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Full text of "Diseases of crop-plants in the Lesser Antilles"

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®ljp  i.  m.  Hill  ICtbrara 

5Jnrtii  (Earoltna  ^late  (ColUgp 



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,    ;  HA 


1.  Typical  mosaic  on  dark-green  leaf.         2.  Typical  mosaic  on 
light-green  leaf.         3.  Effect  developed  on  certain  varieties. 
4.  Type  of  spotting  often  mistaken  for  mosaic. 







Assistant  Director  of  Agriculture,  Trinidad  and  Tobago  ; 

late  Mycologist  on  the  Staff  of  the  Imperial  Department  of 

Agriculture  for  the  West  Indies 






/  n  ^  " 


It  is  with  no  ordinary  feeling  of  pleasure  that  I  have  fallen 
in  with  my  friend  Mr.  Nowell's  suggestion  that  I  should  write 
a  foreword  to  his  book,  although  his  own  established  reputation, 
based  on  brilliant  elucidations  of  various  difficult  problems  in 
plant  pathology  makes  the  attempt  perhaps  less  easy  and 
certainly  more  superfluous  than  it  might  otherwise  have  been. 
Readers  will  find  in  this  book  much  more  than  is  often  regarded 
as  sufficient  to  fill  a  volume  purporting  to  deal  with  plant  diseases. 
It  might,  indeed,  perhaps  be  more  correctly  designated  as  a 
treatise  on  the  principles  of  plant  pathology  with  special 
reference  to  the  diseases  occurring  in  the  West  Indies.  These 
islands,  with  their  wide  range  of  soil,  with  their  varied  climatal 
and  other  environmental  conditions,  are  peculiarly  well  fitted 
to  provide  that  broad  outlook  over  the  larger  matters  of  pathology 
which  is  too  apt  to  escape  those  who  are  treating  plant  diseases 
from  a  more  purely  practical  and  local  standpoint.  Mr.  Nowell 
has  embraced  the  opportunity  which  lay  to  his  hand,  and  has 
produced  a  work  which  in  my  judgment  constitutes  a  real  land- 
mark of  progress  in  the  science  of  the  plant  considered  in  relation 
to  health  and  disease.  As  might  have  been  expected  from  one 
who  has  successfully  grappled  with  the  interesting  and  important 
jetiology  of  Red  Ring  in  Coconut,  with  the  real  nature  of  the 
damage  wrought  by  the  Cotton  Stainer  (Dysdercus)  and  its 
remarkable  parallelism  to  malarial  infection  in  the  human 
subject,  to  say  nothing  of  his  work  on  RoseUinia  and  other  pests, 
the  book  will  be  found  of  great  value  to  the  practical  agriculturist 
as  well  as  to  the  scientific  investigator,  who  looks,  or  should  look, 
farther  afield.  But  it  is  in  the  philosophical  treatment  of  his 
subject  as  a  whole,  as  well  as  in  the  cautious  way  in  which  the 
principles  themselves  are  put  forward,  that  the  wider  interest  of 
the  author's  work  as  a  whole  is  to  be  attributed.  As  is  well  said 
in  the  text,  "  In  every  case  of  parasitism  there  are  two  organisms 
to  be  considered,  the  host  and  the  parasite.  ..."  In  a  number 
of  instances  it  is  shown  how  the  incidence  of  a  particular  disease 
depends  on  external  conditions,  and  the  way  is  thus  paved  for  a 
rational  treatment  of  an  infestation  which  depends  upon  a 
knowledge  of  what  might  be  called  the  agricultural  physiology 
of  the  plant  itself.  If  I  may  be  permitted  to  recall  something  of 
what  I  have  myself  observed,  while  in  the  West  Indies,  I  might 
cite  the  froghopper  attack  on  sugar-cane  as  an  instance  of  the 


point  here  referred  to.  There  are,  in  Trinidad,  cane  areas  where 
variations  in  agricultural  practice  have  resulted  in  practical 
immunity  from  "  Froghopper  Blight,"  yet,  in  one  instance  at 
least,  the  immune  area  was  contiguous  with  plantations,  other- 
wise similar,  in  which  the  pest  had  assumed  serious  dimensions. 
Further  illustrations  are  supphed,  in  the  body  of  the  work,  by 
the  class  of  "  debility  diseases,"  where  a  sound  knowledge  of 
agricultural  physiology  has  been  able  to  indicate  satisfactory 
methods  of  coping  with  the  onset  of  the  pests. 

Of  course  the  matter  is  not  always  so  easily  brought  into  line 
with  agricultural  practice,  and  the  careful  reader  will  observe 
the  judicious  attitude  maintained  by  the  author  in  respect  of 
'Otiier  diseases  in  which  the  factors  are  not  so  simple  or  so  suscept- 
ible of  control.  But  it  is  safe  to  say  that  no  one  can  peruse  the 
work,  more  especially  if  he  happens  to  possess  a  first-hand 
acquaintance  with  the  problems  under  discussion,  without  feeling 
that  in  this  book  at  any  rate  a  successful  attempt  has  been 
made  to  grapple  with  the  scientific  principles  of  some  of  the 
/larger  issues  that  form  the  background  of  plant  pathology. 
It  is  only  in  this  way,  i.e.  by  an  intelligent  appreciation  and 
application  of  principles  that  the  ravages  caused  by  the  many 
and  various  diseases  to  which  cultivated  plants,  especially  in  the 
tropics,  are  continually  liable  can  ever  be  satisfactorily  controlled. 

Imperial  College  of  Science  and  Technology, 


This  work  was  prepared  as  a  handbook  to  the  diseases  affect- 
ing crop  plants  in  the  Lesser  Antilles  at  the  request  of  the  Imperial 
Commissioner  of  Agriculture  for  the  West  Indies,  Sir  Francis 
Watts,  K.C.M.G.,  during  the  writer's  tenure  of  the  post  of 
Mycologist  on  the  staff  of  the  Imperial  Department  (1913-1920). 
Full  use  has  been  made  of  the  work  of  previous  occupants  of 
this  position,  namely :  Messrs.  A.  Howard  (1901-1902),  L. 
Lewton-Brain  (1902-1905),  F.  A.  Stockdale  (1905-1909),  and 
F,  W.  South  (1909-1913).  The  large  obligations  due  to  the 
published  papers  of  plant  pathologists  in  other  parts  of  the  West 
Indies  and  the  Tropics  generally  are  indicated  in  the  text. 

The  immediate  aim  has  been  to  provide  for  the  agricultural 
officer  and  the  planter  a  means  of  reference  to  the  present  state 
of  knowledge  respecting  specific  diseases,  and  further  to  enable 
him  to  compare  his  experience  with  the  general  body  of  knowledge 
concerning  plant  pathology  and  its  relation  to  agricultural 
practice.  The  need  for  a  local  textbook  of  the  subject  in  the 
new  West  Indian  Agricultural  College  has  also  been  kept  in 

Certain  diseases  have  been  included  which  have  not  occurred 
in  these  islands,  but  are  of  interest  in  view  of  the  possibility  of 
their  appearance  or  recognition  in  the  future. 

As  the  result  of  personal  experience  of  which  the  whole 
tendency  has  been  to  compel  a  mycologist  to  become  an  agri- 
culturist, the  writer  is  convinced  of  the  need  for  a  broad  treat- 
ment of  his  subject.  The  mycologist  is  most  concerned  with 
the  fungus,  the  pathologist  with  the  disease,  and  the  agriculturist 
with  the  crop,  but  a  combined  view  of  the  interests  of  aU  three 
is  necessary  for  the  production  of  an  economic  plant  pathology. 

The  writer  is  conscious  that  the  present  work  is  more  successful 
in  revealing  the  want  of  knowledge  on  very  many  subjects  than 
in  imparting  it,  but  has  the  hope  that  even  this  function  may 
be  found  useful  as  establishing  a  datum  line  for  future  investiga- 

The  thanks  of  the  writer  are  due  for  critical  perusal  of  the 
manuscript  to  Mr.  C.  B.  Williams,  late  Sugar-Cane  Entomologist 
in  the  Trinidad  Department  of  Agriculture  (the  whole  text). 
Dr.  S.  C.  Harland,  late  Assistant  for  Cotton  Research  in  the  West 
Indies  (Part  I  and  the  chapter  on  diseases  of  cotton),  and  Mr. 
S.  F.  Ashby,  late  Microbiologist  to  the  Jamaica  Department  of 


Agriculture  (Part  II)  :  to  Sir  Francis  Watts  for  valuable  help  in 
preparing  the  chapter  on  fungicides  ;  to  Miss  E.  M.  Wakefield, 
of  the  Royal  Gardens,  Kew,  for  kindly  assisting  in  proof 
reading,  and  Mr.  S.  F.  Ashby,  for  assistance  with  the  biblio- 
graphy and  illustrations  ;  to  Dr.  J.  B.  Farmer,  F.R.S.,  Professor 
of  Botany  at  the  Imperial  College  of  Science  and  Technology, 
not  only  for  the  immediate  contribution  of  an  introduction,  but 
in  a  special  sense  as  the  director  of  a  course  of  biological 
training  in  which  information  is  held  subordinate  to  essential 
principles.  The  writer  must  further  gratefully  acknowledge 
that  without  the  constant  assistance  of  his  wife  the  labour 
of  writing  could  never  have  been  faced  in  the  time  available 
from  other  duties. 







The  Nature  of  Fungi.  Page 

The  Mycelium.     The  Place  of  Fungi  in  Nature-         -         -  3 

The  Nature  of  Fungus  Parasitism       -----  5 

Reproduction  and  Infection        ___-_-  6 

The  Host  :    Resistance  and  Susceptibility. 

Effect  of  Agricultural  Conditions  on  Resistance.  Immunity 
by  Evasion.  Resistant  Species  or  Varieties.  Susceptibility 
to  Exotic  Diseases.     Local  Factors  affecting  Prevalence      -  8 

The  Principal  Types  of  Fungus  Diseases. 

Leaf  Diseases.     Flower  and  Fruit  Diseases.     Stem  Diseases. 

Root  Diseases  ---------  12 

Notable  Groups  concerned   in  Fungus  Diseases. 

The  Rusts  (Uredinales).  The  Smuts  (Ustilaginales).  The 
Powdery  Mildews  (Erysiphaceae).  The  Downy  Mildews 
(Phytophthora).  The  Anthracnoses.  The  Fusariums.  The 
Diplodias.  The  Rhizoctonias.  The  genus  Marasmius.  The 
Fungi  infecting  Bug  Punctures  (Stigmatomycosis).  The 
Sooty  Moulds  (Capnodiae)  -         -         -         -         -         -  17 

The  Classification  of  Fungi         ------  34 

CHAPTER  II  :    DISEASES  CAUSED  BY  BACTERIA    -         -  45 


Love  Vine,  Vermicelle       -------  54 

Cassytha  _-___----  56 

Bird  Vine,  Mistletoe  __---__  56 

Alectra,  Cane-Killer  ---____  58 




Heterodera  radicicola,  Greef.    Tylenchus  devastatrix,  Kuhn.       Page 
Tylenchus  tritici.     Tylenchus  angustus,   Butler.     Tylenchus 
ribes,    Taylor.      Aphelenchus    cocophila,    Cobb.      Tylenchus 
similis,  Cobb  and  T.  musicola,  Cobb  _         _         _         _  ^g 


Insects  as  the  Cause  of  Injuries  and  Diseases.  Stigmonoses. 
Insect  Injuries  as  Openings  for  Infection.  Insects  as  Carriers 
of  Infection.  Susceptibility  and  Resistance  to  Insect  Infes- 
tations     _____-_--_  66 

CHAPTER    VII:     NON-PARASITIC    DISEASES    -        -         .  69 

CHAPTER    VIII  :     ENTOMOGENOUS  FUNGI        -         -         -  73 



Arable  Crops  and  Parasitic  Diseases.  Sources  of  Infection. 
Means  of  avoiding  Damage.  Resistance.  Disease  Evasion. 
Elimination  Methods.     Spraying.     Permanent  Crops    -         -  81 


The  Copper  Compounds. 

Bordeaux  Mixture     --------  88 

Bordeaux  Paste  __-___-_  gi 

Burgundy  Mixture    --------  91 

Copper  Sulphate  Wash        --.__-_  93 

Cuprammonium  Washes      -------  93 

Sulphur  Fungicides. 

Sulphur    ----------  94 

Lime-sulphur  Solution        --_-___  g^ 

Self-boiled  Lime-sulphur    -------  96 

Liver  of  Sulphur       ___---__  97 

Ammonium  Sulphide  -------  97 

Iron  Sulphide  ________  97 

Potassium  Permanganate  --____  g7 


Spray  Injury    ---------  gS 

Dusting         _-__-_-___  gS 


Corrosive  Sublimate  -____        —        -  gg 

Formalin  -__-____-         100 



Sulphuric  Acid           ________  loi 

Copper  Sulphate        ________  loi 

Bleaching  Powder     __--_--_  loi 

Eau  de  Javel  ---_-----  loi 


Structure.    Wood-rots.    The  Healing  of  Wounds.    The  Treat- 
ment of  Wounds.     Antiseptics.     Protective  Paints      -         -  102 

CHAPTER  XII  :    THE  CONTROL  OF  DAMPING-OFF           -  107 



Plant  Importation.     Internal  Regulation            -        -        -         ~  112 






RoselUnia  Root  Diseases.     Sclerotium   Rots.     Pomes  Root  Rot         126 


Pink  Disease.    Thread  Blights.    Horsehair  Blight.    Algal  Disease         148 



Dieback.  Diplodia  Pod  Rot.  Phytophthora  Pod  Rot  and 
Canker.  The  Surinam  Witch-broom  Disease.  Monilia  Pod 
Rot.  Sphaeronema  Black  Spot  and  Bark  Rot.  Anthracnose. 
"Male"  Cacao.  Woody  Excrescences.  {Root  Diseases. 
Algal  Disease.  Thread  Blight.  Horsehair  Blight — See 
General  Diseases)      -         -         -         -         -         -         -         -         155 


The  Red  Ring  Disease.  Bud-rot  in  general.  Bacterial  Bud-rot. 
Bud-rot  caused  by  Phytophthora  palmivora.  Leaf-stalk  Rot 
caused  by  Phytophthora  parasitica.  Stem  Bleeding  Diseases. 
Leaf-dwindling  or  Little-leaf  Disease.  Bitten-Ieaf  Disease. 
Dieback.     Leaf  Blight       -         -         -         -         -         -         -         177 


Introduction  -----__-__         19 


Diplodia    Dieback.      Deficiency    Dieback.      {RoselUnia   Root 
Disease — see  General  Diseases).     Red  Root  Disease.     Collar 



Canker.    Branch  Galls.    Anthracnose  of  Lime.     Grey  Blight.       Page 
Leaf  Spots.     {Seedling  Diseases — see  Damping  ofE)         -         -         196 
Citrus  Trees  in  General. 

Citrus  Anthracnose.  Gummosis.  Foot-rot  or  Mal-di-goma. 
Scaly  Bark.  Scab.  Black  Melanose.  Citrus  Canker.  Diseases, 
Injuries  and  Rots  of  Citrus  Fruit      -         -         -         _        _         210 


Viruela,  American  Leaf  Disease.  Brown  Eye-spot.  Zonal  Leaf 
Spot.  Bark  Disease.  Nematode  Diseases.  Sclerotium 
Disease  of  Liberian  Coffee.  {Rosellinia  Root  Disease.  Thread 
Blights.    Algal  Disease — see  General  Diseases)      -         -         _         225 


The  South  American  Leaf  Disease  —         —         —         —         —         —         232 



Anthracnose  --__--___  235 
Date  Palm. 

Leaf  Disease.     Fomes  Stem-rot  _____         236 

Grape- Vine. 

Anthracnose.  Powdery  Mildew.  Rust  _  -  _  _  236 

Anthracnose.  _______         237 


Canker.      Perforated   Leaves.       {Red  Rust.     Rosellinia   Root 

Disease.     Thread  Blight — see  General  Diseases)  _         -         -         239 



Banana  Wilt,  Panama  Disease.  Marasmius  Root  Disease  and 
Stem  Rot.  The  Moko  Disease.  Eelworm  Black-rot.  Black 
Spot  of  Leaves.  Bonnygate  Disease.  Blackhead  Disease. 
Heart-leaf  Disease     --------         241 



Brown  Rust.    Red  Rust.    Smut.    Head  Smut.    Leaf  Scorch. 

Dry  Rot.     Root  Disease.     Minor  Diseases  _         _         _         256 


Rust.     Kernel  Smut.     Head  Smut.  _         _         _  261 


Internal  Boll  Disease.  Angular  Spot.  Black  Arm.  Bacterial 
Boll  Disease.  Soft  Rot  of  Bolls.  Diplodia  Boll  Rot.  Anthrac- 
nose. Curly  Leaf,  Chibble  Leaf.  Loggerhead.  Rust. 
Red  Leaf  Blight.  Yellow  Leaf  Blight.  Macrosporium  Leaf- 
spot.  Altemaria  Leaf-spot.  Leaf  Mildew.  Crinkled  Dwarf, 
Man  Cotton,  Mottled  Hybrids  -        -        -        -        -        -         zf^ 



Root  Disease  (General  type).  Root  Disease  (Acute  type).  Page 
The  Epidemic  on  the  Bourbon  Cane.  Red  Rot.  Rind  Fungus. 
Pineapple  Disease  of  Cuttings.  Diplodia  Rot.  Wilt  Disease. 
Top  Rot  (Bud-rot).  Gumming  Disease  (Cobb's  Disease). 
Smut.  Schizophyllum  Rot.  The  Iliau  Disease.  Cytospora 
Rot.  Leaf-sheath  Rot.  Red  Spot  of  the  Leaf-sheath.  Ring 
Spot.  Eye  Spot.  Red  Leaf-spot.  Yellow  Leaf-spot.  Brown 
Leaf-spot.  Sereh.  Mosaic  Disease  (Mottling  Disease,  Yellow 
Stripe  Disease).  Chlorosis  (Gall  Patches,  Moonshine).  Fiji 
Disease.    Sclerospora  Disease      ---___         289 


Cultivated  Aroids. 

Dry  Rot  or  Saltpetre.  Pythium  Rot  _  _  _  _  331 

Burning  Disease  (Rosellinia).  Cigar  Disease  _  _  _  332 

Wither-tip.     Leaf  Spots    -------         335 


Bacterial  Soft-rot  -____---  335 
Sweet  Potato. 

White  Rust  _-_---_-_  336 

Wilt.     Tuber  Rot.     Leaf  Blotch         -         _         _         _         -         337 


Ground  Nut. 

Leaf  Rust.  Leaf  Spot.  Root  Disease  _  _  _  _  338 
Kidney  Beans. 

Anthracnose.  Bacterial  Blight.  Stem  Rot  _  _  _  340 
Pigeon  Pea. 

Root  and  Stem  Diseases.     Rust         _         _         _         -         -         342 



Tangle   Root.      Root   Disease,   Wilt  or   Blight.      Base   Rot. 

White  Leaf-spot.    Leaf-base  Rot.     Fruitlet  Spot,  Black  Eye. 

Black  Spot.     Thielaviopsis   Soft  Rot.     Diplodia  Core  Rot. 

Prevention  of  Fruit  Rots  __---_         344 


Black  Leaf-spot.  Stem  and  Fruit  Rot  _  _  _  _  352 

Blossom-end  Rot.   Leaf  Mould.    Septoria  Leaf -spot.    Bacterial 

Wilt,  Bubbly  Fruit-rot      -------         353 



Anthracnose  -----.__  —  _  361 

Black  Spot,  Mildew.     Other  Diseases  _        _        _        _        361 


Mosaic  Disease  of  Sugar-cane,  coloured  plate 
Map  of  the  Lesser  Antilles 

.  Frontispiece 


.     to  face     xi 

Fig.  No. 

1  Fungus  Hyphae  in  Cells 

2  Phytophthora  Faberi 

3  Hyphse  (Rhizoctonia)  Basidia  and  Spores  of  Corticium 

Vagum      ..... 

Stigmatomycosis.     Species  A 

,,  ,,       B  (Eremothecium) 

„       C  .  . 

,,       D  (Nematospora) 
Ascomycetes    ..... 

Basidiomycetes  .... 

Types  of  Conidial  Fructifications  . 
Love  Vine  on  Solanum  Sp. 

Bird  Vine  {Struthanthus  dichotrianthus)  on  Cacao  Flowers 
enlarged    ...... 

Nematode  Root  Galls  (Heterodera  radicicola)    . 
Tylenchus  musicola,  Male     .... 

,,  ,,        Female 

Coconut  root  with  Nematodes 
Coconut  Parenchyma  with  Nematodes     . 
Egg  of  Aphelenchus  cocophilus 
Entomogenous  Fungi  .... 

Cephalosporium  Lecanii  on  Saissetia  nigra 
Cephalosporium  Lecanii  on  Coccus  Mangiferae    . 
Froghoppers  {Tomaspis  saccharina)  killed  by  Metarrhiziu 
Metarrhzium  Anisoplioe  Sorok         .  .  .  , 

Dusting  with  spores  of  Froghopper  Fungus  (Trinidad) 
Equipment  for  mixing  Bordeaux  by  gravity 
Mixing  Bordeaux  by  hand  ... 

Spraying  Mango  with  Spray-motor  Pump  mounted  on 
2o-gallon  oil  drum  .... 

Charging  Compressed  Air  Sprayer 
Compressed  Air  Sprayer  in  action 
Healing  of  pruning  wounds  (Mandarin  Orange) 
Effects  of  bad  pruning  (Cacao) 
Rosellinia  Pepo.     Conidial  Fructifications    x    4^ 
Perithecia    X    3*  .  '. 

Smoky  Mycelium  on  surface  of  bark  X  ij 
,,  „         Mycelium  under  bark,  nat.  size 

,,    bunodes,  Conidial  Fructifications    x   4^ 
,,  ,,         Perithecia    x    4 

,,  „         Mycelial  Strands  in  Lime  bark,    X   i^ 

Mycelial  Strands  in  Limewood, 

Transverse  Section,  x  4^ 

.,  ,,       ,,       Longitudinal  Section,  x  i 

„    (paraguayensis  Starb  ?)  Perithecia   x    3 

Rosellinia  Spp.  .... 

Root  Disease  of  Cacao  (R.  Pepo). 
Pink  Disease  of  Cacao 

Thread  Blight  of  Cacao  (Corticium  Stevensii) 
Algae  Disease  of  Cacao,   Active  stage 
„  ,  „     Later  stage 




I  face  60 


' face    76 

,.    76 

-,    76 








)  face  126 
„  128 
„  128 
„  128 
„  132 
,.   132 

,.  134 
..  134 
„   136 

'face  146 

..  150 
„  152 
-.   154 





















No.  Page 

Diplodia  Rot  of  Cacao  Pod  ....     to  face  158 

Cacao  Canker  produced  by  inoculation    .  .  .  ,,       160 

Cacao  Pod  Rot :    Tip  infection      ....,,       160 
Cacao  Pod  Rot,  produced  by  inoculating  stem  .  „       162 

Phytophthora  Faberi  ,  .  .  .  .  163 

Surinam  Witch  Broom  Disease      ....     to  face  168 
A  Typical  Witch  Broom      .  .  .  .  .  169 

Surinam  Witch  Broom  Disease      ....      to  face  170 
Monilia  Disease  of  Cacao  (Ecuador)  .  .  .  ,,174 

Sphgeronema  Black  Spot  (Ecuador) 
Colletotrichum  Cradwickii,   Flower  Proliferation    (Male 

Cacao)    Trinidad  ..... 

Flower  Proliferation  (Male  Cacao),  Trinidad 
Pods  from  Male  Cacao  Tree  .... 

Red  Ring  Disease  :    Fully  infested  tree  . 
Sections  of  Stem  of  tree  in  Fig.  00  at  ift.  gin.  and  3ft.  6in. 
Red  Ring  Disease,  Medium  Section  of  Infested  Tree 

Longitudinal  Section  of  Segment  of  Stem 
Transverse  Section  of  Segment  of  Stem 

„         ,,  Section  near  upward  termination  of 

„  Infestation  of  a  young  leaf 

Effect  of  a  Bud  Rot  epidemic,  Trinidad 
Coconut  Bud  Rot,  outer  leaves  removed  to  show  collapse 

of  heart  leaves  ..... 
Bud  Rot,  preceded  by  drooping  of  leaves  (Tobago) 
Phytophthora  Bud  Rot  (Jamaica),  central  leaves  alone 
dead  and  broken 
„  ,,  advanced  stage,  central  column 

fallen  out 
Gumming  of  Coconut  Stem 
Little  Leaf  Disease  of  Coconut 
Red  Root  Disease  of  Lime  (Dominica) 
Anthracnose  of  Lime 

Scab  on  Lemon  Shoot 

Foot  Rot  on  old  seedling  Orange  Tree    (a)    Margin   of 

Rot  indicated  by  chalk  line   . 
(b)    Treatment  in  progress 
Canker  on  Grape  Fruit 
Canker  on  Leaves,  showing  pale  zone  around  the  spots 
Canker  on  Young  Twig 
American  Leaf  Disease  of  Coffee 
Brown  Eye-spot  of  Coffee  . 
Anthracnose  of  Avocado 
,,     Mango 
„  ,,     Mango  Fruit 

,,     Mango  Leaves 
Macroconidia  of  Fusarium  Vasiniectum 
Panama  Disease,  Early  symptoms 
Advanced  stage 
„  „       Longitudinal    Section  of  a    bulb    and 

base  of  the  stem 
,  ,  Young   Sucker  infested   from  parent 

plant  through  the  neck 
Moko  Disease  of  Banana     . 
Tylenchus  Similis       .... 
Cercospora  Musarum 
Bonnygate  Disease  of  Banana 
Sphsrostilbe  Musarum,  Conidia,  Ascus  and  Ascospores 




„   186 
„   186 

.1   190 

>>   190 


,   192 


to  face  204 

,,   210 
„   210 


„  226 

..  236 

..  236 

to  face  242 

..   244 

»   244 

..   -48 


,   251 

to  face  252 


























Corn  Smut      .... 
Incidence  of  internal  Boll  Disease 
Internal  injuries  to  Cotton  Bolls  (St.  Vincent,  etc.) 
Angular  Leaf-spot  of  Cotton 
Bacterial  Boll  Disease  of  Cotton 
Anthracnose  of  Cotton  Bolls 
Curly-leaf  Cotton,  top  view . 
„         side  view 
Loggerhead  Cotton,  young  plants 

,,  „       old  plant 

West  Indian  Leaf  Mildew  of  Cotton 
Marasmius  Mycelium  on  Sugar  Cane 
Fructifications  of  Marasmius  associated  with  acute  Root 

Disease  of  Sugar-cane  (Trinidad) 
Acute  type  of  Root  Disease  :   Infestation  of  young  plant 

cane  with  Marasmius  (Barbados  B  6032) 
Acute  type  of  Root  Disease  :   Buds  of  young  plant  cane 

infested  with  Marasmius 
Fructification  of  Odontia  Sp.  on  Sugar-cane 
Odontia  sacchari  cystidium  and   basidium  with  single 

spore         ..... 
Himantia  Stellifera,  Mycelium  on  Sugar-cane 
Himantia  Stellifera  ;    Hypha,  with  stellate  crystal  and 

swollen  bodies  ..... 
Red  Rot  of  Sugar-cane  .... 
Colletotrichum  falcatum        .  .  .  , 

Rind  Fungus  of  Sugar-cane 

Melanconium  Sacchari,  vertical  section  of  Stroma. 
Thielaviopsis  paradoxa,  Sporophores  of  Micro-  and  Macro- 
in  Sugar-cane  cutting 
in  cells  of  Sugar-cane 
Cephalosporium  Sacchari 
Ustilago  Sacchari 
Gnomonia  Iliau,  vertical  section  of  Perithecium  and  Asci 
Melanconium  Iliau,  Stromata  and  Conidia 
Cytospora    Sacchari,    surface    and    sectional    views    of 

Pycnidia,  spore  and  sporophore 
Cercospora  vaginae     ..... 
Ring-spot  of  Sugar-cane  (Leptosphaeria  Sacchari) . 
Leptosphaeria  Sacchari  :    Asci  and  spore 
Helminthosporium  Sacchari 
Eriosphieria  Sacchari :    Asci  and  spore  . 
Cercospora  Kopkei     ..... 
Cercospora  longipes  .... 

Mosaic  Disease  of  Sugar-cane  :    Stem  canker 
Chlorosis  of  Sugar-cane        .... 
Vasculomyces  Xanthosomae 
Burning  Disease  of  Arrowroot 
Bacterial  Rot  of  Onion        .... 
Anthracnose  of  Bean  .... 

Stem  Rot  of  Papaw.  .... 

Base  Rot  of  Pineapple  cuttings     . 
Cross  Section  of  Pineapple  Fruit,  showing  two  infections 

of  Black-eye 
Thielaviopsis  :    Soft  Rot  of  Pineapple 
Blossom-end  rot  of  Tomato 
Septoria  Leaf-spot  of  Tomato 
Black  Spot  of  Rose  . 
Rose  Mildew  .... 


to  face  258 



to  face  270 

..       270 



..       272 

..       274 

..       274 

..       274 

,.       288 

„       288 

„       288 

„       288 

„       288 

to  face  292 

to  face  298 

to  face  302 



to  face  318 



to  face  326 
to  face  332 





Health  is  a  state  in  which  each  organ  performs  its  own  function 
and  acts  in  harmony  with  every  other,  and  disease  in  the  broadest 
sense  of  the  word  consists  of  any  departure  from  this  state. 
A  condition  of  disease  proceeds  from  a  derangement  of  the 
function  of  any  organ,  and  in  plants  this  most  frequently  follows 
upon  derangement  in  structure. 

Two  classes  of  diseases  are  generally  recognised  as  coming 
within  the  scope  of  the  mycologist  or  plant  pathologist  :  parasitic 
diseases  caused  by  fungi  or  bacteria,  and  non-parasitic  diseases, 
in  the  sense  of  affections  characterized  by  specific  symptoms 
and  believed  to  result  from  some  disturbance  of  function  caused 
otherwise  than  by  a  parasitic  organism. 

This  limitation  is  one  of  convenience,  not  of  logic.  Insect 
injuries  to  the  living  tissues  react  on  the  health  or  well-being 
of  the  plant,  and  often  produce  serious  derangements  of  function 
resulting  in  general  symptoms  which  in  some  cases  have  no 
obvious  relation  to  the  wounds  inflicted.  These  are  as  definitely 
diseases  as  the  affections  produced  by  fungi,  but  are  in  practice 
mostly  left  to  the  entomologist.  It  is  a  defect  of  this  system  that 
the  botanical  aspects  of  insect  injury  often  remain  unstudied. 

The  term  mycologist,  it  may  be  noted  here,  as  applied  to  a 
student  of  plant  diseases,  dates'  from  the  time  when  the  idea  of 
their  causation  was  limited  to  fungus  parasitism.  It  properly 
applies  to  the  student  of  fungi ;  the  general  practitioner  in 
plant  pathology  is  more  largely  concerned  with  the  host,  and 
the  range  of  his  vision  must  extend  at  least  to  bacterial  diseases, 
virus  diseases  and  those  of  non-parasitic  origin. 

A  convenient  approximation  to  a  classification  of  plant 
diseases,  in  the  broader  sense,  which  is  not  complete,  but  includes 
the  chief  groups  of  diseases  having  more  or  less  obvious  specific 
characters,  may  be  made  as  follows  : — 

{a)  Parasitic  Diseases. — Caused  by  : — 

1.  Fungi. 

2.  Bacteria. 

3.  Infectious  viruses.     (Ultra-microscopic  organisms  ?  ) 

I  B 


4.  Parasitic  flowering  plants. 

5.  Nematode  worms. 

6.  Mites. 

7.  Insects. 

(b)  Non-parasitic  Diseases. 

Non-transferable,    with    specific    S5niiptoms    and    fre- 
quently with  characteristic  lesions. 

As  no  strict  definition  can  be  given  of  disease  there  is  no 
fixed  limit  to  such  a  list  as  this.  Injuries,  mostly  direct,  may  be 
produced  by  grazing  animals,  by  hail,  or  by  lightning,  while 
deficiencies  in  soil,  unfavourable  weather,  an  unsuitable  climate, 
and  last,  but  not  least,  the  unskilful  or  negligent  cultivator, 
may  all  he  set  down  as  disease-producing  agencies,  and  as  such 
will  be  referred  to  upon  occasion  in  subsequent  discussions. 

Naturally  there  exist  at  any  given  time  recognised  diseases 
of  which  the  cause  is  unknown  or  disputed.  The  safest  rule  in 
such  cases  is  to  regard  them  tentatively  as  being  of  parasitic 
origin  if  their  mode  of  occurrence  suggests  that  they  are  trans- 

The  use  of  the  term  physiological  disease  is  by  common 
consent  undesirable,  though  there  must  be  few  pathologists 
who  have  not  found  it  convenient  on  occasion.  It  has  repre- 
sented a  sort  of  Cave  of  Adullam  to  which  diseases  not  known 
to  be  of  parasitic  origin  could  be  relegated,  but  is  .objectionable 
in  form  since  all  diseases  properly  considered  involve  disturb- 
ances of  physiological  processes. 

In  relation  to  agricultural  practice  the  most  important 
distinction  among  plant  diseases  is  to  be  made  between  those 
which  are  able  to  develop  upon  plants  in  normal  condition  and 
those  which  occur  to  a  serious  extent  only  upon  plants  reduced 
in  vigour  by  unfavourable  circumstances,  as  of  soil,  chmate, 
insect  infestation,  or  methods  of  cultivation.  For  those  which 
have  this  character  in  a  marked  degree  the  term  debility  diseases 
is  used  in  the  following  pages. 

Section   I— Causation 


The  Nature  of  Fungi. 

Fungi  are  vegetable  growths,  that  is,  they  are  plants,  but  of 
a  relatively  simple  kind.  They  range  in  form  from  single 
rounded  cells  or  small  cell-groups  as  in  the  yeasts,  through 
filamentous  forms  such  as  are  familiar  in  the  moulds  common  on 
bread,  cheese,  or  fruit,  to  elaborately  shaped  structures,  with 
tissues  built  up  of  filaments,  more  or  less  closely  amalgamated, 
of  which  mushrooms,  toadstools,  and  the  bracket-like  outgrowths 
which  appear  on  dead  trees  are  examples. 

The  nearest  relationship  of  fungi  is  with  another  large  group 
of  simple  plants,  the  Algse,  which  similarly  range  from  single- 
celled  or  filamentous  forms  such  as  produce  the  green  colour  or 
the  green  slimy  growth  in  any  body  of  exposed  water  to  the 
large  and  variously  fashioned  forms  known  as  seaweeds. 

There  is  an  essential  difference  between  Algae  and  Fungi 
in  the  nature  of  the  materials  from  which  they  derive  their 
nutrition.  The  Algse  possess,  in  common  with  most  forms  of 
vegetation,  the  green  colouring  matter  chlorophyll,  which 
enables  them  to  build  up  from  inorganic  materials — mineral 
salts,  carbon  dioxide,  and  water — the  organic  compounds 
required  for  construction  and  maintenance.  Fungi,  on  the  other 
hand,  have  no  chlorophyll  and  therefore  no  such  ability,  and  can 
live  and  grow  only  at  the  expense  of  material  which  has  been 
previously  elaborated  by  some  other  plant  or  animal.  It  is  the 
mode  of  life  arising  from  this  necessity  which  gives  to  fungi  their 
great  importance  in  human  economy. 

Transitional  forms  are,  however,  known  between  Algae  and 
Fungi  in  respect  of  the  chlorophyll  content  of  the  former,  and 
some  Algas  may  assume  a  parasitic  habit. 

There  are  fungi  ready  to  take  advantage  of  all  classes  of 
vegetable  or  animal  material  if  the  conditions  are  favourable  ; 
they  precede,  accompany,  or  follow  the  even  simpler  organisms 
known  as  bacteria,  most  of  which  are  nourished  in  a  similar  way. 
With  them  they  are  responsible  for  the  degeneration  of  dead 
vegetable  or  animal  matter,  which  is  called  in  general  terms 
decay,  while  the  parasitic  species  have  become  adapted  to  feed 
at  the  expense  of  living  plants  or  animals. 



The  Mycelium. 

The  way  of  life  characteristic  of  the  great  majority  of  fungi 
is  for  the  invaded  substance  to  be  covered  or  interpenetrated 
with  an  abundant  development  of  slender  filaments,  which 
absorb  from  it  the  food  materials  required.  This  structure  is 
the  vegetative  part  of  the  fungus  ;  it  is  known  collectively  as 
the  mycelium,  and  its  individual  filaments  as  hyphae.  In  mass 
the  mycelium  is  frequently  visible  to  the  naked  eye  as  a  cobweb- 
like, threadlike,  fluffy  or  papery  investment.  Sometimes  the 
hyphae  are  combined  into  threads,  as  in  the  black  and  shining 
strands  of  "horse-hair  blight"  and  the  whitish  threads  or  strings 
of  thread  blight.  In  certain  species  cord-like  strands  of  mycelium 
ramify  through  soU  or  vegetable  mould,  and  such  structures 
in  general  have  been  named  rhizomorphs,  from  their  resemblance 
in  these  cases  to  roots.  In  certain  fungi 
the  mycelium  collects  into  hard  masses 
of  various  shape  and  size,  sclerotia,  which 
by  their  resistant  nature  serve  to  carry 
the  fungus  through  adverse  conditions 
or  aid  in  its  distribution. 

If  the  abstraction  of  food  materials 
by  the  mycelium  takes  place  from  living 
tissues  or  non-living  but  functioning 
parts  of  a  plant  or  animal  the  mode  of 
life  constitutes  parasitism  ;  if  from  ma- 
terial no  longer  forming  part  of  a  living 
structure,  it  is  known  as  saprophytism. 

The  Place  of  Fungi  in  Nature. 
P^S-  1  Fungi  have  a  place  in  the  economy 

Fungus  Hyphae  in  Cells    of  Nature  far  wider  than  that  arising 

from  their  part  in  the  causation  of  plant 
disease.  Chiefly  by  their  operation  the  great  mass  of  vegetable 
material  formed  each  year  in  the  shape  of  leaf  and  stem,  flower 
and  fruit,  is  broken  down  and  returned  to  the  soil.  Their 
activity  in  this  direction  has  a  harmful  side,  from  the  point  of 
view  of  man,  when  it  concerns  such  commodities  as  timber  or 
stored  foods. 

The  rapid  destruction  of  humus-forming  materials  in  the 
tropics  as  compared  with  temperate  countries — resulting  in  the 
absence  of  notable  deposits  of  leaf-mould  even  from  the  forests — 
appears  to  be  connected  with  the  suitability  of  tropical  conditions 
for  the  continuous  activity  of  soil  fungi.  The  only  lasting 
natural  accumulations  of  vegetable  material  in  the  West  Indies 
known  to  the  writer  are  in  swampy  situations,  where  the  water, 
by  excluding  air,  prevents  their  operation.  In  the  biological 
processes  of  soils  under  forest  growth  or  in  orchard  cultivation 
it  is  believed  that  fungi  replace  to  a  considerable  extent  the 
bacteria  of  arable  land. 


The  Nature  of  Fungus  Parasitism. 

There  are  numerous  gradations  between  the  strictly  sapro- 
phytic and  the  strictly  parasitic  habit  in  fungi.  Many  species 
which  subsist  typically  on  the  dead  or  dying  organs  of  plants 
can  advance  some  way  towards  the  invasion  of  living  tissue 
if  its  resistance  is  weakened  by  age,  poor  nutrition,  or  insect 
or  mechanical  injury.  The  debility  diseases  already  referred  to 
are  caused  by  the  more  advanced  examples  of  this  class,  of  which 
the  Diplodias  afford  the  best  illustration  in  the  West  Indies. 
Certain  fungi  of  this  genus  are  abundant  on  recently  dead  her- 
baceous stems,  woody  branches,  and  fallen  fruits.  Further, 
they  readily  attack  sugar-cane,  cotton  bolls,  cacao  pods,  or 
citrus  fruits  when  these  are  over-ripe  ;  while  in  the  same  class 
of  material  even  a  trifling  injury  at  an  earlier  stage  may  afford 
a  foothold  and  permit  of  infestation.  In  the  case  of  cotton  it 
would  seem  that  under  favourable  circumstances  the  rot  can 
commence  unaided.  On  lime  and  cacao  branches,  to  mention 
instances  typical  of  many  other  trees,  the  Diplodias  get  a  foothold 
on  a  broken  branch  or  dead  twig  and  are  only  checked  when  they 
reach  a  part  situated  in  a  line  of  normally  vigorous  growth. 
Where  conditions  are  adverse  to  the  maintenance  of  vigour  in 
the  tree  they  can  do  considerable  damage. 

From  this  class  of  weak  parasites  advance  is  made  by  in- 
sensible steps  to  fungi  which  can  establish  themselves  on  plants 
in  normal  or  even  supernormal  vigour.  It  is  somewhat  vain  to 
attempt  to  classify  the  numerous  grades  of  parasites  ;  they  vary 
in  so  many  ways  that  each  case  must  be  taken  on  its  merits  ; 
the  variations  will  be  best  appreciated  from  the  descriptions  of 
individual  diseases  given  later.  The  most  notable  division  is 
that  which  marks  off  the  extreme  class  of  parasites.  On  the 
one  side  are  those  fungi  which,  though  capable  of  parasitism 
and  frequently  typically  parasitic,  can  also  live  on  a  greater  or 
lesser  range  of  dead  material,  often  of  their  own  killing :  on  the 
other  side  are  the  strict  or  obligate  parasites,  of  which  the  most 
advanced  forms  enter  into  a  close  relationship  with  the  living 
cells  of  the  host  and  are  dependent  on  the  continuance  of  its  life 
processes  for  support.  Of  this  nature  are  the  rusts  (Uredineae), 
the  smuts  (Ustilagineae)  and  the  powdery  mildews  (Erysiphaceae) . 
Unlike  nearly  all  fungi  in  the  previous  class,  the  obligate  parasites 
naturally  cannot  be  grown  in  culture  apart  from  their  host. 

Another  distinction  made,  with  more  or  less  of  value,  is  that 
which  marks  off  as  wound  parasites  those  fungi  which  cannot 
attack  living  organs  direct,  being  unable  to  penetrate  the  cuticle 
of  leaves  or  the  cork  of  stems  as  the  case  may  be,  and  only  gaining 
access  when  the  protective  layer  is  in  some  way  broken. 

Very  important  differences  exist  in  regard  to  adaptation  to 
special  hosts.  There  are  at  one  end  of  the  scale  general  parasites 
like  the  Rosellinias  later  discussed,  which  under  suitable  condi- 
tions can  infest  almost  any  plant  which  comes  in  their  way. 


Others  only  attack  plants  of  one  order,  genus,  or  species,  and  this 
tendency  reaches  its  extreme  in  parasites  which  are  so  restricted 
in  their  range  that  invisible  characters  associated  with  a  par- 
ticular strain  of  the  host  species  may  partially  or  completely 
prevent  their  development. 

Reproduction  and  Infection. 

The  active  feeding  part  of  a  fungus,  its  vegetative  body,  is 
the  mycelium  already  described,  typically  made  up  of  an  aggre- 
gate of  hyphae.  A  portion  of  mycelium  may  be  detached,  with 
or  without  fragments  of  the  material  on  which  it  is  growing, 
and  serve  to  reproduce  the  fungus  in  new  situations,  as  happens 
with  the  root  fungi  of  sugar-cane  transported  on  cane  cuttings 
or  trash,  and  in  Rosellinia  root  diseases  when  fragments  of  in- 
fested wood  are  washed  by  floods  to  lower  levels.  The  common 
Sclerotium  diseases  of  legumes,  sugar-cane,  etc.,  are  caused  by 
fungi  in  which  no  method  of  reproduction  is  known  save  the 
characteristic  hard,  shot-like  grains,  formed  of  thick-walled 

With  very  few  exceptions,  however,  reproduction  is  further 
provided  for  by  the  formation  and  release  of  spores — individual 
cells  or  less  frequently  aggregates  of  2,  3,  or  more  cells — which 
can  remain,  like  seeds,  dormant  for  a  longer  or  shorter  period  and 
then,  under  appropriate  conditions,  germinate  and  give  rise  to 
a  new  mycelium.  In  a  few  of  the  more  primitive  fungi  there  are 
sexual  processes  more  or  less  preserved  which  resemble  those  of 
algae,  but  in  most  members  of  the  larger  groups  there  is  little 
more  than  a  reminiscence  of  sexual  fusion,  and  in  very  many 
no  certain  trace  or  no  trace  at  all. 

Classification,  as  in  the  flowering  plants,  depends  mainly  on 
the  form  of  the  reproductive  structures,  and  some  detail  as  to 
this  will  be  given  later  :  only  the  more  general  aspects  of  repro- 
duction are  at  present  in  question. 

The  visible  forms  of  the  larger  fungi,  the  mushroom-like, 
bracket-like,  and  other  shapes  in  multitudinous  variety,  are 
structures  erected  by  the  usually  obscure  mycelium  for  the 
production  and  discharge  of  spores.  The  provision  of  gills, 
spines,  tubes,  pores,  folds,  convolutions,  recesses,  or  chambers, 
greatly  increases  the  surface  available  for  this  purpose.  A  similar 
end  is  served  in  the  simpler  forms  by  the  outgrowth  and  branching 
of  the  surface  hyphge. 

Broadly  speaking,  spores  may  be  divided  into  {a)  those 
produced  within  a  parent  cell  (an  ascus  or  a  sporangium),  to  which 
the  term  spore  is  sometimes  technically  restricted  (endogenous 
formation),  and  (b)  those  which  are  budded  off  from  more  or  less 
free  hyphae  and  are  known  as  conidia  or  conidiospores,  or  from 
h57phal  terminations  of  special  form  (basidia)  and  distinguished 
as  basidiospores  (exogenous  formation).  In  some  very  simple 
forms  the  whole  mycelium  divides  up  into  conidia  or  gemmae. 


Many  fungi  produce  either  ascospores  or  basidiospores  in 
their  more  elaborate  fructifications,  and  also  conidia  in  some  more 
direct  and  simple  manner.  In  a  vast  number  of  species  the 
latter  method  is  the  only  one  yet  recognised,  in  which  case  the 
fungus  is  classed  in  a  heterogeneous  group  known  as  the  Fungi 
Imperfecti,  on  the  assumption  that  a  more  definite  form  of 
fructification  exists  or  has  existed. 

The  longevity  of  spores  is  extremely  variable  in  different  species. 
Many  have  been  shown  to  be  viable  after  months  or  years  of 
desiccation,  others  quickly  die.  Stahel  has  found,  for  example, 
that  the  basidiospores  of  Marasmius  perniciosus,  the  witch- 
broom  fungus  of  cacao,  will  not  germinate  after  desiccation, 
exposed  in  a  thin  layer,  for  an  hour.  In  many  species,  of  which 
Colletotrichum  falcatum,  the  cause  of  red-rot  in  sugar-cane,  is 
an  example,  special  thick-walled  resistant  spores  (chlamydospores) 
are  formed  directly  on  the  mycelium. 

The  dispersal  of  spores  is  effected  most  commonly  by  wind  or 
minor  air-currents.  They  are  frequently  set  free  in  vast  numbers 
visible  like  puffs  of  smoke,  and  their  lightness  makes  it  con- 
ceivable that  they  may  be  borne  considerable  distances  through 
the  air.  They  are  carried  by  birds  and  insects,  washed  from  one 
plant  to  another  by  rains  or  transported  by  streams,  and  dis- 
tributed by  man,  adhering  to  clothing,  implements  or  articles 
of  merchandise.  The  chance  of  any  individual  spore  finding  an 
appropriate  resting  place  is  very  small,  but  this  is  offset  by  the 
immensity  of  their  numbers. 

For  germination  to  take  place  the  appropriate  conditions  in 
respect  of  moisture,  heat  and  light  must  prevail,  and  these  vary 
with  different  parasites  Humid  conditions  provided  by  duU 
wet  weather,  by  soil  moisture,  or  by  the  transpiration  of  the  host 
itself,  may  suffice,  or  a  definite  drop  or  film  of  water  may  be 
required.  Heat  is  presumably  never  deficient  in  the  tropics, 
indeed  there  is  reason  to  believe  that  the  prevalent  temperatures 
are  above  the  optimum  for  many  species,  a  limiting  factor 
which  may  be  held  to  account  for  the  relative  infrequency  of 
members  of  some  of  the  parasitic  orders  largely  developed  in 
temperate  countries. 

Infection  of  plants  by  a  fungus  parasite  may  take  place  by 
the  entry  of  mycelium  nourished  on  some  adjoining  material, 
such  as  the  soil,  the  roots  of  another  plant,  or  dead  adhering 
leaves  or  branches,  or  may  be  effected  through  the  germination 
of  spores  directly  on  the  appropriate  living  organs.  It  implies 
first  the  penetration  of  the  outer  defences  of  the  plant :  the  cuticle 
and  cell-wall  or  the  corky  integument,  as  the  case  may  be. 
Advantage  may  be  taken  of  wounds  of  various  kinds  for  this 
purpose,  including  as  such  the  pathways  to  living  tissue  provided 
by  the  attachment  of  dead  twigs  or  branches.  Entry  may  be 
made  through  the  stomata,  or  the  fungus  may  be  equipped  to 
force  or  to  dissolve  a  passage,  or  to  provide  one  by  poisoning  the 


surface  tissue.  Habits  or  powers  of  this  nature  in  parasites  are 
usually  specific.  The  germinating  spore  typically  produces  a 
preliminary  hypha,  the  germ-tube,  by  or  from  which  the  entry 
is  made. 

Penetration  being  accomplished  and  the  parasite  brought 
into  relation  with  the  living  cells,  the  second  line  of  defence,  the 
resistance  of  the  protoplasm,  is  met  with.  Very  little  is  under- 
stood of  the  nature  of  this.  The  more  or  less  mechanical  process 
of  penetration  may  take  place  on  a  variety  of  plants,  but  only 
when  the  host  comes  within  the  range  of  adaptation  of  the  fungus, 
which  is  often  very  restricted,  can  parasitism  be  established. 
The  subject  is  discussed  further  in  the  section  relating  to  the  host. 

When  the  resistance  of  the  protoplasm  is  overcome  the 
fungus  proceeds  to  occupy  the  tissues.  The  mycelium  may  grow 
into  and  through  the  cells  of  the  infected  tissue  (intracellular 
mycelium),  or  ramify  between  and  about  them  (intercellular 
mycelium) .  In  the  latter  event  the  cells  are  either  killed  and  their 
walls  thus  rendered  permeable,  or  absorbing  organs  (haustoria) 
are  introduced.  Certain  fungi,  e.g.,  the  Fusariums  causing  wilt 
disease,  develop  principally  in  the  vessels  (vascular  parasites). 
In  a  few  cases,  as  in  the  powdery  mildews  (Erysiphacese) ,  the 
mycelium  remains  external,  sending  only  haustoria  into  the 
superficial  cells.  The  black  blight  or  sooty  mould  fungi  (Cap- 
nodise)  develop  similarly  on  the  surface  of  leaves  or  other  organs, 
but  they  have  no  powers  of  parasitism  and  do  not  live  at  tb 
expense  of  the  plant  but  of  insect  or  flower  secretions  of  tl 
nature  of  '■  honey  dew." 

The  Host :  Resistance  and  Susceptibility, 

In  every  case  of  parasitism  there  are  two  organisms  to  be 
considered,  the  host  and  the  parasite,  and  the  reactions  of  the 
plant  attacked  are  at  least  as  important  as  the  nature  of  the 
attack  delivered.  The  growing  recognition  of  this  truth  is  re- 
flected in  the  increasing  fund  of  information  regarding  sus- 
ceptibility, resistance,  and  immunity. 

Effect  of  Agricultural  Conditions  on  Resistance. 

Some  general  power  of  resistance  is  conferred  by  the  healthy 
condition  induced  in  a  plant  by  growth  in  a  congenial  situation. 
Each  of  the  important  crop  plants  of  the  West  Indies  is  subject 
to  one  or  more  fungoid  affections  which  occur  or  are  serious  only 
when  temporary  or  permanent  disabilities  such  as  drought, 
poverty  of  soil,  and  exposure  have  reduced  the  resistance  normal 
to  the  healthy  plant.  By  avoiding  unsuitable  locations  and  by 
the  practice  of  good  agriculture  it  is  possible  to  maintain  this 
resistance  at  a  high  level,  and  by  this  means  not  only  to  escape 
debility  diseases  but  frequently  largely  to  reduce  the  prevalence 
of  more  definite  parasites.  To  this  effect  is  to  be  added  the  greater 
ability  of  a  well-grown  plant  to  endure,  to  outstrip,  or  to  recover 
from  the  injuries  inflicted. 


There  are  many  other  parasites,  however,  against  which  this 
type  of  resistance  fails.  To  them  a  better-developed  plant  may 
mean  merely  an  increase  in  available  food  material,  while  the 
effect  of  manuring  and  good  weather  may  be  to  develop  a  softer 
type  of  growth  which  is  the  easier  to  infest.  In  the  case  of 
Rosellinia  disease  of  limes,  the  conditions  which  best  suit  the 
tree  best  suit  the  fungus  also,  with  the  result  that  the  finest 
trees  are  most  liable  to  attack  and  are  most  frequently  killed. 
Cacao  canker  and  pod-rot  are  most  prevalent  in  the  well-enclosed 
humid  situations  which  favour  vegetative  growth,  and  in  dealing 
with  diseases  of  this  type  a  point  has  to  be  sought  to  which  the 
humidity  can  be  reduced  so  as  to  check  the  fungus  without  unduly 
hindering  the  development  of  the  trees.  In  the  growing  of  cotton 
a  similar  situation  in  respect  of  boll  diseases  is  met  by  planting 
so  as  to  take  advantage  of  the  wetter  months  for  growth  and  of 
the  dry  season  for  crop  production. 

Immunity  by  Evasion. 

The  case  of  cotton  just  referred  to  is  an  example  of  the  way 
in  which  diseases  may  be  "  resisted "  by  evasion.  It  has 
frequently  been  found  with  short-term  crops  that  the  best  avail- 
able protection  against  a  disease  or  pest  lies  in  growing  early 
maturing  varieties,  or  in  planting  to  escape  a  season  when  a 
particular  disease  is  prevalent.  The  seasonal  distribution  of 
diseases  as  experienced  on  early  and  late  plantings  of  the  same 
crop  is  frequently  quite  marked.  It  may  be  determined  according 
to  the  particular  case  by  the  effects  of  climate  on  either  the  host 
or  the  parasite. 

The  highly  important  effect  on  disease  of  the  practice  of 
crop  rotation  may  be  put  under  this  heading,  since  it  mainly 
depends  on  the  temporary  freedom  from  infestation  to  be  secured 
by  planting  disease-free  material  in  uninfected  soil. 

Resistant  Species  or  Varieties. 

Resistance  in  the  stricter  sense  of  the  word,  and  its  complete 
development  immunity,  depend  on  inherent  properties  of  the 
plants  concerned,  and  may  be  transmitted  to  their  descendants. 
Such  resistance  may  or  may  not  be  independent  of  variation  in 
the  conditions  under  which  the  plants  are  grown  ;  sometimes 
a  degree  of  resistance  which  has  proved  constant  under  one  set 
of  conditions  is  not  developed  when  the  circumstances  are 

The  characters  on  which  resistance  depends  are  almost  always 
obscure.  Attempts  to  connect  its  existence  with  special  morpho- 
logical features  are  seldom  successful,  though  it  may  exist  in 
correlation  with  some  difference  of  form.  It  appears  to  be  in 
most  cases  a  property  of  the  protoplasm.  In  the  case  of  certain 
obligate   parasites   resistance   has   been   shown    to   arise   from 


increased  local  susceptibility,  which  results  in  the  death  of  the 
cells  at  the  point  of  infection  and  prevents  the  mycelium  from 
establishing  the  necessary  connection  with  living  tissues. 

The  production  of  resistant  strains  of  cultivated  plants  has 
usually  been  accompHshed  by  the  propagation  of  chance-found 
individuals  showing  the  required  powers.  A  frequent  defect  of 
such  varieties  is  that  resistance  may  not  happen  to  be  associated 
with  a  high  standard  in  other  desirable  qualities.  Some  more 
or  less  successful  attempts  have  been  made  to  secure  the  desired 
combinations  by  crossing,  a  seductive  but  uncertain  line  of  work 
which  has  possibly  had  more  advertisement  than  the  stability 
of  the  results  yet  warrants. 

The  most  striking  example  of  the  use  of  resistant  varieties  in 
West  Indian  agriculture  is  the  replacement  of  the  Bourbon  cane 
by  seedlings  resistant  to  red  rot  and  less  susceptible  to  root 
disease,  a  measure  which  has  preserved  the  sugar  industry  of 
these  islands. 

Susceptibility  to  Exotic  Diseases. 

It  seems  most  probable  in  the  light  of  the  available  evidence 
that  the  failure  of  the  Bourbon  cane  in  the  West  Indies  arose 
from  the  introduction  of  a  fungus  to  which  it  had  not  previously 
been  exposed.  In  this  manner  have  originated  many  of  the 
great  epidemics  of  plant  disease.  Where  host  and  parasite  are 
both  native  or  have  been  long  associated  there  is  a  natural 
selection  of  resistant  species  or  strains  and  the  parasite  is 
frequently  inconspicuous  in  amount  and  in  its  effects.  Introduced 
into  a  new  country  the  parasite  may  find  appropriate  hosts  quite 
unable  to  withstand  it.  The  chestnut  bark  disease,  introduced 
a  few  years  ago  into  the  United  States  on  resistant  species  from 
China,  has  made  a  clean  sweep  of  the  extensive  forests  of  the 
American  chestnut  in  the  Eastern  States,  and  shows  no  real 
abatement  in  its  progress.  Similar  occurrences  have  been  the 
introduction  of  the  mildews  of  the  grape-vine  and  the  gooseberry 
from  America  to  Europe,  of  the  white  pine  blister  rust  in  the 
reverse  direction,  of  citrus  canker  from  Japan  to  Florida  and 
South  Africa,  and,  according  to  the  most  probable  theory,  of  the 
introduction  from  Africa  of  the  coffee  leaf  disease  which  nearly 
exterminated  the  main  industry  of  Ceylon. 

A  similar  result  may  come  from  bringing  exotic  plants  within 
the  range  of  native  parasites,  especially  those  occurring  on  related 
species.  The  leaf  blister  mite  of  cotton  in  the  West  Indies,  which 
appears  to  be  indigenous  and  is  known  to  attack  native  Mal- 
vaceous  plants,  caused  first  an  epidemic  and  would  now  result 
in  an  annual  infestation  of  the  Sea  Island  crop  if  a  close  season 
were  not  enforced.  The  witch-broom  disease  of  cacao  in  Surinam 
comes  from  a  wild  Theobroma  in  the  forests  of  that  country. 
The  fungus  causing  pink  disease  of  various  cultivated  trees  and 
shrubs,  one  of  the  serious  troubles  of  the  Malayan  rubber  planter. 


is  native  on  jungle  plants  in  both  the  Eastern  and  the  Western 

Local  Factors  affecting  Prevalence. 

An  established  disease  may  assume  serious  or  epidemic  pro- 
portions under  the  influence  of  changes  in  local  conditions.  The 
most  general  of  these  is  the  collection  of  plants  previously- 
scattered  as  individuals  or  small  groups  into  large  blocks  of 
cultivation,  which  happens  when  a  new  agricultural  industry 
arises,  as  in  the  case  of  rubber,  or  an  old  one  is  greatly  developed, 
as  has  been  the  case  in  recent  times  with  cacao,  limes,  cotton 
and  coconuts  in  various  parts  of  the  West  Indies.  When  a  plant 
is  grown  by  the  acre  or  the  square  mile  in  pure  culture  its  parasites 
are  secure  of  their  food  in  due  season  and  the  agencies  of  dispersal 
have  free  play.  The  absence  of  serious  diseases  from  scattered 
plants  is  thus,  as  experience  has  regularly  proved,  no  sort  of 
guarantee  that  wider  cultivations  will  not  suffer.  A  contributory 
cause  to  the  increase  of  diseases  with  the  development  of  an 
agricultural  industry  is  the  greater  activity  which  arises  in  the 
introduction  of  planting  material  from  more  or  less  distant 

■  i  A  well-marked  class  of  root  diseases,  due  to  fungus  parasites 
similar  in  the  nature  of  their  attack  though  often  widely  different 
in  taxonomic  position,  accompanies  the  establishment  of  crops 
on  newly  cleared  forest  land.  The  decaying  stumps  and  logs,  and 
the  accumulations  of  humus  to  which  they  give  rise,  support 
large  numbers  of  fungi,  mostly  pure  saprophytes  but  usually 
including  one  or  more  species  which  are  able  to  extend  to  the 
roots  and  collar  of  the  crop  plant  introduced.  In  arable  cultiva- 
tion, with  few  exceptions  (see  arrowroot),  the  cause  and  the 
effect  quickly  disappear.  With  tree  crops  the  original  cause  is 
more  slowly  removed  and  the  effect  may  later  be  continued  for 
a  time  by  its  victims,  while  in  cacao  orchards  where  conditions 
approaching  those  of  forest  are  maintained  by  the  use  of  shade 
trees,  one  such  disease  has  shown  itself  in  the  West  Indies  to  be 
capable  of  permanent  existence  in  favourable  situations.  The 
tendency  of  such  diseases  in  general  is  to  decrease  with  time ; 
sooner  if  appropriate  measures  are  applied,  later  and  after  heavy 
losses  if  they  are  not. 

The  reverse  situation  to  this  is  seen  in  the  increase  of  debility 
diseases  as  soils  decline  in  fertihty.  A  period  in  which  they 
are  prevalent  comes  in  the  history  of  new  industries  and  of  the 
exploitation  of  virgin  soils  before  a  tradition  of  manuring  and 
perhaps  rotation  is  reluctantly  acquired.  The  situation  recurs 
if  agricultural  practice  declines  for  any  reason.  In  the  West 
Indian  sugar  industry  there  has  been  evidence  for  many  years 
of  a  more  or  less  general  decline,  slow  but  continuous,  in  fertility, 
as  shown  by  the  shortening  of  ratooning  periods  and  increasing 
prevalence  of  root  disease.     This  appears  to  be  connected  with 


less  intensive  cultivation  resulting  from  the  increase  in  size  of 
estates  under  the  factory  system,  the  reduction  of  humidity 
by  clearing  away  trees,  the  diminished  supply  and  increasing 
cost  of  the  labour  required  for  hand  cultivation,  and  perhaps 
above  all  to  the  treacherous  facility  with  which  the  benefits  of 
organic  manures  can  apparently  be  obtained  by  the  use  of 
chemical  substitutes. 

The  passing  of  estates  into  the  hands  of  mercantile  rather 
than  agricultural  proprietors  (a  frequent  consequence  of  agricul- 
tural depression)  with  the  break  in  traditions  involved,  has  often 
led  to  a  visible  decline  in  agricultural  conditions  and  thus  to 
a  corresponding  increase  in  disease. 

There  is  a  further  cause  of  debility  disease  very  frequently 
encountered  :  the  planting  of  a  crop  in  a  situation  which  from 
soil  or  climate  is  somewhat  unsuited  to  it.  If  a  district  or  an 
island  is  successful  with  a  given  crop,  attempts  are  always 
made  to  extend  it  to  marginal  or  supposedly  similar  locations. 
Under  the  less  suitable  conditions  production  is  smaller,  and  it 
too  frequently  happens  that  the  need  for  greater  attention  to 
agricultural  practice  in  order  to  offset  the  defective  conditions 
cannot  or  will  not  be  understood  or  the  expense  cannot  be 
afforded.  In  such  a  case  the  soundest  advice  that  can  be  given 
with  reference  to  the  diseases  which  invariably  occur  is  to  plant 
a  crop  more  suited  to  the  situation.  It  is  advice  which  is  fre- 
quently required,  seldom  given,  and  never  heeded  until  necessity 
dictates  it. 

Returning  to  more  definitely  parasitic  diseases,  there  are 
various  natural  causes  producing  broad  effects  in  the  prevalence 
of  disease.  The  disastrous  potato  blight  epidemic  in  Ireland 
in  1845,  the  social  consequences  of  which  have  had  a  marked 
effect  on  British  and  American  history,  was  brought  on  by  a 
period  of  dull  and  humid  weather.  Nearer  at  hand  a  week  or 
two  of  heavy  rain  in  St.  Vincent  has  more  than  once  brought 
about  the  destruction  of  the  visible  cotton  crop  by  boll-rotting 
fungi.  An  instance  of  the  complexity  of  the  factors  sometimes 
involved  is  afforded  by  the  history  of  internal  boll  disease  in  the 
same  island,  where  the  eradication  of  casual  trees  of  two  species, 
by  interfering  with  the  breeding  of  an  insect,  has  saved  the  later 
pickings  of  cotton  from  a  fungus  disease  which  regularly  destroyed 

The  Principal  Types  of  Fungus  Diseases. 

Every  part  of  a  plant  is  liable  to  attack  by  fungi,  but  each 
individual  parasite  affects  only  certain  parts  or  stages  in  a 
certain  way,  and  usually  produces  a  disease  of  a  constant  and 
recognisable  type. 

Leaf  Diseases. 

Fungus  infections  on  leaves  commonly  give  rise  to  localised 


lesions  in  the  form  of  spots,  streaks  or  patches.  The  cause  of 
complete  discoloration,  wilting  or  shedding  of  leaves  is  more 
frequently  to  be  found  in  an  infestation  of  twigs,  branches, 
stems,  or  roots,  according  to  the  distribution  of  the  symptoms. 

Leaves  are  most  susceptible  in  the  early  and  late  stages  of 
their  development.  The  tenderness  of  young  leaves,  including 
the  absence  of  cuticle,  exposes  them  to  infection  by  fungi  which 
are  unable  to  attack  mature  leaves  ;  the  anthracnose  of  limes 
is  an  example  of  this.  The  fungus  may  later  disappear,  but  the 
effects  of  its  presence  remain  in  the  shape  of  spots  or  distortions 
which  are  difficult  to  account  for  if  the  early  stages  are  not  seen. 
Senescent  leaves  show  waning  powers  of  resistance  and  are 
frequently  infested  by  parasites  too  weak  to  have  much  if  any 
effect  until  this  condition  is  reached.  Very  many  leaf  spots  are  of 
this  nature.  Influences  which  depress  the  vigour  of  the  plant 
may  bring  on  the  susceptible  condition  prematurely ;  thus  when 
a  coconut  palm  is  infested  with  nematodes  Diplodia  attacks 
the  leaves  at  an  earlier  stage.  Many  secondary  infestations  are 
brought  about  in  a  similar  way. 

Leaves  are  affected  differently  by  parasites  which  establish 
a  relationship  with  the  living  cells,  like  the  rusts  and  mildews, 
as  compared  with  those  which  live  at  the  direct  expense  of  the  tis- 
sues. In  the  former  case  the  leaf  though  more  or  less  discoloured 
remains  alive,  it  may  be  for  its  full  period  or  even  longer  ;  in  the 
latter  case  dead  spots  are  quickly  produced.  A  common  type  of 
leaf  spot  consists  of  a  dead  central  circle  or  streak,  surrounded 
by  a  discoloured  margin  of  cells  recently  invaded  or  affected 
by  the  secretions  of  the  mycelium.  Such  an  area  may  become 
isolated  from  the  surrounding  tissue  through  the  production 
by  the  host  of  a  ring  of  corky  cells  which  prevents  further  ex- 
tension, and  if  the  dead  tissue  later  drops  out  the  type  of  injury 
known  as  shot-holes  is  produced,  in  which  the  leaf  is  more  or  less 
heavily  perforated  with  roundish  holes.  In  other  types  of 
spotting  the  lines  of  the  veins  are  followed,  or  the  spot  is  bounded 
by  veins  (angular  spot)  or  quite  irregular  perforations  may  be 
produced  (Hevea  leaf  spot). 

It  is  often  difficult  to  distinguish  between  leaf  spots  caused 
by  fungi  and  those  of  insect  origin,  especially  as  the  latter  are 
soon  invaded  by  saprophytic  fungi. 

The  infestation  of  leaves  with  fungi  reduces  their  efficiency 
to  a  proportionate  degree  and  may  lead  to  partial  or  entire 
defoliation.  This  causes  a  severe  check  to  growth,  and,  if  re- 
peated frequently,  brings  about  the  death  of  shoots  or  twigs 
and  sometimes  of  the  whole  plant. 

Flower  and  Fruit  Diseases. 

The  infestation  of  flowers  is  not  common,  but  examples  of  it 
are  found  in  the  blossom  bUghts,  due  to  Glceosporium  spp.,  of 
mango  and  of  lime,  in  which  buds,  open  flowers,  and  newly  set 


fruits  are  rapidly  infested  and  destroyed.  The  parasitism  of 
the  smut  fungi,  which  also  destroy  flowers,  is  of  a  special  type 
in  which  infection  proceeds  from  within,  and  is  described  in 
another  section. 

Fruits  while  yet  unripe  may  be  very  quickly  destroyed  by  the 
Phytophthoras  (soft-rot  of  cotton  bolls,  cacao  pod-rot),  may 
be  spotted  or  cankered  by  the  anthracnose  fungi  and  similar 
parasites,  may  be  scabbed  or  russeted  by  surface  infections,  may 
develop  cracks  in  consequence  of  the  inability  of  infested  spots 
to  keep  pace  in  growth,  and  may  be  internally  infected  through 
bug  punctures  while  preserving  an  uninjured  appearance. 

As  fruits  ripen  they  lose,  like  senescent  leaves,  much  of  the 
resistance  which  accompanies  the  condition  of  living  activity. 
A  ripe  fruit  is  a  fruit  that  is  finished  with  so  far  as  the  plant 
is  concerned,  and  if  not  protected  soon  becomes  the  natural 
prey  of  various  saprophytic  fungi  (see  Chap.  XIII).  Some  of  the 
ripe  rots  may  commence  prematurely  before  the  fruit  is  picked  ; 
usually  this  happens  in  consequence  of  a  wound  or  bruise. 

Further  examples  of  fruit  affections  will  be  found  described 
under  diseases  of  Citrus  spp. 

The  shedding  of  young  fruits,  of  which  cotton  affords  the 
pre-eminent  type,  may  be  due  to  infection  or  insect  injury,  but 
is  frequently  a  result  of  the  disturbance  of  physiological  balance 
by  some  change  in  external  circumstances.  It  may  also  be  an 
adjustment  of  numbers  to  the  amount  of  fruit  which  can  be 
brought  to  maturity,  as  seems  to  some  extent  to  be  the  case 
with  coconuts.  A  similar  adjustment  in  cacao  occurs  not  by 
shedding,  but  by  the  drying  up  of  young  fruits,  and  as  these 
invariably  become  infested  with  fungi  the  loss  is  often  attributed 
to  fungus  disease.  That  the  inherent  bearing  capacities  of 
individual  coconut  and  cacao  trees  vary  widely  does  not  affect 
the  fact  of  the  adjustment,  which  is  demonstrated  by  the  pro- 
portionate increase  in  the  amount  of  fruit  which  matures  when 
cultivation  and  manuring  are  improved. 

Stem  Diseases. 

Tip-wither,  the  dying  of  young  green  shoots,  is  commonly 
due  to  fungi  which  also  attack  the  young  leaves,  and  may  arise 
from  terminal  infections  or  from  the  ringing  of  the  young  stem 
by  infections  in  the  cortex.  It  may,  of  course,  also  be  produced 
by  insect  injuries  or  physical  causes. 

Dieback  of  twigs  often  follows  on  successive  defoliations  by 
fungi  or  insects.  It  is  frequently  associated  with  infestation  by 
weak  parasites  such  as  Diplodia  spp.  or  Colletotrichum  glceo- 
sporioides  on  trees  rendered  susceptible  by  exposure,  drought, 
or^  poor  nutrition.  These  conditions  are  themselves  capable  of 
originating  dieback,  and  it  is  usually  very  difficult  to  form  an 
opinion  as  to  how  far  the  failure  is  due  to  or  is  aggravated  by  the 
presence  of  the  fungus. 


The  death  of  branches  may  be  the  result  of  direct  infestation 
with  a  parasite  such  as  that  of  pink  disease  (see  Chapter  XVI) 
or  of  an  infection  near  the  base  by  a  fungus  which  has  attacked 
the  bark  or  gained  access  from  a  broken  branch  or  other  wound. 
The  progressive  dying  of  the  topmost  branches,  Hke  the  dieback 
of  twigs,  is  less  often  due  to  local  infections  than  to  the  ebbing 
of  the  vitality  of  the  tree  as  a  result  of  drought,  poor  nutrition, 
root  disease,  or  old  age. 

With  regard  to  the  last-mentioned  cause  it  should  be  always 
remembered  that  the  age  and  size  to  which  a  tree  attains  before 
showing  the  signs  of  waning  vigour  are  widely  variable  according 
to  situation.  Trees  grown  in  thin  or  poor  soils,  or  in  a  situation 
drier  or  more  exposed  than  suits  the  particular  species,  reach  their 
natural  limits  in  these  respects  in  a  period  which  is  much  shorter 
than  the  normal  one,  while  highly  favourable  conditions  have 
the  opposite  effect. 

Bark  rots  are  often  of  fungus  origin,  but  may  be  bacterial, 
or,  as  it  appears  in  some  cases,  non-parasitic.  Their  effects  are 
frequently  much  increased  by  insects,  as  in  the  case  of  Citrus 
trees  which  become  infested  with  a  beetle  larva  (Leptostylus). 
Bark  rot  in  the  region  of  the  collar  is  rather  frequent,  and  is 
often  due  to  soil-inhabiting  fungi  or  to  others  enabled  to  exist 
in  this  situation  by  the  moisture  of  the  soil  or  the  shelter  of 
weeds.  The  peculiar  liability  of  Citrus  trees  to  collar  rot  is 
discussed  elsewhere. 

Cankers  are  usually  local  infestations  of  the  bark  in  which  the 
persistence  of  the  fungus  and  the  reactions  of  the  cambium  give 
rise  to  raised  margins  or  irregular  lumpy  growth  about  the  wound 
produced.  The  application  of  the  term  is  not  clearly  dis- 
tinguished from  that  of  bark  rot,  but  the  above  would  seem  its 
most  appropriate  use. 

Gummosis  is  a  S3^mptom  of  very  variable  origin,  consisting 
in  the  production  of  gum  by  the  degeneration  of  cell  walls,  usually 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  cambium  layer,  i.e.  just  under  the 
bark  as  that  term  is  commonly  used.  The  gum  may  saturate  the 
overlying  bark  and  solidify  in  a  crust  or  in  drops  on  its  surface, 
as  in  Diplodia  disease  of  limes  and  collar  rot  of  oranges.  New 
layers  of  wood  or  bark  may  enclose  a  site  of  gum  formation  in 
the  cambial  zone,  giving  rise  to  gum  pockets.  Gummosis  can 
occur  as  a  result  of  fungus  infection,  wounds,  or  chemical 

Wood-rots,  which  are  separately  discussed  in  Chapter  XI, 
are  as  a  rule  the  result  of  bark  injuries  of  various  kinds,  the 
breaking  of  branches,  or  unskilful  pruning  or  trimming,  which 
expose  the  wood  to  infestation  by  fungi  otherwise  unable  to  gain 
access.  Their  effect  is  ultimately  to  destroy  the  mechanical 
support  of  the  part  affected. 

Galls  are  abnormal  outgrowths  from  leaves  or  from  green  or 
woody^stems,  and  their  tissues  are  soft  or  woody  according  to 


their  position.  They  are  the  result  of  some  irritation  of  growing 
tissue,  the  reaction  often  appearing  very  disproportionate  to  the 
cause.  The  larger  number  of  galls  are  due  to  insects,  but  there 
are  many  which  are  of  fungoid  or  bacterial  origin.  A  woody 
gall,  once  formed,  has  its  own  cambium  layer,  and  consequently 
continues  to  grow  so  long  as  this  maintains  connection  with  the 
tree.  Examples  of  fungus  galls  are  afforded  by  the  smut  disease 
of  Indian  corn,  and  Sphaeropsis  disease  of  Citrus,  while  the 
deformity  produced  in  the  so-called  witch-broom  disease  of  cacao 
is  more  of  the  nature  of  a  gall  than  of  the  structures  after  which 
it  was  named.  The  crown  gall  disease,  found  on  a  wide  range  of 
hosts,  results  from  the  presence  in  the  tissues  of  Bacterium 

Witches-brooms  are  structures  similar  in  their  origin  to  galls, 
in  which  an  abnormal  number  of  crowded  shoots  is  formed  at 
some  point  on  a  branch  and  appears  as  a  tuft  or  mass  of  inter- 
lacing twigs. 

The  affections  of  herbaceous  stems  may  be  surface  spots  akin 
to  leaf  spots,  invasions  of  the  cortex  alone,  the  vascular  tissues 
alone,  or  both  together.  Cortical  invasion  causes  local  rot  or 
canker,  with  yellowness  of  foliage  or  other  sickly  appearances  as 
general  symptoms ;  interference  with  the  vascular  bundles 
produces  progressive  or  sudden  wilting. 

The  type  of  disease  known  as  bud-rot  is  peculiar  to  monocoty- 
ledons in  which  the  terminal  bud  from  which  growth  proceeds 
is  deeply  enclosed  in  the  bases  of  the  older  leaves.  Being  thus 
supported  it  remains  longer  in  a  soft  and  plastic  condition  and 
offers  a  large  mass  of  highly  susceptible  material  to  any  parasitic 
organism  which  gains  access  to  it.  Bud-rots  occur  in  coconut 
and  sugar-cane,  but  conclusions  as  to  their  primary  nature  should 
be  made  with  caution,  as  experience  has  shown  that  in  both 
plants  the  failure  of  some  other  part  may  deprive  the  bud  of  the 
required  nutrition  and  bring  about  its  decay.  The  closeness  of 
its  covering,  by  excluding  air,  probably  accounts  for  the  pre- 
dominant part  which  putrefactive  bacteria  take  in  the  process. 

Root  Diseases. 

Diseases  of  the  roots  are  in  general  the  least  satisfactory  of 
any  to  investigate  and  to  combat.  Experiment  is  difficult,  and 
observation  cannot  always  be  depended  on  to  distinguish  cause 
from  effect.  The  consequence  is  that  knowledge  regarding  root 
diseases  is  not  usually  definite,  except  where  very  pronounced 
parasites  are  concerned. 

The  soil,  with  its  accumulations  of  dead  matter  and  its  rela- 
tively constant  moisture,  harbours  many  fungi,  and  among  them 
are  found  species  possessing  powers  of  parasitism  in  various 

Sclerotium  Rolfsii  destroys  herbaceous  plants  ])y  attacking 
the  stem  and  crown  roots  near  the  surface  of  the  soil .    The  forest 


root  fungi  (Rosellinia,  Sphaerostilbe,  and  others)  infest  dead  wood 
or  other  vegetable  material  and  either  spread  along  the  roots  of 
living  trees  or  infest  them  at  the  collar  from  the  soil.  The 
parasitic  Fusariums  obtain  access  by  the  roots  to  the  vascular 
system  of  the  stem.  These  are  all  largely  or  entirely  independent 
of  the  vigour  of  the  host,  and  their  prevalence  depends  closely  on 
physical  conditions. 

The  root  fungi  of  sugar-cane  (Marasmius,  Odontia)  live 
normally  on  the  withered  leaves  and  other  dead  material  of  this 
and  other  grasses,  but  by  invading  the  roots  contribute,  to  an 
extent  which  is  very  variable  and  in  any  given  case  difficult  to 
define,  to  the  results  of  adverse  conditions  in  general.  Under 
certain  special  conditions  Marasmius  seems  able  to  become  a 
more  active  parasite  and  completely  infest  the  bases  of  the 

Notable  Groups  concerned  in  Fungus  Diseases. 
The  Rusts  {Uredinales). 

The  family  Uredinales  is  made  up  of  some  two  thousand 
known  species  of  obligate  parasites  on  trees,  shrubs,  and  her- 
baceous plants  (including  ferns).  Wherever  vegetation  of  these 
types  exists,  from  the  polar  regions  to  the  equator,  some  repre- 
sentatives of  the  family  are  found.  Conditions  in  the  West 
Indies  are  not  so  favourable  to  the  development  of  rust-fungi 
as  are  those  of  temperate  regions.  While  recent  research  has 
disproved  the  idea  that  the  species  are  extremely  few,  it  remains 
true  that  with  few  exceptions  they  are  scanty  in  their  distribution 
and  inconspicuous  in  their  development.  A  few  species  occur 
on  minor  crop  plants,  but  the  damage  done  is  usually  quite 
insignificant  and  affords  a  great  contrast  to  the  immense  losses 
frequently  caused  in  temperate  crops,  especially  in  continental 
areas.  As  regards  tropical  countries  generally,  there  is  an  out- 
standing exception  to  this  position  in  the  coffee  leaf  rust 
(Hemileia),  which  is  regarded  as  responsible  for  the  ruin  of  the 
coffee  industry  in  Ceylon.  That  fungus  is  not  known  to  occur 
in  the  Western  Hemisphere. 

The  rust  fungi  are  strictly  confined  to  growth  on  living 
tissue,  and  the  species  are  limited  to  individual  or  to  related 
species  of  host  plants — the  general  tendency  being  to  narrow 
limitation  in  this  respect — except  that  in  many  species  the 
character  of  heteroecism  is  exhibited  In  these  cases  the  fungus 
occurs  in  certain  stages  on  one  host,  and  is  then  capable  of  transfer 
by  spores  to  a  second  and  sometimes  a  third  host — commonly  of 
widely  different  botanical  af&nities — and  there  goes  through 
other  stages  in  an  entirely  different  form.  Only  by  infection 
trials  can  the  relationship  of  the  forms  on  separate  hosts  be 

Five  distinct  kinds  of  spores  occur  in  the  Uredinales,  described 



below  in  relation  to  the  manner  in  which  they  are  produced. 
The  Roman  numerals  are  commonly  used  for  reference.  The 
older  terminology  is  given  in  brackets. 

L  JEcia.  (secidia),  which  typically  are  cup-shaped  structures 
sunk  in  the  substance  of  a  leaf.  The  aeciospores  (secidiospores) 
are  usually  globular,  or  angular  by  compression,  developed  in 
chains.  They  are  capable  of  immediate  germination  and  the 
infection  of  a  suitable  host. 

O.  Pycnia  (pycnidia),  very  small  flask-shaped  structures 
usually,  when  present,  associated  with  aecia,  sometimes  with 
other  forms,  but  never  alone.  The  pycniospores  are  minute 
unicellular  bodies  the  function  of  which  is  either  lost  or  has 
escaped  detection. 

II.  Uredinia  (uredo-sori),  circular  or  elongated  pustules 
from  which  arise  stalked  roundish  unicellular  urediniospores 
(uredospores),  often  rough  or  spiny.  These  are  usually  produced 
quickly  and  in  abundance,  and,  as  they  germinate  at  once  under 
suitable  conditions,  serve  for  the  rapid  spread  of  the  fungus. 
Thick-walled  resting  forms  of  urediniospores  which  occur  in  some 
species  are  distinguished  as  amphispores. 

III.  Telia  (teleuto-sori).  Mingled  in  the  same  sorus  with 
the  urediniospores,  succeeding  them,  or  in  separate  sori,  may 
occur  teliospores  (teleutospores)  which  typically  are  stalked,  one 
to  several-celled,  thick-walled  resting  spores,  but  may  diverge 
widely  from  this  form,  even  to  the  point  of  resembling  secio- 
spores.  The  real  criterion  of  their  nature  is  the  manner  of  germina- 
tion, in  which  each  ceU  produces  a  germ  tube  the  tip  of  which 
divides  into  a  linear  row  of  cells,  typically  four,  each  of  these 
giving  rise  to  a  short  stalk  on  which  one  rounded  thin-walled 
spore  is  borne.  This  structure  is  regarded  as  a  basidium,  bearing 
basidiospores,  and  the  Uredinales  are  accordingly  classed  as 
Basidiomycetes.  The  spores  so  produced  germinate  on  suitable 
hosts  and  produce  a  mycelium  which  develops  spores  of  one  of 
the  types  described. 

One  species  may  possess  in  its  full  life-cycle  all  the  forms 
enumerated;  or  any  or  all  of  them,  except  the  telial  stage,  may  be 
omitted.  It  is  not,  however,  necessary  that  the  stages  be  passed 
through  in  sequence  ;  an  indefinite  number  of  generations,  for 
example,  may  arise  from  the  successive  production  of  uredinio- 
spores. In  the  heteroecious  species  the  aecia  and  pycnia  are 
found  on  one  host,  and  the  uredinia  and  telia,  or  telia  alone,  on 

The  mycelium  of  the  rust  fungi  is  freely  branched  and  septate, 
usually  intercellular,  with  haustoria  penetrating  the  cells. 

The  commoner  rusts  on  cultivated  plants  in  these  islands  are 
the  following :  Puccinia  purpurea,  Cke.  sorghum  rust,  very 
common  and  generally  distributed  on  guinea  corn,  imphee,  and 
Sudan  grass  ;  Puccinia  Sorghi,  Schw.  {Maydis,  Bereng.),  brown 
rust  of  Indian  corn,  rather  conmion  in  some  places,  but  not  as  a 


rule  doing  appreciable  damage  ;  Puccinia  Cannes  (Wint.)  Henn., 
common  on  garden  cannas  ;  Uredo  Arachidis  Lag.,  common  on 
ground-nut  and  sometimes  destructive  ;  Cerotelium  (Kuehneola) 
Gossypii  (Lag.)  Arth.,  common  and  sometimes  severe  on  some 
perennial  cottons,  but  not  very  often  seen  on  Sea  Island  types. 
The  bright  yellow  Uredo  form  of  Phakopsora  vitis  Syd.  is  generally 
common  on  grape  vines,  and  a  brown  Uredo  on  Dolichos  ;  the 
pigeon  pea  is  frequently  seen  in  Trinidad  with  leaves  rusted  by 
Uromyces  Dolicholi,  Arth. 

Rust  infestations  may  be  kept  down  by  spraying  with 
Bordeaux  mixture  (see  ground-nuts)  and  resistant  varieties  have 
been  found  in  several  important  cases. 

The  Smuts  :    Ustilaginales. 

The  smut  fungi  are  somewhat  nearly  related  to  the  rusts, 
though  very  different  in  their  general  habit.  Like  the  rusts, 
they  are  strictly  parasitic,  depending  for  nourishment  on  living 
plants.  They  attack  plants  of  widely  different  orders,  perennials 
as  well  as  annuals  ;  their  economic  effects  being  most  serious  on 
the  cereal  crops.  They  are  few  in  number  and  of  very  small 
importance  in  the  West  Indies. 

Typically  the  host  is  infected  in  the  seedling  stage  (the  com 
and  sugar-cane  smuts  are  exceptions  to  this)  and  the  mycelium 
keeps  pace  with  the  developing  plant,  growing  sparingly,  and 
without  producing  any  notable  symptoms  of  disease,  through  the 
softer  tissues.  The  hyphae  are  hyaline,  branched,  sparingly 
septate,  mostly  intercellular,  with  haustoria  which  enter  the 
cells.  When  the  period  of  flowering  is  reached  the  fungus 
develops  rapidly  in  the  anthers  and  ovaries  and  there  produces 
masses  of  spores  (often  black  and  powdery)  which  replace  the 
pollen  and  the  seeds.  In  some  cases  swellings  in  which  spores  are 
produced  in  a  similar  way  are  caused  on  stems  or  leaves. 

The  spores  so  formed  (chlamydospores)  are  usually  thick- 
walled  and  very  resistant,  in  some  cases  retaining  their  vitality 
for  many  years.  They  germinate  in  water,  producing  a  short 
filament  (pro-mycelium)  on  which  elongated  thin-walled  basidio- 
spores  (distinguished  in  this  family  as  sporidia)  are  formed. 
These  are  capable  of  immediately  infecting  host-plants  which  are 
in  the  susceptible  stage.  In  nutritive  solutions,  as  soil  water  or 
moist  manure,  the  sporidia  give  rise  to  a  yeastlike  form  of  growth 
which  may  continue  the  life  of  the  fungus  until  a  suitable  host 
is  encountered. 

Two  common  types  of  infection  occur  in  this  family,  the  dis- 
tinction of  which  is  important  in  regard  to  control  measures. 
In  certain  species  the  chlamydospores,  distributed,  after  they  are 
set  free,  in  various  possible  ways  but  mostly  by  the  wind,  adhere 
to  healthy  seeds  and  are  planted  with  them,  or  are  already 
present  in  the  soil  in  which  planting  takes  place.  They  germinate 
in  the  soil  moisture,  producing  sporidia,  and^these  proceed  to 


infect  the  host  seedlings  as  they  appear.  Seedlings  beyond  a 
certain  size  are  no  longer  susceptible. 

In  other  species  the  infection  is  through  the  flower.  In  this 
type  the  chlamydospores  are  distributed  at  the  time  of  flowering, 
and  arriving  in  healthy  flowers  germinate  there  and  infect  the 
developing  seed.  The  mycelium  remains  dormant  through  the 
ripening  process  and  until  the  seed  in  due  course  germinates, 
when  it  grows  up  with  the  developing  seedling  as  previously 

The  corn  smut  (see  Chapter  XXIV)  is  different  from  either 
of  these  types,  being  able  to  infect  its  host  on  any  tender  part 
and  at  any  age. 

With  smuts  of  the  first  type,  control  is  easily  obtained,  where 
uninfected  ground  is  available  for  planting,  by  some  form  of 
seed  disinfection.  Those  of  the  second  type  cannot  be  dealt 
with  in  this  way,  and  seed  from  a  clean  source  has  to  be  sought. 

With  both  types  rotation  of  crops  should  be  practised  to 
reduce  infection  from  the  soil,  and  the  inclusion  of  diseased 
plants  in  litter  or  manure  should  be  carefully  avoided.  Nor  is 
it  safe  to  feed  smutted  grain  to  animals,  since  a  proportion  of 
the  spores  may  pass  uninjured  through  the  alimentary  canal 
and  be  distributed  with  the  manure. 

The  Powdery  Mildews  {Erysiphacece). 

The  Erysiphacese  is  a  well-known  family  of  Ascomycetes 
whose  members  are  strictly  parasitic,  growing  as  white  webs 
on  the  surface  of  leaves  and  tender  stems,  and  deriving  nourish- 
ment from  the  underlying  tissues  by  haustoria  (in  a  few  species 
by  short  hyphae)  which  penetrate  the  cells. 

The  family  has  a  wide  range  of  hosts  in  temperate  countries, 
and  species  occurring  on  cereals,  grape,  hop,  etc.  give  rise  to 
widespread  and  destructive  epidemics.  In  the  Tropics  the 
family  is  thinly  represented  and  of  small  account. 

The  conidial  fructifications,  the  only  stage  which  appears  to 
be  developed  in  these  islands,  consist  in  the  great  majority  of 
species  of  short  upright  hyphal  branches  bearing  a  chain  of 
hyaline  oblong  or  rounded  conidia.  Forms  of  this  type  are 
referred  to  the  genus  Oidium,  in  the  absence  of  the  perithecial 
fructifications  on  which  more  definite  classification  is  based. 
The  latter  are  subspherical  bodies  formed  in  the  mycelium, 
usually  in  autumn,  bearing  projecting  bristle-like  or  elaborately 
branched  appendages,  and  containing  one  or  more  roundish  asci 
with  2  to  8  spores  in  each. 

The  Oidiums  of  the  grape  and  rose  are  common  in  the  West 
Indies,  and  there  are  doubtless  other  species  to  which  attention 
has  not  yet  been  paid.  The  leaf  mildew  of  cotton  belongs  to  the 
closely  related  genus  Ovulariopsis. 

The  standard  remedy  for  this  class  of  disease  is  dusting  with 
powdered  sulphur  or  spraying  with  a  sulphur  compound.    Narrow 


biologic  specialisation  in  regard  to  host  plants  is  sometimes 
exhibited  in  this  family,  and  resistant  varieties  are  therefore 

The  Downy  Mildews  {Phytophthora). 

Members  of  the  genus  Phytophthora  are  the  most  rapidly 
destructive  of  plant  parasites.  One  of  them,  P.  infestans,  caused 
the  potato  famine  of  1845  ^^  Ireland.  P.  faheri  is  the  cause  of 
cacao  canker  and  pod-rot.  P.  palmivora  is  the  cause  of  a  destruc- 
tive bud-rot  of  palms  in  India,  and  has  been  recognised  on  coconut 
in  Jamaica.  Another,  or  possibly  more  than  one  species  causes  in 
the  West  Indies  a  boll 
rot  of  cotton  which  is 
very  destructive  in 
wet  weather. 

The  mycelium  of 
Phytophthora  is  hy- 
aline, non- septate 
when  young,  much 
branched,  and  has  a 
coarse  and  vigorous 
appearance  under  the 
microscope.  Living 
tissue  is  infested  and 
rapidly  killed.  The 
common  form  of  re- 
production is  by  large 
lemon-shaped  conidia, 
developed  one  by  one 
at  the  apices  of  coni- 
diophores  produced  on 

the  surface  of  the  medium.  The  massed  conidia  on  the  surface 
of  a  cacao  pod  or  cotton  boll  have  a  granular  glistening  appear- 
ance ;  the  mycelium,  in  very  moist  conditions,  may  grow  out 
and  form  a  white  downy  covering.  The  conidia  typically  ger- 
minate by  liberating  a  number  of  zoospores,  which  swim 
actively  in  a  surface  film  of  water  before  settling  down  and 
producing  a  germ  tube.  While  in  the  mobile  condition  they  are 
splashed  about  by  rain,  blown  about  in  drops  of  water  by  the 
wind,  and  may  conceivably  be  distributed  by  birds  or  insects. 
In  the  absence  of  free  water  the  conidia  sometimes  produce 
germ-tubes  direct. 

In  addition  to  the  conidia,  resistant  chlamydospores  and 
oospores  may  be  produced  on  the  mycelium  buried  in  the  infested 

The  occurrence  and  prevalence  of  Phytophthora  diseases  is 
dependent  on  a  high  degree  of  humidity  in  the  air  about  the 
plants.    Close  planting,  shade  and  shelter,  the  inducing  of  the 

From  a  drawinglpy] 
Fig.  2 

[J.  B.  Rarer 
Phytophthora  Faberi 


growth  of  heavy  foliage  by  nitrogenous  manuring,  all  favour 
their  development.  The  cotton  boll  rot  is  frequently  confined 
to  the  branches  close  to  the  moist  soil. 

The  potato  blight  is  perhaps  the  most  amenable  of  all  impor- 
tant diseases  to  Bordeaux  or  Burgundy  sprays,  and  cacao  pod- 
rot  has  proved  to  be  similarly  controllable.  These  fungi  have  no 
importance  as  saprophytes,  as,  although  they  can  be  artificially 
grown  in  pure  culture  on  vegetable  media,  in  nature  their  exist- 
ence on  dead  material  is  quickly  inhibited  by  the  growth  of  other 
organisms.  The  removal  of  dead  material  is  desirable  however 
on  account  of  the  resting  spores  it  may  contain. 

The  Anthracnoses. 

The  term  anthracnose  is  not  strictly  specific,  but  is  usually 
and  conveniently  applied  to  diseases  caused  by  fungi  of  the 
genera  Colletotrichum  and  Gloeosporium.  These  are  conidial 
forms,  not  strictly  separable  from  each  other,  since  the  presence 
or  absence  of  dark-coloured  setae  (bristles),  on  which  the  division 
is  based,  is  not  a  constant  character.  Certain  of  the  species  have 
been  shown  to  be  the  conidial  forms  of  Ascomycetes  of  the  genera 
Glomerella  and  Gnomonia,  but  the  perithecia  are  rarely  met 
with  in  the  active  stages  of  disease. 

Many  species  of  Colletotrichum  and  Gloeosporium  are  pure 
saprophytes,  others  have  weak  powers  of  parasitism  which 
enable  them  to  attack  senescent  leaves  or  over-ripe  fruit,  and 
many  are  virulent  parasites  capable  of  attacking  perfectly  healthy 
tissue.    All  are  able  to  exist  as  saprophytes  on  dead  material. 

The  hyaline  septate  mycelium  permeates  the  infested  part 
causing  the  death  of  the  cells.  The  conidia  are  borne  in  acervuli 
or  pustules,  for  the  production  of  which  a  matted  or  compacted 
layer  of  h3^ha2  (the  stroma)  forms  near  the  surface  of  the  medium. 
From  this  bed  arise  crowded  short  conidiophores,  which  bear 
apical  non-septate  conidia,  twice  to  several  times  as  long  as 
broad.  These  are  hyaline,  but  may  appear  coloured  in  mass. 
The  rupture  of  the  overlying  tissue  exposes  the  acervulus  or 
fruiting  layer,  which  continues  to  produce  conidia.  These 
accumulate  in  little  heaps,  adhering  in  a  gelatinous  medium  until 
they  are  washed  away  by  rain.  The  disease  produced  may  be 
one  of  leaves,  flowers  or  fruit  or  any  combination  of  these,  or 
it  may  extend  to  herbaceous  stems  or  even  woody  twigs. 

Characteristic  anthracnoses  in  the  West  Indies  are  those  of 
mango  {Gl.  mangifercB  )and  of  lime  {Gl.  limetticolum) .  Both  cause 
small  canker  spots  or  tip-wither  on  the  young  shoots,  dead  patches 
on  the  leaves,  blight  of  the  buds  and  open  flowers,  shedding  of 
newly  set  fruit,  and  spots  or  cankers  on  the  fruit  that  remains. 
Other  local  examples  are  the  anthracnoses  of  Agaves,  beans 
(Phaseolus),  cotton,  papaw,  and  cassava.  An  example  of  a 
ripe-rot  Gloeosporium  is  everywhere  familiar  in  the  fungus 
which  causes  spotting  on   ripe   bananas    {Gl.   musarum).     Col. 


falcatum  produces  the  red  rot  of  the  sugar-cane  stem  and  a  red 
stripe  affection  on  the  leaves  and  leaf-sheaths  ;  nearly  allied 
species  occur  on  sorghum  and  other  grasses.  The  citrus  anth- 
racnose  {Col.  glceosporioides),  which  under  some  conditions  is 
reported  to  produce  on  Citrus  species  in  general  effects  similar 
to  those  of  the  special  anthracnose  of  the  lime,  is  not  known  to  be 
of  much  account  in  the  Lesser  Antilles.  The  cotton  anthracnose 
Glomerella  (Coll.)  gossypii  appears  also  to  be  responsible  for  much 
less  damage  than  is  reported  from  it  in  the  United  States. 

For  the  control  of  anthracnoses  it  is  desirable,  in  the  first 
place,  to  secure  clean  seed.  Adhering  spores  can  be  dealt  with 
by  the  methods  elsewhere  described,  but  in  some  cases  the 
cotyledons  are  infected  while  the  seed  is  still  on  the  parent 
plant.  Hot  water  treatment  has  been  suggested  in  the  case  of 
infected  cotton-seed,  but  with  what  ultimate  results  is  not 

For  tree  crops  such  as  limes  and  mangoes  the  only  remedy 
is  spraying,  and  this  is  the  measure  adopted  for  anthracnose  in 
general  where  the  value  of  the  crop  warrants  the  outlay.  The 
control  of  the  destructive  epidemic  of  red  rot  on  sugar-cane  in 
the  West  Indies  was  secured  by  the  use  of  seedling  varieties, 
some  of  which  have  proved  to  be  highly  resistant,  and  others 
apparently  immune.  Varieties  of  beans  (Phaseolus)  resistant  to 
the  bean  anthracnose  fungus  have  been  found,  and  the  character 
has  been  transferred  to  other  types  by  crossing.  Various  strains 
of  this  parasite  have  been  shown  to  possess  differential  powers 
of  infesting  particular  varieties  of  the  host. 

On  the  other  hand,  many  of  the  reputed  species  of 
Gloeosporium  and  Colletotrichum  have  been  shown  by  infections 
from  pure  cultures  to  have  a  very  wide  range  of  possible  hosts. 

The  Fusanums. 

The  genus  Fusarium  includes  many  purely  saprophytic 
species  and  a  considerable  number  of  vey  destructive  plant 
parasites.  The  latter  are  tjrpically  confined  to  one  host  plant, 
frequently  even  to  the  narrower  limits  of  particular  varieties 
or  strains,  but  are  capable  of  living  indefinitely  as  saprophytes, 
very  often  in  the  soil. 

The  species  are  very  similar  in  morphological  characters, 
and  for  that  reason,  and  because  of  the  abundance  of  saprophytic 
species  likely  to  be  confused  with  the  parasites,  have  been 
exceedingly  dif&cult  to  identify.  Of  recent  years  the  use  of 
standard  culture  media  and  of  biometric  methods  in  the  com- 
parison of  species  has  removed  much  uncertainty  and  laid  the 
foundations  of  an  exact  knowledge  which  is  much  to  be  desired 
with  other  genera. 

The  most  important  section  of  the  genus  is  the  group  of 
species,  similar  in  biological  and  morphological  characters, 
which  function  as  vascular  parasites,  and  by  blocking  or  destroy- 


ing  the  vessels  produce  wilt  disease  usually  destructive  of  the 
whole  plant.  The  most  notorious  of  these  is  the  Panama  disease 
of  bananas.  Others  attack  cotton,  okra,  tomato,  cow  pea, 
pigeon  pea,  etc.,  etc. 

Other  species  of  Fusarium  cause  rots  of  the  lower  stem 
(foot-rot)  of  seedlings  or  young  plants,  as  in  cow  pea,  beans 
(Phaseolus),  and  cotton  in  these  islands. 

Others  again  cause  tuber  rots  (potato),  fruit  rots  (tomato, 
water  melon,  cacao),  or  stem  cankers,  while  numerous  mis- 
cellaneous diseases  have  been  described  with  which  Fusarium 
species  have  been  associated. 

The  mycelium  of  Fusarium  species  is  made  up  of  septate, 
variously  branched,  hyaline  or  light-coloured  hyphse.  It  ramifies 
through  the  vascular  system  (in  the  wilt  diseases)  or  the  tissues 
in  general  (in  the  rots)  and  in  some  species  develops  at  the  surface 
into  a  more  or  less  compact  layer  forming  the  basis  for  the 
production  of  conidia.  The  conidia  are  typically  of  two  forms  : 
the  microconidia,  often  called  the  Cephalosporium  stage,  which 
are  rounded  in  shape,  produced  one  by  one  from  the  tip  of  a 
short  hyphal  branch,  and  often  adhering  in  roundish  heads  ; 
and  the  macroconidia  (Fusarium  stage),  which  are  elongated, 
fusoid,  usually  more  or  less  curved,  and  when  mature  generally 
several-septate.  The  latter  are  produced  on  simple  or  branched 
conidiophores,  and  accumulate  in  loose  and  or  sometimes  slimy 
masses  on  the  surface  of  the  medium,  when  they  may  appear 
either  white  or  light-coloured,  frequently  with  some  shade  of 
pink.  The  microconidia  are  sometimes  produced  within  the 
infested  tissues,  and  in  Panama  disease,  according  to  Drost, 
follow  the  course  of  the  sap  and  form  new  centres  of  infection 
in  the  vessels. 

Chlamydospores,  single  or  double,  and  occasionally  in  chains, 
are  capable  of  being  formed  by  the  mycelium  of  most  of  the 
species.     They  are  thick-walled  and  resistant. 

Attempts  to  control  the  Fusarium  wilts  by  treatment  are 
of  no  avail ;  entry  is  commonly  made  from  the  soil,  and  the 
injury  is  deep-seated.  With  annual  crops  relief  from  serious 
infestation  may  be  obtained  by  rotation,  but,  these  fungi  being 
usually  indefinitely  persistent  in  the  soil,  a  long  period  is  some- 
times necessary  to  reduce  the  fungus  sufficiently  for  the  sus- 
ceptible crop  to  be  repeated.  In  the  Panama  disease  of  bananas 
infection  is  also  conveyed  in  the  suckers  used  for  planting,  so 
that  an  uninfected  source  of  planting  material  is  required  as 
well  as  clean  land.  It  does  not  appear  that  vigour  in  the 
host,  as  affected  by  cultivation,  manuring,  soil  and  climate  has 
much  influence  in  regard  to  wilt  resistance. 

The  line  on  which  the  most  notable  successes  in  wilt  control 
have  been  developed  is  that  of  breeding  resistant  varieties  or 
strains,  which  is  rendered  possible  by  the  narrow  specialisation  of 
the  fungi  concerned.    There  are  wilt-resistant  cottons,  cow  peas, 


cabbages,  and  melons,  and  some  varieties  of  bananas  are  not 
subject  to  attack  by  Panama  disease. 

The  Diplodias. 

Nomenclature  in  the  genus  Diplodia  is  particularly  confused 
as  the  result  of  attempts  to  divide  up  its  species  amongst  smaller 
genera  :  Lasiodiplodia,  Botryodiplodia,  Chatodiplodia,  etc., 
based  on  characters  that  have  proved  to  be  unstable.  The 
present  tendency  is  to  revert  to  the  use  of  Diplodia  pure  and 
simple,  and  with  this  policy,  in  the  present  unsatisfactory  con- 
dition of  knowledge  concerning  the  delimitation  of  the  species, 
the  writer  heartily  agrees. 

There  are  many  saprophytic  Diplodias  described,  but  the 
species  concerned  in  plant  diseases  are  essentially  weak  para- 
sites, which  (as  E.  J.  Butler  has  pointed  out  in  relation  to  D. 
TheohromcB),  though  capable  of  living  as  saprophytes,  are  more 
often  found  on  dying  or  recently  dead  plants  than  on  old  dead 
plant  tissue.  It  would  appear  that  the  advantage  they  secure 
from  their  ability  to  infest  weakly  but  still  living  tissue  is  neces- 
sary for  their  success  in  competition  with  the  pure  saprophytes. 
The  limitations  of  the  parasitic  powers  of  a  typical  Diplodia  are 
well  illustrated  on  lime  trees.  In  young  and  vigorous  trees  the 
infestation  of  the  stub  of  a  broken  branch  stops  short  at  its  base  ; 
in  older  weaker  trees  the  fungus  infests  a  proportional  amount 
of  the  wood  and  bark  connected  with  the  stub,  giving  rise  to  a 
sharply  defined  dead  segment,  eventually  running  out  to  a 
point,  on  the  older  branch  or  stem.  In  very  weakly  trees  the 
extension  of  this  sort  of  damage  gradually  kiUs  back  the  whole 

Diplodias  of  the  semi-parasitic  type  have  a  general  and 
abundant  distribution  in  the  West  Indies,  but  how  many  species 
are  involved  is  not  known.  They  have  a  range  of  feeding  habit 
wide  enough  to  include  fruit  pulp  and  close-grained  wood.  The 
diseases  with  which  they  are  typically  associated  may  be  grouped 
as  follows  : 

[a)  Diebacks  of  twigs  and  branches  when  these  are  in  a 
weakened  condition,  entry  being  made  from  dead  tips,  broken 
branches,  or  other  wounds  productive  of  dead  material  on  which 
the  fungus  can  get  a  footing.  This  type  has  attracted  most 
attention  in  the  tropics  on  cacao,  Citrus,  and  Hevea,  but  is 
common  on  other  trees  of  lesser  importance. 

[b)  Root  diseases  of  similar  nature,  occurring  on  plants 
debilitated  by  age,  poor  or  badly  drained  soil,  or  other  causes. 
These  are  met  with  occasionally  on  cacao,  more  frequently  on 
limes  in  the  West  Indies  ;    and  on  tea  in  the  Eastern  tropics. 

[c)  Rots  of  fruits,  which  very  frequently  start  from  wounds, 
but  do  not  always  seem  to  be  dependent  on  them,  especially  if 
the  fruit  has  been  checked  in  its  development.  Examples  are  the 
Diplodia  rots  of  cacao  pods,  cotton  bolls,  citrus  fruits  and  melons 


(d)  Rots  of'  non-woody  vegetative  parts,  as  injured  or 
weakened  stems  of  sugar-cane  and  the  basal  part  of  failing 
coconut  leaves. 

{e)  Rots  of  stored  vegetables,  such  as  sweet  potato  and 

The  mycelium  of  the  common  species  of  Diplodia  is  freely 
septate,  light  to  dark  brown  when  mature,  and  imparts  a  slaty 
or  smoky  colour  to  infested  wood.  The  spores  (pycnospores) 
develop  in  small  flask-shaped  bodies  (pycnidia)  formed  singly  or 
in  groups,  usually  thickly  set,  below  the  surface  of  bark  or  rind 
and  later  breaking  through.  The  spores  are  oval,  hyaline  and 
non-septate  when  young,  dark  and  one-septate  when  mature. 
They  may  be  extruded  and  germinate  in  either  condition,  and 
mistakes  in  identification  are  liable  to  arise  from  this  habit. 

The  best  form  of  control  of  the  dieback  diseases  is  cultural, 
i.e.,  the  maintenance  of  the  trees  in  high  vigour,  and,  with  cacao 
and  limes,  avoidance  of  undue  exposure.  Careful  pruning  of 
failing  branches,  and  prompt  treatment  of  wounds  have  great 
value  in  preserving  oldish  trees.  In  relation  to  fruit  diseases  the 
fact  mentioned  above,  that  these  fungi  are  only  common  on 
dying  or  recently  dead  material,  gives  some  force  to  the  usual 
recommendation  regarding  the  destruction  of  diseased  wood  and 
of  such  intestable  material  as  cacao  pods. 

The  Rhizoctonias. 

The  Rhizoctonias  are  soil-inhabiting  fungi,  distinguished  by 
the  possession  of  mycelium  and  sclerotia  of  characteristic  tj^pes. 
One  or  more  species  are  very  abundant  in  temperate  countries, 
and  several  are  reported  to  be  prevalent  in  India.  In  the  tropics 
they  have  been  very  little  noticed,  but  from  occasional  observa- 
tions made  it  seems  certain  that  at  least  one  species  is  widely 
distributed  in  the  West  Indies. 

Rhizoctonia  Crocorum  (Pers.)  DC.  (violacea  Tul.)  is  a  fungus 
occurring  on  numerous  hosts  but  particularly  on  alfalfa.  The 
disease  occurs  in  the  fields  in  patches,  in  which  the  plants  appear 
yellow  or  chlorotic  and  eventually  wilt  rather  suddenly.  The 
mycelium  completely  invests  the  root  system  with  a  weft  of 
hyphse  which  at  first  is  pale  buff  to  violaceous,  later  red-violet 
and  finally  violet-brown.  The  sclerotia  are  flattened  or  rounded 
bodies  varying  in  diameter  from  a  few  millimetres  to  several 
centimetres,  deep  violet-brown  when  mature  and  thickly  clothed 
with  a  persistent  velvety  felt. 

No  spore-producing  stage  of  this  fungus  is  known.  It  has 
rarely  been  grown  apart  from  the  host  and  appears  to  be  strictly 
parasitic.  It  attacks  developed  plants  and  is  not  associated  with 
damping-off.     It  has  not  been  recorded  from  the  West  Indies. 

Rhizoctonia  Solani  Kuhn,  is  now  known  to  be  the  mycelial 
stage  of  Corticium  vagum,  B.  et  C.  {Hypochmis  Solani  P.  et  D.). 
It  is  a  fungus  of  very  general  distribution  in  arable  soils  and 



gives  rise  to  root  disease  and  to  damping-off  of  cuttings  and 
seedlings  of  very  many  species  of  plants.  According  to  G.  L. 
Peltier,  epidemics  are  apparently  due  to  a  combination  of  factors, 
such  as  the  presence  of  a  virulent  strain  of  the  fungus,  a  sus- 

[From  Duggar's  Fungous  Diseases  of  Plants 
Fig.  3       HypHAE  (Rhizoctonia)  Basidia  and  Spores  of  Corticium  Vagum 

ceptible  variety  of  plant,  and  optimum  conditions  of  tempera- 
ture and  moisture  for  infection  and  development.  Under 
ordinary  conditions  most  of  the  strains  appear  to  be  weak 

The  hyphas  freely  penetrate  soft  tissues,  and  there  is  usually 
more  or  less  external  mycelium,  though  never  a  copious  invest- 
ment as  in  the  previous  species.  The  description  given  by 
B.  M.  Duggar  is  as  follows  : 


"  The  externa]  hyphge  are  somewhat  coloured,  usually  yellowish  brown, 
and  they  are  generally  of  two  types.  One  type  may  be  designated  as 
purely  vegetative  and  another  as  constituting  the  external  tufts  or  masses 
when  these  occur.  All  hyphae  are  practically  colourless  when  young, 
vacuolate,  more  or  less  irregular,  septate  with  the  septa  at  intervals  of 
100-200  microns.  The  diameter  of  vegetative  hyphae  is  8-12  microns. 
Branches  arise,  and  when  young  these  are  inclined  in  the  direction  of  growth 
and  are  invariably  somewhat  constricted  at  the  point  of  union  with  the  main 
hyphae.  As  the  hyphae  mature  and  become  more  deeply  coloured  they  are 
more  imiform  and  rigid,  the  distances  between  cross  walls  are  greater,  the 
constrictions  where  branches  arise  less  marked,  and  the  branches  are 
approximately  at  right  angles  to  the  main  hyphae.  On  certain  affected 
plants  a  short  tufted  or  mealy  growth  occurs  and  this  is  made  up  of  hyphae 
of  very  different  characteristics.  In  the  young  condition  threads  are 
profusely  branched  and  lobed,  sometimes  botryoid,  and  they  are  ultimately 
divided  into  short  ovate  cells,  arranged  in  short  chains,  or  elbowed,  and 
producing  branches  in  a  more  or  less  dichotomous  fashion.  In  culture  the 
denser  masses  give  rise  to  sclerotia.  With  maturity  these  hyphae  become 
light  brown  in  colour  ;  they  break  up  into  short  hyphal  lengths  or  single 
cells,  the  indiA'iduals  of  which  bear  some  resemblance  to  conidia. 

"The  sclerotia  vary  in  size  from  those  so  minute  as  to  be  scarcely 
visible  to  others  which  may  be  a  centimetre  or  two  in  diameter.  They  are 
generally  more  or  less  flattened,  irregular,  deep  chestnut  brown,  and 
generally  smooth  on  the  surface.',' 

The  Corticium  fructification  is  formed  as  a  collar  around  the 
base  of  living  stems,  or  on  objects  lying  on  the  soil,  and  consists 
of  a  thin  web  or  membrane,  pale  olive-buff  to  cream  colour,  on 
which  the  scattered  basidia  are  borne. 

In  the  examples  of  damping-off  which  have  come  to  the 
writer's  notice  in  these  islands  a  mycelium  with  the  characters  of 
Rhizoctonia  has  frequently  been  found,  and  it  is  probable  that 
this  fungus  is  much  more  common  than  the  classic  parasite  of 
this  affection  in  Europe,  Pythium  de  Baryanum,  if  indeed  the 
latter  occurs  at  all.  A  Rhizoctonia  collar-rot  of  bean  plants 
{Phaseolus  vulgaris)  is  not  uncommon  and  the  fungus  has  been 
found  on  the  roots  of  diseased  sugar-cane  seedlings.  Whether 
the  collar  or  crown  rot  which  is  reported  to  prevent  the  cultiva- 
tion of  alfalfa  is  also  due  to  Rhizoctonia  cannot  be  said  with 
certainty,  but  specimens  received  from  Montserrat  suggest  the 
possibility.  Other  occasional  root  diseases  of  herbaceous  plants 
occur  in  which  a  sterile  mycelium  is  concerned,  and  require  to  be 
examined  from  this  point  of  view. 

The  genus  Marasmius. 

The  genus  Marasmius  contains  several  hundred  known 
species,  most  of  which  are  woodland  saprophytes  on  dead 
vegetable  matter.  The  fructification  is  of  the  toadstool  form, 
and  is  distinguished  by  the  papery,  not  fleshy,  consistency  of  its 
substance,  which  when  shrivelled  by  dr3/ing  is  capable  of  restora- 
tion to  something  like  its  original  form  on  being  re-moistened. 
Several  species  occur  in  the  West  Indies  about  the  bases  of  the 
shoots  of  grasses,  including  sugar-cane,  and  are  well-known  in 
connection  with  root  disease  of  that  plant.     Others  occur  on  the 



leaf-sheaths  of  banana,  where  they  have  also  a  connection  with 
disease,  and  the  same  or  similar  species  are  found  on  the  "strainer" 
of  the  coconut  palm.     These  are  at  most  rather  weakly  parasitic. 

Fig.  4       Stigmatomycosis.     Species  A 

A  much  more  definite  parasite  is  Marasmius  perniciosus,  Stahel, 
the  cause  of  the  witch-broom  disease  of  cacao  in  Surinam.  The 
black  threads  of  the  so-called  horse-hair  bhght  are  the  mycelial 

strands  of  a  Marasmius,  which  is  no  longer  regarded  as  more 
than  saprophytic  in  habit. 

The  Fungi  infecting  Bug  Punctures  [Stigmatomycosis). 

A  type  of  disease  not  previously  recognised  has  in  recent 



years  been  found  to  be  wide-spread  in  the  West  Indies,  in  which 
fruits  and  seeds  are  infected  with  fungi  of  what  appears  to  be 
a  highly  speciaUsed  group  by  way  of  the  punctures  of  plant- 
feeding  bugs  (Heteroptera).     The  experiments  which  have  been 

Fig.  6       Stigmatomycosis.     Species  C 

made  indicate  that  the  infection  is  actually  conveyed  by  the 
bug  from  plant  to  plant. 

For  disease  of  this  kind  the  term  stigmatomycosis  is  proposed, 
a  typical  example  being  the  internal  boll  disease  of  cotton 
described  in  Chap.  XXV.     Two  of  the  fungi  concerned,  or  species 

Fig.  7       Stigmatomycosis.     Species  D  (Nematospora) 

closel}?^  resembling  them,  had  been  previouslj^  met  with  ;  one 
of  them,  Eremothecium  cymbalaria  Borzi,  corresponding  with 
the  writer's  Species  B,  was  found  in  Italy  in  i888  in  capsules 
of  Linaria  cymhalaria  and  rediscovered  in  France  in  1906-12 
in   fruits  of  Cachrys  IcBvigata  :    the  other ^  Nemaiospora  Coryli 


Peglion,  resembling  Species  D  of  the  writer,  was  obtained  from 
a  diseased  hazel  nut  in  Italy  in  1901,  and  appears  to  have  been 
seen  in  France  in  association  with  the  previous  species.  Nemato- 
spora  Lycopersici  Schneider,  described  in  1917  from  fruits  of 
tomato  supposed  to  have  come  from  Cuba  or  Mexico  appears 
to  differ  only  in  the  recorded  measurements. 

Four  species  have  been  met  with  in  the  West  Indies,  two  of  which  remain 
as  yet  unnamed.  In  species  A,  B,  and  C,  the  mycelium  is  hyaline,  fine  to 
coarse,  non-septate  except  in  connection  with  reproduction,  and  branching 
almost  entirely  by  regular  dichotomy.  In  cultures  small  bud-like  pro- 
jections may  occur  along  the  course  of  the  hyphae.  In  Species  D  (Nema- 
tospora)  the  thallus  as  developed  in  fruits  and  vigorous  cultures  is  typically 
yeast-like,  and  consists  of  a  mixture  of  two  forms  :  (i)  toruloid  cells  and 
cell-groups,  the  units  of  which  are  very  variable  in  form  but  generally 
elliptical  or  ovate,  (2)  much  larger  spherical  cells,  single  or  attached  in 
small  groups.  In  old  cultures  or  when  growing  in  tap-water,  a  mycelium 
is  produced  which  is  made  up  of  long,  sparingly  branched  and  very  sparingly 
septate  hyphs  (Fig.  7). 

The  spores  develop  in  sporangia  which  in  the  three  typically  hyphal 
species  are  expansions  of  a  terminal  or  intercalary  section  of  a  hypha. 
In  the  fourth  species  they  are  formed  from  a  single  cell  which  separates 
from  the  yeast-like  thallus,  by  the  lateral  expansion  of  a  hypha  in  the 
hyphal  form,  or  by  direct  outgrowth  from  a  germinating  spore.  The 
spores  are  set  free  in  all  the  species  by  solution  of  the  sporangium  wall. 

The  spores  of  Species  A  are  unicellular,  falcate,  measuring  18-21 
microns  :  on  the  convex  side  they  are  provided  with  a  thickened  rib 
which  extends  from  about  the  middle  to  one  end,  where  it  projects  in 
a  fine  point.  They  are  formed  in  large  numbers  in  the  sporangium,  with- 
out any  appearance  of  regular  arrangement  (Fig.  4).  The  spores  of 
Species  B  are  acicular,  rather  blunt  at  one  end,  sharp  at  the  other,  and 
measure  13.5  microns.  They  are  formed  in  two  equal  opposed  conical 
bundles,  their  broad  ends  interlocking  (Fig.  5). 

In  Species  C  and  D  the  spores  are  alike  in  form  and  occurrence.  They 
are  spindle-shaped,  produced  at  one  end  into  a  long  thread-like  appendage, 
and  have  a  slight  projection  on  one  side  near  the  middle.  They  are  formed 
in  two  equal  opposed  bundles  in  eachsporangium,  joinedby  a  thread  formed 
of  their  combined  appendages.  The  number  on  each  side  varies  from  one  to 
ten  or  more.  The  two  bundles  are  usually  rather  widely  separated,  but 
have  been  seen  to  overlap  and  in  extreme  cases  lie  side  by  side.  Occasion- 
ally a  single  bundle  is  formed  occupying  the  whole  of  a  small  sporangium. 
The  measurements  obtained  of  the  spore  body,  without  the  appendages, 
have  been  27-35  X  2  in  C,  30-40  x  2-3  in  D. 

Germination  in  Species  A  is  by  an  ordinary  germ-tube  generally 
developed  about  the  middle  ;  in  B,  C,  and  D  it  is  preceded  by  the  formation 
of  a  spherical  swelling,  from  which  are  produced  one  or  two  germ-tubes, 
or  in  C  and  D  several  short  beaded  rows  of  cells  which  may  set  up  yeast- 
like budding.  In  the  last  three  species  the  contents  of  the  spore  show, 
from  a  division  near  the  middle,  a  difference  in  refraction  and  in  taking 
up  stains,  but  the  existence  of  a  septum  cannot  be  detected. 

These  fungi  have  been  found  in  no  other  situation  than  in 
fruits  and  seeds,  and  in  the  writer's  experience  infections  have 
always  been  associated  with  bug  punctures.  A  list  of  the  plants 
on  which  infections  have  been  found  is  given  below,  and  there 
is  no  doubt  that  the  number  could  readily  be  largely  increased. 

The  effect  on  seeds  is  the  production  of  brown  or  white 


sunken  patches  in  the  cotyledons,  and  may  be  trifling  or  severe. 
In  the  tomato  the  pulp  of  immature  fruit  is  blackened  in  spots 
and  the  taste  of  ripe  fruit  spoilt ;  in  the  case  of  the  orange  atten- 
tion was  drawn  to  the  infection  by  the  peculiarity  of  the  flavour. 


LEGUMINOS^.  A.    B.    C.    D. 

Vigna  catjang,  V.  unguiculata  (Cow  pea,  Rounce- 

val,  Black-eye).  -f               4- 

Dolichos  Lablab  (Bonavist).  + 

Phaseolus  lunatus,  P.  vulgaris  (Lima,  French  bean)  + 

Canavalia  gladiata  (Sword  bean),  -j- 

Crotalaria  juncea  (Sunn  hemp).  + 

Crotalaria  retusa.  + 

Tephrosia  spp.  -{■ 

Indigo/era  spp.  -f 

Cassia  spp.  (herbaceous).  -|- 


Gossy^ww  spp.    (Annual  and  perennial  cotton)       +   +  +  + 


Ricinus  communis  (Castor  oil).  + 

Jatropha  urens.  -j- 


Ly coper sicum  esculentum  (Tomato).  +   +         + 

Datura  metel  + 


Momordica  Charantia  (Coolie  pepper).  + 


Asclepias  curassavica.  -\- 


Citrus  sinensis  (Sweet  orange).  + 

The  Sooty  Moulds  (Capnodios)  causing  Black  Blight. 

The  Perisporiacec-E,  which  include  the  sooty  moulds,  are 
Ascomycetes  with  superficial  mycelium,  occurring  mostly  on 
leaves  or  fruits.  The  family  is  nearly  related  to  the  Erysiphaceas, 
which  it  resembles  in  habit,  but  its  members  are  at  once  dis- 
tinguishable by  their  dark  brown  or  black  colour.  They  occur 
as  webs  or  closely  investing  films  on  a  great  variety  of  plants, 
and  the  sooty  moulds  give  rise  to  the  condition  usually  called 
"  black  blight  "  in  these  islands. 

The  further  classification  of  these  fungi  is  in  a  very  confused 
condition,  and  their  nomenclature  remains  a  matter  of  doubt 


among  the  best  authorities.  Sooty  moulds  are  not  uncommon  in 
temperate  countries  and  have  there  been  usually  placed  in  the 
genus  Capnodium,  while  those  of  the  tropics  were  regarded  as 
species  of  Meliola  until  they  were  excluded  by  Gaillard  in  1892 
as  non-typical  of  that  genus.  With  this  exclusion  F.  L.  Stevens, 
who  has  recently  studied  in  detail  the  true  Meliolas  of  Porto 
Rico,  entirely  agrees,  but  he  leaves  open  the  question  of  their 
correct  position,  save  for  the  conclusion  that  in  the  main  they 
belong  to  the  Capnodiae  of  Saccardo.  Possibly  the  genus  Fumago, 
an  older  name  than  Capnodium,  should  be  revived  to  contain 

The  Meliolas  proper  appear  as  black  blotches  on  leaves, 
made  up  of  a  network  of  hyphae  closely  set  with  short  branch-like 
appendages,  and  bearing  various  reproductive  bodies.  They 
appear  to  exhibit  specialisation  on  particular  plants  or  related 
groups  much  in  the  same  way  as  the  Erysiphaceae  and  are  probably 
parasitic,  though  producing  as  a  rule  very  little  visible  effect 
on  their  hosts. 

The  sooty  moulds,  on  the  other  hand,  show  no  specialisation 
and  no  sign  of  parasitism.  They  occur  most  frequently  in 
association  with  infestations  of  scale  insects,  aphides,  white 
flies,  and  the  more  sedentary  species  or  stages  of  leaf-hoppers 
(Fulgoridae,  Membracidae,  Jassidse),  developing  wherever  the 
sweet  secretions  of  these  insects  (honey-dew)  are  sprayed  by  the 
insect  or  spread  by  dew  or  rain,  whether  the  situation  be  the 
leaves  and  bark  of  the  infested  plant  and  its  neighbours,  or 
even  soil  or  stones.  They  will  similarly  appear  and  spread  in 
the  nectariferous  spray  or  washings  from  some  profusely  flowering 
trees,  and  it  is  said  that  spraying  a  tree  with  a  sugary  solution 
will  produce  a  heavy  infestation. 

The  injury  to  the  plant  due  to  prevalence  of  sooty  moulds 
arises  from  the  film  which  covers  the  leaves,  reducing  the  access 
of  light  and  obstructing  the  exchange  of  air  and  water  vapour. 
There  is  also  some  commercial  loss  from  the  disfigurement  of 
fruit.  The  degree  of  these  effects  naturally  depends  on  the 
amount  and  duration  of  the  fungus,  and  this  again  on  the  con- 
tinued prevalence  of  the  insect  which  supplies  its  nourishment. 
The  effects  of  the  insect,  which  is  frequently  obscure,  are  usually 
mistaken  for  those  of  the  fungus,  which  is  prominent,  and  the 
latter  are  consequently  greatly  exaggerated.  Black  blight, 
in  fact,  is  the  great  bugbear  of  the  West  Indian  planter  and 
gardener,  and  it  is  to  be  regretted  that  some  of  the  attention  it 
receives  is  not  transferred  to  the  many  matters  more  deserving 
of  his  solicitude. 

It  is  not  denied  that  long-continued  infestation  may  have  a 
debilitating  effect  on  a  tree,  and  reduce  its  production  of  fruit, 
but  attention  should  be  directed,  not  to  the  fungus,  but  to  the 
primary  pest.  The  belief  which  exists  that  black  blight  is 
contagious  is  true  only  in  the  very  limited  sense  that  plants 



closely  adjacent  to  an  infested  tree  often  receive  a  share  of  the 
secretions  which  give  rise  to  it.  Apprehensions  of  the  general 
spread  of  the  affection  from  such  a  source — of  the  infestation  of 
cacao  from  a  blackened  mango  tree,  for  instance — are  baseless 
as  regards  the  fungus,  and,  where  the  plants  are  of  unrelated 
species,  are  usually  so  in  regard  to  the  insect  as  well. 

Spraying  with  fungicides  for  the  removal  of  black  blight, 
where,  as  is  most  commonly  the  case,  this  is  due  to  scale  insect 
infestations,  makes  matters  worse  in  the  end  by  checking  the 
beneficial  fungi  which  in  favourable  weather  reduce  the  prevalence 
of  the  insect.  The  remedy  for  black  blight  must  be  sought 
from  the  entomologist. 

The  Classification  of  Fungi. 

The  current  system  of  classification  of  fungi  is  in  a  very 
imperfect  condition  in  many  of  its  sections.  In  its  general  lines 
it  is  as  nearly  natural  as  the  state  of  knowledge  permits,  but 
in  many  of  its  subdivisions  becomes  frankly  artificial.  Judged 
as  a  natural  system  it  not  infrequently  brings  together  species 
that  are  obviously  not  nearly  related,  and  separates  many  that 
are  obviously  akin.  As  an  artificial  system  its  weakness  is 
demonstrated  by  the  facility  with  which  half  a  dozen  different 
authorities  can  place  the  same  fungus  in  as  many  or  even  a 
larger  number  of  genera. 

The  confusion  which  is  so  frequently  apparent  arises  from  the 
lack  of  stable  morphological  features  on  which  distinctions  can 
be  based,  on  the  difficulties  of  preservation  in  recognisable 
condition,  and  not  least  on  the  irresponsible  way  in  which  new 
species  have  been  so  often  founded  with  a  minimum  of  enquiry 
on  imperfect  material  imperfectly  described. 

Among  the  fiowerless  plants  three  groups  occur  of  which 
the  members  are  wholly  destitute  of  chlorophyll  and  depend 
(with  a  few  exceptions  among  the  bacteria)  on  parasitism  or 
saprophytism  for  a  living.  Each  group  contains  parasites 
which  cause  plant  diseases. 

Myxomycetes,  Slime-fungi. 

In  the  vegetative  condition,  during  which  they  grow  and 
feed,  these  consist  of  naked  protoplasm,  either  in  small  units  or 
in  masses  (plasmodia).  In  their  final  stage  they  come  to  rest 
and  produce  spores,  often  in  elaborate  sporangia,  from  which 
the  vegetative  form  is  again  derived.  The  order  Plasmodio- 
phorales  contains  the  only  parasites  of  plants,  the  best  known 
being  of  the  genus  Plasmodiophora.  The  amoeba-like  plasmodia 
occupy  soft  tissues  in  the  roots  of  certain  plants,  and  give  rise 
to  galls  or  distortions,  as  in  the  club-root  disease  of  turnip, 
cabbage,  and  other  Cruciferae  in  temperate  countries.  Very 
many  saprophytic  myxomycetes  occur  in  the  West  Indies  on 
rotting  wood  and  decaying  vegetable  matter  generally. 



Bacteria  are  exceedingly  minute  cells,  enclosed  in  a  cell 
wall  and  frequently  furnished  externally  with  protoplasmic 
threads  which  serve  for  locomotion.  Some  species  form  an 
internal  resistant  body  (endospore),  which  enables  them  to 
withstand  desiccation  and  in  some  cases  exposure  for  a  consider- 
able period  to  the  temperature  of  boiling  water.  Reproduction 
is  by  division  of  the  parent  cell  into  halves,  a  method  quite 
distinct  from  the  budding  of  the  yeasts,  which  are  true  fungi. 

Bacteria  are  classified  into  genera  by  form,  and  into  species 
mainly  by  their  behaviour  in  cultures  on  various  media.  Their 
part  in  the  causation  of  plant  disease  is  discussed  in  Chapter  II. 
Examples  of  bacterial  diseases  will  be  found  under  cotton, 
tomato,  and  citrus. 

EuMYCETES,  Fungi. 

The  characteristics  of  fungi  have  already  been  described  in 
general  terms.  The  vegetative  body  (thallus)  of  a  fungus 
typically  consists  of  branching  filaments  (hyphse),  growing  at 
the  tip,  free  or  combined  into  more  or  less  definite  structures, 
but  may  consist  of  rounded  cells  free  or  in  groups,  multiplied 
by  budding,  as  is  the  rule  in  the  yeasts,  and  is  the  case  in  certain 
stages  or  conditions  of  normally  filamentous  fungi. 

Classification  is  based  on  the  nature  and  form  of  the  repro- 
ductive organs  and  spore-bearing  structures.  Where  as  is  often 
the  case  the  same  fungus  has  more  than  one  method  of  spore 
formation,  the  direct  production  of  conidia  from  hyphae,  free  or 
enclosed,  is  regarded  as  subsidiary  to  spore  production  by  way 
of  asci  or  basidia,  and  any  generic  name  based  on  the  former  is 
superseded  by  the  one  appropriate  to  the  latter.  Thus  Colletotri- 
chum  gossypii  became  Glomerella  gossypii  when  the  fungus  was 
found  to  possess  an  ascogenous  fructification,  though  in  this 
as  in  many  instances  it  is  convenient  to  retain  in  common  use 
the  name  appropriate  to  the  condition  of  the  fungus  as  it  is 
ordinarily  found. 

Class  I :   Phycomycetes. 

These  are  fungi  which  retain  considerable  resemblance  to 
certain  groups  of  algge,  from  which  they  are  thought  to  have  been 
derived,  including  a  distinct  provision  of  structures  for  sexual 
reproduction.  The  latter  have  in  some  cases  lost  their  function 
and  are  often  largely  superseded  by  the  formation  of  asexual 
spores.  The  mycelium,  which  is  commonly  well-developed  and 
freely-branched,  is  without  septa  except  in  old  hyphse  or  in 
connection  with  reproductive  structures.  There  are  two  sub- 
classes : 
I.     Oomycetes. 

Most  of  the  species  form  oospores  as  a  result  of  a  perfectly 
or  imperfectly  retained  process  of  the  fertilisation  of  an  egg-cell 


by  sperms  produced  in  an  antheridium.  Asexual  reproduction 
is  by  sporangia,  which  release  either  a  swarm  of  motile  zoospores, 
or  conidia  which  germinate  by  the  production  of  a  germ-tube. 

The  genus  Pythium  contains  the  well-known  fungus  which 
causes  damping-off  of  seedHngs  in  temperate  coimtries,  but  has 
not  been  found  conspicuous  in  the  process  in  the  West  Indies. 
Pythiacystis  is  a  parasite  of  citrus  trees.  Albugo  is  a  genus  of 
parasite's  producing  the  white  rusts,  as  that  of  sweet  potato,  in 
which  conidia  are  formed  in  sori  under  the  epidermis  of  the  host, 
and  oospoies  occur  embedded  in  the  tissues.  The  family  Perono- 
sporaceae  is  of  great  significance  in  plant  pathology  ;  its  most 
important    genus,    Phytophthora,    is    separately    discussed    on 

pp.    21-2. 

2.     Zygomycetes. 

Sexual  reproduction  in  this  group  is  by  zygospores,  formed 
by  the  coniugation  of  two  equal  hyphal  parts.  Asexual  repro- 
duction, which  predominates,  is  by  sporangia,  producing  numer- 
ous spores,  or  less  commonly  by  conidia.  Most  of  the  species 
are  saprophytic,  like  the  Mucors,  which  make  a  fluffy  growth 
on  foods,  some  are  weakly  parasitic,  as  Rhizopus  nigricans, 
which  causes  soft  rots  of  vegetables.  Choanephora  infundi- 
lulifera  grows  on  the  flowers  of  cotton  and  hibiscus  in  the  East 
and  West  Indies.  The  Entomophthoraceaas  are  of  importance 
as  parasites  of  insects,  and  include  species  of  Empusa  occurring 
on  the  green  scale  and  the  sugar-cane  froghopper. 

Class  II.     Ascomycetes. 

In  the  typical  Ascomj^cetes  the  mycelium  is  freely  septate 
from  the  beginning  of  its  development,  there  is  little  trace  of  a 
sexual  process,  and  the  distinctive  method  of  reproduction  is  the 
formation  of  eight  spores  in  a  closed  tube  or  sac — the  ascus. 
The  asci  are  commonly  produced  side  by  side  in  a  regular  layer, 
the  hymenium,  which  may  lie  open  on  the  fruiting  body  or  on 
the  substratum,  or  be  enclosed  in  various  ways. 

In  addition  to  the  ascospores  conidia  are  usually  formed  by 
the  mycelium  at  some  stage  of  its  existence,  and  in  many  species 
reproduction  is  generally  effected  in  this  way,  the  production  of 
ascospores  taking  place  only  under  special  and  often  rare  con- 

There  are  a  few  groups  of  fungi  of  somewhat  uncertain 
affinities,  of  which  the  fructifications  show  more  or  less  of  an 
approach  to  or  analogy  with  ascus  formation,  which  are  placed 
in  the  sub-classes  Hemiascomycetes  and  Protoascomycetes. 
The  latter  includes  the  yeasts,  Saccharomycetaceae,  which 
typically  have  no  hyphae,  but  consist  of  rounded  cells  reproduced 
vegetatively  by  budding  and  in  some  circumstances  forming 
one  to  eight  internal  spores.  Nematospora,  found  in  cotton 
bolls,  etc.,  is  at  present  placed  in  this  family.    The  ascomycetes 



proper  (Euascomycetes)  contain  an  enormous  number  of  species, 
a  fair  number  of  which  are  plant  parasites. 

The  Erysiphaceae  or  powdery  mildews  (see  p  20)  and  the 


Fig.  8       ASCOMYCETES 
1.  Peziza.     2.  Balansia  trinitensis.     3.  Scleroderris. 
4.  Perithecia  and  Conidia  of  an  Erysiphe.       5.  Nectria 
6.  Xylaria.       7.  Hypoxylon.       8.  Pseudovalsa. 

From  Engler  &  Prantl.    Nat.  Pflanz. 

Perisporiacese  (which  include  the  fungi  of  "black  blight")  have 
mycelium  which  is  superficial  on  the  host  plant,  commonly  on 
leaves,  and  have  the  asci  enclosed  in  more  or  less  spherical 


fruiting  bodies  without  special  openings,  the  spores  escaping  by 
the  rupture  or  decay  of  the  wall. 

The  largest  number  of  important  parasitic  Ascomycetes  are 
included  in  the  group  known  as  the  Pyrenomycetes,  in  which  the 
hymenium  is  enclosed  in  a  spherical  or  flask-shaped  fruiting  body, 
the  perithecium,  provided  with  an  aperture  through  which  the 
spores  escape.     There  are  three  orders  of  Pyrenomycetes. 

1.  Hypocreales. 

The  members  of  this  order  are  broadly  distinguished  by  the 
light  or  bright  colours  of  the  perithecia,  as  distinguished  from 
those  which  are  brown  or  black,  and  their  softer  consistency  as 
compared  with  the  hard  and  often  carbonaceous  condition 
common  in  the  following  orders.  The  Nectriae  contain  the 
genus  Nectria,  species  of  which  are  very  common  as  saprophytes 
on  dead  bark  in  the  West  Indies  and  were  at  one  time  held 
responsible  for  cacao  canker.  Some  species  are  wound  parasites, 
but  none  with  this  character  is  known  locally.  Neocosmospora 
occurs  on  the  roots  of  leguminous  herbs  but  is  not  usually  re- 
garded as  a  parasite.  Ophionectria  coccicola  and  Sphcsrostilbe 
coccophila  are  of  great  importance  as  parasites  of  scale  insects, 
and  species  of  Sphserostilbe  cause  serious  root  diseases  under 
certain  conditions  (see  Limes  and  Banana). 

2.  Dothideales. 

This  relatively  small  order  is  characterised  by  the  aggregation 
of  the  mycelium  into  a  black  stroma  in  which  the  perithecia 
occur  as  cavities.  It  is  represented  among  the  local  parasites  by 
Phyllachora  spp.  on  grasses  and  sedges. 

3.  Sphceriales. 

This  is  an  enormous  order  with  perithecia  mostly  carbon- 
aceous in  consistency  and  black  in  colour.  Rosellinia,  Melano- 
psammopsis,  Leptosphseria,  Gnomonia  and  Glomerella  are  ex- 
amples to  which  reference  is  made  in  Part  2. 

Class  III.     Basidiomycetes. 

The  typical  Basidiomycetes  are  distinguished  by  the  presence 
in  a  hymenial  layer  of  crowded  sporophores  of  special  type 
(basidia)  each  terminating  a  hyphal  branch,  usually  club-shaped, 
and  bearing  on  short  stalks  two  or  four  unicellular  spores 

Parallel  with  the  classification  of  the  ascomycetes,  there  are 
recognised  in  addition  to  the  basidiomycetes  proper  (Eubasidii) 
two  somewhat  anomalous  sub-classes,  the  Hemibasidii  and  the 
Protobasidii.  The  Hemibasidii  contain  two  families  only, 
made  up  entirely  of  obligate  plant  parasites,  the  Ustilaginaceae 
(see  p  19)  and  the  Tilletiaceae,  both  giving  rise  to  smut  diseases. 
The  mycelium  produces  the  sooty  masses  of  chlamydospores 
direct,  and  these  on  germination  produce  a  short  filament  on 



which  develop  a  small  number  of  conidia  (sporidia),  regarded  as 
equivalent    to   basidiospores.     In   the   Tilletiaceae    the   sporidia 



3.  Thelephora.      4.  Craterellus.      5.  Lycoperdon. 
6.  Lachnocladium.      7.  Fomes.      8.  Marasmius. 

4,  5,  6,  8  after  Nat.  Pflanz 

are  elongated  and  frequently  join  by  a  small  cross  filament  to 
make  pairs. 


The  Protobasidii  include  the  most  important  single  order  of 
plant  parasites,  the  Uredinales  or  rust  fungi  (see  p.  17).  The 
relation  to  Basidiomycetes  is  shown  in  the  germination  of  the 
teliospores,  formed  direct  from  the  mycelium,  which  in  similar 
fashion  to  the  chlamydospores  of  the  smuts  typically  produce  in 
germination  a  filament  divided  towards  its  free  end  into  four 
cells,  each  of  which  produces  a  sporidium,  regarded  as  a  basidio- 

The  Eubasidii  contain,  among  other  types,  the  mushrooms, 
toadstools,  bracket-fungi  and  other  large  forms  which  are  the 
most  conspicuous  and  familiar  of  fungi.  The  number  of  plant 
parasites  among  them  is  relatively  small. 

Some  of  the  Hypochnacese  form  a  thin  webby  covering  on 
living  leaves,  and  have  been  held  to  be  associated  with  thread 

The  Thelephoraceae  form  a  thin,  leathery,  membranous,  or 
web-like  covering  on  the  substratum,  often  in  extensive  sheets 
or  patches.  The  genus  Corticium  contains  the  fungi  of  the  West 
Indian  thread  blights  and  of  pink  disease  ;  Odontia  spp.  are 
associated  with  root  disease  of  sugar-cane  ;  the  Septobasidiums 
are  believed  to  live  at  the  expense  of  scale  insects  (see  Grey 
Blight  of  Limes). 

The  Polyporaceae,  many  of  which  have  bracket-like  fructifica- 
tions, take  a  large  part  in  the  destruction  of  dead  wood,  and  in 
some  cases  extend  this  mode  of  life  to  the  wood  of  living  trees  if 
they  can  obtain  access  through  wounds,  dead  branches,  or 
debilitated  parts.  They  are  distinguished  by  the  arrangement 
of  the  hymenium  as  a  lining  to  a  system  of  pores,  which  may  be 
shallow,  or  deep  and  tubular.  The  fruiting  bodies  are  often 
large,  and  may  be  soft  and  fugitive  or  leathery  to  woody  and 

The  Agaricaceae  are  the  gill-fungi,  so  called  from  the  extension 
of  the  hymenium  over  a  series  of  thin  flat  plates  of  tissue,  as  in 
the  mushroom.  Usually  the  fructifications  consist  of  a  roundish 
cap  (pileus),  bearing  the  gills  on  its  under  side  and  supported  by  a 
stalk  (stipe),  or  attached  by  a  part  of  its  margin.  Very  few  of 
the  Agaricaccce  are  parasites,  but  Marasmius  contains  injurious 
species,  one  of  which  is  the  cause  of  a  serious  disease  of  cacao, 
while  others  are  associated  with  root  diseases  of  sugar-cane  and 
banana.  Schizophyllum  is  a  common  saprophyte  which  some- 
times appears  on  failing  sugar-cane. 

Class  IV.     Fungi  Imperfecti. 

The  exceedingly  numerous  groups  and  species  of  fungi 
collected  for  the  sake  of  reference  in  this  class  are  not  imperfect 
in  their  powers  of  maintaining  themselves,  but  have  not  been 
found  to  possess  any  character  which  enables  them  to  be  fitted 
into  the  classes  already  described.  A  very  large  number  of 
important  plant  parasites  are  found  among  them. 



1.  Sphaeropsis.       2.  Graphium  (conid.  stage  of  Rosellinia). 
3.  4.  Cercospora.       5.  Aspergillus.        6.  Penicillium. 

'.  Macrosporium.       8.  Alternaria  tenuis.       9.  Oospora. 
10.  MucoR  (Zygomycetes).       11.  Monilia. 


14.    DiPLODIA. 

After  Nat.  Pflam. 


Without  doubt  many  or  most  of  the  Fungi  Imperfecti  have 
affinities  with  ascomycetes  or  basidiomycetes,  but  it  is  probable 
that  in  a  large  number  of  cases  the  "  higher  "  form,  of  fructifica- 
tion has  fallen  into  disuse,  and  in  others  is  produced  only  ex- 

Three  orders  are  used  in  the  current  system  of  classification. 
These  are  divided  into  families,  and  within  the  families  a  mainly 
artificial  method  of  grouping  according  to  coloration  and  the 
number  of  divisions  in  the  spores  is  adopted. 

1.  Sphceropsidales. 

This  order  consists  of  forms  in  which  the  conidia  are  produced 
typically  on  short,  closely-set  conidiophores  in  enclosed  spherical 
or  flask-shaped  fruiting  bodies  (pycnidia)  opening  by  a  pore  or 
slit  and  resembling  the  perithecia  of  ascomycetes.  In  the 
family  Sphcerioidaceae,  which  contains  those  with  black  or  dark 
brown,  often  leathery  or  carbonaceous  pycnidia,  are  a  great 
many  kinds  which  occur  on  dead  or  failing  leaves,  fruits,  and  twigs, 
and  some  which  are  definitely  parasitic  on  similar  material.  To 
this  family  belong  Phyllosticta  and  Phoma,  of  which  a  very  large 
number  of  species  have  been  described  as  occurring  in  leaf-spots 
or  in  the  cortical  tissues  of  stems.  Here  also  belong  Diplodia, 
which  is  elsewhere  discussed,  Phomopsis,  Cytospora,  Sphaeropsis, 
and  the  large  genus  of  leaf-spot  fungi  Septoria. 

2.  Melanconiales. 

In  this  order  of  only  one  family,  Melanconiacese,  the  layer  of 
short  conidiophores  is  not  enclosed  in  a  regular  pycnidium,  but 
occurs  in  groups  or  patches  (acervuli)  which  are  usually  irregu- 
larly enclosed  at  first,  often  only  by  the  epidermis,  and  become 
exposed  sooner  or  later.  It  includes  Gloeosporium  and  Colleto- 
trichum,  the  fungi  of  the  anthracnoses  (see  page  22),  Melan- 
conium  (see  sugar-cane),  Septogloeum  (ground  nut),  and  Pes- 
talozzia  (coconut). 

3.  Moniliales  (or  Hyphomycetes). 

This  is  an  order  of  great  diversity  distinguished  as  a  whole 
only  by  the  free-standing  dissociated  conidiophores  or  conidia- 
forming  hyphai.  The  forms  of  these  range  from  hyphae  which 
divide  up  without  much  differentiation  into  conidia  to  special 
conidiophores  of  peculiar  structure  or  with  elaborate  branch- 
systems.  There  are  four  families.  The  Moniliaceae  (or  Mucedi- 
naceae)  and  the  Dematiaceae  contain  the  forms  in  which  the 
hyphae  associated  with  reproduction  are  not  more  than  loosely 
aggregated  ;  the  former  contains  the  hyaline  or  brightly  coloured 
kinds,  the  latter  those  with  either  hyphae  or  conidia,  or  both, 
dark  coloured,  mostly  smoky  brown  or  black.      In  the  Moniliaceae 


are  included,  to  give  a  few  examples,  Oidium,  Cephalosporium, 
Aspergillus,  Penicillium,  Botrytis,  Sporotrichum,  Verticillium  ; 
in  the  Dematiaceae :  Thielaviopsis,  Cladosporium,  Helmintho- 
sporium,  Alternaria,  and  Cercospora 

The  third  family,  Stilbaceae,  consists  of  forms  in  which 
several  or  many  of  the  fertile  hyphae  are  collected  into  a  compact 
bundle  to  form  the  conidiophore,  the  conidia  being  borne  in  a 
head  or  tuft  at  the  top  or  sometimes  along  the  sides.  Stilbella 
(or  Stilbum)  which  includes  the  conidial  forms  of  Sphserostilbe, 
Graphium,  which  similarly  includes  the  conidial  form  of  Rosel- 
linia,  Isaria,  which  has  many  species  parasitic  on  insects,  and 
Gibellula,  parasitic  on  spiders,  are  examples. 

In  the  fourth  family,  Tuberculariaceae,  the  fertile  hyphae, 
together  with  an  admixture  of  sterile  hyphae,  are  gathered  into  a 
rather  compact  body  known  as  the  sporodochium,  which  may  be 
globose,  discoid,  or  form  a  somewhat  irregular  crust.  Often 
the  hyphae  are  more  or  less  radially  arranged.  The  consistency 
of  the  mass  is  often  waxy  or  gelatinous,  may  be  horny,  or  may  be 
merely  made  up  of  threads  more  or  less  embedded  in  mucilage. 
The  family  is  in  many  respects  a  vaguely  defined  one.  Its  most 
important  parasitic  genus  is  Fusarium.  iEgerita,  the  white-fly 
fungus,  is  another  example. 

A  further  section  of  the  Fungi  Imperfecti,  the  Sterile  Mycelia, 
consists  of  those  fungi  for  which  not  even  a  conidial  form  of 
reproduction  is  known.  The  important  sclerotium-forming 
parasites  Rhizoctonia  and  Sclerotium  remain  here.  Himantia 
stellifera,  a  mycelium  on  the  roots  of  sugar-cane,  will  probably 
be  shown  to  belong  to  Odontia,  a  basidiomycete. 

The  genus  Graphiola,  parasitic  on  palms,  of  which  G. 
phcenicis  occurs  on  probably  every  date-palm  in  the  West 
Indies,  remains  unclassified,  though  it  produces  spores.  It 
is  so  individual  in  form  that  no  relationship  to  other  fungi  can 
be  established. 

Systematists  differ  somewhat  in  regard  to  the  classification 
of  fungi ;  the  following  arrangement,  which  aims  at  simplicity, 
is  based  on  the  system  of  Engler  and  Prantl.  The  positions  both 
of  the  groups  of  parasites  mentioned  in  this  chapter  and  of  com- 
mon saprophytes  are  indicated.  It  will  be  noticed  that  in  this 
scheme  the  Perisporiales  are  included  in  the  group  Pyrenomy- 
cetes,  which  is  characterised  by  having  the  asci  enclosed  in  a 
perithecium.  In  most  recent  classifications  the  Perisporiales  are 
treated  separately,  as  has  been  done  on  p.  37. 

Myxomycetes  (slime-moulds). 
ScHizoMYCETES  (bacteria). 
EuMYCETES  (all  other  fungi). 

Class  I.     Phy corny cetes. 

{a)  Oomycetes  (downy  mildews). 

[h)  Zygomycetes  (moulds  like  Mucor). 


Class  II.     Ascomycetes. 

(a)  Hemi-  and  Protoasci  (yeasts,  Exoascus,  etc.) 

(b)  Plectasci  (common  blue,  green  and  yellow  moulds). 

(c)  Discomycetes  (Sclerotinia  and  other  cup  fungi). 

(d)  Helvellineae. 

(e)  Pyrenomycetes. 

1.  Perisporiales  (powdery  mildews  and  sooty  moulds). 

2.  Hypocreales  (Nectria,  etc.) 

3.  Dothideales. 

4.  Sphaeriales    (most    forms    with    black    perfect    fruiting 

Class  III.     Basidiomycetes. 

{a)  Hemi-  and  Protobasidii. 

1.  Ustilaginales  (smuts). 

2.  Uredinales  (rusts). 

{b)     Hymenomycetes    (Marasmius,    Corticium,     gill    and 

pore  fungi, 
(c)     Gasteromycetes  (puff-balls,  etc.) 

Class  IV.     Fungi  Imperjecti. 

1.  Sphaeropsidales  (Diplodia,  Phoma,  etc.) 

2.  Melanconiales  (anthracnose  fungi,  etc.) 

3.  Moniliales    or    Hyphomycetes    (Fusarium,    etc.) 



Bacteria  are  minute  organisms,  typically  unicellular,  but  in 
some  species  and  under  some  conditions  adhering  in  filaments 
or  massed  in  a  colony  in  a  gelatinous  matrix.  Some  are  so  small 
as  to  be  close  to  the  limit  of  visibility  with  the  highest  powers  of 
the  microscope,  and  others  probably  exist  which  are  beyond  it. 
The  cells  are  enclosed  by  a  thin  membrane.  Bacteria  possess  no 
chlorophyll,  and  for  the  most  part  are  either  saprophytic  or 
parasitic,  though  there  are  some  which  are  able  to  derive  their 
energy  from  inorganic  compounds.  In  their  mode  of  life  they 
consequently  resemble  fungi,  but  differ  in  their  method  of  re- 
production, which  is  by  equal  subdivision  of  the  parent  cell. 
They  are  accordingly  classed  as  Schizomycetes  (fission  fungi), 
though  there  is  no  sound  reason  for  regarding  them  as  especially 
related  to  fungi  at  all.  Their  possession  of  a  cell  wall  is  usually 
held  to  justify  their  classification  as  plants.  They  are  frequently 
motile  by  means  of  protoplasmic  threads  (flagella).  Some 
species  produce  thick-walled  resistant  spores,  but  this  is  seldom 
the  case  among  the  known  parasites  of  plants. 

The  earliest  definite  discoveries  of  bacterial  disease  of  plants 
were  made  in  the  years  round  about  1880  by  several  independent 
investigators.  The  destructive  pear-blight  of  the  United 
States,  worked  out  by  T.  J.  Burrill,  was  the  first  to  be  clearly 
established  as  bacterial  in  origin.  For  many  years  the  attitude 
of  academic  botanists,  based  on  preconceived  opinions  as  to  the 
ability  of  bacteria  to  enter  or  to  lead  a  parasitic  existence  in 
plant  tissues,  was  hostile  or  sceptical,  and,  although  overt  opposi- 
tion to  the  idea  was  silenced  iDy  the  proofs  brought  forward  in 
1901  by  Erwin  F.  Smith,  it  is  only  within  the  last  few  years  that 
the  reluctance  to  accept  it  may  be  said  to  have  died  down  in 

To  the  working  pathologist  it  is  now  clearly  evident  that 
bacterial  diseases,  though  fewer  in  number  and  somewhat 
restricted  in  range,  stand  in  respect  of  specific  parasitism  and 
capacity  for  injury  on  an  equal  footing  with  diseases  of  fungus 
origin.  There  is  indeed  so  close  an  analogy  between  the  two 
groups  of  causative  organisms  in  the  various  degrees  of  parasitism, 
in  the  nature  of  the  attack  and  of  infestation,  and  in  the  re- 
actions of  the  host  plant  towards  them,  that  it  is  unnecessary 
to  repeat  at  any  length  or  much  to  qualify  in  respect  of  bacterial 


diseases  the  information  on  these  subjects  already  given  for 
fungus  diseases. 

The  bacteria  which  give  rise  to  plant  diseases  form  but  a 
minute  fraction  of  the  species  known  to  exist,  and  with  the  ex- 
ception of  those  involved  in  the  rotting  of  ripe  fruit,  of  storage 
organs  like  the  potato  tuber,  or  of  masses  of  soft  tissue  such  as 
the  heart  of  coconut  palms,  they  are  parasites  specific  to  the 
particular  plant  or  disease  with  which  they  are  associated.  A 
single  species  may,  however,  as  in  the  case  of  a  fungus,  give  rise 
to  several  forms  of  affection  on  the  same  plant  (as  in  angular 
spot,  black  arm,  and  boll  disease  of  cotton)  or  produce  the  same 
type  of  disease  on  a  variety  of  plants  (as  in  crown  gall). 

Apart  from  the  parasites  there  is  evidence  of  the  existence 
of  specific  epiphytic  bacteria  on  the  surface  of  leaves  or  other 
organs.  A  good  instance  is  afforded  by  the  organism  which 
appears  to  be  always  present,  in  the  West  Indies  as  in  the  United 
States,  on  the  cotton  plant,  and  takes  some  part  in  the  infestation 
of  the  contents  of  the  boll  when  bug  punctures  permit  its  access. 

One  of  the  main  objections  to  the  possibility  of  bacterial 
diseases  was  the  supposed  absence  of  any  means  of  penetration, 
and  this  was  so  far  justified  that  the  ability  to  penetrate  cuticle 
possessed  by  some  fungi  does  not  seem  so  far  to  have  been 
demonstrated  in  bacterial  parasites.  The  latter  can,  however, 
find  their  way  through  apparently  uninjured  cell- walls,  for  they 
are  often  very  evident  inside,  but  it  is  not  clearly  known  how 
they  do  it.  Some  species  invariably  enter  the  plant  by  way  of 
wounds,  so  that  insect  injuries  are  frequently  of  great  importance 
in  the  incidence  of  bacterial  diseases,  others  are  capable  of  entry 
by  way  of  the  stomata  (angular  leaf  spot),  the  water  pores  of 
leaves  (black  rot  of  cruciferae),  the  nectaries  of  flowers  (blossom 
blight  of  pears),  and  possibly  the  pistil  (bacterial  boll-disease). 

The  tissue  of  the  living  plant  most  liable  to  attack  is  the 
parenchyma  of  storage  organs  or  of  young  developing  shoots, 
and  two  types  of  infestation  may  be  recognised.  The  tissue  may 
be  destroyed  by  the  action  of  secretions  which  dissolve  the  middle 
lamella  (the  material  which  cements  together  the  walls  of  the 
separate  cells)  or  the  bacteria  may  enter  into  relations  with  the 
cells  which  induce  abnormal  growth  and  proliferation,  resulting 
in  the  formation  of  galls  or  swellings.  The  latter  type  may  be 
compared  with  the  most  advanced  form  of  fungus  parasitism, 
in  which  the  parasite  derives  its  food  from  cells  which  continue 
their  existence. 

The  most  generally  destructive  type  of  bacterial  disease  is 
caused  by  the  vascular  parasites,  of  which  Bacterium  solanace- 
arum  on  the  tomato  is  an  example  met  with  in  the  West  Indies. 
In  this  type,  although  there  is  some  amount  of  invasion  of  the 
parenchyma,  the  principal  seat  of  infestation  is  the  vascular 
bundles,  the  conducting  elements  of  which  are  affected  and  often 
blocked  by  the  parasite. 


With  regard  to  the  phenomena  of  resistance  and  suscepti- 
bility, and  to  the  measures  available  for  prevention  and  control, 
no  general  distinctions  need  be  made  between  bacterial  and 
fungus  diseases.  The  methods  of  distribution  are  to  a  large 
extent  the  same,  except  that  transport  of  the  dried  organisms 
by  the  wind  is  not  apparent.  Insects  undoubtedly  have  very 
considerable  importance  in  this  respect. 



The  diseases  to  be  discussed  in  this  chapter,  which  include 
several  of  great  economic  importance,  have  been  usually  relegated 
to  the  undefined  category  of  "  physiological  "  affections.  Though 
knowledge  regarding  them  is  very  uneven,  it  would  now  seem 
both  possible  and  desirable  to  bring  them  together  as  a  class, 
distinguished  by  the  possession  of  an  infective  principle  which 
can  be  transferred  to  a  healthy  plant  and  reproduce  the  disease, 
but  which  within  the  range  of  our  present  technique  gives  no 
evidence  of  association  with  an  invading  organism.  It  would 
further  appear  that  a  sub-division  of  this  class  may  be  made  by 
distinguishing  between  affections  in  which  the  juice  of  the 
diseased  plant  is  generally  and  directly  infective,  as  in  the  true 
mosaic  diseases,  and  those  in  which  this  property  is  absent  and 
infection  is  restricted  to  special  means.  In  some  of  the  latter 
class  transmission  depends  on  contiguity  in  a  manner  which  is 
still  obscure,  in  others  it  is  regularly  effected  by  insects.  Usually 
it  may  be  effected  artificially  by  budding  or  grafting  where  these 
are  possible,  provided  that  organic  union  of  stock  and  scion 
takes  place. 

The  word  virus  used  in  connection  with  these  diseases  must 
not  be  taken  as  more  than  a  convenient  expression  of  the  idea  of 
an  infective  principle  of  unknown  nature,  recognised  only  by  the 
effects  it  produces.  The  validity  of  such  a  conception  may  be 
more  readily  conceded  if  it  is  remembered  that  our  knowledge 
of  enzymes,  useful  as  it  has  proved,  is  of  the  same  nature. 

The  virus  diseases  are  typically  systemic,  affecting  all  parts 
of  the  plant.  They  have  apparent  analogues  in  animal  and  human 
pathology,  some  highly  infectious,  others  restricted  in  their 

In  their  external  symptoms  these  diseases  are  liable  to  be 
closely  simulated,  on  the  same  or  on  other  plants,  by  appearances 
produced  in  some  cases  by  the  action  of  external  factors,  as  in 
the  dwarfing  of  shoots  and  mottling  and  crumpling  of  leaves 
induced  in  cotton  and  ground-nuts  by  out-of-season  planting, 
in  other  cases  by  genetic  factors,  as  in  certain  hybrids  and  loss- 
mutations  of  cotton  in  which  similar  characters  appear,  in  still 
others  by  insects,  as  in  froghopper  blight  of  sugar-cane,  which 
closely  reproduces  many  of  the  symptoms  of  sereh. 



The  investigation  of  virus  diseases  has  in  consequence  been 
greatly  confused  by  dependence  on  symptoms  as  evidence  of 
identity.  This  has  resulted  in  wide  disparities  between  the 
conclusions  of  investigators  dealing  with  externally  similar  but 
separate  diseases.  There  is  the  further  difficulty  that  wide 
differences  in  resistance  and  response  on  the  part  of  the  affected 
plants  exist  in  relation  to  these  as  to  bacterial  and  fungus 

The  Mosaic  Diseases. 

The  name  mosaic  disease,  which  has  reference  to  irregularities 
of  distribution  of  the  green  colour  of  the  leaves,  has  come  to  be 
especially  associated  with  a  well-marked  class  of  diseases  which 
have  in  common,  in  addition  to  this  symptom,  an  infectious 
virus,  contained  in  the  expressed  juice  of  most  or  all  parts  of 
the  plant,  capable  by  inoculation  or  (except  in  sugar-cane  mosaic) 
by  contact  with  a  wounded  surface  of  setting  up  the  disease  in  a 
healthy  plant  of  the  same  species.  The  name  has  been  applied 
to  other  types  of  disease,  as,  for  example,  the  mosaic  disease  of 
cotton,  which  is  a  deficiency  disease,  but  will  probably  be  re- 
stricted in  future  to  the  class  under  discussion. 

The  best-known  mosaic  diseases  are  those  affecting  tobacco, 
tomato,  potato,  and  some  other  Solanaceous  plants  ;  there  are 
also  similar  diseases  of  bean,  cucumber,  lettuce  and  spinach. 
Recently  the  mosaic  disease  of  sugar-cane  has  assumed  great 
importance  in  the  West  Indies.  It  is  not  a  typical  member  of 
this  class,  not  having  been  found  to  be  transmissible  by  contact 
or  ordinary  wounding,  and  only  with  great  difficulty  by  artificial 

There  is  close  correspondence  in  the  general  characteristics 
of  these  diseases  as  developed  on  their  appropriate  hosts,  indi- 
cating a  generic  relationship  between  them.  Such  differences  as 
occur  are  of  a  minor  and  specific  nature. 

The  following  summary  of  symptoms  given  by  Allard  for 
tobacco  mosaic  includes  the  characters  of  the  whole  class. 

1.  Partial  or  complete  chlorosis  (reduction  of  chlorophyll). 

2.  Curling  of  the  leaves. 

3.  Dwarfing  or  distortion  of  the  leaves. 

4.  Blistered  or  "  savoyed  "  appearance  of  the  leaves. 

5.  Mottling  of  the  leaves  with  different  shades  of  green. 

6.  Dwarfing  of  the  entire  plant. 

7.  Dwarfing  and  distortion  of  the  blossoms. 

8.  Blotched  and  bleached  corollas, 
g.  Mosaic  sucker  growths. 

10.  Death  of  tissues. 
These  symptoms  may  be  present  in  part  only  or  on  part  of 
the  plant  only,  and  may  be  lightly  or  severely  developed.     In- 
fection appears  to  be  in  all  cases  quite  general,  so  that  removal 
of  the  distorted  parts  of  partially  affected  plants  is  no  remedy. 



Apparent  recovery  may  take  place  only  in  plants  not  fully 
susceptible.  It  is  not  usual  for  death  to  result  directly  from 
this  type  of  disease,  though  more  or  less  necrosis  of  tissue  fre- 
quently occurs.  In  spinach  blight  this  feature  is  unusually 
marked,  and,  contrary  to  the  general  rule,  its  development 
continues  until  the  plant  is  killed. 

The  conditions  governing  infection  by  contact  and  the 
question  of  the  distribution  and  characters  ot  the  virus  have  been 
closely  investigated  by  Allard,  working  on  tobacco  mosaic.  The 
virus  permeates  all  parts  of  the  plant,  including  the  corollas  of 
the  flowers,  the  hairs  on  the  leaves,  and  the  roots.  It  is  still 
contained  in  juice  expressed  through  a  Chamberland  orBerkefeld 
filter.  Plant  material  dried  and  ground  retained  its  virulence 
i|  years.  The  virus  preserved  in  ether,  toluene,  and  glycerine, 
was  infective  4  months  later,  as  was  juice  which  had  been  allowed 
to  undergo  natural  fermentation.  It  is  highly  resistant  to  the 
action  of  powerful  chemicals,  withstanding  nitric  and  hydro- 
chloric acid  added  to  the  virus  solution  until  the  concentration 
reaches  i  per  cent.,  and  phosphoric,  citric  and  acetic  acids  up  to 
2  to  5  per  cent.  Carbolic  acid  had  no  effect  in  a  2  per  cent, 
solution  and  the  much  more  powerful  germicides  cresol,  creolin  and 
phenoco  showed  no  apparent  increase  over  carbolic  acid  in  their 
effect  on  the  virus.  Chloral  hydrate  (10  per  cent.)  and  naphtha- 
lene, camphor  and  thymol  in  excess  had  no  appreciable  effects. 
Mercuric  chloride  i  in  100  affected  the  virus  but  little,  and 
quinine  bisulphate  i  in  25  had  no  appreciable  effect  after  19 
days'  treatment.  Alcohol  destroyed  the  virus  in  concentrations 
above  50-55  per  cent.,  copper  sulphate  showed  itself  rather 
toxic,  while  4  per  cent,  formaldehyde  had  a  rapid  action  and  was 
found  suitable  for  sterilisation  purposes.  The  virus  is  destroyed 
by  temperatures  above  80°  C. 

A  dilution  of  the  virus  to  one  part  in  1000  in  water  was  as 
effective  in  producing  infection  as  the  original  virus  ;  at  one  in 
10,000  some  attenuation  was  shown,  and  one  case  occurred  even 
from  a  dilution  of  one  in  1,000,000.  The  inoculations  for  these 
tests  were  made  with  only  so  much  of  the  diluted  virus  as  could  be 
introduced  by  the  prick  of  a  needle. 

The  incubation  period  of  the  mosaic  diseases  is  variable.  In 
tobacco  the  shortest  time  observed  has  been  6-7  days,  and 
usually  12-15  days  are  required.  The  length  of  the  period 
depends  on  the  kind  and  age  of  the  plant,  and  on  such  external 
factors  as  accelerate  or  retard  growth. 

Infection  can  be  artificially  effected  by  inoculation  as  above, 
and  by  the  touching  or  handling  of  healthy  plants  after  diseased 
ones.  Spraying  the  virus  on  to  sound  leaves  does  not  readily 
give  rise  to  infections,  but  injury  to  the  leaf  hairs  such  as  arises 
from  handling  is  sufficient  to  open  the  way  for  infection  to  take 

It  is  characteristic  of^this  type  of  disease  that  the  infective 


principle  does  not  reside  in  the  soil.  Even  buried  diseased 
material  does  not  as  a  rule  produce  many  infections,  and  such 
cases  as  do  occur  are  believed  to  depend  on  root  injuries  which 
give  access  to  the  virus.  Steam  sterilisation  is  effective  in  remov- 
ing any  risk  of  infection  from  diseased  material  retained  in  the 

The  transmission  of  mosaic  diseases  in  the  field  or  green- 
house has  been  repeatedly  shown  to  be  effected  by  aphides 
("  plant  lice  "  or  "  green  fly.")  Most  of  the  experiments  have 
only  gone  so  far  as  the  transfer  of  the  insects  from  diseased  to 
healthy  plants,  with  others  from  healthy  plants  as  controls,  but 
in  spinach  blight  McClintock  and  Smith  have  demonstrated  that 
the  offspring  of  virus-bearing  aphides,  as  far  as  the  fourth 
generation,  may  transmit  the  disease  without  themselves  having 
had  access  to  infected  plants. 

The  distribution  of  mosaic  diseases  suggests  the  probability  of 
the  occurrence,  at  least  occasionally,  of  transmission  by  seed.  In 
several  cases,  as  in  tobacco  and  spinach,  the  results  of  attempts 
to  demonstrate  this  have  been  uniformly  negative ;  in  others,  as 
in  the  mosaic  diseases  of  bean  (Phaseolus)  and  cucumber,  the 
occurrence  of  seed  transmission  has  been  established. 

The  viruses  of  mosaic  diseases  exhibit  specific  limitations 
similar  to  those  of  organic  parasites.  The  infectivity  of  a  virus 
ma}'  be  confined  to  one  host  or  it  may  produce  disease,  of  varying 
severity,  in  related  species.  The  disparities  in  the  results  ob- 
tained by  different  groups  of  investigators  even  suggest  the 
occurrence  of  different  "  strains  "  of  virus  in  the  same  host 
species ;  in  fact,  it  may  be  said  that  in  respect  of  susceptibility, 
resistance  and  immunity  the  mosaic  diseases  exhibit  the  same 
phenomena  as  do  those  originating  from  fungoid  or  bacterial 

Virus  Diseases  with  Restricted  Transmission. 

Under  this  heading  it  is  proposed  to  include  for  comparison 
the  following  diseases  :  curly-top  of  beet,  leaf-roll  of  potato, 
sereh  disease  of  sugar-cane,  peach  yellows,  and  peach  rosette. 
These  have  all  shown  themselves  to  be  capable  of  transmission 
to  healthy  plants,  while  affording  no  evidence  of  causation  by 
any  visible  parasite.  This  leads  to  the  assumption,  as  in  the 
first  group,  that  an  infectious  virus  is  concerned  in  their  pro- 
duction, but  in  distinction  from  these  it  has  not  been  found  pos- 
sible to  produce  infection  by  artificial  means,  if  budding  and 
grafting,  which  involve  organic  union,  be  excluded  from  this 

The  affections  mentioned  have  great  economic  importance, 
and  include  some  of  the  most  widely  discussed  plant  diseases, 
but  further  experimental  information,  especially  regarding 
sereh  disease,  is  required  before  a  really  definite  comparison  xan 
be  made. 


These  affections  resemble  the  typical  mosaic  diseases  in  that 
they  are  systemic,  affecting  the  whole  plant,  that  recovery  is 
unknown,  and  that  they  find  expression  in  general  effects  on  the 
foliage  and  in  the  eventual  dwarfing  of  the  shoots.  Their 
symptoms,  however,  are  not  nearly  so  uniform. 

In  curly-top,  leaf-roll,  and  sereh  a  degeneration  (necrosis) 
of  the  phloem  strands  in  the  vascular  bundles  has  been  claimed 
to  be  characteristic,  and  has  been  variously  regarded  as  the 
cause  or  the  consequence  of  the  visible  changes  in  the  organs 
of  the  affected  plant. 

In  the  curly-top  of  beet  the  veins  of  the  leaves  are  distorted, 
and  the  leaf  blade  is  either  curled  inwards,  or  retracted  and 
puffed  out  between  the  veins.  The  foliage  is  dull-coloured  and 
brittle,  eventually  turning  yellow  from  below  and  dying.  Dense 
masses  of  rootlets  are  thrown  out.  None  of  the  symptoms  is  in 
itself  specific,  but  the  effect  on  the  veins  is  regarded  as  the  most 
definitely  characteristic.  Where  the  stage  of  stem  production 
is  reached  the  development  is  feeble  and  results  in  dwarfed 
and  stunted  shoots  which  may  or  may  not  survive  to  the  point  of 
producing  seed.  Plants  may  be  infected  and  killed  in  the  seedling 

In  potato  leaf-roll  growth  is  slow,  the  shoots  are  dwarfed  by 
the  reduction  of  the  internodes,  the  leaves  are  discoloured 
yellow  and  are  rigid  and  brittle,  the  edges  of  the  leaflets  are 
rolled  inwards.  In  a  later  phase  the  leaf  tissue  dies  locally, 
producing  black  or  brown  spots.  The  symptoms  may  appear 
from  the  outset  of  growth,  or  develop  only  at  the  top  of  the  shoots. 

In  sereh  disease  of  sugar-cane  there  is  great  variation  in  the 
development  of  symptoms.  Typically  there  is  a  shortening 
of  the  internodes,  which  in  the  leafy  top  of  the  shoot  results  in 
a  characteristic  fan-like  arrangement  of  the  leaves  ;  the  leaf- 
blades  are  short  and  narrow  and  may  die  in  an  irregular  manner  ; 
the  stems  are  crowded  with  aerial  roots  ;  the  buds  develop  pre- 
maturely, until  in  the  later  stages  the  stool  is  reduced  to  a  dense 
mass  of  grass-like  shoots.  Two  or  three  years  are  occupied  in 
reaching  the  extreme  condition.  The  vascular  bundles  of 
diseased  canes,  especially  in  the  rootstock  and  at  the  nodes, 
are  reddened  by  the  deposit  of  gum  in  their  elements. 

The  most  characteristic  symptoms  of  peach  yellows  are 
prematurely  ripe,  red-spotted  fruits,  and  premature  unfolding 
of  the  leaf  buds  into  slender  pale  shoots,  or  into  branched,broom- 
like  growths.  In  successive  seasons  the  trees  become  gradually 
stunted  and  enfeebled,  dying  in  3  to  5  years. 

Peach  rosette  is  a  rapidly  developed  affection  in  which  all 
the  leaf  buds  grow  into  compact  tufts  or  rosettes,  containing, 
though  seldom  more  than  two  or  three  incles  long,  usually 
several  hundred  small  leaves.  A  tree  thus  attacked  dies  during 
the  following  autumn  or  winter. 

As  already  stated,  symptoms  of  the  types  described  above  may 


be  produced  by  the  operation  of  external  factors,  and  diseases 
of  similar  type  exist  which  appear  to  differ  only  in  the  absence 
of  known  transmissibility.  This  being  the  case,  most  importance 
must  be  attached  to  the  facts  regarding  transmission.  In  the 
diseases  under  discussion  the  occurrence  of  epidemics  and  the 
infection  of  plants  derived  from  material  originating  outside 
their  range  afford  sufficient  evidence  of  the  general  fact,  but 
except  in  the  case  of  curly-top  little  is  known  of  the  manner  in 
which  transmission  takes  place. 

It  is  now  well  established  with  regard  to  curly-top  of  beet 
that  it  is  readily  and  regularly  transmitted  from  diseased  to 
healthy  plants  by  the  small  Jassid  leaf-hopper  Eutettix  tenella, 
and  recent  experiments  have  indicated  that  for  this  to  take 
place  a  period  of  at  least  24  hours'  "  incubation  "  of  the  virus 
in  the  body  of  the  insect  is  necessary.  Leaf-hoppers  from 
healthy  beets  or  from  other  plants  do  not  produce  infection. 
All  attempts  at  transmission  by  inoculation  or  contact  have  failed. 
The  disease  is  continued  by  cuttings,  but  not,  so  far  as  experience 
has  gone,  by  seed  ;    it  can  be  transferred  by  grafting. 

The  remaining  diseases  are  transferred  from  infested  to  neigh- 
bouring healthy  plants  by  some  means  as  yet  unknown.  All 
have  shown  themselves  capable  of  rapid  extension  from  a  small 
initially  infected  area.  Potato  leaf-roll  and  the  peach  diseases 
are  transferable  by  grafting.  Leaf-roll  and  sereh  are  continued 
by  cuttings.  Peach  yellows  is  definitely  stated  not  to  be  contracted 
from  soil  in  which  diseased  plants  are  grown,  and  no  statement 
has  been  seen  that  this  can  occur  in  curly-top.  The  infection 
of  leaf-roll  has  been  regarded  as  persisting  in  the  soil  for  two 
or  more  years,  but  confirmatory  evidence  of  this  is  lacking 
and  survival  may  admittedly  have  been  due  to  deeply  buried 
tubers.  Good  evidence  is  produced,  however,  that  transmission 
takes  place  through  the  soil  from  one  growing  plant  to  another. 
Whether  soil  infection  occurs  in  sereh  does  not  appear  to  be 
known,  and  the  manner  of  its  occurrence  would  appear  to  be 
equally  capable  of  explanation  by  a  theory  of  insect  transmission. 


In  point  of  species  the  mistletoes  form  the  only  numerous  group 
of  parasitic  flowering  plants  in  these  islands,  but  in  abundance  the 
first  place  is  easily  held  by  the  love-vine,  which  occurs  in  great 
masses  in  some  stretches  of  uncultivated  country,  and  is  fre- 
quently highly  conspicuous  on  roadside  trees  and  shrubs.  In 
neither  case  does  the  prevalence  of  these  plants  make  more  than  a 
narrow  contact  with  plant  industries. 

Love  Vine  :    Vermicelle. 

The  plant  commonly  known  by  these  names  is  Cuscuta 
Americana  L.  of  the  order  Convolvulaceae,  which  is  common 
in  all  the  principal  islands  save  Barbados,  where  it  is  distributed 
rather  scantily.  It  is  found  as  a  rule  on  waste  land,  on  wayside 
shrubs  and  trees,  and  on  hedges  or  scattered  bushes  among 
gardens  or  small  holdings.  The  writer  has  never  seen  it  attacking 
arable  cultivations  of  any  description.  It  causes  annoyance 
from  its  infestation  and  disfigurement  of  hedges,  especially  of 
hibiscus  ;   and  occasionally  gets  into  cultivated  trees  and  bushes. 

The  plant  is  without  leaves,  and  forms  when  well  developed 
large  confused  masses  of  slender  flexible  stems,  bright  golden 
yellow  in  colour.  It  is  completely  parasitic.  Where  it  comes  in 
contact  with  twigs  in  a  suitable  condition  it  twines  around  them 
and  becomes  firmly  attached  by  sucker-like  haustoria  which 
make  connection  with  the  tissues  and  put  the  parasite  into  com- 
munication with  the  food  supplies  of  the  host.  Flowers  in  small 
clusters  are  freely  produced  and  give  rise  to  numerous  seeds. 
The  plant  is  an  annual  one,  and  sooner  or  later  turns  brown  and 
dries  up.  The  seeds,  which  are  tenacious  of  life,  germinate  in  the 
soil  and  produce  a  filament,  the  free  end  of  which  circles  round  in 
search  of  a  suitable  stem,  and,  when  this  is  found,  coils  round  it 
and  loses  its  connection  with  the  ground.  The  plant  is  also 
freely  reproduced  from  fragments  of  its  stems  when  these  find 
themselves  in  an  appropriate  situation,  and  transference  of  this 
kind  is  sometimes  due  to  malicious  persons  or  to  children. 

In  several  islands  the  destruction  of  love- vine  is  enjoined 
by  ordinance  on  owners  or  occupiers  of  land,  but  eradication  is 
troublesome  to  achieve,  and  the  regulations  in  consequence  are 
difhcult  to  enforce.     The  common  method  is  to  cut  down     or 




prune  back  the  affected  plants,  burying  the  material  removed  or 
burning  it  when  it  is  dry.  Small  pieces  left  on  living  twigs  will 
produce  a  fresh  growth,  and  if  seeds  have  been  allowed  to  ripen 
and  fall  they  may  give  rise  to  new  infestations  after  a  long  or 

Drawn  by] 

Fig.  11       Love  Vine  on  Solanum  Sp. 

[W.  Buihn 

shorter    time.     Destruction    before    seeding    is    therefore    very 

For  the  control  of  similar  parasites  on  arable  crops  in  Europe 
and  America  most  reliance  is  placed  on  securing  clean  seed,  but 


the  use  of  spray  fluids  is  also  described  by  various  authors.  It 
would  seem  that  treatment  of  this  kind  might  be  more  widely 
adopted  in  the  West  Indies. 

The  substance  most  recommended  is  copper  sulphate  in  2.5  per 
cent,  solution,  and  0.5  per  cent,  sulphuric  acid  is  also  mentioned. 
Cooper's  Cattle  Dip,  ij  oz.  to  i  gallon  of  water  has  been  used  with 
success  in  Trinidad  on  hibiscus.  Trials  might  be  made  with 
strong  lime-sulphur  sprays.  No  treatment  can  be  expected  to 
destroy  the  parasite  without  also  destroying  leaves  and  green 
shoots,  but  strengths  can  be  found  at  which  the  older  twigs 
will  not  be  seriously  affected. 

Love-vine  is  itself  subject  to  parasitism  by  more  than  one 
species  of  fungus  which  occasionally  destroy  it,  but  this  kind  of 
control,  being  dependent  on  special  conditions,  is  not  likely 
to  be  much  extended  by  artilcial  means. 

The  crop  plant  on  which  love-vine  gives  most  trouble  is 
perhaps  the  lime,  which  is  liable  to  become  heavily  infested. 
Cacao  and  cassava  are  not  uncommonly  attacked,  and  the 
parasite  has  been  reported  on  sugar-cane.  The  favourite  host 
of  all  is  the  common  hibiscus,  but  there  appear  to  be  few  shrubs 
or  trees  which  are  not  subject  to  infestation. 

Love-vine  is  a  plant  which  forces  itself  on  the  attention,  and 
as  it  frequents  the  borders  of  highways  its  presence  is  noted 
even  by  the  unobservant.  Consequently  ^t  becomes,  like  black 
blight,  an  object  of  more  public  concern  than  its  relative  im- 
portance  as   a  pest   can   be   considered   to  justify. 


A  parasite  so  closely  resembling  love-vine  in  habit  that  it 
is  not  usually  distinguished  from  it,  though  belonging  to  a  different 
natural  order,  is  Cassytha  filiformis  L.  (Lauracege),  which  is  well 
distributed  but  not  nearly  so  common  as  Culbuta.  It  may  be 
distinguished  in  the  vegetative  condition  by  its  more  wiry,  very 
finely  striated  stems,  and  its  duller  colouring  of  green  or  greenish 
yellow.     It  is  more  restricted  to  waste  places  and  bush  land. 

Bird  Vine  :    Mistletoe. 

A  very  considerable  number  of  species  of  mistletoe 
(Loranthace£e)  are  distributed  through  the  West  Indies  on  native 
and  introduced  trees.  Though  they  are  by  no  means  confined, 
in  most  cases,  to  individual  or  even  related  hosts,  there  is  evidence 
of   considerable    selectivity   in    their    distribution. 

Unlike  the  love-vine,  the  mistletoes  are  fully  supplied  with 
green  leaves,  but  their  seeds  germinate,  not  on  the  ground, 
but  on  the  branches  of  trees,  and  their  root  system  becomes 
embedded  in  the  wood  of  the  host  and  draws  from  it  the  supply 
of  water  and  mineral  salts  which  ordinary  plants  obtain  from 
the  soil.  In  addition  to  this  drain  on  the  sap  the  heavy  masses 
of  leaves  occupy  space  and  light  to  the  exclusion  of  part  of  the 



Drawn  by]  [W.  Buthn 

Fig.    12 

Bird  Vine  {Slruthanthus  dichotrianthus)  on  Cacao. 


foliage  of  the  infested  tree.  The  combined  effect  is  to  produce  a 
sickly  ill-nourished  condition  in  the  host  and  frequently  the  death 
of   the   terminal   parts   of   infested   branches. 

By  analogy  with  the  European  species  it  is  assumed  that  the 
distribution  of  the  local  mistletoes  mainly  depends  on  birds, 
which  feed  upon  the  berries  and  leave  the  sticky  undigested 
seeds  adhering  to  the  bark  of  trees  subsequently  visited.  The 
primary  root  produced  in  germination  penetrates  the  cortex 
as  far  as  the  wood,  where  it  spreads  out  into  an  ultimately  woody 
organ  of  attachment.  The  wood  of  the  host  is  not  actually 
penetrated,  but  the  base  of  the  organ  becomes  more  deeply 
buried  every  year  by  the  addition  of  the  annual  rings  of  wood 
to  the  branch,  with  which  the  parasite  keeps  pace  by  step-like 
or    finger-like    extensions. 

When  its  first  appearance  is  neglected,  bird-vine  may  become 
a  serious  pest  of  cacao  and  of  limes,  to  mention  the  two  most 
important  of  its  hosts.  The  species  Dendropcmon  caribceus 
Krug.  et  Urb.  is  very  abundant  in  semi-neglected  lime  fields  in 
Dominica.  Another  species  is  reported  to  be  common  on  avocado 
in    the    Virgin    Islands. 

Of  the  numerous  species  occurring  in  Trinidad,  by  far  the 
worst  pest  of  economic  plants  is  Struthanthus  dichotrianthiis 
Eichl,  which  attacks  cacao,  mango,  orange  and  many  other  trees. 
It  is  peculiar  in  the  possession  of  aerial  roots  which  run  along  the 
branches  of  the  host  and  rapidly  extend  the  infestation. 

The  only  remedy  for  mistletoe  is  cutting  out  and  pruning, 
carried  out  in  the  course  of  systematic  inspections.  The  cleaning- 
up  of  infested  trees  throughout  a  district  is  desirable,  and  legisla- 
tive action  to  secure  this  has  been  taken  in  Trinidad  and  St.  Lucia. 

An  insect,  not  identified,  has  been  reported  to  destroy  the 
berries  of  the  Dominica  species  above  mentioned. 

Alectra  :    Cane  Killer. 

In  1892  C.  A.  Barber  described  the  occurrence  of  a  Scrophu- 
lariaceous  parasite  reported  to  be  destructive  on  sugar-cane 
ratoons  in  Dominica.  The  species  was  Alectra  brasiliensis, 
Benth.,  which  is  recorded  as  also  occurring  in  Guadeloupe,  St. 
Vincent  and  Trinidad.  The  plant  is  erect,  unbranched,  one  to 
three  feet  high,  with  opposite,  toothed  green  leaves,  about  an 
inch  long,  arranged  closely  on  the  stem.  The  flowers  occur  in  the 
axils  of  the  leaves,  are  yellow  and  inconspicuous,  and  may  be 
recognised  by  the  curved  stigma  which  appears  like  a  broad 
green  band  across  the  throat  of  the  corolla.  Immense  numbers 
of  minute  rod-shaped  seeds  are  produced  in  the  capsules. 

The  parasitism  is  partial  only,  consisting  of  the  attachment 
of  the  roots  (which  are  orange  coloured)  to  those  of  sugar-cane  or 
other  plants.  It  is  only  effective  on  old  ratoons,  and  apparently 
does  not  occur  where  tillage  is  adequate.  Nothing  has  been  heard 
of  its  existence  as  a  pest  in  recent  years. 



Nematodes  are  worms  of  relatively  simple  structure,  typically 
slender  and  cylindrical  in  shape,  as  indicated  in  the  popular 
names  eelworm  and  threadworm,  although  in  certain  stages 
some  species  may  become  swollen  into  gourd-like  or  other  forms. 
Nematodes  are  hatched  from  eggs,  usually  outside  the  body 
of  the  female,  have  a  larval  stage  in  which  the  sex  organs  are 
not  developed  and  a  sexually  mature  stage  in  which  there  is 
usually  more  or  less  difference  in  size  or  form  between  the  male 
and  the  female.  It  must  be  noted,  in  view  of  the  unfortunate 
American  usage  of  the  word  worm  for  caterpillar,  which  has 
gained  considerable  currency  in  the  West  Indies,  that  nematodes 
are  not  stages  in  the  development  of  insects  or  of  anything  else  : 
they  are  and  remain  worms. 

As  is  the  case  with  the  fungi,  the  order  contains  a  large 
number  of  species  which  live  in  soil  or  water  or  on  decaying 
vegetable  or  animal  remains,  and  others  which  are  parasitic  to 
various  degrees.  While  the  parasitic  fungi  mostly  attack  plants 
and  are  comparatively  rare  on  animals,  the  greater  number  of 
nematode  parasites  are  found  in  animals,  and  a  much  smaller 
number  are  known  as  the  cause  of  injury  or  disease  in  plants. 

In  animals  of  all  descriptions  particular  nematodes  inhabit 
the  blood,  the  muscles,  the  stomach  and  intestines,  the  lungs, 
the  heart  and  other  organs,  and  among  them  are  such  notorious 
organisms  as  Ascaris,  Strongylus,  Trichina,  Ankylostoma  and 

Nematode  diseases  of  plants  have  lacked  adequate  attention 
owing  to  their  position  in  a  no-man's-land  between  the  entomo- 
logist and  the  mycologist,  but  recognition  of  their  variety  and 
importance  is  growing.  One  species  which  has  become  well 
known  is  Heterodera  radictcola,  which  infests  and  damages  the 
roots  of  more  than  500  known  host  plants.  It  is  more  usual, 
however,  for  a  given  species  to  be  restricted  to  a  few  hosts  or 
to  one  only.  Where  several  are  attacked  a  certain  amount  of 
biologic  speciahsation  has  in  some  cases  been  observed,  some 
difficulty  being  apparent  in  the  accommodation  of  a  strain  bred 
on  one  plant  to  a  host  of  another  species. 

In  recent  years  the  investigations  of  N.  A.  Cobb  have  brought 
to  light  the  fact  that  predaceous  nematodes  exist,  some  of  which 
feed  on  other  nematode  species  injurious  to  agriculture.  This 


information  suggests  possibilities  in  regard  to  the  existence  or 
establishment  of  control  on  lines  familiar  in  the  case  of  insect 

The  nematodes  parasitic  in  plants  are  typically  minute,  one 
millimetre  (^V  inch)  in  length  or  less,  and  unless  massed  in 
large  numbers  are  invisible  to  the  naked  eye.  The  head  is 
provided  with  a  pore-like  mouth  through  which,  in  many  species, 
can  be  protruded  a  needle-like  organ,  the  oral  spear,  with  which 
punctm-es  may  be  made  in  the  plant  tissues  to  liberate  the  juices 
or  allow  of  the  passage  of  the  worm.  The  degree  of  development 
of  the  spear  is  to  some  extent  an  index  of  the  mode  of  Hfe  of  the 
species.  Behind  the  mouth  parts  is  a  tubular  oesophagus  with 
a  bulbous  expansion,  and  salivary  glands  which,  like  the  spear, 
may  be  well  developed  or  rudimentary.  It  is  probable  that 
the  latter  provide  in  some  species  an  excretion  toxic  to  the  tissues 
attacked,  as  in  some  sucking  insects.  There  is  next  a  straight 
gut  terminating  in  an  anal  orifice  near  the  tail  end  of  the  worm. 
The  method  of  feeding,  in  conformity  with  the  structure  described, 
is  by  the  ingestion  of  fluids  only. 

In  most  of  the  nematode  diseases  of  plants  which  have  been 
made  known  the  worms  have  been  endoparasites,  existing  for 
the  greater  part  of  their  active  life  within  the  tissues  of  the  in- 
fested plant.  Other  species  are  known  to  live  in  the  soil  and 
puncture  the  epidermis  of  young  roots  without  entering  :  the 
effect  of  which,  from  the  nature  of  the  case,  is  difficult  to  estimate. 
Recently  two  species,  referred  to  below,  have  been  described 
which  are  fully  parasitic,  but  are  ectoparasites,  ascending  the 
outside  of  stems  and  lodging  in  buds,  under  leaf-sheaths,  or  in 
similar  situations,  puncturing  the  tissues  and  feeding  from 

The  plant-feeding  nematodes  have  a  transparent  skin,  the 
external  layer  of  which  is  a  highly  impenetrable  cuticle.  The  eggs 
are  similarly  enclosed.  Considering  their  fragile  appearance, 
both  worms  and  eggs  are  surprisingly  resistant  to  solutions  of 
chemical  poisons.  They  are  somewhat  more  susceptible  to 
gases,  and  the  best  results  obtained  in  the  treatment  of  infested 
soils  by  chemical  agents  are  probably  those  obtained  with 
carbon  bisulphide  or  ammonia.  The  usefulness  of  lime  in  this 
connection  is  disputed,  but  in  any  case  only  heavy  applications 
can  be  expected  to  have  any  notable  effect. 

The  resistance  of  the  worms  to  dryness  varies  very  consider- 
ably with  the  species.  It  is  not  uncommon  for  a  period  of 
dormancy  in  a  dried-out  condition  to  form  part  of  the  normal 
life  history,  and  this  has  been  shown  to  be  capable  in  some  species 
of  extending  to  six  months  and  more  with  little  mortality  or 
loss  of  vigour.  The  larvae  of  the  wheat  nematode,  which  assume 
a  resting  condition  in  altered  grains  of  wheat,  have  been  recorded 
as  resuming  their  activity  after  being  dried  for  27  years.  Where 
a  condition  of  dryness  does  not  come  in  to  cause   cessation  of 



activity  the  indications  are  that  the  worms  cannot  exist  more 
than  a  few  months  without  food. 

For  active  hfe  nematodes  in  general  are  dependent  on  the 
presence  of  moisture  or  a  high  degree  of  humidity.  The  rice 
nematode  has  been  found  able  to  move  over  a  water-free  surface 
in  a  saturated  atmosphere,  and  to  travel  on  the  surface  of  the 

Fig.  1. 

After  N.  A.  Cobb 

Fig.  14    Tylenchus  musicola.         Fig.  15     Tylenchus  musicola, 
Male  Female 

living  plant  at  humidities  below  go  but  not  below  75  per  cent, 
of  saturation.  The  same  species  can  survive  about  a  month  of 
total  immersion  in  water,  but  according  to  Cobb  many  soil- 
inhabiting  and  plant-infesting  nematodes  succumb  after  a  sub- 
mergence of  a  few  days. 

The  quality  of  resistance  to  nematode  attack  is  shown  in 
certain  cases  by  species  or  strains  of  plants  related  to  those 
infested.  Thus  Liberian  coffee  is  reported  to  be  definitely  re- 
sistant to  nematode  troubles  experienced  in  Java  and  the  French 


Antilles,  and  the  iron  cow  pea  is  a  variety  adopted  for  its  im- 
munity from  the  attacks  of  Heterodera  radicicola,  which  are  ruinous 
to  other  varieties. 

The  life  histories  of  plant-infesting  nematodes  and  the  nature 
of  the  diseases  they  produce  may  best  be  illustrated  by  the 
following  summarized  description  of  typical  examples. 

Heterodera  radicicola,  Greef. 

This  is  the  best  known  of  the  nematode  enemies  of  plants, 
owing  to  its  cosmopolitan  distribution  and  its  great  range  of 
hosts.  It  is  abundant  in  both  temperate  and  tropical  countries, 
but  in  those  with  a  severe  winter  it  is  mainly  or  entirely  a  green- 
house pest.  It  infests  very  many  common  vegetable  crops, 
various  trees,  and  a  large  variety  of  weeds  and  plants  growing 
wild.  As  regards  crops  more  specially  tropical  it  acts  as  a  serious 
check  to  the  cultivation  of  the  Chinese  banana  in  Egypt,  has 
been  credited  with  great  destructiveness  to  coffee  (concerning 
which  see  remarks  under  diseases  of  that  crop)  and  has  been 
recorded  from  Hawaii  and  Java  on  young  and  soft  roots  of  sugar- 
cane. In  the  British  Antilles  its  status  is  mainly  that  of  a  garden 

The  effect  of  Heterodera  attack  on  roots  is  the  production  of 
galls,  which  differ  in  size  and  shape  according  to  the  nature  of 
the  infested  plant.  On  the  lower  stem  and  collar  of  trees  the 
infested  bark  becomes  swollen  and  irregular,  often  presenting 
a  rough  and  scaly  appearance  on  the  outside  for  a  foot  or  two  above 
the  soil. 

The  eggs  are  laid  in  the  galls  or  swellings,  and  hatch  in  situ, 
or  in  the  soil  if  they  are  liberated  by  the  death  and  decay  of  the 
galls.  From  the  soil  the  tiny  larvae,  which  possess  an  oral 
spear,  force  their  way  into  tender  roots  and  proceed  to  develop. 
The  body  at  first  swells  out  to  the  shape  of  a  bolster,  from  which 
state  the  male  worms  later  return  to  the  ordinary  slender  eel- 
worm  form,  which  they  develop  inside  the  old  skin  as  in  a  cocoon. 
The  female  continues  to  broaden  out  until  it  reaches  the  form 
of  a  gourd,  broad  and  round  at  the  posterior  end  and  tapering 
off  towards  the  head  ;  its  length  is  about  one  millimetre  and  its 
breadth  more  than  half  of  this.  The  time  occupied  from  entering 
the  root  to  reaching  maturity  is  about  6  weeks.  As  the  develop- 
ment of  the  ovaries  proceeds  the  female  is  reduced  to  a  lifeless 
bag  fully  occupied  by  the  300-500  eggs.  The  males  meanwhile 
perish  after  copulation. 

The  principal  effect  of  infestation  on  the  plant  appears  to  be 
due  to  root  interference  arising  from  malformation  and  from  the 
premature  death  of  infected  roots.  The  plant  attacked  is  liable 
to  become  stunted  and  sickly,  or  even  to  die  outright.  The 
secondary  effects  may  be  equally  or  more  important,  since  access 
to  other  parasites,  especially  fungi,  is  afforded  directly  by  the 
galls  and  indirectly  by  the  debility  induced. 


Satisfactory  control  of  Heterodera  is  obtainable  where  the 
soil  can  be  heat-sterilised,  as  in  small  plots  and  seed  beds.  Control 
by  chemical  agents  has  not  been  found  to  be  feasible  on  any 
adequate  scale.  The  system  for  which  the  best  results  have  been 
claimed  is  that  of  trap  crops,  in  which  highly  susceptible  plants 
are  thickly  sown  in  infested  ground  to  attract  the  larvae  and 
pulled  or  ploughed  out  before  these  can  reach  maturity.  Starving 
out  the  worms  by  a  complete  fallow  or  the  planting  of  an  immune 
crop  is  another  well-recommended  measure.  Carbon  bisulphide 
has  its  advocates  in  dealing  with  permanent  crops  but  it  is 
difficult  to  conceive  of  more  than  palliative  effects  resulting  from 
this  treatment  of  an  organism  so  well  protected  during  much  of 
its  life  history  by  the  tissues  of  the  host.  The  worm  has  been 
shown  to  have  little  power  of  resistance  to  desiccation  and  heat, 
which  perhaps  accounts  for  its  absence  as  a  serious  pest  of  arable 
land  in  these  islands. 

Tylenchus  devastatrix,  Kuhn. 

The  eelworms  of  the  genus  Tylenchus,  which  includes  many 
serious  plant  pests,  retain  the  normal  worm-like  form  in  both 
sexes  throughout  the  life  cycle. 

T.  devastatrix  affords  an  example  of  a  species  which  infests 
tissues  above  ground  and  affects  from  within  the  development 
of  the  organs  of  the  plant.  It  causes  dwarfing,  crumpling  and 
other  deformation  of  leaves  and  abortion  of  ears  in  rye  and  oats, 
ring  disease  of  the  bulbs  and  yellow  leaf-spots  on  hyacinths,  a 
seedling  disease  of  onions  resulting  in  abnormal  forms,  bud 
proliferation  and  reduction  in  leaf  size  in  clover,  misshapen  spots 
on  potato  tubers,  and  the  drying  up  of  flowers  in  the  teasel. 

The  worms  penetrate  seedlings  or  young  plants  from  the  soil 
and  ascend  to  various  locations  in  the  stem  by  way  of  the 
parenchyma.  Here  they  breed,  and  are  returned  in  the  course 
of  time  to  the  soil  when  the  plants  die  down. 

Tylenchus  tritici. 

The  wheat  eelworm  similarly  enters  into  the  seedlings,  ascends 
the  stem  (where  its  presence  gives  rise  to  stunting  and  the  curling 
of  leaves),  and  eventually  bores  into  the  ovaries,  which  develop 
into  gall-like  bodies  resembling  somewhat  the  normal  grains 
among  which  they  occur.  The  eggs  are  laid  in  this  situation, 
and  each  gall  when  ripe  contains  some  500-600  larvae,  which  after 
hatching  enter  upon  a  resting  stage.  It  was  from  this  condition 
that  the  frequently  quoted  example  of  revival  after  27  years  of 
desiccation  occurred.  The  worms  resume  activity  when  the 
gall,  in  company  with  the  grain,  is  resown,  and  make  their  way 
through  the  soil  to  the  seedlings  of  the  new  generation. 

Tylenchus  angustus,  Butler, 

The  rice  eelworm  is  one  of  the  examples  referred  to  above  of 
ectoparasitic  nematodes.     It  is   the   cause  of   the   destructive 



"  ufra  "  disease  of  rice  in  India,  and  appears  to  be  confined  to  that 

The  worms  exist  in  a  free-swimming  condition  in  the  water 
which  covers  the  fields,  and  ascend  the  outside  of  the  plants  when 
the  humidity  of  the  air  permits.  They  infest  mainly  the  leaf-buds 
at  the  tops  of  the  shoots,  the  upper  nodes  of  the  stem  beneath  the 
leaf  sheaths,  and  the  developing  ears.  In  no  case  do  the  worms 
enter  the  tissues,  but  puncture  the  epidermis  and  absorb  the 
juices  so  obtained.  There  is  no  evidence  of  toxic  action.  Severe 
infestations  lead  to  the  ruin  of  the  crops. 


After  N.  A.  Cobb 

,  \X200 


AJter  N    A    Cobb  After  N.  A.  Cobb 

Fig.  16      Coconut  Root    Tig   17    Coconut  Parfn-    Fig.  18     Egg  of  Aphe- 
wiTH  Nematodes  chyma  with  Nematodes      lenchus  Cocophilus 

Reproduction  proceeds  vigorously  on  the  growing  plant 
and  eggs  and  larvae  in  all  stages  are  found  mingled  with  the 
adults  in  the  leaf-buds  and  around  the  young  ear.  With  the 
drying  out  of  the  ripened  plant  the  worms  coil  up  in  the  upper- 
most nodes  and  within  the  glumes  of  the  ear,  and  become  dormant. 
In  this  condition  they  are  returned  to  the  soil,  and  await  con- 
ditions suitable  for  the  infection  of  the  succeeding  crop. 

Tylenchus  ribes,  Taylor. 

This  species  infests  the  buds  of  black  currant  bushes  in 
England,  ascending  the  stems  on  the  outside  during  wet  weather 
in  the  same  way  as  the  rice  eelworm.  Reproduction  takes  place 
within  the  bud  and  the  worms  collect  there  in  visible  cottony 
masses  containing  many  hundreds.  The  colonies  dry  out  in  this 
situation,  and  the  worms  revive  and  migrate  when  moist  con- 
ditions are  restored.     Seventy  per  cent,  of  the  worms  have  been 


found  to  survive  6  months'  desiccation,  returning  to  normal 
activity  after  1-2  hours'  immersion  in  water. 

Aphelenchus  cocophilus,  Cobb. 

An  extended  account  of  the  disease  caused  by  the  coco-nut 
eel-worm  is  given  in  the  section  on  diseases  of  that  crop.  The 
worms  occupy  and  breed  in  the  ground  tissue  of  a  continuous 
zone  in  the  stem  of  the  palm,  and  of  the  stalks  and  bases  of  the 
leaves.  They  also  spread  outwards  from  the  base  of  the  stem 
in  the  cortex  of  the  roots.  The  life  history  has  not  yet  been 
worked  out,  but  present  indications  are  that  the  worms  may 
ascend  the  outside  of  the  stem  and  enter  the  leaf  base  from  below; 
i.e.,  on  its  outer  side,  and  near  its  attachment  to  the  stem. 

Tylenchus  similis,  Cobb,  and  T.  musicola,  Cobb. 

These  species  cause  diseases  of  banana  in  the  West  Indies 
which  are  elsewhere  described.  They  enter  the  roots  and  root- 
stock,  causing  slight  swellings  and  cracks  in  the  roots,  and 
blackening  the  tissues  of  the  pockets  they  occupy  in  the  infested 
organs.  T.  similis  also  attacks  sugar-cane  roots,  causing  and 
occupying  blackened  dead  patches  and  cavities  in  them,  but 
producingfno  swelling. 



The  injurious  relationships  of  insects  to  plants  may  be  roughly- 
divided  as  follows  : 

1.  Direct  injuries  of  the  nature  of  wounds  (traumatisms). 

2.  Systemic   or   organic   disturbances   originated   by   sucking 

insects  (stigmonoses). 

3.  The  exposure  of  internal  tissues  to  infection. 

4.  Transference  of  infection. 

Insects  as  the  Cause  of  Injuries  and  Diseases. 

The  principal  of  the  relationships  specified  above  is  that  which 
in  practice  is  the  concern  of  the  economic  entomologist,  and 
consists  in  the  production  of  injuries  mainly  direct  and  of  the 
nature  of  wounds.  Thus  the  plant  or  any  of  its  parts  may  be 
destroyed  by  biting  or  boring  insects  or  its  juices  be  drawn  upon 
and  its  tissues  perhaps  poisoned  by  sucking  species. 

Whatever  the  nature  of  the  injury  it  must  have  a  reaction  on 
the  condition  of  the  plant,  and  as  regards  this  there  is  in  many 
cases  no  essential  difference  between  the  results  produced  by 
insects  and  by  fungoid  parasites.  The  reduction  of  leaves, 
flowers,  or  fruit,  the  girdling  of  a  stem,  the  destruction  of  roots, 
have  much  the  same  results  when  caused  by  one  or  the  other. 
From  this  point  of  view  insects  as  well  as  mites  and  nematodes 
are  on  the  same  footing  as  fungi  and  bacteria  in  the  causation 
of  plant  diseases.  The  main  difference  is  that  with  insects  the 
injury  and  the  manner  of  its  production  are  usually  direct  and 


There  are  exceptions,  however,  especially  where  sucking 
insects  are  concerned.  The  attacks  of  plant-feeding  Rhynchota 
— hemipterous  bugs,  aphides,  scale  insects,  leaf  hoppers  and  the 
like — to  which  may  be  added  thrips  and  red  spider,  often  result 
in  more  or  less  general  symptoms  not  obviously  related  to  the 
direct  injury  inflicted.  To  this  type  of  affection  the  term 
stigmonose  has  been  applied.  No  better  example  could  be  quoted 
than  the  froghopper  blight  of  sugar-cane,  or  the  effects  of  thrips 
on  cacao  and  sweet  potato.  The  starved  and  chlorotic  condition 
induced  in  certain  Solanaceous  and  other  plants  by  lace-wing 
bug  infestations  is  another  familiar  example. 


In  some  such  affections  there  is  reason  to  believe  that  besides 
the  drain  on  the  juices  of  the  plant  there  is  a  poisoning  effect 
from  a  toxin  injected  by  the  insect  into  the  tissues,  the  immediate 
action  of  which  is  to  overcome  the  resistance  of  the  protoplasm 
lining  the  cell  wall  and  thus  allow  abstraction  of  its  liquid  con- 

Insect  Injuries  as  Openings  for  Infection. 

The  protective  function  of  surfaces  of  cuticle  or  cork  and  the 
dependence  of  many  fungus  parasites  on  wounds  to  secure  an 
entrance  have  been  described.  Most  commonly  such  injuries 
originate  from  the  attacks  of  insects.  Not  only  do  fungi  gain 
access  by  the  grosser  wounds,  but  it  has  been  repeatedly  shown 
that  the  infection  of  leaves  or  fruits  may  depend  on  injuries  of 
this  nature  not  appreciable  to  the  naked  eye,  and  the  presence 
or  absence  of  an  unconsidered  insect  may  in  this  way  determine 
the  prevalence  of  a  fungoid  or  bacterial  disease. 

Insects  as  Carriers  of  Infection. 

In  addition  to  their  function  in  opening  up  ways  for  infection 
evidence  is  accumulating  that  in  plant  as  in  animal  diseases 
insects  frequently  transfer  the  actual  means  of  infection  from 
plant  to  plant.  The  covering  of  the  insect  body  is  usually  very 
suitable  for  the  carriage  of  fungus  spores  or  bacteria,  and  next 
to  wind  insects  are  probably  the  most  effective  agents  in  distri- 
buting these,  and  are  capable  of  extending  the  range  of  a  disease 
over  the  long  distances  sometimes  covered  in  insect  migration. 
It  is  not  necessary  that  the  insects  themselves  should  be  of  in- 
jurious kinds  ;  they  may  visit  the  affected  plant  to  feed  from  its 
flowers  or  be  attracted  by  and  perhaps  bred  from  the  tissues 
soured  or  decayed  as  a  result  of  disease. 

The  fungi  causing  the  internal  disease  of  cotton  bolls  are 
transferred  from  the  fruits  or  seeds  of  numerous  wild  and  cul- 
tivated plants  to  the  bolls,  and  from  one  boll  to  another,  by 
plant-feeding  bugs  and  by  no  other  known  means.  The  form 
in  which  the  fungus  concerned  is  carried  has  not  been  detected, 
but  there  is  good  reason  to  believe  that  the  infected  material 
is  introduced  into  the  boll  or  other  fruit  at  the  time  of  feeding. 

In  the  mosaic  diseases  infection  commonly  occurs  through  the 
agency  of  aphides,  and  in  one  such  disease,  spinach  blight,  the 
virus  is  handed  on  to  succeeding  generations  of  the  insects,  as 
shown  by  the  power  of  these  to  produce  infection.  The  virus 
of  curly-top  of  beets  is  transferred  by  a  Jassid  bug,  and  it  has 
been  recently  demonstrated  that  a  period  of  incubation  of  about 
24  hours  in  the  body  of  the  insect  is  necessary  to  the  process. 
The  difference  between  these  diseases  and  the  stigmonoses  should 
be  noted  :  in  the  latter  the  affection  is  caused  by  the  insect 


Susceptibility  and  Resistance  to  Insect  Infestations. 

It  has  been  frequently  remarked  that  there  is  a  reverse 
relation  as  well  as  the  direct  one  between  the  development  of 
infestations  of  certain  insects  and  the  state  of  health  of  the  plant 
infested.  Plants  growing  under  wholly  favourable  conditions 
may  exhibit  a  resistance — or  in  unfavourable  conditions  a 
susceptibility — which  determines  the  extent  to  which  the  insect 
concerned  can  establish  itself  upon  them.  Such  a  relation 
exists  in  several  of  the  stigmonoses.  A.  F.  Woods,  who  originated 
the  term,  remarks  that  aphides  are  specially  fond  of  plants  which 
have  made  a  poor  starved  growth,  and  increase  rapidly  upon 
them.  The  cacao  thrips,  with  a  whole  country-side  of  cacao 
apparently  open  for  it  to  feed  upon,  infests  certain  patches  year 
after  year,  only  occasionally  and  temporarily  extending  to  the 
surrounding  fields.  Usually  it  can  be  shown  that  the  infested 
areas  are  on  poorer  or  less  well-drained  soil,  are  insufficiently 
sheltered,  or  perhaps  have  been  depressed  by  some  more  tem- 
porary disability. 

It  is  the  general  experience  with  the  froghopper  blight  of  sugar- 
cane in  Trinidad  that  it  is  in  fields  in  poor  tilth,  in  ratoons  on 
red  clay  soils,  which  quickly  lose  the  effects  of  cultivation,  and 
in  local  patches  subject  to  some  similar  defect,  that  the  insect 
finds  the  most  suitable  conditions  for  rapid  multiplication. 

Infestations  of  the  bug  Helopeltis  which  causes  the  mosquito 
blight  of  tea  are  reported  to  depend  similarly  on  cultural  con- 
ditions, being  especially  liable  to  follow  upon  water-logging  of 
the  soil.  Bugs  of  this  species  in  captivity  are  said  to  have 
proved  unable  to  maintain  themselves  on  twigs  supplied  from 
resistant  bushes,  but  to  recover  and  thrive  on  material  from 
plants  in  a  susceptible  condition.  Scale  insects  frequently  show 
greatly  increased  powers  of  infestation  on  plants  in  an  unthrifty 
condition  or  growing  in  situations  in  some  respect  unfavourable. 
Thus  young  lime  trees  grown  with  a  shelter  crop,  the  system  under 
which  they  thrive  best,  have  remained  practically  free  from  scale 
when  plants  of  similar  age  in  the  open  have  had  to  be  frequently 
sprayed  to  keep  them  alive. 



The  term  non-parasitic  is  now  coming  into  use  for  the  class  of 
diseases  often  called  "  physiological."  Plant  pathology  has 
developed  almost  entirely  on  a  basis  of  parasitology,  and  the 
newer  expression  is  perhaps  the  most  appropriate  for  what  in 
practice  has  been  not  so  much  a  natural  group  as  a  limbo  where 
all  affections  not  shown  to  have  parasites  as  their  inciting  cause 
were  detained.  It  is  not  possible  to  have  a  strictly  definitive 
name  for  such  an  assembly,  and  there  is  in  fact  no  strict  dividing 
line  between  parasitic  and  non-parasitic  diseases. 

A  cacao  tree  growing  in  a  light  soil  and  subjected  to  undue 
exposure  suffers  repeated  losses  of  its  leafy  twigs  from  dieback, 
and  eventually,  if  the  adverse  conditions  continue,  dwindles  and 
dies  with  all  the  evidences  of  inanition.  The  immediate  inciting 
cause  of  the  dieback  would  appear  to  be  the  want  of  balance 
between  loss  of  water  from  the  broad  thin  leaves  and  its  absorp- 
tion by  the  roots.  If  now,  as  frequently  happens,  the  failing 
twigs  and  branches  are  attacked  by  Diplodia,  the  essential 
causation  is  not  changed,  since  the  fungus  cannot  attack  healthy 
twigs,  but  its  presence  may  increase  the  severity  of  the  original 
disease.  In  a  similar  way,  the  production  of  disease  even  by 
obligate  parasites  may  depend  on  some  effect  of  the  physical 
environment  upon  the  host. 

It  is  convenient  to  include  with  parasitic  diseases  those 
border-line  cases  in  which  a  parasite  typically  appears,  though 
logically,  having  reference  to  their  actual  inciting  causes,  such 
affections  as  root-disease  of  sugar-cane  and  dieback  of  limes 
and  cacao  should  probably  be  classed  as  non-parasitic. 

This  policy  leaves  in  the  group  to  be  considered  at  least  one 
apparently  definite  class — affections  directly  produced  by  im- 
perfect adjustment  between  the  plant  and  its  physical  environ- 
ment, or,  in  other  words,  by  unfavourable  climatic  and  soil 
conditions.  These  affections  show  gradations  from  simple 
injuries  which  would  hardly  be  called  diseases  to  systemic 
disturbances  affecting  the  whole  plant.  It  must  be  confessed 
that  of  the  more  complex  of  these  types  we  have  very  little 
comprehension,  and  cases  frequently  occur  in  which  diseases 
believed  to  be  of  this  nature  are  shown  to  be  of  parasitic  origin. 
There  is  also  the  difficulty  already  mentioned  in  connection 


with  the  virus  diseases,  that  a  similar  set  of  symptoms,  as  for 
example  in  the  conditions  known  as  gummosis  and  chlorosis, 
may  arise  from  different  causes,  some  of  which  may  be  parasites 
and  others  physical  factors. 

The  systematic  discussion  of  atmospheric  and  soil  conditions, 
and  the  effects  their  variations  produce  on  plants,  is  more  appro- 
priate to  a  treatise  on  plant  ecology  than  to  a  handbook  of  plant 
diseases.  A  few  of  the  more  definite  examples  occurring  locally 
will  be  mentioned  as  illustrations,  and  for  fuller  information  as  to 
these  the  reader  is  referred  to  Part  II.  The  sections  on  cotton 
and  citrus  diseases,  particularly,  may  be  consulted  in  this  con- 

The  red  leaf  blight  of  cotton  and  chlorosis  of  sugar-cane 
illustrate  the  kind  of  effect  that  may  follow  from  soil  defects. 
Growing  plants  of  Sea  Island  cotton  may  at  any  stage  begin  to 
show  a  rusty  discoloration  of  the  foliage,  and  the  leaves  so 
affected  fail  prematurely.  The  symptoms  may  be  slight  or 
severe  and  in  the  latter  case  the  development  of  the  plant  is 
permanently  checked.  The  condition  is  at  the  present  time  very 
prevalent  in  St.  Vincent,  where  it  has  been  shown  by  S.  C. 
Harland  to  be  a  result  of  potash  deficiency.  A  yellow  leaf 
blight  somewhat  similar  in  its  nature  sometimes  occurs,  which 
renders  the  plants  very  susceptible  to  the  attacks  of  certain 
fungus  leaf-spots. 

Chlorosis  of  sugar-cane  occurs  in  Antigua,  Barbados,  and  other 
islands  with  limestone  soils,  and  persists  on  a  particular  spot 
year  after  year.  According  to  H.  A.  Tempany,  this  is  due  in  the 
first  instance  to  the  interaction  of  salt  subsoil  water  with  lime- 
stone, producing  sodium  carbonate,  and  from  recent  research 
in  Porto  Rico,  the  effect  would  appear  to  be  produced  by  a 
further  reaction  which  prevents  the  plant  from  obtaining  iron, 
an  element  necessary  for  the  development  of  chlorophyll. 

The  leaf-curl  of  Sea  Island  cotton  which  occasionally  appears 
on  a  large  scale  in  these  islands  is  in  some  way  intimately  con- 
nected with  dull  rainy  weather  and  is  especially  liable  to  occur 
in  shaded  and  sheltered  situations.  The  internodes  grow  out 
to  abnormal  length,  the  leaves  are  strongly  crimped  at  their 
margins,  and  the  flower  buds  are  shed  while  very  small.  The 
condition  may  come  on  at  any  stage,  and  passes  off  entirely  with 
a  change  of  weather. 

The  loggerhead  disease  of  the  same  plant  occurs  sporadically 
in  St.  Kitts  and  Nevis,  and  in  July,  1914,  appeared  on  a  large 
scale.  The  plant  assumes  the  form  of  a  low  dense  bush  with 
crowded  foliage.  The  leaves  are  mottled  with  dark  and  light 
green  areas,  and  the  veins  often  develop  imperfectly,  causing 
internal  puckering  of  the  leaf  blade.  The  flower  buds  mostly 
fail  as  in  curly-leaf,  while  those  surviving  develop  with  a  crumpled 
corolla.  There  is  no  evidence  of  infectiousness,  and  distribution 
may  either  be  scattered  or  nearly  general  throughout  a  field. 


The  diseased  condition  may  supervene  upon  healthy  growth,  or 
vice  versa,  or  the  plant  may  be  uniformly  affected  throughout 
its  vegetative  phase.  The  disease  is  not  so  clearly  dependent  on 
weather  conditions  as  curly-leaf,  but  the  only  severe  recorded 
epidemics  of  the  two  affections  occurred  together  in  St.  Kitts, 
in  1914.  Previous  to  that  time  loggerhead  was  only  known  to 
occur  in  plants  raised  out  of  the  ordinary  season,  and  since  1914 
its  presence  has  not  been  reported.  Both  affections  are  indepen- 
dent of  the  source  of  seed. 

To  some  extent  in  St.  Kitts,  Nevis,  and  much  more  distinctly, 
according  to  specimens  and  accounts  received,  in  St.  Croix,  the 
leaf-curl  disease  exhibits  also  the  character  of  the  tomosis 
described  by  O.  F.  Cook  as  occurring  on  cotton  seedlings  and 
young  plants  in  the  United  States,  namely,  the  fraying  of  the 
edges  of  the  leaves  and  their  perforation  with  small  irregular 

The  blossom-end  rot  of  tomatoes  is  an  example  of  a  well- 
marked  specific  disease  which  develops  in  close  relation  with 
soil  and  water  factors,  is  not  infectious,  and  has  in  its  inception  no 
recognisable  connection  with  any  parasite.  It  is  marked  by  the 
appearance  of  a  water-soaked  spot,  which  soon  turns  black,  near 
the  blossom  end  of  the  fruit  when  the  latter  is  about  one-half  or 
two-thirds  grown  ;  the  spot  increases  rapidly  in  size  and  finally 
spreads  deep  into  the  tissue  of  the  fruit ;  the  affected  tissue 
becoming  black,  hard,  and  leathery,  and  the  fruit  much  flattened. 
The  affection  is  not  uncommon  in  the  West  Indies. 

The  disease  may  be  induced  or  increased  in  vigorously  growing 
plants  by  irregular  watering  or  excessive  transpiration,  by  raising 
the  soil  temperature,  and  by  the  use  of  organic  and  certain 
chemical  manures.  In  the  writer's  experience  it  has  been  com- 
pletely arrested  by  lightly  shading  the  plants,  protecting  the  soil 
with  trash,  and  regular  moderate  watering.  C.  Brooks,  from  a 
very  thorough  study  of  the  disease,  arrived  at  the  conclusion  that 
it  is  probably  due  to  the  development  of  harmful  humic  and 
ammonium  compounds  and  an  accompanying  decrease  in  the 
supply  of  nitrates. 

A  good  deal  of  importance  is  attached  in  the  study  of  some 
other  non-parasitic  diseases,  particularly  certain  obscure  affec- 
tions of  Citrus  species,  to  the  relation  of  the  plants  to  the  nitrates 
and  ammonium  compounds  in  the  soil.  The  subject  is  a  complex 
one,  involving  the  activities  and  interactions  under  given  con- 
ditions of  the  son  bacteria,  and  the  results  obtained,  though 
highly  suggestive,  are  hardly  definite  or  general  enough  for  concise 
statement.  It  is  a  matter  of  frequent  experience,  however,  of 
which  local  examples  could  be  given,  that  in  particular  circum- 
stances the  application  of  rich  nitrogenous  manures  has  been 
followed  by  serious  damage  to  citrus  trees,  and  this  might  be 
accounted  for,  in  relation  to  the  soil  flora,  on  the  lines  of  the 
theory  regarding  blossom-end  rot  quoted  above. 


A  marked  example  of  the  action  of  the  physical  environment 
on  the  life  and  vigour  of  a  perennial  plant  is  afforded  by  the  life 
history  of  lime  trees  in  t'ae  drier  islands,  described  in  another 
section.  When  they  sur\ive  the  initial  critical  period  of  two  or 
three  years  the  trees  become  established  and  flourish  for  about 
ten  years,  after  which  their  vigour  declines  and  they  gradually 
die  back,  the  process  being  accelerated  by,  but  not  dependent 
on,  the  scale  insect  and  fungus  infestations  to  which  their  les- 
sened resistance  renders  them  liable.  No  agricultural  measures 
have  availed  to  arrest  this  decline,  which  by  comparison  of 
locahties  is  judged  to  be  the  effect  of  irregularity  of  conditions, 
especially  of  the  reduction  of  atmospheric  humidity  in  the  dry 

Another  notable  case  relates  to  orange  trees  in  Dominica, 
which  on  their  own  roots,  but  not  when  grafted  on  sour  orange 
stocks,  are  invariably  limited  to  a  relatively  short  period  of  healthy 
maturity  by  the  oncoming  of  gummosis  of  the  collar. 

Conditions  simulating  the  effects  of  disease  may  be  produced 
by  genetic  changes,  perhaps  to  be  explained  as  loss  mutations, 
taking  place  even  in  what  are  believed  to  be  pure  lines.  Ex- 
amples of  this  are  the  "  man  cotton  "  and  "  crinkled-dwarf  " 
rogues  in  Sea  Island  cotton  described  by  Harland.  In  the  latter 
case  the  plant  is  severely  dwarfed,  bears  yellowish-green,  crinkled 
and  ragged  leaves  much  smaller  than  the  normal,  and  is  rendered 
nearly  sterile  by  shedding.  The  "  man  cotton  "  differs  from 
normal  in  the  smallness  of  the  vegetative  parts,  with  complete 
male  and  nearly  complete  female  sterility.  Typical]}''  it  is  a  tall 
lanky  plant  with  very  short  branches.  Both  types  of  rogues, 
when  crossed  with  normal  Sea  Island,  give  a  normal  first  genera- 
tion. The  crinkled  dwarf  type  is  known  to  exhibit  simple 
Mendelian  segregation  in  subsequent  generations. 

An  example  of  what  may  perhaps  be  called  genetic  incompati- 
bility, producing  similar  results,  is  afforded  by  crosses  between 
Sea  Island  and  some  local  perennial  cottons.  Part  or  the  whole 
of  the  first  generation  consists  of  plants  with  mottled  leaves, 
partly  suppressed  internodes,  and  premature  cork  formation 
on  stems  and  petioles.  The  writer's  attention  has  on  several 
occasions  been  directed  to  this  condition  as  a  new  disease. 



The  occurrence  of  fungus  parasites  attacking  insects  has  long 
been  known  in  certain  cases,  but  in  recent  years  this  knowledge 
has  been  considerably  increased,  and,  as  regards  tropical  forms,  is 
capable  of  very  much  greater  extension.  The  rich  insect  fauna 
and  moist  conditions  of  Trinidad,  for  example,  yield  in  suitable 
situations  and  on  various  types  of  hosts  a  large  variety  of  forms, 
most  of  which  appear  to  be  as  yet  undescribed  and  are  certainly 
unstudied.  The  scale  insects  (Coccidae)  of  that  island,  though 
numerous  in  species,  are  relatively  unknov^n  as  pests,  a  position 
mainly  due,  it  would  appear,  to  their  inability  to  attain  to  large 
numbers  without  suffering  from  an  epidemic  of  fungus  disease. 

The  remaining  islands  are  more  or  less  subject  to  annual 
or  occasional  outbreaks  of  scale,  and  the  control  of  these  by 
fungi  has  been  the  subject  of  considerable  attention,  mainly  as 
a  result  of  what  might  fairly  be  called  the  white-fly  fungus  boom  in 
Florida  a  few  years  ago. 

Our  knowledge  is  yet  far  from  exhaustive,  even  in  the  limited 
field  of  scale-insect  parasitism,  either  as  to  the  fungi  concerned 
or  their  relative  distribution  and  efficiency,  but  certain  general 
principles  have  by  now  emerged. 

While  these  are  not  different  from  what  might  have  been 
intelligently  anticipated,  they  are  valuable  as  being  the  results 
of  experience  and  observation.  As  such  they  may  be  worth 
stating  in  view  of  the  impossible  hopes  which  still  linger  here 
and  there  with  regard  to  the  artificial  distribution  of  these  fungi. 

Speaking  first  of  all  quite  broadly,  it  may  be  said  that  the 
efficiency  of  the  fungi  is  proportional  to  the  humidity  of  the  air 
amongst  the  plants  on  which  their  hosts  occur.  Their  relative 
abundance  in  the  islands  of  the  Windward  and  Leeward  groups 
follows  pretty  closely  the  amount  of  rainfall  usual  to  each  island, 
though  the  distribution  of  rain  is  so  local  that  the  wetter  islands 
each  have  areas  in  which  the  fungi  are  of  little  use,  and  the  driest 
island  has  sheltered  moist  situations  in  which  they  are  effective. 
Still  speaking  broadly,  it  may  be  said  that  in  Dominica,  in  normal 
years,  the  control  is  as  efficient  as  natural  agencies  can  well 
produce.  Conditions  are  generally  such  that  fungus  parasites 
keep  in  check  established  colonies  of  scale  and  follow  so  closely 
on  new  infestations  that  the  effects  of  the  insects  are  negligible. 
In  most  parts  of  St.  Lucia,  and  in  the  most  humid  districts  of 


Grenada  and  probably  of  St.  Vincent  and  Montserrat,  the  control 
approaches  to  that  in  Dominica.  In  the  drier  districts  of  these 
islands  the  fungi,  while  present,  are  not  so  effective,  or  are  more 
restricted  to  a  seasonal  activity.  With  reasonable  accuracy  it 
might  be  said  that  excepting  the  shield-scale  fungus  and  the 
Aspergillus  on  sugar-cane  mealy-bugs,  the  limits  of  possible 
cacao  cultivation  are  the  limits  of  the  effectiveness  of  scale- 
destroying  fungi. 

Consideration  must,  however,  be  given  to  the  fact  that  the 
matter  is  not  quite  so  simple  as  has  been  assumed  for  the  purposes 
of  general  statement  above.  The  rapidity  of  effective  repro- 
duction by  the  insects  has  to  be  taken  into  account  as  well  as 
the  powers  of  attack  of  the  fungus  parasite,  and  in  this  the 
condition  of  the  plant  is  usually,  perhaps  always,  the  determining 

Even  in  the  favoured  districts  of  Dominica  and  St.  Lucia, 
plants  transferred  from  the  nursery  to  the  field  may  become 
badly  infested  until  they  get  estabhshed,  and  require,  or  would 
be  the  better  for  spraying.  In  connection  with  older  trees, 
the  influence  of  other  factors  stands  out  where  fungus  control  is 
less  complete,  as  in  cases  observed  in  Grenada,  where  particular 
mango  trees  were  heavily  infested,  though  the  shield-scale  fungus 
was  present  in  some  abundance,  while  others  near  by  were  quite 

Resuming  the  consideration  of  the  effects  of  humidity  on  the 
fungi  in  question,  their  distribution  in  Barbados  is  instructive. 
The  rainfall  is  low,  and  the  island  in  general  is  open  and  wind- 
swept. With  the  two  exceptions  noted,  the  fungi  in  question 
are  absent  save  in  deep  gullies,  and  in  closely  sheltered  spots 
among  the  hills  where  the  rainfall  is  greatest.  A  similar,  though 
perhaps  less  extreme,  situation  seems  to  prevail  in  Antigua, 
St.  Kitts,  and  Nevis — islands  of  relatively  low  rainfall. 

Considering  next  the  fungi  mentioned  above  as  exceptions 
whose  distribution  is  not  so  strictly  limited,  the  case  of  one  of 
them,  Aspergillus  fiavus,  the  sugar-cane  mealy-bug  parasite, 
is  readily  accounted  for.  It  is  not  less  dependent  on  moisture, 
but  finds  it  accompanying  its  hosts  in  the  enclosure  formed  by 
the  base  of  the  leaf-sheath  around  the  nodes  of  the  cane,  a 
situation  in  which  water  collects  and  lingers. 

The  shield-scale  fungus  is  more  remarkable.  Even  in  Bar- 
bados it  persists  through  the  driest  season  with  little  shelter, 
and  becomes  very  active  with  somewhat  small  encouragement 
in  the  wetter  months.  The  only  relevant  difference  known  to 
the  writer  between  its  spores  and  those  of  the  other  scale  fungi 
is  that  they  are  enclosed  in  a  drop  of  mucilage.  Whether  this 
or  some  constitutional  factor  accounts  for  its  hardiness  would 
be  difficult  to  determine. 

Having  considered  the  influence  of  weather  conditions  on  the 
natural  occurrence  of  scale-destroying  fungi,  there  remains  to  be 



Fig.  19 


1  HiRsuTELLA  ENTOMOPHiLA  on  a  beetle  (Colaspis  sp.). 

2  Cephalosporium  Lecanii  on  Coccus  sp. 

3  Metarrhizium  Anisopliae  on  a  Homopteron,  probably  a  Jassid. 

4  Gibellula  arachnophila  on  a  spider. 

5  Aschersonia  turbinata  on  a  scale  insect. 

6  Gibellula  sp. 

7  CoRDYCEPS  sp.  on  larva  of  Rhinoceros  Beetle  (Strategus). 

8  Cordyceps  Lloydii  on  an  ant  (Campanotus  sp.). 

9  IsARiA  Sphingum  ou  a  moth. 


discussed  the  question  as  to  how  far  their  efficiency  can  be  in- 
creased by  artificial  distribution.  As  a  consequence  of  the 
success,  since  shown  to  be  due  to  very  special  circumstances,  of 
the  introduction  of  Australian  lady-bird  beetles  into  California 
to  prey  on  the  cottony  cushion  scale,  a  very  large  amount  of 
attention  has  been  given  to  the  question  of  natural  enemies  of 
injurious  insects.  The  results  have  been  usually  disappointing, 
but  the  rules  of  the  game  are  now  pretty  clear.  The  rapid 
increase  of  a  pest  which  may  take  place  when  it  is  newly  intro- 
duced into  a  country  where  natural  enemies  adapted  to  destroy 
it  are  few  or  absent  may  be  checked  in  some  cases  by  bringing 
in  such  enemies  from  countries  where  they  exist.  To  use  a 
relevant  illustration  :  should  some  kind  of  introduced  white 
fly  become  troublesome  in  the  West  Indies,  it  would  be  worth 
while  to  introduce  the  fungi  which  are  parasitic  on  certain 
species  in  Florida,  in  the  hope  of  their  exercising  a  check  on  the 
insect  in  these  islands.  Were  the  introduction  successful, 
the  control  might  be  more  efficient  or  less  so  than  it  is  in  Florida, 
according  to  the  extent  to  which  the  conditions  favour  the  fungi. 
It  would  not  be  expected  to  be  complete.  Once  given  a  start, 
however,  the  fungus  parasites  might  establish  themselves  and 
constitute  permanent  factors  modifying  the  activity  of  the 

When  such  a  factor  is  already  well-established  in  the  country, 
and  it  is  desired  to  increase  its  effect,  the  element  of  artificiality 
becomes  much  greater.  The  fungus  (or  other  parasite)  already 
has  its  place,  its  settled  lines  of  action,  so  to  speak.  By  cultivat- 
ing it,  by  distributing  it,  it  may  be  increased  for  the  time,  but 
when  such  means  are  no  longer  used  it  will  settle  back  to  much 
its  old  position,  which  is  determined  by  natural  conditions,  and 
changes  only  in  response  to  their  fluctuations.  This  has  been 
and  is  the  situation  with  regard  to  most  work  on  the  fungus 
control  of  insects. 

The  method  has  an  insidious  appeal,  in  that  it  seems  to 
promise  to  the  planter  a  self-acting  remedy,  but  experience  shows 
that,  as  might  have  been  expected,  results  are  not  to  be  obtained 
without  an  adequate  amount  of  trouble. 

The  use  of  fungi  does  afford  an  alternative  to  the  employment 
of  poisonous  sprays,  but  save  that  in  the  one  case  a  living  organism 
is  used,  one  method  is  as  artificial  as  the  other,  and  it  depends 
entirely  on  the  particular  circumstances  of  the  case  which  is 
more  efficient  or  less  troublesome.  That  is  a  question  for  the 
entomologist  and  for  the  planter.  In  Florida,  in  connection  with 
white  fly  control,  each  method  has  its  advocates.  In  Trinidad, 
periodic  dusting  with  fungus  spores  has  been  tried  against 
froghopper  on  sugar-cane,  spraying  with  insecticides  in  this  case 
being  out  of  the  question. 

In  one  respect  the  use  of  fungi  has  a  disadvantage  as  compared 
with  the  use  of  poisons.     The  latter  may  be  applied  with  advan- 

Fig.  21      Cephalosporium  Lecanii  on  Coccus  Mangiferae 

Photo  by] 

Froghoppers   (Tomaspis  saccharina) 
Killed   by   Metarrhizium 


tage  at  the  beginning  of  an  attack,  the  former  do  not  become 
very  effective  until  their  hosts  are  plentiful.  Like  all  fatal 
parasites,  they  tend  to  cut  their  own  throats.  The  more 
thoroughly  they  kill  off  their  hosts,  the  less  material  they  have 
to  live  upon.  When  the  chances  of  infection  have  been  thus 
reduced,  the  surviving  insects,  or  colonists  from  another  area, 
start  a  fresh  wave  of  insect  infestation,  which  in  time  is  again 
overtaken  by  the  rising  numbers  of  the  parasite. 

This  succession  is  perhaps  most  easily  seen  in  the  West 
Indies  in  the  action  of  the  shield-scale  fungus  working  on  more  or 
less  isolated  trees.  In  lime  plantations,  it  takes  place  in  sections 
of  the  cultivations  rather  than  on  individual  trees. 

Several  observers  agree  that,  in  the  case  of  white  fly  control 
in  Florida,  the  parasites  under  favourable  conditions,  and  without 
artificial  aid,  become  effective  about  every  third  year. 

It  was  noted  above  that  in  certain  localities  conditions  are 
so  favourable  to  the  spread  of  scale  fungi  that  the  matter  may  be 
left  to  itself.  What  can  be  done  in  the  districts  not  so  favoured  ? 
Unless  there  is  at  some  period  of  the  year  a  season  when  the  fungi, 
if  they  are  present,  can  be  observed  to  become  active,  it  is  not 
worth  while  to  trouble  about  them.  If  they  are  not  present  at 
all,  it  is  probable,  since  they  are  so  well  distributed  through  the 
islands,  that  the  conditions  are  not  favourable.  Where  they 
have  a  period  of  valuable  activity  in  the  wet  season,  followed 
by  comparative  scarcity  in  the  dry,  something  may  be  done.  It 
will  be  found  that,  while  they  disappear  from  view  in  exposed 
situations,  they  continue  a  visible  existence  in  damp  and  sheltered 
places.  The  spores  of  most  species  do  not  appear  to  be  very 
resistant,  and  it  is  probable  that  it  is  from  such  places  that  the 
spread  begins  when  conditions  become  favourable.  By  dis- 
tributing the  material  thus  available,  or  by  taking  material 
from  the  earliest  plants  to  become  infested,  it  is  possible,  and  has 
often  been  definitely  claimed,  that  the  progress  of  the  fungus 
may  be  considerably  hastened  ;  especially  is  this  the  case  with 
isolated  trees. 

In  Trinidad,  a  series  of  steam-heated  cabinets  has  been 
used  for  turning  out  the  spores  of  the  froghopper  fungus  Metar- 
rhizium  anisoplioe  on  a  large  scale,  and  these  have  been  dusted 
on  the  cane  fields.  The  amount  of  fungus  control  in  treated 
as  compared  with  untreated  fields  has  not  been  demonstrably 
increased  and  the  practice  is  in  abeyance  or  abandoned  as  being 
too  uncertain  or  indefinite  in  its  results. 

Various  methods  are  available  in  making  use  of  natural 
material.  Branches  from  the  fungus-infested  tree  may  be 
tied  among  the  leaves  of  the  tree  to  be  infected.  Leaves  bearing 
the  fungus  may  be  dipped  in  water  and  rubbed  on  the  leaves 
bearing  the  scales,  or  pinned  in  contact  with  them.  The  material 
may  be  stirred  up  in  water  to  wash  off  the  spores,  or  ground  up 
and  mixed  with  water  in  the  case  of  leaves. 


This  mixture  may  be  sprinkled  on  to  the  trees  with  a  brush, 
or  the  twigs  bent  down  and  dipped  into  it,  or  it  may  be  appHed 
with  a  syringe  or  other  type  of  sprayer  after  being  strained 
through  a  wire  sieve.  Cloth  strainers  keep  back  the  spores. 
Brass  or  copper  sprayers  may  be  used  if  they  are  clean  and  the 
material  is  not  allowed  to  stand  long  in  the  tank. 

Comparative  trials  of  these  methods  have  not  been  made 
in  the  case  of  the  West  Indian  species.  Morrill  and  Back  favour 
the  spore-spraying  method  for  distributing  the  Aschersonias 
concerned  with  white-fly  control  in  Florida. 

The  condition  of  the  material  used  would  appear  to  have 
more  influence  on  successful  introduction  than  the  method  of  its 
application.  It  should  be  used  as  fresh  as  possible,  and,  in  the 
active  spore-producing  stage,  recognizable  on  examination 
with  a  pocket  lens.  In  the  case  of  the  shield-scale  fungus,  a 
powdery  glistening  appearance  denotes  the  presence  of  the  spores. 
In  the  red-headed  and  white-headed  fungi,  the  loose  tufts  of  ripe 
spores  can  be  easily  made  out. 

When  a  branch  or  twig  is  tied  into  a  tree,  the  immersion  of 
the  cut  end  in  water  contained  in  a  narrow-necked  bottle  is  an 
obvious  benefit.  The  occurrence  of  the  fungi  on  insects  attack- 
ing potted  plants  suggests  that  these  might  in  some  cases  be 
used   with   advantage. 

The  caution  must  be  repeated  that  all  these  measures  depend 
entirely  for  their  success  on  the  conditions  being  right  for  the 
development  of  the  fungus.  In  dry  weather  they  are  useless. 
Moreover,  experiments  have  repeatedly  shown  that,  once  a  fungus 
has  been  given  a  general  start,  attempts  to  increase  its  efficiency 
by  further  spore-spraying  have  little  visible  effect. 

Caution  should  also  be  observed  in  making  use  of  infested 
material  lest  scale  insects  not  already  present  on  the  plants  be 
introduced.  Leaves  of  grape-fruit  examined  by  the  writer,  on 
which  the  scales  were  weU  infested  with  three  species  of  fungi, 
nevertheless  had  numbers  of  the  young  of  the  mussel  scale 
crawling  over  them  more  than  a  week  after  they  were  picked 
and  dried. 

In  the  writer's  judgment  much  more  hope  of  effective  inter- 
ference lies  in  the  direction  of  increasing  humidity  by  the  pro- 
vision of  windbreaks  and  other  forms  of  shelter.  With  cacao, 
and  more  easily  with  cotton,  this  may  be  carried  too  far,  since 
diseases  of  pods  and  bolls  will  also  be  encouraged,  but  with 
citrus  trees,  which  are  the  most  liable  of  common  crops  to  suffer 
from  scale  infestation,  shelter  can  scarcely  be  overdone  save  in 
districts  so  wet  that  it  would  not  be  needed.  With  orchard 
crops  shelter  takes  two  forms  :  a  temporary  crop  in  which  the 
young  trees  are  nursed,  and  permanent  windbreaks  and  hedges 
enclosing  or  dividing  up  the  fields. 

Young  coconut  trees  in  dry  situations  may  be  sheltered  with 
great  advantage  in  the  reduction  of  scale  attacks. 



The  common  parasites  attacking   Coccidae   in   these  islands 
are  the  following  : 

Sphccrostilbe  coccophila 

Ophionectria  coccicola 

Cephalosporium  lecanii 

Aschersonia  spp. 

Myriangium  Duricei 

Septohasidium  spp. 
The    first    four    attack    individual    insects 

the  red-headed  fungus, 
the  white-headed  fungus, 
the  shield-scale  fungus. 

the  black  fungus. 

Myriangium    and 

Drawn  by]  U-  ^-  ^orer 

Fig.  23     Metarrhizium  anisoplioe  Sorok 

Septohasidium  extend  over  whole  colonies,  spreading  over  the 
surface  of  leaves  or  enveloping  leaves  or  branches. 

An  undescribed  Empusa  species  appears  to  be  fairly  common 
on  Coccus  viridis,  the  common  green  scale,  developing  within  the 
body  so  that  its  victims  merely  look  dry  and  brown.  Aspergillus 
flavus  is  very  common  on  Pseudococcus  calceolarice,  the  sugar- 
cane mealy  bug  ;  VerticilUum  heterocladum  has  been  found  on 
citrus  white  fly  in  a  Barbados  gully. 

Aphides  are  frequently  found  covered  with  a  Hormodendron 
sp.  which  has  been  experimentally  found  to  be  able  to  kill  Coccus 

Thrips  on  cacao  in  St.  Vincent  are  subject   to  epidemics  of 


Sporotrichum  globuliferum,  and  a  temporary  high  death-rate 
has  been  produced  by  spraying  the  spores  of  this  easily  cul- 
tivated fungus  on  thrips-infested  trees  in  Grenada. 

Of  the  plant-feeding  bugs,  Dysdercus  spp.  the  cotton  stainers 
and  Nezara  viridula,  the  green  bug,  have  been  seen  to  be  subject 
to  epidemics  of  Sporotrichum  globuliferum  and  Isaria  Pattersonii, 

The  froghopper  in  Trinidad  is  attacked  every  year  by 
Metarrhizium  anisoplics  and  an  Empusa  sp.,  which  destroy 
large  numbers  of  adults  when  conditions  are  favourable. 

An  epidemic  outbreak  of  disease  caused  by  Botrytis  rileyi, 
on  caterpillars  [Thermesia  gemmatalis  ?)  infesting  a  field  of  cow- 
peas  in  St.  Kitts,  was  so  sudden  in  its  effects  that  the  stiffened 
bodies  clinging  to  the  leaves  produced  the  appearance  of  a 
sprinkling  of  snow. 

The  sugar-cane  moth  borer  Diatroea  is  subject  in  the  larval 
stage  to  the  attacks  of  Isaria  Barbcri. 

Gibellula  arachnophila  is  fairly  common  on  leaf-inhabiting 

Besides  these  established  examples  there  are  many  indi- 
vidual records  of  species  of  which  the  distribution  is  unknown. 
There  can  be  no  doubt  that  fungus  parasites  play  a  considerable 
part  in  controlling  the  numbers  and  distribution  of  insects,  a 
control  which  in  many  cases  is  the  less  conspicuous  because  of  its 
efficiency.  Its  importance  in  regard  to  scale  insects  is  strikingly 
demonstrated  by  the  infestations  which  develop  on  citrus  trees 
after  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture,  which  suppresses  the 
fungi  without  affecting  the  insects. 



P'lolo  by]  [J.  fi.  Rore 

Fig.  24 

Dusting    with    Spores    of    Froghopper    Fungus    (Trinidad) 

Fig.  25 
Equipment  for  mixing  Bordeaux  by  Gravity 

Section  II — Prevention  and  Control 


Arable  Crops  and  Parasitic  Diseases. 

A  field  is  to  be  planted  with  a  certain  crop,  which  is  subject 
to  specific  diseases.  The  grower  requires  to  know  what  can  be 
done  to  prevent  their  appearance,  and,  should  they  appear,  how 
the  resulting  damage  may  be  kept  to  the  minimum.  For  every 
crop  and  for  every  disease  of  it  the  answers  to  these  questions 
must  vary,  but  the  general  principles  of  prevention  and  control 
are  nevertheless  capable  of  useful  discussion. 

Sources  of  Infection. 

For  a  parasitic  disease  to  develop  in  a  crop  a  primary  infection 
is  necessary,  and  the  sources  from  which  infection  may  arise  will 
first  be  considered. 

I.  The  parasite  may  be  in  the  soil,  continuing  its  existence  in 
the  soil  itself,  or  on  the  dead  or  living  remains  of  the  previous 
crop.  To  remedy  this  condition  the  process  of  starving  out  the 
parasite  by  denying  to  it  its  appropriate  host  is  commonly 
adopted.  This  may  take  the  form  of  resting  the  field  for  a  period, 
but  usually  the  result  is  more  efficiently  and  more  economically 
attained  by  planting  a  different  crop.  In  the  practice  of  crop 
rotation  from  the  point  of  view  of  eliminating  diseases  the 
principles  to  be  kept  in  mind  are  (a)  that  the  successive  crop- 
plants  should  not  be  susceptible  to  attack  by  the  same  parasites, 
and  (b)  that  a  crop  needing  deep  or  frequent  cultivation  will 
produce  the  quickest  results.  Even  where  no  alternative  crop  is 
available  much  may  be  done  in  the  desired  direction  by  early 
removal  of  the  remains  of  the  previous  crop  and  thorough  culti- 
vation before  replanting.  Many  attempts  have  been  made 
to  find  some  direct  means  of  soil  sterilization  by  chemical  or 
.physical  agencies.  It  may  be  stated  with  confidence  that  no 
method  involving  the  use  of  chemicals  or  heat  is  known  which 
*is  at  the  same  time  cheap  enough  and  effective  enough  to  be 
applied  to  areas  larger  than  those  of  seed  or  nursery  beds  or  the 
sites  of  a  few  infested  plants  or  trees. 

The  practice  of  flooding  fields  where  it  is  practicable  may  be 
very  useful. 

8i  G 


2.  The  parasite  may  be  introduced  with  the  planting  material. 
In  crops  which  are  grown  from  seed  a  parasitic  fungus  or 

bacterium  may  be  introduced  with  the  seed,  either  adhering  ex- 
ternally or,  if  it  is  from  an  infested  plant,  as  an  internal  infection. 
The  simplest  means  of  avoiding  this  is  to  plant,  when  possible, 
seed  from  a  perfectly  healthy  source  ;  where  this  cannot  be 
guaranteed,  some  form  of  seed  sterilization,  the  methods  of  which 
are  discussed  on  a  later  page,  may  be  adopted.  With  some  crops 
the  trouble  this  involves  is  exceedingly  well  repaid.  The  same 
considerations  apply  with  even  greater  force  in  the  case  of  crops 
planted  from  cuttings.  It  is  often  desirable  to  supply  these 
from  nurseries,  which  may  be  established  in  favourable  situations, 
perhaps  at  a  safe  distance  from  the  main  crop,  and  can  be  given 
special  attention  to  keep  them  healthy. 

3.  Infection  may  come  from  standing  crops  or  allied  plants. 
It  is  commonly  the  case  in  the  tropics  that  an  older  crop  may 

be  still  standing  when  fields  of  the  same  plant  are  being  estab- 
lished. In  this  event  the  conditions  are  favourable  to  the 
passage  of  spores  from  old  to  new,  blown  by  wind  or  washed  by 
rain,  carried  by  birds  and  insects,  by  labourers  and  by  imple- 
ments passing  from  one  field  to  another.  For  this,  if  the  co- 
existence of  crops  of  different  ages  is  a  necessity,  as  is  the  case 
with  sugar-cane,  there  is  little  remedy.  Where  the  necessity 
does  not  exist  a  voluntary  or  compulsory  adjustment  of  the, 
time  of  planting  may  be  of  the  greatest  value,  as  is  demonstrated 
in  those  islands  where  a  close  season  for  cotton  has  been  adopted, 
involving  the  destruction  by  burning  or  burying  of  all  old  plants 
by  a  certain  date  some  time  before  planting  is  allowed.  There 
is  much  that  could  be  done  of  a  related  nature  by  the  control  of 
plants,  wild  or  escaped,  growing  by  the  sides  of  roads  and  traces 
and  on  waste  land.  Frequently  these  plants  serve  to  carry 
over  the  pests  and  diseases  of  allied  crop-plants.  With  some 
initial  trouble  and  a  little  care  from  time  to  time  such  situations 
may  be  covered  with  a  growth  of  some  harmless  and  self-main- 
taining plant,  which  may  moreover  serve  a  useful  purpose  as 
fodder,  mulch  or  firewood. 

An  instance  of  the  kind  of  action  described  is  afforded  by  the 
very  effective  control  of  the  insect  principally  involved  in  the 
transmission  of  internal  boll  disease  of  cotton,  which  has  been 
achieved  in  St.  Vincent  by  eradicating  two  useless  Malvaceous 
trees  on  which  the  insect  bred  between  cotton  seasons. 

4.  Infection  may  be  introduced  with  manure. 

With  most  fungi,  some  of  the  smuts  being  exceptions,  well 
rotted  pen  manure  may  be  considered  safe.  This  cannot  be  said 
for  vegetable  mulches  when  these  are  derived  from  plants  which 
are  identical  with  or  related  to  that  composing  the  crop.  Sugar- 
cane trash,  for  example,  may  carry  many  of  the  diseases  to 
which  that  plant  is  liable,  and  the  material  from  infested  fields 
should  not  be  applied  until  it  has  been  well  rotted  down  in  a 


pen.  In  a  few  cases  such  material  should  be  promptly  burnt, 
but  as  the  loss  of  organic  matter  is  to  be  avoided  in  arable  agricul- 
ture under  tropical  conditions  burning  should  only  be  resorted  to 
when  specifically  advised. 

Means  of  avoiding  damage. 

As  the  incidence  of  many  diseases  is  unpreventable  by  the 
means  so  far  discussed,  and  in  many  more  is  usually  unpre- 
vented,  consideration  passes  to  the  means  which  may  be  adopted 
for  control. 


Of  these  the  most  effective  and  the  least  troublesome,  because 
it  is  automatic,  is  that  which  lies  in  the  resistance  of  the  plant 
to  infection  or  to  serious  infestation.  This,  it  has  been  pointed 
out  in  a  previous  chapter,  may  be  due  to  some  hereditary  quality 
or  character,  or  it  may  depend  on  the  condition  of  the  plant  as 
determined  by  its  environment.  Some  degree  of  this  acquired 
resistance  can  be  had  in  all  crops  and  under  all  conditions  by 
giving  the  best  care  possible  under  the  circumstances,  but  its 
extent  is  limited  by  the  possibilities  of  soil,  situation,  and  climate, 
which  may  not  be  favourable  to  the  best  development  of  the 
plant.  This  kind  of  resistance  is  effective  against  most  types  of 
disease  caused  by  saprophytes  with  weak  powers  of  parasitism, 
such  as  root  disease  of  sugar-cane  and  the  Diplodia  diebacks, 
and  also  against  the  numerous  class  of  special  parasites  which 
principally  develop  on  senescent  leaves  but  advance  the  time  of 
their  attack  on  weakened  plants.  The  West  Indian  leaf-mildew 
of  cotton  is  a  good  example  of  this,  as  are  several  of  the  true 
rusts  and  many  leaf -spot  parasites.  A  vigorous  plant  moreover, 
even  when  not  resistant,  may  keep  pace  with  the  development 
of  the  disease  and  produce  a  crop  in  spite  of  it. 

It  happens  in  some  cases,  though  they  are  naturally  difficult 
to  recognise,  that  a  dangerous  degree  of  susceptibility  in  otherwise 
weU-cultivated  plants  may  arise  from  the  shortage  of  some  par- 
ticular substance  in  the  soil.  There  are  several  well-marked 
instances  on  record  where  this  condition  has  arisen  through 
a  shortage  of  lime.  In  others  it  has  been  shown  that  resistance 
could  be  increased  by  the  application  in  the  particular  case  of 
potash  or  of  phosphates. 

It  must  be  fully  recognised  that  there  are  many  diseases 
against  which  the  type  of  resistance  just  discussed  is  not  effective, 
in  which  in  fact  the  parasite  may  flourish  all  the  better  for  the 
abundance  or  succulence  of  its  food  supply,  or  in  which,  as  in  the 
Rosellinia  diseases,  the  conditions  which  favour  the  most  perfect 
development  of  the  host  are  those  which  also  best  suit  the 

Inherent  (hereditary)  resistance,  on  the  other  hand,  may  be 
effective  against  infection  or  infestation  with  the  most  virulent 


of  parasites,  but  as  a  rule,  where  it  is  not  due  simply  to  inherent 
vigour,  it  is  narrowly  restricted  in  range.  Sugar-cane  resistant 
to  red  rot,  or  bananas  resistant  to  Panama  disease,  for  example, 
are  not  necessarily  protected  against  any  other  sugar-cane  or 
banana  disease.  Nor  is  resistance  of  this  type  necessarily 
constant  under  varying  environmental  conditions,  so  that  varieties 
perfectly  resistant  in  one  locality  have  sometimes  proved  sus- 
ceptible in  another,  and  resistance  which  operates  for  the  ordinary 
prevalence  of  a  disease  may  fail  against  the  mass  attack  of  an 
epidemic.  The  utilisation  of  resistant  varieties  is  also  subject 
to  the  disability  that  their  produce  may  be  unsatisfactory  in 
some  commercial  quality,  as  in  the  bananas  resistant  to  Panama 
disease,  or  may  cover  only  one  section  of  the  demand  for  a 
graded  article  such  as  cotton. 

It  will  be  seen  that  dependence  on  acquired  resistance,  or 
resort  to  inherently  resistant  varieties,  is  subject  to  many  limita- 
tions. The  possibilities  of  these  methods  should,  however, 
be  always  kept  in  mind,  and  growers  may  usefully  call  attention 
to  apparently  resistant  plants  when  they  occur  ;  the  critical 
testing  of  this  quality  is  a  technical  matter  best  handled  by  the 

Disease  Evasion. 

There  are  various  ways  in  which  disease  may,  under  appro- 
priate circumstances,  be  evaded.  Land  may  be  used  which  is 
virgin  to  the  crop,  or  remote  from  the  same  or  related  crops. 
Of  more  general  application  is  the  timing  of  a  crop  to  avoid  the 
seasonal  prevalence  of  diseases  ;  thus  cotton,  which  is  highly 
susceptible  to  damage  from  boll  diseases  in  wet  weather,  may 
be  planted  so  as  to  bring  the  fruiting  period  within  the  edge  of 
the  dry  season.  With  short-term  crops  such  as  Indian  corn 
and  many  garden  vegetables,  the  first  plantings  often  escape 
pests  and  diseases  to  which  later  ones  are  liable. 

Elimination  Methods. 

The  simplest  kind  of  treatment  for  the  control  of  a  disease 
which  has  gained  access  to  a  cultivation  consists  in  the  removal 
of  diseased  plants  or  their  affected  parts  :  whole  plants  may  be 
pulled  up  or  cut  down  and  burnt  or  buried,  diseased  leaves  and 
fruit  may  be  collected  from  the  plants  or  from  the  ground, 
diseased  twigs  or  branches  pruned  away,  affected  bark  or  cankers 
cut  from  stems  ;  while  root  diseases  may  be  restricted  by  the 
isolation  of  infected  trees.  Measures  such  as  these  are  frequently 
the  only  ones  it  is  possible  or  profitable  to  adopt,  and  they  are 
commonly  desirable  as  supplementary  measures  where  spraying 
or  other  treatment  is  applied.  The  effectiveness  of  elimination 
in  the  control  of  disease  varies  widely.  In  the  case  of  coconut 
bud-rot  thorough  campaigns  against  diseased  trees  have  been 
reported  very  successful,  and  results  may  be  similarly  good  in 


most  slowly  developed  affections,  but  when  spores  are  produced 
quickly  and  in  vast  numbers,  as  they  are  in  so  many  diseases, 
the  effects  are  not  as  a  rule  satisfactory  unless  the  plants  are 
also  sprayed. 


The  object  of  most  spraying  with  fungicides  is  not,  as  seems 
to  be  commonly  thought,  the  cure  of  disease,  but  the  prevention 
of  further  infection.  Fungoid  and  bacterial  parasites,  with  the 
exception  of  the  powdery  mildews  and  a  few  others  of  similar 
habit,  enter  more  or  less  deeply  into  the  tissues  and  cannot  be 
reached  by  a  spray  which  does  not  at  the  same  time  destroy  the 
affected  part  itself.  The  action  of  the  copper  sprays,  of  which 
Bordeaux  mixture  is  the  type,  is  to  prevent  the  successful 
germination  of  spores  lying  on  the  surface ;  this  they  do  most 
effectively  at  the  time  of  germination,  so  that  protection  is 
best  afforded  by  an  enduring  film  in  which  the  toxic  ingredient, 
the  copper,  which  is  at  the  same  time  the  substance  injurious 
to  the  plant  itself,  is  rendered  soluble  by  slow  degrees.  For 
the  destruction  of  developed  mycelium  where  it  can  be  reached, 
as  in  the  mildews,  the  sulphur  sprays  are  found  more  effective. 

From  the  nature  of  the  process  spraying  is  most  applicable 
to  affections  of  leaves,  flowers,  and  fruit,  especially  when  the 
disease  is  of  a  seasonal  and  more  or  less  epidemic  nature. 

Permanent  Crops. 

Considerations  different  in  some  respects  from  those  applying 
to  arable  crops  arise  in  reference  to  permanent  crops,  in  which 
the  same  trees  occupy  the  same  ground  for  many  years.  The 
protection  given  by  rotation  of  crops  is  not  available,  and  the 
death  of  individual  plants  is  much  more  serious,  since  they  may 
take  years  to  replace.  The  adoption  of  more  careful  and  expen- 
sive treatment  may  be  commercially  sound,  for  not  only  the 
immediate  crop,  but  the  future  history  of  the  trees  has  to 
be  considered. 

In  the  West  Indies  there  are  all  stages  of  tree  cultivation 
from  the  simple  afforestation  of  land  with  limes,  coconuts,  or 
cacao — further  attention  being  confined  to  cutlassing  the  under- 
growth and  removal  of  the  fruit — to  careful  orchard  methods  in 
which  the  cultivation  of  the  soil,  the  use  and  sequence  of  the 
different  types  of  manure,  and  the  pruning  of  the  trees  receive 
their  due  consideration.  In  the  former  system,  as  in  forestry 
proper,  individual  treatment  for  disease  is  seldom  regarded  as 
practicable ;  dead  branches  may  be  removed  at  intervals, 
dead  trees  are  replaced  by  "  supplies,"  and  that  is  about  all, 
except  where  the  persistent  march  of  a  root  disease  may  compel 
attention.  In  the  more  intensive  system  reached  on  some  cacao 
estates  the  recommendation  of  sanitary  measures  and  of  the 
use  of  sprays  is  not  considered  unreasonable.      No  doubt  as 


time  goes  on  and  beneficial  results  are  demonstrated  this 
disposition  will  increasingly  prevail. 

For  leaf,  flower  and  fruit  diseases  of  trees,  the  most  general 
remedies  are  (i)  wide  spacing,  to  secure  access  of  air  and  sun  ; 

(2)  efficient  drainage,  to  reduce  humidity  in  rainy  periods,  and 

(3)  spraying.  Where  the  first  measure  conflicts,  as  it  may,  with 
the  requirements  of  good  vegetative  development,  a  compromise 
has  to  be  made.  In  the  case  of  debility  diseases  due  to  the 
effects  of  exposure  close  planting  may  have  distinct  advantages. 

Any  trees  which  harbour  pests  and  diseases  liable  to  be 
transmitted  to  the  crop  should  be  as  far  as  possible  eliminated 
from  the  neighbourhood. 

Pruning  for  twig  and  branch  diseases,  and  trenching  for  root 
diseases  are  dealt  with  in  later  sections. 

There  are  two  pieces  of  general  counsel,  of  which  the  sound- 
ness is  beyond  dispute,  which  may  be  offered  in  the  present 
connection  to  planters  of  permanent  crops.  The  first  is  that 
thought  should  be  given  to  the  possible  incidence  of  disease  in 
laying  out  fields,  so  that,  by  wide  and  regular  spacing,  the  pro- 
vision of  a  regular  drainage  system,  and  the  separation  of  blocks 
by  passable  roads,  accessibility  and  some  degree  of  isolation  may 
be  secured. 

The  other  is  that  arrangements  should  be  made  for  steadily 
replacing,  section  by  section,  trees  which  have  passed  their 
prime.  In  the  modern  commercial  orchard  of  temperate  countries 
only  trees  in  full  vigour  are  tolerated,  and  the  considerations 
are  the  same,  if  their  recognition  is  at  present  less,  in  the  West 
Indies.  One  great  advantage  is  the  resistance  offered  by  such 
trees  to  pests  and  diseases  and  their  greater  recuperative  powers 
when  injured. 



Apart  from  experiment  stations  the  spraying  of  plants,  whether 
for  insecticidal  or  fungicidal  purposes,  has  come  little  into  practice 
in  the  West  Indies,  and  less  for  the  latter  than  the  former  purpose. 
This  can  be  attributed  to  the  usually  unintensive  methods 
of  raising  crops,  to  the  lack  of  adaptation  of  available  methods 
to  the  needs  experienced,  to  the  general  unsuitability  for  spraying 
operations  of  the  type  of  labour  employed,  to  the  difficulties  of 
maintaining  the  apparatus,  especially  rubber  parts,  in  order, 
and  not  least  to  a  reluctance  to  face  the  trouble  and  supervision 
involved.  Even  the  simple  operation  of  dusting  cotton  for 
caterpillar  attacks  is  often  badly  organised  and  carried  out, 
and  the  most  general  use  of  a  fungicide,  that  of  Bordeaux  mixture 
for  treating  cane  cuttings,  is  made  in  a  routine  fashion  which  is 
frequently  inefficient.  Improvement  in  these  matters  depends 
on  agricultural  education,  and  on  the  ability  of  agricultural 
officers  to  demonstrate  the  advantages  to  be  secured. 

The  use  of  fungicides  may  be  (i)  protective  against  infection, 
as  in  the  spraying  of  leaves  and  fruits,  the  dipping  of  sugar-cane 
cuttings,  and  the  coating  of  exposed  wood  ;  (2)  remedial,  as 
when  a  fungus  growing  on  the  leaves  of  a  plant  is  directly  at- 
tacked ;  (3)  disinfectant,  when  fungi,  bacteria,  or  their  spores 
existing  on  seeds  or  other  planting  material,  on  a  growing  plant, 
or  in  the  soil  are  destroyed  to  prevent  infection. 

By  far  the  most  important  function,  in  the  extent  of  its 
application,  is  the  protective  one,  and  the  most  common  mis- 
apprehension regarding  fungicides  is  that  spraying  designed  for 
this  purpose  is  of  value  as  a  remedial  treatment,  which  very 
frequently  is  not  the  case. 

Bordeaux  mixture  is  the  standard  protective  fungicide, 
but  it  has  little  remedial  value.  For  the  destruction  of  a  fungus 
on  living  organs,  which  naturally  can  as  a  rule  only  be  atten-j.pted 
when  the  mycelium  is  superficial,  the  sulphur  fungicides  are 
in  general  most  effective.  For  disinfection  various  poisons  are 
available  for  different  purposes,  such  as  mercuric  chloride, 
formalin  and  copper  sulphate. 

It  is  necessary  to  bear  in  mind  that  the  pint  of  the  United 
States  and  Barbados  is  16.6  fluid  ounces  as  compared  with  the 
20  ounces  of  Imperial  measure,  so  that  to  get  comparable  results 
in  using   American  formulse  with  British  measures  five-sixths 



of   the   indicated    number    of  gallons    should  be   used.      The 
formulae  in  this  book  are  given  in  Imperial  measures. 

The  Copper  Compounds. 

The  fungicidal  action  of  the  copper  compounds  is  principally 
of  value  in  preventing  the  successful  germination  of  spores,  and 
for  this  purpose  they  have  to  be  adapted  for  use  on  the  tender 
surfaces  of  leaves  and  growing  fruits.  In  order  to  have  avail- 
able over  as  long  a  period  as  possible  an  amount  of  soluble  copper- 
salt  sufficient  to  kill  the  fungus  without  damaging  the  almost 
equally  susceptible  tissues  of  the  plant,  they  are  applied  in 
compounds  which  only  slowly  set  free  the  actual  fungicide. 
Bordeaux  mixture,  which  consists  of  copper  salts  formed  by  the 
interaction  of  copper  sulphate  and  lime,  is  for  general  purposes 
the  most  convenient  and  effective. 

Bordeaux  Mixture. 

The  popular  way  of  indicating  the  strength  of  Bordeaux 
mixture  is  by  formula,  thus  6-4-50  is  recognised  to  mean  the 
mixture  obtained  by  the  use  of  61b.  of  copper  sulphate,  41b.  of 
stone  lime,  and  50  gallons  of  water. 

For  purposes  of  scientific  discussion  the  strength  is  best 
expressed  as  the  percentage  of  copper  sulphate  used  in  prepara- 
tion, and  the  Imperial  gallon  of  water  having  a  weight  of  lolb.*, 
the  use  of  ilb.  of  copper  sulphate  to  each  10  gallons  of  water 
makes  a  i  per  cent,  mixture,  which  is  about  the  standard  strength 
required  for  spraying  and  dipping.  A  2  per  cent,  mixture  is  some- 
times used,  and  0.5  per  cent,  may  be  found  to  be  strong  enough  for 
a  particular  purpose  or  may  have  to  be  adopted  to  avoid  injury. 
These  strengths  are  obtained  by  doubling  or  halving  the  pro- 
portion of  copper  sulphate  and  lime  in  the  i  per  cent,  mixture, 
taking  therefore  alb.  or  |lb.  of  copper  sulphate  for  each  10 
gallons  of  water. 

The  amount  of  lime  used,  provided  that  it  is  of  good  quality, 
admits  of  considerable  latitude.  According  to  S.  U.  Pickering, 
the  requirement  to  decompose  the  whole  of  the  copper  sulphate 
is  one-fifth  of  its  weight  of  pure  lime.  In  ordinary  practice  a 
considerable  excess  of  lime  is  used,  commonly  a  weight  equal  to 
that  of  the  copper  sulphate,  and  the  mixture  is  in  consequence 
strongly  alkaline.  This  gives  a  wide  margin  to  cover  defects 
in  the  lime,  and  has  advantages,  but  it  should  be  noticed  that  in  an 
emergency,  or  where  lime  is  scarce  and  dear,  half  this  quantity 
of  good  lime  can  be  used  without  changing  the  nature  of  the 
resulting  mixture.  Attempts  are  sometimes  made  to  use  air- 
slaked  lime,  but  this  is  quite  unsafe  and  produces  a  worthless 
mixture.  Where  stone  lime  is  unprocurable  soda  should  be  used 
instead.     (See  Burgundy  mixture). 

*  The  American  gallon  of  water  weighs  8.345  lb. 

M--  , 




li,-.  26 
Mixing  Bordeaux  by  Hamj 

[/.  B.  Rorcr 


Photo  b\] 

Spraying   Mango    wit 

/    /     A  ;</ 
■RAMOTOK     I'l'MP     MOINIED     ON      _MI-GaLLON     OIL    URLM 


Physical  properties. 

The  physical  properties  of  Bordeaux  mixture  are  all- important, 
since  on  the  nature  of  the  precipitate  depends  the  adhesion  of 
the  spray.  In  the  freshly  made  mixture  this  should  be  fiocculent 
or  gelatmous  in  appearance,  light  blue  in  colour,  settling  very 
slowly  when  allowed  to  stand.  In  a  few  hours  the  sediment 
becomes  more  crystalline,  settles  quickly  after  shaking,  and  has 
lost  its  power  of  adhesion  when  dried.  This  is  the  reason  for  the 
customary  warning  to  use  only  the  freshly  made  mixture.  The 
flocculence  of  the  precipitate  can  however  be  preserved  to 
some  extent  by  adding  skimmed  or  whole  milk  at  the  rate  of 
J  pint  (5  oz.)  to  the  gallon,  which  also  greatly  increases  adhesion. 

The  nature  of  the  precipitate  originally  formed  depends  to  a 
large  extent  on  the  method  of  preparation.  The  mixing  of 
strong  solutions  of  copper  sulphate  and  lime  gives  a  very  heavy 
sediment,  and  should  be  avoided.  The  ordinary  way  is  to 
dissolve  the  copper  in  one  half  of  the  water,  mix  the  milk  of 
lime  with  the  other  half,  and  then  run  the  two  together.  This 
gives  a  satisfactory  result,  is  normally  the  most  convenient, 
and  is  least  likely  to  go  wrong  in  unskilled  hands.  It  is  quite 
possible  to  get  good  results,  and  under  some  circumstances  with 
more  convenience,  by  mixing  one  constituent  with  about  five- 
sixths  of  the  water  and  adding  the  other  with  the  rest.  The 
best  result  of  all,  according  to  O.  Butler,  is  obtained  from  the 
addition  of  weak  copper  solution  to  strong  milk  of  lime.  Should 
strong  milk  of  lime  be  added  to  weak  copper  or  strong  copper  to 
weak  lime,  it  is  essential  that  the  liquid  should  be  thoroughly 
agitated  during  mixing. 

Solutions  of  copper  sulphate  must  not  be  brought  into  contact 
with  metal  vessels.  For  milk  of  lime  this  does  not  matter.  The 
prepared  mixture  can  be  contained  in  galvanised  receptacles 
provided  it  does  not  stand  more  than  a  few  hours.  When  only 
one  wooden  tub  is  available  it  may  be  used  to  contain  the  copper 
sulphate  and  most  of  the  water,  the  lime  being  added  from  a 
bucket  with  vigorous  agitation,  or  if  the  method  of  strong  copper 
to  weak  lime  is  adopted  (which  is  less  desirable)  it  is  only  neces- 
sary to  have  a  bucket  made  of  wood,  in  which  to  dissolve  the 
copper,  pouring  the  solution  into  the  middle  of  the  large  re- 
ceptacle containing  the  lime  and  water  and  stirring  vigorously. 

The  most  satisfactory  addition  to  Bordeaux  mixture  for 
increasing  its  adhesion,  valuable  where  sprayed  foliage  is  exposed 
to  tropical  rain,  is  resin  soap.  This  is  prepared  by  boiling 
2  lb.  of  resin  with  i  lb.  of  washing  soda  in  i  gallon  of  water 
until  the  mixture  is  clear,  and  adding  this  quantity  to  25-30 
gallons  of  Bordeaux  as  found  necessary  for  the  purpose  in  hand. 
This  also  improves  the  wetting  and  covering  power  of  the  mixture 
on  such  leaves  as  resist  in  these  respects  the  ordinary  type  of 
wash.  It  is  possible  that  a  weak  Bordeaux  with  this  addition 
may  be  found  to  be  as  effective  as  a  strong  one  without  it. 



For  insecticidal  purposes  lead  arsenate  paste  1-2  ounces  to  the 
gallon  (or  powder  ^-i  ounce),  or  Paris  green  i  ounce  to  7  gallons 
(added  to  the  milk  of  lime  before  mixing),  as  stomach  poisons, 
or  Black-leaf  40  (nicotine  sulphate)  i  ounce  to  4-6  gallons  or  i 
teaspoonful  to  the  gallon,  as  a  contact  poison,  are  frequently 
added  to  Bordeaux  mixture. 

G.  E.  Sanders  and  A.  Kelsall  have  worked  out  a  method  of 
combining  white  arsenic,  which  is  relatively  cheap,  with  Bordeaux 
mixture.  One  pound  of  superfine  white  arsenic  (which  should 
pass  through  a  screen  of  250  meshes  to  the  inch),  mixed  with  one 
pound  of  dry  hydrated  lime,  is  first  added  to  each  10  gallons  of 
the  water  used  in  preparing  the  usual  10  per  cent,  stock  solution 
of  copper  sulphate.  The  latter,  thoroughly  stirred  before  dilu- 
tion, is  then  used  in  the  ordinary  way. 


The  standard  method  for  making  the  usual  alkaline  Bordeaux 
mixture  will  now  be  described.  The  proportions  are  indicated 
in  the  following  table  : — 


Stone  lime 



Per  cent. 




























It  is  usual  to  have  two  tubs  each  holding  25  gallons  and  one 
barrel  holding  50  gallons.  The  copper  sulphate  is  dissolved  in 
25  gallons  of  water  in  one  tub.  When  left  standing  it  dissolves 
best  if  it  is  suspended  near  the  surface  tied  up  in  a  piece  of 
sacking.  The  lime  is  slaked  in  a  bucket  by  adding  water  a  little 
at  a  time  and  at  intervals  of  5-10  minutes  until  it  heats,  swells 
up,  and  crumbles,  after  which  water  can  be  added  freely.  Time 
and  trouble  can  be  saved  with  some  limes  by  using  hot  water. 
The  resulting  milk  of  lime  is  turned  into  the  second  tub  and  made 
up  to  25  gallons.  The  contents  of  the  tubs  are  now  run  together 
at  the  same  rate  into  the  barrel,  or  baled  out  bucket  for  bucket. 
The  mixture  is  then  ready  for  use,  and  the  more  quickly  it  is 
used  the  better.  If  required,  the  preservatives,  adhesives  or 
insecticides  previously  described  can  now  be  added.  In  filling 
sprayers  the  mixture  should  always  be  passed  through  a  strainer 
of  fine  copper  or  brass  gauze. 

When  Bordeaux  mixture  is  needed  from  time  to  time,  it  is 
convenient  to  prepare  stock  solutions  of  each  material.  These 
are  usually  of  10  per  cent,  strength,  i  lb.  of  copper  sulphate  to 
each  gallon  of  water  in  the  one  case,  and  i  lb.  of  lime  to  the 


gallon,  previously  slaked  as  directed  with  part  of  the  water, 
in  the  other.  To  make  i  per  cent,  mixture  an  equal  quantity 
of  each  is  separately  diluted  by  the  addition  of  four  times  as 
much  water,  and  the  two  lots  then  mixed  as  before,  so  that  to 
make  50  gallons  of  mixture,  5  gallons  of  copper  stock  solution 
is  mixed  with  20  gallons  of  water,  and  5  gallons  of  lime  stock 
solution  with  the  like  amount.  The  stock  solutions  may,  if 
desired,  be  made  up  at  double  the  strength  given  above.  They 
keep  well  if  covered,  but  if  evaporation  has  taken  place  should 
be  made  up  with  water  to  the  previous  level. 

Where  water  at  the  required  level  is  available,  it  is  an  advan- 
tage to  have  the  stock  solutions  and  dilution  barrels  on  a  raised 
platform,  so  that  the  solutions  can  be  run  by  gravity  into  the 
mixing  barrel,  and  if  this  is  also  raised  the  mixture  can  be  again 
run  into  the  sprayers. 


When  the  indicated  amount  of  good  lime  has  been  used  the 
mixture  cannot  contain  unaltered  copper  sulphate,  but  to  guard 
against  mistakes,  and  when  the  quality  of  the  lime  is  uncertain, 
it  is  advisable  to  test  the  mixture.  There  are  three  ways  of 
doing  this : — 

(i)  A  fresh  solution  of  potassium  ferrocyanide  is  prepared  by 
dissolving  a  crystal  of  this  substance  in  a  few  spoonfuls  of  water. 
A  piece  of  white  blotting  paper  is  moistened  with  the  Bordeaux, 
or  a  little  is  poured  into  a  white  plate,  and  a  drop  or  two  of  the 
testing  solution  added.  A  brown  discoloration  indicates  that 
more  milk  of  lime  is  required. 

(2)  A  piece  of  blue  litmus  paper  is  dipped  into  the  mixture. 
If  it  turns  red,  add  more  milk  of  lime. 

(3)  A  bright  iron  nail  (avoid  steel)  is  allowed  to  stand  for 
some  minutes  in  a  little  of  the  mixture.  If  a  black  deposit  or  a 
coating  of  metallic  copper  is  formed  on  the  nail,  add  more  milk 
of  lime. 

Bordeaux  Paste. 
The  thick  creamy  compound  known  as  Bordeaux  paste  is 
used  for  application  to  bark  or  exposed  wood,  or  for  any  similar 
purpose  in  which  a  temporary  paint  protective  against  fungus 
infection  is  required.  It  is  prepared  by  dissolving  i  lb.  of  copper 
sulphate  in  i  gallon  of  water  (or  using  i  gallon  of  10  per  cent, 
stock  solution)  and  separately  slaking  2  lb.  of  lime  in  \  gallon  of 
water.  When  the  latter  is  cooled  the  two  are  stirred  together. 
The  addition  of  milk  (i  pint  or  more  to  the  gallon)  or  sugar 
(4  ounces  to  the  gallon)  greatly  improves  its  keeping  qualities. 

Burgundy  Mixture. 

A  mixture  which  closely  resembles  Bordeaux  and  is  regarded 
as  interchangeable  with  it    in  use  is  prepared  in  a  similar  way 



but  with  ordinary  washing  soda  (crystallized  sodium  carbonate) 
substituted  for  the  lime,  using  i|  times  the  quantity.  The 
formulae  for  various  strengths  are  given  in  the  following  table  : — 





Per  cent. 




Strong     ... 















Weak       ... 





Very  weak 









The  0.8  strength  has  been  found  by  S.  C.  Harland  to  be  the 
maximum  that  can  be  applied  to  Sea  Island  cotton  without  severe 
injury,  and,  according  to  E.  J.  Butler,  the  0.4  mixture  is  popular  in 
some  parts  of  France  and  Germany  for  spraying  vines.  The 
addition  of  milk,  ^  pint  (5  oz.)  to  the  gallon  preserves  and  in- 
creases the  adhesion  of  the  precipitate,  or  resin  soap  can  be 
added  to  increase  adhesion  as  with  Bordeaux. 

Burgundy  mixture  can  be  prepared  by  the  ordinary  Bordeaux 
method  of  mixing  equal  amounts  of  the  total  water,  one  contain- 
ing the  copper  and  the  other  the  soda.  It  may  also  be  con- 
veniently prepared  by  dissolving  the  copper  in  seven-eighths  of 
the  water,  and  using  the  remaining  one-eighth  (as  many  pints 
as  there  are  to  be  gallons  of  mixture)  to  dissolve  the  soda.  The 
latter  solution  may  be  made  in  a  bucket  or  a  kerosene  tin,  the 
copper  solution  being  then  stirred  vigorously  and  the  soda 
solution  steadily  poured  into  it.  The  colder  the  solutions,  the 
better  the  precipitate.  The  mixture  should  be  used  fresh  unless 
a  preservative  has  been  added.  Burgundy  paste  is  prepared  in  a 
similar  way  to  Bordeaux  paste,  and  should  if  possible  have 
milk  added. 

Stock  solution  of  copper  can  be  used  as  for  making  Bordeaux, 
but  it  is  better  to  keep  the  soda  in  solid  form. 


There  is  less  need  to  test  Burgundy  than  Bordeaux,  provided 
the  soda  is  of  good  quality  and  the  weighing  accurate.  The 
soda  should  be  crystalline,  without  much  white  powder. 

The  test  is  best  made  with  litmus  paper,  adding  more  soda  if 
blue  litmus  is  turned  red,  and  more  copper  solution  if  the  turning 
of  red  litmus  blue  shows  that  the  mixture  is  more  than  mildly 
alkaline.  The  results  of  the  ferrocyanide  test  and  the  iron 
test  do  not  afford  an  index  to  the  safety  of  Burgundy  mixture. 


Where  spraying  is  done  on  a  large  scale  and  lime  can  be 


obtained,  there  is  no  particular  advantage  in  substituting  Bur- 
gundy for  Bordeaux  mixture,  and  the  latter  will  usually  be  the 
cheaper.  But  where  good  lime  is  not  available  the  use  of  soda  is 
necessary,  and  when  only  a  small  quantity  of  mixture  is  required 
at  a  time  it  is  much  more  convenient.  Weighed  quantities  to 
make  i  gallon  (i^oz.  copper  sulphate  and  2oz.  soda)  can  be  kept 
in  separate  small  bottles  and  made  up  as  required  with  very 
little  trouble. 

Burgundy  mixture  is  less  likely  than  Bordeaux  to  contain 
particles  which  will  clog  the  nozzles  of  sprayers. 

Copper  Sulphate  Wash. 

At  a  strength  of  31b.  to  40  gallons  of  water  copper  sulphate 
is  sometimes  used  as  a  bark  wash  or  disinfectant.  It  cannot  be 
applied  to  leaves  or  to  tender  tissues  of  any  description. 

Cuprammonium  Washes. 

The  Cuprammonium  washes,  made  by  dissolving  copper  or 
one  of  its  compounds  in  ammonia  water  have  no  advantages, 
and  some  disadvantages,  as  compared  with  Bordeaux  mixture 
for  the  purpose  for  which  the  latter  is  ordinarily  used,  i.e.,  pre- 
vention of  the  germination  of  spores.  They  have,  however, 
retained  an  application  to  cases  (1)  where  the  visibility  of  the 
deposit  left  by  Bordeaux  spraying  is  objected  to  as  unsightly  ; 
(2)  where  direct  effect  on  a  developed  fungus  is  required.  The 
results  of  a  comparison  are  summed  up  by  O.  Butler  to  the  effect 
that  the  cuprammonium  washes  are  more  effective  than  Bordeaux 
mixture  when  large  amounts  of  soluble  copper  are  required  to 
give  protection,  less  effective  when  small  amounts  suffice.  These 
fungicides  have  the  practical  disadvantage  in  hot  climates 
that  strong  ammonia  is  difficult  to  keep  and  dangerous  to  handle. 
It  should  be  diluted  with  5  times  its  volume  of  water  as  soon  as 
it  is  obtained. 

The  original  eau  celeste  (cuprammonium  sulphate)  is  made  by 
adding  ammonia  to  a  solution  of  copper  sulphate.  Modified 
eau  celeste  (cuprammonium  hydrate)  may  be  made  by  adding 
ammonia  to  Burgundy  mixture  until  the  precipitate  is  dissolved. 
The  method  of  preparing  cuprammonium  hydrate  usually 
recommended  is  by  dissolving  commercial  copper  carbonate  in 
ammonia  according  to  the  formula  : — 

Copper  carbonate    ...         ...     5  ounces. 

Strong  ammonia     3  pints. 

Water  40  gallons. 

The  ammonia  is  diluted  with  i  gallon  of  water,  and  the  copper 
carbonate,  previously  made  into  a  paste  with  a  little  water,  is 


slowly  mixed  in,  stirring  all  the  time.  The  remaining  water  is 
then  added.  The  solution  does  not  keep  well,  and  should  be 
used  fresh. 

According  to  O.  Butler  the  amount  of  ammonia  indicated  is 
insufficient,  and  should  be  increased  to  i|  pints  to  each  ounce  of 
copper  carbonate,  a  stable  stock  solution  being  prepared  accord- 
ing to  the  formula : — 

Copper  carbonate   ...         ...     i  ounce. 

Strong  ammonia     ...         ...     i|  pints. 

Water  ...         ...         ...     i  pint. 

adding  water  at  the  rate  of  3  gallons  to  each  pint  of  stock  solution 

when  required  for  use. 

Probably  the  method  which  will  be  found  to  be  in  many 
respects  the  most  convenient  is  that  of  dissolving  the  precipitate 
of  Burgundy  mixture  by  adding  sufficient  ammonia.  According 
to  O.  Butler  the  product  compares  very  favourably  in  efficiency 
and  cheapness  with  the  ammoniacal  solution  of  copper  carbonate 
made  according  to  the  ordinary  formula. 

Sulphur  Fungicides. 


Finely  divided  sulphur  is  a  valuable  fungicide  for  use  when 
action  on  exposed  mycelium  is  required,  as  in  the  case  of  the 
powdery  mildews  (Erysiphaceae).  It  is  applied  direct  in  the 
form  of  dust,  or  is  deposited  from  liquid  sprays. 

The  dry  material  has  two  commercial  forms,  powdered 
sulphur  or  sulphur  flour,  obtained  by  grinding,  and  sublimated 
sulphur  or  "  flowers  of  sulphur  "  deposited  from  sulphur  vapour. 
The  most  satisfactory  and  economical  is  that  which  is  most 
finely  divided,  and  both  forms  vary  considerably  in  this  respect. 
Examination  under  a  lens  or  sifting  through  fine  gauze  enables 
comparisons  of  quality  to  be  made. 

The  fungicidal  action  of  sulphur  depends  on  fumes  of  uncertain 
composition  which  are  given  off  under  the  influence  of  the  sun's 
heat.  Its  effects  are  therefore  obtained  to  the  fullest  extent  in 
warm  dry  weather.  Rain  and  high  winds  should  as  far  as 
possible  be  avoided,  and  where  this  cannot  be  done,  lime-sulphur 
solution  should  be  used.  The  applications  are  most  effective  in 
the  early  stages  of  development  of  the  fungus.  The  mixture 
of  an  equal  quantity  of  powdered  lime  with  the  sulphur,  often 
recommended,  was  found  by  F.  M.  Blodget  to  neutralize  to  a  very 
considerable  extent  its  fungicidal  action. 

Lime-Sulphur  Solution. 

Lime-sulphur  solution  may  be  used  to  replace  sulphur  where 
an  adhesive  spray  is  preferred  to  a  powder.     It  has  a  special 


use  as  a  substitute  for  Bordeaux  mixture  where  the  effect  ofthe 
latter  in  protecting  scale-insects  is  a  disadvantage  (often  the  case 
with  citrus  trees),  and  in  concentrated  form  it  has  a  powerful 
and  sometimes  very  valuable  elfect  in  keeping  the  bark  of  trees 
clear  of  moss  and  other  surface  growths. 

Stock  solution  is  prepared  according  to  the  following  formula  : 
Best  stone  lime  (about  95  per  cent.)    50  lb. 
Flowers  or  flour  of  sulphur         . .       100  lb. 
Water  40  gall. 

An  iron  vessel  must  be  used  for  the  boiling,  and  must  be  of 
sufficient  size  to  contain  the  large  amount  of  froth  formed  in 
the  early  stages.  About  half  the  water  is  first  made  hot,  the 
lime  added,  then  the  sulphur,  with  vigorous  stirring  until  both 
are  well  mixed,  and  then  the  rest  of  the  water.  The  fire  should 
not  be  allowed  to  get  fierce,  and  splashes  on  hands  or  clothing 
must  be  avoided.  Either  about  3  gallons  of  extra  water  should 
be  added  at  the  beginning,  or  the  water  lost  in  boiling  should  be 
replaced  from  time  to  time,  preferably  by  hot  water,  so  that  the 
level  when  boiling  is  complete  is  near  42  gallons  hot  or  40  cold, 
as  shown  by  a  measuring  stick  or  mark  previously  prepared. 
The  volume  at  boiling  point  may  be  taken  as  1.05  of  the  volume 
cold.  Actual  boiling  should  continue  for  45  minutes  ;  long 
boiling  reduces  the  amount  of  sulphur  in  solution.  A  steam 
jet  may  be  used  for  boiling,  in  which  case  no  extra  water  is 
required.  The  sediment  should  be  strained  out  before  storage, 
using  30-50  mesh  brass  or  tinned  iron  (not  copper)  gauze. 

If  the  available  boiler  is  small,  half  the  water  may  be  kept 
back  until  boiling  is  complete,  but  the  resulting  solution  is  not 
quite  so  good.  If  preferred  the  lime  and  sulphur  may  be  placed 
in  the  boiler  and  well  mixed  with  half  the  water  before  heating, 
and  the  remaining  half  added  a  little  later. 

The  stock  solution  will  keep  well  if  not  exposed  to  air.  It 
may  be  stored,  after  being  well  mixed  to  secure  even  distribution 
of  the  sludge,  in  full  stone  jars  or  bottles  kept  closed  down,  or  in 
barrels  if  covered  with  a  layer  of  mineral  oil  (kerosene  or  pre- 
ferably lubricating  oil). 

For  use  as  a  spray  the  solution  thus  prepared,  after  straining, 
needs  dilution  at  the  rate  of  about  20  gallons  of  water  to  i  gallon 
for  resistant  foliage,  30-40  to  i  for  more  tender  leaves.  To 
avoid  the  danger  of  scorching  foliage,  the  strength  may  be 
controlled  by  means  of  a  hydrometer,  the  diluted  spray  being 
used  at  strengths  of  approximately  i|°  Baume  for  resistant 
and  1°  or  0.7°  Baume  for  more  tender  foliage.  The  correct 
strength  for  the  work  in  hand  must  be  determined  by  experiment. 

The  new  Baume  scale  is  used  in  the  following  dilution  table, 
but  hydrometers  graduated  on  the  old  scale  may  be  used  viithout 
affecting  the  results  to  a  significant  extent. 



Stock  S 


Gallons  of 


TO  Each  Gallon 

of  Stock. 



Sp.  Gr.  I.  on 


Gr.  I 



Gr.  I .  oo.s 


Baum6  1.5" 

Baume  1 


Baume  0.7° 

1. 210 























































For  use  as  a  bark  wash  the  stock  solution  is  diluted  at  the 
rate  of  i  gallon  to  7-10  gallons  of  water.  Arsenate  of  lead  may 
be  added  to  lime-sulphur  sprays,  1-2  oz.  of  paste  or  |-i  oz.  of 
powder  to  the  gallon,  and  increases  the  fungicidal  value  as  well 
as  acting  as  a  poison  for  biting  insects.  Paris  green  cannot 
be  used  with  lime-sulphur. 

Lime-sulphur  solution  has  a  strong  caustic  action,  and 
contact  with  skin  or  clothes  should  be  avoided.  Copper  vessels 
should  on  no  account  be  used  in  its  preparation  or  application. 
This  includes  copper  spraying  machines,  which  suffer  rapid 
deterioration.  Tinned  or  galvanised  receptacles  may  be  em- 
ployed. The  spraying  outfit  should  be  well  washed  out  after 

Self-Boiled  Lime-Sulphur. 

This  is  a  rather  weak  fungicide  which  is  safer  than  Bordeaux 
or  boiled  lime-sulphur  on  tender  leaves  or  flowers.  In  its  pre- 
paration the  slaking  of  the  lime  is  used  to  supply  the  necessary 
heat.  About  10  lb.  of  best  stone  lime  is  placed  in  a  barrel ; 
an  amount  of  water  nearly  sufficient  to  cover  the  lime  is  added, 
and,  as  slaking  begins,  8  lb.  of  sulphur,  carefully  freed  from 
lumps,  is  well  stirred  in  ;  the  barrel  is  then  covered  to  keep  in 
the  heat  and  the  mixture  allowed  to  stand  with  occasional 
stirring  for  not  more  than  10-15  minutes.  When  the  action  is 
judged  to  be  complete  more  water  is  added  and  well  stirred, 
and  the  quantity  of  wash  brought  up  to  40  gallons.  The  mixture 
should  have  the  coarser  particles  of  lime  strained  out,  but  the 
finer  sediment  should  be  well  worked  through  the  strainer.  As 
the  sediment  settles  quickly  good  agitation  is  needed  in  the 
sprayer.  The  mixture  can  be  used  as  a  basis  for  an  iron  sulphide 
spray  (see  below). 

Since  different  limes  vary  greatly  in  their  heat  of  slaking 
exact  instructions  cannot  be  given  for  the  time  of  cooking. 



Fig.  29 
Compressed  Air  Sprayer  in  Action 


Some  lime  is  so  sluggish  that  it  is  necessary  to  use  hot  water 
to  start  the  process  and  difficult  to  raise  enough  heat  to  complete 
it,  while  with  hot  limes  care  has  to  be  taken  to  stop  the  cooking 
by  adding  cold  water  to  prevent  the  sulphur  going  into  solution . 

Liver  of  Sulphur. 
Liver  of  Sulphur  has  been  used  in  gardening  practice  for 
spraying  against  mildews  and  in  cases  where  the  deposits  left  on 
fruit  or  foliage  by  other  fungicides  have  to  be  avoided.  The 
name  in  its  stricter  sense  is  applied  to  potassium  sulphide,  but 
the  commercial  substance  is  a  mixture  of  several  compounds. 
Its  fungicidal  value  depends  on  its  content  of  sulphides,  which 
varies  greatly  in  different  samples.  Exposed  to  air  its  colour 
turns  from  liver  brown  to  greenish  yellow,  and  eventually  to 
grey,  and  its  value  is  lost.  It  should  be  stored  in  well-sealed 
tins  or  bottles,  which  must  be  kept  full.  It  is  applied  at  a 
strength  of  i  oz.  to  2-3  gallons  of  water,  but  owing  to  the  un- 
certainty of  its  composition,  and  its  tendency  to  burn  when  used 
at  really  fungicidal  strengths,  its  use  is  not  to  be  recommended. 

A  mmonium  Sulphide. 

This  compound  has  recently  been  brought  forward  as  a 
much  more  efficient  and  less  injurious  fungicide  for  use  against 
mildews  than  liver  of  sulphur.  Its  preparation  can  only  be 
undertaken  in  a  chemical  laboratory,  so  that  the  purchase  of 
commercial  stock  solution  is  necessary.  Except  for  ripening 
fruit  or  ornamental  plants  it  has  no  advantage  over  lime-sulphur. 
Iron  Sulphide. 

This  is  recommended  as  a  good  fungicide  non-injurious  to 
fruit.  A  self-boiled  lime-sulphur  mixture  (see  above)  is  prepared 
with  10  lb.  of  lime  and  10  lb.  of  sulphur  to  34  gallons  of  water, 
and  3  lb.  of  iron  sulphate  (copperas)  dissolved  in  6  gallons  of 
water  is  added.     This  gives  a  black  spray. 

Potassium  Permanganate. 

A  solution  of  this  substance  in  water  is  effective  against 
surface  mycelium  and  some  spores.  It  is  convenient  for  use  in 
small  quantities  on  garden  plants.  J.  J.  Taubenhaus  found  that 
sweet  peas  could  be  sprayed  with  solutions  up  to  3  per  cent, 
without  injury,  and  that  0.5  per  cent,  strength  was  effective 
against  anthracnose.  To  prepare  a  i  per  cent,  solution  dissolve 
I  ounce  in  5  pints  of  water  ;  2  ounces  of  soap  may  be  added  if 
found  advantageous  to  increase  the  wetting  properties.  Potassium 
permanganate  may  be  added  to  Bordeaux  mixture  with  a  view 
to  increasing  the  effect  against  exposed  mycelium. 


Successful  and  economical  spraying  depends  on  the  applica- 
tion of  the  fluid  in  such  a  manner  that  after  drying  a  thin  and 
even  deposit  is  left  on  the  leaves  or  other  parts  of  the  plant. 
This  can  only  be  secured  by  a  fine  mist-like  discharge  carefully 


distributed,  and  this  in  turn  depends  on  the  form  of  nozzle  and 
the  amount  of  pressure  apphed. 

Spraying  machines  range  from  power  outfits  with  petrol 
engines,  through  various  forms  of  hand-operated  tank  or  barrel 
pumps,  to  knapsack  types  and  hand-syringes.  In  the  choice  of 
a  type  the  nature  of  the  ground  to  be  worked  over  and  the 
spacing  and  height  of  the  plants  are  first  considerations.  There 
are  few  local  crops  to  which  power  or  traction  sprayers  can  be 
adapted.  The  most  practical  is  usually  some  kind  of  wheeled 
tank  with  a  hand-pump  attached,  and,  according  to  the  power 
of  the  pump,  one  or  two  50-feet  lengths  of  hose.  Additional 
wheeled  tanks  of  convenient  form  may  be  used  to  keep  the 
sprayers  supplied  with  fluid. 

Knapsack  sprayers  of  the  ordinary  type  require  in  the  tropics 
more  than  ordinary  endurance  on  the  part  of  the  carrier  to 
maintain  a  satisfactory  pressure.  The  compressed-air  type, 
consisting  of  tanks  charged  by  a  separate  pump,  is  the  best  for 
use  in  situations  out  of  the  reach  of  wheeled  tanks,  and  may  be 
used  by  climbers  for  sprajdng  coconut  trees.  The  Abol  type 
of  syringe  is  very  useful  for  small  spraying  jobs  in  gardens. 

The  mist-like  discharge  required  for  good  spraying  will  not 
carry  far,  consequently  the  nozzles  have  to  be  raised  to  nearly 
the  height  of  trees  to  be  sprayed  by  means  of  bamboo  rods, 
which  can  be  used  up  to  about  10  feet  in  length. 

The  aim  in  spraying  should  be  thoroughly  to  cover  the  plant, 
while  keeping  the  drip  from  the  leaves  to  a  minimum.  The 
quality  of  the  work  can  only  be  judged  after  the  spray  is  dry, 
and  expertness  is  only  to  be  acquired  by  practice. 

Spray  injury. 

Damage  to  foliage  from  Bordeaux  mixture  is  notoriously 
erratic.  It  is  agreed  that  the  scorching  effect  which  may  develop 
from  properly  prepared  mixture  depends  a  good  deal  on  the 
weather,  being  often  increased  by  dull  humid  conditions.  The 
susceptibility  is  greater  when  the  leaves  are  young  and  when 
they  are  approaching  senescence,  and  may  be  much  increased 
by  insect  injuries  which  in  themselves  are  little  noticeable. 
Different  varieties  of  the  same  plant  species  often  show  great 
differences  in  susceptibility.  There  is  little  information  on  the 
subject  with  regard  to  tropical  plants  and  conditions.  On 
cotton  the  effect  of  too  strong  an  application  is  the  shedding  of 
the  incipient  flower  budo 

Lime  sulphur  injury  is  less  dependent  on  external  conditions, 
and  may  be  met  by  reducing  strength  or  in  extreme  cases  by  the 
use  of  the  self-boiled  wash. 

Both  copper  and  sulphur  sprays  often  show  a  distinct  tonic 
effect  on  vegetation  apart  from  their  fungicidal  action. 


The  application  of  fungicides  in  the  form  of  dust  has  been 


practically  confined  to  sulphur,  to  mixtures  of  sulphur  and  lime, 
and  of  sulphur  with  10  per  cent,  of  dry  arsenate  of  lead.  Recently 
dry  Bordeaux  powders  have  been  placed  on  the  market  and 
are  coming  into  favour,  but  it  is  difficult  to  foresee  a  future 
for  them  in  places  liable  to  tropical  showers.  There  are  various 
types  of  dusting  machine  to  be  obtained,  the  best  of  which, 
short  of  power  or  traction  outfits,  are  certain  types  with  hand- 
operated  fans.  For  garden  purposes  sulphur  may  be  sifted  out 
from  a  cotton  bag. 

The  principal  use  of  disinfectants  in  plant  pathology  is  for 
the  treatment  of  seeds  ;   they  also  have  an  application  to  certain 
other  forms  of  planting  material,  to  the  stems  and  branches  of 
trees,  to  wounds  and,  to  a  very  limited  extent,  to  the  soil. 
Disinfection  of  Seed. 

In  a  number  of  diseases  the  disinfection  of  seed  affords  the 
best  opportunity  of  eliminating  a  parasitic  organism  or  of  reducing 
its  prevalence  in  the  resulting  crop.  It  is  of  particular  value 
with  new  introductions,  and  in  planting  short-term  crops  after 
rotation  or  a  close  season. 

As  a  general  rule  disinfection  only  extends  to  spores  or  other 
material  adhering  externally,  but  in  the  case  of  certain  smuts 
it  is  possible  to  destroy  internal  mycelium  bj^  means  of  heat. 

There  is  no  universally  applicable  method  of  seed  dis- 
infection. There  are  such  marked  differences  in  the  suscepti- 
bility to  poisons  of  seeds  on  the  one  hand  and  parasites  on  the 
other  that  a  treatment  which  is  successful  in  one  case  may 
entirely  fail  in  another.  There  are  spores,  for  example,  which 
can  germinate  in  strong  Bordeaux  mixture  and  others  which 
can  withstand  immersion  for  a  considerable  time  in  i  per  cent, 
copper  sulphate  solution.  Difficulties  are  experienced  in  securing 
the  wetting  of  certain  kinds  of  seeds,  as  for  example  cotton  seed, 
which  is  difficult  to  free  from  the  air  entangled  in  the  fuzz. 

Corrosive  Sublimate. 

Mercuric  chloride,  or  corrosive  sublimate,  has  a  wide  range  of 
effectiveness.  It  is  used  in  solution  in  water,  most  usually  at  a 
strength  of  one  part  in  a  thousand  (i  oz.  to  6 J  gallons).  It  has 
been  used  on  a  considerable  scale  for  soaking  cotton  seed,  but  the 
method  is  subject  to  the  disability  mentioned  above  unless  the 
seed  has  been  delinted  with  sulphuric  acid  or  wetted  with  alcohol, 
measures  only  applicable  on  a  small  scale.  The  effects  of 
mercuric  chloride  are  liable  to  be  neutralized  by  the  presence  of 
organic  substances  of  an  albuminous  nature,  and  it  is  inad- 
visable to  use  the  same  lot  of  solution  more  than  once.  It  is 
desirable  to  wash  seeds  after  treatment. 

The  solution  is  often  recommended  for  use  as  a  disinfectant 
on  newly  exposed  wood  of  trees,  preparatory  to  a  more  per- 
manent coating  of  a  preservative  paint. 


Mercuric  chloride  must  always  be  treated  with  the  caution 
due  to  an  exceedingly  powerful  poison.  Metal  vessels  should 
not  be  used  to  contain  the  solution. 


Formalin  is  the  name  given  to  a  solution  of  formaldehyde  gas 
in  water,  containing,  when  at  full  strength,  40  per  cent,  of  the 
gas.  It  gives  off  a  vapour  which  irritates  the  eyes  and  throat. 
Both  the  solution  and  the  gas  are  very  powerful  disinfectants, 
and  are  only  limited  in  application  by  the  susceptibility  of  some 
seeds  and  other  treated  material  to  injury.  They  afford  the  most 
generally  satisfactory  means  of  disinfection. 

In  the  disinfection  of  seeds  formalin  is  used  at  strengths  of 
2  to  0.25  per  cent,  of  the  commercial  liquid,  according  to  the  time 
of  exposure.  For  prolonged  treatment,  as  of  potatoes  for  scab, 
or  grain  for  smut,  strengths  of  0.4  to  0.25  per  cent,  are  used,  the 
thoroughly  wetted  material  being  covered  up  for  about  two 
hours.  In  using  the  2  per  cent,  solution  seed  is  soaked  for  15 
to  45  minutes  according  to  susceptibility.  In  some  cases  better 
results  are  obtained  by  long  exposure  to  weak  solutions,  in  others 
the  reverse.  A  i  per  cent,  solution  of  formalin  contains  i  oz.  of 
formalin  in  5  pints,  and  from  this  the  other  strengths  can  easily 
be  calculated. 

Certain  kinds  of  seeds  cannot  be  safely  treated  with  liquids, 
and  others  are  very  difficult  to  wet  thoroughly.  These  diffi- 
culties can  be  overcome  by  the  use  of  formaldehyde  vapour, 
which  is  in  general  less  injurious  and  more  effective  than  the 
liquid  treatment.  An  apparatus  has  recently  been  described 
which  is  suitable  for  use  where  there  is  regular  need  for  disin- 
fection of  a  large  variety  of  seeds.  It  consists  of  an  arrangement 
for  passing  steam,  mixed  with  atomized  formalin,  into  a  gal- 
vanized iron  can  with  perforated  shelves.  10-20  ounces  of  for- 
malin per  1,000  cubic  feet,  allowed  to  act  for  2  hours,  is  about  the 
average  quantity  required. 

The  method  of  generating  the  gas  commonly  used  is  that  of 
pouring  formalin  over  potassium  permanganate  crystals  at  the 
rate  of  i  imperial  pint  to  9  ounces.  The  crystals  should  be  placed 
at  the  bottom  of  a  large  bucket  (for  quantities  up  to  3  pints)  and 
this  placed  on  a  tray  of  some  kind,  as  the  mixture  foams 
vigorously.  The  fumigatorium  should  be  ready  for  immediate 
closing  when  the  formalin  has  been  added,  or  an  arrangement 
should  be  made  for  the  release  of  the  liquid  after  closing. 

The  above  method  is  also  applicable  to  the  fumigation  of  fruit 
previous  to  storage,  and  has  been  used  with  success  for  pineapples. 

For  the  disinfection  of  the  soil  of  seed  beds,  formalin  of  0.5 
per  cent,  strength,  at  the  rate  of  about  three  quarters  of  a  gallon 
to  the  square  foot  of  prepared  bed,  is  distributed  with  a  watering- 
pot  as  fast  as  the  soil  will  take  it  up.  The  beds  are  then  covered 
with  bags  or  tarpaulins  for  a  day  or  so  to  keep  in  the  fumes,  and 
are  aired  for  a  week  before  sowing. 


Formalin  has  latelj^  been  found  to  have  some  appHcation  as  a 
spray.  E.  Levin  reports  highly  successful  control  of  bacterial 
soft  rot  of  lettuce  obtained  by  spraying  diseased  plants  with 
0.4  formalin  (i  oz.  to  I2|  pints),  while  the  addition  of  formalin 
to  Bordeaux  mixture  was  at  one  time  claimed  to  have  given 
promising  results  in  the  control  of  citrus  canker  in  the  Philippines. 
SiilpJmric  Acid. 

Treatment  of  seeds  with  concentrated  sulphuric  acid  is  a 
means  of  disinfection  particularly  valuable  in  some  instances,  as 
with  cotton  seed,  and  with  most  kinds,  so  far  from  being  injurious, 
hastens  and  increases  germination  if  carried  out  for  the  right 
length  of  time.  The  seed  to  be  treated  is  well  stirred  in  a  glass 
or  stone  jar  with  a  quantity  of  undiluted  acid  sufficient  to  cover 
it  and  to  give  freedom  of  movement.  The  commercial  grade  of 
acid  is  suitable.  After  15  to  45  minutes'  soaking  (according  to  the 
resistance  of  the  seed  to  injury)  the  contents  of  the  jar  are  poured 
through  a  strainer  of  wire  gauze  and  the  seed  then  washed  in  a 
liberal  amount,  preferably  a  stream,  of  water.  It  may  be  sown  at 
once  or  dried.  This  method  is  recommended  to  be  used  for  cotton 
seed  whenever  possible,  as  it  clears  away  all  the  lint  and  fuzz. 
Copper  Sulphate. 

One  or  two  per  cent,  solutions  of  copper  sulphate  (1-2  lb.  to 
5  gallons)  are  used  for  the  disinfection  of  seeds,  especially  of 
grain  for  smuts.  Preferably  the  grain  is  immersed  in  a  barrel 
of  the  solution,  the  floating  matter  skimmed  off,  and  then  the 
seed  quickly  dried  and  sown.  Another  method  is  to  sprinkle 
a  heap  of  seed  with  the  solution,  turning  and  mixing  until  all  is 
wetted,  then  drying.  If  the  seed  is  treated  with  weak  milk  of 
lime  after  the  copper  solution  there  is  less  resulting  injury. 
Bleaching  Powder. 

The  so-called  chloride  of  lime  or  bleaching  powder  has  recently 
been  recommended  as  very  effective  for  disinfecting  some  kinds  of 
seeds.  The  method  of  preparation  advised  by  J.  K.  Wilson  is  as 
follows  : — "  10  grams  of  commercial  chloride  of  lime  (titrating 
28  per  cent,  chlorine)  is  mixed  with  140  cc.  of  water,  (5  oz.  to 
3I  pints).  The  mixture  is  then  allowed  to  settle  for  five  or  ten 
minutes  and  the  supernatant  liquid  decanted  off  or  filtered. 
The  solution  or  filtrate,  which  contains  about  2  per  cent,  chlorine, 
is  used  as  the  disinfectant.  The  volume  of  the  solution  employed 
should  be  about  five  times  or  more  the  volume  of  the  seed."  The 
permissible  period  of  exposure  must  be  learnt  by  experiment 
for  each  kind  of  seed.     Washing  is  not  necessary. 

Bleaching  powder  has  recently  been  mentioned  as  a  disin- 
fectant for  soil. 

Eaii  de  Javelle. 

Recent  experiments  by  Duggar  and  Davis  indicate  that  com- 
mercial Javelle  water  (chlorinated  potash),  diluted  i  in  10  and 
used  for  soaking  seeds  for  3  hours  or  upwards,  may  prove  an 
exceedingly  effective  means  of  seed  sterilisation. 



For  the  purpose  of  this  section  a  tree  or  shrub  (excepting 
coconut  and  other  palms)  may  be  regarded  as  a  more  or  less  inert 
framework  of  wood,  composing  the  root,  stem,  and  branch  systems, 
over  which  is  stretched  in  a  thin  layer  the  active  living  substance 
of  the  tree.  The  woody  tissue,  once  it  is  matured,  contains 
relatively  few  living  elements,  and  is  capable  of  no  further 
growth.  The  wood  functions  as  mechanical  support  and  for 
the  passage  of  the  soil  solution  from  the  roots  which  absorb 
it  to  the  leaves  which  discharge  its  surplus  water.  In  some 
species  only  the  outer  layers  of  the  stem  (sapwood)  are  concerned 
in  conduction,  the  remainder,  the  heartwood,  being  quite  lifeless, 
in  other  species  all  the  wood  continues  to  function  to  some  extent. 

Outside  the  wood  lies  what  is  popularly  known  as  the  bark, 
which  consists  of  (i)  the  inner  living  layers,  the  bast,  and  (2)  the 
outer  dead  layers  of  covk,  the  bark  proper.  An  important 
function  of  the  bast  is  the  transference  of  the  food  materials 
elaborated  in  the  leaves,  including  the  supply  of  the  necessary 
nourishment  to  the  roots.  The  bark  is  protective  in  its  functions, 
as  will  be  noted  later.  Between  the  wood  and  the  bast  is  an 
extremely  thin  layer  of  delicate  actively  dividing  tissue  :  the 
cambium  layer.  From  this  the  growth  in  thickness  of  all  the 
permanent  parts  of  the  tree  proceeds.  From  its  inner  face 
continuous  new  layers  of  wood  are  deposited  on  the  old,  and  from 
its  outer  face  new  layers  are  added  to  the  bast. 

Increase  in  length  of  any  woody  organ  takes  place  only  by 
additions  to  its  outer  end,  and  these  are  made  at  intervals  by  the 
outgrowth  of  buds  into  new  leafy  shoots. 


It  will  be  readily  understood,  from  what  has  been  previously 
said  of  resistance,  that  the  wood,  with  its  relatively  few  living 
elements  in  the  sapwood  and  none  in  the  heartwood,  will  be  sus- 
ceptible to  the  attacks  of  fungi.  There  is  in  fact  a  very  large 
number  of  fungi  which  specialise  in  wood  destruction,  many  of 
them  saprophytes,  infesting  dead  wood  with  effects  universally 
familiar,  others  with  various  grades  of  ability  to  attack  the  wood 
of  living  trees. 

When  a  tree  is  intact  the  wood  is  completely  enclosed,  first 
by  the  outer  bark,  which  is  impervious  to  water,  and  even  to  air 
except  through  the  special  breathing  organs  (lenticels),  and  is 


difficult  tor  fungus  hyphffi  to  penetrate ;  secondly  by  the  bast, 
largely  made  up  of  active  living  tissue,  and  thus  resistant  to  any 
but  specially  adapted  parasites.  In  very  many  cases,  therefore, 
the  fungi  attacking  the  wood  of  Uving  trees  are  perforce  wound 

Dravm  by  W.  Buthn 
Fig.  30  Healing  of  Pruning 
Wounds  (Mandarin  Orange) 

\}  ' »  ': 

Drawn  by  W.  Buthn 

Fig.  31     Effects  of  Bad 
Pruning  (Cacao) 

parasites,  able  to  make  an  entry  only  when  the  outer  envelopes 
are  broken. 

The  Healing  of  Wounds. 

When  the  outer  wood  is  exposed,  by  the  cutting  or  breaking 
of  a  branch  or  by  the  removal  of  a  patch  of  bark,  it  has  in  itself 


no  power  to  regenerate  its  covering,  only  the  cambium  can 
produce  new  material  to  cover  it.  The  process  can  be  followed 
on  trees  from  which  branches  have  been  cleanly  removed.  From 
beneath  the  cut  edges  of  the  bark  around  the  margin  of  the 
wound  a  lateral  outgrowth  of  callus  from  the  cambium  creeps 
in  to  cover  gradually  the  exposed  wood.  If  the  surface  is 
smooth  enough  and  the  wood  lasts  long  enough  without  rotting, 
this  ingrowing  callus  meets  and  unites  in  a  more  or  less  central 
point  or  line,  and  restores  the  continuity  of  the  cambium,  so  that 
new  wood  and  new  bark  are  formed  over  the  wound.  If  on  the 
other  hand  the  exposed  wood  rots  away,  leaving  a  cavity,  the 
foundation  for  this  process  is  lacking,  the  callus  curls  round  on 
itself  at  the  margin  of  the  wound,  and  an  open  passage  is  left  to 
the  interior  of  the  tree. 

When  a  branch  is  cut  through  or  broken  some  distance  from 
its  base,  there  is  a  tendency,  especially  if  the  branch  is  situated 
low  on  the  stem  where  it  is  in  the  shade  of  the  leaves,  for  the 
stub  so  left  to  be  thrown  out  of  the  circulation,  so  to  speak,  and 
die  back  to  its  base  on  the  parent  branch  or  stem.  So  long  as 
the  dead  stub  remains,  the  callus  which  forms  around  its  base 
cannot  cover  its  site.  If  it  is  left  to  rot  away  it  usually  leaves 
a  cavity  which  is  also  difficult  to  heal. 

If  a  vertical  stem  is  cut  through,  the  upward  growth  is  usually 
taken  on  by  a  shoot  or  shoots  arising  below  the  cut,  and  a  process 
of  healing  similar  to  that  just  described  for  a  lateral  wound 

If  the  new  shoots  arise  close  to  the  cut,  so  that  no  dead 
stump  blocks  the  progress  of  the  callus,  the  wound  will  cover, 
subject  to  the  same  condition  as  before,  that  the  wood  resists 
decay  for  a  sufficient  time.  For  thick  stems  the  required  time 
may  be  many  years.  Frequently  in  such  a  case  the  covering 
remains  incomplete,  the  wood  rots  and  the  new  stem  or  stems 
sooner  or  later  break  down  owing  to  the  incompleteness  of  their 
structure  on  the  inner  side. 

The  Treatment  of  Wounds. 

On  the  facts  thus  outlined  are  based  the  principles  of  tree 
surgery,  which  are  simple  enough,  but  are  commonly  neglected. 
They  may  be  stated  as  foUows  : — 

1.  When  a  branch  is  removed  it  should  be  cut  close  to  the 
base  and  the  resulting  wound  shaped  into  as  close  conformity 
with  the  form  of  the  parent  branch  or  stem  as  is  possible  without 
making  the  wound  unduly  large.  The  edges  of  a  saw  cut  should 
be  rounded  off,  especially  the  projecting  lip  usually  left  on  the 
lower  side. 

2.  The  live  bark  should  extend,  cleanly  cut  and  not  bruised 
or  torn,  close  up  to  the  edge  of  the  wound.  If  there  is  dead  bark, 
it  should  be  cut  back  until  eliminated,  and  the  wood  shaped 


3.  If  experience  of  the  kind  of  tree,  the  vigour  of  its  growth, 
and  the  size  of  the  wound  indicate  the  necessity,  the  wood  should 
be  treated  with  an  antiseptic  or  a  protective  covering  to  preserve 
it  until  the  wound  has  time  to  heal  over. 

4.  If  a  cavity  has  formed  from  an  old  wound  the  rotten 
wood  should  be  dug  out,  an  antiseptic  applied,  and  the  cavity 
filled  with  cement  to  the  level  at  which  the  callus  is  expected  to 
extend  over  it. 

It  will  be  found  that  some  species  of  trees  heal  wounds  very 
much  more  readily  than  others,  that  young  trees  heal  more 
quickly  than  old  ones  of  the  same  species,  and  of  course  that 
some  woods  are  very  much  more  durable  than  others  when 

Wounds  near  the  soil  level  are  the  worst  to  deal  with,  as  the 
soil  moisture  greatly  increases  liability  to  infestation  and  rotting 
of  the  wood.  Treatment  of  wounds  about  the  collar  and  the 
crown  roots  should  be  accompanied  by  removal  of  the  soil  about 
them,  and  also  of  sheltering  weeds  or  low  branches.  In  humid 
localities  where  moss  accumulates  the  bark  should  be  scoured  by 
spraying  or  swabbing  with  lime-sulphur  or  some  other  detergent. 

The  treatment  of  canker,  gummosis,  and  bark  rots  generally, 
consists  of  cutting  back  to  sound  bark,  the  scraping  of  the  wood, 
and  the  application  of  a  preservative  to  the  latter.  The  practice 
of  gouging  out  the  underlying  discoloured  wood  has  to  the 
writer's  mind  little  to  commend  it.  Though  fungus  hyphse  may 
be  present,  the  drying  out  of  the  wood,  its  impregnation  with  an 
antiseptic  or  the  exclusion  of  air  by  a  protecting  coating,  which- 
ever is  most  appropriate  to  the  particular  case,  is  likely  to  be 
quite  as  effective. 


The  antiseptic  most  in  favour  at  present  is  o.i  per  cent, 
corrosive  sublimate  solution  (see  page  99).  Its  effects  are 
evanescent  and  are  liable  to  be  interfered  with  by  substances 
present  about  the  wound.  Applied  to  the  surface  of  wounds 
just  previous  to  the  application  of  a  protective  paint  or  filling  it 
may  be  expected  to  have  a  certain  amount  of  usefulness  in 
destroying  spores  or  mycelium  already  present.  There  have 
been  grades  of  carbolineum  specially  prepared  so  as  not  to  be 
injurious  to  bark,  and  if  a  reliable  brand  could  be  obtained  this 
material  should  in  many  cases  be  the  most  satisfactory  to  use. 
Bordeaux  and  Burgundy  pastes  are  to  some  extent  in  use  as 
temporary  antiseptics. 

The  covering  of  a  wound  with  a  good  waterproof  coating  is  in 
itself  sufficient  to  alter  the  conditions  to  the  disadvantage  of 
some  kinds  of  wood-infesting  fungi. 

Protective  paints. 

Numerous  substances  are  or  have  been  in  use  for  covering 


exposed  wood  until  the  healing  process  has  time  to  complete 
itself.  What  is  desired  is  a  durable  coating  which  does  not 
readily  crack,  which  has  no  ill  effects  on  bark  or  callus,  and 
preferably  is  to  some  extent  antiseptic.  Coal  tar  sometimes 
proves  definitely  objectionable  on  the  second  count ;  the  differ- 
ences of  experience  in  this  matter  probably  arise  from  differ- 
ences in  composition  of  the  material  used.  Resin-petroleum, 
prepared  by  dissolving  3  parts  of  resin  in  one  part  of  warm  crude 
petroleum,  has  been  recommended.  The  simplest  treatment, 
which  in  many  cases  has  proved  quite  satisfactory,  is  the  applica- 
tion at  intervals  of  coats  of  white  lead  paint. 

The  writer  has  experimented  with  a  paint  which  gives  better 
results  where  protection  is  decidedly  needed,  as  on  soft  and 
spongy  woods,  than  any  other  which  has  been  tried.  It  is 
prepared  by  heating  over  a  slow  fire  until  smooth  20  oz.  of  boiled 
linseed  oil  and  12  oz.  of  Barbados  manjak,  a  hard  bright  asphalt. 
Probably  a  preparation  of  manjak  and  crude  petroleum  would 
also  be  satisfactory. 

On  young  and  vigorous  trees  with  durable  wood,  provided 
wounds  are  shaped  to  cover  easily,  and  provided  the  conditions 
of  shade  and  moisture  are  not  extreme,  there  is  commonly  no 
need  of  any  artificial  protection,  though  in  some  localities  con- 
sideration has  further  to  be  given  to  the  habit  of  some  species 
of  ants  in  occupying  exposed  wood,  especially  Cremastogaster 
sp.,  the  acrobat  ant,  which  seems  to  attack  the  cambium  and 
seriously  delays  the  restoration  of  the  bark. 



Damping-off  is  the  term  applied  to  the  failure  of  seedlings  due 
to  their  infection  while  in  a  tender  state  by  certain  soil-inhabiting 
fungi.  The  reason  for  the  name  is  the  association  of  the  trouble 
with  conditions  of  more  or  less  excessive  moisture,  which  favours 
the  development  of  the  parasite  at  the  same  time  that  it  in- 
creases or  prolongs  the  tenderness  of  the  plants.  Though  not 
necessarily  confined  to  seedlings  crowded  in  boxes  or  seed  beds, 
it  is  amongst  such  that  the  affection  usually  appears  and,  by 
progressive  infection,  is  able  to  cause  extensive  losses. 

The  longer  the  soil  of  the  seed-bed  has  been  in  use,  and  the 
more  decaying  animal  or  vegetable  material  it  contains,  the  more 
likely  it  is  to  harbour  fungi  capable  of  causing  damping-off. 
Heavy  water-retaining  soils  are  more  favourable  to  the  affection 
than  those  which  are  light  and  porous,  and  provision  for  rapid 
drainage  is  one  of  the  most  important  precautions  against  it. 
Shade  and  shelter,  by  maintaining  humidity,  increase  the  ten- 
dency to  it ;  in  these  respects,  as  in  the  supplying  of  water,  the 
conditions  which  may  favour  the  seedlings  favour  the  disease, 
and  a  mean  has  to  be  struck  between  slow  growth  and  loss. 

The  trouble  occasioned  by  damping-off  in  these  islands  is  not 
so  great  as  might  be  expected  by  an  agriculturist  accustomed  to 
temperate  countries,  where  warm,  humid  weather,  such  as  is 
associated  with  ideas  of  the  tropics,  is  greatly  feared  in  this 

In  the  first  place  nearly  all  the  staple  food  plants — sugar- 
cane, bananas,  tannias,  dasheens,  sweet  potatoes,  yams,  cassava 
—are  raised  from  cuttings  of  one  sort  or  another,  while  cotton, 
corn  and  pulses,  which  are  raised  from  seed,  are  planted,  a  few 
seeds  together,  in  tneir  permanent  positions  in  the  open  ground. 
Of  agricultural  as  distinct  from  garden  crops,  tobacco,  onions, 
and  limes,  which  are  raised  in  seed-beds,  have  been  the  plants  to 
suffer  most  in  the  West  Indies  from  the  affection  under  notice. 

Merely  reducing  the  density  with  which  the  seed  is  sown  is 
often  sufficient  to  avoid  or  reduce  the  damage  by  permitting 
increased  ventilation,  preventing  the  drawing  up  of  the  seedlings, 
and  making  the  spread  of  infection  more  difficult.  Further 
measures  to  this  end  are  the  use  of  sandy  soil,  of  subsoil,  or  of  a 
surface  dressing  of  sand  or  fine  gravel,  and  the  choice  of  an  open 
rather  exposed  situation  for  the  seed-beds.  The  use  of  wood- 
ashes  or  lime  is  not  to  be  recommended. 

The  one  means  so  far  discovered  which  can  be  relied  upon  to 
give  satisfactory  results  under  any  reasonable  conditions  is  the 


disinfection  of  the  soil.  For  this  there  are  two  kinds  of  treat- 
ment available  :  by  heat  and  by  chemicals.  Primitive  methods 
sometimes  used  are  the  roasting  of  the  surface  soil  by  covering 
the  bed  with  trash  and  brushwood,  which  is  fired ;  or,  alternatively, 
the  heating  of  the  soil  in  some  kind  of  pan.  The  more  modern 
way  is  to  use  live  steam  for  the  purpose.  A  large  shallow  box 
of  sheet  iron  (about  lo  inches  deep)  with  one  or  more  perforated 
pipes  in  its  base,  is  inverted  over  the  bed  and  the  edges  pressed 
into  the  soil.  The  pipes  connect  with  the  boiler  of  a  portable 
engine,  and  steam  at  80-100  lb.  pressure  is  forced  into  the 
soil.     About  30  minutes  is  the  average  exposure  given. 

Alternatively  a  stationary  boiler  may  be  used  and  the  soil 
brought  to  it  in  a  covered  box  which  has  perforated  pipes  ar- 
ranged for  the  passage  of  the  steam. 

The  formalin  drench  method  is  carried  out  with  a  one  in  50 
solution  of  commercial  formalin,  applied  to  the  prepared  bed 
slowly  enough  to  sink  in,  and  at  the  rate  of  two  quarts  to  the 
square  foot.  The  soil  should  be  covered  to  retain  the  fumes 
for  a  day  or  two,  and  then  left  open  several  days  before  planting. 

The  steaming  method  is  the  better  of  the  two,  but  both  are 
too  expensive  to  use  with  any  but  a  valuable  and  delicate  crop. 

A  cheaper  method,  using  sulphuric  acid,  is  described  in  papers 
by  C.  Hartley  and  R.  G.  Pierce.  The  experiments  of  these 
authors  relate  to  the  seedlings  of  coniferous  trees,  and  its  suit- 
ability for  any  other  type  of  plant  should  be  determined  by 
preliminary  trials.  For  the  requirements  of  nurserymen  the 

treatment  consists  in  the  application,  in  standard  soils,  of  three- 
sixteenths  of  a  fluid  ounce  of  commercial  sulphuric  acid  to  each 
square  foot  of  seed-bed,  applied  in  solution  in  water  immediately 
after  the  seed  is  sown  and  covered.  This  has  proved  more 
reliable  than  the  more  expensive  methods  mentioned  above. 

The  amount  of  water  used  to  carry  the  disinfectant  does  not 
appear  to  be  a  matter  of  importance,  provided  that  the  necessary 
amount  of  the  acid  is  applied  to  each  unit  of  area.  The  quantity 
used  by  the  authors  varies  from  i  pint  per  square  foot  when  the 
soil  is  wet  to  2  pints  when  the  soil  is  dr3\  There  is  a  possibility, 
especially  in  light  soils,  of  a  concentration  of  the  acid  by  evapora- 
tion to  a  strength  injurious  to  the  root  tips,  which  in  practice  has 
been  found  to  be  completely  avoidable  by  watering  the  beds 
frequently  during  the  period  of  germination.  When  the  root- 
tips  have  penetrated  to  a  depth  of  half  an  inch  this  is  no  longer 

There  are  differences  in  the  amount  of  acid  required  for 
successful  results  in  different  soils.  In  sandy  soil  which  was 
probably  somewhat  alkaline,  a  heavier  application,  one-fourth 
to  three-eighths  of  an  ounce,  was  indicated.  In  a  fine  sandy  soil 
which  was  probably  already  acid,  chemical  injury  to  seedlings  was 
more  difficult  to  avoid  and  reduction  of  the  acid  to  one-eighth  of 
an  ounce  was  advisable.     On  heavier  soils  the  use  of  five-eighths 


of  an  ounce  produced  no  injury  and  reduced  losses  by  damping- 
off  to  less  than  i  per  cent. 

On  a  soil  with  a  high  carbonate  content,  evidenced  by  a 
vigorous  effervescence  when  the  acid  was  applied,  the  method 
was  found  to  be  ineffective.  On  this  soil  the  use  of  copper 
sulphate,  one-fourth  of  an  ounce  per  square  foot,  gave  good  re- 
sults. This  substance  was  applied  in  the  same  way  as  the  acid, 
and  the  same  precaution  to  avoid  chemical  injury  was  found 

An  interesting  indication  was  given  by  the  experiments  of 
the  effectiveness  of  cane  sugar,  2|  oz.  to  the  square  foot,  in  the 
control  of  damping-off.  The  authors  point  out  that,  if  some 
unrefined  sugar-bearing  substance  were  available,  it  is  possible 
that  for  certain  soils  the  application  of  sugar  would  become  an 
economically  satisfactory  treatment.  Experiments  on  this 
subject  might  well  be  carried  out  in  the  West  Indies. 

There  are  secondary  advantages  to  be  expected  from  sul- 
phuric acid  disinfection  which  may  be  of  considerable  impor- 
tance in  some  cases.  Under  appropriate  circumstances  a  larger 
germination  percentage  is  secured,  the  number  of  parasites  in  the 
soil  is  reduced  and  the  well-known  effect  of  disinfection  on  fer- 
tility results  in  increased  growth.  Another  valuable  effect  has 
proved  to  be  the  reduction  of  weeds  owing  to  the  greater  sus- 
ceptibility of  their  seeds.  Similar  advantages  are  secured  from 
steam  treatment. 

Some  hints  are  given  as  to  the  method  of  handling  the  acid. 
It  should  always  be  dissolved  by  pouring  it  into  the  water, 
reversing  the  process  may  cause  a  serious  accident.  The  solu- 
tion should  be  made  up  in  wooden  or  earthen  containers  and 
applied  with  watering  cans  which  have  been  coated  inside  with 
paraffin  wax.  Boots  may  be  protected  by  being  heavily  greased. 
Wooden  containers  should  be  washed  out,  immediately  after 
use,  with  water  containing  washing  soda. 

In  respect  of  sterilisation  methods  generally  note  should  be 
taken  of  the  evidence  which  has  recently  come  in  from  several 
directions  that  the  condition  of  sterilised  soils  favours  their  more 
rapid  and  complete  infestation  with  the  parasites  concerned  when 
reinfection  takes  place. 

With  herbaceous  seedlings  it  is  usually  quite  vain  to  apply 
fungicides  to  the  affected  plants,  but  in  the  case  of  lime  seedlings, 
which  are  very  subject,  among  other  seedling  troubles,  to  damp- 
ing-off in  the  seed  drills  during  wet  and  cloudy  weather,  it  has 
commonly  been  found  practicable  to  save  a  large  proportion  of 
the  plants  by  a  dusting  process.  A  mixture  of  equal  parts  of 
finely  powdered  sulphur  and  lime  is  used  for  this  purpose,  and 
success  depends  on  the  promptness  of  its  application  when  the 
first  signs  of  trouble  appear. 



The  rots  affecting  fruit  stored  or  in  transit  are  mostly  caused 
by  saprophytic  or  weakly  parasitic  fungi.  As  fruit  approaches 
ripeness  the  natural  resistance  associated  with  tissue  in  a  state 
of  activity  is  reduced,  and  the  mechanical  protection  of  rind 
or  cuticle  has  to  be  mainly  depended  upon  to  prevent  the  invasion 
of  the  tissues. 

The  fungi  most  concerned  in  decay  of  fruits  ordinarily  shipped 
in  the  West  Indies  are  the  Penicilliums  (blue  moulds)  Diplodias, 
and,  on  pineapples,  Thielaviopsis.  It  has  been  repeatedly 
demonstrated  that  the  occurrence  of  blue  moulds  on  citrus 
fruits — the  best  known  type  of  fruit  rot — depends  entirely  on 
the  presence  of  injuries,  in  which  either  the  surface  of  the  rind 
is  broken  by  scratches,  cracks  or  punctures,  or  the  cells  of  the 
rind  are  burst  by  injuries  of  the  nature  of  bruises,  which  may 
not  be  visible  even  on  careful  inspection.  If  neither  form  of 
injury  is  present  the  fungus  is  unable  to  make  an  entry.  Certain 
types  of  injury  are  not  preventable,  insect  punctures  and  thorn 
pricks  for  example,  but  experience  in  countries  where  this  matter 
has  been  closely  followed  up  in  the  interests  of  important  indus- 
tries has  shown  that  a  very  large  part  of  the  damage  occurs  in 
the  handling,  and  hence  elaborate  care  is  taken  at  every  step  of 
the  process  which  transfers  the  fruit  from  the  tree  to  the  distant 
consumer.  Such  precautions  as  the  wearing  of  gloves  by  pickers, 
the  use  of  padded  collecting  boxes,  and  the  avoidance  of  falls 
of  even  a  few  inches  are  at  the  opposite  pole  from  local  methods, 
but  they  are  adopted  for  strictly  business  reasons,  and  if  ever  a 
successful  fruit  industry  is  to  be  established  in  these  islands  it 
must  first  be  realized  that  greater  care  is  needed  in  the  handling 
of  fruit  for  shipment  than  is  necessary  for  handling  eggs. 

In  many  fruits  weak  spots  of  another  type  are  provided  by 
the  cut  end  of  the  stalk,  as  in  pineapples,  or  the  socket  from  which 
the  stalk  is  pulled,  while,  if  the  end  of  the  stalk  is  expanded  by  a 
persistent  calyx,  to  leave  it  attached  provides  cover  under 
which  moisture  collects  and  spores  may  germinate.  In  the  first 
type  there  may  be  advantage  in  leaving  the  stalk  long  or  sealing 
the  freshly  cut  end,  in  the  second  dryness  is  the  main  protection, 
and  in  some  cases  a  touch  of  shellac  varnish  has  been  advocated. 

The  best  general  protection  is  dryness,  begun  by  packing 
surface-dry  fruit  and  continued  by  thorough  ventilation.  Even 
injured  fruit  may  carry  if  it  is  kept  free  from  humidity.  Packages 


and  storage  should  be  such  as  to  allow  the  moisture  given  off  to 
get  away  quickly,  and  in  this  respect  the  warehouse  should  be  as 
carefully  considered  as  the  ship.  Conditions  on  the  latter  have 
often  been  blamed  for  mischief  which  has  got  well  started  ashore. 

The  practice  of  curing  or  quailing,  where  comparative  tests 
have  been  made,  has  been  usually  found  to  be  the  reverse  of 
beneficial.  Washing  citrus  fruit  has  been  shown  greatly  to 
increase  the  percentage  of  loss.  With  some  types  of  infection,  the 
exclusion  by  inspection  of  fruit  showing  injury  or  incipient  decay 
is  of  very  great  importance.  Delicate  fruit  should  not  be  packed 
more  than  one  layer  deep.  All  packing  should  be  tight,  but 
squeezing  must  be  avoided. 

In  particular  cases  fruit  may  be  fumigated  with  formaldehyde 
(see  page  loo)  or  disinfected  with  copper  sulphate  (one  in  5,000  to 
one  in  50,000),  formalin  (one  in  10,000),  or  potassium  perman- 
ganate (one  in  10,000). 

Packing  sheds  should  be  light  and  well  ventilated.  If  they 
can  be  kept  clean  it  does  not  appear  that  periodic  disinfection  or 
fumigation  is  necessary,  but  rejected  fruit  should  never  be 
allowed  to  remain  long  in  the  building  or  its  vicinity. 



The  subject  of  plant  disease  legislation,  in  the  present  connection, 
has  reference  to  the  enaction  and  administration  of  laws  for  the 
protection  of  plant  industries  against  diseases  and  pests.  It 
divides  naturally  into  consideration  of  protection  against  external 
sources  of  infection  and  of  the  limitation  of  affections  already 
more  or  less  established. 

Plant  Importation. 

In  island  communities  such  as  these  of  the  West  Indies,  the 
question  of  protection  against  outside  infections  resolves  itseli 
into  that  of  the  admission  and  inspection  of  plant  material  at  the 
one  or  more  ports  of  entry.  Such  material  may  be  seeds  or 
cuttings  for  planting,  rooted  plants  with  or  without  soil,  fruit, 
forage,  grain  or  seed  for  feeding  or  manufacturing  purposes, 
cordwood,  litter  accompanying  animals,  and  packing  or  wrapping 
of  various  kinds.  When  these  things,  in  their  nature  and  origin, 
constitute  a  possible  source  of  infection,  it  may  with  confidence 
be  stated  that  the  only  method  approaching  safety  is  that  of 
total  exclusion,  and  even  this  is  qualified  by  the  impossibility 
in  practice  of  strictly  enforcing  it.  Any  system  of  inspection, 
however  rigorous,  is  very  fallible.  Many  examples  might  be 
quoted  in  illustration  of  this  statement.  The  mosaic  disease  of 
sugar-cane  is  highly  infectious  and  is  carried  by  cuttings,  yet 
after  careful  and  long-continued  search  no  visible  organism  has 
been  found  to  be  associated  with  it.  It  can  be  introduced  in 
material  which  might  be  examined  with  the  utmost  care  and 
passed  as  healthy.  Citrus  canker  so  closely  resembles  the  com- 
paratively inoffensive  and  widespread  scab  disease  that  it  was 
passed  over  as  such  until  its  characters  became  known  as  a  result 
of  a  disastrous  outbreak  following  its  introduction  into  Florida. 

The  dangers  of  admitting  unknown  and  therefore  unrecognised 
diseases,  of  the  introduction  of  infection  on  resistant  plants 
which  do  not  show  the  presence  of  disease,  and  the  impossibility 
of  determining  beforehand  what  effects  a  disease  or  pest  may 
have  under  new  conditions,  should  by  this  time,  in  view  of  the 
many  instances  which  have  become  notorious,  be  well  enougii 
understood.  The  local  besetting  sin  in  this  matter  is  the  tendency 
to  regard  the  making  of  an  ordinance  as  the  end  rather  than  the 
beginning  of  action. 



There  are  few  communities  which  would  consent,  or  which 
could  afford  to  consent,  to  exclusion  in  any  wide  sense,  but,  as 
regards  any  plant  industry  of  considerable  importance,  the  only 
safe  way  is  to  reduce  importations  which  have  any  visible  con- 
nection with  the  diseases  of  the  plant  concerned  to  the  narrowest 
possible  limits.  As  regards  the  exclusion  of  known  diseases,  and 
for  general  purposes,  the  effectiveness  of  regulation  depends 
on  (i)  the  thoroughness  with  which  the  pests  and  diseases  of  the 
country  of  origin  are  kept  surveyed,  (2)  the  promptness  with 
which  information  is  communicated  to  those  responsible,  and 
(3)  the  efficiency  of  the  inspection  cariied  out.  These  are  matters 
which  in  turn  depend  on  the  organisation  of  agricultural  depart- 
ments and  of  co-operation  between  them,  and  the  extent  to  which 
they  receive  attention  should  govern  the  freedom  of  exchange 

The  regulations  relating  to  the  exclusion  of  plant  diseases  in 
force  at  the  present  time  in  the  islands  of  the  Windward  and 
Leeward  Groups  comprise  : — 

(i)  Submission  of  all  material  imported  for  planting  to 
inspection  by  the  local  agricultural  department,  with  provision 
for  (a)  its  disinfection,  if  thought  necessary  ;  (6)  its  growth  "  in 
quarantine,"  i.e.,  in  a  specified  place  subject  to  inspection  ;  (c) 
its  rejection. 

(2)  Exclusion  of  material  related  to  the  existence  of  specified 
diseases  in  certain  countries.  At  the  present  time  these  include, 
in  the  islands  where  the  industries  affected  exist,  coffee  rust, 
citrus  canker,  lime  anthracnose,  cacao  witch-broom,  Panama 
disease  of  bananas,  bud-rot  and  red  ring  disease  of  coconuts,  and 
mosaic  disease  of  sugar-cane. 

Internal  Regulation. 

The  ordinances  concerning  the  control  of  plant  diseases 
already  present  apply  mainly  in  the  direction  of  compelling  noti- 
fication and  the  adoption  of  measures  for  prevention  or  treatment. 
Their  object  is  the  protection  of  growers  in  general  against  injury 
which  may  be  done  to  their  crops  through  the  existence  of 
infected  plants  upon  which  a  parasitic  disease  is  uncontrolled. 
Obviously  compulsion  can  only  be  justified  if  the  danger  is 
substantial  and  if  some  reasonably  practicable  means  of  control 
can  be  prescribed. 

It  may  be  taken  as  a  general  principle  that  such  orders 
can  only  be  successfully  enforced  so  far  as  they  have  the  support 
of  public  opinion.  Where  general  apprehension  exists  as  to  the 
effects  of  some  particular  disease  the  difficulty  is  comparatively 
small,  the  bud-rot  disease  of  coconuts  being  a  case  in  point, 
but  where  this  kind  of  action  is  taken  without  the  education 
of  the  planter  as  to  its  necessity  it  is  certain  to  be  looked  upon 
by  many  as  vexatious  interference,  and  to  cause  an  undesirable 
reaction  against  the  body  responsible  for  its  application.     For 



this  reason  the  power  of  compulsion  should  be  exercised  with 
great  restraint,  should  be  based  on  thorough  investigation  of 
the  subject,  and  be  accompanied  by  a  campaign  of  education. 
On  the  other  hand  there  are  certain  spectacular  troubles,  such  as 
black  blight  and  love-vine,  with  regard  to  which  the  demand  for 
governmental  action  may  be  stronger  than  the  evidence  of  damage 
necessary  for  its  justilication. 

If  the  more  menacing  diseases  are  made  notifiable  and  classed 
as  such,  there  remain  the  non-notifiable  infectious  diseases, 
which,  if  they  exist  on  one  man's  property  unchecked,  may  cause 
injury  to  his  neighbour.  Probably  the  best  suggestion  that  has 
been  made  for  dealing  with  cases  of  this  kind  is  that  power 
shoutd  be  given,  when  a  direct  request  has  proved  of  no  avail, 
to  apply  to  a  magistrate  fc-r  an  order  directing  the  person  re- 
sponsible for  the  property  on  which  the  disease  exists  to  take 
steps  to  remedy  the  matter.  Before  granting  the  order  the 
magistrate  would  have  the  opportunity  of  learning  from  evidence 
given  before  him  the  nature  of  the  grievance  and  the  measures 
reasonably  applicable  for  its  removal. 

The  legislation  of  the  kind  here  discussed  now  existing  in 
the  Lesser  Antilles  comprises  (i)  provision  in  the  cotton-growing 
islands  for  a  close  season  for  that  crop,  and  (except  in  Barbados) 
for  the  eradication  of  trees  which  support  cotton  stainers,  the 
carriers  of  internal  boll  disease  ;  (2)  provision  in  St.  Lucia, 
Grenada,  and  Trinidad  for  the  proclamation  of  specified  diseases, 
with  powers  of  inspection,  for  the  declaration  of  quarantine,  and 
for  compulsory  treatment  or  eradication.  In  Trinidad  the 
proclaimed  diseases  are  bud-rot,  little-leaf,  and  red  ring  disease 
of  coconuts,  mosaic  disease  of  sugar-cane,  anthracnose  of  limes, 
love-vine  and  bird  vine.  In  St.  Lucia  they  comprise  bud-rot, 
love-vine,  and  bird  vine. 




The  chain  of  islands  which  with  Httle  irregularity  of  distribution 
stretches  from  the  Virgin  Islands  to  Trinidad  (Lat.  i8°  to  io°  N.) 
affords  much  greater  variation  in  the  conditions  governing 
agriculture  than  is  generally  realized.  It  is  true  that  the 
difference  in  temperature,  which  is  perhaps  the  first  consideration 
to  occur  to  the  mind,  is  not  sufficient  to  have  an  appreciable 
influence  on  the  choice  of  crops,  but  temperature,  in  its  higher 
ranges,  is  among  the  least  effective  of  environmental  factors. 
First  in  this  respect  comes  the  amount  and  seasonal  distribution 
of  the  rainfall,  and  closely  related  to  this  in  its  influence  on 
crops  is  the  physical  nature — lightness  and  permeability,  or 
heaviness  and  retentiveness — of  the  soil.  In  both  these  factors 
there  is  a  very  wide  range  from  island  to  island,  and  in  regard 
to  the  rainfall  the  difference  from  district  to  district  even  in  the 
same  island  may  be  extreme,  and  commonly  is  distinctly  marked 
in  its  influence — the  degrees  of  contrast  depending  on  the  height 
and  distribution  of  the  hills,  and  on  situation  in  relation  to 
the  north-east  trade  wind. 

The  diversity  of  the  conditions  produced  by  the  various 
combinations  of  soil  and  climate  in  the  West  Indies  has  come 
much  more  into  evidence  since  economic  changes  rendered  it 
widely  necessary  to  substitute  other  cultivations  for  that  of  the 
once  universal  sugar-cane.  That  plant,  with  its  produce  de- 
pendent only  on  vegetative  growth,  is  adaptable  to  a  wide  range 
of  conditions  which  its  successors,  cacao,  limes  and  cotton,  with 
their  crops  dependent  on  flowers  and  fruit,  are  quite  unable  to 

The  more  intimate  that  one's  knowledge  of  local  conditions 
becomes,  the  more  one  is  impressed  with  the  extent  to  which  an 
agricultural  "  natural  selection,"  often  at  cross  purposes  with 
the  planter  and  his  advisers,  has  determined  and  is  proceeding 
to  determine  what  crops  shall  be  grown  in  each  restricted  locality. 
The  principal  part  of  the  art  of  agriculture  consists  in  artificially 
modifying  the  environment  so  as  to  induce  plants  to  grow  in 
situations  and  to  an  extent  foreign  to  them  in  a  state  of  nature, 


but  the  limits  within  which  this  may  be  done  and  especially  those 
within  which  it  may  be  done  profitably  are,  in  respect  of  many 
tropical  crops,  rather  strictly  drawn.  This  is  the  more  pro- 
nounced because  neither  management  nor  labour  are  as  yet 
capable  of  going  beyond  somewhat  crude  agricultural  practices. 
The  relevance  of  these  reflections  to  the  consideration  of  certain 
types  of  plant  diseases  will  appear  in  the  following  pages. 

To  make  clearer  to  outside  readers  the  conditions  and  crops 
of  the  various  islands  the  following  summary  is  given.  The 
islands  are  arranged  in  geographical  order  from  north  to  south. 

St.  Kitts-Nevis. 

The  cultivated  land  in  St.  Kitts  covers  a  broad  belt  of  usually 
gentle  slopes  stretching  from  the  sides  of  the  central  range 
(highest  elevation  3,700  feet)  to  the  coast,  and  is  mostly  occupied 
by  estates  of  the  old  sugar-plantation  size.  Sugar-cane  is 
universally  grown,  with  cotton  as  a  catch  crop.  The  steeper 
slopes  for  some  distance  above  this  belt  are  occupied  in  places 
by  gardens  in  which  the  usual  West  Indian  provisions — sweet 
potatoes,  yams,  bananas,  corn,  cassava,  groundnuts,  etc. — are 
raised.  For  the  greater  part  of  the  necessary  supplies  of  this 
nature  St.  Kitts  depends  on  the  adjacent  island  of  Nevis.  The 
upper  slopes  of  the  mountains  are  covered  with  rain-forest  or 

The  soil  is  light  and  deep,  and  particularly  easy  to  work. 
The  average  rainfall  on  the  cultivated  areas  is  some  40-50  inches, 
according  to  position. 

The  only  serious  affection  of  sugar-cane  is  root  disease,  which 
occasionally  causes  local  reductions  of  crop.  The  light  soil  is 
quickly  affected  by  drought,  and  lends  itself  to  depletion  of 
fertility  when  not  systematically  manured.  The  prevalence 
of  either  condition  allows  the  development  of  root  disease. 

The  same  quality  of  the  soil  particularly  favours  cotton- 
growing  by  greatly  reducing  liability  to  shedding,  and  the 
average  yield  is  high.  The  plants  grow  to  a  large  size  and  the 
consequent  humidity  in  wet  years  induces  some  losses  from  boll 

The  cultivated  land  in  Nevis  is  arranged  around  its  central 
mountain  (3,500  feet)  in  much  the  same  way  as  that  of  St.  Kitts 
around  its  central  range.  Many  of  the  old  sugar  estates  have 
been  divided  into  peasant  holdings.  Provisions  are  raised  in 
quantity  for  local  consumption  and  export  to  St.  Kitts.  The 
staple  crops  are  sugar-cane  and  cotton.  There  is  a  rather 
large  coconut  estate  near  Charlestown,  and  vanilla  is  grown 
in  some  quantity  near  the  edge  of  the  upland  forest  at  Maddens. 
The  average  rainfall  at  Charlestown  is  about  50  inches  ;  its 
seasonal  distribution  is  erratic. 

The  soil  is  rather  heavy,  and  cotton  is  consequently  more 
subject  to  losses  from  shedding  than  in  St.  Kitts.     Sugar-cane 


does  well,  but  in  the  smaller  holdings  receives,  as  is  usual  in 
peasant  agriculture,  irregular  attention  and  manuring.  Root 
disease  is  in  consequence  rather  prevalent, 


Antigua  is  an  island  of  the  open  type,  lacking  forest,  with  a 
low  or  moderate  rainfall  averaging  45  inches  on  returns  from  the 
whole  island,  and  subject  to  occasional  severe  droughts.  Agri- 
culturally the  island  divides  into  three  districts,  the  north- 
eastern limestone  area,  with  a  rather  light  and  stony  soil  and  the 
lowest  rainfall,  the  southern  section  of  low  volcanic  hills,  with 
more  rain,  and  the  central  plain,  the  soil  of  which  is  typically  a 
heavy  clay,  containing  salt  in  places,  generally  low-lying,  from  its 
nature  and  situation  difficult  to  drain,  and  having  a  tendency  to 
lose  tilth  quickly  in  ratooned  fields.  The  lowness  of  the  rainfall 
is  partly  offset  by  the  retentiveness  of  the  soil,  and  there  are  many 
hollows  in  which  water  lodges  for  the  greater  part  of  the  year. 

The  principal  crop  is  sugar-cane,  the  cultivation  of  which  was 
enabled  to  persist  through  the  years  of  depression  by  the  early 
adoption  of  the  central  factory  system.  Scarcely  any  rotation  is 
practised,  the  usual  course  being  to  grow  plant  canes  and  one, 
two,  and  in  some  cases  three  crops  of  ratoons,  followed  by  a 
catch  crop  of  potatoes  or  corn  and  by  replanting  the  same  year. 
Crops  of  corn  or  of  onions  are  grown  with  the  young  canes. 
The  yield  of  an  average  estate  is  about  20  tons  of  plant  cane  to 
the  acre  and  9  or  10  of  ratoons,  but  local  yields  up  to  40  tons  of 
plant  cane  can  occur  under  very  favourable  circumstances. 

These  results  are  only  obtainable  by  the  selection  of  the 
better  parts  of  the  land,  and  it  is  characteristic  of  Antigua  that 
large  stretches  of  scrub  and  pasture  exist  which  have  been  more 
or  less  permanently  thrown  out  of  cultivation.  Could  the  more 
intensive  methods  characteristic  of  Barbados  agriculture  be 
applied,  it  is  probable  that  a  much  closer  approach  could  be  made 
to  the  universal  state  of  cultivation  of  that  island. 

Most  estates  are  short  of  manure,  so  that  not  all  plant  canes 
receive  a  share.  Chemical  manures  are  used  on  the  ratoon 
crops.  It  is  the  practice  to  range  the  trash  on  alternate  banks 
and  cultivate  those  which  intervene.  The  trash  from  fields  due 
for  replanting  is  available  for  the  pens.  Labour  is  fairly  plentiful, 
but  its  efficiency  is  low  owing  to  prevalent  ill-health.  Planting 
is  frequently  badly  delayed  by  the  inability  of  the  factories  to 
deal  with  the  crop  in  time  for  the  most  favourable  season  to  be 

Under  the  general  circumstances  described  there  is  no  reason 
for  surprise  at  the  tendency  for  development  of  root  disease,  the 
effects  of  which  are  more  pronounced  in  Antigua  than  in  any 
other  island,  though  the  cause  goes  to  some  extent  disguised  as 
soil  grub  infestation. 

Cotton  is  usually  a  separate  cultivation,  located  in  the  more 


suitable  districts,  and  partly  in  the  hands  of  peasants.  The 
production  has  never  reached  large  proportions.  There  is  one 
working  lime  estate,  situated  on  the  eastern  slopes  near  English 
Harbour.  Coconut  palms  occur  in  small  patches  round  the 
coast.  Pineapples  are  produced  with  some  success  on  the  slopes 
of  ridges  in  the  volcanic  area,  and  where  there  is  good  natural 
shelter  the  humidity  is  sufficient  for  orange  trees  to  exist  and  for 
scale  insects  to  be  fairly  well  controlled  by  the  common  species 
of  entomogenous  fungi. 


Montserrat  is  one  of  the  smaller  islands,  about  ranking  with 
Nevis.  It  has  a  central  district  of  rather  bold  mountains  (highest 
elevation  3,000  feet),  steep  and  rocky  near  their  summits,  falling 
off  in  cultivable  and  often  gentle  slopes  to  coastal  flats  or  to  the 
sea.  Its  streams  are  few  and  inconsiderable  in  size  but  have 
cut  considerable  ravines  (guts)  in  places. 

The  higher  slopes  are  in  forest,  secondary  bush,  or  vegetable 
gardens  where  these  are  feasible.  Three  small  cane  estates 
survive,  making  muscovado  sugar,  of  which  a  small  quantity  is 
exported.  Montserrat  is  the  island  that  has  benefitted  most  of 
all  from  the  introduction  of  Sea  Island  cotton,  the  growing  of 
which  is  now  the  staple  industry,  engaging  both  the  estates  and 
numerous  small  holders.  Near  Plymouth  there  is  about  1,000 
acres  of  land  in  scattered  lime  cultivation,  under  climatic  con- 
ditions marginal  for  this  crop,  which  shorten  the  duration  of 
bearing  fields  and  make  their  re-establishment  difficult.  There 
is  another  50  acres  of  limes  at  Roaches,  in  a  gut  from  the  sea  to 
the  hills.  About  50-60  acres  of  hill  land  is  planted  with  bay 
trees,  and  the  area  is  extending.  A  peculiarity  of  Montserrat 
is  its  peasant  industry  in  the  gathering  of  papain.  There  is  no 
papaw  cultivation,  but  in  certain  districts  the  plants  spring  up 
abundantly  when  the  bush  is  cut.  The  milk  is  collected  daily 
from  fruiting  trees  by  women  and  children,  and  the  coagulum 
dried  in  ovens.  The  annual  value  of  this  material  is  about 
£2,000,  but  the  industry  has  been  receiving  less  attention  with 
cotton  at  its  recent  high  prices.  With  this  stimulus  the  latter  crop 
is  planted  even  on  rocky  slopes  where  little  cultivation  beyond 
the  cutting  of  the  bush  is  possible,  and  does  very  well  under  these 

Not  much  of  the  cotton  land  is  as  yet  manured,  even  on 
estates.  Occasionally  a  field  is  put  in  a  green  manure  crop, 
grazed,  or  given  pen  manure.  The  seed  is  exported  to  Barbados, 
and  excepting  the  produce  of  one  group  of  estates  only  a  small 
proportion  of  the  meal,  for  use  as  stock  food,  is  returned  to  the 

Windbreaks,  temporary  or  permanent,  are  desirable  for  many 
cotton  fields,  but  as  a  rule  their  provision  is  neglected. 

The  provision  crop  consists  mainly  of  sweet  potatoes.    Yams, 


dasheens,  tannias  and  cassava  are  but  little  grown.  There  are 
plantains  in  the  hills,  reported  to  be  diminishing ;  probably,  as 
in  Dominica,  owing  to  weevil  infestation.  Bananas  are 
fairly  plentiful  in  the  hill  districts,  and  a  coarse  species  u?ed 
green  is  a  common  article  of  food.  Mangoes,  avocados  and  bread- 
fruit, in  their  seasons,  are  staple  foods  ot  the  peasantry.  The 
principal  leguminous  food-crop  is  the  pigeon  pea,  and  the  pro- 
duction of  black-eye  peas  is  increasing. 

The  average  rainfall  is  mostly  from  40  to  60  inches,  according 
to  locality.  One  estate  gets  up  to  90  inches.  In  or  near  the  hills 
the  conditions  for  vegetative  growth  are  very  distinctly  better, 
apart  from  differences  of  rainfall,  owing  to  increased  humidity. 
This  effect  is  marked  enough  to  exclude  cotton  from  certain 

The  soils  of  Montserrat  are  exceedingly  various,  ranging  from 
tough  hard  clays,  almost  unworkable,  through  numerous  varieties 
of  heavy  and  light  loams  to  light  fine  volcanic  soils  resembling 
those  of  St.  Kitts  and  St.  Vincent.  Trass  soils  also  occur. 
There  is,  however,  a  predominance  on  the  wider  slopes  and  levels 
of  soils  hght  enough  to  be  well  suited  to  cotton  in  a  season  of 
normal  rainfall. 

Dominica  is  an  exceedingly  mountainous  island  (highest 
elevation  4,750  feet),  much  broken  by  ravines  and  steep-sided 
valleys.  The  older  cultivated  lands  are  close  to  the  coast  or  m 
the  uiouths  of  the  valleys.  The  rest  of  the  country  is  in  forest 
save  for  an  area  of  scrub  known  as  the  Grand  Savannah,  and  a 
series  of  clearings  situated  along  the  Imperial  Road  which 
represent  an  attempt  made  some  20  years  ago  to  open  up  the 
interior  for  cultivation.  The  rainfall  ranges  from  an  annual 
fall  of  200-300  inches  in  the  wetter  parts  ot  the  interior  to  80 
and  120  inches  on  the  Leeward  and  Windward  coasts  respec- 
tively. The  son  is  irregular,  rich  m  places  but  often  distinctly 
poor  over  considerable  areas.  Most  of  the  estates  are  com- 
plete.'y  occupied  in  lime  cultivation.  There  are  fairly  extensive 
areas  of  cacao  in  some  districts,  from  which  the  yield  is  rather 
small.  An  attempt  is  bemg  made  to  increase  the  production 
of  coconuts. 

The  established  lime  cultivations  do  well  when  cared  for  and 
have  been  remarkably  free  from  any  active  disease  or  disability. 
Semi-parasitic  fungi  hasten  the  dying-back  of  trees  failing  through 
age  and  disrepair  or  from  poor  nutrition.  Mistletoe  becomes 
troublesome  when  neglected.  The  newer  forest  clearings  are 
subiect,  as  is  usual  in  such  conditions  everywhere  in  the  tropics, 
to  root  diseases  derived  from  decaying  stumps  and  logs.  Similar 
trouble  exists  in  the  cacao  cultivations  in  connection  with  damaged 
or  failing  shade  trees. 
During  1922  it  was  foimd  that  the  anthracnose  of  limes  had 


become  established  near  the  Windward  coast,  since  which 
discovery  the  disease  has  already  extended  widely  and  constitutes 
a  grave  danger  to  the  future  of  the  principal  industry  of  the 

Many  districts  are  too  wet  for  the  successful  growing  of 
cacao;  the  crop  proved  a  complete  failure  in  the  interior  with 
this  apparently  as  the  underlying  reason.  The  principal  pro- 
vision crops  are  dasheens,  yams,  plantains  and  bananas,  bread- 
fruit and  various  species  of  peas  and  beans.  They  are  produced 
almost  entirely  by  small  holders.  Temperate  vegetables  do 
well  at  elevations  of  1,000-2,000  feet.  Coffee  was  largely 
grown  up  to  about  1850.  The  reasons  for  the  failure  of  the 
industry  are  discussed  in  the  introduction  to  the  chapter  on 
the  diseases  of  that  plant. 

St.  Lucia. 
St.  Lucia  is  a  decidedly  mountainous  island,  approaching  and 
in  some  districts  equalling  Dominica  in  this  respect,  but  with  its 
contours  more  systematically  arranged.  There  is  a  central 
range  some  1,500  feet  in  height,  with  peaks  near  its  southern  end 
rising  above  3,000  feet.  From  this  range  ridges  run  out  to  the 
coast  in  all  directions,  with  numerous  narrow,  well-sheltered 
valleys  between.  Practically  the  whole  island  is  of  igneous 
material.  The  average  rainfall  at  Castries  is  90  inches,  with  a 
range  of  about  60  to  120  in  other  districts  where  records  are  taken. 

The  area  of  land  suitable  for  arable  tillage  is  for  the  most 
part  confined  to  the  lower  slopes  near  the  coast  and  to  the  lower 
reaches  of  the  valleys.  There  are  several  considerable  discon- 
tinuous areas  of  this  kind  under  sugar-cane,  covering  about 
3,000  acres,  with  four  factories  of  the  modern  type  in  operation, 
and  sugar  is  the  highest  of  the  colony's  exports  in  value.  The 
diseases  of  sugar-cane  have  had  little  attention. 

Some  6,000  acres,  well  scattered  through  the  island,  are 
under  cacao,  including  numerous  estates  and  a  large  number 
of  small  holdings.  Pod-rot  and  canker,  due  to  Phytophthora, 
are  fairly  common,  but  reach  to  serious  proportions  only  under 
conditions  of  exceptional  humidity.  Dieback  is  verj^  prevalent 
among  the  more  neglected  of  the  peasants'  plots.  Rosellinia 
root  disease  is  continually  troublesome  in  some  situations, 
and  unless  control  measures  are  carefully  applied  slowly  bu 
surely  kills  out  a  group  of  trees  around  each  centre  of  infection. 

During  the  last  decade  the  lime  industry  has  attracted 
considerable  attention.  An  area  of  some  3,000  acres  is  planted 
in  the  crop,  and  is  still  expanding  under  conchtions  which  appear 
to  be  very  suitable.  So  far  the  trees  have  suffered  little  from 
specific  disease.  Some  foot-rot  has  been  reported  on  ill-drained 
land.  Scale  insects  are  well  controlled  on  established  trees  by 
entomogenous  fungi. 

In  the  dryer  south-western  district  some   trials  of  cotton 


have  been  made,  but  shortage  of  labour  and  the  incidence  of 
disease  discouraged  further  development. 

St.  Vincent. 

St.  Vincent,  like  Dominica,  is  mountainous  and  broken,  but 
its  physical  features  are  on  a  somewhat  smaller  scale  (highest 
elevation  4,000  feet)  and  communication  is  easier  near  the  coast. 
A  great  part  of  the  interior  is  occupied  by  forest.  The  rainfall 
is  heavy,  averaging  about  100  inches  at  Kingstown,  and  more  in 
some  districts,  but  this  is  largely  offset  by  the  lightness  of  the 
soil,  a  combination  which  produces  conditions  of  a  rather  hybrid 
character,  so  that  the  island  cannot  be  classed  with  those  in 
which  the  conditions  are  specifically  favourable  to  limes  and  cacao, 
or  placed  without  reserve  in  those  which  are  distinctly  confined 
to  an  open  arable  type  of  agriculture.  Such  conditions  are  well 
suited  to  crops  of  a  vegetative  nature  and  to  short-term  flowering 
crops  which  can  endure  or  evade  damage  from  rain.  In  the 
former  class  arrowroot  yields  the  principal  product  of  the  island, 
with  cassava  as  another  starch  plant  supplementing  it  to  some 
extent.  The  cultivation  of  sugar-cane  is  local  in  character, 
and  difficulties  of  transport  seem  to  preclude  the  centralisation 
necessary  for  the  appUcation  of  modern  methods  of  manufacture. 
Of  the  crops  dependent  on  flowers  cotton  is  grown  to  a  very 
large  extent.  The  yields  have  been  usually  small,  partly  as  a 
result  of  disease  induced  by  the  heavy  rainfall  and  partly  as  a 
result  of  insect-borne  diseases,  but  the  high  value  of  the  product 
and  the  returns  of  occasional  fortunate  years  have  enabled 
the  cultivation  to  continue,  and  in  recent  years  the  control  of  the 
cotton  stainer  has  considerably  lengthened  the  crop  period, 
and  increased  the  yield.  Black-eye  peas  and  corn  as  catch 
crops,  and  pigeon  peas  and  groundnuts  as  rotation  crops  are  of 
considerable  importance.  There  are  a  few  small  areas  of  cacao, 
but  no  citrus  cultivations.  There  are  small  but  well-established 
coconut  groves  on  alluvial  lands,  and  some  new  plantations 
are  being  tried  elsewhere  ;  in  one  case  on  some  1,000  acres  of  the 
old  sugar  land  of  the  Carib  country,  devastated  in  1902  by  the 
volcanic  eruption. 


Barbados  lies  outside  the  chain  of  islands  of  volcanic  origin  ; 
its  surface  rock  is  coral  limestone  except  in  the  north-east  corner, 
where  the  underlying  estuarine  and  oceanic  beds  of  sandstone, 
clay,  and  chalk  are  exposed.  Practically  the  whole  island  is 
cultivated,  and  the  fields  are  mostly  level  or  on  gentle  slopes, 
the  land  rising  by  abrupt  steps  in  successive  long  and  rather 
wide  terraces  up  to  the  central  maximum  of  1,100  feet.  There  are 
no  streams  on  the  limestone  ;  the  fields  are  drained  centripetally 
into  sump  wells  situated  in  the  hollows.  The  soil  is  heavy  and 
retentive,  and  requires  frequent  thorough  cultivation  to  maintain 
a  good  tnth.     The  average  annual  rainfall  is  about  60  inches. 


Considerable  fluctuations  occur  from  year  to  year,  and  a  distinct 
difference  is  maintained  between  the  higher  and  lower  levels. 

Sugar-cane  has  remained  the  universal  crop  in  default  of  any 
other,  and  the  industry  was  able  to  survive  the  period  of  depres- 
sion largely  by  virtue  of  the  North  American  market  for  syrup. 

Ratooning  for  one  or  two  years  is  the  rule  in  the  uplands  ; 
on  the  drier  coastal  districts  only  plant  canes  are  grown.  Heavy 
manuring  is  everywhere  practised,  including  the  use  of  large 
amounts  of  imported  sheep-manure  and  chemical  fertilisers. 
The  common  rotation  crop  is  sweet  potatoes.  In  the  drier  districts 
cotton  had  for  a  few  years  and  may  have  again  an  important 
place  in  this  connection.  Yams,  tannias  and  eddoes,  and  cassava 
are  also  grown.  Corn  is  grown  as  a  catch  crop  ;  sorghums  are 
raised  for  fodder  and  to  some  extent  for  grain.  Bananas,  peas 
and  beans,  breadfruit  and  other  local  foodstuffs  are  produced 
in  a  scattered  way. 

As  elsewhere  in  the  islands  the  only  serious  affection  of 
sugar-cane  is  root  disease,  induced  in  this  case  by  low  rainfall 
and  extreme  exposure.*  The  system  of  agriculture  made  necessary 
by  these  conditions,  as  also  the  epidemic  of  disease  which  in  the 
'nineties  drove  the  Bourbon  cane  out  of  cultivation,  are  discussed 
in  the  chapter  on  sugar-cane  diseases. 

Cotton  is  even  more  than  usual  an  uncertain  crop  in  Bar- 
bados, owing  primarily  to  the  heaviness  of  the  soil.  During 
the  flowering  and  boiling  periods  a  short  spell  of  wet  weather 
is  sufficient  to  cause  heavy  shedding,  and  it  is  common  to  see 
fields  in  which  good  bearing  is  confined  to  borders  or  patches 
which  happen  to  be  better  drained  or  lighter  than  the  rest. 
Under  these  conditions  the  land  needs  much  more  careful  pre- 
paration for  this  crop  than  it  usually  gets  or  than  is  necessary 
in  lighter  soil.  Success  over  a  term  of  5'ears  has  only  been 
obtained  in  the  driest  districts  and  this  is  qualified  by  short 
crops  both  in  wet  years  and  in  periods  of  continued  drought. 
It  has  been  the  custom  to  depend  for  an  important  part  of  the 
yield  on  the  secondary  growth  brought  out  by  showers  between 
December  and  July.  The  bolls  so  produced  are  usually  small, 
but  there  is  much  less  liability  to  shedding.  The  advent  of 
leaf-blister  mite  has  to  a  considerable  extent  qualified  the  success 
of  this  system,  though  the  recent  adoption  of  a  close  season 
may  go  some  way  towards  restoring  it. 

The  usual  parasitic  diseases  of  cotton  occur,  but  are  not  com- 
monly the  source  of  any  very  considerable  losses.  The  absence 
of  the  cotton  stainer  causes  the  internal  boll  disease  to  be  rare. 

Owing  to  the  dry  climate  and  the  open  wind-swept  nature 
of  the  country  fungus  and  bacterial  diseases  of  plants  in  general 
are  not  numerous  or  usually  important.  The  exceptions  are 
mainly  affections  of  the  type  of  root  disease  of  sugar-cane  which 
depend  on  the  weakening  of  resistance  in  their  host  rather  than 
on  humidity. 

*  Mosaic  disease  has  now  become  generally  distributed. 



Among  the  hilly,  typically  wooded  islands  Grenada  represents 
a  decline  in  ruggedness  of  contour  as  compared  with  St.  Vincent, 
as  the  latter  does  in  comparison  with  Dominica. 

Grenada  has  a  central  area  of  forest-clad  hills,  of  which  the 
highest  is  2,750  feet,  but  a  great  part  of  the  island  combines 
easy  slopes  for  cultivation  with  good  natural  shelter  from  low 
ridges  and  has  good  or  fair  means  of  communication.  Much 
of  the  soil  is  very  suitable  to  orchard  crops,  being  of  good  depth 
and  heavy  enough  to  be  retentive.  The  average  rainfall  at 
St.  George's  is  about  75  inches,  but  totals  of  100-150  inches  are 
not  uncommon  in  some  situations. 

Grenada  M^as  fortunate  in  being  early  to  find  in  cacao  a  satis- 
factory substitute  for  sugar-cane,  and  has  since  remained  almost 
completely  a  country  of  that  one  product.  To  the  extent  of  the 
limited  demand,  the  growing  of  nutmegs  provides  an  allied 
industry,  and  in  recent  years  the  planting  of  coconuts  on  open 
lands  has  been  considerably  stimulated. 

One  or  two  sugar  estates  remain,  and  fair  quantities  of  com 
and  the  usual  food-crops  are  raised  by  small  holders. 

As  a  general  rule  the  conditions  are  very  suitable  for  the 
growing  of  cacao  without  much  loss  from  pod-rots  or  root 
diseases  induced  by  excessive  humidity,  or,  on  the  other  hand, 
from  dieback  induced  by  poor  conditions  or  drought. 

This  balance  of  conditions  is  of  course  liable  to  be  disturbed 
by  periods  of  more  than  usual  wetness  or  dryness  which  lead 
to  the  temporary  increase  of  affections  of  the  one  type  or  the 

Estates  situated  on  the  wetter  hill  slopes  of  the  interior  are 
liable  to  have  trouble,  which  in  some  cases  is  serious,  with  root 
disease  caused  by  Rosellinia  Pepo.  This  species  is  rare  near 
the  coast,  but  another  member  of  the  genus  occurs  which  while 
slower  and  less  definite  in  its  action  appears  to  be  capable  of 
causing  root  disease  under  drier  conditions. 

The  cacao  estates  in  Grenada  are  relatively  small  and  a  more 
intensive  cultivation  is  practised  than  is  the  rule  elsewhere. 
Considerable  use  is  made  of  pen  manure,  and  it  is  the  custom  to 
bury  dead  leaves,  weeds,  etc.,  about  the  roots  of  the  trees.  The 
yield  per  acre  is  distinctly  greater  than  in  Trinidad.  Very  many 
fields  are  grown  without  shade. 

Trinidad  and  Tobago. 
The  island  of  Trinidad,  which  has  an  area  of  1,862  square 
miles,  lies  about  16  miles  to  the  eastward  of  Venezuela,  between 
10°  3'  and  10°  50'  N.  latitude.  The  main  body  of  the  island  has 
a  form  approaching  to  a  rectangle  about  55  miles  long  and  35 
broad,  with  large  projections  from  the  N.W.  and  S.W.  angles 
towards  the  South  American  coast.  Enclosed  by  these  is  the 
shitUow  Gulf  of  Paria,  the  entrance  to  which  from  the  south  has 


a  width  of  about  ii  miles  and  the  largest  channel  from  the  north 
a  width  of  only  8  miles. 

The  island  is  traversed  by  three  ranges  of  hills  running 
approximately  east  and  west.  Only  the  elevations  of  the 
Northern  Range,  which  lies  immediately  behind  the  north  coast, 
have  the  character  of  mountains  and  rise  to  a  maximum  height 
of  3,000  feet.  This  range  is  an  obvious  continuation  of  a  similar 
range  in  Venezuela,  and  is  connected  with  it  by  the  promontories 
and  rocky  islands  which  form  the  northern  boundary  of  the  Gulf 
of  Paria.  The  Southern  Range  of  low  and  broadly  scattered 
hills  occupies  a  somewhat  similar  position  relative  to  the  south 
coast,  while  the  Central  Range,  made  up  of  hills  mostly  well  below 
1,000  feet,  runs  about  midway  across  the  island.  Between  the 
ranges  lie  the  Northern  Plain,  an  unbroken  alluvial  flat  drained 
by  the  River  Caroni,  and  the  Southern  Plain,  which  is  dissected 
into  shallow  troughs  and  ridges. 

From  the  physical  and  biological  points  of  view  Trinidad 
must  be  regarded  rather  as  a  detached  part  of  South  America 
than  as  a  member  of  the  Antillean  Chain,  and  its  structure  clearly 
indicates  a  history  in  which  it  has  formed  part  of  the  continent 
and  has  been  traversed  by  an  outlet  of  what  is  now  the  Orinoco 

The  average  annual  rainfall  is  about  64  inches.  The  dry 
season  extends  from  January  to  the  middle  of  May  with  an  aver- 
age precipitation  of  about  3  inches  per  month.  From  June  to 
November  there  is  an  average  fall  of  about  8  inches  per  month. 
As  regards  distribution  within  the  island  there  is  a  distinct 
reduction  from  east  to  west ;  the  line  separating  the  area  with 
50-75  inches  from  that  with  75-100  inches  almost  bisects  the 
main  body  of  the  island  from  north  to  south. 

There  are  a  few  small  areas  in  the  north-east  with  recorded 
averages  over  100  inches,  while  the  north-western  peninsula  and 
its  islands  fall  below  50  inches. 

A  great  part  of  the  island  being  covered  with  forest  or  with 
almost  equivalent  cacao  cultivations,  the  climate  is  distinctly 
humid  and  very  favourable  to  the  development  of  a  rich  vegeta- 
tion, much  more  so  than  the  recorded  rainfall  would  suggest. 

The  most  important  agricultural  industry  of  the  island  is  the 
growing  of  cacao,  of  which  the  production  amounts  at  present 
in  an  average  year  to  about  27,000  tons.  The  crop  next  in  im- 
portance is  sugar-cane,  from  which  an  annual  output  of  roughly 
50,000  tons  of  sugar  is  obtained.  The  area  under  coconuts  has 
been  rapidly  extended  in  recent  years,  and  the  present  production 
is  in  the  neighbourhood  of  25  million  nuts  per  annum.  In  the 
minor  industries  rice  is  grown  for  local  consumption  to  the  extent 
of  about  2,500  tons  and  there  is  a  considerable  production  for 
local  use  of  Indian  corn,  peas  and  beans,  cassava,  yams,  sweet 
potatoes,  dasheens,  tannias,  eddoes,  bananas,  mangoes  and 
oranges.     The  supply  of  these  foods  is  more  than  adequate  in 


their  seasons,  but  is  rendered  irregular  by  the  difficulties  of 
storage.  Efforts  to  establish  the  rubber  industry  in  the  island 
were  prejudiced  at  the  critical  period  by  the  selection  of  Castilloa 
as  the  tree  to  be  grown,  and  there  is  only  one  considerable  plan- 
tation of  Hevea.  Several  plantations  of  limes  were  made  a 
few  years  ago,  but  although  the  trees  grow  well  the  production  of 
fruit  is  seriousl}^  reduced  by  the  prevalence  of  anthracnose. 

The  most  favourable  cacao  areas  are  among  the  hills  of  the 
Central  and  Southern  ranges  and  the  valleys  and  lower  slopes  of 
the  Northern  Range.  Immortelle  shade  is  every\\'here  used,  the 
species  known  as  "  anauco  "  mainly  in  the  hills  and  the  "  bocare  " 
on  the  plains.  There  is  very  little  approach  to  intensive  culti- 
vation and  the  production  per  acre  is  consequently  low.  The 
reasons  assigned  for  this  condition  are  the  inadequacy  of  the 
labour  supply  and  lack  of  capital.  The  size  of  holdings  ranges 
all  the  way  from  two  or  three  acres  to  several  hundred.  Most 
estates  have  been  built  up  by  the  combination  of  small  holdings 
or  by  extension  on  the  "  contract  "  system,  in  which  the  con- 
tractor takes  over  a  new  area  of  small  extent,  clears  and  plants 
it  with  cacao  and  temporary  crops  and  hands  it  over  as  the 
trees  come  into  bearing. 

The  areas  occupied  by  sugar-cane  lie  immediately  behind  the 
western  coast :  the  northern  district  situated  in  the  basin  of  the 
Caroni  River,  the  central  about  Couva,  and  the  southern  in  the 
undulating  country  south  of  San  Fernando.  About  half  the  cane 
is  grown  on  estates  grouped  about  local  factories,  of  which  there 
are  about  half  a  dozen  of  notable  size,  and  the  other  half  by  a 
class  of  small  cultivators  known  as  cane  tarmers  who  own  or 
rent  land  and  sell  their  produce  by  weight  to  the  factories. 

The  cane  is  mainly  planted  in  the  second  half  of  the  wet 
season  (August  to  November)  and  the  reaping  season  is  from 
early  February  to  June.  Ratooning  is  a  general  practice,  but,  as 
elsewhere,  the  number  of  ratoon  crops  is  undergoing  continuous 
reduction.  It  rarely  now  goes  beyond  three  and  is  in  many 
cases  reduced  to  two  and  sometimes  one. 

Coconuts  have  long  been  grown  on  the  lands  bordering  the 
sea  wherever  the  physical  conditions  permitted,  but  considerable 
areas  have  recently  been  established  inland,  often  on  old  cane 
lands  and  to  some  extent  on  the  site  of  forest.  On  the  depleted 
soils  of  the  former  type  growth  is  somewhat  slow,  but  fertility 
may  be  expected  to  increase  as  shade  and  cultivation  take  effect. 

The  island  of  Tobago,  which  has  an  area  of  114  square  miles, 
lies  26  miles  N.E.  of  Trinidad.  It  has  a  dorsal  ridge  18  miles  in 
length  and  rising  to  1,800  feet,  and,  except  for  a  district  in  the 
south-east,  is  much  broken  by  hills  and  ridges.  The  agriculture  of 
the  island  closely  resembles  that  of  Trinidad,  except  that  the 
sugar  industr}^  on  which  it  at  one  time  depended,  has  practically 
died  out.  The  estates  are  occupied  by  cacao  and  coconuts, 
and  there  is  a  large  body  of  peasant  proprietors  who  grow  food 
and  raise  stock  for  their  own  support  and  for  export  to  Trinidad. 

Section  I -General   Diseases 


RosELLiNiA  Diseases 

In  the  West  Indies  as  in  other  parts  of  the  tropics  where  forest 
land  has  been  opened  up  to  agriculture,  destructive  diseases 
make  their  appearance  as  the  result  of  infections  arising  from 
native  fungi  which  occur  on  buried  roots,  on  logs,  and  on  other 
debris  remaining  from  the  forest.  A  number  of  different  fungi  are 
responsible  in  various  parts  of  the  world  for  diseases  arising  in 
this  way  but  the  characters  of  the  affections  produced  are  essen- 
tially the  same. 

In  the  West  Indies  the  fungi  concerned  are  mainly  species  of 
Rosellinia.  Other  forms  occur  but  are  comparatively  rare.  In 
cultivations  of  an  open  nature  where  sun  and  wind  have  access  to 
the  soil,  and  especially  in  those  of  arable  crops,  there  is  a  rapid 
dissipation  of  the  decaying  material  necessary  for  the  develop- 
ment of  the  fungus  and  the  diseases  as  a  rule  soon  disappear. 
They  can  persist,  however,  in  cultivations  such  as  that  of  cacao 
in  which  the  conditions,  especially  where  shade  trees  are  abundant, 
approach  to  those  of  the  forest  in  respect  of  shade  and  humidity. 
They  also  occur  in  windbreaks  and  hedges  of  certain  susceptible 
trees  and  shrubs  in  wet  or  sheltered  districts.  The  causative 
fungi  infect  shaded  soil  rich  in  decaying  vegetable  matter  and 
spread  slowly  through  it,  destroying  every  plant  with  which 
they  come  in  contact. 

The  existence  of  such  diseases  is  traditional  in  the  West 
Indies,  and  those  under  discussion  have  in  all  probability  been 
met  with  from  the  time  of  the  first  settlement.  A  description  of 
disease  of  this  type  occurring  on  coffee  in  the  French  Antilles  was 
published  in  Paris  as  early  as  1842.  The  first  account  seen 
having  reference  to  the  British  West  Indies  is  that  by  C.  A. 
Barber,  in  1893,  of  root  disease  of  cacao  in  Dominica,  which 
contains  a  list  of  twelve  hosts  observed.  The  disease  has  been 
from  time  to  time  described  by  agricultural  officers  since  the 
formation  of  the  Imperial  Department  of  Agriculture.  F.  W. 
South  (1909-13)  was  the  first  to  recognise  the  genus  of  the  causa- 
tive fungi.  Five  species  have  been  met  with  by  the  present 
writer,  of  which  three  have  been  found  associated  with  root 

RosELLiNiA  Pepo  : 

Fig.  32 
CoNiDiAL  Fructifications 

X  4^ 












^«#i^'*  £" 

w^    ^^^m 


^llw^\      .  ^- 

RosELLixiA  Pepo 




diseases.    They  will  probably  prove  to  be  general  in  their  occur- 
rence in  the  islands  with  forest  areas. 

A.     Rosellinia  Pepo.     Pat. 

This  species  was  originally  described  by  Patouillard  in  1908 
from  material  on  the  bark  of  Hymena^a  Courbaril  collected  by 
Duss  in  Guadeloupe.  In  the  British  Antilles  the  perithecia  have 
been  collected  in  Dominica,  St.  Lucia,  Grenada,  and  Trinidad. 
From  the  published  accounts  of  root  diseases  in  Jamaica,  Porto 
Rico,  and  Martinique,  it  seems  probable  that  the  species  also 
occurs  in  those  islands. 

Its  most  general  importance  is  due  to  its  attacks  on  cacao, 
but  it  is  capable  ol  producing  destructive  effects  on  any  of  the 
ordinary  crop  plants,  herbaceous  or  woody,  which  are  planted  on 
land  recently  cleared  from  forest.  Under  such  circumstances, 
limes  in  Dominica  have  suffered  severely  from  this  species  as  well 
as  from  R.  bunodes.  Where  cacao  trees  have  been  killed  by  the 
fungus,  and  other  plants  have  been  put  in  for  temporary  shade, 
dasheen,  banana,  pigeon  pea,  horse  bean  (Canavalia)  and  cassava 
have  all  been  seen  attacked.  Sugar-cane  seems  to  possess  con- 
siderable resistance,  and  coconut  seems  almost  or  entirely  immune. 

The  conidial  fructifications  (the  Graphium  stage)  are  developed 
in  great  abundance  on  all  kinds  of  dead  vegetable  material  lying 
about  on  the  infested  spot,  and  occur  from  an  early  stage  on  the 
exposed  roots  and  the  base  of  the  stem. 

They  appear  some  time  before  the  development  of  perithecia 
and  are  borne  on  the  black  surface  mycelium  which  develops 
wherever  the  fungus  reaches  the  open  under  damp  conditions. 
Each  has  the  form  of  a  black  bristle-like  stalk  2  to  3  mm.  long, 
built  up  of  perpendicular  hyphae  which  branch  out  freely  at  the 
top  into  a  tuft,  which  is  white  or  whitish  to  the  naked  eye  from 
the  conidia  which  cover  it.  The  conidia  are  borne  laterally 
towards  the  terminations  of  these  branches  ;  the  cells  which  bear 
them  have  a  somewhat  zig  zag  or  corkscrew  appearance  from  their 
tendency  to  bend  away  from  the  point  of  attachment  of  a  coni- 
dium.  The  conidia  are  rounded  or  oval,  one-celled,  about  5 
microns  in  length. 

The  perithecia  are  borne,  usually  at  the  base  of  the  stem, 
amongst  and  in  succession  to  the  conidial  fructifications,  on  the 
somewhat  carbonaceous  layer  which  is  formed  on  and  in  bark 
which  has  become  thoroughly  infested. 

The  perithecia  are  formed  much  less  freely  than  in  the  case 
of  R.  bunodes,  and,  in  spite  of  long-continued  search,  material 
containing  ripe  asci  has  only  once  been  obtained  in  the  British 
islands  ;  this  was  found  by  the  writer  on  a  dead  lime  tree  in 
Dominica,  in  a  situation  with  an  annual  rainfall  of  some  250 
inches.  Examination  of  this  material  at  Kew  resulted  in  the 
identification  of  the  fungus  as  Patouillard's  species. 

The  perithecia  are  normally  slightly  verrucose  but  are  some- 


times  found  smooth.  Apparently  this  is  due  to  weathering, 
though  possibly  (cf.  R.  hunodes)  there  is  some  variation  in  the 
amount  of  roughness  developed. 

The  most  striking  characteristic  of  this  species  is  the  produc- 
tion of  fans  or  stars  of  white  mycelium  in  the  region  of  the  cam- 
bium (between  bark  and  wood)  of  the  roots.  The  presence  of 
these  distinguishes  it  at  once  from  R.  bunodes.  A  somewhat 
similar  appearance  may  be  produced  by  R.  paraguayensis, 
but,  in  the  examples  of  the  latter  fungus  seen,  the  growth  has 
been  very  much  less  vigorous. 

On  the  roots  the  mycelium  forms  an  irregular  coating  over  the 
surface.  In  its  early  stages  it  is  smoky  grey  in  colour,  but  soon 
becomes  black.  It  is  gathered  at  first  into  rather  loose  branching 
strands  with  spreading  hyphae  between  them.  Later  the  whole 
is  combined  into  a  mass  which  is  more  or  less  woolly  on  the  sur- 
face, and  tending  to  be  carbonaceous  below.  It  forms  dense 
layers  and  pockets  in  the  outer  bark,  and  is  connected  with 
whitish  strands  more  or  less  vertical  to  the  surface  which  every- 
where penetrate  the  cortex.  On  reaching  the  surface  of  the  wood 
these  repeatedly  branch  and  spread  in  all  directions  over  it, 
so  that,  when  "  bark  "  and  wood  are  separated,  a  conspicuous 
white  pattern  of  branching  lines,  stars  and  fans  is  seen  on  the 
"  bark."  From  this  layer  strands  penetrate  the  wood  in  radial 
lines  along  the  medullary  rays,  and  send  out  hyphae  which  invade 
and  fill  the  large  vascular  elements.  In  this  species  the  mycelium 
in  the  wood,  owing  to  its  lack  of  colour,  is  not  apparent  to  the 
naked  eye  unless  a  cut  surface  is  exposed  for  a  day  or  two,  when 
the  hyphae  grow  out  and  turn  black.  In  long-infested  wood, 
thin  plates,  seen  as  black  lines  in  a  section,  mark  off  certain 
areas,  and  are  believed  to  belong  to  this  fungus.  Such  plates, 
however,  are  very  common  in  dead  wood,  and  so  have  little 
diagnostic  value. 

The  external  mycelium  is  most  fully  developed  and  conspic- 
uous when  the  fungus  reaches  the  base  of  the  stem  and  appears 
above  the  surface  of  the  soil.  It  is  then  seen  in  broad  spreading 
fans,  or  an  advancing  sheet,  which  from  the  beginning  or  at 
an  early  stage  encircles  the  stem  (Fig.  34).  The  margin  while 
the  fungus  is  actively  advancing  is  light  grey  in  colour  for  a  width 
of  about  half  an  inch,  behind  which  the  colour  shades  off  to  brown 
or  black  with  a  greenish  tint.  On  smooth  bark  the  sheet  is  even 
and  glossy,  rather  like  wet  fur. 

The  height  to  which  the  fungus  reaches  is  determined  by  the 
moisture  conditions.  When  the  stem  is  well  exposed,  it  reaches 
no  further  than  the  few  inches  for  which  the  moisture  of  the 
soil  can  affect  it ;  if  the  stem  is  enclosed  by  weeds  or  low  branches, 
or  sheltered  by  a  log,  it  commonly  goes  up  for  a  foot  or  more. 
The  limit  of  the  external  mycelium  is  also  the  limit  of  the  ultimate 
infestation  of  bark  and  wood.  If  a  diseased  tree  is  uprooted, 
or  is  cut  below  the  limit  of  infestation,  and  thrown  aside  where 

Fig.  34 
RosELLiNiA  Pepo  :    Smoky  Mycelium  on  Surface  of  Bark    xl^ 



Fig.  35     RosELLiNiA   Pepo  :     Mycelium   under   Bark.     Nat.   Size 

Fi.g.  36     Rosellinia  BuNODEs  :    Conidial  Fructifications  X  4J 


weeds  grow  up  and  shelter  it,  the  fungus  extends  to  the  whole 
of  the  stem  and  branches  thus  kept  moist. 

In  the  rootstocks  of  herbaceous  plants,  as  in  thick,  soft  bark, 
the  firm  round  strands  of  mycelium,  buff-coloured  without, 
white  within,  penetrate  the  parenchyma  in  all  directions. 

B.     Rosellinia  bunodes,  B.  et  Br. 

This  fungus  is  recorded  as  the  cause  of  root  disease  of  coffee » 
pepper,  and  associated  plants  in  Southern  India,  of  hibiscus  in 
Ceylon,  of  coffee  and  associated  plants  in  Porto  Rico.  In  the 
Lesser  Antilles,  South  found  it  on  CastiUoa  and  camphor  from 
Grenada,  and  on  limes  in  Dominica.  The  present  writer  has  seen 
it  on  hibiscus  in  Grenada,  on  limes,  hibiscus,  acalypha  and 
several  unidentified  native  shrubs  in  Dominica.  In  St.  Vincent 
a  disease  of  arrowroot  is  caused  by  a  Rosellinia  with  the  general 
characteristics  of  this  species,  and  very  probably  identical  with  it, 
in  connection  with  which  examples  have  been  seen  of  attack  on 
banana,  plantain,  cassava,  tannia,  yam,  corn,  pigeon  pea.  Sea 
Island  cotton,  coffee,  and  avocado.  Sugar-cane  and  Guinea  grass 
are  among  the  few  economic  plants  which  appear  to  show  marked 

There  is  no  doubt  that  this  list  could  be  extended  indefinitely. 
The  writer  has  not  met  with  R.  bunodes  on  cacao,  but  South 
records  an  instance  of  its  occurrence  on  young  cacao  plants 
growing  near  diseased  arrowroot. 

R.  bunodes  was  originally  described  from  Ceylon  by  Berkeley 
and  Broome.  It  is  at  the  present  time  responsible,  where  proper 
precautions  have  not  been  taken,  for  steady  and  serious  losses 
of  lime  trees  on  recently  cleared  estates  in  Dominica.  Since 
the  species  previously  discussed  is  about  equally  abundant 
there  on  the  same  host,  the  records  made  previous  to  1915 
regarding  black  root  disease  of  limes  cannot  usually  be  referred 
to  one  species  as  distinct  from  the  other. 

Under  the  conditions  prevalent  in  the  uplands  of  Dominica 
and  Grenada  the  perithecia  are  formed  very  readily  and  in  great 
abundance  on  the  surface  of  exposed  roots,  around  the  base  of 
the  stem  of  infested  trees,  and  on  infested  woody  material  lying 
about  in  damp  situations. 

They  are  easily  distinguished  by  the  coarse,  more  or  less 
pyramidal  warts  with  which  they  are  densely  covered.  In  one 
instance  only  a  nearly  smooth  variety  has  been  seen.  The  spores  are 
exuded  from  the  perithecium  in  a  narrow  thread  without  much 
cohesion,  and  lie  in  a  clump  on  its  summit.  The  writer  has  no 
evidence  to  offer  as  to  the  method  or  possibilities  of  their  dis- 
persal, but  they  would  be  easily  carried  away  by  heavy  rain. 

The  conidial  fructifications  are  of  the  same  type  as  those  of 

*  According  to  an  opinion  recently  given  by  Fetch  on  material  from  Porto  Rico  the  W.Indian 
species  may  be  found  to  agree  more  closely  with  A',  goliatk  Speg.  described  from  Brazil.  The  two 
species  are  in  any  case  very  close  and  not  certainly  distinct. 



R.  Pepo  described  above,  and  no  character  has  been  detected 
by  which  they  may  be  distinguished  in  the  two  species. 

In  respect  of  the  general  course  of  its  development  and  in  its 
main  characters  R.  bunodes  closely  resembles  R.  Pepo.  There 
are,  however,  certain  definite  specific  differences  in  the  appearance 
of  the  mycelium  which  enable  the  two  to  be  readily  separated 
in  the  absence  of  perithecia. 

At  the  point  of  infection  on  a  root  a  dead  patch  extending  to 
the  cambium  is  formed  in  the  cortex.  From  this,  the  fungus 
spreads  over  the  bark  and  through  the  cortex,  the  infestation  of 
the  wood  following  later.  The  mycelium  on  the  surface  consists 
mostly  of  closely  appHed,  firm-textured,  branching  black  strands 
which  thicken  into  irregular  knots  along  their  course.  On 
examples  of  Castilloa  roots  examined  such  knots  (the  sclerotia 
of  some  writers  ?)  had  formed  over  and  infiltrated  the 
iarge  transverse  lenticels,  and  on  hibiscus  similar  bodies  in  the 
form  of  dome-shaped  papillae  have  been  seen. 

At  a  later  stage  the  space  between  the  strands  may  fill  in  so 
that  a  dense  layer  is  formed,  which  on  its  lower  surface  grows 
between  and  encloses  the  outer  layers  of  the  bark,  and  on  its 
upper  surface  bears  in  relief  a  closely  ramified  system  of  rhizo- 
morphic  strands.  From  the  lower  surface  abundant  cylindrical 
strands,  with  a  black  periphery  and  a  white  core,  penetrate  the 
cortex  in  a  direction  more  or  less  vertical  to  the  plane  of  the 
cambium.  On  reaching  the  wood  they  run  for  a  short  distance 
over  its  surface,  and  distribute  themselves  into  it  by  vertical 
branches  which  penetrate  by  way  of  the  medullary  rays.  From 
these  the  adjacent  large  tracheids  are  invaded  and  filled  with 
bundles  of  parallel  hyphae,  hyaline  at  first,  black  later. 

The  result  of  this  distribution  is  that  the  strands  are  seen 
in  the  wood  of  a  transversely  cut  root  as  black  dots  and  radial 
lines  ;  in  a  median  longitudinal  section  as  vertical  and  horizontal 
lines  ;  in  the  bark  as  black  threads  of  irregular  length  and  course. 

As  in  the  case  of  R.  Pepo,  the  surface  mycelium  ascends  the 
stem  for  some  distance  above  ground  as  an  encircling  sheet. 
In  this  species  the  whole  sheet  when  quite  fresh  may  be  creamy- 
white  in  colour,  but  eventually  turns  black.  The  "  bark " 
beneath  commonly  remains  healthy  for  some  time  after  it  has 
become  covered,  but  it  is  eventually  penetrated  and  killed. 
By  the  further  development  of  the  mycelium  a  sort  of  crust  is 
formed  on  which  the  conidial  fructifications  and  perithecia 
successively   arise. 

The  characters  by  means  of  which  R.  bunodes  may  be  readily 
separated  from  R.  Pepo  at  any  stage  may  be  gathered  from  a 
comparison  of  Figs.  35  and  38,  and  by  noting  that  in  contrast  with 
the  condition  shown  in  Figs.  39  and  40,  the  mycelium  of  R.  Pepo 
does  not  show  in  the  wood  until  very  late,  and  then  only  in  long 
zigzag  lines  formed  by  cutting  through  a  continuous  black 
film  or  plate.      There  is  only  one  caution  to  be  observed  :  where 


R.  Pepo  has  formed  a  crust  on  the  bark  and  is  fruiting,  some 
blackening  may  extend  to  the  mycelium  under  the  bark  at 
that  point.  The  examination  of  a  root  will  remove  any  un- 
certainty. In  herbaceous  plants  the  distinction  between  the 
yellowish  white  strands  of  Pepo  and  the  black  ones  of  bimode';  is 
usually  quite  clear. 

The  disease  on  arrowroot  is  a  special  case,  brought  into  promin- 
ence by  the  estate  cultivation  of  that  plant  in  St.  Vincent,  of  the 
general  effects  of  Rosellinia  spp.  on  herbaceous  plants  with 
succulent  rootstocks.  It  is  further  described  under  the  diseases 
of  that  crop. 

Rosellinia  {Paraguay ensis,   Starb.  ?) 

A  species  which  agrees  fairly  well  with  the  description  of 
R.  paragiiayensis  occurs  on  cacao  trees  in  Grenada  and  St. 
Vincent.  The  perithecia  have  also  been  found  by  the  writer 
on  the  wood  of  an  Erythrina  on  a  cacao  estate  near  Soufriere,  St. 

During  a  visit  to  Grenada  in  1915  several  groups  of  trees  were 
met  with  which  were  dying  out,  although  growing  in  appar- 
ently good  soil  and  in  favourable  situations.  The  appearances 
were  such  as  to  suggest  root  disease  as  the  cause.  The  district 
in  each  case  was  in  the  drier  lowlands  where  the  disease  due  to 
Rosellinia  Pepo  seldom  if  ever  occurs,  and  some  of  the  character- 
istic features  of  that  disease  were  absent.  The  trees  were  slowly 
dying  back  from  the  top,  and  putting  out  new  suckers  from 
below,  which  in  turn  failed  until  the  tree  was  completely  dead. 
In  various  stages  of  this  process  examined,  the  collar  and  upper 
roots  bore  no  sign  of  disease,  but  on  the  lower  roots  a  mycelium 
was  found  which  formed  a  white  radiating  pattern  between  bark 
and  wood  closely  resembling  that  of  Rosellinia  Pepo  but  much 
more  scantily  developed.  These  differences  might  have  been 
put  down  to  the  effects  of  drier  conditions  had  not  the  finding 
on  dead  cacao  trees  in  two  of  these  localities  of  the  perithecia  of  a 
distinct  species  of  Rosellinia,  associated  with  a  similar  scanty 
white  mycelium,  brought  the  existence  of  a  separate,  though 
closely  allied,  disease  into  question. 

In  one  instance  of  a  diseased  group,  the  only  one  on  an  other- 
wise healthy  estate,  the  trouble  seemed  to  have  had  its  origin 
some  sLx  years  previously  in  the  felling  of  two  examples  of  the 
tree  known  in  Grenada  as  tendre  acailloux  {Pithecolobium  Berteria- 
num,  Benth.),  in  the  others  no  such  source  was  apparent.  In 
another  instance  bananas  planted  as  cover  where  trees  had 
died  in  this  way  never  reached  the  bearing  stage,  and  examples 
were  seen  of  banana  plants  in  various  stages  of  a  root  disease 
which  may  have  been  due  to  Rosellinia,  but  which  could  not 
definitely  be  recognised  as  such. 

Some  confirmation  of  the  view  that  this  species  of  Rosellinia 
attacks  cacao  was  obtained  on  an  estate  near  Georgetown,  St. 


Vincent,  where  it  was  found  fruiting  abundantly  on  dead  cacao 
trees  occurring  in  patches  suggestive  of  the  effects  of  Rosellinia 
disease.  The  degree  of  parasitism  of  which  this  species  is  capable 
requires  to  be  established  by  further  investigation,  but  on  the 
Grenada  evidence  the  conclusion  that  under  certain  circum- 
stances it  can  produce  a  root  disease  of  cacao  seems  justified. 

As  seen  so  far,  the  disease  is  much  slower  in  its  action  than 
that  due  to  R.  Pepo,  and  the  failure  of  the  trees  much  more 
lingering.  It  is  capable,  however,  of  existing  under  conditions 
of  relative  dryness  such  as  appear  to  exclude  the  more  familiar 

The  fruiting  habits  of  the  fungus  are  the  same  as  those  of  the 
species  already  described,  and  the  conidial  fructifications  have 
the  same  form.  The  perithecia  form  a  dense  layer  on  the  sur- 
face of  the  wood,  looking  like  fine  shot  dusted  thickly  upon  it. 

Occurrence  of  Rosellinia  Diseases  in  New  Clearings. 

Serious  outbreaks  of  the  diseases  due  to  R.  Pepo  and  R. 
bunodes  are  liable  to  occur  in  clearings  recently  made  from  the 
forest.  Room  for  these  exists  at  the  present  time,  in  the  smaller 
islands,  only  in  mountain  districts.  The  high  rainfall  and  reduced 
sunshine  of  such  situations  produce  conditions  particularly 
favourable  to  the  fungus,  but  experience  in  cacao  plantations 
indicates  that  similar  troubles  would  be  met  with  in  new  clearings 
made  at  lower  levels. 

The  fungi  concerned  have  not  been  found  in  a  purely  natural 
habitat,  i.e.,  in  undisturbed  forest,  although  sought  for  to  some 
extent.  From  the  manner  of  their  appearance  in  recent  clearings 
there  can,  however,  be  little  doubt  of  their  existence  there  as  a 
part  of  the  natural  flora. 

It  is  the  usual  custom  in  these  islands,  when  clearings  are  made, 
to  burn  as  much  as  possible  of  the  smaller  material,  but  to  leave 
the  logs  on  the  ground  to  rot,  and  to  make  no  attempt  to  remove 
the  stumps.  Many  of  the  latter  send  up  suckers  which  have  to  be 
cut  away  from  time  to  time.  Under  these  circumstances  it 
takes  very  many  years  before  the  logs  and  stumps  finally  dis- 
appear, and  during  the  course  of  their  decay  they  make  the  soil 
around  them  dangerously  rich  in  crumbling  woody  matter  and 

On  land  so  prepared,  as  soon  as  the  felling  and  burning  are 
finished,  nursery  plants  are  set  out  in  the  spaces  between  the 
stumps  and  logs.  To  get  anything  like  regularity  of  stand  many 
have  to  be  placed  close  up  to  these  obstacles.  The  writer  has 
not  seen  new  plantations  of  cacao,  but  has  had  ample  opportunity 
in  Dominica  for  examining  all  stages  of  lime  cultivations  thus 

Fungi  are,  of  course,  very  abundant  on  the  dead  logs  and 
branches,  but  the  Rosellininas  are  far  from  conunon  on  these  or, 
in  general,  on  the  decaying  stumps.     But  each  newly  infested 

Fig    :)7     RosELLiNiA  BuNODES :    Perithecia  :    X  i 

Fig.  38     RosELLiNiA   BuNODES  :    Mycelial  Strands  in   Lime  Bark:     x  1^ 


clearing  affords  unmistakable  examples  of  the  association 
between  the  diseased  trees  and  forest  stumps  and  sometimes 
these  are  very  striking,  as  when  the  infection  of  a  group  of  five 
or  six  trees  can  be  traced  to  the  spreading  roots  of  a  single  large 
stump.  In  many  cases  the  connection  has  been  traced  in  detail 
and  newly  diseased  roots  found  in  contact  with  infested  roots  of 
the  forest  trees. 

Relatively  few  trees  are  lost  in  the  first  three  or  four  years 
after  planting.  This  is  in  part  due  to  the  time  taken  (a)  by  the 
fungus  to  develop  on  and  about  the  stumps  ;  {b)  by  the  roots  of 
the  planted  trees  to  grow  out  into  the  infested  area,  and  (c)  by 
the  fungus  to  kill  a  tree  after  infection.  But  observation  shows 
that  when  the  period  of  heavy  losses  ensues,  most  of  the  trees 
are  infected  from  one  another,  so  that  the  characteristic  distribu- 
tion of  the  disease  is  in  scattered  patches,  the  number  of  which  is 
very  small  compared  with  that  of  the  stumps  and  logs  in  the 

There  is  every  reason  to  believe,  and  experience  in  other 
countries  agrees,  that  the  number  of  species  of  forest  trees  of 
which  the  stumps  are  readily  infested  by  the  fungus  is  quite 
limited,  and  that  the  presence  of  the  stumps  of  these  especially 
susceptible  trees  in  clearings  has  a  good  deal  to  do  with  the  ap- 
pearance of  the  disease.  It  is  a  well-known  fact  that  there  is 
such  a  special  susceptibility  in  the  case  of  certain  cultivated 
and  semi-cultivated  trees.  Accurate  information  as  to  the 
identity  of  the  forest  trees  most  concerned  is  difficult  to 
obtain.  In  Dominica  the  largest  number  of  cases  occur  in 
connection  with  Chataigniers  {Sloanea  spp.),  while  Mahoe  cochon 
{Sterculia  caribaa),  Mahoe  piment  {Daphnopsis  tinifolia)  and 
bois  cabrit  or  goatwood  {AlgipJtila  martinicensis)  are  also  recorded 
as  susceptible. 

The  disease  does  not  develop  in  clearings  made  on  poor  and 
shallow  soils,  or  on  land  which  remains  in  a  swampy  unaerated 

Occurrence  in  Established  Plantations. 

In  lime  plantations  no  examples  have  been  met  with  of  the 
persistence  or  recurrence  of  Rosellinia  disease  after  the  disappear- 
ance of  the  remains  of  the  forest  growth  from  the  soil.  In  cacao 
plantations,  and  probably  the  same  applies  to  those  of  coffee, 
the  disease  is  liable  to  occur  in  fields  of  any  age.  The  liability 
is  greater  in  degree  according  to  the  rainfall  and  humidity  of  the 
situation  and  is  also  affected  by  the  kind  and  condition  of  the 
accessory  trees  in  the  cultivation. 

There  is  usually  no  evidence  of  the  disease  having  persisted 
from  the  time  of  the  original  clearing,  which  in  many  cacao 
estates  is  a  remote  one.  Its  occurrence  seems  spontaneous  and 
is  mostly  unexpected.  In  a  few  cases  it  has  seemed  to  start  on 
the  cacao  trees  themselves,  but  much  more  usually  it  has  its 


origin  in  trees  grown  for  shade  or  as  windbreaks,  or  shrubs  grown 
as  marginal  hedges.  The  most  susceptible  of  the  trees  commonly 
grown  in  or  about  cacao  are  avocado,  breadfruit,  and  pois-doux 
{Inga  spp.)  Mango  and  the  immortelles  are  sometimes  but  less 
frequently  concerned.  A  year  or  two  after  these  trees  have  been 
cut  down,  after  a  large  root  has  been  cut  in  digging  a  drain, 
or  when  they  have  died  from  natural  causes,  the  fungus  is 
commonly  found  to  be  established  on  their  roots  in  the 
same  way  that  it  occurs  on  the  stumps  in  new  clearings,  and 
the  adjacent  cacao  trees  begin  to  pick  it  up.  In  valley 
cultivations  the  disease  most  frequently  appears  in  situations  along 
the  lower  courses  of  ravines  or  on  flats  where  flood  water  over- 
flows, a  distribution  which  suggests  that  the  infective  material 
is  often  water-carried,  probably  from  the  upland  forest.  On 
hill  estates  the  distribution  is  usually  more  irregular. 

The  cases  sometimes  met  wiili  of  cacao  trees  becoming 
diseased  in  the  absence  of  stumps  can  be  accounted  for  by 
infection  of  the  surface  type.  The  instances  noted  have  been  in 
the  wettest  districts,  where  production  of  organic  matter  is  at  a 
maximum,  and  where  cloudy  days,  the  depth  of  shade  produced 
by  luxuriant  growth,  and  the  frequent  saturation  of  the  soil 
with  water,  all  reduce  the  rate  of  its  destruction.  Where  rainfall 
and  shade  are  not  excessive  the  addition  of  organic  matter  to  the 
soil  does  not  keep  pace  with  its  decay,  and  the  soil  met  with  on 
the  ordinary  cacao  estate  is  usually  not  particularly  rich  in  humus, 
nor  is  there  much  in  the  way  of  leaf-mould  on  its  surface. 

The  spread  of  the  disease  along  closely  planted  hedges  and 
windbreaks,  of  which  some  striking  instances  have  occiurred  in 
St.  Lucia,  is  characterized  and  probably  mainly  effected  by 
infestation  of  the  surface  soil.  The  leaves  and  twigs  which 
accumulate  along  the  base  of  the  windbreak,  and  decaying, 
enrich  the  soil  with  humus,  and  the  shelter  aftorded  by  the  trees 
and  by  the  vegetation  which  grows  up  under  their  protection, 
provide  conditions  especially  suitable  for  the  fungus.  It  creeps 
along  the  line  like  a  smouldering  fire,  killing  off  the  trees  and 
their  seedlings,  and  most  of  the  shrubby  and  herbaceous  vegeta- 
tion, as  it  comes  to  them.  Windbreaks  of  pois-doux  and  galba 
{Calophyllum  Calaba)  and  hedges  of  Hibiscus  and  Aralia  are 
very  susceptible  to  the  disease. 

The  Course  of  the  Disease. 

The  course  of  the  disease  is  much  the  same  in  old  or  new 
plantations.  Typically  it  starts  from  one  or  from  several  scattered 
centres  and  extends  slowly  but  persistently  in  a  widening  circle. 
Its  present  or  past  existence  in  a  field  may  always  be  suspected 
where  irregular  groups  of  trees  are  missing  or  are  notably  of 
lesser  age. 

The  fungus  spreads  at  two  levels.  It  works  its  way  along  the 
roots  and  passes  from  one  root  to  another  in  the  network  that 


extends  below  the  surface  of  the  soil,  and  can  do  this  at  any 
depth  provided  there  is  aeration.  It  can  also  infest  and  extend 
through  the  surface  soil,  independent  of  roots,  where  this  is  rich 
in  decaying  matter,  and  through  accumulations  of  leaves  and 
other  decaying  material  on  the  surface,  provided  that  in  either 
case  the  situation  is  sufficiently  shaded  and  watered  to  remain 
continuously  moist. 

It  does  not  appear  that  direct  spore  infections  take  place. 
In  all  cases  studied  the  mycelium  has  first  been  developed  on 
dead  material  before  attacking  living  organs. 

Infection  by  contact  or  from  the  soil  takes  place  on  the 
surface  of  the  bark  without  the  necessity  for  a  previous  injury. 
When  it  has  obtained  a  foothold  on  a  root  the  fungus  has  three 
lines  of  advance  :  (a)  over  the  surface  of  the  bark,  (b)  in  the  bark 
and  on  the  surface  of  the  wood,  and  (c)  in  the  wood  itself.  These 
appear  usually  to  follow  each  other  in  the  order  named.  If, 
as  is  commonly  the  case,  the  infection  starts  on  an  outlying  root 
the  fungus  spreads  along  it  infecting  other  roots  attached  to  it 
or  in  contact  with  it  until  the  crown  is  reached.  Here  the 
mycelium  can  cross  over  on  to  adjacent  main  roots,  which  are 
infested  in  turn.  In  nearly  all  cases  there  is  sufficient  moisture 
and  cover  about  the  base  of  the  stem  to  enable  the  mycelium  to 
attack  the  bark  of  the  collar,  and  commonly  to  extend  for  some 
distance  up  the  stem.  It  is  at  this  stage  that  the  fungus  becomes 
visible  on  undisturbed  trees.  A  smooth  coating  of  mycelium, 
which  in  the  case  of  R.  Pepo  is  black  with  a  light  grey  margin 
about  half  an  inch  wide,  and  in  R.  bunodes  is  at  first  white,  then 
black,  is  seen  extending  up  the  bark  above  soil  level. 

In  those  trees  of  which  a  considerable  proportion  of  the  root 
system  has  become  affected  before  this  stage  is  reached,  a  gradual 
yellowing  and  thinning  of  the  foliage  will  have  been  visible. 
Where  on  the  other  hand  the  fungus  has  reached  the  collar 
without  much  destruction  of  roots,  as  in  the  case  of  infection  of 
short  surface  roots  or  possibly  the  collar  itself  from  the  soil, 
the  envelopment  of  the  stem  may  be  seen  taking  place  while  the 
tree  is  apparently  in  full  health  and  vigour.  The  death  of  the 
tree  soon  follows  upon  the  complete  infestation  of  the  collar, 
and  in  the  latter  type  it  takes  place  with  startling  suddenness. 
In  a  few  hours  an  apparently  vigorous  tree  will  stand  naked  save 
for  the  fruit  in  various  stages  of  development,  and  a  few  young 
leaves  on  the  tips  of  the  shoots.  Some  weak  shoots  may  after- 
wards be  put  out,  but  they  come  to  nothing.  The  only  previous 
indication  of  disease  which  is  commonly  present  in  such  cases 
is  the  production  of  an  unusually  large  crop  of  flowers  and  fruit. 

The  dependence  of  the  fungus  on  continuous  moisture  usually 
limits  its  development  to  the  roots  and  to  the  base  of  the  stem, 
but  living  branches  and  the  undersides  of  recumbent  stems  are 
attacked  if  they  come  in  contact  with  infested  soil,  while  if  dead 
trees  become  thickly  enclosed  with  weeds  or  are  felled  and  left 
to  lie  they  become  infested  as  far  as  they  are  kept  moist. 


"Wherever  a  tree  has  died,  unless  strict  measures  have  been 
taken  to  control  the  fungus,  the  adjacent  trees  almost  inevitably 
contract  the  disease  sooner  or  later.  Such  cases  may  develop 
years  after  the  origmal  tree  has  been  removed  and  the  cause  of 
Its  death  forgotten,  so  that  they  have  the  appearance  of  being 
sporadic.  Examination  of  the  position  and  age  of  supplies,  and 
the  keeping  of  records  of  surveyed  areas  enable  them  to  be 
linked  up  with  considerable  certainty  to  previous  losses.  How 
far  such  belated  cases  are  evidence  of  the  slow  progress  of  the 
fungus  along  the  roots,  or  how  far  they  are  due  to  delayed  in- 
fection has  not  been  ascertained,  but  the  general  evidence  points 
to  the  conclusion  that  the  process  of  investment  of  mature  trees 
is  a  distinctly  slow  one.  In  a  case  definitely  recorded  a  fully 
infested  dead  lime  tree  was  removed  in  October,  1914,  and  the 
fungus  {R.  bimodes)  was  just  coming  up  round  the  collar  of  the 
next  tree  in  the  row,  a  very  large  and  vigorous  specimen,  in 
August,  1916.  The  variety  of  circumstances  must  produce  wide 
difterences,  but  it  is  judged  that  the  two  years  taken  in  this  case 
is  not  an  unusual  period,  and  is  in  some  cases  considerably 

Typically  an  infested  clearing  in  which  the  disease  is  of 
several  years'  standing  shows  a  few  large  open  patches,  each 
representing  perhaps  a  score  of  trees,  with  usually  two  or  three 
around  its  margin  dead  or  dying,  and  several  more  on  which  the 
fungus  may  be  found.  Sometimes  two  or  three  such  patches 
have  coalesced.  Scattered  about  are  fresh  centres  in  various 
stages  :  a  single  tree,  a  gap  of  two  or  three  trees  in  a  row,  with 
another  going,  or  a  group  of  two  or  three  trees  in  different  stages 
about  a  large  stump.  Of  the  supplies  put  in,  some  are  several 
years  old  and  still  thriving,  others  are  dead  within  a  few  months 
of  being  planted.  On  one  cacao  estate  in  a  wet  mountain  district 
the  loss  of  about  150  trees  appeared  to  be  clearly  traceable 
to  two  original  centres  of  infection. 

Counter  Measures  :    I.  Prevention 
(a).     In  New  Clearings. 

It  would  be  a  counsel  of  perfection  to  recommend  the  removal 
of  stumps  or  even  of  logs  from  new  clearings  in  their  earliest 
stages.  In  most  West  Indian  plantations  such  a  policy  is  not 
economically  possible.  But,  in  arranging  and  planting  new 
clearings  for  orchard  crops,  the  probability  that  root  disease 
will  occur  should  be  kept  in  mind,  and  certain  precautions  can 
be  taken  which  will  considerably  reduce  the  trouble  to  be  faced 
when  disease  appears. 

First  among  these  is  provision  for  the  construction,  immediate 
or  when  occasion  and  funds  permit,  of  a  complete  and  close 
system  of  trench  drains.  To  this  end  the  arrangement  of  the 
trees  should  be  planned  so  that  each  block  shall  be  isolated  from 

RosELLiNiA   (Paraguayen'sis  Starb  ?)   Perithfxia    X  3 


the  rest  by  main  drains,  and,  where  possible,  each  row,  or  two 
rows  if  the  planting  is  close,  separated  from  the  next  by  a  trench. 
There  will  be  many  patches  encumbered  with  logs  and  stumps 
over  which  for  some  years  the  system  will  extend  only  in  the 
plan,  but  it  is  necessary  to  take  long  view  s,  and  too  many  cases 
have  been  seen  where,  when  the  need  for  a  trench  has  urgently 
arisen,  the  line  has  been  brought  up  against  trees  irregularly 
planted  and  now  too  valuable  to  be  destroyed.  Drains  are 
being  considered  here,  of  course,  not  in  view  of  their  primary 
function  of  removing  water,  but  as  isolation  trenches  preventing 
the  spread  of  root  disease  from  tree  to  tree.  At  the  same  time, 
thorough  drainage  may  be  considered  to  have  direct  value  from 
the  point  of  view  of  Rosellinia  disease,  for  although,  as  has  been 
pointed  out,  the  fungus  does  not  thrive  in  water-logged  soil, 
neither  do  the  trees,  and,  when  that  condition  has  been  passed, 
the  drier  the  soil  can  become  the  quicker  is  the  decay  of  organic 
matter  and  the  less  favourable  the  conditions  afforded  to  the 

It  has  been  not  uncommon  in  both  lime  and  cacao  fields, 
when  a  large  stump  has  appeared  to  be  a  centre  of  disease,  for  a 
trench  to  be  dug  around  it,  cutting  off  the  widely  extending 
roots.  The  best  plan  would  probably  be  to  dig  a  trench  some 
two  feet  wide  well  away  from  the  stump,  remove  all  sections  of 
roots,  and  fill  it  in  again. 

In  planting  the  trees,  positions  in  close  proximity  to  stumps 
should  as  far  as  possible  be  avoided,  and  a  good  deal  may  be 
done  in  the  way  of  rearranging  the  smaller  logs  so  that  they  do 
not  form  too  close  a  shelter  about  the  stem  of  the  prospective 
tree.  Beyond  these  measures  little,  for  the  time  being,  can  be 

When  the  first  few  years  have  passed  and  the  logs  are  more 
or  less  rotted,  it  has  been  shown  to  be  quite  feasible  to  hasten 
very  materially  the  time  of  their  disappearance  by  cutting  or 
breaking  them  up  so  that  they  can  be  easily  handled.  Merely 
to  dispose  of  them  better  by  dragging  them  away  from  the 
stems  of  the  trees  is  a  considerable  gain,  and  in  some  cases  it 
has  been  found  possible  to  stack  much  of  the  material,  and  even 
to  make  good  use  of  it  for  fuel.  The  great  convenience,  quite 
apart  from  root  disease,  of  having  the  ground  clear  should  be 
an  additional  inducement  to  the  planter  to  make  every  possible 
effort  to  this  end. 

A  point  to  be  always  kept  in  mind  is  that  wood  which  can  dry 
out  from  time  to  time,  e.g.,  logs,  stumps,  or  parts  of  them  which 
are  raised  above  the  soil  and  not  shut  in  by  weeds  or  overhanging 
branches,  is  in  little  danger  of  harbouring  the  fungus. 

The  same  consideration  applies  to  the  soil.  In  damp,  shel- 
tered clearings,  such  as  are  favoured  by  the  fungus,  all  that 
is  possible  should  be  done  to  encourage  the  free  circulation 
of  air  beneath  the  trees.     Low  hanging  branches  which  maintain 


a  closely  sheltered  circle  around  the  base  of  the  tree  induce 
conditions  which  invite  surface  infection,  and  should  most 
certainly  be  cut  away.  Grass  and  weeds  should  be  kept  short 
all  the  time,  not  merely  in  the  crop  season. 

It  is  highly  desirable  in  infested  clearings,  and  especially 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  infested  spots,  to  go  further  and  clear 
away  the  soil  and  weeds  about  the  base  of  the  stems,  completely 
baring  the  collars,  and  liberally  exposing  the  main  roots  so  far 
as  this  may  be  done  without  forming  a  saucer  in  which  water 
will  stand.  The  treatment  of  the  collar  and  the  recesses  between 
the  roots  with  lime-sulphur  solution  to  keep  the  bark  free  from 
moss  gives  an  added  protection  of  considerable  value. 

All  these  measures  are  summarized  in  the  word  ventilation, 
and  cannot  be  too  strongly  emphasized.  The  fungus  cannot 
tolerate  dry  conditions  and  it  is  for  the  planter  to  take  every 
advantage  he  can  of  this  weakness. 

(b)  In  Cacao  Plantations. 

There  are  probably  few  managers  of  cacao  plantations  who 
would  nowadays  plant  breadfruit  or  avocado  trees  through 
their  fields.  Where  these  trees  are  already  established,  the 
planter  who  has  learnt  respect  for  root  disease  has  two  courses 
open  to  him.  The  one  is  to  take  the  utmost  care  of  such  trees, 
to  prune  out  dead  branches,  to  avoid  injuries  to  the  roots,  and 
generally  to  try  to  preserve  them  in  health  as  long  as  possible  ; 
the  other  is  to  take  them  out  as  occasion  offers,  removing  the 
stumps,  and  following  out  and  removing  every  root  that  can  be 
got  at.  Striking  cases  have  been  seen  where  the  cutting  down 
of  avocado,  breadfruit,  or  pois-doux  has  led  to  the  appearance  of 
the  disease  in  places  from  which  it  was  thought  to  be  far  removed. 
These  trees  are  the  chief  victims,  but  there  is  none  that  can  be 
considered  to  be  really  safe.  It  should  be  the  settled  policy 
of  cacao  planters  in  wet  districts  to  leave  no  woody  material 
to  rot  in  the  soil  if  it  can  possibly  be  avoided.  Where  there  is 
deep  shade  and  high  humidity,  any  vegetable  matter  used  as 
mulch  may  be  a  source  of  danger,  though  one  that  may  have  to 
be  risked  in  view  of  manurial  requirements.  The  more  careful 
and  prompt  the  attention  that  is  given  to  any  appearance  of  the 
disease  on  the  plantation  the  less  will  the  risks  of  this  nature  be. 

With  regard  to  windbreaks  :  where  experience  has  shown 
that  there  is  danger  of  disease  arising,  it  is  advisable  to  keep 
them  as  free  as  possible  from  undergrowth,  and  to  scrape  away 
any  accumulations  of  leaves  or  other  material  from  hollows  or 
other  sheltered  places.    This  can  be  burned  or  used  in  the  pens. 

II. — Treatment. 
The  prospect  of  saving  trees  with  deep-seated  or  well-estab- 
lished infections  is  too  remote  to  pay  for  the  labour  and  skill 
required.     But  experience  has  shown  that  in  fields  in  which  the 



Fig.  42      RosELLiNiA  Spp. 

(C)  AsCUS  OF  R.  PARAGUAYENSIS  (?)        (E)  AsCUS  OF  R.  PePO. 

(F)  Terminal  Hyphae   from   Conidial  Fructification  of  Pepo. 
(G)  External  Hypha  characteristic  of  Rosellinia  Spp. 


fungus  is  established  in  the  soil  and  surface  infection  is  taking 
place,  an  examination  of  the  trees,  involving  no  more  than  an 
initial  clearing  and  periodic  inspection  of  the  crown  and  collar, 
will  directly  save  many  lightly  infected  trees,  and,  indirectly, 
by  preventing  the  formation  of  new  centres  of  distribution,  save 
very  many  more.  All  that  is  needed  is  to  have  the  lower  branches 
pruned  sufficiently  for  access  to  the  trunk,  a  couple  of  labourers 
to  go  on  ahead  and  clear  away  weeds  and  earth  for  a  foot  or  so 
around  the  junction  of  roots  and  stem,  preferably  using  their 
hands  or  a  blunt  instrument  to  avoid  wounding  the  bark,  and 
then  to  make  a  few  minutes*  investigation  of  each  tree  so  pre- 
pared. In  addition  to  saving  trees,  such  a  system  enables  the 
hopeless  cases  to  be  detected  long  before  they  otherwise  would 
be,  and  makes  it  possible  to  deal  promptly  with  them.  It  is 
justifiable  to  insist  that  in  every  clearing  in  which  the  disease 
has  become  established  such  an  inspection  ought  to  be  made  at 
least  twice  a  year. 

The  principles  of  the  actual  treatment  are  two  in  number 
and  very  simple  :  {a)  complete  excision  of  diseased  tissues ; 
(b)  exposure  as  complete  as  possible  of  the  affected  part  and 
its  surroundings  to  freely  circulating  air,  with  the  object  of  making 
the  conditions  too  drj^  for  the  fungus  to  exist. 

The  cases  which  repay  treatment  are  those  arising  from 
surface  infection,  in  which  on  inspection  the  local  nature  of  the 
infestation  appears  to  be  clearly  defined.  Severed  roots  should 
as  far  as  possible  be  removed  ;  cut  surfaces  should  be  cleanly 
trimmed  and  treated  with  wound  dressing  ;  excavations  made 
to  get  at  the  seat  of  injury  should  be  left  open.  It  should  be 
hardly  necessary  to  say  that  the  material  removed  must  be 
carefully  disposed  of.  In  many  cases  a  few  cuts  with  a  sharp 
knife  will  save  a  tree  from  an  infection  which  would  have  meant 
its  certain  death. 

Where  the  disease  has  been  detected  advancing  along  one  or 
more  large  roots  but  has  not  reached  the  collar,  and  it  is  desired 
to  give  the  tree  a  chance  of  recovery,  after  the  diseased  roots 
have  been  cut  away  as  much  soil  as  possible  should  be  dug  out 
about  the  junction  of  the  main  roots  and  as  far  back  as  they  can 
be  conveniently  followed,  leaving  the  tree  more  or  less  on  stilts. 
This  prevents  the  crossing  over  of  the  fungus  at  or  near  the  collar, 
and  may  very  considerably  delay  the  loss  of  the  tree ;  but  if  the 
fungus,  as  is  probable,  exists  on  the  outer  roots,  it  will  in  time 
get  round  in  that  region  and  come  up  each  of  the  main  roots 
in  turn  as  far  as  the  point  to  which  it  has  been  bared.  It  is  not 
a  measure  to  be  recommended.  It  is  better  to  have  the  tree  out 
and  be  rid  of  the  fungus,  but  the  temptation  to  get  an  additional 
crop  or  two  from  some  specially  fine  tree  is  sometimes  hardly 
to  be  resisted. 

The  directions  here  given  as  to  treatment  apply  equally  to 
limes  and  cacao,  but  as  has  been  previously  indicated,  with  the 


latter  crop,  so  far  as  the  writer's  experience  goes,  the  cases  are 
more  usually  of  the  deep-seated  kind,  which  does  not  permit  of 
successful  treatment. 

III. — Control. 
Removal  of  Diseased  Trees. 

When  an  infested  tree  is  found  it  is  well  that  its  destruction 
should  be  prompt,  but  it  is  an  advantage  to  choose  a  dry  day 
for  the  operation.  If  the  disease  is  so  far  advanced  that  the 
fungus  is  producing  conidia,  either  on  the  stem  or  on  dead  leaves 
and  twigs  lying  about,  then  before  it  is  disturbed  the  spore- 
bearing  surfaces  should  be  flamed  with  a  torch  or  by  burning 
trash  of  some  description  around  them.  This  disposes  for  the 
time  being  of  the  means  of  aerial  dispersal  of  the  fungus,  and 
lessens  what  is  otherwise  a  real  danger  of  the  carriage  of  infection 
on  the  persons  and  implements  of  the  labourers. 

The  diseased  tree  should  be  cut  down,  the  stump  dug  out,  and 
the  roots  followed  up  and  removed  as  completely  as  possible. 
One  planter  gets  out  the  fragments  with  a  builder's  sieve,  and 
has  had  unusual  success  with  his  supply  plants.  It  is  convenient 
for  the  labourers  to  have  baskets  handy  into  which  the  small 
roots  can  be  thrown  as  they  are  dug  out,  otherwise  they  are  in 
danger  of  being  scattered. 

The  diseased  material  should  be  destroyed  by  fire,  preferably 
on  the  spot.  It  has  been  formerly  stated  that  the  whole  tree 
should  be  cut  up  and  burned,  but  experience  has  shown  that  the 
necessity  for  this,  which  has  often  been  a  real  difficulty  to  planters 
trying  to  follow  instructions,  may  be  avoided.  It  is  easy  to 
note  how  far  the  fungus  has  reached,  and  if  the  stem  is  cut  above 
this  point,  and  the  top  is  disposed  of  in  such  a  way  that  it  can 
dry  out,  it  will  not  develop  Rosellinia.  This  has  been  verified 
on  trees  thrown  into  the  edge  of  the  forest,  provided  they  did 
not  rest  upon  the  ground,  and  on  others  perched  on  large  stumps 
and  on  rocks.  It  is  better  to  dispose  of  even  the  stump  in  some 
such  way  than  simply  to  leave  it  lying  about  as  is  too  frequently 
done,  but  all  material  actually  infested  certainly  ought  to  be 
burned.  No  material,  root  or  stem,  infested  or  uninfested,  should 
be  left  lying  on  the  ground.  In  one  instance  the  stem  of  a  cacao 
tree,  some  5  feet  long,  which  had  been  charred  and  thrown  aside 
in  the  grass,  was  found  sheeted  from  end  to  end  with  conidial 
fructifications,  and  stems  and  branches  of  dead  lime  trees  have 
been  frequently  seen,  where  they  have  rested  for  some  distance 
on  or  close  to  the  ground,  in  a  similar  condition.  Had  they  been 
wedged  among  the  branches  of  a  tree  they  would  have  been 
quite  harmless. 

Under  some  conditions  it  may  be  necessary  to  choose  a 
convenient  situation  and  carry  to  it  material  to  be  burned,  but 
such  transportation  has  obvious  dangers  in  the  way  of  scattering 
bits  of  diseased  material.    It  should  certainly  be  preceded  by  the 


scorching  of  any  spore-bearing  surfaces.  A  kerosene  blow-lamp 
is  a  useful  appliance  in  connection  with  this  scorching,  and  in 
starting  fires. 

Treatment  of  the  Soil. 

Attempts  have  naturally  been  made  to  arrest  the  progress  of 
the  disease  in  the  soil,  or  to  sterilize  situations  from  which  dis- 
eased trees  have  been  removed,  by  the  application  of  disin- 

There  is  not  much  scope  for  the  use  of  disinfectants  in  the 
control  of  this  disease.  It  is  safe  to  say  that  at  the  present  time 
there  is  no  substance  available  which  is  cheap  enough  to  be  used 
in  sufficient  quantity  to  sterilize  any  considerable  area  of  ground. 
When  dealing  with  a  fungus  which  penetrates  to  every  part  of 
even  the  thickest  roots,  it  cannot  be  expected  that  chemical 
agents  will  kill  it  out,  or,  being  necessarily  of  a  transient  nature, 
stop  its  progress,  unless  all  woody  material  is  removed.  When 
this  has  been  done,  exposure  of  the  soil  to  sun  and  air  is  probably 
just  as  effective  as  any  disinfectant  could  be.  Where  it  is  re- 
quired to  deal  with  infested  soil  or  accumulations  of  vegetable 
matter  under  shade,  as,  for  example,  in  the  case  of  the  trees  with 
surface  infections  specified  above,  it  is  better  to  scrape  away 
the  surface  soil  with  a  hoe  than  merely  to  extinguish  the  fungus 
with  a  disinfectant,  leaving  material  liable  to  reinfection.  Such 
a  scraping  of  the  soil,  combined  with  removal  of  low  branches 
and  of  any  other  hindrances  to  the  tree  circulation  of  air,  has  in 
the  cases  under  the  writer's  observation  been  sufficient.  An 
application  of  lime  or  sulphur  would  give  an  additional  margin 
of  safety. 

The  addition  of  lime  to  the  soil  when  clearing  up  a  spot  from 
which  infested  trees  have  been  removed  is  commonly  practised, 
and  is  believed  to  contribute  to  success  in  establishing  supplies. 
It  seems  probable  that  the  results  obtained  are  not  so  mucn  due 
to  the  sterilizing  effect  of  the  lime  as  to  its  action  in  hastening  the 
disappearance  of  organic  matter.  There  is  a  further  probability 
that  by  neutralizing  soil  acidity  lime  produces  conditions  less 
suitable  to  the  survival  of  the  fungus. 

If  the  view  here  taken  of  the  function  of  lime  is  the  correct 
one,  the  main  effect  may  be  obtained  by  the  use  of  slaked  lime, 
which  is  the  only  form  that  can  be  conveniently  obtained  in  some 
islands.  Quicklime,  because  of  its  additional  sterilizing  effect, 
is  to  be  preferred  when  equally  available. 

Where  sulphur  has  to  be  imported,  its  price  will  not  enable 
it  to  compete  with  lime,  but  there  would  appear  to  be  possibilities 
in  some  places  of  obtaining  it  cheaply  from  local  sources.  Sulphur 
has  a  more  definite  fungicidal  action  than  lime,  and  one  which 
may  be  expected  to  develop  slowly  and  have  considerable  per- 

The  effect  of  sulphur  on  the  soil  reaction  is  to  increase  acidity, 



and  from  this  point  of  view  it  is  desirable  to  follow  its  use  with  an 
application  of  lime. 

Isolation  of  Contacts. 

The  diseased  tree  having  been  removed,  it  is  necessary  to 
take  steps  to  prevent  the  spread  of  the  disease  among  the  trees 
around.  In  a  regular  field,  with  ordinary  distances  of  planting, 
the  roots  of  the  trees  form  a  continuous  system  of  contacts, 
interrupted  only  by  the  deep  drains.  By  the  time  a  tree  is  so 
far  diseased  as  to  be  noticeable,  the  probabilities  are  great  that 
the  roots  of  one  or  more  of  the  neighbouring  trees  have  also 
become  infected.  It  is  required  to  cut  the  connection  between  the 
infested  roots  and  those  of  the  surrounding  healthy  trees,  and  to 
break  the  continuity  of  the  possibly  infested  surface  soil.  To  be 
reasonably  sure  of  doing  this,  it  is  necessary  to  carry  an  isolation 
trench  outside  the  trees  in  contact  with  the  one  diseased.  Thus, 
in  an  undrained  field,  if  D  in  the  first  diagram  (I.)  represents  a 
diseased  tree,  C  the  possible  contacts,  and  H  the  healthy  trees, 
the  isolation  trench  should  take  the  course  indicated  by  the 
unbroken  line,  and  will  include  nine  trees. 

H       H     H      H       H 




























D  ' 










Neither  the  roots  of  the  trees  nor  the  course  of  the  disease 
follow  regular  lines,  and  it  is  quite  improbable  that  all  the  eight 
contacts  are  infected,  but  there  is  no  practical  means  of  knowing 
which  remain  free.  In  order  to  save  those  which  are  still  un- 
infected, it  is  advisable  to  cut  up  the  enclosed  area  chess-board 
fashion  as  indicated  by  the  dotted  lines.  If  these  secondary 
trenches  are  omitted  it  is  likely  that  the  contacts  will  all  go  off 
sooner  or  later  in  the  manner  already  described. 

In  situations  where  there  is  a  risk  of  soil  infections  the  trees 
still  fiurther  out  (H  H  in  the  diagrams),  should  have  some 
special  attention,  especially  if  D  is  an  advanced  case  when  dis- 

In  situations  liable  to  root  disease  there  is  much  to  be  said 
for  the  general  adoption  of  the  system  represented  in  the  second 
diagram  (II.),  where  a  permanent  drain  (denoted  by  a  double 
line)  exists  between  every  row  and  the  next.  All  that  is  required 
for  isolation  is  the  cutting  of  cross  trenches  between  C  and  H,  to 


separate  contacts  from  healthy  trees,  and  secondary  cross  trenches 
between  D  and  C,  to  save  the  contacts  if  they  do  not  prove  to 
have  become  infected.  The  length  of  isolation  trench  required 
is  reduced  to  one-sixth.  Where  close  planting  is  adopted  or  the 
whale-back  beds  which  this  system  produces  are  objected  to,  the 
trenches  may  be  made  to  include  two  rows  instead  of  one,  the 
protection  obtained  being  then  less  complete.  Like  the  preven- 
tive measures  already  indicated,  this  system  should  be  applied 
first  of  all  in  the  situations  where  the  losses  are  greatest,  and 
extended  as  opportunity  permits. 

It  is  not  necessary,  from  the  point  of  view  of  root  disease, 
that  the  trenches  should  conduct  water  :  indeed,  where  loss  of 
surface  soil  by  wash  is  feared  more  than  the  alternate  danger 
of  water-logging,  it  may  be  advisable  deliberately  to  check 
their  function  in  this  respect.  They  may  then  be  periodically 
cleaned  out,  and  the  deposit  returned  to  the  soil.  It  gives  a 
clearer  point  of  view  if  the  system  is  regarded  as  one  of  per- 
manent isolation  trenches  with  a  secondary  function  as  drains, 
rather  than  as  one  of  drains  in  the  first  instance. 

Returning  to  consideration  of  the  treatment  of  infested 
spots,  there  are  two  commonly  existing  situations  which  need 
to  be  dealt  with.  These  are  (i)  the  case  where  a  large  patch  of 
trees  has  already  been  eaten  out  of  a  field,  and  the  disease  is 
spreading  outward  around  its  circumference,  and  (2)  the  case 
where  one  or  more  trees  have  been  attacked  around  a  large  forest 
stump,  infested  or  likely  to  become  so,  which  together  with  its 
heavy  roots  prevents  the  cutting  of  trenches  over  an  area 
which  may  include  quite  a  large  number  of  trees.  In  both  cases 
the  procedure  has  to  be  modified  to  suit  each  individual  set 
of  circumstances  but  still  follows  the  simple  principles  set  oat 
above.  Where  roughly  parallel  main  drains  or  water  courses 
exist  on  each  side  of  the  area,  they  should  be  joined  across  above 
and  below  to  establish  an  outward  limit,  even  though  it  may  be 
a  wide  one,  to  the  spread  of  the  infection.  Then  working  inward 
from  this,  successive  trees  or  rows  of  trees  which  appear  healthy 
may  be  separated  off  wherever  it  is  possible  to  dig  a  trench,  and 
the  disease  thus  confined  to  the  narrowest  limits. 

In  the  situations  sometimes  met  with,  especially  in  cacao 
plantations,  where  the  trees  are  growing  amongst  a  confusion 
of  fallen  rocks,  the  possible  measures  are  limited  to  early  removal 
of  so  much  of  an  infested  tree  as  can  be  got  at,  and  the  liming 
of  the  soil  about  adjacent  trees,  with  a  view  to  preventing  spore 
infections  of  the  material  which  accumulates  in  the  enclosed 
pockets  of  soil. 

It  has  been  commonly  recommended  that  a  trench  be  carried 
in  a  circle  around  diseased  trees  and  their  contacts.  This 
method  has  practical  disadvantages.  The  extent  of  the  existing 
infection  can  never  be  ascertained  by  inspection,  and  a  wide 
circle,  while  enclosing  many  healthy  trees,  may  prove  too  narrow 


to  include  some  line  of  infection  that  has  run  off  in  advance  of 
the  general  spread.  A  circle  leads  nowhere,  whereas  a  system 
of  squares  may  be  added  to  at  any  point  and  be  carried  in  any 
direction,  and  is  capable  of  any  subdivision.  It  has  moreover 
the  great  advantage  of  linking  up  with  an  existing  or  prospective 
drainage  system. 

As  regards  the  form  of  the  trench  itself,  there  is  but  one 
essential  so  far  as  root  disease  is  concerned  :  that  it  should  be 
deep  enough  to  cut  through  all  the  roots  passing  across  its 
situation.  When  digging  near  an  infested  tree,  the  earth  re- 
moved should  be  thrown  inward  as  a  precaution  against  the 
scattering  of  possibly  diseased  material  among  the  healthy  trees. 
This  refers  more  particularly  to  secondary  trenches  ;  the  outer 
trench  should  be  put  far  enough  away  to  avoid,  in  general, 
the  chance  of  finding  such  material.  The  earth  should  be  dis- 
tributed, not  banked  at  the  edge  of  the  trench,  unless  put  there 
in  exceptional  circumstances  with  the  express  purpose  of  avoiding 
wash.  Under  no  circumstances,  however,  should  the  collar  of 
the  tree  be  earthed  up.  Roots  passing  into  the  healthy  area 
should  be  followed  up  and  removed,  so  far  as  this  can  be  done 
without  much  injury  to  other  roots.  It  is  better  for  cut  ends 
of  roots  to  be  protected  with  a  coat  of  tar. 

Survival  of  Supply  Plants. 

On  the  thoroughness  with  which  the  clearing  up  is  done  de- 
pends the  chance  of  survival  of  an  early  supply  plant.  It  has 
been  found  in  St.  Lucia,  where  the  results  of  several  years  of 
experience  of  the  treatment  of  this  disease  on  cacao  are  now 
available,  that,  where  the  work  has  been  carried  out  under  the 
personal  supervision  of  the  planter,  supplies  put  in  a  month 
afterwards  have  remained  healthy.  The  longer  the  delay  the 
greater  the  chance  of  survival.  It  must  be  remembered  that  a 
supply  may  do  well  for  a  few  months  while  its  roots  occupy  the 
site  from  which  the  stump  was  removed,  and  then  become 
infected  from  some  outlying  fragment  of  the  old  tree  as  its 
roots  spread  wider.     Such  cases  have  been  definitely  traced. 

The  Possibilities  of  Control. 

Rosellinia  disease  in  orchard  cultivations  is  by  its  nature 
capable  of  the  most  serious  consequences.  It  is  cumulative  in 
its  effects  :  each  tree  that  contracts  it  infects  as  a  rule  not  merely 
one  but  several  more,  and  each  tree  killed  takes  at  least  five  or 
six  years  to  replace.  In  new  clearings,  encumbered  with  stumps 
and  logs,  and  in  cacao  fields  with  large  shade  trees,  the  disease  is 
difficult  to  deal  with. 

It  may  be  confidently  claimed,  however,  that  the  application 
of  the  principles  of  prevention  and  control  set  out  in  the  preceding 
pages  will  reduce  the  annual  losses  to  a  minimum  that  is  not 
likely  to  be  serious,  and  one  may  further  expect  a  gradual 
diminution  year  by  year  of  even  the  sporadic  cases. 



Control  does  not  depend  on  any  special  apparatus  or  material, 
but  on  operations  of  a  familiar  type,  demanding  little  special 
skill.  Everything  depends  on  the  vigilance  and  thoroughness 
with  which  they  are  carried  out.  Careless  or  half-hearted  work 
is  of  little  use  against  this  disease,  which  is  apt  to  pursue  its 
course  with  a  disconcerting  appearance  of  deliberation  and 

ScLEROTiuM  Rots. 

The  genus  Sclerotium  is  an  artificial  group  in  which  are 
placed  fungi  with  no  observed  process  of  reproduction  by  spores, 
but  in  which  the  mycelium  forms  solid  resistant  bodies,  often 
resembling  seeds  in  appearance,  made  up  of  closely  compacted 

Sclerotium  Rolfsii  Sacc.  is  a  widely  distributed  soil  fungus, 
which  under  conditions  of  rather  high  temperature  and  marked 
humidity  vigorously  attacks  the  softer  tissues  of  plant  parts 
which  come  in  contact  with  the  ground. 

It  most  frequently  comes  to  notice  as  the  cause  of  crown-rot 
and  consequent  wilting  in  herbaceous  plants.  As  regards  these 
it  appears  to  come  near  to  being  omnivorous,  but  in  these  islands 
is  perhaps  commonest  on  leguminous  herbs.  The  suscepti- 
bility of  different  hosts  is  largely  determined  by  the  extent  to 
which  they  shelter  the  soil  and  thus  increase  local  humidity, 
and  probably  also  by  their  relative  succulence. 

The  mycelium  usually  first  attacks  the  stem  near  soil  level, 
invades  and  rapidly  kills  the  cortex,  and  then  spreads  over  the 
roots.  The  first  sign  of  its  presence  noticed  is  usually  the  wilting 
of  the  leaves  which  ensues  upon  the  ringing  of  the  stem.  Branches, 
leaves  and  fruits  which  touch  the  soil  are  subject  to  independent 
infestation  and  rotting.  A  very  copious  white  mycelium,  with 
a  distinctly  radial  habit  of  growth,  extends  upon  the  infected 
parts  and  is  often  freely  developed  in  the  immediately  surrounding 
soil.  It  shows  a  distinct  tendency  to  form  strands,  and  when 
old  develops  a  buff  or  brownish  tint. 

In  a  short  time  the  exposed  mycelium  becomes  dotted  with 
tiny  white  tufts,  which  develop  into  smooth  spherical  sclerotia 
white  at  first,  then  buff-coloured  or  brown.  Their  size  when 
mature  is  somewhat  variable,  but  usually  comes  within  a  diameter 
range  of  1-2  mm. 

It  is  assumed  with  great  probability  that  the  sclerotia  can 
hold  over  the  fungus  for  a  long  time,  producing  a  new  growth  of 
mj^celium  when  the  conditions  are  favourable.  The  readiness 
with  which  the  disease  appears  in  wet  weather  even  in  districts 
with  a  severe  dry  season  shows  that  the  fungus  is  furnished 
with  effective  means  of  perennation. 

No  very  widespread  damage  has  been  reported  from  the 
disease,  but  temporarily  and  locally  it  can  be  very  destructive. 
The  root  disease  of  ground-nut  in  these  islands  described  by 

Root  Disease  of  Cacao  (R.  Pepo) 

[F.   IV.   Urich 


F.  W.  South  was  evidently  due,  in  part  at  least,  to  this  fungus. 
In  addition  to  its  wide  range  on  herbaceous  hosts  the  fungus  has 
occurred  in  the  West  Indies  on  seedling  citrus  plants,  both  in  the 
seed-bed  and  the  nursery.  In  the  United  States  it  has  been  re- 
corded from  sweet  potato.  On  sugar-cane  it  gives  rise  to  a  disease 
of  a  special  type,  red-rot  of  the  leaf-sheath,  described  with  the 
diseases  of  that  crop. 

The  only  apparent  hope  of  dealing  with  the  disease  is  through 
measures  designed  to  prevent  its  appearance  by  reducing  humidity, 
which  include  close  surface  draining,  wide  spacing,  and  the 
provision  of  support  for  climbing  plants.  Access  of  sun  and  air 
are  very  effective  checks  to  the  fungus.  Affected  plants  should 
be  promptly  pulled  up,  and  in  this  case  should  certainly  be 
burnt.     The  application  of  lime  to  the  soil  has  been  recommended. 

FoMES  Root  Rot. 

The  large  bracket  fungus  Fomes  (Polyporus)  hicidus  (Leys) 
Fr.  has  come  to  notice  from  time  to  time  as  a  suspected  parasite 
working  on  the  roots  and  collar  of  various  trees. 

F.  W.  South  regarded  it  as  taking  part  in  the  destruction  of 
lime  trees  in  Montserrat  and  Antigua,  but  it  is  impossible  to  say 
what  is  its  real  position  amongst  the  other  factors  contributing  to 
the  death  of  the  trees.     (See  Diplodia  Dieback.) 

A  case  in  which,  owing  to  the  absence  of  compHcations,  the 
connection  of  this  fungus  with  root  disease  was  more  clearly 
indicated  received  some  attention  from  the  writer  in  St.  Kitts  in 
1914.  At  the  Basseterre  Botanic  Gardens  a  row  of  large 
Saman  trees  {Pithecolobium  Saman)  was  thinned  out  by  cutting 
down  alternate  trees.  About  a  year  afterwards  three  of  the 
remaining  trees  died  with  a  fungus  rot  of  the  roots,  and  an 
adjacent  hedge  of  bread-and-cheese  (P.  imguis-cati)  was  similarly 
killed.  The  Saman  trees  have  continued  to  die  one  by  one. 
White  mycelium  is  plentifully  developed,  in  some  places  in  thick 
masses,  under  the  bark  of  the  collar  and  roots,  and  large  sporo- 
phores  of  Fomes  hicidus  regularly  grow  out  from  this  when 
the  tree  is  dying  or  dead.  The  bracket-like  fructifications  attain 
in  well-grown  examples  to  a  diameter  of  30  centimetres.  They 
are  usually  supported  on  short  thick  reddish-black  polished 
stalks,  single  or  fused ;  the  upper  surface  is  irregularly  wrinkled  and 
has  the  appearance  of  being  coated  with  brownish-red  lacquer  ; 
while  the  underside  when  fresh  is  whitish  or  buff  in  colour. 

The  fungus  has  a  similar  status  in  other  countries.  T.  Fetch 
has  found  it  in  association  with  root  diseases  of  coconut,  mango, 
and  flamboyante  in  Ceylon  ;  P.  J.  van  Breemen  suspects  it  to 
be  the  cause  of  a  white  rot  of  Ccesalpinia  coriaria  and  Acacia 
tortuosa  in  Curagoa,  and  P.  A.  van  der  Bijl  attributes  to  it  the 
death  of  Acacia  spp.  in  South  Africa.  It  will  be  seen  that  there 
is  some  cumulative  evidence  of  its  parasitism  on  leguminous  trees. 



Pink  Disease. 

This  is  a  disease  in  which  twigs  and  small  branches  appear  as  if 
they  had  been  dusted  over  with  pink  powder,  and  sustain  damage 
which  commonly  leads  to  their  defoliation  and  death.  In  the 
later  stages  the  pink  colour  fades  to  grey,  and  the  thin  coating 
cracks  irregularly.  In  some  cases  the  fungus  assumes  the  form  of 
white  or  pink  pustules  arranged  more  or  less  in  lines  parallel  with 
the  branches. 

West  Indian  records  show  that  pink  disease  occurs  in  Porto 
Rico,  Dominica,  St.  Lucia  and  Trinidad  on  cacao,  and  has  been 
also  seen  on  lime,  grapefruit,  pigeon  pea,  oleander  and  Amherstia. 
The  fungus  to  which  it  is  due  has  been  found  to  be  identical 
with  that  of  the  pink  disease  of  the  Eastern  Tropics,  which  has  a 
very  wide  range  of  hosts  and  gives  serious  trouble  in  rubber 

That  the  disease  has  not  assumed  anything  like  the  same 
importance  in  the  West  Indies  would  appear  to  be  due  to  difference 
in  climate.  The  fungus  is  dependent  on  a  very  considerable 
amount  of  humidity  for  vigorous  growth.  In  even  the  wettest  of 
these  islands  there  are  few  places  opened  up  to  cultivation  which 
are  not  penetrated  more  or  less  by  wind  and  sun  all  the  year 
round  ;  it  is  notable  that  the  disease  on  the  lime  in  Dominica 
is  still  known  to  exist  only  in  one  specially  wet  and  sheltered 
district,  although  it  was  recorded  from  the  same  place  nearly 
twenty  years  ago.  On  cacao  in  Dominica  and  St.  Lucia  the 
disease  has  been  known  the  same  length  of  time  and  remains  a 
rarity.  In  Trinidad,  according  to  J.  B.  Rorer,  it  has  been  found 
on  cacao  only  at  rare  intervals  in  the  northern  and  eastern 
districts  and  has  not  proved  a  serious  trouble. 


The  causative  fungus  Corticium  salmonicolor  B.  et  Br.  (C. 
javanicum  Zimm.)  was  referred  to  for  several  years  in  West 
Indian  publications  as  C  lilacino-fuscum  B.  et  C.,  owing  to  a 
mistaken  identification  by  Massee  of  material  from  Dominica. 
The  infection  probably  comes  in  the  first  place  from  some  forest 
plant.  The  spores  germinate  on  healthy  bark  and  develop 
a  superficial  mycelium  of  cobweb-like  texture.  The  fungus  later 

Fhoto  by] 

Fig.  44 
Pink  Disease  of  Cacao 


penetrates  and  kills  the  bark  and  frequently  enters  the  wood, 
in  which  case  a  sudden  wilting  of  the  leaves  may  be  observed. 
In  the  case  of  lime  trees  the  affected  branches  are  visible  from  an 
elevation  scattered  amongst  the  healthy  foliage.  The  pink  layer 
is  the  fruiting  part  of  the  fungus,  and  produces  the  spores  upon  its 
surface.  One  or  more  pink  fungi  which  are  harmless  occur  on  the 
bark  of  trees,  and  are  liable  to  be  mistaken  for  this  species. 

A  second  stage  of  the  fungus,  originally  described  as  Necator 
decretus,  Massee,  occurs  together  with  or  in  succession  to  the 
Corticium  stage,  often  on  wood  killed  by  the  fungus.  This 
consists  of  orange-red  pustules  about  3  mm.  in  diameter,  made 
up  of  irregularly  shaped  thin -walled  spores.  This  stage  has  not 
so  far  been  recognised  in  West  Indian  examples. 


The  simplest  and  most  effective  way  to  treat  the  disease  is  to 
cut  off  the  branch  on  which  it  occurs  at  its  junction  with  the 
next  older  branch  or  with  the  stem,  taking  care  to  cut  well 
below  the  affected  part.  The  branch  removed  should  be  burned 
or  buried,  with  as  little  handling  or  transportation  as  possible, 
and  the  bark  for  some  distance  below  its  point  of  origin  disinfected. 
General  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  or  lime-sulphur  mixture 
has  given  satisfactory  results  on  citrus  trees  in  the  Philippines, 
the  latter  being  preferable  owing  to  its  lesser  effect  in  protecting 
scale  insects.  No  such  measure  has  yet  been  needed  in  West 
Indian  cultivations. 

Thread  Blight. 

Thread  BUght  is  the  name  commonly  given  to  affections  of 
shrubs  and  trees  in  which  white  to  dark  brown  compact  strands  of 
fungus  mycelium  run  along  the  twigs,  and  send  out  branches  to  the 
leaves,  on  the  blades  of  which  they  ramify,  or  spread  out  into  a 
thin  web,  generally  white  in  colour. 


Diseases  of  this  nature  occur  widely  over  the  world,  especially 
in  humid  situations  in  the  tropics.  In  the  Lesser  Antilles 
thread  blights  have  been  found  on  various  forest  trees,  and  on 
cultivated  plants  have  been  most  noticed  on  cacao,  coffee  and 
nutmeg.  There  are  in  various  parts  of  the  tropics  several 
Basidiomycetes  which  have  scandent  whitish  mycelium  of  the 
general  type  under  discussion. 

Corticium  Stevensii,   Burt   {Hypochnus  ochroleucus,  Noack). 

The  common  thread  blight  which  occurs  in  humid  situations 
in  these  islands  on  cacao,  nutmeg,  and  numerous  other  plants  has 
been  identified  by  E.  A.  Burt  as  due  to  the  fungus  above  named, 
which  was  first  described  from  Brazil,  and  later  as  the  cause  of  a 


thread  blight  of  apple,  pear  and  quince  in  the  southern  United 
States.  The  fructification,  which  is  rarely  found,  consists  of  a 
reticulum  or  felty  membrane,  coloured  dirty  pinkish  buff,  cover- 
ing the  whole  underside  of  a  leaf  and  easily  separable  from  it. 

The  basidia  are  scattered  along  the  hyphse  on  short  lateral 
branches  ;  they  are  simple,  measuring  ii  X  7-8  microns,  with 
four  short  sterigmata  ;  the  spores  are  hyaline,  flattened  or  slightly 
concave  on  one  side,  measuring  8-1 1  X  3-4  microns. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

The  strands  of  the  fungus  pursue  a  wavy  but  generally 
longitudinal  course  on  the  thicker  twigs.  They  may  reach  a  width 
of  about  a  millimetre.  The  upper  surface  is  somewhat  romided, 
while  the  lower  is  closely  adpressed  to  the  bark,  to  which  it 
adheres  rather  firmly  ;  the  colour  is  white  or  cream  in  young, 
deep  brown  in  mature  examples.  The  strands  are  made  up  of 
apparently  solid  hyphse,  which  are  closely  adherent  in  the  brown 
integument,  and  in  the  body  of  the  strand  are  loose,  hyaline, 
remotely  branched,  straight,  of  regular  thickness,  and  mostly 
following  a  parallel  corurse.  Adhesion  to  the  bark  seems  to  be 
secured  by  short  rhizoid-like  hj^hae.  There  appears  to  be  no 
actual  penetration  of  any  twig  upon  which  a  cork  layer  has  formed. 

A  branch  is  given  off  from  the  strand  at  the  base  of  each 
leaf-stalk  reached,  and  runs  up  the  latter  to  the  blade,  where 
it  breaks  up  into  successively  finer  branches  with  irregular 
flat  expansions  and  finally  frays  out  into  its  ultimate  threads. 
The  tissue  of  the  leaf  is  penetrated  by  connected  mycelium 
of  a  different  type,  thin-walled  and  with  numerous  clamp  con- 
nections. The  leaves  become  spotted  where  penetration  occurs, 
and  finally  dry  up  and  remain  hanging  by  the  fungus  strands. 
The  smaller  twigs  also  die.  Where  two  leaves  touch  the  fungus 
crosses  from  one  to  the  other,  often  making  a  little  knot  or  tuft 
of  mycelium  which  firmly  joins  the  two. 

At  intervals  in  the  course  of  the  strands  along  the  twigs,  and 
sometimes  on  the  leaf-stalk,  prominent  hemispherical  sclerotia 
are  formed.  They  are  creamy  white  in  colour,  rather  smooth, 
and  reach  3-4  mm.  diameter.  They  are  made  up  of  hyphse 
similar  to  those  composing  the  strands. 


The  dependence  of  the  fungus,  for  its  development  to  an 
extent  sufficient  to  be  seriously  harmful,  on  what  may  be  regarded 
as  excessive  humidity,  suggests  pruning  and  the  reduction  of 
shade  as  the  basis  of  control.  The  gathering  of  infected  leaves 
and  removal  of  infected  twigs  may  be  expected  to  have  some 
influence  in  checking  the  disease  and  preventing  its  spread,  but 
in  the  case  of  trees  upon  which  the  infestation  is  at  all  general 
it  is  ineffectual  for  its  eradication.     Spraying  with  Bordeaux 


mixture  affords  the  best  means  of  control,  but  the  expense  of 
periodic  application  has  to  be  faced  as  a  permanent  charge  unless 
the  humidity  of  the  situation  can  be  reduced. 

Corticium  (Pellicularia)  koleroga  (Cke.)  v.  Hohn. 

This  species  occurs  on  coffee  in  Porto  Rico,  Jamaica,  Trinidad, 
Surinam,  Venezuela  and  Colombia,  and  has  been  identified  with 
a  fungus  originally  described  from  Mysore,  India.  As  described 
by  E.  A.  Burt,  the  vegetative  mycelium  forms  long,  slender 
mycehal  strands  of  rather  uniform  diameter,  whitish  or  pallid 
at  first,  finally  fuscous,  running  along  the  branches,  and  the  midrib 
and  veins  of  the  leaves,  infesting  the  leaves  and  ramifying 
between  the  cells  of  the  leaf  parenchyma,  finally  emerging  at 
many  points  on  the  underside  of  the  leaf  to  form  minute  fructi- 
fications which  give  a  mottled  appearance  to  the  leaf ;  fructi- 
fications soon  laterally  confluent  into  a  thin  arachnoid,  perforate 
membrane  covering  the  under  surface  of  the  leaf  between  midrib 
and  principal  veins,  drying  pale  smoke-grey.  Spores  hyaline,  even, 
flattened  or  slightly  concave  on  one  side,  10-13  X3I-5  microns. 

This  species  is  distinguishable  from  the  preceding  by  the 
absence  of  sclerotia  and  the  thinner,  lighter  coloured,  more 
firmly  attached  fructifications,  which  would  seem,  moreover, 
to  be  much  more  freely  produced. 

On  coffee  in  Porto  Rico,  according  to  G.  L.  Fawcett,  this 
thread  blight  is  common  on  all  plantations  except  those  at 
higher  altitudes,  and  is  conspicuous  from  the  appearance  of  the 
blackened  leaves  held  suspended  by  its  threads.  It  reduces 
the  foliage  and  often  causes  the  death  of  twigs.  The  berries 
are  also  attacked,  but  the  loss  from  this  cause  is  not  important. 

The  fungus  has  also  been  observed  in  Porto  Rico  to  occur 
under  favourable  circumstances  on  sour  orange.  Hibiscus,  Croton, 
and  two  wild  vines  of  the  genera  Luffa  and  Cucumis.  It  has 
recently  been  recognised  to  be  rather  common  in  Trinidad  on 
coffee  and  "  croton  "  (Codiaeum). 


The  information  from  Porto  Rico  is  that  gathering  and  burning 
the  diseased  leaves  gives  poor  results.  Lime-sulphur  sprays 
have  proved  ineffective.  Bordeaux  mixture  prepared  with  an 
excess  of  lime  is  effective  if  followed  by  inspection  and  where 
necessary  re-sprapng. 

Horsehair  Blight. 

This  is  the  name  given  to  fungus  strands,  closely  resembling 
black  horsehair,  forming  a  loose  tangle,  with  occasional  attach- 
ments, among  the  leaves  and  twigs  of  cacao,  nutmeg,  and  other 
trees  grown  under  humid  conditions. 

It  appears  from  recent  investigations  by  T.  Petch  that  the 


word  blight  is  inappropriate,  as  the  fungus  does  not  enter  living 
tissue,  but  derives  its  nutriment  from  the  materials  on  which  it 
occurs  only  after  they  are  dead. 

Horsehair  blight  occurs  on  cacao  in  the  West  Indies  in 
Dominica,  St.  Lucia,  Grenada  and  Trinidad.  Similar  forms 
occur  in  India  and  Ceylon  on  various  jungle  plants  and  on  tea  and 
nutmeg,  and  there  are  also  records  from  Java,  Australia,  Africa, 
and  South  America. 

Fructifications  are  occasionally  produced  from  the  threads 
while  they  are  still  on  the  tree,  but  more  commonly  from  the  leaves 
to  which  they  are  attached  after  these  have  fallen  to  the  ground. 
They  reveal  that  the  horsehair-like  material  is  a  special  type  of 
mycelium  pertaining  to  a  group  of  species  of  the  genus  Marasmius. 

The  West  Indian  specimens  at  Kew,  according  to  Petch, 
represent  the  species  M.  sarmeniosus,  Berk.  The  ideas  as  to 
its  parasitism  have  apparently  arisen  from  confusion  with  the 
effects  of  thread  blight. 

Algal  Disease,  Red  Rust. 

An  algal  organism,  best  known  as  the  cause  of  the  troublesome 
affection  of  tea  twigs  in  India  and  Java  named  Red  Rust,  is 
widely  distributed  and  common  in  the  tropics,  including  appar- 
ently all  the  West  Indian  islands,  occurring  especially  on  the 
leaves  of  numerous  trees.  The  twigs  of  cacao  are  occasionally 
attacked,  and  dieback  due  to  this  cause  is  not  uncommon  in 
Trinidad,  is  recorded  from  Jamaica  and  St.  Lucia,  and  probably 
occurs  to  some  extent  in  the  other  cacao-growing  islands.  This 
form  of  the  disease  occurs  also  on  mango  both  in  India  and  the 
West  Indies. 


Cephaleuros  mycoidea,  Karst.  (C.  virescens,  Kunze,  Mycoidea 
parasitica,  Cunn),  the  causative  organism,  is  one  of  a  group  of 
mostly  epiphytic  algse,  and  affords  an  instance  of  partial  para- 
sitism, which  outside  this  genus  is  exceedingly  rare  in  the  algse. 
The  organism  is  very  common  on  leaves,  especially  those  with 
a  smooth  surface  and  somewhat  leathery  texture. 

In  this  type  of  situation  it  forms,  generally  on  the  upper 
surface,  orange  or  rusty  red,  roundish  or  less  often  irregular, 
slightly  raised  patches  up  to  a  centimetre  in  diameter.  As  a 
rule  the  presence  of  the  alga  on  leaves  causes  little  or  no  damage. 
In  the  case  of  tea,  cacao,  and  mango  alike  it  is  in  its  occurrence 
on  the  twigs  that  destructive  powers  may  be  developed. 

The  first  outward  sign  of  the  disease  on  cacao  shoots  is  the 
occurrence  during  the  dry  season,  on  the  twigs  of  the  previous 
season's  growth,  of  dark  purplish  or  black  spots  ranging  up  to 
1-2  centimetres  in  diameter.  With  the  coming  of  the  rains 
these  take  on  a  rusty-red  colour,  due  to  the  development  of  a 

Photo  by] 

Fig.  4() 
Algal  Disease  of  Cacao  ;     Active  Stage 


dense  pile  of  fine  hairs  bearing  tiny  globular  heads,  the  sporangia 
of  the  alga.  The  latter  when  ripe  discharge  upon  being  wetted 
numerous  biciliate  zoospores,  which  after  a  short  active  period 
come  to  rest  and  are  capable  of  germination.  The  ripe  sporangia 
are  capable  of  being  broken  off  and  transported  by  wind  before 
this  discharge  occurs. 

A  second  type  of  sporangium,  essentially  similar,  is  formed 
in  the  body  of  the  thallus  as  it  occurs  on  the  surface  of  leaves. 

The  alga  is  itself  liable  to  be  invaded  by  fungus  hyphae,  the 
combination  producing  for  a  time  a  type  of  structure  resembling 
that  of  a  lichen. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

On  various  leaves  the  alga  exists  in  all  conditions  between 
the  common  case  of  mere  attachment  to  the  cuticle  and  complete 
penetration  leading  to  the  development  of  thalli  (cellular  ex- 
pansions) on  both  sides  of  the  leaf.  The  epidermal  cells  beneath 
an  algal  patch  are  usually  but  not  invariably  discoloured  and 
dead.  The  only  importance  attributed  to  the  occurrence  of  the 
organism  on  leaves  lies  in  the  provision  of  material  which  can  in- 
fect the  stems. 

Infection  of  the  twigs  appears  to  take  place  from  germination 
of  the  zoospores  in  the  surface  cracks  which  develop  in  connection 
with  the  formation  of  the  first  layers  of  bark.  The  alga  pushes 
in  among  the  cortical  tissues,  successive  layers  of  which  are 
sloughed  away.  The  irritation  caused  by  the  presence  of  the 
parasite  sometimes  results  in  hypertrophy  (abnormal  swelling) 
of  the  twigs.  In  severe  cases  the  separate  patches  first  occurring 
on  the  twig  may  coalesce  and  completely  envelop  it  for  some 

If  growth  is  not  sufficiently  vigorous  to  throw  off  the  infection 
by  new  and  deeper  bark  formation  the  result  is  the  failure  of  the 
leaves  and  the  death  of  the  twig,  and  even  if  this  does  not  occur 
the  lesions  in  the  bark  are  liable  on  weakly  trees  to  afford  access 
to  the  dieback  fungus,  Diplodia. 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  accounts  of  the  diseases  caused  by  this  organism  agree 
as  to  the  dependence  of  serious  injury  on  lack  of  vigour  in  the 
host.  On  tea  the  disease  occurs  suddenly  and  constantly  when- 
ever bushes  become  unhealthy  from  any  cause  whatever.  On 
cacao  most  harm  has  been  observed  where  the  trees  are  in  poor 
condition  as  a  result  of  exposure  or  insufficient  drainage,  or  in 
young  plantations  where  favourable  conditions  have  not  yet 
become  established. 

The  reasons  for  this  are  believed  to  lie  in  the  inability  of 
weakly  twigs,  as  indicated  above,  to  get  rid  of  the  parasite,  and 
in  the  greater  susceptibility  to  infection  of  twigs  in  which  bark 


formation  is  weak  and  slow.  It  has  been  also  observed  that, 
at  the  other  extreme,  very  quick-growing  shoots  produced  on 
tea  after  severe  pruning  develop  cracks  in  the  bark  which  are 
liable  to  infection. 


Spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  carried  out  early  in  the  dry 
season  has  proved  more  or  less  effective  against  the  disease,  and 
is  the  most  satisfactory  method  of  control  yet  found.  The 
means  of  permanent  remedy,  adopted  with  great  success  in  the 
case  of  tea,  must  be  sought  in  close  attention  to  drainage,  culti- 
vation, and  manuring. 

Fig.  47 
Algal  Disease  of  Cacao  :    Later  Stage 

Section  II— Diseases  of  Permanent  Crops 


According  to  Humboldt  the  home  of  the  cacao  tree  is  the  forest 
of  the  basins  of  the  Orinoco  and  the  Amazon.  The  evergreen 
habit,  the  large  thin  leaves,  the  ability  to  endure  shade  and  the 
intolerance  shown  towards  wind  are  in  accord  with  a  moist  forest 
habitat  though  it  would  be  quite  unsafe  to  conclude  on  this 
evidence  that  such  a  situation  is  necessary  or  even  most  advan- 
tageous for  the  commercial  production  of  cacao  from  the  tree. 

When  the  factors  which  most  directly  affect  cacao  under 
cultivation  are  distinguished  it  is  seen  that  no  single  combina- 
tion of  them  can  be  regarded  as  necessary  for  its  well-being,  for 
within  limits  a  deficiency  in  one  may  be  compensated  for  by  the 
surplus  of  another. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  a  rainfall  regularly  distributed 
throughout  the  year  best  suits  the  vegetative  habit  of  the  tree 
and  leads  to  full  and  rapid  development.  But  where  frequent 
rain  is  associated  with  cloudy  weather  without  a  dry  and  sunny 
season  the  crop  will  usually  be  far  less  than  in  situations  less 
favourable  to  vegetative  growth.  On  the  other  hand  a  cloudy 
sky  may  be  a  great  advantage  when  the  rainfall  is  scanty.  Any 
prolonged  dry  period,  unless  the  soil  is  particularly  deep  and 
retentive,  or  very  well  protected,  is  highly  unfavourable. 

Cacao  is  naturally  a  deep-rooted  plant,  and,  in  situations  where 
soil  and  subsoil  permit  this  habit  to  be  developed  to  the  full, 
it  enables  the  tree  to  pass  with  little  harm  through  a  dry  season 
which  would  defoliate  it  in  less  favourable  conditions.  Deep 
draining  is  thus  clearly  indicated,  in  order  that  full  penetration 
may  not  be  hindered  by  subsoil  waterlogged  in  the  wet  season. 
Equally  clear  is  the  disadvantage  of  planting  over  impenetrable 
subsoil  where  marked  periods  of  dry  weather  are  liable  to  occur. 
In  the  absence  of  such  periods  cacao  is  grown  in  Surinam,  accord- 
ing to  C.  J.  van  Hall,  in  soil  i|  to  2  feet  deep.  In  the  coast 
lands  of  Venezuela  the  dry  season  is  tided  over  by  irrigation. 
While  the  main  roots  will  penetrate  great  depths  to  get  in 
touch  with  subsoil  water,  the  feeding  roots  are  largely  developed 
in  the  soil  proper.  Under  some  circumstances  a  dense  layer  of 


fibrous  roots,  known  in  Grenada  as  bichet,  is  formed  close  to  the 
surface.  Tlie  use  of  vegetable  mulches  is  objected  to  by  some 
planters  on  the  ground  that  it  encourages  this  formation  of 
feeding  roots  where  they  are  liable  to  be  killed  in  dry  weather. 
The  effect  of  such  a  loss  is  probably  not  so  serious  as  it  is  thought 
to  be  :  some  plants,  notably  the  vine,  habitually  produce  feeding 
roots  of  short  duration. 

These  effects  of  rainfall,  of  depth  of  soil,  and  of  dry  seasons 
all  depend  on  the  conservation  of  moisture,  and  to  some  extent 
this  is  capable  of  being  artificially  regulated  by  the  traditional 
method  of  growing  trees  for  shade.  The  question  of  shade  or 
no  shade  is  often  debated  as  though  it  were  capable  of  a  single 
and  universal  answer,  whereas  it  depends  entirely  on  local,  and 
sometimes  very  narrowly  local,  conditions. 

The  control  of  the  various  pathological  conditions  arising 
from  lack  of  vegetative  vigour  on  the  one  hand  and  from  infec- 
tions favoured  by  too  great  humidity  on  the  other,  is  largely 
dependent  upon  the  adjustment  of  shade  conditions,  so  that  it  is 
relevant  to  consider  the  subject  somewhat  closely. 

A  correct  estimation  of  the  factors  involved  and  their  effects 
requires  systematic  physiological  studies  which  so  far  as  the 
writer  knows  have  never  been  made.  In  default  of  such  studies 
the  indications  obtained  from  empirical  observation  and  from 
analogy  must  be  accepted. 

That  shade  in  some  circumstances  exercises  a  most  beneficial 
and  even  essential  influence  is  certain.  The  most  essential  fact, 
which  is  quite  clear,  is  that  the  value  of  shade  depends  on  its 
effect  in  remedying  otherwise  defective  conditions  and  thus 
extending  the  range  of  situations  within  which  cacao  can  be 
successfully  grown.  Where  the  natural  conditions  are  in  all 
respects  good  the  introduction  of  shade  is  a  definite  disadvantage  ; 
it  is  generally  admitted  that  where  shade  can  be  dispensed  with 
the  trees  bear  more  heavily.  With  soils  of  equal  quality  the 
estates  which  have  least  need  of  shade  are  those  situated  in 
sheltered  humid  situations,  with  no  strongly  marked  dry  season 
— conditions  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  hills  and  forest — 
while  the  need  becomes  more  and  more  imperative  with  the 
increase  of  exposure  and  of  inequality  in  the  distribution  of 
rainfall.  Contributory  differences  in  the  same  direction  are  seen 
in  the  transition  from  deep  to  shallow  soils  and  from  strong 
retentive  soils  to  those  which  are  light  and  very  permeable. 

The  most  convincing  case  of  dependence  on  shade  known  to  the 
writer  is  that  of  plantations  on  soils  of  the  last-named  character 
in  St.  Vincent.  In  spite  of  deep  roots  and  of  a  high  rainfall,  the 
trees  are  poorly  nourished,  and  the  response  they  make  to  pen 
manure  suggests  that  lack  of  organic  matter,  due  to  the  non- 
retentive  nature  of  the  soil,  is  largely  the  cause  of  this.  The 
provision  of  effective  shade  very  distinctly  increases  the  vigour 
of  the  trees. 


While  the  writer  believes  that  the  retention  of  humidity  is 
an  important  contributory  effect,  he  is  disposed  to  agree  with 
van  Hall  in  the  view  that  it  is  the  protection  of  the  soil,  and  not  of 
the  tree,  that  is  the  most  important  function  of  shade  trees. 
The  most  pressing  anxiety  of  the  cacao  planter— be  his  fields 
with  or  without  shade — is  to  fill  up  with  quick-growing  leafy 
plants  any  gaps  which  may  occur  in  the  canopy.  The  rapid 
loss  of  humus  which  under  tropical  conditions  takes  place  in 
exposed  soil  is  well  known.  This  is  avoided  over  a  large  part  of 
the  year  by  the  provision  of  shade,  and  a  longer  period  of  activity 
is  permitted  to  the  biological  processes  in  the  soil  which  lead  to 
the  nutrition  of  the  plant.  It  is  noteworthy  that  where  no  shade 
trees  are  grown,  as  on  many  estates  in  Grenada,  their  absence  is 
compensated  for  by  close  planting  and  the  use  of  large  quantities 
of  pen  manure. 

There  is  another  well-recognised  requirement  of  cacao,  that 
of  shelter  from  wind.  Its  effects  are  related  to  those  of  shade, 
and  shade  trees  to  some  extent  perform  its  function.  It  cannot 
be  dispensed  with,  and  if  it  is  not  provided  by  natural  conditions 
must  be  artificially  supplied.  Its  influence,  without  much 
question,  comes  from  the  preservation  of  a  humid  atmosphere 
about  the  trees. 


The  term  dieback  in  connection  with  cacao  has  been  generally 
used  in  connection  with  the  effects  ascribed  to  the  fungus  Diplodia 
theohromce,  which  there  is  little  room  for  doubt  often  kills  back 
the  twigs  and  not  infrequently  large  branches  of  trees  when  these 
are  for  some  reason  not  in  a  vigorous  condition.  Since  in  practice 
it  is  impossible  to  draw  a  line  between  the  cases  of  failure  directly 
brought  about  by  adverse  conditions  of  growth,  in  which  this 
fungus  almost  invariably  appears  sooner  or  later,  and  those  cases 
in  which  the  fungus  plays  a  more  active  part,  the  term  may  be 
usefully  extended  to  cover  the  general  type  of  failure  it  implies. 

The  cacao  tree  is  by  its  nature  suited  to  humid  conditions, 
to  a  considerable  depth  of  soil,  and  a  fairly  abundant  supply  of 
humus.  To  secure  these  conditions  a  cacao  field  is  usually  so 
managed  as  to  approximate  to  forest  conditions  in  respect  of 
atmospheric  humidity,  shading  of  the  ground,  and  supply  of 
organic  material.  This  is  usually  accomplished  by  interplanting 
with  shade  trees  or,  where  trees  are  dispensed  with,  by  taking 
advantage  of  natural  shelter,  by  close  planting,  and  by  the 
liberal  use  of  mulch  and  pen  manure.  A  fairly  high  and  regular 
rainfall  is  required  to  maintain  the  necessary  humidity,  and  where 
the  rainfall  is  on  the  margin  of  adequacy  the  means  of  conserva- 
tion referred  to  require  to  be  the  more  perfect.  On  light,  well- 
drained  soil,  again,  more  protection  is  required  than  on  soils  which 
are  heavy  and  retentive. 


When  the  conditions  fall  short  of  any  of  the  requirements 
outlined  the  effect  is  to  induce  in  the  tree  a  more  or  less  severe 
manifestation  of  the  condition  referred  to  above  as  dieback. 

The  lightest  form  is  shown  only  in  diminished  size  and  harden- 
ing of  the  leaves.  Next  comes  the  condition  in  which  the  out- 
standing twigs  lose  their  leaves  and  dry  off,  new  foliage  being 
produced  later  from  short  shoots  which  develop  further  back. 
Trees  in  this  state  are  familiar  objects  and  present  a  more  or  less 
dense  head  of  foliage  with  numerous  twigs  projecting  above  it. 
In  yet  more  severe  cases  the  dying  back  extends  to  the  larger 
branches  and  may  gradually  involve  them  all.  At  every  stage 
in  this  retrogression  any  temporary  improvement  in  the  con- 
ditions stops  the  process  and  new  shoots  are  sent  out  behind  the 
margin  of  injury,  but  with  the  recurrence  of  unfavourable  con 
ditions  the  process  may  continue  until  the  tree  is  wholly  dead. 

Some  cases  of  root  disease  have  occurred,  in  trees  un- 
favourably circumstanced,  in  which  Diplodia  has  been  the  only 
fungus  detected. 

Such  failing  trees,  and  trees  in  which  the  condition  is  as  yet 
only  incipient,  are  particularly  liable  to  severe  attacks  of  the 
cacao  thrips,  which  contribute  materially  to  their  decline.  There 
are  good  grounds  for  believing  that  it  is  only  on  trees  lacking 
in  vigour  that  infestations  of  thrips  persist  and  do  more  than 
passing  harm. 

The  part  played  by  the  fungus  is  impossible  to  define  as  it 
varies  with  every  circumstance.  It  is  safe  to  say  that  dieback 
would  take  place  under  appropriate  conditions  if  the  fungus 
were  entirely  absent,  for  this  only  means  that  the  range  of  con- 
ditions to  which  the  tree  can  successfully  adapt  itself  is  limited  ; 
but  with  the  fungus  universally  present  as  it  is  there  is  no  doubt 
that  it  often  takes  a  definite  part  in  the  process.  This  is  especially 
seen  when  its  mycelium  coming  down  a  smaller  branch  which  is 
dead  or  dying  enters  and  infests  the  wood  of  the  larger  branch 
to  which  it  joins,  cutting  off  the  water  supply  and  causing  the 
death  of  that  part  of  the  branch  above  the  junction.  It  may  be 
said  in  general  that  the  effect  of  the  fungus  when  it  has  obtained 
a  footing  on  the  dead  twigs  is  to  extend  the  range  of  the  injury, 
and  give  it  a  progressive  nature  in  weakly  resisting  twigs  or 
branches  which  might  otherwise  have  remained  for  the  time 
being  alive.  Where  the  conditions  which  induce  the  attack 
remain  unameliorated  the  result  in  the  end  is  much  the  same, 
but  where  they  are  temporary  in  their  nature  or  exceptional  the 
action  of  the  fungus  may  greatly  increase  the  resulting  loss  of 

Associated  Fungus. 

Diplodia  Theobromce  (Pat.)  :  Fructifications  consisting  of  black, 
carbonaceous,  more  or  less  rounded  pycnidia  immersed  in  the  cortex  ; 
single  or  combined  in  groups  or  sometimes  in  a  stroma  ;  pilose  when  grown 

Fig.  4S 
DiPLODiA  Rot  ok  Cacao  Pod 


in  moist  air;  0.2-04.  mm.  in  diameter.  Spores  on  short  simple  sporo- 
phores  accompanied  by  paraphyses  ;  ovate  or  ellipsoid  ;  when  young, 
one-celled,  hyaline,  with  granular  contents,  and  often  extruded  in  this 
condition  ;  when  ripe,  uniseptate.  slaty-  or  brownish-black,  often  longi- 
tudinally striate,  usually  25-30  x  12-15  microns. 

Mycelium  septate,  abundantly  developed  in  the  wood,  hyaline  when 
young,  becoming  successively  grey,  slaty-  and  brownish-black.  Commonly 
gives  to  infested  wood  a  slaty-grey  tint. 

The  spores  germinate  in  water  whether  in  the  one-celled  or  two-celled 

Synonyms:  Botryodiplodia  Theobromce  Pat.  1892. 

Macrophoma  vesHta  Prill,  et  Del.   1894. 
Diplodia  cacaoicola  P.  Henn.  1895. 
Lasiodtplodia  nigra  App.  et  L.iub.  1906. 
Botryodiplodia  elasticoe  Petch  1906. 
Chaelodiplodia  grisea  Fetch  1906. 
Lasiodiplodia  Theobromct  Griff,  et  Maub.  1909. 
Diplodia  rapax  Massee  1910. 

The  fungus  is  very  widely  distributed  and  common  on  a 
wide  range  of  vegetable  material.  It  is  regarded  as  the  cause  of 
one  type  of  cacao  pod-rot  and  occurs  as  a  semi-parasite  in  ripe 
sugar-cane.  The  same  or  closely  similar  species  cause  rots  of 
citrus  fruits  and  cotton  bolls  in  these  islands.  A  species  not  cer- 
tainly distinct  is  associated  with  the  dieback  of  lime  trees. 

The  cacao  species  affects  various  other  trees  in  a  manner 
similar  to  that  described  above  in  reference  to  cacao,  and  in 
this  way  has  come  into  prominence  on  Hevea  in  Ceylon  and 
Malaya.  It  appears  to  be  generally  distributed  throughout  the 
tropical  world,  having  been  recorded  from  North,  South,  and 
Central  America,  the  West  Indies,  Tropical  Africa,  Ceylon, 
Malaya,  and  the  East  Indies.  It  has  been  described  under  very 
many  names,  and  it  is  still  in  some  degree  a  matter  of  choice  as 
to  which  shall  be  accepted.  The  genus  Diplodia  covers  a  large 
and  ill-differentiated  group  of  fungi  which  form  sunken  pycnidia 
containing  two-celled  dark  spores,  and  has  been  subdivided  by 
splitting  off  new  genera  under  the  names  Lasiodiplodia,  Botryo- 
diplodia, etc.,  based  on  the  grouping  of  the  pycnidia  and  the 
nature  of  their  surface.  The  species  under  notice  varies  in  these 
characters  and  has  been  placed  in  one  genus  or  another  according 
to  the  state  of  the  actual  specimens  examined.  The  first  descrip- 
tion assignable  to  it  seems  to  be  that  of  Patouillard,  who  called  the 
fungus  Botryodiplodia  Theobromce.  Later  P.  Hennings  described 
it  again  under  the  names  of  Diplodia  cacaoicola,  by  which  in 
consequence  of  the  writings  of  Howard  it  became  generally 
known  in  the  West  Indies.  Bancroft  in  1911  claimed  to  have 
found  the  perithecial  fructification  and  described  it  under  the 
name  Thyridaria  tarda,  which  according  to  rule  should  rep  ace 
any  name  given  to  the  pycnidial  form.  The  connection,  which  was 
not  fully  demonstrated,  lacks  confirmation  and  the  name  has 
not  been  generally  adopted.  The  fungus  is  perhaps  most  :om- 
monly  referred  to  at  the  present  time  as  Lasiodiplodia  Theobromce , 
but  it  is  evident  that  this  genus  is  not  based  on  constant  characters 


and  the  combination  Diplodia  Theobromce  would  seem  to  be  the 
soundest  to  use  until  a  better  subdivision  of  the  genus  is  worked 


The  symptoms  of  dieback  often  appear  in  a  group  of  trees  or 
along  the  borders  of  a  field,  and  occasionally  in  individual  trees. 
It  will  be  obvious  from  the  foregoing  account  that  for  purposes  of 
control  it  is  first  of  all  necessary  to  form  some  idea  as  to  which 
of  the  many  causes  capable  of  bringing  about  this  condition  is 
responsible  in  the  particular  case.  Where  a  group  of  trees  is 
affected,  especially  if  the  trees  around  its  margin  are  progressiv^ely 
involved,  search  should  be  made  for  the  usually  well-marked 
evidence  of  Rosellinia  root  disease.  If  this  is  not  found  the 
adequacy  of  the  drainage  and  aeration  on  heavy  soils  should  be 
next  questioned.  On  light  soils  the  conditions  as  to  exposure 
both  lateral  and  vertical  should  be  considered  in  relation  with  the 
amount  of  rainfall  received  and  the  retention  of  sufficient  moisture 
in  the  soil  during  periods  of  dry  weather.  If  deficiencies  in  these 
latter  respects  are  suggested  by  the  circumstances  they  may  be 
met  by  closing  in  the  edges  of  the  cultivation  with  quick-growing 
screens,  for  which  purpose  Aralia  Guilfoylei  has  proved  very 
suitable,  by  providing  overhead  shade,  which  may  be  most 
rapidly  effected  by  putting  in  large  cuttings  of  Gliricidia  maculata 
(madura)  and  by  the  addition  of  pen  manure  or  heavy  vegetable 
mulch  to  the  soil.  A  great  deal  of  dieback,  especially  in  peasant 
holdings,  is  directly  due  to  neglect  of  reasonable  measures  of 
cultivation  and  manuring.  The  same  is  true  of  some  neglected 
estates,  while  another  cause  is  to  be  found  in  injudicious  removal 
of  shade.  Cacao  trees  are  sometimes  planted  where  the  soil  is 
too  shallow  to  maintain  them,  and  the  subsoil  too  dense  for  root 
penetration,  in  which  case  the  trees  reach  in  a  few  years  the  limits 
of  their  development  and  begin  to  fail. 

In  an  affection  such  as  this,  which  may  be  due  to  any  of  the 
numerous  causes  which  react  unfavourably  on  a  tree  which  is 
tolerant  only  of  a  distinctly  limited  range  of  conditions,  it  is 
sometimes  very  difficult  to  find  the  cause  of  an  unthrifty  con- 
dition. The  measures  suggested  above  are  all  along  the  lines 
of  good  agricultural  practice,  and  will  not  be  wasted  if  they  are 
applied  in  turn  until  the  directly  appropriate  measure  is  dis- 

Diplodia  Pod-rot. 

The  rot  of  pods  brought  about  by  the  fungus  Diplodia 
TheobromcB  has  commonly  been  known  in  the  literature  referring 
to  the  West  Indies  as  the  brown  pod-rot,  an  unfortunate  choice 
of  name,  since  the  Phytophthora  pod-rot  in  its  early  stage 
colours  most  pods  attacked  by  it  a  clear  brown,  and  the  antbrac- 

Photo  by] 

\J.  B.  Rorer 

Photo  by] 

[J.  B.  Rorer 

Fig.  49 

Cacao  Canker 

Produced  bv  Inoculation 

Fig.  50 
Cacao  Pod-Rot  :    Tip  Infection 


nose  fungus  produces  a  similar  effect.  There  can  be  little  doubt 
from  the  present  aspect  of  affairs  that  a  great  deal  of  damage 
which  has  been  attributed  to  Diplodia  was  really  due  to  Phytoph- 
thora,  which  is  not  always  conspicuous  on  the  pods  it  destroys 
and  is  quickly  succeeded  by  saprophytes. 

On  the  other  hand  Howard  and  succeeding  investigators 
have  found  Diplodia  capable  of  destroying  pods  to  which  it  has 
gained  access  by  way  of  injuries  and  it  very  commonly  attacks 
pods  which  are  over-ripe  or  have  been  left  some  time  after 
being  picked.  It  is  usually  abundant  on  heaps  of  cacao  shells. 
This  role  agrees  with  that  which  it  takes  in  connection  with 
sugar-cane  and  citrus  fruits. 

History  and  Distribution. 

A.  Howard,  writing  in  1901-2,  regarded  the  pod-rot  met  with 
in  Grenada,  Dominica,  and  St.  Lucia  as  due  to  the  fungus  under 
notice,  and  described  it  accordingly.  He  failed  to  recognise 
the  Phytophthora  rot,  believing  it  to  be  more  or  less  confined 
to  Trinidad.  He  secured  artificial  infections  which  quickly 
rotted  the  pods,  but  only  through  wounds.  Van  Hall  and  Drost, 
who  conducted  infection  experiments  in  Surinam,  found  the 
fungus  incapable  of  infecting  sound,  healthy  pods,  but  able 
to  cause  the  decay  of  picked  pods  or  pods  which  by  some  means 
or  other  have  been  wounded  or  have  already  been  attacked  by 
other  fungi.  With  this  statement  Petch  entirely  agrees  as 
regards  Ceylon  experience,  and  in  Trinidad  Rorer  has  appeared 
to  attach  little  importance  to  the  disease.  It  is  recorded  each 
year  from  Grenada,  St.  Lucia  and  Dominica,  but  in  view  of  the 
difficulties  of  diagnosis  it  is  uncertain  how  much  reliance  can 
be  placed  on  the  differentiation  between  this  and  other  pod-rots. 

Cailsative  Fungus. 

This  is  described  in  connection  with  cacao  dieback. 


The  absence  of  the  fructifications  of  the  fungi  described 
under  Phytophthora  pod-rot  and  anthracnose,  and  the  presence 
from  an  early  stage  of  the  very  different  ones  of  Diplodia  afford 
the  best  evidence  of  this  affection.  Small  pustules,  densely 
distributed,  appear  below  the  brown  epidermis  of  the  pod  and 
raise  small  projections  which  cause  the  surface  to  be  very  dis- 
tinctly rough.  From  each  pustule  as  it  ripens  is  emitted  a  string 
of  spores  which  are  white,  grey  or  black  according  to  the  stage 
of  development  they  have  reached.  The  white  unripened  spores 
are  one-celled,  the  black  ripe  spores  are  divided  by  a  single 
septum.  Both  forms  are  capable  of  immediate  germination. 
In  damp  air  they  hold  together  when  emitted  and  form  a  tendril, 
when  dry  they  form  little  powdery  heaps.     The  whole  pod  is 


penetrated  by  an  abundant  dark  slaty-  or  brownish-grey  mycel- 
ium, which  envelops  and  quickly  destroys  the  beans. 


The  main  points  in  the  prevention  of  loss  from  this  affection 
are  indicated  by  the  conditions  of  attack,  i.e.,  avoidance  of 
wounds  (most  of  which  are  made  by  the  pickers)  and  prompt 
collection  of  ripe  or  injured  pods.  The  fungus  is  so  abundant 
and  the  materials  for  its  development  so  varied  that  attempts 
to  avoid  infection,  once  a  favourable  opening  exists,  seem  to  a 
mvcologist  rather  hopeless.  Against  this  has  to  be  set,  however, 
the  fact  that  experienced  agricultural  officers  in  close  touch 
with  local  conditions  attribute  visibly  good  results  to  sanitary 
disposal  of  husks  and  deplore  any  looseness  in  this  matter.  A 
further  means  of  reducing  the  amount  of  infective  material 
lies  in  the  regular  removal  of  dead  and  sickly  branches  from  the 

Phytophthora  Pod-rot  and  Canker. 

It  is  regarded  as  established  that  the  common  types  of 
pod-rot  and  stem  canker  are  due  to  the  attacks  of  the  same 
fungus,  and  that  there  is  in  many  cases  a  connection  between 
them;  they  may  therefore  be  most  conveniently  discussed 


Apparently  these  diseases  occur  in  all  cacao-growing  coun- 
tries, though  there  are  very  considerable  differences  in  their 
incidence.  In  the  Western  Tropics  and  in  Ceylon  both  canker 
and  pod-rot  are  prevalent,  but  pod-rot  is  the  more  prominent 
trouble,  while  in  Java  canker  is  a  very  serious  disease  and  pod-rot 
relatively  uncommon.  These  differences  have  not  been  ex- 
plained, but  may  possibly  be  accounted  for  by  the  varying 
resistance  of  different  types  of  tree  and  by  the  close  dependence 
of  the  fungus  on  humidity.  The  loss  of  ripe  pods  during  the 
rainy  season  in  Trinidad  is  estimated  by  J.  B.  Rorer  at  30  to  60 
per  cent.  There  are  also  heavy  losses  of  young  pods,  as  is  shown 
by  the  increase  obtained  from  spraying,  and,  further,  the  injuries 
to  the  trees  themselves  are  a  matter  of  serious  consideration. 


The  existence  in  Ceylon  of  a  disease  of  the  nature  of  canker 
was  recorded  in  1833.  At  a  much  earlier  date,  in  1727,  the 
plantations  in  Trinidad  were  crippled  by  an  epidemic  of  blight 
on  the  pods,  which  more  likely  than  not  was  due  to  the  affection 
under  notice.  The  industry  did  not  recover  until  the  Criollo 
then  grown  was  replaced  by  the  more  hardy  Forastero  30  years 
later.     In  recent  times  J.  B.  Harrison  called  attention  to  pod-rot 

Fig.  51 
Cacao  Pod-rot  produced  by  Inoculating  Stem 


Drawn  by] 

Fig.  52 
Phytophthora  Faberi 


in  Grenada  in  1895,  and  in  1897  there  was  a  serious  outbreak 
of  canker  on  Criollo  in  Ceylon.  The  examination  by  G.  Massee  of 
material  sent  to  Kew  led,  as  in  the  case  of  the  West  Indian 
sugar-cane  epidemic,  to  a  wrong  diagnosis,  and  the  researches  of 
J.  B.  Carruthers,  who  was  engaged  through  the  action  of  the 
Ceylon  Planters'  Association,  were  inconclusive  as  to  the  causative 
organism.  In  1899  the  fungus  associated  with  pod-rot  in 
Trinidad  was  identified  by  Massee  as  Phytophihora  omnivora 
De  B.,  and  shown  by  J.  H.  Hart  to  be  capable  of  producing  the 
affection.  The  cause  of  canker  remained  much  longer  in  doubt. 
It  was  attributed  by  a  succession  of  mycologists  to  various 
fungi,  mostly  to  the  Nectrias,  or  their  conidial  stages,  which 
quickly  appear  on  diseased  material.  In  1910  J.  B.  Rorer  in 
Trinidad  proved  by  inoculation  experiments  that  the  Phytoph- 
thora  from  the  pods  could  give  rise  to  typical  canker,  a  discovery 
which  was  confirmed,  and  extended  to  the  similar  disease  on 
Hevea,  by  T.  Petch  in  Ceylon.  Rorer  also  called  attention 
to  the  susceptibility  of  the  soft  tissues  of  the  stem  shoots  to 
attack  by  the  same  fungus,  giving  rise  to  an  affection  named  by 
him  chupon-wilt.  The  identity  of  the  parasite  was  later  decided 
as  Phytophihora  Faheri  Maubl. 

Symptoms,     (i)  Phytophthora  pod-rot. 

The  fungus  is  responsible  for  the  loss  of  pods  at  all  ayes, 
without  the  necessity  for  any  preliminary  injury.  The  cacao 
tree  normally  sets  a  good  many  more  fruits  than  it  proceeds 
to  develop,  and  in  this  way  the  loss  of  young  pods  by  disease  is 
usually  masked.  On  large  pods  the  course  of  the  disease  is 
plain  to  see.  Usually  starting  at  either  the  tip  or  the  stem 
end  as  a  discoloured  spot,  a  browning  of  the  surface  (or 
blackening  in  the  case  of  dark  red  pods),  with  a  clear  line  of 
demarcation,  spreads  along  the  pod  until  it  is  all  covered.  The 
rot  involves  the  whole  of  the  fleshy  tissues  of  the  husk  and 
extends  to  the  pulp  and  the  contained  seeds.  Only  in  pods 
approaching  ripeness  in  which  the  seeds  are  no  longer  in  close 
contact  with  the  shell  can  they  remain  for  a  time  unattacked.    • 

The  fungus  appears  on  the  surface  of  the  pod  as  a  whitish 
down  which  later  may  develop  into  a  white  mould-like  covering 
on  which  masses  of  the  sporangia  accumulate.  The  pod  quickly 
shrivels  and  blackens,  and  at  this  stage  is  usually  conspicuously 
infested  with  secondary  fungi. 

(2)  Canker. 

As  canker  arises  from  the  infestation  of  a  patch  of  the  living 
tissues  of  the  stem,  it  is  difficult  to  detect  in  its  earlier  stages 
owing  to  its  effects  being  hidden  by  the  outer  bark.  The  occur- 
rence of  a  succession  of  diseased  pods  may  give  rise  to  the  first 
suspicion  of  its  presence.  Sometimes  it  can  be  detected  by  the 
presence  of  a  dark  patch  on  the  bark,  and  at  a  later  stage  there 


is  commonly  a  discharge,  from  cracks  or  borer  holes  in  the 
diseased  bark,  of  a  reddish  fluid  which  dries  to  a  rusty  deposit. 

When  the  outer  bark  is  shaved  off  the  diseased  tissue  can  be 
detected  by  the  difference  of  its  colour  from  that  of  the  healthy 
tissue  surrounding  it,  which  further  is  commonly  marked  off  by  a 
dark  brown  line.  The  colour  of  the  affected  tissue  may  be 
brownish  or  claret-coloured.  With  the  latter  indication,  which  is 
the  one  commonly  referred  to,  the  deep  pink  colour  normally 
present  in  some  trees  is  liable  to  be  confused. 

The  adjacent  outer  layers  of  the  wood  are  usually  more  or  less 
discoloured,  and  narrow  dark  lines  may  extend  for  a  considerable 
distance  from  the  point  of  origin. 

The  injury  to  the  tree  is  consequent  upon  the  killing  of  the 
patches  of  bark,  and  its  severity  is  determined  by  the  size  and 
position  of  these.  The  main  stem  or  a  branch  may  be  girdled  and 
killed  outright  above  the  situation  of  the  lesion  ;  the  interference 
with  the  functions  of  the  bark  may  cause  either  local  defoliation 
and  death  of  twigs  or  a  general  sickly  appearance  ;  or  the  effects 
may  remain  localized  in  the  bark  and  natural  recovery  occur. 

(3)  Chupon  Wilt. 

The  affection  on  the  suckers  is  thus  described  by  Rorer  : 
"  the  chupon  is  generally  first  attacked  in  the  soft  tissue  near  the 
tip.  A  small  water-soaked  area  can  be  seen  on  the  stem  which 
gradually  becomes  sunken  and  darker  in  colour  and  spreads  up 
and  down  the  stem,  frequently  girdling  the  shoot  and  causing 
the  upper  part  to  wilt.  The  same  disease  has  been  observed  on 
young  shoots  on  the  upper  branches  of  the  tree.  The  point 
of  attack  is  generally  in  the  axil  of  a  leaf,  though  the  leaf  blade 
or  petiole  may  be  the  first  part  affected,  the  disease  afterwards 
running  down  into  the  stem." 

The  Fungus. 

The  causative  fungus  is  Phytophthora  Faheri,  Maublanc  (1909) . 

According  to  the  original  description  the  conidiophores  are  150-200 
microns  in  length,  non-septate,  hyaline  and  terminated  by  an  apical 
conidium,  more  rarely  branching  and  bearing  two  conidia  ;  conidia 
(sporangia)  of  various  forms,  generally  lemon-shaped,  with  a  thin  smooth 
membrane,  a  little  thickened  at  the  apex,  30-80  x  25-42  microns  ;  oospores 
rounded,  smooth,  with  a  thick  membrane,  45  microns  in  diameter.  Rorer 
gives  the  most  usual  dimensions  of  the  conidia  as  30-50  X  25-27  microns, 
the  number  of  zoospores  as  15—30,  the  diameter  of  chlamydospores  as 
30—50  microns,  oospores  33-40  microns.  There  is  no  swelling  of  the 
sporophores  below  the  conidia. 

J.  Rosenbaum  concluded  after  study  of  the  bodies  classed  as  oospores 
(from  which  antheridia  are  always  absent)  that  they  are  properly  to  be 
regarded  as  multinucleate  vegetative  bodies  with  the  function  of  chlamy- 
dospores.   He  found  their  greatest  frequency  of  diameter  to  be  40  microns. 

The  fructifications  of  the  fungus  as  seen  on  the  pods  consist 
of  a  whitish  down  appearing  behind  the  margin  of  the  brown 


discoloration  of  the  surface,  made  up  of  slender  stalks  bearing 
the  minute  oval  conidia.  These  when  produced  in  mass  form  a 
white  deposit.  Fresh  conidia  continue  to  form  on  the  stalks 
if  the  air  is  humid,  and  a  felted  white  covering  may  be  formed 
over  the  whole  or  part  of  the  pod.  The  thick-walled  resistant 
spores  are  formed  in  this  layer  and  in  the  underlying  tissues. 


The  most  abundant,  but  least  resistant,  means  of  dispersal 
is  afforded  by  the  conidia,  which  may  be  washed  by  water  or 
blown  by  wind  on  to  other  pods.  If  they  come  to  lie  in  a  film  or 
drop  of  water  they  function  as  sporangia,  producing  lo  to  30 
zoospores,  which  swim  about  by  means  of  the  two  cilia  with  which 
they  are  provided.  The  zoospore  settles  down  and  produces  a 
germ  tube  which  penetrates  the  epidermis  either  directly  or  by 
way  of  a  stoma.  The  whole  process  occupies  only  an  hour  or  two. 
If  the  surface  is  merely  damp  with  no  free  water  present  the 
conidium  produces  one  or  more  germ-tubes  without  an  inter- 
mediate zoospore  stage. 

The  thick-waUed  spores  are  set  free  by  the  decay  of  the  pod 
and  are  capable  of  remaining  dormant  in  the  soil  or  elsewhere 
until  conditions  are  favourable  for  their  germination.  This  takes 
place  by  the  production  of  a  short  germ-tube  bearing  a  conidium 
at  its  top  from  which  infection  may  ensue  as  described  above. 

By  these  means  pods  on  a  healthy  tree  may  become  infected. 
How  far  or  under  what  circumstances  direct  infections  of  the 
bark,  producing  canker,  may  occur  does  not  seem  to  be  known. 
It  is,  however,  well-established  that  diseased  pods  commonly 
infect  the  stem  on  which  they  are  borne,  giving  rise  to  canker, 
and,  vice  versa,  that  pods  borne  on  cankered  trees  may  become 
infected  from  the  stem. 

According  to  Rorer's  experiments,  "  when  the  tissue  of  the 
pod  at  the  stem  end  becomes  well  invaded  by  the  fungus,  the 
mycelium  runs  back  into  the  cushion  either  through  the  bark 
or  the  central  woody  cylinder  of  the  stem  of  the  pod,  or  through 
both.  If  it  has  gained  entrance  to  the  tree  through  the  thin 
bark  layer  of  the  pod  stem  it  generally  spreads  out  in  all  direc- 
tions so  that  the  whole  cushion  and  surrounding  area  of  bark 
becomes  cankered  ;  but,  on  the  other  hand,  if  the  mycelium 
grows  into  the  tree  through  the  woody  part  of  the  pod  stem  the 
cushion  may  not  become  cankered.  The  mycelium  will  extend 
in  narrow  lines  for  some  distance  up  or  down  the  stem  in  the 
cambium  layer  but  sooner  or  later  wiU  grow  outward  into  the 
bark  and  then  spread  out  rapidly,  forming  larger  cankered  areas." 

The  canker  spots  are  quickly  invaded  by  secondary  fungi 
which  occupy  the  tissues  and  complete  their  decay. 

Influence  of  External  Conditions 

The  parasite  under  discussion  belongs  to  a  group  of  fungi 


particularly  dependent  on  humid  conditions,  consequently  the 
diseases  due  to  it  are  more  prevalent  in  the  rainy  season  and 
on  trees  with  a  heavy  canopy,  whether  of  their  own  foliage  or 
that  of  shade  trees.  The  conditions  favouring  the  fungus  are, 
up  to  a  certain  point,  the  conditions  which  favour  vigorous 
growth  of  the  trees,  and  a  balance  has  to  be  struck  between  the 
losses  and  gains  which  may  ensue  from  pruning  and  the  reduction 
of  shade  and  shelter.  To  one  operation  the  antithesis  does  not 
apply  :  the  provision  of  abundant  deep  drainage  is  beneficial 
in  both  directions. 

Inherent  Resistance, 

The  Criollo  types  are  very  susceptible  to  canker,  and  it  is 
due  to  this  fact  and  to  their  generally  less  hardy  nature  that  they 
have  mostly  been  replaced  by  the  much  more  resistant  Forastero 
and  Calabacillo.  Alligator  cacao  {Theobroma  pentagona)  grown 
in  the  Dominica  Botanic  Gardens  proved  to  be  so  highly  sus- 
ceptible to  canker  as  to  discourage  any  attempt  to  use  it  com- 

The  suggestion  that  the  susceptibility  of  Criollo  is  accounted 
for  by  the  influence  of  the  deeper  shade  under  which  it  is  grown 
would  appear  to  be  disposed  of  by  the  fact  that  in  the  manurial 
plots  in  Dominica  Forastero  and  Calabacillo  thrive,  whereas 
under  the  same  conditions  the  Criollo  first  planted  was  attacked 
by  canker  when  8-12  years  old,  and  has  been  almost  entirely 
killed  out.  The  same  conclusion  may  be  drawn  from  the  observa- 
tion that  in  grafted  plants  canker  on  a  susceptible  scion  is  sharply 
arrested  when  it  reaches  a  resistant  stock. 


Beyond  the  general  effects  of  the  measures  already  indicated 
the  control  of  pod-rot  and  of  canker  infections  following  pod-rot 
depends  upon  systematic  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture. 
Rorer  has  conducted  large-scale  experiments  with  this  treatment 
for  several  years  and  has  shown  that  in  Trinidad  the  protection 
given  to  the  young  pods  by  spraying  soon  after  a  crop  has  set 
greatly  increases  the  number  of  pods  which  come  to  maturity, 
while  this  and  a  subsequent  application  4-6  weeks  later  during 
the  development  of  the  pods  greatly  reduces  the  amount  of 
"  black  cacao  "  from  diseased  pods  present  in  the  crop.  The 
results  have  been  distinctly  profitable  from  a  commercial  point 
of  view,  without  taking  into  account  the  protection  of  the  trees 
from  canker.  No  hard  and  fast  rules  can  be  laid  down  as  to 
times  of  spraying,  they  depend  on  the  times  of  heavy  setting  and, 
as  to  the  commercial  return,  on  the  extent  to  which  losses  occur. 
By  combining  nicotine  sulphate  with  the  Bordeaux  mixture  the 
spraying  is  made  effective  against  thrips.  The  amount  of 
4-4-50  Bordeaux  to  be  used  per  tree  is  estimated  at  i  gallon 
and  the  number  of  trees  sprayed  per  man  per  day  at  100.     The 


cost  per  100  trees,  with  materials  at  pre-war  prices,  was  about 
$10  per  application.  An  addition  of  nearly  7,000  pods  per 
1,000  trees,  or  635  lb.  dry  cacao,  has  been  obtained  from  sprayed 
as  compared  with  unsprayed  trees. 

Van  Hall  has  issued  striking  figures  as  to  the  success  attained 
in  the  direct  treatment  of  canker  on  a  large  and  badly  infested 
plantation  of  Criollo  in  Java.  The  practice  of  deep  excision  and 
treatment  with  carbolineum  and  tar  having  failed  to  arrest 
the  losses,  a  change  was  made  to  a  policy  comprising  (a)  reduction 
of  the  heavy  canopy  by  thorough  pruning  ;  {b)  treatment  of  the 
cankers  by  merely  shaving  off  the  outer  bark  to  allow  the  infested 
tissues  to  dry  out,  the  use  of  tar  being  avoided  as  preventing 
this  consummation  ;  and  (c)  the  more  careful  control  of  boring 
beetles,  the  tunnels  of  which  afford  openings  for  infection. 
By  these  means  the  number  of  trees  attacked  was  reduced  from 
4,400  in  the  first  to  318  in  the  third  year,  and  the  annual  loss 
of  trees  from  5.4  to  0.7  per  cent. 

Rorer  has  pointed  out  that  the  collection  and  destruction 
of  diseased  pods,  on  which  a  good  deal  of  stress  has  been  laid  as 
a  sanitary  measure,  cannot  be  held  to  have  much  effect  on  the 
prevalence  of  this  disease,  and  has  been  given  up  as  unremunera- 
tive  by  planters  who  have  tried  it.  There  is  an  early  and  enor- 
mous production  of  spores  from  the  affected  pods  while  they  are 
on  the  tree  which  is  quite  sufficient  to  maintain  an  epidemic, 
and  the  only  feasible  means  of  prevention  during  its  continuance 
is  the  protection  of  the  healthy  pods  by  spraying.  On  fallen  pods 
and  husks  the  parasite  seems  unable  to  maintain  itself  against 
the  competition  of  numerous  fungi  more  efficient  as  saprophytes. 
In  this  respect  it  differs  from  Diplodia.  It  should  be  noted 
however  in  this  connection  that  marked  infestations  often  exist 
on  the  trees  in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  sites  to  which  the  pods 
are  brought  to  be  broken. 

The  Surinam  Witch-Broom  Disease. 

The  principal  feature  of  this  disease  is  the  hypertrophy  of 
young  shoots,  which  assume  a  monstrous  form  and  shortly  die. 
To  this  feature  are  also  added  (i)  the  production  of  hardened 
(indurated)  and  malformed  pods,  which  either  fail  to  come  to 
maturity  or  have  a  part  of  their  contents  spoiled,  and  (2)  star- 
blooms,  which  are  crowded  blossoms  developed  on  hypertrophied 
cushions  and  usually  resulting  only  in  a  few  misshapen  pods. 

History  and  Distribution. 

The  disease  was  first  reported  in  the  Saramacca  district  of 
Surinam,  about  1895.  It  spread  by  degrees  through  the  colony 
and  caused  an  enormous  amount  of  damage.  The  average 
annual  export  of  cacao  for  the  5  years  1893-7  was  3^  million 
kilos,  that  for  the  five  years  igo8-i2  was  reduced  to  i^  million. 

Fig.  53 
Surinam  Witch  Broom  Disease 

[J.C.  Rore 



The  disease  now  occurs  throughout  Surinam,  and  has  ex- 
tended to  the  adjacent  parts  of  British  Guiana.  It  has  not  been 
recorded   outside  of   the  South  American  continent.     A   wild 

After  van  Hall  and  Drosi 
Fig.  64 
A  Typical  Witch  Broom 

Theobroma  {T.  speciosum)  which  occurs  in  the  forests  of  southern 
Surinam  is  very  Hable  to  the  disease  and  is  thought  to  have 
communicated  it  to  the  cacao. 

Ritzema  Bos  (1898,  1899),  Massee  (1901)  and  Howard  (1901) 
examined   preserved   material.     The   first-named   found   traces 


of  what  he  regarded  as  a  fungus  of  the  type  associated  with 
some  forms  of  witches-brooms  in  Europe  and  described  it  as 
Exoascus  TheohromcB.  Massee  did  not  find  this  fungus  present, 
and  Howard  observed  only  Fusarium  spores.  Went  was  the 
first  mycologist  to  see  fresh  material.  He  found  a  mycelium 
in  the  tissues  which  did  not  fruit  in  cultures  or  reproduce  the 
disease  from  inoculations.  Van  Hall  and  Drost  (1907)  made  an 
elaborate  study  of  the  disease  and  concluded  that  it  was  due 
to  CoUetotrichum  luxificum,  which  appears  abundantly  on  the 
affected  shoots  and  indurated  pods  ;    inoculations  failed. 

Rorer  (1913)  pointed  out  that  C.  luxificum  is  common  in 
Trinidad  although  the  disease  is  absent,  and,  further,  that  the 
mycelium  in  the  affected  shoots  has  clamp-connections  which  are 
characteristic  of  the  Basidiomycetes.  Inoculations  with  the 
mycelium  were  unsuccessful. 

G.  Stahel  (1915)  confirmed  Rorer's  findings,  and  examining 
the  old  witch-brooms  for  fructifications,  found  those  of  a  Maras- 
mius  commonly  present.  The  spores  from  this  fungus  allowed 
to  fall  on  buds  enclosed  in  test-tubes  gave  rise  to  the  disease  in 
{a)  14  out  of  46,  {h)  7  out  of  9,  (c)  9  out  of  10  cases,  and  infections 
were  produced  on  a  plantation  previously  free  from  the  disease. 
Mycelium  in  pure  cultures  from  the  Marasmius  spores  agrees 
with  that  found  in  the  shoots.  The  indurated  pods  contain 
an  exactly  similar  mycelium  and  also  bear  the  Marasmius  fructi- 
fications, and  both  these  and  the  diseased  cushions  have  been 
readily  produced  by  infection  with  Marasmius  spores. 

Nature  of  the  Disease. 

Van  Hall  and  Drost's  description  of  the  appearance  of  a 
hypertrophied  twig  (witch-broom  or  krulloot)  is  as  follows 
(Fredholm's  translation)  :  "  It  is  generally  two  to  six  times  as 
thick  as  a  healthy  twig,  its  surface  is  rough  and  somewhat 
furrowed,  its  base  turgid,  at  times  exhibiting  longitudinal  cor- 
rugations. The  leaves  do  not  become  fully  developed,  but 
remain  soft  and  flimsy  like  recently  unfolded  leaves  on  sound 
twigs  ;  often  they  are  of  a  darker  colour.  Among  other  char- 
acteristics should  be  mentioned  the  bending  over  of  axillary 
buds,  even  before  the  witches-brooms  are  fully  developed, 
the  strong  tendency  to  produce  side-shoots,  the  retention  of  the 
supporting  leaves,  the  growth  of  the  shoots  in  a  vertical  direction 
and  their  short  duration." 

The  shoot  never  becomes  woody  ;  it  grows  quickly,  and  in 
three  to  six  weeks  it  dries  up  from  the  base.  Both  axillary  and 
terminal  buds  and  flowering  shoots  are  liable  to  the  affection. 
The  bud  infection  does  not  in  all  cases  involve  the  growing 
point,  in  which  event  the  top  of  the  shoot  may  develop  normally. 

The  indurated  pods,  which  always  occur  in  association  with 
witch-brooms,  are  of  three  types  :  (i)  in  which  the  principal 
symptom  is  the  hypertrophy  of  the  stalk — these    arise    from 

Fir;.   55 
Surinam  Witch  Broom  Disease 

J   I'.Ro 


infected  cushions  ;  (2)  in  which  there  is  hypertrophy  of  the  pod 
itself,  producing  humps  or  other  malformations ;  such  pods 
never  ripen,  but  drop  as  a  rule  before  they  are  half-grown  ; 
these  arise  from  the  infection  of  young  pods  ;  (3)  in  which  black 
blotches  appear  on  pods  beginning  to  mature,  which  have  been 
previously  unaffected  ;  the  damage  consequent  on  these  spots 
varies  according  to  humidity  ;  there  is  a  tendency  for  the  affected 
beans  to  degenerate  into  a  mucilaginous  mass,  in  which  the 
remainder  may  begin  to  germinate ;  the  apparently  sound 
beans  obtained  from  such  blackened  pods  are  light  and  not 
fully  ripe. 

Effects  of  the  Disease. 

It  does  not  appear  that  the  direct  effects  of  the  development 
of  witch-brooms  are  particularly  severe.  Each,  of  course, 
involves  the  loss  of  a  shoot,  and  in  the  extreme  cases  in  which 
the  tree  is  infested  with  the  growths  this  results  in  partial  de- 
foliation. Wlien  cut  back,  however,  the  trees  exhibit  consider- 
able vigour  in  the  production  of  new  growth.  The  dead  witch- 
brooms  are  liable  to  become  infested  with  Diplodia,  which  then 
gains  access  to  the  branches.  Canker-like  diseased  areas  fre- 
quently form  where  they  have  been  attached.  From  one  cause 
or  another  many  trees  do  succumb,  and  supplies  are  generally 
quickly  attacked  and  prevented  from  developing. 

The  cause  of  diminished  production  is  mainly  to  be  sought  in 
the  infection  of  the  flower  cushions  and  the  fruits. 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  fungus  has  been  described  by  Stahel  as  a  new  species 
under  the  name  Marasmius  perniciosus,  as  follows  : — 

Mycelium  intercellular  on  the  living  plant ;  entering  the  cells  and 
forming  abundant  clamp-connections  oniy  in  dead  tissue  ;  when  externally 
developed  turns  lemon-yellow  in  a  few  days  and  later  may  show  dark 
crimson  patches. 

Fructifications  on  their  first  appearance  spherical,  somewhat  pointed. 
Cap  successively  bell -shaped,  fiat  parasol-shaped,  and  frequently,  when 
old,  concave  above  ;  av.  diam.  5-15  mm.,  max.  25  mm.,  thin,  somewhat 
fleshy.  Primary  gills  8-20  in  number  (avar.  15),  corresponding  with  furrows 
on  the  upper  surface,  1-15  mm.  wide  and  about  0.2  mm.  thick.  Upper 
surface  of  cap  tinted  crimson,  usually  only  faintly,  with  a  dark-red  central 
spot  surrounded  by  rays  of  the  same  colour. 

Stalk  white  to  lemon-yellow  according  to  age,  hollow,  5—10  mm.  in 
length  ;  base  swollen,  mealy  or  scaly,  light  lemon-yellow  changing  to  dark 
brown  or  brownish  red  ;  arising  from  a  hyphal  mass,  not  from  rhizomorphic 

Spores  4-5  X  10-11  mic,  pure  white  in  mass  ;  germinate  in  rain  water 
after  30-40  minutes  ;  killed  by  one  hour's  desiccation  (if  spread  out  in 
a  thin  layer). 

Occurs  in  damp  weather  on  hypertrophied  shoots  and  indurated  pods 
of  cacao  in  Surinam. 


The  fructifications,  small  white  toadstools  closely  resembling 
those  of  Marasmius  Sacchari,  appear  in  rainy  weather  on  the 
blackened  witch-brooms  while  still  on  the  tree  and  also  after 
they  have  fallen,  on  the  indurated  pods,  especially  small  ones 
which  have  dried  up  on  the  tree,  and  on  infected  cushions. 
They  have  only  been  found  on  dead  twigs  of  normal  form  when 
these  came  from  the  incompletely  affected  buds  before  mentioned. 
They  have  not  been  recorded  from  any  other  plant,  living  or 
dead.  Dried-up  fructifications  return  to  their  natural  form 
when  moistened  and  resume  spore-formation. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

The  witch-brooms  are  produced  from  buds  infected  by  the 
spores  of  the  fungus,  which,  being  produced  in  large  numbers 
from  fructifications  on  the  trees,  can  readily  fall  or  be  carried  by 
air-currents  into  situations  favourable  for  development.  The 
pods  are  infected  directly  by  way  of  the  stomata,  or  indirectly 
from  infected  cushions. 

The  spores  readily  lose  their  vitality  on  drying,  and  it  is  found 
that  unshaded  cacao  is  very  much  less  susceptible  to  the  disease. 

There  is  no  knowledge  of  any  varietal  resistance,  and  both 
Theobroma  hicolor  and  T.  speciosum  are  susceptible  to  infection. 

The  recommendations  for  control  based  on  the  discovery  of 
Marasmius  as  the  cause  of  the  disease  comprise  the  following  . — 
(i)  Admission  of  more  sun  and  air  by  pruning  and  by  reducing 
shade  trees.  (2)  Repeated  and  frequent  clearing  of  the  trees 
of  witch-brooms  and  other  diseased  material,  including  infested 
cushions,  all  of  which  must  be  effectively  disposed  of  by  burning 
or  burying  so  that  the  fungus  cannot  fruit.  (3)  Spraying  with 
Bordeaux  mixture  once  or  twice  annually  as  the  season  of 
growth  approaches  has  been  recommended,  but  is  not  found  to 
be  necessary  for  satisfactory  control. 

The  method  of  cleaning  up  the  trees  by  drastic  cutting  back 
of  the  branches  before  spraying  is  more  quickly  effective,  but 
this  advantage  does  not  balance  the  loss  of  more  than  a  year's 
crop  which  it  involves. 

MoNiLiA  Pod-Rot. 

The  Monilia  Pod-Rot  or  Watery  Disease  has  in  recent  years 
become  prevalent  to  a  serious  extent  in  some  districts  of  Ecuador. 
A  general  account  of  it  was  given  by  J.  B.  Rorer  in  1918  ;  no 
technical  description  has  yet  appeared.  The  disease  is  doubtless 
indigenous  to  Ecuador,  where  it  is  found  on  two  wild  Theobroma 
species,  and  has  not  been  recognised  elsewhere.  It  is  especially 
present  in  localities  with  a  large  rainfall  and  under  such  con- 
ditions may  destroy  almost  the  entire  crop.  In  drier  districts 
much  less  damage  is  caused. 



The  first  positive  symptoms  are  manifested  on  pods  about 
8-10  cm.  in  length,  and  may  take  the  form  of  a  small  protuberance 
or  a  certain  amount  of  discoloration.  When  the  pods  which 
show  these  external  signs  are  cut  open  it  is  observed  that  dark 
brown  veins  are  present  in  various  parts  of  the  interior.  In 
more  developed  pods  the  external  signs  of  the  disease  may  be 
slight,  there  may  be  one  or  more  dark  spots  on  the  surface,  or 
they  may  be  more  or  less  completely  invested  with  a  whitish 
growth  of  the  fungus. 

In  the  first  case  the  pods  show  abnormality  in  form  or  appear 
somewhat  discoloured,  presenting  areas  of  a  bluish  or  yellowish 
colour  as  if  premature  maturity  were  being  attained.  In  the 
second  form  the  diseased  pods  display  on  their  surface  dark  grey 
spots  of  different  sizes  from  0.5  to  3  or  4  cm.  in  diameter.  In  the 
third  form  the  pods  from  an  early  stage  are  partly  or  completely 
covered  with  a  dense  and  shaggy  growth  of  the  fungus  1-2  mm. 
thick,  white  on  the  margin  and  slightly  yellow  or  ashen  in  the 
centre  and  bearing  an  abundance  of  conidia. 

When  fully  diseased  pods  are  cut  open  it  is  observed  that  the 
interior  of  the  husk,  the  central  tissues,  the  pulp,  and  the  seeds 
have  become  enveloped  in  watery  matter  and  in  some  cases  a 
quantitj'  of  water  can  be  drawn  off  from  the  pod.  The  contents 
of  the  pod  are  found  surrounded  by  a  dark  brown  coating,  which 
carpets  also  the  interior  partitions  of  the  husk.  The  husk  itself, 
when  cut,  exhibits  black  or  dark  brown  strands  or  spots  in  its 
tissues  and  sometimes  small  watery  cavities  or  areas  surrounded 
by  a  definite  dark-brown  boundary.  In  addition  there  may  be 
areas  which  present  a  striped  or  mottled  appearance. 

Observations  on  diseased  pods  have  indicated  that  infection 
can  only  occur  in  their  younger  stages. 

The  causative  fungus  is  a  species  of  Monilia  probably  undes- 
cribed.  Monilia  fructigena  is  well  known  as  the  cause  of  the 
wide-spread  brown  rot  of  plums  and  other  rosaceous  fruits  in  tem- 
perate countries. 

Sph^eonema  Black  Spot  and  Bark  Rot. 

Two  affections  previously  undescribed,  caused  by  a  fungus 
of  the  genus  Sphaeronema,  have  been  found  by  J.  B.  Rorer  to  be 
generally  distributed  in  Ecuador.  Like  Phytophthora,  the  fungus 
produces  a  disease  of  the  pods — black  spot — and  a  bark  rot  which 
is  so  closely  associated  with  wounds  from  the  too  ready  cutlass 
of  the  labourer  that  Rorer  has  given  it  the  name  Enfermedad 
del  Machete. 

Black  Spot. 

This  affection  first  declares  itself  on  pods  which  are  almost 
ripe.     One  or  more  dark  spots  appear  on  the  surface,  and  gradu- 


ally  increase  in  size  up  to  diameters  of  2-4  cm.  In  the  centre  of 
the  spot  the  mycelium  occurs  in  the  form  of  a  very  white,  almost 
shining  network,  and  sooner  or  later  there  appear  a  large  number 
of  slender  vertical  black  stalks  about  a  millimetre  in  height,  each 
terminating  in  a  minute  white  pearl-like  head  of  spores. 

When  a  pod  so  attacked  is  cut  open  an  appearance  of  dry-rot 
is  seen,  and  such  pods  are  always  lighter  than  normal.  Occas 
ionally  the  seeds  germinate  inside  the  pod.  The  appearance  of 
the  spots  within  the  tissues  is  very  dark,  and  not  striped  or 
marbled  as  in  the  case  of  Monilia  attack.  The  damage  is  much 
less  than  is  caused  by  the  disease  mentioned,  not  all  of  the  seeds 
are  affected,  and  owing  to  the  late  appearance  of  the  spots  it  is 
possible  to  save  the  pods  by  timely  reaping. 

Bark  Rot. 

Examples  of  the  bark  infection  are  stated  to  exist  on  almost 
aU  the  cacao  trees  in  Ecuador.  The  results  are  much  less  serious 
on  the  Nacional  variety  than  on  the  Venezuela,  of  which  thousands 
of  trees  are  said  to  have  been  destroyed.  The  fungus  is  unable  to 
attack  unwounded  bark,  unless  it  be  that  of  a  tender  twig  or 
shoot,  but  occurs  in  practically  every  cutlass  wound  made. 

The  external  surface  of  the  bark  around  the  cut  becomes 
discoloured,  and  if  the  weather  is  damp  a  dark  wine-coloured 
liquid  may  be  observed  to  drip  from  the  wound.  Exposure  of 
the  interior  tissues  shows  a  yellowish  or  reddish  discoloration 
which  frequently  extends  some  distance  above  and  below  the 
wound  and  occasionally  around  the  branch.  Ajdark  line  separ- 
ates the  healthy  tissues  from  those  attacked.     '^-^  ^f. 

The  Fungus. 

The  fungus  which  has  been  proved  by  numerous  inoculations 
from  pure  cultures  to  be  the  cause  of  these  affections  is  a  species 
of  Sphseronema  probably  as  yet  undescribed.  The  black  stalks 
mentioned  above  are  the  slender  elongated  necks  of  buried 
pycnidia,  producing  pycnospores ;  the  white  mycelium  on  the 
spots  forms  conidia  in  simple  chains,  and  chlamydospores  are 
produced  on  the  hyphae. 

At  least  one  definite  anthracnose  of  cacao  pods  occurs  in  the 
West  Indies,  existing  quite  apart  from  other  types  of  pod  dis- 
eases.   Little  importance  has  been  attached  to  it,  and  it  has  not 
been  made  the  subject  of  any  detailed  investigation. 


With  the  following  description  by  F.  W.  South,  later  observa- 
tions, made  by  the  writer  in  St.  Vincent,  agree.  "  Infection 
usually  shows  itself  in  the  form  of  small  spots  on  the  surfaces 

Phoio  by]  \J.  B.  Rarer 

Fig.  51)     MoNiLiA  Disease  of  Cacao   (Ecuador) 






l>holo  hy\  [J.  B.  Rote 

Fig.  57      Sphaeronema  Black  Spot  (Ecuador) 


of  the  fruits,  which  may  be  of  any  age.  These  spots  are  at  first 
moderately  light-brown  in  colour,  but  later  become  darker  and 
are  sunken  below  the  general  surface  level  of  the  pod  ;  they  are 
usually  limited  in  extent  and  irregular  in  outline,  while  the 
tissues  in  the  centre  of  the  spots  become  hard  and  dry.  The 
tissues  of  the  rind  below  the  spots  are  brown  and  diseased,  and 
the  causative  fungus  penetrates  as  far  as  the  beans.  When  the 
spots  are  commencing  to  dry,  small  yellow  pustules,  not  as  much 
as  I  mm.  in  diameter,  break  through  the  epidermis.  These  are 
closely  crowded  and  become  pink  as  they  develop,  so  that  the 
centres  of  the  spots  are  covered  with  an  almost  continuous 
pink  coating  consisting  of  millions  of  small,  colourless,  unicellular, 
hyaline  spores  belonging  to  a  species  of  Colletotrichum.  In 
some  cases  the  spots  fuse  with  one  another  and  produce  large 
discoloured  areas,  while  in  extreme  cases  the  whole  pod  may 
become  discoloured  and  completely  destroyed  ;  this  is  especially 
the  case  with  young  pods." 

The  disease  is  much  less  prevalent  than  Phytophthora  rot, 
but  can  occur  under  conditions  of  dryness  in  which  the  former 
disease  is  absent. 

Identity  of  the  Fungus. 

A  disease  which  closely  resembles  the  West  Indian  anthracnose 
in  its  characters  has  been  recorded  by  Busse  from  cacao  in  the 
Canieroons,  and  is  attributed  to  Colletotrichum  incarnatum  Zimm. 
(C.  TheohromcB  App.  et  Strunk),  originally  described  from  coffee 
in  Java.     The  same  fungus  occurs  on  cacao  pods  in  Ceylon. 

In  the  West  Indies  C.  Theobromicolum  Delacroix,  C.  kixificum, 
Van  Hall  et  Drost,  and  C.  Cradwickii  Bancroft  have  been  des- 
cribed from  cacao  pods.  Whether  these  are  really  separate  from 
each  other  and  from  the  Old  World  species,  and  how  far  any  or 
all  of  them  give  rise  to  disease  cannot  at  present  be  stated. 

"  Male  "  Cacao 
In  each  of  the  cacao-growing  islands  it  is  a  familiar  experience 
that  an  occasional  tree  occurs  which  persistently  produces 
enormous  and  quite  abnormal  numbers  of  flowers  thickly  dis- 
tributed over  its  stem  and  branches,  without  setting  more  than 
a  very  occasional  and  often  imperfectly  developed  pod.  Trees 
of  large  size  and  high  vigour  have  been  seen  in  which  this  con- 
dition was  reported  to  have  prevailed  throughout  their  history, 
and  this  persistence  appears,  so  far  as  the  information  collected 
by  the  writer  goes,  to  be  characteristic.  Beyond  casual  attention 
no  investigation  of  the  condition  seems  to  have  been  made,  its 
rarity  having  allowed  it  to  be  passed  over  for  matters  of  more 
direct  importance.  Appearances  are  against  the  idea  of  com- 
municability  and  hence  of  parasitic  origin,  since  surrounding 
trees,  in  cases  observed,  have  shown  no  sign  of  alteration  after 
years  of  close  contact. 


Woody  Excrescences 

Instances  are  sometimes  observed  in  which  large  woody 
nodules  or  rounded  excrescences  are  produced  on  stems  and 
branches.  In  some  instances  at  least,  the  habit  persists  through- 
out the  life  of  the  tree,  the  trunk  and  branches  of  which  have  in 
consequence  a  very  distorted  aspect. 

The  cause  of  the  condition  is  so  far  unknown,  but  as  in  the 
case  of  "  male  "  trees  it  has  been  kept  under  observation  for 
years  without  any  sign  of  communication  to  adjacent  trees  having 

Root  Diseases 
The  principal  root  diseases  of  cacao  are  caused  by  species  of 
Rosellinia,  and  are  described  under  the  heading  of  general 
diseases.  Occasional  instances  of  root  disease  are  attributed  to 
Diplodia  (see  Dieback).  At  least  one  other  form  of  root  disease 
has  been  seen  in  Trinidad,  but  not  yet  investigated. 

Algal  Disease 

Thread  Blight 

Horsehair  Blight 

Pink  Disease 

{See  under  General  Diseases). 




Fig.    58        COLLETOTRICHUM     CrADWICKII 

Photo  by]  [J.  B.  Roret 

Fig.  59     Flower  Proliferation   (.Male  Cacao)  Trinidad 



The  Red  Ring  Disease 

The  disease  for  which  the  above  name  is  now  used  was  first 
brought  to  notice  by  J.  H.  Hart,  in  1905,  as  occurring  in  the 
district  of  Cedros  on  the  west  coast  of  Trinidad,  where  it  had 
apparently  been  in  existence  for  many  years.  The  disease  was 
investigated  in  Trinidad  by  F.  A.  Stockdale,  in  1906,  and  dis- 
tinguished, under  the  name  of  root  disease,  from  the  specific 
bud-rot  which  it  resembles  in  its  later  stages.  It  was  attributed 
by  him  to  a  fungus  of  the  genus  Botryodiplodia.  J.  B.  Rorer 
about  1910  made  an  extensive  mycological  investigation  of 
material  from  diseased  trees,  and  reached  the  conclusion  that  the 
affection  was  not  due  to  any  fungus  parasite  but  that  it  was  a 
physiological  trouble  resulting  from  unfavourable  conditions  in 
the  soil. 

The  present  writer  first  met  with  the  disease  in  Grenada  in 
1918,  and  finding  a  nematode  to  be  constantly  present  in  the 
affected  tissues  put  forward  the  theory  that  it  was  due  to  the 
parasitism  of  this  worm.  This  was  supported  by  later  observa- 
tions in  widely  scattered  localities  in  Trinidad,  Tobago  and 
Grenada,  and  has  been  confirmed  by  numerous  experiments  in 
which  the  introduction  of  small  pieces  of  nematode-infested 
tissue  among  the  leaves  of  healthy  trees  has  invariably  led  to  their 
rapid  infestation  with  the  worm  and  the  reproduction  of  the 
characteristic  symptoms  of  the  disease. 

The  disease  is  widely  prevalent  in  Trinidad  and  Tobago,  and 
has  occurred  in  the  last  few  years  in  various  districts  of  Grenada. 
Several  cases  are  now  known  to  have  been  met  with  in  St.  Vincent 
about  the  year  1912  and  a  recent  occurrence  is  reported.  In 
1920,  W.  R.  Dunlop  found  the  disease  to  be  very  prevalent  in 
the  inland  plantations  of  British  Honduras,  causing  losses  which 
appear  to  be  on  as  wide  a  scale  as  those  in  Trinidad.  F.  Stell 
has  found  typical  cases  in  British  Guiana,  and  J.  R.  Johnston 
reports  its  presence  to  a  serious  extent  in  Panama.  There  can 
be  little  doubt,  from  various  accounts  seen  of  the  losses  of  young 
trees  attributed  to  bud-rot,  that  the  definitive  description  of 
red  ring  disease  will  lead  to  its  detection  in  several  other  localities 
in  tropical  America.  The  writer  has  seen  typical  specimens 
from  Panama  and  Venezuela. 

177  N 


The  disease  has  not  been  found  in  other  palms  with  the 
exception  of  a  case  in  an  unidentified  species  of  Cocos. 

External  Symptoms. 

The  failure  of  the  tree  is  marked  by  a  progressive  yellowing 
and  browning  of  the  leaves  in  order  of  age,  commencing  at  the  tip 
of  each  leaf  reached  in  the  process.  Commonly  the  lowest  living 
leaves  are  the  jfirst  affected,  but  occasionally  one  or  several 
of  these  may  remain  green  while  the  discoloration,  commencing 
above  them,  successively  involves  the  younger  leaves.  In  the 
early  stages  the  process  is  indistinguishable  by  external  appear- 
ances from  the  natural  dying  off  of  the  old  leaves,  especially 
where  this  is  accelerated  by  drought,  water-logging,  or  poor 
conditions  of  growth  in  general.  The  difference  becomes  apparent 
however  from  the  steady  march  of  the  discoloration,  which 
soon  begins  to  involve  leaves  in  full  vigour,  and  continues  to 
those  in  which  the  leaflets  are  not  even  fully  expanded.  A  tree 
at  this  stage  is  exceedingly  conspicuous  from  its  rich  colouring 
of  brown,  orange,  and  yellow,  involving  all  but  the  central 
tuft  of  young  leaves.  This  condition  may  be  reached  in  three 
or  four  weeks  from  the  time  of  appearance  of  the  first  symptoms. 

The  shedding  of  green  nuts  in  all  stages  of  immaturity  may 
take  place  concurrently  with  or  slightly  in  advance  of  the  dis- 
coloration of  the  leaves  and  is  thus  in  some  cases  the  first 
external  sign  of  trouble,  though  it  must  be  remembered  that 
shedding  of  small  nuts  often  occurs  from  healthy  trees. 

Secondary  infestation  of  the  failing  leaves  with  Diplodia  sp. 
results  in  the  development  of  patches  of  brown  or  black  rot, 
wet  but  firm,  in  situations  on  the  leaf-stalks,  especially  towards 
the  base.  This  appears  to  be  the  chief  reason  for  the  tendency 
of  the  leaves  to  break  across  and  hang  down.  Such  infestations 
are  common  in  healthy  trees  on  leaves  approaching  senility, 
but  have  much  more  scope  when  the  leaves  are  failing  in  rapid 
succession  from  disease. 

In  the  final  stage  of  the  disease  there  ensues  a  bacterial 
soft  rot  of  the  tender  tissues  forming  the  apex  of  the  stem,  as 
also  of  the  similar  tissues  at  the  base  of  the  young  inflorescences. 
There  is  no  connection  between  this  and  infectious  bud-rot 
disease  :  death  of  the  coconut  palm  from  widely  differing  causes 
is  regularly  followed  by  bacterial  putrefaction  of  the  enclosed 
soft  tissues  of  the  bud. 

Internal  Symptoms. 

The  following  description  applies  to  trees  during  the  process 
of  failure  of  the  leaves  before  the  secondary  rotting  of  the  bud 
begins.  A  cross  section  towards  the  base  of  the  stem  shows  a 
well-marked  zone,  usually  i-i^  inches  wide  and  beginning  1-2 
inches  from  the  periphery,  in  which  the  ground  tissue  is  dull  red 

Fig.  (51      Red  Ring  Disease:     Fully  Infested  Tki 


or  red  mingled  with  mustard  yellow.  A  vertical  section  shows 
the  zone  completely  surrounding  the  base  of  the  stem,  extending 
upwards  as  a  solid  band  of  reddened  tissue  to  about  half  its 
height,  then  breaking  up  into  longitudinal  streaks  and  finally 
into  scattered  dots  about  i  mm.  in  diameter.  In  the  latter  form 
it  extends  to  the  soft  meristem  underlying  the  bud,  in  which 
region  the  dots  appear  generally  dispersed  below  the  flattened 
apex  of  the  stem.  In  very  exceptional  cases  the  discoloration 
in  the  stem  as  a  whole  is  central. 

When  the  leaves  of  a  tree  in  this  stage  are  split  open  in  the 
median  line  a  similar  red-spotted  or  red  and  yellow  streaked 
discoloration  is  revealed  in  the  leaf-stalk,  extending  in  the  fully 
developed  leaves  from  near  the  base  to  a  distance  of  from  6 
inches  to  2^  feet  outwards.  In  the  older  leaves  it  becomes 
masked  by  the  development  of  brown  rot  or  by  the  natural 
browning  of  the  tissues.  In  the  leaves  of  the  central  column 
which  still  remain  green,  the  internal  discoloration  of  the  petiole 
appears  with  great  intensity,  and  often  extends  to  the  unde- 
veloped leaves  which  they  enclose. 

In  the  oldest  leaves  the  infestation  extends  to  the  base, 
but  has  no  apparent  connection  with  the  red  zone  in  the  stem. 
As  the  successive  leaves  are  examined  in  order  of  age  the  dis- 
coloration recedes  upwards,  but  has  been  frequently  seen  to 
retain  at  first  a  narrow  connection  with  the  base  on  the  dorsal 
side.  In  the  soft  white  central  leaves  the  petiole  for  a  distance 
of  from  several  inches  to  a  foot  from  the  base  is  usually  normal 
in  appearance,  and  then  often  contains  an  enclosed  central 
infestation  marked  by  vivid  red  and  yellow  spots  and  sometimes 
extending  for  two  or  three  feet  within  the  rachis. 

In  the  roots  the  visible  effect  of  the  disease  is  confined  to 
the  cortex,  which  consists  of  radial  lamellae  loosely  packed  into 
the  region  between  the  horny  hypoderm  and  the  central  woody 
strand.  This  tissue  is  pure  white  and  soft  when  healthy,  but 
when  infested  it  becomes  dry  and  flaky,  and  is  discoloured, 
first  light  yellow  or  pink,  then  dark  yellow  or  reddish  brown. 
The  infestation  may  extend  for  any  distance  from  an  inch  or 
two  to  10  or  12  feet  from  the  point  of  attachment  ;  it  is  con- 
tinuous, and  decreases  in  intensity  in  the  outward  direction. 
Infested  trees  vary  very  widely  in  the  extent  to  which  the  roots 
are  affected.  A  tree  which  is  fully  infested  in  stem  and  leaves 
may  show  only  the  very  beginnings  of  infestation  in  the  roots. 


While  fungi  and  bacteria  are  rare  and  casual  in  their  occur- 
rence in  the  infested  tissues  until  an  advanced  stage  is  reached 
and  decay  begins,  there  is  a  perfectly  constant  association  of 
the  worm  with  the  lesions  existing  in  the  stem,  leaves  and  roots  ; 
an  association  which  begins  with  the  first  trace  of  discoloration 
and  persists  until  the  infested  tissue  is  dead  and  decayed.    The 


scattered  red  dots  in  otherwise  sound  living  tissue,  which  mark 
the  upper  extension  of  the  red  zone  in  the  stem  and  the  beginning 
of  infestation  in  the  leaf-stalk,  are  initial  nests  containing  usually 
a  few  adult  worms  together  with  larva  and  eggs.  The  red  zone 
in  the  stem  is  in  its  every  part  simply  a  vast  infestation  with 
myriads  of  active  worms. 

In  sections  of  the  tender  white  meristem  of  the  upper  ex- 
tremities of  the  stem  and  of  the  embryonic  leaves  the  worms  may 
be  seen  in  large  numbers  threaded  along  between  the  cells  like 
fungus  hyphas  or  lying  coiled  up  in  the  larger  intercellular  spaces. 
In  this  kind  of  tissue  they  appear  to  be  able  to  travel  in  any 
direction  and  are  by  no  means  confined  to  the  discoloured  spots 
which  mark  their  breeding  places. 

In  the  roots  the  worms  are  present  in  numbers  which  have 
been  estimated  by  N.  A.  Cobb  to  exceed  20,000  to  the  linear  foot. 
These  are  adult  and  larval  stages,  eggs  having  been  rarely  found 
in  the  roots.  On  the  other  hand  abundant  reproduction  takes 
place  in  the  red  zone  of  the  stem,  being  apparently  most  active 
in  its  upper  sections. 

The  infestation  is  in  all  cases  confined  to  the  ground  tissue, 
the  vascular  bundles  remaining  to  all  appearance  unaffected 
in  any  way.  Neither  the  species  concerned  in  this  disease,  nor 
any  remotely  comparable  infestation,  has  been  found  in  careful 
examination  made  of  trees  failing  or  dead  from  other  causes. 

Infection  experiments,  carried  out  by  the  writer  in  Grenada 
(with  the  help  of  J.  C.  Moore)  and  later  in  Trinidad  have  given 
uniformly  consistent  results,  while  the  equal  number  of  controls 
have  been  unaffected.  Introduction  of  a  fragment  of  infested 
tissue  (i)  into  the  stem,  by  way  of  an  auger  hole  immediately 
closed  by  a  tarred  plug,  (2)  into  a  wound  made  by  cutting  out  a 
small  cube  from  the  petiole  of  an  upper  leaf,  (3)  into  one  or 
several  leaf  axils,  without  artificial  wounds,  produces  typical 
infestation  which  becomes  externally  evident  usually  in  about 
60  to  70  days.  The  characteristic  red  zone  in  the  stem  is  de- 
veloped in  infections  by  each  method  even  in  trees  10  or  12 
years  old,  and  is  dense  at  the  base  and  lighter  above  as  in  natural 
cases.  In  leaf  axil  infections  purposely  examined  at  an  early 
stage  infestation  of  a  small  number  of  leaf  bases,  without  evidence 
of  extension  into  the  stem,  has  been  found,  and  very  occasionally 
such  cases  have  been  met  with  by  chance  in  the  field.  The  next 
phase  of  infestation  is  the  appearance  of  the  red  ring  at  the  base 
of  the  stem. 

It  is  rare  for  trees  to  show  signs  of  infection  at  less  than  four 
to  five  years  of  age.  The  writer  has  met  with  one  plant  judged 
to  be  not  more  than  three  years  old  which  was  changing  colour 
and  was  found  to  be  infested  in  the  leaves  only.  In  the  great 
majority  of  cases  the  trees  develop  the  disease  during  the  bearing 
of  the  first  few  crops  of  nuts.  The  most  critical  period  may  be 
said  to  extend  from  the  fourth  to  the  seventh  year,  but  cases 






































































































































































































































































Fig.  63 
Red  Ring  Disease:    Median  Section  of  Infested  Tree 

Fis.  64 

Red    Ring    Disease.     Longitudinal    Section    of    Segment 
OF    Stem 


Red   Ring  Disease:    Transverse  Section  of  Segment  of  Stem 



\  % 


Fig.  66 
Red  Ring  Disease:   Section  near  Upward  Termination  of  Ring 

Fig.  67 
Red  Ring  Disease  :    Infestation  of  a  Young  Leaf 


occurring  up  to  ten  years  are  not  particularly  rare  and  odd  cases 
have  been  verified  in  trees  over  twenty  years  old. 

Examples  of  the  disease  have  been  seen  by  the  writer  in  all 
grades  of  soil,  from  beach  sand  and  rich  vegetable  mould  to 
exceedingly  stiff  clay.  No  influence  on  liability  to  the  disease 
has  been  detected  as  proceeding  from  these  variations  or  from 
any  unfavourable  conditions  of  growth. 

A  very  large  number  of  cases  have  occurred  in  certain  planta- 
tions on  virgin  soil  cleared  from  forest,  and  infestations  as  severe 
are  found  on  land  which  from  a  remote  period  has  been  cultivated 
in  sugar-cane.  On  the  other  hand,  one  large  estate  in  Trinidad 
converted  from  sugar-cane  to  coconuts  ten  to  fifteen  years  ago  has 
so  far  not  had  a  single  case. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

Information  as  to  the  beginning  of  the  disease  is  as  yet  scanty 
and  uncertain.  The  rapidity  of  infestation  shown  in  the  infection 
experiments  renders  untenable  the  hypothesis  first  put  forward 
that  infection  takes  place  at  an  early  age  without  its  effects 
becoming  outwardly  visible  until  the  tree  matures.  Subj  ect  to  the 
results  of  further  investigation,  it  may  be  said  that  infection 
probably  takes  place  at  the  base  of  the  leaves.  The  dorsal 
connection  which  is  very  regularly  visible  between  the  infestation 
in  a  leaf  base  and  the  external  natural  fold  which  is  formed  near 
its  junction  with  the  stem  suggests  that  the  cracks  which  occur 
in  this  situation  may  provide  an  opening  for  infection. 

It  is  considered  probable  that  the  worms  ascend  from  the  soil 
by  way  of  the  surface  of  the  stems  and  gain  entrance  at  the  base 
of  the  leaves.  This  is  known  to  occur  in  nematode  diseases 
of  rice  and  black  currant.     (See  Chapter  V.) 

The  location  of  the  red  zone  in  the  stem  cannot  yet  be  ex- 
plained. Its  position  is  the  same  in  trees  artificially  infected 
by  way  of  the  leaves  or  through  holes  bored  in  the  stem. 

The  Parasite. 

From  material  supplied  by  the  writer  the  worm  has  been 
described  by  N.  A.  Cobb  as  a  previously  unknown  species,  and 
named  Aphelenchus  cocophilus.  The  length  of  the  adults, 
male  and  female,  is  i  mm.  (oV  inch).  The  eggs,  which  are  cylin- 
drical and  slightly  curved,  are  deposited  in  the  living  tissue. 
Nothing  is  known  as  to  the  existence  of  the  worm  outside  of  the 


Until  the  process  of  infection  becomes  more  certainly  known, 
advice  given  regarding  control  measures  must  be  largely  con- 
jectural. The  manner  in  which  the  disease  spreads  in  lines  and 
groups  from  the  scattered  cases  which  first  arise  is  conclusive 


evidence  of  infection  from  tree  to  tree.  When  a  tree  dies  the 
soil  in  its  neighbourhood  must  become  heavily  infested,  and  it 
is  reasonable  to  assume  from  analogy  with  the  known  habits 
of  similar  parasites  that  it  remains  so  for  a  considerable  period. 

It  cannot  be  otherwise  than  desirable  to  prevent  as  far  as 
possible  the  worms  in  infested  trees  from  reaching  the  soil,  and 
for  this  reason  trees  recognised  to  be  affected  should  be  dealt 
with  as  promptly  as  possible,  before  the  infestation  of  the  roots, 
which  cannot  well  be  dealt  with,  has  become  general.  It  is 
necessary  not  merely  to  cut  the  tree  across  at  the  base,  but  to 
dig  round  it,  cut  the  roots,  and  turn  it  out — which  is  not  a  very 
difficult  operation  in  most  soils.  When  the  leaves  have  dried  an 
attempt  should  be  made  to  roast  the  stem  sufficiently  to  kill 
the  worms.  Planters  may  have  ideas  of  their  own  as  to  the  best 
way  of  doing  this.  A  slow  fire  would  be  most  likely  to  penetrate 
to  the  required  depth,  and  it  is  suggested  that  the  stern  be  sawn 
or  chopped  into  convenient  lengths,  piled  in  the  excavation 
with  the  chopped  up  leaves  and  added  fuel,  and  banked  by 
scraping  up  the  loose  soil  and  any  chips  that  have  been  scattered, 
so  as  to  give  something  approaching  to  the  structure  of  a  charcoal 
pit.  It  is  recognised  that  the  problem  of  disposing  of  such  large 
masses  of  material  in  a  satisfactory  way  is  a  difficult  one,  and  fire 
in  some  form  would  seem  to  be  its  only  solution.  The  worms 
have  been  found  to  be  alive  in  large  numbers  several  months 
later  in  a  stem  which  had  been  merely  scorched. 

It  is  conceivable  and  sufficiently  probable  to  be  the  basis  of 
precaution  until  the  facts  are  known,  that  the  worms  maybe 
harboured  in  the  crevices  of  the  husk  of  fallen  nuts  and  be  trans- 
ferred with  these  when  they  are  used  for  planting.  It  would, 
therefore,  be  safer  to  plant  nuts  which  come  from  areas  with  no 
record  of  infestation,  or  otherwise  to  use  them  only  when  taken 
direct  from  the  trees  and  not  picked  up  from  the  ground. 

It  is  not  believed  that  any  method  of  soil  disinfection  with 
chemicals  is  practicable.  Experiments  are  in  progress  to  test 
the  protection  of  trees  by  banding  and  by  placing  a  slowly 
diffusible  repellent  substance  in  the  top.  The  common  practice 
of  putting  lime  or  salt  among  the  leaves  may  possibly  be  of 
some  use  in  this  direction,  though  nematodes  in  general  are 
highly  resistant  to  chemical  poisons.  It  is  considered  possible, 
on  the  theory  that  the  worms  travel  on  the  outside  of  the  stem, 
that  a  band  of  crude  oil  may  hinder  their  ascent  by  producing 
a  quickly  drying  surface. 

Observations  of  the  spread  of  the  disease  suggest  that  drainage 
trenches  act  as  obstacles  to  its  extension  and  it  is  advised  that 
the  sites  of  eariy  cases  should  be  dealt  with  by  the  method 
described  in  Chapter  XV  for  the  isolation  of  contacts  where 
Rosellinia  disease  occurs. 


Bud  Rot  in  General 

A  great  deal  of  confusion  exists  among  agriculturists  regarding 
coconut  bud- rot,  and  pathologists  cannot  yet  claim  to  be  fully 
informed  on  the  subject.  The  ravages  in  Cuba  and  Central 
America  of  the  epidemic  disease  known  by  this  name  became 
widely  known,  and  a  tendency  arose  and  still  exists  to  regard 
all  cases  in  which  similar  symptoms  appear  as  affected  by  the 
same  disease.  F.  A.  Stockdale  in  1906  pointed  out  that  a  pro- 
portion of  the  bud-rot  occurring  in  Trinidad  was  purely  secondary 
in  its  nature,  being  a  consequence  of  the  failure  of  the  palms 
brought  about  by  the  so-caUed  root  disease,  now  known  to  be 
for  the  most  part  a  specific  disease  due  to  infestation  with  a 
nematode  worm  His  contention,  though  denied  at  the  time, 
has  been  fully  confirmed  by  later  investjgatoTS.  Nematode 
infestation  has  been  recently  found  to  be  responsible  for  a  large 
amount  of  so-called  bud-rot  occurring  in  British  Honduras,  and 
may  be  expected  with  confidence  to  account  for  a  good  deal 
more  elsewhere.  The  writer  has  found  that  typical  bud-rot  of 
this  kind,  indistinguishable  in  appearance  from  the  infectious 
forms,  follows  rapidly  on  the  death  of  healthy  trees  from  poisoning 
or  the  severance  of  the  stem.  The  fact  is  that  a  characteristic 
stinking  rot,  dominated  by  bacterial  putrefaction,  forms  the 
natural  process  of  decay  of  the  large  amount  of  tender  tissues 
deeply  enclosed  by  the  successive  sheathing  bases  of  the  leaves. 
A  similar  process  can  take  place  within  the  closely  wrapped  shoots 
of  other  monocotyledons,  as  for  example  in  the  top-rot  of  sugar- 
cane. Evidence  of  infectiousness  is  necessary  to  establish 
the  existence  in  any  given  situation  of  a  specific  bud-rot  disease. 

It  is  now  becoming  apparent  that  the  true  infectious  bud-rot 
existing  in  the  West  Indies  is  of  more  than  one  kind.  Until 
recently  the  opinion  was  generally  held  that  the  disease  occurring 
in  the  Western  Tropics  is  bacterial  in  its  nature,  while  that  of  the 
East  is  fungoid.  E.  J.  Butler  and  his  co-workers  have  shown 
that  the  bud-rot  of  Palmyra  palms  in  India  is  caused  by  Phy- 
tophthora  palmivora  and  that  this  fungus  can  attack  coconut, 
and  S.  F.  Ashby  in  Jamaica  has  found  the  same  fungus  causing 
a  bud-rot  of  coconut  palms  in  Jamaica.  A.  Reinking  in  the 
Philippines  has  produced  a  bud-rot  which  he  regards  as  identical 
with  the  form  occurring  naturally  in  those  islands  by  artificial 
infection  with  a  Phytophthora  obtained  from  cacao  pods  and 
believed  by  him  to  be  P.  Faberi,  which  is  the  common  pod-rot 
fungus  of  the  West  Indies. 

After  the  removal  of  these  fungoid  forms  it  is  believed  that 
there  may  remain  a  large  residue  of  bud-rot  of  bacterial  origin, 
and  it  has  yet  to  be  shown  that  the  epidemic  bud-rot  of  the 
West  Indies,  in  which  bacteria  alone  have  been  detected,  is  not 
in  fact  of  that  nature.  A  description  of  this  form,  as  at  present 
regarded,  is  therefore  retained.  The  question  of  causation  does 
not  much  affect  the  description  of  the  course  of  the  disease,  and 


in  any  case  the  effects  of  bacterial  invasion  are  prominent  in  the 
affected  tissues  from  an  early  stage. 

Bacterial  Bud-Rot. 

The  early  history  of  bud-rot  disease  in  the  Western  Tropics 
is  obscure  owing  to  the  absence  of  adequate  descriptions  and  the 
difficulties  of  diagnosis.  There  is  a  record  of  epidemic  des- 
truction of  coconut  trees  on  Grand  Cayman  as  early  as  1834  > 
in  Cuba  the  disease  has  been  making  progress  for  more  than 
thirty  years,  and  there  are  large  areas  once  covered  with  flourish- 
ing plantations  on  which  hardly  a  tree  now  remains.  Heavy 
losses  occurred  in  Jamaica  from  1891  to  1910,  and  at  about 
the  same  period  in  Trinidad,  and  though  checked  by  compulsory 
destruction  of  trees  the  disease  still  persists  in  both  islands. 
In  the  Lesser  Antilles  small  groups  of  trees  have  died  from  time 
to  time  with  symptoms  taken  to  be  evidence  of  this  disease. 

Many  incomplete  attempts  at  explanation  of  the  disease 
were  made  from  time  to  time.  In  some  cases  observers  were  led 
by  the  presence  of  insects  attracted  by  the  decaying  parts  to 
attribute  to  one  or  another  of  them  its  causation,  but  several 
of  the  earlier  observers  reached  the  conclusion  that  bacteria 
play  the  princif)al  part.  As  a  sequel  to  a  visit  by  E.  F.  Smith 
to  Cuba  in  1904,  J.  R.  Johnston  began  the  study  of  the  disease 
in  Cuba  in  1907,  and  after  visiting  Jamaica,  Trinidad  and  British 
Guiana,  wrote  a  comprehensive  account  of  his  investigations. 

J.  B.  Rorer  in  Trinidad,  and  S.  F.  Ashby  in  Jamaica,  have  also 
published  descriptions  of  the  disease  confirming  the  general 
features  of  Johnston's  account. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

The  disease  does  not  affect  the  central  bud  alone  but  may 
commence  anywhere  in  the  crown,  either  at  the  base  of  the 
leaves  or  inflorescences  or  on  the  tissues  between  them.  It 
never  extends  far  on  to  the  leaf  stalk  nor  does  it  affect  the  woody 
part  of  the  stem  ;  only  in  exceptional  cases  does  it  travel  more 
than  a  foot  or  two  in  the  softer  central  portion  of  the  stem 
below  the  crown. 

If  the  infection  starts  in  or  near  the  central  bud  it  rots  the 
tissues  at  the  base  of  the  upright  column  of  unexpanded  leaves 
so  that  this  falls  over  and  comes  away,  commonly  leaving  the 
expanded  leaves  still  green  and  healthy  and  their  bunches  of 
nuts  intact.  With  the  only  vegetative  bud  gone  there  is,  of 
course,  no  chance  of  recovery.  The  leaves  in  time  dry  up  and 
fall,  leaving  a  bare  pole. 

When  infection  begins  among  the  expanded  leaves  the  first 
sign  is  commonly  the  falling  of  unripe  nuts,  due  to  the  infection 
of  the  base  of  the  fruiting  branch.  The  dropping  of  young  nuts 
is  not  in  itself  evidence  of  bud-rot.     It  occurs  quite  commonly 

Fig.    (i8 
Effect  of  a  Bud-rot  Epidemic,  Trinidad 

[F.   W.   Uruh 


when  trees  are  suffering  from  drought,  water-logging,  or  any 
cause  which  affects  the  ability  of  the  tree  to  nourish  the  full 
number  of  fruits  set.  Injury  to  the  base  of  the  spikes  such  as 
may  be  caused  by  insects  or  by  careless  picking  will  also  cause 
young  nuts  to  drop. 

Another  early  sign  of  the  disease  is  the  discoloration  of 
the  flower  spikes,  which  turn  chocolate  brown  and  eventually 
blacken  and  wither.  Investigation  at  this  time  reveals  a  dark- 
coloured  wet  rot  about  the  base  of  the  affected  parts.  The 
rot  works  its  way  through  or  under  the  moist  strainer,  affecting 
the  leaves  or  inflorescences  as  it  reaches  their  points  of  attach- 
ment. Water-soaked  areas  appear  on  the  leaf  stalks,  and  as 
the  rot  progresses  the  leaves  involved  turn  jellow  and  hang 
down.  On  the  relatively  hard  tissues  of  the  leaf  base  the  rot 
does  not  penetrate  far  below  the  surface  and  if  the  spots  become 
exposed  to  the  air  they  dry  up.  The  softer  tissues  adjacent  to 
the  bud  are  much  more  easily  penetrated  and  when  the  infection 
reaches  the  central  column  they  become  entirely  in^■olved  in  a 
soft  rot  which  gives  off  a  particularly  offensive  odour. 


Apart  from  the  type  recently  separated  in  Jamaica,  in- 
vestigators of  bud-rot  in  the  Western  Tropics  have  so  far  agreed 
in  reporting  the  association  of  bacteria  with  the  disease  from  its 
earliest  stages.  It  has  not  been  possible,  however,  to  correlate 
the  findings  of  the  different  workers  in  respect  to  the  species  of 
bacterium  regarded  as  its  probable  cause.  J.  R.  Johnston 
reached  the  conclusion  that  a  species  indistinguishable  from 
Bacillus  coli  was  causative,  but  unfortunately  his  inoculation 
experiments  were  confined  to  young  plants  under  glass  in  Wash- 
ington, in  which,  moreover,  infectipns  were  only  obtained  through 
holes  made  with  an  auger.  Reinking  in  the  Philippines  isolated 
what  appears  to  be  the  same  organism,  and  with  this  and  with 
B.  coli  from  animals  found  that  infections  of  seedling  palms 
could  be  obtained  through  wounds  made  in  the  growing  point, 
but  only  in  case  of  severe  injury  or  excessive  dampness.  He  no 
longer  regards  bacteria  as  the  cause  of  the  epidemic  disease  in 
those  islands.  Rorer  in  Trinidad  mentions  having  obtained  with 
an  unidentified  but  different  bacterium  typical  infections  through 
wounds  and  also  by  pouring  material  from  a  culture  among  the 
leaves  of  an  unwounded  tree. 


The  experience  of  Jamaica  and  Trinidad  demonstrates  that 
when  supported  by  powers  of  legal  compulsion  and  carried  out 
under  eflective  supervision,  a  vigorous  policy  of  cutting  down 
and  burning  the  tops  of  all  infected  trees,  with  periodical  in- 
spections for  the  detection  of  fresh  cases,  can  quickly  reduce  the 
incidence  of  the  disease  from  serious  to  insignificant  proportions. 


In  the  case  of  trees  which  are  attacked  in  the  region  of  the 
central  bud  there  is  no  hope  of  remedy,  but  some  success  has 
been  attained  in  the  treatment  of  cases  where  the  infection  is 
situated  in  the  outer  parts  of  the  crown.  One  kind  of  treatment 
commonly  adopted  consists  in  setting  fire,  if  necessary  with  the 
aid  of  kerosene,  to  the  dry  material  present  in  the  crown.  This 
may  give  the  tree  a  severe  check  but  is  sometimes  successful  in 
destroying  the  infection  owing  to  the  shallow  penetration  of  the 
rot  on  the  harder  parts  of  the  tree. 

A  method  sometimes  adopted,  which  is  claimed,  with  what 
justification  is  not  known,  to  prevent  infection  and  to  cure 
incipient  cases  is  the  tying  of  a  bag  containing  a  pound  or  two  of 
coarse  salt  or  of  copper  sulphate,  or  both,  in  such  a  position  that 
rain  water  will  gradually  dissolve  the  chemical  and  carry  it  down 
among  the  leaf  bases. 

Spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixtiu^e,  to  which  arsenate  of  lead 
is  added  to  give  it  insecticidal  properties,  has  been  experimen- 
tally tried  in  Trinidad  with  apparently  good  results.  The  bud- 
rot  of  palmyra  palms  in  India  has  been  successfully  treated  on  a 
large  scale  by  spraying  with  resin-soap  Bordeaux,  applied  by 
climbers  furnished  with  auto-sprayers,  after  removing  infested 
leaf -sheaths. 

In  the  destruction  of  diseased  trees  by  fire  they  should  be 
cut  down,  the  dry  material  used  to  start  the  fire,  and  the  crown 
dismembered  and  thrown  on  piece  by  piece,  care  being  taken  to 
see  that  everything  is  at  least  scorched  through.  Excepting  its 
uppermost  section  there  is  no  need  to  burn  the  trunk. 

Bud-Rot  caused  by  Phytophthora  palmivora. 

S.  F.  Ashby  has  described  a  specific  bud-rot  which  occurs  in 
the  eastern  and  north-eastern  coastal  lands  of  Jamaica,  where 
there  are  large  unbroken  areas  of  coconuts  subject  to  a  rainfall 
of  90-120  inches.  It  is  to  a  marked  degree  most  prevalent  on 
flat  lands  with  fine  silt  soils  difiicult  to  drain.  Periods  of  heavy 
rain  are  followed  one  to  three  months  later  by  a  heavy  increase 
in  losses  from  the  disease,  which  in  one  instance  of  a  field  of 
4,000  trees  occurred  at  the  rate  of  100  a  month.  Trees  from 
2-3  up  to  20  years  old  are  liable  to  attack.  On  one  estate  the 
fungus  was  found  associated  with  the  dropping  of  full-grown 
immature  nuts,  and  at  one  nursery  seedlings  were  seen  with  dead 
hearts  and  rotted  apices  probably  due  to  infection  from  the  husks. 


The  existence  of  the  disease  is  indicated  by  the  discoloration 
and  withering  of  the  heart  leaf  or  one  or  more  of  the  youngest 
leaves.  The  heart  leaf  rots  at  the  base  and  can  usually  be  pulled 
out,  which  serves  as  a  rough  means  of  distinguishing  this  affection 

Fis.  69 

Coconut  Bud  Rot,  Outer  Leaves  removed  to  show  Collapse 
OF  Heart  Leaves. 

Photo  by] 

[E.  Miller 

Fig.   70 
Bud  Rot  preceded  by  Drooping  of  Leaves  (Tobago) 


from  withering  of  the  leaf-blade  caused  by  Thielaviopsis.  The 
young  leaves  next  in  order  are  successively  attacked  and  the 
central  column  falls  out  leaving  the  ring  of  outer  green  leaves. 
At  the  seat  of  the  disease  brown  sunken  spots  up  to  3  inches  in 
diameter  are  found  existing  on  the  leaf  bases  and  penetrating 
them  successively  until  the  apex  of  the  stem  is  reached.  At 
the  stage  of  the  withering  of  the  heart  leaf  the  heart  itself  is 
usually  already  soft-rotted. 

The  Causative  Fungus. 

The  tissues  of  the  leaf-base  spots  and  of  the  stem  apices  when 
these  are  not  already  soft-rotted  are  penetrated  by  a  stout, 
sparingly  septate,  intercellular  mycelium  sending  fingerlike 
haustoria  into  the  cells.  Pale  brown  chlamydospores  in  the 
tissues  are  not  uncommon.  The  surface  of  the  spots  may  show 
a  white  mildew  amounting  sometimes  to  a  dense  felt,  and  a 
similar  growth  is  found  in  connection  with  spots  which  sometimes 
develop  on  the  unexpanded  leaves,  and  show  up  later  as  rows 
across  the  leaflets  when  these  expand. 

The  surface  web  or  stroma  may  show  only  sterile  mycelium 
or  may  be  abundantly  covered  with  thick-walled  brown  chlamy- 
dospores ;  kept  in  a  moist  chamber  it  develops  sporangia, 
which  are  oval  with  broad  prominent  papillae,  and  when  set 
free  are  usually  stalked.  They  are  believed  to  liberate  30  or 
more  zoospores.     Oospores  have  not  been  seen  with  certainty. 

The  fungus  corresponds  with  the  description  of  Phytophthora 
palmivora  [Pythium  palmivorum)  Butler,  the  cause  of  the 
destructive  bud-rot  disease  of  palmyra  and  coconut  palms  in 
India,  and  its  identity  has  been  confu-med  by  E.  J.  Butler  from 
living  cultures. 


An  infection  was  secured  on  an  unwounded  leaf-base,  re- 
sulting in  a  spot  two  inches  across  and  one  inch  deep,  with 
typical  mycelium  at  its  advanced  margin.  Developing  in  bright 
weather  the  infestation  did  not  penetrate  to  the  leaf-base  next 
underlying  in  the  ten  weeks  preceding  its  removal. 

The  result  of  pouring  suspensions  of  the  fungus  from  cultures 
into  the  hearts  of  trees  4-5  years  old  was  the  production  of  rows 
of  spots  on  the  leaves  next  to  emerge,  but  no  further  effect 
followed.  Complete  artificial  infestation  of  the  husks  of  full- 
grown  green  nuts  was  secured. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

Infection  begins  on  young  leaf-bases  and  often  the  fungus 
penetrates  several  of  these  before  reaching  the  bud,  passing 
inwards  by  a  direct  course.  The  rotting  of  the  heart  is  accom- 
panied   by    secondary    bacterial    infestation.     No    definite    in- 


formation  has  been  secured  regarding  the  manner  of  distribution 
of  the  fungus  ;  strong  winds  may  detach  and  transfer  fragments 
of  mycelium,  and  scavenging  insects  and  birds  may  carry  these 
or  spores  from  one  tree  to  another  ;  it  is  not  thought  that  transfer 
by  the  pickers  is  of  much  account. 


Attempts  have  been  made  to  prevent  infection  by  appHcations 
of  mixtures  of  slaked  lime  and  copper  sulphate,  Bordeaux  paste 
and  mixture,  lime  and  salt,  and  rock  salt.  The  results  are  so 
far  inconclusive  though  good  effects  are  believed  to  have  been 
obtained  in  some  instances. 

The  early  eradication  of  diseased  trees,  when  thoroughly 
carried  out,  has  been  effective  with  this  as  with  other  types  of 

Leaf-stalk  Rot  caused  by  Phytophthora  parasitica. 

S.  F.  Ashby  has  described  a  disease  of  coconut  palms  occurring 
in  Jamaica  in  which  the  earliest  symptom  is  usually  a  yellowing 
and  withering  of  the  tip  of  a  leaf  on  the  outside  of  the  crown. 
The  affection  spreads  to  adjoining  leaves  and  finally  most  of  the 
outer  leaves  break  down.  Progress  is  slow  and  typically  the 
bud  is  not  affected.  The  bunches  of  nuts  fall  owing  to  the 
removal  of  the  support  given  them  by  the  leaves,  but  have  not 
been  seen  to  be  infected. 

The  stalks  of  the  leaves  attacked  show  dark  brown  somewhat 
sunken  spots,  from  one  to  several  inches  in  diameter,  on  the 
upper  and  under  surfaces  ;  the  lowest  spots  are  usually  situated 
several  inches  above  the  junction  with  the  stem.  Long  dark 
patches  are  also  frequently  present  on  the  limbs,  and  gum  may 
exude  when  the  affected  areas  crack.  Internally  the  spots  and 
patches  show  either  a  sodden  rot  with  a  narrow  red  margin  or 
are  light  to  dark  brown,  depending  on  their  age ;  frequently 
they  pierce  entirely  through  the  limb. 


The  disease  has  been  so  far  met  with  in  Jamaica  only  on 
three  neighbouring  estates  in  a  district  of  high  rainfall.  Cases 
have  occurred  in  trees  from  ten  to  fifteen  years  of  age,  but  in  the 
greatest  number  on  trees  of  five  years  beginning  to  bear. 

The  Causative  Fungus. 

The  tissue  of  young  spots  is  penetrated  by  the  stout  sparingly 
septate  intercellular  mycelium  of  a  Phytophthora,  with  few 
branches  entering  the  cells.  In  older  spots  the  hypha;  show  more 
frequent  septation  and  grow  through  the  cells.  Felts  and  webs 
have  not  been  found  on  the  surface  of  the  spots. 


Sporangia  develop  abundantly  on  material  transferred  to  a 
moist  chamber,  and  chlamydospores  and  oospores  occur  in 
cultures.  The  sporangia  are  decidedly  more  globose  than  in 
P.  palmivora,  with  a  narrower  papilla  and  less  tendency  to 
break  away  with  a  stalk. 

The  fungus  agrees  with  P.  parasitica  Dastur,  described  on 
castor  oil  and  Vinca  in  India.  It  also  agrees  with  P.  terrestria 
Sherbakoff,  on  tomato  fruits  in  Florida,  which  is  probably 


Attempts  at  control  by  cutting  out  diseased  leaves  and 
by  the  use  of  Bordeaux  mixture  or  Bordeaux  paste  have  not  been 
successful.  More  promising  results  have  been  obtained  by 
packing  banana  or  coconut  trash  round  the  affected  limbs 
and  firing  it. 


Stem-rot  occurring  in  local  patches  on  trees  of  any  age  is 
a  matter  of  some  concern  in  Trinidad  and  Tobago.  A  similar 
trouble  has  been  noted  in  Grenada.  In  the  typical  form  of  the 
affection  the  outward  sign  of  its  presence  is  the  exudation  of  a 
liquid  which  runs  for  a  little  way  down  the  rind  and  dries  to 
a  reddish-brown  stain.  Removal  of  the  rind  reveals  a  patch  of 
sodden  tissue  with  an  early  tendency  to  yellow  or  reddish  dis- 
coloration followed  by  browning  as  decay  progresses. 

The  starting  point  of  the  rot  is  frequently  a  cut  arising  from 
the  habit  of  pickers  and  others  of  using  the  stem  as  a  cutlass 
rack,  or  from  weeding  near  the  base  of  the  tree.  The  affection 
also  arises  in  many  cases  in  connection  with  the  natural  cracks 
common  in  the  rind. 

In  old  and  hardened  trees  the  rot  spreads  little  and  is  not 
of  much  account,  but  in  the  softer  wood  of  younger  trees  severe 
injury  may  occur  and  eventually  result  in  death.  This  may  be  a 
matter  of  months  or  of  several  years  according  to  the  extent  and 
number  of  the  attacks  and  the  susceptibility  of  the  tissues. 

The  disease  is  at  present  under  investigation  in  Trinidad, 
where  it  is  very  common  in  some  districts  and  rare  in  others. 
A  small-celled  yeast  appears  to  be  general  in  the  affected  tissues 
and  F.  Stell  has  recenHy  obtained  cultures  of  Thielaviopsis 
from  the  spots. 

A  small  amount  of  gumming  is  often  associated  with  the 
typical  affection  as  above  described,  but  other  cases  occur 
where  a  verv  profuse  exudation  of  gum  from  cracks  all  over  the 
affected  patch  is  the  most  prominent  symptom.  The  internal 
appearances  are  similar,  but  the  relationship  of  the  two  types 
is  not  known. 

T.  Fetch  has  described  under  the  name  stem-bleeding  disease 


an  affection  widespread  in  Ceylon  in  which  the  emergence  of  a 
viscid  liquid  from  one  or  more  cracks  leads  to  the  formation  on 
the  surface  of  the  stem  of  black  streaks  and  patches,  which  may 
be  small  or  may  extend  for  several  feet,  and  are  found  to  be 
connected  with  strands  or  cylinders  of  rotted  interior  tissue 
which  in  some  cases  run  nearly  the  whole  length  of  the  trunk. 
In  old  and  hardened  trees  the  external  patches  are  small  and  the 
internal  decayed  part  is  usually  not  more  than  lo  centimetres 
in  diameter.  The  disease  was  found  to  be  due  to  infection  of  the 
cortical  tissue  through  surface  cracks  with  the  fungus  Thielaviop- 
sis  paradoxa.  The  decay  is  slow  and  no  effect  on  the  health  and 
bearing  of  the  tree  is  usually  apparent.  S^Tnptoms  of  this  type 
have  not  been  observed  by  the  present  writer. 

A  condition  more  nearly  resembling  the  Trmidad  affection 
described  above  is  also  mentioned  by  Petch  and  regarded  as 
distinct,  being  attributed  to  the  effects  of  injury  by  root  disease 
root  asphyxiation,  fire,  or  lightning. 

In  Jamaica,  according  to  observations  made  by  S.  F.  Ashby, 
natural  cracks  an  inch  or  more  long  tend  to  form  on  the  trunks  of 
trees  when  rain  sets  in  following  a  dry  period.  Thielaviopsis 
has  been  found,  not  infrequently,  to  start  a  brown  rot  at  these 
wounds  which  may  penetrate  deeply  if  neglected. 

Extensive  yellowish  or  reddish  sodden  discoloration  of  the 
outer  tissues  of  the  tnink  at  or  near  the  base  with  exudation  of 
rusty  fluid  and  gum  also  occurs,  and  may  be  followed  by  the 
death  of  the  trees.  The  affected  tissues  are  soaked  with  gum, 
but  no  definite  parasite  has  been  detected  unless  it  be  a  small 
yeast  in  the  intercellular  spaces,  not  always  to  be  found,  however. 
It  will  be  noted  that  the  description  closely  resembles  that  of  the 
Trinidad  affection. 

The  treatment  adopted  in  Trinidad  consists  of  the  paring 
away  of  the  discoloured  tissues,  an  operation  which,  owing  to  the 
confluence  of  numerous  patches,  often  involves  the  removal  of 
large  areas  of  the  rind,  and  the  application  of  a  coating  of  crude 
oil  or  distillate.  This,  if  thoroughly  carried  out,  has  the  effect 
of  arresting  the  progress  of  the  rot,  and  in  most  cases  the  tree 
withstands  even  severe  cutting  very  well.  It  is  obviously 
desirable,  however,  that  the  treatment  should  be  applied  early, 
and  the  site  occasionally  re-examined. 

Leaf-Dwindling  or  Little-Leaf  Disease. 

This  affection  occurs  in  Grenada  and  Tobago  and  is  at  the 
present  time  quite  common  in  Trinidad,  where  it  is  particularly 
conspicuous  on  the  wayside  trees  seen  in  the  neighbourhood  of 
villages.  A  similar  affection  described  by  S.  F.  Ashby  under  the 
name  Hard  or  Little  Leaf-bitten  Disease  is  reported  to  be  widely 
distributed  in  coconut  cultivations  in  Jamaica. 


Fig.  71 

[Dept.  Agri.,  Jamaica 

Phytophthora   Bud-rot   (Jamaica)   :     Central  Leaves   alone 
Dead  and  Broken 


[Dept.  of  Agri.,  Jamaica 

Phytophthora  Bud-rot,  Advanced   Stage,  Central  Column 
Fallen  Out 



The  most  obvious  character  of  the  disease  as  seen  in  these 
islands  is  that  after  its  onset  the  leaves  come  out  smaller  and 
smaller  in  size  until  in  the  end,  if  no  recovery  takes  place,  they 
are  reduced  to  a  ridiculous  little  crown  of  aborted  stumps  not 
more  than  one  to  two  feet  long,  which  may  be  borne  at  the  end  of 
a  stem  perhaps  20  or  30  feet  in  height. 

Examination  of  the  central  shoot  reveals  the  young  leaves 
with  brown  necrosed  spots  and  patches  on  the  folded  leaflets  and 
on  the  surface  of  the  leafstalk.  As  the  leaves  expand  the  leaf- 
stalks develop  a  russeted  or  corky  surface,  which  later  becomes 
hard  and  woody,  more  or  less  raised  and  misshapen,  and  exhibits 
well-marked  cracks.  The  unyielding  nature  of  the  leaves  so 
affected  causes  those  which  follow  to  be  more  and  more  severely 
deformed,  and  in  the  later  stages  the  leaflets  either  do  not  expand 
or  are  almost  entirely  aborted,  and  the  rachis  itself  is  reduced  to  a 
pointed  stump. 


Trees  may  be  affected  at  3  or  4  years  old  and  at  any  later 
stage.  Natural  recovery  can  take  place  and  the  affection  be 
thrown  off,  to  recur  again  or  not  as  the  case  may  be.  Most 
frequently,  it  would  seem,  there  is  little  or  no  natural  interruption 
to  the  course  of  the  disease  and  the  tree  dies. 


Ashby  reports  that  in  Jamaica  a  small  yeast  occurs  in  the 
early  spots  and  on  the  advancing  margin  of  the  hardened  areas, 
and  is  always  obtained,  usually  alone,  in  cultures.  A  similar 
organism  has  been  found  by  the  writer  in  Grenada  and  Trinidad, 
but  inoculation  experiments  with  pure  cultures  have  so  far  had 
negative  results. 


The  disease  has  been  found  by  several  planters  to  be  easily 
treated,  and  if  taken  in  reasonable  time  few  cases  fail  to  recover. 
The  first  essential  appears  to  be  to  relieve  the  constricted  con- 
dition of  the  heart  by  cutting  through  the  strainers  and  opening 
out  the  leaves,  and  then  it  is  the  practice  to  pour  into  the  heart 
milk  of  lime,  Bordeaux  mixture,  copper  sulphate  solution,  weak 
Jeyes  fluid,  or  tobacco  extract.  The  last-mentioned  substance, 
obtained  from  the  local  tobacco  factory  and  diluted  is  used  with 
complete  success  on  an  estate  in  Tobago. 

Bitten-Leaf  Disease. 

S.  F.  Ashby  has  described  a  disease  prevalent  on  the  north-east 
coast  of  Jamaica  which  affects  the  leaves  while  still  folded  in 


the  bud.  It  is  caused  by  the  attacks  of  the  "  pineapple  "  fungus 
familiar  on  sugar-cane,  Thielaviopsis  paradoxa,  v.  Hohn.  The 
disease  has  not  so  far  been  recognised  in  the  Lesser  Antilles. 

Ashby's  account  of  the  symptoms  is  as  follows  : — 

"  The  younger  green  unfolded  and  unfolding  leaves  appear 
bitten  off  at  the  ends  or  show  successive  leaflets  lower  on  the  stalks 
broken  or  reduced  to  stumps.  Those  nearest  the  heart  show 
spots  on  successive  green  leaflets  which  bend  over  or  break  and 
hang  down  at  these  points. 

"  Leaves  just  pushing  up  can  be  detected  with  black  tips  ;  if 
the  end  of  the  heart  leaf  is  cut  out  with  the  white  leaflets  over- 
lapping and  pressed  on  the  stalk,  characteristic  discoloured 
patches  and  spots  will  be  seen.  Infection  usually  starts  as  a 
yellow  discoloration  with  a  brown  edge  along  a  narrow  line  beside 
the  ribs  of  the  leaflets  ;  the  infection  runs  across  all  the  leaf- 
lets overlapping  at  that  point.  These  long,  narrow  spots  widen 
to  wedge-shaped  patches  with  dark  brown  broad  edges  and  a  pale 
brown  centre,  with  the  skin  raised  into  a  blister  so  that  it  can 
be  torn  off  to  expose  the  fibres,  with  the  tissue  between  them 
more  or  less  decayed  away. 

' '  If  infection  is  high  up  only  the  tips  of  the  leaflets  become 
black.  A  heart  leaf  may  show  one  or  more  wedge-like  patches  of 
disease.  Spots  are  also  present  on  the  leaflets,  at  first  minute, 
round  or  oval,  yellowish  with  depressed  centre,  later  with  pale 
yellow  centre  and  brown  edge  ;  by  union  these  become  patches ; 
in  bad  cases  the  leaf  stalk  (rachis)  beneath  the  diseased  leaflets 
is  attacked  by  a  dark  brown  rot  so  that  when  pushed  out  the  end 
of  the  limb  may  break  off.  Spots  and  patches  show  black  specks 
consisting  of  spore  masses  of  the  fungus.  The  frequency  of  affec- 
tion beside  the  ribs  of  the  leaflets  is  due  to  a  thin  line  of  cells  there 
which  regulate  the  opening  and  closing  of  the  mature  leaflets 
in  dry  and  moist  air,  so  as  to  control  evaporation  of  water  from 
the  leaf  pores  which  are  confined  to  the  under  sides  of  the  leaflets. 

"  The  disease,  as  already  pointed  out,  starts  on  the  heart  leaves 
while  still  white  and  tender  before  they  push  into  the  light. 
Just  what  conditions  favour  this  infection  cannot  be  stated  yet. 
Check  to  growth  during  a  period  of  drought  may  have  started  it 
at  some  estates  while  the  last  two  unusually  wet  years  have  made 
it  epidemic. 

"  The  diseased  patches  attract  the  beetle  Metamasius  sericeus 
(weevil  borer  of  sugar-cane)  which  increases  the  extent  of  the 

"  Cutting  out  the  visibly  diseased  parts  will  sometimes  remove 
the  infestation,  but  to  be  certain  of  preventing  its  recurrence 
it  is  found  necessary  to  chop  back  the  bud  until  no  more  dis- 
coloured leaflets  are  met  with.  About  a  pint  of  a  powdered 
mixture  of  one  part  each  of  salt,  lime  and  copper  sulphate  is 
applied  to  the  cut  ends.  In  most  cases  the  trees  recover  rapidly 
from  the  treatment." 

Photo  by] 

F.   \V.   inch 

Fig.  73 
Gumming  of  Coconut  Stem 




WMl//^^-       f/',.   ,  ''  vu.     '.^^^^          *'^IB^1^V/' 

■  ■'  ■'■    "V■^s^^-^  v' 

'^  J^!F  w    ^By '  i^ftfi 

^  ■  '                 ■'      'J 

JmHbJBI      ,^f^lii^9^^^^^^^^'^'^^^SlS^m^^^l9mKik 

bI^hH^  /  g^^  ''Wf^f^^^ '    wSSkStt^^KL 




^  1  ^^'vS^^i^HB^^H 

Bi  '  ■.i-.''SH?;vwnp9i^^P'-^1^^B^BBBi^^^^^B 

Fig.  74 
Little-leaf  Disease  of  Coconut 

[].  B.  Rarer 



In  Jamaica  the  pinnae  of  the  older  leaves  die  back  succes- 
sively from  the  tips  and  the  crown  of  the  tree  may  be  reduced 
slowly  or  rapidly  to  a  few  expanding  leaves.  The  name  dieback 
has  been  given  to  this  affection  and  a  Diplodia  is  in  most  cases 
found  fruiting  behind  the  advance  margin  of  the  dead  zone. 
This  affection  is  regarded  by  Ashby  as  primarily  a  root  deteriora- 
tion, possibly  of  the  same  kind  as  those  reported  recently  on  cane 
and  other  crops  in  Hawaii  and  on  cane  in  Porto  Rico, 

Leaf  Blight. 

A  condition  of  the  leaves  in  which  they  prematurely  take 
on  a  more  or  less  general  yellow  colour,  while  the  individual 
leaflets  have  yellow,  brown,  or  grey  patches  scattered  over  them 
and  dead  areas  at  their  tips  and  along  their  margins,  may  be 
designated  by  this  name.  Such  a  condition  arises  from  un- 
suitable cultural  conditions,  of  which  lack  of  drainage  is  perhaps 
the  most  common,  but  packed  soil,  root  competition  with  other 
plants,  and  undue  exposure  under  conditions  of  low  rainfall  and 
absence  of  available  subsoil  water  will  produce  it. 

Usually  the  condition  is  accompanied,  and  in  the  immediate 
sense  caused,  by  infestation  with  scale  insects  and  weakly  para- 
sitic fungi.  It  is  on  old  and  failing  leaves,  and  on  younger  leaves 
in  a  condition  of  debility  that  Pestalozzia  palmarum  Cke.  has 
been  commonly  observed  in  the  West  Indies.  This  fungus  has 
been  reported  from  Java  as  being  on  occasion  a  serious  leaf- 
parasite  on  newly  planted  trees.  Fetch  has  stated  that  in  Ceylon 
it  occurs  as  a  rule  on  old  leaves  and  does  no  appreciable  harm, 
and  that  its  appearance  on  younger  leaves  is  a  sign  that  something 
is  wrong  with  the  conditions  and  should  be  met  by  manuring. 

The  fungus  is  found  in  yellow  or  brown  oval  spots  which  come 
to  have  a  diameter  of  a  centimetre  or  more,  and  dry  up  in  the 
centre.  The  conidia  are  formed  in  pustules  on  both  sides  of  the 
leaf.  Each  has  5  cells,  of  which  the  3  median  ones  are  brown 
with  thicker  walls.  The  terminal  cells  are  hyaline,  the  superior 
one  bearing  3  threadlike  appendages  and  the  inferior  one  being 
prolonged  by  a  portion  of  the  slender  conidiophore. 

A  Diplodia,  D.  epicocos  Cke.  is  also  found  occupying  dried-out 
spots  on  the  leaves,  and  has  been  recorded  from  Jamaica,  Trini- 
dad and  British  Guiana.  Its  pathogenic  relations  are  not 



There  are  distinct  differences  in  the  resistance  offered  by  the 
various  citrus  species  to  dry  conditions.  In  the  lowland  dis- 
tricts of  Barbados,  for  example,  the  lime,  the  shaddock,  and  the 
rough  lemon  can  exist,  though  they  cannot  be  said  to  thrive  except 
under  very  sheltered  conditions.  The  mandarin  will  grow  and 
flower  but  rarely  sets  fruit.  The  grapefruit  and  the  orange  only 
exist,  and  that  somewhat  precariously,  in  a  few  sheltered  spots  in 
the  wetter  uplands. 

In  Dominica  and  St.  Lucia,  on  the  other  hand,  the  lime  is 
thoroughly  at  home,  and  other  citrus  fruits  do  proportionately 
well.  The  sweet  orange,  however,  is  limited  in  duration  unless 
it  is  grafted  on  sour  orange  stock,  by  the  development  of  gummo- 
sis  of  the  collar  at  the  age  of  about  25  to  30  years.  Two  extremes 
of  habit  can  be  recognised  in  the  lime  as  grown  in  Dominica. 
In  exposed  positions  or  on  poor  or  water-logged  soil,  growth  is 
slow  and  "  hard,"  the  leaves  are  smaller  and  stiver,  the  foliage 
is  scanty  and  greyish  green  in  colour.  On  rich  and  deep  soil 
with  good  drainage  and  shelter,  growth  is  vigorous  and  rapid, 
the  leaves  are  large  and  thin,  the  foliage  is  heavy  and  very  dark 
green.  There  are  corresponding  differences  in  the  size  and 
juiciness  of  the  fruit.  Under  the  latter  circumstances  the  lime 
may  attain  to  the  dimensions  of  a  considerable  tree. 

The  case  of  St.  Vincent  needs  a  special  note.  Although  the 
rainfall  is  more  than  sufficient  and  is  fairly  well  distributed, 
citrus  trees  are  distinctly  rare  :  there  is  not  at  the  time  of  writing, 
for  example,  a  fruiting  citrus  tree  of  any  kind,  other  than  the 
lime,  in  the  Botanic  Gardens  or  the  Experiment  Station.  In  spite 
of  many  attempts  at  lime-growing  there  is  not  a  field  of  bearing 
limes  in  the  island.  Scattered  lime  trees  may  be  met  with  and 
oranges  and  grapefruit  are  produced  in  sheltered  situations. 
The  form  which  the  failure  takes  is  that  of  heavy  infestation  with 
scale  insects  and  "  black  blight,"  but,  as  the  pests  found  are 
common  to  all  the  islands,  these  troubles  can  only  be  regarded 
as  due  to  the  general  inability  of  the  plants  to  thrive.  This, 
there  can  be  little  doubt,  arises  primarily  from  the  light  and 
porous  nature  of  the  soil,  which,  except  under  conditions  of  very 
efficient  shelter  or  heavy  shade,  does  not  hold  a  sufficiently 
stable  supply  of  water  or  contribute  sufficiently  to  the  humidity 
of  the  atmosphere  during  spells  of  dry  weather.  The  same 


disability  is  seen  in  cacao  plantations  in  the  island,  but  the 
deeper  root  system  of  cacao  enables  the  trees  to  maintain  them- 
selves, though  not,  in  general,  to  flourish.  It  affords  a  curious 
study  in  crop  ecology  to  find  such  opposite  types  as  cotton  and 
cacao  growing  in  contiguous  fields,  while  limes,  which  will  grow 
in  many  places  too  dry  for  cacao,  fail  to  thrive.  A  contributory 
reason  is  no  doubt  to  be  found  in  the  more  serious  and  lasting 
effects  produced  by  the  scale  insects  which  infest  the  lime  at 
periods  of  low  vitality  than  by  the  thrips  which  affect  cacao  under 
like  circumstances. 

The  behaviour  of  the  lime  tree  under  cultivation  suggests 
that  its  natural  habitat  would  be  in  bush  or  thicket  growth  on 
ground  unoccupied  by  large  trees.  It  profits  greatly  from  the 
shelter  of  surrounding  vegetation,  but  is  somewhat  intolerant  of 
shade.  Even  in  most  favourable  circumstances,  as  in  the  climate 
of  Dominica  and  St.  Lucia,  the  plants  in  their  first  few  years 
benefit  enormously  from  being  enclosed  in  any  kind  of  sheltering 
growth,  and  in  poorish  soils,  even  in  wet  districts  in  those  islands, 
may  during  the  critical  period  which  precedes  their  becoming 
"  established,"  die  back  several  times  or  be  killed  outright  by 
scale  insects  unless  some  such  protection  is  afforded  them.  Even 
when  the  scale  insects  are  kept  down  by  regular  spraying  growth 
in  the  open  is  nothing  like  so  good.  From  this  has  arisen  the 
practice,  which  is  desirable  anywhere  on  previously  cultivated 
land,  but  especially  where  the  rainfall  is  somewhat  low,  of 
nursing  young  lime  trees  in  sugar-cane,  pigeon  pea,  or  Tephrosia, 
until  they  become  well  established.  In  fields  where  this  has  not 
been  provided  for  it  may  be  seen  how  those  plants  which  have 
the  advantage  of  some  bit  of  natural  shelter  are  the  first  to  take 
on  the  shape  of  trees  and  how  their  influence  gradually  brings  on 
in  succession  the  rest  of  the  field.  Manuring  is  also  of  great 

Once  well  established  and  come  to  fruiting  age  the  trees 
generally  do  fairly  well  even  under  rather  hard  conditions  for  a 
number  of  years.  In  Dominica  unless  the  soil  becomes  unduly 
impoverished  or  is  allowed  to  get  into  bad  condition  they  will 
bear  for  20  or  30  years  and  then  be  far  from  worn  out.  The 
effect  of  neglect  of  the  kind  mentioned  is  the  death  of  upper 
branches,  and  the  extension  of  the  rot  caused  by  the  bracket 
fungi  which  come  to  infest  them  down  the  stem  of  the  tree, 
which  has  not  vigour  enough  to  resist.  This  type  of  dieback, 
common  in  some  places  in  Dominica,  can  be  arrested  by  appro- 
priate measures  as  described  below,  and  the  tree  restored  to 
another  period  of  usefulness. 

Such  restoration  is  not  possible,  or  at  best  is  much  more 
temporary,  in  the  dieback  which  sets  in  after  some  10  to  15 
years,  without  obvious  neglect  as  a  predisposing  cause,  in  lime 
fields  established  under  conditions  of  smaller  rainfall  and  more 
marked  dry  seasons,  as  in  Montserrat.    The  progressive  decline 


which  ensues,  and  is  associated  with  Diplodia  infestation,  marks 
the  limitation  of  the  Hfe  of  the  tree  under  these  circumstances. 
A  similar  restriction  in  the  citrus  cultivations  of  some  districts 
in  Queensland  has  been  the  subject  of  much  investigation,  without 
any  other  conclusion  being  reached  than  that  the  decline  is  due 
to  a  reduction  of  the  natural  duration  of  the  tree.  A  comparable 
reduction  is  recognised  in  the  cacao  tree  when  grown  under 
conditions  near  the  margin  of  suitability  in  respect  of  depth  of 
soil,  unequally  distributed  rainfall,  and  absence  of  shade  or 


Diplodia  Dieback, 

(The  Montserrat  Type.) 

As  indicated  above,  the  result  of  experience  in  planting  limes 
in  the  Lesser  Antilles  has  been  to  show  that  while  the  tree  finds 
permanently  congenial  conditions  in  the  islands  which  are 
mountainous  in  character  and  retain  a  large  amount  of  forest, 
in  the  islands  which  are  more  open  and  more  completely  cleared 
its  duration  is  restricted  to  the  period  during  which  it  retains 
its  first  vigour  of  growth.  A  comparison  may  be  made  with 
the  more  familiar  difference  in  the  effective  duration  of  sugar- 
cane stools  under  similar  circumstances. 

The  climatic  conditions  by  which  the  difference  is  determined 
are  reduced  rainfall,  lower  humidity,  more  exposure  to  wind, 
and  a  more  marked  difference  between  the  wet  and  dry  seasons. 
Montserrat  being  the  only  island  of  this  type  with  a  considerable 
lime  industry,  affords  the  best  illustrations  of  the  effect,  but 
from  such  opportunities  for  observation  as  occur  it  is  evident 
that  the  same  effect  is  produced  in  the  other  islands  where 
conditions  are  similar. 

The  sequence  of  events  in  its  most  regular  form  is  as  follows  : 
Young  trees,  after  coming  through  the  critical  period  elsewhere 
described,  may  become  established  and  do  well  for  about  ten 
years,  attaining  to  a  good  size  and  bearing  normal  crops.  Then 
in  a  uniform  field  of  this  nature  the  most  exposed  trees  begin  to 
show  signs  of  dieback,  which  sooner  or  later  extends  widely  and 
in  two  or  three  years  may  involve  the  whole  field  or  may  leave  for  a 
time  groups  of  less  affected  trees  here  and  there. 

To  follow  out  the  process  of  the  dieback  it  is  necessary  to 
know  the  growth  form  of  the  tree.  This  may  be  described  as 
of  the  fountain  type,  i.e.,  the  main  shoots,  generally  several 
together  with  no  pronounced  leader  after  the  first  two  or  three 
years,  grow  up  long  and  slender,  and  sooner  or  later  bend  out- 
wards from  the  top.  As  they  become  inclined  new  vertical 
shoots  arise  from  the  upper  side  of  the  curve  so  formed,  and 
as  the  outer  end  of  the  original  branch  is  bent  lower  and  lower 


by  the  weight  of  foliage  and  fruit  the  secondary  branches  in  turn 
lose  their  upright  position  and  are  replaced  by  further  vertical 
shoots  from  themselves  or  from  the  original  branch  further  back. 
There  is  thus  a  continual  tendency  to  the  opening  of  the  centre 
of  the  tree  and  its  filling  with  new  vertical  branches.  Where 
there  is  room  for  full  development  the  mature  tree  is  typically 
dome-shaped,  with  its  outer  branch  system  supported  by  a  num- 
ber of  more  or  less  equal  stems  of  the  first  or  second  order, 
springing  usually  from  points  not  far  above  the  crown.  As  the 
outer  ends  of  the  lower  branches  become  bent  into  or  below  the 
horizontal  position  the  outward  growth  necessary  to  keep  the 
foliage  in  rank  with  that  of  the  branches  above  it  (it  would 
otherwise  be  overshadowed)  is  continued  in  the  same  way  by 
shoots  arising  from  points  situated  on  the  curve  of  the  branch. 
This  succession  of  the  terminal  shoot  by  a  shoot  produced  further 
back  is  in  fact  the  principal  characteristic  of  the  growth  of  the 

Its  importance  from  the  point  of  view  of  duration  lies  in  the 
fact  that,  whereas  in  a  vigorous  tree  the  later  shoot  supplements 
the  leader,  in  one  which  is  lacking  in  vigour  it  tends  to  replace 
it.  The  younger  shoot  seems  to  establish  a  pre-emption  on  the 
ascending  current  of  sap,  and,  when  the  supply  does  not  suffice 
for  both,  the  terminal  part  of  the  older  shoot  beyond  the  junction 
is  stopped  in  its  growth  and  during  some  spell  of  dry  weather 
drops  its  leaves  and  dies.  By  repetition  of  this  process  it  is 
not  uncommon  for  the  axis  of  a  long  basal  branch  to  be  made  up 
of  successive  sections  representing  ten  or  more  orders  of  branching 
and  to  come  at  last  to  bear  an  insignificant  tuft  of  foliage. 

For  a  time  the  growth  about  balances  the  losses  and  then 
begins  to  fall  behind.  There  is  considerable  recovery  during 
the  wet  season,  which  may  be  maintained  in  favourable  years 
or  more  than  lost  when  severe  droughts  occur.  On  the  whole 
the  decline,  once  it  has  set  in,  continues,  and  as  the  older  branches 
are  reached  there  is  a  marked  acceleration  of  the  rate  of  loss. 
The  bearing  of  a  heavy  crop  of  fruit,  especially  in  dry  weather, 
is  frequently  followed  by  a  sudden  loss  of  branches,  and  this 
effect  may  to  some  extent  account  for  the  rapid  failure  which 
has  often  been  observed  to  follow  upon  heroic  attempts  to  restore 
the  trees  by  cultivation  and  heavy  manuring. 

The  dieback  is  closely  accompanied  by  Diplodia  infestation, 
and  when  a  branch  of  any  considerable  size  fails,  unless  it  is 
promptly  removed  flush  with  the  older  branch  from  which  it 
springs,  the  sector  of  wood  directly  connected  with  it,  and  the 
overlying  bark,  dry  out  and  are  found  infested  with  the  fungus, 
so  that  long  lesions  the  width  of  the  dead  branch  above  and 
running  out  to  a  point  below  are  produced  on  the  older  member 
and  are  usually  irreparable.  Associated  with  their  development 
there  is  commonly  a  considerable  flow  of  gum. 

The  inability  of  the  fungus  to  attack  wood  and  bark  which 


are  in  connection  with  functioning  leafy  branches  is  regularly 
shown  by  the  persistence  in  a  healthy  condition  of  a  sector  so 
connected  embedded  in  a  branch  or  stem  otherwise  dead  and 
infested.  Such  living  sectors  may  produce  considerable  growths 
of  callus  along  their  margins,  but  in  the  gradually  waning  tree 
are  not  effective  in  making  a  permanent  repair.  The  infestation 
of  the  smaller  branches  becomes  self-limited  at  their  base. 

In  Montserrat,  and  probably  elsewhere,  a  dieback  comparable 
with  that  of  the  branches  takes  place  in  the  root  system.  The 
two  do  not  seem  to  be  directly  connected,  but  are  presumably 
related  in  their  origin.  Here  again  Diplodia,  and  probably 
other  fungi,  infest  the  failing  roots,  and  the  same  type  of  re- 
placement by  lateral  branches  and  the  same  persistence  side 
by  side  of  living  and  dead  sectors  are  seen.  The  damage  to  the 
roots  is  often  complicated  by  the  long  groove-like  wounds  made 
by  the  larvae  of  weevils  of  the  genera  Diaprepes  and  Exophthal- 
mus.  These  are  quickly  healed  in  actively  growing  trees,  but 
in  trees  in  failing  vigour  remain  open  and  afford  access  to  weakly 
parasitic  fungi  which  infest  the  wood.  A  similar  slowing-down 
of  the  process  of  repair  is  seen  in  the  upper  parts  of  the  tree 
where  pruning  wounds  have  been  made. 

A  characteristic  early  symptom  of  the  condition  described 
is  the  selective  loss  of  shaded  branches.  This  in  its  origin  is  a 
natural  process,  seen  in  most  trees  however  healthy,  but  in  the 
failing  trees  sensitiveness  to  shade  is  so  much  increased  thcit  it 
leads  to  persistent  reduction  of  the  total  amount  of  foliage. 

Behind  the  whole  process  there  appears  to  be  a  decline  in 
vigour  such  as  we  know  to  be  universal  in  animals  which  have 
passed  their  prime,  but  do  not  so  readily  recognise  with  regard  to 
plants.  The  conclusion  reached  is  that,  under  the  conditions 
described  at  the  outset,  the  natural  duration  of  the  tree  is  reduced 
to  the  period  to  which  the  initial  vigour  extends,  and  this  would 
seem  to  be  in  general  somewhere  about  15  years.  The  ensuing 
failure  may  be  either  relatively  rapid  or  long  drawn  out,  according 
to  local  circumstances  fairly  easy  to  follow. 

The  history  of  lime-growing  in  Montserrat,  where  to  maintain 
production  it  has  been  regularly  necessary  to  establish  new  fields 
from  time  to  time,  accords  well  with  this  interpretation.  There 
is  no  evidence  whatever  of  the  occurrence  there  of  any  pest  or 
disease  not  existing  in  Dominica  or  St.  Lucia. 

Relation  of  Diplodia  to  Dieback. 

The  fungus  accompanying  this  form  of  dieback  is  very 
regularly  a  species  of  Diplodia.  It  is  frequently  regarded  as 
D.  natalensis,  but  the  writer  has  seen  no  evidence  produced  of 
essential  difference  from  D.  Theobyomce,  the  ordinary  dieback 
fungus  of  cacao  and  many  other  trees.  Infested  lime  wood  is 
recognisable  by  its  slaty  grey  colour,  and  the  fungus  fruits  freely 


in  the  dead  bark.  Evidence  of  its  inability  to  attack  tissue  in  a 
state  of  activity  is  given  above,  but  it  is  undoubtedly  parasitic 
when  growth  is  checked  or  vigour  is  reduced.  It  would  be  possible 
and  legitimate  to  describe  the  disease  as  due  to  this  fungus,  as 
has  been  done  by  F.  S.  Earle  and  J.  M.  Rogers,  in  treating  of 
grapefruit  dieback  in  the  Isle  of  Pines,  but  these  authors  agree 
that  "  no  tissue  seems  to  be  attacked  until  it  is  fully  matured 
or  until  enfeebled  from  unfavourable  conditions."  In  the  present 
account  the  predisposing  causes  have  been  regarded  as  more 
important,  since  it  is  upon  the  modification  of  these  that  control 
must  depend. 

Relation  of  Scale  Insects  to  Dieback. 

Scale  insects  are  so  commonly  associated  with  the  dieback 
of  lime  trees  that  they  are  very  often  credited  with  a  very  con- 
siderable part  or  even  the  whole  of  its  causation.  While  it  is  not 
denied  that  the  presence  of  the  insects  intensifies  and  accelerates 
the  failure  of  the  trees,  the  writer  is  in  agreement  with  that 
section  of  entomological  opinion  which  in  this  and  similar  cases 
attributes  the  severity  of  the  infestation  to  the  impairment  of  the 
resistance  of.  the  tree,  or,  what  comes  to  the  same  thing,  the 
special  suitability  of  trees  in  this  condition  for  the  rapid  increase 
of  the  insects.  Numerous  cases  have  been  seen  in  which  the 
dieback  has  followed  its  ordinary  course  in  the  absence  of  any 
significant  infestation,  and  it  has  always  done  the  same  in  the 
face  of  attempts  at  prevention  by  controlling  the  insects  with 


The  underlying  cause  of  the  decline  appears  to  be  one  of 
insufficiency  and  irregularity  of  water  supply,  and  the  duration 
and  completeness  of  the  dry  season  seems  to  have  more  effect 
than  the  intensity  of  the  wet.  Close  shelter  to  conserve  humidity 
and  hinder  the  soil  from  drying  out  has  most  influence  in  pro- 
longing the  life  of  the  trees.  The  effect  seems  mainly  to  depend 
on  the  protection  given  to  the  fibrous  roots.  It  is  admitted  that 
individual  lime  trees  can  and  do  exist  under  conditions  of  low 
rainfall  and  considerable  exposure,  though  the  writer  has  no 
evidence  as  to  the  age  to  which  they  attain.  It  is  possible  that 
such  trees  continue  to  flourish  in  the  open  because  they  have 
developed  a  type  of  growth  suitable  to  their  position,  but  it  is 
none  the  less  certain  that,  in  lime  cultivations,  the  provision  of 
adequate  shelter  is  necessary,  first  of  aU  to  establish  a  regular 
stand,  and  later  to  delay  the  incidence  of  dieback  in  the  fully 
matured  trees.  Between  these  periods  it  is  advantageous  but 
not  essential. 

The  provision  of  windbreaks  in  all  exposed  positions  has 
come  to  be  regarded  as  a  cardinal  principle  of  lime-planting  in 


Dominica  and  St.  Lucia,  and  the  importance  attached  to  it 
could  not  be  more  strongly  emphasized  than  by  stating  the  fact 
that  some  planters  have  manured  their  wind-belts.  If  the 
advantages  are  so  definite  in  these  wet  islands  the  need  is  all  the 
clearer  where  the  rainfall  is  much  lower  and  less  well  distributed. 
In  this  type  of  situation  it  is  necessary  that  the  wind-belts  should 
be  well-grown  and  dense  to  the  base,  and,  to  secure  the  latter 
condition,  it  is  advisable  to  grow  some  suitable  plant  as  secondary 
cover  for  the  gaps  which  develop  between  the  stems  of  the  main 
line  of  trees.  It  must  be  remembered  that  the  direct  influence 
of  a  wind-belt  does  not  extend  very  far,  but  the  protection  to 
the  first  rows  of  lime  trees  is  passed  on  by  them  to  the  succeeding 
rows.  Conversely,  where  dieback  begins  opposite  to  some  gap 
which  lets  in  the  wind,  the  reduction  of  the  nearest  trees  gives 
access  to  those  behind,  as  a  result  of  which  the  disease  may  spread 
through  a  field  as  if  it  were  actively  infectious. 

The  steady  use  of  organic  manures  may  be  somewhat  con- 
fidently expected  to  increase  duration  ;  there  is  little  recorded 
experience  known  to  the  writer  to  justify  a  more  definite  state- 
ment. Spasmodic  heavy  applications  of  manure  have  been  often 
tried  and  seem  invariably  to  make  matters  worse. 

It  would  be  interesting  to  learn  the  effect  of  a  system  of 
close  draining  established  with  a  view  to  keeping  moisture  in  the 
soil  low  during  the  rainy  season,  and  thus  discouraging  the 
"formation  of  roots  at  levels  at  which  they  are  liable  to  be  readily 
injured  by  dry  weather.  Some  amount  of  natural  adaptation 
in  this  respect  is  perceptible  in  the  differences  of  root  level  in  dry 
and  wet  districts.  It  is  in  this  connection  that  the  use  of  surface 
mulches  in  places  liable  to  drought  needs  careful  consideration. 
They  help  in  such  circumstances  to  retain  soil  moisture,  but  some 
experienced  planters  hold  that  this  good  effect  is  more  than 
counterbalanced  by  their  tendency  to  encourage  root  formation 
near  the  surface.  The  local  experiments  on  which  the  advocacy 
of  mulching  in  respect  of  tree  crops  is  based  were  carried  out 
under  relatively  wet  conditions  and  need  confirmation  for  dry 
ones.  If  the  mulch  can  be  constantly  maintained  there  should  be 
a  decided  advantage,  but  this  involves  large  supplies  of  material. 
In  this,  as  in  all  matters  relating  to  the  management  of  limes  in 
dry  districts,  the  maintenance  of  uniform  conditions  should  be 
the  basis  of  policy  from  the  time  the  field  is  established.  Tinkering 
with  the  conditions  after  the  trees  have  begun  to  fail  has  always 
given  disappointing  results. 

The  prompt  removal  of  affected  branches  delays  very  con- 
siderably the  course  of  the  dieback,  but  owing  to  the  slowness  of 
the  healing  process  and  the  tendency  of  disconnected  wood  to 
dry  out  and  become  infested  special  care  is  needed  to  trim  the 
wounds  flush  with  the  stem. 


Deficiency  Dieback. 
A  type  of  decline  quite  independent  of  water  shortage,  as 
may  be  seen  by  its  occurrence  on  favourably  situated  estates  in 
Dominica,  becomes  prominent  where  the  trees  are  old  and 
cultivation  and  manuring  have  been  neglected.  It  is  also  brought 
about  when  growth  and  heavy  bearing  are  stimulated  year  after 
year  by  transient  chemical  manures  without  the  condition  of  the 
son  being  maintained  by  organic  manures  of  a  more  lasting 
nature.  The  resulting  dieback  can  be  very  severe.  The  trees 
lose  their  healthy  colour  and  some  or  many  of  the  upper  branches 
die.  That  lack  of  tilth  and  the  exhaustion  of  the  soil,  rather 
than  age  or  parasites,  are  the  cause  of  the  condition,  is  shown 
by  the  large  degree  of  restoration  possible  by  the  addition  of 
organic  matter  to  the  soil  and  general  good  handling. 

Wood  Rot. 

The  dead  and  failing  branches  become  conspicuously  infested 
with  numerous  species  of  fungi,  many  of  them  of  the  bracket  type. 
The  bark  is  usually  found  to  be  infested  with  smaller  fungi,  of 
which  several  species  of  Nectria  and  Stilbum  are  the  most 

The  damage  done  arises  almost  entirely  from  the  destruction 
of  the  woody  framework  of  the  tree,  and  not  from  any  direct 
attack  on  the  active  tissues  of  the  bark  and  young  wood.  The 
destruction  is  probably  largely  due  to  the  mycelium  of  the 
bracket  fungi  in  question. 

These  fungi  are  able  to  establish  themselves  on  any  dead  stub 
left  from  the  failure  of  a  branch  or  from  careless  pruning,  no  matter 
how  healthy  the  tree  may  be,  but  the  subsequent  progress  of  the 
infestation  depends  on  the  condition  of  the  adjoining  parts.  In 
vigorous  trees  the  decay  is  arrested  when  the  living  branch  is 
reached,  and  the  wood  shows  considerable  powers  of  resistance. 
It  rots  slowly  where  it  is  exposed,  and ,  unless  the  wound  is  trimmed 
so  as  to  permit  the  bark  to  grow  over  it, there  is  produced  in  time  an 
unsightly  cavity,  but  the  process  is  no  more  than  goes  on  in  any 
tree  not  carefully  trimmed,  and,  if  the  wound  is  not  a  particularly 
large  one,  it  does  not  produce  serious  results  for  a  long  time. 

The  less  vigorous  the  tree,  the  less  resistant  is  its  wood  to 
decay,  and  the  extreme  cases  of  fungus  infestation  are  to  be  seen 
in  fields  where,  after  the  trees  have  attained  to  a  good  development 
from  the  original  humus  content  of  the  soil,  or  from  the  practice 
of  a  good  system  of  manuring,  the  fertility  of  the  soil  has  then 
been  allowed  to  run  out,  and  the  trees  are  no  longer  sufficiently 
nourished.  The  policy  of  substituting  sulphate  of  ammonia, 
without  any  backing  of  humus-building  material,  for  pen  manure, 
mulch,  and  other  organic  manures  is  clearly  seen  in  some  cases  to 
have  produced  this  effect.  In  other  cases  it  has  come  about  from 
complete  neglect  of  manuring,  combined  with  careless  treatment  of 


the  soil  in  the  way  of  ignoring  drainage,  and,  in  some  instances, 
packing  it  by  the  constant  pasturing  of  cattle.  As  starvation 
takes  effect  one  or  more  sections  of  the  tree  begin  to  die  back 
branch  by  branch,  and  not  only  the  dead  but  the  failing  branches 
become  infested  with  fungi.  The  removal  of  the  dead  branches 
does  little  to  arrest  the  process  ;  the  wood  of  the  next  larger 
branch  or  stem  is  usually  already  infected,  and  offers  little 
resistance  to  the  progress  of  decay.  In  the  course  of  time  the 
base  of  the  tree  is  reached  by  way  of  the  stem  or  stems  involved, 
and  permanent  restoration  is  no  longer  possible.  Growth  is 
usually  continued  by  suckers  put  out  around  the  base,  which 
may  attain  to  a  considerable  size,  and  give  the  tree  a  renewed 
lease  of  life.  In  time  rotting  of  the  central  part  of  the 
crown,  due  to  the  downward  extension  of  decay  from  the  original 
stem,  destroys  the  connection  berween  the  suckers,  depriving  them 
of  mechanical  support,  and  leaving  them  with  exposed  wood  on 
their  inner  sides  in  the  neighbourhood  of  soil  level.  They  are 
rarely  able  to  establish  themselves  as  permanent  stems,  and  sooner 
or  later,  from  the  weight  of  the  crop  or  the  force  of  the  wind, 
they  fall  outward,  or  are  broken  off.  The  process  of  failure 
thus  outlined  is  a  gradual  one,  commonly  extending  over  some 
years,  and  seems  in  consequence  to  be  usually  regarded  with 
indifference  until  the  end  result  appears.  There  is,  even  in  the 
worst  cases  of  this  type  seen  in  Dominica,  no  question  of  quick 
destruction  of  trees  such  as  is  produced  by  an  active  parasite 
like    Rosellinia. 

It  has  been  further  noted  in  cases  where  lime  trees  have  been 
grown  on  poorish  land,  and  without  manure,  and  have  in  con- 
sequence grown  slowly  from  the  beginning,  that,  although  they 
may  develop  dead  branches  in  the  course  of  time,  their  wood 
does  not  appear  to  be  nearly  so  susceptible  of  decay  as  is  the  case 
with  trees  which  have  grown  more  quickly. 


The  remedial  and  preventive  measures  which  should  be 
adopted  are  clearly  indicated.  In  fields  where  dieback  is  in 
evidence,  or  where  small  and  scanty  foliage  shows  that  the  trees 
are  lacking  in  vigour,  the  first  essential  is  to  restore  the  fertility 
of  the  soil.  If  it  has  become  consolidated,  or  is  covered  with  a 
firm  sod,  it  should  be  lightly  forked  ;  as  much  organic  material  as 
can  be  obtained  in  the  shape  of  pen  manure,  mulch,  cotton-seed 
meal,  lime  seeds,  and  sheep  manure  should  be  applied  ;  the 
weed  growth,  if  rank,  may  be  cutlassed  and  used  as  mulch 
towards  the  end  of  the  wet  season.  Leguminous  cover  crops 
may  be  grown  if  there  is  light  enough  for  their  development. 

At  the  same  time  the  work  of  clearing  the  trees  of  dead  and 
sickly  branches  should  begin.  Men  who  have  received  instruction 
in  this  work  should  be  kept  to  it  as  much  as  possible,  and  it  will 



be  necessary  that  a  responsible  person  who  understands  the  lines  of 
action  should  direct  it.  The  principles  to  be  followed  are  set  out 
in  Chapter  XI. 

As  already  indicated,  when  decay  has  invaded  the  base  of  the 
tree  a  permanent  repair  is  no  longer  possible.  The  life  of  the 
remaining  parts  may,  however,  be  much  prolonged  in  many  cases, 
if  it  is  considered  worth  while,  by  cleaning  and  smoothing  off 
the  wood  which  remains  sound,  and  coating  it  with  a  preserva- 
tive. As  the  soil  moisture  hastens  decay  in  this  region,  it  is 
usually  advisable  to  draw  away  the  earth  from  the  crown,  and 
keep  its  neighbourhood  clear  of  sheltering  weeds. 

Red  Root  Disease. 

The  red  root  disease  of  limes,  due  to  an  undetermined  species 
of  Sphcerostilbe,  was  first  described  by  F.  W.  South  as  occurring 
on  lime  estates  newly  cleared  from  forest  in  Dominica.  It  has 
been  examined  by  the  writer  in  similar  situations,  and  in  an  older 
cultivation  situated  in  a  valley  subject  to  flooding  by  a  river 
carrying  abundant  forest  debris.  The  disease  is  not  known  from 
other  West  Indian  islands,  but  material  received  from  a  lime 
estate  in  British  Guiana  indicates  the  presence  of  a  like  disease 
in  that  country. 

RosELLiNiA  Root  Disease 
(See  General  Diseases). 

Fig.  75 
Red  Root  Disease  of  Lime  (Dominica^ 

T.  Fetch  has  given  an  account  of  a  root  disease  of  a  closely 
similar  type  on  Hevea  and  arrowroot  in  Ceylon  due  to  Sphcero- 
stilbe repens  B.  et  Br.,  and  S.  F.  Ashby  a  disease  of  banana  in 


Jamaica,  also  similar  in  character,  due  to  5.  musarum  Ashby. 
The  description  of  the  perithecia  of  the  Dominica  species  as  given 
by  South  suggests  its  identity  with  S.  repens. 


The  effects  of  the  disease  are  usually  visible  for  a  longer 
time  in  the  foliage  of  the  trees  than  is  the  case  with  Rosellinia 
attack,  so  that  it  has  the  appearance  of  being  slower  in  its  action. 
This  comes  from  the  fact  that  the  root  system  is  in  many  cases 
destroyed  gradually  without  the  girdling  of  the  collar  wliich  in 
Rosellinia  disease  very  often  brings  the  tree  to  a  sudden  end. 
Sometimes  a  soft  rotted  patch  is  seen  extending  on  the  bark  of  the 
collar,  while  much  of  the  root  system  is  still  sound,  but  generally 
the  foliage  has  become  thin  and  yellow,  and  the  tree  is  in  some 
cases  nearly  dead  before  any  damage  is  visible  in  that  region. 

When  the  roots  of  a  sickly  looking  tree  are  laid  bare  the 
disease  is  seen  advancing  along  them  in  the  form  of  a  soft  rot  of 
the  bark  accompanied  by  a  disagreeable  smell.  On  the  last  6 
inches  to  a  foot  of  the  section  adjoining  the  healthy  part  of  a 
root  the  surface  of  the  bark  shows  a  greenish  black  discoloration, 
behind  which  the  bark  is  rotted  and  easily  comes  away.  Roots 
that  have  been  attacked  for  some  time  are  devoid  of  bark,  and 
the  wood  is  dry  and  blackened. 

Between  the  layers  of  the  bark,  and  on  the  surface  of  the  wood 
occur  fiat  branching  rhizomorphic  strands,  which  may  be  6-7  mm. 
broad  in  their  older  parts.  In  well-developed  examples  they 
divide  several  times,  the  main  branches  keeping  their  ribbon-like 
form  and  being  mostly  blunt  and  rounded  at  the  tips.  They 
may,  however,  develop  a  secondary  system  of  finer  semi-flattened 
branchlets  along  their  margin,  producing  a  sort  of  fishbone 
pattern.  The  advancing  tips  of  the  strands  are  whitish  and 
papery  ;  further  back  the  strands  are  brownish  red  and  rather 
fleshy  in  consistency  ;  still  further  back  the  colour  becomes 
dark  brown.  When  old  they  lose  their  consistency  and  are  with 
difficulty  recognisable  as  blackish  streaks  on  the  wood  or  in  the 

A  light  brown  discoloration  extending  deeply  into  the  wood 
accompanies  the  advancing  strands,  and  has  been  seen  beginning 
just  in  front  of  their  white  tips  as  they  penetrated  healthy 
tissue.  South  describes  the  development  near  the  collar  of  a 
flat  sheet,  red  on  the  surface  and  white  within,  of  similar  material 
to  that  composing  the  rhizomorphs,  and  situated  in  the  cortex 
or  in  the  place  of  the  cambium  layer. 

The  Fungus. 

The  conidial  fructifications  of  the  fungus  are  of  the  Stilbella 
(Stilbum)  type,  and  are  produced  on  the  margin  of  the  rhizo- 
morphs, of  the  mycehal  sheet,  or  from  tufts  of  white  mycelium. 



.1!*^     /      «;v      * 


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V    ) 


Fig.  76 
Anthracnose  of  Lime 

[W.  Duthn 


They  consist  of  pink  slightly  hairy  stalks,  usually  2-5  mm, 
in  length,  but  sometimes  longer,  rather  irregular  in  form,  and 
surmounted  by  a  white  tip  or  by  a  white  opaque  cluster  of 

The  perithecia  have  been  described  as  follows  by  South, 
who  found  them  on  one  occasion  situated  in  groups  on  a  rhizo- 
morph  :  "  The  perithecia  are  minute,  red,  flask-shaped  bodies, 
the  neck  of  the  flask  being  often  somewhat  curved  and  about 
as  long  as  the  diameter  of  the  lower  spherical  portion  of  the  organ. 
Each  contains  asci  and  paraphyses.  In  the  ascus  eight,  bicellular, 
somewhat  reddish-yellow  transparent  spores  are  formed,  arranged 
obliquely  in  a  single  row.  The  spores  are  bluntly  pointed  at 
either  end,  constricted  at  the  septum,  somewhat  thick-walled, 
and  measure  approximately  17-20x8.5-10  microns. 

"  They  germinated  very  readily  in  about  four  hours,  and  in 
culture  media  gave  rise  to  rhizomorphs  and  Stilbum  fructifica- 
tions resembling  those  found  on  the  lime  trees.  In  cultures  a 
third  form  of  fructification  appears,  of  the  Cephalosporium  type, 
the  spores  formed  on  the  short  conidiophores  being  very  similar 
to  those  borne  in  the  head  at  the  summit  of  the  stalk  or  stroma." 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

The  incidence  of  the  disease  suggests  its  origin  from  the 
forest.  In  new  clearings  it  is  probably  directly  transferred  from 
logs  or  the  roots  of  stumps :  in  older  cultivations  from  infested 
material  brought  down  by  floods.  This  agrees  with  experience 
of  the  Ceylon  disease,  and  is  suspected  to  be  the  mode  of  origin 
of  the  attack  on  bananas  in  Jamaica.  Another  character  in 
which  the  Dominica  and  Ceylon  diseases  agree  is  in  their  occur- 
rence being  restricted  as  a  rule  to  swampy  or  sour  undrained 

Once  it  is  established  in  a  lime  field  the  spread  of  the  disease 
from  tree  to  tree  along  the  roots  (it  may  possibly  also  occur 
through  the  soil)  is  very  definite  and  results  in  the  death  of  a 
group  of  trees  around  the  original  site  of  the  infection.  The 
process  of  infection  byjoot  contact  has  several  times  been  traced 


The  preference  of  the  fungus  for  undrained  situations  indicates 
the  point  at  which  the  attack  upon  this  disease  should  be  most 
strongly  pressed.  A  system  of  isolation  trenches  like  that 
recommended  for  Rosellinia  disease  should  be  established,  and 
care  taken  to  have  the  trenches  of  good  depth  and  linked  up  with 
an  effective  drainage  system.  The  disposition  of  dead  and 
dying  trees  should  also  follow  the  lines  laid  down  for  Rosellinia 


Collar  Canker. 

Lime  trees  up  to  four  or  five  years  of  age,  under  conditions 
where  growth  is  slow  and  uneven,  sometimes  develop  a  rough 
and  swollen  structure  of  the  basal  portion  of  the  stem  extending 
for  a  few  inches  or  up  to  a  foot  above  the  surface  of  the  soil. 
The  cortex  and  bark  are  divided  into  irregular  patches,  and  the 
new  wood  is  deposited  in  lumps  and  ridges.  Open  wounds 
may  extend  to  the  wood,  and  frequently  matters  are  complicated 
by  infestation  with  the  lime  bark  beetle,  Leptostylus  prcemorsus, 
which  begins  on  the  damaged  spots  but  extends  for  some  distance 
under  the  healthy  bark.  The  trees  make  a  persistent  struggle 
against  the  condition,  but  not  infrequently  die  from  the  girdling 
of  the  stem.  Wounds  on  the  roots  such  as  are  described  by 
F.  W.  South  in  connection  with  this  affection  are  caused  by  the 
larvae  of  Diaprepes  or  Exophthalmus  weevils  and  have  no 
relation  to  the  disease. 

The  origin  and  nature  of  the  disease  are  not  known,  and  no 
parasitic  organism  has  so  far  been  found  to  be  at  all  constantly 
associated  with  it.  It  appears  to  be  connected  with  somewhat 
impoverished  or  insufficiently  drained  soils,  and  is  in  the  end 
overcome  by  attention  to  these  matters  and  by  the  trees  which 
survive  outgrowing  the  trouble. 

Branch  Galls. 

In  one  section  of  Jamaica  there  is  a  disease  of  lime  and  orange 
trees,  more  severe  on  the  first  named,  which  was  originally 
reported  in  the  following  terms  :  "  The  lime  trees  are  infested 
with  galls,  which  in  some  instances  appear  to  do  as  much  harm 
as  the  scale  insects.  The  galls  are  found  on  old  and  young  trees, 
but  usually  they  grow  first  on  fairly  old  limbs.  These  limbs 
then  send  out  strong  young  shoots  for  a  time,  but  speedily  get 
exhausted  and  die,  large  numbers  of  limbs  dying  until  many  fine 
trees  are  killed,  or  so  nearly  so  as  to  be  useless." 


The  disease  was  investigated  by  L.  S.  Tenney  and  F.  Hedges, 
who  found  that  a  fungus  Sphceropsis  tumefaciens  Hedges,  could 
be  detected  in  the  galls  and  that  it  reproduced  the  disease  when 
inoculated  into  healthy  trees. 

When  present  in  quantity  the  mycelium  imparts  a  black 
appearance  to  the  tissues,  but  frequently  only  small  amounts  are 
present.  The  fructifications  have  been  found  by  S.  F.  Ashby 
in  abundance  on  branches  near  the  galls.  They  are  in  the  form 
of  solitary  or  congregated  sub-spherical  pycnidia  covered  at  first 
by  the  epidermis,  and  emerging  later,  producing  oblong  or  ovoid 
spores,  rounded  at  one  or  both  apices,  or  sub-acute,  sometimes 


curved,  continuous  or  i-septate,  16-32  X  6-12  microns.  The  my- 
celium is  hyaline  at  first,  darkening  later. 

The  galls  are  approximately  round,  attached  by  a  broad  base, 
and  vary  from  the  size  of  a  pea  to  knobs  2  to  3  inches  in  diameter. 
They  are  at  first  covered  by  smooth  green  bark  ;  later  by  a 
modified  corky  bark,  which  may  crumble  away  leaving  the 
wood  bare. 

Similar  excrescences  have  been  met  with  on  lime  trees  m 
Dominica  and  St.  Lucia,  and  examined  by  F.  W.  South  and  by 
the  present  writer.  They  have  been  strictly  sporadic  cases, 
confined,  in  each  instance  seen  by  the  writer,  to  an  individual 
branch  of  one  tree  in  a  cultivation.  The  branch  is  hypertrophied 
in  the  sense  of  producing  several  abnormally  long  and  thick 
shoots,  and  the  galls  are  usually  associated  with  the  buds  along 
the  course  of  these.  No  fungus  could  be  found  suggestive  of 
the  Jamaica  species,  nor  any  which  would  reproduce  the  disease 
from  inoculations.  Galls  occur  in  a  similar  way  now  and  again 
on  cacao  trees  (see  p.  176). 

It  would  appear  that  the  Jamaica  disease  is  not  present  m 
these  islands,  and  that  the  galls  which  do  occur  are  not  of  an 
infectious  nature. 

Anthracnose  of  Lime. 

(Wither-tip,  Blossom  Blight,  and  Fruit  Canker.) 

This  is  a  very  destructive  disease  of  lime  trees,  in  which  the 
ringing  and  tip-wither  of  new  shoots,  the  infection  and  curling 
of  tender  leaves,  the  blighting  of  buds  and  flowers,  the  loss  of 
newly  set  fruit,  and  the  production  of  cankers  on  fruits  which  are 
retained,  are  due  to  infestation  with  the  fungus  Glceosporium 
limetticolum  Clausen. 

History  and  Distribution. 

The  identity  of  this  fungus,  and  its  specialised  parasitism 
on  the  lime  and  lemon  have  only  in  comparatively  recent  years 
emerged  from  confusion  with  Colletotrichum  glceosporioides  Penzig, 
which  is  very  widely  distributed  on  citrus  trees  generally,  and 
has  been  variously  regarded  as  a  dangerous  parasite  and  as  a 
harmless  saprophyte.  The  latter  fungus  (see  separate  account) 
is  common  in  these  islands,  doing  Uttle  recognizable  harm, 
whereas  the  affection  under  notice  has  been  absent  so  far  as  is 
known  from  the  islands  lying  between  Trinidad  and  Porto  Rico 
until  its  appearance  and  rapid  extension  in  Dominica  in  1922. 
Recurring  heavy  losses  of  the  nature  indicated  in  the  introductory 
paragraph  occur  in  British  Guiana,  where  they  have  been  attri- 
buted to  the  direct  effects  of  wet  weather,  but  specimens  received 
in  April,  1919,  were  found  to  be  heavily  infested  with  a  fungus 
indistinguishable   from    G-   limetticolum     An    epidemic   of   the 


disease  occurred  in  July  and  August,  1918,  throughout  the 
colony  of  Trinidad,  where  it  is  now  quite  general  and  has  put 
a  stop  to  the  development  of  a  lime-growing  industry.  An 
attempt  is  being  made  to  eradicate  the  disease  from  the  one 
district  in  Tobago  in  which  it  has  appeared.  The  affection  has 
been  longer  known  as  a  serious  trouble  of  lime  trees  in  Cuba 
and  Florida,  and  from  accounts  seen  probably  occurs  in  Jamaica. 
A  severe  epidemic  results  in  almost  total  loss  of  the  current  crop, 
and  even  a  mild  prevalence  has  a  marked  effect  on  production. 


The  fungus  does  not  infect  mature  foliage  or  twigs,  or  fruit 
after  it  has  reached  about  three-fourths  of  an  inch  in  diameter. 
The  attack  is  made  on  the  young  shoots  while  they  are  still 
tender,  and  on  the  blossoms  and  young  fruit.  Infected  shoots 
commonly  dry  up  at  the  tip  for  a  distance  of  an  inch  or  more, 
or  are  ringed  by  an  infection  further  back,  and  leaves  which  are 
infected  but  not  killed  have  dead  areas  at  the  tips  or  edges  which 
cause  them  to  become  distorted  in  their  further  development. 
Young  plants  in  nursery  beds  are  similarly  affected. 

On  the  inflorescences  a  proportion  of  the  buds  have  complete 
petal  infestation,  turn  brown  and  fail  to  open ;  expanded  flowers 
become  infested  and  fall  without  setting,  and  newly  set  fruit 
is  infested,  most  frequently  by  way  of  the  stigma  and  style, 
and  shed.  Infected  fruits  which  are  not  shed  show  lesions 
varying  from  rounded  spots  to  rough  deep  cankers  occupying 
nearly  half  their  surface. 

The  blossom  blight  and  wither-tip  may  exist  together,  or  either 
one  may  be  severe  without  the  other  being  much  in  evidence, 
the  difference  probably  depending  on  the  weather  prevailing  at 
the  time  of  greatest  susceptibility.  In  the  same  way  considerable 
differences  appear  in  fields  or  plantations  not  far  apart. 

There  can  be  no  doubt,  from  the  variations  in  the  incidence 
of  the  disease,  that  it  is  greatly  influenced  by  weather  conditions, 
but  sufficient  evidence  has  not  been  collected  to  enable  an  analysis 
of  the  dependence  to  be  made.  No  influence  from  cultural 
conditions  has  been  detected. 

The  Fungus. 

The  fungus  is  with  difflculty  distinguishable  from  the  Gloeo- 
sporium  condition  of  Coll.  glceosporioides,  but  setae  have  never 
been  observed.  The  distinctions  indicated  by  R.  E.  Clausen 
are  as  follows  :  the  acervuli  (pustules)  in  G.  limetticolum  are 
flesh-coloured  or  salmon  pink  throughout,  while  those  of  the 
other  fungus  are  frequently  dark,  and  on  bleached  dead  spots 
on  leaves  and  twigs  are  black.  The  conidiophores  are  hyaline 
throughout  their  length,  and  arise  from  a  rather  loose  stroma  of 
hyaline  hyphae,  while  those  of  C.  glceosporioides  are  pale  sooty 


at  the  base  and  are  situated  on  a  compact  black  stroma.  In 
cultures  the  latter  species  forms  a  black  stromatic  pellicle,  a 
feature  absent  from  cultures  of  the  parasite.  The  conidia  are 
more  pointed  than  those  of  C.  glceosporioides,  with  less  tendency 
to  be  constricted  in  the  middle.  The  conidia  when  fresh  are 
markedly  less  granular,  with  a  less  distinct  nucleus.  The 
measurements  of  the  two  fungi  are  about  the  same,  the  conidia  of 
the  parasite  being  14-18x6-7  microns,  the  conidiophores 
20-30  X  5  microns. 


A  disease  of  this  description  could  be  readily  controlled  by 
spraying,  were  it  not  that  the  flushes  of  new  foliage  and  the 
blossoming  of  the  lime  are  liable  to  be  scattered  and  erratic. 
There  are,  however,  fairly  well-marked  times  of  maximum 
production,  which  vary  from  place  to  place,  but  are  pretty 
constant  for  any  particular  locality.  By  spraying  at  these 
times  it  may  prove  possible  to  save  a  paying  proportion  of  the 
fruit,  and  it  should  be  noted  that  it  is  just  as  important  to  save 
the  shoots  as  the  blossom,  since  it  is  upon  these  that  the  next 
crop  of  flowers  is  formed. 

From  information  regarding  field  studies  of  control  made  on 
behalf  of  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  kindly  supplied 
by  H.  P.  Fulton,  it  is  learned  that  a  careful  spray  schedule 
applied  at  the  time  of  blooming  and  early  setting  can  be  used 
with  success,  though  whether  the  crop  will  justify  the  expense 
is  doubtful.  An  early  cleaning-up  spray  before  the  blossom 
comes  is  probably  desirable.  "  The  first  fruit  spray  should  be 
made  as  soon  as  enough  petals  have  dropped  to  allow  for  coating 
a  reasonable  setting  of  fruit.  This  would  be  when  the  bloom  is 
perhaps  one-half  to  one-third  advanced.  Later  spra3^s  will 
depend  upon  the  progress  of  the  bloom  and  on  weather  conditions 
which  may  favour  the  disease.  In  a  general  way  two  or  three 
later  applications  at  intervals  of  one  to  two  weeks  are  necessary." 

Burgundy  or  Bordeaux  mixtures  are  the  most  effective  as 
sprays,  but  have  the  disadvantage,  where  scale  insects  are  con- 
trolled by  fungus  parasites,  of  killing  out  the  latter  and  so 
inducing  scale  infestations.  This  action  is  much  less  marked 
with  lime-sulphur  solution,  which  nevertheless  gives  satisfactory 
control  of  the  disease.  The  best  results  have  been  obtained 
with  commercial  lime-sulphur  diluted  at  the  rate  of  about  one 
in  30  to  one  in  40,  care  being  exercised  not  to  use  the  greater 
strength  when  the  temperature  is  high.  For  this  reason  spraying 
is  best  done  in  the  cool  of  the  morning  or  evening.  The  adoption 
of  a  copper  spray  in  the  first  instance,  with  the  use  of  lime-sulphur 
for  succeeding  sprayings,  the  combination  found  desirable  for 
citrus  scab  in  Porto  Rico,  may  be  the  most  satisfactory  system 
to  adopt.  When  no  trouble  is  anticipated  from  scale  insects 
copper  sprays  may  be  used  throughout. 


Grey  Blight. 

A  fungus  identified  by  G.  Massee  as  Thelephora  pedicellata, 
Schwein,  now  placed  in  the  genus  Septobasidium,  forms  a  dense 
slightly  raised  layer  of  felted  mycelium,  slaty-grey  when  fresh, 
changing  to  brownish  grey,  on  leaves  and  twigs  of  lime  in  St. 
Lucia,  Dominica,  and  Montserrat.  The  same  or  a  very  similar 
fungus  has  been  seen  in  large  patches  on  pigeon  pea  stems  in 
St.  Vincent  and  Trinidad.  S.  Langloisii  Pat.,  which  may  very 
well  be  the  species  above  referred  to,  is  recorded  by  E.  A.  Burt 
from  Grenada.     A  brown  species  occurs  in  Dominica. 

According  to  T.  Petch,  the  genus  Septobasidium,  made  up 
of  species  all  of  similar  encrusting  habit,  is  parasitic  on  scale 
insects,  and  this  is  so  far  borne  out  by  local  experience  that  the 
fungus  is  found  in  association  with  colonies  of  purple  scale  on  lime, 
and  mass  infestations  of  a  white  scale  (Chionaspis  ?)  on  pigeon 
pea.  In  the  former  case  the  mycelium  has  been  found  growing 
under  the  scale  and  attacking  the  body  of  the  insect. 

An  effect  which  may  be  accidental  but  is  none  the  less  real 
is  sometimes  produced  on  the  enveloped  twigs  and  small  branches 
of  lime.  There  is  a  free  production  of  gum  from  raised  swellings 
where  the  bark  is  covered  by  the  fungus,  and  this  in  a  number  of 
cases  seen  has  resulted  in  the  death  of  the  portion  of  the  branch 
lying  beyond  the  invested  part. 

No  evidence  of  penetration  has  been  found,  and  the  most 
probable  explanation  of  the  effect  is  that  it  is  due  to  suffocation. 
It  has  no  serious  importance. 

Leaf  Spots, 

Brown  patches  extending  from  the  tip  or  margin  of  the  leaf, 
or  smaller  spots,  occur  occasionally,  and  are  infested  with  Col- 
letotrichum   glceosporioides.    (See    Citrus    Anthracnose). 

Roundish  raised  spots,  foxy  red  or  black,  caused  by  Cephal- 
euros  mycoidea  are  common  in  some  localities.  (See  Algal 
Disease,  p.  152). 

Citrus  Trees  in  General. 

Citrus  Anthracnose. 
A  position  of  some  uncertainty  exists  with  regard  to  the  extent 
of  the  parasitism  of  the  very  generally  distributed  fungus  Colleto- 
trichtim  gloeosporioides  on  citrus  trees.  It  has  been  widely 
regarded  in  the  United  States  and  some  parts  of  the  West  Indies 
as  the  cause  of  wither-tip,  spotting  and  streaking  of  fruit,  and 
spotting  of  leaves  on  citrus  trees  generally.  With  the  separation 
from  it  of  the  active  parasite  Glaosporium  limetticolum  (see 
Anthracnose  of  Limes)  which  has  been  shown  to  be  responsible 
for  the  blossom  blight,  wither-tip,  and  fruit  canker  of  limes. 

Fig.  79 

Foot-Rot   on   Old   Seedling   Orange  Tree 
{a)  Margin  of  Rot  indicated  by  Chalk  Line 

Fig.   79a 
{b)  Treatment  in  Progress 

Dull.  262.  California  Agri.  Expt.  Sta. 


and  is  probably  the  species  producing  these  effects  on  the  lemon, 
there  is  a  considerable  weight  of  opinion  at  the  present  time 
that  the  fungus  in  question  is  mainly  saprophytic,  and  at  most 
a  weak  parasite  of  plants  or  parts  otherwise  injured  or  in  poor 
condition.  This  is  the  position  taken  up  in  recent  accounts 
from  Cuba  and  Porto  Rico,  and  agrees  with  experience  in  the 
Lesser  Antilles,  where,  owing  to  the  absence  of  the  more  active 
fungus,  the  affection  has  never  been  held  to  be  of  much  account. 
The  fungus  appears  with  great  regularity  on  dead  and  dying 
twigs  or  leaves  of  citrus  trees,  even  when  these  have  been  re- 
moved from  the  tree  in  a  healthy  condition.  It  is  thus  difficult 
to  secure  evidence  of  parasitism,  especially  as  infection  experi- 
ments on  healthy  material  are  reported  in  many  cases  to  have 
completely  failed. 


Spots  attributed  to  this  fungus  occur  on  leaves  in  the  form  of 
dead  brown  areas  extending  often  from  the  tip  or  margin,  in 
which  develop  numerous  small  dark  pustules  of  the  fungus,  often 
arranged  concentrically.  The  inj  ury  appears  usually  on  senescent 
leaves  or  as  a  consequence  of  insect   injuries. 

On  the  fruits  the  fungus  is  found  occupying  hardened  brown 
spots  or  large  brown  to  blackish  blotches  up  to  an  inch  or  two  in 
diameter  on  the  rind  ;  these  are  generally  somewhat  sunken,  and 
are  situated  in  any  position.  As  a  rule  only  a  few  isolated 
spots  occur  in  the  produce  of  any  particular  tree,  and  usually  they 
can  be  attributed  to  some  predisposing  injury.  On  trees  which 
are  suffering  from  the  general  effects  of  some  serious  disease,  how- 
ever, a  large  percentage  of  fruit  may  be  attacked  by  anthracnose. 
Tear-streaking  of  the  rind  is  attributed  to  the  effect  of  the  ger- 
mination of  spores  washed  down  in  quantity  from  dead  twigs. 

In  the  great  majority  of  cases  the  fungus  as  it  occurs  on  the 
twigs  appears  to  be  entirely  saprophytic  ;  in  a  few  instances 
which  have  come  under  the  writer's  observation  it  has  assumed 
the  aspect  of  a  parasite  on  twigs  of  which  the  resistance  has  been 
lowered  by  external  conditions. 


The  fungus  in  its  common  Gloeosporium  condition  is  difficult 
to  distinguish  from  G.  limetticolum,  in  comparison  with  which  its 
characters  are  discussed  (page  208).  On  dead  twigs  fringes  of 
dark  setae  may  be  produced  around  the  pustules,  which  then 
appear  as  black  dots  to  the  naked  eye.  Setse  have  not  been  ob- 
served in  the  lime  parasite. 


The  position  of  the  fungus  as  a  weak  parasite  able  to  attack 
only  injured  or  debihtated  parts  indicates  the  nature  of  the 
remedies  to  be  applied  where  its  effects  are  regarded  as  serious. 



The  formation  and  exudation  of  gum  in  citrus  trees  is  a  general 
reaction  to  injuries  which  may  be  caused  by- mechanical  means, 
by  chemicals,  by  physiological  disturbances,  or  by  infestations 
with  fungi.  There  are  consequently  various  types  of  disease 
of  which  it  is  a  symptom.  Two  of  these,  foot-rot  or  mal-di- 
goma  and  Diplodia  disease  are  separately  dealt  with. 

Symptoms  closely  resembling  those  of  foot-rot,  but  not 
confined  to  the  base  of  the  stem,  have  been  regarded  as  evidence 
of  a  distinct  disease.  On  lemon  trees  in  California,  according 
to  H.  S.  Fawcett,  gummosis  of  this  type  is  very  common,  and  has 
been  shown  to  be  due  in  many  cases  to  the  fungus  Pythiacystis 
citrophthora  of  Sm.  and  Sm.  In  another  variety  of  gummosis  on 
lemons  in  California  the  fungus  found  is  Botrytis  cinerea.  The 
first-named  fungus  inhabits  the  soil,  infects  the  bark  about 
soil-level,  and  spreads  indefinitely  upwards.  It  is  closely  related 
to  Phytophthora.  The  conditions  favouring  the  disease  are  the 
same  as  in  the  case  of  foot-rot,  and  the  same  methods  of  pre- 
vention and  treatment  are  successful. 

There  are  other  forms  of  gummosis  of  stem  and  branches  in 
which,  as  in  many  cases  of  foot-rot,  parasitic  causation  has  not 
been  demonstrated.  These  affections  begin  with  the  degenera- 
tion of  a  patch  of  the  inner  bark,  resulting  in  the  production  of 
gum  or  "  sour  sap  "  which  oozes  out  if  any  crack  in  the  bark  is 
available.  The  bark  may  die  completely  over  this  patch,  or 
the  gum  layer  may  be  enclosed  by  new  growth  and  form  a  charac- 
teristic pocket. 

The  external  development  varies  from  dead  sunken  or  bare 
patches  to  rough  bark  broken  up  into  scales  owing  to  the  irregu- 
larity of  its  production  by  the  cambium.  The  latter  form  of 
affection  closely  resembles  one  aspect  of  the  Florida  scaly  bark 
disease,  which  differs  in  further  attacking  the  twigs  and  fruit. 

For  practical  purposes  these  types  of  bark  affection  on  citrus 
trees,  including  foot-rot,  are  best  regarded  as  manifestations  of 
some  unfavourable  relation,  which  may  be  temporary  or  perman- 
ent, between  the  plant  and  the  physical  conditions  of  its  environ- 
ment. Injuries  due  to  temporary  conditions  may  be  met  by 
the  treatment  given  for  foot-rot.  The  subject  of  more  general 
incompatibility  is  discussed  in  the  introduction  of  this  section 
on  citrus  diseases. 

Foot-Rot  or  Mal-di-goma. 

The  type  of  disease  to  which  these  names  are  applied  is 
characterised  by  the  decay  of  bark  and  wood  on  the  crown  and 
collar  of  the  tree,  accompanied  by  the  formation  of  gum  and  its 
exudation  from  the  affected  parts.  Disease  of  this  general 
type  occurs  in  most  if  not  all  the  citrus-growing  countries  of 

Fig    80 
Canker  on  Grapefruit 

Bull,  I2.|,  Florida  Agri.  Expt.  Sla. 

Fig.  81 
Canker  on  Leaves,  showing  Pale  Zone  around  the  Spots 

Bull.   12 u  Florida  Agii.  Exp!.  Sla. 

Fig.    8L> 

Canker  on  Young  Twig 


the  world,  and  has  been  reported  from  time  to  time  as  the  cause 

of  heavy  losses. 

It  is  not  a  prominent  disease  in  the  Lesser  Antilles,  as  the 
principal  citrus  tree,  the  lime,  shows  little  susceptibility  to  it 
under  local  conditions.  Apparent  instances  have  been  met 
with  on  this  host  in  St.  Lucia,  Dominica,  and  Grenada,  but  only 
under  special  circumstances.  The  case  is  very  different  with 
seedling  orange  trees,  which,  in  Dominica  at  least,  invariably 
develop  this  trouble  as  they  begin  to  pass  their  prime.  Similar 
experience  is  recorded  in  the  United  States  and  Cuba.  In  a 
district  of  Barbados  which  has  lost  most  of  its  orange  trees 
the  old  surviving  trees  examined  by  the  writer  were  affected 
in  this  way. 

In  the  heavy  clay  lands  of  British  Guiana  the  lime  is  subject 
to  the  disease. 


Foot-rot  proper,  as  distinguished  from  other  forms  of  gum- 
mosis  on  citrus  trees,  is  confined  to  the  collar  and  crown  roots. 
It  begins  in  a  patch  or  patches,  often  in  the  hollows  formed  in  the 
neighbourhood  of  the  crown  ;  there  is  often  an  exudation  of 
gum  through  cracks  in  the  bark,  the  bark  dries  up  or  is  rotted 
by  fungi  and  bacteria,  and  the  wood  is  eventually  left  bare  and 
begins  to  decay.  A  sour  smell  usually  accompanies  the  disease. 
The  patch  spreads  around  the  base  of  the  stem  and  for  some 
distance  along  the  main  roots  and  the  tree  is  slowly  killed. 
Usually,  as  in  other  bark  diseases,  a  thinning  and  yellowing  of 
the  foliage  occurs,  and,  as  the  encircling  of  the  stem  approaches 
completion,  heavier  crops  of  fruit  are  set. 


Various  fungi  have  been  found  associated  with  this  type  of 
disease  in  different  parts  of  the  world,  but  it  is  generally  regarded 
as  of  non-parasitic  origin.  Recently  H.  S.  Fawcett  has  suggested 
the  complicity  of  the  fungus  Pythiacystis  citrophthora  in  at 
least  part  of  the  cases  passing  as  examples  of  foot-rot  in  America. 

The  more  recent  investigations  of  H.  E.  Stevens  in  Florida 
have  shown  that  the  disease  there  is  caused  by  Phytophthora 
parasitica  Dast  [Ph.  terrestria  Sherb.)  and  this  fungus  has  also 
been  found  in  cases  of  foot-rot  in  Cuba,  Isle  of  Pines  and  the 

Apart  from  this  question,  there  is  general  agreement  as  to 
the  conditions  under  which  the  disease  is  liable  to  appear. 
Heavy  or  compacted  soils,  imperfect  drainage,  too  deep 
or  too  close  planting  are  recognised  as  predisposing  causes. 
As  noted  above,  it  is  also  very  liable  to  appear,  even  under 
seemingly  favourable  conditions,  on  seedling  trees  of  the  suscept- 
ible species  after  they  reach  a  certain  age.     It  seems  probable 


that  some  of  the  so-called  epidemics  of  foot-rot  have  been  due 
to  this  stage  being  reached  by  the  trees  of  a  plantation  or  of  a 

The  mandarin  or  tangerine  varieties,  and  the  sweet  orange 
are  most  susceptible,  the  lemon  less  so,  while  the  sour  orange 
and  the  rough  lemon  are  decidedly  resistant.  In  these  islands 
the  shaddock  and  grapefruit  are  regarded  as  resistant,  but 
according  to  H.  S.  Fawcett  this  is  not  the  case  with  some  strains 
of  the  latter. 

Prevention  and  Control. 

The  surest  method  of  prevention  is  the  use  of  sour  orange 
stocks.  With  seedling  trees  already  established  the  ameliora- 
tion of  such  conditions  as  are  mentioned  above  should  be  carried 
out  so  far  as  it  is  possible.  Especially  should  the  collar  and 
crown  be  kept  free  from  soil.  Treatment  of  existing  cases  is 
possible  on  the  following  lines  :  permanently  remove  sufficient 
soil  to  leave  the  cohar  and  crown  roots  exposed  ;  scrape  and  cut 
away  the  dead  bark  until  the  patch  presents  a  clean  surface 
surrounded  by  a  margin  of  healthy  bark,  and  paint  the  whole 
place  over  with  Bordeaux  paste  or  a  good  wood  preservative 
such  as  is  used  for  treating  pruning  cuts.  Remove  any  low 
branches  which  interfere  with  the  free  circulation  of  air  around 
the  base  of  the  tree. 

Scaly  Bark. 

According  to  H.  S.  Fawcett,  the  term  scaly  bark  is  used  for 
two  distinct  affections  in  California  and  Florida  respectively. 
The  first,  psorosis,  occurs  in  Cahfornia,  Florida  and  Cuba.  The 
same  or  a  closely  similar  affection  occurs  on  lemon  trees  in  the 
Dominica  Botanic  Gardens.  A  patch  of  outer  bark  breaks  up 
into  irregular  scales,  which  are  pushed  up  by  new  growth  beneath. 
The  area  expands  slowly  for  years,  and  finally  the  bark  may  die 
quite  through  and  the  wood  begin  to  decay.  There  seems  to  be 
little  to  distinguish  the  affection  from  a  form  of  gummosis,  and  it 
should  be  treated  by  the  scraping  and  painting  method  described 
under  foot-rot. 

The  Florida  scaly  bark,  or  nail-head  rust,  is  described  as  a 
specific  disease,  mainly  of  the  sweet  orange,  not  known  outside 
that  State,  and  believed  to  originate  from  infection  with  a 
variety,   ciiricolum,   of  the  fungus  Cladosporium  herbanim  Lk. 

On  the  smooth  bark  of  branches,  of  the  age  of  6  to  9  months 
or  more,  raised  rusty  spots  one-sixth  to  one-half  inch  broad, 
with  well-marked  edges,  are  formed.  The  bark  becomes  glazed, 
and  then  breaks  into  flakes  and  scales.  On  larger  limbs  the  bark 
may  become  rough  and  shaggy.  On  the  fruit  occur  brown 
sunken  spots,  some  of  them  in  the  form  of  rings,  one-fifth  to  one 
half  inch  across.     The  spots  are  yellowish  to  reddish  brown  on 


the  green  fruit,  finally  becoming  dark.  Trees  heavily  infested 
have  been  successfully  treated  by  heading  back  and  spraying 
with  Bordeaux  mixture. 

Nature  and  Distribution. 

Citrus  scab  is  an  affection  which  produces  corky  raised  areas 
and  warts  on  young  growing  leaves,  fruits  and  sometimes  twigs, 
resulting  commonly  also  in  some  deformation.  In  the  tropical 
and  sub-tropical  regions  of  the  New  World  it  occurs  with  great 
frequency,  in  some  districts  quite  regularly,  on  sour  orange  and 
rough  lemon.  From  these  hosts,  in  common  use  as  stocks,  it 
appears  to  have  developed  strains  virulent  to  grape-fruit,  and  it 
is  in  connection  with  the  important  business  developed  in  Florida, 
Cuba  and  Porto  Rico  for  the  supply  of  the  American  market 
with  this  fruit  that  scab  has  assumed  great  importance.  The 
lemon  industry,  so  far  as  it  exists  in  the  places  mentioned,  has 
also  been  seriously  affected  by  it.  The  sweet  orange  and  most 
of  the  mandarin  group  show  little  susceptibility  to  the  disease 
The  lime  is  reported  to  be  attacked  in  the  Isle  of  Pines  (Cuba) 
and  in  Ceylon.  In  Porto  Rico  and  in  the  Lesser  Antilles  this 
host  has  not  been  noted  as  susceptible. 

The  disease  occurs  on  the  sour  orange  in  these  islands,  but 
owing  to  the  scattered  distribution  of  its  appropriate  hosts  and 
their  small  commercial  importance  has  received  little  attention. 

In  addition  to  the  localities  already  mentioned,  scab  of  the 
type  under  notice  is  recorded  from  Japan,  Australia,  and  South 
Africa.  It  fails  to  develop  any  virulence  in  the  dry  climate  of 

The  disease  is  reported  to  have  made  its  appearance  in  Florida 
in  1884,  and  to  have  spread  rapidly  through  that  and  the  adjoining 
States.      It  is  conjectured  to  have  been  introduced  from  Japan. 

Appearance  and  Effects. 

It  is  advisable  to  describe  the  disease  in  some  detail  owing 
to  the  liability  to  confusion  between  scab  and  canker.  As 
met  with  by  the  writer  in  these  islands  the  affection  has  usually 
consisted  of  small  roundish  raised  corky  spots  on  leaves  and  green 
twigs.  The  following  description  quoted  from  J.  A.  Stevenson 
refers  to  the  more  virulent  form  occurring  in  Porto  Rico. 

"  The  first  signs  of  infection  are  circular,  minute,  trans- 
lucent areas  followed  by  a  rapid  production  of  the  corky  out- 
growths so  characteristic  of  the  disease.  On  the  fruit  these 
corky  outgrowths,  wartlike  in  appearance,  are  produced, 
and  vary  much  in  size  and  shape,  often  running  together 
or  occurring  in  such  numbers  as  to  cover  a  large  percentage 
of  the  surface  o^  the  infected  fruit.       At  times  plateau-like 


areas  are  produced,  of  an  inch  or  more  in  diameter,  irregular 
in  shape  and  marked  by  the  dying  of  the  epiderm  and  its 
breaking  up  into  silvery  scales.  Again  it  may  take  the  form 
of  ridges,  conical  elevations,  or  other  shapes.  The  corky 
areas  are  dull  brown  in  colour  in  some  instances,  but  very  com- 
monly are  a  dull  red  with  brown  margins.  This  latter  stage 
occurs  where  the  disease  is  especially  virulent,  the  ridge  and 
plateau  conditions  being  more  often  noted  in  instances  where 
but  Httle  disease  is  present.  This  latter  is  the  type  found  on 
oranges.  Young  fruits  are  frequently  much  distorted,  assum- 
ing triangular  or  other  peculiar  shapes.  Those  most  dis- 
torted fall  to  the  ground  soon  after  attack,  It  may  be  noted 
that  a  larger  percentage  of  scabbed  fruits  fall  than  of  normal 
ones.  Infected  fruits  remaining  tend  to  regain  their  normal 
shape  by  subsequent  growth,  and  as  there  is  no  increase  in 
size  of  the  initial  infections,  the  great  increase  of  the  surface 
areas  of  the  fruit  gives  all  appearance  of  a  partial  recovery 
or  '  cleaning  up  '  from  the  disease.  This,  of  course,  is  not 
what  takes  place,  but  it  merely  means  that  there  has  been 
no  further  spread  of  the  scab  areas. 

"  Leaves  are  frequently  distorted,  the  same  corky  areas 
appearing  as  on  the  fruit.  Where  infection  is  not  general, 
very  marked  conical  projections,  often  as  much  as  a  centimetre 
in  height,  appear. 

"  The  disease  areas  are  surface  infections  only,  there  being 
practically  no  penetration  in  either  leaves  or  fruit  of  the  inner 
host  tissue.  In  fact,  so  effectively  are  the  tissues  protected 
that  scabbed  fruits  are  not  any  more  subject  to  decay  than 
normal  ones  ;  less  so,  if  anything.  Many  such  have  been 
kept  in  the  laboratory  for  long  periods  of  time  until  they 
finally  become  hard  and  mummified." 


There  has  been  some  dispute  as  to  the  causation  of  the  disease, 
but  those  mycologists  most  closely  in  touch  with  it  are  convinced 
that  it  is  due  to  infections,  occurring  only  when  external  circum- 
stances are  favourable,  with  the  fungus  Cladosporium  citri 
Massee.  The  occurrence  of  the  fungus  in  the  scabbed  tissue  is 
somewhat  obscure  and  it  is  said  to  be  masked,  in  Florida  at  least, 
by  a  saprophytic  species  resembling  the  common  Cladosporium 
herbarum.  The  parasite  is  regarded  as  not  typical  of  the  genus 
Cladosporium  as  ordinarily  understood.  The  only  reproductive 
bodies  obtained  in  pure  cultures  are  thick-walled,  dark-coloured 
packet-like  clusters  or  chains  of  cells,  and  these  were  also  found 
on  old  withered  scabs. 

The  description  of  C.  Citri  Mass.  is  as  follows  : — Conidiophores 
tufted,  erect,  branched,  septate,  brown,  30-75  X  2-4  microns, 
conidia  fusiform,  dusky,  continuous,  or  1-3  septate,  8-9X2.5-4 


Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

Infection  only  takes  place  on  young  and  tender  parts  of  the 
plant,  and  is  very  largely  dependent  on  the  prevalence  of  moist 
and  cloudy  weather  in  periods  when  new  growth  is  being  rapidly 
developed.  Trees  in  poor  condition  are  but  little  subject  to 
attack,  presumably  owing  to  the  scarcity  and  slow  development 
of  new  shoots  upon  them. 

Inherent  Resistance. 

According  to  Stevenson  scab  was  generally  prevalent  on 
sour  orange  and  rough  lemon  stocks  in  Porto  Rico  by  the  year 
1903,  but  grapefruit  was  almost  immune  until  the  occurrence 
of  an  excessively  wet  season  in  1911-12.  Then  the  grapefruit 
was  attacked  suddenly  and  in  most  virulent  fashion  in  one 
section,  and  since  that  date  the  disease  has  maintained  its  new 
character  and  invaded  most  of  the  other  citrus  districts  in  turn. 
This  occurrence  gives  colour  to  the  suggestion  that  a  new  and 
virulent  strain  has  come  into  existence  in  the  island. 


Outbreaks  of  scab  are  preventable  by  protective  spra3/ing 
with  Bordeaux  mixture,  but  this  method  has  been  found  to  have 
the  serious  drawback  of  also  repressing  the  fungi  which  keep 
down  scale  insects,  thus  opening  the  way  to  serious  infestations 
with  the  latter.  It  is  found  that  better  general  results  are 
obtained  from  the  use  of  a  lime-sulphur  spray,  which  while 
much  less  effective  against  scab  is  largely  free  from  the  objection 

Black  Melanose. 

The  affection  known  as  true  melanose  in  Florida,  and  ascribed 
to  the  fungus  Phomopsis  Citri  does  not  appear  to  occur  in  the 
West  Indies.  It  is  described  as  a  superficial  marking  of  the  sur- 
face of  fruits,  leaves  and  stems,  consisting  of  small  raised  areas 
with  the  appearance  of  wax  or  of  small  drops  of  melted  sugar 
burnt  brown.  These  markings  sometimes  occur  in  patches  and 

The  melanose  met  with  in  Cuba,  Porto  Rico,  Jamaica  and 
the  Lesser  Antilles  is  a  leaf  affection  distinguished  as  black 
melanose  or  greasy  spot.  It  occurs  on  various  citrus  species 
in  these  islands,  including  rough  lemon,  grapefruit  and  orange 
The  back  of  the  leaf  is  covered  with  slightly  raised  black  and 
brown  markings,  somewhat  resembling,  it  has  been  suggested, 
spots  of  dark  grease  under  the  epidermis.  The  affection  is  very 
persistent,  but  does  no  apparent  damage.     Its  nature  is  unknown. 


Citrus  Canker. 

History  and  Distribution. 

The  existence  of  the  serious  infectious  disease  now  known  as 
citrus  canker  became  known  through  its  introduction  into 
Florida,  though  it  had  been  present  in  some  of  the  Western 
States  of  the  Union,  notably  Texas,  for  some  years  previously. 
It  appears  to  have  come  in  from  Japan  on  Citrus  trifoliata  stocks, 
upon  which  the  disease  is  not  prominent.  The  date  of  first 
introduction  into  Florida  is  authoritatively  stated  to  be  Novem- 
ber, 1912,  which  is  a  matter  of  importance  to  those  who  have 
received  nursery  stock  or  bud-wood  from  that  State.  In  the 
following  year  the  disease  began  to  cause  alarm  in  the  grapefruit 
industry  and  a  special  organisation  was  created  to  deal  with  it. 
The  very  drastic  efforts  which  have  since  been  made  to  entirely 
eradicate  the  infection  have  had  the  effect  of  thoroughly  sup- 
pressing the  disease,  and  their  ultimate  success  remains  to  be 
tested  by  time. 

The  distribution  of  citrus  canker,  as  known  at  present,  is  as 
follows  : — United  States  (Texas,  Louisiana,  Missisippi,  Alabama, 
Florida),  Japan,  China,  the  Philippines,  Java,  Singapore,  South 
Africa  and  Australia. 

Symptoms  of  the  Disease. 

The  following  description  of  the  appearance  of  citrus  canker 
on  leaves,  twigs  and  fruit  is  quoted  from  H.  S.  Stevens  : — 

"  The  distinguishing  feature  of  citrus  canker  as  observed 
in  the  field  is  the  characteristic  spotting  produced  on  the 
fruit  and  foliage.  As  usually  seen  the  infection  appears  as 
small  light  brown  spots,  from  less  than  one-sixteenth  to 
one-quarter  of  an  inch  in  diameter.  The  spots  are  usually 
round,  and  may  occur  singly,  or  several  may  run  together, 
forming  an  irregular  area.  This  last  usually  occurs  on  fruits. 
The  spots  project  above  the  surrounding  healthy  tissue,  and 
are  composed  of  a  spongy  mass  of  dead  cells,  covered  by  a 
thin  white  or  greyish  membrane.  The  membrane  finally 
ruptures  and  turns  outward,  forming  a  lacerated  or  ragged 
margin  around  the  spot. 

"  On  the  leaves,  infections  first  appear  as  small,  watery 
dots,  with  raised  convex  surfaces.  These  dots  are  usually 
of  a  darker  green  than  the  surrounding  tissue.  Sometimes, 
however,  the  surfaces  of  the  spots  are  broken  as  soon  as  they 
appear.  Spots  may  appear  on  either  surface  of  the  leaf,  but 
they  do  not  at  first  penetrate  through  the  leaf  tissue.  They 
gradually  increase  in  size,  change  to  a  light  brown  in  colour, 
and  become  visible  on  both  sides  of  the  leaf.  In  the  older 
spots  one  or  both  surfaces  may  be  bulged  or  raised,  and  such 


spots  are  commonly  surrounded  by  a  narrow  yellowish  band 
or  zone.  In  the  more  advanced  stages,  the  surface  of  the  spots 
becomes  white  or  greyish,  and  finally  ruptures,  exposing  a 
light  brown  spongy  central  mass.  Old  spots  soon  become 
overgrown  by  saprophytic  fungi,  and  may  appear  pink  or 
black  on  account  of  these  fungus  growths. 

"  On  the  fruits  the  spots  are  very  similar  to  those  formed 
on  the  leaves.  They  do  not  penetrate  far  into  the  rind.  They 
may  be  scattered  over  the  surface,  or  several  may  occur 
together  forming  an  irregular  mass.  Gumming  is  sometimes 
associated  with  the  spots  formed  on  the  fruits.  Canker, 
apparently,  does  not  cause  a  rot  of  the  fruits  directly,  but  opens 
the  way  for  other  fungi  to  enter  and  cause  infected  fruits  to 
rot.  The  spots  on  young  twigs  are  like  those  on  the  leaves 
and  fruit.  On  the  older  twigs  they  are  more  prominent,  and 
more  or  less  irregular  in  shape.  This  is  specially  true  of  old 
spots.  They  show  the  same  spongy  tissue  that  is  found  in 
the  spots  on  the  leaves,  but  assume  a  cankerous  appearance 
and  the  surface  membrane  completely  disappears.  These 
spots  or  cankers  are  formed  in  the  outer  layers  of  the  bark 
tissue,  and  do  not  penetrate  to  or  kill  the  wood.  The  spots 
once  formed  in  the  bark  are  persistent,  and  are  not  readily 
sloughed  off.  They  may  remain  for  a  long  time  and  form 
centres  from  which  infections  may  readily  spread.  This  was 
confirmed  by  observations  on  infections  produced  on  spotted 
trees  in  the  greenhouse,  and  in  the  grove  by  artificial  infection. 
Some  of  these  spots  have  been  under  observation  for  over  a 
year,  and  show  no  tendency  to  slough  off." 

R.  A.  Jehle  in  a  later  account  emphasizes  the  diagnostic 
value  of  the  translucent,  glazed,  oily  appearance  of  the  zone 
immediately  next  to  the  ruptured  portion  of  the  spot.  This  is 
lacking  from  scab,  which  moreover  distorts  the  leaves  and  causes 
warty  projections  on  the  fruit,  characteristics  which  are  absent 
from  canker.  Scaly-bark  spots  are  hard  and  glazed,  those  of 
anthracnose  are  sunken. 


It  has  not  been  established  that  any  citrus  plant  is  quite 
immune  from  canker,  but  wide  gradations  in  susceptibility 
occur.  From  the  Philippines  it  is  reported  that  the  common 
lime,  which  is  presumably  the  commercial  lime  of  the  West 
Indies,  is  highly  susceptible,  while  a  variety  known  as  the  Tahiti 
lime  seems  practically  immune. 


The  direct  losses  due  to  the  disease  result  from  its  effects  on 
the  fruit.     The  rind  is  more  or  less  covered  with  the  canker 


spots,  and,  although  this  condition  does  not  directly  affect  the 
edible  portion,  the  fruit  is  not  only  rendered  so  unsightly  as  to 
be  unsaleable,  but  is  very  liable  to  splitting  and  to  the  inroads 
of  secondary  fungi,  which  cause  rotting. 

The  very  heavy  monetary  cost  of  the  disease  in  Florida  has 
been  due  to  the  wholesale  destruction  of  infested  groves  in  the 
attempt  at  complete  eradication. 

Causative  Organism. 

The  disease  is  due  to  the  action  of  a  specific  bacterium, 
which  has  been  described  under  the  name  of  Pseudomonas  Citri, 
Hasse.  The  organism  is  yellow,  one-flagellate,  is  variable  in 
shape  and  size,  but  as  obtained  from  young  cankered  tissues  is 
usually  a  short  rod  with  rounded  ends,  which  measures 
1.5-2.5  X  0.5-0.75  microns.  No  host-plants  are  known  outside 
of  the  order  Rutacese. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

Infection  occurs  through  natural  openings  and  through 
wounds.  Drops  of  dew  or  rain  on  affected  organs  contain  the 
bacteria  in  large  numbers,  so  that  the  disease  is  very  readily 
transferred  by  physical  or  animal  agency  from  plant  to  plant. 
The  disease  is,  in  fact,  extremely  infectious  and  has  been  seen 
to  spread  with  incredible  rapidity. 

Fallen  leaves  are  believed  to  carry  over  the  infection,  and 
inconspicuous  lesions  containing  the  parasite  can  occur  on 
mature  wood.  H.  A.  Lee  has  determined  in  an  extensive  series 
of  experiments  that  the  organism  quickly  disappears  from 
unsterilized  soil.  Dried  on  cloth,  according  to  Stevens,  it  was 
still  alive  after  five  weeks. 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  disease  is  most  prevalent  and  destructive  in  warm  humid 
weather,  and  is  checked  by  cool  dry  periods.  It  is  much  more 
active  on  thrifty  growing  trees  than  on  those  in  poor  condition, 
and  on  the  latter  it  may  exist  in  a  suppressed  or  dormant  con- 
dition for  long  periods.  The  frequent  flushes  of  growth  on 
limes  in  Dominica  and  St.  Lucia  would,  so  far  as  can  be  foreseen, 
afford  very  favourable  conditions  for  the  development  of  the 
disease  should  it  be  introduced. 


Reports  as  to  the  effects  of  spraying  are  contradictory.  In 
Florida  cutting  grapefruit  trees  down  to  stumps  and  coating 
them  with  Bordeaux  mixture  did  not  prevent  the  new  growth 
from  being  infected.  In  South  Africa  an  outbreak  was  success- 
fully controlled  by  pruning  and  three  sprayings  with  Bordeaux. 


Similar  results  have  been  claimed  in  Texas.  Recent  work  by 
H.  A.  Lee  goes  to  show  that  only  alkaline  Bordeaux  is  effective, 
and  that  the  excess  lime,  not  the  copper,  is  the  active  agent. 
Lime-sulphur,  at  ordinary  strengths,  is  indicated  as  likely  to  be 


Citrus  trees  imported  into  the  Lesser  Antilles  in  recent 
times,  before  the  danger  from  citrus  canker  was  known,  have  as 
far  as  possible  been  examined,  and  no  trace  of  the  disease  has 
been  seen.  Thorough  surveys  of  Cuba  and  Porto  Rico  have  been 
made  with  the  same  result. 

In  order  to  exclude  the  disease  ordinances  have  been  issued 
in  the  British  islands  designed  to  exclude  material  that  may 
possibly  be  infected,  and  it  is  obviously  desirable  that  these 
should  be  carefully  enforced. 

Diseases,    Injuries    and    Rots    of    Citrus    Fruit. 

Shipping  trade  in  citrus  fruits  in  the  Lesser  Antilles  has 
been  developed  on  a  large  scale  only  in  connection  with  the 
New  York  market  for  green  limes.  Traffic  in  oranges  and 
grapefruit  is  confined  to  inter-island  exchange  carried  out  in  an 
unorganised  fashion.  Barbados  especially,  with  its  dense  popula- 
tion and  lack  of  home-grown  fruit,  affords  a  market  for  low- 
grade  seedling  oranges. 

It  is  understood  that  green  limes,  selected  and  packed  with 
reasonable  care,  usually  reach  their  destination  in  good  condition. 
Such  complaints  as  are  current  appear  to  refer  to  poor  material 
carelessly  packed  by  casual  speculators.  No  examination  of  the 
fruit  for  defects  in  condition  as  it  reaches  the  market  appears 
ever  to  have  been  called  for,  or  made  by  any  representative  of  the 

Under  these  circumstances  there  is  but  small  interest  in 
these  islands  in  a  subject  which  in  countries  with  a  large  trade  in 
citrus  fruits  has  received  a  very  large  amount  of  attention.  The 
affections  which  have  been  met  with  are  noted  below. 

It  should  be  borne  in  mind  that  in  addition  to  injuries  and 
infestations  which  take  place  while  the  fruit  is  growing  or  ripening 
on  the  tree,  often  as  part  of  the  manifestation  of  diseases  also 
affecting  other  organs,  there  is  a  definite  class  of  troubles  which 
are  solely  due  to  causes  connected  with  picking  and  storage, 
while  the  damage  due  to  some  of  the  affections  of  the  former 
class  may  be  greatly  extended  by  the  manner  of  handling  the 
fruit  during  and  after  picking. 

In  this  connection  reference  should  be  made  to  Chapter  XIII 
on  the  subject  of  handling  fruit  in  general. 


Diplodia  Rot. 

The  fungus  associated  with  Diplodia  dieback  of  citrus  (which 
see)  is  the  commonest,  in  fact  the  only  definitely  recognised  cause 
of  rotting  of  citrus  fruits  in  the  field  in  these  islands,  and  reports 
to  the  same  effect  have  been  made  from  Cuba,  Porto  Rico  and 
the  Isle  of  Pines.  It  occurs  to  some  extent  on  limes,  and  pre- 
sumably other  citrus  fruits,  while  they  are  still  on  the  tree,  but 
is  most  noticeable  in  the  ripe  limes  lying  on  the  ground. 

The  fruit  becomes  thoroughly  infested  and  soured  by  the 
fungus,  the  rind  turns  brown,  gum  is  often  exuded,  and  under 
moist  conditions  pycnidia  are  developed  which  cover  the  surface 
with  a  sooty  deposit  of  spores  ;  under  circumstances  of  greater 
dryness  or  ventilation  the  fruit  dries  up  and  shrivels.  Punctured 
fruits  are  especially  liable  to  infection. 

Diplodia  rot  occurs  on  lemons  in  Natal,  and  on  oranges  and 
grapefruit  in  the  Greater  Antilles  and  Florida.  It  is  reported  as 
spreading  mostly  from  the  stem  end  or  from  an  injury.  The 
fungus  involved  is  usually  named  Diplodia  natalensis,  but  no 
sufficient  reason  seems  to  have  been  given  for  distinguishing  it 
from  D.  TheohromcB. 


Corky  irregularities  of  the  rind,  not  leading  to  rot  or  decay 
or  affecting  the  contents  of  the  fruit.  Refer  to  general  descrip- 
tion of  the  disease. 


Silvery  or  sometimes  brownish  scurf  general  on  the  rind, 
giving  the  fruit  a  dull  appearance.  The  epidermis  is  broken  up 
into  minute  scales.  Sometimes  very  common  on  oranges  and 
limes  for  a  period  of  a  few  weeks  in  a  particular  situation,  then 
going  off.  Here  as  in  Florida  both  rust-mites  and  a  fungus  of 
the  genus  Coniothecium  are  found  on  such  fruits,  and  it  is  un- 
certain how  far  each  is  responsible,  alternatively  or  in  com- 
bination, for  outbreaks.  Dusting  with  sulphur  should  be  adopted 
as  a  remedy  where  appearance  is  of  value,  otherwise  there  is  no 
harm  done. 

Oil  Spot. 

One  of  the  commonest  of  blemishes  on  local  citrus  fruits  is 
a  small  superficial  green  or  brown  spot,  usually  more  or  less 
circular,  which  when  closely  examined  is  seen  to  consist  of  an 
area  in  which  the  ground  tissue  is  slightly  sunken,  leaving  the 
oil  glands  standing  out  as  small  green  or  yellowish  papillae.  In 
old  examples  cork  formation  has  taken  place  below  the  spots. 
The  prevalence  of  this  condition  caused  some  alarm  on  a  Dominica 
orange  estate  some  years  ago,  as  it  was  thought  to  facilitate 
decay.    Experiments  showed  that  this  belief  was  unfounded  and 


that  the  defect  is  one  of  appearance  only.  It  was  found  that 
similar  spots  could  be  artificially  caused  by  scratching  the  rind. 
A  convincing  explanation  of  this  condition,  which  is  trouble- 
some on  lemons  in  California,  was  supplied  by  H.  S.  Fawcett 
to  the  effect  that  it  is  caused  by  the  action  on  the  tissues  of 
drops  of  the  essential  oil  of  the  fruit,  when  this  is  liberated  by  a 
scratch  or  a  slight  bruise.  It  is  found  that  the  spots  are  only 
produced  when  the  fruits  are  moist  with  rain  or  dew,  and  that  the 
restriction  of  picking  to  dry  fruit  largely  decreases  the  number  of 
spots  which  subsequently  develop. 


In  Barbados  the  shaddock  is  especially  liable  to  this  trouble- 
It  is  caused  by  failure  of  the  rind  to  keep  pace  in  growth  with 
the  contents  of  the  fruit.  This  may  be  caused  by  surface  injuries 
due  to  scale  insects  or  fungi,  and  apart  from  these  sometimes 
appears  to  be  brought  about  by  irregularities  in  conditions. 
Increased  shelter,  tillage,  mulching,  and  avoidance  of  sudden 
heavy  waterings  are  measures  calculated  to  prevent  the  occurrence 
of  splitting. 

Blue  Mould, 

The  soft  rot  of  stored  fruit  due  to  blue  and  green  moulds  of 
the  genus  Penicillium  is  universal  and  familiar.  All  experience 
shows  that  these  fungi  are  rarely  or  never  able  to  obtain  a  footing 
on  sound  uninjured  fruit,  but  that  any  scratch,  or  a  slight  and 
imperceptible  bruise  may  suffice  to  afford  an  entry  and  cause 
the  rotting  of  the  whole  fruit.  It  is  this  fact  which  calls  for 
the  most  meticulous  care  in  handling  fruit  which  is  to  be  stored 
or  shipped — a  necessity  which  it  would  appear  impossible  for 
the  heavy-handed  West  Indian  labourer  ever  to  be  made  to 
appreciate.  Reference  on  this  subject  should  be  made  to 
Chapter  XIII. 

The  course  of  this  type  of  rot  comprises,  first,  a  progressive 
softening  around  the  point  of  infection  ;  second,  the  appearance  of 
white  mycelium  extending  over  the  surface  of  the  softened  spot ; 
and  third,  the  production  from  this  mycelium  of  conidia  in  dense 
masses,  forming  a  blue  or  green  layer,  and  discharged  as  dust 
clouds  when  disturbed. 

Charcoal  Rot. 

An  affection  described  by  0.  T.  Wilson  as  occurring  on 
Florida  limes  has  been  several  times  met  with  on  West  Indian 
oranges  bought  in  Barbados.  In  the  fresh  fruit  it  is  recognisable 
by  the  presence  of  surface  areas,  smooth  in  comparison  with  the 
normal  surface  and  more  or  less  discoloured,  the  colour  varying 
from  a  deepened  yellow  to  copper  colour,  with  the  margin  of  the 
spot  mostly  brownish.     Upon  opening  a  diseased  fruit  an  abnor- 


mal  odour  can  be  detected,  and  a  distinctive  fungus  is  always 
present.  It  has  been  cultivated  by  Wilson,  and  the  disease 
reproduced  in  inoculated  limes. 

When  the  fruit  is  surface  sterilised  and  left  for  developments 
no  soft  rot  takes  place,  but  it  gradually  dries  up  and  becomes 
mummified,  the  exterior  blackening  and  the  contents  being 
converted  into  carbonaceous  material  mainly  constituted  of 
dense  black  mycelium,  in  which  condition  it  remains  for  months 
if  protected  from  scavenging  insects.  Attempts  to  induce  spore 
formation  have  uniformly  failed. 

Anthracnose  Spotting. 

See  under  Anthracnose  of  Limes  and  Citrus  Anthracnose. 



At  the  present  day  coffee  is  nowhere  grown  in  more  than  a 
scattered  and  casual  fashion  in  the  British  islands  of  the  Lesser 
Antilles.  From  the  French  islands  it  is  still  an  important 
article  of  export,  enjoying  a  protected  market.  Coffee-growing 
was  at  one  time  the  principal  industry  of  Dominica,  and  was  at 
the  height  of  its  prosperity  near  the  end  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  when  some  20,000  acres,  mostly  at  low  levels  near  the 
coast,  were  occupied  by  coffee  estates,  and  the  export  of  beans 
amounted  to  4  to  5  millions  of  pounds.  By  1823  this  had  declined 
to  2  millions,  and  from  1833  the  reduction  was  extremely  rapid, 
reaching  an  average  of  some  60,000  lb.  in  the  years  about  1850 
and  15,000  lb.  about  1870.  At  the  present  time  the  export  is 
only  about  a  ton  a  year. 

The  almost  precipitous  decline  of  coffee  production  in 
Dominica  has  been  attributed  to  the  prevalence  of  "  blights," 
especially  a  leaf-mining  moth.  A  report  made  to  the  President 
in  1875  by  H.  Prestoe,  Government  Botanist  of  Trinidad,  de- 
finitely denies  this,  and  attributes  the  failure  to  the  neglect  of 
the  most  elementary  principles  of  cultivation  which  followed 
the  disorganisation  of  estates  after  the  abolition  of  slavery, 
together  with  the  effects  of  the  reduction  of  humidity  on  the 
coastal  lands  brought  about  by  extensive  clearing  of  forest. 
At  the  same  time  sugar  production  offered  a  highly  attractive 
alternative  industry,  which  was  to  a  considerable  extent  adopted. 

Apart  from  these  causes  one  may  trace  the  usual  history 
of  planting  on  virgin  soils.  In  the  course  of  time,  slowly  with  a 
tree  crop  such  as  coffee,  the  original  fertility  declines,  no  means 
of  restoration  are  adopted,  the  trees  grow  old  and  lose  their 
vigour,  while  debility  diseases  and  pests  of  little  importance  to 
healthy  trees  become  evident  and  receive  the  blame.  A  period 
of  acute  depression  ensues  and  it  frequently  happens,  as  in  this 
case,  that  a  change  of  crop  is  made. 

Alternatively  a  tradition  of  sound  agriculture  based  on 
cultivation  and  manuring  may  be  gradually  established,  and 
if  it  were  commercially  desirable  to  revive  the  coffee  industry  on 
these  lines  there  seems  to  be  no  sound  reason  to  believe  that  the 
present  known  diseases  of  the  plant  need  cause  any  serious 

225  Q 


ViRUELA,  American  Leaf  Disease. 

A  fungus  disease  of  coffee,  second  only  in  the  attention  it 
has  attracted  to  the  Hemileia  disease  of  the  Old  World,  and 
often  known,  to  distinguish  it  from  that  affection,  as  the  American 
leaf  disease,  is  widely  distributed  through  the  American  tropics, 
to  which  so  far  it  appears  to  be  confined.  It  is  reported  from 
all  the  coffee-growing  countries  of  Central  and  South  America, 
and  in  the  Antilles  from  Jamaica,  Porto  Rico,  and  Dominica. 
The  writer  has  so  far  seen  it  only  once  in  Trinidad.  It  has  been 
found  on  numerous  herbs  and  shrubs  of  various  natural  orders, 
and  some  trees,  including  orange  and  mango,  and  even  occurs 
on  ferns  growing  in  the  neighbourhood  of  coffee.  As  is  not 
unusual  with  fungi  attacking  introduced  plants,  it  has  assumed 
on  coffee  an  especial  virulence. 

The  presence  and  dissemination  of  the  disease  are  closely 
dependent  on  humid  conditions  and  in  these  islands  it  accordingly 
occurs  most  abundantly  in  the  wetter  hill  districts. 


The  disease  consists  in  the  production  by  the  fungus  of  spots 
dark  at  first,  ultimately  white  or  light  grey,  on  leaves,  young 
stems,  and  fruits.  On  the  leaves  the  spots  are  numerous  and 
conspicuous.  They  are  approximately  round,  equally  visible 
on  both  sides  of  the  leaf,  and  range  from  6  to  12  mm.  {\  to  \  inch) 
in  diameter.  As  they  become  old  the  central  tissue  drops  out 
leaving  a  perforation.  On  the  shoots  the  spots  are  more  or  less 
elongated  and  from  them  the  cortex  eventually  flakes  away. 
The  spots  on  the  fruit  are  similar  to  those  on  the  leaves  ;  they 
are  rarely  more  than  one  or  two  in  number  on  the  same  berry. 
The  beans  obtained  from  the  affected  berries  are  to  some  extent 

The  effect  of  an  infestation  of  the  leaves  is  to  cause  premature 
shedding,  and  entire  defoliation  may  ensue  from  a  heavy  attack, 
so  that  the  ground  is  carpeted  with  leaves  partly  green.  This 
stops  the  development  of  any  crop  that  may  be  on  the  trees,  and 
may  lead,  especially  if  soon  repeated,  to  dieback  of  shoots  and 
to  a  condition  of  debility  in  the  trees. 

According  to  G.  L.  Fawcett,  in  Porto  Rico  the  older  planta- 
tions in  districts  liable  to  the  disease  are  well  infested,  while  the 
younger  ones  are  as  a  rule  free,  and  the  spread  of  the  disease  is 
quite  slow,  having  been  estimated  in  an  observed  instance  to 
take  place  at  the  rate  of  about  200  yards  in  a  year. 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  nature  of  the  disease  was  first  detected  by  M.  C.  Cooke 
in  1880.  He  described  the  fungus  found  on  the  spots  as  Stilhum 
flavidum,  a  name  later  changed  by  Lindau  in  a  taxonomic  re- 
arrangement to  Stilbella  flavida.    G.  Massee  in  1909  found  peri- 


Fig.  S3 
American  Leaf  Disease  of  Coffee 

Bull.  17  Porto  Rico  A.E.S 



thecia  on  leaves  which  had  been  kept  for  some  weeks  in  a  moist 
chamber,  and,  claiming  to  have  produced  typical  spots  by  in- 
fection with  the  ascospores,  described  the  fungus  as  Sphcerostilhe 
flavida.  Fawcett  in  Porto  Rico  failed  to  secure  infections  with 
the  spores  of  a  fungus  corresponding  to  Massee's  description. 
More  recently  A.  Maublanc  and  E.  Rangel,  working  in  Brazil, 
have  given  a  convincing  account  of  experiments  in  which,  by 
keeping  infested  leaves  in  a  very  moist  atmosphere,  they  obtained 
an  unbroken  series  of  gradations  between  the  form  of  fructi- 
fication appearing  in  the  field  and  a  minute  agaric  (mushroom- 
shaped  fungus)  with  a  bristle-like  stalk  and  a  membranaceous, 
radially  striated,  hemispherical  cap.  They  accordingly  changed 
the  name  of  the  parasite  to  Omphalia  flavida.  While  it  is  de- 
sirable that  the  observation  should  be  repeated  it  would  seem 
that  this  name  is  at  present  entitled  to  stand. 

On  the  spots  as  they  occur  on  the  coffee  plant  the  fungus 
always  has  the  same  peculiar  form  of  fructification,  which  is 
to  be  regarded  according  to  the  last-mentioned  authors  as  an 
abortive  one.  It  is,  however,  quite  effective  as  a  means  of 
reproduction,  and  may  be  viewed  as  an  adaptation  in  some  re- 
spects superior  to  the  ordinary  methods  of  reproduction  by  spores. 
The  bodies  referred  to  appear  on  the  spots  as  slender  yellow 
stalks  1.5-2  mm.  in  height,  terminated  by  a  rounded  head  of 
the  same  colour,  the  whole  somewhat  resembling  a  tiny  pin. 
Some  writers  have  described  the  formation  of  conidia  on  the 
surface  of  these  heads,  but  no  infection  has  ever  been  known  to 
be  produced  by  them.  WTiat  does  happen  is  that  the  heads 
themselves,  which  are  very  loosely  attached  and  somewhat 
mucilaginous,  drop  off  and  adhere  to  the  leaves  or  berries  on 
which  they  fall.  When  the  surface  is  sufficiently  moist  a  head 
so  lodged  sends  out  numerous  hyphae,  which  infect  the  underlying 
tissue  and  give  rise  to  a  new  spot.  The  heads  retain  their 
germinating  power  for  some  weeks  even  after  having  been 
dried,  and  so  can  be  distributed  with  the  fallen  leaves. 


The  most  obvious  way  of  reducing  the  prevalence  of  the 
disease  is  by  increasing  the  access  of  sun  and  air  to  the  trees, 
but  as  in  the  similar  case  of  cacao  pod-rot  it  may  not  be  possible 
to  carry  this  measure  far  without  producing  equal  injury  from 
exposure.  Picking  off  the  affected  leaves  has  been  found  to 
exercise  some  control  but  can  only  be  profitable  where  labour  is 
cheap.  Spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  is  quite  effective 
against  the  spread  of  the  fungus,  provided  that  the  fungicide 
can  be  made  to  adhere  for  a  considerable  time  to  the  leaves. 
In  this  connection  the  information  elsewhere  given  regarding 
adhesives  should  be  consulted.  The  protection  of  the  upper 
surface  of  the  leaves  is  the  more  important.  No  adequate 
account  of  the  use  of  lime-sulphur  sprays  has  been  seen. 


Spraying  is  likely  to  have  its  greatest  value  when  adopted 
to  preserve  the  freedom  of  young  plantations  from  the  disease. 
Fawcett  quotes  an  instance  where  the  advent  of  the  disease 
in  a  plot  of  which  the  annual  yield  was  known  resulted  in  a 
reduction  of  output  of  some  75  per  cent. 

Brown  Eye-spot 

A  Cercospora  spot  disease  of  leaves  and  berries  is  common 
throughout  the  Antilles,  in  Central  and  South  America,  and 
has  been  reported  from  various  situations  in  tropical  Africa  and 
the  East.  It  is  the  opposite  of  the  disease  last  described  in  being 
most  abundant  under  conditions  of  exposure. 


The  spots  produced  on  the  leaves  are  round,  6-10  mm. 
{\-\  inch)  in  diameter,  visible  on  both  sides  ;  at  first  brown, 
later  becoming  almost  white  in  the  centre,  but  retaining  a  reddish- 
brown  ring  with  a  sharply  defined  outer  margin.  The  central 
part  does  not  break  away  when  dry,  which  serves  as  a  rough 
distinction  from  the  previous  disease.  The  leaf  spots  are  pro- 
duced somewhat  scantily  and  are  usually  negligible  in  their 
results.  On  the  berries  black  blotches,  which  may  cover  as  much 
as  half  the  surface,  are  produced,  and  are  most  fully  developed 
on  the  upper  side  where  the  sun  causes  earlier  ripening.  All 
varieties  of  coffee  are  subject  to  attack. 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  cause  of  the  disease  is  the  fungus  Cercospora  coffeicola 
Berk,  et  Cke.,  first  described  from  Jamaica.  It  is  visible  on  the 
surface  of  the  spots  in  the  form  of  small  greenish-olive  tufts  made 
up  of  the  simple  conidiophores,  on  which  are  formed  terminal 
conidia.  These  are  long  and  narrow,  tapering  to  one  end, 
several-septate,  colourless,  with  dimensions  75  X  3  microns  at 
the  thicker  end. 

Fawcett  has  obtained  in  cultures  a  grey  sterile  mycelium 
which  produced  spots  with  the  typical  spores  on  inoculation. 


The  affection  on  the  berry  causes  trouble  in  the  preparation 
of  the  produce  owing  to  the  adhesion  of  the  flesh  to  the  parchment 
of  the  bean.  It  is  also  believed  to  be  connected  to  some  extent 
with  the  poor  development  of  some  of  the  beans  met  with  in  the 

Incidence  and  Control. 

Although  the  disease  is  not  entirely  dependent  on  poor 
condition  in  the  trees  it  is  most  prevalent  where  shade  is  in- 

Fig.   84 
Brown  Eye-spot  of  Coffee 

Cook's  Diseases  of  Tropical  Plants,  by  permission  of  Macmillan  &  Co. 


sufficient,  where  the  soil  is  poor,  or  where  cultivation  and  manur- 
ing are  neglected.  It  is  by  improvements  in  these  directions 
that  the  disease  should  be  combated.  The  question  of  spraying 
is  one  that  does  not  seem  likely  to  arise,  at  any  rate  in  the  West 
Indies.  The  disease  has  been  reported  to  be  more  severe  in  its 
effects  in  Africa. 

Zonal  Leaf  Spot. 

A  leaf  spot  disease  described  from  Porto  Rico  takes  the  form 
of  large  spots  characterised  by  concentric  rings,  sometimes 
incomplete  and  frequently  coalescing.  On  the  under  side  of 
the  mature  spots  a  thin  white  mould  appears,  which  in  places 
becomes  more  condensed.  This  bears  Cephalosporium  fructi- 
fications, and  by  inoculations  from  pure  culture  the  fungus  has 
been  shown  to  be  parasitic  and  to  be  the  cause  of  the  spots. 
The  affection  is  most  frequently  found  on  the  best  grown  trees, 
young  and  well-shaded  leaves  being  most  susceptible.  It  has 
been  seen  on  all  the  varieties  in  cultivation,  but  is  nowhere 

Bark  Disease. 

A  disease  of  stems  occurs  to  some  extent  in  Porto  Rico  in 
which  local  bark-rot  occurs  in  situations  ranging  from  near  the 
crown  to  some  feet  up  the  stem,  and  is  believed  to  commence 
from  wounds  of  mechanical  or  insect  origin.  The  disease  develops 
its  effects  slowh',  finally  causing  the  bark  to  dry  up  and  fall  away, 
leaving  the  wood  exposed  and  revealing  the  callosed  margins 
of  the  healthy  bark  beyond.  The  presence  of  the  affection  ia 
recognisable  by  the  smaller  diameter  of  the  stem  where  the  death 
of  the  cambium  has  prevented  the  deposition  of  new  wood. 
Under  the  diseased  bark  the  wood  is  blackened.  G.  L.  Fawcett, 
who  describes  the  disease,  reports  that  a  fungus  of  the  genus 
Fusarium  is  always  present  in  the  affected  tissues,  but  that 
inoculations  with  pure  cultures  have  failed  to  produce  the 
disease.  It  is  communicated  readily  to  healthy  stems  by  means 
of  small  pieces  of  diseased  material  and  when  thus  transferred 
has  shown  itself  to  be  rapidly  destructive  to  the  living  tissues  for 
several  inches  above  and  below  the  point  of  inoculation. 

Nematode  Diseases. 

The  fibrous  roots  and  the  base  of  the  stem  of  the  coffee  tree 
are  liable  to  infestation  with  the  eelworm  Heterodera  radicicola, 
a  general  and  cosmopolitan  parasite  described  in  another  section. 
On  the  small  roots  gall-like  swellings  are  produced  and  on  the 
stem  the  infested  bark  takes  on  a  very  rough  and  somewhat 
swollen  appearance,  which  may  extend  for  a  foot  or  so  above  the 


Alarming  accounts  have  been  published  of  the  destruction 
caused  by  this  parasite  on  the  Brazilian  plantations,  and  it  is 
regarded  as  a  serious  pest  of  coffee  in  Guadeloupe  and  Martinique. 
The  accounts  which  have  appeared  from  each  of  these  locaHties 
suggest  very  strongly  that  the  effects  described  may  be  largely 
due  to  fungus  root  diseases,  with  the  symptoms  of  which  they 
are  in  close  accord.  This  impression  is  to  some  extent  borne  out 
by  Fawcett's  remarks  concerning  the  status  of  the  parasite  on 
coffee  in  Porto  Rico.  Although  Heterodera  is  often  active 
there  in  trees  suffering  from  root  disease,  no  good  evidence  has 
been  found  that  the  trees  are  injured  by  it  to  any  extent,  and  its 
presence  is  not  a  necessary  accompaniment  of  root  disease. 
The  effects  of  the  same  parasite  on  coffee  in  the  German  African 
Colonies  were  reported  to  be  trifling,  and  easily  balanced  by  the 
use  of  suitable  manures. 

Tylenchus  coffece  Zimm.  is  a  pest  of  the  local  variety  of 
coffee  in  Java.  Liberian  coffee  is  immune,  and  on  the  newer 
kinds  the  occurrence  is  sporadic  and  of  small  importance.  The 
larvae  enter  the  tender  roots,  and  occupy  the  root  system  of  young 
plants,  causing  wilting  and  death.  The  species  is  also  reported 
from  Martinique  and  Sumatra. 

ScLEROTiuM  Disease  of  Liberian  Coffee. 

A  preliminary  account  was  given  in  191 8  by  G.  Stahel  of  a 
disease  which  had  assumed  importance  on  Liberian  coffee  in 
Surinam  in  the  previous  year.  An  earlier  mention  of  the  affection 
had  been  made  by  Kuyper  under  the  name  of  Coremium  disease. 
Recently  (1921)  Stahel  has  published  a  full  description  and  has 
named  the  parasite  Sclerotium  coffeicohim. 

On  mature  leaves  the  fungus  produces  brown  dead  spots, 
with  distinctly  marked  concentric  rings.  In  continuously 
humid  weather  these  may  expand  over  the  entire  leaf.  The 
underside  of  the  spots  bears  white,  spiny  outgrowths,  2-4  mm. 
long,  which  do  not  bear  spores,  but  are  easily  broken  off  and 
carried  by  the  wind  to  other  coffee  trees,  on  which  they  serve 
to  originate  new  infestations. 

The  ripening  fruits  are  similarly  attacked,  with  the  pro- 
duction of  concentric-zoned  spots,  and  when  dead  they  are 
entirely  covered  with  the  white  spines.  On  both  leaves  and 
berries  while  still  on  the  tree  there  may  be  developed  in  damp 
weather  brown  or  orange-brown  sclerotia,  and  these  occur  in 
profusion  on  the  fallen  berries.  In  very  damp  weather  a  feathery 
mycelium,  on  which  sclerotia  also  later  appear,  is  produced 
on  the  material  lying  on  the  ground. 

Where  a  cluster  of  fruit  is  involved  as  a  whole,  the  fungus 
may  invade  the  cushion,  and  thus  inhibit  further  production. 

The  disease  ceases  to  extend  with  the  onset  of  dry  weather. 
It  is  supposed  that  it  is  again  renewed  from  the  sclerotia,  but  in 


what  manner  remains  as  yet  unknown.  Spore-formation  of  any 
kind  has  not  been  observed,  but  from  the  presence  of  clamp- 
connections  in  the  hyphas  the  fungus  is  believed  to  be  a  Basidiomy- 

Good  results  have  followed  the  use  of  Bordeaux  mixture. 
The  fallen  leaves  and  berries  should  be  collected  in  heaps  and 
burned.  The  disease  is  at  present  confined  to  plantations  along 
the  Surinam  River,  and  is  especially  severe  on  an  estate  on  the 
upper  river.  It  has  not  been  detected  in  the  field  on  Robusta, 
Uganda,  or  Surinam  coffee,  though  infections  were  secured  on 
these  by  artificial  means.  Abeokuta  and  Excelsa  are  very 

Stahel  has  also  described  another  disease  of  Liberian  Coffee 
in  Surinam  showing  a  chronic  or  an  acute  phase  of  wilt.  The 
precise  cause  is  not  known,  but  degenerative  changes  in  the 
sieve-tubes  of  the  inner  bast  have  suggested  to  him  that  the 
disease  is  in  the  nature  of  a  phloem-necrosis  like  the  well-known 
leaf-roll  of  the  Irish  potato. 

RosELLiNiA  Root  Disease. 

Thread  Blights.  )■  See  General  Diseases. 

Algal  Disease. 



The  South  American  Leaf  Disease. 

A  FUNGOID  leaf-disease  which  occurs  on  the  wild  Hevea  species 
in  the  forests  of  Brazil,  Peru,  British  Guiana  and  Surinam  has 
attacked  the  plantations  of  Hevea  brasiliensis  made  in  the  two 
countries  last  mentioned,  and  has  assumed  such  severity  that 
there  seems  no  likelihood  of  the  rubber  industry  becoming 
permanently  established.  The  disease  also  occurs  in  Trinidad, 
where  although  young  plants  are  severely  attacked  the  mature 
trees  in  plantations  have  so  far  almost  entirely  escaped  injury. 
It  has  not  appeared  in  the  rubber  cultivations  of  the  Eastern 

The  history  of  the  disease  is  instructive  as  illustrating  the 
difference  between  the  incidence  of  disease  on  plants  scattered 
in  a  natural  way  and  collected  in  cultivations,  and  shows  also 
the  advantage  that  may  sometimes  be  gained  by  growing  a 
crop  plant  away  from  its  native  country  and  thus  outside  the 
range  of  its  specific  parasites. 

Nature  of  the  Disease. 

A  detailed  investigation  of  the  disease  has  been  made  in 
Surinam  by  G.  Stahel,  from  whose  paper  the  following  account 
is  abstracted. 

The  attack  on  the  leaves  begins  when  they  are  very  young, 
and,  as  they  develop,  yellowish  spots  with  a  grey  layer  of  conidia 
on  the  under  side  become  apparent.  The  central  part  of  the 
larger  spots  dries  up  and  falls  away,  leaving  a  ragged  perforation. 
On  full-grown  leaves  the  surface  becomes  thickly  sown  with  black 
dots,  and  on  old  leaves  these  have  developed  into  rounded  black 
spots  interspersed  with  several  or  many  ragged  holes  surrounded 
by  a  black  ring. 

The  fungus  attacks  the  petioles  and  young  internodes,  but 
much  less  frequently  than  the  leaves.  On  the  petioles  the  check 
to  growth  on  one  side  may  cause  curvature  or  spiral  twisting ; 
on  the  internodes  swollen  canker-like  patches  are  produced. 
The  inflorescences  and  fruits  may  also  be  infested. 

The  Fungus. 

The  causative  fungus  Melanopsammopsis  Ulei  (Henn.)  Stahel, 
has  three  forms  of  fructification  :    free  conidiophores,  pycnidia, 


and  perithecia.  The  conidial  form  of  the  fungus  was  named 
Fusicladium  macrosporum  by  Kuijper,  Passalora  Hevece  by 
Massee  ;  it  was  regarded  as  pertaining  to  the  genus  Scolecotri- 
chum  by  Griffon  and  Maublanc,  a  conclusion  with  which  Stahel 
agrees.  The  conidiophores  when  young  are  short  unicellular 
brown  hyphae  thickened  at  the  base,  penetrating  the  epidermis 
from  subepidermal  mycelium ;  this  form  appears  on  the  young 
translucent  leaves.  On  somewhat  older  leaves  the  conidiophores 
are  many-celled,  elongated,  and  arise  from  a  pseudo-parenchy- 
matous  base.  The  conidia  are  formed  singly  and  terminally, 
measure  20-65  X8-12  microns,  normally  are  divided  into  a  wider 
basal  cell  and  an  elongated  terminal  cell,  and  are  more  or  less 
bent  or  spirally  twisted. 

The  pycnidial  form  was  first  described  as  Aposphcsria  Ulei, 
Hennings.  The  pycnidia  occur  freely  as  small  black  dots  on 
the  surface  of  leaves  1-2  months  old,  mostly  on  the  upper  side. 
They  are  roughly  spherical,  with  an  apical  pore  and  little  or  no 
trace  of  a  papilla.  The  pycnospores  are  5-10  microns  long, 
2  microns  wide  at  the  ends,  narrowing  to  i  micron  in  the  middle. 

The  perithecial  form  was  described  by  Hennings  as  Dothidella 
Ulei,  but  is  placed  by  Stahel  in  the  Sphaeriaceas  in  a  new  genus 
Melanopsammopsis.  The  perithecia  begin  to  take  the  place  of 
the  pycnidia  some  two  months  after  the  leaves  are  full  grown. 
They  occur  in  rings  of  3-4  mm.  or  rounded  groups  of  1-2  mm. 
diameter,  are  smooth,  carbonaceous,  and  closely  resemble  the 
pycnidia  in  form  and  size.  The  ascospores  are  hyaline,  two- 
celled  (one  larger  than  the  other),  constricted  at  the  septum, 
18-22  X  6-8  microns. 

A  species  of  Botrytis  is  common  as  a  parasite  of  the  fungus 
in  all  its  stages. 


The  conidia  germinate  in  water  in  1^-2  hours  and  cannot 
withstand  more  than  15-20  hours'  exposure  in  a  desiccator. 
Stahel  found  viable  ascospores  to  be  rare,  and  unable  to  with- 
stand more  than  four  to  six  hours  of  desiccation.  According 
to  his  observations  the  pycnospores  germinate  very  weakly  and 
appear  to  have  no  part  whatever  in  the  spreading  of  the  disease, 
nor  do  the  ascospores  exhibit  more  than  weak  powers  of  infection. 

The  conidia  produce  germ-tubes  which  penetrate  the  cuticle 
and  give  rise  to  a  sub-cuticular  hypha,  from  which  branches  pass 
between  the  cells  of  the  epidermis  and  produce  an  intracellular 
mycelium.  Infection  takes  places  only  in  the  very  young  and 
tender  organs.  Leaves  are  most  susceptible  in  the  first  four  days 
after  the  opening  of  the  buds,  and  lose  their  susceptibility  after 
seven  days'  growth.  The  first  sign  of  infection  is  a  yellowish 
spot  which  appears  in  about  five  days,  and  one  to  two  days  later 
the  conidial  stage  appears,  followed  by  pycnidia  ten  to  twelve 
days  after  infection.     On  the  fully  developed  leaves  the  pycnidial 


fructifications  at  first  predominate,  succeeded  later  by  the  peri- 

Contrary  to  experience  with  most  diseases,  infections  are 
most  abundant  in  dry  clear  weather,  and  least  in  rainy  weather. 
This  is  attributed  by  Stahel  to  the  more  favourable  conditions 
for  penetration  provided  by  an  all-night  coating  of  dew  than  by 
intermittent  wetting  from  rain,  owing  to  the  fact  that  the  process 
requires  some  ten  hours  for  its  completion. 

Effects  of  the  Disease. 

Severe  infestation  of  the  young  leaves  causes  defoliation  of 
the  trees,  and  infestation  less  severe  hinders  the  growth  of  the 
leaves  and  reduces  their  efficiency.  The  production  of  rubber 
is  in  consequence  reduced,  and  should  the  defoliation,  as  fre- 
quently happens,  be  repeated,  a  severe  dieback  sets  in,  and.  the 
process  may  eventually  result  in  the  death  of  the  top  or  of  the 
whole  tree. 


No  practicable  means  of  control  has  been  found.  For  spray- 
ing to  be  effective  the  young  leaves  would  need  to  be  coated  at 
least  twice  during  the  first  four  days,  which  is  more  difficult  to 
arrange  for  since  the  trees  in  a  plantation  come  into  leaf  in  a 
scattered  way,  and  even  different  parts  of  the  same  tree  do  not 
come  into  leaf  all  at  the  same  time.  Moreover,  the  way  the 
young  leaves  hang  makes  them  difficult  to  cover. 

Stahel  has  proposed  keeping  the  trees  artificially  bare  of 
leaves  for  three  to  four  weeks  to  prevent  the  formation  and 
dissemination  of  conidia,  and  has  also  suggested  the  use  of 
smoke  clouds  at  night  to  prevent  dew  formation,  a  method 
practised  in  vineyards  against  threatened  frosts,' 




This  fruit-tree  occurs  throughout  the  islands,  grown  only  in  a 
scattered  way.  The  leaves  very  commonly  bear  roundish  patches 
of  the  alga  of  "  red  rust  "  Cephaleuros  mycoidea.  Withering 
of  the  tips  and  edges  of  the  leaves,  sometimes  involving  a  good 
deal  of  leaf  surface,  occurs  in  dry  situations.  The  tree  is  very 
susceptible  to  Rosellinia  root  disease,  and  where,  as  in  some 
districts  of  St.  Lucia,  it  has  been  planted  as  shade  for  cacao  it 
very  often  forms  the  originating  centre  of  groups  of  affected 
cacao  trees.  Apart  from  this  disease  certain  other  fungi  have 
been  found  on  the  roots  and  collars  of  dying  trees,  under  con- 
ditions suggesting  their  complicity  in  that  condition.  Diplodia 
dieback  (see  Cacao)  occurs  on  the  twigs  and  branches. 


Blossom  blight,  leaf  injury,  and  fruit  rot  of  avocado  occur 
which  are  due  to  the  attacks  of  a  fungus  possibly  identical  with 
that  which  produces  similar  effects  on  the  mango,  both  being 
regarded  by  some  authorities  as  belonging  to  the  species  Colleto- 
trichum  glceosporioides  found  on  citrus  trees. 

According  to  J.  B.  Rorer,  the  disease  is  very  prevalent  in 
Trinidad,  so  that  it  is  almost  impossible  to  buy  a  fruit  in  the 
market  which  does  not  show  signs  of  infection.  These  are  of 
little  importance  on  the  fresh  fruit,  but  result  in  complete  decay 
during  shipment. 

Quoting  Rorer's  account  of  the  attack  on  the  fruit :  "  The 
disease  appears  first  as  a  very  small  brown  spot.  If  the  attack 
takes  place  when  the  fruit  is  green,  the  diseased  spot  ceases  to 
grow  and  becomes  somewhat  sunken,  and  the  fruit  cracks  around 
the  margin  ;  small  black  pimples  may  be  noticed  in  the  centre 
of  the  brown  tissue.  If  the  attack  is  bad,  the  young  fruits  fall 
to  the  ground  prematurely,  otherwise  the  fruit  may  reach 
maturity,  but  the  skin  is  cracked  at  the  various  places  adjacent 
to  the  brown  spots.  When  soft-skinned  fruits  are  attacked,  the 
fungus  penetrates  into  the  flesh  and  forms  a  cone-shaped  mass  of 
diseased  tissue,  which  may  extend  all  the  way  into  the  seed,  and 
gradually  rots  the  whole  fruit.  When  attack  takes  place  on  ripe 
fruits,  they  rot  very  quickly,  as  shown  in  the  figure.  (Fig.  85 .) 


"  As  in  the  case  of  the  mango,  the  fungus  also  attacks  leaves, 
and  causes  a  certain  amount  of  defoliation." 

Date  Palm. 

Leaf  Disease. 

The  date  palm  is  everywhere  subject  to  infestation  with  a 
parasitic  fungus  Graphiola  Phcenicis,  Poit.  of  unknown  affinities. 

The  fructifications  are  based  on  small  yellow  or  brown  spots 
on  both  sides  of  the  leaflets  and  on  the  rachis.  They  consist 
of  single  or  grouped  black  cups  of  carbonaceous  texture,  up  to 
I  mm.  in  diameter,  from  the  interior  of  which  project  con- 
spicuous buff-coloured  cottony  tufts,  thickly  powdered  with 
light  yellow  pollen-like  spores. 

Each  infection  appears  very  narrowly  localized,  but  their 
number  progresses  with  the  age  of  the  leaf,  so  that  old  leaves 
are  very  heavily  infested. 

The  writer  is  not  acquainted  with  the  results  of  any  attempt 
at  control. 

The  same  or  similar  species  occur  on  certain  other  kinds  of 

Pomes  Stem-Rot. 
The  fungus  Fonies  australis  Fr.  has  occurred  on  the  stems 
of  living  date  palms  in  St.  Kitts,  associated  with  a  process  of 
failure  ending  in  death.     The  same  fungus  has  been  seen  on  dead 
palms  in  Grenada. 



Anthracnose  of  the  grape-vine  caused  by  the  fungus  Gloso- 
sporium  ampelophagum  has  been  met  with  in  Barbados.  The 
disease  is  well  distributed  throughout  Europe  and  America. 
Leaves,  berries  and  shoots  are  attacked.  The  spots  produced 
are  of  the  bird's-eye  type,  consisting  of  a  pale  centre  with  a  brown 
or  reddish  border.  On  the  shoots  they  are  elongated  in  the 
direction  of  the  axis,  and  sometimes  by  affecting  the  cambium 
give  rise  to  small  cankers.  The  fungus  closely  resembles  other 
species  of  Gloeosporium  ;  the  conidial  measurements  given  are 
5-6  X  2.5-3.5  rnicrons. 

Repeated  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  is  a  fairly  satis- 
factory means  of  control,  but  needs  to  be  aided  by  the  pruning 
out  as  far  as  possible  of  the  diseased  shoots  and  the  removal 
of  infested  leaves  and  fruit 

Powdery  Mildew. 
The  Oidium  stage  of  an  Erysiphaceous  fungus,  in  all  pro- 
bability Uncimda  necator  (Schw.)  Burr.,  a  general  pest  of  the 

Anthracnose  of  Mango  Fruii 

Fig.  88 
Anthracnose  of  ^NIango  Leaves 


vine,  is  common  in  Barbados  and  Trinidad.  It  affects  leaves, 
young  shoots,  flowers  and  fruit,  appearing  in  the  form  of  white 
powdery  patches,  which  may  later  cover  the  affected  part. 
The  effect  of  the  mycelium  on  the  surface  is  to  cause  brown,  more 
or  less  fern-like  markings,  and  the  infestation  of  young  and 
tender  organs  stops  their  development 

The  disease  is  most  prevalent  in  humid  weather,  and  arrange- 
ments to  give  access  to  sun  and  air  reduce  the  tendency  to  its 
development.  The  best  means  of  control  is  dusting  with  sulphur 
or  with  sulphur  and  lead  arsenate  mixture,  which  if  carried  out 
under  proper  conditions  (see  p.  106)  is  highly  effective. 


The  older  leaves  of  vines  and,  in  conditions  less  suitable 
for  growth,  the  young  leaves  as  well,  are  liable  throughout 
the  West  Indies  to  infestation  with  a  rust  fungus,  which  produces 
large  numbers  of  small  pustules,  giving  off  powdery  yellow 
urediniospores,  mostly  on  the  underside  of  the  leaf.  The  fungus 
from  several  West  Indian  localities  has  been  determined  by 
J.  C.  Arthur  as  Phakopsora  vitis  (Thum.)  Syd. 

Probably  the  best  means  of  dealing  with  it  consists  in  giving 
increased  attention  to  cultivation,  thus  tending  to  confine  its 
attacks  to  old  leaves  which  have  largely  passed  their  period  of 
usefulness.     Spraying  might  also  be  tried. 


Mangoes  are  grown  as  scattered  trees,  for  roadside  shade, 
or  as  windbreaks  throughout  the  islands,  much  less  commonly 
in  Barbados,  however,  than  elsewhere.  Trees  producing  good 
quality  fruit,  propagated  by  grafting,  are  found  only  in  gardens 
or  mixed  orchards.  Apart  from  the  anthracnose  described  below 
and  one  or  two  leaf- spots  of  no  importance  the  tree  is  not  known 
to  be  subject  to  disease,  except  where  it  comes  in  contact,  usually 
in  cacao  plantations,  vnth  the  fungus  Rosellinia  Pepo,  to  the  at- 
tacks of  which  it  is,  moreover,  not  very  susceptible. 


A  fungus  affection  comprising  a  leaf-spot,  blossom  blight, 
and  fruit  spot  is  fairly  general  in  Florida  and  throughout  the 
West  Indies,  and  is  destructive  in  some  seasons  and  situations 
on  the  flowers  and  setting  fruit. 

The  spotting  of  older  fruit  does  not  appear  to  be  a  very 
notable  character  of  the  disease  as  it  is  met  with  in  the  smaller 
islands.  The  description  of  this  is  derived  from  an  account 
by  J.  B.  Rorer  of  the  various  phases  of  the  affection  as  they 
occur  in  Trinidad. 



Blossom  blight :  Small  black  spots  due  to  fungus  infection 
appear  in  the  open  flower  panicle,  involving  the  death  of  groups 
of  flowers  either  directly  or  b}^  drying  up  the  flower  stalks. 
The  setting  fruits  are  also  frequently  affected.  The  loss  may 
be  small  or  may  result  in  the  complete  stripping  of  the  panicle, 
according  to  the  conditions  prevailing. 

Leaf-spot :  On  the  young  leaves  the  fungus  causes  small 
dark  roundish  or  angular  spots,  usually  i  to  5  mm.  in  diameter. 
They  do  not  extend  as  the  leaf  grows  older,  but  appear  as 
"  shot-holes  "  in  the  otherwise  healthy  tissue.  Care  must  be 
taken  to  distinguish  these  from  the  injuries  to  both  flower  stalks 
and  young  leaves  due  to  infestations  which  may  occur  at  this 
stage  with  the  larvae  of  a  Cecidomyid  fly.  In  the  latter  case 
there  are  small  swellings  of  the  nature  of  galls. 

Fruit  effects  :  On  older  fruits  black  spots  of  varied  form, 
which  may  be  cracked  or  sunken,  appear  and  may  coalesce  to 
cover  large  areas.  They  penetrate  deeply,  and  either  cause  the 
rotting  of  the  fruit  on  the  tree  or  form  centres  of  decay  after  the 
fruit  is  picked.  Streaking  and  russeting,  affecting  only  the  skin 
of  the  fruit,  are  attributed  to  the  arrested  germination  of  spores 
washed  down  upon  the  fruit  from  an  affected  twig  or  flower 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  fungus  is  usually  known  as  Gloeosporium  Mangiferce  Henn., 
but  it  has  been  held  to  be  identical  with  Colletotrichum  glceo- 
sporioides,  best  kno^vn  in  its  connection  with  citrus  tree  diseases. 
No  description  of  the  fungus  adequate  for  its  separation  from 
this  and  some  other  described  members  of  the  genus  can  be 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  injury  done  by  the  disease  is  closely  dependent  on  humi- 
dity, the  prevalence  of  rain  or  heavy  dews  at  blossoming  time 
greatly  increasing  its  incidence,  and  forming  the  principal  factor 
in  determining  the  difference  between  a  bad  and  a  good  mango 


The  disease  can  be  controlled,  and  a  heavier  setting  of  fruit 
secured  even  in  normal  seasons,  by  spraying  with  Bordeaux 
mixture  at  frequent  intervals  during  the  blossoming  period. 
According  to  Rorer's  experiments  the  fruit  from  sprayed  trees 
is  cleaner  and  more  attractive  in  appearance,  and  keeps  much 
better  in  storage  or  transit. 



The  cultivation  of  nutmegs  on  a  commercial  scale  in  these 
islands  is  almost  confined  to  Grenada,  where  it  exists  as  a  sub- 
sidiary industry  on  cacao  plantations  suitably  situated  in  the 
wetter  upland  districts.  The  trees  often  attain  to  a  height  of 
40  or  50  feet,  and  sometimes  more,  so  that  the  conditions  pre- 
vailing closely  resemble  those  of  forest.  The  diseases  which  have 
appeared  are  well  marked,  but  have  been  the  subject  of  no 
close  study. 


A  somewhat  serious  disease  has  been  met  with  from  time  to 
time,  the  symptoms  of  which,  according  to  the  agricultural 
officers  reporting  it,  are  identical  with  those  of  cacao  canker. 
R.  D.  Anstead  described  it  as  causing  the  trees  to  die  back  from 
the  head,  or,  in  the  case  of  individual  branches  affected,  from  the 
tips  of  the  twigs.  In  such  cases  the  bark  below  is  unhealthy 
and  in  places  bleeding  occurs  corresponding  to  that  of  cacao 
canker.  The  sap  in  these  places  is  of  a  rich  dark  red  colour 
and  has  a  foul  odour.  In  the  late  stages  gum  may  be  exuded 
from  the  trunk  near  the  base.  The  disease  has  been  known 
to  cause  the  death  of  numbers  of  large  trees. 

Nothing  definite  can  be  said  as  to  the  causation  of  the  disease, 
but  it  has  been  found  to  be  amenable  to  the  same  treatment 
as  cacao  canker,  to  which  reference  should  be  made. 

Perforated  Leaves. 

A  common  affection  in  Grenada  is  a  leaf-spot,  the  final  stage 
of  which  is  represented  by  clean-cut  approximately  circular 
holes  of  1.5  to  10  mm.  diameter.  The  brown  spot  which  pre- 
cedes this  condition  contains  the  fructifications  of  an  undeter- 
mined species  of  Phyllosticta,  which  appears  to  be  the  cause  of 
the  affection.  Hundreds  of  species  of  this  genus  of  fungi  have 
been  described,  from  the  leaves  of  almost  as  many  species  of 
plants,  often  giving  rise  to  affections  of  this  class.  How  far 
they  are  interchangeable  has  seldom  been  determined,  but  they 
are  generally  regarded  as  specific  within  a  narrow  range. 

In  the  absence  of  knowledge  concerning  the  conditions 
governing  the  disease  on  nutmegs  no  remedial  measure  can  be 
suggested.  Spraying  would  be  impracticable  on  trees  of  large 
size  on  account  of  the  low  value  of  the  product. 

Red  Rust. 

The  alga  Cephaleuros  mycoidea  is  very  common  on  nutmeg 
leaves.  It  has  not  been  reported  as  affecting  the  twigs,  in 
which  position  it  produces  its  principal  ill-effects.  (See  Chapter 


RosELLiNiA  Root  Disease. 

Nutmeg  trees  are  among  the  numerous  hosts  of  Rosellinia 
spp.     (See  Chapter  XV.) 

Thread  Blight, 
The  nutmeg  is  very  subject  to  thread  bhght  caused  by 
Corticium  Stevensii,  described  on  page  i6i.  Humidity  is  the 
chief  predisposing  cause  of  its  prevalence  and  its  effects  are 
commonly  increased  by  close  planting.  The  amount  of  loss  is 
probably  always  far  too  low  to  justify  the  expense  of  spraying, 
which  apart  from  reducing  shelter  is  the  only  remedy. 


Banana  Wilt,  Panama  Disease. 

History  and  Distribution. 

A  wilt  disease  of  bananas  usually  referred  to  as  the  Panama 
Disease  has  during  the  last  twenty  years  become  widely  pre- 
valent on  the  Gros  Michel  banana  in  various  parts  of  Central 
and  South  America,  and  by  its  interference  with  the  great  banana 
industry  maintained  or  controlled  by  the  United  Fruit  Company 
has  had  very  serious  economic  effects.  Evidence  has  been 
obtained  which  shows  that  the  fungus  giving  rise  to  Panama 
disease  is  specifically  identical  in  the  countries  named  and  in 
the  West  Indies,  and  the  conclusions  of  reliable  investigators 
are  in  close  agreement  as  to  the  nature  of  the  affection  and  the 
parasite  concerned.  Adequate  descriptions  of  the  disease  have 
been  given  by  A.  W.  Drost  (Surinam,  1912),  S.  F.  Ashby  (Jamaica, 
1913)  and  S.  C.  Prescott  (Costa  Rica,  1917).  Recently  (1919) 
E.  W.  Brandes  has  published  a  comprehensive  account  of  this 
disease  as  seen  in  Porto  Rico,  Cuba  and  Central  America. 

The  first  record  of  the  disease  relates  to  the  recognition  of  its 
effects  in  Panama  in  1903,  and  within  a  few  years  it  devastated 
plantations  over  large  areas  in  Panama  and  Costa  Rica.  At  the 
present  time  several  areas  of  15,000  to  20,000  acres  and  upwards 
in  Panama  are  abandoned  or  badly  infested,  and  similar  con- 
ditions prevail  in  Costa  Rica. 

In  Surinam,  with  the  help  of  the  United  Fruit  Company,  a 
large  banana  industry  was  established  to  replace  the  cacao 
industry,  which  had  been  heavily  reduced  by  the  witch-broom 
disease.  The  Panama  disease  was  found  in  1906  and  in  1913  was 
so  widespread  as  to  ensure  the  virtual  ruin  of  what  had  become 
a  thriving  business.  The  Gros  Michel  was  largely  replaced  by 
the  Congo  banana,  which  proved  resistant,  but  its  fruit  was 
found  to  be  unsuitable  in  certain  respects  for  commercial  pur- 
poses. In  British  Honduras  plantations  more  recently  estab- 
Mshed  by  the  United  Fruit  Company  are  at  the  present  time 
suffering  severely  from  the  effects  of  the  disease. 

Panama  disease  was  recognised  in  Jamaica  in  1911-12,  when 

several  small  outbreaks  occurred  in  the  Portland  district.     The 

strenuous  efforts  which  were  made  to  eradicate  it  did  not  succeed, 

but  the  latest  ofiicial  expression  of  opinion  is  to  the  effect  that 

241  R 



it  can  be  controlled  and  prevented  from  destructive  spread  by 
careful  measures  of  quarantine.  With  Government  assistance 
the  infected  areas  are  being  planted  with  the  immune  "  Chinese  " 
banana  to  be  prepared  for  export  as  a  dried  product. 

The  disease  exists  to  a  serious  extent  on  the  Manzana  variety 
but  not  the  Chameluco  in  Cuba  and  on  the  Chameluco  but  not 
the  Manzana  in  Porto  Rico  (Brandes)  :  in  each  case  the  most 
esteemed  and  most  widely  grown  of  the  local  kinds.  An 
affection  believed  to  be  Panama  disease  prevents  the  cultivation 
of  the  Gros  Michel  on  any  large  scale  in  Trinidad,  but  no  adequate 
description  has  been  published.  A  reference  by  Brandes  to 
the  existence  of  the  disease  in  Barbados  appears  to  be  due  to  a 
misapprehension.     A  disease  which  closely  resembles  and  may 

Fig.  89 
Macroconidia  of  Fusarium  vasinfectum.       Exactly  like  those  of 
F.  cuBENSE  IN  Size  and  Shape 

From  a  drawing  by  C.  W.  Carpenter  in  Journal  of  Agricultural  Research 

be  identical  with  Panama  disease  seriously  affects  the  Gros 
Michel  in  St.  Lucia. 

In  Central  America  the  disease  is  present  in  Panama,  Costa 
Rica,  Nicaragua,  Guatemala,  Honduras,  and  British  Honduras. 
In  South  America  it  occurs  in  Surinam  and  British  Guiana ; 
there  is  no  evidence  of  its  existence  in  the  large  banana-growing 
districts  of  Colombia,  which  are  irrigated. 

In  India  a  disease  which  appears  to  correspond  in  all  respects 
with  Panama  disease  is  recorded  as  exterminating  one  kind  of 
banana  in  a  district  of  Bengal,  while  a  disease  different  in  its 
symptoms,  but  caused  by  a  species  of  Fusarium  has  been  described 
from  Pusa.  Affections  similar  in  their  nature  to  Panama  disease 
occur  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands,  Australia  and  the  Dutch  East 
Indies,  and  in  the  first  named  the  identity  of  the  fungus  with 
Fusarium  cubense  has  been  established. 

Fig.  90 
Panama  Disease  :     Early  Symptoms 

iBull.  ^0,  Depl.  Agii.,  Suri 

Fig.  91 

,i:ull.  ^u,  Dipt.  Agri.,  Sunnain 

Panama  Disease  :    Advanced  Stage,   showing  most  of  the  Leaves 
Broken  Down  and  Splitting  of  the  Stem 


Causative  Fungus. 

A  fungus  is  associated  with  the  disease  from  its  initial  stages, 
the  colourless  intracellular  mycelium  developing  primarily  on 
the  inner  sides  of  the  walls  of  the  vessels  in  the  affected  parts. 
Micro-conidia  are  formed  in  this  situation  and  in  pure  cultures 
(the  Cephalosporium  stage)  ;  apparently  they  are  carried  for- 
ward with  the  ascending  sap  and  give  rise  to  new  points  of 
infection  within  the  plant.  On  the  external  parts  of  the  plant, 
especially  the  failing  leaves,  and  also  in  pure  cultures  of  the 
fungus,  sickle-shaped,  hyaline,  mostly  3-celled  macro-conidia 
are  developed  (the  Fusarium  stage).  Chlamydospores  of  more 
or  less  spherical  shape  also  occur  in  cultures,  borne  singly  or 
in  pairs  terminally  on  short  branches,  or  singly  and  in  rows 
(intercalary)  on  the  hyphse.  Irregularly  spherical  sclerotia 
about  I  mm.  in  diameter,  yellow  to  deep  indigo,  also  occur  in 
old  cultures.  The  spore  measurements  are :  Cephalosporium 
form,  5-8x2.5-3  microns;  Fusarium  form,  mature,  3-septate, 
20-40x3.8-4.5  microns.  Chlamydospores:  oval  9x7;  spheri- 
cal 7-7.5  ;  paired  13  X  7  microns.  These  are  Ashby's  particulars 
of  the  fungus  in  Jamaica,  and  are  in  close  agreement  with  those 
more  recently  given  by  Brandes  of  cultures  derived  from  various 
sources  in  the  West  Indies  and  Central  America.  The  latter 
author  has  adopted  for  the  fungus  the  name  Fusarium  cubense, 
on  the  ground  of  its  presumed  identity  with  the  fungus  obtained 
from  banana  in  Cuba  by  E.  F.  Smith  in  1900. 

Nearly  all  pure  cultures  on  sterilised  media,  especially  on 
potato  and  rice,  develop  a  marked  odour  (of  lilac  ? )  which,  as 
Lathrop  has  shown,  is  most  probably  due  to  the  production  of 
the  volatile  toxic  propylic  aldehyde ;  odourless  strains  have 
been  isolated  also  from  characteristic  cases  of  the  disease.  Similar 
odour-producing  and  odourless  strains  of  the  very  closely  related 
Fusarium  vasinfectum  Atk.,  the  cause  of  the  vascular  wilt  disease 
of  cotton  and  okra,  have  proved  to  be  equally  pathogenic  to 
those  crops  so  that  in  so  far  as  the  symptoms  indicate  a  toxic 
action  of  the  parasite  they  are  apparently  not  caused  mainly  by 
a  volatile  aldehyde.  Like  most  of  the  species  of  Fusarium 
parasitic  in  the  vascular  systems  of  plants,  F.  cubense  develops 
a  characteristic  pink  or  crimson  pigment  when  growing  on 
sterilised  rice. 

Drost  in  addition  to  the  two  forms  above  specified  describes 
hemispherical  pycnidia  with  one-celled  spores,  8-10  x  2-3  microns, 
and  perithecia  with  2 -celled  ascospores.  On  the  basis  of  the  last- 
named  form  he  proposed  the  name  Leptospora  Muses,  but  its 
connection  with  the  parasite  lacks  confirmation. 

Successful  infection  experiments  are  recorded  by  Drost, 
Prescott,  and  Brandes  ;  those  of  the  last  named  carried  out  on 
an  elaborate  scale,  and  conclusive  in  their  results, 


Nature  of  the  Attack. 

The  seat  of  the  disease  is  the  vascular  system  of  the  root- 
stock.  It  does  not  appear  that  the  vessels  are  actually  plugged 
as  in  many  Fusarium  diseases,  rather  it  is  their  walls  which  are 
disintegrated.  The  discoloration  of  the  vascular  bundles  which 
ensues  is  most  marked  in  the  rootstock  and  in  the  lower  part  of 
the  pseudo-stem,  but  frequently  may  be  traced  upwards  into  the 
leaf-stalks  and  even  into  the  midribs  of  the  blades.  In  advanced 
stages  of  the  disease  the  fungus  is  accompanied  by  bacteria  which 
may  cause  a  more  or  less  general  decay  of  tissue,  especially  in 
the  rootstock. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

The  fungus  can  enter  from  the  soil  either  by  means  of  the 
infection  of  roots  or  by  way  of  the  cut  surfaces  produced  in  the 
removal  of  suckers.  Attempts  to  infect  parts  above  ground  do 
not  lead  to  general  infection  of  the  plant.  In  diseased  stools 
the  mycelium  extends  through  the  connecting  vessels  to  the  newly 
formed  suckers,  and  the  severance  and  distribution  of  these  as 
planting  material  is  one  of  the  principal  factors  in  the  spread  of 
the  disease.  Mulching  with  infested  trash  has  also  played  a 
perceptible  part.  The  Fusarium  spores  can  be  conveyed  to  a 
distance  by  wind,  by  drainage  water,  and  in  earth  adhering  to 
implements  and  to  the  feet  of  men  and  animals,  and  in  this 
way  give  rise  to  new  centres  of  infection  in  the  soil.  Various 
parasitic  species  of  Fusarium  are  known  to  be  capable  of  existing 
for  many  years  in  the  soil,  and  in  respect  of  this  disease  Ashby 
records  a  case  where  re-infection  occurred  three  years  after  the 
field  had  been  thoroughly  cleared  and  limed. 


The  external  syrnptoms  are  in  general  such  as  follow  the 
stoppage  of  conduction  in  the  vessels  affected  by  the  fungus, 
i.e.,  they  are  the  characters  of  wilting.  Typically  the  leaves, 
usually  but  not  invariably  in  order  of  age,  turn  yellow  from  the 
margin  or  develop  yellow  spots  and  then  dry  up  in  succession. 
The  last  leaf  often  stands  erect  and  green  for  a  time  before  it 
falls.  Eventually  the  whole  column  falls  and  rots.  In  young 
and  actively  growing  suckers  the  leaves  may  droop  and  break 
down  while  still  green.  The  symptoms  vary  in  this  respect  with 
the  season  and  the  age  of  the  plants.  A  further,  but  not  wholly 
characteristic  symptom  is  the  splitting  of  the  outer  leaf-sheaths. 
The  bunch  of  fruit,  where  growth  proceeds  so  far,  may  show 
signs  of  arrested  development  and  some  or  all  of  the  fingers  turn 
black  and  fail  to  ripen.  On  badly  infested  land  the  stools  are 
often  severely  dwarfed,  and  most  of  the  shoots  succumb  before 
they  reach  the  fruiting  stage.  The  external  symptoms  cannot 
in  every  case  be  depended  on  to  distinguish  the  Panama  disease 


[Dcpt.  Agri.,  Jamaica 

Panama  Disease:     Longitudinal  Section   of  a  Bulb  and 
Base  of  the  Stem 


Fig.  93 

Agri.,  Jamaica 

Panama  Disease  :    Young  Sucker  infested  from  Parent 
Plant  through  the  Neck 


from  others  which  operate  in  a  similar  manner.  They  occur  in 
a  very  similar  way,  for  example,  in  the  nematode  disease  later 

The  internal  sjnnptoms  are  more  specific.  A  section  near  the 
base  of  the  pseudo-stem  of  a  diseased  plant  shows  the  cut  surface, 
which  in  healthy  plants  is  a  uniform  white,  with  rows  of  yellow, 
orange,  red,  or  red-brown  spots  marking  the  position  of  the 
diseased  vascular  bundles.  The  discoloration  thus  revealed  can 
be  traced  into  the  rootstock,  where  it  is  exhibited  very  plainly, 
especially  towards  the  centre.  It  may  often  be  followed  further 
into  the  central  strand  of  the  roots.  In  advanced  cases  the 
rootstock  is  frequently  rotted  and  may  be  putrid.  The  occurrence 
of  a  central  rot  associated  with  the  massed  vascular  bundles  in 
that  region  is  of  value  in  distinguishing  Panama  disease  from 
diseases  in  which  the  rot  extends  from  the  periphery.  There 
may  however,  even  in  Panama  disease,  be  no  development 
beyond  a  diffused  yellowing  and  softening  of  the  upper  part  of 
the  bulb. 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  disease  is  destructive  on  all  types  of  land,  though  there 
are  indications  that  physical  differences  may  to  some  extent 
influence  the  existence  of  the  fungus  in  the  soil.  Favourable 
conditions  for  the  plants,  as  produced  by  rich  soil,  good  cultiva- 
tion and  manuring,  are  stated  to  produce  a  greater  capacity  for 
disease  endurance,  but  there  is  no  evidence  of  increased  resistance 
being  obtained  in  this  way.  It  would  appear  from  the  general 
evidence  that  the  destructiveness  of  the  disease  is  mainly  governed 
in  extent  by  the  accumulation  of  the  fungus  in  the  planting 
material  and  in  the  soil,  so  that  when  the  disease  once  appears 
in  a  cultivation  it  is  only  a  matter  of  time  for  it  to  render  the 
growing  of  susceptible  varieties  impossible.  The  time  required 
depends  on  the  natural  factors  influencing  infection  and  on  the 
sanitary  precautions  taken.  Wet  weather  has  considerable 
influence  in  the  rapid  dissemination  of  the  disease,  and  it  has 
been  frequently  observed  that  extension  is  particularly  liable  to 
occur  in  the  direction  of  the  flow  of  drainage  water.  In  arid 
regions  or  situations  where  banana  fields  are  watered  by  irrigation 
the  disease  is  unknown. 

Inherent  Resistance. 

The  Gros  Michel  as  stated  is  highly  susceptible.  The  red  or 
claret  banana  is  somewhat  more  resistant,  but  does  not  maintain 
itself  for  more  than  a  few  years  on  infected  ground.  The 
"  Chinese"  {Musa  cavendishii)  and  "  Congo  "  bananas  are  highly 
resistant,  the  former  at  least,  it  would  appear,  to  an  extent 
approaching  immunity.  The  plantain  [M  Varadisaica)  is  believed 
to  be  quite  immune. 



The  most  successful  form  of  control  against  Fusarium  diseases 
has  been  found  to  be  the  adoption  of  resistant  varieties,  and  it  is 
in  the  search  for  a  resistant  variety  with  the  necessary  commercial 
qualities  that  most  hope  for  the  control  of  Panama  disease 
appears  to  lie.  The  breeding  of  such  a  variety  by  the  usual  means 
is  made  difficult  by  the  partial  or  entire  sterility  of  the  edible 
species  of  banana,  but  in  a  group  with  such  a  wealth  of  forms 
it  seems  obvious  that  some  type  of  variation  must  be  liable  to 
occur.  It  should  be  noted  that  the  seriousness  of  the  disease  is 
mainly  in  connection  with  production  for  export.  Varieties 
adequate  for  local  use,  grown  in  a  less  systematic  way,  generally 
exist  undamaged. 

An  enormous  range  of  materials  has  been  tried  for  the  dis- 
infection of  the  soil,  but  in  this,  as  in  other  soil  infections,  no 
commercially  applicable  method  has  been  found. 

Rigid  quarantine  should  be  maintained  against  infected  areas, 
and  some  other  crop  substituted  on  infected  land.  There  is  no 
guarantee  that  even  an  extended  rotation  will  free  the  soil  from 
the  fungus.  Whether  it  will  lessen  its  amount  sufficiently  to 
allow  for  paying  crops  to  be  again  obtained  can  only  be  deter- 
mined by  trial. 

Marasmius  Root  Disease  and  Stem-Rot. 

A  root  disease  of  banana,  accompanied  to  some  extent  by 
rotting  of  the  leaf-sheaths  which  combine  to  form  the  pseudo- 
stem,  associated  with  Marasmius  spp.,  usually,  it  would  appear, 
with  M.  semiustus  Berk.  &  Curt.  {M.  stenophyllus  Mont.),  seems 
to  occur  throughout  the  Antilles  on  bananas  when  grown  under 
conditions  which  are  in  some  respect  unfavourable.  It  closely 
resembles  in  its  nature  the  Marasmius  root  disease  of  sugar-cane, 
and  the  same  species  has  been  recorded  from  the  latter  host. 
The  disease  was  investigated  to  some  extent  by  F.  W.  South, 
to  whom  the  following  account  is  mainly  due,  in  Barbados  and 
St.  Lucia,  and  has  been  the  subject  of  notes  from  Jamaica  (S.  F. 
Ashby)  and  from  Trinidad. 


The  outer  leaves  dry  up  more  rapidly  than  they  are  replaced 
by  new  growth,  so  that  the  amount  of  green  top  is  reduced ; 
in  extreme  cases  to  only  two  or  three  leaves.  The  drying  of  the 
leaves  extends  to  the  outer  layers  of  the  pseudo-stem,  which 
turn  brown  or  grey,  and  adhere  closely  to  the  layers  beneath, 
so  that  they  are  difficult  to  strip,  or  are  so  rotted  that 
they  come  away  piecemeal.  On  and  between  the  dead 
leaf-sheaths  are  layers  or  patches  of  white  Marasmius  myceliiun. 
The  inner  living  leaf-sheaths  when  exposed  exhibit  at  various 


points  oval  patches,  up  to  several  inches  in  diameter,  of  a  dark 
brown  colour,  and  watersoaked  in  appearance.  The  spots 
usually  penetrate  two  or  more  leaf-sheaths,  becoming  smaller 
as  they  progress  inwards.  In  extreme  cases  they  reach  the 
centre  of  the  trunk.  When  the  discoloration  passes  from  one 
leaf-sheath  to  the  next,  superficial  white  mycelium  may  be 
developed  between  them. 

The  surfaces  of  the  leaf-scales  below  the  soil  as  well  as  the 
bases  of  the  leaf-sheaths  are  frequently  covered  with  white 
mycelium,  and  the  leaf-scales  are  discoloured  brown. 

Many  of  the  roots  are  shrivelled  and  dead  for  part  of  their 
length.  The  cortex  becomes  brown  and  soft  and  eventually  the 
vascular  cylinder  darkens  and  decays.  Infested  plants  are 
easily  uprooted. 

On  cutting  across  the  trunk  the  inner  leaves  are  healthy 
except  where  the  brown  patches  have  penetrated.  The  vascular 
bundles  are  not  discoloured  in  either  trunk  or  rootstock. 

The  disease  spreads  from  the  outside  and  appears  to  begin 
on  the  outer  leaf-sheaths,  usually  near  soil  level.  In  this  situation 
the  Marasmius  fructifications  are  freely  produced  during  wet 
weather.  The  caps  are  pale  yellowish  white  to  pale  reddish  tan, 
the  stalks  white  at  the  apex,  pale  reddish  below,  the  spores 
ellipsoid,  smooth,  7-9  x  5-6  microns. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

As  to  the  nature  of  this  disease  a  good  deal  of  the  discussion 
regarding  root  disease  of  sugar-cane  will  apply.  It  occurs  as 
the  effect  of  drought,  poverty  of  soil,  or  defective  soil  aeration 
due  to  lack  of  drainage  or  of  tilth.  It  is  of  small  account  on  good 
soil  adequately  watered,  but  may  be  severe  on  gravelly  or  sandy 
soil  and  poor  land  generally.  Drainage,  manuring,  cultivation, 
and  the  use  of  healthy  suckers  for  planting  are  the  measures  of 
control  indicated. 

The  Moko  Disease. 

A  disease  of  banana  and  plantains  in  Trinidad  was  investigated 
in  1909-10,  by  J.  B.  Rorer,  and  found  to  be  due  to  a  bacterium, 
not  yet  described,  for  which  the  name  Bacilhis  Musce  was 
suggested.  The  disease  was  first  found  on  the  "  moko,"  a  coarse 
banana  at  one  time  largely  used  for  shading  young  cacao  in 
Trinidad,  but  reported  to  have  been  almost  exterminated  by  an 
epidemic  somewhere  about  1890.  The  disease  attacks  other 
varieties  of  banana,  including  the  dwarf  Chinese  or  Canary  type 
resistant  to  Panama  disease.  The  Gros  Michel,  which  is  very 
susceptible  to  Panama  disease,  is  highly  resistant  to  the  moko 



The  presence  of  the  disease  is  first  shown  by  a  slight  drooping 
and  yellowing  of  the  lower  leaves,  similar  to  the  effect  of  drought. 
A  little  later  the  petiole  of  one  of  the  leaves  gives  way  just  at 
the  base  of  the  leaf-blade,  and  all  the  other  leaves  quickly  fail 
in  the  same  way.  Eventually  the  terminal  leaf  bends  over  and 
the  plant  dies  and  rots  to  the  ground.  The  longitudinal  sphtting 
of  the  leaf-sheaths  characteristic  of  Panama  disease  is  absent 
from  this  affection. 

"  Transverse  sections  of  the  pseudo-stem  show  that 
practically  all  the  vessels  are  discoloured,  the  colour  ranging 
from  pale  yellow  to  dark  brown  or  bluish  black,  and  filled 
with  bacteria.  The  discoloured  bundles  run  back  into  the 
true  stem  and  thence  into  the  young  suckers  and  buds.  Some- 
times in  badly  diseased  plants  the  tissues  of  the  leaf-stalks 
and  stems  are  broken  down  completely  so  that  fairly  large 
bacterial  cavities  are  formed. 

"  If  transverse  sections  of  leaf  or  stem  are  allowed  to  stand 
for  a  short  time  the  cut  surfaces  soon  become  covered  with 
bacterial  drops  which  have  been  forced  out  from  the  ends  of 
the  bundles.  If  the  sections  when  freshly  cut  are  put  in  large 
covered  dishes  away  from  the  air,  pure  cultures  of  the  organism 
may  be  obtained  directly  from  these  drops.  If  the  disease 
is  not  severe,  or  a  plant  does  not  become  infected  until  it  has 
formed  a  bunch  of  fruit,  it  may  remain  perfectly  healthy 
looking,  but  many  of  the  young  fruits,  or  '  fingers  '  do  not 
properly  mature  ;  they  remain  small  and  eventually  become 
black  and  rotten.  In  such  cases  it  is  found  that  there  are  some 
discoloured  bundles  filled  with  bacteria  in  the  leaves,  stem, 
fruit-stalk,  or  fruits.  When  diseased  suckers  are  planted  the 
terminal  leaf  frequently  turns  black  and  dries  up,  so  that  the 
plant  dies  "  (Rorer). 


The  organism  was  isolated  in  pure  culture  and  was  found  in  a 
series  of  experiments  to  reproduce  the  disease  in  typical  form 
from  inoculations  made  on  the  petioles  of  young  leaves.  In 
several  cases  the  whole  stool  was  infested  and  killed. 

The  bacterium  was  distinguished  in  cultures  by  the  blackening 
produced  on  potato  cylinders.  It  is  short  lived  and  loses  its 
pathogenic  power  quickly.  Control  has  been  effected  by  sanitary 
measures  :  digging  up  and  destroying  diseased  plants  as  soon  as 
they  are  found  and  sterilizing  by  fire  the  implements  used. 

Eelworm  Black-Rot, 
In  Grenada  the  banana  known  as  the  bluggoe,  a  cooking 
variety  extensively  grown   as   temporary  shade   for  cacao,   is 

Fig.  94 
MoKO  Disease  of  Baxaxa 



subject  to  attacks  on  a  large  scale  by  a  disease  believed  to  be  due 
to  the  infestation  of  the  roots  and  rootstock  with  a  nematode 
worm,  Tylenchus  musicola,  recently  described  as  a  new  species 
from  Grenada  material  by  N.  A.  Cobb.  The  bluggoe  is  probably 
identical  with  the  moko  of  Trinidad,  but  the  disease  under 
description  is  quite  distinct  from  the  bacterial  disease  of  the  moko 
described  by  J.  B.  Rorer     The  closely  related  eelworm,  Tylenchus 

Fig.  95      Tylenchus  Similis 

Afler  N.  A.  Cobb 

similis  Cobb,  was  described  as  the  cause  of  a  serious  outbreak 
of  a  disease  of  bananas  in  Fiji,  in  1890-gi,  by  N.  A.  Cobb,  and  has 
been  found  by  S.  F.  Ashby  in  Jamaica  in  association  with  a 
disease  similar  to  the  one  in  Grenada. 


The  disease  affects  the  development  of  shoots  of  all  ages, 
but  is  most  evident  on  those  that  are  approaching  or  have 


actually  reached  the  fruiting  stage.  The  effect  on  the  plant  is 
that  of  shortage  of  water,  and  the  view  of  an  infested  field  conveys 
the  impression  that  all  the  outer  leaves  have  been  scorched. 
The  leaves  wither  in  the  order  of  their  age,  their  tissue  drying 
up  from  the  margin  towards  the  midrib.  Bearing  plants  fail 
properly  to  mature  their  fruit,  which  commonly  dries  hard  and 
black  while  only  partly  grown. 

Examination  of  the  base  of  the  plant  shows  many  roots  partly 
or  entirely  blackened,  and  extensive  black  patches,  or  a  general 
blackening  of  the  external  tissues,  present  on  the  rootstock. 
Slices  of  the  diseased  rootstock  show  peripheral  blackening 
penetrating  to  a  depth  of  about  an  inch  in  places,  and  blackened 
areas  isolated  in  section  but  connecting  with  the  exterior  at  a 
higher  or  lower  point.  The  thick  roots  have  short  swoUen  cracks, 
connecting  with  extensive  discoloured  patches  spreading  upwards 
and  downwards  in  the  tissue  of  the  cortex,  reaching  in  many 
cases  to  the  central  vascular  cylinder  but  not  penetrating  it. 
The  discoloured  tissue  is  in  various  stages  of  disorganisation,  but 
in  much  of  it  the  cell-walls  are  not  visibly  decayed.  The  nema- 
todes have  been  found  to  be  regularly  present  in  all  the  material 
examined  ;  their  eggs  occur  in  the  least  altered  and  deepest 
seated  of  the  discoloured  tissues,  and  the  worms  themselves 
may  be  seen  in  the  cells  of  undecayed  tissue  close  to  the  central 
cylinder  of  the  roots. 

Resistance  and  Control. 

The  effects  of  the  disease  show  up  most  plainly  in  dry  weather. 
There  is  evidence  of  a  considerable  measure  of  recovery  during 
the  more  favourable  conditions  of  the  wet  season,  presumably 
because  more  rapid  root  development  has  gained  on  the  progress 
of  the  infestation.  This  points  to  the  usefulness  of  good  cul- 
tivation in  the  control  of  the  disease.  The  use  of  suckers  from 
affected  clumps  as  planting  material  should  be  carefully  avoided, 
and  where  land  is  badly  infested  the  bluggoe  should  be  replaced 
by  some  other  plant.  The  Chinese  banana  and  the  "  silk  fig  " 
when  seen  growing  amongst  infested  bluggoes  have  been  much 
less  severely  affected.  The  former  at  least  seemed  to  be  resistant 
to  a  degree  which  might  permit  of  its  successful  cultivation  in 
infested  soil. 

The  worms  are  too  small  to  be  seen  with  the  naked  eye, 
their  length  being  only  a  little  more  than  half  a  millimetre. 

Diseases  described  from  Jamaica. 

Several  diseases  have  been  described  from  Jamaica  by  S.  F. 
Ashby  which  have  not  been  met  with  so  far  in  the  Lesser  Antilles. 
This  may  be  due  to  the  fact  that  bananas  are  grown  only  in  a 
scattered  way,  so  that  there  is  less  opportunity  for  disease  to 
become  noticeable.     It  seems  desirable  to  include  brief  accounts 



of  these  diseases  as  it  is  quite  probable  that  they  will  be  met  with 
sooner  or  later. 

Black  Spot  of  Leaves. 

This  leaf  disease  has  been  reported  from  several  localities 
in  Jamaica,  where  it  is  confined  to  good  soils  containing  a  high 
proportion  of  marl.  It  begins  with  tiny  black  spots  on  the 
main  veins  of  the  leaf-blade,  which  increase  in  size  and  become 

Fig.  96 

Cercospora  Musarum 

Bull.  6,  Dept.  Agri.,  Jamaica 

lenticular  and  are  then  often  surrounded  by  a  narrow  bright 
yellow  border.  As  the  disease  advances  dry  pale  brown  areas 
extend  from  the  largest  spots  fanwise  to  the  edge  of  the  blade. 
Later  the  patches  so  formed  unite  and  may  give  rise  to  a  broad 
zone  of  dry  tissue  extending  round  the  outer  half  of  the  blade. 
No  fungus  has  been  found  in  very  young  spots,  but  in  the  later 
stages  hyphae  are  found  in  the  tissue  round  them  and  the  coni- 
diophores  of  a  Cercospora  break  through  the  epidermis  in  large 
numbers.  This  fungus  regularly  accompanies  the  black  spot 
disease  in  its  occurrence  on  healthy  dark-green  leaves  and  has 


not  been  found  on  the  sickly  leaves  resulting  from  disease  of  more 
remote  parts  of  the  plant. 

Associated  Fungus. 

The  fungus  is  described  as  a  new  species  by  Ashby  under  the 
name  Cercospora  musarum.  The  conidiophores  appear  mainly 
on  the  under  side  of  the  leaf.  They  are  septate,  simple  or  once 
branched,  and  often  elbowed.  They  terminate  in  an  inflated 
head  bearing  one  conidium,  and  may  continue  to  grow  producing 
a  succession  of  such  heads.  The  conidia  are  smoky  olive  in 
colour,  pear-shaped,  widest  above  the  base,  and  narrowing 
thence  to  a  blunt  point  ;  the  base  shows  a  dark  pad  or  disc 
marking  the  point  of  attachment ;  they  are  thick-walled  with  thick 
septa,  occurring  as  long  forms  with  6-q  cells  of  average  dimen- 
sions 50-60  X  16-17  microns,  and  stumpy  forms  with  4-5  cells, 
similar  in  breadth  and  not  exceeding  30-40  microns  in  length. 

Should  treatment  become  necessary  the  indications  are  that 
it  would  be  best  effected  by  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture 
at  an  early  stage. 


The  Bonnygate  disease,  named  from  the  place  of  its  discovery, 
has  been  found  at  several  scattered  points  in  Jamaica.  It  is 
attributed  to  the  infestation  of  the  rootstock  with  a  fungus 
described  as  a  new  species  by  Ashby  under  the  name  Sphcerostilbe 


The  leaves  show  a  narrow  zone  of  pale  brown  dry  tissue 
extending  along  the  margin  of  the  blade,  bordered  on  the  inner 
side  by  a  narrow  but  sharply  defined  bright  yellow  band.  This 
appears  on  one  or  several  among  the  older  and  outer  leaves. 
The  younger  inner  leaves  usually  bear  broader  dry  and  yellow 
bands.  This  condition  may  continue  stationary  for  weeks, 
the  rest  of  the  blade  remaining  green.  Suckers  are  backward 
in  growth  and  if  they  produce  a  bunch  it  often  fails  to  reach 
full  size.  The  lower  part  of  the  trunk  often  turns  black  for  a 
few  inches  above  the  base  and  the  plants  may  be  broken  across 
at  the  bulb  by  a  moderate  breeze. 

In  the  cortical  region  of  the  rootstock  occur  rounded  water- 
soaked  areas  bounded  by  a  narrow  red  line.  In  parts  where  the 
affection  is  more  advanced  the  tissue  may  be  discoloured  in  dark 
brown  bands  which  enclose  the  root-like  strands,  black  without 
and  white  within,  of  the  causative  fungus. 

Causative  Fungus. 

As  in  other  Sphasrostilbe  diseases  the  fungus  produces  broad 
flat   branching   rhizomorphs,    which   give   rise   to   the   strands 


Fig.  97 

[Dept.  of  Agri.,  Jamaica 

Inset  1.     Conidial  Fructifications  on  Head  of  Bulb 
Inset  2.     Conidial  Fructifications   in    Pure  Culture 
ON  Sterilized  Potato 



described  as  penetrating  the  tissue  of  the  rootstock,  and  these 
in  turn  give  out  hyphae  which  grow  among  the  cells. 

The  fructifications  are  borne  at  or  just  above  ground  level. 


Bull.  6,  Dept.  Agri.,  Jamaica 

The  conidial  stage  occurs  on  small  yellow  or  orange  cushions 
up  to  2  mm.  diameter,  bearing  one  or  more  slender  white  stalks 
furnished  with  a  brown  or  brownish  red  spherical  head  or  ending 
in  a  point. 


The  perithecia  are  borne  either  on  independent  cushions  or 
in  succession  to  the  conidiophores  ;  they  are  yellowish  brown, 
sessile,  and  crowded  closely  over  the  whole  surface.  The  asco- 
spores  are  brown,  two-celled,  fusiform,  often  slightly  constricted 
at  the  septum  and  longitudinally  striate,  with  blunt  apices. 

The  conidia  are  bluntly  spindle-shaped  and  four-celled. 
The  two  equal-sized  median  cells  are  larger,  thicker  walled  and 
crowded  with  oil  drops  of  an  orange  colour.  The  terminal  cells 
are  hyaline  of  equal  size,  inflated,  and  rounded.  The  long 
stalks  of  the  conidia  are  hyaline,  septate,  and  enlarge  rapidly 
towards  their  attachment  to  the  conidia.  Paraphyses  are 
numerous  in  the  heads,  exceeding  the  stalked  conidia  in  length. 

The  bark  of  cacao  trees  near  the  base  of  the  stem  has  been 
found  penetrated  by  the  rhizomorphs  of  the  fungus  and  covered 
by  its  conidial  fructifications  ;  the  attack  was  confined  to  cacao 
in  mixed  cultivations  with  affected  bananas  on  land  subject 
to  periodic  flooding. 


If  the  diseased  plants  are  present  sporadically  Ashby  recom- 
mends that  the  stools  be  dug  out,  cut  up  and  charred,  or  cut  up 
and  mixed  with  freshly  slaked  lime,  and  returned  to  the  holes, 
these  being  then  filled  in  with  soil  and  left  for  a  few  months 
before  replanting.  The  parasite  is  not  present  above  the  black- 
ened region  If  diseased  stools  are  numerous  the  cheapest 
method  is  to  cut  off  the  unaffected  parts,  then  chop  the  stump 
down  to  the  ground,  cover  this  with  freshly  slaked  lime,  earth 
up  and  leave  for  three  months.  It  is  desirable  in  view  of  possible 
spread  through  the  soil  to  isolate  the  stools  with  trenches. 

The  disease  appears  to  originate  most  commonly  from 
infested  material  carried  by  floods.  Thorough  cultivation  is 
said  to  enable  the  suckers  to  resist  attack. 

Blackhead  Disease. 

A  disease  of  the  rootstock,  which  produces  brown  or  dark 
water-soaked  patches  either  near  to  the  surface  or  working 
inwards  from  it,  was  found  to  be  due  to  the  invasion  of  the  tissues 
by  the  fungus  Thielaviopsis  paradoxa,  the  cause  of  stem  diseases 
of  sugar-cane,  pineapple  and  coconut. 

Conidia  or  bits  of  mycelium  brought  into  any  slight  cut  or 
into  a  slit  in  the  bulb  of  a  young  sucker  rapidly  invade  the 
tissues  with  the  production  of  rusty  discoloration  and  formation 
of  spore  chains  in  the  cells.  The  tissues  though  water-soaked 
remain  firm  and  united. 

As  in  the  case  of  cane  cuttings  the  disease  is  most  frequently 
found  on  planted  suckers  which  are  growing  with  abnormal 
slowness  owing  to  dry  weather,  and  they  may  grow  away  from 
the  attack  when  rains  occur.     The  cut  surfaces  of  the  suckers 


or  any  wound  expose  them  to  infection,  and  where  the  disease 
is  prevalent  a  protective  coating  of  Bordeaux  mixture  should 
be  applied  as  soon  as  possible  after  the  severance  is  made. 

Otlier  forms  of  blackhead  disease  are  caused  by  the  invasion 
of  the  rootstock  by  Diplodia  or  b}^  a  species  of  Pythium,  in 
association  with  a  rot  of  the  deeper  roots  in  undrained  or  imper- 
fectly drained  heavy  soUs,  but  apparently  the  most  frequent  form 
of  ail  the  blackheads  is  caused  by  the  nematode,  Tylenchus 
similis,  Cobb.     (See  Eelworm  Black-rot.) 

Heart  Leaf  Disease. 

An  affection  occurs  in  Jamaica  in  which  one  or  more  of  the 
younger  leaves  are  pale  or  yellow,  and  the  youngest  or  heart  leaf, 
often  almost  white  in  hue,  may  be  pushed  up  while  still  folded, 
and  fail  to  expand  before  beginning  to  wilt,  turn  brown  in  patches, 
and  rot.  The  condition  of  chlorosis  may  endure  for  a  time,  but 
is  frequently  followed  by  a  rapid  fall  of  all  the  leaves  at  their 
junction  with  the  trunk,  and  a  speedy  brown  rot  of  the  latter 
moving  downwards  from  the  top. 

The  cause  of  the  disease  is  uncertain.  It  is  considered  that 
the  condition  of  chlorosis  may  be  induced  by  the  depletion  in  the 
sandy  soil  of  one  or  more  essential  mineral  elements  through 
washing  with  heavy  and  frequent  rains,  and  that  the  rapid  sappy 
growth  which  ensues  permits  the  rotting  of  the  tissues  by  feeble 




Brown  Rust. 
The  most  widely  distributed  leaf-rust  of  maize  is  caused  by  the 
fungus  Puccinia  Sorghi,  which  in  spite  of  its  name  does  not 
attack  sorghum.  It  causes  comparatively  little  discoloration 
of  the  leaf,  but  the  brown  pustules  in  which  the  spores  are 
developed  are  more  or  less  conspicuous,  according  to  the  degree 
of  infestation. 

Leaves  heavily  infested  with  this  fungus  were  received  from 
Montserrat  in  February  1915,  accompanied  by  a  report  that  it 
was  very  prevalent  on  a  large  field  planted  some  ten  weeks 
previously,  and  had  been  common  from  the  time  the  plants 
flowered.  It  has  since  been  reported  from  St.  Vincent,  St.  Lucia 
and  Antigua. 

In  the  United  States  this  rust  is  not  regarded  as  having  much 
economic  importance.  Usually  it  becomes  common  too  late  in 
the  season  to  do  much  damage.  When  favoured  by  exceptional 
climatic  conditions  it  may  appear  earlier  and  have  a  considerable 
influence  on  the  yield.  In  South  Africa  serious  outbreaks  are 
reported  as  having  occurred  in  certain  districts. 

Causative  Fungus. 

Puccinia  Sorghi,  Schw.  (P.  Maydis  Bereng.) 
(i)  Aecial  stage  {Aecidium  oxalidis)  on  Oxalis  spp.  Peridia 
usually  on  the  under  side  of  the  leaves,  crowded,  concentric  ; 
epispore  smooth,  24-28  micr. 

(2)  Uredinial  stage,  on  maize.  Sori  on  both  sides  of  the  leaf, 
numerous,  often  confluent  ;  spores  brown,  globose  to  ovate, 
23-30x22-26  micr.,  slightly  verrucose. 

(3)  Teliospores  black,  ovate-oblong  or  clavate-obtuse,  con- 
stricted ;  epispore  thick  ;  28-45  x  12-17  micr.  ;  smooth  ; 
pedicel  long  ;    5  micr.,  persistent. 

Red  Rust. 
The  fungus  Puccinia  purpurea  Cke.  (see  p.  261),  which  is  very 
common  on  sorghums  in  these  islands,  is  reported  to  attack 
maize  in  Natal.  It  may  be  distinguished  on  that  plant  by  the 
deep  purplish-red  discoloration  produced  on  the  leaves,  like  that 
familiar  on  sorghum. 



General  Characters. 

The  corn  smut,  UsUlago  ZecB  (Beck)  Ung.  {JJ .  zece-Mays, 
U.  Maydis)  is  widely  distributed  in  the  West  Indies  as  in  North 
America,  without  assuming  any  serious  proportions.  It  is  dis- 
tinguished by  the  swelhngs  to  which  it  gives  rise  on  the  leaves, 
the  ears,  or  the  tassels,  which  may  attain  on  the  ears  to  an 
enormous  size.  The  pustules  are  covered  at  first  with  a  greyish 
envelope,  which  later  bursts  and  reveals  the  masses  of  spores. 
Any  young  and  growing  plant  is  liable  to  infection  The  leaves 
are  usually  first  attacked  and  the  disease  may  be  recognized 
at  an  early  stage  by  the  whitish  swellings  there  arising. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

When  the  spores  are  released  a  certain  amount  of  direct 
infection  may  take  place,  but  the  capacity  of  the  spores  to  germi- 
nate apart  from  the  host  plant  on  any  moist  nutritive  material 
very  greatly  increases  the  possibilities  of  infection.  In  rich  soil, 
for  instance,  or  in  manure  heaps,  a  yeast-like  growth  takes  place, 
with  the  result  that  m}T-iads  of  conidia  are  formed,  which  are 
easily  distributed  by  the  wind,  and  are  able  to  start  the  disease 
on  any  growing  part  of  the  corn  plant  they  happen  to  reach.  A 
moist  atmosphere  facilitates  infection,  so  also  does  the  soft 
growth  induced  by  high  fertility.  Wide  spacing  reduces  the 
incidence  of  the  disease.  When  the  original  spores  do  not  attain 
to  a  situation  which  favours  their  growth  they  remain  dormant, 
and  are  capable  of  germinating  at  any  time,  should  the  conditions 
become  favourable,  during  a  period  usually  to  be  measured  in 

Prevention  and  Control. 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  deposition  of  smutted  material  in 
cattle  pens  or  manure  heaps,  or,  since  the  spores  can  pass  un- 
injured through  the  alimentary  canal,  the  feeding  of  diseased 
plants  to  cattle,  is  a  sure  way  of  increasing  and  distributing  the 

The  idea  that  the  smutted  ears,  of  which  cattle  are  very  fond, 
are  unwholesome  as  food,  has  not  been  borne  out  by  experiments 
which  have  been  made. 

Certain  smut  diseases,  in  which  infection  is  confined  to  the 
young  seedlings,  are  capable  of  effective  control  by  seed  disinfec- 
tion, but  this  is  obviously  not  the  case  with  the  disease  under 
consideration.  Still,  spores  may  very  well  be  present  on  the  seed, 
and  where  land  is  free  from  smut,  and  seed  from  an  outside  source 
is  being  used,  disinfection  may  be  worth  while,  and  may  be  carried 
out  as  described  on  pp.  11 1-3. 

Where  this  species  of  smut  already  exists,  the  best  means  of 



control  lies  in  the  cutting  out  and  absolute  destruction  of  diseased 
plants,  or  their  affected  parts,  before  the  spores  are  ripe. 

Head  Smut. 

Another  smut  disease  which  sometimes  occurs  on  maize  is 
due  to  the  fungus  Sorosporium  reilianum  (Kiihn)  McAlp.,  which 
causes  the  head  smut  of  sorghum.  It  attacks  the  cobs  and 
tassels,  and  is  usually  confined  to  them,  but  may  exceptionally 
occur  on  the  leaves  or  bracts.  It  reduces  the  cob  or  tassel  to  a 
formless  sooty  mass,  and  can  be  distinguished  by  the  absence 
of  the  monstrous  swellings  characteristic  of  the  common  corn 
smut.  The  spores  of  the  species  under  discussion  are  minutely 
but  abundantly  warty,  those  of  the  latter  are  prominently  though 
rather  bluntly  spiny. 

Head  smut  is  uncommon  in  North  America,  and  has  not,  to 
the  writer's  knowledge,  been  recorded  for  the  West  Indies.  In 
Victoria,  Australia,  it  has  been  reported  as  occurring  to  the 
extent  of  one  per  cent  in  some  districts.  It  occurs  in  South 

It  does  not  yield  to  seed  treatment,  and  can  only  be  con- 
trolled by  the  collection  and  destruction  of  diseased  material. 

Leaf  Scorch. 

A  disease  variously  known  as  leaf-scorch,  leaf-blight,  and 
helminthosporiose  occurs  on  maize  in  N.  America,  S.  Africa,  and 
various  localities  in  Europe  and  Asia.  Two  instances  of  its 
occurrence  are  reported  from  Porto  Rico.  It  does  not  appear  to 
have  been  noticed  in  the  Lesser  Antilles  ;  possibly  the  local  types 
are  resistant.  The  affection  is  capable  of  causing  serious  loss 
of  crop. 

Nature  of  the  Disease. 

The  disease  begins  on  the  leaves  with  the  production  of  pale 
blotches,  which  spread  and  may  extend  to  nearly  the  length  of 
the  blade.  Wilting  takes  place,  and  the  leaf  becomes  dry  and 
brittle.  The  conidiophores  are  then  developed  and  are  visible 
as  a  dark  hairy  mould.  Infection  is  said  to  take  place  b\'  way  of 
the  stomata. 

There  is  definite  varietal  resistance  to  the  disease,  amounting 
in  some  cases  to  almost  complete  immunity. 

The  Causative  Fungus. 

Numerous  species  of  Helminthosporium  cause  leaf  diseases, 
and  biological  races  are  believed  to  occur  on  specific  plants. 
The  fungus  attacking  maize  in  America  has  usually  been  referred 
to  H.  inconspicuum  C.  &  Ell.,  but  this  is  probably  a  synonym  of 
H.  turcicum  Pass.,  described  at  an  earlier  date  from  S.  Europe. 


^/<fr  Nat.  Pflanzen 
Fig.  99 
Corn  Smut 


The  conidia  are  spindle-shaped,  pale  olive,  5-8  septate, 
80-140x20-26  micr. 


Protection  against  the  disease  is  to  be  secured  by  rotation 
of  crops,  avoiding  the  use  of  manure  made  from  diseased  material, 
or  by  the  adoption  of  resistant  varieties. 

Dry  Rot. 

Several  fungi  are  capable  of  infesting  the  ears  of  growing 
maize,  causing  the  adhesion  of  the  husks  and  a  development  of 
mould  on  the  grain.  In  North  America  a  very  large  proportion 
of  this  type  of  injury  is  due  to  the  fungus  Di^lodia  Zece.  In  some 
years  the  disease  results  in  a  very  serious  decrease  in  yield. 
Notable  losses  are  also  reported  from  South  Africa  in  connection 
with  the  same  fungus,  and  there  is  strong  suspicion  that  paralysis 
and  death  of  stock  in  that  country  results  from  feeding  on  the 
diseased  cobs.  The  idea  that  pellagra  is  similarly  caused  is  now 

So  far  as  the  writer  is  aware,  corn  in  the  West  Indies  is  subject 
to  but  little  loss  from  the  type  of  disease  under  discussion. 

Appearance  of  the  Disease. 

In  the  early  stages  of  infection  there  is  little  external  appear- 
ance of  disease.  The  first  sign  is  the  premature  fading  of  the 
bright  green  of  the  outer  husks  to  a  yellowish  colour,  while  the 
inner  husks  may  be  more  or  less  browned.  In  the  ear  the 
fungus  is  first  visible  around  the  tips  of  the  kernels  if  these  are 
removed.  Later  the  ear  loses  much  of  its  weight,  becomes 
mouldy  with  the  development  of  grey  mycelium  around  the 
kernels,  and  these  appear  dull  and  dry.  The  most  distinctive 
sign  of  the  presence  of  Diplodia  is  the  early  development  of  the 
minute  black  pycnidia  on  the  scales  which  surround  the  inner 
ends  of  the  kernels.  Pycnidia  can  also  be  found  on  the  husks, 
and  in  advanced  cases  on  the  grains  themselves.  On  old  stalks 
they  can  be  seen  as  black  specks  under  the  rind  near  the  nodes, 
or  breaking  through  and  discharging  their  spores. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

It  has  been  claimed  that  the  common  method  of  infection  is 
from  the  soil,  the  fungus  entering  by  way  of  the  roots,  working 
up  the  stem,  and  entering  the  ears  and  kernels  from  within. 
On  the  other  hand,  typical  cases  can  be  readily  produced  by 
placing  spores  on  the  silks  or  under  the  outer  husk  at  the  base  of 
the  ears.  Little  or  no  infection  takes  place  from  ear  to  ear  in  the 
same  season,  the  period  of  susceptibility  being  apparently  a  short 
one,  confined,  so  far  as  external  infections  occur,  to  the  period 
when  the  silks  are  exposed. 


Causative  fungus. 

Diplodia  Zece  (Schw.)  Lev.  {D.  maydis  Sacc.)  Pycnidia  black, 
spherical  to  pyriform,  obtuse  or  free ;  conidia  dark  brown, 
cylindrical  to  elliptical,  obtuse,  usually  slightly  curved,  one- 
septate,  20-33  X  5-6  micr.     Specific,  so  far  as  is  known,  to  corn. 

Two  or  three  species  of  Fusarium  have  also  been  described  as 
producing  similar  dry  rots  in  the  United  States. 


From  the  nature  of  the  disease,  control  must  depend  on  the 
elimination  of  infected  material  which  can  carry  over  the  disease 
or  infect  the  soil.  Rotation  of  crops  is  indicated  where  soil 
infestation  is  suspected. 

Root  Disease. 

Varying  annual  losses,  sometimes  extending  to  half  the 
crop  in  certain  districts,  are  attributed  to  root  disease  in  St. 
Kitts,  Antigua  and  St.  Vincent.  The  plants  show  signs  of 
attack  when  i  to  2  feet  high,  and  eventually  wilt  completely, 
usually  at  the  time  of  flowering.  If  cobs  are  produced  at  all  they 
are  generally  small  and  misshapen,  with  little  grain. 

The  disease  or  diseases  are  much  in  need  of  investigation. 
F.  W.  South  reports  the  presence  in  St.  Kitts  material  of  a 
Fusarium  and  also  of  mycelium  resembling  that  of  Marasmius 
Sacchari  on  the  sugar-cane.  The  only  example  seen  by  the 
writer,  said  to  be  typical  of  the  St.  Vincent  disease,  had  the 
leaves  cemented  around  the  base  of  the  stem  by  mycelium  of  the 
latter  type. 

Recently  T.  F.  Manns  and  J.  F.  Adams  have  shown  that  root 
disease  is  widely  distributed  in  the  United  States  and  that  it  may 
be  caused  by  four  species  of  fungi  working  singly  or  in  com- 
bination— Diplodia  Zece,  Fusarium  moniliforme,  Gibberella  sauhi- 
netii  and  Cephalosporium  Sacchari  (the  cause  of  a  wilt  disease  of 
sugar  cane  in  India  and  the  West  Indies).  These  fungi  infect  the 
kernels  and  are  therefore  planted  in  the  seed. 

Minor  Diseases  of  Maize. 

The  rust  Uredo  pallida  Diet.  &  Holw,  previously  known  only 
from  Mexico  and  Central  America  on  the  grass  Tripsacum  lanceo- 
latum  was  found  on  maize  in  Porto  Rico  in  1916.  It  is  reported 
by  J.  A.  Stevenson  to  attack  the  older  and  lower  leaves  generally 
at  a  time  when  the  ears  are  so  nearly  mature  that  little  damage 
can  be  done.  It  appears  as  numerous  inconspicuous  pale-brown 
pustules  on  the  under  side  of  the  leaves. 

The  parasitic  Ascomycete  Phyllachora  graminis  (Pers.)  Fkl., 
common  on  various  grasses  and  sedges,  giving  rise  to  rather 
conspicuous  black  raised  spots  on  the  leaves  and  leaf-sheaths,  is 


reported  to  be  common  on  maize  in  Porto  Rico,  hastening  the 
death  of  old  or  basal  leaves.    It  has  no  economic  importance. 



The  most  conspicuous  rust  disease  in  these  islands  is  that 
caused  on  the  cultivated  sorghums  by  Puccinia  purpurea.  Cke. 
It  appears  to  be  general  on  Guinea  corn,  imphee,  Sudan  grass, 
and  Johnson  grass.  It  also  occurs  in  the  southern  United  States, 
in  Cuba,  Jamaica,  Porto  Rico  and  Bermuda. 

Appearance  of  the  Disease. 

Elongated  purplish-red  blotches  are  produced  on  the  leaves, 
and  in  these  the  sori  are  developed.  In  severe  infestations  the 
leaves  are  in  this  way  very  much  discoloured,  and  there  would 
seem  to  be  no  question  that  the  growth  of  the  plant  is  con- 
siderably affected.  The  crop  is  nowhere  in  these  islands  of  any 
great  importance,  and  the  disease  receives  no  attention. 

Causative  fungus. 

Puccinia  purpurea  Cke.  [Uredo  Sorghi,  Fckl.  not  P.  Sorghi 
Schw.)  Urediniospores  ovate,  35x25-30  micr.  smooth,  brown. 
Teliospores  elongate  ovate,  brown,  long-pedicellate,  40-45  x  22-25 
micr.     Occurs  also  on  maize,  which  see. 


Would  be  best  attempted  by  selection  of  resistant  types. 

Kernel  Smut. 

The  common  sorghum  smut,  Sphacelotheca  Sorghi,  occurs  from 
time  to  time  on  imphee  and  Guinea  corn  in  the  West  Indies.  It 
is  of  general  occurrence  about  the  world,  and  occasionally  is 
severe  in  its  effects.  In  these  islands,  where  the  crop  is  more 
usually  grown  as  fodder  than  for  grain,  the  disease  has  not 
attracted  much  attention. 

The  spores  of  the  fungus  are  usually  sown  with  the  seed, 
germinate  in  the  soil  at  the  same  time,  and  infect  the  seedlings 
at  an  early  stage.  The  mycelium  of  the  fungus  keeps  pace  with 
the  extension  of  the  plant  in  the  form  of  thin  threads  which  grow 
up  through  the  softer  tissues,  especially  the  pith.  No  particular 
damage  to  the  plant  is  caused  and  no  sign  of  the  disease  is  visible 
until  the  period  of  flowering,  when  the  fungus  develops  rapidly 
in  the  anthers  and  ovaries,  and  there  produces  masses  of  black 
powdery  spores  which  replace  the  pollen  and  the  seeds.  The 
outward  appearance  of  the  panicles  is  not  much  altered  until  the 
membrane  which  at  first  encloses  the  spore  masses  bursts,  when 
they  appear  as  if  coated  with  powdery  soot. 


The  spores  are  very  resistant,  and  the  occurrence  of  a  small 
quantity  of  sniutted  material  among  the  seed  corn  is  capable 
of  producing  widespread  infection  in  the  following  crop.  The 
disease  is  thus  cumulative,  and  its  occurrence  even  in  small 
proportions  should  therefore  not  be  considered  negligible. 

Causative  Fungus. 

Sphacelotheca  (Ustilago)  Sorghi  (Lk.)  CI.  Spores  single,  sub- 
spherical  to  spherical,  smooth,  contents  often  granular,  5.5-8.5 
micr.  diameter  ;  covered  at  first  by  a  membrane  of  fungus  origin. 
On  various  Andropogon  (Sorghum)  species,  including  Johnson 


Treatment  is  rendered  easy  by  the  absence  of  the  fungus  from 
the  interior  of  the  seed,  and  owing  to  the  fact  that  only  very 
young  plants  can  be  infected.  Any  method  which  secures  the 
sterilisation  of  the  seed  without  destroying  its  germinative  power 
is  effective.  Steeping  the  seed  in  copper  sulphate  solution, 
according  to  the  instructions  on  page  loi  is  the  simplest  remedy  ; 
the  formalin  treatment  is  also  applicable. 

Head  Smut. 

The  head  smut  differs  from  the  preceding  disease  in  that 
instead  of  the  grains  being  affected  separately,  the  whole  head 
or,  rarely,  a  section  of  it  is  conglomerated  into  a  smutted  miss. 
The  same  fungus  occurs  on  corn.  It  has  a  wide  distribution 
where  sorghums  are  grown,  including  North  America,  but  is  not 
common  in  that  country.  It  has  not  been  noticed  in  these 
islands.  The  disease  is  not  amenable  to  seed  treatment,  as, 
although  the  infestation  is  systemic  and  seedlings  are  commonly 
infected,  this  appears  to  arise  from  material  originating  from 
wind-blown  spores  in  the  soil. 

The  variety  known  as  milo  is  immune  to  this  as  to  other 
smuts,  and  kaffir  and  broom  corn  are  resistant  to  it. 

Causative  fungus. 

Sorosporium  reilianum  McAlp.  {Ustilago  reiliana  Kiihn, 
sphacelotheca  reiliana  Clint)  Spores  loosely  aggregated  into 
groups,  minutely  roughened,  9-14  micr. 



Internal  Boll  Disease 

The  internal  boll  disease  of  cotton  is  a  special  case,  and  was  the 
first  to  be  studied,  of  a  type  of  parasitic  disease  (stigmatomycosis), 
in  which  certain  specific  fungi  are  conveyed  by  plant-feeding 
bugs,  and  gain  access  to  the  interior  of  the  fruit  by  means  of  the 
punctures  which  the  insect  makes  in  feeding.  Similar  affections 
have  lately  been  found  to  be  of  very  wide  distribution  in  the  West 
Indies  and  to  affect  the  fruits  or  seeds  of  a  great  variety  of 
plants.     (See  p.  29.) 

In  the  cotton  boll  the  fungus  so  introduced  develops  freely  on 
the  immature  lint,  which  may  be  thus  completely  rotted  or  more 
or  less  severely  discoloured,  according  to  the  stage  of  development 
reached  when  infection  takes  place.  The  seeds  may  or  may  not 
be  infested. 

There  is  in  addition,  a  bacterial  form  of  the  disease,  in  which 
infection  similarly  takes  place  through  bug  punctures,  but  in 
regard  to  this  it  has  not  been  demonstrated  whether  the  invading 
organism  is  actually  conveyed  by  the  bug  or  only  enters  from  the 
surface  of  the  boll  by  way  of  the  passage  provided  by  the  puncture. 
This  form  of  infection  has  not  been  noted  on  plants  other  than 

History  and  Distribution. 

The  nature  of  the  disease  was  not  discovered  until  1914,  but 
effects  undoubtedly  attributable  to  it  have  been  reported  from 
time  to  time  since  the  revival  of  cotton-growing  in  these  islands 
in  1902-3.  The  greater  part  of  the  damage  done,  especially  the 
recurrent  heavy  loss  in  St.  Vincent,  was  attributed  to  other 

Since  1914,  the  disease  has  been  verified  by  the  writer  as 
existing  in  Tortola,  St.  Kitts,  Nevis,  Antigua,  Montserrat,  St. 
Vincent,  Barbados,  Grenada  and  Trinidad.  It  was  indepen- 
dently discovered  by  S.  F.  Ashby,  in  Jamaica,  in  19 15,  and  a 
reference  to  fungi  found  in  cotton  bolls  by  A.  W.  Bartlett  shows 
unmistakably  that  it  occurred  in  British  Guiana  in  1907.  Its 
prevalence  is  closely  associated  with  that  of  its  principal  carriers, 
the  cotton  stainers  [Dysdercus  spp.)  and  the  green  bug  {Nezara 
viridula),  of  which  the  former  are  by  far  the  more  important. 


Their  absence  from  Barbados,  and  the  comparative  scarcity  of  the 
green  bug,  make  the  disease  of  very  Httle  account  in  that  island. 
The  fungoid  form  of  the  disease  has  not  so  far  been  reported  from 
other  territories. 


There  are  no  external  symptoms  on  the  infected  bolls,  save 
in  some  cases  a  hardening  perceptible  to  pressure ;  the  appear- 
ance is  that  of  a  sound  boll  even  when  the  contents  are  com- 
pletely ruined.  The  shedding  of  young  bolls  is  frequently  due  to 
infection,  but  may  also  be  induced  by  bug  punctures  alone,  and 
frequently  occurs  as  a  reaction  of  the  plant  to  certain  physical 
conditions.  Shedding  from  bug  injury  or  infection  extends  to 
bolls  up  to  three  weeks  old  and  20  mm.  in  diameter,  whereas  the 
limits  in  natural  shedding  have  been  found  to  be  about  8  or  9 
days  and  a  diameter  of  about  14  mm. 

In  describing  the  symptoms  displayed  when  green  bolls  are 
cut  open  it  is  necessary  to  discriminate  between  the  direct  effects 
of  bug  punctures  (stigmonose)  and  of  added  infection  (stigma- 
tomycosis).  Damage  of  the  former  nature  is  very  heavy  when 
the  bugs  are  present  in  large  numbers  and  has  been  found  in  a 
particular  case  spoiling  60  per  cent,  of  the  locks  in  a  representa- 
tive sample  of  bolls.  Some  or  all  of  the  seeds  in  a  lock  may  be 
killed  outright  or  the  embryo  arrested  in  its  development,  the 
immature  lint  soaking  down  into  a  discoloured  film.  In  severe 
cases  the  boll,  if  not  more  than  half-grown,  is  usually  shed.  In 
older  bolls  a  large  proportion  of  the  uninfected  punctures  do  not 
reach  the  seed,  and  either  have  no  recognisable  effects,  or  the 
effect  is  limited  to  a  superficial  patch  of  discoloration  on  the 
lint  beneath  the  puncture.  The  common  pea  chink  {Edessa 
medittabunda),  which  has  relatively  short  mouth-parts,  appears 
to  be  limited  on  bolls  of  any  age  to  the  production  of  the  latter 
type  of  injury.  Very  little  staining  of  the  lint  which  reaches  the 
pickers'  hands  is  attributable  to  direct  bug  injury.  Much  of  the 
loss  from  this  cause  goes  disguised  as  shedding,  and  for  the  rest 
the  contents  of  heavily  damaged  locks  when  dry  shrivel  into  a 
hard  mass  which  the  pickers  leave.  When  only  part  of  the  seeds 
in  a  lock  are  attacked  the  remainder  bear  good  unstained  lint. 

The  result  of  infection  accompanying  the  punctures  is  greatly 
to  increase  the  amount  and  widen  the  range  of  damage.  For  a 
lock  to  be  destroyed  by  direct  injury  many  punctures  are  re- 
quired, for  the  same  result  from  infection  one  early  puncture 
may  suffice,  since  the  fungus  can  spread  from  the  lint  of  one  seed 
to  that  of  all  the  rest.  The  effects  vary  with  the  age  of  the  boU 
attacked.  Among  young  boUs  a  great  deal  of  shedding  results, 
similar  to  that  caused  by  direct  injury.  In  bolls  that  reach 
maturity  the  locks  infected  young  are  usually  quite  ruined.  The 
seeds  are  reduced  to  a  pasty  mass,  with  a  black  and  yellow  cover- 
ing of  rotting  lint.    Infections  made  later  each  produce  a  patch  of 


yellow  stained  lint,  variable  in  size  owing  to  the  decrease  of 
susceptibility  and  the  shorter  time  available  as  the  boll  develops. 
The  staining  is  not  superficial,  as  in  the  parallel  case  of  bug 
injury,  but  extends  to  the  seed,  nor  is  it  confined  to  the  lint  of 
one  seed,  but  is  indiscriminate. 

To  this  kind  of  infection  a  large  part  of  the  staining  of  seed- 
cotton  which  has  occurred  in  these  islands  has  been  due.  Staining 
indistinguishable  in  appearance  is  also  caused  by  the  ordinary 
bacterial  boll  disease,  the  organism  of  which  gains  access  to  the 
lint  through  the  spots  caused  by  external  infection  of  the  boll. 
This  disease  is  largely  dependent  on  wet  weather ;  dry  weather 
staining,  which  has  occurred  abundantly  towards  the  end  of  the 
season,  as  well  as  a  variable  proportion  of  that  which  occurs  in 
wet  weather,  is  the  effect  of  the  disease  under  description. 

The  statement  regarding  staining  which  has  been  usually 
repeated  by  entomologists,  that  it  is  due  to  the  excrement  voided 
by  Dysdercus  and  to  the  crushing  of  that  insect  in  the  gins,  has 
so  far  as  the  West  Indies  are  concerned  no  basis  whatever  of 
observation,  experiment  or  probabihty  The  staining  is  present 
days  or  weeks  before  the  boll  is  due  to  open. 

The  Parasites. 

A  general  description  of  the  invading  fungi  is  given  in 
Chapter  I,  pp.  29-32.  Four  species,  evidently  of  general  distribu- 
tion through  the  islands,  have  been  met  with  in  cotton.  Species 
A,  not  yet  named,  has  been  predominant  in  cotton  stainer 
infestations  in  St.  Vincent ;  Species  B  {Eremoihecium  cymhalarice, 
Borzi)  has  been  found  most  abundantly  in  bolls  from  Nevis  and 
Tortola,  again  in  connection  with  stainers  ;  Species  C  has  been 
predominant  in  stainer  infestations  in  Montserrat ;  Species  D, 
which  is  Nematospora  Coryli  Peglion,  or  very  near  that  species, 
occurs  in  close  association  with  the  green  bug,  a  fairly  general 
feeder,  which  presumably  accounts  for  this  fungus  having  been 
found  over  much  the  widest  range  of  hosts,  and  especially  in 
leguminous  species,  which  the  green  bug  prefers. 

The  first  three  species  are  hyphal,  the  fourth,  though  it 
produces  hj^hse  in  starved  cultures  and  sometimes  in  the  cotton 
boll,  is  normally  yeast-like.  All  four  develop  freely  on  the  im- 
mature lint,  and  frequently  enter  and  occupy  for  some  distance 
the  lumen  of  a  fibre.  Spores  are  produced  in  great  abundance 
before  the  boll  opens.  Their  after-history  is  unknown,  but  in 
cultures  they  germinate  freely.  In  what  form  the  infection  is 
conveyed  to  other  bolls  has  not  yet  been  discovered,  but  bugs 
taken  from  infected  plants  and  bagged  on  previously  protected 
bolls  almost  invariably  cause  infection,  while  with  bugs  from 
iminfected  plants,  though  hundreds  of  punctures  may  be  made, 
no  infection  occurs,  showing  that  the  insect  not  merely  provides 
the  means  of  entry  but  conveys  the  fungus  from  plant  to  plant. 

The  bacterial  form  of  disease  has  not  been  investigated  suf- 


ficiently  for  the  species  to  be  recognized,  but  comparison  of 
cultures  has  led  to  the  tentative  conclusion  that  Bacterium 
nialvacearmn  is  frequently,  but  by  no  means  invariably,  the 
organism  involved. 

Incidence.  ' 

The  accompanying  curve  illustrates  the  incidence  of  the 
disease  where  cotton  stainers  become  generally  abundant  about 
December,  as  was  the  case  in  Montserrat  and  St.  Vincent  before 
controlling  measures  were  taken.  Nevis  has  the  same  distribu- 
tion. In  St.  Kitts,  Antigua,  and  the  Virgin  Islands  the  insect 
is  not  usually  abundant  before  February,  and  the  damage  has 
consequently  been  much  less  in  amount.  In  Montserrat  it  was 
possible  to  avoid  the  worst  effects  by  early  planting,  but  in  St. 
Vincent  the  heavy  autumn  rainfall  made  late  planting  a  necessity, 
and  the  precarious  chances  of  the  crop  depended  on  whether 
the  first  picking  escaped  the  effects  of  this  weather,  since  the 
second  picking,  produced  under  more  suitable  climatic  conditions, 
had  come  to  be  regularly  and  completely  destroyed  by  stainer 
injury  and  internal  boll  disease.     (See  Fig.  loo.) 

The  effects  of  green  bug  outbreaks  are  less  severe.  Infection 
as  a  rule  is  much  less  general  and  the  production  of  stained 
lint  consequently  small.  (See  Fig.  loi.)  The  outbreaks  are 
usually  controlled  in  the  course  of  a  few  weeks  by  e^^  parasites. 


Realization  of  the  fact  that  the  constant  heavy  losses  in  the 
second  half  of  the  crop  in  St.  Vincent  were  due  to  disease  borne 
by  the  cotton  stainer  led  to  more  careful  study  of  the  habits  of 
that  insect  on  the  part  of  the  resident  agricultural  officers.  The 
previous  vagueness  as  to  its  connection  with  staining  or  other 
injury  had  been  reflected  in  the  attitude  taken  towards  it  as 
a  pest. 

It  was  found  that  although  stainers  in  the  absence  of  cotton 
could  subsist  for  a  considerable  time  on  other  foods  they  were 
only  capable  of  breeding  to  any  extent  on  two  trees,  the  silk 
cotton  {Eriodendrun  anfractiiosum)  and  the  seaside  mahoe  or 
John  Bull  {Thespesia  popidnea).  This  observation  provided  the 
key  to  the  situation.  The  trees  were  eradicated  at  the  cost  of 
much  labour  but  at  a  relatively  small  expense.  In  the  following 
year  the  appearance  of  stainers  in  significant  numbers  was  so 
far  delayed  that  the  picking  of  clean  cotton  continued  into  April, 
and  conditions  in  other  respects  being  also  favourable  the  crop 
was  double  that  of  the  previous  year.  In  the  untreated  neigh- 
bouring island  of  Bequia  the  crop  was  destroyed  as  usual,  but 
equal  success  was  attained  there  in  the  following  year  by  the  same 
method.    It  is  now  being  tried  in  the  Leeward  Islands. 

Where  Malvaceous  weeds,  such  as  Malachra  and  Sida  species 



are  abundant,  as  isjreported  to  be  the  case  in  Tobago,  the  problem 
of  eradication  is  different  and  is  likely  to  be  more  difficult.    The 

P^R.  ca/\f  TA  G£    Of^  B/SSA  ff£0    B  OL  LS 


S*              ^              ^ 

^          % 

Ov                "S^                Cb                W>                   S 

0         0         0          0          0 


















































16^     < 


















Fig.   100 
Incidence  of  Internal  Boll  Disease 

most  promising  method  to  adopt  would  seem  to  be  the  establish- 
ment of  hardy  grasses  in  the  place  of  roadside  weeds,  the  com- 
pulsory cleaning  of  neglected  arable  land,  and  the  afforestation 
of  waste  ground  with  shrubs  or  trees.    As  cotton  stainers  readily 


migrate  in  swarms  from  one  district  to  another  these  measures 
would  need  to  be  general  over  an  island. 

Natural  control  of  the  green  bug  may  be  assisted  by  the 
transfer  of  parasitized  egg  clusters  to  affected  localities. 

Angular  Spot. 
History  and  Distribution. 

The  affection  produced  by  Bacterium  (Pseudomonas)  mal- 
vacearum  E.F.Sm.  on  the  leaves  and  bracts  of  cotton  was  first 
described,  under  the  name  of  angular  spot,  by  G.  F.  Atkinson  in 
Louisiana  in  1891.  Some  ten  years  later  E.  F.  Smith  isolated 
and  described  the  causative  organism  and  made  successful 
infection   experiments. 

The  disease  is  common  in  the  United  States  on  both  Upland 
and  Sea  Island  cotton.  In  the  West  Indies  it  is  general  on  Sea 
Island  in  most  districts.  Some  of  the  perennial  types  are  still 
more  susceptible,  others  are  highly  resistant.  Its  distribution  in 
other  parts  of  the  world  is  imperfectly  recorded. 

In  the  active  stage  of  the  disease  the  spots  are  not  conspicuous. 
They  appear  as  small  water-soaked  areas  thickly  scattered  on  the 
undersides  of  the  leaves  and  on  the  bracts,  irregular  in  shape, 
generally  angular  through  being  bounded  by  the  smaller  veinlets, 
and  not  usually  more  than  3-5  mm.  in  diameter.  A  succession 
of  them,  more  or  less  in  contact,  often  runs  along  by  the  main 
veins.  They  quickly  penetrate  to  the  upper  surface  of  the  leaf, 
and  then  undergo  no  further  development.  At  this  stage  a  slightly 
yellowish  varnish  or  thin  crust  of  bacteria  can  often  be  found  on 
their  surface.  The  tissue  involved  soon  dies  and  turns  brown, 
and  then  first  becomes  very  noticeable.  As  this  condition  of  the 
spots  naturally  persists  for  the  remainder  of  the  life  of  the  leaf, 
a  good  deal  of  misapprehension  is  caused  as  to  the  actual  time  of 
occurrence  and  duration  of  attacks. 

Recent  observations  in  St.  Vincent  in  the  month  of  November 
showed  that  the  disease  occurred  in  fresh  condition  in  periodic 
bursts  which  appeared  to  be  connected,  at  an  interval  of  about  a 
week,  with  a  previous  showery  day.  Studies  by  R.  C.  Faulwetter 
point  to  the  conclusion  that  the  predominant  factor  in  the 
distribution  of  the  disease  is  rain  splashed  from  the  leaves  and 
blown  as  spray  by  the  wind.  This  accords  with  the  known  ability 
of  the  bacterium  to  produce  infection  on  healthy  leaves  provided 
a  iilm  of  water  is  present.  The  organism  is  demonstrably  present 
in  the  film  consequent  upon  heavy  dew.  Infection  appears  to 
take  place  as  a  riile  by  way  of  the  stomata. 


The  disease  in  itself  is  not  usually  considered  to  be  of  much 
importance,  though  severe  attacks,  which  involve  the  loss  of  a 
good  deal  of  effective  leaf-area,  cannot  be  regarded  as  neghgible. 




3ot-^rLic    Ot.72,- 









cy^r  ty/;^?z.e. 



m  fn/ection  a/i/y,  CombleU.  StoLineii  LiTht. 
'^IrLfe.otiorLOTily ) /yartia.1,    Partly  stajjizd   lint 
^  Com/^Ute.  direct  iTiJury .  Total   loss. 
H  ComjbltU  direct  Injitry^  in/ectU.  Total  loss 
^Toyttod    dhtci- injury,     So/nedecun    lint. 

Fig.  101      Internal   Injuries  to  Cotton  Bolls.     St.    Vincent,   Etc. 
1-6  :    Green  ^BuG,  etc.         7-9  :    Stainers. 



If  the  affection  on  the  leaves  can  be  held  to  be  the  main  source 
of  material  for  infection  producing  black-arm  and  bacterial  boll 
disease,  which  is  a  natural  conclusion,  its  presence  becomes  a 
matter  of  serious  concern.  Frequently,  however,  there  is  no 
obvious  evidence  of  correlation  in  the  prevalence  of  these 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  affection  is  so  common  in  the  cotton  fields  of  the  islands 
that  with  little  qualification  it  could  be  described  as  universal, 
but  there  are  wide  variations  in  the  degree  of  its  prevalence  and  in 
the  period  at  which  it  becomes  abundant.  Isolated  plots  some- 
times remain  practically  free  of  it  throughout  the  season.  In 
agreement  with  the  theory  of  its  spread  noted  above,  its  occur- 
rence is  closely  associated  with  rainy  weather.  When  frequent 
showers  fall  during  the  growing  period  it  is  usually  well  distributed 
through  the  fields  by  the  time  the  bolls  begin  to  mature.  It  has 
been  seen  to  be  abundant  on  or  absent  from  the  leaves  of  the 
secondary  growth  according  to  the  weather  in  which  they  are 

Inherent  Resistance. 

There  are  undoubtedly  degrees  of  susceptibility  and  resistance 
to  this  affection  in  various  types  of  the  cotton  plant,  and  even 
what  appears  to  be  complete  immunity.  Attempts  carried  on 
over  several  years  to  develop  resistant  strains  from  the  Rivers 
type,  which  is  the  basis  of  most  of  the  Sea  Island  strains  in 
cultivation  in  the  West  Indies,  have  not  been  successful,  but  in 
St.  Vincent  strains  evolved  from  the  Superfine  type,  which  is  in 
general  less  susceptible  than  the  Rivers,  are  reported  to  be  re- 
sistant to  a  considerable  degree. 

In  hybrids  the  character  of  resistance  is  irregularly  distributed 
and  its  method  of  segregation  has  not  yet  been  worked  out. 

Control  by  Spraying. 

F.  M.  Rolfs  has  reported  that  in  South  Carolina  angular  spot 
has  been  found  to  be  controllable  by  six  sprayings  with  Bordeaux 
mixture.  Experiments  with  Burgundy  mixture  have  been  made 
in  St.  Vincent  and  reported  on  by  S.  C.  Harland.  Spray  fluid 
containing  2  per  cent,  of  copper  sulphate  was  used  in  1917-18, 
but  caused  very  obvious  injury  to  the  plants.  In  the  following 
year  a  one  per  cent,  mixture  was  used  in  the  first  two  applications, 
and  a  further  reduction  was  then  made  to  0.8  per  cent.  The 
plants  were  sprayed  13  times  in  5  months.  The  control  of  angular 
spot  was  almost  complete,  but  there  was  no  significant  increase 
in  yield. 

The  injury  caused  by  spraying  chiefly  affects  the  small  buds, 
many  of  which  shrivel  and  turn  black.    The  amount  of  this  was 

Fig.  102     Angular  Leak-spot  of  Cotto> 

Fig.   ]u:5     Bacterial  Boll  Disease  of  Coi 

Fig.  104     Anthracncse  of  Cotton  Bolls 

Fig.  105 
Curly-leaf  Cotton,  Top  View 

Fig.  106 
Curly-leaf  Cotton,  Side  View 


not  large  with  the  0.8  per  cent,  mixture,  and  it  is  compensated 
for  by  the  lengthening  of  the  flowering  period  which  follows 
shedding.  This  point  is  of  importance  since  spraying  may  still  be 
found  desirable  on  account  of  soft  rot. 

Black  Arm. 

Infections  with  Bacterium  malvacearum  occur  on  stems,  twigs 
and  petioles  of  the  cotton  plant,  giving  rise  to  the  affection  known 
as  black  arm.  It  is  characterised  by  the  formation  of  dead  patches 
in  the  cortex,  which  may  be  small  or  may  extend  for  several 
inches,  girdling  the  organ  on  which  they  occur.  On  vigorous 
plants  the  effect  is  small,  but  on  plants  which  have  made  poor 
growth  owing  to  drought  or  unfertile  soil  it  can  be  severe,  leading 
to  the  drying  up  of  the  fruiting  branches.  The  v/eak  spots  pro- 
duced by  this  disease  in  stems  and  branches  often  lead  to  break- 
ages when  the  plants  are  struck  by  a  gust  of  wind. 

Bacterial  Boll  Disease. 

The  disease  of  cotton  bolls  arising  from  infection  with 
Bacterium  malvacearum  is  frequently  the  cause  of  very  heavy 
losses  in  these  islands.  In  the  experience  of  the  writer,  at  least 
a  large  part  of  the  damage  generally  attributed  to  anthracnose 
has  had  its  origin  in  such  infections,  the  spots  produced  having 
afforded  a  foothold  to  one  or  other  of  several  fungi,  of  which 
that  of  anthracnose  is  under  some  conditions  the  most  frequent. 

History  and  Distribution. 

There  is  very  little  literature  dealing  with  this  disease.  It 
appears  to  have  been  first  noticed  by  E.  F.  Smith  in  the  United 
States  in  1901,  it  was  referred  to  as  a  disease  of  Sea  Island  cotton 
by  W.  A.  Orton  in  1907,  and  is  discussed  at  some  length,  with 
records  of  inoculations,  by  C.  W.  Edgerton  in  two  papers  pub- 
lished in  1912.  As  described  by  that  author  the  position  in 
Louisiana  with  regard  to  the  disease  and  its  relation  to  other  boll 
rots  closely  resembles  the  local  one. 

Regarding  the  disease  in  the  West  Indies  there  is  a  doubtful 
reference  by  L.  Lewton  Brain  in  1904  to  a  bacterial  boll  rot 
attacking  the  inner  tissues  and  contents  of  the  boll,  which  seems 
rather  to  refer  to  what  was  afterwards  described  by  the  same 
writer  as  black  boll  and  is  now  called  internal  boll  disease.  In 
1909-10,  F.  W.  South  recognized  the  disease  and  published  an 
adequate  description  of  its  typical  appearance.  He  records  it  as 
apparently  prevalent  throughout  the  cotton-growing  islands, 
causing  losses  estimated  to  vary  from  2  to  20  per  cent.  This  is 
about  its  present  status,  the  variation  occurring  under  the 
influence  of  external  conditions  as  discussed  below. 

The  disease  has  been  recorded  (1910)  as  destructive  to  Egyp- 
tian cotton  grown  in  low-lying  wet  districts  in  Nyasaland. 


Nature  and  Effects. 

The  first  stage  of  the  disease  exhibits  a  small  rounded  water- 
soaked  green  spot  on  the  surface  of  the  boll.  This  extends  at  its 
margin,  while  the  tissues  at  the  centre  dry  up  and  turn  brown  or 
black.  If  the  development  of  the  lesion  continues  the  carpel 
is  penetrated  and  the  lint  becomes  thoroughly  infested  with 
bacteria,  including  species  which  themselves  are  unable  to  attack 
the  boll,  very  commonly  accompanied  by  one  or  other  of  the  fungi 
which  readily  occupy  the  original  spot.  A  good  deal  of  lint  may 
in  this  way  be  stained  bright  yellow,  as  in  the  internal  boll  disease, 
or  in  severer  cases  completely  blackened  and  rotted.  Infections 
at  the  base  of  the  boll  often  involve  the  central  column,  while 
those  near  the  tip  cause  premature  separation  of  the  points  of 
the  carpels  and  prevent  complete  separation  when  it  is  naturally 
due.  In  both  base  and  point  infections  more  than  one  carpel 
maj''  be  affected,  whereas  spots  on  the  face  of  the  bolls  usually 
only  affect  the  lock  on  which  they  occur. 

The  development  of  the  lesion  may  become  arrested  at  any 
stage,  and  under  some  circumstances  this  occurs  before  the  lint 
is  reached  ;  the  damage  due  to  the  disease  is  thus  very  variable 
in  amount.  The  appearance  of  the  developed  spots  on  the  green 
boll  similarly  varies.  If  they  are  infested  with  the  pink  anthrac- 
nose  fungus  or  the  common  similarly  coloured  Fusarium  it  is 
identical  with  that  familiar  in  figures  and  descriptions  of  anthrac- 
nose  injury  ;  if  not  so  infected  a  somewhat  sunken,  dry,  rough, 
dark  spot  or  patch,  often  with  a  water-soaked  green  margin,  is 

In  addition  to  the  obvious  injuries  on  developed  boUs  heavy 
losses  also  occur  from  the  shedding  of  flower  buds  and  young 
bolls  infected  at  the  base. 


From  the  very  earliest  appearances  of  the  water-soaked  spots 
bacteria  are  present  in  the  tissue  in  great  numbers,  and  often 
form  a  pale  yellow  transparent  film  on  the  surface  of  the  spot. 
The  organism  {Bacterium  malvacearum  E.  F.  Sm.)  is  identical 
with  that  which  gives  rise  to  angular  spot  on  the  leaves. 

Mode  of  Infection. 

The  spots  are  most  often  located  either  at  the  apex  of  the  boll, 
extending  for  a  short  distance  down  one  side,  or  at  the  base  near 
to  or  under  the  calyx.  They  occur  quite  commonly  however  on 
other  parts  of  the  surface,  both  between  and  on  the  suture  lines. 
Attempts  to  correlate  the  spots  with  bug  punctures  have  revealed 
no  evidence  of  connection. 

The  organism  is  commonly  present  on  the  plants  in  great 
amount  in  connection  with  angular  spot  of  the  leaves  and  bracts. 
When  a  plant  so  infected  is  thoroughly  wetted  by  rain  the  bacteria 



cannot  fail  to  be  well  distributed  over  its  various  parts.  Since 
the  number  of  spots  arising  on  the  bolls  is  comparatively  few  in 
the  circumstances  it  is  a  matter  of  great  interest  to  know  what 
determines  the  occurrence  of  an  infection 

Edgerton  reports  that  infections  similar  to  those  of  natural 
occurrence  and  situated  mostly  near  the  apex  of  the  boll  are 
readily  produced  by  dropping  a  bacterial  suspension  into  the 
open  flower.  He  obtained  45  per  cent,  of  infections  appearing  in 
12-14  days  in  field  trials  of  this  method,  the  controls  remaining 

It  is  possible  that  many  of  the  natural  infections  have  their 
origin  in  the  flower,  and  it  is  suggested  that  transfer  of  the 
bacteria  by  insects  may  play  a  part  in  the  process.  At  what 
stage  the  basal  infections  are  produced  is  not  clear  ;  they  do  not 
appear  to  be  correlated  with  infestations  of  angular  leaf-spot 
on  the  adjacent  bracts.  Nor  is  it  evident  whether  the  occasional 
occurrence  of  spots  with  a  fresh  appearance  on  full-sized  bolls 
is  due  to  late  or  to  delayed  infection. 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

Like  other  subjects  in  connection  with  the  disease,  this  re- 
quires a  good  deal  of  further  study  ;  losses  are  heavy  and  general 
in  wet  seasons  and  are  usually  very  small  in  dry  weather.  Under 
certain  conditions,  however,  which  are  not  understood,  severe 
local  damage  may  occur  in  what  may  be  regarded  as  a  normal 
or  good  season.  Thus  in  St.  Vincent  in  November,  1917,  a 
single  field  on  an  estate  had  a  general  infestation  of  the  bolls  of 
the  first  picking,  and  was  giving  10  per  cent,  of  stained  lint  due 
to  this  disease,  while  adjacent  fields  differing  only  in  being 
planted  a  few  weeks  later  were  practically  free.  In  early  January, 
igi8,  in  dry  weather,  a  field  of  cotton  in  Barbados  in  the  stage  of 
full  secondary  growth  was  seen  heavily  infested  with  bacterial 
boll  disease  and  black  arm  There  was  little  or  no  angular 
leaf-spot  in  the  fohage  present,  which  was  all  new. 

In  such  dry  weather  infestations  the  bacterium  itself  is  more 
directly  responsible  for  the  damage  done  than  in  wet  weather, 
when  the  occupation  of  the  spots  by  secondary  organisms  is 
the  rule. 

Resistance  and  Control. 

It  is  uncertain  at  present  what  relations  exist  between  the 
prevalence  of  bacteriad  boll  disease  and  of  angular  leaf-spot. 
From  direct  or  indirect  causes  certain  types  of  smooth-boiled 
perennial  cottons  occurring  in  these  islands  are  certainly  much 
more  susceptible  to  the  boU  disease  than  Sea  Island,  an  awkward 
fact  for  those  who  claim  an  all-embracing  immunity  for  the 
so-called  native  cottons. 

Attempts  to  reduce  the  amount  of  the  disease,  whether  by  the 



selection  of  resistant  varieties  or  by  spraying,  have  been  made 
indirectly  by  adopting  these  measures  for  the  control  of  angular 
leaf-spot,  in  the  St.  Vincent  spraying  experiments  a  3  per  cent, 
increase  in  the  percentage  of  bolls  to  flowers  was  obtained  in 
1917-18,  which  is  too  small  to  be  regarded  as  significant.  The 
subject  is  one  which  needs  further  study. 

Soft  Rot  of  Bolls. 

History  and  Distribution. 

The  soft  rot  of  bolls,  which  is  caused  by  one  or  more  species 
of  Phytophthora,  does  not  appear  to  have  been  met  with  outside 
the  West  Indies.  It  was  reported  first  from  Montserrat  by  W. 
Robson,  in  1910.  From  specimens  then  forwarded  the  nature  of 
the  disease  was  tentatively  determined  by  F.  W.  South.  In 
1916  the  writer  was  present  in  St.  Vincent  towards  the  end  of  a 
period  of  extremely  wet  weather,  and  found  the  disease  to  be 
very  destructive  so  long  as  this  prevailed.  In  1917  the  course  of  a 
small  outbreak  was  followed  in  the  same  island  and  cultures  of 
the  fungus  were  obtained,  but  its  specific  identity  has  not  yet 
been  determined.  The  presence  of  the  disease  in  the  other 
islands  is  suspected. 

Recent  observations  indicate  that  boll  rot  is  not  always 
caused  by  the  same  species  of  Phytophthora,.  A  form  isolated 
from  bolls  in  Montserrat  was  apparently  Ph.  parasitica  Dast, 
while  a  species  isolated  from  bolls  in  St.  Vincent  on  which 
it  had  developed  sporangia  luxuriantly  proved  to  be  closely 
related  to  the  Phytophthoras  of  cacao  pod-rot  and  coconut 


The  first  appearance  of  the  disease  is  shown  by  a  darkening  of 
the  colour  of  the  boll,  which  proceeds  from  a  green  darker  than 
the  normal  to  blue-black  or  black.  By  the  time  this  is  completed 
the  boll  and  its  contents  are  more  or  less  soft-rotted  and  com- 
pletely spoiled.  The  fungus  appears  externally  on  the  boll  as  a 
white  cottony  envelope  of  mycelium,  or  as  a  white  mealy  covering 
of  conidia.  No  other  part  of  the  plant  has  been  seen  to  be  at- 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  development  of  this  disease  is  closely  dependent  on  a  high 
degree  of  humidity.  It  makes  its  first  appearance  on  bolls  near 
the  ground,  especially  amongst  crowded  bushy  plants  after 
heavy  rain.  Only  in  very  wet,  cloudy  periods  does  it  attack  bolls 
on  the  higher  branches.  At  such  times  it  is  responsible  for  a  very 
large  part  of  the  heavy  losses  which  occur.  Severe  outbreaks 
pass  off  very  quickly  with  the  succession  of  dry  sunny  weather. 

Fig.  10  7 
Loggerhead  Cotton,  Young  Plants 

FiS.  lOS 
Loggerhead  Cotton,  Old  Plant 

Fig.  109 
West  Indian  Leaf  Mildew  of  Cotton 


though  the  indications  are  that  when  once  the  disease  has  made 
its  appearance  it  is  hable  to  recur  on  the  lower  bolls  under  cir- 
cumstances less  extreme  than  are  needed  to  induce  the  iirst 

Mode  of  Infection. 

Nothing  is  known  as  to  the  carrying  over  of  the  fungus 
from  year  to  year,  but  the  assumption  is  made  that,  as  in  other 
members  of  the  group,  resting  spores  are  retained  in  the  soil. 
The  means  by  which  infection  is  conveyed  from  boll  to  boll 
have  not  yet  been  studied,  but  may  be  assumed  to  be  the  same  as 
in  other  Phytophthora  diseases  (p.  21). 


S.  C.  Harland  reports  that  the  Montserrat  strain  H23,  when 
introduced  in  1919  into  the  wetter  climate  of  St.  Vincent,  proved 
so  highly  susceptible  that  practically  all  the  bolls  were  destroyed. 
Another  Montserrat  strain  D.i.  was  more  resistant  under  the 
same  conditions,  approaching  nearer  in  this  respect  to  the  ordinary 
St.  Vincent  strains,  and  gave  a  fair  crop.  The  St.  Vincent 
strains  A.B.  and  A.N.,  developed  from  the  Superfine  type,  show 
considerable  resistance  to  soft-rot  as  well  as  to  the  angular  spot 

No  type  has  been  found  sufficiently  resistant  to  avoid  loss  of 
the  lower  bolls  in  wet  weather,  the  difference  being  expressed  in 
the  survival  of  the  bolls  on  the  upper  parts  of  the  plant. 

The  control  of  soft-rot  by  spraying  with  Bordeaux  or  Burgundy 
mixture  has  not  yet  been  sufficiently  tested.  No  cases  occurred  in 
the  sprayed  plots  in  St.  Vincent  in  1918-19,  while  a  fair  number 
appeared  on  the  unsprayed  plots.  It  may  be  possible  to  show, 
when  an  opportunity  occurs,  that  spraying  at  the  outset  of  a 
threatened  epidemic  can  arrest  the  progress  of  the  disease, 
which  at  such  times  is  liable  to  destroy  most  of  the  visible  crop 
of  bolls. 

DiPLODiA  Boll  Rot. 
History  and  Distribution. 

The  existence  of  a  species  of  Diplodia  on  cotton  bolls  has  been 
several  times  recorded  in  the  United  States  since  M.  C.  Cooke 
described  Diplodia  gossypina  from  Indian  material  in  1879.  C. 
W.  Edgerton,  in  1912,  seems  to  have  been  the  first  to  attribute  a 
definite  boll  disease  to  its  agency.  He  reports  that  considerable 
loss  from  this  cause  occurs  throughout  the  State  of  Louisiana, 
averaging  perhaps  2  per  cent,  on  the  whole  crop,  but  occasionally 
in  small  areas  reaching  10  per  cent.  The  present  writer  has  long 
been  familiar  with  the  envelopment  of  rotted  West  Indian  Sea 
Island  bolls  with  masses  of  black  Diplodia  spores,  but  only  in 


1916  became  acquainted  with  the  fungus  as  the  apparent  cause 
of  a  brown  rot  of  bolls,  to  which  his  attention  was  called  by  S.  C. 
Harland  at  the  St.  Vincent  Experiment  Station.  Some  further 
notes  were  made  at  the  same  place  under  the  drier  conditions 
of  1917,  when  the  affection  was  almost  confined  to  one  perennial 
plant.  Certain  perennial  types  appear  to  be  specially  susceptible. 
In  1919  more  Sea  Islands  bolls  than  usual  were  seen  to  be  affected. 
These  are  so  far  the  only  records  of  Diplodia  disease  in  the 
Lesser  Antilles. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

The  earliest  external  sign  of  attack  as  seen  on  the  St.  Vincent 
bolls  is  a  brown  patch  of  discoloration  of  somewhat  indefinite 
form  which  rapidly  extends  over  a  great  part  or  the  whole  of  the 
boll.  The  surface  soon  becomes  dry  and  hard,  and  is  roughened 
by  the  appearance  all  over  it  of  slight  projections  marking  the 
developing  pycnidia.  The  contents  are  by  this  time  fully  in- 
fested with  the  dark  slaty-grey  mycelium.  The  pycnidia  dis- 
charge at  first  whitish  tendrils  of  hyaline  one-celled  spores,  and 
later  the  more  mature  black  two-celled  spores  are  produced  in 
such  quantity  as  to  cover  the  whole  boll  in  a  soot-like  layer. 
The  boll  is  completely  ruined. 

These  notes  agree  with  Edgerton's  account  of  the  disease  in 

Mode  of  Infection. 

According  to  Edgerton,  the  fungus  gains  entrance  through  an 
insect  puncture  or  other  wound,  and  infests  the  contents  of  the 
boll  before  it  is  able  to  attack  the  outer  wall.  The  fungus  is 
found  on  dead  stems  and  other  parts  of  the  cotton  plant,  but  is 
regarded  as  saprophytic  in  these  situations. 

The  most  significant  function  of  the  fungus  in  these  islands 
is  judged  to  be  that  of  the  infection  and  complete  destruction  of 
bolls  already  attacked  by  other  diseases. 


The  inability  of  the  fungus  to  penetrate  the  uninjured  epider- 
mis suggests  that  measures  taken  to  preserve  the  bolls  from  injury 
offer  the  best  means  of  protection  against  this  disease.  An 
additional  reason,  if  one  were  needed;  is  thus  given  for  efforts 
to  keep  down  the  numbers  of  bugs  infesting  the  cotton 

Prevention  of  the  damage  resulting  from  its  function  as  a 
secondary  parasite  likewise  depends  on  the  control  of  other  ex- 
ternal boll  diseases  which  cause  the  formation  of  spots  on  the  boll 
and  thus  give  it  access  to  the  lint  and  seed. 



The  most  destructive  boll  rot  occurring  in  the  United  States 
cotton  belt  is  agreed  to  be  the  anthracnose  produced  by  Glomerella  «• 
{Golletotrichum)  gossypii  (Southw.)  which  on  occasion  may  destroy 
50  per  cent,  or  more  of  the  crop  in  some  localities. 

Occurrence  in  the  Lesser  Antilles, 

A  disease  which  in  general  appearance  closely  resembles 
anthracnose  was  noticed  in  the  West  Indies  soon  after  the  re- 
vival of  the  Sea  Island  industry.  Bolls  from  Barbados  submitted 
to  W.  A.  Orton  were  found  to  bear  a  fungus  which  agreed  with 
the  characters  of  the  American  species,  except  for  the  smaller 
size  of  the  conidia.  This  was  described  by  L.  Lewton  Brain 
as  0.  gossypii,  var.  Barbadense,  and  it  has  been  generally  accepted 
that  boll  rot  due  to  anthracnose  existed  to  an  extent  sometimes 
serious  in  all  the  cotton-growing  islands.  It  was  regarded  as 
particularly  destructive  in  St.  Vincent,  where  practically  the 
whole  of  the  heavy  losses  occurring  in  the  wet  periods  to  which 
that  island  is  subject  were  attributed  to  anthracnose.  Investi- 
gations made  by  the  writer  in  St.  Vincent  on  various  occasions 
since  1915,  and  the  maintenance  of  constant  observation  on  boll 
diseases  there  by  S.  C.  Harland,  have  shown  that  at  least  a  very 
large  part  of  the  loss  is  due  to  internal  boll  disease,  Phytophthora 
rot,  and  bacterial  boll  disease.  Lesions  closely  resembling  the 
anthracnose  of  American  writers  and  infested  with  a  similar 
pink-spored  Golletotrichum  or  with  a  pink  Fusarium  are  fairly 
common,  but  in  all  the  examples  seen  by  the  writer  they  appear 
to  develop  on  the  spots  initiated  by  Bacterium  malvacearuni. 
The  status  of  Golletotrichum  gossypii  on  Sea  Island  cotton  in  these 
islands  is  therefore  at  the  present  time  a  matter  of  doubt,  and  re- 
quires to  be  completely  re-investigated.  The  description  which 
follows  refers  to  the  American  type  of  disease. 


The  fungus  attacks  the  boll,  according  to  the  account  given  by 
C.  W,  Edgerton,  through  the  pistil  from  conidia  reaching  the 
flowers,  by  penetrating  the  uninjured  epidermis  of  young  tender 
bolls,  and  by  way  of  insect  punctures  or  bacterial  spots  on  older 
bolls.  Beginning  with  a  small  spot  the  lesion  extends  to  a  vari- 
able extent  and  may  cover  half  the  boll.  The  affected  patch 
is  sunken  and  brovmish,  with  usually  a  red  border. 

The  lint  and  seed  are  affected  to  an  extent  varying  from 
slight  damage  to  complete  destruction,  depending  on  the  age  of 
the  boll  and  also  on  the  previous  or  concurrent  presence  of  other 


Course  of  the  Disease. 

The  seeds  are  liable  to  be  infected  in  the  boll  without  necessarily 
impairing  their  power  of  germination,  and  when  they  are  subse- 
quently planted  the  fungus  develops  and  produces  spots  or 
marginal  injury  upon  the  cotyledons.  The  conidia  are  also 
carried  on  the  surface  of  the  seed.  A  certain  amount  of  damping- 
off,  and  of  spotting  on  young  stems  are  also  produced. 

The  fungus  continues  its  existence  in  dead  spots  on  the 
leaves  and  stems  of  mature  plants,  but  does  not  spread  to  any 
marked  extent  in  the  living  tissues  apart  from  the  bolls. 

Carried  over  as  above  described  the  fungus  only  assumes 
prominence  when  the  bolls  are  formed.  The  first  infections  on 
these  produce  enormous  numbers  of  conidia,  which  are  released 
when  wetted,  and  the  combined  effects  of  rain  and  wind,  probably 
supplemented  by  insect  carriage,  serve  for  their  distribution, 
and  enable  them  to  give  rise  in  suitable  weather  to  epidemics 
of  the  disease. 

The  Fungus. 

The  manner  of  production  of  the  conidia  is  that  typical  of  the 
anthracnoses  (p.  22).  The  conidia  are  hyaline,  one-celled, 
cylindrical,  generally  straight  but  sometimes  slightly  curved, 
with  rounded  ends,  and  usually  slightly  narrower  towards  the 
middle.  They  measiire  about  3.5-7  X  12-25  microns.  The 
measurements  of  the  variety  Barbadense  are  given  by  Lewton 
Brain  as  4-5  x  11-14  micr. 

The  ascogenous  (Glomerella)  stage  has  beaked  perithecia, 
dark  brown  to  black  in  colour,  subglobose  to  p3'riform,  80-120 

X 100-160  microns,  usually  buried  in  the  host  tissue  with  only  the 
beaks  protruding  ;    ascospores  nearly  elliptical,  hyaline,  12-20 

X5-8  micr.  ;   paraphyses  abundant. 


As  pointed  out  above,  the  amount  of  injury  effected  by 
anthracnose  in  these  islands,  alone  and  in  association  with 
bacterial  boll  disease,  requires  to  be  determined,  Should  the 
need  for  control  arise  the  most  promising  measures  are  selection 
for  resistance  and  the  use  of  clean  seed.  In  view  of  internal 
infections  the  latter  can  only  be  secured  by  picking  from  uninjured 
bolls.  It  is  desirable  on  general  grounds  that  all  cotton  seed  for 
planting   should   be   externally   disinfected. 

Curly  Leaf,  Chibble  Leaf. 

Under  certain  conditions  which  appear  to  be  closely  con- 
nected with  the  prevailing  weather  Sea  Island  cotton  during  its 
vegetative  period  may  take  on  an  abnormal  form  of  growth  to 
which  the  names  above  have  been  applied.     It  most  frequently 


supervenes  after  some  amount  of  normal  growth  has  been  made, 
and  sooner  or  later  it  is  thrown  off  and  normal  growth  resumed. 
Meanwhile  the  form  of  the  plant  is  strikingly  changed  and  bearing 
is  almost  entirely  inhibited. 

The  affection  was  widespread  and  long-continued  in  St. 
Kitts  and  Nevis  in  June- July,  1914.  It  had  been  noticed  in 
previous  years  affecting  fields  here  and  there  in  St.  Kitts,  and 
more  regularly  in  particular  localities  in  Nevis.  It  has  also 
occurred  from  time  to  time  in  Antigua,  Montserrat,  and  St. 
Vincent.  An  affection  with  symptoms  the  same  in  kind  but 
developed  in  somewhat  different  proportions  has  been  trouble- 
some in  St.  Croix. 


The  general  character  of  the  form  of  growth  in  curly  leaf 
disease  is  shown  in  Figs.  105-6.  It  is  most  noticeable  towards 
the  upper  extremity  of  the  main  shoot,  but  occurs  also  on  the 
laterals.  The  internodes  of  stems  and  branches,  and  usually  the 
leaf  stalks  as  well,  grow  out  to  be  abnormally  long  and  slender. 
The  productive  branches  commonly  have  only  two  or  three 
nodes,  which  makes  the  number  of  possible  flowers  small.  The 
leaves  from  their  earliest  appearance  are  strongly  crimped  all 
round  their  margin  ;  they  are  thin  in  substance,  and  pale  green, 
tending  more  or  less  to  yellow,  in  colour.  In  some  cases  there  is  a 
diffusion  of  still  paler  colour  bordering  the  larger  veins.  In  what 
have  seemed  to  be  the  more  extreme  cases  examined  numerous 
small  irregular  holes  occur  torn  in  the  body  of  the  leaf  and  on 
its  edges.  They  arise  from  the  inability  of  small  brown  spots 
formed  in  the  very  young  leaf  to  expand  with  the  rest  of  the 

The  effect  on  bearing  of  the  onset  of  this  condition  is  profound. 
There  is  a  strong  tendency  for  the  flower  buds  to  dry  up,  turn 
black,  and  drop  at  a  very  early  stage  in  their  development ; 
very  many  are  lost  when  the  bracteoles  are  but  2  or  3  mm.  across, 
others  at  various  later  stages.  Some  plants  are  rendered  com- 
pletely barren  even  of  flowers  in  this  way.  Of  the  flower  buds 
which  do  succeed  in  developing  many  fail  to  open  ;  the  outside 
of  the  petals  becomes  slightly  discoloured  pink  and  takes  on  a 
characteristic  rather  woolly  appearance,  and  as  the  corolla 
becomes  mature  the  margins  of  the  overlapping  petals  towards 
the  tip  of  the  bud  lack  their  normal  firmness  and  cling  together, 
failing  to  expand.  Complete  withering  of  the  petals  follows. 
Flowers  examined  in  the  first  visible  stages  of  the  process  have 
been  found  to  have  the  anthers  already  brown  and  withered. 
The  effect  is  possibly  produced  by  gradual  wilting  of  the  petals 
from  the  margin  inwards,  or  it  may  be  that  they  lack  from  the 
first  the  consistency  necessary  for  the  expansion  of  the  corolla. 

All  experience  has  shown  that  so  long  as  the  curly-leaf  con- 
dition is  prevalent  the  yield  is  exceedingly  small. 


Comparison  of  notes  and  specimens  with  those  of  Longfield 
Smith  in  St.  Croix  shows  that  in  that  island  the  crimping  of  the 
leaves  is  not  developed  to  the  same  extent,  but  that  the  occur- 
rence of  small  irregular  holes,  as  mentioned  above,  is  so  abundant 
as  to  make  this  the  most  prominent  feature  of  the  disease.  The 
symptoms  on  the  flower-buds  and  the  consequent  effect  on  bearing 
are  the  same. 

Nature  of  the  Affection. 

Careful  investigation  has  revealed  no  evidence  of  association 
with  any  insect,  fungus,  or  other  organism.  The  manner  of 
occurrence  does  not  suggest  a  parasitic  origin  and  the  affection 
does  not  appear  to  be  communicable.  It  has  no  connection  with 
seed  of  any  particular  origin  and  can  occur  in  old  or  newly 
imported  strains.  It  must  therefore  be  attributed  to  some 
functional  disturbance  connected  with  external  conditions. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

It  is  the  firm  opinion  of  local  observers  that  the  appearance 
of  ciirly-leaf  is  connected  with  dull  rainy  weather,  and  it  is 
especially  liable  to  occur  in  shaded  and  sheltered  situations.  In 
St.  Croix  the  disease  is  always  associated  with  vigorous  growth 
in  the  first  two  months  after  planting  and  is  especially  prevalent 
on  the  eastern  side  of  the  island  where  the  soil  is  deep.  Cotton 
planted  on  new  land  is  generally  worst  affected.  The  stunting  of 
plants  through  water-logging  has  been  noticed  to  cause  their 
escape  from  the  disease,  and  the  outermost  rows  of  affected 
fields  commonly  remain  normal. 

The  affection  is  by  no  means  regular  in  its  occurrence  in  the 
same  district  at  the  same  time.  It  is  usually  generally  distributed 
through  a  field  in  which  it  occurs,  but  in  other  fields  may  be 
absent  or  only  slightly  developed. 

Accounts  agree  that  normal  growth  is  always  resumed  when  a 
period  of  dry  sunny  weather  ensues. 


The  conclusion  indicated  is  that  the  curly-leaf  disease  is 
definitely  connected  with  rapid  growth  brought  about  under 
certain  soil  conditions,  including  depth  and  easy  permeability, 
when  plants  in  the  active  vegetative  stage  receive  an  abundant 
supply  of  water  and  the  checks  to  growth  ordinarily  exercised  by 
sun  and  wind  are  removed  by  the  prevalence  of  still  cloudy 
weather,  the  shading  of  the  situation,  or  the  crowding  of  the  plants 

In  the  same  season  (1914)  that  the  curly-leaf  affection  was 
most  abundant  in  St.  Kitts  and  Nevis,  a  second  form  of  abnormal 


growth,  locally  named  loggerhead,  occurred  to  about  the  same 
extent.  This  appears  to  be  closely  similar  in  nature,  but  produces 
changes  in  the  form  of  the  plant  which  are  in  many  respects  the 
exact  reverse  of  those  seen  in  curly-leaf. 

The  most  striking  feature  of  the  loggerhead  form  of  growth  is 
the  shortening,  to  a  greater  or  lesser  degree,  of  the  internodes  of 
both  stems  and  branches.  A  plant  which  is  affected  at  an  early 
stage  of  growth  assumes  the  form  of  a  low  dense  bush,  with  the 
primary  leaves,  and  the  shortened  reproductive  branches  with 
their  leaves  and  flowers,  all  crowded  together  on  the  shortened 
vegetative  axes.  If  the  plant  becomes  affected  only  after  normal 
growth  has  been  made,  then  the  tops  of  the  main  stem  and  of  the 
vegetative  branches  show  similar  close  bunchy  masses.  The 
flowering  branches  have  numerous  internodes,  so  that  large 
numbers  of  flower  buds  are  produced. 

The  leaves  of  the  loggerhead  form  are  very  distinctive.  They 
are  normal  in  thickness  ;  the  general  colour  is  a  dark  green, 
usually  distinctly  darker  than  that  of  the  leaves  of  normal 
plants  ;  there  is  no  tendency  to  the  crimping  at  the  edges  which 
is  the  most  conspicuous  feature  of  the  other  form,  but  fre- 
quently the  leaf  substance  is  puckered  along  the  main  veins 
owing  to  their  insufficient  elongation ;  the  secondary  veins, 
instead  of  diverging  at  the  usual  wide  angle  may  be  tied  at  a 
narrow  angle  to  the  primary  veins  for  some  distance,  apparently 
from  the  failure  of  the  intervening  ground  tissue  to  expand. 
Such  undeveloped  spots  are  almost  transparent  and  of  a  light 
yellow  colour.  In  many  cases  there  is  not  this  interference 
with  the  form  of  the  leaf,  but  in  all  cases  there  is  a  definite 
mottled  effect  produced  by  the  presence  of  lighter  green  or 
yellowish  areas.  In  all  typical  cases  the  mottling  is  quite  difl'erent 
in  appearance  from  the  diffused  yellowish  discoloration  along  the 
course  of  the  veins  which  has  been  already  described  as  occurring 
in  some  cases  of  curly-leaf.  A  few  examples  have  been  noticed, 
however,  where  in  plants  of  the  loggerhead  form  the  light  areas 
have  followed  the  course  of  the  veins.  In  such  cases  the  yellow 
colour  has  usually  been  more  definite  than  in  the  curly-leaf 
examples,  but  occasionally  the  approach  is  very  close.  This 
was  seen  in  plants  in  which  the  suppression  of  the  internodes  was 
hardly  noticeable. 

As  in  the  case  of  curly-leaf,  large  numbers  of  flower  buds 
turn  black  and  drop  in  their  earliest  stages.  This  symptom 
cannot,  however,  be  regarded  as  a  specific  character  of  these 
affections,  since  the  same  thing  has  been  observed  on  cotton 
plants  of  normal  form  when  exposed  to  unfavourable  conditions. 
The  abnormal  condition  of  the  flowers  described  in  connection 
with  curly-leaf  also  occurs  in  plants  of  the  loggerhead  form. 

The  loggerhead  form  of  growth  can  be  assumed  at  any  stage 
at  which  active  growth  is  proceeding,  including  plants  only  a 
few  inches  high.     Most  commonly  its  occurrence  is  distinctly 


sporadic,  much  more  so  than  with  curly-leaf.  A  few  cases  have 
been  seen  in  which  its  incidence  was  fairly  general  over  the  whole 
or  part  of  a  field,  but  more  often  the  majority  of  the  plants  have 
been  normal. 

Sometimes  a  single  abnormal  plant,  sometimes  two  or  three, 
have  occurred  in  a  large  field. 

History  and  Distribution. 

Attention  seems  to  have  been  first  attracted  to  the  logger- 
head affection  in  1910,  in  which  year  it  appeared  to  an  alarming 
extent  on  an  estate  situated  towards  the  western  extremity  of 
the  island  of  St.  Kitts.  Then,  as  later,  it  was  not  regular  or 
universal  in  an}-  field.  The  seed  was  from  the  local  Experiment 
Station  at  La  Guerite.  It  has  since  been  noticed  to  some  extent 
in  the  same  district  every  year.  In  1913  it  was  severe  on  two 
estates  2  or  3  miles  to  the  north-west.  Again  the  cotton  happened 
to  be  from  local  seed,  and  in  consequence  a  change  was  made  in 
1914,  and  seed  of  a  Barbados  strain,  grown  three  years  in  St. 
Kitts,  was  used.  Early  plantings  from  this  seed  were  so  badly 
affected  that  a  fairly  large  area  was  cleared  about  June  and 

In  the  neighbourhood  of  Basseterre,  sporadic  examples  have 
occurred  each  year  since  the  affection  was  recognised,  and  have 
been  usually  rogued  out.  In  July,  1914,  the  affection  appeared 
to  a  much  greater  extent,  but  still  with  a  scattered  distribution, 
in  various  fields  situated  on  the  La  Guerite  lands.  This  cotton 
was  planted,  owing  to  the  occurrence  of  early  rains,  some  two 
months  earlier  than  is  customary. 

In  Nevis,  though  curly-leaf  has  been  common  on  some  areas 
since  1911,  the  loggerhead  affection  has  only  occurred  sporadi- 
cally, and  has  not  been  regarded  as  of  serious  importance.  In 
1914  it  was  somewhat  more  common,  and  in  two  or  three  places 
seriously  affected  small  areas.  One  of  these  was  a  plot  at  the 
Experiment  Station  planted  with  St.  Vincent  seed. 

Loggerhead  has  not  been  recorded  from  any  other  island. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

As  in  the  case  of  curly-leaf  there  is  nothing  to  indicate  a 
parasitic  origin  for  the  loggerhead  disease,  or  its  transmission 
by  infection  or  by  seed.  The  evidence  as  to  the  conditions 
inducing  its  appearance  is  less  definite  than  that  regarding 
curly-leaf.  A  plant  recovering  from  the  affection  can  occur 
within  a  few  yards  of  one  of  the  same  age  just  developing  it. 
Whole  plots  of  similar  age  separated  only  by  a  road  have  shown 
the  same  contrast.  Frequently  two  plants,  one  healthy  and  one 
badly  deformed,  have  been  seen  growing  in  close  contact  from 
the  same  "  hole." 

The  one  definite  piece  of  evidence  bearing  on  the  origin 


of  loggerhead  is  that  its  appearances  have  mostly  been  made  in 
fields  planted  out  of  the  normal  season. 

There  is  no  evidence  of  direct  relationship  between  curly-leaf 
and  loggerhead.  They  may  occur  in  the  same  field,  or  be  entirely 
dissociated.  But  it  is  suggestive  of  the  similarity  of  their  nature 
that  both  reached  their  fullest  development  in  St.  Kitts  and 
Nevis  in  the  same  season,  that  both  ceased  to  be  developed  when 
fine  sunny  weather  set  in,  and  that  neither  has  since  been  noticed 
to  any  significant  extent. 


A  species  of  rust  fungus  is  common  on  the  leaves  of  perennial 
cottons  throughout  all  the  islands.  The  variety  known  as  Nevis 
Purple  and  some  others  are  specially  susceptible  to  it.  Sea 
Island  is  usually  only  attacked  on  old  leaves  toward  the  end  of 
the  season,  but  earlier  infestation  occurs  on  unthrifty  plants. 

The  fungus  in  all  cases  appears  to  be  Kuehneola  Gossypii 
(Lager.)  Arth.,  first  described  as  Gossypii  by  Lagerheim, 
in  1891,  from  specimens  collected  in  Ecuador.  It  is  recorded 
from  British  Guiana,  the  Lesser  Antilles,  Cuba,  Porto  Rico,  and 
Florida.  The  uredospores  commonly  met  with  are  borne  mostly 
on  the  underside  of  the  leaves  in  numerous  small  round  sori, 
which  are  generally  enclosed  by  a  purple  ring  and  marked  on  the 
upper  side  of  the  leaf  by  a  purple  spot. 

Red  Leaf  Blight. 

Cotton  grown  in  poor  or  deficient  soil  is  liable  to  show  a 
special  symptom  of  ill-health  which  is  known  as  red  leaf-blight  or 
as  "  rust."  The  latter  name  is  unfortunate  as  the  affection  has 
no  relation  with  the  actual  rust  fungus  occurring  on  cotton. 
The  condition  referred  to  is  marked  by  a  discoloration  of  the 
leaves,  which  become  conspicuously  suffused  with  red  or  reddish 
brown.  It  is  commonly  associated  with  poor  growth  but  may 
occur  on  large  plants  in  the  middle  or  later  stages  of  their  exis- 
tence.   The  affected  leaves  tend  to  fall  prematurely. 

In  St.  Vincent  the  affection  is  very  common  from  an  early 
stage  on  the  undersized  plants  produced  by  land  inadequately 
manured,  especially  on  slopes  subject  to  loss  by  washing.  The 
manurial  experiments  conducted  in  that  island  appear  definite- 
ly to  connect  the  affection  with  shortage  of  potash,  a  conclusion 
reached  many  years  ago  in  connection  with  the  closely  com- 
parable affection  occurring  in  the  United  States, 

Yellow  Leaf  Blight. 

A  condition  which  in  its  general  characters  resembles  the 
affection  described  under  this  name  by  G.  F,  Atkinson,  and  also 
known  in  the  United  States  as  "  mosaic  disease,"  or  in  its  later 


stages  as  "  black  rust,"  is  sometimes  met  with  in  these  islands, 
on  plants  suffering  from  drought  or  poor  nutrition,  usually  on 
shallow  or  sandy  soils. 

According  to  Atkinson,  in  the  normal  and  usual  progress  of 
the  disease  there  first  appears  a  peculiar  yellowing  of  the  leaf, 
which  gives  it  a  checkered  or  mosaic  appearance.  The  yellow 
colour  appears  in  small  areas  and  bears  a  definite  relation  to  the 
venation  of  the  leaf,  being  bounded  by  veinlets  which  subtend 
areas  more  or  less  rectangular  in  outline.  The  green  colour  is 
found  along  the  larger  and  intermediate  veins. 

Up  to  this  stage  the  affection  is  non-parasitic,  and  due  to 
imperfect  nutrition.  Later  the  weakened  leaves  are  usually 
infested  with  weakly  parasitic  fungi  (Alternaria,  Macrosporium, 
and  Cercospora  ;  see  below)  which  give  rise  to  the  condition 
known  as  black  rust,  in  which  leaf-spots  are  heavily  developed. 

The  treatment  found  to  be  successful  in  preventing  the 
development  of  yellow  leaf  blight  on  light  soils  in  Alabama  is  the 
manurial  application  of  potash  salts. 

Macrosporium  Leaf-Spot. 

In  the  condition  known  as  yellow  leaf  blight  one  of  the  fungi 
commonly  found  on  the  browned  margins  and  in  zoned  spots  on 
the  failing  leaves  is  a  Macrosporium  sp.  In  the  United  States, 
G.  F.  Atkinson  described  the  species  thus  occurring  as  M.  nigri- 
cantium,  as  follows  : 

"  Hyphse  amphigenous,  subfasciculate,  or  scattered,  50-140  x 
6-7  micr.,  nodulose,  septate,  olive  brown.  Conidia  18-22x36-50 
micr.,  strongly  constricted  about  the  middle,  stoutly  rostrate 
at  one  side  of  the  apex,  smooth,  transversely,  longitudinally,  and 
obliquely  septate,  olive  brown." 

Whether  the  Antillean  form  or  forms  are  identical  with  this 
has  not  been  determined  ;  in  some  cases  the  agreement  with  the 
description  above  is  not  very  close. 

Alternaria  Leaf-Spot. 

A  species  of  Alternaria  is  common  in  these  islands  on  leaves 
which  are  failing  or  are  damaged  by  disease.  Similar  records 
have  been  made  from  time  to  time  in  the  United  States  and  the 
fungus  is  generally  regarded  as  probably  assignable  to  Alternaria 
tennis  Nees.,  a  species  described  from  cotton  in  Italy. 

R.  C.  Faulwetter  has  recently  made  a  study  of  Alternaria 
leaf-spot  as  it  occurs  in  S.  Carolina,  and  his  conclusions  are  as 
follows  : 

"  The  lesions  are  characterised  by  a  pale  green,  then  straw- 
yellow  and  finally  rusty  brown  colour,  brittle  papery  texture  and 
irregular  concentric  ridged  zonations. 

"  The  identity  of  the  fungus  causing  the  disease  cannot  be 


determined  with  certainty,  but  it  is  very  similar  to  Alternaria 
tenuis,  Nees. 

"  Artificial  inoculations  show  the  fungus  to  be  a  weak  parasite 
and  able  to  infect  healthy  tissue  only  under  most  favourable 

Leaf  Mildew. 

Under  the  name  of  West  Indian  leaf  mildew  a  leaf  affection 
of  Sea  Island  cotton  has  been  referred  to  in  all  accounts  of  the 
diseases  met  with  on  Sea  Island  cotton  in  the  Lesser  Antilles 
since  the  revival  of  cotton-growing.  Perennial  cottons  are  also 
attacked.  The  disease  is  universally  distributed  through  the 
islands  and  occurs  in  abundance  in  most  fields  towards  the  end 
of  the  crop.  The  fungus  was  described  in  1920  from  material 
collected  by  the  writer  as  Ovulariopsis  Gossypii  E.  M.  Wakefield. 


The  affection  is  caused  by  the  growth  of  the  fungus,  in  patches 
or  with  a  general  distribution,  on  the  backs  of  the  leaves.  The 
dark  patches  produced  are  covered  with  a  more  or  less  dense 
white  web  on  which  abundant  large  conidia  are  produced.  On 
the  upper  surface  of  the  leaves  the  infested  areas  are  marked  by 
irregular  reddish-purple  or  purplish-black  blotches  or  by  a  more 
general  suffusion  of  the  same  colours. 

The  Fungus. 

The  mycelium  is  almost  entirely  superficial,  hyaline,  and 
freely  septate.  A  few  hyphae  penetrate  by  the  stomata  into  the 
mesophyll.  The  conidiophores  are  upright  and  simple,  septate, 
bearing  terminally  in  succession  the  hyaline,  reticulate  conidia, 
which  are  oblong  or  broadly  elliptical,  with  one  end  rounded  or 
slightly  produced,  the  other  flattened  at  the  point  of  attachment, 
and  measure  50-60  x  16-22  microns.  Not  more  than  two,  one 
immature,  have  been  seen  attached  to  the  conidiophore  at  the 
same  time. 


The  disease  has  been  usually  reported  from  the  various 
islands  as  attracting  attention  only  after  periods  of  wet  weather. 
Its  occurrence  on  the  foliage  borne  by  the  plants  towards  the  end 
of  the  crop  season  is  not  limited  in  this  way,  for  it  can  be  general 
even  in  very  dry  weather,  but  it  appears  that  excessive  moisture 
induces  an  earlier  prevalence,  and  in  such  an  event  it  is  probably 
responsible  for  some  indirect  loss  of  crop.  That  it  is  not  neces- 
sarily confined  to  old  or  even  to  mature  plants  has  been  shown  by 
its  occurrence  on  the  fresh  leaves  of  quite  young  plants  grown  in 
pots,  but  under  normal  conditions  the  plant  is  resistant  up  to  a 


time  when  the  prevalence  of  the  affection  is  of  no  practical 

Areolate  Mildew. 
The  cotton  leaf  disease  known  in  the  U.S.A.  as  areolate 
mildew,  due  to  Ramularia  areola,  has  recently  been  recognised 
to  be  common  in  Trinidad.      It  gives  rise  to  small  angular 
whitish  spots  on  the  undersides  of  the  leaves. 

Crinkled  Dwarf,  Man  Cotton,  Mottled  Hybrids. 
Certain  types  of  cotton  plant  abnormal  in  form  owing  to  their 
genetic  constitution  are  met  with  in  the  cotton-growing  islands 
and  are  liable  to  be  regarded  as  diseased.  In  the  first  two  cases 
to  be  described  they  occur  as  very  occasional  individuals  in  a 
normal  Sea  Island  population,  in  the  third  as  a  result  of  accidental 
or  deliberate  crossing  of  Sea  Island  with  local  perennial  cottons. 

Crinkled  Dwarf. 

This  type  has  been  noticed  for  many  years  in  Barbados,  and 
has  been  studied  from  a  genetic  point  of  view  by  S.  C.  Harland 
in  St.  Vincent. 

The  plant  as  a  whole  is  not  more  than  2  feet  6  inches  in  height 
and  is  generally  less  than  2  feet.  There  is  a  general  reduction  of 
all  the  vegetative  and  reproductive  parts.  The  leaves  are  small 
and  characteristically  crinkled,  with  torn  and  ragged  edges,  and 
are  uneven  in  colour  from  the  presence  of  patches  of  yellowish 
green.  Vegetative  branches  are  seldom  produced  and  flower 
production  is  early  and  profuse.  Shedding  takes  place  to  such 
an  extent,  however,  that  only  an  occasional  boll  matures  and 
many  plants  are  quite  sterile. 

Crosses  with  normal  Sea  Island  result  in  a  first  generation 
indistinguishable  from  the  normal  parent.  The  second  and 
subsequent  generations  reveal  segregation  of  the  simple  Mendelian 
type  into  pure  and  heterozygous  Sea  Island  and  pure  dwarf. 
It  would  appear  that  the  crinkled  dwarf  is  a  mutation  resulting 
from  the  loss  of  a  single  factor. 

Man  Cotton. 

The  definite  morphological  type  known  as  "  man  cotton  " 
occurs  in  Barbados,  St.  Kitts  and  St.  Vincent,  and  probably  in 
the  other  islands.  Its  genetics  have  been  studied  by  S.  C. 

Man  cotton  differs  from  normal  Sea  Island  in  the  reduction  in 
size  of  its  parts  and  in  a  degree  of  sterility  which  is  complete  as 
regards  the  absence  of  viable  pollen  from  the  anthers  and  almost 
complete  in  respect  of  the  ovules,  even  when  pollinated  from 
normal  plants.  Many  of  the  fruiting  branches  abort  after  pro- 
ducing one  or  two  nodes.    The  effect  of  these  factors  on  habit 


is  to  produce  a  plant  which  is  at  once  recognisable  by  its  wiry 
upright  stem  without  spreading  branches. 

The  plants  grown  from  the  only  three  seeds  which  have  been 
found,  which  must  have  developed  from  pollination  with  normal 
Sea  Island,  were  themselves  normal  in  appearance.  The  abnormal 
type  has  occurred  in  small  proportions  in  apparently  pure  strains 
of  Sea  Island  which  have  been  selfed  for  four  successive  years. 

Mottled  Hybrids. 

In  crossing  Sea  Island  with  native  perennial  cottons  a  pro- 
portion of  the  progeny  not  seldom  shows  a  form  of  growth  some- 
what similar  to  that  seen  in  the  loggerhead  affection  already 
described.  It  is  reported  that  100  per  cent,  of  such  plants 
regularly  occur  in  crosses  with  the  St.  Croix  native.  The  writer 
has  met  with  50  per  cent,  on  one  occasion  in  Barbados,  and  20 
per  cent,  is  recorded  in  Nevis.  Some  years  ago  such  plants  were 
fairly  common  in  Barbados  fields  as  the  result  of  accidental 

The  internodes  of  the  plants  in  question  are  very  much 
shortened  so  that  a  low  and  bushy  habit  is  developed.  The 
leaves  are  always  strongly  mottled  with  yellowish  green.  The 
stems  exhibit  a  precocious  formation  of  cork  which  gives  even  the 
youngest  internodes  and  the  petioles  a  rough  scaly  appearance. 
Bearing  is  not  affected,  and  the  plants  may  give  a  very  high 
yield.  The  abnormal  characters  usually  but  not  invariably 
persist  throughout  the  life  of  the  plant. 



The  sugar-cane  is  by  origin  a  coarse  and  vigorous  grass,  which 
retains  in  the  forms  developed  by  cultivation  the  general  habit 
of  grasses,  and  is  therefore  particularly  suited  to  field  conditions. 
The  principal  diseases  to  which  it  is  subject  are  not  such  as  are 
encouraged  by  heavy  rainfall,  and  in  good  soil  it  is  well  able, 
especially  while  the  shoots  are  young,  to  withstand  exposure  to 
sun  and  drying  winds.  It  produces  a  crop  which  is  dependent 
only  on  vegetative  growth,  and  not  as  in  the  cereal  grasses  on  the 
successful  ripening  of  grain.  For  these  reasons  it  is  adaptable 
to  a  very  wide  range  of  conditions  of  soil  and  rainfall. 

Succeeding  on  an  original  diversity  of  crops,  the  cultivation 
of  sugar-cane  was  for  a  period  general  throughout  the  settled 
parts  of  the  British  West  Indies  ;  it  grew  in  light  and  heavy  soils, 
under  copious  and  scanty  rainfall,  in  humid  and  in  exposed  and 
wind-swept  situations. 

The  disastrous  depression  of  the  cane-sugar  industry  in  the 
second  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  led  to  replacement  of  sugar 
cane  by  other  crops  wherever  this  was  seen  to  be  possible,  and 
the  nature  of  the  alternatives  available  meant  for  the  most  part 
that  the  well-watered  and  more  humid  situations  were  planted 
in  cacao  and  limes.  This  applies  to  Dominica,  much  of  St. 
Lucia,  Grenada,  Tobago,  and  a  considerable  part  of  Trinidad. 
On  the  other  hand,  St.  Kitts,  Antigua,  Barbados  and  certain 
areas  of  Trinidad,  unsuited  to  orchard  crops,  maintained  a  much 
impoverished  sugar  industry  ;  while  the  remaining  islands  be- 
came almost  dereUct  until  the  revival  of  cotton  cultivation. 

Though  the  central  factory  system  increased  stabilitj^  and  the 
Great  War  brought  temporary  prosperity,  this  remains,  with  a 
few  survivals  in  other  localities  the  distribution  of  the  sugar 
industry  in  these  islands.  An  account  of  the  conditions  prevail- 
ing in  each  island  is  given  in  another  section.  In  general  the 
present  position,  as  the  outcome  of  the  history  outlined  above, 
is  that  sugar-cane  cultivation  is  mainly  restricted  to  the  drier 
islands  or  in  the  case  of  Trinidad  the  drier  or  more  exposed 
districts,  a  result  of  considerable  ecological  importance. 

The  outstanding  factors  favouring  the  growth  of  sugar-cane' 
are  rainfall,  atmospheric  humidity,  soil  aeration,  and  nitrogen 
supply  The  combination  of  optimum  conditions  in  these  respects 

Fig.  110 
Marasmius  Mycelium  on  Sugar-Cane 

Fis.  Ill 

FRucxrFiCATioNS  OF  Marasmius  associated  with  Acute  Root 
Disease  of  Sugar-Cane,  Trinidad 

Fig.  112     Acute  Type  of  Root  Disease 
Infestation  of  Young  Plant  Cane  with  Marasmius 


Fig.   Ii:?     Acute  Type  of  Koot  Disease 
Buds  of  Young  Plant  Cane  infested  with  Marasmius 

Fig,  114 
Fructification  of  Odontia  Sp.  on  Sugar-Cani 


is  rare,  and  the  deficiencies  encountered  in  different  situations  and 
circumstances  lead  to  wide  diversities  in  agricultural  practice. 

The  primitive  method  of  growing  sugar-cane,  still  practised 
where  good  forest  soil  is  available,  is  to  plant  up  the  cleared  land 
and  take  off  a  long  succession  of  ratoon  crops,  then  perhaps  letting 
the  land  relapse  for  a  time  to  bush.  Sooner  or  later  this  method 
has  to  be  replaced  by  a  more  permanent  system  of  agriculture, 
with  more  frequent  replanting,  more  careful  cultivation,  the 
use  of  manures,  and  eventually  the  interposition  of  rotation  crops 
or  fallow.  The  extent  to  which  these  measures  have  to  be  adopted 
to  get  an  average  crop  with  average  ability  of  management  is  a 
measure  of  the  general  suitability  of  the  conditions  for  cane 

On  good  soils  in  Trinidad,  where  heavy  dews  and  humid  air 
supplement  the  effects  of  the  actual  rainfall,  it  is  still  possible 
in  some  places  to  pursue  a  system  of  continuous  cropping  and 
long  ratooning.  The  opposite  extreme  is  reached  in  the  arid  sea- 
board districts  of  Barbados,  where  plant  canes  only  can  be  grown 
and  these  have  to  be  alternated  every  third  or  even  in  some  cases 
every  second  period  with  a  rotation  crop,  in  addition  to  the  land 
being  thoroughly  prepared  well  ahead  of  each  planting  season 
and  each  crop  heavily  manured. 

Between  these  extremes  there  is  a  variety  of  practice,  with  a 
general  tendency  in  recent  years  to  the  further  reduction  of 
ratoons,  which  is  variously  interpreted  as  the  result  of  less  efficient 
cultivation  owing  to  shortage  and  increased  expense  of  labour, 
the  substitution  of  chemical  for  organic  manures,  and  the  demand 
for  increased  tonnage  under  the  system  of  central  factories. 

It  is  more  than  usually  necessary  in  the  case  of  sugar-cane 
that  an  understanding  of  agricultural  practice  should  precede 
the  study  of  its  diseases,  for  the  manner  in  which  any  defect  in 
the  adaptation  of  agricultural  methods  to  conditions  of  soil  and 
climate  finds  expression  is  in  the  prevalence  of  the  general  condi- 
tion known  as  root  disease.  It  is  thus  permissible  from  one 
point  of  view  to  regard  all  the  modifications  of  practice  referred 
to  above  as  measures  for  the  avoidance  of  this  condition. 

Excepting  injuries  of  insect  origin,  root  disease  is  at  the 
present  time  the  only  serious  affection  of  sugar-cane  in  these 
islands,  and  the  effects  of  insect  injury  are  often  so  entangled 
with  those  of  root  disease  that  they  cannot  be  studied  apart. 

Root  Disease  :   General  Type. 

The  Nature  of  Root  Disease. 

In  its  application  to  sugar-cane  the  term  root  disease  in  its 
general  sense  is  an  expression  for  the  form  which  is  taken  by 
failure  due  in  the  first  instance  to  adverse  conditions  of  soil, 
climate,  or  insect  infestation.    It  owes  its  recognition  as  a  disease 



to  the  fact  of  the  invariable  association  with  it  of  the  myceHa  of 
certain  fungi  which  frequently  become  conspicuously  developed 
on  the  affected  stools.  The  presence  of  these  fungi  is  not  in 
itself  sufficient  to  produce  any  notable  effect  on  the  health  of 
the  plant,  for  with  the  system  of  cultivation  followed  in  localities 
favourable  to  the  cane  they  occur  in  some  abundance  in  fields 
bearing  good  crops,  and  it  is  certain  that  they  are  present  to 
some  extent,  though  it  ma}^  be  in  an  inconspicuous  condition, 
in  all  cane  fields. 

It  is  usually  assumed,  and  the  evidence  as  a  whole  supports 
the  idea,  that  while  the  root  fungi  normally  exist  on  dead  or 
senescent  material  they  are  able  to  attack  and  injure  the  plant 
when  its  vigour  is  for  any  reason  depressed.  The  amount  of 
this  injury  cannot  be  exactly  determined,  for  it  must  in  the 
nature  of  the  case  be  exceedingly  variable.  The  adverse  condi- 
tions which  enable  such  injury  to  take  place  produce  their  own 
direct  effects,  and  it  is  in  all  cases  a  matter  of  judgment  to  what 
extent  the  action  of  the  fungus  has  increased  them. 

In  accordance  with  these  characters  root  disease  may  be 
regarded  in  either  of  two  ways  : 

(a)  as  a  condition  of  ill-health  non-parasitic  in  its  origin, 
increased  to  a  varying  extent  by  secondary  infestation  with  semi- 
parasitic  fungi ;  or 

(6)  as  a  fungus  disease  for  the  development  of  which  a 
weakened  condition  of  the  plant  is  necessary  as  a  predisposing 

The  difference  is  mainly  one  of  phrases,  and  one  or  the  other 
conception  may  be  the  more  appropriate  in  a  given  case. 


The  association  of  the  fungus  Marasmius  Sacchari  with  a  root 
disease  of  sugar-cane  in  Java  was  described  by  J.  H.  Wakker  in 
1895.  Root  disease  in  which  this  fungus  among  others  commonly 
appears  is  generally  distributed  through  the  West  Indian  region 
from  Louisiana  to  British  Guiana.  It  occurs  in  the  Hawaiian 
Islands  and  in  Queensland  and  has  recently  been  reported  from 
South  Africa. 

In  the  West  Indies  the  fungus  was  first  recognised  and  its 
relation  to  root  disease  described  by  A.  Howard.  The  affection 
has  been  discussed  by  every  mycologist  who  has  had  to  do  with 
sugar-cane  in  these  regions,  but  almost  entirely  in  general  terms. 
There  is  need  for  detailed  investigation  of  the  several  fungi 
concerned  and  their  relationship  to  the  plant,  but  from  the 
nature  of  the  case  this  study  to  be  complete  would  need  to  include 
the  whole  ecology  of  the  sugar-cane. 

The  Associated  Fungi. 

Marasmius  spp.     The  fungus  most  usually  associated  with 



root  disease  is  Marasmhis  Sacchari  Wakker,  which  is  very 
common  in  cane  fields  generally,  its  mycelium  developing  freely 
in  the  thrown-out  parts  of  cane-stools  after  cutting,  on  dead 
shoots,  and  on  adhering  trash  ;  it  can  be  shown  to  occur  in  old 
roots.  The  extent  to  which  it  appears  above  soil  level  is  largely 
determined  by  the  amount  of  moisture  locally  present.  The 
mycelium  is  recognisable  by  the  way  in  which,  by  developing  a 
gelatinous  consistency,  it  sticks  the  leaf  sheaths  together,  appear- 
ing when  they  are  separated  like  a  layer  of  dried  flour  paste. 
It  is  further  distinguishable  from  that  of  the  fungus  next  to  be 
described  by  the  absence  of  either  feathery  structure  or  of  a 
uniform  granular  layer  formed  on  the  external  leaf  sheaths  of 
the  infested  stools. 

Fig.  115 

Odontia  sacchari,  Cystidium  and  Basidium  with  Single  Spore 

From  Bull.  Porto  Rico,  Ins.  Expt.  Sta. 

The  fructifications  of  Marasmius  are  small  white  papery 
toadstools,  usually  less  than  half  an  inch  across.  They  may  be 
formed  in  abundance  on  infested  material,  but  only  under  very 
moist  conditions,  generally  after  heavy  rain.  They  quickly  dry 
up  and  disappear  on  a  sunny  day.  Their  connection  with  the 
white  mycelium  described  has  been  established  by  cultures,  and 
they  develop  on  infested  material,  including  dead  roots,  kept  in 
a  moist  chamber. 

There  are  other  species  of  Marasmius  occurring  on  sugar-cane, 
seen  especially  in  Trinidad,  but  to  some  extent  in  Barbados 
Their  mode  of  occurrence  appears  to  be  essentially  the  same  as 
that  of  M.  Sacchari. 


Odontia  spp.  A  white  m5^celium,  easily  distinguishable  from 
that  of  Marasmius  by  its  feathery  pattern  of  growth  and  the 
production  of  abundant  stellate  crystals  of  calcium  oxalate,  has 
long  been  known  as  apparently  capable  of  producing  effects 
similar  to  those  of  Marasmius.  It  has  been  commonly  referred 
to  as  the  stellate  crystal  fungus,  and,  as  a  mycelium  of  unknown 
affinities,  was  given  the  name  Himantia  stellifera  by  J.  R.  John- 
ston. More  recently  E.  A.  Burt  has  described  the  fructifications 
of  Odontia  Sacchari  and  0.  Saccharicola  from  Porto  Rico  material : 
two  closely  related  fungi  which  produce  their  spores  on  cane  trash 
in  a  close-lying,  granular,  buff-coloured  layer  hardly  distinguish- 
able without  the  aid  of  a  lens  from  the  surface  of  the  dry  trash 

The  constant  association  and  apparent  organic  connection  of 
Odontia  fructifications  with  the  typical  stellate  crystal  mycelium 
of  Himantia  suggests  strongly  that  the  two  belong  to  the  same 
fungus,  to  which  the  name  Odontia  would  in  that  case  apply. 
The  relationship  is  highly  probable  but  has  not  to  the  writer's 
knowledge  been  proved  by  pure  cultures.  Both  Odontia  and 
Himantia  are  generally  distributed  in  these  islands. 

Other  fungi  :— In  Hawaii  the  stinkhorn  fungus  Ithyphallus 
coralloides  has  been  regarded  as  responsible  for  some  amount  of 
root  disease  and  in  British  Guiana  the  mycelium  of  the  related 
Phallus  aurantiaciis  is  commonly  vaet  with.  Forms  of  infesta- 
tion with  distinctive  mycelia  have  occurred  in  Antigua  but 
without  identification  of  the  fungus  concerned. 

C.  W.  Carpenter  has  shown  recently  that  root  decay,  par- 
ticularly of  the  Lahaina  cane,  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  is  caused  by 
Pythium  hitler i  Subram,  which  he  considers  to  be  responsible 
also  for  wilt  disease  of  the  pineapple  and  a  root-rot  of  rice. 


The  prevalence  in  growing  canes  of  the  ordinary  type  of  root 
disease  results  in  a  backward  and  stunted  condition  of  the  stools. 
The  general  effect  is  that  of  shortage  of  water  brought  about  by 
interference  with  absorption  through  reduction  of  the  roots. 
The  leaves  of  affected  shoots  have  their  edges  rolled  inwards 
when  those  of  healthy  plants  are  expanded  ;  they  eventually 
turn  brown  from  their  edges  inward,  and  in  order  from  below 
upwards,  until  the  shoot  is  withered  to  the  top.  The  trash, 
where  it  has  not  been  stripped,  is  cemented  firmly  around  the 
lower  joints  of  the  canes,  and  under  it  matted  roots  occur  up  to  a 
foot  or  more  from  the  ground,  sent  out  in  an  endeavour  to  find  the 
necessary  water.  A  clump  infested  early  has  a  characteristic 
stunted  appearance  and  several  or  many  of  the  shoots  ma}^  be 
dead  and  dry.  Infested  stools  are  easily  turned  over  and  exhibit 
roots  which  are  mostly  either  dead  or  lacking  in  fibrous  branches 

It  is  not  usual  in  this  type  of  the  disease  for  the  stem  bases 
to  be  attacked,  and  the  amount  of  injury  to  the  roots  is  often 

Fig.  116 


Mycelium  on  Sugar- cane 


difficult  to  estimate.  Senescence  and  death  of  the  older  roots  is  to 
some  extent  normal,  and  changes  in  aeration  brought  about  by 
the  saturation  or  packing  of  the  soil  frequently  cause  the  gradual 
replacement  of  the  deeper  roots  by  others  nearer  the  surface, 
without  necessarily  producing  much  effect  on  growth  so  long  as 
the  weather  is  favourable.  The  most  that  one  can  usually  say  in 
moderate  cases  is  that  the  number  of  functioning  roots  is  less 
than  one  would  expect  to  find  in  the  situation,  or  than  is  found  in 
normal  plants  at  the  same  stage.  It  is  also  possible  to  trace  a 
certain  amount  of  invasion  of  the  young  roots  by  the  hyphae  of 
the  fungus  ;  th  'r  tips  are  frequently  brown  and  dead,  the  cortex 

Fig.   117 


From  Bull.  Porto  Rico  Ins.  Expt.  Sta. 

is  red  or  brown  in  spots,  and  considerable  distortion  may  be 
present  as  a  result  of  interference  with  the  growing  tips. 

In  the  acute  type  of  root  disease  later  described,  the  ability 
of  Marasmius  to  become  parasitic  on  roots,  buds,  shoots  and 
stem  bases  is  convincingly  demonstrated,  and  it  is  reasonable  to 
assume  that,  in  the  general  type  now  under  discussion,  this 
ability  is  exercised  to  some  extent. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

The  condition  of  infestation  described  is  very  rarely 
general  and  uniform  over  a  whole  field.  Typically  it 
occurs    in    its    pronounced    form    in    patches    related    to    the 


contour  of  the  ground  or  the  nature  of  the  soil.  Where  its 
origin  is  due  to  drought  the  windward  edges  of  the  field  are  often 
worst  affected.  The  predisposing  causes  of  its  prevalence  may  be 
summed  up  under  the  headings  :  dry  weather,  poverty  of  soil, 
defective  aeration,  and  insect  injuries. 

Soil  poverty  and  drought  are  much  the  same  in  their  results, 
and  root  disease  as  the  effect  of  the  former  most  frequently 
becomes  evident  as  rain  fails.  On  the  other  hand,  it  is  possible 
by  thorough  cultivation,  by  heavy  manuring,  by  reducing  ratoons 
and  by  rotation  of  crops,  to  so  increase  the  resistance  of  the  cane 
and  reduce  the  quantity  of  fungus  that  the  effects  of  a  low  rain- 
fall are  largely  offset.  It  is  from  this  point  of  view  that  the 
intensive  agricultural  methods  characteristic  of  Barbados  must 
be  regarded. 

Defective  aeration,  which  confines  the  roots  to  the  upper 
layers  of  the  soil,  reducing  their  feeding  range  and  leaving  them 
susceptible  to  the  first  influence  of  dry  weather,  may  be  due  either 
to  want  of  tilth  in  the  soil  or  to  the  saturation  of  the  soil  with 
water.    Both  causes  operate  to  induce  root  disease.    The  retention 
of  tilth  depends,  (a)  on  the  physical  consistency  of  the  soil,  so 
that  some  soils  are  for  this  reason  less  suited  to  ratooning  than 
others,  (6)  on  its  content  of  organic  matter,  (r)  on  the  frequency 
and  thoroughness  of  cultivation,  and  ((/)  on  restriction  of  the 
operations  of  implemental  tillage  to  suitable  weather.    The  watP'^ 
logging  of  the  soil  is  usually  due  to  imperfect  provision  1 
drainage,  but  in  some  cases  is  attributable  to  the  highly  retenti; 
nature  of  certain  soils,  which  in  wet  weather  refuse  to  drain  at  l 
adequate  rate  even  on  the  margin  of  the  trenches.     At  the  same 
time  that  the  drying  out  of  water-logged  soil  causes  an  improve- 
ment in  canes  suffering  for  that  reason,  dry  weather  takes  effect 
on  those  in  light  or  compacted  soils  and  makes  their  condition 

Insect  injuries  and  root  disease  may  be  intimately  associated, 
as  in  the  froghopper  bhght  of  Trinidad.  The  fields  attacked  by 
froghopper  are  usually  those  which  by  their  age  or  situation  are 
most  liable  to  root  disease,  and  after  they  are  damaged  by  the 
insect  the  fungi  get  a  hold  on  them  which  prevents  recovery  when 
the  insect  infestation  has  passed.  In  this  way  an  end  result  of 
whole  fields  or  tracts  appearing  completely  crippled  by  root 
disease  is  produced  in  the  situations  where  the  froghopper  has 
been  prevalent.  The  infestation  of  stools  with  root  grubs  also 
produces  or  increases  susceptibility  to  root  disease. 

So  far  the  discussion  has  emphasized  the  harmfulness  of  root 
fungi,  but  an  account  of  root  disease  would  give  a  wrong  im- 
pression which  did  not  indicate  the  ability  of  plants  growing  under 
good  conditions  to  make  excellent  growth  in  spite  of  heavy 
infestation  of  the  stools.  This  is  best  seen  when  canes  in  good 
soil,  infested  as  a  result  of  drought,  resume  growth  with  the  return 
of  rains.     Stools  which  appeared  dead  will  send  out  vigorous 


shoots  and  abundant  new  roots  and  continue  to  thrive  so  long 
as  the  conditions  are  favourable.  In  the  same  way  fields  of 
ratoons  which  have  been  infested  in  a  dry  year  and  have  given 
next  to  no  return  have  produced  good  crops  when  the  following 
year  provided  suitable  weather.  This  is  in  strict  conformity  with 
the  nature  of  the  disease  as  set  out  above,  and  no  such  recovery 
can  be  expected  where  the  soil  is  in  a  defective  condition. 


It  is  not  at  all  uncommon  for  cuttings  and  especially  for  top 
plants  to  have  root  fungus  present  upon  them  in  a  living  con- 
dition when  they  are  put  into  the  ground.  It  is  in  fact  the 
custom  of  some  planters,  from  motives  of  economy,  to  take  their 
plants  from  their  worst  fields,  which  in  many  cases  are  running  out 
owing  to  infestation  with  this  disease.  Such  material  may  give 
quite  good  results  in  a  favourable  season,  but  the  fungus  is  present 
from  the  beginning,  ready  to  take  advantage  of  any  unfavourable 
circumstance  that  may  occur.  Infection  may  also  take  place  from 
the  old  stools  left  in  the  ground,  from  imperfectly  rotted  trash 
and,  where  there  has  been  no  suitable  rotation  of  crops,  from 
mycelium  present  in  the  soil.  Ratoons  are  especially  liable  to 
infestation  owing  to  the  fungus  which  has  gained  a  footing  on  the 
plant  canes  attaining  to  a  vigorous  development  on  the  material 
thrown  out  of  action  when  the  first  crop  is  cut,  at  the  same  time 
that  the  effect  on  the  plant  of  the  progressive  deterioration  of 
the  unworked  soil  affords  it  increasing  opportunities  for  harm- 
fulness.  The  spores  of  the  fungus  afford  another  means  for 
its  dissemination,  but  of  this  nothing  is  directly  known. 

Varietal  Resistance. 

In  a  given  locality  there  are  stronelv  marked  differences  in 
the  susceptibility  of  sugar-cane  varieties  to  root  disease.  It  is 
questionable,  however,  how  far  resistance  or  susceptibiUtv  can  be 
regarded  as  constant  varietal  characters.  It  is  the  writer's 
opinion  that  canes  which  are  well  or  ill-suited  to  a  particular 
district,  especially  in  regard  to  soil,  show  differences  in  vigour 
which  are  reflected  in  their  relative  liability  to  root  disease.  A 
cane  which  has  an  excellent  reputation  in  one  place  may  have  a 
very  poor  one  in  another,  and  various  degrees  of  such  differences 
give  rise  to  the  strong  and  varied  local  preferences  which 

Under  present  conditions  the  Bourbon  and  B  208  appear  to 
be  the  most  widely  susceptible  of  standard  kinds  ;  both  require 
soils  in  good  tilth  to  succeed.  To  these  C.  K.  Bancroft  added 
D  625  and  Green  Transparent  from  British  Guiana  experience, 
with  D  109  rather  susceptible,  D  145  and  D  118  more  resistant, 
and  D  216  and  D  159  not  affected.  White  Transparent  shows  an 
increase  of  susceptibility  over  most  other  varieties  in  the  dry 


conditions  of  Barbados  and  on  heavy  soils  in  Antigua.  In 
Antigua  Sealy  Seedling  is  highly  valued  for  its  resistance  on 
heavy  clay  soils  and  D  95  is  fairly  satisfactory  under  the  same 
circumstances.  The  most  strongly  resistant  of  all  canes  grown 
in  the  West  Indies  is  the  Uba,  which  is  used  for  planting  in  poor 
soils  and  on  thin  patches  in  Trinidad  and  Antigua.  Even  this 
becomes  severely  infested  and  can  even  be  killed  outright  by 
root  disease  in  combination  with  froghopper  attack. 


It  is  clear  from  the  foregoing  that  it  is  to  the  general  efficiency 
of  his  agricultural  practice  rather  than  to  direct  action  against 
the  fungus  that  the  planter  must  Igok  for  the  control  of  root 
disease.  The  greatest  of  all  safeguards  against  it  lies  in  the  rota- 
tion of  crops.  Where  this  is  not  practicable  the  more  thoroughly 
the  ground  is  worked  in  the  necessary  interval  between  reaping 
and  planting  the  better,  since  exposure  leads  to  the  rapid  decay  of 
infective  material,  and  tends  to  the  sterilization  of  the  soil. 
Under  such  circumstances  deep  ploughing  is  advisable  at  an  early 
time.  The  practice  of  leaving  the  stools  in  "  resting  "  or  thrown- 
out  lands  is  a  very  bad  one  from  this  point  of  view.  With  regard 
to  the  ratooning  of  infested  fields,  although  as  has  been  mentioned 
above  it  may  be  possible  in  a  good  year  to  ^ei  satisfactory  re- 
sults, such  conditions  are  not  so  frequent  in  most  of  the  cane- 
growing  islands  as  to  make  the  chances  worth  taking.  The 
advantages  of  selecting  healthy  material  for  planting  have  been 
pointed  out  above.  The  soaking  of  the  sets  in  Bordeaux  mixture, 
originally  recommended  as  a  precaution  against  pineapple 
disease,  is  of  very  little  value  against  the  mycelium  of 

Where  the  disease  appears  in  single  stools  or  patches  some 
local  cause  such  as  soil  grubs,  sucking  insects,  bad  drainage  or 
shallow  soil  should  be  first  looked  for.  The  effects  of  exposure 
may  cause  the  disease  to  appear  on  the  outside  rows  of  wind- 
swept fields. 

The  digging  of  isolation  trenches  sometimes  recommended  is 
not  regarded  as  having  any  practical  value.  Another  recom- 
mended measure,  the  application  of  lime,  must  be  considered 
with  due  regard  to  the  general  condition  of  the  soil  and  the 
indications  found  of  the  causes  of  the  infestation.  Quicklime 
has  a  directly  sterilizing  effect,  slaked  lime  hastens  the  decay  of 
material  that  would  support  the  fungus  in  the  soil.  Exposure 
of  the  soil  by  repeated  turnings  is  probably  quite  effective  enough 
for  practical  purposes. 

It  should  be  noted  that  chemical  manures  applied  to  diseased 
stools  are  wasted  unless  the  formation  of  new  roots  has  first 
been  stimulated  by  moisture  and  cultivation. 


Root  Disease  :   Acute  Type. 

Instances  have  on  several  distinct  occasions  come  under  the 
observation  of  the  writer  in  young  plant  canes  in  Barbados,  and 
recently  m  fields  of  first  ratoons  in  Trinidad,  in  which  plants 
growing  in  good  well-tHled  soH  and  previously  healthy  and 
vigorous  have  rapidly  failed,  and  have  been  found  to  be  heavily 
infested  with  Marasmius,  not  only  on  the  roots  and  leaf-sheaths, 
but  in  the  tissues  of  the  basal  joints  of  the  cane.  In  such  cases 
the  fructifications  of  the  fungus  have  been  produced  with  un- 
usual readiness  and  in  considerable  quantity. 

The  attacks  on  plant  canes  have  occurred  in  somewhat 
scattered  stools  during  the  dry  season.  On  one  occasion  numbers 
of  stools  of  Ba.  6032  were  quite  killed  out  in  this  way,  while 
plants  of  B  6450,  in  the  same  field,  which  were  not  nearly  so 
forward,  were  unaffected.  The  basal  joints,  and  the  sprouting 
buds  in  all  stages  were  internally  reddened  and  filled  with  Maras- 
mius mycelium.  This  type  of  disease  agrees  with  the  effects  of 
Marasmius  Sacchan  as  first  described  by  Wakker  in  Java,  where 
the  ordinary  West  Indian  type,  presumably  owing  to  the  scarcity 
of  ratoons,  does  not  seem  to  be  famihar.  In  Barbados  M. 
Sacchan  was  the  species  met  with  in  the  cases  described. 

The  most  striking  instance  seen  in  Trinidad  was  in  a  field  of 
Hill  s  Seedlings  6  and  12,  unusually  well-grown  first  ratoons  in 
deep  and  fairly  heavy  loam,  sufficiently  drained.  Very  many  of 
the  large  canes  were  badly  infested  or  completely  rotted  for 
several  joints  at  the  base,  the  parts  above  remaining  sound  until 
dried  up  by  the  cutting  off  of  their  supply  of  water.  The  young 
leafy  shoots  were  also  dying  upwards  owing  to  infestation  in  their 
base.  The  stools  were  exceedingly  loose  in  the  soil,  and  many 
were  turned  out  by  the  weight  of  their  own  canes.  An  un- 
identified species  of  Marasmius,  with  bluish  black  stalks,  was 
fruiting  abundantly  from  the  roots,  the  root  "  eyes  "  on  the  stem 
and  the  young  shoots.  Other  fungi  were  not  conspicuous. 
_  While  no  proof  can  be  offered,  the  cases  described,  and  others 
sunilar,  present  the  appearance  of  active  parasitism  by  Marasmius 
species.  The  Barbados  examples  were  attributed  to  the  weaken- 
mg  of  resistance  by  drought,  and  stools  not  completely  killed 
recovered  after  rain.  The  sudden  failure  of  the  Trinidad  field 
described  could  only  be  attributed  to  the  effect  of  a  second 
dressing  of  sulphate  of  ammonia  on  a  soil  already  almost  depleted 
of  its  small  supply  of  lime. 

The  Epidemic  on  the  Bourbon  Cane 

The  Bourbon  cane  was  introduced  into  the  West  Indies  in  the 

i8th  century  from  the  island  of  Otaheite,  where  it  is  believed  to 

have  originated,  and  up  to  the  years  about  1895  was  the  variety 

m  general  cultivation  in  aU  the  islands.    About  1890  the  fields  in 


some  places  began  to  return  large  quantities  of  "  rotten  cane," 
and  the  epidemic  of  disease  of  which  this  was  the  first  sign 
developed  with  great  suddenness  and  intensity  throughout  the 

Losses  variously  estimated  at  25  to  50  per  cent,  are  reported 
from  Trinidad,  Grenada,  St.  Vincent,  Barbados,  Antigua  and  St. 
Kitts  in  the  years  from  1892  to  1894.  The  disease  is  reported 
to  have  appeared  in  British  Guiana  in  the  latter  year  and  sub- 
sequently to  have  made  rapid  progress  in  the  colony. 

The  diseased  canes  showed  infestation  with  a  "  shot-borer  " 
beetle  {Xyleborus  perforans)  and  the  affection  was  at  first  attri- 
buted to  this  agency.  Material  was  sent  for  examination  to  the 
Royal  Gardens,  Kew,  and  from  the  examination  of  this  and  on 
the  strength  of  cultures  and  inoculation  experiments  made  at 
Kew,  G.  Massee,  in  1893,  reported  that  the  "  vexed  question  " 
of  the  nature  of  the  disease  had  been  "  conclusively  settled,"  and 
that  it  was  caused  by  a  fungus  named  by  him  Trichosphcsria 
Sacchari,  which  formed  perithecia  on  dead  canes  and  had  as 
active  conidial  stages  a  Melanconium  form  {M.  Sacchari,  Mass.), 
and  a  form  producing  micro  and  macro-conidia  (the  Thielaviopsis 
ethaceticus  of  Went).  Later  he  added  as  probably  another  form 
of  the  same  fungus  Colhtotrichum  falcatum  Went,  to  which,  from 
its  presence  in  certain  stools  examined,  he  attributed  root  disease 
in  Barbados.  From  the  general  occurrence  on  the  surface  of  the 
shrivelling  canes  of  the  acervuli  and  conspicuous  sooty  conidia  of 
Melanconium  Sacchari  the  affection  was  commonly  known  as 
rind  disease. 

Later  research  has  produced  no  support  of  Massee's  pro- 
nouncements :  Trichosphaeria  does  not  seem  to  have  been  met 
with  again,  and  Melanconium,  Thielaviopsis,  and  Colletotrichum 
are  now  recognised  to  be  entirely  separate  fungi,  each  of  which, 
under  certain  conditions,  produces  a  distinct  affection  of  siiear- 
cane,  while  root  disease  is  attributed  to  Marasmiiis  spp. 

A.  Howard,  working  in  Barbados,  sorted  out  the  confusion, 
bringing  the  situation  into  line  with  Went's  researches  in  Java, 
and  in  1903  brought  forward  evidence  to  show  that  the  epidemic 
was  primarily  due  to  the  somewhat  obscure  infestation  of  the 
canes  with  Colletotrichwn  falcatum,  a  conclusion  which  all  later 
experience  goes  to  confirm. 

The  situation  was  met  by  the  adoption  of  resistant  varieties, 
of  which  White  Transparent,  Caledonian  Queen,  and  some  others 
were  then  available,  and  these  have  been  followed  by  a  succession 
of  seedling  varieties  mainly  raised  in  Barbados  and  BrH"^sh 
Guiana.  The  shot-borer  still  occurs  in  damaged  cane,  Me.jn- 
coniiim  Sacchari  is  everywhere  abundant  on  over-ripe  or  injured 
stalks,  and  Thielaviopsis  causes  losses  of  cuttings  in  dry  planting 
seasons.  Colletotrichum  on  the  other  hand  has  become  rare 
except  when  an  attempt  is  made  to  re-establish  the  Bourbon, 
when   the   symptoms   of   the   original   trouble   usually  reassert 

Photo  by] 

[C.  W.  Eiigerlo 

Fig.  118 

Red-rot  of  Sugar-cane 

From  M.  T.  Cook's  Diseases  of  Tropical  Plants,  by  permission  of  Macmillan  &  Co. 



Fig.    119      CoLLETOTRICnUM    FALCATUM 
From  Bull.  Dept.  Pathology,  H.S.P.A. 

Fig.  121      Melanconium  Sacchari  :    Vertical  Section  of  Stroma 

Fro7n  Bull.  Dept.  Pathology,  H.S.P.A. 


themselves  with  undiminished  intensity.  In  some  remote  dis- 
tricts in  Trinidad,  and  to  a  more  considerable  but  rapidly  dim- 
inishing extent  in  British  Guiana,  the  cultivation  of  the  Bomrbon 
is  still  continued. 

The  statements  of  some  writers  that  the  breakdown  of  the 
Bourbon  was  mainly  due  to  root  disease  is  not  supported  by  the 
evidence.  Accounts  agree  that  the  crops  grew  well  until  they 
were  about  6  months  old,  and  often  for  9  or  10  months,  and  that 
the  attack  then  became  general,  while  good  soil,  heavy  manuring, 
and  efficient  cultivation  did  nothing  to  reduce  its  severity. 
This  type  of  incidence  is  entirely  different  from  that  of  root 
disease.  In  the  trials  of  Bourbon  made  from  time  to  time  by 
planters,  and  in  the  plots  maintained  by  experiment  stations, 
the   failure  is   usually   demonstrably   due   to   Collet otrichum. 

At  the  same  time  the  Bourbon  cane  is  very  susceptible  to 
root  disease  under  adverse  conditions,  and  no  doubt  the  losses 
occasioned  in  this  way  were  indiscriminately  set  down  to  the 
account  of    "  rind  disease." 

The  question  that  remains  most  interesting  is  that  of  the 
origin  of  the  epidemic.  Three  explanations  worth  considering 
have  been  offered  : — 

(i)  That  a  fungus  previously  occurring  as  a  saprophyte 
had  evolved  a  strongly  parasitic  strain. 

(2)  That  the  Bourbon  cane,  from  long  vegetative  re- 
production in  the  same  soils,  had  degenerated  and  become 
susceptible    to   parasites    previously   unable   to   attack   it. 

(3)  That  a  parasite  previously  absent  had  been  introduced 
from  another  region. 

A  fourth  idea  held  by  some  of  the  older  school  of  planters, 
that  the  disease  resulted  from  the  use  of  chemical  manures, 
was  negatived  by  its  prevalence  in  districts  where  these  had  not 
been  adopted. 

The  first  theory  was  mainly  based  on  the  belief  that  the  disease 
was  due  to  Melanconium,  which  fungus  was  remembered  to  have 
been  noticed  for  many  years.  There  is  no  evidence  to  show  how 
long  the  inconspicuous  Colletotrichum  had  been  present  in  the 
West  Indies,  but  it  was  described  as  a  parasite  with  its  present 
characters  in  Java  in  1893,  and  its  distribution  suggests  that  it 
is  indigenous  to  the  Eastern  Tropics. 

The  theory  most  generally  adopted  was  that  of  the  breakdown 
of  the  "  constitution  "  of  the  Bourbon  cane.  It  is  in  several 
respects  unconvincing.  There  was  no  progressive  degeneration  ; 
the  transition  was  a  sudden  one  from  a  condition  apparently  as 
good  as  had  prevailed  in  the  previous  hundred  years  to  a  sudden 
and  almost  complete  failure.  What  seems  at  first  sight  conclusive 
is  that  some  other  varieties  are  recorded  as  having  shown  little 
or  no  more  resistance.     It  is  too  much  to  assume  that  degeneration 


in  their  case  should  have  coincided  with  a  similar  process  in  the 
Bourbon,  so  that  all  became  susceptible  at  the  same  time  to  a 
fungus  previously  present,  but  there  is  a  possibility,  on  the  other 
side  of  the  argument,  that  mass  exposure  to  the  fungus  de- 
veloped on  the  Bourbon  may  have  led  to  their  infestation,  as  is 
recorded  of  the  Ribbon  cane  first  adopted  as  a  substitute  in 

The  third  theory,  of  introduction  from  without,  involves  the 
fewest  difficulties  and  is  supported  by  many  analogous  cases. 
The  records  of  the  time  show  that  there  was  an  active  exchange 
of  varieties  between  neighbouring  and  in  some  cases  distant 
countries.  The  Queen  cane,  for  example,  was  brought  from  New 
Caledonia  to  Trinidad  in  1874,  and  sent  from  Trinidad  to  Jamaica, 
whence  it  was  introduced  into  St.  Kitts  in  1888  and  passed 
into  cultivation  in  one  district.  It  was  brought  to  Barbados 
from  St.  Kitts  some  years  previous  to  1893.  This  cane  is  recorded 
to  have  proved  highly  resistant  but  not  immune.  That  in  some 
such  way  as  this  Colletotrichum  falcatum  was  introduced  from  the 
East  and  distributed  on  the  original  or  other  varieties  to  the 
various  Botanic  Stations  is  by  far  the  most  likely  theory  of  a 
matter  that  will  probably  never  be  conclusively  settled. 

The  objection  that  the  attack  was  almost  simultaneous  through- 
out the  Lesser  Antilles  affects  all  the  explanations  alike,  and  is  to 
some  extent  lessened  by  the  consideration  that  the  attention 
drawn  to  the  disease  in  one  island  led  to  its  recognition  in  another. 
The  more  remote  localities  in  the  larger  area  of  Trinidad  were 
much  later  in  becoming  infested,  and,  as  mentioned  above, 
some  continue  at  least  relatively  free  to  the  present  time.  The 
outbreak  in  British  Guiana  was  also  distinctly  delayed. 


The  disease  of  sugar-cane  caused  by  Colletotrichum  falcatum 
Went  was  first  described  by  Went  in  Java  in  1893,  under  the 
Dutch  name  "  het  rood  snot  " — the  red  smut.  The  adoption  of 
red-rot  as  its  name  in  English  requires  that  care  be  taken  not  to 
confuse  it  with  "  het  rood  rot  "  of  Wakker  and  Went,  which  is  a 
sclerotium  disease. 

Red-rot  is  the  most  serious  disease  of  sugar-cane  in  India, 
and  is  widely,  probably  universally,  distributed  through  the 
tropics.  Its  epidemic  appearance  as  the  cause  of  "  rind  disease  " 
in  the  West  Indies  about  1890  has  been  described  above.  Owing 
to  the  general  adoption  of  resistant  varieties  its  interest  at  the 
present  time  in  these  islands  is  mainly  historical,  but  it  can 
sometimes  be  found  by  a  careful  search  among  seedling  varieties, 
and  still  occurs  in  quantity  when  the  Bourbon  cane  is  re-intro- 



On  the  Bourbon  cane  the  effects  of  the  disease  usually  became 
apparent  during  the  last  quarter  of  the  year  and  increased, 
often  with  startling  rapidity,  until  the  fields  were  reaped.  The 
mature  leaves  began  to  wither  from  the  tip  and  edges  inwards. 
Some  time  later  a  brown  patch  appeared  on  one  or  more  joints, 
became  wrinkled  and  sunken,  and  soon  showed  signs  of  secondary 
infestation  with  Melanconimn  Sacchari.  At  reaping  time  a 
large  proportion  of  the  canes  were  dry  and  rotten,  and  others  were 
badly  deteriorated. 

The  symptom  accepted  as  most  typical  of  the  disease  is  the 
appearance,  when  a  cane  is  split  open,  of  a  broad,  irregular, 
more  or  less  central  stripe  of  uneven  red  discoloration,  broken 
here  and  there  by  whitish  patches.  It  is  necessary  to  examine 
stalks  not  far  advanced  in  the  disease  to  avoid  the  interference 
of  the  more  general  discoloration  produced  by  Melanconium. 
The  writer  has  seen  an  appearance  very  similar  to  that  above 
described  produced  in  the  lower  joints  apparently  by  Marasmius, 
and  certain  diagnosis  is  only  to  be  obtained  from  the  recognition 
of  the  fungus. 

The  Fungus. 

The  acervuli  of  Colletotrichum  falcatum — tufts  of  black 
bristles  with  the  colourless  conidia  heaped  about  their  base — 
are  produced  in  velvety  patches  on  the  surface  of  canes  well 
advanced  with  the  disease,  especially  about  the  nodes,  and  on 
dead  or  dying  leaves  or  leaf-sheaths.  The  fruiting  of  the  fungus 
in  the  field  is  by  no  means  abundant,  and  usually  is  decidedly 
obscure,  in  striking  contrast  with  the  behaviour  of  Melanconium. 
If  a  freshly  diseased  cane  is  split  open  and  prevented  from 
drying  out  too  rapidly  or  becoming  mouldy  from  too  much 
moisture,  the  fructifications  sometimes  appear  with  great  free- 
dom on  the  cut  surface. 

The  conidia  are  hyaline,  unicellular,  more  or  less  sickle- 
shaped,  with  bluntly  pointed  ends,  and  measure  about  25  x  4-5 


In  the  West  Indies  infection  has  been  regarded  as  mainly 
proceeding  from  borer  holes  and  other  wounds  in  the  stem. 
The  studies  of  E.  J.  Butler  in  India  have  shown  that  while  this 
means,  and  the  infection  of  exposed  roots  or  root  "  eyes,"  prob- 
ably account  for  the  initial  entry  of  the  fungus,  the  infection  of 
standing  canes  is  too  small  in  amount  to  give  rise  to  heavy 
infestations.  These,  it  has  been  shown,  occur  from  the  use  of 
infested  canes  as  planting  material,  in  which  case  the  whole 
stool,  and  not  individual  stalks,  becomes  infested. 

m^  1 

Fig.  120 
Rind  Fungus  of  Sugar-cane 
F,o>n  M.  T.  Cook's  Diseases  of  Tropical  Plants,  by  permission  of  MacmiUan  &  Co. 


On  resistant  varieties  the  fungus  appears  to  be  able  to  make 
headway  only  in  injured  or  otherwise  weakened  stalks.  Insect 
attacks,  defective  soil  aeration,  and  premature  ripening  as  a 
result  of  dry  weather  decrease  resistance. 


Butler  has  worked  out  a  successful  system  of  control  based 
on  the  information  as  to  infection  noted  above.  Starting  with 
healthy  stock,  a  thorough  inspection  is  made  each  year  of  the 
cuttings  prepared  for  planting.  All  which  show  reddening  at 
the  ends  are  discarded.  A  previous  selection  of  healthy-looking 
stools  as  the  source  of  the  sets  diminishes  the  trouble  and  in- 
creases the  efficiency  of  the  process.  By  eliminating  in  this  way 
the  results  of  casual  infections  it  is  found  that  in  ordinary  cir- 
cumstances the  condition  of  the  stock  can  be  maintained. 

The  Rind  Fungus. 

Although  Melanconium  Sacchari  (Cke.)  Mass.  was  not  the 
originating  cause  of  the  epidemic  of  "  rind  disease,"  it  certainly 
provided  the  feature  which  led  to  the  use  of  that  name,  and  it 
seems  appropriate  to  retain  the  adjective  in  speaking  of  this  fun- 
gus. As  Strwnella  Sacchari  it  was  described  by  M.  C.  Cooke  from 
material  received  from  Queensland  in  1890.  As  already  related 
its  uniform  occurrence  on  diseased  canes  received  at  Kew  from 
the  West  Indies  led  to  its  being  regarded  as  the  cause  of  the 
failure  of  the  Bourbon  cane.  It  is  still  everywhere  abundant  in 
the  West  Indian  cane-fields,  occurring  on  probably  every  sickly, 
damaged,  or  dead  cane.  It  appears  on  the  soundest  and  healthiest 
canes  with  great  regularity  if  these  are  cut  and  laid  aside  either 
indoors  or  out.  It  occurs  in  a  similar  way  in  Louisiana,  in 
Mauritius,  Java,  and  the  Hawaiian  Islands.  In  India  it  appears 
to  be  very  rarel}''  met  with. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

The  germ-tubes  of  the  fungus  are  unable  to  penetrate  the 
unbroken  rind,  but  gain  access  through  borer  holes,  torn  leaf 
scars,  cracks,  or  wounds  of  any  other  description.  In  healthy 
growing  canes  the  invasion  seems  to  be  definitely  restricted  to 
the  tissue  affected  by  the  wound.  In  over-ripe  canes,  however, 
it  is  able  to  spread,  and  when  they  have  stood  long  in  the  fields 
an  ever  increasing  proportion  of  them  become  infested  with 
this  fungus  without  there  being  any  apparent  reason  for  sus- 
pecting preparation  by  any  earlier  organism.  The  view  now 
generally  held  regarding  the  degree  of  parasitism  of  which 
this  fungus  is  capable  is  that  it  is  only  able  to  occupy  tissue 
which  has  undergone  seme  degenerative  change,  due  either  to  a 
wound,  to  the  actioi?  o   a  previous  organism,  to  senescence,  or  to 


death.     Johnston  and  Stevenson  attribute  some  importance  to 
the  infestation  of  cuttings. 


The  first  external  sign  of  the  occurrence  of  the  fungus  is  a 

Fig.  122 
Thielaviopsis  paradoxa,  Sporophores  of  Micro-  and  Macro-conidia 

From  Wakker  &  Went 

browning  of  the  surface,  which  is  accompanied  by  souring  and 
reddening  of  the  interior  tissues.  Numerous  small  pustules 
appear  just  beneath  the  rind.  The  pustules  open  and  from  each 
is  extruded  a  black  thread  which  under  some  conditions  becomes 
long  and  curly,  in  others  settles  into  an  irregular  heap  ;  it  is  made 


up  of  the  conidia  cemented  together  by  mucilage.  The  conidia 
are  unicellular,  pale  brown,  cylindrical,  straight  or  curved,  14-15 
X 3.5-4  microns. 

The  infested  cane  dries  up  and  becomes  very  light. 

Pineapple  Disease  of  Cuttings. 
History  and  Distribution. 

This  disease,  caused  by  Thielaviopsis  paradoxa  (De  Seynes)  v. 
Hohn.  was  described  by  Went  in  Java  in  1893.  He  gave  it 
the  name  Pineapple  Disease  owing  to  the  smell,  resembling  that 
of  a  ripe  pineapple,  noticed  when  a  cane  containing  the  fungus 
in  a  fresh  and  vigorous  condition  is  split  open.  The  fungus 
would  seem  to  occur  in  all  cane-growing  countries,  and,  from  its 
invariable  appearance  when  conditions  favour  it,  would  seem 
to  be  universally  distributed  on  sugar  estates  in  the  West  Indies. 
It  is  a  somewhat  curious  coincidence,  considering  the  name 
given  to  the  disease  on  sugar-cane,  that  the  fungus  has  since 
been  found  to  be  the  cause  of  several  diseases  of  the  pineapple. 
It  occurs  also  on  coconut  and  banana. 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  fungus  was  discovered  by  De  Seynes  in  1886  in  France, 
and  again  by  Went  in  Java  in  1893  in  connection  with  the  disease 
under  consideration.  W^ent  gave  it  the  name  Thielaviopsis 
ethaceticus,  under  which  it  has  become  generally  known,  but  in 
accordance  with  the  rules  of  priority  the  earlier  specific  name 
must  be  adopted.  The  fungus  grows  and  fruits  in  the  interior 
tissues  of  the  cane.  The  abundant  mycelium  produced  in  the 
cells  is  at  first  hyaline  but  turns  brown  or  nearly  black  as  it 
matures.  Two  forms  of  conidia  are  produced  from  the  hyphae 
within  the  tissues,  sometimes  one,  sometimes  the  other  pre- 
dominating. The  macro-conidia  are  black,  thick-walled,  oval, 
produced  in  a  chain  by  septation  at  the  tip  of  a  hypha  ;  the 
micro-conidia  are  short,  hyaline,  cylindrical  or  oval,  formed  by 
the  sub  division  of  the  internal  contents  of  a  hypha  and  pushed 
out  successively  from  its  open  end.  No  other  form  of  fructifica- 
tion is  known. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

When  trouble  is  experienced  from  this  fungus  it  is  in  nearly 
all  cases  connected  with  the  infection  of  planted  cuttings, 
which  takes  place  from  the  cut  ends  in  a  manner  strongly  sug- 
gesting infection  from  the  soil.  It  is,  however,  to  be  noted  that 
unplanted  cuttings,  set  aside  in  moist  air  or  transported  to  a 
distance  involving  close  packing  for  several  days,  are  also  very 
liable  to  be  attacked.     The  fungus  usually  involves  the  centre 



of  the  cane,  extending  from  one  or  both  ends,  so  that  when  a 
cutting  is  split  open  it  shows  a  blackened  core,  around  which  the 
tissues  may  retain  their  normal  colour  or  be  somewhat  reddened. 
The  smell  is  often  an  aid  in  diagnosis,  being  distinctly  more  fruity 
than  that  of  merely  sour  cane. 

Attacks  on  standing  cane  are  comparatively  seldom  noticed. 
Their  occurrence  is  favoured  by  wet  weather.  There  is  the  same 
blackening  of  the  tissues  as  in  cuttings.  The  fungus  is  un- 
doubtedly capable  of  parasitism  and  may  extend  to  a  considerable 
distance  up  and  down  from  the  original  point  of  entry. 

In  the  case  of  cuttings  there  is  no  difficulty  about  entrance ; 
in  standing  canes  it  occurs  most  commonly  by  way  of  borer 
holes,  but  may  take  place  through  the  leaf  scars. 

Loss  of  cuttings  from  this  disease  usually  occurs  when  owing 
to  the  prevalence  of  dry  weather  they  remain  a  long  time  in  the 
ground  before  springing.  In  such  an  event  the  fungus  has  time 
to  destroy  the  whole  cutting  and  the  loss  of  a  planting  may  be 
complete.  There  is  no  evidence  of  varying  resistance  in  different 
cane  varieties,  though  it  is  a  matter  of  common  experience  that 
these  differ  greatly  in  their  germinating  capacity. 


The  standard  measure  for  the  protection  of  cuttings  against 
infection  is  to  dip  or  soak  them  in  Bordeaux  mixture,  and  im- 
proved germination  has  on  occasion  been  secured  by  this  treat- 
ment. On  the  other  hand  many  disappointments  have  been 
experienced  when  the  measure  has,  nominally  at  least,  been 
adopted.  When  the  weather  is  favourable  -  the  treatment  is 
not  found  to  be  necessary,  but  since  this  cannot  be  depended 
on  it  is  usually  desirable  as  a  precautionary  measure.  It  needs 
to  be  pointed  out  to  planters,  however,  that  dipping  has  no 
ceremonial  value,  so  that  unless,  after  the  cutting  has  been 
handled,  placed  in  the  ground,  and  covered  in,  there  remains 
on  its  ends  a  well-distributed  fihn  of  blue  sediment,  the  benefits 
of  the  process  will  be  looked  for  in  vain.  Nor  must  it  be  expected 
to  give  protection  if  the  ends  of  the  cuttings  are  split  or  ragged. 
Dipping  the  ends  in  gas  tar  has  been  advocated  as  affording 
a  more  adhesive  coating,  but  it  is  difficult  to  apply  on  a  large 
scale  and  most  planters  will  prefer  to  take  chances,  as  indeed 
many  do  rather  than  trouble  with  the  comparatively  simple 
Bordeaux  treatment. 

The  method  commonly  in  use  in  applying  Bordeaux  mixture 
is  to  prepare  it  in  a  tank  or  hogshead  and  soak  the  cuttings 
either  loose  or  in  bags.  There  is  no  virtue  in  soaking  and  the 
crystallization  of  the  precipitate  after  standing  makes  it  less 
adhesive.  The  points  that  are  of  importance  are  (i)  the  prepara- 
tion of  a  mixture  with  a  finely  divided  and  adhesive  precipitate 
and  its  use  while  fresh,  (2)  the  agitation  of  the  mixture  so  that 



Tig.  123      Thielaviopsis  in  Sugar-cane  Cutting 

Fig.  124      Thielaviopsis  in  Cells  of  Sugar-cane 


each  cutting  gets  its  share  of  the  precipitate,  (3)  the  drying  of 
the  cuttings  to  allow  the  film  to  set,  and  (4)  careful  subsequent 
handling  so  that  the  film  is  preserved. 

DiPLODiA  Rot. 

The  fungus  Diplodia  Theobromce  (Pat.),  common  throughout 
the  tropics  as  a  weak  parasite  and  as  a  saprophyte  on  the  branches 
of  various  trees,  occurs  also  on  sugar-cane.  A.  Howard  described 
it  on  this  host  in  Barbados  and  British  Guiana,  and  E.  J.  Butler 
has  found  it  to  be  not  uncommon  in  India.  Although  Howard  suc- 
ceeded in  infecting  healthy  canes  with  the  fungus  it  appears  from 
general  experience  to  resemble  Melanconimn  Sacchari  rather  than 
the  active  parasites  in  the  nature  of  its  occurrence.  It  bears 
a  close  resemblance  to  Melanconium  in  general  appearance  also, 
and  it  is  not  always  easy  in  the  field  to  discriminate  between 
them.  Under  the  microscope  the  spores  of  Diplodia  are  at  once 
distinguishable  if  mature  by  their  two-celled  condition.  The 
small  and  crowded  pycnidia  occur  just  under  the  rind,  mostly 
about  the  nodes.  The  little  swellings  which  mark  their  position 
open  with  a  tiny  longitudinal  slit,  from  which  the  spores  are 
extruded.  The  interior  of  the  affected  cane  takes  on  a  general 
red  discoloration,  and  later  becomes  darkened  by  the  presence 
of  the  mature  mycelium. 

The  fungus  is  mostly  found  on  over-ripe  canes  or  such  as  have 
been  seriously  damaged  or  killed  by  borer  or  other  means. 

Wilt  Disease. 

This  disease  was  first  described  by  E.  J.  Butler  in  1913  from 
India,  where  it  was  discovered  during  the  investigation  of  red-rot. 
It  is  found  to  occur  over  a  large  part  of  India,  generally  mixed 
with  red-rot,  but  sometimes  doing  considerable  damage  where  the 
latter  is  not  present.  As  a  rule  the  disease  has  not  proved 
serious  in  its  effects. 

An  affection  having  characters  which  so  far  as  they  can  be 
judged  by  figures  and  descriptions  are  identical  with  those  of  the 
Indian  disease  has  been  detected  in  Barbados  and  in  Nevis. 
Over  a  fairly  wide  area  in  Barbados  in  1915  it  occurred  in  con- 
siderable quantity  in  some  fields.  Very  little  further  spread 
was  noticed  and  the  final  result  on  the  crop  was  not  important. 
The  most  probable  explanation  of  its  occurrence  to  this  marked 
extent  was  that  the  canes  attacked  had  been  somewhat  damaged 
by  the  wrenching  action  of  high  winds  experienced  some  time 
before.  Infestation  of  the  stools  with  Marasmius  also  seemed 
to  function  as  a  predisposing  cause.  The  circumstances  under 
which  the  fungus  is  occasionally  found  suggest  that  normally 
it  is  present  in  scattered  infections  of  borer  holes. 



Causative  Fungus. 

The  disease  is  due  to  a  very  inconspicuous  fungus,  Cephalo- 
sporium  Sacchari,  Bull.,  of  which  the  slender  colourless  hyphae 
penetrate  all  the  tissues  of  the  stem.  In  the  hollow  which 
forms  in  the  centre  of  diseased  canes  the  fungus  collects  in  a 
white  fluffy  mass  and  there  the  hyphae  bear  on  short,  mostly 
simple  branches,  terminal  heads  of  one-celled  conidia,  variable 
in  size  and  shape.  The  fungus  can  live  as  a  saprophyte  on  a 
variety  of  materials  and  probably  occurs  in  the  soil. 


As  seen  externally  the  effects  of  the  disease  in  India  are 

Fig.  125     Cephalosporium  Sacchari 
From  Memoirs,  Dept.  Agri.,  India 

reported  to  be  very  much  the  same  as  those  of  red-rot,  namely 
the  drying-up  of  the  leaves,  and,  finally,  of  the  stems.  In  the 
Barbados  outbreak  it  was  observed  that  canes  might  be  attacked 
rather  severely  in  the  lower  internodes  without  the  tops  being 
very  noticeably  affected.  As  mentioned  above,  however,  the 
disease  in  this  case  seemed  to  be  rather  suddenly  checked.  In 
Nevis  more  notable  damage  was  reported. 

The  discoloration  seen  on  splitting  the  cane  differs  froni  that 
typical  of  red-rot,  being  a  more  uniform  and  duller  red,  tending  to 
muddiness,  and  without  the  contrasted  white  patches  seen  in 
red-rot.  In  the  earlier  stages  the  discoloration  tends  to  run 
in  vertical  lines.  A  brown  patch  on  the  outside  marks  where 
the  fungus  has  killed  the  underlying  tissue.  This  in  the  Barbados 
examples  extended  from  the  nodes,  and  the  internal  discoloration 


grew  less  intense  from  without  inwards.     These  observations 
presumably  indicate  the  course  of  the  infection. 


According  to  the  experiments  made  in  India  the  fungus 
cannot  penetrate  the  unbroken  rind  of  the  internodes,  but  can 
enter  by  way  of  wounds,  leaf  scars,  or  the  root  eyes  of  the  nodes. 
Cuttings  were  also  experimentally  infected  by  dipping  them 
before  planting  in  water  containing  spores  and  mycelium  of  the 
fungus.  It  is  further  reported  from  India  that  the  infection  so 
far  as  it  has  been  followed  is  not  virulent ;  spread  within  the 
cane  is  gradual  and  communication  from  one  plant  to  another 
slow.  A  large  number  of  borer  holes  become  infected  late  in  the 
season,  but  the  parasite  usually  remains  confined  to  a  few  inter- 
nodes. Leaves  have  been  artificially  infected  with  the  fungus, 
but  it  has  not  been  found  occurring  upon  them  in  the  field. 

J.  S.  Dash  carried  out  inoculation  experiments  in  Barbados 
and  found  that  in  healthy  canes  the  fungus  was  only  weakly 
parasitic  and  made  slow  progress  beyond  the  point  of  infection. 

The  point  of  greatest  interest  in  connection  with  the  presence 
of  this  disease  in  the  West  Indies  is  that  under  certain  circum- 
stances it  can  produce  effects  similar  in  their  nature  to  those  of 
red-rot  in  varieties  which  are  regarded  as  practically  immune 
from  the  latter  disease,  and  may  thus  to  some  extent  account 
for  reports  of  their  occasional  infestation. 


No  general  measures  are  at  present  called  for  in  respect  of 
the  disease  on  West  Indian  canes,  which  would  seem  to  be  more 
resistant  than  those  of  India.  Should  it  become  more  serious 
it  will  be  necessary  to  avoid  suspected  stools  as  sources  of  material 
for  planting  and  to  reject  cuttings  showing  red  discoloration. 

Top-Rot  (Bud-Rot) 

In  the  year  1895  an  affection  to  which  the  name  top-rot  was 
given  began  to  assume  epidemic  form  in  Java.  It  had  previously 
been  known  only  through  sporadic  cases.  At  an  earlier  date  a 
disease  with  similar  characteristics  had  been  described  from 
Australia  under  the  name  of  gum  disease.  Cases  have  occurred 
from  time  to  time  in  the  West  Indies  which  have  had  somewhat 
similar  general  symptoms  and  have  been  described  under  this 

The  Javan  disease  consists  essentially  in  the  failure  of  the 
terminal  joints  of  the  cane ;  the  leaves  attached  to  the  growing 
point  may  remain  normal,  or  degenerate  into  a  pulp,  while  the 
interior  of  the  nodes  immediately  below  it  becomes  involved  in  a 
sort  of  soft  rot,  producing  a  glassy  appearance  of  the  tissue  and 


marked  off  from  the  healthy  outer  tissue  by  a  red  line.  The 
young  leaves  are  soft  and  reddened  near  their  base  and  withered 
towards  their  tips.  In  some  cases  the  uppermost  leaves  are 
distorted  and  fail  to  grow  out  properly.  The  result  of  this  failure 
of  the  top  is  that  while  further  direct  growth  is  stopped  the  eyes 
are  stimulated  into  growth  and  produce  useless  side  shoots. 
The  decayed  portion  affords  an  easy  means  of  access  to  stem- 
rotting  fungi. 

Bacteria  are  found  in  the  degenerating  tissues  and  some 
gumming  usually  takes  place.  It  has  been  fairly  satisfactorily 
established  that  the  Australian  disease  is  due  to  Bacterium 
vascularum,  and  it  is  separately  described  on  another  page. 
J.  H.  Wakker  found  in  Java  several  kinds  of  bacteria  present, 
and  that  the  condition  is  associated  with  abundant  rain  and  high 
atmospheric  humidity.  Wakker' s  view  is  that  some  disorganiza- 
tion is  first  produced  by  too  rapid  growth,  which  then  renders 
the  tops  susceptible  to  bacterial  infection. 

In  Porto  Rico  the  condition  described  as  top-rot  usually 
occurs  in  over-ripe  cane,  but  it  is  observed  that  some  varieties 
rot  back  after  maturity  much  more  quickly  than  others.  This 
type  of  rot  occurs  particularly  in  dry  weather. 

In  the  froghopper  blight  of  Trinidad  the  cessation  of  growth 
at  the  tip  of  immature  shoots,  brought  about  by  excessive  injuries 
to  the  leaves,  is  followed  by  reddening  of  the  region  about  the 
growing  point  and  watery  degeneration  and  death  of  the  soft 
upper  joints  enclosed  in  the  bud.  This,  and  similar  injury 
arising  from  root  disease  or  borers,  has  been  called  top-rot. 

Top-rot  in  general  is  obviously  no  more  than  a  term  for  the 
soft-rotting  of  the  enclosed  termination  of  the  stem,  and  like  the 
similar  bud-rot  of  the  coconut  palm  includes  conditions  in 
which  similar  symptoms  arise  from  very  different  causes. 

Gumming  Disease,  Cobb's  Disease. 

The  disease  of  sugar-cane  caused  by  Bacterium  vascularum 
(Cobb)  E.  F.  S.  has  been  recorded  in  the  West  Indies  only  from 
Porto  Rico  (1920),  and  such  accounts  of  top-rot  as  have  appeared 
do  not  suggest  that  it  has  so  far  occurred  in  the  British  islands. 

The  disease  was  first  adequately  described  by  N.  A.  Cobb 
in  Australia,  where  it  occurs  in  New  South  Wales  and  Queensland. 
An  affection  with  identical  symptoms  has  been  reported  from 
Brazil.  It  is  also  recorded  from  the  Fiji  Islands,  Mauritius, 
Java,  Borneo  and  New  Guinea,  and  is  suspected  to  occur  in  the 


The  specific  symptom  of  the  disease  is  the  appearance  in  the 
vascular  bundles  of  a  yellow  slime  and  a  red  stain.  When 
infested  stalks  are  cut  across  so  as  to  leave  a  smooth  surface. 


a  yellowish  gummy  ooze  collects  in  droplets  on  the  ends  of  the 
severed  bundles.  This  material  dries  to  a  bright  yellow  stain. 
The  disease  is  primarily  one  of  the  vascular  system,  but  in 
advanced  stages  the  parenchyma  is  attacked,  especially  just 
below  the  terminal  bud,  and  cavities  are  formed  which  are  filled 
with  the  yellow  bacterial  slime  ;  this  may  also  ooze  from  the  sto- 
mata  of  the  inner  surface  of  the  leaf-sheath. 

The  external  signs  of  the  disease  are  various  degrees  of 
dwarfing,  striping  of  the  leaves,  dr5dng  of  tops,  and  decay  of  the 
terminal  bud  (top-rot). 

Inoculations  which  demonstrated  the  causative  connection 
of  B.  vascularum  with  the  disease  have  been  described  by  E.  F. 
Smith.  Wilbrink  has  recently  investigated  bacterial  vascular 
disease  as  it  occurs  in  Java,  where  it  is  characterised  by  external 
and  internal  symptoms  similar  to  those  of  Cobb's  disease,  with 
the  important  exception  that  no  gum  nor  slime  is  produced  by 
it  in  the  canes.  The  bacterium  does  not  develop  gum  in  pure 
cultures,  but  resembles  B.  vascularum  in  other  physiological 


Condition  of  soil,  other  than  lack  of  drainage,  is  said  not  to 
influence  the  prevalence  of  the  disease.  Canes  rich  in  sugar, 
grown  on  good  land,  are  subject  to  it.  The  evidence  suggests 
that  infection  in  any  way  from  stool  to  stool  is  not  very  active, 
but  that  the  extension  of  the  disease  mainly  comes  from  the 
planting  of  diseased  sets.  Both  in  Brazil  and  in  Australia  the 
disease  proved  exceedingly  destructive  on  susceptible  varieties. 


The  means  of  control  consist  in  the  planting  of  resistant 
varieties,  some  of  which  are  nearly  or  quite  immune,  or,  where 
the  cultivation  of  susceptible  canes  is  continued,  the  careful 
selection  of  healthy  sets,  rotation  of  crops,  and  provision  for 
good  drainage. 


The  Smut  disease,  due  to  Ustilago  Sacchari,  Rab.,  is  common 
in  the  East  on  the  thin  canes  of  the  Indian  type.  C.  K.  Bancroft 
reports  its  presence  in  British  Guiana,  stating  that  little  damage 
has  been  attributed  to  it.  It  is  often  quoted  as  occurring  in 
Trinidad,  but  the  reference  usually  given,  to  0.  W.  Barrett's 
record  that  "  a  leaf  rust,  probably  Ustilago  sacchari,  was  very 
common  "  is  obviously  worthless.  No  other  record  in  the  West 
Indies  is  known  to  the  writer. 

The  disease  is  at  once  recognisable  by  the  occurrence  of  a 
long,  curved,  whip-like  shoot,  often  several  feet  in  length,  at  the 
apex    of   the   cane.     This   abnormal   growth,    which   probably 



represents  a  flowering  shoot,  is  at  first  covered  by  a  silvery 
white  sheath,  which  soon  ruptures,  exposing  the  spores  as  a 
dense  mass  of  black  dust. 

Direct  infection  by  spores  appears  to  take  place  at  the  nodes, 
and  sets  containing  the  mycelium  give  rise  to  infected  plants. 
The  spores  germinate  in  water  or  moist  soil  and  give  rise  to 
sporidia,  which  develop  yeast-like  budding  cells. 

Fig.  126       UsTiLAGO  Sacchari 

From  Wakker  &  Wmt 


The  conspicuous  fungus  Schizophyllum  commune,  Fries.,  is 
everywhere  common  on  dead  cane  as  on  various  dead  branches, 
bark  and  other  vegetable  material.  It  is  sometimes  seen  on 
standing  cane,  especially  the  dried  or  half-dried  stalks  met  with 
in  reaping  and  known  as  "  rotten  cane."  There  is  no  reason 
to  beUeve  that  it  ever  occurs  apart  from  previous  serious  injury 
by  borers  or  by  other  fungi,  except  perhaps  on  cane  very  much 
over-ripe  and  beginning  to  dry  up  by  reason  of  age. 


The  Iliau  Disease. 

The  name  Iliau,  from  an  expression  meaning  "  hide-bound  " 
is  given  to  a  disease  endemic  in  Hawaii  and  regarded  by  H.  L. 
Lyon,  who  investigated  it  there,  as  having  caused  more  loss  than 
all  other  cane  diseases  combined.  The  affection  is  also  common 
in  the  more  northern  parts  of  Louisiana.  The  effects  are  liable 
to  be  confused  with  a  common  symptom  of  root  disease,  and  the 
fungus  with  Melanconium  Sacchari,  so  that  very  possibly  the 
affection  occurs  unrecognised  in  these  islands,  but  the  fact  that 
it  assumes  importance  in  Hawaii  only  in  periods  of  continuous 
cool  damp  weather  would  seem  to  exclude  its  appearance  as  a 
serious  trouble  in  the  sugar-cane  districts  of  the  West  Indies. 


Iliau  is  entirely  a  disease  of  young  shoots,  which  are  attacked 
from  the  soil,  and  mainly  affects  the  leaf-sheaths,  which  become 
very  tightly  cemented  to  each  other  and  to  the  surface  of  the 
underlying  stalk  by  the  growth  of  a  mat  of  white  mycelium 
in  and  between  them.  The  adhesion  is  much  more  firm  than 
that  produced  by  Marasmius  and  the  rind  is  entered  to  some 
extent.  Further  useful  growth  of  the  shoot  after  this  condition 
is  attained  is  entirely  prevented,  though  the  stem  is  often  found 
variously  bent  or  doubled  by  the  elongation  of  the  joints  while 
the  tip  is  firmly  held.  Sometimes  the  shoot  grows  through 
before  the  barrier  is  firmly  established.  Large  numbers  of 
young  shoots,  both  in  young  and  older  stools,  are  killed  out  in 
this  way.  Older  shoots  are  not  injured.  Much  more  damage 
is  done  to  plant  canes  than  to  ratoons. 


The  disease  has  been  demonstrated  by  experiment  to  be  due 
to  a  fungus  which  has  an  ascigerous  stage,  Gnomonia  Iliau, 
Lyon,  and  a  Melanconium  stage,  M.  Iliau,  Lyon.  The  former 
is  the  commoner  form  in  Louisiana,  the  latter  in  Hawaii.  The 
perithecia  are  flask-shaped,  immersed  in  the  substance  of  the 
leaf-sheath,  with  long,  hard  necks  which  project  from  the  surface. 
The  spores  are  spindle-shaped,  with  two  cells.  The  Melan- 
conium closely  resembles  M.  Sacchari  in  general  appearance, 
but  the  spores  are  larger  (7-10x15-28),  and  are  usually  filled 
with  large  globules  which  are  quite  distinctive. 


Immune  varieties  are  not  known,  but  the  Demerara  seedlings 
grown  in  Hawaii  are  the  most  resistant.  Thorough  preparation 
is  recommended  as  a  very  ef&cient  measure  for  reducing  damage. 



Fig.  127 
Gnomonia  Iliau,  Vertical  Section  of  Perithecium  and  Asci 

From  Bull.  11,  Dept.  Pathology,  H.S.P.A. 

Fig.  128 
Melanconium  Iliau.     Stromata  and  Conidia 

From  Bull,  it,  Dept.  Pathology,  H.S.Pji. 


Cytospora  Rot. 

The  fungus  Cytospora  Sacchari  Butl.,  originally  described 
from  sugar-cane  in  India,  has  been  found  by  J.  R.  Johnston 
on  certain  susceptible  Barbados  seedlings  in  Porto  Rico,  causing 
an  affection  of  young  shoots  very  similar  in  its  nature  and  effects 
to  the  Hawaiian  Iliau  disease,  but  producing  also  nodal  infections 
on  older  canes.  The  fungus  occurs  in  Barbados,  but  is  not  known 
to  be  injurious.  The  leaf-sheaths  of  young  shoots  are  firmly 
bound  together  by  the  mycelium  :  their  exposed  portions  take 
on  a  very  dark,  dull  red  colour,  and  are  profusely  covered  with 
the  pycnidia,  the  comparatively  long  pointed  necks  of  which 

Fig.  129 
Cytospora  Sacchari  :   Surface  and  Sectional  Views  of  Pycnidia 
Spore  and  Sporophore 
From  Memoirs,  Dept.  Agri.,  India 

project  beyond  the  surface  sufficiently  to  be  readily  seen,  and  to 
give  a  rough  sensation  when  the  linger  is  passed  over  them. 
During  wet  weather  a  minute  yellowish  globule  of  conidia  exudes 
from  the  tip  of  the  beak.  The  spores  are  cylindrical  and  slightly 
curved,  obtuse  at  both  ends,  3.5x1-1.5  microns. 

With  the  elimination  of  the  susceptible  varieties  in  Porto 
Rico  no  further  evidence  of  parasitic  activity  on  the  part  of  this 
fungus  has  been  seen. 

Leaf  Sheath  Rot 

Under  the  name  of  "  rood  rot  "  (red-rot)  this  disease  has 
been  known  from  Java  since  1890      It  is  generally  distributed 


there,  but  is  more  common  in  the  hills,  where  the  moisture  is 
greater.  It  is  not  uncommon  in  some  districts  in  Barbados, 
is  reported  as  very  common  in  Porto  Rico,  and  has  been  recorded 
from  St.  Lucia,  St.  Croix,  and  Trinidad.  The  fungus  is  very 
generally  distributed  through  the  islands  and  no  doubt  occurs  at 
times  on  sugar-cane  in  all  of  them,  but  it  nowhere  attracts  much 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  fungus  to  which  the  disease  is  due  produces  an  orange 
or  brick-red  discoloration  of  the  leaf-sheaths,  often  on  young 
shoots.  It  is  distinguished  by  a  copious  white  radiating  my- 
celimn,  on  which  occur  as  it  matures  large  numbers  of  white 
to  brown  spherical  sclerotia  like  small  seeds.  The  fungus  has 
been  shown  by  cross  inoculations  to  be  identical  with  Sclerotium 
Rolfsii  Sacc.  described  under  the  heading  General  Diseases. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

There  is  no  doubt  as  to  the  parasitism  of  the  fungus.  The 
mycelium  spreads  over  the  surface  and  penetrates  the  tissues 
of  the  leaf-sheath  by  way  of  the  stomata.  On  young  shoots 
the  leaves  and  even  the  stem  may  be  more  or  less  affected. 
Infection  apparently  always  proceeds  in  the  initial  stage  from  the 
soil,  where  it  is  assumed  to  be  carried  over  by  the  resistant 


The  extent  of  the  damage  caused  by  the  fungus  on  sugar-cane 
is  uncertain.  Some  planters  attribute  considerable  importance 
to  its  presence  on  young  shoots,  which  are  dwarfed  and  reduced 
in  vitality  by  its  attack.  On  the  other  hand  it  is  reported  from 
Porto  Rico  that  in  one  instance  careful  observation  for  six 
months  of  a  field  in  which  it  was  growing  vigorously  owing  to 
the  wetness  of  the  season  revealed  no  visible  difference  in  the 
condition  of  infested  and  uninfested  stools.  The  fungus  develops 
only  under  moist  conditions. 

Red  Spot  of  the  Leaf-sheath. 

This  is  the  most  general  of  the  diseases  attacking  sugar-cane 
in  the  West  Indies.  In  many  districts  it  is  difficult  to  find  a 
shoot  which  does  not  show  more  or  less  evidence  of  its  presence. 
It  occupies  a  similar  position  in  Java. 

The  affection  appears  on  the  outer  leaf-sheaths  as  a  large 
bright  red  patch,  commonly  somewhat  oval  in  shape,  but  ill- 
defined,  with  a  dark  brown  spot  of  dead  tissue  in  its  centre. 
Under  this  spot,  by  pulling  off  the  successive  leaf-sheaths,  one 
may  trace  the  infection  inwards,  in  the  form  of  red  spots  which 
are  smaller  and  smaller  until  only  a  red  dot  appears  at  the 


limit  of  penetration.  The  spots  are  caused  *"by  the  fungus 
Cercospora  vagince  Kniger,  the  progressive  stages  in  the  develop- 
ment of  which  are  represented  in  the  series  just  described. 
The  mycelium  of  the  fungus  grows  in  the  tissue  of  the  leaf-sheaths, 
to  which  it  gains  access  by  way  of  the  stomata,  and  by  passing 
from  one  to  the  next  penetrates  towards  the  middle  of  the  shoot. 
The  brown  central  portion  of  the  oldest  spots  marks  the  tissue 
finally  killed  by  the  fungus.  Upon  it  is  found  a  brown  external 
mycelium  with  short  upright  branches,  which  at  their  tips 
produce  the  elongated  narrow  conidia.  These  readily  and  quickly 
infect  other  leaf-sheaths  to  which  they  may  happen  to  be  borne. 

The  damage  done  by  the  fimgus  is  inappreciable.  It  finds 
its  nourishment  in  the  tissues  lying  between  the  vascular  bundles, 
and  the  latter  are  little  if  at  all  affected  until  a  rather  late  stage 
in  the  development  of  the  spot. 

The  newer  leaf-sheaths  become  infected  so  early  from  the 
spots  on  the  older  ones  that  stripping  would  usually  be  rather 
useless.  The  use  of  top-plants  undoubtedly  helps  to  carry  over 
the  fungus,  since  traces  of  the  infection  may  usually  be  seen  upon 
them.  Unless  the  fungus  can  be  shown  to  have  more  importance 
than  is  usually  attributed  to  it  its  presence  does  not  afford  a 
reason  for  the  discouragement  of  the  use  of  such  plants. 

The  leaf  disease  known  as  ring-spot  was  investigated  by 
Breda  de  Haan  about  the  year  1893  in  Java.  It  occurs  in 
India,  the  Hawaiian  Islands  and  other  Eastern  locaHties. 
In  the  West  Indies  it  has  been  definitely  recorded  from  Cuba, 
San  Domingo,  Porto  Rico,  Antigua,  Barbados,  Trinidad,  British 
Guiana  and  Surinam,  and  probably  occurs  in  all  the  islands. 


The  disease  is  caused  by  a  parasitic  Ascomycete  LeptosphcBria 
Sacchari  Br.  d.  H.  It  has  two  spore  forms.  The  conidia  are 
curved  bodies  consisting  of  a  central  cell  with  one  or  two  smaller 
cells  at  each  end.  They  are  capable  of  infecting  leaves  upon 
which  they  come.  The  ascospores  are  formed  later  in  small 
perithecia.  which  appear  as  black  dots  in  the  substance  of  the 
leaf  near  its  upper  surface ;  the  spores  are  four-celled,  the 
terminal  cells  with  thinner  walls. 

Symptoms  and  Incidence 

The  spots  are  generally  most  abundant  towards  the  outer 
end  of  the  older  leaves,  giving  rise  when  abundant  to  a  general 
rusty  appearance.  The  spot  starts  as  a  purplish  fleck  on  the 
surface,  which  as  the  fungus  grows  expands  outwards  and  dries 
up  in  the  middle,  so  that  it  comes  to  consist  of  a  small  brown  or 
yellowish  patch  enclosed  by  a  purple  or  brownish  band,  with 

Fig.   131 
Ring  Spot  of  Sugar-cane  (Leptosphaeria  Sacchari) 



Fig.  130       Cercospora  vaginae 
From  Wahber  &  Went 

Fi-.  132     Leptosphaeria  Sacchari.     Akci  and  Spore 

From  Memoirs,  Depi.  Agri.,  India 


sometimes  a  faint  yellowish  outer  margin.  The  spots  are 
irregular  in  shape,  somewhat  elongated  in  the  direction  of  the 
length  of  the  leaf,  usually  less  than  half  an  inch  in  length,  but 
often  confluent.  When  they  are  abundant  they  are  apt  to 
cause  premature  death  of  the  whole  leaf. 

Marked  local  epidemics  sometimes  occur  in  moist  weather. 
When  the  infestation  occurs  on  mature  canes,  as  it  often  does, 
no  considerable  harm  can  result,  but  earlier  outbreaks  when 
at  all  severe  must  administer  a  somewhat  severe  check  to  growth. 
Their  occurrence  is  usually  so  erratic  that  they  cannot  be  anti- 
cipated by  any  preventive  measure. 

The  eye-spot  disease  of  the  leaves  was  originally  reported 

Fig.  133      Helminthosporium  Sacchari 
From  Memoirs,  Dept.  Agri.,  India 

from  Java,  the  fungus  being  named  Cercospora  Sacchari  Br.  d.  H. 
It  is  now  usually  admitted  to  be  a  Helminthosporium  and  is 
probably  identical  with  H.  Sacchari  Butl.  found  in  India.  The 
affection  is  known  to  occur  in  Cuba,  Jamaica,  Porto  Rico, 
Barbados  and  Trinidad.  In  the  last-mentioned  island  C.  B. 
Williams  reports  that  during  the  last  few  years  it  has  been 
found  only  on  D  109  in  certain  small  areas,  and  only  exception- 
ally appears  before  the  month  of  December.  In  19 19  a  severe 
local  epidemic  two  or  three  months  earlier  than  this  soon  passed 
off.  The  affection  takes  the  form  of  elongated  spots  and  streaks, 
red  to  dark  brown  in  colour  and  developing  a  straw-coloured 
centre.  In  severe  infestations  they  are  crowded  together  and 
the  leaves  are  so  generally  discoloured  that  the  stools  have  a 
blighted  appearance.  In  such  cases  the  spots  may  be  found 
even  on  leaves  just  unfolded,  and  a  distinct  check  to  growth  can 
be  detected. 

The   conidiophores    are   stout,    erect,    rather   rigid   hyphae. 



produced  from  small  stromatic  masses  on  the  surface  of  the  spot. 
The  conidia  are  cylindrical  or  long  elliptical,  with  very  thick 
walls,  olive  green  to  brown  in  colour,  3-10  septate. 

Red  Leaf-Spot. 
Red  leaf -spot,  originally  described  from  Java,  is  recorded 

Fig.  134     Eriosphaeria  Sacchari 

From  Wakker  &  Went 

Asci  AND  Spore 

from  the  West  Indies  by  Went  in  Aruba  Island  and  L.  H.  Gough 
in  Trinidad.  It  is  caused  by  an  ascomycete  with  round  black 
perithecia  and  two-celled  spores,  Eriosphcsria  Sacchari  Went. 

The  spots  are  roundish  except  when  two  or  more  interfere. 
They  begin  as  red  dots  with  a  yellowish  border ;  when  mature 
they  are  reddish-brown,  surrounded  by  a  narrow  yellow  border 
that  is  sometimes  scarcely  visible.     The  centre  of  the  spot  does 


135     Cercospora  Kopkei 
From  Wakker  6-  Went 

not  dry  out,  which  serves  to  distinguish  this  affection  from  eye- 
spot  or  ring-spot ;  from  yellow-spot  it  differs  in  the  narrowness 
of  the  margin. 

Yellow  Leaf-Spot. 
The  yellow  leaf-spot,  which  is  very  generally  distributed  in 
Java  without  being  the  cause  of  notable  damage,  was  recognised 
by  Went  in  Barbados,  Trinidad  and  Demerara.     It  is  caused  by 
Cercospora  Kopkei  Krug. 


The  affection  begins  on  young  leaves  and  develops  thickly 
sown  irregular  spots,  bright  yellow  on  the  upper  surface  of  the 
leaf,  covered  on  the  under  side  in  moist  weather  with  a  dirty- 
white  web  of  hyphae.  Later  the  spots  show  red  dots  or  stripes, 
and  in  individual  instances  may  become  dull  red. 

On  the  under  surface  bundles  of  short  conidiophores  project 
from  the  stomata  and  bear  elongated  hyaline  conidia  of  varying 
length  and  with  i-6  cells. 

Brown  Leaf-Spot. 

Brown  leaf-spot  is  recorded  by  Gough  in  Trinidad  and  as  one 
of  the  rarer  leaf-spots  in  Porto  Rico  by  Johnston  and  Stevenson. 

Fig.  136     Cercospora  Longipes 

From  Memoirs,  Dept.  Agri.,  India 

It  is  reported  to  be  by  far  the  commonest  leaf  disease  on  the 
thin  canes  of  India,  to  which  it  is  practically  confined.  The 
spots  appear  on  the  blade  of  the  immature  leaf  and  continue 
during  maturity.  At  first  they  are  narrow,  oval,  about  ^  inch 
in  length,  and  reddish  in  colour.  A  browTi  centre  early  becomes 
evident,  and  a  yellow  border  is  formed,  so  that  the  spot  is  tri- 
coloured.  When  fully  developed  the  spots  consist  of  a  broad 
oval  deep-brown  ring,  with  a  straw-coloured  centre,  the  whole 
reaching  to  half  an  inch  in  length. 

The  causative  fungus  is  Cercospora  longipes,  Butler.     Long 
brown  unbranched  conidiophores,  abruptly  bent,  form  a  velvety 


cushion  on  the  under  surface,  and  bear  hyaline  conidia  with  5-7 


The  Sereh  disease  caused  in  Java  in  the  'eighties  of  last 
century  a  crisis  comparable  with  the  effects  of  the  "  rind  disease  " 
epidemic  in  the  West  Indies.  The  disease  received  its  name 
from  the  resemblance  of  seriously  affected  plants  to  bunches  of 
lemon  grass,  the  Javan  name  of  which  is  Sereh.  There  is  no 
reason  to  believe  that  the  affection  occurs  in  the  West  Indies, 
but  as  alarm  concerning  it  has  arisen  from  time  to  time,  and 
in  view  of  the  possibility  of  its  future  occurrence,  a  brief  descrip- 
tion based  on  Went's  account  of  the  disease  in  Java  is  here 

In  the  first  years  following  its  discovery  the  Sereh  disease 
progressively  extended  over  the  greater  part  of  the  cane  fields  of 
the  country,  with  serious  results.  A  re-organisation  of  the 
industry  on  a  scientific  basis  took  place,  and  measures  were 
found  and  adopted  which  made  evasion  of  the  disease  possible. 
These  are  troublesome  and  expensive,  but  no  direct  remedy 
has  been  found  to  take  their  place. 

Nature  of  the  Attack. 

The  outward  signs  of  attack  are  seen  in  changes  in  the  habit 
of  the  plant,  which  may  occur  to  very  different  degrees. 

In  the  worst  cases  the  internodes  are  largely  or  entirely 
suppressed,  so  that  there  are  few  stems  of  any  length  to  be  seen. 
The  leaves  are  small  and  expand  prematurely,  and  being  crowded 
together  in  two  ranks  they  give  to  the  top  of  the  shoot  the 
appearance  of  a  fan.  Abnormally  large  numbers  of  shoots  are 
produced  from  each  stool.  A  thick  network  of  roots  develops 
under  the  leaf -sheaths  of  those  canes  which  possess  a  stem. 

In  cases  of  less  severity  stems  of  normal  length  are  produced, 
but  they  develop  fan-like  tops  and  many  of  the  buds  upon  their 
sprout  and  form  short  side-shoots.  As  in  the  first  type,  roots 
develop  along  the  stem.  In  the  third  and  least  severe  type  there 
is  hardly  any  outward  alteration  beyond  the  formation  of  the 
characteristic  short  joints  at  the  top  of  the  stems. 

An  internal  symptom  which  is  common  to  all  the  types 
consists  in  the  discoloration  of  the  vascular  bundles  entering  the 
stem  from  the  leaf-sheaths,  which  are  reddened  for  a  longer  or 
shorter  portion  of  their  course  and  under  the  microscope  are 
found  to  contain  a  gummy  substance.  According  to  recent 
findings  by  H.M.  Quanjer,  necrosis  of  the  phloem  strands  in  the 
vascular  bundles  is  a  constant  and  fundamental  character. 

Starting  with  sound  canes  planted  in  an  infected  area  the 
typical  course  of  the  disease  on  plant  cane  is  that  the  first  crop 


may  be  only  slightly  attacked,  that  from  the  first  replanting 
much  more  severely,  and  the  second  replanting  may  be  so  badly 
affected  that  a  whole  field  looks  Hke  a  cultivation  of  lemon  grass, 
with  here  and  there  a  cane  stalk  rising  out  of  the  low  grass-like 
clusters.     Ratooned  fields  are  almost  invariably  badly  attacked. 

No  parasitic  organism  has  been  shown  to  be  connected  with 
the  causation  of  the  disease,  and  it  is  now  usually  regarded  as 
coming  within  the  class  of  virus  diseases. 

It  will  be  seen  from  the  foregoing  description  that  the  actual 
symptoms  of  Sereh  may  be  somewhat  indefinite,  and  as  a  matter 
of  fact  the  appearances  described  by  Went  can  all  be  found 
exactly  reproduced,  including  the  reddening  of  the  vascular 
bundles  in  the  nodes,  in  stools  affected  by  froghopper  in  Trinidad, 
and  are  more  or  less  simulated  by  the  results  of  other  affections 
elsewhere.  In  no  such  case,  however,  has  there  been  developed 
the  progressive  degeneration  which  is  the  essential  character 
of  the  disease. 


The  system  by  means  of  which  the  disease  is  avoided  consists 
in  the  use  of  cuttings  raised  in  hill  nurseries,  which  are  not 
subject  to  the  disease.  The  canes  from  these  are  reproduced 
in  the  plains  for  only  two  or  three  vegetative  generations  before 
they  are  again  replaced  with  plants  from  the  hills. 

Mosaic  Disease,  Mottling  Disease,  Yellow  Stripe  Disease. 

History  and  Distribution. 

About  1916  the  existence  of  a  serious  epidemic  disease  on 
sugar-cane  was  noticed  in  the  north-western  quarter  of  Porto 
Rico.  The  affection  was  described  by  J.  A.  Stevenson  under  the 
name  of  mottling  disease.  Later  it  was  found  to  be  identical 
with  the  "  gele  strepenziekte  "  (yellow  stripe  disease)  of  Java, 
in  which  island  it  was  described  by  J.  H.  Wakker  in  i8g6. 

The  disease  was  known  in  Java  in  1890,  and  circumstances 
point  to  its  having  then  been  present  for  many  years.  It  was 
regarded  there  as  due  to  recurrent  bud  variation.  Elimination 
methods,  and  its  operation  as  a  factor  in  selection  have  restricted 
its  prevalence.  It  occurs  in  Java  on  all  types  of  soil  and,  with 
greater  or  less  severity,  on  all  kinds  of  sugar-cane  except  the 
wild  species. 

When  attention  was  first  attracted  to  the  disease  in  Porto 
Rico,  it  was  restricted  to  a  single  district,  but  it  had  then 
assumed  epidemic  form,  and  its  spread  was  so  rapid  that  in 
1919  more  than  three-fourths  of  the  cane-growing  area  was 

E.  W.  Brandes  reports  the  finding  of  the  disease  in  Cuba 

[C.  B.   Williams 
Fig.  137 

Mosaic  Disease  of  Sugar-cane  :  Stem  Canker 


in  1919  at  three  separate  points,  at  one  of  which  it  was  beUeved 
to  have  been  present  for  nearlj^  twenty  years.  In  1918  the  disease 
was  found  at  many  places  in  Santo  Domingo,  and  it  has  been 
discovered  in  St.  Croix  on  plants  from  Porto  Rico. 

A  survey  of  the  cane-growing  districts  of  the  United  States, 
made  in  consequence  of  the  discovery  of  the  disease  on  planting 
material  received  in  Porto  Rico  from  Louisiana,  has  revealed 
its  wide  distribution  in  Louisiana  and  Florida,  and  its  occurrence 
in  the  adjoining  States.  The  river  district  of  Louisiana  was  in 
1919  already  badly  infested,  the  proportion  of  diseased  plants 
reaching  75  per  cent,  on  some  plantations. 

At  the  St.  Augustine  Experiment  Station  in  Trinidad  the 
existence  of  a  peculiar  and  abundant  marking  of  the  leaves  on 
the  plot  of  D  3956  was  noted  by  C.  B.  WiUiams  in  1918  and  1919. 
The  adjacent  plots  appeared  at  this  time  to  be  practically  free. 
Early  in  1920  the  condition  was  recognised  to  be  mosaic  disease, 
and  a  survey  showed  that  it  was  then  more  or  less  present  not 
only  throughout  the  Station  but  in  the  adjoining  district  for 
several  miles  east  and  west,  while  many  new  centres  of  infection 
had  arisen  on  estates  to  which  cuttings  of  selected  varieties  had 
been  sent. 

Early  in  1920  the  disease  was  found  to  be  widely  prevalent 
in  Jamaica  in  its  typical  form.     It  is  now  common  in  Barbados. 

In  the  Argentine  Republic  the  disease  is  reported  by  G.  L. 
Fawcett  to  have  been  present  for  many  years.  It  is  common  on 
the  Java  canes  there  grown,  which  exhibit  the  S3anptoms  to 
varying  degrees,  but  are  not  prevented  from  giving  satisfactory 
yields.  Canes  of  the  White  Transparent  type  are  uniformly 
affected  and  have  suffered  deterioration,  which  is  not,  however, 
attributed  to  the  effects  of  mosaic  disease.  The  Barbados  and 
Demerara  seedlings  are  worst  affected,  except  D  1135,  which 
is  the  only  one  suited  to  local  conditions. 


The  one  marked  and  constant  primary  symptom  of  the  disease 
is  the  peculiar  mottling  of  the  leaves. 

This  is  difficult  to  describe,  but  is  seldom  difficult  to  recognize 
after  being  once  learned.  Its  commonest  form  is  a  general 
longitudinal  streakiness  of  the  green  colour,  caused  by  the  paling 
of  many  small  and  ill-defined  areas.  It  is  hardly  definite  enough 
to  be  called  spotting,  and  a  form  of  whitish  or  yellow  spotting 
is  the  appearance  most  frequently  mistaken  for  it.  It  is  often 
best  seen  by  transmitted  light,  and  may  be  quite  conspicuous 
in  the  upper  leaves  as  seen  against  the  sky.  In  different  cane 
varieties  and  under  various  conditions  the  amount  of  the  normal 
green  colour  retained  differs  widely,  in  extreme  cases  being 
present  itself  as  patches  on  a  lighter  background.  On  certain 
varieties  in  Trinidad  the  affected  leaves  as  they  grow  old  con- 


stantly  develop  reddish  dots  thickly  scattered,  but  as  a  rule 
the  variation  is  only  from  dark  to  pale  yellowish  or  whitish 
green.  Most  of  the  doubtful  cases  can  be  determined  by  ex- 
amining the  young  unfolding  leaves,  which  always  show  symp- 
toms if  mosaic  disease  has  infected  that  particular  shoot. 

In  many  varieties  of  cane  the  shoots  when  thoroughly  infested 
show  distinctive  markings  on  the  surface  of  the  cane  itself.  On 
the  younger  joints  (intern odes)  these  are  usually  in  the  form  of 
streaks  or  stripes,  which  may  be  pale  yellow  on  green,  or  red  on 
yellow.  On  older  joints  the  surface  may  be  marked  with  irregular 
whitish  stripes,  the  development  of  which  is  followed  by  cracking 
and  often  by  local  shrinkage  and  drying  out.  The  joints  of 
infested  canes  tend  to  be  short,  and  where  the  symptoms  just 
described  are  prevalent  there  is  great  loss  of  weight. 

In  plants  from  infested  cuttings  a  further  symptom  appears 
in  the  form  of  white  opaque  spots  and  streaks  in  the  light-coloured 
areas  on  the  leaves.  These  have  no  pigment  whatever  and  range 
from  pin-point  spots  to  streaks  several  inches  long.  This  white 
tissue  remains  firm  and  does  not  turn  red  or  brown  as  do  the  pale 
spots  caused  by  the  feeding  of  froghoppers. 

Fields  planted  with  infected  cuttings  soon  show  pronounced 
dwarfing  of  growth,  and  a  similar  result  is  seen  in  ratoons  of  the 
more  susceptible  varieties  which  have  become  infected  after 

Influence  of  External  Conditions. 

The  disease  occurs  under  all  conditions  of  soil  and  climate. 
Cultivation,  manuring,  and  the  use  of  lime  do  not  notably 
decrease  its  prevalence,  but  rather  tend  to  bring  the  leaf  markings 
into  prominence. 

Losses  due  to  the  Disease. 

Regarding  the  losses  which  have  occurred  in  Porto  Rico, 
F.  S.  Earle  stated  in  1919  :  "  We  are  safe  in  concluding  in  a 
general  way  that  when  infection  reaches  an  average  of  60  to  80 
per  cent.,  losses  of  sugar  will  be  from  30  to  40  per  cent."  A 
table  published  in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  in  1912  showed  losses 
due  to  this  disease  varying  from  0.5  to  34  per  cent.,  according  to 
variety.  In  Jamaica  S.  F.  Ashby  records  tonnage  reductions, 
by  comparison  with  healthy  canes,  of  33  per  cent,  in  D  116  and 
27  per  cent,  in  Purple  Ribbon. 

The  losses  in  advanced  cases  of  the  infestation  of  highly 
susceptible  varieties  extend  to  the  complete  failure  of  the  crop  ; 
in  others  to  reduced  yields  in  all  degrees  according  to  the  pro- 
portion of  stunted  stools  and  rotted  stalks.  The  affected  canes 
have  a  tendency  to  be  pithy  and  poor  in  juice,  and  on  account 
of  changes  which  follow  the  splitting  of  the  internodes  the 
behaviour  of  the  juice  is  liable  to  cause  trouble  in  the  factory. 








PAo^o  iy] 

Fig.   138 
Chlorosis  of  Sugar-cane 

IH.  A.  Tempany 



No  fungus  or  bacterium  has  been  found  to  have  any  causative 
connection  with  the  disease.  The  evidence  points  to  its  associa- 
tion with  the  affections  caused  by  infective  viruses,  the  existence 
of  which  is  estabhshed  in  the  mosaic  diseases  of  tobacco,  tomato, 
cucumber,  bean,  potato  and  other  plants,  and  is  strongly  in- 
dicated in  diseases  such  as  sereh,  potato  leaf-roll,  and  curly- 
top  of  beet.     (See  Chapter  III.) 


Cuttings  from  affected  plants  invariably  reproduce  the  disease, 
and  it  is  in  this  way  that  it  has  been  distributed  about  the  world. 
The  infection  of  healthy  strains  brought  within  the  range  of  the 
disease  shows  clearly  that  it  is  in  some  way  transferable.  Contact 
alone  does  not  produce  this  result,  nor  is  there  any  evidence 
that  the  infective  principle  resides  in  the  soil. 

Healthy  cuttings  planted  in  fields  or  in  pots  from  which  badly 
diseased  plants  have  been  recently  removed  are  not  infected. 
The  spread  of  the  disease  by  infection  is  observed  to  be  very 
erratic,  rapid  at  one  time  or  place,  slow  or  absent  at  another. 
The  evidence  points  to  distribution  by  a  carrier,  probably  an 
insect.  E.  W.  Brandes,  in  greenhouse  experiments  at  Washing- 
ton, has  proved  transmission  of  the  disease  from  sorghmn  to 
cane  and  corn  by  Aphis  maidis.  Extensive  experiments  in  Porto 
Rico  with  all  the  common  insects  found  on  sugar-cane  have,  so 
far  as  reported,  had  only  inconclusive  results,  as  the  infections 
obtained  (with  cane-fly,  leaf-scale,  yellow  aphis,  and  mealy-bug) 
were  so  few  that  chance  infection  is  not  certainly  excluded  from 
their  origin.  No  infections  were  secured  in  experiments  made  by 
C.  B.  Williams,  in  Trinidad,  with  several  insects,  including  the 
frog-hopper  (Tomaspis).  Cane-fly  and  aphides  are  exceedingly 
rare  on  sugar-cane  in  Trinidad.  In  that  island  there  is  little  or 
no  evidence  of  infection  in  dry  weather,  but  rapid  extension  of 
the  disease  becomes  apparent  a  month  or  two  from  the  beginning 
of  the  rainy  season. 

Artificial  infection  tested  in  many  ways  has  only  proved 
successful  when  juice  expressed  from  affected  plants,  with  pre- 
cautions against  oxidation,  has  been  directly  inoculated  into  the 
tips  of  growing  canes,  and  with  this  method  positive  results  have 
been  difficult  to  obtain. 

Resistance  and  Susceptibility. 

In  Porto  Rico  all  the  stcindard  varieties,  and  all  the  local, 
Barbados,  and  Demerara  seedlings  are  attacked.  The  Bourbon 
cane  is  exceedingly  susceptible  and  the  Striped  (Rayada),  White 
Transparent  (Crystalina),  and  YeUow  Caledonia,  all  of  which 
are  grown  in  quantity  in  the  iMand,  are  severely  injured.  Certain 
seedlings  imported  from  and  much  favoured  in  Java  (P.O.J. 


Series)  show  a  high  degree  of  endurance  of  the  disease,  suggesting 
that  this  character  has  influenced  their  selection.  They  become 
generally  but  lightly  infested,  and  make  an  apparently  normal 

Perfect  immunity  exists,  it  would  appear,  only  among  canes  of 
the  thin  Indian  type.  The  well-known  Uba  cane,  the  only  one  of 
the  type  adopted  in  the  West  Indies,  has  been  severely  tested 
without  developing  any  symptoms  of  infection.  The  references 
to  "  Kavangire  "  by  Porto  Rican  and  American  writers  on  the 
disease  really  apply,  according  to  more  recent  information,  to 
Uba,  introduced  by  way  of  the  Argentine  to  Porto  Rico. 

According  to  Brandes,  corn,  sorghum,  rice,  millet,  crab- 
grass,  foxtail,  and  Panicum  have  been  found  to  be  subject  to 
infection,  but  are  stated  to  be  attacked  with  difficulty,  con- 
tracting the  disease  when  grown  in  the  close  neighbourhood  of 
diseased  cane.  In  Trinidad  appearances  strongly  suggestive  of 
mosaic  have  been  seen  on  corn  and  on  so-called  "  corn-grass  " 
{Manisurus  exaltata). 


Uninfected  regions  should  be  protected  by  careful  quarantine, 
with  special  precautions  against  introduction  on  highly  resistant 
varieties,  which  may  transmit  the  disease  without  showing  signs 
of  infection  in  themselves. 

Light  infestations  may  be  dealt  with  by  pulling  up  the  affected 
plants.  There  is  no  need  to  burn  or  otherwise  destroy  them 
beyond  taking  precautions  against  the  resumption  of  growth,  as 
wilted  plants  are  no  longer  infective. 

Severe  infestation  should  be  dealt  with  by  the  thorough 
clearing  of  the  fields  after  crop,  followed  by  the  use  of  disease-free 
material  for  replanting.  If  a  rotation  crop  is  interposed,  the 
security  will  be  greater  against  reinfection  from  growing  fragments 
of  the  old  stools. 

Chlorosis,  Gall  Patches,  Moonshine. 

Chlorosis  as  known  in  the  West  Indies  is  a  condition  regularly 
induced  in  cane  planted  on  certain  restricted  patches  in  limestone 
districts,  in  which  the  leaves  become  exceedingly  pale  in  colour  or 
even  milk-white.  In  addition  to  these  permanent  locations,  the 
condition  may  be  manifested  more  or  less  over  wider  areas  in  wet 
years.  Chlorosis  of  this  type  is  reported  from  Cuba,  Jamaica  and 
Porto  Rico  ;  it  occurs  to  a  small  extent  in  Barbados,  and  is 
particularly  well-marked  in  Antigua,  where  the  areas  subject  to  it 
are  known  as  gall  patches.  H.  A.  Tempany  has  shown  that  the 
condition  is  due  in  Antigua  to  the  presence  of  soluble  material, 
indicated  by  analysis  to  be  sodium  carbonate  ("  black  alkali  "). 
This  is  believed  to  originate  from  interaction  between  the  calcium 
carbonate  of  the  soil  and  sodium  chloride  brought  up  in  solution 


from  saliniferous  deposits  at  deeper  levels.  The  condition  is  thus 
not  dependent  on  an  excess  of  lime,  as  is  sometimes  supposed, 
but  on  the  presence  of  salt  in  the  soil  water,  a  conclusion  which 
agrees  with  the  observation  that  cane  will  grow  quite  normally 
on  soils  with  a  higher  lime  content  than  those  affected. 

No  permanent  remedy  has  been  found.  Experiments  in  Porto 
Rico  have  shown  that  temporary  recovery  of  colour  follows  the 
application  of  iron  salts. 

In  order  to  complete  the  review  of  diseases  attacking  the 
sugar  cane,  a  brief  account  is  added  of  two  diseases  which  have 
been  recognised  in  the  Pacific  Region  for  a  number  of  years,  but, 
as  in  the  case  of  Sereh,  are  not  known  to  occur  in  the  West  Indies  ; 
these  are  the  so-called  Fiji  Disease  and  the  Sclerospora  disease. 

Fiji  Disease. 

This  disease  owes  its  name  to  the  fact  that  it  was  discovered 
in  the  Fiji  Islands  (about  1905),  where  it  threatened  the  stability 
of  the  industry  ;  it  was  found  later  in  Australia  and  New  Guinea, 
and  more  recently  in  the  Philippines. 

The  unique  and  characteristic  symptom  of  the  disease  is  the 
occurrence  of  elongated  swellings  or  galls  on  the  under  sides  of  the 
leaves  ranging  in  length  from  i  /12th  to  several  inches  and  re- 
stricted to  the  large  veins.  According  to  H.  L.  Lyon,  similar 
galls  may  be  found  in  the  vascular  bundles  of  the  stems.  A 
stalk  may  grow  to  a  considerable  length  and  develop  a  succession 
of  galled  leaves,  otherwise  normal  in  appearance  ;  finally  and 
rather  suddenly,  only  short  crumpled  leaves,  often  reduced  to 
stumps,  unfold  from  the  spindle,  growth  ceases,  and  the  death 
of  the  stalk  follows.  After  the  disease  has  appeared  on  a  single 
stalk  the  whole  stool  becomes  involved  and  finally  succumbs. 
The  disease  is  invariably  transmitted  in  cuttings  from  affected 
canes,  and  the  soil  may  carry  the  infection  for  a  time  with  the 
result  that  susceptible  varieties  may  make  practically  no  growth 
when  planted  in  such  soil.  No  immune  variety  of  cane  has  been 
found  but  the  New  Guinea  cane  Badila  is  strongly  resistant 
and  is  now  the  most  widely  planted  kind  in  Fiji.  The  disease 
has  been  brought  under  practically  complete  control  in  Fiji  by 
rigid  selection  of  cuttings  only  from  healthy  stools  ;  experience 
has  shown  that  this  selection  must  be  maintained  even  after 
disease  has  been  reduced  almost  to  the  vanishing  point.  Plas- 
modium-like  bodies  occur  regularly  in  the  cells  of  the  gall- 
tissue  and  this  observation  has  led  to  the  belief  that  Fiji  disease 
might  be  due  to  a  slime-mould  (myxomycete)  related  to  Plas- 
modiophora  brassicce  Wor.,  the  well-known  cause  of  club-root 
in  plants  of  the  order  Cruciferae. 



This  disease  was  described  for  the  first  time  by  Miyake,  in 
Formosa,  where  it  appeared  in  1909.  It  is  believed,  however,  to  be 
the  same  as  the  leaf-splitting  disease  known  earlier  in  Australia 
and  Fiji.  It  was  introduced  into  the  Philippines,  apparently  in 
cane  cuttings  from  Formosa.  The  earliest  symptoms  on  the  leaf 
show  as  a  few  yellowish  stripes  parallel  with  the  veins  ;  the  stripes 
increase  in  number  until  the  greater  part  of  the  leaf  turns  pale 
and  becomes  marked  by  scattered  long  reddish-brown  spots. 
At  the  same  time  a  fluffy  growth  appears  on  the  under  surface 
and  the  leaf  dies  and  dries  up  or  before  dying  becomes  torn  or 
shredded  at  the  tip.  In  some  varieties  of  cane  the  internodes  may 
be  much  lengthened  or  thickened  and  diseased  stalks  may  be 
2-3  feet  longer  than  uninfested  stalks.  The  cause  of  the  disease 
is  a  downy  mildew — Sclerospora  Sacchan  Miyake,  which  sporulates 
abundantly  on  the  under  sides  of  the  leaves  during  the  night. 
The  disease  is  transmitted  by  infected  cuttings  and  from  plant 
to  plant  under  humid  conditions  by  means  of  the  air-borne 
conidia.  Maize  and  teosinte  {Eiichlcena  Mexicana)  become 
infected  readily  but  endure  the  disease  better  than  cane.  At- 
tempts have  been  made  to  control  the  disease  by  roguing  the 
young  plants  which  have  arisen  from  infested  cuttings  before  the 
spores  of  the  fungus  are  developed  on  the  leaves,  and  by  careful 
seed-piece  selection  from  uninfected  stools.  If  Sclerospora 
disease  reached  the  West  Indies  it  would  find  difficulty  in  main- 
taining itself  in  the  islands  having  a  dry  climate. 


Cultivated  Aroids. 

Although  species  of  Colocasia  (dasheens  and  eddoes)  and 
Xanthosoma  (tannias  or  cocoes)  are  widely  grown  as  provision 
crops  there  is  little  record  of  their  liability  to  disease  in  the 
southern  West  Indies.  An  undescribed  affection  known  as 
"  el  mal  "  occurs  in  Porto  Rico,  and  S.  F.  Ashby  has  given  an 
account,  summarised  below,  of  a  disease  of  cocoes  in  Jamaica. 

Dry-Rot  or  Saltpetre. 

This  is  a  frequent  disease  of  the  tubers  of  Xanthosoma  in 
certain  parishes  of  Jamaica,  affecting  mainly  the  variety  "  Com- 


Leaf  development  is  backward,  and  the  outer  leaves  have  a 
tendency  to  wilt  and  to  become  infested  with  weak  parasites, 
which  produce  large  pale  dry  spots. 

In  diseased  tubers  the  vascular  strands  are  discoloured 
yellow  or  brown.  Splits  in  the  internal  tissue  are  frequent,  and 
when  these  extend  to  the  surface  cavities  are  formed  which  become 
infested  with  various  scavenging  insects,  mites,  and  worms. 
Such  cavities  may  come  to  occupy  half  of  the  tuber  or  more, 
leaving  the  cortex  as  a  relatively  sound  shell. 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  yellowed  vascular  bundles  are  infested  with  a  mycelium 
of  colourless  septate  hyphae  abundant  in  the  spiral  vessels.  In 
the  darker  strands  this  mycelium  bears  long  chains  of  conidia  or 
gemmae  of  a  yellow  or  brown  hue,  generally  longer  than  broad 
with  rounded  ends  and  narrowing  in  the  middle.  Neither  hyphae 
nor  gemmae  have  been  seen  outside  the  vessels.  They  are  well 
seen  in  the  large  vessels  of  discoloured  roots. 

The  fungus  is  described  as  Vasculomyces  xanthosomce  Ashby. 
Its  action  is  similar  to  that  of  the  Fusariums  causing  wilt  diseases, 
the  subsequent  rotting  being  due  to  the  admission  of  secondary 



A  Jamaica  disease  resembling  this  in  most  particulars  was 
attributed  by  G.  Massee  in  1887  to  a  fungus  named  by  him 
Peronospora  trichotoma. 


Certain  varieties  are  immune  to  the  disease  and  may  be 
safely  grown  on  infested  land.  Susceptible  varieties  should  only  be 
planted  on  clean  land,  and  care  must  be  taken  not  to  introduce 
infection  with  the  planting  material  or  with  instruments  used  in 

Fig.  139     Vasculomyces  Xanthosomae 

Bull.  6,  Dept.  Agri.,  Jamaica 

In  Jamaica  and  more  recently  in  Hawaii  a  disease  of  Colocasia 
sp.  (taro)  has  been  attributed  to  a  species  of  Pythium. 


Burning  Disease  (Rosellinia). 

In  1891  specimens  of  arrowroot  rhizomes  from  St.  Vincent 
affected  by  a  disease  knowning  as  "  burning  "  were  examined  by 
H.  Marshall  Ward.  They  were  reported  by  him  to  be  badly 
affected  by  a  subterranean  fungus  mycelium,  and  to  have  pro- 
duced conidia  in  the  manner  of  the  genus  Spicaria  when  kept  in  a 
damp  chamber. 

No  further  outside  attention  seems  to  have  been  given  to  this 
affection  until  South,  after  a  visit  in  1911,  gave  an  account  of  it 
in  an  unpublished  report.  He  described  the  disease  as  occurring 
in  the  fields  in  patches  varying  in  area  from  a  few  to  several 

Fig.    140 
Burning  Disease"  of  Arrowroot 

Fig.  141 
Bacterial  Rot  of  Onion 

Bull.  164,  New  York  Agri.  Expt.  Sta. 


hundred  square  feet,  and  constant  in  position  from  year  to  year. 
The  symptoms  do  not  make  themselves  apparent  until  the 
rhizomes  are  nearly  ripe  for  digging.  At  this  time  the  affected 
plants  have  fewer  leaves  than  the  healthy  ones  growing  in  their 
vicinity,  and  these  leaves  are  often  rolled  up  and  somewhat 
wilted.  Extension  of  the  patch  is  very  slow,  but  the  fungus  is 
very  persistent,  and  the  disease  was  reported  to  have  reappeared 
in  the  first  crop  on  a  field  replanted  after  remaining  in  bush 
fallow  for  twenty-five  years. 

In  1915  the  present  writer  visited  a  field  in  which  the  rhizomes 
had  recently  been  dug  and  were  lying  in  small  heaps  on  the 
ground.  The  material  from  a  diseased  patch  was  conspicuous 
owing  to  the  black  discoloration  of  the  rhizomes.  Towards  the 
base  of  the  heaps  sufficient  moisture  had  been  retained  for  the 
fungus  to  continue  growing,  and  there  were  woolly  tufts  and 
strands  of  greenish  grey  mycelium,  undoubtedly  that  of  a  Rosel- 
linia,  and  an  abundance  of  the  typical  conidial  fructifications. 
Allowing  for  the  difference  in  structure  of  the  two  plants,  the 
appearance  of  the  mycelium  in  the  rhizome  corresponds  exactly 
to  that  of  R.  bunodes  in  lime  roots,  that  is  to  say,  the  mycelial 
strands  are  identical  and  their  distribution  throughout  the 
relatively  soft  tissue  of  the  arrowroot  rhizome  is  similar  to  that 
seen  in  the  bark  of  the  lime.  South  records  the  presence  of 
perithecia  of  R.  bunodes  on  other  plants  in  close  proximity  to  a 
diseased  patch. 

On  the  exterior  of  the  arrowroot  rhizomes  as  seen  when  they 
are  dug  there  is  little  or  no  loose  external  mycelium.  When 
such  does  occur,  the  hyphae  are  of  the  usual  "  varicose  "  type. 
On  the  surface  of  both  rhizome  and  scale  leaves  there  is  a  dense 
scatter  of  shiny  raised  dots  and  ridges  (less  than  i  to  about  3  mm. 
in  diameter)  consisting  of  compact  aggregations  of  dark  hyphae 
in  the  superficial  tissue.  From  these  the  slender  compact  branch- 
ing strands,  black  with  a  white  core,  radiate  through  the  paren- 
chyma both  of  the  scale  leaves  and  of  the  rhizome. 

In  the  latter  they  mostly  follow  a  radial  course,  and  are  con- 
spicuous to  the  naked  eye  as  black  dots  and  lines  in  a  section. 
At  this  stage  the  rhizomes  are  still  full  of  starch.  At  an  early 
time  on  the  scale  leaves,  and  later  on  the  rhizomes,  the  black 
spots  tend  to  run  together  until  the  whole  surface  is  black  and 
shining,  and  about  this  time  the  parenchyma  of  the  rhizome 
may  be  found  generally  infested  with  hyaline  hyphae  and  depleted 
of  its  starch. 

The  special  characteristics  of  the  disease  on  arrowroot  are  : 
(fl)  that  the  disease  occurs  in  patches  which  are  reported  to  show 
little  or  no  observable  increase  from  year  to  year  ;  {b)  that  in  such 
patches  the  disease  persists  for  a  long  and  apparently  indefinite 
period  of  years. 

The  explanation  of  these  features  is  probably  to  be  found  in 
the  methods  pursued  in  arrowroot  cultivation.     The  fields  are 


usually  kept  in  this  crop  for  many  years  in  succession,  and,  al- 
though the  crop  is  an  annual  one,  the  ground  is  never  clear  of 
plants.  In  the  first  place  it  is  impracticable  to  remove  the 
smaller  fragments  and  offshoots  of  the  rhizomes  from  the  ground, 
as  shown  by  the  large  number  of  plants  which  spring  up  after  a 
change  has  been  made  to  some  other  crop,  and,  secondly,  it  is  the 
custom  when  digging  the  rhizomes  to  break  off  pieces  and  return 
them  to  the  soil,  to  provide  plants  for  the  succeeding  crop.  The 
persistence  of  the  disease,  under  suitable  circumstances  of  soil 
moisture,  may  with  great  probability  be  thus  accounted  for,  and 
it  is  helped  by  the  custom  of  leaving  the  diseased  rhizomes 
to  decay  on  the  spot.  The  fungus  attacks  the  plants  of  almost 
any  crop  which  succeeds  arrowroot  on  the  diseased  patches, 
but  there  is  no  evidence  of  its  persistence  on  such  a  crop  after 
the  arrowroot  has  been  completely  eliminated. 

Its  origin,  as  regards  the  primary  patches,  probably  goes  back 
to  the  cases  appearing  when  the  land  was  cleared  of  trees.  One 
can  readily  conceive  of  secondary  patches  occurring,  due  to 
careless  disposal  of  diseased  material,  or  to  the  germination  of 
spores  on  any  accumulation  of  decaying  tops  or  weeds  sufficient 
to  give  the  fungus  a  start. 

Accurate  and  systematic  observations,  involving  measure- 
ment of  the  extension  of  the  patches,  are  wanting,  but  it  does 
not  appear  from  the  evidence  available  that  the  fungus  makes 
much  progress  from  plant  to  plant  in  the  soil,  and  there  are  no 
spreading  roots  to  conduct  it  as  in  the  case  of  the  tree  crops. 


All  the  plants  in  a  diseased  patch  and  on  its  margin  should 
be  carefully  dug  out,  dried  as  far  as  possible,  and  burnt  with 
the  aid  of  added  fuel.  The  spot  should  be  left  fallow  in  the 
succeeding  crop,  kept  clean-weeded,  and  forked  from  time  to 
time.  Lime  should  if  possible  be  liberally  applied.  Any  diseased 
trees  on  the  land  should  be  disposed  of  as  directed  in  the  section 
on  Rosellinia  diseases  in  general. 

Cigar  Disease. 

In  1900  a  disease  of  arrowroot  in  St.  Vincent  producing  a 
condition  known  to  planters  as  "  cigar  root  "  was  reported  on  by 
A.  Howard.  It  has  not  been  further  investigated,  but  the 
writer  has  recently  learnt  that  it  still  occurs  and  renders  necessary 
the  restoration  of  invaded  fields  by  the  use  of  planting  material 
from  uncontaminated  sources,  and  in  severe  cases  causes  the  fields 
to  be  thrown  out  of  cultivation  in  this  crop. 

On  the  estate  visited  by  Howard  the  affected  plants  first 
appeared  in  a  section  irrigated  by  the  effluent  from  the  starch 
factory    and  later  spread  widely  through  the   various  fields. 


These  plants  continued  in  an  active  state  of  growth  when  normal 
plants  had  ripened. 

The  affection  produces  an  attenuated  condition  of  the 
rhizomes,  which  develop  long  internodes  and  abundant  roots. 
The  yield  of  starch  is  small  and  difficult  to  extract. 

Microscopic  examination  showed  that  the  cells  contained  few 
normal  starch  grains  in  the  older  parts,  but  many  corroded 
grains  m  all  stages  of  disintegration.  Preliminary  studies  sug- 
gested that  the  active  agent  in  this  was  a  filamentous  bacterium 
which  was  found  to  be  abundant  in  the  slime  deposited  by  the 
mill  water. 


Cassava  is  very  widely  grown  in  the  Lesser  Antilles,  but  sel- 
dom on  a  very  large  scale.  It  is  grown  for  starch  manufacture  in 
St.  Vincent  and  is  used  to  some  extent  as  a  rotation  crop  on  sugar 
estates  in  Barbados ;  a  few  years  ago  attempts  were  made  to 
extend   its   cultivation   in   Trinidad. 

Apart  from  injuries  due  to  insects  and  mites  no  disease  of 
serious  importance  has  been  met  with  on  this  plant. 


A  wither-tip  and  dieback  disease  apparently  due  to  a  Gloeo- 
sporium  occurs  occasionally  in  Barbados,  on  plants  with  reduced 
vigour,  and  has  been  seen  to  follow  on  defoliation  by  caterpillars. 
The  fungus  is  probably  Gloeosporium  manihot  Earle.  known  as 
the  cause  of  a  similar  disease  in  the  United  States  and  Porto 


A  bacterial  leaf  disease  occurs  in  Barbados  in  which  a  distinct 
varmsh-like  deposit  of  bacteria  appears  on  the  surface  of  the 
angular  leaf-spots  produced. 

Two  leaf-spot  diseases  unidentified  are  reported  to  be 
prevalent  m  Trinidad.  A  leaf-spot  due  to  Cercospora  henninRsii, 
All.  is  common  in  Porto  Rico. 

1  -11^"?^^   appropriate   circumstances   cassava   is   liable    to   be 
killed  by  Rosellinia  root  disease. 


Bacterial  Soft-Rot. 
Onions  in  the  West  Indies  as  in  North  America  are  liable  under 
certain  cu-cumstances  to  a  soft-rot  of  the  bulb  scales  caused  by 
bacteria  of  the  Bacillus  cawtovorus  t3'pe.  Very  heavy  losses 
were  experienced  on  some  estates  in  Barbados  after  a  wet  season  in 
1904,  and  m  the  islands  where  onions  are  now  grown  on  a  large 


scale,  as  in  Antigua  and  Montserrat,  the  affection  is  occasionally 


The  disease  may  become  prevalent  in  the  fields  about  reaping 
time,  or  during  storage  or  transit  of  the  harvested  crop.  Usually 
the  rot  starts  at  the  neck  of  the  onion,  and  it  may  be  confined 
to  the  heart,  to  one  or  more  scales  enclosed  between  others 
which  remain  sound,  or  the  outside  may  be  sound  with  the  whole 
interior  decayed,  or  vice  versa.  The  organism  is  unable  to  pene- 
trate the  epidermis  and  only  passes  from  one  scale  to  another 
by  way  of  the  base.  The  presence  of  the  rot  may  often  be  de- 
tected by  a  reduction  in  resistance  to  pressure. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

Various  kinds  of  injury  can  induce  the  appearance  of  the  rot» 
but  the  scale  of  its  occurrence  in  the  field  is  generally  determined 
by  the  prevalence  of  wet  weather  during  ripening  and  by  condi- 
tions as  to  moisture  generally.  Good  drainage  and  open  clean  culti- 
vation tend  to  reduce  it.  Careful  harvesting,  curing,  and  packing, 
and  good  ventilation  of  the  place  of  storage  lessen  the  losses  sub- 
sequent to  reaping.  Experience  in  Montserrat  leads  to  the  con- 
clusion that  not  only  are  onions  grown  under  wet  conditions 
more  liable  to  decay  in  the  field,  but  that  they  suffer  much  more 
during  storage  and  shipment  than  the  lots  which  are  grown  in 
drier  situations. 

Sweet  Potato. 

To  a  reader  familiar  with  the  long  and  formidable  list  of 
sweet  potato  diseases  occurring  in  the  United  States  the  absence 
of  recorded  diseases  of  this  important  vegetable  in  the  West 
Indies  will  appear  remarkable. 

So  far  as  the  storage  rots  are  concerned  the  explanation  is 
to  be  found  in  the  fact  that  these  are  so  much  more  severe  under 
tropical  conditions  that  storage  for  any  considerable  period  is  not 
practised.  A  somewhat  similar  explanation  is  probably  true  in 
part  of  field  diseases  ;  under  conditions  where  they  become  severe 
the  sweet  potato  is  not  grown.  The  chief  area  of  production 
is  the  dry  and  open  cane  land  of  Barbados.  A  third  reason  may, 
perhaps,  be  found  in  the  existence  of  sweet  potato  cultivations 
in  America  on  the  margin  of  the  climatic  range  of  the  plant. 

White  Rust. 

Effects  on  the  leaves  ranging  from  small  spots  to  considerable 
pocket-like  distortions  are  caused  by  infestation  with  the  fungus 
Albugo  ipomoecB-panduranos  (Schw.)  Sw.  White,  somewhat  wax- 
like swellings  appear  under  the  epidermis,  and  this  eventually 


bursts  to  expose  the  pustules  of  the  fungus,  which  produce  masses 
of  white  spores. 

Young  stems  are  to  some  extent  attacked,  and  S.  F.  Ashby 
has  found  in  one  district  of  Jamaica  the  potatoes  themselves  bear- 
ing rounded  mammillated  galls  which  may  exceed  two  inches  in 
diameter,  and  are  occupied  by  a  stout  non-septate  mycelimn 
with  spherical  haustoria  bearing  oospores  characteristic  of  Albugo. 
The  galls  soon  decay  and  spoil  the  appearance  and  keeping  qualities 
of  the  potatoes. 

The  wild  Ipomcea  biloba,  a  common  plant  on  sandy  beaches,  is 
often  infested  with  a  fungus  assumed  to  be  the  same  as  the  one 
on  the  sweet  potato. 

A  true  rust,  Coleosporiiim  Ipomoece  Burr,  is  reported  common 
in  Porto  Rico,  but  has  not  so  far  been  noticed  in  the  Lesser  An- 



One  or  more  wilt  diseases  of  which  the  nature  is  as  yet  obscure 
occur  in  Antigua  and  Barbados  and  probably  in  other  islands. 
Under  certain  conditions,  in  Barbados  usually  dry  weather,  the 
yam  vines  become  black-spotted  on  the  leaves  and  in  sections 
of  the  stem  and  dry  off  prematurely  in  much  the  same  way  as 
they  normally  do  at  the  end  of  the  season.  Several  fungi  are 
recorded  in  other  countries,  associated  with  black  spotting  of 
yam  foliage,  but  careful  and  repeated  examinations  have  not 
revealed  any  such  on  the  Barbados  material.  The  indications 
are  somewhat  more  in  keeping  with  a  root  disease. 

Tuber  Rot. 

A  rot  of  the  growing  tubers  has  several  times  been  reported 
from  Antigua  in  which  broviTiing  and  blackening  of  the  tissues 
starts  in  spots  and  patches  from  the  outside  and  leads  to  the 
production  of  large  cavities  containing  pulpy  remains  of  the 
broken-down  tissues,  and  infested  with  fungi,  bacteria,  and 
scavenging  insects.  The  decay  apparently  ceases  to  make  pro- 
gress after  the  yams  are  dug  and  stored,  the  rotted  tissues  being 
then  found  enclosed  by  layers  of  wound  cork.  Material  showing 
the  active  condition  of  the  disease  has  not  yet  been  obtained, 
and  infection  experiments  with  cultures  of  the  fungi  found  have 
had  negative  results. 

Leaf  Blotch. 

A  Cercospora  leaf-spot  is  common  on  the  yam  in  Trinidad, 
taking  the  form  of  large  black  blotches  on  the  leaves. 



Ground  nuts  are  grown  rather  extensively  as  a  field  crop  in 
St.  Vincent,  and  to  a  small  extent  in  some  other  islands.  Pigeon 
peas  are  also  grown  as  a  field  crop  in  St.  Vincent,  and  are  grown 
everywhere  in  a  scattered  way,  in  small  holdings,  gardens  or  on 
the  margins  of  fields.  Cow-peas  and  Rounceval  peas  {Vigna  spp.) 
are  fairly  common  as  a  rotation  crop  on  arable  land.  Velvet, 
Bengal  and  Lyon  beans  {Stizolohium  spp.),  Sword  and  Jack  beans 
{Canavalia  spp.)  Woolly  Pyrol  {Phaseolus  mungo)  and  the  Tephro- 
sias  are  grown  to  some  extent  as  cover  crops  and  green  dressings. 
Bonavist  {DoUchos  lahlah)  and  Lima  bean  {Phaseolus  hmatus)  are 
grown  mostly  in  provision  plots  and  small  holdings. 

The  diseases  of  peas  and  beans  have  had  little  attention. 
In  addition  to  those  described  below  there  exist  nmnerous 
leaf-spots  and  one  or  more  each  of  rusts,  mildews,  and  wilts 
which  have  not  been  studied. 

Of  the  general  diseases  the  most  serious  are  the  infections 
following  bug  punctures  (especially  those  of  Nezara  viridula, 
which  is  partial  to  these  plants)  and  the  rot,  affecting  all  parts 
near  the  soil,  caused  by  Sclerotium  Rolfsii,  both  of  which  are 
elsewhere  described. 

Ground  Nut. 

Leaf  Rust. 

The  rust  fungus  Uredo  AracM.Us  Lagh.  {Uromyces  Arachidis 
P.  Henn.)  occurs  on  ground-nut  throughout  the  Antilles  from 
Cuba  and  Porto  Rico  to  Trinida'^  and  in  South  America.  The 
pustules  are  small,  yellow-brow  i  fo  dark  brown,  scattered  or 
thickly  crowded,  occurring  on  both  sides  of  the  leaf  but  in  greatest 
abundance  on  the  under  side,  and  present  to  some  extent  on  the 
stems.  The  urediniospores  are  ovoid-round,  minutely  echinulate, 
24-30  microns  in  diameter,  with  a  yellow  epispore. 

The  rust  is  more  prevalent  in  wet  than  in  dry  seasons,  and 
worse  on  heavy  or  wet  than  on  light  land.  It  has  attacked 
imported  varieties  more  severely  than  the  local  ones. 

The  incidence  of  the  affection  is  somewhat  erratic.  Under 
favourable  conditions  it  only  occurs  in  quantity  towards  the 
end  of  the  season,  and  mostly  on  falling  leaves,  but  in  other 


circumstances  an  infestation  can  bring  about  the  partial  defolia- 
tion and  premature  ripening  of  the  haulms,  with  the  production 
of  a  large  proportion  of  shrivelled  kernels.  W.  Robson  has 
carried  out  in  Montserrat  a  series  of  annual  tests  of  the  effect  of 
spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture.  The  treatment  results  in 
the  control  of  the  fungus,  the  leaves  on  the  spra^'^ed  plots  remain- 
ing at  the  end  of  the  season  green  and  healthy,  with  only  a  few 
scattered  pustules,  when  those  on  unsprayed  plots  have  on  occas- 
sion  been  heavily  infested  and  failing.  The  effect  on  the  crop  is 
variable.  In  some  j^ears  an  obvious  and  considerable  increase 
has  resulted,  in  others  very  little.  This  is  probably  to  be  ex- 
plained by  the  absence  of  any  serious  injury  from  the  fungus 
when  the  infestation  is  developed  late. 

The  indications  are  that  the  first  spraying  should  be  given 
at  6-8  weeks  from  planting,  and  that  one  or  two  more  applica- 
tions should  be  made  at  intervals  of  a  fortnight. 


A  leaf-spot  disease  produced  by  the  attacks  of  the  fungus 
Cercospora  personata  Ellis  {Septoglceum  Arachidis  Rac.)  appears 
to  be  met  with  in  all  parts  of  the  world  where  this  crop  is  grown, 
being  capable  of  transmission  by  spores  adhering  to  the  seed. 
In  St.  Vincent,  where  ground-nuts  are  grown  extensively  as  a 
field  crop,  it  is  not  in  general  regarded  seriously,  but  local  attacks 
are  sometimes  heavy  enough  to  cause  appreciable  damage. 
This  is  more  or  less  the  position  in  other  islands  where  the  crop 
occurs.  The  disease  is  more  prevalent  in  wet  weather  and 
more  severe  in  its  effects  on  imported  varieties.  In  India  it  is 
regarded  as  one  of  the  major  diseases  of  cultivated  crops,  and  is 
responsible  at  times  for  very  great  destruction.  Its  effect  is 
described  as  not  unlike  that  of  potato  blight,  the  plants  being 
almost   entirely   defoliated. 

The  older  leaves  are  first  attacked,  and  brown  to  black 
nearly  circular  spots,  usually  2-4  mm.  in  diameter,  are  produced. 
Yellowing  and  shedding  of  the  leaf  may  follow. 

The  conidiophores  are  brown,  tufted,  short,  and  irregular  in 
outline.  The  conidia  are  light  brown,  mostly  more  or  less 
club-shaped,  several  (usually  3-4)  celled,  30-50  X  5-6  microns. 

Trials  of  spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  have  not  been 
successful  either  in  the  West  Indies  or  India.  Very  satisfactory 
control  has  been  achieved  in  India  by  the  introduction  of  exotic 
varieties  with  better  powers  of  endurance,  which  seems  to  have 
reduced  the  disease  to  a  position  similar  to  that  which  it  occupies 
on  the  varieties  established  in  these  islands. 

Root  Disease. 
The  "  root  disease  "  described  by  F.  W.  South  is  due  to  the 


fungus  Sclerotium  Rolfsii,  discussed  in  another  section  as  a  general 

Its  attacks  on  ground-nut  have  caused  very  considerable 
losses  during  periods  of  wet  weather. 

Kidney  Beans. 

Kidney,  Haricot,  or  bush  beans  {Phaseohis  vulgaris)  are  grown 
to  some  extent  as  a  garden  crop  in  these  islands,  usually  from 
American  seed.  The  bean  anthracnose  is  of  fairly  frequent 
occurrence,  being  probably  in  most  if  not  all  cases  introduced 
on  the  seed,  and  sometimes  causes  considerable  loss  of  crop. 
It  is  much  less  severe  on  local  forms  of  Phaseolus. 


The  disease  makes  its  appearance  on  the  young  seedUngs, 
and  ultimately  infects  the  leaves,  stems  and  pods  of  the  developed 
plants.  The  fungus  penetrates  the  pods  to  the  seeds  within, 
causing  spots  to  be  developed  on  the  latter  which  form  a  starting 
point  for  a  new  cycle  of  disease.  The  spots  appear  on  the  seeds 
as  sunken  black  or  brown  specks  in  the  case  of  light  attack, 
or  as  brownish  or  blackened  spots,  usually  in  the  form  of  a  ring 
with  a  dark  or  rifted  centre,  where  the  attack  is  severe.  On  the 
seed-leaves,  circular  or  kidney-shaped  blotches  appear,  which 
may  enlarge  until  the  whole  leaf  is  involved.  Elongated  cankers 
are  produced  on  the  stems,  and  many  young  plants  are  lost 
from  the  direct  or  indirect  consequences  of  stem  and  root  in- 
fection. Young  leaves  may  be  crinkled  owing  to  the  effect 
of  the  fungus  on  the  margins  ;  older  leaves  are  affected  mostly 
on  the  veins,  and  the  portion  of  the  leaf -blade  beyond  the  attacked 
vein  turns  yellow  and  dies  for  want  of  water.  On  the  pods  the 
lesions  start  as  small  reddish  pin-point  spots,  which  enlarge 
into  circular  or  kidney-shaped  sunken  areas  with  a  raised  rim. 
Yellow  or  pink  spore-masses  are  produced  in  the  centres  of  these 
spots.  Severe  infestation  occurs  as  a  consequence  of  continued 
wet  weather,  and  a  general  yellow  appearance,  due  to  the  dying 
of  the  leaves,  is  then  recognizable  in  the  fields. 

The  Fungus. 

The  causative  fungus  is  CoUetotrichum  lindemuthianum  (Sacc. 
et  Magn.)  Br.  et  Cav.  The  hyaline  spores  are  at  first  one-celled, 
but  later  are  divided  by  a  single  septum.  They  are  surrounded 
by  a  mucilaginous  envelope.  In  mass  they  are  at  first  pink, 
later  becoming  more  or  less  creamy.  They  are  usually  kidney- 
shaped,  2.7-5.3x10.6-20  microns. 


Spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  usually  gives  disappointing 


results.  There  are  notable  varietal  differences  in  resistance, 
but  the  adoption  of  this  means  of  control  is  complicated  by  the 
existence  of  strains  of  the  fungus  which  attack  varieties  resistant 
to  other  strains.  Wells'  Red  Kidney  is  reported  to  be  very 
satisfactory  in  this  respect,  and  it  is  expected  that  resistant 
white  types  will  be  made  available. 

A  very  considerable  degree  of  freedom  from  the  disease  can 
however  be  secured  by  taking  precautions  against  planting 
infected  seed.  Pods  should  be  selected  which  have  no  spots 
whatever  upon  them.  It  is  not  sufficient  to  select  unspotted 
seed,  since  a  slight  infection  may  not  be  noticeable.  An  infection 
so  slight  as  this  upon  a  pod  would  have  little  significance,  since 
the  fungus  would  not  have  penetrated  to  the  seeds  within.  It  is 
advisable,  however,  in  order  to  prevent  infection  from  such  a 
source,  or  from  merely  adherent  spores,  to  dip  the  pods  for  ten 
minutes  in  corrosive  sublimate  solution  (i  part  to  1000  of  water). 
The  seed  so  obtained  should  be  used  to  plant  a  seed  plot  on  clean 
ground.  Cases  arising  after  this  treatment  should  at  the  worst 
be  few,   and  capable  of  elimination  by  hand-pulling. 

In  using  imported  seed  the  best  that  can  be  done  is  to  reject 
all  those  which  show  signs  of  injury  (which  in  many  samples 
examined  have  been  very  numerous)  and  to  treat  the  remainder 
with  a  disinfectant. 

Bacterial  Blight. 

This  disease  which  is  widespread  in  the  United  States  has  been 
frequently  noticed  on  beans  in  these  islands.  It  is  caused  by 
Bacterium  phaseoli  E.F.  Sm. 

The  signs  of  its  attack  on  the  seed  are,  in  light  cases,  yellow 
spots  or  blotches,  not  definitely  circular,  frequently  on  the 
side  of  the  seed  which  was  attached  to  the  pod  ;  in  severe  cases, 
yellowing  and  shrivelling  of  the  whole  seed.  On  the  seed-leaves, 
small  amber-coloured  spots  appear,  with  which  may  be  associated 
a  light  yellow  slime.  On  the  foliage  leaves  the  disease  produces 
irregular  water-soaked  areas,  which  are  usually  bordered  with 
distinct  yellow  or  red  hnes.  These  areas  gradually  enlarge 
until  the  entire  margin,  or  half  the  leaflet,  may  be  involved.  The 
watery  areas  later  become  brown  and  dry.  On  the  pods,  watery 
pustules  are  first  formed,  which  develop  into  amber-coloured 
irregular  blotches  with  uneven  green  centres  ;  clumps  of  the 
bacteria  ooze  out,  and  dry  into  yellow  crusts  on  both  leaves 
and  pods.  The  general  appearance  of  a  field,  when  the  prevalence 
of  humid  weather  conditions  has  led  to  a  severe  infestation, 
is  described  as  suggesting  that  the  plants  had  been  drenched 
with  hot  grease.  At  a  later  stage  the  older  leaves  look  dry  and 
burnt,  and  excessive  new  growth  occurs  in  the  attempt  to  provide 
new  foliage.  Fruiting  is  seriously  interfered  with,  and  the  pods 
cease  to  fill  out. 



This  disease  is  more  capable  than  anthracnose  of  withstanding 
hot  dry  weather. 


No  fully  effective  means  of  control  is  known.  The  germs  are 
able  to  resist  drying  for  a  long  period,  and  become  widely  spread, 
so  that  probably  reinfection  does  not  entirely  depend  on  seed. 
The  measures  recommended  for  anthracnose  should,  however, 
also  reduce  considerably  the  incidence  of  blight. 

Stem  Rot. 

Bean  plants  raised  in  Barbados  gardens  from  American  seed 
have  several  times  been  seen  to  develop  brown  decayed  patches 
on  the  young  stems  within  the  first  two  or  three  inches  above 
the  soil.  The  injury  extends  deeply  into  the  tissues  and  often 
either  girdles  the  stem  or  causes  it  to  break.  From  the  nature 
of  the  mycelium  found  in  the  lesions  the  disease  is  believed  to  be 
due  to  the  soil  fungus  Rhizoctonia,  which  has  been  described 
as  the  cause  of  stem  rot  of  beans  in  the  United  States,  and  there 
is  a  distinct  possibility  that  the  fungus  is  introduced  with  the 
seed.  Pods  near  the  ground  are  said  to  be  attacked  by  the 
mycelium,  which  can  enter  maturing  seeds  without  destroying 

Seeds  should  be  carefully  picked  over  before  planting,  and 
those  which  show  even  slight  injury  rejected.  The  disease  can  be 
prevented  to  some  extent  by  wide  spacing  and  the  avoidance  of  a 
shaded  condition  of  the  soil. 

Pigeon  Pea. 

Root  and  Stem  Diseases. 

The  pigeon  pea  [Cajanus  indicus)  is  subject  in  the  West  Indies 
to  diseases,  probably  two  or  three  in  number  at  least,  which 
cause  the  death  of  the  whole  plant  by  infestation  of  roots,  collar, 
or  lower  stem.  These  are  additional  to  the  known  susceptibility 
of  this  plant  to  Rosellinia  root  disease.  The  occurrence  of  these 
affections  seems  to  be  sporadic,  though  sometimes  the  losses  are 
fairly  heavy.     Their  nature  is  at  present  almost  entirely  unknown. 

In  1917  old  and  young  trees  died  off  in  large  numbers  but 
in  a  scattered  way  in  several  districts  of  Carriacou,  in  the  Grena- 
dines, and  a  similar  occurrence  amongst  young  plants  was  seen 
by  the  writer  at  a  later  date  in  the  island  of  Bequia.  In  the 
Carriacou  material  the  disease  is  distinctly  of  the  nature  of  a 
stem  and  collar  canker,  and  it  is  evident  from  the  irregular 
development  of  ribs  of  new  wood  about  the  lesions  that  it  may  be 
present  for  a  considerable  time  before  killing  the  plant.  The 
only  fungus  found  to  be  uniformly  present  is  an  Ascomycete 
with  dark  hyphae  giving  a  slaty  appearance  to  the  wood,  pro- 


f  St!  0  ] 

Photo  by]  [C.   If.  Edgerton 

Fig.  142     Anthracnose  of  Bean 

From  M.  T.  Cook's  Diseases  of  Tropical  Plants,  by  permission  of  Macmillan  &  Co. 

Fig.  143     Stem-rot  of  Papaw 



ducing  a  black  stroma  throughout  the  affected  bark,  with  long- 
necked  perithecia  in  dense  clusters  more  or  less  united  at  the  base, 
ejecting  both  from  these  and  from  adjacent  pycnidia  white 
tendrils  of  unicellular  spores,  the  former  coffin-shaped,  the  latter 
oval  or  oblong.  Infection  experiments,  made  in  dry  weather, 
gave  negative  results.  J.  A.  Stevenson  records  the  existence  of 
an  undescribed  but  serious  stem  canker  in  Porto  Rico,  and  a 
disease  closely  resembling  that  described  above  occurs  in  Trinidad 
and  Tobago. 

A  wilt  disease,  apparently  due  to  infestation  of  the  roots,  occurs 
sporadically  in  Barbados. 


The  rust  fungus  Uromyces  Dolicholi  Arthur,  occurs  on  the 
leaves  of  pigeon  pea  in  Trinidad  and  Porto  Rico,  and  is  probably 
to  be  found  in  the  intervening  islands.  It  produces  small  dark 
brown  pustules,  with  powdery  spores,  on  the  lower  side  of  the 
leaves,  and  causes  discoloration  of  the  foliage. 




The  pineapple  belongs  to  an  order  (Bromeliaceae)  the  greater 
part  of  which  consists  of  epiphytes  and  lithophytes  (tree  and  rock 
inhabiting  plants)  and  the  pineapple  itself,  while  belonging  to  one 
of  the  soil-inhabiting  genera,  is  closely  related  in  its  constitution 
and  its  vegetative  structure  to  those  of  epiphytic  habit.  This  is 
reflected  in  the  fact,  emphasized  by  all  authorities  on  the  cultiva- 
tion of  the  plant,  that  it  is  most  decidedly  intolerant  of  any  inter- 
ference with  free  root-respiration,  such  as  is  brought  about  by 
soils  which  are  close-lying  or  tenacious  of  water.  Thus  in  Antigua, 
where  pineapples  are  more  regularly  grown  than  in  the  other 
islands  of  the  Lesser  Antilles,  the  industry  has  practically  speaking 
been  confined  to  the  section  of  the  island  which  possesses  soils  of 
volcanic  origin  with  a  minimum  of  clay. 

Given  good  aeration  the  consistency  of  the  soil  is  of  minor 
importance  ;  it  appears  that  the  plant  will  grow  well  in  any  soil 
rich  in  humus,  but  in  light  soil  it  is  especially  necessary 
that  the  supply  of  plant  food  be  well  maintained.  The  plant 
will  grow  for  a  time  in  well-rotted  leaf  mould,  and  is  grown  in 
Florida  in  sand  with  the  addition  of  chemical  manures.  It  would 
seem  that  some  of  the  difficulties  attributed  to  disease  have  arisen 
through  a  mistaken  belief  in  the  ability  of  the  plant  to  thrive 
in  any  light  soil,  which  has  resulted  in  the  use  of  land  in  a 
dried  out  or  exhausted  condition.  It  is  important  to  note  in 
this  connection   that  the   plant  has  a  very  limited  root  range. 

The  plant  is  well  protected  against  drought,  but  cannot  be 
expected  to  do  more  than  survive  in  periods  when  the  com- 
paratively shallow  layer  penetrated  by  its  roots  is  dry.  This 
points  to  the  need,  in  dry  districts,  of  close  planting  to  shade  the 
ground,  mulching  of  the  surface  with  leaves,  or  the  maintenance 
of  an  efficient  dust  mulch. 


The  condition  known  as  tangle-root  is  a  frequent  accom- 
paniment of  the  root  diseases  described  below,  as  it  also  is  of 
some  dry  soil  conditions.  In  the  affected  plants  the  main 
roots,  instead  of  growing  directly  out  into  the  soil,  wind  round  and 
round  the  rootstock,  often  quite  tightly.  The  range  of  the  roots 

Fig.    144 
Base-rot  of  Pineapple  Cuttings 

Fig.    14.-. 

Cross  Section  of  Pineapple  Fruit  showing 

Two  Infections  of  Black-eye 

Dull.  lo,  Dept.  Pathology.  H.S.P.A. 


is  thus  greatly  reduced,  and  in  extreme  cases  the  plant  has 
hardly  any  hold  on  the  soil. 

The  condition  arises  from  the  persistence  of  old  leaf-bases 
in  a  leathery  condition  at  the  time  when  new  roots  are  being 
produced  from  the  internodes  above.  The  new  roots  are  unable 
to  penetrate  the  obstacle  thus  presented,  and  are  deflected  so 
that  their  growth  partly  or  wholly  encircles  the  stem.  Failure 
of  the  first  formed  roots  from  asphyxiation  or  other  causes,  or 
decay  of  the  base  of  the  rootstock,  induce  the  condition  by 
forcing  premature  development  from  higher  nodes.  In  planting 
out  suckers  in  dry  soils  it  is  advisable  to  remove  beforehand  the 
lower  leaf-sheaths  so  as  to  allow  a  free  course  to  the  roots ;  in 
wet  situations  decay  of  the  old  leaves  is  more  rapid  and  the 
operation   may   be   dispensed   with. 

The  existence  of  the  tangle-root  condition  is  not  necessarily 
a  symptom  of  disease,  but  it  impairs  the  efficiency  of  the  root- 
system,  reduces  the  rate  and  vigour  of  growth,  and  may  in  extreme 
cases  cause  the  failure  of  the  plant  under  the  strain  of  fruit 

Root  Disease,  Wilt,  or  Blight. 

A  condition  of  ill-health  and  failure  known  under  one  of 
these  names  or  an  equivalent  appears  to  be  familiar  in  every 
country  in  which  any  considerable  cultivation  of  pineapples  is 
carried  on.  It  has  not  been  established  as  being  due  to  any 
particular  parasite  or  any  single  cause,  and  it  is  not  probable  that 
this  is  the  case.  Rather  it  is  in  its  general  aspect  a  form  of  failure 
like  the  root  disease  of  sugar-cane,  and  in  its  simplest  form  may 
be  brought  about  as  the  direct  result  of  unfavourable  conditions, 
but  in  addition  may  develop  characters  tending  more  and  more 
towards  those  of  parasitic  disease  according  to  the  nature  of  the 
organisms,  usually  fungi,  which  invade  the  weakened  roots  or 
rootstocks.  In  this  way  variations  in  the  final  form  of  the 
condition  arise  which  differ  in  different  situations  and  cause  the 
confusion  of  attempts  to  correlate  them.  One  important  question 
on  which  evidence  is  definitely  conflicting,  probably  for  the  reason 
just  given,  is  that  of  transmissibility.  The  disease  as  it  exists  in 
Hawaii  and  Queensland  has  been  reported  to  be  seldom  or  never 
communicated ;  in  Porto  Rico,  Jamaica  and  the  Philippines  it 
has  been  regarded  as  infectious. 


In  the  form  of  the  disease  seen  by  the  writer  in  Montserrat, 
which  is  believed  to  be  the  one  most  common  in  these  islands, 
the  plants  showing  external  signs  of  the  disease  first  occur  in 
patches  and  the  affection  appears  to  spread  slowly  through  the 
beds  attacked,  taking  several  months  in  the  process. 

The  general  appearance  is  that  of  a  slowly  progressive  wilting 


and  drooping  of  the  leaves,  beginning  with  reddish  discoloration 
and  resulting  in  withering  from  the  tips,  loss  of  colour,  and  eventu- 
ally the  complete  drying-up  of  the  plant,  frequently  when  the 
fruits  are  partly  grown. 

Examination  of  the  plants  in  various  stages  of  failure  showed 
quite  clearly  that  it  was  a  question  of  root  decay.  The  worst 
affected  plants  had  hardly  any  functioning  roots,  the  least  affected 
were  fairly  well  provided,  and  the  intermediate  forms  showed 
corresponding  gradation.  In  all  the  specimens  the  actual 
tissues  of  the  stems,  apart  from  the  discoloured  root  traces,  were 
quite  sound,  thus  differentiating  this  disease  from  stem  base-rot 
due  to  Thielaviopsis. 

Associated  Fungi. 

In  the  affection  as  met  with  by  the  writer  and  as  described 
by  previous  investigators  in  the  West  Indies  fungus  hyphae 
have  been  found  in  the  roots  and  root-hairs  from  an  early  stage 
of  failure.  Their  presence  is  referred  to  by  most  writers  on  the 
subject  but  in  itself  is  not  of  much  value  as  evidence  of  their 
pathogenic  nature,  especially  as  no  particular  fungus  has  been 
found  to  be  well-marked  and  constant,  Fusarium  and  other 
soil-inhabiting  tj^pes  are  met  with,  but  in  no  case  has  a  necessary 
connection  with  the  disease  been  demonstrated.  On  several 
occasions  the  mycelium  and  fructifications  of  Marasmius  Sacchari 
have  been  associated  with  diseased  plants  in  the  West  Indies, 
but  this  is  not  by  any  means  general. 

C.  W,  Carpenter  has  demonstrated  very  recently  that  wilt 
in  the  Hawaiian  Islands  is  due  to  destruction  of  the  finer  roots  by 
a  fungus  which  he  considers  to  be  identical  with  Pythium  butleri 
Subram.  the  cause  of  root  rots  of  tobacco  and  ginger  and  foot-rot 
of  Carica  papaya  in  India, 


Until  the  particular  types  of  affection  included  under  the  name 
of  root  disease  have  been  investigated  and  defined  there  is  not 
much  that  can  usefully  be  said  on  the  subject  of  control. 

So  far  as  the  disease  is  primarily  due  to  some  unfavourable 
condition  or  conditions  of  growth,  including  physically  unsuitable, 
poorly  prepared,  insufficiently  drained  and  cultivated  soil  (all 
leading  to  a  restriction  of  aeration),  poverty  of  soil,  lack  of  water, 
and  poorly  prepared  planting  material,  the  means  to  be  taken  are 
obvious.  There  can  be  no  doubt  that  much  of  the  trouble 
experienced  has  originated  in  this  way 

The  appearance  of  communication  from  plant  to  plant  and 
the  way  in  which  the  trouble  slowly  extends  over  the  beds,  as 
described  above,  afford  fairly  convincing  evidence  that  para- 
sitism is  an  important  factor  in  at  least  one  form  of  the  disease. 
Its  existence  in  an  affection  of  this  nature  introduces  the  usual 

Fig.   U6 
Thielaviopsis  Soft  Rot  of  Pineapple 

Bull.   lo,  Dept.  Pathology,  H.S.P.A. 


difficulties  in  dealing  with  soil  parasites.  Attempts  at  control 
involve  the  very  early  eradication  of  affected  plants  and  their 
immediate  neighbours,  some  effort  towards  sterilization  of  the 
infested  soil,  the  avoidance  for  a  long  time  (at  least  a  year  and 
possibly  several)  of  the  use  of  infected  land  for  replanting,  and 
careful  precautions  against  infecting  new  land  with  any  sort  of 
material  from  the  old. 

Resistant  Varieties 

The  most  hopeful  measure  lies  in  the  search  for  and  adoption 
of  suitable  resistant  varieties.  In  Montserrat  the  Red  Spanish 
variety  was  reported  first  to  be  immune,  and  later  to  show  a  high 
degree  of  resistance  to  the  disease  as  compared  with  the  Queen 
types,  which  include  the  Ripley. 

Base  Rot. 

A  disease  which  has  been  previously  described  from  the 
Hawaiian  Islands  and  is  apparently  indicated  in  a  Porto  Rico 
reference,  was  observed  in  1914  in  a  series  of  plots  at  the  Experi- 
ment Station  in  St.  Kitts. 


The  plots  in  question  were  estabHshed  with  cuttings  of  the 
Ripley  pine,  which  were  disinfected  with  Bordeaux  mixture 
before  planting.  About  the  time  the  first  fruits  were  beginning 
to  ripen  a  sickly  yellow  appearance  of  the  plants  became  very 
noticeable  and  was  made  the  subject  of  investigation.  It  was 
found  that  the  more  seriously  affected  plants  were  easily  lifted 
by  hand  and  the  number  of  living  roots  was  very  small.  The 
underground  parts  of  the  stem  were  rotted  to  a  degree  broadly 
corresponding  to  the  condition  of  the  top,  the  worst  cases  re- 
taining only  a  few  roots  attached  immediately  below  the  bases 
of  the  lowest  leaves.  No  evidence  of  attack  on  the  remaining 
roots  and  rootlets  was  found,  the  loss  of  roots  appearing  to 
proceed  from  the  rotting  of  the  stem  to  which  they  were  attached. 

The  blackened  tissues  of  the  stem  proved  to  be  filled  with 
dark  hyphae,  penetrating  the  tissues  in  every  direction,  lying  in 
coils  in  the  cells,  and  producing  an  abundance  of  black  spores  in 
simple  chains.  A  large  plant  with  healthy  green  leaves  and  a 
well-developed  root  system  was  found  when  cleaned  to  have  a 
brown  spot  about  the  middle  of  one  side  of  the  underground 
stem,  and  when  kept  for  four  days  in  a  closed  chamber  a  rot  of 
the  nature  observed  in  the  field  had  extended  from  this  point 
throughout  the  stem  accompanied  by  the  advance  of  the  same 

The  fungus  was  identified  in  the  plant  and  in  cultures  as 
Thielaviopsis  paradoxa,  v.  Hohn.,  the  cause  of  pineapple  disease 


of  sugar-cane  cuttings,  and  was  transferred  to  sugar-cane,  upon 
which  the  usual  effects  were  produced. 

L.  D.  Larsen,  in  Hawaii,  inoculated  pineapple  cuttings  with 
the  spores  of  this  fungus  through  punctures  and  by  means  of  a 
sprayed  suspension,  obtaining  complete  infection  by  both 
methods  and  the  development  of  the  disease  in  typical  form,  the 
controls  remaining  healthy. 


In  Hawaii,  where  the  existence  of  an  organised  pineapple 
industry  allows  of  observations  being  made  on  the  subject,  the 
loss  of  plants  in  the  field  due  to  this  disease  has  been  found  in 
different  instances  to  be  23,  27  and  65  per  cent.  The  loss  of 
cuttings  during  transport  has  on  occasion  reached  similar  figures. 


The  causative  fungus  is  widely  distributed  in  these  islands 
and  in  the  soil  of  sugar-cane  fields  appears  to  be  universally 
present.  It  occurs  in  connection  with  a  pineapple  leaf-spot  and 
is  the  common  cause  of  decay  in  the  ripe  fruit  after  cutting.  The 
fungus  can  be  generally  assumed  to  be  present  where  pineapples 
are  grown,  and  since  large  numbers  of  plants  can  be  raised  under 
these  conditions  and  escape  the  disease,  it  is  obvious  that  infec- 
tion depends  on  some  local  factor.  What  the  predisposing  causes 
may  be  has  not  been  ascertained  fmrther  than  that  dry  weather 
after  planting  seems  to  favour  infection  of  the  sets.  This  agrees 
with  experience  in  the  parallel  case  of  sugar-cane  cuttings,  which, 
according  to  the  writer's  experience,  are  destroyed  by  Thielaviop- 
sis  only  when  lack  of  rain  delays  their  development.  The 
experiments  in  Hawaii  showed  that  the  removal  of  as  few  leaves 
as  possible  from  the  sets,  and  the  drying  out  of  the  cut  ends  before 
planting  are  effective  methods  of  preventing  infection.  The 
use  of  Bordeaux  mixture  gave  negative  results. 

White  Leaf-Spot. 
A  leaf-spot  which  is  fairly  common  in  the  West  Indies  has 
been  investigated  by  L.  D.  Larsen  in  Hawaii.  It  occurs  on  well- 
grown  plants  and  its  effect  on  their  development  is  not  usually 
appreciable.  It  has  been  shown  to  be  due  to  the  infection  of 
insect  and  spine  punctures,  or  other  injuries,  by  the  fungus 
Thielaviopsis.  Infection  and  development  depend  on  the  pre- 
valence of  moist  and  cloudy  weather  or  on  the  shading  of  the 

Description  4 

Larsen's  description  is  as  follows  : 

"  The  spots  vary  considerably,  as  regards  size,  shape  and 


colour.  Many  are  large  and  white,  and  are  noticeable  from  a 
long  distance,  while  others  are  small  and  inconspicuous.  In 
typical  mature  spots  there  is  a  straw-coloured  central  area 
surrounded  by  a  dark  margin.  Very  often  there  is  a  dark  centre 
within  the  straw-coloured  area,  or  dark  blotches,  due  to  the 
formation  of  the  black  macrospores  within  the  tissue,  may  be 
scattered  over  it  in  an  irregular  manner.  Sometimes  long  white 
arms  extend  beyond  the  dark  border,  and,  again,  the  entire 
spot  may  be  white  or  straw-coloured  throughout.  The  internal 
tissue  is  soft  and  decayed  at  first,  but  this  soon  dries  out,  leaving 
the  injured  area  dry  and  sunken.  The  white  or  straw-coloured 
area  is  not  due  simply  to  drying  of  the  affected  tissue,  as  is  often 
the  case  with  similar  diseases,  but  comes  on  while  the  tissue  is 
still  quite  firm,  and  long  before  it  has  begun  to  dry  out.  In 
early  stages  the  spots  may  be  olive  brown  in  colour  and  fairly 
regular  in  outline,  or  they  may  be  white  or  irregular  from  the 
start.  The  size  of  the  spots  increases  very  rapidly,  so  that  in  two 
or  three  days  what  was  a  small  brown  spot  will  have  become 
from  two  to  six  inches  in  length.  Even  twelve  inches  is  not  an 
unusual  length." 

Leaf-Base  Rot. 

In  Jamaica,  S.  F.  Ashby  reports  the  occurrence  of  a  rot  of  the 
leaf-bases,  occurring  especially  in  young  plants,  which  is  caused 
by  infestation  with  Phytophthora  parasitica.  A  secondary 
malodorous  bacterial  soft-rot  is  usually  also  present.  The 
Ripley  variety  is  most  susceptible. 

Fruitlet  Spot,  Black  Eye,  Black  Spot. 

Nature  and  Distribution. 

For  the  past  twenty  years  a  disease  of  ripening  pineapples 
has  frequently  come  to  notice  in  the  West  Indies,  in  which  the 
fruit  appears  externally  quite  normal,  but  when  cut  open  reveals 
dark  brown  or  blackish  spots  situated  in  the  flesh  beneath  a  few 
or  many  of  the  "  eyes."  The  inappropriate  names  "  black  heart" 
and  "  core  rot,"  sometimes  used  for  this  affection,  have  probably 
been  transferred  to  it  through  confusion  with  the  ripe  rots  due  to 
Diplodia  and  Thielaviopsis. 

In  Antigua  the  disease  is  sometimes  very  common,  at  others 
rare  or  absent.  It  occurs  in  St.  Kitts,  Montserrat,  Dominica  and 
St.  Vincent,  and  has  been  found  in  pines  purchased  in  Martinique. 
Similar  affections  have  been  described  from  Jamaica,  Queensland 
and  Hawaii ;  in  the  last  two  countries,  associated  with  species 
of  fungi  different  from  that  met  with  in  the  West  Indies. 

The  disease  was  investigated  by  A.  Howard  in  1901,  so  far  as 
this  was  possible  from  transmitted  specimens,  and,  in  the  absence 


of  opportunities  for  prolonged  study  on  the  spot,  Howard's 
observations  have  been  confirmed  but  not  materially  supple- 
mented by  the  successive  mycologists  of  the  Imperial  Department 
of  Agriculture. 

Description  of  the  Disease. 

The  spots  are  very  erratic  in  their  occurrence  and  may  be 
found  in  few  or  many  of  the  fruits  in  a  given  consignment ; 
large  and  well-grown  specimens  appear  to  have  no  advantage  in 
this  respect.  The  discoloration  may  be  narrow  and  linear, 
extending  inwards  for  half  an  inch  or  more  from  the  base  of  an 
"  eye,"  perhaps  with  one  or  more  small  bulbous  expansions  which 
become  cavities,  or  it  may  be  in  the  form  of  a  conspicuous  spot, 
of  varying  length  and  width  but  usually  rather  sharply  defined. 
It  does  not  appear  that  any  notable  extension  of  the  lesion  occurs 
during  storage  of  the  fruit,  nor,  apart  from  the  spots  themselves 
and  the  disfigurement  they  cause,  that  the  edibility  of  the  fruit 
is  affected. 

A  species  of  PeniciUium  is  uniformly  found  to  occupy  the 
spots,  fruiting  in  small  cracks  and  in  the  cavities  of  the  ovary. 
The  beginning  of  the  spots,  and  the  entry  of  the  fungus  into  the 
tissues,  is  associated,  commonly  at  least,  with  perforations  in 
the  tough  wall  of  the  old  floral  chamber  (the  eye),  near  the 
insertion  of  the  style.  Species  of  PeniciUium  are  generally  present 
on  the  withered  floral  organs,  and  it  is  regarded  as  probable  that 
the  fungus  depends  for  access  to  the  pulp  on  punctures  made  by 
insects  or  mites  inhabiting  the  enclosed  floral  chamber.  Mealy- 
bugs and  mites  are  usually  to  be  found  in  this  situation.  To 
establish  this  theory  of  the  disease  it  will  probably  be  necessary 
to  study  the  general  biology  of  the  flower  and  fruit  up  to  the  time 
the  affection  begins  to  develop,  and  until  this  has  been  done  no 
remedial  measures  can  be  suggested. 

Economic  Aspect. 

The  existence  of  this  trouble  has  a  serious  reaction  on  attempts 
to  establish  a  pineapple  industry.  It  is  impossible  to  know  when 
selling,  shipping,  or  buying  pineapples  whether  they  will  or  will 
not  show  a  disfigurement  which  greatly  reduces  their  value  for 
table  purposes. 

Thielaviopsis  Soft-Rot. 
Pineapples  which  are  bruised  in  gathering  or  in  transit  or 
which  sustain  an  injury  while  stiU  on  the  plant  are  liable  to  be 
attacked  by  the  fungus  Thielaviopsis  paradoxa,  which  spreads 
rapidly  through  the  fruit  and  sets  up  a  soft  and  watery  rot.  When 
the  infested  tissues  are  exposed  they  are  quickly  blackened  by  the 
abundant  development  of  spores  which  then  takes  place.  This 
is  the  commonest  type  of  decay  in  the  harvested  fruit,  whether 


green  or  ripe,  and  is  responsible  for  the  largest  part  of  the  losses 
which  take  place  in  storing  and  shipping  pines.  Its  incidence  in 
the  field,  where  it  occurs  on  ripe  fruits,  is  inconsiderable  as  a  rule. 
While  infection  usually  takes  place  through  wounds,  experiments 
have  demonstrated  that  in  a  moist  atmosphere  the  germinating 
spores  can  penetrate  the  surface  of  uninjured  fruit. 

DiPLODiA  Core-Rot. 

In  the  traffic  between  these  islands,  pineapples  which  have 
been  some  days  in  transit  are  frequently  found  to  be  infected 
through  the  cut  end  of  the  stalk  by  a  species  of  Diplodia.  The 
fungus  passes  up  the  vascular  core  of  the  fruit,  from  which  it 
spreads  to  the  adjoining  pulp.  It  produces  a  water-soaked 
appearance  of  the  tissues  recently  invaded,  and  these  are  later 
darkened  by  the  development  of  brown  coloration  in  the 
mature  mycelium  infesting  them.  The  fructifications  of  the 
fungus  appear  as  dots  under  the  rind  of  the  fruit  near  the  stalk, 
later  breaking  through  as  pustules  and  discharging  immature 
white  or  mature  black  spores  which  in  the  latter  condition  are 

Diplodia  wound  infections  of  ripe  or  ripening  fruits  are  very 
common  in  the  West  Indies  (see  p.  25),  and  the  one  or  more 
species  causing  them  are  quite  generally  distributed. 

Prevention  of  Fruit  Rots. 

The  measures  to  be  adopted  for  the  prevention  of  these 
troubles  are  largely  matters  of  handhng  and  packing  arising 
principally  in  connection  with  export ;  though  it  must  be  remem- 
bered that  the  intrusive  fungi  develop  so  rapidly  in  a  tropical 
climate  that  fruit  intended  for  local  consumption  is  liable  to  be 
quickly  spoiled. 

In  dealing  with  the  fruit  it  should  be  taken  for  granted — it  is 
indeed  usually  a  fact — that  spores  are  present  and  only  await 
suitable  conditions  for  their  development.  These  conditions 
are  supplied  by  the  presence  of  moisture  and  a  certain  degree  of 
heat.  Unless  the  fruit  is  artificially  cooled  the  latter  may  be 
taken  as  in  all  cases  sufficient,  and  it  is  on  the  control  of  the 
former  that  success  will  depend.  The  requisite  moisture  may  be 
supplied  by  the  juices  of  the  fruit  on  cut  or  bruised  surfaces,  or 
by  the  water  given  off  by  the  fruit  accumulating  either  on  the 
packing  material  or  in  surrounding  air  enclosed  or  allowed  to 
remain  still. 

It  follows  that  the  pineapples  must  throughout  be  handled 
with  the  greatest  care  to  avoid  bruising  or  scratching.  They  must 
not  be  broken  off  from  the  stem,  but  cut  with  a  stalk  3  or  4 
inches  long,  which  itself  must  not  be  stripped.    It  would  probably 


be  of  advantage  to  cut  off  an  inch  of  the  stalk  when  the  fruit 
is  brought  in  from  the  field  and  then  sear  the  freshly  cut  end  or 
dip  it  in  melted  adhesive  wax.  The  fruit  should  be  laid  out 
for  twenty-four  hours  to  cool  and  dry  before  packing.  It  is 
obvious  that  the  method  of  packing  should  be  such  as  to  prevent 
contact  between,  or  movement  of,  the  fruit,  while  permitting  free 
circulation  of  air,  and  that  storage  and  stowage  should  be  in 
well-ventilated  places. 

J.  E.  Higgins,  in  Hawaii,  and  Vera  H.  Charles,  in  Washington, 
have  experimented  with  the  use  of  formaldehyde  gas  for  fumiga- 
ting pineapples  previous  to  storage,  the  object  being  to  kill  the 
spores  adhering  to  the  outside  of  the  fruit.  Both  report  very 
considerable  improvement  in  the  keeping  qualities  of  fruit  so 


The  papaw  is  generally  distributed  and  common  throughout 
the  islands,  grown  usually  in  a  scattered  way  as  a  fruit  tree.  In 
Montserrat  a  peasant  industry  exists  in  the  collection  of  coagu- 
lated milk  from  the  unripe  fruits  of  plants  which  occur  in  con- 
siderable numbers  on  uncultivated  land.  Attempts  which  have' 
been  seen  to  establish  papaws  in  field  cultivation  suggest  that 
insect  and  fungus  troubles  would  become  severe  under  these 
conditions,  and  plots  of  superior  imported  varieties  have  in 
several  cases  failed  owing  to  their  greater  susceptibility  to 
disease.  Only  casual  attention  has  as  yet  been  given  to  the 
affections  which  occur. 

Black  Leaf-Spot. 

The  leaves  of  the  papaw  are  liable  to  heavy  infestation  with 
the  fungus  named  below,  which  produces  thickly  sown  and 
conspicuous  spots,  rounded  except  where  they  impinge  on  a 
vein,  ranging  in  size  from  mere  specks  to  about  3  mm.  diameter  ; 
on  the  upper  surface  they  are  dark  brown,  with  a  whitish  centre 
in  the  larger  examples,  below  they  are  a  uniform  velvety 

The  fungus  as  usually  met  with  is  confined  to  a  conidial  form, 
Asperisporium  Caricce  (Speg.)  Maub.,  the  uncertain  taxonomic 
position  of  which  is  shown  by  the  variety  of  genera  (Cercospora, 
Fusicladium,  Scolecothricum,  Epiclinium,  Pucciniopsis)  in  which 
it  has  been  placed. 

The  short  vertical  cylindrical-clavate  conidiophores  are 
crowded  side  by  side  in  a  dense  and  even  layer  on  the  under 
surface  of  the  spot.  Each  has  several  minute  papillae  on  its 
rounded  summit,  and  bears  single  terminal  conidia  in  succession. 
The  conidia  are  thick-walled,  rough,  irregular  in  outUne,  often 
more  or  less  pear-shaped,  and  i,  2  or  occasionally  3-celled.     A. 


Fig.   147 
Blossom  End  Rot  of  Tomato 

Bull.  146,  Florida  Agri.  Expt.  Sia. 

Fig.   Ui 
Septoria  Leaf-spot  of  Tomato 

From  M.  T.  Cook's  Diseases  of  Tropical  Plants,  by  permission  of  Macmillan  &  Co. 


Maublanc  has  recorded  a  perithecial  form  associated  with  the 
spots,  to  which  he  has  given  the  name  Sphcerella  CariccB. 

The  disease  is  reported  from  Brazil,  Paraguay,  Florida. 
Bermuda  and  Porto  Rico.  It  has  recently  been  found  in  Trinidad, 
and  the  only  previous  record  from  the  Lesser  Antilles  known  to 
the  writer  is  based  on  specimens  forwarded  by  W.  Robson  from 
Montserrat,  with  the  information  that  the  disease  was  only  met 
with  in  a  locality  which  for  some  reason  has  proved  distinctly 
unsuitable  for  the  cultivation  of  this  plant. 

Stem  and  Fruit  Rot. 

Localised  stem  rots  of  the  papaw  similar  in  their  appearance 
and  perhaps  identical  have  been  seen  in  Montserrat,  St.  Vincent, 
Barbados  and  Trinidad.  A  similar  trouble  has  been  mentioned 
in  Porto  Rico.  The  causative  organism  has  not  with  certainty 
been  isolated  in  any  of  these  cases.  Imported  varieties  are  highly 
susceptible,  and  considerable  losses  have  occurred  at  times  on 
the  local  kinds.  Plants  growing  under  very  favourable  conditions 
are  liable  to  attack. 

A  water-soaked  area  first  appears  on  the  stem,  apparently  in 
any  situation,  the  tissues  turn  brown,  and  a  depressed  and 
shrunken  patch,  which  may  be  several  inches  long,  is  produced. 
This  soon  becomes  infested  with  bacteria  and  with  fly  and 
beetle  larvae,  and  usually  leads  to  the  failure  of  the  leaves  and  the 
breaking  of  the  stem.  Lesions  which  in  their  earlier  stages  are 
similar  in  appearance  may  also  occur  on  the  fruit. 

|A  species  of  Gloeosporium  or  Colletotrichum  has  been  found 
in  early  and  close  association  with  the  disease  on  stem  and  fruit 
in  material  from  Barbados  and  Montserrat.  A  Colletotrichum 
is  exceedingly  common  on  failing  leaves. 

Cultures  of  a  Fusarium  were  obtained  in  St.  Vincent,  but  gave 
doubtful  results  in  infection  experiments.  A  similar  infection  in 
India  has  been  produced  by  inoculation  with  Pytkmm  hutleri. 

No  actual  experience  of  control  has  been  obtained,  but,  as 
natural  recovery  sometimes  occurs,  it  seems  likely  that  the 
cutting  out  of  the  patches  in  the  stem  before  they  are  far  ad- 
vanced, and  the  treatment  of  the  wound  with  an  antiseptic 
such  as  weak  Jeyes  fluid,  might  be  effective. 


Blossom-End  Rot. 

Blossom-end  rot  is  a  disease  of  tomatoes  which  seems  to  occur 
in  most  if  not  all  of  the  countries  in  which  the  fruit  is  grown. 
In  the  West  Indies  the  writer  has  seen  it  in  Barbados,  St. 
Vincent,  and  Antigua,  on  plants  grown  in  black  loam,  light 
volcanic  soil,  and  heavy  clay  respectively. 




The  affection  is  not  a  typical  fruit  rot.  Though  as  much  as 
half  the  fruit  may  be  collapsed  and  blackened  the  rest  remains 
sound  unless  affected  by  the  secondary  organisms  which  may 
enter  by  way  of  the  original  injury.  It  appears  first  as  a  patch  of 
dark  green  water-soaked  tissue  at  or  near  the  blossom  end  of  the 
fruit,  usually  when  this  is  one-half  to  two-thirds  grown.  The 
patch  darkens,  becomes  more  distinct  in  appearance  and  definite 
in  outline  and  may  remain  small  or  spread  until  the  distal  half 
of  the  fruit  is  covered.  The  affected  part  in  a  few  days  becomes 
black  and  leathery,  and  usually  more  or  less  flattened  or  sunken. 


The  disease  has  been  the  subject  of  much  investigation,  and 
has  been  attributed  by  different  authors  to  numerous  fungus  or 
bacterial  parasites.  Several  of  these  are  liable  to  occur  in  the 
later  stages  of  the  affection,  and  may  extend  its  scope,  con- 
verting it  into  a  real  rot,  but  it  is  now  coming  to  be  generally 
accepted  that  in  its  origin  the  affection  is  non-parasitic.  Its 
association  with  certain  physical  conditions,  especially  with 
variations  in  water  supply,  has  frequently  been  pointed  out,  and 
C.  Brooks  published  in  1914  the  results  of  a  wide  range  of  studies 
made  to  determine  the  influence  of  physical  and  chemical  factors 
on  its  prevalence. 

The  disease  is  most  severe  on  vigorous  plants  in  a  very  active 
state  of  growth,  and  a  sudden  check  to  the  water  supply  of 
plants  in  this  condition  is  one  of  the  most  usual  ways  in  which 
the  disease  is  induced,  while  Brooks  has  further  shown  that 
continued  excessive  watering  produces  the  same  effect.  Most 
nitrogenous  manures,  and  especially  stable  manure,  increase  its 
incidence,  and  liberal  applications  may  cause  the  losses  to  become 
very  heavy.  Aeration  of  the  soil  decreases  the  tendency  to  the 
disease,  and  lime  has  some  effect  in  modifying  the  influence  of 
heavy  watering.  The  evidence  available  gives  no  clear  indication 
of  the  actual  nature  of  the  disease,  or  even  of  the  mode  of  opera- 
tion of  the  factors  which  induce  it,  but  recognition  of  these 
factors  provides,  so  far  as  they  are  under  control,  the  means  of 
reducing  its  incidence. 


Where  the  plants  are  artificially  watered  care  must  be  taken  to 
make  the  supply  regular  but  not  excessive.  With  either  natural 
or  artificial  watering  the  drainage  and  aeration  of  the  soil  should 
be  as  good  as  it  can  be  made.  The  prevention  of  excessive 
transpiration  by  shelter  and  light  shade,  the  effect  of  which  may 
to  some  extent  be  obtained  by  close  planting,  have  good  results. 
The  soil  may  also  be  protected  by  trash  of  some  description. 

In  an  instance  coming  within  the  writer's  experience  heavy 


losses  were  stopped  by  restricting  watering  to  one  application  in 
the  early  morning,  trashing  the  soil,  and  shading  the  plants 
lightly  with  muslin. 

There  is  distinct  varietal  difference  in  susceptibiHty  to 
blossom-end  rot.  Brooks  reports  trials  in  which  the  percentage 
of  loss  was  zero  with  Bonny  Best,  low  with  Stone  and  Golden 
Queen,  medium  with  Earliana  and  Ponderosa,  and  heavy  with 


The  leaf-mould  disease  of  tomato  foliage  has  been  seen  by  the 
writer  on  plants  in  St.  Vincent,  Barbados  and  Trinidad,  grown 
from  American  seed.  It  is  reported  by  J.  A.  Stevenson  to  be 
destructive  to  the  first-crop  (December-February)  plantings  in 
Porto  Rico,  but  absent  from  the  second  (April-June)  crop.  In 
Trinidad  its  prevalence  appears  to  be  one  of  the  main  factors  in 
the  failure  of  this  crop  during  the  wet  season. 


The  disease  is  caused  by  the  fungus  Cladosporium  fulvum  Cke. 
The  conidiophores  emerge  on  the  underside  of  the  leaves,  forming 
dense  velvety  patches  of  indefinite  extent,  white  or  grey  at  first, 
later  smoky  brown.  On  the  upper  surface  the  leaves  show  yellow 
patches  which  turn  brown  as  the  tissues  die.  The  fungus  also 
appears  in  streaks  aloiig  the  stem,  and  may  form  scattered  patches 
on  the  fruit.  The  conidia  are  elliptical,  somewhat  elongated,  very 
variable  in  size,  mostly  one-  but  sometimes  two-  or  three- 

The  disease  spreads  rapidly  imder  moist  and  shaded  con- 
ditions, and  where  these  continue  it  can  largely  defoliate  the 
plants.     It  is  inhibited  by  dry  air  and  sun. 


No  varietal  resistance  to  the  disease  appears  to  have  been 
recorded.  Spraying  with  Bordeaux  mixture  has  been  recom- 
mended as  effective  in  the  early  stages  of  infection,  but  Stevenson 
reports  that  repeated  applications  started  before  the  fungus 
appeared  had  no  good  effect  in  the  experiments  observed  by  him. 

Choice  of  season  for  planting  and  avoidance  of  humid  situa- 
tions are  the  measures  indicated  where  this  affection  has  proved 

Septoria  Leaf-Spot. 

Leaf-spot  is  recognised  as  the  most  serious  disease  of  tomatoes 
occurring  in  the  United  States,  where  it  has  earned  distinction 
as  the  "  tomato  blight."  It  was  first  reported  from  the  Argentine, 
is  widely  distributed  in  Europe,  and  occurs  in  Austraha  and 


South  Africa.  It  is  destructive  in  Porto  Rico,  and,  though  it 
does  not  seem  to  have  been  recorded  from  the  Lesser  Antilles, 
may  with  some  confidence  be  expected  to  occur. 


A  recent  and  full  investigation  of  leaf-spot  has  been  made  by 
G.  H.  Coons  and  E.  Levin.  The  disease  is  mainly  one  of  the 
leaves,  beginning  with  small  water-soaked  spots  on  the  underside, 
which  later  penetrate  the  leaf  and  dry  into  definite  more  or  less 
circular  spots,  firm  in  texture,  dark  or  greyish-white,  with  a 
black  or  brown  margin.  Typically  the  spots  are  small,  not 
exceeding  one-eighth  of  an  inch  in  diameter,  but  they  may  by 
coalescence  approach  to  half  an  inch.  In  each  spot  the  pycnidia 
of  the  causative  fungus  occur  to  the  number  of  3  to  10,  appearing 
to  the  naked  eye  as  black  dots,  usually  situated  on  the  upper 
surface  of  the  leaf. 

The  lower  leaves  are  first  attacked,  and  as  the  spots  become 
numerous  they  turn  yellow,  wither,  and  fall.  In  severe  infesta- 
tions the  disease  extends  to  successively  younger  leaves  until 
only  terminal  tufts  are  left.  The  attacks  of  the  fungus  on  stems 
and  fruits  are  of  minor  importance.  The  quantity  and  quality 
of  fruit  produced  are  affected  in  proportion  to  the  injury  to  the 
leaves,  and  total  failure  of  crop  may  ensue.  The  disease  readily 
attacks  seedlings  and  young  plants,  and  is  often  carried  by  them 
into  the  field. 

Causative  Fungus. 

The  disease  has  been  demonstrated  by  infection  experiments 
to  be  caused  by  the  fungus  Septoria  lycopersici  Speg.  The 
mycelium  is  of  two  types,  a  hyaline  thin-walled  vegetative  form, 
and  a  dark  closely  septate  thick-walled  type  associated  with 
reproduction.  The  former  is  intercellular  with  knob-like  haus- 
toria.  The  spores  from  the  pycnidia  are  filiform  and  hyaline, 
60-120  X  2-4  microns,  with  2-8  septa.  The  thickness  of  a  spore 
is  not  uniform  throughout  and  the  shape  of  the  ends  varies  from 
pointed  to  globose.  The  spores  are  exuded  under  the  influence 
of  moisture  in  mucilaginous  masses  which  disintegrate  in  water. 

Conditions  of  Occurrence. 

The  spores  are  washed  and  splashed  about  by  rain  and  are 
readily  transported  during  the  handling  of  the  crop  under  wet 
conditions.  In  dry  weather  the  disease  does  not  spread,  and  the 
spores  do  not  appear  to  be  able  to  tolerate  drying  for  more  than  a 
few  days.  Infection  is  stomatal,  and  takes  place  for  the  most 
part  and  with  greater  effect  on  the  lower  surfaces  of  the 
leaves.  The  source  of  the  infectious  material  initiating  an  out- 
break appears  to  be  mainly  the  remains  of  previous  crops.  It  is 
not  known  that  infection  can  be  introduced  with  the  seed. 


The  mycelium  does  not  grow  weU  at  high  temperatures,  and 
it  is  quite  likely  that  this  character  prevents  the  disease  from 
assuming  importance  in  these  islands. 


The  use  of  clean  seed  in  clean  soil  is  the  best  means  of  pre- 
vention. Training  the  plants  on  stakes  reduces  infection  and 
enables  spraying,  when  it  becomes  necessary,  to  have  more 
effect.  Under  favourable  conditions  the  periodic  use  of  Bordeaux 
mixture  has  given  good  results,  but  these  are  in  general  uncertain, 
and  J.  A.  Stevenson  reports  that  no  benefits  resulted  from  re- 
peated applications  in  trials  made  in  Porto  Rico. 

Bacterial  Wilt. 

During  a  visit  of  the  writer  to  St.  Vincent  in  1917,  some 
attention  was  given  to  a  wilt  disease  which  was  found  to  be 
occurring  extensively  at  the  Experiment  Station,  Kingstown,  in 
beds  of  hybrid  tomato  plants  (Ponderosa  x  Native)  and  in  a 
row  of  the  variety  Earliana  from  American  seed. 

The  symptoms  of  the  affected  plants,  the  appearance  of  the 
associated  bacterium  under  the  microscope  and  on  agar  cultures, 
and  its  virulence  when  inoculated  into  healthy  plants,  leave  no 
reason  to  doubt  the  identity  of  the  disease  with  the  wilt  due  to 
Bacterium  (Bacillus)  solanacearum,  E.  F.  Sm. 

This  disease  is  very  prevalent  in  the  southern  United  States, 
and  makes  the  growing  of  tomatoes  impossible  over  large  tracts 
of  country.  A  closely  similar,  probably  identical,  affection  has 
been  reported  in  many  countries  of  the  Old  World.  Several 
other  members  of  the  natural  order  Solanaceje,  especially  egg- 
plant, potato,  and  Datura  spp.  are  liable  to  serious  diseases 
produced  by  the  same  organism.  The  whole  series  has  been 
grouped  together  under  the  name  of  Brown  Rot  of  Solanaceae, 
and  very  fully  treated  in  Volume  III  of  E.  F.  Smith's  "  Bacteria 
in  relation  to  Plant  Diseases." 

So  far  as  the  records  of  the  Imperial  Department  show,  the 
disease  has  only  been  previously  reported  in  the  Lesser  Antilles 
on  one  occasion,  on  tomatoes  from  Union,  St.  Lucia,  in  January, 


The  outstanding  character  of  the  affection  on  tomatoes,  as 
seen  in  St.  Vincent,  is  the  wilting,  usually  sudden,  of  the  whole 
plant,  which  has  just  the  appearance  which  would  be  produced 
by  severing  the  base  of  the  stem  from  the  roots.  No  preliminary 
browning  of  leaves  or  stems  was  observed.  When  the  bacterium 
was  artificially  introduced  into  a  single  stem,  wilting  above  the 
point  of  inoculation  took  place  in  from  two  or  three  days  to  a 
week,  while  downward  infection  proceeded  only  slowly. 


Since  wilting  of  the  same  type  is  produced  by  Fusarium  dis- 
ease, and  would  ensue  from  any  other  cause  which  cut  off  the 
supply  of  water  through  the  stem,  it  is  necessary  for  the  purpose 
of  a  field  diagnosis  to  have  some  further  evidence  of  the  presence 
of  this  particular  disease.  Confirmation  fairly  satisfactory  for 
this  purpose  may  be  obtained  by  cutting  across  the  stem  at 
intervals  with  a  clean  sharp  knife.  When  the  region  of  infestation 
is  reached  the  woody  ring  in  the  stem  is  found  to  be  discoloured 
brown,  and  in  a  short  time  dirty  white  or  brownish  beads  of 
bacterial  ooze  collect  on  the  ends  of  the  cut  vessels.  In  the 
region  of  serious  infestation  this  discharge  is  copious  enough  to  be 
quite  apparent  to  the  naked  eye.  The  pith  may  or  may  not  be 
discoloured  ;  the  principal  seat  of  the  disease  is  in  the  vascular 
tissues,  from  which  circumstance,  when  the  infestation  of  any 
section  of  the  stem  is  complete,  the  wilting  of  all  parts  of  the 
plant  beyond  that  section  follows. 


There  seems  to  be  no  evidence  of  varietal  resistance  in  tomatoes 
given  in  connection  with  the  published  studies  of  this  disease. 
Solanum  mammositm  is  reported  from  Porto  Rico  to  be  resistant, 
and  the  suggestion  has  been  made  to  use  it  as  a  stock  for  grafting 
tomato  and  egg-plant.  At  the  St.  Vincent  Station  natural 
infection  occurred  to  a  considerable  extent  in  American  varieties 
of  the  Ponderosa  type  (which  includes  Earliana).  The  type  with 
small  round  fruits,  common  in  these  islands  and  reputed  to  be 
native,  proved  fully  susceptible  to  inoculations.  A  bed  of  F  2 
hybrids  between  Ponderosa  and  Native  was  with  few  exceptions 
destroyed  when  in  full  bearing.  It  is  very  much  open  to  doubt 
whether  the  survivors  were  really  resistant  to  the  disease,  in  view 
of  the  known  lessening  of  susceptibility  to  infection  in  matured 
plants.  From  whatever  circumstances  arising,  some  of  the  plants 
did  resist  artificial  infection  at  this  stage,  and  cuttings  were  taken 
from  the  survivors  for  further  trial.  A  batch  of  hybrid  seedlings, 
inoculated  through  needle  pricks  when  a  few  inches  high,  suc- 
cumbed in  five  days,  showing  at  the  point  of  introduction  of  the 
bacterium  an  infestation  which  was  greatest  in  the  protoxylem 
and  the  immediately  adjacent  cortical  parenchyma.  Attempts 
to  infect  tomato  fruits  with  Bact.  solanacearum  resulted  in  slight 
local  injuries  which  developed  no  further.  This  is  in  agreement 
with  the  results  of  previous  investigators. 


The  plants  in  which  natural  infections  occurred  were  trans- 
planted seedlings,  in  some  cases  very  widely  spaced,  and  the 
distribution  of  the  diseased  plants  was  of  a  sporadic  type.  In 
one  rather  close-planted  row  of  Earliana  several  scattered  plants 
died  when  coming  into  fruit  without  infecting  their  neighbours^ 


The  failure  of  attacked  plants  was  completed  at  one  stroke,  and 
the  indication  given  by  this  feature  was  confirmed  in  all  the 
cases  examined  by  the  finding  of  the  most  severely  affected 
sections  at  or  near  the  base  of  the  stem,  and  in  one  or  more  of  the 
principal  roots. 

It  seems  on  the  whole  most  likely  that  infection  had  pro- 
ceeded from  the  soil,  probably,  in  some  cases  examined,  through 
wounds  made  by  removing  basal  shoots.  The  possibility  remains, 
however,  that  wounds  kept  moist  by  nearness  to  the  soil  may  have 
been  more  susceptible  to  infection  from  the  pruning  knife  than 
those  higher  up,  and  it  is  somewhat  easier  to  conceive  of  the 
knife  becoming  contaminated  than  the  soil  in  some  of  the  cases 
noted,  where  no  Solanaceous  plants  appear  to  have  been  grown 
in  recent  times. 


According  to  E.  F.  Smith,  it  seems  probable  that  the  organism 
is  strictly  a  wound  parasite.  He  has  shown  that  it  may  be 
transmitted  by  insects,  and  is  inclined  to  attach  great  importance 
to  the  action  of  nematode  worms  in  opening  the  way  for  root 
infections,  regarding  their  presence  as  prohibitive  of  tomato- 
growing  in  infected  soil.  The  St.  Vincent  plants  did  not  show  any 
obvious  signs  of  the  presence  of  nematodes.  The  further  pre- 
caution on  which  most  dependence  must  be  placed,  according  to 
the  author  quoted,  Ues  in  avoiding  even  trifling  injuries  to  the 
roots  in  transplanting.  For  this  reason,  if  the  seed  cannot  be 
germinated  in  situ,  the  transfer  must  be  made  with  great  care 
while  the  seedlings  are  still  small  enough  to  make  the  avoidance 
of  injury  possible.  It  is  also  obvious  that  infections  may  be 
easily  made  in  pruning.  A  branch  may  be  infested  for  a  part  of  its 
circumference  while  not  yet  showing  signs  of  wilt,  and  the  cutting 
of  it  will  smear  the  knife  with  large  numbers  of  the  causative 
bacteria.  It  would  be  safest  to  avoid  pruning  altogether  when 
infected  plants  are  known  to  be  present. 

It  should  be  noted  in  conclusion,  that  it  is  reported  from 
North  Carolina  and  from  Sumatra  that  ground  nuts  grown  on 
infested  soil  have  proved  susceptible  to  the  attacks  of  Bacterium 

Bubbly  Fruit-Rot. 

At  the  Kingstown  Experiment  Station,  St.  Vincent,  in  1917, 
there  came  under  the  writer's  observation  a  bacterial  rot  of 
tomatoes  of  a  very  swift  and  decisive  nature. 

Bacteria  which  invade  injuries,  and  cause  ripe  rot  of  tomato, 
as  of  other  fleshy  fruits,  are  not  at  all  uncommon,  but  the  one  in 
question  was  distinguished  by  its  ability  to  cause  very  destructive 
effects  in  fruit  of  any  age,  and  of  any  size  from  the  small  "Native  " 
to  the  large  fruits  of  Earhana.    Its  outstanding  character  was  the 


formation  of  very  large  or  very  numerous  gas  bubbles  under  the 
transparent  skin  of  the  fruit,  replacing  the  pulpy  tissues  as  they 
were  rapidly  broken  down.  Finally,  the  whole  content  of  the  fruit 
except  the  seeds  was  reduced  to  slime  and  gas,  which  escaped 
sooner  or  later  by  the  rupture  of  the  pendent  skin,  leaving  the 
latter  empty  on  the  stalk.  Needle-point  inoculation  of  half- ripe 
fruits  in  the  evening  gave  rise  to  a  hollow  an  inch  in  diameter  in 
two  or  three  hours,  and  by  next  morning  the  process  was  com- 
plete. Smearing  the  skin  with  the  slime  produced  did  not 
cause  infection  unless  a  crack  or  other  wound  was  present.  The 
natural  infections  examined  appeared  to  have  their  origin  in  bug 
punctures,  made  by  Nezara  and  Leptoglossus.  The  losses  due  to 
the  disease  were  significant  but  not  severe. 

Growths  of  the  bacterium,  apparently  pure,  were  obtained  by 
transfers  from  one  fruit  to  another,  and  consisted  of  long,  actively 
motile  rods.  Cultures  were  obtained  on  nutrient  agar  but  time 
could  not  be  spared  from  other  work  to  continue  the  study 
further.  Inoculations  from  diseased  fruits  into  succulent  stems 
had  no  effect. 

No  other  record  has  been  seen  of  a  disease  answering  to  this 





Various  species  of  Agave,  including  sisal,  are  subject  to  a 
leaf  disease  of  wide  distribution  caused  by  Colletotrichum  Agaves 
Cav.  There  are  records  of  its  occurrence  in  the  West  Indies  in 
Antigua,  Trinidad,  and  British  Guiana. 

Dark  spots  are  caused  on  the  leaves  which  may  remain  local 
or  result  in  a  general  sickly  appearance  and,  according  to  reports, 
the  eventual  death  of  the  plant. 

The  pustules,  which  produce  masses  of  pink  or  orange-coloured 
conidia,  are  usually  arranged  in  concentric  rings. 

Removal  of  infested  leaves  and  spraying  with  Bordeaux 
mixture  may  be  expected  to  control  the  disease. 


Black  Spot. 

The  commonest  disease  of  roses  in  the  West  Indies  as  else- 
where is  the  black  spot  of  leaves  caused  by  infestation  with  the 
fungus  Diplocarpon  Rosce  Wolf  {Actinonema  Rosce  Fr.). 

The  disease  reveals  itself  usually  in  mature  or  old  leaves, 
which  show  first  brownish  blotches  with  fringed  edges  and  set 
with  black  dots.  Later  the  blotches  turn  black  and  examination 
with  a  lens  shows  upon  them  a  raised  pattern  of  radiating  lines. 
The  roundish  dots  are  at  first  covered  by  the  cuticle,  which  later 
bursts  irregularly  and  reveals  beds  of  two-celled  conidia.  The 
radiating  lines  mark  the  course  of  sub-cuticular  hyphae,  while 
another  set  of  hyphae  penetrate  the  tissues  of  the  leaf. 

The  result  of  the  infestation  is  that  the  affected  leaves  turn 
yellow  and  fall.  When  this  is  confined  to  old  leaves  not  much 
harm  is  done,  but  under  weather  conditions  favouring  the  disease 
repeated  defoliations  may  occur,  which  weaken  the  plants  and 
result  in  some  dieback  of  the  twigs. 

The  disease  may  be  controlled  by  timely  applications  of 
Bordeaux  mixture  or  lime-sulphur,  but,  as  deposits  left  by  these 
sprays  are  objectionable  in  appearance,  a  preferable  treatment, 
which  is  simple  and  at  least  as  effective,  is  dusting  with  a  mixture 
of  fine  sulphur  9  parts  and  powdered  arsenate  of  lead,  i  part. 


The  first  application  should  be  made  on  the  appearance  of  the 
first  signs  of  the  disease  or  at  the  beginning  of  seasons  in  which 
experience  has  shown  it  to  be  prevalent. 


Certain  varieties  of  roses,  particularly  of  the  rambler  class, 
are  subject  to  severe  attacks  of  powdery  mildew  on  developing 
shoots  and  young  fohage.  Only  the  Oidium  stage  has  been 
observed  in  these  islands,  consisting  of  a  white  surface  mycelium, 
on  and  about  which  a  powdery  deposit  of  conidia  occurs.  The 
fungus  is  assumed  to  be  the  conidial  stage  of  the  common  rose 
mildew  Sphcerotheca  pannosa  Lev. 

Dusting  with  sulphur,  or  with  sulphur  9  parts  and  arsenate  of 
lead  powder  i  part,  forms  the  most  effective  means  of  control. 

Other  Diseases. 

A  disease  referred  to  by  J.  B.  Rorer  as  canker  occurs  in 
Trinidad,  and  an  affection  probably  identical  is  somewhat 
common  in  Barbados.  Small  purplish  spots  appear  on  the  stems 
and  gradually  increase  in  size,  sometimes  even  girdling  the  branch. 
The  bark  becomes  shrivelled  and  sunken  and  in  the  later  stages 
is  covered  with  the  bright  red  stalks  and  red  globular  heads  of  a 
species  of  Stilbella  (Stilbum).  Affected  branches  should  be 
pruned  out,  or  the  whole  crown  is  liable  to  become  infested. 

Rorer  records  a  leaf-spot  due  to  Cercospora  rosicola  Pass., 
which  causes  rounded  spots  which  are  yellowish  with  a  distinct 
brown  or  purplish  margin,  and  also  reports  very  severe  effects 
from  infestation  of  the  stems  with  the  algal  disease,  described 
in  Chapter  XVL 

Fig.    149     Black  Spot  of  Rose 

Fig.   150      Rose  Mildew 


The  Author  regrets  that  his  transfer  to  a  situation  with  more  limited 
library  facilities  has  prevented  the  preparation  of  a  complete  list  of  the 
sources  to  which  acknowledgment  is  due.  The  following  list  is  intended 
for  the  direction  of  readers  to  some  of  the  principal  papers  dealing  with 
the  subject  concerned. 


Duggar,  B.  M.     Rhizoctonia.     Fungous  Diseases  of  Plants,  pp.  444-452. 
Duggar,  B.  M.     Rhizoctonia  crocorum   (Pers.)  D.C.  and  R.  solani  Kiihn 

(Corticium    vagum,    B    and    C).         Ann.    Missouri    Bot.    Gard.    II, 

pp.  403-458.     1915. 
Petch,  T.     On  Lasiodiplodia.    Ann.  Roy.  Bot.  Gard.    Ceylon,  IV.    p.  445. 

Peltier,  G.  L.    Illinois  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  189  (1916).    Rhizoctonia. 
Stevens,  G.  L.    The  genus  Meliola  in  Porto  Rico.    Illinois  Biol.  Monographs 

II.     iv.  (1916). 


Smith,  E.  F.    Bacteria  in  relation  to  Plant  Diseases.    Vols.  I — III. 

Bacterial  Diseases  of  Plants.     1920.    Carnegie  Institute,  Washington. 

Allard,  H.  A.     Papers  on  Mosaic  Disease.     Jrn.  of  Agric.  Res.  Ill,  295  ; 
V,  251  ;    VI,  649  ;    X,  615  ;    XIII,  619. 


Butler,  E.  J.    The  Rice  Worm  and  its  Control.    Mem.  Dept.  Agric.  India 

X,  i.     (1919). 
Taylor,  A.  M.     Black  Currant  Eelworm.     Jrn.  Agric.  Sci.  VIII,  246.     1917. 

Pierce,  W.  D.  and  Rand,  F.  V.     A  Co-ordination  of  our  Knowledge  of 

InsectTransmission  in  Plant  and  Animal  Diseases.    Phytopathology  X. 

p.  190. 


Morrill,  A.  W.  and  Back,  E.  A.    Natural  Control  of  White  Flies  in  Florida. 

U.S.  Dept.  Agr.  Bur.  Ent.  Bull.  102.  1912. 
Johnston,  J.  R.    The  Entomogenous  Fungi  of  Porto  Rico.    Bd.ofCommrs. 

of  Agr.  P.  R.  Bull.  10. 

Butler,  O.     Bordeaux  Mixture.     Phytopathology  IV,  125.     1914. 

The  Cuprammonium  Washes.     Phytopathology  VII,  235.     191 7. 
Thomas,  C.  C.     Seed  Disinfection  by  Formalin  Vapour.     Jrn.  Agric.  Res 

XVII,  33. 




Hartley,   C.   and   Pierce,   R.   G.     Control  of  Damping-off  of  Coniferous 
Seedlings.    U.S.  Dept.  Agric.  Bull.  453.    1917. 

Rosellinia  Root  Diseases. 

Fetch,  T.    Root  Disease  of  Tea.    Circ.  and  Agr.  Jrn.  R.  B.  G.  Ceylon.V. 

No.  II,  1910. 
Nowell,  W.    Rosellinia  Root  Diseases  in  the  Lesser  Antilles.     West 
Ind.  Bull.  XVI,  31.     1916. 

Sclerotium  Rots. 

Taubenhaus,  J.  J.     Recent  Studies  on  Sclerotium  Rolfsii  Sacc.     Jrn. 
Agric.  Res.  XVIII,  127.     1919. 

Pink  Disease. 

Brooks,   F.   W.   and   Sharpies,   A.     Pink  Disease.     Dept.  Agr.   Fed. 
Malay  States  Bull.  21.     1914. 

Pink  Disease  of  Plantation  Rubber.    Annals  of  Applied  Biology  II,  58. 

Thread  Blights. 

Burt,  E.   A.     Corticiums  causing  Pellicularia  Disease  of  the  Coffee 

Plant,    Hypochnose    of     Pomaceous    Fruits,    and     Rhizoctonia 

Disease.     Ann.  Missouri  Bot.  Gard.  V.  119.     1918. 
Stevens,  F.  L.  and  Hall,  J.  G.     Hypochnose  of  Pomaceous  Fruits. 

Ann.  Mycologici  VII,  49.     1909. 
Fawcett,  G.  L.    Fungus  Diseases  of  Coffee  in  Porto  Rico.    P.  R.  Agric. 

Exp.  Stn.  Bull.  17.     1915. 

Horsehair  Blight. 

Fetch,  T.     Horsehair  Blight.    Ann.  Bot.  Gard.  Ceylon  VI,  43. 
Algal  Disease. 

Rorer,  J.  B.    Algal  Disease  of  Cacao.    Proc.  Agr.  Soc.  Trinidad  XVII, 

345-     1917- 
Butler,   E.   J.       Red   Rust;   p.   413.  Fungi   and   Disease  in   Plants. 
Calcutta,  1918. 


South,  F.  W.     Fungus  Diseases  of  Cacao.     West  Indian  Bull.  XII, 
277.     1912. 

Canker  and  Pod-rot. 

Rorer,  J.  B.     Bulletin  Dept.  Agric.  Trinidad  IX,  79. 

Fetch,  T.    Circulars  and  Agric.  Jrnl.  R.  B.  G.  Ceylon  V,  No.  13.  1910. 

Van  Hall,  C.  J.  J.     Meded.  Laboratorium  von  Plantenziekten,  Java. 
No.  30. 

Stahel,  G.    Dept.  v.  d.  Laudbouw,  Suriname.    Bulls.  33,  39. 
Monilia  Pod-rot,  Sphceronema  Diseases. 

Rorer,  J.  B.    Enfermedades  y  Plagas  del  Cacao  en  el  Ecuador.     1918. 


South  loc.  cit.  Bancroft,  C.  K.    West  Ind.  Bull.  XI,  34.     1911. 
Van  Hall,  C.  J.  J.     Meded.    Proefstat  Midden — Java  Nos.  6,    1912  ; 
14.   1914- 



Red  Ring  Disease. 

Nowell,  W.     West  Indian  Bull.  XVII,  189.    1919  ;    XVIII.  73.    1920. 
Cobb.  N.  A.,  ibid.  XVII.  203.    1919. 

Bacterial  Bud-rot. 

Johnston,  J.  R.    Bureau  of  Plant  Industry,  U.S.A.  Bull.  228. 
Ashby,  S.  F.    Bull.  Dept.  Agric.  Jamaica  II.  viii.    299.    1915. 
Rorer.  J.  B.     Board  of  Agriculture.  Trinidad.    Circ.  4.     191 1. 

Phytophthora  Bud-rot. 

Ashby.  S.  F.    West  Indian  Bulletin  XVIII,  61.     1920. 
Stem-bleeding  Diseases. 

Petch,  T.    Circ.  and  Agr.  Jrnl.  R.  B.  G.  Ceylon  IV,  xxii.     1909. 


Red  Root  Disease. 

South.  F.  W.    West  Indian  Bull,  XII,  iv,  490.     1912. 
Collar  Canker. 

South,  F.  W.    Rpt.  Agric.  Dept.  Dominica.    1912-13. 
Fawcett,  H.  S.     Phytopathology  X,  397.     1920. 

Tenney,  L.  S.,  Hedges,  F.  and  Bureau  Plant  Industry,  U.S.A.    Bull. 

Hedges,  Florence.     Sphseropsis  tumefaciens.     Phytopathology  1,6  3. 

Anthracnose  of  Limes. 

Clausen,  R.  E.     Phytopathology  II.,  217.     1912. 
Grey  Blight. 

Burt,  E.  A.    Ann.  Missouri  Botan.  Gard.  Ill,  335.    1916. 
Citrus  Anthracnose. 

Clausen  loc.  cit. 


Stevenson,  J.  A.    Dept.  Agric.  Porto  Rico.    Bull.  17.    1917. 


Hasse,  Clara  H.     Pseudomonas  citri  :    the  cause  of  Citrus  Canker. 

Jrn.  Agric.  Research  IV.  97.     1915. 
Stevens,  H.  S.     Florida  A.  E.  S.  Bulls.  124,  128. 
Wolf.  F.  A.     Jrn.  Agric.  Research  VI.  69. 
Jehle,  R.  A.     Quart.  Bull.  PI.  Board,  Florida  I.  1916,  2  ;  1917,  24. 

Oil  Spot. 

Fawcett,  H.  S.    California  A.  E.  S.  Bull.  226. 
Charcoal  Rot. 

Wilson.  O.  T.    Notes  upon  a  market  disease  of  limes.    Phytopathology 
VIII.  45.     1918. 


Fawcett.  G.  L.     Fungus  Diseases  of  Coffee  in  Porto  Rico.     Porto 
Rico  Agr.  Exp.  Stn.  Bull.  17.    1915. 



Fawcett,  loc.  cit. 

Maublanc,  A.  and  Rangel,  E.      Bull,  de  Soc.  Mycol.  de  France  XXX, 
41.     1914. 

Sclerotium  Disease. 

Stahel,  G.     Dept.  Land.  Suriname.     Bull.  42.     1921. 


Stahel,    G.      De    Zuid-amerikaansche    Hevea-Bladziekte.      Bull.    34, 
Dept.  Land.  Suriname.    1917. 



Rorer,  J.  B.     The  Fungus  Diseases  of  the  Avocado.     Bull.  Dept.  of 
Agric.     Trinidad  XVIII,  p.  132.     1919. 


Rorer,  J.  B.,  ibid.,  XIV,  164.     1915. 


Ashby,  S.  F.     B«ll.  Jamaica  Dept.  Agric.  II,  vi,  95.     1913. 
Panama  Disease. 

Ashby  loc.  cit. 

Brandes,  E.  W.     Banana  Wilt.    Phytopathology  IX,  339.     1919. 

Moko  Disease. 

Rorer,  J.  B.     Phytopathology  I,  45.     1911. 
Black  Spot  of  Leaves  et  seq. 

Ashby  loc.  cit. 

Dry  Rot. 

Van  der  Bijl,  P.  A.    Dept.  of  Agric.  South  Africa,  Sci.  Bull.  7.     1916. 
Head  Smut. 

Potter,  A.  A.     Jrn.  Agric.  Res.  II,  339.    1914. 

McAlpine,  D.     Jrn.  Dep.  Agric.  Victoria  VIII,  5,  290.    1910. 


Edgerton,  C.  W.    The  Rots  of  the  Cotton  Boll.     Louisiana  Bull.  137. 

Internal  Boll  Disease. 

Nowell,  W.    The  Fungi  of  Internal  Boll  Disease.    West  Indian  Bulletin 

XVI,  152. 

Internal  Disease  of  Cotton  Bolls  in  the  West  Indies,  ibid.,  XVI,  203  ; 

XVII,  I. 


Angular  Spot. 

Rolfs,  P.  H.     Angular  Leaf-spot  of  Cotton,  S.  Carolina  Bull.   184, 

Smith,  E.  F.    Bacterial  Diseases  of  Plants,  p.  314,  1920. 

Bacterial  Boll  Disease,  Diplodia  Boll  Rot,  Anthracnose. 

Edgerton,  C.  W.,  loc.  cit. 
Curly  Leaf,  Loggerhead. 

Nowell,  W.  Two  Physiological  Affections  of  Sea  Island  Cotton. 
West  Indian  Bulletin  XIV,  304.     1914. 

Yellow  Leaf  Blight. 

Atkinson,  G.  F.  Some  Diseases  of  Cotton.  Alabama  Bull.  41.  1892. 
Alternaria  Leaf-Spot. 

Faulwetter,  R.  C.  The  Alternaria  Leaf-spot  of  Cotton.  Phytopath- 
ology VIII,  98.     1918. 

Leaf  Mildeiv. 

Wakefield,  E.  M.  On  two  species  of  Ovulariopsis  from  the  West 
Indies.     Kew  Bulletin.     1920.    235. 

Crinkled  Dwarf. 

Harland,  S.  C.  Genetics  of  Crinkled  Dwarf  Rogues.  West  Indian 
Bulletin  XVI.     Nos.  i,  1916  and  4,   1918. 

Mayi  Cotton. 

Harland,  S.  C.  Note  on  a  peculiar  Type  of  Rogue  in  Sea  Island  Cotton. 
Agricultural  News.     Barbados,  XIX,  29.     1920. 

Mottled  Hybrids. 

Nowell,  W.    West  Indian  Bull.  XIV,  p.  310.     1914. 


Wakker,  J.  H.  and  Went,  F.  A.  F.  C.     De  Ziekten  van  het  Suikerriet 

op  Java,  Leyden.     i8g8. 
Howard,  A.    On  some  Diseases  of  the  Sugar-Cane  in  the  West  Indies. 

Annals  of  Botany,  Vol.  XVII,  pp.  373-411.     1903. 
Johnston,  J.  R.,  et  al.     Diseases  of  Sugar-Cane  in  Tropical  and  Sub- 
Tropical    America,   especially    the    West    Indies.    West    Indian 

Bulletin,  Vol.  XVI,  pp.  275-308.     1918. 
Johnston,  J.  R.,  and  Stevenson,  J.  A.    Sugar-cane  Fungi  and  Diseases 

of  Porto  Rico.     Journal  of  the  Department  of  Agriculture  of 

Porto  Rico,  Vol.  I,  No.  4.     1917. 
Butler,  E.  J.      Fungi  and  Disease  in  Plants,  Chap.  XI.      Calcutta, 

Cobb,  N.  A.     Fungus  Maladies  of  the  Sugar-Cane.     Hawaiian  Sugar 

Planters'  Association,  Bull.  5.     1906. 

Root  Disease. 

Wakker  &  Went,  Howard,  Johnston,  Johnston  &  Stevenson  loc.  cit. 
Bud  Rot. 

Wakker  &  Went,  Howard,  Butler,  loc.  cit. 

Rind  Fungus. 

Howard,  loc.  cit. 

Johnston,  J.  R.  History  and  Cause  of  Rind  Disease.  Journal  Board 
of  Commissioners  of  Agriculture,  Porto  Rico,  Vol.  I,  pp.  17-45. 


Pineapple  Disease. 

Wakker  &  Went,  Cobb,  loc.  cit. 

Howard,  A.     Field  Treatment  of  Cane  Cuttings,  West  Indian  Bulletin, 

Vol.  Ill,  pp.  73-88.     1902. 
Fetch,  T.  Thielaviopsis.   Ann.  Roy.  Bot.  Gard.    Ceylon  IV,  5 1 1 .    1910. 

Diplodia  Rot. 

Howard,  A.     Diplodia  cacaoicola,  a  Parasitic  Fungus  on  Sugar-cane 
in  the  West  Indies.     Annals  of  Botany,  Vol.  XV,  pp.  683-701. 
Butler  loc.  cit. 

Wilt  Disease. 

Butler,  E.  J.  &  Khan,  A.  H.    Some  new  Sugar-Cane  Diseases.  Memoirs 
Dept.  of  Agriculture  India,  Vol.  VI,  No.  6.     1913. 

Top  Rot. 

Wakker  &  Went,  loc.  cit. 

Cobb's  Disease. 

Smith,  E.  F.    Bacteria  in  relation  to  Plant  Diseases,  Vol.  III.    Wash- 
ington, 1914. 

Butler,  loc.  cit. 

Lyon,  H.  L.      Iliau,  an  Endemic  Cane  Disease.     Hawaiian  Sugar 
Planters'  Association.     Bull.  XI.     1912. 

Cytospora  Rot. 

Johnston,  J.  R.  and  Stevenson,  J.  A.,  loc.  cit. 

Leaf-sheath  Rot. 

Wakker  &  Went,  Johnston  &  Stevenson,  loc.  cit. 


Wakker  &  Went,  loc.  cit. 

Lyon,  H.  L.     Three  Major  Cane  Diseases  :    Mosaic,  Sereh  and  Fiji 
Disease.    Bull.  Hawaiian  S.  P.  A.  Bot.  Series  III,  pt.  i.     1921. 

Mosaic  Disease. 

Stevenson,  J.  A.     An  Epiphytotic  of  Cane  Disease  in  Porto  Rico. 

Phytopathology,  Vol.  VII.  418.    191 7. 
Brandes,  E.  W.     Mosaic  Disease  of  Sugar-Cane  and  other  Grasses. 

U.S.  Dept.  Agric.  Bull.  829.     1919. 
Lyon,  H.  L.,  loc.  cit. 


Tempany,  H.  A.    The  Gall  Patches  in  Antigua  Soils.    W.  I.  Bulletin 
Vol.  XVI,  pp.  137-144.     1917. 
Fiji  Disease. 

Lyon,  H.  L.,  loc.  cit. 


Dry  Rot. 

Ashby,  S.  F.    Jamaica  Dept.  Agric.  Bull.  II,  vi,  p.  150. 

Bacterial  Rot. 

Stewart,  F.  C.     New  York  (Geneva)  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bull.  164.    1899. 



Ground  Nut. 
Fungus  Diseases  of  Ground  Nut  in  W.  I. 

South.  F.  W.     West  Ind.  Bull.  XI,  p.  157.     1911. 
Leaf  Spot. 

Butler,  E.  J.    Fungi  and  Disease  in  Plants.    Calcutta,  1918. 
Kidney  Beans. 
Anthracnose,  Bacterial  Blight. 

Muncie.     Michigan,  Sp.  Bull.  68.     1914.     Tech.  Bull    ^tS      lor? 
Barrus,  M.  F.     Phytopathology  I,  p.  107.     191 1. 



Henrickson  &  lorns.     Porto  Rico  Agric.  Exp.  Stn.  Bull.  8      1909 
Larsen,  L.  D.    Hawaiian  Sugar  Planters'  Association  Bull.  10      1910 
Stockdale,  F.  A.     West  Ind.  Bull.  VIII,  p.  158.     1908. 

Black  Leaf-spot. 

Maublanc,  A.    Bull.  Soc.  Mycol.  de  France  XXIX,  p.  353.     1913. 

Blossom  End  Rot. 

Brooks,  C.    Phytopathology  IV,  v,  p.  345.     1914. 

Septoria  Leaf-spot. 

Coons,  G.  H.  and  Levin,  E.    Michigan  Tech.  Bull.  25.    1916. 


ANAUCO — the  mountain  immortelle  {E.  micropteryx,  Poepp). 

B.   208,   ETC. — seedling  sugar  canes  raised  by   the  Barbados 

Department  of  Agriculture. 
BLACK  BLIGHT — investment  of  leaves,  fruits,  etc.,  with  a  sooty 

covering  of  fungus  mycelium  (see  page  44). 
BLACK  EYE  PEA — a  form  of  cow  pea. 
BLUGGOE — a  coarse  cooking  banana  in  Grenada  (the  moko  of 

BOCARE — the  lowland  immortelle  (£".  glauca,  Willd). 
Bourbon  cane — a  variety  of  sugar-cane,  in  general  cultivation 

in  the  W.I.  until  near  the  end  of  the  Nineteenth  Century  ; 

believed  to  have  been  introduced  from  Otaheite. 
Canary  banana — see  Chinese  banana. 
CANE-FLY — Stenocranus   {Delphax)   saccharivorus. 
CASSAVA — Manihot  utilissima. 
Chinese  banana — Musa  Cavendishii,  Lamb  ;  also  called  Canary 

or  Governor  banana, 
coco — Jamaican  name  for  Xanthosoma  sp. 
corn — confined  in  the  West  Indies  to  maize. 
COTTON  STAiNERS — plant  bugs  of  the  genus  Dysdercus. 
COW-PEA — Vigna  catjang. 
Criollo  cacao — a  superior  and  more  delicate  variety  of  cacao 

producing  white  beans,  apparently  at  one  time  in  general 

cultivation  in  Trinidad,  but  now  almost  extinct  in  its 

pure  form. 
CUSHION — the  raised  areas  on  cacao  stems  developed  in  con- 
nection  with   repeated   localised   production   of  flowers 

and  fruit. 
CUTLASS — a  large  and  heavy  knife  used  for  chopping,  pruning 

and  light  digging. 
D.  109,  ETC. — seedling  sugar-canes  raised  by  the  British  Guiana 

Department  of  Agriculture. 
DASHEEN — a  cultivated  aroid  of  the  genus  Colocasia,  a  common 

food  plant  in  the  wetter  islands. 


EDDOE — a  cultivated  aroid  of  the  genus  Colocasia,  a  common 

food  plant. 
EYES — dormant  buds,  especially  in  sugar-cane. 
FROGHOPPER  (sugar-cane) — Tomaspis  saccharina,  a  serious  pest 

in  Trinidad. 
GALEA — Calophyllum  calaha,  a  guttiferous  tree  used  for  wind- 
GOVERNOR  BANANA — see  Chinese  banana. 
GREEN  BUG — Nezara  viridula. 
green  scale — Coccus  viridis  (Lecanium  viride). 
Gros  Michel — the  common  large-fruited  commercial  banana. 
Guinea  corn — Andropogon  Sorghum,  a  variety  with  compact 

immortelle — ^leguminous  trees  of    the  genus  Erythrina,  used 

generally  for  shading  cacao  fields. 
imphee — Andropogon  Sorghum,  a  variety  with  loose  panicles. 
LEAF  blister  MITE  (cotton) — Eriophyes  gossypii,  Banks. 
lemon  grass — Cymhopogon  citratus  (DC)  Stapf,  a  scented  coarse 

mandarin — Citrus  nohilis,  an  orange  with  small  dark  foliage 

and  red  loose-skinned  fruit. 
muscovado — sugar  made  on  the  old  open-pan  system. 
okra — Hibiscus    esculenius,    the   succulent    young   capsules    of 

which  are  used  as  a  vegetable. 
PAPAW — Carica  papaya. 
PEN  manure — manure  accumulated  for  several  months  on  the 

floor  of  stock  pens,  usually  with  liberal  additions  of  cane 

trash  or  other  litter. 
PIGEON  PEA — Cajanus  indicus. 
plantain — Musa  paradisiaca,  Linn.,  a  distinct  type  of  cooking 

banana  tending  to  be  restricted  to  forest  soils. 
PLANT-CANE — the  first  crop  of  sugar-cane  from  planted  cuttings, 
pois  Doux — Inga  spp.  Leguminous  trees  used  as  windbreaks. 
RATOONS — the    second    and    subsequent    crops    of    sugar-cane 

obtained  without  replanting. 
ROUGH  LEMON — Gitrus  Hmonum,  Risso,  a  lemon  with  large  rough- 
skinned  fruits. 
Sea  Island  cotton — long  staple  cotton  of  the  type  developed 

in  certain  islands  off  the  coast  of  S.  Carolina. 
SHADDOCK — Citrus  decumana,  var.,  producing  a  very  large  and 

rather  dry  fruit. 
SILK  FIG — ^Trinidad  name  for  a  variety  of  banana  mostly  grown 

as  temporary  shade  on  cacao  estates ;    fruit  with  a  thin 

smooth  skin. 


SOUR  ORANGE — CUtus  vulgaHs  Risso,  a  tree  with  a  scattered 

distribution  about  estates  or  villages,  useless  in  itself, 

but  valuable  as  a  stock. 
STRAINER — the  fibrous  canvas-like  material  developed  at  maturity 

from  the  sheathing  base  of  the  coconut  leaf. 
Sudan  grass — Andropogon  Sorghum  sudanensis,  Piper. 
SUPPLIES — plants  or  cuttings  used  to  fill  up  gaps  in  a  planted 

SYRUP — cane  juice  concentrated  in  open  pans. 
SWEET  POTATO — Ipomcea  batatas. 

tannia — cultivated  aroids  of  the  genus  Xanthosoma. 
TRASH — the  old  dry  leaves,  especially  of  sugar-cane  and  banana. 
Uba — a  thin  reed-like  sugar-cane  of  the  Indian  type,  used  to 

some  extent  in  the  West  Indies  for  planting  on  poor  land. 
yam — Dioscorea  spp. 



Aciinotiema  Rosce 361 

Adams,  J.  F. -     260 

iEcia  ;    jecidia  ;    aecidiospores  -       -       -       18 
Mcidium  oxalidis        .....     256 

^gerita 43 

Agaricaceae 40 

Agave,  diseases  of 361 

Albugo 36 

A .  Ipomoece-pandurance     -       -       .       -     336 

Alectra 58 

Alfalfa,  collar  rot  of 28 

Algae  and  Fungi,  distinguished       -       -    3,  6 

Algal  Disease 152 

Allard,  H.  A. 49 

Alligator  cacao  (Theobroma  pentagona)  -     167 

Alternaria 43 

leaf-spot 284 

A .  tenuis -       .     284 

American  Leaf  Disease     ....     226 
Ammonium  sulphide  -       -       -       -       97 

Amphispores 18 

Angular  spot       -       -    13,  268-71,  273  et  set]. 

Anstead,  R.  D. 239 

Anthracnose         ...  13,  14,  22,  44 

Agave 361 

Avocado 233 

Cacao  174 

Cotton       -       -       .  271,  272,  277-8 

Grape-Vine 236 

Kidney  beans  ....     340 

Lime 207-9 

Mango 237 

Spotting 210,  217,  224 

And  see  Citrus. 
Agave  Anthracnose         ....     361 
Agricultural  conditions          -       -       .     117 
Brown  rust  of  corn       ....     256 

Cotton  disease 279 

Entomogenous  fungi  -  -  -  -  74 
Pomes  Root  rot      -       -       -       -       -     147 

Onion  disease 336 

Pineapple  cultivation  and  diseases  344,349 
Root  disease  of  corn  -  -  -  -  260 
Sugar  diseases         ...  293,  296,  328 

Yam  diseases 337 

Aphelenchus  cocophilus      -       -       -      65,  181 

Aphides 66,  67,  79 

Aphis  maidis       ......     327 

AposphcETia  Ulei         .....     233 

AraUa  hedges  ....    X35,  160 

Areolate  mildew  of  cotton       -       -       -     286 

Arrowroot  Diseases    -       -       .       .         332-3 

Red  Root  disease  ....     203 

Rosellinia  ....    130,  132,  332 

Arthur,  J.  C. 237 

Aschersonia 79 

Ascomycetes  -       •       .20,  32,  36,  43 

Ascospores 6,  7,  233 

Ashby,  S.  F.  183  et  seq.,  203,  241  et  seq., 

263,  326,  337,  349 

Aspergillus 43.  74 

A .  ftavus 74,  79 

Asperisporium  Cariae        ....     352 

Atkinson,  G.  F. 268,  283 

Authorities  referred  to      -       -       -         363-9 

Diseases  of 235 

susceptible  to  Rosellinia       -  135,  139,  235 

Bacillus  coli        ... 

B.  Musce      .       .       -       - 

Bacteria  classified 

defined      -       -       .       - 
Diseases  caused  by 
Fungi,  relation  of  to     - 

Bacterial  blight  of  beans - 


-  185 

-  247 

-  45 
35,  43 

3.  45.  47 

-  341 

Boll  disease  of  cotton  -  270,  271-4,  277 

bud-rot 184-6 

soft-rot  of  onion     ....  335 

Wilt  of  tomato 357 

Bacterium  malvacearum  266,  268,  271,  272,  277 

B.  phaseoli 341 

B.  solanacearum  ...         46,  337  et  seq. 

B.  tumefaciens 16 

B.  vascularum     -       •       -       -     311    c<    seq. 

Diseases 241-55 

trash  for  controlling  leaf -stalk    rot  -     189 
Bancroft,  C.  K.  ....    293,  312 


Agricultural  conditions  -       -       -       -     121 
Banana  disease       ....    242,  246 

Cassava  diseases 333 

Cotton  diseases       -       -  273,  277,  286,  287 
Cotton  stainers  absent  -       -       -     264 

Entomogenous  fungi      .       -       -       .       74 

Foot-Rot 213 

Onion  disease 336 

Papaw  diseases 353 

Powdery  Mildew  of  Grape-vine  -     237 

Rose  diseases  ....  362 

Shaddock  Splitting  .  .  -  .  223 
Sugar  cultivation  -  -  -  -  289,  294 
Sugar  diseases  296,  297  et  seq.,  308  et  seq.,  328 
Yam  Wilt  -----  337 
Barber,  C.  A.      -       -  -       -      58,  126 

Bark  disease  of  coffee       -       -       -       -     229 

Bark  rots I5,  i73 

Barrett,  O.  W. 312 

Basidiomycetes    -       -      18,   38,  44,   149,  231 

Basidiospores 6,  19 

Beans,  diseases  of  ....  340-2 

Berkefeld  filter 50 

Bequia,  cotton  boll  disease      -       -       -     266 
pigeon  pea  disease         ...  343 

Bichet 156 

Bird  Vine 56-S,  114 

Bitten-Leaf  disease  of  coconut 
Black-arm  disease  of  cotton  - 
Black  Blight        .... 

and  see  Sooty  Mould 
"  Black  cacao "  -       .       - 

Black-eye  disease  of  pineapple 
Blackhead  disease  of  banana  - 
Black  leaf-spot  of  papaw 
Black  melanose  -       .       -       - 
"  Black  rust  "  of  cotton  - 
Black  spot 

banana  leaves - 

pineapple         -        - 

rose  .       -       - 

Bleaching  powder 
Blight,  Pineapple 
"  Blights  "  of  coSee  - 
Blodgett,  F.  M.  -       -       - 

Blossom  bhghts  - 



Blossom-end  rot  of  tomatoes  - 
Blue  Moulds,  see  PeniciUiums. 
Bluggoe  banana  -  -       - 

Bonnygate  disease  of  banana 


270,  271 




-  349 

-  lOI 

-  345 

-  225 


-  13 

-  235 

-  207-9 
71.  353 

-  248 

-  253 




Bordeaux  mixture  22,  85,  87  et  seg.,  149, 
150,  151,  153,  167,  172,  186,  188,  189, 
igr,  209,  215,  217,  227,  234,  252,  254, 
270,  275,  296,  306,  339,  340,  347,  355,  361 

Formula 88 

Physical  properties        .       ...       89 

plus  formalin loi 

Preparation 90 

Testing 91 

Bordeaux  paste  -       -       -        91,105,188,189 

Bordeaux  powder 99 

Botryodiplodia 25,  177 

B.  elastica 159 

B.  Theobromoe      -       .       -  -       .     jjg 

Botrytis         ...        -  43,  80,  233 

B.  cinerea 212 

Bourbon   cane 

Epidemic 297,  301 

replaced  in  West  Indies        -       -      lo,  298 
susceptible  to  disease     -       -       -    295,  327 

Bracket  fungi 201 

Brain,  L.  Lewton  -  .  .  .  271,  277 
Branch  Galls  of  Limes  -  -  -  .  206 
Brandes,  E.  W.  241  et  seg.,  324,  326 

Breadfruit,  susceptible  to  Rosellinia  135,  139 
British  Guiana 

Agave  aiithracnose         -       -       -  361 

Bourbon  cane  epidemic         -       -    298,  301 
Cotton  rust 283 


Hevea  disease  - 

Leaf  blight  of  coconut  - 

Ked  ring  of  coconut 

Red  Root  disease  of  limes 

92,  308,  312 



Sugar  diseases 

Witch-Broom  disease 


British  Honduras 

Bud  rot  of  coconut       ... 

Panama  Disease      ... 

Red  ring  of  coconut 

Brooks,  C. 

Brown  eye-spot  of  coffee 
Brown  leaf-spot  of  sugar  -       .       - 
Brown  rot,  Solanacese       -       -       . 
Bubbly  fruit-rot  of  tomato 
Bud  rot 

Coconut      -       -     16,   113,   183-8 

distinguished  from  red  ring  - 

Sugar         ....... 

Bug  punctures  -  14,  29,  264,  338, 
Burgundy  mixture  22,  91-3,  209,  270, 
Burgundy  paste  -       -       -      92, 

"  Burning  "  disease  of  arrowroot   -         332-4 

Burrill,  T.  J. 45 

Burt,  E.  A.          -       .     149,     151,     210,     292 
Butler,  E.  J.  -        25,     183,     187,    308 

Butler,  O.     -  ■       -       -       -        89,  93 

Calabacillo  cacao        ... 

Bonnygate  disease  ... 


conditions  favourable  to 

Corticium  Stevensii 

Diseases  of       -       -       -       - 

drying  up  of  young  fruit 

Pink  disease  of       -       -       . 

pod-rot      -       .       -       .      9,    14,    120,    159 

red  rust  of 152 

RoselUnia  diseases  of     126,  127,  132,  139-41 

shade  trees     -       -       -     11,   156,   160,   172 
Caledonian  Queen  variety  of  cane         -     298 

Cambium n 

Canary  type  of  banana    - 

-  167 

-  254 
i,  162-8 

-  155 

-  149 



-     247 


9,      120,      162-8 

10,  112,  215,  218-21 


Nutmeg     -       - 239 

Rose 362 

Capnodiae.     See  Sooty  Mould. 

Carbon  Bisulphide 63 

Carpenter,  C.  W.        -       -       -       -    293,  346 
Carriacou,  pigeon  pea  desease         -       -     342 

Carruthers,  J.  B. 164 

Cassava,  cultivation  and  diseases  -       -     335 

Cassytha 56 

Castillu,  Rosellinia  on        -        -        -        -      130 
Cephaleuros  mycoidea         -    152,  210,  235,  239 

C.  virescens  152 

Cephalosporium      24,   42,   79,    205,    229,   243 

C.  Sacchari 260,  309 

Cercospora    -       -       .       -  43,   228,  251,   337 

C.  coffeicola 228 

C.  henningsii 335 

C.  kopkei 
C.  longipes   - 
C.  musarum 
C.  personata 
C.  rosicola    - 
C.  Sacchari  - 
C.  vaginae 
C.  grisea 
Chamberland  filter 




Chamcluco  banana 24  i 

Charcoal  rot  of  Citrus  ...  -  223 
Charles,  V.  H. 352 

Chestnut  bark  disease       -       -       -       -        10 

Chibble  leaf 278 

"  Chinese  "  banana    ...    242,  245,  249 

Chionapsis 210 

Chlamydospores  -        -       -    19,    21,    189,    243 
Chloride  of  Lime.    See  Bleaching  Powder. 
Chlorinated  potash.  See  Eau  de  Javelle. 
ChoanepJwra  infundibuUfcra     -       -       -       36 
Chlorophyll  absent  in  Bacteria       -       -       45 

absent  in  Algse 3 

reduced  by  Mosaic  disease  -       -       49 

Chlorosis  of  sugar-cane  -  -  -  70,  328 
Chupon  wilt  of  cacao  ...  164,  165 
"  Cigar  "  disease  of  arrowroot  -  -  334 
Citricolum  variety  of  Cladosporium  -  214 

Anthracnose     -       -       -       -  210,  211,  219 
Canker       -        -        -    10,    112,    215,    218-21 

Diseases 194,  224 

Fruit  injuries  and  rots  -       -         221-4 

Scab  -       .       -       .  215-7,  222 

Cladosporium 43 

C.  ciiri 216 

C.  fulvum 355 

C.  herbarum         -       .       .       .       .  214. 

Chmate,  effects  of  -  -  -  -  7,  9,  12 
Coal  tar  for  protecting  trees  -  -  -  106 
Cobb,  N.  A.  59  et  seg.,  180,  181,  249,  311 
Cobb's  disease  of  sugar-cane  -  -  -  311 
Coccidae.     See  Scale  insects. 

Coccus  Viridis 79 


diseases  of 177-93 

dropping  of  nuts 185 

immune  from  Rosellinia  Pepo     -       -     127 

trash  for  controlling  leaf-stalk  rot  iHg 

Coffee,  diseases  of      -       -       -       -       225-31 

Coffee,  leaf  rust 17 

Coleosporium  Ipomoeoe  ....  337 
Collar  canker  of  limes      ....     206 

Collar  rot 15 

Colletotrichum  -  -  -  22,  35,  i75.  353 
Colletotrichum  Agaves         -       -       -       -     361 

C.  falcatum 298,    301 

C.  glceosporioides  14,  23,  207  et  seg.,  235,  238 

C.  gossypii 277 

C.  incarnatum i75 

C.  lindemutkianum 34° 


Colletotrichum  luxificum 
Colocasia,  diseases  of 
"  Congo  "  banana 
Conidia,  Conidiospores 


ConvolvulacesB -54 

Cook,  O.  F.         -  -       -       -       -       71 

Cooke,  M.  C. 226,  275 

Coons,  G.  H. 356 

Cooper's  Cattle  Dip 56 

Copper  compounds  as  fungicides  -  -  88 
Copper  Sulphate  56,  93,  loi,  iii,  188,  igr,  270 
Coremium  disease  of  coffee  ...  230 
Corn,  diseases  of        .       -       .       .       256-62 

Com  smut 16,  20,  257 

Corrosive  sublimates  -  -  -  -  99,  105 
Cortex,  infections  in  the  -        -         14,   16 

Corticium  genus 40 

Corticium  javanicum 148 

C.  lilacino-fuscum  -  .  .  .  .  148 
C.  (PelHcularia)  koleroga  -  -  -  -  151 
C.  salmonicolor  --....  148 
C.  Stevensii  ------    149,  240 

C.  vagum 26 

Cotton,  boll  diseases    9,    12,   67,   263   et  seq. 

diseases 263-87 

leaf  blister  mite 10 

perennial  -       -  -  273,  283,  287 

Rivers  type      -...-.     270 

superfine  type 270 

shedding  of  young  fruit        -        -       -        14 

soft  rot      - 14 

stainers.  See  Dysdercus  ...  114 
strains,  resistance  of  -  -  -  -  275 
vascular  wilt  disease      -       -       -       .     243 

Cremastogaster  spp. 106 

"  Crinkled-dwarf  "  in  cotton  -      84,  286 

CrioUo  cacao  and  canker  -  -  -  179 
Crop  rotation.     See  Rotation 

Crossing 10,  287 

Crown  gall  disease 16 

Cuprammonium  washes  (suphate  and  hydrate) 


Curly  leaf  of  cotton  -       -       -       278-80,  281 

Curly  top  of  beet 51-3 

Cuscuta  Americana 54 

Cytospora 42,  316 

C    Sauhari 316 

D  95  sugar-cane 

D  109      „         „  ... 

D  116      „         „  -       .       - 

D  118,  145,  159,  216,  625,  canes 
^  1135.  3956,  canes  - 

Damping  off        .       -       .       .        107-9,  278 

Dash,  J.  S. 310 

Date  palm,  diseases  of     -       -       -         236-8 

Debility  diseases         -           2,  5,  11,   12,  225 

Decay            3 

Deficiency  dieback  of  hme      -       -       .  201 

Dematiace® 42,  43 

Dendropemon  caribceus       -       -       -       -  58 

Diaprepes 198,  206 

Diatrcea        - 80 




of  twigs 

•       157-61 

-  -     193 
14.  15.  25,  120 

-  -     361 

-  -     351 


Diplodia"  boll  rot 

core  rot  of  pineapple 
Dieback,  Avocado  .        .        .        - 

Dieback,  Cacao.     See  Dieback. 
Dieback,  Lime        -       -  196-200, 

Pod  rot 160, 

Rot,  citrus  fruit 

Rot,  Sugar-cane  .       -       -       . 

D.  cacaoicola 



Diplodia  epicocos 
D.  gossypina 
D.  maydis     - 
D.  Nalalensis 
D.  rasa 



-  -       -       -     193 

-  -       -       -     275 

-  260 
-    198,  222 

-  159 
D.  Theobromce     -       •     157-60,  198,  222,  308 

D.  Zece 259,  260 

Diplodias  5,  13,  14,  15,  25,  44,  69,  no,  153 

171,  178,  193.  196,  255 

Control  of 26 

Discomycetes       .--...       43 
Diseases  caused  by  bacteria    ...  45-47 

caused  by  fungi 3-44 

caused  by  infective  viruses  -  48-53 
caused  by  nematodes     -       -       -          59-65 

classified i,  2 

leguminous  plants  ...       338-43 

minor  fruit  plants  ...       344-60 

minor  fruit  trees  ...       235-40 

legislation  against  ...         112-4 

nature  of  -----  i^  2 

non-parasitic  -  -  .  .  .  69-72 
permanent  crops  of  .  .  -  155,  240 
prevention  and  control  of    .       -       -   8i-6 

root  crops        331-49 

Disinfectants,  use  of  -       -       99-ior,  142 


Agricultural  conditions.       •       .       .     119 

Cacao  pod-rot i6r 

Citrus  diseases        .       -       -       -  ig^  et  seq 

Coffee  industry 225 

Entomogenous  fungi      -       .       -        73^  74 

Horsehair  blight 152 

Lime  diseases  -       -       -         igS  et  seq. 

Lime  trees,  life  of  ...     jgj 

Mistletoe  in 58 

Orange  diseases 72 

Pink  Disease  148 

RoseUinia  in  ...   127,  130,  134 

Wither-tip,  1922 207 

Dothideales  ....  38,  44 

Dothidella  Vlei 233 

Downy  Mildews  (Phytophthora  )   -         14,  21 

for  Root  Diseases  -  -  -  137-8,  143-5 
for  Red  Ring  disease  ...  -  182 
for  Red  Root  disease  ....  305 
for  Sugar  diseases  ....     2^6 

Drost,  A.  W.       -       -       -       .   161,  170,  241 
Dry-rot  disease  of  Xanthosoma      -       -     331 

of  Maize 259 

Duggar,  B.  M. 27,  loi 

Dunlop,  W.  R. 177 

Dusting  with  fungicide     -       -     99,  222,  237 
Dysdercus  spp.    -       -       -       -    80,  263  et  seq. 

Earle,  F.  S. 199,  326 

Eau  Celeste 93 

Eau  de  Javelle loi 

Edessa  medittabunda 264 

Edgerton,  C.  W.         -       -       -         271  tt  seq. 

Eelworm  black-rot 249 

Eelworms.     See  Nematodes. 

"  El  mal  "  disease 331 

Empusa 79,  80 

Endogenous  formation  of  spores  -  -  6 
Enfermedad  del  Machete  -  -  .  .  173 
Engler's  classification  of  fungi  -  -  43 
Eremothecium  cymbalariae  -  -  .  30,  265 
Eriosphceria  Sacckari  -        -        -       -      321 

Erysiphacece.     See  Powdery  Mildews. 

Euascomycetes 37 

Eubasidii      ......        3^^  ^q 

Eumycetes  35.  43 

Eutettix  tetiella  53 

Exoascus      ...  ...       43 

£.  Theobromee  170 


Exogamous  formation  of  spores 
Exophthalmus  .  .  -  - 
Eye-spot  disease  of  sugar 




198,  206 

-     320 

Faulwetter,  R.  C. 
Fawcett,  G.  L.  - 
Fawcett,  H.  S.    - 

-    268,  284 

151,  226  et  seq.  325 

212  et  seq. 




Fiji  Disease  of  sugar 

Fission  Fungi.     See  Schizomycetes 

Flowers,  diseases  of 

"  Flowers  of  sulpbiur 

Fames  australis   - 

Fomes  Root  Rot 

Fomes  Stem  Rot 

Foot  Rot  of  citrus 

Forastero  cacao  - 

Forest   land,   effect  of  clearing   11,   137, 

Formaldehyde  vapour       -       -    100,  iii,  352 

Formalin       ...       -  100,  108,  in,  262 

Froghopper  blight  of  sugar-cane  68,  294, 

296,  311.  324 


diseases  of       -       -       -       -     13.  iiOi  238 

handling  of      -       -  no,  221,  223,  351 

Trade  requirements        ...       -     221 

Fruitlet  spot  of  pineapple       .       .       -     349 

Fulton,  H.  P.  209 

Fumago 33 

and  Algae  distinguished  •       -         3 

Classified 34-44 

Diseases  caused  by  ....  3-44 
Entomogenous  ....  73-8° 
Host's  resistance  and  susceptibility  8 

Imperfecti 40-43 

Natm-e  of 3 

Reproduction  and  infection  -  -  6 
Their  place  in  Nature  ...         4 

Fungicides,  use  of,  87-101.    See  also  Spraying. 
Fungus  diseases 

Notable  groups        ....         17-44 

types  of 12-17 

Fusarium  diseases,  control  of  -       -       -     246 

F.  cubense  242,  243 

F.  moniliforme 260 

F.  vasinfecium 243 

Fusariums  8,  17,  23,  43,  44,  229,  260,  331,  353 
Fusicladium  macrosporum        -       -  233 

Gaillard 33 

Galba  susceptible  to  Rosellinia       -       -     134 

Gall  patches 328 

GaUs 15.  62-3,  206 

Gas  tar 306 

Gasteromycetes 44 

"  Gele  strepenziekte "  .  .  -  .  324 
GemmsB         -...---         6 

Gibellula  43.  80 

Gibberella  saubinetii 260 

GlcBosporium  limetticolum  -       -        207  et  seq. 

G.  Mangiferae 238 

G.  manihot 335 

G.  spp. 13.  22,  353 

Glomerella 22,  23,  35 

G.  gossypii 277 

Glossary  361-3 

Gnomonia 22 

G.  Iliau 314 

Gough,  L.  H. 321 

Grand  Cayman,  Bacterial  bud-rot  in  -  184 

dieback     .......     199 

diseases  of 210-24 

Grape-Vine,  diseases  of  -  -  -  236-7 
Graphiola  Phanids  -  -  -  -  43>  236 
Graphium 43 


Green  bug.    See  Nezara  viridula  < 

Green  scale 79 

Green  Transparent  sugar-cane         -       -     495  | 

Grenada  ' 

Agricultural  conditions  -       -       -      123 

Banana  disease 248 

Cacao  pod-rot 161  | 

Cacao  thrips 80  1 

Date  palm  disease         .       .       -       -     236 
Entomogenous  fungi      -       -       -       -       74  i 

Foot  Rot Z13  ! 

Grey  blight 210 

Horsehair  blight 152 

Legislation  against  disease  -       -     114  [ 

Nutmeg  cultivation        ...       -     239  i 

Red  ring  of  coconut      ...     177,  180  I 

Rosellinia  root  disease  -       -    130,  132  j 

Shade  trees,  absence  of        -       -       -     i57 
Stem  rot  of  coconut      ....     189  I 

Grey  Blight  of  Lime         ...       -     210 
Gros  Michel  banana  -       -       -   241,  245,  247  1 

Ground  Nuts 

diseases 338-40.  359 

Root  disease    -       -       .       .  146,  339 

Gum  disease  of  sugar-cane      -       -       -     310  ] 


Coconut    -       •  ....     189 

Lime          -  197,  210,  312,  213  1 

Sugar 311 

Gummosis    ...       -  15,  72,  212-4  i 

Hard  leaf-bitten  disease  of  coconut  -  190 
Harland,  S.  C.    -         70,  72,  270  et  seq.,  287 

Harrison,  J.  B. 162 

Hart,  J.  H. 164.  I77 

Hartley,  C. 108 

Haustoria  in  fungi     ...  8,  18,  19 

Head  smut  of  sorghum  .  -  .  258,  262 
Heart  leaf  disease  of  banana  -       -     256 

Hedges,  F- 206 

Helminthosporiose 258 

Helminthosporium      -       -       -   -  43.  258 

H.  inconspicuum 258 

H.  Sacchari 320 

H.  turcicum  -------     258 

Helopeltis  bug 68 

Helvellineaa 44 

Hemiascomycetes        ....        36,  43 

Hemibasidii 38.  44 

Hemileia.    See  Cofiee  leaf  rust. 

Hennings,  P. i59 

Heterodera  radicola     -       ~       -      59.  62,  229 

Heteroecism 17 

Heteroptera 30 

Hevea,  diseases  of     -       -       -       -         232-4 

Hevea,  leaf  spot IJ 

Hibiscus  susceptible  to  RoselUnia  -        -     135 

Higgins,  J.  E. 352 

Hill's  Seedlings 297 

Himantia  stellifera      -       -       •       -      43.  292 

"  Honey  dew  " 8 

Hormodendron 79 

Horsehair  blight  -  -  -  -  4.  29,  151 
Howard,  A.  i6r,  181,  290,  298,  308,  334.  349 

Hymencea  Courbanl 127 

Hymenomycetes 44 

Hypertrophied  twigs  of  cacao  -  170.  i7i 
Hyphse  in  Fungi  -  -  -  -  4.  6,  8 
Hyphomycetes.     See  Moniliales. 

Hypochnaceae -       40 

Hypochnus  ochroleucus  -  -  -  "  „  ^49 
Hypochreales 38,  44 

lliau  disease  of  sugar  cane  -  -  -  3^4 
Imperial  Department  of  Agriculture  126,  350 

enemies  of 73-oo 




injuries  from  -  -  -  - 
Internal  boll  disease  of  cotton 
Iron  sulphide       .       -       -       . 


/.  Barberi 

Ithyphallui  coralloides 


Banana  diseases  205,  241  </s«j 

Bitten-leaf  disease   - 

Bud-rot  of  coconut 

Coffee  eye-spot 

Dieback  of  coconut 

Hard  or  Little  Leaf-bitten  disease 

Leaf-blight  of  coconut 

Leaf-stalk  rot 

Legislation  against  disease 

Mosaic  disease 

Panama  disease 

Pineapple  diseases 

Red  Rust 

Root  crop  diseases 

Sorghum  rust 

Stem-rot  of  coconut 

Jassid  bugs  ... 

Jehle,  R.  A.        -       -       - 
Jeyes  fluid  -       -       -       . 
John  BuU  tree    - 
Johnston,  J.  R.  -        177,   18 





■       43 

-       80 



-  191 

-  183-7 

-  228 

-  193 

-  193 

-  185 
325  et  seq. 
241  et  seq. 

•     349 

-  152 

-  331-2 

-  261 

-  190 

-  208 
53.  67 

-  219 
191.  353 

-  266 
185,  292,   316 

Kelsall,  A.   -       -       -       - 

Kernel  smut  of  sorghums 
Kidney  beans,  diseases  of 
Kuehneola  Gossypii    - 




•      283 

Larsen,  L.  D. 348 

Lasiodiplodia 25 

L.  nigra 159 

L.  Theobromce 159 

Leaf-base  rot  of  pineapple       -       -       -  349 

Leaf-blight  of  coconut      -       -       .       .  J93 

of  Maize 258 

Leaf-blister  mite  of  cotton      -       -       -  122 

Leaf  blotch  of  yams         ....  337 

Leaf-curl  of  Sea  Island  cotton       -       -  70 
Leaf  Diseases      -       .       -       .        12,  148-54 

of  date  palm    -       .       -       - 
Leaf-dwindling  disease  of  coconut 
Leaf  mildew  of  cotton 
Leaf-mould  of  tomato 
Leaf-roll  of  potato     - 


ground  nuts     -       -       .       . 
Leaf-scorch  of  maize- 
Leaf  sheaf  rot  of  sugar-cane   - 
Leaf  spots 


Ground  nuts    -       -       .       . 



Tomato 355 

Leaf-stalk  rot  of  coconut         ...     188 

Lee,  H.  A. 220 

Leptostylus  prcemorsus        -       -  -     206 

Lemon,  diseases  of     -       -       -       -       210-24 

Leptoglossus 360 

Lepiosphceria  Sacchari       -       -       -  318 

Leptospora  Musce 243 

Levin,  E. 356 

Lime,  use  of        -       -        142,   147,   296,   354 
Lime-sulphur  solution  94-7,  149,  151,  209 

821,  361 




-  194-224 

-  -      195 
13,  119,  125, 

Lime  Trees 

diseases  of        -       - 

natural  habitat 
Limes,  Anthracnose  of 

And  see  Anthracnose. 

Rosellinia  disease  of       -       -       g,  130,  140 
Little-leaf  disease  of  coconut  -       -       -     igo 

Liver  of  sulphur 97 

Loggerhead  disease  of  Sea  Island  cotton 

70,  280-3 

LorantbaceaB 56 

Love  Vine 54-6,  114 

Lyon,  H.  L. 314,  329 





Macropkoma  vestita 

Macrosporium  Leaf-spot    -  .       . 

M.  nigricantium 

Maize.     See  Corn. 
Mal-di-goma,     See  Foot-Rot. 

"  Male  "  cacao 

"  Man  cotton  " 84, 

Mandarin,  diseases  of  -  -  194,  210-24 

Blossom  blight 235 

diseases  of 237-8 

Manjak  for  protecting  trees     -       -       -     106 

Manns,  T.  F. 260 

Manure,  organic  or  chemical  200,  201,  289, 

296,  300 
Manuring  ir,  12,  71,  82, 156,  160,  195,  200, 

245.  284,  354 

Manzana  banana        242 

Marasmius  -  -  -  17,  28,  44,  152,  170 
Marasmius  root  disease  of  banana  -  246 
M.  perniciosus     -       -       -       -  29,  171 

M.  Sacchari  -    172,  260,  290  et  seq.,  297,  346 

M.  sarmentosus 152 

M.  semiustus       ......     246 

M.  sienophyllus 246 

Massee,  G.  -  149,  164,  191,  226,  298,  332 
Maublanc,  A.  -  -  -  -  -  227,  233 
Mealy-bug    ----..        7^^  79 

Melanconiales 42,  44 

Melanconium  Iliau 314 

M.  Sacchari        -       -  -  298,  308,  314 

Melanopsammopsis  Ulei  ...     232 

Melanose 217 

Mehola 33 

Mercuric  Chloride 99 

Metamasius  sericeus  -  .  .  -  .  192 
Metarrhizium  anisoplice  .  -  -  77,  go 
Microconidia  -----  24,  243 

fungicide  for   -       -  -       -       -       97 




42.  44 


See  also  Downy,  Powdery. 


MonUia  pod  rot  -       -       -       - 

Moniliaceae   -       .       .       .       - 

Moniliales     -       .       .       .       - 

Monocotyledons  -----      16,  183 


Agricultural  conditions  -  -  -  118 
Brown  rust  of  corn  ....  256 
Cotton  disease  ...  265,  274,  279 
Diplodia  Dieback  of  Lime  -  -  197,  198 
Fomes  Root  Rot  ....     147 

Grey  blight  of  Lime  ....  gio 
Ground-nut  leaf  rust  -  .  -  -  33g 
Lime  growing  in  -        -        -       -      ig8 

Onion  disease 336 

Pineapple  diseases         -       -    345,  347,  349 

Moonshine.     See  Chlorosis. 


J.  C. 

Moro  Disease  of  banana  - 
Morrill  ..... 




■  283 

■  67 

Mosaic  diseases   -       -       -       . 

infection    ----- 

symptoms 49 

sugar-cane        -       -       -       -  49,  112,  324-8 
tobacco 50 

transmission 51 

effect  of  germicides  -  -  -  -  50 
Mottled  hybrids  of  cotton  -  -  -  287 
Mottling  disease  of  sugar  -  -  -  324 
Mucedinaceaj        ......       ^z 

Mucors,  the 36 

Mulching      -       -       -    156,  160,  200,  201,  244 

Mycoidea  parasitica 152 


origin  of  term i 

province  of 59 

Mycelium,  the 4,  6,  8 

Myriangium  Duriizi 79 

Myxomycetes 34.  43 

Nail-head  rust 214 

Necator  decretus 149 

NestrJEB         -       -       -  38,  44,  164,  201 

Nematode  diseases  of  coffee  -  -  -  229 
Nematodes   -       -     13,   59-65,   177,   183,   359 

Nematospora 36 

N.  Coryli 265 

A'.  Lycopersici     ---..-       31 
Neocosmospora    ------       38 

Nevis  cotton  disease         -       -    265,  279,  287 

Sugar  diseases        -  .       -       .     308 

See  also  St.  Kitts. 

Purple  cotton 283 

Nezara 360 

N.  Viridula  -  -  80,  263  et  seq.,  338 
Nutmegs,  diseases  of        -       -       -    149,  239 

-  5,  9.  17 
17,  40,  292 

-  292 

-  292 
20,  42,  362 

-  222 

-  243 

-  227 
35,  43 

-  2r,  189 

-  38.  79 
206,  210-24 

-  271,  277 

Obligate  parasites 
Odontia,  spp.      ... 
O.  S  ace  hart  -        .        -        - 
O.  Sacckaricola    -       -       - 
Oidium  ----- 
Oil  Spot  on  citrus  fruits 
Okra,  vascular  wilt  disease 
Omphalia  flavida 
Onion,  diseases  of      -       - 
Oomycetes    -       -       .       - 
Oospores       .       -       .       . 
Ophionectria  coccicola 
Orange,  diseases  of    - 
Orton,  W.  A.      - 
Ovulariopsis         -       .       . 
O.  Gossypii 

Palmyra  palms.  Bud-rot  of     -       -       -     183 
Panama  disease  of  bananas     -  84,  241-6,  ;247 
Papaw,  diseases  of     -       -       -       -         352-3 

Parasitic  diseases 

classified  ------  i 

infection,  sources  of       -       -       -       .       81 
prevention  and  control         -       -         81-86 

Parasites  explained 4,  5 

classified  5 

phanerogamic 54-8 

Passalora  Hevece  .       .       .       .     233 


127,  159 

Peach  yellows;    Peach  rosette        -       -   51-3 

Pellagra 2S9 

Peltier,  G.  L. 27 

Penicillium  -       .       -  43,  no,  213,  350 

Perisporiaceae 32,  37 

Perisporiales 43,  44 

Perithecia  of  Red  Root  disease  -  -  205 
Peronospora  trichotoma  -  -  -  -  333 
Peronoscoracea 36 



Pestalozzia  palmarum        .... 
Petch,  T.     147,    151    et   seq.,    189,    193 

Phakospora  vitis 

Phallus  aurantiacus 

Phaseolus  vulgaris 

Phloem-necrosis -     234 

Phoma 44 

Phomopsis 42 

Phomopsis  Citri 217 

Phycomycetes 33.  43 

Phyllachora  graminis 260 

Phyllachora  spp. 38 

Phyllosticta 239 

Physiological  disease  -  -  -  -  2,  48,  69 
Phytophthora  and  Gummosis  -       -       -     212 

P.  faberi 177,  183 

P.  omnivora 164 

P.  palmivora  .  .  .  .  183,  186-8,  189 
P.  parasitica        -       .       -  188,  213,  274,  349 

P.  terrestria 189,  213 

Phytophthora  of  cotton     .       -       .       -     274 

Pod-rot  -       -       -     160,  173,  175,  274 

And  see  Downy  MUdews. 

Pierce,  R.  G. 108 

Pickering,  S.  U. 88 

Pigeon  pea,  diseases  of  -  -  -  -  342 
Pineapple,  diseases  of  -  -  -  344-53 
"  Pineapple  "  fungus  of  sugar-cane    192,  305-8 

Pink  disease 15,  148 

Plantain  immune  from  Panama  disease  245 
Plasmodiophora  brassicce   .       -       .       -     329 

Plectasci 43 

Pod-rot.     See  Cacao. 

Poix-doux  susceptible  to  Rosellinia       -     135 

Polyporacese 40 

Potash  and  cotton  disease  -  -  283,  284 
Potassium  permanganate  -       -      97,  iii 

Potassium  sulphide.    See  Liver  of  Sulphur. 

Potato  blight 10 

Powdery  Mildew  of  Grape  vine  -  -  236 
Powdery  Mildews  (Erysiphacea)  20,  37,  94 
Prantl's  classification  of  Fungi       -       -       43 

Prescott,  S.  C. 241 

Prestoe,  H. 225 

Protoascomycetes  ....  36,  43 
Protobasidii  ....  38,  40,  44 
Protoplasm,  resistance  of  -  -  -  8,  9,  67 
Pruning  of  cacao  trees  -  -  -  168,  173 
Pseudococcus  calceolariae.    See  Mealy  Bug. 

Psorosis  of  citrus 214 

Puccinia  purpurea      -       -       -  256,  261 

sorghi 256,  261 

Purple  ribbon  sugar-cane  -  -  -  326 
Pycnia ;     pycnidia ;     pycniospores         18,  26 

Pyrenomycetes 38,  43 

Pythiacystis  citrophthora    -       -       -    212,  313 

Pythium 3^ 

Pythiacystis 36 

P.  butleri 293,  346,  353 

P.  de  Baryanum 28 

P.  palmivorum 187 

Quanjer,  H.  M. 



Rainfall,  influence  of    115,  157.  I93.  I99.  294 

Ramularia  areola 286 

Rangel,  E. 227 

Ratooning     -        -        -  289, 294  ri  $e?.,  324 

Red  leaf-Wight  of  cotton  -  -  -  283 
Red  leaf -spot  of  sugar  -  -  -  -  321 
Red  or  claret  banana  ...  -  245 
Red  ring  disease  of  coconut  -  -  177-82 
Red  root  disease  of  limes  -  -  203-5 
Red  rot        -       .       -  10,  301,  310,  316 

Red  rust       ...  -       -       -     152 

Avocado 235 

Nutmeg 839 


Red  spot  of  sugar  leaf -sheaf  -       -       -     317 

Reinking,  A. 183 

Resistance  of  plants  to  disease  and  insects 

8-10,  68,  83 
Resistant  varieties,  disadvantages  of  -  84 
Rhizoctonia  -  -  -  -  26,  43,  44,  342 
Rhizomorphs       -        -       -       -    4,    217,    252 

Rhizopus  nigricans 36 

Rhynchota,  plant  feeding  -  -  -  66 
"  Rind  disease  "  of  cane  -  -  -  301,  323 
Ring-spot  of  sugar-cane  ...  318-20 
Robson,  W.         ....  274,  339,  353 

Rogers,  J.  M. 199 

Rolfs,  F.  M. 270 

"  Root  rot,"  "  Rood  snot"     •  301,  316 

Root  crops,  diseases  of  -  -  -  331-7 
Root  diseases     15,  23,  117,  119,  123,  126-47 

Corn 260 

Ground  Nut 339 

Pineapple 345 

Sugar-cane       ....       289-97, 345 
Rorer,  J.  B.  148,  161  et  seq.,  177,  184,  235, 

237,  248,  362 
Rose,  diseases  of  ....  361-2 
Rosellinia  5,  9,  17,  43,  83,  120,  126-46,  160 

204,  235,  240,  335,  342 
R.  bunodes  -  -  127,  128,  130-2,  137,  333 
R.  paraguayensis-  -  -  -  128,  132-3 
R.  pepo         123,    127-30,    131,    136,    238 

Rosenbaum,  J. 177 

Rotation  of  Crops  9,  11,  20,  81,  116,  258, 

294,  296 

Rots  of  fruit 25 

Russeting  of  Citrus  fruit  -       .       .       .     222 

Rust-mites 222 

Rusts  (Uredineoe)        ...  5,  19,  44. 

classified 17-19 

cotton 283 

grape-vine 237 

on  leaves 13 

pigeon  pea 343 

sorghum 261 

Rutaceas 220 

SaccharomycetacesB.     See  Yeasts. 
St.  Kitts-Nevis 

Agricultural  conditions  in 

Fomes  lucidus  in     - 

Curly  leaf  of  cotton 

Date  palm  disease 

Loggerhead  disease 

"  Man  Cotton  " 

Pineapple  diseases  - 

Root  disease  of  corn 

Sugar  diseases 
St.  Lucia 

Agricultural  conditions 


Banana  disease 

Brown  Rust  of  corn 

Cacao  pod-rot 

Citrus  diseases 

Entomogenous  fungi 

Horsehair-blight      - 

Legislation  against  disease  - 

Pink  Disease   -       .       -       . 

Red  rust  .... 

St.  Vincent 

Agricultural  conditions  - 

Angular  spot  of  cotton 

Arrowroot  diseases 

Brown  rust  of  corn 

Cacao  thrips    .... 

Citrus  trees,  absence  of 

Cotton  diseases,  265  et  seq.,  274 

Grey  bhght 
Ground  nut  diseases 

70,  280 
347,  349 



-  161 
194  el  seq. 

■        73 

-  152 

-  114 
.      148 

-  152 


-  268 

-  256 


-  194 

283,  286 

-  210 
338,  339 

St.  Vincent 

Mistletoe   -        -        .        . 

Papaw  diseases 

Rain,  influence  of   - 

Red  ring  of  coconut 

Root  disease  of  corn     - 


Sea  Island  cotton  diseases 

Shade  trees 

Tomato  diseases 
Saltpetre  disease 
Sanders,  G.  E.    . 

cacao         ... 

fruit  and  flowers     - 

leaves        -       .       . 
Saprophytism  explained 
Scab  disease  of  citrus 
Scale  insects 

and  dieback 



-  -       58 

-  -     353 
.      12,  266 

-  -     177 
-     260 

-  130,  133 
70,  83 

-  -       -       -     156 
353.  355,  357  et  seq. 

-  -       -       '     331 
.       -       90 

161,  16S 

-  -  -       13 

-  -  -    4,  5 

-  -  -     213 
73.  79.  "8,  209 

-  -  -      199 

212,  214,  219 

35,  43.  45 


-  313 

-  330 


Scaly  bark  citrus  disease 


Schizophyllum     ...       - 

rot  of  sugar-cane    . 
S.  commune  -       -       .       .       - 
Sclerospora  Sacchari  - 
Sclerotinia    ... 
Sclerotia  in  fungi 
Sclerotium  disease  of  Liberian  co 


S.  coffeicolum 230 

S.  rolfsii       ...  16^  146,  317,  338 

Scolecotrichum 233 

Sea  Island  Cotton,  close  season  10,  82,  114 

losses  through  bacterial  boll  disease     -      271 

non-parasitic  diseases      -       -       -       .       70 

And  see  Cotton. 
Sealy  Seedling  cane  -       .       -       .     296 

Seaside  Mahoe 266 

Seeds,  disinfection  of         -       -    99,    257,    278 

infection  through  .        -       -        .       82 

Septobasidium     -       -       .       .       40,  79.  2I0 

S.  langloisii 210 

SepioglcBum  Arachidis        ....     339 

leaf-spot  of  tomatoes     - 
S.  ly coper sici 

Sereh  disease  of  sugar-cane 
Shaddoclv,  diseases  of 
Shade  Trees,  question  of - 
Shellac  varnish  for  fruit  rot 
Shield-scale  fungus     - 
"  Shot-borer  "  beetle 
Silk  cotton 

-  356 
ii-3.  323 


-  156 

-  no 
74.  77 

-  298 

-  266 
Silk  fig  "  banana 250 

Sisal,  anthracnose  of         ....     361 

Slime-fungi 34,  329 

Smith,  Erwin,  F.  45,  184,  243,  268,  271, 

312,  357 

Smith,  Long&eld 280 

Smoke-clouds  to  prevent  dew         .        -     234 
Smuts  (U slilaginece)   5,  44.     And  see  Corn. 
Smut  disease  of  sugar  cane     .       -       -     312 
Soft  rot  of  cotton  boHs    ....  274-3 

aeration 354 

grade  immaterial  with  Red  Ring       -      181 
infection  ......      259 

influence  of  70,  115,  201,  203,  229,  245, 

280,  344 
poverty    -         ......     294 

St.  Vincent 195 

treatment  - 142 

virgin       .  -       .        .        •     11,  181,  225 

Sooty  Mould 8 

Sorghums,  diseases  of  -  .  .  258,  262 
Sorosporium  reilianum  ■  -  .  256,  62 
South,  F.  W.  126,  130,  147,  174,  203,  206 

246,  260,  271,  274,  332,  339 



Sphacelotheca  reiliana        -       -       -       -     262 

5.  Sor?,hi 261,  262 

Sphcerella  Caricce 353 

Sphaeriace®  -       -       -  ...     233 

Sphaeriales  44 

Sphaeronema  black  spot  -  -  -  -  173 
Sphaeropsidales  -       -       -       -       44 

Sphaeropsis   ....  .        16,  42 

S.  tumejaciens 206 

Spharostilbe  -  -  -  17,  38,  43,  203 
S.  coccophila        ....  38,  79 

S.  fiavida      -       -  ....     239 

S.  musarum         ....  204,  252 

S.  repens 203,  204 

Sphcerotheca  pannosa  -       -       .       -       -     362 

SphaBriales -       38 

Spicaria 332 

Sporangium .       -       .       .  6, 153,  189 


action  of  -  .       .       .       .         g 

classified  ....  -         6 

of  diplodia       -  -       -       -       -       26 

of  rusts 17 

of  smuts  19 

Sporidia 19 

Sporodochium,  the 43 

Sporotrichum 43,  80 

Spraying       -  20,   22,   34,   56,    109-13 

Anthracnose  control       ....     209 

Citrus  diseases 220 

compared  with  parasite  fungi     -       -       76 
cotton       -       -       -       .  270,  274,  275 

injury  from no,  270 

Machines no 

method  of 109 

object  of 85 

Tomato  diseases 357 

West  Indies,  little  used        -       -       -       87 
Atid  see  Bordeaux,  Sulphur,  etc. 
Stahel,  G.    -       -       -    170,  i7r,  231,  232,  234 
Staining  of  seed  cotton,  cause  of     -       -     265 

Stell,  F. 177.  189 

Stem-bleeding  disease  of  coconut  -  -  189 
Stem  canker  of  pigeon  pea  -  -  -  342 
Stem  diseases  ....  14-16,  148-54 
Stem  rot 

Banana 246 

Beans 342 

Coconut     .......      189 

Stevens,  F.  L. 33 

Stevens,  H.  E.  213 

Stevenson,  J.  A.  215,  260,  324,  343,  355,  357 
Stigmatomycosis.     See  Bug  Punctures. 

Stigmonoses 66,  264 

Stilbaceas 43 

Stilbum  .....  201,  205,  362 
S.  flavidum,  Siilbella  flavida  •  -  •  226 
Stinkhorn  fungus  of  sugar  -  -  -  292 
Stockdale,  F.  A.  ....  177,  183 
Stimips  and  logs  favour  root  diseases  131, 

133-4,  137 

as  remedy  for  damping  off   -       -       -     109 
conditions  favouring      -       -       .       .     288 

diseases  ot 288-330 

resistant  to  Rosellinia    -       -       -       -      127 

weevil-borer 192 

Sulphate  of  Ammonia  ...  201,  297 
Sulphur,  use  of  20,  94-7,  142,  237,  362 
Sulphuric  Acid    -       -  10  r,  108,  109 

Surinam.     See  Witch  Broom. 
Susceptibility  of  plants     ...        10,  68 
Sweet  potato  diseases       ....     336 

Tangle-root  of  pineapple  -       .       -       .     344 
Taubenhaus,  J.  J. 97 

Telia ;    Teleuto-sori ;    Teliospores  -       18 

Tempany,  H.  A.        ...  70,  328 




189,  346 

-  350 

298,  305 

190,  192,  254,  305,  347,  350 

49.  240 


■      159 


Temperature,  effect  of 

Tenney,  L.  S.      - 

Thalli  through  algal  attacks 

Thelephora  pedicellata 

Thelephoraceaa     ... 

Thermesia  gemmaialis 


soft-rot  of  pineapple 
T.  ethaceticus 
T.  paradoxa 
Thread  blight 

Threadworm.    See  Nematodes, 
Thrips  on  cacao - 
Thyridaria  tarda 
TilletiaceaB    ... 
Tip-wither    - 
Tobacco  extract  - 

agricultural  conditio! 

Malvaceous  weeds 

Red  ring  of  coconut 

Stem-rot  of  coconut 
"  Tomato  blight  " 
Tomato,  diseases  of  - 

Top-rot  of  sugar-cane 

Tortola,    boll   disease   of   cotton  263,  263 

Trees,  age  and  size  attained  by     -      15,  198 

structure  of  102 

surgery  of 104 

Trenches  for  isolation.     See  Drainage, 
Trichosphceria  Sacchari      -       .        . 

Agave  anthracnose 

Agricultural  conditions 

Avocado  anthracnose 

Banana  disease       .... 

Bud  rot  of  coconut  in 

Cacao  pod-rot  .... 

Cassava  diseases     .... 


-  267 

-  177 

-  189 

-  355 

183,  340 


Corticium  koleroga 

Cotton  mildew 

Entomogenous  fungi 

Grey  blight      .... 

Horsehair  blight 

Leaf-blight  of  coconut 

Leaf-dwindling  disease 

Legislation  against  disease 

Mango  disease  ... 

Marasmius  diseases  of  sugar 

Mistletoe  .... 

Panama  Disease 

Pink  Disease    - 

Powery  Mildew  of  Grape  Vine 

Red  ring  of  coconut 

Red  rust  ...       - 

Root  disease  of  cacao 

Rose  canker     -       -       .       . 

Stem-rot  of  coconut 

Sugar  cultivation    ... 

Sugar  diseases      294,    297,    311 

Wither-tip  "  "  "  ". 
Tropics,  their  influence  on  fungi 
Tuber  rot  of  yams  ... 
Tuberculariacea  ... 

Tylenckus  angustus     -       .       . 

T.  cofjecz 

T.  devasiatrix  .... 
T.  musicola  .... 
T.  ribes  .... 
T.  similis 


-  -  151 

-  -  286 

73.  77 
•     210 

-  -  152 

-  -  193 

■  114.  185 

-  237 

-  292 

-  -   58 

-  -  242 

-  -  148 

-  -  237 

-  147,  180 

-  -  152 

-  -  176 

-  362 

288,  289 


-  337 

-  43 

-  63 

-  230 

-  63 
65,  249 

-  64 
65.  249 

Uba  cane   ......  296 

Uncinula  necator                ....  236 

United  Fruit  Co. 241 

Uredinece.    See  Rusts. 

Uredinia  ;   Uredo-sori ;   Urediniospores  -  18 

Uredo  Arachidis 338 



Vredo  Gossypii    - 

U.  pallida    - 

V.  Sorghi     -       -       - 

Uromyces  Arachidis    - 

V.  DoUchoU 

Vsiilaginecs.    See  Smuts. 

UsHlago  Maydis,    Mays-i 

U.  reiliana 

D.  Sacchari  -       -       - 

U.  ZecB         -       -       - 




Van  Breemen,  P.  J.         ....     147 
Van  der  Bijl,  P.  A. 147 

Van  Hall,  C.  J.  -       -       -  155,  157,  168 

Vascular  system  of  stem  ...        16,  17 
Vasculomyces  Xanthosomce        -       -       -     331 
Ventilation  .importance  of  139,  140,  227,  237 
Vermicelle.    See  Love  Vine. 
Verticillium  .... 

Virgin  Islands 


Cotton  boll  disease 
Virgin  SoU.     See  Soil. 
Viruela  disease  of  Coffee 
Virus,  infective.    See  Disease. 



Wakker,  J.  H.     -       -        290,   297,   311,   324 

Ward,  H.  MarshaU 332 

Watery  disease  of  cacao.  See  Monilia  Pod  Rot. 

Weevil-borer 192 

West  Indies 

Coffee  decline  -       -  -       -       .     225 

West  Indian  methods  of  cultivation  -  85 
sugar  industry,  decline  of  -  -  10,  11 
unfavourable  to  Rust  fungi  -  -  -  17 
Vegetable  accumulation        ...         ,^ 

White  fly 77,  78 

White  leaf-spot  of  pineapple  -     348 

White  rust  of  potato  ....  336 
White  Transparent  sugar-cane  295,   298, 

325.  327 
Williams,  C.  B.  -       -       -       -    320,  325,  326 

Wilson,  O.  T. 223 

Wilt  disease 8 

pigeon  pea 343 

pineapple 345 

sugar-cane         ....      260,  308-10 

yam 337 

Windbreaks,  for  Lime  trees     -       -       -     199 
infection  from  ...   126,  135,  139 

use  of 78,  118 

Witch  broom  disease  of  cacao  10,  16,  39, 168-72 

Cassava 335 

Lime 207-9 

Wood  rots.  Lime       -       -       -  15,  102-6,  201 

Woods,  A.  F. 68 

Woody  excrescences  of  cacao  -       -       -     176 
Wound  parasites 5 

Xanthosoma,  diseases  of 
Xyleborus  perforatts    - 



Yam  diseases      .       .       .       . 


Yellow  Caledonian  cane    - 
Yellow  leaf-bhght  of  cotton    - 
Yellow  leaf-spot  of  sugar 
Yellow  stripe  disease  of  sugar 

Zonal  leaf-spot  of  coffee  - 

-  -  337 
36,  43.  189,  191 

-  -  327 
.  283 
-  321 

-  -  324 

Zygospores   - 

•     229 

I,  153 

36,  43 


