti 


Hyacinthus and Vaccinium 

murice,’ and in the Aeneid (xi. 772) the priest 
Chloreus is described as ‘ peregrina ferrugine clarus 
et ostro,’ a phrase which must be taken as hen- 
diadys. The Tyrian dye was probably both red 
and purple, and ‘rubens’ will cover both; while 
‘ ferrugineus,’ which is applied to objects of less cheer- 
ful hue, such as Charon’s boat (Ae. vi. 303) and the 
gloom in the sky after Caesar’s death (Ge. i. 467), not 
only covers both but includes the tint of a dull and 
lowering purple. That ‘fulgor’ is ascribed to the 
hyacinth (Ae. xi. 70) is rather against the martagon. 

Last comes the matter of the inscription. In our 
last passage Virgil omits the yparra of his original, 
but he has a reference to it in the shepherd’s riddle 
(Ec. iii. 106), 

‘ Dic quibus in terris inscripti nomina regum 
Nascantur flores,’ 

to which the answer seems to be Alas, who is Ajax. 
Martyn says that on the martagon the dark spots 
run together in such a manner as to form the 
letters AI, * which,’ he naively adds, ‘I have caused 
to be represented in the figure.’ It seems clear that 
these marks had not run together on the specimen 
supplied to Cole, who drew the illustration, for the 
addition is stiff and unnatural. It may be com- 
pared with Sowerby’s figure in English Botany, 
where the dark marks are drawn naturally. I grew 
the martagon as a boy and I grow it now, and never 
in half a century have I seen on it anything like 
the letters which our good professor ‘caused to be 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

One objection that may be made to the claim of 
the martagon applies equally to the red lily, if its old 
name may still be used. It seems that neither of 
them grows wild in Sicily. It is of course possible 
that they become extinct, but in the case of the 
martagon this is unlikely. As Mr. A. Grove says in 
his monograph on the genus, it is the one lily that 
will grow wherever the seed happens to fall. In 
a copse at Mickleham it has so completely estab- 
lished itself, southerner though it is, as to obtain 
admittance to the English flora. It seems unlikely 
that the martagon can be the written hyacinth of 

There is, moreover, a Sicilian flower the inside of 
whose perianth bears marks, which do frequently 
take the form of an A, with a smaller blotch after it, 
which one could plausibly ‘cause to be represented’ 
as anI. This is the corn-flag (Gladiolus segetum). 
Of many specimens which I gathered near Selinunte 
and near Catania almost all had marks, and about 
one in five had the marks described above. A figure 
of a kindred species, G. communis, is given in Eng- 
lish Botany, but this has no marks that resemble 
letters. It is against the corn-flag’s claim and some- 
what in favour of the martagon’s that the shepherds 
in Theocritus seek the hyacinth in the hills. 

Flower: Lilies, July and August. 
Corn-flags, April to July. 
Italian names: Giglio Rosso (Lilium bulbi- 


Italian names: Spaderello, Coltellaccio, Pan- 
caciolo (Gladiolus). 
Martagone (Lilium marta- 
‘amaris intuba fibris’ (Ge. i. 120). 
*potis gauderent intuba rivis’ (Ge. iv. 120). 

There is some uncertainty abont this plant, but it 
is probably endive, and some botanists hold that 
endive is a cultivated form of Cichorium divaricatum, 
a Mediterranean plant which is a rare native of 
Italy. It is a salad plant, and being harder than 
lettuce is of special value in the winter. It is best 
blanched, since otherwise the bitterness of the leaves 
is excessive. The same bitterness is found in the 
root, and Columella may refer to the root or to the 
leaves when he says that it is a stimulant to a torpid 
palate. The plant is closely allied to succory or 
chicory, of which various forms are grown both for 
the root and for the blanched leaves. The form 
of endive mostly grown in our gardens is said to 
have been produced in China. 

Flower, April to June. 
Italian name, Endivia. 

~ ilice sub nigra’ (Ec. vi. 54). 
~sub arguta . . . ilice’ (Ec. vii. 1). 
“opaca | ilice’ (Ae. vi. 208 ; cf. Ae. xi. 851). 
The holm or holly-oak (Quercus ilex) is one of the 
finest of Italian trees. There is a magnificent line 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

of them along the Galleria di sopra near Albano, 
but the tree does not go high into the Apennines. 
The leaves are much darker than those of the 
common oak and usually untoothed, and the tree 
is evergreen. In a wind there is a harsh rustling 
in the leaves. The acorns, which are small but 
plentiful (Ge. iv. 81), are food for swine (Ge. ii. 72; 
Ae. iii. 390). The wood was used for making water- 
troughs (Ge. lil. 330). Bees, says Virgil, sometimes: 
establish themselves in the body of a decaying holm- 
oak (Ge. ii. 453). 

In England the tree has been grown since Eliza- 
beth’s.time, and attains full stature, but is apt to 
divide into two or more stems. Perhaps the finest 
specimen is one in the town of Uckfield. 

The gall, ‘coccum,’ which yields a scarlet dye, 
seems to be most common on Q. coccifera, but our 
ancient authorities say that it was also found on the 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Elice. 

‘ malvaeque inulaeque virebant’ (Mor. 73). 

Elecampane (Inula Helenium) is found here and 
there in Italy as in England, but appears to be 
nowhere very common. My own plants generally 
produce a few self-sown seedlings. It was cultivated 
for its bitter root, which were used both as a table 
vegetable and as a medical remedy. It was boiled 



with vinegar. The plant is worth growing in rough 
places for the sake of its large leaves and bold com- 
posite heads of yellow blossom, but it goes ragged 
rather early. 

Flower, July and August. 

Italian name, Elenio. 

‘limoso . . . palus obducat pascua iunco’ (Ec. i. 49). 
‘aliquid ... quorum indiget usus | viminibus mollique 

paras detexere iunco’ (Ec. ii. 71). 

Under this name are included our common plait- 
ing rushes, Juncus effusus and J. conglomeratus, and 
probably other species. Both kinds are too common 
in the marshy lands round Mantova, and, although 
the first Eclogue gives us a deliberate confusion of 
Cisalpine and Sicilian scenery, it is probable that 
Virgil’s ‘father had to fight against a weed which 
cattle will not eat. In the passage of Theocritus 
which Virgil follows the rushes are woven into 
baskets. They were also used for making ropes,. 
the use of hemp fibre being unknown. Larger ropes 
were made of flax. 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian name, Giunco. 

‘ stant et iuniperi’ (Ec. vii. 53). 
‘juniperi gravis umbra’ (Ec. x. 76). 
The common juniper (Juniperus communis), as it 
grows on the South Downs, is a somewhat scrubby 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

object, but in favourable positions becomes a shapely 
tree eighteen or twenty feet high. It is very common 
in Italy and attains this height in the lower country. 
It owes its name, which means Juno’s pear, to its 
sweet and fragrant fruits, which do not ripen until 
the second summer. The seeds, which in later 
times flavoured gin, may also have been eaten. 

The Italians have a proverb, ‘Dove non viene il 
Sole, non viene la Santa.’ This applies to the 
houses, and out of doors the hour after sunset, to 
which our second passage refers, is accounted un- 
healthy. I know no reason why the shade of the 
juniper should be accounted especially baneful. 

Flower, February to April. 
Italian names, Ginepro and Zinepro. 


‘grata .. . nobilium requies lactuca ciborum ' (Mor. 76). 

The lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is held by Italian 
botanists to have been developed out of their native 
species, L. scariola. In earlier Roman days it 
ended the meal, but afterwards was hors d’euvre at 
the beginning, and was accounted an appetizer. As 
with us, lettuces were blanched. This, however, was 
done, not by tying up, but by putting stones on the 
plant, much as we treat endive. There were at 
least two varieties, of which one had a brownish leaf. 

Flower, July to October. 
Italian name, Lattuga. 

Lappa and Tribulus 

‘lappaeque tribulique’ (Ge. i. 153, iii. 385). 

It is clear from Pliny that ‘lappa’ is the dapivy 
of Theophrastus, and it is clear that Theophrastus’ 
plant is goose-grass or cleavers (Galium Aparine), 
and not burdock, as it figures in lexicons. Virgil 
might well recommend its extirpation where sheep 
were kept for wool. Not only the globular seed- 
heads but even the stems and leaves cling to a 
fleece. It was to protect the fine fleeces against 
cleavers as well as against marruca and other thorns 
that the Tarentine farmers clothed their sheep with 
coats of hide. Greek irony stamped its clinging way 
with the name of the philanthropic plant. With us 
it grows mostly in hedges and waste places, but 
Pliny notes that it was a pest in cornland. 

In both our passages it is coupled with ‘tribulus,’ 
which is the star thistle (Centaurea calcitrapa). In 
this plant the involucral bracts end in long spines 
capable of doing much damage, and it owes its 
specific name to its likeness to a caltrop. The 
spines remain when the flower has faded, and made 
Pliny say that the plant is peculiar in that the fruit 
as well as the flower is spinous. The plant, common 
in Italy, occurs occasionally in southern England, 
as on the coast round Dover. 

Flower: Lappa, April to September. 
Tribulus, July and August. 
Italian names: Speronella, Attacca-mani, At- 
tacca-veste (Galium). 
Calcatreppola, Ippofesto, 
Ceceprete (Centaurea). 
65 F 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘ Parnasia laurus’ (Ge. ii. 18). 
‘ virgulta sonantia lauro’ (Aé. xii. 522). 

In our gardens the name of laurel has been 
usurped by an evergreen cherry, which came from 
the Levant in the days of Charles II. The true 
laurel is the bay (Laurus nobilis), from which we 
get camphor and cinnamon. Associated with the 
legend of Daphne, its name in Greek, it became 
sacred to Apollo (Ae. ili. 82, 360). A soldier bore 
it in a triumph to indicate that he was sanctified 
from the pollution of blood. Sprays of it were 
burnt in incantations and to get omens from the 

—— crackling (Ec. viii. 83). It was also valued for its 
aromatic scent, and Corydon joins it in his nosegay 

——~with the myrtle (Ec. ii. 54). Virgil tells the farmer 
to gather the berries in the winter (Ge. i. 306); 
they yield a scented oil. 

The bay is not uncommon in southern Italy, but 
I do not know any thickets of it such as are de- 
scribed in our second passage as victims of a forest 
fire. It is propagated by suckers (Ge. ii. 18). 

Flower, March. 
Italian name, Alloro. 

‘ Pelusiacae lentis’ (Ge, i. 228). 

The lentil (Vicia lens), a small blue-flowered 
vetch, was one of the first leguminous plants to be 
cultivated. Its native country is uncertain, but 



Italian botanists think that Virgil may be right in 
assigning it to Egypt. Others hold that it was 
developed in Italy out of some other vetch with 
smaller and less valuable seeds. Ancient authorities 
agree with Virgil that it should be sown in Novem- 
ber, but those who wish to grow it in England 
would do well to wait till March and choose a warm 
spot. In our climate it is of less value than the 
Dutch brown bean and other varieties of Phaselus 
which we owe to America. The seeds are imported 
in considerable quantities for use as a vegetable and 
in soup. 

The turn of Virgil’s phrase must imply either that 
lentils are of less value than corn or that their culti- 
vation is so easy that a scientific farmer might leave 
it to less able hands. 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian names, Lente and Lenticchia. 

‘alba ligustra cadunt’ (Ec, ii. 18). 

It were much to be desired that our English 
gardeners shared Corydon’s contempt for the privet 
(Ligustrum vulgare), against which Mr. William 
Robinson has waged a righteous war almost in vain. 
The wretched shrub claims the power of resisting 
London smoke, and one is minded to wish that it 
could not. However much it is planted, perhaps no 
one chooses to gather its sickly smelling flowers. 
The shrub is closely akin to the olive and the ash, 

F 67 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

who, it must be allowed, do their best to hide their 
relationship to their ugly cousin. Regretfully I feel 
bound to quote Tennyson: 
‘A skin 
As clean and white as privet when it flowers.’ 

Martyn endeavoured to identify our plant with the 
great bindweed (Convolvulus sepium), whose large 
white and bell-shaped flowers adorn our hedges, and 
whose throttling stems are sometimes a pest in 
gardens. But this plant appears in Pliny under the 
name of convolvulus together with a synonymous 
worm or caterpillar, and it seems clear that Ligus- 
trum was a shrub. It is a pity, for the flowers of 
the bindweed are much of a size with those of the 
red and white lilies, and, if ‘hyacinthus’ or ‘ vac- 
cinium’ be the red lily, Virgil’s contrast is better 
than one between privet and martagons or corn-flags 
or aught else. 

Flower of privet, June. 
Italian name, Ligustro. 

‘alba lilia’ (Ge. iv. 130; Ae. xii. 69). 
‘ candida lilia’ (Ae. vi. 709). 

~~ ‘florentes ferulas et grandia lilia’ (Ec. x. 25). 

Lilium candidum, which some call St. Joseph’s 
lily, is equally conspicuous in Italian paintings and 
in English cottage gardens, though of late a 
scoundrel fungus has done it much harm. It occurs 

sparingly in Italy, but may well have been more 

common in ancient days, and it is the only lily 
which is a native of Sicily. Virgil names it as a 
bee plant (Ae. vi. 709). 

Flower, May to July. 
Italian name, Giglio. 

‘urit enim campum lini seges’ (Ge. i. 77). 
‘velati lino’ (Ae. xii. 120). 

The reading in the latter passage is doubtful, and 
many editors accept ‘limo.’ 

The manufacture of linen dates back to prehis- 
toric times. The earliest linen seems to have been 
made of flax supplied by the fibrous bark of Linum 
angustifolium, a native of the Mediterranean region 
and of north-west Europe. This plant is some- 
times annual, sometimes perennial, but is inferior to 
L. usitatissimum, an annual, which was perhaps a 
native of Asia Minor, though now it seems to occur 
only in cultivation or as a relic of it. In Italy it 
seems to have been grown to no great extent and 
only for the oil of its seeds, linen being imported 
from the East. Another product of flax is cambric, 
and both this and linen were and are used in the 
vestments of priests. Fishing nets were made of 
the fibre (Ge. i. 142). 

Virgil’s observation that flax ‘runs’ the soil is 
confirmed both by ancient and by modern observa- 
tion, and some of the Roman authorities would on 
that account dissuade farmers from growing it. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Columella in particular says it should be grown only 
in districts where it commands a high price. 

The plant is sometimes grown in our gardens for 
its blue flowers, but in beauty it is excelled by 
L. Narbonense, a perennial, and a native of Liguria, 
Lombardy, and Corsica. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Lino. 

Lo.ium. a 

‘infelix lolium’ (Ec. v. 37; Ge. i. 154). 

Great poets often retain a sense of the original 
meaning of words, and here Virgil’s epithet, which 
at first meant ‘ unsuckling,’ evidently means ‘ un- 
feeding.’ Lolium temulentum, the drunken darnel, 
as Linnaeus called it from its supposed effects, is 
a grass near akin to rye, and is the plant which the 
enemy in the parable sowed in the corn. It was an 
ancient superstition among farmers that in a bad 
season wheat seeds degenerated into darnel. The 
qualities of the plant have long been matter of 
dispute. Hooker describes it as very poisonous, but 
the seeds have often been eaten with impunity. It 
seems, however, to be liable to the attacks of a 
minute fungus, which either is poisonous itself or 
creates a toxic power in the host plant. In either 
condition it so affects the eyesight as to create one 
of the symptoms of intoxication. Arcangeli tells us 
that in Italy it grows everywhere in the corn. With 
us it is only a colonist and, though widely dis- 



tributed, nowhere a common plant. It may be well 
distinguished from rye-grass by its annual duration 
and its long awns. 

Italian name, Loglio. 


‘genus haud unum... loto’ (Ge. ii. 83). 
‘lotos’ (Ge. iii. 394). 

It was recognized by Theophrastus that many 
plants called lotus had nothing in common but the 
name, and our passages refer to very different 
species. The first is an enumeration of trees whose 
genera have more than one species, and the tree 
named is the nettle-tree (Celtis Australis). Though 
closely akin to the elm and the nettle, it has for its 
fruit a blackish drupe the size of a pea. Ovid and 
Martial call it aquatic, but according to Arcangeli 
its usual habitat is the debris of rocks. It has 
somewhat ovate leaves with pubescent under- 
surfaces. The wood was used for ‘cardines’—that 
is, the uprights to which the planks of a door were 
fastened, and which seem to survive in the pin of 
a hinge. What tree Virgil classed with it there is 
nothing to show. 

The ‘lotus’ of our second passage is described as 
good food for milch ewes. It probably covers 
several species which still bear its name, and, if it 
is the plant of Theophrastus, especially L. tenuis 
and L. ubiginosus. These are of the same genus 
as the bird’s-foot trefoil or butter-and-eggs of our 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

fields. This is commended as fodder by agricultural 
authorities, and some think that it is Virgil’s plant. 
Martyn took it for the white water-lily, but it seems 
unlikely that this would be eaten by sheep, and 
Martyn was misled by the mention in Theophrastus 
of another ‘lotus,’ which has been identified with one 
of the Nile water-lilies, which is not found in Italy. 

Flower: Celtis, April and May. 
Lotus, May and June. 
Italian names: Arcidiavolo, Spaccasassi, and 
Lotu (Celtis). 
Mullaghera (Lotus). 

‘tristis ... lupini... fragiles calamos silvamque sonantem’ 
(Ge. i. 75). 

The common lupin (Lupinus albus) is of uncertain 
origin, but is possibly wild in some parts of the 
northern Apennines, and has long been cultivated 
in the Mediterranean region. 

The epithet of ‘tristis’ may refer to the slight 
bitterness of the seeds, but possibly implies a false 
etymology. Virgil may, in spite of the quantity of 
the vowel, have derived lupin from Avzy, pain. 
There can, however, be little doubt that the word 
must be classed with foxglove and harebell and the 
many plant names which come from beasts. It is 
the plant of ‘lupus,’ the wolf. 

The lupin is grown both for the seeds and as 
fodder, and thus, as Pliny says, is eaten both by 


Lupus, or Lupinum 

man and by beast. Moreover, like other leguminous 
plants, it was grown for the manurial value of the 
nitrogen which it secretes. Palladius recommends 
sowing it in September and ploughing the crop in. 
It is still largely grown in Campania. 

Virgil had observed that, when the crop is har- 
vested, the seeds rattle in the large pod. 

Our garden lupins are mostly American, and have 
been much hybridized and improved under culti- 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Lupino. 

‘aries . . . mutabit vellera luto’ (Ec. iv. 43). 

The common dyer’s weed or weld (Reseda luteola) 
is to be found in many parts both of Italy and of 
England. It is nearly akin to mignonette and may 
be recognized by the likeness in flower and seed 
vessel. It yields a yellow dye, which is obtained by 
boiling the whole plant when in flower, though the 
colouring matter is strongest in the seeds. In com- 
merce the dye is known as Dutch pink. Blue cloths 
dipped in it turn green. 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian names, Biondella and Guaderella. 

The general word for fruit was ‘poma.’ This 
included ‘mala,’ the larger fleshy fruits, ‘ nuces,’ all 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

nuts, and also what we call bush fruits and others, 
such as plums, for which there was no divisional 
name. Virgil uses ‘ malus’ of three trees, two of them 
belonging to the natural order of Rosaceae and the 
third to Aurantiaceae, and possibly of a fourth. 

A. Apple: Pyrus malus. 

‘mutatam ... insta mala | ferre pyrum’ (Ge. ii. 34). 
‘steriles platani malos gessere valentes’ (ib. 70). 

These passages probably refer to the apple. In 
Italy it seems to bewray a foreign origin by its 
dislike for the hot summers. It could be grafted 
on the pear but not on the plane, to which it is not 
akin. The earliest apple was musteum or melimelum, 
our summering, the best keeper the amerine. 

B. Quince: Pyrus cydonia. 
‘malo me Galatea petit’ (Ec. iii. 64). 
‘aurea mala’ (7b. 71). 

The former of these passages may refer to the 
apple, but, as the quince was sacred to Venus and 
the thrown apple is a challenge to love, it may well 
be the quince. Virgil took his phrase here from 
Theocritus. At Athens, as is pretty clear from 
Aristophanes, this method of making love was con- 
fined to Doll Tearsheet and her kind. A modern 
quince of the pear-shaped type would be a clumsy 
pellet in a girl’s hand, but the fruit may well have 
grown larger under cultivation. The ancient authori- 
ties mention several varieties, and with us one is 
occasionally found which has an apple-shaped fruit. 



The association of the quince with love was not 
destroyed by Christianity. It may be that the 
quinces, for which the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet 
said they were calling in the pantry, were appro- 
priate to the impending marriage, though throwing 
them was out of fashion, and indeed Romeo had no 
need of missile hints. 

The quince came westward by way of Crete, and 
its name is derived from xvdeéviov, the apple of 
Cydonis, the Cretan city. 

There are other passages in Virgil of whith we 
must say that he may have meant either apples or 
quinces or both. Such are the jilted lover’s wish for 
an inverted world, ‘ mala ferant quercus’ (Ec. vill. 54), 
and the reference to ‘ malifera Abella’ (Ae. vii. 740), 
The town, now Avella Vecchia, is in Campania, and 
had a renown for nuts as well as for soft fruit. The 
fruit of the Hesperides (Ec. vi. 61) were probably 
thought of as quinces, and Ovid calls them ‘aurea 
poma.’ He also describes the leaves as ‘ fulva,’ a 
poetic exaggeration, which shows that his fruit had 
in it a touch of the mythical. 

The phrase ‘roscida mala’ has been variously 
interpreted. Conington and other editors, following 
Servius, see a reference to the morning dew, while 
others take the epithet to be specific of a distinct 
fruit. The former interpretation is supported by 
the phrase of Theocritus, Ta pdda Ta Spocdevta, and 
more decisively by the Roman belief, mentioned by 
Pliny, that some fruits were best gathered with the 
morning dew on them. Moreover, when Propertius 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

speaks of ‘ roscida poma’ (I. xx. 36) he seems to mean 
fruits splashed by the fountain into which Hylas was 
drawn by the nymphs. 

Of the phrase in Ec. ii. 51, ‘cana legam tenera 
lanugine mala,’ it is difficult to make anything. The 
editors say quinces, but this ignores ‘cana.’ There 
were, however, three varieties of the quince, and one 
of these may have had a more hoary skin than the 
chrysomela. Our own pear-shaped fruit has a lighter 
skin than the apple-shaped and the Portuguese 
varieties, both cultivated in this country. The 
peach, which Virgil’s description might suit, seems 
to have been of later introduction. 

C. Citron: Citrus medica (Ge. il. 126-135). 

The Latin name for the citron was usually Malus 
medica and sometimes Malus Persica, a use which 
has caused some confusion with the peach. Virgil’s 
account of it is his one attempt to describe from 
literary sources a tree of which he can have seen 
only the imported fruit. The tree is of Persian 
origin, and one variety of it is well known as the 
West Indian lime, of which Mrs. Soorocks gave one 
withered specimen to Bailie Waft. Virgil took most 
of his description from Theophrastus, but adds one 
or two touches whose origin I have failed to trace. 
Moreover, his text had one corrupt word, which is 
correct in the extant manuscripts, but corrupted in 
some which were seen by Athenaeus, who mistook 
the corrupt for the correct. 

The points which Virgil takes from Theophrastus 



are that the tree is fragrant, that it is a remedy 
against poison, and that it sweetens the breath. 
The taste of the fruit probably came from his own 
observation, though it was not regarded as esculent. 
The points which he adds are that the leaves are not 
shaken off by the wind and that the petals are slow 
to drop. The point in which he followed the false 
reading in Theophrastus is the comparison of the 
leaves to those of the bay. The right reading is not 
dapvns, the bay, as Virgil and Athenaeus found it 
in their copies, but dvdpdydns. This is Arbutus 
Andrachne, a Greek tree with oblong and blunted 
leaves like the citron’s, whereas the leaves of the 
bay are acute. Thus Virgil’s mistake enables us to 
restore to his copy of Theophrastus a reading not 
found in the extant manuscripts and not correct. 

From Theophrastus and Macrobius we may add 
that the fruit was placed among clothes to protect 
them from moths, and Macrobius ventures to 
surmise that Homer’s Ouwdéa ‘Feiwata owed their 
scent to the citron. 

In Imperial times the citron was grown in Italy, 
but in winter it was necessary to protect the trees 
with mats stretched over pillars as lemon-trees are 
now protected at Salo on the Lake of Garda. 

Flower of Apple and Quince, May. 
Italian names: Melo (apple); Cotogno 
(Quince) ; Cedro (Citron). 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘Malvaeque inulaeque virebant ’ (Mor. 73). 

Of the eight species of mallow native to Italy 
more than one may be included under this name, 
but it is chiefly applied to our common roadside 
plant, Malva silvestris. The leaves of it were used 
as a salad and a pot-herb, and were accounted 
among the most digestible of foods. The Greeks 
did not eat it uncooked. English children are fond 
of the nutty unripe seeds, which from their shape 
are called cheeses, but I know no evidence of a like 
fondness in Italy. Horace, if the stanza be not 
spurious, couples mallow with chicory as the food 
of a man of simple tastes. 

Flower, March to October. 
Italian name, Malva. 

MEDICA (Ge. i. 215). 

Lucern (Medicago sativa) appears to be native on 
dry banks in the Apennines, though according to 
Hooker it is known only in cultivation. He suggests 
that it may be a cultivated form of M. falcata, a 
yellow-flowered medick which has established itself 
in East Anglia. The flower of lucern is blue or 
purple. Its name of Myécxy refers to a supposed 
Persian origin of the plant, but I do not find that 
it occurs in Asia eithér wild or cultivated. It is still 
the chief fodder crop in some parts of Italy. The 
plant is perennial and was sometimes allowed to 
stand for ten years. It had the further value that it 



could be mown six times or in favourable seasons 
even ten times a year. 

Flower, May to September. 
Italian name, Erba Medica. 

‘adsperge .. . trita melisphylla’ (Ge. iv. 63). 

Balm (Melissa officinalis) is a labiate plant, native 
in Italy and long in cultivation. It has a scent like 
that of the citron. Virgil enjoins the mixing of its 
pounded leaves with honeywort to induce bees to 
swarm, and it is still sometimes used in the South 
of England to smear on a skep. The plant sup- 
plies a tonic oil which at one time was much used 
in drink for a sick person. Largely grown for this 
purpose it has naturalized itself here and there in 
southern England. Its scent is like that of the 
sweet verbena (Aloysia citriodora). Anne Page bids 
her elves scour the chairs of Windsor Castle with 
juice of balm, and the plant was common in the 
monastic gardens of the Middle Ages. 

Flower, July to September. 
Italian names, Appiastro, Cedronella, and 

‘milio venit annua cura’ (Ge. i. 216). 

Millet (Panicum miliaceum) came from the East, 
but probably, unlike wheat, not from the great 
plains, for it does better on hilly ground, and can 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

withstand much drought. It is still cultivated in 
Italy in dry and hilly fields. It will be remembered 
that it is one of the six components of the bread 
of which, according to Ezekiel (iv. 9), the Israelites 
were to eat for three hundred and ninety days. 

Italian name, Miglio. 


‘sanguineis frontem moris et tempora pingit’ (Ec. vi. 22). 

The black mulberry (Morus nigra) is an Asiatic 
tree, which was early in cultivation, and may well be 
the tree in whose tops King David was to hear the 
sound of marching. It came into England in the 
reign of Edward VI. The colour of the berries is 
near enough to that of blood to justify Virgil’s epithet, 
and indeed is ascribed by Ovid to the blood of 
Pyramus, who killed himself under a mulberry, as 
he does in A Midsummer-Night’s Dream. 

The word ‘ morum’ is applied to other like berries, 
such as the blackberry. In modern Italy the name 
of ‘moro’ has been transferred to the white mul- 
berry, whose fruit is a very pale red. This was a 
tree of later introduction, but is now much the more 
common in Italy. It is planted as food for silk- 
worms, and in some parts of Emilia, perhaps also 
elsewhere, it supports the vine, 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Moro. 




‘stagna virentia musco ’ (Ge. iv. 18). 
‘muscosi fontes’ (Ec. vii. 45). 
‘flumina, muscus ubi et viridissima gramine ripa’ 
(Ge. ili. 144). 
The name seems to be applied especially to the 
larger mosses and their kindred, sphagnum and 

others, which grow in damp ground. 


‘illum ... etiam flevere myricae’ (Ec. x. 13). 
‘te nostrae, Vare, myricae, | te nemus omne canet’ 
(Ec. vi. 10). 

‘humiles ... myricae’ (Ec. iv. 2), 

The tamarisk (Tamarix Gallica) is a familiar 
object on the Sicilian coasts, and figures as such in 
Theocritus. From him Virgil must have taken it, 
for he is not likely to have seen the shrub in his 
youth, though it is occasionally found by inland 
marshes. Another species of the genus was sacred 
to Apollo, and doubtless Virgil alludes to this. Thus 
he takes it as the emblem of the pastoral poet, coup- 
ling it with the vineyards whereof he sings. In 
Ec. viii. 54 the shepherd refers to tamarisks pro- 
ducing amber as a thing that could not be. 

In Cornwall the shrub is used for hedges, its 
slender leaves enabling it to defy the Atlantic gales, 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian names, Tamarice and Brula. 

81 G 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘Paphiae ... myrtus’ (Ge. ii. 64). 
‘amantes litora myrtus’ (Ge. iv. 124). 


The graceful habit and pleasing scent of the 
myrtle (Myrtus communis) brought it early into 
cultivation, and the Hebrew poets made it supplant 
the thorn and the brier in the new earth. Indeed, 
though now well established in Italy, it is possibly 
of Oriental origin. In Theophrastus’ time there 
were already several varieties, and he notes that the 
one which grew on the Tyrrhene coast was of dwarf 
habit. This is possibly the Tarentine or small-leaved 
variety, which is still in cultivation. The tree seldom 
exceeds twelve feet in height, and Sir Arthur Hort 
does Theophrastus an injustice in making him say 
that some myrtles are large trees. 

The myrtle is common on south Italian coasts, 
and between Taranto and Reggio often makes a con- 
siderable scrub, though it is sometimes swept away 
by the spring floods of the fiumicini. Its liking 
for the shore perhaps accounts for its dedication to 
Venus, to whose temple at Paphos Virgil’s epithet 
alludes. To compliment Octavian on his supposed 
descent from Aeneas Virgil makes the world crown his 
temples ‘materna myrto’ (Ge. i. 28), with the favourite 
sprays of his divine ancestress. Even in Hades 
luckless lovers live in a grove of myrtle (Ae. vi. 443). 

In early days the myrtle, like the cornel, supplied 
shafts for spears, ‘validis hastilibus’ (Ge. ii. 447), 
but for this purpose it was supplanted by the ash. 

When Virgil makes Camilla carry ‘ pastoralem prae- 

M yrtus 

fixa cuspide myrtum ’ (A¢. vii. 817) he perhaps implies 
that as a warrior the Volscian damsel, for all her 
gallantry, was something of an amateur. 

Virgil in his boyhood can have known the myrtle 
only as a cultivated plant, for the winters of Mantova 
are too severe for it to grow without protection, and 
Menalcas has to defend it against the frosts with 
mats (Ec. vii. 6). Even at Rome the two trees in 
the sanctuary of Quirinus, known as the patrician 
and the plebeian myrtle, may sometimes have called 
for like protection. The Sicilian Corydon, who joins 
it in his nosegay with the bay (Ec. ii. 55), could leave 
it undefended. . 

The skin of the berry is blackish, but the vinous 
juice is near enough in colour to blood for an ancient 
to call the berries ‘cruenta’ (Ge. i. 306). They were 
gathered in winter and mixed with wine as a remedy 
for the colic and for toothaches. 

Flower, July. 
Italian name, Mirto. 

‘sera comantem | narcissum’ (Ge. iv. 122). 
‘ purpurea narcisso’ (Ec. v. 38). 
‘narcissi lacrimam’ (Ge. iv. 160). 

This name covers several species, and it is prob- 
able that the ‘purple’ narcissus is the pheasant’s 
eye, N. poeticus, or poet’s narciss, the epithet having 
the same sense us in Shelley’s ‘ purple swans.’ The 
tear is that of the youth who was changed into the 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

flower, though in fact the plant has nothing that 
can be called lacrima. Evidently the word is taken 
from Sdxpvoy, which means a bulblet formed in the 
axles of the leaves as in the tiger-lily. Virgil says 
that the bees use this tear for the foundation of the 
combs or, as Mr. Royds interprets it, the propolis 
by which the comb is glued to the hive. Here the 
poet cannot have been writing from his own observa- 
tion, but he returns to it when he adds that the bees 
also use glue gathered from trees. 

The flower of our first passage can be certainly 

_identified through two statements of Theophrastus. 
He says that the plant blossoms in autumn and that 
the scape appears before the leaves. The only species 
which answers to this statement is N.serotinus. It 
agrees also with the rest of Theophrastus’ descrip- 
tion. It has a white perianth with a yellowish cup, 
and it blossoms in September. Virgil’s phrase im- 
plies that there are vernal species as well. 

The plant is not common in Italy, but it is found 
near Otranto, and the old Corycian may well have 
got it thence. Virgil does not actually state that 
his acquaintance grew it, but he seems to imply as 

Flower, April and May (N. poeticus); Sep- 
tember (N. serotinus). 

Italian names, Fior-magga, Narciso, Giracapo, 
(N. poeticus). 

(The autumn narcissus is nowhere common enough 
to have received a popular name.) 



‘trahunt acri voltus nasturtia morsu’ (Mor. 84). 

Cress (Lepidium sativum) is an Egyptian plant 
which came early into cultivation for use in salads. 
Its name it got from the pungency which twists the 
nostril. We avoid an excess of pungency by eating 
the plant in a young state. 

Flower, spring and summer. 
Italian name, Crescione. 

‘contemplator item cum nnx se plurima silvis 
induet in florem et ramos curvabit olentes ’ (Ge. i. 187). 
—— ‘sparge, marite, nuces’ (Ec. viii. 31). 

It is evident from many passages, and Macrobius 
expressly tells us that ‘nux’ as the name of a fruit 
applied to any that had hard shells. As the name 
of a tree it stands with a qualifying adjective for 
several species, but used without an epithet it means 
the walnut (Juglans regia), still in Italy called noce. 
The Greeks recognized that the tree was of Persian 
origin, but it must have been early in cultivation, 
and the Roman name of ‘iuglans,’ which is ‘Iovis 
glans,’ Jove’s acorn, like ‘ Iuniperus,’ which is Juno’s 
pear, must have been an early formation. 

The flowers of the walnut are unisexual, the male 
in catkins and the female in clusters. Virgil’s 
‘ramos curvabit’ picturesquely describes the droop- 
ing catkins. The strong scent which he mentions 
is said by Pliny to strike into the very brain of who- 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

soever encounters it, and other authorities describe 
it as poisonous to neighbouring trees. This seems 
to be a mistake, but of course its thick shade would 
be bad for an apple or pear growing to the north of it. 

Those who think that Virgil’s tree is the almond 
have to face insuperable difficulties. No passage is 
quoted in which the name without an epithet ex- 
pressed or implied means anything but the walnut. 
The almond is ‘ Nux Graeca’ or ‘ Nux Amygdalina.’ 
Tibullus, speaking of the dyeing of grey hair with 
walnut juice, says, ‘ viridi cortice tincta nucis,’ and 
Pliny expressly states that the ‘nuces’ which the 
bridegroom threw to the boys for a scramble were 
walnuts, while the ‘nuces’ used as children’s play- 
things were admittedly walnut shells. It has been 
objected that Virgil would not describe the walnut 
as bending its scented boughs, but he does not, for 
‘ramos’ clearly refers to the catkins. In no case 
would his words suit the almond, for the almond 
blossom does not curve the boughs. It is true that 
the flowers of the walnut are not conspicuous, but 
they are numerous, and Virgil tells his farmer to 
examine them for a special purpose. 

Flower, April. 
Italian name, Noce. 

‘foliis oleaster amaris’ (Ge. ii. 314; Ae. xii. 766). 
The wild olive (Olea Europaea) is either a native 
or at least a well-established denizen in southern 


Oleaster, or Olea Silvestris 

Italy. It has shorter and stiffer leaves than the 
cultivated variety, and their under-surfaces soon 
lose the heaviness which in the other is permanent. 
The berry is small and worthless. 

Virgil finds a use for the tree as a shade for a 
beehive, and as a tree of grazing ground it was 
sometimes, as in our second passage, consecrated 
to Faunus, whom the Roman poets identified with 
Pan. Mr. Fowler, however, views Faunus as essen- 
tially a god of the wild. 

The oleaster was used as a stock on which to 
graft the olive. To this practice Virgil objects 
(Ge. ii. 302-314) on the ground that, if there be a 
fire in the oliveyard, the trees will be burnt below 
the grafting point, and as the olives are not on their 
own roots, ‘non a stirpe valent,’ only the oleaster 
will remain. Palladius meets this objection by 
saying that the graft must be made below the sur- 
face of the ground, in which case the olive will 
survive the fire. Our gardeners practise this sub- 
terranean grafting with the clematis, the Moutan 
peony, and other plants. 

Unfortunately, in this passage either Virgil was 
careless in his arrangement or, more probably, there 
has been some dislocation in his text. The lines, 
as they stand in the manuscripts, come in the middle 
of his account of the vine. Hence some editors 
have supposed him to mean that oleasters should 
not be planted in a vineyard. This interpretation 
agrees neither with the Latin, for ‘insere’ must 
mean graft, nor with reason, for the fire would be 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

equally fatal to the olives whether they were planted 
among vines or not. It is clear that Palladius 
understood the passage in the only possible sense. 

The crook on which the shepherd leans (Ec. viii. 16) 
is of the wild olive, for the word in Theocritus, whom 
Virgil followed, is dypveXaiw. It may well be doubted 
whether, when the poem was written, Virgil had yet 
seen an olive. There cannot have been any near 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian name, Oleastro. 

‘pingues ... olivae’ (Ge. ii. 85). 
‘pallenti... olivae’ (Ec. v. 16). 

Of all Italian trees the olive (Olea sativa) was 
naturally held of most account, and could be called 
‘the tree’ without qualification, as in Horace’s 
‘arbore nunc aquas culpante.’ It is a cultivated 
variety of O. Europaea, which perhaps has no 
native claim to its specific designation. Its Latin 
names probably came from the Greek éAaia, the 
form ‘oliva’ from a dialect in which the digamma 
was still spoken, and ‘olea’ from one from which 
the digamma had disappeared. This seems to 
point to a somewhat late introduction into Italy, 
and it may have been brought by the earliest Greek 
colonists. ‘The tree is too tender to grow at high 
altitudes or, except on warm coastlands, in the north 
of Italy, and the parts in which it flourishes are 

known as the region of the olive. 

Oliva, or Olea 

The lanceolate and pointed leaves at once dis- 
tinguish our tree from the oleaster, and the heaviness 
of the under-surface does not disappear with age as 
it does in the wild form. The panicles of small 
white blossoms appear in August. The green fruit 
ripens into black, and the first gathering is late in 
November. There was, however, one variety which 
was gathered unripe to provide green oil for salads. 
It was harvested in September. 

In Italy the tree broke into varieties, of which 
Virgil selects three for his verse (Ge. ii. 86). Cato 
names ten and Columella ten or possibly eleven, 
each list including Virgil’s three. The kind called 
‘orchites,’ which Virgil for the convenience of his 
verse calls ‘orchades,’ bears a title like that which 
Queen Gertrude’s liberal shepherds gave to the long 
purples, and in shape it must have resembled the 
tuber of an orchid. On its qualities Pliny and 
Columella are at issue, the one holding that it gave 
abundant oil and the other that it was fit only for 
eating. Martyn seems to err in identifying it with 
the modern ‘olivola, which is small and round. 
The kind called ‘radius,’ from its resemblance to 
a weaver’s shuttle, is still known as ‘raggaria,’ an 
oblong olive, producing a very sweet oil, but in small 
quantities. The third kind was called ‘ pausia,’ or 
in the popular speech ‘ posea,’ a name of which the 
derivation does not appear. This was the kind that 
gave the green oil. Virgil does not mention the kind 
called ‘ Sergia,’ which produced the largest amount 
of oil. It was named after a member of the house 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

of Sergius, and is one of the sixteen varieties named 
by Macrobius. 

Two methods of propagation mentioned by Virgil 
are still in vogue. One (Ge. ii. 63) is much like what 
Shirley Hibberd calls the currant-tree method of 
propagating roses. A small branch, not more than 
two inches in diameter at its thickest point, is sawn 
off the tree, care being taken not to jag the bark. 
The lower part of this branch is cut into lengths 
of a foot or a foot and a half. These cuttings or 
truncheons, ‘ trunci’ or ‘taleae,’ are then pointed at 
both ends and buried nearly their whole length in 
the nursery. It takes five years before they can be 
transplanted to their places in the oliveyard. Some- 
times they are not set in the nursery for transplanta- 
tion, but set in the yard at once. In this case they 
were cut to the length of three feet. 

The second method (ib. 30) has the advantage 
that the transplanting can be done after three years, 
but the trees were thought to be not so good. The 
trunk of an old tree is cut into small pieces with 
a strip of bark at one side. These are planted like 
the truncheons and soon produce roots. The mul- 
berry shares with the olive this power of producing 
roots from old wood. Pliny tells stories, not, as 
some of his stories are, impossible, of olive wood 
sprouting even after it had passed through the 
carpenter’s hands. 

With grafting I have dealt in the previous article. 

Virgil tells us that when olive-trees are once estab- 
lished they need no more cultivation (7b. 420), but 


Oliva, or Olea 

this must not be taken quite literally. In his day, 
as now, the ground under the branches was dug 
every year, every few years manure was applied, and 
every eighth year some pruning was done. Virgil 
means that all this was nothing to the many labours 
of the vineyard. 

Concerning the use of olives and oil for food, for 
cookery, for an unguent, and for artificial light, there 
are a few touches in the poems. There is the oil 
lamp that sputters as a sign of coming rain 
(Ge. i. 393); there is the slippery oil with which 
above the cliffs of Actium the Trojan athletes 
anointed themselves to celebrate their escape from 
their Greek foes (Ae. iii. 281); and there is the fling 
at the town exquisite who spoils his unguent with 
perfumes (Ge. ii. 466). The victors in the games 
are crowned with olive blossoms, which drop upon 
their yellow pollen (Ae. v. 309). The victim on the 
altar burns the quicker for the oil that is poured 
over it (Ae. vi. 254). Nor does the use of oil cease 
with a man’s life. Together with frankincense and 
food it has its place on the funeral pyre (7b. 225). 

Just as in Bentley’s phrase the very dust of 
Pearson’s writings is gold, so the watery part of 
the olive (amurca) was valuable for steeping seeds 
(Ge. i. 194), for use in a sheep dip (Ge. iii. 448), and 
for other purposes. 

In face of all these uses it seems strange that for 
a farm of sixty acres Cato gives the olive only the 
fourth place. First comes the vineyard and then 
the irrigated garden and the willow bed. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

It might be thought that the trees were too 
precious to be cut as timber, but Theophrastus 
mentions some uses of it, one of them the fuel for 
a furnace. Possibly, like the shepherd’s staff, this 
was the wood of the oleaster. It may be surmised 
that the same explanation will hold of ‘ viridi’ as 
applied to the wreath given to Mnestheus, as it 
seems, for being second in the boat race (Ae. v. 493), 
the winner’s wreath being of bay. Virgil would 
hardly apply the epithet to a wreath of the grey 
olive, unless indeed he means that the spray had 
a few green berries on it. Horace’s allusion in 
‘viridi Venafro’ is to the berry, not, as some editors 
suppose, to the leaves. 

There was yet another part played by the olive in 
a world too well acquainted with war. The Romans 
adopted the legend that Athena was the inventor of 
the olive (Ge. i. 18), but it hardly needed this associa- 
tion with the queen of arts and crafts to make the 
rich olive the emblem of peace. It is the envoy’s 
white flag (Ae. vil. 154, 751, viii. 116), and Aeneas 
in the vain hope of a peaceful reception in Italy 
crowns himself with olive leaves when on leaving 
Sicily for the second time he makes his offering 
of wine and entrails to the powers of the sea 

(Ae. v. 774). 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian names, Olivo and Ulivo. 



‘nascuntur steriles saxosis montibus orni’ (Ge. ii. 111). 

Columella says that this tree is a wild ash with 
broader leaves. It is the manna ash (Fraxinus ornus), 
which is with some reason regarded by the Latin 
poets as the typical hillside tree of central and 
southern Italy. Handsome and free flowering, it is 
of much less stature than its cousin trée. Virgil 
makes Linus say that Hesiod’s pipe would draw the 
manna ashes down from the mountains (Ec. vi. 71). 

The wood is said to be pliant, and Theophrastus 
says it was employed for elastic bedsteads, for 
some carpenter’s tools, and, it would seem, for the 
curved parts of merchant ships. Virgil happens to 
mention it several times together with other timbers 
in connection with funeral pyres, but it may be sup- 
posed that for this purpose men took what they 
could get. 

The tree is not much planted in England, but 
grafted on the common ash it will flourish even in 
large towns. 

The supposition that Ornus was the rowan is 
quite groundless. 

Flower, May. 
Italian name, Orniello. 

‘spinis surgit paliurus acutis’ (Ec. v. 39). 
The death of Daphnis, which apart from allegory 
is the murder of Caesar, is supposed by Virgil to 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

give to the noxious wildings a mastery over the 
flowers worthy of a garden. Few plants are more 
masterful in occupying land than what is known as 
Christ’s thorn (Paliurus aculeatus). The plant is 
common in Palestine, and disputes with Zizyphus 
Spina Christi the claim to have supplied the crown 
of thorns at the Crucifixion. Its so-called thorns 
are in fact stipular prickles. In the decay of Etruria 
the plant went ahead to such an extent that in war- 
fare it could play the part now assigned to barbed 
wire, for it is probably the shrub through whose 
thickets Polybius tells us the Gauls could not pass 
to attack the Romans until they had stripped off 
their clothes (ii. 28). Dennis, who refers to this 
passage, was himself kept away by the shrub from 
the walls of Rusellae, but had not the curiosity to 
learn its botanical name. ‘The area of the city and 
the slopes around it are densely covered with a 
thorny shrub called “ marruca,” which I had often 
admired elsewhere for its bright yellow blossoms and 
delicate foliage; but as an antagonist it is most for- 
midable, particularly in winter, when its fierceness is 
unmitigated by a leafy covering. Even could one 
disregard the thorns, the difficulty of forcing one’s 
way through the thickets is so great that some of the 
finest portions of the walls are unapproachable from 
below.’ It will be seen that Columella had reason 
in recommending the shrub for hedges. 

The natural order to which ‘ marruca ’ belongs 
is represented in England by the two buckthorns, one 
of which has formidable spines, and in America is 



planted for hedges. The vine also is a kindred 
plant, but has always preferred vengeance to self- 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian name, Marruca. 


‘mittit . . . Eliadum palmas Epiros equarum? (Ge. i. 59). 

‘ardua palma’ (Ge. ii. 67). 

‘ primus Idumaeas referam tibi Mantua palmas’ (Ge. iii. 12). 

Although there are many genera and species of 
palms, one of which, Chamaerops humilis, is a 
native of Sicily, Virgil refers only to the date palm, 
Phoenix dactylifera. The epithet of ‘ ardua,’ which 
Virgil applies to it, must refer to the great length of 
the stem, at the top of which is the foliage and the 
fruit. It must have been imported at an early date 
into Sicily and southern Italy. In Virgil’s days, 
although Selinunte, ‘palmosa Selinus’ (Ae. iil. 705), 
was already a ruined city, there must have been 
palms planted along its sea front, as there still are 
some thirty miles off at Trapani. At both places 
you may find Chamaerops, on the sides of the Eryx 
in great abundance, but only as a stunted shrub. 

In Arabia and parts of Africa the date was much 
used for food, while in Palestine, Greece, and Italy 
the leaves were early regarded as a symbol of peace 
and victory. Virgil’s reference to the palms of 
Edom is allegorical and difficult. His probable 
meaning is that he hopes some day to celebrate 
the victories of Octavian and the pacification of the 



Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

world. When the time came for him to do this he 
shrank from the task, and, although he accomplished 
it in the Aeneid, he avowed that he must have been 
mad to undertake it. 

Flower, summer. 
Italian name, Palma da datteri. 

‘odoriferam panaceam’ (Ae. xii. 419). 

The plant here is clearly mythical, though there 
is a Greek plant of the name which has been identi- 
fied with a near relative of the parsnip. These 
plants are of a sugary and scented tribe, and panacea 
cannot be answerable for its kinswort. Still it is 
better to keep the parsnip, like the hatter, at a dis- 
tance from epic poetry. It shall therefore be judged 
that Virgil’s plant is not that of Theophrastus, but 
a child of his own fancy. There are no fields of all- 
heal ‘ on this side of the grave.’ 

‘campum ... urunt Lethaeo perfusa papavera somno’ 
(Ge. i. 78). 

“Cereale papaver’ (Ib. 212). 

umida mella soporiferumque papaver’ (Ae. iv. 486). 

‘summa papavera carpens’ (Ec. ii. 47). 

Although there are six species of poppy native to 
Italy, Virgil probably deals only with the opium poppy 
(Papaver somniferum) and its varieties. Pliny speaks 
of three kinds, the white, the black, and the erratic, 
which, he says, the Greeks call ‘rhoeas.’ The last 



seems to be the round prickly-headed poppy of our 
chalk fields, while his black poppy is our common 
scarlet poppy, with the globose and smooth seed 

Of the opium poppy there are two varieties still 
cultivated in Italy, but in ancient days, while both 
were grown for their seeds, perhaps only one was 
grown for opium. It is not clear whether it was 
grown for this end in Italy, for the drug seems 
generally to have been imported. This kind, known 
as P. officinale, has an ovoid capsule and white 
seeds. It is not, I think, common in our gardens. 
The other variety, P. hortense, has a globular cap- 
sule and black—or at least dark—seeds. This kind 
is common in our gardens, and has established itself 
about Cobham and elsewhere in Kent. In a wild 
state both varieties have white petals slightly tinged 
with lilac, and carrying a purple blotch at the base. 
Under cultivation the flowers often are red or crimson 
on pure white and frequently double. 

Our plant is probably a native of Mediterranean 
Europe and spread eastward with unhappy results. 
The capsules abound in opium or hashish, which is 
obtained through incisions made in them as they 
ripen, the juice coagulating in the night. The seeds, 
for which the Romans grew the plant, have no nar- 
cotic properties, and their oil could be a substitute 
for the juice of the olive. Unground they were used 
like our caraway seeds in cakes. This may be one 
reason for our poet’s epithet of ‘Cereale,’ but no 
doubt he was thinking also of the frequent repre- 

97 H 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

sentation of poppies in the statues of Ceres. The 
current explanation was that she ate the seeds to 
console herself for the loss of Proserpine. A more 
plausible account would be that she had recourse 
to hashish. A more important use of the seeds was 
their conjunction with honey as the normal sweetener 
in days when there was no sugar cane or sugar beet. 

The meaning of ‘vescum’ was at one time dis- 
puted, but Munro proved that it must mean small. 
The reference is to the size of the seeds. We should 
not apply an epithet in this way, but the vetch seems 
to be called ‘tenuis’ by Virgil for the same reason. 

In our fourth passage Virgil has fallen into one 
of those confusions to which we are all at times 
liable. He doubtless meant that the priestess of 
the Hesperides fed her watch-dragon with cakes of 
honey and poppy seeds. The seeds, as we have 
seen, are not soporific; but Virgil was so much in 
the habit of thinking of the drowsy poppy that in 
this passage he transfers the epithet from the capsules 
to the seeds, and makes his priestess put her watch- 
dragon to sleep. In the same way Horace puts into 
Juno’s mouth the phrase ‘ quietis ordinibus deorum’ 
at the very moment when she is emphasizing a rest- 
lessness in herself which has lasted for centuries. 
A like inattention was that of the modern nobleman, 
who said, ‘If we cannot move the Church we must 
appeal to the Dissenters: “‘ flectere si nequeo superos, 
Acheronta movebo.”’’ 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Papavero. 


‘vilem . .. phaselum’ (Ge. i. 227). 

English editors of Virgil have gone much astray 
on this plant, most of them identifying it with 
the kidney bean or scarlet runner. Even if they 
did not know that these plants are American, they 
should have been warned by Virgil’s advice to sow 
the plant in November, for the kidney bean will bear 
no touch of frost, and we do not sow it in the open 
until May. Virgil’s plant is Dolichus melanoph- 
thalmus, an Asiatic, still common in Italian eating- 
houses under the name of ‘ fagiolo dall’ occhio,’ the 
eye bean. The ancients ate the whole pod as we do 
French beans. Virgil’s epithet is perhaps unduly 
derogatory to a useful vegetable. 

The boat called ‘phaselus’ is supposed to have 
got its name from a resemblance to the fagiolo 
dal!’ occhio. 

Flower, summer. 
Italian name. See above. 

‘nigranti picea’ (Ag, ix. 87). 
‘Naryciae . . . picis lucos’ (Ge. ii. 438). 
‘Idaeas .. . pices’ (Ge. iii. 450). 

Although the identification of this tree has been 
disputed, there are truths which seem to point to 
a definite conclusion. It was the tree which pro- 
duced the best pitch, and the best pitch came from 
the mountains of the extreme south. The tree of 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

those mountains is the Corsican pine (Pinus Laricio), 
easily distinguished, as Veitch says, ‘by its strict, 
erect habit, by its shortened branches, which some- 
times show a tendency to curve in a direction round 
the tree and upwards, and by its large, twisted, glau- 
cous foliage.’ 

Naryx is a town of the Opuntian Locri in Greece, 
of which people the Italian city of Locri was held to 
be a colony, and it is to the Italian city that Virgil 
refers. It lies under the great range of Sila, which 
he makes the scene of the fight of bulls (Ae. 
xii. 715,Sqq.). Doubtless pitch was largely exported 
from Locri to other parts of Italy. Farmers did not 
usually make their own pitch, few of them having 
trees at hand, but bought it in the market towns and 
melted it into tar (Ge. i. 225). It was used, as with 
us, for a preservative of timber, for an ingredient in 
a sheep-wash (Ge. iii. 450), and for marking corn- 
sacks (Ge. ii. 263). It was also smeared on the 
corks of wine-jars, as we put wax on the corks of 
bottles. Nowadays in the Apennines the wine that 
is kept for domestic use is often put into bottles. 
These stand upright, and, instead of corks and tar, 
a few drops of oil are put on the top. When the 
wine is to be drunk the oil is sucked up by means of 
a little cotton-wool. 

The tree was well fitted to make a funeral pyre, 
but when in our first passage Virgil makes Aeneas 
employ it for the cremation of Misenus he must 
have forgotten that the tree did not grow near the 



The trunk of this pine was largely used for sub- 
terranean water-pipes, as under the ground it did 
not decay. For pipes above ground other material 
had to be employed. 

Flower, February and March. 
Italian name, Pino di Corsica. 

—~ ‘pulcherrima pinus in hortis’ (Ec. vii. 6). 
—~ ‘nautica pinus ’ (Ec. iv. 38). 

It is clear that at least two species are included 
under this generic name. One is a tree of the south 
and the lowlands, the other of the north and the 
hills. The first is the stone or parasol pine (Pinus 
pinea), a familiar object in the scenery of central 
and southern Italy, but not coming much north of 
the famous forest which it makes near Ravenna. 
This is the tree of our first passage. The other is 
our own Scotch fir (P. silvestris), which is chiefly an 
Alpine, but occurs in the Genoese Apennines, and 
as far south as the Parmesan district. This must be 
the tree of the Vesulan woods which concealed the 
wild boar (Ae. x. 708), and also that which the bee- 
keeper is enjoined to bring from the high hills 
(Ge. iv. 112). The stone pine is easily recognized 
by its habit and large round cones. 

Pines were sacred to Cybele, Attis, and Pan or 
Faunus. Pan’s home was Mount Maenalus in 
Arcadia, which always has ‘argutumque nemus 
pinosque loquentes’ (Ec. viii. 22). The trees make 
their own music in the wind and also echo the notes 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

of Pan and the Shepherds. Sir James Frazer sug- 
gests that one reason for the association of the pine 
with Attis may have been the value of its seeds 
as food. They are still gathered in Italy and sold 
and eaten as fruit. 

Pine wood was used not only for shipbuilding but 
also for fuel. Sprays of the trees were used for 
skimming pots of must or fermenting grape juice 
(Ge. i. 296). Virgil’s word for the spray is ‘ folium,’ 
and Pliny tells us that this word meant a spray of 
a coniferous tree. 

It should be added that the dominant pine on 
Mount Ida appears to be neither of Virgil’s species, 
but one which is found in some sea-coast districts of 
southern Italy. This is the Aleppo pine (P. Hale- 
ponsis), which, according to Theophrastus, was the 
chief shipbuilding tree of Cyprus. It is probably 
included under Virgil’s name. It is a slender tree, 
not growing to a great height. 

Flower, February to April. 
Italian names: Pino da pinocchi (Stone pine). 
Pino di Scozia (Scotch fir). 

‘insere nunc, Meliboee, piros’ (Ec. i. 13 ; cf. Ec. ix. 50). 
‘ornus . . . incanuit albo | flore piri’ (Ge. ii. 71). 
‘in versum distulit ... eduram . . . pirum’ (Ge. iv. 144). 

Virgil’s pear seems to be Pyrus domestica, which 
may or may not be a cultivated form of the wild 
pear (P. communis). It had already developed into 
several varieties, of which Virgil mentions the Syrian, 



the Crustumine, and the Volemum (Ge. ii. 88). Ac- 
cording to Pliny and Columella the second was the 
best, but none were accounted very wholesome unless 
stewed in wine. The Syrian, called also the Taren- 
tine, may be the bergamot. The third kind is said 
to get its name from ‘vola,’ the palm of the hand, 
which one fruit would fill, and is perhaps the same 
as Pliny’s ‘librale’ or pound pear. Martial men- 
tions a good kind, which ‘docta Neapolis creavit,’ 
and Naples retains its renown for good horticulture. 

The pear-tree was used, as it still is, for a stock 
on which to graft apples (Ge. ii. 33). Virgil held 
that the pear itself could be grafted on the manna 
ash, but there is no kinship between the two. 

The wild pear sometimes makes large woods, as 
on some of the lower slopes of Soracte, which in 
spring are white with its blossom. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Pero. 


‘ platani steriles’ (Ge. ii. 70). 

The plane (Platanus Orientalis), as a native tree, 
does not come west of Greece, though Theophrastus 
held that it was native to one Adriatic island. Pliny, 
however, says that it was planted there. It was, 
however, extensively planted and has established 
itself along the rivers and the fiumicini of Calabria. 
It seems to have taken a long time to become accli- 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

matized, for the same Greek authority says that the 
trees planted at Reggio by Dionysius never attained 
any size. One would, however, gather that in 
Augustan times it was a fine tree in much more 
northerly situations. In our days there are magni- 
ficent trees at Bologna. 

It seems to owe its name to its broad leaves 
(7AaTvs), and it was planted only for its beauty and 
for shade. Its habit of shaling its bark made it 
unfit to support the vine, and it was hence called 
“caelebs,’ the bachelor tree. It also seems doubtful 
whether it would survive the treatment which the 
elm and the willow underwent when they were used 
in the vineyard. The size of its leaves is sometimes 
assigned as a reason, but this would hardly count 
if it were reduced to a single shoot. 

It was customary in summer to hold the sym- 
posium under its shade, and the old Corycian was 
able to transplant it when it was already large 
enough for this end, ‘ ministrantem platanum potan- 
tibus umbras’ (Ge. iv. 146). 

The London plane is a variety which seems to 
have been developed in the great city itself. Its 
liking for a city life used to be ascribed to the shaling 
of its bark, but it is now revognized that London 
dirt does its harm not through the bark, but through 
the buds and leaves, in which point the plane is no 
better off than its fellows. Its fruit, which breaks up 
in the spring, has come under some suspicion as a 
contributory cause of catarrh. It had this reputation 
with Dioscorides, and London newspapers have 



lately admitted correspondence on the subject. The 
guilt of the tree seems to be unproved. 

The inhabitants of Cos show a tree whose trunk 
has a diameter of six yards, and they profess to 
believe that it is old enough for Hippocrates to have 
sat under it. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Platano. 

—~ candida populus’ (Ec. ix. 41). 
‘bicolor . . . populus’ (Ae. viii. 276). 
“~—{populus in silvis pulcherrima’ (Ec. vii. 65). 
‘populus Alcidae gratissima’ (Id. 61). 

Whether the abele or white poplar (Populus alba) 
be a native or an importation from eastern Europe, 
it was at any rate well established along the water- 
courses and in the wet woods of Italy. The young 
shoots are very white and cottony, and the leaves 
are green above and white beneath. The tree is 
sometimes nearly a hundred feet high. Its wood is 
useful wherever lightness and whiteness are desired. 

Hercules, on his return from the lower world, 
made himself a chaplet of poplar leaves, and Homer’s 
name of ayépers marks the tree as a denizen of 

Both the black poplar and the aspen must have 
been known to Virgil, but he makes no direct men- 
tion of either. It is from the former that bees get 
much ‘ fucus,’ the rosinous substance used for pro- 
polis (Ge. iv. 39). 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

The white poplar is not a native of England, and 
does not often make a good tree in this country. In 
popular parlance its name is often transferred to the 
grey poplar (P. canescens), which is a native both 
here and in northern Italy. It may be distinguished 
by the colour and by the toothed and angled leaves 
of the suckers. Virgil’s eye must have seen the 
difference between these two trees. 

Where the climate was too hot for the oak, as at 
Olympia, the abele took its place as a coronary plant. 

Flower, March and April. 
Italian names, Alberello and Gattice. 

PORRUM (Porrum capitatum). 
‘capiti nomen debentia porri’ (Mor. 74). 

The leek (Allium porrum) is an Oriental plant, 
which very early came into cultivation. Except for 
an increase of size, it seems to have changed little 
since Roman times. Columella says that the best 
were grown at Ariccia at the foot of the Alban hills, 
a town famous for other vegetables as well. 

The other Roman porrum, called ‘sectile,’ was 
chives (A. schoenoprasum), is also common in our 
gardens, and is interesting to us by reason of its two 
isolated stations in this country, one in Cornwall, 
the other along a basaltic dyke in Northumberland. 
It has no Continental station in western Europe. 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian names: Porro (leak). 
Cipolline (chives). 

Prunus and Spinus 

———~f cerea pruna’ (Ec. ii, 53). 
‘spinos iam pruna ferentes' (Ge. iv. 145). 

The plum (Prunus communis) is divided into 
several sub-species, and of these one at least had 
broken into so many varieties that Pliny could say, 
‘ingens turba prunorum.’ This is P. domestica, 
of which the wild fruit is very dark. In cultivation 
the blue plums were less valued than the yellow or, 
as Virgil calls them, the waxen, such as our golden 

Virgil’s ‘spinus’ is the blackthorn or sloe, under 
whose thickets the Sicilian lizards take refuge from 
the midday heat (Ec. ii. 9). It was used as a stock 
for grafting the plum, while the wild plum itself and 
the bullace (P. insititia) were used as stocks for the 
cornel (Ge. ii. 34). The blackthorn is a common 
hedge shrub in Italy, but the wild plum seems to be 
found only in cultivation. It should be said that 
Arcangeli’s P. communis is the almond. His name 
for the plum, which he makes a distinct species, is 
P. domestica. 

Flower, March and April. 
Italian names: Susino (plum). 
Prugnolo and Vegro (sloe). 


The two forms of the English oak are so closely 
allied that modern botanists refuse them specific 
rank, and class them as varieties. The botanical 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

differences are that in Quercus pedunculata, the 
common oak, the leaves have no stalk, while the 
acorn has a long one; whereas in Q. sessiliflora, the 
durmast oak, the characters are reversed, the leaf 
having a stalk, and the acorn so short a one as 
hardly to count. The gardener distinguishes the 
latter as having a straighter and more regular stem 
and larger and more numerous leaves. Experiments 
seem to show that the durmast oak can boast the 
tougher timber, and an old belief that it was less 
lasting seems to have no foundation. 

Small as the differences may be, Virgil clearly dis- 
tinguished the two varieties— 

‘Nemorumque Iovi quae maxima frondet 

Aesculus, atque habitae Graiis oracula quercus’ 

(Ge. ii. 15). 

The difference of size, upon which he here fixes, 
probably refers to the appearance of the trees in leaf, 
for it seems that in the diameter of the trunk and 
the dimensions of the limbs neither tree has any 
advantage over the other. It is the density of leafage 
that magnifies the bulk of the durmast. Nor is this 
all, for its leaves are less liable to disease and to the 
ravages of caterpillars, frequent causes of disfigure- 
ment to its less fortunate congener. On the other 
hand, the comparative uprightness of its branches 
detracts somewhat from its dignity. 

The favourite habitats of the two varieties differ 
in Italy as they do in England. The durmast, as 
Mr. Robinson tells us, inhabits plateaux and slopes 
of hills and mountains, while the common oak is 


Robur, Quercus, Aesculus 

best in heavy soils and lower ground. Arcangeli 
makes a like remark concerning their habits in Italy. 
Nor in Italy are the two varieties, as with us, geo- 
graphically interspersed. The durmast is rare in 
the north and the common oak hardly to be found 
in the south. 

Just as we use the name of oak indiscriminately 
of either variety, so Virgil and the Latins generally 
use the name of ‘quercus’ and the Italians the name 
of ‘querce.’ When a distinction is made the modern 
usage differs from Virgil’s, the name of ‘eschio’ 
(aesculus) being applied to the common oak, while 
the durmast is known as ‘ rovere’ (robur). 

The striking of an oak by lightning was of course 
accounted an omen (Ec. i. 17), and in fact makes 
a wonderful sight. Some years since a very fine but 
quite sound oak in Tewkesbury Park was so struck, 
and only about six feet of the huge trunk left stand- 
ing. Round the tree a circle with a diameter of a 
hundred yards was covered with branches great and 
small, a blow from which might well have killed 
a man if he had been within the range. The 
peasantry avowed that timber so struck would not 
make fuel, but this was easily disproved. 

The bier, feretrum, on which a dead body was 
laid for burning, was made of cypress and oak 
(Ae. xi. 65). 

It should be added that Pliny uses robur as the 
name of a distinct species. This is the Turkey oak, 
Q. cerris, whose acorn, as he rightly says, is bitter 
and rough, and bristly like a chestnut. The Romans 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

held that the shingles which roofed the houses of 
early Rome were made of this tree. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian names: Eschio and Farnia (Quercus 
Rovere (Q. sessiliflora). 
Cerro (Q. cerris). 

Ros, or Ros Marinus (Ge. il. 213). 

The rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) gets its 
name from its liking for sea coasts and spray. In 
the inland parts of Italy it is found only in cultiva- 
tion. Virgil speaks of it as a bee plant on thin 
gravel soils, and implies that it will hardly grow 
on them, There is, however, no difficulty in culti- 
vating it, and in this country it was once in high 
repute. It was grown for its scent and for the tonic 
oil supplied by its tops, and accounted a cure for 
headaches. Its long flowering season may make it 
useful for the yield of honey. 

There seems to be no ancient authority for its 
association with remembrance, but Ophelia’s phrase 
was an old one in England. 

Flower, March to October. 
Italian names, Ramerino and Rosmarino. 


‘puniceis . . . rosetis’ (Ec. v. 17). 
‘mixta rubent ubi lilia multa | alba rosa’ (Ae. xii. 69). 
‘biferi . . . rosaria Paesti’ (Ge. iv. 119). 

Virgil was probably acquainted with three exotic 
and several native species of the rose, and the 
foreigners had already broken into varieties and 
produced double or at least semi-double flowers. 

The cabbage or Provence rose (Rosa centifolia) 
has a specific name, which Linnaeus took from 
Pliny, and which refers to the double flower, which 
is a product of cultivation. Mr. Pemberton calls 
this rose a native of the south of France, but this 
statement seems to be without warrant, and the 
higher authority of Nicholson is doubtless right in 
assigning to it an Asiatic home. Travellers still find 
it in the Caucasas, from whence it came to Greece. 
In Greece it is said to have naturalized itself, but 
not so in Italy. Theophrastus knew the flower in 
its single state, for he says that it has a flower within 
a flower, the inner being in fact the stamens and 
pistils. He compares its colour with the oleander 
and the rosy petal-tips of the so-called Egyptian 
bean of Pythagoras. It may be distinguished from 
the damask rose by its spreading sepals and less 
rigid leaves. From it descend our cabbage and 
moss roses. 

Of the damask rose (R. Damascena) Mr. Pem- 
berton remarks that it was first brought to the 
notice of Europeans by the Crusaders, but there 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

seems no reason to doubt that it was known to the 
Romans. It may be Pliny’s Milesian rose, which he 
describes as having the brightest colours, but not 
more than twelve petals. The gardeners of Miletus 
probably imported it from Damascus, where King- 
lake in Eothen speaks of it as growing to an 
immense height. Some of its varieties are extremely 
vigorous in this country. I have a specimen of the 
kind called Lady Curzon, some ten years old, which 
is fifteen feet through and still spreading. 

This must be the rose of our third passage, for 
none other known to the Romans could in any way 
be said to bloom twice. Of its descendants the Red 
Monthly and the White Monthly. Mr. Pemberton 
says that both produce ‘a second and even a third 
crop of flowers in favourable seasons.’ Some com- 
mentators speak of an autumnal crop of roses at 
Pesto, but this crop is of their own invention. No 
ancient authority knows anything of autumnal roses, 
and the interval between the two crops of the damask 
is very brief. Considering how short the normal 
time of blossoming is, we need not wonder that the 
Romans, who valued the flower so highly, welcomed 
any lengthening of its season. By Domitian’s time 
they had learnt the art of hastening the flowering 
season by growing their roses in greenhouses or 
frames, ‘specularia,’ which had already been used 
to give Tiberius cucumbers all the year round. 
There is, however, no mention of these devices in 
Virgil’s time. The so-called greenhouse of Maecenas 
on the Esquiline, even if it did contain plants, a thing 



by no means certain, was, as any gardener can see, 
in no sense a forcing house. 

Virgil’s third rose (R. Gallica) claims, though not 
undisputedly, to be a native of Italy, and is recog- 
nized as such by Arcangeli. Its name of the Provins 
rose comes from the town near Paris where it was 
cultivated for the manufacture of conserves. What- 
ever its origin, it has got a strong footing in Europe, 
and spreads so fast by suckers as to become in some 
cases a pestilent weed. It is the rose of Assisi, 
where it fills the garden at Porziuncula, and the red 
fungus which sometimes stains its leaves has given 
rise to the fantastic legend that it displays the blood 
of St. Francis. It has no large prickles, and one 
could roll in it with little damage. Those who 
desire torture may get it better from the damask. 
The best-known representative of the Provins rose 
in our gardens is the double red and white Rosa 

Of these roses Pliny and others mention a good 
many varieties, but it seems impossible to identify 
them, or to be sure that they remain in cultivation. 

To come to native roses, we cannot suppose that 
Virgil failed to observe the white and fragrant 
blossoms of R. sempervirens, a hedge plant in all 
the lower grounds of Italy. We know it best in the 
double form called Félicité et Perpétué. To this 
our list must add at least the dog rose and the 
Scotch brier. 

Of the uses of the rose Virgil says no more than 
that the dried petals make a medicine for sick bees 

113 I 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

(Ge. ii. 466). From poets of a more festive spirit 
and stronger constitutions we learn that roses were 
worn on the head at dinner and scattered about the 
floor, or dropped, as in Nero’s golden house, from 
a reversible ceiling. The luxurious would lie on the 
petals, and the Sybarite complain when these were 
laid edgeways. If a Roman died in the flowering 
season they were strewn upon his tomb. 

Columella’s recipe for forcing roses may tempt 
some adventurous spirit. At a little distance from 
the stem you make a circular, shallow trench as soon 
as the flower-buds show, and occasionally fill it with 
warm water. It may be presumed that the tempera- 
ture must be less than that which proved fatal to the 
plantings of Triptolemus Yellowlees. 

Flower, May. 
Italian name, Rosa. 

~~ ‘rubus asper ’ (Ec. iii. 89). 
‘rubos horrentes’ (Ge. iii. 315). 
‘nunc facilis rubea texatur fiscina virga’ (Ge. i. 266). 

In the brambles or blackberries we have a con- 
fusing genus, and of the species Rubus fruticosus 
Baker recognized more than thirty varieties in this 
country. Arcangeli contents himself with seven 
types and a few varieties, and probably Virgil, like 
many Englishmen, called them all simply black- 
berries. As with us, the commonest kind seems to 
be R. discolor, which has large pink flowers, white 
under-surface to its leaves, and a juicy fruit. 



Pliny tells us that the withies of the bramble with 
the prickles removed were used to make baskets. 
Nevertheless, in our third passage some may prefer 
to follow Servius in reading Rubea, and see a refer- 
ence to willows, but there is no other evidence that 
the town of Rubi was famous for willows. 

Blackberries, from their likeness to mulberries, 
were called mora, a name surviving in the French 
‘murs sauvages’ and the Italian ‘more del rovo’ 
and ‘ more di macchia.’ 

Flower, June and July. 
Italian names, Rogo and Rovo. 

‘fecundus . . . rumex’ (Mor. 73). 

There are many species of dock, but there can be 
little doubt that ours is the curled dock (Rumex 
crispus), which still bears the names of ‘ romice’ and 
‘rombice.’ It is marked by its waved leaves and its 
growth in dry places, many of the genus having 
aquatic habits. The name may also cover the fiddle 
dock (R. pulcher), which owes its name to the shape 
of the leaves. In Italy it is the most common kind, 
but in England is not found north of the Midland 

The epithet refers to the patience which the plant 
shows on the gathering of its leaves. They grow 
again with great rapidity, and no plant seems to 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

suffer less from this treatment. They were cooked 
and eaten like spinach. 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian names. See above. 

—— ‘horridior rusco’ (Ec, vii. 42). 
‘aspera rusci | vimina’ (Ge. ii. 413). 

The butcher’s broom (Ruscus aculeatus) is occa- 
sionally wild in southern England, and large patches 
of it may often be seen on the hills above the Italian 
lakes. Its flowers and red berries, like those of 
asparagus, grow on branches which have taken the 
shape of leaves. Though it dies down every year, 
its growth is shrubby, and the sharp spines explain 
Virgil’s epithets. In Italy it is still used for making 
brooms. It can hardly have made good withies for 
tying up vines, though Virgil seems to imply that it 
was used for this purpose. 

Flower, February. 
Italian name, Pungi-topo. 

‘rutam ... rigentem’ (Mor. 89). 

Rue, or the herb of grace (Ruta graveolens), is not 

a common plant in any part of Italy. It was, how- 

ever, cultivated, and seems to have played the part 

which parsley plays with us. Thus it was used to 

flavour soups and other dishes, and to garnish eggs 


and the like. As an eye-salve it already had the 
renown of which we hear in a medieval line, 

‘Auxilio rutae, vir lippe, videbis acute,’ 
and in Milton’s 
‘, .. purg’d with Euphrasie and Rue 
The visual nerve.’ 
The name of ‘herb of grace’ is not ancient, and 
was perhaps due to a false etymology. 

Flower, July and August. 
Italian name, Ruta. 

‘puniceis humilis quantum saliunca rosetis . . . cedit’ 
(Ec. v. 17). 
The Celtic nard (Valeriana Celtica), though found 
in the Piedmontese Alps, was not a native of Italy 
in the more ancient sense. It was, however, culti- 
vated for use in perfumery, as was at one time our 
own wild valerian. The flowers are usually yellowish, 
but it is said that they are sometimes red, and to 
this colour Virgil refers. Its scent also was like 
that of the rose. Keightley supposed Virgil to allude 
to the use of roses in chaplets, for which the valerian 
would be too brittle. I see no such allusion. The 
poet seems to be talking of garden beds. 

Flower, July. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 


‘genus haud unum .. . salici’ (Ge. ii. 83). 
‘viminibus salices fecundae’ (ib. 446). 

“Sid alice . . . lenta salix feto pecori’ (Ec. iii. 83). 
‘(apes) pascuntur . . . glaucas salices’ (Ge. iv. 182). 

“lenta salix . . . pallenti cedit olivae’ (Ec. v. 16). 

‘vescas salicum frondes’ (Ge. iii. 175). 
‘ glauca canentia fronde salicta’ (Ge. ii. 13). 
‘salignas . . . umbonum crates’ (Ae. vii. 632). 
‘molle siler’ (Ge. ii. 12). 

The willow tribe are a large and confusing people, 
and, since modern botanists are at issue concerning 
them, we cannot expect Virgil to be exact in his 
specific distinctions. He, of course, recognized that 
there were several species (Ge. ii. 84). Arcangeli 
counts twenty-seven in Italy beside varieties and 
hybrids. Some of these, however, are not native, 
the osier (Salix viminalis) being one. This is of 
northern origin, was not known to the ancient 
Romans, and even now is not much cultivated south 
of Lombardy. Linnaeus was less happy than usual 
in his specific name, for, while Juvenal may well be 
right in calling the viminal ‘ dictum a vimine collem,’ 
this must have been another species, probably the 
purple osier (S. purpurea), of which there may have 
been a bed at the foot of the hill. This was prob- 
ably the Amerine willow (Ge. i. 265), which supplied 
withies for tying vines. It grows to some nine feet 
high, and is common on some of our English streams. 
Columella speaks of its red stems. 

Round Mantova willows, especially S. triandra, 


Salix and Siler 

were and are used to support the vines, and amid 
these Gallus desired to lie: 

‘mecum inter salices lenta sub vite iaceret’ (Ec. x. 40).  ~ 

The willow which Menalcas avows to be less 
beautiful than the olive was probably the white 
willow (S. alba), which, however, greatly exceeds 
the olive in stature and, as some may think, in 

Goats feed on the leaves of various willows and 
bees go to the flowers for honey. Virgil knew them 
as hedge plants (Ge. ii. 434). Shields in old days had 
been made of wicker-work, and the wood made the 
sickle of Priapus (Ge. iv. 110). Virgil’s references 
to ties and withies are numerous, and our nursery- 
men still use several willows for this purpose. 

It is impossible to identify ‘siler.’ It is a tree or 
shrub of wet places, and probably some willow. 

Flower, spring. 

Italian names: Salcio rosso (S. purpurea) ; 
Salcio da _ pertiche (S. 

‘Sardoniis . . . amarior herbis’ (Ec. vii. 41). 

Of all the crowfoots none is more acrid than 
Ranunculus sceleratus, which is held to be the plant 
here indicated, though, so far from being confined to 
Sardinia, it is common in wet places throughout 
Italy, as it is with us) The mere handling of the 
plant will cause irritation of the skin. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

The phrase of sardonic laughter seems to be a 
piece of popular etymology. Homer’s word for this 
laughter is capéddvios, of which the derivation is 
unknown. The effect of eating our plant is to con- 
tort the face, and the resemblance between Homer’s 
adjective and the adjective of Sardinia seems to 
have made the Romans think that the plant must 
come from that island, though they could have 
found it in their own ditches. The small yellow 
flowers do not attract attention. 

Flower, May and June. 

ScILLA (Ge. iii. 451). 

In our passage Virgil speaks of the squill, Urginea 
scilla, as an ingredient in sheep-wash. It is common 
on Italian coasts, and its large green bulbs are very 
conspicuous on the mud-heaps between Crotone and 
the solitary column which remains of the Temple of 
Hera on the Lacinian promontory. Our own sup- 
plies of the useful drug are said to come chiefly from 

Palladius mentions a curious use for the bulb. 
It was split in two and the halves tied round the 
cutting of a fig-tree. It seems to have been an early 
form of what gardeners call ‘ bottom heat,’ but there 
cannot have been much of it. 

Flower, August to October. 
Italian name, Scilla. 


‘ olentia late | serpylla’ (Ge. iv. 30). 

The common form of thyme (Thymus serpyllum) 
is confined to the higher lands in Italy, but the 
narrow-leaved variety comes somewhat lower down. 
The plant is Shakespeare’s wild thyme, and Milton 
makes it grow, as it might, on the rocks above a 
desert cave or grotto. Virgil names it as a bee 
plant, and the leaves are braised with garlic for the 
reaper’s midday meal. 

For garden thyme, which is not a native of Eng- 
land, see Thymum. 

Flower, May to September. 
Italian name, Pepolino. 


‘fermento atque acidis imitantur vitea sorbis’ (Ge. iii. 380). 

There can be no doubt that the passage refers to 
some kind of beer and some kind of cider, and it 
has been inferred that both liquors were made in 
Italy. But Virgil is speaking of Scythians, and a 
juster inference would be that these liquors were not 
made in Italy, and that Virgil had heard of them 
through travellers. At a later date they were made 
in Italy. 

The service-tree (Pyrus sorbus) is much like the 
rowan or mountain ash, but the berries are larger. 
The fruit is too austere to be eaten until it has been 
bletted like a medlar, and become brown and soft. 
It would seem that the Romans had not discovered 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

this art, and Martial therefore says that sorbs are fit 
food only for a slave. There were several varieties 
of the fruit. 

This tree is not native in England, though one 
tree grows, apparently wild, in Wyre Forest. It 
must be distinguished from our own wild service- 
tree, which has smaller berries and undivided leaves. 
Both are wild in Italy, and the former is cultivated 
there for its fruit. 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian name, Sorbo. 


‘ silvestri subere’ (Ae. xi. 554). 
‘corticibus ... suta cavatis ... alvearia’ (Ge. iv. 33). 
‘tegmina queis capitum raptus de subere cortex’ (Ae. vii. 742). 
The cork-tree (Quercus suber) is a native of central 
and southern Italy, and the men with cork helmets 
are Campanians. Though the word ‘cortex’ is not 
limited to the bark of the cork-tree, we have Colu- 
mella’s word that this was the best material for 
hives, and doubtless this was what Virgil meant. 
When he says that bees sometimes establish them- 
selves ‘ cavis corticibus,’ he uses the word in a wider 
sense. The farmers who, on the feast of Bacchus, 
put on masks made of hollow ‘cortices,’ doubtless 
used cork when they could get it. Cork was also 
used as stoppers for wine-jars, tar being smeared 
over it. Roman ladies, like Trollope’s Lady Rosina 
de Courcey, had cork soles to their winter shoes. 
The tree is evergreen, with slightly toothed leaves, 


and is of much less stature than the oak. The cup 
of the acorn is covered with velvety scales. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Sughera. 

‘taedas silva alta ministrat’ (Ge. ii. 431). 

Originally the name of a tree, our word more 
often signifies a torch, and probably has that mean- 
ing in this passage. Virgil, however, must have 
known the material of the tree even if he never saw 
it alive. It is the Swiss stone-pine (Pinus cembra), 
a native of lofty mountains, and found on the Alps 
within sight of the plain of Lombardy. The strong 
aroma, at its highest point in the spring, points to 
the very rosinous character which made it of service 
for torches. The tree has a close, erect, and some- 
what oval habit of growth. When Horace com- 
pared Hannibal’s descent upon Italy to a fire 
sweeping ‘per taedas,’ he doubtless was speaking 
of conifers generally, and had no special kind in 

Flower, July. 
Italian name, Pino Zimbro. 

‘(amant) aquilonem et frigora taxi’ (Ge. ii. 113). 
‘taxi torquentur in arcus’ (ib. 448). oe 
‘sic tibi Cyrnaeas fugiant examina taxos’ (Ec. ix. 30). 
In Italy the yew (Taxus baccata) is exclusively 
a tree of the higher ground, and except in Liguria 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

does not come near the coast. Virgil says that it is 

-characteristic of cold soils, but with us it is most 
plentiful on chalky soils (Ge. ii. 257). Perhaps 
Virgil, seeing it flourish with a north aspect, made 
the false inference that it liked the soil also to be 
cold. Theophrastus observed that it was a moun- 
tain tree and liked shade, but is silent as to the 

Our second passage shows that, as in medieval 
England, the wood of the yew was shaped into 
bows. The tree was also grown in gardens, and 
sometimes became the victim of the topiary, though 
it was the box that more often suffered the in- 
dignity of being clipped into animal and inanimate 
shapes. : 

Virgil forbids the planting of yews near a bee- 
hive (Ge. iv. 47), and was perhaps right in holding 
that the flower of the yew made honey bitter. 
Knowing that Corsican honey had an ill flavour, 
he seems in our third passage to have assumed that 
the bitterness was due to this tree. Travellers in 
Corsica, however, set it down to the box. Arcangeli 
says that yew is rare in all the islands. 

In the passage referred to above concerning soil 
Virgil calls yews ‘nocentes.’ The word covers several 
kinds of damage. Grass will hardly grow under a 
yew, and the roots extend a long way. The ancients 
held that both the berries and the leaves were 
poisonous. I have often eaten the mucilaginous 
berry, and if there is poison in it it must be in the 
seeds. Cattle can eat the shoots off the tree ap- 



parently with impunity, but if they feed on branches 
that have been gathered and left to ferment they die 
of it. 

Flower, January to April. 

Italian name, Tasso. 

‘ per artem | inclusum buxo aut Oricia terebintho | lucet ebur’ 
(4e. x. 135). 

The terebinth, or turpentine-tree (Pistacia Tere- 
binthus), now grows wild in Italy, and the point 
of Virgil’s epithet is uncertain. According to 
Servius, a variety with very black wood came from 
Oricus in Epirus, but it looks as though Servius, 
after the manner of scholiasts, had concocted his 
note out of the passage. Virgil did not scruple to 
couple a foreign name with an Italian tree or plant 
if the foreign town or country was famous for it. 
Thus, in spite of all the olives of southern Italy, he 
calls the fruit ‘ Sicyonian bacam,’ because the Achaean 
town of Sicyon was famous for its olives. 

In Greece, Theophrastus tells us, the wood was 
not used, and in Italy the art of inlaying, to which 
our passage refers, was doubtless later than his time, 
however fashionable it may have become in the later 
days of the Republic. The Greeks by incision got 
a rosin from the exudation of the tree. This is now 
called Chian turpentine, as most of it comes from the 
Isle of Skio. 

Flower, April and May. 
Italian name, Terebinto. 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘graviter spirantis copia thymbrae’ (Ge. iv. 31). 

The species of savory here named is probably 
Satureia hortensis, a small labiate annual cultivated 
for the aromatic tops, which were used in cookery 
and for flavouring vinegar. In England this is 
known as summer savory. Our plant may, however, 
be another species, S. montana, known here as winter 
savory. It is a shrubby perennial. Whichever of 
the two was called thymbra, the other was called 
satureia, from which name savory is derived. The 
Greek Ov 8pa was perhaps a third species not native 
to Italy. 

Flower, Summer. 
Italian names, Santoreggia and Savoreggia. 

‘Cecropium ... thymum’ (Ge. iv. 270). 
“~~ “thymo mihi dulcior Hyblae’ (Ec. vii. 37). 
‘redolent . . . thymo fragmantia mella’ (Ge. iv. 169). 

I believe that two species are included under this 
name, and that the Athenian and the Italian thyme 
were not the same plant. The former is admittedly 
Thymus capitatus, which is found in southern but 
not in northern Italy. On the other hand, the 
species which occurs all along the western side of 
the peninsula, T. vulgaris, seems not to be found in 
Greece. This is the plant still called ‘timo’ in Italy, 
and commonly cultivated in our gardens under the 

name of garden thyme. 


Thyme was evidently the chief bee plant, though 
its season of flowering hardly exceeds a month. It 
was also used for fumigating the hive (Ge. iv. 241), 
and as a medicine for its inhabitants (7b. 267). The 
leaves were also used in cookery, and when it was to 
be dried for this purpose it was held best to dry it in 
the shade. Modern authorities agree with this view. 

Writers on Shakespeare’s wild thyme frequently 
quote Virgil, but the two poets have different plants 
in mind. 

Flower, June. 
Italian name, Timo. 

‘(apes) pascuntur .. pinguem tiliam’ (Ge. iv. 183). 
‘tiliae leves’ (Ge. ii. 449). 

The small-leaved lime (Tilia parvifolia) is native 
in Rockingham Forest and perhaps in a few other 
places in southern England. In Italy it is confined 
to the high ground. The limes which the old 
Corycian grew at Taranto may have been one of 
the sub-species, either T. intermedia, the common 
lime, or T. platyphylla, the broad-leaved lime. 
Virgil gives the Corycian credit for being success- 
ful with a hill-land tree at so low an altitude. 
I take ‘ pinguem’ to refer to the sticky leaves, as in 
Juvenal’s ‘ pinguia crura luto’ and Martial’s ‘ pin- 
guis virga,’ a stick plastered with bird-lime. All 
varieties of the trees seem to be beloved by bees. 

The timber, which Virgil commends for the yoke 
of the plough, is light, and can be planed smooth ; 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

hence it figures both as ‘ lévis’ (Ge. i. 173), and as 
‘lévis’ (Ge. ii. 449). It is well fitted for carving, 
and was much used by Grinling Gibbons. 
Bass made of the inner bark, ‘ philyra,’ was used 
for tying flowers into chaplets and garlands. 
Flower, June and July. 
Italian name, Tiglio. 

TRIBULUS: see Lappa. 


Philargyrius tells us that in the phrase which ap- 
pears in our manuscripts as ‘tiliae atque uberrima 
pinus’ (Ge. iv. 141) Virgil left a choice of two read- 
ings, ‘pinus’ and ‘tinus.’ The latter is our garden 
laurustinus (Viburnum tinus), characteristically 
called by Conington ‘a kind of wild bay-tree,’ 
though the bay is wild in Italy, and the laurustinus 
is nowise akin to it. The Corycian grew it for its 
beauty only, for at Taranto the flowers would be 
over before his bees were much about. 

In Ge. iv. 112, ‘ipse thymum pinosque ferens 
de montibus altis,’ the Palatine manuscript gives 
‘tinos’ for ‘pinos.’ This is certainly a false read- 
ing. The laurustinus is eminently a tree of the 
coastland, and flowers in the dead time of the year. 
Even in Mid-Sussex it suffers some damage in a hard 
frost, and it would never be so foolish as of its own 
accord to face a winter in the Apennines. 

Flower, January and February. 
Italian name, Lauro-tino. 


‘triticeam messem’ (Ge. i. 219). 

Wheat (Triticum vulgare), the reputed invention 
of Osiris, was perhaps developed out of spelt or some 
other grass in the valley of the Nile. The Italian 
variety was bearded, as it appears in the statues 
of Ceres. Though Varro gives us the names for the 
different parts of the ear, some of the lexicons are 
not exact. The ear itself is ‘ spica,’ whence ‘ spicea 
messis’ (Ge. i. 314), though Virgil usually avails 
himself of synecdoche and uses ‘arista’ in its stead 
(Ge. i. 8, etc.). This is properly the beard, and in 
‘molli arista’ (Ec. iv. 28) seems to have that mean- 
ing, the epithet applying to the flexibility of the 
beard. It must, however, be said that ‘ mollis,’ as 
applied to plants, seems to be a difficult and shifty 
adjective. The bract, which forms an envelope to 
the organs of reproduction, is ‘gluma,’ and the seed 
or grain of corn is‘granum.’ The names of other 
parts of the plant apply to other cereal grasses as 
well. Thus ‘stipula’ and ‘culmus’ are synonyms 
for the stem, halm, or straw, while ‘ palea’ is the 

Wheat broke into varieties, the best for colour 
and weight being ‘ robus.’ 

Italian name, Grano. 

129 kK 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘India mittit ebur, molles sua tura Sabaei’ (Ge. i. 57). 
‘solis est turea virga Sabaeis’ (Ge. ii. 117). 

‘turiferis Panchaia pinguis harenis’ (ib. 139). 

Cf. Ae. i. 417; iv. 453; xi. 481. 

Although Virgil is mistaken in supposing that 
Arabia or the land of Sheba alone produced frankin- 
cense, it is probable that no other country exported 
it to Rome. Theophrastus tells us that it came 
from Arabia, and gives travellers’ accounts of the 
tree and the methods of collecting the gum. The 
Arabians seem to have lost the art of cultivating the 
tree, for nowadays their product is inferior to that 
which comes from the islands of the Indian Archi- 

The tree which produces it is either Boswellia 
serrata or B. Carteri, perhaps varieties of the same 
species, which have a balsamic and resinous juice. 
Its use in religious ceremonies arises from the belief 
that the smoke carries the scent upward to the noses 
of the gods. 


‘ulmis adiungere vites’ (Ge. i. 2). 
“ulmus opaca ingens’ (Ae. vi. 283). 

~~‘*nec gemere aeria cessabit turtur ab ulmo’ (Ec. i. 59). 
‘genus haud unum .. . fortibus ulmis’ (Ge. ii. 83). 

“Recent investigation has considerably modified 

our views of the species of elms. The common 

English elm used to be accounted a Roman im- 

portation, but it is now ascertained that the English 


and the Roman elms are specifically distinct. Our 
Own retains the name of Ulmus campestris, and 
appears to be a native of southern England. Its 
habit of not producing fertile seeds must be 
ascribed to its power of multiplying itself by suckers 
rather than by a foreign origin. The Italian species 
has been named U. australis, and is distinguished 
by its thicker leaves and their larger and more 
cuspidate apex. When Virgil tells us that there are 
several kinds he doubtless means the varieties into 
which the species easily breaks, and also the wych 
elm, U. montana, which is found in the higher 
ground of northern Italy. 

The elm was largely planted to support the vines 
in a vinetum, but seems to have produced nothing 
that was of use in a vinea. Its timber made the 
beam of the plough (Ge. i. 170), and its leaves served 
for litter and fodder (Ge. ii. 446). 

Since elm timber does not readily warp, it was 
the proper material for ‘ cardines.’ These, with the 
good leave of the lexicons, are not hinges, but up- 
right beams let into sockets, and having the planks 
of the door attached to them. 

Flower, February and March. 
Italian name, Olmo. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘ulvam .. . palustrem’ (Ge. iii. 175). 
“~~~ viridi procumbit in ulva’ (Ec, viii. 88). 
‘in ulva | delitui’ (Ae. ii. 135). 
‘informi limo glaucaque . . . in ulva’ (id. vi. 416). 

This, which one might expect to be among the 
easiest, is among the more difficult to identify. 
That the name indicates a species, and is not, as 
some have supposed, a general name for marsh 
plants with sword-like leaves, is sufficiently proved 
by two lists in Ovid’s Metamorphoses— 

‘Non illic canna palustris, 
“—~ nee steriles ulvae, nec acuta cuspide iunci’ (iv. 288)— 

a passage which describes a limpid Lycian lake; 
and this description of the scene of a boar-hunt: 

‘Tenet ima lacunae 
“————_ lenta salix ulvaeque leves iuncique palustres 
viminaque et longa parvae sub harundine cannae’ (viii. 335). 

It is clear that ‘harundo’ is Ovid’s name for the 
great or pole reed, Arundo donax, and ‘canna’ his 
name for the common reed, Phragmites communis. 
Our passage and many others show that ‘ulva’ was 
a common marsh plant with green leaves, that it 
grew in masses, and that it was high enough, at 
least, for a crouching man to hide n. Virgil’s 
epithet of ‘glauca’ does not help us, because the 
plant of this passage belongs to the under-world, 
where are no bright colours and no things of 
earthly beauty. The reed of Cocytus is ‘deformis’ 



(Ge. iv. 478), gaunt and ugly, epithets not to be 
applied to those which fringe the banks of the 
hallowed Mincio. 

Martyn found our plant in the cat’s-tail, which 
children call bulrush, and books by the bookish 
name of reed-mace; but Ovid would hardly have 
applied the epithet of ‘sterilis’ to a plant with so 
stately an inflorescence. Moreover, the plant has 
farinaceous and esculent roots, and Martyn himself 
claims an Italian use for its fluff as the stuffing 
of beds. 

The method of residues seems to leave us with 
only one plant which answers all the conditions. 
This is the fen sedge (Cladium Mariscus), whose 
Italian name is ‘ paniscastrella di palude.’ Its leaves 
are as long as four and its stem as five feet. It often 
makes masses in the lakes and marshes of Italy. 
Though a local plant in England, it is still abundant 
in some parts of the Eastern Counties fens, and, 
according to Mrs. Lancaster, was at one time used at 
Cambridge for lighting fires. It may be recognized 
by the stout and round stems, which are very leafy, 
and by the leaves, which have jagged edges and very 
long points. The flowering cymes are pale brown. 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian name, Panicastrella di palude. 



Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘verbena tempora vincti’ (Ae. xii. 120). 
“~~~ ‘verbenas adole pingues’ (Ec, viii. 65). 
‘lilia verbenasque’ (Ge. iv. 131). 

The vervain (Verbena officinalis) is a fairly frequent 
roadside plant in England and very common in Italy. 
It has a small spike of bluish flowers, and, as Pliny 
noted, an angular stem and oak-like leaves. It has 
not enough beauty or dignity to justify its standing 
side by side with the lily in the Corycian’s garden, 
nor does it look like a bee plant, and I have never 
seen bees on it, though I have grown it in a garden. 
The Corycian must have learnt from his Italian 
neighbours how highly they valued a plant which 
could cure them of divers diseases, save them from 
the effect of a serpent’s fang, and through incanta- 
tion bring an errant husband to his wife’s breast. It 
could cleanse a house from impurities, and Jupiter 
would have no other herb to sweep his table. 

When the Romans held that a foreign State had 
done them a wrong, they sent an ambassador, who 
wore a fillet of white wool with a wreath of vervain, 
plucked root and all on the Capitol, to demand 
reparation. In this use the plucked tufts were called 
‘sagmina,’ or sacred things, and the envoy was 
*verbenarius.’ It would seem, however, that other 
plants could be used if they were plucked from the 
sacred enclosure. Tufts of grass would do, and, in 
some cases, sprays of myrtle seem to have been 
chosen. This led to an extension of the name, 
‘verbena’ standing for any spray—bay, olive, or 



other—that was used in sacred rites. It may have 
such a meaning in our first passage. 

It does not appear what quality in the vervain won 
for it this remarkable reverence. The Druids are 
said to have valued it as highly as the Romans did, 
and in medieval times it had an equal renown asa 
charm against witchcraft and a remedy for most 
ailments. In fact, its only property seems to be a 
slight astringency. 

Flower, June to September. 
Italian names, Verbena and Vervena. 

‘lenta .. . inter viburna cupressi’ (Ec. i. 26). 

The plant here is assumed to be the wayfaring 
tree (Viburnum Lantana), apparently on the ground 
that its Italian name is still ‘vavorna.’ It is true 
that the branches of this shrub are flexible, but they 
hardly look it; in fact, as it grows in the hedges of 
an English limestone district, it is almost aggres- 
sively upright. A kindred species is the wild guelder 
rose (V. Opulus), which affects damper places. In 
flower and berry it is much the finer shrub, and 
from it has sprung the guelder rose, in which the 
blossoms are barren and the cyme has become 
globular. Both species are common in Italy. I 
have an Opulus growing under a tall pine, and like 
to think that they are as near Virgil’s picture as 
English conditions will allow. 

Flower, April to June. 
Italian names, Vavorna and Lantana. 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

‘tenues foetus viciae’ (Ge. i. 75 ; cf. 7b. 227). 

The vetch or tare (Vicia sativa) is a leguminous 
plant developed in cultivation from V. angustifolia, 
a plant common in most parts of Europe and 
northern Africa. It is an annual, and in the wild 
form the seeds are very small, hence tenues, though 
they grow larger in the cultivated type. The plant 
is grown for fodder, and the Romans were aware 
that its roots enriched the ground. The reason of 
this is explained under Fasa. After the crop had 
been mown, the ground was immediately ploughed, 
and the nitrogen became available for the succeeding 

Flower, May and June. 
Italian name, Veccia. 

‘et nigrae violae sunt et vaccinia nigra’ (Ec. x. 39). 
‘molli viola’ (ib. v. 38; Ae. x. 39). 
‘pallentes violas’ (Ec. ii. 47). 
‘violaria’ (Ge. iv. 32). 
It seems that the name covers several distinct 
plants, as did the Greek tov. Our first passage, 
which follows the line of Theocritus, 

kal 76 tov pédav evi Kal & yparrd tdxwvOos, 

refers to the sweet violet (Viola odorata), of which 

the purple form was known as Sarran—that is, 

Tyrian. The white form is also found in Italy; but 

perhaps in our third passage Virgil is translating 


Aeveolov, which is evidently not a violet, but what 
gardeners call a soft-wooded plant. It is usual to 
identify it with the hoary stock (Matthiola incana), 
still known in Italy as ‘violacciocco bianco,’ the 
epithet presumably referring to the hoariness of the 
leaves and stem. The plant once grew on the 
Hastings cliffs, and may still occasionally be found 
at Freshwater Bay in the Isle of Wight. It is the 
ancestor of our garden Queen and Brompton stocks, 
and, like the violet, was a garland flower. 

The violet was extensively grown not only for 
bees, but for its scent, and for a purple dye of no 
great value. Pesto was as famous for violets as for 

Flower of Violets, March and April. 
Flower of Stock, March to May. 
Italian names: Viola (violet). 
Fiorbono, Fiorbianco, and 
Violacciocco bianco (stock). 


‘Solet silvis brumali frigore viscum 
fronde virere nova, quod non sua seminat arbos, 
et croceo foetu teretes circumdare ramos’ (Ae. vi. 205 sqq.). 

Virgil well indicates the curious green- yellow 
colour of the mistletoe (Viscum album), and its con- 
spicuousness on a leafless tree in winter. The berries 
were made into bird-lime, and for this purpose were 
gathered before they were ripe. There are two 
varieties, and that which has an oval and yellowish 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

berry was held to give a better product than the 
more common type, of which the berries are round 
and white. 

The trees on which the mistletoe is most com- 
monly parasitic in Italy are apples, pears, poplars, 
plums, and almonds. 

It is supposed that its association with Christmas 
came from a dedication to Saturn, which made it 
figure at the Saturnalia. 

Flower, March and April. 
Italian name, Vischio. 


The former is the cultivated and the latter the 
wild form of the vine (Vitis vinifera), a native of 
northern Persia, cultivated from prehistoric times. 
The vine came to Greece, perhaps, by way of 
Damascus, where it flourishes greatly, and where 
lately our soldiers have eaten what one of them 
called ‘huge grapes, by bucketfuls.’ As chance 
seedlings, produced by the pilfering of birds, are 
apt to return to the wild stock, the ‘labrusca’ has 
naturalized itself in woods, and occasionally on sea- 
beaches, in Italy. Homer pictures it as creeping 
round the entrance of Calypso’s island cave, and 
Virgil in a like position on a Sicilian grotto, 
‘Antrum | silvestris raris sparsit labrusca racemis’ 
(Ec. v. 6). The scanty bunches provided a small 
grape, of which peasants made a rough and thin wine. 

The cultivation of the vine, in its native country 


Vitis and Labrusca 

and in Syria and Egypt, produced in early days 
many varieties. In Virgil’s days they were yet more 
numerous, and, after speaking of fifteen, he cuts short 
his list with the remark that it were as easy to count 
the Libyan sands or the waves of the Ionian sea 
(Ge. ii, go-108). We cannot with any certainty 
identify these varieties or, indeed, be sure that any 
of them still exist. Grapes change their character 
with a change of soil, and varieties produced in 
cultivation, the ‘vernae’ of the vegetable world, 
whether vines or apples or other, seldom have in 
them the sempiternity of the wilding race. The 
greybeards of to-day sigh in vain for the Ribston 
pippin. It irks the good tree to be ever in the 
service of a devouring master; wherefore, after some 
generations, it fades and languishes, and grows dim 
and dies. 

Nowadays the vine is usually propagated by eyes, 
but seeds, cuttings, or layers made the choice of 
ancient Italy; and Virgil decides for the layer, 
* propago’ (Ge. ii. 63), a method still in occasional 
use. In the vineyard the young plants were set in 
rows, ‘antes’ (4b. 417), and usually on the principle 
of the quincunx, which gives the largest allowance 
of light and air (7b. 278). In the young state, 
the vines are lightly pinched, as gardeners call it, 
in summer (7b. 365, 366), and, when they have filled 
their allotted space, they are annually pruned back 
to the old wood (ib. 367 sqq.), with intermediate 
prunings to remove superfluous growths and let in 
air and sunshine. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Of the vineyard there were two types. For one 
type the technical name seems to have been ‘ vinea,’ 
though usage is not quite consistent. In this the 
vines either crept along the ground or were held up 
by short sticks—Shakespeare’s ‘ pole-clipt vinyard.’ 
Both methods survive in Italy, the sticks nowadays 
being often a tripod of bamboo canes. This system 
reduces labour, but the vines are more liable to damage 
from hailstorms. It does not appear that Virgil men- 
tions it, his use of the name ‘vinea’ being merely 
for metrical convenience, and his principles would 
involve a preference for the * vinetum’ or ‘ arbustum,’ 
as it was sometimes called. In this the vines were 
trained to trees, usually elms (Ec. ii. 70; Ge. i. 2; 
ib. ii. 221). The only other tree mentioned by Virgil 
is a willow (Ec. x. 40), but many others were occa- 
sionally used. The plane was rejected rather for its 
shaling bark than for its large leaves, for in well- 
managed vineyards no more leaves were allowed on 
the supporting tree than served to keep it alive 
(Ge. ii. 400; Ec. ii. 70). Indeed, when the soil 
was thin only a single shoot was allowed to grow 
from the top of the trunk. On the other hand, in 
rich soil it was usual to have a system of trained 

On this method the young vines were at first 
trained to reeds, or poles, or folded sticks (1b. 358 sq.), 
which reached up to the lowest tier of branches, the 
name for the tiers being ‘tabulata,’ or stories. The 
interval between the tiers was not less than three 
feet, and no branch was immediately under one in 


Vitis and Labrusca 

the tier above it. Otherwise, the whipping of the 
branch and the vine-shoots in the wind would damage 
the hanging blossoms or fruit. 

To keep out beasts, especially the mischievous 
goat, it was necessary to enclose the vineyard with a 
hedge (7b. 371) of ‘ paliurus,’ or some other thorny 
shrub, and the soil had to be kept open by deep and 
frequent hoeing (7b. 399 sq.). In fact, as Virgil says, 
to the work there is no end. 

The wide cultivation and the great value of the vine 
gave rise to a technical vocabulary for its various 
parts. As with other trees, the name for the main 
stem was ‘truncus.’ The rods left on the tree after 
pruning were ‘palmites,’ and the eyes or buds on 
them ‘ gemmae,’ or sometimes ‘oculi.’ Thus Virgil’s 
sign of spring is accurately expressed, ‘laeto turgent 
in palmite gemmae’ (Ec. vii. 48). The shoots which 
spring from the eyes were ‘pampini.’ These are 
longest in autumn before the general pruning, hence 
‘pampineo autumno’ (Ge. ii. 5). The summer 
pruning, in which superfluous * pampini’ were re- 
moved, was ‘pampinatio,’ and ‘putatio’ is also found 
in this sense, especially in poetry, though it is more 
» properly applied either to the general removal of the 
‘pampini’ in winter, or to the pruning of the sup- 
porting elm or other tree. Lexicons have a way 
of rendering both ‘palmes’ and ‘pampinus’ by 
‘tendril.’ This is absurd, for tendrils do not produce 
buds, nor are they, as tendrils, pruned off, but only 
as growing ona ‘pampinus.’ Technically, ‘racemus’ 
is the stalk of the bunch of grapes, ‘uva,’ but is 


Shrubs, Trees, and Plants of Virgil 

often used for the bunch itself, and once, oddly, by 
Virgil, for a berry (Ge. ii. 60). The berry was 
‘acinus’ or ‘acinum,’ forms which between them 
display all three genders. A stone of the grape was 
* vinaceum.’ 

The centurion’s staff and whipping-stick, *‘ nodosa 
vitis,’ was a‘ palmes.’ Bacchus, for the reins of his 
team of panthers or tigers, used the young shoots. 

Flower, Spring. 
Italian name, Vite. 




ABETE rosso, Abies. 
Acanto, Acanthus. 

Acero, Acer. 

Aglio, Alium. 

Alberello, Populus. 
Albatro, Arbutus. 

Alloro, Laurus. 

Altea, Hibiscum. 
Amarecciole, Genista [Broom]. 
Amello, Amellus. 

[Aneto, Anethum 7] 
Antiveleno, Inula. 
Appeggi, Cedrus. 
Appiastro, Melisphyllum. 
Arcidiavolo, Lotus [Celtis]. 
Attacca-mani, Lappa. 
Astone, Carduus. 

Astro, Amellus. 

Avornello, Ornus. 

Baccara, Baccar. 

Baccellina, Genista [Dyer’s 

Benefisci, Hibiscum. 

Berbena, Verbena. 

Bietola, Beta. 

Biondello, Lutum. 

Bosso or Bossolo, Buxus. 

Braglia, Genista [Dyer’s Green- 

Brula, Myrica. 

Calcatreppola, Tribulus. 

Calendula, Calta. 

Canajoli, Lupinus. 

Canna, Harundo [Great Reed]. 

Canna di Palude, Harundo 
[Common Reed]. 

Capogirlo, Ervum. 

Carice, Carex. 

Castagno, Castanea. 

Cedro (see Malus C.). 

Cedronella, Melisphyllum. 

Cerinta, Cerintha. 

Cetriolino, Cucumis. 

Chioppo, Acer. 

Cicuta, Cicuta. 

Cipolla, Cepa. 

Cipresso, Cupressus. 

Citraggine, Melisphyllum. 

Colore, Ebulus. 

Corbezzolo, Arbutus. 

Coriandola, Coriandrum. 

Corniolo or Crogniolo, Cornus, 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Cotogno (see Malus B.). 
Crescione, Nasturtium. 

Dittinella, Casia (Daphne). 

Ebbio, Ebulus. 

Edera or Ellera, Hedera. 
Elabro bianco, Helleborus. 
Elenio, Inula. 

Elice, Elix. 

Endivia, Intubum. 
Erbacorsa, Casia (Daphne). 
Erba Medica, Medica. 
Erba-tortora, Cerintha. 
Erbella, Inula. 

Eschio, Quercus. 

Faggio, Fagus. 

Fagiolo dall’ occhio, Phaselus. 
Farnia, Quercus. 

Fava, Faba, 

Felce capannaja, Filix. 
Finocchio, Anethum [Fennel]. 
Finocchiaccio, Ferula. 
Fiorbono, Viola [Stock]. 
Fiorrancia, Calta, 

Fragola or Fravola, Fragum. 
Frassino, Fraxinus. 
Frumento, Triticum. 

Gattice, Populus, 

Gelso, Morus. 

Giglio, Lilium. 

Giglio rosso [Lilium bulbiferum] 
(see Hyacinthus). 

Ginepro, Juniperus. 

Ginestra, Ginista 


Ginistrella, Ginista [ Dyer’s 
Gioglio, Lolium. 
Giracapo, Narcissus [Pheas- 

ant’s Eye]. 
Giunco, Juncus. 
Granfarro, Far. 
Guaderella, Lutum. 

Ippofesto, Tribulus. 
Ischio, Ligustrum [Privet]. 

Lattuga, Lactuca. 
Lauro-tino, Tinus. 

Lebbio, Ebulus. 

Leccio, Ilex. 

Lentaggine, Tinus. 

Lente or Lenticchia, Lens. 
Libo, Taxus. 

Ligustro, Ligustrum [Privet]. 
Lino, Linum. 

Loglio, Lolium. 

Loppo, Acer. 

Lotu, Lotus [Celtis australis]. 
Lupino, Lupinus. 

Maggiorana, Amaracus. 

Malva, Malva. 

Malvaccioni, Hibiscum, 

Marruca, Paliurus, 

Melo, Malus [Apple]. 

Miglio, Milium. 

Mirto, Myrtus. 

Mochi, Ervum. 

Moro, Morus. 

Mullaghera, Lotus [L. cornicu- 

Muschio, Muscus. 



Narcisso, Narcissus [Pheasant’s 

Nasso, Taxus. 

Nocca, Carex. 

Nocciuolo, Corylus, 

Noce, Nux. 

Oleastro, Oleaster. 

Olivella, Ligustrum [Privet]. 

Olivo or Ulivo, Olea or Oliva. 

Olmo, Ulmus [Ulmus australis]. 

Olmo riccio, Ulmus [U. mon- 

Ontano, Alnus. 

Orniello, Ornus. 

Orzo, Hordeum. 

Pallone [Viburnum Opulus] (See 

Palma da datteri, Palma. 

Panicastrella di palude, Ulva. 

Pan-porcino or Pan-terreno, 

Papavero, Papaver. 

Pepolino, Serpyllum. 

Pero, Pirus, 

Persia, Amaracus. 

Pino di Corsica, Pieea. 

Pino da pinocchi, Pinus [Stone 

Pino di Scozia, Pinus [Scotch 

Pino Zimbro, Taeda. 

Platano, Platanus. 

Porro, Porrum. 

Prungo, Prunus [Prunus domes- 

Prugnolo, Prunus [P. spinosa]. 

Pungi-topo, Ruscus, 


Ramerino or Rosmarino, Ros 

Rogo or Rovo, Rubus. 

Rombice or Romice, Rumex. 

Rosa, Rosa. 

Rucola or Ruchetta, Eruca. 

Ruta, Ruta. 

Sala [Typha latifolia, See under 

Salce, Salix. 

Santoreggia or 

Scacciabile, Baccar.: 

Scarlattina, Cerintha. 

Scilla, Scilla. 

Sgancio, Prunus [P. spinosa]. 

Sedano, Apium. 

Sorbo, Sorbus. 

Spaccasassi, Lotus [Celtis]. 

Spadarella [Gladiolus zegetum. 
See Hyacinth.] 

Spelta, Far. 

Speronella, Lappa. 

Spinogiallo [Centaurea solstiti- 
alis. See Cardus]. 

Stroppioni, Carduus [C. arven- 

Sughera, Suber. 

Susino, Plum [Prunus domes- 


Tamarice, Myrica. 
Tasso, Taxus. 
Testucchio, Acer. 
Tiglio, Tilia. 
Timo, Thymum. 

Vavorna, Viburnum [V. Lan- 

145 . 

Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Veccia, Vicia. Visciolo, Cerasus. 

Veladro, Helleborus. Vite, Vitis. 

Vena, Avena. 

Verbena, Verbena, Zafferano, Crocus. 

Viola, Viola [Sweet Violet]. Zampino, Abies. 

Violaccio bianco, Viola Zinepro, Juniperus. 
[Stock]. Zirlo, Ervum, 

Vischio (Viscum). Zucca, Cucurbita. 

This list is compiled from Arcangeli, with a good many 
additions. The word scacciabile seems not to bein the dictionaries, 
nor have I ever seen it written. I have been told that Medicago 
arborea is called cytiso, but Arcangeli does not give it, and it 

seems to be used of an exotic. For Saliunca I have not heard or 
found any name. 



Abies pectinata, Abies. 

Acacia Arabica, Lotus. 

Acanthus mollis, Acanthus. 

Acer campestre, Acer. 

Aconitum anthora, Aconitum. 

Allium cepa, Cepa. 

——— porrum, Porrum. 

sativum, Alium. 

Alnus glutinosa, Alnus. 

Alhaea officinalis, Hibiscum. 

Amomum cardamomum, Amo- 

Anethum — graveolens, 
thum (?) 

Apium graveolens, Apium. 

Arbutus unedo, Arbutus. 

Arundo donax, Harundo. 

Avena fatua, Avena sterilis. 

Avena sativa, Avena, 


Beta ciela, Beta, 

—— maritima, Beta. 
Boswellia, Tus. 

Buxus sempervirens, Buxus. 

Calendula officinalis, Calta. 
Carduus arvensis, Carduus. 

Castanea sativa, Castanea. 
Celtis australis, Lotus. 
Centaurea calcitrapa, Tribulus. 
solstitialis, Carduus (?) 
Cerinthe aspera, Cerinthe. 
Cichorium divaricatum, Intu- 
Citrus medica [see Malus C.]. 
Cladium mariscus, Ulva. 
Conium maculatum, Cicuta. 
Coriandrum sativum, Coriand- 
Cornus mas, Cornus. 
Corylus Avellana, Corylus. 
Crocus sativus, Crocus. 
Cucumis sativus, Cucumis. 
Cucurbita pepo, Cucurbita. 
Cupressus sempervirens, Cu- 
Cyclamen (species), Baccar. 
Cytisus scoparius, Genista. 

Daphne gnidium, Casia. 
Dolichus melanophthalmus, 

Eruca sativa, Eruca. 


Trees, Shrubs, and Plants of Virgil 

Fagus silvestris, Fagus. 

Ferula communis, Ferula. 
Foeniculum vulgare, Anethum. 
Fragaria vescum, Fragum. 
Fraxinus excelsior, Fraxinus. 
ornus, Ornus. 

Galium aparine, Lappa. 

Genista tinctoria, Genista. 

Gladiolus communis [see Hya- 

Hedera helix, Hedera. 

Hedera chrysocarpa, Hedera 

Hordeum vulgare, Hordeum. 

Inula helenium, Inula. 

Juglans regia, Nux. 

Juncus conglomeratus and J. 
effusus, Juncus, 

Juniperus communis, Juniperus. 

Lactuca sativa, Lactuca, 

Laurus cinnamomum, Casia. 

Laurus nobilis, Laurus. 

Lepidium sativum, Nasturtium. 

Ligustrum vulgare, Ligustrum. 

Lilium bulbiferum [see Hyacin- 

~——— candidum, Lilium. 

-~——- croceum [see Hyacin- 

-——-— martagon [see Hyacin- 

Linum angustifolium and L, 

usitatissimum, Linum. 
Lolium temulentum, Lolium. 
Lupinus albus, Lupinus. 

Malva silvestris, Malva. 

Matthiola incana, Viola pallens. 

Medicago arborea, Cytisus. 

sativa, Medica. 

Melissa officinalis, Melisphyl- 

Morus nigra, Morus. 

Myrtus communis, Myrtus. 

Narcissus poeticus, Narcissus. 
serotinus, Narcissus 
sera comans. 

Olea Europaea, Oleaster. 
—— sativa, Olea and Oliva. 
Origanum dictamnum, Dic- 
marjorana, Amaracus. 

Paliurus aculeatus [= australis], 

Panicum miliaceum, Milium. 

Papaver hortense, P. officinale, 
and P. somniferum, Papaver. 

Phoenix dactylifera, Palma. 

Phragmites communis, Har- 

Pinus cembra, Taeda. 

—— laricio, Picea. 

—— pinea, Pinus. 

—— silvestris, Pinus. 

Pistacia terebinthus, Terebin- 

Platanus orientalis, Platanus. 

Populus alba, Populus. 

Prunus cerasus, Cerasus. 

communis, Prunus. 

domestica, Prunus. 

insititia, Prunus. 


List of Scientific Names 

Prunus spinosa, Spinus. 

Pteris aquilina, Filix, 

Pyrus cydonia [see Malus B.]. 
domestica, Pirus. 
malus, Malus. 

sorbus, Sorbus. 

Quercus ilex, Ilex. 
pedunculata, Quercus 
and Robur. 
and Robur. 
suber, Suber. 


Ranunculussceleratus, Sardonia 

Reseda luteolum, Lutum. 

Ros marinus, Rosmarinus offici- 

Rosa (species), Rosa. 

Rubus discolor and _ others, 

Rumex crispus and others, 

Ruscus aculeatus, Ruscus. 

Ruta graveolens, Ruta. 

Salix (species), Salix. 
Sambucus ebulus, Ebulus. 
Satureia hortensis, Thymbra. 

Satureia thymbra, Thymbra. 
Siler, Salix (?) 
Spartium junceum, Genista. 

Tamarix Gallica, Myrica. 
Taxus baccata, Taxus. 
Thymus serpyllum, Serpyllum. 
vulgaris, Thymum. 
Tilia parvifolia, Tilia. 
Triticum spelta, Far. 
vulgare, Triticum. 

Ulmus australis, Ulmus. 
montana, Ulmus. 
Urginea Scilla, Scilla. 

Vaccinium [see Hyacinthus]. 

Valeriana Celtica, Saliunca. 

Veratrum album, Helleborus. 

Verbena officinalis, Verbena. 

Viburnum Lantana, Viburnum. 
tinus, Tinus. 

Vicia ervilia, Ervum. 

—— faba, Faba. 

—— lens, Lens. 

—— sativa, Vicia. 

Viscum album, Viscum. 

Vitis vinifera, Vitis and Lab- 




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