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Full text of "The elements of conchology, or, Natural history of shells : according to the Linnean system : with observations on modern arrangements"

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Che Linnean Spstem, 



Captain Forfar Regt. Fellow of the Linnean Society, Member of the Wernerian 

Natural History Society, and Honorary Member of the Literary and 
Philosophical Society of Bolton. 


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oe London: 




J, Gleave, Printer. 


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The Author. 

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THE intention of the following work is to lay be- 

fore the student, in the simplest style, the Linnean 
arrangement of sheils. 

The author was induced to undertake this simple 
work, because there was no elementary book on shells 
in the English language, with the exception of 
Da Casta’s, whose arrangement is now generally 
exploded. The work now presented to the public is 
strictly according to the Linnean System. 

Several attempts have been made, to overturn the 
Linnean arrangement of shells, but without effect. 
And with all its pretended faults no one has been 
able to supercede it, by a better system. That it is 
not so complete as the other departments, most people 
are ready to allow; but its beauties must perpetuate 
ats pre-eminence. 

In describing the genera, the author has also 
pointed out the different alterations of modern ar- 
rangements, (particularly that of Lamarck ;) and 
ihe new genera which they have formed. And it has 
been his object to illustrate the work, as far as it was 
possible, by figures of British shells; which will 
facilitate the study of British Testaceology, and 
prove equally useful to the study of General Con- 


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x o> 

[[nrropucTIon to the science......cccsse0ecceeres 1 

The animals which have been discovered to inha- 
bit-shellsizi::)ccccceddescssde} F2 aes Be see pg 

Explanation of the parts of shells. 

Whaltivalve sy, co. ccesveseaess cease ea tesenmeree: encares 13 
Bivalv@s. cionicdscccduisatvecente heat PINE wp cabloanoue 13 
PI MIVALVO cic accaiecezate cele naneC oan ceeds ceraacrceacoulenabes cats 24, 

Of genera. 

Order 1st. Multivalve shells....... Aidan webedns sane ». 42 
Snae’ Pivalee shells eee ccsoceden educa caekwdens ee 

—— 3rd. Univalve shells with a regular spire.... 65 
Division 2nd. Shells without a regular spire...... - 90 

Specific description of the plates. 

Plate ist. Multivalve shells.........ccscsecscseee Soe p OS 
Bivalyet shells <ccsctidcdesszcssscveissesnve 102 

2nd. Bivalve ciajoh babecy bias 105 
WeHiealve SHO S658. cs sncedoanacecsdess 109 

iii SHAKY avisgtnen veh nay anaes we sisi twelnae astute dine a DES 

—— 4th. Hinges of bivalves, &....,..:.e0creeseeee L1G 


To illustrate the genera. 

Plate 5th. Multivalve shells..........c0.ccseesecceees 121 
Bivalve’ shells... 0c. cnvasdcasacevenus cose ib 
cement GURY cc esceons feb epo seo sebeas wen ES eatised sesame ib 
Sa FEM: cnc ca vnwocecon seas Miyehoncsesesaiecusievenssiciscn 22 
Univalve shells.cisc.acs.oecsensscede rn sine obs i 
creas BED: cosigsalevasiene tovree tore p an easamannr susvatansiay © ib 
mem OU, ip Se ne vevaisa'c Wo tas ens ainatesle'o dein sisin cine mame'y Mairead 123 
List of the principal books which treat of Con- 
CHOLOBY. fnveosvannensyereoner senrsieosmersiansgsieceg ere 1246 
Method of cleaning sheils.............ceeqeeaddentereee 129 
Simple method of arranging cabinets............... 138 

Explanation of terms-used im the science of Con- 
chology...... see eeveeenens tenn enneee seneas seneeeeeees ¥: JO 


Page 4, line 13.—For Olearus read Olearius. 

Tigicvses .14.—For probu read proper. 
8,.. .-»19.—Erase the word ‘none’ at the beginuing of 
the line. 

40,......20.—For most read many. 
12,......12.—For twelve read fourteen. 

94, ......12.—For Solina read Solen’s. 

Shape aes 2.—For Adamson read Adanson. 

32, ......13.—Insert after &c. Plate 2nd, E E. 
40),...... 5.—For tooth-shape read tooth-shaped. 

Aid twes ss $2.—For I read Y. 
Ate «00 5.—Read hinge with a broad, &c. 
49,......15.—For on one read in one. 

50, ...... 6.—For Cyclus read Cyclas. 
56, ......18.—For Hippossus read Hippopus. 
58, ...... 8.—For Nuclia read Nucula. 
59, ......14.—For species read genera. 
Giese 14 and 15.—For Pitillz read Patellz. 
GB, w.00s. 9.—For Sephunculus read Siphunculus. 
75, «s-...18.—For dentrila read detrita. 
81, ......14.—For staincase read stair-case. 
DGyieasa . 3.—For Gmelen read Gmelin. 
BOs certs . 2.—For Casta read Costa. 
99, .-....91.—For vermillion read vermilion. 
106, ...... 9.—For is read are. 
110, ......23.—For five read fine. 
115, --+...13.—After body, insert O pillar-lip. 
117, ......12,—Erase ‘*N Spicula.” 
126, ».0..10,.—-For Neurnberg read Neuremberg. 

» ha o\ oe 

As Se 

‘ i kere - 

Boia se ing 


‘Wek ey 
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—B OS 

CONCHOLOGY, is the science by 
which shells, or testaceous bodies, are 
properly arranged into systematic 

On the face of our globe, the num- 
ber of Natural Bodies, is so immense, 
that, on a general view, the human 
mind recoils from the investigation of 
them as impossible. But since the 
invention of systems, the task now 
appears at once practicable; and, 
indeed, every object can be traced, 
with certainty and facility, to its pro- 
per place in the System of Nature. 



In common language, the System 
of Nature has been divided into three 
kingdoms, viz. the Animal, Vegetable, 
and Mineral. That the young stu- 
dent may more easily understand 
the meaning of the classes, orders, 
&c. into which these three kingdoms 
are divided, we shall compare 

A Class to an Army ; 

An Order to a Regiment ; 

A Genus to a Company ; 

And a Species to a Soldier. 

When we find a natural body, we 
must first refer it to a class in the 
system of Nature, then to an order, 
next toa genus, and then we endea- 
vour to ascertain ifs species. 

All natural bodies, which agree 
in every particular, or essential pro- 
perty, are considered of the same 
species; for example, all dogs are 
specifically the same, but the diffe- 
rence between the hyena, wolf, fox, 
(though of the same genus as the dog 
Canis of Linné) and the pointer and 




spaniel, is so great as to constitute 
them of a different species; as is the 
bull-dog, mastiff, terrier, &c. Dogs 
taken generally form a genus. So it 
is with all natural bodies. 

A plurality of species, constitutes 
a genus; and many genera, consti- 
tutes an order; and several orders, 
a class; and a variety of classes, a 

The term Conchology includes all 
animals which have a_ testaceous 
covering, whether they inhabit the 
sea, land, or fresh-water. 

By chemical analysis testaceous bo- 
dies have been found to consist of, 
carbonate of lime, mixed with gelati- 
nous matter. 

Chemists have divided shells into 
two classes. The first are usually of 
a compact texture, resembling porce- 
lain, and have an enamelled surface, 
and are in general beautifully varie- 
gated. Those composing this class 


are called porcelanaceous shells. To - 
this class belong various species of 
conus, cyprea, voluta, &e. 

The second class consists of shells 
generally covered with a strong epi- 
dermis or skin, below which lies the 
shell in layers, and composed entirely 
of the substance well known by the 
name of mother-of-pearl. In this class 
are the fresh-water muscles, (the my- 
tilus cygneus and anatinus of Linné), 
the haliotis iris (called the ear-shell), 
the turbo olearus, and several of the 
trochus tribe, &c. 

The porcelaneous shells, contain a 
very small portion of soft animal mat- 
ter; and those of the second class a 
very large proportion.* 

It must be clearly understood, that, 
all shellfish are not included in the 
science of Testaceology.j- The crabs, 

* See Thomson’s System of Chemistry, vol. v. page 507, &c. 
+ Testaceology, is a modern term for the Natural History of 
shells, and synonymous with Conchology. 


lobsters, sea-urchins, &c. are of the 
crustaceous order. 

They differ in their composition 
from the testacea, the calcareous part 
of their shell being phosphate of lime, 
in place of the carbonate of lime. 

The crustacea differ from the festa- 
cea in a still more striking point of 
view: it is well known that crabs, 
lobsters, &e. cast their shell or cover- 
ing annually; whereas the testaceous 
worms retain it as long as they exist. 
Besides the shells of crustaceous ani- 
mals, seem to grow all at once ; those 
of testaceous, evidently are made by 
the animal, gradually adding to them 
either annually or at least periodically ; 
as may be distinctly seen in the com- 
mon muscle; and all shells are com- 
posed of layers, which is not the case 
with crabs, &c. This may be easily 
proved by taking a shell and filing it 
slowly, when the different layers are 
very perceptible; or put a muscle- 


shell into the fire, it will begin to 
crackle and divide in separate layers. 
We have numberless instances of 
shells, both sea and land, which have 
been broken, and are firmly mended 
by the animal; and in almost every 
collection specimens of mended shells 
may be found. 

Shells are only the habitation of 
soft animals called vermes, or worms, 
and are the third order of Linnzus’s 
sixth class of animals. 

The animals which have been dis- 
covered to inhabit shells, are ten: 

1. Limax, 6. Nereis, 
2. Doris, 7. Ascidea, 
3. Spio, 8. Tethys, 

4. Amphitrite, 9. Triton, 
5. Terebella, 10. Sepia. 

Ist. LIMAX. 
Body oblong, creeping, with a 

fleshy kind of shield above, and a lon- 
gitudinal flat disk beneath ; aperture 


placed on the right side, within the 
shield ; feelers four, situate above the 
mouth, eye at the tip of each 
of the largest ones. 

This genus is what is. generally 
termed the slug, or snail. 

2nd. DORIS. 

Body, creeping, oblong, and flat 
beneath ; mouth placed below, on the 
fore-part; vent behind, on: the back, 
and surrounded by a fringe; feelers, 
two and four, seated on the upper 
part of the body in front, and retrac- 
tile within their probu receptacles. 

3d. SPIO. 

Body projecting from a tube, joint- 
ed and furnished with dorsal fibres ; 
peduncles, or feet, rough with bristles 
and placed towards the back ; feelers 
two, long, simple ; eyes two, oblong. 



Body projecting from a tube and 
annulate ; peduncles, or feet, small, 
numerous; feelers two, approximate, 
feathered ; no eyes. 


Body oblong, creeping, naked, 
often inclosed in a tube, furnished 
with lateral fascicles, or tufts, and 
branchiz ; mouth placed before, fur- 
nished with lips without teeth, and 
protuding a clevate proboscis ; feelers 
numerous, ciliate, capellary, seated 
round the mouth. | 

6th. NEREIS. 

Body \ong, creeping, with nume- 
rous lateral peduncles, or feet, on each 
side; feelers simple, rarely wanting 
none; eyes two or four, rarely none. 

7th. ASCIDIA. 
Body fixed, roundish, and appa- 
rently issuing from a sheath; aper- 


iures two, generally placed near the 
upper end, one beneath the other. 

8th. TETHYS. 

Body detached, rather oblong, 
fleshy without peduncles ; mouth with 
a terminal cylindrical proboscis, under 
an expanded membrane or lip; aper- 
tures two, on the left side of the neck. 

9th. TRITON. 

Body oblong ; mouth with an inyo- 
lute spiral proboscis; fentacula, or 
arms, twelve, six on each side, divided . 
nearly to the base, the hind-ones che- 

10th. SEPIA. 
Body fleshy, receiving the breast in 
a sheath, with a tubular aperture at 
its base ; arms eight, beset with nu- 
merous warts or suckers, and in most 
species two pedunculated tentacula ; 
head short; eyes large; mouth re- 

sembling a Parrot’s beak. 


It is upon the exclusive shape of 
the shell, and not the animal-inhabi- 
tant, that the arrangement of Concho-. 
logy is formed. 

In early periods, naturalists were 
in much doubt whether to construct 
the arrangement from the animal, or 
the shells; and at last it was deter- 
mined, for the best of reasons, that it 
should be the latter. Of the great 
quantities of shells found, how few 
have had the animal in them? indeed, 
there are hundreds we shall never be 
able to ascertain. The greater part 
of shells in collections, have been 
found upon the beach, without the 
animal in them, which have been cast 
ashore by the agitation of the sea in 
storms, &c. , 

Most shells are very different in 
their young and adult state,’ both in 
form and colour; the student ought, 
therefore, to make ‘himself well ac- 
quainted with the generic characters, 


to enable him to discriminate the dif- 
ference. But, indeed, this is often a 
difficult matter, even to those who have 
studied the science for many years. 

_ In almost all the cyprea, there is 
considerable difficulty in distinguish- 
ing them from the voluta, in their 
young state. The denticulated lip 
being the last part of the shell which 
the animal forms. The strombus ge- 
nus want the expanded lip in the 
young shell, from which circum- 
stance it is frequently taken for the 
buccinum and murex. 

The Linnean arrangement of shells, 
consists of three orders, viz. MMultz- 
valve, Bivalve, and Univalve. 

The first order, multivalve, are 
shells consisting of more parts than 
two. Every part of a shell which is 
connected by a cartilage, ligament, 
hinge, or teeth, is called a valve of 
such shell, 

The second order, bivalve,are shells 


of two parts or valves, generally con- 
nected by a cartilage; for example, 
the cockle and muscle. 

The third order, wnivalve, consists 
of shells complete in one piece ; for 
example, the periwinkle and whelk. 
This order is subdivided: first, into 
those with a regular spire, and those 
without a spire. 

The first order consists of three 
genera: Chiton, Lepas, and Pholas. 

The second order consists of twelve 
genera: Mya, Solen, Tellina, Cardium, 
Mactra, Donax, Venus, Spondylus, 
Chama, Arca, Ostrea, Anomia, My- 
tilus, Pinna. 

The third order consists of nineteen 
genera: Argonauta, Nautilus, Conus, 
Cyprea, Bulla, Voluta, Buccinum, 
Strombus, Murex, Trochus, Turbo, 
Helix, Nerita, Haliotis, Patella, Den- 
talium, Serpula, Teredo, and Sabella. 

It will now be proper before pro- 
ceeding to a detail of the Linnean 


genera, to make the student ac- 
quainted with the terms used in Tes- 
taceology, as far as regards the dif- 
erent parts of shells. 






Operculum is four small valves on 
the summit of the lepas, which how- 
ever is in a Certain degree stationary ; 
and different from the operculum of 
univalve shells, which wili hereafter be 
described. See plate Ist, fig. Ist, A. 

Base is that part of the shell by 
which it is fixed to rocks and other 
bodies ; plate Ist, figures Ist and 2d, 
5B B.----H is a piece of stone to which 


the base is fixed, and G a piece of 
wood to which the shells of this sec- 
tion are generally affixed. | 

Ligament is the substance by which 
the valves or parts of the shell are 
connected. Some multivalve shells 
are connected, by the parts of one 
valve looking into another. Plate Ist, 
fig. 2d, DDD. 

Ridges are those cavities in many 
of the lepas tribe, sometimes lon- 
gitudinal and sometimes transverse. 
Plate Ist, fig. Ist, FF. 

Peduncle.. A sort of stem by which 
the shells of the second division of 
lepas are attached to wood, &c. Itis 
a kind of membranaceous substance, 
similar to a bladder but materially 
thinner, and filled with a liquid which 
evidently affords nourishment to the 
animal. Plate Ist, fig. 2d,CC. G 
a piece of wood to which the peduncle 
is affixed. 


Feelers are those crenated arms, 
evolved from the side of the lepas ana- 
tifera, and other shells of the second 
division of lepas. While the animal 
is in the water it continually moves 
its feelers, evidently for the purpose 
of entangling minute marine insects, 

for food. Plate Ist, fig. 2d, EE. 


Bivalve shells, consist of two parts 
or valves, connected by a cartilage, 
and hinge which is generally com- 
posed of teeth, those of the one valve 
looking into a cavity in the other. 

The valves of some bivalve shells, 
are formed exactly alike; and others, 
are very different; the one of some 
being smooth, the other rugose ; one 
flat, and another convex; and often 
one is shorter than the other. 

The shells of the mya, solen, tellina, 
venus, &c. have in general both valves 
alike, while those of the spondylus, 


ostrea, anomia, and pinna, have in 
general dissimilar valves. The first 
of these kinds are called equivalve, 
and the latter inequivalve. 

Equilateral shells are those whose 
sides are alike, as in the shells of 
ostrea, commonly termed _ scallop- 
shells ip England, or those shells worn 
by pilgrims in former times ; 

* Aud fix’d the scallop on his hat before.” 
This is also exemplified in the 
Arca Glycimeris and Pilosa of Lin- 

Inequilateral valves are shells whose 
sides are unequal ; and are of different 
shapes, as in the mactra, donax, &c. 

Sumnut is the most elevated point 
of that part of the shell in which the 
hinge is placed ; plate Ist, fig. 4 & 8, 

In naming this the summit, we do 
not follow the axiom of Linnzeus, but 
that of a modern author whose authe- 

rity we value; and because we consi- 
der it more properly the summit of 
the shell, than the opposite extremity. 

Base, is the reverse of the above, 
or that part of the shell immediately 
opposite the summit. Plate Ist, figrs. 
6th and 7th, dd. 

Sides, the right and left parts of the 
valves; plate Ist, fig. 6th, c. 

Anterior slope, is that part of the 
shell in which the ligament is situated. 
In viewing the anterior slope in front, 
the beaks of the shell retire from view. 
Plate Ist, fig. 4th, ¢. 

Posterior slope, that part of the 
shell opposite the anterior slope; in 
viewing it in front, the beaks point to 
you. Plate Ist, fig. 4th, 4. 

Disk, the convex centre of a valve, 
or most prominent part of the valve, 
suppose it with its inside lying under- 
most. Plate Ist, fiz. 4th, o. 

Inside, the concave part of a valve. 
Plate 4th, fig. 6th, z. 



Cicatrizx, or Tongue, is the impres- 
sion left on the inside of the valves, by 
the adhering muscles of the animal. 
It differs in most shells, according to 
the shape of the muscle, and is either 
semi-ovate, round, lunate, elongated, 
&e. It is often of great use in distin- 
guishing a species; being, with a very 
few exceptions, alike in shells of the 
same species. Some shells have only 
one cicatrix, as the edible oyster, and 
muscle; others have two, and some 
few more ; the Tellina Fusta for exam- 
ple. Plate Ist, figures 6 and 8, eeee. 

Eunule. The lunated depressions, 
situated in the anterior and posterior 
slopes. In different species of the 
Venus they are prominent, character- 
istic marks, often of much service in 
ascertaining a species. Plate Ist, 
fig. 4th, 66. 

_ Ligament perforation. The cir- 
cular aperture, or perforation, through 
which the ligament passes; by which 


the animal of the anomia attaches it- 
self to stones, and other marine ex- 
traneous bodies ; it is in general situ- — 
ated in the flat valve, though there 
are a few exceptions to the contrary. 
Plate Ist, fig. 7th, m. 

Hinge, is the point by which bivalve 
shell are united, it is formed by the 
teeth of the one valve inserting them- 
selves between those of the other, or 
by the teeth of one valve fitting into 
the cavities or sockets of the opposite 

It is on the peculiar construction of 
the hinge that the generic character 
of Bivalve shells is principally founded, 
together with the general contour of 
the shell. Plate 2nd, figures Ist and 
3d, 997 9- 

Teeth of the Hinge. Upon the 
number and relative situation of the 
teeth, principally depend the specific 
distinctions ; they are of various 
forms, and very differently placed ; 


some are single and large, others 
numerous and aail orbicular, spatuli- 
form, laminated, &c. Some hinges 
have no visible teeth, and are termed 
inarticulate ;* those with few teeth 
are termed articulate ;; and those 
with many teeth multiar ticulate.* - 
Plate Ist, figures 6th and 8th, S238: 

Primary y Teeth, are those teeth in 
general about the centre of the hinge, 
and are for the most part broad, large, 
and distinct, and often elevated ; and 
in general are inserted in a cavity in 
the opposite valve. They however 
differ very much in some shells, but 
may easily be distinguished. Plate 
4th, figures Ist, 3d and 7th, aaaqa, 

Lateral Teeth§ are teeth which di- 
verge from the umbo, and are in gene- 
ral long and flat, often double, and 
divided by a grooye or hollow. Plate 

* When a primary tooth has a groove or hollow in its cen- 
tre, it is called complicated. Plate 4th, fig. 6th, e. 

+ Plate 4th, figures istand12th. + Plate 4th, figures 2nd, 
3d, 4th, &c,  § Plate 4th, fig. 10th. 


4th, figures 2nd, 4th, 6th and 7th, 

Double Teeth, plate 4th, fig. Ist, ec. 
_ dIncurved Teeth are those which are 
bent round, as in the single tooth of 
the Solen Siliqua. Plate 4th, fig. 8th, 


Middle Teeth. Plate Ath, fig. 4th. 

Numerous Teeth, are those small 
teeth, of which the hinges of all the 
Area are formed, set in rows. Plate 
Ath, fig. 10th, A&A. 

Cavity of the Hinge. The hollow 
depression in which the ligament of 
the Ostrea is situated, generally of a 
triangular form. Plate 4th, fig. 11th, e. 

Ligament of the Hinge, or carti- 
lage, is that flexible fibrous substance 
by which the valyes are united, and 
the hinges kept in their proper places; 
always situated near the beak. Place 
2nd, figures Ist, 3d and 4th, é//; 
plate 4th, fig. 3d, x. 


Beak is the extreme point of the 
summit of bivalves, which for the most 
part points downwards, or to the one 
side, as in most species of Venus, &c. 
Plate 2nd, fig. Sth, 77. 

Seam. When the valves are closed, 
the line between them is so called, 
Plate 2nd, fig. 6th, #¢. 

Umbo. That place situated imme- 
diately under the beak. Plate Ist, 
fig. 6th, w; and plate 2nd, fig. 4th, w. 

Ears. 'Two processes on each side 
of the beak, in most of that division of 
Ostrea, called scallops; some have 
one ear very large, and the other 
small; and some are scarcely observ- 
able on one side. Plate 2nd, fig. 2nd, 

Superior Ear. Plate 4th, fig. 11th, h. 

Inferior Ear. Do. do. fg: 

Margin, or Limb. The extreme 
edge of the whole shell, or either 
valve, allround. Pilate Ist, fig. 4th, p ; 
and plate 2nd, fig. Ist, p. 


Crenulated margin. 'That fine saw- 
like edge of most of the cockles, which 
unite into the notch in the opposite 
valve. It is by no means uncommon 
in other shells, particularly the Donax. 
Plate 4th, fig. 6th, mm m. 

Stri@ are fine thread-like lines, eene- 
rally on the exterior surface of shells, 
and is sometimes both longitudinal 
and transverse, and likewise oblique. 
In some instances the insides of shells 
are striated ; for example, the Murex 
Tulipa. It is often of much use in 
distinguishing species. Plate 2nd, 
fig. 2nd, f/f. 

Right Valve is that valve which, 
when viewed with the inside towards 
you, the anterior slope points to your 
right hand. Plate Ist, fig. 8th; and 
plate 4th, figures 5th and 6th, B. 

_ Left Valve. The opposite of the 
above; the anterior slope points to 
the left hand, when viewed from the 

inside. Plate 4th, figures 3d, 6th, 7th, 
9th, &e. : 
Length of the Sheil is taken from 
the ligament, or the beak, to the 
Opposite margin. Plate Ist, fig. 5th ; 
and plate 2nd, fig. 4th, wuw uw. 
Breadth is measured from the most 
extreme edge of the anterior and 
posterior slopes, being in a contrary 
direction from its length. Many shells 
are broader than long, such as most 
of the Myz, Solina, Tellina, &c.; and 
the Mytilus, Ostrea, Pinna, &c. are in 
general longer than broad. Plate Ist, 
fig. 5th; plate 2nd, fig. Ath, vo v v. 
Byssus, or beard, is an appendage 
composed of filaments of a silky tex- 
ture, by which some of the Bivalves 
fasten themselves to their beds, such 
as the muscle, Plate 2nd, fig. 6th, s. 

The shells composing this order, 
are far more numerous than the two 


preceding, both in genera and spe- 
cies; and it requires a considerable 
degree of attention, to discriminate 
many of the species, as they run into 
each other so much; and of many of 
the species there are several varieties. 

It is by the general outline that the 
shells of this order are distinguished, 
together with the formation of the 
spire, and aperture ; from their having 
a canal or gutter, the pillar-lip, and the 
outer-lip being expanded, together 
with the notches, &c. on the outer 
surface ; the colours also, are of ser- 
vice in describing species, though it 
cannot in all cases be depended on, 
many of them being subject to great 

Linnzeus divides his Order Univalve 
into two sections, turbinated shells 
within a regular spire, and those with- 
out any regular spire. 

Apex. The summit or highest part 
of the spire. Plate 2nd, A A A. 



Base is the opposite extremity from 
the apex, or tip of the spire. In shells: 
with a beak or rostrum, it implies the 
tip of such beak ; plate 2nd, fig. 11th, 
_ B. In shells without a beak, it is 
understood to be the lower part, as 
before-mentioned, opposite the apex ; 
plate 2nd, figures 8th and 9th, BB. 
In the patella dentalium and teredo, 
and some others, the base of the shell 
is that part on which it rests when it 
is laid on its mouth. 

Body of the shell. The first or lower 
whorl of the spire, which is, in gene- 
ral, longer than the remaining whorls ; 
and often, the difference is much 
greater. Plate 2nd, figures 10th and 
12th, FF’; and. plate 3d, figures 7th 
and 9th, FFE. ibe is 

Front of the shell, is when the aper- 
ture faces the observer. Plate 2nd, 
fig. 7th, Z; and plate 3d, fig. 8th, Z. 

Back is when the aperture is turned 


directly from the observer. Plate 3d, 
figures 5th and 10th, GG. 

The venter, or belly, is the most 
prominent part of the lower whorl or 
body, and generally situated in the 
vicinity of the lip; and formed by the 
convexity of the aperture, It is in 
general only made use of in describing 
shells, whose body is large in propor- 
tion to the spire. Plate 3d, figures 

_ 5th and 10th, HW A. 

Sides. The extreme edges of the 
shell, either viewed from the front or 
back. Plate2nd,fig. 11th, AAKKAKKK.* 

Aperture, or mouth, is that part of 
the lower whorl, by which the animal 
protudes itself. This is one of the 
principal generic distinctions of Uni- 
valve shells, and differs very much in 
shape; some apertures being rounded, 
others semilunar, angular, &c. Plate 
2nd, figures. 9th and llth, CC; and 

* Right side is when the shell is viewed in front, that side 

next the observer’s left hand. Left side, the side with the 
aperture in it, 


plate 3d, figures Ist, 3d and 14th, 

Canal, or gutter, is a continuation 
of the aperture, of those shells with a 
beak, in which it forms a concave gut- 
ter, running from its commencement 
in the aperture, to the extremity. 
Plate 2nd, figures 10th and 11th, Q Q; 
plate 3d, fig. 8th, Q. 

Beak, or rostrum, is that lengthened 
process in which the canal is situate ; * 
it commences a little higher up, on the 
outside, than the insertion of the ca- 
nal in the inside, which is always dis- 
tinctly marked by the line of the aper- 
ture. Plate 2nd, fig. 11th, P. 

Pillar, or columella, is that process 
which runs through the centre of the 
shell in the inside, from the base to 
the apex in ‘most univalve shells, and 
appears to be the support of the spire ; 
and, indeed, seems to form that part 
of the shell; it is in general grooved 
or folded, and various other shapes ; 


but, as it is situated in the interior of 
the shell, a minute description is un- 
necessary. Plate 2nd, figures 10th 
and 12th, MWMMMM; and plate 
3d, fig. 9th, MMM. 

Pillar Lip is a continuation of the 
glossy process with which the aper- 
ture is lined, expanded on the colu- 
mella. Plate 3d, figures 7th and 8th, 

Outer Lip. The expansion, or 
continuation of the body of the shell, 
on the left margin of the aperture, 
and is also lined with the glossy pro- 
cess of the aperture. Plate 2nd, fig. 
7th, N; and plate 3d, fig. 8th, WN N. 
The latter is an example of the alated 
or winged shells. 

Plaited Columella are those folds, 
or plaits, which are the distinguishing 
characteristic of the Voluta genus, 
Plate 2nd, fig. 7th, z. 

Operculum, or lid. This is only an 
appendage to the turbinated or spiral 


shells, affixed to the. animal, some- 
times of a testaceous, in others a car- 
tilaginous, substance, It, is only cal- 
culated for the protection of the ani- 
mal, when it retires: within, its dwell- 
ing, “of which: it may be termed its 
door, and is, adapted to the shape of 
the aperture, which it closes nicely 
up. Every: one must have: observed 
the cartilaginous operculum of the 
common periwinkle, (the’Turbo Litto 
ratus of Linné,) which. has a brown 
horny appearance, and must:in gene- 
ral be removed, before the animal can 
be taken out when boiled. Plate 3d, 
fig. 4th. 

Spire is all the whorls of the. shell, 
except the lower one, which, as before 
observed, is termed. the. body of - 
Shell... Plate 2nd, fig. [2th, D; 
plate 3d, figures 7th and. 8th, D ad 

The spire is a prominent feature of 
the Univalve ; and upon its being ele- 
vated, depressed, &c:,depends much 


of the generic and specific definition. 
Adamson in his ‘ Natural History of 
Senegal,’ printed at Paris, in 1757, 
says that the external character of the 
spire, varies according to the plane 
they turn upon, which, he observes, is 
either horizontal, cylindrical, conic or 
- ovoid: At the same time, he admits 
that there area great many interme- 
diate forms, which cannot ai sthise be 

It is a remarkable ‘circumstance, 
that many of the young shells, have 
not the same number of wreaths as 
the adults; from which circumstance 
it would appear, that the part of the 
- animal nearest the apex, never in- 
creases in size. The number of 
wreaths cannot, at all times, be de- 
pended upon. 

Whorl is one of. the acidic or 
volutions of the shell. Plate 2nd, fig. 
8th, Z; and plate 3d, fig. 10th, Z. 

Depressed Spire is when the spire 


is very flat. Plate 2nd, fig. 12th, D; 
and plate 3d, fig. Sth, S. 

Involuted Spire, those shells which 
have their whorls, or wreaths, con- 
cealed in the inside of the first whorl 
or body, as in some of the Nautilus 
and Cyprea. Plate 3d, fig. 3d, 7; 
plate 7th, fig. 19th; and plate 8th, 
fig. 21. 

Suture of the Spire, or whorls, is a 
fine spiral line, which separates the 
wreaths or whorls; it is sometimes 
crenulated, in others sulcated, &c. 

Reversed, or Heterostrophe Spire. 
As Mr. Montagu’s definition of a re- 
versed shell is very distinct, and easily 
understood, I shall here extract it. 
“Every Conchologist knows, that 
most convoluted shells turn one 
way, and that there are few species 
which are heterochtical, or invariably 
turn contrary to the usual manner. 
Some indeed have doubted, whether 
this is a permanent character; there 


requires, however, no argument to 
prove it is so, to those who have taken 
the trouble to examine the common 
species of heterostrophe shells, which 
daily present themselves to our notice 
in our rural walks. Indeed, it is ra- 
ther strange that no one of these 
shells, whose nature is to have their 
spires turn in the more unusual man- 
ner, has (to our knowledge) even been 
met with to vary from that formation ; 
as such accidental deformities have 
been found, in a few instances, amongst 
those which are usually termed dexte- 
rals, or have the more usual spiral 
turns, and have become lusus heteros- 
trophon shells. 

“In order, therefore, to explain 
which way the turn of the spiral con- 
volutions of a reversed shell takes, 
omitting the vague signification of 
turning to the right or left, we shall 
observe, that the more common turn 
of shells is with ee apparent motion 


of the sun, or as the index or hand of 
a clock moves. 

‘‘ But in order to be more clearly 
understood, let us compare the spiral 
volutions of a shell to a common cork- 
screw, and we shall find that whether 
the mouth, or apex, is placed up- 
wards, the spires will turn from the 
upper to the lower end like acommon 
screw, which is in the same direction 
as the index of a timepiece, and what 
is commonly understood by a dextral 
or right-handed screw. As a fur- 
ther definition, such shells have their 
aperture on the right side, when 
examined with that end downward ; 
and is in the direction of the sun’s 
apparent motion.* 

* That different authors have described both sides of the 
shell as the right, is very clear; but it appears to me, Mr. Mon- 
tagu has himsel]f run into a mistake, concerning the right and 
left sides of the shell; and I have termed that side of the shell 
with the aperture in it, when viewed in front, the left side ; 
contrary to Mr. Montagu. It is admitted by most Concholo- 

gists, that the apex or tip of the spire, is the top of the shell, 
and the lower region, in which the aperture is situate, is the 


«On the contrary, a reversed shell 
when placed in a perpendicular posi- 
tion, has its spiral volutions in an 
opposite direction to the motion of 
the index of a watch, or a clock, or to 
a common screw ; and, in fact, resem- 
bles what is usually termed a sinistral, 
or left-handed screw. These have 
their aperture on the left side, or op- 
posite the left hand of the person, 
holding the shell with the mouth 
downward ; and the opening is oppo- 
site the sun’s apparent motion. Plate 

3d, fig. 13th. 

base or bottom. It is also admitted, that when the shell is 
placed on its base, with the aperture facing the observer, that 
this is termed the front—plate 3d, figures 7th and 8th, &c. ; 
and that placed with the aperture from the observer, it is 
called the back—plate 3d, figures 9th and 10th. When ali this 
is admitted, it appears to me that the side in which the aper- 
ture is situated, is unequivocally the left side, and the opposite 
extreme the right. Surely if a man is placed on his feet, with 
another facing him, the one could not call the side fronting 
his right side, the right side of him opposite. If any thing, 
whatever it may be, has a ¢op, base, and proper front, it must 
also have a proper right and left side; and what I have de- 
acribed as such, I think will be found to be so, 


“In order to determine whether a 
flat shell, whose volutions are laterally 
placed, is a reversed species, we have 
only to examine which way the volu- 
tions turn from the apex, or the centre, 
towards the mouth; and if we find it 
contrary to the motion of the index of 
a watch, itis a heterostrophe, or revers- 
ed shell; and vce versa.” 

A flat shell is figured in plate 3d, 
fig. 14th. 

“In some of the more depressed 
species of Helix, or Nautilus, atten- 
tion is requisite to be paid to the 
mouth, in order to determine which is 
really the upper side of the shell, for 
it is on that side the spiral turns are 
to be taken from the centre or apex ; 
and, in most instances, this is to be 
determined by the oblique direction 
of the aperture to the under part, 
where the lip rarely extends so far as 
on the upper part. In fixed shells, 
such as Serpula, there is no difficulty, 


as the side which is sess¢le must be 
considered as the base, or under part. 
Thus in the Serpula Lucidu the fixed 
part is sometimes very small, and the 
mouth protends spirally upwards, in 
a contrary direction to the sun; and 
therefore must be considered a re- 
versed or heterostrophe shell, the same 
as if the volutions nearest the mouth 
had turned laterally upon the centre 
or fixed ones. ‘This shell, indeed, is 
most frequently found with regular 
lateral volutions ; and though subject 
to great variety, with respect to con- 
tortions, it invariably turns the aper- 
ture one way. 

“In some species of Nautilus, how- 
ever, there can be no rule to ascertain 
whether it is dextral or sinistral; for 
when the aperture is exactly lateral, 
the lip collapses the body equally, and 
the sides of the shell similar, as in the 
Natilus Calcar, it cannot be defined. 
Jn others of that genus, asin NV. Bec- 


car and Beccartt perversus, two 
shells, the principal distinction of 
which, is the contrary turn of their 
volutions, it is easily determined, by 
the convexity of the upper side; and 
of course, the aperture being placed 
somewhat beneath.” Testacea &ri- 
tannica, page 352, &c. 

Chambers are the divisions formed 
by partitions, at regular intervals; as 
in the Nautilus. Plate 3d, fig. 11th, 
WWWwWwH Ww. 

In some of the Serpula there are 
also divisions, but they are not regular 
as the preceding; and they differ from 
the Nautilus, in wanting a Sephuncu- 
lus or communication between the 
chambers; the animal forms a com- 
plete partition and adds to its shell, 
which it would appear to be necessi- 
tated to do, from its body growing 
too large for its abode. 

Several of the Patella genus, have 
chambers of a laminiform, subspiral, 


or other form. Plate 3d, fig. 6th, W. 

Umbilicus is in general a circular 
perforation, in the base of the lower 
whorl, or body, of many univalves ; and 
common to most of the Trochz, in 
some of which it runs from the base 
to the apex; widest at the base, and 
gradually tapering to the top. Plate 
3d, fig. Ist, U. 

Sub-umbilicated shells, are those 
which have the umbilicus covered ina 
greater or less degree by a thin pro- 
cess ; which, in some, almost entirely 
closes the opening or mouth. 

Shells which have no umbilicus are 
termed imperforate. 

Siphunculus is that small round 
perforation which forms a communi- 
cation between the chambers of the 
Nautili, which runs through the whole 
spire of the shell. Plate 3d, fig. 11th, 

Ribs are those longitudinal protu- 
berances which are in many of the 


univalye shells. Plate 3d, fig. 12th, 

Teeth of univalves, according to 
Mr. Montagu, are not properly den- 
ticles, or tooth-shape protuberances, 
but are fine white /amine, or ridges, 
running spirally backwards, in a pa- 
rallel direction to each other; those 
on the exterior lip may, in most in- 
stances, be traced through the outside 
of the shell, and are nearly alike in 
length. Plate 3d, fig. 13th, a. 

Hpidermis is a skin, or cuticle, with 
which the exterior surface of many 
of the univalve and bivalve shells are 
covered ; and it is destined by nature 
to protect the surface of their shells 
from being injured. It is membrana- 
ceous, or similar to the periosteum, 
which covers the bones of animals. 
This skin seems to be formed entirely 
by the animal, and is uniformly ob- 
served in some species, and not at all 
in others: but those shells with a 


rugged surface have almost always 
this epidermis. In some it is lami- 
nated, velvety, fibrous or rough, and 
in others very thin and pellucid, and 
admits the colours of the shell to shine 
through it. Although many shells are 
very beautiful, even with this cuticle 
on them, they are much more so when 
it is removed; but I would by no 
means advise the collector of shells to 
remove it, unless he may have several 
specimens of the same shell; and then 
he may do it by way of variety ; but it 
is always preferable to keep themina 
state of nature. 

All other protuberances, furrows, 
&e. will be described at the end of 
the work, in the Glossary of Terms 
used in the Science. 

A shell with epedermis is repre- 
sented in plate 3d, X ; and the effect 
of the epidermis removed at £. 



The next thing to be taken into 
consideration, is the genera compos- 
ing the three orders of shells. 




Animals soft, of a simple structure, 
and covered with a calcareous habita- 
tion or shell. 

Genus Ist.--CHITON. Animal in- 
habiting the shell a Doris; shell con- 
sisting of several segments or valves, 
placed transversely on the back of the 
animal, and lying upon each other at 
their anterior edge. Linnean Syst. 
No. 300. 



The animals of this genus adhere 
to rocks and stones, in general near 
low water mark, and are, at first view, 
very like an oniscus. Plate 5th, fig. 

Habitation. The Chitons have only 
been found to inhabit the ocean. 

In Turton’s Linné 28 species of 
Chitons are described. Seven species 
have been discovered in the British 

Genus 2nd.---LEPAS. Animal a 
Triton; shell affixed at the base, and 
consisting of many unequal erect 
valves. Linn. Syst. No. 301. 

The Lepas are termed acorn shells 
in England, This genus consists of 
two families or divisions, very different 
in their form. The first of which is 
the balani, or acorn shells, of a sub- 
conic form, with an operculum or lid, 
consisting of either four or six valves. 
The body of the shell has six valves. 
Plate 5th, fig. 2nd; and plate Ist, fig. 


Ist. The second family is the anati- 
ferous, or goose-bearing shells, as they 
are called, which is connected to, and 
supported at the base by a tendinous 
tube or pedicle, which being of a flex- 
ible nature, allows the animal to writhe 
about in quest of food ; it has no oper- 
culum, is wedge-shaped, and consists 
of five or more unequal valves. Plate 
Ast, fig. 2nd. 

Mr. Montagu in his Testacea Bri- 
tannica, made those two families into 
two distinet genera. It is singular 
Linné should have arranged shells so 
very dissimilar in the same genus. 

Habitation. The Lepas have only 
been found to inhabit the ocean. 

The shells of this genus adhere in 
clusters to rocks, shells, floating wood, 
and other extraneous substances, and 
being incapable of changing place, 
are supposed to be true hermaphro- 

In Turton’s Linné thirty-two spe- 


cies of this genus are described; fif- 
teen species have been discovered in 
the British seas. 

Genus 3d.---PHOLAS. Animal an 

Ascidea; shell bivalve, divaricate, with 
several lesser, differently shaped, ac- 
Gessory ones, at the hinge; henges 
recurved, united by a cartilage ; in the 
inside, beneath the hinge, is an in- 
curved tooth. Linn. Syst. 302. Plate 
5th, fig. 3d. 
- Habitation. Pholades are found 
below high water-mark, burrowed in 
hard clay, lime-stone, or sometimes 
free-stone, and also wood, which they 
perforate in their younger state, and 
as they increase in size enlarge their 

The. phosphorescent properties of 
the Pholades are very remarkable ; it 
contains a liquor which shines with 
uncommon splendour in the dark, and 
illuminates whatever it touches, or 
happens to fall upon. See Memoirs 
of the French Academy, 1712. 


“There is a remarkable shell-fish 
called Pholes, which forms for itself 
holes in different kinds of stone. 
This fish illuminates the mouth of the 
person who eats it; and it is remark- 
ed, that contrary to the nature of other 
fish, which give light when they tend 
to putrescence, this is more luminous 
the fresher it is; and when dried, its 
light will revive on being moistened 
either with salt water or fresh; brandy 
however immediately extinguishes it.” 
Priestly’s Optics, page 567. 

It is to be regretted, that the expe- 
riments made by chemists on those 
animals, which have a luminous ap- 
pearance in the dark, have not been 
sufficiently decisive, to enable us 
to state the true cause of it; but it 
undoubtedly proceeds from phospho- 
rus, which is abundant in all animal — 

In Turton’s Linné twelve species 
are described; five have been found 
to inhabit the British coasts. 



Genus 4th.---MYA. Animalan As- 
cidia; shell bivalve, generally gaping 
at one end; hinge with broad, thick, 
strong, patulous tooth, seldom more 
than one, and not inserted in the oppo- 
site valve. Linn. Syst.303. Plate 5th, 
fig. 4th. 

Habitation. 'The Myz are to be 
found both in the sea and in rivers. 
‘The marine kinds generally live under 
sand or sludge, and the place where 
they lie is betrayed by a small hole, 
out of which they occasionally protude 
their proboscis. ‘Those which inhabit 
rivers, are generally found in the mud 
at its bottom. In some places the 
animals are used for food; but what 
makes them of considerable import- 


ance is, the quantity of pearls which 
they sometimes produce. We are 
told by Camden, for the value of the 
pearls produced by the Mya Mar- 
gratifera, that Sir John Hawkins 
had a patent for fishing for that shell 
in the river Irt in Cumberland. 

The French naturalists divide this 
genus into three distinct genera: 
Mya, Glycimeris, and Vulsella. 

In Turton’s Linné twenty-six species 
are described; and fourteen have been 
ascertained to inhabit Great Britain. 

Genus 5th.---SOLEN. Animal an 
Ascidia; shell bivalve, oblong, open at 
both ends; hinge with a subulate re- 
flected tooth, often double, and not 
inserted in the opposite valve. Zann. 
Syst. 304. Plate 5th, fig. 5th. Razor 
shell. ' 

| Habitation. The Solens have only 
been found to inhabit the ocean; they ~ 
are generally found, buried about six 
inches deep, in the sand; their resi- 


dence is known by a small dimple on 
the surface. In some places they are 
used as food. 

The French naturalists have divided 
the Solens into three distinct genera : 
Solen, Sanguinalaria, and Corbula. 

In Turton’s Linné twenty-three spe- 
cies are described; eleven species 
have been ascertained as British. 

Genus 6th.---TELLINA. Animal 
a Tethys; shell bivalve, generally slop- 
ing on one side; in the fore-part of 
one valve a convex, of the other a 
concave fold; hinge with usually three 
teeth, the lateral ones smooth on one 
side. Linn. Syst. 305. Plate Sth, 
fig. 6th. 

‘There are three families of the Tel- 
linz : ovate and thickish* ovate and 
compressed,** suborbicular.*** 

Hfabitation. The Tellinze are found 
to inhabit the ocean, rivers and lakes. 
Those of the ocean lie buried in the 
sludge, near the bie and make two 


apertures in the sand; when the tide 
has receded, they may be easily found 
by looking for these marks. 

The French writers have divided 
the Tellina into three genera: Tellina, 
Cyclus, and Pandora. 

In Turton’s Linné ninety-four spe- 
cies are described: twenty-two spe- 
cies have been discovered in Britain. 

Genus 7th.--CARDIUM, (acockle.) 
Animala'Tethys; shell bivalve, nearly 
equilateral, equivalve, generally con- 
vex, longitudinally ribbed, striate or 
grooved, the margin dentated ; hinge 
with two alternate teeth in the mid- 
dle, near the beak; one of them com- 
monly incurved; and larger remote 
lateral teeth on one side, each looking 
into the opposite. Linn. Syst. 306. 
Plate 5th, fig. 7th. 

Habitation. The Cardium, with 
the exception of one species, have only 
been found to inhabit the ocean ; this 
species, the Cardium Fluviatile, has 


been found, sparingly, at the mouth 
of the Tees in Yorkshire. Cockles, 
in general, live just under the surface 
of the sand, barely covered ; they are 
necessitated to be near the surface, 
from the shortness of their tube, by 
which they draw in and throw out the 

The French have divided the Car- 
dium into three genera: Cardium, 
Buearde, and Cordiformes. 

In 'Turton’s Linné fifty-two species 
are described; fifteen species have 
been found in Great Britain. 

Genus 8th.----MACTRA. Animal 
a Tethys; shell bivalve, with unequal 
sides, equivalye ; middle tooth of the _ 
hinge complicated, with a small hol- 
low on each side, lateral-teeth, remote, 
and inserted into each other. . Linn. 
Syst. 307. Plate 6th, fig. 8th. 

Habitation. Shells of this genus 
have only been found to inhabit the 
ocean, These shells lurk in the sand 


or sludge, most commonly at the 
mouths of rivers, or near them. 

The French naturalists divide the 
Mactra into two genera: Mactra and 

In Turton’s Linné twenty-seven 
species are described; twelve have 
been discovered in the British seas. 

Genus 9th.---DONAX. Animal a 
Tethys; shell bivalve, with generally 
a crenulate margin, the frontal margin 
very obtuse; hinge with two teeth, 
and a single marginal one placed a 
little behind, rarely double, triple or 
none. Sinn. Syst. 308. Plate 6th, 
fig. Oth. 

The shells of this genus are in ge- 
neral triangular, inequilateral, flatten- 
ed, treuncated before, and wedge- 
shaped. } 

Habitation. The Donax has only 
been found to inhabit the ocean: 
lurking in the sand of the shore, and 

may be found on the reflux of the 

In Turton’s Linné nineteen of this 
genus are described ; and six species 
have been found in the British seas. 

The French conchologists have di- 
vided this genus into two: Donax and 

Genus 10th.---VENUS. Animal a 
Tethys; shell bivalve, the frontal mar- 
gin flattened, with incumbent lips; 
hinge with three teeth, all of them 
approximate, the lateral ones diver- 
gent at the tip. Linn. Syst. 309. 
Plate 6th, fig. LOth. 

This genus is divided into two sec- 
tions: pubentes* and impuberes.** 
This latter section is divided into three 
families: subcordate,} orbiculate,;-} 
and ovalis.(}+ 
~ Dr. Turton has not followed Linné 
in the above arrangement, but has 
divided them into three sections; A 
somewhat heart-shaped, B orbicular, 


C oval, alittle angular near the beaks. 

Habitation. 'The shells of this ge- 
nus have only been found to inhabit 
the ocean. They in general lurk in 
the sand; and many of the larger spe- 
cies are only to be found in very deep 

The shells composing this numerous 
tribe, are perhaps the most elegant, 
and beautifully diversified, of all the 
bivalve shells. 

In Turton’s Linné, no less than 154 
species are described ; and 25 species 
have been discovered to inhabit the 
seas around Great Britain. 

Genus IIith--SPONDYLUS. Ani- 
mala Tethys: shell hard, solid, and 
ridged, with unequal valves ; one valve 
in general convex, and the other ra- 
ther flat: Ainge with two recurved 
teeth, separated by a small hollow. 
Linn. Syst.310. Plate 6th, fig. 11th. 

Habitation. This genus has only 
been found to inhabit the ocean. They 


adhere to rocks in deep water, and 
require considerable force to tear 
them from their retreats. 

Some of the Spondyli have ears, 
and others not; they are in general 
strong, rugose shells. This genus re- 
quires considerable attention, as some 
of the species vary exceedingly, so 
much so that many have been taken 
for distinct species. 

The French writers divide the Spon- 
dyli into two genera: Spondylus, and 
Plicatula. The valves of the last are 
in general rude, thick, uneven, and 

In Turton’s Linné only four spe- 
cies are described ; no species of this 
genus have been found to inhabit the 
British seas. 

Genus 12th.---CHAMA. Animala 
Tethys; shell bivalve, rather coarse ; 
hinge with a eallous gibbosity, ob- 
liquely inserted into an oblique cavity; 


anterior slope closed. Linn. Syst. 
311. Plate 6th, fig. 12th. 

Habitation. The shells of this ge- 
nus have only been found to inhabit 
the ocean ; they live only in very deep 

The Chama Gigas is the largest 
and heaviest shell yet discovered, be- 
ing sometimes of the amazing weight 
of 532 pounds, and the animal inhabi- 
tant so large as to furnish one hun- 
dred and twenty-two men with a meal; 
and is said to be very palatable: and 
such is its strength that it is able to 
cut asunder a ship’s cable. This spe- 
cies inhabits the Indian Ocean. 

The French writers divide this ge- 
nus into five, Chama, Tridacna, Hip- 
possus, Cardita, and Lsocardia. 

In Turton’s Linné twenty-five spe- 
cies are described. Only one of this 
genus has been found in the British 
seas, the Chama Cor, discovered by 
Captain Laskey, off St. Abb’s-head in 


Scotland. To that gentleman the 
British Conchologist is indebted for 
the discovery of many new species. 

Genus 13th.---ARCA. Animal a 
Tethys; shell bivalve, equivalve; hinge 
with numerous sharp teeth, alternately 
inserted between each other. Linn. 
Syst. 312. Plate 6th, fig. 13th. 

Linné divides this genus into two 
families: *with the margin entire ; 
**with margin crenulated; and has 
subdivided each into two sections, 
tbeaks recurved; and j++}beaks in- 

Habitation. Some of the Area are 
affixed by the foot of the animal to 
rocks ; and others lurk in the sand or 
mud near the shore, generally be- 
tween high and low water mark. 
~The Arca have only been found to 
inhabit the ocean. 
_ This genus takes its name from the 
strong resemblance the Arca Noe, 
and some others, aKe to the hull of a 


vessel when the valves are united. 
Many of the Arks are, however, void 
of this character, but are sufficiently 
united to the genus, by the number 
and construction of their teeth. 

The French Conchologists have 
made two genera of the Arca: Arca 
and Nucla. The Arca Noz is an 
example of the former, and the Arca 
Nucleus of the latter. 

In Turton’s Linné forty-two species 
are described; and six species have 
been found on the British shores. 

Genus 14th.--OSTREA, (or oyster.) 
Animal a Tethys: shell bivalve, gene- 
rally with unequal valves, and slightly 
eared ; hinge without teeth, but fur- 
nished with an ovate hollow, and 
mostly lateral transverse grooves. 
fann. Syst. 313. Plate 7th, fig. 14th. 

The Ostrea is divided into three 
families: *valyes radiated and eared, 
as in scallops ; “rugged or rough, as 
in the oyster; *“*hinge with a perpen- 


dicular furrowed line, as in the spe- 
cies of Perna. The first family is 
again subdivided into three sections: 
fvalves equilateral, and ears equal; 
tfears unequal, and having one of them 
generally ciliated with spires within; 
Titvalves gibbous on one side. 

Habitation. The Ostrea have me 
been found in the ocean; some lurk 
in the sand in large beds, others ad- 
here to rocks, and some to trees on 
the shores of the West Indies, &c. 

The Ostrea might with great pro- 
priety be divided into two species, 
scallops and oysters, as those sections 
are very dissimilar. 

The French Naturalists have formed 
this genus into seven: Ostrea, Pec- 
ten, Malleus, Perna, Lima, Pedum, 
and Gryphus. 

In Turton’s Linné 187 species are 
described ; nine species are found in 
the British seas. 


Most of the foreign, and a few of 
the British Pectens, are very beauti- 
ful shells. 

Genus 15th.---ANOMIA. Animal 
an emarginate ciliate strap-shaped 
body, with bristles or fringe affixed 
to the upper-valve; arms two, linear 
longer than the body, connivent pro- 
jecting, alternate on the valve and 
ciliate on each side, the fringe affixed 
to each valve; shell bivalve, inequi- 
valve, one of the valves flattish, the 
other gibbous at the base with a pro- 
duced beak, generally curved over 
the hinge; one of the valves often 
perforated near the base ; henge with 
a linear prominent cicatrix and a late- 
ral tooth placed within, but in the flat 
valve on the very margin; two bony 
rays for the base of the animal. Lznn. 
Syst. 314. Plate 7th, fig. 15th. 

Habitation. The Anomia have on- 
ly been found to inhabit the ocean. 
The animal attaches itself to fuci, 


shells, stones, and other extraneous 
bodies at the bottom of the sea: they 
are generally affixed by a ligament 
which passes through the perforation 
in the flat valve. A species called the 
Squamula is often found adhering to 
the Pecten Opercularis, and is very 
common at Aberlady Bay in Scotland ; 
it resembles the scale of a fish, and 
partakes of the form of the furrows and 
striz of the Ostrea, which makes it 
very beautiful. 

Lamarck has divided the Anomia 
into three genera: Anomia, Calceola, 
and Crania. , 

The Anomia Sandalium of Linné, 
is an example of the Calceola, and the 
Anomia Craniolaris of the Crania. 

In Turton’s Linné fifty-one species 
are described ; and six have been dis- 
covered on the British shores, 

Genus 16th.---MYTILUS, (or mus- 
cle.) Animal allied to an Ascidia; 

shell bivalve, rough, generally affixed 


by a byssus or beard of silky filaments ; 
hinge mostly without teeth, with gene- 
rally a subulate, excavated, longitudi- 
nal line. Lenn. Syst. 315. Plate 7th, 
fig. 16th. 

The Linnean Mytili are divided into 
three families: *Parasitici, &c. parasi- 
tical, affixed as it were by claws, as 
exemplified in the Mytilus Cristi Galli; © 
**Plani, &c. flat or compressed into a 
flattened form, and slightly eared; as 
in the Mytilus Margratiferus; ***Ven- 
tricosiusculi, &c. ventricose or wear 
as in Mytilus Edulis. 

Habitation. The Mytili are found 
to inhabit the ocean, lakes, rivers and - 
ponds. Marine Muscles adhere to 
rocks or beds by a thin byssus, and 
some to the Gorgoniz by claws. Some 
penetrate calcareous rocks, &c. where 
they reside without changing place, 
some of them adhere to rocks on the 
shore, and are either used for bait or 
food, and as such they are esteemed 


by many; but it is dangerous to eat 
plentifully of them, unless they are 
known to be wholesome, as many of 
them produce very bad effects after 
they are taken into the stomach. The 
fresh water muscles are generally 
found on the surface, or a little way 
under the mud. Some muscles pro- 
duce pearls. 

Lamarck divides this genus into 
three species: Mytilus, Modiolus, and 

In Turton’s Linné sixty-four species 
are described ; and thirteen have been 
found to inbabit the seas, lakes, &c. 
of Great Britain. 

Genus 17th.---PINNA. Animal a 
Limax ; shell sub-bivalve, fragil, up- 
right, gaping at one end, and fur- 
nished with a byssus or beard: hinge 
without teeth, the valves united into 
one. Linn. Syst. 316. Plate 7th, 
fig. 17th. 


Habitation. The Pinnez, which fre- 
quently grow to a large size, are only 
found to inhabit the ocean. They are 
generally found standing erect in the 
smoother water bays, with the broad 
end or base of the shell uppermost. 
And they are sometimes found affixed 
by their byssus to rocks. 

In Italy the byssus of the Pinna is 
woven into a sort of silk. The fibres 
or filaments of which it is composed, 
are very tough, and of a fine glossy 
brown colour. The ancient Romans 
highly esteemed articles made of this 
byssus; and at Naples and Palermo 
there are still manufactories of it. 

This genus forms an excellent inter- 
mediate link between the bivalve and 
univalve shells, being in truth what 
Linné defines it---a sub-bivalve shell ; 
it being immoveably fixed, by a calca- 
reous process, at the hinge. 

The Pinne are wedge-shaped shells, 
er somewhat of a triangular form, 


widening from the top, which is nar- 
row and pointed, to the base which is 
wide and extended. 

In Turton’s Linné eighteen species 
of Pinnz are described; and three 
only have been found to inhabit the 
British seas. | 


With a regular Spire. 

Genus 18th.--ARGONAUTA. Ani- 
mala Sepia or Clio; shell univalve, 
spiral, involute, membranaceous, and 
unilocular, or consisting of a single 
apartment or cell. Linn Syst. 317. 
Plate 7th, fig. 18th. , 

Habitation. The Argonaute have 
only been found oo inhabit the ocean, 


and are found among the rocks near 
the shore, in the Mediterranean and 
Indian Ocean. 
The Argonauta argo is the Nauti- 
lus so famous amongst the ancients, 
and often mentioned in the writings 
of Pliny and others. It is supposed 
that in the earliest ages of society, 
this shell suggested to men the first 
idea of using sails. In calm weather 
it rises to the surface of the water, 
(which it does by discharging a quan- 
tity of fluid, that rendered it specifi- 
cally heavier than the sea-water,) and 
spreads its arms over the shell, which 
answer the purpose of oars; it then 
throws out and.» expands a double 
membrane, which it ean oblique in any 
direction at pleasure, this answers the 
purpose of a sail, and by this it is im- 
pelled forward by the breeze, like a 
ship under sail; two of its arms hang 
over the sbell, and serve as rudders 
or oars, to direct its course. In the 


event of danger it immediately with- 
draws within its cell, and sinks to the 

Lamarck proposes two distinct ge- 
nera of the Argonauta. The first is 
exemplified by the Argonauta Argo 
of Linné; the second is constituted 
by the Argonauta Vitreus of Gmelin, 
and he terms it Carinaria: It is some- 
what remarkable, that the great Linné 
should have been completely at a loss 
where to place this shell; and in the 
twelfth edition of the Systema Natu- 
re, we find it placed among the Pi- 
tillee, under the title of Patella Cristata, 
to which tribe it bears no resemblance. 
It was by Gmelin, with more propri- 
ety placed among the Argonauta; but 
even in this situation it seems mis- 
placed, and I concur with Lamarck 
in the propriety of forming a new 
genus with it. Lamarck terms it the 
Carinaria. | 


In Turton’s Linné five species of 
this genus are described; none of 
which have been found to inhabit the 
British seas. 

Genus 19th.---NAUTILUS. Ani- 
mal (Rumphfius Mus. table 17, fig. B;) 
shell univalve, divided into several! de- 
partments, communicating with each 
other by a sephunculus or aperture. 
Finn. Syst. 318. Plate 7th, fig. 19th. 

The Linnean Nautili are divided 
into two families : *spiral and rounded, 
*“elongated and straight. Of the for- 
mer there are two sections: whorls 
contiguous, ~~}whorls separated. | 

Habitation. With a very few ex- 
ceptions the Nautili have only been 
found to inhabit the ocean. 

Some modern authors propose to 
divide this genus into three: Nauti- 
lus, Spirula, and Orthocrea. 

Many of the Nautili are found in a 
fossil state ; see Parkinson’s. Organic 
Remains, vol. 3. 


In Turton’s Linné thirty-one species 
of this genus are described ; seventeen 
species have been found on the Bri- 
tish coast; and the greatest number 
of them was discovered by George 
Montagu, Esq. author of the Testacea 
Britannica, which is by far the best 
work on Conchology in the English 

Genus 20th _-CONUS, Animal a 
Limax ; shell univalve, convolute, tur- 
binate ; aperture effuse, longitudinal, 
linear, without teeth, entire at the 
base ; pillar smooth. Linn. Syst. 319. 
Plate 8th, fig. 20. 

This genus in the Linnean System 
is divided into five families: *truncati, 
&c. having the spire or turban nearly 
truncate or flat; **pyriformis, &c. 
pyriform, with the base rotundate, 
and sub-cylindrical, the cylinder one 
half longer than the spire; ***elon- 
gate, with the base rotundate, cylinder 
twice the length of the spire; ****ven- 


tricose in the middle, and narrow at 
each end; *****ventricose, emits a 
tinkling sound when thrown on its 
back upon a table. 

Habitation. 'The Cones have only 
been found to inhabit the ocean, and 
are generally found on rocky shores. 

This genus is a very good one, and 
well defined by Linné. Although it 
contains a great many species, none 
have been found among them to differ 
so much, as to allow any one to attempt 
a new genus from it. 

Many of the Cones are very beauti- 
ful. These shells, in general, are the 
highest priced of all shells, as they are 
very rare. Qne species, the Cedo 
Nulli of Lyonet, is valued at one hun- 
dred guineas. Very few perfect speci- 
mens of this shell are known; and 
those are only to be met with in the 
most valuable cabinets. 

In Parkinson's Organic Remains, 
vol, 3, seyeral curious’ specimens are 


described; many. of them from the 
chalk cliffs in Hampshire. 

In Turton’s Linné seventy-one spe- 
cies of cones are described ; none of 
this genus have been found to inhabit 
the British seas. 

Genus 2\st.---CYPR/EA (or Cow- 
ry.) Animal a Slug; shell univalve, 
involute, sub-ovate, smooth, obtuse at 
each end; aperture effuse at each end, 
linear, extending the whole length of 
the shell, and dentated or toothed on 
each side. Linn. Syst. 320. Plate 
8th, fig. 21. 

Linné divides the genus Cypraa 
into four families: *mucronate, or 
pointed; “obtuse, and without any 
manifest spire; ***umbilicated, or with 
a small perforation ; ****marginated. 

The genus Cyprza consists of beau- 
tifully coloured, and very highly polish- 
ed shells. It is said, that all the Cy- 
prea leave their shells annually, and 
construct new and larger ones. But 


we have not been able to ascertain this 
point as a fact. 

Habitation. 'They live in sand at 
the bottom of the sea; and the animals 
are provided with a membrane, which 
they throw over their shells, which 
preserves the fine polish, and prevents 
other testaceous bodies from fixing on 
them. ‘The Cypreea have only been 
found to inhabit the ocean. 

In Turton’s Linné 120 species of 
Cyprea are described ; and only one 
has been found in the British seas. 

Genus 22nd.---BULLA. Animal a 
Limax; shell univalve, convolute, and 
unarmed with teeth; aperture a little 
straitened, oblong, longitudinal, very 
entire at the base; pellar oblique and 
smooth. Linn. Syst. 321. Plate 8th, 
fig. 22nd. 

Habitation. The shells composing 
the Bulla genus are found to inhabit 
the ocean, lakes, rivers, and ditches. 
Those which inhabit the ocean, are 


found a few inches ‘under the sand. 
They may be frequently taken alive 
in little pools, between high and low 
water-mark, in which they are often 
seen sporting, with a very rapid mo- 
tion in the sun-beams. 

The animal inhabiting the Bulla is 
considerably too large for its shell, 
and cannot contract itself wholly with- 
in it, as most other animals can do, 
which inhabit shells. 

The French Conchologists have di- 
vided this genus into several new 
ones ; the most prominent of these is 
the Ovum; at the head of which 
stands Linné’s Bulla Ovum. 

In Turton’s Linné fifty-two species 
of Bulle are described; and nineteen 
species have been found to be indige- 
nous to the British seas, lakes, rivers, 

Genus 23d.---VOLUTA. Animal 
a Limax; shell single-celled and spi- 
ral; aperture i aa a beak and 


somewhat effuse; pillar twisted or 
plaited, generally without lips or per- 
foration. Linn. Syst. 322. Plate 8th, 
fig. 25d. 

Linné divides this yery extensive 
genus of shells into five distinct fami- 
lies: *aperture or opening entire ; 
*“*somewhat cylindrical and emargi- 
ginate ; ***obovate, effuse, and emar- 
ginate ; **“fusiform ; *****ventricose, 
spire papillary at the top. 

Habitation. The Volutes have on- 
ly been found to inhabit the ocean, 
and are most common in inter-tropical 

The French writers on Conchology, 
have divided the Linnean Volute into 
several new genera: Oliva, Turbinella, 
Mitra, Harpa, Musica, and Volva. 

In Turton’s Linné 144 species of 
Volutes are described; and eleven 
species haye been found to inhabit the 
British seas. 

Genus 24th.---BUCCINUM. Anvi- 

mal a Limax; shell univalve, spiral, 
gibbous ; aperture ovate, terminating 
in a short canal leaning to the right, 
with a retuse beak or projection ; pl- 
lar-lip expanded. Linn. Syst. 323. 
Plate 8th, fig. 24th. 

The Buccina are divided by Linné 
into nine families: *ampulla, &c. inflat- 
ed, rounded, thin, sub-diaphanous, 
and brittle; ** cassidea, caudata, &e. 
with a short, exerted, reflected beak, 
lip unarmed outwardly; ***cassidea, 
unguiculated, &c. lip aculated on the 
outside of the posterior part; in other 
respects resembling the last division ; 
****callosa, &c. pillar-lip dilated and 
thickened ; *****dentrila, &c. pillar-lip 
appearing as if worn flat; ******leevi- 
gata, &c. smooth, and not enumerated 
in the former divisions ; ****""*angu- 
~ Jar, and not included in the former 
divisions ; “tapering, subulate, 
and smooth. 


Habitation. The Buccina generally 
inhabit the ocean, with the exception 
of a very few species, which are found 
to inhabit the earth. 

Lamarck has divided the genus 
‘Buccinum into seven genera: Do- 
lium, Harpa, Cassis, Terebra, Purpura, 
Buccinum, and Nassa. 

The shells composing the genus 
Buccinum are in general strong and 
hollow; they adhere to rocks and 
stones in the ocean, and deposit their 
ova in deep water. Some of the larger 
kinds are said to have been used as 
trumpets in ancient times. 

In Turton’s Linné 202 species of 
Buccina are described ; and eighteen 
species have been ascertained to in- 
habit the British shores. 

Genus 25th.---STROMBUS. Anz- 
mala Limax: shell univalve and spi- 
ral; aperture much dilated; the ip 
expanding and produced into a groove 


leaning to the left. Linn. Syst. 324. 
Plate 8th, fig. 25th. : 

Linné divides the Strombi into four 
families: *lip projecting into linear 
divisions or claws; **lobed; ***di- 
lated ; ****tapering, with a very long 
spire. | 

Habitation. The shells composing 
this genus, have only been found to 
inhabit the ocean; and are in general 
found on rocky shores. The Strom- 
bus Gigas is to be seen, when the 
water is clear, crawling on the large 
flat rocks which surround many of the 
West India islands, at the depth of 
from fifteen to twenty feet. 

The young shells of this genus want 
the dilated lip, which is’ one of the 
most essential characters of the Strom- 
bi, and are in consequence often con- 
founded with the Buccinum and Mu- 
yex. | 
_ The French Conchologists divide 
the Linnean Strombi into three ge- 


nera: Strombus, Pterocera, and Ros- 

In Turton’s Linné fifty-five species 
of Strombi are described; and only 
two have been found to inhabit the 
British seas. 

Genus 26th.---MUREX. Animala 
Limax ; shell univalve, spiral, rough, 
with membraneous sutures ; aperture 
oval, ending in an entire straight or 
slightly ascending canal. Linn. Syst. 
325. Plate 8th, fig. 26th. 

Linné divides the Murices into six 
families: +*Spinosi, spinous, with a 
‘produced beak; **Frondosi Suturis, 
sutures expanding inte crisped folia- 
tions; beak abbreviated; ***Ventri- 
cose, with thick protuberant rounded 
sutures; ****Ecaudati, more or less 
spinous, and without manifest beak ; 
*****Caudigeri, with a long, straight, 
subulate, closed beak, and unarmed 
with spines; ******Turriti, tapering, 
subulate, with a very short beak. 


Habitation. The Murices are only 
found to inhabit the ocean. They in 
general are to be found on rocky 
shores, and some of them burrow in 
the sand. 

The shells of this genus are in 
general thick, strong, and heavy, and 
often rugged ; from which they have 
obtained the name of rocks in England. 

The modern French and German 
Testaceologists, have divided the Lin- 
nean Murex into three genera: Fas- 
- ciolaria, Pleurotoma, and Murex. 

The first of these are shells of a fu- 
siform or spindle shape, and smooth, 
with several oblique folds in the pillar. 
The Plurotoma are also spindle-shaped, 
with the aperture terminating in along 
canal, lip cleft near the summit. The 
Murex are those shells of an oval or 
oblong form, with a canal at the base, 
and the shell externally beset with 
prominent, longitudinal ridges, and 
often tuberculated. 


In Turton’s Linné 182 species of 
Murices are described; and twenty- 
two species have been ascertained to 
inhabit the British seas. 

Genus 27th.----TROCHUS. Ani- 
mal a Limax: shell univalve, spiral 
more or less conic; aperture some- 
what angular or rounded, the upper 
side transverse and contracted ; pillar 
placed obliquely. Zinn. Syst. 326. 
Plate 8th, fig. 27th. " 

Linné divides the Trochi into three 
families: «Umbilicate, erect, with pil- 
lar perforated ; **Imperforati, imper- 
forate, erect, with the umbilicus 
closed; ***Turiti, tapering, with aun 
inserted pillar, and falling on the side 
when placed upon the base. | 

Habitation. The Trochi have 
mostly been found to inhabit the 
ocean, with a few land species. They 
most frequently live neat the shore in 
pools, or such places as are always 


wet when the tide recedes ; some few 
of them live in very deep water. 

Lamarck and Latrellie have made a 
new genus from the Trochi of Linné, 
under the name of Pyramidella ; the 
generic character of which is opening, 
entire, and semi-oval, pillar projecting 
and raised with three transverse folds, 
perforated at the base as in the Tro- 
chus Dolabratus of Linné. The above 
writers have formed two other genera, 
Salarium and Monodonta. The Tro- 
chus perspectives, or what is called 
the Staincase Trochus in England, 
illustrates the first; and Trochus La- 
bio the second. 

In Turton’s Linné 133 species are 
described; and twelve have been 
found on the British coasts, including 
one species found on the mountains of 

Genus 28th.--TURBO. Animal a 
Limax ; shell univalve, spiral, and so- 
lid; aperture crema orbicular, 


entire. Zinn. Syst. 327. Plate 9th, 
fig. 26th. 

- The shells composing this genus 
are divided into five families: *Neri- 
toidei, &c. with the pillar-margin of 
the aperture dilated and imperforate ;_ 
**Solidi, &c. solid and imperforate ; 
*** Solidi, &c. solid, perforated ; 
****Cancellati, cancellate; *****Tur- 
riti, tapering. 

_ Habitation. The shells of this ge- 
nus are found to inhabit the sea, land, 
and fresh water ; the Turbines adhere 
to rocks near the shore; and some of 
them live in very deep water. 

The Turbo Scalaris, or wentle- 
trap, as it is termed in England, is 
very much esteemed by collectors, 
and is rather a scarce shell. A mo- 
dern author proposes a new genus 
from this and similar species; and: 
the longitudinal ribs, he marks as 
the distinguishing characteristics ; al- 
though we must in candour admit, 


that the Linnean Turbo, in its present 
form, is rather too copious and diffuse, 
yet we cannot approve of establishing 
new genera from shells, which differ 
in so trifling a degree; as genera, 
established on such flimsy greunds, 
would be endless. 

In Turton’s Linné 151 species of 
Turbines are described ; and no less 
than 69 species have been ascertained 
as indigenous to Britain. 

Genus 29th.---HELIX. Animal a 
Limax ; shell univalve, spiral, subdia- 
phanous, brittle ; aperture contracted, 
semilunar or roundish. Zann. Syst. 
328. Plate 7th, fig. 29th. 

Linné divides the Helices into six 
families: *Ancipites ; &c. angulated on 
both sides; **Carinate, &e. whorls 
with a carinate acute margin; *** 
Rotundate, &c. whorls rounded and 
umbilicated ; ****rounded and imper- 
forate ; *****Turrite, tapering ; ****** 
Ovate, &c. ovate and imperforate. 


Habitation. 'The Helices are found 
to inhabit the ocean, land, rivers, lakes, 
&e. They are inhabitants of almost 
all parts of the globe; and are in 
general very numerous. On land they 
are found to inhabit trees, old walls, 
mossy banks, rocks; and are often 
found under stones, &c. 

The Helices are termed snails in 
England; they feed on vegetables, 
&c. It has been asserted, and on appa- 
rently good authority, that snails have 
been known to revive after remaining 
in a state of torpidity for about fifteen 
years; snails are possessed of very 
considerable reproductive powers, and 
are capable of regenerating the head, 
after it is taken off. 

The Helices are a numerous tribe, 
and many of them are beautifully 
formed. | 

Modern Testaceologists have di- 
vided this genus into six genera: Jan- 


thina, Helix, Lymnea, Bulimus, Mela- 
nia, and Planorbis. 

In Turton’s Linné 267 species of 
Helix are described ; and 67 species 
have been ascertained as indigenous 
to Britain. | 

Genus 30th.--NERITA. Animal 
a Limax; shell univalve, spiral, gib- 
bous, flattish at bottom; aperture 
semiorbicular, or semilunar; paliar-lip 
transversely truncate, flattish. Lenn. 
Syst. 329 Plate 9th, fig. 30th. 

This genus is divided into three 
families : *Umbilicate, umbilicate ; 
*“Imperforate, &c. imperforate, with 
the lips toothless ; ***Imperforate, 
with the lips toothed. 

Habitation. The Neritz inhabit 
the sea, lakes, and rivers. Those in- 
habiting the sea are, for the most part, 
found near the shore, and several are 
attached to marine plants; and some 
are only found in deep water, so that 


live specimens can only be had by 
trawling for them. 7 

The continental writers on Con- 
chology, Lamarck, Latreille, &c. have 
made a new genus from the Nerite, 
termed Natica, which embraces the 
‘umbilicated kinds, such as the Glau- 
cina and its corresponding - species. 
We, however, can see no particular 
reason for making this a generic dis- 
tinction. The Linnean Nerite is a 
very good genus, and there is nothing 
in the general character of any of the 
species, which can perplex even a 
young student. We think it tends ra- 
ther to retard than to advance the pro- 
gress of the science, to construct new 
genera, where there are not strong 
motives for doing so. 

In Turton’s Linné 76 species of 
Nerites are described; and eight 
species have been found indigenous to 

Geans, Blat EIALIOTIS: ine 


mala Limax; shell ear-shaped, uni- 
valve, and dilated, with a longitudinal 
row of orifices along the surface ; spare 
lateral, and nearly concealed. Linn. 
Syst. 330. Plate 9th, fig. Sist. 

Habitation. The shells composing 
the genus Haliotis, have only been 
found to inhabit the sea. They adhere 
closely to rocks, and can only be re- 
moved by suddenly snatching them 
from their hold. In some places the 
animal inhabitant is esteemed good 
eating. One species, the Haliotis 
Tuberculata, is very common in 

The shells of shai genus are so very 
distinct, that they can hardly be mis- 
taken, the Helix Haleotida, indeed, 
approaches very near to the Falotzs, 
but it wants the most striking charac- 
teristic, the longitudinal series of 
orifices; in other respects it is very 
similar to the Haliotis, having a pear- 
laceous inside, and being ear-shaped. 


On the other hand, its prominent spire 
certainly removes it from this genus. 

Gmelen has placed the Hilex Per- 
versa and the Haliotidia, both imper- 
forate shells, among the Haliotis tribe, 
in his edition of the Systema Nature ; 
and quotes Chemnitz, as authority for 
so doing: but we think he would have 
been less blameable, had he consti- 
tuted a new genus of these imperforate 

Heblins, Lamarck, Latreille, and 
other continental writers, have made 
a new genus of the imperforate shells, 
and named it Stomatia, with the 
following generic character : “ shell of 
an oval form, ear-shaped ; spire 
prominent; aperture ample, entire, 
oblong ; disk imperforate.” 

There is no genus of shells which 
has been so often misplaced as the 
Haliotis. Lister places it between the 
Trochus and Nerita, Gualtieri among 
the snails with depressed spires, Adan- 


son in the first genus of spiral shells ; 
and Da Casta, going still further from 
the point, places it as his second genus 
of simple shells. 

We see no situation in the present 
arrangement so well adapted to this 
genus, as the one it now occupies. 
It is the most simple of the spiral 
shells, consequently it now stands 
in its proper place, as the last of the 
spiral shells, preceding those shells 
destitute of a regular spire. 

It is asserted, that as anew hole is 
added by the animal to the shell, it 
carefully closes up the next open one 
to the spire; by which means the 
number of orifices are, in general, the 
same in all shells of one species. 

In Turton’s Linné 19 species of 
Haliotis are described ; and only one 
has been found to inhabit the British 



Shells without a regular spire. 

Genus 32nd.---PATELLA. Animal 
a Limax ; shell univalve, subconie, 
shaped like a bason; without a spire. 
Linn. Syst. $31. Plate 9th, fig. 32. 

Linné divides this genus into five 
families : *Labiate, &c. furnished with 
an internal lip; shell entire; **Den- 
tate, &c. with the margin angular or 
irregularly toothed ; ***Mucronate, 
&e. with a pointed recurved tip or 
crown; *“***Integerrime, &c. very 
entire, and not pointed at the tip 
or vertex ; ***** Perforate, &c. with the 
crown perforated. 

Habitation. This tribe of shells 
have been found to inhabit the sea, 
lakes, and rivers. ‘Those of the sea 
in general adhere to rocks and stones 


on the shore; and are so tenacious, 
that they cannot be removed without 
breaking the shell, unless taken by 
surprise. Those inhabiting fresh wa- 
ter are generally found adhering to 
aquatic plants. The Patelle are 
called limpets in England. 

The Patella is a very good genus, 
though there are several authors who 
dispute this point. We cannot see 
that the distinctive characters Lamarck 
has chosen, are sufficient reason for 
the formation of new genera; their 
division into sections appears to us 
quite sufficient ; for with the excep- 
tion of the chambered limpets, they 
are all perfectly simple shells, and 
very like each other. 

Lamarck forms the Patelle into six 
genera: Patella, Fissurella, Emargi- 
nula, Concholepas, Crepidula, and 

In Turton’s Linné no less than 240 
species of Limpets are described ; 


and fourteen species have been ascer- 
tained to be indigenous to Britain. 

Genus 33d.—DENTALIUM. Ani- 
mala Terebella; shed/ univalve, tubu- 
lar, straight or slightly curved, with 
cavity undivided, and open at both 
ends. Linn. Syst. 332. Plate 9th, 
fie. 33d. 

Habitation. ‘The shells of this ge- 
nus are only found to inhabit the 
ocean. ‘They are solitary, and are to 
be found immersed in the mud, in an 
oblique or perpendicular position.--- 
And the shores are those which have 
flat extended beaches, and on which 
a quantity of soft mud is collected, 
commonly known by the name of 
sludge. ‘This genus is unquestionably 
simple, and very distinct and perfect. 
Continental Testaceologists have also 
endeavoured to overturn this genus, 
but without effect. It is defined with 
too much precision and simplicity to 
be altered. 


The shells of this genus are known 
in England by the name of tooth-shells, 
or sea teeth. 

In 'Turten’s Linné 22 species of 
Dentalium are described; and seven 
have been found to inhabit the British 

Genus 34th.---SERPULA. Anz- 
mala Terebeila; shell univalve, tubu- 
lar, generally adhering to other sub- 
stances; often separated internally 
by divisions at uncertain distances. 
Linn. Syst. 333. Plate 9th, fiz. 34. 

Habitation. The Serpule have 
only been found to inhabit the ocean. 
They are generally found adhering to 
stones, shells, and plants, &c. some- 
times a plurality of species are found 
onone stone or shell. There are also 
several species of Serpula which are 
unattached. | 

There haye been several attempts 
to divide and amend the Linnean Ser- 
pula, which is certainly a very irregu- 


lar genus; but none of those are by 
any means satisfactory. Mr. Mon- 
tagu in his Zestacea Britannica has 
divided this genus into two, under 
the names Serpula, which are shells 
attached to other bodies; and Ver- 
geacelum, shells unattached. But in 
this division the generic characters are 
no more definite than that of Linné. 

In Turton’s Linné 48 species of 
Serpula are described ; and 27 species 
are ascertained to be inhabitants of 
the British seas. 

Genus 35th.---TEREDO. Animal 
a Terebella, with two calcareous, 
hemispherical valves cut off before, 
and two lanceotate ones: shell taper- 
ing, flexous, and capable of penetrating 
wood. Linn. Syst. 334. Plate 9th, 
fig. 35. | 

Habitation. 'The shells of this 
genus inhabit the bottoms of ships ; 
and oak poles, which are under water 
in harbours, &c. One species has 


been found in the mud, at the bottom 
of the ocean. This last mentioned 
shell is the Zeredo Gigantea, and has 
been described to be five feet four 
inches in length, nine inches in cir- 
cumference at the larger end, and two 
and one half inches at the smaller. 
See Philosophical Transactions of the 
Royal Society for 1810. 

The Teredo Navwalis has been 
termed, in this country, the ship 
worm ; it insinuates itself into the 
bottoms of ships, even although the 
oak is perfectly sound, and in a very 
short time completely destroys it. 
This destructive creature was origi- 
nally brought by our vessels from 
tropical climates; but has now be- 
come an inhabitant of most of the har- 
bours of this island, and is very com- 
mon in Plymouth Dock. 

We think it has been pretty clearly 
proved by that learned and very inde- 
fatigable naturalist, George Montagu, 


Esq. in his supplement to Testacea 
Britannica, that the animal inhabit- 
ing the Teredo, is not a Terebella, but 
an Ascidea. 

There are three species of this shell 
described in Turton’s Linné ; and one 
has been found to inhabit the British 

Genus 36th.---SABELLA. Animal 
a Nereis, with a ringent mouth, and 
two thicker tentacula behind the head; 
shell tubular, composed of. particles 
of sand, broken shells, and vegetable 
substances, united to a membrane 
by a glutinous cement. 

Habitation. The shells, (if they 
ean be called so) according to Linné 
inhabit the sea and fresh water 
ditches, &e. 

The shells of this genus cannot with 
propriety be called testaceous, nor 
are they crustaceous, but coverings 
made up of extraneous substances ; 
and may therefore fairly be expunged 


from the collection of the Testaceolo- 
gist. I shall give an extract from 
the eighth vol. of the Linnean 'Transac- 
tions, beipg the concluding paragraph 
of the catalogue of British shells, the 
joint labours of Dr. Maton and the 
Rey. Mr. Rackett; which is a work of 
great merit, and indispensable to the 
collector of British shells. 

‘© We venture so far to dissent from 
the great authority of Linneus, as to 
exclude from this descriptive cata- 
logue of British Testacea the genus 
Sabella. The animals included under 
that genus, have for their coverings 
particles of sand agglutinated on the 
external membrane, and resemble 
rather the /arve of certain ¢ensects, 
than the testaceous vermes. The lat- 
ter form their calcareous integuments 
entirely from the secretions of their 
own surfaces, and are attached to these 
by cartilaginous processes, so as to 
render them nspentiel and indispen- 


sable parts of their structure. The 
coverings of the Sabella seem to be | 
more of an adventitious nature, and 
may be considered rather as serving 
the purposes, than as being organized 
integrals of the contained animal.--- 
If these ideas be correct, the genus 
Sabella does not come within our 

In Turton’s Linné 25 species of 
Sabellz are described ; and Mr. Mon- 
tagu has discovered 12 on the British 
coasts. ' 

Ses oo 



= Ola 

Fig. Ist.----LEPAS RUGOSA.--- 
With a sub-cylindric shell, usually 


six furrows, which frequently widen 
towards the top, and_ terminate 
in angulated points, sometimes as 
wide as at the base; compartments 
suleated, or sometimes striated longi- 
tudinally ; of a yellowish colour ; oper- 
culum consisting of four rough, an- 
gulated, erect valves. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viil. page 25. 

A operculum, B the base, F Fridges 
or furrows, Ha stone to which the 
base of the shell is affixed. 

Shell compressed, with five obsoletely 
striated valves ; the lower valves some- 
what triangular; the superior ones 
long, and tapering to an obtuse point. 
The valves connected by a cartilage, 
of a reddish colour, and affixed to a 
peduncle of a colour between ver- 
million and orange. 

This shell is generally affixed to 
pieces of rotten wood and to the bot- 
toms of vessels, and is found in almost 

> . . 

all seas. Found plentifully on the 
sides of the New Bason, Leith. 
Linn. Trans. vol. viii, page 28. 

| BB base, CC peduncle, D DD li- 
gament, HE feelers, G a piece of 
wood to which the peduncle is affixed. 
_ Fig. 3d. represents a spoon for lift- 
ing fresh water shells. It is made of 
white iron of a circular form, and five 
inches in diameter, concave, and per- 
forated with small holes to allow the 
water to eseape; they must be very 
small, ‘The margin should be sur- 
rounded with a perpendicular rim of 
about half an inch in height. Some 
of the fresh water shells being ex- 
tremely minute, of course will pass 
through with the water, if the holes 
are too large. There is a hollow 
handle to the spoon, which should be 
fitted to the point of a walking stick ; 
and it may be put into the pocket when 
not used. This spoon will be found 
very useful, in taking shells which sel- 


dom can be come at, without some 
assistance of the kind. It should 
always be carried in the pocket, when 
a person goes a-walking ; and in 
botanizing excursions, when in search 
of aquatic plants, a few rare shells 
may be at same time picked up in 
ditches, &c. It must be understood, 
that shells which inhabit fresh water, 
from their colour are very difficult to 
be seen in their places of abode, being 
in general so much like the bottom of 
the ditches; of course the collector is 
not to content himself with only taking 
those shells he can observe, but must 
frequently rake the bottom, and also 
among plants, and weeds, when he 
will in general find shells which were 
hidden from his view. In very fine 
sunshine days in summer, shells which 
inhabit fresh water, are either floating 
on the surface of the water, or crawling 
on aquatic plants: and land shells, are 
generally seen crawling abroad in 


dewy mornings, or after a gentle 
shower of rain. 


Fig. 4th.---VENUS CHIONE. 
Shell strong, sub-cordated, somewhat 
concentrically wrinkled, margin en- 
tire, covered with a smooth, glossy, 
chesnut-coloured epidermis ; some- 
times a little radiated ; beneath which 
the shell is of a beautiful pale purple ; 
apex turned sideways, with a cordi- 
form depression ; wmbo placed nearest 
oneend. Found at Falmouth in Corn- 

Linn. Trans. vol. vill. page 84. 

aa Summit, 66 lunule, ¢ anterior 
slope, & posterior slope, o disk, p 
margin or limb. 

Fig. 5th.---SOLEN SILIQUA. 
Shell linear, straight ; in one valve two 
teeth, and one in the other, with a 
lateral inclined tooth corresponding 


with the opposite lamina; with a fine 
olivaceous brown epidermis, very 
glossy, with transverse striz which 
takes a longitudinal direction across 
the shell. Common on most sandy 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 43. 

ov Breadth of the shell, ww length 
of the shell. 
Shell strong, thick, sub-orbicular, 
compressed, and slightly suleated or 
irregularly wrinkled ; colour white, 
but is usually covered by a thick yel- 
lowish-brown epidermis; wumbo pro- 
minent, turning to one side, beneath 
which is a small cordiform depression; 
hinge with two teeth in one valve, and 
a transverse one. | 

e Sides, d base, ee cicatrix, gg 
teeth of the hinge, w the umbo. 

Supp. to Testa. Brit. page 43. 

Fig. “th.----ANOMIA EPHIP- 
PIUM. Shell sub-orbicular, irregu- 


larly wrinkled, and waved ; upper valve 
convex, under flat and perforated at 
the hinge, through which the liga- 
ment passes by which it is affixed to 
other bodies ; inside pearlaceous, and 
of various changing colours ;_ green 
purple, violet or yellow. 

Often to be met with adhering to 
the common oyster, or ostrea maxima. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 102. 

a Base, m ligament perforation. 

Shell ovate, with decussate strice, an- 
gular before ; apex turned to one side ; 
umbo placed nearest one end; hinge 
furnished with three teeth in one valve; 
posterior slope very minute and re- 
tuse ; anterior slope long and narrow, 
with generally an inner blue margin. 
The outside is commonly of a plain 
rusty brown, and marked with purple 
zigzag lines. 
- Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 88. 


a Summit, ce cicatrix, ggg teeth 
of the hinge, the inside. 




Fig. Ist.----SOLEN ANTIQUA- 
TUS. Shell thin, white, and sub- 
pellucid; moderately glossy, with 
concentric striz; ends rounded and 
gaping ; hinge near the centre, fur- 
nished with a single tooth in one valve 
looking in between two in the oppo- 
site, the teeth are erect, oblique, and 
stand beyond the margin; outside 
covered with an umber-coloured epz- 
dermis. Found on the Corawail and 
Dorsetshire coasts, &c. 

Linn. Trans. vol. vili. page 46. 

i The cartilage, m inside, p margin 

or limb, ¢ hinge. 


Fig. 2ad.----OSTREA LAEVIS. 
Shell thin, flat, sub-orbicular, and 
pellucid, longitudinally and_ tians- 
versely striated ; one ear considerably 
larger than the other; colour various, 
sometimes orange, dark pink, ce. 
Not uncommon on the coast of Nor- 
thumberland. ‘The strice on this shell 
is so minute, that it can seldom be 
seen with the naked eye. 

. Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 100. 

J Longitudinal and transverse striz, 
hh ears or auricles. 
_ Fig. 3d.---TELUINA FABULA. 
Shell very thin, pellucid and oval, 
generally of a dull yellow, and. darker 
towards the umbo; which is nearly 
central, pointed, and turned a little to 
one side; the anterior side slopes to 
an obtuse point, the posterior side is 
large and rounded; Aenge furnished 
with three teeth in one valve and two 
in the other. 

This shell is often mistaken for the 


Tellina Tenuis, to which it bears 
some resemblance, but may be easily 
distinguished from that shell, by the 
right valve being covered with a fine, 
regular, diagonal striz; which is not 
conspicuous without the assistance of 
a lens, which makes it appear very 
plain. Not uncommon on the coasts 
of Northumberland, Dorsetshire, and 

Linn. Trans. vol. vill. page’52. 

l Cartilage, qq hinge. 

Shell oblong, pointed at the beak, sides 
much sloped; anterior side a little 
angulated ; smooth and radiated with 
deep blue, or purple; covered with 
an umber-coloured epidermis. Inside, 
round the margin, of a fine blue, which 
grows gradually lighter towards the 
“centre; cicatrix very distinct and 
glossy; beneath the beak are several 
crenulations, which some have sup- 
posed to be teeth. This is the most 


common shell we have, and well 
known by the name of muscle. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 105. 

iThe cartilage, vv length of the 
shell, 22 breadth of the shell. 

Fig. 5th.---CHAMA COR. Shell 
sub-globose, beaks recurved ; anterior 
slope with a gaping fent, slightly 
wrinkled transversely, covered with 
a terra sienna coloured epidermis ; 
umbo large and prominent, much con- 
torted or incurvated, and turned to 
one side, and not touching when the 
valves are closed ; hinge strong, teeth 
flattish. Inside smooth, white; margin 
plain. This is a very scarce British 
shell; and has been found off the North 
Foreland, the Hebrides, and off St. 
Abb’s Head by Captain Laskey. 

Linn. Trans vol. vill. page 90. 

o Disk, rv beak. 

See description at fig. 4th. 

s The byssus or beard, ¢é seam. 



Fig. 7th.-VOLUTA OLIVA. Shell 
smooth and glossy; spire reflected 
at the base; pellar with four plaits ; 
clouded, or covered with zigzag or 
waved lines of a pale brown colour. 
Found in the Indian seas, in endless 
varieties of colours and markings. | 

Linn. Syst. Nature, vol. ii. page 
1188. Turton’s Linné, vol. iv. page 

A’ Apex, I front, Nouter lip, 4 
plaits of the pillar lip or columella. 

Shell with six ventricose whorls, sepa- 
rated by a deep depressed line, sub- 
ovate and obtuse, of an olive-green, 
with generally three fasci or bands 
* on the body of the shell, and two on 
the superior volutions, which become 
obscure in the fourth, slightly wrinkled 
transversely : aperture sub-orbicular ; 


ptllar-lip reflected: sub-umbilicated. 
Found in the Thames and New River. 

Lion. Trans. vol. viii. page 205. 

A Apex, # base, La whorl, rr 
bands or fasci. 

Fig. 9th.---HELIX POLITA. Shell 
strong, white, glossy and smooth, with 
from nine to twelve volutions, scarcely 
defined by a separating line, slender 
and gradually tapering to a point; 
aperture oval, outer lip thick, but not 
marginated, inner or péllar-lip repli- 
eated. Found in Devonshire, Der- 
setshire, Northumberland, and at 
Dunbar in Scotland. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viil. page 210. 

A Apex, & base, # # suture of the 
spire or whorls, C aperture. 

Fig. 10th.--BUCCINUM UNDA- 
TUM. Shell with from seven to 
eight ventricose volutions, with un- 
dulated ribs; transversely striated, and 
crossed with five longitudinal striz; 
ptllar-lip reflected, and glabrous. 


A common shell on many of ms 
British shores. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 137. 

F Body, 7M the pillar or columella, 
Q canal or gutter. 

Fig. Lith.--MUREX MURICA- 
T US. Shell strong and rough, with 
from six to seven ventricose, ibedens 
lated volutions, tapering to a fine point; 
the tubercles are formed by inter- 
rupted, longitudinal ribs, crossed by 
strong elevated strize, and in some 
parts are pointed or angulated ; apex 
smooth; aperture oval, terminating 
in a long slender canal; outer-lip 
sharp and dentated at the edge, 
margin within crenulated ; _pillar-lip 
smooth. Rather a local shell. 

Montagu’s Testacea Britannica, 
page 262. 

Linn. Trans. vol. vill. page 149. 

Base, Caperture, A K &c. sides, 
P the beak or rostrum, @ canal or 

Fig.12th.--CONUS VARIA. Rub- 

bed through on one side to show the 
internal structure of the shell. 
D spire, F body, JJM M pillar or 




Fig. 3d.----TROCHUS UMBILI- 
CATUS. Shell conico-convex, flat- 
tish, rounded at the top; apex depres- 
sed, volutions five, slightly emarginate, 
defined by a fine line; spirally striate, 
rather whitish, with zigzag lines of 
purple ; aperture compressed and an- 
culated ; witha large umbilicus which 
extends to the apex. Found on the 
Northumberland and Yorkshire coasts. 

Lian. Trans. vol. viil. page 153. 

C Aperture, U umbilicus. 

Shell imperforate sub-globose, thin 


and sub-pellucid, colour various ; volu- 
tions five, with from one to five dark 
brown bands or fasci@; aperture 
pyriform ; inner margin of the lip, 
sometimes white, in others dark-red- 
dish brown. This shell is very com- 
mon in the evenings and mornings in 
summer, at the roots of hedges, &c. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 206. 

N Oater lip, X epidermis, Y epi- 
dermis removed. | 

LIUS, with the lip cut straight to show 
the involuted spire. 

€ Aperture, 7' involuted spire. 

Fig. 4th.---The OPERCULUM of 
a Turbo. 

Shell suborbicular, thin, and diapha- 
nous, of a glossy, pale horn-colour, 
smooth, but sometimes with obsolete 
wrinkles ; the body very large; spire 
very small ; volutions three; aperture 

ery large, prending nearly to the 


apex. Found by Mr. Montagu, in the 

marshes at Deal. 
Linn. Trans. vol. vill. page 222. 

G The back, # the venter or belly, 

S depressed spire. 
_ Fig. 6th.--PATELLA CHINEN. 
SIS. Shell sub-conic, sub-pellucid, 
and very thin, colour whitish, much 
compressed, rounded at the margin; 
vertex central, terminating in a sub- © 
spiral volution, with usually a number 
of concave scales. Inside white, 
glossy, and smooth, with a sub-spiral 
columella or pillar-lip, extending from 
nearly the margin to the end, and 
forming the external sub-volution ; it 
is broad, flat and oblique. 

Found in Helford harbour, Corn- 
wall; in Saleomb bay, Devonshire, by 
Mr. Montagu; and near Dunbar, by 
Captain Laskey. 

Lian. Trans. vol. viii. page 28. 

W Chamber. 



Shel/ tapering and subulate, very 
smooth, and glossy ; whorls about ten, 
and scarcely defined; colour white, 
with two pale-chesnut spiral lines run- 
ning from the body to the apex, be- 
coming very faint on the upper whorls; 
aperture ovate, and rather contracted. 
~ Lengib three quarters of an inch. 

Found at Weymouth and near Dun- 
bar, by Captain Laskey. 

Lion. Trans. vol. viii. page 210. 

D Spire, F body. 

Fig. 8th.----STROMBUS PUGI- 
LIS. Anéerior lip prominent, round- 
ed, smooth; spare spinous; beak three, 
lobed, obtuse, flesh-coloured, red- 
dish or brownish, within paler and 
polished ; back smooth; first whorl of 
the spire crowned with spines, which 
in the other grow gradually less; the 
outermost whorl cancellate ; pillar- 
hip much reflected, 


. Inhabits South America, and the 
shores of the West India islands. 
Linn. Syst. Natura, page 1209. 
_ Turton’s Linné, vol. 4th, page 420. 
- D Spire, front, NNW the outer 
lip, @ pillar-lip, Q canal or gutter. 

Fig. 9th.---TURBO TEREBRA. 
Rubbed through in the back to show 
the pillar or columella. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 176. 

F Body, MM M columella. 

Fig. 10th.----HELIX PUTRIS.---. 
Shell sub-pellucid, and horn-coloured; 
spire with four volutions; the body 
tumid and large, apex very small ; 
apex fine and pointed, wrinkled longi- 
tudinally; aperture oval and large, 
outer-lip very thin; outside covered 
with a dusky epidermis, inside pale, 
yellow, and very glossy. 

Common in most ponds, ditches, &c. 

‘Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 219. 

G The back, H the venter, Z whor! 

or volution. 


Fig. 11th.----NAUTILUS SPIRU- 
LA. Aperture of the shell orbicular ; 
whorls cylindrical, separated, and gra- 
dually decreasing inwards, the first a 
little straight siphunculus contiguous 
to the walls of the shell; outside of a 
pale cream colour, within pearlaceous. 

Inhabits the American and Indian 

- Linn. Syst. Naturee, page 1163. 
Turton’s Linné, vol. 4th, page 307. 
N Spicula, V siphunculus, ae 

WwW chambers. 

Shell sub-pellucid, white and sub- 
turrited ; volutions five, with promi- 
nent, longitudinal ribs, a little oblique ; 
apex obtuse ; aperture sub-orbicular, 
with a thick sulcated margin. 

Found in Pembrokeshire, Dorset- 
shire, and Northumberland. 

Linn. Trans. vol. viii. page 174. 

RRRR Ribs. 


Fig. 13th.---TURBO LABIATUS. 
Shell with nine reversed volutions or 
whorls, tapering to a fine point; co- 
lour light brown, with strong, regular, 
longitudinal strie ; volutions flat, and 
separated by a fine obsolete line ; 
aperture sub-orbicular and white, with 
a sinus at the upper end, with two 
teeth-like amine on the inner lip; 
margin reflected, broad and_ thick. 
Found in Hyde Park, and the ozier 
grounds at Battersea in Surrey. 

Lion. Trans. vol. viii. page 180. 

6b Reversed or heterostrophe spire, 
a teeth of a univalve. 

Shell depressed and sub-pellucid, 
horn-coloured, rufous, or light chesnut 
brown; generally with a light umber- 
coloured epidermis ; volutions five, 
placed laterally on each other, gradu- 
ally decreasing to the centre, making 
the shell concave at top, rounded and 
defined by the suture; subulated 


across the whorls; a carinated ridge 
round the margin at the base; aper- 
ture angulated, and slanting towards 
the base. 

Linn. Trans. vol. vill. page 188. 

Not uncommon in ponds, rivers, 
and ditches: they are of a very large 
size at Prestwick-water, near New- 
castle on Tyne. 




Fig Ist. Hinge of the Mya Pirc- 
forum. a Primary tooth, ce double 

Fig. 2nd. Hinge of the Solen Sih- 
qua. 6 Lateral teeth. 

Fig. 3d. Hinge of the Telhna 
Radula. aa Primary teeth, 2 carti- 


Fig. 4th. Hinge of the Cardium 
Aculeatum. 6 Lateral tooth, dd mid- 
die teeth, dd spines. 

Fig. 5th. Hinge of Mactra Mians. 

Fig. 6th. Inside of both valves of 
the Donax Trunculus. A Left valve, 
B right valve, 6 lateral teeth, e pri- 
mary complicated tooth, or cleft in 
the middle, 2m crenulated margin. 

Fig. 7th. Hinge of Venus Gallina. 
aa Primary teeth, 6 lateral tooth. 

Fig. 8th. Hinge of Spondylus Ga- 
deropus. ff Incuryed teeth. 

Fig. 9th. Hinge of Chama Cor. 

Fig. 10th. Hinge of Arca Pilosa. 
kk Numerous small teeth; the dis- 
tinguishing characteristic of the ge- 
nus Area. 

Fig. 11th. Hinge of Ostrea Varia. 
g Cavity of the infil h cl a at, 

@ inferior ear. 

Fig. 12th. Hinge of Anomia 
Eiphippium. me) 


To tllustrate the Genera. 

Fig. Ist. Chiton Marginatus. 
2nd. epas Tintinnabulum. 
ard. Pholas Crispatus. 

Fig. 4th. Mya Arenaria. 
doth. Solen Ensis. © 
6th. Zellina Donacina. 
7th. Cardium Edulis. 


Fig. 8th. Mactra Lutraria. 
9th. Donazx Trunculus. 
10th. Venus Aurea. 
Mth. Spondylus Geederopus.* 

Those shells marked * are foreign. 


Fig. 12th. Chama Cor. 
‘13th. Arca Noe. 



Fig. 14th. Ostrea Opercularis. 
15th. Anomia Undulata. 
16th. Mytilus Incurvatus. 
i7th. Pinna Muricata. 


Vig. 18th. . Argonauta Argo* 
19th. Nautilus Pompilius.* 

a ee 


Fig. 20th. Conus Striatus.* 
2ist. Cyprea Pediculus. 
22nd. Bulla Catina. 
23rd. Voluta Episcopalis.* 
24th. Buccinum Lapillus. 
25th. Strombus Pes Pelicani. 


Fig. 26th Murex Antiquus. 

27th. Trochus Papillosas. 

Fig. 28th. Turbo Rudis. 
29th. Helix Arbustorum. 
30th. Nerita Littoralis. 
3lst. Haliotis Tuberculata. 
32nd. Patella Vulgata. 
33rd. Dentahum Entailis. 
34th. Serpula Triquetra. 
30th. Teredo Navalis. 


Sabella Tubiformis. 






‘Tar ‘Systema Nature of Linné.’ 
12th edition, published at Stockholm, 
1767, in 4 vols. 8y¥o. 

A Translation of the Systema Na- 
ture, by Dr. Turton, published at 
London in 1806, in 7 vols. 8vo. with 
all the discoveries since the time of 
Linné. The shells are contained in 
the 4th vol. 

Martin Lister's ‘Synopsis Metho- 
dica Conchyliorum, published in 
parts from 1665 to 1692. The plates 
in the most perfect copies vary from 

1050 to 1067. The plates of this 


valuable work were left to the college 
of Oxford ; at which place it was re- 
published in 1770, in folio; the plates 
are in number 1085, containing 1150 
shells, and a considerable ee he of 
plates of fossils. 

‘ Recreatis mentis et oculi in obser- 
vatione. Animalium Testaceorum, a 
Phil. Bonanné, published at Rome in 
1684, 4to; contains a great many 
plates of different shells; many of 
them are, however, reversed, which 
makes them of little value ia refer- 
ring to. 

‘Geo. Everp. Rumphfius Thesau- 
rus Imarginum Piscium Testaceorum,’ 
1711, folio, contains 33 plates on 

‘Descriptio Thesauri Rerum Na- 
turlium, published at Amsterdam in 
1758, vol. 3rd, contains 61 plates on 

D’Argenville’s ‘ L’histoire naturelle 
edloiieis dans une de ses parties prin- 


cipales, la Conchyliogie, Paris 1757, 
Ato. ‘The same in an improved state, 
in 5 vols. Ato. Paris, 1780. 

Fraucois Michael Regenfuss’s ‘ Na- 
tural History of Testacea and Crus- 
tacea, Copenhagen, 1758--78, folio. 

Martine’s Work on Conchology, 
with the Continuation of F. H. Chem- 
nitz, in 10 vols, 4to. published at 
Nurnberg in 1769, &e. 

Thomas Pennant’s British Zoology, 
vol. 4th. | 
_E. M. Da Costa’s ‘Elements of 
Conchology, London, 1776, 8vo. 

E. M. Da Costa’s ‘ British Concho- 

logy, London, 1778, 4to. 
George Walker’s work ‘On Minute 

British Shells, contains 5 plates, ssneih 
don, 1784, 4to. 

John Lightfoot’s ‘ Account of some 
minute British Shells, Phil. Trans. 
vol. 76. 

Adams ‘ Description of minute 


Shells found in Pembrokeshire ; Linn. 
Trans. vol. 3rd. and 5th. 

J. Donovan’s, ‘ Natural History of 
British Shells, in 5 vols. royal 8vo. 
London, 1799, &e. This work con- 
tains 180 coloured plates of British 

George Montagu’s ‘Testacea Bri- 
tannica,’ published at London, in 1803, 
1 vol. 4to. with a supplement. These 
two vols. contain 30 plates, principally 
minute shells. 

Dr. Maton, and the Rev. Mr. Rack- 
ett’s Descriptive Catalogue of British 
Shells, in the 8th vol. of the Linnean 
Transactions, with 5 plates of rare 

To the British Collector this vol. is 
indispensibly necessary, as it contains 
a list of every shell discovered to the 
time of its publication; described in 
the most correct and elegant style. 
The learned and ingenious authors 


have corrected the errors of all — 
who preceded them. 

Captain Laskey’s Pehalogha, of 
Shells found by him in North Britain, 
in the Ist vol. of the Memoirs of the 
Wernerian Society, with one plate con- 
taining 17 species of very rare shells. 
To this gentlemen the British Testa- 
ceologist is indebted for the discovery 
of no less than 50 new species of 
British shells. 

Perry's Conchology, in one _ vyol. 
folio. This work contains about 52 
coloured plates, well executed: but it 
is to be regretted, he gives no refer- 
ence to any other author. 

Parkinson’s ‘ Organic Remains, 
3rd. vol. contains an account of many 
shells found in a fossil state, with a 
great many figures. 





SHELLs can only be expected per- 
fect, when they are found with the 
animal alive in them, or taken by the 
dredge or trawling-net from their na- 
tive beds; fine specimens are some- 
times found adhering to fishermen’s 
lines or nets. After violent storms 
many excellent specimens are often 
found on the beach, driven from their 
beds by the agitation of the waters; 
on such occasions perfect specimens 
are often to be met with; the Con- 
chologist ought, therefore, to avail 
himself of every opportunity, of walk- 
ing along the beach, immediately after 

the tide begins to recede. The greater 


part of shells seen in collections, are 
picked up dead on the beach, and are 
therefore seldom very perfect, as they 
are tossed to and fro by the waves, 
and either worn or broken; and 
should they even be driven beyond the 
reach of the tide, in this situation they 
are exposed to the continual heat of 
the sua, by which their colours become 

River and land shells are mostly 
thinner than those of the sea: though 
this is by no means a general rule, as 
the Paper Nautilus, some of the 
Helices, and Pinn, are extremely 
thin and brittle. 

_ Several of the land shells are very 
beautiful, aad elegant in their form, 
particularly those found in tropical 
climates In Africa they grow to an 
amazing size, and would be very un- 
welcome guests in our house gardens, 
as they commit great havoc among 
the esculent plants. The Bulla Ze- 


bra of Africa, is very frequently found 
seven inches from the apex to the 
base. A few of cur own land shells 
are very beautiful; but- from their 
being familiarized to us, we look on 
them with the greatest indifference ; 
for example, the Helices, Pomatia, 
- Arbustorum, and Nemoralis. 

Some authors affirm, that the Cy- 
preea tribe abandon their shells every 
year, to form new ones of a larger 
size; but this seems rather a doubtful 

When shells are found with the 
animal in them, hot water should be 
poured upon the shells, and the ani- 
mal dies, and may be easily taken from 
bivalve shells ; but caution is required 
in the univalves; as should part of the 
animal be left in the volutions, it will 
be almost impossible to extract it; and 
the smell becomes very offensive. 

Shells are to be met with, on almost 
every shore in the known world, but 


those of warm climates have in general 
a finer polish, and exceed all others in 
point of colouring. 

There is great deception practised 
by the dealers in shells, by which 
means they easily impose on those 
who are unacquainted with them. If 
a shell happens to have the lip broken, 
they take a common file, and form it 
anew; thereby the character of the 
shell is completely altered. Some go 
so far as even to form a canal, to imi- 
tate rare shells, and also counterfeit 
strie: when they have accomplished 
this, they then imitate the external 
colouring, and finish the whole by a 
coat of varnish. The shelis they thus 
transform are, in general, worn speci- 
mens, which are of no earthly use 
though in some instances good shells 
are sacrificed to obtain their ends. 

Much might be here said on the 
arts practised to alter, patch up, and 
beautify shells; but this has no con- 


nexion with the science, and may 
therefore with much propriety be 
omitted, as a Naturalist would prefer 
a worn, or even a broken specimen, to 
one either altered, or coloured and 
varnished ; to improve it, and make it 
pleasing to the eye. Surely the lover 
of nature must look with contempt on 
ali artificial means, employed either to 
alter or amend the sacred works of 
nature. It will be sufficient to point 
out the means of simply cleaning tes- 
taceous bodies. 

When shells are perforated by sea 
worms, or when any other accidental 
circumstance occurs, to deform a good 
specimen, it is certainly desirable to 
use some means to improve it; and 
for this purpose a putty may be made 
of fine whitening, jiour, and glue ; 
the holes or cracks may be filled up 
with this composition, and aliowed to 
dry; it should always be a little above 
the surface, and cautiously scraped 


down with a knife; when, ridges or 
striz can easily be imitated, if neces- 
sary. ‘The parts thus mended may be 
coloured with common water colours, 
and then brushed; or if on a smooth 
shell, polished with the palm of the 
hand, and afterwards rubbed over 
with FEiorence oil, which should be 
well dried off with a piece of flannel. 
If this mode is judiciously managed, 
it may be examined, and never disco- 

Many shells, even when obtained 
alive, are incrusted with extraneous 
matter; the best and safest means of 
removing this is, first to steep them in 
warm water, and then to scrape them 
with a knife; a little sand paper may 
also be used, but care must be taken 
not to injure the shell.) When as much 
of the crust is in this way removed, 
as can with safety be done, recourse 
should be had to muwrtatic acid, very 
much diluted with water; by applying 




this cautiously with a feather, to the 
places you wish removed, for a very 
short period, it will soon decompose 
the extraneous matter: two minutes 
at a time is as long as it can with 
safety be applied, but one minute’s 
application often has the desired effeet: 
it should then be immersed in cold 
water, and the parts well scrubbed 
with a nail-brush and soap. Should 
the crust not be entirely removed, 
this process may be repeated, but the 
greatest care is to be used not to allow 
the acid to touch the inside, as it will 
instantly remove the fine enamelled 
surface. Some are so cautious. as to 
melt bees’ wax, and coat the parts of 
the shell they do not wish touched 
with the acid. 

When water is used too hot, in the 
first process, it often makes the fine 
polished surface crack in a thousand | 
directions. ' 

After the process of corrosion, some 


make use of flannel or a brush, and 
emery or tripoly, to polish the shell. 
‘This may be done in cases where the 
polished insides happen to be touched 
with the corrosive fluid; but in all 
instances where the places cleared by 
the acid, are of a white or chalky 
appearance, they should be washed 
over with Florence oil, and then 
rubbed hard with flannel or a nail- 
brush. This mode gives the shell the 
appearance of nature, and at same 
time stops the action of the acid, _ 
should any remain in the shell, and is 
of great use in preserving it from 
decay. It is of infinite use in presery- 
ing the epidermis, which often, when 
it becomes dry from lying long in a 
cabinet, cracks and quits the external 
surface of the shell. It would not be 
amiss to rub them over with oil once 
a year. 

This practice of oiling shells is a 
new one, and I believe I was the first 


who thought of it, and have communi-_ 
cated it to all my friends who collect 
shells; and it has been generally 
approved. Indeed one friend, who 
had a very large collection, was so 
pleased with the effect it produced, 
that he washed off the gum from all 
his shells, and oiled them. The com- 
mon practise of collectors is, when 
they obtain a specimen which is a little 
worn, to coat it over with a solution 
of gum arabic, which certainly height- 
ens the colours; but the gloss is by 
no means natural, and a judge may in 
a moment discover the deception. 
This varnishing system is carried to a 
great length by some, who have almost 
every shell in their cabinets daubed 
over with gum arabic, and they all 
shine with great lustre, even although 
many of the shells should themselves 

be dim in a natural state. 


Simple Method of Arranging 

"Tux most simple method of arrang- 
ing cabinets, is, by cutting white cards 
into the size you wish the boxes, (if 
they may be so termed ;) then take a 
pair of steel dividers which are fixed 
with a screw, and set them to the size 
the depth of the sides is wished ; place 
the card upon a piece of pasteboard, 
and draw the dividers along the sur- 
face, one leg being guided by the edge 
of the card; press pretty hard so as to 
make a deep groove; then cut out the 
corners, and press up the sides, which 
will be found to stand quite stiff; but 
if great nicety is wanted, a piece of 
paper may be pasted on the corners. 
On the bottom of every box should be 
written the name of the shell it con- 
tains, with the place it was found in ; 
a reference to some author who de- 
scribes it; and such other remarks as 
may be thought necessary. 


Explanation of Cerms 


Ep Oen— 


ABBREVIATED, shorter than some 
correspondent part. 

Acini, granulations. 

Acuelate, furnished with, or ending 
in, prickles. 

Acuminated, ending in a sharp point, 
sharp pointed. 

Adnate, adhering or growing together, 

/Bquilateral, where the anterior and 
posterior shells are equal in size 
and figure. 

AEquivalve, where both valves are per- 
fectly similar. 


Alated, winged, applied to the ex- 
panded lip of the Strombus genus. 

Ambitus, . the circumference or out- 
line of the valves. 

Annulate, formed or divided into dis- 
tinct rings, or marked with differ- 
ently-coloured annulations. 

Antiquated, longitudinally furrowed, 
but interrupted by transverse fur- 
rows, as if the shell had acquired 
new growth at each furrow. 

Anus, a depression on the posterior 
side near the hinge of bivalves. 

Aperture, the mouth or opening of 
the shell. 

Apex, the tip or point of the spire. 

Apophysis, an excrescence. 

Approximating, approaching near to, 
or near together. 

Arcuated, béut’s in the form of an arch, 

-incurvated. | 

Arcuations, bendings, curvings. 

Area, the surface contained hhetween 
lines or boundaries. 


Arenose, sandy. 

Articulations, junctures, or joinings. 

Ascititious, supplemental, additional. 

Attenuated, thin, slender. 

Attiguous, hard by. 

Attrite, worn by rubbing: 

Aurated, eared, having ears as in the 

Auricled, having appendages like ears. 


Barb, any thing that grows in place of 
a beard. 

Base, in univalves that part of the shell 
by which they are affixed to rocks, 
&c. and in multivalves the opposite 
extremity to the apex. 

Biangulated, having two corners or 

Beak, the continuation of the body 
of univalves in which the canal is 

Beard, the process by which some 
univalves adhere to rocks, &c. 

Bellying, distended in the middle. 


Bidented, having two teeth. 

Bifarious, parting ia opposite direc- 

Bifid, opening with a cleft. 

Bilabiate, furnished both with an 
outer and inner lip. 

Bilobate, divided into two lobes. 

Bimarginate, furnished with a double 
margin as far as the lip. 

Biradiate, consisting of two rays. 

Bivalve, consisting of two valves or 
divisions. ’ 

Blotched, spotted in an irregular way. 

Blunt, obtuse, opposite to acute, 

Blush, of a red colour. 

Borer, a piercer. 

Brinded, streaked. 

Bulging, gibbous, swollen out. 

Bullate, of a blistered appearance. 

Bunt, an increasing cavity, a tunnel. 

Byssus, a beard, common in the 
Mytilus and Pinna. 


Calcareous, relating to lime, of a limy 

Callus, is composed of two short ribs, 
united at the base, and converging 
at the apex towards the hinder part 
of the shell. 

Campanulate, shaped like a bell. 

Canaliculated, made like a pipe or 

Cancellated, surrounded with arched 
longitudinal ribs. 

Cancelled, iatticed, or having longi- 
tudinal streaks or furrows, decus- 

- sate by transverse ones. 

Capacious, wide, vast, extended. 
Carinate, having a longitudinal pro- 
minence like the keel of a vessel. 

Carinated, keeled. 

Cartilage, a flexible fibrous substance 
by which the valves are united, 
situate near the beak. 

Cauda, the elongated base of the 
ventre, lip and columella. 


Cicatrix, the glossy impression in 
the inside of the valves, to which 
the muscles of the animal have been 

Ciliate, edged with parallel hairs, 
bristles or appendages. 

Cinerous, of ash colour, of the colour 
of wood ashes. 

Cleft, divided in the centre, cloven. 

Clovate, thicker towards the top, 
elongated towards the base. 

Clivulus, a little cliff, or descent. 

Coated, furnished with an outer deci- 
duous covering. 

Cochlez, shells of one piece, univalves. 

Cochleate, twisted like a screw or the 
shell of a snail. 

Columella, the upright pillar in the 
centre of most of the univalve shells. 

Commissure, a joint, a seam, a mould. 

Complicate, membranaceous, bent to 
an acute angle, as in the tooth of 
the Mactra, &c. 

Complicated, doubled together. | 


Compressed, squeezed together, one 
valve in general flatter than the 
other. ; 

Concamerated, arched over, vaulted 

Concamerations, the apartments of 
the Nautili. 

Concave, hollowed out like a bowl. 

Concentric, running to a centre. 

Conche, shells consisting of two or 
more pieces or valves, bivalves, 

Cone, the form of a sugar-loaf. 

Confluent, running into one channel. 

Conoid, a figure like a cone, sugar- 

Contorted, twisted, or incumbent on 
each other, in an oblique direction. 

Contracted, shortened, shrunk up. 

Convoluted, rolled upon itself, twisted 
spirally, like a piece of paper rolled 
between the finger and thumb. 

Cordate, heart-shaped. 

Cordiform, resembling the form of a 



Coriaceous, of a leather-like consist- 
ance. | 

Corneous, of a horn colour, resembling 
a horn. 

Coronated, crowned, or girt towards 
the apex with a single row of emi- 

Costated, ribbed, baving large ribs. 

Corpus, the body of the shell, the last 
or great wreath in which the aper- 
ture is situate. 

Cortex, the anterior skin or epidermis. 

Corticvated, covered with an epidermis. 

Crenated, notched at the margin, or 

Crenulated, notched, jagged as. some 

- leaves are. 

Crispated, rough with waving lines. 

Cuneiform, shaped like a wedge. 

Cylindrical, round like a roller. 


Decorticated, worn, divested: of epi- 
dermis or skin. 

Decussated, generally applied to striz, 


which is crossed, or intersects each 
other at acute angles. 

Dentile, a small taothy such as the 
tooth of a saw. 

Denticulated, set with small teeth, as 

-in the Area. 

Depressed, pressed down, low, shal- 
low, flat. 

Dexter valve, is the right valve. 

Diagonal, a line from angle to angle. 

Diaphanous, transparent, clear, pel- 

Digitated, fingered or clawed, as in 
the lobes of the outer lip of the 
Strombi, &c. 

Disk, the middle part of the valves or 
that which lies between the umbo 
and the margin. 

Divaricated, straddling, idrvtisis out 

Divergent, tending to various parts, 
from one point. 

- Dorsum, the back, it generally means 

the upper surface of the body of the 


shell, when laid upon the aperture 
or opening.. In the genera of Pa- 
tella and Haliotis, the back means 
the upper convex surface. 

Dotted, punctured like a thimble. 

Dual, expressive of the number two. 

Duplicated, deeply divided as if bifid. 

Duplicature, a fold, any thing doubled. 

Duodecuple, consisting of twelve, 
twelve fold. 

Echinated, bristled like a hedge-hog, 
set with spines. | | 

Effuse, generally applied to where the 
aperture is not whole behind, but 
the lips are seperated by a gap so 
that water poured in runs out at it. 

Elliptical, having the form of an ellip- 
sis, oval. 

Elongated, lengthened, Jom out. 

Emarginate, to take away the margin 
or edge of any thing; without a 

Ensiform, two-edged, sabre-shaped,. 


and tapering towards the point like 
a sabre. 

Entire, whole, undivided, not broken. 

Epidermis, the outer coat of the shell, 
which is found in many species ; 
which often falls off of its own ac- 
cord without any injury to the sur- 
face of the shell ; the beauty of many 
shells is hidden by this outer coat. 

Equidistant, being at the same dis- 

Equilateral, having all sides equal. 

Equitans, folded one upon another 

Essential character, is a single cir- 
cumstance serving to distinguish a 
genus from every other genus. 

Esurine, corroding, eating. 

Exoleted, worn or faded. 

Expanding, standing in a direction 
between upright and horizontal. 
Extraneous, not belonging, to a par- 

ticular thing. 


Fasciated, filleted, or covered with 

Fascicled, clustered together as in a 

Fastigate, flat and even at top. 

Faux, what can be seen of the cavity 
of the first chamber of the shell, by 
looking in at the aperture. 

Ferruginous, of an iron colour, or rust 

Filament, a slender thread-like pro- 

Filiform, thread-shaped, slender and 
of equal thickness. 

Fissure, acleft, a little slit, or narrow 

Flexous, zigzag, with angles gently 

Fluviatic, of or belonging to a river. 

Foliated, bent into laminz or leaves. 

Fornix, the excavated part under the 
umbo. It likewise signifies the 
upper, or convex shell in the Ostea. 


Fragil, brittle, easily broken. 

Front, in univalves, when the aperture 
is turned towards the observer. 

Furcated, forked. 

Furrow, a small trench or hollow. 

Fuscated, darkened, obscured. 

Fusiform, spindle-shaped, intermedi- 
ate between the conical and oval. 


Gap, an opening, in multivalves and 
bivalves when the valves are shut 
as in the Pholades, Mye, &c. 

Geminated, marked with a double ele- 
vated stfize connecting the wreaths. 

Genus, a distinct division or tribe of 
any class, which may comprehend 
many species, or individuals, agree- 
ing in their generic character. 

Genera, the plural of genus. 

Generic description, consists of an 
accurate description of the parts 
composing a shell, and all the shells, 
whose essential parts agree with this 


description, are species of the same 

Gibbous, bulged or ailing 

Glabrous, smooth, of a smooth surface, 
opposed to hairy, downy, &c. 

Globose, globular. 

Granulated, beaded, in small grains 
or beads. 

Groove, a hollow channel. 

Hemispheric, in the shape of a half 

Hersute, rough, beset with strong 

Heteroclitical, synonymous with he- 

Heterostrophe, reversed, erliod to 
‘shells whose spires turn in a con- 
trary direction to the usual way. 

Hisped, beset with rather stiff bristles. 

Hollow, like a straw. 

. I. 

Jagged, denticulated, uneven, toothed 

like a saw. 


Imbricate, placed over each other at 
the edges like the tiles of a house. 

Imperforate, not pierced with a hole, 
wanting the umbilicus. 

Ineequilateral, when the anterior and 
posterior sides make different an- 
gles with the hinge. 

Invequivalve, where one valve is more 
convex than the other, or dissimilar 
in other respects, as in the common 

Inarticulate, indistinct, not properly 

Incumbent, one lying over the other. 

Incurvated, bent inwards, crooked. 

Indented, unequally marked, such as 

‘rows of teeth. 

Inflated, tumid, swollen, as if blown 

Inflected, bent inwards. 

Inflexed, bent towards each other. 

Internode, the ‘space between one 
knot or joint and another. 

Interrupted, a separated. 


Interstice, space between one part 
and another, a crevice. 

Intortion, the turning or twisting 
in any particular direction. 

Involucel, a small or partial involucre. 

Inyolution, that part which involves 
or inwraps another. 

Involuta, where the exterior is lip 
turned inwards, at the margin, as 
in all the Cyprez. 

Juncture, the joining of the whorl of 
the spire, &c. 


Keel, the longitudinal prominence in 
the Argonaute. 

Knob, a protuberance, any part blunt- 
ly arising above the rest. 

Knobbed, set with knobs, haying pro- 

> lla. 

Labra, the lip. 

Lacinate, jagged or cut into irregular 


Lacunose, having the surface covered 
with small pits. 

Lamillated, divided into distinct plaits’ 
or foliations. 

Lamine, thin plaits, one coat laid 
over another. 

Lanceolate, oblong, and. gradually ta- 

_ pering to each end like the head of 
a lance. 

Lateral, extending to one side, from 
the centre. 

Lapideous, stony, of the nature of 

Latticed, having longitudinal lines or 
furrows, decussate by transverse 

Lenticular, doubly convex, of the form 
of a lens. 

Ligament, the membranaceous sub- 
stance which connects the valves 

Limb, the circumference of the valves, 
within or behind the margin. 

Line, a longitudinal extension, it is 


sometimes applied to lines of colour 
only, at others to a grooved line. 

Linear, composed of lines, being 
marked with lines. 

Lineate, marked with lines. 

Lip, the outer edge of the aperture 
of univalves. 

Littoral, of or belonging to dae shore. 

Livid, discoloured, black and blue. 

Lobated, rounded at the edges. 

Longitudinal, the length of the shell 
from the apex to the base. 

Lubricity, slipperiness, smoothness of 

Lunated, formed like a half moon. 

Lunulated, crescent-shaped. 

Lunule, a crescent-like mark or spot, 
situated near the anterior and pos- 
terior slopes in bivalve shells. 


Margin, the whole circumference or 
outline of the shell in bivalves. 

Marginated, having a prominent mar- 
gin or border. 


Membrane, a web of several sorts of 

Membranaceous, consisting of mem- 

Mottled, clouded or spotted with 
various colours. 

Mucronate, ending in a sharp rigid 

Muricated, clothed with sharp rigid 


Nemoral, of or belonging to a wood. 

Nited, glossy. 

Nodous, a knot. 

Nucleus, a kernel. 

Nymphe, the cartilage to which the 
hymen is attached; they are con- 
cealed by the hymen. 


Ob, in composition is used for in- 
versely or inverted ; as obconic, in- 
versely conic ; obcordafe, inversely 
heart-shaped, &c. 

Oblique, slanting 


Oblong-ovate, oblong egg-shaped. 

Obsolete, indistinct, not well defined. 

QOcelated, applied to eye-like spots. 

Ochreous, resembling ochre. 

Offuscated, darkened, clouded, dim- 

Olivaceous, being of an olive colour, 
resembling whet 

Operculum, a lid by which some of 
the turbinated univalves close the 
aperture; and is applied to some of 
the tops of multivalves. 

Orbed, circular, formed in a circle. 

Orbicular, spherical, circular, round- 
ish and flat. | 

Order, a subdivision of a class, or 
second branch of systematical ar- 

Orifice, an opening or perforation. 

Ovate, shaped like the longitudinal 
section of an egg. 


Palmate, webbed, like the feet of some 

water birds; deeply divided into 


lobes like the fingers on the hand. 
This character is very conspicuous 
in some of the Strombi. 

Papillous, having the surface covered 
with dots or pimples. 

Papulous, pimply or blistered. 

Patulous, with a gap or opening. 

Pearlaceous, of or like mother-of- 

Partitions, are calcareous processes, 
dividing the shells of the Nautili and 
Serpula into different apartments. 

Pectinated, resembling a comb, cut 
into regular straight sezments like 
the teeth of a comb. 

Pedicle, the support of the Lepas 
Anatifera and its corresponding 
species, by which they are attached 
to wood, X&c. 

Peduncle, synonymous with Pedicle. 

Pellicle, the skin or film. 

Pellucid, transparent, clear, bright. 

Pentacapsular, having five cavities. 

Penteedrous, having five sides. 


Pentagonal, having five angles. 

Perforated, pierced with holes. 

Pervious, admitting passage. 

Phosphorescent, emitting light in the 

Pillar, the columella, or perpendicular 
centre which extends from the base 
to the apex, in most of the spiral 

Plaits, folds. 

Plicated, folded or plaited, as in the 
pillar of the volute tribe. 

Prismatic, generally applied to the 
colours of shelis, being like those 
of the prism. 

Poreate, marked with raised longi- 
tudinal lines. 

Protrude, to thrust forward. 
Protuberances, plaits higher. or more 
elevated than the parts adjoining. 
Punctated, with small dots or punc- 

tures like a thimble. 


Quadrangular, having four right an- 
Quadriplicated, having four plaits. 
Bee ye 

Radiate, furnished with rays. 

Radicated, is when the shell is fixed 
by the base to another body. 

Rectangular, having right angles. 

Recurvated, turned backwards. 

Recurved, bowed back. 

Reflected, thrown backwards. 

Reflexed, the same as recurvated. 

_ Refracted, abruptly bent as if broken. 

Reniform, kidney-shaped. 

Repand, with a serpentine margin. 

Replicated, folded or plaited, so as to 
form a groove or channel. 

Reticulate, marked like a piece of 
net work. 

Retroflected, bending in different 

Retuse, ending in an obtuse sinus; 
bluntly sine 


Retundated, blunted, or turned at 
the edge. 

Reversed spire, is when the volutions 
are the reverse way of a common 
cork screw. 

Reversed spires, when the spires are 
turned upwards. 

Revolute, rolled backwards. 

Ribbed, longitudinal, and sometimes 
transverse ridges. 

Ridge, the upper part of a slope. 

Rima, theinterstice between the valves, 
when the hymen is removed. 

Rostrated, having a beak; the exten- 
sion of the shell, in which the canal 
is situated. - 

Rotund, round, circular, spherical. 

Rudiment, the first part of a thing; 
generally applied to the indistinct 
teeth of shells. 

Rufous, of a reddish colour. 

Rugose, rugged, full of wrinkles. 


Sanguinaceous, of a blood colour, or 
resembling blood. 

Scabrous, rough, rugged, harsh, or 
like a file. 

Scalloped, indented at the edges. 

Scorbiculate, pitted, having the sur- 
face covered with hollows. 

Scorbiculus, a depression or cavity. 

Seam, the line formed by the union 
of the valves. 

Semi-cylindrical, a cylinder cut 
through lengthways. 

Semi-orbiculate, in the shape of a half 

Semi-lunar, the shape of a half moon. 

Semi-pellucid, somewhat pellucid, 
though not fully so. 

Serrated, like the teeth of a common 

Serrulated, very minutely serrated. 

Setaceous, bristle-shaped. 

Sinister valve, is the left valve. 

Sinus, a groove or cavity. 


Siphunculus, a cylindrical canal _per- 
forating the partitions in polytbala- 
mous shells; for instance the Nau- 
tilus Spirula. 

Solitary, generally applied to a single 

Spatulate, rounded and broad at the 
top, and becoming narrower like a 
spatula or battledore. 

Species, the division of a family or 
genus, containing such as agree 
with it in generic characters. 

Spiny, thorny, covered with thorn-like 

Spire, all the whorls of univalve shells, 
excepting the one in which the 
aperture is situated, which is termed 
the body. 

Spiral, twisted like a cork screw. 

Squamous, scaly. 

Squarrose, consisting of scales spread- 
ing every way, or divided into pieces 
standing upright and not parallel 
with the plane. 


Stillate, radicating like the spokes of 
a wheel. 

Striated, scored, or covered with fine 
thread-like lines. 

Sub, in composition, it means almost 
or approaching to, as sub-glabose, 
somewhat globular. 

Subrotund, nearly globular. 

Subulate, somewhat awl-shaped, or 
tapering gradually to a point. 

Suleated, furrowed, marked with 
broad furrows or ridges. 

Sulci, furrows or ridges. 

Summit, the tip or apex. 

Suture, the hollow line which sepa- 
rates the wreaths. 


Taper, gradually tapering to a point. 

Tentaecule, the feelers of worms, 
which inhabit shells. 

Tesselated, chequered like a chess 
board. | 

Testacea, the third order of worms, 


including those which are covered 
with a testaceous shell. 

Tetragonal, four cornered. 

Torose, swelling into knobs or pro- 

Transverse, placed across, or cross- 

Truncated, stunted, cut short or ab- 
ruptly off at the end, 

Tubercle, a little knot or pimple. 

Tubular, in the shape of a hollow 

Tunicated, coated. 

Turbinate, shaped like a top or pear, 

Turgid, swollen. 


Valve, the whole of univalve shells, or 
shells in one piece ; and the half 
of bivalves, or shells in two divi- 
sions, &c. 

Varices, sutures of the wreaths, trans- 
verse and gibbous. - 

Variety, is when a shell differs so 


little from another that it cannot be 
called a distinct species. 

Vaulted, like the roof of one’s mouth. 

Venter, the belly, situated in the body 
of the shell; being the most promi- 
nent part, when the aperture is 
turned to the observer. 

Ventricose, inflated, swelling in the 

Vertex, in the Patella the top or most 
prominent part, situated in general 
nearly ia the middle. Inthe Bulla 
it is used for the apex. 

Verrucose, warted. 

Verticulated, whirled. 

Umbilicated, having a depression in 
the centre like a navel. 

Umbo, in bivalve shells, the round 
part which turns over the hinge. 
Umbonate, bossed, having a raised 

knob in the centre. 

Undulated, waved, having a waved 

Ungulate, shaped like a horse’s hoof. 


168 THE ELEMENTs, &c. 

Unilocular, with a single cavity. 

Univalve, shells of one valve, or com- 
plete in one piece. 

Volutions, the wreaths, or turnings of 
the shells of univalves. 

Urceolate, swelling in the middle like 
a pitcher. 

Vulva, a spatulated mark in the Venus 
tribe ; formed when the valves are 
united on the posterior and anterior 


Whorl, one of the wreaths or turning 

of the spire of univalves. 

Zigzag, having contrary turnings and 

Zoned, surrounded with one or more 


J. Gleave, Printer, Manchester. 

of Shells 



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