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Erwin F. SMirH. 

Dean of American plant pathologists. 

An Outline 

of the 

History of Phytopathology 


Herbert Hice Whetzel 

Professor of Plant Pathology at Cornell University 
Ithaca, New York 

With 22 Poriraits 

Philadelphia and London 

W. B. Saunders Company 


Copyright, 1918, by W. B. Saunders Company 




Mason B. Thomas 




Tuts booklet is to be regarded as in no sense a com- 
plete history of the science of plant pathology. The 
author has endeavored only to set forth in outline what 
appear to be the most outstanding features in the evo- 
lution of the science, and to indicate the proper rela- 
tion thereto of the men who have chiefly shaped its 

The literature upon which a complete history of plant 
pathology must be based is here largely brought to- 
gether for the first time. It is hoped that this sketch 
may be elaborated later into a more complete and critical 
presentation of the subject. 

The author desires to express his appreciation of the 
assistance of numerous friends and colleagues in the 
preparation of this book; to a number of them, and 
especially to Dr. Erwin F. Smith, for photographs, im- 
portant historic data, and a final criticism of the com- 
pleted text; to Dr. L. R. Hesler and Dr. C. H. Kauff-. 
mann for critical reading of the manuscript. 


CornELL University, Irwaca, N. Y. 
May, 1918. 



INTRODUCTIONS i gies eae y pda idan Al am bhoedvene Somewhat enw s 11 
THE ANCIENT ERA (from Earliest Times to End of 5th Century 


Hebraic Period (to about 500 B. C.)...................0... 14 

Theophrastian Period (500 to 320 B. C.)..........0.0..000. 14 

Plinian Period (320 B. C. to 476A. D.)................... 17 

SUMMA Vi -dis-e vig a4 Hl s Oat caus Ls awlhatbntine- <8 epee ME Se want 18 

THE Dark Era (6th to 16th Centuries Inclusive)............... 20 

THE PREMODERN ERA (1600 to about 1850)................... 22 

The Renaissance Period (17th Century).................... 22 

SUMIMATY septa eny ove ennai a eA Re boone ee been 24 

The Zallingerian Period (18th Century).................... 25 

Characteristic Features........000.0.0 000.0 c cece eeee 32 

The Ungerian Period (1807 to 1853).....................-. 33 

Characteristic Features..........00..00000 02 cc cece uee 40 

THE MopeErN Era (1853 to about 1906).........0.0.0...00.... 41 

The Kiihnian Period (1853 to 1883)...............0...0... 44 

SUMMALY a3 6 ese so Aye Ee Wg sowed ho ee hw aes 57 

The Millardetian Period (1883 to about 1906).............. 58 

Discovery of Bordeaux Mixture.................... 58, 63 

Rise and Development of Plant Pathology in America.... 59 
Discovery of Bacterial Etiology of Certain Plant Diseases.. 61 
Discovery and Establishment of Causal Relation of Bac- 

teria to Plant Diseases..................00000005. 66 
Pathogenetists and Predispositionists.................. 71 
THE PRESENT ERA (1906——) .... 0.0... c ccc eee eee 108 
Establishment of Chairs of Plant Pathology in Universities and 
Colleges of Agriculture... 00.0... 0... eee eee eee eee 109 
Discovery of the Cause and Nature of Crown Gall........... 109 
Establishment of the American Phytopathological Society.... 110 
The United States Quarantine Act of 1912.................. 111 
The Introduction of Sulfur as a Substitute for Copper in Fun- 
BICIDES ie aes, & deanna dd eed oho hadddastnte dpi oD DE eneieaeer ted Ba 112 
Development of Disease-resistant Crops.................55. 113 
The Epiphytotic of Chestnut Blight....................04. 114 
BIBLIOGRAPHY ii'5:6 5g eaiacaied aus. lavoca sade Ga auianeneciaein wR 116 
INDEX is pts Bedhead wou oa mae ee eR A eae ete RS 127 





THE science of phytopathology, like all natural sciences, 
had its beginning in the dawn of man’s civilization. 
All wild plants have diseases, and from the time that man 
began to domesticate by cultivation those of the wild 
species that suited his needs, he must necessarily have 
observed and considered the diseases that robbed him of 
part or all of the fruits of hislabor. Not until he acquired 
the art of writing, however, could he record his observa- 
tions and opinions with respect to the maladies which 
affected his crops. Even long thereafter, records of plant 
diseases were but fragments woven here and there into 
his historic or religious writings. Later, as he began to 
seek for order in the multitudinous facts of nature, his 
observations on plant diseases were segregated more or 
less along with the related facts and data into his writ- 
ings on botany and agriculture. Only in relatively 
modern times have there been attempts to organize 
the facts and phenomena of disease in plants into a 
separate science of plant pathology. 

A history of the science of phytopathology has not yet 

been written. Such a history must be based on the ob- 


servations and interpretations of phytopathologic phe- 
nomena as found in the preserved writings of the race. 
There are, to be sure, a number of short papers or 
chapters in books dealing with the subject, but they are 
not at all comprehensive. One of the best is to be found 
in the first volume of Sorauer’s Handbuch der Pflanzen- 
krankheiten (1909), a recent translation of which by 
Miss Dorrance (1914) makes it available to the English 
reader. Another interesting paper is that by Arthur 
(1906), which gives one a very good notion of the ideas 
of some of the earlier writers who undertook the organiza- 
tion of our science. Count Filippo Ré, in the introduc- 
tion to his essay on diseases of plants (1807), gives an 
interesting list of phytopathologic writings prior to his 
day. <A preliminary survey of the field has been made 
by Jensen (1909) in a thesis presented at Cornell Uni- 

We can best approach the subject through a chrono- 
logic survey of the available data. This will insure a 
logical consideration of the landmarks in the evolution 
of the science and a sequential introduction of the men 
who have shaped its progress. 

The history of phytopathology divides itself into eras, 
and these again into periods. Each era is characterized 
by a general and dominating point of view regarding the 
nature, cause, and control of diseases in plants; the begin- 
ning of each is marked by an epochal change in this point 
of view. These changes from one era to the next come 
as the result not only of accumulation and organization 
of phytopathologic facts and theories, but are profoundly 
affected, in fact often largely determined, by revolution- 
ary discoveries in the fundamental sciences on which 


plant pathology is based. That these eras in our science 
are often almost coincident with great historic epochs is 
also significant. So sharp usually has been the change 
from one era to the next that we may wih considerable 
accuracy designate the year, or decade at least, which 
marks the passing of one and the inauguration of another. 
I shall designate these eras as follows: (1) the Ancient 
Era; (2) the Dark or Middle Era; (3) the Pre-modern or 
Autogenetic Era; (4) the Modern or Pathogenetic Era, 
and (5) the Present Era. 

Each era divides itself more or less sharply into periods 
—phases in the development and crystallization of the 
prevailing point of view of the epoch. Since the thought 
of each period, in the development of this, as of other 
sciences, has been strongly influenced, in fact often 
molded, by the life and works of some one man, I shall, 
as far as practicable, designate each period by a name 
indicating its dominating personality, following in general 
the nomenclature used by Jensen (1909). 


Tuis may be said to begin with the earliest records of 
plant diseases (to be found chiefly in ancient religious 
writings, especially the Bible), and extending down to 
about the time of the fall of the Roman Empire in the 
fifth century (476 A. D.). It falls naturally into three 
periods: the Hebraic, the Theophrastian, and the Plinian. 


The Hebraic period includes the centuries covered by 
the Old Testament down to the rise and development of 
ancient Greece, about 500 B. C., when the Jews as a free 
people ceased to exist. 

The data recorded by Hebrew writers consist largely of 
mention of blightings, blastings, rusts, mildews, and 
smuts of the crops of this ancient people. The cause of 
these maladies was laid to the Deity, of whose wrath or 
disfavor they were regarded as an expression. The 
general character of these records will be seen by consult- 
ing the following Biblical references: Genesis 41 : 23; 
1 Kings 8 : 37; Deut. 28 : 22; Amos 4 :9; Haggai 2 : 16,17; 
2 Chron. 6 : 28. 


The Theophrastian or Greek period covers the time 
from the rise of the Greek peoples, about 500 B. C., to the 
end of the Macedonian supremacy about 320 B. C. 
The recorded observations on plants and plant diseases 



made by the Greeks during this period are to be found in 
the writings of their great philosophers, Aristotle and 
Theophrastus. According to E. L. Greene (1909 : 49) 
the first plant pathologist was a Greek, one Cleidemus, a 
rhizotimos whose observations on the diseases of the 
fig, the olive, and the vine are quoted by Aristotle. 

Theophrastus of Eresus was the first great botanist 
of whom we have authentic records. He lived at about 
the same time as Aristotle (370-286 B. C.), whose pupil 
he was, and to whom the great philosopher, dying, 
bequeathed his library and botanical garden at Athens. 
Theophrastus is generally regarded as the Father of 
Botany. Chapter II in Greene’s ‘Landmarks in Botan- 
ical History” (1909) gives a very clear picture of the life 
and works of this greatest of all ancient botanists. His 
works abound with references to plant diseases. Some 
excerpts from his Historia Plantarum! will indicate the 
breadth of his knowledge and the accuracy of his ob- 

‘As to diseases—they say that wild trees are not liable 
to diseases which destroy them. Cultivated kinds, 
however, are subject to various diseases, some of which 
are, one may say, common to all or to most, while others 
are special to particular kinds. General diseases are 
those of being worm-eaten, of being sun-scorched, and 

“The olive, in addition to having worms (which destroy 
the fig too by breeding in it), produces also a ‘knot’ 

1 Hort, Sir Arthur: Theophrastus’ enquiry into plants; and minor 
works on odors and weather signs, with an English translation, 1 : I- 
XXVIII + 1-475; 2 :I-IX + 1-499. 1916. (Greek and English text 
on opposite pages.) See especially 1 : 391-413; 2 : 201-209. 


(which some call a fungus, others a bark blister), and it 
resembles the effect of sun-scorch. The fig is also 
liable to scab.” 

“The fig is also often a victim to rot and to krados.”’ 
“Scab chiefly occurs when there is not much rain, after 
the rising of the Pleiad.” 

“Moreover, there are certain affections, due to season 
or situation, which are likely to destroy the plant, but 
which one would not call diseases; I mean such affections 
as freezing and what some call scorching.” 

“As to diseases of seeds—some are common to all, as 
rust, some are peculiar to certain kinds; thus chick-pea 
is alone subject to rot.” “Some again are liable to canker 
and mildew, as cummin. But creatures which do not 
come from the plant itself but from without do not do so 
much harm.” 

“Generally speaking, cereals are more liable to rust than 
pulses, and among these barley is more liable to it than 
wheat; while of barleys, some are more liable than others, 
and most of all, it may be said, the kind called ‘Achillean.’ 
Moreover, the position and character of the land make no 
small difference in this respect; for lands which are ex- 
posed to the wind and elevated are not liable to rust, 
or less so, while those that lie low and are not exposed 

_to wind are more so. And rust occurs chiefly at full 
, moon.” 

Aristotle incidentally records the epiphytotic occur- 
rence of rusts, but Theophrastus appears to have made a 
careful study of these diseases in cereals as they occurred 
in his day in ancient Greece. So frequent and destruc- 
tive were these diseases that the ancient Greek farmer 
regularly besought Apollo or some other of his numerous 


gods to shield his fields from the pestilence (Eriksson and 
Henning, 1896 :7-9). Thus did the Greek philosophers 
shrewdly speculate as to the cause of these diseases, 
while the husbandman dedicated such pests to special 
gods (Ward, 1901 : 86). (See also Sorauer, 1909 : 38, 39.) 


The Plinian or Roman period extends from 320 B. C. 
to about the time of the fall of the Roman Empire in the 
fifth century (476 A.D.). This period is named for the 
great Roman encyclopedist, Plinius Secundus, who lived 
from 23 to 79 A. D., and who brought together in his 
writings the knowledge of his day on natural history 
(E. L. Greene, 1909:155). The ancient Romans 
placed responsibility for diseases and injuries to their 
crops, along with their other misfortunes, on the gods or 
the stars. To quote Pliny, ‘The evil influence of the 
stars depends entirely upon the Heavens; on this account 
there must be included among the effects, hail as well 
as blight and the injury caused by white frost. The 
blight especially attacks tender plants, if, enticed by the 
warmth of spring, they venture to break through the 
ground, and it singes the juicy buds of germinating plants. 
In blossoms this is called blasting’ (Sorauer Transl., 
1914 : 43). 

There is abundant evidence in the writings of Pliny 
and other Roman authors of this period that plant dis- 
eases were not only common and destructive but also 
subjects of study by philosophers and of prayer by far- 
mers. Pliny’s observations on the relative severity of the 
rust on wheat and barley in ancient Rome were just the 
opposite from those of Theophrastus in Greece. He holds 





the wheat to be the more seriously affected. He also 
absolves the sun from all responsibility in bringing on the 
disease. He regards the rust as the most destructive of. 
all cereal crop diseases. He recommends two methods of 
control: early sowing of the grain so that it will ripen 
before the rust comes on; and the sticking of laurel 
branches in the soil throughout the field, so that the rust 
may go over on these. Columella, another Roman 
writer, recommends that great piles of chaff be distributed 
about fields and vineyards and that these be fired when 
frost threatens, thus preventing frost injury and rust. So 
important a part did the rust play in Roman agriculture 
that a special rust-god pair, Rubigus and Rubigo, were 
evolved and an annual festival to propitiate them was 
instituted. A Roman legend explains the rust to be a 
curse sent on farmers as the result of the act of a wicked 
boy, who burned a fox which he caught robbing his 
father’s hen roost (Eriksson and Henning, 1896 : 9-11). 

Summary.—This ancient era comprises within itself a 
very distinct unit in human progress. Particularly is this 
true of all science and learning. For centuries to follow 
little or nothing was to be added to the sum of scientific 
knowledge; what had been gained by the observation and 
studies of the ancient philosophers was to be all but lost 
in the darkness of the Middle Ages. This is strikingly 
true of phytopathologic learning. A careful review of 
such records as are left to us from this era indicates that 
considerable advances in an understanding of the fun- 
damental features of phytopathology had been made. 
(1) Of the nature of disease in plants little of our modern 
conception is to be discovered in the philosophies of this 
epoch. On the other hand, the observations on immunity 


and susceptibility and the explanations offered therefor 
fall not so far short of present-day progress in this direc- 
tion. (2) The etiology of disease in plants was largely 
shrouded in mystery and supersitition. Of the causal 
relation of living organisms to disease in plants, the most 
advanced of these ancient thinkers appear to have had 
not the slightest suspicion. On the other hand, they 
seem to have had an accurate conception of the causal 
relation of such factors as drought, freezing, and winds. 
(3) Their conclusions and recommendation respecting 
control are odd mixtures of accurate reasoning and blind 
superstition, as witness the two methods suggested by 
Pliny for the control of the wheat rust and the smudging 
urged by Columella for protection of the vine against 
frost and of the grain against rust. 


THE Dark or Middle Era includes what is known in 
civil history as the dark ages, covering roughly the period 
from the fall of the Roman Empire (476 A. D.) until the 
beginning of the seventeenth century. The writings 
of this period show little that is new regarding plant 
diseases. This was the period when science and learning 
may be said to have slumbered, hence it is not strange 
that so fragmentary and unorganized a body of knowledge 
as was phytopathology at that time should have had few 
additions even in the form of isolated observations. 

There is, however, one bright spot in the all but 
universal darkness. This is the work of the Arabian 
country gentleman and agricultural encyclopedist, Ibn- 
al-Awam. He lived and wrote during the tenth century 
at Seville, Spain. Thoroughly familiar with the writings 
of Theophrastus, Pliny, and other ancient writers on 
agriculture, including those of ancient India, he was 
nevertheless an independent observer and __ thinker. 
His phytopathologic comments are almost entirely on the 
diseases of trees and the vine. He describes the symp- 
toms of many diseases briefly but with accuracy and gives 

extensive consideration to their control (Savastano, 
1890-91 : 16, 17, 70). 

1 Clement-Miillet, J. J.: Le livre de V’agriculture d’Ibn-al-Awam 
(Kitab-al-Felahah). Traduit de l’Arabe, 1 : 1-100 (Preface) + 1-657 
+ Index 1-24, 1864; 2: 1:1-460, 1866; 2:2: I-X + 1-293, 1867. 
For his treatment of diseases of trees and- other plants see vol. 1, ch. 
14, pp. 543-597. Savastano (1890-91 : 16) in citing this translation 



The revival of interest in ancient Greek and Roman 
literature which began in the fourteenth century and 
became so general and enthusiastic throughout Europe 
in the fifteenth century, brought to the attention of the 
scientist and layman the observations and philosophies 
of Theophrastus and Pliny regarding the diseases of 
plants. But the statements of these philosophers were 
blindly accepted and no attempts were made to verify 
or disprove them by actual observation. The few 
writers on agriculture during the latter part of this dark 
era contented themselves for the most part with repeating 
merely the statements of the ancients (Sorauer Transl., 
1914 : 45). 

gives volume 3 as the one in which data on diseases of plants is to be 
found. This appears to be an error, as I am unable to discover any 
“volume 3.” Part 2 of the second volume, which might have been 
meant, deals with diseases of animals. 


THIS era may be said to begin with the seventeenth 
century and extend to about the middle of the nineteenth. 
It was ushered in by the first recorded observations on 
plant diseases and their control since the days of the 
ancient Greeks, Romans, and Arabians. An epoch 
during which observations and classification dominated 
natural science in all lines, we find here for the first time 
attempts at the classification of the phenomena of plant 
diseases. During this era were written the first books on 
plant diseases. Since of all the applied sciences, human 
pathology was in this age the most powerful and re- 
spected, it is not surprising that the sister science, plant 
pathology, should have been largely influenced, in fact 
dominated thereby, particularly in its nomenclature and 
philosophy. Imbued with the dogma of spontaneous 
generation, the phytopathologic philosophers of this era 
brought to its perfection the theory of the autogenetic 
origin and nature of disease in plants. 

This epoch may be divided into three periods: the 
Renaissance, the Zallingerian, and the Ungerian. 


This period embraces, roughly speaking, the seven- 
teenth century and may be said to have opened with the 

publication in 1600 of the Oeconomia and Haussbuch by 


Coler,! in which is included information on diseases of 
plants. This work consists largely, however, of repeti- 
tion of the statements of ancient writers. The evil in- 
fluence of the stars is soberly set forth. Peter Laurem- 
berg,’ in his Horticultura published in 1631, “relates 
that certain stars like Orion, the Pleiades, and others 
exert an especially injurious influence from which the 
so-called ‘secret evils’ arise, among which belong rust, 
carbuncle, and mildew” (Sorauer Transl., 1914 : 45). 
It is interesting that the practical growers, especially 
educated gardeners, had more to do with the revival of 
interest in the study of plant diseases than did the 
botanists or other scientists of this period. Observa- 
tions on the symptoms of diseases and details of so-called 
practical methods of control appeared in books on garden- 
ing. The general character of the better writers on plant 
maladies during this time may be illustrated by the point 
of view of Heinrich Hesse’ in his Neue Gartenlust (1690) 

1* Coler, Johannis: Oeconomia, oder Hausbuch. Ander Theil. 
Buch V, Kap. 12, 1600. This date is the one given by Sorauer, Hand- 
buch d. Pflanzenkr. 1:41, 1909. I was unable to see the original. 
Haller, Bibliot. Bot. 1 : 387, gives but two editions of the “Ander 
Theil,” 1595 and 1598. The work was issued in six parts and these 
were frequently reprinted, separately and together, throughout the 
17th century. 

2 Lauremberg, Petrus: Rostochiensis horticultura. Libris II. com- 
prehensa; huic nostro coelo et folo accomodata; regulis, observationibus, 
experimentis et figuris novis instructa; in qua quicquid ad hortum pro- 
ficue colendum et eleganter instruendum facit, explicatur, pp. 1-196. 
Francfurti, 1631. See especially caput XXXV, “De avertendis et 
corrigendis aeris iniuriis.”’ 

3* Hesse, Heinrich: Neue Gartenlust d. i. griindliche Vorstellung wie 
ein Lust-, Kiichen-, und Baumgarten unter unsern Climate fiiglich 
anzurichten, u. s. w., pp. 1-416. 10 Kpf. Leipzig, 1690. 

* References marked with an * have not been seen by the author. 


in which he gives as the three chief causes of the blighting 
of trees: (1) superfluous sap with inflammation of the 
sap; (2) resetting a tree in a position different from that 
in which it originally stood (he preserved trees thus 
reversed by coating the south side of the body with a 
mixture of cow manure, oat chaff, glue, and ashes); 
(3) using a bread knife in grafting a tree. He subscribes 
to the ancient superstitions to a marked degree as is 
evidenced by his opinion that cankers on trees result 
from grafting the tree at the time when the moon lies in 
the sign of the crab or scorpion. He says, ‘““This disease 
may be recognized by the fact that here and there the 
bark throws up little hummocks under which the tissue 
is dead and black. This spreads further and further, 
ultimately infecting the whole trunk. Many scattered 
causes of canker have been brought forward, but the one 
given above is the most probable of all’”’ (Sorauer Transl., 
1914 : 45, 46). 

Reference to the common and destructive occurrence 
of rusts and smuts in cereal crops again appears in writ- 
ings on agriculture. Especially in England where these 
diseases were known under the names of blight and mil- 
dew they were reported as very destructive during this 
period. It is interesting that the first law, so far as 
records show, directed toward the control of a plant dis- 
ease, was enacted during this period. It was in Rouen in 
France in 1660 that a decree was promulgated directing 
the grubbing out and destruction of all barberry plants, 
as they were held to bear some mysterious relation to 
epiphytotics of wheat rust (Eriksson and Henning, 
1896 : 12). 

Summary.—The Renaissance period of the pre-modern 


era is characterized: (1) by the revival of general in- 
terest in plant diseases as is seen from the numerous 
records in the agricultural literature of the 17th century; 
(2) by the evidence that this interest was especially pro- 
nounced among the educated agriculturists and garden- 
ers; (3) by the fact that with respect to the cause of these 
diseases opinion was largely dominated by the philoso- 
phies of the ancients and by superstition; (4) by the 
attempts to develop practical methods of controlling 
diseases in plants, and (5) by the enactment of the first 
law directed toward plant disease control. 


The Zallingerian or taxonomic period covers the 
18th century. It is characterized by attempts to name 
and classify the diseases of plants much after the fashion 
of naming and classifying plants themselves. The names 
of the various plant diseases are copied from or fashioned 
after those employed in human medicine for supposedly 
similar diseases, and the classifications employed are 
largely adaptations from those used in classifying 
the diseases of man and animals. The period was 
ushered in during the time of the revival of interest 
in systematic botany, which culminated in the publica- 
tion of Linnezus’ system of nomenclature (in Species 
Plantarum) in 1753. Naming and classifying was the 
order of the day and this early period of modern plant 
pathology was largely dominated by the taxonomic mode 
of thinking which prevailed among the scientific men of 
that time. 

Phytopathologic thought and writings during the early 
part of this period were, however, to be influenced not 


only by the taxonomic philosophers and medical men 
but also by the practical gardeners, evidences of whose 
influence we have already noted in the writings of the 
previous period. We thus discover during the premodern 
era two points of view in plant pathology, the philosophic 
and the practical, clearly marked, at least as far as the 
writers on the subject are concerned. Not until the 
middle of the nineteenth century are we to see these two 
points of view united by Julius Kiihn, the first real plant 
pathologist who effectively applied the scientific knowl- 
edge of his day to the practical solution of plant disease 

This period may be said to begin with the presentation 
in 1705 of a paper by that noted French botanist Joseph 
Pitton de Tournefort, under the title: Observations on 
the maladies of plants.! It is worthy of note that 
Tournefort’s classification was the first to present the 
division of all plant diseases into two great groups, 
viz., (a) those due to external causes, and (6) those due to 
internal causes, a division very similar to that em- 
ployed by some pathologists of more modern times. 
Tournefort’s work on plant pathology has had little 
recognition, as his fame rests on his work as a taxonomic 

Following Tournefort’s treatise appeared a number of 
works on plant diseases, all more or less systematic in 
character. Among these may be mentioned the following: 

Christian Sigismund Eysfarth,? a German, presented 

'Tournefort, J. P. de: Observations sur les maladies des plantes, 
Mem. Mat. et Phys. tirez des registres Acad. Roy. Sci. de l’anne 1705: 
332-345, Paris, 1730. 

°* Eysfarth, Christian Sigismund: Dissertationem physicam de 
morbis plantarum, pp. 1-48, Lipsiae, 1723. 


as a thesis for his doctorate at Leipzig, in 1723, a dis- 
sertation on the physiology of the death of plants, in 
which he classifies diseases according to the period of the 
plant’s life in which they appear, thus, (1) diseases of 
the germinating period, (2) diseases of the vegetative 
period, and (3) diseases of the fruiting period (Sorauer, 
1909 : 45). 

The first pathogenetist. (After an engraving in Lind’s “Danish Fungi.’’) 

Johann Christian Fabricius, the first Dane to write on 
plant pathology, published his complete classification in 
1774 in his Essay on phytopathology,! in which he 
presents views far in advance of his day. He holds, for 

1 Fabricius, Joh. Christ.: Forsdg til en Afhandling om Planternes 
Sygdomme. In Det Kongl. Norske. Vidensk. Selsk. Skriften, 5 : 431- 
492, Kiobenhavn, 1774. What appears to be this same thing is cited 
by Boehmer in his Handbuch der Naturgeschichte, 3:1 :523, thus: 
“Joh. Chr. Fabricius de morbis plantarum; in Act. Soc. Scient. Norweg. 
To. 5. p. 431.” No date is given. 


example, that fungi found associated with disease lesions 
are distinct organisms and not morbid plant tissues, a 
view which was not to be generally accepted until more 
than seventy-five years later. He was primarily an 
entomologist and his phytopathologic writings had little 
influence on contemporary phytopathologic thought. 
His name is nevertheless not to be forgotten, for he stands 
forth as one of those geniuses whose misfortune it was to 
have lived and thought long before the world was able 
to understand them (Lind, 1913 : 19, 20). 

Michel Adanson, another noted French botanist of 
this period, also contributed a chapter to the maladies of 
plants in his work on Familles des Plantes.1 He follows 
Tournefort and Fabricius in classification and terminol- 
ogy (Sorauer, 1909 : 46). 

The most striking phytopathologic publication of this 
period is that by Johann Baptista Zallinger, De morbis 
plantarum, a German translation of which appeared in 
1779.2 In this work the attempt to utilize the terminology 
of animal pathology reached its climax. Zallinger made 
five general classes of plant diseases, viz.: (1) Phlegmasiz, 
or inflammatory diseases, (2) paralysis or debility, (3) 
discharges or draining, (4) cachexia, or bad constitution, 
and (5) chief defects of different organs. Zallinger 
strongly upheld the idea that fungi found associated 

' Adanson, Michel: Maladies des plantes. Jn Familles des plantes, 
1: 42-53, 1763. 

* Zallinger, J. B.: De morbis plantarum cognoscendis et curandis dis- 
sertatio exphaenomensis deducta. (Diss.), pp. 1-137 + apx. Oemponti, 
1773. Translated into German by Johann Grafen von Auersberg under 
the title Abhandlung iiber die Krankheiten der Pflanzen, ihrer Kenntniss 
und Heilung; aus dem Lateinischen ubersetzt, pp. 1-6 + 1-143, Augs- 
burg, 1779. According to Berkeley (Gard. Chron., 1854 : 20) a German 
translation of this appeared as late as 1809. 


with disease in plants are but abnormal structures of the 
plants themselves resulting from, rather than the cause 
of, the diseased condition, and this theory with respect 
to one of the most fundamental facts of modern pathology 
was to dominate the thought of the following period 
(Sorauer Transl., 1914 : 50). 

The prevailing ideas regarding the etiology of diseases 
in plants were still largely those of the ancients. Belief 
in the réle of the supernatural in the production of disease 
was, of course, less marked than in the preceding period, 
but it was still generally entertained. The causal nature 
of such environmental factors as drought, drying winds, 
hail, freezing, unfavorable soil, and the like was especially 
put forth and emphasized. The idea of the autogenetic 
origin of disease within the plant itself which was to pre- 
vail during the succeeding period was taking form in the 
minds of the contemporaries of Zallinger, as witness the 
statement of Ritter von Ehrenfels that “even at times the 
tendency to blight lies in the disposition of the tree itself— 
a disposition which the trees obtain from the soil in 
which they grow, from their descent, and from an unwise 
cultivation” (Sorauer Transl., 1914 : 52). 

The practical gardeners and horticulturists were ac- 
cumulating facts and observations on the diseases of 
plants with which they worked and were endeavoring to 
explain them in the light of the ancient theories and 
superstitions with regard to such phenomena, rather 
than in that of the scientific thought of their day. They 
were nevertheless beginning to devise treatments for 
these diseases and to test them through crude experi- 
ments. Their observations, theories, and remedies they 
set down in their books and articles on practical garden- 


ing and horticulture. The “practical” writings of this 
period differed strikingly from those preceding in the 
greater emphasis placed upon the treatment. Some 
of these recommendations sound very modern. For 
example, Riedel,! in his Garten Lexicon, 1751, gives as a 
remedy for canker, cutting out the diseased places and 
coating with grafting wax. On the other hand, his sug- 
gestion that trees be bled by boring a hole or splitting a 
root to relieve them of superfluous sap sounds ridiculous 
(Sorauer, 1909 : 43). 

An English gardener, Stephen Hales, 1731, refers to the 
transmission of canker diseases in budding as evidence of 
the circulation of sap (Sorauer, 1909 : 44). Hales also 
offers an interesting explanation of the cause of hop 
mildew and records an epiphytotic of this malady in 1731.7 

These studies of the practical horticulturists reached 
their climax in the discovery by William Forsyth in 
1791 of a so-called ‘“‘composition” or tree cement for the 
treatment of lesions on trees. This was widely ad- 

1* Riedel, J. Christ.: Kurz abgefasstes Gartenlexikon nebst einem 
Garten-Calender, pp. 1-420, Nordhausen, 1751. 

? Hales, Stephen: Statical essays; containing vegetable staticks; 
or an account of some statical experiments on the sap in vegetables, 
being an essay toward a natural history of vegetation; of use to those 
who are curious in the culture and improvement of gardening, etc., 
1 : I-XII + 1-376, London, 1731. (Canker transmission, p. 147; hop 
mildew, p. 33.) The earliest edition of this appears to have been that 
of 1727. There were later editions, including a fourth, issued in two 
volumes in 1769. 

* Forsyth, William: Observations on the diseases, defects, and in- 
juries in all kinds of fruit and forest trees; with an account of a peculiar 
method of cure, pp. 1-71, London, 1791. This was translated twice 
into German, twice into French, once into Italian, and once into Danish. 
‘‘A new and improved edition” of the above is found in the fourth 
edition of “A treatise on the Culture and Management of Fruit Trees,’” 
London, 1806, by the same author, pp. 407-484. 


vertised and, of course, overestimated, but had the 
effect of calling more general attention to the economic 
importance of plant diseases and created a demand for 
semi-technical works on the subject. Such were immedi- 
ately forthcoming. Three books of this type appeared 
in the years 1794 and 1795 alone. 

Perhaps the most important of these is that by 
Plenck, on the physiology and pathology of plants. 
The author attempts to treat the diseases of all cultivated 
plants of importance at that time. This work is valuable 
because based apparently on thorough observation. The 
two others are: Schreger’s Introduction to a correct 
understanding of the diseases of trees?; and Ritter von 
Ehrenfels’ Diseases and injuries of fruit and garden 
trees. Both give good descriptions of cankers, especially 
of the Nectria canker still so destructive in Europe. 
They attribute most of the ailments of plants to 
unfavorable soil conditions, climate, or the inherent 
disposition of the plant to become diseased (Sorauer, 
1909 :48). Writings dominated by the theories and 
dogmas of this period continued to appear far into the 
nineteenth century and were numerous during the early 

1 Plenck, Joseph Jacob von: Physiologia et pathologia plantarum, 
pp. 1-192, Veinnae, 1794. (Pages 123-184 only, deal with pathology 
including insect injuries.) This was translated into Italian by G. 
Pagani in 1804 under the title: Fisiologia e patologia delle piante. 

2* Schreger, B. N. G.: Erfahrungsmassige Anweisung zur richtigen 
Kenntniss der Krankheiten der Wald- und Gartenbiume, der Getreidear- 
ten, Futterkrduter, Kiichengewdchse und Blumen, nebst den bewahrtesten 
Mitteln dagegen; fiir Forstbediente, Oekonomen und Gartenliebhaber, 
pp. 1-518, Leipzig, 1795. 

3*Ehrenfels (J. M.), Ritter von: Uber die Krankheiten und Ver- 
letzungen der Frucht und Gartenbiume, pp. I-XX + 1-232, Breslau, 


years of the Ungerian period, which is next to be con- 
sidered. They were of little influence, however, and to 
be considered only as echoes of a point of view already 
on its way to the limbo of scientific rejecta. Sorauer 
(1909 : 49) refers to one such published in 1818.1 

The publication in 1807 by Freiherr von Werneck of 
his Investigations in plant pathology and therapy,’ 
and the Essay, theoretical and practical, on diseases of 
plants,’ by the Italian Filippo Ré, mark the close of this 
period. Both were philosophical rather than practical, 
following much the same lines as those of their contem- 

The characteristic features of the Zallingerian period 
may be summarized as follows: (1) Phytopathologic 
thought and writings were distinctly taxonomic; (2) 
the basis of classification was symptomologic; (3) modern 
practices in plant disease control had their beginnings 
in this period; (4) the cause of disease in plants was gener- 
ally attributed to occult influences or to the effects of 
the elements, especially unfavorable soil, winds, low 
temperatures, and the like, but the theory of the auto- 
genetic nature of disease was beginning to take form. 

‘* Burdach, Heinrich: Systematisches Handbuch der Obstbaum- 
krankheiten, Berlin, 1818. 

2* Werneck (L. F. F.), Freiherr von: Versuch einer Pflanzen Patho- 
logie und Therapie; ein Beitrag zur héhern Forstwissenschaft, pp. 1-60, 
Mannheim, 1807. 

*Ré, Filippo: Saggio teorico pratico sulle malattie delle piante, pp. 
1-437, Venice, 1807. A second edition appeared in 1817 from Milan, 
pp. 1-331. An English translation of this appeared in Gard. Chron., 1849, 
p. 211, and running throughout the numbers for nearly two years. An 
earlier work of the same sort, under the title: *Saggio di nosologia 
vegetabile, Mem. di Mat. e di Fisica Soc. Ital. delle Sci., 12 : 2 : 225-255, 
appeared in 1805. 


This period saw the early attempts of scientists to 
assemble and organize the scattered and apparently 
unrelated facts and phenomena of disease in plants. 
The writings of the period constitute the record of the 
real beginnings of the science. From these pioneer 
attempts was to develop with astounding rapidity the 
phytopathology of the present, which is even yet to 
some degree in the process of delimitation and crystal- 
lization. In the periods to follow we shall see something 
of the lines along which and of the great minds by which 
this development has been effected. 


The Ungerian period extended from about 1807 to 
1853. This period might well be designated the physi- 
ologic or autogenetic period, since the theories and in- 
vestigations on plant nutrition, sexuality, and irritability 
largely dominated botanical thought, eclipsing to a 
marked extent the taxonomic point of view of the pre- 
ceding period. This is strikingly brought out by the 
fact that the most important works on plant pathology 
were written by men primarily plant physiologists, and 
those too among the greatest of their day. It is also 
worth noting in passing that they were all doctors of 
medicine and practised their profession at the beginning 
of their careers. During the early part of the period no 
contributions of marked worth appeared. The men who 
were to express the ideas and shape the evolution of our 
science during this time were getting the training and 
experience which was finally to appear in the distinctive 
contributions of their day. 

Among the botanists whose work strongly influenced 



the writers on plant pathology of this period were the 
elder De Candolle, the noted French savant, and the 
German writers, Schleiden and Sprengel. Sachs, in his 
History of Botany, characterizes this period (1800-60) 
as the one in which “botanical science developed from 
one founded on misinterpreted observation and natural 
philosophy to a real science founded on investigation 
and research.” While this characterization could 
scarcely apply to the plant pathology of this period, 
it certainly does to that of the following period. Never- 
theless this revolution in botanical thought influenced 
powerfully and made possible a similar revolution in 
phytopathologic thought during the last half of the 
19th century. 

The first and most characteristic work of the Ungerian 
period is that by Franz Unger, after whom the period is 
named. Franz Joseph Andreas Nicholas Unger! was 
born at Leutschach, South Germany, in 1800, and died 
in 1870. He took his degree of doctor of philosophy in 
law at the age of twenty; studied and practised medicine 
for the next fifteen years at Vienna and in the Tyrol. 
While stationed as army surgeon at the latter place he 
gave much of his time to botany and plant pathology, 
publishing as a result of his studies among other things 
the work referred to above. It was here that he main- 
tained a plant disease garden, probably the first of its 
kind. He devoted the remainder of his life to the teach- 
ing of botany, being for fifteen years professor of vege- 
table physiology at the University of Vienna, from where 
he wrote several books on plant physiology. 

1 Wittrock, in Acta Horti Bergiani, 3 : 3 : 86 and table 56, gives his 
name as Franz Xaver Unecr. 


In his book, Exantheme der Pflanzen,! published in 
1833, Unger devotes 20 pages to the relation of fungi to 
the plants on which they live. He calls them entophytes 
or “disease organisms,” not parasites,? holding firmly 
to the idea of the previous period that they originate 
from the diseased host tissues, but at the same time he 


The greatest autogenetist. (After a portrait in Wittrock’s “Acta Horti 

recognizes them as distinct organisms, worthy of names 
and classification. 

1 Unger, Franz: Die Exantheme der Pflanzen und einige mit diesen 
verwandete Krankheiten der Gewachse, pathologisch und nosographisch 
dargestellt, pp. 1-421, Wien, 1833. 

2 Unger, Franz: Originadre Bildung der Krankheitsorganismen. In 
Beitrage z. Vergleichenden Pathologie. Sendschreiben an Herrn Pro- 
fessor Schénlein, pp. 39, 40, Wien, 1840. 


He believes diseases to be conditions brought about 
through internal disorganization of the nutrition proc- 
esses; that they have their origin in a lack of certain 
chemical constituents of the sap. He observed, however, 
that “entophytes,” the fungi, protrude their structures 
from the stomates of the diseased plant (see his sketches) 
and concludes that they must be the transformed sap 
of diseased tissues. His theory is that this morbid sap 
exuded into the substomatal cavities and intercellular 
spaces is converted, under the influence of the still living 
cells of the host, into fungous structures, 7. e., conidio- 
phores and spores. Of mycelium he seems to have had 
no true conception, as may readily be gathered from 
his drawings of cross-sections of diseased leaves. The 
theory of spontaneous generation, generally accepted by 
the scientific men of his time, was also for Unger a fun- 
damental conception, hence his idea of the relation 
of pathogene to host was but a natural and _ logical 
deduction. Nevertheless, mycologists of the period 
were collecting and studying fungi, observing the char- 
acter of their spores and their manner of germination. 
Some were even contending that the entophytic forms 
were entirely distinct from their host plants. Their 
observations and deductions were not to materially in- 
fluence during the Ungerian period the generally accepted 
explanation of the relation of the fungus to the plant on 
which it grew. Their work and their ideas were, however, 
to profoundly affect the phytopathologic thought of the 
next period, as we shall see. 

Unger dominated the phytopathologic thought of his 
time, as is strikingly shown in the work of Arend Joachim 
Friedrich Wiegmann, whose book on “The diseases and 


disease abnormalities of plants’! appeared in 1839. 
Wiegmann accepts Unger’s explanation of the nature of 
disease in plants and the relation of the fungi found as- 
sociated with the lesions. He cites Unger’s book exten- 
sively, setting forth in much simpler language, however, 
the autogenetic doctrine of disease in plants. Wieg- 
mann’s book differs distinctly from that of Unger in 
that it purports to be a handbook for farmers and garden- 
ers rather than a scientific treatise. He covers much 
the same ground as Unger, but adds a discussion of 
means of control, a phase of the subject not considered 
by Unger. Wiegmann claims to have thoroughly tried 
out the various remedies he recommends. 

Next to Unger, the most dominating personality in 
the phytopathologic thought of the Ungerian period was 
Meyen, a remarkable young botanist who at his death 
was professor of botany at the Imperial University at 

Franz Julius Ferdinand Meyen was born at Tilsit in 
Posen in 1804. He was the son of a bookkeeper in a 
small store. Leaving the gymnasium early, he began 
to study pharmacy, but eventually studied medicine, 
taking his degree in 1826. He practised four years and 
then went for a botanizing trip around the world. Re- 
turning, he was made professor of botany at Berlin, 
where he remained until his death at the age of thirty- 
six. Meyen was one of the most brilliant and productive 
botanists of this period. His writings cover the whole 

1 Wiegmann, A. F. sen.: Die Krankheiten und krankhaften Miss- 
bildungen der Gewachse. Ein Handbuch fiir Landwirthe, Gartner, 
Gartenliebhaber und Forstmanner, pp. I-XII + 1-176, Braunschweig, 


field of botany, but more especially plant physiology 
(Ratzenburg, 1843). 

Meyen’s book on Plant Pathology’ which appeared 
the year following his death is, next to Unger’s Exan- 
theme der Pflanzen, the most important contribution 
of this period. This work was intended to constitute 
the final contribution to a series of works by the author 

Franz Jutius Mryen. 

(From an engraving in the Kaathoven collection. Courtesy of the 
Library of the U. S. Surgeon General’s Office.) 

on botany, of which his three-volume work on Neuen 
System der Pflanzen-Physiologie is the most remarkable 
and important. It was to consist of two volumes, the 
second to be on teratology, and was to appear under the 
general title of Handbuch der Pflanzen-Pathologie und 

1Meyen, F. J. F.: Pflanzen-Pathologie, Lehre von dem kranken 
Leben und Bilden der Pflanzen, pp. I-XII + 1-330, Berlin, 1841. 


Pdanzen-Teratologie. The manuscript for the first 
volume was largely completed before his death and was 
published a year later by his friend, Nees von Esenbeck 
(see Vorerinnerung in same, V-VIII). 

Meyen’s Pflanzen Pathologie is really only a careful 
classification and description of a large number of dis- 
eases. There is wanting in the book those general or 
introductory chapters in which authors are wont to set 
forth their generalizations and philosophies. We do not 
have, therefore, a summarized or organized statement 
of his ideas with respect to the nature of disease, the 
relation of the fungi found associated with disease lesions, 
and other fundamental pathologic theories so extensively 
set forth by Unger and even by Wiegmann. His early 
death is doubtless responsible for these omissions. The 
book gives one the impression of incompleteness. From 
his description of the smuts, the rusts, and the mildews 
it is, however, readily seen that his philosophy of disease 
in plants is not materially different from that of his 
phytopathologic contemporaries. His philosophy of 
disease, the nature of parasitic fungi, and their relation 
to their host plants is clearly indicated in a short paper 
on the development of smut in the maize plant. He 
says it is an established fact that the cereal smut is not 
an infectious disease, but is one due to a stagnation of 
sap brought about by excessive and unnatural fertilizing. 
He describes and figures the formation of the spores as 
taking place within the host cells, and calls them pseudo- 
organisms, the product of abnormal nutrition. His 

1 Meyen, F. J. F.: Beitrage zur Pflanzenphysiologie. I. Uber die 
Entwickelung des Getreidebrandes in der Mays Pflanze, Archiv. f. 
Naturgesch., 1 : 417-421, 1837. 


book shows in its detailing of facts and observations the 
marked influence of the mycologic discoveries of his age. 
Brilliant man though he was, he failed to understand 
their true significance and sought to explain them with 
the philosophy of Zallinger and his school of the 18th 

Summarizing the characteristic features of the Unger- 
ian period, we see that : (1) phytopathologic thought 
was distinctly physiologic, with a marked tendency 
toward the mycologic near the end of the period; (2) 
the basis of classification of plant diseases was etiologic, 
that, too, in spite of the fact that pathologists would 
not admit the causal relation of the associated fungi; 
(3) the influence of the practical gardener on the phyto- 
pathologic writings of the period was overshadowed by 
the researches and activity of scientists; (4) the influence 
of human medicine was still strongly marked; (5) the 
cause of disease in plants was held to be autogenetic. 
Increasing observations of the very general association 
of fungi with disease lesions was constantly raising the 
question whether these must not be the cause rather 
than the result of the diseased condition. 

This was the transition period from old, long held, 
and firmly rooted beliefs and theories with respect to 
plant diseases to the modern ideas and point of view. 


THE doctrine of the autogenetic origin of disease in 
plants reached its high-water mark in the philosophy of 
Franz Unger, as we have already seen. The end of the 
eighteenth and the early days of the nineteenth century 
saw a growing school of mycologists whose observations 
and studies convinced them that the spore-like structures 
of the entophytic fungi were, in reality, reproductive 
bodies; that they germinate and hence must serve to 
propagate their kind; and finally that these entophytes 
must be independent organisms causing the diseased 
conditions with which they are constantly found associ- 
ated and not the result thereof. To this school belonged 
such noted mycologists as Bulliard, DeCandolle, Link, 
Tulasne, Léveillé, and others (de Bary, 1853 : 107). 
Positive proof in the form of carefully checked infection 
experiments were, however, largely wanting 

The brilliant and classic studies of the Tulasne! 
brothers on the life history of such parasitic fungi as 
Claviceps, the Erysiphacee, the Uredinales, and the 
Ustilaginales had unfolded the fact of polymorphism in 

1 Tulasne, L. R. et Ch.: Mémoire sur les Ustilagineés comparées 
aux Urédinées, Ann. Sci. Nat., 3:7 : 12-127, 1847; and the following 
by L. R. Tulasne alone: Mémoire sur |’Ergot des Glumacées, Ann. 
Sci. Nat., 3:20: 5-56, 1853; Second Mémoire sur les Urédinées et les 
Ustilaginées, Ann. Sci. Nat., 4:2 : 75-196, 1854; and finally that extra- 
ordinary work by the Tulasne brothers, Selecta fungorum carpologia, ea 
documenta et icones potissimum exhibens quae viria fructuum et 
seminum genera in eodem fungo simul aut vicissim adesse dernonstrent, 

1: I-XXVIII + 1-242, 1861; 2 :I-XIX + 1-319, 1863. 


these forms. Zodlogic investigations! had established 
the facts of heteromorphism among insects, notably in 
the case of aphids. The true relation of gall wasps, tape- 
worms, and other parasitic animals to their hosts was 
becoming increasingly clear to scientific workers. 
Nevertheless, the deep-rooted theory of spontaneous 
generation still dominated to a great extent the doctrines 
on reproduction. Accumulating evidence against it 
and a growing understanding of the significance of this 
evidence were of themselves powerless to overcome the 
handicap which centuries of established acceptation 
gave to the prevailing dogma. The overthrow of this 
ancient superstition awaited the magic power of master 
minds. The middle of the nineteenth century saw their 
entrance upon the scientific stage. The brilliant re- 
searches and convincing demonstrations of that noted 
French savant, Louis Pasteur,? swept away the nebu- 
lous foundations of spontaneous generation. Kiichen- 

1 For classic works on this subject see— 

Steenstrup, Johann Japetus Smith: Om Fortplantning og Udvikling 
gjennem vexlende Generationsvrikker en saeregen Form for Opfostringen 
i de lavere Dyrklassen, pp. I-IV + 1-76, Kjébenhavn, 1842. A German 
translation by Lorenzen appeared in 1842 and from this an English trans- 
lation by Rusk in 1845 under the title: On the alternation of generation; 
or the propagation and development of animals through alternate 

Owen, Richard: On parthenogenesis or the successive production of 
procreating individuals from a single ovum, pp. 1-76, London, 1849. 

Siebold, Carl Theodor Ernst von: On a true parthenogenesis in 
moths and bees; a contribution to the history of reproduction in animals. 
Translated from the German by William L. Lallas, pp. I-VIII + 1-110, 
1857. The original appeared in 1856. 

? Frankland, P., and Frankland, Mrs. P.: Pasteur, pp. 1-224, New 
York, 1898. See especially ch. 5, and Vallery-Radot’s, The Life of 
Pasteur, in two volumes, 1902, vol. 1, ch. 5. 


meister’s! work on the animal parasites of man revolu- 
tionized the theories on animal parasitism. Darwin’s 
painstaking researches into the origin of species? freed 
the biologic sciences of the deadening dogmas of special 
creation and fixity of forms. The wonderfully exact 
and extensive studies of that master mycologist, Anton 
de Bary, so completely established the independent na- 
ture of entophytic fungi that the theory of their meta- 
morphosis from the sap of diseased plants was no longer 

The wide-spread and destructive epiphytotics of the 
Phytophthora blight which swept the potato fields of 
Europe in 1844 and 1845,’ resulting in famine in some 
sections, suddenly impressed everyone, layman and 
scientist, with the importance of plant diseases in the 
economic welfare of mankind. The most noted scientists 
of the time turned their attention to the solution of the 
problem thus presented. Learned societies and even 
governments appointed commissions to investigate the 
cause of the disease. This intensive investigation led 
naturally to a more general and critical examination of 

1 Kiichenmeister, Friedrich: Die in und an dem KGrper des lebenden 
Menschen vorkommemden Parasiten. Ein Lehr- und Handbuch der 
Diagnose und Behandlung der thierischen und pflanzlichen Parasiten des 
Menschen, Abt. 1 :I-XVI + 1-486; Abt. 2:I-X + 1-148, Leipzig, 
1855. An English translation appeared in 1857 under the title: On 
animal and vegetable parasites of the human body. A manual of their 
natural history, diagnosis and treatment, 1 : I-XIX + 1-443; 2 : I-XVI 
+ 1-287. 

2 Darwin, Charles: On the origin of species by means of natural selec- 
tion, or the preservation of favored races in the struggle for life, pp. I-IX 
+ 1-502, 1859. 

3 Jones, L. R.: Investigations of the potato fungus Phytophthora 
infestans, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul., 245 : 19-24, 1912. 


other diseases equally common though less strikingly 
destructive. This was especially true of the rusts and 
smuts of cereals. 

Thus the middle of the nineteenth century saw the 
beginning of a new era in the science of phytopathology. 
In the establishment of the pathogenic nature of fungi, 
the autogenetic theory of disease in plants received a 
staggering blow. The day of the autogenetists had 
passed, and for the next half-century or more a new 
school, the pathogenetists, and the etiologic phases of 
phytopathology were to dominate the science. 

The era falls naturally into two periods of approxi- 
mately a quarter century each, the Kiihnian and the Mil- 
lardetian. The first of these is characterized by an al- 
most complete devotion to the study of the causal rela- 
tions of fungi to the diseases with which they are found 
associated; the second period saw a marvelous develop- 
ment and general application of methods of disease 
control. Together they constitute an era unparalleled 
in the history of plant pathology. 


This period (1853-83) will always stand out as one of 
the greatest in the history of plant pathology. It is 
characterized chiefly by the discoveries which have 
firmly established the causal nature of fungi associated 
with plant diseases. As fungi are now generally recog- 
nized to be responsible for most of our plant diseases, the 
importance of the pioneer work of this period cannot be 

The phytopathologists of this period were powerfully 
influenced in their thought and theories by the works of 


three great scientists. None of them were plant pathol- 
ogists, though all made investigations and discoveries 
not only epoch making in their respective fields, but fun- 
damental to related sciences and to none more than phyto- 
pathology. I refer to the great German botanist and 
mycologist, Anton de Bary, who lived and worked from 
1831 to 1888; the equally noted chemist, Justus Freiherr 
von Liebig, 1803-73, the father of agricultural chemistry; 
and the famous French chemist and bacteriologist, Louis 
Pasteur, 1822-95. 

The opening of this period is marked by the publica- 
tion in 1853 of that classical work of de Bary’s, Die Brand 
Pilze, in which the young investigator (then twenty-two 
years old) established beyond doubt the causal nature of 
the fungi found associated with rust and smut diseases. 
In 1861! he published his investigation on the cause and 
nature of the late blight of potatoes in which he proved 
the causal relation of Phytophthora infestans. In 1865? 
he published his work, establishing the relation of the 
zcidium on barberry to the rust fungus on wheat. These 
are but a few of the striking pieces of work of an almost 
endless number of similar investigations on the nature of 
the relation of fungi to different diseases. One should 
read the list of his contributions in the Lindau and 
Sydow Thesaurus, Vol. I. 

Heinrich Anton de Bary was born at Frankfurt-am- 
Main. He became interested in botany while still in the 

1 de Bary, A.: Die gegenwartig herrschende Kartoffelkrankheit, ihre 
Ursache and ihre Verhiitung, pp. 1-75, Leipzig, 1861. 

*de Bary, A.: Neue Untersuchungen tiber die Uredineen, insbeson- 
dere die Entwickelung der Puccinia graminis und den Zusammenhang 
derselben mit Accidium Berberidis, Monatsber. d. Kén. Preuss. Akad. 
der Wiss. aus dem Jahre 1865 : 15-50, Berlin, 1866. 


gymnasium, but fitted himself for the practice of medi-. 
cine, taking his degree in 1853, the same year in which he 
published the investigations on smut fungi, which, as ‘we 
have already seen, marks the opening of this period. 
He practised medicine for two years in his native city, 
but abandoned it for research in botany. He began as in- 


Founder of modern mycology. His studies on the parasitism 
of fungi gave rise to the school of pathogenetists. (From a photograph, 
courtesy of Dr. Erwin F. Smith.) 

structor in the University of Tiibingen, becoming two 
years later professor at Freiburg until 1867. He then 
went to Halle, and finally in 1872 to Strassburg, where he 
remained until his death in 1888. No less than sixty- 
eight men afterward noted for work in science studied 
under him in his laboratories in Strassburg. 


De Bary has been regarded by some as the father of 
modern plant pathology. Though there can be no doubt 
of the molding and dominating influence of his work on 
the plant pathology not only of this but of the succeeding 
period, still he was a botanist, a mycologist. He did not 
assume to be a plant pathologist. He did not concern 
himself extensively with the pathology of the diseases 
with which he worked, except from the point of view of 
the physiologist undertaking to discover the nature of the 
life of the parasite, its mode of attack, its method of 
feeding, and its life history. With the many other 
aspects of the disease, especially the economic, he con- 
cerned himself little. He wrote no books on plant 
pathology. To Julius Kiihn, a countryman of de Bary, 
belongs, in my opinion, the title of Father of Modern 
Plant Pathology. 

Julius Gotthelf Kuhn was born in Pulsnitz, in Saxony, 
not far from Dresden, in 1825. His father was a land 
owner and it was the son’s ambition to become an expert 
agriculturist. He received his elementary and gymna- 
sium education, as well as some technical training, very 
largely in the schools of Dresden. In 1841 he returned 
to his father’s estate to take up practical training as a 
“Landwirt.” Six months later he became assistant to 
the manager of a large estate in Saxony. Here he spent 
two and a half years. The manager was a hard and 
exacting master but an excellent teacher, and Kiihn did 
so well that in 1844, after three months as assistant 
manager on the estate of Graf Kospoth in Halbau, he was 
made administrator. For the next four years he was 
manager of different large estates; finally at the age of 
twenty-three (1848) he took charge as Amtmann (farmer 


of a crown domain) of the large estate of Gross-Krausche 
by Bunzlau in Silesia, remaining eight years. Here he 
began in earnest his agricultural investigations. In- 
fluenced by the writings of Liebig, he tested out the value 
of commerical fertilizers on a large scale. He tried out 
and introduced the drilling of grain and made extensive 
use of tile drainage. Through his activities along these 
lines he became known to his colleagues as the micro- 
scope farmer. 

For us, however, his work on the diseases of his crops on 
this estate is of most interest. Here he not only gathered 
his fundamental training along these lines, but laid by 
extensive and exact experiments the foundation for his 
book on plant diseases to appear a few years later. His 
interest in plant diseases appears to have begun with some 
studies on Sporodesmium exitosum, the cause of a serious 
disease of rape. He studied and named the pathogene. 
His work attracted the attention of such men as Ferdi- 
nand Cohn, Géppert, and Rabenhorst. These years of 
practical study and experiment aroused in Kiihn the 
desire for further training at some agricultural academy 
or some university. 

The Agricultural Academy at Poppelsdorf loosely 
associated with the University of Bonn was at that time 
the most noted in Germany. Thither the young Amt- 
mann turned his steps at the age of thirty in the autumn 
of 1855. Unfortunately, the teachers at Poppelsdorf had 
little new to offer this well-read and experienced farm 
manager, but in the University he had the chance to com- 
plete and round out his scientific training in the two 
semesters that he spent there. It was here at Bonn 
also that he conceived the idea that agricultural educa- 

Jutius Ktun. 

Father of modern phytopathology. (After a portrait in the Deutsche 
Landwirtschaftliche Presse, vol. xxii.) 


tion could be best conducted as a department or faculty of 
a university rather than in a separate institution. This 
idea he himself was to be the first to work out in a most 
practical manner a little later in the University of Halle. 

In the summer of 1856 on the basis of his work in plant 
pathology Kiihn took his doctorate at Leipzig, and passed 
the examination for lecturer at the Agricultural Academy 
at Proskau. After one term there he again returned to 
the land, taking the management of a large estate near 
Gross-Glogau in lower Silesia. It was from here in 1858 
that he published the first edition of his text-book on 
plant diseases. He remained on this estate until 1862, 
when he was called to the chair of Agriculture in the 
University of Halle, to begin his career as a university 
professor at the age of thirty-seven. Kiihn married at 
the age of thirty-two and was the father of five children 
(Wohltman and Holdefleiss, 1905). 

Kiihn’s first and only text-book on plant pathology 
appeared, as has been indicated, in 1858. So great was 
the demand for it that a second unaltered edition was 
published the next year. Although he wrote numerous 
articles on plant diseases from time to time until his 
death, he contributed more largely along other lines of 
agriculture. One of his best known works is that on 
cattle feeding,' which, first published in 1861, ran through 
many editions. 

The full title of Kiihn’s book? on plant diseases is, 
Die Krankheiten der Kulturgewiichse, ihre Ursachen und 

1Kiihn, J.: Die zweckmassigste Ernahrung des Rindviehs vom 
wissenschaftlichen und praktischen Gesichtspunkte, Dresden, 1861. 

2 Kiihn, J.: Die Krankheiten der Kulturgewiichse, ihre Ursachen und 
ihre Verhiitung, pp. I-XXII + 1-312, Berlin, 1858. 


ihre Verhiitung (The diseases of cultivated plants, their 
cause, and their prevention). It is in several respects an 
epoch-making book. It is the first phytopathologic 
text to appear based upon the remarkable and far- 
reaching discoveries and researches of de Bary, the 
Tulasne brothers, Pasteur, and other workers of the first 
half of the 18th century in the field of parasitology. Here 
for the first time in a phytopathologic text (excepting the 
little paper of Fabricius the Dane) is adopted the funda- 
mental fact of the causal nature of fungi as pathogenes in 
the diseases of plants. With a fine grasp of the entire 
field of etiologic phytopathology Kiihn, while recognizing 
the new factor, pathogenic fungi, did not deny the old 
and generally accepted factors of weather, soil conditions, 
animals, and parasitic flowering plants as producers of 
disease in plants. He accepted them, but gave them 
their proper place and value in his treatment of the sub- 
ject. A brief of the table of contents of this the first of 
modern texts on plant diseases will best indicate the 
tremendous advance in the science during the first half 
of the 19th century: 1 

First Part 
General considerations with respect to plant diseases. 
Nature and types of disease in plants. 
Cause of disease: 
Unfavorable climatic and soil conditions. 
Diseases due to the influences of animals. 
Diseases due to parasitic plants: 
Phanerogamic parasites. 
Cryptogamic parasites. 



Special investigations on diseases of cultivated plants. 
The smuts of cereals. 
The rust. 
The ergot. 
The mildew, sooty mold, and honey dew. 
The leaf blight or leaf spot disease. 
The disease of rape and rape seed. 
The seed rot of Fullers’ teasel and the gout or cockle 
disease of wheat. 
The diseases of tuber and root crops. 

The microscope as a household utensil for the farmer. 

In the case of those diseases especially investigated (as 
above indicated) methods of control based on a proper 
conception of the causal factors involved and thoroughly 
tested in actual practice by the author are recorded. 
This book is a model of conciseness and accuracy that has 
not been excelled by any of the numerous pathologists 
who have written books since that time. This is the 
great achievement of the father of modern plant pathol- 
ogy that he was the first to apply the scientific knowledge 
of his ‘day to the practical solution of plant disease 
problems, and so fundamental has been this contribution 
of Kiihn’s that it has remained to the present time the 
vitalizing factor in the wonderful growth and develop- 
ment of the science. 

In 1868 appeared the text-book ‘‘Phytopathologie,”? 

1 Hallier, E.: Phytopathologie. Die Krankheiten der Culturge- 

wichse fiir Land- und Forstwirthe, Gartner und Botaniker, pp. I-X + 
1-373, 1868. 


by Ernst Hallier. This was the first text-book of any 
importance to follow that of Kiihn’s. As this was the 
only edition which he published, Hallier may, therefore 
be said to have belonged to this period alone; in fact, as 
we shall see, he retired from active work about the end of 
the period. 

Ernst Hallier lived from 1831-1904. Beginning as 
assistant gardener in the Botanical Gardens at Jena in 
1848, he later studied at the University of Berlin, taking 
his degree in 1858. He-.then became assistant to his 
uncle, Professor Schleiden, the botanist at Jena. Here 
in 1866 he was promoted to assistant professor, in which 
capacity he served for nineteen years, retiring on account 
of ill health in 1884. He is perhaps best known for his 
antagonism to and attacks upon de Bary, whom he hated. 
His failure to obtain a full professorship he blamed chiefly 
on de Bary, who, however, does not appear to have been 
responsible except perhaps indirectly as an opponent of 
his peculiar scientific ideas. Hallier’s book was far more 
comprehensive and extensive than that of Kiihn, but 
lacked the sound scientific and practical experimental 
basis of that master’s work. The peculiar and erroneous 
ideas of the author with respect to the genetic relation 
of bacteria to fungi brought discredit upon the book among 
the scientific workers of his day. He believed that bac- 
teria developed into fungi. His work, therefore, did not 
have a great influence on plant pathology. 

Anders Sandge Orsted, the most noted Danish plant 
pathologist before Rostrup, belongs to this period. He 
lived from 1816 to 1872. His contributions to the science 
began about 1862. Working with species of Gymnospo- 
rangium, he discovered hetercecism at about the same 


time and independently of de Bary. He is the author of 
several books and papers on the diseases of cultivated 
plants (Lind, 1913 : 18, 605, 606). 

England made her first real contribution to the ranks 
of plant pathologists during the Kiihnian period in the 
person of M. J. Berkeley. Receiving his inspiration and 
enthusiasm for the study of plants and their maladies 
largely from gardeners and horticulturists, his contribu- 
tions to the science are largely addressed to the practical 
growers rather than to the scientists of his time. To 
the latter he was well known, however, as the leading 
English authority on fungi, and is generally held to 
be the founder of British mycology (Thiselton Dyer, 

Miles Joseph Berkeley, born 1803, was one of the fa- 
mous family of Berkeley. He was educated at Christ’s 
College, Cambridge, from which he graduated in 1825. 
In spite of his inclination for the natural sciences, he 
entered the then slightly more lucrative profession of the ~ 
ministry, in which he continued until his death in 1889. 
He devoted all of his leisure to biologic studies and re- 
search, espécially on fungi and plant diseases. Aside 
from numerous short papers on different plant diseases, 
his chief contribution to the science is that on vegetable 
pathology,! which appeared in the Gardener’s Chronicle 
throughout the years 1854 to 1857 inclusive. This ex- 
tensive paper sets forth in much detail the ideas and the- 
ories with respect to diseases in plants held by English 
gardeners and scientists of that period. The chapter 

1 Berkeley, M. J.: Vegetable Pathology, Gard. Chron., 1854-1857, 
continued weekly throughout these years. See especially 1854 : 4, 20: 
36, 52, 68, 708, 740; 1857 : 644, 660, and the index, 676, 677. 


on Diseases caused by fungi in his Outlines of British 
fungology! gives an excellent picture of British knowl- 
edge of the subject at the opening of the Kiihnian period. 


First noted English plant pathologist. (From a photograph, courtesy 
of Dr. L. R. Hesler.) 

One of the best of his contributions, aside from those 
mentioned, is his paper on potato murrain? which had 

1 Berkeley, M. J.: Outlines of British fungology containing characters 
of.above a thousand species of fungi and a complete list of all that have 
been described as natives of the British Isles, pp. I-XV + 1-442, London, 

? Berkeley, M. J.: Observations, botanical and physiological, on the 
potato murrain, Jour. Roy. Hort. Soc. of London, 1 : 9-34, 1846. 


appeared in 1846. Berkeley is better known as a mycol- 
ogist because of his numerous contributions in that field. 
He was always interested in the practical application of 
his knowledge, being for ten years editor of the journal 
of the Royal Horticultural Society. 

Toward the end of this period appeared a number of 
books on plant pathology, for the most part the maiden 
efforts of young pathologists whose works and writings 
were to mold and direct in many ways the phytopath- 
ologic thought of the early part of the next period. 
The most important were: Important diseases of forest 
trees, 1874,! by Robert Hartig; Handbook of plant dis- 
eases, 1874,2 and Fruit tree diseases, 1879,? by Paul 
Sorauer; and Diseases of plants, 1880,‘ by A. B. Frank. 
These men and their works will be discussed under the 
next period. 

Summarizing as for the previous periods, we may say 
of the Kiihnian period: (1) the thought and works of 
the time were decidedly mycologic; (2) the basis of 
classification was now entirely etiologic. This is char- 
acteristic of all the books on plant diseases published 
during this period; (3) the influence of the gardener, 
forester, and farmer was decidedly marked and was due 
primarily to the investigations of the farmer-scientist - 

1 Hartig, R.: Wichtige Krankheiten der Waldbaéume, pp. T-vill + 
1-127, Berlin, 1874. 

2Sorauer, P.: Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten, pp. I-VIII + 
1-406, Berlin, 1874. This is the first edition, followed later by two en- 
larged revisions, the third in three volumes. (See footnote 1, page 100.) 

3Sorauer, P.: Die Obstbaumkrankheiten, pp. J-VII + 1-204, 
Berlin, 1879. 

4Frank, A. B.: Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen, pp. I-VII + 1-844, 
Breslau, 1880. 


Kiihn. The attempt to serve this class of readers is 
indicated in the title of the books published; (4) the 
theory of the autogenetic origin of disease was almost 
completely discredited by the epoch-making discovery 
and demonstration of the causal nature of entophytic 
organisms, especially fungi, found associated with dis- 
ease lesions. This doctrine of pathogene responsibility 
thus firmly established by the work of Pasteur, de Bary, 
Kiihn, Hartig, and others was to inspire and shape the 
remarkable developments of the science during the suc- 
ceeding period. Hallier sought in his treatment of the 
subject to counteract this to some extent by emphasizing 
the influence of soil, climate, and predisposition of the 
plant. Hiallier’s doctrine of predisposition’ was to be 
more ably developed by Sorauer during the next period, 
as we shall see; (5) control of plant diseases was for the 
first time placed upon a sound basis, made possible, of 
course, by the recognition of the true relation of fungi 
to plant diseases. Kiihn’s work on seed disinfection 
was the great achievement in this direction. 


The Millardetian or economic period extends from 
1883 to about 1906. This period is characterized by 
the emphasis that was placed upon the economic 
features of plant pathology. It was ushered in by a 
number of remarkable and far-reaching events and dis- 

Discovery of Bordeaux Mixture.—A French patholo- 
gist, Millardet, with whose name this period is desig- 
nated, began his experimental work with bordeaux 


mixture in 1883' (Lodeman, 1896:27). Through his 
efforts its use was introduced throughout the vineyards 
of France, and the wine industry, threatened by the 
ravages of the American mildew fungus, was saved. 
This fungicide was shortly after introduced into America 
to be used for the same purpose, and also against the 
Phytophthora fungus on potatoes and the scab parasite 
of the apple. It soon became the universal fungicide, 
which place it held until the recent introduction of 
lime-sulfur as a summer spray. It still remains for the 
vine and potato as well as for many other plants the 
best and safest fungicide. The discovery and introduction 
of this mixture more than any other one thing influenced 
and shaped the development of the science of plant 
pathology during the quarter century following its dis- 

Rise and Development of Plant Pathology in America. 
—The national government had for some years main- 
tained a Commissioner of Agriculture under whose direc- 
tion were several sections or divisions, among them one 
known as the Botanical Division. On July 1, 1885, a 
Section of Mycology of the Botanical Division of the 
U. S. Department of Agriculture was established and 
F. Lamson Scribner appointed as the mycologist. Erwin 
F. Smith was called to be his assistant the following 
year, 1886. This represents the first government recog- 
nition of the science of phytopathology in this country, 

1 The discovery itself was made in October, 1882, in a vineyard of St. 
Julian in Medoc. (See Jour. d’Agr. Prat., 1885, pp. 707-710, and also 
801-805. ‘There is a translation of the same article, U. S. Dept. Agr. 
Bot. Div. Sec. Pl., Path. Bul. 2, Appendix C, p. 94, 1886.) The first re- 

port of the discovery appears to have been made by Millardet in the 
Annales de la Societe d’Agriculture de la Gironde, 1885, p. 73. 


for the work had to do almost entirely with diseases in 
plants. In 1887 the name of this section was changed 
to that of Vegetable Pathology, Scribner continuing as 
chief. Scribner’s reports for the years 1886 and 1887} 
indicate the unorganized and dependent state of American 
phytopathology at that time. On November 1, 1888, 
there was appointed to this recently established section 
a young botanist who, under the stimulating influence 
of the discoveries of Millardet and of his own country- 
men, was to stand forth as a leader in the development 
of phytopathology in America; I refer to B. T. Galloway, 
who succeeded Scribner in 1889.2 Galloway gathered 
about him gradually a staff of the most competent and 
enthusiastic young botanists of this country. Many of 
these became pathologists whose names and works are 
known today not only in their own country but in all 
foreign lands. One needs mention but a few of these 
to show the type: Erwin F. Smith, Merton B. Waite, 
David G. Fairchild; Mark A. Carleton, Walter T. Swin- 
gle, Herbert J. Webber, O. H. Dorsett, Newton B. Pierce, 
Albert F. Woods, and others. The influence of this 
division and its corps of workers upon the development 
of phytopathologic investigations in the various experi- 
ment stations of the different states was most potent. 
To their efforts was also due the founding of the present 

‘Scribner, F. L.: Report of the mycologist for the year 1886. In, 
U. S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Report for the year 1886 : 95-138, 1887; also 
report of the chief of the section of vegetable pathology for the year 
1887. Jn, U.S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Report for the year 1887 :I-V + 323- 
397, 1888. 

* Galloway, B. T.: Report of the chief of the section of vegetable 
pathology for the year 1888. In, U.S. Dept. Agr. Ann. Report for the 
year 1888 : I-IV + 325-404, 1889 (see p. 325). 


Bureau of Plant Industry of the U. S. Department of 
Agriculture. At present nearly every experiment station 
in the United States has a man or a number of men de- 
voting a part or all of their time to plant disease investi- 
gation (Galloway, 1900 : 194-197). 

Discovery of the Bacterial Etiology of Certain Plant 
Diseases.—During the years from 1878 to 1884 Burrill, 
in Illinois, working on the well-known fire-blight of 
apples and pears, discovered that it was caused by bac- 
teria... Wakker, a young Dutch pathologist, working 
on the so-called yellow disease of hyacinths, proved it to 
be caused by bacteria. He published his results from 
1883-89.2 These studies were the beginning of a series 
of most remarkable discoveries of bacterial diseases in 
plants. Particularly numerous have been these dis- 
coveries in America, where this class of plant diseases 
has been brought to the fore through the remarkable 
investigations of Dr. Erwin F. Smith, who took up this 
line of work in 1893, publishing his first observations 
(on wilt of cucurbits) in that year.’ 

The first of these events forecasted the general char- 
acter of the work and investigations of the Millardetian 

1 For a complete list of Burrill’s publications on blight during this 
period, see bibliography in New York (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
329 : 369, 1913. 

2 Smith, E. F.: The bacterial diseases of plants; a critical review of the 
present state of our knowledge, Amer. Nat., 30 : 797-804, 912-924, 
1896. Uncompleted. (Gives an extended abstract of Dr. Wakker’s 

3Smith, E. F.: Two new and destructive diseases of cucurbits: 1. 
The muskmelon Alternaria. 2. A bacterial disease of cucumbers, 
cantaloupes, and squashes, Proc. Amer. Ass. Adv. Sci. for 1893, 42 : 259, 
1894. Abstract Bot. Gaz., 18 : 339, 1893. For further contributions on 
cucumber wilt, see Bacteria in relation to plant diseases, 2 : 299, 1911. 


period. It was to be the economic period; the period 
in which the emphasis was to be especially placed upon 
the control of plant diseases. The importance of this 
phase of the science had been foreshadowed in the work 
and investigation of Kiihn. Its importance during the 
Kiihnian period was overshadowed by the researches 
and discoveries on the etiologic aspects of the science, 
as we have already seen. The economic importance of 
plant diseases became the dominating and vitalizing 
force in phytopathology during the Millardetian period. 
To the stimulating influence of the discovery of bordeaux 
mixture was added in the United States the stimulus of 
governmental sanction and support in the establishment 
in the U. S. Department of Agriculture of the section of 
Vegetable Pathology referred to above. Governmental 
espousal of scientific investigation always has been, and 
doubtless will be for many decades to come, based upon 
the economic value of the same. The etiologic phase of 
phytopathology which dominated the Kiihnian period 
had its continuation and perpetuation during the Mil- 
lardetian period chiefly in the discovery and unfolding 
of the causal relation of bacteria to plant diseases. While 
investigation and discovery in the realm of mycologic 
etiology was not halted or diminished, was, in fact, stim- 
ulated and expanded, nevertheless progress along these 
lines contributed largely to and was overshadowed by the 
progress in the control of the diseases of crops. The 
influence of bacterio-phytopathology on this progress 
and expansion was most marked and most healthful. 
Bacteriologic methods and technic were widely adopted 
and applied in the study of fungous pathogenes. Thus 
it appears that these three factors—(a) discovery of the 


fungicide, bordeaux mixture; (b) governmental espousal 
of the science, and (c) discovery of the bacterial nature of 
some of our most destructive plant diseases—combined 
to initiate a new epoch in the history of plant pathology. 

A clear and comprehensive view of this period may 
best be obtained, perhaps, by a brief consideration, 
first, of the epoch-making discoveries and the men who 
made them, and, second, of the life and works of those 
phytopathologists who largely dominated the thought 
and teaching of the time. 

The discovery of bordeaux mixture, as already pointed 
out, was the most potent factor in the development of the 
economic phase of plant pathology. It gave to the plant 
pathologist a means of control of wide application and 
remarkable efficiency. It became the universal fungicide. 
The active principle of this fungicide is copper. Numer- 
ous other copper fungicides were rapidly devised and 
exploited, such as ammonium copper carbonate, soda 
bordeaux, and eau celeste, but none of these were found 
to compare, in safety to the plants and in effectiveness 
against the fungi, with the bordeaux mixture originally 
devised by Millardet. As regards the control of plant 
diseases, this may well be regarded as the “copper” 
period. Of the man who first properly appreciated the 
fungicidal value of the copper salts, a few words are now 
in place. 

Pierre Marie Alexis Millardet was born December 13, 
1838, at Montmerey-la-ville in the department of Jura, 
and died December 15, 1902. Born of intellectual 
parents of old and honorable families, he was well taught 
and educated. He first studied medicine, but soon 
abandoned it for the more enticing pursuit of botany. 


Giving up the inheritance of the good medical practice 
of his uncle, he went to Germany to study botany first 
under Hofmeister at Heidelberg and then under de Bary 
at Freiburg. He was a profound student and an ac- 
complished artist, his drawings being the admiration and 
envy of his fellow-students. Returning to France he 


Discoverer of bordeaux mixture. (From a photograph, courtesy of 
Dr. Erwin F. Smith.) 

took his doctorate in medicine and also in science. Im- 
mediately thereafter, 1869, he was made assistant profes- 
sor of botany in the University of Strassburg. The 
breaking out of the Franco-Prussian War the next year 
interrupted his work, and after serving in the army as 
surgeon he became professor of botany at Nancy in 1872, 
and finally professor of botany at Bordeaux in 1876, 


where he remained until his retirement in 1899, and 
where a monument has now been erected to his 

The early years of his professional life were given 
entirely to pure science. His later years and maturer 
judgment were devoted to the economic or applied phases 
of botany. This change in Millardet’s line of thought 
and effort was determined by the introduction into 
France of two vine pathogenes from America, viz., the 
phylloxera and the downy mildew fungus, Plasmopara 
viticola. The former he had early studied to some 
extent in the laboratories of de Bary in Freiburg. The 
latter he discovered in France in 1878 at about the same 
time that a colleague, Planchon, found it in another part 
of the same country. Both these pathogenes spread 
rapidly and became so destructive as to threaten the 
wine industry of France. Millardet, already one of the 
most noted botanists of France, was commissioned to 
investigate and combat these two threatening pests. 
By the introduction of resistant American vines as stock 
for the grafting of the European varieties he saved the 
vineyards from the phylloxera. Accidently observing 
the prophylactic effects against the mildew of a mixture 
of copper sulphate and lime sprinkled on grapevines 
along the road to prevent pilfering of the fruit, he dis- 
cerned the possibilities of copper as a fungicide. He at 
once undertook the investigation of this mixture of lime 
and copper sulfate for the control of the devastating 
mildew and developed the bordeaux mixture (Lodeman, 
1896 : 25). This mixture has remained for a quarter of a 
century the most efficient and most universally applicable 
fungicide known. 



The discovery and establishment of the causal relation 
of bacteria to plant diseases, made during the first years 
of this period, was in many ways of even greater signifi- 
cance and importance than the discovery of the fungi- 
cidal value of copper. It is the greatest contribution to 
phytopathologic etiology since the epoch-making dis- 
coveries of de Bary and his contemporaries on the causal 
relation of fungi to plant diseases. The credit for this 
great discovery belongs to an American, Thomas J. 
Burrill. In justice to our European colleagues it must 
be recorded that working only a little later and inde- 
pendently a Dutch plant pathologist, J. H. Wakker, 
made a similar discovery (see footnote 2, page 61). Bur- 
rill, however, published his discovery first. 

Thomas Jonathan Burrill, born in 1839 in Massa- 
chusetts, was educated at Illinois State Normal School. 
He held the honorary degree of Ph.D. from Chicago 
University (1881) and later the LL.D. from the North- 
western University. For many years he filled the chair 
of botany at the University of Illinois, and from 1879 
until his retirement in 1913 was Vice-President of the 
University. He died in 1916. The discovery of the 
bacterial nature of the fire blight of pears and apples is 
but one, though unquestionably the greatest, of his 
several contributions to American botany and plant 
pathology. The details of his observations and experi- 
ments on the cause of fire blight are to be found largely 
in the papers he presented and the discussions in which 
he engaged before the Illinois Horticultural Society during 
the years from 1878-84 (see footnote 1, page 61). The 
reports of this society for these years will repay perusal. 
Of such great importance is this disease that following 


the pioneer investigations of Burrill, more extensive and 
detailed studies of the pathogene were undertaken by J. 
C. Arthur, at that time, 1885, botanist of the N. Y. 
(Geneva) Experiment Station,! and by M. B. Waite of the 
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Many other workers 
in all parts of the United States and Canada have since 

Tuomas J. BURRILL. 

Discoverer of bacterio-phytopathogenesis. (From a photograph, cour- 
tesy of Dr. Erwin F. Smith.) 

worked on the disease, so that we now possess a more 
extensive and better knowledge of the first recognized 
bacterial disease of plants than of almost any of the other 
numerous bacterial maladies since brought to light. 

1 For a list of Arthur’s papers on pear blight, see New York (Cornell) 

Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 329 : 368, 1913. 
2 Waite, M. B.: Cause and prevention. of pear blight, U. S. Dept. 

Agr. Year Book 1895 : 295-300, 1896. 


Although the discovery by the Dutch pathologist, 
Wakker, of the bacterial nature of the yellow disease of 
hyacinths was announced shortly after the discoveries of 
Burrill on the fire blight, it appears to have had little 
attention from his European contemporaries, and the 
bacterial nature of plant diseases was an idea long un- 
accepted and vigorously combated by European botanists 
(Smith, Bacteria in relation to plant diseases, 2 : 9-22). 
At the time of his researches and discoveries on the yellow 
disease of hyacinths, Wakker was a young enthusiastic 
investigator in the University of Amsterdam. He had 
been especially employed by the bulb growers’ association 
of Haarlem, Holland, to investigate this and other dis- 
eases at that time devastating their crops. Later he did 
some other excellent phytopathologic work, but failing of 
expected promotion at the University of Amsterdam, he 
foreswore botanical science and its devotees entirely, 
and sought solace in the teaching of mathematics in a 
secondary school. The loss to phytopathologic science of 
so brilliant and promising a worker is much to be de- 
plored. His work, dealing with the yellow disease of 
hyacinths, has been carefully repeated and reviewed by 
Dr. Erwin F. Smith, and pronounced accurate and clas- 
sical to a degree scarcely to be expected of the day in 
which Wakker worked. (See Smith, Bacteria in relation 
to plant diseases, 2 : 336-337, and U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. 
Veg. Phys. and Path. Bul. 26 : 9, 10.) 

Great and epoch making as were these two discoveries, 
bordeaux mixture and bacterial phytopathogenes, the 
men who made them contributed but little else to the 
great progress and development of the science during 
this period. Millardet made some careful investigations 


on Plasmopara viticola, and Burrill described one or more 
other bacterial diseases of plants, and made some worthy 
contributions to our knowledge of fungous pathogenes. 
Neither his training nor facilities permitted Burrill to 
develop and lead in the field of research on bacterial 
diseases of plants. This leadership, as we shall see, soon 
passed to another American. Moreover, both Burrill 
and Millardet devoted too great a portion of their time 
and efforts to teaching and administration to enable them 
to contribute largely to research in the field which their 
historic discoveries have so mightily influenced. Wakker’s 
early self-elimination from the field we have already 
noted. These discoveries, however, together with govern- 
mental espousal of plant disease work inspired and stimu- 
lated a host of young men both in America and in Europe 
to take up phytopathology as a life work. The Mil- 
lardetian period surpassed without doubt all previous 
periods in the number of workers and in the scope and 
variety of their efforts. 

In America the beginning of this period found but very 
few old and well-trained botanists who were at all inclined 
to phytopathologic research. A few great teachers of 
botany, like Bessey, in Nebraska, Farlow, of Harvard, 
Burrill, of Illinois, Spaulding and Beal, of Michigan, and 
Tracy, of Missouri, recognizing the signs of the times, 
turned the eyes of their students to the opportunities in 
this direction. A little later to these were added the 
students of Atkinson, of Cornell, Thomas, of Wabash, 
Jones, of Vermont, and others who saw the economic 
trend and espoused it with enthusiasm. These young 
scientists with the pioneer spirit and enthusiasm of their 
fathers plunged into the problems with a vigor and 


earnestness that in twenty-five years has placed this 
country in the forefront of phytopathologic thought, 
research, and teaching. 

In Europe the opening of this period found a consider- 
able number of men, young but well trained, and already 
enlisted in the scientific work of phytopathology. As we 
have seen, some of these, like Hartig, Frank, and Sorauer, 
had during the last years of the Kiihnian period made 
their first contributions to the science in monographs, 
manuals, and text-books. They brought to the new 
period minds trained and experienced in the field in which 
the problems were to be solved. They also brought with 
them the points of view and the prejudices of the pre- 
vious period. They could not, from the very nature of 
the conditions under which they were trained and under 
which they worked, bring to their problems the enthusi- 
asm and unbiased judgment of their American contem- 
poraries. They were the direct inheritors of all the 
learning, the discoveries, and the dogmas in this field. 
Prior to 1880 plant pathology had been wholly European, 
one might almost say German. This inheritance was 
their handicap. Free from prejudice and dogma, un- 
hampered by text and training, with all the problems be- 
fore him new and untouched, the young pathologist of 
America delved with the energy and delight, and often, it 
must be admitted, with the recklessness and ill-prepared- 
ness of the pioneer. Much that was done was super- 
ficial, some of it was worthless. Yet so much of thor- 
oughtly substantial and creditable research was ac- 
complished as to force from some of our European con- 
temporaries the not too ready or hearty acknowledgment 
of American leadership. 


Before passing to a brief consideration of the men whose 
work and researches stand forth from among the multi- 
tudinous contributions of this period, it may be pointed 
out that the Millardetian period saw the beginning of 
specialization within the science. From the general field 
were developed and split off in more or less independent 
lines of development forest pathology and_bacterio- 
phytopathology. Within the general field a tendency 
toward splitting up along crop group lines is also dis- 
cernible, as, for example, diseases of fruit crops, diseases 
of citrus crops, diseases of field and garden crops, etc. 
This will be brought ‘out more clearly in the discussion 
of the pathologists and their writings. = om 

Modern pathologists may be divided, for the most part, 
into two philosophic schools, the pathogenetists and the 
predispositionists. The latter are the philosophic de- 
scendants of the autogenetists, of which Franz Unger and 
his period represent the highest development. The doc- 
trine of this school collapsing before the revolutionary 
discoveries of de Bary, Kiihn, and Pasteur, was main- 
tained and somewhat readjusted to the new facts by 
Hallier during the Kiihnian period. The pathogenetists 
and their doctrine of pathogene responsibility in plant 
disease production were distinctly the products of the 
Kiihnian period. It will be recalled that, in reality, the 
first of these, Fabricius the Dane, had lived and an- 
nounced the doctrine more than seventy-five years 
before the appearance of de Bary’s classic work on the 
pathogenic nature of the smut fungi. But phytopatho- 
logic thought was at that time unprepared to under- 
stand and accept so revolutionary a doctrine. It re- 
mained for de Bary and Kiihn to revive and prove it 


and to present it to a scientific public ready to re- 
ceive it. 

It is, therefore, not surprising that this doctrine so 
vitalizing and fruitful during the quarter century pre- 
ceding should have seen a greater increase in its devotees 
during the Millardetian period. The discovery of so 
promising a fungicide as bordeaux mixture must needs be 
utilized. Known fungous pathogenes had to be more care- 
fully studied. New ones were sought in connection with 
every disease of unknown etiology. The pathogenetists 
flourished. They dominated both as to numbers and 
influence in every land where plant diseases claimed at- 
tention. They were supported and strengthened by a 
host of enthusiastic mycologic contemporaries who had 
arisen as a result of de Bary’s stimulating discoveries 
and teaching. 

In Germany, the cradle of modern phytopathology, 
the most distinguished and influential of the pathogene- 
tists were Hartig, Frank, Kirchner, Brefeld, and Klebahn. 
They entered the period as young but trained and sea- 
soned recruits to the Kiihnian standards. Of these, 
Hartig is the most renowned because of his pioneer and 
classic researches on the ‘diseases of trees. He will live 
in the history of our science as the father of forest path- 
ology. Of predispositionists, Sorauer stands forth with- 
out a peer, excepting only H. Marshall Ward of England. ‘ 

Heinrich Julius Adolph Robert Hartig was born May 
30, 1839, in Braunschweig, Germany. He was the last 
of an illustrious line of scientists. His grandfather, 
Georg Ludwig Hartig, chief forester of Prussia, laid the 
foundations of modern silviculture. His father, Theodor 
Hartig, a great forester of his time, was a botanist as 


well, and a student of tree diseases, especially wood 
decay. Living in the time and under the influence of 
the Ungerian period he misinterpreted the relation of 
the fungus mycelium to the decayed wood in which he 
was the first to record its occurrence. It remained for 
his son to make the correct interpretation. Robert 
Hartig received his early schooling in Braunschweig, 


Rosert Hartic. 

Father of forest pathology. (From a portrait in “Phytopathology,” 
vol. v.) 

spending much time with his father who was at that time 
in the forest service there. Trained as a professional 
forester, he was given his bachelor’s degree at the age 
of twenty. He traveled through the forests of Germany 
for two years, served one year in the army, and finally 
went to the University of Berlin in the autumn of 1865. 
Two years later he took his doctor’s degree from the 


University of Marburg. He served in various positions 
in the Forest Service. In 1866 he was called to lecture on 
botany and zodlogy at the Forest Academy at Ebers- 
walde, where he remained until 1878, having been made 
professor of botany in 1871. From Eberswalde he was 
called in 1878 to the chair of botany in the royal For- 
estry Experiment Station at Munich, where he remained 
until his death, October 9, 1901, at the age of sixty-two. 

The beginning of the Millardetian period found Har- 
tig already firmly established in his life work. Two of 
his most classical contributions to our science had al- 
ready appeared, viz., Wichtige Krankheiten der Wald- 
baiume (1874) and Zersetzungserscheinungen des Holzes 
der Nadelholzbiume und der Eiche in forstlicher, chem- 
ischer, und botanischer Richtung (1878). The first 
edition of his Lehrbuch der Baumkrankheiten appeared 
the year of Millardet’s famous discovery. Hartig 
appears to have been but little if at all influenced in 
his work and philosophy by the fungicidal trend and 
discoveries of the period. An etiologist of the de Bary 
school, he was little inclined to emphasize control. To 
the Millardetian period he gave rather than received; 
a product of the previous period, he became a molder 
of the etiologic thought of the new. He brought to 
this phase of our science a biologic and ecologic point 
of view of great worth and influence. Being a practical 
forester, he became a field pathologist. In the forest 
the numerous ecologic factors influencing disease phe- 
nomena are most in evidence. There he laid out his 
experiments and there he measured his results. His 
contributions from 1883 until his death eighteen years 
later are very numerous and important. He was a 


productive as well as an accurate, painstaking investi- 
gator. These contributions, while in large part phyto- 
pathologic, cover a wide range of forestry and botanical 
subjects, especially physiology and histology. Two 
new editions of his Lehrbuch appeared, the final one in 
1900. Two translations of the earlier edition appeared 
in 1894, one in English and one in Russian. A French 
translation had been published in 1891. A classical 
work on the dry rot fungus of structural timbers (Der 
achte Hausschwamm, Merulius lacrymans) appeared 
in 1885; another on smoke injury (Die Beschidigung 
der Nadelwaldbaume durch Hiitten und Steinkohlen- 
rauch) in 1896. He was engaged on a monographic 
study of lightning injury at the time of his death (Tu- 
beuf, 1903 : (22)). 

Of the pathogenetists ranging the general field of 
phytopathology during this period in Germany, perhaps 
none is better known or had a wider influence, especially 
in Germany, than Frank. Trained as a plant physiolo- 
gist, his early work was along the lines of physiologic 
biology. He made extensive studies on the biology of 
the legume organism and was the pioneer in the investi- 
gations of mycorrhizal fungi. 

Albert Bernhard Frank was born January 17, 1839, in 
Dresden, where he received his early training in the 
Realschule and Gymnasium. In 1861 at the age of 
twenty-two he matriculated in the University of Leipsig, 
studying medicine and botany. He took his doctor’s 
degree from Leipsig in 1865, at which time he was made 
curator of the herbarium, becoming shortly thereafter 
privatdocent, and finally in 1878 assistant professor of 
botany. Called to the chair of botany in the Agricul- 


tural College in Berlin in 1881, he remained there for 
eighteen years until his death, September 27,1900. Born 
the same year as Hartig, he lived but one year less. Both 
were outstanding German pathogenetists of their time. 

Frank’s chief contributions to phytopathologic research 
were: (1) his discovery of the true cause of the leaf 
scorch of cherries,! a disease which became epiphytotic in 
Germany about 1880 and threatened the destruction of 
all sweet cherry trees. He showed this to be due to the 
ascomycete Gnomonia erythrostoma which winters over 
on the leaves hanging to the tree. With German 
soldiers placed at his disposal he picked all these leaves 
for two seasons, claiming to have thereby effected the 
control of the disease; (2) his discovery of the cause of the 
heart and dry rot of sugar beets.2_ This disease so threat- 
ening to the sugar-beet industry he showed to be due to 
the fungus Phoma beie. 

Frank’s career as a plant pathologist really began with 
his call to the chair of plant physiology in the Koniglichen 
Landwirtschaftlichen Hochschule in Berlin in 1881, al- 
though the first edition of his text-book on plant diseases. 
had appeared the year previous. The second edition of 
this text-book appeared in three volumes in 1895-96.* 

1 Frank, A. B.: Uber Gnomonia erythrostoma, die Ursache einer 
jetzt herrschenden Blattkrankheit der Siisskirschen im Altenlande, 
nebst Bemerkungen iiber Infection bei blattwohnenden Ascomyceten 
der Baume iiberhaupt, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 4: 200-205, 1886; also, 
Uber die Bekampfung der durch Gnomonia erythrostoma verursachten 
Kirchbaumkrankheit im Altenlande, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 5 : 281-286, 

* Frank, A. B.: Phoma Betae, ein neuer Riibenpilz, Zeitschr. Pflanz- 
enkr., 3 : 90-92, 1893. 

3 Frank, A B.: Die Krankheiten der Pflanzen, 1 : I-XII + 1-344, 
1895; 2 : I-XI + 1-574, 1896; 3 : I-IX + 1-363, 1896. 


Like Hartig, he was a product of the Kiihnian period. 
As a professor in the agricultural college at the national 
capitol he was much in demand as lecturer before 
agricultural societies (Landwirtschaftliche Vereinen). He 
was vice-president of the Special Committee of the Im- 
perial Government on plant protection. He was, on the 
whole, a teacher rather than an investigator. He is the 
author of no less than eleven text-books on botany, 
plant physiology, and plant pathology. He was secretary 
of the Deutschen Botanischen Gesellschaft from its 
foundation. He gave much of his time to what we would 
now designate as extension work. Frank’s influence was 
greatest during his lifetime and in his own country. 
His work lacks that accuracy, finish, and touch of genius 
so characteristic of his countryman and contemporary, 
Robert Hartig. 

Oskar Kirchner, the third German pathogenetist who 
belongs distinctly to the Millardetian period, still lives 
and works at his post in the agricultural college at 
Hohenheim in the hills to the south of Stuttgart in 
Wurtemberg, south Germany. A day with him in his 
laboratory and home during the winter of 1913 revealed 
something of his character and relation to phytopatho- 
logic science. A fine old man of perhaps sixty-five, with 
white hair and beard, he nevertheless exhibits every 
evidence of vigor and energy. A personality at once 
impressive and cordial, one sees in him the teacher 
rather than the investigator, but he is both. Like 
Frank, Kirchner emphasizes the practical applications 
rather than the scientific aspects of the science. His 
chief contributions to plant pathology are two: his 
text-book on the diseases of cultivated plants; and an 


atlas of colored plates illustrating the diseases and in- 
juries of cultivated plants. The text-book, first published 
in 1890,! is designed primarily for farmers and gardeners. 
It is unique in the arrangement of its data, being, in 
short, an annoted key to the fungous diseases and insect 
injuries of plants, based on the symptoms exhibited. 

A noted German pathogenetist. (From a photograph.) 

The primary grouping of the diseases, is however, on 
the crop basis. There are ten groups or classes of 
these, as follows: 1. Cereals. 2. Edible-seeded legumes. 
3. Fodder grasses. 4. Fodder legumes. 5. Root crops. 

1 Kirchner, Oskar: Die Krankheiten und Beschidigungen unserer 

landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen, pp. I-X + 1-637, 1890. A second 
completely revised edition appeared in 1906. 


6. Trade crops. 7. Vegetable and garden crops. 8. Tree 
fruits. 9. Small fruits. 10. Grapes. These are again di- 
vided into the individual crops composing each crop 
group and under each plant, according to the parts 
affected, as, for example, wheat: I. Diseases and pests 
of the heads. II. Diseases and pests of the leaves and 
haulms. III. Diseases and pests of the seedling. IV. 
Diseases and pests of the roots. V. Diseases and pests 
of the ripe seed. Finally, under each of these the diseases 
are arranged according to the chief symptoms exhibited. 
The atlas published in collaboration with H. Boltshauser 
has appeared in several series beginning in 1896.1. Each 
colored plate, reproduced from large hand-painted charts, 
many of which he showed me with much pride, is ac- 
companied by a brief text of description or explanation. 
Germany produced during this period another patho- 
genetist of marked ability and who fortunately is still 
living and contributing to the etiologic phase of the 
science. I refer to Heinrich Klebahn, botanist of the 
Hamburg Botanical Institute. He is best known for 
his contribution to our knowledge of the hetercecious 
rusts.2. His first paper, published in 1887, deals with a 
rust fungus. Since 18923 he has published almost annu- 
ally reports of his cross inoculation work with hetercecious 
1 Fora list of these series see Lindau and Sydow, Thesaurus, 1 : 767. 
They appeared under the general title of Atlas der Krankheiten und 
Beschadigungen unserer landwirtschaftlichen Kulturpflanzen. Each 
series deals with the diseases and pests of some crop group, as, for ex- 
ample, “Krankheiten und Beschadigungen der Getreidearten.”’ 
2Klebahn, H.: Die wirtswechselnden Rostpilze. Versuch einer 

Gesamtdarstellung ihrer biologischen Verhaltnisse, pp. I-XXXVII + 

1-447, Berlin, 1904. 
3 Klebahn. H.: Kulturversuche mit heterécischen Uredinecn, Zeitschr. 

Pflanzenkr., 2 : 258-275, 332-343, 1892. 


rusts. These reports have appeared in the Zeitschrift 
fiir Pflanzenkrankheiten. He stands in much the same 
relation to rust work in Germany that Dr. J. C. Arthur 
does to rust work in America. It is interesting to note in 
passing that not only are their contributions to phyto- 
pathology of a very similar type, but their personal 
resemblance to each other is marked. Klebahn’s con- 
tributions, however, have not been confined to the rust 
diseases. He has done pioneer work on the diseases of 
tulips, lilacs, and celery due to other forms of fungi. 
An examination of the very extensive lists of his publica- 
tions as given by Lindau and Sydow in Thesaurus 1 and 
3 will best serve to impress one with the range and 
volume of this man’s contributions to the phytopatho- 
logic thought of his time. His text-book on the Basis 
of general phytopathology appeared in 1912.!' In the 
point of view therein expressed and in its treatment of the 
material it is distinctly of the Millardetian period. 

Of the life and training of Klebahn no data have been 
available to the writer. A morning spent with him in his 
laboratories and gardens in Hamburg in the spring of 
1914 has left a most pleasant impression of the person- 
ality, ability, and scientific spirit of the man. He is 
wholly an investigator, keen, and as critical of his own 
work as he is of that of his contemporaries. 

There are numerous other German workers of the 
pathogenetist school belonging to the Millardetian 
period. Space permits the mention of but one other, 
Oskar Brefeld. While perhaps more truly a mycologist 
than any of his countrymen above discussed, his work 

1 Klebahn, H.: Grundziige der allegemeinen Phytopathologie, pp. 
1-147, Berlin, 1912. 


has nevertheless a marked phytopathologic character. 
His most noteworthy contributions to mycology began 
to appear about 1872 under the general title of Unter- 
suchungen aus dem Gesammtgebiet der Mykologie 
(See Lindau and Sydow, 1 : 196; 3 :120). Among the 
studies detailed in the fourteen quarto volumes which 
have appeared up to 1908, those dealing with the smut 
fungi are of the most value to phytopathologic science. 
Of special importance have been the studies on corn 
smut and on blossom infection by the loose smut fungi 
of cereals. So far as the writer is aware, Brefeld still 
lives, and there is no data at hand for a biographic 
sketch. A chronologic arrangement of his contributions 
indicate clearly that he belongs to the Millardetian 
period. His relation to plant pathology is much the 
same as that of de Bary, a builder of one of the funda- 
mental foundations of that science rather than of the 
superstructure itself. 

Other European countries contributed pathogenetists 
to this period less in number, but equally eminent with 
those of Germany. 

One of the most interesting of the non-German patho- 
genetists is the Danish botanist, Rostrup. He was one 
of the most diligent, broad-minded, and successful plant 
pathologists of this period. Because he wrote almost 
wholly in Danish his work is little known outside of the 
Scandinavian countries. Lind (1913 : 25) calls him the 
“first phytopathologist of Denmark.” For years a 
teacher of mathematics and natural history in a second- 
ary school, he trained himself in botany and mycology 
during leisure hours, so that at the age of forty he was 
the accepted authority on the flowering plants and fungi 



of Denmark. Naturally inclined to the practical appli- 
cations of his scientific knowledge, he then turned his 
attention to the diseases produced by fungi in plants, 
and during the next thirty years of his life won for him- 
self and his little country an enviable place in the history 
of plant pathology. As a mycologist his name is per- 
petuated in a gigantic collection of over 30,000 specimens 
of Danish fungi, now preserved in the botanical museum 
of the University of Copenhagen. The one thing to 
make this monument complete we now have—the fine 
volume (in English) on Danish Fungi by J. Lind, which 
is based upon this collection. As a phytopathologist 
his great contribution to literature is his comprehensive 
work, Plantepatologi,! published in his seventy-second 
year, a text-book of phytopathology based on the study 
and experience of over thirty years devoted to the sub- 
ject of plant diseases. Ravn says of this book: “It is 
a book the distinctive exterior of which bespeaks the 
sterling and personal character of its contents. The 
series of different disease types stand sharply forth with 
exact clearness. One feels that he has here to do with 
proved experience. The work shows throughout the 
characters of reliability. It takes a prominent position 
in the world’s literature” (1909 : 50). 

Frederick George Emil Rostrup was born January 28, 
1831, on the island of Lolland. Ravn’s brief statement 
of his early life and boyhood training reads wonderfully 
like that of Julius Kithn. The son of a farm-manager 
of a large estate, he received his early education in the 
public schools. Fond of hunting, he soon became inter- 

' Rostrup, E.: Plantepatologi, Haandhog i Leren om Plantesygdomme 
for Landbrugere, Havebrugere og Skovbrugere, pp. I-V + 1-640, 1902. 


ested in the natural history of the game he sought, espe- 
cially birds. After a year as secretary to his father he 
went, at the age of nineteen, to Copenhagen, where he 
studied natural history and mathematics in the Poly- 
technical School and in the University. Here for seven 
years he studied, getting the best the University had to 

Emit Rostrvup. 

The most noted Danish phytopathologist. (From a portrait in “Botanisk 
Tidiskrift,”’ vol. xxviii.) 
offer in mathematics and natural history, especially 
botany and agriculture. Having passed his final exam- 
inations, he accepted, at the age of twenty-six, the posi- 
tion of teacher in mathematics and natural history at the 
public seminary at Skaarup in southern Fiinen. Here 
he lived and taught for twenty-five years. It was during 
the leisure of these years that he made himself both a 


phaneogamic botanist and a mycologist of renown. His 
interest in mycology dates from August 31, 1860, the 
date of his first collection of fungi. In 1860 he published 
the first edition of his Flora of Denmark (including only 
flowering plants), which has already gone through ten 
editions, and is to Danish botanists what Gray’s Manual 
is to Americans. In 1869 he published a second volume 
of this flora dealing with the Cryptogames (Ravn, 1909 : 

His interest in phytopathology as such dates from 1870. 
The works of Kiihn, de Bary, and Tulasne were the 
sources of his inspiration and teachings, while the wealth 
of his knowledge and experience with the flowering 
plants and fungi made these teachings more fruitful 
than usual. His first publications on the diseases of 
cultivated plants began to appear in 1870-71. Becom- 
ing especially interested in diseases of trees, he became 
an intimate correspondent and contemporary worker 
with Robert Hartig. His greatest contributions are, 
according to Ravn (1909 :49), in the field of forest 

During the decade 1870 to 1880 Rostrup’s phyto- 
pathologic work developed and attracted such general 
attention throughout Denmark, especially among far- 
mers, that in 1883 he was called to the Agricultural 
College as instructor in plant pathology and chief con- 
sulting plant pathologist for the national government. 
In 1889 he was made lecturer, and finally in 1902 pro- 
fessor, at the age of seventy-two. He died January 16, 
1907, at the age of seventy-six. Probably no one man 
has so completely dominated by his life and works the 
botanical and agricultural thought of an entire country. 



It will be seen from the above that Rostrup, the phyto- 
pathologist, was distinctly of the Millardetian period, 
though, like his European contemporaries, Hartig, 
Sorauer, and Frank, he brought to his work a training 
and point of view fashioned and fixed in the atmosphere 
of the Kiihnian period. He began officially his profes- 
sional career as a pathologist in that year which marks 
the beginning of the Millardetian period. His text- 
book on plant pathology appeared during the very last 
years of the period (1902). 

Rostrup’s contributions to phytopathologic science 
consist not alone in published papers. He has left behind 
a corps of enthusiastic and well-trained young patholo- 
gists, his students, who are carrying forward with re- 
markable energy and brilliancy the work he has so well 
established. The most noted of these is his successor at 
the agricultural college of Copenhagen, F. Kglpin Ravn. 

There were during this period but two other plant 
pathologists in Denmark who, according to Lind 
(1913 : 25), deserve to be mentioned with Rostrup. 
These are P. Nielson and J. L. Jensen. Both were 
noted for their practical applications of Rostrup’s ideas 
to the control of plant diseases. Jensen is especially 
noted for his investigations on the control of cereal 
smuts by the hot-water method and on the control of 
the late blight of potatoes (Ravn, 1917 : 1-4). 

Scandinavia produced during this period another 
plant pathologist of eminence and a striking type of 
pathogenetist in Jakob Eriksson of Sweden. As he is 
still living the facts regarding his early life and training 
are not available in a published biography. His contri- 
butions show, however, that he was a contemporary of 


Rostrup. Prominent in the agricultural activities of his 
country, he was for many years professor and director 
of the Botanical Division of the Swedish Central Station 
for Agricultural Experiments in Stockholm. He has 
recently retired. 

Eriksson has devoted himself primarily to the diseases 
of cereal crops, especially the rust diseases; his most 

JakoB Errxsson. 

Most noted Swedish phytopathologist. (From a portrait in Wittrock’s 
“Acta Horti Bergiani.”) 

important contribution along this line being the work on 
cereal rusts, published in 1896 with E. Henning as co- 
author.’ It isa volume of 464 pages with fine colored plates. 

To’Eriksson belongs the credit of having discovered 

‘ Eriksson, J., and Henning, E.: Die Getreideroste, ihre Geschichte 
und Natur, sowie Massregeln gegen dieselben, pp. I-VIII + 1-464, 
Stockholm, 1896. This was first published in 1894 in No. 38 Med- 
delanden frin Kongl. Landtbruks Akademiens Experimentalfalt. It 
was translated from the Swedish into German by C. O. Nordgren. 


biologic races or “special forms,” as he called them, within 
morphologic species of rusts.!_ This has been one of the 
very fruitful discoveries in phytopathologic etiology 
during the Millardetian period and has been extended 
to other groups. Eriksson is widely known as the author 
of the mycoplasm theory. This theory is one of the 
most extraordinary and ingenious modifications of the 
idea of symbiosis which any botanist has proposed. 
The gist of the mycoplasm theory is that the naked 
protoplasm of the pathogene lives for a time mingled in 
indistinguishable combination with that of the host. 
This mixed plasm Eriksson designates as mycoplasm. 
He holds that at certain stages in the host’s development 
the pathogene protoplasm separates itself from that of 
the host, migrates through the cell walls out into the 
intercellular spaces, at first a naked nucleated mass not 
unlike a plasmodium. Gradually this takes on a thread- 
like shape, secretes a cell wall, and sends haustoria into 
the adjacent cells, and the pathogene mycelium is 
formed. From this internal mycelium, present through- 
out the plant, spore bodies arise beneath the epidermis 
simultaneously. Thus he accounts for the sudden and 
general outbreaks of rusts. The pathogene reverts to 
the mycoplasmic condition in the next crop of seeds and 
is thus perpetuated.2 Eriksson has persisted in main- 

1 Eriksson, J.: Ueber die Specialisirung des Parasitismus bei den 
Getreiderostpilzen, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 12 : 292-331, 1894; also 
Neue Untersuchungen iiber die Specialisirung, Verbreitung und Herkunft 
des Schwartzrostes (Puccinia graminis Pers.), Jahrb. Wiss. Bot., 29 : 499- 
524, 1896. 

2 Eriksson, J.: Uber die Mykoplasmatheorie, ihre Geschichte und 
ihren Tagesstand, Biol. Centralbl., 30 : 618-623, 1910. (A concise 
review of the matter with numerous references to the literature of the 



taining his theory in the face of withering attacks upon 
it by the English mycologist, H. Marshall Ward,! and 
by others. He has recently sought to strengthen his 
position by an extensive study of the hollyhock rust, 
Puccinia malvacearum, in which he assumes to have 
discovered another marked case of rust inheritance 
through mycoplasm.? Eriksson is the author of a text 
on the fungous diseases of field crops, the first of a pro- 
jected series on the fungous diseases of the cultivated 
plants of Sweden.’ 

Russia’s contribution to the ranks of the pathogene- 
tists was Woronin. He was a mycologist rather than a 
pathologist. A single contribution, his studies on the 
club root of cabbage,‘ alone suffices, however, to give 
him a place among plant pathologists. 

Michael Stepanovitch Woronin was born in St. Peters- 
burg June 21, 1838, a year after the birth of Hartig. 
Born of wealthy parents, he was not only well educated 
but also inherited wealth which made him independent 
throughout a life almost entirely devoted to investiga- 
tion. Entering the University of St. Petersburg at the 

‘Ward, H. M.: II. On the histology of Uredo dispersa Erikss. and 
the “‘mycoplasm” hypothesis, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, B: 196: 
29-46, 1904. (Read March, 1903.) 

*Eriksson, J.: Der Malvenrost (Puccinia malvacearum Mont.), 
seine Verbreitung, Natur und Entwickelungsgeschichte, Kungl. Svenska 
Vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, 47 : 2: 1-125, 1911. 

3 Eriksson, Jacob: Landtbruksvaxternas Svampsjukdomar, pp. 
I-XII + 1-210, Stockholm, 1910. This is the first part of his Vara 
Kulturvaxters Svampsjukdomar (Diseases of our cultivated plants). 
An English translation of this by Anna Molander was published in 1912 
under the title : Fungoid diseases of agricultural plants. A German 
translation by A. Y. Grevillius appeared in 1913. 

*Woronin, M.: Plasmodiophora Brassicae. Urheber der Kohl- 
Pflanzen-Hernie, Jahrb. Wiss. Bot., 11 : 548-574, 1878. 


age of sixteen, he took his bachelor’s degree in four 
years, after which he studied in Germany under de Bary, 
from whom he received his greatest inspiration and his 
tendency toward mycologic studies. Not caring to seek 
a Ph.D., it was thrust upon him eventually in 1874 by 
the University of Odessa, honoris causa. From 1869 



The greatest of Russian phytopathologists. (Frem a photograph, 
courtesy of Dr. Erwin F. Smith.) 

until his death, February 20, 1903, he lived in St. Peters- 
burg, teaching mycology and cytology for a time, but 
devoting himself during his latter years entirely to re- 
search as a member of the Royal Academy of Sciences. 

A man of rare ability and attainments, he was pos- 
sessed of a fine and lovable personality. Famintizen, 
his colleague and biographer, says of him: “Vanity, 


egotism, and human malice, the traits common to most 
of us, were unknown to him” (Smith, 1912:4). His 
bedroom was ever his laboratory. His microscope, a 
few simple tools, his pencil and paper, on a small table 
by the window near his bed, sufficed as equipment with 
which he turned out those classical monographs which 
have made him famous throughout the botanic and 
mycologic world. These studies were, like those of de 
Bary, of fundamental significance for phytopathologic 
science. The most important of these, aside from the 
one already mentioned, are his studies on Sclerotinial 
diseases of fruits, especially the one on Sclerotinia cinerea 
and Sclerotinia fructigena,| and on the sunflower rust 
pathogene, Puccinia Helianthi.? 

Phytopathology in Holland during the Millardetian 
period was represented chiefly by the pathogenetist, 
J. Ritzema Bos. He was the first director of the privately 
endowed Wille Commelin Scholten Phytopathological 
Laboratory, established in Amsterdam in 1895 (Riztema- 
Bos, 1906 : 28-58). In 1906 he was called to take the direc- 
torship of the Government Institute for Phytopathology at 
Wageningen, of which he is still the active head (Ritzema- 
Bos, 1906 : 17-27). He is perhaps best known as the editor 
of the Dutch journal on plant diseases, Tijdschrift over 
Plantenziekten,’ the first issue of which appeared in 1895. 

1 Woronin, M.: Uber Sclerotinia cinerea und Sclerotinia fructigena, 
Mem. Acad. Imp. Sci., St. Petersbourg, VIII. Ser. Phys. Math. Cl. 
10 : 5 : 1-38, 1899. 

? Woronin, M.: Untersuchungen iiber die Entwickelung des Rostpilzes 
{Puccinia helianthi), welcher die Krankheit der Sonnenblume verursacht, 
Bot. Zeit., 30 : 677-683, 693-697, 1872. 

3 Tijdschrift over Plantenziekten, edited 1895-1903 by J. Ritzema 
Bos and G. Staes; 1904 to date, by J. Ritzema Bos alone. 


England contributed to this period but two plant 
pathologists of note—H. Marshall Ward and D. Mc- 
Alpine. Ward, because of his physiologic training and 
point of view, is to be classed with Sorauer as a pre- 
dispositionist. McAlpine, on the other hand, is shown 
by his work to be an orthodox pathogenetist. 

Noted Australian plant pathologist. (From a photograph.) 

Daniel McAlpine, vegetable pathologist to the Depart- 
ment of Agriculture of Victoria, Australia, though trained 
in England, has made his reputation entirely through 
his lifelong Jabors in the Australian commonwealth. His 
work on the fungous diseases of Australian crops and 
native plants, especially his monographs of the rusts and 
the smuts, are well known to his contemporaries through- 


out the world.! He has recently completed the fifth 
volume of a most extensive investigation on the nature 
and control of the bitter pit (stippin) of the apple.? This 
work, undertaken in 1911, is of a type very different from 
that of his previous contributions. It is distinctly phys- 
iologic, being in sharp contrast to the mycologic charac- 
ter of his earlier contributions. This work on bitter pit 
will doubtless give McAlpine a place in the present era. 
Born in Scotland and educated in London University, he 
went, in 1884 at the very beginning of the Millardetian 
period, to Australia, where he held the position of 
lecturer in biology in Ormond College and at the same 
time a similar position in botany in the College of Phar- 
macy in Melbourne until 1890, when he was appointed to 
his present position. 

The most noted Hungarian phytopathologist of the 
Millardetian period is Gyula de Csik Madejalva Istvanfii, 
director of the Royal Central Institute for Viticulture at 
Budapest. He has made extensive studies of the more 
common diseases of the grape.’ He is still living, hence 

1 McAlpine, D.: The rusts of Australia, pp. 1-349, 1906; and The 
smuts of Australia, pp. 1-285, 1910. He has to his credit a total of over 
220 scientific books and papers, of which 15 are scientific contributions 
of special merit. For an extensive list of his contributions see, List of 
Scientific Works, Papers, and Bulletins by D. McAlpine, government 
vegetable pathologist 1877-1916, in an unnumbcred pamphlet, pp. 1-12, 
1916. Published by Department of Agriculture of Victoria, Melbourne, 

? McAlpine, D.: Bitter pit investigations, Reports 1-5, 1911 to 1916. 

3 Among Istvanffi’s most important papers on grape diseases may be 
mentioned, Etudes microbiologiques et mycologiques sur le rot gris de 
la vigne (Botrytis cinerea, Sclerotinia Fuckeliana), pp. 183-360, 1905; 
Etudes sur le rot livide de la vigne (Coniothyrium Diplodiella), pp. 1- 
88, 1902; Etudes sur le mildiou dela vigne, pp. 1-125, 1913; all published 
in the Annales de l’Institute Central Ampélologique Royal Hongrois. 


little biographic data is available. His contributions 
show him to belong to the dominating school of the 
Millardetian period. 

The Latin races have had much less influence on phyto- 
pathology than have the Teutonic and Anglo-Saxon. 
Nevertheless, during the Millardetian period, France and 
Italy produced plant pathologists of note. They are 
chiefly pathogenetists. Most of these are still living. 

In France, aside from Millardet, the most noted patho- 
genetists of this period are Delacroix, Prillieux, and Viala. 
These men all began their work in the field of plant 
pathology about the opening of the period. Prillieux 
had already made some contributions to the science as 
early as 1872. Viala, whose first paper appeared in 1883, 
has devoted himself almost entirely to diseases of the 
vine. (See list of his papers in Lindau and Sydow, 
2 : 692-695.) 

Edouard Ernest Prillieux has made perhaps the most 
numerous and varied contributions to French literature 
on plant diseases. He was for many years professor of 
botany at the Institute Agronomique in Paris. He died 
in 1915 at the advanced age of eighty-seven. He was a 
senator and the first director of the laboratory for vege- 
table pathology in Paris. Prillieux is regarded by his 
French contemporaries as the founder of phytopathology 
in France. He is the author of a two-volume work on 
diseases of agricultural plants, published in 1895 and 
1897.1 Many of his papers were published in co-author- 
ship with Georges Delacroix. Upon his election as 

' Prillieux, E.: Maladies des plantes agricoles et des arbres fruitiers 
et forestiers causées par des parasites végétaux, 1 : I-XVI + 1-421, 
1895; 2: 1-592, 1897. 


Senator in 1897 he was forced to give up the chair of 
botany which he had occupied since its creation. 

George Delacroix was born in 1858 in Paris. The 
second of six children of a poor family, he suffered great 
hardships and privations in his struggle to get an educa- 
tion and fit himself for the profession of medicine. While 
still a student he exhibited a great interest in botany and 


Founder of phytopathology in France. (From a portrait in “Bulletin 
de la Société Mycologique de France,” vol. xxxii.) 

was able during the years of his struggle as a young 
physician to find time for botanical excursions with the 
noted mycologist Boudier. In this way he acquired an 
extensive knowledge of the fungi. In 1888 he was offered 
a position with Prillieux as assistant in the laboratory of 
Plant Pathology in the Institut Agronomique, which he 
accepted. On the retirement of Prillieux in 1897 he was 


made director of the newly established Station of Plant 
Pathology, in which position he continued until his death. 
He is especially noted for his studies on the diseases of 
tobacco. He also gave much attention to the diseases of 
tropical plants, material of which came to him from the 
French colonies. In addition to his numerous papers on 
various diseases of plants, Delacroix is the author of 


A noted French pathogenetist. (From a portrait in “Bulletin de la 
Société Mycologique de France,” vol. xxiv.) 

several text-books. The first of these, a small booklet 
on diseases of cultivated plants, appeared in 1902." A 
book on non-parasitic diseases of plants was given to the 
public in 1908 after his death.2 He wrote the final pages 

1 Delacroix, G.: Maladies des plantes cultivées, pp. 1-73, Paris, 1902. 

2 Delacroix, G.: Maladies des plantes cultivées. Maladies non-parasi- 
taires, pp. I-XII + 1-431, Paris, 1908. 


of this work the evening before he died. His most pre- 
tentious text, that on the diseases of plants of the tropics,! 
was completed by his successor, Maublanc, from notes 
and manuscripts which he left. 

Italy produced several plant pathologists of note dur- 
ing this period. Orazio Comes, born in 1848, was at the 
opening of the period the most mature and best known. 
He had already published numerous papers on pathogenic 
fungi, including an extensive text on the cryptogamic 
parasites of agricultural plants.2 A second book on the 
same subject appeared in 1891.3 He has written exten- 
sively on the diseases of the vine. His most recent con- 
tributions to the literature is a text on the control of 
plant diseases. He is one of the most productive teachers 
of phytopathology in Italy, his students occupying many 
positions throughout the kingdom. Formerly professor 
of botany in the Royal School of Agriculture at Portici, 
he is now director of that institution. 

Of the Italian plant pathologists of the Millardetian 
period, perhaps the most noted is Luigi Salvatore Savas- 
tano, whose first papers appeared about 1881. He was 
born in Naples in 1853 and is still living. He was for 
some years professor of arboriculture and applied vege- 
table pathology in the Superior School of Agriculture 

? Delacroix, G.: Maladies des plantes cultivées dans les pays chauds, 
pp. I-IX + 1-595, 1911. 

2 Comes, O.: Le Crittogame parassite delle piante agrarie. Lezioni 
tenute nella R. Scuola Sup. die Agric. di Portici nell’anno 1882 : 1-580, 
Napoli, 1882. This consists of a collection of his lectures, reproduced 
in script from a copy made by his students, R. de Netto and F. de Rosa; 
illustrated by another student, L. de Luise. 

* Comes, O.: Crittogamia agraria, pp. 1-600, Napoli, 1891. 

* Comes, O.: La profilassi nella patologia vegetale, pp. 1-172, Napoli, 


at Portici. He is at present director of the Royal Experi- 
ment Station for the culture of citrus and other fruits 
at Acireale. Among his numerous contributions to 
phytopathology the following merit special mention: 
(1) various papers on the olive knot, a bacterial gall’; 
(2) a book on the diseases of trees?; and his essay on the 
phytopathology of the Greeks, Romans, and Arabs.* 
Fridiano Cavara, director of the Royal Botanical 
Gardens at the University of Naples, has made many 
contributions since 1888 to Italian phytopathologic 
literature. According to Smith,‘ Cavara was the first 

to isolate the crown gall organism and make successful . 

inoculations with it. These investigations were made on 
the crown gall on grapes and published in 18975 

Augusto Napoleone Berlese is another Italian patho- 
genetist of this period who deserves mention. His first 
publication on fungi appeared in 1883 (Lindau and Sydow, 
Thesaurus, 1 : 135). He is perhaps best known as one 
of the editors of Rivista di Patologia Vegetale, which 
began to appear in 1892. He died in 1903. 

We must now turn to a consideration of that other 

1Savastano, Luigi: Tuberculosi, iperplasie e tumori dell’olivo. 
I-II Memoria, Ann. R. Scuola Sup. Agr. in Portici 5 : 1-131, 1887. 
See also Smith, Erwin F., Recent studies of the olive tubercle organism, 
U.S. Dept. Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul. 131 : 25-43, 1908. 

2 Savastano, Luigi: Patologia arborea applicata; lezioni, pp. I-XI + 
1-666, Napoli, 1910. 

3 Savastano, Luigi: La patologia vegetale dei Greci, Latini ed Arabi; 
memoria, pp. 1-75. Portici, 1890; from Scuola Sup. Agric. Portici Ann., 
VI, 1890-91. 

4 Smith, Erwin F., et al: Crown gall of plants; its cause and remedy, 
U. S. Dept. Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul. 213: 15, 16, 1911. 

8 Cavara, F.: Tubercolosi della vite. In, Intorno alla eziologia di 
alcune malattie di piante coltivate nota, Sta. Sperim. Agr. Italiane, 
30 : 483-487, 1897. ; 



school of phytopathologists, the predispositionists. The 
Kihnian period had produced but one predispositionist 
of note, Ernst Hallier, whom I have already mentioned. 
The Millardetian period was but little more fortunate 
as to the number of disciples of this doctrine. On the 
other hand, the great predispositionists of this quarter- 
century were to far outshine in ability and success their 
predecessor of the earlier period. This doctrine so 
inauspiciously launched by Hallier was to find master 
champions in Sorauer of Germany and Ward of Eng- 

Paul Carl Moritz Sorauer was born in 1839 and died 
January 9, 1916, at the age of seventy-seven.' Of his 
early life and training I am unable to write. His biog- 
raphy is not as yet available to us. Like his German 
contemporaries of this period, he was already trained 
and had made some contributions to the science before 
the advent of the Millardetian period. The most note- 
worthy of his pre-Millardetian writings is the first edition 
of his handbook and his book on fruit diseases. (See 
footnotes 2 and 3, page 57.) 

Sorauer, unlike Hallier, was largely free from the 
theories and dogmas incompatible with the scientific 
progress of his time. He was, nevertheless, an uncom- 
promising predispositionist, and it is safe to assert that 
the modern interpretation of the doctrine of predispo- 
sition as set forth by Sorauer has much in it for thought- 
ful consideration by pathogenetists. That external fac- 
tors, such as temperature, moisture, and nutrition, may 
gravely affect the constitution of the individual plant as 

1A notice of Sorauer’s death is to be found in Hedwigia, Beibl. 
57 : 151, 1916. 


regards its relation to the attacking pathogene is now 
held by many plant pathologists. 

Sorauer’s most noted contribution to phytopathology 
in the way of publications are the three editions of his 
text-book, Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten. The 
first edition, a single volume written in 1874 while he 
was director of the Experiment Station for Plant Phys- 


The great German predispositionist. (From a photograph, courtesy of 
Dr. Erwin F. Smith.) 

iology at the Imperial Cider Institute of Proskau 
(Nature, 96 : 600), seems to have been his first contribu- 
tion to the science (see footnote 2, page 57). The second 
edition appeared in two volumes in 1886 while he was 
still attached to the Pomological Institute at Proskau. 
The first volume, dealing with non-parasitic maladies, 
is twice the size of the second, dealing with the parasitic 


diseases. Thus is indicated, both by order and size, 
his predispositionist attitude. A third edition, com- 
pletely revised, appeared in 1908-13.! Sorauer is also 
well known as the founder and editor of the German 
phytopathologic journal, Zeitschrift fiir Pflanzenkrank- 
heiten. He continued to write on phytopathologic sub- 
jects until his death, and was always much interested 
in international efforts to restrict the spread of plant 

Harry Marshall Ward was undoubtedly the greatest 
of English phytopathologists. His work and influence, 
even more than that of Sorauer, has shaped our current 
ideas and researches on predisposition. Trained in the 
English University of Cambridge, he went abroad after 
taking his bachelor’s degree, studying under Sachs and 
de Bary. From the latter he received his inclination 
toward the study of fungi, and from the former his phys- 
iologic point of view. His advent into the field of phy- 
topathology came with his call in 1881, while still study- 
ing in Germany, to investigate the coffee disease then 
devastating the plantations of the island of Ceylon. 
This commission was executed with energy and brilliancy. 
His study of the pathogene, Hemeleia vastatrix,2 made 

' The third edition appeared in three volumes. The first volume of 
891 pages on non-parasitic diseases was written by Sorauer himself 
(issued in parts from 1905-09); the second volume of 550 pages on 
diseases caused by parasitic plants was prepared by G. Lindau (issued in 
parts from 1905-08); the third volume of about the same size on insect 
pests of plants was written by L. Reh (issued in parts from 1906-13). 

? Ward, H. M.: On the morphology of Hemeleia vastatrix Berk. 
and Br. (the fungus of the coffee disease of Ceylon), Quart. Jour. Micro- 
scop. Soc. n. s., 22 : 1-11, 1882; also, Researches on the life history of 
Hemeleia vastatrix, the fungus of the “‘coffee-leaf disease,” Jour. Linn. 
Soc., London, 19 : 299-335, 1882. 


him a predispositionist. After two years in Ceylon he 
returned to England, where after three years as Fellow 
at Owen College, Manchester, he was called to the chair 
of botany in the Forestry Department of the Royal 
Indian Engineering College at Coopers Hill. While 
here he naturally interested himself in forest botany. 



The greatest English phytopathologist. (From a portrait in “Makers 
of British Botany.’’) 

His chief pathologic contributions during this time were 
his book, Timber and some of its diseases'; Diseases of 
plants? (translated into Russian in 1891); and funda- 

1 Ward, H. M.: Timber and some of its diseases, pp. I-VIII + 1-295, 

2 Ward, H. M.: Diseases of plants, pp. 1-196, 1896. (Published by 
Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, in the Romance of Science 
Series.) What appears to be a first edition of this appeared in 1889 
under the same title and from the same publishers. 


mental studies on the life histories of several pathogenes, 
namely, Phytophthora infestans, Entyloma Ranuncult, 
Puccinia graminis, and the Botrytis sp. of lily. (See 
Lindau and Sydow, 1909, 2: 723-725.) In 1895 he 
was made professor of botany at the University of Cam- 
bridge, where he remained until his death in 1906 at the 
age of fifty-two. His years at Cambridge were full of 
activities along many lines of botany, both research and 
teaching, and were exceptionally fruitful. His chief 
pathologic papers during the last eleven years of his 
life were: Disease in plants,! and his numerous classic 
studies from 1899 to 1905 on parasitism as exhibited in 
the rusts and other fungi? His studies in parasitism 
may be said to have laid the foundation for all later 

1 Ward, H. M.: Disease in plants, pp. I-XIV + 1-309, 1901. 

2 Ward, H. M.: On some relations between host and parasite in certain 
epidemic diseases of plants, Proc. Roy. Soc., London, 47 : 393-443, 1890. 
Symbosis, Ann. Bot., 13 : 549-562, 1889. (With extensive 

On the question of “predisposition” and “immunity” in 
plants, Proc. Cambridge Phil. Soc., 11 : 307-328, 1902. 

On the relations between host and parasite in the Bromes 
and their brown rust, Puccinia dispersa (Eriks.), Ann. Bot., 16 : 233-315, 

Experiments on the effect of mineral starvation on the parasit- 
ism of the uredine fungus, Puccinia dispersa, on species of Bromus, Proc. 
Roy. Soc., London, 71 : 138-151, 1902. 

On pure cultures of a Uredine, Puccinia dispersa (Eriks.), 
Proc. Roy. Soc., London, 69 : 451-466, 1902. 

Further observations on the brown rust of the Bromes, Puc- 
cinia dispersa (Eriks.), and its adaptive parasitism, Ann. Mycol., 1 : 132- 
151, 1903. 

On the histology of Uredo dispersa Eriks., and the ‘“Myco- 
plasm” hypothesis, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc., London, B : 196 : 29-46, 1904. 
Recent researches on the parasitism of fungi, Ann. Bot., 
19 : 1-54, 1905. 


investigations into the nature of susceptibility and im- 
munity in plants. His last paper, Recent researches 
on the parasitism of fungi, appeared in the Annals of 
Botany in 1905. 

Only the most noted pathologists of foreign countries 
of the Millardetian period have been mentioned. This 
period saw the rise and development of the science in 

Brverty T. GaLtoway. 

First chief of the U.S. Bureau of Plant Industry. (From a photo- 

America. The men who were active in organizing and 
developing the work in the United States are almost 
without exception still living and contributing to its 
progress and growth. Future history may judge them 
as more of the following than of the Millardetian period. 
Certain of them, however, will doubtless stand forth as 
prominent figures of Millardetian times. I may be 
permitted to name those who in my judgment will be 


so known: F. L. Scribner, first federal phytopathologist; 
B. T. Galloway, first chief of the Bureau of Plant Industry 
in the United States Department of Agriculture; Erwin 
F. Smith, the dean of American phytopathologists and 
father of the science of bacterio-phytopathology'; J. C. 
Arthur, our greatest rust specialist?; T. J. Burrill, dis- 
coverer of bacterial phytopathogenesis; G. F. Atkinson, 
a noted American botanist, and author of several classics 
in phytopathology?; L. R. Jones, noted for his studies 
on the etiology and control of potato blights,‘ his inves- 

14 complete list of Smith’s papers on bacterial diseases of plants 
would be too extensive for these pages. His pre-eminence in the field 
of bacterio-phytopathology has been fully.established by his epoch- 
making studies on the crown gall, a plant cancer, and by his mono- 
graphic work on bacterial diseases of plants, Bacteria in relation to plant 
diseases, three volumes of which have appeared, the first in 1905, the 
second in 1911, and the third in 1914. 

? Besides many papers on various taxonomic phases of the rust prob- 
lem, of which the most important to plant pathology are perhaps those 
detailing his cultural studies, Arthur is also the author of the rust section 
of the North American Flora. 

3 Among the more important may be cited: (Edema of the tomato, 
N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 53 : 77-108, 1893; Leaf curl and 
plum pockets. Contribution to the knowledge of the prunicolous 
exoascee of the United States, N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
73 : 319-355, 1894; Damping off, N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
94 : 233-272, 1895; Studies of some shade tree and timber destroying 
fungi, N. Y. (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 193 : 199-235, 1901; Carnation 
diseases, Amer. Florist, 8 : 720-728, 1893 (reprinted in the Amer. 
Florist, 24 : 16-24, 1905). 

+ His investigations on the potato blight and its control conducted at 
the Vermont Station extend over a period of twenty years, beginning in 
1890. This work is concisely reviewed by B. F. Lutman, Twenty years’ 
spraying for potato diseases, Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 159. For 
other important contributions to this subject, see Jones, L. R., et al. 
Investigations of the potato fungus Phytophthora infestans, U. S. Dept. 
- Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul. 245, especially the list of Jones’ papers, pp. 

, 90. 


tigations on the etiology and nature of soft rots in vege- 
tables,! and for his work on wilt resistance in cabbage?; 
B. D. Halstead, for many years botanist of the New 

Noted American botanist and plant pathologist. (From a photograph.) 

Jersey Experiment Station; H. L. Bolley, botanist of the 
North Dakota Experiment Station. He was the first 

1 Jones, L. R.: A soft rot of carrots and other vegetables, caused by 
Bacillus carotovorus, Jones, Vermont Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. 13 : 299- 
332, 1901. See also his paper on, Pectinase, the cytolytic enzyme pro- 
duced by Bacillus carotovorus and certain other soft-rot organisms, New 
York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Tech. Bul. 11 : 2 : 289-368, 1909. 

2 Jones, L. R.: The control of cabbage yellows through disease re- 
sistance, Wisconsin Agr. Exp. Sta. Research Bul. 38:1-70, 1915 
(see especially list of papers by Jones, p. 69); also, Fourth progress 
report on Fusarium resistant cabbage. Abstract in Phytopath., 
6 : 102, 1916. 


to make practical use of the fungicidal properties of 
formaldehyd,! and is widely known as the advocate of 
the seed and soil infestation theory for the explanation 
of the decreasing yields on western flax and wheat lands’; 
F. C. Stewart, botanist of the New York (Geneva) 
Experiment Station, noted for the great variety of his 
studies on plant diseases? and his ten-year experiments 
in potato spraying,‘ and A. D. Selby, botanist of the 
Ohio Experiment Station. There are numerous others 
who in their earlier years contributed much to the ad- 
vancement of the science, but who later passed into ad- 

1 Bolley, H. L.: New studies upon the smut of wheat, oats, and 
barley, with a résumé of treatment experiments for the last three years, 
North Dakota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 27 : 109-162, 1897. For excellent 
bibliography of early papers on formalin as a disinfectant, see Arthur, 
J. C., Formalin for prevention of potato scab, Indiana Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Bul. 65 : 1-35, 1897. 

2 Bolley, H. L.: Wheat, North Dakota Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 107 : 1-94, 
1913. See also Conservation of the purity of soils in cereal cropping, 
Science, n. s., 32 : 529-541, 1910; and, Plant diseases and crop rotation, 
The Northwestern Miller, 89 : 565-566, 585, 623, 624, 641, 642, 1912. 

The main facts and the economic significance of soil infestation by 
phytopathogenes appears to have been first clearly set forth by Erwin 
F. Smith as a result of his studies on the Fusarium diseases of water- 
melons, cowpeas, cotton, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, and cabbage. The 
matter is admirably set forth by him in a paper under the title: The 
fungous infestation of agricultural soils in the United States, which 
appeared in The Scientific American, Supplement, No. 1246, pp. 19981, 
19982, November 18, 1899. 

3Stewart, F. C.: Botanical investigations. In, Twenty-fifth 
Anniversary Report 1882 to 1907, New York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Ann. Rep. 26 : 3 : 119-162, 1908. Published also as reprint, pp. 1-44, 
1908. This is a summary of botanical work at the station during these 
twenty-five years. For later papers by Stewart, see bulletins and reports 
of N. Y. (Geneva) Experiment Station since 1908. 

‘Stewart, F. C., et al: Potato spraying experiments, 1902-11, New 
York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 349 : 99-139, 1912. 


ministration or other lines of botanical or agricultural 
work. Material for a fuller treatment of the lives and 
contributions of American phytopathologists is not yet 

L. R. Jones, 

A noted American investigator and teacher of plant pathology. (From 
a photograph, courtesy of Dr. W. A. Orton.) 

assembled and put into form for presentation. May 
they all live to see such a survey of their work available 
as an inspiration to the rising generation of workers in 
plant pathology. 


THE years from 1906 to 1912 mark, in my opinion, the 
beginning of a new era in the history of plant pathology. 
During these six years several events of special signifi- 
cance for the science occurred. These epoch-making 
events took place chiefly in America, indicating most 
definitely the transfer of the fate of phytopathologic 
science from the Old to the New World. Science, like 
empire, marches ever westward. Of these events, those 
most significant would seem to be: (a) The establishment 
of the first chairs of plant pathology in American Univer- 
sities; (b) the discovery of the cause of crown gall and the 
beginning of Smith’s classic investigations into the simi- 
larity of this disease to human cancer; (c) the founding of 
the American Phytopathological Society and its journal, 
Phytopathology; (d) the enactment of the United States 
Quarantine Act of 1912; (e) introduction of sulfur as a 
substitute for copper in fungicides; (/) the development, 
by selection and breeding, of crops resistant to patho- 
genes, and (g) the outbreak of the destructive epiphytotic 
of chestnut blight which is fast wiping out the chestnut 
in eastern United States. These events constitute a 
combination as important in their bearing and as far 
reaching in their effects upon the science as those in- 
troducing the Millardetian period. Moreover, the decade 
from 1900 to 1910 saw the passing away of many of those 
figures whose personality and work strongly influenced 

our science during their time—Millardet in 1902, Hartig. 


in 1901, Frank in 1900, Ward in 1906, Delacroix in 1907, 
Rostrup in 1907. A few-remain, veterans of the past, 
living inspirations for the future. Thus did the last 
decade of the Millardetian period presage the inaugural 
events of a new. 

The Establishment of Chairs of Plant Pathology in 
Universities and Colleges of Agriculture—Until very 
recent years plant pathology has been considered as 
simply a phase of botany or as applied mycology. A 
brief course in mycology masquerading under the name 
of plant pathology has in most cases sufficed to dispose of 
the subject. Even the so-called plant pathologists of the 
present day are in large part only mycologists with little 
of the true phytopathologic point of view. The first 
distinct department of plant pathology to be established, 
so far as I know, was the one at Cornell University in the 
autumn of 1907. Shortly thereafter (1909) the one at the 
University of Wisconsin, with Professor Jones at its head, 
was announced. Since that time several other state 
institutions have established teaching departments of 
plant pathology either independently or as a division of 
the botanical department. Minnesota, Illinois, and Iowa 
are examples of the latter. 

Discovery of the Cause and Nature of Crown Gall.— 
This disease, so common to our cultivated fruit trees, had 
long been an object of investigation by pathologists in 
this country. The cause of the disease remained a mys- 
tery in spite of the evidence presented by Toumey' to 
show that it was myxomycetous in nature. It remained 
for Dr. Erwin F. Smith, as perhaps the greatest single 

1 Toumey, J. W.: An inquiry into the cause and nature of crown gall, 
Arizona Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 33 : 1-64, 1900. 


contribution of his eminent career, to discover, in col- 
laboration with his fellow-workers Townsend and Brown, 
the true cause of this interesting disease. Evidence of its 
bacterial nature was first set forth in Science! in 1907. 
Following this there has appeared from the hand of 
Smith a series of most brilliant researches? in which he has 
clearly shown the striking similarity in structure of this 
plant tumor to that of the cancer in man and animals. 
The Establishment of the American Phytopathological 
Society.—The establishment of this society at the Balti- 
more meeting of the American Association for the Ad- 
vancement of Science in 1909* marks the beginning of 
another important development in American phyto- 
pathology, if not in that of the world. Within two years 
the society’s membership exceeded 200, and at present 
totals approximately 350. At the beginning of its third 
year, 1911, it undertook the publication of a journal, 
Phytopathology, designating it as the official organ of the 

1 Smith, Erwin F., and Townsend, C. O.: A plant tumor of bacterial 
origin, Science, n. s., 25 : 671-673, 1907. (The pathogene named and 
briefly characterized.) 

*For later papers on the same subject see: Crown gall of plants, 
Phytopath., 1 : 7-11, 1911; Crown gall of plants, its cause and 
remedy, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul. 213, 1911; Crown gall 
and sarcoma, U. S. Dept. Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Circ. 85, 1911; The 
structure and development of crown gall, a plant cancer, U.S. Dept. 
Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul. 255, 1912; Mechanism of tumor growth in crown 
gall, Jour. Agr. Research, 8: 165-186, pls. 4-65, 1917; Mechanism of 
overgrowth in plants, Proc. Am. Phil. Society, 56 : 437-444, 1917; 
Embryomas in plants (produced by bacterial inoculations). The 
Johns Hopkins Hospital Bull., 28 : 276-294, Sept., 1917. For list of 
other papers by this author see bibliography in last three papers. 

*The American Phytopathological Society. (Report of first annual 
meeting.) Science, n. s., 31 : 746-757, 1910. 

‘For data on establishment of the journal, see Science, n. s., 31 : 746, 
1910; 33 : 155, 156, 1911; and Phytopath., 1 : 38 and 67, 1911. 


society. This journal, under the editorship of L. R. 
Jones, of the University of Wisconsin, and later Donald 
Reddick, of Cornell University, has been from the begin- 
ning a marked success. In it appears from year to year 
the first reports on new discoveries by American pathol- 
ogists as well as contributions from foreign members. 
The journal has obtained a wide circulation abroad and 
has created a most favorable impression upon our foreign 
colleagues. This society and the journal it publishes has 
done more to stimulate and unify the phytopathologic 
work and workers of this country than any other one 

The United States Quarantine Act of 1912.—Congress- 
man Simmons of New York introduced into the Sixty- 
second Congress at its second session a bill to regulate 
the importation by the national government of nursery 
stock. This finally became a law in the form of the 
National Quarantine Act of 1912.1. This was the first 
national enactment aimed at the exclusion, from this 
country, of insect pests and plant diseases. Other coun- 
tries for years had various laws of this type, for the most 
part ineffective. The enactment of this measure, to- 
gether with the establishment of a Federal Horticultural 
Board, marks a new period in the plant pathology not 
only of this country but of other countries as well. The 
exclusion of potatoes and certain nursery stock to protect 

1 The text of this act may be found in Circular 41 : 7-11, office of the 
secretary, U. S. Department of Agriculture, issued: September 25, 1912, 
under the title: Rules and regulations for carrying out the plant quaran- 
tine act. Also in revised edition-of Circular 41 of December 20, 1912; 
in Circular 44 : 12-15, May 26, 1913, text as amended March 4, 1913; 
and in unnumbered circulars issued by the Federal Horticultural Board, 
one of July 1, 1914. 


our growers from the introduction of dangerous patho- 
genes and pests aroused great antagonism abroad at 
first as well as some at home. It has, however, resulted 
in a marked improvement of foreign inspection and in 
extraordinary activity of our domestic inspection service. 

The Introduction of Sulfur as a Substitute for Copper 
in Fungicides.—Lime-sulfur has long been known and 
used as an insecticide and to a very limited extent as a 
fungicide in cases where disinfection of dormant trees is 
desirable, as in the case of the peach leaf curl.!_ Cordley of 
Oregon in 1906 discovered that much diluted solutions of 
lime-sulfur might be used with safety and efficiency as a 
summer spray for apple scab.?_ Scott in 1907 devised and 
tested out the so-called self-boiled lime-sulfur mixture.® 
He showed that it could be used successfully in the control 
of the scab and brown rot of peaches, without at the same 
time causing injury to the tender foliage of the peach, 
such as results from the use of copper sprays or of solu- 
tions of calcium sulfids. These discoveries were soon 

! The early history of the use of sulfur solutions for the control of 
peach leaf curl is set forth in detail by N. B. Pierce in, Peach leaf curl, 
its nature and treatment, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Veg. Path. and Phys. 
Bul. 20: 46-66, 1900. Long before this, however, dilute solutions of 
lime-sulfur concentrate had been recommended as a spray for grapes 
to control the powdery mildew. (Regel, E. Die Schmarotzergewachse 
und die mit denselben in Verbindungstehenden Pflanzenkrankheiten, 
pp. 111, 112, 1854.) 

See Cordley, A. B.: Lime-sulfur spray as a preventive of apple 
scab, Rural New Yorker, March 1, 1908 : 202; Oregon Agriculturist, 
March 1, 1908 : 178, or Better Fruit, September, 1908 : 26; also, Whetzel, 
H. H., Summer use of concentrated lime-sulfur, N. Y. State Fruit 
Growers’ Assoc. Ann. Rep., 9 : 31-33, 1910. 

*Scott, W. M.:  Self-boiled lime-sulfur mixture as a promising 

fungicide, U.S. Dept. Agr. Bu. Pl. Ind. Circ. 1: 1-18, 1908; also, Circ. 
27 : 1-17, 1909. 


heralded throughout the United States and Canada, 
receiving a most cordial reception from growers and some 
pathologists, as promising substitutes for bordeaux mix- 
ture, so frequently injurious to fruit and foliage. Within 
half a decade lime-sulfur almost completely replaced bor- 
deaux mixture for apples and some other crops. It has 
not proved a satisfactory substitute, however, in the case 
of grapes and potatoes.! Studies soon indicated that it is 
the finely divided sulfur on the foliage which is the effec- 
tive agent. Following this idea, dusting with finely ground 
sulfur has been carefully investigated by Blodgett,? Red- 
dick,? and Stewart‘ of Cornell, who have conclusively 
shown that dry sulfur may safely and profitably replace 
the liquid sprays for the control of some of our most 
common and destructive diseases. Our day is to see 
sulfur the chief fungicide as against the copper of the 
Millardetian period. 

Development of Disease-resistant Crops.—The extra- 
ordinary progress which is now being made in this direc- 
tion is the logical outgrowth of the pioneer labors of an 

1 For the results on grapes, see Reddick, D., et al: Spraying for black 
rot of the grape in a dry season, New York (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 
296 : 586, 587, 1911; and for those on potatoes, see Stewart, F. C., and 
French, G. T.: Lime-sulfur vs. Bordeaux mixture as a spray for potatoes. 
I. New York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 347, 1911; Munn, M. T., 
II. Bul. 352, 1912; III. Bul. 397, 1915; IV. Bul. 421, 1916. 

2 Blodgett, F. M.: Hop mildew, New York (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. 
Bul. 328, 1913; and, Further studies on the spread and control of hop 
mildew, New York (Geneva) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 395, 1915. 

3 Reddick, D., and Crosby, C. R.: Dusting and spraying experiments 
with apples, New York (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 369, 1916. 

4Stewart, V. B.: Dusting and spraying nursery stock, New York 
(Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 385, 1917. 



eminent American pathologist, W. A. Orton.1 During the 
decade from 1899 to 1909 he obtained by selection and 
breeding strains of cotton, melons, and cowpeas resistant 
to Fusarium wilt fungi. His results at once stimulated 
wide-spread search for disease-resistant strains in many 
other of our cultivated crops. 

The Epiphytotic of Chestnut Blight.—This, the most 
devastating disease of modern times, was first observed in 
New York City abut 1904. At this time it was found to 
be thoroughly established on Long Island and the im- 
mediate vicinity of New York City. It then spread 
rapidly in all directions from this center, and by 1914 had 
extended throughout the southern New England States, 
southern Vermont, New Hampshire, the Hudson Valley 
and the eastern half of Pennsylvania, as well as south 
through New Jersey, Delaware, eastern West Virginia, 
Maryland, and northern Virginia. Its ravages aroused 
general alarm among laymen as well as pathologists. 
Large sums of money were appropriated both by the 
Federal Government and by several of the states for 
the purposes of investigation and control. While all 
efforts to stay its progress have failed, it has served to 
impress upon the people of the United States the danger 
from such destructive plant diseases, and has resulted in a 

1 The following papers by Orton should be consulted: The wilt disease 
of cotton and its control, U. S. Dept. Agr. Div. Veg. Phys. and Path. 
Bul. 27 : 1-15, 1900; Some diseases of the cowpea, U. S. Dept. Agr. 
Bu. Pl. Ind. Bul. 17 : 1-36, 1902; On the breeding of disease-resistant 
varieties, Hort. Soc. New York, Mem., 1: 41-52, 1902; Plant breeding asa 
factor in controlling plant diseases, Amer. Breeders’ Assoc., 1 : 69-72, 
1905; On the theory and practice of breeding disease-resistant plants, 
Amer. Breeders’ Assoc., 3 : 144-156, 1908; The development of disease- 

resistant varieties of plants, IV Conférence Internat. de génétique, Paris, 
1911, Comp. Rend. et Rapports, pp. 247-261, 1913. 


keen appreciation of the necessity for more intelligent 
legislation and efforts in meeting similar danger to other 
crops. It has been, like the potato blight epidemics of 
the early forties, a potent factor in giving to the lay mind 
a proper appreciation of the importance of phytopathol- 
ogy in the economics of crop production. The history 
of this epiphytotic has been accurately outlined by 
Anderson and Rankin.! 

I have intentionally refrained from an attempt to 
analyze in more detail the trend of phytopathologic 
thought and development in the present era. We are 
too near to it, being in the midst of it, to justly weigh the 
relative importance of passing events and current contri- 
butions. Those who are making the history of our sci- 
ence are our friends and our colleagues. Their scientific 
faults and virtues are likely to loom up quite out of pro- 
portion to their real significance in the evolution of 
plant pathology. My verdict on the makers of the 
Millardetian period is doubtless more or less invalidated 
for the same reason. Some of them still stand forth in 
the flesh to challenge or accuse me; those whom I have 
named and those whom I have refrained from naming. 
To each his consolation; to the former, that he stands 
among the founders of the science in this country; to the 
latter, that somewhere in the annals of plant pathology 
future historians must give him a place. 

1 Anderson, P. J., and Rankin, W. H.: Endothia canker of Chest- 
nut, New York (Cornell) Agr. Exp. Sta. Bul. 347 : 538-545, 1914. 



Arthur, J. C.: History and scope of plant pathology, Cong. Arts and 
Science, St. Louis, 5 : 149-164, 1906. 

de Bary, Anton: Untersuchungen iiber die Brandpilze und die durch sie 
verursachten Krankheiten der Pflanzen, mit Riicksicht auf das 
Getreide und andere Nutzpflanzen, pp. I-VIII + 1-144, Berlin, 1853. 

Buller, A. H. R.: The fungus lore of the Greeks and Romans, British 
Myc. Soc. Trans., 5 : 30-33, 1915. 

Dugger, B. M.: Fungous diseases of plants, pp. 2-4, 1909. 

Eriksson, J., and Henning, E.: Die Getreideroste, ihre Geschichte und 
Natur, sowie Massregeln gegen dieselben, pp. 7-24, 1896. 

Farlow, W. G.: The change from the old to the new botany in the United 
States, Science, n. s., 37 : 79-86, 1913. 

Galloway, B. T.: Progress in the treatment of plant diseases in the 
United States, U. S. Dept. Agr. Year Book for 1899 : 191-200, 1900. 

Twenty years’ progress in plant pathology, Proc. Soc. Prom. 
Agr. Sci. Ann. Meeting 21 : 90-102, 1900. 

Greene, E. L.: Landmarks of botanical history. A study of certain 
epochs in the development of the science of botany. Part 1.— 
Prior to 1562 A. D. Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 54 : 1 : 1-329, 1909. 

Green, J. Reynolds: A history of botany, 1860-1900, being a continua- 
tion of Sachs’ History of Botany, 1530-1860, pp. 1-543, Oxford, 1909. 

A history of botany in the United Kingdom, from the earliest 
times to the end of the 19th Century, pp. I-XII + 1-648, London 
and Toronto, 1914. (Published after the author’s death.) 

Hartig, R.: Text-book of the diseases of trees. (Transl. by Wm. Sommer- 
ville), pp. X-XVII and 1-4, 1894. 

Hollrung, M.: Die Mittel zur Bekampfung der Pflanzenkrankheiten, pp. 
1-3, 1914. 

Jensen, C. N.: Résumé of publications on plant pathology, Thesis, 
Cornell University, pp. 1-69, 1909. 

Jones, L. R.: Problems and progress in plant pathology, Amer. Jour. 
Bot., 1 : 97-111, 1914. 

Only those pages containing data of historic interest are given for 
these references, 



Klebahn, H.: Die wirtswechselnden Rostpilze. Versuch einer Gesamt- 
darstellung ihrer biologischen Verhiltnisse, pp. 5-12, 1904. 

Lind, J.: Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E. Rostrup, 
pp. 1-9, 19-25, 1913. 

Berberisbusken og Berberisloven. Tids. Planteavl., 22 : 729- 
780, 1915, 

Lodeman, E.G.: The spraying of plants, pp. 1-1 14, 181-207, 1896. (See 
same pages in the 1906 edition.) 

McAlpine, D.: The smuts of Australia, pp. 4-7, 1910. 

Meyer, E. H. F.: Geschichte der Botanik, 1:I-X + 1-430, 1854; 
2:I-X + 1-430, 1855; 3 :I-XVI + 1-455, 1856; 4 :I-VIII + 
1-451, 1857 

Potter, M. C.: Bacteria in their relation to plant pathology, British Myc. 
Soc. Trans., 3 : 150-168, 1910. (Gives extensive bibliography.) 

Ré, Count Philippo: Essay theoretical and practical on the diseases of 
plants. (Translated from the Italian.) Gard. Chron., 1849 : 211, 
228-229, 1849. The original was published in 1807. (See foot- 
note 3, page 32.) This translation is from the second edition, 1817. 

Ritzema-Bos, J.: Instituut voor phytopathologie, verbonden aan de 
Rijks Hoogere Land- ,Tuin- ,en Boschbouwschool te Wageningen. 
Tijds. over Plantenz., 12: 17-27, 1906. He here describes the 
establishment of the first royal phytopathological institute in Hol- 

Het phytopathologisch laboratorium Wille Commelin Scholten 
van 1895 tot 1906. Tijds. over Plantenz., 12 : 28-58, 1906. He 
reviews the history of the foundation and development of this 
privately endowed phytopathological institute in Amsterdam. 

Rostrup, E.: Plantepathologi, pp. 1-9, 1902. 

Sachs, Julius: Geschichte der Botanik vom 16 Jahrhundert bis 1860, 
pp. I-XII + 1-612, 1875; also the English translation by Garnsey 
and Balfour, pp. I-XV + 1-568, 1900. 

Savastano, L.: La patologia vegetale die Greci, Latini ed Arabi, 
Memoria, pp. 1-75, Portici, 1890-91. 

Selby, A. D.: The future of vegetable pathology, Science, n.s., 15 : 736- 
740, 1902. 

Smith, Annie L.: Microfungi: a historical sketch, British Myc. Soc. 
Trans., 3 : 18-25, 1908. 

Smith, Erwin F.: Plant pathology: a retrospect and prospect, Science, 
n. s., 15 : 601-612, 1902. 

Bacteria in relation to plant diseases, 2 : 7-22, 1911. He gives 

here an historical review of the rise and development of bacterio- 



Sorauer, P.: Handbuch der Pflanzenkrankheiten, 1 : 37-68, 1909; also 
the translation by Frances Dorrance under the title: Manual of 
plant diseases, 1 : 41-71, 1914. 

Stevens, F. L.: The science of plant pathology, Jour. Elisha Mitchell Sci. 
Soc., 20 : 61-75, 1904. (Reprinted from Popular Science Monthly, 
September, 1905.) 

Stevens, F. L., and Hall, J. G.: Diseases of economic plants, pp. 3-12, 

Ward, H. Marshall: Disease in plants, pp. 85-90, 1901. 

Recent researches on the parasitism of fungi, Ann. Bot., 19 : 1-54. 

Westerdijk, Johanna: De nieuwe wegen van het phytopathologisch 
onderzoek. Rede uitgesproken bij het aanvaarden van het ambt 
van buitengewoon hoogleeraar aan de Universiteit te Utrecht, op 
Zaterdag, 10 February, pp. 1-38, Amsterdam, 1917. 


Boehmer, George Rudolph: Bibliotheca scriptorum historiae naturalis 
oeconomiae aliarum ac scientiarum ad illam pertinentium realis 
systematica. Pars III, Phytologi 1 : 1-808, 1787. On pages 522- 
546 will be found an extensive list of references on diseases of plants. 
See pages 459-470 for references on frost and weather injury; and 
pages 514-522 for references on teratology. 

Jackson, B. D.: Guide to the literature of botany, pp. 102-105, 1881. 

Lindau, G., and Sydow, P.: Thesaurus litteraturae mycologicae et 
lichenologicae, 1-4, 1908-15. 

Pritzel, G. A.: Valetudo et morbi plantarum. In, Thesaurus literaturae 
botanicae, pp. 526, 527, 1872; also 2d ed., pp. 526, 527, 1877. 
Rehder, A.: The Bradley Bibliography. A guide to the literature of the 
woody plants of the world, published before the beginning of the 
twentieth century, 1 : 1 : 206-216, 1911; 3 : 178-186, 193-198, 1915; 

4:65, 66, 188-196, 210-212, 1914. 



Michaud, J. F. and L. G.: Biographie universelle, ancienne et moderne, 
1-52, 1811-62. 

Saccardo, P. A.: La botanica in Italia. [Reprinted from] Mem. Reale 
Inst. Veneto Scienze, Lettere ed Arti, 25 : 1-236, 1895; part 2: 
I-XV + 1-172, 1901. The latter is an addendum. These give 
brief biographical notes on Italian botanists both living and dead. 


Wittrock, V. B.: Catalogus illustratus iconotheca botanicae horti Ber- 
giani Stockholmiensis natulis biographicis adjectis. Acta Horti 
Bergiani, 3 : 2: 1-198, tab. 1-37, 1903; 3:3 :I-XCIII + 1-245, 
tab. 1-150, 1905. (Half-tones and biographic sketches of ancient 
and modern botanists.) 

Adanson, Michel 

Cuvier, Baron [G.]: Biographical memoir of Michel Adanson. Read 
to the institute of France, Edinburgh New Phil. Jour. n.s., 3 : 1-21, 
1827. This is a translation from the French, Eloge historique de 
Michel Adanson, Mem. classe Sci. Mat. e. Phys. Inst. National 
France [Acad. Sci.], 1806 : 2 : 159-188, 1907. 

Anonymous: Nekrolog. Michel Adanson, Mitglied der ehemaligen 
Akademie der Wissenschaften und des National-Instituts, u. s. w., 
geboren 1727, gestorben 1806. Intelligenzblatt Allgem. Litteratur 
Zeit., 1806 : 1257-1260, 1806. 

de Bary, Heinrich Anton 

Balfour, B.: Professor Heinrich Anton de Bary, Trans. Bot. Soc. 
Edinburgh, 17 : 350-354, 1889. (Chiefly a list of his publications.) 

Farlow, W. G.: Professor Anton de Bary, Garden and Forest, 1 : 15, 16, 

Murray, G.: Heinrich Anton de Bary, Jour. Bot., 26 : 65-67, 1888. 
See also Ann. Bot., 2 : 393-397, 1889. (Short biographical sketch 
with list of publications.) 

Prantl, K.: Anton de Bary, Hedwigia, 27 : 77-86, 1888. (Portrait and 

Rees, M.: Anton de Bary, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 6 : VIII-XXVI, 
1888. (Portrait and list of publications.) 

Smith, Erwin F.: Anton de Bary, Phytopath., 1 : 1, 2, 1911. (Portrait.) 

Wilhelm, K.: Nekrologe. Anton de Bary, Ein Nachruf, Bot. Centralbl., 
34 :93, 94, 156-158, 191, 192, 221-224, 252-256, 1888. (List of 

Berkeley, Miles Joseph 

Baker, J. G.: The Rev. M. J. Berkeley, Nature, 40 : 371, 372 ,1889. 

Cooke, M. C.: The Rev. M. J. Berkeley, Grevillea, 18 : 17-19, 1889; 
for portrait see Grevillea, 1 : frontispiece, 1872. 

Druce, G. C., and Taylor, J.: Northamptonshire obituaries: The Rev. 
Miles Joseph Berkeley, M. A., F. R.S., F.L.S., Northamptonshire 
Notes and Queries, 4 : 25-37, 221-224, 1892. (Portrait and com- 
plete list of publications.) 


Farlow, W. G.: Miles Joseph Berkeley, Garden and Forest, 2 : 410, 411, 

Green, J. Reynolds: Berkeley. In, A history of botany in the United 
Kingdom from the earliest times to the end of the 19th Century, pp. 
445-447, 1914. 

Hooker, J. D.: The Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley, Proc. Roy. Soc., 
London, 47 : [IX—XII, 1890. 

Lloyd, C. G.: Rev. M. J. Berkeley. In, Synopsis of the stipitate 
Stereums, p. 14, 1913. (Portrait with note.) 

[Morrens, E.]: Prologue en l’honneur de Rev. M. J. Berkeley, membre 
de la Societé Linneé de Londres, La Belgique Hort. Ann. Hort. 
Belge, et Etrangere, 22 : 5-9, 1872. (Portrait.) 

Massee, Geo.: Miles Joseph Berkeley, 1803-89. In, Makers of British 
Botany by Oliver, pp. 225-232, 1913. (Portrait.) 

{Murray, Geo., and Editors]: The Rev. M. J. Berkeley, M. A., F. R. 
S., Jour. Bot., 27 : 305-308, 1889; also, Miles Joseph Berkeley, 
Ann. Bot., 3 : 451-456, 1890. (Consist chiefly in a long list of his 
published papers.) 

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T.: Miles Joseph Berkeley. Born 1803. Died 
1889. Ann. Bot., 11 : IX—XI, 1897. (Portrait.) 

Anonymous: Obituary. Miles Joseph Berkeley, Gard. Chron., 
3:6:141, 142, 1889. (Portrait, p. 135.) 

Berlese, Augusto Napoleone 

Berlese, A.. Augusto Napoleone Berlese. 21 Ottobre, 1864-26 Gennaio, 
1903, Riv. Pat. Veg., 10 : 347-394, 1904. (Portrait and copies of 
obituary notices published in other journals, with a complete list of 
titles of his published papers.) 

Cavara, Fr.: A. N. Berlese (Nekrologe), Ann. Myc., 1 : 178-180, 

Saccardo, P. A.: Augusto Napoleone Berlese. Cenno necrologico, 
Malphigia, 17 : 117-126, 1903. : 

Burrill, Thomas Jonathan 

Davenport, E.: Dr. Thomas Jonathan Burrill. Memorial address, 
Trans. Ill. Hort. Soc., n. s., 50 : 67-97, 1917. (Portrait and list of 

Forbes, S. A.: Thomas Jonathan Burrill. Alumni Quarterly and 
Fortnightly Notes, University of Illinois, July 15, 1916. 

Smith, Erwin F.: In memoriam of Thomas J. Burrill, Jour. Bact., 
1: 269-271, 1916. (Portrait.) 

Trelease, Wm.: Thomas Jonathan Burrill, April 25, 1839-April 14, 
1916, Bot. Gaz., 42 : 153-155, 1916. 


Delacroix, Georges 

Prillieux, E. E.: Notice sur la vie et les travaux de Georges Delacroix, 

Bul. Soc. Myc. France, 24 : 48-67, 1908. (Portrait.) 
Fabricius, Johann Christian 

Lind, J.: Danish fungi as represented in the herbarium of E. Rostrup, 
pp. 19, 20, 1913. (Portrait.) 

Latreille, M.: Notice biographique. Sur Jean Chretien Fabricius, 
conseiller d’etat du roi de Dannemarck, professeur d’histoire natu- 
relle et d’economie rural 4 Kiell, et membre d’un grand nombre 
d’academies, Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat.; 11 : 393-404, 1808. 

Forsyth, William 

Anonymous: Early writers on English gardening. William Forsyth, 
Jour. Hort. Cottage Gardner and Country Gentleman (old ser. 56), 
n.s., 31 : 147, 1876. (Portrait.) 

Anonymous: Centenary of the horticultural society. The Founders: 
William Forsyth, Gard. Chron., 3 : 35 : 147, 148, 1904. 

Frank, Albert Bernhard 

Kriiger, F.: Albert Bernhard Frank, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 19 : (10)- 
(36), 1902. (Complete bibliography of his works.) 

Lopriore, G.: A. B. Frank, Malphigia, 14 : 387-410, 1900. (Portrait 
and list of his publications.) 

Nobbe, F.: Albert Bernhard Frank, Landw. Vers. Stat., 55 : 159, 160, 

Anonymous: Biographische Mittheilungen. Albert Bernhard Frank, 
Leopoldina, 36 : 170, 171, 1900. 

Hales, Stephen 

Darwin, F.: Stephen Hales, 1677-1761. In, Makers of British Botany 
by Oliver, pp. 65-83, 1913. (Portrait.) 

Green, J. Reynolds: Stephen Hales. In, The history of botany in 
the United Kingdom from the earliest times to the end of the 19th 
Century, pp. 198-206, 1914. 

Anonymous: British botanists: Stephen Hales, Gard. Chron., 3:49: 
88, 89, 1911. (Portrait.) 

Hallier, Ernst 

Anonymous: Hallier, Ernst: Brockhaus’ Konver.-Lexik., 8 : 684, 
4th ed., 1894. 

Anonymous: Biographische Mittheilungen. Ernst Hallier, Leopold- 
ina, 41 : 38, 1905. 

For a notice of his death, see Bot. Centralbl., 98 : 32, 1905. 

Hartig, Heinrich Julius Adolph Robert 

Cieslar, R.: Robert Hartig, Centralbl. Gesamte Forstw., 28: 37-46, 

1902. (Portrait.) 


Meinecke, E. P.: Robert Hartig. Ein Nachruf. Allegm. Forst.-u.- 
Jagd. Zeit., 78 : 129-131, 1902; also, Robert Hartig (1839-1901). 
Phytopath., 5 : 1-3, 1915. (Portrait.) 

Tubeuf, Carl von: R. Hartig, Nekrolog. Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 20 : (8)- 
(28), 1903. 

Anonymous: Dr. Robert Hartig, Proc. Linn. Soc., London., 114 : 35- 
37, 1902. 

Anonymous: Biographische Mittheilungen. Robert Hartig, M. N. A., 
Leopoldina, 37 : 94-95 (also 90), 1901. 

Ibn-al-Awam (Yahya Ibn Muh’ammad or Abu Zakariya) 

Meyer, E. H. F.: Ibu-al-Awam. In, Geschichte der Bontanik, 

3 : 260-266, 1856. 
Jensen, Jens Ludvig 

Ravn, F. Kglpin: Jens Ludvig Jensen (1836-1904), Phytopath., 
7:1-4,1917. (Portrait.) 

Lind, J: Jensen, Jens Ludwig. Jn, Danish Fungi as represented in the 
herbarium of E. Rostrup, p. 31, 1913. (Portrait.) 

Anonymous: Personalia Direkter Jens Ludwig Jensen, fédt, 1836. 
Aarsb. Kong. Dansk. Landh.-Skab., 1904-05 : 288, 1905. (Portrait.) 

Kiihn, Julius Gotthelf 

Holdefleiss, P.: Julius Kithn, Nachruf. Naturw. Rundschau, 25 : 297- 
299, 1910. 

Wohltmann, F., and Holdefleiss, P.: Julius Kiihn, sein Leben und 
Wirken. Festschrift zum 80 Geburtstag am 23. Oktober, 1905. pp. 
1-56, Berlin, 1905. (Portrait.) 

Anonymous: Die Julius Kiihn-Ehrung am 15. Juni ds. Js., Deut. 
Landw. Presse, 28 : 444, 445, 1901. (With photographs of the 

Anonymous: Zum 70. Geburtstag Julius Kiihns. Aus dem Lebensgang 

. Julius Kiihns. Deut. Landw. Presse, 22 : 767, 1895. (With ex- 
cellent full-page portrait.) 

McAlpine, Daniel 

Anonymous: A prominent fruit expert: Professor D. McAlpine. Jn, 

The Fruit World of Australia, August 1, 1915, p. 255. 
Meyen, Franz Julius Ferdinand 

Ratzeburg, J. T. C.: Meyen’s Lebenslauf, Verh. Kais. Leopol.-Carol. 

Akad. Naturforscher, Erstes Suppl., 19 : XITI-XXXII, 1843. 
Millardet, Pierre Marie Alexis 

Bornet, E.: Necrologie Millardet (Pierre-Marie-Alexis), Bul. Soc. Bot. 
France, 49 : 318, 1902. 

Galloway, B. T.: Pierre-Marie-Alexis Millardet (1838-1902), Phyto- 
path., 4: 1-4, 1914. (Portrait.) 


Gayon, U., and Sauvageau, C.: Notice sur la vie et les travaux de A. 
Millardet (1838-1902), Mem. Soc. Sci. Phys. et Nat. Bordeaux, 
6:3 :IX-XLVII, 1903. (P ortrait and list of publications.) 

Magnus, P.: Millardet, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 22 : (10)-(14), 1905. 

Orsted, Anders Sandée 

Brown, R.: Life and labors of Professor Prsted, Trans. Bot. Soc., 
Edinburgh, 11 : 426-435, 1873. 

Lind, J.: Anders Sandée Mrsted. I n, Danish fungi as represented in 
the herbarium of E. Rostrup, pp. 17, 18, 1913. (Portrait.) 

Pliny the Second 

Greene, E. L.: Caius Plinius Secundus (A. D. 23-79). In, Landmarks 
of Botanical History, Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 54 : 1: 155-159, 

Prillieux, Edouard Ernest 

Berthault, P.: Mort de M. Edouard Prillieux, Jour. Agr. Prat., 
79 : 583, 584, 1915; also, *Edouard Prillieux, Rev. Gén. Bot., 28: 
193-203, 1916. 

Bois, D., and Grignan, G. T.: Necrologie—M. Ed. Prillieux. Rev. 
Hort., 87 : 580, 1915. 

Pinoy, E.: Ed. Prillieux, Bul. Soc. Myc., France, 32 : 7-16, 1916. 
(Portrait and bibliography of his works.) 

Notices of his death are to be found in: Revue Gen. Bot., 27 : 352, 
1915; Gard. Chron., 3 : 58 : 282, 1915; and Jour. Soc. Nat. Hort., 
France, 16 : 152, 1915. 

Ré, Filippo 

Saccardo, P. A.: Im, La Botanica in Italia (Mem. Reale Inst. Veneto 
Sci., Lett. e Arti, 25 : 135, 1895), gives the following facts: Born 
March 20, 1763; died March 25, 1817. Professor of agriculture in 
the University of Bologna; afterward Professor of agriculture and 
botany at Modena. Then follows references to biographies from 
Italian sources. (See also part II of the above, p. 89, 1901.) 

Rostrup, Fredrick George Emil 

Lind, J.: [Biographical data]. J, Danish fungi as represented in the 
herbarium of E. Rostrup, pp. 1-9, 1913. 

Ravn, F. Kolpin: E. Rostrup (Nekrolog.), Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 
26a : (47)-(55), 1909. 

Rosenvinge, L. Kolderup: Emil Rostrup. En Levnedsskildring, Bot. 
Tidssk., 28 : 185-198, 1908. (Portrait.) 

Sorauer, Paul Carl Moritz 

[Notice of his death.] Hedwigia, 57 : (150), Beibl. fiir December, 1915, 

1916; a fuller note is to be found in Nature, 96 : 600, 1916. 


Theophrastus of Eresus 
Greene, E. L.: Theophrastus of Eresus, B. C. 370-286 (or 262). In, 
Landmarks of Botanical History, Smithsonian Miscell. Coll., 54:1: 
52-142, 1909. 
Hort, Sir Arthur: Theophrastus’ life and works. In, Theophrastus, 
Enquiry into Plants, 1 : XVII-XXIII, 1916. 

Tournefort, Joseph Pitton de 

Lauthier, H. M.: The life of M. Tournefort; in a letter to M. Begon, 
Intendant of the Marine at Rochefort, etc. In, Tournefort’s, A 
voyage into the Levant, 1 : V-XXXVI, London, 1741. Following 
this in the same volume is, The elogium of M. Tournefort, By M. 
Fontenelle, perpetual secretary of the Royal Academy and one of 
the Forty of the French Academy, pp. XXX VIJI-XLIX. 

Lefébure, E. F. H.: Eloge de Tournefort, Mem. Soc. Linn., Paris, 
1 : 639-648, 1822. 

Anonymous: Eloge de M. Tournefort, Hist. Acad. Roy. Sci. annee 
1708 : 143-154, 1730. 

Unger, Franz Joseph Andreas Nicholas 

Leitgeb, H.: Zur Errinnerung an Franz Unger, Bot. Zeit., 28 : 241-257. 
Verzeichness der gedruchten Schriften F. Unger’s, pp. 257-264, 1870; 
also, Franz Unger, Mitth. Naturw. Vereins f. Steiermark, 2 : 270- 
286, 1870. (Portrait in front of volume.) 

Neilreich, A.: Gallerie ésterreicher Botaniker. Franz Unger, Oester. 
Bot. Zeitsch., 14 : 1-9, 1864. (Portrait.) 

* Reyer, Alex.: Leben und Wirken des Naturhistorikers, Dr. Franz 
Unger, Professor der Pflanzen-Anatomie und Physiologie, p. 4 
unnumbered + 1-100, Gratz, 1871. An abstract of this is to be 
found in Flora, 54 : 361-366, 1871. 

Anonymous: Dr. Franz Unger. Anthropol. Rev. (Jour. Anthropol., 
October, 1870), 8 : 227-232, 1870. (Portrait.) 

Anonymous: Obituary of Dr. Franz Unger, Jour. Bot., 8 : 192-203, 
1870. (Portrait and list of publications.) 

Ward, Harry Marshall 

Balfour, I. B.: Harry Marshall Ward, Trans. and Proc. Bot. Soc., 
Edinburgh, 23 : 218-232, 1908. (Chronology and bibliography.) 

Boodle, L. A.: H. Marshall Ward, Bul. Misc. Information Kew, 
1906 : 281, 282, 1906. 

Bower, F. 0.: Harry Marshall Ward, F.R.S., Jour. Bot., 44 : 422-425, 

Freeman, E. M.: Harry Marshall Ward (1854-1906), Phytopath., 
3:1, 2, 1913. (Portrait.) 


Jackson, B. D.: Harry Marshall Ward, Proc. Linn. Soc., London, 
119 : 54-57, 1907. 

rea T.: H. Marshall Ward, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 26a : (10)-(12), 

Thiselton-Dyer, W. T.: Harry Marshall Ward, 1854-1906, Proc. Roy. 
Soc., London, B : 83 : I-XIV, 1911; see also New Phytol., 6 : 1-9, 
1907; and Makers of British Botany by Oliver, pp. 262-279, 1913. 

Vines, S. H.: Professor H. Marshall Ward, Nature, 74 : 493-495, 1906; 
see also, Ann. Bot., 21 : IX-XIII, 1907; and, Bot. Centralbl., 102 : 
367, 368, 1906. 

Anonymous: Two leaders in science, Gard. Chron., 3 : 40 : 164, 1906. 

Weigmann, Arend Joachim Friedrich 

No published biography of Wiegmann has been found. The following 
facts have been gathered from several sources, but chiefly from a 
seminary paper presented by Charles Chupp before the department 
of plant pathology of Cornell University in 1913. A copy of this 
paper is to be found in the library of Cornell University. Wiegmann 
was born 1771; died 1853 in Braunschweig. He was examined for 
assistant chemist by the Imperial College in Braunschweig in 1795, 
and appointed associate pharmacist to the chief apothecary there. 
From 1821 on he lived as a private druggist in Braunschweig, but 
having taken his medical degree in 1827, he was appointed to a pro- 
fessorship there. He began his studies in plant pathology in 1798, 
his first contribution in this field being apparently his, Versuch einer 
Krankheitslehre der Gewichse, which appeared in the first three 
volumes of Sprengel’s, Land- und Forstwissenschaftliche Zeitschrift, 
which formed the basis of his text-book issued in 1839 (see footnote 
1, p. 37). He also interested himself in, and wrote papers on, plant 
hybridization; the nature and origin of peat; and the inorganic 
constituents of plants. The following references give some few 
facts regarding him: Ascheron, P., and Graebner, P., Synopsis der 
Mittel-Europdischen Flora, 6:2: 1086, footnote, 1910; Flora, 
36 : 288, 1853; Bot. Zeit. 11 : 279, 280, 1853. A fine lithograph 
portrait is to be found in the Van Kaathoven collection of medical 
men in the library of the Surgeon General’s office, Washington, D. C. 

Woronin, Michael Stepanovitch 

Famintzin, A. S.: M.S. Woronin (Nekrolog), Trav. Imp. Soc. Nat., 
St. Petersburg, 34 : 210-222, 1903. (Portrait.) In Russian. 

Nawaschin, S.: Michael Woronin, Ber. Deut. Bot. Ges., 21 : (35)-(47), 

Smith, Erwin F.: Woronin, Phytopath., 2 : 1-4, 1912. (Portrait.) 


Zallinger, Johann Baptista 

Zallinger (Jean-Baptiste de Thurn). In, Biogr. Univers., 52 : 
55, 56, 1828. 

Poggendorff, S. C.: Zallinger zum Thurn. In, Biogr. Liter. Hand- 
wéorterbuch, 2 : 1390, 1863. 



America, rise and development of 
phytopathology in, 103 

American Phytopathological Soci- 
ety, establishment of, 110 

Ancient era, 14 

Anderson and Rankin, 115 

Apple, bitter pit of, McAlpine on, 

Arthur, 12, 67, 104 

Atkinson, 104 

BACTERIA and plant diseases, causal 
relation, discovery and establish- 
ment of, 66 

Berkeley, 28, 55 

Berlese, 97 

Bibliography, 116-126 
bibliographic, 118 
biographic, 118 
historic, 116 

Bitter pit of apple, McAlpine on, 92 

Blight, chestnut, epiphytotic of, 114 
fire, Burrill on, 66 

discovery of cause, 61 
potato, De Bary on, 45 

Blighting, Hesse on, 24 
von Ehrenfels on, 29 

Blodgett, 113 

Bolley, 105 

Bordeaux mixture, discovery of, by 
Millardet, 58, 63 

Bos, 90 

Botrytis sp. of lily, Ward on, 102 

Brefeld, 80 
Bulliard, 41 
Burdach, 32 
Burrill, 61, 66, 104 

CANKER, Hales on, 30 
Riedel on, 30 
Schreger on, 31 
von Ehrenfels on, 31 
Carleton, 60 
Cavara, 97 
Chestnut blight, epiphytotic of, 114 
Cleidemus, 15 
Clement-Miillet, 20 
Coler, 23 
Columella, 18 
Comes, 96 
Copper, substitution of sulfur for, 
as fungicide, 112 
Cordley, 112 : 
Crops, disease-resistant, develop- 
ment of, 113 
Crown gall, discovery of cause and 
nature, 109 
Smith on, 109 

Dark era, 20 

Darwin, 43 

De Bary, 45 

De Candolle, 34, 41 

De Tournefort, 26 

| Delacroix, 94 

'Disease-resistant crops, develop- 
| ment of, 113 



Dorrance, 12 
Dorsett, 60 
Dry rot of sugar beet, Frank on, 76 

ENTOPHYTES, Unger on, 35 
Entyloma Ranunculi, Ward on, 102 
Epiphytotic of chestnut blight, 114 
Era, Ancient, 14 

Dark, 20 

Middle, 20 

Modem, 41 

Premodern, 22 

Present, 108 
Eriksson, 85 
Evils, secret, 23 
Eysfarth, 26 

Fasricivs, 27 

Fairchild, 60 

Fire blight, Burrill on, 66 
discovery of cause, 61 

Forsyth, 30 

Frank, 57, 75 

Frankland, 42 

Fungi, parasitic, Tulasne on, 41 

GALL, crown, discovery of cause 
and nature, 109 
Smith on, 109 
Galloway, 60, 104 
Gnomonia erythrostoma, Frank on, 
Greene, 15, 17 

Hates, 30 

Hallier, 54 

Halstead, 105 

Hartig, 57, 72 

Hebraic period, 14 

Hemeleia vastatrix, Ward on, 1C0 
Hesse, 23 

Hollyhock rust, Eriksson on, 88 


Hort, 15 
Hyacinths, yellow disease of, Bur- 
rill on, 61 

Ipn-aL-Awam, 20 
Istvanfh, 92 

JEensEN, 12, 85 
Jones, 43, 104 

KircHNer, 77 
Klebahn, 79 
Kitichenmeister, 42 
Kihn, 26, 47 
Kiihnian period, 44 
summary, 57 


Léveillé, 41 

Lily, Botrytis sp. of, Ward on, 102 
Lind, 28 

Link, 41 

Linneus, 25 

Lutman, 104 

McAtpingE, 91 

Meyen, 37 

Middle Era, 20 

Millardet, 58, 63 

Millardetian period, 58 

Mixture, bordeaux, discovery of, 
by Millardet, 58, 63 

Modern Era, 41 

NIEtson, 85 
Prsrep, 54 
Orton, 114 
Owen, 42 

Parasitic fungi, Tulasne on, 41 
Pasteur, 42, 45 


Pathogenetist school, 71 
origin of, 44 
Pathology, plant. 
Period, Hebraic, 14 
Kihnian, 44 
summary, 57 
Millardetian, 58 
Plinian, 17 
Renaissance, 22 
Roman, 17 
taxonomic, 25 
Theophrastian, 14 
Ungerian, 33 
Zallingerian, 25 
characteristic features, 32 
Phoma betz, Frank on, 76 
Phylloxera, introduction 
France, 65 
Phytopathological Society, Amer- 
ican, establishment of, 110 
Phytopathology, 11 
ancient era, 14 
classification in, Fabricius’, 27 
Tournefort’s, 26 
Zallinger’s, 28 
Dark era, 20 
establishment of chairs in uni- 
versities, 109 
Hebraic period, 14 
Kiihn’s work on, synopsis of, 52 
Kiihnian period, 44 
Millardetian period, 58 
Modern era, 41 
Plinian period, 17 
Premodern era, 22 
Present era, 108 
Renaissance period, 22 
rise and development of, in Amer- 
ica, 59, 103 
Theophrastian period, 14 
Ungerian period, 33 

See Phyto path- 



' Phytopathology, United States 
Government sanction of, 62 
Zallingerian period, 25 
Phytophthora infestans, De Bary 
on, 45 
Ward on, 102 
' Pierce, 60 
Planchon, 65 
Plant diseases, bacterial etiology, 
discovery of, 61 
organisms of, Unger on, 35 
Industry, United States Bureau 
of, founding of, 60 
pathology. See Phytopathology. 
Plants, physiology of death of, 
Eysfarth’s, 27 
Plasmopara viticola, introduction 
into France, 65 
Plenck, 31 
Plinian period, 17 
Plinius Secundus, 17 
| Potato blight, De Bary on, 45 
Predispositionist school, 71 
Premodern era, 22 
Present era, 108 
Prillieux, 93 
Puccinia graminis, Ward on, 102 
Helianthi, Woronin on, 90 
malvacearum, Eriksson on, 88 

| QuARANTINE Act of 1912, United 
| States, 111 



| RANKIN and Anderson, 115 
‘Ravn, 85 

Ré, 12, 32 

Reddick, 113 
‘Renaissance period, 22 

Riedel, 30 

Roman period, 17 

Rostrup, 81, 82 

Rust, hollyhock, Eriksson on, 88 


Rust, Pliny on, 17 
Theophrastus on, 15 

SAVASTANO, 20, 96 

Schleiden, 34 

Schreger, 31 

Sclerotinia cinerea, Woronin on, 90 
fructigena, Woronin on, 90 

Scott, 112 

Scribner, 59, 104 

Secret evils, 23 

Selby, 106 

Siebold, 42 

Smith, 60, 61, 104 

Sorauer, 57, 98 

Sporodesmium exitosum, Kiihn on, 

Sprengel, 34 

Stcenstrup, 42 

Stewart, 106, 113 ; 

Sugar-beet, dry rot of, Frank on, 76 

Sulfur, substitution for copper as 
fungicide, 112 

Swingle, 60 

Taxonomic period, 25 
Theophrastian period, 14 
Theophrastus of Eresus, 15 
Tree cement, Forsyth’s, 30 
Tulasne, 41 


UnceEr, 34 
Ungerian period, 33 
characteristic features, 40 
' United States Bureau of Plant In- 
dustry, founding of, 60 
Government sanction of phy- 
topathology, 62 
Quarantine Act of 1912, 111 

von AUERSBERG, 28 
von Fhrenfels, 29, 31 
von Liebig, 45 

von Werneck, 32 

Warrr, 60, 67 
Wakker, 61, 68 
Ward, 17, 88, 100 
Webber, 60 
Wiegmann, 36 
Woods, 60 
Woronin, 88 

YELLow disease of hyacinths, Bur- 
rill on, 61 

Zallingerian period, 25 
| characteristic features, 32 


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Saunders’ College Text-Books 5 

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Saunders’ College Text-Books il 

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