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Full text of "Dutch N. W. New Guinea. A contribution to the phytogeography and flora of the Arfak mountains, & c"

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DUTCH    N.W.    NEW    GUINEA. 


TO    THE 


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L.    S.    GIBBS,    F.L.S.,  F.R.M.S. 

With   Four   Plates    and    Sixteen    Text-figures. 

(Read  before  the  Newcastle  Meeting  of  the  British  Association 
for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  September  1916.) 


JULY  1017. 

Price  12s.  6</. 


(All  riyhts  reserved.) 

-  > 




INTRODUCTION          1 

1.  HISTORICAL          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  1 

2.  SUMMARY  OF  PREVIOUS  WORK            2 

3.  SCOPE  AND  CONDITIONS  OP  PRESENT  WORK  ...         ...         ...         ...  5 


1.  TOPOGRAPIIY            ...             ...             ...             ...             ...             ...             ...             ...  7 

a.  The  Immediate  Shore-Line  ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          ...  8 

1.  "  Korang "  or  Coral-Limestone  Zone           ...          ...          ...          ...  9 

c.  Inhabited  Zone  of  Foot-hills  and  Lower  Ranges    ...          ...          ...  11 

d.  Crests  of  Main  Range  and  Lake  Basins      ...          ...          ...          ...  11 

2.  METEOROLOGY      13 

3.  PlIYTOGEOGRAPHY                14 


a.  BEACH  FORMATION :  Immediate  Shore-Line     ...          ...          15 

1.  INUNDATION  FOREST  BELT  :  "  Korang  "  or  Coral- Limestone  Zone      ...  16 

c.  SECONDARY  ASSOCIATIONS  :    Inhabited  Zone  of  Foot-hills  and  Lower 

Ranges            18 

d.  Low  MOUNTAIN  FOREST  FORMATION  ABOVE  7000'  (to  which  syste- 

matic collection  was  limited)  :  Crests  of  Main  Range  and  Lake 

Basins             ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          21 



A.  FOREST  ASSOCIATIONS    ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  27 

1  a.  Mossless  Forest. 

1  ft.  Aruucaria  Forest. 

2  a.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest. 

2  /3.  Dwarfed  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest. 
2  y.  Shrubberies. 
3.       Mossy  Forest. 


a.  S.W.  RIDGE              .' 27 

la.    Mossless  Forest,  ±7000-7500'  (trees  ±40-50') 27 

2 a,  ft.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest,  7500-8500'  (trees  20-40')...  28 

3.       Mossy  Forest,  8000'  (trees  10-20')             29 

1.  LAKE  BASIN,  7000' 29 

2  a.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest  (trees  40-50') 29 

1/3.  Araucaria  Forest       ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          ...  31 

3.      Mossy  Forest              32 

2  j3.  Dwarfed  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest  (trees  10') 33 

c.  SLOPES  OF  KOEBRE  MOUNTAIN       ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  33 

2  a.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest,  7000-7500'  (trees  30-40')     ...  33 
2  /3.  Dwarfed   Intermediate   Mossy   Forest,   7500-8500'   (trees 

10-30')       33 

2  y.  Shrubberies  bordering  Crest  of  Mountain,  8500-9000'       ...  34 

B.  OPEN  "OPPORTUNITY"  ASSOCIATIONS  ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  34 

a.  S.W.  EIDGE,  7000-8500'     ' 34 

Papuan  Rest-  and  Camping-places            ...          ...          ...          ...  34 

Small  Landslips     35 

b.  MARSH  BY  $  LAKE,  7000' 35 

Sand  Pans  with  running  water     ...          ...          ...          ...          ...  35 

Denser  Sedge  Growth  in  Boggy  Areas     ...          ...          36 

Shallow  Standing  Water 37 

Grass-jungle  on  Edge  of  Forest   ...          ...          ...          ...          ...  37 

c.  OPEN  SUMMIT  OF  KOEBRE  MOUNTAIN,  9030'        ...         ...         ...  37 

Cladonia  Association         ...          ...          ...          ...          ...          ...  37 






1.  ARFAK  MOUNTAINS          ...         ...         ...         ...         ...  59 

2.  DOREI  BAT,  ISLANDS  TO  HUMBOLDT  BAY         ...         ...         185 

EXPLANATION  OF  THE  PLATES            223 

\_The  altitudes  given  are  approximate^ 







THE  history  of  the  navigation  and  exploration  of  Now  Guinea  from  the 
earliest  times  has  been  most  exhaustively  summarised  by  Dr.  Wichmann  in 
the  two  volumes  of  history  included  in  "  Nova  Guinea."  The  following 
account  is,  therefore,  strictly  limited  to  records  of  botanical  collections  and 
observations  in  N.W.  New  Guinea  alone. 

From  historical  times  the  N.W.  coast  of  Dutch  New  Guinea  paid  tribute 
to  the  Sultans  of  Tidor,  and  was  subsequently  included  in  the  Residency  of 
Termite,  which  now  administers  the  whole  of  the  Sultan's  dominions. 
Termite,  the  capital,  has  always  been  the  centre  of  the  N.  New  Guinea 
trade  in  Bird*-of-Paradise,  the  "  Passaros  del  Sol "  of  the  old  Portuguese 
navigators,  who  widely  distributed  these  highly  prized  objects  both  east  and 
west,  Oriental  potentates  and  Moorish  sultans  with  their  courtiers  vying  in 
the  possession  of  such  treasured  symbols  of  royal  power  and  magnificence, 
which  adorned  the  headgear  on  ceremonious  occasions. 

Subsequent  to  this  the  golden  returns  from  the  spice  trade  in  the 
Moluccas,  a  monopoly  most  stringently  held  by  the  Dutch  East  India  Co., 
attracted  the  attention  of  other  European  nations.  In  the  search  both  for 
wild  varieties  of  the  precious  trees  and  suitable  areas  for  possible  exploitation, 

N.  New  Guinea  offered  the  most  promising  field,  the  Dutch,  from  their  base 
in  the  Moluccas,  again  holding  most  of  the  trumps.  All  navigation  or 
detailed  survey  of  the  N.W.  coasts  of  the  country,  with  investigation  into 
the  numbers  and  condition  of  the  inhabitants,  dates  from  this  period — about 
the  18th  century. 

In  j-ecent  years,  thanks  to  the  dictates  of  fashion  and  enhanced  value,  the 
volume  of  the  trade  in  Birds-of-Paradise  has  again  enormously  increased, 
regulated,  however,  in  the  Dutch  Possessions  by  most  adequate  measures, 
stringently  enforced,  for  the  protection  of  these  beautiful  creatures. 

All  intercourse  in  N.W.  New  Guinea  during  the  open  season  is  dependent 
on  this  trade.  Thanks  to  the  enterprise  of  Tidorese,  Malay,  Arab,  and 
Chinese  traders,  in  whose  hands  it  is  chiefly  concentrated,  the  coast  Papuans 
have  been  brought  more  or  less  into  contact  with  the  outside  world.  This 
has  resulted  in  a  certain  amount  of  intermarriage,  as  a  ready  means  of  con- 
solidating and  extending  trade  relations  in  the  chief  centres  of  distribution, 
and  also  in  spreading  a  knowledge  of  Malay,  even  in  remoter  communities. 
In  the  season  the  chief  trading-stations  swarm  with  the  miscellaneous  agents 
engaged  in  this  lucrative  business,  whilst  the  Papuans  are  occupied  in  hunting 
in  the  interior  on  their  own  account,  or  for  the  various  Ternate  traders  or 
agents,  so  that  it  is  next  to  impossible  to  obtain  quarters  or  procure  native 
hunters  or  carriers.  It  is  advisable  to  take  this  fact  into  consideration  in 
connection  with  biological  work  in  this  part  of  the  country. 


Geelvink  Bay  was  first  discovered  and  mapped  out  in  1705  (21,  i. 
138-152)  by  Jacob  Weyland,  who  commanded  the  ships  'Geelvink'  and 
'  Nova  Guinea/  In  the  course  of  his  work  he  touched  at  Dorei  Bay, 
situated  to  the  N.W.  of  Geelvink  Bay. 

In  1775  Forrest  (1,  95-114)  in  the  'Tartar,'  a  10-ton  ship,  in  which 
he  had  sailed  from  Balambangan  to  obtain  nutmeg  and  clove  trees  for 
the  purpose  of  introducing  them  into  that  island, l  spent  part  of  January 
and  February  at  Dorei,  enjoying  fine  weather  all  the  time,  and  his 
excellent  straightforward  account  is  quite  one  of  the  best  relating  to  this 
place.  The  'Tartar'  lay  off  Wousi,  where  Forrest  describes  the  whaleback 
Papuan  houses  spreading  over  the  water,  as  they  are  still  to  be  seen  at  the 
present  day,  and  also  the  Arfak  Mountains  rising  below  Dorei.  He  even 
mentions  Oranswari  and  Wariap  as  two  inhabited  places  along  the  coast 
to  the  south,  and  notes  the  correct  time  to  reach  them  by  fast  sailing  in  a 
favourable  wind.  He  states  that  the  people  had  many  prnus,  and  were  said 

1  Off  N.  Borneo. 

to  deal  honestly  with  the  Chinese  who  traded  with  them,  conditions  which 
still  prevail. 

In  July  182-1,  Duperrey  (21,  i.  316)  in  the  'Coquille'  spent  over  a 
fortnight  at  Dorei,  and  the  first  collection  of  plants  from  there  was  made 
by  Lesson,  the  surgeon  accompanying  the  expedition  (2,  ii.  534). 

Dumont  d'Urville  (3,  iv.  578-612)  in  the  Voyage  of  the  '  Astrolabe '  gives 
a  verv  good  general  account  of  Dorei  Bay,  where  he  stayed  in  August  1827, 
after  the  discovery  of  Humboldt  Bay,  which  was  named,  but  not  touched  ;it. 
He  mentions  taking  in  water  "  au  limpide  ruisseau  de  Wirsi,"  and  refers  to 
the  very  rainy  weather.  The  local  Papuans  are  described  as  living  in  terror 
of  the  Arfakis,  some  mountain  tribes  established  above  Wousi  on  what  is 
now  the  site  of  Manokoeari,  who  were  always  treacherously  attacking  the 
coast  people,  one  such  attack  occurring  duriug  the  stay  of  the  '  Astrolabe/ 
Lesson,  who  accompanied  him,  made  another  collection  of  plants. 

Wallace  in  1858  (5,  ii.  298-326)  spent  three  months  and  a  half,  from 
March  to  July,  at  Dorei  Bay  collecting  zoological  specimens,  and  was  there 
when  the  S.S.  'Etna'  (8,  78),  fitted  out  by  the  Dutch  Netherlands  Indian 
Government  for  ethnological  and  natural  history  investigations,  put  into 
the  bay  in  June  of  that  year.  Some  of  the  'Etna's'  company  attempted  to 
ascend  the  Arfak  (8,  73)  from  the  N.  side,  but  turned  back  after  reaching 

In  September  1872,  D'Albertis  (9,  67-71),  having  spent  three  months  at 
Andai  with  Beccari  making  zoological  collections,  succeeded  in  reaching 
Hatam,  an  Alfuero  village,  situated  at  5000',  three  days'  journey  from  Andai, 
where  he  spent  a  month,  enduring  great  privations.  This  intrepid  explorer 
was  the  first  European  to  penetrate  into  these  mountains  and  reveal  their 
ornithological  treasures,  for,  of  the  magnificent  collection  of  Birds-of- 
Paradise  and  other  types  obtained  by  him,  nearly  all  proved  new  to 

In  June  1875,  Hatam  was  again  visited,  this  time  by  Beccari  (11,  35-38), 
who  spent  a  month  in  this  inhospitable  place,  much  hindered  by  rains  and 
swollen  torrents.  He  attained  2040  in.  in  exploring  the  surrounding  heights, 
and  brought  back,  in  addition  to  much  valuable  zoological  material,  a  large 
collection  of  plants  unfortunately  not  yet  fully  worked  out. 

Rosenberg  in  1869  and  1870  (10)  made  several  journeys  to  Dorei  and 
the  adjacent  islands  of  the  N.W.  coast,  of  which  he  gives  an  interesting 
description.  Accompanied  by  Malay  hunters  he  spent  three  months  at 
Andai,  staying  with  the  Missionary  VVoelders,  with  the  intention  of  attaining 
Hatam  (10,  99).  Several  abortive  attempts  were  made,  and  he  claims  this 
achievement  for  his  hunters,  a  claim  since  disproved  (21,  ii.  142).  A 
vocabulary  of  the  Noemfoer  (coast)  and  the  Alfuero  (mountain)  languages, 
with  some  excellent  original  drawings,  are  included  in  his  book. 


Teysmann,  the  well-known  Dutch  botanist,  visited  Dorei  in  1871  (14, 
61-95),  and  also  touched  at  Andai  and  Wariap  in  coasting  up  Geelvink 
Bay,  making  large  collections  of  plants. 

In  1891  one  of  Veitch's  orchid  collectors,  David  Burke  (21,  ii.  539), 
a  gardener,  made  his  way  to  Small  Hatam,  a  remarkable  feat,  referred  to 
by  E.  St.  Vraz,  who  in  1896  (15,  232-235)  spent  several  weeks  in  Great 
Hatiim,  some  distance  beyond  Small  Hatam,  which  he  states  was  D'Albertis' 
and  Beccari's  objective.  Though  much  hampered  by  rain  and  the  usual 
difficulties  with  carriers  and  hunters,  the  standing  barrier  to  all  work  in  the 
mountains  of  this  country,  St.  Vraz's  account  is  detailed  and  interesting. 

In  1898  Manokoeari  (21,  ii.  677),  the  old  Alfuero  "campong"1  on 
Dorei  Bay,  was  raised  to  the  status  of  a  Government  Station,  to  which 
Mr.  van  Oosterzee  was  appointed  Assistant  Resident,  an  appointment  held 
until  1913,  when  he  was  obliged  to  retire  through  ill-health. 

In  April  1904  (17,  998-1021)  van  Qosterzee  visited  the  Angi  lakes, 
the  first  European  to  explore  the  more  southern  portion  of  the  Arf'ak.  On 
arriving  at  Ternate,  on  the  way  to  Manokoeari,  I  heard  with  great  regret  of 
the  serious  illness  of  this  very  able  administrator,  who  during  his  16  years' 
residence  at  Manokoeari  had  made  himself  familiar  with  the  Papuans  and 
their  language,  his  sympathetic  rule  giving  him  unusual  influence  with  the 
chiefs,  or  "Koranos"  as  they  are  called.  Manokoeari  also  bears  witness 
to  his  initiative  in  the  beautifully  situated  Residency  and  "  Pasangrahan,"  2 
in  avenues  of  Casuarinas  shading  the  level  white  roads,  in  the  efficient  water 
supply,  substantial  pier  with  well-arranged  godowns,  and  the  broad  street  of 
Chinese  "  tokos  " 3. 

In  1908  Pratt,  the  well-known  collector,  with  his  two  sons,  spent  some 
time  at  the  Angi  lakes.  They  were  accompanied  in  the  first  instance  by 
van  Oosterzee,  who,  however,  returned  immediately  to  the  const. 

In  1912  (25,  77-78)  Gjellerup,  attached  ;is  Officer  of  Health  to  the 
Exploration  Detachment  1911-12,  proceeded  to  the  lakes,  accompanied  by 
a  mining  engineer  named  Hubrecht.  They  spent  April  and  May  in  that 
region,  where  the  former  made  important  botanical  collections,  now  in  course 
of  publication  in  "  Nova  Guinea/'  Unfortunately,  many  specimens  were  lost 
owing  to  the  desertion  of  his  carriers. 

I  had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  Dr.  Gjellerup  in  Java  soon  after  his  return 
from  New  Guinea,  and  acknowledge  with  keen  appreciation  his  generous 
kindness  in  giving  me  the  fullest  benefit  of  his  experiences,  not  only 
in  relation  to  valuable  details  in  organization  and  the  areas  to  which  he 
had  devoted  most  attention,  but  also  for  most  welcome  data  on  Papuan 

1  Campong,  a  native  settlement  or  village. 
a  Rest-house. 
3  Shops. 

idiosyncrasies,  with  special  reference  to  the  mountain  tribes  and  the  best 
method  of  dealing  with  them. 

On  my  return  from  Wariap  in  19  L3  I  was  fortunate  in  finding  Mr.  Pratt 
and  his  sons  at  Manokoeari,  where  they  had  arrived  to  organize  another 
expedition  to  the  Angi  lakes.  I  gladly  welcome  this  opportunity  of  thanking 
them  for  permission  to  reproduce  the  successful  photographs  subsequently 
taken  in  that  region,  including  several  purely  botanical  subjects  selected 
especially  at  my  request.  My  own  results  there  had  not  proved  satisfactory. 


The  chief  objective  of  the  present  work  was  a  direct  outcome  of  results 
obtained  and  observations  made  on  Mt.  Kinabaln  in  British  North  Borneo 
in  1910. 

The  great  interest  in  the  higher  regions  of  that,  mountain  lies  in  the  extra- 
Malayan  facies  of  the  vegetation  and  elements  in  the  systematic  composition 
of  the  flora.  The  predominance  there  of  species  in  Orchidacese,  Myrtacea3, 
Ericaceae,  chiefly  Rhodoilemlrons  and  Vacciniums,  is  such  a  striking  feature, 
that  one  felt  it  must  be  derived  from  some  more  continental  type  of 
vegetation  than  the  limited  occurrence  on  an  isolated  mountain  could 
account  for. 

Celebes  and  the  Moluccas  did  not  suggest  sufficient  scope  for  the  proposed 
key  to  the  solution  ;  but  the  mountains  of  New  Guinea  with  their  huge 
area,  approximate  rainfall,  and  great  altitude  offered  a  perfect  basis  of 
comparison  ;  while  Dr.  Beccari's  description  in  "Malesia"  of  his  work  and 
observations  on  the  plants  found  by  him  on  the  Arfak  mountains  showed  a 
very  close  approach  to  the  phytogeographical  facies  of  the  Kinahnlu  "  Massiv." 
This  impression  was  further  confirmed  by  the  account  of  Mr.  Pratt's  first 
expedition  to  the  more  southern  region  of  the  range,  and  a  few  plants  collected 
by  him  in  an  open  marsh  by  the  larger  of  the  two  Angi  lakes,  kindly 
shown  to  me  at  Kevv  by  Dr.  Stapf,  finally  led  me  to  decide  on  that  locality 
for  comparative  work. 

Through  the  broad-minded  interest  and  influence  of  my  friend  the  late 
Sir  Kenelm  Digby,  permission  for  the  expedition  was  accorded,  through  the 
kind  offices  of  the  Foreign  Office,  by  the  Government,  of  the  Netherlands. 
I  must  express  my  deep  gratitude  to  His  Excellency  Mr.  A.  W.  F.  Idenburg, 
then  Governor-General  of  the  Netherlands-India,  for  the  extreme  courtesy 
of  his  reception  and  the  interest  he  evinced  in  the  scientific  objects  of  the 
projected  work,  the  success  of  which  was  assured,  thanks  to  his  generous 
assistance  and  detailed  instructions. 

My  thanks  are  also  due  to  Mr.  0.  Lulofs  and  Mr.  J.  C.  Kielstra  for 
much  kind  attention  during  my  stay  at'Buitenzorg. 

At  Ternate    the    Resident,   Mr.  Gh.  L.  J.  Palmer  van  den   Broek,   was 

again  most  kind  in  forwarding  my  plans,  and  from  Mr.  L.  J.  J.  M.  (now 
Captain)  Tabbers,  Acting  Assistant-Resident  at  Manokoeari,  I  met  with 
every  sissistance  which  military  training  in  grasp  of  the  situation,  judgment 
of  men,  and  appreciation  of  fact  and  detail  could  do  to  ensure  success. 
To  Captain  J.  .F.  E.  ten  Kloosten,  who  most  kindly  procured  me 
Dr.  Gjellerup's  sketch-map  of  the  Angi  lakes  from  the  military  carto- 
graphical office  at  the  Wousi  Bivouac,  with  permission  to  reproduce  the 
same  in  this  work  ;  to  Mr.  J.  W.  Langeler,  of  the  Dutch  Navy,  attached 
to  the  Mamberamo  expedition  ;  and  to  Mr.  F.  J.  F.  van  Hasselt,  Chief 
Missionary  at  Manokoeari,  I  am  further  indebted  for  much  help  and 
thoughtful  consideration. 

Any  difficulty  in  reaching  Wariap,  about  60  miles  south  of  Manokoeari, 
the  best  point  of  departure  for  the  mountains,  was  obviated  through  the 
kind  offices  of  Captain  J.  V.  L.  Opperman,  Commander  of  the  Mamberamo 
expedition  1913-1914.  He  gave  me,  with  the  escort  kindly  provided  by  the 
Dutch  Government,  a  passage  in  the  Government  boat  the  '  Valk,'  which 
was  conveying  his  expedition  to  its  destination.  The  '  Valk '  landed  us  at 
Waren,  10  miles  south  of  Wariap. 

As  there  had  been  recent  fighting  between  the  coast  and  hill  people, 
Mr.  Tabbers  judged  it  advisable  to  send  an  unusually  strong  escort,  com- 
prising five  Amboinese  armed  policemen,  "  Pradjoerit,"  and  ten  convicts, 
"  Orang  rante,"  attached  to  them,  to  help  in  the  carriage  of  provisions  should 
the  Papuans  desert,  according  to  their  usual  custom.  It  was  no  doubt  partly 
owing  to  these  two  circumstances  that  all  my  carriers  remained  with  me  on 
this  occasion  ;  I  noticed  great  reluctance  to  stray  far  from  the  protection 
of  the  guns. 

The  sergeant  in  charge,  always  called  "  Serzan,"  a  Timorese,  who  had 
served  for  20  years  through  the  Achin  campaigns,  was  a.  most  capable  and 
tireless  little  man,  a  thorough  soldier,  not  only  very  clever  in  handling  his 
own  men,  who  did  him  credit,  but  also  in  dealing  with  the  Papuans,  not 
such  an  easy  matter. 

The  "  Orang  rante,"  all  enormous  men,  who  made  a  great  impression  on 
the  Papuans,  turned  out  very  handy  and  willing.  One  of  them  acted  as 
my  cook,  both  in  the  mountains  and  until  my  departure  from  Manokoeari, 
while  several  became  quite  expert  in  carrying  out  botanical  processes. 
It  is  a  great  tribute  to  the  humanity  of  the  Dutch  rule  that  men  like  these 
Malays,  to  whom  confinement  is  death,  should  be  sent  to  expiate  their 
offences,  chiefly  crimes  due  to  jealousy  and  gambling,  in  outlying  stations, 
where  they  have  congenial  work  under  easy  and  almost  independent 
conditions.  Escape  is  out  of  the  question,  as  the  Papuans  shoot  at  sight 
any  stragglers  in  the  forest  so  it  is  not  even  necessary  to  guard  them,  while 
the  best  behaved  are  allowed  to  earn  money  by  gardening  or  acting  as 
"  boys  "  to  the  civil  and  military  officers. 



The  north-west  coast  of  New  Guinea  is  bleak,  mountainous,  and  sparsely 
inhabited.  The  mountains,  from  5000-7000',  rise  abruptly  from  the  sea, 
there  being  little  sloping  foreground  and  few  small  bays  to  shelter 

FIG.  1. 


the  schooners  and  Papuan  praus,  which  only  trade  during  the  favourable 
inonsun.  There  is  no  good  anchorage  tor  large  boats  between  Sorong,  an 
island  on  the  extreme  north-west,  the  first  point  of  call,  and  Dorei  Bay, 
a  fine  harbour,  consisting  of  two  bays,  sheltered  by  the  islands  of  Mansinam 
and  the  much  smaller  Meoswar.  A  low  mangrove  spit,  on  which  a  Papuan 

"  cainpong  "  is  situated,  separates  the  two  bays,  the  further  one  being  much 
smaller,  very  shallow,  and  probably  rapidly  silting  up. 

Manokoeari  lies  in  the  centre,  on  the  lower  slopes  of  a  very  recent 
u  korang ''  or  coral  limestone  range  about  500'  in  height,  while  to  the 
east  the  coast  runs  out  into  a  low  peninsula,  where  most  of  the  Papuan 
plantations  are  situated,  the  soil  there  being  much  better  than  that  of  the 
sterile  "  korang  "  of  the  range. 

To  the  south  rise  the  Arfak  Mountains,  9000'  high,  which  run  in 
parallel  ranges  down  the  western  shore  of  Greelvink  Bay,  at  about  forty 
to  fifty  miles  inland,  except  at  one  point — Tanaroeboe,  one  day's  journey 
along  the  beach  from  Andai,  where  spurs  from  the  mountains  abut  steeply 
on  to  the  sea.  How  far  south  the  range  extends  has  not  been  determined, 
nor  whether  it  is  continuous  with  the  mountain  chain  of  the  north-west  coast, 
as  some  writers  have  inferred. 

The  main  buttress  of  the  Arfak  rises  above  Andai,  a  Papuan  "  campong  " 
at  the  mouth  of  the  Andai  River,  about  four  to  five  hours  by  native  prau 
across  the  bay  from  Manokoeari.  From  Andai  there  is  a  tract  to  Amberbaki 
on  the  north-west  coast,  which  passes  through  Hatam,  a  four  days'  journey 
according  to  Rosenberg  (10,  79). 

The  two  small  Angi  lakes,  to  the  vicinity  of  which  this  collection  was 
limited,  lie  at  an  altitude  of  7000'  and  9000'  respectively,  on  the  southern 
portion  of  the  range.  The  lakes  are  accessible  from  several  points  on  the 
coast,  of  which  the  immediate  shore-line  only  is  sparsely  inhabited,  the 
few  inhabitants  being  restricted  to  the  beach,  hence  their  name,  "  Orang 
pantai  "  or  "  beach  people/' 

A  huge  intervening  low-lying  belt  of  coral  limestone  or  "  korang " 
extends  from  the  beach  to  the  loot-hills  of  the  Arfak.  This  tract  of  country, 
intersected  by  the  alluvial  terraces  and  large  inundation-areas  of  the  rivers, 
which  pour  down  from  the  mountains  in  the  rainy  season,  is  devoid  of 
inhabitants  and  suggests  very  recent  elevation. 

The  main  topographical  features  of  this  part  of  the  W.  coast  of  Geelvink 
Bay  may  therefore  be  roughly  divided  into  four  zones,  which  also  corre- 
spond to  the  general  plant-formations  : — (a)  The  Immediate  Shore-Line  ; 
(b)  "Korang"  or  Coral-Limestone  Zone;  (c)  Inhabited  Zone  of  Foot-hills 
and  lower  Ranges;  (d)  Crests  of  main  Range  and  Lake  Basins  from  7000'. 


The  immediate  shore-line  is  sparsely  inhabited,  though  many  fine  rivers 
and  torrents  sweep  down  from  the  mountains.  With  the  exception  of  some 
mangrove  formation,  between  Dorei  Bay  and  Andai,  and  Oranswari  and 
Wariap,  the  beach  sweeps  southward,  consisting  of  big  stones,  shingle,  or 


loose  sand.  Large  blocks  of  coral,  as  it'  just  broken  off  from  the  reef,  lie  at 
the  water's  edge,  where  the  surf  beats  ceaselessly  and  the  dip  of  the  beach 
is  general!)'  too  steep  for  native  praus  to  land  without  running  the  risk  of 
being  smashed  to  pieces.  It  is  the  presence  of  landing-places,  with  good 
water,  whicli  limits  the  stages  in  the  tedious  journey  along  the  beach  from 
Andai  to  Sjari. 

The  rivers  in  flowing  into  the  sea  either  break  up  into  many  shifting 
mouths  or  are  barred  by  banks  of  sand  or  shingle  into  semi-lagoons,  with 
only  a  small  exit  to  the  sea. 

Most  of  the  trees  fringing  the  beach  are  prostrate  or  semi-prostrate,  as  if 
torn  up  by  the  force  of  the  waves.  Stagnant  lagoons,  impenetrable  bog,  and 
shallow  standing  water  occur  in  parts,  while  the  undergrowth  is  covered 
and  the  ground  strewn  with  seaweed,  evidence  of  the  retreating  swirl  of 
great  waves.  The  natives  told  me  that  when  the  north  wind  blows  the 
sea  washes  all  over  this  belt  of  country,  fish  being  often  found  stranded 
on  bushes  far  inland. 

The  few  small  native  ;'campongs"  are  placed  just  above  the  beach, 
whore  sand-banks  have  accumulated,  on  which  some  Casuarinas  mark  the 
permanence,  as  at  Wariap  and  Waren. 

I  returned  from  Wariap  by  the  beach  in  December  1913,  the  first  time 
this  journey  had  been  made  by  a  European,  to  be  followed  by  Mr.  Pratt  in 
April  1914,  at  the  height  of  the  north  monsun.  He  described  the  whole 
region  as  then  more  or  less  under  water,  the  rivers,  pouring  down  from  the 
mountains  in  floods,  being  beaten  back  over  the  land  by  the  huge  surf  raised 
by  the  north  wind,  which  bars  the  exit  of  their  waters  to  the  sea. 

This  interesting  observation  accounts  for  the  shifting  river  mouths,  and 
also  explains  why  the  native  habitations  are  generally  so  far  from  water  and 
so  few  in  number. 


Behind  the  beach  the  low-lying  belt  of  "  korang,"  covered  with  forest, 
stretches  uniformly  from  the  coast  to  the  foot-hills  of  the  Arfak,  a  sterile 
porous  formation  showing  so  little  depth  of  soil  that  it  gives  the  impression 
of  walking  over  a  reef. 

Rosenberg  (10,  80)  in  1870  refers  to  the  recent  appearance  of  this  coral- 
limestone  area,  which  he  concluded  must  be  still  rising,  and  he  quotes  the 
older  inhabitants  of  Andai  as  saying  that  they  remembered  low  scrub  where 
the  forest  now  stands. 

Van  Gelder  (20,  94)  considers  that  a  gradual  rising  of  the  whole  of  the 
north  coast  of  New  Guinea  is  taking  place,  or  a  lowering  of  the  sea-level, 
which  amounts  to  the  same  thing.  He  found  evidence  of  this  fact  at 


Manokoeari,  in  the  presence  along  the  beach,  at  slight  elevation  above  the 
sea,  of  an  undoubtedly  very  recent  "  Schelp  Gonglomeraat "  (shell-limestone) 
that  must  have  been  formed  in  the  surf  zone. 

The  rivers  cut  their  way  through  alluvial  deposits  of  mud  or  sand,  or 
form  great  open  spaces — their  present  inundation-areas,  all  sand  and  stones 
in  the  dry  season,  but  which,  in  the  wet,  are  lakes  of  standing  water. 


(reduced  from  Dr,  K.  G.  Gjellerup's  sketch-map). 
Dr.  Gjellerup's  route. 

At  Wanessi,  the   head  of  such  an  area  on  the  Momi  River,  a  day's  journey 
from  Wariap,  the  remains  of  an  old  "  campong  "  can   still   be  seen,  where 
some  of  the  hill  people  tried  to  establish  themselves,  but  were  forced  to  retire 
to  Wariap  on  account  of  the  floods. 
This  belt  is  uninhabited. 



Once  on  the  foot-hills  the  character  of  the  country  changes  :  the  ground 
is  broken  by  rocky  outcrops  and  boulders,  and  the  streams  are  now  mountain 
torrents,  plunging  over  great  boulders  which  form  their  beds. 

Crossing  the  Soedomi  River,  a  rocky  stream  which  falls  into  the  Momi, 
one  mounts  steeply  up  the  flanks  of  the  spurs  to  the  crests  of  the  ridges, 
which  are  cleared.  Native  houses  are  first  seen  at  about  1000',  and  from 
thence  upwards,  on  the  crests  and  slopes  of  the  ridges,  where  the  soil  is 
deep  and  easy  to  work,  there  is  evidence  of  extensive  cultivation,  past 
and  present. 

All  the  region  of  the  subsidiary  spurs  and  lower  ranges  seems  to  be 
inhabited.  From  commanding  views  it  is  easy  to  trace  the  line  of  the  ridge, 
by  which  the  approach  to  the  lakes  is  made  from  Sjari,  by  the  smoke  rising 
from  the  houses,  which  are  always  perched  in  a  conspicuous  position, 
probably  for  the  double  purpose  of  observation  and  defence.  Only  in  the 
case  of  one  or  two  head-hunting  tribes,  who  seem  to  inspire  the  whole 
neighbourhood  with  terror,  were  the  houses  situated  on  the  lower  slopes. 

On  the  third,  or  Sjari  ridge,  from  the  Soedomi  River,  one  looks  down  on 
to  the  Momi  again,  which  rises  in  these  mountains  at  right  angles  to  its 
coast  course.  From  below  Soekoem  the  course  of  the  Momi  River  (fig.  2) 
is  erroneously  indicated  ;  it  should  be  that  suggested  for  the  Runsiki  River 

(fig-  2). 

Van  Oosterzee  (17,  999),  who  went  up  from  Sjari,  20  miles  along  the  coast 
from  Wariap  and  10  miles  south  o£  Warcn,  mentions  crossing  the  rivers 
Waren  and  Waidiri,  both  flowing  into  the  Momi,  but  the  Waren  enters  the 
sea  at  Waren,  halfway  between  Sjari  and  Wariap.  The  Soedomi  was  the 
only  river  we  crossed,  coming  up  from  Wariap,  till  the  Momi  was  again  met 
with  as  a  rocky  torrent.  Crossing  to  the  west  bank  of  the  Momi  we  climbed 
another  long  spur  in  a  westerly  direction,  till  the  latter  joined  the  crest  of 
the  main  range  at  7000',  called  the  S.W.  ridge  in  this  work,  where  the 
inhabited  zone  suddenly  ceases,  a  fact  probably  determined  by  the  steeper 
gradients  and  narrower  crests,  and  the  exposed  and  poor  gravelly  soil. 


The  route  to  the  lakes  lies  along  the  narrow  crest  of  this  ridge,  marked 
as  "  Bonjas  Gebebergte  "  on  fig.  2,  which  runs  S.  t»  S.W.  from  5000-8500'  in 
height,  bounded  on  the  west  by  a  valley,  said  by  the  Papuans  to  be  that 
of  the  river  issuing  from  the  largest  of  the  two  lakes  (Tilaan  of  fig.  2),  and 
on  the  east  by  short  spurs  which  run  down  to  the  Momi  valley. 

The  Angi  lakes  are  situated  at  about  7000'  and  8000'  respectively, 
separated  on  the  west  by  the  long  Koebre  Mountain,  9000'  high,  and 


bounded  to  the  east  and  the  south  by  the  S.W.  ridge.  The  largest  lake  is 
called  the  Wannasin  Bean  or  "  Woman  "  Lake  by  the  Papuans,  in  contra- 
distinction to  the  higher  and  smaller  one,  the  Warmasin  Snoon  or  "Man" 
Lake.  These  names  are  so  well  recognised  that  the  Malays  with  me 
invariably  referred  to  each  lake  as  "Prempuan"  or  "Anak,"  the  Malay 
translation.  According  to  Gjellerup  (25,  77),  the  greatest  length  of  the 
lowest  or  "  Woman  "  lake  is  9  km.  south-west  to  north-east,  and  the  greatest 
breadth  is  4  km.  on  the  south  side.  This  lake  is  so  deep  that  van  Oosterzee 
(17,  1010)  found  that,  on  the  south  side,  at  a  few  hundred  in.  from  the 
edge,  he  could  no  longer  touch  the  bottom  after  90  m.  Grjellerup  (25,  77) 
states  that  eels  are  the  only  living  fish  in  it.  On  the  north  side  the  con- 
verging hills  gradually  slope  into  a  marsh,  the  exit  of  the  Tilaan  River, 
which,  according  to  both  van  Oosterzee  (17,  1018)  and  Gjellerup  (25,  77) 
joins  the  Ransiki  River,  which  is  stated  by  the  former  to  fall  into  the  sea 
at  Wariap,  obviously  a  mistake  for  the  Momi  River. 

The  western  shore  of  this  lake  is  inhabited  by  a  small  Alfuero  tribe,  their 
communal  houses  being  in  four  groups  on  the  extreme  edge  of  the  water, 
in  separate  bays,  the  "  kebuns  "  stretching  up  the  slopes  behind.  Further  on, 
the  sides  of  Koebre  rise  steeply  from  the  water,  while  to  the  south  a  low 
ridge,  about  a  couple  of  hundred  feet  high,  connects  with  the  S.W.  ridge, 
which  forms  the  boundary  to  the  east. 

The  smaller  or  "  Man  "  lake  is  reckoned  by  Gjellerup  (25,  77)  as  roughly 
about  4  km.  from  the  "  Woman  "  lake,  and  he  gives  its  north  and  west  sides 
as  inhabited.  Van  Oosterzee  (17,  1013),  who  spent  most  of  his  time  on 
the  upper  lake,  estimated  it  to  be  7  km.  long,  and  2  broad  in  the  southern 
portion  and  he  counted  some  thirty  houses  on  the  western  shore  with 
about  1000  souls  ;  the  houses  seemed  to  me  more  numerous  to  the  south- 
west, and  I  hardly  think  there  can  be  so  many  inhabitants  at  the  present 
time.  He  mentions  the  morass  at  the  north  end  of  the  lake,  also  rafts 
on  its  surface,  the  cultivation  of  potatoes  on  the  shores,  and  that  eels 
are  the  only  fish  found  in  its  waters.  St.  Vraz  (15,  234),  while  at  Great 
Hatam,  heard  from  the  natives  that  at  four  days'  journey  south  there  was  a 
large  lake  called  "  Tschemti,"  with  many  fish  and  crocodiles,  on  whose  banks 
Manikianos  lived. 

Inquiring  of  some  of  the  Papuans  with  me,  who  had  been  up  at  the  lakes 
before,  if  it  were  possible  to  reach  the  north  coast  and  Manokoeari  from  the 
upper  lake,  they  answered  "  Yes,"  and  that  it  took  twenty  days,  but,  of  course, 
in  their  estimate  of  time  they  would  lose  count  beyond  a  certain  number. 
Van  Oosterzee  met  some  Papuans  (17,  1010)  by  the  lower  lake,  who  told 
him  they  had  come  from  the  north,  and  Gjellerup  (25,  77)  also  mentions  a 
way  to  the  north  coast,  facts  which  agree  with  St.  Vraz's  information. 

As  I  heard  it  was  possible  to  return  to  Wariap  in  two  days  by  keeping 
to  the  S.W.  ridge,  I  decided  at  once  on  such  a  welcome  alternative  to  the 





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five  days  spent  in  coining  up.  Our  return 
route  therefore  followed  the  S.W.  ridge, 
leaving  the  spur  by  which  we  had  ap- 
proached it  from  the  Momi  to  the  right. 
Continuing  due  north  we  gradually  de- 
scended to  about  5000',  then  bearing  east 
along  a  lateral  spur  which  finally  dipped 
very  steeply  to  the  rocky  bed  of  a  tribu- 
tary of  the  Moini.  After  crossing  the 
latter,  we  emerged  on  to  the  north  bank 
of  the  Momi  River,  whore  we  bivouacked 
for  that  night,  returning  to  Wariap  the 
next  day. 

The  chief  difficulty  of  this  somewhat 
strenuous  route  is  the  want  of  water, 
there  being  none  between  the  vicinity  of 
the  lakes  and  the  tributary  of  the  Momi. 

According  to  fig.  2  this  route  would 
follow  the  "  Bonyas  Gebebergte,"  which 
join  the  spurs  of  the  Arfak  indicated  on 
the  sketch-map  to  the  north  of  the  sup- 
positional position  of  the  Ransiki  River. 

The  altitudes  in  the  sketch-map, 
judging  by  the  character  of  the  vege- 
tation, seem  somewhat  underestimated. 


The  following  facts  referring  to  the 
north-west  coast  are  taken  from  Braak's 
(24,  210)  paper  on  the  climate  of  New 
Guinea,  which  summarizes  all  the  infor- 
mation at  present  available. 

On  the  north  coast  the  east  or  dry 
monsun  prevails  from  May  and  June  to 
September  and  October,  though  even 
then  much  rain  may  fall.  In  Mano- 
koeari  the  east  monsun  is  the  driest  time 
(24,  219).  It  is  probable  that  in  the 
interior  the  difference  between  the  cha- 
racter of  the  E.  and  W.  monsun  is  much 
less  pronounced. 

In  N.  New  Guinea  it  is  at  present 
not  possible  to  give  actual  figures,  though 


it  may  be  accepted  that  the  temperature  throughout  the  whole  year  is  very 
constant,  and  that  the  mean  variation  is  probably  between  26°  and  27°  C. 

Braak's  table  (24,  221)  quotes  the  average  rainfall  for  several  years  for 
Sorong,  Manokoeari,  Djende  on  Roon  Island,  and  Windesi  to  the  south 
of  Geelvink  Bay.  In  both  the  latter  stations  the  rainfall  is  much  higher 
than  on  the  more  exposed  N.  const  at  Sorong  and  Manokoeari. 

In  the  historical  summary  the  prevailing  weather  has  been  quoted 
whenever  recorded,  and  it  will  be  seen  to  vary  considerably.  At  Mano- 
koeari, January  and  June  were  considered  the  wettest  months.  During 
a  stay  there  in  November  1913  the  weather  was  very  fine;  jbut  on  my 
return  in  December  the  rainy  season  had  set  in  and  there  was  rain  every 
day,  generally  in  the  afternoon,  the  temperature  being  markedly  cooler. 

In  the  intervening  period,  spent  at  Waren  and  Wariap,  on  the  coast  of 
Geelvink  Bay,  in  the  Arfak,  and  on  returning-  to  Manokoeari  along  the 
coast,  only  three  half-days  of  rain  were  experienced,  and  these  occurred  on 
the  way  up  and  while  at  the  lakes,  where  the  rain  was  also  accompanied 
by  strong  \A'ind.  Otherwise  the  fine  still  weather  was  a  constant  source  of 
amazement  to  the  Papuans,  the  rainy  season  being  well  overdue,  and  they 
attributed  this  lucky  chance  to  the  fact  that  sometimes  at  the  ch;mge  of  the 
monsun  a  short  halcyon  period  of  fine  weather  sets  in. 

At  Waren  and  Wariap  a  very  strong  N.W.  breeze  invariably  sprang  up 
between  3  and  4  P.M.,  causing  a  sudden  fall  of  temperature. 

Unfortunately  my  only  available  calendar  was  lost  at  Waren.  Con- 
sequently, no  readings  were  taken  either  there  or  at  Wariap,  and  only  one  or 
two  in  the  mountains,  which  were  as  follows  : — 

On  the  Momi  River,  3500'.     75°  F.     6  P.M. 
On  the  crest  of  the  S.W.  ridge,  8500'.     68°  F.     4  P.M. 
On  the  "Woman"  lake,  7000'.    60°  F.    7  A.M.  ;  and  on  the  following 
day  at  the  same  hour,  55°  F. 

Up  at  the  lakes  it  was  always  cool  in  the  early  morning,  the  sun  being 
very  hot  in  the  middle  of  the  day,  but  cooling  down  in  the  afternoon  and  at 
night,  though  warmer  thau  at  the  same  altitude  on  Kinabalu.  Both  Pratt 
and  Gjellerup  reported  very  wet  weather  during  their  several  stays  at  the 


The  general  plant-formations,  as  is  shown  below,  agree  in  broad  outline 
with  the  topographical  zones  already  described.     They  are  : — 
(a)  Beach  Formation  :  Immediate  Shore-Line. 
(6)    Inundation  Forest  Belt  :  "  Koran g  "  or  Coral-Limestone  Zone, 


(c)  Secondary  Associations  :  Inhabited  Zone  of  Foot-hills  or  Lower 


(d)  Low  Mountain  Forest  above  7000' :  Crests  of  Main  Range  and 

Lake  Basins,  7000-9000'. 
All  systematic  collection  was  limited  to  the  last  formation. 



Permanent  sand-spits,   Waren  and  Wariap. 

The  beach  at  Waren  forms  a  long  sweep  on  ench  side  as  far  the  eye  can 
reach.  A  plantation  belonging  to  a  Japanese,  who  with  his  son  had  permission 
to  accompany  me  to  the  lakes,  was  situated  at  the  mouth  of  the  Waren  River, 
which,  dammed  up  by  a  sand-bank,  formed  a  green  lagoon,  with  only  a  very 
narrow  outlet  to  the  sea.  A  clnmp  of  Casuarina  equisetifolia  proved  a  certain 
stability,  but  the  river-exit,  with  the  dip  of  the  beach,  must  be  always  in  a 
state  of  flux  with  each  N.  monsun  season.  The  great  accumulation  of  s;md 
to  which  Waren  and  also  Wariap  owe  their  security  from  the  inroads  of  the 
surf,  must  be  due  to  the  amount  brought  down  and  deposited  by  the  rivers 
at  their  mouths. 

Where  the  beach  broadens  out  in  the  immediate  vicinity  of  Waren, 
a  Pes-caprcB  association  with  Tacca  pinnatifida  is  formed,  to  be  succeeded  by 
typical  beach-shrubs,  like  Tliespesia  populnea,  Canavalia  obtusifolia,  Sccevola 
Koenigii,  Vitex  trifolia,  Clerodendrun  inerme,  Premna  nitida,  and  a  Gmelina, 
probably  villosa,  which  must  successively  bank  up  the  sand  against  the  wash 
of  the  surf,  as  the  Japanese  had  cleared  behind  them  and  planted  coco-nuts 
on  the  pure  sand,  with  cotton  and  pineapples  asundercrops.  This  is  the  only 
spot  along  the  coast  besides  Wariap  where  such  a  risk  could  be  taken.  Where 
the  beach  was  lower  and  narrower,  the  surf  w:it«hed  through  beach-jungle  or 
under  Casuarinas  to  the  overhanging  fringe  of  forest  trees. 

Sub-emerged  Beach. 

It  is  several  hours  from  Waren  to  Wariap  along  the  coast  to  the  north, 
by  what  may  be  styled  a  sub-emerged  beach.  A  little  beyond  Waren  the 
sand  decreases  in  volume,  strand  plants  disappear,  and  the  beach  narrows 
considerably.  Huge  trees  of  Barringtonia  speciosa  lie  prostrate  to  semi- 
prostrate  over  the  sea.  Young  plants  of  Pandamis  &\>.,Draca>na  angustifolia, 
an  immense  Crinum,  probably  C.  macrantheruin,  with  giant  stools  of 
Asplenium  Nidus,  no  doubt  displaced  from  the  branches  of  trees  as  they 
fell,  crowd  the  ground,  all  dusted  over  and  growing  plentifully  amongst 
much  water-washed  debris  and  plant  detritus,  both  terrestrial  and  marine, 


which,  with  myriad  prostrate  Barringtonia-seedVmgs,  attached  by  the  one 
anchor-root,  all  pointing  seawards,  bear  witness  to  the  force  of  great  waves 
retreating  from  their  rush  inland. 

In  many  places  this  undergrowth  was  so  thick,  or  the  prostrate  trunks  so 
numerous,  that  it  was  easiest  to  walk  through  the  surf,  outside  the  branches 
of  the  fringing  trees.  The  rivers,  where  there  is  no  sand  to  bar  their  exit, 
form  small  mangrove  swamps  at  their  mouths,  which  have  to  be  waded 
through.  In  one  of  these  small  swamps  a  tree  covered  with  a  vine  of 
Mucuna  Kratkei,a\so  known  from  the  N.E.  and  S.W.,  whose  numerous  huge 
racemes  formed  a  dome  of  brilliant  red  flowers,  was  a  magnificent  sight. 


Here,  where  the  people  all  remembered  Mr.  van  Oosterzee  and  the 
Pratts,  I  was  welcomed  as  an  old  friend — the  "korano,"  a  very  fine 
man  physically  and  quite  a  personality,  and  the  "  guru  "  (teaclier),  to  whom 
I  had  a  letter  from  Mr.  van  Hasselt,  having  already  paid  their  respects  at 
Waren.  It  was  arranged  that  the  "korano,"  Manao,  should  act  as  guide  to 
my  party  to  the  Likes,  and  the  Wariap  people  of  themselves  offered  to 
accompany  me  as  carriers,  promising  to  remain  as  long  as  I  stayed  there — 
a  promise  sealed  on  "  Pinang  "  and  "  Zabacco,"  as  they  call  the  latter,  and 
faithfully  kept.  "  Pinang "  replaces  betel-nut  on  the  coast  of  N.  New 
Guinea,  being  obtained  from  the  wild  Areca  macrocalyv  Zipp.  (12,  i.  18) 
and  eaten  with  lime  and  the  fruit  of  Piper  Siriboa  (14,  69). 

Wariap,  situated  on  a  sand-spit  through  which  the  Momi  has  cut  its 
broad  way  on  one  side,  forming  a  good  harbour  for  praus,  while  on  the 
other  Casuarinas  are  massed,  is  quite  a  large  and  busy  "  campong,"  where 
much  prau-building  and  making  of  Pandanus  mats  (nokes)  and  sago-holders 
is  carried  on. 

The  long  whale-backed  houses  are  built  above  the  beach,  on  a  level  spit 
of  very  fine  sand,  which,  overgrown  with  grass  and  Pes-Caprce,  is  broken  by 
shallow  green  lagoons  shadowed  by  a  jungle  upgrowth  of  Thespesia  populnea, 
Abrus  precatorius,  Ccesalpinia  Nuga,  Wedelia  tiflora>  etc. 


Just  behind  the  beach  formation  this  forest  forms  a  huge  unbroken  green 
wall,  in  which  the  pyramidal  branching  of  Terminalia  Catappa  is  easily 
distinguished  from  the  outside,  whilst  most  of  the  trees  are  covered  with  the 
heavy  green  curtains,  falling  straight  from  the  crowns,  of  Zanonia  macro- 
carpa,  a  Cucurbitaceous  liane.  In  this  forest  Ficus,  Macaranya,  and 
Artocarpus  sp.,  the  latter  with  enormous  leaves  often  about  1  m.  long 
and  £  m.  or  more  broad,  mostly  predominate — their  trunks  screened  with 
immense  fronds  of  climbing  ferns,  spreading  radially  all  the  way  up, 
or  Epipremnopsis  Hugeliana,  fiaphidophora  Peepla,  other  Philodendron  spp., 


Piper  Forstenii,  Potlios,  and  various  large-leaved  root-climbers.  Piles  of 
these  huge  leaves  accumulate  under  the  trees,  to  be  dispersed  by  the  floods 
of  the  rainy  season.  A  giant  Korthalsia,  its  interlaced  stems  scrambling  up 
and  down  the  trees  or  spreading  in  tangled  mass  over  the  ground,  was  the 
only  "  rotan  "  seen.  Asplenium  Nidus  was  abundant ;  but  epiphytic  orchids 
were  lew  and  far  between,  and  the  absence  of  flowers  or  fruits  was  most 

In  this  forest  there  is  little  undergrowth.  Sodden  leaves  mostly  fill  up 
the  interstices  of  the  porous  korang.  Where  light  shoots  through,  some 
thin  grass  or  patches  of  the  creeping  Geoplnla  renifornris  and  Ilemigraphis 
re  plans,  or  single  specimens  of  the  small  semi-herbaceous  shrub  Amarocarpus 
Wichmannii,  with  horizontal  dorsi-ventral  branches,  appear  ;  but  the  most 
conspicuous  objects  are  the  huge  Z&ntaua  capsules,  the  size  of  large 
pumpkins,  in  all  stages  of  decay,  scattered  over  the  "  korang,"  which  is  so 
porous  that  surface-water  soon  drains  through;  but  where  there  is  standing 
water,  groups  of  Sago  Palms  occur,  often  forming  swamps  covering  large 

A  track  from  Waren  to  the  Arfak  runs  for  a  couple  of  days  through 
Sago  swamps. 

Native  Plantations. 

These  are  dotted  through  this  forest  where  little  islands  of  soil  accumulate, 
as  at  Waren,  or  alluvial  deposits  have  been  formed  by  the  rivers,  as  at 
Wariap.  Here  the  well-stocked  "  kebuns  " 1  surprised  me  by  their  extent, 
many  kinds  of  bananas  and  plantains,  coco-nuts,  papaya,  cassava,  "  kladi,"2 
"  ubi,"  3  "labu,"4  egg-fruit,  and  various  "  sayur"5  etc.  being  grown,  with 
clumps  of  bamboo,  probably  planted. 

On  passing  through  this  "  korang "  zone  we  followed  a  new  route, 
keeping  to  the  south  bank  of  the  Momi,  so  obviating  the  necessity  of 
crossing  the  river,  which  is  rather  deep  at  its  mouth.  This  track  passes 
through  the  Wariap  plantations  and  the  sterile  "korang"  forest  beyond, 
cutting  off  a  great  angle  of  the  river.  Then  it  skirts  the  shifting  banks  of 
the  river  as  the  latter  cuts  through  alluvial  deposits  of  mud  and  sand, 
or  crosses  wide  sand-banks,  the  splash  of  crocodiles  heralding  our  approach. 
These  sand-banks  afforded  a  fine  view  over  the  Momi,  showing  Camarinas 
and  the  symmetrical  Terminalia,  the  latter  veiled  in  all-obliterating  Zanonia, 
backed  by  the  distant  mountains.  Thence  the  track  alternates  between  the 
dome-like  "  korang  "  forest  and  the  thicker  undergrowth  of  alluvial  flats,  or, 
when  nearer  the  river,  over  oozy  slime  which  spreads  over  the  stems  and 
leaves  of  a  small  Licuala  palm  and  the  giant  KorlJuilsia,  the  chief  under- 
growth in  such  areas. 

1  Gardens.  a  Colocasia  antiquorum  Schott.  '  Sweet  potatoes. 

4  Gourds.  '  Vegetables. 



Momi  Inundation  Area. 

From  the  forest  one  emerges  into  the  blazing  sunshine,  on  an  open  plain, 
which  it  takes  several  hours  to  cross,  all  stones,  gravel,  sand,  and  "  lalang," 
dotted  with  small  trees  of  Casuarina  equisetifolia.  This  open  space  forms  an 
inundation-area  of  the  river,  and  is  under  water  during  the  rains.  Amongst 
the  stones  Geodorum  pictum,  a  pink-flowered  orchid,  was  characteristic,  and 
Peristylus  goodyeroides  was  found  among  the  "  lalang  "  which  covered  the 
sandy  areas.  The  most  remarkable  feature  was  abundant  clumps  of  a  new 
Pteris,  P.  bamliisoides,  with  erect  rhachises  resembling  stems  rising  from  an 
underground  rhizome,  each  rhachis  about  2  m.  in  height,  clothed  \vith 
segments  from  the  base  to  the  apex,  originally  bilateral,  becoming  spiral 
later  through  the  twisting  of  the  cortex.  The  species  was  also  seen  near 
Wariap,  in  passing  through  the  "  kebuns."  Professor  Bower,  to  whom 
I  submitted  this  interesting  new  fern,  suggests  that  "  the  general  habit 
might  possibly  compare  with  that  of  Pteris  grandiflora,  in  so  far  that  both 
are  probably  creeping  rhizomatous." 

Pandanus  Trees. 

The  second  day,  while  still  in  the  "  korang  "  forest,  we  passed  through  a 
striking  group  of  old  Pandanus  trees,  about  30  in.  high,  each  rising  out  of 
the  forest  on  numberless  grotesque  stilt  roots  for  about  a  quarter  of  the 
height,  succeeded  by  a  straight  stem  with  much-branched  top  ;  the  old 
leaves  hung  in  limp  masses  from  every  possible  resting-place  and  strewed 
the  wet  ground  underneath.  These  weird  trees  gave  a  pregnant  impression 
of  the  scenic  possibilities  of  this  genus  under  primitive  conditions.  Even 
the  Malays  were  impressed  ;  but  the  Papuans  spoke  of  similar  isolated 
groups  scattered  through  this  forest.  These  groups  possibly  represent 
the  first  vegetative  covering  of  the  "  korang/'  displaced  later  by  more 
rapidly  growing  dicotyledonous  forest  trees,  as  only  those  plants  which 
could  respond  by  equal  vertical  growth  and  so  maintain  the  same  level 
as  their  competitors  would  have  a  chance  of  survival  under  such  enveloping 
conditions.  No  fruit  was  seen  on  the  trees  or  underneath  them. 


Once  on  the  foot-hills  the  character  of  the  forest  changes,  the  sodden 
effect  of  the  "korang'*  belt  works  out,  and  it  loses  the  mud-washed  look 
and  steaminess  suggestive  of  constant  inundation.  The  ground,  rocky  and 
broken,  is  strewn  with  Sapindaceous  and  Anacardiaceous  fruits,  red  Pometia, 
and  other  brightly-coloured  kinds,  and  undergrowth  in  the  shape  of  plants 
and  shrubs  appears,  Musscenda  frondosa  being  general.  The  foliage  of  both 
trees  and  lianes  is  less  monstrous  and  more  varied  in  form,  while  a  graceful 
epiphytic  flora  puts  in  an  appearance.  From  time  to  time  small  cleared 


spaces  were  reached,  evidently  known  rest  camps,  where  we  halted  ten 
minutes  to  rest  the  carriers. 

After  a  tedious  climb  up  the  flanks  of  the  spurs,  clothed  in  high  forest, 
one  emerges  on  to  cleared  narrow  ridges,  covered  with  long  grass,  showing 
the  first  signs  of  cultivation,  where  a  beautiful  view  opens  out,  on  the 
one  side  to  the  blue  island-dotted  waters  of  Geelvink  Bay  over  the 
foot-hills  and  the  flat  inundation-belt  just  passed  through,  which  spreads 
out  like  a  green  table,  and  on  the  other  side  across  the  Momi  valley  to  the 
central  mountain  range  with  its  many  outlying  spurs.  After  more  climbing, 
bamboo  thickets  evidently  planted,  with  the  magic  plant  of  Malaya,  Justida 
Gandarussa,  never  known  to  set  seed,  further  confirm  the  impression  of  man's 
vicinity.  Fine  forest  succeeded  these  abandoned  gardens,  from  which  we 
emerged  on  to  old  "  kebuns  "  on  the  broad  crest  of  the  lower  Serao  range. 
Here  were  the  Serao  houses,  surrounded  by  present  cultivation,  where 
we  were  very  well  received  by  the  korano  and  his  charming  wife,  the 
prettiest  Papuan  woman  seen,  though  many  are  nice-looking. 

The  Serao  people — great  friends  of  Manao's — cordially  invited  me  to 
sleep  in  their  house  ;  but  as  all  the  Papuans  with  the  Japanese  streamed  in, 
to  say  nothing  of  the  original  inhabitants,  I  decided  to  camp  outside  in  a 
newly  made  "  kebun,"  with  the  "  Pradjoerit"  and  "  Orang  ranteV' 

The  korano's  house  was  very  large,  with  split-bamboo  flooring  and  a  few 
small  partitions,  while  against  each  side  a  narrow  strip  was  thickly  sanded 
over  for  fires.  Opposite  the  entrance  a  second  door  opened  on  to  a  balcony, 
commanding  a  lovely  view  over  the  dip  of  the  ridge  to  the  immediate  Momi 
valley  and  the  further  spurs  of  the  Arfak.  A  house  inhabited  by  a  head- 
hunting tribe  was  pointed  out  on  the  slopes  below. 

Native  Plantations. 

In  the  "  kebuns  "  the  luxuriance  of  the  crops  and  method  in  cultivation 
is  surprising.  Sweet  potatoes  of  very  fine  quality,  gourds,  plantains  etc., 
and  papayas,  the  latter  replaced  by  maize  and  tobacco  as  the  altitude 
increases,  with  some  of  the  finest  sugar-cane  I  have  seen,  are  planted, 
the  standing  crops  in  diagonals  alternately,  with  sweet  potatoes  and  gourds, 
chiefly  Lagenaria  hispida,  as  undercrops. 

Some  of  these  plantations  were  situated  on  the  steepest  slopes,  where, 
toiling  up  in  the  pitiless  sun,  one  sinks  to  one's  kneos  in  fine  deep  soil. 
Fortunately  there  are  always  many  logs  lying  in  succession  as  they  were 
felled,  which  facilitate  the  ascent. 

The  plantations  or  gardens  are  surrounded  by  a  strong  double  stockade 
against  wild  pig,  with  notched  poles  slanting  both  ways  at  certain  points  for 
ingress  and  egress.  One  or  two  communal  houses  are  generally  built  in  the 
middle  of  the  plantation,  each  on  a  maze  of  criss-crossed  poles,  about  20 
from  the  ground,  with  a  veranda  back  and  front,  approached  by  a  notched 



pole  from  the  front  only.  Where  the  crest  is  narrow  the  houses  are  built  at 
the  edge,  so  that,  entering  on  the  level  in  front,  the  elevation  at  the  hack 
accords  with  the  slope  of  the  hill. 

Strict  etiquette  demands  that  your  name  and  business  be  shouted  out  by 
the  most  sonorous  voiced  Papuan  at  the  point  of  ingress  into  the  plantation, 
before  intrusion  on  their  domain,  for  the  information  of  the  owners.  You 
are  then  received  by  the  inhabitants,  both  men  and  women,  all  standing  or 
sitting  unarmed  on  the  balcony,  and  after  friendly  greeting  and  distribution 
of  tobacco  one  passes  on  in  peace.  This  custom  is  described  in  the  account 
of  the  '  Etna'  expedition  for  the  northern  part  of  the  Arfak  (8,  74),  and  by 
van  Oosterzee  (17,  1002  &  1004)  on  the  occasion  of  his  expedition  to  the 
Angi  lakes,  in  the  Sjari  region. 

From  the  third  ridge  on  leaving  the  Soedomi  River,  we  looked  down  on 
to  the  Momi  again,  and  descended  to  it  over  secondary  slopes  overgrown  with 
Rnbus  roscefolius,  the  fruit  dirty-red  in  colour,  hard,  and  like  a  small  rasp- 
berry in  shape,  just  as  insipid  but  very  different  in  appearance  to  the  large 
scarlet,  strawberry-like  fruit  of  the  same  species  in  the  uplands  of  British 
N.  Borneo.  A  boggy  bamboo-thicket  lined  the  bed  of  the  river,  which  we 
crossed,  to  camp  for  the  third  night  on  the  other  side  in  an  old  "kebun." 
Whole  families  of  the  hill  people  came  down  to  visit  us,  even  with  babies  in 
arms,  each  party,  after  wandering  round  gloating  over  the  various  sights  of 
the  camp,  building  its  own  shelter,  to  which  they  retired  to  cook  their  meal 
and  spend  the  night.  I  distributed  tobacco  to  the  men,  women,  and  bigger' 
children,  and  rice  to  the  babies,  of  which  the  very  tiniest  demanded  its  quota. 
Some  of  these  people  came  on  with  us  to  the  lakes,  as  others  had  done  from 
Serao — a  source  of  considerable  relief  to  the  coast  carriers,  many  of  whom 
were  getting  tired  from  the  steady  climbing.  These  mountain  people  are 
splendid  carriers,  but  it  is  next  to  impossible  to  get  them  to  go  down  to  the 

The  next  day,  proceeding  through  secondary  forest  up  a  lateral  spur,  old 
plantations  opened  out  at  5000'.  At  about  6000'  a  couple  of  bushes  of  the 
copper-coloured  Rhododendron  Icetum,  red  when  older,  one  of  the  glories  of 
the  Arfak,  heralded  the  approach  of  the  mountain  collecting-grounds,  which 
I  alone  intended  to  work.  The  korano  of  Wariap  and  his  grandson  Waspiri 
pointed  out,  on  the  southern  flanks  of  the  spur  near  the  valley  below,  two 
houses  of  the  "  Orang  Jatoe,"  or  bad  people,  noted  head-hunters  according 
to  my  informants,  Waspiri  adding  that  the  victims  were  decapitated  at  the 
house  observed  from  the  Serao  ridge,  the  resulting  trophies  being  brought  up 
here.  With  glasses  the  people  could  be  seen  standing  on  a  rise  near  by,  while 
in  front  of  the  house,  in  a  cleared  space,  twelve  men  were  sitting,  in  two 
rows  of  six  each,  singing  some  barbaric  chant,  accompanying  their  song  of 
defiance  with  reiterative  movements  of  arms  and  legs,  in  Polynesian  fashion. 
Certainly,  unlike  all  the  other  mountain  people,  they  did  not  attempt  to 


approach  our  party,  which  was,  of  course,  much  too  large  to  invite  any  form 
of  attack. 

Higher  up,  a  large  solitary  house  inhabited  by  very  friendly  people  marked 
the  limit  of  the  inhabited  zone.  Immediately  above  this  the  path  enters 
true  "  rimbu,"  l  then  strikes  the  track  along  part  of  the  main  range,  which, 
running  approximately  N.  to  S.W.,  is  clothed  in  low  mountain  forest,  the 
plant-formation  common  to  the  crest  of  the  main  range  and  the  lake  basins. 


From  7000'  low  mountain  forest  prevails  up  to  the  lakes,  and  systematic 
collection  was  limited  to  this  formation. 

Advancing  due  south,  with  increase  of  altitude  the  crest  of  theS.W.  ridge 
soon  becomes  narrower  and  the  trees  smaller,  showing  a  gradual  transition 
from  mossless  forest  to  an  intermediate  mossy  forest  with  a  fine  variety  of 
mosses  and  hepatics  ;  while  on  higher  points  true  mossy  forest  prevailed, 
but  very  limited  in  incidence  and  species.  Coniferous  trees,  Phyllocladus, 
Podocarpus,  Uacrydium,  and  Libocedrus,  were  conspicuous  on  this  ridge,  the 
facies  of  the  vegetation  being  strongly  reminiscent  of  that  of  the  ridges  of 
Kinabalu  at  the  same  altitude,  but  suggesting  a  wider  and  more  continental 

Small  open  rest-  and  camping-places  from  time  to  time  gave  vantage 
points  of  observation,  where  the  ground  was  always  bright  with  clumps  of  a 
brilliant  orange  Dendrobium  and  the  pretty  mauve  Burmannia  disticha  : 
otherwise,  white  and  yellow  predominated  amongst  the  shrubs  and  trees  of 
the  mountain  forest. 

Other  open  spaces  were  caused  by  small  landslips  of  the  loose  granite- 
gravel  soil,  on  which  no  rock  was  seen  exposed.  In  one  place  quite  a  large 
part  of  the  crest  had  slipped  away,  leaving  a  steep  wall  about  100'  high, 
difficult  to  scramble  up,  as  the  gravel  gave  beneath  the  feet.  Probably  the 
higher  points  of  the  ridge,  now  overgrown  with  roots  of  trees,  are  due  to  this 
agency.  These  open  spaces  afforded  beautiful  views  over  the  Sjari  ridge 
with  its  tiny  trails  of  smoke,  to  the  blue  waters  of  the  Bay  in  the  distance  on 
the  east,  and  limited  on  the  west  by  the  densely-wooded  slopes  of  the  Tilaan 

That  night,  the  fourth  after  leaving  Wariap,  we  camped  on  the  highest 
part  of  this  ridge,  on  an  open  space  above  a  mountain-torrent.  I  was 
awakened  in  the  night  by  a  wild  stamping  of  feet,  accompanied  by  a 
stentorian  chant  of  powerful  voices  in  unison,  taken  up  by  each  Papuan 
party  in  turn.  The  "  Papuas,"  as  they  are  always  called,  rigidly  kept  to 
their  separate  clans,  each  putting  up  its  own  shelter.  This  somewhat 
alarming  incident  proved  to  be  a  primitive  method  of  keeping  warm. 

1  Virgin  forest. 

fiven  on  the  march  when  resting  for  meals  the  Papuans  invariably  sorted 
themselves  into  their  own  family  groups.  Notwithstanding  the  heterogeneous 
nature  of  the  party — over  forty  carriers,  men,  women,  and  children,  the  men 
in  most  cases  accompanied  by  their  wives  and  other  children,  with  the  hill 
people  joined  on, — I  never  heard  any  complaint  from  the  Serzan  nor  a 
discordant  note  or  quarrel. 

No  doubt  the  presence  of  my  staunch  friends  Manao  and  Waspiri,  both 
very  fine  men,  and  that  of  old  Basi,  the  korano  of  another  "campong,"  a 
fund  of  quaint  humour  and  good  temper,  who  had  been  up  several  times 
before,  had  a  great  deal  lo  do  with  this  result.  There  were,  however,  many 
outside  elements  over  which  their  control  \>as  not  acknowledged;  but  the 
absence  of  bad  temper  and  quarrelsomeness  is  always  a  distinguishing 
feature  of  primitive  people  who  have  been  spared  contact  with  our  so-called 

The  next  morning,  after  some  hours'  progress  along  the  crest,  we  emerged 
from  the  small  forest  into  a  lower  scrub,  to  look  down  on  to  the  brilliant  blue 
waters  of  a  lovely  lake,  surrounded  by  slopes  and  ridges  wooded  to  the  water's 
edge  as  they  ran  into  the  lake,  intersected  by  the  white  beaches  of  many  bays 
of  varying  size  and  outline.  This  lake  lies  in  a  trough  between  the  ridge  we 
were  on  and  Koebre  Mountain,  of  which  the  bare  summit  with  a  few  scattered 
trees  limits  the  sky-line  west,  as  it  rises  straight  from  the  water's  edge,  except 
for  a  little  cultivated  land  where  the  lew  Alfuero  houses  were  dotted  along 
the  shores.  One  or  two  moving  spots  on  the  water  showed  that  these  people 
were  observing  us  from  the  frail  rafts  made  of  three  palm-stems  tied  together, 
which  are  their  only  means  of  transport  (PL  1.  fig.  2). 

On  the  eastern  side  at  one's  feet  the  prevailing  forest  runs  down  to  the 
water's  edge  where  the  banks  are  steep  (PL  2.  fig.  4),  but  where  the  slopes 
are  gradual  it  is  replaced  by  an  open  marsh  bordering  this  side  of  the  lake,  on 
which  some  long  spinneys  and  an  isolated  forest-patch  intrude  (PL  2.  fig.  3). 

Intersected  about  the  centre  by  a  few  forest-clad  lateral  spurs  from  the 
S.W.  ridge,  the  marsh  sweeps  round  to  the  north,  where  a  break  in  the  hills 
marks  the  exit  of  the  Tilaan  River.  This  northern  portion  was  not  touched 
by  me  in  the  course  of  this  work. 

Angi  Lakes. 

Turning  abruptly  to  the  right,  we  descended  steeply  over  roots  and 
trunks  of  trees  through  a  sheltered  mossy  forest,  then  splashing  over  logs 
and  bog  on  to  the  marsh.  Here  it  was  open  and  easy  walking  where  water 
streams  over  the  coarse  quartz  sand,  bright  with  Riedelicu,  Dendrobiums, 
and  Rhododendrons,  but  impassible  where  boggy  and  covered  with  fern  and 

The  marsh  is  not  a  natural  association,  but  it  is  kept  open  by  the  Alfueros, 
who  were  busy  burning  it  off  during  our  stay  ;  a  practice  which  no  doubt 


facilitates  drainage,  as  the  small  rivulets,  issuing  from  the  slopes,  which 
stream  over  the  marsh  to  drain  into  the  lake,  would  form  a  water-logged 
area  under  forest  conditions,  impeding  access  to  and  from  the  lake.  This 
is  no  doubt  what  the  Papuans  imply  when  they  explain  the  burning  by 
saying  that  it  keeps  the  ground  upanas"  or  dry.  But  more  important  still 
is  the  fact  that  the  houses  on  the  opposite  side  command  the  whole  of  this 
cleared  area,  so  that  the  arrival  of  strangers  can  be  controlled  and  warning 
received  in  case  of  hostile  attack. 

The  practice  of  burning  areas  for  observation  or  otherwise  must  always 
have  been  prevalent  in  the  Arfak,  as  Forrest,  in  1705  (1,  108),  whose  stay  at 
Dorei  Bay  coincided  with  a  very  dry  January,  saw  from  there  "  many  great 
fires  on  the  mountains  of  Arfak." 

Passing  over  the  central  portion  of  the  marsh,  we  made  our  way  to  some 
rising  ground,  where  the  camp  was  pitched  in  front  of  an  isolated  forest 
patch  facing  the  lake,  from  which  it  was  separated  by  a  muddy  tract,  where 
Juncus  lampocarpus  predominated.  This  tract  soon  became  a  morass  from 
the  constant  Papuan  traffic  to  and  from  the  lake,  where  a  long  white  beach 
formed  the  landing-stage  of  the  native  rafts. 

The  day  after  our  arrival  the  Alfueros  streamed  over  to  visit  us,  accom- 
panied as  usual  by  wives,  children,  and  babies.  Wearing  no  clothes,  many 
were  plastered  over  with  some  black  pigment,  possibly  for  greater  warmth. 
They  brought  to  trade  "ubi,"  corn-cobs,  tobacco,  and  splendid  potatoes.  The 
latter,  grown  on  the  upper  lake,  were  a  most  welcome  delicacy  after  unlimited 
sweet  potatoes,  and  as  much  appreciated  by  the  Malays  and  Papuans  as  by 
myself.  My  people  traded  everything  that  could  be  scraped  together  for 
them  and  for  the  tobacco,  which  was  said  to  be  of  very  good  quality.  The 
"  Pradjoerit"  and  "  Orang  rante"  exchanged  their  salt  rations  and  matches, 
relying  with  touching  faith  on  my  supplies,  even  parting  with  the  buttons  on 
their  uniforms.  The  Papuans  traded  their  rice  and  sago  rations,  to  return 
to  the  coast  exhausted  as  a  result  of  an  "  ubi "  diet.  St.  Vrsiz  (15,  235) 
mentions  potatoes  as  doing  well  at  Hatam,  where  they  had  been  introduced 
for  twenty  years  through  the  Missionary  Woelders  from  Andai.  The 
tobacco  was  carried  at  the  top  of  long  poles,  rolled  into  large  pointed  ellipses, 
which  looked  like  clubs. 

In  1857  (8,  75),  when  the  northern  part  of  the  Arfak  was  visited  by 
members  of  the  *  Etna '  Expedition,  they  were  told  that  tobacco  was  not 
grown  on  the  north  side  but  on  the  east,  and  that  it  was  distributed  from 
Hatam  to  Amberbaki,  Dorei,  and  the  south-west  coast  of  Geelvink  Bay. 
That  it  should  be  easiest  to  bring  this  appreciated  article  three  days'  journey 
down  from  Hatam  to  Andai,  and  then  by  "  prau  "  along  the  coast,  in  prefer- 
ence to  the  two  to  five  days'  journey  from  the  Angi  lakes,  proves  how  little 
intercourse  there  is  between  the  Hill  and  Coast  tribes,  and  also  what  a 
natural  boundary  the  inundation  "korang"  belt  forms. 


The  korano  of  Koebre  was  quite  a  superior  man,  a  blood-brother  of 
Manao's,  who  brought  him  up  to  me,  when  he  presented  me  with  splendid 
potatoes  and  corn-cobs,  and  I  gave  him  knives  and  a  "kain"  J  in  return. 

It  was  interesting  to  note  how  the  character  of  the  surrounding  forest, 
even  in  such  a  small  area  as  this  lake-basin,  varied  with  the  exposure.  The 
eastern  slopes  were  characterized  by  mossy  forest,  while  to  the  south-e;ist 
Araucaria  Beccarii  predominate.!,  gregarious  and  in  groups,  to  near  the 
water's  edge  (PL  1.  fig.  1).  To  the  north  and  north-east  the  forest  was  not  so 
homogeneous,  older  Libocedrus  arfakensis  and  Podocarpus  papuanus,  with  the 
graceful  palm  Kentia  Gibbsiana,  standing  out  above  the  mass  level,  both  on 
the  slopes  and  the  ridge.  On  the  western  slopes  of  Koebre  it  was  much  drier 
in  type. 

The  most  fertile  part  was  the  isolated  patch  of  intermediate  mossy  forest 
behind  our  camp,  which  reminded  me  of  Fiji  in  its  beautiful  moss-flora  and 
wealth  of  creeping  orchids.  The  possibilities  of  this  patch,  though  continually 
worked  through,  seemed  inexhaustible. 

Accompanied  by  two  of  the  "  Pradjoerit,"  Manao  and  his  friend  the 
Alfuero  korano,  with  the  latter's  two  delightful  boys,  most  keen  to  help  in 
collecting  and  looking  for  plants,  I  spent  a  day  on  Koebre.  We  crossed  the 
lake  on  two  of  the  rafts  tied  together,  following  Dr.  Gjellerup's  advice.  It 
was  a  very  tedious  journey,  taking  about  an  hour  and  a  half;  while  coining 
back  in  the  dark,  with  stormy  gusts  of  wind  and  rain,  we  spent  about  two 
hours  in  crossing.  The  two  rafts,  attached  by  a  rotan-tie  at  each  end,  worked 
against  each  other  as  the  waves  splashed  up  between. 

The  summit  of  Koebre  is  a  bare,  open,  lichen-covered  plateau,  of  which 
the  wind-swept  character  is  revealed  in  the  shrnbs,  either  prostrate  and 
spreading  on  the  ground  or  of  clipped,  erect,  and  compact  habit.  A  few 
single  trees  which  have  survived  the  fires  to  which  the  open  character  of 
this  summit  is  due,  dot  the  surface,  while  in  gullies  and  depressions  small 
trees  are  crowded  into  shrubberies  surrounded  by  a  ring  of  burnt  wood. 

It  was  amazing  to  see  solitary  grotesque  Myrmedomas,  over  a  metre  high, 
also  recorded  by  van  Ooster/ee  (17, 1008) — plants  of  such  size,  to  say  nothing 
of  the  terrestrial  habit,  being  quite  unknown  to  me  (PL  3.  fig.  G).  The 
same  may  be  said  of  an  extraordinary  Hydnophytutn^  just  like  a  collection  of 
pipes  standing  upright  on  the  ground,  each  pipe  representing  a  hollow  stem, 
about  one  dm.  across,  bearing  flowering  branches  round  the  rim.  A  couple 
of  small  isolated  trees  of  Dacrydium  novo-gumeense  bore  an  abundance  of 
small  red  cones. 

From  the  summit  there  is  a  splendid  view  over  the  smaller,  or  "  Man  " 
(<$ ),  lake,  beautiful  in  outline,  with  much  cultivation  round  its  shores,  of 
which  the  upper  slopes  are  much  more  densely  wooded  and  the  lower  more 
thickly  inhabited  than  the  "Woman"  (?),  especially  towards  the  south, 

1  Cloth. 


where  the  excellent  potatoes  are  grown.  To  the  north  the  surrounding  hills 
slope  on  both  sides  to  a  marshy  area,  which  marks  the  exit  of  a  river,  as  on 
the  lower  lake. 

To  the  south-west  the  houses  of  another  head-hunting  tribe  were  pointed 
out,  who  seem  to  dominate  this  part  of  the  country,  as  those  before  men- 
tioned cause  a  reign  of  terror  at  lower  altitudes.  These  people  possibly 
represent  the  tribe  called  "  Hiraj,"  about  which  St.  Vraz  (15,  234)  was  told 
at  Hatam  thnt  they  lived  beyond  the  lake  Tschemti,  and  were  spoken  of 
as  cannibals  ;  but  I  never  heard  any  of  these  "  Orang  jatoe  "  referred  to  as 
anything  but  head-hunters  by  my  informants,  Manao  and  Waspiri. 

Our  stay  at  the  <$  lake,  much  as  I  should  have  liked  to  prolong  it, 
was  limited  to  six  days.  The  camp,  never  very  dry  at  the  best  of  times, 
became  sodden  and  under  water  from  so  much  trampling,  and  many  of  the 
Wariap  people,  who  had  faithfully  kept  their  promise  to  stay  with  me,  were 
suffering  from  bad  colds  and  rheumatism,  such  a  sudden  change  of  tempera- 
ture necessarily  telling  on  people  accustomed  to  tropical  heat,  when  warm 
clothing  cannot  be  provided. 

The  Malays  of  my  escort  were  also  becoming  depressed,  as  they  always 
do  when  out  of  their  accustomed  environment,  so  the  order  to  break  camp 
was  hailed  as  a  happy  deliverance  by  everybody  but  myself.  The  beauty  of 
these  surroundings,  their  extraordinary  variety,  afforded  such  a  wealth  of 
material  for  work  and  reflection,  which,  with  crisp  air,  cool  temperature,  and 
splendid  weather,  made  one  long  to  spend  more  time  in  this  lovely  spot. 

Our  return  was  along  the  S.W.  ridge  again,  leaving  on  the  right 
the  spur  by  which  we  had  ascended.  Beyond  this  point  a  fine  high  forest 
developed  as  the  altitude  decreased,  the  huge  climbing  ferns  still  wreathing 
the  trunks  of  the  much  finer  trees,  the  undergrowth  showing  less  herbaceous 
variety  with  more  sub-staging  of  shrubs  and  young  trees.  A  small  clump 
of  Corsia  arfakensis,  a  new  species,  grew  on  some  dead  wood,  and  at 
about  5000'  a  group  of  two  or  three  magnificent  Agatliis  Dammara,  with 
towering  white  steins,  too  large  to  climb,  and  very  small  crowns,  occurred. 
Great  lumps  of  white  dammar  stood  out  on  the  trunks,  which  the 
"  Pradjoerit,"  to  whom  these  trees  were  familiar  in  Amboina,  immediately 
wanted  to  fire,  so  like  the  wasteful  Fijians  with  their  beautiful  "  Dakua  " 
trees,  which  I  sternly  forbade.  This  practice,  I  was  glad  to  see,  seemed 
unknown  to  the  Papuans. 

Many  young  trees  showing  the  fastigiate  youth  form  were  seen,  and  one 
of  the  Papuans  found  me  a  young  seedling,  about  2  m.  high,  from  which  I 
took  the  foliage,  but  had  to  content  myself,  so  far  as  fruiting  material  went, 
with  some  old  scales  found  beneath  the  old  trees  ;  they  were  sufficient, 
however,  to  determine  the  species. 

Continuing  down  a  lateral  spur,  running  in  an  easterly  direction,  we 


passed  through  a  somewhat  dense  undergrowth  of  a  small  Licuala  sp.,  where 
the  pretty  white  Medinilla  arfakensis,  almost  a  small  tree,  a  very  handsome 
Bulbophyllum  covering  a  prostrate  log,  and  the  climbing  Diclirotricliium 
brevipes,  another  of  Beccari's  Hatam  records,  were  also  growing.  From  an 
open  space  we  caught  a  glimpse  of  the  buttress  of  the  ridge  we  had  descended 
from,  with  the  glorious  Agathis  trees  towering  far  above  the  rest  of  the 

Farther  on,  at  another  unusually  large  cleared  resting-space.  vaulted 
over  by  trees,  we  came  upon  some  horizontal  sticks,  resting  on  a  couple  of 
forked  supports  stuck  in  the  ground,  on  which  a  number  of  little  forked 
prongs  were  arranged  in  groups.  Waspiri  exclaimed  when  he  saw  this 
peculiar  arrangement,  explaining  that  it  was  the  practice  of  the  Coast  people 
to  have  these  places,  which  show  what  parties  have  recently  been  in  the 
mountains,  the  arrangement  of  tho  little  prongs  indicating  how  many  and 
whether  women  or  children,  if  the  parties  had  returned,  or  if  any  of  their 
members  had  been  killed.  On  this  occasion  it  was  m:ide  out  that  a  man  and 
woman,  missing  from  Wariap,  had  been  killed  in  the  hills. 

Finally,  always  working  east,  we  passed  through  the  bamboo  clumps, 
which  herald  cultivation,  on  to  a  large  plantation,  with  a  solitary  house  in 
the  centre.  Here  an  old  man  showed  us  the  way  down  to  the  Momi  River, 
an  impossibly  steep  track,  up  which,  considering  the  way  it  was  worn,  the 
people  of  the  house  must  fetch  all  their  water  every  day. 

From  this  plantation  a  view  up  to  the  Serao  ridge  showed  the  "  kebun," 
in  which  we  had  camped  on  the  second  night,  and  also  the  house  of  the 
head-hunters  on  the  lower  slopes. 

Camping  by  the  river  that  night  we  reached  Wariap  next  day  through 
the  "  korang  "  forest,  joining  our  old  tract  later,  just  before  the  Pandanus 

At  Wariap  my  first  inquiry  was  for  the  '  Valk/  as  the  Commander  had 
most  kindly  promised  to  call  in  there  on  his  return  from  the  Mamberamo 
River,  on  the  chance  of  our  being  there.  As  there  was  no  news  I  decided 
not  to  wait  in  tliat  sand-fly  stricken  spot,  but,  giving  the  men  two  days'  rest, 
to  return  by  the  beach  to  Manokoeari,  which  everybody  at  Manokoeari,  even 
Mr.  van  Oosterzee,  had  told  me  was  quite  impossible.  The  iSerzan,  however, 
after  searching  inquiries,  found  that  this  route  was  feasible  and  well-known 
to  the  Wariap  people,  taking  four  days.  Two  "  praus"  from  Wariap  carried 
kit  and  provisions,  landing  at  night  at  the  native  camping-places,  to  which  it 
is  always  wisest  to  keep,  though  somewhat  long,  as  they  are  determined  by 
good  water  and  landing-stages. 

I  had  hoped  to  be  in  time  for  the  December  boat  to  Java,  but  on  crossing 
in  u  praus  "  from  Andai  to  Manokoeari,  once  past  the  mouth  of  the  estuary, 
we  could  see  the  smoke  of  the  steamer  across  the  bay.  Watching  intently 
which  direction  she  took,  the  Serzan  exclaimed,  "  Poelang  !  "  (Home).  This 


entailed  a  month's  wait  at  Manokoeari  for  the  next  boat  ;  I  put  in  the  time 
working  about  Dorei  Bay,  as  Dr.  Grjellerup  told  me  it  had  not  been  collected 
over.  As  the  next  boat  called  at  Humboldt  Bay,  the  limit  of  the  Dutch 
possessions,  which  is  only  visited  every  other  month,  I  was  able  to  take  that 
trip  as  well,  collecting  at  each  stopping-place,  with  very  good  results. 

The  coast-collections  proved  very  interesting,  but  phytogeographically 
so  distinct  from  the  Arfak  plants,  no  two  species  proving  common  to  both 
regions,  that  they  have  been  separately  enumerated. 


[Endemic  species  are  marked  °,  and  those  of  wider  distribution  *.] 

a.  S.W.  RIDGE. 
1  a.  Mossless  Forest. 

On  the  main  range,  or  S.W.  ridge,  at  7000',  a  mossless  forest  asso- 
ciation prevails,  of  slender  straight  trees  about  13-]  6  m.  high,  with  a  very 
open  undergrowth  of  chiefly  herbaceous  plants. 

Undergrowth. — °Alpinia  domatifera,  1-2  m.,  always  in  appreciable  colonies 
of  one  height,  the  flowers  varying  from  white  to  red  with  red  fruit,  and 
A.  arfakensis  var.  subsessilis,  with  pink  flowers  and  white  fruit,  were 
dominant,  more  or  less  covering  the  open  ground. 

Liancs. — *  Gleichenia  linearis,  spread  over  supports  up  to  7  m.,  while 
the  trunks  of  the  trees  were  wreathed  in  the  climbing  ferns  *Nephrolepis 
acuminata  and  P^lybotrya  arfakensis,  from  base  to  branches,  the  long  fronds 
standing  out  radially  from  the  stems.  Freycinetia  Gibbsece,  with  very  hand- 
some red  sheaths,  hung  bunched  from  the  trees  or  spread  in  thick  masses 
underneath,  and  F.  flaviceps,  with  yellow  fruit,  was  more  slender  in  habit. 

Trees. — A  group  of  °Quercus  Lauterbachii,  the  ground  underneath  strewn 
with  magnificent  acorns  of  all  sizes,  some  of  those  collected  having  proved 
the  largest  known,  represented  a  family  recorded  by  D'Albertis  (9,  69), 
Beccari  (12,  i.  177),  and  St.  Vraz  (15,  33)  from  Hatam.  *Podocarpus 
Rumphii,  recorded  by  Beccari,  but  not  seen  in  fruit,  was  abundant ;  likewise 
Phyllodadus  kypophyttvSj  the  Kinabalu  species,  and  °Podocarpus  papuanus, 
recorded  as  P.  imbricatus  (which  it  very  much  resembles,  the  seedling  form 
being  indistinguishable)  by  Beccari  from  Hatam,  and  since  found  by  Kloss 
on  Mt.  Carstensz.  Advancing  due  south,  as  the  crest  of  the  ridge  narrows, 
a  gradual  transition  to  an  intermediate  mossy  forest  of  smaller  trees  with 
branched  stems  and  denser  crowns,  the  trunks  and  buses  covered  with  small 
hepatics  and  mosses,  takes  place  as  the  altitude  increases. 

2  a,  /3.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest. 

Undergrowth. — Sphagnum  novo-guineense,  with  *Rhacopilum  spectabile 
and  the  magnificent  and  abundant  °Dawsonia  gigantea,  ull  in  fruit,  with  the 
creeping  *Lycopodiutn  cernuum,  formed  part  of  the  prevailing  moss-carpet, 
from  which  rose  the  orchids  Platantliera  elliptica,  vars.  longicalcarata  and 
elatior,  green  in  colour  and  varying  in  size,  gregarious  and  general  in  this 
association  ;  °  Cryptostylis  arfakensis,  with  red  lip  and  green  perianth,  and 
0  Bulbophyllum  muricatum,  with  large  red-spotted  yellow  flowers,  were  found 
in  single  examples.  Clumps  of  °Alpinia  domatifera  (dwarfed),  *Gahnia 
psittacorum,  previously  known  only  from  Australia  and  Tasmania,  *  Histiopteris 
incisa,  *Dipteris  conjugata,  gregarious  as  usual  where  more  open,  with  the 
small  shrubs  Diplycosia  Lilianea?,  about  "25  m.  high,  with  rigid  branches  and 
striking  white-tipped  red  flowers,  Vaccinium  pilosifiorum  with  pretty,  very 
hairy  rose-pink  corollas,  also  seen  as  an  epiphyte,  and  V.  leptospermoides, 
with  red-pink  flowers,  were  often  grouped  together  at  the  base  and  between 
the  dwarfed  trees. 

Tiny  tufts  of  °Gentiana  Vanderwateri,  with  large  white  flowers,  showed 
up  in  damp  places  and,  where  drier  and  the  small  trees  opened  out,  the 
minute  Lobelia  arfakensis  spread  its  large  patches  on  the  ground,  dotted  with 
white  flowers,  while  innumerable  seedlings  of  all  the  conifers  previously 
mentioned,  with  Dacrydium  and  Libocedrus,  formed  the  most  general  and 
conspicuous  part  of  the  undergrowth,  including  the  slender  tree-ferns 
Alsopldla  arfakensis,  with  stems  1  dm.  through  and  about  1  m.  high,  the 
fronds  1  m.  long,  and  Cyathea  arfakensis  not  much  larger. 

Epiphytes. — The  small  ferns  collected  on  the  moss-grown  trunks  of 
the  trees  were  *  Trichomanes  palmattfidum,  Hymenopliyllum  cincinnatum, 
*Lindsaya  hymenopliylloides,  ° Poly  podium  remigerum,  *P.  stenopliyllum, 
*P.  clavifer,  and  the  minute  yellow  orchids,  Octarrhena  cylindrica,  with 
Dendrobium  glauco-viride  (magenta),  Phreatia  spatlmlata  (white),  and  Piper 

Lianes. — *  Gleiclienia  linearis  and  *G.  volubile  abounded,  with  Freycinetia 
GibbsecK,  much  less  luxuriant,  F.  ftaviceps,  and  Calamus  arjakianus  ;  a  slender 
bamboo,  identical  in  habit  and  appearance  with  the  Kinabalu  plant,  but  not 
seen  in  flower,  and  Lyonsia  albifiora  were  also  pretty  general. 

Trees. — Dacrydium  novo-guineense  with  Libocedrus  arfakensis,  °Podo- 
carpus  papuanus,  *P.  Rumphii,  and  * Phyllodadus  hypopliyllus  wore  dominant, 
as  the  profusion  of  seedlings  testified  ;  but  a  great  variety  of  other  small 
trees  were  associated,  especially  towards  the  southern  portion  of  the  ridge, 
where  it  broadens  out  again  and  is  consequently  more  sheltered — Urimys 
arfakensis,  with  a  dense  round  crown,  bore  its  small,  white,  later  pink  flowers 
on  pendent  pedicels  ;  Spirceanthemum  bullatum,  *13ceckea  frutescens ;  Back- 
housia  arfakensis,  flat-topped  like  a  Leptospermum,  with  very  small  coriaceous 

leaves,  and  smothered  in  golden-orange  flowers.  A  Psyclwtria  sp.,  resembling 
P.  sarmentosa,  with  white  panicles  of  flowers,  Idenburyia  arfakensis  repre- 
senting a  new  natural  order,  Myrtus  flavida  var.  glabrescens,  a  glabrous  form 
of  the  Kinabalu  specie?,  Jambosa  arfakensis,  with  small  thick  leaves  and 
white  flowers,  Palmervandenbroefcia  papuana,  an  interesting  new  genus  in 
Araliacese,  and  ° Timonius  filipes,  were  in  full  flower. 

3.  Mossy  Forest. 

The  occurrence  of  this  sterile  type  of  mossy  forest,  as  distinct  from  the 
intermediate  form,  was  limited  to  the  highest  points  of  the  ridge,  where 
the  prostrate  and  erect  trunks  of  the  small  stunted  trees  with  the  ground 
between  were  swathed  in  long  moss,  which,  as  usual  in  this  type  of  associa- 
tion, stands  out  straight  from  its  supports,  rigidly  turgid  and  generally  in 
vegetative  condition. 

*Schizcea  malaccana,  *Gahnia  psittacorum,  1  m.  high,  Halorrhagis  suf- 
fruticosa,  Nepenthes  maxima  v<ir.  nana.  the  twining  °L/'uzuriaga  aspericaulis, 
0 .Rhododendron  angiense,  an  undershrub,  with  *  Trichomanes  digitatum, 
Hymenopliyllum  cincinnatum,  °  Poly  podium  papuanum,  and  °P.  remigerum 
as  epiphytes,  were  collected. 

2  a.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest. 

An  isolated  circular  forest  patch,  in  about  the  centre  of  the  marsh,  proved 
the  best  collecting-ground  in  the  mountain-forest  area. 

The  average  height  of  the  trees  was  about  16  m. — a  few  symmetrical  conical 
dark  green  crowns  of  Libocedrus  arfakensis^  the  topmost  branches  of  which 
were  all  dead,  as  if  the  trees  had  reached  the  limit  of  their  development  or 
the  roots  had  penetrated  into  an  unfavourable  substratum,  with  the  smaller 
.feathery  glaucous  green  of  °Podocarpus  papuanus  rising  above  them. 

On  the  exterior  a  fringe  of  bracken  bordered  this  patch  on  the  north, 
while  towards  the  south  a  wild  dense  upgrowth  of  grass-jungle,  fern,  and 
shrubs  seemed  to  point  to  the  forest  spreading  in  that  direction.  On  the 
western  or  lake  side,  a  raised  spit  of  coarse  granite-sand,  carrying  a 
graduated  growth  of  Bceckea  fmitescens,  intruded  into  the  marsh,  the  level, 
no  doubt,  marking  that  of  the  forest-patch. 

Trees. — On  the  southern  edge,  where  the  trees  were,  more  advanced, 
*Podocarpus  Rumphii  and  °P.  papuanus  in  full  fruit,  * Pliyllocladus  hypo- 
phyllus,  Trimenia  arfakensis  with  white  flowers,  the  scented  Pullea  papuana, 
Spirceanthemum  bullatum,  both  with  plumose  white  racemes,  the  latter  showing 
peculiarly  bullate  leaves,  Acronychia  papuana,  *  DodoncBa  viscosa,  *  Bceckea 
frutescens)  the  delicate  Metrosideros  arfakensis,  with  small  glistening  leaves 


and  the  tender  pink  flowers  in  clusters  on  the  bare  steins  of  the  old  wood, 
Myrtus  arfakensis  with  yellow  flowers  and  black  berries,  and  Poikilogyne 
arfakensis  with  spreading  cymes  of  pink  flowers,  the  size  of  blackberries ; 
in  the  young  plants  of  this,  in  which  the  long  single  wand-like  shoots  flower 
at  2  m.,  the  flowers  of  the  ample  terminal  cyme  are  larger. 

The  very  abundant  Anomopanax  arfakensis,  Shefflera  arfakensis  of  com- 
pact habit,  and  Kissodendron  bipinnatum,  with  terminal  bunches  of  enormous 
leaves  and  inflorescence,  were  interesting  representatives  of  the  Araliacea?,  a 
family  generally  typical  of  primitive  forest,  the  first  to  disappear  under 
secondary  conditions.  ° Rhododendron  Devriesianum,  its  huge  white  panicles 
just  breaking  into  flower,  °StypheUa  trochocarpoides^  with  white  flowers  and 
striking  bunches  of  black  berries,  one  of  Beccari's  Hatam  plants,  Vaccinium 
roseiflorum,  with  small  massed  racemes  of  waxy  pink  flowers,  while  Mcesa 
fruticosa,  the  handsome  Symplocos  novo-guineensis  with  S.  arfakensis,  and 
°Timonius  brevipes,  all  showed  white  flowers. 

Once  inside  this  forest,  it  reminded  me  strikingly  of  Fijian  conditions  in 
the  abundance  of  stictaceous  Lichens,  so  absent  through  Malaya,  the  luxuri- 
ance of  the  moss  and  fern  flora,  and  the  many  creeping  terrestrial  orchids 
with  a  wealth  of  graceful  epiphytic  forms.  The  slender  epiphytes  and 
climbing  plants  combined  in  a  sensuous  harmony  of  well-balanced  growth- 
forms,  amongst  which  the  stately  trunks  of  the  Libocedrus,  and  the  straight 
stems  of  °P.  papuanus  and  Dacrydium  novo-guineense,  with  rough  scaly  brown 
bark,  stood  out  amongst  the  smaller  angiospermous  forest  trees. 

Undergroicth. — The  ground  was  carpeted  with  those  most  beautiful 
mosses  *Rhodobryum  giganteum  and  °IJi/pnodendron  diversifolium  in  fruit, 
and  creeping  between  their  soft  tufts  of  delicate  foliage,  the  pink-veined 
velvety-green  leaves  of  ?  °Eucosia  papuana  in  fruit,  Microstylis  prodacta 
with  shading  orange-yellow  spikes,  and  the  white  spikes  of  Goodyera 
arfakensis  were  equally  distributed.  Colonies  of  the  two  varieties  elatior 
and  longicalcarata  of  Platanthera  elliptica  were  abundant,  also  the  ubiquitous 
*Lycopodium  serratum,  while  many  tiny  clumps  of  the  quaint  endemic 
saprophytic  genus,  first  discovered  by  Beccari  in  the  Arfak,  but  now- 
established  for  the  whole  of  New  Guinea,  the  wine-red  °Corsia  ornata,  with 
little  heads  all  pointing  in  one  direction,  gave  a  typically  Papuan  note. 

On  the  north-east  side,  creeping  under  the  bracken,  the  fine  Pterostylis 
papuana  var.  arfakensis,  from  cream  to  brown-pink  in- colour,  Liparis  lacus, 
a  small  plant  with  brown  labellum  and  green  petals,  and  a  minute  brown 
Stiymatodactylus  sp.  past  flowering,  grew  on  the  forest  edge.  Taller  plants 
were  * Histiopteris  incisa,  °P1iaiusflavus  var.  papuanus,  °Riedelia  montana  var. 
arfakensis.  Young  plants  of  Pandanus  sp.  with  Kentia  Gibbsiana,  a  slight 
tree-fern  Cyathea  fusca,  3  m.  high,  with  Anomopanax  arfakensis.  °Rlwdo- 
dendron  Vonroemeri,  the  longly  pedicelled  small  orange-yellow  flowers 
recalling  some  Azalea  sp.,  a  very  graceful  plant,  quite  distinct  in  the  genus, 


with  the  seedling  forms  in  all  stages  of  the  prevailing  coniferous  species, 
were  general  as  forest  undershrubs. 

Lianes. — These  comprised  Freycinetia  Gibbsefe  with  the  climbing  Bamboo 
of  the  S.W.  ridge,  °Luzuriaga  aspericaulis,  with  white  flowers  and  black 
berries,  °Palmeria  arfakiana,  $ ,  another  of  Beccari's  Hatam  plants,  of 
which  he  collected  the  ?  ,  Lyonsia  albijiora,  Tecomanthe  volubilis,  of  which 
the  fallen  pink  corollas,  recalling  Lapageria  rosea  in  size  and  colour,  were 
plentiful,  with  Lucincea  reticulata,  all  slender  graceful  plants. 

Epiphytes. — Stictose  Lichens  and  thallose  hepatics,  se  conspicuously 
absent  on  Kinabalu,  in  comparison  with  Polynesia,  were  here  well  to  the 
fore  again,  of  which  *Sticta  variabilis  and  *Riccardia  maxima  were  in  fruit, 
and  the  beautiful  *Spiridens  Reinwardtii,  setting  out  straight  from  the  tree- 
trunks,  recalled  vivid  Fijian  memories,  other  mosses  collected  being 
*  Rhizogonium  spiniforme,  °  Endotricliella  arfakiana,  °  Ectropothecium  arfak- 
ense.  The  ferns  *Trichomanes  meifolium,  °T.  aphlebioides,  *  Hymenopliyllum 
panicidiftorum,  *H.  Kurzii,  *H.  australe,  *H.  salakense,  * JIumata  alftina, 
°H.  neoguineensis,  *Davallia  dissecta,  *D.  contigua,  °Pteris  papuana,  *  Poly- 
podium  hirtellum,  *P.  Curtisii,  and  * Asplenium  acutiusculum,  associated  with 
Lycopodium  squarrosum,  Burmannia  longifolia,  and  the  orchids  Glomera 
angiensis  with  terra-cotta  flowers,  G.  similis  and  °G.  transitoria,  Liparis 
Gibbsece,  °  Ceratostylis  a&fak#n$#  -and  C~i  angiensis,  a  yellow  Pedilochilis  sp., 
°P1ireatia  densissima,  Dendrobium  o.vytophyllum,  °D.  riparium,  Bidbophyllum 
ovalitepalum,  °B.  tricanaliferum,  °B.  octarrhenipetalum,  B.  ovalifolium, 
B.  arfakense,  B.  birugatum,  Octarrhena  cylindrica  var.  major,  were  mostly 
small  species  with  delicate  inconspicuous  flowers  ;  while  only  one  plant  was 
found  in  flower  of  the  charming  little  Vaccinium  cydopense  var.  arfakense, 
which  spreads  with  dorsiventral  branches  over  the  trunks  of  trees,  the 
corolla  red  with  green  tips. 

1  ft.  Araucaria  Forest. 

The  forest  took  on  a  totally  different  character  in  the  spinneys  and  along 
the  edge  which  bounded  the  marsh  to  the  south-east,  where  the  latter  was 
very  boggy  with  much  standing  water,  a  character  also  shown  by  the 
encircling  forest,  on  the  edge  of  which  I  collected,  in  a  dense  growth  of 
°Polypodium  papuanum,  Melastoma  malabathricum  var.  adpressum,  Vaccinium 
globosum  var.  adpressum,  Trimenia  arfakensis,  Sliejjflera  angiensis,  and  /Sym- 
plocos  arfakensis.  °Araucaria  Beccarii,  in  groups  and  gregarious,  here 
predominated,  the  undergrowth  dank  and  impenetrable  on  the  marshy  land, 
where  these  trees  were  young,  but  absent  under  the  older  trees  on  the  basal 
slopes  of  the  eastern  ridge,  where  it  rose  steeply  from  the  lake  (PI.  3.  fig.  5). 

In  this  part  the  chocolate-brown  humus,  representing  the  remains  of 
many  generations  of  trees,  covered  huge  boulders,  pointing  to  a  former 
dominance  of  this  coniferous  forest  type,  with  the  shed  branches  of  which 


the  ground,  rocks,  and  sub-stage  trees  were  strewn.  Araucaria  and  Libo- 
cedrus  seedling  plants  in  all  stages  of  growth,  °Dawsonia  gigantea  in  giant 
clumps  nestling  between  the  depressions  of  the  rocks  with  the  fern  * Poly- 
podium  Feei  (also  as  epiphyte),  constituted  most  of  the  scattered  undergrowth  ; 
while  °Trichomanes  aphlebioides,  the  peculiar  Dend^mtmpapuanum,  identical 
with  Scirpus  nodosa  Rottb.  in  habit  and  appearance  showing  the  samo  pin- 
-'  point  white  flowers,  Psychotria  sp.,  near  P.  sarmentosa,  were  collected  as 
epiphytes,  *Lyc,opodium  casuarinoides  draping  some  slender  under-trees. 

This  forest  originally  extended  to  the  banks  of  the  lake,  which  here  rise 
steeply  from  the  water,  but  had  recently  been  burnt  off  for  about  10  m. 
from  it,  the  exposed  surface  of  sandy  soil  being  covered  with  the  upgrowth 
of  Bracken  with  Lactuca  prolLva,  and  underneath  * Marcliantia  polt/morpha, 
the  moss  *f1unaria  calvescens,  *Epipogum  nutans,  and  on  a  steep  sandy 
bank  Dendrobium  trifolium,  with  quaint  red  and  greenish  flowers,  and  °_D.  sub- 
radiatum,  a  mass  of  small  white  ones,  were  found,  both  probably  originally 
epiphytic  on  some  of  the  burnt  fallen  trees. 

3.  Mossy  Forest. 

The  western  slopes  of  the  S.W.  ridge,  descending  steeply  to  the  marsh, 
were  clothed  in  a  small  dense  mossy  forest  about  7  m.  high,  of  which  the 
moss-grown  logs  and  roots  of  trees  inhibited  most  undergrowth,  except  a 
slender  tree-fern  about  1  m.faigh.  The  standing  trees  were  draped  in  moss, 
Calamus  arfakianus  and  the  climbing  Bamboo  often  veiling  the  upper  parts. 
There  was  little  in  flower  beyond  the  epiphytic  ^Dendrobium  glauco-viride 
and  Sericolea  arfakensis,  with  hanging  shoots  and  pink  flowers. 

This  forest  ran  out  on  to  the  marsh  through  much  rotten  wood  and  boggy 
areas,  the  latter  gay  with  the  beautiful  white,  pink-veined  flowers  of  °Iin- 
patiens  Herzogii  with  reddish  stems  and  leaves,  forming  a  long  level  spinney 
towards  the  lake,  where,  with  the  increase  in  the  size  of  the  trees,  the 
distinctive  mossy  character  was  gradually  lost. 

Small  clumps  of  Dacrydium  novo-guineense  and  °Podocarpus  papuanus 
marked  the  edge  of  this  spinney,  single  crowns  of  Kentia  Gibbsiana  rising 
above  the  general  forest  level.  In  the  lower  portion  nearest  the  lake  Phaius 
ftavus  var.  arfakensis,  Symbegonia  arfakensis  with  white  flowers  and  bracts, 
the  trea-fern  Alsoplrila  angiensis  and  a  very  common  Pandanus,  both  isolated 
and  gregarious,  up  to  13  m.,  high,  with  branched  and  unbranched  steins,  only 
the  (£  flowers  being  found.  Young  plants  of  the  Kentia  also  abounded  in 
this  undergrowth,  which  included  *Rubus  glomeratus  with  red  acid  berries, 
0 Rhododendron  Vonroemeri,nnd  Solarium  Gibbsece,  the  latter  a  semi-herbaceous 
spreading  shrub,  about  1  in.  high,  covered  with  straight  yellow  thorns  and 
with  small  mauve  flowers. 

*Lycopodium  volubile  formed  a  dense  mass  on  trees  up  to  1 0  m.,  and  a 
Dendrobium  sp.  grew  thickly  up  to  the  same  height  in  a  tangled  mass  like 
a  small  Bamboo,  the  yellow-green  flowers  in  pairs,  unfortunately  over. 


2  y3.  Dwarfed  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest. 

A  lateral  spur  from  the  S.W.  ridge  to  the  lake  bounding  the  southern 
part  of  the  marsh  to  the  north,  bore  rather  a  spaced  xerophytic  type  of  small 
forest,  on  the  edge  of  which  the  undergrowth  between  the  small  trees  and 
shrubs  was  very  thick;  here  the  ferns  * Dryottaekyum  splendens  and  the  delicate 
*Pcesia  radula,  only  known  from  Sumatra,  °Selaginella  aiigustiramea,  with 
deltoid  fronds  up  to  '50  m.,  and  °Phaius  flavus  var.  papuanus  were  collected. 

Of  the  small  stunted  trees  about  *3  m.  high,  those  in  flower  were  Pipturus 
jxtpuanus,  Gibbsia  insignit,  *  Gloc hidion  A/errillii,  only  known  from  the 
Philippines,  Homalanthits  arfakiensis,  *  Dodontra  visvosa,  Acronyc/iia  papuana, 
and  the  very  abundant  °Medinilla  Forbesii,  with  white  and  pink  flowers 
in  cauline  fascicles  up  the  bare  grey  nodose  stems.  °Lnzuriaga  aspericanlis 
twining,  the  moss  °Taxithelium  giibstigmosum,  *  ffumata  pusilla,  *Polypodium 
fcuriaturri,  °P.  scabristipes,  and  Glomera  similis,  the  latter  with  small  white 
flowers,  were  epiphytic  on  the  trunks  and  upper  branches  of  the  small  trees. 


I  did  not  work  over  the  Alfuero  "  kebuns,"  which  were  dotted  with  a 
Pandanus  sp.,  * Dodoncea  viscosa,  clumps  of  *Rubus  ylomeratus  and  *R.  rosce- 
folius,  also  masses  of  the  handsome  cream-Howered  *Riedelia  lanata,  about 
3  m.  high,  Wedelia  bi flora  and  flydrocotyle  javanica,  the  latter  spreading  on 
the  ground. 

2  a.  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest,  7000-7500'. 

Crossing  a  stream  we  entered  a  dry  type  of  intermediate  mossy  forest 
with  trees  of  about  13  m.,  where,  as  undergrowth,  *Asplenium  scandens,  a 
green  orcliid  Microstylis  grandiflonts,  small  erect  plants  of  Symbegonia  parvi- 
folia,  with  red  foliage  and  pink  flowers,  and  Riedelia  exalata,  with  yellow 
and  red  flowers,  about  1  in.  high,  were  collected.  The  typicnl  coniferous 
seedlings  of  the  region  abounded  as  usual,  with  the  undershrubs  Shefflera 
arfakensis  and  the  white  Medinilla  arfakensis,  the  epiphytic  °D.  ayaiho- 
dcemonis,  I),  curvimentum,  and  °J3ulbophyllum  pristit. 

With  increase  in  altitude  the  forest  becomes  smaller,  though  still  dry  in 
type,  the  trees  being  less  erect  and  more  branched  in  habit. 

2  £.  Dwarfed  Intermediate  Mossy  Forest,  7500-8500'. 
'/'richomanes  palliduni,  Dryopteris  villosipts,  *  Lindsay  a  rigida,  °Davallia 
Schlec/tteri,  ° Poly  podium  argyropus,  *7J.  serratodentatum,  *  Vittaria  crassi- 
folia,  *Psilotum  flaccidum,  Piper  pilosulinodum,  and  Henslowia  crassifolia 
with  minute  fleshy-green  leaves  and  twining  ends  to  the  branches,  were 
collected  as  epiphytes.  In  an  open  space  a  group  of  young  trees  of  Libo- 
cedrus  arfakensis,  about  30  m.  in  height,  with  graceful  branches  sweeping 


the  ground,  were  fruiting,  like  a  Thuja,  the  <$  and  ?  cones  in  all  stages 
on  separate  branches  of  the  same  tree. 

At  about  8500'  the  forest  again  changed  gradually  in  type,  becoming- 
lower  and  scrubbier,  more  open,  with  a  denser  growth  of  undershrubs. 

Undergrowth. — Diplycosia  Liliance  reappeared  and  Vacdnium  pilosiftorum, 
amongst  which  a  stiff  Exocarpus  sp.,  with  branches  up  to  1  m.  in  height,  but 
not  in  flower,  was  conspicuous  ;  Backhousia  arfakensis,  *Bceckea  frutescens, 
Styplielia  nutans  var.  arfakensis,  and  Psychotria  vaccinioides,  from  compact 
shrub  to  small  tree,  with  huge  clumps  of  *Gahnia  psittacorum,  3  m.  in 
height,  °Gentiana  Vanderwateri  again  favouring  damper  spots,  and  °M.yrme- 
doma  arfakiana,  with  large  slate-blue  flowers,  abundant  on  the  trees,  were 
collected  at  about  this  level. 

2  7.  Shrubberies  bordering  Crest  of  Mountain,  8500-9000'. 

On  the  crest  of  the  mountain  the  forest  passed  into  shrubberies.  Signs 
of  recent  burning  explained  the  open  character  of  the  summit  with  scattered 
trees,  which  surprised  me  when  seen  from  the  opposite  side  of  the  lake, 
as  the  altitude  is  not  sufficient  to  warrant  an  open  formation  under 
the  Equator.  Dense  shrubberies  were  also  isolated  in  depressions  and  on 
raised  knolls,  all  surrounded  by  a  fringe  of  burnt  trees  and  brandies,  which 
formed  a  protective  screen  from  subsequent  flames. 

On  the  edge  of  shrubberies  thus  exposed,  many  species  were  in  flower, 
viz.  :  * Phyllodadus  hypopliyllus,  very  abundant,  Idenburgia  novo-gidneensis, 
a  fastigiate  tree  very  like  some  Drimys  sp.  in  the  reddish  stems  and  petioles 
and  white  flowers  ;  also  /.  arfakensis,  more  spreading  in  habit,  Drimys 
Beccariana,  Elceocarpus  koebrensis,  Sericolea  novo-guineensis,  Spirceanthemum 
bullatum,  in  fruit,  Pogonantliera  liexamera,  Backhousia  arfakensis,  Myrtus 
koebrensis,  Rhododendron  angiense,  pink,  the  beautiful  white  R.  Devriesianum, 
Psychotria  vaccinioides.  * Histiopteris  incisa  was  sometimes  seen  underneath, 
but  the  growth  of  the  trees  in  these  shrubberies  is  too  dense  to  admit 
of  much  intruding  undergrowth  ;  Tecomantlie  volubilis,  here  in  flower,  was 
draped  over  the  trees. 


a.  S.W.  RIDGE,  7000-8500'. 
Papuan,  Rest-  and  Camping -places. 

Several  open  spaces  on  the  broader  and  higher  parts  of  this  ridge  are 
kept  open  by  the  Papuans  as  rest-  and  camping-grounds.  About  20  m. 
each  way  in  size,  with  the  surface  where  exposed  of  hard  gravel,  sheltered 

1  Gibbs,  L.  S.,  "A  Contribution  to  the  Flora  and  PI  ant  Formations  of  Mt.  Kinabalu  and 
the  Highlands  of  British  N.  Borneo,"  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xlii.  (1914)  19. 


and  bathed  in  sunshine  these  form  very  dry,  pleasant  resting-places.  Con- 
sidering their  small  size,  the  contrast  of  the  floral  association  with  that  of 
the  surrounding  forest  was  very  marked.  Fringed  by  the  forest  trees, 
mostly  in  flower,  being  more  exposed  to  light,  these  little  spaces  were  always 
bright  with  herbaceous  plants — *Lycopodium  cernuum  creeping,  and  the 
brilliant  terrestrial  orchid,  °Dendrobmin  angiense,  in  clumps  about  "25  in. 
high,  with  bright  orange  flowers  3  cm.  long  ;  °Riedelia  montana  var.  arfak- 
ensis,  with  cream-red  flowers,  about  the  same  height ;  * Burmannia  disticha 
and  Didiscus  arfiikensis,  with  spreading  stolons,  were  associated  with  Diply- 
cosia  Lilianece  and  Vaccinium  pilosiftorum  ;  the  3  cm.  long  single  magenta 
flowers  of  °Dendrobinm  agathodcemonis,  springing  out  of  the  ground  in  bare 
spots  without  showing  foliage,  were  generally  found  on  digging  up  to  be 
attached  to  a  small  piece  of  stick. 

*  Gleiclienia  vulcanica,  clumps  of  *Dipteiis  conjiigata  and  the  extraordinary 
°0leandra  cuspidata,  with  erect  dendroid  shoots  about  1  m.  high  rising  from 
a  creeping  rhizome,  the  fronds  in  verticillate  whorls  up  to  the  apex  of  the 
vertical  stems,  of  which  Professor  Bower  writes  "  It  seems  to  carry  to  an 
extreme  the  habit  shown  by  other  species,"  were  massed  on  the  edge  under 
the  trees. 

Small  Landslips. 

In  several  places  small  slips  of  the  loose  granite  gravel  of  the  ridge  had 
occurred,  exposing  the  soil,  which  was  covered  with  large  separate  £  and  ? 
patches  of  Dawsonia  Beccarii,  closely  resembling  in  habit  and  brown  colouring 
/>.  l>revi folia  of  the  exposed  peaks  of  the  serpentine  ridges  of  Kinabalu. 

*  Lycopodium  cernuum,   *  Gleichenia  vulcanica,  *  Dip/ten*  conjugata,  grew 
densely,  also  * Spathoglottis  aurea  and  *Dianella  ccerulea. 

At  another  more  recent  slip,  Gleichenia  vulcanica  with  *Lycopodium 
cernuum  were  associated  with  *Gahnia  psittacorum,  1'50  in.,  * Burmannia 
disticha,  the  woody  herbaceous  llalorrhagis  suffruticosa,  the  single  shoots  with 
verticillate  spinous  leaves  terminated  by  a  panicle  of  red  flowers,  Oldenlandia 
nutans,  of  similar  habit,  but  quite  herbaceous,  with  white  flowers  ;  Myrtus 
arfakensis,  as  a  small  spreading  shrub,  and  the  prostrate  M.  koebrensis, 
with  reddish  foliage  and  stems,  both  with  yellow  flowers,  spread  over  the 
easier  gradients. 

b.  MARSH  BY  ?  LAKE. 
Sand  Pans  with  running  water. 

In  certain  areas  of  the  marsh,  more  towards  the  centre,  where  coarse 
quartz-sand  formed  a  solid  surface,  intersected  by  shallow  streams  or  bathed 
in  films  of  streaming  water,  many  small  herbaceous  plants  grew  spaced 
between  the  larger  clumps  of  more  showy  species. 

Herbaceous  Plants. — The  little  *Schizcea  malaccana  witli  the  cosmopolitan 
*  Lycopodium  carolinianum,  creeping  tightly  to  the  ground,  and  *L.  cernuum, 



the  minute  *Bulbostylis  capillaris  var.  trifida,  Centrolepis  novo-guineensis  in 
tufts,  the  first  record  of  the  genus  in  New  Guinea,  *Xyris  pauciftora, 
°Eriocaulon  leucogenes,  very  variable  in  size,  *  llurmannia  disticha,  up  to  1  m., 
one  or  two  examples  of  the  little  white  °Spiranthes  papuana  ?,  *Polygonum 
alatum,  the  small  yellow  *Utricularia  bifida,  and  the  mauve  *U.racemosa 
from  a  few  cm.  to  2  dm.  in  height,  both  new  records  for  New  Guinea, 
dotted  the  surface  ;  while  abundant  patches  of  the  yellow  and  red  RiedeHa 
montana  var.  puberula,  also  var.  °arfakensis,  cream  and  dark  red,  both  about 
•50  m.  high,  with  the  beautiful  terrestrial  orchids,  °Dendrobium  fruticicola, 
the  foliage  '50  m.,  above  which  the  brilliant  orange  flowers,  red  when  older, 
rose  to  '30  m.,  D.  latifrons,  also  yellow,  and  the  splendid  °D.  rhomboglossum, 
1  m.  high  with  large  convex  flowers,  magenta-pink  outside,  white  inside,  borne 
the  whole  length  of  the  rhachis,  made  glorious  patches  of  colour,  blended 
with  small  slender  plants  of  Halorrhagis  su/ruticosa,  Oldenlandia  nutans,  and 
Coleus  Gibbsece,  white  to  mauve,  all  of  similar  habit  and  dominant  on  the 
marsh  in  all  situations  ;  young  plants  of  Nepenthes  maxima  var.  nana,  the 
mature  trailing  over  any  support,  with  *Lycopodium  divaricatum  abounded. 

Shrubs. — As  the  above  plants  eased  oft'  and  a  ranker  growth  inhibited 
close  burning,  shrubs  occurred  in  small  groups,  chiefly  *Bceckea  frutescens, 
0 Rhododendron  Devriesianum,  of  which  the  magnificent  white  flowers,  turning- 
pink  later  and  fragrant  at  night,  are  about  1  dm.  across,  the  whole  inflor- 
escence being  10  dm.  in  diameter,  °R.  Icetum,  the  little  profuse  flowering 
°R.  Vonroemeri,  and  the  bright  red  R.  Gibbsece,  all  further  emphasize  the 
wonderful  colour-scheme  of  the  more  open  portions  of  this  interesting  marsh 

Denser  Sedge  Growth  in  Boggy  Areas. 

Boggy  areas  with  deep  ditches,  standing  water,  or  larger  streams  bore  an 
impenetrable  sedge-growth  which  included  *Dryopteris  Beddomei,  *Lyco- 
podium  divaricatum,  *  Cladium  falcatum  and  *C.  germanicum,  *Sdrpus 
setaeeus,  °Trisetum  latifolium,  Ischcvmum  aristatum  var.  arfakensis,  *Juncus 
lampocarpus,  °Phaius  Tankervillece  var.  papuanus,  the  flowers  brown,  white 
inside,  Halorrhagis  suffruticosa,  Oldenlandia  nutans,  Coleus  Gibbsece,  and 
*  Emilia  sonchifolia,  all  drawn  up  to  the  level  of  the  surrounding  sedge. 

In  other  boggy  areas  sloping  down  to  the  lake,  generally  under  water, 
*Juncus  lampocarpus  predominated,  easing  off  with  * ' Carex  Gaudichaudiana 
to  the  sand-pan  association. 

Edging  the  lake,  limiting  the  white  coarse  quartz-sand  beach,  a  higher 
and  drier  sandy  bank,  well  bound  together  by  the  roots  of  the  sedges,  and 
broken  in  parts  where  small  streams  ran  into  the  lake,  carried  *Marchantia 
polymorpha,  *  Lycopodium  divaricatum  and  *L.  complanatum,  Cladium  arfak- 
ense  and  *C.  germanicum,  *  Carex  Gaudichaudiana,  *Gahnia  psittacorum, 
* Rhynchospora  aurea  and  *R.  glauca,  °Trisetwn  latifolium,  * Dianella 


ccerulea,  °Riedelia  orchioides,  '75  in.  high  with  red  perianth-segments  and 
red-tipped  lip,  replaced,  where  the  sandy  ground  was  more  exposed,  by 
the  creeping  *Isachne  miliacea,  *  Centella  asiatica,  *G<tlium  javanicum  var., 
and  the  fleshy-leaved  *Mycetia  javanicum  var.  anthotricha. 

Shallow  Standing  Water. 

Behind  this  fringing  bank,  where  the  level  was  lower,  sandy  shallow 
basins  of  standing  wsiter  held  the  nlgse  *Microspora  pachyderma,  Spirogyra 
sp.  sterile,  *Netrium  oblongum,  and  a  Penium  sp..  possibly  a  form  of 
P.  phymatosporum,  surrounded  with  patches  of  * Spliaqnum  Junghuhnianum, 
°Dawsonia  gigantea,  to  be  succeeded  by  *Hypericiim  mutilum,  Halorrhagis 
micrantha,  *  Centella  asiatica,  *  II ydrocotyle  vulgaris,  abundant  here,  *Poly- 
gonum  barbatum  and  *P.  strigosum,  the  white  *  Viola  distans,  *Galium 
javanicum  var.,  * Bidens  bipinnatus,  and  *  Emilia  sonchifolia. 

Grass-jungle  on  Edge  of  Forest. 

Growth  on  the  edge  of  the  forest  as  it  ran  on  to  the  marsh  was  always 
rampant,  and  this  was  especially  the  case  to  the  south  side  of  the  isolated 
forest-patch,  where,  meeting  over  one's  head,  the  tangled  mass  of  fern,  sedge, 
and  shrubs  had  to  be  forced  aside  to  penetrate  into  it. 

Amongst  the  herbaceous  growth  * Stenochla>na  sorbifolia,  *Gleichenia 
vulcanica,  and  ° Oleandra  cuspidata  were  common  all  round,  the  scrambling 
*Gleichenia  Icevigata  abundant  in  the  open  to  under  the  trees,  *G.  glauca  up 
to  6  m.  \\ith  *G.  linearis,  *Cladium  falcatum,  * Gahnia  psittacorum  up  to 
2  m.,  Halorrhagis  sujfruticosa,  Uldenlandia  nutans,  and  Coleus  Gibbsece,  all 
drawn  up  to  the  level  of  their  environment,  with  the  shrubs  °Medinilla 
Forbesii,  *  Mclast oma  malabathricum  var.  adpressum,  the  lanky  single  shoots 
of  young  plants  of  Poikilogyne  arfakensis,  ° Rhododendron  Devriesianum, 
°It.  Ict'tum,  and  the  pink  R.  undulaticalyx.  The  gregarious  °Sccevola  Lauter- 
hachU,  with  long  semi-scandent  shoots,  shining  leaves,  and  for  the  genus 
large  yellow  flowers,  known  hitherto  from  N.E.  New  Guinea,  dominated  in 
the  tangled  mass  of  fern  and  sedge. 

Cladonia  Association. 

The  open  summit  of  Koebre  forms  a  flat  plateau  with  a  hard  surface  of 
disintegrated  quartz-granite  on  which  quartz-gravel  lies  so  thickly  that  it 
gives  quite  a  white  effect.  Where  the  rock  is  exposed  it  snows  as  large  a 
proportion  of  quartz-veins  as  of  granite. 

Herbaceous  plants. — On  this  open  plateau,  for  which  systematic  burning 
is  again  responsible,  a  remarkable  association  of  Cladonia  spp.  prevailed, 
spreading  over  the  whole  area  as  a  uniform  grey  carpet,  about  3  cm.  high, 
composed  of  *  Cladonia  verticillata,  *C.  didyma,  and  *C.  cocci/era,  displaced 


in  certain  parts  by  stretches  of  short  *Pteridium  aquiliniini  var.  lanuginosum 
or  *Gleiclienia  vulcanica,  and  in  damper  places  dense  mats  of  C&ilrolepis 

Associated  with  the  Cladonla  were  clumps  of  °Riedelia  montana  var. 
arfakeusis,  and  colonies  of  *  Burmannia  disticha  and  * Gahnia  psittacorum, 
the  latter  dwarfed  to  '50  in.  high.  Patersonia  novo-guineensis  in  full  flower, 
the  gleaming  white  or  pale  mauve  corollas  well  exposed,  was  dotted  in  tufts 
all  along  the  summit,  a  most  interesting  first  record  of  a  genus  known  from 
Kinabalu,  Mt.  Halcon  in  the  Philippines,  and  Australia. 

A  small  example  of  the  gi'een°Platanthera  elliptica  was  a  remarkable  find, 
the  species  alone  being  previously  known  from  S.W.  New  Guine;i,  while 
the  two  new  varieties,  so  abundant  in  the  moss-grown  forest  of  the  S.W. 
ridge  and  the  small  high  mossy  forest-patch  by  the  lower  l:ike,  were  not  seen 
on  the  slopes  of  Koebre.  Patches  of  the  familiar  °D.  rhomboglossum  and 
°D.  fruticicola,  both  as  conspicuous  as  on  the  marsh,  with  the  magenta 
°D.  infractum,  represented  the  terrestrial  orchids  in  flower,  with  Glomera 
Gibbsece  epiphytic  on  the  upper  branches  of  a  wind-swept  shrub. 

Didiscus  koebrensis  with  many  radiating  stolons,  near  a  species  already 
collected  on  Mt.  Scratch  ley  in  the  S.E.  supposed  to  bo  a  variety  of 
I),  sanicitlce/olius  of  Kinabalu  and  Mt.  Halcon.  Oldenlandia  nutans  var. 
alpinum  was  dwarfed  to  '50  m.  °]\]yrmedoi>ia  arfakiana  (PI.  3-  fig.  6)  with 
its  slate-blue  flowers  the  size  of  a  shilling,  showing  all  round  the  formless 
bristly  steins,  of  which  the  fleshy  consistency  no  doubt  resists  the  fires,  grew 
in  solitary  examples,  one  of  which,  about  a  metre  in  height,  sent  out  a  metre- 
long  shoot  from  the  apex  at  right  angles  to  the  main  stem. 

Shrubs. — The  exposed  and  wind-swept  character  of  this  summit  plateau 
was  shown  in  the  shrubs,  which  either  spread  prostrate  over  the  surface  or 
were  clipped  back  into  small  compact  shapes,  Hibbertia  novo-guineensis,  a 
plant  with  large  flowers  and  spreading  habit  and  very  near  to  H.  scandens 
of  E.  Australia,  is  the  first  species  in  this  genus,  hitherto  known  from 
A-Ustralia  and  New  Caledonia,  to  be  described  for  Malaya  or  New  Guinea. 
The  ever-present  *J3ceckea  frutescens  took  on  a  prostrate  form,  Acronyclna 
arfakensis,  with  insignificant  white  flowers  and  reddish  fruit,  was  either  pros- 
trate or  erect,  while  Myrtus  prostrata,  with  reddish  stems  and  small  coriaceous 
leaves,  had  developed  quite  dorsiventral  shoots,  resting  on  the  ground. 

Small  erect  shrubs  were  *Bensloivia  umbellata  with  yellow  foliage, 
Diplycosia  Liltanete,  and  Vaccinium  villosiftorum,  while  the  dark  green  Tel- 
mmt/iodia  rotundifolia,  the  typical  °  Styirtielia  Gjellerupii,  with  white  flowers 
and  pink  berries,  and  another  Styplielia  sp.,  of  which  the  material  was  not 
sufficiently  complete  for  identification,  °  Rhododendron  angiense,  Sericolea 
novo-guineensis  with  Psycliotria  vaccinioides,  were  of  clipped  compact  habit. 

A  couple  of  small  trees  of  Dacrydium  novo-guineense  dwarfed  to  about 
4  111.,  with  stiff,  Araucaroid,  ascending  branches,  bore  many  tiny  ripe  cones, 


glinting  red  through  the  dark  green  foliage,  a  fortunate  fact,  deciding  the 
genus  of  a  very  prevalent  species  of  conifer,  of  which  it  was  certain  that  the 
abundant  seedlings  in  various  growth-forms  could  only  represent  a  new 
Dacrydium  sp.,  but  the  search  for  fruiting  specimens  at  lower  altitudes 
proved  unsuccessful. 

In  reference  to  this  exposed  lichen-covered  plateau  a  quotation  from 
Lorenz  (22,  viii.  (1909)  178)  in  "Nova  Guinea"  suggests  the  presence  of  a 
similar  association  on  the  Charles  Louis  Mountains,  while  Mr.  Stroeve  of  the 
Dutch  Navy,  whom  I  had  the  pleasure  of  meeting  at  Manokoeari  after  my 
return  from  the  Arfak,  described  what  seemed  a  very  similar  formation  as 
occurring  on  the  mountains  to  the  south  of  Geelvink  Bay  at  about  the  same 
altitude,  where  not  only  the  practice  of  burning  obtains  but  potatoes  are  also 
grown.  I  heard  later  with  great  regret  of  the  untimely  fate  of  this  promising 
young  officer,  who,  after  most  successful  exploration  and  surveying  work 
on  the  Ruffaier  River,  was  treacherously  shot  by  arrow  by  Papuans  on  the 
Waroza  River,  near  the  coast  to  the  east  of  Geelvink  Bay  (26,  782). 


These  may  be  summarized  as  follows  : — 

(1)  New    Guinea,    the    centre    of    distribution    for    many    so-called 

Polynesian,  Australian,  and  to  a  lesser  extent  Malayan  types,  of 
which  the  Papuan  species  are  not  only  older  in  type,  but  also 
show  extraordinarily  pronounced  specific  differentiation. 

(2)  Wide  distribution  in  New  Guinea  of  endemic  Mountain  types. 

(3)  Low  Mountain  Forest  formation  approximates  to  the  Ridge  forma- 

tion of  Mt.  Kinabalu  and  the  Philippines. 

(4)  Mountain  Forest  Flora  of  the  Arfak  Mountains  possibly  represents 

the  oldest  Papuan  type. 

(5)  Pteridophytic  and   Bryophytic  Floras  are  more  Polynesian  than 

Malayan  in  incidence  and  luxuriance. 

(6)  Open  "  Opportunity  "  Plant  Associations  offer  further  proof  of  the 

autochthonous  character  of  the  Papuan  Flora. 


Evidence  of  New  Guinea  as  the  centre  of  distribution  for  many  plant- 
types,  so  far  considered  Polynesian  or  Australian,  has  been  strikingly 
confirmed  on  the  present  occasion.  Emphasized  by  the  well-known  botanists 
who  have  worked  out  the  results,  such  evidence  has  been  a  marked  feature 
of  recent  Dutch  and  German  exploration,  and  was  also  shown  in  Kloss's 
Mt.  Oartensz  collections1. 

1  Ridley,  II.  N.,  "  Report  on  the  Botany  of  the  Wollaston  Expedition  to  Dutch  New 
Guinea,"  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.,  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  1-269,  pis.  i.-vi. 


Geological  support  for  this  theory  is  quoted  by  Wallace  (7,  443)  in 
'  Island  Life,'  who  points  out  that  the  "  1000  fathom  line,  which  indicates 
the  land  area  which  would  be  produced  if  the  sea-bottom  were  elevated  6000', 
extends  in  a  broad  mass  westwards,  then  sending  out  two  great  arms,  one 
reaching  to  beyond  Lord  Howe's  Island,  while  the  other  stretches  over 
Norfolk  Island  to  the  great  barrier  reef,  thus  forming  a  connection  between 
Tropical  Australia  and  New  Guinea." 

Sieberg  1  explains  the  same  configuration  in  greater  detail  as  follows  : — 
"  Neuguinea  und  der  Bismarckarchipel  gehoren  nach  E.  Suess  dem  inner- 
sten  unter  den  Bogen  junger  Faltengebirge  an.  die  vom  Osten  her  sich 
gegen  die  alte  starre  Festlandstafel  Australien  anlegen  und  die  in  Neu- 
seeland  zusatnmentreffen.  Dieser  innerste  australishe  Bogen  setzt  sich  aus 
zwei  annahernd  parallelen  Teilstiicken  zu?ammen,  die  beide  in  die  Nord- 
nordwesthalbinsel  Neuseelands  miiriden.  Die  Nordwestlich  streichenden 
Ketten  holier  Faltengebirge,  die  das  innere  Neuguineas  der  Lange  nach 
durchziehen  (Bismarck  und  Kratkegebirge,  Viktor-Emanuel,  (Charles-Louis 
Gebirge)  reichen  untermeerisch  noch  weithin  und  ragen  in  ihren  hochsten 
Spitzen  als  die  Inselgruppe  der  Louisiaden  und  Neukaledonien  ernpor  ;  der 
ostliohe  parallelbogen  setzt  sich  zusammen  .aus  Neumecklenburg,  den 
Salomonen  und  Neuen  Hebriden." 

Of  the  preponderating  influence  of  the  New  Guinea  Flora,  when  suffi- 
ciently well-known,  we  have  an  instance  in  the  Orchidacese,  a  family  which 
in  the  N.E.  has  received  the  expert  attention  of  Schlechter  (23),  the 
well-known  authority  and  collector.  Dr.  J.  J.  Smith,  of  Buitenzorg,  an 
equally  keen  expert  in  this  family,  has  not  only  described  nearly  all  the 
orchids  of  the  N.W.  and  S.W.  so  far  known,  but  has  also  consistently 
enjoined  on  collectors  in  the  Dutch  possessions  to  devote  particular  atten- 
tion to  these  plants,  so  that  from  both  these  sources  we  can  form  some  idea 
of  the  general  incidence  and  distribution  of  tin's  one  order  throughout  the 

Such  is  the  wealth  of  material  in  a  single  instance  in  this  little-explored 
island  that  Schlechter,  whose  unrivalled  experience  in  N.E.  New  Guinea 
has  spread  over  a  number  of  years,  summarizes  his  results  in  orchids  alone 
as  116  genera  with  1450  species,  of  which  1102  are  new  (23,  i.  14,  xiii). 
He  considers  that  nowhere  in  the  world  is  the  Orchid  flora  so  rich,  quoting 
2600  species  as  being  known  from  there.  Orchids  known  from  Australia 
and  common  to  New  Guinea  he  (23,  i.  14,  xix)  looks  upon  as  branches  of 
the  Malayan-Papuan  flora  in  Australia,  the  Orchid  flora  of  tropical  Australia 
having  developed  under  strong  Malayan-Papuan  influence,  but  it  has  had 
little  influence  on  the  Papuan  flora.  This  remark,  to  those  who  have 

1  Sieberg,  A.,  "  Die  Ei'dbebentatigkeit  in  Deutsch-Neuguinea  (Kaiser- Wilhelms-land  und 
Bismarckarchipel),"  Peterm.  Mitth.  Ivi.  pt.  2  (1910)  118. 


worked  over  the  two  areas,   succinctly  summarizes  the  whole  relation  of 
both  floras. 

This  Malay-Papuan  influence  is  the  determining  factor  extending  to  the 
South  Sea  Islands,  while  the  Moluccas  show  Malay  with  Philippine  ground- 
types  and  a  strong  Papuan  influence  (23,  i.  14,  xx),  and  Schlechter  describes 
New  Guinea  as  the  centre  of  distribution  of  an  endemic  Orchid  flora  ("  Aus- 
gangscentrum  einer  eigener  Orchideenflora  ")  (23,  i.  14,  xx)  as  evidenced 
by  Corysantltes,  supposed  to  be  Australian,  but  now  truly  Papuan,  13  species 
being  known  from  N.E.  New  Guinea  alone.  The  presence  of  this  genus  in 
Australia,  New  Caledonia,  Samoa,  Java,  Philippines,  and  the  Himalayas 
suggests  radiation  from  a  Papuan  centre  of  development  (23,  14,  xxiii). 

This  overwhelming  Papuan  influence  is  amply  demonstrated  in  many 
other  families,  which  not  only  show  an  actual  numerical  predominance  in 
species,  but  also  a  greater  range  of  specific  differentiation  than  is  known 
from  elsewhere  :  for  example,  Libocedrus  (4),  Drimys  (19),  Myrtus  (6)  ;  of 
Pandanus  and  Freycinetia,  I  have  never  seen  such  a  wide  range  in  form  ; 
while  in  Rhododendron,  Vaccinium,  Styplielia,  the  numerical  predominance 
along  with  the  great  morphological  range  of  form  is  unsurpassed  in  any 
other  region,  except  perhaps,  in  the  case  of  the  first,  Central  China. 

Further  interesting  proof  of  the  soundness  of  this  point  of  view  is  afforded 
by  comparison  of  the  Australian  and  New  Guinea  representatives  of  the 
same  genera,  the  Papuan  forms  showing  decidedly  the  oldest  types. 

In  the  present  collection  perhaps  Trimenia  is  the  most  striking  case  in 
point.  T.  weinmannicefolia  Seem.,  described  in  1852  from  Fiji,  a  dioecious 
plant,  remained  the  type  of  a  supposed  monotypic  Polynesian  genus,  closely 
allied  to  Piptocalyx  Moorei,  also  dicecious,  ranking  as  a  monotypic  Australian 
one,  till  Ridley  described  T.  papuana  from  Mt.  Carstensz  in  1916.  T.  arfak- 
ensis  is  included  in  the  present  paper. 

Two  species  of  Trimenia  are  now  known  from  New  Guinea,  both 
hermaphrodite,  while  two  new  species  in  a  closely  allied  new  genus,  Iden- 
burgia,  show  a  syncarpous  bilocular  ovary,  proving  not  only  that  the  dioecious 
habit  of  the  two  isolated  outliers  of  this  order  is  probably  derived,  but  also 
that  the  systematic  position  of  Trimenia  and  Piptocalyx  in  the  apocarpous 
Monimiacese  is  untenable,  necessitating  the  new  order  Trimeniacese. 

An  equally  convincing  example  is  that  of  Pullea,  a  genus  established  by 
Schlechter  in  Saxifragacese  to  include  two  plants  with  inferior  ovary  from 
N.E.  and  N.W.  New  Guinea  respectively,  to  which  P.  papuana  is  now 
added,  with  a  N.  Queensland  species,  P.  Stutzeri  =  CaUicoma  Stutzeri 
F.  Muell.,  first  distributed  as  Stutzeria  by  him,  but  afterwards  included  in 
Callicoma.  Pullea,  therefore,  now  includes  three  distinct  Papuan  species 
and  one  N.  Australian,  but,  had  the  latter  plant  first  been  accorded  proper 
generic  position,  the  former  would  have  been  cited  as  evidence  of  a  wave  of 
Australian  immigration  into  New  Guinea. 


Of  the  two  Papuan  species  in  BackJiousia,  another  of  the  so-called 
Australian  endemic  genera,  one  was  described  by  Ridley  from  Mt.  Carstensz, 
to  which  a  second,  one  of  the  commonest  trees  in  the  Arfak,  is  now  added. 
Both  have  normal  calyx-lobes,  while  the  Australian  species  show  a  secondary 
petaloid  development  of  the  lobes,  evidently  derived  in  character,  though 
previously  considered  a  generic  distinction. 

The  same  case  may  be  quoted  for  Didiscus,  where  the  older  types, 
according  to  the  Monographer,1  showing  a  normal  calyx,  occur  in  Malaya 
and  New  Guinea,  with  one  species  in  N.  Australia,  whereas  those  with 
aborted  calyx-lobes,  by  far  the  most  numerous,  are  known  from  the  rest  of 
that  continent,  with  one  species  from  some  Polynesian  Islands. 

Further  evidence  is  also  forthcoming  in  interesting  new  records  of 
genera  not  previously  known  from  New  Guinea,  namely,  Hibbertict,  hitherto 
considered  Australian  and  New  Caledonian  ;  Centrolejns,  abundant  at  7000' 
and  9000',  connects  New  Guinea  with  the  open  summit  of  Kinabalu  in 
N.  Borneo  at  13,000',  Mt.  Halcon  in  the  Philippines  at  7000',  and  S.  China 
on  the  one  hand,  and  Australia  and  New  Zealand  on  the  other  ;  while  the 
genus  Patersonia,  supposed  on  inadequate  knowledge  to  be  endemic  Australian, 
shows  the  same  distribution,  with  the  exception  of  S.  China,  and  now  in- 
cludes three  very  distinct  Mahiyan  mountain  types. 

In  the  case  of  species,  Gahnia  psittacorum,  abundant  everywhere  in  the 
Arfak  from  7000',  is  the  first  record  for  Malaya  of  a  plant  widely  distributed 
in  E.  Australia  to  Tasmania. 


In  considering  questions  bearing  on  the  phytogeography  of  New  Guinea, 
as  a  whole,  it  is  important  to  take  into  consideration  the  fact  that  it  is  a 
country  of  786,000  km.  in  area  (23,  i.  14,  i),  most  of  which  is  mountainous  in 
character  and  undisturbed  in  condition.  A  huge  region  of  vast  ranges,  in 
which  all  intercourse  between  the  relatively  few  and  scattered  inhabitants 
is  not  only  restricted  by  natural  barriers,  but  also  by  the  many  different 
languages,  no  two  tribes  having  a  common  speech,  even  when  living  in 
apparent  proximity  on  the  same  range  of  mountains.  Both  these  facts  have 
effectually  debarred  outside  penetration  into  the  mysterious  back-country. 

Though  our  knowledge  of  the  plant-covering  of  these  mountains  is 
extremely  limited,  such  phytogeographical  exploration  so  far  accomplished 
points,  as  would  be  expected  under  such  virgin  conditions,  to  the  homogeneity 
and  stability  of  the  flora  as  a  whole.  This  fact  is  evinced  in  the  pronounced 
endemism  and  wide  distribution  throughout  the  whole  country,  further 

1  Domin,  K.,  " Monographie  der  Gattung  Didiscus  (DC.)."     Sitz.  Kon.  bohm.  Ges.  d. 
Wise.  ii.  Cl.  (1908)  21. 


convincing  proofs  of  which  are  afforded  in  the  present  collection.  The 
following  instances  may  he  quoted. 

All  the  mountains  of  New  Guinea  show  a  preponderating  number  of 
species  belonging  to  Rhododendron  and  Vaccinium  in  Ericaceae  and  Styphelia 
in  Epacridacese,  though  but  few  identical  species  have  been  so  far  recorded  ; 
but  that  this  point  is  only  a  question  of  further  investigation  is  proved  by  the 
distribution  of  the  very  distinct  R.  Vonroemeri,  which,  most  abundant  in 
the  Arf'ak,  is  recorded  for  the  ( Cyclops  Mountains  in  the  north,  and  from 
the  Hellwig  Mountains  and  Mt.  Carstensz  in  the  south-west  (  =  72.  calceo- 
larioides  Wernham).  Medinilla  Forbesii,  collected  in  the  south-east  and  the 
south-west,  is  now  established  for  the  north-west  as  well,  while  Timonius 
filipes  and  Podocarpus  papuanus,  first  collected  on  Mt.  Carstensz,  are 
common  on  the  Arfak  at  higher  altitudes.  Quercus  Lauterbachii1  and 
/  SccBvola  Lauterbachii,^  generally  collected  in  the  north-east,  were  not  pre- 
viously known  from  Dutch  N.W.  New  Guinea. 

In  small  herbaceous  plants  two  new  species  of  Didiscus  link  up  the 
Arfak  with  the  Owen  Stanley  range  in  the  south-east,  while  Eriocaulon 
leucogenes,  Trisetum  latifolium,  and  Gentiana  Vandencateri  are  common  to 
the  former  and  Mt.  Carstensz.  Spirantlies  papuana  is  now  known  from  the 
north-east  and  north-west,  Platanthera  elliptica  from  north  and  south-west. 
New  species  in  genera  first  recorded  from  New  Guinea  through  Kloss's 
Carstensz  collections,  such  as  Trimenia  and  Backhousia,  are  now  proved  to 
be  common  to  the  Arfak  as  well  ;  also  the  genera  Pullea  and  Sericolea, 
the  latter  represented  by  six  species  in  the  north-east,  one  in  the  south-east, 
three  on  Mt.  Carstensz,  and  now  by  two  in  the  Arfak;  while  Libocedrus, 
known  from  the  north-east,  south-east,  and  south-west,  and  Dacrydium  from 
the  north-east,  south-west,  and  south-east,  are  abundantly  represented  by 
one  very  distinct  species  each  in  the  Arfak. 


The  low  forest  formation  approximates  very  closely  to  that  of  the 
serpentine  ridges  of  Kinabalu  from  7000',  but  with  a  larger  proportion  of 
what  I  would  have  previously  described  as  southern  hemisphere  types,  but 
prefer  now  to  refer  to  as  Papuan. 

Identical  plants  so  far  recorded  are  Phyllocludus  liypophyllus,  Myrtus 
jiavida  var.  ylabrescens,  a  glabrous  variety  of  the  Kinabalu  plant,  while 
closely  allied  species  occur  in  Dawsonia,  Podocarpus,  Ducrydium,  Centrolepis, 
Patersonia,  Didiscus,  Qentiana,  and  others. 

1  Schumann,  K.,  and  Lauterbacli,  K.,  '  Flora  der  deulachen  Schutegebiete  in  der  Siidsee,' 
Leipzig,  1901.     Naclitrage,  1905. 


The  prominence  of  orchids,  Myrtacese,  Rhododendrons,  Styphelias,  and 
Vacciniums,  in  relation  to  other  plants,  is  equally  emphasized,  but  members 
of  the  Araliacese,  an  old  type  of  plant  so  prominent  in  the  Arfak  of  New 
Guinea,  are,  so  far  as  we  know,  absent  on  the  N.  Bornean  mountain. 

From  descriptions  of  the  Philippine  mountain-ridge  vegetation  it  would 
appear  that  the  Papuan  facies  again  predominates,  thus  approximating  it  to 
that  of  the  Arfak  and  Mt.  Kinabalu,  the  absence  of  araliaceous  types  being 
less  marked,  though  of  the  typical  P;ipuan  genera  Anomopanax  is  represented 
by  one  species,  and  Kissodendron  and  Mackinlaya  are  absent.  Phyllocladu* 
hypophyllus  is  common  to  all,  with  allied  Dacrydium  and  Podocarpus  spp. 
Glochidion  Merriltii  is  also  common  to  the  Arfak,  but  a  thinning  out  in  the 
number  of  Styphelia  and  Vaeciniuni  spp.  is  apparent,  while  the  Rhododendrons 
show  a  great  reduction  in  variety  of  type. 


It  is  in  the  Arfak  alone,  of  all  the  Papuan  mountain  ranges  of  similar  or 
greater  altitude,  that  two  different  localities  have  been  worked  over  on  three 
separate  occasions.  This  fact  gives  a  wider  field  of  comparison  in  relation 
to  this  range.  On  comparing  the  general  type  of  vegetation  and  the 
generic  and  specific  distinctness  of  the  plants  so  far  collected  on  this  range 
with  those  known  from  similar  localities,  one  feels  inclined  to  look  upon 
these  granite  mountains  as  carrying  an  older  part  of  the  Papuan  flora. 
Where  so  little  is  known,  however,  of  the  mountain  flora  of  the  country  as 
a  whole,  and  collections  remain  limited  to  vertical  sequence,  it  is  impossible 
to  base  such  an  impression  on  any  actual  fact,  and  the  hypothesis  is  only 
worth  advancing  as  a  possible  consideration  for  future  workers. 

The  contrast  is  very  striking  between  the  recent  "  korang "  belt,  from 
which  this  range  on  the  east  rises  almost  without  transition  as  abruptly  as 
the  mountains  on  the  north  from  the  sea,  and  the  well-defined  limits  and 
deep  soil  of  the  foot-hills  and  lower  ranges.  The  extreme  homogeneity  of 
the  mountain  forest  zone,  the  extraordinarily  small  incidence  of  outside  or 
immigration  plants,  combined  with  the  relatively  broad  crests  of  the  ridges 
and  the  tremendously  weathered  condition  of  the  main  range,  are  all  facts 
which  point  to  general  stability  in  condition,  spreading  over  a  considerable 
epoch  of  time. 

The  climate  of  the  Arfak  would  also  seem  to  be  more  favourable  than  on 
other  ranges,  and  the  nature  and  structure  of  the  plants  are  not  so  limited 
by  the  edaphic  and  atmospheric  factors  which  play  such  a  large  part  in  the 
restriction  of  floral  conditions  on  Kinabalu. 

For  instance,  all  the  Arfak  plants  show  coriaceous  to  very  small  leaves, 
and  the  hairy  covering  or  tomentum,  common  to  many  of  the  Kinabalu 


plants,  is  quite  absent — a  fact  possibly  to  be  attributed  to  the  warm  well- 
drained  soil  of  disintegrated  granite  and  the  even  conditions  of  illumination 
with  less  direct  exposure  to  wind.  The  "  Nebelwald "  of  the  German 
botanists,  described  as  predominating  on  the  mountains  of  the  north-east, 
with  trees  swathed  in  lichen,  is  absent,  also  the  "  Krlippelwald"  association, 
while  the  turgid  vegetative  form  of  mossy  forest  is  limited  in  incidence. 

But,  of  course,  so  far  as  the  two  former  associations  are  concerned,  the 
lower  altitude  is  a  possible  and  limiting  factor. 


The  Pteridophytes  and  Bryophytes  of  the  Arfak  proved  exceedingly 
varied  and  luxuriant  in  incidence,  more  Polynesian  than  Malayan  in  facies, 
but  endemic  Papuan  in  type.  In  mosses  Spiridens,  with  a  limited  distribu- 
tion in  Polynesia,  and  since  recorded  from  the  north-east  and  north-west  of 
New  Guinea  and  Borneo,  is  probably  a  Papuan  generic  type. 


In  a  mountainous  forest  country  like  New  Guinea,  sparsely  inhabited, 
with  little  or  no  intercommunication  between  the  different  tribes,  and  no 
migratory  herds  of  grazing  animals,  there  is  everything  to  conserve  and 
nothing  to  modify  natural  conditions. 

Lying  in  what  may  be  called  the  centre  of  the  monsun  region,  the  whole 
country  is  subjected  to  a  more  or  less  regular  rhythm  of  alternating  air 
currents.  Beccari  (12,  i.  216)  has  emphasized  that  the  north-east  monsun, 
blowing  regularly  from  November  to  April,  must  affect  the  general  distribu- 
tion of  plants  in  the  regions  which  come  under  the  immediate  influence  of 
these  prevailing  winds.  This  opinion  has  been  already  advanced  by  myself,1 
and  later2  from  observations  on  the  granite  core  of  the  exposed  summit  of 
Kinabalu,  before  I  had  seen  Beccari's  convincing  remarks  in  relation  to  his 
own  observations  throughout  Malaya. 

Beccari  aptly  remarks  that  seeds  are  lighter  than  grains  of  sand  from 
volcanoes,  and  are  adapted  to  remain  longer  in  the  air.  Authenticated 
instances  of  the  possibilities  of  long-distance  transport  of  grains  of  sand  and 
volcanic  ash  by  the  agency  of  wind  are  quoted  by  him  (12,  i.  216-220). 
Warming3  advances  the  same  theory,  for  which  extraordinary  proof  is 
forthcoming  in  recent  work  of  the  Geological  Survey  of  India.  La  Touche  4 

1  L.  S.  Gibbs,  "  A  Contribution  to  the  Montane  Flora  of  Fiji,  with  Ecological  Notes," 
Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xxxix.  (1909)  137. 

2  .     "  A  Contribution  to  the  Flora  and  Plant  Formations  of  Mt.  Kinabalu  and  the 

Highlands  of  Brit.  N.  Borneo,"  I.  c.  xlii.  (1914)  47. 

3  T.  Warming,  '  History  of  the  Flora  of  the  Faeroes,'  Botany  of  the  Faeroes— II.    Copen- 
hagen, 1903. 

4  T.  H.  D.  La  Touche,  Mem.  Geol.  Surv.  Ind.  xxxv.  (1902)  42. 


discovered  small  undamaged  fora  minif  era  in  the  desert  sand  of  Barmar  and 
Bikanir,  which  must  have  reached  the  heart  of  the  desert  by  wind  trans- 
portation over  a  distance  of  500  miles  from  the  coast  of  Cutch. 

This  interesting  observation  gave  the  first  clue  to  the  remarkable  work 
organized  by  T.  H.  Holland,1  to  explain  the  origin  of  several  intermittent 
saline  lakes  in  the  Rajputana  desert,  in  which  the  quantity  of  salt  stored 
is  in  excess  of  the  amount  that  could  be  accumulated  by  normal  freshwater 
rivers  acting  within  any  reasonable  geological  period  under  present  physio- 
graphic conditions.  The  Rann  of  (.hitch  dries  up  in  the  hot  dry  season,  to 
be  covered  with  a  thin  incrustation  of  salt.  This  salt  is  transported  by 
strong  winds  from  the  south-west,  which  blow  regularly  from  April  to  June, 
to  be  followed  by  the  rainy  season,  when  the  salt,  deposited  on  the  surface 
of  the  desert,  is  washed  in  solution  into  convenient  hollows,  forming  small 
lakes.  It  was  found,  as  a  result  of  this  investigation,  which  should  be  widely 
known  amongst  botanists,  that  during  four  months  of  the  hot  season  of  1908 
the  amount  of  wind-borne  salt  passing  a  front  of  300  km.  broad  and  100  m. 
high  must  have  been  something  of  the  order  of  1HO,000  tons. 

Recently  our  airmen  2  operating  in  Mesopotamia  have  found  the  "  dust 
chokes  the  engines  and  the  sand  above  blows  as  high  as  4000'."  Further 
interesting  proof  of  the  constant  direction  of  air-currents  is  afforded  in  the 
first  report  on  upper  air  research  in  Australia,3  when  difficulties  were 
encountered  owing  to  the  fact  that  Melbourne  is  on  the  south  coast  of 
Australia,  and  the  prevailing  winter  winds,  as  well  as  the  upper  currents  in 
advance  of  cyclonic  disturbances,  are  from  a  northerly  direction,  and  thus 
carry  the  balloons  out  to  sea.  Material  carried  by  wind  is  deposited  on 
reaching  contrary  currents,  when  should  the  seeds  carried  be  precipitated  on 
to  a  suitable  habitat  germination  takes  place  (12,  i.  220). 

Cross-currents  would  be  most  likely  met  with  on  the  summits  of  high 
mountains,  where  conditions  in  the  tropics  would  alone  be  favourable  to 
ombrophobous  plants  requiring  temperate  conditions.  We  have  now  sufficient 
evidence  to  prove  that  the  area  of  high  open  country  on  the  immense  chains 
of  mountains  in  New  Guinea  must  carry  an  enormous  number  of  species  of 
this  type  of  plant.  The  summits  of  Mt.  Kiuabalu  in  Borneo,  Mt.  Halcon 
and  others  in  the  Philippines,  and  Bonthain  Peak  in  Celebes,  would  offer 
the  only  suitable  habitat  for  such  plants  between  New  Guinea  and  the 
Himalayas  in  the  west  monsun  region  of  distribution. 

In  those  cases  where  not  only  the  suitable  area  but  also  the  fauna  is  much 
restricted,  though  identical  conditions  of  temperature  and  rainfall  prevail, 

1  T.  H.  Holland :  successive  Annual  Reports  of  the  Geological  Survey  of  India  published 
in  Recordt  G.S.I,  during  1904-09;  "Discussion  on  the  Physiography  of  Arid ' Lands," 
Report  Brit.  Asaoc.  Adv.  Sci.  for  1914,  363  (1915). 

a  Candler,  Edmund,  '  Daily  Mail,'  Dec.  19,  1916. 

»  Commonwealth  Bureau  of  Meteorol.,  Bull.  13  (Melbourne,  1915). 


possibilities  in  the  evolution  of  new  species  are  practically  inhibited,  and  we 
get  the  same  or  very  closely  sillied  representatives. 

But  when  cross-currents  from  the  Antarctic  (24,  222)  cause  precipitation 
in  Australia,  the  opportunity  habitat  is  that  of  a  large  and  open  arid  plateau 
with  little  or  no  elevation,  low  rainfall,  and  a  different  and  unlimited  insect 
fauna.  Where  constant  conditions  in  illumination,  temperature,  and  limited 
rainfall  prevail,  there  is  practically  nothing  to  limit  the  multiplication  of 
species  able  to  survive  the  widely  prevailing  nrid  conditions  of  this  continent, 
of  which  the  rainfall  is  less  than  10"  over  100,000,000  sq.  miles.1  A 
multitude  of  plants,  so  similar  in  appearance  that  it  is  difficult  on  casual 
acquaintance  to  separate  the  different  species,  are  evolved,  especially  as 
annuals  or  ephemerals  of  the  eremaea.  To  quote  the  genus  Didiscus  again, 
which  well  exemplifies  this  theory  :  according  to  Domin 2  the  Calycina 
section  represents  the  oldest  form,  limited  to  four  species,  of  which  two  are 
Papuan,  one  extending  to  N.  Borneo  and  the  Philippines  ;  the  others  occur 
in  Celebes  and  N.E.  Australia  respectively.  Pseudo-calycina,  considered 
atavistic,  is  represented  by  one  Papuan  species  and  two  in  N.E.  Australia. 
The  rest,  or  Eudidiscus,  are  all  mostly  annuals,  younger  types,  represented 
largely  in  W.  Australia,  with  one  in  the  Polynesian  Islands,  where  restricted 
conditions  wouid  .limit  the  evolution  of  the  many  closely  allied  species,  so 
marked  a  feature  of  Australian  xerophytic  types. 

Open  plant  associations  at  the  Angi  lakes  belong  to  the  "  Opportunity  " 
category,  as  under  normal  conditions  these  areas  would  be  in  forest,  being 
only  kept  open  by  the  means  of  artificial  burning  at  regular  intervals.  It  is 
extremely  interesting  in  this  respect  that  it  should  be  possible  to  compare 
two  distinct  associations  of  this  type,  developed  under  absolutely  opposed 
conditions,  viz.  : — 

1.  The   open    marsh  at    7000',   sheltered    in    position,   showing  varying 
conditions  of  soil  and  constant  conditions  of  moisture. 

2.  The    Cladonia  association   of    Koebre  at  9000',  where   constant  con- 
ditions of  exposure  and  drainage  prevail  with  a  hard  surface  soil,  sterilised 
by  the  constant  burning. 

No  more  certain  proof  is  afforded  of  the  derived  character  of  a  flora 
than  that  offered  in  a  forest  country  by  open  spaces  due  to  artificial  circum- 
stances, providing  conditions,  rainfall,  and  temperature  are  favourable. 
This  fact  is  well  exemplified  in  New  Zealand  and  the  Pacific  Islands,  where 
both  rainfall  and  original  plant  covering  once  approached  present  Papuan 
conditions,  but  now,  under  the  stress  of  competition  with  ombrophobous 
immigrant  plants,  not  a  single  native  species  will  be  found  in  such  areas. 

1  Griffith  Taylor,  "  Discussion  on  the  1  hysiography  of  Arid  Lands,"  Report  Brit.  Assoc. 
Adv.  Sci.  for  1914,  303  (1916). 

2  Domin,  K.,  "  Monographic  der  Gattung  Didiscus  (DC.)."    Sitz.  Ktin.  bo'hni.  Ges.  d. 
Wiss.  ii.  Cl.  (1908)  13,  20-23. 


So  much  is  this  the  case  that  the  history  and  country  of  origin  of  immigrant 
man,  to  whose  agency  the  presence  of  this  "  Opportunity  flora  "  is  indirectly 
due,  can  be  pretty  accurately  determined  by  the  nature  of  the  invading  plants. 
It  is  the  absence  of  aliens  in  the  "  Opportunity  "  associations  of  the  Arfak 
which  form  the  engrossingly  interesting  feature  in  the  phytogeography 
of  this  region. 

1.    Open  Marsh. 

Endemism  is  the  dominant  note  in  the  plant-covering  of  this  marsh. 
Most  of  the  dominant  plants  found  there  are  now  described  for  the  first  time, 
or  were  first  collected  by  Beccari  and  Gjellerup.  One  or  two  have  been 
previously  described  from  New  Guinea,  as  Erwcaulon  leucoyenes  and  Trisetum 
latifolium  ;  others,  to  quote  new  Papuan  records  alone,  are  incidental  wind 
immigrants  from  the  Himalayas,  as  Xyris  pauciflora,  Polygonum  strigosum, 
and  Viola  distans.  The  latter  is  unknown  in  Malaya  with  the  exception  of 
the  Philippines,  while  the  others  reach  N.E.  Australia,  and  therefore  their 
incidence  in  New  Guinea  was  to  be  taken  for  granted.  In  Utricularia 
racemosa  and  £7.  bifida,  the  former  shows  the  Himalayan  range  and  the 
latter  is  limited  to  Malaya,  while  Gahnia  psittacorum,  abundant  on  both 
these  open  areas  and  also  at  home  in  the  forest,  reaches  E.  Australia  and 
Tasmania.  Most  of  the  other  Cyperacese  are  cosmopolitan  tempei-ate  types, 
of  incidental  wind  distribution,  like  the  cryptogams,  of  which,  in  relation  to 
the  freshwater  Alga?,  Professor  West  writes  "  that  all  the  species  observed 
are  ubiquitous,  few  of  the  tropical  ascending  to  7000',  the  one  exception 
being  Closterium  Bacillum,  known  only  from  Burma."  The  lichens,  most 
mosses  and  ferns,  including  the  Lycopodiums  of  these  areas,  are  also  cosmo- 
politan, while  the  only  Selaginella  collected  is  endemic. 

The  one  plant  to  suggest  man's  agency  was  J)esmodium  Scalpe,  an 
unexpected  representative  of  a  genus  that,  may  almost  be  described  as  alien 
to  the  Papuan  mountain  flora,  but,  growing  on  the  site  of  van  Oosterzee's 
and  the  Pratts'  camps,  it  may  be  considered  the  one  relic  of  alien  intrusion. 
On  Kinabalu  this  plant  has  so  far  only  been  found  at  Lobang,  on  the 
invariable  camping-site. 

2.   Cladonia  A  ssociation  of  Koelre. 

Nonb  of  the  ombrophobous  herbaceous  plants  with  the  exception  of  the 
Riedelias,  a  feature  of  the  open  spaces  of  the  S.W.  ridge  and  of  this  summit 
plateau,  were  collected  in  the  surrounding  forest.  They  were  all  plants 
requiring  constant  illumination  and  low  temperature  for  their  development, 
of  which  the  germination  of  the  seeds  would  be  inhibited  under  shade 

Some  of  these  plants,  such  as  the  Dendroliums  and  Centrolepis,  are 
common  to  the  open  spaces  of  the  S.W.  ridge  and  to  the  marsh  ;  of  the 


others,  Didiscus  has  been  recorded  from  Mt.  Scrutchley  in  the  south-east, 
and  the  Platanthera  from  the  south-west. 

The  presence  of  the  other  plants  must  be  due  to  wind-incidence,  and  they 
would  be  derived  from  natural  exposed  areas  above  the  tree-level  on  the 
mountains  of  greater  altitude  to  the  east  and  south  of  the  country. 

The  cryptogams,  again,  as  is  the  case  on  the  marsh,  are  all  cosmopolitan. 

This  remarkable  ridge  association  of  Koebre  combines  some  of  the  most 
peculiar  elements  of  what  have  been  considered  the  Malayan,  Polynesian, 
and  Australian  floras. 

The  plants  found  there  show  roughly  what  the  systematic  enumeration 
of  the  species  collected  proves  in  detail,  that  the  flora  of  the  mountains  of 
New  Guinea,  almost  unknown  outside  the  last  ten  years,  must  now  be 
considered  the  axle  of  a  wheel  of  distribution,  of  which  the  spokes  alone  have 
so  far  been  familiar  to  us.  This  is  in  agreement  with  all  recent  work  at 
similar  or  greater  altitudes.  Had  that  axle,  even  now  barely  investigated, 
been  worked  out  first,  we  would,  as  a  matter  of  course,  speak  of  the 
dominance  of  Papuan  elements  in  neighbouring  floras  as  the  German  and 
Dutch  botanists  have  already  rightly  suggested. 

Dorei  Bay. 

The  chief  plant  association  of  Dorei  Bay  is  that  of  the  "  korang  "  forest 
clothing  the  low  coral-limestone  range  which  rises  immediately  behind  Mano- 
koeari  to  the  height  of  about  500',  in  a  gradual  slope  from  the  sea-shore. 

This  forest  is  still  in  its  pristine  condition,  as  all  the  surface-water  drains 
through  the  sterile  and  porous  subsoil,  to  a  certain  level  line,  about  200' 
above  the  beach,  which  marks  the  issue  of  the  small  streams  representing  the 
drainage  of  the  ridge.  This  line  also  limits  possible  cultivation,  as  below  it 
the  "  korang "  is  covered  with  sufficient  depth  of  soil,  due  mostly  to  the 
erosive  action  of  th«se  streams,  to  allow  of  necessary  but  not  luxuriant 

The  old  "pisang"1  plantations  of  the  Alfueros,  now  run  to  seed,  with 
secondary  jungle  upgrowth,  abut  on  to  the  natural  forest  at  this  level,  on 
which  both  the  reservoirs  collecting  for  the  water-supply  of  Manokoeari  are 
sit.u.-ited  at  different  points. 

The  peculiarities  of  this  "  korang  "  forest  were  noted  by  Forrest  in  1750 
(1,  111),  who  wrote  "there  being  no  underwood  it  is  easy  travelling  under 
the  lofty  trees  ";  and  Dumont  d'Urville  in  1827  (3,  iv.  581)  estimated  the  trees 
in  the  forest  as  80-200'  high,  writing  of  a  "  sol  degage,  arbrisseaux  clairsemes, 

1  Banana. 


fongeres  de  petite  taille,  et  fort  peu  de  plantes  herbacees,"  and  further  on 
(3,  iv.  602),  "  Tous  les  environs  du  Havre  proprement  ditsont  occupes  par  des 
tbrets  a  1'etat  de  nature,  situees  sur  un  sol  entierement  madreporique,  qui 
s'eleve  en  pente  tres  douce  "  ;  and,  finally,  Wallace,  in  1852  (6, 173),  describes 
"  the  Dorey  promontory  is  a  raised  coral  reef,  and,  geologically  speaking,  a 
very  recent  one.  The  beach  is  a  mass  of  dead  and  broken  coral,  not  yet 
ground  into  sand,  quite  impracticable  for  walking,  and  from  this  beach  up 
into  the  jungle,  and  even  on  to  the  hill,  to  the  height  of  200'  or  300',  there  is 
scarcely  a  perceptible  change  in  the  coral  rock,  and  the  masses  of  coral  and 
shells  that  everywhere  strew  the  surface.  In  some  of  the  gulleys,  however, 
I  found  traces  of  a  core  of  stratified  rock." 

I  did  not  work  over  any  of  the  gullies,  as  once  off  the  "korang"  range 
the  conditions  are  all  secondary,  every  inch  of  ground  having  been  under 
present  or  past  cultivation. 

With  regard  to  the  beach,  the  coral  mentioned  by  Wallace  had  possibly 
been  washed  up  by  a  heavy  N.W.  monsun,  as  our  own  beaches  are  often 
covered  with  shingle  during  the  winter  gales,  to  be  dispersed  again  later. 
At  the  period  of  my  stay  it  was  certainly  not  an  apparent  factor. 

On  the  "korang"  the  soil  is  so  thin  that  the  coral  is  always  visible, 
mostly  covered  with  dead  leaves.  The  most  interesting  portion  is  along  the 
flat-topped  summit  where  the  surface  is  more  even  and  advantageous  to 
plants,  and  in  parts  small  soak-areas  hold  shallow  standing  water.  The 
immediate  flanks  proved  barren  of  results,  being  very  dry  with  great  over- 
hanging outcrops  of  pure  "  korang  "-like  cliffs,  too  porous  to  offer  much  hold 
for  plants. 

On  what  may  perhaps  be  referred  to  as  the  drainage-line  of  the  streams 
issuing  from  the  range,  quite  a  different  type  of  undergrowth  prevailed, 
almost  luxuriant  in  character,  comprising  chiefly  ferns,  Zingiberaceous  and 
Araceous  plants. 

Trees. — Most  conspicuous  were  fine  isolated  examples  of  that  magnificent 
palm  *Pigafetta  pilaris.  Too  beautiful  to  cut  down,  I  only  took  some  old 
fruit  and  the  measurements  of  the  immense  leaves, — those  shed,  with  the 
old  flowering  rhachises,  remaining  piled  around  each  tree,  which  in  con- 
sequence form  isolated  spots  in  the  forest.  Dr.  Beccari,  however,  with  his 
personal  knowledge  of  this  locality  and  expert  interest,  had  no  difficulty  in 
determining  this  splendid  species.  *Ficus  myriocarpa,  *F.  celebica,  *F.  botryo- 
carpa,  and  °F.  Irachiata,  the  two  latter  with  green  receptacles  which  all 
contained  water,  were  very  general,  with  the  large-leaved  cMacaranga  riparia, 
*Mallotus  tilicvfolia,  Aglaia  Gibbsece,  with  large  branching  white  racemes, 
* Euonymus  javanicus,  and  *Albizzi.a  moluccana. 

Climbing  plants. — All  the  trunks  of  the  trees  were  covered  with  root- 
climbing  epiphytes,  as  in  the  "korang"  forest  of  the  inundation-zone  of 


Geelvink  Bay — Pothos  sp.  not  seen  in  flower  or  fruit,  *Piper  Forstenii 
with  liuge  leaves,  also  sterile.  The  scandent  fern  Thysanosoria  dimorpho- 
phylla  (PI.  4.  fig.  7)  with  fertile  fronds  at  the  apex  of  the  shoots,  the  type 
of  a  new  genus,  was  very  common  with  *Lygodium  digitatum,  °Freycinetia 
lanceolata,  *Drac,tvna  angustifolia,  *Flagellaria  indica  in  huge  examj)les 
running  up  the  tallest  trees  in  the  forest,  and  *Zanonia  macrocarpa  enveloping 
most  of  them  in  its  heavy  curtains. 

Epiphytes. — As  in  the  littoral  korang  forest  these  were  not  numerous  and 
not  a  single  orchid  uas  collected.  Possibly  the  thick  swathing  growth  of 
climbing  epiphytes  and  stem-clasping  lianes  may,  to  a  certain  extent,  account 
for  their  absence,  also  perhaps  the  porous  nature  of  the  subsoil,  which 
reduces  the  constant  evaporation  so  essential  to  the  support  of  the  large 
epiphytic  flora  common  to  the  primary  high  forest  of  the  foot-hills.  The 
moss  *Pelekium  trachypodum  on  dead  wood,  the  fern  *Antrophyum  reticu- 
latum,  with  the  white-flowered  °Mymecodia  puloinata,  were  collected. 

Undergrowth. — The  hepatic  *I)iimortiera  velutina  was  found  in  patches, 
and  the  terns  * Stenosemia  aurita  always  in  colonies,  while  *Asplenium  laser- 
pitiifolium,  *Aspidium  Lenzeanum,  with  *Dryopteris  truncata  and  *I)iplazium 
proliferum,  the  two  latter  like  small  tree-ferns  in  habit,  were  dotted  about. 
Small  colonies  of  the  creeping  *  Hemiyraphis  reptans,  *Geophila  reniformis, 
with  the  orchids,  always  grouped,  Microstylis  Gibbsete  and  the  larger  orange- 
green  °M.  xanthocheila,  \\  ith  Liparis  maboroensis  var.  bistriata.  Of  larger 
plants,  *Centotheca  lappacea  and  *Schleria  margaritifera,  the  small  white 
Draccena  novo-guineensis  with  very  screwed  leaves,  were  abundant;  Pellionia 
Vanhasseltii  massed  on  a  prostrate  trunk  and  on  the  ground  beneath,  the 
stinging  °Laportea  armata  about  1-2  in.  high,  gregarious  on  a  small  soak- 
area,  and  the  shrubby  Arnarocarpus  Wichmannii,  about  1  m.  high  with 
dorsiventral  branches,  were  scattered  over  the  surface,  which  showed  no 
understaging  of  shrubs  and  little  even  of  young  trees. 

In  the  denser  undergrowth  at  the  base  of  the  forest,  on  the  drainage-line, 
abounded  *Aspidium  pachyphyllum  with  fertile  and  sterile  fronds,  °Aglaionema 
novo-guineensis  about  1  in.  high,  the  leaves  crowded  towards  the  top  and  the 
flowers  with  green  spathes  and  white  spadix  and  red  fruit,  and  °  Cyrtosperma 
macrot urn ;  °Alocasia  acuta,  a  peculiar  plant  with  large  fleshy  leaves  on  long 
petioles,  crowded  at  the  apex  of  a  stem  about  2  m.  high,  with  the  flowers 
bunched  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves,  was  common,  with  the  white  *Peristrophe 
ialappcefolia,  not  previously  recorded  outside  Java.  Schismatoglottis  dorensis 
spread  in  large  colonies  in  more  open  places  where  the  white  translucent 
Clavaria  Gibbsece  and  * Dictyophora  phalloidea,  always  yellow,  were  plentiful, 
the  presence  of  the  latter  being  invariably  revealed  by  the  smell,  with 
*G easier  Jim  hiatus  und  the  smaller  G.  mirabilis  var.  tricliifer. 


Clearings  at  Edge  of  Forest  and  Secondary  Jungle. 

This  form  o£  tropical  upgrowth  was  not  so  rampant  as  is  usually  the  case, 
on  account  of  the  poor  "  korang  "  subsoil,  but  it  proved  more  than  usually 
interesting  in  character  in  showing  such  a  large  proportion  of  endemic 
Papuan  and  Moluccan  species. 

In  clearings  Gigantochloa  novo-guineensis,  apparently  cultivated,  was  in 
flower,  the  fine  Pandanus  Tabbersianus  bearing  fruits  almost  1  m.  long, 
*Mallotus  tilicefolia,  *MellocTiia  arborea,  *Kleinhofia  hospita,  *Tamarindus 
indica,  *Rubus  moluccanus,  *  Callicarpa  erioclona,  white,  °Premna  nitida,  also 
white-flowered  with  black  fruit,  and  the  ubiquitous  *  Wedelia  biflora,  with  the 
scandent  * Allopliyllus  Cobbe,  *Flagellaria  indica,  *Rhyssopteris  timorensis, 
the  bright  yellow  °Sccevola  novo-guineensis,  *Merremia  nymphceifolia,  with  the 
epiphytic  °-Loranthus  Versteegii,  of  which  the  flowering,  vertically  hanging 
shoots  bear  dense  red  racemes,  standing  out  at  right  angles  to  the  stems  for 
half  their  length,  were  all  general.  There  has  been  some  question  lately 
about  the  fertilization  of  LorantJius  sp.  by  butterflies.  I  can  only  say  that,  on 
vigorously  pulling  one  of  the  long  shoots  in  the  first  excitement  at  seeing 
such  a  peculiar  Loranthus  form,  I  was  covered  by  showers  of  very  large  red 
ants.  The  denseness  and  position  of  the  racemes  would  certainly  favour 
fertilization  by  these  insects. 

Just  below  the  drainage-level  of  the  forest-clad  range,  a  damp  area  of 
some  extent,  shaded  by  a  secondary  unidentified  upgrowth,  proved  a  very 
good  collecting-ground  for  fungi.  In  fact,  almost  the  whole  total  of  the 
species  collected  were  found  on  this  area,  the  "  korang  "  forest  itself  being 
too  dry  in  character  to  encourage  this  form  of  growth. 


In  the  grounds  of  the  Residency,  bread-fruit,  Avocado  pears,  pumiloes, 
custard-apples,  mangoes,  Canarium  nuts,  jambu,  limes  and  lemons,  pine- 
apples, with  small  water-melons  and  hill-rice,  have  been  successfully  grown. 
Roses  were  always  in  flower  in  the  garden,  of  which  the  chief  interest  was  a 
well-grown  young  °Araucaria  Beccarii  about  5  m.  high,  brought  down  from 
the  Angi  lakes  by  Mr.  van  Oosterzee,  who  had  laid  out  and  planted  these 
gardens.  The  old  convict  gardener  who  looked  after  them  no  oppor- 
tunity of  denouncing  the  "  korang,"  which  certainly  outcrops  in  most 
inopportune  places,  and  the  shallow  soil.  Surrounding  the  "  Pasangrahan  " 
and  the  quarters  of  the  "  Pradjoerit,"  all  the  usual  "  sayur  "  were  grown  by 
the  "  Orang  rante  "  in  the  well-kept  gardens,  and  also  by  the  Chinese,  who  all 
have  their  own  plots  of  cultivated  ground. 


Mangrove  Association  at  Langg&n. 

On  the  spit  of  land  between  the  two  bays  a  Papuan  "  campong "  was 
built  among  the  mangroves,  where  *^Egiceras  floridum  flourished  as  a  round 
shrub  about  1  m.  high,  covered  with  the  white  flowers  and  quaint  fruit.  On 
a  tree  overhanging  the  sea-water,  * Lycopodium  phlegmariodes  with  °Dendro- 
bium  pseudo-ealceolum  in  flower  and  various  Dischidia  spp.  abounded. 
*Pandanus  polycephalus  with  small  red  fruit  bunched  at  the  apex  of  the 
peduncle,  common  through  the  Moluccas,  with  *Excacaria  Agallocha  and 
the  climbers  *  Tristellateia  australasica,  a  mass  of  yellow  flowers,  *Derris  uligi- 
nosa  and  °Sarcolobus  retusus,  marked  the  land-edge  of  the  mangrove-spit ; 
while  °Freycinetia  Beccarii,  °Erythrospermu>n  candid^,,  the  yellow-flowered 
*JDurandea  parvifolia,  a  Gardenia  sp.,  with  *Pollia  sorzogonensis  as  under- 
growth, were  found  where  the  ground  was  more  consolidated,  and  young 
colonies  of  *Pigafetta  pilaris  were  quite  abundant  towards  the  shores  of  the 
second  bay. 

Wousi  and  Genbela. 

Wousi,  in  earlier  times  the  watering-place  for  all  the  boats  calling  at 
Dorei  Bay,  where  the  Papuan  "  campong,"  with  a  fringe  of  houses  built  over 
the  sea,  still  stands,  is  a  tiny  valley  cut  out  of  the  "  korang  "  range  by  the 
action  of  the  stream,  the  range  from  this  point  gradually  sloping  to  the  level 
ground.  At  the  time  of  my  stay  Wousi  was  also  the  site  of  the  Military 
Bivouac,  and  the  base  for  the  work  of  the  Exploration  detachments  so  suc- 
cessfully organized  from  1907  by  the  military  authorities  at  Amboina.  The 
survey  having  been  completed  by  the  successful  results  of  Captain  Opper- 
man's  Expedition  (27,  542-3)  the  bivouac  has  now  been  closed. 

In  the  military  cartographical  office  hung  a  huge  map  of  Dutch  New 
Guinea,  originally  blank,  filled  in  by  degrees  with  tracings  of  the  work 
of  each  Exploration  detachment  in  turn.  When  I  was  shown  this  map 
only  one  blank  space  remained,  viz.  the  source  of  the  Mamberamo  River. 
With  the  successful  results  of  Captain  Opperman  and  Mr.  Langeler  that 
blank  space  has  also  disappeared,  and  with  it  this  admirable  era  of  organized 
exploration  is  closed,  the  whole  of  the  Dutch  possessions  in  North  New 
Guinea  being  now  mapped  out. 

At  Wousi,  under  the  shade  of  the  overhanging  trees,  the  ideal  and 
classical  anchorage  was  reserved  for  naval  and  military  needs,  and  all  the 
ground  underneath  the  beautiful  century-old  trees  behind  the  beach  was 
cleared  and  grass  sown,  forming  a  fine  green  sward,  where  the  quarters  of 
the  military  and  naval  officers  were  built.  Farther  up  the  valley  were  the 
open  barracks  for  the  native  troops,  carefully  arranged  with  intersecting 
white  paths,  beyond  which  again  excellent  gardens  had  been  made  up  the 
bu.iki  of  the  stream,  where  all  the  vegetables  for  the  needs  of  the  forces  were 


grown,  a  herd  of  the  beautiful  little  Bali  cattle  being  also  kept  for  regular 
killing  ;  on  these  occasions  the  requirements  of  the  official  residents  of 
Manokoeari  were  also  taken  into  account. 


Beyond  Wousi  secondary  forest  with  Malay  houses  at  intervals  bounded 
the  beach  to  Genbela,  where  fine  sands  run  out  to  the  cape  that  limits  the 
bay  to  the  east.  In  the.  forest  the  fungus  *Favolus  scaber,  the  lianes 
* Entada  scandens  and  °Mucuna  Krdtkei  were  collected.  *Peristroplie 
jcdappcefolia,  *Hemi(/r  aphis  reptans  and  H.  dorensis,  with  *Geopldla  reniformis, 
formed  constant  undergrowth.  On  the  edge  of  the  sandy  beach  *Pandanus 
dubius  grew  in  clumps,  the  young  plants  unbranched  with  thin  leaves  about 
3  m.  long;  the  old  trees  about  8  m.  high,  with  many  branched  crowns  and 
shorter  leaves  of  much  stiffer  consistency,  bore  large  round  heads  of  glaucous 
mericarps.  Behind  this  beach,  on  a  level  stretch  of  country  with  intermittent 
sago-swamps,  the  native  plantations  were  mostly  situated. 

Island  of  Roon. 

We  stopped  a  day  at  Djende,  the  chief  place  on  the  island,  of  which  the 
gneiss J  formation  carries  a  mainland  type  of  vegetation.  Djende  lies  in  a 
deep  sheltered  bay,  the  native  houses  being  all  built  over  the  water,  like 
a  miniature  Brunei.  It  is  surrounded  by  hills  about  500'  high,  which,  from 
the  little  seen,  seemed  to  carry  a  very  interesting  association  of  plants. 

Along  the  road  bordering  the  bay,  Anthoceros  bullato-spongiosus  associated 
with  the  minute  mosses  *Garckea  phascoidea  and  *Wilsoniella  pellucida  and 
young  plants  of  *  Lycopodium  cernuum  grew  in  the  shade,  while  *Sclileria 
margaritifera  and  °0tanthera  novo-gmneensis  were  found  in  the  open. 

On  the  forest  slopes  °Cyailiea  runensis  grew  as  undergrowth,  where  the 
orchid  °  Vrydagzynea  elongata  was  growing  sporadically  with  Centotlieca 
lappacea  ;  *  Trichomanes  bipunctatum  was  collected  as  an  epiphyte,  also 
*  Piper  Forstenii  in  flower,  with  hanging  yellow  ?  spikes,  about  4  dm.  long. 
The  forest  was  in  a  very  dry  condition,  rather  a  surprising  fact,  taking  the 
heavy  rainfall  into  account  (p.  13),  also  considering  it  was  the  rainy 
season ;  this  fact  again  proves  the  fallacy  of  the  all-embracing  term  rain- 
forest applied  in  general  to  all  and  sundry  tropical  forest  formations.  The 
actual  rainfall  is  by  no  means  the  dominant  factor,  as  it  is  the  limiting 
characters,  no  matter  how  small  their  incidence,  which  have  to  be  taken  into 
account ;  that  is  to  say  exposure,  soil,  and  drainage,  while  should  drier 

A.  Wichmann's  Uerichte  in  Jiull.  nos.  43,  44  &  40  v/d  Maatscli.  ter  bev.  het  Natuurk. 
Onderzoek  d.  Nederl.  Kolon.  (N.  Guinea  Exped.  1903,  Bull.  nos.  3,  4  &  6).  80.  Leiden. 


conditions  obtain  for  only  one  week,  that  week  will  limit  the  conditions  of 
the  forest  formation. 

In  N.  New  Guinea  as  in  Brit.  N.  Borneo  I  saw  no  forest  that  answered 
to  the  description  of  rain-forest.1 

Humboldt  Bay. 

This  bay  forms  a  most  beautiful  inlet,  broken  in  outline,  surrounded  by 
mountains  and  protected  by  a  small  island,  on  which  a  very  picturesque 
Papuan  pile-village  with  an  imposing  "  spirit  house "  is  situated.  As  the 
Tidorese  never  penetrated  so  far  (8,  87)  the  natives  here  are  still  unspoilt  in 
primitive  condition.  The  Government  Station  is  at  the  head  of  the  bay,  just 
behind  the  beach.  On  a  marshy  spot  near  the  "  campong  "  *  Tlioracostachyum 
hypolytroides,  a  sedge  with  white  upper  leaves,  bracts,  and  inflorescence,  grew 
abundantly.  On  the  banks  of  the  river  Gigantocldoa  novo-guineensis  was  in 
flower,  as  at  Manokoeari,  also  *I)raccena  angustifolia.  We  entered  the 
"  rimbu/'  the  Controleur  having  most  kindly  found  me  two  Malays  who  knew 
the  forest,  on  the  edge  of  which  a  handsome  Casuarina  with  a  spreading  crown, 
most  distinct  in  habit,  was  abundant.  Ascending  the  ridge,  clothed  in  fine 
high  forest  on  deep  brown  soil,  we  found  as  undergrowth  *  Trichomanes 
javanicum  var.  rhomboideum,  *Diplaziuin  maximum,  with  *Selaginella  plumosa, 
creeping,  the  palms  °Licuala  montana  with  red  fruit  and  *Arenga  microcarpa, 
the  aroid  QHolochlamys  Seccarii,  like  a  Caladium  in  habit,  and  the  under- 
trees  *Pipturus  argenteus  and  Clerodendron  Lindawianum  var.  glabrescens, 
the  latter  with  handsome  white  flowers  and  black  fruit,  also  the  climbing 
*Polypodium  normale  and  Calamus  humboldtianus. 

Over  the  crest  of  the  ridge,  where  great  mounds  of  dead  leaves  testified 
to  Megapode  activity  in  building  their  nests,  we  descended  by  a  stream  into 
quite  a  different  type  of  vegetation,  one  of  those  sudden  changes  in 
comparatively  small  areas,  which  so  constantly  characterize  the  mixed 
tropical  forest. 

Along  the  course  of  the  stream,  in  which  I  picked  up  pure  alabaster, 
much  fancied  by  the  Papuans  for  nose-ornaments,  *  Trichomanes  humile  was 
found  on  rocks  with  *  Vittaria  elongata,  the  hanging  fronds  to  2  m.  in  length. 
The  fungi  *Polyporus  arcularius  and  *Hirneola  polytriclia  grew  on  dead 

As  undergrowth  the  handsome  °Pteris  torricelliana  with  fronds  1*50  m 
long,  and  //i/j><>lt;j>is  grandifrons  on  a  rhachis  about  3  cm.  through,  bearing 
magnificent  single  deltoid  fronds  about  5  m.  long,  the  petiole  about  3  m., 
and  lamina  2  in.  long,  rising  at  intervals  from  an  underground  rhizome,  \vas 

1  L.  S.  Gibbs,  "  A  Contribution  to  the  Flora  and  Plant  Formations  of  Mt.  Kinabalu  and 
the  Highlands  of  Brit.  N.  Borneo,"  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xlii.  (1914)  8. 


quite  distinct  from  anything  in  ferns  so  far  familiar.  *Angiopteris  evecta  was 
abundant,  and  Alsophila  straminea  well  represented.  Begonia  humboldtiana 
with  mottled  leaves  and  pink  flowers  grew  all  along  the  banks  in  large 
clumps,  but  it  was  impossible  to  find  any  normal  fruit,  the  capsules  being 
all  swollen  through  the  action  of  some  insect.  Ficus  conocephalifolia,  most 
aptly  named,  with  enormous  leaves  and  bearing  red  receptacles,  was  a 
common  tree. 

Bosnik,  on  the  Island  of  Wiak. 

On  the  return  to  Manokoeari,  half  a  day  spent  on  Bosnik,  on  »ne  of  the 
Schouten  Islands,  was  interesting,  it  being  the  first  time  the  steamer  had 
called  there,  this  new  Government  station  having  been  built  as  an  alternative 
to  Mosmer  as  a  point  of  call.  The  island  is  coral-limestone,  a  high  ridge 
rising  behind  Bosnik,  and  low-lying  flats  in  front  of  the  latter  are  rapidly 
being  cleared  for  the  "  campong  "  plantations. 

Under  the  strand  trees  bordering  this  area  *  Cycas  ctrcinalit,  the  ferns 
*  Dryopteris  stenobasis,  *Diplazium  polypodioides,  with  *Fleuria  ruderalis, 
Ophiorrhiza  insularis,  Piper  bipunctatum,  and  P.  bosnicanum,  the  latter 
epiphytic  on  a  tree,  were  found. 

As  this  was  quite  a  new  station,  the  strand  trees  were  not  yet  stripped 
of  their  epiphytic  treasures,  and  one  splendid  example,  a  veritable  garden  of 
various  plants,  yielded  *Lycopodium  phlegmaroides,  *Psilotum  flaccidum,  the 
orchids  °Hippeopliyllum  alboviride,  Dendrobium  inconspicuum  and  °D.  potomo- 
philum,  °Eria  rigida  var.  papuana,  and  °Sarcanthns  bicornis,  all  with  incon- 
spicuous flowers,  with  the  handsome  Medinilla  rhodorhachis  with  pink 

All  the  streams  drain  through  the  "  korang  "  into  the  sea  at  the  beach 
level,  so  that  it  is  possible  to  drink  fresh  water  from  the  salt. 

At  all  the  other  stopping-places  the  time  was  too  short  to  do  more  than 
collect  a  few  plants,  or,  the  islands  being  entirely  under  cultivation,  possibilities 
in  collection  were  limited  to  the  beach. 


Over  330  plants  were  collected  in  the  Arfak,  of  which  100  have  proved 
new  to  science,  with  one  new  natural  order  and  five  very  distinct  new  genera. 
Of.  the  new  species  perhaps  the  most  interesting  are  a  Dacrydium,  the  first 
species  in  fruit  to  be  described  from  New  Guinea,  a  Libocedrus,  a  genus  new 
for  Dutch  N.W.  New  Guinea,  and  a  Kentia.  A  new  species  each  in  Trimenia, 
Telminthodia,  and  Backhousia,  establish  Papuan  preponderance  in  those 
genera,  while  a  new  species  in  Patersonia,  Centrolepis,  and  Hibbertia  represent 
new  generic  records  for  New  Guinea. 

I/-      ,-2/A 

^e'*<.*  .    He.     Y*  V  - 


The  few  widely  distributed  plants  included  comprise  about  30  new 
records  for  New  Guinea,  of  which  the  most  interesting  are  Xyris  pauci/ora, 
Bulbostylis  capillaris  var.  trifida,  Spathoglottis  aurea,  Polygonum  strigosum, 
Viola  distans,  and  Hydrocotyle  rotundifolia. 

Several  of  Beccari's  Hatam  plants  have  been  re-collected,  viz.  Riedelia 
orchioides,  Palmeria  arfakiana,  in  a  J  example,  of  which  the  ?  is  so  far  de- 
scribed, Styphelia  trochocarpoides,and  Dicrotrichium  brevipes.  Of  Gjellerup's 
plants,  as  would  be  expected  in  working  over  the  same  ground,  the  dupli- 
cate examples  are  more  numerous,  especially  in  the  orchids,  but  even  in 
that  order  Smith  has  described  20  new  species  with  four  new  varieties,  and 
in  Ericaceae  two  Rhododendrons,  four  Vacciniums,  and  one  Diplycosia  prove 
new,  with  one  variety  in  Styphelia  in  Epacridacese. 

Collections  made  subsequently  round  Manokoeari  (Dorei  Bay)  on  some 
of  the  islands  along  the  coast,  and  at  Humboldt  Bay,  have  been  separately 
enumerated,  no  two  species  proving  common  to  both  the  mountain  and  coast 
flora.  About  150  plants  are  comprised  in  this  list,  which  includes  one  new 
genus  and  several  new  species  in  ferns,  with  27  new  species  in  other  genera, 
and  interesting  new  records,  of  which  the  larger  portion  is  more  Malayan  in 
type.  Wide  distribution  of  endemic  plants  is  again  a  very  marked  feature. 

In  working  out  these  collections  I  must  express  my  thanks  to  the  expert 
botanists  who  have  so  kindly  determined  those  orders  in  which  they  were 
interested.  To  Dr.  J.  J.  Smith  of  Buitenzorg  I  am  under  especial  obligation, 
not  only  for  undertaking  the  Orchidacese,  Ericacese,  and  Epacridacese,  but 
also  for  many  valuable  details  concerning  work  already  done  in  the  Arfak, 
and  in  arranging  for  the  services  of  one  of  his  trained  native  collectors 
who  accompanied  me  to  New  Guinea.  I  am  indebted  to  Dr.  Odoardo  Beccari 
for  working  out  the  Palmse  ;  Dr.  Valeton  for  the  Ziugiberaceae  and 
Rubiacea?  ;  and  M.  Casimir  de  Candolle  and  Professor  J.  Macfarlane  for  the 
Piperacere,  Meliaceajj  and  the  Nepenthacese.  In  London  my  thanks  are  due 
to  Drs.  Stapf  and  Rendle  and  the  staffs  of  Kew  and  the  British  Museum  for 
much  kind  help  ;  and  in  particular  to  Professor  G.  S.  West  for  the  deter- 
mination of  the  Freshwater  Algoe  ;  Miss  A.  Lorraiu  Smith  for  the  Lichens  ; 
Dr.  A.  B.  Rendle  for  Pandanacese,  Cyperacese,  and  Gramineje,  and  a  new 
genus  in  Urticacese  ;  Dr.  0.  Stapf  for  Utriculariaceae  and  valued  criticism  ; 
Messrs.  J.  Ramsbottom,  A.  Gepp,  L.  Hutchinson,  E.  G.  Baker,  H.  N.  Ridley, 
and  J.  R.  Drummond  for  Fungi,  Bryophytes  and  Pteridophytes,  Euphor- 
biacese,  Melastomacese,  Moracea3,  and  Solanacese  ;  and  to  Mr.  S.  Moore  for 
the  Labiata?,  Acanthacese,  and  Composites,  and  his  great  kindness  in  revising 
the  proofs. 

The  plants  may  be  consulted  at  the  British  Museum,  Kew,  Leiden,  and 
Buitenzorg,  and  in  my  own  collection  (on  loan  to  the  British  Museum). 




1.  FORREST,  T. — A  Voyage  to  New  Guinea  and  the  Moluccas  from  Balambangan. 

London,  1779.     (2nd  ed.  1780.) 

2.  LESSON,  P. — Voyage  autourdu  Monde  sur  la  Corvette  La  Coquille.    Paris,  1838. 

3.  DUMONT  D'URVILLE,  J.  S.  C.— Voyage  de  V Astrolabe,  1826-29.     iv.  Paris,  1832. 

4.  DE  BRUIJN  KOPS,  G.  F. — Bijdrage  tot  de  kennis  der  Noord-  en  Oostkusten  van 

Nieuw-Guinea.     Natk.  Tijdschr.  Niederl.  Indie,  Deel  i.  (1850)  163-222. 

5.  WALLACE,  A.  R. — Malay  Archipelago.     London,  1869. 

6.  .     Notes  on  a  Voyage  to  New  Guinea.     Journ.  R.  Geogr.  Soc.  xxx.  (1860) 


7.  .     Island  Life.     London,  1880. 

8.  GOES,  H.  D.  A.  VAN  DER. — Nieuw  Guinea,  ethnographisch  et  natuurkundig  onder- 

zocht  in  1858.     Bijdr.  t.  de  Taal-,  Land-  en  Volkenkunde,  (2)  v.  (1862)  72. 

9.  D'ALBERTIS,  L.  M. — Una  mesa  fra  i  Papuani  del  Monte  Arfak.     Boll.  Soc.  Geog. 

Ital.  x.  2  (1873)  67-71. 

10.  ROSENBERG,  H.  VON. — Reistochten  naar  de  Geelvinkbai.     's  Gravenhage,  1875. 

11.  BECCARI,  O. — Esplorazione  dei  Monte  Arfak.     Boll.  Soc.  Geog.  Ital.  i.  (1876) 

12. .     Malesia :  i.,  ii.,  iii.     1877-1890. 

13.  SCHEFFER,  R.  H. — Plantes  de  la  Nouvelle  Guinee.     Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i.  (1876) 


14.  TETSMANN,  M.  J.  E.— Voyage  a  la  Nouvelle  Guinee.     Loc.  cit.  61-95. 

15.  ST.  VRAZ,    E.— Reise    nach    Neu-Guinea.       Petermann's    Mitth.     xliv.    (1898) 


16.  WARBURG,  O. — Monsunia,  Beitrage  zur  Kenntniss  der  Vegetation  des  Slid-  und 

Ostasiatischen  Monsungebietes.     i.     Leipzig,  1900. 

17.  OOSTERZEE,    L.   A.  VAN.— Tijdschr.   Kon.   Ned.   Aardr.    Gen.    (2)    xxi.    (1904) 


18.  VALETON,  Tir. — Plant*    Papuanae.       Bull.   Soc.   Dep.    Agric.    Indes    Neerl.    x. 

(1907)  1-70. 

19.  HARTMANN,  A. — Repertorium  op  de   Literatuur  betreffende  de  Nederlandsche 

Kolonien.      1866-1893.      1894-1905.      1906-10.      Published  by  Murtinius 

20.  GELDER,  J.  K.  VAN.^ — Verslag  omtrennt    eene  geologische  verkenning  van    de 

Mambei-amo-rivier   op  Nieuw-Guinea.     Jaarb.   Mijnw.   Ned.  Oost-Ind.   Bat. 
xxxix.  (1910)  87-112. 

21.  WICHMANN,  C.  E.  A.— Nova  Guinea.     History,  i.-ii.  (1909-12). 

22.  NOVA  GUINEA,  Botany,  viii.  (1907-13),  (1913-15)  ;  xii.  (1913-15). 

23.  SCHLECHTER,  R. — Die  Orchidaceen  von  Deutsch-Neu-Guinea.    (1911-1914.) 

24.  BRAAK,  C. — Het  Klimaat  van  Nieuw-Guinea.     Natk.  Tijdschr.  Nederl.  Indie, 

Deel  Ixxiii.  (1914)  179-266,  with  Map. 

25.  SMITH,  J.  J. — De  Exploratie  van  Nieuw-Guinea.  in  Tijdschr.  Kon.  Ned.  Aardr. 

Gen.  (2)  xxx.  (1913)  77-8. 

26.  .     Ibid.  xxxi.  (1914)  782. 

27-  .     Ibid,  xxxii.  (1915)  542-3. 

[References  to  papers  not  reftrring  to  Dutch  N.  If.  Jfeu-  Guinea 
are  girtn  in  the  text.'] 


FIG.  1. 

FIG.  2. 


FIG.  3. 

Fio.  4. 


FIG.  6. 


P.  Highley,  photo. 




[An  asterisk  denotes  new  records  for  New  Guinea.     Collectors'  names  and 
localities  are  given  for  Dutch  New  Guinea  only.~^ 

FRESHWATER  ALG^l.     (G.  S.  WEST.) 

The  geographical  distribution  has  not  been  included,  since  all  the  species 
observed  are  ubiquitous  except  Closterium  Bacillum  Joshua,  known  only 
Erom  Burma.  The  reason  for  this  general  ubiquity  is  the  altitude, 
few  of  the  tropical  types  ascending  to  7000'. 

CHROOCOCCUS  MINOR  Nag.  Gatt.  einzell.  Alg.  1849,  47,  t.  1  A,  f.  4  ;  Rabenh. 

Flor.  Europ.  Alg.  ii.  30. 
No.  5971. 

CHROOCOCCUS  TURGIDUS  Nag.  Gatt.  einzell.  Alg.  1849,  46  ;  Rabenh.  Flor. 

Europ.  Alg.  ii.  32. 
No.  5971. 
MERISMOPEDIA  GLAUCA  (Ehrenb.)  Nag.  Gatt.  einzell.  Alg.  1849,  55,  t.  1  D, 

f.  1. 
No.  5971. 

OSCILLATORIA  AMPHIBIA  Ag.  in  Flora,  x.  1827,  632. 

No.  5971. 
OSCILLATORIA  ANGUSTISSIMA  W.  &  G.  S.  West  in  Journ.  Bot.  1897,  300. 

No.  5723. 
OSCILLATORIA  LIMOSA  Ag.  Dispos.  Algar.  Suec.  1812,  35. 

No.  5723. 
OSCILLATORIA  TENUIS  Ag.  Algarum  Decades,  ii.  1813,  25. 

No.  5723. 
OSCILLATORIA  TEREBRIFORMIS  Ag.  in  Flora,  x.  1827,  634. 

No.  5971. 

LYNGBYA  VERSICOLOR  (Wartm.)  Gom.  in  Ann.  Sc-i.  Nat.  7e  serie,  Bot.  xvi. 
1892,  147,  t.  4,  f.  4-5. 

No.  5971. 


STIGONEMA  OCELLATUM  Thuret,  Essai  de  classification  des  Nostochinees,  Ann. 

Sci.  Nat.  6e  serie,  Bot.  i.  1875,  380. 
No.  5971. 

SCYTONEMA  MIRABILE  (Dillw.)  Thuret.     \_  =  S.  figuratum  Ag.  Syst.  Algar. 

1824,  38.] 
No.  5971. 


FRAGILARIA  PARASITICA  (W.  Sin.)  Grun.    Van  Heurck,  Synops.  Diat.  Belg. 

1885,  t.  45,  £.  30.      Odontidium  parasiticum  W.  Sin. 
No.  5978.     Epiphytic  on  Surirella  robusta  var.  splendida. 

EUNOTIA  BICAPITATA  Grun.    Van  Heurck,  1.  c.  1885,  t.  35,  £.  11. 
No.  5971. 

EUNOTIA  LUNARIS  (Ehrenb.)  Grun.  in  Van  Heurck,  1.  c.  1885,  144,  t.  35, 

f.  3,  4,  ot  6. 
No.  5971. 

EUNOTIA  ROBOSTA  Ralfs.    Van  Heurck,  1.  c.  1885,  144,  t.  33,  f.  11-13. 

No.  5971.     Both  forms  originally  described  by  Ehrenberg  as  E,  octodon 
and  E.  polyodon  were  plentiful. 

NAVICDLA  APPENDICULATA  Kiitz.  Bacill.  1844,  93,  t.  3,  f.  28. 
Nos.  5723  and  5971. 

NAVICULA  BICAPITATA  Lagerstedt,  Spitsberg.  Diat.  1873,  23,  t.  1,  f.  5. 
No.  5971. 

NAVICULA    EXILIS    Kiitz.    Bacill.    1844.      Van    Heurck,   1.  c.   101,  t.    12, 

f.  11,  12. 
No.  5723. 

NAVICULA  MAJOR  Kiitz.  Bacill.  1844,  97,  t.  4,  f.  19. 
No.  5971. 

NAVICDLA  PAR VA  (Greg.),     jy.gibba  var.  brevistriata  Van  Heurck,  1.  c.  78, 

t.  6,  f.  5. 
No.  5971. 

NAVICULA  VIRIDIS  Ktttz.  Bacill.  1844,  97,  t.  4,  f.  18. 

No.  5971. 

COCCONEMA  LiEVE  (Nag.)    G.  S.  West  in  Journ.   Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xxxviii. 
1907,  159.     Cymbella  laivis  Nag.  in  Kiitz.  Spec.  Alg.  1849,  59. 

No.  5971. 

NITZSCHIA  COMMUNIS  Rabenh.  Alg.  no.  949  ;    Flora  Europ.  Alg.  i.   1864, 

159.     Van  Heurck,  1.  c.  184,  t.  69,  f.  32. 
No.  5723. 


NITZSCHIA  CONSTRICTA  (Kutz.)  Pritch.  Infus.  1861,  780.  N.  dulia  W.  Sm. 
Brit.  Diatom,  i.  1853,  41,  t.  13,  f.  112. 

No.  5978. 

NITZSCHIA  PALEA  (Kutz.)  W.  Sm.  Brit.  Diatom,  ii.  1856,  89.      Synedra 

Palea  Kiitz.  Bacill.  1844,  t.  3,  L  27  ;  t.  4,  £.  2. 
No.  5978. 

NITZSCHIA  FRUSTULUM  (Kiitz.)  Grun.,  var.  PERMINUTA  (Grun.).    Van  Heurck, 

1.  c.  t.  69,  f.  4. 
No.  5723. 

HANTZSCHIA  AMPHIOXYS  (Ehrenb.)  Grun.  in  Kongl.  ST.  Vet.-Akad.  Handl. 

xvii.  no.  2,  1880,  103. 
No.  5723. 

SURIRELLA  ROBUSTA  Ehrenb.  in  Ber.  Akad.  Berlin,  1840,  215.  S.  nobilis 
W.  Sm.  Brit.  Diatom,  i.  1853,  32,  t.  7,  f.  63. 

Var.  SPLENDIDA  (Ehrenb.)  Van  Heurck,  1.  c.  185,  t.  72,  f.  4. 

No.  5978. 

All  the  specimens  were  covered  with  the  small  epiphyte  Fragilaria 
parasitica  (W.  Sm.)  Grun. 


SCENEDESMUS  ACUTiFORMis   Schroder  in   Forschungsb.  Biol.  Stat.  Plon,  v. 

1897,  17,  t.  2,  £.  4. 
No.  5971. 

ULOTHRIX  SUBTILIS  Kutz.  Phyc.   Germ.   1845,  197  ;  Tab.  Phyc.  ii.  1852, 

t.  85,  f.  1. 
No.  5971. 

MIOROSPORA  PACHYDERMA  (Wille)  Lagerh.     Conferva  pachyderma  Wille  in 

Ofvers.  a£  K.  Vet.-Akad.  Forh.  1881,  no.  8,  20,  t.  1,  f.  28-35. 
No.  5971. 

SPIROGYRA  sp.  (sterile). 

No.  5978.  This  species  was  undeterminable,  but  may  possibly  be  one  of 
the  forms  of  Sp.  decimina  (Mull.)  Kiitz. 

NETRIUM   OBLONGUM  (De  Bary)  Liitkem.  in  Cohn's  Beitrage  zur  Biol.  der 

Pflanz.  viii.  1902,407." 
Var.  CYLINDRICUM  W.  &    G.  S.  West  in  Journ.  Bot.  1903,    8  (sep.), 

t.  446,  f.  10. 
No.  5971. 



No.  5971. 

Several  specimens  were  observed  of  a  small  Penium,  but  they  were  not  in 
good  condition  for  identification.  It  is  possible  that  it  is  a  form  of  P.  pliy- 
matosporam  Nordst. 

CLOSTERIUM  BACILLUM  Joshua  in  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xxi.  1885,  652, 

f.  4-6. 

Long.  224  p  •;  lat.  34  /t. 
No.  5971. 
Known  previously  only  from  Burma. 

MICRASTKRIAS    DECEMDENTATA    (Nag-.)     Archer    in    Pritch.    Infus.    1861, 


Long.  68  ft  ;  lat.  68  fi  ;  lat.  isthm.  15  /A ;   crass.  24  /*. 
No.  5971. 

COSMARIUM  L^VE  Rabenh.  Flor.  Europ.  Alg.  iii.  1868,  161 ;  G.  S.  West 

in  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xxvii.  1899,  386,  t.  10,  f.  1-6. 
No.  5971. 

COSMARIUM   PSEUDOPYRAMIDATUM  Lund  in  Acta  R.   Soc.    Scient.    Upstila, 

ser.  3,  viii.  1871,  41,  t.  2,  f.  18. 
No.  5971. 

COSMARIUM  PUNCTULATUM  Breb.     W.  &  G.  S.  West,  Brit.  Desm.  iii.  1908, 

206,  t.  84,  f .  13,  14 ;  t.  102,  f.  22. 
No.  5971. 

HYALOTHEOA  DISSILIENS  (Sin.)    Breb.  in  Ralfs'  Brit.  Desm.  1848,  51,  t.  1, 

f.  1. 
No.  5971. 


*CLADONIA  COCCIFERA  (L.)  Willd.  Fl.  Berol.  1787,  361. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  growing  thickly  on  burnt  open  summit,  9000'. 
Dec.  5598. 

Distrib.  Cosmopolitan. 

*CLADONIA  DIDYMA  (F^e)  Wain.,  var.  MUSCIGENA  Wain.,  Monogr.  Clad.  i. 
1887,  141. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  9000',  growing  thickly  on  burnt  open  summit 
Dec.  5720. 

Distrib.  New  Caledonia;  West  Indies;  Central  America  j  Brazil;  Chile  j 


*CLADONIA  VERTICILLATA  (Floerk.)  Schaer.  Lich.  Helv.  Spic.  1831,  31. 

Arfak    Mts.,    Koebre   ridge,   9000',  carpeting   on   burnt  open  summit. 
Dec.     5739. 

Distrib.  Cosmopolitan. 

STICTA  VARIABILIS  Achar.  Lichenogr.  445.     Schum.  &  Laut.  N.  30. 

Arfak  Mts.,   Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  by  ?  lake,   7000'.     Dec. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea.     Polynesia  to  E.  Africa. 



PODOCREA  COHNU-DAM^:  (Pat.)  Lind.  in  Engl.  &  Prantl,  Naturfam.  i.  365 

Lower  foot-hills,  Arfak  Mts.,  500',  terrestrial  in  forest.     Jan.     5703. 

This  species  was  described  from  China  by  Patouillard,  who  placed  it  in 
the  genus  Hypocrea.  The  stromata  of  typical  species  of  this  genus  are 
crustaceous,  cushion-shaped  or  hemispherical,  and  those  s|  ecies  which  have 
an  elongated  or  vertical  stroma  are  better  separated  off  as  a  distinct  genus. 
Saccardo  placed  them  in  the  subgenus  Podocrea,  which  Lindau  afterwards 
(/.  c.)  raised  to  generic  rank.  Atkinson  (Bot.  Gaz.  xl.  401  (1905))  showed 
that  the  generic  name  Podophyllum  had  meanwhile  been  proposed  by  Karsten 
(Hedw.  xxxi.  294  (1892))  and  therefore  had  priority.  As  Podophyllum  was 
a  name  used  by  Linnaeus  (1735  and  Sp.  PI.  i.  723  (1753))  for  a  genus  of 
Berberidaceae  it  cannot  be  duplicated  amongst  the  fungi,  and  Podocrea  must 


XYLARIA  POLYMORPHA  (Pers.)  Grev.  Flor.  Edin.  355  (1824). 

On  dead  trunk  in  forest.  Lower  foot-hills  by  Momi  River,  Arfak  Mts. 
500'.  Dec.  6151. 

Distrib.  World-wide. 

XYLARIA  DOMINGENSIS  (Berk.)  Sacc.  Syll.  i.  315  (1882). 

On  dead  wood  in  forest,  foot-hills  by  Momi  River,  Arfak  Mts.,  500'. 

Distrib.  West  Indies,  etc. 



OMPHALIA  ARFAKENSIS  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Tota  alba.  Pileo  carnuloso,  ex  umbilicato  infundibuliforme,  margine  primum 
inflexo,  crenato,  1-2  cm.  lato ;  stipite  fistuloso,  1  cm.  longo,  2  mm.  crasso ;  lamellis 
decurrentibus,  valde  distantibus,  postice  latissimis  (hinc  triangulis),  interdum 
dichotomis,  venoso-connexis  ;  sporis  suballantoideis,  3-guttulatis,  6-7  p  X  3-4  p ; 
basidiis  c.  25  p.  X  5  p. 

Caespitosa  ad  lignum  putridum. 

Bab.  In  forest,  foot-hills  by  Momi  River,  ArfakMts.,  500'.    Dec.    6148. 

XEROTUS  CINNAMOMEUS  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Mesopus ;  cinnamomeus,  coriaceus ;  pileo  convexo,  centra  papillate,  c.  2  cm. 
diam.,  ad  centrum  plicato  sulcato,  margine  acuto,  integro ;  stipite  subfistuloso, 
deorsum  cylindrico,  sursum  compresso  sulcato,  basi  strigoso  ;  lamellis  parcis  (c.  10), 
valde  distantibus,  non  decurrentibus.  latis,  intermixtis  brevioribus,  interdum  venae- 
formibus  ;  sporis  ellipsoideis,  subgranulosis,  6-7  p  X  4-5  p  ;  basidiis  c.  50  p  x  8  p. 

Ad  lignum  putridum. 

The  radiating  depressions  on  the  upper  surface  of  the  pileus  mark  the 
position  of  the  gills  below.  A  trsmsverse  section  of  the  stipes  shows  a  pseudo- 
sclerenchymatous  tissue,  which  greatly  simulates  the  sclerenchyma  seen  in 
Gramineae  and  certain  other  glumiferous  Monocotyledons. 

Hab.  In  forest,  lower  foot-hills  by  Momi  River,  Arfak  Mts.,  500'.  Dec. 

P  O  L  Y  P  O  R  A  C  E  JR. 

HKXAGOKA  APIARIA  (Pers.)  Fr.  Ii.picr.  Syst,  Myc.  497  (1838). 

Foot-liills  by  Momi  River,  Arfsik  Mts.,  plentiful,  400'.     Dec.     6149. 
Distrib    New  Guinea.     India,  Ceylon,  Java,  Philippines,  etc. 

Fungi  Imperfecti. 

LEPTOTHYRELLA  SERICOLE/E  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Pycnidiis  ampbigenis,  sparsis,  dimidiat-o  scutellatis,  radiato-cellulosis,  atris 
c.  500  p  diam.,  zona  purpurascenti  cinctis,  sporis  fusoideo-ellipsoideis  vel  clavulatis, 
rectis  vel  curvulis,  hyalinis,  multiguttulatis,  continuis,  dein  medio  uniseptatis.  non 
constrictis,  25-35  p  x  4-5  p. 

In  foliis  Sericoleae. 

On  Sericolea  arfakensls  Gibbs  (p.  147). 



The  number  of  species  brought  home  is  but  small,  and  obviously  fails 
to  represent  adequately  the  richness  of  the  moss-flora  in  the  districts  visited. 
Attention  was  exclusively  directed  to  the  collection  of  fruiting  plants. 


*RICCAHDIA  MAXIMA  Schiffn.  He[>at.  Flor.  von  Buitenzorg,  i.  57  (1900). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  on  dead  wood  in  forest, 
7000'.  Dec.  5680. 

Distrib.  Java  ;  Sumatra. 

*MARCHANTIA  POLYMORPHA  Linn.  Spec.  Plant,  ed.  i.  1603  (1753). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  open  gravel-bank  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 

Distrib.   Cosmopolitan. 


SPHAGNUM  JUNGHUHNIANUM  Doz.  et  jMolk.  Bryologia  Javanic-a,  i.  27,  tab.  18 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  marsh  by   ?   lake,  7000'.     Dec.     5967. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea.     Malay  Islands  ;  Formosa  ;  Japan  ;  India. 

SPHAGNUM  NOVO-GUINEENSE  Fleisch.  et  Warnst.  in  Engler,  Pflanzenreich, 
Heft  51,  Sphagnales,  p.  520  (1911);  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1914)  127, 
t.  xxxiv.  B. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  moss-grown 
forest,  8000'.  Dec.  6006. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Goliath-Gebirge,  de  Kock}. 

*FUNARIA  CALVESCENS  Schwaegr.  Spec.  Muscorum,  Suppl.  i.  sect.  2,  77, 
tab.  65  (1816). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  ground  amongst  bracken,  "here  burnt,  on 
bank  of  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5938. 

Distrib.   Warmer  regions  of  the  world. 

*RHODOBRYUM  GIGANTEUM  Paris,  Index  Bryolog.  1116  (1898). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  abundant  on  ground  in  isolated  t'orrst  patch  by 
?   lake,  7000'.     Dec.     5892.     "  Very  handsome  moss." 
Distrib.  Malay  Islands  ;  India  ;  Bourbon  ;  Hawaii. 

RHIZOGONIUM  SPINIFORME  Bruch  in  Flora,  1846,  134. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  living  tree  in  isolated  forest  patch  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Dec.  5979.— Also,  on  dead  wood  in  same  forest  patch,  7000'.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Throughout  the  tropics. 
DAWSONIA  GIGANTEA  C.  Mull,  ex  Geheeb  in  Bibliotheca  Botanica,  Heft  44. 

13  (1898). 

Arfak  Mts.,  abundant  in  moss-grown  forest  of  ridge  running  up  to  Angi 
Likes,  in  mossy  forest  sloping  down  to  ?  lake  and  in  the  open  by  same, 
7000-8500'.  Dec.  5523. — Angi  lakes  on  open  banks  by  edge  of  ?  lake  and 
in  forest,  7000'.  Dec.  5935. 

Distrib.   New   Guinea  (D.N.W.,   Mt.  Arfak,   Beccari ;    D.S.W.,   Went- 
Gebirge,    von   Roemer ;    Hubrecht-Gebirge,    van   Noulmys  ;    Siriwo-Fluss, 
Janowsky) . 
DAWSONIA  BECCARII  Brotherus  et  Geheeb  in  Bibliotheca  Botanica,  Het't  44, 

13  (1898). 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  steep  open  slopes  of  gravel, 
8000'.  Dec.  <$  &  ?  together.  5521. — Ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes 
in  open  gravelly  spaces,  8500'.  Dec.  6005. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Mt.  Arfak,  Beccari). 
RHACOPILUM  SPECTABILE  Reinw.  et  Hornsch.  in  Nov.  Act.  Acad.  Cses.  Leop. 

xiv.  721,  tab.  40  (1828). 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  in  forest,  8000'.  Dec. 
6121,  6122. 

Distrib.  New   Guinea  (D.N.W.,   Mt.  Arfak,   Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,   Went- 
Gebirge,  von  Roemer  ;  N.E.).     Malay  Islands  to  Fiji  and  New  Caledonia. 
SPIRIDENS  REINWARDTI  Nees  ab  Es.  in  Nov.  Act  Acad.  Cses.  Leop.  xi.  143, 

tab.  17  (1823). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  isolated  forest  patch  by  $  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 

Distrib.    New    Guinea   (D.N.W.,    Mt.   Arfak,   Beccari ;    S.E.,    Armit, 
MacGregor,  Miclwlitz  ;  N.E.).     Malay  Islands. 
ENDOTRICHELLA  ARF^KIANA  C.  Mull,  ex  Geheeb  in  Bibliotheca  Botanica, 

Heft  44,  16,  tab.  14  (1898). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  with  Rliizogonium  spiniforme  on  living  tree 
in  isolated  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5979  pro  parte. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Mt.  Arfak,  Beccari}. 
TAXITHELIUM  SUBSTIGMOSUM  Broth,  in  Engl.  &  Prantl,  Nat.  Pflanz.  i.  Abt.  3, 

1092  (1908). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  small  forest  by  ?  lake,  on  dead  wood,  7000'. 
Dec.  5965. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  MacCluer  Bay,  Naumann  ;  N.E.). 


ECTROPOTHECIUM    ARFAKENSE    Broth,    et   Geheeb   in    Bibliotheca    Botanica, 

Heft  44,  24  (1898). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  dead  wood,  in  isolated  forest  patch  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5904. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Mt.  Arfak,  Beccari). 

HYPNODKNDRON  DIVEKSIFOLIUM  Broth,  et  Geheeb  in  Ofvers.  Finsk.  Vet.  Soc. 
Forh.  xl.  191  (1898). 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  carpeting  in  forest,  7000'. 
Dec.  5667. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (S.E.,  Mt.  Dayman,  Artnii). 



The  references  to  the  descriptions  of  the  following  ferns  are  to  be  found 
in  Christensen's  '  Index  Filicum,'  1905-13. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  hikes,  9000'.  epiphytic  in 
moss-grown  forest.  Dec.  6000. 

Distrib.  Malay  Islands  to  the  Mascarenes  and  New  South  Wales. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8000',  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest,  Dec.  5520: 

Distrib.  Java. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt,,  8000-9000',  epiphytic  in  forest.     Dec.     5728. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Hellwig- 
Gebirge,  von  Roemer  ;  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  S.E.).  Trop.  Asia.  Polynesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  by  ?  lake,  5947  ; 
forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  epiphytic,  6137.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  R.  Begowri,  Gjellerup  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord 
Rivier,  Versteeg). 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Mt. 
Carstensz,  Kloss}.  Malay  Islands  to  Polynesia  and  Reunion. 



Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5893. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari-  N.E.).  India. 
Malay  Islands.  Australasia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  $  lake. 
Dec.  6141. 

Distrib.  Malay  Islands  and  Japan. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  6138. 

Distrih.  Java. 


A  rials.  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5679. 

Distrib.  Java. 


Rhizoma  longe  repens  pilosum;  stipites  remoti  erecti  pilosi  obsolete  alati,  ad 
10  cm.  longi,  1  mm.  crassi.  Frons  20-22'5  cm.  longa.  5-7'5  cm.  lata,  lanceolata, 
rhachi  omnino  sed  anguste  alata  pilosa  ;  pinnis  alternis  20-jugatis  contiguis  ovato- 
lanceolatis  pinnatifidis,  costa  alata  pilosa  ;  pinnulis  1-2-dichotome  lobatis  ;  segmentis 
ultimis  planis  serrulatis  2  inin.  long.,  0'5  nun.  lat.,  costula  anguste  et  dentate  cristata. 
tSori  in  lobis  brevibus  pinnarum  superiorum  terminales,  1-8.  Indusium  vix  ad 
medium  divisum,  valvis  rotundatis  ±  integris,  basi  obovatum,  longitudinaliter 
cristatum.  Receptaculum  exserturn. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  terrestrial  in  spinneys  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5964. 

The  tall  narrowed  frond  is  in  general  habit  somewhat  like  IF.  Zol- 
lingerianum  as  figured  by  Van  den  Bosch  (Hymen.  Javan.  t.  50),  and  bears 
about  20  pinna)  on  each  side.  In  the  dried  specimens  the  frond-apex  is 
cernuons  and  the  pinnae  complicato-decurved.  The  narrowly  winged  stipes 
and  rhachis,  tlie  flat  serrulate  ultimate  segments,  the  narrowly  dentato-cristate 
costules,  and  the  hairiness  of  stipes,  rhachis,  costfe,  and  costulesare  characters 
to  be  noted. 


Rhizoma  longe  repens  pilosum ;  stipites  remoti  erecti  pilosi  obsolete  alati, 
3-5  cm.  longi,  0'5  mm.  crassi.  Frons  circ.  5  cm.  longa,  2  cm.  lata,  lanceolata. 
rhachi  alata  pilosa ;  pinnis  alternis  10-12-jugatis  contiguis  (circ.  1  cm.  longis, 
0'5  cm.  latis)  pinnatifidis ;  pinnulis  1-2-dichotome  lobatis  ;  segmentis  ultimis  planis 

paucidentatis,  2-3  mm.  longis,  0'5  cm.  latis.  Sori  solitarii  in  lobis  brevibus  pin- 
narum  terminates.  JiH/itsimn  ad  medium  divisum,  valvis  obtusis  truncatisve  integris, 
basi  obovatum,  parce  longitudinaliter  cristatum.  JReceptaculum  exsertum. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8500',  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest.  Dec.  5989. 

This  species  has  sori  much  as  in  H.  cernuum  (No.  5964),  but  is  not  one- 
quarter  the  size,  and  is  not  cristate  on  the  costules  of  the  segments.  It 
approaches  //.  holochilum  Van  den  Bosch  (Hymen.  Javan.  t.  34),  hut  has  a 
stouter,  more  hairy  rhizome  and  stipes  (the  latter  winged  throughout  its 
length),  and  much  narrower  ultimate  segments.  The  dried  plants  are  very 

OYATHEA  ARFAKENSIS  Gepp,  sp.  nov. 

Stipes  circ.  18  cm.  longus  muricatus  inferne  fuscus  supeme  griseo-purpurascens  ; 
rhachis  purpurea  baud  nitens  supra  ferrugineo-pubescens  glande  juxta  cujusque  pinnae 
basin  instructa.  Frons  lineari-lanceolata,  circa  80  cm.  longa,  13  cm.  lata,  bipinnata  ; 
pinnae  alternae  35-jugatae  stipitatae  lanceolatae,  8  cm.  long*,  2  cm.  lata?.  obtusae, 
pinnnlis  15-20-jugatis,  stipitatis  1  cm.  longis,  0'4  cm.  latis,  imbricatis  oblongis 
obtusis,  inferioribus  paucipinnatis  (segmentis  rotundatis),  superioribus  lobatis  vel 
crenatis  vel  integris  (versus  apicem)  ;  rhachibus  pinnarum  supra  pubescentibus,  infra 
squamulis  albidis  sparse  instructis.  Sori  costales  4-5-jugati ;  venuke  pinnularum 
5-6  parum  conspicuae  simplices  f  urcatuave.  Textura  coriacea  ;  frons  supra  griseo- 
purpurea,  infra  pallide  brunnea.  Indusium  persistens  hemisphericum. 

Hab.  Arl'ak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8000',  undergrowth  in  moss- 
grown  forest.  Dec.  6008.  "  Tree-fern." 

.  Tlie  pinnae  are  not  contiguous,  but  are  attached  to  the  rhachis  at  intervals 
of  about  3  cm.  In  the  dried  specimen  the  shortly-stalked  opposite  rows  of 
pinnulse  are  appressed  to  one  another  and  directed  upwards  (apically), 
displaying  the  sori  and  concealing  the  upper  surface. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  undergrowth  in  forest  by  ?  lake.  Dec. 
5932.  "Tree-fern,  3  in.  in  height  (pinnae)." 

Distrlb.  New  Guinea  (S.E.). 

ALSOPHILA  ANGIENSIS  Gepp,  sp.  nov. 

Stipes  (?).  Frons  tripinnatifida ;  rhachis  purpureo-fusca  sparse  aculeata  impolita 
sparse  et  breviter  atro-hispida ;  pinna  brevi-stipitata,  ±  37  cm.  longa,  19  cm.  lata, 
oblongo-lanceolata  ;  rhachis  pinnse  supra  atro-tomentosa  purpureo-fusca,  infra  sulcata 
furfuraceo-squamulata ;  pinnula?  suboppositse  ±  30-jugatai  contiguae  imbricataeve 
sessiles  ±  horizontales  lineari-lanceolata}  acuminatse  ±  1'5  cm.  lataa,  fere  ad  costam 
pinnatisecta?  ;  costa  pinnulae  supra  fulvo-tomentosa,  infra  sulcata  furfuraceo-squamu- 
lata ;  segmenta  ±  2G-jugata  lineari-oblonga  falcatula  integra  ±  3  mm.  lata,  supra 
f usco-purpurea  glabra,  infra  glauca ;  costula  segmenti  supra  glabrum,  infra  pauci- 
pilosa  et  squamulis  flavidis  timbriatis  versus  basin  ±  vestita  ;  venulae  inconspicuae 
tenues  ±  14-jugat«,  1-2-furcata?,  pauci-pilosa?.  Sori  (?).  Textura  coriacea. 


[Jab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  spinney  by  ?  hike,  undergrowth  in 
forest.  Dec.  5968.  "  Tree-fern,  3  m.  in  height,  brown  paleze  on  young 
stein  and  fronds.  Brown  and  with  thorns  on  old." 

This  plant  is  represented  by  two  pinnae  which  are  entirely  sterile.  It  is 
tentatively  referred  to  Alsophila.  In  some  respects  it  recalls  A.  glauca,  but 
differs  in  having  the  pinnules  crowded  together  and  imbricated,  and  the 
rhachises  dull  and  unpolished.  The  pinnules  are  inserted  on  the  pinna- 
rhachis  at  intervals  of  about  T25  cm.  and  overlap  ;  the  middle  pinnules  are 
horizontal,  tlie  lower  are  deflexed. 

ALSOPHILA  ARFAKENSIS  Gepp,  sp.  nov. 

Stipes  (?).  Frons  tripinnatifida,  pinnis  remotis  alternis  stipitatis.  Rhachis 
(versus  apicem)  pallida,  supra  breviter  tomentosa,  infra  glabra  ruguloso-aspera ; 
rhachis  pinnulae  similis  est.  Pinnae  infimae  ±  28  cm.  longse,  9-10  cm.  latse.  lineari- 
lanceolat*  breviter  acuminatae  ad  apicem  pinnatifidae.  Pinnulae  rt  12-jugatae  remotse 
alternae  stipitatse,  usque  ad  5  cm.  longse,  ±  1  cm.  latse,  lineari-lanceolatai  obtuse 
acuminatse,  ad  |  pinuatifidse  ;  costa  pinnulae  supra  tomentosula,  sed  versus  apicem 
glabra,  infra  rugulosa  squamulis  paucis  lauceolatis  rubris  ornata  ;  segmenta  ±  12- 
jugata  (apice  excluso),  ±  3'5  mm.  lata,  oblonga  obtusissima  crenata  margine 
recurvata ;  costula  segmenti  supra  glabra,  infra  squamulata  ;  venulse  ±  5-jugatae 
furcata?  simplicesve.  Sori  4-5-jugati  prope  costain  dispositi,  segmenti  latitudinem 
haud  obtegentes.  Textura  coriacea. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.\V.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  7000-8500',  common  under- 
growth in  moss-grown  forest.  Dec.  5990.  Also  common  about  ?  lake, 
in  forest.  "  Slender  tree-fern,  stem  1  dm.  in  diameter  and  1  m.  in  height. 
Fronds  1  m.  long." 

The  material  consists  of  the  two  .lowest  pinnoe  and  the  top  37  cm.  of  a 
frond.  A  small  dark  gland  is  present  at  the  base  of  the  stalks  of  the 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  common  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake.  Dec. 
5939.  "  Creeping  rhizome." 

Distrib.  Philippine  Islands  ;  Ceylon  ;  South  India  ;  South  China. 


Rhizoma  erectum  squamulis  lineari-lanceolatis  ferrugineis  dentatis  vel  subintegris 
vestitum.  Stipites  ±  12'5  cm.  longi,  c.  1  mm.  crassi,  atro-pui-purei,  inferne  squamulis 
angustis  capillaribus  c.  1  mm.  longis  ferrugineis  vestiti,  superne  breviter  et  sparse 
pubescentes  et  squamulis  paucis  lineari-lanceolatis  ornati  (ut  etiam  rhachis).  Frons 
lanceolata  ±  10  cm.  longa,  3  cm.  lata;  pinnae  subcontiguae  alteruae  plerumque 
brevi-stipitatae,  versus  frondis  apicem  sessiles,  elliptico-lauceolatse  ±  30-jugatae, 
±  horizontales,  inferne  1'3-1'7  cm.  longae,  0'4-0g5  cm.  latae,  fere  ad  if  pinnatiticlae, 
ad  apices  crenatae  vel  subintegrae  obtusss;  segmenta  0-8-jugata  approximata  sub- 
falcata  obtusa,  segmento  infimo  superiori  oblongo  quain  reliquis  majori  interdum 


libero ;  venulse  segment!  paucae  pinnate  dispositae  inconspicuae.  Sort  singuli 
plerumque  ad  media  segmenta,  prope  pinnae  costam  dispositi,  indusio  persistente. 
Textura  coriacea  ;  lamina  superne  fusca,  inferne  griseo-viridis. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  7000-8000',  epiphytic  in  forest.  Dec. 

The  lower  pinnules  are  slightly  deflexed,  and  the  lowest  pair  are  a  trifle 
shorter  than  the  pair  above  them.  The  plant  differs  in  every  respect  from 
I),  viscosa. 


Stipes  paleis  linearibus  brunneis  ±  deciduis  0'5  cm.  longis  vestitus  et  earum 
cicatricibus  muricatus,  15  cm.  longus,  atro-purpureus.  Frons  circa  1  m.  longa, 
40  cm.  lata,  bipinnata  obovato-lanceolata  ;  rhachis  atro-purpurea  ±  paleacea  muricata 
(velut  stipes)  ad  apicem  haud  evoluta,  guperne  breviter  ferrugineo-tomentosa,  inferne 
parum  furfuracea,  pinnas  circa  9  alternas  remotas  dimorphas  (inferiores  6  fertiles, 
superiores  3  steriles)  gerens;  pinnae  brevi-stipitatae  ad  apicem  abrupte  (haud 
evolutse),  steriles  circa  30  cm.  longse,  13  cm.  latae,  lanceolatae,  fertiles  circa  25  cm. 
longse,  7'5  cm.  latae  ;  rhachis  pinnae  superne  ferrugineo-tomentosa  ;  pinnulse  alternae 
circa  12-jugatae  stipitatae ;  pinnulae  steriles  6'5  cm.  longae,  1'2  cm.  latae,  oblongo- 
lanceolatae  acuminatae  apice  serrato,  usque  ad  \  pinnatifidae,  lobis  (fere  20-jugatis) 
rotundatis  crenulatis,  venulis  in  lobis  pinnatae  dispositis  c.  3-jugatis;  pinnulae  fertiles 
±  3'5  cm.  longae,  4-8  mm.  latse,  lineares  usque  ad  costam  pinnatisectae,  lobis  parvis 
oblongis  sessilibus  propter  soros  copiosos  omnino  obtectis.  Textura  subcoriacea. 
Lamina  superne  purpureo-brunnea,  inferne  pallidior  glabra. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  climbing  in  forest, 
clasping  trunk  to  top.  Dec.  5984.  "  Fronds  1  in.  long,  sterile  like  barren 
portion  of  fertile  frond  ;  fertile  frond  distinct." 

This  fern  is  remarkable  for  its  dimorphous  fronds  and  pinnae  and  for  the 
arrested  growth  of  its  frond-apices.  The  material  consists  of  one  frond, 
the  six  lower  pinnse  of  which  are  fertile,  and  the  three  upper  are  sterile. 
The  apex  of  the  main  rhachis  has  failed  to  attain  its  full  development,  as  also 
have  the  apices  of  the  secondary  rhachises  (pinnse  both  fertile  and  sterile). 
Hence,  the  proper  apices  are  absent.  Whether  the  apical  growth  has  been 
temporarily  interrupted  or  permanently  nrrested,  and  whether  the  arrest  of 
growth  is  due  to  injury  or  is  of  normal  occurrence  in  the  life-history  of  the 
plant  is  uncertain.  The  lower  pinnse  are  shorter  than  the  others.  The 
sterile  pinnules  are  inserted  at  intervals  of  about  2  cm.,  the  fertile  at  about 
1*5  cm.  The  fertile  pinnules  recall  those  of  Osmunda  javanica  in  shape,  but 
not  in  arrangement.  Dimorphism  of  frond  and  pinnse  occurs  in  the  tropical 
American  P.  osmundacea. 

P.  arfakensis  climbs  by  means  of  its  rhizome  and  puts  out  its  fronds  at 
right  angles  to  the  axis  of  the  tree  up  which  it  climbs, 



ArFak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  growing  on  bank  by  edge  of  ?  lake,  in 
open.  Dec.  5913.  "  Also  abundant  on  open  steep  gravel  slopes  on  S.W. 
ridge,  running  up  to  lakes  from  8000-8500'." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Andai,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W., 
Noord  Rivier,  Versteeg  :  submontane  region,  von  Roemer  :  Mt.  Carstensz, 
Kloss  ;  S.E.).  Asia.  Polynesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  common  on  edge  of  forest  patch  by 
?  lake,  growing  in  clumps.  Dec.  5559.  "  Up  to  2  in.  in  height,  leaves 
in  interrupted  whorls  up  the  stem  Also  seen  on  S.W.  ridge." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Bcccari ;  D.S.W.,  Noord  Rivier, 
Versteeg  ;  Mt.  Carstensx,  Kloss}. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  climbing  in  forest.  Dec. 
6123.  "Fronds  with  apical  fertile  portion  or  with  entire  fertile  fronds." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss).  Malay  Islands. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest,  spinneys  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5960. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Melanesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  or  creeping  on  edge. 
Dec.  5588.  "  Sterile  and  fertile  frond." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Hellwig-Gebirge,  von  Roemer). 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5674. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Low  country  and  Hellwig-Gebirge, 
von  Roemer;  N.E.).  Malay  Islands.  Polynesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5592. 

Distrib.  Java  ;  Sumatra. 


Arfak.  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  8000-9000',  epiphytic  in  forest  slopes.  Dec. 
5634,  5640,  5625. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.). 



Art'ak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  isolated  Forest  patch  by  ? 
lake.  Dec.  5895. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Noon!  Rivier,  Virsteey  :  Mt.  Carstensz, 
Klo<is  ;  N.E.).  Malay  Islands.  Polynesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8000',  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest.  Dec.  6120. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Malay  Islands.     Polynesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  epiphytic  and  terrestrial  in  forest  slopes,  7500- 
8500'.  Dec.  5626. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Cirstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.B.).  Malay 
Islands.  Perak. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5730. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  [sec.  V.  Aid.  v.  Rosenb.~\.     Malay  Islands.    Samoa. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  high  forest  near  "  Campong,"  7000'. 
Dec.  5642. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Beccari -,  N.E. ;  S.E.).  Philippine 
Islands.  Fiji. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  massed  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake.  Dec. 
5590.  "  Sterile  and  fertile  fronds." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord  Rivier, 
Versteeg  ;  coastal  lowlands,  von  Roemer ;  N.E.).  Pantropical. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  spinney  by  ?  lake,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest. 
Dec.  5731. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Beecari  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord  Rivier, 
Versteeg  ;  N.E.). 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000-8000',  abundant  everywhere.    Dec.    5669. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Tropics  and  subtropics. 

PTERIDIUM  AQUILINUM  Kuhn,  var.  LANUGINOSUM  V.  Aid.  v.  Rosenb. 

Arfak  Mts.,  summit  of  Koebre  Mr.,  9000',  plentiful  where  burnt  and 
open.  Uec.  5599.  "  Short." 


Distrib.  New   Guinea    (N.E.).       Cosmopolitan  ;    the   variety    is    chiefly 

KADULA  C.  Chr. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  on  edge  of  open   marsh  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.     Dec.     5956. 
Distrib.  Sumatra. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  8000',  epiphytic  in  forest.     Dec.     5729. 
Distrib.  Borneo;  Banca. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  8000-9000',  epiphytic  in  forest  slopes.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Sorong,  Ramoi,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Coastal 
lowlands,  Versteeg  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.).  Trop.  Asia.  Polynesia.  Queensland, 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  spinney  by  ?  lake,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest. 
Dec.  5971. 

JHstrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss).     Malay  Islands. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest  and  spinneys.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss).  Perak.  South 
China.  Malay  Islands.  New  Caledonia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  spinney  by  ?  lake,  7000',  epiphytic  in  forest. 
Dec.  5972. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (S.E.). 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5734. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz, 
A3oss;N.E.).  Ceylon.  Malay  Islands.  Fiji.  New  Caledonia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  7000-8000',  epiphytic  in  moss- 
grown  forest.  Dec.  5733.  —  Epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5664. 

Distrib.  Sumatra, 



Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  7000-8000',  epiphytic  in  forest.     Dec.     5628. 
Distrib.  Java?      [True  habitat  unknown.] 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8000-9000',  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest.  Dec.  6119. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Hellwig- 
Gebirge,  von  Roemer  ;  Mt.  (/arstensz,  Kloss).  Borneo. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  moss-grown  forest, 
9000'.  Dec.  6010.— Terrestrial  in  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5933. 
"  Fertile  and  sterile  fronds  on  running  rhizome." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Beccari}. 


Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8000-9000',  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest.  Dec.  6015,  also  5987  pro  parte. 

Distrib.  Penang.     Perak.     Malay  Islands.     Fiji. 

POLYPODIUM  (PLEOPELTIS)  UEMIGERUM  Ridley  (in  sched.).  Pleopeltis 
renifera  Ridley  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  263. 

Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  Angi  lakes,  8000-9000',  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest.  Dec.  5987,  also  6 J 18. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 

The  specific  name  as  printed  is  misleading  and  absurd,  and  is  due  to  an 
orthographic  error.  The  MS.  name  on  the  label  of  the  type  in  Herb.  Mus. 
Brit,  is  ^  Poly  podium  remiyerum"  an  apt  and  descriptive  name — for  the  long 
slender  fronds  stand  up  perpendicularly  from  the  rhizome  and  strikingly  recall 
the  tossed  oars  of  a  man-of-war's  boat. 

POLYPODIUM  (PLEOPELTIS)  ARGYROPUS  Ridley  in  Trans. 'Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot. 
ix.  (1916)  262. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  7500-8500',  epiphytic  in  forest  slopes.  Dec. 
5632 — Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  on  edge  of  forest  patch  by  ?,  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5589. 

IH&trlb.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  and  on  ground,  in  forest  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Dec.  f>948. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Hellwig-Gebirge,  von  Roemer;  S.E.). 
Malay  Islands.  Polynesia. 




Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  on  edge  of  spinneys  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5970. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  coastal  lowlands,  von  Roemer}.  Malay 


Arfak  Mts.,  lower  part  of  S.W.  ridge,  terrestrial  in  high  forest,  5000- 
6000'.  Dec.  6134.  Fertile  frond  only. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (S.E.).  Java  ;  Philippine  Islands ;  Formosa  ; 
Liu-kiu  Islands. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  terrestrial  on  burnt  open  summit,  common, 
9000'.  Dec.  5611. — Angi  lakes,  abundant  at  edge  of  forest  and  spinneys 
by  ?  lake,  7000'.  5727. — S.W.  ridge,  terrestrial  on  open  steep  gravel  slopes, 
8000-9000'.  5996. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (S.B.).     Malay  Islands. 


Arfak  Mts..  Angi  lakes,  abundant  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5668.  "  One  frond  climbing  up  to  7  m." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss).  Asia.  Australia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  abundant  on  edge  of  forest  patch  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Dec.  5577.  "3  in.  in  height,  almost  arboreal  in  habit.  Leaves 
glaucous  underneath." 

Distrib.  Malay  Islands. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  running  up  trees  at  edge  of  forest  patch  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5575.  "  Massed/'— S.W.  ridge,  common  in  forest, 
where  more  open,  7000-8000'.  5991.  "Scrambling  up  to  7  m.  ;  half 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord 
Rivier,  Verstteg  ;  S.E.).  Tropics  and  subtropics. 

*ScHiz^A  MALACCANA  Baker. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  on  open  drier  and  gravelly  parts  of 
marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5945.— S.W.  ridge,  850^  in  moss  in 
forest  undergrowth.  6011. 

Distrib.  Malay  Islands.     Burma. 




Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  terrestrial  in  humus, 
7000'.  Dec.  5724. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Asia.     Polynesia.     Mexico.     Bourbon. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  spinneys  by  ?  lake,  7000',  epiphytic  in  torest. 
Dec.  5725. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.  ;  S.E.).  Asia.  Polynesia.  Mascarene 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  under  Araucaria  forest  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Dec.  5936. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.).  Java  ; 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  on  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 
5658,  5925. — S.W.  ridge,  creeping  in  forest  and  on  open  steep  slopes,  8000- 
9000'.  5995. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Mt. 
Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.).  Tropics  and  some  subtropics. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  scrambling  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5944. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss).     Trop.  Asia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  gravel  bank  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 
5911.— Open  marsh  by  ?  lake.  5556. 

Distrib.  The  species  is  recorded  for  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.*,  Arfak  Mts., 
Beccari  ;  S.E.).  The  species  is  cosmopolitan  in  temperate  regions.  The 
variety  occurs  in  Java  and  India. 


Arfak  Mts..  Angi  lakes,  by  open  marsh  and  bank  of  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari).  Asia.  Polynesia. 
Africa,  America;  but  mostly  in  the  north  temperate  zones. 




Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  scrambling  up  to  10  in.  in  forest  spinneys  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5954. — S.W.  ridge,  scrambling-  in  moss-grown  forest, 
7000-8500'.  5982. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari ;  S.E.).  Malay 
Islands.  Australasia.  Polynesia. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  epiphytic  in  forest,  7500'.     Dec.     5633. 
Distril.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari ;    D.S.W.,  Noord 
Rivier,  Versteeg  ;  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.).     Tropics. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5726.  "  Growing  in  patches." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.  ;  S.E.). 


TA  x  ACE^E. 


Arbor  parva,  dioica,  in  statu  juvenili  erecta  ;  ramulis  foliis  longioribus  5-seriatim 
imbricatis  pncditis,  postea  ramulis  gracilioribus  folia  breviora  gignentibus.  Folia 
in  statu  plantae  juvenili  laxiuscula,  squarrosa,  acicularia,  incurvato-pungentia,  sectione 
triangulare ;  folia  in  statu  adultiori  parva,  dense  imbricata,  5-seriata  squami- 
formia,  triangularia,  apice  pungentia,  facie  plana,  dorso  carinata  ;  folia  ramoruin 
fertilium  arete  applicata,  rhombica,  acuta,  dorso  carinata,  sectione  sub-tetragona. 
Strobili  masculi  ignoti.  Strobili  feminei  ad  apicem  ramulorum  brevissimorum 
axillarium  erecti,  parvi ;  bractese  ±24,  lineares,  apice  apiculata?,  incurvat^,  carinata?, 
margine  membranaceae,  basi  incrassata?,  demum  carnosse,  rubrse,  bractea  fertilis 
unica,  terminalis.  Squama  ovuligera  fere  usque  ad  basin  libera,  sub  anthesi  teres, 
cucullata.  Ovulum  in  statu  pollinifero  liberura,  squama  ovuligera  adhuc  immatura 
circumdatum.  Seminn  erecta  vel  obliqua,  bracteam  summum  sterilem  superantia, 
ovoideo-angulata,  viridia,  nitida,  basi  ad  |  vel  i  squama  ovuligera  incrassato- 
cupuliforme  cincta. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  crest  of  ridges  and  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000-9000'. 
Seedling,  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec.  5508.—  Koebre"  ridge,  open  summit,  9000'. 
?  .  Fr.  with  mature  foliage.  5648. 

Foliage  of  seedling  branches  1  cm.  across,  the  leaves  4  mm.  by  '5  mm.  ; 
tbat  of  more  adult  branches  1*5  mm.  across,  the  leaves  1*5  by  *4  mm.  ; 
foliage  of  fruiting  branches  2  mm.  across,  the  adpressed  lozenge-shaped  leaves 
1*7  mm.  by  1  mm.  Strobilus  7  mm.  by  3  mm.,  imbricating,  with  bracts 


FIG.  3. 

Dacrydium  noro-fluitieense  Gibbs. — A.  Youth  foliage ;  B.  Mature  $,  nat.  size;  C.  Ovule 
in  pollination-stage,  ovuliferous  scale  appearing;  D. a.  Lateral,  b.  ventral  view; 
E,  F.  Stages  in  development  of  ovule;  H,  I,  J,  K.  Stages  in  development  of 
strobilus;  L.  Seed  with  ovuliferous  scale  still  attached;  M.  Strobilus,  showing 
swollen  bases  of  sterile  bracts  forming  strobilus  (seed  shed) ;  M.c.  Ovuliferous  scale. 


gradually  increasing  in  length  till  at  the  apex  they  are  3  mm.  by  -5  mm.,  of 
which  the  apical  bract  only  is  fertile  ;  the  mature  strobilus,  with  swollen 
bract-bases,  is  7  mm.  by  4  mm.,  not  including  the  seed.  Ovuliferous  scale 
is  ±  2  mm.  in  height  and  2  mm.  broad,  persisting  in  the  axil  of  the  fertile 
bract  after  the  seed  is  shed.  Seed  5  by  2  mm.  All  measurements  of  the 
fruiting-stages  and  drawings  are  from  material  in  formalin.  Pollination 
drops  were  seen  on  the  young  ovules. 

The  mature  fruiting-form  of  this  species  was  only  seen  in  one  or  two 
isolated  examples  on  the  open  summit  of  Koebre*  ridge,  small  trees  +10  m. 
high,  with  short  trunks  and  rounded  crowns  of  rigid  ascending  branches, 
bearing  numerous  small  red  and  fleshy  cones.  In  younger  stages  this  plant 
was  very  abundant  on  the  crest  of  the  S.W.  ridge  and  in  the  forest  round 
the  ?  lake.  The  foliage  of  the  seedlings  is  plumose  in  character  to  ±'50  in. 
in  height,  when  the  small  adpressed  scaly  leaves  begin  to  appear. 

In  the  peculiar  habit  and  the  strap-shaped  laminae  of  the  bracts  composing 
the  strobilus,  this  species  is  quite  distinct  from  known  members  of  the  genus. 

PODOCARPUS  PAPUANUS  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  158,  quoad 
spec.  Klossianum  de  Gamp  III  apportatum,  non  aliorum. 

Arfak  Mts  ,  Angi  lakes,  common  on  the  surrounding  ridges  and  in 
spinneys  by  the  ?  lake,  7000-9000'.  Fl.  ?  .,  Fr.  (yg.).  Dec.  5540. 

Diittrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Hatam,  Beccari ;  D.S.W., 
Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 

A  fine  tree,  ±30  m.  in  height,  very  like  P.  imbricatus  Bl.  in  habit  and  in 
the  dimorphic  foliage,  both  seedling  and  youth  form  of  foliage  being  identical 
tn  both  species — in  fact,  like  Beccari,  I  took  the  young  plant  for  that  species 
in  the  field,  but  the  foliage  of  the  mature  tree  is  more  spreading  and  distinct, 
the  scales  of  the  $  cones  differ  in  shape,  while  the  ?  cones  are  larger  and 
very  glaucous  in  appearance.  The  fusion  of  the  lamina  of  the  fertile  bract 
with  the  ovuliferous  scale  is  also  less  complete  than  is  the  case  in  P.  imbri- 
catus and  the  position  of  the  seed  is  more  oblique.  Dr.  Beccari  most  kindly 
sent  me  some  of  his  Arfak  material,  published  as  P.  imbricatus^  which,  on 
comparison,  proved  identical  with  the  above. 

The  description  of  this  plant  being  limited  to  the  mature  foliage 
and  one  <$  cone,  I  append  what  is  necessarily  wanting  in  the  original 
diagnosis : — 

Arbor  alta  ;  truncus  teres,  erectus ;  rami  fere  penduli,  copiose  ramulosi ;  ramuli 
flexuosi,  graciles.  Folia  dimorpha,  juvenilia  1  cm.  longa,  2  mm.  lata,  biseriatim 
expansa,  plana,  anguste  linearia,  mucronato-pungentia,  decurrentia,  apicem  et  basin 
versus  decrescentia.  Strobili  feminei  1*2  cin.  longi,  '5  mm.  lati,  ad  apicem  ramu- 
lorum  brevium  erecti.  Bractece  2  ve!3,  ±2  mm.,  glaucescentes,  laminae  teretiusculae, 
apice  obtusae,  2  mm.  longse,  '8  mm.  latse  (inter  se  connatse),  basi  incrassata,  verru- 
culosa  ±4-5  mm.  longa,  1  vel  2  superioribus  fertilia,  lamina  bracteis  fertilioribus  cum 

FIG.  4. 

Podocarjnts  pupuanus  llidl.— A,  B.  Youth  foliage ;  C.  Mature  foliage,  sterile ;  D.  Branch, 
bearing  2  $  strobili,  one  allowing  two  fertile  bracts  (pollination-stage)  ;  E.  $  strobilus 
(fertilization-stage)  :  all  uat.  size.  G,  H,  I.  Same  stages :  J.  Strobilus  with  oblique 
ovule ;  K.  Mature  foliage :  all  X  4. 


squama  ovuligera  tota  longitudine  connata.  Squama  ovuligera  cum  ovulo  connata, 
viridis,  nitida.  Ovula  juvenilia  in  statu  archegoniale,  oblique  erecta,  bracteas 
superantia,  7  mm.  longa,  5  mm.  lata. 

All  the  measurements  given  are  from  formalin  material.  On  a  mature 
tree  in  fruit  small  branches  of  the  young  foliage  occurred  up  the  stem.  The 

?  strobili  were  in  the  pollination  to  the  archegonial  stage,  and  may  be  com- 
pared with  similar  stages  in  P.  imbricalus  (Gibbs,  in  Ann.  Bot.  xxvi.  (1912) 
pi.  xlix.  figs.  1-6).  The  terminology  given  on  p.  518,  /.  c.,  is  that  followed  on 
the  present  occasion. 

There  seems  little  doubt  that  Giulianetti's  specimen,  included  by 
Mr.  Ridley  in  his  description  of  P.  papuanus,  represents  P.  imbricatns  Bl., 
as  Dr.  Stapf  had  already  nnmed  it  on  the  Herbarium  sheets  at  Kew  ;  the  two 

?  cones  on  the  specimen  prove  the  correctness  of  this  determination.  These 
cones  were  not  seen  by  Reorders  (Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1911)  615). 

PODOGARPUS  RUMPHII  Bl.  Rumphia,  iii.  (1847)  214  ;  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  179. 

Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  in  forest  from  7000-9000'.     Veg.    Dec.     5985. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N. W.,  Arfak,  Beccari ;  D.S.W.,  Lobo,  Zippelius  ; 
N.E.).  Moluccas,  Amboina,  Celebes. 

A  tree,  + 16  m.  high,  very  common  on  the  crest  of  the  ridge,  but  not  seen 
in  fruit  ;  therefore  the  determination  must  remain  uncertain.  Leaves  over 
2  dm.  long. 

PHYLLOCLADUS  HYPOPHYLLUS  Hook.  f.  Ic.  PI.  889  ;  F.  Muell.  in  Trans.  Roy. 
Soc.  Viet.  i.  (1888)  32. 

Arfak  Mts.,  common  on  ridges.  Koebre  ridge,  open  summit,  9000'. 
?  (very  yg.).  Dec.  5657.  Seedling,  5657  a. — S.W.  ridge,  foliage  glaucous. 
?  (yg.).  5992. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (S.E.).     N.  Borneo,  Philippines. 

Very  plentiful  on  ridges  and  in  the  forest,  showing  glaucous  and  non- 
glaucous  foliage  as  on  Kinabalu.  Only  the  remains  of  some  mature  cones 
were  collected.  I  fail  to  distinguish  any  difference  between  the  above  species 
and  P.  protractus  Pilg.  It  is  a  very  variable  plant  like  other  Phyllocladus 
spp.,  differing  according  to  the  age  of  the  plant  and  whether  the  fertile 
branches  occur  on  the  old  or  the  young  wood.  The  series  of  variations 
obtained  by  me  on  Kinabalu  are  duplicated  in  the  Arfak  material,  and  appear 
also  marked  in  the  large  amount  of  material  from  the  Philippines  available 
at  Kew  for  comparison. 

P  I  N  A  C  E  M. 

AGATHIS  DAMMAKA  (Lum£) ;  A.  Rich.  Conif.  Ixxxiii.  t.  19  ;  Rumph.  Herb. 

Amboina,  ii.  174,  t.  57  ;    Becc.  Malesia,  i.  180  ;    Warb.  Monsunia,  i. 

182  ;  K.  Laut.  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  1.  (1913)  48. 

Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  5000',  in  high  forest.  ?  .  Dec.  6127. 
Veg.  (yg.  plant).  5747. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Waigiou,  La  Billardiere ;  Ramoi,  Jobi 
Island,  Ansus,  Beccari}.  Auiboina,  (Celebes,  Borneo,  Java,  Philippines, 
Malay  Peninsula. 

A  beautiful  tree,  about  40  in.  high,  with  straight  white  shaft  branching 
at  the  very  top  into  a  small,  not  very  spreading  crown  with  yellowish- 
green  foliage. 

The  distinct  habit  of  these  trees,  of  which  three  to  four  were  growing 
near  together,  the  crowns  rising  above  the  surrounding  forest,  was  especially 
noted,  to  be  confirmed  by  the  excellent  description  given  by  Rumphius  above, 
quoted  by  Parlatore  (DC.  Prod.  xvi.  2,  374).  Great  lumps  of  white  resin 
stood  out  on  the  straight  white  trunks. 

The  trees  were  all  too  big  to  climb,  so  it  was  only  possible  to  collect  the 
old  scales  underneath,  still  in  sound  condition  and  in  some  cases  attached 
to  the  axes  of  the  cones.  Many  young  trees,  +  20  in.  high,  showed  the 
fastigiate  youth  form  characteristic  of  the  genus  (16,  t.  ix.  f.  1).  The  leaves 
in  the  above  collection  were  from  a  young  plant  ±2  m.  high,  with  one  whorl 
of  single  branches  +  2'75  in.  long.  As  the  leaves  vary  in  size  and  texture 
with  the  age  of  the  plant,  it  is  impossible  to  base  a  species  on  vegetative 
characters  alone,  and  A.  Labillardieri  Warb.  is  no  doubt  synonymous  with 
the  above,  as  already  suggested  by  Lauterbach,  I.  c. 

ARAUCAKIA  BECCARII  Warb.  Monsunia,  i.  187.  A.  Cunningliamii  Becc.  in 
Malesia,  i.  180  (non  Ait.).  A.  Cunning  kamii  Ait.,  var.  papuana  Laut. 
in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  1.  (1918)  51. 

Arfak  Mts.,  gregarious  in  parts  in  forest  by  ?  lake.  Seedlings.  Dec. 
5934.  Young  plant  (1  m.).  5748.  Old  foliage  and  cones  (pro-embryo 
stage).  5749. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Hatam,  Beccari). 

These  handsome  trees  were  quite  abundant  on  the  eastern  bank  of  the 
lake.  They  were  about  25  in.  in  height  and  mostly  in  fruit.  The  large 
erect  cones  are  borne  on  the  horizontal  uppermost  branches  of  the  trees. 
Many  of  the  mature  cones  seen  on  the  largest  trees  must  be  double  the  size 
given  by  Beccari,  but  the  indurated  bases  of  old  leaves  densely  investing  the 
trunks  rendered  climbing  out  of  the  question,  and,  having  no  axes  with  us, 
they  could  not  be  felled.  A  smaller  tree,  felled  by  "  parang,v  yielded  two 
?  cones,  one  of  which  approximated  to  Beccari's  measurements,  while  the 
other  was  smaller.  Both  the  cones  were  in  pro-embryo  stage,  with  the  seed- 
coat  already  quite  indurated.  The  ovuliferous  scale,  not  shown  in  A.  Cun- 
ninghamii,  is  very  noticeable  in  this  species,  as  Beccari  has  described,  and  in 
this  character  it  approximates  to  J.  JIunsteinii  K.  Schum.  (Fl.  Kais. 
Wilhelmsland,  12  (1889)).  The  cone-scales  a  re  more  elongate  than  in  A.  Cun- 
nuiijkamii,  with  narrower  base,  more  swollen  apophysis,  and  a  more  pungent 
apex.  The  leaves  of  the  fertile  branch  are  more  spreading,  1  cm.  long  and 


3  mm.  broad  at  the  dilated  base,  with  pungent  apex  more  or  less  reflexed. 
In  habit  these  trees  differ  from  A.  Cunningliamii,  for,  though  fastigiate- 
pyramidal  in  growth,  the  branching  is  not  so  defined  or  symmetrical,  showing 
little  trace  of  the  candelabra-like  habit  so  familiar  in  the  latter.  There  is 
also  a  difference  in  the  size  and  shape  of  the  leaves,  in  their  stomatal 
markings,  and  in  the  much  larger  size  of  the  ?  cones.  I  must  thank 
Dr.  Beccari  for  material  of  his  species,  which  he  most  kindly  sent  me  for 
purposes  of  comparison  ;  also  Dr.  Stapf  for  carefully  considering  the  points 
of  difference  between  the  two  plants.  (Pis.  1,  3,  figs.  1,  5.) 

In  both  the  available  cones  an  apparent  orifice  (ori.,  JB)  is  visible  on  the 
swollen  pulvinus  of  most  of  the  bracts,  behind  the  apex  of  the  ovuliferous 
scale,  possibly  due  to  rapture  of  tissue. 

FIG.  5. 

Araucaria  Beccarii  Warb. — A.  Sporophyll;  o.s.,  ovuliferous  scale,  w.,  wing. 
B.  Lateral  view  ;  ori.,  apparent  orifice.     C.  Dorsal  view. 

LlBOCEDRUS  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  Sp.  nov. 

Arbor  alta,  in  diversis  ramis  monoica ;  rami  teretes,  cortice  fusco  obducti,  ramuli 
oppositi,  distichi.  Folia  decussatim  opposita,  in  statu  juvenili  omnia  conformia, 
linearia,  in  statu  adulta  adpresse  quadrifariatim  imbricata,  diffonnia,  marginalia 
navicularia,  subacuta,  'coriacea,  maxima  ex  parte  adnata,  complicata,  apice  solum 
libera,  facialia  plana,  squamiformia,  triangularia,  carinata,  acuminata.  Strobili 
masculi  in  ramulis  lateralibus  solitarii,  terminales,  cylindracei.  Antheroe  GO  -seriatse, 
spiraliter  dispositse,  stipite  breve,  connectivi  appendicula  squamiformi,  late  ovata, 
leviter  peltata,  chartacea,  loculi  3-6,  globosi,  deorsum  2-valves.  Strobili  feminei  in 
ramulis  brevibus  erecti ;  bractese  4,  elongato-ovatae,  demum  lignosse,  appendicem 
magnum  late  ovatum  obtusum  antice  proferentes.  Nucula  elliptica,  subacuta,  alata, 
altera  subobsoleta,  altera  elongato-ovata. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  on  ridges  and  in  the  forest  by   ?   lake,   7000-8000'. 


Seedling,   ?   lake,   7000'.     Dec.     555(1— Youth  form,  S.W.  ridge,    8000'. 
5500.— Koebre  ridge,  8000'.      <J  ?  .     Dec.     5594. 

The  abundant  seedlings  of  this  plant,   both  on  the  ridges  and  at  the 

FIG.  6  a. 

Libocedi-us  arfukeiais  Gibbs. — A.  Seedling,  nat.  size  ;  B.  Mature  foliage,  sterile  ;  C.  2  branch ; 
D.  cJ  branch;  E.  J  strobilus,  X  8;  F,  G,  H.  Sporophyl  Is  showing  three  sporangia, 
X  8 ;  J.  Sporophyll  with  four  sporangia,  X  8. 

?  hike,  formed  a  conspicuous  feature  of  the  forest  undergrowth,  from  the 
peculiar  shape,  herbaceous  texture,  and  light  green  colour  of  the  leaves, 
which  in  this  stage  are  ±  2  cm.  long  and  8  mm.  broad  in  the  median  portion, 


FIG.  6i. 


Libocedrus  arfakensis  Gibbs. — A.  Fertile  2  branch,  with  very  young  strobili  showing  four 
bracts:  /.,/.,  fertile,  s., s.,  sterile;  B.  C,  D.  Progressive  stages,  showing  gradual  dis- 
placement of  bract  apices  by  secondary  upgrowth  of  tissue ;  E.  Strobilus  before 
dehisceuce,  anterior  bract  removed,  exposing  the  two  ovules  o.,  with  wings  still 
undeveloped,  on  the  posterior/,  bract ;  F.  Mature  strobilus,  exposing  wings  of  ovules 
on  dehiscence  ;  G.  Old  strobilus,  ovules  shed. 


with  divaricating  falcate  apices  1  cm.  long  by  7  mm.  broad.  The  leaves 
gradually  become  smaller  and  more  modified  in  form  as  the  plant  matures, 
till,  in  young  trees  of  ±  19  m.  in  height,  they  are  fleshy  coriaceous  in  texture, 
1  cm.  long  by  0-7  mm.  broad,  showing  +  5  whitish  lines  of  stomata  in 
formalin  material,  connate  almost  to  the  extreme  apex,  which  is  apiculate  or 
acute,  with  incurved  tendency.  The  small  scale-like  leaves  of  the  fruiting 
branches  are  1  mm.  long  by  about  the  same  in  breadth,  with  a  few  faint 
stomatal  lines.  The  $  cone  is  14  mm.  by  3  mm.,  with  peltate  sporophylls 
bearing  4-6  sporangia  (4  being  the  usual  number)  at  the  base  ;  in  one  case 
3  sporangia  to  each  scale  were  present  throughout  the  strobilus,  and  in 
another  4-G  were  seen  ;  the  strobilus  (first  ovoid)  elongates  considerably  on 
the  dehiscence  of  the  sporangia,  the  sporophylls  drying  light  brown  in 
colour.  The  ?  strobilus  consists  of  4  simple  bracts,  opposite  decussate  in 
arrangement,  subtended  by  4  modified  scale-leaves  ;  the  2  fertile  interior 
bracts,  each  bearing  2  ovules  at  the  base,  are  longer,  and  in  the  pollination 
stage  unmodified,  when  they  are  +  4  mm.  long  by  3  mm.  broad,  showing  no 
differentiation  between  the  fertile  and  sterile  bracts.  As  the  strobilus 
increases  in  size,  a  swelling  appears  between  the  two  fertile  bracts.  This 
swelling  gradually  develops  into  2  ovate-elongate  projections  which  displace 
the  apices  of  the  bracts,  and  it  is  these  secondary  projections  which  open 
to  liberate  the  ovules,  both  reflecting  on  dehiscence,  like  the  outside  bracts, 
which  are  modified  in  the  same  manner  but  to  a  less  extent.  In  both 
cases  this  hypertrophied  secondary  tissue  is  ciliate  round  the  margin.  The 
strobilus  before  dehiscence  may  be  1*4  cm.  long  by  9  mm.  broad,  and  the 
ovule,  of  which  the  wing  is  still  undeveloped,  5  mm.  by  4  mm.  All 
measurements  are  from  formalin  material. 

On  the  ridges  this  tree  was  small  and  not  seen  in  fruit.  Some  beautiful 
specimens  occurred  in  the  sheltered  forest  by  the  lake,  +  34  m.  high,  with 
very  straight  round  boles  and  red  scaly  bark ;  the  more  or  less  conical 
crowns,  spreading  at  the  base,  of  g-racef ul  dark  green  foliage,  rose  above  the 
level  of  the  forest.  All  these  fine  trees  showed  dead  branches  at  the  lops,  as 
if  their  development  had  been  arrested  or  their  maximum  passed.  The  only 
trees  seen  in  fruit  were  in  a  more  or  less  open  space  on  the  western  slopes  of 
Koebre  ;  these  were  grouped  together,  +  16  m.  high,  with  the  £  cones  just 
shedding  their  pollen  and  the  ?  cones  in  all  stages,  both  borne*abunda.ntly 
on  separate  branches  as  in  Thuja. 

This  species  is  distinct,  like  L.  papuana  F.  Muell.,  in  the  spirally -arranged 
sporophylls  of  the  <$  strobilus  and  in  the  varying  number  of  the  sporangia. 
It  differs  in  the  shape  and  texture  of  the  leaves,  which  are  dark  green  on 
both  surfaces,  in  the  more  numerous  rows  of  sporophylls  in  the  $ ,  and  in 
the  bracts  of  the  ?  strobilus. 




Samus  subtenuis  in  parte  superiore  foliatus  infra  cieatricibus  foliorum  annulatus. 
Folia  in  sicco  tenuiter  coriacea,  lineari-lanceolata,  superne  ad  apicem  acutura  pun- 
gentem  attenuata,  margine  et  costa  media  lenui  nisi  sub  apice  inermi.  Inflorescentia 
frugifera  ramum  terminans,  axi  trigono  bracteis  deciduis  nudo.  Syncarpia  terna, 
subglobosa,  flava,  pedunculo  hispido.  Carpella  matura  sncculcnta,  apice  libero  obtuse 
pyramidata ;  stigmata  2,  hippocrepiformia  vel  semiorbicularia.  Semina  apice  et  basi 
rubro-brunneo-tincta,  rhaphe  lata  rhaphidophora  et  strophiolo  angusto  prsedita. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge  running  up  to  Arfak  lakes,  scandent  in 
forest,  6000-8000'.  Fr.  Dec.  6125. 

Branch  4-3  mm.  thick, internodes  8-16  mm.  long.  Leaves  6-8  cm.  long, 
4*5-7  mm.  wide.  Axis  of  inflorescence  barely  1  cm.  long  ;  syncarp  about 
1*5  cm.  long  and  nearly  as  broad,  somewhat  flattened  at  the  base  ;  about. 
6-7  ripe  carpels  in  a  line  drawn  from  apex  to  base,  ripe  carpel  2-3  mm. 
broad,  free  apex  1*5-2  mm.  high.  Seed  with  a  broad  raphe  bearing  a  double 
line  of  white  raphides,  and  on  the  opposite  side  a  narrow  wing-like 

Near  F.  inermis  Ridl.  from  the  Utakwa  River,  which,  however,  has 
ellipsoidal  red  syncarj.s  with  more  numerous  carpels  and  seeds  with  a  much 
broader  strophiole. 

FREYCINETIA  (§  PLEIOSTIGMA)  G-IBBSE.E  Rendle,  sp.  nov. 

Rarmis  ramulosus  superne  foliatus,  infra  cieatricibus  foliorum  delapsorum  annu- 
latus. Folia  coriacea,  e  basi  latiore  amplexicauli  linearia,  superne  gradatim  angustata, 
acuta,  recurvata,  margine  spinulifera ;  costa  media  tenuis,  supra  leviter  impressa,  in 

facie  inferiore  subprominens  et  sparsius  spinulifera.  Inflorescentia  mascula 

Inflorescentia  feminea  ra,mvi\os  breves  terminantes;  ramuli  in  parte  inferiore  bracteis 
triangularibus  acutis  margine  spinuliferis,  seriebus  3  dense  imbricatis  superne 
gradatim  increscentibus  arete  induti,  bracteis  superioribus  usque  ad  7  subito  majori- 
bus  et  spathiformibus,  late  ovatis,  rubris,  deciduis,  margine  sub  apice  spinuloso,  alibi 
inermi.  Spicce  florentes  apice  ramuli  axillares,  oblongo-ellipsoidese,  pedunculo  valido 
hispido.  Carpella  dense  aggregata,  parte  brevi  apicale  5-6-gona  ;  stigmata  4-6,  in- 
terdum  3,  in  disco  piano  apicale  ordinata ;  ovarium  super  locellos  dense  sublignosum. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  !S.W.  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  common  over 
ground  and  on  trees  in  forest,  7000-9000'.  ?  .  Dec.  5516. 

Branch  4-7  mm.  thick,  internodes  between  the  leaf-scars  3*5-4  mm.  long. 
Leaves  16-22  cm.  long,  3*5-5  mm.  wide  above  the  broader  base.  Stem  of 
female  flowering  bnmchlets  about  2  cm.  long,  covered  below  with  densely 
imbricating  closely  superposed  bracts  increasing  in  size  upwards  from 
1-2*5  cm.  long  ;  above  them  are  a  series  of  larger,  spathe-like,  more  spreading 
bracts, increasing  rapidly  in  size  up  to  5  cm.  long  and  4  cm.  broad.  Flower- 


spikes  to   1*7   cm,   long,   I'l  cm.  in  diameter  ;  peduncle  to  2*5  cm.  long, 
3-5  mm.  thick.     Carpels  3  mm.  long,  about  1  mm.  thick. 

Recalls  the  Philippine  species  F.  rnsifolia  Merrill  in  its  foliage  and  female 
spikes,  but  the  dwarf  fertile  branches  with  the  large  spathe-bracts  are 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  isolated  or  gregarious,  general  in  forest  by  ? 
lake,  7000'.  Fl.  3 .  Dec.  5969. 

"About  30  m.  in  height,  with  branched  and  unbranched  crowns.  Leaf 
3'75  m.  long.  Pedicel  of  the  $  inflorescence  4  dm.  long.  $  flowers 
yellow  ;  ?  not  seen  or  fruit."  Possibly  a  new  species,  but  the  material  is 
too  incomplete  for  determination. 

G  R  A  M  i  N  E  &.     (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 

ISCH.EMUM  ARISTATUM  L.,  var.  ARFAKENSE  Rendle,  var.  nov. 

Planfa  circa  1  metralis,  nodis  et  foliovum  (superiorum)  vaginis  glabris.  Spices 
approximate,  7-9*5  cm.  long*.  Callus  et  pedicellus  spicularum  pilis  albis  instructi, 
spicul*  glabrse.  Spiculce  sessiles,  gluma  prima  nodulis  marginalibus  saepius  3 
obsoletis  uno  latere  notata,  7  mm.  longa.  Spiculce  pedicellate,  gl.  prima  aequilonga, 
glaberrima,  gl.  quarta  aristam  imperfectam  ipsa  breviorem  gerens. 

Hab.  Artak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 
5564,  5719. 

ISACHNE  MILIACEA  Roth,  Nov.  PI.  Sp.  58. 

Arlak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  by   ?   lake,  7000'.     Fr.     Dec.     5916. 
Distrib.  East  India. 

SETARIA    GLAUCA    Beauv.  Agrost.  51  ;    Schum.    &    Laut.   180  ;    Ridl.  in 

Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (191(5)  248. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.    Fr.    Dec.    5560. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss;  N.E.).  Cosmopolitan. 

TRISKTUM  LATIFOLIUM  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  But.  ix.  (1916)  250. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 

CYPERACE^.    (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 

*BULBOSTYLIS  CAPiLLARis  Kth.,  var.  TRIFIDA  V.  B.  Clarke  in  Hook.  f.  Fl. 
Brit.  India,  652. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5565. 

Distrib.   Wide  in  tropical  and  subtropical  regions. 


SCIRPUS  SETACEUS  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  73  ;  Sebum.  &  Laut.  195. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake  where  boggy,  7000'.  Fl. 
Dec,  5973. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).  Widely  distributed  in  the  Old  World, 
temperate  and  alpine. 

CLADIUM  FALCATUM  0.  B.  Clarke  MS.  ex  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2, 
Bot.  ix.  (1916)  243. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  in  open  marsh  and  edge  of  forest  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5924. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 

CLAUIUM  GERMANICUM  Schrad.  Fl.  Germ.  i.  75,  t.  5.  f.  7. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  by  open  beach  of  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Distrib.  Temperate  and  subtropical  regions. 

CLADIUM  ARFAKENSE  Rendle,  sp.  nov. 

Caulis  sub-compressus,  in  parte  superiore  bractea  longe  vaginante  indutus.  Folia 
e  basi  caulis  specimine  2  super  basin  vaginantem  teretia,  pungentia,  exteriore  caulem 
et  paniculam  excedens.  Panicula  contermino  obovata,  sublaete  brunnea,  densa, 
ramosa,  ramis  ascendentibus  e  bracteis  acuminatis  oriundis.  Spiculee  plurimse 
sessiles,  oblongse,  pluriflorse.  Glumes  membranacea},  rubro-brunnese,  ovata;,  sub- 
obtusse,  3  inferiores  vacuse,  breviter  mucronatao,  superiores  saepe  5  quisque  florem 
$  includens.  Stamina  3  ;  connectivum  super  antheram  anguste  lineari-lanceolattuu 
breviter  aristatum.  Stylus  filiformis  prope  medium  in  ramis  3  ciliolatis  solutus. 
Nux  .  .  .  . 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  open  sandy  beach  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5901.— Abundant  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake.  Fl.  Fr. 

Stem  with  panicle  5'5  crn.  high,  3—2  mm.  thick,  invested  in  the  upper 
third  by  a  long  sheathing  bract  with  a  short  blade  ;  outer  leaf  nearly  9  cm. 
long,  the  loosely  sheathing  lower  portion  about  1  dm.  long,  the  terete  blade 
about  2  mm.  in  diameter  at  the  middle.  Panicle  7  cm.  long,  4  cm.  broad, 
the  lowest  bract  somewhat  foliaceons,  5  cm.  long,  linear-lanceolate  and 
tapering  above  the  short  sheathing  base  ;  upper  bracts  similar,  but  progres- 
sively and  rapidly  shorter.  Lowest  branch  5*5  cm.  long,  the  upper  shorter. 
Spikelets  about  5  cm.  long;  empty  glumes  3*5-4  mm.  long,  upper  glumes 
each  subtending  a  £  flower,  up  to  4'5  mm.  long.  Stamens  5  mm.  long,  the 
flat  ribbon-like  filament  2  mm. 

A  very  distinct  species,  characterized  by  its  broad  dense  panicle  and 
numerous-flowered  spikelets. 


RHYNCHOSPORA  GLAUCA  Vahl,  Enum.  ii.  233. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  in  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 
5563.— Edge  of  beach  by  ?  lake.  Fl.  Dec.  5899. 

Distrib.  Tropics  of:  both  hemispheres. 

*GAHNIA  PSITTACORUM  Labill.  Nov.  Holl.  PI.  i.  89,  t.  115. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Koebre  ridge,  undergrowth  in  summit  forest, 
9000'.  Fr.  (red).  Dec.  5635.— Edge  of  forest  and  stunted  on  open  burnt 
summit,  '50-3  m.,  9000'.  Fl.  5615.— Edge  of  forest  and  spinneys  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Fr.  (red  &  yellow).  5585.— Open  edge  of  sandy 
beach  by  ?  lake.  Fr.  (yg.).  5914. — S.W.  ridge,  running  up  to  Angi 
lakes,  in  moss-grown  forest,  8500'.  Fl.,  Fr.  (yg.).  6007. 

Distrib.  Australia,  Tasmania. 

*CAREX  GAUDICHAUDIANA  Kth.  Enum.  PI.  ii.  417. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  sandy  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Distrib.  Alpine  regions  of  Australasia. 

PALM.E.     (0.  BECCABI.) 

KENTIA  GIBBSIANA  Becc.,  sp.  nov. 

Caudice  procero ;  frondium  vagina  dense  tomentosa ;  seginentis  concinne  pecti- 
natis  sequidistantibus,  rigide  chartaceis,  1-costulatis,  inferioribus  angustissimis  in 
acumen  filiforme  terminatis ;  intermediis  linearibus,  50-55  cm.  longis,  2'5  cm.  ktis, 
apice  inaequali  et  bifidis  ;  superioribus  sensim  minoribus,  apice  truncatis  et  prsemorso- 
dentatis  ;  spadicibus  duplicato-ramosis,  ramis  floriferis  glabris,  alterne  inter  glomerulos 
compressiusculis ;  floribus  usque  ad  apicein  glomerulato-3nis,  glomerulis  oppositis  et 
decussatis ;  floribus  masculis  12-15  mm.  longis ;  calyce  parvo  acute  tridentato ; 
petalis  lanceoktis  et  acuminato-subfalcatis ;  staminibus  6-8;  antheris  sinuose 
lanceolato-acuininatis,  acutis  vel  subaristatis,  filamento  brevissimo  suffultis ;  ovarii 
rudimento  brevi,  3-corne  ;  floris  feminei  calyce  subtruncato,  sepalis  rotundatis 
brevibus,  petalis  e  basi  late  imbricata  abrupte  in  acumen  trigonum  crassum  valvatum 
contractis  ;  fructibus  ovatis,  parvis,  vertice  minute  mammillato. 

A  fine  Palm  with  a  relatively  slender  trunk,  up  to  30  m.  high,  and  with 
the  crown  rising  above  the  level  of  the  primeval  forest.  Leaves  about 
two  metres  long.  Leaf-sheaths  about  60  cm.  long,  coriaceous^  thicker  on 
their  backs,  strongly  striate  longitudinally  internally  and  outside  (in  the  dry 
condition^,  but  internally  glabrous,  and  externally  clothed  with  a  thick,  soft, 
rusty  tomentum.  Petiole  flat  above  at  its  base,  rounded  beneath,  and  with 
acute  margins  ;  rhachis  acutely  trigonous  in  the  intermediate  and  apical 
parts,  scabrid-furfuraceous.  Leaflets  numerous,  equidistant,  neatly  bifarious, 
alternate,  4-5  cm.  apart  on  each  side  of  the  rhachis,  rather  stiff,  thinly 
coriaceous,  of  the  same  colour  on  boih  surfaces,  linear-ensiform,  slightly 
narrowing  in  thoir  lower  parts,  with  the  margins  reduplicate  at  the  rather 



broad  bases  ;  mid-costa  rather  strong  and  prominent  above,  slender  beneath, 
and  furnished  (in  proximity  to  the  base)  with  a  few  narrow  and  long 
ramentaceous  scales  ;  on  each  side  of  the  mid-costa  is  a  very  slender, 
secondary  nerve,  slightly  prominent  on  the  under  surface,  and  marked  by  a 
faint  furrow  above  ;  tertiary  nerves  numerous  and  distinct,  giving  a  neatly 
striate  appearance  to  both  surfaces  ;  the  margins  are  very  sharp  (not 
furnished  with  a  marginal  nerve)  ;  the  lowest  leaflets  are  very  narrow,  very 
long-acuminate  to  a  slender,  subulate  apex,  5-12  mm.  broad,  35-40  cm.  long, 
and  are  slightly  falciform  ;  the  intermediate  leaflets  are  50-55  cm.  long  and 
2'5  cm.  wide,  slightly  narrow  above  and  have  also  a  tendency  to  be  falcate  at 
the  apex,  which  is  acute,  but  subbifid  with  a  small  indentation  on  the  lower 
margin  ;  the  upper  leaflets  are  quite  straight,  gradually  shorter  and  narrower 
than  the  intermediate,  and  have  the  apex  truncate  and  prsemorse  ;  the  two 
terminal  are  the  smallest,  22-25  cm.  long,  1-3-costulate,  and  quite  free  at 
the  base.  Spadix  scopiform,  apparently  twice  branched,  the  primary 
branches  not  numerous,  divided  (nearly  from  the  base)  into  a  few  (3-4  in 
the  specimens  at  hand)  secondary  or  flower-bearing  branches.  Complete 
spathes  apparently  two  (the  outer  not  seen  by  me),  the  inner  lanceolate- 
subfalcate,  acuminate,  about  50  cm.  long,  5  cm.  wide,  papyraceous,  flattened, 
and  finely  striate,  the  margins  not  winged.  Flower-bearing  brandies  straight, 
slender,  but  rigid,  40-50  cm.  long,  of  the  uniform  thickness  of  2-3  mm. 
from  base  to  apex,  glabrous,  finely  wrinkled  in  the  dry  condition ;  in  their 
lower  part  the  branches  apparently  carry  male  flowers  only,  but  in  the 
remainder,  up  to  the  apex,  the  flowers  are  in  glomerules  of  3,  that  in 
the  middle  being  a  female,  and  the  two  side  ones  male  ;  the  glomerules 
rest  on  superficial  pulvinuli  ;  they  are  in  opposite  pairs,  and  the  pairs  are 
decussate,  and  between  the  pairs  the  branches  are  flattened  in  alternate 
directions  ;  the  pulvinuli  are  surrounded  by  very  narrow  semiannular  bracts. 
Male  flowers  12-15  mm.  long,  sessile,  asymmetrical  ;  the  calyx  very  small, 
trigonous,  with  3  acute  teeth  ;  the  corolla  several  times  longer  than  the 
calyx ;  the  petals  narrowly  lanceolate,  almost  flat,  very  long-acuminate- 
subulate,  the  apices  wavy-falcate;  stamens  6-8,  filaments  very  short  and 
thick  ;  anthers  erect,  one-third  shorter  than  the  petals,  linear-lanceolate 
sinuose-subulate-aristate  ;  rudimentary  ovary  very  short,  terminated  by  3 
small  horns.  Female  flowers  ripen  a  little  after  the  male,  have  a  globular 
base,  and  a  trigonous,  pyramidate-acuminate,  and  subfalcate  point ;  the 
calyx  is  low,  cupular-subtruncate,  formed  by  broad  sepals,  having  rounded, 
hyaline,  ciliate  margins  ;  petals  strongly  imbricate,  concave,  orbicular  in 
their  basal  part,  and  suddenly  contracted  into  a  valvate,  trigonous-acuminate, 
thickish  point,  longer  than  the  broadened  basal  part  ;  staminodes  6,  very 
small,  tooth-like.  Ovary  broadly  ovoid,  suddenly  shortened  into  3  fleshy, 
slender,  obtuse  stigmas.  The  young  fruit  has  a  glossy  or  polished  surface, 
is  5  mm.  in  diam.  and  10  mm.  long,  including  the  perianth,  and  has  a 


terminal  discoid  mammillate  areola,  bearing  the  remains  of  the  small 
stigmas.  Fruiting  perianth  not  accrescent,  but  hardened,  and  with  the 
apices  of  the  petals  spreading. 

ffab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  2100-2400  m.    <?  ?  .     Fr.     Dec.     5951. 

Without  doubt  rather  closely  related  to  Kentia  procera,  from  which  it 
differs  in  haying  the  uppermost  leaflets  truncate  and  prsemorse-toothed,  and 
in  the  male  flowers  having  larger  anthers,  as  long  as  two-thirds  of  the 
entire  flower.  In  K.  procera  the  uppermost  leaflets  are  bidentate  at  apex, 
and  the  anthers  reach  only  to  about  the  middle  of  the  petals.  The  mature 
fruit  of  K.  Gibbsiana  is  probably  more  broadly  ovate  than  that  of 
K.  procera. 

K.  Gibbsiana  is  one  of  the  very  few  palms  that  belong  to  the  true  genus 
Kentia  as  understood  by  me  in  '  Webbia,'  vol.  iv.  (1913)  143. 

CALAMUS  HUMBOLDTIANUS  Becc.,  sp.  nov. 

Scandens,  caudice  vaginato  15-20  mm.  diara. ;  vaginis  flagelliferis,  spinis  parvis 
armatis,  ocrea  inagna,  elongata,  acuminata,  chartacea,  50  cm.  et  ultra  longa,  spinulis 
minutis  confluentibus  crebre  seriatim  ornata  ;  foliis  non  cirriferis,  circiter  metralibus  ; 
segmentis  paucis  per  greges  paucos  approximatis,  papyraceis,  lanceolatis,  breviter 
acuminatis,  unicostulatis,  nervis  omnibus  nudis  vel  costa  media  supra  prope  apicem 
spinulosa ;  segmento  terminali  profuadissime  bilobo ;  spadice  c?  foliis  breviori, 
stricto ;  panicula  densa,  cupressiformi ;  sratha  exteriori  elongata,  basi  tubulosa, 
superne  aperta ;  ramis  primariis  densissime  floriferis,  duni  floribus  ouvistis  spica> 
formibus,  subteretibus  ;  spicis  parvis  densifloris. 

Scandent,  and  of  moderate  size.  Sheathed  stem  apparently  15-20  mm. 
in  diam.  Leaf-sheaths  (in  the  small  portion  seen  by  me)  closely  armed  with 
short  small  prickles.  Ocrea  extraordinarily  large  and  long,  as  much  as 
50  cm.  in  length,  very  gradually  long-acuminate,  slightly  inflated,  enfolding 
the  younger  part  of  the  stem,  covered  with  thin  fuscous-furfuraceous  scurf, 
chartaceous,  exsuccous,  rigid,  later  splitting  longitudinally  on  the  outer  side 
and  not  dissolving  into  fibres,  fugaciously  furfuraceous  outside  and  orna- 
mented all  over,  and  rather  closely,  with  oblique,  interrupted,  slightly  raised, 
spinulit'erous  lines  or  ridges.  Leaf-slieatli  flagella  slender  and  very  long, 
armed,  but  not  very  regularly,  with  ternate  or  quinate  claws,  intermingled 
with  smaller  scattered  prickles.  Leaves  non-cirriferous  ;  in  one  specimen 
about  1  m.  long  on  the  whole ;  the  petiole  alone  35  cm.  long,  almost 
biconvex,  slightly  prickly,  and  with  obtuse  margins ;  rhachis  smooth, 
bifaced,  with  an  acute  salient  angle  above,  and  armed  beneath,  at  first,  with 
quinate  and  higher  up  with  ternate  claws.  Leaflets  very  conspicuously 
approximate  into  very  few  distant  groups  (3  in  the  specimen  at  hand) 
with  long  vacant  spaces  of  rhachis  interposed  ;  in  one  specimen  the  leaflets 
are  7  on  each  side  of  the  rhachis,  of  which  8  (4  on  each  side)  form  a 
basal  group,  and  7  (3  on  each  side  with  a  deeply  bilobed  apical  one)  form 
the  terminal  group  ;  between  these  two  main  groups  is  another  intermediate 



formed  of  2  opposite  leaflets  onlv  ;  the  leaflets  are  lanceolato-ensiform,  or 
oblanceolate,  and  taper  almost  equally  to  both  ends,  have  the  base  rather 
acute,  and  are  shortly  and  suddenly  acuminate  in  a  slightly  bristly-spinulous 
tip  ;  are  papyraceous,  rather  firm,  glossy  on  both  surfaces,  but  especially 
above,  very  slightly  paler  beneath,  with  an  acute  mid-costa  and  a  few  slender 
side-nerves,  all  quite  naked  on  both  surfaces,  though  at  times  the  mid-costa 
is  slightly  spinulous  above  near  the  apex  ;  margins  remotely  and  minutely 
ciliate-spinulous,  more  closely  near  the  apex ;  transverse  veinlets  very 
crowded,  fine  and  sharp  ;  intermediate  leaflets  40-50  cm.  long,  3'5-4  cm. 
broad,  the  lowest  smallest,  those  of  the  terminal  group  shorter,  but  not 
narrower.  Male  spadix  somewhat  shorter  than  the  leaves  (70  cm.  long  in 
one  specimen),  erect,  strict,  having  an  elongate  pedicellar  part  bearing  only 
one  dense  and  narrow  cupressiform  panicle,  about  20  cm.  long  (perhaps  at 
times  the  spadix  is  longer,  and  with  more  than  one  panicle)  ;  the  primary 
spathe  is  very  elongate,  and  at  first  enfolds  the  spadix ;  it  is  tubular, 
flattened  with  acute  edges,  closely  sheathed  in  its  lower  part,  and  is  produced 
above  into  an  open,  thinly  membranous,  lacerate,  lanceolate-acuminate  limb, 
it  is  sprinkled  all  over  outside  with  minute  tuberculiform  prickles  ;  the 
panicle  is  composed  of  several  gradually  diminishing,  very  approximate,  very 
densely  flowered,  short  spikelet-bearing  branchlets,  inserted  at  an  angle  of 
45°,  subtended  by  secondary  thinly  membranous,  dry,  lanceolate-acuminate, 
more  or  less  lacerated,  secondary  spathes,  only  a  little  shorter  than  their 
respective  branchlets  ;  the  branchlets  have  the  appearance  of  being  small, 
simple,  cylindrical  spikes,  5-6  cm.  long  in  the  basal  part  of  the  panicle, 
gradually  a  little  shorter  above  ;  in  fact,  however,  they  are  composed  of 
several,  very  short,  very  closely  drawn  together,  alternate,  distichous 
spikelets,  the  lowest  of  which  are  8-10  mm.  long,  with  7-8  very  approximate 
flowers  on  each  side  ;  the  upper  spikelets  gradually  diminish  in  length  and 
number  of  flowers  ;  spathels  bracteiform,  membranous,  concave  with  a 
triangular  acute  apex,  surpassing  the  involucre;  this  is  deeply  cupular, 
or  subcampanulate,  truncate,  not  distinctly  two-keeled,  and  bidentate  on  the 
side  next  to  the  axis.  Male  flowers  very  closely  packed  together,  oblong, 
6  mm.  long;  the  calyx  deeply  3-lobed;  the  corolla  twice  as  long  as  the 
calyx,  narrowing  a  little  above  to  a  bluntish  apex.  Female  spadix  and  fruit 

Hab.  Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  the  village,  700',  scrambling  in  high 
forest.  (?.  Jan.  6267. 

A  very  distinct  species,  but  with  very  marked  affinities  with  C.  macro- 
chamis  Becc.  It  belongs  to  Group  V.  of  my  monograph,  characterized 
mainly  by  non-cirriferous  leaves,  and  by  the  leaf-sheaths  furnished  with 
a  long  clawed  flagellum  ;  in  that  group  it  falls  into  the  division  which 
contains  C.macrocldamys  and  other  Papuan  species,  all  having  very  large  and 
elongate  chartaceous  ocrese.  Even  among  these  species  C.  humboldtiantti 


is  easily  distinguishable  by  its  relatively  short  leaves,  having  few,  lanceolate, 
grouped  leaflets,  glossy  and  smooth  on  both  surfaces  ;  by  the  sheaths 
prolonged  into  an  excessively  long,  slightly  inflate  ocrea,  which  is  orna- 
mented with  oblique  spinuliferous  slightly  raised  ridges ;  by  the  strict 
long-pedicelled  spadix  with  a  very  densely  flowered  panicle  ;  and  by  the 
primary  spathe  having  an  elongate,  thinly-membranous,  lacerate,  externally 
prickly  limb. 

CALAMUS  ARFAKIANUS  Becc.,  sp  nov. 

Gracilis,  scandens,  caudice  5-10  mm.  diarn.,  vaginis  flagelliferis,  spinis  gracilibus, 
interdum  brevissimis,  parce  armatis,  in  ore  et  in  ocrea  brevi  barbatis  ;  foliis  non 
cirriferis,  brevibus,  petiolo  brevissimo,  segmentis  paucis  per  greges  paucos  inter  se 
remotos  approximatis,  lineari-lanceolatis,  subulato-acuminatis,  tenuiter  papyraceis, 
unicostulatis,  nervis  secundariis  utrinque  1-2  tenuibus,  costa  media  et  nervis  omnibus 
levibus;  segmentis  intermediis  circiter  20  cm.  longis,  15-20  mm.  latis,  duobus 
terminalibus  basi  breviter  connatis  vel  fere  liberis;  spadicibus  valde  elongatis  et 
flagelliformibus ;  spathis  elongatis  arete  vaginantibus ;  spadicis  3  ramis  prinuiriis 
paucis,  remotis,  spicas  numerosas  detiexas  f erentibus ;  spicis  majoribus  15-18  mm. 
longis,  floribus  utrinque  13-15  fere  contiguis ;  spatbellis  concavis,  bracteiformis ; 
spadicis  $  ramis  primariis  paucis,  remotis ;  spicis  majoribus  4-5  cm.  longis,  floribus 
utrinque  8-10 ;  fructibus  late  ovato-ellipticis,  abrupte  mucrouatis,  15  mm.  diam. ; 
scininLs  albumin e  homogeneo. 

IScandent  and  very  slender.  Sheathed  stem  5-6  or  at  most  8-10  mm.  in 
diam.  Leaf-sheaths  flagelliferous,  not  or  only  slightly  gibbous  above,  at 
times  almost,  smooth,  and  only  slightly  (and  very  minutely)  tubercled- 
spinulous  in  their  upper  part;  but  in  some  specimens  rather  densely  covered 
with  scattered  or  slightly  confluent  bristle-like  spines,  which  become  closer, 
considerably  longer,  and  more  hair-like,  near  and  on  the  margins  of  the 
mouths  of  the  same  leaf-sheaths,  and  of  the  ocrea,  which  because  of  them 
looks  bearded.  Leaf-sheath  flagella  very  slender  and  long,  and  armed 
irregularly  with  very  minute  scattered  claws.  Leaves  non-cirriferous,  short, 
40-60  cm.  long;  petiole  very  short,  2-3  cm.  long  at  most;  rhachis  fuga- 
ciously  rusty-furfuraceous  like  the  petiole,  armed  beneath  with  unequal, 
rather  long-tipped,  scattered  or  ternate  claws.  Leaflets  few,  15-19  in  all, 
very  irregularly  set,  usually  approximate  in  three  groups  separated  by  long 
vacant  spaces  of  rhachis;  they  are  narrowly  lanceolate  or  linear-lanceolate, 
gradually  subulately  acuminate,  thinly  papyraceous,  almost  shining  and  about 
the  same  colour  on  both  surfaces  ;  have  the  mid-costa  very  sharp  above,  and 
one,  or  at  times  two  slender  secondary  nerves  on  each  side  of  it  ;  mid-costa 
and  nerves  quite  naked  and  smooth  on  both  surfaces  ;  transverse  veinlets 
rather  sharp  and  not  very  crowded  ;  the  margins  have  only  a  few  distant, 
almost  inconspicuous,  appressed  spinules,  closer  and  more  distinct  in  the 
apical  part ;  the  leaflets  of  the  interme  iiute  and  lower  groups  are  about 


20  cm.  long  and  15-20  mm.  broad  ;  those  of  the  terminal  group  somewhat 
smaller ;  the  two  terminal  are  the  smallest,  free,  or  more  or  less  connate, 
at  the  base.  Male  and  female  spadices  similar,  flagelliform,  very  long  and 
slender,  with  a  very  few  distant  partial  inflorescences  ;  primary  spathes  very 
narrowly  tubular  and  elongate,  very  closely  sheathing,  more  or  less  armed 
with  scattered  small  claws  ;  the  lowest  slightly  compressed,  the  others 
cylindraceous.  Male  partial  inflorescences  (primary  branches)  zigzag 
sinuous,  spreading,  inserted  outside  their  respective  spathes  with  a  distinct 
axillary  callus  ;  the  lowest  18-20  cm.  long,  with  7-8  rather  distant  spikelets 
on  each  side;  the  upper  ones  gradually  shorter,  and  with  fewer  spikelets; 
secondary  spathes  8-10  mm.  long,  smooth  or  at  times  very  slightly  spinulous, 
tubular -infundibuliform,  or  with  a  narrow  flattened  base,  and  slightly 
enlarged  above,  very  closely  sheathing,  obliquely  truncate  and  glabrous  at 
the  mouth,  where  acute  at  one  side  ;  spikelets  flattened,  6  mm.  broad,  comb- 
like  with  very  approximate  or  contiguous  bifarious  flowers  ;  spikelets 
strongly  deflexed,  inserted  just  at  the  mouths  of  their  respective  spathes  ; 
the  lower  spikelets  15-18  mm.  long,  bearing  13-15  flowers  on  each  side;  the 
others  gradually  shorter;  spathels  bracteiform,  broad,  concave,  acute,  strongly 
striately-veined;  involucre  cupular,  obsoletely  two-keeled  and  two-toothed 
on  the  side  next  to  the  axis.  Male  /lowers  very  close  together,  ovate,  sub- 
acute,  2-5  mm.  long;  the  calyx  deeply  3-lobed,  strongly  striately-veined  ; 
the  corolla  twice  as  long  as  the  calyx.  Female  spadix  has  shorter  partial 
inflorescences  and  fewer  but  larger  spikelets  than  the  male  spadix ;  the 
largest  (lowest)  spikelets  are  4-5  cm.  long,  and  carry  8-10  flowers  on  each 
side;  spathels  broadly  infundibuliform,  truncate;  involucrophorum  obliquely 
campanulate ;  involucre  deeply  cupular,  truncate,  as  long  as  the  involucro- 
phorum ;  areola  of  the  neuter  flower  rather  conspicuous,  subcupular.  Female 
flowers  ovate,  inserted  at  an  angle  of  about  45°.  Fruiting  perianth  almost 
explanate,  not  pedicelliform.  Fruit  broadly  ovoid-elliptical,  17-18  mm.  long 
(not  taking  into  account  the  beak),  15  mm.  broad,  equally  rounded  at  both 
ends,  suddenly  topped  by  a  beak  2'5  mm.  long  ;  scales  in  21  longitudinal 
series,  rather  deeply  grooved  along  the  centre,  straw-yellowish  with  a  very 
narrow  dark  brown  marginal  line;  tip  bluntish.  Seed  irregularly  globose, 
with  homogeneous  albumen. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  all  through  the  forest  round  ?  lake 
at  7000-8000'.  "A  small  rotang,  excellent  for  tying."  5977  (?  type- 
specimens)  with  the  sheathed  stem  8-10  mm.  in  diam.  and  rather  densely 
prickly  leaf-sheaths.  The  male  plant  (6144,  Dec.,  Mt.  Arfak,  5000'  on 
the  S.W.  ridge,  scrambling  in  high  forest)  :  very  slender;  sheathed  stem 
8-10  mm.  in  diam. ;  leaf-sheaths  nearly  smooth. 

It  is  evidently  related  to  the  Australian  C.  Muelleri,  from  which  it  mainly 
differs  in  the  leaflets  not  being  distinctly  3-costulate,  and  in  the  female  spadix 


having  the  flowers  inserted  at  an  angle  of  about  45°  (not  horizontal),  and  in 
its  larger  fruit. 

C.  arfakianus  is  characterized  by  its  slender  stem,  by  the  cirriferous  leaf- 
sheaths,  and  short  non-cirriferous  leaves,  with  a  few  narrowly  lanceolate 
leaflets  approximated  into  a  few  (three)  distant  groups;  the  two  terminal 
leaflets  free,  or  but  slightly  united  at  their  bases  ;  by  the  very  slender  and 
long  filiform  spadices,  not  very  dissimilar  in  the  two  sexes,  and  by  the  ovoid- 
elliptical,  suddenly-beaked  fruit,  having  the  seed  with  equable  albumen. 


Vaginis  inermibus,  in  ore  ininiine  barbatis ;  ocrea  brevi  truncata ;  segmentis 
interdum  obsolete  3-costulatis. 

Differs  from  the  type  in  having  the  leaf-sheaths  unarmed  and  strongly 
striate  longitudinally,  and  not  bearded  at  their  mouths  ;  in  the  ocrea  being 
short,  truncate,  and  marcescent,  and  also  without  bristles ;  the  leaflets  in 
this  variety  have  the  side  nerves  more  distinct,  and  at  times  appear  almost 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  leading  to  Angi  lakes ;  scrambling  in 
forest  at  7000'.  ?  .  Dec.  6143. 

CALAMUS  PRATTIANUS  Becc.,  sp.  nov. 

Gracilis,  scandens,  caudice  circ.  1  cm.  diam. ;  vaginis  flagelliferis,  spinis  graci- 
libus  subsetiformibus  densiuscule  obsitis,  in  ore  dense  longiuscule  hispido-barbatis ; 
foliis  non  cirriferis,  brevibus  ;  petiolo  brevissimo  ;  segmentis  paucis,  inaequidistantibus, 
saepe  utrinque  geminatis  (non  per  greges  remotos  approxiinatis),  anguste  lanceolatis, 
subulato-acuminatis,  chartaceis,  fimiis,  unicostatis,  utrinque  nudis  vel  superne  in 
costa  media  et  in  nervis  secundariis  duobus  inconspicue  remoteque  spinulosis ; 
segmentis  intermediis  15-18  cm.  longis,  20-25  mm.  latis,  superioribus  sensim 
minoribus,  duobus  terminalibus  basi  liberis  vel  breviter  unitis ;  spadice  c?  gracillimo, 
elongato  ;  inflorescentiis  partialibus  paucis,  brevibus,  remotis,  spicas  paucas  erecto- 
patulas  ferentibus ;  spicis  majoribus  3  cm.  longis,  flores  13-15  utrinque  ferentibus, 
remotiusculis,  spathellis  breviter  lateque  infundibularibus,  truncatis.  Caetera  desunt. 

Scandent  and  very  slender.  Sheathed  stem  about  1  cm.  in  diam.  Leaf- 
sheaths  flagelliferous,  not  or  but  slightly  gibbous  above,  rather  densely 
covered  with  scattered  or  slightly  confluent  bristle-like  spines,  becoming 
closer  and  considerably  longer  and  more  hair-like  near  the  mouths  of  the 
same  leaf-shaths  and  their  ocrese,  which  latter  are  very  short  and  on  account 
of  these  bristles  look  densely  bearded.  Leaf-sheath  flagella  very  slender, 
long,  and  armed  irregularly  with  very  minute  scattered  claws.  Leaves  non- 
cirriferous,  short  (the  few  seen  by  me  are  35  cm.  long);  petiole  very  short, 
or  almost  obsolete ;  rhachis  fugaciously  rusty-t'urfuraceous,  armed  with  a 
line  of  solitary,  rather  long-tipped  claws.  Leaflets  few,  about  16  in  all  ; 
very  irregularly  set,  usually  approximate  in  pairs  on  each  side  of  the  rhachis, 
with  irregular  vacant  spaces  of  rhachis  interposed  ;  they  are  narrowly 


lanceolate,  gradually  tubulately  acuminate,  papyraceous,  rather  rigid,  almost 
shiny  and  of  about  the  same  colour  on  both  surfaces,  have  the  mid-costa  very 
sharp  above,  and  one  or  two  slender  secondary  nerves  on  each  side  of  it ; 
underneath  they  are  quite  smooth,  but  above  have  occasionally  a  few  very 
minute  spinules  on  the  mid-costa,  and  on  a  secondary  nerve  on  each  side 
of  it  ;  transverse  veinlets  much  interrupted  and  not  very  sharp  ;  the  margins 
almost  smooth,  or  very  inconspicuously  spinulous,  more  distinctly  so  at  the 
apex;  the  intermediate  leaflets  are  15-18  cm.  long  and  20-25  mm.  wide, 
the  lowermost  and  the  upper  ones  gradually  smaller,  the  two  terminal  being 
the  smallest,  free,  or  more  or  less  connate  at  the  base.  Male  spadix 
flagelliform,  very  long  and  slender,  with  very  few  and  distant  partial 
inflorescences  ;  primary  spathes  very  narrowly  tubular  and  elongate,  very 
closely  sheathing,  more  or  less  armed  with  scattered  small  claws,  the  lowest 
compressed  with  rather  acute  margins  ;  the  others  cylindraceous,  somewhat 
produced  and  lacerated  at  apex;  partial  inflorescences  ascendent,  rather 
short,  the  lowest  and  largest  about  10  cm.  long  with  5-6  spikelets  on  each 
side  ;  'secondary  spathes  very  narrowly  tubular-infundibuliform,  or  with  a 
flattened  base,  and  slightly  enlarged  above,  obliquely  truncate  at  their 
mouths,  and  there  slightly  produced  at  one  side  into  a  triangular  point, 
which  embraces  the  bases  of  their  respective  spikelets  ;  spikelets  spreading, 
the  largest  (lowest)  about  3  cm.  long,  with  13-15  flowers  on  each  side;  the 
upper  are  shorter,  and  have  fewer  flowers  ;  spathels  shallowly  and  broadly 
infundibuliform,  truncate,  strongly  striately- veined  ;  involucre  cupular, 
obsoletely  two-keeled  and  slightly  two-toothed  on  the  side  next  to  the  axis. 
Male  flowers  ovoid,  inserted  at  an  angle  of  about  45°,  not  in  contact  with 
each  other,  but  separated  by  the  blades  of  their  respective  spathels.  Female 
spadix  and  fruit  unknown. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  near  the  Monswoon  Snoon  (cT  lake)  at  about  8000'. 
Collected  by  Mr.  A.  E.  Pratt. 

It  is  closely  related  to  C.  arfikianus,  from  which  it  differs  in  the  leaves 
having  unequidistant,  but  not  distinctly  grouped  leaflets,  on  that  account 
resembling  C.  Muelleri  more  than  C.  arfakianus.  From  C.  Muelleri  it  differs 
also  in  having  larger  spikelets,  and  having  ascendant  non-contiguous  flowers. 

C.  Prattianus  is  characterized  by  its  slender  stem  with  cirriferous  leaf- 
sheaths  and  short  non-cirriferous  leaves ;  by  the  ocreai  and  the  mouths  of 
the  leaf-sheaths  being  furnished  with  long  bristles ;  by  the  lanceolate 
unequidistant  (but  not  distinctly  grouped)  and  almost  smooth  leaflets  ;  by 
the  very  slender  and  long-flagelliform  male  spadix  having  only  a  few  partial 
inflorescences  furnished  with  but  few  spreading  spikelets  ;  these  have  briefly 
infundibular  spathels  and  bear  the  flowers  inserted  at  an  angle  of  about  45°, 
a  little  apart  one  from  the  other. 




Planta  perennis,  densissiine  csespitosa,  multifoliata.  Folia  basi  vaginata,  vagina 
hyalina,  margine  longe  pilosa,  lamina  lineare,  canaliculata,  leviterscabriuscula,  obtusa. 
Pedunculus  gracilis,  scabriusculus ;  gliunis  2,  inaBqualibus.  calyptratis,  margine 
hyalinis,  unitioris.  Flares  bractea  unica  hyalina  stipati.  Stamen  1.  Ovarium 
2-loculare,  loculis  2,  superpositis.  Styli  2. 

Hah.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes.  Abundant  in  marsh  by  ?  lake  where 
open  on  sand,  7000'.  FJ.,  Fr.  Dec.  5566. — Koebre  ridge,  abundant  on 
open  burnt  summit,  where  damp,  9000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  5646. 

Plants  2'4  cm.  high,  with  branched  stems,  all  densely  matted  with  white 
hairs  at  the  base.  Leaves  8  mm.  long,  with  vagina  3  mm.  long  and  1  mm. 
broad,  the  lamina  4  mm.  by  5  mm.  Peduncle  1*5-1'8  cm.  in  length,  much 
longer  exported  in  5646,  each  bearing  one  spikelet,  4  mm.  long.  Glumes  2, 
the  largest  3'5  mm.  long,  and  the  smaller  3  mm.  Hyaline  bract  4  mm.  long, 
o>ate  acute.  Stamen  with  versatile  anther  1  mm.  in  length;  filament 
3'5  mm.  long.  Ovary  1*5  mm.  long.  Styles  3  mm. 

Very  near  C.  pliilippinensis  Merr.,  but  is  a  smaller  plant  with  shorter, 
radially  arranged,  spreading  leaves,  hairy  at  the  base,  with,  as  far  as  seen, 
one  flower  in  each  glume. 

This  interesting  record  affords  further  striking  proof  of  the  wider 
distribution  of  a  so-called  Australian  genus.  One  species  alone  was  previously 
known  from  Asia,  viz.  C.  cambodiana  Hance,  till  Merrill  in  1906  found 
C.  pliilippinensis  on  Mt.  Halcon  at  2400  in.  In  1910  1C.  kinabaluensis  was 
found  by  me  in  N.  Borneo,  on  Mt.  Kinabalu  at  13,000',  which  now,  wich 
the  above,  gives  4  well-defined  Asiatic  species,  indeed  5,  if  an  undescribcd 
plant  in  the  Kew  Herbarium  should  belong  to  this  genus  ;  and  no  doubt 
further  exploration  of  the  magnificent  mountain  ranges  of  New  Guinea  with 
their  unlimited  possibilities  will  yield  many  more. 

1  CKNTBOLEPIS  KINABALUENSIS  Gibbs,  =  C".  philijipinemis  W.  B.  Turrell,  ex  Gilbs 
in  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xlii.  (1914)  172  (non  Merr.). 

Planta  perennis,  2-3  cm.  alta,  caespitosa.  Folia  disticha,  imbricata,  +  1'2  cm.  longa,  vagina 
6  mm.  longa,  2  mm.  lata,  hyalina,  glabra,  lamina  8  mm.  longa,  5  mm.  lata,  obtusa,  sctosa. 
Pedunculiis  1'2  cm.  longus;  glumis  2,  inaequalibus,  inferne  latis  concavisque,  superne  angustatis, 
apice  obtusis,  dorso  carinatis,  4*5  mm.  long.  Flares  6-8,  in  quaque  gloma  3—4,  flos  qnisque 
bractea  hyalina,  3'5  mm.  longa.  Filamentum  3  mm.  longum,  anthera  1'2  mm.  longa.  Ovarium 
1'5  mm.  longum,  stylis  2  mm. 

Hab.  Kinabalu,  granite  core,  summit,  cracks  in  granite,  forming  mats.  Fl.,Fr.  Feb.  4207. 

A  note  of  Turrell'*  on  the  herbarium  sheet  at  Kew  states,  "  The  number  of  flowers  in  a 
ppikelet  varies  in  this  plant.  I  have  found  4,  6  or  8  flowers  in  one  spikelet.  The  Philippine 
type  is  described  as  having  4  flowers  and  all  the  flowers  of  Merrill  6160  that  I  have 
dissected  have  this  number  in  each  spikelet."  The  plant  also  differs  in  the  glabrous 
distichous  leaves  and  the  shape  of  the  glumes,  which  have  bluut  apices. 


X  YllID  A  C  E  M. 

*XYRIS  PAUCIFLORA  Wildm.  Phytogr.  i.  2,  t.  i.  f.  1. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake.  FL,  Fr. 
Dec.  5928. 

Distrib.  India  ("  Foot-hills  of  the  Himalayas,  in  marshes,  from  Nepal 
eastwards,  N.  Bengal  to  Burma,"  Hook.  f.  Fl.  Br.  Ind.  vi.  365),  Ceylon, 
Malay  Peninsula,  N.  Borneo,  Celebes,  Philippines,  and  China.  N.E.  Australia. 

ERIOCAULON  LEUCOGENES1  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916) 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  on  marsh  by  $  lake,  where  open  and 
sandy,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5567. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 
"  Flower  heads  mauve."     The  plants  show  a  great  range  in  size  from 
6  cm.  to  20  cm.,  the  heads  varying  in  diameter  from  '5  to  1  cm. 

JUNCACE^E.     (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 
JUNO  us  LAMPOCARPUS  Ebrh.  Calam.  n.  126  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2, 

Bot.  ix.  (1916)  231. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.    Fl.    Dec.    5927. 
Distrib.  Temperate  Europe  and  Asia,  N.  and    E.    Africa,   Eastern    N. 
America,  S.E.  Australia  and  New  Zealand. 


DIANELLA  CGERULEA  Sims,  Bot.  Mag.  (1801)  t.  505  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  219  ; 
Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1914)  996  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  iSoc.  ser.  2,  Bot. 
ix.  (1916)  230. 

Arfak  Mts.,  in  high  forest  below,  and  in  open  spaces  on  the  S.W.  ridg", 
running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  also  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000-8000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5519. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup;  D.S.W.,  G.-lieb, 
Brandenliorst;  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss;  N.E.).  Philippines,  New  Caledonia, 
and  Fiji  ;  N.E.  Australia  to  Tasmania. 

Acaulescent,  and  with  light  blue  flowers. 

LUZURIAGA   ASPERICAULIS   Hall.    f.    in    Nova    Guinea,    viii.    (1914)    991, 

t.  clxxxi. 
Arfak  Mts.,  twining  in  mossy  forest  on  S.W.  ridge  running  up  to  Angi 

1  A  species  of  Eriocanlon  was  also  collected  by  Miss  Gibbs  on  Mt.  Kinabalu  at  12,000' 
(no.  4209)  by  Kadamaiau  torrent,  on  the  granite  core  near  the  summit  of  the  mountain ; 
it  was  mixed  with  Centrolepis  kinabaluensis  Gibbs  (no.  4209)  (see  p.  99).  .It  is  a  csespitose 
plant,  forming  small  cushions  2-5  cm.  high,  with  glabrous  leaves  2-2'5  cm.  long,  jhl  mm. 
wide  in  the  middle,  linear-tapering  from  a  broad  membranous  base.  The  specimens  are  all 
Bterile.  No  Eriocaulon  has  hitherto  been  recorded  from  the  grauitd  core  of  the  mountain. 


lakes,  8000-0000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5536.— Common  in  forest  slopes  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  5744. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

A  common  and  very  pretty  twiner  with  white  flowers.  The  fruit,  which 
was  not  available  in  Dr.  Gjellerup's  specimens,  is  a  roundish  berry,  8  mm.  loi'g 
by  6  mm.  broad,  1-2-seeded,  with  persistent  style  and  remains  of  perianth- 
tube  at  the  base. 



Planta  perennis ;  caulis  brevissimus.  Folia  circiter  5-8,  scapum  sequantia  vel 
superantia,  disticha,  linearia,  rigida,  acutissima,  in  marginibus  dense  rufo-pilosa, 
tenuiter  inultistriata.  Spathce  subsequales,  lineari-oblongae,  acutissirnse,  carinatie 
(carina  ad  f  rufo-pilosa  vel  glabra)  striatae,  scarioso-marginatse.  Bracteoe  spathis 
similes  nisi  magis  membranacese  necnon  angustiores  brevioresque,  ad  apicem  piloso- 
marginatae  vel  glabrse.  Flores  in  spatha  2-3,  sessiles;  tubus  gracillimus,  vix  exsertus; 
lobi  exteriores  obovati,  patentes,  in  carina  dorsali  ad  apicem  dense  barbati,  interiores 
nulli.  Filamenta  in  tubum  integrum  connata.  Stylus  superne,  leviter  incrassatus ; 
lobi  stigmatici  lineari-oblongi,  papillosi. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  plentiful  on  open  burnt  summit,  9000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5600. 

A  small  rigid  plant,  with  gleaming  white  or  pale  mauve  flowers,  + 1-3-5  dm. 
in  height.  Leaves  from  1-2-3-5  dm.  by  5-6  mm.,  characterized  by  a  line  of 
matted  branched  hairs,  containing  brown  colouring-matter,  up  the  dorsal 
keel,  and  from  the  vagina  to  the  apex  on  the  adaxial  margin  of  the  leaf. 
Sheathing  scales  at  the  base  of  the  leaves  from  3'5  cm.  long,  lanceolate  acute, 
brown,  the  old  bases  persisting  round  the  stem.  Scape  7'3  cm.  long,  more 
or  less  exserted  from  the  sheathing  leaves,  which  it  exceeds  or  equals,  or  it 
may  be  shorter.  Spathes  3'8  cm.  by  5  mm.  Perigonium  tube  2  cm.  long, 
lobes  8  mm.  long,  including  apical  tuft  of  hairs  1  mm.  long.  Anthers  3  mm. 
Stigma-lobes  2  mm. 

This  species  is  near  P.  Lowii  Stapf.  It  differs  in  the  somewhat  broader 
leaves  with  marginal  line  of  brown  hairs  and  the  generally  white  corollas 
with  an  apical  tuft  of  hairs  to  each  lobe.  The  transverse  section  of  the  leaf 
shows  many  more  fibro-vascular  strands  and  is  more  attenuated  at  the  margin 
than  in  the  above  species.  There  is  also  no  trace  of  an  inner  perianth,  as 
Stapf  also  found  for  the  Kinabalu  plant.  The  marginal  line  of  matted 
branched  hairs  is  common  to  some  Australian  species,  viz.  P.  sericea  R.  Br. 
and  P.  pygmcca  Lindl.,  but  in  every  case  apparently  the  hairs  are  hyaline 
and  much  finer  in  texture. 

This  genus,  for  many  years  supposed  to  be  endemic  in  Australia,  now 
includes  three  Malayan  mountain  types,  viz.  P.  borneensis  Stapf  and  P.  Lowii 
from  Mt.  Kinabalu  in  N.  Borneo,  the  latter  also  common  to  Mt,  Halcon  in 
the  Philippines,  and  the  above. 



ALPINIA  ARFAKENSIS  K.  Sch.  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  xxvii.  (1899)  296. 

Var.  SUBSESSJLIS  Val.,  var.  nov. 

Folia  subsessilia  minora,  glaberrima,  siccando  valde  convoluta  coriacea.  Ligula 
20  mm.  longa  vel  longior,  valde  macerata.  Anther <s  appendicula  magna  truncata, 
canaliculata.  Cetera  genuinse. 

Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  common,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5524,  5983  bis. 
"  Plant  1-1*50  m.  in  height,  with  pink  flowers  and  white  fruit." 

This  specimen  answers  so  excellently  to  the  description  of  A.  arfaAentis 
K.  Sch.,  which  I  have  not  seen,  only  differing  in  tl.e  length  of  the  petiole 
and  ligula,  that  I  tbink  it  must  be  a  variety  of  it.  There  is,  however,  a  large 
crista  to  the  anther,  as  broad  as  the  anther  itself,  and  therefore  easily  over- 
looked. Schumann's  description,  "  connectivi  appendicula  0,"  must  be  a 
lapsus,  the  flowers  being  too  like  one  another  to  admit  of  so  great  a  difference 
in  the  anther. 

Uistrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Hatam,  Beccari). 

ALPINIA  DOMATIFERA  Val.  in  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1913)  955. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  S.W.  ridge,  common,  7000-8000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec. 
5980.— Lower  high  forest.  5000'.  Fl.  (red),  6132.  Fl.  (white),  6131. 

Diatrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  2400',  Gjellerup}. 

RlEDELlA  MONTANA  Val.,  Var.  ARFAKENSIS  Val.  1.  C.  972. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  forest  by   ?   lake,  7000'.    Fl.    Dec.     5517.— 
Koebre  ridge,  9000' ;  common  on  burnt  open  summit.     5612. 
Most  variable  in  the  colour  of  the  flowers. 

HIEDELIA  MONTANA  var.  PUBERULA  Val.,  var.  nov. 
Ligula,  rhachis,  denies  calycis  puberula,  cetera  genuinae. 
Arfak  Mts.,  common  in  marsh  by   ?   lake.     Dec.     5515. 

RlEDELlA  EXALATA  Val.,  sp.  nov. 

Herba  glabra.  Folia  subsessilia,  lineari  -  lanceolata,  valde  acuminata,  busi 
angustata,  costa  canaliculata,  glaberrirna,  200x22  mm.  longa.  Ligula  brevissima 
(1  mm.),  lobis  rotundatis,  puberulis.  Racemus  gracilis-laxiflorus,  85  mm.  longus. 
Flares  graciliter  pedicellati  (pedic.  2-3  mm.  longi).  Calyx  brevis,  tubulosus, 
superne  dilatatus,  dorso  brevissime  fissus,  bilobus  vel  subtrilobus,  lobis  brevibus 
rotundatis,  exalatus,  nervoso-striatus.  Corolla  tubus  inclusus  ;  lobus  dorsalis  apice 
acute  cucullatus,  ceteros  includens.  Labellum  alte  partitum ;  lobi  oblique  truncati 
obtusi,  lobulo  laterali  angusto.  Filamentum  breve,  anthera)  connective  lato,  apice 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  in  forest,  8500'.     Fl.     Dec.     5637. 

This  species  has  much  resemblance  to  R.  brchioidet,  but  the  flowers 
are  smaller,  the  inflorescence  is  more  laxiflorous,  and.  the  calyx  has  no 
wings  ;  it  is  nearest  to  R.  urceolata  Val.  {vide  Engl.  Bot.  Jal.rb.  lii. 
(1914)  83). 


RIF.DELIA  LANATA  (Scheff.)  Val.  Nova  Guinen,  1.  c.  961;  Irenes  Bogor.  iv. 
tab.  374.  Iledycliium  lanatum  Scheff.  in  Ann.  Jard.  Bot.  Buit.  i. 
(18H7)  57.  Riedelia  curviftora  Oliv.  in  Ic.  Plant,  t.  1419  (1883). 
Nanoclnlus  arrovicus  Gagnep.  Bull.  Soc.  Bot.  Fr.  4e  serie,  i.  Ixxxi 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  growing  in  masses  at  the  base  of  the  forest, 
7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5G45. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Dore",  Teysmann  ;  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup ; 
D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Versteeg,  von  Roemer).  Moluccas,  Buru. 

RIEDELIA  ORCHIOIDES  (K.  Sch.)  Val.  Nova  Guinea,  1.  c.  976.  Alpinia 
orchioides  K.  Sch.  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  xxvii.  (1899)  278. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  abundant  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake.  Fl.  Dec. 

Distril.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mt?.,  near  Hatam,  Beccari, 
July  1871). 


BURMANNIA  LONGIFOLIA  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  244,  t.  xiii.  figs.  1-5 ;  Nova  Guinea, 
viii.  (1909)  195,  (1912)  895;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot. 
ix.  (1916)  228. 

Arfak  Mts.,  epiphytic  in  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5675. 
nistrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari;  Goliath  Mts., 
De  Kock  ;  Cyrlops  Mts.,  Gjellerup  ;  D.S.W.,  Johannes  Keyts  Mts.,  Le 
Cocq  d'Armandville,  Resi-Riicken,  Versteeg  ;  Hellwig  Mts.,  von  Roemer  ; 
Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  S.E.  (Sogeri  region,  Forbes,  Brit.  Mus.).  Philippines, 
Borneo,  Amboina,  Malay  Peninsula. 

BL  RMANNIA  DISTICHA  L.  Sp.  PI.  287  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2, 
Bot.  ix.  (1916)  228. 

Ar'ak  lilts.,  Angi  lakes,  abundant  on  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5745. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstens/,  Kloss).  India,  feylon, 
Lido-China,  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra.  Banca,  Philippines,  E.  Australia. 

A  charming  plant,  up  to  1  m.  in  height,  with  mauve-white  or  mauve 
flowers  ;  also  abundant  in  open  spaces  at  8000'  on  S.W.  ridge  running  up 
tn  Angi  lakes. 


COUSIA  ORNATA  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  239,  tab.  ix.  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1909) 
197,  (1912)  893  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  228. 
Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  saprophytic  in  humus,  in  forest  patch  by  ?  hike. 
Fl.,  Fr.     Dec.  5570. 


Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Mt.  Morait,  N.  Coast,  Btccari;  Resi 
Riicken,  Versteeg  ;  Cyclops  Mts.,  Gjellerup  ;  D,S.W.,  Hellwig  Mts.,  von 
Roemer  ;  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss}. 

This  plant,  wine-red  in  colour,  was  dotted  about  in  little  colonies,  chiefly 
at  the  base  of  trees  ;  the  erect  stems,  of  equal  height,  were  all  horizontally 
inclined  in  one  direction.  The  callosities  at  the  base  of  the  medium  sepal 
are  arranged  as  described  for  C.  cordata  Schtr.  rather  than  as  figured  for 
C.  ornata  ;  but  this  is  possibly  a  varying  feature,  as  in  Kloss's  specimens 
they  are  not  present  at  all. 

FIG.  7. 

Corsia  arfakensis  Gibbs. —  A.  Flower;  B.  Nat.  position;  C,  D.  Lateral  outer  and  inner 
perianth  segments;  E.  Stamen;  F.  5  stage;  G.  J  stage  (C.  vrnata,  two  anthers 
fallen  off). 

CORSIA  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Herla  terrestris,  saprophytica,  perennis.  Rhizoma  stoloniferum,  nodosum. 
Radices  filiformes,  glabrse.  Caulis  strictus,  glaber,  4-angulatus,  vaginis  4-5 
amplectentibus,  uniflorus.  Bractea  ovata,  acuta,  laxe  vaginante,  ovario  circa  aqui- 
longa.  Flos  horizontalis.  Sepalum  intermedium  dorsale  ovato-cordatum,  sub- 
acutum,  ima  basi  nectario  hemLsphaerico,  apice  emarginata  ornatum,  17-18  lamellatum, 
lamellis  copiose  ciliatis ;  sepala  lateralia  hastato-ligulata,  obtusa,  margine  minute 
papillosa.  Stamina  6,  ovarii  apici  inserta ;  filamenta  crasso-subulata ;  anthers) 
apice  rotundatae,  filamentis  ffiquales.  Stylus  cylindricus,  glaber,  post  anthesin 
elongatus.  Stigma  trilobum,  demum  incrassato-carnosum. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  s:iproph}tic  on  dead  wood  in  high  forest, 
COOO'.  Fl.  Dec.  6147. 


This  plant  is  brown-green  in  colour,  l'5-2  dm.  in  height.  It  is  larger  in 
all  its  parts  than  C.  ornata,  and  the  flowers  showed  the  same  horizontal 
position.  Middle  sepal  T3  cm.  long  from  Ihe  centre  and  1'8  cm.  long  from 
the  lobes,  by  1'5  cm.  broad,  the  lamelii  on  the  veins  at  the  base  being  2  mm. 
long  and  1  mm.  broad  ;  the  lateral  sepals  are  1*2  cm.  long,  2'5  mm.  broad 
at  the  base  and  1  mm.  in  the  lignlate  upper  portion ;  the  outer  perianth 
segments  are  somewhat  shorter  and  narrower  at  the  hastate  base.  Stamens 
2  mm.  long.  In  anthesis  the  style  is  undeveloped,  and  the  stamens,  more  or 
less  erect,  close  over  it  ;  as  these  mature  they  deflex  (fig.  7,  G,  $  stage), 
until  in  the  ?  stage  (fig.  7,  F)  the  anthers  are  shed,  the  persistent  filaments 
curling  round  the  base  of  the  mature  elongated  style,  the  stigma  becoming 
fleshy  and  3-lobed. 

This  species  is  nearest  to  C.  ornafa,  but  is  distinct  from  all  Corsias  so  far 
described  in  the  hastate  base  to  the  lateral  perianth  segments. 

The  remarkable  protandry  characterizing  this  genus  was  suggested  by 
J.  J.  Smith  (I.  c.  197),  but  he  had  not  sufficient  material  to  be  quite  certain 
on  this  point.  The  above  description  is  based  entirely  on  formalin  material, 
but  only  the  two  flowers  figured  were  available  in  this  case.  My  abundant 
formalin  material  of  C.  ornata,  however,  quite  confirms  this  point,  and  the 
stage  in  the  position  of  the  anthers  is  drawn  from  that. 

0  R  C  H  I  D  A  C  E  2E.      (J.  J.  SMITH.) 

The  collection  of  Orchids  is  a  rather  extensive  one  ;  it  totals  up  83 
numbers,  representing  57  species  and  varieties,  amongst  which  are  20  new 
species  and  4  new  varieties. 

Remarkable  is  the  occurrence  of  Spatlwglottis  aurea  Lindl. — that  is  to 
say,  the  plant  I  described  in  "  Die  Orchideen  von  Java"  under  this  name — 
in  New  Guinea.  This  species  has  also  been  collected  in  Sumatra.  However, 
I  have  seen  no  authentic  specimens  of  /S.  aurea,  and,  indeed,  the  description 
of  S.  Wrayi  Hook.  f.  suits  the  plants  better. 

Phajiis  ftavus  Lindl.  has  now  been  collected  by  Miss  Gibbs  in  much  larger 
specimens  than  those  of  Gjellerup  :  the  variety  may  hardly  be  upheld. 

Platanthera  elliptica  J.  J.  S.  has  been  collected  in  11  numbers.  One  of 
these  agrees  with  the  type-specimens,  only  it  is  larger.  The  remainder 
represent  two  forms,  the  one  tall  with  a  proportionally  short  spur  to  the  lip, 
the  other  a  smaller  plant  with  a  larger  spur. 

PLATANTHERA  ELLIPTICA  J.  J.  S.  in  Bull.  Jard.  Buit.  2e  ser.  n.  xiii.  (1914) 
53;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  177,  t.  Iv.  90. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge  between  <J  and  ?  lakes,  on  burnt  open 
summit  plateau,  9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5602. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.g|.W.,  Wichmann  Mts.,  Pulle). 


Var.  ELATIOR  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Folia  radicalia  petiolata,  elliptica,  breviter  acuminata  (semper?)  c.  5-9'5  cm. 
longa,  1-5-3-2  cm.  lata,  petiolo  c.  2-2'5  cm.  longo.  Pedunculus  c.  27-37  cm. 
longus,  vaginulis  c.  3-4  foliaceis  patentibus  sessilibus  oblongo-ellipticis  ad  lanceolatis 
leviter  ovatis  in  bracteas  vergentibus  inferioribus  c.  4'2-7'5  cm.  longis  1-2 -3  cm. 
latis  donatus ;  rhachis  c.  9-16  cm.  longa,  laxe  c.  7— 13-flora.  Labelli  lamina 
c.  0'42  era.  longa ;  calcar  ovario  brevius,  lamina  paulo  longius,  c.  0'65  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  forest,  6000-7000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5659,  5665,  5711,  and  6139. 

Var.  LONGICALCARATA  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

folia  radicalia  petiolata,  plus  minusve  ovato-elliptica,  brevissime  acuminata, 
c.  3-5  cm.  longa,  l'3-2  cm.  lata,  petiolo  c.  0*6-2  cm.  longo.  Pedunculus  12'5- 
21  cm.  longus,  vaginulis  foliaceis  c.  3-4  patentibus  sessilibus  oblongo-  ad  lanceolato- 
ovatis  in  bracteas  vergentibus  inferioribus  c.  2'6-4'2  cm.  longis  donatus ;  rhachis 
c.  3'25-6'5  cm.  longa,  c.  3-7-flora.  Labelli  lamina  c.  0'5  cm.  longa,  calcar  ovarium 
aequans,  laminam  multo  superans,  c.  1'15  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  forest,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec. 
5685,  5686,  5687,  5988,  6014,  and  6140. 

Amongst  the  eleven  numbers  of  this  species  collected,  only  one  (viz.  n.  5602) 
is  in  habit  very  much  like  the  type.  The  compact  growth  of  both  plants  is 
probably  due  to  the  fact  that  they  were  found  in  open  ground,  whereas  the 
other  ones  grew  in  the  shade  of  the  forest. 

The  remaining  ten  numbers  readily  may  be  divided  into  two  series — the 
one  characterized  by  a  tall  stem  and  a  short  spur,  the  other  by  distinctly 
shorter  stem  and  a  much  longer  spur. 

The  flowers  of  all  are  green. 

PERISTYLUS  GOODYEROIDES  Lindl.  Gen.  et  Sp.  Orch.  (1835)  299  ;  in  Nova 
Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  178. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Momi  river,  near  old  "campong"  site,  in  "lalang,"  on 
inundation  area.  Fl.  Dec.  6129. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lake,  Gjellerup}.    Malay 
Archipelago,  India. 
STIGMATODACTYLUS  ?,  sp.  nov. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  edge  of  forest,  ter- 
restrial, 7000'.  Fr.  Dec.  5891. 

Only  in  fruit,  but  apparently  belonging  to  this  genus. 

ORYPTOSTYLIS  ARFAKENSIS  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xi.  (1913)  553  ;  in  Nova 
Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  183,  t.  lix.  97. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  moss  in  forest, 
7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5522. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup}. 

Probably  belonging  here,  but  leaves  much  smaller  than  in  the  type- 
specimen.  "  Labellum  red,  with  green  perianth." 


EPIPOGUM  NUTANS  Rchb.  f.  in  Bonplandia,  v.  (1857)  36  ;  etc. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  saprophytic  amongst  bracken,  on  bank  by  $  lake, 
7000'.  Fl.  (white).  Dec.  5949. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Giriwo  River,  Janowsky ;  N.E.).  Tropical 
Asia  and  Australia. 

PTEROSTYLTS  PAPOANA  Rolfe  in  Kew  Bull.  1899,  112  ;  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova 
Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  185,  t.  Ixi.  99. 

Var.  ARFAKENSIS  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Caulis  c.  4  cm.  longus,  c.  5-folius.  Folia  patentia,  petiolata,  ovata,  acuta,  basi 
rotundata,  costa  media  dorso  carinata,  laxe  reticulato-venosa,  c.  0'95-2  cm.  longa, 
0-8-1-4  cm.  lata;  petiolus  canalicuktus,  cum  vagina  c.  I'l-l'S  cm.  longus  ;  folium 
summuin  ellipticum  et  brevius  petiolatum.  Inflorescentia  erecta,  1-flora,  pedunculo 
c.  9  cm.  longo,  vaginulis  2  sessilibus  erectis  bractese  similibus  c.  l-l'l  cm.  longis 
donato.  Bractea  erecta,  adpressa,  foliacea,  ovata,  acutiuscula,  c.  I'lo  cm.  longa. 
Flos  erectus.  Sepalum  dorsale  erectum,  incurvum,  valde  concavum,  inferne 
longitudine  c.  O55  cm.  gynostemio  adnatum,  ovatum,  sensim  longe  acuminatum, 
acutuni,  mucronatum,  carinatum,  c.  9-11-nervium,  c.  2*85  cm.  longuin,  1-1  cm. 
latuin.  Sepala  kteralia  lacinia  angusta  ad  pedem  gynostemii  decurrentia,  ultra 
apicern  pedis  gynostemii  longitudine  c.  O6  cm.  inter  se  connata,  oblique  oblonga, 
longe  caudato-acuminata,  concava,  cauda  canaliculata,  c.  7-8-nervia,  supra  apicem 
pedis  gynostemii  c.  2  cm.  longa,  parte  lata  1'3  cm.  longa,  0'47  cm.  lata.  Petal  a 
lacinia  angusta  ad  pedem  gynostemii  decurrentia,  oblique  lanceolata,  acuta,  sub- 
falcata,  margine  superiore  in  f  partibus  supra  basin  obtusangula  et  irregulariter 
marginata,  inferne  oblique  cuneato-angustata,  supra  basin  c.  5-nervia,  tota  c.  2'3  cm. 
longa,  0'67  cm.  lata,  parte  pedi  gynostemii  adnata  c.  0'35  cm.  longa.  LaMlum 
pedi  gynostemii  insertum,  erectum,  apice  recurvum,  inexplanatum,  gynostemio  paulo 
brevius,  subovato-lanceolatum,  apicem  versus  sensim  angustatum,  anguste  obtusuin, 
basi  obtusuin,  convexum,  plica  longitudinali  supra  costa  to  -  prominente  subtus 
canaliculata  instructum,  papillosum,  c.  5-nervium,  appendice  basilari  cum  labello 
angulum  obtusuin  faciente  lineari  incurva  apice  in  lacinias  c.  3  crenulatas  diver- 
gentes  divisa  c.  0'27  cm.  longa,  explanatum  c.  ,1'175  cm.  longum,  infra  medium 
Q'325  cm.  ktum.  Gynostemium  erectum,  elongatum,  gracile,  in  bene  -\  parte 
supra  basin  obtusangule  incurvum,  inferne  sepalo  dorsali  adnatum,  bene  ^  parte 
superiore  late  alatum,  alis  parallelis  e  basi  semicuneata  abrupte  oblique  quadrangulo- 
dilatatis,  postice  in  kciniam  conspicuam  reversam  triangukm  obtusam  productis, 
margine  antico  incurvis  ciliatisque,  angulo  antico  in  appendicem  subulatam  pro- 
ductis, cum  appendicibus  c.  0'625  cm.  longis,  apice  gynosteraii  kte  semi-elliptico 
obtuso  valde  concavo,  cum  anthera  c.  1*5  cm.  longum.  Anthera  erecta,  cucullata, 
quadrangula,  selliformis,  apice  btlobuk  cum  apiculo  brevi  obtuso,  basi  4-lobula, 
c.  O'lo  cm.  longa.  Stigma  c.  |  partem  medianam  gynostemii  occupans,  longi- 
tudinale,  c.  0'43  cm.  longum.  PCS  gynostemii  cum  gynostemio  angulum  acutuni 
faciens,  linearis,  |  partibus  inferioribus  sepalis  lateralibus  petalisque  adnatus, 
ceterum  liber,  c.  0'5  cm.  longus.  Ovariiim  0-anirulatum,  in  angulis  parcissiuie 
•  lontatum,  c.  l'3o  cm.  longum;  })edicellu.s  tenuior,  c.  2'7  cm.  longus. 



Ilab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  under  edge  of  forest  patch  by 
9  lake,  7000'.  FL  Dec.  5713  and  5890. 

This  differs  from  the  plant  collected  by  Mr.  G.  M.  Versteeg  in  the  valley 
between  the  Hubrecht  and  Wichmann  Mts.  in  being  smaller  in  all  its  parts, 
especially  in  the  flower,  the  somewhat  more  acuminate  dorsal  sepal,  more 
angular  petals,  and  longer  pedicel.  I  do  not  think  the  plants  are  specifically 

The  flowers  are  said  to  be  pink. 

SPIRANTHES  (?)  PAPUANA  Schltr.  Orch.  D.  Neu-Guinea,  (1911)  4G. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  on  gravel,  7000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5673. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

The  material  consists  of  two  very  small  plants.  Schlechter's  description 
suits  it  better  than  my  S.  angustilabris  There  are  two  conspicuous  scales  at 
the  base  of  the  lip,  which,  however,  so  far  as  I  have  seen,  are  not  hairy. 

The  petals  are  more  acute  than  in  S.  angustilabris  and  the  lip  is  much 
broader  and  3-nerved.  The  dorsal  sepal  is  1-nerved,  whereas  it  has  three 
nerves  in  S.  angustilabris. 

The  colour  of  the  flowers  is  white. 

GOODYERA  (§  EUGOODYERA)  ARFAKENSIS  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Caulis  pars  erecta  c.  9  cm.  longa,  c.  5-folia,  inferne  vaginata.  Folia  patentia, 
oblongo-  ad  lanceolato-ovata,  sensim  acuminata,  acuta,  5-nervia,  laxissime  reticulato- 
venosa,  costa  media  et  prsesertirn  venis  transversis  in  sicco  albis,  mediana  maxima  ad 
c.  3'4-3-S  cm.  longa,  1-1 -1  cm.  lata  ;  petiolus  canaliculatus,  cum  vagina  tubulosa 
c.  1-2-1-3  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentia  erecta,  densius  multiflora,  pedunculo  grossius 
pubescenti,  c.  5'3  cm.  longo,  vaginulis  2  foliaceis  in  bracteas  vergentibus  donate, 
rhachide  parce  puberula,  c.  5'5  cin.  longa.  Bractece  adpressae,  subulatae,  acutae,  basi 
dilatatse  ciliolatseque,  concava3,  1-nerviae,  c.  1-0'5  cm.  longse.  Flores  patentes, 
parvi,  glabri.  Sepalum  dorsale  ovatum,  obtusum,  concavum,  1-nervium,  c.  0'26  cm. 
longum,  0*16  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  oblique  ovata,  obtusa,  concava,  1-nervia, 
c.  0'275  cm.  longa,  0*15  cm.  lata.  Petala  sepalo  dorsali  agglutinata,  oblique 
spathulato-ligulata,  falcata,  obtusa,  superne  irregulariter  marginata,  concava,  1- 
nervia,  c.  0'27o  cm.  longa,  superne  0-075  cm.  lata.  Labellum  cum  gynostemio 
angulum  acutum  faciens,  magnam  partem  rotundato-saccatum,  lamina  obtusangule 
recurva,  concavula,  subtus  convexa,  subtus  longitudinaliter  sulcaturn,  1-nervium, 
c.  0-26  cm.  longum,  explanatum  late  subovato-triangulum,  0'26  cm.  lougum,  fere 
0'3  cm.  latum,  sacco  marginibus  latis  exceptis  carnosulo  et  in  utraque  parte  costse 
mediae  nxuricibus  c.  12  adsperso,  sensim  in  laminam  triangulo-semiorbicularem 
obtusam  c.  0'07  cm.  longam,  O'l  cm.  latam  producto.  Gynostemium  rectum,  dorso 
convexum,  dorso  visum  rhombeum,  c.  0'15  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  cucullato. 
Anihera  cucullata,  cordata,  obtuse  acuminata,  c.  O'l  cm.  longa.  Rostcllum  falcato- 
bidentatum.  Stigma  majusculum,  transverse  ovali-obreniforme,  margine  inferiore 
rotundatum.  Ovarium  6-sulcatum,  apice  leviter  attenuatum,  glabrum,  bene  0'4  cm. 


Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  $  lake,  creeping  in  humus, 
7000'.  FI.  Dec.  5571. 

This  species,  belonging  to  the  section  Evgoodyera,  is  easily  recognized  by 
the  markings  of  the  leaves  and  the  floral  characters. 

The  flowers  are  white. 

EUCOSIA  (?)  PAPUANA  Schltr.  Orch,  D.  Neu-Guinea,  (1911)  7G. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  $  lake,  creeping  in  humus, 
7000'.  Fr.  Dec.  5666  and  5573. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

I  think  this  is  Eucosia  papuana  Schltr.,  though  the  description  shows 
slight  differences.  The  Arfak  specimens,  however,  were  in  fruit. 

CCELOGYNE  ASPERATA  Lindl.  in  Journ.  Hort.  Soc.  iv.  (1849)  221  ;  etc. 

Manokoeari.  Said  by  Mr.  van  Hasselt  to  havs  been  collected  at  the 
Mamberano  river  ;  flowered  at  Residency.  Fl.  Jan.  6232. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea,  Halmaheira,  Borneo,  Sumatra,  Malay  Peninsula, 

PHAJUS  TANKERViLLia:  Bl.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.-Bat.  ii.  (1852)  177  ;  etc. 

Var.  PAPUANUS  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  203. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  marshy  ground  by  $  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Gjellerup}. 

PHAJUS  FLAVUS  Lindl.  Gen.  et  Sp.  Orch.  128;  etc. 

Var.  PAPUANUS  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  205. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  forest  patch  by  $  lake,  7000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5682  and  5952. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Gjellerup}. 

The  material  is  much  more  robust  than  the  specimen  collected  by 

*SPATHOGLOTTIS  A  UREA  Lindl.  in  Paxt.  Fl.  Gard.  i.  16  ;  etc. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial,  open  slopes, 
7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  6116. 

Distrib.  Java,  Sumatra,  Malay  Peninsula. 

The  material  on  hand  was  not  very  satisfactory.  I  could  not  distinguish 
it  from  S.  aurea  Lindl.,  only  the  petals  were  a  little  broader  ;  otherwise  it 
agrees  exactly  with  the  Javanese  material  I  have  seen. 

MICROSTYLIS  (§  CREPIDIUM)  PRODUCTA  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Cattlis  e  basi  decumbente  radicante  aclscendens,  parte  adscendente  c.  3  cm.  longa, 
c.  5-folia.  Folia  oblique  lanceolata,  scnsim  angustata,  acuta,  minute  undulata,  costa 
media  suMus  carinata.  ad  c.  4'6  era.  longa,  sicco  0'7  era.  lata  ;  petiolus  canalicuktus, 

cum  vagina  c.  01    T4-  cm.  longus,  supremus  brevissimus.      liijlui-csct-ntid  eivcta,  laxe 



multiflora,  pedunculo  c.  7'8  cm.  longo,  angulato,  c.  2  vaginulas  bracteiformes  gerente, 
rachide  angulata,  3'5  cm.  superante.  Bracteae  reflexae,  lanceolato-triangulse,  acutje, 
concavulae,  1-nervise,  ad  c.  O4  cm.  longse.  Flares  (macerati)  bene  0'6  cm.  longi, 
sepalis  petalisque  patentissimis,  recurvis,  convexis.  Sepalum  dorsale  ovato-ovale, 
obtusum,  1-nervium  cum  nervulo  1  rudimentario  utrinque  (semper?),  c.  0'3  cm. 
longuin,  G'225  cm.  latum.  Sepala  kteralia  oblique  ovata,  obtusa,  valde  convexa, 
1-nervia,  c.  0-27  cm.  longa,  0'18  cm.  lata.  Petala  ligulata,  basin  versus  leviter 
angustata,  apice  retusa,  1-nervia,  c.  0'3  cm.  longa,  O'OS  cm.  lata.  Labellum  hippo- 
crepidifonne,  3-lobum,  fovea  oblongo-ovali  incrassatione  lata  convexa  circumdata, 
cxplanatum  c.  0'35  cm.,  cum  auriculis  0'52  cm.  longum,  0'36  cm.  latum,  loins 
lateralibus  patentissimis.  late  triangulis,  vix  productis,  obtusis,  lobo  intermedio 
producto,  oblongo-subtriangulo  fere  quadrangulo,  apicem  versus  angustato,  fere  ad 
medium,  in  lacinias  contiguas  oblongas  obtusas  bifido,  c.  0'22  cm.  longo,  basi 
0'175  cm.  lato,  dente  1  patente  cum  lobo  medio  angulum  rectum  faciente  anguste 
triangulo  subacuto  lobis  lateralibus  vix  breviore  utrinque  inter  lobos,  auriculis 
oblique  triangulis,  obtusis  vel  subacutis,  c.  0'17  cm.  longis.  Gymnostemium  breve, 
a  dorso  compressum,  ambitu  quadrangulum,  apicem  versus  dilatatum,  dorso  con- 
vexum,  c.  0'075  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concavo,  auriculis  divergentibus,  oblique 
oblongo-quadrangulis,  oblique  truncatis,  subretusis.  AntJiera  cucullata,  transverse 
ovali-reniformis,  apice  rotundata,  c.  0'06  cm.  lata.  Pollinia  4,  in  corpuscula  2  com- 
pressa  obovata  unita,  c.  O03  longa.  Rostellum  auriculis  vix  brevius,  late  retusum. 
Ovarium  pedicellatum  curvatum,  6-costatum,  c.  0'45  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  $  lake,  creeping  in  humus, 
7000'.  Dec.  5677. 

Flowers  yellow.     A  distinct  species  with  the  mid-lobe  elongate. 


Rhizoma  repens,  elongatum,  radicans,  omnino  vaginis  sese  amplectentibus 
tectum,  radicibus  pubescentibus.  Caules  remoti,  erecti,  c.  6'5-7  cm.  longi, 
c.  7-folii,  foliis  infimis  vix  laminam  gerentibus.  Folia  erecto-patentia,  obli(jiu' 
elliptica  ad  lonceolato-elliptica,  interdum  subovata,  acuminata,  acuta,  minute 
undulata,  nervis  3-5  majoribus  curvatis  dorso  prominentibus,  ad  c.  7-7'5  cm. 
longa,  2'7-2'4  cm.  lata  ;  petiolus  latus,  cum  vagina  ad  3'4  cm.  longus.  Inflorcs- 
centia  erecta,  laxe  multiflora,  pedunculo  angulato,  bene  10  cm.  longo,  vaginulam 
1  bracteiformem  gerente,  rhachide  angulata,  c.  11-18  cm.  longa.  Bractece  reflex;i% 
Ianceolato-triangula3,  acutse,  concavae,  1-nervise,  c.  0'75  cm.  longae.  Flores  in 
genere  magni,  quaqiiaversi,  macerati  c.  1*5  cm.  longi.  Sepalum  dorsale  deorsum 
spectans,  oblongum,  apicem  versus  leviter  dilatatum,  obtusum,  convexum,  5-  vel 
subquinquenervium,  c.  0'9  cm.  longum,  0'4  cm.  latum.  Sepala  kteralia  oblique 
reflexa,  oblique  ovali-oblonga,  superne  leviter  dilatata,  valde  convexa,  apice  recurva, 
obtusa,  c.  0'77  cm.  longa,  0'425  cm.  lata.  Petala  reflexa,  ligulata,  obtusa,  retusa, 
convexa,  3-nervia,  0'8  cm.  vix  superantia,  0'25  cm.  lata.  Lalellum  magnum, 
erectum,  convexum,  dorso  basi  convexa  excepta  concavum,  biauriculatum,  sub- 
trilobum,  fovea  majuscuk,  altiuscula,  margine  incrassato  U-formi  cruribus  in  labelli 
partem  anticam  convexam  decurrente,  in  utraque  parte  foveae  costa  convexa  addita, 
costa  media  medio  incrassata  itaque.  labellum  medio  5-costatum,  3-  supra  basin 
5-nervium,  nervis  exterioribus  valde  ramosis,  explanation  ambitu  quinquangulare, 


absque  auriculis  subserniorbiculare,  apice  in  lobum  medium  acuminatnm,  c.  0'8  cm., 
totum  bene  1  era.  longum,  O9  cm.  latum,  lobis  lateralibus  rotundatis,  breviter 
triangulo-  basin  versus  repando-dentatis,  dentibus  c.  7-8  utrinque,  lobo  intermedio 
incurvulo,  triangulo,  obtuso,  brevissime  obtuse  2-dentato,  c.  0'2-i  cm.  longo,  0'3  cm. 
lato,  auriculis  breviusculis,  valde  remotis,  oblique  triangulis,  acutis  obtusisve, 
c.  0*2  cm.  longis.  Gymnostemium  a  dorso  compressum,  apice  dilatatum,  ambitu 
oblongo-quadrangulum,  c.  0'3  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concavo,  cum  parte  inferiore 
gynosternii  angulum  obtusum  faciente,  auriculis  divergentibus,  obtusis,  plus  minusve 
retusis.  Anthera  erecta,  reniformis,  apicem  versus  angustata,  obtusa.  emarginata, 
c.  O125  cm.  lata.  Rostellum  auriculas  aequans,  latum,  retusum,  lobulis  obtusis. 
Stigma  angulatum.  Ovarium  pedicellatuni  leviter  sigmoideum,  6-costatmn,  c.  0'7  cm. 
longum.  JFructus  erectus. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  slopes  by  "campong"  $  lake, 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5595  and  5652. 

This  species  belongs  to  Schlechter's  section  Herpetlwrldzis.  From 
M.  distans  Schltr.  and  M.  megalaidha  Schltr.,  it  differs  in  the  form  of  the 
lip,  especially  in  the  very  short  auricles  and  the  shortly  dentate  mid-lobe. 
The  flowers  are  as  large  as  those  of  M.  meffalantlia,  but  the  mid-lobe  is 
conspicuously  produced. 

The  colour  of  the  flowers  is  described  as  green  ;  in  the  dried  plant  the 
lip  is  dark  sepia. 

LIPARIS  (§  RHACHIDIBULBON)  LACUS  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Itliizoma  repens,  vaginis  accrescentibus  tectum,  vagina  ultima  maxima,  foliacea, 
tubulosa,  ad  c.  3'75  cm.  longa.  Pseudobulbi  ad  c.  3  cm.  distantes.  Folia  2, 
ovata,  acuminata,  acuta,  curvinervia,  parce  transverse  venosa,  costa  media  dorso 
prominente,  sicco  membranacea,  c.  4'5-6  cm.  longa,  2'75-3'5  cm.  lata ;  petiolus 
late  canaliculatus,  cum  vagina  pseudobulbum  amplectente  c.  2-2  7o  cm.  longus. 
Iirforescentia  terminalis,  erecta,  dense  multiHora,  pedunculo  c.  4— 4'3  cm.  longo 
basi  in  pseudobulbum  ovatum  carnosum  c.  1 '6-2-2  cm.  longum  incrassato,  rhachide 
c.  0'9-1'4  cm.  longa.  Sractete  subulata?,  acutse,  1-nerviae,  c.  1-2  cm.  longae, 
basi  0-27  latae.  Flores  vagi.  Sepalutn  dorsale  oblon  go-ova  turn,  sensiin  acu- 
minatum,  acutum,  convexum,  3-nerviurn,  c.  0'92o  cm.  longum,  O35  cm.  latum. 
Sepala  lateralia  oblique  oblongo-ovata,  sensim  acuminata,  3-  supra  basin  5-nervia, 
costa  media  dorso  prominente,  dorsali  sequilonga.  Petala  linearia,  apicem  versus 
sensim  angustata,  acuta,  1-nervia,  c.  0'825  cm.  longa,  basi  Ol  cm.  lata.  Labellum 
porrectum,  leviter  sigmoideum,  valde  concavum,  subtus  convexum,  apice  pellucido- 
punctatum,  erosulum,  intus  supra  basin  callo  U-formi  postice  rotundato  antice 
sensim  evanescente  donatum,  fascia  longitudinali  lineari  convexa  apicem  versus 
decrescente  ultra  medium  labelli  producta  minutissirne  papilloso-rugulosa  inter 
crura  calli  ante  callum  excavationem  subsemiorbicularem  reliquente,  3-norvinm, 
cxplanatum  angulato-ovatum,  leviter  cordulatum,  lobulis  basilaribus  angulato- 
nitiuulatis,  apice  abrupte  triangulo-acuminatum,  c.  0'85  cm.  longum,  07  cm. 
latum.  Gi/nostemium  breve,  latum,  bene  curvatum,  ambitu  oblongo-quadran- 
guhiiu.  apice  truncatum,  basi  lata  truncatum,  dorso  convexum  et  apice  longi- 
tudinaliter  bicostatutn,  subtus  concavum,  absipae  anthem  c.  ()'2~>  cm.  longum, 


clinandrio  parvo,  concavo  cum  costula  longitudinal!  in  rostellum  decurrente,  auriculis 
obtusis.  Anfhera  cucullata,  longe  ultra  thecas  producta,  ambitu  subquadrangula 
vel  melius  7-angula,  apice  abrupte  subulato-acuminata,  basi  truncata,  c.  0'14  cm. 
longa,  connective  in  costulam  longitudinalem  incrassato,  thecis  suborbicularibus. 
Pollinia  4,  geminata,  lateraliter  compressa,  triangula,  extus  convexa.  Ovarium 
pedicellatum  6-costatum,  c.  O9  cm.  longum.  Gapsula  oblongo-obovoidea,  basi 
acuta,  c.  1-1  cm.  longa,  pedicello  c.  I'l  cm.  longo. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  $  lake,  edge  of  forest  in 
humus,  terrestrial,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5G89. 

The  first  species  of  the  section  Rhachidilulbon  recorded  from  New  Guinea. 
It  much  resembles  L.  brgvistylis  J.  J.  S.  (L.  montana  Lindl.  var.,  brevistylis 
J.  J.  S.). 

Flowers  green  with  a  brown  labellum. 

LIPARIS  (§  PLATYCHILUS  ?)  GIBBSIJR  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Rliizoma  repens,  radicans,  teres,  vaginis  magnis  ad  c.  3'25  cm.  longis  tectuin. 
Pseudobulbi  c.  2'5  cm.  distantes,  cum  rhizomate  angulum  anguste  acutum  facientes, 
sicco  tenues,  teretes,  c.  2'5  cm.  longi,  1-folii,  basi  nonnullis  vaginis  magnis  acute 
acuminatis  ad  c.  4  cm.  longis  cincti.  Folium  inarticulatum,  erectum,  lanceolatum, 
acuminatum.  acutum,  basi  sensini  in  petiolum  angustatum,  nervis  5  majoribus  subtus 
prominentibus,  sicco  membranaceum,  c.  9'75-10-5  cm.  longum,  2'l-2'25  cm.  latum ; 
petiolus  canaliculatus,  nervosus,  c.  2'5-4  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentia  in  pseudobulbo 
mature  terminalis,  folio  brevior,  satis  multiflora,  pedunculo  c.  4'5  cm.  longo,  vaginula 
angusta  acuta  c.  2'75  cm.  longa  ad  basin,  rhachide  fractiflexa,  c.  6  cm.  longa.  Bractcce 
adpressse,  lanceolato-trian guise,  acutissimae,  concavse,  1-nervise,  ad  c.  0'55  cm.  longse. 
Flores  c.  16,  quaquaversi,  patentes,  sepalis  patentissimis,  convexis.  Sepalum  dorsale 
oblongum,  superne  angustatum,  obtusum,  3-nervium,  costa  media  dorso  apicem  versus 
prominente,  c.  0*65  cm.  longum,  0'25  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  divergentia, 
oblique  oblonga,  f'alcatula,  obtusa,  vix  apiculata,  3-nervia,  costa  media  dorso  pro- 
minente, c.  0-67  cm.  longa,  0'3  cm.  lata.  Petala  reflexa,  linearia,  obtusa,  basi 
leviter  oblique  dilatata,  leviter  convexa,  1-nervia,  c.  0'57  cm.  longa,  medio  O'OG  cm. 
lata.  Labellum  porrectum,  cum  gynostemio  angulum  acutum  faciens,  basi  gyno- 
stemio  adnatum,  in  utraque  parte  canaliculse  latse  longitudinalis  convexum,  subtus 
convexum,  e  basi  contracta  quadrangula  sensim  dilatatum,  2-lobum,  obcordatum, 
lobis  remotis  obtusis  grosse  crenatis  cum  lobulo  brevi  obtuso  in  sinu,  basi  contracta 
excepta  ciliolatum,  3-nervium,  nervis  exterioribus  ramosis,  callo  majusculo  antice 
dentes  2  erectos  parallelos  falcato-triangulos  acutiusculos  utrosque  basi  antice  in 
costulam  brevem  exeuntes  gerente  in  basi,  explanatum  c.  0'67  cm.  longum,  antice 
0'45  cm.  latum,  parte  contracta  c.  0'2  cm.  longa,  0'275  cm.  lata.  Qynostemium 
superne  valde  hamato-incurvum,  dorso  convexum,  basi  valde  dilatatum,  medio  labello 
adnatum,  ovario  multo  latius,  c.  O32  cm.  longum,  basi  0'17  cm.  latum,  clinandrio 
concavo,  intus  ad  basin  rostelli  dente  acuto  instructo,  auriculis  subquadrangulis 
Anthera  cucullata,  transverse  quadrangulo-ovalis,  apice  truncata,  basi  emarginat? 
bidentata.  Stigma,  obverse  rotundato-triangulum,  margine  elevatum.  Ovariuii 
6-sulcatum,  cum  pedicello  c.  0'4  cm.  longum,  curvatum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  epiphyte  in  forest 
7000'.  Dec.  5G<s2  and  5897. 


This  species  belongs  to  the  group  on  which  Schlechter  bases  his  sections 
Platychilus  and  Genychilus.  It  is  well-marked  by  its  strongly  curved  column 
and  the  form  of  the  lip,  with  a  bidentate  callus  at  the  base. 

The  flowers  are  described  as  green  with  a  brown  or  creamy-brown 

GLOMERA  (§  EUGLOMERA)  SIMILIS  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Caules  elongati,  laxe  ramosi,  compressi,  sectione  transversa  elliptic!,  pars  adest 
43  cm.  longa,  internodiis  ad  c.  3  cm.  longis,  0'23  cm.  ktis,  superne  decrescentibus. 
Folia  erecto-patentia,  linearia,  apicem  versus  sensim  leviter  angustata,  valde 
inaequaliter  2-dentata,  dente  brevisaimo  acuto,  dente  longissimo  obtuso  c.  0'3-0'6  cm. 
longo,  basi  paulo  angustata  semiamplexicaulia,  costa  media  sicco  supra  sulcata  subtus 
obtuse  prominente,  sicco  coriacea,  c.  6'5-8'25  cm.  longa,  0'5  cm.  lata  ;  vaginae  tubu- 
losae,  prassertim  superne  antice  verrucosae,  inferne  sublaeves,  apice  laminae  oppositse 
dente  adpresso  triangulo  obtuso  donatae.  Inflorescentia  reflexa,  subracemosa, 
secunda,  c.  9-flora,  spatha  e  basi  brcvissirne  tubulosa  pedunculum  arete  amplectente 
orbicukri-ovata,  acuminata,  acuta,  praesertim  inferne  valde  concava,  c.  11-nervia, 
c.  I'l  cm.  longa,  0'85  cm.  lata,  pedunculo  cum  rhachide  paulo  elongata  c.  0'85  cm. 
longo.  Bracteee  oblongo-subellipticae,  acuminatae,  acutae  cum  mucrone  dorso  ad 
apicem,  concavae,  3-nerviae,  membranaceae,  c.  0'57  cm.  longae,  0'27  cm.  latae, 
bractea  infima  inter  sequentes  et  spatham  intermedia.  Flores  c.  07  cm.  longi. 
Sepalum  dorsale  lateralibus  breviter  adnatum,  ovali-ellipticum,  obtusiusculum, 
3-nervium,  c.  0'48  cm.  longum,  fere  0'3  cm.  latum.  Sepala  kteralia  breviuscule 
connata,  calcar  amplectentia,  mentum  saccatum  subglobosum  fere  0*2  cm.  longum 
formantia,  oblique  ovata,  obtusiuscula  cum  apiculo  conico  dorso  ad  apicem,  3-nervia, 
c.  0'46  cm.,  tota  0'56  cm.  longa,  0'36-0-375  cm.  lata.  Petala  oblique  subrhombea, 
obtusiuscula,  3-nervia,  c.  0'44  cm.  longa,  0'24  cm.  lata.  Labellum  gynostemio 
l)i-(  \  it cr  adnatum,  usque  ad  apicem  ovarii  c.  0'3  cm.,  cum  calcari  0'475  cm.  longum  ; 
lamina  concava,  apice  margine  recurvo  convexa,  7-nervia,  expknata  subsemiorbicu- 
laris,  basi  abrupte  transverse  incrassata,  c.  0'2  cm.  longa,  0'3  cm.  lata  ;  calcar  cum 
ovario  angulum  acutum  faciens,  oblique  oblongum,  obtusum,  c.  0'3  cm.  longum. 
Gynostemium  supra  basin  leviter  incurvum,  dorso  convexum,  cum  anthem  c.  0'16  cm. 
longum,  apice  late  trapeziformi,  obtusissimo,  retuso,  clinandrio  concavo,  fere  integer- 
rimo,  auriculis  triangulis,  subacutis.  Antliera  cum  gynostemio  angulum  rectum 
faciens,  cucullata,  transverse  ovalis,  apice  truncato-rotundato  non  recurvo  mern- 
branaceo-ruarginata,  connective  basi  conico-elevato  postice  canaliculate,  c.  0'12  cm. 
lata.  Rostellum  latum,  semilunatum,  late  retusum.  Stigma  transversum,  semi- 
lunatum,  margine  inferiore  valde  productum  incurvumque.  Ovarium  curvum, 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5975. 

Nearly  allied  to  G.  subracemosa  J.  J.  S.,  but  differing  by  the  much  less 
warty  sheaths,  smaller  flowers,  a  differently  shaped  lip,  with  much  shorter 
blade,  and  edentate  clinandrium. 

The  flowers  are  white. 


GLOMERA  (§  EUGLOMERA)  TRANSITORIA  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde,  Rep.  xi.  (1913) 
558  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  244,  t.  Ixxxv.  148. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  slope  by  ?  lake,  epiphytic,  7000-8000'. 
Fl.  (white).  Dec.  5545. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lake,  Gjellerup). 

GLOMERA  (§  GLOSSORHYNCHA)  GIBBSLE  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Caules  erecti,  tenues,  teretes,  superne  valde  ramosi,  dense  foliati,  c.  13  cm.  longi, 
ramulis  erecto-patentibus,  internodiis  inferioribus  c.  O5  cm.,  in  ramulis  Ol  cm.  longis. 
Folia  patentia,  distincte  petiolata,  anguste  oblonga,  apicem  versus  angustata,  obtusa, 
basi  satis  abrupte  in  petiolum  contracta,  crasse  carnosa,  supra  canaliculata,  subtus 
angulata  et  subcarinata,  c.  0-6-O67  cm.  longa,  O17  cm.  lata;  vagina  tubulosa, 
verrucosa,  apice  setis  numerosis  laxe  adpressis  longis  crispulis  ciliata.  Inflorescentia 
terminalis,  erecta,  sessilis,  1-flora.  Spatlia  erecta,  adpressa,  flore  multo  brevior, 
bracteam  basi  tantum  amplectens,  apicem  calcaris  includens,  lata,  valde  cucullato- 
concava,  basi  breviter  tubulosa,  acuta,  dorso  apicem  versus  carinata,  dorso  prsesertim 
ad  basin  sparse  furfuraceo-punctata,  membranacea,  c.  0'43  cm.  longa.  JBractea 
spatha3  similis,  angustior,  acute  acuminata,  dorso  parce  furfuraceo-punctata, 
membranacea,  c.  O4  cm.  longa.  Flos  parvus,  c.  OS  cm.  longus  (maceratus). 
Sepalum  dorsale  oblongo-ovatum,  distincte  verruculoso-apiculatum,  concavum, 
3-nervium,  c.  0'63  cm.  longum,  0'225  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  apicem  calcaris 
baud  amplectentia,  basi  brevissime  connata,  oblique  ovato-oblonga,  longius  subulato- 
apiculita,  basi  margine  anteriore  leviter  rotundato-dilatata,  concava,  3-nervia, 
c.  0*7  cm.  longa,  basi  0'3  cm.  lata.  Petala  ereoto-patentia,  lanceolata,  obtusa, 
concava,  1-nervia,  c.  0'675  cm.  longa,  O14  cm.  lata.  Labellum  basi  gynostemio 
adnatum,  usque  ad  apicem  ovarii  c.  O3  cm.,  usque  ad  apicem  calcaris  0*47  cm. 
longum ;  lamina  porrecta,  cum  calcari  angulum  subrectum  faciens,  concava,  subtus 
convexa,  supra  visa  ambitu  suborbicularis,  basi  in  regulam  transversam  conspicuam 
incrassata,  7-nervia,  explanata  semielliptica,  apice  in  lobulum  angulato-rotundatum 
sicco  nigrum  papillosum  producta,  basi  utrinque  rotundata,  c.  0'3  cm.  longa, 
0'325  cm.  lata ;  calcar  rectum,  oblongum,  superne  leviter  lateraliter  compressum, 
obtusissimum,  dorso  c.  0'3  cm.  longum.  Gynostemium  a  dorso  compressum,  dorso 
leviter  convexum,  margine  apicali  repandulo-dentatum,  medio  retusum,  absque 
anthera  c.  0'15  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concave,  auriculis  triangulis,  apice  breviter 
libero  dentiforniibus.  Antltera  cucullata,  transverse  ovalis,  apice  rotundato-producta 
recurva  et  pellucida,  fere  0'13  cm.  lata,  connective  triangulo,  convexo.  Mostellum 
transverse  ovale,  truncatum.  Stigma  semilunatum,  margine  inferiore  valde  productuin 
et  recurvum.  Ovarium  sessile,  6-sulcatum,  c.  0'3  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge  between  $  and  <$  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic 
on  open  burnt  summit  plateau,  9000'.  Dec.  5605. 

The  nearest  ally  of  the  species  seems  to  be  G.  salicornioides  J.  J.  S.  This 
differs  by  the  more  robust  stems,  probably  different-shaped  leaves,  colour  of 
the  flowers,  much  broader  blade  to  the  lip,  and  longer  spur. 

I  suppose  that  only  the  rooted  upper  parts  of  the  steins  were  collected. 

The  flowers  are  described  as  being  white. 


Caulis  tenuis,  rtimosus,  parte  adest  10  cm.  longa,  internodiis  c.  1-0'4  cm.  longis. 
Folia  patentia,  lanceolata,  apicem  versus  angustata,  apice  conduplicata,  subacuta, 
basi  in  petiolum  brevein  contracta,  c.  07-1 '3  cm.  longa,  ad  c.  0*2  cm.  lata  ;  vagina 
tubulosa,  veiTucosa,  apice  fimbriis  adpressis  crispis  ciliata.  Inflorescentia  erecta, 
1-flora.  Spatha  tubulosa,  obtusa,  membranacea,  furfuraceo-punctata,  |  partes 
inferiores  ovarii  pedicellati  includens,  expknata  oblonga,  bene  0'9  cm.  longa, 
0*4  cm.  lata.  Bractea  spathse  similis,  apicukta,  c.  0'85  cm.  longa.  Flos  parvus, 
valde  apertus,  c.  T3  cm.  ktus.  Sepalum  dorsale  lanceoktum,  apice  recurvum, 
obtusum,  apicuktum,  valde  convexum,  3-nervium,  c.  0'87  cm.  longum,  0'24  cm. 
ktum.  Sepala  kteralia  e  basi  erecta  paten tissima,  basi  breviter  connata,  oblique 
lanceolata,  apice  recurvula,  obtusa,  apicukta,  basi  antice  in  lobum  oblique 
trial  ionium  obtusum  concavum  calcari  adpressum  producta,  valde  convexa,  3-nervia, 
c.  0-9  cm.  cum  lobo  basikri  bene  1  cm.  longa,  0'25  cm.  kta.  Petala  e  basi  erecta 
patentissiraa,  oblique  knceokta,  obtusa,  valde  convexa,  3-nervia,  c.  0*84  cm.  longa, 
supra  medium  0'26  cm.  lata.  Lalellum  longe  calcaratum,  kmina  inferne  dimidio 
inferiori  gynostemii  adnata,  infundibuliformi-cuculkta,  3-loba,  subtus  ventricosa, 
gynoetemium  bene  superante  et  includente,  intus  inferne  leviter  transverse  incrassata, 
supra  basin  7-nervia,  expknata  e  basi  late  cuneata  transverse  rhombea,  c.  0'44  cm. 
longa,  0'58  cm.  lata ;  lobi  kterales  incurvi,  apice  sese  obtegentes,  rotundato- 
trianguli ;  lobus  intermedius  multo  minor,  recurvulus,  triangulus,  obtusus, 
c.  O'OG  cm.  longus ;  calcar  ovario  adpressum,  tenue,  obtusum,  bene  1  cm.  longum. 
Gi/nostemium  obtusangule  curvatum,  dimidio  inferiore  labello  adnatum,  apice 
obtusum  subretusumque,  c.  0'25  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concavo,  integerrimo. 
Antliera  cucullata,  ovato-orbicukris,  apice  recurva  retusaque,  fere  0'125  cm.  kta, 
connective  leviter  conico,  postice  sulcato.  Pollinia  4,  2  obovoidea  et  2  pyriformia. 
Rostellum  porrectum,  semiorbiculare,  triangulo-excisum.  Stigma  semilunatum, 
margine  inferiore  valde  producto  et  recurvo.  Ovarium  6-sulcatum,  parce  minute 
punctatum,  cum  pedicello  ckvatum,  c.  1'75  cm.  longum. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5661. 

The  nearest  allies  of  this  species  are  G.fruticula  J.  J.  S.  and  G.  salmonea 
J.  J.  S.  It  differs  from  the  former  by  the  smaller  flowers,  differently  shaped 
petals,  relatively  broader  lip,  edentate  clinandrium,  and  from  the  latter  by  the 
•weaker  stems,  shorter  spathe,  somewhat  smaller  flowers,  differently  shaped 
petals,  broader  lip,  edentate  clinandrium. 

The  material  seen  consists  of  two  stem-tips,  with  one  flower  and  a 

The  colour  of  the  flowers  is  described  as  terra-cotta. 

(1913),  394;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915),  264,  t.  xcv.  162. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  under  Araucaria  Beccarii  Warb.,  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  (white).  Dec.  5721. 

J>i*trib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellervp). 



Caules  approximati,  teretes,  c.  12'5-15  cm.  longi,  macerati  0'17  cm.  diam.,  basi 
vaginis  tubulosis  superne  accrescentibus  sese  amplectentibus  sicco  membranaceis  laxe 
reticulato-venosis  brunneis  ad  c.  2*25  cm.  longis  tecti.  Folium  erectum,  subulato- 
teres,  acutiusculum,  antice  leviter  longitudinaliter  costatum  cum  sulco  tenuissimo, 
c.  2'7  cm.  longum,  maceratum  c.  0*125  cm.  diam. ;  vagina  tubulosa,  antice  rumpens, 
c.  0'3  cm.  longa.  Inflorescentia  fascicularis,  pluriflora,  squamata,  pedunculis 
partialibus  tenuibus,  1-floris,  c.  0'3  cm.  longis,  basi  vaginulam  latam  obtusam 
membranaceam  c.  0'26  cm.  longam  gerentibus.  Bractea  ample  cucullata,  obtusa, 
ovario  multo  brevior,  membranacea,  c.  0'14  cm.  longa.  Flores  parvi,  bene  0'4  cm. 
longi,  sepalis  dorso  parce  pubescentibus.  Sepalum  dorsale  oblongum,  obtusum, 
3-nervium,  c.  0'25  cm.  longum,  bene  O'l  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  lacinia 
oblique  oblonga  concava  pedem  gynostemii  bene  superante  decurrentia,  mentum 
reversum  ovario  parallelum  oblongum  apice  subinflatum  obtusum  bene  O'l  cm. 
longum  formantia,  oblique  oblonga,  apice  angustata,  obtusa,  3-nervia,  c.  0'24  cm. 
tota  fere  0'4  cm.  longa,  0'125  cm.  lata.  Petala  oblique  oblonga,  acutiuscula, 
falcatula,  1-nervia,  c.  0'2  cm.  longa,  fere  0'07  cm.  lata.  Lalellum  cum  pedi 
gynostemii  angulum  fere  rectum  faciens,  gynostemio  parallelum,  ima  basi  ultra 
apicem  pedis  gynostemii  obsolete  productum,  supra  basin  leviter  recurvum,  con- 
cavum,  gynostemium  bene  superans,  basi  unguiculato-angustatum,  -|  parte  superiore 
contractum  carnoso-incrassatum  et  utrinque  convexum,  obtusum,  parte  mediana 
marginibus  incurvum  et  ciliolatum,  3-nervium,  lineis  2  elevatis  puberulis  parallelis 
intus  usque  ad  medium,  explanation  c.  0'35  cm.  longum,  medio  0'14  cm.  latum,  apice 
incrassato  bene  O'l  cm.  longo,  fere  O'l  cm.  lato.  Gynostemium  ultra  medium 
bifidum,  c.  0'14  cm.  longum,  brachiis  parallelis,  oblongis,  obtusis,  extus  convexis, 
intus  concavis.  AntTiera  cucullata,  transverse  suboblongo-elliptica,  apice  truncata, 
c.  0'0(5  cm.  lata.  Pes  gynostemii  reversus,  cum  ovario  angulum  acutum  faciens, 
apice  a  sepalis  lateralibus  libero  obtusangule  incurvus,  c.  O'l  cm.  longus.  Ovarium 
pubescens,  c.  0'375  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Augi  lakes,  isolated  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  epiphytic, 
7000'.  Dec.  5718. 

A  very  inconspicuous  species. 

The  colour  of  the  flowers  is  white. 

DENDKOBIUM  (§  CADETIA)  SUBRADIATUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii.  (1913) 
27  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  273,  t.  c.  171. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 
5542  and  5908. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

DENDROBIUM  (§  LATOURIA)  RHOMBOGLOSSUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Bull.  Jard.  Boh  Buit. 
2e  ser.  n.  ii.  (1911)  9  j  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1913)  44,  t.  xiii.  34. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  marsh  by  ?  lake,  terrestial,  abundant,  7000'. 
Dec.  5511. — Koebre  ridge,  between  c?  and  ?  lake,  burnt  open  summit 
plateau,  9000'.  Dec.  5009. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Goliath  Mts.,  De  Kock). 


"  Plant  up  to  1  ra.,  perianth  segments  magenta  outside  and  white  inside ; 


Caules  (1  adest)  tenuiter  clavati,  c.  6-nodes  (absque  internodiis  summis  foliiferis 
brevissimis),  c.  19'5  cm.  longi,  apice  3-folii,  internodio  maximo  incrassato  infra  folia 
c.  6-3  cm.  longo.  Folia  erecto-patentia,  ovato-elliptico-lanceolata,  apicem  versus 
angustata,  acuta,  .basi  breviter  contracta,  sicco  rigide  coriacea,  c.  5-67  cm.  longa, 
1-2-1'G  cm.  lata.  Infloresceiitice  e  nodis  summis  inter  folia,  folia  superantes, 
c.  lo-florae,  pedunculo  tenui,  c.  5'2  cm.  longo,  vaginulis  c.  4  tubulosis  acutis  donato, 
rhachide  sicco  angulata,  c.  4  cm.  longa.  Bractece  late  triangulae,  acute,  concava?, 
c.  0'3  cm.  longae.  Flores  parvi,  incurvi,  carnosuli,  glabri.  Sepalum  dorsale  cuin 
ovario  anguluin  obtusum  fornians,  oblongo-triangulurn,  dimidio  superiore  angustutnin, 
obtusum,  concavum,  5-nervium,  c.  0'54  cm.  longurn,  bene  0'3  cm.  latum.  Sepala 
latcralia  ad  pedem  gynostemii  decurrentia,  mentum  ovario  parallelum  valde  incurvum 
breve  crassum  obtusum  basi  subconstrictum  bene  0'3  cm.  longum  formantia,  late  oblique 
triangula,  subobtusa,  basi  antice  in  laciniarn  brevem  triangulam  dilatata,  margine 
superiore  valde  rotundata  fere  quadrangula,  concava,  5-nervia,  fere  0'5  cm.  longa, 
basi  0'5  cm.  lata.  Petala  oblique  anguste  oblonga,  falcatula,  obtusa,  basi  leviter 
contracta,  apice  erosula,  concava,  1-nervia,  c.  0'46  cm.  longa,  0'14  cm.  lata. 
Lalelluiii  pedi  gynostemii  insertum,  unguiculatum,  3-lobum,  concavum,  carnosum, 
subexplanatum  c.  0'4o  cm.  longum,  0'6  cm.,  bene  explanatum  0'65  cm.  latum,  ungue 
pedi  gynostemii  parallelo  valde  recurvo,  canaliculato,  fascia  longitudinal!  bicostata 
ad  basin  laminae  dilatata  et  in  dentes  3  conicos  exeunte  instructo,  dentibus  lateralibus 
membra  na  angusta  labello  adnatis,  callo  rotundato  verruculoso  ante  dentem  inter- 
medium, carinula  transversa  utrinque  ad  basin  lobi  intennedii,  lamina  transversa, 
c.  0'3  cm.  longa ;  lobi  laterales  inexplanati  porrecti,  paralleli,  gynostemium  et  lobum 
intermedium  superantes,  explanati  lobum  intermedium  aequar.tes  vel  vix  superantes, 
late  oblique  ovati,  rotundati,  concavi ;  lobus  intermedius  transversus,  bipartitus, 
concavus,  subtus  convexus  et  crasse  carinatus,  carina  infra  sinum  in  apiculum 
crassum  conicum  exeunte,  lobulis  oblique  triangulis,  margine  antico  rotundatis, 
obtusis,  explanatis  divergentibus,  explanatus  c.  0'14  cm.  longus,  0'325  cm.  latus. 
Gynostemium  a  dorso  compressum,  in  utraque  stigmatis  parte  obtusangule  dilatatum, 
absque  anthera  c.  0-175  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concavo,  margine  denticulate,  fila- 
mento  incurvulo,  oblongo,  rotundato,  auriculis  paulo  brevioribus,  obtusis,  leviter 
denticulatis.  Anthera  cucullata,  transverse  ovali-reniformis,  basi  rotunda to-biloba, 
apice  breviter  rotundato-producta,  c.  0-16  cm.  lata.  Pollinia  4,  in  corpuscula 
2  oblique  obovata  supra  convexa  subtus  plana  unita,  lateraliter  compressa,  interioni 
qua m  exteriora  angustiora,  c.  0'07  cm.  longa.  Stigma  obverse  triangulum,  basi 
rotundatum,  apice  truncatum.  Pes  gynostemii  cum  ovario  angulum  acutum  faciens, 
reversus,  inedio  fere  rectangule  incurvus,  oblongus,  obtusus,  valde  excavato-concavus, 
iiifxplunatus  c.  0'3o  cm.  longus.  Orariutn  valde  incurvum,  6-sulcatum,  c.  0'33  cm. 
longum  ;  pedii-i'llus  I'l  cm.  longus. 

Hub.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  forest,  8000-9000'.  Fl.  (green).  Dec. 


This  Dendrolium  belongs  to  the  small-flowered  species  of  the  section 
Latouria.  The  shape  of  the  labellum  calls  to  mind  that  of  I),  dendrocolloides 
J.  J.  S.  and  D.  latifrons  J.  J.  S.,  but  the  habit  is  very  different. 


Rhizoma  breve,  vaginis  brevibus  tubulosis  sese  amplectentibus  omnino  obtectum, 
radicibus  dense  verrucosis.  Caules  simplices,  elongati,  supenie  flexuosi,  c.  47  cm. 
longi,  internodiis  c.  3'7-l'3  cm.  longis.  Folia  patentia,  oblonga,  oblique  bidentata, 
dentibus  acutiusculis,  costa  media  supra  sulcata  subtus  prominente,  marginibus  in 
sicco  recurvis,  sicco  tenuiter  coriacea,  ad  c.  5'5  cm.  longa,  1*8  cm.  lata,  superiora 
et  inferiora  decrescentia ;  vaginae  tubulosse,  apice  truncate,  internodiis  breviores. 
InJlorescenticB  in  caulibus  foliatis  axillares,  vaginam  dorso  ad  basin  perforantes, 
arcuatae,  laxe  3-5-florse,  pedunculo  cauli  adpresso,  c.  3-4  cm.  longo,  nonnullis 
vaginulis  tubulosis  ad  basin,  rhachide  c.  l'5-2  cm.  longa.  JBractets  adpressse, 
triangulse,  concavse,  c.  0%3  cm.  longae.  Flores  quaquaversi.  Sepalum  dorsale  late 
triangulum,  marginibus  curvatum  et  base  utrinque  angulatum,  obtusum,  concavum, 
7-nervium,  c.  O8  cm.  longum  et  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  cum  pede  gynostemii 
inentum  obtusum  formantia,  antice  omnino  libera,  late  oblique  triangula,  obtusa, 
breviter  crasse  obtusa  apiculata,  margine  postico  basi  angulata,  7-nervia,  costa 
media  dorso  obtuse  prominente,  c.  O95  cm.  longa,  basi  1'15  cm.  lata.  Petala 
oblique  subovalia,  basi  lata,  breviter  obtusiuscule  triangulo-acuminata,  concava, 
minutissime  erosulo-ciliolata,  basi  3-nervia,  c.  0'77  cm.  longa,  O53  cm.  lata. 
Labellum  ungue  brevi  lato  5-nervio  pedi  gynostemii  insertum,  3-lobum,  curvatum, 
subtus  supra  basin  concavum  cum  nervis  5  obtuse  prominentibus,  intus  fascia 
latissima  longitudinali  carnoso-incrassata  subquinquecostata  cum  costis  3  mediants 
alte  elevatis  basi  in  appendicem  reversam  rotundato-trapeziformem  obsolete  retusam 
concavam  carnosam  unguem  sequantem,  c.  0'2  cm.  longam,  O35  cm.  latam,  producta 
in  basi  lobi  intermedii  in  lamellam  transversam  porrectam  excavationem  anticam 
obtegentem  verrucosam  antice  dentes  c.  5  porrectis  iiTegulariter  conicis  gerentem 
utrinque  nonnullas  costulas  transversas  emittentem  terminante,  intus  papillosum, 
explariatum  c.  1'13  cm.,  usque  ad  apicem  loborum  lateralium  O93  cm.  longum,  ad 
lobos  laterales  c.  1'43  cm.  latum,  ungue  c.  O2  cm.  longo ;  lobi  laterales  erecti, 
patentes,  oblique  ovati,  rotundati,  basi  lati,  concavi,  margine  postico  manifesto 
incurvi ;  lobus  intermedius  latissimus,  concavus,  2-lobus,  medio  plica  supra  concava 
subtus  convexa  et  in  sinu  dente  brevi  triangulo  donatus,  lobis  transverse  oblique 
rotundato-quadrangulis,  apice  truncatis,  irregulariter  crenatis,  angulum  exteriorem 
versus  repandulis,  expknatus  c.  0'43  cm.  longus,  1'3  cm.  latus.  Gynostemium 
(foecundatum)  bene  0'3  cm.  longum,  apice  porrecto  utrinque  dente  donato,  auriculis 
triangulis.  Pes  gynostemii  cum  ovario  angulum  obtusum  fere  rectum  formans, 
late  oblongus,  intus  pubescens,  basi  dorso  convexus,  apice  altius  excavatus  et  dorso 
roturidato-gibbosus,  c.  0'7  cm.  longus.  Ovarium  (foecundatum)  obconicum,  6- 
sulcatum,  c.  0'4  cm.  longum ;  pedicellus  c.  1*3  cm-  longus. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5558. 

This  species  is  nearly  allied  to  D.  appendiculoides  J.  J.  S.,  from  which  it 
differs,  so  far  as  the  single  specimens  allow  comparison,  by  its  more  robust 


stems,  less  flowered  racemes  with  the  peduncle  pressed  against  the  stem, 
broader  petals,  the  lip  with  different-shaped  keels,  shorter,  blunter,  not 
falcate  lateral  lobes,  a  shorter  and  much  broader  mid-lobe  and  a  broader  basal 
appendix,  whereas  the  column-foot  is  much  less  excavated.  Moreover,  the 
plant  was  collected  in  a  much  higher  altitude  above  the  sea. 

The  species  recalls  I),  prosteriglossum  Schltr.  var.  oltusilolum  Schltr.  to 
mind  ;  it  is  possible  that  the  two  plants  will  prove  to  be  identical. 

The  flowers  are  described  as  yellow. 


Caules  approximati,  c.  4-5  cm.  longi,  inferne  vaginis  mox  fatlscentibus,  apice 
c.  3-foliatL  Folia  erecto-patentia,  lanceolata,  oblique  obtusa,  breviter  apiculata, 
omnino  sed  praesertim  apice  minutissime  denticulata,  costa  media  subtus  prominente, 
sicco  rigide  coriacea,  c.  2'6-4  cm.  longa,  0'67-0'83  cm.  lata ;  vaginae  inferne  tubu- 
losse,  superne  canaliculato-conduplicatae.  Injlorescentia  pseudoterminalis,  brevissima, 
c.  3-flora.  Uractete  rachidem  amplectentes,  late  triangula3,  acute  acuminatae,  ad 
c.  07  cm.  longse.  Flores  erecti,  majusculi,  c.  3'1  cm.  longi,  sepalis  sicco  dorso  parco 
nigro-punctatis.  Sepalum  dorsale  ellipticum,  obtusum,  apice  minutissime  denticu- 
latum,  5-nervium,  c.  1'25  cm.  longum,  0'65  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  kcink 
elongata  partim  anguste  lineari  ad  pedem  gynostemii  decurrentia,  inentum  rectum 
ovario  adpressum  c.  1'7  cm.  longum,  superne  marginibus  auticis  longitudine  c.  0'6  cm. 
connatis  anguste  calcariforme  apice  retusum  formantia,  parte  anteriore  oblique 
trkngulum,  marginibus  curvatis,  subacuta,  acute  apiculata,  apice  minutissime 
denticulate,  7-nervia,  costa  media  dorso  prominente,  c.  1-2  cm.  longa,  basi  2  cm. 
margin e  antico  2*9  cm.  metientia.  Petala  spathulato-rhombea,  vix  acuminata, 
acuta,  superne  papilloso-ciliolate,  3-nervia,  c.  1'23  cm.  longa,  0'57  cm.  late. 
Labellum  pedi  gynostemii  et  gynostemio  pamllelum  et  adpressum,  pedi  gynostemii 
longitudine  c.  0'95  cm.  adnatum,  gynostemium  superans,  anguste  lineare,  apicem 
versus  cliktetum,  apice  3-lobuin,  concavum,  infra  apicem  subventricosum,  ecallosum, 
inferne  3-,  superne  7-nervium,  expknatum  c.  2'6  cm.  longum,  ad  lobos  kterales 
fere  0'4  cm.,  basi  partis  liberse  0'175  cm.  ktum;  lobi  kterales  breves,  rotundati, 
papillosi  ;  lobus  intermedius  revolutus,  triangulus,  acutus,  papilloso-cilioktus, 
c.  0-25  cm.  longus,  basi  O16  cm.  ktus.  Gynostemium  a  dorso  compressum,  in 
utraque  stigmatis  parte  obtusangulum,  absque  anthera  c.  0'2  cm.  longum,  clinanclrio 
in  utraque  fikmenti  parte  kcinukto,  filamento  subukto,  incurvo.  Anthera  cucullata, 
antice  visa  quinquangukris,  apicem  versus  angustete,  truncate  et  parte  superiore 
adpresse  puberuk,  basi  2-loba,  c.  0'2  cm.  late.  Pollinia  4,  in  corpuscuk  2  oblique 
obovate  supra  convexa  subtus  concava  unite,  oblique  oblonga,  2  interiora  quam 
cxtci'iora  paulo  angustiora.  Stigma  suborbicukre.  Pes  gynostemii  lineans,  canalicu- 
ktus  c.  1'7  cm.  longus.  Ovarium  pedicelktum  ckvatum,  suj^erne  3-alatum  et 
3-costatum,  ak  superiore  quam  cetera?  longiore  et  in  dentcm  libenHD  trkngulum 
producte,  sparsa  nigro-punctetum,  c.  3  cm.  longum. 

llab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  bank  by  ?  lake.  7000',  terrestrial. 
Dec.  5907. 

This  species,  the  flowers  of  which  agree  in  colour  with  I),  pe 


Svhltr.,  differs  from  the  latter  in  the  larger  flowers,  a  blunt  dorsal  sepal, 

differently  shaped  petals  and  lip,  lacinulate  clinandrium,  not  5-winged  ovary. 

The  flowers  are  described  as  dull  yellow,  with  a  red  tip  to  the  labellum. 

DENDROBIUM  AGATHOD^MONIS  J.  J.  S.  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agr.  Ind.  Neerl.  n.  xxxix. 
(1910)  7 ;  etc. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  open  gravel 
spaces,  8000'.  Dec.  5530  and  5596. 

Disifib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Cyclops  Mts.,  Gjdlerup  ;  D.S.W.,  Aga- 
thodiimonsberg,  von  Roemer,  Hell  wig  Mts.,  van  Noukuys). 

Perhaps  it  would  be  better  to  keep  the  typical  I),  agatliodcemonis  apart 
as  a  species  and  not  to  unite  with  it  the  different  forms  I  successively  added. 
However,  these  forms  are,  in  the  material  at  hand,  almost  all  represented  by 
single  specimens,  and  therefore  it  is  very  difficult  to  make  a  decision. 

The  flowers  of  the  Arfak  specimens  are  described  as  magenta. 


Caules  approximati,  elongati,  superne  flexuosi,  sicco  inferne  teretes  superne  alto 
sulcati,  c.  46  cm.  longi,  internodiis  ad  c.  2'6  cm.  longis.  Folia  basi  semitbrta,  ovato- 
lanceolata,  longe  acuminata,  acutissima,  longe  mucronata,  acumine  denticulata,  costa 
media  subtus  prominente,  sicco  rigidiuscula,  c.  6-7'5  cm.  longa,  1-2-1-9  cm.  lata ; 
vaginae  tubulosse,  internodia  paulum  superantes,  minute  verrucosse,  novelise  sicco 
fusee  punctatse.  Inflorescentiae  ad  nodos  caulium  defoliatorum,  abbreviate, 
c.  4-flora3,  pedunculo  nonnullis  vaginulis  brevibus  tubulosis  tecto.  Bractece  valde 
approximatse,  patentes,  ovato-trian guise,  acute  acuminataa,  concava^,  sicco  c.  0'85  cm. 
longae.  Flores  parvi,  macerati  c.  1*4  cm.  longi.  Sepalum  dorsale  subovale,  apice 
brevissime  productum,  obtusum,  valde  concavum,  3-nervium,  c.  0'65  cm.  longum, 
0'4  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  lacinia  oblique  triangula  ad  pedem  gynostemii 
decurrentia,  marginibus  anticis  longitudine  c.  O65  cm.  connata,  men  turn  magnum 
conicum  ovario  parallelum  suberectum  anguste  obtusum  c.  0'9  cm.  longum  formantia, 
parte  libera  oblique  ovato-triangula,  pra^sertim  margine  postico  valde  curvata,  obtusa, 
apiculata,  concava,  c.  4-nervia,  c.  0'625  cm.  longa,  margine  antico  c.  1'35  cm.,  basi 
1  cm.  metientia.  Petala  oblique  subelliptico-oblonga,  subulato-apiculata,  concava, 
superne  erosula,  3-nervia,  c.  0'65  cm.  longa,  0'27  cm.  lata.  Labellum  gynostemium 
sequans,  basi  gynostemii  longitudine  c.  0'4  cm.  adnatum,  concavum,  apice  cucullatum, 
ecallosum,  c.  5-nervium,  nervis  exterioribus  ramosis,  cucullo  plicato  margine  apicali 
truncate  dense  et  breviter  subulato-lacinulato,  explanatum  cuneatum,  late  obverse 
rhombeum,  fere  I'l  cm.  longum,  0'84  cm.  latum,  ab  apice  cuculli  usque  ad  marginem 
apicalem  c.  0'37  cm.  metiens.  Gynostemium  recurvuluin,  a  dorso  compressum, 
apicem  versvis  dilatatura,  in  utraque  stigmatis  parte  obtusangule  dilatatum, 
c.  0'2G  cm.  longum,  filarnento  curvulo,  lineari,  obtuso,  dorso  convexo,  auriculis 
magnis,  quadrangulis,  obtusissimis,  dimidio  superiore  apice  leviter  productis  et 
denticulatis,  dimidio  inferiore  rotundatis.  Antliera  cucullata,  arnbitu  transverse 
subquadi-angula,  leviter  6-angulata,  basi  biloba,  apice  producta,  truncata  et  papillosa, 
c.  0'22-j  cm.  lata.  Pollinia  4,  oblonga,  in  corpuscula  2  oblique  subovalia  supra 
convexa  subtus  concava  conglutinata.  PCS  gynostemii  linearis,  canaliculatus, 


c.  0'9  cm.  longus.  Ovarium  pedicellatum  clavatum,  minutissime  furfuraceo- 
puncticulatum,  c.  l-25  cm.  longum. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5712. 

Amongst  the  small-flowered  purple  or  pink  coloured  species  of  the  section 
Cali/ptrochilus  this  one  differs  from  D.  roseum  Schltr.  in  its  lonf  acuminate 
leaves,  smaller  flowers,  and  much  broader  lip  without  callus. 

The  flowers  are  pink. 

DKNDROBIUM  (§  CALYPTROCHILUS)  INFRACTUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii. 
(1913)  118  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  340,  t.  cxxiii.  225. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre'  ridge  between  <$  and  ?  lake,  terrestrial  on  burnt 
open  summit  plateau,  9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5655. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

DENDROBIUM  (§  CALYPTROCHILUS)  RIPARIUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii. 
(1913)  117  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  343,  t.  cxxiv.  227. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  epiphytic  in  forest,  7000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5896. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

DENDROBIUM  (§  CALYPTROCHILUS)  FRUTICICOLA  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii. 
(1913)  116  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  t.  cxxv.  229. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  growing  ia 
patches,  abundant,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5510.— Forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  (orange).  Dec.  5553. — Koebre  ridge  between  £  and  ?  lake,  terres- 
trial on  open  burnt  summit  plateau,  9000'.  Dec.  5608. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

The  flowers  show  the  same  slight  differences  as  in  the  original  specimens. 

Planta  parva  (?).  Caulis  ramosus,  valde  flexuosus,  sicco  longitudinaliter  alte 
suleatus,  pars  adest  13'5  cm.  longus,  internodiis  c.  O'G-O'S  cm.  longis.  Folia  parva, 
patentissiina,  oblongo-ovata,  apicem  versus  angustata,  breviter  acuta,  apiculata, 
prsesertim  superne  erosula,  costa  media  sicco  supra  sulcata  subtus  cum  nervis  sequen- 
tibus  prominente,  rigida,  sicco  ad  c.  1*1  cm.  longa,  fere  0.4  cm.  lata;  vagina? 
tubulosse,  verruculosae,  internodia  aequantes.  Ltflorescentice  (1  adest)  in  flexubus 
caulium  foliatorum,  brevissimse,  1-florae,  pedunculo  abbreviate,  nonnnllis  vaginulis 
tubulosis  verruculosis  obtecto.  Bractea  cucullata,  apiculata,  c.  0-85  cm.  longa. 
Flos  c.  1-8  cm.  longus.  Sepalum  dorsale  ovatum.  apiceru  versus  angustatum, 
anguste  obtusum,  breviter  obtuse  apiculatum,  basi  latum,  concavum,  5-nervium, 
c.  U'7o  cm.  longum,  0'4  cm.  latum.  Sepala  lateralia  lacinia  falcatulo-trian^nla  a<l 
pedem  gvnostemii  decurrentia,  margine  antico  inferne  longitudine  c.  0-45  cm. 
connata,  mentum  conicvim  leviter  curvatum  obtusum  ovario  subparallelum  c.  l-25cm. 
longum  formantia,  oblique  triangula,  obtusa,  apice  dorso  leviter  incrassata,  c.  (J-iu-rvia, 
c.  075  cm.  longa,  basi  1'4  cm.  lata.  Petala  lanceolata,  dimidio  superiore  sonsiiu 
angustata  ft  erosula,  obtusa,  2-nervia,  c.  07  cm.  longa,  O225  cm.  lata.  Label/urn 


pecli  gynostemu  et  gynostemio  parallelum,  in  f-  partibus  supra  basin  obtusangiile 
recurvum,  gynostemium  superans,  inferne  c.  0'9  cm.  pedi  gynostemii  adnatum, 
spathulatuin,  valde  concavum  apice  subrectangule  cucullato-incurvum,  margine  apicali 
truncatum  et  breviter  serrato-funbriaturn,  ecallosum,  5-nervium,  c.  1'4  cm.  longum, 
explanatum  1'525  cm.  longum,  lamina  (parte  libera)  obverse  rhombea,  cucullo  obtiisa, 
c.  0'85  cm.  longa,  0'84  cm.  lata,  ab  apice  cuculli  usque  ad  marginem  apicalem  fere 
0'4  cm.  longa.  Gynostemium  latum,  in  utraque  stigmatis  parte  obtusangule  dilatatum, 
absque  anthera  c.  0'275  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  transverso,  concavo,  tilamento  subulato, 
incurvo,  auriculas  paulo  superante,  auriculis  latis,  in  dentem  triangulum  subfcil- 
catulum  acutum  margine  superiore  irregulariter  marginatum  productis.  Anthera 
cucullata,  ambitu  quadrangula,  apice  truncata  et  margine  lato  puberula,  basi  biloba, 
c.  0'2  cm.  lata.  Pollinia  4,  in  corpuscula  2  obovata  supra  convexa  subtus  concava 
unita,  interiora  quam  exteriora  minora.  Stigma  suborbiculare.  Pes  gynostemii  ovario 
parallelus,  leviter  curvatus,  linearis,  canaliculatus,  apice  excavatione  longitudinali 
prseditus,  c.  T25  cm.  longus.  Ovarium  pedicellatum  subclavatum,  c.  2'1  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  and  on  ridge  above, 
epiphytic  in  forest,  7000-8000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5547. 

The  flower  recalls  very  much  that  of  D.  angiense  J.  J.  S.,  but  the  habit  of 
the  plant  is  very  different.  I  do  not  know  whether  the  plant  is  indeed  a 
small  one  or  that  only  the  end  of  a  stem  was  collected. 

The  colour  of  the  flower  is  described  as  red. 

DENDROBIUM  (§  CALYPTROCHILUS)  ANGIENSE  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii. 
(1913)  116  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  346,  t.  cxxvi.  230. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  open  spaces  on  ridge,  terres- 
trial, 7000-8000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5528. 

Distrib.  New  G-uinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup}. 

(1913)  119  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  350,  t.  cxxviii.  234. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  mossy  forest  slopes  to  ?  lake,  7500'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5506. — Ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest, 
SOOtf.  Fl.  Dec.  5998. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

Flowers  purple-magenta. 


Rhizoma  repens,  radicans,  vaginatum.  Pseudobulbi  c.  O'6-l  cm.  distantes,  cum 
rhizomate  angulum  acutum  facientes,  verisimiliter  ovoidei,  sicco  1-8  cm.  longi, 
1-folii.  Folium  erectum,  petiolatum,  anguste  lanceolatum,  acutiusculum,  basi  sensim 
in  petiolum  angustatum,  costa  media  sicco  supra  sulcata  subtus  prominente,  coriaceum, 
c.  8-10  cm.  longum,  1*3  cm.  latum;  petiolus  canaliculatus,  c.  l'3-2  cm.  longus. 
Iiiflorescentiae  1-florse,  pedunculo  tenui,  c.  2'2  cm.  longo,  basi  nonnullis  vaginulis 
tubulosis  acutis  carinatis  clonato.  Sractea  tubulosa,  acuminata,  acuta,  bene  0'6  cm. 
longa.  Flos  majusculus.  Sepalum  dorsale  lineari-lanceolatum,  concavum,  a  pice 
marginibus  incurvis  brevissime  acuminatum,  3-nervium.  fere  2'2  cm.  longum,  0"  1  cm. 


latum.  Sepala  lateralia  oblique  lanceolata,  brevissime  acuminata,  margine  anteriore 
anguste  incurva,  3-nervia,  c.  2'1  cm.  longa,  0'55  cm.  lata.  Petala  parva,  gynostemio 
adpressa,  oblique  lanceolato-triangula,  sensim  acuminata,  subfalcatula,  apice  recurva 
et  convexa,  1-nervia,  c.  0'375  cm.  longa,  bene  O'l  cm.  lata.  Labellum  immobile, 
subrectum,  leviter  sigmoideum,  spathulato-lanceolatum,  totum  c.  1*45  cm.  longum, 
ungue  lineari-oblongo,  basi  lobulis  2  erectis  obtusis  postice  transverse  conjui'ctis 
excavato-concavo,  basi  postice  excavato,  c.  0'35  cm.  longo,  subtus  lonf^itudinaliter 
sulcato,  marginibus  sulci  in  lamina  in  costas  parallelas  longitudinales  aliformes  tenues 
superne  evanescentes  exeuntibus,  lamina  anguste  elliptica,  obtusa,  valde  convsxa, 
papillosa.  Gynostemium  subgracile,  curvatum,  c.  0'44  cm.  longum,  ad  basin 
stigmatis  infra  medium  gynostemii  callo  triangulo  lateraliter  compresso  donatum, 
apice  (filamento)  recurvo,  cum  gynostemio  angulum  obtusum  faciente,  triangulo, 
acuto,  concavo,  clinandrio  concavo,  lateribus  dilatatis  oblique  quadrangulis  dentatis. 
Antliera  cucullata,  connectivo  longitudinaliter  incrassata.  Stigma  longitudinale. 
Pes  gynostemii  brevis,  in  callum  transversum  carnosum  obtusissimum  in  excava- 
tionem  basilarem  labelli  quadrans  incrassatus,  subtus  infra,  callum  in  partem  incurvam 
anguste  oblongam  concavam  labellum  gerentem  productus,  totus  c.  0'13  cm.  longus. 
Ovarium  curvulum,  6-sulcatum,  c.  0'43  cm.  longum ;  pedicellus  tenuis,  c.  0'35  cm. 
supra  basin  articulatus,  c.  2  cm.  longus. 

Hob.  Arf'ak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake. 
Dec.  5GG3. 

This  plant  differs  from  B.  concolor  J.  J.  S.,  probably  its  nearest  ally,  by 
its  longer  leaves,  shorter  peduncle,  larger,  differently  coloured  flowers,  and 
differently  shaped  petals. 

The  sepals  are  described  as  brown,  the  lip  shading  to  yellow. 


Ehizoma  elongaturn,  probabiliter  dependens,  ramosuin,  vaginis  tubulosis  acutis 
vel  acute  acuminatis  dorso  carinatis  ad  c.  0'6  cm.  longis  diu  persistentibus  fere 
omnino  obtectum.  Pseudobulbi  parvi,  spiraliter  dispositi,  c.  1'5  cm.  distantes, 
f  partibus  inferioribus  rhlzomati  adnati,  toti  c.  0'3-0'35  cm.  longi  (sicco),  parte 
libera  rhizomati  adpressa,  bene  semitereti,  truncata,  c.  O'l  cm.  longa,  1 -folia. 
Folium  lanceolatum,  brevissime  acutatum,  conico-apiculatum,  basi  brevissime  con- 
tractum  et  conduplicatum,  costa  media  supra  sulcata,  carnosum,  maceratum  c.  2  cm. 
longum,  0'5  cm.  latum.  Inflorescentiae  numerosae,  ad  nodos  rhizomatis  fasciculate, 
brevissimaj,  1-ftorse,  pedunculo  c.  O'l  cm.  longo,  vaginula  tubulosa  ad  basin.  Bractea 
oblique  cucullata,  dorso  ad  apicem  carinata,  ovario  brevior,  c.  0'07  cm.  longa. 
Flos  parvus,  maceratus  c.  0'3G  cm.  longus,  sepalis  conniventibus,  apice  recurvulis. 
H<'l>(tlum  dorsale  horizontal,  oblongum,  obtusum,  breviter  obtuse  conico-apiculatum, 
concavum,  superne  vix  erosulum,  3-nervium,  c.  0'37  cm.  longum,  0'15  cm.  latum. 
Sepala  lateralia  porrecta,  cum  pede  gynostemii  mentum  subrectanguluin  cum  ovario 
angulum  obtusum  faciens  obtusum  postice  c.  0'13  cm.  longum  fonnantia,  margiue 
proximo  ultra  medium  conglutinata,  oblique  triangula,  falcata,  margine  extoriorc 
rotundata,  obtusa,  breviter  obtuse  conico-apiculata,  concava,  3-nn-via,  tola  c.  ()•;}.")  cm. 
longa,  0'17  cm.  lata.  Pffnln  gyoostemio  :i(l])rcssa,  parallela,  oblique  oblonga,  suj>erne 
denticuluta,  longe  suhulalo-aruininata,  l-ncrvia,  c.  0'3  cm.  longa,  O'l  cm.  latu, 



acumine  O'l  cm.  longo.  Labellum  membrana  tenui  3-nervia  pecli  gynostemii 
insertum,  mobile,  erectum,  sigmoideum,  e  basi  contracta  dentibus  brevibus  reversis 
falcato-triangulis  et  intus  callo  erecto  quadrate  ornata  dilatatum,  fascia  mediana 
longittidinali  convexo-incrassatum  et  subtus  convexum,  lateribus  supra  convexum 
subtus  concavum,  3-nervium,  \  parte  superiore  recurva  et  utrinque  plica  parva  sed 
distincta  supra  convexa  a  parte  inferiore  separata,  itaque  subtrilobum,  medio  utrinque 
minute  ciliolatum,  inexplanatum  c.  0'15  cm.  longum,  explanatum  spathulato- 
obovatum,  c.  0'17  cm.  longum,  O075  cm.  latum,  lobo  intermedio  rotundato,  semi- 
orbiculari,  convexo,  subtus  concavo,  carnosulo,  eciliato,  c.  O05  cm.  longo,  0'075  cm. 
lato.  Gynostemium  cum  ovario  angulum  obtusum  faciens,  curvatum,  totum 
c.  0-12  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concavo,  filamento  elongate,  subulate,  auriculis 
filamentum  bene  superantibus,  subulatis,  falcato-incurvis,  margine  inferiore  lobulo 
subobsoleto  obtuso  munitis.  Anthera  cucullata,  semiglobosa,  apice  producta  incurva 
truncata,  connectivo  gibboso-incrassato  papilloso,  c.  0"05  cm.  alta.  Pollinia  in  cor- 
pusculum  semiglobosum  unita.  Rostellum  triangulum,  obtusum.  Stigma  magnum, 
fere  tetam  faciem  inferiore.m  gynostemii  occupans,  profunde  excavatum,  obovato- 
triangulum.  Pes  gynostemii  cum  ovario  angulum  obtusum  faciens,  subrectus,  basi 
dorso  convexus,  apice  vix  recurvulus,  oblongus,  obtusus,  canaliculatus,  crassiusculus. 
Ovarium  6-sulcatum,  c.  0'075  cm.  longum. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  epiphyte  in  forest,  7000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5662. 

Differs  from  B.  myrtillus  Schltr.,  probably  its  nearest  ally,  by  the 
mentum,  the  broader  slightly  three-lobed  lip  biauricled  at  the  base  and 
only  ciliolate  in  the  middle  beneath  the  semiorbicular  mid-lobe,  and  the 
papillate  connective. 

The  flowers  are  described  as  yellow ;  in  the  dried  plant  the  petals  are 
distinctly  red. 

BULBOPHYLLUM    (§  MONOSEPALUM)    MURICATUM    J.  J.  S.    in    Bull.    Dep.    Agr. 

Ind.  Need.  n.  xlv.   (1911)  9;  in  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1911)  t.  C,  B  ; 

xii.    374. — Monosepalum   muricatum    Schltr.    Orch.    D.    Neu-Guinea, 

(1912)  682. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  mossy  forest, 
8000'.     Fl.     Dec.     5997. 
Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 
Flowers  yellow  with  red  spots. 


Eliizoma  elongatum,  repens,  filiforme,  longinode,  ad  nodos  plerumque  1-subpseudo- 
bulbis  pauces  radices  emittens,  pars  adest  25  cm.  longa,  internodiis  c.  O5-1  cm.  longis, 
vaginis  tubulosis,  quarn  internodia  multo  brevioribus.  Pseudotulbi  c.  1 '5-3-2  cm. 
distantes,  erecti,  oblique  ovoidei,  sicco  valde  rugosi,  c.  0'5-0'65  cm.  longi,  1-folii. 
Folium  erectum,  breviter  petiolatum,  oblongum  ad  ligulatum,  obtusum,  apice  leviter 
insequaliter  vel  subsequaliter  breviter  obtuse  bilobulatum,  basi  acutum,  costa  media 
subtus  prominente,  c.  rS-3'1  cm.  longa,  sicco  0-45-O55  cm.  lata ;  petiolus  cana- 
liculatus, c.  G'l-0-2  cm.  longus.  Inftorescentice  ad  basin  pseudobulborum  et  ad 


nodos  rhizomatis  solitariae,  pedunculo  1-floro  filiformi,  c.  1'3  cm.  longo,  mferne 
c.  2-vaginulis  tubulosis  superne  leviter  arnpliatis  obtusis  c.  0'125  cm.  longis  donato. 
Bractea  brevis,  cupuliformis,  obtusa,  c.  0'08  cm.  longa.  Flos  parvus.  Sepalum 
dorsale  ovatum,  obtusum,  concavum,  3-nervium,  c.  0'34  cm.  longum,  0*225  cm. 
latum.  Sepala  kteralia  oblique  ovalia,  obtusissima,  breviter  obtuse  apiculata, 
3-nervia,  c.  0'35  cm.  longa,  0'22  cm.  lata.  Petala  vix  obovato-ovalia,  obtusissima, 
3-nervia.  Labellum  mobile,  curvum,  carnosum,  ambitu  subquadrangulo-ovale,  basi 
truncatum,  apice  rotunda  turn,  dimidio  inferiore  excavato-concavum  cum  marginibus 
erectis,  antice  convexum,  glabrum,  c.  0'2  cm.  longum,  0'12  cm.  latum.  Gynostemium 
breve,  apice  obtuso,  auriculis  brevibus.  Anthera  cucullata,  explanata  reniformis, 
obtusa,  c.  0-075  cm.  lata.  Pollinia  4,  lateraliter  compressa,  a  latere  visa  obovata, 
exteriora  extus  convexa,  interiora  manifeste  tenuiora.  Stigma  majusculum,  trans- 
versuna.  Pes  gynostemii  cum  ovario  angulum  obtusum  faciens,  quadrangulus,  apicem 
versus  paulo  angustatus,  truncatus,  c.  0'075  cm.  longus  et  fere  sequilatus.  Ovarium 
G-sulcatum,  parce  punctatum,  c.  0'25  cm.  longum ;  pedicellus  tenuis,  supra  basin 
articulatus,  c.  0'45  cm.  longus. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  epiphytic  in  forest, 
7000'.  Dec.  5683. 

This  seems  to  be  the  first  known  species  of  the  section  NematorJuzis  from 
the  Arfak  Mts. 

The  column  was  not  in  a  very  good  state,  hence  the  description  of  it 
wants  completion. 

The  flowers  are  green. 

BlILBOPHYLLUM   (§  PELTOPUS)    OCTARRHENIPETALUM   J.  J.  S.    in    Fedde   Rep. 

xii.  (1913)  400  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  400,  t.  cxlriii.  277. 
Angi  lakes,  forest   patch   by    ?    lake,   epiphytic,    7000'.      Fl.  (white). 
Dec.     5504. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

BULBOPHYLLUM  (§  DiALEiPANTHE)  FRiSTis  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii.  (1913) 
399  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  419,  t.  clviii.  296. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  slopes  by  "  campong,"  ?  lake,  terrestrial  in 
forest,  7500'.  Dec.  5638. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

Only  an  inflorescence. 

BULBOPHYLLUM  (§  HYALOSEMA)  TRICANALIFERDM  J.  J.  S.  in  Fetfde  Rep.  xii. 

(1913)  398  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  426,  t.  clx.  302. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Dec.  5548. 

hi  ft  nb.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Gjellerup). 
Flowers  yellow  with  brown  spots. 




Pusilla.  RMzoma  elongatum,  repens,  ramosum,  radicans,  vaginis  tubulosis 
tectum.  Pseuclobulbi  parvi,  remoti,  omnino  vaginis  obtecti,  2-folii.  Folia  erecta, 
insequimagna,  lanceolato-spathulata,  obtusa,  retusa,  apiculata,  sicco  ad  c.  2'3  cm. 
longa,  0'35  cm.  lata.  Inflorescentia  folia  bene  superans,  laxe  c.  13-flora,  pedunculo 
tenui,  c.  4'5  cm.  longo,  vaginulis  c.  6-tubulosis  apiculatis  inferne  magis  approximatis 
ad  c.  0-35  cm.  longis  donate,  rhachide  tenui,  c.  3  cm.  longa.  Bractece  ovato-triangula?, 
acuminatse,  .acutissima?,  ad  c.  0'225  cm.  longse.  Flores  parvi.  Sepalum  dorsale 
ovatum,  obtusum,  concavum,  1-nervium,  c.  0'2  cm.  longum,  O14  cm.  latum.  Sepala 
lateralia  divergentia,  late  oblique  ovata,  acuta,  oblique  concava,  1-nervia,  c.  0-2  cm. 
tota  0'25  cm.  longa,  0'2  cm.  lata.  Petala  oblique  ovata,  subacuta,  concava,  1-nervia, 
c.  0-16  cm.  longa,  Ol  cm.  kta.  Labellum  leviter  sigmoideum,  unguiculatum,  con- 
cavum,  explanaturn  c.  0'14  cm.  longum,  ungue  quadrangulo,  basi  utrinque  in  lobulum 
parvum  rotundatum  dilatato,  probabiliter  2-glanduloso,  c.  0'07  cm.  longo,  basi 
O06  cm.  lato,  abrupte  in  laniinam  dilatato,  lamina  semilunato-reniformi,  apice 
latissime  rotundata,  medio  leviter  retusa  cum  lobulo  distincto  obtuso  in  sinu,  lobis 
lateralibus  obtusa,  incrassationibus  2  convexis  intus  ad  basin,  intus  papillosa, 
c.  0-06  cm.  longa,  O175  cm.  lata.  Gynostemium  breve,  cum  ovario  angulum 
obtusum  faciens,  dorso  convexum,  papillosum,  absque  anthera  c.  O075  cm.  longum, 
clinandrio  alte  excavato.  Bostellum  latum.  Stigma  transversum,  margine  elevatum. 
Pes  gynostemii  reversus,  c.  Ol  cm.  longus,  basi  ovario  adpressus  et  intus  convexus, 
parte  superiore  incurva,  quam  partem  inferiorem  angustiore,  truncata.  Ovaritim  cum 
pedicello  trigono  torto  clavatum,  c.  0'35  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest, 
8000'.  Dec.  6004. 

A  small  plant  remarkable  for  the  two  convex  thickenings  at  the  base  of 
the  blade  of  the  lip. 

Flowers  white. 

PHREATIA  (§  RHIZOPHYLLUM)  DENSISSIMA  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xii.  (1913) 
26  ;  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  438,  t.  clviii.  314. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  (green).  Dec.  5550. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 


Caules  approximati,  compressi,  simplices,  basi  valde  radicantes,  c.  5-5  cm.  longi, 
cum  vaginis  c.  0'375-0'4  cm.  lati,  internodiis  c.  O5-O7  cm.  longis.  Folia  equitantia, 
erecto-patentia,  articulata,  lateraliter  compressa,  linearia,  interdum  falcatula,  acuta, 
basi  valde  obliqua,  dorso  c.  2-3'5  cm.  longa,  medio  0'275-0'35  cm.  lata;  vaginse  sese 
amplectentes,  tubulosse,  lateraliter  cornpressse,  antice  alte  fissa3,  apice  valde  obliqua?, 
internodia  superantes.  Inflorescentia  axillares,  erectae,  dense  multiflora?,  cylindricse, 
pedunculo  tenui,  c.  1-75-2  cm.  longo,  inferne  nonnullis  vaginulis  tubulosis  longe 
acuminates,  superne  numerosis  vaginulis  bracteiformibus  donate,  rachide  angukta, 
c.  2'4-2'S  cm.  longa.  Bractece  e  basi  lata  longe  lineari-acuminatse,  concave,  iiTe- 
gulariter  marginatae,  c.  0'14  cm.  longae.  Flores  vagi,  minimi  c.  0'17  cm.  lono-i. 


Sepalum  dorsale  erectum,  triangulum,  obtusiusculura,  convexum,  c.  0'06  cm.  longura 
et  latuin.  Sepala  lateralia  oblique  ovato-triangula,  apice  interdum  plus  ininusve 
contracta,  anguste  obtusa,  c.  0-075  cm.  longa,  0'07-0'075  cm.  lata.  Petala  diver- 
gentia,  anguste  oblique  triangula,  subfalcatula,  acuta,  convexa,  1-nervia,  c.  0'07  cm. 
longa.  Labellum  simplex,  decurvuin  cum  ovario  angulum  obtusum  faciens,  medio 
fere  obtusangule  incurvurn,  subsigmoideum,  manifeste  concavum,  1-nervium,  basi 
medio  tantum  affixum,  callis  2  longitudinalibus  parallelis  approximatis  oblongis  in  f 
partibus  inferioribus  labelli,  explanatum  ovato-oblongum,  anguste  obtusum,  c.  Ol  cm. 
longum,  fere  0'05  cm.  latum.  Gynostemium  cum  anthera  0.  O'OG  cm.  longum, 
clinandrio  cum  dorso  gynostemii  angulum  rectum  faciente,  concavo.  Anthera 
cucullata,  ovato-triangula,  basi  leviter  emarginata,  apice  anguste  truncata,  c.  0'04  cm. 
longa.  Pollinia  8,  clavato-pyriformia.  Bostellum  productum.  Stigma  trans- 
versum.  Ovarium  obconicum,  cum  pedicello  angulum  obtusum  faciens,  c.  O'OG  cm. 
longum  ;  pedicellus  crassus,  tortus,  c.  0'06  cm.  longus. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  forest, 
8000'.     Dec.     5993. 

From  the  other  species  this  one  is  readily  distinguished  by  its  moderately 
dense  and  broad  leaves  and  dense  spikes. 
The  flowers  are  said  to  be  yellow. 

Var.  MAJOR  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Gaules  elongati,  inferne  defoliati  cum  radicibus  adpressis,  ad  c.  21  cm.  longi. 
Folia  2-4-3  cm.  longa,  0-37-0-475  cm.  lata.  Pedunculus  c.  2*25-25  cm.  longus ; 
rhachis  4-5  cm.  longa.  Flores  majores.  Sepalum  dorsale  c.  O'l  cm.  longum, 
0-075  cm.  latum,  lateralia  0'12  cm.  longa,  0'8  cm.  lata. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  mossy  slopes  by  ?  lake,  7000-8000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5536. 

This  differs  from  the  type-specimen  only  by  its  longer  stems  and  larger, 
differently  coloured  flowers. 

The  flowers  are  white. 

In  the  dried  specimens  the  flowers  of  the  type  as  well  as  those  of  the 
variety  are  greenish  with  a  large  white  anther. 


P  I  P  B  R  A  C  E  M.      (0.  DB  CANDOLLE.) 

PIPER  ARFAKIANUM  C.  DC.,  sp.  nov. 

Kamulis  glabris,  junioribus  in  nodis  hirtellis;  foliis  modice  petiolatis  glabris, 
lirnbo  ovato-acmninato  basi  ima  sequilatera  acuto  apice  longe  et  acute  acuminate, 
5-nervio,  petiolo  basi  ima  vaginante ;  pedunculo  glabro  quam  petiolus  breviore, 
spica  quam  limbus  pluries  breviore  cylindrica  et  apice  obtusa,  rhachi  pilosa, 
bractese  glabrae,  pelta  transverse  elliptica  centre  late  et  brevissime  pedicelkta, 
ovario  inferne  rhachi  at  baud  profunde  iinmerso  superue  libero  ovato  et  glabro, 
stigmatibus  rotundato-ovatis. 


Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  in  forest,  8000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5525. 

Dioicum,  epiphytum.  Ramuli  spiciferi  1  mm.  crassi,  collenchyma  libriforme  in 
fascicules  discretes  dispositum,  fasciculi  intramedullare,  1-seriati,  canalis  lysigenus 
unicus  centralis.  Limbi  in  sicco  firmi  fuscescentes  et  pellucido-punctulati,  superi 
usque  ad  5  cm.  longi  et  2'5  cm.  lati.  Petioli  usque  ad  5  mm.,  pedunculi  usque 
ad  3  mm.  longi.  Spica  matura  7  mm.  longa,  4  mm.  crassa,  in  sicco  nigra. 


Ramulis  tantum  in  nodis  pilosulis,  primum  Isevibus  postea  lineatim  lenticellatis ; 
foliis  parvis  modice  petiolatis,  limbo  ovato-acuminato  basi  obtuso  apice  obtusiuscule 
et  sat  longe  acuminate  supra  glabro  subtus  baud  dense  piloso,  5-nervio,  petiolo 
piloso  basi  ima  vaginante ;  pedunculo  glabro  quam  petiolus  breviore,  spica  florente 
quam  limbus  paullo  breviore,  rhachi  hirsuta,  bractese  glabrse,  pelta  rotunda, 
staminibus  2,  antheris  tetragonis  4-valvatis. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts..  slopes  of  Koebre  ridge  between  Angi  lakes,  8000'.  FL 
Dec.  5624. 

Dioicum,  epiphytum.  Ramuli  spiciferi  1  mm.  crassi,  collenchyma  libriforme 
in  fascicules  discretes  dispositum,  fasciculi  intramedullares  1-seriati,  canalis  lysi- 
genus unicus  centralis,  in  ramulis  2  mm.  crassis  lineatum  lenticellatis  cellulae 
sclerosse  circum  collenchyma  creberrimse.  Limbi  in  sicco  subcoriacei  fuscescentes 
et  creberrime  pellucido-punctulati  usque  ad  4'2  cm.  longi  et  2  cm.  lati.  Petioli 
circiter  5  mm.,  pedunculi  3  mm.  longi.  Spicse  florentes  3  cm.  longse,  1  mm. 
crassse,  bracteae  pelta  0'75  mm.  diam. 


QUERCUS  LAUTERBACHII  Seemen  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jabrb.  xxiii.  Beitr.  Ivii.  54  ; 
Si:hum.  &  Laut.  264,  t.  iv.  figs.  A-E. 

Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  6000'.     Fr.     Dec.     6124. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  6000',  A.  E.  Pratt  ;  (Herb. 

A  tall  tree  with  slender  stem.  Pratt's  collection  consists  of  a  single 
acorn,  very  striking  in  size,  6'5  cm.  long,  with  cupule  6  cm.  by  5  cm.  and 
nut  4'5  cm.  long  and  about  the  same  in  breadth,  enclosed  in  the  cupule  for 
I'D  cm.  from  the  base.  I  came  across  the  same  group  of  trees  on  the  exact 
spot  kindly  described  to  me  by  Mr.  Pratt  ;  the  ground  was  strewn  with 
acorns  of  all  sizes,  of  which  the  one  originally  collected  would  represent  the 
largest.  The  leaves  are  larger  than  in  Seemen's  measurements,  with  the 
veins  pilose  on  the  under  surface,  but  they  were  collected  from  young 

PIPTURUS  PAPUANUS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbuscula  vel  frutex :  ramulis  internodiis  brevibus,  cortice  rugoso-lenticelloso ; 
innovationes  tomentosae.  Folia  parva,  petiolata,  lanceolata,  sensim  angustata, 
acuminata,  basi  obtusa,  integerrima,  leviter  revoluta,  rigide  membranacea,  supra 


hirsuta,  pilis  albidis  adpressis  dense  obtecta,  demum  asperrima,  subtus  subtiliter 
brunneo-velutina,  trinervia,  costa  media  prominente  nervis  2  lateralibus,  arcuato- 
anastomosantibus,  reticulo  inter  venas  conspicuo.  Glomeruli  feminei  axillares, 
sessiles,  pisifonnes,  densiflori.  Perigonium  tomentosum,  fructiferurn  albo-carnosum. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  ?  , 
Fr.  Dec.  5955. 

Leaves  +6  cm.  by  1*5  cm.,  green,  but  drying  a  dusty  brown,  densely 
covered  on  the  upper  surface  with  punctiform  cystoliths.  Petioles  1*3  cm., 
slender,  densely  puberulous.  Stipules  4  mm.,  lanceolate,  acute,  tomentose 
on  the  outside.  Glomerules  4  mm.  across,  in  fruit,  forming  a  white  swollen 
receptacle.  Flower  ?  3  mm.  long  ;  style  filiform,  hirsute,  2'5  mm.  Achene 
+ 1  mm.  long,  covered  with  short  stiff  white  hairs. 

This  plant  is  distinct  in  the  small  narrow  leaves  with  scabrid  upper 
surface  and  the  very  well-marked  network  of  minor  veins,  forming  minute 
interstices,  covered  with  dense  brown  tomentum  on  the  under  surface.  In 
the  shape  of  the  leaves  it  is  nearest  to  P.mindartensis  Elm.,  but  differs  in  the 
small  size,  more  rigid  texture  and  entire  margins,  the  prominent  venation 
with  fewer  lateral  veins,  and  the  brown  coloration  when  dry. 

GIBBSIA  Rendle,  gen.  nov.     (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 

Flores  inonoici,  unisexuales :  HCasculi  alabastro  depresso-globosi,  mucronati  ; 
perianthio  fere  ad  basin  5-partito,  segmentis  valvatis,  ovatis.  Stamina  5,  antberis 
subrotundis,  dorsifixis,  in  alabastro  inflexis.  Ovarii  rudimentum  lanuginosum. 
Feminei  perianthio  brevi,  late  cupuliforme,  persistente  et  basin  fructus  cupula 
carnosula  adnata  tegente.  Ovarium  ovoideum  valde  obliquum ;  stigma  apicale, 
sessile,  discoideum,  papillosum,  margine  setulis  fimbriato;  ovulum  a  basi  erectum, 
micropyle  elongata,  superne  ampliata  et  fimbriata.  Fructus  subdrupaceus,  parvus, 
valde  obliquus,  exocarpium  tenue,  carnosulum,  et  super  cupulam  demum  separabile, 
endocarpium  crustaceuin.  Semen  conforme,  testa  membranacea  ;  albumen  carnosum  ; 
cotyledones  parvae,  ellipticae  ;  radicula  superior. 

Frutices,  foliis  alternis,  petiolatis,  crenato-serratis,  3-nerviis,  subtus  canescentibus. 
Stipiilae  membranaceae,  in  unam  intrapetiolarem  alte  bifidam  connatae,  deciduie. 
Inflorescentice  axillares,  solitariae  vel  binae,  foliis  multo  breviores,  dichotomse. 
Flores  in  cymulis  parvulis  androgynis  apice  ramulorum  ultiinorum  breviter  pedi- 
cellati.  Bracteee  minutae,  ovatse,  scariosae. 

Recalls  the  genus  Delregeasia  in  its  leaf-characters,  but  in  characters  of 
flower  and  fruit  is  nearest  the  Malayan  and  Pacific  Island  genus  Leucosyke, 
which,  however,  has  a  penicillate  stigma  and  the  fruits  crowded  on  a  fleshy 
receptacle  ;  there  is  no  trace  of  a  fleshy  receptacle  in  Gibbsia.  The  fruit  is 
very  characteristic  ;  the  upper  portion  of  the  thinly  succulent  exocarp 
separates  like  a  cap,  and  the  endocarp  enclosing  the  seed  is  then  readily 
separable  from  the  cup  formed  by  the  union  of  the  somewhat  fleshy  perianth 
with  the  lower  part  of  the  exocarp. 


GIBBSIA  INSIGHTS  Rendle,  sp.  nov. 

Fruteoc  ramulis  foliiferis  colore  cinerascente  et  pilis  brevibus  appressis  hispidis. 
Folia  breviter  petiolata,  lanceolata,  acuminata,  margine  crenato-dentato  recurvato, 
in  facie  superiore  eleganter  reticulato-impressa,  hispidula,  subtus  inter  nervos  rubros 
conspicuos  dense  albo-tomentosa ;  petiolus  ut  in  ramulo  hispidus.  Stipules  infra 
medium  bifidse,  triangulari-acutse,  in  margine  superiore  ciliolatse,  uninerviaB.  In- 
florescentice  geminatse,  ssepius  bis  vel  ter  dicbotoma?,  pedunculo  ramisque  tenuibus, 
foliis  4-2-plo  breviores.  Cymulce  ssepe  floribus  evolutis  7.  Antherae  connective 
umbonato  ;  filamenta  perianthium  aequantia.  Exocarpium  laete-brunneum. 

Leafy  branchlets  2-2'5  mm.  thick.  Leaves  5-8  cm.  long,  1'2-1*7  cm. 
wide  ;  petiole  3-7  mm.  long.  The  leaves  have  a  striking  appearance  ;  the 
three  main  nerves  are  impressed  on  the  upper  face,  which  is  beautifully 
embossed  with  small  chequer-like  areas  representing  the  transverse  and 
small  connecting  veins ;  the  red  main  nerves  on  the  lower  face  stand  out 
conspicuously  on  the  intensely  white  tomentum  covering  the  rest  of  the 
surface.  Stipules  3'5  mm.  long,  united  in  the  lower  third,  each  with  a 
strong  median  nerve.  Inflorescences  generally  in  pairs  in  the  leaf-axils,  to 
2'5  cm.  long  ;  the  small  dense  cymes  are  crowded  at  the  ends  of  the  short 
ultimate  branches,  the  number  of  flowers  in  each  varies — a  typical  one 
is  represented  in  fig.  C,  of  which  a  diagrammatic  analysis  is  given  in  fig.  D. 
Bracts  about  *5  mm.  long.  Flowers  jointed  on  very  short  pedicels,  which 
are  less  than  1  mm.  long.  Bud  of  male  flower  1'5  mm.  in  diameter,  perianth- 
segments  1'6-1'7  mm.  long.  Ovary  slightly  compressed,  ovoid,  with  a 
narrow  rounded  keel  running  along  the  back  and  bearing  a  row  of  short 
forwardly-pointing  setse,  at  the  base  of  each  of  which  is  a  black  dot ; 
similar  but  slightly  larger  setse  surround  the  stigmatic  disc,  covering  it 
when  young  but  ultimately  becoming  reflexed  (figs.  I,  J).  Fruit  about 
1  mm.  long ;  crowned  with  the  withered  stigmatic  disc  ;  exocarp  bright 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5961. 

A  second  species  of  this  genus  was  collected  by  Mr.  Kloss  on  Dr. 
Wollaston's  Dutch  New  Guinea  Expedition.  The  material  is  scanty,  but 
there  is  no  doubt  that  it  represents  a  plant  congeneric  with  the  Arfak 
specimen  and  a  distinct  species.  A  description  is  appended : — 

GIBBSIA  CARSTENSZBNSIS  Rendle,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  ramulis  foliiferis  veluti  in  G.  insignis  hispidis.  Folia  longius  petiolata, 
elliptica,  acuminata,  margine  crenato-dentato,  recurvato,  in  facie  superiore  reti- 
culato-impressa, hispidula,  subtus  nervis  exceptis  albido-tomentosa  ;  petiolo  tenui, 
hispido.  Stipulce  supra  medium  bifida3,  acutse.  Inflorescentia  et  fruclus  velut  in 
G.  insignis. 

Leaves  4'5-7  cm.  long,  2-2'5  cm.  wide  ;  petiole  l-2'5  cm.  long;  bracts 
•75  mm.  long. 


Hab.  Dutch  New  Guinea  :i  Mt.  Carstensz,  5500-6700'.  Collected  by 
0.  B.  Kloss.  Fr.  Jan.  1913. 

Distinguished  from  G.  insignis  by  its  relatively  much  broader  elliptical 
leaves  and  larger  petioles  ;  the  upper  face  is  less  conspicuously  chequered. 
The  bracts  are  also  somewhat  larger. 

FIG.  8. 

Gibbsia  insignis,  Rendle. — A.  Branch,  bearing  leaves  and  inflorescences  ; 
B-L.  Description  in  text.    A.  B.  Rendle,  anal. ;  P.  Highley,  del. 


Description  of  Fig.  8  (B-L)  (p.  131). 

B.  Cymules  clustered  at  the  ends  of  branchlets ;    X  4. 

C.  A   typical   cymule  with  its   subtending  bract,  B ;    the  terminal  female  flower  was 

incompletely  developed,  a,  b,  lateral  bracteoles,  each  subtending-  a  female  flower 
the  lateral  bracteoles  of  which  (a',  b'  in  fig.  D)  subtend  each  a  male  flower — the 
four  male  flowers  indicated;  the  stalk  of  each  of  these  male  flowers  bears  a  pair  of 
minute  bracteoles,  each  of  which  subtends  an  undeveloped  male  flower  with  a 
lateral  bracteole.  The  apex  of  the  inflorescence  and  the  bracteoles  a  and  b  are 
pushed  forward  away  from  the  axis,  x  15. 

D.  Diagram  of  same. 

E.  Male  flower,  with  dehiscent  anthers ;   X  4. 

F.  Stamen ;    X  15.      G.  A   stamen  taken  from   a  bud,  showing  the  umbo-like  dorsal 

connective  ;   X  15. 
H.  Female  flower  ;   x  15. 

I.  Young  stigma,  covered  by  the  ring  of  inflexed  setae. 
J.  Mature  stigma.     I  and  J,  x  40. 
K.  Fruit,  showing  detached  upper  part  of  exocarp  (a),  endocarp   containing  seed  (b), 

and  cupule  (c)  ;   X  8. 
L.  Ovule  :   X  20. 

EXOCAEPUS  sp.  ? 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  common  in  forest  undergrowth  from  8000- 
8500'.  Veg.  5617. 

A  leafless  parasite,  with  dark  green,  rigid,  flattened,  much  branched 
shoot?,  about  1  m.  high.  The  cladodes  are  5  mm.  broad,  showing  swollen 
round  scars  alternately  up  the  nodes,  on  which  the  flowers  are  evidently 
borne  in  fascicles.  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  S.  Moore  for  this  determination, 
but,  as  he  points  out,  in  the  absence  of  flowers  or  fruit  the  genus  must 
remain  uncertain. 

HENSLOWIA  UMBELLATA  Bl.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.-Bat.  i.  (1850)  243  =  //.  Rein- 
wardtiana  Bl.  cf.  Koords,  Excurr-ionsfl.  Java,  ii.  168  ;  Schum.  & 
Laut.  300;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  287  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn. 
Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  146. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  open  summit,  9000'.     FL,  <J  ?  .    Dec.    5623. 
JDistrib.  New  Guinea   (D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Versteec/  ;  Mt.   Oarsteusz, 
Kloss  ;  N.E.).     Java,  Sumatra,  Central  and  Eastern  Himalayas. 
A  saprophyte  with  yellow  foliage  and  flowers. 

HENSLOWIA  CRASSIFOLIA  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  epiphyticus ;  ramuli  graciles,  apice  interdura  volubile,  angulati.  Folia 
petiolata,  parva,  ovata,  apice  apiculata  (apiculo  demum  incurvato),  basi  acuta, 
margine  incurvata,  lamina  demum  convexa,  crasso-coriacea,  in  sicco  nigrescente- 
rugosa,  nervis  inconspicuis.  Flores  4-5-meri,  axillares,  sessiles,  bracteis  minutis, 
triangularibus  stipati.  Flos  <$  perigonium  4-fidum ;  lobi  triangulares ;  stamina  4, 
filamenta  brevia,  antherae  loculis  didyinis.  Flos  $  perigonium  4-  5-fidum ;  lobi 


triangulates,  subacuti ;  stamina  0 ;  ovariuin  inferum,  lineare ;  stylus  brevis,  stigmate 
4-lobo  coronatus. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  slopes  of  Koebre  Mt.,  8000',  epiphytic  in  forest.  Fl., 
c?  ?  .  Dec.  5620. 

A  green  epiphyte  with  thick  leaves.  The  mature  leaves  are  generally 
deflexed  (when  dried),  8  by  3*5  mm.,  with  margins  and  apex  convexly 
incurved — spread  out  after  boiling,  they  are  +  8  mm.  long  and  5  mm. 
across.  The  apiculus  often  disappears  in  the  mature  state,  when  the  apex 
is  just  rounded  and  incurved.  The  flowering  branches  are  4'9  cm.  long. 
The  <£  flowers  are  fasciculate  and  extremely  minute,  1  mm.  long.  The 
?  flowers  are  2  mm.  long,  generally  binate.  Fruit  ±  5  mm.  long  and 
3  mm.  broad,  angular  and  curved,  crowned  with  the  persistent  lobes  of 
the  perigonium. 

This  plant,  in  its  very  minute  thick  leaves,  with  the  incurved  apiculus,  is 
distinct  from  all  members  of  the  genus  so  far  known. 


*POLYGONUM  STRIGOSUM  R.  Br.  Prod.  420. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake.     Fl.,  Fr.     Dec.     5941. 

Distrib.  Burma  and  Malay  Peninsula ;  Java,  Philippines ;  N.E.  to 
S.E.  Australia  and  Tasmania.  Africa. 

A  very  glabrous  form  with  white  flowers. 

POLYGONUM  ALATUM  Emit,  ex  Don,  Prod.  Fl.  Nep.  (1825)  72;  Ridl.  in  Trans. 
Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  ix.  (1916)  139. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl., 
Fr.  5919. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss).  Philippines, 
Java,  Japan,  N.W.  and  S.W.  China  to  India. 

POLYGONUM  BARBATUM  L.  Spec.  PI.  i.  362;  Schum.  &  Laut.  302. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).  Polynesia,  N.E.  Australia,  Malaya,  N.W. 
to  S.  Asia.  Tropical  and  S.  Africa. 

A  rather  reduced  form  with  pink  flowers. 



Frutex  omnino  glaber,  dioicus,  ramuli  teretes,  cortice  cinnamoneo  obducti. 
Folia  obovato-lanceolata,  obtusiuscula,  basi  sensim  in  petiolum  angustata,  margine 
revoluta,  integerrima,  coriacea,  glanduloso-punctata,  rete  nervorum  utrinque  pro- 
minente  nervis  lateralibus  ante  marginem  arcuatim  anastomosantibus.  Flores  in 
axillis  foliorum  fascicuktiin  dispositi.  Flos  <$  sepala  2,  kte  oblonga,  glanduloso- 


pellucida.  Petala  2  linearia,  apicem  versus  dilatata.  Stamina  oo  ,  valde  insequalia, 
fikmentis  ligulatis.  Flos  $  sepak  2.  Petala  2.  Stamina  0.  Ovaria  2-5, 
stipitata,  oblique  ovata,  paululum  compressa ;  stigma  decurrens  ;  ovula  12-16. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  9000',  edge  of  shrubberies,  where  burnt 
on  summit.  Fl.,  <J  ?  .  Dec.  5651. 

This  shrub  showed  the  reddish  stems  and  petioles  with  greenish-white 
flowers  so  general  in  the  genus,  and  was  fairly  abundant  in  the  above 
locality.  In  the  dried  specimens  the  ?  plant  has  a  smooth  reddish  cortex, 
whereas  in  the  $  plant  it  is  rugulose  and  flecked  with  yellow.  Leaves 
+  6*5  cm.  by  2  cm.  ;  neither  leaves  nor  cortex  are  pungent  or  aromatic. 

c  $ 

Drimys  Beccariana  Gibbs.— A.  $  flower ;  B.  Longitudinal  section  of  carpel ; 
C.  <5  flower:  magnified. 

Flowers  spreading  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves  on  the  old  wood,  on  thin 
pedicels,  1/8-2  cm.  long.  Sepals  $  4  mm.  long  by  3  5  mm.  Petals  7  ram. 
by  1-5  mm.  Stamens  2'4  mm.  long.  Sepals  $  3'5  mm.  by  3  mm.  Petals 
4  mm.  by  1*5  mm.  Ovaries  2  mm.  by  over  1  mm. 

This  species  is  so  near  D.  hatamensis  Becc.  ex  descrip.  that  I  concluded 
it  to  be  that  plant.  However,  on  sending  the  material  to  Dr.  Beccari 
for  verification,  he  most  kindly  returned  me,  not  only  the  accompanying 
drawings  of  my  species,  but  also  a  small  piece  of  D.  liatamensis  for 
comparison  ;  from  this  the  new  species  differs  in  the  almost  obtuse, 
coriaceous  and  quasi-sessile  leaves,  only  shortly  attenuated  into  the  petiole, 
the  longer  thinner  pedicels,  and  the  smaller  flowers.  It  is  a  great  pleasure 
to  dedicate  this  plant  to  Dr.  Beccari,  coming  as  it  does  from  a  region  into 
which  he  was  the  first  botanist  to  penetrate,  which  will  always  be  associated 
with  his  name  through  his  splendid  zoological  and  botanical  work. 


Arbor  parva,  utrinque  glaberrima,  dioica  ;  rami  et  ramuli  bene  foliati  ; 
cortex  fere  nigrescente,  striati.  Folia  leviter  obovato-lanceolata,  basi  sensim  in 
petiolum  subalatum  satis  longum  angustata,  apice  acutiuscula,  margine  revoluta, 
Integra,  coriacea,  supra  nitentia,  utrinque  reticulosa-venosa.  Flores  parvi,  graci- 
liter  pedicellati  e  basi  innovationum  fasciculatiin  oriundi.  Flos  d  sepala  2, 
petaloidea.  Petala  12-14,  ligulata.  Ovaria  2-4.  Stigma  carnosum,  cristatum, 
apiee  introrsum  decurrens.  Ovula  ±15. 

Hal).  Arfak  Mts.,  on  S.W.  ridge,  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  7000-8000'. 
Fl.,  $  ?  .  Dec.  5533. 

This  tree,  with  symmetrical  dense  crown  of  dark  leaves  and  pendent 
white  flowers,  turning  pink  later,  was  abundant  in  the  forest  and  in  a 
few  open  spaces  along  the  crest  of  the  ridge.  Largest  leaves  +  5'5-6  cm. 
by  2*3  cm.,  the  midrib  conspicuous,  with  lateral  veins  anastomosing  on  the 
margin  of  the  leaf.  Petiole  dark-coloured,  5  mm.  long.  Pedicels  slender, 
+  1-2  cm.  long.  Sepals  6  mm. by  2  mm.  Petals  unequal,  up  to  6  mm.  long 
and  not  1  mm.  broad.  (The  specimens  show  only  expanded  flowers  :  what 
I  have  described  as  a  sepal  is  still  in  position  on  one  of  the  flowers,  and  as 
there  is  apparently  a  scar  opposite,  it  points  to  there  being  two  members, 
very  caducous,  in  the  outside  whorl  of  the  perianth.)  Ovaries  4  mm.  long. 
Leaves,  sepals,  and  ovaries  are  densely  gland-dotted,  but  neither  cortex  nor 
leaves  are  pungent  to  the  taste  and  only  very  slightly  aromatic.  This  plunt 
is  nearest  to  D.  piperita  Hook,  f.,  of  N.  Borneo,  Philippines,  and  S.W.  New 
Guinea.  It  differs  in  habit,  in  the  shape  and  texture  of  the  leaves,  aud  the 
much  smaller  flowers  with  more  numerous  and  narrower  petals. 


PALMERIA  ARFAKIANA  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  186. 

Arfak  Mts.,  twining  in  forest,  7000'.     Fl.,  <J.     Dec.     5676. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Hatam,  Mt.  Arfak,  5500',  Beccari}. 

As  the  ?  plant  only  was  previously  collected,  a  description  of  the 
(J  flowers  is  appended  : — 

Paniculfs  6  oppositse  ±8  cm.  longse,  quam  folia  breviores,  aliter  ut  in  fl. 
femineis.  Flores  albidi.  Receptaculum  4mm.  diam.,  patelliforme,  intus  hinc  hide 
pilis  obtectum,  extus  dense  flavescente-pilosum.  Tepala  5,  1*5  mm.  longa,  obtuso- 
acuminata.  Stamina  circa  1-4,  eglandulosa.  Antherce  sessiles  £  mm.  longs. 

Trimenea  Perk.  &  Gilg. 

Trib.  MONIMIACEARUM  emend. 

Flores  actinomorphi,  hermaphroditi,  polygami  vel  dioici.  Receptacitlum 
parvum.  Tepala  4-20,  parva.  Stamina  6-15,  biseriata,  raro  uniseriata,  libera, 
omnia  fertilia,  iilainentis  bivvissiinis,  anthene  rimis  longitudinalibus  dehisc-enU-s, 


connectivis  apiculatis  vel  rarius  obsoletis.  Gynceceum  syncarpium,  uni-  vel  bi- 
loculare,  ovula  solitaria,  ab  apice  loculi  pendula,  anatropa ;  stylus  magnus,  pilei- 
formis.  Arbores.  Folia  opposita  vel  alterna,  coriacea  nisi  membranacea,  penni- 
nervia.  Stipules  0.  Flores  saepius  in  racemos  dispositi,  parvi. 

TRIMENIA  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbor  parva,  ramuli  rigidi,  subangulati,  cortice  cinerascente,  leviter  longi- 
tudinaliter  striato.  Folia  opposita,  petiolata,  ovato-lanceolata,  acuta,  basi  in 
petiolum  attenuata,  serrata,  membranacea,  supra  nitidula,  subtus  minute  glanduloso- 
punctata.  Inflorescentia  pedunculata,  axillaris,  rufo-tomentosa,  quam  folia  triple 
brevior.  Flores  breviter  pedicellati,  plerumque  hermaphroditi,  receptaculo  parvo, 
hemispherico.  Stamina  10-14,  biseriata.  Ovarium  glandulosum,  1-ovulatum. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.     Fl.     Dec.     5743. 

Largest  leaves  6  by  2  cm.,  drying  cinnamon-brown  ;  the  midrib 
generally  villous,  impressed  above  and  prominent  below,  red-brown,  with 
many  transverse  lateral  veins.  Petiole  6  mm.,  slender,  villous,  dark 
brown.  Racemes  1'5  mm.  long  (including  the  5  mm.  peduncle),  of  3-4 
pairs  of  flowers  with  a  single  terminal  one.  Flowers  in  bud,  4  mm.  long, 
consisting  of  many  spirally  imbricating,  very  caducous  scales  or  perianth- 
segments  (15  were  counted  in  one  flower),  5-7  lower  ones  smaller  and 
strongly  keeled,  ciliate  on  margins,  the  upper  larger,  petaloid  (white), 
entire.  Pedicels  1  mm.  Stamens  13  (in  one  flower),  2'5  mm.  in  length, 
with  anthers  1  mm.  and  subulate  filaments  1/5  mm.  long,  the  inner  series 
shorter.  Ovary  1*5  mm.  long,  while  still  enclosed  in  the  perianth-segments, 
when  the  immature  stigma  is  grooved  by  the  pressure  of  the  inner  series  of 
stamens  on  the  papillae,  forming  vertical  lines  growing  out  later.  The 
papillae  cover  the  stigma  on  maturity.  After  the  fall  of  'the  perianth- 
segtnents,  the  ovary  is  2'5  mm.  long.  Receptacle  minute,  +  '5  mm. 

This  plant  is  nearest  T.  papua-na  Ridl.,  but  differs  in  the  rufous  tomentum 
on  the  young  parts  and  inflorescence,  in  the  non-acuminate,  serrate,  and 
membranous  leaves,  and  the  small  simple  racemes. 

IDENBURGIA  Gibbs,  gen.  nov. 

Flores  hermaphroditi.  Iteceptaculum  parvum,  bilaterale.  Tepala  4,  petaloidea, 
2 -seriatim  imbricata,  decussata,  subsequalia,  caducissima.  Stamina  6-9-10,  pistillum 
circumdantia  post  anthesin  caduca,  ad  apicem  receptaculi  1-2-seriatim  affixa ; 
filamenta  libera,  kta,  crassa,  brevissima,  antherae  pro  rata  magna?,  adnatse,  lineare- 
oblongse,  loculis  parallelis,  longitudinaliter  dehiseentibus,  connectivo  piano  vel 
apice  apiculato.  Ovarium  syncarpium,  bicarpellatum,  oblongum,  biloculare,  stigma 
maximum,  sessile,  pileiforme,  apice  truncatum,  carnosum,  sicut  ovarium  filamentis 
impressis  longitrorsum  rugatum ;  ovula  2,  in  quoque  loculo  1  ab  apice  pendulum, 
anatropum.  Fructus  ignotus.  Arbor  vel  arbuscula,  glaberrima,  folia  alterna  vel 
opposita,  petiolata,  glanduloso-serrata,  penninervia.  Flores  pedicellati,  in  racemos 
terminales,  breves,  pauciflores  dispositi. 


This  genus  is  nearest  to  the  monotypic  Piptocalyx,  so  far  only  known 
from  N.E.  Australia,  in  the  reduced  number  and  arrangement  of  the  perianth- 
segments  and  the  shape  of  the  stigma ;  but  it  approaches  Trimenia  in  the 
hermaphrodite  flowers,  differing  from  both  in  the  terminal  inflorescence, 
larger  flowers,  thick  stamens  with  very  short  strap-shaped  filaments,  and 
bilocular  ovary.  In  habit  both  species  agree  with  Trimenia,  but  the  leaves 
in  I.  novo-guineensis  differ  in  being  small  and  coriaceous,  alternately  to 
sub-verticillately  arranged,  while  /.  arfakensis,  on  the  contrary,  approaches 
Piptocalyx  in  the  large  opposite  leaves,  pseudo-herbaceous  in  texture, 
produced  at  the  apex  in  a  long  caudate  appendage. 

FIG.  10. 



Idenburgia  novo-guineensis  Gibbs.  —A.  Branch  ;  B.  Flower  with  tepals  ;  C.  Inner 
tepal ;  D.  Flower,  tepals  shed ;  E.  Ovary ;  F.  Showing  pressure  of  stamens 
at  base  of  ovary;  G.  Transverse  section  of  ovary;  H.  Stamen. 


Arbor  parva,  glaberrima,  rami  erecti,  teretes,  cortice  cinerascente,  striguloso 
obducti,  innovationes  rufescentes.  Folia  parva,  alterna  vel  subverticillata,  petiolata, 
oblanceolata,  obtusa  vel  subacuta,  basi  in  petiolum  attenuata,  glanduloso-serrata, 
recurvata,  coriacea,  supra  minute  punctata.  Tepala  4,  biseriata,  albida,  rotundata, 
obtusa,  margine  subcrenulata.  Stamina  8-9.  Ovarium  late  ovoideum,  aliquanto 
compressum,  glabrum. 

Halt.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  edge  of  shrubberies  on  summit,  9000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5054. 


A  small  symmetrical  tree,  fastigiate  in  habit,  with  red  stems  and  whitish- 
green  flowers,  recalling  Drimys  sp.  in  habit  and  colouring.  Leaves  +  5  by 
1*5  cm.  with  petiole  +  1*5  mm.  included  ;  the  leaves  show  conical  marginal 
glandular  teeth,  dark  red  in  colour,  and  a  thick  midrib  produced  at  the 
extreme  apex  of  the  leaf,  impressed  on  the  upper,  dull  red  and  prominent  on 
the  lower  surface,  where  it  shows  2-4  transverse  lateral  veins,  anastomosing 

FIG.  11. 

Idenburgia  arfakensis  Gibbs. — A.  Branch,  nat.  size  ;  B.  Flower,  tepals  shed  ; 
C.  Ovary;  D.  Longitudinal  section  of  ovary ;  E.  Stamen;  F.  Stamen,  after  dehiscence. 

on  the  margins.  Inflorescence  +  6  by  1*6  cm.  Flowers  with  sepals  6  mm. 
long  and  about  the  same  in  breadth.  The  longest  pedicels  are  8  mm.  long 
by  '5-1  mm.  thick,  spreading  at  the  apex  into  a  small  bilateral  receptacle 
2  mm.  across.  Stamens  6  mm.  long.  Anthers  5  mm.  long,  with  the  cells 


sometimes  confluent  at  the  apex.  Filaments  1  mm.  long  and  +  '5  mm. 
thick,  with  the  connective  produced  at  the  apex.  The  ovary  is  flattened  in 
one  plane,  4  mm.  by  2'5  mm.,  8-10-angled  according  to  the  number  of 
stamens.  The  thick  circular  style  is  1  mm.  high. 

IDENBURGIA  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbuscula,  glaberrima,  rarauli  divaricati,  cortice  striato  cinerascente  praediti. 
Folia  opposita,  petiolata,  ovato-lanceolata,  tenuiter  caudato-acuminata,  basi  ?ttenuata, 
ghnduloso-serrata,  membranacea,  nervis  subtus  prominentibus  5-6,  rete  venulorum 
conspicuo.  Racemus  terminalis,  foliis  duplo  brevior.  Tepala  4,  petaloidea,  decus- 
sato-iinbricata,  rotundata,  apice  obtusa.  Stamina  6,  antherarum  connective  baud 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  on  open  summit,  9000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Leaves  11  by  3*3  cm.  (including  petiole  6  mm.  long  and  acumen  1*5  cm. 
by  1  mm.),  dull  brown  in  colour  above  with  veins  barely  visible,  lighter 
beneath  with  dark  brown  veins,  the  midrib  being  produced  into  the  extreme 
apex  of  the  acumen.  Racemes  2  cm.  long;  pedicels  6  mm.  long,  the  upper 
ones  shorter.  Flowers  5  mm.  long  in  bud.  Stamens  4  mm.  long  and 
I'l  mm.  broad,  with  the  rim  of  the  anthers  +5  mm.  broad  and  filaments  red- 
brown,  when  dry.  Ovary  3  mm.  long.  Stigma  just  over  1  mm.  high. 

The  Triineniacese  comprise  the  two  anomalous  genera  Trimenia  and 
Piptoealyx  (I  cannot  accept  Xymalos  as  showing  any  affinity  with  either 
genus),  which  have  so  far  been  included  in  Monimiacese,  under  Tribe  II. 
Trimeniese,  though  showing  little  relation  to  such  a  systematic  position  ; 
indeed  Perkins  and  Gilg  (Das  Pflanzenreich,  iv.  101.  11),  the  monographers 
of  that  order,  consider  that  with  a  better  knowledge  of  the  two  genera  tbey 
would  probably  show  themselves  as  not  related  to  the  Monimiacese.  Tlie 
correctness  of  this  point  of  view  is  borne  out  by  the  discovery  of  the  new 
genus  Ideriburgia,  including  two  species  very  closely  related  to  both  the 
above  genera,  but  with  a  syncarpous  bilocular  ovary. 

A  very  interesting  sequence  in  development  is  shown  in  the  floral 
structure  of  the  three  genera.  In  Idenburgia  the  flowers  are  hermaphrodite, 
whereas  both  Trimenia  (T.  weinmannuefolia  Seem,  from  Fiji,  for  many  years 
the  sole  representative  of  the  genus)  and  Piptoealyx  were  supposed  to  be 
dioecious  ;  T.  papuana  Ridley,  however,  recently  discovered  in  Dutch  S.W- 
New  Guinea  by  Kloss,  like  /.  arfakensis,  is  hermaphrodite.  The  monotypic 
Piptoealyx  is  dioecious. 

The  many  spirally-arranged  perianth  segments  of  Trimenia,  graduating 
from  scales  to  petaloid  tepals,  are  reduced  in  Piptoealyx  to  HX  biseriate 
petuloid  tepals  ;  whereas  in  Idenlmrgia  we  get  four  large  biseriate  petaloid 
tepals — jn  each  case,  however,  equally  caducous,  falling  before  anthesis, 
exposing  the  stamens  before  these  mature.  The  structure  of  the  stamens 



is  identical  in  the  three  genera,  though  in  Jdenlurcjia  they  are  larger  and 
more  massive  in  size  and  appearance. 

Dr.  Rendle  kindly  examined  the  pollen,  which  is  tetrahedral  in  shape, 
offering  no  points  of  interest  or  comparison. 

The  unilocular  ovary  of  Trimenia  and  Piptocalyx  is  identical  in  structure 
with  the  bilocular  Idenburgia.  This  organ  is  somewhat  flattened  in  one 
plane,  showing  angulation  according  to  the  pressure  and  number  of  the 
inner  whorl  of  stamens,  or  in  /.  arfakensis  the  one  whorl  of  stamens.  The 
peculiar  massive,  sessile  stigma  is  also  identical,  but  the  shape  is  masked 
in  the  first  two  genera  by  the  outgrowth  of  papillae.  In  Trimenia,  however, 
in  the  younger  stages,  the  lines  formed  by  the  pressure  of  the  stamens 
before  the  outgrowth  of  the  papilla)  show  the  similarity  of  structure  with 
that  of  Idenburgia. 

The  anatomical  .characters  agree  with  those  given  in  Perkins  and  Gild's 
Monograph  of  the  Monimiacese.  The  wood  in  all  three  genera  is  soft 
and  pithy.  In  the  three  species  of  Trimenia  which  I  have  been  able  to 
compare  with  Idenburgia  there  is  absolute  conformity.  The  primary  cortex 
is  characterized  by  stone  cells,  united  in  groups,  though  in  I.  arfakensis 
these  ?how  a  more  or  less  continuous  ring;  balsam  cells,  with  contents 
soluble  in  alcohol,  are  scattered  through  the  bast.  The  xylem  is  composed 
of  radial  rows  of  often  chambered  vessels  of  considerable  size,  with  1-4-celled 
medullary  rays,  and  is  succeeded  by  a  large  medulla  of  parenchymatous  cells 
without  contents.  In  /.  arfakensis  the  vessels  of  the  wood  are  much  smaller. 

There  is  the  same  agreement  in  the  structure  of  the  leaves  so  far  as 
Trimenia  and  Piptocalyx  are  concerned  ;  but  in  Idenburgia  we  get  a 
difference  between  the  two  species,  viz.,  the  small  alternately  disposed 
coriaceous  leaves  of  7.  novo-guineensis  show  a  very  small-celled  epidermis 
without  stomata,  no  hypoderm,  then  a  regular  two-layered  palisade-tissue, 
the  lower  row  of  much  smaller  cells,  succeeded  by  a  loose-celled  spongy 
parenchyma  and  a  small-celled  epidermis,  which  alone  shows  stomata.  The 
much  larger  quasi-membranous  leaves  of  /.  arfakensis  agree  in  structure 
with  those  of  Trimenia  and  Piptocdlyx,  as  given  in  the  Monograph  and 
examined  by  myself,  viz.,  a  small-celled  epidermis,  without  stomata,  no 
palisade-tissue  or  hypoderm,  but  a  very  loose-celled  mesophyll  interspersed 
with  large  secretory  cells  and  showing  stomata  on  the  lower  epidermis  only. 
Balsam,  soluble  in  alcohol,  is  distributed  equally  through  all  the  tissues 
of  leaf  and  stem  in  I.  novo-guineensis ,  giving  the  characteristic  red  colouring 
which  recalled  Drimys  in  the  field. 

This  genus  is  named  in  honour  of  Mr.  A.  W.  F.  Idenburg,  lately  Governor- 
General  of  the  Netherlands  Indies,  to  whom  I  am  indebted  lor  the  many 
facilities  which  his  great  courtesy  and  interest  in  the  scientific  scope  of  the 
proposed  work  most  generously  assured  me  while  in  Dutch  N.W.  New 


N  E  P  E  N  T  H  A  C  E  JR.       (J.  M.  MACFARLANE.) 

NEPENTHES  MAXIMA  Reinw.  in  Ann.  Sc.  Nat.  iii.  (1824)  369,  t.  xx.  f.  2. 
Var.  MINOR  Macfarlane,  var.  nov.  Omnibus  partibus  minor. 

Arfak  Mia.,  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000',  abundant.  FJ.,  Fr.  Dec. 

Distrib.  (of  type).  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Hatam,  Mt.  Arfak,  Beccari  ; 
D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  S.E.  (Sogeri  region),  Forbes).  Amboina, 
Celebes,  N.  Borneo. 

"  Also  common  in  small  mossy  and  moss-grown  forest  on  the  S.AV.  ridge, 
running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  from  8000-9000'.  Both  in  the  small  forest  of 
the  ridges  and  in  the  open  marsh  this  plant  was  uniformly  seen  of  the  small 
dimensions  of  the  specimens  collected."  The  great  interest  attaching  to  this 
material  is  that  it  is  a  truly  dwarf  or  nanoid  form,  whicli  in  every  particular 
is  smaller  than  the  typical  species — this  peculiarity  being  true  alike  of  stem, 
leaves,  pedicel,  and  inflorescence. 

NEPENTHES  AMPFLLARIA  Jack,  in  Comp.  Bot.  Mag.  i.  (1835)  271  ;  F. 
Muell.  Pap.  PI.  52  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (19 JO)  339. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Monswoon  Been,  ?  lake,  7000',  coll.  by  A.  E.  Pratt.  <J  ? 
Fl.  Dec.  (O.Stapf.) 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Versteeg  ;  S.E.).  Malay 
Peninsula,  N.  Borneo,  Sumatra. 


Pl'LLEA  PAPUANA  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbor  parva,  rainosa ;  ramuli  teretes,  bene  foliati,  glabri ;  cortice  brunneo- 
cinerascente.  Folia  opposita,  petiolata,  crasse  coriacea,  lanceolato-ovata,  basi 
cuneata,  in  petiolum  angustata,  apice  obtusa  vel  emarginata,  penninervia,  venis 
ramulisque  copiosis  reticulata,  utrinque  glabra,  obscure  repanda.  Panicula  folia 
excedentibus  e  capitulis  parvis  pluribus  subdistantibus,  nunnunquam  bifloris  vel 
etiam  unifloris  persistentibus.  Calyce  5-lobato ;  lobi  mernbranacei,  toruentosuli. 
Petala  0.  Stamina  10,  libera,  calycem  excedentia ;  antherse  dorsifixae.  Glandules 
5-10,  apice  incrassato-foveolatae.  Styli  2,  liberi.  Ovarium  infermn,  tubo  calycis 
adnatum,  biloculare  ;  ovula  4,  ab  apice  septi  pendula. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  forest  by  ?   lake,  7000'.     Fl.     Dec.     5576. 

On  the  specimens  collected  the  largest  leaves  are  +  5*4  by  -3  cm.,  with 
the  median  vein  reddish  in  colour  on  the  upper  and  prominent  on  the  lower 
surface,  the  5-6  lateral  veins  enclosing  raised  reticulate  areas,  the  ultimate 
nerve-endings  being  reduced  to  fine  hair-lines.  The  petioles  are  red-brown, 
glabrous,  flattened  above.  Stipules  1  cm.  long,  very  caducous,  subulate  and 
pubescent.  Inflorescence  +  8  by  2  cm.,  with  peduncle  3-4'5  cm.  long, 
faintly  pubescent,  scented ;  secondary  peduncles  in  1-2  superposed  whorls, 



2*5-3  cm.  long,  bearing  small  capitula,  over  5  mm.  across,  of  6-7  flowers, 
each  flower  subtended  by  a  small  caducous,  concave,  pubescent  bract  l-5mm. 
long.  Calyx-lobes  2  by  1  mm.,  ovate  acute,  adnate  to  the  ovary.  Longest 
stamens  with  anthers  3  mm.  long.  Style  "2'5  mm.  long,  subulate  with 
minute  punctiform  stigma.  Ovary  1*2  mm.  long,  pubescent,  adnate  to  the 

This  plant  is  very  near  Callicoma  Stutzeri  F.  Muell.,  first  distributed  by 
him  as  Stutzeria  callicomoides,  then  reduced  to  Callicoma,  as,  in  the  absence 
of  fruit,  he  considered  the  generic  position  dubious.  It  undoubtedly  belongs 
to  Pullea,  the  only  descrepancy  being  in  the  position  of  the  ovules,  which 
are  figured  for  Pullea  (Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  lii.  (1914)  165,  fig.  9)  as  lateral  ; 
whereas  in  both  the  above  plants  they  are  inserted  as  described  by 
von  Mueller  for  P.  Stutzeri,  which  is  distinguished  from  Callicoma  by  the 
glands — erroneously  called  petals  by  him,  but  correctly  described  as  glands 
by  Bailey  ('Queensland  Flora,'  pt.  ii.  536), — which  occur  opposite  the  inner 
whorl  of  stamens,  and  the  more  or  less  inferior  to  semisuperior  ovary.  The 
Arfak  plant  is  distinct  from  the  above  in  the  obscurely  dentate,  obtuse,  more 
reticulate  leaves,  the  more  compound,  less  densely  capitate  inflorescence, 
smaller  flowers,  greater  number  of  glands,  and  the  inferior  ovary. 


SPIR^EANTHEMUM  BULLATUM  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbor  parva,  ramuli  teretes,  cinereo-pubescentes.  Folia  ternatim  verticillata, 
petiolata,  suborbicularia,  rotundata,  in  petiolum  brevem  attenuata,  margine  integer- 
rima,  revoluta,  bullata,  superne  hirsuta  demurn  glabra  et  nitentia,  utrinque  nervis 
hirsutis  impressis,  lateralibus  4-6  prope  marginein  arcuatim  anastomosantibus, 
subtus  proininentibus.  Stipules  subulate,  pubescentes,  mox  caduca?.  Panicula 
axillaris  vel  terminalis,  puberula,  foliis  longior.  Flores  albidi,  longe  pedicellati, 
4-meri.  Calyx  lobis  acutis.  Stamina  8,  alternatim  in»qualia,  majora  calycera 
superantia.  Disci  squamulse  8,  obtuse.  Carpella  4,  incano-pilosa,  stylis  staminibus 
aequalibus  coronata. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake  and  on  S.W. 
ridge  running  up  to  the  lakes.  Fl.  Dec.  5543. 

The  leaves  of  this  species  are  very  distinct,  the  largest  being  5  cm.  by 
over  3*5  cm.,  with  veins  so  impressed  on  the  upper  surface  that  they  limit 
raised  lateral  reticulate  areas,  which  make  the  leaves  very  concave  and 
bullate  in  appearance,  the  convex  under  surface  being  lighter  in  colour 
and  tomentose.  The  young  leaves  are  densely  pubescent  on  both  surfaces. 
Petioles  8  mm.  long,  pilose.  Panicles  8-13  cm.  by  4'3-4'5  cm.,  composed 
of  ternately  verticillate  cymes,  with  bracts  simulating  foliage-leaves  greatly 
reduced  in  size.  Flowers  2  mm.  long,  sometimes  5-lobed,  pilose  with 
scattered  dark  glandular  hairs,  as  are  also  the  pedicels,  which  are  2  mm.  long, 


articulated  above  the  middle.  Stamens  3  mm.  long,  including  globose 
anthers  +  '5  mm.  long,  glabrous.  Carpels  sometimes  3,  with  glabrous  styles 
nearly  2  mm.  long. 

This  plant  is  distinct  from  known  members  of  the  genus  in  the  almost 
orbicular  bullate  leaves  and  the  terminal  inflorescence,  much,  longer  than 
the  leaves.  It  approaches  S.  integrifolium  Pulle  from  the  Hellwig  Mts.  in 
S.W.  New  Guinea,  but  is  distinguished  by  the  ternate  arrangement  of  the 
leaves  and  the  5-lobed  calyx. 


RUBUS  GLOMERATUS  Bl.  Bijdr.  1111 ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot. 
ix.  (1916)  35. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  common  on  edge  of  forest  and  in  Papuan 
"  kebuns  "  on  W.  side  of  ?  lake.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5976. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss ;  S.E.).  Malay 
Peninsula,  Java,  N.  Borneo. 

Under  surface  of  leaves  rusty  brown ;  flowers  white ;  fruit  red,  not  sweet. 


DESMODIUM  SCALPE  DC.  Prod.  ii.  334. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  in  forest  and  where  burnt  by  lake.  Fl. 
Jan.  5902. 

Distrib.  India,  Ceylon,  Java,  N.  Borneo,  Timor,  Celebes,  Philippines  ; 
Mauritius  and  tropical  Africa. 



Frutex,  ramis  crassiusculis.  Folia  opposita,  obovata,  rotundata,  basi  angustata 
coriacea,  nervis  vix  conspicuis  3  paribus,  2 -4  cm.  longa,  1'5  cm.  lata,  petiolis  vix 
2  mm.  longis.  Flores  singuli  in  axillis  superioribus,  pedunculo  brevi  3  mm.  longo, 
angulato.  Bractece  brevissimse,  ovatae,  acutae.  Pedicellus  crassus,  2  mm.  longus. 
Sepala  4,  brevissima,  ovata,  obtusa.  Petala  4,  ovata,  acuta,  persistentia.  Staminodia 
nulk.  Stamina  4,  fikmenta  linearia  crassiuscula,  antherae  oblonga?  rotundata?. 
Discus  pulviniformis.  Stylus  brevior  cylindricus.  Cocci  2,  ovati,  acuti,  lignosi, 
4  mm.  longi.  Endocarpio  soluto.  Semina  singuk  in  cocci  alis  lanceoktis. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Koebre  Mt.,  summit,  in  open,  9000'.  Fl. 
(green),  Fr.  Dec.  5652. 

Differs  from  T.  oppositifolia  Ridl.,  of  Mt.  Carstensz,  in  its  stouter  habit, 
rounded  small  leaves,  with  few  nerves  nearly  sessile,  and  very  short  inflor- 
escences of  a  single  flower.  I  see  no  traces  of  the  staminodes  which  occur 
in  T.  oppositijolia.  It  agrees  with  this  species  in  the  single  seed  to  each 
coccus.  There  are  now  three  species  of  this  genus  known — one  from 


Gnnong  Tahan  in  the  Malay  Peninsula,  which  differs  notably  in  having  two 
seeds  in  each  coccus,  and  this  species  and  T.  oppositifolia  Ridl.  in  New 
Guinea.  (H.N.R.) 


Frutex  prostratus  vel  erectus ;  ramuli  teretes,  bene  foliati,  cortice  fusco- 
nigrescente  circumdati.  Folia  parva,  opposita,  simplicia,  petiolata,  apice  obtusa  vel 
acuta,  basi  cuneata,  margine  integerrima,  revoluta,  coriacea,  glabra.  Corymbi 
axillares,  breviter  pedunculati,  1-  vel  4-flori.  Petala  4,  patentia,  valvata,  apice 
incurva.  Calyx  brevis,  4-lobus.  Stamina  8,  suba;qualia,  filainentis  ligulatis,  glabris. 
Discus  prominens,  8-gonus.  Ovarium  4-loculare,  loculis  2-ovulatis,  ovula  super- 
posita.  Bacca  carnosa,  4-spenna. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  on  burnt  open  summit,  9000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5610. 

This  shrub  was  characteristic  of  the  exposed  summit  of  the  ridge  asso- 
ciated with  Mt/rtus  prostrMa,  either  spreading  or  erect  to  +  1  m.  in  height, 
with  thick  stems  and  dark  green  foliage.  Leaves  +  3  cm.  by  1*3-2  cm., 
roundish  to  lanceolate  in  shape,  the  veins,  showing  tertiary  reticulations,  are 
prominent  on  both  surfaces.  Petiole  thick,  channelled  above,  9  mm.  long. 
Petals  +  4  mm.  by  1'2  mm.  Stamens  3-6  mm.  long.  Ovary  with  disc  and 
style  2'5  mm.  long,  the  latter  showing  a  few  hairs  at  the  base.  Fruit  red- 
brown  in  colour  (dried),  +  9  by  7  mm. 

This  plant  is  distinct  in  its  dwarfed  habit  and  mostly  thick,  almost  round 
leaves  from  any  members  of  the  genus  so  far  known. 

ACRONYCHIA  PAPUANA  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbor  parva.  Folia  opposita,  petiolata,  uni-foliolata,  apice  cuspidato-obtusa, 
basi  cuneata,  margine  integerrima,  chartacea,  utrinque  nitentia,  glanduloso-punctata. 
Cymce  parva?,  axillares,  pedunculate,  1-3-florse.  Calyx  4-fidus,  persistens,  laciniis 
semi-orbiculatis.  Petala  albida,  decidua,  lineari-lanceolata,  apice  inflexa,  subhamata. 
Stamina  8,  filamentis  patentibus  complanatis,  inferne  ciliatis.  Ovarium  tetragonum, 
disco  8-glanduloso  irapositum,  stylus  magnus,  basin  versus  pilosus,  4-loculare,  loculis 
biovulatis,  ovulis  superpositis.  Fructus  viridis,  carnosus,  tetraspermus. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  spinneys  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  FL,  Fr.  Dec. 

The  specimens  show  rather  attenuated  branching,  with  long  internodes 
and  thin  round  greyish-brown  stems.  Leaves  +  6  cm.  by  3  cm.,  greyish  in 
colour,  the  same  on  both  sides  (dried),  the  cusps  under  1  mm.  long,  with 
well-marked  midrib  and  many  transverse  parallel  veins  anastomosing  on  the 
margins.  Petioles  +  5  mm.  long,  terete  and  thick,  articulated  below  the 
lamina.  Cymes  with  flowers  barely  1'5  cm.  long,  peduncle  and  pedicel 
each  +  5  mm.  long.  Petals  4  mm.  by  1*5  mm.,  gland-dotted  in  the  upper 
portion.  Stamens  strap-shaped,  2'5  mm.  long,  those  opposite  the  petals 
somewhat  shorter.  Ovary  with  style  2  mm.  long.  Fruit  +  6  mm.  in  length 
and  breadth. 


This  plant  is  very  near  A.  laivis  Forst.,  common  in  New  Caledonia  and 
N.E.  Australia,  only  differing  in  the  cuspidate  leaves  and  much  reduced 
cymes  with  smaller  flowers. 


Arbor  parva,  ramulis  junioribus  flexuosis  in  sicco  costatis  glabris.  Folia  ovato- 
lanceolata,  sensim  subacute  acuminata,  basi  rotundata,  4-6  cm.  longa,  2-3  cm.  lata, 
chartacea,  utrinque  supra  impresso-reticukta,  glabra ;  costa  supra  prominuk,  infra 
prominens ;  nervi  laterales  utrinsecus  7-9,  a  costa  sub  angulo  lato  abeuntes,  infra 
prominuli,  prominenter  conjunct! ;  petioli  1-2  cm.  longi,  purpurascentes,  supra  kte 
canaliculati,  glabri ;  stipulae  caducse,  lanceolatse,  acute,  1  cm.  longze,  tenuiter  char- 
taceae,  glabrse.  Inflorescentia  $  axillaris,  racemosa,  basi  flore  §  solitario  instructa, 
cireiter  2  cm.  longa,  glabra.  Flores  c?  brevissime  pedicelkti,  basi  gkndulosi. 
Antlierce  sessiles,  circiter  6.  Flores  $  :  pedicelli  demum  1'5  cm.  longi,  recurvati, 
costati.  Calyx  breviter  patelliforinis,  membranaceus,  gkber,  basi  extra  gkndulo 
magno  carnoso  ornatus.  Ovarium  biloculare,  glabrum,  stylo  nullo,  stigmatibus 
2  divaricatis  3 '5  mm.  longis.  Fructus  non  visus. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl., 
c?  ? .  Dec.  5966. 

*GLOCHIDION  MERRILLII  Robinson  in  Phil.  Journ.  Sci.  iv.  (1909)  100. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake.     FL,  Fr.    Dec.    5735. 
Distrib.  Philippines. 

S  APIND  AC  E  jE. 

DODONJEA  VISCOSA  Jacq.  Enum.  PI.  Carib.  19  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  423 ;  Nova 
Guinea,  viii.  (1907)  172  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix. 
(1916)  32. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  edge  of  forest  and  spinneys  by  ?  lake. 
Fr.  Dec.  5557. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Okaba,  Brandenhorst  ;  Mt.  Carstensz, 
Kloss  ;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).  India,  Indo-China,  Malaya,  Polynesia, 
Australia,  New  Zealand. 

IMPATIENS  HERZOGII  K.  Sch.  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  ix.  (1887)  204  ;  Schum. 

&  Laut.  425. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  marshy  places  in  forest  by  ?  lake.  Fl. 
Dec.  5537. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

About  1  m.  high,  with  red  stems,  red  veins  to  leaves,  and  white  flowers. 
This  beautiful  species  was  always  found  in  boggy  places  in  the  forest,  as 
the  latter  ran  out  on  the  open  marsh.  Though  rather  smaller  in  nil 
parts,  which  is  to  be  expected  from  the  altitude,  the  above  specimens  agree 
perfectly  with  Schumann's  species. 




Frutex  vel  arbor  parva ;  innovationes  dense  fusco-sericeo-pubescentes ;  ramuli 
quadrangulares,  demum  teretes,  cinnamomei,  glabrescentes.  Folia  alterna,  petiolata, 
elliptica,  basi  cuneata,  apice  subacuta  vel  obtusa,  serrata,  incurvata,  coriacea,  supra 

FIG.  12. 

JEleeocarpus  koebrensis  Gibbs. — A.  Branch,  nat.  size  ;  B.  Portion  of  flower ; 
C.  Stamen ;  D.  Ovary  with  disc ;  E.  Transverse  section  of  ovary. 

nitida,  subtus  pubescentia.  Hacemi  fusco-pubescentes,  quam  folia  longiores.  Flares 
parvi,  albidi,  hermaphroditi.  Sepala  5,  valvata,  pubescentia.  Petala  5,  apice 
laciniata,  basi  extus  puberula.  Stamina  10^14,  fikmentis  filiforrnibus,  glabris, 


antheris  minutis,  aristatis.  Ovarium  sessile,  disco  sub  5-lobo  impositum,  puberulum, 
3-loculare,  loculis  4-ovulatis ;  ovula  parva,  pendula. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  edge  of  forest  and  burnt  open  summit, 
9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5737. 

A  densely  branching  shrub  or  small  tree,  with  crowded  leaves  and  white 
flowers  with  brownish  calyx.  Largest  leaves  +  5  cm.  by  2*5  cm.  with  im- 
pressed midrib,  and  3-6  lateral  veins,  with  prominent  reticulation  on  the  upper 
surface  ;  on  the  lower  both  midrib  and  lateral  veins  are  conspicuously  raised. 
Racemes  4-10  cm.  long,  single  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves,  in  two  cases 
showing  proliferation  of  the  rhachis  at  the  apex.  Peduncle  1-1*5  cm.  long. 
Flowers  *5  cm.  long.  Pedicels  1  cm.  long,  with  bracts  linear-lanceolate, 
5  mm.  by  1'5  mm.  Sepals  3  mm.  by  1*5  mm.  Petals  5  mm.  long, 
laciniate  +  |  of  length,  contracted  into  a  thickened  keel  at  the  base. 
Stamens  with  filaments  1  mm.  long  and  anthers  3'2  mm.  long,  dehiscing  at 
the  apex.  Ovary  1*5  mm.  long  with  subulate  style  2  mm.  long. 

The  nearest  affinity  to  this  plant  is  E.  corlaceus  Hook.  f.  from  the  moun- 
tains of  Ceylon,  at  6000'.  It  differs  in  the  tawny  pubescence  of  the  young 
shoots,  under  surface  of  leaves  and  inflorescence,  and  in  the  smaller  flowers. 


Frutex  vel  arbor;  ramuli  teretiusculi,  bene  foliati,  innovationes  sericei,  deinum 
glabrati.  Folia  opposita,  breve  petiolata,  oblongo-ovata,  obtusa  vel  apiculata,  basi 
rotundata,  minute  dentata,  coriacea,  superne  glabra,  subtus  pilis  aureo-fulvis  dense 
sericea.  Bacemi  axilla-res,  pedunculati,  2-4-flori,  foliis  sequalongis,  pedicellis 
filiformibus,  sericeis.  Flores  parvuli,  nutantes,  5-meri.  Sepala  oblongo-lanceolata, 
obtusiuscula,  extus  sericea,  carinata.  Petala  cuneato-obovata,  apice  truncata  vel 
brevissime  trilobata,  basin  versus  puberula.  Stamina  15,  biseriata,  puberula ; 
filamentis  filiformibus,  antheris  oblongis,  apice  transverse  breviter  dehiscentibus. 
Discus  obtuse  5-lobatus,  lobis  patentibus  minutis,  glabris.  Ovarium  glabrum, 
biloculare,  loculis  2-ovulatis.  Stylus  glaber,  subuktus,  apice  bilobatus.  Fructus 
baccatus,  glaber. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  in  upper  forest  and  on  the  open  plateau  summit  of 
Koebre  ridge,  8500-9000'.  FL,  Fr.  Dec.  5613. 

A  much  branched  shrub  to  small  tree,  with  stiff  erect  branches.  Largest 
leaves  2  by  1  cm.  with  petioles  +  2  mm.  long,  the  median  vein  impressed 
above  and  very  prominent  below,  with  many  transverse  lateral  veins,  inter- 
connected by  fine  reticulations.  Racemes  +  2-2*5  cm.  long,  including 
peduncles  +  8  mm.  long.  Sepals  3  mm.  long.  Petals  4  by  I'd  mm.  across. 
Stamens  2*5  mm.  including  anthers  1  mm.  long.  Ovary  1  mm.  long. 
Style  1  mm.  long  ;  in  one  case  a  3-locular  ovary  with  3  ovules  in  each 
loculus  and  3-lobed  stigma  was  seen,  and  in  another  3  ovules  were  present 
in  one  loculus  of  a  bilocular  ovary.  Fruit  6  mm.  long  with  crustaceous 
endocarp  and  fleshy  exocarp. 

This  plant  is  very  near  S.  Gaultheria  (F.  Muell.)  Schltr.  from  Mt.  Yule 


in  S.E.  New  Guinea  (Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  liv.  (191f*>)  100).  It  differs  in  the 
smaller  leaves  with  much  shorter  tomentum  underneath,  the  few-flowered 
racemes,  and  the  truncate  to  3-lobed  petals. 

SERICOLEA  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Fruticulus  epiphyticus,  sparsim  ramosus.  Kami  teretiusculi,  innovationes  fulvo- 
sericei.  Folia  opposita,  ovata,  acuminata,  basi  rotundata,  minute  dentata,  incurvata, 
superne  glabra,  subtus  fulvo-sericea,  multinervia,  reticulationibus  conspicuis ;  petiolo 
brevi,  sericeo.  Raeemi  abbreviati,  pedunculati;  floribus  parvis,  oppositis  vel  sub- 
umbellatis,  pedicellis  gracilibus  fultis.  Bractece  knceolatae,  acuminatse.  Sepala  4, 
lanceolata,  acuta,  extus  sericea,  carinata.  Petala  4.  cuneato-obovata,  apice  truncata 
et  brevissime  trilobata,  basi  ciliata.  Stamina  1/-2,  puberula.  Discus  5-lobatus. 
Ovarium  conicum,  glabrum,  biloculare ;  stylus  subulatus ;  stigma  truncatum ; 
ovula  in  loculo  utroque  2,  pendula,  anatropa. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  ridge  above  ?  lake,  8000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Epiphyte  with  hanging  branches  +  *50  m.  long,  in  moss-grown  small 
forest.  Leaves  3'5  cm.  including  hair-like  acumen  +  5  cm.  long  by  1'9  cm. 
broad.  Petiole  2  mm.  long.  Racemes  +3  cm.  long,  including  peduncle 
+ 1'4  cm.  and  pedicels  1*1  cm.,  both  slightly  sericeous  ;  flowers  4  mm.,  pink. 
Sepals  2-5  mm.  long.  Petals  4  mm.  Stamens  1'5  mm.  long  ;  anthers  shorter 
than  the  filaments,  with  apical  dehiscence.  Ovary  and  style  +3  mm.  long. 

This  delicate  little  plant  is,  so  far,  distinct  in  Sencolea  in  the  more  remote 
pairs  of  leaves  and  the  4-merous  pink  flowers. 

The  leaves  were  infested  with  Leptotliyrella  sericolece  Ramsbottom  (p.  04). 

Pyrsonota  Ridl.  and  Mischopleura  Wern\mm  =  Sericolea.  In  the  generic 
diagnosis  of  the  latter  10  stamens  are  given,  but  in  one  bud  of  S.  ovalifolia 
examined  15  stamens  were  seen. 



Frutex  prostratus  ;  rami  volubiles,  teretes,  junioribus  pubescentibus,  demum  glab- 
rati.  Folia  lineari-lanceolata,  acuminata,  in  petiolum  basi  dilatatum  longe  attenuata, 
Integra,  chartacea,  supeme  glabra,  inferne  villosula.  Flores  solitarii,  terminales, 
subsessiles,  flavi.  Sepala  longe  ovata,  acuminata,  coriacea,  concava,  subtus  villosa. 
Petala  5,  obovato-obtusa,  integra.  Stamina  calyce  breviora,  antberis  linearibus, 
filamentis  filiformibus.  Ovaria  5  ;  styli  flexuosi ;  stigmata  simplicia,  apice  concava. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  spreading  on  burnt  open  summit,  9000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5619. 

A  twining  woody  plant  with  large  yellow  flowers.  Largest  leaves  +8'5 
by  1  cm.,  the  midrib  much  impressed  on  the  upper  surface  and  prominent  on 
the  lower.  Flowers  +4  cm.  across.  Sep;ils  unequal,  l'j-1'8  cm.  by  9  mm. 
Petals  1'5  by  l'2-3  cm.,  equalling  the  sepals.  Stamens  unequal,  red-brown 
in  colour  (dried),  the  longest  6  mm.  long;  anthers  2  mm.  long,  with  apical 


pores  ;  filaments  4  mm.  long.     Ovaries  4  mm.  and  styles  6  mm.  long.     The 
material  is  insufficient  to  determine  the  number  of  ovules  in  each  ovary. 

A  species  which  resembles  in  habit  and  flowers  //.  scandens  (Willd.)  Gilg, 
from  Queensland  and  New  South  Wales,  but  is  at  once  distinguished  by  the 
more  linear  leaves  and  smaller  flowers,  and  the  longer  stamens  with  shorter 
anthers  and  longer  filaments.  This  is  the  first  record  of  the  genus  from 
New  Guinea  and  adds  another  to  the  long  list  of  genera  so  far  considered 
limited  to  Australia.  The  genus  is  also  common  to  New  Caledonia,  and 
further  investigation  will  no  doubt  prove  it  to  be  widely  spread  in  New 


HYPERICUM  MUTILUM  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  787 ;  cfr.  Maximowicz  in  Bull.  Ac. 
Sc.  St.  Petersburg,  xi.  (1881)  171. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  7000',  open  marsh  by  ?  lake.  Fl.  (yellow), 
Fr.  Dec.  5963. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss;  N.E.).  Sumatra, 
Java,  N.  Borneo,  Philippines,  Central  and  S.  China;  New  Zealand  and 
Tasmania.  Madagascar.  N.  and  S.  America. 

*ViOLA  DISTANS  Wall.  Cat.  n.  4022. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000',  creeping  amongst 
grass.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5962. 

Distrib.  Temperate  Himalayas,  Nilghiri  Mts.  to  Ceylon.     S.  China. 

Flowers  white,  striped  violet  on  lower  lip.  Drawings  of  the  style  on 
herbarium  sheets  at  Kew  and  the  British  Museum,  including  some  excellent 
dissections  by  the  late  C.  B.  Clarke,  show  complete  identity  with  the  above 
specimens,  which  only  differ  in  the  so  far  recorded  colour  of  the  flowers 
(violet  and  blue). 


SYMBEGONIA  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Herba,  caule  erecto  in  sicco  rufo,  pilis  paucis  longis  suberectis  pubescentibus 
onusto.  Folia  sessilia,  oblique  lanceolata  vel  ovata,  basi  uniauriculata,  apice  angus- 
tata  acuta,  grosse  serrato-dentata,  supra  glabra,  subtus  albo-punctata,  in  nervis 
rufo-pubescentia.  Inflorescentia  terminalis,  a  basi  ramosa,  bracteis  multis,  latis, 
apice  obtusis,  albidis.  Flares  d1  sepalis  2 ;  staminibus  haud  multis  in  columnain 
gracilem  connatis,  supra  liberis ;  antheris  globosis.  Fructus  solitarii  vel  bini, 
pedicellati,  3-alati,  pedunculo  fructifero  puberulo,  alis  apice  divaricatis,  protractis* 
acutis,  sparsim  serratis.  Placenta  bitida. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  forest  by  ?  lake.  Fl.  <J ,  Fr.  Dec. 

The  white  bracts  and  flowers  made  this  plant  conspicuous  in  the  field. 


The  terete  and  slender  stems  are  2  mm.  thick,  with  very  sharply  serrate- 
dentate  leaves,  the  largest  being  6'5  cm.  by  3  cm.  ;  the  acute,  reddish, 
membranous  stipules  1  cm.  long  and  4  mm.  broad  at  the  base.  The  inflor- 
escence, +  2  mm.  long,  is  branched  at  the  base  and  consists  o£  several  pairs 
of  bracts  in  the  axils  of  which  the  <$  flowers  arise.  The  J1  perianth  is 
longly  pilose,  later  glabrous,  +  '8  mm.  across  at  the  base  of  the  segments, 
and  about  the  same  in  length.  The  fruit  is  1  cm.  long  and  1'6— 2  cm. 
broad,  the  wings  being  *5  mm.  in  the  middle  and  '6-'9  mm.  at  the  apex  ; 
they  may  be  unequally  developed,  and  in  one  case  four  wings  were  seen. 
The  capsules  are  generally  binate,  on  pedicels  '6-1  m.  long,  and  peduncles 
7-8  mm.  long,  pubescent. 

This  species  is  very  near  S.  bracteosa  Warb.,  but  is  easily  distinguished 
by  the  white  bracts,  the  thinner  column  and  fewer  stamens  of  the  <$  flowers, 
and  the  different  shape  of  the  wings  of  the  capsule. 

SYMBEGONIA  PARVIFOLIA  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Herba,  caule  erecto,  in  sicco  striato,  rufo-pubescente,  deraum  glabro.  Folia 
minima,  fere  sessilia,  anguste  lanceolata,  apice  acuminata,  basi  obliqua,  distanter  et 
irregulariter  dentata,  supra  sparse  glanduloso-pilosa,  subtus  in  nervis  rufo-pubescentia. 
Inflorescentia  sanguinea,  terminalis,  flores  c?  1  vel  2  in  axillis  bractearum  superiorum 
dispositi.  Perianthio  florum  c?  2-segmentato,  staminibus  paucis  in  columnam 
tenuissimam  ordinatis,  antheris  parvis,  stipitatis.  Fructus  3-alatus,  alis  erectis, 
protractis,  falcatis,  mucronulatis  ut  pedunculus  glabris. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Koebre"  Mt.,  in  small  high  forest,  7000'. 
Fl.  <?,  Fr.  Dec.  5644. 

This  little  plant  is  3'2  cm.  high,  branching  towards  the  apex,  with 
stem,  leaves,  and  indumentum  red  ;  the  stem  is  terete,  3  mm.  thick  at  the 
base.  Stipules  are  transparent,  brown,  +  5  mm.  by  2  mm.,  with  midrib 
produced  as  mucro  +  1  mm.  long.  Largest  leaf  is  +  3  cm.  by  8'7  mm. 
The  inflorescence  is  +  2  cm.  long  by  '9  mm.  with  2-5  pairs  of  red,  ovate- 
lanceolate,  petaloid  bracts  ;  the  lower  or  lowest  pairs  may  be  sterile.  The 
flowers  are  pink,  on  pubescent  pedicels  1  mm.  long.  Perianth  $  glabrous, 
conspicuotisly  net-veined,  7  mm.  long  and  5  mm.  across  at  the  base  of  the 
segments,  which  enclose  the  +  4  cm.  long  column,  of  which  the  stamens 
are  5  mm.  long.  The  fruit  is  1'2  cm.  by  7  mm.,  with  wings  2  mm.  broad 
halfway  up  and  4  mm.  at  the  apex  of  the  capsule. 

This  plant  in  its  small  stature  and  leaves  is  very  distinct  from  all 
Symbegonias  so  far  described. 


MYRTUS  FLAVIDA  Stapf  in  Hook.  Tc.  PI.  t.  2290,  var.  GLABRESCENS  Gibbs, 

var.  nov. 

A  typo  differt  habitu  glabrescente,  foliis  majoribus,  intcrnodiis  longioribus, 
nervis  lateralibus  minus  conspicuis. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  S.W.  ridge,  where  open  on  summit,  8000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5503. 

I  have  found  it  impossible  to  separate  this  plant  from  the  Kinabulu 
species,  which  at  first  glance  looks  distinct,  because  of  the  white  villous  indu- 
mentum densely  covering  the  young  shoots.  The  leaves  of  the  Arfak  plant 
are  quite  glabrous  on  both  sides,  but  no  young  shoots  are  present  on  the 
specimens.  The  yellow  flowers,  1-16  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves,  are  identical 
in  size  and  structure,  even  to  the  small  number  of  ovules,  10-12  in  each 
loculus  ;  in  both  plants  the  calyx  and  pedicels  are  villous.  On  skeletonising 
the  leaves  no  radical  difference  was  apparent  in  the  arrangement  of  the 

Many  of  the  Kinabulu  high  altitude  plants  from  7000-10,000'  are 
characterized  by  hairy  covering,  due  to  the  exposed  conditions  and  cold 
nature  of  the  soil.  None  of  the  Arfak  plants,  on  the  contrary,  show  this 
peculiarity,  being  less  exposed  to  wind  and  sudden  changes  of  temperature, 
and  growing  on  wrell-drained  granite  gravel  soil. 

Mi/rtns  flavida  is  noted  by  Stapf  as  the  first  Myrtle  described  for 
Malaya,  and  it  still  maintains  interest  as  being,  so  far,  the  only  species 
common  to  both  N.  Borneo  and  New  Guinea  ;  but  Ridley  has  since 
described  three  from  Mt.  Carstensz,  in  Dutch  8.W.  New  Guinea,  at  still 
h  gher  altitudes,  while  Eugenia  scolopacina  Ridl.  from  the  same  locality 
is  undoubtedly  a  Myrtou,  very  near  the  present  species,  and  three  more 
are  included  here. 


Frutex  ramoso-prostratus,  novellis  pilosulis,  demum  glabratis.  Folia  breviter 
petiolata,  parva,  opposita  vel  verticillata,  ovata,  tasi  leviter  cuneata,  apice  obtusa, 
margine  revoluta,  coriacea,  utrinque  glabra,  supra  nitentia,  subtus  pallidiora,  rugulosa, 
glandulis  run's  punctata.  Flores  subsessiles,  in  axillis  foliorum  2-3  pedunculatis. 
Calyx  turbinatus,  ultra  ovarium  breviter  productus,  4-lobatus,  lobis  erectis,  angus- 
tatis,  acutis.  Petala  4,  flavida,  unguiculata.  Stamina  oo ,  biseriata,  filamenta  in 
alabastro  inflexa.  Ovarium  3-loculare,  ovula  biseriata.  Fructus  sphaericus,  glaber, 
lobis  calycinis  coronatus.  Semina  plus  minus  irregula liter  tricaietra,  compressa. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  spreading  on  open  burnt  summit,  9000'. 
Fl.,Fr.  Dec.  5601. 

A  densely  spreading  shrub  with  small  leaves  suffused  with  red,  very 
closely  arranged  up  the  stem,  which  is  cylindrical,  clothed  with  a  reddi>h 
papery  cortex,  very  glandular  on  the  young  wood.  Leaves'  +  1  cm.  by 
8  mm.,  with  midrib  slightly  impressed  on  the  upper  surface  and  indistinct 
on  the  lower;  petioles  4  mm.  long,  glandular.  Peduncles  sparsely  villous 
when  young,  2-3  mm.  long.  Flowers  subtended  by  two  villous,  narrow- 
linear  bracts  3  mm.  long.  Calyx-lobes  villous  when  young,  2  mm.  lung, 
narrowing  from  a  broad  base.  Petals  glandular,  4  mm.  by  1  mm.  Stamens 
as  long  as  or  just  exceeding  the  petals ;  anthers  globose.  Style  thick, 


5  mm.  long.     Ovary  1'5  mm.  long.     Fruit  gland-pitted,  2'G  mm.  by  3  mm. 
Seeds  large,  2  mm.  long. 

This  plant  is  nearest  to  M.  rufo-punctata  Panch.,  a  New  Caledonian 
species,  but  differs  in  tbe  prostrate  habit,  ovate  leaves,  and  pedunculate 


Frutex  prostratus,  valde  ramosus,  glaberrimus  et  glanduligerus.  Folia  opposita, 
petiolata,  late  elliptica,  basi  subattenuata,  apice  obtusa  vel  emarginata,  margine 
revoluta,  coriacea,  supra  in  sicco  fuscescentia,  subtus  pallidiora,  pagina  utraque 
glandulis  rufis  prominentibus  conspersa.  Flores  cymosi,  pedicellati,  bibracteolati, 
cymis  axillaribus,  subpedunculatis,  3-floris  vel  solitariis.  Calyx  4-lobatus,  lobi 
triangulares,  obtusi.  Petala  4,  flavida,  unguiculata.  Stamina  oo  ,  biseriata.  Stylus 
filiformis.  Ovarium  biloculare,  ovulis  biseriatis.  Bacca  carnosa. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  S.W.  ridge,  on  open  steep  slopes,  8000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5994. 

In  this  plant  the  stems  are  terete,  with  the  older  wood  dark  brown  in 
colour,  the  younger  reddish  and  rugulose  with  larger  glands  ;  the  small 
leaves  are  closely  arranged  up  the  branches,  the  younger  shoots  being 
reddish  in  colour.  The  leaves  are  +7  mm.  by  5  mm.,  but  with  the  incurved 
margins  appear  3  mm.  across  ;  the  midrib  is  thick,  somewhat  raised  on  the 
u-iderside  but  not  conspicuous.  Petiole  thick  and  glandular,  1'3  mm.  long. 
The  flowers  form  little  subsessile  cymes,  or  are  on  solitary  pedicels  +  1-3  mm. 
long,  with  small,  triangular,  translucent,  gland-dotted  bracts  at  the  base  of 
the  calyx.  Calyx-tube  2  mm.  long,  with  obtuse  lobes  1'5  mm.  long  and  the 
same  in  breadth  at  the  base.  Petals  suborbicular,  +2  mm.  by  1'5  mm. 
Stamens  4'5  mm.  long,  with  minute  globose  anthers.  Style  4  mm.  long. 
Berry  black,  crowned  by  persistent  calyx-lobes,  5  mm.  by  5  mm. 

This  plant  is  nearest  to  M.  prostrata,  described  above,  and  in  the  field 
was  very  similar  in  habit  and  appearance.  It  is  easily  distinguished  by 
the  entire  glabrous  and  more  glandular  leaves,  tbe  longer  stamens,  and 
bilocular  ovary. 


Ffutex  vel  arbor  parva,  ramosissima ;  ramis  cortice  cinerascente  obductis,  tota 
planta  utrmque  glaberrima.  .Folia  parva,  ovata,  obtusa;  basi  in  petiolum  breveiu 
attenuata,  margine  leviter  recurvata,  glandulosa,  coriacea.  Flores  4-meri,  axillares, 
solitarii  vel  bini,  pedicellis  foliis  minoribus.  Calyce  tubo  turbinato,  basi  bibracteolato. 
Sepala  late  obtusa,  glandulosa.  Petala  flava,  reflexa,  basi  unguiculata.  Stamina 
biseriata.  Ovarium  biloculare.  Ovula  biseriata. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  in  shrubberies  on  open  summit  of  Koebre  Mt.,  9000'. 
Fl.  Dec,  5614. 

A  compact  shrub  to  small  tree,  with  very  small  leaves  +'9  mm.  by 
5  mm.,  smooth  and  shining  above,  with  the  midrib  indistinct  on  both 
surfaces  ;  petiole  1  mm.  long.  The  flowers  arise  in  the  axils  of  the  leaves 


all  along  the  branches,  on  pedicels  4  mm.  long,  with  two  small  hracts  at  the 
base.  Calyx-lobes  triangular,  1  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad  at  the  base, 
obtuse  to  acute  and  erect  in  flower.  Petals  2*5  by  1'5  mm.,  the  lamina 
reflexed  in  flower.  Stamens  with  filaments  3  mm.  long  j  anthers  minute. 
Style  3*5  mm.  long.  Ovary  2  mm.  long  by  1  mm.  Pedicels,  calyx,  and 
ovary  thickly  gland-dotted. 

This  plant  approaches  some  forms  of  M.  tenuifolia  (Sm.),  Mez,  but  is 
distinguished  by  the  glabrous  glandular  habit,  much  smaller  leaves,  and 
the  yellow  4-merous  flowers. 


Arbor  parva  ;  ramuli  teretes,  saturate  brunnei.  Folia  coriacea,  opposita,  petiolata, 
oLovata,  spathulata,  rigida,  verisimiliter  impellucida,  glabra,  leviter  recurvata, 
basi  attenuato-cuneata,  apice  obtusa  vel  emarginata,  supra  crebre  punctata,  subtus 
]jar<illele  venosa,  striolata.  Panicula  axillaris  vel  tenninalis,  cvmoso-paucifiora, 
folia  superiora  excedens.  Flores  1-3-ni.  Calycis  tubus  turbinatus,  basi  attenuatus, 
limbi  4-fidi  laciniae  subsequales,  persistentes.  Petala  alba.  Stamina  filamentis 
brevissimis  stylum  aequantibus.  Ovarium  biloculare. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  #000'.     Fl.     Dec.     5986. 

Largest  leaf  3'5  cm.  by  2*5  cm.,  with  the  midrib  impressed  on  the  upper 
surface  and  prominent  on  the  lower.  Petiole  +5  mm.  long.  Cymes 
3-4  cm.  long,  with  first  ternate,  then  racemulose  branching  ;  peduncles 
2  cm.  long.  Flowers  small,  sessile  or  shortly  pedicellate,  with  two  small 
deciduous  bracteoles  at  the  base.  Calyx-tube  3-4  mm.  long.  Stamens 
1  mm.  long.  Style  1  mm.  long.  Ovary  bilocnlar,  with  a  slightly  swollen 
placenta  in  the  centre  of  the  septum  and  four  horizontal  ovules  in  each 

This  plant  is  very  distinct  in  appearance  when  dried,  the  small  spathulate 
leaves  being  arranged  in  erect  pairs  up  the  chocolate-brown  stems,  which 
bear  numerous  inflorescences  of  the  same  colour. 

BACKHOUSIA  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  vel  arbor  parva  ;  ramuli  teretes,  novellis  plus  minus  f ulvo-villosis.  Folia 
opposita,  petiolata,  parva,  ovata,  basi  angustata,  apice  acuta,  tenuiter  coriacea,  leviter 
recurvata,  supra  glanduloso-punctulata,  primo  villosula  mox  glaberrima,  nitentia, 
subtus  densius  atque  dilutius  villosa  (imprimis  in  costa).  Flores  flavidi,  in  cyraas 
pedunculatas  oppositas  dispositi.  Calycis  tubus  late  campanulatus,  villosus, 
o-partitus.  Petala  5.  ovata.  Stamina  corolla  longiora,  filamenta  in  alabastro 
inflexa,  anthers  parvse,  globosai.  Stylus  longus,  filiformis.  Ovarium  hirsutissimum, 
3-loculare  ;  ovula  plurima.  Fructus  (immaturus)  in  sicco  coriaceus.  Capsula  calycem 
persistentem  excedens,  in  coccos  3  facile  partibilis. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  common  everywhere  ;  Koebre  Mt.,  edge  of  shrub- 
beries, 9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5616.— S.W.  ridge,  in  small  forest,  8000'. 
Fr.  (yg.).  Dec.  5999. 

One  of  the  commonest  of  the  ridge  plants,  with  a  compact  crown  of 


dark  green  foliage,  covered  with  the  small  orange-yellow  flowers.  Leaves 
+  1-1*5  cm.  by  6-8  mm.,  with  midrib  impressed  on  the  upper  surface. 
Petiole  +  2  mm.,  villous  when  young.  Cymes  1*5  cm.  long.  Peduncle 
+  5  mm.  long,  densely  fulvo-villous.  Pedicels  2  mm.  long,  with  two 
unequal  bracteoles  at  the  base,  1-3  mm.  long.  Calyx-tube  1  mm.  long  ; 
lobes  2'5  by  2  mm.,  concave,  from  a  broad  base  acute.  Petals  ciliiite, 
concave,  broad  at  base,  4  by  3  mm.  Stamens  pluriseriate,  longest  +  6  mm. 
in  length.  Style  6  mm.  long.  Ovary  1  mm.  by  1'5  mm.,  almost  superior. 
Fruit  red,  capsular,  rising  well  above  the  calyx-tube,  of  which  the  persistent 
lobes  spread  stellately  around  the  base.  In  each  coccus  dehiscence  down  the 
centre  is  indicated. 

In  the  small  vaccinioid  leaves  this  plant  is  so  far  distinct  in  the  genus. 
It  approaches  B.  aurea  Ridl.,  collected  on  Mt.  Carstensz,  in  the  non- 
petaloid  lobes  of  the  calyx,  which  distinguish  both  plants  from  the  known 
Australian  representatives  of  this  genus,  and  the  3-celled  ovary,  but  it  differs 
in  the  dense  pubescence  of  the  young  petioles  and  inflorescence,  and  in  the 
small  axillary  cymes.  The  structure  and  size  of  the  flowers  is  more  or  less 
identical  in  both  species,  the  calyx  being  densely  villous  and  the  petals 
fringed  in  the  Arfak  plant,  which  is  quite  xerophytic  in  habit,  rather 
recalling  some  species  of  Leptospermum. 


Arbor  parva,  tota  glabra;  ramuli  teretes,  junioribus  quatlrangularibus,  cortice 
griseo.  Folia  parva,  opposita,  petiolata,  ovato-obtusa  vel  acutiuscula,  basi  sub- 
coi-data,  plana  vel  leviter  revoluta,  coriacea.  Flores  rubri,  pedicellati,  pedicellis 
bi-bracteolatis,  fasciculatis,  fasciculis  ex  axillis  foliorum  delapsorum  e  ligno  vetere 
oriundis.  Calycis  tubus  campanulatus,  5-lobatus,  lobis  rotundatis,  ciliatis.  Petala  5, 
orbicularia,  basi  angustata,  membranacea.  Stamina  circa  16  uniseriata.  filamentis 
glabris,  rubris,  antheris  cordatis,  nigrescentibus.  Ovarium  inferum,  triangulare, 
3-loculare.  Stylus  longus,  truncatus. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  forest  by   ?   lake,  7000'.     Fl.     Dec.     5529. 

Tree  with  slender  erect  branches,  very  few  showing  any  flowers,  which 
were  only  seen  on  the  old  wood.  Flowering  branches  3-6  mm.  thick 
with  internodes  very  close  together,  the  point  of  insertion  of  the  flower 
fascicles  being  raised.  The  small  leaves  are  crowded  towards  the  apices  of 
the  branches,  the  largest  +  2*2  cm.  by  6  mm.,  {-land-dotted,  with  raised 
midrib  on  both  surfaces.  Petiole  1*5  mm.,  flattened  above.  Flowers  on 
glandular  pedicels  4  mm.  long,  with  two  gland-dotted,  narrowly  linear 
bracteoles  towards  the  base,  +  2  mm.  long.  Calyx  gland-dotted,  with 
tube  3  mm.  long  by  3'5  mm.  broad  at  apex  ;  lobes  glandular,  pellucid, 
1  mm.  long  by  1*5  mm.  broad.  Petals  2  mm.  long  and  the  same  in  breadth. 
Stamens  1'3  cm.  long.  Anthers  +  5  mm.  long.  Style  I'l  cm.  long,  depressed 
in  the  centre  of  ovary,  which  is  1'5  mm.  long  with  three  prominent  angles. 


This  plant  is  very  near  M.  ramiftora  Laut.  from  S.W.  New  Guinea, 
ex  descr.,  but  is  distinct  in  the  small  leaves.  In  this  character  it  approaches 
M.  Regelii  F.  Muell.  from  Mt.  Musgrave  in  S.E.  New  Guinea,  differing, 
however,  in  the  fascicled  flowers  on  the  old  wood. 

FIG.  13. 


Metrosideros  arfakensis  Gibbs. — A.  Brand) ,  reduced  ;  B.  Flower;  C.  Longitudinal 
section  of  flower  ;  D.  Transverse  section  of  ovary. 

FRUTESCENS   L.  Sp.  PL  ed.  1   (1753)    358  ;    Nova   Guinea,  viii. 
(1910)  323. 

Arfak  Mts.,  in  open  spaces  on  ridge  running  up  to  the  Angi  lakes,  and 
gregarious  round  spinneys  by  ?  lake,  7000-8000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5514. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Geelvink  Bay,  Beccari ;  Angi  lakes 
Pratt  (Herb.  Kew.)  ;  D.S.W.,  Gelieb,  Branilenhorst  ;  S.E.).  Jndo-Chinn, 
Malay  Peninsula.  Sumatra,  Java,  N.  Borneo,  Japan. 

Fro.  14. 


Poikilogyne  arfakensis  Bak.  f. — A.  Part  of  inflorescence,  nat.  size  ;  B.  Longitudinal  section 
of  bud  showing  inflexed  stamens ;  C.  Stamen  ;  D.  Capsule  ;  E.  Transverse  section  of 
ripe  capsule  ;  F.  Ovule. 


MELASTOMA  MALABATHRICUM  L.,  var.  ADPRESSUM  C.  B.  Clarke  in  Hook  f.  Fl. 

Brit,  Ind.  vii.  523. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by   ?   lake.     Fl.     Dec.     5934. 
Distrib.  Mergui  to  Singapore,  Penang. 
"  Shrub,  flowers  pink." 

POIKILOGYNE,  Bak.  f.,  gen.  nov. 

Flores  saepius  5-meri.  Galycis  tubus  campanulatus,  pilis  patentibus  sparse 
indutus,  limbus  breviter  5-lobatus.  Petala  5,  oblonga,  mediocria,  apice  acuta. 
Stamina  10,  petalorum  numero  duplo,  sequalia  vel  subaequalia.  Antlierae  mediocres, 
acuminatse,  subrectae,  sub  anthesi  inflexse,  connective  basi  non  producto,  antice 
inappendiculato,  postice  crasse  calcarato.  Ovarium  ovoideum,  5-loculare,  rarius 
4-  vel  6-loculare.  Ovula  in  loculis  numerosa,  placentis  prominulis  angulo  interior! 
loculis  affixis  inserta.  Stylus  filiformis,  elongatus,  stigmate  terminali.  Bacca 
coriacea,  obovoidea,  longitudinaliter  costata,  limbo  calycis  coronata,  4-6-locularis. 
Semina  minuta,  numerosa. 

Frutex  vel  arbuscula,  ramis  novellis  indumento  brevi  dense  indutis.  Folia  ovata, 
crassiuseula,  5-nervia,  mediocria.  Flores  mediocres  in  paniculas  terminales  dispositi, 
ad  extremitates  pedunculorum  verticillatim  fasciculati,  mediocriter  vel  breviuscule 
pedicellati.  Bracteas  parvse. 

This  genus  is  allied  to  Omphalopus  Naud.,  but  differs  by  having  ten 
stamens  instead  of  four,  and  by  the  structure  of  the  fruit  and  anthers. 
It  is  allied  to  DissocJueta  pentamera  Bark.,  which  should  be  transferred  to 
this  genus  as  Poikilogyne  pentamera  (Burk.)  Bak.  f. ;  but  it  differs  from  the 
genus  J )issocliceta  in  not  having  the  two  setiform  appendages  at  the  base 
of  the  connective.  In  bud  the  anthers  are  inflexed. 

POIKILOGYNE  ARFAKENSIS  Bak.  f.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  vel  arbuscula,  ramis  junioribus  in  sicco  indumento  brevi  et  purpureo 
dense  indutis.  Folia  ovata,  basi  rotundata  vel  subcordata,  margine  serrata, 
5-nervia,  apice  acuta  vel  subacuta,  superne  indumento  aureo-brunneo  dense  obtecta, 
subtus  costa  prominente,  nervis  secundariis  prominulis.  Flores  in  paniculas 
terminales  dispositi,  pedicellis  indumento  brevi  dense  tectis.  Bractece  parvae. 
Calyx  extus  pubescens,  lobis  brevibus.  Petala  oblonga,  rosea.  Stamina  10,  sequalia 
vel  subsequalia,  connective  basi  postice  calcarato,  antice  inappendiculato.  Bacca 
coriacea,  obovoidea,  longitudinaliter  costata,  4-6-locularis.  Semina  parva,  numerosa. 

Hub.  Arfak    Mts.,  Angi    lakes,   edge   of   forest.      Shrub   to  small    tree. 
Leaves  up  to  6  cm.  long.     Flowers  lovely  pink  ;  Hv4ng  plants  1-stemmed        v"  V 
up  to  2-50  in.     Fl.,  Fr.     Dec.     5512.— Koeb^e  Mt^  Angi  lakes,  ^000-9000'. 
Flowers  pinkish  red  outside.     Shrub  or  small  tree.     Dec.     5534. 

Leaves  4-6  cm.  long,  30-35  mm.  broad  ;  petiole  10-15  mm.  long.  Calyx 
±6  mm.  long.  Petals  rose,  ±15  nun.  long.  Stamens  10.  Anthers 
±4  mm.  long.  Berry  coriaceous,  8-10  mm.  long,  6-7  mm.  broad. 



Frutex,  ramis  obscure  tetragonis  sparse  rufo-pubescentibus.  Folia  oblonga,  apice 
basique  acuta,  supra  demum  glabra,  subtus  nervis  rufo-pubescentibus,  trinervia,  petiolo 
rufo-pubescente  instructa.  Paniculce  terminales,  pluri-  vel  multiflorae,  bracteatte. 
Bractece  lineares  vel  lineari-oblongse.  Pedicelli  rufo-pubescentes.  Flo-res  hexameri. 
Calycis  tubus  campanulatus,  dentibus  acutis.  Petala  alba,  acuta,  carnosula.  Stamina 
12  sequalia,  antheris  lineari-lanceolatis  apice  1-porosis,  connectivo  basi  breviter  postice 
auriculato  antice  inappendiculato.  Fructus  ignotus. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  patches,  9000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5649. 

Leaves  6-8  cm.  long,  20-23  mm.  broad  ;  petiole  6-7  mm.  long.  Calyx- 
tube  +  5  mm.  long.  Petals  6-7  mm.  long. 

Noticeable  on  account  of  the  rusty  pubescence  in  the  many-flowered 
panicles  of  hexamerous  flowers,  and  the  narrow,  oblong,  reddish  bracts  in 
pairs,  and  the  white  flowers. 

MEDINILLA  ARFAKENSIS  Bak.  f.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  ad  M.  speciosam  Blume  et  M.  myriantliam  Men1,  accedens,  ramis  4-gonis 
vel  brevissime  4-alatis  ad  nodos  leviter  incrassatis  et  barbatis.  Folia  opposita, 
sessilia,  oblongo-lanceolata  vel  ovato-lanceolata,  apice  acuta  basi  late  cuneata 
7-9-plinervia,  costa  subtus  conspicua.  Flores  minusculi,  saepius  5-meri  in  paniculas 
dispositi,  quam  in  M.  speciosa  Blume  minores.  Pedicelli  graciles,  minute  verru- 
cosi.  Calycis  tubus  campanulatus,  verrucosus,  limbo  vix  lobato.  Petala  alba, 
carnosula.  Stamina  10  sequalia,  connectivo  postice  calcarato,  filamentis  antheris 
paullo  longioribus.  Ovarium  5-loculare,  stylo  filiformi,  stigmate  punctiformi. 
Fructus  ignotus. 

Hab.  Koebre  Mt.,  Angi  lakes,  8000-9000'.     Fl.  (white).     Dec.     5597. 

Leaves  16-18  cm.  long,  6-6'5  cm.  broad.  Calyx  +3  mm.  long.  Petals 
white,  +  6  mm.  long.  Anthers  +  2  mm.  long. 

The  distinguishing  characteristics  are  the  opposite,  sessile,  7-9-plinerved, 
ovate- lanceolate  or  oblong-lanceolate  leaves,  and  the  small  white  flowers  in 
panicles,  the  calyx  being  externally  somewhat  warted  and  only  +3  mm.  long. 

No.  6133,  from  lower  ridge  in  high  forest,  must  also  probably  be  referred 
to  the  above. 

MEDINILLA  FORBESII  Bak.  f.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  55. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  common  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5736. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Utakwa  River  to  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ; 
S.E.,  Mt.  Wariwari,  Forbes). 

"  Shrub,  inflorescence  caulino  at  nodes  all  up  the  stem.  Flowers  white, 
petals  pink,  fruit  red." 



*HALORKHAGIS  MICRANTHA  (Thunb.)  R.  Br.  ess  Sieb.  et  Zucc.  Fl.  Jap.  Fain. 
Nat.  i.  25. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.    Fl.    Dec.    5918. 

Distrib.  India,  Indo-Ohina,  China,  Japan  ;  N.  Borneo,  Philippines ; 
Australia,  Tasmania  ;  New  Zealand. 


Plant  a  robusta,  suffruticosa,  erecta.  Folia  3-4-verticillata,  subsessilia,  obovato- 
lanceolata,  acuta,  basi  in  caulera  decurrentia  angulum  satis  proininentem  formantia, 
serrata,  coriacea,  supra  glabra,  nitida,  subtus  pilis  albis  sparsis  adpressis  inspersa, 
demum  glabrata.  Inflorescentice  ad  apices  caulis  dense  raceinoso-panniculatae. 
Flares  hermaphroditi,  rubri,  in  bractearum  axillis  solitarii.  Calyx  4-lobus,  hirsutus. 
Petala  4.  Stamina  8,  filamentis  tenuissimis,  brevibus.  Ovarium  4-loculare, 
8-costatum.  Styli  4  sessiles,  stigmatibus  papillosis. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000',  abundiint. 
Fl.  (<?  stage).  Dec.  5555.— Fl.  (?  stage).  5942. 

A  shrubby  herbaceous  plant,  also  seen  in  tbe  mossy  forest  on  the  crest  of 
the  S.W.  ridge,  the  single  shoots  1*2  m.  high,  rigid  from  the  hard  texture 
of  the  leaves,  with  hirsute  stems  3  mm.  thick.  Leaves  in  crowded  or 
more  remote  verticels,  with  hard  spinous  teeth  and  tips,  2  cm.  by  1  cm., 
reticulately  veined,  with  impressed  midrib  and  inconspicuous  cystoliths  on 
the  upper  surface,  while  on  the  lower  the  midrib  is  raised  and  covered  with 
hairs.  Inflorescence  spreading  at  the  base,  11-16  by  2'5-8  cm.  Flowers  on 
hirsute  pedicels  1*5  mm.  Sepals  1*5  mm.  long,  acute  to  acuminate.  Petals 
+  2'5  mm.  long,  boat-shaped,  pilose  on  the  cucullate  apex,  which  is  carinate, 
inflexed.  Anthers  1*5  mm.  long;  filaments  +'5  mm.  long.  Stigma  red, 
+  *5  mm.  long. 

The  affinity  is  with  //.  halconensis  Merr.,  but  the  plant  is  distinguished 
by  the  more  robust  habit,  the  glabrous,  spinescent  leaves  and  bracts,  broader 
inflorescence,  and  the  hirsute  calyx  with  shorter  lobes. 



Frutex  parvus ;  ramuli  glaberrimi,  cortex  (in  sicco)  flavescens,  longitudinaliter 
stria tus.  Folia  5-digitata,  glabra,  longe  petiolata;  foliola  inaequaliter  petiolulata, 
petioluli  aegre  alati,  ad  apicem  articulata  ;  foliola  obcuneata,  apice  obtusa,  integer- 
rima,  incurvata,  coriacea,  nervis  subtus  magis  prominentibus.  Infloreseentiu  axillaris 
vel  pseudo-terminalis,  racemosa.  racemi  1-4  in  axillis  foliorum  superiorurn  dispositis, 
pedunculi  pedicelli  calycesque  squaniulosi.  Coluinna  stylorum  in  floribus  subplana, 
in  fructibus  iraniaturis  5-angulata  et  leviter  conico-elevata,  apice  in  lobos  5  stigniaticos 

Llab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  forest  by  $  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr  (yg.). 
Dec.  5621. 


This  plant  is  very  small  in  all  its  parts  ;  the  largest  leaf  is  "9  <lm.  by 
9'5  cm.  with  petiole  1  dm.  long  ;  the  petiolules  vary  from  l'5-2'5  cm.,  the  two 
lateral  ones  heing  the  shortest  and  bearing  the  smallest  folioles,  generally 
very  unequal  in  size;  the  largest  folioles  are  +7  cm.  by  2  cm.  with  5-6 
lateral  veins.  The  inflorescence  is  compound,  composed  of  racemes  grouped 
1-4  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves  ;  the  flowering  racemes  are  ±9  cm.  by 
4  cm.  with  peduncles  2-3  cm.  long,  the  umbels  are  +1  cm.  across  and 
consist  of  9-10  flowers,  on  pedicels  +4  mm.  long,  each  subtended  by  a 
minute  bract.  The  fruiting  racemes  (immature)  are  11  cm.  long  and 
chocolate-brown  in  colour  when  dried.  Flowers  green.  Calyx  1'5  mm.  by 
1-7  mm.  Petals  angular  acute,  2  mm.  long.  Stamens  1'5  mm.  long,  with 
ovate  anthers  '7  mm.  long.  Style  ±'5  mm.  long.  Fruit  5-ribbed  with 
conical  disc  3  mm.  long  ;  persistent  style  1  mm.  long. 

The  elongated  style  with  fiv«  stigmatic  lobes  places  this  plant  in  the 
Agalma  group.  It  is  very  closely  allied  to  S.  monticola  Ridl.,  collected  on 
Mt.  Carstensz  by  Kloss,  but  differs  in  the  larger  leaves  with  much  longer 
petioles  and  petiolules,  the  longer  obtuse  folioles,  much  narrowed  into  the 
petiolules,  and  in  heing  much  more  sparsely  squamulose. 


Arbor  parva.  Folia  ampla,  digitata,  longe  petiolata,  petiolo  glabro,  vagina 
lata,  in  stipulam  lanceolatam  lorige  producto,  squamulis  setosis  densissime  obtecta  ; 
foliola  15,  apice  petioli  vertieillata,  breviter  petiolata,  oblonga,  basi  obtusa,  apice 
cuspidata  vel  obtusa,  integerrima,  coriacea,  glabra.  Panicula  terminalis,  rami 
peclunculati,  florum  capitula  secus  ramos  paniculae  racemosa,  flores  pedicellati, 
rhachis  furfuracea.  Calyx  margine  vix  distinctus.  Corolla  et  stamina  non  visa. 
Discus  meclio  conicus,  uiargine  undulatus.  Ovarium  5-loculare,  semisuperum. 
Styli  in  columnam  brevem  eonnati,  stigmati  bus  sessilibus.  Bacca  sessilis.  5-costata, 
apice  convexa. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl., 
Fr.  (yg.).  5950. 

A  small  tree  with  the  habit  of  Sliefflera  actinophylla  (F.  Muell.)  Harms. 
In  the  specimen  leaf  the  petiole,  including  vagina,  is  2-4  dm.  long,  the 
stipules  being  2  cm.  by  6  mm.,  very  coriaceous  in  texture  ;  the  petiolules 
are  comparatively  thick  and  short,  l'5-3  cm.  long ;  folioles  vary  from 
7  cm.-l'7  dm.  by  2'5-4'5  cm.,  all  are  more  or  less  sharply  cuspidate,  though 
the  cusp  varies  in  length  and  may  even  not  be  developed  ;  when  dried  the 
leaves  are  chocolate-brown  in  colour,  with  smooth  upper  surface,  the  lower 
being  light  brown  and  rugulose,  with  the  veins  showing  faintly.  The 
branches  and  the  inflorescence  are  each  5*4  dm.  by  3'5  cm.,  the  small 
umbels  on  peduncles  +1  cm.  long  consist  of  10-12  flowers,  on  pedicels 
3'5  mm.  long,  non-articulated,  with  minute  scales  almost  forming  little 
involucres  at  the  base,  1  mm.  long  :  these  scales  increase  in  size  in  fruit  to 
2  mm.  long,  as  does  also  the  furfuraceous  covering  of  the  rhachis.  The 


umbels  in  fruit  become  apparently  capitate.  The  number  of  segments  of  the 
enormous  leaves  were  counted  in  the  field,  while  the  measurements  given 
for  the  length  of  the  leaves  include  1'2  dm.  of  the  peduncle,  which  does  not, 
however,  represent  its  entire  length.  Calyx  3  mm.  long.  Disc  and  styles 
'7  mm.  long.  Fruit  4  mm.  by  4  mm.,  semi-superior,  with  disc  and  styles 
1  mm.  long.  Seeds  laterally  compressed,  +3  mm.  long. 

This  plant  comes  into  Eusliefflera  on  the  strength  of  the  pedicellate 
flowers,  but  the  capitate  heads  of  sessile  fruit  suggest  Cephaloshefflera. 
In  the  pseudo-involucre  of  minute  scales  becoming  longer  in  fruit,  it  seems 
distinct  from  either  section.  It  belongs  to  the  Heptapleurum  group,  in 
which  the  styles  are  joined  in  a  short  thick  column. 


Arbor  parva,  glaberrima.  Folia  alterna,  petiolata,  bipinnata,  5-juga,  iinpari- 
pinnata  ;  foliola  petiolulata,  lanceolato-ovata,  integerruna.  menibranacea,  basi  acuta 
vel  obtusa,  insquilatera,  apice  breviter  acurninata.  Inflorescentia  axillaris,  bipedata, 
maxirae  composita,  pedunculi  priniarii  bipedati,  elongati ;  secundarii  vel  tertiarii 
verticillati  vel  oppositi,  summi  tertiarii  uinbellati.  umbelluli  10-14-flori.  Flores 
parvi,  pedicelli  articulati.  Calyx  5-dentatus.  Petala  5,  lineari-lanceolata,  apice 
longe  carinata.  Filamenta  quam  antherce  breviora.  Ovarium  triloculare.  Stylus 
pyramidato-connatus.  Fructus  ignotus. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Dec. 

A  small  tree  with  large  deltoid  leaves  aggregated  towards  the  top,  the 
inflorescences  arising  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves  ;  in  dried  condition 
the  wine-brown  colour  of  the  stems  and  rhachis  of  both  leaves  and  inflor- 
escence is  very  characteristic.  The  petiole  is  1*7  dm.  long,  dilated  at  the 
point  of  insertion,  but  contracted  just  above  it,  while  the  leaf  is  3'3  dm.  by 
(5  dm.  at  the  base,  with  the  lowest  pinnae  5-jugate  and  the  upper  3-jugate, 
the  largest  folioles  being  8'5  cm.  by  3*6  cm.,  with  petiolules  1'3  cm.  long. 
The  inflorescence  (immature)  is  4'5  dm.  by  5'2  dm.,  with  peduncle  + 12'5  dm. 
long.  The  secondary  and  tertiary  branches  are  either  opposite  or  verticillate, 
this  arrangement  being  alternate  to  a  certain  extent ;  the  secondary  branches 
are  terminated  by  one  umbel  (in  specimen)  of  mature  flowers,  which  is  sub- 
tended by  a  whorl  of  tertiary  umbels  on  much  longer  peduncles,  interspersed 
with  single  pedicellate  flowers,  all  the  umbels  being  surrounded  by  involucres 
of  small  linear  bracts  ;  the  tertiary  peduncles  are  +  4-5  cm.  long  (very  yg.) 
and  bear  bracts  with,  in  some  cases,  single  flower-buds  in  their  axils  at  ^-| 
of  their  length.  All  the  young  parts  are  covered  with  a  rusty  tomentum. 
Petals  2*3  mm.  by  1'4  mm.  Stamens  short  and  erect,  with  anthers  1/2  mm. 
with  median  insertion,  and  filaments  1  mm.  long.  Ovary  2*4  mm.  by  1'3  mm. 
with  1  ovule  in  each  loculus.  Style  1  mm.  in  length. 

This  plant  differs  from  the  monotypic  Kissodendron  australiensis  (JT. 
Muell.)  Seem,  in  the  bipinnate  leaves,  the  ovate-lanceolate  shape  of  the 


folioiep,  with   a   <-hining  upper   surface,  and  in   the   tertiary   branching  of 
t  he  inflorescence 

PALMERVANDENBROEKIA  Gibbs,  gen.  nov. 

Flores  polygami.  Sepala  5-dentata,  basi  dentibus  lata,  apice  acuta  vel  acu- 
minata.  Petala  5,  valvata,  longe  lanceolata,  basi  lata  leviter  adhaBrentia,  apice 
sensim  attenuata,  acuta,  demum  recurvata.  Stamina  5,  antheris  dorsifixis,  oblongis. 
Ovarium  parvum,  inferum,  biloculare,  loculis  uniovulatis,  ovulo  ad  apicem  loculi 
pendulo,  minuto,  micropyle  supera,  raphe  ventrali,  discus  planus,  stylus  magnus, 
pyramidato-connatus.  Folia  imparipinnata,  foliola  Integra,  petioluli  basi  articu- 
lati.  Umbella  parva,  terminalis,  pauci flora,  pedicelli  floribus  circiter  sequilongi, 
apice  articulati. 

This  genus  is  intermediate  between  Kissodendron  and  Polyscias,  In  the 
pyramidal  connate  style  it  resembles  the  former,  but  in  form  of  calyx,  petals 
broad  at  the  base  and  slightly  cohering,  with  the  2-celled  ovary,  it  is  nearer 
the  latter.  In  the  small  imparipinnate  leaves  and  simple  umbels  it,  indeed, 
somewhat  resembles  the  most  reduced  forms  of  Polyscias  sambucifolius 
(Lieber)  Harms,  in  habit.  As  a  genus  it  is  distinct  in  the  long  tapering- 
petals,  separating  at  the  apex  and  subsequently  recurved,  in  the  massive 
style,  and  extremely  small  ovary. 


Frutex  glaber.  Folia  parva,  imparipinnata,  petiolata,  petioli  basi  articulati, 
foliola  7,  breviter  petiolulata,  oblique  obovata  vel  oblanceolata,  basi  cuneata,  apice 
attenuata,  angusta,  abrupte  emarginata  vel  obtusa,  integerrima,  incurva,  inem- 
branaceo  -  chartacea.  Umlella  parva,  terminalis,  6-7  -  flora,  pedunculata,  basi 
bractea  unica,  foliolis  simili.  Petala  albida,  longe  lanceolata,  apice  attenuata 
acuminata.  Calyx  repandus,  5-dentatus.  Stamina  erecta,  filamentis  quam  antherse 
triple  longioribus.  Stylus  unicus,  conicus,  elongatus.  Discus  planus.  Ovarium 
parvum,  biloculare,  in  sicco  sulcatum.  Fructus  ignotus. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  S.W.  ridge,  in  shrubby  growth,  8000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  6003. 

In  the  only  specimen  of  this  interesting  plant  the  cortex  is  striate,  light 
grey  in  colour,  thin  and  papery.  The  leaves  tire  greenish  grey  when  dried, 
8  cm.  by  3-4  cm.,  including  the  4-angled  petiole  +  2  cm.  long ;  the  petiolules 
are  slightly  4-winged,  *5  cm.  long  ;  the  laminse  of  the  largest  folioles  are 
+  4'5  by  1'2-1'4  cm.,  the  latter  are  often  oblique,  broader  on  one  side 
than  the  other,  the  midrib  prominent  and  projecting  on  both  surfaces  with 
5-7  inconspicuous  lateral  veins,  parallel  in  arrangement.  Single  umbels 
l'5-3'5  by  1'6  cm.  deep,  on  peduncles  +  2  cm.  long  ;  pedicels  7-8  mm. 
long,  each  subtended  by  a  minute  scale.  Petals  8'5  by  1'4  mm.  Anthers 

1  mm.,  filaments  2  mm.  long.     Ovary  and   style   3'2  mm.   long,  the  style 

2  mm.  long  and  1  mm.  broad  at  base. 

It  is  a  great  pleasure  to  name  this  interesting  new  genus  after  Mr.  Palmer 

van  den  Broek,  who,  during  the  long  time  he  held  the  Residency  of  Ternate, 
identified  himself  with  many  scientific  interests  and  to  whom  I  was  much 
indebted  for  most  courteous  help  and  interest  in  the  successful  issue  of 
my  work. 

FIG.  15. 

Palmer  vandenbroekia  papuana  Gibbs. — A.  Branch,  nat.  size ;  B.  Longitudinal  section 
of  bud  ;  C.  Very  young  fruit ;  D,  E.  Stamen. 

ANOMOPANAX  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Fnitex  vel  arbor  parva,  glaberrima.  folia  alterna,  longe  petiolata,  ampla, 
digitata ;  foliola  ad  apicem  petioli  verticillata,  breviter  vel  longiuseule  petiolata, 
valde  ina;qualia,  chartaceo-membranacea,  basi  acuta  vel  rotundata,  apice  longe 
acuminata,  margine  integra  vel  grosse  et  remote  sinuato-dentata.  Panici/hi 
terminalis,  amplissima,  ramosissima,  foil  is  longior.  Petal  a  albida,  obovato- 
lanceolata,  basin  versus  sensim  cuneatim  angustata.  Fructus  didymus,  brunneus, 
coinpressus  ;  pyrena  obliqua.  Flores  eflxeti  et  fertiles  in  panicula  commixti. 

Hal.  Ari'ak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5582. 


The  petiole  is  +2  dm.  long  by  7  mm.  broad,  pithy,  and  markedly  con- 
tracted immediately  below  the  insertion  of  the  petiolules,  which  are  thick 
and  of  unequal  length,  the  lateral  ones  being  1'5  cm.,  while  two  of  the  four 
lateral  median  are  4  cm.,  and  the  central  5*6  cm.  long,  respectively.  The 
leaflets  are  very  unequal  in  size  and  shape,  the  two  small  lateral  ones  being 
1*4  dm.  by  4  cm.,  with  entire  laminae  narrowed  obliquely  into  the  petiolules 
ut  the  base,  and  long  acute  acumen,  '2  cm.  in  length  ;  the  median  folioles 
are  from  l'5-2  dm.  by  7'9  cm.,  rounded  at  the  base,  lengthily  acuminate, 
entire  below  and  remotely  sinuate-dentate  above.  The  compound  in- 
florescence is  1'8  by  4'5  dm.,  composed  of  10  primary  rays  with  involucral 
bracts  2  cm.  by  5  mm.,  the  secondary  rays  varying  from  9-11  cm.  long,  and 
bearing  3-16  umbellules,  7  predominating  in  number  ;  these  secondary  rays 
often  bear  a  small  bract  some  distance  below  the  umbellules  and  show  cymose 
branching  and  often  tertiary  cymose-umbellate  ramifications.  The  peduncle 
of  the  inflorescence  is  +1'8  dm.  long,  pithy,  rising  in  the  axil  of  a  digitate 
3-jngate  bract  or  small  leaf,  broadly  sheathing  at  the  base,iwith  very  unequal 
leaflets.  Flowers  on  pedicels  varying  in  length,  articulated  under  the  flowers. 
Calyx-lobes  5,  acute,  1  mm.  long.  Petals  obovate-lanceolate,  2  mm.  long, 
narrow  at  the  base,  with  the  apex  incurved  for  half  the  length.  Stamens  5  ; 
filaments  1  mm.  long  ;  anthers  '5  mm.  long.  Disc  crenulate  with  2  short 
thick  styles  1  mm.  long,  erect  in  flower,  recurved  in  fruit.  A  few  $ 
flowers  of  typical  structure  are  mixed  with  the  £  ,  of  which  in  one  case 
8  calyx-lobes  and  stamens  were  present,  and  sometimes  the  parts  were  in 
fours.  Fruit  green  when  collected,  brown  when  dried,  1'5-1'8  cm.  by 
1*4-5  cm.,  the  pyrenes  separating  on  maturity.  Embryo  foliose. 

The  only  point  in  which  this  plant  differs  from  Mackinlaya  is  the 
structure  of  the  mericarps  and  the  embryo.  In  Mackinlaya,  the  former  are 
plane  on  the  surface,  with  thin  exocarp  and  horny  endocarp,  both  well 
differentiated  and  separating  easily  ;  the  integument  is  thick,  brown  in 
colour,  while  the  embryo  is  plane,  homogeneous,  and  hard  ("albumen 
homogeneum,  indurans").  In  the  present  case  the  separate  pyrenes  are 
more  oblique,  showing  excavation  on  the  wings,  with  no  differentiation  of 
exocarp  and  endocarp  ;  the  integument  is  membranous,  light  brown,  and 
transparent ;  the  embryo  tapers  to  the  base,  is  slightly  folded,  and  very  soft 
in  consistency.  As  the  tapering  endosperm  does  not  fill  up  the  cavity  in 
the  pericarp,  a  furrowed  surface  results.  I  have  not  examined  critically  the 
other  species  of  Anomopanax,  but  macroscopically  this  difference  seems  to 
hold  for  the  genus,  though  not  given  by  Harms  in  his  diagnosis. 

U  M  B  B  L  LIT  EB  £. 

CKNTELLA  ASIATICA  (L.)  Urb.  Fl.  Brasil.,  Umbellif.  287  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  486. 
Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.     FL,  Fr.     Dec. 


Dittrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea  and  Caroline  Islands.  Wide  in  both  hemi- 
spheres, except  Europe,  to  Tasmania,  New  Zealand,  and  Patagonia. 

*HYDROCOTYLE  VULGARIS  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  234 ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  487. 

Arfak  Mts.,  abundant  in  parts  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5943. 

Dftrib.  Marshall  Islands.  Europe,  through  Transcaucasia  to  Caspian 
Sea  (Astara  $  Enzeli).  N.E.  to  S.W.  Australia.  N.  and  S.  America  and 
West  Indies. 

This  is  apparently  the  first  record  of  this  plant  for  E.  Asia,  as  well  as 
New  Guinea. 

HYDROCOTYLE  JAVANICA  Thunb.  Diss.  Hydroc.  n.  17,  t.  2  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans. 
Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  62. 

Arfak  Mts..  Angi  lakes,  in  Papuan  "kebuns"  at  foot  of  Koebre  ridge, 
7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5650. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Oarstensz,  Kloss).  Malay  Peninsula 
and  Archipelago,  Philippines  ;  India,  Ceylon,  Indu-China;  China  and  Japan. 

DIDISCUS  KOEBRENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Planta  perennis,  gkberrima ;  radix  sat  robusta  ;  caules  decumbentes,  radiatim 
dispositi.  Folia  parva,  ad  nodos  rosukta,  in  petiolum  sensiin  abeuntia,  3-lobata, 
lobis  plerumque  unodentatis.  Umbella  multiflora,  involucrum  polyphyllum, 
parvum,  pedicellis  parvis.  Calyx  dentibus  2-3,  plerumque  protractis,  subuktis, 
ceteris  obsoletis.  Petala  parva.  Fructus  carpello  uno  abortivo  vel  minore ;  rueri- 
carpia  compressa,  6-vittata,  apice  plus  minus  acuta,  basi  rotundata.  Stylus  elongatus. 
Carpopliorum  indivisuui,  persistens. 

IJab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  abundant  on  open  burnt  summit  plateau. 
9000'.  FL,  Fr.  Dec.  5606. 

A  plant  of  rosulate  habit,  with  smooth  reddish  stems,  4  dm.  long  or  less, 
each  shoot  being  densely  invested  with  the  old  leaf-bases  and  bearing 
rosettes  of  leaves  at  the  nodes.  The  leaves  are  gradually  narrowed  into  the 
slender  +25  cm.  long  petiole,  with  obcuneate  lamina,  +  1'5  by  5  mm.; 
towards  the  apex  of  the  branches  the  petioles  are  shorter  and  the  lamina 
larger,  +2  by  1  cm.  The  umbels  are  1/5  cm.  across  with  many  linear 
involucral  leaves,  +'5  mm.  long,  on  naked  stalks,  +11  cm.  long,  arising 
singly  from  the  apical  rosettes  of  leaves.  The  minute  flowers  are  4  by  2  mm., 
on  pedicels  +8  mm.  long.  Calyx-teeth  +5  mm.  long.  Petals  1'5  by  1  mm. 
Fruit  2  mm.  across,  with  mericarps  +25  mm.  long. 

This  plant  makes  the  third  in  Domin's  P seudocalycina  group  with 
long  drawn-out  calyx  teeth  ;  in  habit  and  shape  of  leaves  it  agrees 
with  I),  sanicula'folius  (Stapf)  Merr.,  var.  novo-gmneensis  Dom.,  from 
Mt.  Scratchley  in  S.E.  New  Guinea,  to  which  it  is  probably  allied,  but  in 
the  little  material  available  of  the  latter  it  is  impossible  to  determine  the 
form  of  the  calyx  teeth. 



Planta  perennis ;  caules  erecti  vel  decumbentes,  glabri,  teretes,  tenuiter  striati, 
remote  foliati.  Folia  alterna,  petiolata,  petiolis  basi  dilatatis,  longe  setoso- 
ciliolatis,  ad  basin  quasi  3-5-partita,  laxe  setoso-pilosa.  Scapi  in  axillas  foliorum 
teretes,  nudi.  Umbella  multiflora,  pedicellis  glabris,  compressis,  floribus  multo 
longioribus,  involucrum  poryphyllurn,  foliola  lineare-lanceolata,  1-2  dentata. 
Galycis  dentes  5,  deltoidei,  persistentes.  Petala  alba,  obovata,  apice  acuta,  plus 
minus  inflexa.  Fntctus  a  latere  valde  compressus,  late  cordato-rotundatus ;  meri- 
carpia  sequalia,  glaberrima,  3-vittata. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  on  -ridge  running  up  to  the  Angi  lakes,  8000'.  Fl., 
Fr.  (yg.).  Dec.  5513. 

A  plant  with  spreading  radiating  branches  +3  dm.  long.  Radical 
leaves  on  petiole  +4'5  cm.  long  are  3  cm.  long  and  +4  cm.  across, 
broadly  rotundate,  3-partite,  each  part  2-3-lobed,  the  lobes  further  divided 
into  unequal  rounded-acute  teeth,  with  white  setose  hairs  in  the  sinuses  and 
along  the  veins.  The  leaves  on  the  branches  occur  singly  at  each  node,  at 
diminishing  intervals,  from  10  cm.,  up  the  stems,  with  sparsely  setose  petioles, 
the  longest  being  +3-5  cm.  ;  the  laminae  are  more  finely  divided  than  is  the 
case  in  the  radical  leaves  and  are  somewhat  pentamerous  in  outline,  +5  cm. 
across  and  2*5  cm.  long,  3-partite,  the  two  lateral  parts  being  divided  again 
to  the  midrib,  so  that  they  appear  5-partite.  Peduncles  +  2  cm.  long  arise 
singly  in  the  axils  of  the  upper  leaves,  bearing  umbels  1  cm.  long  by 
1*5  cm.  broad,  the  involucre  equalling  or  slightly  exceeding  the  pedicels, 
+  6  mm.  long.  Flowers  2'5  mm.  across.  Stamens  +1'5  mm.  long  ; 
anthers  '5  mm.  long.  Style  '5  mm.  long.  Mericarps  immature,  3-ribbed. 

This  species  belongs  to  Domin's  Calycina  group  (p.  42)  with  calyx 
of  rive  triangular  teeth,  and  is  nearest  to  D,  saniculcefolius  (Stapf)  Merr., 
var.  bruchystylus  Dom.,  from  Mt.  Scratchley  ;  it  is  more  robust  in  habit  and 
less  hirsute,  but  may  prove  identical  on  more  material  becoming  available. 
Domin  considers  the  Calycina  group  in  Didiscus,  which  includes  the  palseo- 
tropic  species,  to  represent  the  more  ancestral  branch  of  the  family ; 
Pseudocalydna  showing  atavistic  tendencies.  To  quote  Domin,  "  the 
presence  of  the  calyx  teeth  in  the  endemic  species  in  the  Malayan  and 
Papuan  provinces,  also  in  the  Queensland  2).  geraniifolius  (Bail.)  Dom., 
must  be  considered  as  an  older  and  more  ancestral  condition."  The  addition 
of  two  more  species  in  these  groups  to  the  New  Guinea  Flora  certain! v 
confirms  the  correctness  of  this  view.  The  four  species  now  known  from  the 
mountains  of  Malaya  include  D.  celebicus  (Hemsley)  Dom.,  from  Bonthain 
Peak,  10,000',  in  S.  Celebes  ;  D.  sanicula'folius,  from  Kinabalu,  7000- 
13,000',  Mt.  Halcon  in  the  Philippines,  7300',  and  New  Guinea  at  10,000', 
with  the  above. 



STYPHELIA  NUTANS  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1912)  800,  t.  cxlv. 
Var.  ARFAKENSIS  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Frutex  ramosus,  raraulis  tenuibus,  sicco  anguktis,  pubescent! bus,  dense  foliatis. 
Folia  pulvinis  inserta,  alterna,  patentissima,  brevissime  petiolata,  knceokta,  plerumque 
leviter  acuminata,  acuta,  minutissirae  erecto-ciliokto-serrulata,  c.  5-7-nervk,  nervo 
interme<lio  et  interdum  nonnullis  sequentibus  supra  impressis,  eoriacea,  supra  nitiduk, 
subtus  pallidiora,  c.  0'7o-l'2  cm.  longa,  0-125-O225  cm.  lata ;  petiolus  a  dorso  com- 
pressus,  puberulus,  c.  O'075-O'l  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentice  terminales,  brevissimse, 
breviter  peduncuktae,  dense  5-6-florse,  pedunculo  squamis  imbricantibus  adpressis 
tecto,  cum  rhachide  puberula  c.  0-3-0-4  cm.  longo.  Bracteae  persistentes,  flori 
adpressae,  late  ovato-triangulae,  obtusae,  concavse,  ciliolatae,  intus  puberulae,  dorso 
prominenter  nervosae,  pergamaceae,  bene  O'l  cm.  longae,  O'l  cm.  ktae.  Floret 
sessiles,  toti  c.  0'5  cm.  longi.  Bracteolee  adpressae,  orbicukri-ovatae,  obtusiusculae, 
concavse,  cilioktae,  intus  puberulae,  dorso  prominenter  nervosa?,  pergamaceae, 
c.  0-15  cm.  longae  et  latae.  Calyx  alte  5-partitus,  kciniis  adpressis,  imbricatis, 
ovatis,  obtusis,  concavis,  ciliolatis,  intus  puberulis,  dorso  prominenter  nervosis 
pergamaceis,  c.  0'18-0'2  cm.  longis,  0'13-0'16cm.  latis.  Corolla  ample  tubulosa, 
ad  c.  |  partes  infra  apicem  5-fida,  extus  gkbra,  intus  |  partibus  superioribus  apice 
laciniarum  excepto  laxius  villosa,  explanata  c.  0'36  cm.  longa,  fere  0'5  cm.  kta, 
laciniis  erectis  (semper?),  triangulis,  obtusis  vel  subacutis,  dorso  elevato  5-nervosis, 
c.  0-125  cm.  longis,  fere  O'l  cm.  ktis.  Stamina  10 ;  fikmentum  adnatum,  quain 
anthera  latius,  apice  tantum  liberum  ;  anthera  deflexa,  parva,  laciniis  corollae  multo 
brevior,  oblonga,  curvata,  c.  0-05  cm.  longa.  Pistillum  e  basi  depresso-globosa 
angulata  conicum,  in  stylum  attenuatum,  gkbrum,  c.  0'225  cm.  longum,  0'12  cm. 
diam.  Discus  cupuliformis,  5-lobus,  extus  longitudinaliter  5-sulcatus,  gkber,  vix 
0*05  cm.  altus,  bene  O'l  cm.  diam.,  lobis  angulato-rotundatis,  repandis,  concavis. 
Fructus  globosus,  10-locukris,  loculis  1-spermis. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  ridge  between  <J  and  ?  lakes,  undergrowth  in 
open  forest,  7500'.  Fl.  Dec.  5631. 

Distrib.  (of  type).  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Hellwig  Mts.,  von  Roemer, 
van  Nouliuys). 

Provisionally,  I  have  described  this  plant  as  a  variety  of  S.  nutans  J.  J.  S. 
The  branchlet  1  have  seen  is  more  tender  than  the  type-specimen,  with  thinner, 
distinctly  angled  twigs,  and  smaller  leaves  with  a  densely  downy  petiole. 
The  flowers  hardly  show  differences.  Better  material,  perhaps,  would  show 
that  the  plant  ought  to  get  specific  rank. 

The  flowers  are  said  to  be  white. 

STYPHELIA  GJELLERUPII  J.  0.  S.  in  Novu  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  540,  t.  ccxx. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  between  (J  and  ?  lakes,  on  open  burnt  summit 
plateau,  9000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5604. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Gjellerup). 

Shrub,  flowers  white,  berries  pink. 


STYPHELIA  TROCHOCARPOIDES  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PL  i.  107. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fr. 
Dec.  5583. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  near  Hatam,  Beccari}. 

The  specimen  seen  is  only  in  fruit,  but  I  have  no  doubt  that  the 
determination  is  right. 

Small  tree,  flowers  white,  berries  black. 

ERICACEAE.     (J.  J.  SMITH.) 

The  number  of  Ericaceae  amounts  to  17,  representing  14  species,  viz. 
6  Rhododendron  (2  new),  1  Diplycosia  (new),  and  7  Vaccinium,  of  which 
4  are  new,  whereas  the  remaining  3  are  forms  or  varieties  of  previously 
described  species. 


Frutex,  innovation ibus  c.  5  cm.  longis,  inferne  nonnullis  cicatricibus  foliorum 
rudimentarium  instructis,  ramulis  teretibus,  glabrescentibus.  Folia  c.  3-4  spurie 
verticillata,  petiolata,  obovata  et  elliptica,  obtusiuscule  vel  acute  acutata,  obtusa  vel 
rotundata,  basi  acuta  vel  obtusiuscula,  brevissime  in  petiolum  acuminata  integerrima, 
supra  sparse  lepidota  et  basi  minute  puberula  glabrescentia,  subtus  sicco  pallida  den- 
sius  sparse  minute  lepidota,  in  utraque  parte  costse  mediae  subtus  obtuse  prominentis 
nervis  lateralibus  c.  7  patentibus  satis  irregularibus  intiu  marginem  anastomosantibus 
tenuibus  sicco  supra  subtusque  prominulis,  venis  supra  subtusque  partim  prominulis, 
coriacea,  c.  3'6-5'7  cm.  longa,  2-2'8  cm.  lata ;  petiolus  subsemiteres,  minute  puberulus 
et  parce  lepidotus,  c.  0'6-0'8  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentice  c.  5-florte,  rhachide  breviter 
conica.  SraotetS  (1  adest)  lineares,  apice  paulo  dilatatse  serratajque,  acuta;,  ciliolata?, 
c.  1*3  cm.  longse.  Flores  mediocres,  pedicello  tenui,  tereti,  minute  puberulo  et  parce 
minute  lepidoto,  bene  1  cm.  longo.  Calyx  valde  undulatus,  obliquus,  subquinque- 
lobulatus,  ciliolatus,  c.  0'275  cm.  diam.  Corolla  oblique  hypocrateriformis,  curvata, 
5-loba,  extus  glabra,  non  lepidota,  intus  in  tubo  puberula,  explanata  c.  3'25  cm.  longa, 
limbo  2'85  cm.  lata,  tubo  obliquo  c.  T6-2-15  cm.  longo,  1  cm.  lato,  lobis  ovalibus  vel 
plus  minusve  obovatis,  4  obliquis,  1  recto,  rotundatis,  c.  O'9-l  cm.  longis,  0'63-O8  cm. 
latis.  Stamina  10,  c.  2'37-2'73  cm.  longa;  filamentum  lineare,  fere  f  partibus 
inferioribus  parcius  hirtello-puberulum ;  anthem  doi-sifixa,  oblonga,  basi  retusa,  apice 
oblique  truncata,  thecis  antice  sulco  separatis  poro  introrso  obliquo  subsemirotundo 
hiantibus,  c.  0-225  cm.  longa.  Ovarium  subfusiformi-conicum,  10  sulcatum,  erecto- 
patenter  villosulum,  c.  0'4  cm.  longum  ;  stylus  filiformis,  teres,  ima  basi  tantum 
pilosus,  apice  in  stigma  capitatum  manicatum  incrassatus,  c.  1'9  cm.  longus.  Discus 
annularis,  10-dentatus,  pubescens,  inferne  glaber,  c.  0'175  cm.  diam. 

[lab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5549. 

Very  near  Eli.  angiense  J.  J.  S.,  but  differing  in  the  downy  pedicels, 
undulate  calyx,  non-lepidote  corolla  :  from  Rh.  arfakianum  Becc.,  which 
also  has  a  glabrous  corolla,  in  the  corolla-lobes  not  being  twice  as  long  as 
the  tube  and  the  separated  non-ovate  anthers. 

A  shrub  with  pink  flowers, 


RHODODENDRON  ANOIENSE  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1914)  133,  t.  xxx  B. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.  between  $  and  9  lakes,  open  burnt  summit 
plateau,  9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5618. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Gjellerup). 

Shrubby,  flowers  pink. 

RHODODENDRON  L^TUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1914)  139,  t.  xxxv. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  general  on  edge  of  forest,  spinneys,  and  on  open 
marsh  by  $  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5505. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Gjellerup). 

Shrttb.  0'5-1'5  in.;  splendid  yellow  flowers,  borne  abundantly,  when  older 
suffused  with  red. 

RHODODENDRON  GIBBSI^E  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex,  ramulis  adultis  glabris,  innovationibus  c.  4'75-6  cm.  longis,  infra  folia 
cicatricibus  c.  3-4  foliorum  rudimentarium  notatis.  Folia  c.  5-6  spurie  verticillata, 
breviter  petiolata,  elliptica  ad  obovata,  plerumque  breviter  acurainata,  subacuta  vel 
anguste  obtusa,  basi  subacuta  obtusa  vel  subrotundata,  integerrima,  margine  in  sicco 
recurva,  adulta  supra  glabra,  subtus  leviter  impresse  lepidota,  costa  media  supra 
sulcata  subtus  obtuse  prominente,  nervis  kteralibus  subobsoletis  satis  irregularibus 
patentibus  intra  marginem  anastomosantibus  subtus  non  vel  vix  prominentibus  supra 
leviter  insculptis  c.  6-7  utrinque,  coriacea,  c.  2'4-4'9  cm.  longa,  0'8o-2'65  cm.  kta ; 
petiolus  bene  semiteres,  supra  sulcatus,  sicco  longitudinaliter  rugulosus,  cum  costa 
media  subtus  lepidotus,  c.  0'225-0'4  cm.  longus.  Inflore&centice  c.  4-5-flora;.  Flores 
majusculi,  pedicello  tenui,  puberulo,  parcissime  lepidoto,  c.  1-4-2-4  cm.  longo.  Calyx 
minimus,  oblique  discoideus,  10-lobulato-undulatus,  extus  patentissime  pubescens, 
c.  0'25  cm.  diam.  Corolla  hypocrateriformis,  5-loba,  basi  tubi  reverse  obtuse  5-loba, 
extus  margine  loborum  excepto  parce  lepidota,  intus  glabra,  expknata  c.  4  cm.  longa, 
tubo  explanato  c.  2-l-2'2  cm.  longo,  1'4  cm.  lato,  lobis  subobovatis,  rotundatis, 
c.  1-7-1-8  cm.  longis,  1-3-1-6  cm.  latis.  Stamina  10,  c.  2'4-2'8  cm.  longa;  fik- 
mentuin  lineare,  dimidio  inferiore  fere  praesertim  superne  parcius  patentissime 
pilosum,  dimidio  superiore  gkbrum;  anthera  supra  basin  dorsifixa,  oblonga,  basi 
obtusa,  c.  0'25  cm.  longa,  thecis  parallelis,  antice  sulco  separatis,  poro  obliquo  apicali 
laterali  dehiscentibus.  Ovarium  conicum  subquinquangukre,  dense  patenter  sicco 
pallide  villosum,  c.  0'6  cm.  longum,  apice  in  stylum  teretem  £  partibus  inferioribus 
dense  superne  parcius  patentissime  villosulum  parte  superiore  gkbrum  cum  stigrnate 
capita  to  5-lobo  manicato  c.  2  '25  cm.  longum  contractum.  Discus  annularis,  radiato 
10-dentatus,  superne  et  in  dentibus  villosus,  c.  0'25  cm.  diam. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

Amongst  the  Papuati  species  of  the  flit  javanicum  Benn.  group  this 
is  characterized  by  the  small  undulate  calyx  and  the  corolla  glabrous 
inside.  The  leaves  resemble  those  of  Hh.  hvtum  J.  J.  S. 

Only  one  open  flower  was  on  the  material. 

From  the  note  of  Miss  Gibbs  the  flowers  are  bright  red. 


RHODODENDRON  DEVRIESIANUM  Kds.  !  in  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1909)  185  ; 
viii.  (1912)  t.  cli;  xii.  (1914)  141. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  and  spinneys,  in  open  marsh  by 
?  lake,  7000'.  FL,  Fr.  (yg.).  Dec.  5541. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Gjellenip ; 
D.S.W.,  Resi  Riicken,  Versteeg). 

Magnificent  white  flowers,  pink  when  older. 

RHODODENDRON  VONROEMERI  Kds. !  in  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1912)  879,  t.  civ. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  abundant,  7000'.  FL 
Dec.  5554  &  5714. — The  like  in  spinneys  by  $  lake,  undergrowth  in  forest, 
7000'.  FL  Dec.  5923. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Cyclops  Mts.  ;  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes, 
Gjellerup  ;  D.S.W.,  Hellwig  Mts.,  von  Koemer). 

Shrub,  flowers  yellow. 

DIPLYCOSIA  LILIANS  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex,  ramulis  setis  longis  patentibus  apicem  versus  attenuatis  apice  paulo 
incrassatis  vestitis.  Folia  alterna,  pulvinis  inserta,  patentia,  petiolata,  elliptica,  ssepe 
plus  minusve  obovata,  apice  obtusa  vel  rotundata,  apiculo  lato  obtuso  a  clorso  com- 
presso  antice  convexo  dorso  piano  terminantia,  basi  obtusa  vel  cuneata,  breviter  in 
petiolum  acuminata,  subintegerrima,  non  raro  insertationibus  pilorum  obsolete  crenu- 
lata,  setoso-ciliata,  supra  glabra,  subtus  sparse  patenter  setosa,  3-5-plinervia,  nervis 
supra  insculptis,  basilaribus  adscendentibus  curvatis  superioribus  usque  ad  apicem 
productis,  sicco  rigide  coriacea,  supra  nitidula  et  ragulosa,  subtus  opaca,  c.  1-5-4-3  cm. 
longa,  0-85-3-5  cm.  lata ;  petiolus  supra  sulcatus,  setosus,  c.  0-25-0-5  cm.  longus. 
Inflorescentice  axillares.  fasciculares,  c.  2-3-florae.  Flores  nutantes,  pedicello  tereti, 
basi  leviter  incrassatus,  setis  longis  patentibus  apice  leviter  incrassatis  et  saepe  incur- 
vulis  densius  vestito,  c.  0-525-0-8  cm.  longo,  apice  sub  flore  bracteolas  2  oppositas 
divaricatas  ovato-semiorbiculares  obtusas  basi  utrinque  rotundatas  concavas  ciliolatas 
dorso  setosas  fere  O'l  cm.  longas  0-13  cm.  latas  gerente.  Torus  supra  bracteolas 
contractus.  Calyx  5-partitus,  c.  0'525  cm.  diam.,  laciniis  patentibus,  ovato-trian- 
gulis.  subacutis  vel  obtusiusculis,  interdum  apiculatis,  concavis,  ciliolatis,  intus  glabris, 
dorso  margine  excepto  dense  et  longe  patenter  sicco  ferrugineae  setosis,  c.  0-23-0-25  cm. 
longis,  0-175-0-2  cm.  latis.  Corolla  cylindrico-urceolata,  5-loba,  utrinque  glabra, 
explanata  c.  O'GS'Cm.  longa,  0*75  cm.,  limbo  0-65  cm.  lata,  lobis  recurvulis,  triangulis, 
apice  contractis  obtusis.  Stamina  10,  undata,  c.  0-475  cm.  longa  ;  filamentum  lineare, 
inferne  leviter  dilatatum,  minutissime  papillosum,  explanatum  c.  0-36-0-375  cm. 
longum,  anthera  in  £  supra  basin  dorsifixa,  oblonga,  ad  J  infra  apicem  bifida,  basi 
valde  oblique  obtuse  4-lobula,  apice  excepto  ecliinulato  papillosa,  c.  0-15-0-16  cm. 
longa,  thecis  parallelis,  antice  sulco  separatis,  sulco  longitudinali  oblique  laterali 
instructis,  poro  introrso  hiantibus,  pariete  postico  triangulo-productis  apice  obtusis 
incurvisque.  Ovarium  superum,  medio  alte  excavatum ;  stylus  basi  in  excavationem 
ovarii  immersus,  teres,  obtusus,  glaber,  totus  c.  0'27  cm.  longus.  Discus  e  squamis 
10  adpressis  oblongo-triangulis  c.  0'04  cm.  longis. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  undergrowth  in  moss- 
grown  forest,  7500-8000'.  FL,  Fr.  (yg.).  Dec.  5518.— Koebre  ridge, 
common  in  forest  on  open  summit.  FL  Dec.  5630. 


The  only  known  species  of  Diplycosia  from  the  Arfak  Mountains  is 
I).  Soror  Becc.  From  this  D.  Liliance  J.  J.  S.  differs  in  the  longer  pedicels 
and  diverse  sepals,  which  in  J).  Soror  are  only  ciliate.  The  corolla,  stamens, 
and  pistil  of  the  latter  are  unknown. 

A  low  shrub,  flowers  red  with  white  tips,  young  fruit  red. 

VACCINIUM  LEPTOSPERMOIDES  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1914)  154,  t.'xlii. 

Forma  GLABRUM. 

Differt  a  forma  typiea  ovario  calyceque  glabro. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  in  forest,  8000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  6012. 

Dlstrib.  (of  type).  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes, 

Small  undershrub,  flowers  red-pink. 

VACCINIUM  GLOBOSUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1914)  155,  t.  xliii. 

V;ir.  LATIFOLIUM  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Folia  quam  in  typo  latiora,  ad  c.  1  cin.  longa,  0'43  cm.  lata,  retusa.  Pedunculus 
longior,  minute  puberulus,  c.  0'25-0'3  cm.  longus. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  marsh  edge  by  ?  lake,  open,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5946. 

Vistiib.  (of  type).  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

This  differs  from  the  type-specimen  by  its  broader  leaves  and  longer, 
shortly  hairy  peduncle. 

A  shrub  with  white  flowers  and  black  berries. 

VACCINIUM  CYCLOPENSE  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1914)  156,  t.  xlir. 

Var.  ARFAKENSE  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Folia  quam  in  typo  angustiora. 

Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  epiphytic  in  moss-grown 
forest,  8000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5715. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Cyclops  Mts.,  Gjellerup). 

Much  more  material  is  wanted  to  decide  whether  the  variety  may  stand 
or  not. 

Spreading  against  trunk  of  tree  ;  flowers  red  with  green  tips. 


Frutex  bene  ramosus,  ramulis  teretibus,  villosis,  dense  foliatis.  Folia  altema, 
parva,  breviter  petiolata,  elliptica,  basi  apiceque  obtusa,  integerrima,  margine  in  sicco 
recurva,  glandula  marginali  parva  impressa  1  vel  interdum  paucis  utrinque  supra 
basin,  convexa,  supra  subtusque  parce  villosula,  utrinque  ad  basin  et  in  costa  media 
densius  pilosa,  subtus  sparse  minute  fusee  muriculata,  ciliata,  5-plinervia,  nervis  basi- 
laribus  adscendentibus  curvatis,  ceteruin  nervis  brevibus  patentibus  1-2  utrinque, 
nervis  omnibus  intra  marginem  anastomosantibus  cum  venis  in  sicco  supra  subtusque 
praesertim  supra  prominulis,  coriacea,  c.  1-1*8  cm.  longa,  0'57-0'93  cm.  lata ;  petiolus 
villosus,  c.  G'2-0'275  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentia  axillares,  brevissiraae,  1-florae, 



pedunculo  c.  O'l  cm.  longo,  pluribus  squamis  densissimis  imbricatis  superne  accre- 
scentibus  triangulis  ad  oblongis  concavis  ciliatis  donato.  Pedicellus  sub  ovario 
articulatus,  villosus,  c.  0-25-0-3  cm.  longus.  Calyx  5-partitus,  dentibus  late  trian- 
gulis, obtusis  vel  vix  acuminatis,  extus  villosis,  intus  glabris,  c.  0-125  cm.  longis, 
0'25  cm.  latis.  Corolla  urceolata,  5-loba,  extus  margine  loborum  excepto  villosula, 
intus  basi  et  lobis  exceptis  pubescens,  carnosa,  explanata  c.  O95  cm.  longa,  1*45  cm. 
lata,  lobis  semiellipticis,  obtusis,  c.  O13cm.  longis,  Q-15-0'17  cm.  latis.  Stamina  10, 
c.  0'65  cm.  longa ;  filamentum  lineare,  supra  basin  dilatatum  et  villosum,  superne 
parcissime  pilosum  vel  nudum,  margine  obsolete  denticulatum,  antice  convexum, 
c.  G-43-0'47  cm.  longum ;  anthera  in  bene  ^  supra  basin  dorsifixa,  oblonga,  ad  £  infra 
apicem  bifida,  basi  obtusa  bilobula,  f  partibus  inferioribus  ecbinulato-papillosa, 
ecalcarata,  c.  0'46-0'47  cm.  longa,  thecis  parallelis,  sulco  separatis,  sulco  laterali 
longitudinal!  instructis,  tubulis  erectis,  brevibus,  poro  introrso  hiantibus.  Pistilhun 
totum  c.  0-76  cm.  longum  ;  ovarium  semiglobosum,  villosum,  c.  0'15  cm.  altum, 
0-25  cm.  diam. ;  stylus  crassus,  teres,  basi  breviter  contracta  in  excavationem  disci 
insertus,  apice  truncatus,  glaber,  c.  0'55  cm.  longus.  Disciis  semiglobosus,  medio 
excavatus,  erecto-hirsutulus,  c.  0-25  cm.  diam. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  between  $  and  ?  lakes,  in  moss-grown 
forest  by  open  plateau,  8500-9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5629. 

The  indumentum  of  the  flowers  recalls  that  of  V.  Versteegii  Kds.,  which 
otherwise,  however,  is  a  totally  different  species. 

The  plant  is  a  compact  shrub  to  tree,  with  pink  flowers. 

YACCINIUM  PILOSIFLORUM  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex,  ramulis  initio  strigoso-villosulis.  deinde  verruculosis.  Folia  parva, 
alterna,  breviter  petiolata,  ovata,  obtuse  acuminata,  basi  rotundata  vel  obtusa, 
convexa,  margine  in  sicco  plerumque  recurva,  integerrima,  glandula  marginali  parva 
orbiculari  sicco  impressa  utrinque  supra  basin,  supra  prsesertim  prope  marginem  et 
costam  mediam  parce  pilosa  plus  minusve  glabrescentia,  subtus  sparse  villosula  et 
sparse  breviter  erecto -pa tenter  muriculata,  muricibus  apice  leviter  glanduloso-incras- 
satis  fuscis,  crasse  coriacea,  rigida,  c.  l'2-2'25  cm.  longa,  Q-7-1-1-1'375  cm.  lata; 
petiolus  villosulus,  c.  0-17-0-27  cm.  longus.  Infl ores  cent  ice  axillares,  brevissimse, 
uniflorse,  pedunculo  abbreviate,  c.  0'05  cm.  longo,  pluribus  squamis  approximates 
erecto-patentibus  imbricantibus  ovato-triangulis  ad  oblongis  valde  concavis  ciliatis 
superne  accrescentibus  ad  c.  O'l  cm.  longis  donato.  Pedicellus  brevis,  teres,  apice 
incrassatis  et  sub  ovario  articulatus,  villosus,  c.  0'17  cm.  longus.  Calyx  5-partitus, 
extus  villosus,  fere  0*5  cm.  diam.,  dentibus  sinu  lato  separatis,  triangulis,  acutis, 
c.  O'l  cm.  longis,  0*17- 0'2  cm.  latis.  Corolla  urceolata,  ovoidea,  5-loba,  extus 
villosa,  intus  parce  pilosa,  carnosula,  explanata  c.  0'7  cm.  longa,  fauce  0'74  cm.  lata, 
lobis  recurvis,  ovatis,  rotundatis,  basi  latis,  bene  O'l  cm.  longis,  0-15  cm.  latis. 
Stamina  10,  c.  0*5  cm.  longa ;  filamentum  lineare,  supra  basin  paulo  dilatatum  et 
parcius  pilosum,  c.  0'34  cm.  longum ;  anthera  in  •£  partibus  supra  basin  dorsifixa, 
curvula,  oblonga,  2-fida,  basi  oblique  4-lobulata,  f  partibus  inferioribus  echihulato- 
papillosa,  ecalcarata,  c.  0'2  cm.  longa,  thecis  parallelis,  antice  sulco  separatis,  sulco 
laterali  instructis,  tubulis  contiguis,  inappendiculatis,  poro  obliquo  hiantibus. 
Ovarium  breve,  vix  semiglobosum,  villosum,  fere  0'3  cm.  diarn. ;  stylus  inclusus, 


crassus,  teres,  |  parte  superiore  contractus,  apice  truncatus,  basi  obconicus,  glaber, 
c.  0'5  em.  longus,  0'13  era.  diam.  Discus  pulviniformis,  seiniglobosus,  niedio  exca- 
vatus,  circumferentia  10-lobulatus,  vertice  a  parte  inferiors  bene  distinctus  et  parcius 
erecto-pilosus,  ceterum  glaber,  c.  0'23  cm.  diam. 

Ilab.  Arfak  Mts.,  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  terrestrial  or  epiphytic 
in  forest,  8000'.  Fl.  Dec.  6013. 

Amongst  the  species  with  one-flowered  inflorescences  this  one  is 
characterized  by  its  acuminate  leaves  and  very  shortly  peduncled  hairy 

A  shrub  with  rose-pink  flowers. 

VACCINIUM  ROSEIFLORUM  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex,  ramulis  tenuibus,  minutissime  puberulis.  Folia  alterna,  breviter  petio- 
lata,  elliptica,  obtuse  acuminata,  basi  acute  acuminata,  integerrima,  margine  in  sicco 
recurva,  gkndulis  marginalibus  nullis,  supra  glabra,  subtus  pa  tenter  minutissime 
rubiginoso-glanduloso-muriculata,  pilis  apice  leviter  incrassatis,  glabrescentia, 
3-5-plinervia,  costa  media  supra  insculpta  subtus  prominente,  nervis  basilaribus 
adscendentibus  curvatis  superioribus  fere  ad  apicem  productis  in  foliis  adultis  interdum 
tenuiter  insculptis,  coriacea,  c.  2'4-3'9  cm.  longa,  1'3-2'15  cm.  lata ;  petiolus  subsemi- 
teres,  supra  sulcatus,  c.  0-15-0-3  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentice  axillares,  racemosse, 
secunda3,  laxe  c.  7-9-florae,  pedunculo  brevissimo,  cum  rhachide  puberulo  et  minute 
muriculato  3'5-3'8  cm.  longo.  Bractese  caducae,  foliaceae,  oblongae,  obtusze,  basi 
breviter  petiolato-contractae,  supra  glabrae,  subtus  puberulae  et  minute  muriculata?, 
c.  0'75-0'98  cm.  longae.  Pedicellus  tenuis,  sub  ovario  articulatus,  puberulus  et 
minute  clavato-muriculatus,  c.  0-5-0-65  cm.  longus.  Calyx  adpressus,  5-partitus, 
dentibus  triangulis,  subacutis  vel  obtusis,  concavulis,  puberulis  et  minute  muriculatis, 
c.  0*125  cm.  longis,  0'15  cm.  latis.  Corolla  cylindrica,  vix  urceolata,  5-loba,  utrinque 
gkbra,  carnosula,  explanata,  subquadrata,  bene  0'7  cm.  longa,  O77  cin.  lata,  lobis 
subsemiorbicularibus,  rotundatis,  intus  papillosis,  ciliolatis,  c.  0-075  cm.  longis, 
0'125-0'13  cm.  latis.  Stamina  10,  c.  0*3  cm.  longa ;  filamentum  lineare,  apicem 
versus  leviter  angustatum,  supra  basin  villosum  sujjerne  parce  pilosum,  c.  0*16  cm. 
longum ;  anthera  supra  basin  dorsifixa,  curvula,  oblonga,  bifida,  basi  oblique  4-lobu- 
Lita,  parte  inferiore  echinulato-papillosa,  ecalcarata,  c.  O'lo  cm.  longa,  theeis  jwrallelis 
antice  sulco  separatis,  sulco  longitudinali  laterali  instructis,  tubulis  erectis,  panillelis, 
poro  teiminali  hiantibus,  margine  recurvis  et  dentes  2-3  triangulos  ad  subulatos 
gerentibus.  Ovarium  semigloboso-turbinatum,  patenter  puberulum  et  minute  muri- 
culatum,  c.  0'17o  cm.  alturn,  0*275  cm.  diam. ;  stylus  inclusus,  teres,  truncatus,  glaber, 
c.  0-475  cm.  longus.  Discus  pulvinifonnis,  medio  excavatus,  exterius  leviter  10  lobu- 
latus,  gkber,  c.  0'175  cm.  diam. 

Hah.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest-patch  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5586. 

Near  V.  muriculatum  J.  J.  S.,  but  differing  in  the  indumentum,  the  more 
elliptic  leaves  without  marginal  glands,  the  form  of  the  calyx  and  corolla,  the 
non-muriculate  anther-tubes,  and  the  enclosed  style. 

A  small  tree  with  pretty  pink  flowers- 



Frutex  ramosus,  ramulis  sicco  angulatis,  minute  puberulis.  Folia  alterna,  par- 
vula,  breviter  petiolata,  ovato-elliptica  vel  elliptica,  apice  angustata  obtusa,  basi 
acutiuscula  vel  obtusa,  margine  in  sicco  recurva,  integerrima,  glandula  marginali 
orbiculari  sicco  impressa  utrinque  supra  basin,  adulta  glabra,  ut  videtur  initio  plus 
minusve  puberula,  probabiliter  3-plinervia,  nervis  obsoletis,  coriacea,  sicco  rigida, 
c.  1-75-3-25  cm.  longa,  0-85-1-55  cm.  kta ;  petiolus  semiteres,  supra  sulcatus,  sicco 
transverse  rugulosus,  initio  puberulus,  glabrescens,  c.  0-15-Q-35  cm.  longus.  Inflores- 
centiae  (1  adest)  axillares,  breves,  c.  4-florse,  pedunculo  cum  rhachide  c.  0'7  cm.  longo, 
glabro,  bracteis  deficientibus.  Pedicellus  sub  ovario  ai'ticulatus,  glaber,  c.  0*45  cm. 
longus.  Calyx  5-partitus,  extus  pubescens,  c.  0'375  cm.  diam.,  dentibus  triangulis, 
acutis,  concavis,  ciliatis,  c.  O07  cm.  longis,  O15  cm.  latis.  Corolla  angustius  urceo- 
lata,  5-loba,  extus  glabra,  intus  parce  pilosa,  carnosula,  explanata  c.  0'77  cm.  longa, 
fauce  bene  0'6  cm.,  infra  medium  0'9  cm.  lata,  lobis  ovato-triangulis,  obtusis,  con- 
vexis,  c.  0-075-0-08  cm.  longis,  0-12-0-15  cm.  latis.  Stamina  10,  c.  Q-375-0'4  cm. 
longa;  filamentum  lineare,  supra  basin  paulo  dilatatum,  inferne  villosum,  superne 
parce  pilosum,  c.  0-3-0-33  cm.  longum;  anthera  infra  medium  dorsifixa,  curvula, 
oblonga,  ad  \  partem  infra  apicem  bifida,  basi  obtusa,  tubulis  exceptis  echinulato- 
papillosa,  ecalcarata,  c.  0'14  cm.  longa,  thecis  parallelis,  antice  sulco  separatis,  sulco 
longitudinal!  kterali  instructis,  tubulis  contiguis,  exappendiculatis,  poro  obliquo 
introrso  hiantibus.  Ovarium  semiglobosum,  patenter  pubescens,  c.  0'25  cm.  diam. ; 
stylus  teres,  apice  contractus,  glaber,  c.  0'6  cm.  longus.  Discus  pulviniformis, 
10-lobulatus,  medio  excavatus,  circa  excavationem  erecto-pilosus,  ceterum  glaber, 
c.  0*23  cm.  diam. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  Dec. 

In  some  respects  near  V.  muriculatum  J.  J.  S.,  but  with  the  branches 
more  robust,  the  leaves  smaller  and  non-acuminate,  shorter  inflorescences, 
acute  sepals,  anthers  without  murices,  and  style  enclosed. 

A  shrub  or  small  tree  with  pink  flowers. 


M.S:SA  FRUTICOSA  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  parvus,  ramuli  stricti,  teretes,  dense  foliati,  cum  inflorescentiis  piliis 
brevissimis  patentibus  f  ugaceis  puberulis  onusti.  Folia  parva,  obovata,  basi  rotun- 
data,  apice  angustata,  abrupte  minute  obtuse-apiculata,  margine  integerrima,  recur- 
vata,  chartacea,  supra  glabra,  subtus  pallidiora,  tenuiter  striata.  Bacemi  pedunculati, 
1-3-flori,  foliis  2-  vel  3-plo  breviores.  Flares  albidi,  gracile  pedicellati.  Sepala  4, 
late  ovata,  acuta.  Petala  4,  paullo  ultra  medium  connata,  lobis  suborbicularibus, 
tenuiter  crenulatis.  Stamina  petalis  baud  multo  breviora,  antheris  ovatis,  medio 
dorsifixis.  Stylus  brevis  ;  stigmate  obtuso,  obscure  lobulato.  Ovarium  ultra  |  in- 
ferum,  lepidotum. 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  forest  by   ?   lake,  7000'.    Fl.,   ?  .    Dec.    5579. 

A  small  shrub,  with  rigid  ascending  branches  and  durk  red-brown  strjate 


cortex.  Largest  leaves  2  cm.  by  1  cm.  with  midrib  sparsely  pilose,  on  lower 
surface  prominent  and  reddish  brown  in  colour,  with  2-3  faint  lateral  veins. 
Petioles  2  mm.  long.  Racemes  '5-l'5  cm.  reduced  to  a  peduncle  +2  mm. 
long,  with  1-3  flowers  on  pedicels  +5  mm.  long,  sparsely  pilose.  Bracts 
ciliate-acute,  1  mm.  long.  Calyx-lobes  1  mm.  long.  Corolla  2  mm.  long, 

FIG.  16. 

Mcssa fruticosa  Gibbs.—  A.  Branch, reduced ;  B.  Flower;  C.  Longitudinal 
section  of  flower. 

sparsely  pilose  on  exterior.  Anthers  1  mm.  long,  filaments  adnate  to  the  base 
of  the  tube.  Stvle  with  raised  upper  portion  of  ovary  1  mm.  long,  lower 
inferior  portion  1  mm. 

This  species  is  very  distinct  in  the  shrubby  habit  and  small  leaves, 
recalling  Suttouia  spp.,  or  some  forms  of  Myrsine  africana  L.  In  the 
extremely  reduced  racemes,  almost  amounting  to  single  flowers,  it  is  so 
far  unique  in  the  genus. 


SYMPLOCOS  (BOBUA)  ARFAKENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Arbor  parva,  glaberrima,  ramuli  teretes,  cortice  leviter  nigrescent*?.     Folia  petio- 
lata,    oblongo-lanceolata,    sensim    acuminato-obtusa    vel    einarginata,    basi   cuneata, 


obscure  serrata,  coriacea.  Bacemi  axillarcs,  solitarii  vel  a  basi  trifurcati,  petiole 
duplo  vel  triple  longiores.  Flores  sessiles,  bracteis  3  subgequalibus,  squamiformibus, 
ciliatis.  Calyx  5-lobus,  lobi  rotundati,  incisi,  ciliati.  Corolla  patelliformis,  ad  basin 
fere  partita,  calyce  duplo  longior,  5-lobata,  lobi  ciliati.  Stamina  oo  insequilonga, 
indistincte  pentadelphia.  Stylus  fere  glaber.  Ovarium  hirsutum,  3-loculare,  loculis 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  FJ.  Dec.  5574, 
5741  bis. 

Largest  leaves  8'5  cm.  by  4  cm.,  midrib  prominent  below,  the  lateral 
veins  5-8,  forming  tertiary  reticulations.  Petioles  1-2  cm.,  channelled  above. 
Leaves  and  petioles  yellow-green  (dried).  Racemes  +3  cm.  long,  the  two 
lateral  branches  2  cm.  Flowers  6  mm.  across.  Calyx  2  mm.  long,  lobes 
spreading.  Corolla  3  mm.  long,  tube  1  mm.  long.  Longest  stamens  +2  mm. 
long,  the  filaments  broadening  towards  the  base,  with  minute  anthers.  Style 
with  stigma  3  mm.  long  ;  stigma  |  mm.  broad. 

This  plant  is  near  S.  spicata  Roxb.,  but  is  distinguished  by  the  less  acute 
leaves,  fewer  flowering  racemes,  ciliate  bracts  and  calyx-lobes,  smaller  flowers 
with  narrower  and  more  spreading  corolla-lobes,  and  stamens  much  shorter 
than  the  corolla. 


Arbor  parva,  ramuli  teretes,  cortice  strigoso-fuscescente  cincti.  Folia  petiolata, 
oblongo-elliptica,  acutiuscula  vel  obtusa,  basi  cuneata,  integerrima,  chartacea,  glabra, 
costa  media  supra  impressa  subtus  prominula.  Racemi  simplices,  axillares,  pauci- 
flores,  subumbellato-racemosi,  rhachis  griseo-pubescens,  pedunculi  petiolo  breviores. 
Bractece  sub  calyce  2,  minima?.  Calyx  lobis  5,  rotundatis,  campanulatis.  Corolla 
extus  pilosa,  calyce  4-plo  longior  usque  medium  divisa,  lobis  5,  ciliatis.  Stamina 
4-serialia,  apice  libera,  basi  in  tubum  coalita.  Stylus  hirsutus,  stigmate  parvo. 
Ovarium  3-loculare. 

I  fab.  Arfak  Mts.,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  70007.    Fl.    Dec.    5578. 

Leaves  6  cm.  long  by  3  cm.,  midrib  reddish  in  colour  (dried),  lateral  veins 
4-6,  irregularly  pinnate;  with  reticulations  arcuate  and  anastomosing  on  the 
margins.  Petiole  1  cm.  long,  dark  red  in  colour,  channelled  on  the  upper 
surface.  Inflorescence  2  cm.  long,  common  peduncle,  also  pedicels  +5  mm. 
long.  Flower  +1*5  cm.  long.  Calyx  5  mm.  long.  Corolla  white,  1cm. 
long.  Staminal  tube  3  mm.  long,  adnate  to  and  produced  above  the  corolla- 
tube.  Anthers  5  mm.  long,  filaments  flat,  1  mm.  broad,  free  at  the  apex. 
Style  0  mm.  long. 

This  plant  is  very  near  S.  Scortecldnii  King  &  Gamble.  It  differs  in  the 
smaller  leaves  less  conspicuously  veined,  in  the  almost  glabrous  pedicels, 
calyx,  and  corolla,  with  the  calyx  more  deeply  lobed  and  the  style  less  pilose. 
With  S.  Scortecldnii  and  S.  Maingayi  Benth.  this  species  shows  a  3-celled 
ovary  which  Brand  gives  as  unknown  to  him  in  §  Cordyloblaste,  but  these 
plants  seem  to  fit  into  no  other  section. 


GEXTIANA  VANDERWATERI  Wernham  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix. 

(1916)  117. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  on  open  banks  in  forest  and  on  ridge,  8500'- 
9000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5641.— On  S.W.  ridge  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  7000'. 
Fl.  6001. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 
A  pretty  little  plant  with  dark  green  foliage  and   white  flowers,  fairly 
abundant  as  the  forest-trees  dwarfed  and  opened  out  towards  the  summit  of 
the  ridges. 


LYONSIA  ALBIFLORA  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Fiiifex  tenuis,  volubilis,  ramuli  teretes,  innovationes  sparsim  villosi,  demuin  glaber- 
rimi.  Folia  petiolata,  oblongo-linearia,  acuta,  basi  retundata  vel  subcordata,  sensim 
acuminata,  supra  nitida,  reticulato-rugosa.  Inflorescentia  unilateraliter  axillaris, 
longe  pedunculata,  quam  folia  longior,  divaricato-trichotoina,  bracteis  linearibus. 
Flares  pedicellati.  Calyx  villosus,  usque  basin  fere  partitus,  laciniis  ovatis  acutis. 
Corolla  extus  villosa,  intus  inter  stamina  et  ad  fauces  barbata,  laciniis  latis  lanceo- 
latis,  strigosis.  Stamina  paullo  infra  basin  tubo  inserta,  antherse  basi  sagittatae. 
serai-exsertse,  filauienta  gracilia,  piloso,  non  torta.  Ovarium  glabrum,  disco  o-lobo 

Hob.  Arfak  Mts.,  twining  in  forest  on  S.W.  ridge,  8000';  also  in  spinneys 
by  ?  lake,  700(X.  Fl.  Dec.  5532. 

Leaves  5'5  cm.  by  1  cm.,  dull  and  smooth  beneath,  the  young  leaves 
yellowish  with  midrib  impressed  above  and  prominent  beneath,  with  4-5 
lateral  veins  all  dark  brown  in  colour.  Petioles  twisted,  +7  mm.  long. 
Inflorescence  5-7*5  cm.  long.  Flowers  7  mm.  long.  Pedicels  pilose,  5  mm. 
long.  Calyx-lobes  1  mm.  long.  Stamens  5  mm.,  anthers  +6  mm.  long, 
filaments  arching  over  ovary,  2  mm.  long.  Ovary  1'5  mm.  in  length. 

Judging  from  Warburg's  description  this  plant  is  nearest  to  his  L.  diver- 
sifolia,  but  differs  in  the  inconspicuous  venation  of  the  leaves  with  fewer 
lateral  veins,  showing  no  reticulations  on  the  under  surface,  the  much  longer 
peduncles,  and  the  pilose  outer  surface  of  the  corolla. 

S  O  L  A  N  A  C  E  .£.       (J.  R.  DRUMMOND.) 

SOLANUM  GIBBSI.E  J.  R.  Drummond,  sp.  nov. 

Sujfrutex  sarmentosus  c.  unum  in.  altus,  ramis  lignosis  gracilibus'  stricte  erectis 
sordide  castaneis.  Bannili  pilis  stellatis  satis  copiose  muniti,  aculeis  6-12  nun. 
longis  ad  basin  vix  5  mm.  diametro  attingentibus  rectissimis  stramineo-coloratis 
arinati.  Folia  plana  petiolis  c.  1  mm.  longis  ramulis  quoad  indumentum  et  spinulus 
simillimis  suffulta  anguste  oblongo-lanceolata  c.  3-7  cm.  longa  2  cm.  vel  minus  lata 
margine  grosse  repando-dentata  fere  pinnatifida  lobis  patentibus  acutis  basi  (.-uni-ata 
vel  truncata  apice  acuminata  spinis  acicularibus  aculeis  caulinis  omnino  assimilatis 


paullo  eis  longioribus  utraque  armata  pagina  superiore  nitida  glaberrima  inferiors 
fulvide  furfuraceo-tomentosa  et  cum  nervis  pilis  stellatis  albescentibus  crebre 
conspersa.  Injl orescent ia  extra-axillaris  subcymosa ;  pedunculi  singulares  1-3-flori 
sub  anthesin  c.  8  mm.  longi  capillares  cum  pedicellis  fructiferis  ad  20  mm.  productis 
superne  lente  incrassatis  petiola  quoad  indumentum  emulantes  sed  cum  calycibus 
sparse  stellate  birsutis  denique  glabratis  vix  aculeis  muniti.  Flores  roseo-purpurei 
eis  S.  lucorum  simillimi  sed  quam  illi  multo  glabriores  subrotuti.  Calyx  late  cam- 
paniformis  pilis  stellatis  satis  parce  ornatus  inconspicuus  dentibus  brevissimis  apice 
membranaceo  subobtuso  postfructum  maturatum  deciduis.  Corolla;  lobi  5,  c.  3'5  mm. 
longi  angustissime  triangulares  sensim  acuminati  extus  pilis  stellatis  parcissime 
muniti  intus  cum  antheris  subconniventibus  insequalibus  glaberrimi  denique  plus 
minusve  reflexi.  Baccae  (fere  maturse)  depresse  globosae  cuti  membranaceo  nitido 
diametro  c.  8-10  mm.  latse  modice  succulentie.  Semina  (vix  matura)  circa  12 
flavescentia  ambitu  subreniformia  nonnunquam  paullo  angulata  lateraliter  plano- 
convexa  testa  subpellucide  nitente  sub  oculo  armato  rninopere  papillosa. 

Hob.  Arl'ak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Dec.  5974. 

The  nearest  ally  of  this  interesting  species  is  probably  S.  ferocissimum 
Lindl.  in  Mitch.  Three  Exped.  ii.  58  from  East  Australia,  but  the  specimens 
of  that  are  not  quite  sufficient  for  a  decision.  From  -S'.  retrorsum  Elmer 
(S.  rejiexispinosum  Merrill,  MSS.  in  Herb.  Kew.)  it  differs  by  the  spines, 
which  in  the  Philippines  plant  are  curved,  the  form  of  the  corolla,  and 
the  habit. 

LABIATE.     (S.  MOORE.) 

COLEUS  G-IBBSI^E  S.  Moore,  sp.  nov. 

Planta  semimetralis  vel  ultra,  caule  ascendente  ramoso  glabro,  ramulis  foliosis 
subtiliter  puberulis,  foliis  parvis  petiolatis  anguste  ovato-lanceolatis  obtusis  basi 
cuneatis  margins  serrato-crenatis  glabris,  spicastris  saepe  subpaniculatis  circa  8-floris 
floribus  pedicellatis,  calycis  puberuli  dente  postico  suborbiculari  marginibus  baud 
decurrentibus  dentibus  lateralibus  ovatis  obtusissimis  quam  antici  angusti  ultra 
medium  connati  brevioribus  calycibus  tandem  patentibus  vix  reflexis,  corolla;  extus 
puberulaB  tubo  infundibulari  quam  limbus  longiore  hujus  labio  postico  4-lobo  lobis 
centralibus  quam  laterales  majoribus  labio  postico  cymbiformi,  staminibus  exsertis. 

Hal).  Angi  lakes,  edges  o£  forest,  and  in  open  marsh  by  $  lake,  7000'. 
FL,  Fr.  Dec.  5909. 

Leaves  mostly  l'5-2  cm.  long  at  their  widest  part,  6-8  mm.  broad, 
brown  in  the  dry  state  ;  petioles  4-7  mm.  long.  Spicastra  usually  more 
than  20  cm.  long,  their  bracts  cymbiform,  in  outline  ovate,  commonly  about 
3  mm.  long.  Pedicels  filiform,  +  4  mm.  long,  in  the  fruiting  stage  often 
7  mm.  or  more.  Flowering  calyx  3  mm.  long  ;  hinder  tooth  2*5  mm.  long 
and  broad,  lateral  teeth  1  mm.,  front  ones  2  mm.  long.  Fruiting  calyx 
7  mm.  long  ;  hinder  tooth  suborbicular,  4  by  3*5  mm.,  lateral  teeth  2'5  by 


2  mm.,  front  4'5  mm.  long,  the  free  tips  of  these  last  narrowly  triangular, 
acuminate,  about  1  mm.  long.  Corolla  white  ;  tube  8-9  mm.  long,  at  the 
mouth  about  4  mm.  in  diameter  ;  central  lobes  of  the  hind  lip  connate 
beyond  the  middle,  2'5  by  4*5  mm.  ;  front  lip  6  by  5  mm.  Nutlets 
suborbicular  in  outline,  dark,  polished,  1'5  mm.  in  diameter. 

Besides  several  floral  points,  the  very  small  leaves  serve  in  this  case  as  an 
easy  mark  of  distinction. 


TECOMANTHE  VOLUBILIS  Gibbs,  »p.  nov. 

Sujf'rutex  scandens,  volubilis,  glaberrimus ;  ramuli  teretes,  cortice  griseo- 
striguloso,  lenticellis  prominulis  obtectis.  Folia  parva,  opposita,  petiolata,  impari- 
pinnata,  foliola  4-jugata,  opposita,  petiolata,  elliptica,  obtusa  vel  acuta,  basi  cuneata, 
apicem  1-3-plo  serrata,  margine  recurvata,  coriacea,  nitida,  anteriora  sursum  rainore 
supra  venis  lateralibus  2-3  impressis,  subtus  glanduloso-punctata.  Flores  majusculi, 
axillares,  breviter  racemosi.  Calyx  campanulatus,  5-lobus,  lobi  ina^qualibus  (posticis 
2  majoribus),  acuminatis,  ciliatis.  Corolla  late  inf  undibuliformis,  rosea,  tubus  sursum 
dilatatus,  extus  apice  pilosus,  intus  supra  basin  glaber,  lobi  cleltoideo-acuti,  quin- 
qucfidi,  tomentoso-marginati,  quarum  duo  majores.  Stamina  4,  didyma,  inclusa  ; 
filamenta  tiliformia,  glabra,  basi  aliquantum  stupposa ;  antherae  loculis  divergentibus. 
Stylus  filiformis,  glaber ;  stigma  bilamellatum.  Ovarium  cylindraceurn  glabrum, 
pseudo-biloculare,  ovula  pluriseriata. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  ridge,  twining  in  shrubberies,  9000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5603. 

A  slender  twining  plant  with  pink  flowers,  recalling  Lapageria  rosea 
Ruiz  &  Pav.  in  colour  and  habit.  In  the  forest  by  the  ?  lake  the  plant  was 
plentiful,  and  the  fallen  corollas  often  conspicuous  on  the  ground  ;  but  on 
Koebre  Mt.  it  was  still  in  flower,  both  on  the  old  and  the  young  greon  wood. 
The  leaves  with  petioles  are  +5  cm.  long,  petioles  2*7  cm.  long,  sub  4-angled, 
like  the  rhachis,  which  is  contracted  at  the  insertion  of  the  folioles,  the  hitter 
being  8  mm.  long,  the  lower  pair  shortly  petiolate  and  often  smaller  ;  the 
surface  of  the  folioles  when  dried  is  transversely  striate  above  and  longi- 
tudinally so  below.  Racemes  +2  cm.  long,  with  peduncle  1  cm.  long, 
bearing  a  pair  of  subulate  bracts  and  two  to  three  pairs  of  reduced  leaves  or 
folioles,  the  upper  with  single  flowers  in  their  axils,  on  slender  pedicels  1  cm. 
long,  with  two  opposite  bracteoles  4  mm.  long,  borne  about  halfway  up. 
Calyx  ±2  cm.  long  and  8  mm.  across  at  the  base  of  the  lobes,  the  longest 
lobes  1-3  cm.  and  6  mm.  broad  at  the  base  ;  the  lobes  are  reflexed  in  flower. 
Largest  corolla  +  S*5  cm.  long  and  4  cm.  broad  at  the  base  of  lobes. 
Longest  stamens  4  cm.  long,  shorter  pair  3  cm.,  both  inserted  1  cm.  from 
the  base  of  the  tube,  which  widens  out  immediately  above  the  point  of  in- 
sertion ;  anthers  5  mm.  long.  Style  ±6  cm.  long,  stigmatic  lamella  oblong, 


5  mm.  long.      Ovary  4  mm.  long  and   3   mm.   broad,  surrounded  by  the 
fleshy  crenulated  disc. 

This  plant  is  nearest  to  T.  leptophylla  Bl.,  known  to  me  only  by 
description,  but  differs  in  the  shorter  leaves  with  fewer  folioles,  the  large 
calyx  with  incised  ciliate  lobes  and  the  corolla  not  fuscous-striate  inside. 

G  E  S  N  E  R  I  A  C  E  M.       (S.  MOORE.) 

DICHROTRICHIUM  BREVIPES  Clarke  in  DO.  Monog.  Phan.  v.  54. 

Arfak  Mts.,  lower  spurs,  twining  in  high  forest,  4000'.  Fl.  (red).  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  near  Hatam,  Beccari, 



Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  (yellow), 
Dec.  5672. 

Distrib.  India  and  Ceylon.  Malav  Peninsula,  Java,  Borneo,  Philippine?. 
China  and  Japan.  E.  Australia. 

*UTRICULARIA  RACEMOSA  Wall.  Cat.  1496. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  minute,  in  marsh  by  ?  lake  where  open  and 
sandy,  7000'.  Fl.  (purple).  Dec.  5670.—  Larger  plant.  5671. 

Distrib.  India,  Corea,  Philippines,  Thursday  Island. 

^E.     (Tn.  VALETON.) 

OLDENLANDIA  NUTANS  Val.,  sp.  nov.,  aff.  0.  KOCHII   Val.  in  Nova  Guinea, 

viii.  (1911)  439. 

Hal).  Arfuk  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5587.—  Common  in  marsh.  5922.—  S.W.  ridge,  open, 
steep  slopes,  8000'.  5716.—  A.  E.  Pratt,  Monswoon  Bean,  7000'.  (Herb. 

Herbacea,  1-1  '5  m.  alt.,  foliis  parvis,  inflorescentia  terminal!  racemosa,  floribus 
nutantibus  albis  c.  6  mm.  longis. 

Forma  ALPINA  Val. 

Koebre  Mt.,  shrubby  herbaceous,  on  open  summit,  9000'.     Fl.,  Fr.    5607. 

LTTCIN/EA  RETICULATA  Val.,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  scandens,  glaber.  Stipules  membiunaceae,  ochreatim  connatse.  Petiolus 
supra  complanatus  et  bisulcus  3-5  mm.  longus.  Folia  40-70  mm.  longa,  10-26  mm. 
lata,  lanceolata,  subacuminata,  acuta,  basi  attenuata,  coriacea,  glabra,  siccando  lutt'o- 
viridia  nitidula,  dense  reticulata,  costa  nervis  et  venulis  supra  et  subtus  prominulis, 


nervi  laterales  utrinque  4-6  oblique-patuli,  ante  marginem  arcuato-conjuncti. 
Capitula  parva,  breviter  pedunculata,  vulgo  4  in  apice  rainuli  umbellata.  Flares 
parvi.  Calyx  truncatus,  discus  globosus,  corolla?  lobi  crassi  apice  valde  incrassati 
incurvi  et  uncinati  in  alabastra  apice  gibbosi.  Corolla  aperta,  4  mm.  longa,  infundi- 
bularis  ;  antherae  et  villi  generis.  Fructus  ignoti. 

Hab.  Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  twining  on  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake, 
7000'.  Fl,  (white).  Dec.  5580. 

MYCETIA  JAVANICA  var.  ANTHOTRICHA  Val.  Icones,  Pars  iii.  (1908)  tab.  270 ; 
Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1911)  463. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  creeping  in  open  marsh  by  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5910. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  KambuTira,  Wichmann  ;  N.E.).  Malaya. 
(Type  in  Java.) 


Frit t ex  parvus,  squarrosus.  Stipules  minute,  rotunda to-ovataj,  caducse,  cicatrices 
Iseves  annulati.  Ramuli  subteretes,  ignosi  denudati,  ultimi  densa  foliosi.  Folia 
parva  elliptica,  brevi-petiolata  vel  subobovata,  apice  acuta,  basi  attenuata,  crasse 
coriacea,  cuticula  supera  in  sicco  valde  rugulosa,  marginibus  incurvis,  subuninervia. 
Corymbi  parvi  brevi-pedunculati,  bracbiati,  internodiis  brevibus  articulatis,  densiflori. 
Flores  in  ramulis  ultimis  vulgo  terni,  brevi-pedicellati,  bracteis  minutis  ovatis 
glanduliferis.  Flos  nunc  brevistylis.  Calyx  cum  ovario  turbinatus,  glaber,  limbo 
patellifonni  dentato.  Corolla  hypocraterimorpha,  papilloso-tomentella,  limbus  tubo 
2-3-plo  brevior.  Antlierae  nunc  exserti,  tilamentis  brevibus,  faucis  ostiuin  glabrum, 
tubus  intus  ad  et  infra  medium  parce  hirsutus.  Stylus  brevis,  glaber;  stigma 
breviter  bilobum.  Drupa  oblongo-globosa.  Pyrenee  dorso  profunde  sub  5-sulcatae, 
costis  rotundatis,  ventre  planse,  leviter  costulatae.  Semen  transsectu  4-loba,  lobis 
anterioribus  exsculptis.  Albumen  sublajve  tegmine  crasso  hie  inde  leviter  intruso. 

Hab.  Arl'uk  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Koebre  Mt.,  shrubby  and  small  tree,  very 
compact,  in  forest  and  on  open  summit,  8500-9000'.  FL,  Fr.  Dec.  5622.— 
Shrub,  compact.  5717. 

Leaves  10-20  mm.  long,  petiole  1-3  mm.  long.  Corymbs,  with  peduncle 
5-10  mm.  long,  20  mm.  long  and  broad. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  2500  m.,  Gjellerup  (1202  in 
Herb.  Bogor.)). 

Species  rather  near  to  P.  densi/iora  Stapf  (Kinabalu,  2200  in.)  and 
P.  Lorentzi  Val.  (S.W.  New  Guinea,  Hellwig  Mts.,  2600-3000  m.). 
Easily  distinguished  by  the  very  small  leaves  and  ericaceous  habit. 

[TiMONius  FILIPES  Wernhjun  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  73. 
Arfak  Mts.,  on  S.W.  ridge,  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  8000',  and  edge  of 
forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.     Fl.  (£).     Dec.     5546. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss). 


As  the  $  plant  of  the  type  was  alone  collected,  I  add  the  description 
of  the  (J  flower  : — 

Pedunculi  glabri,  2  cm.  longi,  quisque  flores  tres  ad  apicem  gerens  quorum  intcr- 
medius  sessiles.  Calyx  campanulatus,  4-dentatus,  sericeus,  1'5  mm.  longus.  CoroUce 
sericeo-villosse,  intus  glabree,  tubus  graciles,  leviter  incurvus,  2  cm.  longus,  limbi  lobi 
crassi,  acuti,  2  mm.  longi.  Antlieras  lineares  4  mm.  longse,  basi  bifidi,  lobis  obtusis, 
filamenta  brevia,  supra  medium  corolla?  affixa,  inclusa  (apicem  ipsem  solum  exsqrte). 
Ovarium  subobsoletum ;  stylus  5'5  mm.  longus,  hirsutus ;  stigmato  bilobato. 

This  plant  agrees  with  the  above  in  the  peculiar  shape,  texture,  and 
venation  of  the  leaves,  though  the  latter  in  this  case  are  more  rounded  to 
semicordate  at  the  base.  In  size  they  agree  uniformly  with  Wern ham's 
var.  acuminatisfdma,  which  I  cannot  separate  from  the  type,  the  reduced 
size  of  the  leaves — not  uniform  in  Klo?s's  specimen,  but  well-marked  in  the 
Arfak  plants — being  no  doubt  correlated  with  the  higher  altitude. — L.  S.  G.] 

PSYCHOTJRIA  sp.,  resembles  P.  SARMENTOSA  Bl. 

Arfak  Alts.,  S.W.  ridge,  running  up  to  Angi  lakes,  8000'.  •  Fl.  Dec. 
5527.— Epiphytic  in  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  Fl.  5930. 

"Shrub  to  small  tree,  flowers  white."  In  the  absence  of  stipules  and 
fruit  the  species  cannot  be  more  closely  determined. 

MYKMEDOMA  ARFAKIANA  Becc.  Malesia,  ii.  94. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Koebre  Mt.,  in  upper  forest  and  on  open  summit,  8500— 9000'. 
Fl.  Dec.  5639. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Hatam,  Mt.  Arfak,  Beccari  (epiphyte)  : 
Angi  lakes,  Gjellerup). 

"Terrestrial.  Most  grotesque  plants,  over  ]  m.  high,  with  often  a  lateral 
branch  at  right  angles  to  main  shoot  1  m.  in  length.  Large  slate-blue 
flowers  up  the  stem  (  PI.  3.  fig.  6).  The  same  species,  judging  from  the  colour 
and  size  of  the  flowers,  was  also  very  abundant  as  an  epiphyte,  showing  no 
peculiarities  in  size  and  habit  (PL  2.  fig.  4).  I  saw  one  or  two  of  these 
plants  on  the  ground  on  Koebre,  fallen  from  trees  the  branches  of  which  had 
been  singed  in  the  annual  burning.  Possibly  these  plants,  continuing  their 
existence  under  more  favourable  circumstances,  develop  into  the  monstrous 
forms  described  above." 

MORINDA  sp.,  a/.  M.  UMBELLATA  L. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  Koebre  Mt.,  twining  in  forest,  8000'.  Fr. 
Dec.  5636. 

This  species  resembles  very  much  the  Australian  M.  jasminoides  Cunn. 


Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  creeping  in  open  marsh  and  on  banks  by  $  lake, 
7000'.  Fl.  Dec.  5917. 


C  A  M  P  A  N  U  L  A  C  E  2E. 

LOBELIA  (!SOLOBUS)  ARFAKENSIS  Gibhs,  sp.  nov. 

Planta  pusilla,  a  basi  crebro  mmosa,  humifusa,  caules  repentes,  tota  planta  albo- 
pilosa.  Folia  parva,  petiolata,  orbicularia,  regulariter  grossedentata.  Flores 
axillares,  longe  pedieellati.  Calyx  laciniis  linearibus,  acutis,  tubum  sequantibus. 
Corolla  quam  lacinise  calycinae  triple  longior,  laciniis  anguste  linearibus  supenoribus 
erectis,  a  basi  partitis,  inferioribus  trilobis.  Stamina  lobis  corollse  brevioribus, 
anterioribus  albo-barbatis,  filamenta  fere  usque  ad  basin  coalita. 

Hal.  Arfak  Mts.,  S.W.  ridge,  just  above  the  ?  lake,  8000'.  FI.,  Fr. 
Dec.  6117. 

A  tiny  plant  of  Pratia  habit,  spreading  on  the  ground  where  open 
between  shrubs,  with  white  flowers  tinted  mauve  on  the  outside.  Leaves 
4  by  5  mm.,  with  deltoid  teeth  1  cm.  long.  Petioles  2  mm.  long.  Flower 
8  mm.  long.  Pedicels  + 1-1'2  cm.  long.  Calyx  '5  mm.  long.  Corolla 
6  mm.  long.  Stamens  5  mm.  long,  anthers  + 1  mm.  Capsule  6-7  bv 
4  mm. 

The  only  species  known  in  this  section  in  Malaya  is  L.  radicans  Bl., 
a  much  larger  and  quite  glabrous  plant. 


SC^VOLA  LAUTERBACHIANA  Krause  in  Pflanzenreich,  iv.  277  (1912)  1112.  . 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  hikes,  edge  of  forest  by  ?  lake,  7000'.  FL,  Fr.  (yg.). 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

A  scrambler  with  yellow  flowers,  striped  with  dark  veins,  occurring 
massed  in  the  open.  Evidently  an  extremely  variable  plant  in  the  shape 
of  the  leaves  and  extent  of  the  tomentum  on  the  peduncle,  corolla,  and  ovary. 
The  above  specimens  are  glabrous,  the  leaves  broadly  ovate  and  irregularly 
dentate,  a  character  also  shown  in  the  type-specimen  (Schlechter,  14446, 
Herb.  Kew.).  The  corolla  is  sparsely  pilose  on  the  outer  surface  and  barbate 
on  the  veins  to  the  base  of  the  lobes  on  the  inner  ;  the  style  is  also  markedly 
shorter  than  in  the  type. 


BIDENS  BIPINNATA   L.  Gen.  PL  ed.  1,  n.  641  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910;  . 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  abundant  in  open  marsh  by  2  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.,  Fr.  Dec.  5562. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Merauke,  Versteeg).  Wide  in  tropics 
and  recorded  from  Europe, 


EMILIA  SONCHIFOLIA  (L.);  DC.  in  Wight,  Oontrib.  24;  Schum.  &  Laut. 

Arfak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  open  marsh  and  on  edge  of  ?  lake,  7000'. 
Fl.  5915. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea  and  adjacent  islands.  Tropics  of  both 

LACTUCA  PROLIXA  S.  Moore,  sp.  nov. 

Caule  simplici  elato  gracili  striato,  foliis  radicalibus caulinis  perpaucis 

anguste  lineari-oblanceolatis  acutis  basi  in  petiolum  longissimum  extenuatis  margine 
distanter  denticulatis  membranaceis  glabris,  capitulis  submediocribus  in  paniculam 
brevem  vel  elongatam  oligo-  vel  polycephalam  satis  laxam  digestis  pedunculis  propriis 
quam  bractea  subulata  basali  plane  longioribus  teneris,  involucri  oblongo-campanulati 
glabri  phyllis  linearibus  acutis  ssepe  anguste  albo-inarginatis  additis  paucis  exterioribus 
abbreviatis  ovato-lanceolatis  acutis,  fiosculis  exsertis,  achseniis  anguste  fusiformibus 
pluricostatis  glabris  in  rostrum  quam  se  ipsa  brevius  desinentibus,  pappi  setis 
levibus  albis. 

Hal.  ArFak  Mts.,  Angi  lakes,  in  bracken  where  burnt,  7000'.  Fl. 
Dec.  5921. 

At  most  more  than  a  metre  high.  Single  leaf  seen  10  cm.  long,  above 
the  middle  5-6  mm.  broud  ;  petiole  almost  as  long  as  lamina,  swollen  at  the 
base.  Inflorescence  sometimes  only  7  cm.,  at  others  more  than  20  cm. 
long,  5-15  cm.  broad.  Bracts  few,  +  2  mm.  long.  Capitula  1  cm.  long. 
Involucres  9  by  1-1'5  mm.,  their  outer  leaves  1-2  mm.  long.  Achenes 
(with  the  beak  2  mm.  long)  6  mm.  long  ;  pappus  5  mm.  long. 

A  remarkable  plant,  differing  from  the  widely  diffused  L.  lamc/ata  DO. 
in  the  tall  habit,  the  narrow  leaf  on  its  very  long  stalk,  and  the  narrower  and 
longer  flowering  heads. 


List  of  Plants  collected  in  the  Vicinity  of  Manokoeari,  Humboltlt  Bay,  ami  on 
tlie  Jslands  of  Roon,  Wakde,  and  Wiak,  Dutch  N.  W.  New  Guinea, 
in  January  and  February  191-4. 




PILOCRATERA  HiNDSii  (Berk.)  P.  Henn.  in  Hedvv.  xxxii.  225  (1893). 
Triclioscyyha  Hindsii  Sacc.  Syll.  viii.  161  (1889). 

M;mokoeari,  on  dead  wood,  sec.  jungle,  edge  of  "korang"  forest,  200'. 
Jan.  6169. 

Distrib    Common  in  tropics. 

Hennings  (Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  xiv.  363  (1892))  lias  proposed  the  generic 
name  Pilocratera  to  replace  the  name  Trichos<-ypha  (Cooko)  Sacc.  (/.  c.) — 
the  latter  name  having  been  used  by  Cooke  (1879)  as  a  subgenus.  As 
in  several  cases,  the  name  has  been  duplicated  in  different  plant-groups, 
J.  D.  Hooker  (Benth.  &  Hook.  Gen.  Plant,  i.  423  (1862))  using  it  for  a 
genus  of  Anacardiacese.  The  question  of  these  duplicate  names  should  be 
considered  in  general  ;  it  can  then  be  seen  whether  the  principle  of  nomiiia 
consercanda  should  be  invoked  for  the  name  in  one  group  used  for  a  large 
number  of  species  in  a  well-known  genus,  as  against  the  name  used  for 
a  little-known  genus  with  few  species. 

PILOCRATERA  NOVO  GUINEENSIS  R:imsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Rubra ;  ascomatibus  ceraceo-carnosis,  stipitato-cupulatis,  1*5-2  cm.  diam.,  extus 
pruinosis,  margine  pilosis,  quoque  pilo  e  tubulis  septatis  hyalinis  coalitis  composite, 
cupulo  hemispherico,  stipite  compresso,  3-3'5  cm.  longo,  1  nim.  crasso,  pruinoso ; 
ascis  cylindraceis,  c.  320  yu.  x  15-16  yu,  breviter  stipitatis,  partibus  sporiferis  c.  170  fi 
longis,  apice  non  iodo  caerulescentibus,  octosporis ;  sporis  monostichis,  fusoideo- 
ellipticis,  biguttulatis,  23-28  p.  x  12-15  p. ;  paraphysibus  cylindraceis,  septatis,  5  p. 

In  ligno  putrido. 

The  hairs  on  the  disc  margin  are  composed  of  a  cone  of  septate  hyaline 
filaments,  which  are  about  7-8  //.  wide  at  the  base.  The  cone  is  about 
350  p  in  length,  with  a  base  of  about  150  /A.  The  cells  of  the  peridium 
are  spherical,  and  vary  in  size  from  about  25  fj,  towards  the  middle  of  the 
disc  to  about  10  ft  at  the  margin.  They  are  thick-walled,  as  are  also  the 
paraphyses  and  spores. 

Hob.  Manokoeari,  sec.  jungle,  edge  of ';  korang  "  forest,  200'.  Jan.  6152. 


SARCOSOMA  NOVO-GUINEKNSIS  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Ascomatibus  gelatinosis,  brunneis,  discis  pallidioribus,  turbinatis,  8  cm.  altis, 
5  cm.  latis,  extus  strigoso-hirsutis  ;  setis  simplicibus,  septatis,  castaneis,  450-1200  yn 
X  10-17  fjL ;  ascis  cylindraceo-clavatis,  obtusis,  ad  400  p  X  17-18  /A,  partibus  sporiferis 
c.  250  fj.,  octosporis,  paraphysatis  ;  paraphysibus  subclavatis,  fuscidulis,  4-6  p  crassis ; 
sporis  monostichis,  ellipsoideis,  1-2  guttulatis,  25-40  p,  x  11-15  fj,,  hyalino-fuscidulis. 

Ad  terrain. 

Hab.  Manokoeari,  common  in  forest  and  sec.  jungle.     Jan.     6198. 

This  magnificent  species  is  closely  allied  to  Bulgaria  celelnca  P.  Henn. 
(Monsunia,  i.  30  (1899))  =  Sarcosoma  celebicum  Sacc.  &  Syd.  (Sacc.  Syll. 
xvi.  (1902)),  but  differs  in  its  larger  size  and  in  the  somewhat  greater 
dimensions  of  all  its  parts.  Henn  ings,  who  did  not  at  that  time  separate 
Sarcosoma  from  Bulgaria,  writes  concerning  his  species:  — "  Eine  sehr 
grosse,  stattliche  Art,  die  anssen  sowie  am  Rande  mit  dichten  schwarzem 
Haarfilz  hekleidet,  von  alien  bisher  bekannten  Arten  ganz  verschieden  ist 
jedoch  mit  B.  platydiscus  (Casp.)  [Sarcosoma  platydiscum  Casp.]  gevvisse 
Aehnlickheit  besitzt."  The  interior  of  S.  novo-guineensis  is  whitish,  and  in 
formalin  appears  translucent.  The  spores  are  almost  colourless. 


A  U  K  I  C  U  L  A  It  I  A  C  E  M. 

HIRNEOLA  POLYTRICHA  (Mont.)  Sacc.  Syll.  vi.  766  (1888). 

Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,'^  dead  .wood  in  forest,  500'. 
Jan.  6269. 

Distrib.  Widespread  in  tropics. 

Eaten  by  Chinese. 


PORIA  GIBBSI^E  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Cremicolor,  2-3  cm.  longa,  effuso-crustacea,  usque  ad  3-4  mm.  crassa,  subiculo 
tenuissimo ;  tubulis  obliquis,  2-5  mm.  longis  ;  poris  irregularibus  demum  laceratis 
(ad  marginem  regularibus)  c.  1  mm.  diam.  ;  sporis  ellipticis  6-8  p.  x  4-5  p  ;  basidiis 
c.  25-30  /i  x  6-7  /x. 

Ad  lignum  putridum. 

Manokoeari,  sec.  jungle,  edge  of  "  korang  "  forest,  200'.     Jan.     6153. 

POLYPORUS  (LENTUS)  ARCULARIUS  Fr.  Syst.  Myc.  i.  342  (1821). 

Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  dead  wood  in  forest,  500'. 
Jan.  6255. 

J)istrib,  Practically  world-wide. 


HEXAGONA  APIARIA  (Pers.)  Fr.  Epicr.  Syst.  Myc.  497  (1838).  H.  WigUii 
(Klotz.)  Fr.  Polyporus  ajnarius  Pers.  in  Freyc.  Voy.  169  (1826). 
P.  Wightii  Klotz.  in  Linnaea,  vii.  200  (1832). 

Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  plentiful   on  dead  wood  in 
forest,  500'.     Jan.     5701.— Mauokoeari,  500'.     Jan.     5700. 
Distrib.  Philippines,  India,  Ceylon,  Java,  New  Guinea,  etc. 

FAVOLUS  SCABER  B.  &  Br.  in  Journ.  Linn.  Soc.,  Bot.  xiv.  57  (1875). 

Manokoeari,  Genbela,  on  dead  wood,  forest  track  along  coast.  Jan. 

Distrib.  Ceylon,  Malaya,  etc. 


PTERULA  GRANDIS  H.  &  P.  Sydow  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  liv.  252  (1916). 

Manokoeari,  sec.  jungle  on  edge  of  "  korang"  forest,  on  buried  wood, 
200'.  Jan.  6165. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

The  collecting-notes  give  "  smoke-grey  in  colour,"  whereas  Sydow's 
description  says,  "dilute  brunnea  vel  flavo-brunuea."  The  dried  specimens 
are  rufescent. 

CLAVARIA  GIBBSIJE  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Alba,  translucens,  gregaria,  subfasciculata,  clavata,  recta,  c.  10  cm.  alta,  4'5  mm. 
crassa ;  clavis  simplicibus;  sporis  hyalinis,  ellipsoideis,  basi  subapiculatis,  7-11 /* 
X  4-6  p. ;  basidiis  clavatis,  vix  emersis,  c.  40  p.  x  8-10  /i ;  sterigmatibus  binis. 

Ad  terrain. 

Hob.  Manokoeari,  in  forest,  200'.     Jan.     6174. 


GUEPINIA  CONFERTA  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Alba,  gelatinosa,  conferta,  confluenti-csespitosa ;  pileo  stipitato,  primitus  sulcato- 
cylindraceo  dein  plano-convexo  vel  excavate ;  stipitibus  teretibus  vel  compressis  saepe 
in  2-3  ramos  divisa  ;  basidiis  linearibus,  longe  furcatis,  bisporis,  5-6  p.  crassis,  ad 
basim  ramosisshnis  ;  sterigmatibus  filifonnibus,  c.  15-20  p.  longis,  basi  2-3  /*  diam. ; 
sporis  cylindraceis,  curvuh's,  multiguttulatis,  10-13  p  x  4  p.. 

In  ligno  putrido. 

The  hyphae  of  the  interior  are  laxly  interwoven  and  have  a  diameter  of 
2-3  IL. 

Hal.  Manokoeari,  sec.  jungle,  edge  of"  korang  *'  forest,  200'.  Jan.  5702. 




DICTYOPHORA  PHALLOIDEA  Desv.  in  Journ.  d.  Bot.  ii.  88  (1809). 

Manokoeari,  very  common  on  ground  where  damp  in  forest,  200'.  Jan. 

Brown,  reticulum  yellow.     Eggs  brown.     Smells  like  Phallus  impudicus. 
Diatrib.  Widespread  in  tropics. 

In  specimens  preserved  in  spirit  the  pileus  and  the  wide-netted 
reticulum  have  a  dark,  somewhat  orange  colour  and  the  stipe  is  almost 
white  ;  the  liquid  contains  a  flocculent  powder,  which  is  of  the  same  colour 
as  the  reticulum,  but  somewhat  lighter.  In  dried  specimens  the  pileus  is 
blackish  brown,  the  net  and  stipe  orange,  and  the  volva  looks  like  touch- 
wood. The  pileus,  stipe,  and  indusium  of  D.  phalloidea  are  in  most 
collections  normally  white ;  and  Fischer  (1891,  1893)  gives  thirty-six 
synonymous  forms,  though  he  includes  D.  rosea  (Cesati),  recorded  from 
French  Guinea  and  Java,  in  which  the  indusium  is  pink. 

D.  phalloidea  seems  to  be  extremely  variable  in  the  shape  and  size  of  its 
parts,  chiefly  the  pileus  and  the  indusium.  Moller,  discussing  the  question 
of  varieties  ('Brasilische  Pilzblumen,'  122  (1895)),  says  :— "  Die  Varietaten- 
bildung  kann  meines  Erachtens  keine  andere  Bedeutung  haben,  als  die 
einer  iibersichtlichen  Anordung  der  in  den  Sammlungen  zufallig  ent- 
haltenen  Stiicke.  Jeder  neue  Fund  wird  sie  verandern  und  erweitern.  .  .  . 
Wiirde  man  auf  diesem  Wege  weiter  gehen,  so  miisste  beinahe  fiir  jeden 
neuen  Einzelfund  nun  ein  neuer  Varietaten-Name  gemacht  werden,  mit 
ebenso  grossem  und  ebenso  geringem  Rechte,  wie  man  friiher  einen  neuen 
Artnamen  einsetzte.  In  der  Sache  ware  kaum  etwas  geiindert.  Ich 
mochte  es  fiir  ausreichend  halten,  wenn  man  neue  Fundorte  bekannt  giebt 
uud  auf  die  vorkommenden  Formabweichungen  aufmerksam  macht,  um 
das  Maass  der  Formschwankungen  innerhalb  dieser  merkwiirdigen  Art 
allmahlich  festzustellen."  Fetch  (Ann.  Roy.  Bot.  Gard.  Peradeniya,  iv. 
139  (1908))  gives  an  account  of  the  variations  in  the  pileus  and  net  which 
led  to  the  formation  of  "  species."  The  New-Guinea  specimens  fall  well 
within  the  morphological  series  described  by  various  authors. 

With  regard  to  colour  there  seems  to  be  just  as  great  a  variation,  and 
certain  species  have  been  described  on  what  seems  to  be  differences  in 
colour  alone.  One  of  these,  Dictyophora  multicolor,  was  described  from 
Brisbane  by  Berkeley  and  Broome  (Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  2nd  ser.  Bot.  ii.  65 
(1883)).  The  type-specimen  is  in  the  herbarium  of  the  British  Museum. 
Two  drawings  accompanied  the  specimen  sent  by  Bailey — one  by  himself,  the 
other  by  his  young  son.  The  drawing  and  colouring  in  each  is  very  poor, 
and  Bailey  calls  his  own  colouring  "  incorrect/'  The  notes  on  colour  are 
"  orange  "  for  the  pileus,  "  lemon  "  for  the  net,  and  "  cream  "  for  the  stipe. 


(The  original  of  Miss  Ellis's  drawing,  torn.  cit.  t.  xiv.  f.  16,  is  in  the  B.M. 
collection.  It  is  made  up  from  the  specimen  and  the  accompanying  sketches, 
and  probably  poorly  represents  the  former  when  gathered,  either  in  shape  or 
colour.)  The  veil  is  dependent,  but  judging  from  the  type-specimen  there 
is  no  reason  against  considering  it,  from  a  morphological  point  of  view,  as  a 
badly- preserved  D.  phalloidea.  Penzig  (Ann.  Jard.  Bot.  Buitenzorg,  xvi. 
154  (1899))  records  D.  multicolor  from  Java,  where  he  found  it  not  very 
common.  He  regards  it  as  easily  distinguishable  from  D.  phalloidea  by  its 
orange-coloured  indusium.  The  volva  is  dark  brown,  the  stipe  pale  yellow 
(cream),  and  the  pileus  dark  yellow  after  the  dark  olive-green  gleba  has 
been  washed  away  ;  the  mycelial  strands  are  reddish.  He  regards  this 
species  as,  on  the  average,  smaller  than  D.  phalloidea. 

The  specimens  of  the  present  collection  are  doubtless  D.  multicolor  as 
interpreted  by  Penzig.1 

Another  species  which  apparently  differs  only  in  colour  from  D.  phalloidea 
is  D.  callichroa  Moll.,  based  upon  a  single  collection  (Moller,  torn.  cit.  129). 
The  pileus  of  both  specimens  was  orange,  and  the  mouth  rose-coloured.  The 
stipe  and  indusium  were  pure  white.  "  Bei  keinem  der  sonst  beobachteten 
(iiber  40)  Fruchtkorper  von  D.  phalloidea  wurde  eine  ahnliche  Farbung,  wie 
hier,  auch  nur  andeutungsweise  je  beobachtet." 

Hennings  (Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  xxv.  505  (1898))  gives  the  name  D.  phalloidea 
forma  aurantiaca  to  a  specimen  from  New  Guinea  with  an  orange-yellow 
pileus  and  a  snow-white  indusium.  Fischer  (Mitt,  naturf.  Gesell.  Bern, 
110  (1907))  describes  a  form  with  a  white  volva  and  a  yellowish-brown 

Concerning  Ceylon  specimens,  Petch  (/.  c.)  says  that  the  commonest 
form  has  a  white  stalk,  a  white  cap,  and  a  salmon-pink  net.  A  pure  white 
specimen  is  rare,  though  the  specimens  developed  from  "  eggs "  were 
white,  suggesting  that  separation  from  the  mycelial  strands  influenced 
the  colour.  (Moller's  specimens,  except  D.  callichroa^  were  developed  from 
collected  eggs.)  Petch  summarizes  his  observations:  "  Altogether,  it  may 
be  said  that  the  cap  may  be  white,  pale  yellow,  or  orange  ;  the  stalk  may 
be  white,  yellow,  orange,  or  pink;  and  the  net  may  be  white,  yellow, 
orange,  orange-red,  pink,  or  salmon.  Examples  occur  with  all  possible 
combinations  of  these  colours,  without  any  structural  differences  which 
would  warrant  their  separation  as  species.  ...  In  some  of  the  Ceylon 
specimens  the  mycelium  and  volva  are  white,  in  others  they  are  violet, 
or  the  top  of  the  unopened  egg  is  purple;  and  there  seems  to  be  some 
correlation  between  the  presence  of  colour  in  the  volva  and  mycelium, 
and  its  absence  from  the  mature  fructification.  ...  It  seems  impossible 
to  maintain  species  on  colour.  In  Ceylon,  one  is  certain  after  gathering 

1  Cleland  and  Cheel  record  this  form  for  Australia  (Journ.  Roy.  Soc.  N.S.W.  xlii.  200 


fifty  specimens  that  he  has  phalloidea,  multicolor,  and  callichroa  ;  by  the 
time  he  has  seen  one  hundred  this  belief  is  considerably  shaken  :  and 
further  experience  forces  him  to  the  conclusion  that  there  is  only  one 
species.  Nor  is  it  possible  to  separate  forms  on  such  characters  as  the 
relative  position  of  the  cap  and  net,  the  rounded  or  flattened  bands  of  the 
net,  the  size  of  the  meshes,  the  depth  of  the  net,  and  the  extent  of  its 

Lloyd  ('Synopsis  of  the  known  Phalloids/  20  (1909))  says  that  the 
colour  forms  of  D.  phalloidea  "  have  a  geographical  significance.  They 
do  not  occur  in  Samoa;  and  Mr.  C.  B.  Ussher,  who  has  observed  the  species 
in  tropical  Africa,  informs  me  that  they  are  absent  there." 

The  smell  of  D.  phalloidea  is,  according  to  Holier,  worse  than  that  of 
Phallus  impudicus  ;  the  smell  of  D.  callichroa  bears  no  resemblance  to  it, 
and  is  "  schwach,  wiederlich  siisslich."  Bailey  writes  concerning  D.  multi- 
color : —  "The  odour  of  this  beautiful  fungus  is  decidedly  strong  and  far 
from  being  agreeable,  but  it  has  not  the  loathsomeness  of  an  Aseroe." 
Fetch  says  the  smell  of  the  Ceylon  specimens  is  not  by  any  means  so 
offensive  as  that  of  P.  impudicus,  being  rather  sweet,  slightly  offensive 
indoors,  and  scarcely  perceptible  at  a  short  distance  from  the  fungus  in 
the  open,  so  that  he  was  never  able  to  detect  it  by  its  smell,  as  one  often 
does  Phallus.  Miss  Gibbs  informs  me  that  after  her  first  gathering  of  the 
fungus  it  was  nearly  always  by  smell  that  she  afterwards  detected  it. 

GEASTEK  FIMBRIATUS  Fr.  Syst.  Mycol.  iii.  16  (1829). 

Manokoeari,  rank  jungle  at  edge  of  "  korang  "  forest  on  ground,  200'. 
Jan.  6173. 

Distrib.  Recorded  from  all  continents  except  Asia  (?). 

GEASTER  MIRABILIS  Mont.,  var.  TRICHIFER  Lloyd,  Mycological  Notes,  xxv. 

314,  317  (1907).     G.  trichifer  Rick  in  Lloyd,  /.  c. 

"  Is  really  a  form  of  Geaster  mirabilis,  but  the  exoperidium  is  strongly 
strigose,  and  the  only  Geaster  known  that  has  this  character  "  (Lloyd). 

Manokoeari,  rank  jungle  at  edge  of  "koraug"  forest  on  wood,  200'. 
Jan.  5753. 

Distrib.  Brazil. 

Fungi  Imperfecti. 


CYLINDROPHORA  EPITRICHA  Ramsbottom,  sp.  nov. 

Caespitulis  minutis  albis,  byssinis  ;  hyphis  ad  basim  4  /*  cr. ;  septatis,  ramulos 
simplices  unilaterales  ferentibus ;  hyphis  fertilibus  ascendentibus  vel  subrepentibus, 
non-septatis  ;  conidiis  ellipsoideis,  7-10  p.  X  3-4  p.. 

In  setis  Sarcosoma  novo-guineensis  (q.  v.).     5751. 




*DUMORTIERA  VELUTINA  Scliiffn.  Hepat.  Flora  von  Buitenzorg,  i.  26  (1900). 

Mauokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  terrestrial  in  forest,  500'.  Jan.  6 190. 
"  Mossy  green  in  appearance/' 

Distrib.  Java,  Sumatra. 


Frons  furcatim  divisa ;  rami  c.  1  cm.  longi  cuneate  subflabellatimve  expansi 
c.  0'5  cm.  lati  translucentes,  inferne  plani,  superne  lamellis  naagnis  (scilicet  parietibus 
cavernamm  perruptis)  bullato-crispatis  lobulatis  oblique  ascendentibus  subcontiguis 
ornati,  interne  spongiosi  e  cavernis  allantoideis  c.  G'l-0'3  mm.  diam.  ±1  mm.  longis 
longitudinaliter  dispositis  3-4-seriatis  oblique  apicem  rami  versus  ascendentibus  per 
parietes  unilamellatos  sejunctis  compositi.  Cellulae  lamellarum  c.  40  /i  diam.  Invo- 
lucrum  c.  0'3  cm.  longum  lamellis  paucis  parvis  crispatis  thallinis  ornatum.  Capsula 
c.  2*5  cm.  longa,  0'35  mm.  diam. ;  valvae  stomatibus  pertusae ;  columella  tenuis. 
Spores  c.  30  //,  diam.  unicellulares  brunneae  verruculosae.  Pseudo-elateres  c.  300  p. 
long.,  5  p.  crass,  vermiculariter  flexuosi  brunnei  opaciusculi  hie  illic  articulati  sine 

Hob.  Island  of  Roon,  road  along  Bay,  on  open  bank.  Jan.  6241. 
"Thallus  like  Dendroceros  javanicus,  yellow  and  fluffy." 


*GARCKEA  PHASCOIDES  C.  Mull,  in  Bot.  Zeit.  1845,  865. 

Island  of  Roon,  road  along  Bay,  on  open  bank.  Growing  among  Antlio- 
ceros  bullato-spongiosus.  Jan.  5754. 

Distrib.  Malay  Islands  to  S.  China  and  India. 

*WILSONIELLA  PELLUCIDA  0.  Mull,  in  Bot.  Centralbl.  1881,  345. 

Island  of  Roon,  road  along  Bay,  on  open  bank.  Growing  among  Antho- 
ceros  bullato-spongiosus.  Jan.  5755. 

Distrib.  Java,  Macassar,  Ceylon. 

PELEKIUM  TRACHYPODUM  Jaeg.  &  Sauerb.  Gen.  et  Spec.  Muse.  ii.  334 

Manokoeari,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  on  dead  wood  in  forest,  400'. 
Jan.  6184. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Onin,  west  coast,  Beccari-,  N.E.).  AJalay 
Islands.  India. 




The  references  to  the  descriptions  of  the  following  ferns  are  to  be  found 
in  Christensen's  '  Index  Filicum,'  1905-13. 


Humboldt  Bay,  over  ridge  behind  "campong,"on  rocks  by  stream,  in 
high  forest,  300'.  Jan.  6251. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (S.E.).     Java.     Formosa. 

Island  of  Roon,  ridge  above  "  campong,"  epiphytic  in  high  forest,  300'. 
Jan.  6236. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Soron,  Beccari  ;  Aru  Islands  ; 
N.E.).  Asia.  Africa.  Polynesia. 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  500',  common  in  high  forest, 
terrestrial.  Jan.  6263. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Kamoi,  Beccari ;  D.S.W.,  Noord 
River,  Versteeg  ;  Papuarand,  von  Roemer  ;  N.E.).  Trop.  Asia.  Trop. 
Australia.  Polynesia. 

CYATHEA  RUNENSIS  V.  Aid.  v.  Rosenb. 

Island  of  Roon,  ridge  rising  from  bay,  300',  undergrowth  in  high  forest. 
Jan.  6237.  "  Small  tree-fern,  3  m.  in  height,  very  thin  stem,  paleaceous. 
Fronds  2  m.  long,  bases  dry  and  thorny." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Roon  Island). 

ALSOPHILA  STBAMINEA,  Gepp,  sp.  nov. 

Stipes  (?).  Frons  tripinnatifida ;  rhachis  straminea  sparse  muricata,  supra  fusco- 
pubescens ;  pinnse  basales  circa  40  cm.  longse  15  cm.  latae,  mediae  circa  55  cm.  longse, 
brevi-stipitatae  lanceolatae  acuminatse  apice  pinnatifidae ;  rhachis  pinnae  sparse  punctato- 
muricata,  supra  rufo-tomentosa  infra  sparse  pallide  et  crispate  pubescens ;  pinnulae 
alternae  14-19-jugatse  lineari-lanceolatae  acuminatae  brevi-stipitatse,  8  cm.  longse 
±  1'5  cm.  lataa,  fere  ad  costam  (ad  -|)  pinnatisectse ;  costa  pinnulae  supra  rufo- 
tomentosa  infra  sparse  et  crispate  pubescens ;  segmenta  ±  16-jugata,  4  mm.  lata, 
inter  sese  ±  1  mm.  sejuncta,  oblonga  falcatula  obtusa  serrulata,  infra  minute  pubes- 
centia  ;  costula  supra  glabra  ;  venulae  8-10-jugatae  furcatae.  Sort  media ni 
±  8-jugati  in  venulae  furca  siti.  Textura  herbacea  ;  color  laminae  viridis. 

Hab.  Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "campong/'  500',  undergrowth  in 
high  forest.  Jan.  6256.  "Tree-fern,  3  m.  in  height.  Stem  thin  and 
thorny,  palese  bark  brown." 

The  pinnules  are  inserted  on  the  cogta  (secondary  rhachis)  at  intervals  of 
about  2'25  cm.,  and  their  margins  are  + 1  cm.  apart.  The  frond  is  not 
hairy  enough  to  be  referred  to  A.  trichodesma. 



Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  terrestrial  in  "korang"  forest,  700', 
common.  Jan.  6206.  "  Fronds  1*50  m.,  arranged  as  in  a  small  tree- 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  von  Roemer  ;  N.E.). 
Madagascar  to  Polynesia  and  tropical  Australia. 


Schouten  Island,  Bosnik,  Wiak,  terrestrial  in  forest,  near  beach.  Jan. 
6280.  "  Rosette  habit ;  frond  2  m.  long." 

Distrib.  Celebes ;  Philippine  Islands. 


Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  epiphytic  in  "korang"  forest,  500'.  Jan. 
6207.  "  Fronds  on  rhizome." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Beccari :  sine  loc.,  Gjellerup  ; 
N.E.).  Malay  Islands.  Burma. 


Manokoeari,  base  of  high  forest  behind  Manokoeari,  200',  terrestrial. 
Jan.  6168.  "  Sterile  and  fertile  fronds." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.).  Malay 
Islands.  Polynesia. 


Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  undergrowth  in  "korang"  forest,  700'. 
Jan.  6194. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak,  Beccari  :  im  feuchten  Urwald, 
Gjellerup  ;  N.E. ;  S.E.).  Polynesia.  Malay  Islands.  South  China.  India. 

THYSANOSORIA  Gepp,  gen.  nov. 

Son  parvi  globosi  copiosi  submarginales  super  venis  simplicibus  terminales. 
Indusium  nullum.  Ehizoma  scandens  ;  stipes  rhizoinati  haud  articulatiin  adjunctus  ; 
frondes  dimorpha  pinnat»,  pinnis  rhachi  articulatim  adjunctis. 

THYSANOSORIA  DIMORPHOPHYLLA  Gepp,  sp.  nov.     (PI.  4.) 

Axis  scandens  volubilis  stramineus  paleis  deciduis  primum  vestitus.  Frondes 
dimorphse.  Stipes  basi  decurrens  haud  articulatus,  7-9  cm.  longus  stramineus 
parcissime  paleaceus.  Frons  sterilis  oblonga,  c.  35  cm.  longa  18  cm.  lata,  fere 
pinnata,  rhachi  angustissime  alata,  pinnis  plermnque  alternis  6-8-jugatis  sessilibus 
basi  articulatis,  ad  intervalla  c.  4  cm.  insertis,  e  basi  cuneata  lineari-lanceolatis 
acuminatis,  14-15  cm.  longis  2  cm.  latis  (pinna  apicali  ceteris  congruente,  sed  haud 
articulata),  margine  veniformi  integro,  venis  pinnatirn  dispositis  simplicibus  (rare 
furcatis)  usque  ad  marginem  excurrentibus.  Frons  fertilis  oblonga,  22-28  cm.  longa 
c.  15  cm.  lata,  pinnata,  pinnis  plerumque  9-jugatis  stipitatis,  rhaclii  ad  intervalla 


2-3  era.  articulatim  insertis,  anguste  linearibus  versus  apicem  attenuates,  10-15  cm. 
longis  1-50  mm.  latis  (3  mm.  cum  soris),  margine  inconspicue  sinuoso,  lamina  pallida, 
venis  simplicibus  marginem  haud  attingentibus.  Textura  chartacea.  Sori  globosi 
intramarginales  sed  ultra  marginem  multo  eminentes,  copiosissimi  (90-100- jugati), 
ad  lobulos  minutos  singulariter  ad  intervalla  ±  2  mm.  dispositi,  super  venis  simplicibus 
terminales.  Indusium  nullum. 

Hob.  Manokoeari,  ridge  behind  Manokoeari,  500',  common  climbing  in 
"  korang  "  forest.  Jan.  6162.  "  Sterile  and  fertile  fronds." 

This  is  the  most  remarkable  fern  in  the  collection  and  the  most  difficult 
to  place  systematically.  It  is  a  climbing  fern  with  twining  axis  and  dimor- 
phous pinnate  short  fronds;  the  stipes  is  non -articulate  and  emerges  gradually 
from  the  axis  ;  the  sterile  pinnse  are  sessile  and  articulated  to  the  narrowly 
alate  rhachis ;  the  fertile  pinnse  are  articulate,  stipitate,  very  narrow,  pallid, 
and  fringed  along  each  side  by  about  100  small  prominent  globose  sori  at 
close  intervals,  arising  intramarginally  on  the  apex  of  simple  veins.  Each 
sorus  is  subtended  by  an  inconspicuous  lobule  which  appears  to  be  too  sm<Jl 
to  cover  over  the  young  sorus.  No  trace  of  an  indusium  can  be  found. 

The  systematic  position,  in  view  of  the  exindusiate  sori  and  the  non- 
articulate  stipes,  would  seem  to  be  near  to  Phegopteris,  though  the  phmt 
recalls  Stenocldtena  in  its  climbing  habit  and  dimorphous  fronds,  and 
Neplirolepis  in  its  articulated  pinnse. 

From  Cesati's  description  of  his  Grymnogramme  pteridiformis  (in  Rendic. 
Accad.  Soc.  R.  Napoli,  xvi.  1877,  p.  30),  collected  by  Beccari  at  Andai,  and 
transferred  to  Notochlcena  by  J.  G.  Baker  (in  Beccari's  '  Malesia,'  iii.  49), 
one  infers  that  that  plant  may  prove  to  be  nearly  allied  to  the  present,  and 
possibly  congeneric.  Hitherto  it  has  failed  to  find  a  satisfactory  systematic 


Manokoeari,  ridge  above  "  campong,"  500',  common  in  '* korang" 
forest,  terrestrial.  Jan.  6176.  "Rosette  habit,  fertile  fronds,  over- 
topping sterile/' 

Dintrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Beccari  ;  N.E.).  Malay  Islands. 
Solomon  Islands. 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "campong,"  200',  very  common  under- 
growth in  high  forest.  Jan.  6257. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.  ;  S.E.).     Asia.     Polynesia.     Australia. 


Schouteu  Islands,  Bosnik,  Wiak,  terrestrial  in  forest,  near  beach.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari  ;  N.E.).  Malay 
Islands.  India.  Australia. 



Manokoeari,  terrestrial  in  base  of  high  forest,  200'.  Dec.  6159.  "Like 
small  tree-fern  in  habit." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Versteeg  ;  Mt.  Carstensz, 
Kloss ;  N.E.).  Malay  Islands  to  Polynesia  and  tropical  Africa. 


Manokoeari,  common  in  "  korang"  forest,  500'.  Jan.  6183.  "Rosette 
h;il>it,  fronds  1  m.,  naked  stipes  0  50  m.,  young  plantlets  make  roots  on 
parent  plant." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Ramoi,  Beccari-,  D.S.W.,  Hellwig-Gebirge, 
ron  Roemer  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.).  Malay  Islands.  Polynesia.  Trop.  Australia. 


Frons  maxima  subdeltoidea  (pinna  basalis  c.  72  cm.,  pinna  media  c.  92  cm.  longa) 
tripinnata  ;  pinna?  primariae  lanceolate  acuminate  22-25  cm.  latae  ;  pinna?  secundaria} 
alternse  c.  40-jugate  breviter  stipitatae,  intervallis  c.  2'5  cm.  insert*,  lineari-lanceolate 
acuminate  usque  ad  12*5  cm.  longe  2'5  cm.  late ;  pinnule  alternae  20-22 -jugate 
breviter  stipitate  oblongse  obtusissime  pinnatifide,  lobis  anticis  5  et  posticis  4 
instructs,  apice  ±  flabellatae  ;  lobi  oblongi  paucicrenati  vel  integri,  venulis  3  anticis 
1  postico  percursi ;  lobus  anticus  inferior  duplo  major,  venulis  3-jugatis  furcatis 
percursus.  Sori  in  lobis  solitarii,  in  sinu  marginis  antici  positi,  lobulo  (indusio) 
parvo  luteo-fusco  involute  obtecti ;  in  lobo  antico  inferiore  duo  sori  adsunt. 
Sporangia  circum  penicillum  paraphysium  articulatarum  disposita.  Textura 
membranacea  ;  color  valde  viridis.  Rhachis  primaria  (?  1  cm.  crassa)  strain  im-a  ; 
rliachis  secundaria  et  tertiaria  atque  pinnularum  coste  supenie  sulco  pilis  articulatis 
brevibus  ±  villoso  exaratae ;  costa  et  venule  pilis  paucis  hinc  illinc  instructae. 

Hab.  Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  500',  terrestrial  by  stream 
in  high  forest.  Jan.  6258.  "Magnificent  single  fronds  from  underground 
creeping  rhizome,  5  m.  long,  petiole  3  m.,  lamina  2  in.  deltoid." 

The  huge  fronds,  the  stipitate  pinnules,  and  the  few  sori  distinguish  this 
species  from  the  rest.  The  material  consists  of  two  pinnae  with  fragments  of 
the  main  rhachis  attached. 


Rhachis  erecta  crassa  atro-purpurea  subnitens  minute  pubescens.  Pinnae  inter- 
vallis circa  4  cm.  insert*,  erecto-patentes,  alternse  (?)  brevi-stipitatae,  ad  basin  imam 
1-2 -dichotomy,  segmentis  usque  ad  40  cm.  longis  e  basi  cuneata  linearibus  sensim 
attenuatis,  fertilibus  integris,  sterilibus  serrulatis,  versus  apicem  spinuloso-serratis, 
margine  incrassata  venuliformi,  lamina  nitente,  costa  inferne  plerumque  rubella  et  ad 
latera  saepe  pubescenti,  venulis  plurimis  (circa  33  in  centimetri  spatio)  conspicuis 
simplicibus  furcatisve.  In  Just  urn  angustum  brunneolum  membranaceum. 

Ildb.  Arfak  Mts.,  inundation  area  of  Momi  River,  and  common  down  to 
Wariap.  Dec.  5732.  "Each  shoot  up  to  3  m.  tapering;  growing  in 
clumps.  Pinnre  on  young  fronds  plane,  but  on  rhachis  twisting  in  growth, 
finally  arranged  spirally." 


The  material  collected  consists  of  a  longitudinal  half  of  a  fragment  of 
rhachis,  about  38  cm.  long,  with  pinnae  attached.  The  pinna-segments 
closely  resemble  the  pinnse  of  P.  moluccana,  but  differ,  of  course,  in  being 
dichotomously  disposed  at  base. 

The  remarkable  fronds  of  this  fern,  rising  to  a  height  of  3  m.  from  the 
ground  and  growing  in  clumps,  must  form  a  conspicuous  feature  in 
the  savannah  landscape.  It  is  surprising  that  so  well  developed  a  species 
should  not  have  been  recorded  previously,  unless,  indeed,  its  distribution  is 
extremely  limited. 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong/'  400',  by  stream  in  high  forest, 
undergrowth.  Jan.  6252.  "  Petiole  1'50  m.,  frond  1  m.  long." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.). 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "campong,"  200',  epiphytic  by  stream  in 
high  forest.  Jan.  6254.  "  Pendent  from  rock,  fronds  2'80  m.  long." 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Soron,  Ramoi,  Beccari ;  D.S.W.,  coastal 
lowlands,  Versteeg  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.).  Trop.  Asia.  Polynesia.  N.E.  Australia. 


Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  700',  epiphytic  in  high  forest.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  coastal  lowlands,  Versteeg  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.). 
Madagascar  to  Polynesia  and  tropical  Australia. 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong/'  500',  common,  climbing  in  high 
forest.  Jan.  6271. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Trop.  Asia.     China.     Madagascar. 


Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  500',  common  in  forest  and  clearings. 
Jan.  6208. 

Distrib.  Philippine  Islands.     Malacca. 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  500',  very  common  by  stream 
in  high  forest.  Jan.  6259. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari;  D.S.W.,  Mt.  Car- 
stensz,  Kloss ;  S.E.).  Tahiti.  Trop.  Asia.  Africa. 


'Dammar  Island,  in  open  "  kebun  "  near  seashore.     Jan.     6289. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Trop.  Asia.     Australasia. 




Manokoeari,  Langgen,  epiphytic  on  tree  hanging  over  sea.     Dec.     6221. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Malay  Islands.     Polynesia. 


Island  of  Roon,  young  plants,  spreading  in  the  open,  in  shade  by  road 
round  bay.  Jan.  6225. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari ;  D.S.W.,  Mt.  Car- 
stensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.).  Tropics  and  some  subtropics. 


Schouten  Islands,  Bosnik,  Wiak,  epiphytic  on  strand  trees.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Arfak  Mts.,  Beccari ;  D.S.W.,  Noord 
River,  Versteeg  ;  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.),  Tropics. 


Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  creeping  in  high  forest,  500'. 
Jan.  6265. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.).     Solomon  Islands.     Trop.  Asia. 



CYCAS  CIRCINALIS  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  1188  ;  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PI.  ii.  71  ; 
Schum.  &  Laut.  153  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  343. 

Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  under  trees  on  seashore.  Veg.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S/W.,  Noord  River,  Versteeg  ;  S.E. :  N.E.  and 
adjacent  islands).  S.  Asia  to  Polynesia. 


P  A  N  D  A  N  A  C  E  M.      (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 

FREYCINETIA  OBLANCEOLATA  Martelli  in  Webbia,  iii.  176. 

Manokoeari,  "korang"  forest,  500'.  Fl.,  <?.  Jan.  6158.  Spathes 
light  green. — Fl.,  ?  .  6157.  Spathes  pink-green. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Dore,  Teysmann). 

The  specimens  agree  with  Martelli's  description,  except  that  the  number 
of  the  stigmas  varies  from  2-4  in  the  above  specimens. 


FREYCINETIA  BECCARII  Solms-Lanb.  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  (1883)  iii.  100. 

Manokoeari,  Langgen,  scandent  on  land-edge  of  mangrove  association. 
Fr.  Jan.  6219. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea. 

Fruit  red-brown,  2'5  mm.  long,  not  quite  ripe. 

PANDANUS  DUBIUS  Spreng.  Syst.  Veg.  iii.  (182G)  897  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  159. 

Manokoeari,  Genbela,  plentiful  by  cape,  on  edge  of  sandy  beach.  Jan. 
6215. — Wakde  Island,  gregarious  on  edge  of  beach.  Fr.  Jan.  6248. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  and  adjacent  islands.  Java,  Borneo,  Moluccas, 
Celebes,  Philippines,  Carolines,  Marianne  Islands,  and  New  Hebrides. 

*PANDANUS  POLTCEPHALUS  Lam.  Encycl.  i.  (1785)  372. 

Manokoeari,  Langgen,  common  in  mangrove  association.  Fr.  Jan. 

Distrib.  Amboina,  Batjan,  Ceram,  Timor,  Sumatra. 

"  Plant  +  10  m.  high,  with  branched  head.     Fruit  red." 

PANDANUS  TABBERSIANUS  Rendle,  sp.  nov. 

Arbor  parva.  Folia  valde  spiraliter  ordinata,  e  basi  dilatata  linearia,  superne 
gradatim  attenuata,  basin  versus  late  canaliculata  cseterum  plana ;  marginibus  in 
parte  basilari  nudis  caeterum  dentibus  minutis  aeutis  crebris  munitis ;  costa  media 
in  facie  inferiore  prominente,  velut  in  margine  denticulata.  Syncarpium  magnum, 
pendulum,  pendunculo  longo  suffultum,  anguste  lanceolato-ellipsoideum,  axe  fibroso- 
lignoso,  spathis  plurimis  indutum.  Spathce  lineari-lanceolatse  vel  lanceolatse,  sub- 
yequilongaB,  coriaceae,  extus  leves,  carinatse,  marginibus  et  carina  (basi  excepta)  velut 
in  foliis  denticulate.  Drupce  mature  brunnea?,  numerosissime,  confertse,  irregu- 
lariter  5-7-gonse,  parte  apicale  libera  et  infra  pileum  depresso-pyramidatum  angulosum 
constricta  ;  stigma  laterale,  horizontale,  plus  minus  compressum  superne  autem  rotun- 
datum  vel  interdum  bilobatum ;  endocarpium  osseum,  anguste  ellipsoideum,  basi 
angustatum,  mesocarpium  inferne  fibrosum. 

Hab.  Manokoeari,  forest  edge,  track  to  A mbani,  100'.     Fr.     Jan.    6213. 

Plant  5  m.  high.  Leaves  3  m.  long,  13  cm.  wide  at  the  base,  6  cm. 
wide  about  the  middle  ;  teeth  l'5-2  mm.  long.  Syncarp  4  dm.  long, 
1  dm.  in  greatest  diameter,  core  up  to  5  cm.  in  diameter  ;  peduncle  3'7  dm. 
long.  Drupes  1'8-2'1  cm.  long,  4-5  mm.  thick,  upper  free  part  about 
*5  cm.,  cap  2—2*75  mm.  long  ;  endocarp  about  1  cm.  long. 

From  the  description  evidently  near  P.  Englerianum  Martelli  from  Neu- 
Mecklenburg,  which,  however,  has  a  much  larger  trigonous  syncarp,  scarlet 
drupes,  and  a  discoid  stigma.  The  syncarp  of  our  species  is  described  as  of 
a  uniform  chocohite-brown  colour. 

This  plant  has  been  named  in  honour  of  Mr.  (now  Capt.)  Tabbers,  Acting 
Assistant  Resident  at  Manokoeari,  to  whose  ready  help,  practical  experience, 
and  judgment  Miss  Gibbs  was  much  indebted  during  her  stay. 


GR AMINES.     (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 
CENTOTHECA  LAPPACEA  Desv.  in  Journ.  de  Bot.  (1813)  70 ;  Schum.  &  Laut. 

185  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  250. 
Island  of  Roon,  ridge  beyond  Djende,  common  undergrowth  in  forest, 
400'.     FJ.     Jan.     6234. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Utakwa  River,  Kloss;  N.E.  and  adjacent 
islands).  West  Africa,  through  India,  Malesia,  and  Polynesia. 

GIGANTOCHLOA  NOVO-GUiNEENSis  Rendle,  sp.  nov. 

Culmus  arborescens,  ramis  teretibus  glabris.  Folia  subsessilia,  lineari-oblonga, 
apice  subabrupte  acuminata,  ad  basin  valde  obliquam  et  inaequaliter  cordatam  paullo 
angustata,  multinervia  sed  haud  conspicue,  baud  tessellata,  utrinque  glabra,  margine 
scabridula ;  vaginae  tubuliformes,  persistentes ;  ore  auriculatae,  ciliats  ;  ligula  angusta, 
ciliata.  Inflorescentiae  terminales  et  axillares,  rbachi  elongata,  ramis  multo  brevi- 
oribus,  suberectis,  spiculis  capituliforme  fasciculatis,  capitulis  distantibus,  ad  apicem 
rami  interdum  glorneratis.  Spicula  numerosissimte,  dense  confertae,  lanceolate, 
compressse,  pluriflorse ;  glumce  inferiores,  saepe  2,  steriles,  fertilibus  minores,  late 
ovatae,  apice  mucronate,  rnultinerviae,  in  margine  superiore  sparse  ciliolatse ;  glumce 
ft- 1- tiles  2-5  distichae,  1  vel  2  superiores  imperfects?,  late  ovatae,  breviter  acuminatie, 
apice  pungente,  in  margine  superiore  ciliolatae,  inultinervise  ;  palea  glumse  subsequalis 
vel  paullo  brevior,  bi-carinata,  carinae  minute  ciliolatae,  lamina  inter  carinam  et  inar- 
ginem  3-  vel  2-nervata,  pars  inter  carinas  haud  nervata.  Lodiculee  0.  Stamina  0, 
exserta,  fikmenta  pro  majore  parte  longitudinis  in  tubum  tenuiter  membranaceum 
demuin  valde  fragilem  connata  ;  antherse  anguste  lineares,  obsolete  apiculatie. 
Oniriiim  breviter  pedicellaturn,  anguste  pyramidatuni,  glabrum,  stylo  elongate, 
filiforme,  superne  in  stigmata  plumosa  3-  vel  2-diviso. 

Culms  about  16  ft.  high  ;  the  young  culm  about  1  cm.  thick  ;  sheaths 
membranous,  tubular,  11-12  cm.  long,  with  margins  ciliate  above,  and  a 
truncate  auricled  apex  bearing  a  fringe  ot  long  erect  stiff  cilia,  1*8  cm.  long, 
small  leaf-blade,  subsessile,  ovate,  acuminate,  with  shallowly  cordate  base. 
Fully  formed  leaves  on  (flowering  shoots  4-4'5  dm.  long,  7-9  cm.  wide, 
on  the  young  leafy  shoots  up  to  6  dm.  long,  9'5  cm.  wide  ;  apex  acuminate, 
ending  in  a  twisted  scabrous  point;  ligule  a  ridge  hearing  stiffish  ciKse 
which  are  about  1  cm.  long.  Rhachis  and  branches  of  inflorescence  smooth, 
glabrous;  the  rhachis  up  to  6  dm.  long;  spikelets  crowded  in  somewhat 
distant  heads,  l'2-2  cm.  long,  which  are  generally  3-5  cm.  apart,  but  closer 
toward  the  end  of  the  axis,  where  they  sometimes  unite  to  form  a  spherical 
compound  head.  Branches  of  inflorescence  and  heads  subtended  by  the  dry, 
In-own,  persistent  bract-sheath,  which  is  about  equal  in  length  to  the  head. 
Spikelets  about  1  cm.  long,  4  mm.  broad.  Lower  barren  glume  4  mm.  long, 
9-nerved,  upper  6  mm.  long,  11-nerved  ;  flowering  glumes  8-9  mm.  long. 

A  very  distinct  species,  suggesting  Oxytenantkera  in  habit  of  in- 

Hab.  Manokoeari,  open  cultivated  slopes  above  "campong,"  100'.  Jan. 
6270  a  &  b. — Humboldt  Bay,  beyond  "  campong  "  in  the  open  and  along 
stream.  Jan.  6266  a  &  b. 


CYPERAOE^.    (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 

THORACOSTAOHYUM  HYPOLYTROIDES  C.  B.  Clarke  in  Hook.  £.  Fl.  Brit.  Ind.  vi. 
(1894)  680. 

Humboldt  Bay,  by  "campong,"  swamp  behind  beach,  abundant.  Fl. 
Jan.  6249. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea.     Asia  and  tropical  Australia. 

*SCLERIA  MARGARITIFERA  Willd.  Sp.  PI.  iv.  312. 

Manokoeari,   edge   of   forest,   200'.     Fl.,    Fr.     Jan.     6166.— Island   of 
Roon,  near  Djende,  in  the  open,  by  road  round  the  bay.     Fr.     Jan.     6239. 
Distrib.  Polynesia.     Australia. 

PALM.E.    (0.  BECCARI.) 

ARENQA  MTCROCARPA  Becc.  in  Schum.  et  Hollr.  Fl.  von  Kaiser  Wilhelms 
Land  (1889)  16.  A.  gradlicaulis  Bailey  in  Queensl.  Agric.  Journ.  iii. 
pt.  3  (1898)  202.  A.  microsperma  (sphalmate  pro  A. 
Becc.  in  Rechinger  Bot.  u.  Zool.  Ergebnisse,  etc.  v.  (1913)  64,  et  in 
Schum.  et  Laut.  Fl.  deut.  Schutzg.  in  d.  Siidsee,  204. — Didymosperma 
microcarpa  Warb.  in  Mons.  ined.  ex  Schum.  et  Laut.  1.  c.  204.  D.  novo- 
guineensis  Warb.  in  Mons.  ined.  ex  Schum.  et  Laut.  1.  c.  D.  humile 
Laut.  et  K.  Schum.  in  Schum.  et  Laut.  1.  c.  204. — ?  Sayuerus  austra- 
lasicus  Wendl.  et  Dr.  in  Linnsea,  xxxix.  (1875)  219. 
Humboldt  Bay,  by  river  near  "  campong."  FL,  Fr.  Jan.  6268. 
Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea  and  N.E.  Australia. 

CARYOTA  RUMPHIANA  Mart.  Hist.  nat.  Palm.  iii.  195 ;  Blume,  Rumphia,  ii. 

140  ;  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  70,  74. 
Dammar  Island.     Fl.,  Fr.     Feb.     6288. 
Distrib.  Moluccas. 

LICUALA  MONTANA  Dammer  et  K.  Sch.  in  Schum.  et  Laut.  Fl.  deut.  Schutzg. 

in  d.  Siidsee,  200  ;  Becc.  in  Webbia,  i.  291  (in  note). 
Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  the  "campong."     Fl.     Jan.     6262. 
Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

PIGAFETTA  FiLARis  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  89  (Pigafettia).    Metroxylon  filare  Mart. 

Hist.  nat.  Palm.  iii.  216  &  343.     Sagus  Jilaris  Bl.  Rumphia,  ii.  154  & 

128.     Pigafettia  papuana  Becc.  Malesia,  i.  89. 

Manokoeari,  ridge  behind,  single  specimens  in  forest,  500'.     Jan.     6180. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  near  Andai,  Beccari}.     Moluccas. 



HOLOCHLAMYS  BECCARii  Engl.  in  Malesia,  i.  265 ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  212  ; 
Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1912)  806. 

Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "campong,"  500',  undergrowth  in  high 
forest.  Fl.  Jan.  6261. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Ramoi,  Andai,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Hellwig 
Mountains,  von  Roemer  [fl.  Nov.]  ;  N.E.).  Aru  Islands  (Mostley, 
'  Challenger'  Exp.  Herb.  Kew.). 

Spadix  green  when  collected  with  only  remains  of  spathe. 

CYRTOSPERMA  MACROTUM  Becc.  (MS.)  ex  Engl.  in  Bull.  Soc.  Tosc.  Ort.  iv. 
(1879)   295;  Malesia,  i.  279,  t.  xxiv.  figs.  1-6;  Nova  Guinea,  viii. 
(1910)  249 ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.,  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  24. 
Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  undergrowth  in  high  forest,  on  "korang." 
Fl.  (yg.).     Jan.     6211. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Batanta,  Beccari  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord  River, 
Versteeg,  Brandenhorst,  marsh  land,  von  JKoemer ;  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ; 

Plant  1  m.  high.     Spathe  white. 


Herba  parva  ;  caudiculus  hypogaeus.  Cataphylla  lineari-lanceolata,  mem- 
branacea.  Folia  oblongo-lanceolata,  acuininata,  basi  breviter  late  cordata,  supenie 
Mavo-viridia,  subtus  pallida,  nervis  ±16,  vagina  lata.  Spatha  solitaria,  albida,  basi 
constricta,  lamina  convoluta,  dilatata,  cuspidata.  Spadicis  pars  feminea  triente 
inferior!  dorso  spathae  adnata,  superne  laxiflora,  inflorescentia  mascula  a  feminea 
interstitio  nudo  separata.  Staminum  filarnenta  quam  antherse  paullo  longiora ; 
thecae  obovoidese,  concavo-rufescentes.  Staminodia  truncata,  ruf  o-punctata.  Ovaria 
oblonga,  ovoidea,  stigmate  parvi  sessili  coronata,  ovula  plurima. 

Hob.  Manokoeari,  terrestrial  in  secondary  jungle,  forming  large  patches. 
200'.  FL,  Fr.  Jan.  6167. 

Plant  +3  dm.  high.  Largest  leaf  +1*5  dm.  by  5  cm.,  acumen  1  cm. 
Petiole  ±1'8  dm.  long,  vagina  3'5  cm.  Peduncle  ±7  cm.  long  ;  cataphylls 
+  2'5  cm.  long.  Spathe  white,  3'6  cm.  long,  basal  portion  1*5  cm.  by 
4  mm.  Spadix  white,  2  cm.  long  ;  ?  portion  cylindric,  1'2  cm.  by 
2'5  mm.,  constricted  above  ;  upper  part  club-shaped,  1  cm.  by  4'5  mm.,  with 
stamens  below  and  staminodes  at  the  apex.  Fruit  green  (when  collected), 
2  cm.  by  '7  mm. 

Near  S.  Klossii  Ridl.,  but  differs  in  the  longer  petioles,  larger  and  broader 
leaves,  longer  peduncles,  and  the  naked  interval  between  the  upper  and  lower 
portion  of  the  spadix.  Mr.  N.  E.  Brown  was  good  enough  to  give  me  big 
opinion  on  this  plant  as  a  new  species. 


AGLAONEMA  NOVO-GUINEENSIS  Engl.  in  Bot.  Jahrb.  xxv.  (1898)  22  ;  Sohum. 
&  Laut.  214. 

Manokoeari,  undergrowth  in  damp  secondary  jungle,  100'.  Fl.,  Fr. 
Jan.  6164. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

Stem    1  m.  high,  with  leaves  aggregated   at  the  top.     Spathes   green, 
sometimes  bipartite  ;  spadix  white  ;  fruiting  spathes  green,  fruit  red. 
ALOCASIA   ACUTA  (Engl.)  Hall.  f.  in    Bull.   Herb.  Bois.  vi.  (1898)   605  ; 
Malesia,  i.  294  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  214;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  251. 

Manokoeari,  common  on  edge  of  forest,  where  damp,  200'.  FL,  Fr. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Beccari;  D.S.W.,  Noord  River, 
Versteeg ;  N.E.).  Skru  and  Aru  Islands,  Batyan  (Herb.  Kew.). 

A  very  striking  plant  with  stem  2  m.  high,  the  large  fleshy  leaves  aggre- 
gated at  the  top,  bearing  numerous  flowers,  on  short  peduncles,  in  their  axils. 
The  greenish  spathes  enclose  the  spadix,  which  is  white  at  the  top  (<$},  then 
red  (sterile),  and  green  at  the  base  (  ?  ).  The  fruit  contains  2-6  bright  red 
seeds,  with  fruiting  spathes  red  at  the  base  and  green  above. 


FLAGELLARIA  INDICA  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  333;  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PI.  i.  73;  in  Journ.  Bot.  xxiv.  (1886)  358  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  215  ;  Ridl. 
in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot,  ix.  (1916)  231. 

Manokoeari,  scandent  on  the  highest  trees  in  the  forest  and  in  open 
clearings.  Fl.  Jan.  6210. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E. ;  S.E.  and 
adjacent  islands).  Tropical  Asia,  Africa,  and  Australia. 

C  0  M  M  E  L  I  N  A  C  E  M. 

POLLIA  SORZOGONENSIS  (E.  Mey.)  Endl.  Gen.  PL  (1841)  368  ;  Schum.  &  Laut. 
216;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1913)  907;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2, 
Bot.  ix.  (1916)  231. 

Manokoeari,  Langgcn,  undergrowth  in  secondary  jungle.  Fl.  (white). 
Jan.  6222. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  'D.N.W.,  Salt  Spring,  Begowri  River,  Gjellehtp  ; 
D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).  India  and  Ceylon; 
Indo-China;  Formosa  ;  Malaya,  N.E.  Australia,  and  New  Caledonia. 

Li  LI  ACE^E. 

DRACAENA  ANGUSTIFOLIA  Roxb.  Fl.  Ind.  ii.  155 ;  Ridl.  in  Journ.  Bot.  xxiv. 

(1886)  357  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  220  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1914)  1002. 
Humboldt  Bay,  edge  of  forest.     FL,  Fr.     Jan.     6250. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Humboldt  Bay,  Bogowri  and  Tor  rivers, 


Gjellerup;  D.S.W.,  Merauke,  Versteeg ;  Okaba,  Brandenhorst ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.). 
India.  Indo-China,  Philippines  and  Formosa,  Malay  Archipelago  and 
N.E.  Australia. 

Common,  but  not  in  flower  about  Manokoeari. 

DRAOENA  NOVO-GUINEENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Caulis  simplex,  fmticosus.  Folia  petiolata,  ascendentia,  spiraliter  arete  imbri- 
cata,  lineari-lanceolata  vel  oblanceolata,  acuta  vel  acuminata,  membranacea,  ^iridia, 
oblique  parallele  costata.  Panicula  longe  pedunculata,  quam  folia  brevior.  Flores 
solitarii  vel  bini,  pedicellis  graciliter  dispositis.  Bractece  membranacese,  deltoideo- 
acuminatae.  Perianthium  albo-viridulum,  lobis  ultra  medium  liberis,  obtusis,  apicem 
incurvatis,  tubo  basin  versus  angustato.  Stamina  gracilia,  filamentis  complanatis, 
antheris  basi  divaricatis.  Ovarium  sessile  :  stigma  3-lobatum.  Bacca  disperma. 

llab.  Manokoeari,  common  undergrowth  in  high  forest  on  "  korang." 
500'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Jan.  6195. 

A  very  characteristic  little  plant,  '25--50  m.  in  height,  well  marked  by 
the  spirally  twisted  leaves,  like  a  screw  pine  in  appearance.  Leaves  3-4*6  dm. 
in  length,  including  linear  petiole  + 1  dm.  long,  slightly  broader  and  sheathing 
at  the  base,  by  3-3'5  cm.  broad,  the  shorter  leaves  being  the  broadest.  In- 
florescence l'3-2'7  dm.  long,  including  peduncle  1-1*4  dm.  long  and  6  cm. 
broad,  generally  branching  three  times,  but  in  the  single  fruiting  example 
unbranched  and  epedunculate.  Bracts  +3  cm.  long,  those  subtending 
flowers  3  mm.  long  ;  bracteoles  2  mm.  Perianth  1'3  cm.  long,  with 
segments  7  mm.  long  and  2  mm.  broad.  Stamens  5  mm.  long  ;  anthers 
3  mm.  ;  filaments  2'5  mm.  by  1  mm.  Style  1*1  cm.  long,  with  minute  stigma. 
Ovary  2  mm.  long  Fruit  ±6  by  7  mm.. 

This  species  seems  distinct  from  the  Malayan  Dracaenas,  so  far  known,  in 
the  lengthily  petiolate  spirally  arranged  leaves,  with  very  straight  linear 
petioles,  and  the  strap-shaped  filaments  to  the  anthers.  This  is  the  first 
member  of  the  genus  to  be  described  from  New  Guinea. 

0  R  C  H  I  D  A  C  E  JE.      (J.  J.  SMITH.) 

VRYDAGZYNEA  ELONGATA  Bl.  Fl.  Jav.  n.  ser.  1,  61,  t.  28,  f.  1,  etc. 

Island  of  Roon,  ridge  beyond  Djende,  terrestrial  in  forest.     Fl.     Jan. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

HIPPEOPHYLLUM  ALBOViEiDE  J.  J.  S.  in  Fedde  Rep.  xi.  (1912)   135  ;   in 

Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1915)  217,  t.  Ixxi.  123. 

Schouten  Islands,  Island  of   Wiak,  Bosnik,  epiphytic   on   strand   tree. 
Fl.  (white).     Jan.     6283. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Tor  River,  Gjellerup). 



LIPARIS  (§  EOLIPARIS)  MABOROENSIS  Schltr.  Orch.  D.  Neu-Gruinea,  (1911)  18G. 

Var.  BISTRFATA  J.  J.  S.,  var.  nov. 

Planta  minor.  Folia  4-5'4  cm.  longa,  2'3-3'2  cm.  lata.  Inflorescentia  1-flora. 
Sepala  et  petala  c.  0'475-0'44  cm.  longa.  Labellum  0'56  cm.  longurn.  Ovariuin 
pedicelktum  c.  0'6  cm.  longum. 

Manokoeari,  tract  to  Ambani,  terrestrial  in  "  korang "  forest,  800' 
above  the  sea.  Fl.  (green).  Jan.  6187. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

I  think  this  plant  is  L.  maboroensis  Schltr.  I  have  kept  it  apart  because 
of  the  smaller  flowers  and  the  two  purple  lines  on  the  labellum. 

MICROSTYLIS  (§  CREPIDIUM)  XANTHOCHILA  Schltr.  in  Schum.  et  Laut.  Nachtr. 
Fl.  d.  Schutzgeb.  Siidsee,  (1905)  102,  etc. 

Manokoeari,  tract  to  Ambani,  terrestrial  in  high  forest  on  "  korang/' 
800'.  Fl.  (orange-green).  Jan.  6188. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

MICROSTYLIS  (§  CREPIDIUM)  GTIBBSLE  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Caulis  e  basi  decumbente  radicante  adscendens,  c.  11-folius.  Folia  oblique 
subovato-oblonga,  plus  minus  falcata,  subacuta,  apiculata,  minute  undulata,  nervis 
conspicuis  c.  3  subtus  prominentibus,  c.  4'5-5  cm.  longa,  1'6-1'7  cm.  lata; 
petiolus  canaliculatus,  cum  vagina  c.  l'G-1'7  cm.  longus.  Inflorescentia  erecta,  laxe 
multiflora,  pedunculo  c.  5'25  cm.  longo,  vaginulam  bracteiformem  1  gerente,  rhacbide 
6  cm.  superante.  Bractecs  parvae,  reflexae,  oblongo-  ad  lanceolato-triangulse,  aeutae, 
ad  c.  0*27  cm.  longa?.  Flores  patentissimi.  Sepalum  dorsale  subovato-ovale, 
obtusum,  convexum,  apice  concavum,  3-nervium,  fere  0'3  cm.  longum,  0*175  cm. 
latum.  Sepala  lateralia  reflexa,  oblique  orbiculari-ovata,  obtusa,  basi  convexa, 
superne  concava,  3-nervia,  c.  0'26  cm.  longa,  fere  0'2  cm.  lata.  Petala  oblique 
ligulata,  obtusa,  1-nervia,  c.  0'25  cm.  longa,  0'08  cm.  lata.  Labellum  hippocrepidi- 
forme,  fovea  triangula  concava  incrassatione  triangula  lata  convexa  circumdata, 
incrassatione  parva  ad  basin,  explanatum  totum  c.  0'43  cm.  longum,  lobis  lateralibus 
obsoletis  vel  subobsoletis,  obtusis,  lobo  intermedio  late  triangulo,  in  lobos  2  oblique 
triangulos  acutos  margine  interiore  repandulos  bifido,  laciniis  4  elongatis  subulatis 
praeserfcim  interioribus  falcatis  et  lobum  intermedium  superantibus  ad  bene  O'l  cm. 
longis  exterius  descrescentibus  utrinque,  auriculis  majusculis,  anguste  oblique  trian- 
gulis.  acutis  vel  acutiusculis,  fere  0'2  cm.  longis,  basi  c.  0'08  cm.  latis.  Gynostcmnim 
a  dorso  compressum,  oblongo-quadrangulum,  apice  dilatatum,  dorso  convexum,  bene 
O'l  cm.  longum,  clinandrio  concavo,  auriculis  divergentibus,  antheram  superantibus, 
oblongis,  truncato-obtusis,  intus  convexis,  carnosulis.  Anthera  cucullata,  transverse 
quinquangulari-reniformis,  obtusissima,  0'06  cm.  lata.  Bostellum  latum,  retusum. 
Ovarium  pedicellatum  c.  l-l'l  cm.  longum. 

Hob.  Manokoeari,  tract  to  Arnbani,  terrestrial  in  "  korang "  forest, 
700'.  Dec.  6192. 

The  nearest  allies  of  this  species  are  M.  pedicellaris  Rchb.  f.,  M.  pectinata 
J.  J.  S.,  and  M.  wariana  Schltr.,  which  all  are  characterized  by  the  elongate 


It  differs  from  the  insufficiently  described  M.  peduellaris  in  the  inflor- 
escence showing  a  distinct  naked  portion  at  the  base,  in  the  pedicels  which 
have  3-4  times  the  length  of  the  sepals,  and  in  the  teeth  of  the  lip  ;  from 
M.  pectinata  by  the  more  numerous  and  smaller  leaves,  smaller  flowers, 
longer  auricles  of  the  lip,  etc.;  and  from  M.  wariarta  by  the  more  numerous 
smaller  leaves,  the  differently  coloured  flowers,  longer  auricles  to  the  lip,  etc. 

The  leaves  appear  to  have  been  coloured. 

The  flowers  are  said  to  be  purple. 

DENDROBIUM  (§  CADETIA)  POTAMOPHILUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Bull.  Jard.  Buit.  2e  ser. 
n.  viii.  (1912)  18. —  Cadetia  potamophila  Schltr.  Orch.  D.  Neu-Guinea, 
(1912)  438. 

Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  epiphytic  on  strand  tree.     Jan.     6282. 
Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

Schl  center's   sketch   and   description   suits   this  plant  very   well  ;    the 
length  of  the  spathe,  however,  is  1  cm.,  whereas  Schlechter  gives  0'5  cm. 
Flower  white,  labellum  veined,  with  purple  tip. 

DENDROBIUM  (§  APORUM)  PSEUDOCALCEOLUM  J.  J.  S.  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agric.  Ind. 
Neerl.  n.  v.  (1907)  34,  etc. 

Manokoeari,  Lauggen,  epiphytic  on  prostrate  tree,  overhanging  sea. 
Jan.  6227. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

Flowers  mauve. 

DENDROBIUM  (§  APORUM)  INCONSPICUUM  J.  J.  S.,  sp.  nov. 

Gaules  elongati,  ramosi,  valcle  compressi,  laxe  flexuosi,  nitidi,  laxe  foliati,  superne 
valde  attenuati  et  folia  rudimentaria  gerentes,  parte  adest  74  cm.  longa,  internodiis  e 
basi  apicem  versus  paulo  dilatatis,  ad  c.  4  cm.  longis  et  0'47  cm.  ktis.  Folia  erecto- 
patentia,  lateraliter  compressa,  lanceolato-linearia,  acuta,  sicco  margine  superiore 
c.  4'7  cm.,  margine  inferiore  5'2  cm.  longa,  0'4  cna.  lata ;  vagina?  tubulosae,  valde 
compressse,  ensiformes,  internodia  a^quantes.  Inflorescentice  e  nodis  caulis  partis 
superioris,  fasciculatae,  squamatte,  pedunculis  brevibus,  1-floris.  Flares  parvi.  Sepa- 
lum  dorsale  triangulum,  obtusum,  3-nervium,  c.  0'25  cm.  longum,  0'225  cin.  latum. 
Sepala  lateralia  lacinia  oblique  triangula  ad  pedem  gynostemii  decurrentia,  mentum 
obtusum  cum  ovario  angulum  fere  rectum  faciens  medio  fere  valde  obtusangule 
incurvum  fere  0'25  cm.  longum  formantia,  marginibus  anticis  libera,  oblique  triangula, 
obtusiuscula,  4-nervia,  c.  0'25  cm.  longa,  basi  0'36-0'37  cm.  lata.  Petala  oblique 
lanceolata,  acuta,  1-nervia,  c.  0'26  cm.  longa,  0'07  cm.  lata.  Labellum  cum  pede 
gynostemii  angulum  acutum  faciens,  supra  basin  et  in  |  partibus  supra  basin 
obtusangule  recurvum,  unguiculatum,  valde  dilatatuin,  3-lobum,  basi  3-  supra  basin 
5-nervium,  fascia  lata  longitudinal!  incrassato  apice  3-loba,  lobulo  intermedio 
laterales  bene  superante  basin  lobi  intermedii  vis  attingente,  explanation,  c.  0'4  cm. 
longum,  ad  lobos  laterales  0'35  cm.  latum,  ungue  oblongo-quadrangulo  ;  lobi  laterales 
sinibus  parvis  a  lobo  intermedia  separati,  late  trianguli,  fere  quadranguli,  obtusi, 
irregulariter  marginati ;  lobus  intermedius  laterales  superans,  transversus,  late 


retuso-subbilobulus,  cum  lobulo  parvo  fere  aequilongo  triangulo  obtuso  in  sinu, 
c.  0'06  cm.  longus,  0'15  cm.  latus.  Qynosteminm  breve,  c.  O075  cm.  longum, 
filamento  subulate,  auriculis  subquadrangulis,  2-lobulis.  Anthera  cucullata,  ainbitu 
antice  6-angulata,  apice  truncata,  basi  2-lobula,  c.  0-07  cm.  lata.  Pollinia  4, 
oblonga,  lateraliter  compressa,  interiora  quam  exteriora  tenuiora,  exteriora  extus 
convexa,  c.  O'OG  cm.  longa.  Stigma  profunde  excavatum,  quadrangulum,  margine 
inferiore  rotundatum.  Pes  gynostemii  cum  ovario  angulum  subrectum  faciens, 
medio  fere  obtusangule  incurvus,  parte  superiore  quam  partem  inferiorem  bene  latiore 
concava  cum  incrassatione  longitudinali  verruculosa,  truncatus  inexplanatus 
c.  0'25  cm.  longus.  Ovarium  6-sulcatum,  c.  0'23  cm.  longum,  cum  pedicello 
c.  O4  cm.  longo,  tenuiter  clavatum. 

Hob.  Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  epiphytic  on  strand  tree,  common. 
Jan.  6272. 

The  description  of  D.  nycteridoglossum  Rchb.  f.,  which  is  said  to  be  of 
Papuan  origin,  more  or  less  fits  this  plant.  As,  however,  the  description 
is  very  poor  and  the  exactness  of  the  information  about  the  origin  is  very 
uncertain,  further  comparison  with  that  species  is  for  the  present  useless. 

The  material  was  very  poor,  and  especially  the  description  of  the  lip 
wants  further  confirmation. 

The  flowers  are  said  to  be  yellow. 

ERIA  (§  CYLINDROLOBUS)  RIGIDA  Bl.  Mus.  Bot.  Lugd.-Bat.  ii.  183,  etc. 

Var.  PAPUANA  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1913)  76,  t.  xx.  59. 

Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  epiphytic  on  strand  trees.     Jan.     6276. 

Though  I  now  think  that  this  plant  is  not  a  form  of  Eria  rigida  Bl.,  I 
quote  it  under  the  above  name  because  I  do  not  yet  wholly  understand 
Schlechter's  Papuan  species  of  this  group. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Humboldt  Bay,  Gjellerup}. 

Shoots,  50  m.  long.  Flowers  with  outer  perianth-segments  white,  the 
inner  pink. 

POMATOCALPA  ORIENTALS  J.  J.  S.  in  Nova  Guinea,  xii.  (1913)  101,  t.  xxviii. 
85,  etc. 

Boeroe,  Tifoe  harbour  by  road  to  signal  point,  forest.  Fl.  (orange), 
Jan.  6296. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Humboldt  Bay,  Gjellerup  ;  D.S.W., 
Merauke  River,  nat.  coll.).  Kei  Islands,  Amboina,  Obi. 

SARCANTHUS  BICORNIS  J.  J.  S.  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agric.  Ind.  Neerl.  n.  xix.  (1908) 
35,  etc. 

Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  epiphytic  on  strand  trees.  Fl.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Digul  River,  Brandenliorst ;  Noord  River, 
Verxteeg;  N.E.). 

Flowers  with  white  petals  and  yellow  labellum. 


CASUARINA  EQUISETIFOLIA  Forst.  Char.  Gen.  PI.  Aust.  103,  fig.  52. 

VVariap,  near,  on  a  stony  and  open  inundation  area  of  the  Momi  River. 
Fr.  Dec.  6126. 

Jjistrib.  N.E.  &  S.E.  New  Guinea  and  adjacent  islands.  Solomon  and 
Marianne  Islands,  Polynesia,  N.E.  Australia,  Malaya,  India  to  E.  Africa. 

PIPER  BOSNICANUM  C.  DC.,  sp.  nov. 

liamulis  glabris  laevibus ;  foliis  sat  longe  petiolatis  glabris,  limbo  ovato-rotundato 
basi  ima  aequilatera  acuto  apice  breviter  et  obtusiuscule  acuminate,  o-nervio,  petiolo 
basi  ima  vaginante  ;  pedunculo  glabro  quam  petiolus  breviore,  spica  inatura  quani 
limbus  pluries  breviore,  rhachi  hirsuta,  bracteae  glabra?  pelta  rotunda  centre  pedi- 
cellata,  ovario  libero  rotundato  glabro,  stigniatibus  ovatis  brevibus,  bacca  ovatae 
glabrse  stipite  duo  pluries  longiore. 

Hab.  Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik.     Fl.,  Fr.     6277. 

Dioicum,  in  arboribus  scandens.  Kamuli  spiciferi  2  mm.  crassi,  collenchyma  in 
fascicules  discretes  dispositum  et  haud  libriforme,  fasciculi  intramedullares  1-seriati, 
canalis  lysigenus  ventralis  perphericique  plures.  Lirnbi  in  sicco  formi  pellucido- 
punctulati,  usqua  ad  10  cm.  longi  et  7  cm.  lati.  Petioli  1'5  cm.,  pedunculi  1  cm. 
longi.  Spica  matura  2  cm.  longa,  bractese  pelta  1  mm.  diain.  Stigmata  3  sessilia, 
bacca  in  vivo  aurantiaca  in  sicco  nigra  7  mm.  longa  et  5  mm.  crassa. — Species  primo 
udspectu  P.  buruanum,  Miq.  referens. 

PIPER  FORBTENII  C.  DC.  in  Prodr.  xvi.  i.  348  ;  Scheffer  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit. 
i.  (1876)  50  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1914)  1007. 

Roon  Island,  ridge  beyond  Djende,  300',  scandent  in  forest.  Fl.,  ?  .  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Dore,  Teysmann  ;  D.S.W.,  near  Alkmaar, 
van  Roemer).  Amboina,  Halmaheira,  Philippines. 

Liane,  climbing  up  trunks  of  trees,  with  huge  leaves  and  pendent  yellow 
spikes,  4  dm.  long  and  3  cm.  thick.  Also  abundant  in  the  high  forest 
round  Manokoeari,  but  only  seen  there  in  sterile  condition. 

PIPER  BIPUNCTATDM  C.  DC.,  sp.  nov. 

Kamulis  glabris ;  foliis  breviter  petiolatis,  limbo  elliptico-lanceolato  basi  aequi- 
latera acuto  apice  acuta,  et  sat  longe  acuminato  supra  glabro  subtus  puberulo, 
5-plinervio  nervo  centrali  nervum  adscendentem  utrinque  opposita  vel  alterne  mittente 
quorum  supremus  a  2-2'5  cm.  supra  basin  solutus,  nervo  laterali  adscendente  utrinque 
a  basi  soluto,  petiolo  puberulo  basi  ima  vaginante ;  pedunculo  fere  glabro  petiolum 
superante,  spica  subflorente  quam  limbus  pluries  hreviore,  rhacbi  hirsuta,  bracteae 
glabrse  pelta  rotunda  centre  pedicellata,  starninibus  2,  antheris  ovatis  4-valvatis 
quam  filamenta  oblonga  pluries  brevioribus. 

Hab.  Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik  (coral),  in  clearings.  Fl.  Jan. 


Dioicum,  epiphytum.  Eainuli  spiciferi  1  mm.  crassi,  collenchyma  in  fascicules 
discretes  a  latere  valde  productos  dispositum  et  baud  libriforine,  fasciculi  intra- 
medullares  1-seriati,  canalis  lysigenus  unicus  centralis.  Limbi  in  sicco  inembranacei 
usque  ad  12'5  cm.  longi  et  3'5  cm.  lati,  creberrime  pellucido-punctulati  punctatique 
punctis  rotundis  vel  oblongis.  Petioli  6  mm.,  pedunculi  10  mm.  longi.  Spica  sub- 
florens  3  cm.  longa  et  2'5  mm.  crassa,  bracteae  pelta  1  mm.  diam. 

HORACES.     (H.  N.  RIDLEY.) 

Ficus  INFECTORIA  Roxb.  Fl.  Ind.  iii.  550  ;  Sebum.  &  Laut.  273. 
Wakde  Island,  on  beach.     Fl.     Jan.     6244. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea.     India,  Burma,  Malaya,  and  Philippines. 
"  A  large  tree  with  white  latex/' 

Ficus  MYRIOCARPA.  Miq.  in  Ann.  Mus.  Lugd.-Bat.  iii.  230-296  ;  Schum.  & 
Laut.  281. 

Manokoeari,  in  high  forest,  on  "  korang,"  200-500'     Fr.     Jan.     6171. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.,  and  adjacent  islands).     Amboina. 

"  Large  forest  tree,  the  leaves  with  stipules  4-5  cm.  long  and  red  recep- 
tacles. The  fruiting  branches  are  cauline,  long,  and  are  also  borne  on  the 

*Ficus  CELEBICA  Bl.  Bijdr.  461. 

Manokoeari,  tract  to  Ainbani,  in  high  forest  on  "  korang,"  200'.  Fr. 
Jan.  6209. 

Distrib.  Celebes,  Malay  Peninsula,  and  Philippines. 

"  A  forest  tree  with  orange-red  receptacles." 

*Ficus  BOTRYOCARPA  Miq.  Ann.  Mus.  Lugd.-Bat.  iii.  233, 

Manokoeari,  in  high  forest  on  "korang."     Fr.     Jan.     6179. 

Distrib.  Celebes. 

"A  tree,   with   green   receptacles   borne   on   hollow   cauline   branches. 

When  cut  water  came  out  of  the  figs." 

Ficus  BRACHIATA  King  in  Ann.  Bot.  Gard.  Calc.  i.  106,  pi.  136. 

Manokoeari,  common  in  high  forests  on  "  korang,"  200-500'.  Fr.  Jan. 

Distrib.  Sumatra. 

"A  tree  with  green  receptacles,  3*7  cm.  across,  borne  on  long,  cauline, 
branching  and  pendent,  fruiting  shoots.  On  cutting  figs  open,  water 
came  out." 


Arbor,  rainis  crassiusculis  cortice  cervino.  Folia  oblonga  breviter  obtuse  cus- 
pidata  base  rotundato  cordato  margine  integro,  superne  glabra  subcoriacea,  subtus  in 
nervis  7  paribus  hirtis,  nervis  intra  margines  anastomosantibus,  subtus  minute  albo- 


punctata  scabra,  40  cm.  longa,  18  cm.  lata,  petiolo  12  cm.  longo.  Stipules  persis- 
tentes  lanceolatse  acuminatae  hirtse,  2  cm.  longie  vel  ultra.  Syncarpia  rubra  globosa 
2  cm.  crassa  (in  sicco)  parce  hirta,  bracteis  2  lanceolatis  acutis  dissitis  in  dorso. 
Bracteee  basales  nullae.  Pedunculus  '5-1  cm.  longus  bracteatus.  Bractece  ad 
ostiolum  lanceolatse  acuminatse  hirtse,  plures  erectae.  Flores  masculi  ad  ostiolum 
monandri,  pedicellati,  sepala  4  lanceolata  subacuta,  anthera  reniformi  magna  trail  s- 
versiin  biloba.  Feminei  plerumque  longe  pedicellati,  pistillo  oblongo,  stylo  lateral!. 

Hab.  Humboldt  Bay,  ridge  behind  "  kampong."     Fr.     Jan.     6260. 

A  specimen  of  what  appears  also  to  be  this  species  is  in  Herb.  Brit.  Mus. 
labelled  "  Java,  Straits  of  Sunda  J(oseph)  B(anks)." 

I  cannot  match  this  fig  with  anything  yet  described.  It  seems  in  some 
points  to  be  most  nearly  allied  to  F.  Beccarii,  but  the  fruits  in  this  and  its 
allies  are  all  borne  on  separate  branches.  The  persistent  and  large  stipules 
are  peculiar.  The  leaf,  which  is  large,  has  just  the  texture  and  scabrid  feel, 
as  well  as  the  whitish  dottings,  of  Conocephalus.  The  only  figs  seen  contained 
male  flowers  and  gall  flowers,  some  of  which  have,  like  the  male  flowers, 
long  stalks,  while  others  are  almost  sessile. 

LAPOKTEA  ARMATA  Warb.  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  xiii.  (1891)  293 ;  Schum. 

&  Laut.  289. 

•  Manokoeari,  undergrowth,  in  high  forest,  on  "korang,"    gregarious  in 
damp  places,  500'.     FL,  <$  ?  .     6186. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 

These  plants,  with  herbaceous  slender  stems,  1-2  m.  high,  very  stinging 
leaves,  grey  in  colour,  and  green  flowers,  formed  a  colony  in  a  small  soak 
area  on  the  top  of  the  forest  ridge  which  rises  behind  Manokoeari.  As 
Warburg's  description  only  covers  the  ?  plant,  that  of  the  c?  is  appended. 
Inflorescence  2'5  cm.  long,  branched,  with  peduncle  7  cm.  long.  Flowers 
arranged  in  small  sessile  glomerules,  2  mm.  across,  on  the  secondary  branches 
of  the  rhachis,  composed  of  more  numerous  flowers  than  the  $  ,  which 
are  mostly  single  in  my  specimens.  Perianth  4-partite,  1'5  mm.  across, 
with  lanceolate-acute  segments,  1'5  mm.  in  length,  covered  with  a  few  scat- 
tered white  hairs. 

FLEURYA  RUDERALIS  (Forst.)  Gaud.  Voy.  Uranie,  497  ;  Schum.  &  Laut. 
291  ;  Scheffer  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i.  (1876)  48  ;  F,Muell.  Pap.  PI. 

Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  under  trees  by  sea-shore.  Fr.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Teysmann  ;  N.E.  ;   S.E.).    Java,  Marshall 
and  Solomon  Islands,  Ellice  and  Union  Group  ;  Tahiti. 
Herbaceous,  with  pink  stems  and  white  flowers. 



Herba  decumbens,  glaberrima  ;  caulis  simplex,  plurisulcatus.  Folia  alterna 
petiolata  vel  subsessilia,  elliptico-lanceolata,  basi  uno  latere  subrotundata,  altero 
cuneata,  apice  in  acumen  longum  acutissimum  sensim  attenuata,  infra  medium 
integerrima,  superne  grosse  insequaliter  obtuse -den  tata,  penninervia,  fere  sequilatera 
(basi  excepta),  viridia,  carnosa,  supra  cystolithis  linearibus  baud  densis,  subtus  palli- 
diora,  cystolithis  minutis  densissime  obtecta.  Flores  feminei  albidi,  pedicellati, 
laxiuscule  glomerati.  Perianthium  5-merum,  persistens,  segmentis  apice  leviter 
retusis,  longe  aristatis,  setis  perianthio  duplo  longioribus.  Staminodia  5,  parva, 
segmentis  opposita,  inflexa.  Achcenium  compressum. 

Hob.  Manokoeari,  epiphytic  or  terrestrial  in  high  forest,  500'.  Fr.  Jan. 

This  plant,  up  to  5-4  dm.  in  height,  more  or  less  decumbent  in  habit, 
was  found  growing  massed  on  the  dead  prostrate  trunk  of  a  tree,  and  also 
beneath  on  the  ground.  Leaves  dark  green  when  dried,  fleshy  when 
growing,  +18  cm.  long,  including  the  acumen  +3  cm.  long,  4'5  mm.  broad. 
Flower  fascicles  l'5-2  cm.  across.  Pedicels  +3  mm.  long.  Perianth- 
segments  2  mm.  long,  with  mucro  3  mm.  long.  IStaminodes  +'5  mm.  long, 
when  expanded  +1  mm.  long.  Achene  1*5  mm.  by  1  mm.,  light  brown  in 

Near  P.  nigrescens  Warb.,  but  differs  in  the  deeply  dentate  leaves,  with 
fewer  veins,  drying  dark  green  in  colour. 

This  species  is  named  in  honour  of  Mr.  R.  F.  J.  van  Hasselt,  Chief 
Missionary  at  Manokoeari,  who,  from  long  residence  and  perfect  knowledge 
of  Papuan  dialects,  enjoys  the  confidence  of  these  people,  and  to  whom  I 
was  much  indebted  for  valuable  information  and  help,  most  kindly  given. 


LORANTHUS  VERSTEEGII  Laut.  in  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  289. 

Manokoeari,  epiphyte  on  trees  in  clearings.     Fl.     Jan.     6175. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Versteeg ;  Bian  River, 
Brandenhorst ;  S.E.  Sogeri  Region,  Forbes  (499,  Herb.  Mus.  Brit.)). 

A  very  distinct  plant  with  many  long  hanging  shoots,  2-3  m.  in  length, 
bearing  single,  and  sometimes  binate,  densely-flowered  racemes  in  the  axils 
of  the  leaves  on  the  old  wood,  for  about  halfway  down  each  shoot.  The 
flowers  are  red  at  the  base  and  yellow-green  from  about  the  middle.  Some 
o£  the  racemes  are  longer  than  in  the  type,  and  some  shorter,  and  the  flowers 
are  somewhat  longer  ;  but  these  are  no  doubt  variable  features.  In  Forbes's 
plant  the  leaves  are  narrow,  as  in  Brandenhorst's  278  (Herb.  Kew.),  acute, 
and  decurrent  at  the  base,  with  corollas  5  cm.  long,  pubescent  on  the  outer 



PORTULACCA  QUADRIFIDA  L.  Sp.  PL  ed.  1,  445  ;  Hemsl.  CLall.  Exp.  Bot. 
122  j  Schum.  &  Laut.  309. 

Island  of  Wakde,  in  "  campong,"  creeping  under  trees.  Fl.  (yellow). 
Jan.  6247. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea  and  adjacent  islands.  Marshall  and  Solomon 
Islands,  Fiji  and  Vavau.  Tropical  Asia  and  Africa. 


RUBUS  MOLUCCANUS  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  1197  ;  Scheffer  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i. 
(1876)  23;  Schum.  &  Laut.  339;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  367, 
(1912)  647. 

Manokoeari,  edge  of  forest.     Fl.,  Fr.     Jan.     6212. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Dore,  Teysmann  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord  River, 
Versteeg  ;  Hellwig  Mts.,  von,  Roemer  ;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).     India, 
Indo-China  ;  Malay  Peninsula,  Sumatra,  Amboina,  Borneo,  Philippines. 
Berries  red,  sweet. 


*ALBIZZIA  MOLUCCANA  Miq.  Fl.  Ind.  Bat.  i.  26. 

Manokoeari,  edge  of  forest,  on  "  korang,"  100'.     Fr.     Jan.     5738. 

Distrib.  Moluccas. 

A  fine  tree  with  white  bole  and  spreading  crown,  pinnatisect  leaves  with 
very  small  pinnules,  and  pendent  white  flowers,  quite  abundant  on  the  edge 
of  the  high  forest  behind  Manokoeari.  Only  the  old  pods  scattered  on  the 
ground  were  collected,  which,  however,  are  very  distinct,  +1*4  dm.  long 
and  2  cm.  broad,  with  a  small  acumen  and  a  membranous  wing,  broader  on 
the  placental  suture.  The  small  seeds  are  very  close  together,  under  1  cm. 
apart.  These  characters,  with  the  fine  dissected  leaves,  are  well  shown  in 
Koorder's  15643  ("  cultivated  at  Buitenzorg ")  as  may  be  seen  in  Herb. 

ENTADA  SCANDENS  Benth.  in  Hook.  Journ.  iii.  332  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  346. 

Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  creeper  in  strand  forest.  Fl.  (yellow). 
Jan.  6191. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea  and  adjacent  islands.  Tropics  of  both  hemi- 


Manokoeari,  Wousi,  in  "  kebun."     Fl.     Jan.     6217. 
Distrib.  Tropics  of  both  hemispheres. 


ALYSICAKPUS  NTJMMULARIFOLIUS  DO.  Prod.  ii.  353;  Schum.  &  Lnuf,  277. 

Island  of  Sorong,  creeping  under  trees  by  sea-shore.  Fl.  (red-brown). 
Jan.  6285. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea.  India,  Indo-China;  Malay  Peninsula  and 
Andamans,  Borneo,  Philippines,  N.E.  and  N.W.  Australia,  Fiji.  Tropical 
Africa  and  West  Indies. 

DERRIS  ULIGINOSA  Benth.  in  PI.  Jungh.  i.  252  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  360  ; 
Valeton,  Plant,  pap.  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agric.  Ind.  Neerl.  no.  x.  (1902)  19  ; 
Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  379. 

Manokoeari,  Langgeri,  in  mangrove  association.     Fl.     Jan.     6229. 
Distrib.    New   Guinea  (D.N.W.,   Humboldt  Bay;    D.S.W.,  Etna  Bay, 
Wichmann  ;    Gelieb,  Brandenlwrst ;    N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).      South 
Asia  to  N.  Australia  and  Polynesia. 

MUCUNA  KEAETKEI  Warb.  in  Engl.  Bot.  Jahrb.  xiii.  (1891)  329  ;  Schum. 
&  Laut.  365  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  381,  (1912)  652. 

Manokoeari,  Wousi,  over  trees  by  sea-shore.     Fl.     Jan.     6231. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Alkmaar,  on  Noord  River,  Versteeg  ; 

A  coast  liane,  with  magnificent  red  flowers  in  huge  interrupted  in- 

In  the  absence  of  leaves  and  fruit,  determination  must  be  uncertain  ;  but 
in  the  shape  and  size  of  calyx,  approximate  measurements,  and  form  of  floral 
parts,  with  the  number  of  ovules  (5),  my  plant  agrees  with  M.  Kraetkei  Warb. 
Warburg  does  not  describe  the  inflorescence,  beyond  stating  that  it  occurs 
often  on  the  old  wood ;  in  that  case  bunches  of  shortish  racemes,  5-17  dm. 
long,  spring  irregularly  from  the  old  wood,  which  is  lenticellose.  When 
the  inflorescence  is  on  young  wood  the  recemes  are  long  and  single,  as  in 
Versteeg's  403  Herb.  Kew. 


*DURANDEA  PARVIFLORA  Stapf  in  Hook.  Icon.  tab.  2822. 

Manokoeari,  Langgen,  in  open  clearing.     Fl.     Jan.     6218. 

Distrib.  Solomon  Islands. 

A  small  tree  with  yellow  flowers.  The  measurements  of  the  flowers  agree 
with  the  above  species ;  also  the  size  of  the  leaves  and  the  inflorescence. 


AGLAIA  GIBBSI^  0.  DC.,  sp.  nov. 

Kamulis  adpresse  et  rufescente  stellato-lepidotis ;  foliis  sat  longe  petiolatis  3- 
jugis,  foliolo  terminal!  sat  longe  petiolulato  oblongo-obovato  basi  sequilatera  acuto 
apice  brevissirne  et  obtuse  acuminate,  lateralibus  oppositis  modice  petiolulatis 
oblongo-ellipticis  basi  aequilatera  acutis  apice  breviter  et  obtuse  acuminatis,  omnibus 


supra  glabris  subtus  ad  nervos  baud  dense  stellato-lepidotis  ;  panicula  tenninali 
folium  fere  sequante  paullo  supra  basin  trifida,  ramis  pyramidato-ramulosis,  ramulis 
adpresse  et  rufescente  stellato-lepidotis  spicatim  cymub'geris,  cymulis  bifloris, 
floribus  pedicellatis ;  calice  5-sepalo,  sepalis  rotundato-ovatis  subtus  stellato-lepidotis 
supra  glabris,  ciliatis;  petalis  5  obovatis  glabris  eciliatis,  tubo  stamineo  glabro 
urceolato  integro  et  margine  antherifero,  antheris  5  glabris  subsessilibus  ovatis, 
horizon taliter  inflexis,  connective  ultra  thecas  obtuse  producto ;  ovario  parce  stellato- 
lepidoto,  stigmate  globoso. 

Bab.  Manokoeari,  in  forest  on  "  korang,"  300'.     Fl.     Jan.     6204. 

Arbor.  Folia  alterna  36  cm.  longa.  Foliola  in  vivo  obscure  virescentia,  in 
sicco  firmule  membranacea  et  creberrime  pellucido-punctulata,  terminale  16  cm. 
longum  et  usque  ad  6  cm.  latum,  lateralia  supera  15  cm.  longa  et  5*5  cm.  lata, 
subsequentia  gradatiin  paullo  minora,  nervi  secundarii  subrecti  utrinque  10-12. 
Panicula}  rami  usque  ad  13  cm.  longi.  Pedicelli  1  mm.  longi.  Flores  in  vivo 
albis.  Sepala  0*5  mm.  longa.  Petala  membranacea,  1'5  mm.  longa  et  usque  ad 
1  mm.  lata.  Anthene  0'75  mm.  longse. 

Species  A.  Roemeri  C.  DC.  proxima,  foliolis  paucioribus  et  a  nervo  centrali 
sequilateris,  sepalis  subtus  stellato-lepidotis,  petalis  obovatis  ab  ilia  discrepans. 


TRISTELLATEIA  AUSTRALASICA  A.  Rich.  Sert.  Astrol.  38,  t.  15;  Scheffer 
in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i.  (1875)  10  ;  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PI.  36  ;  Schum.  & 
Laut.  387. 

Manokoeari,  Langgen,  climber  in  mangrove  association.  Fl.  (yellow), 
Fr.  Jan.  6223. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Teysmann  ;  N.E.  &  S.E.,  and 
adjacent  islands).  Singapore,  Slum,  Formosa,  Malaya,  Philippines ;  to 
E.  Australia  and  New  Caledonia. 

RYSSOPTERYS  TIMORENSIS  Bl.  ex  A.  Juss.  in  Deless.  Ic.  Sel.  iii.  21,  t.  350  ; 
Scheffer  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i.  (1875)  10 ;  F.  Muell.  Pap.  Pi.  36  ; 
Schum.  &  Laut.  387. 

Manokoeari,  tract  to  Ambani,  100',  clearings,  scrambling  in  rampant 
upgrowth.  Fl.  (yellow).  Jan.  6200. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Sorong,  Teysmann  ;  N.E.  &  S.E.,  to 
adjacent  islands).  Malaya  to  Philippines  and  tropical  Australia. 


MALLOTDS  TILI^EFOLIUS  (Bl.)  Miill.-Arg.  in  Linnsea,  xxxiv.  190 ;  Miq.  in 
Ann.  Mus.  Lugd.-Bat.  iv.  123  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  396. 

Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  tree  in  clearings  and  forest.  FL,  <£  .  Dec. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Zippelius  ;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands). 
Malay  Archipelago ;  Fiji. 


MACARANGA  RIPARIA  Engl.  in  Bot,  Jahrb.  vii.  (1886)  463  ;  Schum.  &  Lanr. 
397  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  235,  (1912)  789  ;  Kidl.  iu  Trans. 
Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix.  (1916)  147. 

Manokoeari,  ridge  behind  "  campong,"  common  in  high  forest  on 
"  korang,"  300'.  Fl.,  ?  .  Jan.  6177. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Dore,  Teysmann  ;  Humboldt  Bay, 
Gjellerup  ;  D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Versteeg,  von  Roemer  ;  Utakwa  River, 
Kloss  ;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).  Kei  Islands. 

"  A  fine  tree  =  80  m.  in  height.     Quite  common." 

EXCCECARIA  AGALLOCHA  L.  Sp.  PI.  ed.  1,  1288;  Schum.  &  Laut.  406  ;  Nova 
Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  241. 

Manokoeari,  Langgeu,  in  mangrove  association.     Fl.,  Fr.,   ?  .     6216. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Humboldt  Bay,  Wichmann  ;  D.S.W., 
Merauke,  Brandenliorst  ;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).  Brit.  India,  Malaya, 
Papuasia,  Philippines,  S.  China,  E.  Australia,  and  Polynesia. 


EUONYMUS  JAVANICUS  Bl.  Bijdr.  1146. 

Manokoeari,  200',  high  forest  on  "korang."     Fl.     Jan.     6182. 

Distrib.  Indo-China,  Timor,  Philippines,  Kei  and  Aru  Islands,  N.E. 

Tree,  with  greenish-white  flowers. 


ALLOPHYLLUS  COBBE  Bl.  Rumphia,  iii.  131. 

Manokoeari,  200',  creeper  in  clearings  and  on  edge  of  forest.  Fl.  (white), 
Fr.  Jan.  6203. 

Distrib.  India,  Ceylon,  Malay  Peninsula,  Andaman  Islands,  Java,  Borneo, 
Little  Kei  Islands,  Philippines  ;  Samoa  and  Vavau. 

GREWIA  ACUMINATA  Juss.  in  Ann.  Mus.  Paris,  iv.  (1801)  91,  t.  48  ;  r.f. 
Hochreutiner's  Cat.  Bog.  Nov.  i.  47,  in  Bull.  Inst.  Bot.  Buit.  xix. 
(1904)  46. 

Dammar  Island,  on  sea-shore.     FL,  Fr.     Jan.     6291. 
Distrib.  Philippines,  Borneo,  Java,  Malay  Peninsula. 
Shrub,  with  white  flowers.     This  plant  was  found  growing  in  a  clump  on 
the  edge  of  the  beach,  the  forest  having  been  cleared  behind  it.     It  agrees 
•well  with  the  large  series  at  Kew  of  the  species  included  by  Hochreutiner 
with  G.  acuminata,  though  the  leaves  are  larger  than  in  the  specimens  seen. 



ERYTHROSPERMUM  CANDIDA  Becc.  in  litt.=  Gestroa  Candida  Becc.  Malesia,  i. 

Manokoeari,  Langgen,  land  edge  of  mangrove  association.  Fl.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Ramoi,  Beccari). 

Tree  with  white  flowers. 

I  am  indebted  to  the  kindness  of  Dr.  Beccari  for  a  specimen  of  his 
Gestroa  Candida,  which  proved  identical  with  my  plant.  It  also  shows  with 
the  above  some  flowers  with  undeveloped  ovaries  among  the  more  numerous 
$  ones.  Dr.  Beccari  wrote  that  he  now  considered  the  plant  to  be  an 
Jirytlirospermum,  and  on  investigation  I  am  myself  inclined  to  the  same 



Herba  glaberrima ;  caule  erecto,  ramosissimo.  Folia  petiolata,  obovato-lanceolata, 
basi  valde  inaequalia  (uno  latere  cordato,  altero  cuneato),  apice  tenuiter  anguste- 
acurainata,  grosse  et  regulariter  inciso-serrata,  chartacea,  supra  flavo-viridula,  albido 
punctulata,  subtus  dilute  griseo-albida.  Inflorescentia  terminalis,  quam  folia 
brevior.  Flos  tf  sepalis  2,  roseis,  orbiculari-cordatis ;  filamentis  basi  connatis. 
Flores  $  petalis  5,  insequalibus ;  stylis  3,  connatis,  apice  spiraliter  bifurcatis. 
Fmctus  3-alatus,  apice  truncatus  vel  arcuato-obtusus. 

Hob.  Humboldt  Bay,  in  high  forest  by  stream,  300-500'.     Fl.  $  ?  ,  Fr. 
Jan.     6253. 

A  handsome  plant,  '75  m.  high,  growing  abundantly  in  large  clumps 
along  the  banks  of  the  stream.  Leaves  ±  12  cm.  by  4'5  cm.,  sage-green  in 
colour,  with  2-3  white  spots  in  more  or  ess  parallel  lines  between  the  lateral 
veins,  which  are  conspicuous,  4-5  on  each  side  of  the  midrib.  On  the  margin 
the  largest  incisions  vary  from  1  cm.  in  depth  and  1*5  cm.  in  breadth, 
graduating  insensibly  to  the  extreme  apex.  Petiole  1  cm.  long.  Stipules 
1'5  cm.  long,  often  unequal  in  size,  caducous,  transparently  membranous  in 
texture,  and  produced  into  long  fine  hair-like  points.  £  flower  6  mm.  by 
7  mm.  (immature).  ?  flowers  arising  singly,  opposite  the  upper  leaves,  on 
pedicels  1'5-1*8  cm.  long,  the  flowers  being  2  cm.  long  and  3  cm.  across  ; 
with  unequal  petals,  of  which  the  largest  are  1'2  cm.  by  6' 7  mm.  ;  the  three 
styles  are  bifid,  spreading,  5  mm.  long.  Fruit  I'l  cm.  long,  1'5  cm.  across, 
with  equal  membranous  wings,  4  mm.  broad  in  the  centre  and  5  mm.  broad 
at  the  apex  of  the  fruit.  The  fruits  were  affected  by  insects  and  swollen  out 
of  shape  in  nearly  all  the  plants  seen. 

This  species  is  distinct  in  the  very  regular  and  finely  graduated  serrate 
incisions  of  the  leaves,  with  their  parallel  rows  of  white  markings. 



PEMPHIS  ACIDULA  Forst.  Char.  Gen.  PI.  68,  t.  34  ;  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PL  43-59  ; 
Schum.  &  Laut.  460. 

Wakde  Island,  growing  thickly  on  coral-reef  on  coast,  where  washed  by 
sea.  Fl.  (white) ,  Fr.  Jan.  6246. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.  &  S.E.,  and  adjacent  islands).  Strand  plant 
distributed  from  Polynesia  to  E.  Africa. 

Shrub,  prostrate,  to  3  m,  in  height,  where  beyond  the  spray. 


OTANTHERA  NOVO-GUINEENSIS  Bak.  f.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot.  ix. 
(1916)  50. 

Island  of  Roon,  near  the  road  round  the  Bay,  growing  in  the  open.  Fl., 
Fr.  Jan.  6238. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Utakwa,  near  to  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss*). 

"  Small  shrub,  with  white  flowers  and  red  fruit." 

MEDINILLA  RHODORHACHIS  Bak.  f.,  sp.  nov. 

Planta  epiphytica,  ramis  4-gonis  vel  levissime  4-alatis  ad  nodos  barbatis  ad 
.3/".  speciosam  Blume  accedens.  Folia  sessilia,  opposita,  oblonga  vel  elliptica,  apice 
breviter  acuminata,  basi  cordata,  5-plinervia,  costa  subtus  conspicua.  Flores  4-meri 
in  paniculam  dispositi.  Paniculae  folio  breviores.  Pedicelli  stricti.  Bractece 
parvse.  Galycis  tubus  campanulatus  limbo  subtruncato.  Petala  alba  staminibus 
paullo  longiora.  Staminum  connections  postice  breviter  calcaratus,  antice  bical- 
caratus.  Fructus  ignotus. 

Hob.  Schouten  Islands,  Wiak,  Bosnik,  epiphytic  on  strand  tree. 
Flowers  white ;  rhachis  pink.  Fl.  Dec.  6275. 

Leaves  (ex  sice.)  ±2-3  dm.  long  and  7-5-13  cm.  broad.  Calyx  +3'5  mm. 
long.  Petah  ±6  mm.  long.  Anthers  3-3'5  mm.  long. 

The  distinguishing  features  of  this  epiphyte  are  the  oblong  or  elliptical, 
acuminate,  5-plinerved,  sessile  leaves,  the  panicle  of  small,  white,  4-merous 
flowers,  the  calyx  being  +3'5  mm.  long.  The  anthers  are  shortly  spurred 
anteriorly  and  posteriorly. 


POLYSCIAS  SORONGENSIS  Gibbs,  sp.  nov. 

Frutex  parvus,  glaberrimus.  Folia  pedicellata,  stipulata,  imparipinnata,  5-G- 
juga,  rhaqhis  cylindrica,  longitudinaliter  striata ;  foliola  opposita,  graciliter  pedicel- 
lata, obovato-lanceolata  vel  oblonga,  acuta,  basi  obliqua  rotundata,  apice  sensim 
acuminata,  subintegerrima  tenuiter  membranacea.  Panicula  pedunculata  nunc 
bipedata,  racemuli  umbellati  pedunculi  secundarii  verticelkti  vel  oppositi.  Flores 
parvi,  breviter  pedicellati,  pedicelli  sub  flores  articulati,  apice  in  calyculum  minimum 
expansi.  Calyx  repando-5-dentatus.  Petala  5,  apice  leviter  cohserentia.  Stamina  5, 


filamentis  brevibus.  Discus  planus.  Styli  2  distinct!,  elongati.  Ovarium  bilocukre. 
Fructus  ignotus. 

Hal).  Island  of  Sorong,  under  strand  trees.     Fl.     Feb.     6287. 

A  small  shrub  +2  m.  high.  The  petioles  of  the  leaves  are  1'2  dm.  in 
lengthj  with  adnate  stipules  1*7  cm.  long.  The  dried  leaves  are  light  green 
in  colour,  the  largest  being  4'8  dm.  by  3'1  dm.  ;  the  largest  foliole  is  1*7  dm. 
by  5  cm.  ;  the  margins  can  hardly  be  described  as  serrate,  but  show  subulate 
teeth,  +1  mm.  long  and  1*2  cm.  apart;  petiolules  +1'3  cm.  long.  The 
inflorescence  is  umbellate-racemose,  +5'1  dm.  by  4  dm.,  including  peduncle 
2'5  dm.  long,  which  is  subtended  by  2  bracts;  the  secondary  peduncles  arise 
in  the  axils  of  2  bracts,  and  bear  pairs  of  bracts  up  the  axis,  which  bear  single 
flowers  or  small  lateral  umbels,  or  may  dichotomise,  bearing  2-4  umbels; 
the  umbels  show  an  involucre  of  minute  bracts  and  are  +1  cm.  across.  The 
flowers  are  green,  on  pedicels  2  mm.  long  ;  petals  broad  at  the  base  and 
thickened  at  the  apex,  2'5  mm.  long  ;  anthers  oblong,  almost  sessile,  2  mm. 
long  ;  styles  1/2  mm.  long  ;  ovary  1/5  mm.  long. 


M.ESA  RACEMOSA  (K.  Sch.)  ;  Mez  in  Pflanzenreich,  iv.  236,  Myrsin.  (1902) 

43  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  492. 

Island  of  Wakde,  on  beach.     FL,  Fr.     Jan.     6243. 
Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea. 
Shrub  or  epiphyte,  with  white  flowers  and  berries. 

FLORIDUM  Roem.  et  Schult.  Syst.  iv.  (1819)  512  ;  A.  Rich.  Toy. 
Astrol.  ii.  57,  t.  21  ;  Scheffer  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i.  (1876)  33. 
Manokoeari,    Langgen,    mangrove    association,    on    sea-edge.      Fl.,   Fr. 
Jan.     6228. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Jobi  Island,  Barclay  ;  Gede  Island,  Dore 
Bay,  Teyftnann).     Kei  Islands,  Amboina,  Sumbawa,  Philippines. 
Small  compact  shrub  with  white  flowers. 


SARCOLOBUS  RETUSUS  K.  Sch.  Fl.  Kais.  Willielmsl.  109  ;  Schum.  &  Laut. 
509  ;  Valeton  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agric.  Indes  Neerl.  no.  x.  (1907)  49. 

Manokoeari,  Langgen,  twiner  in  mangrove  association.  Fl.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Humboldt  Bay,  Wichmann  ;  N.E.). 
Ternate,  Timor. 

Creeper  on  trees  and  on  ground.  Yellow-green  flowers  with  ciliate 
petals.  Schumann  notes  that  this  plant  is  very  poisonous. 


C  0  N  V  0  L  V  U  L  A  C  E  J5.      (A.  B.  RENDLE.) 

IPOMCEA  DENTICULATA  Choisy  in  Mem.  Soc.  Phys.  Geneve,  vi.  (1833)  447. 

Island  of  Sorong,  creeping  under  trees  by  beach,  covering  ground  and 
plants.  Fl.  (purple),  Fr.  Jan.  5740. 

Distrib.  N.E.  New  Guinea  and  adjacent  islands.  Seychelles  to  Polynesia 
and  Australia. 

B  O  R  AGIN  AC  E  ;E. 

TOURNEFORTIA  ARGENTEA  L.  £.  Suppl.  133  ;  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PI.  59 ; 
Sebum.  &  Laut.  519. 

Wakde  Island,  a  small  tree  along  the  sea-shore.     FL,  Fr.     Jan.     6242. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.B.  ;  S.E.  and  adjacent  islands).  Tropical 
Australia,  Polynesia,  Malaya  and  India  to  Mascarene  Islands. 

Small  tree  10  m.  high,  leaves  silvery  from  white  pubescence,  with  white 
flowers  and  green  fruit. 


CALLICARPA  ERIOCLONA  Schauer  in  DC.  Prod.  xi.  643 ;  Miq.  Fl.  Ind.  Bat. 
ii.  (1856)  889  ;  Scheffer  in  Ann.  Jard.  Buit.  i.  (1876)  41. 

Manokoeari,  track  to  Ambani,  common  on  the  edge  of  forest  and  in 
clearings,  200'.  FL,  Fr.  Jan.  6205. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Lesson  ;  Mansinam  Island,  Dore  Bay, 
Teyxmann).  Philippines. 

This  plant  is  distinguished  from  C.  cana  L.  by  the  large,  more  lanceolate, 
irregularly  serrate  leaves,  with  very  white  pubescence  underneath,  and  white 
flowers  with  longer  exserted  stamens.  C.  repanda  K.  Sch.  &  Warb.  is 
possibly  a  synonym  of  this  plant. 

PREMNA  NITIDA  K.  Sch.  Fl.  Kais.  Wilhelmsl.  120  ;  Schnm.  &  Laut.  523. 

Manokoeari,  common  in  clearings  and  round  foot-hills.     FL,  Fr.     6163. 

Distrib.  N.E,  New  Guinea. 

A  tree  with  white  flowers  and  black  fruit.  Also  seen  along  the  beach  to 

CLERODENDRON  LINDAWIANUM  Laut.  in  Schum.  &  Laut.  Nachtr.  Fl.  d. 
Schutzgeb.  Siidsee,  372. 

Var.  GLABRIOR  Gibbs.     Tota  planta  manifesto  glabrior. 

Humboldt  Bay,  in  high  forest  on  range  above  river,  400',  FL,  Fr. 
Jan.  6264. 

Distrib.  (of  type).  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Mt.  Carstensz,  Kloss  ;  N.E.  ; 
S.E.  [Forbes,  Sogeri  region,  Brit.  Mus.]). 

A  small  tree  with  conspicuous  white  flowers  and  black  fruit. 

I  cannot  separate  this  plant  from  Lauterbach's  species,  which  is  evidently 
very  widely  distributed.  In  my  specimen  the  leaves  are  glabrous,  with  the 


exception  of  the  veins,  which  are  pubescent  on  both  surfaces  ;  the  tomentum 
on  peduncles,  pedicels  and  calyx  is  also  much  reduced. 

VITEX  TRIFOLIA  L.  f.  Suppl.  293  j  F.  Muell.  Pap.  PI.  86;  Schum.  & 
Laut.  524  ;  Valeton  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agric.  Indes  Neerl.  no.  x.  (11)07) 

Dammar  Island,  on  seashore.     Fl.,  Fr.     6290. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Merauke,  Koch  ;  N.E.  ;  S.E.nnd  adjacent 
islands).  South  Asia  through  Malaya  and  Japan,  and  through  New  Guinea 
to  New  Caledonia. 

A  C  A  N  T  H  A  C  E  JE.      (S.  MOORE.) 

HEMIGRAPHIS  REPTANS  T.  And.  ex  Hemsl.  Bot.  Voy.  '  Challenger,'  i.  iii.  173  ; 
Schum.  &  Laut.  543  ;  Valeton  in  Bull.  Dep.  Agric.  Indes  Ne'er!,  no.  x. 
(1907)  58. 

Manokoeari,  common  undergrowth  in  forest,  up  to  500'.  Fl.,  Fr.  Jan. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Tobadi,  Wichmann;  N.E.  and  adjacent 
islands).  Aru  Islands,  Amboina,  Philippines;  New  Hebrides  and  New 

Small  creeping  plant  with  white  flowers  and  glossy  fleshy  leaves.  Also 
seen  on  the  lower  foot-hills  of  the  Arfak  range  near  Wariap. 

HEMIGRAPHIS  DORENSIS  S.  Moore,  sp.  nov. 

Erecta,  circa  25  cm.  alt.  Caule  sparsim  ramoso  gkbrescente.  Eamis  pauci- 
foliatis  puberulis.  Foliis  petiolatis  oblongo-  vel  ovato-lanceolatis,  obtusis,  basi 
obliquis  obtusisque  vel  rotundatis,  margine  dentatis  vel  dentato-crenatis,  nonnun- 
quam  fere  integris  supra  pilis  brevibus  strigillosis  appressis  inspersis  subtus  in  nervis 
puberulis.  Spicis  abbreviatis  paucifloris,  subsessilibus  pedunculatisve.  Bracteis 
oblanceolatis  obtusis  ciliatis.  Calycis  bracteas  suba?quantis  segmentis  juxta  basin 
solurnmodo  connatis  linearibus  acutis  ciliatis.  Corolla  calyce  duplo  longiore  extus 
glabra  hujus  tubo  superne  ampliticato  lobis  posticis  quam  antici  plane  latioribus. 
Filament  is  inclusis  glabris.  Ovario  oblongo,  apice  pilosulo.  Stylo  inferne  pilosulo. 
Ovulis  pro  loculo  6. 

Hob.  Track  to  Ambani  in  "  korang  "  forest,  300'.     Fl.     6189. 

Leaves  2'5-8  cm.  long,  l'5-3  cm.  broad,  membranaceou?,  on  lower  side 
pale.  Petioles  5-22  mm.  long,  slightly  pilose.  Spikes  up  to  2  cm.  long, 
without  counting  the  filiform  peduncle  of  equal  length.  Bracts  +8  mm. 
long.  Calyx  9  mm.  long.  Corolla  white,  14  mm.  long  ;  tube  in  the  lower 
part  l'25-2  mm.,  at  the  throat  5  mm.  wide ;  front  lobes  obovate,  5  mm.  broad  ; 
hind  lobes  rotundate,  6'5  mm.  broad.  Filaments — longer  3'5  mm.  long, 
shorter  barely  1  mm.  ;  anthers  1'5  mm.  long.  Starninodium  0.  Ovary 
3  mm.  long.  Style  10  mm.,  stigma  front  lobe  2'5  mm.  long. 

This  is  nearest  to  H.  caudigera  S.  Moore,  which  has  larger  caudate  leave?, 
longer  bracts,  &c. 


*ASYSTASIA  INTRUSA  Bl.  Bijdr.  79G. 

Sorong  Island,  under  trees  by  beach.     Fl.     Jan.     6286. 

Distrib.  Aru  Islands,  Little  Kei  Islands,  Timor  Laut,  Java,  and  Malay 

'25-'50  m.  high,  with  reddish-brown  pink  flowers. 

*PERISTROPHE  JALAPP.EFOLIA  Nees  in  DC.  Prod.  xi.  494. 

Manokoeari,  near  Genbela,  common  undergrowth  in  secondary  strand 
forest.  Fl.,  Fr.  Jan.  6216. — Manokoeari,  in  high  forest,  common  under- 
growth on  "  korang,"  200-500'.  6161. 

Distrib.  Java. 

Herbaceous  plant,  "50  m.  high,  with  white  flowers.  Also  seen  on  the 
foot-hills  of  the  Arfak  range. 


BIKKIA  GRANDIFLORA  Reinw.,  var.  TENUIFLORA  Val.,  var.  nov. 

Folia  petiolata,  elliptica,  obtusa,  basi  acuta  vel  cuneata,  tenuiter  coriacea,  nervis 
lateralibus  utrinque  circa  5  tenuibus  baud  prominentibus.  Pedunculi  medio  cupu- 
latim  bracteolati.  Calycis  lobi  ensiformes  acuti,  calycem  cylindricum  sequantes. 
Corollae  tubus  elongatus  strictus,  tenuis,  versus  limbum  sensim  ampliatus.  CoroHce 
lobi  trigoni,  basi  dilatati,  longiores  quam  lati.  Capsula  cylindrica,  lineis  elevatis 
8  pertensa,  calycis  lobis  accrescentibus  coronata. 

Leaves  135  mm.  long,  60  mm.  broad.  Petiole  15-20  mm.  long.  Calyx- 
lobes  15  mm.  long,  3  mm.  broad.  Corolla-tube  17  mm.  long,  base  3  mm., 
apex  7  mm.  broad.  Corolla  105  mm.  long  ;  lobes  20  mm.  long,  base  14  mm. 

Island  of  Wakde,  shrub,  8  m.  high,  growing  in  masses  behind  the  coral 
rocks  of  seashore.  Fl.  (white,  sweet-scented).  Jan.  6245. 

Distrib.  (of  the  species).  Moluccas  (type-specimen  of  Reinw.  in  Herb. 
Lugd.-Bat.),  Kei  Islands,  Aru  Islands,  S.W.  New  Guinea,  Palau  Islands, 

The  species  is  characterized  by  the  large,  sword-like,  curved  calyx-lobes 
and  the  triangular  acute  corolla-lobes,  which  are  longer  than  broad.  The 
variety  differs  from  the  type  in  the  very  narrow  corolla-tube. 


Herha  sublignosa,  tomentosa  puberula,  in  sicco  fusca,  caules  incano-puberuli, 
glabrescentes.  Stipules  abortivse  vel  califormis  et  puberse  seca  tricula  nulla.  Folia 
petiolata,  vulgo  aequalia,  summa  interdum  valde  disparia,  elliptica  vel  obovata  vel 
ovato-elliptica,  apice  obtusa  vel  obtusissima  vel  rotundata,  basi  cuneato-acuminata 
ad  longe  in  petiolum  producta,  membranacea,  in  sicco  visca,  supra  dense  punctulato- 
scabrida,  subtus  parce  tomentosa,  nervi  laterales  utrinque  9-12,  vene  laxe  obscure 
reticulatse.  Inflorescentia  pedunculata  folius  multo  brevior,  incano-puberula  semel 
vel  bis  dichotoma  vel  subtrichotoma,  ramis  elongatis  multifloris  secundifloris. 


Florrs  brevi  pedicellate  Calyx  5-lobus,  lobis  dentifonnibus  parvis.  Corolla  apice 
5-cristata,  crista  brevi  rotundata ;  tubus  brevis  latus  fauce  dense  hirsute  lobi  tubo 
sequilongi.  Ovarium  dense  tomentosmn.  Stylus  glaber.  Capsula  ad  ramos  secundae, 
breviter  pedicellate,  scaberulse. 

Leaves  75-100  mm.  long  or  shorter,  40-45  mm.  broad.  Petiole  15  mm. 
long.  Peduncle  10-20  mm.  long.  Fruiting-branches  5'5  cm.  long. 

Hob.  Schouten  Islands,  Bosnik,  Wiak,  under  strand  trees  on  "  korang." 
Small  plant  ±2  dm.  high.  Fl.  (white),  Fr.  Jan.  6284. 

Collected  also  by  Gjellerup  in  .1911. 

GEOPBILA  RENIFORMIS  Don,  Prodr.  Fl.  Nepal.  136  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  584  ; 
Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1911)  485  ;  Ridl.  in  Trans.  Linn.  Soc.  ser.  2,  Bot. 
ix.  (1916)  77. 

Manokoeari,  common  creeping  undergrowth  in  forest.     Fl.,  Fr.     6181. 
Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Etna  Bay,  Koch-,  Utakwa  River,  Kloss  ; 
N.E.  &  S.E.  and  adjacent  islands).     Cosmopolitan  in  Tropics. 

AMARACARPUS  WICHMANNI  Val.,  sp.  nov.  (A.  cuneifolius  Val.,  var.,  in  Nova 
Guinea,  viii.  (1912)  769  et  (1911)  502,  p.p.] 

Fruticulus  ramis  bilateralibus,  horizontaliter  expansis,  ramulis  haud  regulariter 
pinnatis,  potius  quasi  dichotomis.  Rami  abbreviati,  secus  ramulos  oppositi  et  alterni ; 
oranes  grosse  rufo-villosi.  Stipulce  minutae,  ovatae,  longe  2-aristatae,  rufo-hirsutae. 
Folia  subsessilia,  obovato-cuneata,  acuta  vel  obtusa,  basi  crasse  membranacea, 
siccando  supra  glaucescentia,  subtus  fusca,  glabra,  costa  media  prope  basin  cum 
petiolo  pulverulento-villosula,  nervi  laterales  utrinque  4  cum  costa  prominuli,  ante 
marginem  arcuatim  conjuncti.  Flares  in  apice  ramorum  abbreviatorum  sessiles, 
nunc  3  glomerati,  bracteis  et  stipulis  setaceis  suffulti.  Calyx  cum  ovario  glabro, 
campaniformis,  lobis  4  ovatis,  acutis,  recurvis,  ciliatis.  Corolla  breviter  tubulosa, 
limbo  subpatulo,  tubo  circa  aequilongo,  lobis  oblongis  crassis,  tubus  circa  antheras 
fauce  sessiles  barbatus.  Stylus  corollae  sequilongus.  Drupa  calyce  parvo  coronata, 
pyrenas  semiobovoideae,  ventre  piano,  dorso  profunde  3-4  sulcae  tricostatae. — Ramuli 
nunc  50-300  mm.  longi,  brachyblastis  10-25  mm.  longis  dense  obsessi.  Folia  secus 
ramos  subpersistentia,  in  apice  ramorum  abbreviatorum  saepe  4-verticillata,  8-20  mm. 
longa,  6-9  mm.  lata.  Flores  7  mm.  longi;  corolla  4'5  mm.  longa.  Drupaa  3-5  mm. 
longse,  pyrenae  2 '5  mm.  latse. 

Hab.  Manokoeari,  common  undershrub  in  forest.     FL,  Fr.     Jan.     6185. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Wichmann). 

"  Shrub,  1-1-50  m.  Branches  dorsiventral,  symmetrical ;  white  flowers. 
Also  abundant  at  Waren  up  to  the  foot-hills  of  the  Arfak." 

MYRMECODIA  PDLVINATA  Becc.  Malesia,  ii.  103. 

Manokoeari,  epiphytic  in  high  forest,  300'.  Fl.  (white).,  Fr.  (red). 
Jan.  6197. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Andai,  Beccart). 


C  U  C  U  R  B  IT  A  C  E  M. 

MACROCARPA  (Bl.)  Cogn.  in  Bull.  Herb.  Bois.  i.  612  ;  §chum.  & 
Laut.  589. 

Manokoeari,  liane,  everywhere  in  forest.     Fr.     Jan.     5746. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (N.E.  and  S.E.).     Java,  Borneo. 

The  most  conspicuous  plant  seen  along  the  coast  in  the  lower  forest.  It 
obliterates  whole  trees  with  dense  walls  of  verdure,  while  the  huge  fallen 
fruits,  rotting  on  the  ground,  are  the  most  striking  objects  in  the  forest. 
The  seeds,  with  transparent  wings  about  10  cm.  across,  often  fill  the  air, 
lazily  borne  on  the  breeze,  like  great  butterflies,  for  which,  indeed,  I  took 
them  at  first  in  the  distance. 


SC.EVOLA  NOVO-GUINEENSIS  K.  Schum.  in  Bot.  Jahrb.  ix.  (1887)  222; 
Schum.  &  Laut.  594  ;  Nova  Guinea,  viii.  (1912)  693. 

Manokoeari,  common  scrambler  on  edge  of  forest,  clearings,  and  young 
jungle.  Fl.  (yellow),  Fr.  Jan.  6199. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.N.W.,  Humboldt  Bay,  Gjellerup  ;  N.E.). 

Apparently  flowers  all  the  year  round. 


WEDELIA  BIFLORA  DC.  in  Wight,  Contrib.  18  ;  Schum.  &  Laut.  600  ;  Nova 
Guinea,  viii.  (1910)  337. 

Manokoeari,  Genbela,  common  everywhere  in  open  clearings  and  on 
beaeh.  Fl.,  Fr.  Jan.  6201. 

Distrib.  New  Guinea  (D.S.W.,  Noord  River,  Biwak  Island,  Versteeg, 
von  Roemer  ;  N.E.  and  adjacent  islands).  Common  strand  plant  in  the 



PLATE  1. 

Fig.  1.  Araucaria  Beccarii  with  Pteridium  aquifolium  in  foreground  ;  vicinity  of  £  lake. 
Fig.  2.  Rafts  made  of  three  palm-trunks  tied  together,  used  by  the  Alfueros  on  both  the 
Angi  lakes. 

PLATE  2. 

Fig.  3.  Vegetation  of  marsh  by  $  lake,  looking  S.W. ;   Koebre*  Mt.  in  the  background. 

Baeckea  fnttescens  ««— . 
Fig.  4.  Vegetation  of  forest  by  $  lake,  looking  N.W. ;  Koebre"  in  background.    Myrmedoma 

arfakiana  on  extreme  branches    of    tree  •*- ,  with  Phyllocladus  hypophyllus  and 

Libocedrus  arfakensis  —*• . 

PLATE  3. 

Fig.  5.  Araucaria  Beccarii  •*— ,  with  Podocarpus  papuanus  and  Polysrias  sp.  in  centre ; 
Pteridium  aquilinum  in  foreground  ;  vegetation  of  forest  by  $  lake. 

Fig.  6.  Vegetation  of  Koebre'  ridge,  showing  Myrmedoma  arfakiana,  T50  m.  high,  flower- 
ing •«—  ,  with  tuber  cut  in  longitudinal  section  — *• . 

[Photographs  are  reproduced  by  kind  permission  of  Mr.  A.  E.  Pratt.'} 

PLATE  4. 

Fig.  7.  Thysanosoria  dimorphophylla  Gepp.     Apical  portion  of  plant,  \  nat.  size. 


When  more  than  one  reference  is  given,  the  page  on  which  the  description 
occurs  is  indicated  by  thickened  numerals. 

Acantbacese,  219. 

Acronychia  arfakensis  Gibbs,  38,  144. 

—  papuana  Gibbs  29,  33,  144. 
Agaricacese,  64. 

Aglaia  Gibbsise  C.  DC.,  50,  212. 
Alsophila  angiensis  Gepp,  32,  69. 

arfakensis  Gepp,  28,  70. 

straminea  Gepp,  56,  192. 

Amaracarpus   Wichmanni     Val.,   17,    51} 


Anomopanax  arfakensis  Gibbs,  30,  163. 
Anthoceroa  bullato-spongiosus  Gepp,    54; 


Apocynacese,  177. 
Aracese,  201. 
Araliaceze,  159,  216. 
Asclepiadaceae,  217. 
Auriculariacese,  186. 

Bacillarieaj,  60. 

Backhousia  arfakensis  Gilbs,  28,  34, 153. 

Balsaminaceae,  145. 

Begonia  humboldtiana  Gibbs,  56,  215. 

Begoniacese,  149,  215. 

Bignoniaceae,  179. 

Boraginacese,  218. 

Bulbophyllum  arfakense  J.  J.  S.,  31,  122. 

—  birugatum  J.  J.  S.,  31, 123. 

—  ovalitepalum  J.  J.  8.,  31,  124. 
Burmanniacese,  103. 

Calamus  arfakianus  Becc.,  28,  32,  95. 
humboldtianus  Becc.,  55,  93. 

—  Prattianus  Becc.,  97. 
Campanulacese,  183. 

Casuarinacese,  207. 
Celastracese,  214. 
Centrolepidacese,  99. 

Centrolepis  novo-guineensis   Gibbs,  36,  38, 

kinabaluensia  Gibbs,  99. 

Ceratostylis  angiensis  J.  J.  S.,  31,  116. 

Chlorophycese,  61. 

Cladium  arfakense  Rend.,  36,  90. 

Clavaria  Gibbsise  Ramsb.,  51,  187. 

Clavariaceae,  187. 

Coleus  Gibbsise  8.  Moore,  36,  37,  178. 

Commelinaoeae,  202. 

Compositse,  183,  222. 

Convolvulacese,  218. 

Corsia  arfakensis  Gibbs,  25,  104. 

Corsiace89,  103. 

Cucurbitacese,  222. 

Cunoniacese,  142. 

Cyathea  arfakensis  Gepp,  28,  69. 

Cycadaceaj,  197. 

Cylindrophora  epitricha  Ramsb.,  190. 

Cyperaceee,  89,  200. 

Dacrydium  novo-guineense  Gibbg,  28,  30, 

32,  38,  78. 

Dacryomycetacese,  187. 
Dendrobium  curviruentum  J.  J.  S.,  33, 117. 
inconspicuum  J.  J.  S.,  56,  205. 

-   latifrons  J.  J.  &,  36,  118. 

—  papnanum  J.  J.  S.,  32, 120. 

—  parvifolium  J.  J.  S.,  121. 

—  trifolium  J.  J.  S.,  32, 119. 
Didiscus  arfakensis  Gibbs,  35,  166. 
koebrensis  Gibbs,  38,  165. 



Dilleniacese,  148. 

Diplycosia  Lilian®  J.  J.  S.,  28,  34,  35,  38, 


Dracaena  novo-guineensis  Gibbs,  51,  203. 
Priinys  arfakensis  Gibbs,  28,  135. 

Beccariana  Gibbs,  34,  133. 

Dryopteris  villosipes  Gepp,  33,  70. 

Elaeocarpaceae,  146. 

Elaeocarpus  koebrensis  Gibbs,  34,  146. 

Epacridaceae,  167. 

Ericaceae,  168. 

Eriocaulaceae,  100. 

Euphorbiaceae,  145,  213. 

Fagaceae,  128. 

Ficus  conocephalifolia  Ridl.,  56,  208. 

Flacourtiaceae,  215. 

Flagellariaceae,  202. 

Freycineda  flaviceps  Rend.,  27,  28,  87. 

Gibbseaj  Rend.,  27,  28,  31,  88. 

Gentianaceae,  177. 
Gesneriaceae,  180. 
Gibbsia  Rend.,  129. 

carstenzensis  Rend.,  130. 

insignis  Rend.,  33,  130,  131. 

Gigantochloa  novo-guineensis  Rend.,  52, 

55,  199. 
Glomera  angiensis  J.  J.  S.,  31,  115. 

—  Gibbsiae  J.  J.  S.,  38,  114. 

—  similis  J.  J.  S.,  31,  33,  113. 
Goodeniacese,  183,  222. 
Goodyera  arfakensis  J.  J.  S.,  30,  108. 
Gramineae,  89,  199. 

Guepinia  conferta  Ramsb.,  187. 
Guttiferae,  149. 

Halorrhagaceae,  159. 

Halorrhagis  suffruticosa  Gills,  29,  35,  36, 

37, 159. 

Hemigraphis  dorensis  S.  Moore,  54,  219. 
Henslowia  crassifolia  Gibbt,  33,  132. 
Hibbertia  novo-guineensia  Gibbs,  38,  148. 
Homalanthus  arfakiensis  Hutch.,  33,  145. 
Hymenophyllum  cernuum  Gepp,  68,  69. 

cincinnatum  Gepp,  28,  29,  68. 

Hypocreaceae,  63. 

Hypolepis  grandifrons  Gepp,  55,  195. 

Idenburgia  Gilbs,  136. 

Idenburgia  arfakensis  Gibbs,  29,  34, 139. 

novo-guineensis  Gibbs,  34,  137. 

Iridacese,  101. 

Jambosa  arfakensis  Gibbs,  29,  153. 
Juncaceae,  100. 

Kentia  Gibbsiana  face.,  24,  30,  32,  91. 
Kissodendron  bipinnatuui  Gibbs,  30, 161. 

Labiataj,  178. 

Lactuca  prolixa  S.  Moore,  32, 184. 

Leguminosae,  143,  211. 

Lentibulariaceae,  180. 

Leptothyrella  sericoleae  Ramsb.,  64,  148. 

Libocedrus  arfakensis  Gibbs,  24,  28,  29,  33, 


Liliacese,  100,  202. 
Linaceae,  212. 
Liparis  Gibbsise  J.  J.  S.,  31,  112. 

—  lacus  J.  J.  S.,  30,  111. 
Lobelia  arfakensis  Gibbs,  28,  ISi 
Loranthaceae,  210. 

Lucinaea  reticulata  VaL,  31,  180. 
Lycoperdaceae,  190. 
Lyonsia  albiflora  Gibbs,  28,  31, 177. 
Lythraceae,  216. 

Maesa  frulicosa  Gibbs,  30,  174. 

Magnoliaceae,  133. 

Malpighiaceae,  213. 

Medinilla  arfakensis  Bak.f.,  35,  33,  158. 

rhodorhachis  Bak.f.,  56,216. 

Melastomaceae,  157,  210. 
Meliaceaj,  212. 

Metrosideros  arfakensis  Gibbs,  29,  154. 
Microstylis  Gibbsiae  J.  J.  S.,  51,  204. 

grandiflora  J.  J.  S.,  33,  HO. 

producta  J.  J.  S.,  30, 109. 

Monimiaceae,  135. 
Moraceae,  208. 
Myrsinaceae,  174,  217. 
Myrtaceae,  150. 

Myrtus  arfakensis  Gibls,29,  35,  152. 
koebrensis  Gibbs,  34,  35, 152. 

—  prostrata  Gibbs,  38,  144,  151. 
Myxophyceae,  59. 

Nepenthaceae,  141. 

Octarrhena  cylindrica  /.  /.  S.,  28,  126. 



Oldenlandia  nutans  Val,  35,  36,  37, 180. 
Ornphalia  arfakensis  Ramsb.,  64. 
Ophiorrhiza  insularis  Val.,  56,  220. 
Orchidacese,  105,  203. 

Palmse,  91,  200. 
Palmervandenbroekia  Gibbs,  162. 

papuana  Gibbs,  29,  162. 

Pandauaceae,  88,  197. 
Pandanus  Tabbersianus  Rend.,  52,  198. 
Patersonia  noTO-guineensis  Gibbs,  38, 101. 
Pellionia  Vanhasseltii  Gibbs,-  51,  210. 
Phalloidaceas,  188. 
Phreatia  spathulata  J.  J.  S.,  28,  126. 
Pilocratera  novo-guineensis  Ramsb.,  185. 
Pinaceaa,  82. 

Piper  arfakianum  C.  DC.,  28,  127. 
—  bipunctatum  A.  DC.,  56,  207. 

bosnicanum  C.  DC.,  56,  207. 

pilosulinodum  C.  DC.,  33, 128. 

Piperaceae,  127,  207. 
Pipturus  papuanus  Gibbs,  33,  128. 
Pogonanthera  hexamera  Bak.f.,  34,  158. 
Poikilogyne  Bak.f.,  157. 

arfakensis  Bak.f.,  29,  37,  157. 

Polybotrya  arfakensis  Gepp,  27,  71. 
Polygonaceae,  133. 
Polyporaceae,  64,  186. 
Polyscias  sorongensis  Gibbs,  216. 
Poria  Gibbsise  Ramsb.,  186. 
Portulacacese,  211. 

Psychotria  vaccinioides  Vol.,  34,  38,  181. 
Pteris  baoibusoides  Gepp,  18,  195. 
Pullea  papuana  Gibbs,  29,  41,  141. 

Rhododendron  Gibbsise  J.  J.  S.,  36,  169. 

undulaticalyx  J.  J.  S.,  37,  168. 

Iliedelia  exalata  Val.,  33,  102. 
Rosacese,  143,  211. 
Rubiacese,  180,  220. 
Rutacese,  143. 

Santalacese,  132. 
Sapindacere,  145,  214. 

Sarcosoina  novo-guineensis   Ramsb.,   186, 


Saxifragaceae,  141. 

Schisnmtoglottis  dorensis  Gibbs,  51,  201. 
Sericolea  arfakensis  Gibbs,  32,  64,  148. 

novo-guineensis  Gibbs,  34,  38,  147. 

Shefflera  angiensis  Gibbs,  31,  160. 

arfakensis  Gibbs,  30,  33,  159. 

Solanaceae,  177. 

Solanum  Gibbsise  J.  R.  Drum.,  32, 177. 

Sphaeropsidese,  64. 

Spirseanthemum  bullatum   Gibbs,  28,  29, 

Syrabegonia  arfakensis  Gibbs,  32,  149. 

parvifolia  Gibbs,  33, 150. 

Symplocacese,  175. 

Symplocos  arfakensis  Gibbs,  30,  31,  175. 

novo-guineensis  Gibbs,  30,  176. 

Taxacese,  78. 

Tecomanthe  volubilis  Gibbs,  31,  34,  179. 
Terminthodia  rotundifolia  Ridl.,  38,  143. 
Tbysanosuria,  Gepp,  193. 

dimorpbophylla  Gepp,  51,  193. 

TiliacesB,  214. 

Trimenia  arfakensis  Gibbs,  29,  31,  41,  136. 

Trimeniaceae  Gibbs,  135. 

Umbelliferse,  165. 
Urticaceas,  128,  209. 

Vacciniura  ligustrifolium  J.  J.  S.,  174. 

—  pilosiflorum  J.  J.  S.,  28,  34,  35,  172. 
roseiflorum  «7.  J.  S.,  30,  173. 

—  villosiflorum  J.  J.  S.,  38, 171. 
Verbenacese,  218. 

Violacese,  149. 

Xerotus  cinnamomeus  Ramsb.,  64. 
Xylariacese,  03. 
Xyridacese,  100. 

Zingiberacea),  102. 



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