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3>    . 

MOVEMENTS    1700-1850 


A.  E.  DOBBS 

(Formerly  Fellow  of  Kin^s  College ^ 









The  chapters  contained  in  this  volume  were  intended 
to  form  part  of  a  history  of  English  popular  education 
in  modern  times,  with  special  reference  to  movements 
of  democratic  origin  or  tendency,  the  significance  of 
which  has  received  new  emphasis  in  recent  years 
through  the  rise  of  the  Workers'  Educational  Associa- 
tion. They  were  completed  before  the  outbreak  of 
the  war,  when  I  was  compelled  by  a  breakdown  in 
health  and  other  circiunstances  to  lay  aside  the  task, 
having  done  Httle  more  than  set  in  order  my  materials 
for  the  remaining  and,  as  I  hoped,  more  important 
sections.  In  preparing  this  part  of  the  work  for  pubh- 
cation  I  have  thought  it  best  to  make  few  alterations, 
adding  little  in  the  way  of  fresh  matter  beyond  what 
was  required  in  order  to  define  more  clearly  the  position 
reached  at  the  close  of  the  period  with  which  it  deals. 
In  a  subsequent  volume  I  hope  to  complete  my  original 
design,  by  continuing  the  narrative  down  to  the  present 

Though  the  title  may  suggest  a  broader  field  of 
inquiry  than  is  commonly  associated  with  the  subject 
of  education,  the  matters  discussed  in  certain  passages, 
especially  in  the  first  and  third  chapters,  may  be  thought 
more  appropriate  to  a  work  on  economics.  Yet  there 
is  truth  in  the  paradoxical  statement  of  a  modern 
writer,  that  progress  in  Enghsh  education  has  owed  less 

viii  PEEFACE 

to  the  zeal  of  its  advocates  than  to  changes  in  the 
structure  of  social  life  which  have  often  no  apparent 
connection  with  educational  movements.  The  ideal  of 
universal  elementary  instruction  is  at  least  as  old  as 
the  Eeformation,  but  the  first  organised  effort  to 
provide  schools  for  the  poor  of  England  came  at  the 
close  of  the  seventeenth  century,  when  the  rehgious 
conscience  awoke  to  the  problems  of  social  degradation 
and  urban  poverty ;  and  the  movement  which  led  to 
the  modern  system  of  elementary  schools  commenced 
a  hundred  years  later,  when  society  was  in  the  throes 
of  the  Industrial  Eevolution.  The  sequence  of  events 
points  clearly  to  an  economic  factor  underlying  the 
growth  of  educational  demands ;  and  though  it  is 
possible  to  press  the  analysis  too  far  in  assigning 
motives  to  the  pioneers  of  popular  education,  it  is 
both  legitimate  and  necessary  to  dwell  on  economic 
and  social  tendencies  which  suppUed  a  practical  argu- 
ment for  'instructing  the  masses.'  From  this  stand- 
point one  is  tempted  to  define  the  elementary  school 
as  a  speciaHsed  instrument  of  training  and  instruction 
necessitated  by  industrial  developments  which,  dis- 
solving the  older  forms  of  social  life,  opened  access 
to  a  more  complex  existence  along  a  path  beset  with 
difficulties  and  requiring  a  higher  degree  of  mental 
equipment  than  had  sufficed  in  earher  times. 

There  are  other  points  of  connection  between 
educational  and  social  history.  If  social  changes  have 
given  a  sanction  and  impetus  to  the  demand  for  different 
forms  of  instruction,  the  lines  on  which  their  organisa- 
tion develops  are  profoundly  afiected  by  social  tradition. 
The  clue  to  certain  phases  of  educational  controversy 
must  be  sought  in  religious  and  political  divisions  which 
are  older  than  the  modem  school  organisation,  and 
in   varieties    of  social   outlook  and   experience  which 


may  be  illustrated  in  some  measure  by  a  comparative 
study  of  different  areas.  If  some  parts  of  the  country 
have  lent  themselves  more  readily  than  others  to 
democratic  experiments,  an  examination  of  their  past 
history  may  throw  light  on  the  influences  which  have 
made  them  responsive.  The  element  of  education 
which  consists  in  social  experience  has  an  historical 
interest,  not  only  as  illustrating  the  mental  growth 
of  the  people  in  a  bygone  age  when  school-attendance 
was  the  privilege  of  a  minority,  but  as  shaping  the 
material  with  which  subsequent  movements  have  to 

In  discussing  so  wide  a  theme  it  is  difficult  to  avoid 
digressions  and  an  appearance  of  dogmatism  with 
regard  to  issues  which  are  often  obscure.  My  hope 
is  that  the  main  drift  of  the  argument  is  lucid,  and 
that  its  conclusions  are  expressed  with  a  caution  not 
unworthy  of  the  eminent  authorities  to  whose  labours 
I  am  indebted. 

The  work  was  commenced  at  the  suggestion  of  my 
friend  Mr.  Albert  Mansbridge,  to  whom  I  am  privileged 
to  dedicate  this  volume  as  a  small  acknowledgment 
of  great  obligations.  I  am  also  deeply  indebted  to 
Mr.  R.  H.  Tawney,  who  has  read  these  pages  with 
great  care  in  manuscript  and  m  proof,  offering  much 
helpful  criticism  and  many  valuable  suggestions.  To 
others  who  have  assisted  me  with  advice  and  informa- 
tion, bearing  principally  on  the  chapters  which  remain 
to  be  completed,  I  hope  before  long  to  have  an  oppor- 
tunity of  expressing  my  gratitude. 

November  15, 1918. 


The  Eighteenth  Century 


Thb  Social  Environment  on  the  Eve  of  thh 
Industeial  Revolution 


1688-1760:  economic  development  and  change  in  social  ideals — 
Mental  cleavage  between  the  '  educated  '  and  the  '  uneducated  ' 
classes — Consciousness  of  social  evil ;  its  bearing  on  the  educa- 
tion problem — Varieties  of  social  culture  in  different  areas  ; 
connection  between  '  progress '  and  degeneracy  ;  dangers  aris- 
ing from  increased  plenty  coupled  with  economic  displacement  .         3 

The  Heritage  of  the  Rural  Peasantry :  Pre-eminence  ascribed  to 
the  '  agricultural  life  '  in  eighteenth- century  literature — The 
peasant's  outlook  ;  continuity  of  rural  custom — Statement  of 
an  educational  test  to  be  applied  in  studying  social  evolution 
— Educational  tendency  of  medieval  institutions ;  peasant 
prosperity  and  culture  in  the  fifteenth  century ;  contrast  with 
eighteenth-century  phase  of  rural  prosperity ;  intervening 
changes  in  the  social  environment ;  dissolvent  forces  acting  on 
rural  society  ;  national  movements  and  reforms  affecting  the 
peasantry  ;  absence  of  a  '  riu-al  pohcy  ' — Normal  type  of  social 
formation  in  rural  districts,  paternal  government ;  exceptional 
qua  si- democratic  communities ;  their  social  and  ethical  char- 
acteristics ;   potential  nucleus  of  a  new  rural  civilisation  .         .       15 

The  Growth  of  Industrialism  ;  Manufactures,  Towns  and  Mining  Settle- 
ments :  Comparison  between  the  '  agricultural  life '  and  the 
'  condition  of  manufactin-ers ' — ^Moral  and  mental  effects  of 
quaUty  of  occupation — ^Urban  influences  ;  new  towns  and  old 
cities  ;  intellectual  side  of  urban  civilisation — The  mining 
population  ;  Methodist  influence    ......       39 

Regional  Survey  :  Historic  Factors  in  the  Social  Evolution  of  Different 
Areas :   Alien  elements  in  the  population — ^Local  pecuharities, 


social,  ethical  and  economic  ;  racial,  geographical  and  other 
influences  ;  local  variations  modified  by  centralising  political  and 
economic  forces — Attempt  to  explain  social  variations  in  different 
areas  as  denoting  differences  in  '  degree  of  development ' ; 
e.g.  the  North  reproducing  characteristics  which  appeared 
in  the  South  at  an  earMer  period  ;  hmitations  to  this  hypothesis — 
Circumftances  permanently  differentiating  local  characteristics 
and  traditions  ;  traces  of  earher  customs  and  institutions  per- 
sisting after  growth  of  national  law — Historic  division  between 
'  Anglo-Saxon  *  and  '  Anglo-Danish  '  territories  ;  Domesday  in- 
quest, relatively  '  free  '  condition  of  the  Danelaw  ;  survival  of 
'  independency  '  in  the  North,  its  bearing  on  the  social  character 
of  the  North  before  the  Industrial  Revolution         ...       48 

North  and  West :  The  Northern  character,  illustrations  from  the 
Lake  District ;  superiority  of  popular  education  in  the  North ; 
the  Industrial  Revolution  as  an  expression  of  character — The 
West  country,  compared  with  the  North ;  mental  condition 
of  the  Welsh  related  to  their  history  ;   the  Welsh  revival         -      61 


Schools  and  Literature 

Schools  :  Order  of  development  in  the  educational  system — Changes 
at  the  Reformation — Grammar  schools,  open  to  the  poor ; 
difficulty  of  maintaining  the  '  free  grammar  school ' ;  failure 
to  establish  a  graduated  scheme  of  schools — Elementary 
parochial  instruction  ;  private  adventure  schools — Administra- 
tive defects — Charity  schools  ;  '  associated  philanthropy,'  and 
voluntary  organisation — Early  examples  of  State  intervention  .       80 

Literature  :  Eighteenth -century  cheap  hterature — Transition  from 
medieval  to  modern  forms  of  popular  entertainment  and  culture 
— Chap-books — The  newspaper  press      .....       97 


The  Eba  of  Revolutions 

Educational  related  to  sociul  ideals — Medieval  theory  of  class- 
relations  and  its  educational  corollary — Tudor  paternal  govern- 
ment— Decay  of  Tudor  ideals  ;  effect  on  eighteenth -century 
views  of  popular  education — Contrast  with  modern  ideals — 
Transition  following  the  decay  of  paternalism  ;  new  tendencies 
heralding  the  labour  democracy  ;  comparison  of  fourteenth 
and  eighteenth-century  trade  combinations,  etc.        .         .         .     103 

The  Religious  Bevival :  Comparison  with  movements  in  the  medieval 
Church — Methodism,  its  intellectual  influence  ;  connection  with 
the  political  awakening         .         .         .         .         .         .         .117 



Political  Unrest :  Public  meetings  and  propaganda — Extent  of  the 

political  awakening 121 

Tlie  Industrial  Revolution  t  General  tendencies — Social  philosophy 
in  defence  of  economic  changes — Criticism  from  an  ethical  and 
educational  standpoint — Educational  problems,  and  intellectual 
influences,  connected  with  the  revolution         .         .         .         .126 

Remedial  measures — The  '  social  conscience ' — Popular  instruction 

movements  and  higher  adult  education  ....     135 

PAKT  n 
The  First  Half  op  the  Nineteenth  Century 


Elementaby  Education 

Historic  causes  for  the  delay  of  State  intervention — ^Influence  of 
the  Reformation — The  Commonwealth — Voluntary  effort,  and 
hostility  to  education,  in  the  eighteenth  century — Character- 
istics of  the  education  movement  at  the  commencement  of  the 
nineteenth  century  ;  Bell  and  Lancaster         ....     145 

Oeneral  Lines  of  Development :  Day  schools — Education  and  industrial 

training — Rescue  work — Sunday  schools — Evening  classes  .     151 

Success  and  Failure  :   Evidence  of  periodical  inquiries  examined — 

Examples  of  progress  ........     157 

Sources  of  Improvement  :  Work  of  the  Societies — Work  of  individuals 
— Employers — Robert  Owen  at  New  Lanark — Continental  in- 
fluences— Combe  and  secular  education         ....      161 


The  Mechanics'  iNSnrtrrES  and  Hioheb  Edtjcation 

Stimulus  of  the  Industrial  Revolution — Popular  lectures — Mutual 
Improvement  Societies — Mechanics'  Institutes  and  Schools  of 
Design 170 

The  Mechanics'  Institute  Movement :  Early  enthusiasm  and  its 
decUne — Administrative  difficulties,  etc. — Defective  arrange- 
ment of  studies — Extent  of  the  demand — Finance    .         .         .172 

Attempts  at  Reconstruction  :  Federation  of  Mechanics'  Institutes — 
'  differential  grading ' ;  the  Lyceums — General  defects — The 
new  spirit — Working  Men's  Colleges  and  Clubs        .         .         .     179 





Literature  and  self-education — Scarcity  of  Public  Libraries  ;  gro-wth 
of  private  and  institutional  libraries — The  book-supply  ;  book- 
stalls ;  Tract  Societies  and  publishing  firms ;  Charles  Knight 
and  the  '  diffusion  of  useful  knowledge  '  ;  failure  of  attempt  to 
create  an  instructive  literature  for  the  people ;  working-class 
readers  and  students — The  newspaper  press ;  news-rooms  and 
poUtical  propaganda  ;  the  Stamp  Duty  ;  the  Chaitist  press  and 
after — Composition  ;  Samuel  Bamford  and  Thomas  Cooper         .     185 


'  Education  by  Collision  ' 

John  Stuart  Mill's  defence  of  democracy  from  an  educational  stand- 
point ;  influence  of  poUtical  discussion ;  danger  lest  numerical 
strength  prevail  against  intelligence — Intelligence  required  (a)  to 
win  political  rights,  (b)  to  render  them  effective — Advance  of 
democracy  accompanied  by  evolution  of  political  consciousness — 
Illustration  from  nineteenth -century  history  ....     206 

1816  to  1846 :  Characteristics  of  the  period  as  regards  the  aim  of 
working-class  movements ;  contrast  with  the  period  which 
followed ;  yet  the  former  is  a  preparation  for  the  latter — 
Political  state  of  the  industrial  classes  in  1816  ;  London  handi- 
crafts, and  textile  industries ;  the  rise  of  democracy  in  the 
North  ;  the  Hampden  Clubs — The  democratic  ideal  (a)  poUtical, 
(6)  social — Political  agitation ;  limits  to  its  educational  in- 
fluence ;  Chartism — Social  agitation ;  Robert  Owen — The  point 
at  issue  between  Owen  and  the  Chartists  ;  Lovett  on  education 
and  moral  force — The  Working  Men's  Association;  its  educa- 
tional programme         .  .         .         .         .         .         .         .     .'IP 


The  Social  Outlook 

Social  Conditions,  1850 :  Agriculture — Mines — Manufactures,  1790- 
1860 ;  later  evidence  of  the  Booth  sm-vey  and  the  Poor  Law 
Commission  (1909) — Growth  of  casual  labour — Problems  of 
adolescence — Social  aspect  of  the  education  problem  .         .     228 

Position  of  educational  movements,  1850 — The  new  phase  of  adult 

education    ..........     240 

Modern  criticisms  of  organised  education  considered  in  the  light 
of  earlier  history,  with  special  reference  to  adult  education — 
Fluctuations  in  the  demand  for  knowledge — Recent  progress      .     244 

Index 253 





'  For  it  seems  to  be  the  ruling  maxim  of  this  age  and  nation  that,  if 
our  trade  and  wealth  are  but  increased,  we  are  powerful  and  happy  and 
secure ;  and  in  estimating  the  real  strength  of  the  Kingdom,  the  sole 
question  for  many  years  hath  been  "  What  commerce  and  riches  the 
nation  is  possessed  of  ?  "  a  question  which  an  Ancient  Lawgiver  would 
have  laughed  at ' — Browne,  Estimate  oj  the  Manners  and  Principles  0/  the 
Times  (1757/8). 

A  CENTURY  of  uninterrupted  material  progress  separates 
the  Restoration  of  Charles  the  Second  from  the  age  of 
the  Industrial  Revolution.  The  latter  half  of  this  period 
is  a  time  of  optimism  and  internal  repose,  spanning 
the  interval  between  great  constitutional  conflicts  and 
the  modern  order  of  social  discontents.  Its  main 
achievement  consists  in  a  steady  course  of  commercial 
expansion,  unaccompanied  by  any  radical  change  in 
the  social  structure  or  the  distribution  of  wealth.  It 
stands  as  a  type  of  even  prosperity  and  contentment 
on  the  eve  of  vast  revolutions,  unprecedented  sufferings, 
and  unbounded  hopes.  Yet  it  is  often  in  such  intervals 
of  tranquil  growth  that  national  character  is  sub- 
jected to  the  most  critical  tests,  and  that  the  frontier 
is  passed  which  separates  one  stage  of  civilisation 
from  another.  There  are  no  large  alterations  in  the 
structure  of  society  or  the  ideals  of  government ; 
but  there  is  a  profound  change  in  the  relative  strength 
of  forces  which  had    long  been  in  conflict,  and  the 


tendencies  which  assert  their  supremacy  in  different 
spheres  mark  the  initial  stages  of  a  period  of  transition. 
In  studying  the  course  of  economic  change,  the 
crisis  of  1688,  which  is  noticed  by  eighteenth-century 
writers  as  a  commercial  no  less  than  a  political  landmark, 
affords  in  many  ways  a  more  convenient  starting-point 
than  the  date  generally  assigned  for  the  commencement 
of  the  Industrial  Revolution.  To  this  earher  period 
belong  one  of  the  most  critical  phases  in  the  decline 
of  the  yeomanry,  and  the  beginnings  of  a  systematic 
policy  of  enclosure  by  Act  of  Parliament ;  while  in 
industry  some  of  the  problems  which  were  to  arise  in 
connection  with  the  factory  system  cast  their  shadow 
back  over  the  intervening  years.  ^  On  the  one  side, 
there  was  an  advance  of  the  new  agriculture  slowly  dis- 
solving the  older  forms  of  rural  life  ;  on  the  other,  the 
approach  of  modern  industrialism — a  growth  of  initiative 
and  exploitation,  a  marked  extension  of  industry  in 
the  Midlands  and  the  North,  and,  in  certain  districts,  a 
steady  movement  of  population  from  the  country  to  the 
town.  Not  less  significant  are  the  modifications  which 
arose  almost  imperceptibly  in  the  trend  of  economic 
thought.  The  growth  of  capitalism  from  the  beginning 
of  the  eighteenth  century  was  supported,  especially  in 
the  promotion  of  agriculture,  by  a  zeal  for  developing 
the  natioral  resources  on  scientific  lines.  In  the  fiscal 
policy  of  the  age  there  was  something  more  than  an 
adoption  of  new  methods  for  attaining  ends  already 
recognised.  Over  and  above  the  aim  of  providing 
employment,  there  was  that  of  augmenting  the  sum 
of  national  wealth.  The  mere  force  of  commercial  ex- 
pansion, stimulated  by  the  conquest  of  foreign  markets, 
was  altering  the  conditions  on  which  national  power 

*  Johnson,  Disappearance  of  tJie  SmaU  Landowner,  135  sqg. ;  Webb, 
History  of  Trade  Unionism,  26  sqq. 


depended  ;  and  social  ideals  underwent  a  corresponding 
transformation.  In  the  sixteenth  century  the  strength 
of  the  nation  consisted  in  its  capacity  for  breeding  men ; 
in  the  eighteenth,  it  was  measured  more  generally  by 
the  advance  of  commerce  and  the  production  of  wealth. 
In  the  one  case  the  test  of  prosperity  was  a  population 
maintained  in  undisturbed  enjoyment  of  a  decent 
livehhood ;  in  the  other,  it  was  an  *  increase  of  plenty,' 
the  variety  of  goods  circulating  in  the  market.  The 
position  is  reviewed  by  Arthur  Young  in  the  argu- 
ment of  his  '  Political  Arithmetic,'  which  turns  on  the 
distinction  between  agriculture  as  a  means  of  sub- 
sistence and  agriculture  as  a  trade.  His  contention 
that  the  same  division  of  land  which  was  in  one  state 
of  society  a  pohtical  excellence  becomes  in  another  a 
political  evil — comparing  the  position  of  small  farmers 
imder  the  Roman  Republic,  when  a  peasantry  subsisting 
on  the  soil  rendered  tribute  by  military  service,  with 
the  position  of  the  same  class  in  an  age  of  manufactures 
and  increased  taxation— goes  to  the  root  of  those 
differences  of  social  outlook  which  separated  his  own 
generation  from  the  age  of  Elizabeth.  The  race  of 
small  proprietors  are  part  of  a  system  which  has  lost 
its  justification  from  a  national  standpoint ;  they 
consume  the  *  earth's  produce ' ;  they  add  nothing  to 
the  *  national  wealth.'  The  point  to  be  emphasised 
is  that  the  conception  of  a  progressive  division  and 
redistribution  of  labour,  which  underHes  the  argument, 
is  a  conception  of  social  progress.  The  process  which 
increases  the  sum  of  national  wealth  involves  also 
a  growing  interchange  of  commodities,  and  opens  the 
door  to  a  continuous  rise  in  the  standard  of  living.* 

This  change  of  outlook  shows  one  side  of  the  ration- 
alistic movement  which  asserted  its  supremacy  over 

*  Young,  Political  Arithmetic,  71,  73  etpasstm. 


European  thought  in  the  seventeenth  and  eighteenth 
centuries.  The  turning  point  in  modern  agrarian  history, 
when  Parhament  began  for  the  first  time  to  assume 
a  decisive  attitude  on  the  question  of  enclosure,^  came 
at  a  moment  of  profound  interest  in  the  growth  of  the 
Enghsh  intellect,  when  the  mental  separation  between 
the  educated  and  uneducated  classes  was  approaching  a 
climax.  Among  the  many  signs  of  disillusion  and  revolt 
which  occur  in  the  middle  decades  of  the  seventeenth 
century,  few  have  a  wider  significance  than  the  change 
which  took  place  almost  within  a  single  generation  in 
the  attitude  of  the  higher  ranks  to  popular  beliefs  in 
witchcraft  and  the  supernatural.  The  same  period, 
also,  introduced  a  phase  of  social  refinement  in  which 
the  art  of  the  skilled  composer  lost  touch  with  the 
music  of  native  growth.  Old  superstitions  and  tra- 
ditional forms  of  culture  and  amusement,  which  had 
united  the  sympathies  of  all  classes,  were  destined 
gradually,  like  the  husbandry  of  the  open-field,  to  assume 
the  character  of  survivals  which  the  enlightened  and 
the  busy  world  had  left  behind.  The  development 
of  the  press  during  the  early  years  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  and  the  multiplication  of  treatises  on  subjects 
of  scientific  and  general  interest,  mark  the  beginnings 
of  a  compensatory  process  by  which  the  fruits 
of  study  and  criticism  were  slowly  diffused.^  New 
standards  of  comfort  found  their  complement  in  a  new 
phase  of  public  enlightenment ;  and  both  alike  pointed 
forward  to  a  type  of  civilisation  which  was  to  have  its 
centre  in  the  towns. 

The  chief  landmarks   of  the  period  are  not   un- 

*  JohriBon,  op.  cit.,  85  ;   mid-seventeenth  century. 

*  Buckle,  Civilisation  in  England  {World's  Classics),  vol.  i.  ch.  vii. ; 
Tylor,  Primitive  Culture,  i.  125-7  ;  Chappell,  Old  English  Popular  Music, 
ii.  p.  vi. 


connected  with  the  history  of  education.  The  endow- 
ment of  non-classical  schools  dates  in  large  measure 
from  the  Restoration.  The  Charity  School  movement 
followed  the  Revolution  of  1688.  The  remainder  of  the 
period  is  filled  with  sporadic  efforts  to  diffuse  instruction 
and  to  rescue  the  young.  Viewed  from  the  standpoint 
of  later  experience,  the  growth  of  philanthropy  has  a 
significance  outweighing  its  intentions  and  its  immediate 
results.  It  was  from  rescue-work  that  later  schemes 
of  national  education  took  their  rise.  Meanwhile  it 
was  recognised,  first  in  practice  and  then  in  theory, 
that  the  problems  of  progress  are  problems  of  education. 
Two  conflicting  emotions  are  covered  by  the  decent 
veil  of  eighteenth-century  optimism — the  enthusiasm  of 
progress,  and  a  growing  consciousness  of  evil  which 
is  characteristic  of  modern  thought.  The  *  better 
living  of  every  class,'  the  decent  clothing  which  was 
itself  a  '  sign  of  good  feeding,'  the  general  rise  of  wages, 
the  cheapness  of  provisions,  and  the  diffusion  among  the 
masses  of  minor  comforts  which  had  been  a  luxury  of 
the  rich,  were  e\ddences  of  material  welfare  constantly 
adduced  during  the  early  half  of  the  century.^  But 
the  writers  who  are  most  confident  of  progress  are 
ahve  to  impressions  of  another  sort — the  disease  and 
profligacy  of  '  commercial  cities,'  the  demoralised  state 
of  large  parts  of  the  country-side,^  and  the  effects  of 
a  mania  for  gin-drinking  which  spread  through  the 
manufacturing  towns  during  the  first  years  of  George 
the  Second,  changing  the  *  very  nature  of  the  people ' 
and  threatening  the  *  very  race '  itself.^  The  evil  in 
certain  forms  was  closely  related  to  the  general  growth 

^  Young,  Political  Arithmetic  ;  De  Saussure,  A  Foreign  View  of  England 
(engl.  trans.  1902),  220,  etc. ;   Lecky,  History  of  England,  vi.  204. 

*  Cf.  Webb,  English  Local  Oovernment,  i.  69.  Marshall,  Sural  Economy 
of  West  of  England,  i.  107  ;   Midland  Counties,  i.  131. 

»  Lecky,  i.  479  sq. ;  Works  of  Berkeley  (edited  by  Fraser),  iv.  332. 


of  prosperity.  Different  authorities  draw  a  connection 
between  intemperance  and  increased  earnings,  between 
pauperism  and  the  circulation  of  wealth.  Adam  Smith, 
penetrating  more  deeply  and  looking  back  over  a  longer 
range  of  experience,  traced  a  permanent  process  of 
moral  decay  to  the  influences  of  an  increasing  division 
of  labour.  On  this  analysis  he  founded  a  plea  for 
organised  instruction.  The  argument  in  the  *  Wealth 
of  Nations '  touches  only  one  aspect  of  a  complex 
question ;  but  it  is  sufficient  to  suggest  that,  the 
more  closely  the  connection  between  civilisation  and 
degeneracy  is  examined,  the  more  light  will  be  thrown 
on  the  nature  and  origin  of  educational  problems. 

One  of  the  attractions  of  the  period  for  the  student 
of  sociology  arises  from  the  numerous  grades  of  culture 
and  economic  development  which  are  brought  simul- 
taneously within  the  range  of  inspection.  A  phrase 
which  has  been  used  of  India  in  recent  times,  may  be 
applied  without  undue  licence  to  England  on  the  eve 
of  the  Industrial  Revolution.  '  All  the  centuries  are 
gathered  into  one.'  From  the  Northern  border,  which 
on  the  Union  of  the  English  and  Scottish  crowns 
retained  traces  of  tribal  society  and  of  some  of 
the  earliest  methods  of  tillage,^  to  the  South-Eastern 
counties,  a  home  of  commerce  and  settled  agriculture 
in  days  earlier  than  the  Roman  Conquest  ^  and  still 
in  the  eighteenth  century  the  garden  of  England ; 
from  Devon  and  Cornwall,  a  land  of  small  enclosures 
but  with  remnants  of  the  more  primitive  forms  of 

^  Slater,  English  Peasantry  and  the  Enclosure  of  Common  Fields, 
259.  In  1606  a  troublesome  '  sept  of  the  Grames  iinder  their  chief ' 
was  transported  from  Cumberland  to  Rosconuuon :  Seebohm,  English 
Village  Community,  219. 

*  Seebohm,  246  sq. 


husbandry,^  to  the  workshops  of  Birmingliam  and  the 
extending  farm-lands  of  the  Midlands  and  the  East ; 
from  the  degraded  savagery  of  a  lost  tribe  discovered 
squatting  at  the  sources  of  the  Tyne,'^  to  the  broken 
civihsation  of  the  *  Mud  City  *  and  Seven  Dials  ;  from 
the  decayed  nature-worship  of  Somerset  and  Devon, 
to  the  scientific  associations  of  Huguenot  weavers 
in  Spitalfields  ^ ;  here  a  district  swept  forward  on 
the  tide  of  commercial  prosperity,  another  cherishing 
traditions  of  an  ancient  glory  that  has  passed  away, 
another  more  wisely  husbanding  its  strength  and,  Hke 
Hythlodaye  in  the  *  Utopia,"  *  lefte  behynde '  for  its 
*  mynde  sake ' — the  ground  traversed  offers  a  wide 
range  of  material,  illustrating  many  phases  of  progress, 
survival  and  decline,  which  have  been  observed  by 
ethnologists  in  tracing  the  ascent  from  barbarism  to 
the  higher  levels  of  civilised  Hfe. 

Any  attempt  at  comparing  different  areas  raises 
a  number  of  initial  difficulties.  To  what  extent,  for 
instance,  are  the  contrasts  which  they  exhibit  to  be 
explained  by  essential  differences  of  history,  race,  and 
environment  ?  To  what  extent  may  the  characteristics 
of  the  more  backward  and  of  the  more  advanced  parts 
of  the  country  be  taken  to  illustrate  successive  stages 
of  social  evolution  ?  Similar  questions  arise,  when  an 
attempt  is  made  to  assign  to  particular  types  of  occupa- 
tion or  social  settlement  their  place  in  the  scale  of  an 
advancing  civilisation.  Certainly,  at  this  period,  one 
of  the  most  potent  causes  of  social  variation  was  the 
delay  with  which  new  ideas  and  impulses  were  communi- 
cated to  the  more  distant  provinces.     Defoe's  remark 

^  Vinogradoff,   English  Society  in   the  Eleventh   Century,   580.    {Cf. 
Seebohm,  412  ad  fin.). 

*  Lockhart,  Life  of  Scott,  ix.  168  (the  reference  is  probably  to  some 
archaic  form  of  the  sword  dance). 

*  Smiles,  Huguenots  in  England  and  Ireland,  337. 


that  the  country  south  of  the  Trent  was  the  *  richest 
and  most  populous '  part  of  the  kingdom,  acquires  a 
deeper  interest  when  it  is  found  that  the  North  at  this 
time,  in  many  aspects  of  its  social  and  economic  life, 
presented  a  picture  of  conditions  which  had  passed 
away  elsewhere  at  an  earlier  period.  In  the  same 
way,  some  basis  on  which  to  found  comparisons  between 
the  '  agricultural '  and  the  '  manutacturing  life,'  or 
between  town  and  country,  may  be  gained  by  following 
the  slow  evolution  of  specialised  industry  and  the 
intermittent  process  by  which  villages  grew  into  popu- 
lous towns,  loosening  by  degrees  their  connection  with 
rural  pursuits  and  developing  at  once  new  problems 
and  new  forms  of  practical  and  mental  activity. 
Following  a  series  of  lines  drawn  from  the  more  remote 
pastoral  districts  of  the  North  and  West  and  converging 
towards  the  industrial  towns  of  the  interior,  we  pass 
gradually  within  a  zone  of  accelerated  progress,  in 
which  mind  and  character  react  with  increasing  rapidity 
to  the  injfluences  of  a  changing  environment  and  the 
growth  of  human  desires  is  revealed  in  new  standards 
of  refinement  and  comfort.  We  pass  also  within  the 
area  of  social  problems,  economic  helplessness,  and 
moral  relapse.  The  central  districts,  including  the 
metropolis,  presented  some  of  the  clearest  indications 
of  the  lines  on  which  English  civilisation  was  destined 
to  advance ;  and  these,  too,  supplied  material  to  the 
critic  of  moral  abuses,  and  the  more  obvious  examples 
of  exploitation  and  distress.  Though  on  a  broad  view 
of  history,  social,  moral  and  intellectual  energies  *  are 
seen  to  progress  together,  .  .  .  they  are  far  from  ad- 
vancing with  equal  steps,"  either  as  regards  a  particular 
class  in  society  or  the  community  as  a  whole.  As 
manufacturers  were,  as  a  class,  more  exposed  to  certain 
demoralising  influences  than  the  agricultural  peasantry, 


as  the  town  life  of  the  period  in  some  phases  of  its 
growth  resembled  a  degenerate  form  of  rural  civilisation, 
so  we  shall  find  writers  recurring  to  distant  parts  of  the 
country  for  examples  not  only  of  the  primitive  virtues, 
but  also  of  a  standard  of  home  life  which  would  seem 
to  have  dechned  among  the  poor  in  the  more  progressive 
areas.  ^ 

The  tendency  which  these  conditions  illustrate  is 
one  familiar  in  educational  history.  The  process  which 
extends  social  opportunity  is  continually  weakening 
the  forms  of  discipline  handed  down  from  an  earlier 
age,  and  at  the  same  time,  in  so  far  as  it  intensifies 
competition  or  opens  new  resources,  continually  in- 
creasing the  need  for  mental  equipment.  This  may 
be  illustrated  by  comparing  the  effects  of  social  change 
on  the  less  progressive  sections  of  society  with  the 
problems  which  arise  from  the  contact  of  advanced  and 
backward  races.  In  either  case  the  final  result  may  be 
the  displacement  of  a  rude  manner  of  life  by  something 
higher  and  more  durable ;  but  the  same  class  of  in- 
fluences which  have  led  to  the  decay  of  inferior  races 
in  the  presence  of  a  higher  civilisation,  have  produced 
periods  of  physical  and  moral  decline  to  which  the 
weaker  sections  of  a  civiHsed  people  are  exposed  in  the 
face  of  changes  opening  new  avenues  of  culture  and 
increasing  the  general  wealth.  In  either  case  the  more 
general  causes  of  decline  are  economic.  They  consist 
partly  in  the  introduction  of  new  articles  of  consump- 
tion and  conditions  of  livelihood  which  demand  a  higher 
degree  of  knowledge  and  self-control  than  the  people 

^  It  is  not  merely  in  the  North  that  a  superior  economy  is  ascribed 
to  the  poor.  Eden  couples  Wales  with  the  North  of  England  and  Scotland 
as  affording  an  example  of  skilfid  management,  especially  in  cooking,  in 
the  homes  of  the  poor  {State  of  the  Poor,  i.  497).  Marshall,  advancing 
from  Devon  into  Cornwall,  is  agreeably  surprised  at  the  social  aspect 
of  the  country  (Rural  Economy  of  the  West  of  England,  ii.  16). 


possess  ;  partly  in  privation  and  oppression,  involving 
a  sudden  disturbance  in  their  habits  of  life  and  some- 
times a  wholesale  removal  into  uncongenial  surround- 
ings, where  the  arts  with  which  they  are  familiar  are 
practised  with  difficulty  and  they  are  exposed  to  new 
forms  of  disease  and  temptation  which  they  are 
unable  to  resist. 

The  analogy  cannot  be  pressed ;  but  it  is  useful  in 
helping  to  connect  a  number  of  scattered  lines  of  evidence 
which  bear  on  this  phase  of  social  transition.  Import- 
ant changes  occurred  in  the  diet  of  the  poorer  classes 
from  the  commencement  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
which  deserve  much  closer  attention  than  they  have 
hitherto  received.  The  *  better  living '  of  the  people, 
says  Arthur  Young,  consists  in  their  '  consuming  more 
food  and  of  a  better  sort ;  eating  wheat-bread  instead 
of  barley,  oats  and  rye — and  drinking  prodigiously  a 
greater  quantity  of  beer.'  At  the  same  time  there 
was  an  increased  consumption  of  meat  and  vegetables, 
balanced  by  a  large  expenditure  on  tea,  sugar,  and 
spirits,  and  in  certain  districts,  it  would  seem,  by  a 
growing  scarcity  of  milk  and  fuel.  The  change  does 
not  present  itself  as  an  unmixed  advantage,  when  we 
read  of  the  superior  health  and  energy  of  the  Yorkshire 
labourers  who  earned  phenomenal  wages,  drank  moder- 
ately, and  kept  to  the  simpler  fare  of  an  earlier  genera- 
tion.^ Young  himself  has  an  interesting  comment 
which  might  have  tempered  his  enthusiasm.  The  *  in- 
crease of  national  wealth  and  the  superior  ease  of  the 
poor '  had  led  to  an  increased  consumption  of  '  super- 
fluities '  which  absorbed  an  immoderate  part  of  their 
income,  breeding  wasteful  habits  which  had  already 
proved  disastrous  in  a  season  of  distress.  This  applied 
especially  to  manufacturers ;  '  as  to  husbandry,  they 

^  Marshall,  Rural  Economy  of  Yorkshire  (1788),  i.  259. 


indulge  in  all  these  expenses  and  yet  live  well.'  *  Mean- 
while a  Swedish  traveller  had  observed  kindred  symp- 
toms in  agricultural  districts  bordering  on  the  Midlands. 
It  was  not  unusual,  in  the  parts  which  he  visited,  for 
country-folk  to  spend  the  entire  day  at  the  village  ale- 
house. There  was  little  intoxication ;  but  *  it  is  not 
to  be  wondered  at,  if  many  labourers  and  others,  however 
large  the  daily  wages  or  profits  they  can  make,  can  for 
all  that  scarcely  collect  more  than  what  goes  from  hand 
to  mouth.'  This  *  custom '  he  attributed  partly  to 
'  the  abundance  of  money  in  this  country  and  the  ease 
with  which  a  man  could  in  any  case  have  his  food  if 
only  he  was  somewhat  industrious.'*  It  is  a  peculiar 
example  of  the  *  lazy-diligence  '  which  Defoe  lamented 
as  a  characteristic  of  these  years  of  comparative  ease 
and  prosperity ;  and  it  is  an  element  to  be  considered 
in  judging  the  criticisms  passed  by  Eden,  in  the  lean 
years  which  followed,  on  the  domestic  economy  of  the 
poor  in  the  South  of  England.^  Quite  apart  from  the 
physiological  effects  of  a  new  diet,*  it  is  seen  that  an 
increased  command  of  resources  does  not  necessitate 
an  improvement  in  the  standard  of  living.    Ease  of 

'  Young,  Political  Arithmetic,  76. 

*  Kalm,  Visit  to  England,  1748  (trans,  Joseph  Lucas,  1892),  333. 
Young  {Northern  Tour,  in.  248  sq.)  notices  a  similar  practice  among  the 
manufacturing  classes  of  Lano^shi^e  in  times  of  prosperity  (1770). 

'Eden,  State  of  the  Poor  (1797),  i.  496  etc.  ;  his  general  contention  is 
that  the  domestic  management  of  the  poor  in  the  South,  as  compared 
with  the  North,  is  expensive,  wasteful,  and  relatively  unproductive. 
Hammond  {Village  Labourer,  123  sqq.  et  passim)  points  out  that  the 
resources  of  the  Southern  poor  had  been  steadily  decreasing.  All  I  wish 
to  suggest,  is  that  the  trial  of  acut«  distress  was  preceded  by  the  trial  of 
prosperity ;  it  is  this  sequence  that  gives  the  period  its  unity  from  an 
educational  standpoint. 

*  Cf.  an  address  by  Dr.  Leonard  Hill,  Economics  Section  of  British 
Association,  1913  {Times,  Sept.  16).  It  is  a  question  whether  'wheat 
bread  '  was  more  nourishing  than  '  barley,  oats  and  rye.'  Much  wovild 
depend  on  the  way  in  which  different  articles  of  diet  were  combined. 
If  a  '  good  diet  is  a  necessary  part  of  a  good  education '  (James  Mill),  it 
now  seems  that  diet  itself  is  a  subject  for  instruction. 


living  is  useless  or  pernicious  where  there  is  no  cor- 
responding moral  advancement,  no  extension  of  the 
interests  which  give  to  life  a  purpose  and  an  ideal. 
But  the  very  changes  which  increased  wealth  and 
brought  goods  to  market,  were  removing  familiar  land- 
marks and  casting  inexperienced  men  adrift.  In  the 
districts  which  suffered  most  under  the  trial  of  pros- 
perity, agrarian  conditions  were  changing,  and  little 
portions  of  land  were  being  united  into  large.  ^    Here, 

*  The  injury  done  by  the  enclosure  movement  to  native  instincts, 
e.g.  to  the  sense  of  ownership,  if  it  has  been  denounced  somewhat  indis- 
criminately by  modern  critics,  was  too  little  considered  by  supporters 
of  the  change  who  enlarged  on  the  benefits  of  regular  employment  with 
the  prospect  of  increased  wages.  Where  the  social  condition  of  the  poor 
was  lowest  and  the  boon  offered  might  appear  greatest  in  proportion, 
it  was  less  certain  that  they  would  stand  the  test  of  a  more  arduous  com- 
petition than  that  they  would  suffer  moral  and  nervous  reactions  from 
the  upbreak  of  a  system  which  had  moulded  their  lives. 

Arthur  Young  describes  an  archaic  form  of  settlement  in  the  Isle  of 
Axholme.  '  The  inhabitants  are  collected  in  villages  and  hamlets  ;  and 
almost  every  house  you  see,  except  very  poor  cottages  on  the  borders 
of  the  common,  is  inhabited  by  a  farmer,  the  proprietor  of  his  farm, 
of  from  four  or  five,  or  even  fewer,  to  20,  40,  and  more  acres,  scattered 
about  the  open  fields,  and  cultivated  with  all  the  minutiae  of  care  and 
anxiety,  by  the  hands  of  the  family,  which  are  found  abroad.  .  .  .  They 
are  very  poor  respecting  money,  but  very  happy  respecting  their  mode 
of  existence.  Contrivance,  mutual  assistance,  by  barter  and  hire,  enable 
them  to  manage  these  little  farms.  ...  A  man  will  keep  a  pair  of  horses 
that  has  but  3  or  4  acres  by  means  of  vast  commons  and  working  for 
hire.  .  .  .  Though  I  have  said  they  are  happy,  yet  I  should  note  that 
it  was  remarked  to  me,  that  the  little  proprietors  work  like  negroes,  and 
do  not  live  so  well  as  the  inhabitants  of  the  poor-house ;  but  all  is  made 
amends  for  by  possessing  land'  (quoted  Slater,  op.  cit.,  53  -^q.).  'The 
enclosure  of  these  commons,'  he  adds,  '  will  lessen  their  numbers  and 
vastly  increase  the  quantity  of  products  at  market.'  It  might  (for  enclosure 
was  resisted)  have  produced  further  results.  Assuming  that  for  those 
remaining  on  the  land  as  labourers  an  opportunity  of  increased  earnings 
had  made  up  for  the  resources  lost  through  enclosure  and  consolidation, 
it  might  (1)  have  destroyed  the  sense  of  ownership  which  is  admitted  in 
this  case  to  have  been  the  fundamental  incentive  to  thrift  and  exertion ; 

(2)  have  weakened  their  sense  of  fellowship  and  co-operation  for  social 
purposes   (c/.   Denson,  Peasant's   Voice   to  Landowners  (1819),   17-21)  ; 

(3)  by  rapidly  increasing  '  wealth  '  and  producing  easy  conditions  among 
a  people  whose  standard  of  living  was  low,  have  developed  the  careless 
mode  of  living  '  from  hand  to  mouth '  noticed  by  Kalm.  We  might 
arrive  perhaps  within  measurable  distance  of  those  Midland  labourers 
whose  wages  fell  short  of  the  Yorkshire  rate  by  about  one  half — '  but  a 


too,  arable  was  being  converted  into  pasture,  and  popu- 
lation was  drifting  towards  the  towns. 

(1)  The  Heritage  of  the  Rural  Peasantry 

The  comparisons  between  town  and  country,  be- 
tween the  *  agricultural  life  *  and  the  *  condition  of 
manufacturers,'  which  occur  in  the  social  writings  of 
the  period,  presuppose  generally  a  degree  of  economic 
differentiation  which  was  not  reahsed  in  practice.  At 
the  same  time,  while  emphasising  the  moral  effects  of  a 
division  of  labour  in  the  manufacturing  industries,  they 
ignore  corresponding  changes  which  affected  agriculture, 
slowly  modifying  the  social  environment  and  trans- 
forming the  mediaeval  peasant  into  the  labourer  of 
modern  times.  Nevertheless  they  illustrate  a  crisis  in  the 
general  course  of  social  evolution,  and  incidentally  mark 
the  connection  between  two  stages  of  mental  growth — 
the  stage  during  which  education  springs  naturally 
from  the  experiences  of  daily  life,  and  the  stage  in  which 
a  speciaUsed  system  of  industry  demands  a  special 
instrument  of  training  and  instruction.  If  in  many 
districts  on  the  eve  of  the  Industrial  Revolution  it  was 
becoming  natural  to  associate  manufactures  with  urban 
surroundings  and  to  regard  the  industries  of  the  town 
as   a   refuge  for  families  displaced  from  agricultural 

want  of  exertion,  and  an  extravagance  in  keep,  especially  in  &eer,  more 
than  coimterbalance  the  disparity  in  wages '  (Marshall,  Rural  Economy 
of  the  Midland  Counties  (1790),  i.  131,  an  area  which  had  siifFered  from 
some  of  the  least  social  forms  of  enclosure,  see  Slater,  op.  cit.,  c.  x.). 

The  Axholme  settlements,  it  may  be  admitted,  present  some  abnormal 
features  and,  from  a  moral  standpoint,  a  favourable  example  of  the  open- 
field  system.  The  worst  elements  in  the  labour  class  at  the  close  of  the 
century  cannot  be  dismissed  as  a  product  of  recent  displacements.  One 
of  the  argmnents  for  enclosure  was  found  in  the  existence,  under  the  old 
system,  of  a  large  cottar  class  who  were  kept  alive  in  a  precarious  con- 
dition by  access  to  the  commons,  and  whose  habits  were  not  above 
reproach.  The  question  is  how  far  their  demoralisation  may  be  explained 
^8  a  result  of  eviction  and  enclosure  in  other  parishes  at  an  earlier  period. 


employment,^  it  was  still  reasonable  to  measure  the 
welfare  of  urban  communities  by  the  standards  of 
country  life.  Agriculture  remained  the  predominant, 
and  on  the  whole  the  most  satisfactory,  form  of  occupa- 
tion ;  rural  society,  in  the  interval  between  the  decay 
of  mediaeval  municipalities  and  the  urban  civiKsation 
of  a  coming  age,  presented  the  least  disturbed  and  most 
organic  type  of  social  settlement.  In  studying  different 
phases  of  rural  organisation,  we  travel  back  gradually 
to  the  origins  of  human  culture ;  following  the  path 
of  modern  industrialism,  we  discover  new  processes 
of  education  and  new  types  of  intell-gence. 

The  school  had  been,  for  the  most  part,  an  occasional 
and  somewhat  irrelevant  factor  in  rural  life  ;  sometimes 
mainly  an  instrument  of  selection,  gathering  recruits 
for  wider  spheres  of  activity  and  starting  them  on  the 
road  to  preferment.  But,  although  missionary  effort 
had  done  much  to  emphasise  the  need  of  a  school 
system,  its  absence  would  not  necessarily  entail  a  state 
of  mental  inertia.''  In  those  parishes  which  afford 
the  most  complete  examples  of  a  social  hierarchy,  and 
where  agrarian  change  had  not  deprived  the  peasantry 
of  rights  on  the  soil,  the  life  of  a  labourer  might  be  itself 
more  instructive  and  intelligible  than  that  of  his  counter- 
part, the  urban  artisan.  His  work  at  home  and  in 
the  field  afforded  a  more  varied  range  of  experience,  in 

1  Young,  Political  Arithmetic,  71. 

*  Cobbett's  argument  that  a  skilled  labourer  could  not  be  considered 
an  uneducated  man,  explains  some  part  of  the  prejudice  against  schools 
in  the  rural  districts.  Cunningham,  Works  of  Robert  Burns,  3,  remarks — 
*  The  peasantry  of  Scotland  turn  their  cottages  into  schools  ;  and  when  a 
father  takes  his  arm-chair  by  the  evening  fire,  he  seldom  neglects  to  com- 
municate to  his  children  whatever  knowledge  he  possesses  himself.  Nor 
is  this  knowledge  very  limited  ;  it  extends,  generally,  to  the  history  of 
Europe,  and  to  the  literature  of  the  island  ;  but  more  particularly  to  the 
divinity,  the  poetry,  and  what  may  be  called  the  traditionary  history  of 
Scotland.'  It  would  not  be  difficult  to  find  parallel  instances  across  the 
Border,  as  may  appear  in  the  course  of  our  inquiry  ;  and  some  form  of 
oral  tradition,  of  more  or  less  educational  value,  was  probably  general. 


which  the  relation  of  means  to  ends  was  easily  grasped. 
He  saw  the  nature  and  meaning  of  his  industry,  often 
the  whole  of  the  processes  and  their  connection  with 
social  and  domestic  needs.  The  open-field  system, 
with  its  facilities  for  the  hire  or  purchase  of  land, 
secured  for  the  thrifty  a  means  of  investment  and  a 
prospect  in  life.  To  his  rights  of  commonage  he  might 
add  a  share  in  the  arable  or  a  plot  to  occupy  his  leisure 
hours  and  to  afford  a  subsidiary  means  of  subsistence. 
His  wife  span  for  domestic  uses,  and  trained  her  children 
in  the  household  arts.  This  form  of  education  seems 
to  have  been  realised,  in  an  exceptional  degree,  in  those 
self-contained  communities  where  the  soil  was  widely 
distributed  among  peasant  holders  and  all  articles  of 
common  necessity  and  convenience  were  supplied  by 
the  joint  labour  of  the  family ;  but  considerable  rem- 
nants of  the  old  scheme  of  production  had  survived 
the  influence  of  a  widening  market  in  all  parts  of  the 
kingdom.  And  not  only  was  the  supply  of  daily  needs  a 
labour  which  conveyed  its  own  lesson,  inspired  interests 
and  exercised  habits  of  organisation  and  self-discipline  ; 
but  the  intimate  relations  subsisting  between  the  various 
functions  of  a  village  group,  the  natural  correspondence 
between  the  parts  of  a  fabric  which  was  the  result 
of  age-long  growth,  rendered  its  life  in  some  measure 
an  intelligible  whole.  The  appearance  of  a  self-acting 
community,  developing  its  own  discipline,  culture,  and 
outlook  on  the  world,  was  preserved  in  the  adnunistra- 
tion  of  open-field  husbandry,  and  more  generally  in 
the  round  of  common  amusements  and  the  whole  body 
of  rustic  traditions  and  beliefs. 

The  Church  which  stood  as  the  symbol  of  a  wider 
outlook  and  a  higher  ideal,  and  whose  discipUne  of 
prayer  and  precept  came  nearest  to  a  scheme  of 
national   education,  exercised  the  main   part   of  her 


influence  as  an  institution  entwined  in  the  structure 
of  social  life,  acting  less  as  an  intellectual  force  than 
through  her  appeal  to  corporate  feeling  and  the 
associations  which  accumulate  round  an  established 
usage.  Eighteenth-century  worship  is,  in  fact,  in  its 
natural  state,  a  reflex  of  the  prevailing  system  of  hus- 
bandry. There  is,  in  both,  the  same  agreeable  sloven- 
liness of  method,  the  same  acceptance  of  custom,  the 
same  underlying  corporate  sense,  the  same  hierarchy 
of  personages  and  minor  officials ;  the  Church  singers 
occupying  a  customary  holding  in  the  chancel,  so  firmly 
established  by  right  of  inheritance  that  in  many  places, 
like  the  yeomanry  whom  they  resembled,  they  with- 
stood the  zeal  of  reforming  incumbents  and  survived 
far  into  the  next  century.  The  interest  of  these  pheno- 
mena increases  when  they  are  studied  more  closely  in 
relation  to  different  types  of  environment.  Not  only 
do  we  find  insulated  peasant  communities  presenting 
examples  of  an  archaic  organisation,  side  by  side  with 
parishes  in  which  a  high  order  of  capitalistic  manage- 
ment has  swept  away  the  last  traces  of  communal 
custom ;  but  throughout  the  country  different  strata 
of  civihsation  lie  exposed  on  the  sm-face  in  every  de- 
partment of  hfe.  Rural  amusement  includes  ancient 
spontaneous  forms  of  rejoicing,  bearing  in  many  cases 
the  marks  of  a  ritual  origin  and  belonging  to  an  order 
of  folk-culture  which  may  have  proceeded  ultimately 
from  the  common  worship  of  a  primitive  village  group. 
An  equal  antiquity  has  been  ascribed  to  those  assem- 
blies of  the  township  which  survived  here  and  there, 
unimpaired  by  the  decay  of  the  manorial  system, 
administering  a  complex  body  of  agrarian  custom  and 
exercising  rudimentary  judicial  functions^  which  find 

1  '  These  ancient  sources  of  the  law  of  villages  are  still  pretty  generally 
kept  open ;  even  in  manors  where  neither  copyhold  nor  free-rent  tenants 


their  counterpart  among  Eastern  communities  at  the 
present  day. 

It  has  been  necessary  to  venture  on  this  analysis 
in  order  to  form  some  conception  of  the  general  problem 
which  a  survey  of  rural  conditions  presents  to  the 
student  of  educational  history.  When  it  is  realised 
that  early  ideas  and  customs,  which  have  no  intelligible 
meaning  or  oppose  obstacles  to  improvement  in  the 
age  in  which  they  survive,  may  originally  have  been 
shrewd  attempts  to  explain  the  mysteries  of  existence 
or  to  meet  a  present  need/  it  is  natural  to  inquire  in 
what  sense  subsequent  progress  has  been  a  continuous 
process  of  expansion  towards  a  higher  culture  and  a 
fuller  life.  The  issue  does  not  in  practice  present 
itself  in  so  simple  a  form.  A  conclusion  suggested  by 
the  study  of  primitive  races — that  *  civilisation  is  a 
plant  much  oftener  propagated  than  developed/  that 
progress  is  effected  more  often  *  by  foreign  than  by 
native  action '  * — would  seem  to  apply  with  equal 
force  to  the  history  of  local  groups  within  a  civilised 
society.  The  history  of  mankind  may  show  a  continu- 
ous stream  of  evolution  connecting  the  lowest  with  the 
highest  ranges  of  culture ;  but  there  are  limits  to  the 
advance  of  a  small  and  self-centred  community  drawing 
mainly  on  its  native  stock  of  ideas.     Improvement 

remain.  .  .  .  The  cleansing  of  rivulets  and  common  sewers  (etc.,  etc.) 
.  .  .  are  matters  which  frequently  require  the  interposition  of  a  jury ; 
who,  in  places  where  they  are  still  impanelled,  are  considered  not  only 
as  judges  of  the  general  welfare  of  the  manor,  but  are  frequently  called 
in  as  arbiters  of  private  difierences  ' — Marshall,  Rural  Economy  oj  York- 
shire, i.  28  sq.  (1788),  c/.  id.  Midland  Counties,  i.  15  (1790).  The  last  clause 
is  significant;  c/.  Maine,  Village  Communities,  71,  on  the  adjustment  of 
civil  disputes  by  the  elders  of  an  Indian  village  ;  c/.  also  his  remark  {Early 
Law  arid  Custom,  170),  that  ancient  Teutonic  courts  might  be  properly 
described  as  Courts  of  Arbitration,  being  unarmed  with  the  power  of 
inflicting  penalties. 

1  Cf.  Tylor,  Primitive  Cvlture,  i.  284  ;  ii.  324,  405  ;  Seebohm,  English 
Village  Community,  16. 

"^  Tylor,  i.  48. 


beyond  a  certain  stage  will  depend  increasingly  on  new 
combinations,  and  on  the  pressure  of  forces  which  have 
been  generated  in  wider  fields  of  social  enterprise.  This 
may  be  seen  by  studying  the  growth  of  rural  communi- 
ties in  England  which  down  to  the  eighteenth  century 
pursued  a  solitary  course,  and  the  culture  which  was  a 
product  of  rural  tradition.  Country  life  is  strewn  with 
the  remains  of  successive  elements  of  culture  which 
answered  at  one  time  a  serious  educational  purpose, 
but  whose  range  of  growth  is  set  within  definite  limits. 
In  the  same  way,  a  long  course  of  economic  reorganisa- 
tion may  proceed  with  little  apparent  stimulus  from 
without ;  a  land  of  wastes  and  open-fields  may  be 
parcelled  out  into  small  enclosures  ;  but  there  comes  a 
stage  at  which  the  outlook  narrows  and  progress  draws 
to  a  standstill.^  It  is  partly  for  these  reasons  that  the 
life  of  isolated  rural  areas  is  sometimes  found  relapsing 
towards  a  state  of  savagery.  The  influence  which 
corrects  these  tendencies  by  promoting  wider  combina- 
tions is  in  the  nature  of  the  case  external,  and  in  some 
sense  foreign,  to  the  individual  groups  which  it  raises 
to  a  higher  level.  It  proceeds  from  the  growth  of  a 
central  authority  sufficiently  elevated  to  ei^orce  obedi- 
ence, and  from  the  economic  and  intellectual  forces 
which  its  action  brings  into  play.  In  the  conflict  which 
arises  between  native  and  foreign  elements,  according 
to  the  Spanish  proverb,  '  the  more  there  is  of  the 
more,  the  less  there  is  of  the  less. '  The  rise  of  a  central 
power  exercising  discipline  over  local  groups  entails 
the  restriction  of  their  sphere  of  independence  and, 
sooner  or  later,  the  disintegration  of  their  corporate 
life.  Larger  political  and  economic  combinations  dis- 
solve the  framework  of  custom  in  smaller  imits  which 

1  Cf.  Marshall,  Rural  Economy  of   Yorkahire,  i.  52-6,  255;    West  of 
England,  i.  25  sq.,  104  sqq. 


they  link  together  and  absorb.  As  the  intellectual 
horizon  expands,  earlier  forms  of  culture  reach  the 
limits  of  their  natural  growth  and  undergo  a  decline 
both  in  quality  and  significance.  That  which  had  once 
a  serious  purpose  and  marked  an  advance  in  thought 
or  art,  tends  to  degenerate  in  tone  or  to  survive 
mainly  as  a  source  of  harmless  amusement.^  As  the 
higher  civilisation  advances,  the  lower  begms  to  recede 
and  dissolve. 

It  does  not  follow  that  the  gain  will  be  evenly 
distributed.  The  process  which  forms  a  nation  tends 
to  replace  the  vertical  division  between  self-centred 
communities  by  a  horizontal  cleavage  between  class 
and  class.  It  may  happen  that  a  change  which  brings 
civilisation  to  one  part  of  society  will  bring  ruin  to 
another.  There  is  a  definite  connection,  at  different 
periods,  between  freedom  and  pauperism ;  and  the 
principle  applies  as  much  to  mental  as  to  materia] 
progress.  It  is  unlikely  that  the  concerns  of  a  large 
pohtical  unit  will  occupy  the  same  place  in  the  conscious- 
ness of  the  masses  as  those  of  the  local  group  whose 
corporate  hfe  is  falHng  into  decay  ;  or  that  the  decHne 
of  a  lower  culture  will  be  readily  compensated  by  access 
to  a  higher.  Where  the  distance  between  the  educated 
and  uneducated  classes  becomes  great,  the  latter  not 
only  reap  no  imjnediate  benefit,  but  may  experience  an 
actual  loss.  It  is  plain,  however,  that  the  forces  which 
assist  national  progress  operate  on  the  framework  of 
rural  life  in  different  combinations,  and  with  different 
degrees  of  intensity,  in  successive  epochs ;  and  in  so  far 
as  they  include  institutions,  they  include  agencies  whose 

^  Proverbs  and  riddles,  once  important  factors  in  education  (Tyler, 
i.  81  sq.) ;  balladry,  once  a  serious  source  of  history;  compare  the  decay 
in  the  significance  of  myth,  legend  and  rustic  rites,  etc.  Sometimes  the 
decay  in  significance  is  followed  by  a  decay  in  quality,  as  in  certain  forms 
of  folk-music  and  dance. 


work  may  be  submitted  to  an  educational  test.  The 
study  of  rural  education  in  some  of  its  broader  aspects 
is  a  study  of  successive  forms  of  organised  discipline 
following  one  another  in  a  definite  sequence.  With 
the  national  awakening  in  the  fifteenth  and  sixteenth 
centuries,  the  regime  of  feudalism  ends  and  is  replaced 
gradually  by  the  paternal  rule  of  a  governing  class.  The 
tests  which  may  be  applied  at  each  phase  of  transforma- 
tion are  those  outlined  in  Mill's  definition  of  the  ideal 
of  government.  A  system  of  government  should  give 
the  people  '  that  for  want  of  which  they  cannot  advance, 
or  advance  only  in  a  lame  and  lopsided  manner ' ;  in 
carrying  them  through  one  stage  of  progress,  it  should 
not  '  unfit  them  for  the  step  next  beyond ' ;  and  its 
success  in  this  respect  will  depend  on  the  extent  to 
which,  *  in  seeking  the  good  which  is  needed,  no  damage, 
or  as  little  as  possible,  be  done  to  that  already 
possessed.*  ^ 

Feudalism  has  been  represented  as  a  connecting  link 
between  two  very  different  forms  or  conceptions  of  free- 
dom— the  freedom  of  early  times,  implying  membership 
of  a  free  group,  having  its  roots  in  military  organisation 
and  in  a  network  of  provincial  institutions,  ultimately 
of  tribal  origin ;  and  the  freedom  which  emerged  on 
the  ruins  of  status  and  privilege,  deriving  its  strength 
from  economic  achievement  and  from  the  increasing 
authority  of  the  central  government  and  of  national  law.  ^ 
As  the  growth  of  the  manorial  system  foreshadows 
in  certain  respects  an  advance  in  the  conception  of 
individual  ownership,  so    from    an    early    period   the 

1  Mill,  Representative  Oovernment,  40.  '  The  one  indispensable  merit  of 
a  government,  in  favour  of  which  it  may  be  forgiven  almost  any  amount 
of  other  demerit  compatible  with  progress,  is  that  its  operation  on  the 
people  is  favourable,  or  not  unfavourable,  to  the  next  step  which  it 
is  necessary  for  them  to  take,  in  order  to  raise  themselves  to  a  higher 
level  '—36. 

*  VinogradofE,  op.  cit.,  213. 


growing  power  of  an  aristocratic  element  in  public 
assemblies,  and  the  surrender  of  territorial  jurisdiction 
to  feudal  potentates,  may  point  forward  dimly  to  the 
monarchic  rule  of  a  landed  aristocracy  acting  in  their 
magisterial  capacity  as  organs  of  the  central  govern- 
ment. But  what  is,  at  first,  most  striking  in  this 
intermediate  stage  of  organisation,  is  the  relation  which 
it  bears  to  a  past  order  of  things.  The  fabric  of  early 
custom  is  not  superseded  so  much  as  incorporated  in  a 
new  structure,  and,  as  it  were,  placed  under  control. 
The  feudal  courts  embody  fragments  of  an  antecedent 
judicial  and  administrative  system  which  have  been 
subordinated  to  the  authority  of  powerful  lords.  The 
manorial  organisation  is  largely  a  natural  growth, 
enshrining  a  traditional  form  of  rural  economy,  and 
leaving  room  for  a  complex  body  of  mutual  restrictions 
and  customary  rights.  A  parallel  may  be  found  in  the 
history  of  the  Mediaeval  Church.  The  parish  priest 
whose  virgate-holding  lay  scattered  among  the  strips  of 
the  villagers  in  the  open-fields,  is  a  type  of  the  intimate 
relations  maintained  between  religion  and  custom 
during  the  Catholic  period.  If  feudal  arrangements 
show  everjrwhere  underlying  traces  of  an  earlier  scheme 
of  government,  still  less  is  there  any  sudden  break  of 
continuity  between  the  forms  under  which  the  new 
religion  was  introduced  to  the  barbarous  races  of 
Northern  Europe  and  the  pagan  worship  which  it  was 
intended  to  supersede.  The  Village  Feast  is  one  of 
many  surviving  examples  of  an  attempt  to  consecrate 
to  Christian  uses  an  ancient  custom,  which  may  yet  in 
its  later  developments  preserve  an  element  of  primitive 
barbarism.  The  ceremonial  of  the  Holy  Well,  which 
has  retained  a  place  in  public  worship  in  certain  localities 
down  to 'modern  times,  presents  yet  more  remarkable 
instances  of  a  cult  redeemed  by  Christian  influence  and 


infused  gradually  with  a  higher  spiritual  meaning. 
As  in  the  age  of  the  Keformation,  so  in  that  which 
followed  the  introduction  of  Christianity  into  England 
we  find  in  statements  of  ecclesiastical  policy  a  clue  to  the 
educational  tendencies  of  the  social  system  as  a  whole. 
*  Because/  wrote  Gregory  the  Great,  *  they  have  been 
used  to  slaughter  many  oxen  in  the  sacrifice  to  devils, 
some  solemnity  must  be  exchanged  for  them  on  this 
account,  as  that  on  the  day  of  dedication  .  .  .  they 
may  build  themselves  huts  of  the  boughs  of  trees,  about 
those  churches  which  have  been  turned  to  that  use 
from  temples,  and  celebrate  the  solemnity  with  religious 
feasting  .  .  .  because  he  who  tries  to  rise  to  the  highest 
place  rises  by  degrees  and  steps,  and  not  by  leaps.'  ^ 

Whatever  may  be  said  of  the  darker  side  of  manorial 
serfdom  and  its  spiritual  counterpart,  they  were  at 
least  free  from  those  elements  of  disturbance  which 
have  rendered  the  discipline  of  freedom  in  many  ways 
more  perilous  than  the  most  despotic  rule — the  de- 
struction of  inherited  instincts,  the  spiritual  conflict 
between  tradition  and  enlightenment,  between  custom 
and  progress.  Judged  with  reference  to  the  psycho- 
logical conditions  of  the  period,  the  system  conforms 
to  a  sound  principle  of  education.  New  influences  were 
brought  to  bear  on  the  peasantry,  without  crushing 
their  sense  of  security  and  of  a  life  peculiarly  their 
own.  Circumstances  set  a  limit  to  exploitation  and 
to  oppressive  interference  with  their  economic  arrange- 
ments ;  while  the  lord's  enclosure,  standing  side  by  side 
with  the  land  of  the  tenants,  gave  an  example  whose 

^  Seebohm,  72  sq.  For  the  Holy  Well  ritual  at  Tissington  (Derbyshire) 
on  Holy  Thursday,  see  Sydney,  England  and  the  English  in  the  Eighteenth 
Century,  ii.  246 ;  the  wells,  five  in  number,  were  decorated  with  flowers, 
and  after  a  service  in  church,  a  procession  visited  each  well  in  turn,  at 
which  the  psalms  and  epistle  and  gospel  for  the  day  were  read,  the  service 
concluding  with  a  hymn  accompanied  by  a  band  of  music ;  the  rest  of 
the  day  was  given  to  rustic  sports. 


influence  became  effective  as  manorial  custom  fell  into 
decay.  A  somewhat  analogous  instance  is  presented 
by  an  important  vehicle  of  the  Church's  teaching. 
The  Morality  plays  gave  exercise  to  traditional  dramatic 
instincts ;  and  they  were  carried  on  and  developed, 
after  the  decline  of  ecclesiastical  authority,  by  the 
amateurs  of  town  and  gild,  giving  birth  in  turn  to  the 
interlude  and  the  secular  drama. 

Both  the  advantages  and  the  limitations  of  this  stage 
of  discipline  are  suggested  by  the  phase  of  rural  pros- 
perity which  followed  at  its  close.  The  most  recent 
research  has  discovered,  in  the  interval  between  the 
decay  of  the  manorial  system  and  the  agrarian  changes 
of  the  sixteenth  century,  all  the  signs  of  a  *  continuous 
improvement  in  the  condition  of  the  peasantry ' :  a  '  keen 
competition  for  the  use  of  land,*  increasing  enterprise, 
individualism  and  mobility,  and  a  gradual  process  of 
exchange  and  enclosure,  in  all  of  which  the  small  man 
played  a  predominant  part.^  The  account  may  be 
supplemented  by  evidence  drawn  from  another  source. 
The  economic  revival,  which  led  to  the  formation  of 
a  prosperous  middle  class  among  the  rural  peasantry, 
seems  to  have  been  accompanied  by  a  parallel  advance 
in  culture.  Balladry  and  folk-music  felt  the  influence 
of  new  literary  and  artistic  standards,  and  there  was  a 
considerable  outburst  of  popular  drama  in  which  the 
sympathies  of  all  ranks  were  for  a  time  united.  The 
advantage,  however,  in  either  case  depended  on  a 
peculiar  balance  of  conflicting  elements  which  rendered 
it  essentially  insecure ;  in  the  economic  sphere,  on  a 
balance  between  the  forces  of  custom  and  competition  ;  ^ 

^  Tawney,  The  Agrarian  Problem  in  the  Sixteenth  Century,  97,  114  sq., 
178,  etc. 

*  '  In  that  happy  balance  between  the  forces  of  custom  and  the  forces 
of  economic  enterprise,  custom  is  powerful,  yet  not  so  powerful  that  men 
cannotevade  it  when  evasion  is  desired;   enterprise  is  growing,  yet  it 


in  the  sphere  of  culture,  on  the  mutual  proximity  of 
popular  and  skilled  art  at  a  time  when  the  former 
was  approaching  the  climax  of  its  development  and 
the  latter  was  entering  on  its  career.  The  economic 
position  of  the  peasantry  was  too  much  indebted  to 
the  safeguards  of  custom  not  to  be  imperilled  by  changes 
in  which  they  took  the  lead,  and  from  which  they  derived 
at  the  time  no  small  advantage.  Their  culture  was 
too  limited  in  its  range  and  too  dependent  on  con- 
formity to  a  traditional  type  not  to  suffer  indirectly 
from  the  general  progress  of  refinement  which  may  at 
first  have  suppHed  new  sources  of  inspiration.  The 
growing  disrepute  of  popular  verse  in  the  presence  of 
a  higher  form  of  poetic  achievement,  and  the  encroach- 
ments of  the  large  farmer  on  his  less  fortunate 
neighbours,  were  in  different  ways  a  sign  that  influences 
which  for  a  time  enriched  and  elevated  the  poor  might 
work  their  ruin.  The  same  causes  which  produced  a 
prosperous  middle  class  prepared  the  way  for  the  labour 
problems  of  the  sixteenth  century.  ^ 

The  fifteenth  century,  and  the  early  part  of  the 
eighteenth,  are  known  as  periods  of  rural  well-being ; 
and  both  were  followed  by  times  of  revolution  and 
distress.  But  the  two  phases  of  prosperity  seem  essen- 
tially distinct.     The  former,  as  has  been  seen,  includes 

has  not  grown  to  such  lengths  as  to  undermine  the  security  which  the 
small  man  finds  in  the  estabhshed  relationships  and  immemorial  routine 
of  communal  agricultiu-e ' — Ibid.,  136.  Cf.  the  relation  at  this  period 
between  folk  poetry  and  pohte  verse,  skilled  and  popular  music  (Cambridge 
History  of  English  Literature,  ii.  375  sq.  ;  ChappeU,  Old  English  Popular 
Music,  ii.  preface). 

^  It  is  possible  that  an  element  of  demoralisation  which  runs  through 
subsequent  stages  of  rural  development,  may  be  traced  to  the  demand 
which  arises  in  all  large  agricultural  organisations  for  occasional  labour, 
and  the  consequent  growth,  from  early  times,  of  a  cottar  class,  occupying 
a  precarious  position  on  the  outskirts  of  village  life,  who  were  likely  to 
suffer  morally  from  the  loosening  of  manorial  discipline  and  to  have  their 
numbers  increased  by  successive  evictions  from  the  ranks  above  them. 
Cf.  Vinogradoff,  op.  cit.,  458  sqq. 


an   advance    in    culture ;    in    the  latter,  so    far   as 
the  poor  are  concerned,  progress  is  measured  in  terms 
of  employment  and  material  benefits.    There  is  some- 
thing more  than  a  vision  of  comfort  in  the  gardens 
encircling  the  cottage  homes  which  remained  one  of 
the  glories  of  the  English  country-side,^  but  the  old 
culture  of  song  and  dance  and  pageantry  had  lost  much 
of  its  vigour,  and  nothing  as  yet  had  appeared  to  take 
its  place.     The  difference  is  reflected  in  contemporary 
impressions  of  peasant  life.     The  traveller  in  the  six- 
teenth century  might  remember  the  *  dancing,  singing 
Enghsh  * ;  in  the  eighteenth,  he  carried  away  reports 
of  their  food  and  clothing.     A  change  in  the  quahty 
of  rural  life  was  accompanied  by  essential  modifica- 
tions in  its  structure  and  organisation.     In  the  fifteenth 
century  progress  is  almost  synonymous  with  the  growth 
of  peasant  properties  ;  in  the  eighteenth,  it  is  achieved 
almost  continuously  at  the  expense  of  the  small  free- 
holder class.     Meanwhile  old  institutions  which   had 
given  the  villagers  in  some  degree  a  law  of  their  own 
and    a    management  of    their    common    affairs   fade 
imperceptibly  from  the  landscape  until  their  place  is 
forgotten  and  their  meaning  lost.     No  element  in  rural 
life  is  completely  obliterated.    The  country  fellow  in 
'  Sir  Roger  de  Coverley  '  discussed  the  parish  politics  on 
Sunday,  distinguishing  himself  '  as  much  in  the  Church- 
yard as  a  citizen  does  upon  the  'Change.'    But  the  days 
of  a  *  bold  peasantry '  were  drawing  to  a  close,  and 
*  independency  *  was  already  passing  into  a  term  of 
abuse.     Addison's  sketch  of  the  vilhgers  in  a  Wiltshire 
parish  is  not  an  ungenerous  conception  of  social  con- 
tentment, during  the  transition  period,  under  a  kindly 
paternal  rule ;    but  it  misses  some  of  that  indefinable 

*  Young,  Eastern  Tour,  iii.  124  sq ;   Cobbett,  Rural  Ridee,  June  24, 
1822,  etc. 


spiritual  force  which  is  the  characteristic  mark  of  a 
peasantry ;  it  is  not  a  picture  of  peasant  Hfe  as  it 
appeared  in  ghmpses  of  Elizabethan  England,  and  as 
it  still  existed  in  more  remote  parts  of  the  country.  As 
the  century  advanced,  the  peasant  was  gradually  lost 
in  the  labourer,  and  a  low  estimate  of  his  mental 
capacity  became  part  of  the  accepted  order  of  things. 
No  features  of  the  age  are  more  clearly  marked  than 
the  growing  wealth  of  the  nation  and  the  slow  growth 
of  educational  ideas. 

A  particular  crisis  may  be  as  much  an  index,  as  a 
cause,  of  fundamental  changes  in  the  life  of  a  people. 
The  upheaval  which  occurred  towards  the  close  of 
the  eighteenth  century  is  seen  in  a  wrong  perspective, 
unless  attention  is  paid  to  the  gradual  course  of  economic 
reorganisation  which  connects  the  great  enclosures  of 
the  period  with  the  agrarian  revolution  of  an  earlier 
age,  and  to  the  less  di^-ect,  and  often  unperceived, 
influences  of  altered  sriroundings  which  reacted  on 
every  phase  of  rural  life.  It  is  this  pervasive  change 
of  environment  which  gives  unity  and  significance  to 
the  long  period  of  transition  from  mediaeval  to  modern 
methods  of  agriculture.  At  the  outset,  a  crisis  in 
rural  affairs  is  connected  with  movements  which  em- 
braced the  whole  range  of  national  thought  and  enter- 
prise. A  revival  of  learning  and  a  change  in  the  religious 
order  coincide  approximately  with  the  downfall  of 
feudalism  which  altered  the  relations  of  landlord  and 
tenant  and  enhanced  the  economic  value  of  land  ;  with 
the  growth  of  commercial  capital  which  led  to  a  con- 
tinuous influx  of  new  elements  into  the  landlord  class  ; 
and  with  the  progress  of  political  reconstruction  under 
the  Tudor  monarchy,  which  found  a  counterpart  in 
the  reorganisation  of  local  government  under  Justices 
of  the  Peace.     Such  combinations  generally  end  in 


some  conspiracy  to  elevate  the  masses.  It  was  no 
accident  that  the  two  great  phases  of  economic  re- 
organisation— the  one  in  the  sixteenth,  the  other  in  the 
latter  half  of  the  eighteenth  century — were  attended  by 
movements  which  aimed  at  a  *  reformation  of  manners ' 
and  a  restatement  of  rehgious  responsibility.  Between 
the  commercial  spirit,  the  magisterial  instinct  for  order 
and  efficiency,  and  the  spirit  of  religious  reform,  there  was 
an  underlying  connection  both  in  the  circumstances  of 
their  origin  and  in  the  mental  bias  which  they  introduced. 
To  assume  that  these  movements  created  a  uniform 
and  sudden  change  in  rural  conditions,  would  involve 
a  misconception  of  the  problems  which  they  produced. 
They  represent  rather  the  growth  of  a  new  social  order, 
acting  intermittently  and  from  without  on  the  fabric  of 
rural  custom,  and  gradually  dissolving  the  ideas  and 
social  forms  beneath  it.  The  old  order  passes,  partly 
as  a  result  of  encroachment  and  repression,  partly 
by  a  process  of  insensible  decay.  The  disciplinary 
powers  of  the  manorial  courts  were  already  falling 
into  decrepitude  when  a  position  of  supremacy  was 
assigned  to  Justices  of  the  Peace.  ^  The  systematic 
enclosures  which  later  on  altered  the  face  of  rural 
society  seem  to  have  been  preceded  by  a  gradual  decay 
of  the  open-field  system,  which  may  be  connected, 
at  least  indirectly,  with  the  general  reactions  of  com- 
merce  on  agriculture  during  the   intervening   period.^ 

^  Even  down  to  the  commencement  of  the  nineteenth  century,  manorial 
courts  were  characteristic  organs  of  local  government ;  but  many  of  their 
powers  were  falling  into  decay  in  the  fourteenth,  and  in  the  sixteenth 
they  were  overshadowed  by  Justices  of  the  Peace. 

*  '  When  we  read  of  the  condition  of  those  parishes  which  at  the 
beginning  of  the  eighteenth  century  were  stUl  Tinenclosed,  we  are  astonished, 
not  that  enclosure  came  when  it  did,  but  that  it  had  been  delayed  so 
long ' — Johnson,  Disappearance  of  the  Small  Landowner,  97,  The  argu- 
ment against  the  manner  in  which  enclosures  were  carried  out,  is  not 
assisted  by  neglecting  evidence  of  the  overcrowding  of  commons  and  the 
precarious  state  of  a  large  part  of  the  poor  who  maintained  themselves 


Similarly,  while  emphasis  may  be  laid  on  the  repression 
of  popular  amusements  which  followed  at  different 
stages  in  the  course  of  religious  and  moral  reform,  it 
is  of  more  importance  to  observe  the  general  tendency 
of  social  change  to  dispel  the  atmosphere  in  which  these 
activities  flourished. 

Both  sides  of  the  process  must  be  considered,  if 
the  period  is  to  convey  a  lesson  of  more  than  transitory 
importance.  One  of  the  first  points  to  arrest  attention 
is  that  developments  which  showed  little  regard  for 
the  feelings  and  instincts  of  the  peasantry,  were  welcomed 
at  the  time  almost  without  reserve  by  disinterested 
reformers,  and  were  attended  by  a  rising  sense  of  re- 
sponsibility in  the  governing  class. ^  The  history  of 
enclosures,  and  of  a  simultaneous  movement  for  the 
reform  of  popular  morals,  ^  at  the  end  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  affords  examples  of  this  seeming  paradox ; 
but  the  tendency  is  one  that  extends  back  over  the 
period  as  a  whole.  The  argument  for  enclosure  as  a 
means  of  elevating  the  poor  in  an  age  of  competition 
recalls  unmistakably  the  attitude  of  sixteenth- century 
puritans,  who  suppressed  local  drama  and  pageantry  as 
no  longer  edifying  in  *  this  happie  time  of  the  Gospell.'  ' 
There  is  a  sense  in  which  the  Reformation  itself  finds 
a  counterpart  in  agrarian  reform.*  The  common  aim 
which  underlay  them  both  may  be  described  as  a  process 

by  the  exercise  of  common  rights,  etc. ;  the  growth  of  this  class  may  be 
explained,  to  some  extent,  by  competitive  influences  displacing  the  small 
landholder,  and  by  the  influx  of  squatters  displaced  by  enclosure  in 
neighbouiring  parishes,  and  by  the  general  growth  of  population. 

^  Webb,  English  Local  Oovernment,  i.  377  sq. 

"  Ibid.,  i.  356  sqq. 

*  The  '  quiet  but  persistent  suppression  by  bishop,  preacher  and 
zealous  mayor,  of  local  plays  and  pageants  throughout  England  during 
the  middle  years  of  the  sixteenth  century  ' — Cambridge  History  of  English 
Liiterature,  vi.  378. 

*  I  do  not  wish  to  suggest  that  any  connection  was  claimed  or  admitted 
to  exist  between  the  Reformation  and  the  sixteenth-century  agrarian 
revolution,  which  was  in  fact  denounced  by  many  religious  reformers. 


of  simplification,  sweeping  aside  the  encumbrances  of  an 
obsolete  system,  and  preparing  the  way  in  the  one  case  fcr 
a  more  rational  worship,  in  the  other  for  a  more  efficient 
use  of  material  resources.  Both  too,  though  in  varying 
degrees,  involved  a  removal  of  ancient  landmarks  and  of 
elements  which  lay  near  the  roots  of  social  life.  Further 
analysis  carries  us  within  the  range  of  those  intellectualist 
fallacies  which  are  famihar  in  the  economic  writings 
of  a  later  age.  Certain  essentials  of  progress  are  defined 
with  a  latent  assumption  that  the  minds  of  the  people 
will  respond  to  the  same  train  of  motives  and  ideas  that 
has  governed  the  aims  of  the  reformer ;  and  reform 
comes  to  be  identified  with  a  change  of  system  which 
eliminates  the  source  of  existing  abuses.  It  is  less 
clearly  seen  that  the  removal  of  elements  which  may  be 
turned  to  a  wrong  use  may  mean  the  loss  of  elements 
of  potential  value  ;  that  a  change  of  system  may  mean 
the  destruction  of  an  order  of  things  which  possessed 
for  the  uneducated  a  meaning  and  value  of  its  own, 
and  the  substitution  of  new  standards  of  thought  and 
conduct  too  remote  from  their  experience  to  exercise 
an  effective  influence  on  their  lives. 

Some  such  analysis  is  necessary  to  a  full  under- 
standing of  the  demorahsation  which  seems  in  many 
cases  to  have  followed  the  course  of  the  enclosure 
movement,  and  of  the  religious  state  of  the  poor  in 
the  eighteenth  century.  In  one  respect  the  history  of 
social  reconstruction  is  a  record  of  lost  opportunities, 
of  a  sacrifice  of  ethical  principle  in  the  interests  of 
efficiency.  The  old  religious  order  had  exercised  social 
faculties  whose  growth  was  checked  with  the  progress 
of  reform  ;  the  open-field  system  contained  elements  of 
permanent  social  worth,  which  disappeared  more  or 
less  gradually  in  the  enclosed  parish ;  and  it  may  be 
suggested  that  the  faculty  of  self-government  exercised 


in  a  rudimentary  form  in  the  old  manorial  assemblies 
found  no  legitimate  expansion  under  the  new  phase 
of  paternal  autocracy.  In  another  respect  a  study 
of  social  history  shows  the  necessity  of  continually 
adjusting  the  means  of  education  to  new  social  condi- 
tions, if  progress  is  to  be  more  than  a  surface  movement. 
It  may  be  seen,  on  an  inquiry  into  the  sources  of  im- 
provement, that  progress,  whether  religious  or  economic, 
is  as  much  an  effect  as  a  cause  of  advance  in  civilisation. 
The  new  religion  follows  the  new  learning ;  the  new 
agriculture  proceeds  from  the  influences  of  commerce 
and  a  growing  intercom'se  of  the  landlord  class  with 
the  outer  world.  ^  It  is  a  legitimate  inference  that, 
as  the  leaders  of  reform  have  passed  through  a  phase  of 
mental  preparation,  so  the  masses  in  their  turn,  if  they 
are  to  participate  actively  in  the  scheme  of  progress, 
must  be  raised  to  a  new  level  of  intelligence.  The  most 
direct  illustrations  of  this  principle  are  found  in  the 
history  of  religion.  Educational  effort  among  the  poor 
in  the  eighteenth  century  w  as  awakening  to  the  truth, 
imperfectly  realised  at  the  time  of  the  Reformation, 
that,  before  new  forms  of  worship  or  opinion  can  obtain 
a  vital  hold  on  the  minds  of  the  people, '  some  intellectual 
change  must  first  have  taken  place.  "*  Later  on,  when 
the  results  of  previous  discipline  came  to  be  tested  by 
the  removal  of  population  into  urban  areas,  there  is 
evidence  which  suggests  that  the  strongest  instances 
of  religious  attachment  among  the  industrial  classes 
were  found  in  the  Roman  Church  which  had  adhered 

*  We  may  note  during  the  seventeenth  century  the  influx  of  com- 
mercial elements  into  the  landlord  class,  and  the  necessity  which  impelled 
the  older  families  to  increase  their  income  '  by  marriage  or  trade  '  as 
a  means  of  maintaining  their  position — ,Johnson,  op.  cit.,  77  sq.  A  writer 
in  1667  notices  a  change  in  the  outlook  of  the  country  gentry ;  '  more 
of  them  have  seen  the  use  and  manners  of  men,  and  more  apply  them- 
selves to  traffic  and  business  than  ever ' — quoted  Sydney,  Social  Life  in 
England,  1660-90,  158  sq. 


to  the  older  forms  of  spiritual  appeal,  and  in  denomina- 
tions of  recent  growth  where  religious  revival  had  been 
accompanied  by  a  zeal  for  education.^ 

The  reforms  of  the  period  have  never  been  sufficiently 
examined  in  their  bearing  on  the  mental  growth  of 
the  peasantry.  Belonging,  as  they  do,  in  a  special 
sense  to  the  history  of  another  class,  they  come  of  a 
wider  range  of  social  evolution  than  is  covered  by  the 
growth  of  rural  communities,  and  are  ultimately  a  product 
of  forces  acting  from  without  on  the  structure  of  rural 
life,  breaking  the  continuity  of  its  traditions,  and  im- 
posing on  the  masses  a  form  of  discipline  more  or  less 
disconnected  with  the  antecedent  stages  of  their  growth. 
We  see  here  the  beginnings  of  a  process  familiar  in  the 
later  history  of  education,  and  exemplified  in  recent 
times  in  the  manifold  reactions  of  urban  on  rural  life 
and  the  application  to  the  country  of  policies  primarily 
designed  to  suit  the  needs  of  the  town.  There  is  also 
some  indication  of  general  causes  which  contribute  to 
the  result.  Defective  reform  seems  closely  related  to  a 
defective  conservatism  ;  the  dangers  of  oppressive  inter- 
ference from  without  to  the  absence  or  impractica- 
bihty  of  a  gradual  reconstruction  from  within.    The 

1  Cf.  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Social  Condition  of  the  People  (1850),  i.  593, 
contrasting  the  adaptation  of  Roman  Catholic  worship  to  the  needs  of  the 
poor  with  Protestant  services  which  he  regards  as  too  intellectual ;  the 
educational  influences  of  Methodism  I  have  discussed  elsewhere.  There 
is  a  good  deal  in  the  history  of  this  period  to  support  Buckle's  argument  that 
the '  religion  of  mankind  is  the  eflFect  of  their  improvement,  not  the  cause 
of  it.'  MandeviUe's  protest  that  the  Church  service  and  catechising  should 
meet  the  spiritual  needs  of  the  poor  '  without  the  assistance  of  reading  and 
writing '  {Essay  on  Charity  and  Charity  Schools,  352  sq.)  is  an  indirect 
testimony  to  the  fact  that  his  opponents,  in  founding  schools,  had  come 
to  realise  the  need  of  some  leverage  in  the  way  of  general  education  to 
raise  the  labouring  class  to  the  level  of  religious  instruction.  This  is 
more  directly  suggested  by  an  account  of  the  weekday  schools  established 
by  Griffith  Jones  in  Wales  in  the  eighteenth  century,  with  the  object  of 
preparing  the  poor  by  reading  and  Bible  study  for  the  Simday  worship 
and  catechetical  instruction — Phillips,  Wales,  Social  Condition,  etc.,  296  sq. 


displacements  which  accompanied  enclosure  at  the  end  of 
the  eighteenth  centmry  were  the  nemesis  of  a  long  period 
of  inaction  which  had  suffered  abuses  to  accumulate  in  a 
system  fraught  with  decay.  The  suppression  of  amuse- 
ments, which  formed  part  of  the  programme  of  moral 
reform,  was  a  reaction  from  the  lax  discipline  which  had 
spread  demoraHsation  in  earlier  years.  ^  The  defects 
of  paternal  government  wiU  be  found  to  consist  much 
less  in  acts  of  repression  than  in  failure  to  reconstruct.' 

The  study  of  education  cannot  be  divorced  from 
that  of  the  social  system  in  which  it  arises.  One  of 
the  reasons  which  have  been  assigned  for  the  growth  in 
Scotland  of  a  democratic  scheme  of  education,  is  that  a 
strong  educational  tradition  had  been  estabhshed  there 
before  society  was  divided  by  the  influx  of  wealth.  One 
of  the  reasons  for  its  absence  in  England  has  been  traced 
to  the  decay  of  the  small  freeholder  class,  commencing 
at  the  time  when  sixteenth- century  endowments  were 
affording  a  wider  access  to  liberal  studies.  In  Scotland, 
again,  the  Keformation  produced  a  relatively  democratic 
form  of  Church  Government,  from  which  liberal  tra- 
ditions derived  support.  In  England  the  course  of 
religious,  as  of  pohtical,  reconstruction  moved  in  a 
different  du-ection. 

Attention  has  been  drawn  to  a  central  fact  in  the 
social  history  of  the  period — the  growing  ascendancy 

^  Webb,  English  Local  Government,  i.  69,  398,  366  sq. 

^  It  is  much  easier  to  note  the  absence  of  a  rural  policy  than  to  discuss 
the  extent  to  which  remedies  were  available.  But  it  is  legitimate  to 
mention  a  group  of  proposals  which  bear  on  the  issues  raised  in  the  text, 
and  might,  if  advanced  earlier,  have  formed  the  nucleus  of  a  broad  con- 
ception of  rural  reform;  (1)  the  allotment  schemes  of  Arthur  Young 
and  others  which  aimed  at  retaining,  after  enclosure,  some  of  the  social 
benefits  of  the  open-field  system  ;  (2)  the  plea  for  instruction,  and  Eden's 
ideal  of  a  higher  recreation,  as  a  means  of  raising  the  level  of  social  life 
(State  of  the  Poor,  i.  446) ;  (3)  a  passage  in  Marshall's  Eural  Economy  of 
Yorkshire  (1788  ;  i.  28  sq.),  which  foreshadows  a  scheme  of  parish  councils 
suggested  by  certcdn  surviving  examples  of  the  manorial  court. 


and  prestige  of  an  order  which,  deriving  regular  powers 
of  jurisdiction  from  the  Crown,  gradually  absorbed 
the  functions  of  earlier  quasi- judicial  assemblies  and 
exercised  an  increasing  control  over  local  affairs.  The 
ideal  squire  became  the  pivot  of  rural  society,  the  '  regu- 
lator of  manners,'  the  '  settler  of  disputes,'  the  supreme 
guardian  of  the  poor,  the  leader  of  religion  and  social 
lile,  the  pioneer  of  agrarian  retorms ;  as  a  magistrate, 
he  took  over  many  of  the  disciplinary  powers  of  the 
manorial  court,  a  process  which  finds  a  parallel  in 
the  frequent  substitution  of  close  for  open  vestries 
during  the  period  immediately  following  the  Reforma- 
tion ;  ^  and  there  is  a  further  example  of  the  same 
monarchic  tendency  in  the  consolidation  of  landed 
estates  which  was  at  once  the  basis  and  the  most  visible 
sign  of  political  power.  It  is,  here,  instructive  to  turn 
to  a  group  of  communities  whose  social  order  presented 
a  striking  contrast  to  the  normal  type;  an  example 
of  which,  possessing  certain  features  of  special  interest, 
may  be  taken  from  Marshall's  account  of  the  township 
of  Pickering  in  the  North  Riding  of  Yorkshire.  The 
district  is  occupied  by  a  multitude  of  small  freeholders, 
many  of  them  holding  estates  which  *  have  fallen,  by 
lineal  descent,  from  the  original  purchasers.'  *  No 
great  man,  nor  scarcely  an  esquire,  has  yet  been  able 
to  get  a  footing  in  the  parish ;  or,  if  any  one  has,  the 
custom  of  "portioning  younger  sons  and  daughters  by  a 
division  of  lands  has  reduced  to  its  original  atoms  the 
estate  which  may  have  been  accumulated.'  Its  affairs 
are  administered  by  a  jury  of  the  township,  which  not 
only  attends  to  the  public  concerns  of  the  community, 
but  acts  also  as  arbiter  in  private  disputes.  ^    A  similar 

^  Webb,  op.  cit,  i.  91,  182.     Cf.  Hammond,  Village  Labourer,  16-18. 
*  Marshall,  Rvral  Economy  of  Yorkshire  (1788),  i.  20-29 ;   the  italics 
are  mine. 


social  formation  was  observed  by  Arthur  Young  in  the 
Isle  of  Axholme.  It  meets  us  again  in  societies  of 
*  statesmen '  in  the  Lake  District,  which  had  known 
neither  esquire  nor  pauper  '  within  the  memory  of  man/ 
and  which  were  found  recruiting  their  own  clergy  and 
sustaining  their  social  life  without  the  intervention  of 
any  higher  rank.  The  case  of  Pickering  is  peculiarly 
instructive.  The  subdivision  of  the  soil  is  here  definitely 
connected  with  a  rule  of  succession  more  ancient  than 
that  generally  upheld  by  English  Law ;  and  there  is 
external  evidence  suggesting  a  descent  from  one  of  those 
settlements  of  small  freemen  which  had  come  to  occupy 
the  position  of  '  self-governing  townships  '  within  some 
of  the  larger  manorial  combinations  of  the  feudal  period. 
One  of  the  marks  which  distinguish  these  townships 
is  the  absence  of  hall  and  demesne,  indicating  a  re- 
latively independent  group  of  tenants,  often  farming 
their  own  dues  and  free  from  the  incidents  of  personal 
servitude.  In  any  case  their  dependence  would  be  in 
the  main  tributary ;  and  there  is  in  many  instances  a 
direct  transition  *  from  the  rendering  of  produce  to  pay- 
ment in  money,  without  the  intermediate  stage  of 
labour  arrangements  which  were  the  most  usual  and 
important  expression  of  the  manorial  system  in  other 
places.'  Their  history  illustrates  the  evolution  of  a 
social  unit,  not  only  antecedent  to  the  manor,  but 
capable  of  developing  without  the  direct  interference 
of  the  manorial  authority  in  its  internal  affairs.  It 
represents,  as  nearly  as  possible,  the  natural  growth 
of  the  village  community  when  the  causes  are  absent 
which  convert  it  into  the  manorial  group.  ^ 

1  Vinogradoff,  op.  cit.,  395-8,  328,  322,  136.  He  remarks  that,  what 
he  defines  as  the  characteristics  of  the  '  self-governing  township,'  are 
found  especially  in  the  case  of  communities  of  sokemen,  '  that  is  of  organi- 
sations of  tenants  emphatically  free '  (136)  ;  the  description  seems  to 
apply  to  Pickering  (436,  n.  1),  where  the  course  of  development  into  a 


It  is  difficult,  in  criticising  these  communities,  to 
improve  on  the  language  suggested  by  a  comparatively 
recent  observation  of  analogous  groups  in  British  India. 
It  is  contended  '  that  they  secure  a  large  amount  of 
comfort  and  happiness  for  the  families  included  within 
them,  that  their  industry  is  generally,  and  that  their 
skill  is  occasionally,  meritorious ' ;  but  *  their  admirers 
certainly  do  not  claim  for  them  that  they  readily  adopt 
new  crops  and  new  modes  of  tillage,  and  it  is  often 
admitted  that  they  are  grudging  and  improvident  owners 
of  their  waste  land/  ^  Another  and  kindred  defect 
was  their  failure  to  deal  with  a  problem  which  was,  in 
fact,  never  adequately  solved  by  Teutonic  townships — 
that  of  preserving  a  balance  between  *  landholding  and 
population. '  A  normal  result  of  economic  progress  was 
the  concentration  of  shares  in  the  hands  of  a  dominant 
minority.  Even  where  a  more  regular  distribution  was 
secured  by  equal  inheritance,  there  was  a  tendency  for 

community  of  freeholders  was  probably  much  the  same  as  in  the  Soke 
of  Rothley  (c/  135-7). 

To  appreciate  the  force  of  these  examples,  one  must  go  back  to  Maine's 
distinction  between  *  the  tribe  and  the  tribal  chief  as  distinct  sources  of 
positive  institutions,'  '  property  in  land '  having  arisen  '  partly  from  the 
disentanglement  of  the  individual  rights  of  the  kindred  or  tribesmen  from 
the  collective  rights  of  the  family  or  tribe,  and  partly  from  the  growth 
and  transmutation  of  the  sovereignty  of  the  tribal  chief '  ;  and  to  his 
further  generaUsation  that,  whereas  in  France  the  '  land-law  of  the  people ' 
triumphed  ultimately  (at  the  Revolution)  over  the  '  land-law  of  the  nobles,' 
in  England  the  converse  process  has  taken  place — ^the  '  system  of  the 
nobles  has  become  in  all  essential  particulars  the  system  of  the  people ' 
{Early  History  of  Institutions,  120  sq.,  124);  In  the  case  of  Pickering  there 
are  stiU  clear  traces  of  the  '  land-law  of  the  people,'  e.g.  in  the  custom  of 
gavelkind  (c/,  ibid.,  124  sq.),  while  Marshall's  description  of  the  gradual 
division  of  its  common  fields  and  meadows  '  hy  commission '  suggests  a 
final  stage  in  the  growth  of  several  ownership  (arising  '  from  the  dis- 
entanglement of  the  individual  rights  of  the  landred  or  tribesmen  from 
the  collective  rights  of  the  family  or  tribe  '). 

*  Maine,  ViUage  Communities,  162  sqq.  Marshall  suggests  this  Umita- 
tion :  it  is  the  large  landholder  (whose  advent  leads  to  the  transformation 
of  the  community)  who  makes  improvements.  His  account  of  the  en- 
closure of  commons  in  Pickering  seems  to  point  especially  to  the  neglect 
of  wagte-landfl  by  the  landholders  of  the  township  {op.  cit.,  i.  54). 


the  group,  as  it  lost  its  power  of  absorption,  to  develop 
the  characteristics  of  a  close  corporation.     It  would 
seem,  indeed,  that  many  of  these  '  free  communities  * 
were  composed,  from  an  early  period,  of  aristocracies 
of  the  conquering  race  and  subordinate  groups  of  cottars 
or  bordarii,  who,  as  their  name  implies,  stood  in  some 
measure  outside  the  commonwealth  of  the  township. 
It  is  possible  that  the  picture  of  such  a  society  in  the 
last  stage  of  dissolution  is  to  be  found  among  those 
derelict  and  anarchic  types,  not  uncommon  at  the  close 
of  the  eighteenth    century,   where  a  small  clique  of 
well-to-do  farmers  are  discovered  exercising  an  uncon- 
trolled tyranny  over  a  mass  of  poverty-stricken  and 
brutalised  dependents.  ^     But,  while  these  societies  may 
illustrate  by  their  defects  the  advantages  of  paternal 
government,  they  suggest  also  an  alternative  to  what  in 
England  was  the  normal  course  of  social  evolution.    Their 
dissolution  came  of  a  combination  of  forces  which  are 
found  everywhere  disintegrating  the  old  economic  order 
and  the  social  life  connected  with  it ;  but  it  is  not  un- 
important that  in   distant  parts  of  the  country  these 
influences  were  delayed.     Marshall's  account  of  the  town- 
ship of  Pickering — with  its  numerous  yeomanry  who 
have  recently  dissolved  the  partnership  of  the  open-field 
by  mutual  agreement,  while  retaining  a  consistent  control 
of  their  common  affairs — is  the  picture  of  a  community 
which  comes  within  measurable  distance  of  reorganisa- 
tion  on  modern  co-operative  principles.     In  different 
parts  of  the  North  at  this  period  we  seem  to  find  the 
materials  which  formed  the  basis  of  rural  co-operation 

^  Cf.  Hannah  More's  account  of  Cheddar  (Somerset)  and  adjoining 
parishes  {Letters  to  Wilberforce,  in  Life  of  H.  More  (anonymous)  ).  Maine, 
op.  cit.,  201,  has  some  interesting  remarks  on  the  growth  of  close  corpora- 
tions in  open-field  settlements  in  New  England. 


in  Denmark  in  later  years,  in  a  society  similarly  con- 
stituted and  among  men  of  the  same  northern  breed. 
We  shall  discover,  too,  the  germ  of  intellectual  interests, 
which  might  have  found  expression  in  something  akin  to 
the  Danish  Folk- Colleges.  But  English  energy  was  to 
be  diverted  into  another  channel ;  the  idea  of  a  new 
rural  civilisation  was  to  be  indefinitely  postponed. 

(2)  The  Growth  of  Irvdustrialism^  Manufacturing  Tovms 
and,  Mining  Settlements 

A  *  plain  country  fellow  '  might  answer  the  descrip- 
tion of  the  old  satirist — as  one  that  *  manures  his  ground 
well  but  lets  himself  lye  fallow  and  untilled  ' — and  yet 
fulfil  that  which  was  expected  of  him,  keeping  a  good 
home,  living  decently  in  health  and  moderate  comfort, 
and  rearing  hardy  and  courageous  sons  for  the  service 
of  their  country.  It  was  in  these  respects  that,  towards 
the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century,  the  *  agricultural 
life '  was  held  to  compare  most  favourably  with  the 

*  condition    of    manufacturers.'    Eden    asks    whether 

*  application  to  a  few  mechanical  processes  which  an 
improved  state  of  manufactures  usually  requires '  was 
not  a  cause  of  the  disorderly  living  prevalent  among 
highly  paid  artisans  ;  and  he  proceeds  to  assert,  as  an 
accepted  commonplace,  the  superiority  enjoyed  by  one 
engaged  in  the  *  varying  operations  of  husbandry,'  '  in 
domestic  comfort  ...  in  certainty  of  work  and  conse- 
quent independence/  and  in  a  life  '  favourable  to  health, 
to  morals  and  to  religion.'  ^  The  verdict  of  Adam  Smith 
is  even  more  decided.  *  Not  only  the  art  of  the  farmer 
.  .  .  but  many  inferior  branches  of  country  labour  '  are 

»  State  of  the  Poor,  i.  440. 


more  conducive  to  breadth  of  mind  than  *  the  greater 
part  of  the  mechanic  trades. '  ^ 

In  such  estimates  there  is  an  element  which  re- 
quires little  corroboration.  That  the  agricultural  were 
normally  superior  to  the  manufacturing  classes  in  domes- 
tic virtue  and  contentment,  is  attested  by  cumulative 
evidence  from  many  quarters.  Nor  is  there  any  doubt 
that  quality  of  occupation  was  an  important  factor 
in  the  difference.  The  tailoring  trade  had  already  sup- 
plied a  striking  instance  of  the  demoralising  effects  of 
seasonal  employment  coupled  with  a  degree  of  specialisa- 
tion which  degraded  workmanship  from  an  art  to  a 
routine  ;  ^  and  the  effects  of  physical  and  mental  strain 
were  no  less  apparent  in '  mechanic  '  industries  demand- 
ing a  higher  type  of  skill  and  intelligence.  *  Joseph/ 
writes  Watt,  of  one  of  the  few  mechanics  who  gave  him 
satisfaction,  '  has  pursued  his  old  habit  of  drinking  in 
a  scandalous  manner,  until  the  very  enginemen  turned 
him  to  ridicule,'  .  .  .  but  '  he  has  done  much  good  at 
his  leisure  hours.  .  .  .  He  has  had  some  hard  and  long 
jobs,  and  consequently  merits  some  indulgence  for  his 
foibles. '  ^  The  emphasis  which  is  laid  on  the  evils  of 
specialisation,  is  partly  accounted  for  by  the  transition 
through  which  industry  and  social  thought  were  pass- 
ing at  the  period.  Considering  the  place  which  crafts- 
manship had  occupied  in  English  educational  tradition, 
it  was  natural  to  assume  that  an  ever-growing  division 
of  labour  meant  an  inevitable  decay  of  character  and 
intelligence.  The  modern  view  of  specialisation,  which 
sees  in  it  a  means  of  economising  the  time  and  energy 

^  The  labourer's  '  understanding  .  .  .  being  accustomed  to  consider 
a  greater  variety  of  subjects,  is  generally  much  superior  to  that  of  the 
other  {i.e.  the  town  mechanic),  whose  whole  attention  ...  is  commonly 
occupied  in  performing  one  or  two  very  simple  operations' — Wealth  of 
Nations,  bk,  i.  oh.  x.  pt.  2. 

*  Webb,  Trade  Unionism,  26. 

•  Smiles,  Lives  of  the  Engineers :  Boulion  and  Watt,  196. 


of  the  worker  and  thereby  affording  him  a  fuller  share 
of  culture  and  social  life,  is  based  on  the  experience 
that  a  process  which  has  become  purely  mechanical 
may  be  performed  by  machinery.  To  say  that  a  par- 
ticular employment  had  ceased  to  educate  might  mean 
that  human  energy  had  been  set  free,  which  would 
produce  good  or  evil  results  according  to  the  nature 
of  the  pursuits  in  which  it  found  an  outlet.  The  poor 
stocking-weavers  composing  the  Methodist  circle  at 
Nottingham,  who  showed  an  *  uncommon  gentleness 
and  sweetness  in  their  temper  and  something  of  ele- 
gance in  their  behaviour,'  ^  supplied  an  answer  to  many 
fatalistic  assumptions ;  and  against  the  dissipation 
engendered  by  monotonous  and  exacting  toil  must  be 
set  examples  of  a  higher  culture  which  were  found 
chiefly  among  the  manufecturing  classes,  and  the  habit 
of  reading  which  was  characteristic  of  certain  sedentary 
employments.  On  the  other  hand,  a  further  stage 
of  economic  progress  might  redress  the  balance,  by 
placing  employment  on  a  new  intellectual  footing. 
The  darker  side  of  industrial  evolution  appears  in  the 
subordination  of  the  worker  to  the  machine ;  but  a 
comparison  of  field-labour  with  the  '  mechanic  trades  ' 
suggests  also  a  contrast  between  two  types  of  intelli- 
gence— between  the  wisdom  of  tradition  and  experience, 
of  which  husbandry  and  the  old  order  of  craftsmanship 
illustrated  different    aspects, ^  and  the  talent    shown 

*  Wesley,  Journal,  June  18,  1777. 

*  '  Most  of  the  labourers  employed  (in  the  construction  of  the  Bridge- 
water  Canal)  were  of  a  superior  class,  and  some  of  them  were  "  wise  "  or 
"  cunning  "  men,  blood-stoppers,  herb-doctors,  and  planet-rulers,  such  aa 
are  still  to  be  found  in  the  neighbourhood  of  Manchester.  Their  very 
superstitions  .  .  .  made  them  thinkers  and  calculators.  The  foreman 
bricklayer,  for  instance,  as  his  son  used  afterwards  to  relate,  always 
"  ruled  the  planets  to  find  out  the  lucky  days  on  which  to  commence  any 
importeint  work,"  and,  he  added,  "  none  of  our  work  ever  gave  way."  The 
skilled  men  had  their  trade  secrets,  in  which  the  unskilled  were  duly 
initiated — simple  matters  in  themselves,  but  not  without  their  uses ' — 
Smiles,  Brindhy,  210-212. 


in  a  combination  of  manual  dexterity  with  a  knowledge 
of  scientific  principles.  Side  by  side  with  the  vision 
of  unthinking  drudgery,  rendered  more  thoughtless  and 
monotonous  by  a  progressive  division  of  labour,  came  an 
increasing  demand  for  intelligent  workmanship.  The 
incompetence  which  baffled  a  generation  of  inventors 
at  an  early  stage  of  the  Industrial  Revolution,  affords 
some  measure  of  the  scope  for  mental  expansion  which 
new  forms  of  industry  were  destined  to  create. 

The  influence  of  urban  surroimdings  is  a  factor 
which  enters  more  and  more  into  these  comparisons.  A 
formula  describing  the  rural  districts  as  '  more  ignorant, 
contented  and  happy,  than  enlightened,  industrious  and 
ambitious,'  may  be  taken  as  the  starting  pomt  of  a 
controversy  which  reveals,  perhaps  more  clearly  than 
any  other  example,  the  differences  of  temperament 
underlying  all  sectarian  disputes.  One  writer  has  a 
vision  of  '  villages  abounding  with  health  ;  conmaercial 
cities  with  disease '  and  intoxication.  Another  con- 
trasts the  freedom  and  business  energy  of  Birmingham 
with  the  dreariness  of  his  native  ^'illage  and  the 
behaviour  which  he  witnessed  on  a  visit  to  Bosworth, 
where  the  inhabitants  set '  their  dogs  at  us  in  the  streets, 
merely  because  we  were  strangers.  *  '  Human  figures,  not 
their  own,  are  seldom  seen  in  those  inhospitable  regions : 
surrounded  with  impassable  roads,  no  intercourse  with 
man  to  humanize  the  mind,  no  commerce  to  smooth  their 
rugged  manners,  they  continue  the  boors  of  nature.'  * 
Assertions  of  this  kind,  from  either  side,  are  not  hkely 
to  stand  the  test  of  criticism.  It  is  not  difficult,  in 
the  eighteenth  century,  to  discover  rural  slums  whose 
social  condition  seems  to  exaggerate  the  worst  features 
of  the  manufacturing  town.  A  decayed  rural  civil- 
isation wears  an  appearance  more  ghastly  than  the 

^  Hutton,  History  of  Birmingham,  63  sq. 


chaotic  beginnings  of  urban  life.  The  triumph  of 
barbarism  and  a  collapse  of  civil  and  religious  discipline 
are  found  alike  in  the  crowded  thoroughfare  and  over 
the  secluded  country-side.  But  rural  society  is  not  to 
be  judged  by  its  worst  examples ;  and,  in  following 
the  course  of  urban  development,  it  is  legitimate  to 
distinguish  the  case  of  newly  developed  districts,* 
where  towns  were  a  sign  of  industrial  activity  and  the 
demand  for  labour  kept  pace  with  an  increase  in  the 
supply,  from  the  purlieus  of  older  cities  where  an  influx 
of  population  added  to  the  turmoil  of  a  community 
already  suffering  from  the  evils  of  overcrowding  and 
misgovernment.  Too  much  importance  may  be  attached 
to  descriptions  of  the  Metropolis.  Then,  as  now,  it 
constituted  a  special  problem,  and  from  the  time  of 
Elizabeth  had  been  developing  characteristics  the 
legacy  of  which  remains  to  the  present  day. 

It  is  necessary  to  bear  in  mind  the  twofold  nature 
of  the  transition  through  which  England  was  passing, 
and  which  was  destined  to  convert  a  predominantly 
rural  and  agricultural  into  a  predominantly  urban  and 
manufacturing  community.  Town  life  was  awakening 
new  energies  which  carried  special  problems  and  dangers 
in  theii-  train.  It  was  evoking  the  humanising  in- 
fluences of  a  wider  life,  but  a  life  of  surpassiog  difficulty 
which  required  to  be  learnt.  Just  as  the  division  of 
labour  created  a  mental  void  which  was  to  be  fiUed 
by  the  call  of  wider  interests,  so  nothing  less  than  a 
new  form  of  social  organisation  was  demanded  by  the  en- 

^  Smiles,  Brindley,  272-4,  refers  to  the  opening-up  of  the  Pottery 
districts  of  Staffordshke  after  the^^construction  of  the  Grand  Trunk  Canal. 
Its  effect  was  '  not  only  to  employ  but  actually  to  civilise  the  people.' 
He  quotes  Wesley — '  I  returned  to  Burslem :  how  is  the  whole  face  of 
the  country  changed  in  about  twenty  years  !  Since  which,  inhabitants 
have  continually  flowed  in  from  every  side.  Hence  the  wilderness  is 
literally  become  a  fruitful  field.  Houses,  villages,  towns,  have  sprung  up, 
and  the  country  is  not  more  improved  than  the  people.' 


vironment  in  which  an  increasing  part  of  the  community 
were  to  pass  their  days.  The  interest  of  this  phase  of 
urban  growth  lies  in  the  impression  which  it  conveys  of 
a  gradual  differentiation  of  one  form  of  social  settlement 
from  another,  of  the  emerging  of  a  new  order  of  social 
life  from  the  ruins  of  the  old.  As  manufacture  and 
husbandry  were  still  in  the  process  of  dissolving  partner- 
ship, so  the  town  continued  to  maintain  a  strugghng 
connection  with  the  life  and  habits  of  the  country-side. 
Down  to  the  early  years  of  the  nineteenth  century 
the  weavers  of  Spitalfields  had  gardens  in  the  neighbour- 
hood of  Bethnal  Green ;  the  artisans  of  Birmingham, 
on  the  outskirts  of  the  town.^  On  the  other  hand, 
many  of  the  darker  aspects  of  urban  life  may  be  explained 
by  the  decay  of  institutions  which,  however  suitable 
to  the  needs  of  a  rural  parish,  broke  down  rapidly  under 
the  pressure  of  a  growing  population  and  unprecedented 
demands,  2  and  by  the  survival  of  rustic  pastimes  m  an 
atmosphere  which  led  to  their  corruption  and  de- 
basement. But  this  is  not  the  sum  of  the  difference. 
That  which  distinguishes  a  growing  town  from  an  over- 
grown village  is  a  sense  of  building  on  new  foundations, 
the  forming  of  new  social  groups,  the  slow  awakening 
of  corporate  consciousness,  the  yearning  for  self-realisa- 
tion on  a  higher  social  and  intellectual  level.     Already 

^  Select  Committee  on  Public  Libraries,  1849,  Q.  2732 ;  Ltingford, 
Century  of  Birmingham  Life,  ii.  283,  314,  440. 

*  Webb,  English  Local  Government,  i.  69-91,  207,  233-45.  The 
purlieus  of  growing  cities  were  the  special  resort  of  the  '  Trading  Justices  ' 
(328-33) ;  the  magistrates  of  Middlesex  were  the  worst  of  their  order. 
The  most  notorious  specimen  was  Joseph  Merceron,  who  obtained  an 
ascendancy  in  Bethnal  Green  by  tolerating  dog-fighting  and  buUock- 
hunting  in  the  streets  and  allowing  unlimited  license  in  the  liquor  trade ; 
on  his  fall  in  1818  the  Rector  set  up  a  school,  which  had  been  previously 
prevented,  and  some  measure  of  order  was  restored  by  the  enrolment  of 
special  constables  (ibid.,  i.  83-7).  This  helps  to  explain  the  extraordinary 
state  of  affairs  described  by  the  Rector  in  1816  ;  Select  Committee  on  Edu- 
cation (1816),  209,  234. 


the  elements  of  a  new  order  were  crystallising  into 
some  definite  shape.  Its  beginnings  may  be  traced, 
partly  in  the  gradual  process  of  reorganisation  which 
here  and  there  transformed  a  tumultuous  vestry  into 
an  effective  instrument  of  popular  government,^  partly 
also  in  the  sporadic  growth  of  institutions  which  were 
to  give  an  intellectual  background  to  social  hfe — the 
theatre,  the  museum,  the  musical  society  and  the 
debating  club,  and  the  more  remarkable  scientific  and 
naturahst  associations  which  were  formed  among  the 
Huguenot  silk- weavers  of  Spitalfields.^ 

If  the  growth  of  manufacturing  communities  marked 
a  new  stage  in  the  process  of  economic  differentiation, 
opening  access,  in  spite  of  many  initial  disadvantages, 
to  a  higher  level  of  social  opportunity,  the  mining 
settlements  arose  under  conditions  which  seemed  to 
combine  the  evils  of  town  and  country  life  without  any 
of  their  refinements — one  of  those  products  of  indus- 
trial development  which  appear  like  a  survival  of 
organised  savagery  in  the  heart  of  a  modern  civihsation. 
The  population  employed  in  mines  and  collieries 
formed  no  inconsiderable  part  of  the  labouring  classes 
of  Great  Britain,  though  the  assertion  that  they 
numbered  in  1756  upwards  of  a  hundred  thousand  is 
httle  more  than  rhetorical  guesswork.^  The  pecuhar 
conditions  of  their  employment,  and  of  an  existence  at 
once  gregarious  and  secluded,  had  set  a  stamp  on  their 
character  and  physique  which  marked  them  off,  in 
general,  from  the  rest  of  the  conmaunity  almost  as  a 
distinct  race.  They  had  a  dress,  manners  and  speech  of 
their  own,  and  were  sometimes  of  a  different  stock  from 

»  Webb,  op.  cU.,  i.  134. 

«  Smiles,  Huguenots  in  England  and  Ireland,  336  sq. ;  Sydney,  England 
and  the  English  in  the  Eighteenth  Century,  i  61. 

'  Vindication  of  Natural  Society,  quoted  Eden,  op.  cit.,  I  416. 


the  surrounding  peasantry.^  In  the  records  of  the 
eighteenth  century  they  stand  as  a  type  of  ignorance, 
roughness,  and  irregular  living,  and  as  a  type  of  misery 
and  exceptional  privation.  They  came  to  occupy,  in 
some  degree,  the  same  place  in  the  public  imagination 
that  was  afterwards  assigned  to  the  factory  operatives. 
The  long  hours  of  confinement  in  an  unhealthy  atmos- 
phere, the  absence  of  supervision,  the  constant  separa- 
tion of  parent  and  child,  and  the  general  disturbance  of 
family  life,  foreshadowed  many  of  the  problems  which 
were  to  arise  in  connection  with  the  factory  system ; 
and  it  is  in  the  mining  colonies  that  we  find  some  of  the 
earliest  examples  of  those  organised  schemes  of  social 
betterment  which  have  developed  with  the  growth  of 
large  industrial  establishments.  ^  If  we  except  certain 
sketches  of  rural  society,  they  are  perhaps  the  only 
group  among  the  labouring  class  of  whom  any  vivid 
impressions  are  to  be  derived  from  eighteenth-century 
literature,  thanks  to  their  backward  condition,  which 
brought  them  under  the  notice  of  one  of  those  simple 
enthusiasts  in  whom  sympathy  has  developed  some  of 
the  qualities  of  a  great  artist.  Wesley  was  the  first 
to  appreciate  the  Titanic  element  in  their  life  and  char- 
acter— a  life  of  colossal  immoderation  in  weird  harmony 
with  the  wildness  of  nature,  and  yet,  in  a  sense,  essen- 
tially innocent  and  unspoiled ;  a  wildness  broken  by 
strange   silences ;    a  boisterous  humour  that  melted 

^  Knight's  Quarterly  Magazine,  1823,  art.  '  Stafiordshire  Collieries.' 
^  E.g.  Duke  of  Bridgewater's  Model  Village  with  Sunday  Schools 
and  a  scheme  for  controlling  debt ;  the  Duke's  colliers  '  soon  held  a  higher 
character  for  sobriety,  intelligence  and  good  conduct  than  the  weavers 
and  other  workpeople  of  the  adjacent  country ' — Smiles,  BrindUy,  231. 
Young  {.Northern  Tour,  ii.  288  sqq.)  notices  that  a  large  proprietor  at 
Swinton  had  presented  each  of  the  colliers  on  his  estate  with  an  allotment, 
on  the  condition  of  their  cultivating  the  ground  in  their  leisiuB  hours. 
Cf.  Reports  of  the  Society  for  Bettering  the  Condition  of  the  Poor,  vol.  i. 
app.  i.  (1798). 


suddenly  in  large  and  simple  emotions  when  the  magic 
chord  was  touched.  He  had  the  merit  of  recording 
those  minor  episodes  which  disclose  at  a  glance  the 
individuality  of  a  people  or  neighbourhood  and  give 
the  atmosphere  of  a  dramatic  scene.  He  tells  us  of  the 
old  collier, '  not  much  accustomed  to  things  of  this  kind/ 
who  shouted  *  for  mere  satisfaction  and  joy  of  heart ' ; 
how  at  a  vast  gathering  from  the  lead  mines  about 
Newcastle  he  noticed  a  row  of  children  *  under  the 
opposite  wall,  all  quiet  and  still ' ;  and  of  the  tribute 
paid  by  a  small  colliery  town  in  Cumberland,  where 
*  the  poor  people  had  prepared  a  kind  of  pulpit  for  me, 
covered  at  the  top  and  on  both  sides,  and  had  placed 
a  cushion  to  kneel  upon  of  the  greenest  tuif  in  the 

The  refining  of  this  raw  material,  which  forms  one  of 
the  most  attractive  episodes  in  educational  history,  may 
be  said  to  commence  with  the  Methodist  Revival.  In 
Cornwall,  one  of  the  strongholds  of  the  movement, 
there  is  a  unique  example  of  the  change  which  may  be 
wrought  in  the  character  and  outlook  of  a  people,  where 
education  is  combined  with  a  steady  advance  of  economic 
opportunity.  The  Cornish  miners  enjoyed  a  relatively 
independent  status  owing  to  the  custom  of  joint- venture 
and  profit-sharing  peculiar  to  the  district.  This  arrange- 
ment made  it  necessary  for  them  to  reckon  possibili- 
ties and  to  acquaint  themselves  with  the  mechanism 
of  their  trade,  and  developed  a  degree  of  mental 
energy  which  came  to  distinguish  them  from  the  mass 
of  workers  throughout  the  country.^    The  system  had, 

^  '  In  Cornwall  the  mines  are  worked  strictly  on  the  system  of  joint 
adventure ;  gangs  of  miners  contracting  with  the  agent,  who  represents 
the  owner  of  the  mine,  to  execute  a  certain  portion  of  a  vein  and  fit  the 
ore  for  market,  at  the  price  of  so  much  in  the  poimd  of  the  sum  for  which 
the  ore  is  sold,'  etc. — J.  S.  Mill,  Political  Economy  (ed.  Ashley),  765.  Cf. 
Warner,  T(mr  through  Cornwall  (1809),  297  sqq. 


also,  the  disadvantages  inherent  in  all  forms  of  specula- 
tion, and  demanded  a  sense  of  responsibility  and  self- 
restraint  which  did  not  exist  at  the  outset.     Social 
history  presents  few  phenomena  more  striking  and  well 
attested  than  the  contrast  between  the  riotous  life  which 
during  the  early  years  of  the  century  plunged  the  whole 
neighbourhood  in  debt  and  degradation,  and  the  im- 
proved  state   of  manners   and   intelligence   which   is 
discovered  at  its  close.     The  change  may  be  fairly 
ascribed  to  two  forces  working  together  on  a  tempera- 
ment naturally  susceptible  and  alert.     Methodism,  by 
its  civilising  influence,  prepared  the  way  for  economic 
improvement ;    the   advance   of   industry,   producing 
steadier  conditions  of  employment,  encouraged  a  higher 
standard  of  living  and  removed  obstacles  to  spiritual 
growth.     Both  influences  wrought  through  educational 
channels,  and  combined  in  developing  a  more  com- 
plete type  of  personality.     If  Methodism  deepened  the 
spiritual  consciousness   of  the  people  and  made  them 
responsible  for  the  religious  training  of  their  children, 
economic  progress  helped  to  enforce  the  claims  of  secular 
knowledge.     By  the  close  of  the  century  there  were 
said  to  be  few  miners  in  the  district  unacquainted  '  with 
the  lower  branches  of  arithmetic  ' ;   and,  owing  to  the 
attention   paid   to   improvements   in   machinery   and 
technique,  a  good  miner  had  generally  some  knowledge 
of  practical  geometry.  ^ 

(3)  Regiotml  Survey ;  Historic  Factors  in  the  Social 
Evolution  of  Differe7it  Areas 

A  study  of  social  Hfe  in  different  parts  of  England  is 
continually  revealing  characteristics  which  appear  to 
have  no  immediate  or  necessary  connection  with  local 

^  Warner,  loc.  cit. 


surroundings  and  to  be  explained  most  easily  by  the 
intrusion,  of  some  foreign  influence.  It  is  difficult  to 
avoid  connecting  some  of  the  customs  ascribed  to  the 
weavers  of  Spitalfields  in  the  early  years  of  the  last 
century  with  the  traditions  of  an  old  Huguenot  settle- 
ment ;  and  the  same  stream  of  immigration  may  help 
to  explain  certain  forms  of  cultuie  which  flourished 
among  kindred  groups  in  the  manufacturing  districts 
of  the  North.  ^  But  the  growth  of  the  French  quarter 
in  London,  and  the  dispersion  of  Huguenot  settlers 
throughout  the  country,  have  an  historical  interest 
far  outweighiug  their  direct  contribution  to  national 
industry  and  social  progress.  They  illustrate,  in  a 
comparatively  recent  example,  the  effects  of  a  long 
process  of  conflict  and  assimilation  which  has  been  the 
making  of  England,  extending  back  beyond  the  period 
of  the  Norman  Conquest  to  those  more  remote  ages  of 
colonisation  when  the  island  was  a  battle-ground  of 
races  and  a  network  of  loosely  organised  states. 

The  history  of  this  process  may  be  read  in  place- 
names,  dialects,  and  monumental  remains,  and  no  less 
in  local  diversities  of  character  and  custom.  Ethical 
peculiarities  are  attributed  to  different  districts  by  a 
consensus  of  eighteenth- century  evidence,  which  preserve 
the  traces  of  earlier  divisions  of  nationality  and  race. 
The  same  strenuous,  seK-reliant  qualities,  persisting 
through  every  change  of  circumstance,  distinguish  the 

^  The  Spitalfields  weavers,  in  the  early  half  of  the  nineteenth  century, 
were  classed  among  the  poorest  and  most  ignorant  of  the  population  ;  yet 
they  displayed  a  love  of  birds  and  flowers  {Committee  on  Public  Libraries, 
1849,  Q.  2731  sq.),  and  formed  libraries  {ibid.,  Q.  2709).  Smiles  {Hugue- 
nots in  England  and  Ireland,  335-7)  mentions  the  love  of  flowers  among 
examples  of  the  cultxu'e  which  he  ascribes  to  the  original  members  of 
the  French  colony  in  this  district.  '  Others  of  the  immigrants,'  he  says, 
'who  settled  in  Manchester  and  Macclesfield,  carried  thither  the  same 
love  of  flowers  and  botany  which  still  continues  to  characterise  their 


areas  to  North  and  East  which  had  been  replenished  by  a 
strong  admixture  of  Germanic  and  Scandinavian  stocks ; 
while  the  far  West,  which  had  been  the  chief  strong- 
hold of  Celtic  resistance,  presents  an  equally  marked  and, 
in  many  ways,  a  complementary  group  of  characteristics, 
essentially  the  same  as  those  ascribed  to  its  population 
in  Roman  times.  ^  A  further  source  of  evidence  has 
been  opened  by  economic  research.  *  One  is  inclined 
to  suppose,'  says  a  modem  writer, '  that  the  introduction 
of  each  new  element  in  the  population  of  a  village — 
Saxon,  Angle,  Dane  and,  in  a  less  degree,  Norman — 
profoundly  modified  earlier  customs,  and  that  in  each 
part  of  Britain  a  local  type  of  village  comimunity  resulted 
from  the  blending  of  different  racial  traditions.  This 
hypothesis  is  directly  suggested  by  the  evidence  of 
recent  economic  survivals.  The  most  familiar  type  of 
village  community  is  characteristic  of  the  Midlands.  .  .  . 
It  is  most  easily  conceived  as  a  compound  of  the  pure 
Keltic  system,  known  in  the  Highlands  and  Ireland  as 
Run-rig  or  Rundale,  and  the  North  German  system 
traditional  among  the  Angles,  in  which  the  two  elements 
in  equal  strength  are  very  perfectly  blended  together. 
In  the  South  of  England  we  find  a  different  type  .  .  . 
in  which  the  influence  of  Keltic  tradition  is  more 
strongly  seen.  The  village  community  in  Norfolk  and 
the  adjoining  parts  of  Suffolk  shows  some  remarkable 
special  features  .  .  .  which  appear  to  be  easily  ac- 
counted for  as  a  result  of  the  later  intrusion  of  Scan- 
dinavian tradition.  Further,  throughout  the  West 
of  England,  from  Cumberland  to  Devon  and  Cornwall, 
we  find   evidence  that  the  primitive   type  of   village 

1  Cf.  Warner,  Walk  through  Wales  (1797),  178-84,  and  T(yur  through 
Cornwall  ( 1809),  348-59  ;  also  Marshall's  accounts  of  the  labouring  classes 
in  his  works  on  the  Rural  Economy  oj  Yorkshire,  of  Norfolk,  and  of  the 
West  oJ  England. 


community  approximated  very  closely  to   the  Keltic 
Run-rig/ 1 

It  becomes  evident,  as  we  pmrsue  this  line  of  inquiry, 
that  racial  influence  is  crossed  by  another  group  of 
forces  equally  potent  as  a  cause  of  differentiation.  The 
qualities  and  traditions  which  each  new  element  in  the 
population  imports,  are  modified  by  fusion  with  other 
elements  and  by  the  pressure  of  physical  surroundings. 
Much,  again,  that  has  been  attributed  to  racial  habit, 
may  be  traced  more  generally  to  geographical  and 
political  causes  which  favoured  in  each  case  a  particular 
form  of  settlement.  2  This  leads  back  to  an  inquiry 
which  has  been  already  outHned.  Must  we  assume,  at 
the  outset,  an  essential  separation  between  the  races 
predominating  in  different  parts  of  the  country  ?  Or  are 
alleged  *  differences  in  kind  '  in  reality  little  more  than 
differences  *  in  degree  of  development '  ?  How  far, 
for  example,  may  conditions  which  survived  in  the 
Celtic  West  be  taken  as  characteristic  of  a  society  still 
continuing  in  the  tribal  and  pastoral  stage,  fiom  which 
other  races  have  already  emerged  at  the  time  of  their 
settlement  on  English  soil  ?  The  conception  here 
suggested  postulates  a  normal  course  of  evolution 
through  which  different  areas  advance  successively 
towards  a  common  level  of  civilised  life,  differing  from 
one  another  meanwhile  in  social  characteristics  according 
to  the  stages  which  they  have  reached  at  a  given  period. 
It  may  be  seen,  at  any  rate,  that  the  groups  formed 
during  the  iaitial  periods  of  colonisation  fell  continu- 
ously under  the  sway  of  forces  which  moulded  the  frame- 
work of  national  life.  As  the  country  became  more 
settled,  the  influences  which  or^inally  separated  the 

^  Slater,  English  Peasantry  and  the  EncUmire  of  Common  Fields,  6  eg. ; 
c/.  ch.  XV. 

»  Vinogradoff,  op.  cit.,  263-303. 


local  units  diminished,  while  the  unifying  forces,  arising 
from  a  wider  range  of  political  and  economic  develop- 
ment, increased  in  importance.  Differentiation  would 
come  to  depend  less  on  local  peculiarities  of  race  and 
environment,  and  more  on  the  rate  at  which  the  new 
influences  travelled. 

It  may  be  admitted  that  this  conception  is  most 
easily  illustrated  by  comparing  large  tracts  of  territory 
which  were  conquered  and  peopled  by  closely  allied 
branches  of  the  Teutonic  race.  The  Norfch,  down  to  the 
time  of  the  Industrial  Revolution,  is  continually  repro- 
ducing social  phenomena  which  are  found  in  the  South 
at  an  earlier  epoch.  Its  condition  at  the  period  of  the 
Norman  Conquest  betrays  evidence  of  a  more  recent 
influx  of  colonists,  and  it  succumbed  less  readily  than 
the  South  to  feudal  organisation.^  In  the  sixteenth 
century,  when  the  feudal  order  was  rapidly  breaking 
down  under  the  pressure  of  a  powerful  central  govern- 
ment, it  retained  a  foothold  in  the  northern  shires ;  ^ 
their  agrarian  arrangements  being  of  the  rigid  type 
that  had  once  prevailed  in  the  South  and  East  and  had 
there  yielded  to  the  dissolving  influences  of  industry 
and  commerce.^  The  same  phenomenon  recurs  at  a 
later  period.  In  descriptions  of  Lancashire  and  York- 
shire on  the  very  eve  of  the  Industrial  Revolution  we 
find  rural  communities  still  passing  through  the  phase 
of  peasant  proprietorship  which  had  reached  its  zenith 
in  more  advanced  agricultural  districts  two  centuries 

^  Cf-  Vinogradoff's  remarks  on  the  contrast  between  the  '  strongly 
manorialised  South '  and  the  North  with  its  '  heterogeneous  mass  of 
tenures  in  which  the  small  freemen  still  play  a  great  part '  {op.  cit.,  57  sq.), 
and  on  survivals  of  the  '  soke  '  side  by  side  with  the  '  manor  '  in  the 
North  (322  etc.) ;  also  his  general  conclusion  that  '  the  Saxon  South 
had  gone  through  approximately  the  same  stages  as  the  Scandinavian 
North,  but  had  already  arrived  in  the  eleventh  century  at  the  goal  reached 
by  the  northern  districts  only  in  the  twelfth  and  thirteenth  centuries, 
imder  the  influence  of  the  Normans '  (134,  cf.  441). 

*  Tawney,  Agrarian  Problem  in  the  Sixteenth  Century,  189  sq, 

»  Ibid,,  57,  64r-66j 



earlier ;  ^  a  system  of  trade  and  industry  in  wliich 
economic  functions  are  less  clearly  differentiated  than 
in  the  older  manufacturing  centres  of  the  South  and 
West ;  ^  and  a  social  life  which  is  correspondingly  frugal 
and  self-contained.  Nor,  if  we  consider  the  wider  re- 
actions of  a  social  order  at  this  stage  of  transition,  is  it 
fanciful  to  compare  the  spread  of  Methodism  among 
the  Yorkshire  peasantry  with  the  effects  of  Wycliffite 
tradition  in  the  villages  of  the  South  at  an  earlier  epoch, 
or  to  see  in  the  north-country  grammar  schools  down 
to  the  close  of  this  period  the  signs  of  a  desire  for  educa- 
tion among  the  poorer  classes,  recalling  the  traditional 
England  of  the  fifteenth  century  when  a  prosperous 
yeomanry  had  '  put  their  sons  to  school/  ^  But  there  is 
clearly  more  to  be  said  of  the  history  of  different  areas 
than  is  contained  in  the  conception  of  social  change 
extending  gradually  from  the  centre  to  the  circum- 
ference. To  illustrate  successive  stages  of  economic 
evolution,  it  is  necessary  to  pass  continually  from  one 
neighbourhood  to  another.  The  antecedents  of  the 
factory  system  must  be  sought  rather  among  the 
exploited  industries  of  the  South- West  than  in  the 

^  Mr.  Tawney's  account  of  the  growth  of  peasant  prosperity  between 
the  first  decay  of  the  manorial  system  and  the  agrarian  revolution  of 
the  sixteenth  centiuy  may  be  paralleled  in  many  essential  points  by 
Marshall's  survey  of  East  Yorkshire  in  1782  (Rural  Economy  of  Yorkshire) : 
e.g.  such  incidents  as  the  numerous  small  owners,  the  active  manorial 
courts  dealing  with  the  corporate  interests  of  the  community  (Marshall, 
i.  28  sq.),  the  open  land-market  deaUng  in  small  estates  (Marshall,  i.  30 ; 
c/.  Tawney,  60),  the  protective  custom  of  tenant  right  (Marshall,  L  24 ; 
c/.  Tawney  136),  the  gradual  re-allotment  and  enclosure  of  holdings  and 
the  colonisation  of  waste  lands  by  peasants  (Marshall,  i.  52 ;  c/.  Slater, 
op.  cit.,  230 ;   Tawney,  70,  157,  165  sq.). 

*  The  Yorkshire  woollen  industry  remained  in  the  hands  of  small  crafts- 
men marketing  their  produce,  down  to  the  rise  of  the  factory  system, 
whereas  the  woollen  manufacture  in  the  South- West  had  long  been  con- 
ducted on  a  specialised  system  of  wage  labour — Webb,  Trade  Unionism, 
28-30 ;  cf.  Sroiles'  description  of  the  Manchester  manufacturer  of  the  early 
eighteenth  century :  '  part  shopman,  part  weaver  and  part  merchant, 
worMng  hard,  living  frugally,  principally  on  oatmeal,  and  usually  contriv- 
ing to  save  a  httle  money '  (Smiles,  Lives  of  the  Engineers  ;  Brindley,  160). 

»  Cf.  Tawney,  134. 


simpler  conditions  which  prevailed  in  the  North  down 
to  the  latter  half  of  the  eighteenth  century.  Norfolk 
loses  its  supremacy  as  an  industrial  centre  only  to 
become  a  pioneer  of  capitalist  agriculture.  The  South- 
West,  losing  its  manufactures,  relapses  into  a  position 
of  relative  obscurity.  Wales,  with  her  prolonged 
independence  terminated  abruptly  by  the  English 
conquest,  has  a  history  of  her  own.  The  same  sequences 
of  cause  and  effect  are  very  far  from  being  repeated  in 
different  parts  of  the  country  ;  nor  is  there  any  exacb 
resemblance  between  corresponding  stages  of  their 
growth.  The  mass  of  detail  which  is  lost  in  contempla- 
ting from  a  distance  the  march  of  civilisation  becomes 
aU  important  in  an  assessment  of  educational  values. 
Between  two  districts  equally  backward  in  outward 
appearances  there  may  be  the  vast  difference  which 
separates  an  arrest  of  progress  from  a  slow  advance  to 

Though  it  is  legitimate  to  lay  stress  on  the  action 
of  centralising  forces,  political  and  economic,  which 
made  for  national  unity  and  a  common  civilisation, 
to  assume  that  the  areas  affected  by  these  influences 
passed  through  the  same  course  of  social  experience 
is  to  suppose  not  only  that  physical  resources  were 
equally  distributed,  but  also  that  the  materials  cast 
into  a  common  mould  were  homogeneous  or  at  least 
uniformly  plastic.  It  is  seen,  on  closer  inspection, 
that  the  local  units,  which  gradually  coalesced  to  form 
a  national  community,  exhibited  important  varieties 
of  structure  and  contained  the  seeds  of  different 
social  formations.  One  group  of  factors,  differentiating 
local  characteristics,  must  have  exercised  a  paramount 
influence  from  the  earliest  times.  It  would  make  a 
considerable  difference  to  the  outlook  and  habits  of  a 
community,  whether  the  conditions  of  soil  and  situation 


gave  a  bias  towards  pastoral  or  agricultural  pursuits ; 
whether  they  encouraged  a  compact  or  a  scattered  mode 
of  settlement ;  whether  there  was  much  or  little  room 
for  expansion ;  whether  the  '  farmer  has  to  perform 
his  task  in  an  isolated  homestead '  or  '  joins  in  a  vast 
agricultural  undertaking  where  a  definite  place  and 
share  are  assigned  to  him  on  condition  of  his  following 
the  rules  and  customs  adopted  by  the  community.' 
Another  group  consists  in  the  survival  and  interaction 
of  racial  habits  and  ideas. 

Both  factors  helped  to  determine  the  original  form 
of  settlement,  and,  through  the  bias  which  they  gave 
to  its  subsequent  expansion,  exercised  an  important 
influence  on  character  and  social  habits.  The  gradual 
process  of  enclosure,  which  is  characteristic  of  the  West 
and  some  parts  of  the  North  from  an  early  period,  may 
be  connected  with  certain  incidents  arising  from  the 
pastoral  character  of  these  districts.^  Early  enclosure 
is  also  likely  to  arise  from  some  peculiarity  in  the 
original  forms  of  tenure  or  distribution  of  the  soil. 
There  is  an  antecedent  probability  that  one  of  the 
main  factors  in  the  economic  orgamsation  of  the  West 
must  be  sought  in  the  legacy  of  customs  derived  from 

^  Cf.  Slater,  op.  cit,  159  sq.  Dr.  Slater  refers  to  CJomwall  and  Devon 
and  the  north-western  shires  as  typical  of  those  parts  of  the  country 
where  the  '  division  of  rotermixed  arable  and  meadow  land  took  place 
early  and  gradually,  and  in  subordination  to  the  reclamation  of  the  waste  * : 
the  result  being  a  '  creation  of  numberless  small  holdings  and  properties  ' 
and  the  opening  of  a  career  to  the  '  enterprising  and  laborious.'  He 
adds  the  significant  comment  that  some  explanation  of  the  great  part 
played  by  the  men  of  Devon  in  the  Elizabethan  age  may  be  found  in  the 
stiffening  influence  of  this  discipline,  in  the  '  reaction  upon  the  character 
of  the  people '  of  a  hard -won  triumph  over  '  rocky  soU,  woodland  and 
moor '  (261).  Substantially  the  same  course  of  gradual  enclosure  and 
colonisation  of  the  waste  land  seems  to  have  been  pursued  widely  through 
the  West  and  North  ;  it  appears  in  the  North  and  West  Ridings  of  York- 
shire from  the  middle  of  the  sixteenth  century,  in  Durham  about  a  himdred 
years  later — the  movement  gradually  extending  towards  the  Scottish 
border  as  the  country  was  pacified  (226,  230,  260). 


Celtic  tradition.^  Here  it  is  to  be  observed  that  national 
systems  of  law,  which  developed  with  the  growth  of  a 
central  governing  power,  covered  only  a  part,  though 
an  increasing  part,  of  the  field  of  economic  and  social 
relations  and  were  themselves  largely  derived  from 
earlier  local  usage.  In  the  struggle  between  custom 
and  national  law,  the  former  gradually  sank  into  a 
subordinate  position ;  but  there  remained  continuous 
traces  of  a  network  of  provincial  and  local  institutions 
over  which  the  central  power  extended  its  control,  and 
for  an  indefinite  period  what  most  intimately  con- 
cerned the  mass  of  the  population  in  the  affairs  of  daily 
life  was  not  the  law  of  the  land,  but  the  customs  of  the 
township  or  manor  in  which  their  lot  was  cast.  The 
process,  moreover,  by  which  a  common  law  was  defined 
in  the  Royal  Courts,  was  anticipated  in  the  systematisa- 
tion  of  provincial  usage  in  the  pre-feudal  assemblies  of 
the  shire.  In  this  way  important  varieties  of  custom 
were  established  over  definite  areas,  whose  influence 
may  be  traced  in  certain  cases  through  the  feudal  period 
and  into  later  times.  The  numerous  and  independent 
yeomanry  who  survived  in  Kent  in  the  eighteenth 
century  were  the  product  of  a  land  law  firmly  rooted 
before  the  Norman  Conquest.  ^ 

*  Dr.  Slater  is  inclined  to  attribute  the  '  priority  of  enclosure '  in  the 
West  partly  to  Celtic  influence  {op.  cit.,  162) ;  he  remarks  that  '  fluidity 
in  the  tenure  of  the  soil,  which  is  one  of  the  characteristics  of  the  Celtic 
run-rig  as  compared  with  the  Anglo-Saxon  common-field  system,  favours 
the  separation  of  properties  and  holdings  at  the  time  when  co-aration 
ceases  to  be  practised  '  (243),  also  that  the  absence  of  rights  of  common- 
age over  the  arable,  which  presented  obstacles  to  enclosure  and  are  absent 
from  open  arable  fields  through  the  West  and  North- West,  is  apparently  a 
characteristic  of  run-rig  (178,  265).  Vinogradoff,  op.  cit.,  267,  attributes 
the  '  single  farm  and  hamlet  arrangement '  on  the  Welsh  border  to  the 
'  tribal  habits  of  the  Celts,  subjected  to  Norman  sway,  but  still  keeping 
to  their  customs,'  including  the  '  rearrangement  and  scattering  of  home- 
steads in  consequence  of  divisions  and  re-divisions  among  heirs.' 

*  '  Not  only  is  the  system  of  agrarian  measures  quite  peculiar  there 
(Kent)  .  .  .  but,  not  long  after  the  Conquest  we  find  a  whole  body  of 


iThe  historic  division  between  the  '  Anglo-Saxon ' 
and  the  '  Anglo-Danish '  halves  of  the  kingdom  is 
marked  by  two  broad  varieties  of  law  at  one  time  in 
concurrent  use.  The  two  systems,  however,  were  nearly 
allied  ;  and  the  phenomenon  to  be  observed  in  this 
case  is  not  so  much  the  continued  influence  of  Scandi- 
navian institutions  in  the  North  Eastern  areas  as  the 
persistence  of  ideas  and  elements  of  organisation  which 
may  be  paralleled  in  the  condition  of  the  South  at  an 
earlier  period.^  The  North  throughout  its  history  never 
loses  the  shadow  of  that  older  Teutonic  society  which 
'  might  have  resulted  in  something  more  akin  to  the 
formation  of  Denmark  or  Norway  than  to  that  of 
England  as  it  has  come  to  be/ 

It  is  clear  that  the  social  structure  reared  after  the 
Norman  Conquest  had  to  embrace  societies  at  very 
different  stages  of  development.  In  the  districts  to 
North  and  East,  covering  frontier  territories  recently 
settled  by  hosts  of  warlike  freemen,  the  new  order 
found  materials  less  prepared  than  in  the  South,  where 
the  differentiation  between  warriors  and  labourers,  and 
the  process  of  rounding  ofE  estates  under  separate 
landlords,  had  already  matured.  There  is  evidence, 
in  fact,  in  the  Domesday  inquest,   of  a  transitional 

customary  rules  in  force  in  the  county  which  are  directly  opposed  to 
those  prevailing  in  the  rest  of  England.  Socially,  the  most  important 
of  these  is  the  famous  rule  of  Gafolcund  (gavelkind),  succession  demanding 
equal  division  among  heirs  .  .  .  and,  needless  to  say,  the  enforcement 
of  this  rule  produced  a  very  different  system  of  holdings  from  that 
commonly  prevailing  in  feudalised  counties.  .  .  .  With  aU  its  accompany- 
ing circumstances,  it  accounts  probably  for  the  startling  fact  recognised 
by  exponents  of  Common  Law  in  the  thirteenth  century,  namely  that 
there  was  no  villeinage  in  Kent  in  the  later  legal  sense,  that  is,  no  servile 
population  holding  at  the  will  of  the  lord.  .  .  .  Customs  similar  to  gavel- 
kind may  be  noticed  in  this  or  the  other  place  outside  Kent,  but  these 
would  be  rooted  in  manorial  usage  and  not  in  county  law,  whereas  the 
rules  enumerated  in  the  Kentish  custumal  may  be  considered,  if  one  may 
use  the  expression,  as  the  Common  Law  of  the  shire  ' — Vinogradoff,  92-4. 
1  Vinogradoff,  Introduction. 


stage  in  the  growth  of  the  manorial  system,  brought 
about    by    the    extension    of    the    lord's    jurisdiction 
over  settlements  of  free  tenants  and  others  formerly 
answerable  to  the  hundred  and  the  shire.     The  groups 
thus  formed  are  said  to  be  '  under  soke  '  or  *  in  the  soke 
of '  their  lord  ;    the  '  soke '  as  a  territorial  division 
being  in  the  nature  of  a  jurisdictional  district  added 
to  an  estate.^    To  such  the  manorial  court  is  primarily 
a  centre  of  civil  jurisdiction  and  political  authority. 
Economic  subjection  comes  as  an  adjunct  to  political 
dependence  ;  but  the  burden  is  fixed  and  in  the  nature 
of  a  contract ;  ^   nor  is  there  much  scope  or  necessity 
for  manorial  interference  in  the  internal  management 
of  these  subject  communities."^    These  features  may  be 
observed,  to  a  great  extent,  in  all  large  manorial  com- 
binations, where  the  authority  of  the  hall  as  an  admin- 
istrative centre  extends  over  a  number  of  scattered 
settlements.     It   is   to   be   noticed   that   '  socmen   as 
members    of    jurisdictional    sokes '    have    a    special 
prominence  in  the  counties  of  the  Danelaw,  particularly 
in  Lincolnshire,  but  also  *  in  Nottinghamshire,  York- 
shire, Norfolk,  and  Suffolk.'  *    In  the  North,  including 
the  East  Anglian  shires,  the  soke  survives  as  a  distinct 
institution, '  side  by  side  with  the  manor  and  in  combina- 
tion with  it,'  'a  piece  of  public  administration  broken 
off  from  the  hundred  and  granted  to  a  private  lord,  but 
still  retaining  its  public  features ' ;    in  the  South,  it  is 
*  almost  entirely  merged  into  the  manor,  while  socmen 
and  freemen  appear  only  exceptionally  and  the  court  of 
the  manor  has  to  attend  to  all  jurisdictional  business.'  ^ 
Corresponding  differences  are  seen  in  the  growth  of 

^  Vinogradoff,  135.  »  Ihid.,  133  sq.,  322,  436. 

»  Ihid.,  136  ;  c/.  328  sq.  (with  special  reference  to  manors  of  the  North 
and  East). 

*  Ibid.,  436.  «  Ibid.,  134,  322. 


the  feudal  military  system.  In  the  North  it  is  based 
rather  on  a  *  regular  repartition  of  service '  between 
agrarian  groups  than  on  *  a  selection  of  particular 
estates '  for  military  obligation.  In  some  cases  the 
fees  have  to  be  '  taken  over  ...  by  entire  communities 
of  sokemen/  an  arrangement  which  at  once  approxi- 
mates to  earlier  conditions  of  service  in  the  pre- 
feudal  levies  and  deprives  the  feudal  service  of  its 
most  characteristic  feature,  a  'personal  contract  of 

Now  there  is  no  d  priori  ground  for  assuming  that 
these  distinctions,  and  the  social  contrasts  which  they 
imply,  continued  without  modification  through  the 
feudal  age ;  still  less,  that  the  position  of  the  socman, 
or  of  the  freeman  under  soke,  necessarily  corresponded 
to  that  of  the  freeholder  of  later  times.  Political  sub- 
jection was  a  step  towards  economic  dependence,  and 
the  contrast  between  the  Danelaw  and  other  parts  of 
the  country  was  continually  reduced  by  a  gradual 
assimilation  of  the  free  with  the  servile  elements  on  an 
estate  and  by  the  fusion  of  the  soke  and  the  manor.  ^ 
Nevertheless,  there  are  features  in  the  later  history 
of  these  districts  which  refer  back  to  the  contrasts  sug- 
gested in  the  Domesday  record.  The  large  proportion 
of  freeholders  which  is  found  on  manors  of  Norfolk  and 
Suffolk  in  the  sixteenth  century  has  plainly  some 
connection  with  the  exceptional  independence  which 
the  free  tenants  and  socmen  of  this  neighbourhood 
had  been  able  to  assert  after  the  Conquest ;  ^  and 
perhaps  similar  historical  causes  may  explam  the  *  inde- 
pendency '  which  characterised  parts  of  Yorkshire  at 
a  still  later  period.*    The  territory   which,  in  Domes- 

*  VinogradofF,  57  sq. ;  cf.  85  sq.  *  Ibid.,  134  aq, 
»  Ihid.,  105,  331 ;  Tawney,  op.  cit.,  26  sq. 

*  Marsliall,  Bural  Economy  of  Yorkshire,  i.  257  sq. 


day,  is  the  chief  centre  of  jurisdictional  sokes,  includes 
areas  which  in  the  eighteenth  century  are  occupied  by 
settlements  of  small  proprietors  ^  and  where  the  demo- 
cratic element  in  rural  institutions  is  exceptionally 
strong.  2  Another  line  of  evidence  is  suggested  by  the 
evolution  of  tenant-right  on  the  northern  border. 
Though  the  general  history  of  the  North  shows  that 
the  vast  majority  of  small  landholders  passed  into  the 
position  of  customary  tenants,  it  does  not  follow  that 
those  who  fell  within  this  category  formed  a  homo- 
geneous class,  as  regards  social  status  or  security  of 
tenure.  The  border  warfare  had  filled  Cumberland 
and  Westmoreland  and  parts  of  the  adjoining  shires 
with  a  mass  of  sinall  occupiers,  holding  their  land,  as 
was  generally  supposed,  on  the  condition  of  providing 
contingents  for  service  against  the  Scots.  ^  Its  cessation 
after  the  union  of  the  English  and  Scottish  Crowns, 
gave  rise  to  a  struggle  between  landlord  and  tenant, 
extending  over  a  long  period  and  bearing  some  analogy 
to  the  social  conflicts  which  occurred  in  the  Danelaw 
in  the  eleventh  century.  In  many  cases  the  tenants 
relapsed  into  a  rightless  condition  ;  in  others,  especially 
in  the  Lake  District,  they  emerged  as  freeholders.  But 
the  immediate  issues  of  the  struggle  are  of  less  signifi- 
cance than  the  state  of  society  which  it  exhibits  and 
the  spirit  which  it  evoked.  Some  importance  must  be 
attached  to  the  tradition  preserved  among  the  Cumber- 
land '  statesmen '  that  they  had  inherited  their  land 
from  pre-Norman  times ;  *  and  to  the  plea  advanced 
during  the  struggle,  and  apparently  substantiated  in 
one  case  by  a  judicial  verdict,  that  *  though  the  tenants 
had  been  undoubtedly  liable  to  border  service,  it  was 

1  Cf.  Slater,  op.  cit„  53.  «  Ibid.,  85. 

^  Ferguson,  History  of  Westmoreland,  128. 

*  Kitchin,  Ruakin  at  Oxford  and  other  Studies,  63. 


no  part  of  the  service  of  their  estates,  nor  done  by  order 
or  direction  of  their  lords,  but  was  part  of  their  general 
allegiance  and  subjection,  and  done  by  order  of  the  lord 
warden  of  those  parts. '^  It  would  seem  that  in  these 
troubled  warlike  regions,  where  the  fighting  farmer  was 
bound  to  the  king's  service  and  to  the  defence  of  his 
homestead,  the  social  order  had  perpetuated  traditions 
of  citizenship,  at  once  older  and  in  a  sense  more  demo- 
cratic, than  those  which  developed  normally  under  feudal 
influences — the  immemorial  heritage  of  a  colonising 
race.  Nor  is  it  merely  in  scattered  instances  that  this 
continuity  is  suggested.  The  North,  as  a  whole,  down 
to  the  Industrial  Revolution,  retains  many  of  the  char- 
acteristics of  a  frontier  state,  a  land  of  colonists  and 
adventurers,  with  vast  undeveloped  resources  and  great 
tracts  of  untenanted  soil.  What  followed,  marks  the 
concluding  phase  in  a  long  process  of  colonisation 
extending  back  to  the  dawn  of  history.  The  frontier 
spirit  is  manifest — both  for  good  and  evil — in  those 
who  led  the  way  to  untold  labours  and  unmeasured 

(4)  North  and  West 

The  neighbourhood  of  the  English  Lakes,  extending 
northwards  to  the  border  and  back  towards  Lonsdale 
and  the  Yorkshire  moors,  was  a  region  at  this  time 
comparatively  unknown ;  a  land  peopled  in  the  main 
by  descendants  of  a  powerful  Norse  colony  with  rem- 
nants of  an  earlier  Celtic  stock ;  little  affected  by  the 
stream  of  immigration  which  had  followed  the  growth 
of  commerce  aroimd  its  borders ;  and  yet,  by  reason 
of  its  seclusioiii,  possessing  a  peculiar  interest  as  a  store- 
house of  racial  energies,   of  materials  of  which  the 

1  Ferguson,  136. 


Northern  character  was  formed.  ^  Nowhere,  in  the 
districts  reached  by  the  Scandinavian  inroads,  had  there 
been  precisely  the  same  combination  of  circumstances 
strengthening  the  individuality  of  the  early  settlers  and 
the  social  habits  in  which  it  found  expression.  They 
came,  it  would  seem,  to  a  land  much  resembling  their 
original  home  in  climate  and  physical  characteristics : 
from  the  mountains  of  the  Hardanger  to  the  desolate 
fells  and  hill- sides  of  Cumberland,  from  the  Norwegian 
fjord  to  the  English  dale.  They  were  born  of  a  good 
fighting  stock  and  settled  in  a  territory  which  lay 
exposed  for  centuries  to  the  dangers  of  attack.  A 
vigorous  climate  ;  a  hard  life  rewarded  by  simple  plenty 
for  all ;  the  secluded  dale  nestling  in  the  shelter  of  the 
mountains ;  the  challenge  of  a  common  danger  from 
without,  with  its  continuous  lesson  in  self-reliance  and 
hardy  comradeship — these  influences  go  far  to  explain 
the  type  of  character,  at  once  so  limited  and  so  complete, 
which  survived  in  the  Cumberland  '  statesmen '  of  the 
eighteenth  century.  The  social  order  harmonised  with 
these  rude,  wholesome  surroundings.  There  were  numer- 
ous parishes  where  wealth  and  destitution  were  alike 
unknown  ;  and  where  the  place  of  an  upper  class  was 
filled  by  the  *  priest '  and  the  schoolmaster — the  former 
being  little  removed  in  social  position  from  his  flock, 
the  son  of  a  '  statesman,'  living  a  statesman's  life,  till- 
ing his  glebe,  knitting  his  stockings,  and  in  addition 
writing  his  parishioners'  letters  and  instructing  their 
children  from  within  the  chancel  rails.  There  were, 
here,  few  of  those  characteristic  amenities  which  ex- 
cited the  wonder  of  continental  visitors  in  the  home 

^  CJ.  Robert  Ferguson,  Northmen  in  Cumberland  and  Westmoreland  ; 
Dialect  of  Cumberland.  Eichard  Ferguson,  History  of  Westmoreland. 
Collingwood,  Scandinavian  Britain.  Kitchin,  Buskin  at  Oxford  and  other 
Studies  (ch.  ii.  The  Statesmen  of  West  Cumberland).  Hutchinson,  History 
of  Cumberland.    Jollie,  Sketch  of  Cumberland  Manners  and  Customs. 


counties,  from  which  foreign  impressions  of  England 
were  chiefly  derived.  The  hard,  penurious  life  of  the 
small  proprietors  has  been  compared  to  that  of  the 
French  peasantry ;  ^  the  dress  and  diet  of  all  ranks, 
from  the  farmer  to  the  humblest  labourer  or  artificer, 
betrayed  few  of  the  external  marks  of  refinement ; 
and  an  exaggerated  routine  was  relieved  by  an  elaborate 
observance  of  feast-days  and  rustic  traditions,  less  akin 
to  the  measured  rejoicings  of  the  South  than  to  the 
custom  of  other  lands,  where  mediaeval  influences 
had  never  relaxed  their  hold.  And  yet  the  life  of  these 
border  districts  had  advantages  in  the  breeding  of  men, 
a  continuity  of  purpose  not  lightly  to  be  exchanged 
for  the  hazard  of  speedier  progress,  smoother  manners, 
and  greater  ease  of  living.  The  same  impression  of 
maturmg  strength  is  conveyed  in  a  report  sent  home 
by  a  court  emissary  in  the  reign  of  Elizabeth,  and  in  an 
account  of  the  rural  parts  of  Northumberland  returned 
by  a  royal  commission  three  centuries  later.  *  These 
people,*  wrote  Burleigh's  informant,  *  situate  among 
wild  mountains  and  savage  fells,  are  generally  affected 
to  religion,  quiet  and  industrious,  equall  to  Hallyfax  in 
this,  excelling  them  in  civility  and  temper  of  lyfe,  as 
well  as  in  abstaining  from  drink  as  from  other  excesses.' 
Their  history  during  the  intervening  period  might  be 
used  to  illustrate,  by  force  of  contrast,  precisely  those 
respects  in  which  the  experience  of  the  poorer  classes 
was  defective  in  other  parts  of  the  country.  They  were 
left  to  plan  their  own  lives,  unaided  and  unrepressed ; 
they  enjoyed  a  plenteous  supply  of  material  for  the 
household  arts  ;  and  they  were  untouched  by  that  rapid 
change  from  comparative  ease  to  acute  privation  which 

^  Kitchin,  66.  Eden,  op.  cit.,  i.  p.  vii,  notices  the  wearing  of  '  clogs  ' 
instead  of  shoes  ;  the  contrary  practice  in  the  South  of  England  being  a 
point  on  which  foreign  observers  insisted  as  a  sign  of  English  prosperity. 


was  one  of  the  main  causes  of  demoralisation  among 
the  poor  in  the  latter  half  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
The  reason  is,  partly  that  the  influences  of  social 
change  were  slow  to  penetrate  the  extreme  North,  partly 
that  the  course  of  economic  development,  in  its  effect 
on  the  resources  of  the  labourer  and  the  relation  between 
eSort  and  opportunity,  was  essentially  different  in  a 
remote  pastoral  country  and  in  the  well-populated  arable 
districts  of  the  Midlands  and  the  South.  The  advantage 
possessed  by  the  northern  peasantry  in  an  abundant 
supply  of  milk  and  fuel  became  increasingly  important 
as  the  century  advanced ;  and  it  is  a  fact  of  no  less 
significance  that,  while  in  the  Midlands  arable  land  was 
being  converted  rapidly  to  pasture,  the  general  effect 
of  enclosure  in  the  North  and  West  was  to  extend  the 
area  for  tillage  and  with  it  the  means  of  constant 
employment.^  Left  to  themselves,  with  '  difficulties  to 
overcome  and  freedom  to  overcome  them,'  their  advance, 
if  slow,  was  certain  and  continuous,  proportionate  to 
an  increase  of  skill  and  exertion.  There  was  neither 
the  slackening  influence  of  premature  prosperity,  nor 
the  sudden  disturbance  which  was  a  normal  resulfc  of 
economic  progress  where  the  system  of  husbandry  was 
rapidly  changed. 

The  memorials  of  life  in  these  remote  districts  may, 
at  first,  remind  one  of  those  speculations  on  a  natural 
state  of  society  which  engaged  the  philosophers  of  the 
period.  On  the  one  side  is  a  vision  of  endless  drudgery 
and  mean  contentment ;  on  the  other,  an  almost 
idyllic  peace,  approaching  as  near  to  the  essentials  of 
happiness  as  the  conditions  of  human  fife  permit.  The 
next  impression  is  perhaps  that  of  an  exuberant  medley 
of  traditions,  a  genial  confusion  of  ill-assorted  types 

»  Slater,  104  sq. 


blending  together  on  the  distant  landscape.  Much 
is  heard  of  the  *  sameness  of  disposition '  engendered 
by  ancient  pedigree  and  long  sojourning  on  the  same 
plot  of  ground  ;  of  generous,  soHd,  peaceful  quahties,  re- 
lieved on  occasion  by  bursts  of  extravagance  and  pavage 
force  ;  of  a  liking  for  pugilism  and  athletic  exercise ; 
of  a  football  match  played  annually  at  Workington  with 
goals  a  mile  apart  and  no  rules  ;  much,  again,  of  the 
romance  of  a  mountain  country,  and  of  an  occasional 
respect  for  learning  that  is  not  infrequently  the  guerdon 
of  solitude  and  the  heritage  of  long  descent.  And 
over  all  there  is  a  glow  of  sunset,  the  mystery  of  a 
departing  age — the  ancient  merriment  of  Christmas 
and  Twelfth  Night ;  the  lilt  of  the  minstrel's  song ; 
some  quiet  gathering  at  the  Holy  Well,  seeking  the 
spirit  of  *  temperance,  cleanliness,  simpUcity  and  love  ' ; 
and  the  solemn  sound  of  the  mourners  following  in 
long  procession  over  hill  and  dale,  as  one  of  the  brother- 
hood is  borne  to  his  last  resting-place,  with  a  sad  melody 
of  psalms  and  dirges  wafted  on  the  northern  breeze. 

To  those  who  viewed  their  life  at  close  quarters  and 
in  its  quieter  moods,  the  picture  might  unfold  a  clearer 
meaning,  an  underlying  consistency  of  aim.  Eden  was 
drawing  mainly  on  his  knowledge  of  this  neighbourhood, 
when  he  maintained  that  the  poorer  classes  in  the  less 
developed  regions  of  the  North  and  West  made  up  for 
an  apparent  backwardness  in  outlook  and  material 
achievement  by  a  superior  capacity  for  organisation 
and  an  intelligent  thrift  in  the  management  of  simple 
resources.  The  life  of  the  Cumberland  peasantry,  as 
he  saw  it,  was  more  concentrated  and  self-dependent 
than  that  of  their  countrymen  in  the  South.  Despite 
its  rude  exterior  it  was  essentially  richer  and  more  of 
an  art.  Its  roots  lay  in  an  intense  attachment  of  the 
family  to  the  soil,  which  rendered  the  home  a  centre 


of  absorbing  interests — and  here,  again,  we  may  find  a 
closer  parallel  in  the  attitude  and  ideals  of  the  French 
peasantry  than  in  the  prevailing  traditions  of  the  Mid- 
lands and  the  South.  The  cottage  hearth  is  an  altar  on 
which  the  fire  burns  without  ceasing,  day  and  night,  a 
symbol  of  the  unity  and  permanence  of  family  life,  of  the 
wisdom  handed  down  through  many  generations,  of  the 
pride  which  educates  and  keeps  the  afiections  pure. 
Housekeeping  is  carried  on  in  the  patriarchal  fashion, 
with  much  simple  skill  in '  culinary  preparations,'  and  at 
a  great  saving  of  expense  ;  everything  nearly,  in  the  way 
of  dress,  being  a  home  product,  except  hats  and  clogs 
for  outdoor  wear.^  Under  these  conditions  men  might 
drudge  to  any  extent  without  serious  damage  or  loss 
of  temper,  partly  because  thrift  was  practised  as  an 
art,  partly  because  the  affections  extended  natmally 
beyond  the  homestead.  The  intense  sentiment  which 
united  the  members  of  a  domestic  circle  overflowed 
in  reunions  of  friends  and  relatives  in  joy  or  sorrow 
and  at  festive  seasons  of  the  year.  The  same  natural 
co-operation  that  rendered  the  home  self-sufficient 
appeared  at  christenings  and  at  the  marriage  feast,  when 
the  neighbours,  high  and  low,  brought  contributions  in 
kind  to  a  revelry  which  was  not  disgraced  by  '  drunken- 
ness and  riot,'  nor  was  it  costly, '  as  is,  alas,  so  commonly 
the  case  in  more  favoured  regions.'  ^  Thus  family  life 
expands  easily  into  that  of  the  larger  family ;  and  in 
the  interests  which  spring  from  well-ordered  affections 
there  is  a  guiding  influence  which  will  lead  on  to  higher 
purposes,  however  slow  the  ascent.     To  those  who  dwell 

^  Eden,  i.  p.  \ii  sq.,  496, 525,  542,  554.  He  refers  to  the  superior  skill 
in  cookery  of  the  peasantry  of  the  North,  Scotland  and  Wales  :  the  cheap- 
ness of  fuel  and  the  use  of  barley  in  making  soups  being  among  the  reasons 
*  why  the  culinary  preparations  of  the  Northern  peasant  are  so  much 
diversified  and  his  table  so  often  supplied  with  hot  dishes.' 

*  Ibid.,  i.  598  sq. 


with  fondness  on  the  small  beginnings  from  which  move- 
ments arise,  there  is  some  significance  in  an  account  of 
the  homely  gatherings  of  countrywomen  in  the  valley 
of  Dent — of  the  company  engaging  in  a  knitting  contest 
with  much  talk  and  laughter,  till  one  is  asked  to  read 
and  gives  them  page  on  page  of  Robinson  Crusoe  or 
the  Pilgrim's  Progress,  after  which  they  fall  to  dis- 
cussing what  they  have  heard  or  resume  '  the  interesting 
threads  of  local  gossip/ 

It  has  been  observed  that  the  eighteenth  century, 
a  period  during  which  the  right  of  the  poorer  classes 
to  education  was  seldom  mentioned,  was  remarkable 
for  the  number  of  poor  men  who  rose  to  high  positions 
in  Church  and  State  and  in  the  world  of  letters.  Though 
examples  may  be  drawn  from  all  parts  of  the  country, 
there  is  a  mass  of  evidence  ascribing  to  the  northern 
counties,  especially  as  they  approach  the  Scottish  border, 
a  special  pre-eminence,  and  revealing  traces  of  a  wide- 
spread belief  in  education,  even  in  learning  for  its  own 
sake,  that  had  no  parallel  in  the  South.  In  Cumberland 
and  Westmoreland  at  the  close  of  the  century  there  were 
few  iUiterates;  and  the  superiority  of  the  northern 
peasant  in  general  knowledge  was  a  common  observation 
in  diaries  of  travel.  The  writers  allude,  more  precisely,  to 
the  '  superior  arithmetical  and  literary  knowledge '  to  be 
remarked  *  in  the  middling  and  lower  classes,*  among 
whom  were  men  tolerably  acquainted  with  the  classics 
and  '  more  than  tolerable  mathematicians.*  At  a  much 
later  date,  well  on  into  the  second  half  of  the  nineteenth 
century,  a  government  report  refers  to  men  of  humble 
station  who  spoke  with  pride  of  their  recollection  of 
classical  authors.  Probably  no  single  explanation  is 
sufficient  to  account  for  a  phenomenon  so  striking  and  so 
well  attested.  Special  influences  may  be  adduced  in  par- 
ticular cases :  an  element  of  Presbyterian  tradition  on 


the  Northumberland  border,  in  Westmoreland  a  multi- 
plicity of  endowed  schools.  But  undoubtedly  the  more 
general  causes  which  gave  freedom  and  stimulus  to  the 
native  genius  must  be  sought  in  the  social  environment : 
in  the  absence  of  conditions  which  elsewhere  erected 
commercial  standards,  raised  the  cost  of  education,  and 
discountenanced  the  poor,  and  in  the  survival  of  a 
social  order  led  by  the  yeoman  class — the  class  that 
had  given  to  mediaeval  universities  their  democratic 
character,  and  whose  presence  had  once  supplied  the 
most  effective  link  between  the  peasantry  and  the 
means  of  higher  education.  One  way  in  which  this 
influence  reacted  on  educational  opportunity  was  re- 
marked as  specially  characteristic  of  the  Lake  District. 
The  practice  of  recruiting  the  clergy  from  yeoman  families 
made  it  necessary  that  the  village  school  should  combine, 
in  some  measure,  the  function  of  an  academy  with 
that  of  a  place  of  elementary  instruction  for  the  poor  ; 
among  whom,  in  turn,  some  '  love  of  Greek  and  Latin  ' 
was  found  to  diffuse  itself  after  the  disorderly  fashion 
of  that  time  and  place.  ^ 

^  Schools  Inquiry  Commission,  1868,  ix.  903  sq.  On  the  state  of  educa- 
tion, see  Clarke,  Survey  of  the  Lakes  of  Cumberland,  Westmoreland  and 
Lancashire  (1787),  p.  xxiii.  'Few  possess  more  native  genius  [than  the 
inhabitants  of  this  district] :  among  the  most  unpolished  of  them  are  .  .  . 
men  who  are  tolerable  proficients  of  the  classics  and  who  are  more  than 
tolerable  mathematicians  ;  even  among  the  poor  artificers,  such  as  tailors 
and  shoemakers,  may  be  found  some  tolerable  poets  ' — ibid.,  36.  '  Much 
more  general  knowledge  may  be  foimd  [in  Cimiberland]  than  is  to  be  met 
with  among  people  of  their  class  in  the  southern  counties ' — Houseman's 
Tour  (1797),  Monthly  Review,  iv.  448.  '  In  different  parts  of  my  tour,  I 
frequently  heard  of  north-coimtry  curates  and  excisemen,  and  in  London 
the  compting  houses  are  much  supplied  with  country  lads  from  Cumber- 
land and  Westmoreland,  who  exchange  the  plow  and  flail  for  the  pen  and 
prove  as  expert  with  the  one  as  the  other.  Whether  it  be  owing  to  the 
keen  and  pure  air  of  these  counties,  which  sharpens  the  genius  of  their 
inhabitants,  or  the  ease  and  small  expense  with  which  education  is  acquired 
there,  or  to  what  other  cause  we  ought  to  attribute  the  superior  arith- 
metical and  literary  knowledge,  etc.,  observable  in  the  middling  and 
lower  classes  in  the  North,  I  shall  not  attempt  to  determine  ;  however,  the 
fact,  in  my  opinion,  is  indisputable  ' — ibid.,  v.  108.    The  Schools  Inquiry 


A  time  of  change  was  approaching.  Broad  dis- 
tinctions were  drawn,  among  the  Cumbeiland  peasantry, 
between  the  dwellers  on  the  central  plains,  the  shep- 
herds who  passed  a  peaceful,  secluded  existence  in 
the  mountainous  districts,  and  the  rough  borderers  of 
the  far  North.  Manufacturing  centres  at  Kendal  and 
Carlisle  opened  new  sources  of  employment  to  the 
surrounding  hamlets.  Agriculture  made  a  gradual, 
steady  progress ;  the  use  of  broadcloth  in  place  of 
homespun,  for  Sunday  wear,  being  one  of  the  innovations 

Commission  (I.e.)  notices  that  men  *  in  the  humbler  walks  of  life '  might 
still  be  met  with,  who  spoke  '  with  pride  of  their  recollection  of  Homer 
and  Virgil ' ;  cf.  the  account  given  by  Moritz  [Travels  in  England  in  1782, 
Eng.  ed.  1886,  149)  of  his  meeting  with  a  saddler  from  Matlock  who 
conversed  of  Homer,  Horace  and  Virgil,  with  quotations,  '  pronotmcing 
the  words  and  laying  his  emphasis  with  as  much  propriety  as  I  could 
possibly  have  expected,  had  he  been  educated  at  Cambridge  or  at  Oxford,' 
and  who  had,  moreover,  the  good  taste  to  pay  the  reckoning  at  the  inn 
where  they  halted  '  to  drink  and  talk,  .  .  .  because,  as  he  said,  he  had 
brought  me  thither.' 

Heath,  English  Peasantry  (1871),  85-7,  refers  to  the  Presbyterian 
influence  on  education  in  Northumberland :  in  another  passage,  he  cites 
the  case  of  a  Cheviot  shepherd,  father  of  eleven  children,  who  *  twenty 
years  ago  '  hired  a  schoolmaster  at  his  own  expense.  '  After  a  year  or  two, 
he  took  his  master  and  two  other  shepherds  into  partnership  .•  .  .  the 
schoolmaster  moves  about  from  house  to  house  among  his  four  employers, 
receiving  board  and  lodging  during  the  fourteen  days  for  each  scholar.  .  .  . 
In  the  winter  time  the  parents  will  send  the  bigger  boys  into  lodgings  at 
Wooler,  that  they  may  have  further  advantages  in  the  way  of  education. 
In  the  school  belonging  to  the  English  Presbyterians,  the  master  speaks 
of  having  two  sons  of  shepherds,  one  learning  Latin,  the  other  French 
and  Euclid ' — ibid.,  214.  The  practice,  here  noticed,  of  supplying  the 
schoolmaster  with  board  and  lodging  is  probably  of  some  antiquity.  It 
was  the  recognised  method  of  supporting  and  rewarding  the  school- 
master  in  the  hedge  schools  of  Kerry,  a  county  where,  seventy  years 
ago,  according  to  Hall's  accoimt,  it  was  '  by  no  means  rare  to  find  among 
the  humblest  of  the  peasants,  who  have  no  prospect  but  that  of  eidsting 
by  daily  labour,  men  who  can  converse  fluently  in  Latin  and  have  a  good 
knowledge  of  Greek,'  and  where  a  century  earlier  '  classical  reading  * 
was  said  to  extend  '  even  to  a  fault  among  the  lower  and  poorer  kind  in 
this  country ' — Hall,  Ireland,  i.  258-68.  The  same  authority  tells  how 
a  wild  mountain  tribe,  being  unable  to  induce  a  schoolmaster  to  venture 
among  them,  waited  for  the  next  moonless  night  and  proceeded  to  capture 
one.  A  safer  parallel  to  the  state  of  education  in  the  Lake  District  may 
be  found  in  a  description  of  two  wayside  schools  in  Antrim,  one  elementary 
and  the  other  classical,  given  in  Porter's  Life  of  Dr.  Cooke,  3  eqq. 


which  marked  the  growing  wealth  and  changing  manners 
of  the  farming  class. ^  And  with  progress  came  the 
familiar  signs  of  disintegration.  The  quieb,  self-contained 
life  of  the  country-side  became  slowly  entangled  in  the 
traffic  of  the  great  world  bej'^ond  its  borders,  losing  in 
the  process  much  of  its  native  strength  and  compactness, 
and  ere  long  falling  a  victim  to  the  giant  forces  which 
it  had  nourished.  The  general  result  was  everywhere 
much  the  same.  The  crisis  following  the  Napoleonic 
wars,  which  brought  final  ruin  to  the  yeomanry  of  the 
South  after  a  period  of  inflated  prosperity,  swept  away 
the  old  race  of  Cumberland  *  statesmen.'  But  at  such 
times  of  transition  the  result  by  itself  is  often  a  matter 
relatively  insignificant  and  even  ambiguous.  Social 
dissolution  may  be  the  climax  of  a  long  decay,  of  a 
series  of  displacements  cutting  the  ground  beneath 
a  population  for  the  most  part  passively  resistant  to 
change.  Or  it  may  be,  in  the  main,  a  sign  of  energy 
breaking  from  within,  of  a  people  advancing  to  meet  the 
destinies  which  await  them.  It  is  the  latter  simile 
that  seems  to  describe  the  progress  of  the  North  at 
this  critical  epoch.  A  aeries  of  inventions  added 
enormously  to  the  productive  power  of  certain  districts, 
which  became  the  centre  of  new  economic  and  social 
formations ;  and  the  movement  as  a  whole  in  its  con- 
structive aspects  was  an  expression  of  the  character 
which  had  been  slowly  maturing.  The  peculiar  com- 
bination of  shrewd  conservatism  with  a  stubborn  spirit 
of  adventure,  which  has  enabled  the  manufacturing 
districts  to  take  the  lead  in  so  many  directions  during 
the  past  century,  had  already  revealed  itself  in 
parts  of  the  North  which  were  least  affected  by  the 
stimulus  of  economic  change.  There  is,  at  first  sight, 
nothing  so  inconsistent  with  the  quiet  life  of  the  northern 

*  Eden,  i.  654  sq. 


dalesmen  as  the  country  lad  who  worked  his  way  to 
the  University  at  Edinburgh/  or  the  continuous  stream 
of  emigrants  who  filled  the  counting-houses  in  London 
or  found  a  career  in  the  Church  and  the  lower  ranks 
of  the  public  service.     Yet  there  is  nothing,  in  reality, 
so  characteristic  of  the  stock  from  which  they  sprang. 
The  spirit  of  Viking  ancestors  was  ever  stirring  in  this 
northern  race,  breaking  forth  with  the  same  deliberate 
strength  that  drove  the  routine  of  daily  life.     A  steady 
concentration  on  the  task  nearest  to  hand  generated 
a  surplus  energy,  which  found  a  vent,  as  opportunity 
offered,  in  low  extravagance  or  in  the  conquest  of  the 
world.    It  is  the  same  t3rpe  of  manhood  that  drudges 
contentedly  on  a  northern  homestead,  that  drinks  with 
stolid  zest  on  festive  occasions,  and  that  effects  revolu- 
tions in  the  social  system.     A  people  so  constituted  are 
normally  slow  to  change  their  course,  little  affected  by 
impulse,  but  ever  seeking  an   outlet   for   the   energy 
which  has  been  accumulated  in  plodding  forward  on 
the  beaten  track.     A  change  of  objective  is  the  fruit 
of  no  sudden  emotion,  but  of  the  steady  pressure  of 
stored  force  bursting  deliberately  into  new  fields  of  action 
as  the  horizon  expands.     Such,  too,  is  the  impression 
conveyed  by  the  manufacturing  districts  on  the  eve 
of  the    Industrial   Revolution.     It    is  a   land  whose 
people  have  advanced  slowly,  accumulating  the  strength 
and  traditions  of  many  centuries,  and  now  at  length  as  in 
the  fresh  vigour  of  manhood  entering  on  a  new  career ; 
a  land  of  old  loyalties  and  new  adventures,  the  past 
and  the  future  blending  into  one.     MarshalFs  survey 
of  rural  Yorkshire,  Defoe's  passages  on  the  woollen 
industry,  and  an  account  of  the  manufacturers  about 
Manchester  before  the   days   of  the   power-loom,   all 

1  Kitchin,  89  sq. 


convey  the  same  record  of  thrift,  energy,  and  personal 
independence  which  had  no  parallel  in  other  parts  of 
England.  They  leave  also  another  impression — that 
industry  in  these  parts  was  still  passing  through  a 
phase  of  development  in  which  the  man  of  small  means 
was  able  to  hold  his  own,  gradually  emancipating 
himself  from  the  shackles  of  custom  without  falling 
a  prey  to  commercial  oppressions.  Change  in  the 
industrial  order  comes  at  a  moment  when  older  forms 
of  industry  exert  their  greatest  stimulus  on  character  ; 
the  factory  system  rises  against  a  background  of  old 
traditions,  whose  strength  had  departed  long  since  in 
commercial  centres  of  earlier  growth.^  It  is  the 
same  with  mental  progress.  The  culture  and  wisdom 
of  earlier  days  maintained  a  vigorous  existence  side 
by  side  with  the  first-fruits  of  science  and  speculation 
which  were  to  lay  the  groundwork  of  a  new  social 
life.  In  the  Yorkshire  dales  there  were  wizards  who 
detected  crime  ;  the  minstrel  who  was  no  '  scholard  ' 
but  a  man  of  native  wit,  a  welcome  guest  in  tavern 
and  hall ;  and  poor  men  who  had  taught  themselves 
mathematics  and  gave  their  leisure  to  mechanical 
inventions.  The  country  round  Manchester  was  still 
famous  for  its  skilled  labourers  of  the  old  school, 
*  cunning '  men  who  were  also  herb  doctors  and  would 

*  The  character  of  the  change,  as  an  outburst  of  latent  enterprise, 
is  seen  in  the  rise  of  the  early  Lancashire  manufacturers  who  '  for  the 
most  part  .  .  .  started  nearly  equal  in  point  of  worldly  circumstances, 
men  originally  of  the  smallest  means  often  coming  to  the  front — work- 
men, weavers,  mechanics,  pedlars,  farmers  or  labourers — in  the  course 
of  time  rearing  immense  manufacturing  concerns  by  sheer  force  of  in- 
dustry, energy,  and  personal  abiUty '  (Smiles,  Indiistrial  Biography,  317). 
Holt  (1795)  attributes  the  decrease  of  yeomanry  in  the  County  of 
Lancaster  not  to  misfortime,  but  to  the  attraction  of  a  new  career  in 
business ;  he  adds  that  the  farmers  who  are  '  mostly  spnmg  from  the 
industrious  labourers  place  their  children  in  the  manufactxu-ing  line ' 
(quoted  by  Johnson,  op.  cit.,  141,  who  remarks,  p.  146,  that  for  the  small 
owner  to  sell  out  in  good  times  and  take  to  trade  was  abnormal). 


*  rule  the  planets '  before  engaging  on  any  important 
task ;  and  a  disreputable  company  of  boggarts  and 
clap-clans  haunted  the  way  at  nightfall  to  the  quiet 
hamlet  where  a  circle  of  Methodists  were  studying  the 

*  Age  of  Reason '  and  the  *  Rights  of  Man/ 

Marshall  commences  his  study  of  rural  conditions 
with  his  native  county  of  Yorkshire,  and  concludes  with 
Devon  and  the  adjoining  neighbourhood.     In  York- 
shire he  notices  the  '  spirit  of  improvement  which  has 
lately  diffused  itself  among  all  ranks ' ;    there  is  no 
district  'where  industry  and  economy  are  more  con- 
spicuous,  or  where   a    personal    independency    is    so 
strongly  rooted  among  men  in  middle  life."    In  Devon 
these  progressive   qualities  are  lacking ;  nowhere  '  of 
late    years '    has    the    '  spirit    of  improvement  .   .    . 
slumbered  more  composedly.'    There  can  be  no  doubt 
as  to  the  acuteness   of   the  conclusion  to  which  his 
inquiry    leads.      He   has    travelled    from    a    country 
which  is  entering  on  a  new  career,  to  one  from  which 
an  old  supremacy  has  departed ;    from  the  land  of 
the  future  to  the  land  with  a  great  past.     This  de- 
scription applies  very  generally  to  the  Western  districts. 
Devon  in  its  mighty  days  had  been  the  cradle  of  national 
enterprise ;    Wales  and  Cornwall  had  long  preserved 
in  their  language  and  traditions  the  remains  of  an  old 
Celtic  civilisation ;  and  to  this  day  the  West  country 
is  a  repository  of  folk-lore  and  the  peasant  culture  of 
a   bygone   age.     But  the  distinction  between  North 
and  West  towards  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century 
is  not  summed  up  in  any  simple  antithesis  of  progress 
and  decline.     If  Devon  showed  signs  of  an  exhaustion 
of  energy,  Cornwall  and  Wales  were  awakening  under 
the  influence  of  a  spiritual  revival  which  in  the  history 
of  the  latter  is  a  landmark  of  equal  importance  with 


the  economic  revolution  in  the  manufacturing  districts. 
Between  the  Celtic  West  and  a  large  area  of  the  North 
there   were,  in   fact,  sufficient   points   of  resemblance 
and    analogy    to    render    their    differences    peculiarly 
instructive.     Both  shared  in  the  characteristics  of  a 
remote  rural  life.     Both  had  the  same  types  of  super- 
stition and  ritual,  the  same  vein  of  poetry  and  romance. 
In  both,  the  peasantry  were  characterised  by  a  native 
intelligence  which  was  often  contrasted  with  the  torpor 
of  the  labouring  class  elsewhere.     Both  were  power- 
fully influenced  by  the  Methodist  movement.     In  both 
a  strong  sense  of  local  patriotism  was  combined  with 
conservative    instincts   and  a   respect  for    the  past ; 
and  both  Wales  and  the  North   in  later  times  have 
supplied  striking  examples  of  the  democratic   spirit. 
Many  of  the  contrasts  revealed  in  their  later  history 
point  back  to  a  fundamental  difference  in  the  changes 
which  passed  over  them  at  this  critical  epoch.     If  the 
North  has  been  described  as  entering  on  a  phase  of 
accelerated   expansion   after   a   long   period   of   quiet 
growth,  Wales  may  be  said  to  awaken  from  the  sleep 
of   centuries   after   an   age   of   arrested   development. 
The  Industrial  Revolution  commenced  a  new  stage  in  a 
career  of  progress  ;  the  Welsh  revival  was  nothing  less 
''  than  the  re-birth  of  a  race,  destined  to  recover  the 
threads  of  its  history  and  to  consecrate  to  a  higher 
purpose  qualities  which  had  for  long  lain  dormant  and 

Of  the  Welsh  people  it  is  pre-eminently  true  that 
the  strength  and  weakness  of  the  race  may  be  read 
in  their  culture  and  educational  achievements.  A 
great  wave  of  enthusiasm  passed  over  the  community 
during  the  Methodist  revival,  and  again  in  the  de- 
velopment of  intermediate  and  higher  education  a 
century  later.     For  some  time  the  instruction  of  the 


people  was  carried  on  mainly  by  their  own  efforts  in 
the  peculiarly  democratic  system  of  Smiday  Schools  con- 
nected with  their  chapels.  Their  literature  consisted 
chiefly  of  religious  periodicals,  to  which  the  peasantry 
were  almost  the  sole  contributors.^  Later  on,  they  sub- 
scribed large  sums  towards  the  College  at  Aberystwyth,^ 
and  many  had  been  accustomed  to  save  money  for  such 
opportunities  of  higher  instruction  as  came  within  their 
reach.  It  was  not  uncommon  for  the  younger  genera- 
tion to  leave  farm  and  quarry  for  a  year's  additional 
schooling  during  early  manhood  ;  and  it  is  remarkable 
that  self-sacrifice  in  these  matters  was  shown  rather 
by  the  children  than  by  their  parents.^  The  character- 
istic which  requires  explanation  is  a  want  of  proportion 
between  enthusiasm  and  the  range  of  mental  achieve- 
ment. In  eighteenth-century  writers,  the  intelligence 
of  the  Northern  peasantry  is  proved  by  the  extent  of 
their  general  knowledge  ;  the  intelligence  of  the  Welsh 
is  seen  in  contrast  to  their  state  of  culture.  At  a  later 
period,  evidence  of  an  *  exceptional  desire  '  for  educa- 
tion has  to  be  reconciled  with  the  confinement  of 
their  intellectual  outlook.  Thought  and  feeling  flowed 
with  abnormal  energy  within  certain  channels.  In  the 
eighteenth  century,  men  in  the  prime  of  life  would 
learn  to  read  and  write,  in  order  to  obtain  copies  of 
their  native  songs ;  *  their  descendants  composed  essays 

^  Rhys  and  Jones,  The  Welsh  People  (3rd  ed.),  534. 

*  Committee  on  IntermedicUe  and  Higher  Education  in  Wales,  1880 ; 
Report,  p.  89. 

'  Ibid.,  pp.  20,  27  ;  Evidence,  Q.  3620  sq.  Schools  Inquiry  Commission, 
1868,  viii.  6. 

*  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  David  Thomas  of  Tal-y-Sam,  near  Caernarvon, 
for  some  notes  on  education  in  that  neighbourhood,  which  he  procured 
for  me  from  Mr.  W.  G.  WilUams,  one  of  the  excellent  band  of  school- 
masters who  are  also  antiquarians  and  take  an  interest  in  the  history  of 
their  native  places.  The  following  is  an  extract.  Before  the  spread  of 
Methodism  '  into  these  parts,  the  bards  occupied  a  respectable  position 
in  the  esteem  of  the  rural  population,  and  these  bards  not  only  produced 


and  poems  for  the  local  Eisteddfods.^  The  religious 
revival  revealed  a  delight  in  language  and  in  discussion 
among  the  common  people,  which  recalls  the  atmosphere 
of  ancient  Greek  democracies.  The  humblest  cottagers 
became  connoisseurs  of  pulpit  eloquence,  and  debated 
abstruse  points  in  theology. 

Such  intensity  is  not  generally  consistent  with 
breadth  of  outlook.  The  Welsh  peasantry  were  pre- 
served from  the  baser  literature  which  circulated  among 

songs  (of  varying  excellence)  for  the  people,  but  also  instructed  many  of 
the  younger  men  in  the  rules  of  poetry  and  in  the  simpler  but  more  useful 
prts  of  reading  and  writing.  The  cobbler's  workshop,  the  village  smithy 
and  the  weaver's  hut  became  the  rendezvous  of  men  eager  to  overcome 
the  difficulties  of  the  arts  of  reading  and  writing.  As  these  men  were 
mainly  of  the  labouring  class  and  consequently  of  poor  circumstances, 
it  is  highly  probable  that  they  never  received  any  schooling  beyond  that 
obtained  from  the  village  poetaster  and  rhymester.  ...  I  learned  from 
two  old  workmen  who  had  cultured  their  minds  to  a  greater  degree  than 
most  of  their  fellows,  that  the  tavern  connected  with  the  parish  church  in 
many  places  (Ty'n  Ham  —  church-house)  was  nightly  patronised  by  two 
classes  of  men — those  that  came  for  drinking  purposes  and  those  that 
gathered  thither  to  meet  the  village  sage  who  led  them  along  the  fields 
of  mental  culture  with  which  he  was  acquainted.  Most  of  the  young 
men  seem  to  have  been  filled  with  a  desire  to  possess  copies  of  the  songs 
of  their  own  days  as  well  as  those  of  former  times.  Tragic  occurrences 
and  awkward  events  were  readily  rendered  into  songs  and  satires  by  the 
poetasters  ;  love -songs  were  in  common  and  in  high  favour  ;  carols  were 
popular  especially  in  the  "  Plygain  "  (Christmas  meetings,  held  some  time 
after  3  a.m.).  All  kinds  of  songs  were  transcribed  into  convenient  manu* 
script  books,  and  the  desire  to  obtain  a  copy  seems  to  have  been  the  chief 
inducement  for  young  men  to  endeavour  to  master  the  art  of  writing. 
The  segregation  of  men  in  bams  and  stable-lofts  during  the  long  and 
inclement  winter  evenings  seems  also  to  have  been  the  means  of  the 
further  dissemination  of  knowledge,  and  it  was  not  uncommon  for  the 
farmer's  son  who  bad  received  some  town  education  to  become  the  tutor 
among  his  father's  employes.' 

I  take  this  opportunity  of  recalling  the  courtesy  with  which  I  was 
received  by  those  whose  acquaintance  I  made  during  a  short  stay  at 
Caernarvon.  I  regret  that  a  change  in  the  plan  of  my  book  has  pre- 
vented me  from  making  more  use  of  the  help  received  from  these  and 
other  Welsh  friends.  After  collecting  materials  for  a  study  of  Welsh 
education,  I  came  to  the  conclusion  that  the  subject  requires  separate 
treatment  and  had  better  be  left  to  those  who  are  more  competent  to  do 
it  justice. 

1  Schools  Inquiry  Commission,  I.e. — '  It  is  quite  usual  for  servants 
and  labourers  to  compose  essays  and  poems  for  the  various  eisteddfods.' 
Cf.  Sadler,  Moral  Instruction  and  Training  in  Schools,  439  sq. 


the  English  masses ;  but  there  were  large  numbers 
whose  reading  was  confined  to  the  publications  of 
their  religious  sect.  The  native  literature  was  rich  in 
poetry  and  sectarian  metaphysics;  it  remained  de- 
ficient in  all  branches  of  secular  knowledge.*  In  the 
North  a  different  state  of  things  was  observed.  There, 
the  native  intellect  showed  a  distinct  bias  towards 
mathematical  and  scientific  studies  \^  the  pursuit  of  know- 
ledge, never  far  divorced  from  a  practical  outlook  on 
life,  became  subordinated  gradually  to  industrial  and 
political  ends.  There  could  be  no  clearer  indication 
of  the  differences  of  ideal  and  impulse  which  separated 
the  two  peoples  at  this  stage  of  their  evolution.  In 
the  North  the  supremacy  of  a  scientific  practical  spirit 
was  connected  with  a  type  of  conservatism  which  easily 
discarded  its  impedimenta  and  answered  the  call  of  pro- 
gress. Among  the  Welsh  an  abnormal  growth  of  the 
imaginative  and  poetic  faculties  was  bound  up  with  a 
pronounced  attachment  to  the  past,  a  conservatism 
which  never  yielded  its  possessions  or  acknowledged 
defeat.  That  which  constituted  their  strength  was  also 
their  weakness,  rendering  them  the  more  liable  to 
sudden  reactions  and  the  slower  to  attain  harmony  in 
the  expansion  of  thought  and  character. 

To  ascribe  the  difference  to  racial  influences  is  to/ 
say  at  once  too  much  and  too  little.     The  essential 
fact  in  the  history  of  the  Welsh  at  this  stage  of  transi- 
tion is  a  reawakening,  under  peculiar  circumstances,  of 
energies  which  had  been  submerged  at  an  earlier  period. 

^  Wdsh  Education  Commission,  1846,  pt.  iii.,  pp.  59  sqq.,  and  App.  F. 
and  H.  Southall,  Wales  and  her  Langnage,  96.  Committee  on  Intermediate 
Education,  1880,  QQ.  6247  sqq.,  showing  a  considerable  progress. 

*  I  do  not  overlook  the  strong  romantic  element  in  the  Northern 
character ;  but,  so  far  as  I  can  judge  from  the  evidence  at  my  disposal, 
it  was  in  mathematical  and  scientific  studies  (including  nature  study) 
that  the  Northern  intellect  excelled. 


From  the  thirteenth  to  the  eighteenth  century  the  intel- 
lectual condition  of  Wales  is  the  fate  of  a  people  who, 
having  reached  a  degree  of  mental  culture  in  advance  of 
their  social  organisation,  became  subject  to  a  different 
race  at  a  much  higher  level  of  political  development. 
Welsh  society  at  the  time  of  the  English  Conquest 
retained  in  all  essentials  its  old  tribal  structure,  although 
the  germs  of  a  broader  national  life  may  be  seen  in  the 
literary  and  religious  movements  which  were  inspired 
by  the  struggle  for  independence.  It  is  useless  to 
imagine  the  transformation  which  might  have  occurred, 
had  independence  been  prolonged  under  a  native  aristo- 
cracy. The  immediate  effect  of  the  Conquest  was  a 
profound  discouragement,  from  which  the  people  were 
slow  to  recover.  The  growth  of  native  culture  was 
arrested.  The  masses  were  shut  off  from  English  civili- 
sation by  barriers  of  language  and  geography  ;  and  their 
isolation  was  intensified  by  the  inevitable  apostasy  of 
their  natural  leaders  and  by  a  poHcy  of  repression. 
These  conditions  remained  after  the  revival  in  the 
eighteenth  century,  and  explain  the  narrowness  of 
its  intellectual  results.  Meanwhile  it  is  not  suggested 
that  the  Conquest  was  without  positive  moral  effect. 
Political  and  social  reorganisation  quashed  disorder  and 
prepared  the  way  for  a  new  outlook  and  a  sense  of 
purpose.  But  the  imagination  of  the  people  was  little 
affected  by  the  changes  of  this  intervening  period. 
They  remained,  as  it  were,  passive  under  an  operation  ; 
and,  when  consciousness  returned,  they  had  a  memory 
of  far-off  things.  Nor,  again,  was  the  awakening  so 
sudden  and  unprepared  as  is  sometimes  suggested  by 
historians  who  accept  the  language  of  revivalists ;  for, 
from  the  sixteenth  century  to  the  eighteenth,  there  was 
a  succession  of  educational  and  religious  movements 
gradually  drawing  into  closer  sympathy  with  the  spirit 


and  needs  of  the  masses.  It  was  sudden  as  an  explosion 
is  sudden,  though  the  train  has  been  carefully  laid ; 
and,  when  it  came,  it  showed  how  little  had  been  lost 
or  learned  during  a  long  period  of  quiescence. 

The  Welsh  Revival  has  been  accurately  described 
as  a  Renaissance ;  for  it  was  a  modified  reassertion 
of  native  instincts  which  had  lain  dormant  since  the 
days  of  tribal  independence.  Much,  indeed,  of  the  old 
culture  had  remained  throughout.  In  the  eighteenth 
century,  verse-making  was  still  in  certain  localities  a 
cardinal  part  of  education  ;  reading  and  writing  were 
ancillary  arts.  In  the  village  bard  may  be  seen  the 
descendant  of  a  race  of  schoolmasters,  probably  as  old 
as  the  Druidic  order. ^  The  religious  movement,  which 
discredited  this  ancient  frivolity,  was  as  truly  a  native 
product  and  had  its  roots  in  the  past.  Methodism, 
both  in  its  austerity  and  in  the  services  which  it  rendered 
to  the  national  language,  followed  in  the  path  of  the 
monastic  revival  of  the  twelfth  century.  The  taste 
which  it  developed  for  oratory  and  discussion  recalls  the 
literary  awakening  of  the  same  period.  ^  Its  sectarian 
animosities  are  venerable  as  a  relic  of  tribal  warfare. 
Tribal  instinct  may  be  discerned  also  in  the  faciUty  with 
which  the  population  crystallised,  as  by  some  natural 
impulse,  into  self-governing  groups.  The  religious  con- 
gregation became  a  compact  social  unit,  the  centre 
from  which  a  new  intellectual  life  gradually  extended.^ 

^  V.  supra,  p.  75,  n,  4. 

*  Lloyd,  History  of  Wales,  ii.  529  sqq.,  595  sqq. 

'  Cf.  account  of  Welsh  Sunday  Schools  in  Phillips,  Wales,  the  Language, 
Social  Condition,  etc.  (1849),  55  sq.  The  growth  of  the  Eisteddfod,  with 
its  national  gathering  and  tributary  local  meetings,  expresses  most  clearly 
the  old  conception  of  Welsh  nationaUty — a  spiritual  federation  of  tribal 
groups.  Whatever  the  defects  of  this  movement,  there  can  be  no  doubt 
as  to  its  spontaneity,  its  wide  influence,  and  its  democratic  character. 
The  local  meetings  are  a  source  of  education,  whose  value  and  possibiUties 
of  extension  are  probably  only  realised  by  those  who  have  an  inner 
knowledge  of  Welsh  life.    Cf.  Sadler,  I.e. 



(1)  Schools 

We  are  concerned  with  the  early  growth  of  educational 
institutions  only  in  so  far  as  it  illustrates  the  lines 
on  which  an  educational  system  gradually  developed. 
In  this  connection  the  rise  of  the  older  Universities 
stands  out  unquestionably  as  the  most  conspicuous 
event  in  the  Middle  Ages ;  the  growth,  or  reorganisation, 
of  Grammar  Schools  as  the  achievement  of  the  sixteenth 
and  early  seventeenth  centuries.  Later  on,  we  trace 
the  beginnings  of  an  organised  movement  which  offered 
elementary  education  to  the  masses.  But  even  if  we 
disregard  a  number  of  simultaneous  developments  which 
are  excluded  in  this  general  survey,  the  paradox  which 
asserts  that  the  fabric  of  national  education  has  been 
constructed  at  intervals  from  the  top  storey  downwards 
remains,  as  an  historical  statement,  only  partially  true. 
Time  was  when  the  University  of  Oxford  might  be 
described  as  the  '  chief  Charity  School  of  the  poor  and 
the  chief  Grammar  School  in  England,  as  well  as  the 
great  place  of  education  for  students  of  theology,  of 
law  and  of  medicine.'^    The  process  of  differentiation 

^  Oxford  Commission,  1852,  Report,  p.  19  :  the  reference  is  to  the  reign 
of  Henry  III.  For  an  account  of  the  pre-Reformation  schools  and  founda- 
tions (including  Grammar  Schools),  see  Foster  Watson,  English  Orammar 
Schools  (1908) ;  Leach,  English  Schools  of  the  Reformation  ;  also  a  memor- 
andum on  the  history  of  Endowed  Schools  by  the  same  author,  printed 
by  the  Secondary  Education  Commission  (1895),  v,  57  aqq. 



and  exclusion  which  gradually  established  her  modern 
social  characteristics,  raised  the  age  of  admission,  and 
marked  out  for  her  the  province  of  higher  studies,  had 
only  commenced,  when  the  basis  of  a  secondary  system 
was  being  laid  afresh  in  the  endowed  foundations  of  the 
sixteenth  century.  Similarly  it  was  not  until  the  king- 
dom had  been  covered  from  end  to  end  with  elementary 
schools,  that  the  Grammar  Schools  came  to  be  regarded 
exclusively  as  centres  of  secondary  education. 

It  has  been  claimed  that  the  *  ecclesiastical  organi- 
sation of  the  Middle  Ages  .  .  .  established  a  school 
system  both  on  the  secondary  and  elementary  planes  of 
a  far  more  extensive  kind  than  historians  have  ordinarily 
supposed.'  How  far,  it  may  be  asked,  did  the  disendow- 
ment  of  the  old  rehgion  in  the  sixteenth  century  displace 
opportunities  of  instruction,  for  which  no  sufficient 
substitute  was  afterwards  provided  ?  How  far,  again, 
did  the  social  effects  of  the  Reformation,  and  the 
economic  forces  which  accompanied  it,  tend  to  institute 
class-barriers  in  the  higher  branches  of  the  educational 
system  ?  ^    Of  conscious  change  in  policy  there  is  little 

^  Huber  makes  the  extreme  statement  that  the  Reformation  inflicted 
on  both  Universities  '  only  injury  both  outward  and  inward  ' ;  c/.  MulUnger, 
History  of  Cambridge  University,  101-4  (abridged  edition).  The  dis- 
ruption of  the  monastic  orders  and  various  changes  in  the  position  of 
Church  and  Clergy  led  to  an  immediate  falling  off  of  the  poorer  students  ; 
a  tendency  which  was  increased  by  the  economic  decline  of  the  yeomanry 
and  the  growth  of  commerce  under  Elizabeth.  What  effect  this  social 
transformation  had  on  the  standard  of  scholarship  and  the  intellectual 
atmosphere  of  the  Universities  in  the  sixteenth  century,  is  not  immediately 
clear ;  but  even  if  we  discount  the  continual  complaints  made — during 
the  latter  half  of  the  century — of  the  growth  of  luxury  and  the  vagaries 
of  royal  patronage,  it  is  probable  that  something  was  lost  through  the 
influx  of  a  new  class  of  students  who  had  on  the  whole  less  incentive  to 
laborious  study  than  their  predecessors,  at  a  time  when  the  initial  oppor- 
tunities of  rich  and  poor  students  were  not  so  dissimilar  as  at  the  present 
day.  See  Brodrick,  University  of  Oxford,  82  sqq.  ;  Mullinger,  op.  cit, 
93-104  ;  Maxwell  Lyte,  University  of  Oxford. 

One  pretext  for  the  dissolution  of  the  monasteries  being  their  neglect 
of  education,  Henry  VIII  appears  to  have  founded  the  meagre  sum  of  ten 
Grammar  Schools  out  of  the  proceeds  of  this  transaction.     The  majority 


evidence.  The  ostensible  aim  of  reform  in  the  educa- 
tional, as  in  the  economic,  sphere  was  to  secure  greater 
efficiency  in  the  application  of  traditional  methods  and 
ideas.  The  reorganised  Grammar  School,  connected  with 
the  universities  and  developing  an  accepted  form  of 
liberal  culture,  found  its  complement  in  the  apprentice- 
ship system  and  the  catechetical  teaching  of  the  national 
Church.  The  parish  remained  a  centre  of  spiritual  dis- 
cipline for  the  people  at  large,  and  its  organisation  was 
not  complete  without  a  school  of  some  description. 

The  Grammar  Schools,  according  to  a  Commission 
of  Inquiry  which  reported  in  1868,  had  been  intended 
*  as  a  means  of  bringing  a  higher  culture  within  the 
reach  of  all,  and  raising  from  among  the  poorest,  as  well 
as  the  richest,  those  who  should  thereby  be  able  to  serve 
in  larger  measure  the  Church  and  Commonwealth  '  * — 
a  conclusion  which  is  borne  out  in  the  main  by  an 
analysis  of  the  trust-deeds  appended  to  the  report. 
The  object  of  the  Manchester  endowment  (1515)  was 
to  bring  up  boys,  without  restriction,  in  good  learning 
and  manners,  especially  in  the  '  liberal  science  and  art 
of  Grammar  as  the  ground  and  foundation  of  all  other 
liberal  arts  and  sciences."  Elsewhere  Grammar  is 
variously  defined  to  include  a  study  of  the  '  learned 
languages,'  '  Latin,'  or  '  Greek  and  Latin,'  to  which 
'  Hebrew  '  is  occasionally  added.  In  some  cases  candi- 
dates were  to  be  refused  admission  until  they  could 
read  and  write  English  or  read  Latin ;  or  there  was 
a  specific  arrangement  for  elementary  instruction  in 
addition  to,  and  in  preparation  for,  the  teaching  of 
Grammar.     There  appears,  also,  to  be  little  reason  to 

of  the  older  Grammar  Schools,  being  attached  to  Collegiate  Churches, 
Chantries  and  Gilds,  were  dissolved  under  the  Chantries  Act  in  the 
next  reign.  Leach,  Memorandum,  Secondary  Edtication  Commission 
(1895),  V.  72. 

^  Schools  Inquiry  Commission,  i.  120  (1868). 


doubt  that  from  a  social  standpoint  the  aim  of  these 
fomidations  was  on  the  whole  as  comprehensive  as  the 
report  of  the  commissioners  would  lead  us  to  suppose. 
Generally,  where  instruction  was  not  gratuitous  through- 
out the  school,  some  arrangement  was  made,  by  means 
of  a  graduated  scale  of  admission  fees  and  quarterages 
and  a  system  of  maintenance,  to  bring  the  benefits  of 
the  institution  within  reach  of  the  poorest.  It  is  true 
that  the  term  '  poor/  as  employed  in  connection  with 
educational  trusts  of  this  and  later  periods,  does  not 
necessarily  carry  the  same  significance  that  it  has 
acquired  in  more  recent  times  ;  but,  as  a  rule,  the  object 
of  Grammar  School  endowments  was  defined  in  terms 
sufficiently  broad  to  comprehend  all  ranks  of  society, 
and  in  certain  instances  the  possibility  of  admitting 
scholars  from  the  labouring  class  was  definitely  raised.* 
The  verdict  of  history  is  contained  in  a  sentence  of 
the  report  referring  to  a  process  which  had  been  for 
some  time  at  work.  *  A  free  Grammar  School  is  an 
anachronism.  If  the  school  be  free,  it  is  filled  with  a 
class  of  children  who  do   not  learn  grammar ;    and 

^  Cf.  Cranmer's  reply  to  the  Commissioners  in  1541  who  proposed  to 
confine  the  Canterbury  Grammar  School  to  the  sons  and  yoimger  brothers 
of  gentry  on  the  ground  that  the  sons  of  husbandmen,  for  instance,  were 
not  called  to  learning,  that  their  labour  was  needed,  and  that  '  aU  sorts  of 
men  may  not  go  to  school ' — '  I  grant  much  of  your  meaning  herein  as 
needful  in  a  commonwealth  :  but  yet  utterly  to  exclude  the  ploughman's 
son,  and  the  poor  man's  son  from  the  benefits  of  learning  ...  is  as  much 
to  say,  as  that  Almighty  God  should  not  be  at  liberty  to  bestow  Hia  great 
gifts  of  grace  upon  any  person,  nor  nowhere  else,  but  as  we  and  other 
men  shall  appoint  them  to  be  employed,  according  to  our  fancy  and  not 
according  to  His  most  Godly  WUl  and  pleasure,  who  giveth  His  gifts  both 
of  learning,  and  other  perfections  in  all  sciences,  unto  aU  kinds  and  states 
of  people  indifferently  .  .  .  wherefore,  if  the  gentleman's  son  be  apt  to 
learning,  let  him  be  admitted ;  if  not  apt,  let  the  poor  man's  child  that 
is  apt,  enter  his  room  ' — Strype,  Cranmer,  i.  127.  The  scale  of  admission 
fees  at  Llanrwst  is  of  interest  in  this  connection — '  1,  every  knight  sonne, 
2^.  6d. ;  2,  every  doctor  or  esq.  sonne,  2«.  ;  3,  every  gentl.  or  minister 
Sonne  of  50  li.  p.  annum,  \s.  ;  4,  every  yeomane  sonne  of  20  li.  p.  annum 
and  rich  tenants,  9d. ;  5,  poorer  and  meaner  men's  sonne  to  pay  Qd. ; 
6,  but  poore  indeed,  gratis.* 


if  the  classics  are  sedulously  taught,  the  schools  soon 
cease  to  be  free  '  or  sufficiently  inexpensive  to  remain 
within  reach  of  other  than  well-to-do  parents.  Here 
and  there  might  be  found  an  establishment,  relatively 
well  endowed,  which  had  been  able  to  afford  free  educa- 
tion and  at  the  same  time,  having  a  satisfactory  local 
connection,  to  maintain  a  reasonable  standard  of  scholar- 
ship ;  ^  but  in  most  cases  the  only  way  in  which  a 
school  could  be  made  to  render  effective  service  or 
even  to  continue  in  operation,  was  by  minimising  one 
or  other  of  the  objects  which  the  founder  had  in  view. 
In  the  great  majority  of  endowed  schools  which  re- 
mained open  to  the  '  lower  section  of  the  middle  class 
and  the  upper  section  of  the  artisans,*  the  classics  were 
taught,  if  at  all,  to  a  very  small  proportion  of  the 
scholars ;  and  although  in  this  way  some  tradition 
of  culture  had  been  kept  alive  where  it  would  otherwise 
have  been  obliterated,  the  arrangement  entailed  a 
conflict  of  interest  between  two  separate  groups  of 
scholars,  both  of  which  in  an  under-staffed  school  were 
unlikely  to  receive  adequate  attention. 

The  fate  of  a  school  would  depend,  to  a  great  extent, 
on  the  situation  in  which  it  was  founded,  and  on  the 

*  Thus  the  Commissioners  in  1867  found  the  Manchester  Grammar 
School  giving  free  instruction,  and  sending  about  eight  scholars  to  the 
Universities  per  annum  ;  classics  preponderate  ;  entrance  by  competition 
owing  to  the  number  of  applicants  ;  third  boy  in  the  school  the  son  of 
an  artisan.  It  is  noted  that  a  reform  had  been  initiated  in  1849  under  a 
scheme  ordering  (1)  the  teaching  of  modern  languages,  arts  and  sciences ; 
(2)  the  provision  of  necessary  apparatus  and  increase  of  the  teaching 
staff ;  (3)  purchase  of  books,  provision  of  new  premiums.  University 
Exhibitions,  etc.  The  position  of  the  school  at  the  close  of  the  eighteenth 
century  may  be  estimated  to  some  extent  from  the  narrative  of  Samuel 
Bamford,  who  on  first  entering  began  with  speUing  and  rose  to  be  '  first 
scholar  in  the  first  Bible  class '  and  might  have  proceeded  to  Latin  with 
the  chance  of  eventually  reaching  the  University,  had  not  his  father  re- 
moved him — Bamford,  Early  Days,Q8  sqq.  (new  ed.,  1893).  On  the  founda- 
tion of  the  school  in  1515  it  had  been  laid  down  that  the  master  should 
every  year  appoint  one  of  his  '  scoUers  '  to  teach  the  infants  '  their  ABC 
primer  and  forthe  till  they  begin  Grammar.' 


financial  provision  made  for  its  upkeep.  In  the  course 
of  time  the  cost  of  a  classical  education  increased,  gener- 
ally '  in  far  greater  ratio  than  the  value  of  property ' 
with  which  the  endowment  was  connected ;  nor  was 
there  any  guarantee,  especially  where  the  school  did 
not  constitute  the  sole  charge  on  the  property,  that  the 
trustees  would  be  disposed  to  pay  *  in  the  double  pro- 
portion of  the  depreciation  of  the  value  of  money  and 
the  increase  of  that  of  the  funds.  *  It  often  happened  that 
schools  which  were  founded  by  the  Government  after 
the  dissolution  of  the  Chantries  received  their  endow- 
ment in  the  form  of  a  fixed  annuity,  which  became 
sooner  or  later  inadequate  to  the  purpose.  Under 
these  circumstances  there  was  a  plain  inducement  to 
charge  fees  or  to  admit  a  certain  number  of  stipendiary 
pupils  ;  the  free  scholars  and  those  unable  to  pay  more 
than  a  nominal  sum  being  gradually  excluded  or  placed 
in  an  unfavourable  position  as  recipients  of  charity.* 
On  the  other  hand,  where  the  regulations  prohibiting 
fees  or  limiting  the  scale  of  payments  were  scrupulously 
observed,  difficulty  might  be  experienced  in  securing  the 

^  With  the  change  of  social  ideas  and  of  class  relations,  the  same  kind 
of  stigma  would  come  to  be  attached  to  free  scholars  entering  the  Grammar 
School  on  a  poverty  qualification  that  is  foimd  in  the  case  of  servitor- 
ships  at  the  University,  and  especially  so  where  the  scale  of  payments 
for  fee-paying  scholars  was  raised.  Thus  the  Commissioners  foimd 
twelve  foundation  scholars  at  the  Bromsgrove  Grammar  School,  the 
sons  of  artisans  and  small  tradesmen,  wearing  a  special  dress  and  despised 
by  the  rest  of  the  school,  who  were  the  sons  of  well-to-do  parents  paying 
a  high  fee  ;  and  there  was  an  intermittent  feud  between  the  two  classes. 
Similarly  at  the  Alton  Grammar  School,  boarders  and  free  boys  played 
at  different  ends  of  a  small  playgroimd,  with  severe  penalties  for  trans- 
gressing the  line  of  division.  Apart,  moreover,  from  the  difficulty  which 
arose,  in  such  cases,  of  admitting  the  poor  free  scholars  and  the  well-to- 
do  fee-paying  scholars  on  the  same  footing,  there  had  been  growing  up 
distinctions  in  education  corresponding  to  distinctions  in  social  life.  It 
is  not  surprising,  for  instance,  that  Edward  Cave,  the  son  of  a  local  shoe- 
maker, found  himself  out  of  his  element  at  the  Rugby  Grammar  School 
in  the  early  part  of  the  eighteenth  century — Knight,  Shadows  of  Old 
Booksellers,  172. 


services  of  a  master  competent  to  teach  the  classics.* 
Up  to  a  certain  point,  these  considerations  are  sufficient 
to  explain  the  tendency  of  the  G-rammar  Schools  to 
develop,  on  the  one  hand,  into  secondary  schools  for 
the  rich,  and,  on  the  other,  into  elementary  schools 
for  the  poorer  classes ;  but  administrative  difficulties 
might  have  been  diminished,  if  a  more  far-sighted 
policy  had  been  conceived  at  the  outset.  As  often 
happens  in  the  history  of  popular  education,  a 
relatively  advanced  system  of  instruction  had  been 
established  without  adequate  attention  being  paid  to 
the  preliminary  stages,  the  substructure  on  which  its 
efficiency  depended.^  This  neglect,  which  may  have 
been  unimportant  so  long  as  the  desire  for  education 
could  be  generally  taken  as  evidence  of  more  than 
average  ability,  became  a  source  of  serious  inconvenience 
as  soon  as  the  demand  for  elementary  instruction  in 
the  vernacular  began  to  develop  out  of  all  proportion 
to  the  demand  for  '  grammar '  and  the  higher  branches 
of  learning.  It  meant  that  in  many  schools,  which  made 
provision  for  the  poorer  classes  and  where  the  teach- 
ing of  subjects  other  than  grammar  was  not  actually 
prohibited  in  the  trust  deeds,  there  was  a  tendency  for 
elementary  instruction  to  predominate,  to  the  exclusion 
of  everything  else.  It  is  possible  that  an  opportunity 
for  constructing  a  continuous  system  of  instruction, 
which  might  have  anticipated  some  of  the  work  done 

^  See  generally,  Schooh  Inquiry  Commission,  ix.  152  sq.  ;  Memorandum 
by  Mr.  A.  F.  Leach,  Secondary  Education  Commission  (1895),  v.  73  ;  M.N. 
(Marchamont  Needham),  A  Discourse  on  Schools  and  Schoolmasters,  1663  ; 
Letter  to  Henry  Brougham  (1818),  9,  23. 

*  To  underestimate  the  difficulties  of  the  ascent  to  higher  education 
may  be  described  as  the  besetting  sin  of  pioneers  in  popular  education, 
of  which  the  nineteenth  century  affords  numerous  examples :  c/.  the 
history  of  the  Mechanics'  Institutes,  of  Welsh  University  Colleges  before 
the  Welsh  Intermediate  Education  Act,  and  the  difficulty  experienced 
in  persuading  public  opinion  that  a  sound  secondary  education  is  a 
necessary  preparation  for  the  higher  branches  of  technical  instruction. 


during  the  past  fifty  years,  was  suffered  to  pass. 
Had  elementary  and  secondary  education  been  more 
liberally  provided  as  distinct  grades — after  the  manner 
of  Archbishop  Harsnett  who  established  at  Chigwell 
in  1629  *  two  large  and  fair  schoolhouses/  an  English 
and  a  Latin  school,  side  by  side — it  would  have  been 
easier  to  regulate  the  *  rush  on  the  Grammar  Schools,*  by 
selecting  those  who  had  passed  through  the  elementary 
departments ;  while  the  coexistence  of  two  separate, 
yet  connected,  grades  of  school  would  have  kept  alive 
the  idea  of  a  continuous  course.^ 

^  Comenius  in  his  Didactica  Magna  {circa  1630)  sketches  a  scheme  of 
State  education  including  (1)  Public  Vernacular  Schools  (ages  6-12), 
(2)  Gymnasia  or  Latin  Schools  (12-18),  in  every  city  for  those  who 
qualify  from  the  Vernacular  School;  (3)  Academies  (18-24).  The 
Vernacular  Schools  '  contain  the  whole  school  population  up  to  the 
age  of  twelve,  without  respect  to  rank,  wealth  or  sex.  The  Vernacular 
School  is  the  common  school ;  all  there  pass  through  the  common 
minimum  curriculum  ,  .  .  out  of  which  aU  advanced  studies  spring. 
Class  distinctions  must  not  be  encouraged,  and  at  the  early  ase  of 
six  it  is  impossible  to  say  whether  a  particular  boy  is  better  fitted 
for  manual  labour  or  for  a  learned  profession '  (Adamson,  Pioneers  of 
Modem  Ediicalion,  62). 

Comenius  attracted  the  notice  of  the  English  Parliament  and  was 
apparently  invited  to  join  a  proposed  Commission  for  the  reform  of  the 
existing  system,  1641  (De  Montmorency,  State  Intervention  in  English 
Education,  100).  Attention  is  thus  drawn  to  the  general  movement 
for  extending  and  reorganising  education,  of  which  traces  are  found 
during  the  CromweUian  period ;  and  it  is  possible  to  regard  the  Puritan 
movement  as  the  common  ancestor  of  educational  systems  which  sub- 
sequently developed  in  the  American  Colonies,  and  of  certain  forms  of 
educational  propaganda  in  England  during  recent  years  in  which  the 
democratic  features  of  American  Education  are  cited  with  approval  (c/. 
R.  E.  Hughes,  The  Democratic  Ideal  in  Education).  Throughout  this 
period,  the  idea  of  equalising  opportunity  and  discriminating  between 
different  kinds  of  talent  seems  to  have  occupied  the  minds  of  reformers. 
Thus  Harthb's  proposal  for  the  education  of  pauper  children  in  London 
(1650)  compares  advantageously  with  later  Charity  School  schemes  in 
discriminating  the  '  quick-witted,'  who  after  the  common  groimding  are 
to  be  made  '  scholars,  or  accomptants,  or  what  they  delight  in,'  from  the 
common  sort  who  are  to  be  apprenticed  (Adamson,  op.  cit..  Ill  sq.). 
Again  Hoole,  in  his  New  Discovery  (1660),  seems  to  anticipate  the  modem 
Higher  Elementary  School ;  his  '  Petty  School '  teaching  children  (5-8) 
to  read  English  in  preparation  for  the  Grammar  School,  '  is  also  a  place 
"  wherein  children  for  whom  the  Latin  tongue  is  thought  to  be  urmecessary, 
are  to  be  employed  after  they  can  read  English."    Instead  of  dismissing 


As  Latin  gradually  lost  its  position  as  the  language 
of  learning,  a  reaction  commenced — which  had  been 
foreshadowed  by  Mulcaster — in  favour  of  education  in 
the  vernacular;  and,  connected  with  it,  we  trace  the 
growth  of  a  demand  for  universal  instruction.  From 
the  commencement  of  the  seventeenth  century,  and  in 
a  few  foundations  even  at  an  earher  date,  there  is 
evidence  of  a  dehberate  efiort  to  develop  elementary 
education,  adapting  it  to  the  requirements  of  a  class 
who  had  no  prospect  of  proceeding  to  grammar.^ 
After  the  Restoration  it  became  more  common  to 
endow  a  distinct  class  of  schools  for  elementary 
instruction  only,  Latin  beiag  admitted  in  some  cases 
as  a  possible  extra. 

It  may  be  submitted,  with  some  justification,  that 
the  founders  of  Grammar  Schools  relied  in  many  cases 
on  the  possibility  of  the  demand  for  elementary  or 
preparatory  training  being  met  by  tuition  at  the  hands 
of  the  clergy,  or  through  various  unendowed  agencies 
which  must  have  existed  in  one  form  or  another 
from  a   very  early  period.     Elementary  Schools  were 

such  as  "  incapable  of  learning,"  the  Petty  School  is  to  give  them  still 
more  practice  in  reading  English,  and  to  add  writing  and  arithmetic. 
.  .  .  While  the  other  children  are  to  learn  the  accidence,  these  Latin-less 
youngsters  are  to  "be  benefited  in  reading  orthodox  catechisms  and  other 
books  that  may  instruct  them  in  the  duties  of  a  Christian,  .  .  .  and  ever 
afterwards  in  other  deUghtful  books  of  EngUsh  History,  as  the  History  of 
Queen  Elizabeth,  or  poetry,  as  Herbert's  Poems,  Quarles''  Emblems ;  and 
by  this  means  they  will  gain  such  a  habit  and  deUght  ia  reading  as  to 
make  it  their  chief  recreation  when  hberty  is  afforded  them.  And  their 
acquaintance  with  good  books  wUl  (with  God's  blessing)  be  a  means  to 
sweeten  their  (otherwise)  sour  natures,  that  they  may  live  comfortably 
towards  themselves,  and  amiably  converse  with  other  persons."  '  There 
was  to  be  one  such  school  in  every  town  and  large  village,  apparently  no 
fees,  and  classes  not  to  exceed  40  (ibid.,  162  sq.). 

'^  See  Encychpcedia  Britannica  (11th  ed.),  958.  '  We  have  here  a 
great  number  of  poor  people  in  our  parish  who  are  not  able  to  keep  their 
children  at  grammar.  But  we  are  desirous  to  have  them  taught  the 
principles  of  the  Christian  ReUgion  and  to  write,  read  and  cast  accounts, 
and  so  to  put  them  forth  to  prentice ' — Foster  Watson,  op.  cit.,  150  (re 
St.  Olave's  Southwark,  1561). 


established  from  time  to  time  in  connection  with  the 
parochial  organisation,  being  instituted  or  at  any  rate 
super\ised  by  the  clergy  and  carrying  on  a  practice 
common  in  the  Middle  Ages,  when  the  parish  clerk, 
*  often  a  beneficed  cleric,'  held  the  position  of  school- 
master.^ Moreover  a  growing  demand  had  encouraged 
the  development  of  private  enterprise  in  teaching  as 
a  commercial  speculation.  ^  In  some  cases  the  parish 
clerk  would,  on  his  own  initiative,  open  a  road-side 
establishment  and  undertake  to  ground  the  children 
of  the  village  in  spelling,  reading,  ciphering,  and  pot- 
hooks for  a  small  payment ;  or  a  tradesman  who 
had  come  to  grief  would  try  his  hand  at  teaching  and 
travel  from  place  to  place  in  search  of  pupils,  old  and 
young.  But  the  type  of  *  adventure  school '  with  which 
tradition  has  rendered  us  most  familiar  was  held  under 
the  auspices  of  the  village  dame. 

Of  the  character  of  these  institutions  it  is  difficult 
to  speak  in  general  terms.  That  a  satisfactory  standard 
was  often  reached,  may  be  reasonably  assumed,  especi- 
ally in  parish  schools  falling  under  the  first  category, 
where  the  clergy  interested  in  their  welfare  were  men 
of  sympathy  and  intelligence.^  The  merits  of  the 
private  adventure  schools  varied  probably  to  a  greater 
extent,  according  to  the  nature  of  the  local  demand 

*  Foster  Watson,  op.  cit.,  153. 

Private  adventure  schools  in  the  sixteenth  century,  ihid.,  156  sq. 

The  '  religious  societies,'  which  developed  during  the  last  quarter  of 
the  seventeenth  century,  helped  to  awaken  opinion  and  activity  among 
the  clergy  and  others,  before  the  work  of  promoting  Charity  Schools  was 
taken  up  by  the  S.P.C.K. — Holman,  English  National  Education,  28  sq. ; 
cf.  the  case  of  five  village  schools  founded  by  Archdeacon  Sharp,  Rector 
of  Rothbury,  Northumberland,  in  the  next  century — '  In  a  long  course  of 
years  there  were  very  few  to  be  found  in  the  parish  who  could  not  write, 
if  not  retain  also  some  knowledge  of  figures ;  and  no  people  could  be 
more  remarkable  for  industrious  exertion  in  humble  labour,  and  at  the 
same  time  for  modesty  and  good  behaviour,  than  the  parishioners  of 
Rothbury  in  general '—Overton  and  Relton,  English  Churchy  1714-1800, 


and  the  personality  of  tte  individual  who  assumed  the 
functions  of  teacher.     *  A  dark  room,  a  dame,  a  horn- 
book and  a  good  birchen  rod ' — a  congested  troop  of 
infants  droning  in  an  oppressive  atmosphere — a  stray- 
hen  scouring  for  scraps  on  the  threshold — and  the  mis- 
tress attending  intermittently  to  her  domestic  affairs : 
such,  in  the  main,  is  the  prose  version  of  the  celebrated 
stanzas  of  Shenstone  popularised  by  Royal  Commis- 
sioners in  a  later  and  more  fastidious  age.     But  it  is 
conceivable  that  during  the  period  of  their  ascendancy, 
and  in  the  rude  surroundings  which  gave  them  birth, 
the  dame-schools  answered  a  definite,  though  humble, 
purpose ;   and  in  the  urban  districts,  where  a  superior 
demand  existed,  there  were  many  instances  of  excep- 
tional success.     Thomas  Cooper  at  least  had  reason  to 
recall  with  gratitude  the  memory  of  an  *  expert  and 
laborious  teacher  of  the  art  of  spelling  and  reading,' 
whose  *  knitting  too   (for  she  taught  girls  as  weU  as 
boys)  was  the  wonder  of  the  town.'    The   confession 
elicited  from  the   dames  at  a   later  date — '  it's  little 
they  pays  us,  and  it's  little  we  teaches  them ' — is  the 
perennial  murmur  of   protectionists  in  the  declining 
years  of  an  industry  whose  profits  and  whose  fame  are 

Discontinuity,  lack  of  organisation,  and  the  absence 
of  a  rehable  system  of  management  are  defects  com- 
mon to  the  various  forms  of  experiment  which  have 
been  reviewed.  Even  in  Endowed  Schools,  resting  on 
a  permanent  basis  and  with  a  scheme  of  government 
prescribed  in  the  trust  deeds,  the  administrative 
machinery  was  often  signally  defective.  The  state  of 
the  law  and  other  circumstances  were  such  as  to  render 
the  trustees  practically  irresponsible  and,  at  the  same 
time,  to  restrict  their  power  of  carrying  out  necessary 
reforms  and  exercising  an  effective  control  over  the 


masters  whom  they  appointed.  Thus  it  happened 
that  innumerable  abuses,  both  serious  and  amusing, 
made  their  way  into  the  schools,  in  addition  to  defects 
which  an  able  management  would  have  found  it  difficult 
to  remedy.^  To  the  latter  half  of  the  seventeenth 
century  belong  the  beginnings  of  a  far-reaching  change. 
New  fields  were  opened  to  educational  enterprise,  and 
the  time  had  arrived  when  the  efforts  of  individual  ^ 
benefactors  began  to  yield  place  to  organised  move- 
ments dependent  on  public  support  and  subject  pro- 
portionately to  the  control  of  public  opinion. 

It  is  customary  to  contrast  the  foundations  of  the 
sixteenth  century  with  the  Charity  Schools  for  the 
poor  which  sprang  into  existence  a  hundred  years  later. 
The  essence  of  the  contrast  is  not  to  be  found  in  a 
difference  of  curriculum.  There  might  be  little  difference 
between  the  subjects  taught  in  a  decayed  Grammar 
School  and  the  curriculum  of  a  Charity  School,  and  yet 
a  prodigious  change  in  tone,  associations,  and  social 
outlook.  While  mention  of  the  poor  in  connection 
with  the  older  foundations  might  refer  generally  to 
those  who  were  not  rich  enough  to  obtain  advantages 
elsewhere,  the  *  poor '  of  the  Charity  Schools  are  a 
distinct  social  class.  The  aim  of  the  Grammar  Schools 
was  selective :  to  work  beneath  social  distinctions  and 
to  open  access  to  the  higher  walks  of  life.  The  aim  ^ 
of  the  Charity  Schools  was  disciplinary  :  to  rescue  the 
masses  and  to  ensure  their  obedience. 

Yet  it  may  be  said  that  the  indiscriminate  censure 
passed  on  the  system  by  modern  critics  has  had  an  un- 
fortunate result  in  diverting  attention  from  experiments 

^  At  a  village  Grammar  School  in  Yorkshire,  almost  within  living 
memory,  there  was  a  holiday  whenever  the  master  desired  to  go  fishing, 
and  the  school  prizes  were  '  tossed  for  '  at  the  end  of  term  amid  universal 
merriments-Speight,  Craven  and  N.  W.  Yc/rks.  Highlands,  197  sq. 


in  industrial  training  and  in  the  development  of 
relations  between  the  school  and  practical  life,  and  also 
from  an  important  advance  in  methods  of  organisation. 
An  attempt  has  been  made,  with  very  plausible  reason- 
ing, to  establish  a  connection  between  simultaneous 
movements  in  philanthropy  and  commerce  which  occur 
during  the  latter  half  of  the  seventeenth,  and  the  earlier 
decades  of  the  eighteenth,  century.^  It  may  be  shown,  at 
any  rate,  that  the  spirit  of  association  developed  in  both 
spheres  during  this  period ;  and  that,  about  the  same 
time  that  the  possibilities  of  joint-stock  began  to  create 
a  sensation  in  business  circles,  the  idea  of  organising  the 
superfluous  wealth  of  the  community  for  philanthropic 
purposes,  by  methods  analogous  in  many  respects  to 
those  which  obtained  in  commerce,  took  shape  in  a 
number  of  suggestive  experiments.  Thus  an  adminis- 
trative system  was  called  into  being  which  has  formed 
in  the  main  the  basis  of  voluntary  organisation  ever 
since.  A  movement  in  *  associated  philanthropy ' 
would  generally  originate  among  a  group  of  active 
supporters  prepared  in  varpng  degrees  to  render 
personal  service.  Sooner  or  later  it  would  be  found 
advisable  to  appoint  a  permanent  committee  to  direct 
operations  at  headquarters.  And  at  the  same  time 
there  would  be  an  attempt  to  elicit  financial  support 
from  the  general  public,  who  might  acquire  in  many 
cases  certain  rights  of  control  and  a  position  some- 
what analogous  to  that  of  shareholders  in  a  business 

This  form  of  organisation,  which  dealt  more  or 
less  effectively  with  the  financial  difficulty  and  marked 
at  the  time  a  distinct  advance  towards  effective  and 
responsible  management,  was  adopted,  first,  in  the 
foundation  of  large  boarding  institutions  in  the  Metro- 

^  Kirkman  Gray,  History  of  English  Philanthropy,  ch.  iv.,  v. 


polia  for  the  rescue  and  upbringing  of  children  actually 
destitute  of  the  means  of  subsistence,  and  secondly, 
in  the  development  of  societies  for  the  spread  of  educa- 
tion and  religious  knowledge  among  the  poor  in  different 
parts  of  the  kingdom.  It  was  in  the  latter  case,  where 
organisation  extended  over  a  wide  area,  that  the  possi- 
bilities of  *  associated  philanthropy  '  were  most  apparent. 
The  services  which  may  be  performed  by  an  intelligent 
central  body  with  funds  at  their  disposal — by  stimu- 
lating and  assisting  local  initiative,  by  forming  a  point 
of  connection  between  institutions  at  work  in  different 
areas,  and  by  undertaking  in  the  interests  of  the  move- 
ment as  a  whole  the  direct  performance  of  certain  func- 
tions which  require  organisation  on  a  large  scale  carried 
out  in  the  light  of  a  wide  experience — are  now  so  gener- 
ally admitted  that  it  seems  almost  pedantic  to  inquire 
when  the  idea  was  first  introduced.  Yet  in  this  connec- 
tion the  part  played  by  the  Society  for  Promoting 
Christian  Knowledge  in  the  formation  of  Charity 
Schools  is  of  special  interest,  and  demands  at  least  a 
passing  nctice.  The  Society  undertook  to  defend  and 
popularise  the  principles  of  the  movement.  It  aided 
in  the  establishment  of  schools  throughout  the  kingdom, 
and  periodically  issued  instructions  and  advice  as  to 
their  management  and  the  art  of  teaching.  It  appointed 
an  inspector  to  visit  schools  in  the  Metropolitan  area. 
By  a  resolution  passed  in  1703  it  condemned  classes 
in  excess  of  fifty  scholars  ;  and  there  were  a  series  of 
proposals  with  regard  to  the  training  of  teachers,  which 
prove  the  trustees  of  the  Society  to  have  been  at  least 
a  hundred  years  in  advance  of  their  time.^     We  may 

^  A  minute  of  1710  refers  to  the  '  expediency  of  establishing  a  Grammar 
School,  to  which  boys  of  great  talent  and  merit  should  be  transferred 
from  the  Charity  Schools  that  they  might  be  prepared  for  situations  as 
masters.'    In  1723  Dr.  Waterland,  preaching  before  the  Society,  announced 


note,  also--to  illustrate  tlie  tendency  of  educational 
organisations  to  develop  beyond  their  original  sphere- 
that  the  formation  of  night  classes  for  adults  in 
connection  with  the  day  schools  ia  recommended  in 
some  of  the  earlier  minutes. 

The  Canons  of  1604  had  placed  the  control  of  educa- 
tion in  the  hands  of  the  Church.  No  schoolmaster 
was  to  teach  in  '  public  school  or  private  house  '  unless 
approved  by  the  ordinary  as  a  man  of  learning,  apt  for 
the  office  and  of  sound  doctrine.^  "When  the  Puritans 
gained  the  ascendancy,  the  one  thing  certain  was  that 
this  settlement  would  be  undermined.  The  confiscation 
of  Church  property  placed  a  fund  at  the  disposal  of 
Parliament,  and  it  had  been  resolved  in  1641  that  it 
should  be  devoted  to  the  '  advancement  of  learning 
and  piety.'  It  soon  transpired  that  reform  would 
mean  something  more  than  a  change  of  patronage,  and 
in  the  ensuing  years  drastic  proposals  made  their  appear- 
ance. Milton's  tractate,  advocating  a  new  model  of 
secondary  and  higher  education,  was  published  in  1644. 
Petty  followed  in  1649  with  his  plan  for  elementary 
trade  schools.  Others  approached  the  legislature,  recog- 
nising the  State  for  the  first  time  as  the  official 
agent  of  education.  Comenius,  who  came  to  England 
in  1641,  was  the  advocate  of  a  graduated  scheme 
of  public  instruction  based  on  a  universal  system 
of  vernacular  schools.  Six  years  later,  in  a  treatise 
addressed  to  Parliament,  Hartlib  made  the  far-reaching 
proposal  that  the  *  magistrate  should  see  schools  opened, 

that  the  trustees  thought  of  founding  a  superior  school  for  training  school- 
masters and  mistresses.  Unhappily  nothing  came  of  these  proposals ; 
but  apparently  prospective  teachers  were  enabled  to  visit  the  best  managed 
MetropoUtan  schools  (the  principle  of  the  model  school).  Phillips,  Wales, 
Social  Condition,  etc.  (1849),  266  sq. 

»  Canons  77-79 ;  Cardwell,  SynodcUia,  i.  291. 


provided  with  teachers,  endowed  with  maintenance, 
regulated  with  constitutions,  and  .  .  .  have  instructors 
and  overseers  to  the  observance  of  good  order  in  this 
business.'  ^ 

There  is  evidence  that  the  subject  interested  the 
legislature  or  certain  of  its  membeis,  and  some  import- 
ant measures  were  passed-  Under  the  Propagation  Act 
of  1649  commissioners  were  appointed  who  laid  the 
basis  of  a  general  school  system  in  Wales.  ^  This  was 
followed  by  a  measure  allocating  a  portion  of  the  Crown 
revenues  to  the  payment  of  approved  schoolmasters 
and  preachers.  In  the  same  year  there  was  a  proposal 
to  found  a  University  at  Durham,  by  diverting  part 
of  the  cathedral  property.  Lastly  in  1653  ParUament 
appointed  a  Committee  for  the  Advancement  of  Learn- 

1  Considerations  tending  to  the  Happy  Accomplishment  of  England's 
Reformation  in  Church  and  State :  Humbly  presented  to  the  Piety  and 
Wisdome  of  the  High  and  Honorable  Court  of  Parliament.  See  Adamson, 
Pioneers  of  Modem  EdvxMtion,  1600-1700,  108. 

^  They  were  authorised  to  provide  for  the  '  keeping  of  schools '  with 
'  fitting  yearly  maintenance  '  and  the  '  education  of  children  in  piety 
and  good  literature  ' ;  the  funds  to  be  provided  by  a  charge  on  '  ecclesi- 
astical livings  in  the  hands  of  Parliament,'  and  the  yearly  stipend  not  to 
exceed  forty  poxmds  (c/.  Adamson,  98  sq.).  Mr.  Shankland  describes  the 
measure  as  '  in  the  broadest  sense  an  Education  Act  for  Wales  ' — '  Under 
this  Act  the  Commissioners  [1650-1653]  provided  the  thirteen  counties 
of  Wales  with  a  weU-organised  system  of  schools,  staffed  with  the  best- 
equipped  schoolmasters  that  they  could  command.  The  Trustees  [under 
a  separate  Act  of  1649  for  the  maintenance  of  '  Preaching  Ministers  or 
Schoolmasters  or  others  in  England  and  Wales,  settled  or  confirmed  by 
Ordinance  or  Order  of  ParUament ']  maintained  and  perfected  the  system 
from  1653  to  1660.  Free  schools  were  established  in  every  market  town 
of  any  importance  throughout  Wales,  and  in  many  other  towns  and  villages 
convenient  to  the  children.  In  most  of  the  great  towns  two  able,  learned, 
and  University  men  were  appointed  to  prepare  children  for  the  Universities 
if  desired.  A  sixth  of  the  tithes  of  Wales  was  devoted  to  the  maintenance 
of  these  schools ;  .  .  their  curricula  provided  for  the  teaching  of  reading, 
writing  and  ciphering,  and  in  the  large  towns  they  prepared  for  the 
Universities.  .  .  .  The  question  of  a  Welsh  University  College  was  also 
mooted  by  the  Puritans.  .  .  .  The  Restoration  nearly  paralysed  the 
whole  organisation,  many  of  the  schoolmasters  were  deprived  for  non- 
conformity, but  a  number  remained  at  their  work ' — Sir  John  Philipps 
and  the  Charity  School  Movement  in  Wales,  by  the  Rev.  Thomas  Shankland 
{Transactions  of  the  Hon.  Society  of  Cymmrodorion,  1904-5,  132  sqq.). 


ing,  which  included  men  in  the  first  rank  of  public 
life.^  Yet  the  total  achievement  was  small,  the  subject 
of  education  being  continually  postponed  under  the 
pressure  of  more  urgent  business  and  overwhelmed  by 
poHtical  issues.  Eeform  meant  in  the  first  instance 
the  removal  of  hostile  elements,  and  part  of  the  work 
was  founded  on  spoliation.  The  Welsh  Act,  which 
achieved  the  most  solid  results,  was  an  undisguised 
political  move.  The  wider  schemes,  involving  a  com- 
plete change  in  method  and  organisation,  had  not 
time  to  mature  before  political  reaction  intervened, 
sweeping  away  a  fabric  of  good  intentions  partially 
carried  out. 

The  century  following  the  Restoration  is  important, 
however,  for  the  assertion  of  administrative  principles 
V  which  underhe  the  growth  of  State  interference  within 
the  past  eighty  years  :  the  principle  of  rate-maintenance 
and  local  public  control,  the  principle  of  grants-in-aid, 
and  the  principle  involved  in  the  extension  of  public 
control  over  voluntary  institutions.  The  State  recog- 
nised a  direct  responsibihty  for  education  in  connection 
with  the  Poor  Law.  There  was  an  Act  passed  in  1662 
'  for  the  better  Reliefe  of  the  Poore  of  this  Kingdom,' 
in  consequence  of  which  the  Common  Council  of  London, 
some  years  later,  decided  to  give  a  number  of  poor 
children  the  benefits  of  an  elementary  and  industrial 
education ;  and  this  was  followed,  after  a  long  inter- 
val, by  a  private  Bill  of  1769  enabling  the  parochial 
poor  of  London  to  be  educated  out  of  the  rates. 
The  Workhouse  Act  of  1723  and  numerous  private 
Bills  of  the  period  contained  provisions  to  the 
same  intent.  The  principle  of  grants-in-aid  was  recog- 
nised in  the  case  of  the  Foundling  Hospital,  which 

^  Adamson,  of.  cit.,  103« 


received  at  one  time  substantial  assistance  from  the 
national  exchequer.     Meanwhile,  in  1716,  the  Commons 
had  passed  a  drastic  measure  for  the  reform  of  close 
vestries  in  the  Metropolitan  area,  which  would  have  had 
the  effect  of  transferring  to  an  elective  body  the  *  sole 
right    of   appointing   masters   and  mistresses  of    any 
voluntary  Charity  School  that  might  be   carried   on 
within  its  parish,  and  of  selecting  the  children  to  be 
admitted  to  such  schools.'    Against  this  the  'trustees 
of  the  Charity  Schools,    in  which  nearly  5000  poor 
children  were  being  educated  and  clothed,  represented 
forcibly  that  these  schools  were  not  maintained  by  the 
parishes,  but   were  "chiefly   supported   by   voluntary 
subscriptions,"  and  that  the  greater  part  of  the  sub- 
scribers contributed  because  they  thereby  secured  the 
right  of  appointing  schoolmasters  and  nominating  the 
children  to  be  admitted.     To  hand  these  powers  over 
to  an  elective  body  would  certainly  check  the  flow  of 
subscriptions,  and  would,  in  fact,  "  tend  to  discourage, 
if  not  totally  dissolve,  the  said  schools."  '  *  ^ 

(2)  Literature 

There  was  in  the  eighteenth  century  no  general  and 
organised  system  of  popular  education,  but  there  were  a 
variety  of  schools  to  which  different  classes  in  the  com- 
munity might  obtain  access.  Similarly,  there  was  no  sys- 
tematic supply  of  cheap  literature,  but  a  certain  amount 
of  printed  matter  lay  within  reach  of  the  poorest. 
The  interval  between  the  close  of  the  seventeenth  cen- 
tury and  the  accession  of  George  the  Third  witnessed 
a  considerable  extension  of  the  book  trade.  Printers 
and  booksellers,  a  class  formerly  almost  unknown  out- 
side the  Metropolis,  began  to  set  up  in  the  provincial 

*  Webb,  English  Local  Oovemment,  i.  255  sq. 


towns/  and  fed  a  subordinate  army  of  hawkers  and 
travellers  who  canvassed  the  neighbourhood  far  and 
wide.  Number-men,  or  itinerant  booksellers,  passed 
from  village  to  village,  leaving  samples,  and  erected 
their  stalls  wherever  a  suitable  market  could  be  found. 
Pedlars  and  fortune-tellers  carried  odd  volumes  in  their 
packs  to  remote  parts  of  the  kingdom.  Old  women, 
vending  sweetmeats,  kept  a  corner  of  their  boards  for  the 
Illustrated  Bible,  the  Pilgrim's  Progress,  and  an  assort- 
ment of  chap-books.  2  The  proprietor  of  the  Sherborne 
Mercury^  established  in  1736,  had  relays  of  messengers 
travelling  on  horseback  to  Penzance  and  branching 
o£E  the  main  road  into  the  surrounding  country,  who 
dehvered  his  journal  and  took  orders  for  books. ^  From 
these  and  similar  sources,  by  begging  and  borrowing, 
by  saving  pence  and  cajoling  shopkeepers,  or  by  loiter- 
ing over  a  bookstall,  such  of  the  poorer  classes  as  had 
a  taste  for  reading  might  with  good  fortune  find  the 
material  of  which  they  were  in  quest,  and  often  managed 
to  scrape  together  the  nucleus  of  an  incongruous  hbrary.* 
Except,  however,  in  cases  where  a  generous  patron 
placed  himself  at  their  service,  the  choice  and 
acquisition  of  good  literature  were  matters  of  some 
difficulty.  There  is  a  sad  story  of  Samuel  Drew — 
a  Cornish  shoemaker  of  some  repute — journeying  one 
day  to  a  bookshop  at  Truro  and  demanding  '  Plato  on 
the  Soul."  Standard  works  of  the  best  authors  might 
be  obtained  in  London  readily  enough  and  at  a  cheap 

^  Buckle,  Civilisation  in  England,  L  ch.  vii.  n.  395.  In  1693  the  Act 
of  1662  restricting  the  number  of  master-printers  was  repealed ;  see 
W.  H.  Allnutt,  Notes  on  Printers  and  Printing  in  the  Provincial  Toums 
of  England  and  Wales  (read  before  the  Library  Association  of  the  United 
Kingdom,  1878). 

*  Knight,  Memories  of  a  Working  Man  (by  a  tailor),  20. 
a  Life  of  Samuel  Drew  (by  his  son),  40  sq. 

*  Knight,  Pursuit  of  Knowledge  under  Difficulties^  i  88  sqq.,  iL  92. 
Wallas,  Life  of  Place,  17. 


rate.  *  At  stalls  and  in  the  streets/  say  a  "^a  traveller 
of  the  period,  *  you  every  now  and  then  meet  with  a 
sort  of  antiquarians,  who  sell  single  or  odd  volumes ; 
sometimes,  perhaps,  of  Shakespeare  etc.,  so  low  as 
a  penny  ;  nay,  even  sometimes  for  a  halfpenny  a  piece. 
Of  one  of  these  itinerant  antiquarians  I  bought  the  two 
volumes  of  the  "  Vicar  of  Wakefield ""  for  sixpence.'  i 
In  the  provinces — even  in  the  larger  towns — there  was 
a  great  scarcity  of  first-rate  literature,  a  disproportion- 
ate amount  of  space  being  occupied  by  tales  of  magic 
and  adventure,  lives  of  highwaymen,  ephemeral  histories, 
love  stories,  valentines,  prophetic  almanacks,  *  godly  and 
other  patters,'  slip-songs,  children's  books,  and  anti- 
quated treatises  on  various  subjects  sold  in  numbers, 
four  sheets  for  a  penny.  ^ 

It  is  clear  that,  while  the  student  laboured  at  a 
disadvantage,  there  existed  in  some  sense  a  literature 
for  the  masses,  whose  history  bears  on  the  transition  from 
mediaeval  to  modern  methods  of  instruction  and  enter- 

J,i  Moritz,  Travels  in  England  in  1782  (English  ed.  1886),  35  sq.  Stephen 
Duck  (1700-1766),  an  agricultural  labourer  of  parts,  commissioned  a 
friend  visiting  London  to  bring  him  books ;  he  received  a  selection  of 
ancient  and  modem  poets  and  Seneca's  Morals — Knight,  Pursuit  of 
Knowledge  under  Difficulties,  iii.  84 ;  cf.  Smiles,  Industrial  Biography, 
237  sq. 

*  '  Shopkeepers  and  travellers  may  at  all  times  be  supplied  on  liie 
most  reasonable  terms,  with  all  kinds  of  Histories,  Grodly  and  other  Patters, 
sHp-songs,  carols,  etc.,  etc.,  at  J.  Turner's,  Printer '  (Coventry  advertise- 
ment)— Kjiight,  Shadows  of  the  Old  Booksellers,  239.  The  Sheffield  press 
issued  (1736-1745)  'all  sorts  of  new  songs  and  penny  histories,'  a  'new 
historical  catechism  by  W.  L.,'  and  ballads  such  as  'The  Golden  Bull, 
or  the  Crafty  Princess,  in  four  parts  ' — Leader,  Reminiscences  of  Old 
Sheffield,  107. 

Lackington  in  his  tours  (1787  and  1790)  found  that  the  bookshops  in 
large  towns  between  Edinburgh  and  London,  with  the  possible  exception 
of  Leeds  and  York,  contained  very  few  first-rate  books  and  a  deal  of 
trash.  Knight,  ib.,  294  sq.  Samuel  Bamford's  account  of  books  read 
during  his  schooldays  gives  an  excellent  idea  of  the  Mterature  obtainable 
ia  Manchester  and  the  neighbourhood,  about  1800.  Bamford,  Early 
Days,  87,  102 ;  see  also  KJoight,  The  Old  Printer  and  the  Modern  Press, 
and  Passages  in  a  Working  Life,  L  226  sq. ;  Thomas  Cooper,  Autobiography. 


tainment.  The  oral  teaching  of  the  Church  continued, 
but  waa  supplemented  by  the  dissemination  of  Bibles, 
and  of  religious  tracts  which  date  back  to  the  close  of 
the  seventeenth  century.  Elements  of  the  miracle 
play  survived  in  rustic  drama  and  puppet-shows ; 
but  the  modern  counterpart  of  religious  drama,  once  a 
mighty  instrument  of  spiritual  instruction,  might  be 
found  perhaps  in  such  works  as  the  Pilgrim's  Progress, 
which  occupied  the  window-ledge  in  many  a  religious 
household.  Songs  and  ballads  and  romances  were 
still  preserved  among  the  peasantry  by  oral  tradition ; 
but,  since  the  sixteenth  century,  the  practice  of 
recording  old  English  song  had  increased,  and  new 
compositions  were  commonly  issued  in  the  form  of 
broadsheets.^  It  is  during  the  Tudor  period  that  we 
find  the  first  traces  of  a  form  of  criticism  which  cheap 
literature  has  aroused  at  many  stages  of  its  development. 
Mary  issued  a  Koyal  injunction  against  *  books,  ballads, 
rhymes  and  treatises  ...  set  out  by  printers  and 
stationers  of  an  evil  desire  for  lucre  and  covetous  of 
vile  gain ' ;  and  the  rapid  multiplication  of  ballads 
and  *  lewd  *  songs  in  succeeding  years  was  repeatedly 
denounced  in  much  the  same  terms  as  the  inferior 
products  of  the  cheap  press  at  the  present  day.^  It  is 
doubtful,  however,  whether  this  form  of  literature  in 
its  earlier  phases  can  be  seriously  compared  with  the 
type  of  pasquinade  which  came  in  with  the  growth  of 
large  towns,  and  the  demoralisation  of  popular  taste, 
in  the  eighteenth  century. 

^  Ballads  often  adorned  tl.e  walls  of  cottages  and  inns,  along  with 
King  Charles'  Golden  Rules,  and  religious  and  patriotic  prints.  '  The 
prints  and  pictures  which  I  have  seen  at  these  inns  are,  I  think,  almost 
always  prints  of  the  royal  family  ...  or  else  I  have  found  a  map  of 
London  and  not  seldom  the  portrait  of  the  King  of  Prussia.  .  .  .  You 
also  sometimes  see  some  of  the  droll  prints  of  Hogarth ' — Moritz,  op. 
cit.,  144. 

^  Chappell,  Old  English  Popular  Music,  i:  64  sqq. 


The  chap-book,  which  appears  to  have  been  the 
chief  reading-book  of  the  masses,  drew  its  material 
from  every  available  source.     These  publications  were 
sold  up  and  down  the  country  at  a  farthing  or  a  half- 
penny each,  and  consisted  of  sheets  folded  into  sixteen 
or  twenty-four  pages,  adorned  with  rough  woodcuts  and 
covering  a  wide  range  of  subject-matter,  from  episodes 
in  sacred  and  profane  history  to  the  lives  of  devils, 
highwaymen,    and    clowns.     Tradition   tells    of    one 
Stephen   Knowles,   a  miner  dwelling  at   Grassington 
somewhere  in  the  earlier  half  of  last  century,  a  collector 
of  chap-books,  who  believed  what  he  read.     '  It  is  not 
likely,'  he  argued,  *  that  anyone  would  go  to  the  expense 
of  printing  lies.'    Baron  Munchausen  was  a   special 
favourite  and  a  sore  point.     Once  a  weather-beaten 
seaman  from  Greenwich,  who  had  come  north  on  a 
visit,  ventured  to  approach  the  matter  in  a  spirit  of 
criticism ;    but   Stephen  was  equal  to  the  occasion. 

*  A  fool,*  he  said,  *  comprehendeth  not  the  profound 
sayings  of  the  wise,  and  it  ill  becometh  an  ignorant  tar 
and  out-pensioner  of  Greenwich  Hospital  to  ridicule  the 
surprisLQg  and  truthful  narrative  of  a  German  Peer  ! '  ^ 

A  very  different  kind  of  importance  attaches  to 
the  periodical  literature  which  had  been  spreading,  in 
the  form  of  newspapers  and  magazines,  with  increas- 
ing velocity  since  the  last  years  of  William  the  Third. 

*  Not  many  years  ago,'  wrote  Br.  Johnson  in  1758,  '  the 
nation  was  content  with  one  gazette  ;  but  now  we  have 
not  only  in  the  Metropolis  papers  every  morning  and 

^  Dixon,  Chronicles  of  the  Craven  Dales,  425  sqq.  See  generally.  Life 
ofHoJcroft,  i.  135  ;  Crabbe,  Parish  Register,  pt.  i ;  Bowles,  Days  Departed ; 
Sydney,  England  and  the  English  in  the  Eighteenth  Century,  iL  141  sq. ;  id., 
England  and  the  English  in  the  Nineteenth  Century,  i.  238,  cf.  Place,  Add. 
MSB.  27825,  p.  79  (B.M.) ;  Select  Committee  on  Education  (1835),  Q.  800 ; 
J.  H.  Dixon,  Ancient  Poems,  Ballads  and  Songs  of  the  Peasantry  of 
England  (1846) ;  Ashton,  Chap-books  of  the  Eighteenth  Century. 


every  evening,  but  almost  every  large  town  has  its 
weekly  historian  who  regularly  circulates  his  periodical 
intelligence  and  fills  the  villages  of  his  district  with  con- 
jectures on  the  events  of  the  war.'  *  All  foreigners/  he 
adds,  '  remark  that  the  knowledge  of  the  common  people 
of  England  is  greater  than  that  of  any  other  vulgar. 
This  superiority  we  undoubtedly  owe  to  the  rivulets  of 
intelligence  which  are  continually  trickling  among  us, 
which  anyone  may  catch.*  ^  More  than  one  authority 
has  recorded  the  intense  excitement  which  prevailed 
among  all  classes  during  the  campaign  of  that  year ; 
the  eagerness  with  which  small  knots  collected  in  the 
streets  to  hear  the  proud  possessor  of  an  Observator  or 
a  Review  declaim  its  smattering  of  news  and  comment. 
At  an  earlier  crisis  a  traveller  had  remarked,  with 
mingled  amusement  and  surprise,  during  a  visit  to 
London,  that  *  workmen  habitually  begin  the  day  by 
going  to  the  cofiee-house  in  order  to  read  the  latest  news. 
I  have  often  seen  shoeblacks  and  other  persons  of  that 
class  club  together  to  purchase  '  a  journal. ^  It  was  not 
the  least  significant  of  the  many  portents  which  were 
gathering  on  the  horizon  of  English  life. 

1  Idler,  Nos.  7  and  30. 

*  A  Foreign  View  of  England  in  the  Reigns  of  George  I  and  II ;  Letters 
of  M.  de  Samsure,  tr.  Madame  van  Muyden  (1902),  162. 



A  TENDENCY  to  difierentiate  educational  methods  in 
accordance  with  the  supposed  requiiements  of  different 
classes  was,  in  some  ways,  an  inevitable  incident  in  the 
advance  towards  a  policy  of  universal  instruction.  The 
contrast  which  is  commonly  drawn  between  the  Grammar 
Schools  of  the  sixteenth  century  and  the  Charity  Schools 
of  the  eighteenth — ^to  the  disadvantage  of  the  latter 
— involves,  to  a  large  extent,  the  fallacy  of  comparing 
institutions  which  had  different  functions  to  perform, 
and  of  reading  into  the  theory  of  an  earlier  age  ideas 
which  belong  to  modem  democracy.  The  Charity 
School  movement  may,  at  any  rate,  be  explained  with 
reference  to  social  preconceptions  which  influenced 
Elizabethan  statesmanship  and  have  their  roots  in 
earlier  usage  and  tradition. 

The  nucleus  of  conservative  tradition  may  be 
traced  in  the  mediaeval  conception  of  society  as  consist- 
ing of  a  series  of  classes,  each  with  its  appointed  status 
in  the  commonwealth,  its  customary  scale  of  income 
and  expenditure,  its  round  of  duty  which  ranked  almost 
as  a  public  trust.  Each  commodity  had  its  *  just 
price  * ;  to  each  class  there  was  a  fair  reward  for  labour 
which  was  relative  to  its  customary  standard  of  living. 
To  lower  this  standard  was  an  act  of  oppression ; 
to  better  it  might  be  tantamount  to  an  encroachment. 
It  was  the  business  of  government  to  see  that  each  group 



fulfilled  its  allotted  role  and,  by  striking  a  balance 
between  conflicting  interests,  to  secure  for  each  its 
proper  livelihood. 

The'  inference  that  each  class  had  its  appropriate 
standard  of  culture,  and  that  the  prospects  of  the 
individual  which  depend  on  instruction  should  be 
determined  by  the  rank  of  his  parents,  was  not  part  of 
the  mediaeval  theory.  The  impulse  to  education  was 
religious,  not  economic.  The  question  of  educating  the 
masses  had  not  arisen,  but  to  the  individual  belonged 
God-sent  talents  which  it  was  a  duty  to  cultivate. 
Schools  existed  for  the  elite,  but  not  an  elite  of  wealth. 
The  same  statute  that  debarred  villeins  from  apprenticing 
their  children  confirmed  their  right  of  access  to  places 
of  instruction.^  A  change  occurred  in  the  sixteenth 
century.  The  measure  of  instruction  prescribed  by  the 
Apprentice  Laws  was  governed  by  an  economic  motive  ; 
its  aim  being  to  secure  that  idle  and  vagabond  chil- 
dren should  be  trained  for  industry  on  conditions 
defined  by  the  State.  ^  When  the  Grammar  Schools 
were  reorganised,  the  old  ideals  were  maintained,  but 
it  was  necessary  to  combat  an  objection  that  the  son 
of  a  ploughman  was  not  called  to  learning,  and  that 
his  labour  was  as  important  to  society  as  functions 
which   belonged  to   a   higher  rank.^    But  the   most 

^  '  No  one  shall  put  their  child  apprentice  within  any  city  or  borough, 
unless  they  have  land  or  rent  of  20  shillings  per  annum  ;  but  they  shall 
be  put  to  such  labour  as  their  fathers  or  mothers  use,  or  as  their  estates 
require.  But  any  persons  may  send  their  children  to  school  to  learn 
Literature  ' — 7  Henry  IV,  c.  17  (Raithby,  Statutes  at  Large,  i.  661). 

*  Craik,  State  in  its  Relation  to  Edwation  {English  Citizen  Series), 

'  It  was  '  meet  for  the  ploughman's  son  to  go  to  the  plough,  and 
the  artificer's  son  to  apply  the  trade  of  his  parents'  vocation ;  and  the 
gentlemen's  children  are  meet  to  have  the  knowledge  of  government  and 
rule  in  the  Commonwealth.  For  we  have  as  much  need  of  ploughmen  as 
any  other  State :  and  all  sorts  of  men  may  not  go  to  school ' — Strype, 
Cranmer,  i^l27. 


striking  illustration  of  the  turn  given  to  mediaeval 
theory  in  dealing  with  a  new  instrument  of  popular 
instruction  is  found  in  a  statute  passed  during  the  last 
years  of  Henry  the  Eighth.  To  allay  certain  symptoms 
of  disorder  occasioned  by  a  free  use  of  the  Scriptures, 
it  was  enacted  that  the  English  Bible  should  not  be 
read  in  churches.  The  right  of  private  reading  was 
granted  to  nobles,  gentry,  and  merchants  that  were 
householders,  but  was  expressly  denied  to  artificers' 
prentices,  to  journeymen  and  serving  men  *  of  the 
degree  of  yeomen  or  imder,'  to  husbandmen  and 
labourers.  1  It  was  left  to  a  later  generation  to  draw 
from  sage  premises  absurd  conclusions.  The  old  social 
theory  is  expressed  in  a  saying  of  Edward  the  Sixth — 
*  this  country  can  bear  ...  no  husbandman  or  farmer 
worth  above  £100  to  £200 ;  no  artificer  above 
100  marc  ;  no  labourer  much  more  than  he  spendeth.' 
Nearly  two  centuries  later,  the  satirist  produced  a 
scheme  of  municipal  *  nurseries,'  to  prepare  children 
for  '  such  a  condition  of  life  as  befits  the  rank  of 
their  parents  and  their  own  capacities  as  well 
as  inclinations  ' — the  offspring  of  gentry,  merchants, 
traders  and  handicraftsmen  receiving  appropriate  de- 
grees of  culture,  whilst  the  *  cottagers  and  labourers 
keep  their  children  at  home,  their  business  being  only 
to  till  and  cultivate  the  earth,  and  therefore  their 
education  is  of  little  consequence  to  the  PubHck. '  ^ 

A  mistrust  of  independent  action  on  the  part  of 
individuals  or  sections  of  society  had  followed^from  the 

^  34  &  35  Henry  Vm,  c.  1  (Raithby,  ii.  201).  Burnet,  History  of  the 
Reformation,  i.  517. 

^  GuUiver's  Travels,  pt.  i,  ch.  vi.  Contrast  the  genuine  mediaeval 
attitude  &s  shown  in  Henry  VIII's  instructions  to  the  clergy  to  exhort 
parents,  masters  and  governors  of  youth  to  '  bestow  their  children  and 
servants,  even  from  their  childhood,  either  to  learning,  or  to  some  other 
honest  exercise,  occupation  or  husbandry ' — Burnet,  iv.  91  (the  italics  are 


premises  on  which  the  mediaeval  theory  of  social  equili- 
brium rested.  A  maximum,  no  less  than  a  minimum,  of 
opportunity  had  been  implied  in  the  doctrine  of  *  just 
price. '  The  persistent  efforts  of  government  in  the  Middle 
Ages  to  control  capitalist  enterprise,  to  manipulate 
the  labour  market,  to  fix  the  limits  of  remuneration  and 
profit,  above  all  to  prohibit  collective  bargaining,  were 
an  essential  part  of  the  policy  which  aimed  at  protecting 
the  standard  of  Hving  through  all  grades  of  society. 
Within  these  limits  the  course  of  Tudor  statesmanship 
suggests  little  more  than  an  extended  application  to 
the  nation  as  a  whole,  of  *  ideas  which  had  been  im- 
phcit  in  the  local  organisation  of  earlier  times ' ;  but 
the  reorganisation  which  it  involved  has  an  important 
bearing  on  the  political  growth  of  the  nation,  and  marks 
a  dividing  point  in  its  economic  history.  It  is  difficult 
to  find  any  metaphor  adequate  to  express  the  process 
of  national  consolidation  that  reached  a  climax  during 
these  years  of  transition.  Broadly  it  may  be  said  that 
a  number  of  individual  organisms,  exhibiting  various 
degrees  of  structural  complexity,  have  coalesced  to 
form  a  larger  and  more  complex  unit  co-extensive 
with  the  nation.  Underlying  the  process  is  the  con- 
ception that  society  as  a  whole,  and  each  of  the  units 
composing  it,  is  a  corporate  structure  subject  to  some 
form  of  organised  control.  Its  starting  point  is  the 
clustering  together  of  members  of  a  social  or  economic 
group  for  the  protection  or  advancement  of  their  com- 
mon interests.  As  society  becomes  more  complex  with 
the  differentiation  of  economic  functions,  each  new 
group  tends  to  associate  in  self-defence,  until  it  is 
incorporated  as  part  of  a  larger  unit. 

Some  such  course  of  evolution  may  be  traced  in  the 
growth  of  the  gilds  during  the  later  Middle  Ages.  The 
town   has  already  emerged  as  a  self-governing  com- 


munity,  with  its  methodic  organisation  of  commerce  and 
production  in  the  interest  of  its  members.  The  rise  of 
the  craft-gilds  marks  an  advance  in  economic  complexity 
and  a  corresponding  differentiation  in  the  structure  of 
local  government.  The  burgess  body  is  thus  reorganised 
in  a  number  of  constituent  associations,  standing  sever- 
ally in  the  same  relation  to  the  municipal  authority, 
and  forming  together  the  *  subordinate  mechanism  of 
self-government  *  and  the  instruments  by  which  the 
town  carries  out  its  system  of  economic  regulation. 
It  is  characteristic  of  this  phase  of  urban  life — so 
long  as  the  market  is  essentially  local  and  there  is  a 
substantial  equality  among  those  enjoying  the  privi- 
leges of  burgess-ship — that  municipal  self-government  is 
broadly  representative  of  the  main  body  of  the  towns- 
folk and  relatively  free  from  outside  interference,  and 
that  each  subordinate  group  retains  a  large  measure 
of  self-determination  subject  to  the  control  of  the 
municipal  authority  which  is  in  turn  responsive  to  the 
corporate  will  of  the  community.  Meanwhile  forces 
which  were  destroying  the  economic  isolation  of  town  and 
manor,  worked  with  disintegrating  effect  on  the  old 
forms  of  communal  life.  The  whole  structure  of  trade 
and  industry  reacted  to  the  influences  of  a  widening 
market  and  the  growing  importance  of  capitalist 
enterprise.  Capitalism  brought  new  problems — the 
growth  of  wage-labour,  a  redistribution  of  functions, 
a  new  rivalry  of  interests,  the  economic  and  political 
subjection  of  class  to  class.  The  movement  affected 
not  only  the  organisation  of  the  crafts,  but  also 
the  balance  of  town  government.  Power  concentrated 
in  the  hands  of  oligarchies ;  self-government  became 
less  a  reality ;  and  the  gild-organisation  entered 
'  into  a  smaller  part  of  the  daily  life  of  the  members.' 
The  same  tendency  may  be  traced  in  the  process  by 


which  associations  originating  among  the  new  journey- 
man class  were  gradually  divested  of  every  semblance 
of  spontaneity,  and  became  instruments  whereby  a 
trading  corporation  provided  for  the  relief  of  its 
dependants.  With  these  internal  changes  in  town  life 
were  connected  the  spread  of  industries  over  the  rural 
districts  and  the  increased  intervention  of  the  central 
authority.  As  industry  extended  beyond  the  sphere 
of  local  regulation,  as  local  institutions  fell  short  of  the 
requirements  of  discipline  and  justice,  there  commenced 
a  process  of  reconstruction  in  which  the  lines  of  national 
policy  were  marked  out  by  the  central  government 
and  local  organisation  was  enwrapped  in  a  framework 
of  national  control.  National  legislation  encroached 
more  and  more  on  the  sphere  of  the  municipality  and 
superseded  the  custom  of  the  manorial  courts ;  the 
task  of  supervising  the  gilds,  together  with  a  part 
of  their  administrative  functions,  was  gradually  trans- 
ferred to  magistrates  controlled  by  the  central  executive. 
A  definite  drift  of  political  tendency  underlies  the 
course  of  economic  development.  There  is  an  intelligible 
transition  from  the  forms  of  association  and  self- 
government  which  may  be  studied  in  the  earlier  stages  of 
town  Hfe,  to  the  urban  oligarchies  of  the  fifteenth  century, 
and  to  the  centralised  paternaHsm  of  the  Elizabethan 
age.  The  central  government,  working  for  national 
ends,  asserted  its  control  over  a  form  of  association  which 
had  drifted  from  its  original  intention,  and  a  quasi- 
representative  system  which  had  fallen  into  decay ;  and, 
in  doing  so,  it  tended  to  supersede  them  both.  The  pro- 
cess of  national  consoHdation  was  a  gradual  movement 
towards  the  stage  at  which  poHcies  were  designed  and 
executed  from  above.  The  tendency  reappears  beyond 
the  sphere  of  economic  regulation.  In  the  rehgious 
movements  of  the  period  there  is  the  same  element  of 


emancipation  as  in  other  phases  of  national  develop- 
ment, but  the  prevailing  note  is  a  renewal  of  discipline. 
The  conception  of  national  religion  as  an  instrument 
for  enforcing  the  duties  and  positions  of  the  social 
system  comes  out  in  the  language  of  the  Church  Cate- 
chism, and  in  the  special  prayers  for  landlord  and 
labourer  which  were  formulated  by  royal  command.* 
The  Church  service  finds  its  place  in  the  same  compre- 
hensive scheme  of  delegated  responsibility  that  en- 
trusted magistrates  with  the  assessment  of  wages  and 
a  general  supervision  of  popular  morals.  At  the  same 
time,  with  the  passing  away  of  the  old  order,  important 
social  influences  may  have  fallen  into  decay.  The  effect 
of  the  disendowment  of  religious  fraternities  depends 
not  merely  on  the  quantitative  loss  or  gain  which 
accrued  from  the  reapplication  of  their  funds  to  various 
objects,  but  also  on  the  extent  to  which  it  crushed 
a  habit  of  voluntary  co-operation  whose  loss  was  not 
to  be  compensated  by  any  increase  of  efficiency.'' 

The  situation  at    the  close  of  the  Tudor  period 
illustrates  the  truism  that,  while  it  is  easy  to  formulate 

1  Cf.  Heath,  English  Peasant,  20.  Compare  Henry  VIII's  Instructions 
to  the  Clergy,  describing  the  Bible  as  '  the  Spiritual  Food  of  man's  soul, 
whereby  they  [his  subjects]  may  the  better  know  the  Dutys  to  God,  to  their 
Sovereign  Lord  the  King  and  their  neighbour ' — Burnet,  History  of  the 
Reformation,  iv.  91.  Mr.  R.  H.  Tawney  has  sent  me  an  extract  from  a 
document  {Considerations  delivered  to  the  Parliament,  1559,  preparatory  to 
the  Statute  of  Artificers,  1563),  preserved  among  the  Burleigh  MSS.,  which 
throws  light  on  the  connection  between  religious  and  social  discipline  as 
conceived  by  the  Government.  It  is  recommended  {inter  alia)  that  '  no 
man  hereafter  receive  into  service  any  servant  without  a  testimonial  from 
the  master  he  last  dwelt  with,  sealed  with  a  Parish  seal  kept  by  the  con- 
stable or  churchwarden  witnessing  he  left  with  the  free  hcense  of  his 
master,  penalty  £10.  So  by  the  need  of  the  masters  servants  may  be 
reduced  to  obedience,  which  shall  reduce  obedience  to  the  prruce  and  to 
God  also ;  by  the  looseness  of  the  time  no  other  remedy  is  left  but  by 
awe  of  the  law  to  acquaint  men  with  virtue  again  ;  whereby  the  Reforma- 
tion of  religion  may  be  brought  in  credit,  with  the  amendment  of  manners, 
the  want  whereof  has  been  as  a  thing  grown  by  the  liberty  of  the  GospeL' 
*  The  same  remark  appUes  to  the  suppression  of  local  drama,  etc., 
which  took  place  in  certain  districts,  under  Puritanical  influences. 


schemes  of  social  equilibrium,  it  is  difficult  to  control 
the  material  forces  by  which  the  course  of  social  develop- 
ment, and  ultimately  of  social  thought,  is  actually 
determined.  Though  in  the  sixteenth  century  property 
was  widely  distributed  and  persons  dependent  entirely 
on  wages  formed  perhaps  a  minority  of  the  whole 
population,  the  *  two  nations '  were  already  emerging 
from  the  wreck  of  feudal  society — on  the  one  side, 
*the  classes  enjoying  a  large  common  measure  of 
economic  freedom ' ;  on  the  other,  the  wage-earners 
who  were  to  become  the  *  masses,^  *  in  whose 
position,  as  defined  by  the  law,  there  is  an  element 
of  mediaeval  serfdom,  an  element  of  freedom,  an 
element  of  protection  and  guarantee/^  The  position 
of  the  latter  had  been  accepted,  rather  than  modi- 
fied, by  national  legislation.  Their  status  was  most 
easily  controlled  and  apparently  most  in  need  of  regula- 
tion. Their  power  of  initiative  and  constructive  action 
was  little  developed,  and  upon  them  restrictions  on 
personal  freedom  fell  most  heavily.  They  were  a 
class,  as  it  seemed,  marked  out  by  circumstance  for 
protection  and  control.  This  actual  cleavage  necessarily 
tended  to  weaken  that  sentiment  of  social  soUdarity 
which  had  been  enforced  by  Tudor  despotism  in  the 
face  of  economic  change ;  an  effect  which  became 
more  apparent  in  the  next  century,  as  political  pre- 
dominance shifted  from  the  crown  to  the  governing 
classes,  and  as  with  the  decay  of  personal  monarchy 
there  passed  away  some  part  of  the  idealism  which  its 
prestige  had  sheltered. 

If  the  constitutional  conflicts  of  the  Puritan  era 
weakened  the  machinery  for  enforcing  Elizabethan 
policies  and  loosened  the  conceptions  on  which  they 
rested,  the  Eest oration  and  the  Eevolution   of  1688 

^  Meredith,  Economic  History  of  England,  86. 


revealed  with  growing  emphasis  the  strength  of 
those  interests  which  became  a  dominant  influence 
in  eighteenth-century  pohtica.  Attempts  to  define 
the  position  of  the  masses  assumed  an  altered  com- 
plexion, when  they  were  conceived  no  longer  as  part 
of  a  general  scheme  of  subordination  embracing  society 
as  a  whole,  but  reflected  primarily  the  opinion  of  one 
section  of  society  as  to  how  another  should  hve ;  and 
the  confusion  was  increased  by  a  blending  of  feudal 
tradition  with  the  maxims  of  commerca  In  the  plea 
for  cheap  labour  which  influenced  both  supporters 
and  opponents  of  the  Charity  Schools,  there  is  at  once 
an  echo  of  the  old  social  theory  which  imposed  a 
customary  restraint  on  the  class  standard  of  Uving, 
and  a  foretaste  of  the  attitude  of  later  economists  who 
treated  labour  as  an  item  in  the  costs  of  production.* 
Meanwhile  complementary  sides  of  economic  thought 
were  slow  to  develop.  While  the  protective  system 
of  the  EHzabethan  age  gradually  lost  its  warmth  and 
vigour,  the  independence  of  the  wage-earning  classes 
was  hardly  more  intelligible  to  eighteenth-century  con- 
servatism than  the  '  masterless  man '  to  the  Tudor 
statesman.  The  judicial  assessment  of  wages  was 
abandoned  as  a  general  practice,  and  unions  of  employers 
tacitly  admitted,  some  time  before  the  labourers  were 
granted  a  legal  right  of  combining  to  protect  themselves. 
If  certain  lines  of  economic  advance  during  this  period 
illustrate  the  danger  to  be  apprehended  when  national 
welfare  is  estimated  in  terms  of  rent  and  profit,  the 
measures  introduced  at  the  close  of  the  century  show 
yet  more  plainly,  not  only  how  far  paternal  rule  had 
receded  in  practice  from  the  tradition  of  a  fair  wage, 
but  also  the  confusion  bound  up  with  a  system  of  govern- 
ment which  was  yielding  to  a  new  economic  principle 

^  C/.  Mandeville,  Essay  on  Charity  and  Charity  Schools, 


without    admitting    its    corollaries.     In    the    interval 
there  appeared  the  writings  of  Mandeville,  in  part  a 
caricature  of  the  Elizabethan  ideal,  in  part  a  shrewd 
assertion  of  fact,  in  part  an  anticipation  of  individualism 
in  its  cruder  forms.     The  welfare  of  the  masses  is  sub- 
ordinated to  the  liberties  of  a  successful  minority  ;  *  and 
they  are  consoled  with  the  thought  that  individuals  may 
rise  to  positions  of  comfort  by  virtue  of  self-discipline 
and  the  love  of  money.      His  tract  on  the  Charity 
Schools   was  publicly    burnt.     He   was  both   behind, 
and  in  advance  of,  his  age.     He  had  outraged  genuine 
instincts    of    duty  and  benevolence ;     he  had   stated 
difficulties  which  were  more  easily  ignored  than  solved  ; 
he  had  also  held  up  the  mirror  to  social  snobbery. 

Yet  the  change  of  sentiment  may  be  easily 
exaggerated.  Criticism  did  not  crystallise  into  a 
reasoned  body  of  thought  before  the  coming  of  Bentham 
and  Adam  Smith.  The  aegis  of  paternalism  had  passed 
from  the  Privy  Council  to  the  governing  class  which 
had  been  educated  under  its  control,  and  social  effort 
continued  to  be  inspired  and  biassed  by  tradition. 
While  the  main  part  of  the  controversy  concerning 
Charity  Schools  turned  on  the  expediency  of  instructing 
the  lower  grades  of  labour  in  subjects  previously  appro- 
priated to  traders  and  craftsmen,  ^  the  movement  itself 

1  '  It  is  impossible  that  a  society  can  long  subsist  and  suffer  many  of 
its  members  to  live  in  idleness  and  enjoy  all  the  ease  and  pleasure  they 
can  invent,  without  having  at  the  same  time  great  multitudes  of  people 
that  to  make  good  this  defect  will  condescend  to  be  quite  the  reverse  ' — 
Mandeville,  Fabk  of  the  Bees  (6th  ed.),  326.  Contrast  the  saying  of 
Edward  VI. — '  Wherefore  as  in  the  body  no  part  hath  too  much  or  too 
little,  so  in  a  commonwealth  ought  every  part  to  have  ad  victum  et  non 
ad  saturitatem  '  (Meredith,  op.  cit.,  86). 

*  Mandeville's  main  argument,  which  has  a  permanent  interest,  looks 
forward  to  the  danger  of  recruiting  a  surplus  army  of  '  clerks,'  or,  as  he 
would  have  expressed  it,  of  '  tradesmen  and  artificers  ' — Fable  of  the  Bees, 
328,  370.  He  reiterates  a  traditional  view  that  the  Church  service  and 
catechising  should  be  sufficient  to  the  needs  of  the  labouring  poor, 
*  without  the  assistance  of  reading  and  writing' — 352  sq. 


was  not  contrary  to  precedent ;  it  was  neither  so 
great  a  degradation  as  has  been  sometimes  suggested, 
nor  so  great  an  advance  as  might  appear  from  its 
advocacy  of  popular  instruction.  A  system  of  teaching, 
essentially  remedial  in  its  objects  and  subordinated  to 
the  needs  of  industry  and  religion,  followed,  in  fact, 
as  a  legitimate  extension  of  Elizabethan  principles. 
The  status  of  the  poor  was  still  roughly  predetermined  ; 
education  was  as  much  a  means  of  restraint  as  of 
improvement.  The  rescue-motive  lay  at  the  root  of 
popular  instruction,  just  as  in  later  years  the  recovery 
of  lost  ground  was  the  original  object  of  the  trade- 
union  movement. 

So  far  we  have  traced  a  connection  between  certain 
lines  of  educational  poHcy  and  certain  tendencies  in 
economic  organisation  and  political  thought.  In  the 
period  of  reconstruction  which  follows  the  Reform  Bill 
of  1832,  there  will  be  something  hke  a  reversal  of  these 
tendencies  and  corresponding  changes  in  the  aims  of 
educational  reform.  The  People's  College  at  Sheffield 
and  similar  institutions  which  developed  during  the 
middle  years  of  the  nineteenth  century,  represent  the 
intellectual  side  of  a  progressive  movement  whose 
aim  was  to  raise  the  status  of  the  masses,  and  which 
finds  an  illustration  in  the  familiar  antithesis  between 
a  training  for  livelihood  and  a  training  for  life.  The 
movement  towards  national  education  was  already  con- 
necting itself  with  the  vague  conception  of  a  '  common 
school."  The  carrihre  aux  talents,  hitherto  subordinate, 
was  becoming  a  motive  of  primary  importance  in  the 
direction  of  educational  poHcy.  The  history  of  the 
intervening  period  of  transition  is  concerned  with 
changes  in  the  economic  structure  of  society  which 
altered  the  character  of  social  problems,  and  with  the 


growth  of  new  ideals  and  energies  which  led  men  to 
a  higher  level  of  social  consciousness. 

It  has  been  suggested  that  the  authoritative  super- 
vision of  national  life  in  all  its  details,  which  was  carried 
to  a  logical  extreme  in  the  system  of  *  thorough/  received 
a  permanent  blow  from  the  constitutional  struggles  of 
the  seventeenth  century.  During  the  hundred  years 
which  followed  the  Puritan  Revolution,  analogous 
abuses  accumulated  in  the  administrative  systems  of 
Church  and  State ;  ^  a  slackening  of  discipline  and 
restraint  being  apparent  no  less  in  the  sphere  of  religion 
and  morals,  than  in  different  phases  of  economic  regula- 
tion. The  lax  administration  of  the  Poor  Laws  finds 
a  counterpart  in  the  gradual  disuse  of  the  practice  of 
catechising  and  of  the  inquisitorial  system,  scrupulously 
carried  out  by  many  local  authorities  in  the  earher  half 
of  the  seventeenth  century,  which  enforced  attendance 
at  divine  worship  and  corrected  indifferently  contra- 
ventions of  the  law  and  forms  of  misbehaviour  which 
lay  beyond  the  scope  of  any  legal  enactment.  ^  The 
rise  of  new  industries,  for  which  no  provision  had  been 
made  in  the  Statute  of  Artificers,  was  accompanied 
by  the  growth  of  population  in  urban  areas  beyond 

1  Pluralism  in  the  Church,  which  was  partly  the  result  of  insufficient 
endowment  and  one  of  the  main  causes  of  absenteeism,  may  be  paralleled 
by  inequaUties  in  the  distribution  of  magistrates  between  different  parts 
of  the  country  (Webb,  English  Local  Oovernment,  i.  321) ;  again,  just  as 
incompetent  persons  found  their  way  into  the  magistracy  {ibid.,  328  sqq.), 
so  a  faulty  method  of  examination  admitted  unqualified  candidates  to 
Holy  Orders  (Sydney,  England  and  the  English  in  the  Eighteenth  Century, 
ii.  361).  Negligence  and  irregularity  in  the  conduct  of  the  clergy  are 
ascribed  in  a  large  measure  to  the  decay  of  episcopal  supervision  (ibid., 
ii.  338),  just  as  the  decline  of  dihgence  and  efficiency  in  local  government 
is  ascribed  to  absence  of  the  stimulus  which  was  formerly  brought  to 
bear  on  magistrates  and  local  authorities  by  the  Privy  Council  through 
the  Judges  of  Assize.  Both  in  civil  and  rehgious  matters  the  effects  of 
misgovernment  were  most  noticeable  in  the  growing  urban  centres  (c/. 
Webb,  i.  85,  198  sq.,  328  sqq.  ;   Bosanquet,  London,  126  n.). 

*  Roberts,  Social  History  of  the  Southern  Counties,  141  sqq.,  204  sqq, 
Overton  and  Relton,  English  Church,  1714-1800,  294. 


the  reach  of  Church  discipline  and  magisterial  control. 
But  there  is  another  side  to  the  picture.  If  the  decay 
of  regulation  is  responsible  for  instances  of  physical 
and  moral  neglect,  it  produced  also  a  comparative 
freedom  of  enterprise  and  gave  a  stimulus  to  new  forms 
of  thought.  In  the  reaction  from  paternalism,  opinion 
drifted  by  degrees  towards  a  conception  of  *  natural 
liberty,'  which  found  expression  in  the  economic  gospel 
of  free  competition  and  the  opposition  of  early  liberals 
to  authoritative  interference  in  the  domain  of  thought 
and  conduct.  Further,  if  the  actual  decrease  of  State 
intervention  prepared  the  way  for  a  doctrine  of  laissez- 
faire,  the  materials  for  a  conception  of  equality  of 
opportunity  were  furnished  by  the  rise  of  individuals 
at  the  commencement  of  the  Industrial  Revolution 
and  by  the  influence  of  political  and  religious  move- 
ments which,  extending  downwards  in  the  social  scale, 
had  commenced  a  process  of  intellectual  selection. 

But  the  failure  of  paternal  methods  of  government 
meant  more  than  the  growth  of  individualism  and 
individual  effort.  The  emancipation  of  the  individual 
was  a  necessary  step  towards  a  wider  policy  of  social 
reconstruction.  If  the  removal  of  restrictions  en- 
couraged individual  initiative,  it  gave  rise  also  to  new 
combinations  and  a  new  spirit  of  solidarity.  The 
theory  of  *  natural  liberty  * — or  rather  the  form  which 
it  assumed  in  the  writings  of  Priestley  and  Adam  Smith 
— is  open  to  the  same  general  criticism  that  applies, 
perhaps  in  a  less  degree,  to  Elizabethan  statesmanship  ; 
it  was  based  on  a  study  of  conditions  which  were  already 
passing  away.  Formulated  at  a  crisis  when  new  adjust- 
ments of  regulation  and  discipline  were  becoming  im- 
perative, its  influence  on  the  condition  of  wage-earners 
is  reflected  in  a  widespread  degradation  of  their  habits 
and  standards  of  living.     It  was  a  sense  of  weakness. 


quite  as  much  as  the  instinct  of  monopoly,  which  led 
them  to  cling  with  impracticable  conservatism  to  those 
forms  of  legal  protection  which  belonged  to  a  passing 
phase  of  economic  development,  and  ultimately,  as  the 
old  safeguards  disappeared,  to  pursue  their  interests 
not  as  individuals,  but  as  organised  bodies  working  for 
a  common  end.     In  the  new  era  of  competition,  as  the 
unit  of  production  was  enlarged,  the  weakness  of  the 
individual  labourer,   standing  alone,  became  increas- 
ingly apparent.     Self-help  and  co-operation  came  to  be 
almost  interchangeable  terms.     Individual  betterment 
was  largely  dependent  on  a  general  improvement  in 
social   conditions.     Here,    too,   the    tendencies  which 
developed  rapidly  with  the  progress  of  the  Industrial 
Eevolution  appear  in  an  embryonic  form  in  the  years 
which  preceded.     From  an  early  stage  in  the  eighteenth 
century  different  forms  of  combination  spread  gradually 
among  the  labouring  classes,   which   challenge   com- 
parison with  a  corresponding  movement  that  occmTed 
four  centuries  earlier.     Friendly  societies  in  town  and 
country,  trade  combinations,  debating  clubs  and  read- 
ing circles,  religious  associations,   musical  and  horti- 
cultural societies,  were  various  manifestations  of  a  new 
impulse,  severally  of  little  significance  but  important 
collectively  as  showing  the  current.     The  history  of 
the  Methodist  Societies,  which  occupy  a  position  in 
the  group  somewhat  analogous  to  that  of  the  religious 
gilds  in  the  earlier  movement,  may  be  said  to  illustrate 
one  aspect  of  the  difference  between  two  stages  of 
civilisation.     Not  only  was  the  social  order  less  capable 
of  assimilating  without  friction  new  forms  of  associated 
effort,  but  the  conditions  under  which  such  activities 
developed,  and  the  influences  by  which  they  were  in- 
spired, were  in  many  respects  fundamentally  changed. 
An  impulse  which  contains  the  germ  of  democracy 


may  be  seen  advancing  by  alow  degrees  among  new 
classes  which  had  formed  in  the  interval.  The  religious 
awakening  which  Puritanism  had  brought  to  the  middle 
class  extends  with  the  progress  of  the  Methodist  Revival 
among  a  considerable  part  of  the  labouring  population. 
Trade  unionism  and  mutual  assurance  spread  from  the 
urban  handicrafts  to  industries  of  an  inferior  grade. 
The  transient  combinations  of  journeymen  in  the 
mediaeval  crafts  are  replaced  by  associations  of  different 
kinds  which  were  destined,  after  more  or  less  inter- 
ruption, to  acquire  a  permanent  place  in  the  industrial 
system.  1 

(1)  The  Religious  Revival 

The  conclusion  suggested  by  a  recent  inquiry  into 
the  religious  state  of  the  people — that  the  most  vital 
forms  of  religion  are  found  in  areas  which  have  developed 
since  the  Industrial  Revolution,  and  represent  rather  a 
reawakening  of  spiritual  consciousness  than  a  survival 
from  the  past — has  a  peculiar  interest  in  connection 
with  certain  phenomena  disclosed  in  this  period  of 
transition.  It  was  in  districts  which  presented  a 
model  of  paternal  discipline,  that  religious  observance 
seemed  most  liable  to  degenerate  into  a  social  custom. 
It  was  the  new  scenes  of  missionary  labour  that  profited 
most  from  the  growth  of  self-consciousness  which  under- 
lay different  phases  of  the  Evangelical  movement, 
originating  among  small  groups  of  associates  who  met 
together  for  mutual  edification  and  the  promotion  of 
good  works. 

The  Religious  societies  of  the  eighteenth-century 
revival  may  be  compared  with  associations  which  had 
arisen  at  different  periods  in  the  history  of  the  Mediaeval 

^  Webb,  History  of  Trade  Unionism,  ch.  i. 


Churcli.  As  bodies  of  laymen  supporting  certain 
recognised  forms  of  devotion,  they  bear  a  remote 
resemblance  to  the  religious  gilds.  As  a  nucleus  of 
the  elect  consecrated  to  a  religious  life  and  to  works 
of  charity  and  education,  they  performed  to  a  limited 
extent  and  in  relation  to  altered  circumstances  some 
of  the  functions  which  had  devolved  on  the  Monastic 
orders.  In  so  far  as  they  developed  a  mission  to  the 
oppressed  and  afflicted,  their  position  is  analogous, 
and  sometimes  closely  akin,  to  that  of  the  friars.  There 
is,  in  fact,  more  than  a  superficial  parallel  between 
the  Methodist  Revival  and  the  Franciscan  movement 
which  invaded  England  in  the  thirteenth  century. 
The  man  who  claimed  the  world  for  his  parish,  who 
developed  an  elaborate  organisation  and  rules  of  pro- 
cedure, and  exercised  a  plenary  jurisdiction  in  the 
choice  and  discipline  of  his  subordinates,  had  the  genius 
which  would  have  given  birth  in  the  Middle  Ages  to 
a  religious  order  or  an  heretical  sect.^  The  Methodist 
body  might  be  said  to  fall  between  these  two  categories. 
It  consisted  partly  of  an  order  of  preachers  loosely 
connected  with  the  Established  Church  ;  it  was  partly, 
also,  a  new  sect.  The  doctrine  of  conversion  involved 
a  dubious  attitude  to  the  ecclesiastical  system,  and  an 
organisation  of  converts  whose  position  in  the  parish 
was  an  anomaly  and  a  possible  source  of  disturbance. 

^  The  mingled  approval,  jealousy,  and  contempt  which  confronted 
the  Methodist  preachers  in  their  dealings  with  ecclesiastical  authorities 
and  the  reUgious  world,  find  a  parallel  in  the  experiences  of  the  early 
Franciscans  ;  incidentally,  the  same  charges  of  illiteracy  and  ignorance 
were  made  ia  both  cases.  The  religious  conditions  which  gave  birth 
to  either  movement  were  roughly  similar ;  in  either  case  the  clergy  were 
losing  touch  with  the  vital  needs  of  the  people ;  and  as  the  Monastic 
orders  had  degenerated  before  the  coming  of  St.  Francis,  so  the  dissenting 
bodies  which  preceded  Wesley  had  lost  in  the  eighteenth  century  much 
of  their  earlier  zeal.  But  it  is  unnecessary  to  force  the  parallel ;  the 
attitude  of  Wesley  to  the  Establishment,  after  his  conversion,  differed 
materially  from  that  of  St.  Francis  to  the  system  of  the  CathoUo  Church. 


The  unsectarian  composition  of  the  society,  and  the 
opposition  which  it  encountered  at  the  hands  of  the 
clergy,  gave  it  the  character  of  a  distinct  denomination. 
The  atmosphere  of  the  class-meeting  and  the  practice 
of  recruiting  preachers  from  an  imeducated  class  were 
at  variance  with  the  recognised  system  of  Church 
discipline  and  the  social  traditions  of  the  time. 

*  It  has  been  a  great  fault  all  along/  wrote  Walker 
of  Truro,  *  to  have  made  the  low  people  of  your  council ' ; 
and  nothing  in  the  Methodist  organisation  gave  greater 
offence  than  the  character  and  antecedents  of  many 
of  its  preachers  and  class-leaders.  A  circle  of  labourers 
or  mechanics,  led  in  worship  or  *  conference  '  by  one  of 
their  own  rank,^  stood  on  a  footing  essentially  different 
from  the  middle-class  gatherings  of  Churchmen  and 
dissenters  which  appear  at  the  commencement  of  the 
century,  and  from  the  type  of  parochial  society  which 
was  a  later  product  of  the  EvangeHcal  movement. 
Much  has  been  said  both  of  the  emotional  side  of  the 
revival  and  of  its  effect  on  morals  and  parental  re- 
sponsibility. The  part  which  it  played  in  the  political 
education  of  the  masses  has  been  as  often  misrepresented 
or  ignored.  Like  every  movement  which  makes  a 
new  demand  on  the  poor,  it  formed  in  different  neigh- 
bourhoods a  bond  of  union  between  the  most  active 
and  independent  of  their  class.  An  exceptional  degree 
of  intelligence  and  attainment  was  not  uncommon  among 
Methodists  of  humble  station  and  those  who  had  been 
reared  in  Methodist  homes ;  and  the  same  influence 
generally  underlies  the  reading  circles  that  are  found 
occasionally  among  the  labourers  and  artisans  in  rural 
areas.  The  class-meeting  was  a  starting  point  for  serious 
friendships,  and  often  contained  an  inner  circle  of  com- 

1  Wesley,  Journal,  June  13,  1757  ;  June  18,  1777,  etc.    Anti-Jacobin 
(1801),  157. 


panions  more  intelligent  than  the  rest,  who  would  meet 
to  converse  on  religion  and  matters  of  general  interest 
and  occasionally  entered  on  a  com-se  of  reading.  ^ 

The  effects  of  a  spiritual  awakening  have  been  seldom 
confined  to  the  sphere  of  religious  practice  and  behefa. 
Puritanism  had  given  birth  to  movements  and  reactions 
in  politics,  and  was  connected  with  underlying  streams 
of  social  and  economic  tendency.  A  similar  interaction 
of  forces  may  be  observed  in  the  popular  movements 
of  a  later  age.  A  group  of  Cornish  Methodists  became 
interested  in  the  American  War  of  Independence.' 
Paine 's  *  Age  of  Eeason '  was  accompanied  by  the 
*  Rights  of  Man/  and  both  were  read  by  a  circle  of 
Methodists  in  Lancashire  who  were  moderate  supporters 
of  political  reform.  ^  Politics  and  religion  went  together 
in  the  debating  societies  formed  among  the  artisans  and 
tradesmen  of  London  and  the  provincial  towns.  *  Though 
it  has  been  justly  claimed  that  the  religious  movement 
exercised  a  steadying  influence  on  political  agitation  and 
formed  a  defence  against  the  cruder  forms  of  infidelity 
which  were  mingled  with  the  spirit  of  sedition,  there  was 
sufficient  connection  between  disturbances  in  either 
sphere  to  explain  the  attitude  of  alarmists  who  included 
Methodism  and  radicalism  under  a  common  ban  of 
denunciation.^    Both  in  religion  and  in   politics  new 

^  Life  of  Samuel  Drew,  by  his  son ;  Bamford,  Early  Days,  52  sq.  (ed. 
1893).  Drew,  a  Cornish  shoemaker,  was  a  man  of  exceptional  talent 
who  owed  his  inspiration  to  the  revival ;  but  it  is  clear  from  his  biography 
that  smaller  men  might  imbibe  intellectual  conceit. 

^  Life  of  Drew,  102  sq. 

'  Bamford,  Early  Days,  52  sq. 

*  Cf.  Sydney,  England  and  the  English  in  the  Eighteenth  Century,  ii.  165. 
Brentano,  History  and  Development  of  Gilds,  remarks  that,  during  the 
Puritan  Revolution,  the  London  apprentices  had  been  wont  to  pronounce 
on  the  rehgious  and  political  questions  of  the  day. 

*  The  attitude  of  the  Anti-Jacobin  to  Methodism  may  be  expressed 
in  the  words  of  the  Cardinal  De  Lorraine  with  reference  to  the  Huguenots. 
*  If  the  secular  arm  fails  in  its  duty,  all  the  malcontents  will  throw  them- 


forces  were  astir  beneath  the  surface,  and  within  the 
framework,  of  traditional  beliefs.  In  either  case,  ex- 
amples of  deep  and  earnest  devotion,  implying  a  new 
attitude  to  the  problems  of  life,  were  disgraced  by 
outbm:sts  of  mireason  and  emotional  excess.  In  either 
case,  those  of  the  poor  who  became  converts  to  a 
new  teaching  fomid  their  bitterest  opponents  in  the 
multitude  of  their  own  class. 

(2)  Political  Unrest 

The  familiar  accessories  of  modern  political  agitation 
had  their  origin  in  the  critical  events  which  followed 
one  another  in  rapid  sequence  from  the  accession 
of  George  the  Third  to  the  outbreak  of  the  French 
Revolution.  The  pubHc  meeting — *  a  custom  unknown 
to   our  earlier  constitution ' — acquired  an  increasing 

selves  into  this  detestable  sect.  They  will  first  destroy  the  ecclesiastical 
power,  after  which  it  will  be  the  turn  of  the  royal  power  ' — Smiles,  Hitguejiot 
Settlements,  33. 

A  pamphlet  entitled  The  Rise  and  Dissolution  of  the  Infidel  Societies 
in  this  Metropolis,  by  WUliam  Hamilton  Reid  (1800),  describes  the  mutual 
provocation  which  arose  between  rationalist  infideUty  and  the  more 
extreme  forms  of  reUgious  enthusiasm.  It  appears  that  about  1795  a 
body  of  rationalists  commenced  a  campaign  among  the  working  classes, 
organising  open-air  meetings  and  debating  clubs,  and  invading  benefit 
societies  where  they  raised  religious  discussions  and  sang  democratic 
songs.  At  the  same  time  the  Lady  Anne's  Preachers  were  holding 
meetings  during  the  summer  months  in  the  Spa-fields  and  in  Hackney, 
Islington,  etc. — '  a  wandering  tribe  of  fanatical  teachers,'  says  Reid, 
'  mostly  taken  from  the  lowest  and  most  UUterate  classes  of  society ; 
among  whom  are  to  be  found  raving  enthusiasts,  pretending  to  divine 
impulses,  of  various  and  extraordinary  kinds,  practising  exorcisms  and 
many  other  impostures  and  delusions  and  thereby  obtaining  an  unhmited 
sway  over  the  minds  of  the  ignorant  multitude.'  They  attacked  the 
clergy,  says  the  same  authority,  and  visited  the  sick.  A  coimter-move- 
ment  was  organised  by  their  opponents.  '  A  very  formidable  party  .  .  . 
assembled  every  Sunday  morning  at  seven  o'clock  near  the  City  Road  ; 
here,  in  consequence  of  the  debates  forced  upon  the  preachers  or  their 
hearers,  several  groups  of  people  would  remain  upon  the  ground  tUl  noon, 
giving  an  opportimity  to  the  unwary  passengers  to  become  acquainted 
with  the  dogmas  of  Voltaire,  Paine,  etc.' 


importance  from  the  time  of  the  Middlesex  Petition.^ 
Smiday  newspapers  came  into  existence  during  the 
American  War  of  Independence ;  ^  and  the  influence  of 
the  cheap  press  may  be  traced  at  the  same  period  in  the 
growth  of  debating  societies  in  the  towns,  ^  and  in  the 
appearance  of  the  *  pot-house  oracle  *  as  a  new  factor 
in  rural  life.*  The  intermixture  of  sporadic  demands 
for  constitutional  reform  with  the  general  stream  of 
radicalism  during  the  opening  phase  of  the  French 
Revolution  produced  the  form  of  propaganda  which 
has  covered  the  land  with  a  network  of  political  or- 
ganisations, working  through  the  medium  of  pubUc 
meetings  and  private  canvassing,  through  the  distribu- 
tion of  literature  or  the  more  personal  influence  of 
lectures  and  debates. » 

*  '  These  assemblies,  in  which  the  nation  dehberated  apart  from  its 
aristocratic  chiefs,  cannot  be  distinctly  traced  higher  than  the  year  1769  ; 
they  were  now  (1770)  of  daily  occurence  ' — Cooke,  History  of  Party,  ui.  187. 
But  we  must  not  overlook  the  influenca  of  the  pubUc  meeting  in  open 
vestries  ;  and  it  is  perhaps  significant  that  an  instance  of  political  partisan- 
ship in  vestry  elections  occurs  in  1771 — ^Webb,  English  Local  Ghvemment, 
i.  113  n. 

*  Andrews,  History  of  Newspapers,  i.  273 ;  cf.  Buckle,  Cimlisation 
in  England,  i.  ch.  vii.  393  n. 

'  Sydney,  op.  cit.,  ii.  165 ;  Langford,  Century  of  Birmingham  Life,  i. 
243  sq. ;  Cooke,  op.  cit.,  iii.  412 ;  Knight,  Pursuit  of  Knowledge  under 
Difficulties,  iii.  76  sq. 

*  '  His  features,  though  considerably  relaxed  by  intoxication,  bore 
the  stamp  of  intelligence  far  above  his  situation.  ...  It  appeared  that 
he  read  several  newspapers,  and  in  all  probabiUty  is  the  oracle  of  every 
pothouse  in  the  surrounding  country ' — '  Pedestrian  Tour  through  parte 
of  England  and  Wales,'  Monthly  Review,  viii.  619  (1797).  Crabbe,  The 
Newspaper  (1785),  ridicules  and  laments  the  appearance  of  this  type. 

*  The  London  Corresponding  Society  (1792)  was  in  touch  with  the 
Revolution  Society,  the  Society  for  Constitutional  Information,  the 
Unitarian  Society,  etc.  ;  it  formed  centres  in  the  large  towns,  and  circu- 
lated pamphlets,  newspaper  cuttings,  Paine's  Rights  of  Man,  etc.  ;  its 
emissaries  are  said  to  have  canvassed  in  factories,  ale-houses,  barbers' 
shops,  etc. — '  individuals  who,  though  deficient  in  education,  had  received 
talents  from  nature  which  frequently  shone  through  coarse  and  vulgar 
language.'  Annual  Register,  xxxiii.  115 ;  xxxiv.  365 ;  xxxvui.  8.  Cf. 
Langford,  op.  cit.,  ii.  285.  '  Originally  an  obscure  club,  composed  of  a 
few  mechanics  and  inferior  tradesmen ' — Cooke,  op.  cit.,  iii.  413.  Cf. 
Annual  Register,  xxxvi.  266. 

Numerous  reading  rooms  and  lecture  halls  appear  to  have  been  closed  as 


How  far  this  growth  of  agitation  reflects  a  serioua 
movement  of  public  opinion,  is  a  problem  which 
is  not  simplified  by  the  fact  that  a  large  num- 
ber of  the  reformers  found  their  inspiration  in 
political  developments  which  occurred  abroad,  their 
material  in  the  distress  of  the  people  at  home.  There 
is  certainly  nothing  in  these  earlier  phases  of  radi- 
cahsm  to  compare  seriously  with  the  massed  forces  of 
enthusiasm  which  concentrated  in  the  next  generation 
behind  a  definite  demand  for  political  reform.  The 
positive  incentives  which  arose  from  the  new  grouping 
of  population  in  the  manufacturing  districts,  and  from 
the  glaring  contrast  between  '  changing  social  conditions 
and  unchanging  laws,'  had  not  come  to  maturity  before 
the  close  of  the  Napoleonic  struggle.  The  political 
distractions  of  the  intervening  period  were  as  much  cal- 
culated to  evoke  the  native  conservatism  of  the  masses 
as  to  incite  them  to  revolt ;  its  economic  incidents 
served  rather  to  emphasise  a  divergence  between  the 
interests  of  the  middle  class  and  those  of  the  rising 
proletariat,  than  to  furnish  a  common  platform  on 
which  both  might  unite.  Sympathy  with  the  cause 
of  reform  seems,  in  fact,  to  have  been  confined  at  the 
outset  of  the  movement  to  a  section  of  the  aristocracy 
and  a  section  of  the  artisan  and  trading  classes ;  and 
whatever  influence  it  may  have  obtained  during  the 
period  of  distress  which  accompanied  the  war  of 
the  first  Coalition,  was  more  than  counterbalanced 
by  reaction  against  foreign  ideas  and  by  the  patriot- 
ism which  united  all  ranks,  when  opposition  to  the 
Revolution  became  associated  with  the  cause  of  national 

The  true  explanation  of  the  very  different  effects  of 

a  result  of  the  Seditious  Meetings  Act,  1796.  On  the  distribution  of  radical 
literature,  c/.  Reid,  Rise  and  Dissolution  of  the  Inf.dd  Societies,  86  sqq. ; 
Remarks  on  the  Poor  Bill  {1807),  by  one  ofH.M,  Justices  of  the  Peace,  13  sq. 


revolutionary  teaching  in  England  and  in  France, 
must  be  sought  in  an  antecedent  stream  of  circumstances 
which  had  been  steadily  emancipating  English  labour 
from  those  particular  forms  of  oppression  which  in 
France  prepared  the  materials  for  an  explosion ;  ^  in 
historic  conditions  which  led  unerringly  in  the  one 
case  to  an  industrial,  in  the  other  to  a  political,  revolu- 
tion. The  closest  point  of  connection  between  English 
distress  and  the  grievances  of  the  French  peasantry 
may  be  found  in  the  injury  to  vested  interests  re- 
sulting from  different  forms  of  agrarian  enclosure, 
and  from  the  new  phase  of  industrial  competition 
which  deprived  the  artisan  of  his  customary  wage. 
It  is  necessary  merely  to  state  the  case  in  thia  form, 
to  realise  one  fundamental  point  of  difference  which 
renders  comparison  between  the  two  countries  alto- 
gether illusory.  France  was  passing  through  a  phase 
of  economic  growth  which  finds  its  nearest  English 
analogy  in  the  decay  of  the  manorial  system  and  during 
the  period  of  the  Peasants'  Revolt.  Though  there  were 
parts  of  France  where  complaints  were  made  of  en- 
closure by  landlords,  yet  on  the  whole  the  French  culti- 
vators represented  a  progressive  force  pressing  against 
antiquated  monopolies ;  whilst  the  English  masses, 
already  falling  under  the  subtler  oppressions  of  a 
triumphant  capitaHsm,  found  that  their  interest  lay,  for 
the  moment,  in  resisting  change.  In  France  the  cause 
of  the  peasants  was  identified  with  that  of  all  pro- 
gressive sections  of  society  in  opposition  to  a  privileged 
caste  which  had  forfeited  its  power ;  in  England 
the  forces  of  civiHsation  were  ranged  on  the  side  of  a 
governing  aristocracy,  to  whom  the  masses  had  not 
c  eased  to  look  for  protection  and  redress.    Meanwhile  the 

1  Maine,  Early  Law  and  Custom,  ch.  ix. 


condition  of  the  French  peasantry  had  been  steadily  im- 
proving, the  position  of  the  English  masses  in  town  and 
coimtry  was  becoming  on  the  whole  more  isolated  and 
depressed.  To  the  maxim  which  found  in  the  ignorance 
of  the  multitude  a  safeguard  of  national  stability,  might 
have  been  added  the  more  cynical  assurance  that  a  state 
of  economic  depression  does  not  necessarily  conduce 
to  an  effective  confidence  in  sweeping  reforms.  The 
attitude  of  the  skilled  artisans  in  urban  handicrafts, 
whose  position  was  relatively  secure  and  who  formed 
for  some  time  to  come  the  backbone  of  democratic 
movements,  stands  in  striking  contrast  to  that  of 
the  newly  organised  masses  who  wavered  between 
submissive  appeals  to  the  government  and  spasmodic 
insurrections  equally  devoid  of  purpose  and  effect.* 
How  far  the  crowd-instinct  has  been  leavened  by 
rational  motives  and  guided  into  the  channels  of  a 
constructive  policy,  is  one  of  the  main  problems  to 
be  considered  at  a  later  stage  of  political  development. 
At  any  rate  the  unrest  which  followed  at  the  close  of  the 
Napoleonic  wars  was  very  different  from  the  discontents 
of  the  previous  century.  The  failure  of  the  government 
to  redress  their  grievances  had  infused  an  element  of 
solidarity  and  self-dependence  into  the  scattered  groups 
from  which  the  labour  movement  arose.  The  whole 
course  of  repressive  legislation,  which  for  a  time  stifled 
every  expression  of  discontent,  worked  ultimately  in  th^ 
same  direction.  When  agitation  revived,  even  the  specific 
grievance  of  the  Combination  Laws  was  overshadowed 
by  issues  of  a  more  fundamental  and  definitely  political 

^  '  The  prevailing  tone  of  the  superior  workmen  down  to  1848  was, 
in  fact,  thoroughly  Radical.  .  .  .  But  their  trade  clubs  were  free  from 
anything  which  could  now  be  conceived  as  political  sedition.  ...  In 
the  new  machine  industries  (on  the  other  hand)  .  .  .  both  leaders  and 
rank  and  file  were  largely  implicated  in  political  seditions,  and  were  the 
victims  of  spies  ' — ^Webb,  Trade  Unionism,  7&-9. 


character.^  And  in  the  meantime  the  groundwork  of 
society  had  been  shaken  by  an  economic  upheaval,  with 
which  the  modern  phase  of  educational  problems  may 
be  said  to  commence. 

(3)  The  Industrial  Revolution 

The  term  Industrial  Kevolution  has  been  applied 
to  a  series  of  changes  in  the  technique  and  structure  of 
industry,  extending  roughly  over  the  interval  between 
the  acce  sion  of  George  the  Third  and  the  advent  of  the 
Reform  Bill,  of  which  economy  in  production  may  be 
described  as  the  final  cause,  whose  tendency  was  towards 
a  general  redistribution  of  economic  functions  and  a 
more  concentrated  management  of  industrial  resources, 
and  which  resulted  socially  in  a  *  new  form  of  human 
settlement.'    It  is  sufficient  here  to  refer  briefly  to  certain 
general  features   of  the  transformation  which  have  a 
bearing,  more  or  less  direct,  on  educational  problems. 
In  the  first  place,  a  change  in  the  technique  of  production 
was  accompanied  by  an  enlargement  of  the  productive 
unit  and  by  corresponding  changes  in  the  structure  of 
social  life.     *  The  small  master- workman  is  superseded 
by  the  capitalist  manufacturer,  the  small  farmer  dis- 
appears before  the  capitaHst  farmer ' ;  the  mass  of  the 
agricultural  population  tend  to  become  grouped  together 
on  large  farms  under  capitalist  management,  the  mass 
of  the  manufacturing  community  in  large  estabhshments 
under  the  direction  c  f  the  proprietor  and  his  officials. 
Secondly,  there  was  a  widespread  specialisation  in  the 
functions  of  the  individual  labourer, who  became  normally 
dependent  on  one  source  of  subsistence,  the  wage  of  a 
particular  line  of  employment.    This  was  partly  the  result 
of  a  general  growth  of  trade  facilities,  but  it  was  also  a 

»  Webb,  Tradt  Unionism,  86. 


corollary  of  enlargement  in  the  unit  of  production.  In- 
dustrial reorganisation  tended  to  deprive  the  agricultural 
population  of  the  subsidiary  means  of  support  provided 
by  the  domestic  industries,  and  the  manufacturing 
classes  of  the  element  of  subsistence-farming  which  they 
had  shared  with  jther  sections  of  the  rural  peasantry ; 
while  the  enclosure  movement  gradually  displaced  the 
type  of  labourer  who  had  been  engaged  partly  in  farming 
on  his  own  account,  or  had  supplemented  his  earnings 
by  the  exercise  of  rights  of  commonage.  Lastly  the 
movement  of  population  and  its  numerical  increase, 
which  were  incidental  to  these  changes,  had  social 
effects  of  a  revolutionary  character.  The  centre  of 
gravity  shifted  from  the  south  toward  the  north  of 
England,  and  from  the  country  to  the  town.  In  due 
course  urban  surroundings  came  to  be  regarded  as  the 
normal  environment  of  the  labouring  class,  and  exercised 
an  increasing  influence  on  the  general  trend  of  social 
thought.  In  more  senses  than  one,  '  commerce  and 
industrial  enterprise '  had  been  *  grafted  -on  the  stock 
of  agriculture,'  and  the  rural  districts  had  *  become 
the  dependents  of  the  manufacturing  and  trading 

It  is  important  to  realise  the  extent  to  which  reformers 
had  been  gradually  prepared  to  welcome,  on  general 
social  grounds,  changes  which  placed  the  resources 
of  the  country  in  the  hands  of  those  who  were  most 
likely  to  exploit  them  to  the  full,  and  to  accept  some  form 
of  reorganisation  on  the  lines  which  have  been  described 
as  a  means  of  social  discipline.  The  commercial  poUcy 
of  the  Whigs,  which  from  the  age  of  Walpole  gave  a 
distinct  advantage  to  the  man  of  capital,  was  conceived, 
at  least  incidentally,  in  the  interests  of  the  population 
as  a  whole.  As  the  Tudors  were  continually  falling 
back   on   personal    government   where     *  democratic* 


institutions  had  sunk  into  decay,^  so  a  later  generation 
of  statesmen  came  to  rely  on  capitalism  as  a  sovereign 
remedy  for  social  disorders.  The  widespread  irregu- 
larity of  employment,  revealed  in  the  records  of  the 
period,  2  might  serve  to  identify  the  cause  of  social  reform 
with  some  drastic  measure  of  industrial  development ; 
and  examples  were  not  wanting,  in  which  the  civili- 
sation of  a  backward  district  was  a  direct  outcome  of 
commercial  adventure.^  Nor  was  the  lightness  of 
organisation  which  offered  the  labourer  a  choice  of 
resources  and  gave  him  a  certain  detachment  and 
independence,  so  obvious  or  unmixed  an  advantage 
as  is  sometimes  suggested  by  writers  at  the  present  day, 
who  contrast  it  with  the  concentration  and  strain  of 
modern  industrialism.  *  Ease  of  living  '  was  associated 
with  a  habit  of  *  lazy-diHgence,'  which  Defoe  remarked 
as  a  leading  characteristic  of  his  age,  and  of  which 
examples  might  be  found  in  times  of  prosperity  alike 
among  the  manufacturing  and  the  agricultural  classes.* 
If  the  open-field  system  offered  certain  incentives 
to  thrift  and  a  chance  of  rising  in  the  social  scale,  it 
gave  no  safeguard  against  idleness  ;  while  the  cormnons 
afforded  shelter  to  a  parasitic  population  whose  manner 
of  life  was  precarious  and  unprogressive.  Behind  the 
economic  wastage  lay  a  moral  waste,  a  lack  of  steady 
enterprise  and  ambition  without  which  advance  in  civili- 
sation was  impossible,  an  element  of  moral  stagnancy 
which  flowed  from  a  thriftless  use  of  material  resources. 
Underlying  the  argument  for  enclosure  is  the  conception 
of  a  stricter  discipline  which  should  concentrate  attention 

*  Cf.  Meredith,  Economic  History  of  England,  139. 
«  Ibid.,  195. 

»  Cf.  Smiles,  Brindley,  272-4. 

*  Kalm,  Account  of  Visit  to  England,  1748  (tr.  Lucas,  1892),  333.    Young, 
Northern  Tour,  iii  248  sq. 


continuously  on  a  definite   task,  exacting  more  from 
the  labourer  and  giving  more  in  return.* 

The  origin  of  these  ideas  must  be  sought  in  a  general 
view  of  economic  necessities  whose  bearing  on  the  welfare 
of  the  masses  was  at  most  indirect.  A  change  of  attitude 
on  questions  of  social  policy  seems  traceable  to  the 
growing  importance  of  trade  as  a  source  of  taxable 
wealth  and  a  basis  of  national  power,  which  suggested 
gradually  a  new  conception  of  social  progress.  Govern- 
ment during  the  eighteenth  century  ceased  to  be 
concerned  primarily  with  the  *  breeding  of  men '  and 
the  task  of  guaranteeing  to  each  a  reasonable  and 
secure  subsistence.  It  approached  the  problem,  as  it 
were,  from  the  other  end  of  the  scale,  by  seeking  to 
augment  the  general  fund  of  wealth  and  plenty.  The 
change,  however,  was  not  merely  one  of  means  and 
methods ;  there  was,  also,  a  change  of  outlook  and 
aim.  There  was  at  once  a  more  definite  conception 
of  material  progress  resulting  from  an  increased  inter- 
change of  commodities,  and  a  more  exacting  demand 
on  the  energies  of  the  labourer.  It  was  no  longer 
sufficient  that  the  worker  should  subsist ;  he  must 
contribute  his  full  share  to  an  economical  system  of 
production  and  exchange  on  which  the  common  welfare 
depended ;  and  this  involved  a  progressive  division  of 
labour,  and  its  redistribution  according  to  the  needs 
of  the  market.  Young's  '  Pohtical  Arithmetic,"  which 
expresses  this  train  of  thought,  approaches  the  problem 
of  reorganisation,  for  various  reasons,  from  the  side 
of  agriculture  and  the  land ;  but  his  outlook  extends 
over  the  whole  field  of  commerce  and  industry,  and 
the  argument  for  large  farms  may  be  read  also  as  a 
defence  of  the  later  factory  system. 

*  Johnson,  Disappearance  of  the  Small  Landowner,  96  8q.,  103 ;    Eden. 
State  o/  tiie  Poor,  i.  p.  xviii  sq. 



The  reasoning  proceeds  from  the  general  to  the 
particular,  from  the  good  of  the  nation  to  that  of  the 
individual.  The  economic  aim  is  to  increase  the  net 
wealth  of  the  community,  the  social  aim  is  to  increase 
the  sum  of  employment,  and  these  ends  are  ultimately 
the  same.  The  argument,  it  is  to  be  observed,  is  not 
assailed  by  a  local  decrease  of  employment  and  gross 
produce,  such  as  followed  the  conversion  of  arable  land 
into  pasturage  in  certain  cases  of  Cxiclosure.  Take 
the  country  as  a  whole  and  labour  as  a  whole,  and  the 
aggregate  of  production  includes  the  product  of  *  useless 
hands  '  transferred  from  agriculture  to  the  manufacturing 
industries.  It  is  further  argued  that  any  incidental 
loss  involved  in  the  transition  will  be  compensated  by 
a  general  advance  in  comfort,  owing  to  the  growth  of 
national  wealth  and  its  distribution  in  wages  and  to  the 
discipline  of  higher  standards  of  industrial  efficiency. 

From  this  standpoint,  what  may  be  described  as 
an  educational  test  may  be  applied  to  the  economic 
tendencies  of  the  period.  It  would  appear  that  some 
form  of  reorganisation,  imposing  a  severer  discipline, 
was  demanded  as  a  complement  to  the  increase  of  wealth. 
In  industries  which  preserved  the  loose  structure  of 
the  domestic  system  a  rapid  increase  of  earnings  seems 
normally  to  have  resulted  in  increased  license  and 
demoralisation.^  On  the  other  hand,  it  did  not 
follow  that  a  reorganisation  of  industry  on  a  more 
economical  basis  would  correspond  in  any  strict  sense 
to  an  educational  process.  Allowance  must  be  made, 
in  the  first  place,  for  a  large  element  of  friction  in  the 
readjustment  of  labour  to  altered  conditions  and  new 
types  of  environment.  Some  of  the  arguments  for 
enclosure  betray  an  excessive  confidence  both  in  the 
fluidity  of  labour  and  in  the  possibihty  of  converting 

»  Cf.  Bosanquet,  The  Strength  of  the  People,  79. 


into  efiective  workers  those  who  had  been  used  to  a 
precarious  existence  on  the  land,  by  a  simple  change 
in  agrarian  conditions  and  the  removal  of  commons. 
When  the  local  demand  for  labour  was  diminished  by 
enclosure,  there  was  a  tendency  rather  for  the  weaker 
elements  among  the  peasantry  to  remain  stranded  on  the 
land,  with  the  result  of  depressing  the  rate  of  wages — a 
tendency  afterwards  repeated  in  the  case  of  domestic  in- 
dustries, as  the  pressure  of  factory  competition  increased. 
The  difficulty  of  adapting  domestic  workers  to  the 
discipline  of  the  factory  system  was  certainly  a  cause 
of  one  of  its  main  abuses,  an  excessive  employment 
of  child  labour.  The  argument,  again,  that  labourers 
displaced  from  agriculture  would  find  employment  in 
the  manufacturing  centres,  does  not  touch  the  question 
as  to  whether  the  new  conditions  were  socially  better 
or  worse  than  the  old.  The  growth  of  industrialism 
and  town  life  introduced  new  forms  of  debasement, 
which  enter  into  the  educational  problems  of  a  coming 
age.  Meanwhile,  if  specialisation  was  laying  the  ground- 
work of  a  new  society,  it  involved  also  the  unweaving 
of  an  earlier  fabric  of  habits  and  ideas  in  which  the  good 
and  the  evil  were  closely  intertwined.  The  phenomenon 
is  noticed  in  an  oft-quoted  passage  of  Adam  Smith, 
which  describes  the  narrowing  of  personaHty  that 
formed  a  moral  counterpart  to  the  division  of  labour 
in  the  manufacturing  industries.*  An  equally  striking 
example  of  the  same  tendency  may  be  found  in  certain 
aspects  of  the  enclosure  movement.  The  reckless  mar- 
riages, so  often  denounced  at  a  later  date  as  a  sign  of 
the  demorahsed  state  of  the  rural  districts  and  ascribed 
directly  to  a  pernicious  system-of  outdoor-relief,  have 
an  earlier   source  in  the   social  disintegration  which 

*  Wealth  of  Nations,  bk.  v^  ch.  i*  axt.  2. 


foUowed  the  upbreak  of  an  old  form  of  rural  economy.* 
An  increased  wage,  even  if  it  had  been  realised,  was 
no  compensation  for  the  loss  of  subsidiary  resources, 
in  so  far  as  these  stood  for  a  sense  of  ownership  and 
independence  and  were  bound  up  with  the  traditions 
of  a  corporate  life. 

The  impression  that  *  an  increase  in  the  quantity 
of  human  life  '  has  been  attained  *  at  the  expense  of  a 
degradation  in  its  quality,'  is  most  strongly  suggested  in 
the  cases  of  agriculture  and  the  textile  industries,  where 
the  economic  structure  was  most  radically  changed.  The 
problems  presented  by  the  factory  system  have  a  special 
reference  to  the  care  and  training  of  the  young;  and 
the  main  issues  to  which  attention  was  drawn  during  its 
initial  stages  are  among  those  which  confront  educational 
effort  at  the  present  day.  *  On  the  one  hand,  there  was  a 
decay,  amounting  in  some  cases  to  an  extinction,  of  the 
influences  of  domestic  training  ;  on  the  other,  a  system 
of  employment  which  consumed  the  energies  of  the 
child  by  excessive  toil  in  an  unhealthy  environment, 
casting  the  young  adrift  at  the  close  of  their  apprentice- 
ship with  faculties  impaired  and  without  the  training 
requisite  to  a  future  career.  Certain  forms  of  child 
exploitation  and  a  certain  decay  of  home  life  among 

^  Slater,  English  Peasantry  and  Enclosure  of  Common  Fields,  265. 
On  the  psychological  and  social  effects  of  enclosure,  see  Denson,  Peasant's 
Voice  to  Landowners  (1819),  also  some  remarks  in  a  journal  of  Robert 
Bums — '  The  more  elegance  and  luxury  among  the  farmers,  I  always 
observe,  in  equal  proportion  the  rudeness  and  stupidity  of  the  peasantry. 
This  remark  I  have  made  all  over  the  Lothians,  Merse,  Roxburgh,  etc,  ; 
and  for  this,  among  other  reasons,  I  think  a  man  of  romantic  taste — a 
"  man  of  feeling  " — wUl  be  better  pleased  with  the  poverty,  but  intelligent 
minds,  of  the  peasantry  in  Ayrshire  (peasantry  they  are  all  below  the 
justice  of  the  peace)  than  the  opulence  of  a  club  of  Merse  farmers,  when 
he  at  the  same  time  considers  the  vandalism  of  their  ploughfolks,  etc. 
I  carry  this  idea  so  far,  that  an  unenclosed,  half -improved  country  is  to 
me  actually  more  agreeable  .  .  .  than  a  country  cultivated  like  a  garden.' 
— Works  of  Robert  Bums,  Cunningham,  64. 

»  Cf,  Aikin,  Description  of  the.  Couniry  round  Manchester  (1796),  219. 


the  manufacturing  classes  are  clearly  prior  in  origin 
to  the  factory  organisation ;  but  the  new  system,  with 
its  extensive  employment  of  women  and  children 
away  from  their  homes,  the  social  atmosphere  of  large 
establishments,  and  the  physical  strain  imposed  by 
machinery,  had  the  effect  of  aggravating  old  disorders 
and  producing  others  for  which  no  precedent  existed.  It 
is  not  difficult  to  discover  a  superficial  parallel  to  these 
evils  in  the  condition  of  agricultural  districts  during 
the  early  part  of  the  next  century ;  in  the  decay  of 
rural  housing,  in  the  organisation  of  labour  under  the 
*  gang '  system,  and  in  cases  where  the  employment  of 
women  in  field  labour  left  them  neither  time  nor  energy 
to  attend  to  the  training  of  the  young.  The  comparison, 
however,  is  instructive  mainly  as  illustrating  com- 
plementary, rather  than  parallel,  effects  of  the  same 
economic  tendency  in  different  spheres.  In  the  manu- 
facturing districts  we  have  the  chaos  of  a  new  society 
in  process  of  formation;  rural  distress  is  connected 
with  the  dissolution  of  an  old  order  of  social  life.  In 
industry  economic  reorganisation  is  in  the  main  a 
driving  force ;  in  agriculture  it  is  largely  a  process  of 
suppression.  One  of  the  tendencies  of  agrarian  reform 
was  to  remove  those  intermediate  positions  between 
the  labourer  and  the  farmer  which  had  opened  to  the 
small  man  a  means  of  investment  and  a  chance  of 
advancing  in  the  social  scale ;  in  the  manufacturin  g 
industries  the  situation  is  so  far  reversed  as  to  present 
a  ladder  of  social  opportunity  which,  if  steep,  *  is  at 
least  continuous,'  while  an  apparently  unlimited  in- 
crease of  production  impressed  ideals  of  material  pro- 
gress on  the  minds  of  the  industrial  class.  *  In  agriculture, 
again,  the  destruction  of  the  open-field  system  and 
the  growth  of  new  social  divisions  involved,  in  various 

^  Meredith  op.  cit.,  262,  301  ;  Hammond,  Village  Labourer,  33. 


ways,  a  loss  of  independence   and   mutual  helpfulness 
and  of  the  sense  of  membership  in  a  corporate  group ; 
in  the  industrial  centres,  there  was  the  independence  of 
large  masses,  and  the  opportunity  for  new  forms  of 
social   co-operation.     Lastly,   while   all  these   changes 
reacted  on  the  traditional  culture  of  the  country-side, 
the  advance  of  urban  industry  awakened  new  intellectual 
interests,  partly  through  the  effects  of  science  and  in- 
vention on  certain  kinds  of  employment,  partly  through 
the  growth  and  conflict  of  pohtical  ideas.     It  was  as  if 
the  school  of  social  progress  had  been  transferred  to  new 
and  more  adventurous  scenes  ;  as  if  the  economic  process 
were  destroying  old  opportunities  in  the  country  only 
to  create  new  opportunities  in  the  town.     It  is  also,  in 
some  ways,  a  characteristic  feature  in  the  contrast,  that, 
whereas  in  agriculture  it  was  the  man  of  capital  who 
added  field  to  field  and  the  large  landowner  who  initiated 
improvements,  the  lead  in  industrial   movements   fell 
in  no  slight  measure  to  men  of  smaU  means  and  humble 
extTaction.     A  large  proportion  both  of  the  great  engi- 
neers and  inventors  and  of  the  manufacturers  who  made 
fortunes  in  the  textile   industries  were  men  who  had 
risen  direct  from  the  ranks  ;   and  in  the  varying  types 
of  character  which  they  present,  there  is  some  suggestion 
of  the  effects  of  the  Industrial  Revolution  on  the  mass 
beneath  them.     Just  as  the  new  directing  class  included, 
side  by  side  with  the  rough  diamonds  of  the  cotton 
manufacture,   others    whose  genius  had  been  kindled 
by  a  constant  struggle  with  large  ideas  and  overwhelm- 
ing difficulties  ;   so  we  shall  find,  among  the  new  prole- 
tariat, men  whose  minds  were  forced  into  the  groove 
of  a  hard  struggle  for  existence,  and  others  who  had 
visions   of  an  improved  society  and  whose  strivings 
after  enlightenment  are  among  the  redeeming  features 
of  a  commercial  age.     So  too,  if  we  isolate  the  factor 


of  employment,  there  were  tendencies  which  made  the 
worker  the  slave  of  the  machine,  and  there  were  occu-- 
pations  which  induced  hiiu  to  understand  it.  If  the 
Industrial  Revolution  was  responsible  for  the  *  factory- 
hands,'  it  also  called  into  existence  a  new  race  of 

In  the  attitude  of  Government  to  social  problems 
during  these  critical  years  there  are  many  symptoms  of 
the  political  bankruptcy  that  marks  the  close  of  an  era. 
A  separation  of  class-interests,  which  rendered  the  political 
system  incapable  of  comprehensive  measures  of  social  re- 
adjustment, was  aggravated  by  a  dearth  of  imagination 
in  the  ruling  class.    Popular  discontent,  in  an  age  of 
unparalleled  turmoil,  was  combated  by  methods  of  re- 
pression drawn  from  the  armoury  of  Tudor  tradition.     A 
new  literature  was  created  to  impress  upon  the  poor  the 
duties  of  religion,  loyalty,  and  contentment.    Magistrates 
combined  to  suppress  amusements  and  assemblies  of 
the  common   folk.     Laws  which  sometimes  confound 
independence    with    treason    accompanied    a    general 
prohibition  of  collective  bargaining,  compromising  every 
form  of  trade-union  activity.     Meanwhile  there  was  no 
real  counterpart  to  the  constructive  side  of  Tudor  poli- 
cies.    Government  drifted  into  a  partial  acceptance  of 
new  economic  doctrines,  without  any  effective  attempt 
being    made   to    protect   the    labourer's    standard   of 
living  from  rapid  deterioration.     Enclosure  was  carried 
on  without  adequate  regard  to  the  permanent  interests 
of  rural  society.     Poor  Law  reform  ended  in  a  courageous 
but  abortive  scheme  of  industrial  training.*    A  single 
measure  dealing  with  child-labour  under  the  factory 
system  was  based  on  precedents  already  out  of  date.^ 

»  Hammond,  op.  cit.,  149  8qq.  (Pitt's  Bill,  179&-7). 
•  Health  and  Morals  of  Apprentices  (etc.)  Act,  1802. 


The  neglect  of  remedies  which  might  have  preserved 
and  educated  the  character  of  the  masses  found  its 
nemesis  in  a  form  of  poor-rehef  which  added  to  their 
demoralisation.  Yet  it  is  fair  to  observe  that  the 
difficulties  besetting  the  statesmanship  of  the  period 
were,  in  a  general  sense,  the  legacy  of  problems  left 
unsolved  in  the  Tudor  age  and  rendered  formidable 
by  a  sudden  change  in  economic  conditions.  Where 
it  had  been  sufficient  to  restrain  competition  and  enter- 
prise, it  was  now  necessary  to  define  their  relation  to 
social  ends.  Where  it  had  been  possible  to  invoke  the 
power  and  prestige  of  personal  monarchy,  it  was 
necessary  to  reform  the  political  system  and  to  re- 
organise the  machinery  of  administration  on  a  new 
basis  Elizabethan  statesmanship  was  most  successful 
when  its  action  was  guided  by  precedent  and  based 
on  the  strength  of  conservative  traditions,  while  in 
the  preceding  period  of  transition  there  had  been 
little  change  in  the  groundwork  of  economic  thought. 
In  the  eighteenth  century  a  rapid  change  in  material 
conditions,  producing  problcDis  unprecedented  in  kind, 
followed  the  dawn  of  a  new  theory  of  progress  which 
for  a  time  imduly  restricted  the  sphere  of  State 

It  may  be  said  of  this,  as  of  an  earlier,  period  of 
social  history  that  an  '  illusion  of  increasing  selfishness ' 
is  produced  by  an  *  increase  in  the  opportunity  for 
anti-social  action,'  and  that  in  statements  which  testify 
to  an  extension  of  human  suffering  there  is  evidence, 
also,  of  growing  sympathy  and  insight.  The  interests 
of  the  peasantry  may  be  of  little  account  in  a  question 
of  enclosure,  but  there  is  no  proof  that  an  aristocratic 
Parhament  would  have  acted  differently,  if  possessed 
of  the  same  imcontrolled  authority  and  faced  by  a 
similar  situation,  at  an  earher  stage.     It  is  important 


at  any  rate  to  recognise  in  certain  proposals,  which 
appeared  when  the  movement  was  at  its  height,  an 
attempt  to  remedy  hardships  which  had  long  been 
endm-ed.  But  for  the  revulsion  caused  by  the  French 
Revolution  and  the  burden  of  a  prolonged  war,  the  last 
quarter  of  the  eighteenth  century  might  rack  as  one 
of  the  important  phases  in  the  awakening  of  a  social 
conscience.  Not  only  does  the  literature  of  the  period 
supply  the  first  examples  of  a  detailed  and  systematic 
study  of  economic  facts  with  reference  to  the  condition 
of  the  labouring  class,  but  the  thought  awakened  by 
new  forms  of  oppression  goes  to  the  root  of  problems 
which  a  weaker  sense  of  responsibility  had  allowed  to  pass 
unobserved.  The  remarks  of  Dr.  Percival  on  the  factory 
apprentices  are  more  than  a  criticism  of  the  factory 
system ;  they  mark  the  beginning  of  a  new  attitude 
to  the  problems  of  childhood.^  The  new  economic 
conditions  illustrated  and  strengthened  the  plea  for 
instruction  advanced  by  Adam  Smith  ;  whose  aim,  it 
may  be  observed,  was  not  to  increase  the  efficiency  of 
the  worker,  but  to  develop  the  faculties  of  the  man. 
Different  streams  of  opinion  were  already  converging 
in  an  educational  movement  which  to  this  day  bears 
the  marks  of  an  original  conflict  of  social  ideals.  Re- 
pression was  not  the  only  result  of  the  concentration 
of  political  forces  towards  the  close  of  the  century  which 
gave  birth  to  a  conservative  party.  A  more  scrupulous 
discharge  of  magisterial  duties,  not  wholly  the  outcome 
of  reactionary  panic,  ^  was  accompanied  by  an  awaken- 
ing among  the   parochial  clergy,   who   busied   them- 

^  The  exploitation  of  physique  drew  attention  to  the  exploitation 
of  '  mind  and  spirit '  which  had  been  a  common  accompaniment  and 
result  of  child  labour  before  the  rise  of  the  factories.  Meredith,  267, 
cf.  268. 

*  Webb,  English  Local  OovemmerU,  i.  377  sq. 


selves  in  visiting  the  poor,  and  in  organising  libraries  ^ 
and  other  forms  of  instruction.  Hannah  More,  who 
expounded  *  Village  PoHtics '  and  left  the  comforts  of 
London  society  to  teach  the  poor  in  a  derelict  country 
parish,  was  not  an  unworthy  pioneer  of  that  form  of 
authority— assumed  in  turn  by  every  fresh  group  of 
reformers —which  sought  to  establish  its  influence  by 
educating  the  masses.  That  it  is  difficult  to  draw  any 
hard  distinction  between  the  principles  of  authority  and 
self-control,  is  suggested  by  Bentham's  aphorism  which 
defined  education  as  government  acting  through  the 
*  domestic  magistrate. '  The  attitude  of  the  early 
'liberals  to  educational  questions  displays,  however,  a 
distinctive   bias   proceeding   from   a   fundamental   re- 

^  Sunday  Friendly  Societies  for  the  aged  poor,  1798,  at  Bishops  Auck- 
land  and  Winston  (Durham),  in  connection  with  which  books  and  tracts 
were  read  and  distributed.  Parish  Libraries  at  Steeple  Morden  (Cambridge) 
1801,  and  Himmanby  (Yorks)  1805.  Parochial  Society  for  the  purchase 
of  Bibles  at  Melksham  (Wilts)  1811.  Ses  Reports  of  Society  for  Bettering 
the  Condition  of  the  Poor,  1798,  etc.  There  is  no  means  of  estimating  the 
influence,  for  good  or  evil,  of  the  incalculable  mass  of  tracts  flimg  broad- 
cast in  these  years  by  supporters  and  opponents  of  Church  and  State. 
Sydney  Smith,  a  privileged  humorist,  mentions  a  proposal  that  travellers, 
'  for  every  pound  they  spend  upon  the  road,  should  fling  one  shilling's 
worth  of  these  tracts  out  of  the  chaise  window  '  ( Works,  i,  205).  Wesley 
had  published  penny  tracts  for  his  converts,  followed  by  an  edition  of 
his  works  in  sixpermy  numbers  which  brought  him  a  considerable  profit 
(Telford,  Life,  321  sq.).  From  this  we  pass  to  Legh  Richmond's  Annals 
of  the  Poor  ;  Rowland  Hill's  Cottage  Dialogues  ;  Hannah  More's  Village 
Politics  and  Repository  Tracts,  containing  ballads,  stories,  Sunday  reading, 
etc.,  published  1792-8  and  circulated  by  local  committees  to  the  extent 
of  some  milUons  of  copies.  Thence  to  Mrs.  Trimmer  (1788-) ;  John  and 
Dame  or  the  Loyal  Cottagers,  by  a  certain  Pratt  (1803) ;  an  Address 
to  the  Mechanics,  Artificers,  Manufacturers  and  Labourers  of  England, 
on  the  Subject  of  the  Threatened  Invasion  (1803) ;  A  Friendly  Address  to 
the  Labouring  Part  of  the  Community,  concerning  the  Present  State  of  Public 
Affairs  in  Church  and  State  (1804)  ;  and  The  Life  and  Adventures  of  Job 
Nott  of  Birmingham  (1793),  which  'nobody  can  read  without  laughing, 
nor  leave  it  ofiE  without  being  more  loyal  and  more  moral ;  .  .  .  and  to 
my  Brother  Artificers  and  the  small  fiy  my  advice  is,  get  a  dab  of  over- 
work that  you  may  be  able  to  lay  out  threepence  on  a  book  wrote  entirely 
for  your  use,  information  and  amusement ' — attributed,  probably  with 
some  malice,  to  one  of  the  local  clergy  (Langford,  Century  of  Birmijigham 
Life,  ii.  117). 


sistance  to  authoritarian  tradition.  Overrating  the 
rational  side  of  human  personality,  they  tended  to  form 
an  exaggerated  conception  of  the  speed  with  which 
results  are  achieved ;  but  they  were  also  among  the 
first  to  insist  that  a  man's  capacity  for  sharing  in  the 
life  and  culture  of  his  time  is  not  rigidly  determined 
by  his  social  status  or  the  nature  of  his  employment, 
and  that  his  redemption  from  evil  courses  is  to  be  sought 
by  extending  the  range  of  his  moral  and  mental  interests. 
The  theory  of  *  rational  recreation  '  was  expressed  by 
an  enlightened  writer  of  the  conservative  school  at 
the  close  of  the  century,  who  pleaded  that  a  decent 
observance  of  the  Sabbath  might  be  best  ensured  by 
tolerating  amusements  whose  aim  should  be  to  *  raise 
the  genius  and  mend  the  heart. '  * 

The  educational  movement  in  England  during  the 
eighteenth  century  is  concentrated  within  two  periods 
of_  about  equal  length,  the  one  concluding  with  the 
death  of  Anne,  the  other  commencing  with  the  growth 
of  Sunday  schools  in  the  eighties.  The  latter  phase 
of  the  movement  was  in  a  broad  sense  a  revival  and 
continuation  of  the  former,  although  its  character  and 
aims  were  strongly  influenced  by  the  intervening 
course  of  events.  Popular^  education  was  still  ap-_ 
preached  as  a  missionary  enterprise  for  the  uplifting 
of  a  .neglected  class,  where  earlier  means  of  training 
had  failed.  But  the  class  which  could  be  so  described 
had  become  so  large,  especially  in  the  towns  and  manu- 
facturing districts,  that  organised  instruction  could 
no  longer  be  regarded  as  the  exceptional  need  of  re- 
cipients of  charity.  In  the  meantime  the  maxim  that 
every  child  should  learn  to  read  the  Bible  had  appeared 
as  one  of  the  first-fruits  of  religious  revival.     Thus 

1  Eden,  8Usle  of  the  Poor,  L  446. 


there  was  a  definite  advance  towards  the  idea  of  national 
education,  involving  incidentally  a  change  of  method 
and  a  stricter  differentiation  of  social  aims.  Industrial 
training  retained  a  place  in  the  programme  of  educa- 
tional reform ;  ^  but  there  was  no  longer  the  same 
attempt,  as  in  the  earlier  years  of  the  century,  to  in- 
clude it  as  an  integral  factor  in  the  school  curriculum. 
The  school  of  industry  developed  as  a  distinct  institu- 
tion dealing  with  exceptional  cases  of  affliction  and 
neglect ;  the  main  stream  of  philanthropy  passed  it 
by,  in  an  attempt  to  extend  the  elements  of  religious 
and  literary  instruction  to  the  majority  who  were 
already  in  the  way  of  earning  a  livelihood.  The  special 
incentive  in  this  later  movement  was  the  hope  of  securing 
a  decent  observance  of  Sunday.  Partly  for  this  reason, 
partly  also  because  it  was  natural  to  select  a  time  when 
the  industrial  population  was  most  accessible  and 
assistance  in  teaching  could  be  most  readily  obtained, 
effort  was  concentrated  on  the  promotion  of  Sunday 
schools,  which  remained  for  an  indefinite  period  the 
most  widely  organised  medium  of  instruction  for  young 
and  old  and  the  starting  point  for  further  experi- 
ments. 2  The  Sunday  school  led  back  to  the  day  school, 
and  was  often  connected  with  a  system  of  night  classes 
during  the  week.  Even  at  this  early  period  there  were 
developments  which  recognised  the  principle  of  the 
continuation  school,  leading  forward  to  higher  grades 

^  Schools  of  industry,  1791  onwards,  at  Lewisham,  Kendal,  Banburgh 
Castle  and  elsewhere,  see  Reports  of  Society  for  Bettering  the  Condition  of 
the  Poor  ;  Monthly  Review,  iii.  431  ;  Lyson,  Magna  Britannia,  i.  482. 
Day  industrial  schools  were  sometimes  formed  in  connection  with  Sunday 
schools,  and  we  find  the  wish  expressed  that  '  some  institution  could  be 
established  for  the  idle  children  ' ;  Jenkins,  Clmrles  of  Bala,  ii.  15,  10  sqq. 

*  For  a  view  of  Sunday  schools  as  agencies  intended  to  make  up  for 
the  absence  of  home  training,  '  compensatory  institutions  highly  creditable 
to  the  teachers  but  very  discreditable  indeed  to  the  parents,'  see  Miller, 
My  Schools  and  Schoolmasters,  39. 


of  instruction.  Thus  in  1789  the  Sunday  school  teachers 
of  Birmingham  formed  a  society,  with  the  object  of 
continuing  the  education  of  their  former  scholars, 
which  was  subsequently  amalgamated  with  a  local 
scientific  association  and  developed  on  the  lines  of  a 
Mechanics'  Institute. 

Another  distinctive  feature  of  the  period,  and  one 
perhaps  of  still  greater  importance,  was  the  j:emarkable_ 
growth  of  educational  activity  among  adults  of  the 
working  class,  both  as  teachers  and  learners,  which 
characterised  the  closing  years  of  the  century.  It  is 
in  the  wider  outlook,  and  in  the  demand  for  knowledge 
produced  by  the  religious  movements  of  the  period  and 
the  economic  and  political  consequences  of  the  Indus- 
trial Revolution,  that  we  must  seek  the  origin  of  those 
ideas  of  democratic  government  which  have  entered 
so  largely  into  adult  education  in  recent  times.  The 
intellectual  awakening  showed  itself  in  various  ways  : 
in  the  growth  of  adult  Sunday  schools  and  the  rapid 
spread  of  night  classes  in  the  north  of  England,  in  the 
formation  of  book  clubs,*  reading  societies  and  dis- 
cussion circles,  and  in  the  beginnings  of  scientific  and 
technical  studies.  The  examples  which  fall  within 
the  last  category  illustrate  different  types  of  organisa- 
tion which  are  continually  recurring.  Thus  at  Birming- 
ham in  1794  a  small  group  of  artisans,  known  as  the 
*  cast-iron  philosophers,'  were  attending  lectures  at 
the  house  of  Thomas  Clarke,  a  local  patron  of  science.* 
Two  years  later,  they  were  merged  in  the  Brotherly 
Society,  an  association  which  advertised  instruction 
in  elementary  and  more  advanced  subjects,  provided 
a  newsroom,   lectures  and  classes  free  of  charge  to 

1  Monthly  Review,  iv.  275  sqq.,  mentions  a  book  club  formed  by  a 
few  mechanics  in  Lincolnshire. 
*  Mechanics'  Magazine,  i.  307  n. 


working-class  members,  and  in  the  following  year 
started  the  first  Artisans'  Library.^  About  the  same 
time,  Professor  Anderson  invited  workpeople  to  attend 
his  comrse  on  Experimental  Physics  at  Glasgow  Uni- 
versity. His  successor.  Dr.  Birkbeck,  deUvered  lectures 
to  a  crowded  audience  of  mechanics,  who  for  a  short 
time,  after  his  departure  in  1804,  continued  to  hold 
meetings  of  their  own  accord,  the  class  being  revived 
subsequently  as  the  nucleus  of  a  Mechanics'  Institute. 
But  it  is  to  the  religious  rather  than  to  the  scientific 
renaissance  that  we  must  look  for  the  manifestation 
of  that  corporate  spirit  which  is  the  most  abiding 
characteristic  of  the  new  democracy.  The  modern  Adult 
School  movement  is  lineally  descended  from  a  small 
group  of  students  who  met  at  Nottingham  in  1798  to 
learn  Bible-reading  and  the  elements  of  secular  know- 
ledge ;  and,  if  its  distinctive  feature  at  the  present 
day  is  an  effort  to  discuss  the  problems  of  life  on 
terms  of  mutual  forbearance  and  Christian  fellowship, 
it  may  trace  back  its  pedigree  a  stage  further — to 
some  of  the  more  fruitful  examples  of  the  Methodist 

*  Mechanics^  Magazine,  I.e.  ;  cf.  Hudson,  Adult  Edtication,  29. 





In  the  comparison  between  English  and  German 
educational  systems— once  a  famihar  topic,  now  dis- 
tasteful by  common  consent — it  was  customary  to 
refer  back  to  the  course  of  political  events  in  the  seven- 
teenth and  eighteenth  centuries,  which  in  the  one 
country  increased  the  authority  of  the  State  over 
social  institutions  and  in  the  other  weakened  its  power 
of  constructive  intervention,  leaving  behind  a  legacy 
of  social  discord  which  opposed  a  lasting  obstacle 
to  any  broad  measure  of  educational  reform.  But 
though  this  circumstance  may  account  for  wide 
differences  of  opportunity,  it  does  not  fully  explain 
the  different  ways  in  which  ideas  were  developed  and 
opportunity  employed.  School  attendance  was  already 
being  enforced  in  at  least  one  of  the  Grerman  states 
during  the  earlier  decades  of  the  seventeenth  century, 
at  a  time  when  the  power  of  the  central  government 
in  England  was  still  vigorously  exercised  in  many 
branches  of  social  discipline  without  extending  in  the 
same  degree  into  the  sphere  of  education. 

It  was  due  to  something  more  than  political  accident 
that  the  basis  of  a  national  system  appeared  earliest 
in  countries  which  had  carried  out  the  religious  changes 
of  the  sixteenth  century  with  drastic  effect,  and  that 

146  I. 


in  England,  where  it  had  been  the  ideal  of  the  beat 
Churchmen  to  steer  a  middle  com:se  between  rival 
extremes,  national  education  was  indefinitely  delayed. 
In  England,  though  there  was  an  eminent  group  whose 
hopes  centred  in  education,^  there  was  no  counterpart 
to  the  organised  zeal  which  accompanied  the  most 
vigorous  phase  of  the  Lutheran  Reformation,  or  to  the 
democratic  force  of  the  Scottish  movement.  The  re- 
forming party,  led  by  the  government,  showed  a 
characteristic  reluctance  to  admit  the  consequences  of  a 
new  departure.  Their  watchword  was  renewal  rather 
than  revolt,  and  they  held  generally  to  the  principle  of 
reconstructing  on  safe  lines  which  threatened  the  least 
disturbance  to  the  political  s}  stem  and  the  inherited 
fabric  of  social  ideas.  Henry  the  Eighth  ordered  a  copy 
of  the  EngHsh  Bible  to  be  placed  in  all  churches,  and 
gave  instructions  that  the  laity  should  be  encouraged  to 
read  it,  that  they  might  better  understand  their  duties  ; " 
but  the  privilege  was  afterwards  curtailed  and  held  in 
abeyance  for  fear  of  dissension.'  The  young  of  all 
classes  were  to  be  instructed  in  the  Paternoster,  the 
Articles  of  Behef,  and  the  Ten  Commandments,  which 
were  to  be  deHvered  in  writing  to  '  them  that  can 
read  and  will  desire  the  same.  '  *  Parents  were  exhorted 
to  *  bestow  their  children  .  .  .  either  to  learning,  or 
to  some  honest  exercise,  occupation  or  husbandry,' 
to  prevent  idleness  and  to  preserve  the  State.'  On  the 
broader  question  of  providing  schools  for  the  masses 
there  was  no  authoritative  pronouncement,  though 
individuals  realised  that  the  need  existed  and  Cranmer 

^  Craik,    The   State   in  its   Belation   to   Education   {English    Citizen 
Series),  4. 

*  Burnet,  History  of  the  Reformation,  iv.  91,  138  (Instructions  to  the 

»  lUd.,  i.  517.  *  lUd.,  iv.  91.  •  Ibid. 


developed  a  '  scheme  of  new  schools  for  every  class. '  * 
On  the  other  hand  he  rebuked  those  who  would  have 
diverted  educational  endowments  to  the  exclusive 
benefit  of  the  higher  ranks,  reasserting  in  the  name  of 
reUgion  the  traditional  claims  of  the  poor  with  talent.  • 
The  canons  of  1604  show  the  same  tendency.  The 
educational  system,  as  it  existed,  was  placed  under  the 
sanction  and  control  of  the  Church,  the  aim  being  to 
ensure  efficiency  and  soundness  of  doctrine ;  and  it 
was  ordained,  further,  that  the  *  youth  and  ignorant 
persons '  should  receive  catechetical  instruction  in  the 
parish  church.  • 

A  more  democratic  impulse  came  from  the  Puritan 
side,  and  emerged  under  the  Commonwealth.  At  one 
time  it  seemed  possible  that  education  would  be  re- 
organised and  a  general  system  of  schools  established 
on  a  statutory  basis.  Outside  Wales,  however,  the 
design,  if  it  existed,  never  matured.  Public  instruction 
in  the  turmoil  of  the  age  was  little  more  than  a  side 
issue,  and  after  the  Restoration  the  provision  of  schools 
was  left  again  to  voluntary  effort. 

New  factors  made  their  appearance  in  the  eighteenth 
century — on  the  one  hand,  the  growth  of  organised 
philanthropy  developing  a  network  of  schools  for  the 
poor ;  on  the  other,  a  fundamental  antagonism  to  the 
idea  of  universal  instruction.  Class-feeling  went  far 
towards  establishing  monopolies  in  higher  education, 
and  opposition  to  the  Charity  Schools  derived  support 

*  Craik,  op.  cU.,  I.  ■  Strype,  Crantner,  i.  127. 

»  Canons  69,  77-79 »  Cardwell,  Synodalia,  i.  280,  291.  The  fifty- 
ninth  canon,  dealing  with  catechetical  instruction  in  churches,  repeats 
— ^with  the  addition  of  the  Catechism — ^Henry  VIII's  Instructions  to  the 
Clergy,  issued  in  the  year  1536,  which  particularise  a  method  of  oral 
teaching,  adding  that  books  containing  the  subject-matter  are  to  be 
pointed  out  to  those  who  were  able  and  desirous  to  read  them  (Burnet, 
ivi  91). 


from  an  economic  conception  of  class-gradations  which 
had  survived  from  an  earUer  age.  The  mediaeval  view 
of  learning  as  an  alternative  to  labour  was  interpreted 
to  mean  that  labour  is  incompatible  with  rudimentary 
knowledge.  The  oral  teaching  which  the  Church  had 
authorised  as  the  minimum  required  for  all  classes  was 
taken  as  the  standard  of  popular  enlightenment.  *  There 
is  a  prodigious  difference/  wrote  Mandeville,  *  between 
debarring  the  children  of  the  poor  from  ever  rising  higher 
in  the  world,  and  refusing  to  force  education  upon 
thousands  of  them  when  they  should  be  usefully  em- 
ployed ' ;  and  his  opinion  gained  adherents  in  later 
years,  at  a  time  of  conservative  reaction  and  amid 
revolutions  which  heralded  the  advent  of  democracy. 
The  criticisms  which  appeared  at  the  commencement 
of  the  nineteenth  century  are  governed  by  the  same 
traditional  preconception,  that  education  is  normally 
a  means  of  rising  in  the  social  scale  and  that  any  widely 
organised  instruction  of  the  people  would  incapacitate 
them  for  necessary  labour  and  diffuse  an  atmosphere 
of  social  unrest.* 

If   the   defects  of  school-training  have  been   most 

*  '  A  vast  number  of  those  who  had  been  broiight  up  at  Sunday 
Bchools  were  wandering  from  their  proper  callings,  had  become  fanatical 
teachers,  had  deemed  themselves  qualified  to  hold  disputations  on  religious 
topics,  had  turned  sceptics,  infidels  and  anarchists,  and  were  spreading 
a  malignant  influence  throughout  the  mass  of  the  community ' — Anti- 
Jacobin,  Oct.  1800  ;  cf.  the  royal  injunction,  1641,  that  laymen  reading 
the  Bible  should  not  take  upon  themselves  public  disputation  (Burnet, 
op.  cit.,  iv.  138).  Even  Hannah  More  had  been  charged  with  promoting 
fanaticism  and  sedition  (Overton  and  Relton,  History  of  English  Church, 
1714-1800,  248)  ;  and  twenty  years  later  Brougham  had  to  protest  in 
the  House  of  Commons  against  this  form  of  attack  on  popular  education. 

'  It  is  doubtless  desirable  that  the  poor  should  be  generally  instructed 
in  reading,  if  it  were  only  for  the  best  of  purposes — that  they  may  read 
the  Scriptures.  As  to  writing  and  arithmetic,  it  may  be  apprehended  that 
such  a  degree  of  knowledge  would  produce  in  them  a  disrehsh  for  the 
laborious  occupations  of  life ' — Remarks  on  the  Poor  Bill  -.  .  .  by  07ie  of 
H.M.'s  Justices  of  the  Peace  in  the  County  of  Lincoln,  1807  ;  a  fair 
representation  of  moderate  conservative  opinion. 


commonly  remarked  precisely  among  those  sections 
of  the  poor  which  supplied  the  chief  materials  of 
controversy,  it  does  not  exculpate  those  who  in 
opposing  education  closed  their  eyes  to  the  problems 
arising  from  economic  changes  and  the  competing 
demands  of  urban  and  rural  life,  and  to  the  new  facts 
which  made  it  necessary  to  remodel  social  discipline 
and  give  a  healthy  outlet  to  growing  aspirations.  Nor 
has  the  criticism  which  education  encountered  merely 
that  degree  of  significance  which  belongs  to  a  negative 
and  transitory  phase.  It  opposed  a  continual  obstacle 
to  deliberate  measures  which  might  have  saved  the 
situation,  and  it  favoured  compromises  which  prevented 
efficiency  and  helped  to  create  the  evils  against  which 
it  prophesied.  Yet  the  Enghsh  habit  of  compromise 
is  not  without  its  advantages.  It  has  secured  a  wide 
liberty  for  voluntary  experiment  and  for  the  clash  of 
rival  ideals,  which  may  prove  in  the  long  run  the  surest 
way  to  a  higher  synthesis  reconciling  freedom  with 
order,  and  comprehending  all  that  is  of  permanent  value 
in  a  variety  of  social  traditions.  It  has,  also,  given  to 
the  history  of  English  education  its  peculiar  attraction 
as  a  record  of  the  national  character  in  every  phase  of  its 
growi;h.  Just  as  philanthropic  enterprise  in  the  early 
years  of  the  eighteenth  century  had  reflected  the  business 
methods  of  the  period,  so  the  movements  which  com- 
menced a  hundred , years  later  are  impressed  with  the 
spirit  of  the  Industrial  Revolution.  There  can  be  little 
doubt  that  the  forms  of  child-labour  and  labour-saving 
machinery  which  appear  in  Lancaster's  '  plan  '  and  the 
monitorial  system  played  an  important  part  in  recom- 
mending education  to  public  patronage.  The  imagina- 
tion is  haunted  by  the  prospect  of  a  *  clear  easy  practical 
system,'  carried  out  with  a  maximum  reduction  of  labour 
and  expense  and  bringing  speedy  and  calculable  returns. 


The  language  of  philanthropy  combines  with  dis- 
interested benevolence  the  hardened  optimism  of  a 
commercial  prospectus.*  The  movement  commenced 
with  the  strife  of  rival  leaders,  Joseph  Lancaster  and 
Dr.  Andrew  Bell ;  and  it  accorded  well  with  the  spirit 
of  the  age  that  the  matter  should  be  left  in  the  hands  of 
two  great  competing  associations,  summing  up  in  them- 
selves the  history  of  former  conflicts  of  creed  and  tradi- 
tion— ^the  National  Society  formed  in  allegiance  to  the 

*  '  We  meet  to  erect  a  perpetual  standard  against  ignorance  and  vice, 
to  confirm  and  render  permanent  an  establishment  intended  to  train  up 
the  children  of  this  town  in  knowledge  and  virtue.  We  expect  thousandi 
of  children  will  here  be  taught  not  only  the  grounds  of  human  science, 
but  the  first  principles  of  Christian  religion,  that  religion  which,'  etc. — 
Speech  of  the  Treasurer  at  the  opening  of  a  gigantic  Sunday  school  built 
by  the  mill-owners  of  Stockport,  1805  (Ure,  Philosophy  of  Manufactures 
(3rd  ed.),  A08).  One  is  tempted  to  mention  Robert  Pemberton's  Addrtsa 
to  ihe  people  on  the  necessity  of  popular  education  in  conjunction  with  emigra- 
tion, as  a  remedy  for  all  our  social  evils  (1859),  announcing  the  formation 
of  a  *  People's  Shilling  Company  for  Popular  Education '  on  the  author's 
system,  which  was  to  '  give  general  knowledge  and  produce  excellent 
mechanics  and  good  scholars  at  fourteen  and  the  finest  orators  at  twenty- 
one  }  wonder  not,  for  this  is  the  scientific  age  of  discovery.'  In  a  Report 
of  Proceedings  at  the  Inauguration  of  Mr.  Pemberton's  new  Philosophical 
Model  Infant  School,  for  teaching  languages  native  and  foreign  on  the  natural 
or  euphonic  system  (1867),  it  is  stated  that  he  had  devised  a  'Nursery 
Chromatic  Barrel  Organ,  for  the  express  purpose  of  developing  the 
musical  attribute  of  the  infant  and  naturalising  on  its  mind  from  birth 
the  perfect  language  and  harmony  of  music' 

Incidentally  it  may  be  remarked  that  Lancaster  himself  seems  to  have 
derived  inspiration  from  other  than  industrial  and  religious  sources. 
The  son  of  an  old  soldier,  he  retained  to  the  close  of  his  life  the  spirit 
of  a  recruiting  sergeant.  His  system  was  essentially  one  of  drill,  every- 
thing being  reduced  to  rule  and  regulation  '  with  the  object  of  saving  the 
teacher's  time  and  thought.'  The  children  were  to  be  kept  in  '  constant 
activity,'  each  having  '  at  every  moment  .  .  .  something  to  do  and  a 
motive  for  doing  it '  i  and  it  seems  that  badges  or  other  small  marks  of 
distinction  were  distributed  as  a  reward  for  good  conduct  (Binns,  Century 
of  Education,  1908,  &-20).  Mrs.  Trimmer,  according  to  Sydney  Smith, 
accused  him  of  preparing  the  materials  for  a  rebel  army.  '  On  half- 
holidays,'  we  are  told, '  he  would  marshall  his  scholars  in  order,  the  monitors 
acting  as  captains  over  their  class,  and  sally  forth  to  some  outlying  village, 
with  sports  and  games  in  the  fields.'  The  system  which  modem  writers 
have  described  as  mechanical  and  barren  of  result,  was  probably  asso- 
ciated in  his  mind  with  those  ideas  of  discipUne  and  esprit  de  corps  which 
have  found  expression  in  Lads'  Brigades,  etc. 


Established  Church  (1811),  and  the  British  and  Foreign 
School  Society  (1814),  an  outgrowth  of  Lancaster's 
Committee  and  the  Royal  Lancasterian  Institution 
(1808)  which  had  succeeded  it  in  the  interval. 

(1)  General  Lines  of  Development 

The  resolution  of  Lancaster's  Committee,  *to  con- 
stitute themselves  a  society  for  the  purpose  of  affording 
education,  procuring  employment,  and  as  far  as  possible 
to  furnish  clothing  to  the  children '  of  the  poorer  classes,* 
is  evidence  of  an  underlying  continuity  in  educational 
thought,  and  carries  us  back  to  the  aims  with  which 
philanthropy  had  started  a  hundred  years  earlier. 
Lancaster  had  already  spoken  of  adapting  his  system 
to  the  teaching  of  agriculture  and  handicrafts.'  To 
connect  educatioQ  with  manual  employment  was  the 
policy  of  his  rival,  Dr.  Andrew  Bell.'  During  the  cen- 
tury and  a  half  following  the  birth  of  the  Charity 
School  movement  the  idea  was  continually  reasserting 
itself,  without  any  permanent  effect.*    Apart  from  the 

1  Binns,  op.  cii.,  32.  •  Ihid.,  22. 

'  Adams,  Elementary  Schools  Contest,  59. 

*  Montague  Burgoyne  in  an  Address  to  the  Governors  and  Directors 
of  Public  Charity  Schools  (1829)  refers  to  the  alleged  tendency  of  the 
'  present  system  of  popular  education  to  unfit  the  poor  for  those  laborious 
situations  in  life  in  which  they  would  have  to  move,  making  them  aspire 
to  preferment  which  they  cannot  reach.'  He  proposed  to  establish  an 
industrial  agricultural  school  at  Potton,  Bedfordshire,  where  in  addition 
to  ordinary  elementary  subjects  the  boys  might  learn  tailoring,  shoe- 
mending,  gardening  and  agriculture,  and  the  girls  needle  and  laundry 
work,  dairying  and  housewifery.  Cf.  a  minute  drawn  up  for  the  guidance 
of  the  Committee  of  Council  (1839) — to  '  include  instruction  in  industry 
as  a  special  department  of  the  moral  training  of  children,'  and  to  give 
'  such  a  character  to  the  matter  of  instruction  in  the  school  as  to  keep 
it  in  close  relation  with  the  conditions  of  workmen  and  servants.'  There 
was  a  '  Colony-at-Home '  established  by  William  Allen  at  Lindfield, 
Sussex,  where  he  pvirchased  a  property  in  1826  and  proceeded  to  erect 
labourers'  cottages  and  a  schoolhouse,  with  an  infant  department  and  an 
industrial  day-school  for  boys  and  girls — ^Allen,  Plan  for  Dimivishing 


question  of  expease,  there  was  a  growing  opposition,  on 
economic  and  educational  grounds,  to  any  scheme  which 
bore  the  appearance  of  converting  the  school  into  a 
substitute  for  the  workshop.  There  was  also  a  tendency 
for  elementary  schools  to  become  monopolised  by  a 
comparatively  select  class  of  children,  for  whom  manual 
training  was  not  always  an  immediate  or  apparent 

It  is  probable  that  the  main  stimulus  to  philan- 
thropy, all  along,  had  been  the  hope  of  dealing  with 
the  sources  of  crime  and  destitution  and  civihsiag  a 
class  whose  ignorance  was  a  menace  to  society.  The 
difficulty  of  reconciling  this  aim  with  any  general 
scheme  of  education  based  on  voluntary  enterprise  was 
soon  realised,  especially  in  the  urbau  districts.  The 
tone  of  a  school  and  its  standard  of  discipline  would 
improve  in  proportion  to  its  success.  It  would  attract 
by  degrees  a  superior  class  of  children,  and  appeal  to  a 
more  respectable  and  fastidious  class  of  parents.  The 
managers,  finding  it  difficult  to  accommodate  all  under 
the  same  system  of  discipline  and  instruction,  would 
drift  from  their  original  aim  into  safer  paths  of  financial 
security.^  It  followed  that  successive  groups  of  philan- 
thropists were  continually  rediscovering  a  submerged 
class  for  whom  nothing  was  done,  and  whose  condition 
grew  more  ominous  and  lamentable  in  proportion  to  the 
general  progress  of  manners  and  intelligence.     Just  as 

the  Poor  Rates  (1833),  3  ;  Stephen  Grellet,  Memoirs,  ii.  183.  Industrial 
Schools  for  waifs  and  strays — Select  Committee  on  Education,  1834,  QQ. 
2697-2749  ;   Langford,  Century  of  Birmingham  Life,  ii.  363. 

*  Thus  Matthew  Arnold  reports  that  in  British  and  Wesleyan  schools 
in  his  district  the  children  of  the  poorest  were  not  found  ;  small  farmers, 
skilled  artisans,  etc.,  pajnng  a  considerable  fee,  '  often  object  as  much  aa 
the  classes  above  them  to  the  contact,  with  their  children,  of  the  children 
...  of  the  class  found  in  Ragged  Schools'  (1853);  again,  'Ragged 
Schools,  rather  than  National  Schools,  take  the  really  poor  of  London  who 
are  not  Roman  Catholics ' — Reports  on  Elementary  Education,  19,  151. 


in  the  eighteenth  century  the  establishment  of  Charity 
Schools  had  been  followed  by  a  special  provision  for 
waifs  and  orphans,  so  a  hundred  years  later,  a  genera- 
tion after  the  founding  of  the  great  national  societies, 
we  find  a  supplementary  group  of  rescue  movements 
[^working  strictly  on  a  poverty  test.  One  line  of  experi- 
ment, which  aimed  at  isolating  children  of  the  destitute 
and  criminal  classes  in  permanent  institutions,  is  repre- 
sented by  the  Children's  Friend  Society,  whose  origin 
coincides  very  nearly  with  the  centenary  of  the  Foundling 
Hospital.^  Another  is  seen  in  the  more  flexible  organisa- 
tion of  the  Ragged  School  Union.  A  ragged  school 
might  start  as  a  Sunday  school,  a  day  school,  or  an 
evening  class.  It  might  include  industrial  classes,  a 
b'brary,  and  a  provident  club,  and  become  a  centre  for 

*  The  Children's  Friend  Society  for  the  Prevention  of  Juvenile  Vag- 
rancy was  founded  through  the  exertions  of  Captain  Brenton,  R.N., 
who  in  1830  opened  a  small  house  of  reception  in  West  Ham.  By 
1837,  when  he  wrote  an  account  of  the  work,  there  were  (1)  the  Brenton 
Asylum,  150  boys,  (2)  the  Victoria  Asylum  at  Chiswick  for  girls,  sup- 
ported by  the  society,  with  branch  committees  in  the  Colonies.  Upwards 
of  a  thousand  children  had  been  rescued  from  workhouse,  street,  and 
prisoner's  dock.  They  stayed  about  six  months,  receiving  an  industrial 
and  general  education,  being  kindly  treated  and  constantly  employed. 
The  Brenton  Asylum  stood  in  ten  acres  of  ground  cultivated  by  the 
inmates.  At  the  end  of  their  time  the  boys  went  to  the  Colonies  to  be 
apprenticed — Brenton,  The  Bible  and  the  Spade  (1837) }  Fanny  Forsier, 
a  Sequel  (1837)  ;  Select  Committee  on  Education  (1834),  Q.  2576  sqq.  Kay- 
Shuttleworth,  Social  Condition  and  Education  of  the  People,  i.  394  (1850), 
reckons  that  there  were  30,000  destitute,  filthy,  lawless  children  in  London 
alone,  the  source  of  nineteen- twentieths  of  the  crime  committed.  The 
Royal  Asylum  of  St.  Ann's  Society  (1702),  the  Foundling  Hospital  (1739), 
and  the  Marine  Society  (1767,  which  collected  street  arabs  and  trained  them 
for  sea  service)  may  be  mentioned  as  corresponding  types  of  rescue  work 
in  the  eighteenth  century.  We  may  refer,  also,  to  the  work  of  City  Missions 
in  London  and  elsewhere,  which  commenced  about  the  year  1825  and 
seem  to  have  been  inspired  by  the  ideal  of  a  '  Ministry  for  the  Poor,' 
emanating  from  America — BLay-Shuttleworth,  Four  Periods  of  English 
Education,  46-115  ;  Social  Condition  and  Education  of  the  People,  i.  414  sq.  ; 
Langford,  op.  cit.,  ii.  581.  Knight,  Passages  in  a  Working  Life,  iii.  86  sq., 
relates  how  a  stockinger,  named  Brooks,  came  to  Birmingham  in  the 
forties  and  instituted  a  '  Ministry  for  the  Poor,'  which  led  to  a  Ragged 
School,  a  People's  Instruction  Society,  a  Provident  Institution,  Sunday 
schools,  evening  classes,  etc. 


social  and  religious  meetings  and  different  forms  of 
amusement.  It  might  develop  into  a  boarding  institu- 
tion, a  reformatory  or  home  for  destitute  children.* 

The  work  of  Bell  and  Lancaster  had  helped  to  re- 
assert the  principle  of  full-time  attendance  at  a  day 
school,  for  a  varying  period  between  the  ages  of  six 
and  eleven,  as  the  basis  of  an  educational  system; 
but  for  some  time  the  greater  part  of  the  industrial 
classes,  both  young  and  old,  found  their  only  means  of 
instruction  on  Sunday.  The  rapid  growth  of  Sunday 
schools  in  the  manufacturing  districts  is  one  of  the  most 
important  signs  of  social  advance  during  the  early  years 
of  the  nineteenth  century ;  and  in  two  respects  the 
movement  possesses  a  special  interest  in  the  history 
of  education.  The  Sunday  school  seems  to  have  afforded 
the  teacher  a  more  general  opportunity  for  exercising  a 

\  personal  influence  than  was  possible  in  the  large  classes 
of  a  day  school  under  the  monitorial  system  *  It  suppHes 
also  the  first  traces  of  a  course  of  instruction  pursued 

N.  consecutively  for  a  number  of  years  and  covering  the 
critical  period  of  adolescence. 

In  1816  the  number  of  adults  attending  Sunday 
schools  in  East  London  was  estimated  at  about  six 
hundred ;  at  Manchester,  a  few  years  later,  the  ages 
ranged  from  six  to  twenty-five,  and  some  scholars 
were   known  to  have  attended  for  twenty  years  in 

*  C.  J.  Montague,  Sixty  Tears  in  Waifdom.  The  clientele  of  the 
early  Ragged  Schools  was  not  entirely  composed  of  illiterates.  Thus 
about  100  of  all  ages,  1&-35,  attended  a  reading  room  at  the  Marylebone 
Ragged  School,  being  attracted  by  the  warmth  and  sociability  of  the 
place  and  gradually  getting  interested  in  the  books  ;  many  had  previously 
read  a  good  deal  in  the  way  of  penny  dreadfuls — Committee  on  Public 
Libraries,  1849,  Q.  3194  sqq. 

•  At  the  Stockport  Sunday  School,  mentioned  above,  the  monitorial 
system  was  discarded  and  small  classes  insisted  on.  Ure,  Philosophy 
of  Manufactures  (3rd  ed.),  408  sqq. 


succession.*  Where  attendance  was  thus  commenced 
in  childhood  and  carried  on  for  a  considerable  period, 
there  might  be  some  chance  of  arranging  a  continuous 
course  of  instruction.  Such,  indeed,  was  the  object 
of  the  Sunday  Society  estabhahed  at  Birmingham 
towards  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century,  and  of  the 
senior  classes  which  became  a  common  addition  to 
Sunday  schools  at  a  later  date.*  But  in  these  early 
years,  when  scholars  of  all  ages  were  beginning  to 
learn,  the  distinction  between  a  juvenile  and  an  adult 
class  would  not  necessarily  imply  much  difference  of 
curriculum."  Putting  aside  differences  of  age,  the 
schools  admit  of  a  twofold  classification ;  according 
as  the  religious  teaching  was  conducted  on  denomi- 
national or  on  unsectarian  lines,  and  according  as  in- 
struction was  or  was  not  extended  to  include  secular 
subjects.  Not  uncmnmonly  a  sharp  distinction  was 
5  drawn  between  reading  (which  implied  reading  the 
Bible)  and  writing  and  arithmetic,  which  were  considered 
secular,  besides  being  difficult  to  teach  effectively  in 
the  time  available.*  It  appears  that  in  1834  the  average 
length  of  attendance  in  London  might  be  estimated 
at  three  years,  in  the  manufacturing  districts  at  four, 
and  in  the  country  at  five ; '  that  there  was  little  time 

1  Select  Commiitee  on  Education,  1816,  76  }  1834,  Q.  2312,  2323. 

*  Watson,  First  Fifty  Years  of  the  Sunday  School  [Unionl  (1853). 

'  The  Adult  Sunday  School,  as  a  distinct  institution,  first  appears 
in  the  form  of  classes)  for  men  and  women  started  by  Fox  and  Singleton 
at  Nottingham  in  1798,  which  have  continued  to  the  present  day.  The 
Bristol  Institution  for  Instructing  Adult  Persons  to  read  the  Holy  Scriptures 
(1812)  was  the  meaiis  of  spreading  Adult  Schools  over  the  country  and 
enlisting  the  support  of  the  Society  of  Friends.  After  an  interval  of 
decay  (the  attention  of  the  Churches  being  concentrated  on  the  needs 
of  children),  the  movement  was  revived  by  Sturge  of  Birmingham  between 
1845  and  1852. 

*  Cf.  Rowntree  and  Binns,  History  of  the  Adult  School  Movement,  13. 
Bamford,  in  his  Early  Days,  speaks  of  a  Methodist  Sunday  School  where 
the  ordinary  subjects  of  an  elementary  education  appear  to  have  been 

*  Select  Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q.  1224  sqq.,  1498. 


for  secular  instruction ;  and  that  the  majority  were 
fortunate,  if  they  left  with  a  fair  knowledge  of  reading. 
A  number  of  schools,  however,  had  subsidiary  evening 
classes  during  the  week,  where  the  more  promising 
scholars  might  learn  to  write  legibly  in  the  course  of 
three  years.  ^ 

Night  schools  grew  up  in  rapid  succession  in  the 
North  during  the  last  years  of  the  eighteenth  century, 
and  afterwards  extended  over  all  parts  of  the  country.' 
They  became  scenes  of  considerable  energy,  and  helped 
to  satisfy  the  desire  for  self-improvement  inspired  by 
certain  aspects  of  the  Industrial  Kevolution.  At  a 
candle  factory  in  Vauxhall,  in  the  year  1847,  some 
dozen  boys  set  an  example  by  starting  a  night  class 
on  their  own  initiative,  '  hiding  .  .  .  behind  a  bench 
two  or  three  times  a  week,  after  they  had  done  their 
work  and  had  their  tea,  to  practise  writing  on  scraps 
of  paper  with  worn-out  pens  begged  from  the  counting 
house/  Their  efforts  received  judicious  encouragement 
from  the  managing  director,  and  made  the  beginnings  of 
^  a  well-planned  scheme  of  social  betterment.^  From  the 
early  years  of  the  century,  there  are  instances  of  day 
schools  remaining  open  at  night  for  the  benefit  of  lads 
in  employment,*  so  that  the  evening  class  may  have 
gradually    come   to  be  regarded  as   a   continuation  of 

1  Seleci  Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q.  310,  1233  tqq.,  2310. 

■  Sometimes  under  the  auspices  of  local  associations,  e.g.  the  Bene- 
volent Evening  Schools  Society  of  Bristol  (1806) — ^Hudson,  Aduli  Educa- 
tion, 15-17.  The  Adult  Institution  for  Berks  and  Bucks  (1814)  provided 
for  all  ages  from  10  upwards :  the  villagers  might  be  seen  in  cottageg 
of  a  night  seated  round  a  table,  learning  to  read  the  Bible — Knight, 
Passages  in  a  Working  Life,  i.  189. 

»  Quarterly  Review,  Dec.  1852,  No.  183,  art.  I. 

*  The  Royal  Lancasterian  Free  School  at  Birmingham  had  an 
elementary  class  for  factory  lads  three  evenings  a  week,  1816 — Langford, 
op.  cit.,  ii.  372.  The  Roby  Day  and  Sunday  Schools  at  Manchester  had 
evening  classes  in  writing,  arithmetic,  grammar,  geography,  and  dxawiiig 
for  mill-hands  over  13 — ^Hudson,  op.  cit.,  19  sq. 


the  day  school  no  less  than  as  a  supplement  to  the 
teaching  received  on  Sunday.  But  the  familiar  hind- 
rances appear  from  the  outset.  Juvenile  employment, 
which  interfered  with  the  day  school,  handicapped 
every  attempt  to  provide  a  substitute.  Children  were 
often  too  exhausted  after  the  labour  of  the  week  to 
make  a  regular  attendance  on  Sundays ;  and  night 
schools  were  liable  to  fail  for  similar  reasons.  It  was 
often  as  hard  to  find  scholars,  as  to  secure  competent 
persons  to  volunteer  the  service  of  teaching.*  When 
a  class  had  been  successfully  enrolled,  the  difficulties 
were  not  at  an  end.  '  The  evening  school,'  wrote 
a  Government  inspector  in  1840,  *  which  only  affords 
instruction  for  four  hours  in  the  week,  and  that  when 
the  scholars  are  jaded  with  twelve  or  thirteen  hours 
of  toil,  cannot  educate  those  who  attend  it.' 

(2)  Sitccess  and  Failure 

During  the  second  quarter  of  the  century,  much 
attention  was  directed  to  the  state  of  elementary 
schools  and  the  condition  of  the  rising  generation. 
The  results  include  a._series  of  estimates,  possessing 
at  the  time  no  doubt  considerable  value  as  a  means 
of  stirring  public  opinion,  but  comparatively  useless  for 
historical  purposes.  There  is  evidence  not  only  of  an 
increase  in  the  number  of  schools  and  of  the  children 
receiving  some  form  of  instruction,  but  also  of  some 
general  improvement  in  manners  and  intelhgence. 
Otherwise  the  conclusions  formulated  at  intervals  during 
these  years  are  a  set  of  vain  repetitions,  leaving  the 
history  of  the  period,  so  far  as  the  quality  of  education 
is  concerned,  to  all  appearance  a  complete  blank. 
Allowing  for  irregularity  of  attendance,  the  average 

*  Sdect  Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q.  311 ;   1835,  Q.  389. 


length  of  school  life  rises  on  a  favourable  estimate 
from  about  one  year  in  1835  to  about  two  years  in 
1851 ;  ^  but  in  either  case  an  overwhelming  majority 
leave  school  before,  or  shortly  after,  the  age  of  eleven, 
and  there  is  little,  if  any,  sign  of  improvement  in  the 
results  achieved.  In  1834  the  curriculum  in  the  better 
class  of  national  schools  was  limited  in  the  main  to 
religious  instruction,  reading,  writing,  and  arithmetic ; 
in  some  country  schools  writing  was  excluded  for 
fear  of  evil  consequences ;  at  the  central  schools  of 
the  British  Society,  '  children  remaining  one  year ' — 
the  normal  period — might  *  read  well,  write  fairly,  and 
have  a  tolerable  knowledge  of  the  first  four  rules  of 
arithmetic :  this  is,  however,  above  the  average  of 
the  whole/  ^  In  1850,  we  find  that '  even  of  the  children 
of  the  poor  who  have  received  some  instruction,  very 
few  know  anything  '  beyond  the  rudiments.^  Seventy- 
five  per  cent.,  writes  the  inspector  of  the  Midland 
division,  leave  school  unable  to  read  the  Bible.*  *  Many 
children,"  again, '  say  they  can  read  when  they  only  know 
the  letters  of  the  alphabet,  or  can  at  most  pronounce 
monosyllables  .  .  .  and  in  like  manner,  comparatively 
few  who  state  that  they  have  learnt  to  write  are  capable 

*  1834-5,  average  attendance  (day  schools) :  London,  just  over  a 
year  ;  manufacturing  towns,  a  few  months  longer  ;  agricultural  districts, 
two  years  continually  interrupted  by  jobs  ;  few  stay  after  eleven — Select 
Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q.  64,  258  sqq.,  716,  2246  j  1835,  Q.  12. 

1845-50,  average  attendance  (day  schools)  just  over  a  year,  ending 
at  eleven  in  manufacturing,  at  nine  in  agricultural,  districts — ^Kay-Shuttle- 
worth.  Public  Education,  267,  281  (1845),  Social  Condition,  etc.,  of  the  People, 
i.  587  {  ii.  476  (1850).  Census  Report  (1861)  puts  the  number  of  children  in 
England  between  3  and  15  years  at  5,000,000,  of  whom  2,046,848  were  at 
school,  49  per  cent,  staying  tUl  11,  28  per  cent.  tUl  13 »  Dr.  Sadler  estimates 
average  attendance  of  working-class  children  (5  to  15)  at  about  4  years, 
brought  down  in  practice  by  irregularity  to  about  2  years — Special 
Reports  {Education  Department),  ii.,  No.  20,  449. 

»  Cf.  Select  Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q.  60,  252-267,  274,  2071  sq. 

*  Blay-Shuttleworth,  Social  Condition,  etc.,  ii.  462. 

*  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Public  Ed'ucaHon,  291,  309. 


of  writing  a  sentence  legibly/*  School  inspectors 
were  continually  commenting  on  the  absence  of  globes, 
maps,  blackboards  and  other  apparatus,  especially  in 
village  schools,  and  on  the  habitual  use  of  the  Bible 
as  a  textbook  of  general  instruction,  problems  in 
arithmetic  being  extracted  from  the  pages  of  Exodus 
and  Joshua.  2  Complaints  as  to  the  scandalous  state 
of  accommodation  certainly  showed  no  tendency  to  de- 
crease as  the  years  went  by.  *  The  teaching  profession  in 
1850  was  still  thronged  with  uneducated  and  *  worse 
than  incompetent '  men  and  women,  who  traded  on 
their  physical  infii-mities  or  had  failed  in  other  walks 
of  life.*  In  1848,  as  in  1834,  three  months  was  the 
average  period  of  training  at  the  estabhshment  in  the 
Borough  Road.  It  might  be  said  that,  from  whatever 
aspect  the  situation  was  approached,  the  further  the 
inquiry  was  carried,  the  more  terrible  the  nakedness 
of  the  land  appeared.'' 

The  explanation  is  simple.  At  the  stage  of  develop- 
ment through  which  education  was  passing  under  the 
voluntary  system,  calculation  by  averages  is  essentially 
misleading.  Take  the  industrial  population  as  a  whole, 
and  it  is  found  that  a  majority  have  received  no  instruc- 
tion. Take  the  school  children  throughout  the  country 
or  in  a  particular  district;    the  notorious  defects  of 

*  Children's  Employment  Commission  {1843).  Digest,  171,  206  sq. 

*  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Public  Education,  238,  257,  303  sq.  ;  Horace 
Mann,  Report  of  an  Educational  Tour  (ed.  Hodgson,  1846),  268  n. 

•  '  Thousands  of  such  schools  in  aU  parts  of  England  and  Wales  .  .  . 
many  which  are  held  in  cellars,  garrets,  chapels  and  kitchens,  badly 
warmed,  wretchedly  ventilated,  dirty,  unfiu-nished,  dark,  damp,  un- 
healthy ' — Kay-Shuttleworth,  SocieU  Condition,  etc.,  ii.  474. 

•  Kay-Shuttlewor*h,  Public  Education,  215-19,  228,  270  i  Children's 
Employment  Commission  (1843),  Digest,  171-4,  205  sq. 

'  Statistical  societies,  formed  at  Manchester  and  elsewhere  to  repudiate 
charges  of  insufficiency  of  education,  revealed  uniformly  a  state  of 
ignorance  and  neglect  which  had  been  only  dimly  suspected  to  exist. 
Adams,  Ektaentary  Schools  Contest,  94  sq. 


private  schools  will  probably  account  for  the  greater 
part  of  the  results.  Take  the  schools  under  some 
responsible  management  over  a  considerable  area ; 
small  and  ill-supported  rural  schools  or  over-crowded 
schools  in  the  larger  towns  will  tend  to  predominate. 
Whatever  mode  of  classification  is  adopted,  there  is 
always  an  excess  of  scandalous  instances  which  bring 
down  the  average.  It  must  be  remembered,  too,  that 
in  the  course  of  the  inquiry  the  standard  of  values 
was  continually  rising.  Methods  and  results  which  had 
been  received  with  uncritical  enthusiasm  at  the  outset 
of  a  new  movement  passed  to  the  wrong  side  of 
the  account  as  the  movement  progressed.  Lastly,  the 
difficulty  of  organising  a  populous  district  increased 
directly  with  the  growth  of  its  population. 

To  the  historical  student  it  is  precisely  those  isolated 
cases  of  improvement  which  are  lost  in  the  flood  of 
averages  and  generalisations,  that  possess  at  such  times 
of  slow  transition  the  highest  importance.  Dr.  Sadler 
has  justly  repudiated  the  excessive  attention  which  has 
been  paid,  '  in  estimating  the  quality  '  of  education,  '  to 
the  facts  disclosed  in  regard  to  the  large  towns  and  the 
poor  results  obtained  at  the  dame  schools.'  '  If  we 
could  take  the  ordinary  school  in  a  moderate-sized 
village,  or  in  a  small  town,  where  the  population  had 
not  increased  too  rapidly  for  the  school  accommodation 
to  keep  pace  with  it,  we  should  find  a  more  satisfactory 
state  of  affairs  than  is  generally  imagined.'  ^  It  is 
equally  true  that  in  every  kind  of  neighbourhood,  in 
large  manufacturing  towns,  among  mines  and  collieries, 
and  in  agricultural  districts,  a  better  class  of  school 
was    making    its    appearance.'      Even    the    adventure 

^  Sadler,  Special  Reports  {Education  Department),  ii.  450. 

*  E.g.,  a  superior  school  in  St.  Mark's  parish,  Sheffield,  offering 
geography,  history,  vocal  music,  algebra  and  elementary  mechanics, 
attended  (1845)  by  nearly  700  children,  whose  parents  paid  £180  annually — 


schools,  which  played  so  large  and  ominous  a  part 
in  English  education,  were  not  without  a  redeeming 
renmant.  '  My  school,'  writes  Thomas  Cooper,  *  was 
a  perfect  passion  with  me  for  a  time.  I  was  in  the 
schoolroom  often  at  five  in  the  morning  until  nine  at 
night,  taking  my  meals  in  a  hasty,  imperfect  way  while 
the  boys  were  gone  home  to  theirs.  I  had  quill  pens  to 
make  in  great  number,  the  first  work  in  the  morning, 
and  for  a  time  I  had  early  classes  each  morning.  Then, 
again,  in  the  evenings,  although  other  day-schools 
broke  up  at  five,  I  drew  the  older  scholars  around  the 
globe,  and  described  the  countries  upon  it  until  a  late 
hour,  or  talked  to  them  on  some  part  of  history,  or 
described  the  structure  of  animals  or,  to  keep  their 
attention,  even  related  a  story  from  the  Arabian  Nights. 
I  spent  at  least  fifty  pounds  on  the  walls  of  the  large 
club-room,  by  covering  them  with  pictures  of  every 
imaginable  kind,  and  filling  the  corners  with  plaster 
figures  and  busts.  The  sill  under  every  window  of  the 
schoolroom  was  fitted  up  with  small  divisions  so  that 
the  boys  might  have  a  miniature  museum  of  pebbles, 
coins,  etc.  I  was  intent  on  making  their  schoolroom 
their  delight.'  * 

(3)  Sources  of  Improvement 

The  work  of  public  authorities  may  be  left  to  a  later 
survey.  It  was  too  early,  at  the  close  of  this  period, 
to  expect  much  from   the  influence  of  inspectors  and 

Kay-Shuttleworth,  PvJblic  Education,  298  sq.  At  the  Killingworth  Colliery, 
three  large  schools  (one  an  infant  school)  were  opened  by  the  owners  in 
1840  ;  attendance  528,  paying  threepence  a  week — Our  Coal  and  Coal  Pits, 
etc.,  by  a  Traveller  Underground  (1853),  211.  Similar  schools  at  the 
lead- mines  of  Alston  Moor — Children's  Employment  Commission,  Digest, 
193  sqq. 

*  Cooper,  Life,  74.    School  opened  at  Gainsborough  1828  i    average 
attendance  80,  mostly  working  class. 


the  new  scheme  of  supervision  and  encouragement 
fore-shadowed  in  the  government  minutes  of  1846. 
Until  recently,  the  State  had  practically  confined 
itself  to  distributing  money  between  the  two  largest 
voluntary  organisations  which  together  exercised 
some  of  the  more  delicate  functions  of  a  central 

The  annual  reports  of  the  British  Society,  from 
1832  onwards,  deal  with  important  questions  of  school 
organisation — the  necessity,  for  instance,  of  broaden- 
ing the  curriculum  and  introducing  better  methods  of 
instruction  ;  the  training  of  teachers  ;  and  the  compila- 
tion of  suitable  textbooks.  From  an  early  period  the 
Model  Schools  had  set  an  example.  In  1823  it  was 
reported  that  a  *  select  and  small  nmnber  of  boys  * 
had  been  '  instructed  in  the  elements  of  grammar, 
geography  and  geometry  "  as  a  reward  for  good 
conduct.'*  *  ^  Later  on,  subjects  such  as  singing,  linear 
drawing,  and  mathematics  were  added,  and  the  methods 
*■'  of  Pestalozzi  adopted  to  some  extent.  Between  1837 
and  1858  a  number  of  improvements  gradually  spread 
from  London  to  the  provinces.  The  '  barn-like  build- 
ings '  of  the  monitorial  system  were  broken  up  into 
classrooms.  Science  and  music  appeared  in  the  curricula. 
The  Scripture  lesson  was  supplemented  by  the  reading 
of  primers  and  the  institution  of  school  libraries,  from 
which  the  children  were  encouraged  to  borrow  books, 
taking  them  home  to  read  and  to  show  to  their  parents.^ 
The  training  of  teachers  was  to  form,  for  many  years, 
one  of  the  gravest  and  most  difficult  problems.  Early 
in  the  forties,  the  establishment  in  the  Borough  Koad 

^  *  Those  remaining  three  or  four  years  (at  the  Borough  Road  School) 
will  both  read  and  "write  well  and  perform  any  sum  in  the  usual  books  of 
arithmetic  |  they  will  acqxiire  also  a  considerable  knowledge  of  geography, 
can  draw  maps  and  are  made  acquainted  with  the  elements  of  geometry  ' — 
Onl^  a  small  minority.     Select  Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q:  262  sq. 


was  enlarged  and  became  the  scene  of  interesting 
experiments.  Soon  afterwards  we  hear  of  special 
classes  and  lectures  in  history  and  mathematics  for  the 
London  teachers,  and  a  summer  school  at  which  their 
fellows  from  the  country  assembled  during  the  harvest 
vacation.^  But  if  it  was  premature  to  expect  much 
from  State  interference,  either  for  good  or  evil,  it  is  easy 
to  award  a  disproportionate  share  of  credit  to  the  great 
societies.  The  best  schools,  as  well  as  the  worst,  were 
beyond  the  sphere  of  their  influence ;  and  in  any  case 
such  were  the  conditions  of  organisation  thit  improve- 
ment in  the  quahty  of  teaching  depended  principally 
on  local  initiative.  The  comparative  failure  of  British 
schools  outside  the  large  urban  areas  has  been  attributed 
in  no  small  degree  to  the  absence  of  persons  quahfied 
to  assiflt  and  encourage  the  teacher,  such  as  might  be 
found  in  the  case  of  schools  attached  to  the  Church.  ^ 
On  the  other  hand,  the  two  standard  examples  of 
excellence  in  rural  education  were  due  to  the  personal 
efforts  of  Professor  Henslowe  and  Richard  Dawes, 
Dean  of  Hereford.*  At  this,  even  more  than  at  a  later 
period,  the  secret  of  improvement  must  be  read  in 
the  lives  of  individuals  in  different  ranks  of  society : 
some  of  them,  as  clergymen  or  employers,  occupying  a 

»  Biniw,  Century  of  Education,  113-17,  157-62.  I  take  the  British 
and  Foreign  School  Society  as  an  example,  because  the  information  con- 
cerning its  work  comes  nearest  to  hand« 

»  Ibid.,  221. 

"  The  dean's  school  at  King's  Sombome  is  mentioned  as  exceptionally 
good  by  Matthew  Arnold  (1853,  Reports  on  Ekmentary  Education,  21),  its 
influence  on  the  agricultural  labouring  class  being  due  to  the  '  union 
of  instruction  in  a  few  simple  principles  of  natural  science,  applicable 
to  things  famihar  to  the  children's  daily  observation — with  everything 
else  usually  taught  in  a  national  school.'  See  Lubbock,  Addresses, 
Political  and  Educational  (1876),  84.  Prof.  Henslowe,  ex-Professor 
of  Botany  at  Cambridge,  taught  a  botany  class  (42,  ages  8-15)  in  a 
Suffolk  village  school ;  an  early  and  successful  example  of  nature 
study,  well  received — Public  Schools  Commission,  1864,  Dr.  Hooker,  Q. 


position  of  trust  and  influence,  others  standing  in  no 
official  relation  to  the  masses  but  impelled  by  genius 
or  the  force  of  circumstances  to  venture  beyond  the 
beaten  track. 

Concerning  the  attitude  of  employers  much  the  same 
might  be  said  in  general  terms  as  at  the  present  day. 
The  Manchester  men  were  held  to  be  generally  favour- 
able to  the  education  of  their  people.  Some  of  them 
were  munificent  and  enthusiastic,  others  in  practice 
apathetic  and  even  hostile ;  well-regulated  schools 
affording  a  strange  contrast  to  the  notorious  coal-hole 
seminaries  improvised  in  contempt  of  the  Factory  Acts. 
In  isolated  cases,  from  the  earliest  years  of  the  eighteenth 
century,  iron-masters  and  owners  of  colUeries  and 
mines  are  found  building  chapels,  opening  pleasure 
grounds,  and  supporting  schools  of  the  accepted  type.* 
The  new  directing  class  which  rose  a  hundred  years 
later,  as  a  result  of  the  Industrial  Revolution,  commenced 
afresh  on  a  larger  scale.  To  this  period  may  be  traced 
the  origin  of  those  organised  settlements  which  have 
contributed  in  various  ways  to  raise  the  standard  of 
social  enterprise  throughout  the  country.  A  new  factory 
erected  in  rural  surroundings,  where  ties  of  loyalty 
might  grow  up  between  master  and  man,  became  the 
centre  of  an  organised  community,  decently  housed, 
with  facihties  for  physical  exercise  and  various  aids  to 
health  and  cleanliness,  and  a  large  school-house  estab- 
lished in  a  prominent  position  which  served  the  purposes 
of  instruction,  worship,  entertainment  and  social  inter- 

*  Sir  Ambrose  Crowley  builds  a  chapel  at  the  iron- works,  Winlaton, 
near  Newcastle — Richardson's  Reprints  of  Historical  Tracts,  Travels  of 
Defoe,  etc.,  17  n.  (1705).  Charity  schools  maintained  by  Welsh  mine- 
owners  and  a  Yorkshire  iron- master — List  of  Several  Charity  Schools 
(1707).  Later,  Richard  Reynolds  at  Madeley,  near  Coalbrookdale,  lays 
out  extensive  walks  through  the  woods  on  Lincoln  Hill,  for  his  iron- 
workers— Smiles,  Industrial  Biography,  96.  Cf.  Young,  Norihem  Tour, 
ii.  288  aqq. 


course.*  Later  on,  in  the  second  haK  of  the  century, 
as  the  population  increased  and  the  town  extended 
its  dominion,  came  a  series  of  movements  back  to 
the  country:  Saltaire,  Boumeville,  and  other  more 
recent  experiments.  Meanwhile  the  schools  provided 
by  the  more  responsible  class  of  employers  appear  to 
have  been  considerably  above  the  average,  possessing 
in  the  matter  of  equipment  the  advantages  which  might 
,  be  expected  of  business  capacity  and  a  ready  command 
lof  capital.  The  buildings  were  large,  well  lighted  and 
ventilated,  and  furnished  with  appliances  which  stood 
the  test  of  expert  criticism  for  many  years  to  come. 
The  teaching  was  plain  and  thorough  ;  the  curriculum 
was  decidedly  advanced  according  to  the  standards  of 
the  time  ;  and  importance  was  attached  to  punctuahty, 
neatness,  accuracy,  and  the  various  qualities  which 
made  up  the  virtue  of  the  middle  class.  The  care  exer- 
cised in  selecting  competent  teachers  was  no  small 
advantage  at  a  time  when  broken  adventurers,  male 
and  female,  monopolised  a  large  share  in  the  training 
of  the  young.* 

^  Messrs.  Greg,  new  cotton  mill  near  Manchester,  1832 }  cottages, 
Sunday  schools,  baths,  evening  parties,  outdoor  exercise — Knight, 
Passages  in  a  Working  Life,  ii.  85.  Cf.  account  of  Thomas  Aahton's 
nulls  in  township  of  Hyde — Ure,  Philosophy  of  Manufactures  (3rd  ed.), 
349  sq.,  cf.  363.  Clay  Cross  Company  (collieries  and  ironworks)  founded 
by  GJeorge  Stephenson,  1838  j  a  system  was  gradually  evolved,  by 
which  in  return  for  a  fortnightly  subscription,  levied  on  all  employes,  the 
following  privileges  were  guaranteed — (1)  day  schools  for  all  children; 
(2)  night  schools  for  lads — optional ;  (3)  access  to  Workmen's  Institute  \«ith 
lectures,  reading  room  and  library ;  (4)  medical  attendance  }  (5)  sick  and 
disablement  funds  ;  (6)  fortnightly  dance ;  (7)  bands  and  Choral  Society  ; 
(8)  cricket  club ;  (9)  prizes  for  cottage  gardens,  and  flower  show. 
Smiles,  Life  of  Stephenson,  479-81  ;  Machinery  Market,  Aug.  1,  1891, 
6-7,  17. 

•  The  following  examples  appear  to  be  typical  of  the  best  schools 
founded  by  employers  at  this  period.  (1)  Robert  Owen,  New  Lanark 
Mills,  1816  (see  p.  166  sq.).  (2)  Messrs.  Bright,  Rochdale.  For  some 
time  before  a  school  was  built,  Mrs.  Bright,  mother  of  John  Bright, 
gave  elementary  instruction  to  employes  in  their  homes ;  and  an  office 
was  set  apart  in  the  mill,  where  the  younger  employes  received  lessons 


The  system  established  by  Robert  Owen  in  1816 
in  connection  with  his  cotton  mills  at  New  Lanark 
stands  in  a  class  by  itself,  deserving  the  reputation  which 
brought  innumerable  visitors  every  year  from  all  parts 
of  Europe.  The  full  curriculum,  commencing  in  an 
infants'  department  and  extending  over  three  grades  of 
elementary  instruction  for  children  up  to  the  age  of 
twelve,  concluded  with  evening  classes  which  covered 

in  reading  under  Joshua  Haigh,  each  one  coining  separately  and  then 
returning  to  his  place  in  the  mill  and  sending  the  next;     1840,  Fieldhouse 
School    was    built,  large  and  well  equipped,  Mr.    John  Greenwood,  of 
Heptonstall,  being  engaged  as  schoolmaster,  '  a  man  of  cultured  tastes  ' 
(says  his  grandson,  to  whom  I  am  indebted  for  these  notes),  '  who  strove 
to  give  his  students  an  interest  in  many  subjects  beyond  the  3  r's.'     To 
a  newsroom  attached  to  the  schoolroom  was  removed  a  Ubrary  which 
had  been  kept  in  the  mill  j   books  were  let  out  at  Id.  a  week,  the  money 
being  spent  on  additions.     The  schoolroom  formed  a  convenient  centre 
for    week-night    lectures,  pubhc  meetings,  etc.     Subsequently    a    music; 
master  was  engaged  to  give  singing  lessons  in  the  winter.     1846-7,  when 
nearly  all  the  cotton  mills  had  stopped  work,  Messrs.  Bright  fitted  up  a 
room  in  the  new  mill  as  a  night  school,  engaged  a  master  and  six  assistants, 
and  provided  books  and  slates,  offering  instruction  free  to  all  comers.     From 
the  first  there  appears  to  have  been  a  night  school  for  adult  employes, 
in  which  Jacob  Bright  displayed  an  interest,  '  purchasing  school-books 
which  were  lent  free  to  the  students  and  at  one  time  himself  teaching 
special    classes '    in    geography,    history,  and    English    grammar.     Long 
aiterwards  men  and  women  who  had  attended  the  night  school,  treasured 
memories  of  the  benefits  derived,  '  the  wider  outlook  upon  life '  and  the 
'  interest  in  literary  and  scientific  subjects  which  would  '  otherwise  '  never 
have  been  brought  within  their  reach.'      It  was  remembered  of  the  Bright! 
among  the  manufacturers  of  the  neighbourhood  that  '  no  other  family 
did  so  much  personal  work.'     (3)   Messrs.    Chance,    Smethwick.     Spon 
Lane  Schools,   1845  (Girls  and  Infants,  1846),  the  first  complete  set  of 
schools  with  teachers'  residences  built  by  a  Midland  firm  :    a  '  set  of 
buildings  which  even  now  (1887),   in  the  presence  of  the  magnificent 
schoolrooms  erected  by  Boards,  still  vie  with  them  in  general  adaptation 
to  their  purpose,   and  especially  in  respect  of  spaciousness,   light  and 
ventilation.'     Between   1845   and   1887    (after   which   the   schools   were 
transferred   to    a    School    Board),    about    10,000    were    educated ;     the 
schools  were  open  to  all  in  the  neighbourhood  and  attended  from  distant 
parishes.     From  the  first,  free-hand  drawing  was  a  special  feature  in  the 
curriculum.     '  Half  the  school  learn  to  draw,  and  some  have  arrived  at 
great  proficiency  in  drawing  scrolls  and  other  forms  used  in  ornamental 
art'    (H.M.    Inspector,    1851).     A   small  fee  was  charged  after   much 
deliberation.     The  firm  established  a  reading  room  and  hbrary  for  adults, 
with  the  usual  forms  of  entertainment,  and  took  a  prominent  part  in  the 
promotion  of  evening  classes. 


a  five  years'  course  in  history,  geography,  music,  and 
scientific  and  technical  subjects.  But  it  was  on  the 
earUer  stages  that  its  fame  rested.  The  great  aim, 
which  represents  all  that  is  best  in  Owen's  philosophy, 
was  to  instil  habits  of  good-breeding  and  mutual  con- 
sideration from  earliest  childhood  and  to  develop  every 
perfect  gift.  The  dawning  intelligence  was  stimulated 
by  music,  pictures,  and  object-lessons  ;  and  it  was  a 
maxim  of  the  founder  (which  he  abandoned  with  reluct- 
ance) that  formal  instruction  should  not  commence 
before  the  age  of  ten.  A  constant  change  of  employ- 
ment banished  monotony  and  kept  the  faculties  alert. 
Manual  training  and  bodily  exercise  were  allowed  their 
share  in  the  building  up  of  mind  and  character.  Among 
the  older  children,  a  certain  time  was  set  apart  for  gar- 
dening and  recreative  employments.  The  boys  danced 
in  the  Highland  costume,  and  both  sexes  sang  and 
drilled  together,  performing  miHtary  evolutions  to  the 
amazement  of  all  comers  and  the  confusion  of  some. 
*  We  heard  no  quarrel,'  was  the  report  of  a  Yorkshire 
deputation,  *  and  so  strongly  impressed  are  they  with 
the  conviction  that  their  interest  and  duty  are  the 
same  .  .  .  that  they  have  no  strife  but  in  the  offices  of 

The  new  Lanark  experiment  has  a  twofold  interest. 
It  drew  attention  to  the  problems  of  the  infant  school, 
and  it  represents  the  first  important  attempt  made 
in  this  country  to  base  a  practical  scheme  of 
education  on  an  original  study  of  the  child.  The  work 
of  Owen  was  continued  by  Wilderspin  and  others, 
whose  efforts  gave  rise  to  the  Infant  School  Society 
of  1836.  Experience  had  shown  the  inexpediency  of 
attempting  to  instruct  infants  by  methods  commonly 
applied  to  older  children,  and  attention  was  drawn 
periodically  to  the  systems  of  Pestalozzi,  Froebel,  and 


other  continental  teachers.  The  fact  that  the  problem 
is  still  one  of  primary  importance,  although  its  urgency 
was  recognised  and  treatment  successfully  applied  in 
isolated  cases  from  an  early  period,  affords  an  example 
of  the  slow  movement  of  new  ideas  and  a  warning 
against  generalisations  based  on  favourable  instances.* 
Nevertheless  these  experiments  have  probably  done 
more  than  anything  else  to  raise  the  question  of 
educational  aims  and  methods. 

Before  the  middle  of  the  century  an  appeal  arose  from 
a  different  quarter.  The  early  secular  schools  are 
remembered  chiefly  as  an  item  in  the  long  catalogue  of 
abortive  attempts  to  override  the  religious  difficulty. 
Their  real  significance  is  found  in  the  idea  of  recasting 
the  curriculum  of  elementary  schools  on  scientific 
principles,  and  in  a  conception  of  equality  of  opportunity 
which  sums  up  the  liberalism  of  the  period.*  The 
philosophy  of  the  movement  was  supplied  by  George 
Combe,  a  disciple  of  Spurzheim,  whose  ideas  he  developed 
and  promulgated  until  his  death  in  1858.  Education, 
whose  object  was  a  healthy  development  of  the  individual 
in  preparation  for  the  manifold  duties  of  life,  consisted, 
first,  in  the  training  of  mind  and  body  by  appropriate 
exercises,  secondly,  in  instruction  in  various  sciences 
relating  to  the  constitution  of  man  and  his  place  in 
nature  and  human  society.  The  two  sides  of  the 
process,  though  logically  distinct,  were  actually  in- 
separable ;  for  the  mental  faculties  could  not  be  trained 

^  Wilderspin  '  discovered  much  of  the  true  nature  of  the  child,  and 
employed  such  materials  and  methods  in  his  work  as  are  too  seldom 
found  in  some  of  the  very  best  infant  schools  at  the  present  day ' — ^Holman, 
English  National  Education  (1898),  41  sq. 

*  The  Lancastrian  (afterwards  National)  PubUc  School  Association 
(1847),  advocated  a  national  system  of  secular  schools,  maintained  by 
*  equal  taxation,'  free  and  open  to  all  classes  (the  '  Common  School ' 
ideal) :  the  scheme  included  infant  schools,  evening  classes,  and  industrial 
training — George  Combe,  Education,  ed.  William  Jolly  (1879)j  224,  237  aqq. 

ELEMENTAEY  EDUCATION     .        169 

except  through  the  act  of  acquiring  knowledge,  and 
instruction  could  succeed  only  on  the  basis  of  a  healthy 
constitution.  Combe,  in  short,  complained  that  in 
existing  schools  the  element  of  training  was  too  often 
disregarded,  while  the  course  of  instruction  was  an 
inadequate  preparation  for  practical  life.^  His  attempt 
to  discover  the  laws  of  mental  growth  with  the  aid  of 
phrenology  was  in  some  sense  a  foretaste  of  psychological 
experiments,  relating  to  a  science  of  teaching,  which 
have  been  undertaken  in  more  recent  times. 

In  1848  he  founded  the  Edinburgh  Secular  School. 
A  few  months  earlier,  similar  efiorts  had  been 
set  on  foot  in  London  by  William  Ellis  and  Lovett 
the  Chartist,  working  at  j&rst  independently  of  Combe 
and  of  one  another  but  stimulated  by  the  same  general 
idea  of  enabling  children  '  intelligently  to  know  them- 
selves and  their  surroundings  in  nature  and  social 
life. '  ElHs  opened  a  day  school  at  the  London  Mechanics* 
Institute,  the  first  of  a  series  of  schools  subsequently 
estabUshed  in  different  parts  of  the  Metropolis  and 
named  in  memory  of  Dr.  Birkbeck.  Lovett  followed 
suit  at  his  National  Hall  in  Holborn.  Each  attempted 
to  bring  some  branch  of  science  within  the  compre- 
hension of  school  children.  Ellis  took  up  social  science.' 
Lovett  turned  to  anatomy  and  physiology,  the  elements 
of  which  he  taught  by  means  of  diagrams  to  separate 
classes  of  girls  and  boys,  endeavouring  to  impress  upon 
their  minds  in  a  simple  manner  some  of  the  fundamental 
laws  of  health. 

^  Combe,  op.  cit,  pp.  xvii-xliii. 

■  In  1846  he  had  given  simple  lessons  in  social  science  at  a  British 
School  in  Camberwell,  and  was  surprised  at  the  ease  with  which  the 
children  grasped  his  meaning.  For  the  growth  of  secular  schools,  see 
Combe,  op.  cii.,  201-59. 



If  elementary  education  is  connected  with  the  religious 
movements  of  the  eighteenth  century,  higher  popular 
education  may  be  said  to  spring  from  the  Industrial 
Revolution  and  the  stirrings  of  poHtical  discontent. 
Its  familiar  methods — ^the  lecture,  the  class,  and  the 
discussion  circle,  culminating  in  some  form  of  corporate 
institution— had  made  their  appearance  at  one  or  two 
centres  before  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
In  the  course  of  the  next  fifty  years  they  were  widely 
established ;  and  it  becomes  possible  to  discuss  their 
merits,  and  to  enter  on  the  study  of  certain  problems 
of  organisation  which  have  reappeared  in  all  subsequent 

The  network  of  industrial  settlements  which  sprang 
up  over  the  Midlands  and  the  North  of  England  during 
this  period,  opened  the  way  for  a  new  class  of  teacher 
following  in  the  wake  of  the  itinerant  schoolmaster. 
By  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  century,  lecturing 
before  popular  audiences  was  developing  into  a  pro- 
fession which  speciahsts  did  not  disdain  to  pursue.* 
Men  of  science  and  letters  volunteered  their  services  in 
East  London ;  *  while  some  of  the  most  successful 
lecturers,  especially  in  the  manufacturing  and  mining 

*  Committee  on  Public  Libraries,  1849,  Q.  2432  sqq.  ; ,  cf.  Mechanics^ 
Magazine,  Nov;  1823  (opening  of  London  Mechanics'  Institute). 
»  Ibid.,  Q.  2713. 



districts,  were  self-taught  amateurs,  often  of  the  same 
class  as  their  hearers.*  Commencing  with  science, 
the  subject-matter  extended  gradually  so  as  to  include 
literature,  poHtics,  and  religion ;  and  its  treatment 
showed  a  corresponding  variety  of  aims  and  methods. 
There  were  courses  of  lectures  for  a  circle  of  students, 
propagandist  addresses,  and  single  lectures  whose 
object  might  be  described  as  entertainment  rather 
than  instruction. 

Class-teaching    with    an    element     of     discussion, 
which  forms  a  recognised  complement  to  the  lecture 
in  modem  schemes  of  higher  education,  finds  its  origin 
in  one  of  the  most  characteristic  aspects  of  voluntary 
enterprise.      The   intermediary  stage  between   private 
study,  of  which  the  eighteenth  century  affords  so  many 
I  examples,  and  organised  instruction  under  an  expert 
'  teacher,   was   supplied   by  the  formation   of  societies 
for  '  mutual  improvement.'     The  plan  was  exceedingly 
simple,  and  might  be  easily  adapted  to  varying  needs. 
The  members  arranged  to  meet  at  each  other's  houses, 
or  hired  a  room  for  the  purpose,  accumulating  mean- 
while a  small  supply  of  books  and  stationery.     They 
would  proceed  to  lay  down  a  few  simple  rules,  to  appoint 
teachers,  and  to  arrange  a  programme  of  classes,  essay- 
readings,  and  discussions.     Such  societies  were  constantly 

*  Hudson,  AduU  Education,  200  (1851),  mentions  'Mr.  Richardson, 
a  self-educated  man,'  who  had  been  busy  for  the  past  fifteen  years  lecturing 
'  on  electricity,  pneumatics,  etc  '  in  the  villages  of  Northumberland  and 
Durham,  travelling  about  day  by  day  with  his  apparatus  valued  at  £500 ; 
'  somewhat  provincial  in  his  dialect,  perfect  as  a  manipulator,  and  correct 
in  his  statements.' 

One  of  the  best  lecturers  was  Detroisier,  at  one  time  a  factory  operative, 
who  acquired  a  knowledge  of  French,  Latin,  and  various  branches  of 
science  and  mathematics  {Select  Committee  on  Education,  1835,  Q.  855). 
His  practice  of  performing  chemical  experiments  in  the  pulpits  of  dis- 
senting chapels,  to  the  scandal  of  the  congregation,  may  recall  James 
Mill's  egregious  scheme  for  the  conversion  of  the  Church  of  England  into 
a  National  Mechanics'  Institute  (Dicey,  Law  and  Opinion,  321). 


springing  up  in  the  large  towns  during  a  depression 
of  trade,  and  dissolving  as  rapidly  when  the  novelty 
wore  off  or  employment  increased ;  *  but  in  certain 
cases,  notably  in  the  West  Riding  of  Yorkshire,  their 
history  extends  over  a  period  of  years,  and  it  is  possible 
to  trace  the  stages  of  their  development  into  organised 
institutions.  A  society  founded  at  Leeds  by  a  small 
body  of  operatives  in  the  summer  of  1844  is  a  typical 
instance.  The  members  commenced  by  assembling 
every  evening  for  elementary  instruction  at  a  *  Garden- 
house  '  on  Richmond  Hill ;  one  of  them  presiding  in 
the  *  house  '  as  teacher,  and  the  rest  hanging  about  the 
door  among  broken  flower-pots  and  rakes.  As  winter 
drew  on  and  their  numbers  increased,  they  hired  a  room 
in  the  town  and  proceeded  to  organise  a  discussion- 
circle  and  classes  in  French  and  chemistry.  Six  years 
later  they  had  migrated  to  more  commodious  premises, 
and  were  in  possession  of  a  museum  and  a  library  of 
three  hundred  volumes ;  there  were  eighty  members, 
subscribing  threepence  a  week.' 

It  is  in  the  '  mutual  improvement '  circle  that  we 
find  the  connecting  link  between  the  science  lectures 
which  Dr.  Birkbeck  addressed  to  the  Glasgow  artisans 
at  the  close  of  the  eighteenth  century,  and  the  or- 
ganisation of  Mechanics'  Institutes  in  which  he  took 
a   leading   part  some  thirty  years   afterwards.'     The 

*  Committee  on  Public  Libraries,  1849,  Q.  1990  sq. 

*  Hudson,  op.  cit.,  95  sq.  Such  institutions  were  common  in  the 
West  Riding,  where  there  were  a  number  of  Oddfellows'  Literary  Institutes, 
each  with  its  library,  reading-room,  and  evening  classes,  generally  handi- 
capped by  want  of  money — Committee  on  Public  Libraries,  1849,  Q.  1984  sqq. 
Lovett  mentions  a  hteraxy  society  of  workmen  and  others,  called  the 
'Liberals';  when  he  opened  his  coffee-house  (London),  in  1834,  be 
provided  newspapers,  periodicals,  and  a  hbrary,  and  set  apart  a  Con- 
versation Room  for  classes,  recitations,  and  debates — Autobiography,  34, 
88  sq. 

'  Dr.  Birkbeck's  class  for  mechanics  at  Glasgow  was  continued  after 
bill  departure  in  1804  by  the  enterprise  of  the  members,  and  subsequently 


Mechanics'  Institutes,  and  the  Schools  of  Design  which 
commenced  a  decade  later  under  the  auspices  of  the 
Board  of  Trade,  supply  the  first  traces  of  an  organised 
system  of  technical  instruction.  *  This  Society,'  ran 
the  prospectus  of  the  Manchester  Mechanics'  Institute, 
*  has  been  formed  for  the  purpose  of  enabhng  mechanics 
and  artisans,  of  whatever  trade  they  may  be,  to  become 
acquainted  with  such  branches  of  science  as  are  of 
practical  application  in  the  exercise  of  that  trade,  that 
they  may  possess  a  more  thorough  knowledge  of  their 
business,  acquire  a  greater  degree  of  skill  in  the  practice 
of  it,  and  be  quaHfied  to  make  improvements  and  even 
new  inventions  in  the  arts  which  they  respectively 
profess.  It  is  not  intended  to  teach  the  trade  of  the 
machine-maker,  the  dyer,  the  carpenter,  the  mason  or 
any  other  practical  business  ;  but  there  is  no  art  which 
does  not  depend  more  or  less  on  scientific  principles, 
and  to  search  out  what  these  are,  and  to  point  out 
their  practical  application,  will  form  the  chief  objects 
of  this  Institution.'  Birkbeck,  in  his  inaugural  lecture 
at  the  London  Institute,  spoke  in  a  similar  strain  of 
the  *  projected  union  of  science  and  art,'  and  of  the 
advantage  to  be  derived  from  a  study  of  the  scientific 
principles  underlying  industry  and  invention ;  but 
his  standpoint  was  different.  What  gave  the  move- 
ment its  initial  stimulus,  was  not  so  much  the  thought 
of  commercial  expediency  as  a  desire  to  cultivate  the 
minds  of  the  artisan  class,  by  appealing  to  objects 
within  the  sphere  of  their  daily  experience  which  seemed 
to  present  the  widest  range  of  intellectual  interests. 
The  Institutes,  in  fact,  were  continually  varying  their 

revived  in  the  form  of  a  Mechanics'  Institute.  C/.  the  Mechanical  Institu- 
tion founded  by  Claxton  and  a  few  kindred  spirits  of  the  artisan  class, 
who  met  weekly  in  different  parts  ol  London  between  1817  and  1820  to 
disouss  arts  and  science^. 


programmes  and  accumulating  the  apparatus  of  general 
culture.  Science-teaching  alternated  with  lectures  on 
drama  and  the  fine  arts,  and  with  classes  in  literature, 
languages,  vocal  music,  and  elementary  subjects ; 
natural  history  museums  were  ranged  side  by  side 
with  workshops  for  practical  training  ;  and  instruction 
was  supplemented  by  entertainments  and  social  gather- 
ings, which  under  happier  circumstances  might  have 
formed  the  centre  of  a  vigorous  corporate  Hfe. 

Every  phase  in  the  history  of  the  movement — its 
high  promise,  its  universahty,  its  imposing  statistics, 
its  bhghted  hopes,  and  its  long  decHne — has  a  special 
message  for  later  times.  It  was  the  beginning  of  battles 
yet  undecided.  On  November  11,  1823,  a  mass  meeting, 
two  thousand  strong — journeymen,  masters,  politicians, 
and  philanthropists — assembled  at  the  Crown  and 
Anchor  to  consider  the  advisabiHty  of  founding  a 
Mechanics'  Institute  in  the  Metropolis ;  and  some 
hundreds  of  members  were  enrolled  on  the  spot. 
Within  a  few  months  the  institution  was  at  work  at 
the  Southampton  Buildings,  in  Chancery  Lane.  Two 
years  later  it  moved  into  new  premises,  containing  a 
spacious  lecture  hall — opened  by  Royalty — a  lending 
library  of  two  thousand  volumes,  a  reading-room, 
newsroom,  chemical  laboratory,  machines,  maps,  and 
diagrams,  as  well  as  suitable  accommodation  for  classes, 
and  an  elementary  school.  In  the  first  year  Francis 
Place  had  seen  800  artisans  attending  a  lecture  on 
chemistry,  and  there  were  1300  of  their  class  already 
on  the  books.  Institutes  sprang  up  rapidly  throughout 
London  and  the  provinces,  in  large  manufacturing 
centres,  watering-places,  villages,  and  hamlets.  Man- 
chester and  Liverpool  erected  huge  fabrics  replete  with 
every  requirement  of  luxury  and  learning.    The  Well- 


ingborough  Institute  was  established  in  a  workhouse. 
The  villagers  of  Ripley,  in  the  West  Riding,  met  in 
a  hayloft.  Everjn/vhere,  under  all  circumstances,  the 
same  enthusiasm  prevailed.  In  1850  there  were  610 
Institutes  in  England,  and  12  in  Wales,  with  a  total 
membership  of  over  600,000.^  Meanwhile  the  cry 
had  arisen  that  the  Mechanics'  Institutes  were  losing 
their  mechanics.  In  the  early  forties  it  was  '  universally 
acknowledged,  that  the  members  .  .  .  are,  nineteen- 
twentieths  of  them,  not  of  the  class  of  mechanics, 
but  are  connected  with  the  higher  branches  of  handi- 
craft, or  are  clerks  in  oflSces,  and  in  many  cases 
young  men  connected  with  liberal  professions.'  *  The 
membership  of  the  London  Institute,  after  various 
fluctuations,  fell  in  1845  to  600;  and  James  Robert- 
son, a  somewhat  uncertain  authority,  asserted  that 
for  some  years  the  number  of  artisans  in  attendance 
had  not  averaged  200  annually.^  The  Institutes  at 
Manchester,  Liverpool,  and  Huddersfield,  and  in  the 
smaller  towns  and  villages  of  the  West  Riding,  are 
cited  as  exceptions  ;  but  when  Brougham  went  to 
Manchester  in  1835,  he  noticed  the  small  number  of 
mechanics  on  the  register,  and  apparently  the  same 
thing  was  remarked  at  Liverpool.  The  large  enrol- 
ment of  artisans  at  Huddersfield  and  the  West  Riding 
centres  was,  indeed,  exceptional ;  of  which  the  reason 
will  appear. 

The  London  Institute  had  not  been  in  existence  a 
year  when  the  mechanics  drew  up  a  biU  of  grievances. 

^  Hudson,  op.  cit.,  p.  vi  sq. 

'  James  Hole,  History  and  Management  of  Literary,  Scientific  and 
Mechanics'  Institutes,  21 }  cf.  Comm.  Pub.  Lib.,  1849,  Q.  1956. 

•  The  Hackney  Mechanics'  Institute,  soon  after  its  foundation,  changed 
its  title  to  '  Literary  and  Scientific,'  because  the  expression  'Mechamcs* ' 
yvas  no  longer  applicable — Mechanics'  Magazine,  Jan,  1828, 


They  complained  that  the  rulea  were  crude  and  un- 
intelligible, the  lectures  desultory  and  unpractical,  and 
the  library  deficient  in  technical  works  of  reference. 
The  criticisms  which  came  periodically  from  this  source 
refer  in  general  to  the  teaching,  the  question  of  manage- 
ment, the  rate  of  subscription,  the  influx  of  well-to-do 
tradesmen  who  put  the  poorer  members  out  of  coun- 
tenance, and  the  exclusion  of  pohtical  controversy.' 
*  Nothing  can  persuade  us  but  that  all  systems  of 
education  are  false  which  do  not  teach  a  man  his  political 
duties  and  rights. '  ^  It  was  precisely  in  the  extent  to 
which  it  offered  larger  opportimities  than  the  mutual 
improvement  circle,  that  the  Mechanics'  Institute  en- 
countered problems  of  a  new  and  formidable  character. 
The  work  of  a  permanent  institution,  with  a  numerous 
roll  of  members,  involved  administrative  difficulties 
of  a  kind  which  did  not  arise  among  a  small  group  of 
friends  aad  equals  controlling  their  arrangements  from 
day  to  day.  Skilled  instruction  was  an  advance  on 
the  co-operation  of  unskilled  students,  but  a  teacher 
did  not  necessarily  understand  the  needs  and  mind  of 
his  class  in  the  same  way  that  a  band  of  fellow  studenta 
realised  one  another's  perplexities.  It  was  difficult, 
moreover,  in  a  large  institution,  with  no  traditions  to 
build  upon,  to  secure  the  same  motive  power  and 
binding  force  that  developed  naturally  among  a  circle  of 
intimates  meeting  on  equal  terms.  The  manifold  sources 
of  friction  which  arise  in  the  mingling  of  different 
social  strata  and  in  uniting  groups  of  teachers  and 
students  occupying  different  ranks  of  life,  were  a  side 

*  Mechanics^  Magazine,  passim.  Social  Science  (Prize  Essays,  Cassell, 
1859).     Cf.  Ludlow  and  Jones,  Progress  of  the  Working  Class,  174. 

■  Mechanics'  Magazine,  Sept.  11,  1824,  etc.  The  Blaydon-on-Tyne 
Mechanics'  Institute,  at  which  there  were  political,  social,  and  '  theo- 
logical' lectureB  (Holyoake,  History  of  Co-operation,  i.  504),  waa 


of  the  problem  which  the  founders  of  the  enterprise 

The  complaint  of  the  London  mechanics  raises  a 
more  immediate  issue.  The  subjects  introduced  during 
the  first  year  of  the  parent  Institute  range  from  '  juris- 
prudence '  to  the  *  structure  of  chimneys,'  from  *  hydro- 
statics '  to  *  Greek  and  Roman  antiquities/  and  from 
'mummies'  to  'savings  banks.'  It  was  no  wonder 
that  Dr.  Playfair,  a  generation  later,  should  describe 
the  lectures  as  unsystematic  and  the  teaching  as 
cumbrous  and  inefficient.  One  of  the  most  promising 
features  of  the  movement  was  the  importance  attached 
to  class  instruction,  which  might  be  expected  to  afford 
greater  opportunity  than  the  lectures  for  close  and 
connected  study.  Here,  too,  the  same  kind  of  criticism 
was  continually  repeated.  *  Each  class  is  to  a  great 
extent  isolated.  .  .  .  There  is  no  regular  course  of 
study  through  which  a  student  is  expected  to  pass. 
To  working  men  these  classes  often  present  few,  if 
,any,  advantages,  except  the  acquirement  of  elementary 
^  knowledge ;  and  those  really  desirous  of  obtaining  in 
the  Mechanics'  Institutes  a  knowledge  of  the  principles 
of  their  trades,  seldom  find  that  knowledge  there.'* 
The  serious  students  were  the  first  to  leave,  making 
way  for  a  heterogeneous  company  which  had  httle  in 
common  with  the  original  members.  The  programme 
was  then  diversified  by  the  inclusion  of  lighter  subjects 
and  various  forms  of  entertainment,  with  the  result 
of  increasing  the  disorder  and  further  aUenating  the 
student  element. 

But  if  the  supply  was  ill-organised,  the  reason  was 
to  be  found  to  a  large  extent  in  the  inadequacy  of  the 
demand.  Where,  in  the  early  days,  '  as  many  as  ninety 
lectures  were  delivered  on  one  branch  of  natural  philo- 

^  Cf.  Hole,  op.  cit.,  60,  , 


sophy,'  the  number  had  fallen  to  two  or  three  a  year  by 
the  middle  of  the  century.^  Excellent  scientific  appara- 
tus was  left  to  rust,  and  museums  of  natural  history 
failed  to  secure  attention.  At  Manchester  lectures  on 
chemistry  were  discontinued  after  a  three  years'  trial ; 
and  the  number  of  science  lectures  delivered  annually 
decreased  by  sixty  per  cent,  between  1835  and  1850. 
At  the  Liverpool  School  of  Arts,  where  there  was  a 
connected  scheme  of  evening  classes  in  eighteen  depart- 
ments under  twenty-six  masters,  chemistry  and  natural 
philosophy  had  been  dropped  owing  to  the  egress  of 
working  mechanics.  One  writer  complains  that  even 
those  who  came  to  study  desired  only  as  much  instruc- 
tion as  had  a  direct  bearing  on  their  trades. ^  Another 
found,  'from  a  comparison  of  a  large  niunber  of 
institutes,'  that  the  attendance  at  evening  classes  com- 
prised 'less  than  one-sixth  of  the  total  number  of 
members,'  and  that  even  the  classes  for  elementary 
instruction  had  not  increased  '  in  proportion  to  the 
number  of  members,'  and  '  those  for  more  advanced 
studies  still  less  so.'  ^  Nor  is  this  remarkable,  when  we 
remember  that  the  majority  had  received  no  previous 
schooling  or  had  lost  the  habit  of  application. 

James  Hole,  who  wrote  a  history  of  Mechanics' 
Institutes,  observes  that  '  small  means  and  small 
advantages  mutually  alternate  as  cause  and  effect/ 
The  artisan  '  does  not  subscribe  to  the  Institute,  for  he 
can  gain  little  by  so  doing ;  and  the  Institute  can  give 
him  nothing  because  he  furnishes  no  means.'  *    The 

^  Cf.  Report  of  Society  of  Arts  on  Industrial  Instruction  (1853),  37. 

•  A  secretary  of  the  Leeds  Institute — Traice,  Handbook  of  MecJianics* 
Instittttes  (2nd  ed.,  1863),  11. 

»  Hole,  op.  cit.,  34  (1852). 

*  Ibid.,  88.  The  Secretary  of  the  Warrington  Institute  writes :  '  Our 
subscription  is  so  low  that  we  cannot  afford  to  pay  teachers  and  are 
dependent  on  gratuitous  aid ' — Report  of  Society  of  Arts  on  Industrial 
Instruction  (1853),  193. 


annual  subscription  varied  from  six  to  twenty-four 
shillings,  the  latter  sum  being  often  prohibitive, 
especially  where  the  payment  was  quarterly.  Hole 
asserted  that  the  tendency  to  reduce  subscriptions  had 
gone  too  far ;  and  that,  if  efficient  teaching  were 
provided  to  meet  their  needs,  working  men  might  be 
trusted  to  contribute  their  share,  which  could  be  sup- 
plemented from  other  sources.  Assuming  that  their 
demand  was  for  elementary  instruction,  there  was  one 
eminent  example  which  seemed  to  bear  out  the  argu- 
ment. The  Huddersfield  Institute  was  maintained  on 
a  weekly  subscription  somewhat  above  the  average, 
supplemented  by  generous  contributions  from  the  local 
manufacturers.  It  offered  an  elementary  course,  con- 
ducted by  an  efficient  staff  of  paid  and  unpaid  teachers, 
which  was  largely  recruited  from  the  neighbouring 
college.  In  1852  there  were  800  students  in  attend- 
ance, the  great  majority  of  them  working  men.^  In 
so  far,  however,  as  the  Institutes  held  to  their  original 
design  of  providing  '  higher '  education,  the  argument 
is  little  to  the  point.  The  evidence  seems  to  show  that, 
if  there  had  been  any  considerable  demand  for  teaching 
of  an  advanced  standard,  the  financial  problem  would 
have  been  comparatively  small.  The  difficulty  was  to 
allocate  funds  to  the  support  of  a  science  class  which 
only  a  small,  perhaps  an  infinitesimal,  minority  could 
be  induced  to  attend. 

Two  methods  of  reconstruction  were  suggested,  the 
one  directly,  the  other  incidentally,  by  the  early  ex- 
periences of  the  movement.  The  first  aimed  at  re- 
establishing the  Institutes,  or  broadening  their  resources, 
by   a   process   of    federation.     The  second  introduced 

»  Hole,  op.  cit.,  34,  39,  93, 


the  principle  of  difierential  grading — or,  in  other 
words,  of  adapting  different  institutions  to  different 

The    Yorkshire    Union    of    Mechanics'    Institutes  ^ 
was  the  most  conspicuous  of  a  series  of  county  federa- 
tions commencing  in  the  year  1837.    Its  original  aim 
was  to  engage  a  permanent  staff  of  lecturers,  who  should 
visit    the    affiliated    Institutes    in  rotation   and   give 
concurrent  courses  on  chemistry,  mechanics,  political 
economy,  and  general  subjects ;   but,  though  the  prin- 
ciple   of    effecting    economies    by  wholesale   purchase 
was  in  itself  a  pregnant  discovery,  the  scheme  seems 
to  have  met  with  little  success.     The  real  work  of  the 
Union  commenced  a  few  years  later,  when  the  sum  of 
£200  was  raised  among  the  Yorkshire  gentry  and  a 
salaried  lecturer,  or  organiser,  was  appointed  to  go  the 
round  of  the  Institutes,  any  of  which  might  obtain  his 
services  at  a  reduced  fee.     By  means  of  its  annual 
report,  the  Union  was  able  to  advertise  plans  and  suggest 
improvements.     It  published  a  list  of  available  lecturers, 
offered  manuscript  lectures  on  loan,  gave  the  names  of 
gentlemen   willing  to   render   gratuitous    service,   and 
issued  a  catalogue  of  second-hand  books.     The  organiser 
spent  his  time  travelling  about  the  district,  giving  in- 
struction,   advising   local   committees,   and   promoting 
new  Institutes.    Lastly  there  was  an  annual  meeting 
of  delegates,  to  discuss  the  business  of  the  Union  and 
to  compare  the  experiences  of  the  past  year.^    In  1859 
it  was  asserted  that  the  Yorkshire  Institutes  '  not  only 
supply  the  educational  wants  of  working  men,  but  are 
mainly  supported  and  in  many  cases  actually  managed 
by  them ' ;   forty  years  later,  there  were  274  affiliated 
societies,  many  of  them  in  a  vigorous  condition,  with 

1  It  developed  out  of  the  West  Riding  Union,  founded  in  1837. 
«  Hole,  op.  cit.,  12a-6. 



a  total  membership  of  58,000.*    Notwithstanding  the     i 
failure  of  *  higher '  education,*  the  Union  succeeded  in     r 
securing  for  its  constituents  a  career  of  even  prosperity 
and  preserved  them  from  the  chequered  fortunes  which 
elsewhere  characterised  the  history  of  the  movement. 
(A  number  of  societies  throughout  the  country  perished 
^as   soon   as   the   original   following   withdrew.    Some 
^lingered  on  as  billiard  saloons  in  the  hands  of  a  clique. 
Others,  in  the  latter  half  of  the  century,  transferred  their 
premises   and   appointments   to   the   local   authorities 
under  the  Public  Library  Acts.    A  certain  number  sur- 
vived as  the  home  of  Government   Evening  Schools. 
The  Mechanics'  Institute  at  Manchester  developed  after    f     ">( 
a  long  period  of  stagnation  into  a  School  of  Technology.    . 
The  parent  Institute  in  London  became  a  branch  of 
the  City  Polytechnic. 

The  Institutes  represent  one  side  of  a  general  move- 
ment for  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge,  necessarily 
/  experimental  in  its  methods  and  from  the  outset  handi- 
capped by  assumptions  the  falsity  of  which  became 
the  text  of  a  later  generation  of  workers  who  built  on  its . 
ruins.  Birkbeck's  first  efforts  were  full  of  promise. 
His  enlightenment  was  free  from  the  taint  of  patronage. 
He  wished  to  share  with  others  the  fruits  of  his  learning, 
and  he  made  a  silent  appeal  to  the  comradeship  of  his 
hearers.  The  decision  of  his  artisan  students  at  Glasgow 
to  continue  their  class,  when  he  left  the  city  in  1804, 
showed  that  he  had  been  working  on  right  lines.    But 

*  Barnett  Blake,  paper  on  Mechanics'  Institutes  of  Yorkshire  (Ludlow 
and  Jones,  op.  cit.,  170).     Greenwood,  Public  Libraries,  476. 

*  A  statement  in  1860  shows  that  very  little  provision  was  made  for 
teaching  other  than  elementary,  and  adds  that  not  more  than  one-third 
of  the  members  attended  classes  and  that  many  of  those  attending  were 
children — see  Mansbridge,  Survey  of  Working-Class  Educational  Move- 
ments, 31.  Cf.  '  In  most  places  where  they  (the  Institutes)  have  succeeded,  I 
there  are  only  boys  and  girls  attending  '  (Manchester) — Report  of  Society  I 
of  Arts  on  Industrial  Instrwtion  (1863),  187. 


it  may  well  have  been  too  soon  for  him  to  draw  the 
moral  of  his  own  success ;    and  when  later  on  he  was 
called  to  assist  in  an  organised  movement,  he  became 
associated  with  lesser  men  who  had  neither  his  humility 
nor  his  perception  of  the  difference  between  education 
and  instruction.     It  is  probably  less  true  to  say  that 
they  overrated  the  intelligence  of  artisans  than  that 
they  failed  to  discover  it.     The  effort  of  which  this  class 
is  capable  revealed  itself  gradually  at  a  later  stage  to 
those  who  approached  them  as  individuals,  and  whose 
primary  aim  was  not  to  enlighten  the  masses,  but  to  get 
I    in  touch  with  their  minds.    It  is  clear  that  the  Mechanics' 
•^    I    Institutes  failed  to  utilise  the  corporate  sentiment  which 
j    had  begun  to  permeate  industrial  movements,  while  it 
'   is  doubtful  whether  the  best  means  of  arousing  enthu- 
-   siasm  lay  in  an  appeal  to  intellectual  interests  directly 
/    related  to  material  pursuits.     The  importance  of  the 
second  method  of  reconstruction,  to  which  we   have 
referred,  is  that  it  not  merely  involves  an  attempt  to 
analyse  the  popular  demand,  but  introduces  also  new  pre- 
conceptions and  forms  of  appeal  which  distinguish  the 
movements  commencing  in  the  latter  half  of  the  century 
under  the  influence  of  Maurice  and  the  Christian  Socialists. 
The  first  experiment  was  on  behalf  of  the  masses, 
for  which  the  Mechanics'  Institutes  were  manifestly  too 
,    advanced.    The  Lyceums  which  were  opened  in  1838 
at  Manchester  and  other  centres  were  Institutes   of   a 
,       lower  grade,  combining  recreation  with  miscellaneous 
/      instruction   of    an    elementary   type.     They   promised 
well  so  long  as  the  novelty  lasted,  but  they  appear  to 
have  developed  little  corporate  vitaUty  and  failed  to 
maintain  their  hold.^    A  People's  Instruction  Society, 

^  For  a  time  *  eminently  successful,  the  people  eagerly  availing  them- 
selves of  the  novelty  ...  of  cheap  newspapers,  recreation  and  mutual 
improvement ' — Goddard,  Life,  of  Birkbeck,  142.  Cf  Hole,  26  ;  Hudson, 


founded  a  few  years  later  at  Birmingham  by  a  working 
man  named  Brooks,  seemed  to  foreshadow  a  new  order 
of  things.  The  equipment — consisting  of  a  reading- 
room,  chess-room,  and  library,  with  a  debating  society, 
lectures,  elementary  classes,  and  music,  not  to  mention 
the  provision  of  refreshments,  tea-parties,  and  excur- 
sions, all  for  a  nominal  subscription — may  have  differed 
little  from  that  of  a  Lyceum ;  but  there  was  evidently 
a  higher  tone  among  the  members,  assisted  no  doubt 
by  the  personality  of  the  founder,  and  a  sense  of  pride 
in  an  institution  which  they  could  call  their  own. 
Charles  Knight,  who  visited  the  society  two  years  after 
its  foundation,  described  it  in  prophetic  language  as  an 
ideal  working  men's  club.^ 

Meanwhile,  as  regards  the  approach  to  higher 
education,  a  counterpart  to  the  club  appears  in  the 
conception  of  a  Working  Men's  College — a  term  chosen, 
in  preference  to  '  Institute,'  to  convey  an  ideal  of  humane 
culture  reared  on  a  basis  of  democratic  comradeship. 
While  the  Mechanics'  Institutes  were  falling  into  decay, 
social  unrest  provided  a  stimulus  and  motive  to  educa- 
tional effort  that  had  been  previously  lacking.  To 
those  who  interpreted  public  events  from  the  stand- 
point of  Christian  socialism,  the  most  impressive 
feature  in  the  Chartist  agitation,  side  by  side  with  its 
evidence  of  social  disunion,  was  the  absence  of  ideals 
and  guiding  principles  in  any  way  commensurate  with 
the  passion  it  evoked.  The  moral  purport  of  the 
movement  was  a  claim  on  the  part  of  the  industrial 
classes  to  political  manhood ;  but  its  source  lay  in  an 
unhealthy  state  of  society.  The  new  forces  which 
had  been  called  into  play  seemed  likely  to  waste  them- 

^  Knight,  Passages  in  a  Working  Life,  iii.  84  sq.  Brooks  waa  a  stockinger 
and  Methodist,  one  of  the  many  examples  oif^  poor  men  who  understood 
the  needs  and  spirit  of  their  class. 


selves  in  ineffectual,  because  ignorant,  revolt,  and 
to  degenerate  on  the  return  of  prosperity,  for  want  of 
higher  ideals,  in  the  pursuit  of  selfish  and  common- 
place ambitions.  It  was  necessary  that  education 
should  start  with  the  problem  of  social  reconstruction, 
and  should  be  grounded  on  a  deeper  and  more  spiritual 
analysis  than  had  underlain  earlier  movements.  The 
new  ideal  was  not  information,  but  the  enrichment  of 
personality ;  a  conception  which  at  the  outset  tended 
to  draw  a  hard  distinction  between  liberal  and  tech- 
nical studies.  The  development  of  individuahty  was 
approached  through  an  appeal  to  corporate  feeling. 
Lastly,  following  out  the  conception  of  social  reunion 
and  admitting  the  postulate  of  human  brotherhood, 
it  was  claimed  that  education  is  a  reciprocal  process, 
involving  an  interchange  of  thought  between  teachers 
and  learners  and  a  persistent  reaction  of  mind  on 
mind.  It  is  perhaps  more  than  a  coincidence  that 
the  fiasco  of  the  last  Chartist  petition  in  1848  was 
followed  within  six  months  by  the  reorganisation  of 
the  People's  College  at  Sheffield  on  a  democratic  basis. 
It  is  certain  that  the  founders  of  the  Working  Men's 
College  in  Eed  Lion  Square  claimed  the  twofold  in- 
spiration of  Chartism  and  the  Sheffield  experiment. 



In  the  early  days  of  the  British  Society  School  in 
the  Borough  Road  the  children  were  taught  to  read 
from  the  Bible,  no  other  textbook  being  admitted ; 
but  those  who  made  sufficient  progress  at  this  stage 
were  enabled  to  study  further  on  their  own  account 
with  the  help  of  the  school  library.  The  authorities 
did  their  best  to  encourage  an  inquisitive  spirit,  and 
let  it  work  its  way.^  In  so  far  as  the  business  of  a 
teacher  is  to  induce  his  pupils  to  educate  themselves, 
the  method  was  commendable ;  and  it  was  one  which 
reflected  the  general  course  of  mental  development 
among  the  working  classes  of  the  period.  In  the  schools 
few  children  were  taught,  and  few  adults  aimed  at 
acquiring,  much  more  than  the  elements ;  but,  given  the 
power  to  read  with  tolerable  fluency,  knowledge  of  some 
sort  would  follow  in  its  train.  The  Library  formed  the 
most  valuable  feature  in  a  Mechanics*  Institute,  and 
remained  a  centre  of  attraction  when  classrooms  and 
lectures  had  been  generally  abandoned.  The  mass 
of  the  people,  for  whom  no  organised  instruction  was 
provided  in  after  life,  depended  for  information  almost 

In  the  notes  to  this  chapter  G.P.L.  is  an  abbreviation  for  Sehci  Com- 
mittee on  Public  Libraries,  1849. 

'  '  We  find  that,  if  once  an  inquisitive  spirit  is  excited  in  their  minds, 
knowledge  they  will  have  and  will  not  rest  till  they  obtain  it' — Select 
Committee  on  Education,  1834,  Q.  276. 



entirely  on  the  standard  or  ephemeral  literature  which 
was  accumiilated  in  newsrooms  and  popular  libraries, 
or  which  they  were  able  to  purchase. 

In  a  valuable  monograph  by  Edward  Edwards  on 
the  '  Paucity  of  Libraries  open  to  the  Public  in  the 
British  Empire,'  dated  April  1848,  the  writer  reckons 
the  number  of  '  Public  '  Libraries  in  the  United  Kingdom 
at  thirty,  two-thirds  of  which  were  University  and  other 
collections  not  really  accessible  to  the  general  public. 
In  Great  Britain,  he  added  on  a  later  occasion,  *  there 
are  no  free  lending  libraries  ...  of  any  kind.'  ^  The 
nearest  approach  to  a  public  library,  in  the  modern 
sense,  was  to  be  found  in  the  Chetham  Library  at 
Manchester  and  the  Williams  Ecclesiastical  Library 
in  the  City  of  London.  Neither  of  these  could  be 
described  as  popular  or  modern  in  its  equipment  and 
resources ;  and,  though  the  former  was  frequented 
by  artisans  and  factory  operatives,  the  reason  appears 
to  have  been  that  it  served  the  purpose  of  a  news- 
room and  contained  a  supply  of  quarterly  periodicals.* 
The  first  instance  of  a  library  supported  out  of  the  rates 
occurs  at  Warrington,  where  in  June  1848  a  reference 
library  was  formed  in  conjunction  with  a  museum 
under  the  Museums  Act  of  1845 ;  a  similar  course  being 
pursued  at  Salford  in  the  following  year.^ 

It   is  misleading  to  compare   England  with  other 
countries  where  State  action  was  more  fully  organised, 

1  C.P.L.,  Q.  281. 

*  Ibid.,  Q.  1167  sq.  The  Williams  Library,  like  the  Chetham  Library, 
required  applicants  to  write  their  names  and  addresses  in  an  entry  book 
(Q.  980  sqq.)  ;  the  British  Museum  Library  required  a  voucher  of  respect- 
ability (Q.  154).  Both  appear  to  have  been  used  to  a  slight  extent  by 
artisans  (Q.  1006,  1038,  2829). 

'  Ihid.,  p.  xiv,  Q.  1685  sqq.  Libraries  and  Museums  Returns,  1852-3, 
P.P.  312.  The  Warrington  Library  was  used  by  the  working  classes  {C.P.L., 
Q.  1711). 


without  taking  into  account  the  growth  of  voluntary 
enterprise,  which  afforded  some  compensation  and  gave 
play  to  a  large  amount  of  public-spirited  enthusiasm. 
The  Artists'  Repository  established  at  Birmingham  in 
1797,  and  the  village  libraries  and  book  societies  of 
which  there  is  some  record  towards  the  close  of  the 
eighteenth  century,^  set  an  example  which  was  widely 
followed  during  the  next  fifty  years.  Libraries  were 
formed  in  connection  with  elementary  schools,  ragged 
schools  and  schools  of  design,  churches  and  chapels, 
factories  and  Poor  Law  Institutions,  and  coffee-houses 
frequented  by  the  working  class.  Parochial  and  village 
libraries  sprang  up  in  towns  and  rural  districts,  from 
Buckinghamshire  to  the  West  of  England,  and  from 
the  collieries  of  Staffordshire  and  South  Wales  to  the 
mining  centres  of  the  North.  In  some  cases  the  village 
library  would  form  the  centre  for  a  mutual  improve- 
ment circle  ;  while  Friendly  and  Co-operative  Societies 
and  other  adult  organisations  had  often  a  museum 
and  library  at  their  places  of  meeting.  There  were 
also  special  libraries,  on  a  larger  scale,  for  artisans  and 
apprentices  at  Liverpool,  Sheffield,  and  Nottingham. 

Most  of  the  literature  in  school  and  parochial  libraries 
appears  to  have  been  derived  from  the  Society  for 
Promoting  Christian  Knowledge,  the  Religious  Tract 
Society,  and  the  Kildare  Place  Society  in  Dublin,  and 
consisted  of  moral  and  religious  pieces,  history  books, 
biography,  poetry,  stories  of  travel  and  adventure, 
magazines  for  the  young,  and  elementary  treatises  on 
industry  and  science.  In  other  cases  the  nature  of 
the  supply  varied  enormously.  The  principal  Mechanics* 
Institutes  in  the  manufacturing  districts  possessed  a 
varied  collection  of  standard  works  on  mathematical 

*  See  Chap.  III.     A  circulating  library  was  opened  at  Birmingham 
by  William  Hutton,  bookseller,  in  1751 — ^Hutton,  Ldfe  of  himsdf,  279. 


and  scientific  subjects.^  Smaller  societies  were  inun- 
dated with  gift  books,  Annual  Registers,  and  religious 
magazines. 2  The  supply  in  some  institutions  was  sub- 
jected to  a  rigid  censorship  which  excluded  light 
literature,  politics,  and  controversial  theology ;  ^  and 
others  purchased  nothing  but  fiction.*  This  exclusive- 
ness  was  partly  responsible  for  a  noteworthy  and 
characteristic  development.  If  fiction  and  periodical 
literature  were  all  that  the  majority  of  men  could 
be  expected  to  relish  after  the  day's  work,  a 
library  composed  mainly  of  fiction,  and  one  that  put 
a  veto  on  controversial  topics,  were  alike  distasteful 
to  the  politician  and  to  the  more  serious  readers.  It 
was  not  unusual,  therefore,  for  the  latter  to  collect 
libraries  of  their  own ;  *  while  others  combined  to 
form  library  societies,  commonly  lodging  their  books 
in  the  public-house  where  the  group  met  for  reading 
and  discussion.®  A  difficulty  common  to  all  these 
forms  of  voluntary  effort,  with  the  exception  of  a  few 
opulent  institutions,  was  to  maintain  a  continuous 
supply  of  fresh  material.  It  was  comparatively  easy 
to  start  a  library ;    but  it  often  happened  that,  when 

^  Hudson,  Adult  Education,  197  )  Handbook  of  Mechanics^  Institutes, 
1839  (Society  for  the  Diffusion  of  Useful  Knowledge),  55. 

»  C.P.L.,  Q.  1212. 

8  Ibid.,  Q.  1220,  2494.  «  Ibid.,  Q.  1194^  1200. 

'  '  I  know  a  great  number  who  have  veiy  respectable  libraries  ' — C.P.L., 
Q.  2796  (Lovett). 

•  Thus  a  group  of  readers,  objecting  to  the  exclusion  of  controversial 
works  from  the  Operatives'  and  Artisans'  Library  at  Nottingham,  with- 
drew and  '  formed  a  new  library,  and  the  books  are  kept  in  public-houses, 
and  there  they  go  and  pay  a  small  subscription,  and  perhaps  take  a  glass 
of  ale  and  read  .  .  ,  the  books  are  mostly  novels  .  .  .  still  there  are  a 
great  many  political  works  ' — Ibid.,  Q,  1216  sq.  Library  of  800  formed  by 
Spitalfields  workmen— tWrf.,  Q.  2709  i  c/.,  Q.  1244,  1327  sq.,  2490.  Ludlow 
and  Jones,  Progress  of  the  Working  Class  (1867),  refer  to  a  mutual  improve- 
ment society  of  wood-carvers,  founded  1833,  which  acquired  a  valuable 
collection  of  books,  casts  and  engravings  (p.  179  n.)  )  also  to  a  book-buying 
and  lending  society  formed  by  six  workmen  of  Sunderland,  who  collected 
old  English  ballads  (p.  180). 


the  original  stock  was  exhausted,  interest  waned  and 
the  books  were  ultimately  sold  for  what  they  would 
fetch.i  The  simplest  remedy,  which  was  adopted  in 
some  cases,  was  to  create  a  maintenance  fund  by  levy- 
ing a  small  weekly  subscription  or  a  charge  on  the  loan 
of  books,  the  proceeds  of  which  might  be  devoted  to 
fresh  purchases. 2  An  extension  of  this  method  is  seen 
in  the  circulating  libraries  which  were  estabUshed  by 
Mechanics'  Institutes  and  developed  with  permanent 
results  by  means  of  federations  covering  a  wide  area.' 

From  the  problem  of  library  orgam'sation  we  pass 
back  to  more  general  questions  concerning  the  supply 
of  literature  available  for  purchasers  of  small  means. 
The  situation  at  the  commencement  of  the  century, 
when  many  of  the  poor  had  acquired  some  taste  for 
reading  and  were  compelled  to  rely  for  materials  on  the 
local  market,  was  singularly  discouraging.  The  scenes 
which  Charles  Knight  witnessed  as  a  youth  near  his 
home  at  Windsor  are  a  fair  indication  of  what  occurred 
on  market  days  in  every  provincial  town.  There  was 
the  artisan  who  spent  '  his  sixpence  upon  an  antiquated 
manual  of  history  or  geography,  to  which  he  would 
devote  his  brief  and  hard-earned  hours  of  leisure  ' ;  the 
*  careful  matron  tempted  to  buy  the  first  number  of 
the  "  Pilgrim's  Progress  "  or  the  "  Book  of  Martyrs  " — 

1  C.P.L.,  Q.  303,  1951  sqq. 

•  Ibid.,  Q.  2053  sg^* »  the  practice  appears  to  have  been  general  in 

parochial  libraries. 

^  The  Chichester  Mechanics'  Institute  circulated  books  among  the 
villages  of  the  county,  placing  them  under  the  charge  of  some  farmer 
or  responsible  person — Handbook  of  Mechanics'  Institutes  (1839),  61. 
Circulating  libraries  were  organised  by  the  Northern  Union  of  Mechanics* 
Institutes  (founded  1848),  the  Lancashire  and  Cheshire  Union  (1848), 
and  the  Yorkshire  Union.  The  Yorkshire  Village  Library,  formed  in 
1858  by  amalgamating  with  the  library  of  the  Yorkshire  Union  two 
other  local  itinerating  libraries,  has  had  a  prosperous  career;  in  1913-li 
its  circulation  exceeded  240,000. 


perhaps  one  less  discreet  bestowing  her  attention  upon 
the  "  History  of  Witchcraft "  or  the  "  Lives  of  Highway- 
men " — each  arranging  with  the  canvasser  for  their 
monthly  delivery  till  the  works  should  be  complete,  when 
they  would  find  themselves  in  possession  of  the  dearest 
books  that  came  from  the  press,  even  in  the  palmy  days 
of  expensive  luxuries  ' ;  and  for  the  young  there  were 
*  sixpenny  novels  with  a  coloured  frontispiece,  whose 
very  titles  would  invite  to  a  familiarity  with  the  details 
of  crime — something  much  more  dreadful  than  the  old- 
world  stories,  the  dreams  and  divinations  of  the  ancient 
chap-books.'  ^ 

Commercial  enterprise  and  the  effort  of  philanthropic 
or  propagandist  groups  were  already  contributing  to 
improve  the  situation ;  both  phases  of  the  movement 
during  the  fijst  half  of  the  nineteenth  century  having 
this  in  common,  that  they  aimed  not  so  much  at  circu- 
lating standard  works  in  a  cheap  edition  as  at  producing 
a  special  literature  for  popular  use.^  The  first  im- 
portant advance  is  ascribed  to  religious  associations,  of 
which  the  Society  for  Promoting  Christian  Knowledge 
is  a  characteristic  example.  The  nature  of  its  aims  is 
shown  by  the  development,  between  1812  and  1832,  of 
anti-infidel  and  general  literature  committees,  which  by 

^  Knight,  Passages  in  a  Working  Life,  i.  226  sq.  '  Are  you  able  to 
state  how  the  lower  classes  in  London  are  supplied  with  hterature  ? — By 
accident  altogether.  It  is  a  scramble  in  London ;  whoever  can  get  a 
penny,  buys  a  book.  There  is  no  provision  in  London  in  that  respect  for 
any  poor  person  ' — C.P.L.,  Q.  1242. 

»  Moritz,  Travels  in  England  in  1782  (English  ed.,  1886),  36,  mentions 
'  The  Entertaining  Museum  and  Complete  Circulating  Library,'  a  series 
issued  in  weekly  numbers  (sixpence  to  ninepence  each)  and  consisting 
of  English  classics  and  translations  from  the  best  foreign  literature. 
Cf.  the  following  item  in  Lacey's  Library  for  the  People  (1827) — 'The 
Chimney  Corner  Companion  ...  an  exhaustless  and  everlasting  magazine 
of  the  curiosities  and  good  things  in  the  entire  circle  of  literature,  books 
and  knowledge,  adapted  to  all  tastes,  fancies,  ages  and  conditions,  and 
containing  the  quintessence  of  many  thousand  volumes,  and  everything 
worthy  of  being  read  that  ever  was  printed,  in  history,  biography,  politics, 
medicine,  law,'  etc.  (prospectus,  see  Mechanics'  Magazine,  March  31,  1827). 


means  of  a  network  of  district  organisations  promoted 
libraries  and  distributed  a  multitude  of  tracts,  narra- 
tives, and  educational  treatises  on  most  branches  of 
knowledge.  It  is  to  some  such  operation  that  Cobbett 
refers  in  1821,  when,  in  the  course  of  a  tour  in  the 
Forest  of  Dean,  he  came  upon  '  two  lazy-looking  fellows, 
in  great  coats  and  bundles  in  their  hands,  going  into  a 
cottage.'  '  Vagabonds  of  this  description,'  he  exclaims, 
*  are  seen  all  over  the  coimtry  .  .  .  they  vend  tea, 
drugs  and  religious  tracts.'  ^  In  the  same  year  appeared 
a  publication  of  a  very  different  kind — the  Labourer's 
Friend  and  Handicrafts  Chronicle,  a  monthly  periodical 
sold  at  sixpence,  the  first  of  a  long  series  of  magazines 
dealing  in  technical  and  general  information,  which 
anticipated  the  trade  journals  of  a  later  date.  The  most 
successful  of  the  earlier  group  was  the  Mechanics^ 
Magazine,  which  was  started  by  Hodgskin  and  Joseph 
Robertson  in  1823  and  issued  monthly  at  threepence. 
Professing  chiefly  to  instruct  artisans  in  the  history  and 
principles  of  their  respective  trades  and  to  keep  them 
informed  of  the  latest  improvements,  it  commanded  a 
large  sale  from  the  outset  and  seems  to  have  maintained 
its  popularity  for  several  years.  Working  men  con- 
tributed articles,  and  their  correspondence  gives  the 
modern  reader  an  insight  into  their  point  of  view  on 
education  and  self-improvement  and  into  the  numerous 
embarrassments  to  which  their  efforts  were  exposed.' 

1  Rural  Rides,  Nov.  14,  1821. 

*  Similax  magazines,  started  at  the  same  time,  became  rapidly  extinct. 
The  earliest  trade-imion  journal  was  the  Trades'  Newspaper  and  Mechanics' 
Weekly  Journal,  founded  1825  by  the  Committee  of  the  London  Trades' 
Delegates.  After  the  revival  of  trade  unionism  in  1843,  we  have  the 
Potters'  Magazine,  the  Mechanics^  Magazine  (Steam  Engine  and  Machine 
Makers'  Friendly  Society,  1841-7),  and  the  Flint  Glass  Makers'  Magazine 
(monthly,  octavo,  pp.  96,  founded  1850  ;  it  advocated  the  'education  of 
every  man  in  our  trade  ' ;  'we  say  to  you  •  .  .  get  intelligence  instead 
of  alcohol  ...  it  is  sweeter  and  more  larsting ') — ^Webb,  Trade  Unionism, 


In  the  meantime  the  idea  of  a  special  series  for  the 
people  had  commended  itself  to  a  few  well-known 
pubHshing  firms.  Constable  commenced  his  weekly 
Miscellany  in  1827,  to  '  extend  useful  knowledge  and 
elegant  literature  .  .  .  within  the  reach  of  every  class 
of  reader.*  Lacey  followed  with  his  Library  for  the 
People ;  and  Chambers,  with  the  Edinburgh  Journal, 
Information  for  the  People,  Papers  for  the  People,  and 
Educational  Course. 

The  most  attractive  figure  in  the  cheap  literature 
movement  is  Charles  Knight,  to  whose  writings  every 
student  of  literary  enterprise  owes  a  debt  of  gratitude. 
The  son  of  an  enlightened  bookseller  at  Windsor,  he 
inherited  a  taste  for  letters  and  developed  a  keen 
interest  in  social  affairs.  With  ample  opportunity 
for  observing  the  disadvantages  under  which  poor 
men  struggled  in  quest  of  books,  he  convinced  himself 
that  a  large  amount  of  crime  and  disorder  in  the  country 
might  be  traced  to  unclean  reading  or  to  provocative 
literature  which  was  circulated  among  the  people  in 
an  age  of  unrest.  The  notion  of  counterbalancing 
what  was  cheap  and  obnoxious  with  a  supply  of  whole- 
some material,  which  should  come  as  far  as  possible 
within  reach  of  the  poorest,  runs  through  his  corres- 
pondence from  an  early  period.  In  1814  he  spoke 
of  pubHshing  in  weekly  parts  a  series  of  treatises  on 
law,  religion,  history,  art,  science,  and  matters  of 
general  interest,  but  with  no  immediate  result.  His 
first  ventm:e  was  the  Plain  Englishman,  a  newspaper 
intended  for  the  working  man,  which  commenced  in 
1820,  but  failed  to  attract  attention.  His  opportunity 
came  some  years  later,  when  he  was  formally  engaged 
as  publisher  to  the  Society  for  the  Diffusion  of  Useful 
Knowledge — an  organisation  founded  by  Brougham 
and  others  in  1826  with  the  object  of  imparting  '  useful 


knowledge  to  all  classes  of  the  community,  particularly 
to  such  as  are  unable  to  avail  themselves  of  experienced 
teachers  or  may  prefer  learning  by  themselves.*  Its 
publications,  including  the  Penny  Encyclopaedia,  the 
Libraries  of  Entertaining  and  Useful  Knowledge,  and 
the  Penny  Magazine,  were  advertised  and  dispensed 
by  local  committees  in  the  principal  towns,  and  enjoyed 
a  period  of  apparent  success.  Ultimately  the  circulation 
fell  and  the  Society  suspended  its  work  in  1846,  having 
incurred  a  heavy  deficit.  Two  years  before.  Knight  had 
made  a  new  venture  on  his  own  account,  which  was 
in  some  ways  a  fulfilment  of  his  original  scheme.  He 
published,  first  weekly  and  then  monthly,  shilling  octavo 
volumes,  of  300  pages  each,  which  he  suggested  might 
form  the  basis  of  '  Book  Clubs  for  all  readers.'  He  shared 
the  fate  of  his  patrons,  and  gave  up  the  under- 
taking on  financial  grounds  after  a  four  years'  trial. 

There  is  no  kind  of  association  better  able  to  cover 
its  retreat  with  a  cloud  of  statistics  and  testimonies, 
than  one  engaged  in  disseminating  literature  with  a 
philanthropic  object.  Instances  were  produced  from 
the  poorer  parts  of  London,  in  which  casual  labourers 
had  thrown  aside  their  periodical  horrors  and  invested 
in  the  Penny  Magazine  ;  while  an  artisan,  in  his  autobio- 
graphy, takes  occasion  to  inform  us  that,  having  borrowed 
the  first  volume,  he  found  means  to  purchase  the  re- 
mainder of  the  series  by  abandoning  the  use  of  sugar 
in  his  tea.  The  Tract  Societies  could  point  to  similar 
achievements,  and  might  justly  claim  to  have  commenced 
a  revolution  in  the  supply  of  textbooks  and  stories  for 
the  young.  But  neither  the  Useful  Knowledge  Society 
nor  the  religious  associations  met  generally  with  the 
success  for  which  they  hoped.  The  common  criticism 
that  the  former  aimed  too  high,  the  latter  too  low, 
afiords  at  least  a  partial  explanation.    Knight  somewhere 


complains  that  the  Society  for  Promoting  Christian 
Knowledge  addressed  '  working  people  as  if  they  were 
as  innocent  of  all  knowledge,  both  of  good  and  evil, 
as  in  the  days  when  their  mothers  committed  them 
to  the  edifying  instruction  of  the  village  schoolmistress.' 
Its  apologist  would  be  justified  in  retorting  that 
Brougham  and  his  friends  went  to  the  opposite  extreme. 
Their  treatises  were  '  valuable,'  but  '  by  no  means 
adapted  to  the  wants  of  the  classes  for  which  they 
were  ostensibly  intended.'  *  The  Fenny  Magazine 
laboured  under  the  same  disadvantage — '  perhaps 
too  good,  because  too  scientific,'  as  its  friends  explained. 
The  firm  of  Chambers  were  wiser  in  their  generation. 
Their  journal  combined  amusement  with  instruction, 
and  outlived  its  rival. 

Knight  himself  suggested  a  more  fundamental 
cause  of  failure.  In  the  year  that  his  society  suspended 
operations,  he  refers  to  the  revival  of  a  taste  for  inferior 
literature.  There  were  fourteen  penny  and  halfpenny 
magazines  on  the  market,  twelve  social  and  economic 
journals,  and  close  on  forty  weekly  sheets  and  booklets 
of  a  sensational  character.  Foremost  among  the  popular 
magazines  stood  the  London  Journal,  the  Family  Herald, 
and  Reynolds^  Miscellany — sold  by  thousands  every 
week  and  patronised  by  factory  girls,  clerks  and  ap- 
prentices in  the  back  streets — which  he  describes  with 
some  contempt  as  harmless  productions,  devoid  of 
originality  and  matter.  The  language  is  significant. 
There  is  reason  to  suppose  that  many  of  the  worst 
prints  had  disappeared  from  the  market,  and  that  the 
societies  had  played  their  part  in  raising  the  standard.* 

^  Journal  of  Society  of  Arts,  ii.  438.  Cf  Handbook  of  Mechanics' 
Institutes  (Knight,  1839) ;  Mechanics'  Magazine,  Jan.  3,  1829,  Feb.  23, 
1833  ;   Quarterly  Review,  No.  168,  1849. 

*  Martineau,  History  of  the  Peace,  i.  680.  Knight,  Passages,  etc.,  ii.  328  ; 
The  Old  Printer  and  the  Modern  Press,  300.  Ludlow  and  Jones,  Progress 
of  the  Working  Class,  182  sq. 


It  is  equally  probable  that,  in  so  doing,  they  had  stimu- 
lated competition  from  another  quarter  and  to  some 
extent  prepared  the  way  for  an  ephemeral  literature 
whose  aim  was  to  satisfy,  rather  than  to  educate, 
a  popular  demand.  It  was  left  for  a  future  genera- 
tion to  realise  more  fully  the  comparative  uselessness 
of  creating  an  artificial  supply,  and  the  necessity  of 
so  developing  a  taste  for  letters  in  early  life  that 
the  laws  of  supply  and  demand  may  operate  with 
beneficial  efEect. 

When  we  turn  from  the  mass  to  the  individual, 
the  signs  of  progress  are  more  easily  discerned.  From 
the  earlier  generation  whose  achievements  are  written 
in  the  '  Pursuit  of  Knowledge  under  Difficulties '  to 
that  of  Francis  Place  and  Thomas  Cooper,^  the  succession 

*  It  is  characteristic  of  Francis  Place  that,  when  out  of  work  and  half 
starved,  he  waded  through  '  many  volumes  in  history,  voyages,  politics, 
law  and  philosophy,  Adam  Smith  and  Locke,  and  especially  Hume's 
Essays  and  Treatises.'  This  was  in  1793,  when  he  was  a  journeyman 
tailor,  aged  22.  Previously  he  had  mastered  '  histories  of  Greece  and 
Rome  and  some  trandated  works  of  Greek  and  Roman  writers  ;  Smollett, 
Fielding's  novels,  and  Robertson's  works  ;  some  of  Hume's  Essays,  some 
translations  from  French  writers,  and  much  on  geography  ;  some  books 
on  anatomy  and  surgery ;  some  relating  to  science  and  the  arts.  .  .  . 
Blackstone,  Hale's  Common  Law,  several  other  law  books  and  much 
biography.'  Most  of  these  books  were  borrowed  for  him  by  his  land- 
lady, who  had  the  care  of  chambers  in  the  Temple — Wallas,  Ldfe  of  Place. 
Cooper's  time-table,  during  the  period  when  he  worked  as  a  shoemaker  at 
Gainsborough,  will  explain  a  serious  breakdown  in  health  from  which  he 
recovered  with  some  difficulty.  '  Historical  reading,  or  the  grammar 
of  some  language,  or  translation  was  my  first  employment  on  week-day 
mornings,  whether  I  rose  at  three  or  four,  until  seven  o'clock  when  I  sat 
down  to  the  stall.  A  book  or  a  periodical  in  my  hand  while  I  breakfasted, 
gave  me  another  half- hour's  reading.  I  had  another  half- hour,  and  some- 
times an  hour's  reading,  or  study  of  language,  from  one  to  two  o'clock, 
at  the  time  of  dinner.  .  .  ;  I  sat  at  work  till  eight,  sometimes  nine  at 
night ;  and  then  either  read  or  walked  about  our  little  room  and  com- 
mitted Hamlet  to  memory,  or  the  rhymes  of  some  other  poet,  until 
compelled  to  go  to  bed  from  sheer  exhaustion.  ...  I  was  seldom  later 
in  bed  than  three  or  four  in  the  morning  ;  and  when,  in  the  coldness  of 
winter,  we  could  not  afford  to  have  a  fire  till  my  mother  rose,  I  used  to 
put  a  lamp  on  a  stool  which  I  placed  on  a  little  round  table  ;  and  standing 
before  it,  wrapped  up  in  my  mother's  old  red  cloak,  I  read  on  tiU  seven. 
...  In  the  finer  seasons  of  the  year  I  was  invariably  on  the  hills,  or  in 


of  students  among  the  poorer  classes  had  never  failed. 
It  was  natural  that  their  number  should  increase 
during  the  first  half  of  the  nineteenth  century. 
Educational  facilities  were  improving ;  competition 
and  steam-power  had  lowered  the  price  of  good  litera- 
ture and  extended  the  supply;  and  the  stir  of  life, 
accompanying  economic  change  and  political  move- 
ment, created  a  thirst  for  knowledge  in  many  directions. 
It  is  unsafe  to  generalise  from  the  case  of  popular 
libraries  reporting  an  increased  circulation  of  works 
on  Mechanics,  Philosophy,  History,  and  Science  ;  *  but  it 
was  a  common  observation  that,  as  a  man  settled  down 
to  a  course  of  reading,  his  taste  in  selection  gradually 
improved. 2  This  is  suggested  by  typical  examples 
which  enable  us  to  form  some  conception  of  the  progress 
made  under  varying  circumstances  and  among  different 
groups.  Thus  in  rural  Buckinghamshire,  where  there 
was  great  ignorance  and  little  time  for  reading,  the 
'  Pilgrim's  Progress,'  *  Kobinson  Crusoe,'  and  '  Cook's 
Voyages '  are  mentioned  among  the  most  popular 
works  in  a  village  library.^  In  an  institution  attached 
to  the  parish  of  St.  Martin-in-the-Fields,  Scott's  novels 
attracted  some  of  the  younger  subscribers,  who  belonged 
to  the  labouring  class,  and  were  said  to  interfere  with 
their  attendance  at  church.*  Elsewhere,  especially  in 
the  manufacturing  and  mining  districts,  a  serious  use 
of  literature  was  becoming  every  year  more  common. 
A  reading  pitman  in  the  Tyne  Valley  would  have  on 

the  lanes  or  woods,  or  by  the  Trent  by  sunrise  or  before  ;  and  thus  often 
strolled  several  miles  with  my  book  in  my  hand,  before  I  sat  down  in  the 
comer  to  work  at  seven  o'clock  ' — Cooper,  Atiiobiography,  59  sqq.  He 
afterwards  came  in  touch  with  Charles  Kingsley,  and  his  career  clearly 
suggested  certain  passages  in  Alton  Locke  ;  in  one  plaice  he  is  mentioned 
by  name. 

1  C.P.L.,  Q.  1960  3q^  *  Jbid.,  Q.  2426. 

*  Ibid.,  Q.  1381  ;  the  S.P.C.K,  etc.  did  good  work  in  this  sphere. 

•  Ibid.,  Q.  2053  sqq. 


his  shelf  one  or  two  of  Scott's  novels,  a  volume  of 
mathematics  or  English  History,  and  perhaps  a  few 
Methodist  classics.^  There  were  artisans  who  knew 
something  of  the  works  of  Milton,  Byron,  or  Shelley ; 
and  some,  it  was  said,  had  considerable  portions  of 
Shakespeare  by  heart.  ^  Astronomy  was  often  popular  ; 
and  studies  in  natural  history  were  pursued  with  great 
keenness  by  small  groups  in  Lancashire  and  even  in 
the  crowded  parts  of  London,  who  collected  literature 
on  the  subject  and  made  periodical  excursions  into 
the  neighbouring  country  in  search  of  specimens.^ 
Political  reading  was  encouraged  by  the  events  of 
the  period ;  and,  where  the  opportunity  existed,  there 
was  some  attempt  to  discover  both  sides  of  an  argument.* 
There  was  occasionally  a  turn  for  more  abstract  specu- 
lations in  philosophy  and  religion. 

A  branch  of  literature  which  exercised  perhaps  the 
widest  influence  remains  to  be  considered.  Newspapers 
and  partisan  or  sectarian  tracts  were  said  to  drive  the 
educational  magazines  from  the  market.''  Newsrooms 
formed  the  most  popular  feature  in  the  Lyceums  and 
in  a  number  of  the  Mechanics'  Institutes.  To  exclude 
from  a  working-class  library  writings  which  had  a  bear- 

^  Our  Coals  and  Coalpits,  by  a  Traveller  Underground  (1853),  218,  225. 

*  C.P.L.,  Q.  1372  sqq. ;    Engels,  State  of  the  Working  Class,  240. 

*  '  I  have  often  heard  working  men,  whose  fustian  jackets  scarcely 
held  together,  speak  upon  geological,  astronomical  and  other  subjects, 
with  more  knowledge  than  the  most  cultivated  bourgeois  in  Germany 
possess ' — Engels,  op.  cit.,  239.  Mrs.  iGaskell,  Mary  Barton,  oh.  v, 
refers  to  the  botanists  of  Kersal  Moor. 

*  '  I  find  that  when  their  means  admit  of  it,  they  never  allow  them- 
selves to  be  confined  to  their  own  side ;  .  .  .  they  take  Blackwood, 
Tait  and  so  on ' — C.P.L.,  Q.  1327.  It  is  said  that  the  early  Sociahst 
movement  developed  an  interest  in  continental  theories  of  society,  and 
that  a  few  had  got  so  far  as  to  read  foreign  literature  in  the  original — see 
Engels,  229  ;  C.P.L.,  Q.  1199,  1240  ;  A  Working  Man's  Way  in  the  World, 
by  a  Journeyman  Printer,  65  sq.,  92  sq. 

*  Gaskell,  Manufacturing  Poptdation,  280  sq. ;  Select  Cotataittee  on 
Education,  1835,  Q.  83-6. 


ing  on  politics  and  current  events  was  the  best  way  of 
ensuring  its  decline. 

Controversial  literature  has  made  part  of  the  stock- 
in-trade  of  every  popular  movement  since  the  people 
became  responsive  to  a  written  appeal.     It  was  employed 
by  radicals   at   the   close    of  the   eighteenth  century, 
and  revived  in  the  critical  times  which  followed  the 
Peace  of  1815.    From  the  rise  of  the  Hampden  Clubs 
to  the  last  phase  of  Chartism,  every  agitation — political, 
social,  or  religious — had  its  paraphernalia  of  tracts  and 
handbills,   printed  at   headquarters   and  industriously 
dispersed.     In  the  course  of  time,  pamphlets  of  a  more 
elaborate  and  impartial  character,   together  with  the 
leading  quarterly  Eeviews,  might  be  found  at  coffee- 
houses and  at  various  libraries  and  institutions  accessible 
to  the  working  class.     The   coffee-houses   played  also 
an  important  part  in  popularising  the  daily  and  weekly 
press.      At   the    commencement    of   the    century   few 
artisans  had  the  energy  to  look  at  a  newspaper. ^    At 
times  of  excitement,  during  a  General  Election  or  at  a 
critical  stage  in  the  war,  the  journeymen  in  a  workshop 
might  club  together  to  take  in  the   Courier  or  the 
Independent    Whig,   employing    one   of    their    number 
to    read    its    contents ;  ^    but  interest  was  apparently 
not  maintained.     The  cheap  coffee-houses,  which  multi- 
plied rapidly  in  London  and  the  provinces  in  later  years, 
provided  a  meeting-place  at  which  they  could  assemble 
for  meals  and  obtain  the  papers  gratis.^ 

Few   developments  in  the  eighteenth  century  are 

^  Westminster  Review,  x.  476. 

*  Knight,  Memoirs  of  a  Working  Man,  hy  a  Tailor,  90,  170. 

*  Westminster  Review,  I.e. ;  Select  Committee  on  Education,  1835, 
Q.  810.  Coflfee-houses,  etc.,  containing  newspapers,  periodicals  and 
libraries  up  to  2000  vols.— C.P.L.,  Q.  2773  ;  cf.  Porter,  Progress  of  the 
Nation  (1850),  686  sg.  Even  in  the  early  years  of  the  previous  century, 
a  foreign  observer  speaks  of  '  workmen '  beginning  the  day  '  by  going  to 
cofiee-rooms  in  order  to  read  the  latest  news' — De  Saussure,  op.  cit.,  162. 


more  significant  than  the  process  by  which  journalism 
passed  from  a  bare  narrating  of  events  to  the  discussion 
of  policy,  ending  in  a  direct  appeal  to  the  man  with  a 
grievance,  which  was  renewed  on  the  recrudescence  of 
agitation  after  the  Peace  of  1815.^  From  the  beginning 
it  had  been  viewed  by  conservatives  with  consistent 
suspicion,  and  the  profession  of  '  news-writing '  was 
held  in  contempt ;  but  when  to  the  discussion  of  policy 
was  added  the  criticism  of  established  institutions,  a 
sharper  contrast  came  to  be  drawn  between  expensive 
newspapers  which  professed  respectability  and  circu- 
lated among  the  wealthier  classes,  and  the  products  of 
the  cheap  press  which  came  within  reach  of  the  poor. 
That  violence  was  confined  to  no  party,  and  that  the 
cheap  press  on  the  whole  had  probably  the  merit,  claimed 
for  Cobbett's  Political  Register,  of  winning  the  people 
from  purposeless  riots  to  more  deliberate  forms  of  agita- 
tion pursued  by  relatively  peaceful  methods,  were 
arguments  which  involved  subtle  distinctions  and  were 
not  calculated  to  allay  suspicion.  The  discourse  which 
came  home  to  an  uneducated  populace  was  of  the  kind 
for  which  no  excuse  is  offered  by  friends  or  accepted  by 
opponents ;  and  it  attacked  with  undisguised  ferocity 
most  of  the  institutions  and  beliefs  to  which  the  govern- 
ing classes  attached  social  importance.  It  was  remarked 
that  in  1816  every  manufacturing  town  of  any  size  had 
its  '  seditious  '  journal,  and  that  a  Manchester  weekly 
reserved  a  special  column  to  advertise  anti-Christian 
literature  at  a  price  accessible  to  the  artisan.*    The 

*  A  considerable  impulse  was  given  to  this  type  of  journalism  by 
Cobbett,  who  in  1816  reduced  the  price  of  his  Political  Register  to  2d., 
devoting  the  first  number  to  an  '  address  to  the  journeymen  and  labourers  ' 
of  the  United  Kingdom ;  it  immediately  attained  an  immense  popu- 
larity— Knight,  Passages,  etc.,  i.  188  ;  Bamford,  Passages  in  the  Life  of 
a  Radical,  7  (2nd  ed.,  1848). 

*  Knight,  Passages,  i.  234 ;  cf.  Walpole,  History  of  England,  i.  467, 


very  names  of  such  publications  as  the  Gorgon^  the 
Black  Dwarf,  and  Meditsa's  Head,  betokened  no  desire 
for  safe  paths  and  easy  compromise.  In  the  legislation 
which  followed,  neither  of  the  great  parties  appears  to 
advantage ;  but  the  Tories  had  at  least  the  courage  of 
their  convictions.  Southey's  advice  to  Lord  Liverpool : 
'  You  must  crush  the  press  or  it  will  destroy  the  Constitu- 
tion,' is  more  generous  than  the  companion  utterance  of 
Brougham  :  '  The  Radicals  have  made  themselves  so 
odious  that  a  number  even  of  our  way  of  thinking 
would  be  well  enough  pleased  to  see  them  and  their 
vile  press  put  down  at  all  hazards.'  The  sequel  is 
instructive.  The  stamp  duty  on  whole-sheet  news- 
papers which  had  been  raised  to  fourpence  in  1815 
was  extended  in  1819  to  all  daily  and  weekly  periodicals 
costing  less  than  sixpence.^  That  the  measure  was 
intended  as  a  weapon  of  defence  appears  from  the  fact 
that  certain  publications,  which  were  considered  harm- 
less, were  permitted  to  pass  unstamped.  None  the  less 
it  was  open  to  the  objections  which  may  be  urged  against 
prohibitionist  legislation  in  general,  besides  incurring 
special  odium  as  a  '  tax  on  knowledge.'  No  form  of 
espionage  could  prevent  the  weekly  circulation  of  a 
multitude  of  ilhcit  prints,  which  were  often  the  des- 
perate efiusions  of  souls  embittered  by  the  struggle  for 
liberty.  At  the  same  time  the  cost  of  papers  which 
might  have  presented  a  difierent  view  of  the  situation 
was  maintained  at  a  prohibitive  rate.  All  duties  con- 
nected with  the  publishing  trade  were  sooner  or  later 
condemned  as  a  '  premium  on  rubbish,'  and  were 
gradually  repealed.* 

^  In  1820  a  Constitutional  Association  was  formed  '  for  supporting 
the  laws  for  suppressing  seditious  publications,'  etc.  It  was  known 
popularly  as  the  Bridge  Street  gang. 

*  Stamp  duty  reduced  to  Id.  1836,  repealed  1855  ;  advertisement 
duty  repealed  1863  ;   paper  duty  repealed  1861.    Hetherington,  Cleave, 


The  Owenite  and  Chartist  movements  produced  a 
series  of  journals  which  sprang  suddenly  into  existence 
and  often  disappeared  within  a  few  months  of  their 
birth,  or  became  incorporated  with  others  of  a  similar 
tendency.  The  early  co-operative  papers,  which  were 
beyond  the  means  of  the  working  class,  were  succeeded 
by  penny  monthHes  and  weekhes  which  had  a  consider- 
able sale  in  Lancashire  and  Cheshire.  The  claim  that 
they  were  the  only  popular  periodicals  '  which  dealt 
with  religion  and  politics  and  recognised  science  as 
one  of  the  features  of  general  progress  '  is  exaggerated  ;  * 
but  that  they  stimulated  thought  and  dispensed  a  good 
deal  of  useful  information,  need  not  be  questioned.  The 
Chartist  papers  were  generally  of  a  different  description. 
*  A  ribald  sincerity  and  a  frantic  courage  '  is  Kingsley's 
comment.  Some  of  them,  however,  edited  by  men  of 
abiUty,  flourished  for  a  time. 

The  decline  of  the  Chartist  movement  was  followed 
by  a  period  of  comparative  quiet  and  unbounded 
confidence  in  the  future.  The  optimism  inspired  by 
free  trade,  which  applied  to  the  press  as  to  other  phases 
of  national  activity,  is  echoed  in  the  last  words  of 
Charles  Knight,  as  he  looked  back  on  the  struggles  of 
a  lifetime,  on  the  whole  well  content  with  an  improve- 
ment which  fell  short  of  his  earher  hopes.  '  Let  the 
cheap  press  purify  itself.  We  have  got  beyond  the 
scurrilous  stage — the  indecent  stage — the  profane  stage 
— the  seditious  stage.  Let  us  hope  that  the  frivolous 
stage,  in  which  we  are  now  to  some  extent  abiding, 

and  James  Watson  are  remembered  as  the  trio  who  defied  imprisonment 
for  the  tree  press  ;  and  it  is  said  that  500  of  Hetherington's  sellers  suffered 
in  this  way  (Holyoake,  History  of  Co-operation,  i.  102).  Hammond  {Farm 
Servant  and  Agricultural  Labourer,  34)  estimates,  about  the  year  1850, 
that  29,000,000  unstamped  periodicaJa  were  circulated  annually  in  defiance 
of  the  law. 

^  Holyoake,  op.  cii.,  i.  143. 


will  in  time  pass  on  to  a  higher  taste  and  sounder  mental 

The  newspapers  and  magazines  served  not  only  to 
exercise  the  power  of  reading  acquired  in  the  elementary 
schools,  but  gave  also  some  scope  to  composition ; 
articles,  verse,  and  correspondence  being  not  infre- 
quently contributed  by  working-class  readers.^  The 
modern  plan  of  essay-writing  in  connection  with  adult 
education  was  foreshadowed  in  a  series  of  prize  composi- 
tions, which  were  encouraged  by  Mechanics'  Institutes 
and  publishing  firms.  The  Prize  Essays  on  Social 
Science  published  by  Cassell  in  1859  represent  a  good 
deal  of  serious  efEort ;  but  that  the  practice  was  open 
to  abuse,  is  shown  by  the  case  in  which  a  prize  was 
offered  for  the  best  novel  by  a  working  man.  The 
examiner  on  this  occasion  complained  of  '  wading  for 
days  together  through  hopeless  trash.'  ^ 

Spontaneous  composition  appeared  mainly  in  the 
form  of  pamphlets  on  social  and  economic  questions, 
verse,  and  autobiographical  sketches.  The  north 
country,  and  in  particular  the  Craven  district  of  York- 
shire, was  at  this  time  full  of  rhymers  and  versifiers — 
Frank  King,  the  Skipton  minstrel,  '  no  scholard '  but 
a  man  of  parts,  accustomed  to  improvise  songs  and 
ballads,  vulgar  and  heroic,  to  suit  all  companies  from 
the  manor  to  the  village  tavern ;  John  Broughton, 
and  Will  Cliffe,  Lang  Tom  fra'  Winskill,  and  Robert 
Story,  the  author  of  many  pieces,  lyrical,  narrative, 
dramatic  and  political — men  who  made  up  for  tech- 
nical defects  by  a  fund  of  native  humour,  a  grasp  of 

1  C.P.L.,  Q.  1368  sqq. 

•  Knight,  Shadows  of  Old  Booksellers,  177-  Mention  may  be  made 
of  a  curious  and  lengthy  religious  epic,  entitled  Musings  of  a  Working 
Man  on  the  Pains  and  Praise  of  Man's  Oreat  Substitute,  by  Thomas  Brown 
of  Cellardyke,  1861  ;  the  author  explains  that  it  was  an  essay  in  mental 
recreation,  and  urges  others  of  his  class  to  follow  his  example. 


local  tradition,  and  a  knowledge  of  their  kind.  The 
pamphlets  ^  and  reminiscences  come,  as  a  rule,  from 
writers  of  some  attainment ;  they  display  considerable 
force  and  clearness  of  expression,  and  afEord  in  some 
cases  valuable  material  to  the  student  of  social  history. 
It  is  fitting  to  conclude  with  a  reference  to  two 
remarkable  men,  whose  writings  possess  some  interest, 
and  whose  names  are  intimately  associated  with  the 
fortunes  of  the  class  from  which  they  sprang — Samuel 
Bamford,  the  Radical,  and  Thomas  Cooper,  the  Chartist. 
Bamford  was  the  son  of  an  intelligent  weaver,  from 
whom  he  inherited  his  passion  for  literature.  His 
early  manhood  was  taken  up  with  the  political  agitation 
which  followed  the  close  of  the  Napoleonic  wars,  and 
the  course  of  which  he  has  described  in  his  '  Passages 
in  the  Life  of  a  Radical '  and  in  various  pieces  of 
occasional  verse  composed  at  the  time.  In  later  years, 
after  a  brief  tenure  of  a  government  clerkship,  he  devoted 
himself  to  letters,  the  handloom,  and  the  society  of 
a  few  chosen  friends.  The  circumstance  that  he  was 
brought  up  in  a  Lancashire  village  towards  the  close 
of  the  eighteenth  century  gives  the  memoir  of  his 
'  Early  Days '  a  peculiar  fascination.  It  may  be 
doubted  whether  there  is  any  single  work  which  brings 
the  reader  into  such  close  personal  contact  with  the 
inner  history  of  the  great  economic  revolution  which 
was  transforming  the  social  life  of  the  industrial  classes. 
'  Passages  in  the  Life  of  a  Radical '  takes  up  certain 
phases  of  the  same  development  at  a  later  stage,  being 
an  account  of  the  political  unrest  which  was  temporarily 
suppressed  by  the  passing  of  the  Six  Acts  in  1819.  The 
narrative  is  graphic,  full  of  naive  criticism,  singularly 

^  Pamphlets  by  trade  unionists  ;  Webb,  Trade  Unionism,  76  n.,  104  n. 
A  Peasants  Voice  to  Landowners,  etc.,  by  John  Denson,  labourer,  of  Water- 
beach,  1829.  Letters  to  Working  People  on  the  New  Poor  Law  (a  defence 
of  it),  by  a  working  man  (John  Latey),  1841. 


impartial  and  lit  up  by  quiet  sallies  of  humour — such 
as  his  description  of  the  indomitable  herb-doctor 
marching  up  a  contingent  of  villagers  to  *  Peterloo,*  with 
skull  and  cross-bones  floating  in  the  breeze  before  them, 
as  if  he  were  '  heading  a  funeral  procession  of  his  own 
patients.'  These  two  autobiographical  pieces  have 
been  reprinted  in  a  decent  edition,  prefaced  with  a 
very  readable  introduction.  The  volume  of  collected 
verse  has  no  intrinsic  merit.  Keen  intelligence  and  a 
kind  of  hardy  culture  are  displayed  in  every  page  of 
his  writings  ;  but  the  '  Early  Days  '  abounds  in  passages 
analysing  his  emotions  which  reveal  unmistakably  his 
lack  of  training  and  the  sense  of  proportion. 

Thomas  Cooper  also  has  left  reminiscences  which 
describe  the  vicissitudes  of  his  career  from  childhood 
to  old  age  in  correct  and  straightforward  English. 
Like  Bamford,  he  attended  a  variety  of  schools,  receiving 
what  would  then  be  considered  a  very  fair  elementary 
education,  and  in  after  hfe  suffered  imprisonment, 
though  in  a  cause  which  the  former  was  never  disposed 
to  appreciate.  Both  men  developed  altogether  out  of 
proportion  to  their  early  training,  and  displayed  in 
their  public  life  a  sensitiveness  of  manner  and  an  in- 
dependence of  judgment  which  set  them  above  their 
fellows.  Both,  -too,  possessed  a  strong  conservative 
instinct  which  came  out  with  more  than  usual  force 
as  life  advanced.  Here  the  resemblance  ceases.  Cooper 
was  a  man  of  unique  capacity  and,  in  a  peculiar  sense 
of  the  term,  a  born  student ;  and  his  character  was 
enriched  by  the  softening  influence  of  a  deep  religi- 
ous experience,  an  inspiration  which  his  predecessor 
apparently  lacked.  A  strenuous  self-discipline,  which 
might  have  destroyed  a  man  of  less  robust  constitu- 
tion, enabled  him  to  pursue  a  wide  range  of  studies 
in  the  intervals  of  manual  labour.    He  became  in  due 


course  a  schoolmaster,  a  publicist  and  political  agitator, 
a  man  of  letters  and  a  minister  of  religion,  and  formed 
the  acquaintance  of  Kingsley  and  Carlyle.  His  works, 
which  include  an  autobiography  and  sundry  reminis- 
cences, a  volume  of  poetry,  miscellaneous  sketches 
and  addresses  on  religious  subjects,  never  attained  any 
wide  celebrity;  but  the  student  of  men  will  not  look 
in  vain  for  evidence  of  an  extraordinary  character  and 
a  versatile  intellect,  and  for  the  sage  impressions  born 
of  the  life-long  experience  of  one  who  laboured  for  the 
common  people  and  paid  them  the  compliment  of 
serious  criticism.* 

^  Life  of  Thomas  Cooper,  by  himself,  4th  ed-,  1873  ;  Wise  Saws  and 
Modern  Instances,  2  vols.,  1845  ;  a  volume  of  poetry,  including  two 
epics  noticeable  mainly  for  their  erudition  {The  Purgatory  of  Suicides, 
a  Prison  Rhyme,  composed  in  Stafford  Gaol,  1842,  afterwards  republished 
in  a  cheap  edition  by  request  of  his  admirers  ;  and  the  Paradise  of  Martyrs), 
and  various  shorter  poems,  ballads,  and  poUtical  songs  ;  several  volimiea 
of  a  Christian  Evidence  Series,  based  on  lectures  deUvered  throughout  the 
kingdom  in  the  latter  half  of  his  life  ;   Thoughts  at  Fourscore,  1885. 



'  Whatever  might  be  the  case  in  some  other  constitutions  of  society, 
the  spirit  of  a  commercial  people  "will  be,  we  are  persuaded,  essentially 
mean  and  slavish,  wherever  public  spirit  is  not  cultivated  by  an  extensive 
participation  of  the  people  in  the  business  of  government  in  detail ;  nor 
will  the  desideratum  of  a  general  diffusion  of  intelligence  among  either 
the  middle  or  lower  classes  be  realised,  but  by  a  corresponding  dissemina- 
tion of  public  functions  and  a  voice  in  public  affairs ' — J.  S.  Mill, 
Disnertations  and  Discussion.^,  ii.  25  sq. 

'Universal  teaching  must  preceae  universal  enfranchisement' — Id.y 
Representative  Government  (1861),  160. 

Mill's  Essay  on  '  Representative  Government '  con- 
cludes a  series  of  dissertations  which  connect  the 
philosophical  radicalism  of  an  earlier  generation  with 
more  recent  attempts  to  formulate  a  defence  of  de- 
mocracy. The  basis  of  his  argument  is  a  definition  of 
the  twofold  aim  of  political  institutions.  The  test  of 
a  political  system  is,  partly  the  efficiency  displayed 
in  the  management  of  public  affairs,  partly  its  success 
in  promoting  the  'general  mental  advancement  of  the 

^  '  In  a  large  town  the  influences  which  educate  a  man  against  his 
will  are  almost  incessant ;  there  are  so  many  public  meetings.  .  .  .  That 
forms  the  most  valuable  part  of  the  education  which  an  EngHshman 
receives  ?  —  Yes.  It  has  put  us  beyond  some  of  the  nations  of  the  Con- 
tinent who  have  more  school  instruction.  .  .  .  Do  you  hold  that  this 
Education  by  Collision,  as  it  may  be  called,  is  the  best  of  all  V — It  makes 
them  citizens'  {Committee  on  Public  Libraries  (1849),  Q.  1359-62). 
Cf.  Harriet  Martineau's  estimate  of  the  Anti-Corn-Law  campaign  in  the 
agricultural  districts.  '  By  means  of  exercising  the  minds  of  the  labouring 
classes  on  affairs  interesting  to  them  and  within  their  comprehension,  the 
League  Leaders  did  more  for  popular  education  than  has  yet  been  achieved 
by  any  other  means '  — ^Martineau,  History  of  England  during  the  Thirty 
Years*  Peace,  iv.  296. 



community.'  Democracy  is  not  simply  a  device  for 
balancing  rival  interests ;  it  is,  at  a  certain  stage  of 
social  development,  an  indispensable  means  of  educa- 
tion. '  It  is  from  political  discussion  and  collective 
political  action,  that  one  whose  daily  occupations 
concentrate  his  interests  in  a  small  circle  around  him- 
self, learns  to  feel  for  and  with  his  fellow  citizens  and 
becomes  consciously  a  member  of  a  great  community; 
but  political  discussions  fly  over  the  heads  of  those 
who  have  no  votes  or  are  not  endeavouring  to  acquire 

This  recognition  of  an  educational  purpose  or  ideal 
in  the  growth  of  pubhc  institutions  forms  a  cardi- 
nal distinction  between  the  political  theories  of  the 
eighteenth,  and  those  of  the  later  nineteenth,  century ; 
but,  as  may  be  seen  from  Mill's  treatment  of  the 
question,  it  does  not  necessarily  involve  an  unlimited 
acceptance  of  popular  government.  His  argument 
suggests,  in  fact,  a  reaction  from  the  creed  of  Bentham 
and  his  immediate  successors,  proceeding  from  a 
closer  analysis  of  the  forces  which  determine  political 
action  and  the  formation  of  opmions.  Retaining  a 
firm  belief  in  the  power  of  reason  and  the  efficacy 
of  public  discussion,  he  is  aware  also  of  counteracting 
tendencies,  whose  strength  may  increase  as  democracy 
advances  in  its  career.  '  The  position  which  gives 
the  strongest  stimulus  to  the  growth  qf  intelligence  is 
that  of  rising  into  power,  not  that  of  having  achieved 
it ' ;  for  a  body  of  men  strong  enough  to  prevail  against 
reason  will  no  longer  listen  to  its  warnings,  or  invoke 
its  aid.  In  other  words,  the  value  of  popular  move- 
ments as  educational  agencies  will  diminish  as  they 
succeed  in  achieving  their  immediate  ends,  unless  some 
higher  stimulus  is  brought  into  operation.  It  may  be 
truer  to  say  that  political  argument  gravitates  towards 


the  mental  level  of  those  to  whom  it  is  addressed.  The 
obstacle  to  political  education,  under  any  form  of 
government,  is  not  any  conscious  unwillingness  to 
listen  to  reason,  but  the  ease  with  which  men  are  led 
to  adopt  conclusions  and  even  trains  of  argument 
without  going  through  the  process  of  reasoning  on 
their  own  account.  Where  power  extends  in  advance 
of  education,  the  art  of  organising  delusion  threatens 
to  keep  pace  with  the  agencies  which  aim  at  diffusing 

If  the  progress  of  the  democratic  movement  has 
been  attended  by  an  increase  of  mental  activity,  the 
result  may  be  ascribed,  in  part  at  least,  to  two  safe- 
guards which  are  not  always  taken  into  account.  In  a 
modern  state  no  victory  in  politics  is  final  or  complete. 
\  Whatever  form  the  constitution  may  assume,  power 
will  ultimately  depend  on  knowledge ;  and  the  force 
of  this  principle  is  realised  only  when  the  preliminary 
triumphs  have  been  won.  The  intelligence  required 
;  by  a  class  to  render  its  power  effective  in  action  is 
'  much  greater  than  that  which  was  needed  to  assert  a 
right  to  it.  In  so  far  as  intellectual  effort  can  be 
shown  to  have  been  directly  influenced  by  politics, 
there  is  no  evidence  that  it  has  diminished  permanently 
as  a  result  of  enfranchisement.  The  forms  of  instruction 
which  are  connected  with  the  political  awakening  of 
the  masses  in  the  early  part  of  the  last  century  cannot 
be  compared  seriously  with  the  systematic  studies 
imdertaken  by  artisans  in  recent  years  and  stimulated 
by  a  desire  to  assist  in  the  solution  of  social  and  eco- 
nomic problems.  In  the  second  place,  it  is  necessary 
to  examine  the  assumption,  more  often  implied  than 
expressed,  that  the  mass  of  the  people  have  no  history 
and  no  accumulating  experience.  Writers  on  democracy 
have  paid  insufl5.cient  regard  to  those  changes  in  the 


character  and  outlook  of  a  people,  produced  by  widening 
opportunities  and  their  own  efforts  for  self -improve- 
ment, whose  tendency  is  to  raise  an  increasing  number 
to  the  level  of  responsible  citizenship  and  to  place 
them  in  a  position  to  think  for  themselves.  The  nature 
and  the  efEect  of  these  changes,  and  the  extent  to  which 
a  process  of  education  may  be  traced  in  the  sequence 
of  social  events,  are  questions  which  must  be  considered 
in  estimating  the  prospects  of  popular  government. 

The  point  at  issue  may  be  illustrated  by  analysing 
the  connection  between  the  growth  of  political  con- 
sciousness and  recurring  periods  of  prosperity  and 
economic  depression.  The  natural  outcome  of  depres- 
sion, in  an  age  of  progress,  is  social  unrest,  awakening 
visions  of  a  new  social  order  from  which  misery  and 
injustice  have  been  for  ever  expelled.  The  natural 
outcome  of  prosperity  is  contentment  and  a  certain 
degree  of  complacency.  The  former,  if  continued  in- 
definitely, might  end  in  despotism  or  anarchy;  the 
latter  in  the  extinction  of  large  ideals.  Mutually  related 
as  alternate  phases  of  social  experience,  they  provide 
complementary  forms  of  discipline  and  encouragement. 
A  period  of  distress  reveals  the  mass  of  human  suffering, 
calls  into  play  new  forces  of  enthusiasm  and  revolt, 
and  brings  new  groups  into  action.^  The  return  of 
prosperity  opens  the  way  to  a  calmer  and  more  detailed 
study  of  social  facts  and  the  development  of  practical 
policies.  In  so  far  as  these  vicissitudes  enable  us  to 
interpret  the  history  of  last  century,  it  may  be  said 
that  a   period  of  awakening  consciousness,  in  which 

^  It  is  true  that  a  class  may  be  brought  too  low  by  economic  depression 
to  feel  confidence  in  large  ideals  and  drastic  remedies,  and  that,  as  a  class 
advances  in  prosperity,  it  becomes  conscious  of  its  strength  and  the  more 
likely  to  chafe  at  obstacles  to  its  further  advancement ;  but  it  is  incon- 
testable that,  taking  the  nineteenth  century  as  a  whole,  periods  of  distress 
are  the  great  periods  of  revolt,  or  those,  at  any  rate,  in  which  the  feeling 
of  revolt  takes  its  rise. 



enthusiasm  was  stirred  by  vague  ideas  of  social  recon- 
struction, was  followed  by  an  interval  of  detailed 
thought  and  practical  experiment,  succeeded  in  its  turn 
by  the  challenge  of  new  disorders  and  a  new  widening  of 
the  mental  horizon.  In  a  broad  sense  the  course  of 
events  has  an  educational  influence,  whose  results  may 
be  tested  by  the  growth  of  poHtical  aims.  The  differ- 
ence between  modern  labour  policies,  since  the  revival 
of  socialism  in  the  eighties,  and  the  vague  ideaUsm  of 
the  Chartist  period  shows  the  influence  of  adminis- 
trative experience,  of  which  the  foundations  were  laid 
during  an  interval  of  relative  quiet.  It  is  more  difficult 
to  decide  how  far  these  influences  extend  beyond  the 
leaders  and  penetrate  the  mass  of  organised  labour ; 
and,  again,  how  far  the  lesson  learned  during  one 
phase  of  experience  is  actually  continued  in  that  which 

Martineau's  history  of  the  '  Thirty  Years'  Peace,' 
from  1816-46,  covers  a  well-marked  epoch  in  the 
political  life  of  the  unfranchised  classes.  It  was  a  period 
of  chronic  distress  and  of  social  change,  which  revived  the 
forces  of  unrest  and  enlarged  their  sphere.  New  indus- 
trial conditions  hardened  the  opposition  between  labour 
and  capital.  The  decay  of  paternalism  removed  influ- 
ences which  had  kept  labour  in  a  state  of  disunion  and 
held  it  in  play.^  Class  consciousness  was  strengthened 
by  the  conservative  reaction  which  followed  the  close 
of  the  Napoleonic  wars,  by  fiscal  injustice  and  organised 
repression. 2    These  circumstances,  which  hastened  the 

^  The  wages  and  apprenticeship  clauses  of  the  Statute  of  Artificers 
were  repealed  1813-14  ;  c/.  the  drastic  reform  of  the  Poor  Law  in  1834, 
intended  to  sweep  aside  the  demoralising  tendencies  which  were  a  legacy 
of  paternal  government,  and  to  reassert  the  principle  of  self-dependence. 

*  Webb,  Trade  Unionism,  85.  Cf.  Effects  of  Com  Law,  1815 — Prentice, 
Historical  Sketches,  etc.  of  Manchester,  90  et  passim.  Dicey,  Law  and 
Opinion  in  England,  123.     Benn,  Modern  England,  i.  97  sqq. 


birth  of  an  industrial  democracy,  turned  the  current  of 
its  energies  into  idealistic  and  revolutionary  channels. 
Within  a  few  years  of  the  repeal  of  the  Combination 
Laws,  the  labour  movement  became  involved  in  struggles 
to  effect  a  universal  remedy  for  social  ills.  With  the 
conception  of  political  equality,  which  found  expression 
in  Chartism,  went  the  Owenite  gospel  of  social  regenera- 
tion and  the  vision  of  a  '  new  moral  world.'  The 
character  of  the  period  is  no  less  clearly  defined  by 
comparison  with  the  thirty  years  which  followed.  In 
the  prosperous  times  ushered  in  by  the  repeal  of  the 
Corn  Laws,  the  pursuit  of  panaceas  gave  place  with 
unusual  abruptness  to  detailed  schemes  of  reform  and 
the  business  of  securing  advantages  under  existing  con- 
ditions. Both  the  co-operative  and  the  trade-union 
movements  showed  a  reaction  from  the  universalism 
and  heroic  assurance  of  the  Owenite  propaganda,  and, 
at  the  same  time,  a  much  steadier  grasp  of  administra- 
tive details  and  of  possibilities  within  their  immediate 
reach.*  The  same  practical  attitude,  combined  with  a 
wider  outlook,  is  seen  in  the  beginnings  of  parliamentary 
action  which  became  effective  during  the  early  seventies.* 
No  two  periods  of  activity  appear,  at  first  sight, 
less  related  to  one  another  in  aim  and  achievement. 
In  the  first,  a  succession  of  enthusiasms  seem  to  vanish 
without  result,  as  if  to  illustrate  by  repeated  trial  the- 
helplessness  of  the  masses,  the  incompetence  of  their 
leaders,  and  the  impracticabiUty  of  their  ideals.  In  the 
second,  more  limited  and  less  generous  aims  gave  rise 
to  permanent  and  effective  organisations  whose  history 
shows  at  every  stage  an  advance  in  business  capacity, 
discipline,  and  intelligence.  From  the  outset  a  mutual 
antipathy,  developing  in  some  cases  into  active  antagon- 

»  Webb,  op.  cit.,  199  (cf.  168  sq.),  206  sq.  *  Ibid.,  223  sq. 


ism,  appears  to  separate  the  movements  which  are 
characteristic  of  either  period.  Owen  had  little  sym- 
pathy with  free  trade,  and  disowned  the  '  commercial 
co-operation '  which  was  to  prove  a  lasting  success. ^ 
Official  Chartism  was  equally  hostile  to  developments 
which  fell  short  of  its  demands.  On  the  other  hand, 
what  was  left  of  the  trade-union  movement  after  the 
crisis  of  1834,  parted  company  with  the  Owenite  agita- 
tion ;  and  the  unions  were  never  connected  with 
Chartism  as  they  had  been  with  earlier  political  move- 
ments, and  occasionally  came  into  conflict  with  it." 
Indeed  the  New  Unionism,  which  made  its  appearance 
in  the  forties,  derived  its  characteristics  in  no  small 
degree  from  groups  which  had  passed  unscathed  through 
the  turmoil  of  the  heroic  age,  from  a  new  generation 
which  had  no  part  in  the  experience  of  former  years, 
and  from  the  influence  of  ideas  of  middle-class  origin.^ 
The  nucleus  of  a  new  form  of  organisation  was  found  in 
unions  which  had  held  aloof  from  earlier  movements,  and 
which  had  a  superior  record.*  Where  individual  societies 
moved  in  support  of  the  old  ideals,  the  protest  came  not 
from  'cautious  elders'  who  had  outlived  past  failures, 
but  from  the  younger  men  who  had  never  shared  their 
behefs.^    It  was  especially  among  the  younger  genera- 

^  Podmore,  Robert  Owen,  453. 

*  Webb,  op.  cit.,  158-61.  ^  Ibid. 

*  Cf.  the  engineering  and  printing  trades — ibid.,  If2.  For  growth  of 
the  '  new  model '  led  by  the  Amalgamated  Society  of  Engineers  (develop- 
ment of  orderly  business  methods  and  appointment  of  salaried  oflRcials), 
see  ibid.,  185  sqq.  Webb  notices  an  increased  desire  to  get  at  facts  and 
an  exact  knowledge  of  the  points  at  issue,  which  he  attributes  largely  to  the 
entrance  of  the  printing  trades  into  the  trade-union  movement ;  their 
proceedings  had  been  characterised  throughout  by  moderation,  formahty, 
and  a  desire  to  deal  with  concrete  fa'ts — ibid.,  178.  Cf.  the  proceedings 
at  the  Miners'  Conference  1863,  where  the  meeting  was  organised  on  the 
model  of  the  National  Association  for  the  Promotion  of  Social  Science, 
being  divided  '  into  three  sections,  on  law,  on  grievances,  and  on  social 
organisation,  each  of  which  reported  to  the  whole  Conference ' — ibid.,  287. 

'  Ibid.,  16J. 


tion  that  an  improvement  was  observed  in  the  tone  of 
political  discussion.^ 

It  is  true,  none  the  less,  that  the  first  half  of  the 
century  was  the  parent  of  the  age  which  followed.  The 
Rochdale  co-operators  of  1844  recognised  Owen  as  their 
prophet  and  laboured  in  a  soil  already  prepared.  The 
trade- union  movement  in  the  forties  emerged  from  the 
storm  of  revolutionary  unrest  which  had  diffused  ideas 
of  solidarity  and  was  the  necessary  prelude  to  a  saner 
mood.  It  was  in  the  course  of  a  hopeless  struggle  to 
combine  all  labour  in  a  general  union  that  the  wage- 
earning  class  had  passed  finally  from  an  ideal  of  con- 
servatism to  an  ideal  of  progress.  The  shortcomings  of 
the  earlier  period  lie  on  the  surface.  There  was  more 
rhetoric  than  knowledge,  and  more  conviction  than 
clearness  of  thought.  '  A  few,  but  they  are  very  few, 
are  well  educated  and  know  something  of  physical  and 
political  science  .  .  .  and  of  those  truths  of  political 
economy  which  all  educated  persons  admit  and  under- 
stand.' 2  Of  a  group  who  were  tried  in  connection  with 
a  Chartist  outbreak  in  the  manufacturing  districts,  a 
large  proportion  could  scarcely  read  or  write.'  But  the 
human  material  was  different  from  what  it  had  been 
half  a  century  earlier.  Intelligence,  '  in  a  degree  which 
was  formerly  thought  impossible,'  had  spread  to  'the 
lower  and  down  even  to  the  lowest  rank ' ;  and  with 
intelligence  went  the  faculty  of  disciplined  action  and 
an  adherence  to  principle.  Place  remarked  on  the 
agitation  led  by  the  orator  Hunt  at  the  commencement 
of  the  period  (1816) — 'There  was  no  want  of  energy, 
but  it  was  not  the  mischievous  energy  of  uncultivated 
madmen,  but  the  energy  of  much  more  cultivated  men 

^  Re  Debating  Societies,  see  Committee  on  Public  Libraries  {1849), 
Q.  1319  sqq. 

*  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Sociai  Condition  and  Education  of  the  People,  i.  584. 
»  Ibid,,  i.  379. 


than  these  classes  in  former  times  contained  ' ;  ^  and  his 
testimony  is  supported  by  later  events.  The  spirit  of 
insurrection  persisted  ;  but  it  was  modified  by  new  in- 
fluences which  survived  the  moments  of  passion  and 
excess.  Chartism  bequeathed  to  the  Lancashire  oper- 
atives that  power  of  principled  endurance  which 
possessed  them  at  a  later  crisis  occasioned  by  the 
American  Civil  War.  Yorkshire  had  supported  Wilber- 
force  in  his  crusade  against  slavery ;  but  there  was  no 
earlier  example  of  a  starving  population  suffering  quietly 
in  defence  of  principles  which  were  to  the  advantage  of 
an  alien  and  distant  race  and  detrimental  to  their  own 
immediate  interests.^  It  was  a  typical  product  of  the 
'  heroic '  age. 

Not  less  significant  was  the  growth  of  an  intelligent 
minority  which  was  to  supply  the  elements  of  con- 
structive leadership.  In  each  movement  there  were 
a  minority  of  thinkers  and  a  minority  of  extremists, 
between  whom  the  battle  was  waged  ^ ;  and  the  former 
were  quietly  winning  recruits.  Lovett,  writing  to  Francis 
Place  in  1834  during  the  lull  which  preceded  the  Chartist 
agitation,  analyses  the  mental  experience  through  which 
many  must  have  passed  in  these  troubled  times  :  starting 
with  the  dawn  of  political  consciousness,  passing  through 
the  stage  in  which  loyalty  to  principle  is  distinguished 
from  partisanship,  and  ending  in  the  disillusionment 
which  is  the  beginning  of  wisdom.  *  I  have  known,'  he 
sajrs,  '  many  persons  under  thirty  who  a  few  years  since 
were  dissipated,  ignorant  and  besotted,  and  are  now 
sober,  intelligent  and  excellent  members  of  society.  .  .  . 
If  I  now  enter  a  mixed  assembly  of  working  men,  I  find 
twenty  where  I  formerly  met  with  one  who  knew  any- 

1  Place,  Add.  MSS,  (B.M.)  27827,  p.  220. 

'  Cf.  Howell,  Labour  Legislation,  etc.,  140-2.    Dicey,  op.  cit.,  250  sq. 

•  Lovett,  Autobiography,  68  sqq. 


thing  of  society,  politics  or  government.  ...  I  have 
been  in  the  habit  of  corresponding  with  societies  and 
individuals  in  different  parts  of  the  country,  and  I  have 
perceived  a  great  change  in  their  opinions,  social  and 
poHtical.  Formerly  they  worshipped  political  leaders 
— now  they  seek  the  establishment  of  principles. 
Formerly  they  thought  that  Universal  Suffrage,  annual 
Parliaments,  and  the  vote  by  ballot  would  bring  the 
means  of  comfort  home  to  every  man's  door — ^now  they 
see  that  something  even  more  than  Republicanism,  as 
hitherto  understood,  is  necessary  to  efEect  it.'  ^ 

How  much  of  this  progress  is  to  be  ascribed  directly 
to  the  influence  of  organised  movements,  how  much 
to  a  wider  range  of  experience  and  incentive  less  easily 
defined  ?  It  is  necessary  to  start  with  some  conception 
of  the  materials  which  presented  themselves.  The 
agitation  of  the  period  had  not  to  deal  with  an  un- 
differentiated mass  of  weakness  and  ignorance.  It 
formed  part  of  a  process  extending  back  into  the  past, 
and  acted  on  social  groups  at  different  levels  of 
political  development.  It  was  itself  the  product  of 
energies  which  it  guided  into  a  new  channel. 

The  skilled  handicraftsmen  of  the  Metropolis  during 
the  early  years  of  the  century  occupied  a  position  far 
removed  from  the  mass  of  workers  in  the  textile  trades.* 
Their  economic  status  was  relatively  secure ;  they  had 
had  long  experience  of  the  forms  of  *  corporate  govern- 
ment ' ;  and  they  were  closely  in  touch  with  the  class 
above  them.^    They  supply  the  chief  examples  of  a 

1  Lovett  to  Place,  Nov.  17,  1834.     Place  MSS.,  30. 

*  Webb,  op.  cit.,  75-7. 

^  Cobden  notices  the  success  of  middle-class  liberal  movementa  (e.g.       I 
Free  Trade)  with  the  London  artisans,  who  '  are  all  intermingled  by  their       i 
occupations  with  the  class  above  them  more  completely  than  in  any  other 
large  town ' — ^Morley,  Life  of  Cobden,  ch.  xii. 


type  which  was  not  uncommon ;  men  possessed  of  much 
general  knowledge  and  of  organising  ability.  Their 
influence  gave  an  element  of  stability  to  the  trade- 
union  movement ;  and  they  furnished  recruits  to  the 
mutual  improvement  societies  which  knew  no  master 
and  acknowledged  no  limitations.^  Their  defects  were 
those  naturally  produced  by  contact  with  many  streams 
of  thought  at  the  centre  of  afiairs.  The  '  elite  of  the 
London  democracy '  included  a  proportion  of  certified 
enthusiasts  who  displayed  an  undiscerning  appetite 
for  new  ideas. 

The  manufacturing  districts  of  the  North  presented 
a  different  picture.  There,  the  industrial  population 
started  at  a  lower  level  of  political  experience ;  and 
coming  unprepared  to  a  struggle  with  economic  forces 

^  Lovett  mentions  a  *  Literary  Society '  composed  mainly  of  work- 
ing men,  who  met  in  Gerrard  Street,  Newport  Market  (about  the  year 
1821 ),  to  discuss  hterary,  political  and  metaphysical  subjects  ;  they  formed 
a  select  library — op.  cit.,  34.  In  1814,  on  the  failure  of  his  co-operative 
store  in  GrevilJe  Street,  he  reopened  the  premises  as  a  coffee-house,  setting 
apart  a  room  for  debates,  classes,  readings  and  recitations  ;  there  he 
established  a  small  society,  the  '  Social  Beformers.'  '  I  look  back,'  he 
Bays,  '  upon  those  two  years  of  my  life  with  great  pleasure  and  satisfaction, 
for  during  this  period  I  gained  a  considerable  amount  of  information 
and  was,  I  believe,  the  means  of  causing  much  useful  knowledge  to  be 
diffused  among  the  young  men  who  frequented  the  place '  ;  he  mentions 
a  chronometer- maker  pnd  a  cabinet- carver  as  intelligent  and  accomplished 
members — ibid.,  88  sq.  For  similar  instances,  see  A  Workiyig  Man's 
Way  in  the  World,  by  a  Journeyman  Printer,  14  sq.,  65  ;  also  Thomas 
Cooper,  Autobiography.  Webb  notices  that  the  skilled  workmen  of  London 
were  radicals  and  generally  free  from  '  sedition,'  and  '  from  their  ranks 
came  such  organisers  as  Place,  Lovett,  and  Gast ' — op  cit.,  76.  A  Working 
Man's  Way  in  the  World,  8-10,  refers  to  a  journeyman  printer  who  had 
come  from  London  to  Bristol — '  He  possessed  a  fund  of  information  upon 
all  popular  topics,  and  knew  much  of  the  personal  history  of  the  public 
characters  of  the  day.  He  had  travelled  all  over  England,  and  wrought 
in  most  of  the  principal  towns,  and  had  received  a  substantial  testimonial, 
at  a  period  when  testimonials  were  not  houily  occurrences,  for  his  success- 
ful advocacy  of  the  rights  of  working  men  upon  occasion  of  a  strike  in 
the  north.  Upon  every  topic,  except  Christianity,  he  reasoned  gently 
and  modestly,  and  was  the  means  and  medium  of  much  pleasant  and 
useful  information  to  his  companions.  He  was  a  great  admirer  of  Franklin, 
whom  he  was  continually  quoting  and  whom  he  confessedly  made  his 


which  cut  at  the  roots  of  their  independence,  they 
were  easily  misled.  In  Lancashire  ill-organised  in- 
surrection followed  the  rioting  of  loyal  mobs.^  By 
degrees  a  new  order  was  evolved  out  of  the  chaos,  as 
a  constructive  faculty  began  to  assert  itself.  Before 
the  close  of  the  Chartist  period  there  were  already 
signs  of  that  genius  for  association  which  is  in  a 
peculiar  sense  characteristic  of  these  industrial  areas. 
Some  of  the  northern  stores  survived  the  collapse  of 
the  co-operative  movement  in  the  thirties ;  and  it 
was  at  Rochdale  that  a  new  phase  of  the  movement 
commenced.  In  the  course  of  the  Owenite  agitation 
initiative  passes  gradually  from  London  to  Lancashire.^ 

It  is  too  readily  assumed,  however,  that  democracy 
in  the  North  was  a  specific  product  of  the  Industrial 
Eevolution.  Among  the  northern  weavers  were  a  class 
corresponding  to  the  more  intelligent  of  the  London 
artisans  ;  and  the  first  signs  of  democratic  advance 
appeared — side  by  side,  as  it  were,  with  the  new  in- 
dustrial system — among  the  survivors  of  an  earlier 
social  condition.  The  transitional  stage  is  less  clearly 
represented  in  the  beginnings  of  trade  unionism  than  in 

^  Prentice,  o^p.  cH.,  passim. 

*  Lloyd  Jones,  Life  of  Owen,  293  sqq. — '  We  had  among  us  in  Manchester 
more  life  and  energy,  united  to  an  active  system  of  teaching.  We  possessed 
a  number  of  men  who  had  proved  their  fitness  to  teach,  and  we  were 
therefore  determined  to  throw  ourselves  into  the  movement'  (1836). 
There  follows  a  sketch  of  the  propaganda  round  Manchester.  His  refer- 
ence to  an  '  active  system  of  teaching '  is  illustrated  by  an  account  of 
a  school  opened  by  the  supporters  of  a  co-operative  store  in  Salford. 
The  store  wound  up  its  business  in  1831,  and  '  we  set  to  work  in  a  different 
fashion.  We  had  counters  and  shelves  and  a  few  tables  and  chairs,  so 
we  took  a  couple  of  large  rooms  and  opened  a  school  for  the  instruction 
of  boys  and  girls  and  such  adults  as  might  think  it  worth  while  to  learn 
what  we  had  to  teach.  We  had  among  us  two  carpenters  who  were  found 
useful  in  turning  the  shelves  and  counters  into  desks  and  forms.'  A 
house-to-house  canvass  drew  pupils  of  all  ages  (12  to  40) ;  subjects — 
drawdng,  music,  singing,  dancing,  and  the  three  R's.  No  fees.  The 
school  continued  for  six  years.  Sunday  meetings,  with  essays  and  lectures 
on  social  questions. 


an  agitation  for  parliamentary  reform  which  followed 
the  Peace  of  1815  and  was  terminated  by  the  Peterloo 
massacre  four  years  later.  Bamford  has  left  a  vivid 
pictmre  of  the  formation  of  Hampden  clubs  in  the 
/  neighbourhood  of  Manchester.  The  people  thronged  to 
village  assemblies,  to  listen  to  readings  and  speeches 
on  the  subject  of  Reform ;  local  poets  contributed 
their  effusions ;  and  the  cottagers  left  their  looms 
at  the  close  of  day  to  drill  upon  the  heath.  The 
episode  is  purified  by  a  breath  of  romance  and  country 
air,  which  contrast  with  the  noise  and  stifling  at- 
mosphere of  the  London  trade  clubs.  It  is  the  last 
appearance  of  an  organised  peasantry,  which  was  to 
transmit  much  of  its  spirit  to  the  new  proletariat ; 
and  the  movement  is  significant  on  many  grounds. 
/  Sunday  schools,  which  appear  to  have  been  exceptionally 
democratic  in  the  manufacturing  districts,  prepared 
the  way  for  the  Hampden  clubs  ;  ^  and  they  were  closely 
connected  with  the  effects  of  the  Methodist  Revival. 
The  legacy  of  these  religious  influences  played  an 
immense  part  in  determining  later  events. 

\  Two  streams  of  agitation   converged  in  the  trade- 

union  movement  in  the  early  thirties — one  inspired 
by  the  ideal  of  political  democracy,  the  other  by  that 
of  social  democracy  as  presented  in  the  teaching  of 
Robert  Owen.^    The  two  aims  were  never  completely 

^  '  The  Sunday  schools  of  the  preceding  thirty  years  had  produced 
many  working  men  of  sufficient  talent  to  become  readers,  writers,  and 
speakers  in  the  village  meetings  for  parliamentary  reform '  (Hampden 
Clubs,  1816) — Bamford,  Passages  in  the  Life  of  a  Radical,  7  sq.  (ed.  1848). 
For  a  sketch  of  the  London  trade  clubs,  which  plainly  offended  his  aesthetic 
temperament,  see  23  sq.  '  Amongst  the  quiet  but  effective  labourers  .  .  . 
had  been  the  Sunday  school  teachers.  .  ,  .  With  the  single  imdeviating 
purpose  of  promoting  the  eternal  welfare  of  their  pupils,  they  were 
preparing  them  for  the  fit  discharge  of  their  sociaJ  and  public  duties. 
They  were  creating  thought  amongst  the  hitherto  unthinking  masses ' — 
Prentice,  op.  cit.,  116. 

»  Webb,  op.  cit.,  139. 


dissociated,  however  vaguely  they  may  have  been 
linked  together  in  the  minds  of  the  working  class.  But 
the  agitations  which  they  provoked  developed,  in  the 
main,  on  different  lines  ;  and  their  mode  of  appeal  and 
the  ways  in  which  they  affected  thought  and  character 
in  typical  cases  may  be  broadly  distinguished. 

The  Hampden  clubs  mark  the  beginnings  of  a  political 
movement  which  issued  in  Chartism.  With  it  may 
be  connected,  for  purposes  of  analysis,  the  earlier  and 
later  stages  of  the  Anti-Corn- Law  propaganda  and  the 
agitation  for  sundry  specific  reforms.  Their  common 
characteristic  is  that  they  drew  attention  to  particular 
laws,  or  the  state  of  the  constitution,  as  inmiediate  or 
ulterior  sources  of  evil.  In  so  far  as  they  set  men 
thinking  of  remote  causes  and  general  effects,  thereby 
substituting  deliberate  action  for  spasmodic  outbm'sts 
of  vengeance,  they  accomplished  an  elementary  stage 
of  political  education.  In  so  far  as  reliance  was  placed 
on  the  force  of  numbers  and  what  was  a  means  to  an 
end  tended  to  become  confused  with  the  end  itself, 
the  original  impulse  was  counteracted  and  repressed. 
Both  tendencies  are  foreshadowed  in  the  personality 
and  career  of  William  Cobbett.  His  writings  were  an 
effective  means  of  restraining  violence,  and  sowed  the 
seeds  of  constitutional  agitation.^  An  untiring  propa- 
gandist, touring  the  country  and  lecturing  in  town 
and  village,  he  was  the  precursor  of  Cobden  and  the 
League.    He   had  also  less  favourable  characteristics. 

^  'At  this  time  (1816)  the  writings  of  William  Cobbett  suddenly 
became  of  great  authority  ;  they  were  read  on  nearly  every  cottage 
hearth  in  the  manufacturing  districts  of  South  Lancashire  ;  in  those  of 
Leicester,  Derby,  and  Nottingham  ;  also  in  many  ot  the  Scottish  manu- 
facturing towns.  Their  influence  was  speedily  visible  ;  he  directed  his 
readers  to  the  true  cause  of  their  sufferings — misgovernment ;  pnd  to 
its  proper  corrective — parliamentary  reform.  Riots  soon  became  scarce, 
and  from  that  time  they  have  never  obtained  their  ancient  vogue  with 
the  labourers  of  this  comntry  ' — Bamford,  of.  cit.,  7 


The  idea  of  a  change  in  the  pohtical  system,  which  was 
to  remedy  every  grievance,  became  a  narcotic  no  less 
stupef}ang  than  the  breaking  of  machinery.  Ruthless 
invective  degenerated  easily  into  the  grosser  forms 
of  flattery  and  abuse  which  rendered  Chartism  the  least 
effective  of  popular  movements. 

The  agitation  led  by  Robert  Owen  had  much  wider 
and  less  practicable  aims ;  but  it  was  saved,  as  an 
educational  force,  by  elements  which  made  it  a  direct 
antithesis  to  the  political  movement.  The  object  of 
Chartism  was  a  political  deliverance.  The  object  of 
Owen  was  social  regeneration  and  the  creation  of  a 
*  new  moral  world.'  The  one  might  be  achieved  by 
Act  of  Parliament ;  the  other  demanded  a  '  revolution 
of  the  human  mind.'  Whereas  Chartist  leaders  were 
continually  appealing  to  class-antagonism  and  to  the 
power  of  numbers,  the  new  social  order  was  to  evolve 
through  the  effort  and  example  of  voluntary  groups, 
creating  for  themselves  an  independent  livelihood  and 
joining  in  the  work  of  mutual  improvement.  It  is  as 
futile  to  judge  Owen  by  his  communistic  utterances,  as 
to  judge  a  religion  by  its  formal  theology.  The  ideas 
which  he  suggested  were  of  more  value  than  the  system 
in  which  they  were  embodied.  A  vision  had  been 
granted,  and  character  was  being  formed.  When  all 
his  schemes  had  ended  in  bankruptcy,  there  were  men 
prepared  to  continue  his  work. 

The  ideal  set  before  the  Owenite  Societies  was  that 
of  acquiring  land  and  *  living  in  community.'  The 
Brighton  Co-operative  Society,  founded  in  1827,  went 
so  far  as  to  purchase  twenty-eight  acres  which  were 
cultivated  in  connection  with  their  grocery  store. 
Members  were  admitted  on  a  test  of  moral  respectabihty ; 
mental  improvement  was  to  be  a  means  and  complement 
^to  material  progress ;    and  one  of  their  first  objects 


was  to  provide  for  the  education  of  their  children. 
They  spent  their  leisure  in  reading  and  mutual  instruc- 
tion, and  appointed  one  of  their  number  librarian  and 
schoolmaster.*  None  of  the  early  societies  seem  to 
have  advanced  much  further.  They  became  small 
trading  and  producing  groups,  performing  to  some 
extent,  in  the  supply  of  their  immediate  needs  and 
in  relief  of  unemployment,  functions  which  were  after- 
wards divided  between  the  trade  union  and  the  dis- 
tributive store.  But  the  ideal  with  which  they  started 
is  not  insignificant ;  it  is  mentioned  in  the  original 
programme  of  the  Rochdale  pioneers ;  and  it  must 
be  considered  in  valuing  the  experiments  of  this  earlier 
period,  which  were  not  simply  exercises  in  economic 
co-operation  and  the  conduct  of  business.  The  idea 
of  a  self-contained,  self-developing  community  carried 
with  it  the  vision  of  social  harmony  and  of  a  life  well 
ordered,  sjrmmetrical  and  complete.  It  was  the  nucleus 
of  aims  whose  realisation  on  a  larger  scale  is  part  of 
the  general  progress  of  society.  The  higher  ideals 
were  never  wholly  obscured.  Some  provision  for 
education  and  social  intercourse  was  a  characteristic, 
and  often  the  most  persistent,  feature  of  these  early 
experiments."  At  the  central  institutions  where  Owen 
expounded  his  system  there  were  weekly  festivals, 
with  dance  and  song,  which  he  refused  to  abandon  in 
a  season  of  general  distress. 

^  Holyoake,  History  of  Co-operation,  692  sqq.  ;  Podmore,  Roberi 
Otoen,  389  sqq. 

*  A  group  of  stocking-frame  weavers  in  Sutton- in- Ashfi eld  (Notts), 
to  protect  thenaselves  from  the  middlemen,  after  the  trade- union  crisis 
in  1 834,  determined  to  start  co-operative  production.  Their  leader  informs 
Owen  that  they  have  devoted  the  remains  of  their  '  late  imion  fimd ' 
to  renting  a  building  for  the  purpose,  and  '  believing  that  knowledge 
is  power,  we  shall  appropriate  the  upper  room  ...  to  the  purpose 
of  a  school,  lecture  room,  etcj' — Podmore,  op.  cit.,  449  sq.  Cf.  n.  2, 
p.  217. 


In  1835,  after  the  simultaneous  collapse  of  the 
*  Trades-Union '  and  the  early  co-operative  movement, 
the  followers  of  Owen  devoted  themselves  to  a  propa- 
gandist crusade  which  extended  roughly  over  a  period 
of  ten  years.  The  '  Association  of  All  Classes  of  All 
Nations '  was  the  measure  of  their  enthusiasm ;  its 
later  name,  the  society  of  '  Rational  Religionists,'  defines 
the  quality  of  their  aims.  An  organisation  was  rapidly 
called  into  existence,  which  borrowed  from  the  example 
of  orthodox  religious  bodies.  The  kingdom  having 
been  divided  into  districts,  social  missionaries  were 
appointed  to  go  their  rounds,  lecturing  and  holding 
discussions.  In  some  of  the  towns  '  halls  of  science  ' 
were  erected,  where  a  form  of  service  was  held ;  and 
many  of  the  branches  opened  schools  for  young  and  old. 
The  distribution  of  tracts  alone  was  sufficient  to  alarm 
the  Churches.  In  1841  there  were  eighteen  mission- 
aries and  paid  lecturers  at  work,  in  addition  to  many 
who  rendered  voluntary  service,  travelling  long  dis- 
tances in  their  scanty  leisure.  The  avowed  object  was 
to  hasten  the  social  millennium,  by  preaching  the 
principles  of  Owen,  denouncing  the  evils  of  the  present 
order  and  stirring  men  to  a  practical  effort.  Many  of 
those  who  took  part  in  the  movement  were  emotional 
and  ill-informed ;  but  their  sincerity  was  undoubted. 
Their  rhetoric  was  that  of  missionaries  of  a  new  faith 
who  were  prepared  to  face  contumely  and  misrepre- 
sentation and  who  drove  home,  amid  much  crude 
dogmatism,  certain  simple  and  necessary  truths.  If 
they  attacked  apathy  in  high  places,  there  were  also 
unsparing  critics  of  ignorance  and  vice  among  their 
own  class.  They  were  among  the  foremost  advocates 
of  temperance  and  self-discipline,  which  they  aided 
by  their  example ;  and  they  preached  education  as 
the  basis  of  all  reform.    There  was  some  organised, 


and  much  casual,  opposition  ;  and  they  were  occasion- 
ally the  victims  of  loyal  mobs.^ 

All  this  bears  a  superJS.cial  resemblance  to  an  earlier 
movement,  which  had  been  connected  in  many  ways 
with  the  growth  of  democratic  consciousness.  The 
socialist  crusade  was  in  certain  respects  a  secular 
rendering  of  the  Methodist  Revival,  and  affords  a 
striking  illustration  of  the  change  of  circumstances 
which  has  brought  to  bear  on  social  problems  some- 
thing akin  to  religious  enthusiasm.  Both  "Wesley 
and  Owen  asserted  the  universality  of  their  mission. 
One  claimed  the  world  for  his  parish,  the  other  founded 
an  association  which  was  to  embrace  mankind.  The 
gospel  of  Owen  was  narrower  than  Methodism,  in 
that  it  was  essentially  of  this  world ;  it  was  broader 
in  so  far  as  it  unfolded  a  vision  of  social  progress ; 
where  its  influence  was  limited,  it  appealed  to  the 
elite  rather  than  to  the  elect.  The  distinction  is  not 
simply  verbal.  The  colony  at  Greenwood  consisted 
of  picked  men ;  the  halls  of  science,  at  any  rate 
in  London,  were  frequented  by  a  prosperous  class ; 
and  Owen  was  criticised  on  one  occasion  for  neglecting 
the  poor.2  But  the  difference  may  be  exaggerated. 
The  early  co-operators  and  their  successors  at  Rochdale 
belonged  to  that  class  among  the  poor  to  whom  Wesley 
had  appealed  with  greatest  effect ;  and  the  co-operative 
movement  loses  its  virtue  and  recuperative  power 
where  its  traditions  and  benefits  are  not  held  in  trust 
for  the  weaker  brethren. 

The  main  point  at  issue  between  the  social  and  the 

*  Lloyd  Jones,  op.  cit.,  294-388  ;  Holyoake,  op.  cit,  244  aqq.  The  moral 
influence  of  the  Harmony  Hall  Community  (Hants)  was  remarked  in  the 
neighbourhood — Somerville,  Whistler  at  the  Plough,  109,  116. 

■  The  subscription  at  the  Gray's  Inn  Road  Institution  seems  to  have 
been  prohibitive — Podmore,  op.  cit.,  426. 


political  movements  was  one  of  precedence.  Socialists, 
wrote  a  disciple,  are  Chartists  '  in  the  abstract ' ;  but 
they  would  first  have  the  people  educated  and  placed 
in  a  position  of  social  independence.  Then,  too,  the 
case  for  political  reform  would  be  better  worth  advancing 
and  more  likely  to  succeed.  Above  all,  '  exhibitions 
of  brute  force  '  were  to  be  avoided  on  principle.*  Lovett, 
who  represented  the  moderate  section  of  Chartist  opinion, 
seems  to  start  from  a  contradictory  premise.  The  fran- 
chise, he  maintained,  was  the  '  best  of  schoolmasters ' ; 
and  history  showed  that  prosperity  and  enlightenment 
followed  the  attainment  of  political  rights. ^  This  did 
not  prevent  him  endeavouring  to  develop  thought  among 
the  masses,  and  advocating  national  education  that  they 
might  be  empowered  to  assert  their  rights  and  prepared 
to  use  them.  Although  the  franchise  was  needed  zo 
effect  any  considerable  improvement  in  their  material 
condition,  much  benefit  might  be  derived  from  '  moral 
culture  '  and  self-control ;  and  it  was  important  that  the 
change  should  come  '  without  violence  '  and  through  the 
pressure  of  organised  moral  force.  The  course  of  events 
matured  his  conviction  that  education  was  the  only 
way,  if  the  movement  was  to  succeed  and  if  success 
was  to  be  a  permanent  benefit.  '  True  liberty,'  he 
concludes,  *  cannot  be  conferred  by  Act  of  Parliament . . . 
but  must  spring  from  the  knowledge,  morality,  and 
public  virtue  '  of  the  people.  ^ 

The  Working  Men's  Association,  for  which  Lovett 
wrote,  had  formulated  the  Charter,  but  exercised  very 
little  control  over  the  course  of  the  movement.  It 
had  been  organised  in  1836  to  promote  radical  causes, 

^  Podmore,  op.  cit,  455. 

*  Address  to  the  Working  Classes  of  Europe  ;  Address  to  the  People  of 
England  (1838).     Lovett,  Autobiography,  158,  175. 

■  Address  to  the  Working  Classes  on  the  Subject  of  Education,  1837 ; 
Address  to  the  Political  and  Social  Reformers,  etc.,  1841.     Ibid.,  135,  245. 


to  collect  and  sift  information  on  labour  questions, 
to  unite  the  intelligent  sections  of  the  working  class, 
and  to  educate  pubhc  opinion.  It  provided  a  meeting- 
place  for  a  mixed  group  of  reformers ;  and  though  its 
influence  was  not  widely  extended,  a  number  of  branches 
were  formed  in  the  provinces.  In  1841  the  London 
members  undertook  the  promotion  of  an  educational 
scheme  which  Lovett  had  outlined  during  his  imprison- 
ment in  the  previous  year.  A  national  hall  was  opened 
in  Holbom,  containing  a  library  and  coffee-room  for 
the  use  of  members,  and  providing  lectures,  concerts, 
and  classes,  which  were  open  to  the  public  on  reason- 
able terms.  The  premises  were  used  as  a  Sunday 
school ;  and  subsequently  a  day  school  was  added, 
affording  a  superior  elementary  education  to  the  children 
of  a  superior  class.  The  movement  seems  never  to 
have  extended  beyond  the  MetropoUs  ;  and  the  dearth 
of  '  book  knowledge  '  among  the  general  body  of  the 
Chartists  is  lamented  by  their  most  favourable  critic* 
A  hopeful  experiment  started  by  Thomas  Cooper  at 
Leicester  ^  went  to  pieces  owing  to  a  depression  of 

^  Gammage,  History  of  the  Chartist  Movement,  111. 

*  The  Shakespearean  Association  of  Leicester  Chartists,  so-called 
from  the  'Shakespeare  Room'  iu  which  they  met  (1841).  'I  formed,' 
writes  Cooper,  '  an  adiilt  Sunday  school  for  men  and  boys,  who  were  at 
work  on  week-days.  All  the  more  intelhgent  in  our  ranks  gladly  assisted 
as  teachers  ;  and  we  soon  had  the  room  filled  on  Sunday  mornings 
and  afternoons.  The  Old  and  New  Testaments,  Channing's  Self-CvUure 
and  other  tracts,  of  which  I  do  not  remember  the  names,  formed  our 
class-books.  And  we  fancifully  named  our  classes,  not  first,  second, 
third,  etc.,  but  the  "  Algernon  Sydney  Class,"  "  Andrew  Marvell  Class," 
"  John  Hampden  Class,"  etc.'  Among  the  members  were  two  minor 
poets,  a  stocking- weaver  and  a  '  glove-hand,'  whom  Cooper  induced  to 
write  hymns  for  the  Simday  meetings.  '  We  now  usually  held  two  or 
three  meetings  in  the  Shakespearean  Room  on  week- nights,  as  well  as 
on  Sunday  night.  Unless  there  was  some  stirring  local  or  pohtical  topic, 
I  lectured  on  Milton  and  repeated  portions  of  Paradise  Lost,  or  on  Shakes- 
peare and  repeated  portions  of  Hamlet,  or  on  Burns  and  repeated  Tarn 
o'  Shanter ;  or  I  recited  the  History  of  England,  and  set  the  portraits  of 
great  Englishmen  before  the  young  Chartists,  who  listened  with  intense 
interest ;  or  I  took  up  geology,  or  even  phrenology,  and  made  the  young 



trade.     '  What  care  we  about  reading,  if  we  can  get 
naught  to  eat  ?  ' 

Lovett  had  served  his  political  apprenticeship  in 
the  co-operative  movement ;  and  the  addresses  which 
he  issued  to  the  public  between  1836  and  1845  were 
strongly  imbued  with  the  spirit  of  Owen.  He  con- 
trasted the  policy  of  physical  force  with  that  of  uniting 
the  working  classes  *  upon  principles  of  knowledge  and 
temperance,  and  the  management  of  their  own  affairs.' 
He  would  have  the  political  leaders  proclaim  '  un- 
palatable truths  ' ;  and  he  protested  against  the  atmos- 
phere of  beer-shops  in  which  meetings  were  held.  The 
democracy  was  to  be  eminently  '  respectable.'  Working 
men  were  to  meet  for  mutual  instruction  and  to  blend 
study  with  rational  amusement.  They  were  to  exclude 
drimkards  and  immoral  persons  from  their  ranks.  They 
were  to  '  quicken  the  intellects '  of  their  wives  and 
children.  The  scheme  of  voluntary  association  which 
he  published  in  1841  is  almost  certainly  borrowed,  in 
outline,  from  the  socialists.  He  proposed  that  halls 
should  be  erected,  to  be  used  as  schools  in  the  day  time  ; 
that  paid  missionaries  should  be  appointed  ;  that  there 
should  be  circulating  libraries,  and  a  distribution  of 
tracts ;  and  that  the  instruction  of  adults  in  physical, 
moral,  and  political  science  should  be  combined  with 
the  lighter  influences  of  dance  and  song.  How  far  the 
underlying  conception  of  a  change  of  mind  and  character 
is  due  to  the  influence  of  Owen,  it  is  useless  to  inquire. 
Lovett  belonged  to  a  superior  class  of  artisans  who 
had  no  recognised  leader  and  were  preparing  to  exercise 
an  authority  of  their  own.  They  drew  inspiration  from 
many  movements,  and  were  too  much  in  advance  of 

men  acquainted  elementally  with  the  knowledge  of  the  time.'  Incidentally, 
he  preached  temperance  and  administered  the  pledge  to  several  himdreds — 
Cooper,  Autobiography,  164-9. 


their  generation  to  be  complete  disciples.  The  Working 
Men's  Association  had  aims  suifficiently  elastic  to 
comprehend  every  phase  of  radical  opinion.  It  offered 
a  common  platform  to  men  so  widely  sundered  as  Owen 
and  Francis  Place ;  and  its  programme  betrays  the 
influence  of  the  middle-class  group  who  were  interested 
in  the  diffusion  of  useful  knowledge.  It  marks  the 
climax  in  a  series  of  efforts  to  organise  a  'peaceful 
expression  of  public  opinion,'  and  it  goes  a  step 
beyond.  Its  object  was  essentially  educational ;  and 
it  is  the  first  example  of  a  democratic  organisation 
whose  programme  was  not  wholly  or  primarily  sectarian. 
It  proposed  to  collect  information  on  economic  condi- 
tions, and  to  found  its  propaganda  on  a  basis  of  exact 

^  Programme  of  the  Working  Men's  Association  for  benefiting  politically, 
morally,  and  socially  the  tiseful  classes  (1836)  :  (1)  'To  draw  into  one 
bond  of  unity  the  intelligent  and  influential  portion  of  the  working  classes 
in  town  and  country  '  ;  (2)  political  and  social  equality  ;  (3)  a  free  press  ; 
(4)  national  education  ;  (5)  to  collect  information  on  laboxir  questions, 
e.g.  wages,  habits  and  condition  of  labourers  ;  (6)  to  meet  and  digest  this 
information,  and  plan  accordingly  ;  (7)  '  To  publish  their  views  and 
sentiments  in  such  form  and  manner  as  shall  best  serve  to  create  a  moral, 
reflecting  yet  energetic  pubUc  opinion,  so  as  eventually  to  lead  to  a  gradual 
improvement  in  the  condition  of  the  working  classes,  without  violence 
or  commotion '  ;  (8)  '  To  form  a  hbrary  of  reference  and  useful  information,* 
and  to  maintain  a  place  of  meeting — Lovett,  Autobiography,  92  sq.  Lovett 
had  been  induced  to  found  the  Association  by  Dr.  James  Black  of  Ken- 
tucky, who  came  to  London  in  1834  with  the  idea  of  promoting  Working 
Men's  Educational  Associations ;  but  the  movement  had  English  ante- 
cedents. The  National  Union  of  the  Working  Classes  and  Others  (1831), 
in  which  Lovett  took  a  leading  part,  started  with  the  game  general  social 
and  political  aims,  including  that  of  collecting  and  organising  a  '  peaceful 
expression  of  public  opinion,'  which  does  not  seem  to  have  met  with 
much  success.  Another  possible  influence  is  suggested  by  a  circular, 
among  the  Place  MSS.,  proposing  a  '  Society  for  the  Diffusion  of  Political 
and  Moral  Knowledge,'  with  the  following  programme :  (1)  to  publish 
works  at  a  suitable  cost ;  (2)  to  sanction  works  published  elsewhere  ; 
(3)  to  promote  educational  measures  in  Parliament.  A  meeting  was 
called  in  Roebuck's  rooms  for  Jan.  14,  1833— Place,  Add.  MSS.  (B.M.), 
27827,  39. 




The  repeal  of  the  Corn  Laws  in  1846  was  suggestive 
of  a  profound  change  which  had  passed  over  English 
society  since  the  eve  of  the  Industrial  Revolution. 
Agriculture,  still  the  largest  industry,  had  ceased  to 
govern  the  poHcy  of  the  nation ;  rural  life  no  longer 
supplied  a  recognised  model.  The  agricultural  labourer, 
at  any  rate  in  the  South,  had  scarcely  emerged  from 
a  long  experience  of  physical  depression  and  social 
displacement.  In  material  condition  he  was  slightly 
in  advance  of  the  domestic  manufacturer,  a  companion 
in  misery  ;i  in  intellectual  culture,  judged  by  the 
ordinary  tests  of  instruction,  he  stood  at  a  lower  level ; 
and  the  percentage  of  crime  was  said  to  be  greater,  as 
a  rule,  in  agricultural  than  in  manufacturing  counties.^ 
Enclosure  had,  in  certain  material  respects,  diminished 
his  prospects  and  loosened  his  social  ties.  In  this 
weakened  condition  there  was  nothing  to  resist  disruptive 
influences  which  came  from  without.  An  education 
based  on  urban  models  played  its  part  in  hastening 
the  catastrophe,  and  the  rural  exodus  set  in  apace. 
The  neglected  state  of  rural  labour  in  the  middle  of 
the  century  was  among  the  most  ominous  features  of 
English  social  life.      The  labourer  might  retrieve   his 

*  Tuckett,  Past  and  Present  State  of  the  Labouring  Population,  ii.  612. 

*  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Social  Condition  and  Education  of  the  People,  i.  391. 



position,  but  the  nation  has  been  slow  to  recover  the 
balance  of  its  ideals. 

A  group  which  in  the  eighteenth  century  stood  in 
the  lowest  rank  had  been  meanwhile  steadily  advancing. 
The  miners  were  less  exposed  than  any  other  class  to 
economic  displacement ;  and  their  wages  were  re- 
latively high.i  The  Tyne  Valley  in  1852  exhibited  a 
state  of  material  prosperity  which  was  not  easily 
rivalled.  Housing  accommodation  in  the  newer  col- 
lieries had  distinctly  improved ;  cottages  were  sub- 
stantially furnished ;  and  food  was  abundant.*  In 
Cornwall,  where  earnings  were  at  a  lower  rate,  many 
of  the  miners  had  gardens  and  leisure  to  cultivate 
them,  while  others  practised  carpentry  or  fishing.' 
No  part  of  the  country  had  been  more  completely 
civilised  by  the  Methodist  Revival.  It  is  as  fair  to  lay 
stress  on  these  examples  as  on  the  charges  of  gross 
feeding,  roughness,  and  mental  lethargy,  which  were 
commonly  levelled  at  the  mining  population.  A  claas 
which  was  still  emerging  from  barbarism  was  an  easy 
mark  for  censure ;  and  the  conditions  of  employment 
were  fraught  with  innumerable  abuses.  But  there  were 
noted  exceptions ;  the  worst  forms  of  intemperance 
and  brutality  were  a  survival  from  the  past ;  crime 
in  the  Tyne  Valley  was  considerably  less  than  in 
the  manufacturing  districts ;   and  everywhere  religious 

»  Tuckett,  op.  cit,,  ii.  536-41. 

»  Our  Coals  and  Coal  Pits,  etc.,  by  a  Traveller  Underground  (1853),  199. 
In  parts  of  the  agricultural  districts  precisely  the  reverse  is  noticed : 
'  a  cottage  erected  in  the  last  century  will  be  generally  found  to  be  com- 
modious and  roomy ;  very  different  in  the  supply  of  comforts  and  con- 
veniences from  the  hovels  which  are  now  ordinarily  appropriated  to  the 
labouring  class  '  (Rev.  H.  Worsley,  Easton,  Suffolk) — Kay-Shuttleworth, 
i.  521.  Cobbett  notices  '  in  all  the  really  agricultural  villages  .  .  .  a  great 
dilapidation  and  constant  pulling  down  or  falling  down  of  hoiises ' — 
Rural  Rides,  Oct.  31,  1822. 

»  Cornwall,  its  Mines  and  Miners,  etc.,  by  the  author  of  Our  CoaJs 
and  Coal  Pits,  289  sq.  (1855). 


influences  were  at  work  refining  manners  and  promoting 
education.  The  Commission  of  1843  ^  draws  a  broad 
distinction  between  coal  and  iron  mines  and  other 
branches  of  the  mining  industry.  In  the  lead  mines 
of  Alston  Moor  there  were  village  libraries,  and  a 
superior  system  of  elementary  schools  attended  by 
children  between  the  ages  of  six  and  eleven,  and  by 
boys  in  winter  up  to  fourteen. ^  In  Cornwall,  most  of 
the  children  we:e  regularly  at  school  until  the  age  of 
employment,  which  was  seldom  lower  than  ten  or  twelve. 
Here  juvenile  labour  was  comparatively  light ;  and  dis- 
tance, rather  than  fatigue,  prevented  attendance  at  even- 
ing classes.3  Elementary  education  was  less  advanced 
in  Northumberland  and  Durham,  but  not  a  few  of  the 
colliers  had  begun  to  develop  the  mental  capacity  which 
made  this  district,  in  later  years,  one  of  the  most 
remarkable  centres  of  University  Extension.*  It  may 
be  noticed  that  in  1847  the  Miners'  Association  petitioned 
Parliament  for  a  measure  furthering  education,  after 
the  manner  of  the  Factory  Acts.** 

Meanwhile  the  mass  of  the  population  was  collect- 
ing in  the  towns,  and  the  general  result  was  by  no  means 
clear.  The  great  centres  of  commerce  and  transport 
at  the  present  day  difier  socially  from  towns  of  a  more 
purely  industrial  type ;  whilst  the  Metropolis  stands 
almost   in   a   class    by  itself.     The  same   distinctions 

*  The  Children's  Employment  Commission. 

2  Ibid.,  Digest  of  Report,  193-5.  '  Ibid.,  187-9. 

*  The  author  of  Cornwall,  its  Mines  and  Miners,  228,  notices  that 
Cornwall  produced  relatively  few  students  of  science  and  mathematics, 
studies  which  were  not  uncommonly  pursued  in  the  North.  See  Quarterly 
Review,  No.  220,  p.  360 — '  Some  (after  the  day's  work)  repair  to  the 
Methodist  Meeting,  some  to  the  Club,  some  practise  in  the  village  band, 
some  play  upon  melancholy  instruments  at  home,  and  some  study  mathe- 
matical books  picked  up  at  stalls  in  the  town.  The  mathematicians 
are  most  to  our  liking,  and  we  find  not  a  few  here  and  there  of  very 
respectable  attainments '  (Northumberland  and  Durham). 

*  Nelson  Boyd,  Coal  Pits  and  Pitmen  (second  edition),  130. 


appeared  in  the  middle  of  the  last  century.  In  Liver- 
pool and  Manchester  there  was  a  larger  proportion  of 
casual,  ill-housed  and  sweated  labour  than  in  Bir- 
mingham and  some  of  the  manufacturing  towns 
of  the  North ;  and  the  worst  examples  of  congestion 
and  sanitary  abuse  in  the  manufacturing  districts 
were  surpassed  in  the  poorer  parts  of  London.^ 
What  underlay  these  differences  was  only  dimly 

A  treatise  which  appeared  in    1846  classifies  the 
workers  directly  dependent  on  manufactures  into  three 
groups.     '  In  an   average  state  of  trade,   about  one- 
third  .  .  .  are  plunged  in  the  most  extreme  misery,  and 
hovering  on  the  verge  of  actual   starvation.     Another 
third  or   perhaps  a  few  more  are  earning  an  income 
scarcely  better  than  that  of  the  common  agricultural 
labourer ;    but  under  circumstances  directly  injurious 
to  health,  morality  and  domestic  comfort,  being  to  a 
considerable  extent  dependent  upon  the  exertions  of 
their  young  children  ;  and  the  mothers  also  contributing 
to   produce   this   state   of   comparative   independence. 
And  the  other  third  earning  high  wages,  amply  sufficient 
to  support  them  in  respectability  and  comfort.'  ^     The 
factory  operatives,  who  excited  most  attention,  were 
not  the  worst  situated.    Below  them  were  the  hand- 
loom  weavers ;    a  class  whose  condition  had  steadily 
deteriorated,  dwelling  in  cellars,  bred  to  irregular  habits, 
without  power  of  combination,  and,  for  the  most  part, 
beyond    the    reach    of    instruction.     The    impressions 
collected  by  Francis  Place,  which  have  been  preserved 
in  manuscript,  deal  more  generally  with  social  progress 
between  1790  and  the  passing  of  the  Eeform  Bill.     The 
barbarism   which   he   remembered   in    his    youth   had 

^  Tuckett,  <yp.  cit,  ii.  489  sqq. ;   Kay-Shuttleworth,  i.  454. 
*  Tuckett,  op.  cit.,  ii.  495. 


steadily  declined  ;  and  he  notices  a  general  improvement 
in  habits,  cleanliness  and  intelligence,  extending  down- 
wards indefinitely  in  the  social  scale.  But  the  force  of 
his  testimony  is  weakened  by  an  undisguised  and  un- 
critical optimism.  There  is  no  pretence  of  distinguish- 
ing economic  tendencies  ;  and  many  of  his  remarks  are 
difficult  to  reconcile  with  other  evidence  which  points 
to  the  growth  of  a  labour-swamp  in  his  immediate 
neighbourhood.^  Two  points,  however,  are  clearly  sug- 
gested :  there  had  been  a  marked  improvement  in 
the  higher  grades  of  labour,  and  some  of  the  cotton 
mills  were  abodes  of  vice.'  What  he  proves  is  rather 
a  gradual  process  of  selection  than  a  imiform  advance. 
Progress  became  more  rapid  during  the  next  thirty 
years,  and  was  especially  noticeable  in  the  manufac- 
turing districts.  The  large  towns  established  Boards 
of  Health,  and  commenced  a  systematic  treatment 
of  sanitary  abuses.^  Free  trade,  accompanied  by  a 
return  of  commercial  prosperity,  lowered  prices  and 
increased  employment.  Lancashire  became  the  centre 
of  a  remarkable  temperance  crusade  which  originated 
among  the  working  class.*  Co-operation  diffused  moral 
no  less  than  material  benefits ;  and  a  shortening  of 
the  hours  of  labour  was  accompanied  by  a  development 
of  the  means  of  recreation  and  instruction.  Factory 
laws  had  begun  to  tell  on  the  condition  of  the  operatives. 
Formerly  below  the  average  in  morals,  intelligence  and 
physique,  they  were  becoming  part  of  the  aristocracy 
of  labour.*    Yet,   in   Manchester,    between    1841  and 

^  Kay-Shuttleworth,  op.  cit.,  i.  457 ;  cf.  462. 

*  Phce  MSS.  27827,  192. 

'  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Four  Periods  of  Edvcation,  42,  94  sq. 

*  Ludlow  and  Jones,  Progress  of  the  Working  Class,  248  sqq. 

'  Ibid.,  110  sqq.  In  1843,  19  per  cent,  factory  children  attended 
National,  British  and  denominational  schools,  45  per  cent,  dame  and 
private  schools  ;  in  1860,  70  per  cent,  attended  public  schools,  14  per  cent. 


1860,  the  rate  of  infant  mortality  had  not  diminished.* 
In  the  midst  of  an  advancing  society  there  was  a 
residuum  that  did  not  improve. 

A  fresh  light  has  been  thrown  on  the  situation  by 
more  recent  inquiries  which  have  investigated  the 
problem  at  a  later  stage.  In  the  Booth  survey  of 
London  labour,  completed  in  1902,  stress  is  laid  on  a 
process  of  selection  which  is  creating  a  new  middle  class. 
The  social  groups  extend  in  a  continuous  series,  but  the 
division  between  the  lower  middle  and  the  upper 
working  class  is  in  a  special  sense  indeterminate.  ^    At 

private  (not  dame)  schools.  Beneficial  effect  of  factory  legislation  on  the 
attitude  of  employers  to  social  reform  generally,  ibid.,  112. 

^  Kay-Shuttleworth,  Four  Periods  of  Education,  148  sq.  1841,  1M89 
per  cent.  ;    1861,  10-58  per  cent.  ;   1860,  11-34  per  cent. 

•  '  Closely  connected  with  the  vitality  and  expansion  of  industry,  we 
trace  the  advancement  of  the  individual  which  in  the  aggregate  is  repre- 
sented by  the  vitality  and  expansion  of  London.  This  it  is  that  draws 
from  the  provinces  their  best  blood,  and  amongst  Londoners  selects  the 
most  fit.  Amongst  such  it  is  common  for  the  children  to  aim  at  a  higher 
position  than  their  parents  held  ;  and  for  the  young  people  when  they 
marry  to  move  to  a  new  house  in  a  better  district.  A  new  middle  class 
is  thus  forming  which  will,  perhaps,  hold  the  future  in  its  grasp.  Its 
advent  seems  to  me  the  great  social  fact  of  to-day.  Those  who  consti- 
tute this  class  are  the  especial  product  of  the  push  of  industry ;  within 
their  circle  religion  and  education  find  the  greatest  response ;  amongst 
them  all  popular  movements  take  their  rise,  and  from  them  draw  their 
leaders.  To  them,  in  proportion  as  they  have  ideas,  poUtical  power  will 
pass  '  — Booth,  Life  and  Labour  in  London,  final  vol.,  204.  As  to  the 
composition  of  this  class,  he  remarks  that  the  '  organisation  of  modem 
industry  finds  room  for  much  cheap  clerk  work  for  which  the  elementary 
schools  ensure  a  copious  supply,  and  requires  also,  on  the  practical  side 
of  the  work,  men  of  skill  and  character  who  earn  higher  wages  than  these 
clerks.  Thus  the  financial  distinction  between  clerk  and  working  man 
tends  to  break  down,  and  when  for  any  purpose  they  consort  together 
or  make  common  cause,  the  social  distinction  is  apt  to  break  down  too  ' — 
ibid.  ser.  3,  vol.  7,  400.  It  has  been  observed  that  in  social  and  educational 
movements  the  term  '  working  man '  has  to  be  Uberally  interpreted ; 
it  must  include  the  salaried  clerk  as  well  as  the  wage-earner.  This  does 
not  necessarily  imply,  as  it  might  have  done  in  the  earUer  half  of  the  last 
century,  that  labour  movements  are  losing  their  hold  on  labour ;  in  a 
sense  it  means  that  the  status  of  labour  has  advanced.  In  educational 
classes,  at  the  present  day,  working  men  study  on  an  equaUty  with  clerks 
and  others,  who  are  often  members  of  working-class  families,  whereas  in  the 
Mechanics'  Institutes  the  entrance  of  '  middle  class '  students  generally 
led  to  the  withdrawal  of  the  artisans. 


the  same  time  there  is  a  distinction  between  the  leaders 
and  the  masses,  and  in  certain  respects  a  growing  cleav- 
age *  between  the  upper  and  lower  grades  of  manual 
labour.'  ^  The  Majority  Report  of  the  Poor  Law  Com- 
mission introduces  a  further  set  of  distinctions.  Labour 
is  classified  provisionally  into  two  groups,  the  skilled  and 
the  imskilled,  and  the  latter  subdivided  into  a  higher 
and  a  lower  grade — the  criterion  in  this  case  being  the 
regularity  of  the  wage  rather  than  its  amount. ^  This 
distinction,  which  lays  no  claim  to  scientific  accuracy, 
finds  a  practical  justification  in  the  growth  of  casual 
employment  since  the  Poor  Law  Reform  of  1834, 
chiefly  in  dock  centres  but  also  in  other  branches  of 
industry.^  The  witnesses  were  agreed  that  the  position 
of  skilled  workers  had  improved,  and  the  same  opinion 
was  expressed,  though  with  less  confidence,  of  the 
higher  grade  of  unskilled  labour ;  but  there  was 
evidence,  especially  from  London  and  other  crowded 
industrial  centres,  that  the  condition  of  labourers  of 
the  lower  grade  had  deteriorated.  *  In  London  the 
number  of  unskilled  labourers  would  seem  to  have 
doubled  within  the  past  fifty  years  and  to  have  '  in- 
creased at  a  greater  rate  than  the  population  as  a  whole,' 
whilst  one  half  of  them  are  described  as  living  in  an 
'overcrowded  condition,'  and  they  have  as  a  rule  no 
access  to  higher  forms  of  employment.^    Education  is 

*  Booth,  op.  cit.,  ser.  3,  vol.  7,  400. 

'  Poor  Law  Commission,  Majority  Report,  361. 

=«  Ibid.,  334  sqq.  *  Ibid.,  361. 

'  Ibid.,  328.  Mr.  Sidney  Webb  asserts  that  the  skilled  grades, in  the 
London  building  trade,  the  most  typical  London  industry,  are  recruited 
from  the  country  ;  the  proportion  of  country- born  workmen  in  breweries, 
on  railways,  etc.,  is  50  per  cent,  or  even  65  per  cent.  ;  the  London  police 
force,  fire  brigade,  elementary  teaching  profession,  city  warehouses,  etc., 
have  a  very  small  percentage  of  born  Londoners.  '  So  far  as  we  can  make 
out,  the  London  industry  in  which  there  is  the  highest  percentage  of  bom 
Londoners  is  that  of  unskilled  general  labour.     This  section  must  comprise 


at  once  a  measure  and  a  cause  of  social  characteristics. 
At  one  end  of  the  scale  is  a  class  whose  homes  are  well 
governed  and  whose  children  respond  to  the  spirit  of 
improvement.  At  the  other  is  a  submerged  and  dis- 
organised group  who  lack  the  natural  incentives  to 
progress.  The  children,  bred  in  an  atmosphere  of 
neglect,  leave  school  at  the  earliest  opportunity. 
Following  the  example,  and  impelled  by  the  needs,  of 
their  parents  they  take  to  the  least  satisfactory  occupa- 
tions, and  the  vicious  circle  is  complete.^ 

Before  proceeding,  it  is  necessary  to  repeat  a  word 
of  caution  which  was  suggested  in  the  opening  chapter. 
A  classification  of  social  groups  which  applies  to  the 
country  as  a  whole  requires  to  be  supplemented  by  a 
classification  of  areas,  having  regard  to  the  relative 
preponderance  of  different  groups  within  the  local 
community.  Social  conditions  in  London  and  other 
crowded  centres  differ  not  in  degree,  but  in  kind,  from 
those  prevailing  in  more  purely  industrial  areas  where 

something  like  half  a  million  of  population  in  the  Administrative  County 
of  London  alone.  Its  social  condition  may  be  judged  from  the  fact 
that  not  less  than  half  of  it  lives  in  an  overcrowded  condition' — 
Ibid.,  328. 

^  '  The  general  features  prevailing  in  the  homes  of  these  neglected  or 
underfed  school  children  are  strikingly  alike.  .  .  .  There  is  an  absolute 
lack  of  organisation  in  the  family  Ufe.  It  seems  to  be  entirely  absent 
under  conditions  where  careful  and  minute  organisation  of  the  family 
resources  is  more  essential  than  anything  else.  Existence  drags  along 
anyhow ;  the  hours  of  work,  leisure  and  sleep  are  equally  uncertain  and 
irregular.  .  .  .  The  imderfeeding  of  the  children  is  but  a  pajt  of  a  more 
important  feature  in  the  hfe  of  this  district.  The  children's  health  is 
affected  by  many  different  evils,  overcrowding,  want  of  sleep,  dirt,  and 
general  irregularity  of  life '  (Liverpool  dock  districts) — Poor  Law  Com- 
mission, Minority  Report,  841.  '  The  elaborate  investigation  made  by 
the  London  County  Council  into  the  circumstances  of  the  families  whose 
children  need  to  be  fed  at  school,  brings  to  light  not  only  that  it  is  very 
largely  the  offspring  of  the  under- em  ployed  casual  labourers  who  are 
thus  growing  up  stunted,  under- nourished,  and  inadequately  clothed  ; 
but  also  that,  in  the  vast  msjority  of  the  cases,  the  children  lack  not  food 
and  clothing  only,  but  even  a  low  minimum  of  home  care' — Ibid.,  1149. 
Cf.  Reports  of  Board  of  Education  on  Medical  Inspection. 


the  average  of  prosperity  is  higher  and  the  level  more 
uniform.  Well-to-do  workers  in  the  manufacturing 
districts  may  earn  less  individually  than  the  higher 
grade  of  London  artisans,  but  their  proportion  to  the 
rest  of  the  population  is  greater  ;  they  occupy  a  central 
position  in  social  life,  and  give  a  tone  to  the  community. 
As  the  ratio  of  such  workers  to  the  population  diminishes, 
their  influence  approaches  a  point  at  which  it  disappears 
altogether.  This  conclusion  lends  support  to  a  principle 
which  was  deduced  at  an  earlier  stage  of  the  inquiry. 
Social  characteristics  depend  less  upon  the  amount  of 
income  which  a  class  enjoys,  than  upon  its  relation 
to  that  of  other  classes.  A  class  loses  its  morale,  not 
where  its  income  is  small  in  the  aggregate,  but  where 
it  is  small  in  relation  to  the  accumulated  wealth  of 
the  neighbourhood.  Where  the  workers  are  not  over- 
shadowed by  a  numerous  and  wealthier  class,  they  are 
more  hkely  to  develop  initiative  and  self-confidence, 
and  to  provide  material  for  educational  movements, 
than  in  areas  where  distinctions  in  wealth  and  social 
prestige  are  strongly  marked. 

Yet  the  evils  which  have  been  noticed  as  a  tendency 
of  the  age,  though  their  incidence  may  vary  with  local 
conditions,  exert  an  influence  more  or  less  direct  on 
every  t3rpe  of  industrial  community.  In  the  earlier 
half  of  the  last  century  large  numbers  of  workers  had 
not  been  absorbed  in  the  industrial  system,  and  an  old 
race  of  domestic  manufacturers  was  being  squeezed 
out  of  existence.  To-day  it  is  seen  that  industrial 
changes  result  in  a  continuous  rejection  of  the  weak  and 
inefficient,^  while  a  large  part  of  the  labouring  class  is 

^  *  As  specialisation  becomes  more  marked  and  definite,  those  who 
have  been  .  .  .  habituated  to  the  processes  that  are  superseded  find  it 
more  difficult  to  find  occupation  elsewhere.  Trade  unions  and  Employers' 
Associations  have  .  .  .  succeeded,  the  one  in  raising  the  standard  of 


permanently  under-employed.  Commerce  has  created 
nmnerous  openings  for  casual  and  intermittent  labour, 
and  the  number  of  those  competing  for  this  form  of 
maintenance  is  periodically  increased  by  a  deflux  from 
the  ranks  above  them.  Once  out  of  the  ranks  of 
specialised  industry,  the  position  of  the  labourer  is 
radically  changed.  Among  the  poor,  a  rise  in  nominal 
earnings  does  not  add  to  their  resources  in  the  same 
proportion  as  a  corresponding  advance  in  the  higher 
grades.^  Competition  for  the  means  of  subsistence 
increases,  while  occupation  and  environment  bar  the 
way  to  recovery. 

The  analysis  may  be  carried  back  a  stage  further. 
The  same  forces  have  affected  the  lives  of  the  rising 
generation ;  and  the  magnitude  of  the  evil  is  accentuated 
as  we  approach  its  source.  '  We  have,'  says  Mr. 
Sidney  Webb,  *  a  great  development  of  employments 
for  boy^  of  a  thoroughly  bad  type,  yielding  high  wages 
and  no  training,'  and  a  positive  decrease  '  of  places 
for  boys  in  which  they  are  trained  to  become  competent 
men.' "  The  growth  of  commerce  has  developed  forms 
of  juvenile  labour  which  afford  no  preparation  for  an 
after-career  and  are  often  physically  and  morally 
harmful.  Specialisation  has  created  openings  for  boys 
and  girls  in  productive  trades,  in  which  there  is  no 
chance  of  their  being  absorbed  in  later  life,  but  which 
retain  their  services  until  they  are  too  old  to  seek 
regular  employment.^  The  critical  period  occurs  between 

wages,  the  other  the  standard  of  industrial  efficiency.  Those  who  are  not 
in  the  prime  of  life  nor  in  possession  of  adequate  physical  strength  or 
competency,  are  apt  to  fall  out  of  an  industrial  system  which  is  above 
their  level ' — Poor  Law  Commission,  Majority  Report,  359 ;  cf.  334-41. 

1  Ibid.,  309.  »  Ibid.,  327. 

•  '  The  problem  owes  its  rise  in  the  main  to  the  growth  of  cities  as  dis- 
tributive centres — chiefly,  and  most  disastrously,  London — giving  inna- 
merable  openings  for  errand  boys,  milk  boys,  office  and  shop  boys,  bookstall 
boys,  van,  lorry,  and  trace  boys,  street  sellers,  etc.     In  nearly  all  these 


the  time  of  leaving  school  and  the  age  at  which  apprentice- 
ship usually  begins  ;  and  it  is  said  that  between  seventy 
and  eighty  per  cent,  of  the  boys  who  pass  through 
elementary  schools  enter  unskilled  trades.^  At  the 
same  time  the  growth  of  large  establishments  and  the 
separation  of  processes  which  were  formerly  included 
in  a  single  craft  have  diminished  the  value  of  appren- 
ticeship as  a  means  of  industrial,  and  still  more  of 
moral,  training.  ^ 

The  tendency  is  one  which  has  been  noticed  at 
an  earlier  period.  Economic  change  is  continually 
increasing  the  need  of  training  and  self-control,  and 
undermining  influences  which  formerly  controlled  and 
educated.  The  higher  forms  of  manufacture  suffer 
from  a  dearth  of  competent  artisans ;  ^  and  the  decay 
of  craftsmanship  is  seen  no  less  in  agriculture  than 
in  urban  industry.  Rural  crafts  cease  to  be  trans- 
mitted from  father  to  son,  and  the  farmer  is  generally 
not  in  a  position  to  instruct  his  labourers.  The  same 
is  true  of  the  domestic  arts.     The  home  Ufe  of  the  poorest 

occupations  the  training  received  leads  to  nothing  ;  and  the  occupations 
themselves  are  in  most  cases  destructive  to  healthy  development,  owing 
to  long  hours,  long  periods  of  standing,  walking  or  merely  waiting,  and, 
morally,  are  wholly  demoraUsing.  .  .  .  This  particular  problem,  it  will 
be  noticed,  is  not  a  problem  of  factory  industry.  But  there  is  another 
and  even  more  serious  form  of  the  problem,  where  boys  on  leaving  school 
enter,  without  apprenticeship,  into  trades  where  there  are  no  possible 
openings  for  them  when  grown  up  ;  loom-boys,  dofiers,  shifters  in  the 
cotton  and  woollen  trades — where,  it  is  said,  there  is  httle  possibility  of 
more  than  one  in  ten  being  ultimately  absorbed — rivet  boys  in  shipbuilding, 
drawers  ofE  in  saw  mills,  packers  in  soap  works,  etc.  In  many  of  these 
trades  they  are  tempted  by  high  wages  to  remain  till  they  are  too  old  to 
enter  any  regular  occupation.  Here  "  the  work  performed  by  the  boyj 
instead  of  being  in  the  natiu-e  of  training,  is  a  speciahsed  compartment  for 
which  his  sole  quahfication  is  the  fact  that  as  an  instrument  of  production 
he  is  cheaper  than  a  man  "  ' — ibid.,  325  sq. 
1  Ibid.,  325. 

*  On  the  general  question  of  apprenticeship  and  its  decline,  see  ibid., 
349  sqq.  ;  Howell,  Contemporary  Review,  Oct.  1877  ;  Booth,  op.  cit.,  ser. 
2,  i.  105,  v.  127  ;  Sadler,  Continuation  Schools,  ch.  13. 

*  Sadler,  I.e. ;  Booth,  op.  cit.,  v.  123 ;  Shadwell,  Industrial  E§.ciency,\.\i&. 


class  is  merely  an  extreme  illustration  of  defects  which 
extend  indefinitely  through  the  higher  ranks.  Physical 
degeneracy  is  due  more  often  to  bad  feeding  than 
to  underfeeding,  to  an  ill-prepared  and  monotonous 
diet  than  to  lack  of  food.^  Economic  reactions,  other 
than  the  strain  of  actual  poverty,  are  dissolving  the 
bonds  of  family  union.  The  personal  authority  of  the 
employer  has  almost  vanished,  and  the  sphere  of  parental 
influence  is  continually  reduced.  But  the  difficulty 
is  not  simply  that  an  old  form  of  training  has 
deteriorated ;  its  decay  is  a  sign  that  old  methods 
are  inadequate  to  modern  needs.  The  dangers  which 
beset  adolescence  have  extended  beyond  the  reach 
of  parental  discipUne.  Household  management  and 
the  care  of  children  demand  more  knowledge  than 
sufficed  in  simpler  and  more  healthy  surroundings. 
Something  more  is  needed  than  a  better  system  of 
workshop  instruction,  if  the  worker  is  to  be  capable 
of  adapting  himself  to  processes  which  continually 
change.  His  mental  interests  require  to  be  enlarged, 
if  he  is  to  reap  benefit  and  not  detriment  from  a  life 
which  grows  wider  and  more  complex  every  decade. 
It  is  necessary  not  only  to  rebuild  what  has  broken 
down,  but  to  cover  ground  which  has  extended  in  the 
interval.  Thus  it  is  that  the  school  has  come  to  occupy 
a  larger  place  in  education  than  formerly.  In  schemes 
of  physical  care  and  domestic  instruction,  and  in 
connection  with  industrial  training  and  the  choice  of 
employments,  it  has  invaded  the  province  of  the  parent 

^  '  Nutrition  does  not  improve.  On  the  contrary,  the  proportion  of 
children  of  sub-normal  physique  increases.  .  .  .  About  half  the  children 
representing  the  healthy — or  rather  the  normal — school  population  of  the 
county  are  not  up  to  a  satisfactory  level  in  this  respect.  This  is  due  to 
.  .  .  such  removable  causes  as  bad  cooking,  defective  meal  planning  and 
monotony  in  diet ' — Report  of  School  Medical  Officer  for  Durham  County, 
1912  {Jojirnal  of  Education,  September  1913). 



and  the  employer,  partly  because  their  efiective 
influence  has  diminished,  partly  because  new  demands 
have  arisen  and  a  higher  standard  is  enforced. 

^  Though  it  is  not  easy  to  define  in  precise  terms  the 
position  reached  at  the  close  of  the  period  with  which 
this  volume  deals,  it  may  be  said  broadly  that  some- 
where in  the  middle  of  the  nineteenth  century  a  new 
stage  commenced  in  the  growth  of  educational  move- 
ments.    The  first  phase  of  the  education  controversy 
was  concluded.    Universal  instruction  had  developed 
from  an  idea  into  a  pohcy;    and  a  decisive  step  had 
been  taken  in  1839  by  the  estabhshment  of  a  Com- 
mittee   of    Council   to    administer    pubHc    grants.     In 
1850  Commissions  were  appointed  to  inquire  into  the 
management    of    the    universities,    which   raised    the 
question  of  educational  endowments.    In  the  follow- 
ing   year   the    first    International    Exhibition   aroused 
interest  in  technical  training  and  started  a  movement 
which  eventually  played  a  part  in  the  reorganisation 
of  secondary  schools.     The   division   of  periods  is  no 
less  distinct  in  those  spheres  of  endeavour,  standing 
aside  from  the  main  currents  of  national  education,  of 
which  a  survey  has  been  attempted  in  the  preceding 
chapters.     Two   movements,  whose    relations    to    one 
another  were  not  yet  apparent,  developed  during  the 
earlier  half  of  the  century  ;  one  consisting  in  an  attempt 
to   diffuse   useful  knowledge   and  to   provide   for  the 
higher   education   of   mechanics,   the   other   connected 
with  the  growth  of  political   and  trade  organisations 
which  were  a  product  of  social  unrest,  and  in  which 
sections  of  the  working  class  are  found  here  and  there 
struggling  to  evolve  their  own  forms  of  instruction  and 
to  express  their  ideals.    Both  movements  were  experi- 
mental ;  and  their  breakdown,  which  became  evident  in 


the  forties,  formed  the  starting-point  of  a  fresh  series 
of  developments  which  produced  lasting  results.  A 
new  phase  of  adult  education  conmienced  with  the  re- 
vival of  co-operation  at  Rochdale  in  1844,  the  appear- 
ance of  an  association  formed  by  the  Society  of  Friends 
in  1847  which  became  the  pioneer  of  modern  Adult 
Schools,  the  rise  of  Working  Men's  Colleges  during  the 
next  decade  which  was  followed  by  the  Club  and 
Institute  Union  of  1862,  and  the  reform  movement 
stimulated  at  the  oldest  seats  of  learning  by  the  Com- 
missions of  1850,  which  prepared  the  way,  at  least 
indirectly,  for  University  Extension. 

It  does  not  fall  within  the  scope  of  this  volume  to 
explore  the  undercurrents  of  opinion  and  sentiment 
which  made  the  middle  years  of  the  century  a  critical 
period  in  the  history  not  only  of  education,  but  of  social 
thought ;  but  there  is  one  issue  of  primary  importance 
which  has  been  kept  in  view  at  different  stages  of  the 
inquiry,  and  round  which  the  discussion  has  centred — 
the  issue  which  turns  on  varying  conceptions  of  social 

As  the  Industrial  Revolution  developed,  awakening 
latent  energies  and  changing  the  forms  of  social  Ufe, 
the  traditional  classification  of  society  into  well-defined 
grades,  arranged  more  or  less  in  a  regular  series  and 
duly  subordinated  one  to  another,  was  challenged 
with  increasing  force  by  a  new  doctrine  which  asserted 
the  rights  of  the  individual  and  discovered  the  basis 
of  social  order  in  freedom  of  individual  enterprise. 
While  the  former  conception  had  disposed  men  to 
identify  intellectual  with  social  distinctions,  and  resulted, 
as  has  been  seen,  in  an  attempt  to  confine  popular 
instruction  within  narrow  limits,  the  latter  tended  to 
lay  stress  on  the  capacities  which  different  groups 
have  in  common  and  on  the  principle  that  they  should 

1  1 


start  fair  in  the  race  of  life.  James  Mill,  in  an  educa- 
tional treatise,*  aimed  frankly  at  a  gradual  approach 
to  '  equality  of  instruction ' ;  and  the  scheme  for 
diffusing  useful  knowledge  was  designed  to  compensate 
individuals  of  every  class  whose  opportunities  of  educa- 
tion had  been  curtailed.  But  the  conception  of  equal 
opportunities  had  to  be  adapted  to  a  social  system 
which  was  based  on  inequality,  and  in  which  differences 
of  acquired  wealth  produced  gradations  analogous 
to  those  derived  from  inheritance  and  social  usage. 
Liberalism,  in  dealing  with  popular  movements,  rehed 
in  practice  on  middle-class  leadership  and  introduced 
patronage  in  a  new  guise.  Insistence  on  the  capacities 
common  to  all  classes  resulted  in  the  hypothesis  of  a 
standard  type  of  humanity,  represented  for  all  practical 
purposes  by  the  business  man  of  the  period,  to  whom 
education  was  a  means  to  *  advancement  in  life.'  It 
would  seem  almost  to  follow  that  the  distinctive 
characteristics  of  particular  social  groups  signified  little 
more  than  differences  in  degree  of  mental  develop- 
ment ;  and  the  defect  of  certain  forms  of  education 
addressed  to  adult  artisans  in  the  first  half  of  the 
century  may  be  explained,  in  some  measure,  with 
reference  to  this  assumption,  which  overlooked  essential 
differences  of  outlook  and  experience. 

The  claim  of  labour  to  equality  with  the  higher 
ranks  in  political  and  legal  status  was  worked  out 
during  a  period  of  middle-class  ascendancy.*  It  was 
consistent  with  the  principle  entitling  individuals  to 
equal  rights,  and  the    support   which  it  received  did 

^  Supplement  to  the  fourth,  fifth,  and  sixth  editions  of  the  Enei/dopoedia 
Britannica,  vol.  iv.  (1824). 

•  E.g.  the  Reform  Act  of  1867  which  extended  the  franchise  to  tirtisans, 
and  the  Employers'  and  Workmen's  Act  of  1875  which  altered  the  relation 
of  master  and  servant  into  that  of  two  '  equal  parties  to  a  civil  contract.  > 


not  involve  sympathy  with  the  solidarity  of  labour. 
Liberals  of  an  earlier  generation  had  assisted  the  repeal 
of  the  Combination  Laws  in  deference  to  principle  and 
in  the  hope  that  labour,  when  its  right  was  admitted, 
would  have  the  prudence  not  to  combine.  The  reply 
came  in  the  form  of  a  movement  which  regarded  equality 
between  individuals  as  a  step  to  equality  between  social 
groups,  and  which  in  its  later  phases  has  defined  educa- 
tion as  a  pubHc  trust.  The  individual  is  to  develop  his 
talents,  not  that  he  may  rise  to  a  higher  position,  but 
that  he  may  assist  in  raising  the  standard  of  his  class. ^ 
The  nucleus  of  this  conception  may  be  traced  not  only 
in  the  early  socialist  movement  which  failed,  but  also 
in  small  mutual  improvement  societies  and  discussion 
circles  which  were  a  permanent  feature  in  the  life  of 
industrial  communities,  and  which,  in  virtue  of  their 
spontaneous  origin  and  the  spirit  of  comradeship  uniting 
their  members,  differed  widely  from  the  Mechanics' 
Listitutes.  After  the  collapse  of  Chartism  in  the  forties, 
moderate  coimsels  prevailed  in  the  organisation  of 
labour ;  but  the  maxim  that  knowledge  is  power  was 
handed  down  as  a  legacy  from  earlier  agitations,  and 
the  conception  of  education  as  a  social  lever  reappeared 
in  the  programme  of  the  new  co-operative  movement. 

The  Mechanics'  Institutes  were  succeeded  in  the 
second  half  of  the  century  by  the  formation  of  popular 
colleges  and  social  clubs ;  a  twofold  movement  which 
laid  it  down  as  a  primary  condition  of  success  that 
working  men  had  as  much  right  as  any  other  class  to 
have  their  feelings  considered,  and  renounced  the  notion 
that  mental  improvement  was  an  avenue  to  a  higher 

1  Cf.  the  aims  of  Ruskin  College  at  Oxford  (founded  1899):  the 
student  '  is  taught  to  regard  the  education  which  he  receives,  not  as  a 
means  of  personal  advancement,  but  as  a  trust  for  the  good  of  others.  He 
learns  in  order  that  he  may  raise,  and  not  rise  out  of,  the  class  to  which 
he  belongs.' 




social  career.  The  aim  of  education  in  the  colleges  was 
precisely  the  opposite — to  secure  for  each  individual,  as 
one  of  a  corporate  body  of  fellow  students,  a  status 
which  he  would  not  lightly  abandon  for  selfish  ends. 
It  is  useless  to  attempt  reading  into  this  premise  any 
definite  social  theory.  That  a  man  might  become  a 
cultivated  member  of  society  regardless  of  his  employ- 
ment and  economic  position,  was  a  postulate  common 
to  different  schools  of  reform,  while  it  showed  a  reaction 
from  the  commercial  spirit  of  the  age  and  an  advance 
beyond  earher  conceptions  of  status.  The  episode  of 
the  Working  Men's  Colleges,  whose  fellowship  included 
both  teachers  and  learners,  is  chiefly  remarkable  as  an 
attempt  to  promote  intercourse  between  individuals 
and  social  groups  differing  in  class  traditions  and  in 
their  outlook  on  life ;  and,  in  so  far  as  the  idea  of  a 
college  came  from  the  universities,  as  suggesting  a  link 
of  connection  between  two  spheres  of  corporate  activity. 
Maurice  spoke  of  a  union  between  '  labour  and  learning  ' ; 
and  the  phrase,  which  describes  the  inner  life  of  a  college 
for  working  men,  gives  also  a  clue  to  the  significance 
of  later  developments.  The  history  of  higher  popular 
education  is  not  that  of  a  single  movement,  but  of 
the  interaction  between  two  main  groups  of  organised 
effort,  agreeing  in  certain  social  impulses  but  of  inde- 
pendent origin  and  separated  by  the  influence  of  historic 
antecedents ;  one  of  them  deriving  its  inspiration  from 
the  universities  and  aiming  at  the  extension  of  university 
teaching,  the  other  developing  in  a  series  of  organisations 
which  represent  the  intellectual  side  of  an  industrial 

Organisation  is  one  of  the  chief  factors  differentiating 
modern  developments  of  education  in  every  sphere 
from  the  partial    and    often    isolated  experiments  of 


an  earlier  epoch.  By  the  close  of  the  century  the  State 
had  asserted  in  various  ways  its  right  of  control,  and 
a  large  measure  of  initiative  fell  within  the  domain  of 
pubUc  authorities.  New  sources  of  financial  aid  were 
placed  at  the  disposal  of  voluntary  efEort;  and  the 
claim  of  educational  movements  to  pubUc  support  was 
advanced  on  the  general  pretext  that  they  contributed 
to  the  solution  of  a  problem  in  which  the  interests  of 
society  as  a  whole  were  involved. 

Yet  the  charge  brought  against  organised  educa- 
tion is  that,  so  far  from  remedying,  it  has  served  to 
aggravate,  social  defects  ;  that  it  has  nourished  a  dislike 
for  productive  labour  and,  in  stamping  out  barbarism, 
has  weakened  initiative ;  that  it  has  challenged  parental 
authority  and  emancipated  the  yoimg  before  they 
have  arrived  at  years  of  discretion,  giving  them  a  dis- 
taste for  mental  exertion ;  that  for  those  who  pursue 
education  in  later  life  the  way  of  advance  may  be 
plainer  and  the  path  more  secure,  but  there  is  not 
among  adult  students  the  same  vigour  and  self- 
dependence  that  was  characteristic  of  an  earlier  genera- 
tion ;  and  lastly,  that  in  handing  over  responsibiUty  to 
the  State  organised  societies  run  the  risk  of  forgetting 
their  ideals. 

It  is  much  easier  to  draw  logical  inferences  than  to 
weigh  the  evidence  of  history.  Yet  a  study  of  the  past 
brings  consolation ;  for  many  of  the  evils  criticised 
are  older  than  the  causes  alleged  to  explain  them. 
For  the  past  hundred  years,  a  series  of  statements  which 
suggest  a  growing  desire  for  knowledge  are  balanced 
by  an  equal  number  to  the  opposite  effect.*    Parental 

*  '  Propose  to  a  working  man  any  great  measure  affecting  the  whole 
body,  and  he  immediately  asks  himself  the  question,  \Y^**  *di  I  to  get  by 
it  ?  meaning,  what  at  this  instant  am  I  to  have  in  my  hand  or  in  my  pocket 
that  I  should  like  to  have  ?  .  .  .  There  he  sticks  '—Place  MSS.  27827, 
p.  194  (1835).     '  Mechanics  resist  every  uovelty  and  shrink  from  evury 



apathy  was  lamented  in  the  early  reports  of  govern- 
ment inspectors ;  and  it  was  complained  that  educa- 
tion failed  to  reach  those  who  were  most  in  need  of  it. 
On  the  other  hand,  there  is  evidence  that  the  old  attitude 
of  hostility  is  losing  ground  among  a  generation  of 
parents  who  have  passed  through  the  schools,  and 
that  they  are  anxious  that  their  children  should  appear 

effort,  unless  it  appear — and  appear  to  their  mode  of  comprehension — that 
money  will  be  made  out  of  it  on  the  spot ' — Claxton,  Hints  to  Mechanics  on 
Self-Education  and  Mutual  Instruction,  89  (1838).  '  The  great  want  of  our 
time  I  beheve  to  be — a  disposition  on  the  part  of  our  industrial  popula- 
tion to  obtain  instruction.  This  does  not  at  present  exist ' — Society  of 
Arts^  Report  on  Industrial  Instruction,  122  et  passim  (1853).  '  I  found  the 
towns  [in  Lancashire]  vjring  with  each  other  in  the  erection  of  new  town 
halls  ana  in  their  superior  style  of  erecting  houses  of  business ;  I  found 
also  working  men  had  bettered  their  physical  condition  considerably. 
But  I  confess  with  pain,  that  I  saw  they  had  gone  back,  intellectually  and 
morally.  ...  In  our  old  Chartist  times,  it  is  true,  I,ancashire  working 
men  were  in  rags  by  thousands ;  and  many  of  them  lacked  food.  But 
their  intelligence  was  demonstrated  wherever  you  went.  You  would  see 
them  in  groups  discussing  the  great  doctrines  of  political  justice  ...  or 
they  were  in  earnest  dispute  respecting  the  teachings  of  socialism.  Now 
you  will  see  no  buch  groups  in  Lancashire.  But  you  will  hear  well-dressed 
working  men  talking,  as  they  walk  with  their  hands  in  their  pockets,  of 
Co-ops  .  .  .  and  their  shares  in  them  or  in  building  societies.  And  you 
will  see  others,  Uke  idiots,  leading  small  greyhound  dogs,  covered  with 
cloth,  in  a  string  !  They  are  about  to  race  and  they  are  betting  money  as 
they  go  !  .  .  .  Except  in  Manchester  and  Liverpool,  ...  I  gathered  no 
large  audiences  in  Lancashire.  Working  men  had  ceased  to  think,  and 
wanted  to  hear  no  thoughtful  talk ;  at  least,  it  was  so  with  the  greater 
number.  From  Lancashire  I  passed  into  Yorkshire,  .  .  .  and  then  .  .  . 
began  to  lecture  among  the  Northumberland  coUiers.  They  heard  me 
eagerly  '—Life  of  Thomas  Cooper,  by  himself,  392  sq.  (1869-70).  '  The 
difficvdty  of  persuading  workmen  to  Usten  to  anything  which  does  not 
concern  pleasure  or  profit  has  long  been  acknowledged,  and  is,  I  think,  even 
stronger  than  it  used  to  be' — Arnold  Toynbee,  Co-operative  Congress, 
1882.  '  The  people  have  all  been  busy  getting  on,  some  too  busy  to  think 
of  anything  except  their  work,  some  too  set  on  the  pleasiu^es  now  opened 
to  them  to  care  for  knowledge.  ...  It  may  be  a  stage  in  progress ' — 
Toynbee  Hall  Report,  1899-1900. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  correspondence  in  the  Mechanics'  Magazine 
(1823-)  throws  some  hght  on  the  attitude  of  inteUigent  workmen  in  the 
early  part  of  the  last  centiiry ;  we  find  genuine  complaints  of  the  diffi- 
culties in  the  way  of  self-culture,  which  have  been  repeated  continually 
ever  since.  A  citizen  of  Birmingham,  writing  to  Hume  in  1824,  describes 
the  artisans  of  the  town  as  *  rife  with  that  sanguine  and  independent  energy 
which   naturally  results  from  partial   and   newly  acquired   knowledge 


decently  clad.*  In  this  respect  compulsion  may  exercise 
the  same  stimulus  as  the  pressure  formerly  used  by 
voluntary  societies  ;  and,  as  instruction  is  better  adapted 
to  vital  needs,  its  appeal  extends.  Again,  the  success 
of  adult  education  in  former  years  is  liable  to  be 
exaggerated,  while  its  failure  is  overlooked.  Institu- 
tions suffered  from  lack  of  resources  and  tried  methods, 
and  from  an  isolation  which  made  their  position  in- 
secure. Much  of  the  enthusiasm  for  knowledge  arose 
from  inexperience,  and  failed  when  it  was  put  to 
a  practical  test.  The  heroic  self-dependence  of  the 
People's  College  at  Sheffield  belongs  emphatically  to 
a  stage  of  transition  ;  for  it  is  seen  that  advanced  study 
cannot  be  self-supporting.  The  action  of  the  State, 
in  promoting  elementary  education,   has  at  any  rate 

untempered  by  experience.  They  are  .  .  .  enthusiastically  excited  with 
the  first  undisciplined  impulse  of  intellectual  power  ...  a  set  of  intelli- 
gent, able  and  generally  meritorious  fellows ' — Place  MSS.  27827,  p.  28. 
Master  engineers  and  others,  examined  before  the  Select  Committee  on 
Machinery  1824,  gave  evidence  of  a  general  desire  for  scientific  knowledge, 
and  an  improvement  in  dress,  habits  and  intelligence  among  the  better 
class  artisans — ibid.,  p.  70  sq.  Cf.  a  typical  passage  in  the  opening  number 
of  the  Flint  Glass  Makers'  Magazine  (1850),  advocating  the  education  of 
'  every  man  in  our  trade  beginning  at  the  eldest  and  coming  down  to  the 
youngest.  ...  If  you  do  not  wish  to  stand  as  you  are  and  suffer  more 
oppression,  we  say  to  you,  get  knowledge,  and  in  getting  knowledge  you 
get  power.  .  .  .  Let  us  earnestly  advise  you  to  educate  ;  get  intelligence 
instead  of  alcohol — it  is  sweeter  and  more  lasting ' — Webb,  TradeUnionistn, 
179.  The  first  collective  demand  for  education,  so  far  as  I  can  discover, 
belongs  to  the  year  1830,  when  700  mechanics  of  Birmingham  signed  a 
petition,  on  the  reconstitution  of  King  Edward's  Grammar  School, praying 
that  part  of  the  endowment  might  be  set  apart  for  the  benefit  of  the  poorer 

^  Booth,  Final  Volume,  202  sq.  '  As  regards  the  argument  that  by 
allowing  children  to  attend  school  at  three  years  of  age  [instead  of  five] 
the  responsibility  of  the  parent  is  weakened  and  their  control  over  the 
children  diminished  to  the  moral  detriment  both  of  parents  and  children, 
the  Committee  are  confident  that  in  practice  the  general  result  is  often  the 
other  way.  It  is  a  common  experience  to  find  that  children  who  are 
attending  school  are  cleaner  and  better  clothed  than  those  who  remain 
at  home,  and  that  there  is  a  marked  deterioration  in  the  general  appearance 
of  the  children  in  any  district  on  Saturdays  and  during  the  holidays  ' — 
Report  of  Consultative  Committee  {Board  of  Education)  upon  school  attend- 
ance of  children  below  the  age  of  five  (1908),  26. 


multiplied  the  number  of  students  who  are  competent 
to  proceed  to  a  higher  level ;  while  increased  aid  has 
reduced  the  financial  difficulty  which  handicapped  the 
poor.  Whether  the  growth  of  opportunity  will  tend 
to  weaken  idealism  and  the  impulse  to  self-sacrifice, 
remains  to  be  seen.  At  present  the  conditions  which 
the  question  presupposes  do  not  exist.  Difficulties 
which  hinder  systematic  study  have  not  ceased,  and 
many  of  them  are  only  beginning  to  attract  attention. 
Economic  hindrances  are  as  numerous  in  years  of 
prosperity  as  in  a  period  of  distress.  Those  who  com- 
pare the  history  of  recent  movements  with  the  efEorts 
of  individual  students  in  the  earher  half  of  the  last 
century,  will  have  little  reason  to  lament  a  decay  of 
enterprise.  The  amount  of  personal  service  rendered 
by  artisans  in  the  instruction  of  their  own  class  has 
certainly  increased.  In  this,  as  in  other  spheres,  a 
study  of  history  is  the  '  best  cordial  for  drooping  hearts.' 
The  demand  for  knowledge  has  been  subject  to 
fluctuations  which  are  influenced  by  external  circum- 
stances and  events.  One  is  tempted  to  seek  a  con- 
nection between  educational  movements  and  the 
vicissitudes  of  trade.  In  some  cases  a  depression  of 
ttade,  reducing  the  hours  of  labour,  has  produced  an 
increase  in  the  attendance  at  places  of  instruction.^  As 
the  discipline  of  adversity  has  marked  a  turning  point 
in  the  career  of  individual  students,  so  a  general  dis- 
placement of  labour  may  revive  the  feeling  that  know- 
ledge is  power,  and  that,  if  the  people  could  imderstand 
the  problem,  they  might  effect  a  solution.  Conversely, 
on  the  return  of  prosperity,  idealism  may  yield  to  the 
pursuit  of  material  interests  and  the  most  active  minds 

^  Growth  of  night  schools  and  adult  classes  in  Lancashire  during  the 
depression  caused  by  the  American  Civil  War,  1861-5.  Binns,  Century 
of  Education,  180  ». 


may  be  absorbed  in  business  routine.  So  it  seemed  to 
some  of  the  Chartist  leaders  who  had  lived  through 
the  hungry  forties  ;  and  the  same  impression  has  been 
recorded  in  more  recent  times.  But  this  theory  does 
not  account  for  all  the  facts.  Commercial  depression 
may  remove  the  obstacle  of  *  overtime,'  but  it  also 
breeds  a  deadening  sense  of  insecurity.  It  may  inspire 
heroism  and  self-sacrifice,  but  it  diminishes  financial 
resources  and  diverts  energy  from  normal  pursuits.^ 
On  the  other  hand,  the  rise  of  the  Mechanics'  Institutes 
and  the  success  of  University  Extension  among  the 
miners  of  Durham  are  difficult  to  explain  on  the  hjrpo- 
thesis  which  has  been  suggested ;  and,  if  the  impulse 
which  created  the  Working  Men's  Colleges  was  derived 
from  Chartist  imrest,  it  was  during  the  years  of 
prosperity  which  followed  that  it  produced  plenteous 
results.  It  is  safer  to  draw  a  general  parallel  between 
the  periodic  recurrence  of  educational  movements  and 
the  revivals  which  occur  in  the  sphere  of  commerce 
when  trade  is  at  its  lowest  ebb.  The  opportunity  for 
awakening  enthusiasm  comes  at  the  moment  when 
previous  efforts  have  most  clearly  failed.* 

The  demand  is  not  constant,  but  it  may  be  growing 

^  E.g.  the  collapse  of  a  remarkably  successful  branch  of  the  University 
Extension  movement,  in  the  Tyne  district,  owing  to  the  Miners'  strike  in 

*  Complaints  of  indi£ference  come  mostly  from  persons  "who  are  engaged 
in  awakening  interest,  and  are  generally  a  prelude  to  some  new  enterprise. 
'  Times  change  rapidly ;  the  spirit  of  the  eighties,  or  even  of  the  early 
nineties,  has  already  passed  away.  ...  In  education  there  has  indeed 
been  immense  progress ;  the  machinery  of  schools  has  developed,  and 
opportunities  are  at  everyone's  doors.  But  the  enthusiasm  for  education 
has  gone ;  no  one  to-day  would  venture  to  raise  the  old  cry  of  learning 
and  culture  for  the  masses  with  very  much  hope  of  an  eager  response  ' — 
Toynbee  Hall  Report,  1900-1  ;  cf.  account  of  a  meeting  at  Toynbee  Hall,  in 
which  reference  was  mads*  to  the  enthusiasm  aroused  among  working  men 
in  the  North  by  University  Extension  in  the  early  eighties,  which,  it 
seemed,  no  longer  existed  {Co-operative  News,  December  19,  1903). 
This  was  on  the  eve  of  the  Tutorial  class  movement. 


by  degrees  more  stable  and  comprehensive.  Every 
established  institution  has  its  remnant  of  serious 
students  whose  industry  varies  in  direct  proportion 
to  the  standard  demanded  of  them.^  Of  this,  the 
history  of  institutions  so  various  as  the  Adult  Schools, 
Ruskin  College,  and  the  College  in  Crowndale  Road, 
contains  ample  evidence  ;  and  the  same  class  of  artisans 
who  frequented  Huxley's  lectures  in  Jerm}Ti  Street 
in  the  fifties*  have  attended  in  equal  number  and  with 
the  same  regularity  a  course  at  Westminster  in  recent 
years.  The  spread  of  organisation  in  different  forms 
among  the  working  class  has  brought  forward  indi- 
viduals keenly  alive  to  the  need  of  education,  very 
often  possessed  of  original  ideas,  and  ready  to  assiune 
the  role  of  leadership.  It  is  through  the  influence 
of  such  men  that  no  movement  has  ceased  without 
transmitting  a  heritage  to  later  generations.  Certain 
localities,  again,  occupy  a  central  place  in  the  history 
of  adult  education  and  have  exercised  a  continuous 
influence.  Thus  it  is  that  every  new  outburst  of  en- 
thusiasm contains  some  of  the  force  of  earlier  move- 
ments, and  that  influences  which  formerly  flowed  in 
separate  channels  gradually  converge.     The  Workers' 

*  '  The  history  of  the  [University  Extension]  movement  shows  that 
the  number  of  real  students  and  the  seriousness  and  value  of  their  work 
has  been  in  direct  proportion  to  the  extent  of  the  demand  made  by  the 
University  Authority  on  the  intellectual  energy  and  industry  of  the 
student ' — Dr.  R.  D.  Roberts,  University  Extension  under  the  Old  and  the 
New  Conditions  (an  address  at  the  Cambridge  Summer  Meeting,  1908),  17. 

*  Monday  evening  lectures  on  science  and  its  applications  at  the  Museum 
of  Practical  Geology,  Jermyn  Street,  during  the  winter ;  six  courses  of 
six  lectures  each  by  gentlemen  connected  with  the  Museum,  fee  6d. 
Every  man  had  to  obtain  a  foreman's  certificate,  stating  that  he  was  a 
honA  fide  artisan.  Accommodation  for  600,  applications  usually  reached 
1000  ;  600  would  drop  to  450  or  420  as  the  days  lengthened,  but  attend- 
ance generally  regular.  The  students,  chiefly  superior  artisans,  attended 
carefuUy  and  asked  questions  at  the  close  of  the  lecture.  '  A  more  intelli- 
gent, more  industrious  or  a  more  careful  set  of  listeners  .  .  .  are  rarely  to 
be  met  with  '—Committee  on  Public  Institutions,  1860,  QQ.  165-S5,  547-67, 
691-619,  1435,  1487. 


Educational  Association  (1903)  has  drawn  together  a 
variety  of  movements,  and  a  common  impulse  has 
elicited  their  latent  powers.  In  another  sense,  forces 
which  have  strengthened  the  demand  for  knowledge 
may  have  introduced  new  limitations.  The  aims  of 
study  have  been  more  clearly  defined  by  industrial 
progress  and  by  political  changes  which  have  opened 
to  the  industrial  classes  a  larger  share  in  public  ad- 
ministration ;  and  the  demand  has  been  encouraged 
through  the  application  of  science  to  new  spheres  of 
human  activity.  It  is  possible  that  this  twofold  de- 
velopment may  exercise,  at  least  temporarily,  a  narrow- 
ing influence.  The  interest  formerly  aroused  by  liberal 
culture  may  have  yielded  unduly  to  a  demand  for 
knowledge  with  a  direct  bearing  on  technical  efficiency 
or  political  and  economic  aims.  But  the  value  of  any 
form  of  study  will  depend  ultimately  on  the  spirit  in 
which  it  is  pursued.  Where  time  is  limited  and 
specialisation  is  synonymous  with  thoroughness,  method 
rather  than  subject-matter  must  be  the  test  of  a  liberal 
education.  It  is  foimd  that  technical  or  professional 
studies,  pursued  on  scientific  lines,  possess  a  much 
greater  educational  value  than  was  formerly  admitted ; 
and  there  are  akeady  signs  that,  as  the  idea  of  citizen- 
ship is  more  clearly  appreciated,  a  broader  type  of 
human  culture  may  be  evolved  from  forms  of  instruction 
which  have  a  reference  to  definite  social  needs. ^  It 
may  be  too  soon  to  rely  much  on  the  experience  of 
the  Tutorial  classes  ;  but  their  history  suggests  that, 
where  the  spirit  of  learning  has  been  awakened,  the 
range  of  intellectual  interests  naturally  extends. 

It  would  be  difficult,  even  with  the  aid  of  more 

^  Thiis  a  Tutorial  class  in  '  Civics  '  was  planned  by  Professor  Geddes  in 
Battersea  (1907)  with  the  definite  object  of  broadening  the  study  of  social 
and  economic  questions. 


accurate  statistics  tlian  are  generally  available,  to 
measure  the  extent  to  which  an  interest  in  serious  study- 
has  found  expression  among  different  sections  of  the 
working  class.  The  rolls  of  membership  in  Working 
Men's  Colleges  and  Institutes,  and  the  classification  of 
attendances  at  Extension  lectiKes  and  classes  pursuing 
a  continuous  course  of  study,  include  individuals  in 
every  kind  of  emplojrment,  from  miners  and  highly 
skilled  artisans  to  factory  hands  and  labourers.  Except 
in  the  mining  centres  and  a  few  industrial  towns,  the 
most  regular  and  serious  students  appear  to  have 
belonged  generally  to  the  superior  grade  of  artisans, 
to  whom  may  be  added  about  an  equal  number  of 
school  teachers,  clerks,  small  tradesmen  and  assistants. 
There  is,  throughout,  a  tendency  for  movements  to 
lose  hold  of  the  class  to  whom  they  originally  appealed ; 
but  working-class  institutions  during  the  past  sixty 
years  have  not  failed  in  this  respect  to  the  same  extent 
as  the  Mechanics'  Institutes  in  the  earher  half  of  the 
last  century. 


AoEicuLTURAL  population,  15-39, 
130-4,  228;  compared  with 
manufacturing  classes,  10,  15, 
39,  132-4  ;  state  of  education, 
155,  160,  163n.,  196,  206n., 
228,  238  ;  phases  of  prosperity, 
25-8,  53/1.  See  also  commons, 
enclosures,  open-field,  self- 
government,  yeomanry 

Amusements  :  rustic,  6, 18,  23,  25, 
27,  63,  65,  100  ;  suppression  of, 
30,  34,  109n.,  135;  'rational,' 
34».,  139  ;  connected  ^vith  edu- 
cation, 154,  177,  183,  225  sq. 

Apprenticeship,  104,  132,  210n., 

Arnold,  Matthew,  152n.,  163». 

Bamford,  Samuel,  84».,  99n., 
120n.,  155».,  199».,  203  sq.,  218, 

Bell,  Dr.  Andrew,  150  sq.,  154 

Bentham,  112,  138,  207 

Bible,  the  EngUsh,  105,  109».,  146 

Birkbeck,  142,  169,  172  sq.,  181 

Birmingham,  9,  42,  44,  231,  246».  ; 
Artists'  Repository,  187  ;  Bro- 
therly Society,  141  ;  Schools  and 
Institutes,  153ri.,  156».,  183, 
2477i.;  Sunday  Society,  141, 155 ; 
tracts,  138n. 

Book  clubs,  141,  193 

Booth  survey  (London  labour),  233 

British  and  Foreign  School  Society, 
151,  152n.,  158,  162  sq.,  169n., 
185,  232». 

Brougham,  USn.,  175,  192,  194, 

Carri^re  aux  talents,  67  sq.,  71,  75, 
82-6,  91,  95n.,  104,  113,  147, 
242,  247». 

Chap-books,  98,  101 

Chartism,  183  sq.,  198,  201,  210- 
14,  217,  219  sq.,  224  sq.,  243, 
24671.,  249 

Christian  Knowledge,  Society  for 
Promoting,  89n.,  93,  187,  190, 
194,  196ft. 

Church,  the:  mediaeval,  23-5,  81, 
89,  118;  Roman  Catholic,  32  ; 
eighteenth  century,  17  sq.,  114, 
117  sq.  ;  evangelical  movement 
in,  89n.,  117,  119,  138  sq. ;  oral 
teaching,  17,  25,  100,  148; 
catechism,  33».,  82,  109,  112».  ; 
control  of  schools,  89, 94, 147, 163 

Classics,  knowledge  of,  67,  68». 

Class-teaching  (adult),  171,  177 

Clubs,  Working  Men's,  183,  241, 

Cobbett,  16».,  27n.,  191,  199,  219, 

Coffee-houses,  102,  198 

Colleges,  Working  Men's,  183  sq., 
241,  243  sq.,  249,  250,  252; 
People's  College,  Sheffield,  113, 
184,  247  ;  Ruskin  College,  243»., 

Combe,  George,  168  sq. 

Comenius,  87n.,  94 

Commerce  :  effect  on  social  ideals, 
4  sq.,  28  sq.,  127-30;  moral  and 
social  effect,  7  sq.,  10-14,  69  sq. ; 
influence  on  education,  34,  86, 
Sin. ;  commercial  crises  con- 
nected with  social  movements, 
209  sq.,  248  sq. 



'  Common  School,'    the,  87n.,   94, 

113,  168». 
Commons,  overcrowding  of,    15re., 

26«.,  29/1.,  128 
Composition,  popular,  68w,,  75  sq., 

79,  191,  202-5 
Cooper,  Thomas,  90, 161, 195,203-5, 

225,  246». 
Co-operation,    38,  212,    232 ;    So- 
cieties,    187,      220    sq.,    246n.  ; 

education,    201,    216».,     217n., 

221  ;    revival  at  Rochdale,  213, 

217,  221,  223,  241 
Corn  Laws,  repeal  of,  211,  228,  232; 

Anti-Corn-Law    League,    206n., 

212,  215?i.,  219 
Cornwall,  8,  lln.,  50,  55«.,  73,  98, 

120  ;  miners,  47  sq.,  229  sq. 
Corporate  spirit  in  education,  142, 

150».,  174,  182-4,  243  sq. 
Cranmer,  83n.,  104w.,  146 

Debates  (and  Discussion  Circles), 
116,  211n.,  141,  170,  172,  183, 
213h.,  216tt. 

Defoe,  9,  13,  71,  128 

Democratic  tendency  in  education, 
ix,  75,  79,  142,  147,  218.  See 
also — Carriere  aux  talents.  Com- 
mon School 

Devon,  8,  lln.,  50,  55».,  73 

Districts,  comparison  of,  8  sq,,  48- 
79,  235  sq. 

Drama,  rehgious  and  popular,  25, 

Factory  svstem,  4,  46,  53,  72, 
129,  131-3,  137,  231  ;  Factory 
Acts,  135,  164,  230,  232 

Family  life  :  rural  (eighteenth  cen- 
tury), 16  sq.,  65  sq.;  home  edu- 
cation, 16/1.,  140h.  ;  economic 
disturbance  to,  46,  131-5,  137, 
235,  239;  child  labour  (ob- 
stacle to  education),  157,  230. 
See  also  Parents 

Feudalism,  22-5,  52,  56-9 

Folklore,  6,  18,  21?i.,  41n.,  72  sq. 

Foundling  Hospital,  96,  153 

French  peasantry,  63,  124  sq. 

French  Revolution,  37w.,  121-5, 

Friends,  Society  of,  155n.,  241 

Froebel,  167 

Gilds,  25,  82n.,  106-8,  117; 
religious,  109,  116,  118 

Governing  classes,  attitude  to  edu- 
cation, 83rt.,  105,  111  sq.,  138, 
146-50,  199,  241 

Government,  local :  breakdown  of, 
44,  106-8,  114,  136;  vestries, 
35,  45,  \22n. 

Hampden  clubs,  198,  218  sq. 
Hartlib,  87n.,  94 
Hoole,  87/1. 

Huguenot  weavers  (Spitalfields),  9, 
44  sq.,  49/1.,  188/1. 

Economic  stimulus   to  education, 

viii,    11,    48,  104,    238  sq.,  251. 

See  also  Industrial  Revolution, 

Eden   ('  State  of  the  Poor '),    lln., 

13,  34n.,  39,  63/i.,  65,  lOn.,  139n. 
Eisteddfod,  76,  79/i. 
Employers,   schools     founded   by, 

164-7  ;   '  social  betterment,'  46, 

156,  164  sq. 
Enclosures,  agrarian,   4,  6,   8,   20, 

28,  29n.,    30,    34,  55,    135  sq.  ; 

social    effects    of,  14n.,    31,  64, 

127,  130  sq.,  133,  228 

India,  8,  37 

Industrial  Revolution,  1,  8, 15,  52, 
61,  71,  74,  115-17,  126-35,  164, 
203,  217,  241  ;  stimulus  to 
education,  42,  134  sq.,  141,  149, 
156,  170 

Industrial  training,  140,  151-3, 
168/1.,  239 

KiNGSLEY,  196n.,  201,  205 
Knight,  Charles,  98/i.,  99/i.,  122n., 

153/1.,    156/1.,    165».,    183,  189, 

192-5,  201 



Laissez-fair^  111,  115  sq.,  136, 
241-3  ;  educational  aims,  138, 

Lake  District,  the,  8n.,  47,  50 ; 
social  condition,  36,  60,  61-71  ; 
education,  67  sq. 

Lancashire,  72n..,  203,  232  ;  edu- 
cation, 120,  189n.,  197,  248n.  ; 
popular  movements,  201,  214, 
217,  219w.,  246». 

Lancaster,  Joseph,  149-51,  154 

Lectures,  122,  141  sq.,  170  sq.,  177 
sq.,  180,  183,  225,  250 

Leeds,  172 

Liberal  (opposed  to  technical) 
education,  113,  173,  184,243  sq. 

Libraries,  142,  226  ;  institutional, 
165».,  174,  180,  183,  185,  187, 
198n.,  216ra.,  225  ;  school,  153, 
185,  187;  village,  138w.,  187, 
189n.,  196,  230;  public,  186; 
collected  by  working  men,  49»., 
172,  188  ;  Library  Acts,  181 

Literature,  cheap,  76,  97-101,  122, 
187,  189-95;  propagandist, 
138re.,  191,  193,  222,  226.  See 
also  Political  movements 

Liverpool,  231,  235ri.,  246». ;  edu- 
cation, 174  sq.,  178,  187 

London :  social  condition,  10, 
43,  230  sq.,  234  -  6,  237n.  ; 
libraries,  186 ;  Mechanics'  In- 
stitute, 173-5,  177,  181  ;  educa- 
tional societies,  172n.,  216»., 
225  ;  schools,  93,  96  sq.,  154  sq., 
162  sq.,  169,  185,  225;  news- 
papers and  literature,  101,  190w., 
193,  196  sq.,  198 ;  lectures  in 
East  End,  170  ;  London  artisans 
and  political  movements,  120, 
125,  215-18 

Lovett,  WUUam,  169,  172».,  214, 
216».,    224-6,  227n. 

Lyceums,  182,  197 

173-5,    178,    181    sq.  ;   popular 
movements,  199,  217n.,  218 

Mandeville,  33«.,  112,  148 

Manners,  leformation  of,  29,  30,  34 

Manorial  system,  decay  of,  18,  25, 
53».,  107  sq.,  124 ;  manorial 
courts,  19».,  23,  29,  34».,  53n., 
58,  108 

Manufacturing  classes,  10,  12,  39- 
42,  115,  126-35,  216,  230-2, 
236  ;  state  of  education,  154  sq., 
160,  170,  196  sq.,  199,  218 

Marshall  ('  Rural  Economy  '),  In., 
Un.,  12n.,  15n.,  19n.,  20n.,  34n., 
35,  37n.,  38,  50n.,  53n.,  59n.,  71 

Mathematical  studies,  48,  67,  68»., 
77,  230n. 

Maurice,  F.  D.,  182,  244 

Mechanics'  Institutes,  86n.,  141  sq., 
169-83,  185,  187,  189,  197,  202, 
233n.,  243,  249,  252  ;  Unions  of, 
180,  189». 

Methodism,  33,  41,  47  sq.,  53,  73  sq., 
79,  116-21,  142,  152n.,  155»., 
197,  218,  223,  229 

Midlands  :  economic  and  social  de- 
velopment, 4,  10,  13,  14».,  43»., 
64,  66  ;  education,  158,  166»., 

Mill,  James,  13ri.,  171».,  242 

Mill,  John  Stuart,  22,  47».,  206  sq. 

Milton,  94 

Miners,  45-8,  229  sq.  ;  education, 
48, 160,  170, 187,  196,  230,  246»., 

'  Minstrelsy,'  72,  202 

Monitorial  system,  149,  154,  162 

More,  Hannah,  38n.,  138,  148n. 

Mulcaster,  88 

Museums,  161,  172,  174,  178; 
Museums  Act,  186 

Music,  6,  21».,  25,  27,  174,  183; 
societies,  45,  116,  165». 

Mutual  Improvement  Societies,  171 
sq.,  187,  216,  243 

Maine,  Sir  H.,  19n.,  37».,  38». 

Manchester,  41/i.,  49w.,  53w.,  71  sq., 
231,  246». ;  Chetham  Library, 
186;  Schools,  82,  84n.,  154, 
I59».,    164,  165». ;     Institutes, 

National  Society,  150,  232n. 
Natural  history,  45,  49n.,  197 
Newspapers    and  magazines,    75, 

101  sq.,  172».,  186,  188,  191-4, 




North  of 
lln.,  38, 
52  sq.,  57 
73  sq.,  75 
in,  67  sq. 

141,  174,  186,  197 

England,  the :     social 

(eighteenth  century), 

70-3  ;   compared  with 

and  South,    10,   13n., 

-61,  63-6  ;  with  West, 

77;  superior  education 

See  also  Lake  District 

Reading  Rooms,  122w.,  154n., 
165n.,  174,  183 

Reformation,  the,  24,  29  sq.,  32, 
34  sq.,  108  sq.  ;  effect  on  educa- 
tion, 81,  85,  145  sq. 

Reform  Bill  (1832),  113,  126,  231  ; 
(1867),  242ft. 

Rescue  work,  7,  91, 113, 139, 152  sq. 

Open-field  system,  6,  29,  66n., 
127  ;  social  aspect,  14n.,  16  sq., 
31,  34n.,  128,  133 

Owen,  Robert,  166  sq.,  212,  213, 
218,  220-3,  226  sq.  ;  Owenite 
propaganda,  201,  211,  217  sq., 
220-3,  243.  See  also  Co-oper- 

Parents,  attitude  to  education,  48, 
69?^.,  75,  140ft.,  235,  246 

Paternal  Government,  27-35,  38, 
108-12,  114  sq.,  124,  210 

Pestalozzi,  162,  167 

Petty,  94 

Place,  Francis,  174,  195,  213  sq., 
216n.,  227,  231,  245ft. 

Political  institutions,  educational 
test  of,  22,  206 

Political  movements,  120,  121-6, 
135,  see  also  Chartism,  Hamp- 
den Clubs  ;  '  Knowledge  is 
Power,'  207  sq.,  22ln.,  243,  248 ; 
mental  stimulus,  141,  170,  176, 
207  sq.,  224  ;  propagandist  litera- 
ture, 120,  122,  138n.,  188,  192, 

Poor  Law,  114,  131,  135,  203n., 
210n.,  234 ;  education  imder, 
87n.,  96,  187 ;  Commission 
(1909),  234 

Priestley,  115 

Puritanism,  87%.,  94-6,  109n.,  110, 
114,  117,  120,  147 

Racial    influences,    49-51,  65-7, 

62,  74-9 
Reading  Circles,  67,  73, 116, 119  sq., 

141,  188 

Schools : 

Adult,    141    sq.,  155n.,     15671., 

241,  250 
Charity,  7,   33n.,   80,   87 n.,  91, 

93,  97,  103,  111-13,147,151, 
153,  164ft. 

Elementary,  81,  88,  151  sq.,  157- 

Grammar,  53,  68,  80-91,  93ft., 

103  sq.,  247ft. 
Infant,  151ft.,  161?i.,  167  sq. 
Mediaeval,  80  sq.,  89 
Night  (and  Evening   Classes), 

94,  140,   153,   156    sq.,    166, 
168ft.,  172ft.,  178,  248ft. 

Private  Adventure,  89  sq.,  160 

sq.,  232ft. 
Ragged,  152ft.,  153 
Secular,  168  sq. 

Sunday,  75, 139-41, 148n.,  150»., 
153-5,  157,  218,  225 

Science,  77,  141  sq.,  171,  173  sq., 
178  sq.,  180,  250«. 

Scotland,  66ft.,  132ft. ;  education, 
16ft.,  34,  67,  146 

Self-government  (rural  commimi- 
ties),  18ft.,  21,  27,  29,  31,  34ft., 
35-9,  58 

Sheffield,  187.     See  also  Colleges 

Smith,  Adam,  8,  39,  112,  115,  131, 

Smith,  Sydney,  138ft.,  150ft. 

Social  divisions,  103,  176,  233  sq. ; 
influence  on  education,  68,  81, 
103,  105,  112,  146,  151w.,  152, 

Social  ideals :  mediaeval,  103-6  ; 
sixteenth  and  eighteenth  cen- 
turies, 5,  108-13,  129  ;  related 
to  educational  ideals,  34,  91, 
104  sq.,  111-13, 241-4.  ^ee  also 



Socialism.    See  Owen 
Socialism,  Christian,  182  sq. 
Specialisation,    industrial,     63n., 

126 ;  mental  and  moral  effects, 

8,  39-42,  128-31,  134  sq.,  237 ; 

argument  for  education,  8,  15, 

State    intervention,  94-7,  145-7, 

161  sq.,  245-8 ;    Committee  of 

Council,  151«.,  162,  240 
Students,  poor,    75-7,    98,  99n., 

171,  195-7,  203-5 
Swift,  105». 

Teachers,  89  sq.^  165 ;  training  of, 
93,  159,  163 ;  working  men, 
141;  171 

Technical  instruction,  173,  184, 

Towns:  movement  to,  4,  15,  127, 
230;  self-government,  16,  107 
{see  Gilds) ;  growth  of  corporate 
consciousness,  44,  134  ;  mental 
stimulus,  44  sq.,  134  ;  problems, 
43  sq.,  232-8  ;  town  and  country, 
10,  15,  33,  42-4,  100,  165 

Toynbee,  Arnold,  246n. 

Trade  Unionism,  111,  113,  116  sq,, 
191n.,  203».,  211-13,  216  sq., 
221  sq.,  236n.,  240,  247».  ;  Com- 
bination Laws,  125,  136,  211, 

Tudor  policy  :  social,  28-30,  106, 
108-10,  115,  127,  135  sq.;  edu- 
cational, 80-2,  85,  104,  146  sq. 

Universal  instruction,    viii,  88, 

94,  103,  147,  240 
Universities,  68,  69n.,  76,  80,  82, 

85n.,  86n.,  96,  240  ;  access  to, 
71, 81».,  84n.,  95n.  ;  Universities 
and  Labour,  142,  244;  Univer- 
sity Extension,  230,  241,  244, 
249,25071.,  252 ;  Tutorial  Classes, 
249?^.,  251 
Useful  Klnowledge,  Diffusion  of, 
181,  192-4,  240,  242 

Voluntary  effort,  92  sq.,  97,  147, 
149-51,  162-9,  187,  245 

Wales,  lln.,  64,  66n. ;  education, 

Z3n.,  73-9,   95  sq.,   147,  164»., 

War,  American :  of  Independence, 

120,  122  ;   Civil,  214,  248n. 
Wars,  Napoleonic,  123,  137  ;   close 

of,  126,  198  sq.,  203,  210 
Wesley,  41n.,  43n.,  46,  118,  138»., 

Wilderspin,  Samuel,  167  sq. 
Workers'  Educational  Association, 

vii,  261 
Working  Men's  Association  (1836), 


Yeomanry,  26,  35-9, 59  sq.,  83».  ; 

decline  of,  4,  34,  70,  727i.,  81n.  ; 

educational  tradition,  53,  68 
Yorkshire  :    social   condition,    12, 

14».,  36,  62  sq.,  55n.,  58  sq.,  73  ; 

education,  72,  91n.,  164n.,  172, 

176,   180    sq.,    189n. ;    popular 

movements,  214 
Young,   Arthur,   5,   In.,  12,  13n., 

14n.,  16».,  27».,  34».,  36,  128n., 






BINDING  SECT.    jul4    faS8