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AS #16 

Marck 26, 1977 

i aa MAR 26. 1917 

| ga Be esate ret 


Assistant Biologist, Bureau of Biological Survey 


Contribution from the Bureau of Biological Survey 
E. W. NELSON Chief 

| Washington, D. C. March, 1917 

OX FARMING, or as it is called in Canadian Proy- 
inces, “fox ranching,” has attracted wide notice 
chiefly because of the enormous profits claimed for it. As 
would be expected in the case of a new and _ profitable 
business, many erroneous impressions have been entertained, 
the result of misleading statements made partly through 
lack of authentic information and partly with the purpose 
of interesting investors. When rightly undertaken, how- 
ever, and with due consideration to climate, surroundings, 
and breeding stock, fox farming, and especially the breed- 
ing of silver foxes, frequently has proved profitable. 

In the following pages are considered facts relative to 
the development of silver fox farming; the precautions 
necessary to be taken with the animals in breeding and in 
sickness and health; the construction of inclosures and nest- 
ing dens; the expenses of the business as well as its profits; 
and, in general, how and where fox farming may be 
undertaken with the promise of any degree of success. 
The distinction between red, cross, silver, and black foxes 
is explained and the relative values of the pelts discussed. 

The softer and more beautiful furs naturally bring the 
higher prices, and few wild fur-bearing animals surpass 
the silver fox in this respect. 

The lessening numbers of the animals in the wild state 
together with the increasing demand for their furs sound a 
warning that if this demand is to continue to be met it must 
be through domestication. 

In certain cool climates the animals may be reared in 
captivity just as are domestic cattle and poultry. The areas 
suitable in the main for experiments in silver fox farming 
may be ascertained by reference to the map and its explana- 
tion on page 8. 


Page. Page 
LaninneD hint): ae a i 3 Propagation—Continued. 
PISLOLY. = > wp pg Pt a a 5 Ganerol youngest - 4 21 
Glinigteci= =- = ane ee (Ga Seno 05S eS ee ee 22 
UGS a ee ee tf Handling stores io she oS eee 22 
RHICLOMUINER mere — srereeee Sea et pee 9 ealthes=. =f See = ee ee 23 
IDET SS See Se i 8 oho Se es 9 Tmiprovedastrains= == we = ee 25 
Vira [2 ee eS Let Se eee 11 AIC CESSOMCS = aa oe ee 28 
Curia Ten ces=. eee = ee ah fallemMiGuligcynhivoe es ee Ee ee ee ees 29 
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ona sasnhon ee = eee ZO lio es ee ee eee ee oe 32 

From time immemorial furs have been worn for protection and 
adornment. With the increase of population and of encroachments 
upon the breeding grounds of fur-bearing animals the supply of furs 
has steadily diminished and prices have correspondingly advanced. 
Trappers have been stimulated to penetrate farther and farther into 
the uninhabited regions of the North and to redouble their efforts to 
increase their catch nearer home. Many of the more valuable ani- 
mals have thus become so scarce that the demand for their pelts is 
met by the substitution of inferior products. 

The natural production of first-class furs seems to be approaching 
a sure end, and the demand for them requires that the present supply 
be supplemented through domestication of fur-bearing animals. As 
some of the fur bearers may be raised without much difficulty, the 
establishment of fur farming on a small scale may be expected in 
many places along our northern border, much as poultry is now 
raised as an additional source of income on farms. When properly 
conducted, fur farming may become very profitable. It will pay not 
only in direct returns to the producer, but, indirectly, the desire for 
furs can be gratified, the killing off of the most valuable and interest- 
ing of our fur bearers prevented, and an extensive branch of manufac- 
ture and trade supporting a large population continued. 

Nore.—This bulletin, based on Department Bulletin No. 301, ‘‘ Silver Fox Farming in 
Eastern North America” (1915), has been prepared to supersede Farmers’ Bulletin 
No. 328, ‘‘ Silver Fox Farming’ (1908). It is for general distribution in areas shown 
by shading in the map on page 8. 



The first American fur animal to be domesticated permanently 
was the silver or silver-gray fox (fig. 1), a rare and beautiful color 
phase of the common red fox! found in nearly all of the United 
States and Canada. 

The relation of silver foxes to ordinary red foxes is the same as 
that of black squirrels to gray squirrels, or black muskrats to brown 
muskrats. That is to say, the black individuals are of the same 
species as those having the regular color. In a litter of fox cubs born 
of red parents, perhaps there may be one silver. On the other hand, 
one or more of the cubs of a wild silver vixen are quite certain to be 


Fig. 1.—A silver fox bred in captivity. Note the tip of the tail, which is white in all 
phases of the ordinary red fox. 

red. Fortunately, experience has shown that when silvers are bred 
in captivity the tendency to produce reds can be overcome by selective 

The average red fox has the throat, breast, and belly white, and 
the sides and upperparts mainly red, this color being pure across the 
shoulders and on the nape of the neck but sparsely mixed with white 
on the back and sides. Close inspection discloses that the red and 
white are only on the surface, and that the fur beneath is almost 
black on the upperparts and dusky gray on throat and belly. It 
shows also that the fine hair or wool constituting the underfur is 
tipped with red and that, as a rule, the coarse guard hairs have a 

2+Genus Vulpes. 


white section a little below the tip. Occasionally a guard hair is 
found that is entirely black. In the typical silver fox black replaces 
the red of the ordinary fox, the white of the guard hairs on the upper- 
parts remaining constant. The result is a beautiful black, overlaid 
by a sprinkling of silvery white. Between the red and the silver 
phases there are grades of every degree, ranging from red-backed 
animals with black underparts through conditions characterizing 
cross foxes and rusty silvers. In rare instances even the white bars 
of the guard hairs are displaced, the result being a black or a silver- 
black fox. In general, the cross fox is fairly common, the silver- 
gray scarce, and the pure black very rare. . : 

The market value of skins of the different phases depends upon 
the relative scarcity of the animals. The price paid for black skins, 
however, has recently fallen considerably below that of silvers, for 
the reason that furriers now dye ordinary red fox skins a lustrous 
black and put them on the market at a comparatively low figure. 


Domestication of the fox was first achieved in the Canadian Prov- 
ince of Prince Edward Island, in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Silver 
fox pelts have continuously commanded high prices, and hunters 
have been correspondingly keen to secure them. It is not strange, 
therefore, that the first successful breeders of this rare animal were 
men who had pursued it in the chase. 

In 1894 a ranch was built and stocked with two pairs of silver 
foxes. This became the first profitable fox ranch, the forerunner of 
a remarkable and, for that region, a revolutionizing industry, 

At that time black pelts brought much higher prices than silvers. 
This prompted the first fox ranchers to retain their darker animals 
and dispose of the lighter ones, and as a result each successive lot of 
pelts from their yards was darker than those of previous years. 
Finally, in 1910, they were able to send to the London sales the finest 
collection of silver fox pelts that had ever appeared there. This lot, 
containing 25 pelts, brought an average of $1,386 each, the best one 
selling for $2,624. In the meantime a few other small ranches had 
been started in the Maritime Provinces, Newfoundland, Maine, On- 
tario, Michigan, and Alaska. The policy of the half dozen Prince 
Edward Islanders had been to monopolize the business, and not 
even their families were enlightened as to their methods. The pelts 
had been shipped three in a package by parcel post from a distant 
post office, and reports of the sales had been received in code. The 
fox raisers had entered into a compact to sell no live silver foxes 
and had bought the best that could be obtained. Notwithstanding 
their secrecy, the evident improvement in their financial conditions 
was noticed by their neighbors, who thereupon desired to participate. 


Disclosure of the results of the 1910 sales was the climax of the 
first stage in the development of fox farming. Persons who formerly 
had known something of the business were now eager to engage in it. 
Those having money invested it in foxes. Others mortgaged their 
farms for the purpose or fitted up ranching facilities and boarded 
foxes for a share of the progeny. How rapidly prices for breeding 
stock advanced is well illustrated by the experience of one ranchman 
who sold his first pair of cubs for $750, and other pairs successively 
for $3,000, $12,000, $13,000, and $14,000. In the fall of 1913 good 
ranch-bred cubs 6 months old sold for from $11,000 to $15,000 a 
pair. Pairs that had had large litters were valued at about twice as 
much as 6-months-old cubs. 

The maintenance of this prodigious inflation of prices was due 
mainly to stock companies, which originally were formed by individ- 
uals without sufficient capital to engage in fox farming alone. 
Almost immediately, however, companies were formed for the benefit 
of those having foxes to sell. Attractive prospectuses containing 
pictures of silver foxes, an account of the 1910 sale of pelts, and a 
list of companies which had paid dividends of 20 to 500 per cent 
were published, and stock sold through brokers and solicitors. Foxes 
that would bring $12,000 or $15,000 a pair in the open market were 
usually capitalized in companies at $18,000 or $20,000, which, after 
allowing for commissions, installation of pens, and other ranch 
necessities, left a tolerably safe balance from which to pay the first 
year’s running expenses. Another reason for the multiplication of 
fox companies is found in the income to be derived from them by 
brokers and promoters, and many companies were formed by men 
having no other interest. The outbreak of the European war, in the 
summer of 1914, interrupted and possibly ended these speculative 
operations. Ranch-bred silver foxes have recently been. advertised 
for sale at from $500 to $1,000 a pair. In some of the western Provy- 
inces and Territories of Canada, where only those foxes born or kept 
for a year or more in captivity are allowed to be exported, prices 
of wild half-grown silvers run from $150 to $250 each. 

In the pioneer days, when proper methods of handling foxes were 
unknown, many failures resulted from ignorance and carelessness. 
The excitement following the fur sales of 1910 hastened the improve- 
ment of methods of feeding, handling, and breeding. It also broke 
the monopoly, and caused a rapid distribution of foxes and of infor- 
mation concerning them. Now, with a comparatively large number 
of silver foxes in domestication, with a clearer understanding of their 
successful management, and with a return of moderate prices for 
breeders, a steady, healthy, and general development of silver fox 
farming may be expected. 


Fox ranches are now established in most of the Canadian Provinces 
and in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, New York, 
Pennsylvania, Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, 
Oregon, Washington, and Alaska. 


Fur growth is intimately related to climate. A long cold season 
and at least a moderate rainfall are important. Hot summers are 
not detrimental if short and followed by a season of frosty weather 
during which animals renew their coats. Dry winds tend to make 
fur harsh, and excessive sunshine fades it. The fitness of a locality 
for fox farming can be judged from the quality of fur produced by 
native wild foxes. While the proportion of silvers to reds varies 
greatly in different regions, this variation does not appear to depend 
on climatic conditions, and need not be considered in locating a 
fox farm. 

The map of life zones shown in figure 2 indicates the regions 
having an average temperature favorable to fur culture, the cooler 
Canadian Zone being superior to the Transition Zone. Much of the 
region west of the Great Plains is included within these life zones 
on account of its high altitude, which makes it as cold as lower areas 
much farther north. While parts of this region possess the requisite 
degree of cold they are too dry and sunny for the production of 
- first-class fur. 


One of the most important considerations in the choice of a site 
for a fox ranch is security from unusual noises and occurrences. 
The fox is naturally timid and nervous. It can be tamed to a 
degree, but its excitable temperament can be completely overcome 
only by a long process of careful breeding and selection. It is espe- 
cially shy and irritable during the breeding season. 

Foxes like to be screened from observation, and by day in the wild 
state are rarely found far from cover. During the heat of summer, 
especially, they enjoy dense shade. Furthermore, sunshine injures 
the color and character of fur. It is advisable, therefore, to locate 
a ranch among a growth of young trees thick enough to shade about 
half the ground. Deciduous trees are preferable to evergreens, as 
they allow the sun to make the yards more comfortable in winter and 
to clear the ground of snow earlier in spring. Old trees are likely 
to be broken by storms, and in falling to demolish fences. 

On a slope with a southern exposure the snow will be gone and the 
ground warm when the cubs are ready to leave the dens. A clay sur- 


face is to be avoided, but a subsoil of clay or hardpan is an advantage, 
as the foxes will not dig ground hard enough to require a pick to 

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Gravel affords excellent drainage, but foxes burrow 

deeply in it and thus are difficult to manage, even though they may 

break it up. 
not escape. 



A model fox ranch has three kinds of inclosures—dens in which 
the animals are sheltered and the young are born; yards or runs, 

where they may have 
sunshine and_ shade 
and sufficient exercise 
to keep them in good 
health; and a guard 
fence surrounding the 
entire ranch, for the 
double purpose of 
preventing intrusion 
from without and es- 
cape from within. 


The walls of a fox 
den should exclude 
moisture, deaden 
sounds, and_ protect 
the occupants from 
extremes of heat and 
cold. During the 
breeding season, 

Fie. 3.—Vertical cross section of a barrel den. 

when foxes are unusually nervous and when the cubs can not with- 
stand exposure, these features are particularly important. Pro- 

Fic. 4.—Horizontal longitudinal section of barrel den. 

vision should also be 
made for ventilation 
without admitting 
light or drafts. The 
barrel den shown in 
figures 3 to 6 is 

merely a clean barrel, having a smooth interior, surrounded by 

dry sawdust, within a wooden box. 

In one head of the barrel 

is an entrance hole 8 inches wide and 10 inches high. A similar 

74743 °—Bull. 795—17——2 


opening is made in the upper side for inspection, cleaning, and 
ventilating. Above the barrel a screen door is hinged to preclude 

Fic. 5.—Vertical longitudinal section of barrel den. 

escape when the cover is raised. A sheet of burlap tacked to one 
side of the screen-door frame and spread over the netting when 
the covers. are raised for ventila- 
tion will keep out air currents and 
light. At the entrance hole is an 
elbow spout, 2} feet in the shorter 
arm and 6 feet in the longer. 

The large den shown in figures 
7 to 9 has advantages not found in 
barrel dens. It has double walls, 
the interspaces being lined with 
building paper and filled with saw- 
dust. The exterior 
may be battened, 
shingled, or covered 
with tarred paper. 
It is large enough to 
r give the foxes loung- 
ing room outside the nest compartment, and is arranged so as to 

Fig. 6.—Exterior view of a barrel den (see figs. 3-5). 


be easily cleaned and disinfected. By leaving the door open on fine 
days the interior can be exposed to the drying and purifying effects 
of sunshine. The door and the opening to the exit chute should 
face southward, and the rear end should be raised enough to give 
the floor a slant downward toward the door. The entrance to the 
nest compartment and the inner end of the chute should be about 
4 inches above the floor to prevent the G(r 
cubs from getting out before they are 
able to return. 

The corners along the floor and sides 
of the nest compartment are filled with a 
chamfered strip of board (figs. 7 and 8) 
to keep very young cubs in contact with 
the vixen and thus prevent their becom- 
ing chilled. Toaccom- 
modate a large family | Fic. 7.—Ground plan of 
of cubs running about == BMS EA ESE 

the yard, it isadvisable to have extra dens improvised from barrels or 
boxes, as shown in figures 10 and 11. Such shelters increase the di- 
versity of the yard and afford the animals more protection from the 

As to the proper location of a den, opinions differ. Some place 
it near the middle of the yard (fig. 12), where the foxes are sup- 

posed to feel more secure. Others 
locate it outside the yard, in order 
that the vixen may not jump to and 
from the roof and thus cause abortion. 
All dens placed outside of yards 
should have an inner door of wire 
netting if they open to an alley. 


Although fox yards vary in size, 
shape, and construction, depending on 
conditions on different ranches, there 
is a definite type now generally recog- 

ce: ECan - eae ae of nized as best adapted to fox farming. 
Such a yard has an area of from 2,000 

to 2,500 square feet. The majority in the recently built ranches 
are 50 feet square. Some breeders prefer long, narrow yards, which 
give the foxes more space for a hard run when they are frolic- 
some, though the cost of fence materials is considerably greater 
than for square yards of the same area. The arrangement of a 
series of yards depends upon the space they are to occupy. When 
arranged as nearly as possible in the form of a square the expense of 


in a row. 

Fic. 9.—Double-walled den; exterior broken to show inner den 


(see figs. 7 and 8). 

But the extra cost of building detached pens as 
shown in figure 14 is more than compensated for 

inclosing by a guard fence is 
less than when side by side 

Two plans of 

four-yard ranches are shown 
in figures 13 and 14, the 
smaller compartments being 

for males. The 
expense for posts 
and _ scantlings 
in building a 
ranch on the 
plan of figure 13 
is less than for 
the plan of fig- 
ure 14, inasmuch 
as adjacent 
yards have a 
common frame 
between them. 

by the greater convenience in caring for the animals and in con- 

trolling them in case they escape from their yards. 

If a fox gets out 

of its yard, it is sure to be discovered in one of the alleys, whence its 

return to its proper 
quarters is a simple 

The supports of a 
fence are ordinarily 
wooden posts, set in 
the ground at inter- 
vals of from 12 to =ZSpucsantyrouniemaly 

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16 feet. The heay- Seow ty) 
ing effect of frost, 5 = 
however, has caused 

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ea Be aS Mik, ayy 


Fic. 10.—Den improvised from a box. 

many fox owners to abandon them for a framework of scantlings 
entirely above ground. The foundation may be of stone, concrete, 


or cresoted planks. The posts of framed fences are tied together 
by the netting and braced from the ground as shown in figure 15. 
A durable and attractive fence support recently adopted by several 
fox owners is shown in figure 16. It has a concrete foundation 4 
feet deep, 9 inches 
thick at the bottom, 
and 6 inches thick 
at the top, and pro- 
jects slightly above 
ground. In this are 
embedded posts of 
1-inch galvanized- 
iron pipe. Tie-rails 
of {-inch pipe con- 
nect these posts at the top and also just above the foundation. 

Wire netting for fox-yard fences has been in use from the begin- 
ning. It allows free circulation of air and permits the animals to 
take an active interest in their surroundings and in one another. 
The netting ordinarily used is like that for poultry runs, except that 

Fic. 11.—Den improvised from a barrel. 

Fig. 12.—An inexpensive type of den. ‘Table in foreground is for the food of parent 
foxes; by means of it young cubs are prevented from obtaining too much meat. 

the wire is heavier. It may be of 2-inch mesh in 14, 15, and 16 gauge. 
The lower part of a fence should be made of the heaviest wire ob- 
tainable, the lighter grades being used for the middle and upper 
parts. As very young foxes are likely to become entangled in 2-inch 
netting or even to go through it, many fox breeders use only 14-inch 
mesh. Those having 2-inch mesh usually reinforce it from 6 inches 
above the surface of the ground to 6 inches below it with boards or a 
strip of 1-inch netting. 


The disposition of 
foxes to take an ad- 
| versary at a disad- 
vantage has led to 
| serious injuries when 
adjoining yards were 
8 separated by only a 
single partition of 
| coarse netting. In a 
number of instances 
| a climbing animal 
has had its foot seized, 
| pulled through the 
- fence, and held by the 

Fie. 13.—Plan for rectangular yards in series; dens with Ok upant of the next 
yards. yard until its frantic 



‘ 150" Ss 

Fic. 14.—Plan for square detached yards; dens and doors in alleys. 


struggles to escape resulted in a badly mangled leg. Such accidents 
can be avoided by making double-walled partitions, the walls sepa- 
rated by at least + inches, or single-walled partitions of 1-inch net- 
ting or of boards. The necessity of erecting double partitions is 
overcome, however, by use of the plan illustrated in figure 14. 

The height of a fence depends somewhat upon the depth of the 
snowfall. In Maine and the Maritime Provinces the usual height is 
9 or 10 feet, while in Laborador it is 12 feet. 
To prevent foxes from digging out, the fence 
is either extended into the ground (fig. 17) or 

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Fic. 15.—Sections of yard'and guard fences, with 
frame supports. The yard fence, a, has a founda- 
tion of creosoted planks. The guard fence, b, rests 
on stones and has a mat to prevent foxes from 
digging out, and an outward overhang to keep out 
dogs and other intruders. 



turned abruptly inward at the surface (fig. 18) to form a mat 3 feet 
wide, the inner edge of which is pinned firmly to the ground and 
usually covered with earth or stone. A fence extended into the 
ground must reach a depth of 4 or 5 feet if the soil is soft, and be 
turned inward a foot at the bottom.. If there is a subsoil of clay or 
hardpan, the fence need not enter it more than 6 inches. Instead of 
netting, the underground part of a fence may be made of 2-inch 
creosoted planks. As foxes climb wire fences readily an inward over- 
hang about 18 inches wide should be placed at the top to prevent 
escape (figs. 15-20). When a fox has scrambled up to an overhang, 


its only means of descending is by falling. Sometimes valuable ani- 
mals have been seriously injured in this way. To prevent accidents 
of this kind an intermediate overhang is sometimes constructed 5 
feet from the ground, as shown in figure 16, or a smooth zone of 
boards or sheet iron is inserted in the upper half of the fence, as 
shown in figure 20. 

The yards for sequestering males are usually adjacent to the main 
yards, with which they are connected by a chute having a sliding 
door (fig. 21), though sometimes they are separated from the family 
yards. It is advisable 
to have them roomy, 
as indicated in figures 
13 and 14, in order 
to give the animals 
enough runway to 
make them vigorous 
during exile. When 
allowed to be together 
the pair may have the 
run of both yards. 
Although quarters for 
constant occupancy 
should be roomy, 
those for temporary 
use, such as are re- 
quired by dealers and 
ranchmen for isolat- . 
ing sick or newly ar- 
rived animals, may be 
comparatively small. 

Temporary pens are 
Fic. 16.—Iron posts and concrete foundations for yard often not more than 
fence, a, and guard fence, b. Note the 18-inch over- 
hangs, two on the yard fence, one of which (5 feet 6 by 10 feet on the 

from the ground) is to prevent foxes from climbing to oround and 4or5 feet 
the top and the resulting injury from the greater fall, = 

high. They are made 
with netting on top, bottom, and sides, stretched over a frame of 
scantlings. The posts do not enter the ground, but rest upon sills, 
to which they are securely nailed. By means of braces the frame 
can be made rigid, and when covered with netting 1s strong enough 
to be moved without weakening. The cheapness, security, and port- 
ability of these pens make them a very useful adjunct. Foxes 
have bred and reared young in temporary pens that were only 12 by 
15 feet, but such narrow quarters are not recommended for perma- 
nent use. 


When alleys are used between pens, as shown in figure 14, it is well 
to have them closed at the outer ends to facilitate the return of 
escaped animals and provided with overhangs. 
Entrance to the yards should be by way of these 

Doors may be made entirely of wood, or of 
netting attached to a durable frame which can 
not be gnawed by a fox or warped (fig. 19). If 
they are divided into upper and lower sections 
of equal size, much of the labor of clearing paths 
when snow is deep can be eliminated by leaving 
the lower half of each door closed. 




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The guard fence surrounding a fox ranch is 
generally constructed like the yard fences already 
described. Where snow drifts badly the fence 
should be built of boards rather than netting, in 
order to keep the snow from piling up in the F6. 17.—Fence extend- 
yards. In addition to the usual inward over- ae 
hang, it should have an outward overhang of barbed wire to keep 
out dogs and other intruders (fig. 15). 


The natural food habits of foxes are similar to those of dogs. 
Birds, mice, rabbits, and other animals are eaten, as well as grass- 
hoppers, crickets, and other insects, eggs, and 
many kinds of berries. In short, the animals are 
practically omnivorous. 

The rations of domesticated foxes include beef, 
horse meat, mutton, veal, woodchucks, rabbits, 
liver, fish, eggs, milk, bread, mashed potatoes, 
crackers, mush, dog biscuit, boiled turnips and 
carrots, and fresh fruits. The selection of meats 
* is largely a. matter of circumstances. At irregu- 

lar and uncertain intervals one may obtain in- 

jured or worn-out but otherwise healthy horses, 

or old sheep that can not be fattened for mut- 
ee es tories ah 3 ton, and these, when slaughtered, make good and 

inward at surface of Cheap meat. Woodchucks and rabbits, freshly 

ground to formamat. killed, are always welcome in a fox yard.. When 
cheap meats fail, beef and poultry are used. 

Fortunately, foxes do not need meat every day. Some keepers 
feed it but two or three times a week. Young foxes are not allowed 







meat until they are four months old, as it is likely to cause rickets. 
Meat intended for a brood vixen may be fastened to the top of a 
table out of the reach of her cubs. 


Fic. 19.—Details of entrance, mat, and overhang of a fox yard. 

Milk, with some sort of bread or cooked mush, is the standard food 
for old and young. Foxes, which are fed twice a day, usually have 
meat in the morning and bread or mush and milk at night. In sum- 
mer the proportion of meat is less than in winter. When smelts or 
trout can be had they are frequently substituted, but fish is not con- 


sidered good for foxes in warm weather. Coarser fishes are some- 
times used, but are not very much in favor. It is not deemed well to 
feed milk and fish on the same day. Milk 
and eggs are often given to females about 
the time cubs are expected, to strengthen 
them, relax their bowels, and allay fever. 
Fish, liver, and tripe are other laxative 
foods which may be used instead of milk 
and eggs. <A diet of eggs, milk, mush, and 
wheat bread without leaven or salt is ex- 

The preparation of food for foxes deserves 
careful attention. All dishes should be kept 
clean. Meat that is diseased, tainted, or in- 
fected with parasites must be boiled. It is 
better to skin rabbits, as their hair readily 
felts and sometimes forms in balls in the 
stomachs of animals which feed on .them. 
Their heads and entrails also should be re- 
moved, as these parts are frequently in- 
fested with parasites. Smelts and small 
cout may be ted. whole, spat, larger fish Ftc: 20.—Section® of a fence 

containing a smooth zone to 
should be dressed and the backbones re- protect foxes from injury 
moved. Chilled meat should be warmed © fom falling. Concrete foun- 

. : dation and iron posts. 

before being offered to cubs or nursing fe- 
males. Oatmeal or cornmeal mush should be thoroughly cooked. 
All food for sick animals should be cooked to make it more digest- 
ible and to free it from disease germs. 

Foxes should be fed regularly twice 
a day, morning and evening. This is 
especially important in hot weather, 
as Whatever is left from the first meal 
will spoil before time for the next. 
By giving at each feeding only the 
proper quantity the injurious effects of 
gorging can be avoided. Overfeeding 
is more dangerous than underfeeding. 

Foxes that are to be slaughtered for 
their pelts are well fed during the 
autumn months, as the finest skins 
usually come from fat animals. Brood 





Fic. 21.—Chute for connecting yards. 
It can be closed by inserting a : 
sliding door in a slot. animals, on the other hand, are kept 

thin throughout the summer and up to about the first of January, 
when their rations are increased to prepare them for the breeding 




Foxes mate in February or March. The mating season is often 
revealed by a brownish discharge and may last anywhere from a 
few hours to two or three days. The gestation period is about 51 
days. The size of litters ranges from one to nine, the average being 
about four. Each male remains faithful to the vixen of his choice 
and is an exemplary husband and father. During the first few days 
after the cubs are born the vixen remains in the den. Meanwhile 
her mate brings her food and remains constantly in the vicinity to 
apprise her by warning barks if an enemy approaches. Attempts 
have been made by fox breeders to mate one male with several fe- 
males in the same season, but, as a rule, the results have not been 

Males are removed from the breeding yards for a part of each year, 
the length of their exile depending upon the relations of the pair. 
If they are quarrelsome, it is best to separate them soon after the 
female becomes pregnant. If, on the contrary, they agree and show 
attachment to each other, it is wise to keep them together until the 
cubs are four weeks old, but after that the male is likely to bite them 
during scrambles for food at meal times. While sequestered, the 
males are usually kept in small pens which may adjoin the breeding 
yards, as shown in figures 13 and 14, or removed to a separate 
inclosure, where they may be allowed to run together in a large 
yard or confined in individual pens. Because of their inclination to 
fight, individual pens are preferable. 

The reproductive period in foxes is about 10 years. Approxi- 
mately 50 per cent of the females in domestication breed each year, 
and the aggregate increase is not far from 100 per cent for the total 
stock on ranches. Failure to breed is attributable to a variety of 
causes, among which are sterility, injuries, worry, and mismating. 
Females barren for two years in succession frequently become pro- 
ductive on being mated to a different male. Prolific vixens, run down 
by several litters in succession, sometimes skip a year in which to 

The excitable disposition of foxes is one of their most troublesome 
characteristics, and no opportunity should be lost to abate it. In 
the breeding season it is very essential that nothing shall occur to 
make them apprehensive. A nervous vixen is likely to refuse the 
attentions of her mate, or to injure herself and cause abortion, or, 
what is still more probable, to destroy her young soon after they 
are born, by neglect, or by taking them from the warm den and 
carrying them about the yard in search of another hiding place. In 
her extreme anxiety she looses all her instinctive prudence. She 
becomes essentially insane, and only the closest attention on the part 
of her keeper can save her cubs. 


From the time the cubs are born until they are two or three weeks 
old constant care must be taken to prevent losses in this manner. 
Any unusual sight, sound, or odor, by day or night, is liable to alarm 
a vixen and cause her to maltreat her young. The best way of 
dealing with a worried vixen is to shut her with her cubs in the den 
for several hours or until she becomes pacified. If she is disturbed 
by the proximity of other foxes, as sometimes happens, her view 
should be limited by boarding in the lower 2 or 3 feet of her yard, 


Young foxes are subject to other troubles which, unless corrected, 
often prove fatal. They may be infested with external or internal 
parasites, or their mothers may not have enough milk to nourish 
them properly. It is very important that their condition from day 
to day be known. But the great value of the cubs and their danger 
from the irritability of their mothers generally cause the keeper to 
refrain from looking into the dens. By watching the behavior of 
the mothers they judge whether the young are doing well. It has 
been demonstrated by at least one progressive keeper that this uncer- 
tainty is by no means necessary. Foxes are not excited by routine 
events. By giving them large two-room dens, similar to the one 
shown in figure 9, and always feeding them in the outer compart- 
ment, they are led to expect the entrance of the keeper as the regular 
preliminary to each meal, and even to welcome it. When the keeper 
enters, they, of course, depart, leaving him free to look into the inner 
den. He should not touch the cubs unless they need attention. 

The young are small and weak at first, and their mother remains 
with them almost constantly for the first three days. They grow 
rapidly and usually begin to appear outside the den in about a month. 
When 6 weeks old they eat more or less solid food. After this they 
may be weaned. Many breeders leave the weaning entirely to the 
vixen unless she is becoming emaciated. A decided advantage in 
weaning cubs when they are 6 or 8 weeks old is that when the keeper 
controls their food he can more easily eradicate the intestinal worms 
which usually infest them. Care should be taken to keep early- 
weaned cubs clean and dry. In case of accident to a mother fox, 
cubs may be reared by cats almost from birth. Not more than two 
cubs should be given to one cat. After they are about 3 weeks old 
their teeth become large and sharp enough to lacerate their foster 
mothers, and they must be reared by hand. 

The taming and training of the foxes when pups tends to the 
production of adult animals which are much more valuable for breed- 
ing purposes. That attempts to tame pups may meet with some 
degree of success is well shown in the illustration on the title page. 



During the day, particularly in fine weather, foxes are generally 
quiet, staying either in their dens or curled up among the branches 
of a tree or upon a shady platform several feet above the ground, 
whence they can see all that goes on around them. Late in the after- 
noon they arouse and until morning engage in a variety of activities. 
Sometimes they run and caper joyfully; sometimes when the soil is 
soft and the yards are not floored they dig, although animals ac- 
customed to captivity rarely show a determined effort to escape by 
this means. When suddenly frightened they often attempt to escape 
by climbing the fence. 

In the majority of fox yards the inmates skulk and hide whenever 
anyone approaches, although ordinary travel along a thoroughfare 
a hundred yards or more away gives them no apparent concern. All 
moving objects interest them keenly. Birds alighting within their 
yards often fall prey to their agility. Among themselves they are 
generally at peace, but a flash of treachery is likely to be displayed 
whenever one animal finds another at a disadvantage. One fox will . 
seize and mangle another’s foot that has been carelessly placed on 
the intervening fence, or will maim or kill a neighbor’s cubs. 

The natural timidity of foxes can be largely dissipated by special 
efforts to domesticate them in the full sense of the word. By wean- 
ing them early and thereafter feeding them from the hand, they 
usually become gentle and attached to their pens. When animals 
escape they sometimes return of their own accord or allow their 
keepers to capture them without difficulty. For example, a tame red 
fox after being liberated from a ranch maintained for cross and 
silver foxes went to live in the woods but presented himself early 
each morning at the gate of the ranch to be let in for a visit with his 
former comrades. After a time he commenced a burrow on a dry 
knoll in one corner of the outer yard and devoted half an hour daily 
to its extension. Although his career was, unfortunately, cut short 
by a trapper, he lived long enough to indicate very clearly that the 
wildness of foxes can be modified or even overcome. 


Unless foxes are diseased or injured, it is rarely necessary to lay 
hands on them. When one is to be removed from its yard, ordi- 
narily it can be first driven into its den and thence into a small 
handling box having a sliding door at one end and strong wire net- 
ting covering one side. In this manner it can be transferred without 
danger of injury to itself or its keeper. It is best to darken the 
handling box by covering it or by turning the netted side downward 
on the ground before attempting to drive a fox into it. In actually 


handling grown foxes it is prudent to wear gloves to guard against 
being bitten, though this precaution is not always adopted by ex- 
perienced keepers. An effective device for catching foxes is a pair 
of tongs with jaws curved to form a circle 24 inches in diameter. 
The fox is first driven into its den or into a large covered box. 
Then the cover is raised barely enough to let the tongs pass in and 
grasp the fox around the neck. By holding the tongs in one hand 
and grasping the hind feet and tail of the fox with the other, the 
animal can be held securely. 

Healthy foxes if properly boxed and cared for can be shipped 
safely almost any distance. Two foxes, or even more than two, are 
sometimes shipped in the same compartment, but this is inadvisable 
unless the distance is short. As a rule, a box containing two should 
be partitioned, each animal having a space equivalent to 2 by 3 feet 
on the floor and 1} feet high. About half of one side of the box 
should be removed and the opening covered with wire netting to 
allow ventilation and inspection. Shippers often cover the entire 
box with netting or tin to preclude the possibility of escape. A dish 
for water should be fastened to the floor close to the front, where it 
can easily be filled. Foxes are not usually injured by a fast of three 
or four days, but they should not be allowed to suffer from thirst. 
Express companies, if duly instructed, will feed animals en route and 
add the cost to the regular transportation charge. In case the ani- 
mals are very valuable or are to be shipped a long distance, an 
attendant should accompany them. 


Generally speaking, sickness is not common among domesticated 
foxes that are well cared for. Once in a while one breaks a leg as 
the result of a fall or, more often, from entanglement in wire netting 
having too coarse meshes. Lacerations rarely result twice from the 
same cause or from fighting. Even more rarely is a fox choked while 
eating. Passing meat and small or soft bones and cartilage through 
a bone grinder will not only prevent choking, but allow enough bone 
to be fed with the meat to produce sturdy animals. Simple fractures, 

_uncomplicated by abrasions, will mend if untouched, but it is better 
to bind splints upon the wounded limb to keep it in proper shape, 
and then to apply iodoform to prevent the animal from tearing them 
off. When a bone is badly shattered, and especially when it pro- 
trudes, the leg should be amputated. Anesthetics are likely to kill 
foxes and hence should not be used. Flesh wounds ordinarily require 
no attention other than washing once or twice a day in warm carbo- 
Jated water or with Castile soap, followed by an application of 
hydrogen peroxide. 


Thus far no widespread disease among foxes has made its appear- 
ance. When diseases occur they mainly affect the digestive organs, 
and usually can be traced to improper feeding. Indigestion and 
inflammation of the bowels are not uncommon among cubs. Isola- 
tion in clean, dry quarters is the first step toward a cure, and rest and 
fasting are better than medicine. A spoonful of milk diluted with 
six spoonfuls of boiled water will quench thirst and aid in maintain- 
ing strength. The feces should be examined daily. Constipation is 
frequent, and it is especially dangerous to vixens during the first 
three days after the birth of their cubs. It can generally be cor- 
rected by a laxative diet, as milk, liver, or veal, but in extreme cases 
a dose of castor oil or an injection of soapsuds may be necessary. 
A protracted attack of diarrhea can usually be checked by a purge of 
castor oil followed by small doses of laudanum. Generally, however, 
a day or two of fasting followed by short rations of cooked milk or 
milk and eggs, at intervals of two or three hours, will effect a cure. 
During such an attack vitality runs low, and care must be taken to 
keep the afflicted animal in a warm, dry place. It should have access 
to water that has been boiled. Growing cubs are frequently subject 
to weakened and distorted legs. This disease, known as rickets, 
‘an be prevented by including ground bone in their meat rations and 
by adding limewater to their milk. The bones of calves and those 
from the briskets of beeves are comparatively easy to crush so that 
foxes can swallow them. 

At quarantine stations where imported animals are examined, 
particular attention is directed to symptoms of rabies and mange. 
The fact that rabies, or hydrophobia, is communicable to man makes 
it doubly dreaded. Fortunately it has not appeared among domes- 
ticated foxes so far as known. Mange is characterized by a loss of 
fur. It is caused by a tiny parasite, somewhat like the itch mite, 
and is, therefore, very contagious. Were it to obtain a foothold 
among domesticated foxes, it would seriously hamper and perhaps 
ruin this branch of the fur industry. All animals showing a tendency 
to have bare spots should be isolated at once. The diseased parts 
should be treated daily with ointments, as petrolatum or a mixture 
of lard and sulphur. 

Foxes serve as hosts for a number of other parasites. Lice and 
fleas infest their hair and skin, while roundworms and tapeworms 
drain their vitality from within. The death of a fox has occasionally 
been attributed to lice. Even if not fatal, lice and fleas diminish 
the vigor of their hosts and should be persistently combated. Some 
fox breeders dip all their animals in a nonpoisonous bath such as is 
commonly used for dipping sheep. It is well in any case to dust the 
dens with sulphur and insect powder at frequent intervals. 


The intestinal worms infesting foxes are difficult to eradicate. 
Probably more young foxes succumb to the effects of roundworms 
than to any other cause. These worms are whitish and cylindrical, 
tapering toward either extremity. Among the symptoms indicating 
their presence are dullness, barking, frothing at the mouth, dragging 
the body by the forelegs, and convulsions. The flat, jointed tape- 
worm, often a foot or more in length, is a less fatal as well as a less 
common internal parasite, but animals suffering from them are ema- 
ciated and lack overfur or guard hairs. As a cure for worms one 
breeder of long experience frequently gives his cubs a meal of crushed 
flaxseed and milk, alternating now and then with six or eight drops 
of spirits of turpentine in milk. Another doses his cubs every fort- 
night after they are four weeks old with a proprietary vermifuge put 
up in gelatine capsules for puppies and pet dogs, beginning with half 
the contents of one capsule. Castor oil containing a few drops of 
turpentine is also recommended. Any remedy administered by hand 
must be pushed down below the base of the tongue, when it will be 
involuntarily swallowed. 

A fox sometimes dies from no assignable cause. More often 
fatalities can be traced to a lack of care or foresight. The dishes 
from which the animals eat and drink should be washed daily and 
scalded frequently. The water should be clean and changed daily. 
The food should be varied and wholesome. Danger from unwhole- 
some food is well illustrated in the experience of one ranchman who 
lost several of his choice breeders through feeding them spoiled fish ; 
and another who lost $100,000 worth of cubs as a result of thought- 
lessly exposing meat overnight to the fumes of gasoline in his slaugh- 
terhouse. The appearance of each animal should be critically noted 
every day. On many of the larger ranches a doctor is regularly em- 
ployed to look after the health of the stock. In the care of foxes an 
ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. 


The fact that domestic animals originated from wild stock and 
that improved strains have from time to time been secured makes it 
reasonable to assume that other wild animals can be differentiated 
and improved by the same method, namely, selective breeding. So 
far as foxes are concerned, this has already been done. The pioneer 
fox breeders began with ordinary silvers, which have a tendency to 
produce red as well as silver progeny. At that time dark pelts were 
more valuable than light-colored ones. By regularly disposing of 
the less desirable cubs and breeding only from the best, the tendency 
to throw red was soon eliminated and the color of the fur greatly 
improved. Within 16 years from the time the two pioneer fox 


breeders built their ranch they were sending to market the finest 
fox pelts in the world. 

The tendency of wild silvers to produce red progeny is accounted 
for by the fact that owing to their scarcity probably only one in a 
hundred can have a silver mate; perhaps three in a hundred may 
mate with cross, foxes, which are merely hybrids, or descendants from 
hybrids, between silvers and reds; and the remaining ninety-six must 
mate with reds. In any event, although some of the cubs may be 
silver, all of them will inherit from their red ancestors a tendency to 
throw red. As has already been pointed out, however, this tendency 
very soon disappears under the influence of careful breeding. Gen- 
erally speaking, pure strains of silver foxes breed true. So also do | 
pure strains of red. When a red and silver are mated together, the 
color of the progeny can not be foretold. The cubs may be red with 
black throats, or they may be crosses, or a mixture of the two. One 
or more may be silver, but this is unusual. Random breeding from 
silvers and crosses of unknown pedigree is equally uncertain, as is 
shown by the following results: 

A silver mated with a red produced two crosses, which when mated 
together produced one red and four silvers. <A silver and a cross 
produced three silvers and two reds. <A cross and a red produced 

two crosses and two reds. A cross and a cross produced two silvers, 

two crosses, and one red. Another pair of crosses produced nine 
crosses. A red of silver-cross parentage mated with a red of silver 
parentage produced one silver and two crosses. A silver and a red 
produced in two successive years thirteen silvers. <A pair of reds 
from the same litter as two silvers produced three silvers, one cross, 
and two reds. <A pair of silvers produced one silver and five reds, 
two of which, when mated together, produced three silvers and one 
red the first year and two silvers the next year. Another pair of 
silvers produced four crosses, while a silver and a cross produced a 
litter of all silvers. 

These results indicate the uncertainty of breeding at random, but 
they show also that if a fox of any color whatever has a silver strain, 
the silver can be made to appear in succeeding generations by selec- 
tive breeding. This fact is most important. Suppose a breeder has 
a strain of silvers lacking in size, or fecundity, or in some other 
desirable particular. He can introduce specimens having the desired 
qualities without having to consider color. A red fox can be used 
if one of better color is not available. In the course of three or four 
generations the silver can be fully reinstated. Among the features 
to be considered besides color are size, fineness of fur, fecundity, do- 
cility, and hardiness. Fecundity appears to be a hereditary trait 
among foxes, daughters of prolific mothers being themselves gen- 
erally prolific. How rapidly other desirable characters can be in- 

corporated remains to be determined. As with poultry, horses, and 
other farm animals, so it is with foxes. Each breeder should strive 
to perfect his animals according to some standard. Eventually there 
may be several standards based upon varied uses or requirements. 

The process of developing improved strains can undoubtedly be 
shortened by taking advantage of local variations in foxes. One of 
the lines of investigation conducted by the Biological Survey includes 
the geographic variations of North American mammals, and from 
this it is possible to say not only where silvers and crosses occur most 
frequently, but where the largest and the best-furred foxes are found. 
Upward of 20 species or subspecies of red foxes have been named in 
the United States and Canada. The medium-sized foxes along the 
North Atlantic coast are notable for their fine silky hair. The 
largest foxes are in Alaska and on the Plains northward from Minne- 
sota and North Dakota. The large size of Alaskan coast foxes is 
offset by long, coarse pelage, which is decidedly longer on the shoulders 
and back of the neck than on the back and hips. It remains to be 
seen whether in crossing them with the smaller, finer-haired animals 
the progeny will be large or small, coarse-haired or fine, or inter- 
mediates. There can be little doubt, however, that in the long run 
such a cross will result in larger fine-haired foxes than any now exist- 
ing. The northern part of the red fox’s range has, as a rule, a larger 
proportion of silvers than has the southern. An exception is found 
in the Cascade Mountains in Washington, Oregon, and California, 
where, judging from specimens in the National Museum, the per- 
centage of melanistic specimens is very large. They have little to 
recommend them besides color, however, as they are small and have 
rather coarse fur. 

Black and silver foxes are found in North America practically 
throughout the range of the red fox. The best-furred animals do not 
occur, however, throughout this range, but are obtained mainly in 
restricted areas. Jor instance, skins from the Tanana River district 
in Alaska and the adjacent part of Yukon Territory, from certain 
other parts of northern Canada, and from the North Atlantic coast 
from Maine to Labrador, including Prince Edward and other islands, 
are of about the same grade. This is recognized by the leading 
London furriers, who report that “in our opinion fox skins from 
Labrador, Newfoundland, or Alaska are equal in quality to those 
from Prince Edward Island.” 

It is not known that any particular geographic race of foxes 
is especially characterized by fecundity or docility. These qualities 
are probably individual, occurring in about the same proportion 
everywhere, and while of secondary importance, in the long run 
they are sure to be favorable to success in fox farming. Already 
prolific pairs bring much higher prices than those which have thrown 


small litters or have not been tested. Inasmuch as one of the main 
causes of loss among young cubs is the timidity and nervousness of 
vixens, the development of more docile strains will result in corre- 
sponding increase in the birth rate. Some male foxes are much better 
mates and sires than others. In selecting breeders the temperament 
of males as well as of vixens should be considered. The physical 
development and potency of males are also essential factors. Young 
males that are not strong or not well developed when six months old 
are not likely to be of use in the breeding yards the first year and 
should not be selected for sires. 

Food is recognized as a very important element in the develop- 
ment of good animals. The finest specimens of domestic cattle are 
those which have been fed most wisely. As regards foxes, much 
remains to be learned concerning the effects of different rations upon 
such matters as fecundity, character of fur, and rate and limits of 
growth. It should be a part of every breeder’s plan to discover all 
he can about the relative values of foods and methods of handling, 
as influencing the process of selective breeding. Ultimate success or 
failure in fox farming depends largely upon the aspirations of those 
engaged in it. If breeders earnestly, consistently, and indefatigably 
endeavor to improve their stock and to produce pelts that are larger, 
softer, and more uniformly colored than the usual run, there can be 
no question as to the result. There will never come a time when an 
extra fine silver fox pelt will not command a good price nor when a 
breed producing such pelts will not be in demand. 


Contentment and vigor of the animals within a ranch is of the 
utmost importance. Whatever contributes toward increasing these 
qualities should be incorporated if possible. It is well to test young 
foxes with such toys as a ball, a tin can, or a piece of woolen cloth, 
with a view to amusing them and exciting a spirit of playfulness. 
A variety of objects in which they can hide and upon which they can 
mount for a survey of their surroundings, as hollow logs, stumps, 
brush piles, or open barrels, is desirable. 

While the suggestions given under this heading apply primarily to 
persons having large capital invested in fox farming, they will also 
be found helpful to those operating on a small scale. The present 
value of silver foxes is so great that every precaution is taken to pre- 
vent accidents, sickness, or other misfortunes. Watchmen are kept on 
guard day and night. The keeper’s lodge is just outside the guard 
fence. In addition there is sometimes a tower, from the top of which 
a view can be had of all the yards. Here are recorded the progress of 
events in the breeding season; and from here quarrels, accidents, or 
signs of sickness can be discovered without alarming the animals. 


A tower 12 or 15 feet square and three stories high, fitted up as a 
3-room house, would contain on the top floor the watchman’s couch, 
chair, and field glasses, his table and writing materials; a cook stove, 
pantry, sink, and other kitchen appurtenances will be on the ground 
floor, and here food for the foxes can be conveniently prepared. 
Somewhere about the place there will be a medicine chest and various 
tools likely to be needed in an emergency. 

Risk of loss by theft or escape is lessened by installing electric 
lights which can be turned on at any time, and an electric burglar 
alarm. Bulldogs are used to reenforce the night watchman; and on 
some ranches bloodhounds are kept for tracking thieves. Foxes that 
escape generally return to the vicinity of the ranch when hungry, 
and a number of small steel traps having the jaws wound with cloth 
should be kept on hand to catch them. Ranch foxes have less endur- 
ance than wild ones, and a good hound can usually overtake one after 
a short run. The manager of a ranch on Prince Edward Island has 
a hound which on several occasions has assisted in the capture of 
foxes without hurting them in the least. Such dogs are excellent 
insurance against loss by escape. 

Other accessories of a fox ranch, and those most prominent, pertain 
to food supplies. There must be facilities for slaughtering horses, 
cattle, and smaller animals; an ice house and a refrigerator for keep- 
ing the meat fresh until it can be used; and conveniences for drying, 
smoking, and salting meat that must be kept a long time. A 
screened room or box is necessary to protect stored meat from flies. 
Cows are needed to furnish milk, an important element in the diet of 
domestic foxes. In a dairy region calves are disposed of when but 
2 or 3 days old. At that age they are small, and their flesh is soft. 
Sometimes there are more calves on hand than can be used imme- 
diately. By having cows to suckle them a few weeks, the veal, 
improved in quality and increased in quantity, will be available when 
needed. Rabbits are the natural prey of wild foxes. They have an 
important place on a fox ranch as a fox food which can be drawn 
upon at any time, which is always fresh, and which is in such small 
units that ice or other preservatives are unnecessary. 

Occasionally a vixen having young cubs is unable to give them 
proper attention. Then a foster parent must be supplied at once or 
the cubs will die. To provide for emergencies of this kind, every 
ranch should include several female cats. 


The products of a fox farm—breeding stock and pelts—are ready 
for market at definite seasons. The live animals are mainly sold 
during the autumn, as it is to the interest of buyers to have their 
stock fully accustomed to new surroundings before the breeding sea- 


son. By the middle of September young foxes are large enough and 
the weather is sufficiently cool for shipping with safety. When there 
is not an adequate local demand, foxes are generally disposed of by 
advertising in publications devoted to furs, fur farming, or trapping. 
Shipments of live stock by express are generally at the risk and ex- 
pense of the purchaser. Valuable animals are usually accompanied 
by a caretaker, especially if the journey lasts more than two days. 
Skins of foxes killed late in December, when fox fur is in its finest 
condition, are ready for market in January. Foxes are skinned by 
making a cut straight from one heel along the rear edges of the 
hind legs and beneath the tail to the other heel, and withdrawing 
‘the body through this slit. The skin of the tail should be cut along 
the lower side, its entire length, and the bone removed in order that 
air may come freely into contact with the flesh side and dry it 
quickly. Unless this precaution is taken, the tip of the tail is likely 
to decompose and lose its hair. For the same reason the back skin 
of the ears should be separated from the cartilage to which it is 
attached. When the operation of skinning is over, the pelt is freed 
from particles of fat and muscle. It is then drawn, flesh side out, 
over a stretching board similar to the one shown in figure 22, not 

Fic. 22.—Diagram for stretching board for casing skins. The wedge makes it adjustable 
in width and facilitates removal from a skin. 

for the purpose of actually stretching the skin but to prevent it from 
shrinking and becoming wrinkled as it hardens. Before the skin is 
completely dry it should be removed from the board, turned hair 
side out, and hung by the nose where it will be free from pressure on 
all sides. No preservative is required. Although raw fur buyers 
are to be found in nearly every town in fur-producing regions, fox 
farmers prefer to sell their peltries direct to metropolitan establish- 
ments, where rare furs are handled extensively and where experi- 
enced furriers are familiar with values. 

In preparing valuable peltries for market, extreme care should 
be taken to prevent blood from coming in contact with the fur. 
With this in view, the method of killing commonly adopted is to lay 
the fox on its side on clean snow, and then to compress its chest by 
standing upon it.. This stops the action of the heart and lungs and 
death follows immediately. The same result, without the unpleasant 
features connected with thus catching and smothering the animal, 
can be obtained by means of a killing box, which from a humani- 
tarian point of view is preferable. This is merely a tight wooden 


box into which the fox is to be driven from its den. When the fox 
is inside and the door securely closed, an ounce or two of chloroform 
or carbon bisulphide is poured through a hole in one of the upper 
corners into a wide, shallow dish, as a tin pie plate, fixed just below 
in such manner that the fox can neither get into it nor upset it. The 
hole through which the pouring is done should be corked at once and 
every part of the box made practically air-tight. The smaller and 
tighter the compartment the less will be the quantity of anesthetic 
required. The box should not be opened within half an hour. 

In localities where fox farming is carried on extensively, it will 
be found advantageous for producers to establish a selling agency 
in charge of one familiar with the fur trade. In this way it will be 
possible to match many of the skins and sell them in sets at a higher 
price than can be obtained for odd skins. 



The cost of establishing a fox ranch varies according to the mate- 
rials used, transportation facilities, and the proportion of labor per- 
formed by the owner. The factory price of the netting described 
in the section relating to inclosures is from 1 to 3 cents a square foot, 
according to the mesh and size of wire, when sold in rolls containing ~ 
150 linear feet. It is manufactured in the various widths required 
for different parts of the fences. Ordinarily in a fur country the 
expense for lumber would not be great. A considerable saving can 
sometimes be made by building the guard fence of boards instead 
of netting. The average life of the netting is about 12 years, except 
when exposed to sea air, in which case it is only about 8 or 10 years. 

Feeding a fox costs from $5 to $15 a year. On a farm where there 
are cows and where grain and vegetables can be raised, it is not neces- 
sary to buy very much fox food. Except on large ranches devoted 
exclusively to fox raising and where a special keeper must be em- 
ployed, the care of a few foxes will not entail much outlay. 

The fixed annual charges against a pair of silver foxes will vary 
with the locality, value of equipment, etc. On some ranches it 
has been estimated about as follows: Interest on cost of yards, $10; 
depreciation of yards, $10; food, $20; and attendance, $50; amount- 
ing to $90; added to this must be a reasonable charge for interest on 
the original cost of the pair. -Killing foxes at the age of 4 or 5 years, 
when their pelts are good, and breeding always from young stock 
may be practicable, but this point has not yet been decided. As a 
rule, one may expect to keep choice animals as long as they are pro- 
ductive; that is, about 10 years. Deterioration, therefore, on the live 
stock will be 10 per cent; and to this should be added 10 per cent for 
insurance against loss by death, escape, or theft. 


The value of breeding stock has fluctuated greatly in the past. _ 
gener ‘al, it he pik: on the emrent demand for silver fox Kk 

and quality of fur have been fixed, are worth for breeding pu 
as much more than ordinary stock as pure-bred horses ce 1 
common horses. z. 
As has been pointed out under the subject of improved strains, 
crosses and reds derived from silvers throw a proportion of sil 
cubs. It is feasible, therefore, if one is willing to sacrifice the 
required, to obtain a stock of silvers from these more common fo 
which cost comparatively little. 


The profits from silver fox farming have generally been large. 
Prjor to 1910 they were derived almost wholly from pelts, but siz 
then they have come mainly from the sale of breeding stock. 
lowing the decline of the speculative phase of the fox industry, 
ranch-raised silver fox pelts reappeared at fur sales, and brot 
e couraging prices, a few going as high as $1,000 each. Janu 
quotations for first-grade skins during the 12 years from 1905 
1916 average about $600 each. Out of a miscellaneous collection 
of silver fox skins, principally wild, disposed of at auction early 
in 1916, 60 were sold at an average of $550. Many wild skins are 
necessarily imperfect, being unprime, worn, or not well colored, 
those from selected domestic animals killed when their fur is at 
best may be confidently expected to rank as first-class goods. 

The supply of silver fox pelts must always come from cold climates 
beyond the more thickly settled temperate regions. They are not 
likely, therefore, to become overabundant. Red fox skins have been 
marketed for many years. -"Their numbers, while fluctuating con- 
siderably from year to year, on the whole have remained approxi- 
mately constant. Their average value, however, has increased. But 
the supply from wild foxes can never be greater than it is now 
Already red foxes can be raised and their pelts sold without I 
and it may be probable that before many years the rise in fur values 
and the introduction of more economical methods of ranching will 
result in making the raising of red foxes profitable. The silvers 
are of superior beauty and many years must pass before — can 
become common. 

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