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Full text of "The mushroom book. A popular guide to the identification and study of our commoner Fungi, with special emphasis on the edible varieties"

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Cornell University 

The original of this book is in 
the Cornell University Library. 

There are no known copyright restrictions in 
the United States on the use of the text. 


Courtesy of Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell. 

See page go 


Amanitopsis parcivolvata, Pk, 
See page 55. 

Copyright, 1901, 1904, by 
Doubleday, Page & Company 

Norwood Press: 
Berwick & Smith Co., Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. 






Copyright, 1901, 1904, by 
Doubleday, Page & Company 

Nortoood Press : 
Berwick & Smith Co., Norwood, Mass., U.S.A. 


Tue author of this book 
makes no claim to the discovery 
of the facts presented. The ma- 
terial has all been drawn from 
monographs written by men 
who have made specialties of 
the different divisions of fungi. 
A list of works consulted is 
given at the close of this book. 
The plates are reproductions of 
photographs made by Mr. J. A. 
Anderson, and coloured by Miss 
H. C. Anderson. They are as 
true to nature as it is possible to 
make them with the best meth- 
ods of reproduction now known, 
and by them alone an acquaint- 
ance with many species may be 

Many of the cuts have been 
redrawn by the author from vari- 
ous reliable sources, and many 
have been drawn directly from 
nature. With a few exceptions, 
the line drawings of sections 
were made from the specimens 
photographed. It has been the 
aim of the author to write a book 
simple enough to serve as a 
source of knowledge for the 
many who, though busy with 
other pursuits, yet take an in- 
terest in science and wish to 
obtain information about the 
fungi, either for the sake of 
using them as food, or for the 


Coprinus comatus. 

Courtesy of Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell 

See page go 


pleasure which an acquaintance with their habits and home life 
may give. A great effort has been made not to sacrifice accuracy 
in this attempt. 

The number of species of the fungi is so great that to de- 
scribe them all would necessitate a book of huge dimensions, so 
that it has seemed best simply to give a general idea of the 
characteristics upon which the larger groups, the classes, orders, 
and genera, are based, by describing some of the species in each. 
Seven genera of the Spore-sac Fungi are illustrated with ten 
species, and thirty-five genera of the Basidiomycetes with 
seventy-three species, making a total of eighty-three species 
represented by photographs in colour and half-tone. 

In addition a number of species are given in rough pen 
drawings, with sufficient accuracy for identification, and many 
species have been described without illustration. 

An effort has been made to describe the species in terms 
intelligible to the average reader without constant reference to 
an unabridged dictionary, and, whenever possible, the terms have 
been illustrated by line cuts. 

Although the technical names necessarily used are a serious 
hindrance to the popularization of the study of fungi, it has 
seemed best, in most cases, to give only the Latin form of the 
names of species, since, by so doing, there will be less danger 
of confusing harmless species with those which are harmful; and, 
also, if their Latin names are adhered to, one will find it much 
simpler to consult the scattered literature on this subject, as this 
nomenclature is used by all naturalists of whatever nationality. 

That the pronunciation of names may be rendered as simple 
as possible, each vowel has been marked long or short. These 
vowel-marks are not necessarily indicative of the true syllabic 
quantity, but are rather diacritical points denoting the popular 
pronunciation by the English system. Each word has been 
divided into syllables according to the accepted rules, and an 
accent has been placed on the syllables to be accented, 

The author is under deep obligations to Professor Lucien M, 
Underwood, of Columbia University, for aid and encouragement 
in the work of this book, and for his cheerful willingness at all 
times to assist in the search for material and in the work of 
revising proof. 



Thanks are also due to Professor Charles H. Peck, the New 
York State Botanist, for his kind assistance in identifying many 
of the specimens illustrated. 

A list of books consulted has been placed at the end of the 
book, for the benefit of those who may wish to pursue the study 


Coprinus comatus. 

Courtesy of Agricultural Experiment Station, Cornell University. 

See page go 


CHAPTER I: THe Homes anp Hasits OF FUNGI 

CHAPTER III: From Spore To MusHroom 

What a key is, and why a name is desirable 
How a key for fungi is made, and why it is 

desirable . 
The Key 

CHAPTER V: Func! with GILLs 

Genus Amanita é 
Death Cup; Poison Am: anita. 
Fly Amanita . 
Orange Amanita 

Comparison of Three Yellow “‘Amanitas 

Genus Cantharellus 
Cantharellus floccosus . 
Genus Amanitopsis 
The Sheathed Amanitopsis 
Amanitopsis parcivolvata 
Genus Mycena : 
Mycena hematopoda 
Genus Lentinus 
Scaly Lentinus 
Genus Pleurotus . 
Oyster Mushroom . 
Pleurotus sapidus . 
Elm Pleurotus 
Genus Hygrophorus ‘ 
Chanterelle Hygrophorus 



Vermilion Hygrophorus 
Ivory Hygrophorus 
Genus Armillaria 
doney-coloured Armillaria 
Genus Lepiota 
Parasol Mushroom; Tall Lapiota 
Smooth Lepiota 
Lepiota Friesii 
Genus Marasmius 
Fairy-ring Mushroom 
Genus Collybia 
Collybia familia 
Genus Panus 
Genus Trogia ‘ 
Genus Schizophyllum . 
Genus Omphalia . 
Genus Russula 
Emetic Russula 
Green Russula; Verdette 
Variable Russula_ . 
Genus Clitocybe . 
Clitocybe laccata . 
Clitocybe virens 
Genus Tricholoma 
Masked Tricholoma 
Craterellus cantharellus . 


Genus Agaricus . 
Comparison of Eight Agatici . 
Common Mushroom : 
Rodman’s Mushroom 
Agaricus abruptus 

Genus Hypholoma 
Perplexing Hypholoma . 
Comparison of Six Hypholomas 
Uncertain Hypholoma . 
Hypholoma sublateritium 

Genus Stropharia 


Genus Psathyra . : é ‘ ‘ . 82 
Genus Psilocybe . : . z : é . 82 
Genus Pilosace . ’ : ; i ; . 82 
Genus Deconica . : : ; ‘ ; y 182 
Genus Chitonia . : : ‘ ‘ : « 83 

Genus Pholiola . . ‘ : : . . 83 
Fat Pholiota . 5 ' : : : . 83 
Early Pholiota . ‘ : ; ; . 84 
Pholiota aggericola ; F ; ‘ . 84 
Genus Cortinarius. : . ; . 85 
Cortinarius alboviolaceus ‘ ‘ ‘ . 86 

Genus Pluteus . ; : : : . 87 
Fawn-coloured Pluteus . : . : . 87 
Genus Entoloma . ; ; . : : . 88 
Genus Eccilia . : . 5 : . 88 
Genus Volvaria . ; . ‘ ’ ; . 88 
Genus Clitopilus . ; i : e ; . 88 

Genus Coprinus . : : ‘ ‘ . . 89 
Ink Caps ‘ . 89 
Shaggy-mane; Horsetail Maned Agaric - 90 
Inky Coprinus : : ‘ , : . gi 
Glistening Coprinus. ‘ ‘ ‘ # “91 
Genus Gomphidius . ‘ ‘ : é - 92 
Genus Psathyrella 3 : F F : - 92 
Genus Paneolus . : ; ; . . & 92 


Genus Lactarius . . . F . : . 92 
Peppery Lactarius . : : ; ‘ - 92 
Lactarius ligniotus . ‘ : : ‘ - 93 
CHAPTER VI: Funct with TEETH—HyDNACEZ . - 94 
Genus Hydnum . : ‘ . . : - 95 
Spreading Hydnum : ‘ ‘ - 95 

White Hydnum . ‘ : ‘ ; - 95 



Hydnum imbricatum 
Bear’s-head Hydnum 
Medusa’s Head 
Hedgehog Hydnum 
Coral Hydnum 

CHAPTER VII: Fairy CLuss aNnD CoraL Funci—CLa- 

Genus Physalacria 

Genus Pistillaria . 

Genus Typhula 

Genus Sparassis . 

Genus Pterula 

Genus Lachnocladium . 

Genus Clavaria : 
Pale Yellow Clavaria 
Golden Clavaria 
Red-tipped Clavaria 
Crested Clavaria , 
Pistil Clavaria ; Large Club 
Clavaria fellea : 
Clavaria formosa 

CHAPTER VIII: Funct with PorEs—BOLeTACcEz ; Po.y- 
PORACEA ; ; ; F 
Boletacee.. ; 
Genus Fistulina . 
Genus Boletinus . 
Painted Boletinus . 
Genus Boletus 
Boletus glabellus 
Boletus bicolor 
Boletus cyanescens 
Boletus pallidus 
Boletus mutabilis . 
Boletus speciosus . 
Golden-flesh Boletus 
Boletus radicans 
Boletus Peckii 

Boletus calopus 



Purple Boletus. : : . ; . 107 
Boletus Satanus_. : ; ‘ : . 107 
Bitter Boletus : ; : . . . 107 
Boletus scaber : : : ' ? . 108 
Orange-cap Boletus. : ‘ ‘ . 108 
Chestnut Boletus . ; ‘ ; i . 108 
Boletus eximius . ‘ : ‘ : . 108 
Edible Boletus 2 : ; ‘ ‘ . 109 
Boletus subtomentosus . : : : . 109 
Boletus Americanus’. : 5 : . 109 
Polyporacee . : 3 : ‘ ‘ : . 109 
Genus Merulius . : ‘ ; : . . 110 
Genus Polyporus . : : : : F . 110 
Polyporus applanatus  . ‘ : : . 110 
Polyporus fomentarius . : ; : . 110 
Polyporus conchatus  . . ; ; . Ill 
Polyporus velutinus . : ‘ : . ITI 
Polyporus pergamenus . : ; ‘ . Ill 
Polyporus perennis ‘ : : ‘ . It 
Polyporus sulphureus_ . : 2 : . 1 
Polyporus squamosus . : ‘ : . 112 
Polyporus lucidus. : ; ‘ 3 » 12 
Polyporus arcularius. ; : ; . 112 
Polyporus versicolor. ‘ : : = 2 
Polyporus circinatus . ‘ ; . . 113 
Genus Trametes . ‘ : ; : . . 113 
Genus Lenzites . F : : : : . 113 
Lenzites betulina . : : : . . 113 
Lenzites separia . ; 3 , : . 114 
Genus Dedalea . P : ‘ : : . 114 
Dedalea unicolor . : . ; ‘ . 114 
Dedalea confragosa_ : : : . 114 
Dedalea quercina . : : : ; . 114 
Genus Favolus . , ‘ : ‘ ' 115 
Jew’s Ear, or Judas’s Ear. : . ‘ . 116 
Tremellodon : ‘ ‘ ; : : . 116 

Guepina. 2 . : . ‘ F . 116 




Genus Phallus. F : ‘ ‘ : . 117 
Stinkhorns . ; : ; : : . 17 

Phallus impudicus : ‘ ‘ . . 119 

Genus Dictyophora . : ? : ‘ . 120 
Dictyophora Ravenelii . : : . 120 
Dictyophora duplicata . ‘ : : . 120 

Mutinus caninus . i ‘ : , . 120 

Family Clathracee . ‘ é ; ‘ ; . 121 
Latticed Clathrus . : ‘ . : . 121 
Clathrus columnatus : : : . 121 
Anthurus borealis . ’ : ‘ . . 121 
Simblum rubescens : : . ‘ . 122 
CHAPTER XI: PUuFFBALLS : : : : : . 123 
Order Lycoperdales . : : ; : : . 123 
Genus Lycoperdon : : : 5 : . 124 
Pear-shaped Puffball. ‘ : ; » 125 

Pinkish Puffball. : ‘ : : . 125 

Genus Calvatia . : : . : : . 126 
Brain-shaped Calvatia. : ‘ : . 126 

Giant Puffball ; : i ; : . 127 
Cup-shaped Puffball ; : : - 128 

Genus Bovista . : : ; : : . 128 
Genus Bovistella . ‘ ‘ ‘ : j . 129 
Bovistella Ohiensis : ‘ : : . 129 

Genus Geaster  . ‘ : : : . . 129 
Earth-stars . : 3 . , : . 129 

The Smallest Earth-star : : ; - 130 
Water-measuring Earth-star . ‘ : . 130 

Genus Calostoma : : 3 : ; . 131 
Calostoma lutescens.. : ; : . 132 
Calostoma Ravenelii . : ; : . 132 
Calostoma cinnabarinum : p : . 132 

Order Nidulariales . : : : ; : - 133 
Genus Spherobolus . : ‘ : . - 133 
Genus Nidularia : ‘ : ; : - 133 
Genus Cyathus . : : : : : . 133 

Genus Crucibulum é é : ‘ . 133 



Order Sclerodermatales . ‘ : ‘ ‘ . 133 
Genus Scleroderma. : : ' ‘ . 133 
Scleroderma vulgare. ; : ‘ . 134 
Order Tuberales—Truffles . : : : : . 135 
Order Hypocreales . ‘ : ‘ : . 136 
Genus Xylaria . ‘ ‘ : ; p . 136 
Order Spheriales ; : : : : . 136 
Order Pezigales—Cup fungi : ‘ , : . 137 
Peziza odorata... ‘ : : ‘ . 137 

Golden Peziza : : F ‘ ‘ . 138 

Order Helvellales : oa . 138 
Family Geoglossacee-—Ear th Tongues ; : . 138 
Genus Spathularia ; : : . . 138 
Velvety Spathularia ; : : ; . 138 
Spathularia clavata 4 : ; ; . 139 

Genus Geoglossum : : 2 ‘ : . 139 
Geoglossum hirsutum . : ; , - 139 
Geoglossum glabrum_ . : , ‘ . 139 

Genus Vibrissea . i ‘ ; : . . 139 
Vibrissea truncorum ‘ ; : . 139 
Vibrissea circinans : ‘ : ; . 140 

Genus Mitrula . ‘ 2 ; ‘ . . 140 
Irregular Mitrula . : . : 3 . 140 

Family Helvellacee—Morels . ‘ . : . 140 
Genus Gyromitra . ; : : : : . 14! 
Gyromitra esculenta. : . ‘ . 41 

Genus Morchella . . : : . ; . 141 
Genus Helvella . : ; i ‘ ‘ . 142 
Helvella elastica . ; : ; . 142 

Helvella lacunosa . : ‘ : : - 143 
CHAPTER XIII: Stimz FuNGImMyxomyceTEs . ‘ . 144 
Collector’s notes . : . : : : : - 145 
Collector’s outfit . : : . : ; : . 147 
Care of specimens ‘ F F P : : . 147 
Collecting spores ; . : : : ‘ . 147 

The search fora name . ; . go . 149 



The preparation of rough-dried plants for the herbarium 149 
Mounting . : : : : : ‘ P . 149 
Sections. : : j : . 150 
Poisoning herbarium specimens : i ; . 150 
Cautions for the inexperienced . ; : ‘ . 151 
The food value of fungi . : ‘ ; » 152 
To keep mushrooms temporarily : ‘ ‘ . 153 
To prepare the edible agarics for cooking. ? . 153 
To toast agarics . : : ; : : : . 153 
To bake agarics . . ‘ : ; , : - 153 
To broil agarics . . : . ; ; . - 153 
Mushrooms stewed. A ‘ ‘ . : . 153 
To prepare russulas_ . ‘ : . ‘ . 154 
To prepare fungi with milky j fies ‘ . : . 154 
Lactarius deliciosus_ . . . : - 154 
Lactarius volemus : . : . . . 154 

To prepare amanitas . : : ‘ , . - 154 
To prepare chanterelles : : . : : . 154 
To fry chanterelles . . : : ‘ ‘ - 154 
To prepare coprini—ink caps. . . : - 154 
To prepare boleti : : F : : . - 154 
To prepare Hydnum repandum . ‘ : ; . 154 
To prepare morels. : ; : : . 154 
To prepare beefsteak fungus ; : : : » 155 
For salad. : ‘ ‘ : ‘ ‘ . 155 
Minced ‘ . ‘ ; : ‘ , ~ 155 

To prepare gyromitras . - 155 
To prepare woody pore-bearing fungi—Poly pore » 155 
To prepare clavarias and branched hydnums . - 155 
To cook clavarias : : ; , ; : » 155 
To prepare puffballs. : ‘ 4 ‘ a - 155 
To cook puffballs : : ‘ : : : - 155 
To cook the giant puffball . : ‘ : P . 155 
Puffball salad. : 5 : ; : : - 155 


INDEX AND GLOSSARY . : : : : : ; . 61 





. Amanitopsis parcivolvata, Pk. (see p. 55) Frontispiece 


. Death Cup; Poison Amanita (Amanita phalloides, Fr.) 
. Fly Amanita (Amanita muscaria, L.), poisonous 

. Orange Amanita (Amanita Czsarea, Scop.), edible 

. Strangled Amanitopsis (Amanitopsis strangulata, Fr. 

Roze), edible 

. Sheathed Amanitopsis (Amanitopsis sianats Roze), 


. Helmet Mycena ‘osetia aleuietliaa Seat edible 

Scaly Lentinus (Lentinus lepideus, Fr.), edible 
Oyster Mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus, Fr.), edible 

(see p. 57) 

. Golden-flesh Boletus (Boletus eon Fr.) 

(see p. 106) ; : : é 

Vermilion Hygrophorus (Hygrophorus miniatus, Fr.), 

Chantarelle Hygrophorus (ereahonie cantbapallas: 
Schw.), edible (see p. 59) : 

Fat Pholiota (Pholiota adiposa, Fr.), edible (see p. 83) 

Honey-coloured Armillaria (Armillaria mellea, Vahl.), 

Grainy Lepiota eee granosa, ree a” : 

Smooth Lepiota (Lepiota naucinoides, Pk.), edible 

Parasol Mushroom (Lepiota procera, Scop.), edible 
(see p. 63) 

Lepiota Friesii, Lasch 4 

Cortinarius alboviolaceus, Fr. (see p. 86) 


List of Plates 




















Spotted Collybia (Collybia maculata, A. and S.) 

Broad-gilled Collybia (Collybia platyphylla, Fr.) 

Collybia familia, Pk. (edible) 

Clitocybe laccata, Scop., edible (see p. 53) 

Emetic Russula (Russula emetica, Schaeff.), 
(dangerous ) : : 

Green Russula (Russula virescens, Fr.), edible j 

Deceiving Clitocybe (Clitocybe illudens, Schw.) 

Clitocybe virens, Scop. (edible) . 

Masked Tricholoma (Tricholoma personatum, 
Fr.; var. bulbosum, Pk.), edible . 

Pholiota aggericola, Peck (see p. 84) 

Craterellus cantharellus, Schw. (edible) 

Agaricus campestris, L., edible (see p. 76) 

Agaricus abruptus, Pk. (edible) . 
Field Mushroom (Agaricus campestris, L.), edible 
(uncultivated) F : 
Rodman’s Mushroom (Agaricus pace Pk.), 

Rodman’s Mushroom fraiatare) 

Agaricus abruptus, Pk. (edible) 

Perplexing Hypholoma (Hypholoma Sete ean, 
Pk.), harmless 

Uncertain Hypholoma iFippialon incertum, Pk. ‘ 
edible . : 

Brick Top (Hypholoma sublateritium, Schaeff.), 
edible . 

Ivory Hygrophorus Gs ctootiaias ences Fr), 
edible (see p. 61) 

Early Pholiota (Pholiota precox, Pers. ), saibie 

Dog Cortinarius (Cortinarius caninus, Fr.) 

Zoned Cortinarius (Cortinarius armillatus, A. and 
S., Fr.) 






















List of Plates 


Fawn-coloured Pluteus (Pluteus  cervinus, 
Schaeff.), edible : ; ; 

Inky Coprinus (Coprinus atramentarius, Fr. ; var. 
silvestris, Pk.), edible (see p. 91) 

Inky Coprinus (Coprinus atramentarius, Fr.), 

Peppery Lactarius (Lactarius peratus Scribe 
edible : ‘ 

Mycena hematopoda, oe oo p. ss) 
Lactarius ligniotus, Fr. ; 
Bear’s-head (Hydnum caput-ursi, Fr.), edible 

Coral Hydnum (Hydnum coralloides, auiuiay 

Little Tongue Clavaria (Clayatta ‘Mouls Fr. ) 

Golden Clavaria (Clavaria aurea, Schaeff.), 

Clavaria formosa, Pers., edible : 

Cone-like Boletus peerree strobilaceus, 

Painted Boletinus (Boletinus cue Pk.), edible 

Spreading Hydnum (Hydnum repandum, L.), 
edible (see p.95) . : ‘ ‘ 

Bitter Boletus (Boletus felleus, Bull. ; var. obesus, 
Pk.) . : : : : 

Scabrous-stemmed Boletus (Botetis scaber, Fr. ; 
var. niveus, Gill.) : ; 

Tinder-wood Polyporus (Elfingia fornia Le 
Fomes fomentarius, Gill., Polyporus fomen- 
tarius, Fr.) . 

Polyporus versicolor, Fr. 

Polyporus circinatus, Fr. (see p. 11 as 

Lenzites betulina, Fr. 

Dedalea quercina, L., Pers. G 

Jew’s Ear (Hirneola auricula-Judz), L., Berk. 





‘List of Plates 












Xylaria (see p. 136) 

Phallus impudicus, L. ‘ P ; : : 

Pear-shaped Puffball (Lycoperdon pyriforme, 
Schaeff.), edible ‘ : : : 

Brain Puffball (Calvatia craniformis, Schw.), 

Bovistella Ohiensis (Ellis ana Me edible 
(see p. 129) 

Cup-shaped Calvatia (Calvatia vetiaioenit, pies), 
edible ‘ : ‘ 

Least Earth-star (Geaster minimus, Betray: ) 

Water-measuring Earth-star (Geaster hygromet- 
ricus, Pers.) . : 

Bird’s Nest (Cyathus vernicosus, D. C.) hee 
Pp. 133) 

Calostoma Ravenelli, Berk., ies 

Calostoma lutescens, Schw., Burnap 

Calostoma cinnabarinum, Desv. 

Spathularia velutipes, C. and F. (see p. 1538) 

Flesh-coloured Puffball (Lycoperdon subincar- 
natum, Pk.), edible (see p. 125) : 

Young Pear-shaped Puffball (Lycoperdon pyri- 
forme, Schaeff.), edible (see p. 125) 

Hard-skinned Puffball (Scleroderma vulgare, Fr.) 

Cordyceps capitala (Holmsk., Lk.), parasitic on 
Elaphomyces : 

Lycogola epidendron (see "1 144) 

Floccose Chanterelle (Cantharellus  floccosus, 
Schw.), edible (see p. 53) 

Mutinus caninus, Huds. (see p. 120) 

Slippery Leotia (Leotia lubrica), edible . ‘ 

Jelly-like Tremellodon (Tremellodon gelatinosum) 

Golden Peziza (Peziza aurantia, Pers.), edible 











List of Plates 

LXI. Peziza odorata, Pk., edible (See p. 137) ; . 138 
LXII. Helvella elastica, Bull. (see p. 142) ; , . 140 
Helvella lacunosa, Holm. (see p- 143) . : . 140 
Mitrula vitellina, Sacc., var. irregularis, Pk. . . 140 
LXIII. Delicious Morel (Morchella deliciosa, Fr.), edible . 142 
Polyporus arcularius, Batsch, Fr. (see p. 112) . 142 

LXIV. Bristly Panus (Panus strigosus, B. and C.) (see 
p. 67) . < é ‘ ‘ ; : » 145 



Coprinus comatus, Fr. (old). ; . ; : 2 i 
Coprinus comatus, Fr. (mature) . F ‘ : ‘ ‘ Vv 
Coprinus comatus, Fr. wae ‘ : : : . . Viii 
Puffball =. : ; ; ‘ : ‘ ‘ » 4, 25 

Corollas and ened attractive to insects 5 
Ingenious stamens. : ; ‘ 5 
Pistil of violet. 3 : ; c : . 3 6 
Seed-box of iris . 6 
Pistil of St. Johnswort 6 
f Seed-box of sacred bean : ; : : ‘ 6 
Winged seed of the silver fir. : : : ; . 6 
Fern with spores (Polypodium vulgare) 6 
Grass spikelet ‘ 7 
Liverwort (Marchantia nobrnceotey 7 
Bean seed to show embryo 7 
Indian pipe ‘ : ‘ 7 
Moss (Dicranum scoparium) (natural size) 8 
White mould on dead fly . 8 

Spores borne in delicate membranous sacs . : ; -9, 17 
-Bread mould. : : : : : . : 9 
Spores borne on little pieuteg : . ‘ : . +9, 17 
Spores as simple cells : : : ; : : ee 
Spores divided into several cells : : ; : . re 
Mycelial threads . : . ; . : ‘ a Gl 
Mushroom buttons . ‘. . . : ; . ae ©) 

Young mushroom. ‘ F : ‘ . : . oI 
Puffball . F : F ‘ ‘ F . , < a2 




? Phallus impudicus  . 

List of Illustrations in Text 

24, 27, 119 


Mushroom to show veil. . ‘ : 12 
Mushroom to show cap, ring, gills, and stem 12 
Mushroom to show veil on stem and cap . 12 
Section across gill (magnified) P 12 
A smali portion of section of gill (highly auld ed) . 13 
Corn smut . ‘ 13, 22 
Leaf rust on Hepatica triloba : , 13;.22 
Pouch-fungus, section to show spores in hollow rind 14 
Section to show gills . 14 
Section of a Boletus, to show pores 14, 102 
Clavaria with spores on spines . 14 
Section of Hydnum, to show teeth 14 
Section of stroma with perithecia (magnified) 18 
Perithecium (highly magnified) . ‘ 18 
Outer surface of truffle 18 
Section of truffle 18 
Fleshy cup-like fungi 19, 20 
Club-shaped fungus : 19, 21 
Conic, convex, and pitted fungus 19-21 
Fungus with gyrose furrows 19, 20 
Saddle-shaped fungus : é 19, 20 
Fungus with spore surface flat, running down the sides .  2i 
Fungus with gills 22, 30 
Fungus with pores 23, 42 
Fungus with spines . e233 
Calostoma 23, 29 
Geaster 23, 28 
Nidularia 23, 24 
Clathrus cancellatus . 24, 26, 121 
Simblum rubescens 24, 26, 122 
Anthurus borealis 24, 26, 121 
Mutinus, 27 

Embryo plant of Mutinus caninus 

Scleroderma vulgare . 

Section of Scleroderma vulgare . 

Mutinus caninus, young plant; embryo plant 


Section of Bovista (diagrammatic) 


Section of Calvatia 


Section of Lycoperdon (diagrammatic) 

Bovistella . i 
Section of Bovistella . 

Section of Hydnum 

Cap of Hydnum imbricatum 

Cap with striations on the margin 

Bracket fungus . 
Resupinate fungus 

%° Boletus Satanus. 
Polyporus quercina 
Pleurotus, stem central 
Pleurotus, stem eccentric 
Pleurotus, stem wanting 
Gills toothed, Lentinus 
Lamelle entire 
Stem eccentric . 
Lamellz simple . 

Fungus with volva and annulus. 

‘Volva, but no annulus 
Annulus, but no volva 
Lamelle free from stem 
Annulus movable 


List of Illustrations in Text 





. 30, 40, 




List of Illustrations in Text 

Lamelle united with stem . ‘i : F ‘ : - 34 
Lamelle decurrent . ‘3 ‘4 ‘ - - 35, 37, 39, 40 
Lamelle adnate . ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 3 ‘ - 35, 37 39 

Lamellz sinuate : ‘ : A : : - - 35 
Volva wanting; annulus wanting . ; - : » 35 
Lamellz in shallow folds. : : ‘ 3 ; . 36 
‘\Volva present; annulus wanting . : ; : g. 37 
Volva none; annulus none. ‘ ‘ : ; . x BF 
Annulus arachnoid. . F : : : : . 38 
Lamelle adnate é : j ‘ ; : : . 38 
Veil remaining on stem as annulus. : : ; - 39 
Volva none : : . . ‘ , ‘ : - 39 
Veil attached to margin of pileus : ‘ : c - 39 
Lamellz deliquescent : : ‘ i . ‘ - 40 
Spores fusiform . é : : ; ‘ : : - 40 
Spores globose . P , ; ; : . ; . 40 
Hydnum with central stem é ; : ; ‘ - i 
Branched Hydnum_. : : ; ; ; : . i 
Lamellz labyrinthine, woody. i . ; ‘ » 43 
Lamelle radial, woody. : ; : : , - 43 
Pores long-hexagonal : : . . . : - 43 
Pores in the form of tubes, stem lateral . : : - 44 
Pores in the form of tubes, stem central. : : - 44 
Section of young Amanita in wrapper : : ‘ OAT 
Young Amanita in wrapper ‘ ‘ : : : - 47 
Young Amanita in ruptured wrapper : . ; - 47 
Section of Amanita muscaria_.. 3 ‘ : : - 47 
Cap striate, and free from warts . : : : . n°) 
Section of Amanita Czsarea : . : < . - 50 
Young plant of Amanita Czsarea : : F : - 50 
Section of Cantharellus floccosus . ; . . - 53 
Section of Amanitopsis vaginata ‘ : . ‘ - 54 
Section of Amanitopsis parcivolvata . ; ‘ : » 55 


List of Illustrations in Text 

Section of Lentinus lepideus 
Section of Pleurotus ostreatus 
Section of Pleurotus sapidus 
Section of Pleurotus ulmarius 
Section of Hygrophorus miniatus 
Section of Hygrophorus eburneus 
Section of Armillaria mellea 
Section of Lepiota procera . 
Section of Lepiota naucinoides 
Section of Collybia familia . 
Section of Russula emetica 
Section of Russula virescens 
Section of Clitocybe laccata ‘ j 
Section of Tricholoma personatum (var. bulbosum) 
Section of Craterellus cantharellus 
Section of Agaricus Rodmani 
Section of Agaricus abruptus 
Section of Hypholoma perplexum 
Section of Hypholoma incertum 
Section of Hypholoma sublateritium . 
Section of Pholiota adiposa 
Section of Pholiota preecox 
Section of Cortinarius violaceus . 
Section of Pluteus cervinus 
Section of Lactarius piperatus 
Section of Hydnum repandum 
Section of Hydnum caput-ursi 
Boletus Satanus F ‘ 
Under surface of Lenzites betulina 
Favolus areolarius 

Section of young phallus 

Mutinus bambusinus . 




List of Illustrations in Text 

Section of Lycoperdon (diagrammatic) 

Asci and paraphyses . ‘ : 
Section of truffle to show position of asci . 
Truffle, ascoma . ‘ 

Fungus growing on caterpillar ; 
Section of Peziza odorata to show two layers 
Gyromitra esculenta . 

Morchella esculenta. ‘ ‘ J 
Section of Morchella deliciosa . 4 - 
Helvella : : ji 

Helvella lacunosa (diagrammatic) 




For centuries epicures have used certain fungi for food. 
The Greeks and Romans esteemed them highly, and gave a great 
deal of consideration to favourable times and places for gathering 
them, and to choice methods of preparing them for the table. 
Juvenal tells us of one old Roman enthusiast who was so carried 
away by his love for them as to exclaim, ‘‘Keep your corn, O 
Libya, unyoke your oxen, provided only you send us mush- 
rooms!” Horace says that mushrooms which grow in the fields 
are the best, and that one can have but little faith in other kinds. 
Mushroom eaters of the present day would perhaps not agree 
with him, for they find edible species in every imaginable place 
where fungi grow, and are constantly adding to their list new 
varieties which they esteem delicious. 

Although for centuries it has been known that some fungi 
contain most virulent poisons, still, through ignorance of those 
points which distinguish the poisonous from the edible, frequent 
cases of poisoning occur in all classes of society. The mistakes 
resulting in death have been frequent enough to inspire the timid 
with an overpowering dread of all fungi, while the damp and 
grewsome places in which many fungi flourish have caused them 
to be despised by others. The following lines from Shelley very 
aptly express the general sentiment : ; 

“ And plants, at whose names the verse feels loath, 
Fill’d the place with a monstrous undergrowth, 
Prickly and pulpous, and blistering and blue, 
Livid, and starr’d with a lurid dew. 


The Homes and Habits of Fungi 

‘* And agarics and fungi, with mildew and mould, 
Started like mist from the wet ground cold ; 
Pale, fleshy, as if the decaying dead 
With a spirit of growth had been animated.” 

Suettey: ‘‘ The Sensitive Plant.” 

To many people the only growths known as fungi are toad- 
stools and mushrooms. They give the name mushrooms to the 
species known to them as edible, and regard all other similar 
growths as toadstools, things uncanny or poisonous. 

“ The grisly todestool grown there mought I see, 
And loathed paddocks [toads] lording on the same.” 

SPENSER’s ‘‘ Faerie Queene.” 

This distinction has no scientific basis, and in fact most of 
the species called toadstools are edible. Fungi are not always 
the grewsome things of Shelley and Spenser. In their ranks are 
many which delight the eye with their colouring and the sym- 
metry of their forms. They are the grotesques of nature; nests, 
hoofs, cups, umbrellas, shells, and clubs are represented, together 
with spheres, hemispheres, cones, and many other geomet- 
rical figures. The mildew on the linen, the mould on food, 
the rusts and smuts which blight our fields of grain, and the dry 
rot which crumbles our lumber to dust and which causes old 
wood in dark places to glow with a weird, pale, flickering light, 
are all forms of one group or another of these plants which prey 
upon living or dead organic matter. In ordinary observation, 
only the simpler and more noticeable fungi are taken into account, 
but they are in reality met with in almost every situation imagin- 
able. They are found in damp cellars and in rooms shut off 
from the light ; in fact, some form of fungus will be found in 
every place and on everything which is not exposed to a circula- 
tion of fresh air. 

In woods and open fields the attractive forms are found. In 
shady woods the beautiful white ‘‘bear’s head” hangs on stately 
tree trunks, and the ‘‘destroying angels” gleam white in the 
shadows on the ground. Shelving brackets, green or red or 
brown, encircle old stumps, or stand out stiff and white from 
the crumbling trunks of fallen moss-grown monarchs of the 
forest, while wood-brown toadstools huddle in groups among 


The Homes and Habits of Fungi 

the fallen leaves. On the outskirts of the wood, green and red 
Russulas vie with the flowers in the brilliancy of their colouring. 
Pink or violet Clavarias, dainty corals, border the wood path, and 
golden Clavarias lighten up the sombre wood tints with their 
yellow branches. In dry pastures and along wood roads, puff- 
balls, large and small, send up their puffs of brown smoke, to the 
delight of every passing child who strikes them with a wand. 
On lawns and hillsides the Oreades cause fairy rings to grow. 
The fairy rings are circles, or parts of circles, of impoverished grass 
of a lighter colourand less luxuriant growth than that of the grass 
immediately surrounding the circle. Before the existence of fairy 
folk came to be doubted, it was firmly believed that these fairy 
rings were the dancing grounds of the fairies. 

‘* The nimble elves 
That do by moonshine green sour ringlets make 
Whereof the ewe bites not ; whose pastime ’tis 
To make these midnight mushrooms,” 


The rings on the commons increase in size until sometimes 
two or more rings intersect to form a labyrinth of green network. 
Rings appear year after year in the same place, and then disap- 
pear, to reappear after an interval of a few seasons. As long as 
the fairies existed in the imaginations of the people, it was easy to 
account for these strange happenings—the fairies danced in the 
moonshine, and the grass was worn down under their feet. If 
they were displeased and left the neighbourhood, the rings disap- 
peared too. As this fancy was given up, other solutions of the 
mystery were sought. Some believed that the ring was caused 
by a thunder-bolt entering the ground at this spot, and still others 
were confident that it was caused by moles. The true solution 
is not hard to find, to one familiar with the habit of growth of the 
fungus plant. One fungus plant growing alone upon the lawn 
will soon exhaust the soil directly beneath it of all true fungus 
food. Of all the spores which fall from the parent plant only 
those will grow which fall without this impoverished spot, and 
so a ring of toadstools is formed. Again, only those spores 
which fall outside the ring will find good fungus food, and so 
the ring widens always outward, forming a perfect circle, unless 
something on one side or other interferes with its travels. The 


The Homes and Habits of Fungi 

decaying ring of fungi temporarily stimulates the grass around it, 
so that its rich colour stands out in circles or arcs of circles against 
the less highly nourished grass. Such rings are conspicuous on 
the lawns of the White House at Washington, and are often to 
be seen well defined on distant hillsides. 

Brackets and mushrooms and puffballs grow in warm, moist 
places where they find decaying wood and leaves to feed upon. 
Old tree trunks and fallen logs, rich leaf mould, and cattle pastures 
are their favourite haunts. 

The reason for their choice of place is invariably connected 
with the question of food, for fungi can thrive only where they 
can obtain organic matter, as they have lost the power which all 
green plants have of feeding on inorganic or mineral matter. All 
plants must have food with which to form plant flesh. Green 
plants by means of their leaf green—the only agent in the world 
which has the power to turn lifeless mineral matter into living 
matter—take the element carbon from the air, and hydrogen gas 
and oxygen gas from water, and with their green granules, by some 
mysterious process, make of the elements hydrogen, oxygen, and 
carbon, compounds of wood and starch and sugar. Fungus plants 
have none of this leaf green and must therefore feed on material 
which has been manufactured by green plants. 

To define fungi simply, so as to include all the varieties, would 
be a difficult task ; but in general it may be said that they are 
plants which have no leaf green and which do not grow from true 
seeds, but from dustlike bodies resembling in appearance the yel- 

. low pollen of roses or lilies. 

The fungi have no flowers and produce no 
seeds. They produce spores instead, fine dust-like 
particles, which are borne in special places on the 
mature plant, whether a mould or mildew, a toad- 
stool, puffball, or bracket. The cap of a mush- 
room placed right side up on a piece of paper under 
an inverted glass will print with its spores a pic- 
ture of the radiating leaves or gills beneath. A 
slight blow on a puffball in the pasture will cause 
a puff of smoke-like dust to rise from it—really millions of spores 
that have ripened inside the puffball and are now ready to grow 
into new puffball plants when they fall on favourable soil. 




A CLASSIFICATION or orderly arrangement of material collected 
for study is indispensable to true pleasure and profit. The nature 
student must classify both his specimens and the knowledge he 
may obtain about them ; for, as Spen- 
cer has said, ‘‘ When a man’s knowl- 
edge is not in order, the more of it 
he has the greater will be his confu- 
sion of thought.” As he compares his 
specimens he sees interesting grada- 
tions of resemblance, and becomes fas- 
cinated with the pleasure of tracing 
their relationships and the gradual evo- 
lution of higher forms from lower. 

Every lover of nature who haunts 
Cotéiiawaad honey am TS fields and woods acquires a rich 

tractive to aiisects store of facts about plant life, and with- 
out, perhaps, recognising that he does 
so, distinguishes two great groups of plants—those which have 
attractive flowers, and those which have no flowers at all. His 
flowerless plants bear no seeds, but quan- 
tities of fine, dust-like particles which rise 
in the air as he brushes his stick over their 
green leaves. As the powers of observa- 
tion develop, he distinguishes the ferns 
and Christmas greens among flowerless 
plants, and perhaps soon recognises that 
the soft green moss bank, too, is composed of small plants, 
and that the green mats, the liverworts, on stones and moist 
banks and logs, are plants also. His only reason, perhaps, for 
calling them plants is that they grow and are green. He may 


The Relation of Fungi to Other Plants 

learn with the microscope that the pond scums which he had 
thought disgusting frog-spittle are in truth tangles of exquisite 
plants, made up of chains of slender, transpar- 

Pistil of Pistilof and afterwards, in succession, 

violet St. Johns- 

those less and less conspicuous. 

They, in reality, present them- 
selves in great natural groups, readily distinguished 
by well-marked characteristics. 

Seed-box of sacred bean 

mens, pistils, seed-boxes, and seeds. 
The humble grasses, with their close 
gay colours and the as- 
sistance of insects, and 
trust to the breezes to carry 
their pollen to its goal. 
The pines and their allies 
are a step nearer simplic- 

ity, and do not enclose 
Winged seed their seeds in a seed-box 
at all, but provide them 
with wings for dissemi- 
nation, and leave them exposed to the 

of the sil- 
ver fir 


It will be seen, as these 
pass in review, that they are 
conspicuous according as 

ent cells finer than silken threads, each cell 
containing many tiny green par- 
ticles of leaf green, or chloro- 
phyll—the cause of the green 
colour of-all green plants. 

At first the most conspicu- 
ous plants attract the attention, 

Seed-box of 

they are complex. The gorgeous flow- 
ering plants have complicated methods 

of reproduction 
—corollas and 
honey, attrac- 
tive to insects ; 
ingenious sta- 

dispense with 


Fern with spores (Polypo- 
dium vulgare) 

The Relation of Fungi to Other Plants 

The ferns and Christmas greens (Lycopodiums) have no 
flowers, and therefore no true seeds. They havea distinct stem, 
which grows from the apex and is strength- 
ened by woody fibres, which may readily be 
seen by breaking the stem across. The 
woody fibres so strengthen the tissues of 
these plants that they are able to stand erect 
and make a conspicuous appearance not pos- 

sible to the 

small moss- 
es and liv- ; ; 
Liverwort (Marchantia 
: polymorpha) 
H which are 

spore-bearing plants with no 
woody fibre. 
The plants of all these 

Grass spikelet groups fre- (},_ 

semble each 

other in descending degrees, so that they may 
be classed in groups under groups. Similar 
specimens may form groups of species. 
Species may form larger groups, or genera. 
Genera with common characteristics may 
form families ; and groups of families, orders; 
and orders, classes; while classes unite to 
form branches, or phyle. 

A botanist relies for the classification of 
his specimens 
mainly upon the 
similarity of those 
parts of the plant 
which produce 
the seeds or 
spores rather than 
upon those parts—the roots and leaves and 
stems—which have the work of the plant 
household to do. He finds that the seed Pe 
and spore producing parts are more con- Indian pipe 
stant in their forms and habits than the leaves and stems and 
roots, which are more exposed, and which are constantly 


Bean seed open toshow embryo 

y fu 

The Relation of Fungi to Other Plants 

being forced toa change of form which will better suit their 
changed surroundings. 

The novice sees nothing in the brown, or even in the highly 
coloured, fungi to war- 
rant his calling them 
plants. They are to him 
‘just toadstools ;” for 
green colouring matter 
—his first criterion for 
plants—is not there, and, 
moreover, there is noth- 
ing in their shape which 
suggests to him the 
plants with which he is 
familiar. The snow- 
white Indian pipe lacks 
the green of most plants, 
but that does not rule it 
for him out of the plant 
world ; for although it 
is colourless, and depends upon other plants for food, still it 
has a flower form and produces a seed-box with well-devel- 
oped seeds. Fungi, however, to any but the close student 
must seem quite unrelated to all normal plant forms. But the 
botanist, by a study of their structure, finds 
that they all grow from microscopic, dust- 
like particles, which differ from true seeds in 
consisting of but one or a few cells, and in 
having no embryo plant in them as true 
seeds have. He recognises their position in 
the kingdom of living things, and classes 
them as spore-bearing plants, lower than 
the group of mosses, those dainty plants 
which delight every one with their graceful- 
ness, and which bear their spores in tiny cap- 
sules or boxes set up on slender stems. By studying their life 
history he decides that they are degenerate members of the low- 
est group—the algz—and that they have fostered the habit of 
feeding on material constructed by green plants, instead of con- 
structing food material for themselves, and have, in consequence, 


Moss (Dicranum scoparium) (natural size) 

White mould on dead 

The Relation of Fungi to Other Plants 

lost their power of constructing such food, and also their green 
granules by which this work of construction may be carried on. 
The life history and structure of fungi Qa 
has been studied so minutely that one is Spore cases mY [ef | 
able to arrange them in three well- | 
marked classes: 

The first class, the algal-like fungi 
(Phycomycetes), includes bread moulds 
and several of those fungi which cause 
diseases of plants and animals—the 
downy mildew on the grape, the potato 
rot, the common white mould which 
fastens dead flies to the walls or window , 
panes in the autumn, and the fungus Bread mould (mag- 
which grows on salmon pe’) 
and causes them to die in great numbers. The 
plant of these fungi is cobwebby, sometimes 
growing within the cells of the plant substance on 
which it lives, and sometimes growing both 
within and on the surface. A freshly moulded 
piece of moist bread shows the bread covered with 
exquisitely fine transparent threads, which con- 
stitute the plant. Later, spore cases containing 
tiny black spores will be seen, which give a del- 
Spores borne in del- icate gray tint to the plant at first, but later form 

icate_ membran- 4 black, repulsive mass as their numbers increase. 

on (magni- These plants are regarded as descendants of de- 

generate alge, which lost their power of inde- 

pendent existence through stealing their food 
instead of making it for themselves. 

The second class, the spore-sac fungi, 
produce their spores in delicate membranous 
sacs. The spore-sac fungi vary greatly in 
size, habit, and structure. Most of them 
are inconspicuous members of the plant 
world, as the yeast plant, by which our 
bread is raised ; the fungus which causes 
the peach leaves to curl and the black knots Spores borne on little 

spicules (magnified) 
to appear on cherry and plum trees. 

The third class is made up of all fungi which bear their 



The Relation of Fungi to Other Plants 

spores on little spicules standing up on large cells. This con- 
tains most of the conspicuous fungi one will care about knowing. 
To understand the group one must understand the method by 
which a spore grows to be a fungus plant, and to be able to 
distinguish the different members of the group one must know 
on just what portions of the spore receptacle the spores are 



THE way in which a spore grows into a fungus plant is very 
(1) The spore is a single cell, and when it is in a warm, 
moist place it swells. 
(2) The cell absorbs food through 
its cell wall and divides into two cells. © O OG f 
(3) Each new cell absorbs food and 
divides until long chains of cells are 
PP, formed, looking to the unaided eye like 
ee threads. Each thread is a hypha, and a 
tangle of threads is a mycelium. 
(4) In the soil the mycelium nour- 
ishes itself on decaying vegetable 

matter, and grows; then, at certain 
points, the threads mat together to - 

form little balls the size of pin- SSN x 
heads (a). << 

(0) The pinheads grow to the size 
ay _ of bird-shot. 
2 = E af 3 (c) The bird-shot increase to the size 
~ “of shoe-buttons. 
(5) If the ball 
is to become a 
stemmed toadstool, a minute stem ap- 
pears on the button. The stem and 
button increase in size. The button is 
lifted above the soil and expands into a 
(6) If the button is to become a puff- # 
ball, no stem appears on the button; but 

@ & ce 

From Spore to Mushroom 

it grows, and comes out of the ground around puffball. (See 
Plate opposite p. 124.) 

If one wishes to learn to distinguish the members of the 
mushroom or toadstool family, either 
for the pleasure he may derive from 
knowing them, or from a desire to 
distinguish the edible from the poison- 
ous, he must 
be familiar ¢ 
with the typi- f GS 
cal parts of the 
fungus _ plant, 
and must 
know the names of these parts. 

The edible mushroom of the market 
(Agaricus campestris) 
serves well for study, 
as it shows some of 
the characteristics 
which all the toad- 
stools, mushrooms, pode and puffballs 
have in common. 

(1) This mushroom is in shape some- 


thing like a parasol. 

(2) The handle is the stem, or stipe. 

(3) The open topis the cap, or pileus. Z% 

s (4) Under vw 

Nh the cap, radi- 

ating from 

S sccnssece Spores on the stalk to 

ender oF processes the edge of 

the cap, are 
thin plates—the gills, or lamellz. 

(5) When the mushroom is in 
secon eccesccccceees Short cells the button stage, the gills are not 
visible, for they are covered with 
J a thin sheet of mycelial threads, 
Section across gill (magnified) called the veil. (See coloured plate 

of Agaricus campestris.) 

(6) As the button grows the veil stretches, and finally breaks, 


ea ae aieee, Mycelial threads 

From Spore to Mushroom 

leaving a ragged edge to the cap, anda ring or annulus of veil 
around the stem. The gills of the Agaricus are not fastened to 
the stem, but are rounded off at Wry 

the end near the stem, while 
others, between the long ones, 
extend from the edge of the cap ;~ ° 
only far enough toward the stem |. 
to fill up the angles formed by 
the long gills. 

The surface of the gills is the 
fruiting portion of the mushroom. “l 
It is here that the spores are 
formed. ‘a LW) Oe Rasta at 
The structure of the fungus a ig Sy 
plant up to this point has been Asmall portion of section of gill 
similar throughout. A loose tangle Aitebly: mtag uted) 
of threads underground formed the myce- 
lium—the food provider. A more closely 
matted tangle above ground formed the 
stem and cap and veil, and even the central 
part of the gill—the fruiting parts of the 

On the surface of the gill a difference 
in structure is found, which will be clearly 
understood from a picture of a thin section 
cut across a gill. 

(1) The central portion of the gill is 
made by loosely tangled mycelium threads 
(tr) draping themselves in thin plates from 

Goin smiit the surface of 
the cap. 

(2) Just outside of this loose 
mycelium, on either side, are layers 
of short cells (c), which bear club- 
shaped bodies standing out over 
both surfaces of the gills (0). 

(3) Each club bears two slen- 
der processes (st) at the free end, 
and each process bears a spore 
(sp). Leaf rust on Hepatica triloba 


From Spore to Mushroom 

All corn smuts, wheat smuts, leaf rusts, toadstools, puff- 
balls, and brackets bear their spores on club-like cells, and for 
this reason are put in one group, called 

The fact that corn smuts and leaf 
rusts feed on living 
plants, while toad- 
stools, brackets, 
and puffballs feed 
on dead plants, 
separates them in- 
to two groups ; 
the smuts and rustsforming the lower group, 
and the others the higher group. It is the 
higher Basidiomycetes which we wish to con- 
sider, as this group includes most of the con- 
spicuous fungi, most of the edi- 
Section of a Boletus, bj). and those fungi which are 

to show pores . 

dangerous because of their re- 
semblance to edible species. 

Remembering that toadstools, puffballs, and 
brackets all start from spores; that all have the 

tangled thread - like 
ha ete plants, seeking the 
dark; that they all 
ntl have the spore recep- 
tacle in the light, and 
bear their spores on club-like cells, 
one can readily understand their be- 

ing put in one group. 
With a few exceptions not 
Section of Hydnum, to show teeth Necessary for us to consider, all the 
higher fungi naturally divide into 
two groups—pouch-fungi (Gasteromycetes), which conceal their 
spores in a definite rind, or peridium, as the puffballs do; 
and membrane fungi (Hymenomycetes), now called Agari- 
cales, which bear their spores exposed on the surface of gills, 
pores, spines, or teeth, as the garden mushrooms, the Boleti, 

the Clavarias, and the Hydnums, 

Pouch-fungus section, to show 
spores in hollow rind 

Section to show gills 

Clavaria with 
spores on spines 




A key in the study of botany is a guide by which a student 
may trace a specimen until he finds a name for it. Having found 
a name, he may learn from books or from friends what is known 
of its habits of growth, of its value as a food or drug, whether 
it is harmful or harmless, whether it is to be protected or 
whether war is to be waged against it. He may learn whether 
it has figured in history or the myths, and how the poets and 
artists viewed it, and may perh&ps learn to see it with their 
eyes. He may watch similar specimens as they grow, and may 
add the results of his observations to the facts already recorded 
about his specimen. 


In the first place, only such plants are considered as grow 
from spores and have no leaf-green. (The spore characteristic is 
one the amateur must decide upon either by seeing the spores 
or by inferring their existence from the fact that seeds do not 
appear.) There are some thirty-five thousand species of fungi 
known to botanists, so that it would be impossible to find a 
name for a specimen if one had to read at random until the right 
description for his specimen was found; but since all of these 
plants may be put in one or another of three groups, on account 
of certain points of resemblance which they have in common, 
and since these three groups may each in turn be divided and 
subdivided, one may, by selecting groups rather than individual 
specimens, find a short path to the name desired. The three 
primary groups, called classes, are made as follows : 

The first contains many mould-like fungi which resemble 
one another in microscopic characters. 

The second contains other mould-like fungi and many con- 


The Key 

spicuous fungi which bear their spores in transparent sacs (see 
first page of Key). 

The third contains all fungi which bear their spores on en- 
larged cells called basidia (see first page of Key). 

To even partially understand the inconspicuous fungi is a 
task impossible to one who is not familiar with the use of a com- 
pound microscope. To acquire a knowledge sufficiently accu- 
rate to identify nearly all of the conspicuous fungi is within the 
power of any intelligent person, for the two groups or classes 
containing the conspicuous species may be divided, on account 
of easily distinguished characters, into groups called orders. 
The orders may be divided into groups called families, and the 
families into groups called genera (singular genus), and the 
genera into individual specimens called species; and all these 
groups may be arranged in such a way that the series of selec- 
tions may be quickly made. Such an arrangement of groups is 
called a key. 



821-,95-AUI-O-}-,PIS-RE 89-,95-£ut-go- sy sar-,26-Aut-90-,dqq 

1S-SE it ‘pse,, "SI: SB ” ‘snose, 
uf-uny psounouoid {18unj ‘Yempg ‘sns-uny paounouosd { snsunj ‘rensurg 
eed 1 ge 
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*So] 99 AWOIpISeg i Dies oat 
seer pasirjua uo de saiods 
II ‘i 
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9vs-a40ds ay.) r -lle@p ul paonpoid sasods 
‘soso AWOISY ae 
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*sajaoAui02 Au ul sasods ay} Jvaq jou Op pur ‘s[enpraAIpul se snondidsuosur ase yoy 18ung 
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(poyruSeu) epeyyied 

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“Apoq podeys-ivad 

WV raat 
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NI . 
"9 f1 o8ed “2ul04s 
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mayan OH Bpeyed  ‘painojod yyshg 
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Csopynay) + Sulureuad sy “UBaUeII9}qNS 
‘sopedoqn | + 





821", FI124-, RH SQ]- 82-1 29d S9]-,2-219-Q- GAT S2]- 2129-01 

BI-RUI-,00-SR i, BU-Oo-sE,, 
- ayrpaad ‘yemyd | un ys-ayspagd ‘rensurg 
(7) 7) 

"Oot o8eq ‘ 

*(p) adeys-ajppes Jo { (2) smouiny 
aso143 ym 10! (9) poyud pur ‘xan 

-u09 ‘o1U09 JO! (v) padeys-qniy 
“Ayuinyew ye uado “say ye 
‘0c Beg pesopd vuloosy “(ewodse) Apoq 

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"Wa}s ay} WO ojeledes 
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"Z]JOWIE] JO sdejINs oy} Bul *poplarpun “Jo]]eul 
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“Sun, sursquioy “Anew ye payeu ‘Alayyes] | WO) JUDUW 
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+ fo) Vv 

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*“SOUTTTOLUOI |, Siac ee : 

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Vz sug 

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‘€b ‘ch sadeg 

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$95-AUI- O-[]q-,O11S snu-10-2|- Og 

“yshyo eq 
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Jo alow ur ‘sasod Aysey4 


SN 21-08 

ay} wo Ayn 
-YgIp YUM Sunes 
-edas salog 


RU Sha 



Tue fungi with gills all have this characteristic in common— 
that they bear their spores on radiating plates or lamella. Their 
‘family name, Agaricacee, is derived from a typical member of the 
family, Agaricus campestris. The family isthe largest and most 
widely distributed of all the families, and contains some five 
thousand described species, which are placed in groups or genera, 
more or less large, based on such characters as the colour of the 
spores; the position and shape of the lamelle; the colour and 
texture, as well as the shape, odour, taste, and appendages of the 
cap and stem. 

The colour of the spores is one of the most important char- 
acteristics, as the decision as to whether the plant is wholesome 
or not often rests upon it. The colour may be determined by 
placing the cap, with spore surface down, on a sheet of white or 
black paper, and leaving it for a time under an inverted glass, so 
as to cut off all drafts which may blow the spores away. A print 
of the radiating gills will then be made in the colour of the spores— 
white, pink, rusty brown, or black. 

For external characters of the stem, one must be careful to 
get the entire stem from the ground; for a most important char- 
acteristic, the volva, if present, will be found at the base. The 
volva may be membranous and attached to the base, excepting 
at the rim, or membranous and loose, or present only in the form 
of rings of scales at the base, with perhaps traces on the surface 
of the cap. 

The surface of the stem may be smooth or rusty or mealy 
white. It may or may not have near the cap a ring of the 
membrane which covered the gills of the young plant. 

The character of the lamelle and the internal characters of 
the stem may best be determined by cutting the cap and stem 
from top to base with a sharp knife, for then it may be seen 
whether the gills are free from the stem or attached to it, or 


White-spored Series 

whether they grow down on the stem; and whether the stem is 
hollow, solid, or filled with web-like mycelium, and whether it is 
fleshy or has a tough and hard rind. The lamellae may be of 
different or of equal lengths, and their edges may be entire or 
toothed or thin or blunt. 

To know a genus of the gill-bearing fungi, one must know 
the cap, gills, stem, and habit of growth which characterise that 

A very young plant of the genus Amanita is enveloped in a 
membranous wrapper. The relation of the young plant to the 
wrapper will readily be understood by cutting ES 
a young plant through its length. (7 Y 

As the ag grows, the wrapper is ruptured, 5 

si Wh hi 

a part is left at the base 
\ to forma cup or sheath, 
Gills......., ig “ or a part may be carried 
“ up on the cap, to ap- 
pear in small patches. 

The cap is, as a Young plant in 
rule, regular and ian a 
broadly convex. It may be almost 
flat when mature. The stem has a 
conspicuous collar and the gills are 
free from the stem. 

There are twenty American species in the genus Amanita ; 
some of them are the most poisonous patches 
fungi known, while others are most 
highly esteemed for the table. Since Free gills 
the most dan- fA \\ Ring 
vate Cap gerous species 

belong to this 
m . 

genus, it would 

be better for the 
...Volva amateur not to 
eat of specimens 
with a swollen base surrounded by a cup- 
like or scaly envelope, especially if the gills are white. In gath- 
ering all white-gilled species, care should be taken to get 



Section of young plant in 

..- Wrapper 

A. muscaria (See Plate III.) 
Wrapper ruptured 

Fungi with Gills 

below the base of the stalk ; for it often happens that the bulb 
is broken off and left behind, and thus the principal charac- 
teristic lost which would mark it as a specimen not to be 

Death Cup; Poison Amanita (Poisonous) 
Amanita phalloides 

Cap or Pileus—White or greenish or greyish brown; smooth, 
no striations; width, 3-5 inches. 

Stem or Stp~e—Ring present. Abruptly bulbous at the base ; 
bulb margined by the wrapper remains. White in white- 
cap forms, tinged with a paler shade than the cap in brown- 
cap forms. Pithy when young, hollow when old. 3-6 
inches long. 

Veii—White in white-cap forms, tinged with brown in brown- 
cap forms. 

Gills or Lamelle—White, free from the stem, rounded at the 
stem end, rather broad. 

Spores—Globose and white. 

Filesh—W hite. 

Time—July to October. 

Habitat—W oods, groves, open places, and pastures. 

The poisonous principle of the death cup is known as phal- 
lin, one of the tox-albumins, the poisons found in rattlesnakes 
and other venomous animals, and the poisons which produce 
death in cholera and diphtheria. 

The phallin acts directly upon the blood corpuscles, dissolv- 
ing these, so that the serum of the blood escapes from the blood- 
vessels into the alimentary canal and drains the whole system of 
its vitality. There is no known antidote by which the effects of 
phallin may be counteracted. If one has eaten of the Amanita 
phalloides, the only chance of saving life is to remove the undi- 
gested parts from the alimentary canal by stomach-pump and 
oil purgatives ; then, if the amount of phallin absorbed into the 
system is not too great, the remainder may wear itself out on 
the blood and the patient may recover. 

The amount of the fungus which is necessary to produce 
death is small; even the handling of specimens and the breathing 
in of spores affect some people unpleasantly. 



(Amanita phalleides, Fries) 

Reduced. Nat. size: Cap,3% inches; stem, 74 inches 

‘C7 ‘eueosnu epUueWUY) 
‘(snouosiod) eyluewy A\4 

White-spored Series 
Fly Amanita (Poisonous) 
Amanita muscarta 

Cap or Fileus—Orange red to pale yellow or almost white. The 
young plants are brighter, and fade from the margin inward 
as the plant matures. Floccose scales, the wrapper remains, 
are scattered on the cap. The margin is often striate. 3-6 
inches broad. 

Stem or Stipe—White or slightly tinged with yellow. Pithy or 
hollow. Base not broad and abrupt, but ovate, covered 
with the scaly margins of the wrapper. 4-6 inches long. 

Veil and Ring or Annulus—The veil covers the gills of the young 
plant, and later is seen as a collar-like ring on the stem. 

Gills or Lamelle—White or slightly tinged with yellow. Various 
in length ; short ones terminating in length with almost 
vertical abruptness. 

Spores—White, broadly elliptical. 

Flesh—White, tinged with yellow under the epidermis. 

Habitat— Along roadsides, on borders of fields, in groves of conif- 
erous trees. It prefers poor soil, gravelly or scanty. It 
grows singly, not in groups. 

Time—June until freezing weather. 

Young Plant—This is at first egg-like, then dumb-bell shaped. 
As the parts within expand, the wrapper breaks up into 
scales, so that the convex, unexpanded cap is densely covered 
with more or less concentric fragments of the wrapper, and 
the bulbous stem is covered with rings of fringy scales. As 
the stem expands, these scales are left on the bulbous base, 
while the fragments on the cap are more widely separated 
by the growth of the cap. 

The fly amanita is a very conspicuous and handsome species. 
There are conflicting statements concerning the properties of 
this fungus; some claim that it is edible, and yet it is known 
to have caused much sickness and many deaths. It caused 
the death of the Czar Alexis of Russia, and of the Count de 
Vecchi in Washington. It is said that it is cooked and eaten 
by the Russians, and still it is on record that several French 
soldiers ate of it in Russia and became very ill. 

The Siberians steep dried specimens of the fly amanita in 
whortleberry juice, and thus make a drink which produces an 
intoxication similar to that produced by the ‘‘haschisch” and 
“‘majoon” of the East. 


3 49 

Fungi with Gills 

There is something about it particularly attractive to flies, 
and yet for them to sip its juices means death, as may be seen 
by the circle of dead flies lying on the ground under the shadow 
of its cap. 

The chief poison of this fungus is an alkaloid called musca- 
rine, which paralyzes the nerves controlling the action of the 
heart. Injections of atropine in doses of from one one-hundredth 
to one-fiftieth of a grain are employed as an antidote for this 
poison. In addition, the most powerful emetics are used. 

Orange Amanita (Edible) 
Amanita Cesarea 

Cap or Pileus—Smooth, glabrous, and free from warts or scales. 
Red or orange, fading to yellow on the margin or all 
over the cap. Margin distinctly striate. When fully ex- 
panded, nearly flat. When moist, 
slightly sticky and viscid. 

Stem—Yellow. When young, fibrous 
or cottony within, later hol- 

Ini low. 
ah ih A Wrapper or Volva—White and mem- 
Cap striate, and free from branous, loosely sheathing the 
warts base of the stem. 

Veil—Covers the gills of the young plant. Remains are seen 
on the stem only, where it hangs down y 
like a white ruffle. 
Gills or Lamelle—Rounded at the stem end and 
not attached to the stem. Yellow, an 
exception to the 
rule that the col- 
our of the gills 
in mature plants 
resembles the 
colour of the 

Young Flant—When Young plant 
Section of A. Caesarea young, the cap . . 
(a) Smooth cap (c) Hollow stem and stem are contained mv a wrap- 
(8) Free gills (r) Ruffle-like ring per not unlike a hen’s egg in 

: shape, size, and colour. As the 
cap and stem within develop, the wrapper ruptures in its 
upper part, the stem elongates, and the cap is carried up, 


sayour g-£ ‘yur wiojs { sayour g-€ ‘weip dtp 
Cdoos ‘vasvsnD vizuvuy) 

(angiaa) VLINVWY SONvYO 

White-spored Series 

while the remains of the wrapper are left at the base of 
the stem, an open sac. 

Spores—White, elliptical. 

Flesh—WW hite stained with yellow under the separable epidermis 
and next the line of attachment of the gills. 

Taste—Mild and pleasant. 

Habitat—Thin woods, preferably pine woods and sandy soil. 
Abundant in southern Europe, common in the Southern 
States, and occasionally found in New York and Massa- 

Lime—July, August, September. 

The Amanita Cesarea is one of the handsomest species. 
The Greeks and Romans esteemed it as an article of food. The 
names, ‘‘ Food of the gods,” ‘‘Czbus Deorum,” ‘‘ Imperial mush- 
rcom,” ‘‘Czsar’s mushroom,” and ‘‘ Kaiserling,” suggest the 
esteem in which it was held. 


th Gills 

i wi 


[1] Snouosiod si yf uasqe SI dno 9y} J] 


| yes stjuryd oy) “uasoid s} eyUuLWy MOT]e, & JO dno 93 J] 

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SUBM WaNId0Y YM peusope 
‘Molak 10 aduvlQ—snaig 40 gop 

woy aoy ‘Moyek aed—77D 
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‘dno e Jo WO} oy} Ul ‘Wa}s 94} 
Jo aseq oy} Ww Wd}sIsiog—veo4 

‘yjoous “MoTek I9ed ‘Aposed 
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eueyjsoig BeyUueWUYy 

eluvosnu eyUeUYy 

(©) eli okc B) 
eouese9 P}YLUePUY 




(Amanitopsis strangulata, Fr., Roze) 
Cap greyish brown; wrapper fragments dark brown. See Genus, p. 53 

White-spored Series 


The members of the genus Cantharellus differ from all other 
gill-bearing fungi in that the gills are in the form of shallow folds 
growing down the stem. The folds are generally narrow and 
forked or branching. The name Cantharellus, meaning little 
cup or goblet, refers to the shape of the fungus, some of the 
species being so deeply depressed that a cup not unlike a tall 
goblet results. 

Cantharellus floccosus (Edible) 
(Sze PLate Facinc Pace 136) 

Cap or Fileus—Funnel form or trumpet 
shaped, depressed even into the 
stem. The surface of the depression 
is woolly or scaly. The scales some- 
times persist and sometimes dis- 
appear. Reddish yellow, fading to 

Gills or Lamele—Blunt, narrow, close; 
forked branched so as to appear as a 
network. Yellow to yellow brown. 

Stem or Stipe—Short, smooth, or hairy. 
Sometimes extending like a root 
among fallen leaves. 

Spores—W hite. 

Hlesh—W hite, thin. 

Time—July to September. 

Habitat—In groups in woods. The 
specimen pictured was found grow- 
ing in moss by a stream among 
laurels and rhododendrons. Section of C. floccosus 


The genus Amanitopsis has white spores, the gills free from 
the stem, and at the base of the stem a volva, the remains of the 
wrapper which enclosed the young plant. There ts no annulus 
or ring on the stem, a feature which separates the genus Amani- 
topsis from the genus Amanita. 

Can-tha-rél'-lts Fléc-cd'-stis A-man’-1-t8p'-sts 

Fungi with Gills 

The Sheathed Amanitopsis (Edible) 
Amanttopsis vaginata 

Cap or Pileus—Variable in colour, ranging from white to reddish 
brown. Thin, fragile, smooth; or, when young, with a few 
fragments of the wrapper adhering to its surface. Margin 
distinctly and 
deeply _ striated. 
2-4 inches broad. 

Stem or Stipe—Hol- 
low or stuffed; 
smooth, or 
sprinkled with 
minute mealy 
particles orwoolly 
scales. Not bul- 
bous at the base. 
3-5 inches long. 

Spores—W hite. 

Ring or Annulus— 

Wrapper or Volua— 
Soft, flabby, 
white, adhering 
slightly to the 

Gills or Lamellae—Free 
from the stem. 
White or whitish, 
close, irregular. 

Flesh—W hite, or 
stained under the 
easily separating 

Section of A. vaginata Time —June to Oc- 

Habitat—In woods or open places, in damp vegetable mould, 
widely distributed. Specimen pictured was found growing 
in mountains of New Jersey. 

A. vaginata, var. alba, has the whole plant white. 
A. vaginata, var. fulva, has the cap tawny yellow. 
A, vaginata, var. livida, has the cap leaden brown, and gills 
and stem tinged with smoky brown. 
Vag-in-a'-t4 Filv'-4 Liv'-1-da 


(A manttopsis vaginata, Roze) 


(Mycena galericulata, Scop.) 
Cap greyish; gills white; stems firm, hollow, hairy at the base. See p. 55 

White-spored Series 

Amanitopsis parcivolvata (Sze FrontisPice) 

Cap or Pileus—Convex, then expanded ; smooth, free from warts. 
Colour brilliant orange red over 
the whole cap; not yellow on 
the margin, not fading with 
age. Uniform in colour in 
young and old _ specimens. 
Margin with striations deep and long. 

Gills or Lamelle—Lemon yellow, free from 
stem, and rounded at the outer extremity. 

Stem—Slightly tapering toward the cap; hol- 
low. Clear lemon yellow, covered with 
meal-like particles. 

Ring or Vell—None in old or young specimens. 

Volua—Present; not large and loose. White; 
clinging closely to the stem in the form 
of scales. 

Spores—W hite. 

£lesh—Unpleasant raw odour. White, stained 
Bey orange red immediately under the 

Habitat—Mixed woods. New Jersey, North 


The caps of the specimens found Section of A. 
in North Carolina varied in colour from  Parcivolvata (reduced) 
almost white to white with a red centre, and from orange or 
shades of orange to brilliant red. 


The members of this genus have white spores ; no volva nor 
annulus ; lamellz thin, with acute edges ; gills with a little bay 
cut out near the stem, sinuate, and the stem with a cartilaginous 
rind. Cap membranous and striate on the margin—that is, with 
depressed parallel lines. 

Mycena hzmatopoda (Ste Prats Facinc Pace 93) 
Cap or Pileus—Bell-shaped ; reddish brown, deeper shade on 

margin. : 
Gills or LameHle—Paler tint of colour of cap ; adnate. 
Par'-¢i-vél-va'-t& My-cé’-n& Hém’-4-tp'-3-da 


Fungi with Gills 

Stem or Stpe—Colour of cap; hollow; a mere tube, with thin 
walls. When cut quickly, it changes to a deep red brown 
and exudes a purple juice. Flexible, fragile. 

Spores—W hite. 

Ring or Annulus—None. 


Habitat—Decayed wood in forest. 


The genus Lentinus has white spores, no annulus, and no 
volva. The stem is central or lateral, and the lamelle are nor- 
mally toothed on their margins. The species are leathery, fleshy, 
and tough ; will stand drying, and revive when moist. 

Lentinus lepideus is one cause of the decay of telegraph poles, 
railroad ties, and bridges. 

Scaly Lentinus (Edible) 

Lentinus lepideus 

Cap or Pileus—Fleshy, firm, convex or 
expanded. Creamy white, spotted 
with dark brown appressed scales. 
3-5 inches. 

Gills or Lamelle — Rather broad, not 
crowded; growing down the stem. 
White edges, irregularly toothed. 

Stem or Stipe—Whitish. Sometimes ec- 

Section of 
L. lepideus 

Lén-ti’-niis Lép-td’-é-tis 

(azis ‘JeN ‘Solrg ‘sxapzga7 snuz7#97) 

(atgiaa) SANILNAT A1voOS 

White-spored Series 

centric, straight, or curved; firm, solid, equal, or tapering at 
the base. 2-4 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—None. 


Flesh—W hite. 

Time—June to August. 

Habitat—On wood; common on railroad ties. 


In the genus Pleurotus the stem is attached to the cap at 
some point to one side of the centre. The stem may be on the 
very margin of the cap, or may be wanting altogether. The 
three species to be mentioned all grow on dead wood—either on 
dead trees or on dead branches of living trees. 

The name Pleurotus comes from a Greek word meaning 

“~~ side, and has reference to the position of the stem. 

Oyster Mushroom (Edible) 
Pleurotus ostreatus 

Cap or Pileus—Fleshy, convex, smooth, and moist. White, 
or tinted with ash colour or brown. 
Gills or Lamelle—White, or tinted with ash; broad; growing down 
the stem, and 
branching again 
and again at the 
Stem or Stie—Short 
or wanting. 
Spores— White, ob- 
Flesh—White, tough. Section of P. ostreatus 
Habitat—On dead wood. The specimens pictured were found 
growing on a dead forest tree at Lake Placid. The largest 
shells measured four inches across. 

Pli-rd’-tiis Os-tré-a’-tiis 


Fungi with Gills 

Pleurotus sapidus (Edible) 

Cap or Pileus—Convex or depressed, smooth, often irregular. 
White, yellowish, ashy grey, dull lilac, or even brownish; 
overlapping each other. 2-5 inches broad. 

Gills or Lamelle—Whitish, rather ‘distant, growing down the 
stem, branching and connecting again at stem end. 

Section of P. sapidus 

Stem or Stipe—Stems more or less united at the base, eccentric or 
lateral, smooth, whitish. 1-2 inches long. 

Spores—Lilac, oblong. 

Time—June to November. 

Filesh—White, tough. 

Habitat—In clusters, often from a common stem, growing on 
decayed wood. 

Elm Pleurotus (Edible) 

Pleurotus ulmarius 

Cap or Pileus—Convex or nearly flat, firm, smooth. White, 
tinted at the centre with reddish yellow or brownish yellow. 
2-5 inches broad. 

Gills or Lamelle—Broad, not crowded, notched at the stem end, 
growing down the stem. White, turning yellow with age. 

Stem or Stipe—United to the cap one side of the centre. Usually 
curved ; solid, smooth, or downy. White or whitish. 2-4 
inches long. J 

Sap’-1-dtis Ul-ma'-r1-tis 


Oyster Mushroom (edible). 
(Pleurotus ostreatus, Fr.) 
Reduced. See page 57. 

White-spored Series 

Section of P. ulmarius 

Flesh—White, not tender, agreeable flavour. 

Spores—W hite, globose. 

Time—September to November. 

Habitat—Conspicuous on dead parts of standing elms. Large and 
white. Sometimes found on other than elm trees. 


The members of this genus may be recognized by their moist 
caps and by the waxy nature of their gills, which usually grow 
downward on the stem (decurrent), and are not very closely 
placed side by side. No species is known to be dangerous. 

Chantarelle hygrophorus (Edible) 

Hygrophorus cantharellus (Sex Puate Facina Pace 60) 

Cap or Pileus—Thin, convex at first, but later depressed. Cov- 
ered with minute scales. Moist, bright red, becoming orange 
or yellow. 34-1 inch broad. 


Fungi with Gills 

Gills or Lamelle—Distant, somewhat arched, growing downward 
on the stem (decurrent). Yellow, sometimes tinged with 
vermilion. Unequal. 

Stem or Stife—Smooth, not truly solid, sometimes hollow. 
Coloured like the cap, whitish within. 2~-4 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—None. 

Spores—W hite. 

#lesh—Disagreeable in flavour. 

Habitat—Swamps and damp, shaded places; in fields or woods. 
Common. The specimen photographed was found in 
dense mixed woods, Lake Placid. 

Var. H. rosea has the cap expanded and the margin wavy. 

Var. H. flava has the cap and stem pale yellow, the gills 
arched and strongly decurrent. 

Var. H. flavipes has the cap and stem red or reddish. 

Var. H. flaviceps has the cap yellow and the stem reddish. 

Vermilion Hygrophorus (Edible) 
Hygrophorus miniatus 

Cap or Fileus—Thin, fragile at first, convex, becoming nearly 
flat. Smooth or minutely scaly. Often depressed. Red, 
fading to yellow or orange. 1-2 inches broad. 

Gills or Lamele—Distant. Usually yellow, sometimes tinged 

with red. Notched at the 

stem end, or growing down 
Waa the stem, or fastened to the 
é stem by the entire width of 
the inner extremity of the gill. 
Stem or Stipe—Slender, smooth. 
Coloured like the cap. Solid 
when young, hollow when 
old. 1-2 inches long. 
Ring or Annulus—None. 
Spores—White, elliptical. 
flesh—Tender, and of agreeable 
Zime—June to September. 
fabitat—Adapts itself to varying 
conditions. Singly, in groups, 
or in clusters, in bogs or on 
dry hillocks. The specimen photographed was found in 
woods, among fallen leaves and decayed wood, Lake Placid. 

Section of H. miniatus 

Flav’-1-pés Flav’-1-céps Min-1-a’-tiis 


i Galdenstlesh Boletus. 

(Boletus cnrysenteron, Fr.). Reduced. See page 106. 

Vermilion Hygrophorus (edible). (Hygrophorus miniatus, Fr.). Reduced. 


ae va fibiariite 
antharellus, Schw.) 

: Chanterelle Hygrophorus (edible). (Hygrophorus c 
Reduced. See page 59. 

Fat Pholiota (edible). Pholiota adipasa, Fr. : See nase 83 

Honey-coloured Armillaria (edible). 
(Armillaria mellea, Vahl). 

White-spored Series 

Ivory Hygrophorus (Edible) 

Hygrophorus eburneus (Sez Prate Facinc Pace 84) 

Cap or Pileus—W hite, 
thin, fleshy,viscid. 
Stem or Stipe—W hite, 
unequal, long, 
slender, stuffed, 
or hollow; viscid. 
Gills or Lamelle— 
White, waxy, 
unequal, distant, 
growing down 
the stem (decur- 
rent), thick and 
Volua and Annulus — 
Spores—W hite. 
Flessh—O dour and 
taste grateful. 
Habitat— The speci- Section of H. eburneus 
men photo- 
graphed was found growing among moss and fallen leaves 
in dense wood, Lake Placid. 


The members of this genus have white spores, and the gills 
attached by the inner extremity to the stem. The stem has a 
collar, but no wrapper at the base. The name is derived from the 
Latin armilla, a bracelet, referring to the ring upon the stem. 

Honey-coloured Armillaria (Edible) 
Armillaria mellea 

Cap or Pileus—Colour from almost white to dark reddish brown. 
Young plants have numerous minute tufts or scales of 
brownish or blackish hairs. Margins sometimes striated. 
1-6 inches broad. 

Eb-tir'-né-tis Ar’-mil-la’-11-8 Mél'-1é-3 

Fungi with Gills 

Stem or Stipe—Usually reddish brown, paler above than below. 
Uniform in thickness, narrowed or slightly thickened at the 
base. Firm externally; soft and spongy, or hollow 

within. 1-6 inches long. 
Ring or Annulus—Cottony to 

membranous, sometimes 

lacking in old plants. 
Gills or Lamelle —Simply 

joined to the stem or run- 
ning down it. White or 
whitish ; sometimes va- 
riegated with reddish- 
brown spots. 
Spores—White, elliptical. 
Flesh—White or whitish. 
Section of A. mellea Taste unpleasant or acrid. 
Quality inferior. 
ffabitat—Common in woods or in cleared land, on the ground or 
on decayed wood. Solitary or clustered. 
Time—Abundant in September. Found in June. 

Var. obscura has cap covered with numerous small, blackish 

Var. flava has cap yellow or reddish yellow. 

Var. glabra has cap smooth. 

Var. radicata has tapering stem which penetrates the earth 

Var. bulbosa has bulbous base. 

Var. exannulata has cap smooth, margin even, stem tapering, 
annulus slight and evanescent, or wholly wanting. 

The Armillaria mellea has a disagreeable taste when raw, but 
when cooked itis thought by some to be very good. Dr. Peck says 
he does not know of any unwholesome species for which it may 
be mistaken. The Armillaria mellea has the habit, very unusual 
for a member of the group of Agaracales, of producing from its my- 
celial threads tuber-like masses of fungal substances from which 
the fruiting capsarise. The fungal masses of the Armillaria, 
the so-called sclerotia, are ribbon or string like, and may be 
found between the wood and bark of cone-bearing trees. These 
sclerotia send out cylindrical branches, called rhizomorphs, 
which may penetrate the soil and attack the roots of other trees, 
and so continue their work of destruction in the forest. 

Ob-scii'-ri Gla’-bra BUil-ba'-si 
Flav'-4 Rad-{-ca'-ta Ex-an’-nii-1a'-t& 

Eg ‘d ‘snuay sag ‘aiyM si[Is tuMmoig-MoT[aA Ways Pur dea 
(B10 ‘vsouvad vj01ga7) 


White-spored Series 

Itis to the luminosity of these mycelial threads, which per- 
meate the decaying wood, that the weird phosphorescent light in 
dense woods is due. 


The members of this genus have the gills free from the stem, 
and have no wrapper remains at the base of the stem. In some 
species the cap or pileus has the surface scaly, owing to the rup- 
ture of the fibres which compose it. It is this feature which has 
suggested the name Leprofa, from the Latin word Jepis—a scale. 
There are about thirty 
species represented 
in the United States, 
of which a few are 
commonly eaten. 

Parasol Mush- 
room; Tall 
Lepiota (Edi- 

Lepiota procera 

Cap or Pileus—Con- 
vex, like an open 
umbrella. Thin, 
umbonate, cov- 
ered with closely 
pressed scales. 
3-5 inches broad. 

Stem or Stipe—Long, 
hollow, or with 
cottony pith; 
bulbous at the 
base; usually 
covered with 
closely pressed 
scales. 5-10 
inches long. 

Veil or Ring—Thick 
and firm; often 
movable on the 
stem. Section of L. procera 

Lép-1-0'-ta Prég’-€-ra 

Fungi with Gills 

Gills or Lamelle—Closely placed, side by side. Whitish, or 
tinged with yellow. The inner extremity remote from the 

Spores—White, elliptical. 

Flesh—White, soft, and dry. 

Zime—July to September. 

ffabitat—Thin woods, pastures, and by roadsides. 

The specific name, Procera, from the Latin procera (tall), 
refers to the length of the stem. 

There is no poisonous species for which it can be mistaken 
if one bears in mind that it has a long stem with bulbous base, 
a brownish, spotted cap with dark apex, and a broad basin 
about the insertion of the stem. 

Smooth Lepiota (Edible) 
Lepiota naucinoides 

Cap or Pileus—Smooth, white ; 
rarely the central part of 
the cap is tinged with a 
smoky hue. 2-4 inches 
broad. 4 

Stem or Stipe—Coloured like the 
cap ; thickened at the base. 
Hollow or webby. 2-3 
inches long. 

Veil or Annulus—White. Exter- 
nal edge generally thicker 
than the inner ; often mov- 
able on the stem. 

Gills or Lamela—White when 
young ; when old, pinkish 
orsmoky brown. Rounded 
at the inner extremity and 
not attached to the stem. 
Narrower toward the stem 
than in the middle. 

Spores—White, sub-elliptical. 

Flesh—Thick, white, and ten- 

der. Section of L. naucinoides 

The smooth lepiota resembles the chalk agaric (Agaricus 
crelaceous), which has brown spores, and the meadow mush- 


(Lepiota nancinoides, Peck) 

Nat. size: Cap diam., 314 inches; stem length, 4% inches. 

(Lepiota procera, Scop.) 
Nat. Size: Cap Diam., 3% inches; stem length, 41% inches 
See page 63 

as eters eS Ane 

Lepiota Friesii, Lasch. (edible). 
See page 65. 

Cortinarius alboviolaceus, Fr. 
Reduced. See page 86. 

White-spored Series 

room (Agaricus campestris), which has darker gills, a persistent 
collar, anda stem tapering at the base. No harm can come from 
confusing these for edible purposes. Great care should be taken 
to be sure that a specimen thought to be a smooth lepiota has no 
volva or wrapper at the base, for the absence of a volva is the 
most marked difference between it and the poisonous vernal 
amanita (Amanita verna). The gills of the smooth lepiota turn 
a dingy brown or pink, and those of the vernal amanita remain 
white ; and the cap of the smooth lepiota has not the moist 
smoothness and the brilliant whiteness of the vernal amanita, 

Lepiota Friesii 

Cap or Pileus—Rather thin, convex, or nearly plain, with soft, 
tawny fibres forming small patches over the surface. 1-4 
inches wide. 

Stem or Stipe—Tapering toward the cap, slightly bulbous at the 
base. The lower part of the stem coloured like the cap, and 
with similar fibrils. Hollow. Powdery white above the 
ring. 2-5 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—Present and pendulous. 

Gills or Lamelle—Narrow, crowded, free from stem ; white ; some 

Spores—W hite. 

Flesh—Soft, white, with a slight odour when bruised. 

Ring or Annulus—Well developed, drooping. White above, and 
tawny or scaly below. 

ffabitat—Soft, loose soil in bushy places. 

Zime—July to September. 


The genus Marasmius belongs to the white-spored series. 
The plants are small, and wither and shrivel in dry weather, to 
revive again when wet. The gills are thin, and have acute 

The generic name comes from the same Greek word as the 
word marasmus, the name applied to a disease from which the 
patient wastes away without any apparent cause. The signifi- 
cance of the name will be apparent to one who watches the 
fleshy little plant shrink away when the sun shines. 

Fré’-s!-1 M3-ras'-mi-tis 
5 65 

Fungi with Gills 

Fairy-ring Mushroom (Edible) 
Marasmtus oreades 

Cap or Pileus—Fleshy, tough, smooth, convex, or nearly plane, 
often with the centre higher than the space between it and 
the rim. Reddish ; fading, as it ages or dries, to pale yellow 
or buff. 1-2 inches broad. 

Gills or Lamelle—Broad and wide apart, creamy or yellowish, 
rounded at the stem end, unequal. 

Stem or Stipe—Whitish, slender, tough, solid, coated with dense 
woolly hairs. 1-234 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—None. 

Spores—W hite. 

fesh—Thin, white, tough. 

Zime—May to October. 

Haditat—In circles or groups. 

Dangerous fungi somewhat resembling the M. oreades, and 
found in company with it, may be distinguished by their dark- 
coloured spores. 


The members of this genus have white spores, and the 
lamellz with thin edges attached to the stem by their inner ex- 
tremity. The stem has a cartilaginous rind; that is, it is hard and 
of a tough texture. The genus contains fifty-four American 
species, some of which are regarded as edible, while others are 
regarded as deleterious. The velvet-stemmed collybia, or Col- 
lybia velutipas, is edible, and remarkable for its habit of growing 
long after the frosts of winter have come. It is easily recognised 
by its yellowish and viscid cap, and its habit of growing in tufts, 
and developing on the stem a dense coat of velvety hairs. The 
rooted collybia, Collybia radicata, may be recognised by the char- 
acter of its stem, as the lower part is like a slender tap root, gener- 
ally penetrating the earth to a depth equal to the length of the 
stem above the surface, 

6-1é'-4-dés Cél-l¥b'-1-4 


(Collybia maculata, A. & S.) 
Cap and stem white with rusty spots; gills white. See Genus, p. 66 


(Collybia platyphylla, Fr.) 
fibrillose; gills white. See Genus, p. 66 

Collybia familia, Peck, Reduced (Edible) 

(Clitocybe laccata, Scop.) 
See page 70 

White-spored Series 

Collybia familia (Edible) 

Cap or Pileus—Greyish, with centre darker. Smooth margin, 
often cracked. Slightly striate. 
Gills or Lamelle—Slightly greyish, soft, un- 
equal, free, not crowded. 
Stem or Stipe—Greyish, hollow. Lower 
part covered with white woolly sub- 
Spores—W hite. 
flesh—Greenish grey. 
Time—September. Section of C. familia 
Habitat—The specimen photographed was 
found growing upon a prostrate evergreen tree near Lake 

GENUS PANU (ee Prate Facine Pace 145) 

The members of this genus are leathery plants, with the 
stems lateral or wanting. The gills are simple, not forked, and 
the spores are white. Panus stypticus is common on rotten 
wood, and gives out a weird, phosphorescent light. 

The species of the genus Panus so much resemble species 
of the genus Lentinus, which do not have toothed margins, that 
Panus and Lentinus are considered by some as one genus, with 
the name Lentinus. 


But one American species is reported; this is small and 
leathery, brownish in colour, with the spore-bearing surface 
white. The lamelle are obtuse on their edges, and are not hairy. 
The spores are white. This plant is common on fallen branches 
of the alder. 


The members of this genus have white spores and a leathery 
pileus, with the lamella hairy and grooved, or split. Schzzo- 
phyllum commune is common on twigs or branches. It varies 
from % to 2 inches across, appearing as fluted shells on the 

Fa-mil’-1-4 Pa'-ntis = Trog’-l-A. Skiz-3-phYl'-liim = Cdm-mii’-né 


Fungi with Gills 


The members of this genus have white spores, and the gills 
growing down onthe stem. They have a hard, tough rind to the 
stem, which distinguishes them from the genus Clitocybe, which 
has fleshy stems. Omphalia umbellifera is a small species, with 
a cap about an inch broad. Itis the common mushroom on the 
top of Mount Marcy, the highest mountain in the State of New 


The genus Russula may usually be recognised by its brittle 
character, added to its fleshy stem and the fact that the lamellz 
are usually joined to the stem. Bright clear reds and purplish 
hues prevail, but several species exhibit a green colour, or an 
approach to green. The spores are white or yellowish, and the 
flesh never exudes a milky or coloured juice. 

Emetic Russula (Dangerous) 
Russula emetica 

Cap or Pileus—Rosy tint to rich red. Flesh thin. The margin 
furrowed with parallel 
lines. Skin separable, 
somewhat viscid. Cap 
diameter of specimen 
photographed, 3% 

Gills or Lamelle—White. 
Usually uniform, occa- 
sionally unequal; 
broad and_ brittle. 
Stem or Stipe—Rosy. Swol- 
len near the base. 
Specimen photo- 
graphed, 2%  imches 
Section of R. emetica long. 
Spores—W hite. 
Flesh—White, unless just under the skin, where it may be pink. 
Very fragile. Peppery to the taste. 

Om-pha’-IN-4 Um-bél-l'-f8-r8 Riis’-st-lé E-mét'-1-cd 

‘Cyyoeyog ‘eoljowe ejnssny) 
*“(snosaduep) ejnssny o1jewy 


“69 aded aag 
‘Cag ‘suagdsoJiA Bjnssny) 
‘(a|GIpa) einssmy uaaId 

White-spored Series 

Taste—Acrid and biting. 
ZLime—July to November. 
Habitat—In damp meadows, in woods, in grassy places, under 

pine trees and firs. 

Green Russula: Verdette (Edible) 

Russula virescens 

Cap or Pileus—Greyish green. At first globose, then expanded ; 
convex or depressed at the centre. Firm and dry. Not 
viscid, but adorned with flaky greenish or yellowish 
patches, produced by the cracking of the skin. 2-4 inches 
broad. Margin marked with impressed lines. 

Section of R. virescens 

Gills or Lamelle—White. Moderately close; free, or nearly so; 
narrow as they approach the stem. Some forked, others 

Stem or Stipe—Shorter than the diameter of the cap. Smooth, 
white, and solid, or somewhat softer within. 1-2 inches 

Spores—W hite, rough, nearly globose. 

Flesh—White ; mild in taste. 


Fungi with Gills 

Time—July and August. 
ffabitat—Grassy grounds, groves, and open woods. 

No milky nor coloured juice, no coloured circular zones. 

Variable Russula (Edible) 
Russula heterophylla 

Cap or Pileus—Variable in colour. Greenish or pinkish grey, but 
‘fleshy, firm ; slightly convex, then depressed ; smooth, and 

polished, the very thin skin disappearing. Margin thin, 
smooth, or with slightly depressed lines closely placed. 

Stem or Stipe—Solid, firm, smooth, shining white, the apex oc- 
casionally dilated in the form of a cup. 

Annulus or Volua—None. 

Gills or Lamelle—Narrow, crowded, forked ; white; of different 


Flesh—White ; mild in taste. 

Habitat—Woods. Common. 

Time—July to October. 

The specific name refers to the difference in the lengths of 
the gills. 


The members of the genus Ciifocybe have the spores white, 
no volva nor annulus, the gills with thin edges not notched on 
the edge near the stem, and generally decurrent. 

Clitocybe laccata (Edible) (See Prate Facine Pace 67) 

Cap or Pileus—When moist, pale red, buff red, or flesh red; 
when dry, greyish to pale yellowish brown. Surface cov- 
ered with tiny tufts of hair. Convex when young, flattened 
with wavy margin when old ; often depressed. 14-2 inches 

Gills or Lamelle—Broad, distant, unequal. Flesh colour. Slightly 

Veil and Annulus—None. 

Stem or Stife—Slender, stiff, fibrous, stuffed, or hollow. Colour 
like cap. Often twisted. 1-3 inches long. 

Spores—White, rough, globose. 

Flesh—Thin, pale flesh colour, leathery, tasteless. 

Hét’ér-6-phyl'-la. Cli-té-c¥'-bé Lac-ca'-t& 


(Clitocybe illudens, Schw.) 
Dull orange; phosphorescent. See Genus, p. 70 

Elitecybacvirens"SCope (edible): 

White-spored Series 

Sections of C. laccata 

Zime—Spring to autumn. 
Habitat—W ood, swamps, or open fields, naked ground, mossy 
or grassy places. 

Var. amethystina has cap darker, gills amethyst, quite 

Var. pallidifolia, gills paler than Jaccata. 

Var. striatula, plants small, gills showing as lines through 
the thin cap. 

Clitocybe virens 

Cap or Pileus—Fleshy, convex, expanded, obtuse. Pale greenish 

Gills or Lamella—White, crowded, thin, slightly decurrent. 

Stem or Stipe—White, with occasional rusty spots ; stiff, solid. 
Sometimes two stems are found growing together at the base. 


Filesh—W hite. 


Hfabitat—The specimen photographed was found growing in 
mixed woods in Pennsylvania. 

Am-é-thys'-ti-n& Pal-lt-di-f6'-I1-4 Stri-at'-0-14 Vi'-réns 

Pholiota aggericola, Peck 

Reduced slightly 
See page 84 

Craterellus cantharellus, Schw. 

(Edible.) Reduced slightly 

Brown-spored Series 

Craterellus cantharellus (Edible) 

Cap or Pileus—Margin wavy. Yellow or pinkish 
yellow. Fleshy, firm, convex, then centrally 
Gills or Lamela—Blunt, running down the stem, 
forking many times. 
Stem—Solid, yellow, and smooth. 
Spores—yY ellowish. 
Flesh—White, slightly stained in places. Taste 
slightly peppery ; no odour. 
Time—Summer and autumn. 
Habitat—Specimen photographed was found grow- 
ing in moss and earth on an old wood road in Section of C. 
mixed woods, New Jersey. canthetelles, 

Craterellus is at present classified as one of the family 
Thelephoracee. For convenience we have placed it under 
‘Fungi with Gills.” It is interesting, as it forms a connecting 
link between fam. Thelephoracee and fam. Agaricacee. 


The genus Agaricus includes all brown-spored species which 
have free gills and astem with a collar. The distinctive features 
of several edible species may be quite satisfactorily seen by refer- 
ence to the table with parallel columns. 

Mushroom-growing is becoming quite an important industry 
in this country ; both professional horticulturists and amateurs 
successfully engage init. It is not a difficult matter to raise the 
common mushroom, as the conditions necessary are easily ob- 
tained. Mushrooms will grow almost anywhere out of doors, 
and also in cellars, caves, and tunnels where a uniform and mod-~ 
erate temperature of from 50° to 60° Fahr. can be maintained. The 
part of a cellar devoted to mushrooms must be darkened some- 
what, must have a dry floor, and must be protected from wet 
overhead and from winds. These conditions are common in cel- 
lars which are rather dark, but sufficiently well ventilated not to 
be musty. The bed for the mushrooms is prepared in a manner 

Cra'-tér-él'-liis Thél-é-ph6-ra'-¢é-2e A-gar'-1-ctis 

Fungi with Gills 

similar to that employed in making a hot-bed, care being taken 
that the conditions are such that too great heat is not generated. 
Any one desiring to experiment will find it helpful to have the 
‘‘Farmers’ Bulletin,’ No. 53, ‘‘How to Grow Mushrooms,” 
which may be obtained from the United States Department of 
Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 


" ori 

feduced. See page 76 

a eee * 

Reduced. See page 77. 

Agaricus abruptus, Pk. (edible). 

cus campestris, L. (edible). 

g£:daag ‘wWoolYysnm uomUIOD aq} JO AjasVA payeanpnoun 9y} st sy L 
(ry ‘sz4psaguev2 SnI2405 pf) 

(a7g103) WOOYHSNW a71als 

- - \ EA vay @ 

Brown-spored Series 

SQUI-I}-/1-IZ (AT 





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slajsedwueo snowesy 





Fungi with Gills 

Common Mushroom (Edible) 

Agaricus campestris (See Puates Facinc PAGES 74 AND 75) 

Cap or Pileus—Silky, or with fine fibres. The young plants— 
‘‘buttons”— are hemispherical or almost globose. The 
mature plants are convex or nearly flat. White, or tinged 
with dingy browns. Skin separable. Margin extending 
beyond the gills. 

Gills or Lamelle—Delicate pink, then dark brown, covered by a 
veil in young plants. Crowded, rounded at the inner ex- 
tremity. Not attached to stem 

Stem or Stipe—White, smooth; stuffed; that is, softer within than 

‘ without. Shorter than the diameter of the cap. 

Ring or Annulus—Delicate, often disappearing with age. 

Flesh—White. Much esteemed. 

Spores—Brownish, elliptical. 

Time—Late summer and autumn. 

fabitat—In pastures, lawns, and open places. 

Agaricus campestris is the mushroom ordinarily seen in the 
markets, either fresh from the growers or preserved in cans. 
Rodman’s Mushroom (Edible) 
Agaricus Rodmani 

Sections of A. Rodmani 
Caim-pés’-tris Réd-man'-i 

(Agaricus Rodmani, Peck. Reduced) 

(Agaricus Rodmani, Peck) 

Nat. size: Cap diam., 3% inches ; stem length, 2 inches 


Agaricus abruptus, Peck. 

Brown-spored Series 

Cap or Pileus—Creamy, with brownish spots. Firm, surface dry. 
Mature specimens frequently have the surface or the cap 
broken into large, brownish scales. 334 inches broad. 

Gills or Lamelle—Whitish, then pink, becoming dark brown. 
Narrow, close, unequal. 

Stem or Stipe—Fleshy, solid, short, thick. 2 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—Double. 


Flesh—Firm, whit2, assuming a pinkish or salmon tint. When 
cut, agreeable nutty flavour. 

Time—May to July. 

Habitat—Grassy grounds, crevices of unused pavements. The 
specimen photo- 
graphed was 
found growing in 
a cluster between 
broken stone in 

the gutter of a (\ 
village street in 
New Jersey. 

Agaricus) ab- 
ruptus (Edible) 

Cap or Pileus—Creamy 

white, dry, and 
silky. Irregular 
in shape when 
young. Yellow 
when bruised. 

Gills or Lamelle— 
Slightly pznkish 
when the veil 
first breaks; 
deeper pink in 
mature speci- 
mens, becoming 
browntsh. Soft, 
free from the 
stem, crowded, 

Stem or Stipe—Creamy 
white, deeper 
cream, or brown- 
ish near the base. 
Hollow, stiff, 
brittle, sometimes Section of A. abruptus 


Fungi with Gills 

splitting lengthwise. Abruptly bulbous at the base, 
tapering toward cap. 3 inches long. 


Veil and Annulus—Frail, part adhering to the margin of the cap, 
part forming aring on the stem. 

Flesh—White, solid. Decided taste of pistachio-nut. 


Habitat—The specimen photographed grew by the trail along 
Lake Placid. 


This genus has brown spores, and no volva at the base of 
the stem. The veil remains as a fringe attached to the margin 
of the pileus, but is not always apparent in old specimens; no 
portion remains as aring onthestem. The gills are attached or 
grown fast to the stem at their inner extremity. In this respect, 
and also in having the stem destitute of a collar, the genus differs 
from the genus Agaricus. 

Perplexing Hypholoma (Harmless) 
Hypholoma perplexum 

Cap or Pileus— Convex or nearly plane, smooth, sometimes 
slightly umbonate. Reddish or brownish red, fading to yel- 
low on the margins. 

Stem or Stife-—Firm and hollow, slightly covered with fine 
threads. Whitish or yellowish to rusty red or red brown. 
2-3 inches long. 

Veil or Ring—Veil remains attached to the margin. No ring on 
the stem. 

Gills or Lamelle—Thin, crowded, slightly rounded at the stem 
end. At first pale yellow, then tinged with green or purplish 

Spores—Purplish brown, elliptical. 

Flesh—Mild, not clearly bitter, white. 

Time—Autumn to freezing weather. 

Habitat—Grows in clusters, sometimes singly, on stumps, in the 
woods or in the open. 

Six allied species of Hypholoma may be readily distinguished 
by reference to the table. 
Hy'-pho-16'-ma Pér-pléx’-tim 

Perplexing Hypholoma (harmless). 
(Hypholoma perplexum, Pk.) 


Section of H. perplexum 

Brown-spored Series 


H. epixanthus 
Gray-gilled Mush- 

H. capnoides 

H. perplexum 
Perpléxing Mush- 

Gills—Y ellow, be- 
coming grey; 
neither green nor 

Cap—Yellow or 
slightly tawny on 
disk only. 


Gills—Grey to purple- 

Cap —Yellow or 
slightly tawny on 
the disk only. 


Gills—Y ellow, green, 
or purple brown. 

Cap—Brick red, yel- 
low onthe margin. 

Taste— Mild or not 
clearly bitter. 

Regarded as edible. 

E'-pi-xdn’-this * 



Fungi with Gills 


H. elzodes 

H. fasciculare 
Tufted Yellow Mush- 

H. sublateritium 
Brick-red Mush- 

Gills—Green to olive. 
Cap—Brick red. 
Stem—Hollow, rusty. 

Flesh—Y ellow. 


Gills—Yellow to 

Cap—Yellow tinged 
with tawny. 

Stem — Hollow, yel- 

Filesh—VY ellow. 

Reputed poisonous. 

Gilsk—W hitish to 
sooty olive. 

Cap—Brick red. 

Stem—Solid or 

Flesh—W hitish. 


Reputed poisonous and 

Uncertain Hypholoma (Edible) 

and adorned 
with the frag- 
ments of the 
woolly whiteveil. 
Opaque when 
dry, transparent 
when moist. 
Ovate at first, 
then broadly 
spreading. 1-2% 
inches wide. 

Gills or Lamelle— 
Thin, narrow, 
close; fastened to 
the stem at their 
inner extremity. 
White at first, 
then purplish 

EI '-z-0'-dés 


Hypholoma incertum 
Cap or Pileus—Thin, 


whitish. Margin often wavy 

Section of H. incertum 




Maas «1 
ae re. 

‘Uncertain Hypholoma (edible). 

(Hypholoma incertum, Pk.). 

sayou! + ‘Sua, uays ! sayour F *-uleIp dvd :oZis ‘jtN “poInpary 
(yoeyos ‘venzzz4agvzqns pucozoy ga f7) 
(aqgida) dOL yOIWa 

Stem or Stpfe—Hollow, white, and slender. 

Stores—Purplish brown, elliptical. 

Time —Throughout a moist season. 

Brown-spored Series 

1-3 inches long. 

ffabitat—In clusters, in lawns, gardens, thin woods, and pastures. 

Brick Top (Edible) 
Hypholoma sublateritium 

Cap or Pileus—Brick red, with pale yellowish border. Surface 

covered with fine silky fibres. 

inches broad. 

Fleshy, firm, moist. 234-4 

Stem or Stipe—Creamy when young, lower part slightly tinged 


Section of H. sublateritium 

6 81 

with red. 
Hollow or 
stuffed. Silky 
fibres on the 
surface. 2%- 
4 inches long. 

Gills or LameHla— 
when young, 
olive when 
old. Attached 
to stem at 
ity. Rather 
crowded, un- 

Ring or Annulus— 
None. Rem- 
nants of veil 
often seen on 
edge of cap. 


firm, bitter. 

Time — Septem- 

Habitat— The 
grew in clus- 
ters ona 
mossy stump 
in the open. 

Fungi with Gills 


There are about seven species of this genus in America. The 
spores are brown, there is no volva, the stem has a collar, and 
the lamella are united with the stem. They have no special 
economic importance. 


Two American species are reported for this genus. The 
spores are dark brown, there is no volva, the veil is inconspicu- 
ous or wanting, and the lamellz attached to the stem or notched 
at the inner extremity. The margin of the cap in the young 
plant and mature plant is always straight. 


Eleven American species are reported for this genus. The 
spores are dark brown. There is no volva, the veil is incon- 
spicuous or wanting, and the lamelle are attached to the stem 
or notched at the inner extremity. In the young plant the cap 
curves in at the margin. 


This genus has but one American species recorded. The 
spores are dark brown. There is no volva, and the veil is incon- 
spicuous or wanting. The lamelle are free from the stem. 


But one American species is reported. This has dark brown 
spores, and the lamella growing down on the stem. The veil 
is inconspicuous or wanting, and there is no volva. 

Stréph-a'-rl-4 Psa-thy’-ra Psi-16-¢y'-bé 
Pi-16-sa'-cé Dé-cén’-1-c& 

Rusty-spored Series 


One American species is reported in this genus, Clarkeinde 
plana, from Nebraska. The spores are brown, and the stem has 
a volva at the base, but no ring. 


The members of this genus have rusty spores, and an annulus 
on the stem. There are about twenty known species, and 
some of these are edible. 

Fat Pholiota (Edible) 

Pholiota adiposa (Sze Prat Facine Pace 61) 

Cap or Pileus—Showy, deep yellow, 
with little scales of reddish 
brown. Fleshy, firm. At first 
hemispherical, then convex. 
Sticky when moist, shiny when 
dry. 2-4 inches broad. 

Stem or Stie—Stem yellow, gener- 
ally rusty at the base. Equal in 

diameter, or slightly thickened x. 
at the base. Stuffed or solid. Section of P. adiposa 

Gills or Lamelle—Yellowish, becoming rusty; close, and at- 
tached to the stem. 

Ring or Annulus—Slightly radiating, woolly. 

Spores—Rusty brown. 

Time—September to November. 

ffabitat—In tufts, on stumps or dead trunks of trees. 

Pholiota limonella, \lemon-yellow pholiota, has a smaller, 
thinner, and more expanded cap, of a lighter yellow, with white 

Chi-to'-ni-4 Pho-li-3'-td Ad-1-pé'-s& 

Fungi with Gills 

Early Pholiota (Edible) 

Pholiota pracox 

Cap or Pileus—Creamy white, 
smooth, not shining. Very 
thin skin. 1-2 inches long. 

Cony | Stem or Stipe—Creamy white, 
ZS Geese rather scaly. Skin peels 
readily. Stuffed or hollow. 

1-5 inches long. 

Gills or Lamelle—Creamy white 
when young, brown when 
mature. Soft, close, un- 
equal, notched at the inner 
extremity, and attached to 
the stem. 

Veil and Ring—Stretched like a 
drumhead from stem to mar- 
gin of cap. Variable in 
manner of parting. It some- 
times separates from cap 
margin, and forms a distinct 
ring about the stem; again, 
but little remains on the 
stem, and much on the rim 
of the cap. 

Spores—Rusty brown. 

Flesh—W hite, solid though soft, 
moist. Taste slightly bitter. 

Time—May to July. 

fabitat—Grassy ground. The 
specimen pictured grew 
about the roots of a poplar 

Section of P. praecox tree in New Jersey. 

Pholiota aggericola 
(Sze PLATE FacinG PaGE 73) 

Cap or Pileus—Brown, shining when moist. Margin in older 
specimens finely and closely impressed with parallel lines. 
Cap diameter of specimen photographed, 2 inches. 

Gills 0 Lamelle—Pale brownish when young, darker brown 

Pré’-cdx Ag-gér-tc'-8-14 
. 84 

(Hygrophorus eburneus, Fries) 
Reduced, Cap diam., 1 inch; stem length, 234 inches 
See page 61 


(Pholiota precox, Pers.) 

Reduced. Nat. size: Cap diam., 2% inches; stem length, 3% inches. 

$g -d ‘snuay 20g 
a[qeaeisesip mopo * pifal 33se} : pasinig UsYyM Jopuaar] Ysop * IOPUsAR] s[[Is * UMOIg pue JopudAry des 

Cig ‘sauzuv2 snz4vu24402) 


Rusty-spored Series 

when mature. Attached to stem when young, free when 
Veii—Pale brown, colour of stem. 
Stem or Stipe— 
Pale brown- 
ish, darker at 
base. Softer 
texture with- 
in than with- 
out. Stem 
length of 
graphed, 2 
Spores — Rusty 
brittle. No 
taste or 
odour. Section of P. aggericola 
Habitat—Specimen photographed grew among grass and leaves 
in a New Jersey garden. 


This genus contains many species which are distinguished 
by the rusty yellow colour of their spores and by the webby 
character of the veil. It is of the utmost importance in identify- 
ing species of Cortinarius to know the colour of the gills of the 
young plant, as the gills of the old plants are almost uniform in 
colour, owing to their being dusted with the rusty yellow spores. 
In addition, one should carefully note the colour of the young 
plant compared with the old; the surface, whether sticky or dry, 
smooth or hairy; the taste; and the markings left on the stem by 
the retreating veil. All species have their gills attached to the 
stem, and some have them notched at the stem end. They may 
be looked for along the borders of woods and groves in hilly 
regions, during the latter part of the summer. 



Fungi with Gills 

Cortinarius alboviolaceus (Sez Pate Facinc Pace 65) 

Cap or Pileus—Lavender, paler in the centre. Surface with rusty 
spots. 2% inches broad. 
Gills or Lamelle—Crowded, unequal, attached to the stem. 

. violaceus 

Stem or Stipe—Pale lavender, assuming a deeper shade when cut 
or bruised. Spongy in the centre, swollen toward the base. 
3 inches long. 
Vei_—Filmy, stretching from stem to the margin of the cap in 
young plant. 
Spores—Rusty brown. | 



(Cortinarius armillatus, A. & S., Fr.) 
Cap cinnamon-brown ; gills paler than cap; stem light brown with fibrous zones of red. See Genus, p. 85 

sayour € ‘q]Susy ways } soyour HE “mUIp ded :ezIs “TEN 

Cyoeyas ‘svwz2229 snagn7q) 

(araida) SNALAId G3yNO1OD-NMV4 AHL 

Pink-spored Series 

Flesh—Tinged with violet. 
ffabitat—Thick, damp woods. 

C. violaceus differs from c. alboviolaceus in having the cap 
dark violet and usually covered with fibres. 


The members of the genus Pluteus are fleshy fungi with 
pink spores, and gills free from the stem. They have no volva or 
wrapper about the young plant, and no ring or annulus on the 
stem. Eleven species are known from the United States, of 
which Pluteus cervinus, the fawn-coloured mushroom, is the 

The generic name Pluteus means all thatis joined together 
to make a cover for besiegers at their work, that they may be 
screened from the missiles of the enemy. The arrangement of 
the caps in the group pictured is suggestive of the meaning. 

Fawn-coloured Pluteus (Edible) 

Pluteus cervinus 

Cap or Pileus—Light 
brown or fawn 
streaked with 
lines of darker 
brown. Sur- 
face dry and 
shining. Skin 
thin and papery. 
3% inches 

Gills or Lamele— 
Almost white 
when young, 
flesh colour 
when mature. 

_ Broad, unequal 
in length, free 
from the stem. 

Stem or Stipe— 
Creamy white, P. cervinus 

Pla'-té-tis Gér-vi'-niis 


Fungi with Gills 

streaked with pale brown. Brittle, pithy in the centre when 
mature. 3-6 inches long. 
Spores—Pink, with suggestions of yellow; salmon colour. 
Flesh—W hite, tasteless. 
Time—Early in the season, May. 
ffabitat—Mixed woods, on and around old stumps. New Jersey. 


The members of this genus have pink spores, and the 
lamelle attached to the stem, or with a notch near the junction 
of gill and stem. The stem is fleshy, and not tough and hard as 
in Leptonia and Nolanea, genera with pink spores and adnate 
or sinuate lamellz. There are some twelve species in this genus, 
none of which have any economic interest. 


The members of the genus Eccilia have neither volva nor 
annulus. The gills grow downward on the stem, the spores are 
pink, and the stems have a hard, tough rind, not fleshy as in 
Clitopilus. There are three species known in America. 


The members of the genus Volvaria are fleshy fungi, soon 
becoming putrescent. The spores are salmon colour. A volva 
is present, but no annulus. Distinguished from Amanitopsis by 
having salmon-coloured spores instead of white. 


The members of this group have neither volva nor annu- 
lus. The gills grow downward on the stem, the spores are 
pink, and the stem is fleshy, without a hard and tough rind as 
in Eccilia. There are fourteen American species, of which at 
least two species are edible. 

En-td-1a'-ma N6-la/-né-& Ec-oil'-1-8 
Lép-to' -nt-4 Vol-va'-ri-a Cli-t6-pi'-ltis 

16 a8ed seg 
{9ZIS "JEN "HO ‘sz2+7s90728 *yen ‘S224DJUIMLVAID snuzsgo)) 

(379103) SANINdOO AYNI 

Black-spored Series 

Ink Caps (Edible) 

The genus Coprinus may be readily recognised from the 
fact that the spore-bearing plates dissolve to an inky fluid soon 
after the spores mature. 

An amateur mushroom hunter may feel perfectly safe in col- 
lecting ink caps for his table, as all the species large enough to 
tempt the collector are not only edible, but are generally conceded 
to be of the best. 

Their general appearance is such that even the most un- 
trained. observer should not mistake them for species of other 

The oblong or nearly cylindrical cap, which does not expand 
until ready to dissolve in inky drops, is too striking a character- 
istic to permit of any one’ making a mistake in identifying it as 
a specimen safe to eat. 

These plants literally grow up in a night and perish in a 
day, as their period of growth is spent underground, and it is 
not until all the parts of the fruiting portions of the plants are 
fully developed that they push themselves above ground. Then 
they pushand crowd from the ground in such numbers, where 
but a few hours before no evidence of them was seen, that each 
one is. compressed from its cylindrical form to that of a many- 
sided prism, so that there would be no chance for the expansion 
of those within the group if it were not that those on the outer 
rim so rapidly expand and dissolve away. 

Specimens to be eaten should be gathered in the young 
stage and should be cooked promptly; for though not poisonous 
in the black stage,. they are surely not attractive. 

Shelley must have had the ink caps in mind when he wrote 
of the fungi in the garden of ‘‘ The Sensitive Plant”: 

‘Their mass rotted off them flake by flake, 
Till the thick stalk stuck like a murderer’s stake, 
Where rags of loose flesh yet tremble on high, 
Infecting the winds that wander by.” 



Fungi with Gills 

Shaggy-mane; Horsetail; Maned Agaric 
Coprinus comatus (See Paces 1, v, viii) 

Cap or Pileus—Cylindrical or barrel-shaped; becoming bell-shaped 
or expanded, with split margins, when old. Colour of the 
buttons or young plants dark; but that of the older forms 
white, flecked with dark patches or scales. Surface shaggy. 
14-3 inches long before expansion. 

Stem or Stipe—White, smooth, hollow. 3~4 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—Slightly adherent, or movable in the young 
plant ; later lying on the ground at the base of the stem, 
or wholly disappearing. 

Gills or Lamelle—Crowded. White, then tinged with pink ; 
finally black, and dripping an inky fluid. 

Spores—Black, elliptical. 

flesh—Fragile, tender, digestible, with nutty flavour. 


Habitat—Loose, rich earth. By roadsides, in pastures, and in 
dumping grounds. 

If one study the specimens of the shaggy-mane from the 
time it pushes its little brown head above the ground until, as a 
tall black umbrella, it melts away into inky blackness, he will 
find much that is beautiful and interesting. 

A little brown button may be cut with a sharp knife through- 
out its length to show the unexpanded gills lying close to the 
part which is afterwards to become the stem. 

An older button cut in the same way will show the gills 
separated from the stem and the outer cover of the cap at the 
lower end of the gills joined to the stem. A still older specimen 
will show the connection of the outer cover broken loose from 
the base of the gill and the torn part still remaining on the stem 
as a temporary collar. 

The outer layer of brown threads which covers the button 
will be found to break as the threads within expand, and to re- 
main in the older specimens on the surface as patches of brown 
threads. Underlying these are broken white threads which in a 
younger stage, unbroken, formed a white cover under the brown. 
It is these loosely hanging threads which give the shaggy ap- 
pearance to the cap of the mature plants and which have 
suggested the names of shaggy-mane, horsetails, and comatus 
(comatus, in Latin, meaning hairy). 



(ezIs “eNO “SoTL ‘Snt4avjuautvazDo snuzsgo) 

(378103) SNNINdOD AYNI 

Black-spored Series 

Inky Coprinus (Edible) 
Coprinus atramentartus 

Cap or Pileus—Cylindrical at first, broadening by degrees until it 
is cone-shaped. Colour greyish or greyish brown, with sug- 
gestions of lead colour. Smooth or with a few obscure 
scales on the disk. Often suffused with bloom. The mar- 
gin sometimes notched or lobed. Deliquescing. 1-3 inches 
in diameter. 

Stem or Stie—Slender, smooth, whitish, hollow. 

Ring or Annulus—A slight vestige of one may be seen to extend 
around the stem near the base as an irregular zigzag ele- 
vated line of threads. 

Gills or Lamela—Crowded. At first whitish and flocculose on 
the edges, then black, moist, dropping away in inky fluid. 

Spores--Black, elliptical. 

Flesh—W hite, quickly deliquescing. 


Habvitat—Rich soil, waste places, woods. 

The form growing in the woods is much more beautiful and 
is known as C. atramentarius, var. silvestris. See plate facing 

page 89. 
Glistening Coprinus (Edible) 

Coprinus micaceus 

Cap or Pileus—Ovate, then bell-shaped.  Striations radiating 
from near the centre of the disk to the margin. Glistening 
mica-like scales cover undisturbed young specimens. 1-2 
inches broad. Colour tan, light buff, or tawny yellow. 

Stem or Stipe—Slender, smooth, fragile, white, hollow. 1-3 inches 

Ring or Annulus—Rarely seen except in very young specimens. 

Gills or Lamelle—Not as crowded as in the ink cap and shaggy- 
mane. Colour white, then tinged with pinkish or purplish 
brown, finally black. 

Spores—Brown, elliptical. 

Flesh—A nutty flavour when raw. In wet weather it melts to 
an inky fluid. In dry weather it may dry with all parts 
well preserved. 

Zime—Common during spring and early autumn. 

The glistening coprinus is small and beautiful, and grows in 
clusters on decaying woods, stumps, or buried roots. 

At'-ré-mén-ta’-ri-tis Mi-ca'-¢é-tis 


Fungi with Gills 


This genus has black spores. The lamella are waxy, and 
grow downward on the stem. 


The members of this genus are fleshy fungi, with black 
spores. They have no annulus, and the lamelle are not waxy 
or decurrent. The cap is striate, and the stem has a hard, 
tough rind. 


There are six or more species of this genus in America. 
They have black ovoid spores, a cap smooth and not striate, a 
fleshy stem. 


A milky or coloured juice exuding from the broken gills of a 
fungus marks it as a Lactarius. The species are mostly stout 
and fleshy, the cap resembling an inverted cone; the gills are 
more or less decurrent, and the stem short and stout. Many of 
the species have a hot, acrid taste, and some have zones of colour 
on the surface of the cap. The spores are white or yellow. The 
juice exuded may be white or orange or blue. 

Peppery Lactarius (Edible) 
Lactarius piperatus 

Cap or Pileus—Creamy white, fleshy, firm, depressed in the cen- 
tre. Dry, never viscid, and uncommonly broad. 3-12 inches 
in diameter. 

Gills or Lamelle—Creamy white, narrow, crowded, unequal, 
forked, decurrent. Exuding a milky juice when bruised. 
Milk white. 

Stem or Stipe—Creamy white, short, thick, solid, rounded at and 
slightly tapering toward the base. 

Gém-phid'-1-tis Sa-thy-rél'-14 Pan-z'-6-lis 
Lac-ta'-ri-tis Pip-ér-a'-tiis 



(Lactarius piperatus, Scop. Nat. size) 

(Lactarius piperatus, Scop. Nat. size) 

Mycena haematopoda, Pers. 

Lactarius ligniotus, Fr. 

See page 55. 

Fungi with Milky Juice 

L. piperatus 

Veil and Annulus—None. 


ilesh—Slightly paler than the surface of the cap. Taste very pep- 
pery. Odour quite aromatic. 


Habitat—Specimen pictured was found in mixed woods, among 
dried leaves and sticks, in New Jersey. 

Lactarius ligniotus 

Cap “s Pileus—Fleshy ; brown velvety surface ; convex to plane; 

Gills or Lamelle—Attached to the stem, distant, unequal. Snow 
white to yellowish white. Mlk mild and white. 

Stem and Stipe—The upper part the same colour as the cap surface, 
base lighter ; hollow. 

Ring or Annulus—None. 

Spores—W hite. 

Flesh—Yaste pleasant. Broken flesh reddish white, then yellow 


Habvitat-—Common among mosses under fir trees. The specimen 
pictured was found growing in mixed woods at Lake Placid. 



Tue fungi with teeth are so called because, instead of bear- 
ing their spores on the surface of gills and pores, they bear 
them on the surface of awl-shaped teeth, which project down- 
ward. The genera of the family Hydnacee are distinguished 
by the size, shape, and attachment of the teeth. Plants with 
teeth only, and no basal membrane, make the genus Mucronella. 
Plants with flattened, leaf-like teeth attached to a leathery mem- 
brane, growing on wood, either in the form of a cap, or simply 
spreading over the host, make the genus /rpex. Plants with 
thick, blunt, irregular spines make the genus Radulum. Fleshy 
or membranous plants with caps and flattened teeth, growing on 
the ground, make the genus Sisfotrema. Plants which spread 
over their host, closely attached to its surface, and have simple, 
bristle-like teeth, make the genus Pycnodon. Plants growing 
in a manner similar to those of the genus Pycnodon, but having 
low-crested wrinkles instead of bristles, make the genus 
Phlebia ; while those with smooth hemispherical warts make 
the genus Grandinia, and those with crested papillose warts 
make the genus Odontium. The typical genus Hydnum has the 
teeth cylindrical, so that a cross section would appear circular. 
This is the only large genus, and in it are found several impor- 
tant edible species. These may be put in two groups, one con- 
taining the species with a cap and central stem, and one the 
species growing in branched masses with no distinct cap. These 
are commonly known as Hedgehog Mushrooms. 

HyYd-na'-c&-2e Tr’-péx Sis-td-tré’-m4 Phl&b-1'-& 
Mi-cro-nél'-14 Rad’-t-ltim Pyc'-nd-din Gran-di'-ni-a 
O-dént’-1-tim HYd'-ntim 


Genus Hydnum 

Spreading Hydnum (Edible) 
Hydnum repandum (Sse Prats Facine Pace 103) 

Cap or Pileus—Fleshy, fragile, moist, smooth or somewhat 
scaly in mature specimens. Variable in colour ; light red, 
pale buff, or rusty yellow. Convex, plane, or deeply con- 
cave by the stem becoming 
hollow. Margins often wavy. 
1-4 inches broad. 

Teeth or Aculei—Pointed, whitish, 
easily detached, leaving little 
cavities in the fleshy cap. 

Stem or Stie—Stem solid in young 
specimens, hollow in older 
specimens. Surface rather 
rough ; often eccentric. 1-3 
inches long. 

Flesh—Watery, lighter colour than 

Shares Whitish, 

Time—July to October. 

Habitat—Woods and open places. 
Singly or in clusters. The speci- 
men pictured was found in 
North Carolina in February. 

Section of H. repandum 

Hydnum rufescens (edible) is redder than the typical form, 
is smaller and more regular. 

White Hydnum (Edible) 
Hydnum albidum 

Cap or Pileus—White, fleshy. 1-2 inches broad. 
Teeth or Aculei—White, short. 

Stem or Stipe—White, solid, short. 1-2 inches long. 
Flesh—W hite. 

Time—June to August. 

Habitat—Thin, wet woods. 

Ré-pan'-diim Ri-fés'-cas Al-bi'-diim 

Fungi with Teeth—Hydnacez 

Hydnum imbricatum 

Cap or Pileus—Brownish, as if 
scorched. Surface cracked in 
irregular scales. 6-7 inches 


Teeth—Bluish grey. 

Stem or Stife—Short and thick, with 

a. taienn irregular scales. 

: Flesh—W hitish. 

Time—Late summer. 
ffabitat—Dry woods. 

Bear’s-head Hydnum (Edible) 

Hydnum caput-ursi 

Plant—White, fleshy. 
Branches and Teeth—Short branches covered with awl-shaped 
teeth of varying length, pointed toward the ground. 

) Ni 

mi ee 

ae ; 
‘ AF 2 = 



Section of H. caput-ursi 






Flesh—W hite when young, creamy when old. 

Habvitat—On prostrate or standing tree trunks of decaying de- 
ciduous trees. Erect, if on the upper side; ascending or 
pendulous or both, if on the side of the trunk. 

The bear’s-head hydnum is very variable in form. The 
m-bri-ca'-tiim Ca’ -piit-tir’-si 




(Hydnum Caput-Urst, Fries) 


(Hydnum coralloides, Scop.). See p. 97 

Genus Hydnum 

essential character is a solid, fleshy body with short protecting 
branches bearing numerous simple or branched teeth, which 
may vary in length from one-sixth of an inch to two inches. 

Medusa’s Head (Edible) 
Hydnum caput-meduse 

Hydnum caput-medus@ has knob-like branches, with short, 
distorted teeth above, and long, uniform ones below. At first it 
is white, but later changes to a smoky or ash colour. The change 
in colour from white to an ashy tint distinguishes it from H. 
caput-ursi, which changes to creamy white. 

Hedgehog Hydnum (Edible) 
Hydnum echinaceus 

The hedgehog hydnum is white at first, and then creamy. 
The branches are knob-like, and bear numerous straight, equal 
teeth about two inches long. 

Coral Hydnum (Edible) 
Hydnum coralloides 

Plant—Pure white, becoming creamy with age. 

Branches and Teeth—Numerous, spreading, angular or flattened. 
Terminal branches often curved upwards, terminating in a 
crowded mass of spines. Teeth, %-% of an inch long. 

Stem—Short, dividing into branches almost from the base. 

Flesh—Tender, white, with agreeable taste. 

Time—July to October. 

Habitat—On prostrate trees in mountainous or hilly country. 

When amere child, Elias Fries was so attracted by this beau- 
tiful coral-like fungus, which grew in his native forests in Sweden, 
that he was led to take up the study of fungi, and later became 
one of the most prominent students in that branch of botany, 
and laid the foundation for the study of the Baszdiomycetes. 

Ca'-piit-mé-dii'-sze Ech-i-na’-c8-tis Cér-al-loi'-~dés 
7 97 


Tue fairy clubs and coral fungi belong to the family Clava- 
riaceeé. They are fleshy fungi of upright growth, which have 
their spore-bearing surface exposed on the apices of branching 
or simple club-like forms. Many are extremely beautiful, re- 
sembling corals of exquisite shades of pink, violet, yellow, or 

The seven genera are distinguished by the colour of the 
spores, by their habit of growth—whether simple or branched, 
and, if branching, by the form of the branches; whether club- 
like or thread-like, flat or round, cartilaginous or leathery. Many 
of the members of this family are edible, and none are known to 
be unwholesome, so that it will be safe for a beginner to try any 
of them. 


Plant small, simple, hollow, and enlarged at the apex. 


Plants conspicuous, club-shaped or thread-like, with two 
spicules to each spore-bearing cell. 


Plants conspicuous, club-shaped or thread-like, with four 
spicules to each spore-bearing cell. 
Clav’-dr'-1-4'-cé-2 Phys-a-1a'-cri-4 Pis-til-la’-r¥-4 TYph'-a-lé 

66 ‘d aag ‘AUME} suawyods aimjew { molpA suowtoads Zunox 
Cag ‘27ns27 2402072) 


Genus Clavaria 


Plants conspicuous, with the branches strongly flattened or 

Sparassis crispa somewhat resembles a yellow cauliflower, 
and often forms masses as large as one’s hand. It is considered 
an excellent fungus for the table. 


The members of this genus are mostly slender, thread-like 
forms, cartilaginous when moist, and horny when dry. 


The members of this genus are leathery plants covered with 


The genus C/avaria is the largest genus in the family Clava- 
riacee. Many of the species are edible, and so easily recognised 
that the beginner may venture without hesitation to eat any of 
the branching forms. The club-like forms might be mistaken 
for certain club-shaped forms of the sac-fungi unless an examina- 
tion of the spores were made. The Clavarias would have the 
spores on little spicules, as in the garden mushroom, whereas 
the forms for which they might be mistaken would have them 
in membranous sacs. 

In collecting species of Clavaria, notes should be taken as 
to the character of the apices of the branches, the colour of 
the branches, the colour of the spores, the taste, and the place 
of growth. 

Pale Yellow Clavaria (Edible) 
Clavaria flava 

Plant—White and pale yellow. 2-5 inches high; the mass of 
branches 2-5 inches wide. 

Spa-ras’-sfs  Cris'-pd  Tér'-ti-I8.- Lak-né-cla’-di-tim = ClAv-ar'-¥-40 Flav’-& 

Fairy Clubs and Coral Fungi—Clavariacee 

Branches—Round, not flattened; smooth, crowded, and nearly 
parallel, pointing upward. Whitish or yellowish, with pale 
yellow tips. Branchlets terminating in from one to three 
blunt, tooth-like points. 

Stem—Short, thick, white. 

Spores—Y ellowish. 

Flesh—White, tender. 

Time—July to September. 

Habitat—T hin woods and open places. 

Golden Clavaria (Edible) 
Clavaria aurea 

The plant is from three to four inches high, with the 
branches of a uniform deep golden yellow, and often longitudi- 
nally wrinkled. The stem is stout, but thinner than the Clavaria 
flava, which it somewhat resembles. 

Red-tipped Clavaria (Edible) 
Clavaria botrytes 

Plant—From 2-5 inches high, whitish or yellow or pinkish, with 
the tips of the branches red. 

Branches — Sometimes longitudinally wrinkled, repeatedly 

Stem—Short, thick, fleshy, whitish. 

Time—July to September. 

Habitat—Thin woods and open places. 

Crested Clavaria (Edible) 
Clavaria cristata 

Plant—Small, not more than 2-2% inches high. White or 
whitish, often faintly tinged with dull pink, or creamy yel- 
low, or smoky tints. 

Branches—Widened and flattened above, and deeply cut into 
several finger-like points, which may turn blackish brown 
when old. 

Stem—Slender, spongy within. 

Spores—W hite. 

Habitat—W oods and open places, especially in cool, shady, moist 

Au'-ré-a Bo-try'-tés Cris-ta'-ta 

‘Cyyaeyos ‘eoine eLeae|d) 
‘(a[qipa) eeAe|d UaP|Od 
ee ee i 

7.2 So ee SS 


Clavaria formosa, Pers. (edible). 

See page IOI. 

Genus Clavaria 

Pistil Clavaria; Large Club (Edible) 
Clavaria pistillaris 

Of the club-shaped clavarias, the pistil clavaria is the 
largest. Itis of a light yellow tinged with brown or red, and 
with soft white flesh. In shape it resembles an Indian club, 
being blunt and rounded at the summit, with a diameter of an 
inch or less, and a height of five inches or less. It is found 
during the summer in grassy open places or in thin woods. 

Clavaria fellea 

The clubs of this species are about one inch high, light yellow 
tinged with brown or red, somewhat divided by pairs from 
bottom to top into two forked branches. The stem is round and 
solid, and the branches are crowded and nearly parallel, with 
blunt tips, and of a uniform colour. The taste is bitter. 

Clavaria formosa 

The Clavaria formosa has a stout whitish stem, with erect 
branches, dividing and subdividing repeatedly, golden to pink, 
the branchlets obtuse. The specimen pictured grew on a fallen 
tree in dense mixed woods. 

Pys'-til-1a’-ris Feél'-1é-& Fér-m6'-s& 



THE fungi with pores naturally divide into two groups. 
The perishable fleshy fungi with pores easily separating from 
the cap and from each other make the family Boletacee. The 
perishable fleshy fungi, and the leathery, corky, membranous 
or woody fungi, with pores permanently untied to the cap and 
to each other, make up the family Poly- 
mm Poracee@. In each the spores are borne on 
the linings of pores or tubes placed close 
together, so that on the surface of the cap they 
look much like large pin pricks on a stiff 
cushion ; but in a sectional view, obtained by cutting the cap 
from the upper surface to the lower, they look like tubes placed 
side by side. 

Among the fleshy forms the genus Fistuzlina has the stem 
lateral and the tubes close together, but distinct from each other. 
The genus Boletus has the tubes easily separable from the cap, 
and the genera Boletinus and Strobilomyces have the tubes quite 
firmly connected. A brief comparison of essential points is 
given in the table. 

Section of a Boletus 

1. Stem strictly lateral. Mouths of the tubes separated from 

CAaChOthel.'s von Fe005 Saddam Gada thes anes Genus FIsTULINA 
2. Stem central. Pores readily separating from the cap..... Genus Bo.etus 
3. Stem central or eccentric ; fleshy. Pores in more or less 
Tadiating TOWS .. 2... cee cece cece e sce eee scenes Genus Botetinus 
4. Stem central, cough. Pores uniform. Cap woody...... Genus STROBILOMYCES 


The genus Fistudina contains one notable species, Fistulina 
hepatica, so called from its resemblance to a liver. In its early 
stages it somewhat resembles a strawberry, and later it may 

Bo-1é-ta'-¢é-ce Fis-ti-li’-na Bé-lé-ti'-ntis 
Pd'-l¥-pb-ra'-c&-2e Bé-lé’-tiis Strd-bYl-d'-my-¢és 


(Strobilomyces strobilaceus, Berk.) 
Purplish black ; flesh white, changing to red when bruised. See p. roz 

Gt SR 

(Boletinus pictus, Pk.). 

Sioreading Hydnum (edible). 
(Hydnum repandum, L.). 
See page 95. 

“Painted Boletinus (edible). 

Genus Boletinus 

have the appearance of a big red tongue protruding from a tree 
trunk, so that the French call it Jangue de beuf. It is often 
called vegetable beefsteak, from the flesh-like fibre and colour of 
the fresh specimens. When young, the upper side is velvety 
and of a fine peach colour ; later it becomes liver red and loses 
the velvety appearance ; the under surface is flesh coloured, and 
is rough, much like the surface of a tongue, owing to the fact 
that the tubes are free from one another. 


The spore-bearing surface of the genus Boletinus is com- 
posed of broad, radiating lamelle connected by numerous nar- 
row partitions so as to form large angular pores. The tubes are 
not easily separable from each other and from the portion on 
which they are borne. They are yellowish in colour, and grow 
downward somewhat on the stem. The genera may be distin- 
guished by the following table: 

t. Stem HollOW: s..02 cn ewees see wee enw eeeransateeseie BOoLETINUS CAVIPES 
2. Stem solid, lateral, or eccentric. ...... 0.0 eee e cece eer eee BoLETINUS POROSUS 
3. Stem solid, central. Cap pale yellow and silky............ BOLETINUS DECIPIENS 
4. Stem solid, central, Cap red...... 0... eee e cece eee e eee BoLeTINUS PALUSTER 
5. Stem solid, central. Cap with red scales................. BoLeTinus PICTUS 
Painted Boletinus (Edible) : 

Boletinus pictus 

Cap or Pileus—Convex or nearly plane; at first covered with red 
matted fibres, which soon divide into small scales, so as to 
reveal the yellow colour of the cap beneath. 2-4 inches wide. 

Tubes—Pale yellow, or pale yellow tinged with brown. Not 
easily separated from the cap. 

Veil_—Webby, concealing the tubes of the young plant. 

Stem or Stipe—Solid, with scales and colour similar to those of the 
cap. 134-3 inches long. 

Ring or Annulus—Webby; evident in some specimens. 

Spores—Pale yellow tinged with brown. 

Flesh—Y ellowish, often assuming reddish tints when bruised. 

Habitat—W oods and mossy swamps. 

Cav’ -{-pés Pé-rd'-sits Dé-¢ip’-I-éns Pa-liis’-tér Pic'-tiis 

Fungi with Pores—Boletacez 


The species in the genus Boletus are numerous, and many 
are extremely beautiful. They are distinguished from the other 
pore-bearing fungi by the fact that their tubes are easily separable 
from each other and from the portion on which they are borne. 

They are to be looked for in the warmest part of the season, 
and with a few exceptions will be found on the ground. As it 
is difficult to dry specimens so that they will retain their size, 
shape, and colour, careful notes should be taken of these points, 
together with the colour of the spores, the colour of the tubes, 
the colour of the flesh before and after being bruised, the char- 
acter of the stem, the presence or absence of hairs and fibres on 
the several parts of the plant. The genus Boletus contains many 
edible species, and also many which are dangerous; and as the 
recognition of the different species is a difficult matter, even for 
experts, the beginner should be especially cautious. In general 
it will be well to avoid for edible purposes all Boleti which 
change colour on exposure to the air or on being pressed; all 
those which have red-mouthed tubes, or mouths of a deeper 
colour than the rest of the tube; and all those with a peppery or 
acrid taste. Experiment cautiously with the other species. 

A detailed description of the species is out of the question in 
this book; for such the reader must refer to ‘‘ Boleti of the United 
States,” * or to ‘‘ Fuhrer fiir Pilzfreunde.”’ + 

Boletus glabelius 

Cag—Smoky yellow. 
flesh—White, changing to blue when wounded. 
Tubes—Brownish yellow tinged with green, changing to blue 
when wounded. 
Stem—Reddish at the base, pallid above, with a narrow reddish 
circumscribing zone or line at the top. 
Habitat—Grassy ground. 

* Bulletin, New York State Museum, No. 8, 1888. This can be obtained 
at a small price of the State Librarian at Albany, New York. In it are described 
one hundred and ten species. 

+ By Edmund Michael. A book in German, with sixty-eight coloured plates. 


Genus Boletus 

Boletus bicolor 

Cap—Dark red, fading when old ; often marked with yellow. 
Flesh—N ellow, slowly changing to blue when wounded. 
Tubes—Bright yellow, changing to blue. 

Stem—Solid, red, generally yellow at the top. 

Habitat—W oods and open places. 

Boletus cyanescens 

Cap—Pale buff or greyish yellow. Covered with woolly scales, 
two-fifths of an inch wide. 

Flesh—W hite, quickly changing to blue when wounded. 

Tubes—White, becoming yellowish, changing to blue when 

Stem—Coloured like the cap. Swollen, stuffed, not covered with 
a network. 

Habitat—W oods and open places. 

Boletus pallidus 

Cap—Pallid or brownish white, sometimes tinged with red. 

Flesh—W hite. 

Tubes—Pale whitish yellow, changing to blue when wounded. 

Stem—Long and whitish, sometimes streaked with brown ; 

Boletus mutabilis 

Cap—Brown, becoming blackish ; smooth and shining ; or dry, 
somewhat woolly. 

Flesh—Bright yellow, promptly changing to blue when wounded. 
Tubes—Y ellow, changing to greenish yellow, and quickly be- 
coming blue when wounded. Mouths large and angular. 
Stem—Stout, bright yellow within, covered with brown and 
dotted scales. 
Habitat—Dense woods. 

Boletus speciosus 

Cap—Red. 3-7 inches broad. 
flesh—Pale or bright lemon yellow, changing to blue when 
Bir-cé-lér = Gy-4n-és'-céns_ = Pal’-I-diis = Mii-t@’-bi-lis = Spé-¢1-d'-siis 

Fungi with Pores—Boletacez 

Tubes—Bright lemon yellow, becoming dingy yellow with age; 
changing to green, then to blue, when wounded. 

Stem—Bright lemon yellow without and within, sometimes reddish 
at the base. 2-4 inches long. 

Habitat—Thin woods. 

Golden-flesh Boletus 
Boletus chrysenteron (Sex Prats Facina Pacg 60) 

Cap—Y ellowish brown, reddish brown, brick red, or olive tinted 
with reddish chinks. 

Flesh—Y ellow, red just under the skin, often changing to blue 
when wounded. 

Lubes—Greenish yellow, changing to blue when wounded. 

Stem—Red or pale yellow. 

ffabitat—W oods or mossy banks, common. 

Boletus radicans 

Cap—Dry, somewhat woolly. Greenish grey, becoming pale yel- 
low. Margin rolled under. 

Flesh—Pale yellow, instantly changing to dark blue when wounded. 

Tubes—Lemon yellow. 

Stem—Tapering downward and rooting. Woolly, with a reddish 
bloom. Pale yellow, becoming dark with a touch. 

Habitat—W oods, Ohio. 

Boletus Peckii 

Cap—Firm, dry. Red, fading to yellowish red or buff brown. 
Tubes—Y ellow, changing to blue when wounded. 
Stem—Red; yellow at the top. 

Habitat—W oods. 

Boletus calopus 

Cap—Olive tinted, somewhat woolly. 2-3 inches wide. 

Flesh—Pallid, slightly changing to blue when wounded. 

Tubes—yY ellow. 

Stem—Covered with a network. Wholly scarlet, or at the apex 
only. Longer than the diameter of the cap. 

Habitat—W oods. 

Cris-én'-tér-6n Ra'-di-cans Péck'-¥-1 Cal-3'-ptis 


See p. 107 

(Boletus felleus, Bull.; var. obesus, Pk.). 

Genus Boletus 

Purple Boletus 

Boletus purpureus 

Cap—Dry, velvety. Purple red. 

4lesh—Changing to blue, and then to dark yellow in the young 

Tubes—Yellow or greenish yellow. Mouths minute, orange 
tinged with purple, changing to blue where wounded. 

Stem—Stout, with purple veins or dots. Apex sometimes covered 
with a network. Yellow, reddish within. 

Habitat—W oods. 

Boletus Satanus 

Cap—Smooth, somewhat sticky. 
Pale brown or whitish. 
3-8 inches broad. 

Flesh—Whitish, becoming red- 
dish or violet when 
wounded. Very potson- 

Tubes—Y ellow. Mouths bright- 
red, becoming orange. 
Stem—Thick, swollen, marked 

above with a red network. 
2-3 inches long. 
Habitat—W oods. 

B. Satanus 

Bitter Boletus 
Boletus felleus 

Cap—Smooth, pale yellowish, greyish brown, yellowish brown, 
reddish brown, or chestnut. 3-8 inches broad. 

Flesh—White, changing to flesh colour when bruised. Taste 

Tubes—White, becoming flesh colour. Mouths angular. Adnate 
to the stem. 

Stem—Covered with network. Colour similar to the cap. 2-4 
inches long. 

Habitat—W oods and open places. 

Piir-pii'-ré-tis Sa-t#’-ntis Fél’-1é-tis 

Fungi with Pores—Boletacez 

Boletus scaber 

Cap—Smooth, viscid when moist, or minutely woolly, velvety, or 
scaly. 1-5 inches wide. Colour ranges from nearly white 
to almost black. 

Tubes—Free from the stem, white, long. Mouths minute. 

flesh—W hite. 

Stem—Long, ground colour whitish, roughened with blackish 
brown or reddish dots or scales. 3-5 inches long. 

Habitat—Common in woods, swampy and open places. 

Orange-cap Boletus 
Boletus verstpellis 

Cap—Orange red. 2-6 inches wide. Dry, minutely woolly, 
then scaly or smooth. Margin edged with the remains of 
the veil. 

Flesh—W hite or greyish. 

Tubes—Long. Mouths minute. Greyish-white. 

Stem—Solid ; white scaly wrinkles. Whitish colour. 3-5 
inches long. 

Habitat—W oods and open places. 

Chestnut Boletus 
Boletus castaneus 

Cap—Dry, minutely velvety. Cinnamon or reddish-brown. 1-3 
inches broad. 

Flesh—W hite. : 

Tubes—White, becoming yellow. Short, and free from the stem. 

Stem—Clothed and coloured like the cap. 1-2)% inches high. 

Habitat—W oods and open places. 

Boletus eximius 

Cap—Purplish-brown or chocolate colour, fading to smoky red 
or pale chestnut. 3-10 inches broad. 

Flesh—Greyish or reddish white. 

Tubes—Resembling the cap in colour. Mouths minute. 

Stem—Stout, covered with a meal-like powder. Colour resembling 
the cap, grey tinged with purple within. 2-4 inches long. 

Habitat—W oods. 

Sca'-bér Vér-si-pél'-lis CAs-ta’-né-tis Ex-tm'-1-tis 


(Boletus scaber, Fr.; var. niveus, Gill.) 
Cap white. Seep. 108 

Fungi with Pores—Polyporacee 

Edible Boletus 
Boletus edulis 

Cap—Convex or nearly plane; smooth, moist; compact, then 
soft. Greyish red, brownish red, or tawny brown. 4-6 
inches broad. 

Flesh—W hite or yellowish; reddish beneath the skin. 

Tubes—Convex, nearly free, long, minute, round. White, then 
yellow and greenish. 

Stem—Short or long, straight or curving, sometimes bulbous, 
stout, covered with network. Just beneath the stem 
whitish or brownish. 2-6 inches long. 

Habitat—W oods and open places. 

Boletus subtomentosus 

Cap—Covered with soft woolly hairs. Somewhat olive green, 
uniform in colour under the skin, yellow chinks on the sur- 

Flesh—W hite. 

Tubes—Y ellow, with large angular mouths. 

Stem—Stout, rugged, with minute dots. 

ffabitat—Common in woods. 

Boletus Americanus 

Cap—Thin, soft, viscid, slightly woolly on the margin when 
young. Yellow, becoming dingy with age; sometimes 
streaked with bright red. 1-3 inches broad. 

Flesh—Pale yellow. 

Tubes—Not free from the stem. Large, angular. Pale yellow, 
becoming tinged with brown. 

Stem—Slender. No annulus. Yellow, brownish towards the base, 
marked with numerous brown or reddish-brown glandular 
dots; yellow within. 134-2% inches long. 

Habitat—W oods, swamps. 


The fungi with pores permanently united to the surrounding 
tissue and to each other form a large and important group, the 
Polyporacee. With but few exceptions they are leathery, corky, 
membranous, or woody. 

Nearly six hundred species have been reported from America. 

Ea'-i-lis © Sitb’/-td-mén-td’-stis.  A-mér'-t-ca’-ntis —-P6'-ly-p-ra’-¢&-& 

Fungi with Pores—Polyporacez 


Merulius lacrymans 

The simplest of these Polyporacee is the dry-rot fungus, 
Merulius lacrymans. The food-seeking portion consists of fine 
white threads, mycelium, which penetrate the woodwork of 
buildings, causing it to crumble to dust. The fruiting portion 
consists of flat, irregular bodies whose under surface bears the 
spores in shallow pits separated by narrow ridges. Water is 
excreted from these flat disks, which, from the habit of dropping 
like tears, has suggested the specific name Jacrymans, from the 
Latin Jacrymare, to weep. 


The genus Polyporus andthe genus Trametes have the pores 
closely packed and united to together. In Trametes the uniting 
substance is the same as the substance of the cap, but in Poly- 
porus the uniting substance is different from the substance of 
the cap. The genus Polyporus in its widest sense is a large, 
one, numbering some five hundred species, and containing every 
texture from fleshy or pulpy to woody. 

The fruiting portion is often seen in the form of brackets 
shelving out from standing or fallen trees. The mycelium pene- 
trates the wood, softening it, and causing it to crumble, so that 
in the course of time the tree dies. The external evidence that 
the tree has been attacked is the appearance of the fruiting por- 
tion, which often attains a very great size. 

Elfvingia (polyporus) megaloma 

Polyporus megaloma is attractive to frequenters of the woods, 
as its spore surface when fresh is soft and white, and furnishes 
an attractive surface for stencil drawings. 

Elfvingia (polyporus) fomentaria 
The brackets of Elfvingia fomentaria resemble horses’ 
hoofs. They are employed in the manufacture of amadou, or 

Mér-i'-If-tis Lac’-r¥-mins Pé-ljp’-3-riis Tra-mé’-tés Még-4-16’-m4 Fo-m&n-ta’-ri-iis 


(Elfingia fomentaria, L.; Fomes fomentarius, Gill.; Polyporus fomentarius, Fr.) 
Upper surface grey to brown; tube-surface concave. See p. rro 

Genus Polyporus 

German tinder, which, in the form of sticks or fusees, commonly 
known as punk, is used for lighting cigars and pipes in the 
wind, or for touching off fireworks. 

The fusees are made by beating the fungus substance until 
it is flexible, and then dipping it into saltpetre, 

Polyporus conchatus 

Polyporus conchatus is a beautiful species found on the 
under side of fallen trees, growing in such a manner that from 
the spore-bearing surface the shells look like rosettes of shim- 
mering golden-brown velvet. 

Polyporus velutinus 

Polyporus velutinus is common in the form of stiff ruffles 
with white or creamy spore surface, and grey or tan-coloured 
plush-like upper surface. 

Polyporus pergamenus 

Polyporus pergamenus has a somewhat bristle-like, tan- 
coloured spore surface, and a velvety drab upper surface, often 
tinged with green from a green alga which grows upon it. 

Polyporus perennis 

Polyporus perennis resembles a slender-stemmed goblet. 

Polyporus sulphureus 

Polyporus sulphureus is an edible fleshy form. It grows in 
clusters, the stemless caps often five or six inches broad and 
overlapping. The colour of the young cap is yellowish red or 
pale orange, with the margin wavy, and of a beautiful yellow. 
It is soft and juicy, and often—when cut—exudes a yellow 

The plants may be found on the dead wood of trees 
during showery weather from May to October. The mature 
plants become dry and crumbling, and as they dry they lose 

Cén-cha’-tis Vél-i’-ti-ntis Pér-gi-mé'-ntis - Pér-€n’-nis_—Stil-phii’-ré-tis 

Fungi with Pores—Polyporacez 

their attractive colours. They exhibit phosphorescence in early 
stages of decay. The tubes are minute and short and of a 

bright sulphur colour. Only the young plants should be used 
for food. 

Polyporus squamosus 

Polyporus squamosus is found often on decayed ash trees and 
sometimes on others. The cap has a thick lateral dark stem and 
is pale yellow tinged with brown, and covered with dark scales. 
It is reported to have been found seven feet in circumference, 
with a weight of forty-two pounds, and that it attained this 
growth in the short time of four weeks. 

Polyporus lucidus 

Polyporus lucidus has a lateral stem which, with all but the 
margin of the cap, is highly polished, as if varnished, and is in 
colour a rich mahogany brown. 

Polyporus arcularius (Sze PLate Facine PAGE 142) 

Cap—Dark brown, minutely scaly, depressed in the centre; 
margin stiff, edge hairy, no flesh. 

Tubes—Dingy cream colour. Openings oblong, almost diamond- 
shape, resembling the meshes of a net, drawn from stem to 
the margin of the cap, the meshes smaller on the margin, 
and simply marked out at the top of the stem. 

Stem—Dark brown, minutely scaly, mottled, with a ground 
work of cream colour. Older stems are roughened at 
the base with whitish hairs. Hollow. 

Spores—Creamy white. 

Habitat—The specimen pictured was found growing on decayed 
branches of an oak tree in North Carolina. 

Polyporus versicolor* 

Polyporus versicolor has a leathery cap, thin and rigid, plane, 
depressed at the attached portion, velvety, shining with varie- 
gated two-coloured zones. The pores are minute, round, with 
acute and ragged edges. White, then yellowish. It is common 
on decaying tree trunks and upon telegraph poles. 

Squa-mG'-siis Li’-¢i-dtis Ar-ci-la’-ri-tis Vér-sic'-6-lér 

* Known also as Polystictus versicolor 

Polyporus versicolor, Fr. 

a eens —— = sit a 

Polyporus circinatus, Fr. 
See page 113. 

See page 113 

Genus Lenzites 

Polyporus circinatus (See Prate Factna Pace 112) 

Polyporus circinatus quite often has one cap within 
another. The caps are thick, round, without zones, velvety, and 
of a rusty-yellow colour. The lower surfaces of the caps, with 
the stems are woody and corky, but the upper surfaces of the 
caps are soft and woolly. The stem is swollen and covered 
with yellow wool. The pores are decurrent, minute, and un- 
broken, and of a dusky grey colour. This is a handsome species, 
especially remarkable for its double cap. The stem is an inch 
long and almost equally thick. The cap is three to four inches 
wide, and the flesh is uniform in colour. 


Trametes pini is brown, and grows on pines and other cone- 
bearing trees. Trametes cinnabarina is bright red, and common 
on birch and cherry. Trametes suaveolens is white, and grows 
on willows. 

Lenzites betulina 
The Lengifes betulina has a somewhat corky, leathery cap, 

firm, and without zones, ra 
woolly and pale; the mar- cay Nei vy y 
BAAS i Lf ; y 
i is 

gin of uniform colour; the é ‘ ay 
‘ Z 
SAG Va Le 
\ Viz 

lamelle radial, somewhat 
branching, and coming to- 
gether again. Sordid white. 
This fungus, in the form of 
brackets, is found espe- “*: Zy 
cially on birch trees, but it aS ae es ; 
is also found on various Sap Mee. . 
other kinds. It is a wide- 
spread species, and is quite 
variable. The lamelle are at first thick, corky, and sordid 
white; then thinner, with acute edges. 

Under surface of L. betulina 

Cir-gi-na'-ttis § Pi'-ni- Cin'-nd-ba-ri’-n4. Si-a-vé'-6-léns_ Lén-zi’-tés— B&t-ii-Ii'-nd 
8 113 

Fungi with Pores—Polyporacez 

Lenzites sepiria 

Leathery shells, with the upper surface marked with rough 
zones of various shades of brown: the under surface with brown, 
radiating, papery gills. 


The genus Dedalea has the spore-bearing surface in the 
form of winding and labyrinthine lamelle, so that instead of 
pores there are irregular branching slits on the under surface. 
These fungi are normally sessile, woody, and hard. 

Deedalea unicolor 

Dedalea unicolor is in form like a full leather ruffle with 
scalloped edge, so full that the scallops overlap. The branching 
slits are very minute, and the upper side is in zones of tan colour, 
with a plush-like surface. The zones are often tinged with blue 
or green from algz which grow upon them. 

Deedalea confragosa 

Dedalea confragosa has a rough grey upper surface, and 
grows from the centre in the form of depressed sessile caps. 
The texture is firm and leathery. 

Deedalea quercina 

Dedalea quercina is a woody or corky species, rugged, and 
without zones on the surface. At first it is porous; then, by 
the breaking down of the walls of the pores, slits are formed, 
with blunt partitions. It is common on oak trees. 

Sé-pi'-ri-a4 Dee-da'-1é-4 Cén’-fra-gd'-sa Quér-¢i’-nd 

Dedalea quercina, (L.) Pers. 

Upper side. Reduced 

Dedalea quercina, (L.) Pers. 

Lower side. Reduced 

Genus Favolus 


The genus Favolus has but few spe- 
cies ; one is very common on beech and 
hickory trees. Favolus areolarius has a 
lateral stem. The cap is depressed, and 
has a smooth, creamy-white upper sur- 
face, with long. hexagonal pores running 
down the short stem. 

Fa'-vé-ltis F, alveolarius 



Jew’s Ear, or Judas’s Ear (Edible) 
Hirneola auricula-Jude 

THE Jew’s ear is a gelatinous fungus which is so lobed and 
folded as to resemble a human ear. It is this resemblance to an 
ear which has suggested the names, Jew’s ear and Judas’s ear. 
Its habit of growing on elder has given rise to the belief that 
Judas Iscariot hanged himself on this tree. This fungus is prized 
by the Chinese as an articleof food, and is imported by them from 
the South Sea Islands. . 

Its manner of bearing the spores on basidia places it in 
Class III, Basidiomycetes, which contains fungi with gills, teeth, 
and pores. 


Tremellodon is a clear fungus, which in colour resembles a 
piece of water-soaked snow, but in form resembles a Hydnum, 
as it has teeth-like projections on the under surface. 


Guepina is a bright yellow fungus, about an inch high, in 
form like little spatules or goblets. It is common in cracks of 
logs and stumps. 

Hir-né'-6-14 Au-ric’-ii-14 Tré-mél’-15-dén Guép-in'-1-8 


(Hirneola Auricula-Jude, (L.) Berk.) 

See page 136 


THE Phallales are all terrestrial fungi; that is, they are found 
growing on the ground, and not on logs and trees. They are in- 
teresting, but too offensive to attract any but the most coura- 
geous students. 

They are more common in the South than in the North, 
where they make themselves too conspicuous by their intoler- 
able odour. 

They are structurally different from the other pouch-fungi, the 
puffballs, in that they do not retain their spores in the skin (pe- 
ridium) until they are fully mature, but send them into the light, 
exposed on a quickly deliquescing jelly-like mass, the gleba. 

The order may conveniently be divided into two families: 

Receptacle latticed, sessile, or stalked. 

FAMILY I. CLATHRACEE Spore mass borne on the inner sur- 
face of the receptacle. 

Receptacle tubular or cylindric, with a 


Spore mass on the surface of the cap. 


The genus Phallus may be readily distinguished by the 
cylindrical shape of the spore receptacles and the intolerable 
odour. No one with his sense of smell developed would think of 
eating the members of this group. The botanist and the artist, 
however, have braved this lion on his own territory, and have 
found much that is beautiful and interesting ; the artist having 
the advantage in his task of portraying the handsome specimen, 

Phal-la’-lés Clath-ra'-cé-z Phal-la'-cé-ze Phal-lits 

Offensive Fungi 

in that he can inclose it in a sealed glass case and work in 
comfort. The experience of the botanist must be realised to be 

An overpowering fetid odour suddenly evident upon the 
premises has many times filled with consternation the guests at 
summer resorts, causing among them much speculation, with 
suggestions of bad sewerage, and carelessness on the part of their 
host, together with other comments equally disastrous to the 
reputation of the place. 

The distracted householder searches in vain for a solution of 
the difficulty, and the odour disappears as mysteriously as it came. 
If he is one of the initiated, however, he will search until he finds 
the haunt of the offender, and will destroy all chance of a repeti- 
tion of the nuisance—for one summer, at least. 

The mischief-maker is a handsome specimen, as its plate 
shows. The white stem, bearing at its summit a mass of gela- 
tinous green substance capped with a yellow-white ring, and 
emitting its intolerable odour, has surely come into existence fora 
purpose—a purpose soon suggested—as hundreds of flies wing 
their way hither to sip the semi-fluid mass. 

The botanist tells us that the spores of this plant are mixed 
in the green fluid, and that they are carried away on the feet and 
in the bodies of the flies to other places, where new colonies may 
be started. 

The plant has undoubtedly emerged from the ground for the 
sole purpose of disseminating its spores, and all its parts have 
been developed to accomplish this function in the most effectual 

The banquet for the flies is prepared underground, and the 
table, with its viands all ready, is pushed into the light, while the 
invitation to the guests is wafted swiftly on the breeze. 

One is curious to learn the mechanism by which so much is 
accomplished in apparently so short a time, and finds in this 
instance, as in all others where great things are accomplished 
with ease, that many forces have been slowly at work to insure 
everything being in readiness for the success of a final flourish. 
A search underground shows the mycelial threads to have per- 
meated the soil for many feet in every direction in search of 
building material, and a glance at a vertical section of one of the 
pink eggs which has pushed its way out of the soil will show 


Phallus impudicus, L. 

Genus Phallus 

in outline the plan of what is to be. The pink ‘‘eggshell,” or 
peridium, is lined with a jelly-like substance, which has un- 
served as a 
safe packing 
to what is 
within, a 
blows = and 
insect rav- 
ages. Within 
this coat, in 
section, ap- 
Section of young phallus pears as two 
oured saddle-bags that which later is to form the green mass on 
the cap of the fully developed spore table. Between these dark 
masses lies in section the future stem ; it is hollow, and bears on 
its rim the spore-bearing cap. The walls of this cap consist of 
flattened cells, which by extraordinary growth and expansion are 
to force the stem through the eggshell and carry the banquet of 
spores several inches into the light, leaving the torn wrapper 
as a volva at its base, a natural ‘‘ Jack-in-the-box.” 

Pink. eggshell 
Future green mass of Cap — 
delly-like substance 

Future stem 
Compressed cells 

Phallus impudicus 

Cap or Pileus—Outer surface bearing the 
spores in a jelly-like mass, gleba. 
Conic-campanulate. Outer surface Rejicmated 
sculptured with reticulated ridges after = = 
the green spore mass has disap- 

Stem—Hollow, tapering at each end; upper 
end joined with the cap by a recurved 



Habitat—Low ground. 

P, impudicus 

Offensive Fungi 


The genus Dictyophora differs from the genus Phallus in 
having a veil suspended from the apex of the stem, underneath 
the pileus or cap. 

Dictyophora Ravenelii 

Stem—Tapering at both ends. 
Veil/—Short, not reaching below the cap. 

Dictyophora duplicata 
Vei/—Voluminous, hanging for several inches below the cap. 

It is thought that this delicate white network, which hangs 
like a lace skirt below the cap, renders the fungus additionally 
conspicuous after dark, thus attracting the night moths and other 
night-flying insects. 

Mutinus Caninus (Ses Ptate Facine Pace 136) 

Cap or Pileus—Flesh coloured. The spore-bearing mass, oblong, 
ovoid, or conical, occupying one-third to one-sixth the total 
length of the stipe. 

«Spore mass 

..-Spore mass 
eccuakais’ a). Cane, ares Serer Stalk ft | vaeeceeeeees Stalk 
Volva... Lee vies Volva 
aes nacaras Volva 
Young plant 
M. caninus 

M. bambusinus 

Stem or Stipe—Hollow, cylindrical, fusiform. 

Habitat—About buildings, in gardens and thickets. 
Dic-t¥-dph'-6-ra Di-pli-ca’-t& Ca-ni’-ntis 
Ra'-vén-él'-ii Mi-ti’-ntis Bam-bi-si’-ntis 


Family Clathracee 


The members of the family Clathracee have a volva similar 
to the volva of the Phallacee. The volva ruptures, and the 
receptacle issues in a similar manner. The members of this 
family have the spore receptacle latticed or branched instead of 
tubular or cylindrical, and bear the spores on the inner surface 
of the receptacle rather than on the outer surface. 

Latticed Clathrus 

Clathrus cancellatus 

Receptacle not stalked. The 
bars of the lattice-work are ob- 
lique and transversely wrinkled. 
The outer surface may be cinna- 
bar red or white or yellowish. 
The inner surface of the bars is 
red. C, cancellatus 

Clathrus columnatus 

Receptacle not stalked, consisting of from 2-5 vertical col- 
umns, separate below, but jointed at the apex. Columns cinna- 
bar red, enclosing the spore mass. Odour very fetid. 

Anthurus borealis 

Receptacle stalked, hollow, divided above 
into arms, which do not join at their apices, and 
which bear the spore masses on their inner sur- 
faces, enclosing the spore mass when young, 
but later diverging. 
teense Stalk Stem of receptacle white; arms narrow 
Jance-shaped, with pale flesh-coloured backs, 
traversed their entire length by a_ shallow 
esle'sts Volva furrow. 

Clath-ra’-gé-2e Can-gél-1a’-ttis An-thi’-rits 
A. borealis Clath’-rtis COol-tim-na’-tiis Bd’ -ré-a'-l¥s 

Offensive Fungi 

Simblum rubescens 

Receptacle stalked and globular, bars of the 
lattice forming meshes of about equal diam- 
eter either way. Red or flesh coloured, and 
transversely wrinkled. 

Sim'-bltim Ri-bés'-géns 

-- EN ond 

S. rubescens 




THE pouch fungi include all fungi which have their spores 
or seeds in closed chambers until maturity—that is, until they are 
fully ripe and ready to be scattered by winds or animals. Col- 
lectively, the closed chambers are called the gleba, and this gleba 
is surrounded by a definite rind (peridium), which, in different 
puffballs, has various and characteristic ways of opening to per- 
mit the spores to escape. 

The different ways in which the rinds (peridia) open are 
explained under the separate examples of the pouch fungi— 
puffballs, earth-stars, stinkhorns, birds’ nests, and calostomas. 

The Lycoperdales, known in different parts of the country as 
smokeballs, devil’s snuffboxes, puffballs, etc., have their spores 
enclosed until maturity in closed chambers, surrounded by a con- 
tinuous skin or peridium. They spend most of their lifetime 
underground, getting their food from decaying vegetable matter, 
and are for this reason called subterranean saprophytes. When 
they are about ready to scatter their spores, they emerge from the 
ground, and are then to be seen in pastures, and on fallen logs in 
woods and along roadsides. Every country child has pinched 
them to see the ‘‘ smoke” rise, little knowing that he was doing 
for the puffball just that for which it had come into existence— 
scattering its spores far and wide to grow into new plants. 

The plants of the puffballs, the mycelial threads, form an 
extensive network of white threads in the decaying vegetable 
matter in which they grow ; then little balls appear on the white 
threads, as in the Agaricales, with the difference that they in- 
crease in size without forming gills and stem. The balls have 
a fleshy interior, cheesy and white at first, but afterwards yel- 
lowish or pinkish, gradually darkening until the whole or a part 



of the fleshy interior becomes filled with dust-like spores, when 
the rind of the ball breaks to let the spores escape. 

Sometimes the wall breaks off in scales; sometimes it is 
punctured at the summit with one hole, sometimes with several, 
and sometimes it splits and turns back to form a star on the 
ground. Sometimes the balls contain elastic threads (capillitium), 
which help to push out the spores, and sometimes they do not. 
Sometimes there are threads massed at the base without spores 
in them, so that they form a sterile base or sterile subgleba, and 
sometimes the threads are massed to form a central column 
(columella) in the interior of the ball. These characters, with 
others, form the basis on which the puffballs are separated 
into the genera Lycoperdon, Geaster, Calvatia, Bovistella, Bovista, 
and Calostoma. 


The Lycoperdons, or true puffballs, produce within the ball 
vast numbers of dust-like spores mingled with elastic threads. 
When the ball is compressed, the rind or peridium bursts at the 

summit to form a single mouth, and the 
elastic threads cause the spores to fly out in 
puffs like smoke. 

The spore-bearing part of the plant is 
globe-shaped, obovoid, or top-shaped, and 
at the base of the gleba no spores are pro- 
duced ; the cells here are coarse and empty. 

The rind or peridium of the ball con- 
sists of two parts, the outer bark or outer 
peridium being adorned with spines or scales or warts or gran- 
ules. Sometimes the exterior coat may be peeled off, sometimes 
it dries and falls away in fragments. p 
The inner coat is thin and papery, and 
opens on the top with one opening. 
At first the ball is fleshy within, the 
microscope showing the flesh to con- 
sist of a great number of simple or 
branched threads and enlarged cells. 
The enlarged cells bear usually four 


, Section “a Lycoperdon 
Ly'-cd-pér'-dén (diagrammatic) 


(azIS "JEN “Yoeqos ‘amusefz4hg uopsagook7) 
(aqgiaa) Wiva4snd G3dVHS-uv3d 

Genus Lycoperdon 

spicules, on the tips of which are the spores. When the plant 
is fully developed, the fleshy part becomes so filled with moisture 
that water may be squeezed out as from a sponge. As the flesh 
becomes moist, the colour changes from white, through yellow, 
to olive. After the change in colour, the wet mass becomes dry 
and powdery, a mass of globose spores and elastic threads or 

The Lycoperdons are of small size, usually found in fields and 
woods. A section made by cutting a ball from top to base will 
show that the threads form a more or less well developed sterile 
base or subgleba underneath the fertile gleba, or mass of threads 
containing spores. Sometimes the sterile threads from the base 
rise upward in the centre of the fertile mass and form a little 
column, the columella. Usually the threads which bear the 
spores are in two sets ; one set extending inward from the walls 
of the rind, and another set extending outward from the central 

Pear-shaped Puffball (Edible) 
Lycoperdon pyriforme 

Peridium or Pouch—Pear-shaped. Dingy white or brownish, with 
mycelium of long, white, branching fibres. Diameter 34-1 
inches. Height 1-2 inches. 

Bark or Outer Coat—Thin; of minute, often persistent, scales or 
granules, or short, stout spinules. Whitish grey or brownish. 

Lnuner Coat—Smooth, papery, whitish grey or brownish, opening 
by apical mouth. 

Subgleba—Small, white, quite compact, the cells minute. 


Spores—Globose, even, greenish yellow to brownish olive. 

Threads—Branched, long, forming a dense tuft in the centre. 

Zime—July to October. 

Habitat—On old timber or on the ground, in groups sometimes 
several feet across in extent. The commonest of puffballs, 
and found throughout the world. 

Pinkish Puffball (Edible) 
Lycoperdon subincarnatum (See Plate Facivc PacE 134) 

Peridium or Pouch—Globe-shaped, sessile, without a stem-like 
base. Rarely over one inch in diameter. 

Py’ -r{-f6r'-mé Sitb-In'-c&r-na'-ttim 


Bark or Outer Coat—Pinkish brown, with minute short, stout spin- 
ules, which fall away at maturity. 

Inner Coat—Ash coloured. Deeply pitted by the falling off of the 
spinules of the outer coat, the pits not surrounded with 
dotted lines. 


Subgleba—Small but distinct. 

Spores and Capillitium—Spores round, minutely warted. Greenish 
yellow, then brownish olive. Threads long, simple, and 

Time—August to October. 

Habitat—Old trunks in woods. 


The Calvatias are puffballs of large size, all with thick cord- 
like mycelium rooting from the base. They all eject their spores 
through irregular openings in the upper 
part of the peridium, and they all have 
a dense 
network of 
the tissues 

of the spore- ~ +e. Sterile base 
Calvatia bearing por- Section of Calvatia 
tion, the 

gleba. These threads are elastic, and project the spores from 
the rind or case as they twist and turn. The sterile portion, the 
subgleba, is definitely limited and concave above. 

Brain-shaped Calvatia (Edible) 

Calvatia craniformis 

Peridium or Pouch—Very large, obovoid or top-shaped, depressed 
above. : 

Bark or Outer Coat—Smooth, very thin and fragile, easily peel- 
ing off. Pallid or greyish, often with a reddish tinge ; often 

Cal-va'-shi-4 Cra-ni-f6r'-mis 


(Calvatia craniformis, Schw.) 

Genus Calvatia 

wrinkling to resemble somewhat the surface of the brain, 
whence its name craniformts. 

Lnner Coat—Thin, ochreous to bright brown, velvety, extremely 
fragile. The upper part breaks into fragments. 

Subgleba—Occupies half the peridium ; cup-shaped above, per- 

Spores—Greenish yellow, then olivaceous. Globose, even, with 
minute pedicel. 


Hlabitat—On ground in woods. 

Giant Puffball (Edible) 

Calvatia maxima 

Peridium or Pouch—Very large, 8-15 inches in diameter, or larger. 
Globose, depressed globose, or obovoid, with a thick cord- 
like root. 

Bark or Outer Coat—Flocculous or nearly smooth, thin, and fragile. 
White or greyish, becoming yellowish or brown; usually 
remaining closely adherent to the inner coat. 

nner Coat—Thin and fragile after maturity, breaking up into 

Subgleba—Shallow or none. 

Spores and Threads—Greenish yellow, then brownish olive. Spores 
globose, threads long and branched. 

Time—August to September. 

Habitat—Grassy places. 

Calvatia maxima has been known as Lycoperdon giganteum, 
and also as Lycoperdon maxima. It has been transferred from 
the genus Lycoperdon to the genus Calvatia because it ruptures 
the peridium irregularly to discharge its spores, instead of form- 
ing a small hole at the apex, as other Lycoperdons do. 

It is asserted on good authority that the giant puffball has 
been found with a diameter of three feet and a weight of forty- 
seven pounds. The giant puffball is considered by many as a 
choice article of food when the flesh is white. It is said that 
if the flesh of a growing puffball is cut or injured the wounds 
will fill up with new tissue. It will be interesting for some one 
to try this experiment. 

In the days before matches came into use, the dry, spongy 
threads were used as tinder to catch the sparks which flew from 
the flint-stone when it was struck for fire, and the spore-dust 
was used to stanch the flow of blood. 



Cup-shaped Puffball (Edible) 

Calvatia cyathiformis 

Peridium—Large, top-shaped. 
Bark or Outer Coat—Thin, adherent, smooth, and continuous, 
easily peeling off. 
Inner Coat—Pale to dark purple, loosely woven, fragile at matur- 
ity, breaking up into fragments from above downward. 
Subgleba—Short and, thick, with cord-like root, persistent, cup- 
shaped, occupying %4—™% the peridium. 

Spores and Threads—Violet to dark purple. Spores globose and 
warted, threads long. 

Zime—August to October. 

fabitat—On the ground in meadows and pastures. 

The old name was Lycoperdon cyathiforme. Cyathiforme, 
meaning cup-shaped, is suggested by the cup-like base which 
remains after the dispersion of the spores and threads (capillitium). 


In the genus Bovzsta the rind or peridium opens by an apical 
mouth, as do the species of Lycoperdon, but the species of 
Bovista have no 
sterile base. 
They are puff- 
balls of small 
Size, growing 
in fields and 
woods. The 
outer coat is 
thin and fragile, pe cuanas Pave 
Os eee ee (diagrammatic) 
at maturity. The inner coat is thin, becoming papery, and 
then opens by an apical mouth. 

Bovista plumbea is esteemed a delicacy. It is shaped like a 
flattened globe, with a smooth, white inner coat, and a lead- 
coloured outer coat opening by an apical mouth. 


y' -Ath-1-f6r'-mis Bo-vYs'-t& Pliim'-bé-& 

Bovistella Ohiensis, Ellis and Morgan 
(Edible.) Reduced 

(Calvatia cyathiformis, Bosc) 

Reduced. Nat. size: Ball diam., 2% inches 

Genus Geaster 


The genus. Bovistella contains but one species. 

Bovistella Ohiensis (Edible) (SEE PLate Facinc Pace 128) 

Peridium or Pouch—Globose or broadly obovoid, sometimes much 
depressed, wrinkled underneath, with thick cord-like base. 

Bark or Outer Coat—Dense, floccose, or with soft warts or spines. 
White or greyish, drying 
to buff colour, and falling 

Inner Coat—Smooth, shining, Threads..... 
pale brown or yellowish 
surface. ra 

Subgleba—Cup-shaped, broad, 
ample, occupying nearly 
one-half the peridium; 
long, persistent. 

Spores and Capillitium—Loose, 
friable, clay colour. 
Threads free, short, twice branching, originating within the 
spore mass, and having no connection with the tissue of the 
inner coat. 

Habitat—On ground in pastures and open woods. 

Section of Bovistella (diagrammatic) 



The Geasters or Earth-stars are the most picturesque forms 
of the puffballs. At first they are sunk deep in the soil, and are 
connected with it by abundant thread-like mycelium, which 
issues from every part of the surface. In the earth-stars the 
covering to the pouch is double, the outer cover is thick and 
leathery, and at first closely invests the inner coat, but is separate 
from it. At maturity the outer coat breaks its connection with 
the mycelium in the soil and bursts to form separate lobes, which 
become reflexed and lift the inner ball from the ground into the 
air, whére it remains, seated at the centre of the expanded star- 

Bo-vis-tél’-la O-hi-én’-sis Gé-8s'-tér 
9 129 

Puff balls 

like coat. The coat of this ball is thin and papery, and opens by 
one apical mouth. The threads or capillitium, which bear the 
spores, project from the tissue of the inner wall and also from a 
central columella. 

The Geasters have no economic value, but are rather inter- 
esting to the nature student on account of their beauty and their 
curious methods of discharging their spores. 

The Smallest Earth-star 
Geaster minimus 

Peridium or Pouch—Globose, depressed, not pointed; vaulted 

Bark or Outer Coat—Segments acute at the apex, many lobed; 
the lobes, seven to nine, expanding ¥4-1 inch. 

Inner Coat—Ovoid, 4-1 inch in diameter, white to pale brown, 
with a distinct pedicel, seated in a plain circular disk. 

Mouth—Lifted on a cone, lip bordered with hair-like fringe. 

Spores—Brown, globe-shaped, minutely warted. 


Habitat—Grassy grounds. 

Water-measuring Earth-star 
Geaster hygrometricus 

Peridium or Pouch—Sub-globose, depressed, the bark or skin fall- 
ing with the mycelium. 

Bark or Outer Coat—Deeply parted; the segments, acute at the 
apex, seven totwenty. Strongly hygrometric, expanding to 
a breadth of 2-3 inches. 

Inner Coat—Globose, depressed, sessile, covered with a network. 
Whitish or greyish. 

Mouth—Rim irregular. 

Spores—Brown, globe-shaped, minutely warted. 

Threads—Transparent, much branched and interwoven ; continu- 
ous with the hyphe or threads of the inner coat. 

Habitat—Fields and woods, in sandy soil. 

The Geaster hygrometricus, or Astreus hygrometricus as it 
is called by some, is found all over the world. When the 
Min’-1-mtis Hy’ -grd-mét'-ri-ctis 


(Geaster minimus, Schw. Nat. size) 


(Geaster hygrometricus, Pers. Nat. size) 


(Cyathus vernicosus,D.C, Nat. size) 
See page 133 

Genus Calostoma 

weather is wet, the lining of the points of the star become gelati- 
nous and lie flat on the ground, anchoring the plant firmly ; but 
when the weather is dry, the soft, gelatinous part becomes hard 
and rigid, and curls the segments up around the inner ball; then 
the wind rolls it about, and it scatters its spores from the hole in 
the apex of the ball as it rolls. It is a fair-weather traveller, 
always resting at night and on damp days. 


This genus has but three known American species. The 
plants are remarkable in structure and substance. The spore 
mass or gleba lies at the centre of a base, and is in its young 
stages surrounded by four layers. The outermost coat is gelati- 
nous, and soon disappears. This is known as the volva or 
wrapper. The layer just within the wrapper also soon disap- 
pears ; itis known as the exoperidium. The layer just within 
the exoperidium is known as the endoperidium, and is the layer 
seen on the exterior of older specimens. Between the exope- 
ridium and endoperidium is a layer of red threads, part of which 
is torn away when the exoperidium breaks, and a part of which 
remains as a red star at the apex of the ball. 

The exoperidium is cartilaginous ; it is thin and fragile when 
dry, but when wet it is flexible, translucent, and soft. The 
endoperidium is hard and rigid when dry, and is conspicuous for 
the brilliant red which shows at its mouth. Within the endo- 
peridium is a sac which contains the spores; when the spores 
are mature, this sac contracts, and forces the spores out into the 
air. The mycelium, or vegetative part of the Calostoma plant, is 
composed of numerous cord-like fibres, translucent, jelly-like, 
and tough, which, branching and anastomosing into a dense net- 
work, form a rooting columnar base to the spore-bearing part of 
the plant. The name Calostoma means beautiful mouth, referring 
to the red star which surrounds the opening through which the 
spores escape. 



Calostoma lutescens 

Ball or Peridium—Globular, with a thick, entangled, rooting base. 

Outer Coat or Exoperidium—Dingy yellow, rupturing so as to form 
a ragged collar at the base, a thin cap on the summit, and 
small fragments between. The cap is marked on the under 
side with a vermilion star outlined with yellow. 

Inner Coat or Endoperidium—Smooth, globular. Pale yellow. 

Mouth—With several rays of a bright red colour. 

Footstalk—Thick, of entangled strands finer than those of C. cin- 
nabarinum. Stem long, yellowish green. 

Spores—Globular, with protuberances. 

Calostoma Ravenelii 

Ball or Peridium—Globular, with a thick, entangled, rooting base. 

Outer Coat or Exoperidium—Cartilaginous, gelatinous. Fragments 
remain upon the inner coat in the form of irregular warts or 

Inner Coat or Endoperidium—Y ellowish. Tough when wet, rigid 
when dry. 

Mouth—Red starred. 

Footstalk—Short and rooting, composed of mycelial threads netted 
to form cartilaginous cords. 

Spores—Elliptical, oblong, smooth. 

Calostoma cinnabarinum 

Outer Coat or Exoperidium—Vermilion within, breaking at the 
base and sometimes at the apex. 

Inner Coat or Endoperidium—Y ellowish, often slightly vermilion. 

Mouth—Rays several. Vermilion. 

Footstalk—Reddish brown or brownish. 

Spores—Elliptical oblong, spined or punctured, pale ochre 

Lii-tés’-céns Ra&'-vén-él’-1-i Cin'-n&-b&-ri'-niim 

Calostoma Pavenalli (Berk.) fifaes: 

Calostoma cinnabarinum, Desv. 


Calostoma lutescens (Schw.), Burnap. Spathularia velutipes, C. & F. 
Reduced. See page 138. 

Genus Scleroderma 


The members of this order, Nédulariales, or bird’s-nest fungi, 
are curious fungi of small size. They resemble, when mature, tiny 
birds’ nests containing eggs, as the pouch in which the spores are 
developed opens at the top to form a nest or bowl or trumpet, and 
the globular cases in which the spores are contained have strong 
walls, and remain in the open pouch like eggs in a nest. 

One genus of the order, Spherobolus, has two walls or layers 
to its nest and but one spore case or ‘‘egg.” This ‘‘egg”’ is 
jelly-like, and is forcibly thrown from the nest when the spores in 
it are mature. While a part of this action is due to the mechan- 
ical working of the teeth, it is thought that underneath the spore 
case gases are formed which expand, and so help force out the 

The other genera have but one wall to their nests. The 
genus Nidularia has ragged edges, the genus Cyathus is trumpet- 
shaped, and the genus Crucibulum is bowl-shaped. 


The puffballs of the order Sclerodermatales have the rind 
or peridium thick. The spores remain in the peridium until 
maturity, when they escape from an irregular opening in the 
rind. The species are not numerous, but some are abundant and 
widely distributed. 


The species of the genus Scleroderma, or thick-skinned puff- 
balls, represent a transition from the subterranean forms to those 
which emerge from the ground and have a definite opening from 
which they eject their spores. To illustrate: there is one group 
(Hymenogastrales) in which the species remain in the ground, 

Nid-i-la’-ri-a'-lés Nid-i-la'-ri-4 0 Crii-¢fb’-t-ltim Sclér-6-dér'-ma 
Sphé-réb'-6-liis Cy'-4-thiis Sclér'-6-dér'-m4-ta’-lés 


even when mature, unless washed out by rains or nosed out by 
animals, and which rely upon being crushed by accident or upon 
the disintegration of their rinds to free their spores. All true puff- 
balls push themselves out of the ground before the spores are 
mature, and then, by rupturing the skin in a definite manner 
when mature, disperse their spores. The thick-skinned puff- 
ball goes a step farther than the first mentioned and emerges 
from the ground; but it remains behind the true puffballs, which 
disperse their spores from a definite opening, for it ruptures the 
skin irregularly. 

Scleroderma vulgare (Edible) 

Peridium or Pouch—Rough and warty; 
depressed, globose. Pinkish to 
buff, remaining solid until the 
fungus is quite old. Sessile or 
with a rooting base. Ruptures 
irregularly to scatter the spores. 


Spore Mass—Lead colour marbled with 

Section of S. vulgare Habitat—Old stumps and buried roots. 

This fungus has been eaten without harm, but is pronounced 
very unattractive. 



(Lycoperdon subincarnatum, Peck) 
See page 125 
; 7 oe Ses eterna | 

(Lycoperdon pyrtforme, Schaeft) 

See page 125 

ae ] 

ee fe 


(Scleroderma vulgare, Fries) 


ALL the fungi which belong in the class Ascomycetes de- 
velop their spores in little membranous sacs called asci. These 
asci are, as a rule, collected, together 
with slender empty asci, called para- 
physes, in variously shaped bodies, 
known in different orders by different 
names, such as perithecium, ascoma, 
apothecium, and receptacle. This class 
includes in its numbers individuals 
ranging in size from microscopic one- 
celled plants to conspicuous and often 
beautiful specimens. We shall con- 
cern ourselves with but a few of 
those conspicuous ones which are attractive either from an edible 
or an artistic standpoint. 

eaceeeee  ASCI 


Asci and paraphyses 


The order Tuberales contains the truffles, which are subter- 
ranean fungi, ranging in size from an acorn to a good-sized po- 
tato. The asci or spore-sacs are formed 
on the inte- 
rior of the 
fungus, the 
warty truffle 
itself being 
called an as- 
coma, as it 
contains the Truffles, ascoma 

Since the time of Pliny and Dioscorides, truffles have been 
known and esteemed as a table delicacy. Since they mature 

Section to show position of 

As'-cd-m7-cé' -tés Ti'-bér-a'-lés 


Spore-sac Fungi—Ascomycetes 

underground, they must be hunted for by dogs and pigs trained 
for the purpose. A pig will scent a truffle at a distance of twenty 
feet, and will run quickly to the spot to dig it out with her snout. 
An attendant must follow the pig to secure the truffle before the 
pig eats it. Edible species have not been found growing in this 


The order Hypocreales contains certain fungi which are 
parasitic on other fungi, and also on insects. In the genus 
Cordyceps there is a club-like form about an inch long, and 
of a rich red colour, which lives as a parasite on the 
pupz of various moths buried beneath dead leaves. In 
New Zealand a similar fungus lives on caterpillars. The 
mycelium in time replaces the body, but maintains out- 
wardly the form and appearance of the caterpillar. These 
growths are much prized by the natives as food. The 
form which grows on the truffle-like Elaphomyces is shown 
in the species of Elaphomyces upon which the Cordy- 
ceps lives as a parasite grow two or three inches below 
the surface of the ground, and somewhat resembles a 
truffle in appearance. 


(SzE Pate Facinc Pace 116) 

The Xylaria pictured is a woody fungus which is 
common, growing on logs or at the bases of trees or 
stumps. The collections of asci (perithecia) are fully im- 
bedded in the fleshy part of 
the fungus (stroma), which is 
\ formed almost wholly of 
Fungus growing on caterpillar hardened mycelium. 

Hy-pd-cré-a'-lés  Cér'-d¥-céps  E’-ldph-d'-my-cés | Sphé-rf-a’-lés  Z-la’-11-4 

| ycogala epidendron. 
Reduced. See page | 44, 

Cordyceps capitala (Holmsk. ), Lk. 
(Parasitic on Elaphomyces. ) 

— ~ ] | 
. Floccose Chanterelle (edible). Mutinus caninus, Huds. _ 
(Cantharellus floccosus, Schw.) See page 120. 

See page 53. 


(Leotia lubrica (Scop.), Pers.) 

Gelatinous, gristly; spore-bearing body (ascoma), green or yellow; stem yellow 
Family, Geoglossacez. Class, Ascomycetes. Order, Helrellales. See p. 138 


F (Tremellodon gelatinosum) 
Surface white to grey; teeth white. Class, Basédiomycetes. Order. Tremellales. See Genus, p. 116 

Order Pezizales—Cup Fungi 


The Pezzzales or cup fungi, which are typically disk or cup- 
shape, comprise an extensive group, and vary in size from forms 
scarcely visible to the naked eye to forms several inches in 
diameter. One genus, Peziza, has a smooth ascomata, regularly 
saucer-shaped or cup-shaped. The genus contains many species 
which are met with chiefly on decaying vegetable matter. The 
spore-sacs are situated on the upper surfaces of the cups, and the 
spores are ejected with such force and in such profusion that they 
form a cloud around the plant from which they are expelled. 

Pegiza eruginosa is a stalked green form, and is interesting 
because it permeates the wood of .oaks and beeches with its 
mycelium, and gives a rich green colour to the wood, which 
makes it valuable for the manufacture of the famous ‘‘ Tunbridge 
ware.” One may often find the wood affected when the fruit 
cups are not evident. _Pegiga Willkommit produces on larch trees 
a disease known as the ‘‘larch canker,’’ which shows itself as a 
sunken, blistered hole from which resin flows. This patch is 
formed because the mycelium of the fungus attacks and destroys 
the cambium or green layer which lies under the brown bark, 
and since this is the tissue which builds up the wood of the 
trees, the growth of wood in this part is prevented. The fruits 
appear above the bark in the form of little cups, white outside 
and scarlet within. When branches bearing golden-yellow 
needles are seen among the fresh green shoots of a larch, pre- 
maturely giving to the tree an autumnal appearance, one may 
expect to find Peziza Willkommii at work. 

Peziza odorata (Edible) 

Cup—Yellowish, translucent, becoming \ 

dull brown when old. The flesh 
is moist and watery, and separable 
into two layers; the outer layer 
rough, and the inner smooth. The 
frame is cup-shaped when young, 
but flattened and split on the mar- 
gin when old. 

E'-ri-gin-d'-sX Wil-kém/-1-1—O'-dér-d’-t8 Section to show two layers 

Spore-sac Fungi—Ascomycetes 

Habitat—The specimen pictured was found in December, among 
the violets in a cold frame in New Jersey. 

Golden Peziza (Edible) 
Pegiza aurantia 

Cup—Orange red within, golden or whitish outside, with a 
frosted appearance. Subsessile, irregular. 
Habitat—In clusters on the ground, usually in the autumn. 


The order Helvellales contains the fleshy spore-sac fungi 
which have the spore-bearing body, the ascoma, open from the 
earliest stage of its development. 


The family Geoglossacee, which belongs to this order, con- 
tains the earth-tongues, which are club-like forms, green or 
black or yellow, and from one to three inches high, common on 
the ground, growing in rich wood mould. In consistency they 
are fleshy, gelatinous, or waxy, and their asci open by means 
of a terminal pore. 


The genus Spathularia has the spore body flattened and 
growing down both sides of the stem. 

Velvety Spathularia 

Spathularia velutipes (See Puate Facine Pace 132) 

Spore Body—Flattened, tawny yellow, shaped like a spatula, with 
the spore surface wavy and growing down two sides of the 

Stem—Hollow, minutely velvety, dark brown tinged with yellow. 

Flesh—Firm and tough, shrinking little in drying. 

Habitat—Mossy trunks in damp woods. 

Au-ran’-shi-4 Vé-li’-ti-pés 

Golden Peziza (edible). 

(Peziza aurantia, Pers.) 

Peziza odorata. Pk. (edible). 
Reduced. See page 1/37. 

Genus Vibrissea 

Spathularia clavata 

Spore Body—Clear yellow, shaped like a spatula, sometimes tinged 
with red. Obtuse or cleft at the apex, the surface wavy, 
the margin crisped, growing down the stem some distance 
on opposite sides ; hollow. 

Stem—Thick, hollow. White, often becoming yellowish. 



The genus Geoglossum has the spore body simple, erect, 
and club-shaped, and entirely black. The spore surface is ter- 

Geoglossum hirsutum 

Geoglossum hirsutum is black, dry, and everywhere velvety. 
Lanceolate, ovate, oblong, or almost round, often irregular. The 
spore-bearing portion is one-quarter to one-half the length of the 

Geoglossum glabrum 

Geoglossum glabrum is dry, black, or brownish black, some- 
times tinged with olive or purple. Club-shaped or sometimes 
laterally compressed. The spore-bearing portion not sharply 
distinct from the stem below. 


The genus Vzbrissea contains fungi with vertical and simple 
stems, and horizontal caps with their thick margins rolled in to- 
ward the stem. The spore-sacs are borne on the upper surface. 

Vibrissea truncorum 

Vibrissea truncorum is a clear orange-red or sometimes yel- 
low or brownish-red fungus, about an inch high, found on 
decayed wood, branches, or leaves which are submerged in 

Clav-a’-ta Hir-sii’-ttim Vi-bris'-sé-4 
Gé-6-glés'-stim Gla'-brim Trin-cd’-rtim 


Spore-sac Fungi—Ascomycetes 

Vibrissea circinans 

Vibrissea circinans is a pale yellowish flesh colour, or simply 
yellowish fleshy fungus found growing in circles or clusters, 
with convex caps and incurved, wavy margins, the concave under 
surface often minutely wrinkled. The stem is long, pallid, or 
reddish. The plant is found chiefly in pine woods. 


The genus Mitruda has the spore body erect, black or bright 
coloured, and dry, spatulate, or cylindrical, often compressed lat- 
erally. The spore-bearing surface is sharply distinct from the 
scaly or mealy stem below. 

Irregular Mitrula (Edible) 
Mitrula vitellina, var. irregularis * 

Spore Body—Bright egg yellow. Club-shaped, somewhat lobed, 
cylindrical or compressed ; apex narrow, obtuse, smooth. 
No two plants are quite alike. Length, 1-2 inches. 

Stem—Short, white, rather distinct, covered with fibres. Spongy 
and white within. 

Habitat—In mossy places in woods during the autumn. The 
specimen pictured was found growing among fallen birch 
leaves, hemlock needles, and moss, in the dense woods at 
Lake Placid. 


A second family Helvellacee contains three important gen- 
era, Morchella, Gyromitra, and Helvella, in which are the largest 
and most highly prized spore-sac fungi known. They are dis- 
tinguished from the earth-tongues by the cap-like form of the 
spore body or ascoma, but especially by the character of the 
spore-sac, which opens by a little lid instead of by a simple pore. 

Cir-¢i'-ndns Vi'-tél-li'-na Gy'-r5-mi'-trh 
Mit'-rit-ld Mor-kél'-l4 Hél-vél’-14 

* This species is also described under the names Geoglossum irregulare and 
Geoglossum vitellinum. 



Helvella elastica, Bull. Reduced. See page 142 

“s = ‘ \ 
Helvella lacunosa, Holm. 

Reduced See page |43- 

~ Mitrula vitellina, sacc., var. irregularis, Pk. (edible). Reduced. 

Genus Morchella 


The genus Gyromitra contains seven species. These have 
the ascomata distinctly stalked, and the upper surface covered 
with gyrose folds. The largest spore-sac fungi belong in this 

Gyromitra esculenta (Edible) 

Ca~—Bay red, round, lobed, irregular, 
gyrose-wrinkled, attached to the 
stem in several places. Hollow, 
white, and uneven within. 

Stem—Whitish, hollow, scurfy. Two or 
more inches long. 

Flesh—Edible only when young and 
freshly gathered. 

Haditat—In sandy soil, during the wet 

weather of May and June. 
G. esculenta 


The genus Morchella has the 
cap covered with a network of blunt 
ridges enclosing irregular depressed 
spaces. The spore-sacs are devel- 
oped in both ridges and depressions. 
All the species when young are 
of a buff yellow tinged 
with brown, but later 
they are darker. The 
stems are rather stout 
and hollow, white or 
whitish in some spe- 
cies, and attached to 
the cap at the apex 
only; but in others, 
attached to the rim 

M. deliciosa 
Section to show margin of the cap , 
united to the stem. as well. All the SpecleS M. esculenta 



Spore-sac Fungi—Ascomycetes 

are edible and highly esteemed. They must be looked for during 
wet weather, early in the season. They may be classed in two 
groups, according to the attachment of the stem. 


Cap rounded. or oval. .ciesecseisieecwiwes ca cecee ceases MOoRCHELLA ESCULENTA 
Cap oblong or cylindrical. ...... 6... cece ee eee eee MOoRCHELLA DELICIOSA 
Cap conical or oblong conical ; broader than stem...... MOoRCHELLA CONICA 

Cap conical or oblong conical ; scarcely broader than stem. MORCHELLA ANGUSTICEPS 


Cap free from the stem to the middle.... .......eeeeee MORCHELLA SEMILIBERA 
Cap free from the stem to the top......sseseeesececees MORCHELLA BISPORA 


The genus Helvella contains twelve species. They 
all have lobed, irregular, or saddle-shaped caps, which 
are fleshy, and attached to the stem at the apex. They 
are contorted in such a way that no two of the species 
. appear alike. 


Helvella elastica 
(Sze Plate Facinc Pace 140) 

Cap—Brownish grey. Cup-shaped, flattening out when mature ; 
when young, the under surface is covered with little spines 
or hairs. Both surfaces are smooth when mature. 

Stem—Slender, of the same colour as the cap, tapering toward 
the cap. Solid and white within. 

Habitat—The specimen pictured was found growing beneath 
hemlocks and yellow birches, in Lake Placid forest, during 

Dé-lish-¥-0'-s& An-giis’-t!-c&ps Bi'-sp6r-& 
Con '-1-cd Sém’-¥-l¥b'-ér-4 E-lds'-tic-& 


(Morchella deliciosa, Fr.) 

Polyporus arcularius, (Batsch) Fries 
See page 112 

Genus Helvella 

Helvella lacunosa (Stz Pratz Facine Pace 140) 

Cap—Of one piece, thin and flexible like rubber cloth, folded to 
saddle the apex of the stem. The two saddle-flaps are at- 
tached on _ their 
margins at irreg- 
ular intervals 
when young, and 
are puffed out 
like a_ balloon; 
but when ma- 

aiacsiai aeteanaiacaea a -+... Attachment 
ture, the pieces | of'stem 
separate. Their ; 
delogd Surface aS ., hestterats Cap flattened 
brownish _ grey, i 

and their inner 

surface light 
grey, creased and 

Stem—lIrregularly and 
deeply furrowed. 

flesh—Odour  offen- Section of | ||I| |} |...... Stem 
sive. Stem. 

Habitat— The  speci- : ‘ 
men pictured was H. lacunosa (diagrammatic) 

found growing 

imbedded in deep moss on old bark in the Lake Placid 




(Sze Prate Facinc Pace 136) 

WueTuer the slime fungi are plants or animals is a question 
not yet decided. They are living organisms which have no 
chlorophyll, or leaf-green, and which in their vegetative state 
resemble certain groups of the Protozoa, or unicellular animals, 
which live in water. In their manner of reproduction they show 
resemblances to certain fungi, and the spore cases or sporangia 
of some resemble tiny puffballs in form and manner of ejecting 
their spores. 

In the growing stage they consist of a naked mass of yel- 
lowish or whitish protoplasm, which creeps about in the dark, in 
accumulations of dead parts of plants, or under the bark of 
rotting stumps or logs. When a spore germinates, the mem- 
brane about it bursts, and a bit of naked and slimy protoplasm 
escapes. This tiny mass creeps about, absorbing food from its 
surroundings, and increasing in size until it may perhaps cover 
an area of many inches. After a time spores begin to form, then 
either the whole mass is transformed into a single spore case or a 
number of spore cases are formed. The spore cases of Lycogala 
epidendron are pretty things, resembling pink coral beads. When 
fresh, a case is filled with a thin pink paste; but when mature, 
with fine brown dust-like spores. When the spore case bursts, 
these spores escape, and if they fall in favourable places the life 
cycle begins anew. 

Myx’'-d-mj-¢é'-tés Pr6-td-zd'-4 Ly-cdg’-a-1a Ep-t-dén'-drdn 



(Panus strigosus, B. & C.; Lentinus strigosus) 
Cap, gills, and stem creamy. See Genus, p. 67 


THERE are no plants more difficult to preserve for an her- 
barium than the fleshy fungi, and yet my personal observation 
leads me to believe that there are many people who would be 
willing to undertake the task if they knew how to set about it; 
and there is no class of plants in which the assistance of the 
amateur may help the botanist more than in this, provided that, 
at the time of gathering a specimen, full descriptive notes are 
made of all the characteristics of the plant. 

To aid one in quickly taking notes, it is well to have with 
one in the field some printed or written blanks. A convenient 
form is suggested by the following outline, which is the one 
used by the Boston Mycological Club: 

Collected by 


N.B.—When collecting, be sure to get the whole plant, base and all, uninjured; 
and to get young as well as mature specimens. 

Note here at once the 

F Tree (kind; dead or living). 
Habitat. On | Ground (kind of soil). 

Place (wood, field, wet or dry, high land or low, etc.). 
Under and near what trees ? 

Manner of ae in clusters, troops, or caspitose [growing from one 
Growth. root]). 

Character. __(Viscid, hygrophanous [transparent when moist], dry.) 
Spores. Colour. 
Note.—If the plant is perishable, sketch and describe it fully at once, and look 
10 145 

Fungi for the Herbarium 

for indications of spore colour. After the plant is described it may be dried in hot 
air (over a stove for instance) and preserved or sent in for identification. 

Sketch the plant, indicating markings of cap and stem. Drawor trace a vertical 
section through the centre of cap and stem, indicating thickness of flesh; shape and 
attachment of gills; nature of interior of stem; position of ring, volva, etc. Do this 
also for a young specimen (button), showing whether the margin of the pileus is 
straight or incurved. 

N.B.—If not life size, note dimensions, 

When the characters vary with age or with moisture, note the changes. 

Shape (flat, convex, concave, umbonate [raised in the centre], 

Pileus. { umbilicate [depressed in the centre], etc.). 

Is it viscid when moist and fresh; tough, fragile, fleshy, mem- 
branaceous; smooth, floccose, scaly, silky, fibrillose; even, 
rough, wrinkled, furrowed? etc. 

Is the margin entire, wavy, striate, inrolled, upturned, smooth, 
woolly, hairy, appendiculate? etc. 

Colour and markings. 
Gills. Shape. 
Attachment (adnate, sinuate, decurrent, etc., or vee). 

Are they distant or crowded, all of one length, branching or 
forked, connected by veins? 

Surface (smooth, powdery, marked in any way). 
Colour (young and old). 

Texture (thick, thin, brittle, etc.). 

Margin (entire, wavy, scalloped, toothed, fringed). 

With Bo/et note colour, length, and size of tubes, shape and size 
of mouths, relation of pore surface to stem, etc. 

Flesh. Consistency (firm, mealy, punky, etc.). 
Colour (in general; just under skin; near gills or tubes). 
Juice (taste and colour). 

Stem. Texture (tough, flexuous, fragile, fleshy). 
Shape (tapering either way, straight or bent, swollen, etc.). 
Exterior (cartilaginous, fibrous or not, etc.). 

Colour and markings (striate, dotted, pruinose [with a bloom], 
fibrillose, or smooth, etc.). 

Interior (hollow, solid, stuffed, fistulose [tubular], etc.). 
Base (shape, markings, etc.). 

Fungi for the Herbarium 

Mycelium (thread-like, cottony, compact, root-like, sclerotioid 
{hard], coloured). 

Veil. (Examine young specimens). 
, { (Relative position, permanent or fugacious [quickly disappearing], 
Volva. (Examine young buttons, base of stem, surface of pileus). 

CoLtector’s Outrit.—For collecting fungi there is nothing 
better than a cheap splint basket with a cover. The size will 
.depend upon the ambition and strength of the collector. In ad- 
dition, a chisel for woody fungi and a trowel or broad-bladed 
knife will be found convenient; also a few small boxes for 
fragile species, and a package of thin, tough, uncoloured paper 
in which other specimens may be put. Sheets of six inches 
square and also of twelve by twenty-four are convenient sizes. 
Before the specimens are put in the basket, those of a kind should 
be compactly piled in the centre of a sheet, and the four corners 
of the sheet brought together and fastened by twisting them. 
The slip with the notes may either be put inside the package or 
fastened on the outside. 

CaRE OF SPECIMENS.—As soon as possible after reaching 
home, the packages should be taken from the basket and spread 
out in convenient places. If the specimens are to be used imme- 
diately for identification, begin with the most perishable, or they 
will be lost by decay. If they are to be preserved for future use, 
put them in the warmest place available where they will not 
burn. This may be under or over the kitchen stove, or in the 
furnace-room of the hotei or laundry; or, if any of these places is 
not practicable, then a drier may be improvised by placing over 
a lamp a frame made of wire screening. 

COLLECTING SporEs.—At least one specimen of each kind 
should be set for spores. This is readily done by thrusting the 
stem of one plant through a hole in a disk of gummed paper so 
that the paper fits closely against the gills. This disk may be 
held in place by thrusting the stem of the fungus through a piece 
of thin paper and then bringing the paper above the cap and 
twisting the corners. Use white disks for fungi suspected of 
having coloured spores, and coloured paper for those suspected of 


Fungi for the Herbarium 

having white spores. If there is any doubt, set two fungi—one 
with a coloured disk and the other with a white one. 

It is an easy matter to fix spores for future use, but a more 
difficult matter to fix them so that they represent a picture of the 
radiating gills. In order to do this the stem must be cut from 
the cap, and the cap must be so arranged over the paper that no 
draughts shall disturb the spores as they fall, and also so that it 
may be removed from the paper without disturbing the spores 
after they have fallen. The writer would suggest that two fine 
wires should be thrust horizontally and at right angles to each 
other through the cap, and that the ends of the wires should be 
supported in a convenient manner, so that the cap may just 
swing free from the paper which is to receive the spores. The 
whole must be covered to keep the spores from being disturbed 
by draughts. When the spores have fallen, the cover can be re- 
moved, the cap raised, and the spore-print fixed. 

Various methods of fixing spores for prints are recommended. 
The following are quoted from a bulletin of the Boston Mycoiog- 
ical Club : 

The following directions for fxing spore prints are taken from Herpel (‘‘ Das 
Prapariren der Hutpilze ”). 

Paper which is somewhat absorbent must be used; unglazed blue or black paper 
(of which the colour must be unaffected by the fixative) for white-spored species. 
The piece of paper bearing the spore print is to be laid, spores upward, in a flat plate 
or platter on which a thin layer of fixative has first been poured. The fixative is al- 
lowed to soak up through from below, and should not overflow the edges of the 
paper. Whenit is certain that the spores as well as the paper are thoroughly soaked, 
the preparation is removed and dried; sometimes, to prevent sticking, being laid on 
moistened blotting-paper. 

The fixative to be used will vary with the species. For instance, the spores of 
Cantharellus cibarius and some others may be fixed by water alone. The following 
solution is recommended for Boleti and species with coloured spores: One part san- 
darac, two parts mastic, and two parts Canada balsam, dissolved in thirty parts of 
ninety-five per cent. alcohol. In the use of this it has been found that the time of 
soaking necessary to fix the spores is for Boletz,two minutes; Dermini, Coprinarii, 
Gomphidius, Paxillus, Russula, and Lactarius, four to five minutes; pink-spored 
agarics, also dark brown spored (as the meadow mushroom), and Cortinarit, six to 
eight minutes. It is important that the alcohol should be full strength. 

A gelatine solution is useful for white-spored species. This is prepared and used 
warm. Its strength varies with the species. Lepéota procera, Collybia radicata, and 
Clitocybe laccata may be fixed by a solution of one part gelatine to thirty of water. 
For species of Zricholoma this is too strong, and one to sixty, or one to two hun- 
dred must be the formula. The difficulty arises here from the fact that an excess of 


Fungi for the Herbariun 

gelatine makes the spores transparent and even invisible. Their opacity may be 
secured by previous treatment with a solution of one part mastic in thirty of ether. 

For certain kinds (7richoloma personatum, Lepiota granulosa, Amanitopsis 
vaginata, and others which experiment will discover), ten to twenty-five per cent. 
of alcohol must be added to the gelatine solution in order to make the spores adhere. 

Experience will doubtless show that other fixatives may be used. Gum arabic, 
for instance, suggests itself. This, however, if strong, is apt to cake the spores to- 
gether. If one method fails, invention and repeated trials must find a successful 
means. Reports are requested from all who engage in the amusement of making 
spore prints. To these a suggestion not without value is that dry agarics (like 
Marasmius and some Collyhias) may be kept in a condition to shed spores by putting 
“moistened blotting-paper under them. 

Another method of making spore prints is to spray them 
from an atomizer with a solution of white shellac in alcohol. 
A saturated solution should be made, and then diluted fifty per 
cent. with alcohol. 

THE SEARCH FOR A NAME.—When looking up a name for a 
plant, the best plan is to use fresh specimens, and, if a good 
supply can be had, make a careful comparison of all, so as to be 
sure that the characteristics are normal and not due to injury. 
If the attempt to find a satisfactory description is not successful, 
preserve the specimens dried, together with full notes, and send 
a part of them to the State botanist for determination. 

The name of a fungus is not the vital thing. In pursuit of a 
name do not neglect the plant. Observe it as it grows and in 
its different stages. Make a friend of it, and you will find it 
good company. 

RiuM—Put the dried plants in a place where they will absorb just 
moisture enough to make them pliant. Either put them in a box 
containing something damp, as a wet sponge, sand, or paper; or 
spread them where they can absorb the moisture of the atmos- 
phere without getting too wet. When pliant, bend the stem and 
cap so that they lie in the same plane, and arrange them in as 
natural a form as possible; then place them between driers of un- 
glazed paper, with a weight just sufficient to keep them from 
curling out of shape. 

Mountinc—The specimens may be placed loose in envelopes 
made by folding paper as for mosses or lichens, or they may be 
glued directly to mounting sheets, or they may be kept in boxes 
of varying sizes. 


Fungi for the Herbarium 

SECTIONS—A section of a fungus is a very thin slice cut from 
the plant by running a thin-bladed knife from the top of the cap 
down through the stem. When well made, sections of young 
and mature plants are valuable in addition to the notes and dried 
specimens. A Section to be of any value must show the form of 
the cap; the attachment of the gills to the stem; the thickness of 
the stem; and the interior, whether solid, hollow, or stuffed. 
To preserve the section, it must be placed, while fresh, upon 
a sheet of gummed paper, and then covered with a sheet of 
waxed paper, and placed between driers, under heavy pressure. 

PolsonING HERBARIUM SPECIMENS—It will be found necessary 
to use every means possible to keep insects from the herbarium, 
as fungi are particularly subject to such pests. In order that no 
eggs and larve may be packed away with the dried plants, it 
will be well to apply a poisonous solution to the specimens just 
after they have been moistened to be put into press. Professor 
Peck, the State botanist of New York, uses a solution made by 
dissolving strychnine in warm water, and then adding alcohol 
in sufficient quantities to make the mixture spread easily with a 

Sulphate of strychnia. . . . . . . . ¥&% ounce 
Warm water . 2. ee ee ee 64 OF 5 OUNCES 
Alcohol. . . . . . « . « ~ About 2 ounces 

In addition to this precaution, the specimens must be kept 
where insects cannot get at them, or the havoc which they make 
will be disastrous. An ingenious person can improvise all the 
apparatus necessary for a successful collection of moderate size; 
and then, if his enthusiasm continues, he can provide himself 
with everything of the most improved style from dealers who 
make a specialty of botanical supplies. 



BEFORE you attempt to use fungi for the table be sure that 
they are edible ; the consequences which follow a mistake are 
too serious to warrant any risks. Unless you are experienced in 
making careful observations and comparisons, eat only those 
fungi which have been shown to you by some one who has tried 
them and knows them to be wholesome. If you are experienced 
in making careful observations and comparisons, and wish to 
make experiments, make them cautiously, using a small quantity 
of the fungus for the first trial, and, if no ill effects are felt, in- 
crease the amount until you are satisfied as to its edibility. 

There is no general rule by which one may know an edible 
species from a poisonous species. One must learn to know each 
kind by its appearance, and the edibility of each kind by experi- 

Some edible mushrooms change colour when bruised, some 
edible ones do not. 

Some pozsonous mushrooms change colour when bruised, 
and some poisonous ones do not. 

Some mushrooms with bright colours, or viscid caps, or 
pleasant taste, or agreeable odour are edible, and some are 

Some edible mushrooms will turn a silver spoon black, and 
so will some poisonous ones. 

Cautions for the Inexperienced 

Never use specimens which are decomposed in the slightest 

Never use those which are at all burrowed by insects. 

Never collect, for food, mushrooms in the button stage, as 
it is difficult for a novice to distinguish the buttons of poisonous 
species from the buttons of harmless species. 

Never use fungi with swollen bases surrounded by sac-like 
or scaly envelopes. 


Fungi for the Table 

Never use fungi with milky juice unless the juice is red- 

Never use fungi with caps thin in proportion to the width 
of the gills when the gills are nearly all of equal length, especially 
if the caps are bright coloured. 

Never use for food tube-bearing fungi in which the flesh 
changes colour when cut or broken, nor those with the tubes 
reddish. Be very cautious with all fleshy tube-bearing fungi. 

Never use for food fungi with a web-like ring around the 
upper part of the stem. 

The novice may safely experiment with Clavarias, coral 
fungi, morels, and puffballs. 

THE Food VALUE OF FuncIl.—Many people thoughtful for the 
welfare of those with limited opportunities for varying their bill 
of fare have hoped to solve the problem by introducing into 
more general use the varied and abundant fungi which grow 
everywhere throughout our country. In order to accomplish 
this object, bulletins have been published by the several agricul- 
tural departments, and have been distributed freely to those 
wishing to have them. The result has been that a wide-spread 
interest has been created in this branch of botany, and fungi 
have become a common dish on tables where they were never 
before seen. 

As accessories, for relish or variety, edible fungi are undoubt- 
edly valuable ; but that they can never take the place of meat, as 
many fondly hoped, nor rank very high as an essential food, has 
been shown by the experiments of Mr. L. B. Mendel in the 
Sheffield Laboratory of Physiological Chemistry, Yale University. 
Mr. Mendel has demonstrated by chemical analysis and by ex- 
periments in artificial digestion that the proportion of proteid 
matter—the material which meat supplies—is smaller than it was 
formerly supposed to be, and also that a large proportion of that 
present is not acted upon by the digestive juices. Since, also, 
the proportion of water to solid matter is very great, being from 
seventy to ninety per cent. in the most desirable edible species, 
it would be necessary that a man should eat a great many 
pounds of even the richest fungi in order to obtain the daily 
requisite of proteid matter necessary to maintain a healthy 

The specimens marked edible in this book have been repeate 


Fungi for the Table 

edly tried by many people, and without ill effects. Some marked 
edible are harmless, but poor, while others are extremely de- 
licious and appetizing. 

A few directions for preparing different species for cooking 
are given below, that those who wish to experiment may have 
the benefit of the experience of others. Receipts for cooking the 
common mushroom, Agaricus campestris, may be found in all 
complete cook-books, and these receipts as they are given or 
modified may be used for other kinds also, provided that the 
directions for the preparation of the different species are fol- 

To KEEP MusHRooms TEMPORARILY.—Cleanse, remove the 
parts to be rejected, rinse in cold water the parts to be used, dry 
with a cloth, then put in boiling water and keep boiling for five 
or ten minutes. Drain, and wipe dry. 

cut off the stems and throw them away. Rinse the caps in 
cold water, drain, and leave in cold water acidulated with lemon 
or vinegar until just before using. 

To Toast Acarics.—Dry with a cloth, dust with flour, put 
a little butter, pepper, and salt on the gills. Lay the caps, gills 
upward, on a wire-net toaster, over a moderate fire, and cook 
from five to ten minutes. 

To Bake Acarics.—Dry with a cloth. Linea porcelain pie- 
dish with toast, spread the peeled caps on the toast, sprinkle 
with pepper and salt, and pour over them a few spoonfuls of 
thick cream. Cover with a plate, and place in a moderate oven 
for fifteen minutes. Serve hot. Or, 

Line the dish with toast dipped in hot water and buttered. 
Spread the caps on the toast, with half a teaspoonful of butter on 
each one. Cover, and cook in a warm oven for ten minutes. 

To Brow Acarics—Broil lightly on both sides over a bright 
fire. Arrange on buttered toast, sprinkle with pepper and salt. 
Put bits of butter or bits of toasted bacon on each, and set in the 
oven a moment. Serve hot. 

MusHrooms STEWED—Caps, peeled, one quart; butter, two 
tablespoonfuls; salt, one teaspoonful; pepper, one-third of a 
teaspoonful; water or stock, one-half cupful. Boil gently in 
a covered stewpan for five minutes. Or, 

Caps, peeled and cut in pieces, one pint; butter, one table- 


Fungi for the Table 

spoonful; salt, one-half teaspoonful; pepper, one pinch. Simmer 
in a stewpan for ten minutes. 

To PREPARE RussuLas—Reject the stems and gills, but not 
the peel. Cleanse the caps, rinse in cold water, then put for a 
moment in boiling water, and dry with a cloth. Cook by the 
receipts given for agarics. 

To PREPARE FUNGI WITH MILKy JuicE—Remove the stems, 
cleanse, rinse, and scald. Steep for six hours in a liquid pre- 
pared by mixing one wineglass of strong vinegar, one table- 
spoonful of salt, and one pint of water. Boil for ten minutes in 
salt and water. Cook by the receipts given for agarics. 

LacTARIUS DELICIosSUs—Known by its greyish-orange cap 
marked with brighter zones, and by its orange milk. Also 

LacTaRIUS VOLEMUS—Known by its reddish-brown cap, two 
to five inches across, with stems of the same colour, and white 
milk. May be prepared by simply removing the bases of the 
stems and then rinsing in water. 

To PREPARE AMANITAS—Reject the stems and peel, and cook 
but a short time. : 

To PREPARE CHANTERELLES—Cut off the base of the stems, 
rinse in cold water, soak in warm milk for six hours. Stew a 
long time with plenty of butter or stock. Use with meat hashes 
and stews, or in omelet. 

To Fry CHANTERELLES—Wash, slice, put in melted butter, 
and stir for ten minutes, simply keeping them warm. Add more 
butter, pepper, salt, crumbs of bread, and minced parsley, and 
fry over a hot fire. 

To PREPARE CoprInI—INK Caps—Use only young specimens. 
Remove the base of the stems, wipe with a damp cloth. Throw 
for an instant into boiling water. Fry in boiling butter or lard. 
Remove from the pan as soon as they break or sink. Serve on 

To Prepare BoLeti—Remove the tubes with a spoon. 
Reject the stems. 

To PREPARE HYDNUM REPANDUM—Remove the bases of the 
stems, and scrape off the spines. They require little cooking. 

To Prepare MoreL_s—Cleanse; rinse by shaking them in 
several waters, or run the cold water from the faucet over them 
until the pits are thoroughly cleansed. They require to be 
cooked for a long time. 


Fungi for the Table 

To PREPARE BEEFSTEAK Funcus—Gather when of a light- 
red colour. Remove the hard base, cleanse in cold water. 

For salad—Cut in thin slices and serve with dressed lettuce. 

Minced—Mince fine, put in a stewpan with butter, three 
ounces to the pound. Season with salt, pepper, minced parsley, 
and onion juice. Stew gently for twenty minutes. Bind with 
egg-yolk beaten in cream, and serve with toast. This mince 
may be used with veal or chicken hash. 

To PREPARE GYROMITRAS.—Cleanse, cut in slices, boilin water 
fifteen minutes, then wash by shaking in two successive waters 
boiling hot. Dry on cloths, and cook as directed for morels. 

the soft parts of young specimens. Put in boiling water for a 
few moments, rinse in cold water, and dry on cloths. Spread 
with butter, lay in a stewpan, and cover; then keep them for ten 
minutes just warm enough to melt the butter. Strain, broil for 
fifteen minutes, or stew half an hour or more with gravy. 

throw into scalding water for a moment, and then put into cold 
water made acid with lemon or vinegar until they are to be 
cooked. Divide the large ones, and tie the small ones into 
bundles. Place in a stewpan with bits of butter laid on them. 
Cover the pan, and expose to heat enough to melt the butter. 
Leave for ten minutes, and drain. 

To Cook Cravarias.—Put into a hot stewpan with bits of 
butter; season with salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Cover closely, 
and stew for half an hour. Thicken with cream and flour, season 
to taste, and cook until tender. 

Clavarias may also be cooked as directed for agarics. 

To PREPARE PuFFBALLS.—Cleanse, peel, trim off the base. 
Cut in two pieces, and reject all those which are not pure white 

To Cook PurFBALLs.—Fry in lard five or six minutes, with 
bacon, parsley, onion juice, salt, and pepper; or cook as directed 
for agarics. 

To Cook THE GIANT PUFFBALL.—Cut in slices half an inch 
thick, dip in the beaten yolk of egg, pepper, and salt. Fry in 
boiling fat for five or six minutes. 

PuFFBALL SaLaD.—Cut in strips, and serve with green salad 
dressed with mustard, oil, and vinegar. 



ATKINSON. Studies and Illustrations of Mushrooms, I, II, Bull. Cor- 
nell Univ, Expt. Station, 188: 337-366, f. 87-rrz, 1897. 168: 491-516, 
J. 83-97. 1899. 

BURNAP. Notes on the Genus Calostoma. Bot. Gaz., 23: 180-192, 
Pl, 19. 1897. 

BURT. A List of the Vermont Helvellacez, with Descriptive Notes. Rhodora, 
1: 59-67, Pi. g. 1899. 

— On Collecting and Preparing Fleshy Fungi for the Herbarium. Bot. 
Gaz., 25: 172-186, Pl. rg. 1898. 
The Phalloidez of the United States, I-III. Bot. Gaz., 22: 273-292, 
Pl. 11,125 379-391. 1896. 24: 73-92. 1897. 

COOKE. Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms. 8vo, 78 plates. London, 

—— Illustrations of British Fungi. 8 vols., PZ. z-z7g8. London, 1881-1891. 

—— Mycographia, 2. r-rrz7. London, 1879. [Pezizales.] 
Mycographia. 1-10, 87-104, 179-206, 215-220 ; PV. 1-4, 41-46, 81-96, 
zor, roz, 1879. ([Helvellales.] 

COVILLE, Observations on Recent Cases of Mushroom Poisoning in the 
District of Columbia. U.S. Dep. Agr., 1897. 

FALCONER. Mushrooms: How to Grow Them. U.S. Dep. Agr., 1896. 
FARLOW. Edible and Poisonous Mushrooms. U. S. Dep. Agr., 1898. 
FRIES. Icones selecte Hymenomycetum, Holmiz. 2 vols. 1867-1884. 
HAY. Text-book of British Fungi. 8vo. London, 1887. 

MASSEE. A Monograph of the Geoglossee. Annals of Bot., 225-306, 
Pl. 12, 137. 1897. 

— A Monograph of the Genus Calostoma. Bot. Gaz., 23: 180-192, Pi. 
rg. 1897. 

—— A Monograph of the British Gastromycetes. Annals of Bot., Vol. IV, 
No. XIII. November, 1889. 

MENDEL, The Chemical Composition and Nutritive Value of some Edible 
American Fungi. Am. Jour. of Physiology, 1: 225-238. 1898. 

Authorities Consulted 

MICHAEL. Fiihrer fiir Pilzfreunde. 12mo, 55 plates. Zwickau, 1897. 

MORGAN. North American Fungi. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., II: 

141-149, Pl. 7. 1889. [Phallales.] 
North American Fungi. Jour. Cincinnati Soc. Nat. Hist., 12: 8-22, 

Pl. 7,2. 1889. 163-172, Pd 76. 1890. 13: 5-21, Pi 7, 2. 1891. 14: 
141-148. P/, 5. 1892. [Lycoperdales.] 
PECK. Reports of the State Botanist of New York, in the Regents’ Reports 

of the State Museum of Natural History, 22-51. 
—— Boleti of the United States. Bull. N. Y. State Mus., No. 8. 1888. 

STEVENSON. British Fungi. 2 vols. 

UNDERWOOD. Moulds, Mildews, and Mushrooms. New York, 1899. 
— On the Distribution of the North American Helvellales. Minn. Bot. 

Studies, 1: 483-500. 1896. 
WEBSTER. Notes on Calostoma, Rhodora, 1: 30-33. 1899. 



It is customary, when writing the name of a fungus for 
scientific purposes, to append the name of the author who first 
published the appellation. The author’s name, for convenience, 
may be abbreviated. A list of such abbreviations as are used 
in this book is given below. 

A. & S. 

B. & C. 

D. C. 





Albertini and Schweinitz. 

Augustus Batsch (1761-1802), German botanist. 

Rev. Miles Joseph Berkeley. 

Berkeley and Curtis. 

Louis Bosc (1759-1828), one of the first collectors 
of fungi in the United States. 

Pierre Bulliard, 1742-1793. 

Charles E. Burnap, an American student. 

Johann Christian Buxbaum, 1693-1730. 

Augustin Pyrame de Candolle (1778-1841), a promi- 
nent Swiss botanist. 

Nicaise Augustin Desvaux, French botanist, 1784- 

J. B. Ellis. Mr. Ellis is a mycologist in the United 
States. The Ellis collection of fungi contains the 
largest number of types of any collection of Ameri- 
can fungi in existence. It is deposited in the 
museum of the New York Botanical Garden. 

Elias Magnus Fries (1794-1878), a Swedish botanist, 
who laid the foundations for the study of the 

Theodor Holmskiold (1732-1794), a Danish botanist. 

William Hudson (1730-1793), an English botanist. 

Wilhelm Lasch (1786-1863), a German botanist. 

Heinrich Friedrich Link (1767-1851), a German 

L.orLinn. Carl von Linneus (1707-1778), a Swedish botanist, 

who revised the principles of classification and 

introduced what is known as the binomial no- 

menclature. According to his method, the name 

of a plant is reduced to two words: the first, or 






generic, name 1s a substantive or a word used as a 
substantive ; while the second, or specific, name is 
an adjective. Lactarius is the generic name of 
those fungi dripping milk, and delictosus (delicious) 
the specific name for one edible species. 

George Massee, an English botanist. 

A. P. Morgan, an American botanist. 

Charles H. Peck (1833— ), the State botanist of 
New York. 

Christian Hendrik Persoon (1755-1837), a German 

Ernest Roze, a French botanist. 

Lewis David de Schweinitz (1780-1834), an Ameri- 
can botanist ; one of the first to make mycology a 
serious study. 

Giovanni Antonio Scopoli (1723-1788), an Italian 

Jacobi Christiani Scheffer (1718-1790), a German 

P. A. Saccardo (1845- ), an Italian botanist. Sac- 
cardo is the compiler of Sylloge Fungorum, a work 
in Latin, containing descriptions of over forty thou- 
sand species. It is a most valuable work, as it has 
made accessible to workers throughout the world 
the greater part of the technical descriptive litera- 
ture upon the subject of fungi. 

Martin Vahl (1749-1804), a Norwegian botanist. 

The diacritical marks used in the pronunciation of the Latin 
names indicate the sounds of the same letters in the following 

list : 

a as in fat tas in cut 
a ‘fate a ‘* cite 
é ‘met y ‘“ myth 
é ‘meet y ‘“ my 
Y * fin & “ gem 
mS fine g ‘“ get 
6 ** not eo eat 
6 ‘note ¢ ‘cent 



Adnate, 35; united by 
growth ; said of gills 
when they are grown 

to the stem. 
Agaricacer, 30, 32, 40, 
46, 73. 

Agaricales, 14, 30. 

Agaricus, 39, 73. 

— abruptus, 77. 

— arvensis, 75. 

— campestris, 12, 75, 76. 

— cretaceus, 64. 

— hemorrhoidarius, 75. 

— how to grow, 73. 

— maritimus, 75. 

— placomyces, 75. 

— Rodmani, 75, 76. 

— subrufescens, 75. 

— sylvaticus, 75. 

Algze, 9. 

Algal-like fungi, 9, 17. 

Amanita, 34, 46. 

— Ceesarea, 50, 52. 

— Frostiana, 52. 

— muscaria, 52. 

— phalloides, 48. 

— to prepare, for cooking, 

— verna, 65. 

— young plant, 47. 

Amanitopsis, 34, 53, 88. 

— parcivolvata, 55. 

— vaginata, 54. 

— — var. alva, 54. 

— — var. fulva, 54. 

— — var. livida, 54. 

Anthurus, 26. 

— borealis, 121. 

Antidote, 48; anything 
that will counteract 
the effects of poison. 


Arachnoid, 38 ; web-like. 

Armillaria, 34. 

— mellea, 61. 

bulbosa, 62. 

exannulata, 62. 

flava, 62. 

glabra, 62. 

obscura, 62. 

tadicata, 62. 

Asci, 18, Ig; the sacs in 
which the spores of 
the cup fungi are de- 

Ascoma, Ig, 20, 21; the 
disk-like body bear- 
ing the spore-sacs 
of the cup fungi and 
their allies. 

Ascomata, 20, 21; plural 
of ascoma. 

Ascomycetes, 17, 18, 135. 

Ascus, 17; singular of asci. 

Astreus hygrometricus, 

= = var, 
—-— Var. 
= — val: 
=" Var, 

Basidia, 16, 17; enlarged 
cells bearing spores. 

Basidiomycetes, 14, 17, 
97, I16. 

Bean seed to show embryo, 

Bear’s head, 2, 96. 
Beefsteak fungus, 103. 
— for salad, 155. 
— minced, 155. 
— to prepare, 155. 
Bird’s-nest, 24, 133. 
Bitter Boletus, 107. 
Black knot, 9g. 
Boletacez, 31, 44, 102. 
Boleti, 14. 


Boleti, care 

— to prepare, 154. 

—of the United States, 

of spores, 


—which change colour, 

Boletinus, 45, 102, 103. 

— pictus, 103. 

— painted, 103. 

Boletus, 44, 104. 

— Americanus, Iog. 

— bicolor, 105. 

— calopus, 106. 

— castaneus, 108. 

— chrysenteron, 106, 

— cyanescens, 105. 

— edulis, 109. 

— eximius, 108. 

— felleus, 107. 

— glabellus, 104. 

— mutabilis, 105. 

— pallidus, 105. 

— Peckii, 106. 

— purpureus, 107. 

— radicans, 106. 

— Satanus, 107. 

— scaber, 108. 

— speciosus, 105. 

— subtomentosus, 109. 

— versipellis, 108. 

Boston Mycological Club, 

Bovista, 128. 

— plumbea, 128. 

— section of, 128. 

Bovistella, 29, 124, 129. 

— Ohiensis, 129. 

Brackets, 2, 4. 

Brain-shaped Calvatia, 126. 

Branches, 7. 

Index and Glossary 

Brick top. 
p- 81.) 

Brick-red mushroom, 80. 

Button, 11, 12; the name 
given to a young 

(Pl. opposite 

Ceesarea, 50. 

Czesar’s mushroom, 51. 

Ceespitose, 145; growing in 
clumps, many plants 
from one root. 

Calostoma, 29, 123, I24, 
131. . 

— cinnabarinum, 132. 

— lutescens, 132. 

— Ravenelii, 132. 

Calvatia, 28, 124, 126. 

— craniformis, 126. 

— cyathiformis, 128. 

— fragile coat, 126. 

— maxima, 127. 

— section of, 126. 

Cambium, 137; the deli- 
cate young cells be- 
tween the wood and 
bark. The inner be- 
come new wood ; the 
outer, new bark. 

Campestris, 76. 

Caninus, 120. 

Cantharellus, 36, 53. 

— cibarius, 148. 

— floccosus, 53. 

Cap, defined, 12. 

— membranous, 35. 

— ragged edge, 13. 

— scaly, 34. 

— smooth, 34. 

— striate, 50. 

— umbonate, 63. 

Capillitium, 25, 126; sim- 

ple or branched 
threads mixed with 

— elastic, 126. 
Capitate, 21; having a dis- 
tinct head. 


Caput-ursi, 96. 

Carbon, 4; an elementary 
substance found in 

(Pl. opposite p. 

plant and = animal 
Cartilaginous, 36, 146; 

similar to the elastic 
tissue found at the 
ends of fresh bones. 

Caterpillar, fungus grow- 
ing on, 136. 

Cautions, 151. 

Cell, 11 ; a living vegeta- 
ble unit. 

— spore, II. 

— club-like, 13, 14. 

Cervinus, 87. 

Chalk agaric, 64. 

Chanterelle hygrophorus, 

— to fry, 154. 

— to prepare, 154. 

Chemical analysis, 152. 

Chestnut Boletus, 108. 

Chitonia, 83. 

Chlorophyll, 6, 144; the 
green coloring mat- 
ter of plants. 

Christmas greens, 5, 7. 

Chrysenteron, 106. 

Cibus Deorum, 51. 

Cinnabarinum, 132. 

Circinatus, 113. 

Class, 7, 15, 17. 

Classification, 5, 7. 

Clathracez, 26, 117, 121. 

Clathrus, 26, 121. 

— cancellatus, 121. 

— columnatus, 121. 

Clavaria, 3, 14, 99. 

— aurea, 100. 

— botrytes, 100. 

— cristata, roo. 

— fellea, Ior. 

— flava, 99. 

— formosa, Ior. 


Clavaria, golden, Ioo. 

— pale yellow, gg. 

— pistil, ror. 

— pistillaris, ror. 

— red-tipped, roo. 

— to cook, 155. 

— to prepare, I55. 

Clavariaceze, 30, 98, 99. 

Clavate, 21 ; club-shaped. 

Clitocybe, 35, 68, 70. 

— laccata, 70. 

— care of spores, 148. 

Clitocybe virens, 71. 

—var. amythystina, 71. 

— var. pallidifolia, 71. 

— var. striatula, 71. 

Clitopilus, 37, 88. 

Collector, notes of, 145. 

— outfit of, 147. 

Collybia, 35, 66. 

— care of specimens, 150. 

— care of spores, 148. 

— familia, 67. 

— radicata, 66. 

— radicata, care of spores, 

— velutipes, 66. 

Columella, 125. 

Common mushroom, 76. 

Context, 42; the tissue 
immediately in con- 
tact with a specified 

Coprinarii. See Coprini. 

Coprini,careof spores,148, 

— to prepare, 154. 

 Coprinus, 40, 89. 

— atramentarius, gI. 

— comatus, iii, v, viii, go. 

— micaceus, 9gI. 

Coral fungi, 98. 

Coral Hydnoum, 97. 

Cordyceps, 136. 

Corollas, 6. 

Cortinarii, care of spores, 

Cortinarius, 38, 85. 

— alboviolaceus, 87. 

Cortinarius violaceus, 87. 

Count de Vecchi, 49. 

Craniformis, 126. 

Craterellus cantharellus, 

Crested Clavaria, 100. 

‘Crucibulum, 133. 

Cup fungi, 19, 137. 

Cup-shaped puffball, 128. 

Cyathiformis, 128. 

Cyathus, 133. 

Czar Alexis, 49. 

Deedalea, 43. 
Death Cup, 48. 
Deconica, 39, 82. 

Decurrent, 35; growing 
down the stem ; said 
of gills. 

Deliquescent, 26 ; dissolv- 
ing or melting away. 
Destroying Angels, 2. See 
Death Cup. 
Dictyophorus, 27. 
Dissemination, of 

; the act of scat- 

— of spores, 4, 118, 126, 
131, 133, 137- 

Early Pholiota, 84. 
Earth-stars, 123, 129. 
Earth-tongues, 138. 
Eccilia, 87, 88. 
Edible Boletus, 109. 
Elaphomyces, 136. 
Elias Fries, 97. 

Elm Pleurotus, 58. 
Emetic Russula, 68. 
Entoloma, 37, 88. 

Fairy clubs, 9. 

Fairy-ring mushroom, 66. 
Fairy rings, 3. 

Families, 7, 16. 

:Fat Pholiota, 83. 
Favolus, 115. 

— areolarius, 115. 

Fawn-coloured Pluteus, 87. 

Fern withspore capsules, 8. 

Fertile gleba, 125. 

Fibrillose, 146; furnished 
with fibres. 

Fistulina, 44, 102. 

— cavipes, 103. 

— decipiens, 103. 

— hepatica, 102. 

— paluster, 103. 

— porosus, 103. 

Fistulose, 146; hollow 
through the whole 

Flexuous, 146; bent alter- 
nately in opposite 

Flint-stone, 127; a stone 
formerly used for ob- 
taining sparks. 

Floccose, 45; clothed 
with locks of soft 
hair or wool. 

Flocculent, 52; woolly. 

Flowerless plants, 5. 

Fly Amanita, 49. 

Food of the gods, 51. 

Frog-spittle, 6. 

Fruiting portion, 12, 13. 

Fithrer fir Pilzfreunde, 

Fungi, defined, 4. 

— for food, 1, 151. 

— for the herbarium, 145. 

— for the table, 151. 

— not grewsome, 2. 

— habitat, 2. 

— how to grow them, 73. 

— number of, 15. 

— poisonous, 1, 48, 151. 

— typical parts, 12. 

—with gills, 30, 32-40, 

— with milky juice, 92, 93. 

— with pores, 42, 44, 102, 

—with spines, 23, 4I, 


Index and Glossary 

Fungi with teeth, 94- 

Fungus plant, 9. 

Fusiform, 40; cylindrical, 
tapering gradually to 

each end. 

Gasteromycetes, 2, 3, 14, 

Geaster, 28, 124, 129. 

— hygrometricus, 130. 

— minimus, 130. 

Gelatinous fungi, 116. 

Genera, 7, 16. 

Geoglossaceze, 21, 138. 

Geoglossum, 139. 

— glabrum, 139. 

— hirsutum, 139. 

Giant puffball, 127. 

Gills, 12. 

— forked, 53. 

— notched, 58. 

— structure, I3. 

— toothed, 56. 

— waxy, 61. 

Glabrous, 50; not hairy. 

Gleba, 26, 117; the spore 
mass of the pouch 

Glistening Coprinus, gI. 

Globose, 40; having or 
approaching a spher- 
ical form. 

Golden Clavaria, 100. 

Golden-flesh Boletus, 106, 

Golden Peziza, 138. 

Gomphidius, 4, 92. 

— fixing spores of, 148. 

Grandinia, 94. 

Grass spikelet, 7. 

Gray-gilled mushroom, 79. 

Green Russula, 69. 

Greeks, 1. 

Guepinia, 116. 


— esculenta, I41. 

— to prepare, 155. 

20, ‘140, 

Index and Glossary 

Habitat, 145; the locality 
where a plant natu- 
rally lives. 

Haschisch, 49; an intoxi- 
cating preparation of 
the Indian hemp. 

Hedgehog Hydnum, 97. 

— mushroom, 94. 

Helvella, 20, 140. 

— elastica, 142. 

— lacunosa, 143. 

— — diagrammatic draw- 
ing, 143. 

— — section of stem, 143. 

Helvellacez, 20, 140. 

Helvellales, 19, 138. 

Hirneola auricula-Judz, 

Honey-coloured Armilla- 
ria, 61. 

Host, 22; the plant or 
animal which sup- 
ports a parasite. 

Hydnacee, 32, 94. 

Hydnum, 14, 32, 41, 94, 

—albidum, 95. 

— branched, to prepare, 

— caput-medusz, 97. 

— caput-ursi, 96. 

— coralloides, 97. 

— echinaceus, 97. 

— imbricatum, 96. 

— repandum, 95. 

— rufescens, 95. 

Hydrogen gas, 4; one of 
the elements found 
in plant and animal 

Hygrophanous, 145; 
opaque when dry, 
and transparent when 

Hygrophorus, 35, 59. 

— cantharellus, 59. 

— eburneus, 61. 

— miniatus, 60. 

Hygrophorus, var. flava, 

— var. flaviceps, 60. 

— var. flavipes, 60. 

— var. rosea, 60. 

Hymenogastrales, 133. 

Hymenomycetes, 2, 14. 

Hypha, 11; a thread-like 
strand of the vegeta- 
tive part of a fungus. 

Hypholoma, 39, 78. 

— capnoides, 79. 

— elzodes, 80. 

— epixanthus, 79. 

— fasciculare, 80. 

— incertum, 80, 81. 

— perplexum, 78, 79. 

— sublateritium, 81. 

Hypocreales, 18, 136. 

Imperial mushroom, 51. 
Incertum, 80, 81. 
Indian pipe, 7. 
Ingenious stamens, 6. 
Ink-caps, 89. 

Inky Coprinus, 91. 
Irpex, 94. 

Ivory Hygrophorus, 61. 

Jew’s Ear, 116. 

Judas’s Ear, 116, 

Juice, milky, 32. 

— watery, 32. 

Juvenal, 1 ;a Roman poet, 
first century A.D. 

Kaiserling, 51. 
Key, 15-45. 

Lachnocladium, 99. 
Lactarius, 32, 92. 
— care of spores, 148, 
— channeled, 33. 
—crisped, 33. 
— deliciosus, 154. 
— entire, I. 
— ligniotus, 93. 
— piperatus, 92. 


Lactarius, to cook, 154. 

— to prepare, 152. 

— volemus, 154. 

Lamelle, 12. 

—acute 35; the edges 
thin, not blunt. 

— adnate, 35; grown to 
the stem. 

— brittle, 35. 

— decurrent, 35 ; growing 
down the stem. 

— entire, 47. 

— free from the stem, 34. 

— obtuse, 36. 

— shallow folds, 36. 

— simple, 33. 

— sinuate, 35. 

— splitting deeply, 33. 

— toothed, 32. 

— villous, 33; with soft 

— waxy, 35. 

Larch canker, 137. 

Large club, Ior, 

Latticed Clathrus, 121. 

Leaf-green, 4, 6, 15, 144. 

Lentinus, 32. 

— lepideus, 56. 

Lenzites, 43. 

— betulina, 113. 

— separia, II4. 

Lepiota, 34, 63. 

— Friesii, 65. 

— granulosa, 
spores, 149. 

— naucinoides, 64. 

— procera, 63. 

— — care of spores, 148. 

Leptonia, 88. 

Light from dry rot, 2. 

Liverworts, 5, 7. 

Lycogala epidendron, 144. 

Lycoperdales, 25, 28, 123. 

Lycoperdon, 29, 124. 

— cyathiforme, 128, 

— giganteum, 127, 

— maxima, 127. 

— pyriforme, 125. 

care of 

Lycoperdon, section of, 

— subincarnatum, 125. 

Lycopodiums, 7. 

Majoon, 49; an intoxicat- 
ing confection of 

Maned agaric (see Coma- 
tus), ii, v, vili, go. 

Marasmius, 33, 65. 

— care of spores, 149. 

— oreades, 66. 

Marchantia polymorpha, 7. 

Masked Tricholoma, 72. 

Medusa's head, 97. 

Mendel, 152. 

Membrane fungi, 14, 22. 

Merulius, r1o. 

— lacrymans, I10. 

Mitrula, 21. 

— vitellina, var. irregula- 
ris, 140. 

Morels, 140, 154. 

— to prepare, 154. 

Morchella, 21, 140, I41, 


— angusticeps, 142. 

— bispora, 142. 

— deliciosa, 142. 

— esculenta, I4I, 142. 

— section of, 141. 

— semilibera, 142. 

Mould, 2. 

— on bread, 9. 

— on food, 2. 

— on dead fly, 9. 

Mould-like fungi, 15, 77. 

Mounting, 149. 

Mount Marcy, 68. 

Mucronella, 94. 

Muscaria, 49. 

Muscarine, 50; a poison 
found in A. muscaria. 

Mushrooms, baked, 153. 

— broiled, 153. 

— stewed, 153. 

— toasted, 153. 

Mushrooms, to keep, 15. 
— to prepare, 153. 
Mutinus, 27. 

— bambusinus, 120. 

— caninus, 120. 

— embryo plant, 120. 

— young plant, 120. 
Mycelial threads, 117, 123. 
— luminosity of, 63. 
Mycelium, 11, 110, 136. 
— food provider, 13. 
Mycena, 35, 55. 

— heematopoda, 55. 
Myxomycetes, 144. 

Name, not a vital thing, 

— the search for, 150. 

Nidularia, 133. 

Nidulariales, 24, 133. 

Nolanea, 88. 

Odontium, 94. 

Offensive fungi, 117. 
Omphalia, 35, 68. 

— umbellifera, 68. 
Orange Amanita, 50. 
Orange-cap Boletus, 108. 
Orders, 7, 16. 

Oreades, 3. 
Oxygen, 4 ; one of the ele- 
mentary substances 

which, chemically 
united with carbon 
and hydrogen, forms 
plant tissues. 

Oyster mushroom, 57. 

Painted Boletinus, 103. 

Panzolus, 92. 

Panus, 33, 67. 

Paraphyses, 135; jointed 
thread-like bodies 
found accompanying 
the spore-sacs of cer- 
tain fungi. 

Parasite, 22; that which 
lives by taking its 


Index and Glossary 

food from living 
plants or animals. 

Parasite, Cordyceps, on 
Elaphomyces, 136. 

Parasol mushroom, 63. 

Paxillus, care of spores, 

Peach cure, 9. 

Pear-shaped puffball, 125. 

Peridium, 14, 23, 24, 25, 
123; the thickened 
covering to a puff. 

Perithecium, 58 ; a round- 
ed, oval, pear-shaped, 
or beaked body in 
which the spore-sacs 
are developed. 

Perplexing Hypholoma, 
78, 79. 

Perplexum, 78. 

Peziza, 22, 137. 

— eruginosa, 137. 

— aurantia, 138. 

— odorata, 137. 

— Willkommii, 137. 

Pezizales, 19, 20, 137. 

Phallacez, 27, 117. 

Phallales, 24, 117, I2I. 

Phallin, 48; a deadly 
poison found in cer- 
tain fungi. 

Phalloides, Amanita, 48. 

Phallus, 27. 

— impudicus, 117. 

— section of young impu- 
dicus, 11g. 

Phlebia, 94. 

Pholiota, 38. 

— adiposa, 83. 

— limonella, 83. 

— preecox, 84. 

Phycomycetes, 9, I7. 

Phyle, 7. 

Physalacria, 98. 

Pileus, 146; the cap of a 

Pilosace, 39, 82. 

Index and Glossary 

Pinkish puffball, 125. 

Pistachio nuts, 78. 

Pistil of St. Johnswort, 

— of violet, 6. 

Pistil Clavaria, ror. 

Pistillaria, 98. 

Pleurotus, 32. 

— ostreatus, 57. 

— sapidus, 58. 

— ulmarius, 58. 

Pliny, 135. 

Pluteus, 37. 

— cervinus, 87. 

Poison Amanita, 48. 

Poisoning, cases of, 49. 

—of herbarium sheets, 

— recipes for, 150. 

Poisonous, 48, 49, 151. 

Pollen, 4, 6. 

Polypodium vulgare, 6. 

Polyporacez, 31, 42, 102, 

Polypori, IIo. 

— to prepare, 155. 

Polyporus, 42. 

— arcularius, I12. 

— circinatus, I13. 

— conchatus, III. 

— fomentarius, IIo. 

— megaloma, I10. 

— perennis, III. 

— pergamenus, III. 

— squamosus, I12. 

— sulphureus, II. 

— velutinus, III. 

Pores, 14; the openings 
of the spore-bearing 

—easily separating from 
the adjoining tissue, 
44, 102. 

— in radiating rows, 102. 

—in the form of tubes 
whose mouths are 
separated, 44, 102, 

— long-hexagonal, 43. 

Pores, permanently united 
to adjoining tissue, 
42, 102. 

— separating with diffi- 
culty, 45. 

— to prepare woody, 155. 

Pouch fungi, 14, 23, 123. 

Pruinose, 146; as if frost- 
ed with a bloom or 

Psathyra, 39, 82. 

Psathyrella, 40, 92. 

Psilocybe, 39, 82. 

Protoplasm, 144; the vis- 
cid, contractile, semi- 

fluid substance of 
an animal or vege- 
table cell. 

Protozoa, 144; unicellular 
microscopic animals. 

Pterula, 99. 

Puffballs, 3, 4, 123. 

— salad, 155. 

— to cook, 155. 

Purple Boletus, 107. 

Pycnodon, 94. 

Radulum, 94. 

Resupinate, 31. 

Ring, 12. 

— movable, 63. 

Rodman’s mushroom, 76. 

Romans, I. 

Rough-dried plants, 149. 

Russia, 49. 

Russula, 3, 35. 

— care of spores, 148. 

— emetica, 68. 

— heterophylla, 70. 

— to prepare for cooking, 

— virescens, 69. 

Salmon fungus, 9g. 
Saprophytes, 123. 
Scaly Lentinus, 56. 
Schizophyllum, 33, 67. 
Scleroderma, 133. 


Scleroderma vulgare, 134. 
Sclerodermatales, 25, 133- 
Seed-boxes, 6, 8. 

Sensitive plant, 89. 

Shaggy-mane, ii, v, viii, 90. 

Shelley, 1, 2, 89. 

Silver fir, 6. 

Simblum, 26. 

— rubescens, 122. 

Sinuate, 35; said of gills 
which have anotch or 
recess near the stem. 

Slime fungi, 144. 

Smallest Earth-star, 130. 

Smith, Rev. Gerard, 3. 

Smokeballs, 123. 

Smooth Lepiota, 64. 

Smuts, 2,14, 22. 

Sparassis crispa, 99. 

Spathularia, 21, 138. 

— velutipes, 138. 

Species, 7, 16. 

Specimens, 7. 

— care of, 147. 

Spencer, 2, 5. 

Spheriales, 136. 

Sphzrobolus, 133. 

Spines, 14, 41. 

Spore-dust to stanch blood, 

Spore print, 4. 

— receptacle, 10. 

Spore-sac fungi, 9, 17, 18, 

Spores, 11; single cells 
which serve the same 
purpose for fungi as 
seeds do for flowering 

— black, 32, 46, 89-92. 

— brown, 38, 73-83. 

— colour, 4. 

— collecting of, 147. 

— dark brown, 32, 73-83. 

— dissemination of, 4, 
118, 126,131,133,137. 

— elliptical, 72. 

— fusiform, 4o. 

Spores, how formed, 12. 

—in a definite rind, 14, 
23, 123. 

— on spicules, 9. 

— pink, 36, 46, 87, 88. 

— purplish-brown, 32. 

— rough, 69. 

— rosy, 32, 87, 88. 

—rusty brown, 

— salmon, 32, 87, 88. 

— violet, 32, 58. 

— white, 32, 46-73. 

— yellowish - brown, 

Spreading Hydnum, 195. 

State botanist, 150. ; 

Stem, 12, 13. 

— cartilaginous, 35. 

— central, 60, 

— characters of, 46. 

— cup at base, 47, 49, 50, 
54, 88. 

— eccentric, 56. 

— fleshy, 5. 

— hollow, 50. 

— lateral, 58. 

— mealy, 46. 

— rusty, 46. 

— smooth, 46, 

— solid, 56. 

— swollen base, 48. 

— wanting, 113. 

32, 46, 


Sterigmata, 9, 17; the 
slender stalks or 
spicules upon which 
the spores of the 
Basidiomycetes are 

Sterile, 29 ; not containing 

— base, 125. 

Stinkhorns, 24, 26, 117,123. 

Stipe, 12; stem of fun- 

Striate, 35, 50; said of 
the cap when marked 
with radiating 
straight lines on the 

Strobilomyces, 102. 

Stroma, 136; a compact 
mass of mycelium 
which unites the 
pear-shaped _ bodies 
in which spore-sacs 
are contained, 

Stropharia, 39, 82. 

Sulphury polyporus, 111. 

Sistotrema, 94. 

Tall Lepiota, 63. 

Thelephoracez, 73. 

Tinder, 127; dry material 
which will ignite 
without explosion 
when in contact with 
a spark. 

Toadstool, 2, 8. 

Tox-albumins, 48;  poi- 
sonous proteids pro- 
duced by bacteria. 

Trama, 42; a middle tis- 
sue between two lay- 
ers of spore-bearing 

Trametes, 42, I10, 113. 

— cinnabarina, 113. 

— pini, 113. 

— suaveolens, 113. 

Tremellines, 22. 

Tremellodon, 116. 

Tricholoma, 35. 

— care of spores, 148. 

—personatum, care 
spores, 149. 



Index and Glossary 

Tricholoma personatum, 
var. bulbosum, 72. 

Trogia, 33. 

Truffles, 18. 

Tuberales, 18, 30, 135. 

Tufted yellow mushroom, 

Tunbridge ware, 137. 

Typhula, 98. 

Umbilicate, 146 ; provided 
with a central depres- 

Umbonate, 63; provided 
with a central promi- 

Uncertain Hypholoma, 8. 

Variable Russula, 70. 

Veil, 12, 113; the mem- 
brane which covers 
the spore surface of 
a fungus in the young 

Velvety Spathularia, 138. 

Verdette, 69. 

Vermilion Hygrophorus, 

Vernal Amanita, 65. 

Vibrissea, 139. 

—circinans, 140. 

— truncorum, 139. 

Volva, 34, 46, 52. 

— of mutinus, 120. 

Volvaria, 36, 88, 

Water-measuring [arth- 
star, 130. 

White Hydnum, 95. 

Wrapper, 47, 49, 50, 51, 54+ 

Xylaria, 136. 

Yeast plant, 9. 



Agaricus abruptus, 74, 

— campestris, 74, 75. 
— Rodmani, 76. 

Amanita Ceesarea, 50. 
— muscaria, 49. 
— phalloides, 48. 
Amanitopsis parcivol- 
vata, Frontispiece. 
— strangulata, 53. 
—vaginata, 54. 
Armillaria mellea, 61. 

Bear’s head, 96. 
Bird’s-nest, 130. 
Bitter Boletus, 107. 
Boletinus pictus, 103. 

Boletus chrysenteron, 

— felleus, var. obesus, 

— scaber, var. niveus, 

Bovistella Ohiensis, 

Brain puffball, 126. 

Brick top Hypholoma, 

Bristly panus, 145. 

Broad-gilled Collybia, 

Calostoma cinnabarina, 

— lutescens, 132. 

— Ravenelii, 132. 

Calvatia craniformis, 

—cyathiformis, 128. 

Cantharellus floccosus, 

Chanterelle Hygropho- 
rus, 60. 

Clavaria aurea, 100. 

— formosa, ror. 

— ligula, 98. 

Clitocybe illudens, 70. 

— laccata, 67. 

— virens, 71. 

Collybia familia, 67. 

— maculata, 66. 

— platyphylla, 66. 

Cone-like Boletus, 102. 

Coprinus atramentari- 
US, OI. 

var. silvestris, 89. 

Coral Hydnum, 97. 

Cordyceps capitala 
(Parasitic on Ela- 
phomyces), 136. 

Cortinarius alboviola- 
ceus, 65. 

—armillatus, 86. 

— caninus, 85s. 

Craterellus cantharel- 
lus, 73. 

Cup-shaped Calvatia, 

Cyathus vernicosus, 

Dedalea quercina, 114. 

Death cup, 48. 

Deceiving clitocybe, 

Delicious morel, 142. 

Dog cortinarius, 85. 

Early Pholiota, 84. 
Elaphomyces, 136. 
Elfingia fomentaria, 
Emetic Russula, 68. 

Fat Pholiota, 61. 
Fawn-coloured Plute- 
us, 87. 
Field mushroom, 75. 
Flesh-coloured puffball, 
Fly Amanita, 49. 
Fomes fomentarius, 


Geaster hygrometri- 
cus, 130. 

— minimus, 130. 

Golden Clavaria, 100. 

— flesh Boletus, 60. 

— Peziza, 138. 

Grainy Lepiota, 63. 

Green Russula, 69 

Hardskinned puff- 
ball, 134. 

Helmet Mycena, 5s. 

Helvella elastica, 140. 

— lacunosa, 140. 

Hirneola auricula- 
Jude, 116. 

Honey-coloured Armil- 
laria, 61. 

Hydnum cap ut-ursi, 

— coralloides, 97. 

— repandum, 103. 

Hygrophorus cantha- 
rellus, 60. 

— eburneus, 84. 

— miniatus, 60. 

Hypholoma incertum, 

— perplexum, 78. 

— sublateritium, 81 

Index of Plates 

Inky Coprinus, gr. 

—— wood variety, 89. 

Ivory MHygrophorus, 

Jelly-like Tremellodon, 

Jew’s ear, 116, 

Lactarius ligniotus, 93. 

— piperatus, 92. 

Least Earth-star, 130. 

Lentinus lepideus, 56. 

— strigosus, 145. 

Lenzites betulina, 113. 

Leotia lubrica, 137. 

Lepiota Friesii, 65. 

— granosa, 63. 

— nancinoides, 64. 

— procera, 64. 

Little-tongue Clavaria, 

Lycogola epidendron, 

Lycoperdon pyriforme, 
125, 134. 

—subincarnatum, 134. 

Masked Tricholoma, 


Mitrula vitellina, var. 
irregularis, 140. 

Morchella deliciosa, 


Mutinus caninus, 136. 

Mycena _ galericulata, 

— hematopoda, 93. 

Orange amanita, 50. 
Oyster mushroom, 58. 

Painted Boletinus, 103. 

Panus strigosus, 145. 

Parasol mushroom, 64. 

Pear-shaped puffball, 

Peppery -Lactarius, 92. 

Perplexing Hypholo- 
ma, 78. 

Peziza aurantia, 138. 

— odorata, 138. 

Phallus impudicus, 

Pholiota adiposa, 61. 

— aggericula, 73. 

— przecox, 84. 

Pleurotus ostreatus, 58. 

Pluteus cervinus, 87. 

Poison Amanita, 48. 

Polyporus arcularius, 

— circinatus, 112. 

— fomentarius, 110. 

— versicolor, 112. 

Rodman’s mushroom, 

Russula emetica, 68. 

— virescens, 69. 

Scabrous-stemmed Bo- 

letus, 108. 
Scaly Lentinus, 56. 
Scleroderma vulgare, 


Sheathed Amanitop- 
sis, 54. 

Slippery Leotia, 137. 

Smooth Lepiota, 64. 

Spathularia velutipes, 

Spotted Collybia, 66. 

Spreading Hydnum, 


Strangled Amanitop- 
sis, 53. 

Strobilomyces _ strobi- 

laceus, 102. 

Tall Lepiota, 64. 

Tremellodon  gelatin- 
osum, 137. 

Tricholoma persona- 
tum, var. bulbo- 
sum, 72. 

Uncertain Hypholoma, 

rus, 60. 


Earth-star, 130. 
Xylaria, 116. 

Young pear-shaped 
puffball, 134. 

Zoned Cortinarius, 86. 






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