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Quinn Emmerling 

A more elaborate form 
of behavior-modulating 
eavesdropping is taking 
place on the grounds 
of the Institute of 
Ecosystem Studies. 
Beneath a forest 
canopy of oaks and 
sugar maples, IES 
scientists have revealed 
that small mammals 
shift their day-to-day 
activities based on the 
vocalizations of their 
avian neighbors. 

Led by Dr. Kenneth 
Schmidt, an avian 
ecologist and IES visiting 
scientist, two different 
studies captured this 
phenomenon. One 
looked at grey squirrels 
and blue jays, the other 
at chipmunks and 
eastern tufted titmice. 
Both shed light on how 
mammals eavesdrop 
on birds to gain insight 
about environmental 


When making decisions about how to 
navigate the world, many of us take cues 
from the people sharing our environment. 
If your neighbor departs on his morning 
commute carrying an umbrella, you 
might reconsider your choice of footwear. 
Similarly, overhearing your neighbor in a 
heated argument would probably thwart 
you from asking to borrow a cup of sugar 
or some pruning shears. 

The act of eavesdropping and responding 
to the cues set out by neighbors is not 
unique to humans, nor is it species 
specific. Many of us have engaged in 
cross-species eavesdropping when we 
hear a barking dog and wonder what 
is eliciting such a reaction — a human 
intruder, a stray cat, or a garbage- 
plundering bear? 

In preparation for 
winter, grey squirrels 
collect and store food. 
Blue jays are known to 
pilfer squirrel pantries, 
consuming their hard- 
earned caches. This 
phenomenon is called kleptoparasitism. 
Through a series of audio playback 
experiments, Schmidt and IES animal 
ecologist Dr. Richard Ostfeld found that 
squirrels equate blue jay vocalizations 
with the loss of stored food. 

When subjected to a range of bird calls, 
squirrels spent considerably less time 
storing nuts when blue jays were heard 
near their foraging site. Instead, they 
focused their efforts on eating food. 
Conversely, when calls from cardinals 
and goldfinches were broadcast, or when 
blue jay calls were perceived to be far 
away, squirrels allocated more time to 
burying nuts for future consumption. 

Chipmunks also alter their feeding 
behavior based on bird calls. In this case, 

the birds in question are announcing the 
presence of a shared predator. Titmice are 
small grey songbirds that are vigilant and 
vociferous. When they identify a threat, 
they engage in high-pitched alarm calls. 

When Schmidt and colleagues exposed 
foraging chipmunks to several titmouse 
vocalizations, they were able to discern 
day-to-day banter from alarm calls. When a 
mobbing call communicating a low flying 
hawk was heard, chipmunks abandoned 
foraging sooner than during non-alarm calls. 

Mammals eavesdrop on 
birds to gain insight into 
environmental conditions. 

Remarkably, the titmouse mobbing call 
conveyed more risk to chipmunks than 
an actual hawk call. This may be because 
the titmouse call signals that hawks are 
both present and on the prowl. This study 
was one of the first to document how 
avian alarm calls regulate the behavior of a 
mammalian eavesdropper. 

Results of the squirrel study will be 
published in American Naturalist; the 
chipmunk research has been submitted to 
Behavioral Ecology. Schmidt and his team 
will continue investigating information 
transfer between mammals and birds; this 
interface has the potential to reveal the 
evolution of communication systems. 


2 : 



5 : 

6 : 


From the President's Desk 

Lessons from the River: 

The Changing Hudson Project 

IES Spotlights 

Where We Work 
A Small Lawn is a Good Lawn 

Development Happenings 
Aldo Leopold Corner 

Event Calendar 


2 f 


Ecofocus is published by the Institute of 
Ecosystem Studies, a not-for-profit organization 
dedicated to understanding the natural world. 
Our community of more than 1 20 scientists, edu- 
cators, and support staff is investigating the ways 
that air, water, soil, plants, and animals interact. 
From predicting how global change will influ- 
ence forests to assessing air quality, IES research 
is critical to environmental management. 


Dr. William H. Schlesinger 


Ms. Lori M. Quillen 

Address newsletter correspondence to: 
Communications Office 
Institute of Ecosystem Studies 
Box AB 

Millbrook, NY 1 2545 


Dr. Paul G. Risser, Chair 
Dr. Rodolfo Dirzo, Vice Chair 
Dr. Carolyn O. Mattoon, Vice Chair 
Dr. William H. Schlesinger, President 
Mr. Edward A. Ames, Secretary 
Mr. Charles H. Collins, Treasurer 
Ms. Holly A. Talbot, Assistant Treasurer & 
Assistant Secretary 

Mr. Steven M. Benardete 
Dr. Stephen R. Carpenter 
Dr. Sallie W. Chisholm 
Mr. Geoffrey W. Dann 
Mr. Bradford S. Gentry 
Mr. Lionel Goldfrank III 
Mrs. Anne A. Hubbard 
Mrs. Edith W. Kean 
Dr. Patricia A. Loew 
Ms. Gretchen Long, 

Past Chairman & Honorary Trustee 
Dr. Thomas E. Lovejoy 
Mr. Robert Quinlan 
Mr. John E. Rorer 
Mrs. Elizabeth Farran Tozer 
Mrs. Julia Harte Widdowson 


"There has never been 
a greater need for 
unbiased ecological 
science. It is at the 
heart of effective 
environmental policy." 

Four months ago, I left my position 
as Dean of Duke University's Nicholas 
School of the Environment and Earth 
Sciences to become the President of the 
Institute of Ecosystem Studies (IES). In my 
short tenure at IES, I have been impressed 
by both the strength of the research 
program and the welcoming nature of the 

In today's changing world, society is 
being confronted with a range of seri- 
ous environmental problems. Open any 
newspaper, and you will see stories about 
global change, polluted waters, forest 
diseases, and degraded air quality. At 
the end of the day, many environmental 
issues are also issues of human health and 

The research being conducted by IES 
can make a difference in the world. Our 
staff of highly regarded scientists has 
expertise in air, land, water, and disease 
ecology, with a special emphasis on how 
human actions are causing environmental 
change. This unbiased science has the 
power to inform effective management 

In the coming years, I look forward to 
connecting IES expertise with decision 
makers, educators, media, and the public. 

By taking on this role, IES research will 
help shape the world we leave for the 

An'elevated communications platform 
will necessitate shifting organizational 
priorities, most notably at our public 
interface. While our campus resides on 
an arboretum, the future of IES is in its 
scientific output. As such, we will begin 
de-emphasizing horticultural functions 
and strengthening programs that foster 
science outreach. 

History has shown us that people value 
things more when they understand them. 
The Changing Hudson Project, detailed on 
the following page, is just one example of 
how IES science can help inform the next 
generation of environmental stewards. The 
biodiesel conference described on page 4 
and the Where We Work column on page 
5 illustrate how IES can help educate policy 
makers about environmental issues. 

Stay tuned as we continue to use our 
scientific expertise to address environ- 
mental issues of local, regional, and 
national importance. 

Dr. William H. Schlesinger, President 

FALL 2007 




For over two decades, IES scientists 
have been paying close attention to 
conditions in the Hudson River. Through 
collaboration and perseverance, they have 
amassed world-class datasets on invasive 
species, aquatic food webs, and nutrient 
pollution. While this information is 
essential to effective management of the 
river, it is also a rich resource for educators 
who want to bring real ecology into the 

Learning is enhanced when students can 
apply lessons to the world that they live 
in. The Changing Hudson Project seeks to 
engage students in ecology by connecting 
them with current research about the 
Hudson River. By using an important local 
resource, and drawing on the expertise of 
practicing scientists, lessons come to life. 

Initiated in the fall of 2006, the Changing 
Hudson Project is a collaboration among 
IES scientists, IES educators, and classroom 
teachers. Directed by Dr. Alan R. Berkowitz, 
Head of the IES Education Program, the 
target audience is students from 9 th grade to 
community college. What began as a pilot 
project has expanded to include fourteen 
teachers throughout the region. 

Ms. Janine Guadagno, a biology teacher at 
Christian Tabernacle Academy, comments, 
"The Changing Hudson Project allows 
students to engage in inquiry-based 
learning. Instead of being led by textbook 
examples, they are coming up with their 
own conclusions by manipulating actual 
measurements. They are closer to doing 
real science because they are using real 

This fall, under the guidance of Project 
Coordinator Ms. Cornelia Tutschka, 
participating teachers will be fine-tuning 
curriculum materials and improving 
methods of working with IES data in the 
classroom. Ensuring that teachers are 
comfortable navigating the large data is 
essential to effective instruction. 

"Students are closer 
to doing real science 
because they are 
using real data." 

from the New York State Department 
of Environmental Conservation, the 
Hudson River Estuary Grants Program, 
and the Berkshire Taconic Community 
Foundation. Educators can access lesson 
plans and background readings by visiting 
the Changing Hudson Project website at 

A Call for Science Teachers! 

Educators who are interested in participating in the Changing Hudson 
Project are encouraged to attend introductory evening workshops. To 
learn more, please contact Cornelia Tutschka at (845) 677-7600 
x233 or e-mail 

Several times a year, 
workshops are held to 
train teachers in data 
manipluation tools 
such as Excel. 

By sharing materials 
on the web, the project 
strives to reach out to 
a broader audience of 
educators. Modules 
have been developed 
about invasive species, 
land use, pollution, 
extreme weather, and 
the Hudson River 
ecosystem. Created by 
educators and reviewed 
by IES scientists, these 
materials draw on 
current research to 
stimulate inquiry and 

Lessons are tailored to 
support New York State 
learning standards, 
making them easy to integrate into 
existing curriculum frameworks. 

Funding realities mean that many 
students are unable to do hands-on 
research in the river, but the streams and 
creeks that form the river's watershed 
make perfect outdoor laboratories. These 
small-scale systems, such as Wappinger 
Creek (as seen above), can illuminate 
processes that are taking place in the 
river ecosystem. A number of lessons 
can also be performed using schoolyard 
study ponds and indoor tanks. 

The Changing Hudson Project is made 
possible through grant support 

Cornelia Tufschka 


4 , 




IES Senior Scientist Dr. Kathleen Weathers 
was recently selected as a Marie Tharp 
Fellow by the Earth Institute at Columbia 
University. The distinction recognizes her 
contributions to the study of the natural world. 
For more than two decades, Weathers has 
been investigating how fog — a source of 
water, nutrients, and pollutants — influences 
ecosystem function. 

Weathers is one of four fellows selected 
for the 2007-2008 term. During her 
fellowship, she will be collaborating with 
faculty in Columbia's Department of Ecology, 
Evolution and Environmental Biology and 
with researchers at the Lamont-Doherty Earth 
Observatory. The opportunity will enrich both 
her research program and her professional 
commitment to the creation and maintenance 
of a diverse ecological profession. 

"Opportunities to collaborate are essential to 
advancing science," Weathers commented. "I 
look forward to sharing ideas with colleagues 
at the Earth Institute. Given the breadth of 
expertise the organization encompasses, I 
am sure it will be an intellectually rewarding 

Named in honor of Marie Tharp, a co- 
creator of the first map of the ocean floor, 
the National Science Foundation-funded 
fellowship was created to acknowledge and 
advance outstanding female scientists. 


Based on renewable resources such as corn, biofuels have been touted as an alternative 
to non-renewable fossil fuels. But is a landscape awash in a monoculture of genetically 
modified crops really a boon for the future? What will the lack of diversity and increase 
in agrochemicals mean for the health of the natural environment? And how will it im- 
pact food systems? It is estimated that the grain needed to fill a standard SUV tank with 
ethanol could feed a person for an entire year. Will biofuels ever be sustainable? 

This November, the Institute of Ecosystem Studies will host an invitation-only confer- 
ence exploring the sustainability of biofuel production. Attention will be given to bio- 
fuels created using both agricultural crops and managed natural ecosystems. Biofuels 
based on native plant material offer an attractive alternative to corn-based ethanol. 
Instead of planting a sea of corn, this technique relies on the harvest of managed 
existing ecosystems. During their growing period, the plants in these systems provide 
valuable ecosystem services, such as carbon sequestration and water purification. 

Conference proceedings will be used to provide recommendations to the National 
Science Foundation on methods of fostering sustainable biofuels. They will also be 
communicated to decision makers and public audiences that need to understand both 
the promise and the limitations of current biofuel models. 


When discussing the philosophy of science as it relates 
to ecology, few books step outside of the realm of Karl 
Popper and Thomas Kuhn. Originally released in 1994, 
Ecological Understanding was the first book to integrate 
ecology within the context of contemporary philoso- 
phy of science. 

A number of unique lessons can be gleaned from 
modern philosophy of science. Unlike older models, 
which focus on logic and individual truth as pathways 
to objectivity, modern philosophy acknowledges that 
social issues color perception. In this view, true objectiv- 
ity arises from a diverse community that functions in 
an open way. 

Written for ecologists by ecologists, the book is useful 
to researchers who are grappling with interdisciplinary 
problems that require integration and synthesis. While 
the classic examples from the first edition are retained, 
the second edition contains illustrative diagrams, 
additional examples, and an accessible writing style. 

"This book is a fresh breeze 
that is destined to help move 
philosophy of ecology out of 
the doldrums of neglect and 
reliance on outdated philo- 
sophical ideas." 

Gregory Cooper, 

Ecological Understanding: The Nature of Theory and the Theory of Nature 

Second Edition, Elsevier 

by Steward Pickett, Jurek Kolasa, and Clive Jones 

The Nature ol Theory and the Theory el Nature 

FALL 2007 





Dr. Gary Lovett, IES Ecosystem Ecologist 

I have spent many years unraveling how 
invasive species and air pollution influence 
forest ecosystems. This research has taken me 
deep within New York's Catskill Forest and 
New Hampshire's White Mountains — places 
of amazing natural beauty. Lately, however, 
I've found myself pounding the pavement in 
Washington, D.C. 

Long-term monitoring data are essential 
to understanding our forests. Without this 
information, we are unable to assess how 
changes in things like air quality impact 
forest growth or adjacent streams and lakes. 
Unfortunately, our nation's long-term 
monitoring programs are under the constant 
threat of losing their funding. 

Monitoring programs are quiet efforts in good 
science. Their low profile makes them easy 
targets for bureaucrats struggling to cope with 
reduced budgets, or for politicians who may 

not want to know the answers that these data 

In addition to air and water quality, there are 
programs that track trends in climate, forest 
productivity, atmospheric carbon dioxide, 
and many other variables. This information 
provides a foundation for creating sound 
resource-management policies. 

Working with colleagues at the Northeastern 
Ecosystem Research Cooperative and the 
Ecological Society of America, I have made it 
a priority to educate decision makers about 
the importance of sustained investment in 
long-term monitoring programs. Because 
ecosystems change slowly, long-term data are 
needed to observe trends, identify problems, 
and assess policies. The resources that we 
depend on, and often take for granted, are 
at stake. 

IES Ecologist Dr. Gary Lovett (right) and 
Dr. Charlie Driscoll of Syracuse 
University (left) working to educate 
policy makers on Capitol Hill. 


Brad Roeller 

IES Grounds Manager 

The great American lawn is about as far 
from a natural ecosystem as one can 
get. These artificial landscapes require 
an inordinate amount of resources to 
keep them in the green and manicured 
condition Americans have come to expect. 


Eighty percent of U.S. households have 
lawns that average about 1/5 of an acre in 
size. More than $10.4 billion is spent an- 
nually on lawn products; billions more are 
paid to commercial lawn care businesses. 
The petrochemical industry produces tons 
of pesticides to maintain lawns free of pests, 
diseases, and weeds. 

All of the 32 popular lawn pesticides 
pose risks to our water supplies, aquatic 
organisms, and nontarget insects. According 

to the Environmental Protection Agency, 
over half are listed as carcinogens and 
one in five is a reproductive toxin. 
Almost half of the lawn pesticides 
sold in the U.S. have been banned or 
restricted by European countries. 

Making a conscientious effort to 
minimize the amount of lawn in one's 
landscape is a wise decision. If you 
reduce the size of your lawn, you can 
trade in your noisy, carbon-emitting 
gas mower for a human-powered push 
mower. It's a win-win situation: doing 
something for the environment and 
getting some exercise at the same time. 

Choosing a lower-maintenance grass 
seed can also make your lawn a little 
easier on the environment. While 
Grade-A Kentucky bluegrass produces a 
thick weed-free carpet, to remain lush it 
requires fertilizer, lime, pesticides, and a 
copious amount of water. 1 learned this 
lesson the hard way by running the 

Gifford House well dry irrigating this 
water-hungry turf. 

With water restrictions becoming more 
and more frequent, tall turf-type fescues 
are a much better choice. Not only does 
this type of turf have significantly lower 
water and fertility needs compared to 
Kentucky bluegrass, it also stands up 
extremely well to foot traffic. 

When shopping for grass seed, it is easy 
to get confused by the plethora of brands 
and mixes stocked on the shelves. See 
what your local stores carry, but before 
making a purchase visit the National 
Turfgrass Evaluation Program website 
( to see how your selection 
scored in rigorous regional tests. 

Remember, the best lawn is a small lawn! 
For more information on green lawn 
care, visit: 
&_grounds.html and look under 
"Successful Lawn Care." 


6 1 


Dear Friends, 

In five short months, the Institute's new 
president, Dr. William H. Schlesinger, is 
beginning to leave his mark. An expert 
in climate change, Dr. Schlesinger 
comes to IES after serving as the Dean 
of Duke University's Nicholas School of 
the Environment and Earth Sciences. He 
is deeply committed to strengthening 
our ties with policy makers and resource 

Many Aldo Leopold Society members 
have had the opportunity to welcome 
Dr. Schlesinger at receptions hosted this 
summer. His experience and enthusiasm 
will help lead IES into the future. 

At the top of Dr. Schlesinger's agenda 
is ensuring that the Institute is fiscally 
sound. While we are rich in intellectual 
capital, monetary resources are crucial 
to maintaining our world-class programs 
and increasing our outreach capacity. 
Now, more than ever, we need to be 
sure that decision makers are equipped 
with unbiased information about the 
ecosystems that support life. 

Help us shape the environment that is 
left for the next generation; consider 
joining the Aldo Leopold Society. Already 
a member? Give the gift of member- 
ship to a friend or loved one. I can be 
reached at (845) 677-7600 xl20 or 

All the best, 

Diana Salsberg 
IES Development 


In May 2007, IES sponsored a trip to the 
Galapagos Islands to honor the founding 
President and Director Dr. Gene E. Likens 
for twenty-four years at the helm. Hosted by 
Lindblad Expeditions and held aboard the 
Islander , the trip was a fascinating journey 
for forty participating guests. Each day pas- 
sengers explored one of the islands (eight 
in all) with an experienced staff of natural- 
ists, enhanced by the expertise of the IES 
scientists in attendance. The islands that 
inspired Charles Darwin's groundbreaking 

theory of evolution provided a truly unique 
adventure of a lifetime. Buoyed by the 
success of this inaugural trip, which was a 
collaborative fund-raising effort, the Institute 
is organizing another expedition for the fall 
of 2008. Those interested in a memorable 
adventure to the Panama Canal and Costa 
Rica should contact Claudia Rosen to be 
added to the event distribution list. She can 
be reached at (845) 677-7600 xl71 or by 

Thanks to IES Trustee and ALS Member Zibby Tozer for hosting Cocktails in the Conservatory. The well- 
attended event helped welcome IES' new President, Dr. William H. Schlesinger, into the community. 

FALL 2007 

I ' 


Public Education Programs 

Our family-friendly public education 
programs immerse participants in 
ecological exploration. The full winter 
schedule will be available on-line shortly. 
For additional information, visit www. 

Life in the Fall: An Interpretive Hike 
November 11,1 p.m. to 3 p.m. 

Join IES educators for a 
hike investigating the 
ecological changes that 
take place during the fall 
in forests and streams on 
the IES campus. This leisurely hike will 
begin at the Carriage House, located at 
181 Sharon Turnpike in Millbrook, NY. 
Interested in learning more? Contact 
Kim Notin at (845) 677-7600 ext. 303 

Free Friday Scientific Seminars 

Seminars are held at 1 1 a.m. in the IES 
auditorium from September until early May. 
For more information, including directions, 

October 19: Inducible defenses provided 
by fungal endophytes: ecological and 
molecular approaches, Dr. T.J. Sullivan, 
Hope College 

October 26: Linking landscape charac- 
teristics, stream flow, and the dynamics of 
dissolved organic matter in forested streams, 
Dr. Paul Frost, Trent University 

November 2: The interface between ecology 
and economics: A review of the literature, 

Dr. Ann Davis, Marist College 

November 9: Moving students to the inner 
circle: Authentic settings for learning science, 
Dr. Barbara Crawford, Cornell University 

November 16: The reorganization of 
carbon cycling and trophic dynamics in 
ecosystems exposed to elevated C0 2 , Dr. 
Evan DeLucia, University of Illinois 

November 30: Biodiversity loss and the 
rise of pathogenic microbes, Dr. Richard 
Ostfeld, Institute of Ecosystem Studies 

December 7: Beneath two miles of 
Antarctic ice: Are subglacial lakes museums 
or ecosystems?, Dr. Robin Bell, Lamont- 
Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia 


EcoFocus Online 

Mf" t/ w d 

IES scientists write a bi-weekly 

column in the Poughkeepsie 

Journal called Ecofocus. Past 

articles are available at: 


Don't miss out on an ecological adventure! 

Join the IES event e-mail distribution list to stay informed about our latest 
offerings. Send your e-mail address to 

Ways to Support the Institute 

The Institute offers two membership levels. General members receive an Ecofocus 
subscription, notification when IES holds open lectures and events, and enrollment 
in a reciprocal admission program. Aldo Leopold Society Members are a special 
part of the IES family. Exclusive Aldo privileges include access to invitation-only 
lectures, galas, science updates, and dinner parties. 

General Membership 

Aldo Leopold Society Membership 

□ $50 Individual 

For those who want to invest in 
understanding the natural world. 

□ $60 Family 

□ $250 Member □ $5,000 Leader 

□ $100 Sponsor 

□ $ 1 ,000 Patron □$ 1 0,000 Director 

□ $250 Club/School 

□ $2,500 Benefactor □ $25,000 Founder's Circle 





Payment Type: □ Check □ VISA □ Mastercard Credit Card # 







(845)677-7600 X203 

For research, graduate opportunities, 
administration, library, volunteer 
opportunities, and general information: 

IES Plant Science Building/IES Auditorium 
Box AB (65 Sharon Turnpike) 

Millbrook, NY 12545 

Tel: (845) 677-5343 • Fax: (845) 677-5976 

For school programs, ecology day 
camp, REU/RET inquiries, and the 
Gifford Garden: 

IES Education Office/Gifford Garden 
Box R (181 Sharon Turnpike) 

Millbrook, NY 12545 

Tel: (845) 677-5359 • Fax: (845) 677-6455 

For those interested in visiting our 
tropical greenhouse: 

IES Greenhouse 
4799 Route 82 
Salt Point, NY 12578 
Tel: (845) 677-5354 


The Institute of Ecosystem Studies' Fern Glen 
is open to the public. Situated on the banks 
of Wappinger Creek, near a picturesque 
stone bridge, the Fern Glen is home to an 
array of native plants. While many people 
might associate a Fern Glen with the spring, 
the site is still vibrant in the fall. Sharp- 
lobed hepatica and jack-in-the-pulpit seeds 
color the landscape, and avian life bustles. 
Meander awhile and you are sure to spot 
white-throated sparrows, kinglets, and 
red-breasted nuthatches. The IES grounds 
are open to the public through October 31 
(Mon-Sat, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sun, 1 1 a.m. 
to 6 p.m.). Be sure to plan a visit before 
we close for the winter season. For more 
information, visit 

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