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Full text of "Cultural methods for controlling the cotton boll worm"

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Historic, Archive Document 

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knowledge, policies, or practices 

Hawaii Agricultural Experiment Station, 

Bove WILCOX, Special Agent in Charge. 




C. K. McCLELLAND, Agronomist 

C. A. SAHR, Assistant in Agronomy. 

It is a matter of record that cotton culture has been attempted 
in Hawaii upon several different occasions, but there can be no 
doubt but what the attempt that has been made in the last few 
years has been the largest and most systematic of any attempts 
made. It seems to be that the profitableness of cotton culture is 
going to depend largely upon the success that is obtained in con- 
trolling insect pests. Cut worms, aphis, mealy bugs and others 
at times cause considerable damage to the cotton plants, but the 
one pest that does more damage than all others combined is the 
small boll worm (Gelechia gossypiella). In fields where the 
worm has been undisturbed, as high as 60 to 75 per cent of the 
bolls have been infested by this boll worm, in which case the cot- 
ton that may be picked from the field will not be sufficient to 
pay any profit on the labor involved in producing the crop. 


In Bulletin No. 18 of this Station a detailed description of the 
insect has been given and from this we take the life history 
which 1s as follows: 

The eggs are deposited singly upon squares, flowers or leaves— 
from which in about ten days the larva or worm is hatched. The 
larva feeds upon the plant for a period of about twenty-three 
days, after which it pupates and emerges from the pupa as au 
adult or moth fourteen days later. After a few days the moth 
will begin egg-laying and lives for several days. The larva is 
the form that does the damage to the cotton. It may attack the 
squares or flowers and destroy the vital parts of the flower, in 
which case the square or bloom falls to the ground. Scores of 
squares from each plant in our Caravonica field fell to the ground 
during the month of April as a result of insect attack. The larva 
also attacks the young bolls in all stages of growth and usually 
damages the lint and eats out the seed contents and causes a pre- 
mature opening of the boll. 

It has been our observation that Sea Island cotton is more sub- 
ject to the attack of this worm than Caravonica and Egyptian 
somewhat less subject, while upland cotton is the least subject 
of all varieties to their attack. The worm is known to attack 
other host plants and has been found in Milo (Thespesia pof- 
ulnea), may possibly be found in Hau bushes and in India it 1s 
said to attack trees which have oil-bearing seeds. 

Because of its occurrence in large numbers only upon cotton 
it will be possible in a measure to control it by cultural methods, 
and, until an effective parasite is found, we must make the best 
use possible of such methods. It must be remembered that these 
additional measures add to the expense of cotton production and 
so long as effective should be as simple as possible. However, 
the pruning advocated being necessary for other reasons, only 
the two others given should be considered extra. 

Cultural methods include, first, annual pruning; second, clean 
culture; third, trapping the mature moths. | 



By severely pruning the plants in the fall and burning all 
branches and bolls immediately, large numbers of the insect in 
different stages will be destroyed. If no other host plant offers 
itself most of the insects that survive the fire stand great chance 
of perishing before new food in the shape of squares, flowers 
and bolls of cotton will be found in the following spring. It is 
important that this work should be done in as short a time and 
in as thorough a manner as possible when once started and 
that all plants in the vicinity should be pruned. Ornamental 
plants in yards, or hedges of cotton remaining, or any plants left 
in the field, serve as breeding places for the insect in which they 
are carried over for the next crop. This we learned to our sor- 
row in carrying on a pruning experiment to determine at what 
time it was best to prune. To secure best results in burning the 
green branches, a good hot fire should be started with dry ma- 
terial and the work of piling on the brush will be greatly facili- 
tated if the fire is placed in a shallow hole or gulch near the cot- 
ton field. In clearing land of guava or other bushes it would be 
well to leave a part of these in the place where it is intended to 
burn the cotton prunings. 

Cotton Plant Properly Pruned. 


Concerning pruning there is much _ yet to be learned, 
whether it shall be done early or late, high or low, and for how 
many years the plant will thrive under such treatment. All that 
we know is that it is necessary to prune occasionally in order to 
control the size and shape of the plants and to maintain the 
quality of the lint. From experiments in 1911 we conclude that 
with us fall pruning is imperative in order to allow proper de- 
velopment of the plant during the winter months when moisture 
is plentiful. Plants allowed to bear during this time, then 
pruned about March first, made plants only about two-thirds as 
large as those pruned December first. The increase in yield of 
fall pruned plants was nearly 46 per cent, the average yield per 
plant being 1.2 pounds and .82 pounds of lint per tree for fall 
and spring prunings during the second year’s growth of the 


Caravonica Caravonica Sea Island 
1-2 Acre 1-2 Acre 1 acre—new seeding. 
Date of Cut back | Date of | Cut back | Date of | 
Picking Dec. 5,1910| Picking. | Mar. 1, 1911 | picking. | 
May 31 | 70.6 | | Aug. 22* | 3.9 
June 9 49.5 Jan. 2847 195 [ee es cS 
anes 26. fo 20.-b $68 +129 8.0 
PSA 39.9 Feb. 8 23.6 | Sept. 2 Pee 
July 5 14.9 OG 19.5 ris Heo Ore 23. 
ences 9.8 14+ | 3.9 
ae OY 11-8 | oe As tn Ee 
eee | BO Gs 
Aug. 2 9.5 Peter Gad | oe ee 
etl St Ane 11". * |-/355 Oct. 7 | 45.2 
= anepe e ro) METS by Oe ans 20 ree eg 
eet 2 9.2 See 7a a aes iii |i fo er 
st 5.0 Sepia @[2ises popes: 13.5 
Sept. 8 6. ral PID Dib ase ol 2G ae few 
eer tt 2.9 cy ted te Es Nove! i/o agg 
aie 2. SaP SAD a Hye O | 
He OBS 5.1 a SOL ey | 
Oct. 10 4.3 Gels wil | 
“99 i ee ae | 

* First Picking. 7 Second. § Third. 


From this it will be seen that fall pruning is unquestionably 
preferable. We have no conclusive ideas as to whether to prune 
high or low, the high pruning in some cases excelling while 
in other cases the low pruned plants gave the better yields. One 
theory given is to prune very low at first and at each succeeding 
season prune a few inches higher so as always to cut on new 
growth. After several such treatments it may become necessary 
to prune low again. Another plan is to cut high and low alter- 
nately. However, the form of the individual plant and the con- 
ditions under which it is grown, rather than any book rule, will 
determine the treatment which that particular plant should have. 
In 1911 the yield from all high pruned plots (four feet high: 
slightly exceeded that from low pruned plots pruned two feet 
high. These results were from Caravonica cotton. 

With Sea Island cotton our experience has been that growth 
starts low even upon high pruned plants so that low pruning be- 
comes necessary. To control the size and shape of the plants 
the pruning of Caravonica becomes more necessary than for other 
varieties because of its rank growth, but in order to control the 
boll worm the pruning of all varieties becomes necessary. 


This consists in picking up and burning fallen squares when 
known to contain the boll worm and, secondly, when picking the 
cotton the pickers should carry an extra sack in which the in- 
fested bolls should be put and carried to the side of the field 
and later burned. This part of the fight against the boll worm is 
in many cases very difficult to carry on since the laborers in the 
field look upon it as just so much extra and unnecessary work, 
but if any headway is to be made against the boll worm or if 
any profit from the crop is expected some means should be taken 
to get this work done by the cotton pickers. At the Station we 
have also fumigated the seed cotton at the gin house with hy- 
drocyanic acid gas but some of the worms seem to have sur- 
vived this treatment. 


The moths fly by night and many may be caught by traps. The 
junior author of this bulletin has improvised a simple device 
which is herewith illustrated and described. A post is set in the 
ground, the post being of sufficient height to hold a lantern 
above the plants so that the light may be seen for some distance. 
A hole 1 1-2x6 inches is previously bored in the top of the post. 
Into this a wooden pin (3), shaped as shown in the cut, ts fitted. 
The top of the pin is so shaped as to receive a pan (4) which 
may be made similar to an ordinary cake tin 2 or 3 inches deep 
by 12 or 14 inches in diameter. When in position the pan con- 
tains water with a coat of kerosene oil. After the pan is placed 
over the pin a square piece of sheet iron (2) is screwed to the 
pin to support the lantern. This square sheet of iron should 
have sides of length equal to diameter of the base of lantern, 
and should have three corners turned up and with a pin through 
the fourth to hold the lantern securely. A lantern with larger 
sized globe (1) is preferable since smaller globes get hot and 
then break should there come a dash of rain. The trap as put 
together and set up in the field is shown in the cut (5). The 
moths fly towards this light and many of them fall into the pan 
and are destroyed. Many more will be caught upon still nights 
than upon windy nights. Where winds are prevalent, place 
trap toward the leeward side of the field and where winds are 
not prevalent, traps can be placed at equal intervals from each 
other or in the center of small fields. Two, three or even one such 
trap per acre will give good results. When one considers the 
great egg-laying capacity of a single moth it is hard to over- 
estimate the value of capturing 10 to 50 or more moths a night, 
possibly per acre, if they are plentiful. By pruning partly in De- 
cember and partly in March we commenced the picking season 
of 1911 with 70 per cent of bolls infested as shown in the ac- 
companying table, and then by fighting the insect according to 
the methods given above we succeeded in controlling the situation 
somewhat and in reducing the percentage of infestation as also 
shown in the table. 

Lantern Trap and Its Parts 

Of course the percent of infested bolls in-the early pickings 1s 
larger than the percent of the total number of bolls, since the 
worm caused so many of the bolls to open prematurely. The 
table also shows the greater liability to attack of the Sea Island 
variety. During the season of 1912 we aim to get the benefit 
of the annual pruning as described by doing the work all at one 
time ; in which case we hope to have an easier fight than in 1911; 
yet because of more or less ornamental cotton and milo in Hono- 
lulu we can hardly hope to start clean. Upon one large plant- 
ing where the pruning and burning was well done in 1910,— 
we are informed that the infestation in the spring of 1911 was 
very light; but, because of the difficulty to get the pickers to col- 
lect infested bolls, the percentage of infestation greatly increased 
during the season. This shows what can be accomplished by em- 
ploying the first named method and we have demonstrated the 
value of the second and third. Other host plants than cotton 
must always be kept in mind and cut down and. burned; then if 
the grower works faithfully along the lines mentioned above he 
may hope for some returns for his labors. 
