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Full text of "Energy values of red clover hay and maize meal. Investigations with a respiration calorimeter, in co-operation with the Pennsylvania state college agricultural experiment station"

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AS . at 


D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bureau. 







se ees 1905. 


D. E. SALMON, D. V. M., Chief of Bureau. 






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1905. : 

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Washington, D. C., June 17, 1905. 
Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith the manuscript of an 
article dealing with ‘‘ Energy values of red clover hay and maize 
meal.” This work comprises the results of further careful and dif- 
ficult experiments carried on, in cooperation with this Bureau, by Dr. 
H. P. Armsby and J. August Fries at the Pennsylvania Agricultural 
Experiment Station. JI recommend that this manuscript be published 
as Bulletin No. 74 of the series of this Bureau. 
Respectfully, on 
D. E. Satmon, 
Chief of Bureau. 
Secretary of Agriculture. 


State CoLircr, Pa., April 1, 1905. 

Str: I have the bonor to submit herewith a report upon the second 
series of cooperative experiments with the respiration calorimeter at 
the Pennsylvania Experiment Station. The first series, reported in 
Bulletin No. 51 of the Bureau of Animal Industry, included deter- 
minations of the energy values of timothy hay. In the present series. 
the same general methods have been applied to clover hay, and also 
to maize meal as a representative of the concentrated feeding stuffs. 
While results upon a single animal must be accepted with some 
reserve, nevertheless the data obtained indicate certain characteristic 
differences in the energy values of different classes of feeding stuffs, 
and appear to show clearly that the more or less current method of 
comparing feeding stuffs on the basis of their so-called ‘* fuel values” 
in the body is fundamentally erroneous. 

As in the previous experiments, the details of the calorimetric 
work have been in charge of Mr. Fries, assisted by Messrs. T. M. 
Carpenter, J. B. Robb, Firman Thompson, and H. L. Wilson. The 
chemical division of the station, under the general direction of Dr. 
William Frear, has conducted the necessary chemical work, Mr. M. 8. 
McDowell having had immediate charge of the reception and care of 
samples. The determinations of carbon and hydrogen were executed 
by Mr. Thompson and the determinations of heats of combustion by 
Mr. Carpenter. The weighing and sampling of feeds and excreta 
and the records of the digestion work were cared for by Mr. A. K. 
Risser. “$6 

Very respectfully, 
Henry Prentiss ARMSBY, 

Expert in Animal Nutrition. 
D. E. Satmon, D. V. M., 

Chief of Bureau.of Animal Industry. 



LLANES LUKE OTA So cs es AS te es Se aes ae Aa RS ee a a 
Description of the experiments.......---..------------- eae OE Ine a eee 8 
PATTEVLV GL CASTILE DINO USE sn sre meres ne trtre ymin sen nema ryea a seis aciermieeyeineie sales 8 
INOS HECONS cobs SSESOS Gee BEETS ae eee SPN ree rar ih ee eee 8 
[BINT 5 Sl5 3a So ee cheese oS Oe es es Ar eec oe ease nr ena OS 8 

IN DSTHAZASY. VY SET es 2 See a a een aE Ste Ee el a g) 
LEIVOU SREALMLOL ALL ON Seams emmy eine mmr Miers Bel See Uae i a tel ss We Re 9 
TLINTSs WSSU Siege ae EG Ele EN en ee ge ny ee ae 10 
Weterminationstor dueéstiillittyie sees aoe ee sae ee oe oe ee ee 10 
Weise and samplineson feeds qss 8s. 0oss 520s... cee e 10 
LSTA ey eset eo ea OS eee ee ee 10 

Mianizeiinn Callie edertnet tet Aci te emeneane Uk Semen ee Ea Me 11 
reatmentOlSamnplespaery ees se eee gee Sa Meee ete aa oe IL 
LOUIS uO Leslee Cit eo taeees rien een Nea eee liye tea eG Oe Shee hln g 11 
Collection andysamiplinelofiexcretal US <2 se5 5.52002. le see ace e ce 11 
Diceshibilityroteratlonss: season Aas See eee ae ace oom oe ees 12 
JEXSTAIGYG] Sic ee oe A a ai ed tn oe ne Pe eee ye ke 

BETO Ciel elena es ein a Shey aE SR aie te AU EE em ees 2 aS 12 

NETL CO Clee MAG es Sec compres eevee eae OTe eS yt Pe te ee RN RNS eee 13 

HFC raL Cla Maree ce cee tar ergs nce hain Aa a Teeth ER ie She ate Raya 14 
Maenmimanry excretion 04-5... ..- 22.25. BASS Eye Noein cepa abs PRAIA s 15 
ROM eOme pICehMNal CSSUC et Sse se ses ste ce eee Se 15 
Determinations of respiratory products_.....-..-.--..------------------- 16 
CINSGGIS WEST) aan Seen Se ess cries RRM Epiiae: Setan e heinee ee Aine eee ee re 17 

BE Sisxets ere eD NUN ae Spee ge eave ae oe ees ee ed A a ai ty bee cen) a 17 

PU COMOMCINECKRLCStS weer a ees eee epee wie tne ane eee cA 17 
IRESUUESh DOOM Ne ENaAuOR A Gea eee Se ee BME nr heen mene 17 
Helpy CO CAN WOMESASCS Hae vet see aiga se en Oe area ee elena 18 
Wetenminationstobineatiie 8: hee Pea wc e s eae eee 20 
Rate of heat emission.-:...---..--------------- Bote aia Seer raee oe ne 21 
Heat emission and heat production ---.-...------- pdt eae eee he eae 25 
pihreshalamecrormathervaas arya4 00 ee Sere Soe Cass ee eR aN 28 
ite mnopenvand carbon Dalances! soe 2. she a,c wae A a ye 28 
Caincomlossrolsprotetmeand wate sess) oo OR eet ee ee ee ee 29 
view lnctl ACE yOMeMeELO ype Seteeetae seen stee Sa. eer lee ah ae eray ee elec eee 30 
DiscsstoOnaOmnesulliiGme sae nese a wath soe aaa tee ae sees Ce i 32 
TOSSA AN OUT Gye hee iy cere ee ne ea le ep 32 
AN pease sees see BES SES BOaUAISSS COGS Oa OE ere Same ee are eres 32 
SVU San al eee oe cee arpa eee lee ee rte Pyar ed Se atid Mie Sie 32 
Metabolizalbleremercyc: 65 aah ae aie es eet aia | Mot eb eel 33 
VATA is eae es rat ee eee ne a me ea or gine a een eae pee oe 34 

Micuiz esi alle ees arate eer ess cpa eas oe ete Se atlas ue ee MeL Nh eae 30 
COMmPARISOMsOlMnes Ml tee pee ene e Sa ene ens ear Seem ier a5 37 
NMetanvallainlereneroyeeeer ie = sea eon r i a e kts fo Ae er wea 38 
VA ADIETEMETS VOM MAW os oe eae eels OL Se Ne See soo S eee 39 
Availapleenersyxotmaize meal. 22843: h eee ek os Ee ee 40 

xe placemmenib vallitespayts cn cate eke eee ee i Ae tk 41 
ReRCeMmare MiMIZAL OM, ObeMeCrOy © ase eecn. aoe: wee ee ese ose ease ese. 42 
Wrest Mt LOnO ACME LONAE OE saat pe een RC intn ioe ew Sores PEI 44 


Dracram I. Live Weights). 222. se aes ee cyte ara 
ils Rate ‘ot heat emission222 22 e-eee eee a= ==asee 
Ill. Availability and utilization of energy ......-.---.-- 

6 : ate 5) 


By Henry Prentiss Armssy, Pu. D., LL. D., and J. Aucusr Friss, B. S. 

The experiments here reported are a continuation of the investiga- 
tions described in Bulletin No. 51 of this Bureau, ‘‘ The available 
energy of timothy hay.” In the experiments there described the 
metabolism of matter and energy bya steer fed four different amounts 
of timothy hay together with a small quantity of linseed meal was 
determined, and the metabolizable, available, and utilizable energy of 
the hay computed from a comparison of these results. The present 
experiments, carried out with the same steer in the winter of 1902-3, 
aimed to determine by similar methods the corresponding energy 
values for red clover hay and for maize meal. 

The general plan of the experiment was as follows: In the first 
period the animal was given an amount of clover hay estimated to be 
somewhat less than sufficient for maintenance. In the second period 
the amount of hay was considerably reduced. A comparison between 
the first and second periods affords the means of determining the net 
availability of the energy of the hay. In the third period there was 
added to the minimum hay ration of the second period an amount of 
maize meal estimated to be sufficient to make the total ration some- — 
what less than a maintenance ration. A comparison between Periods 
II and III affords data for computing the availability of the energy of 
the maize meal. In the fourth period the maize meal was increased 
sufficiently to produce a moderate gain, thus affording the means of 
determining the percentage utilization of the energy of maize meal in 
the production of gain. It was the intention to add a fifth period, in 
which the maize meal was to be still further increased, but circum- 
stances prevented. ‘The rations for the several periods were as follows: 

Periods and rations. 

Clover Maize 

Eeriod: ay. meal. 
Grams. | Grams. 

eat oe Se oe cele aieche 5, 200 0 
eet Geet as once 3, 700 0 
NOD aS ean acne pearecc 3, 700 850 
EN ieee Scene nies hi 3, 700 4, 000 


The animal used was the same grade Shorthorn steer which served 
in the experiments of 1901-2. At the time of these experiments he 
was approximately four years old. 


The methods employed for the analysis of the feed and excreta were 
substantially those recommended by the Association of Official Agri- 
cultural Chemists. The nitrogen of the feces was determined in the 
fresh material by K6énig’s method and the nitrogen of the urine by 
direct oxidation by the Kjeldahl method. In the computation of 
proteids from proteid nitrogen, the factor 6.0 was used for the maize 
meal and the conventional factor 6.25 for the clover hay. The non- 
proteids were computed from the nonproteid nitrogen by multiplica- 
tion by 4.7, the factor for asparagin. Carbon and hydrogen were 
determined by combustion with cupric oxide in a current of air, fol- 
lowed by oxygen. The heats of combustion of the food and excreta 
were determined by means of the Atwater-Hempel bomb calorimeter. 


FTay.—The hay used was second-growth red clover hay grown on 
the station farm in the summer of 1902. It was cut on August 16 and 
hauled to the barn August 20 to 22. It was secured without rain and 
retained most of the leaves on the stems. On December 4 about a ton 
of this hay was run through a Ross feed cutter and cut to lengths of 
about 7 to 10 centimeters. From the mass of cut hay two separate 
samples were taken by the same method as in the previous experi- 
ment.“ During the progress of the experiments a sample of hay was 
also taken at time of weighing out for each period, as described in 
subsequent pages, or four samples in all. The following table shows 
the composition of the dry matter of the several samples, the generally 
close agreement of the results indicating that the method was suffi- 

ciently accurate: 
Composition of clover hay (dry matter). 

General samples. Samples taken during experiments. 
Constituents and energy. “ é E 
A. B. Average.| Perioal.| Period | Perio Period 
; Il. Ye 
ASH Ut ponte cectnaseete per cent... 6. 26 6.53 6.40 6. 40 §. 46 6. 64 6. 64 
Proteids (N. x6.25)...--- Goze a: |anel2s83 12. 96 12. 90 iil Ze 12. 06 13.11 12. 82 
Nonproteids ........--.-. do.... 1.52 1.69 1.61 1.81 1.60 1.87 1.14 
Crude vfilberen-a--sseece do.=--| ~ 31-48 31.74 31. 61 33. 87 33. 67 31. 48 32. 63 
Nitrogen-free extract 45. 25 44.40 44.81 43. 25 43.51 44.05 43.90 
Etheriexdractee--peeeees do.... 2.66 |~ 2.68 2.67 2.90 2.70 2.85 2.87 
100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 

aCompare Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin No. 51, p. 10. 



Composition of clover hay (dry matter) —Continued. 

General samples. Samples taken during experiments. 
Constituents and energy. sys a tkes : Be: 5 
> sae ell Dane Period Period Period 
A. RB. Average. | Period I. II. TI TA 
Total nitrogen ...... per cent... 2.376 2.439 2. 408 2, 265 2.271 2,494 2,292 
Albuminoid nitrogen 2.053 2.079 2. 066 1. 882 1. 980 2. 098 2. 050 
@anbOn eee asses cessive sais do....| 45.60 45. 31 45. 44 45, 25 45. 93 45. 40 45. 60 
Uy Grose ects cc mnece do.... 6.45 6.19 6. 34 6.11 6.27 5. 90 6.01 
Energy....Calorics per gram../4,469.0 (4,445.8 |4,457.4  /4,449.4 {4,426.5 /4, 421.0 4,449. 4 

Maize meal.—The maize meal used was purchased from a firm of 
feed dealers in Bellefonte, Pa., and was stated to be from old yellow 
corn. It was of excellent quality. Two separate samples were taken 
of this meal on very nearly the same plan as in the case of the hay. 
The meal was then stored in a galvanized-iron tank with a wooden 
cover. At the time of weighing out for the third and fourth periods, 
samples were also taken for analysis. The following table shows the 
composition of the dry matter of these several samples: 

Composition of maize meal (dry matter’. 

Samples taken dur- 

General Samples. ing experiments. 

Constituents and energy. 
Period Perio 

A. B. Average. Ill. IV. 
PAS lees asic So hone a siisink Bo ere een per cent.. 1.41 1.33 1.37 1. 48 1.45 
POLI SiCNESOI00) emcciteccicms sabes soccer nee do.... 10. 35 9.53 9.94 9. 46 10. 20 
NIG MY ROWS (ANE S<C A scoocsndacaooeosdasaoens do.... oll? 78 48 . 68 29 
Cruesilb eras ae ceieeaioee aes aiseiye sueeaeee do.... 2.72 2.48 2.60 2.38 2.19 
Nitrogen-free extract ................-....--- do....| 81.16 81. 61 81. 38 81.90 81.65 
HEC Te xia Cl ememsinceiects sisceciecesern senses do.... 4.19 4.27 4.23 4.10 4.22 

100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 

Trlav ial se Mtineyeysra Wee ee eee does |iumia7G2 10753) | 758 1.721 zu 
PEOLCIGMMItTOMeN 522 a-fae- ese ceene secs s-5 se do.... 1.726 1.588 1. 657 1.575 1. 700 
CAT DOMPe eee okie oe Toa Saeies cen eee eames do.... 44, 88 45.17 45.03 45. 59 45.75 
FV TOME MBs eases seers soem cee ese eet aie sa do.... 6.59 6. 70 6. 65 6. 83 6.91 
REIT CRD Wnts t ere oe eae ais wis sae ciniceic Calories per gram..|4,458.9 |4,4038.2 4,481.1 (|4,359.8 4, 365.9 


On November 12, 1902, the steer was put on a ration of 12 pounds 
of uncut clover hay of the same kind as that prepared for the experi- 
ment. The weekly weighings of the animal indicated that this amount 
of hay was approximately a maintenance ration. OnJanuary 23, 1903, 
the animal was removed from the barn to the calorimeter building and 
put upon the ration of the first period. The hay was somewhat dusty 
as a result of the considerable handling which it had received, and it 
was sprinkled with a small amount of water to facilitate its consump- 
tion, 520 grams of water being used daily. The hay was fed in 
approximately equal feeds night and morning. 

1231—No. 74—05——2 


Each period covered twenty-one days, of which the first eleven were 
regarded as a preliminary period, and the last ten as constituting the 
digestion period proper. The table shows the exact dates of the sev- 
eral periods, the rations being also repeated as a matter of convenience: 

Dates and rations. 

Date. Ration. 
Period. E 

Preliminary period. Digestion period. Clover. Maize 

1903. _ 1903. Grams. | Grams. 
Teach Ua oe ee isc eee meee Jan. 24-Feb. 3......-- Feb... 4-13 it ededsas: bBPAL) lecnoaeccads 
1G APR Amat ee Stal ae ieee ce mialaad Heb 414-24 et esceee Feb. 25-Mar.6........ B00) losseocnsss 
TNT 2 ech ee cee oS ay Se Mari o7sl7 eile ees Mar S=2eee eee eee 3, 700 850 
TV cores ye wae ore oe ee ea ee cheats Mar. 28-Apr. 7-........ ADIs OH Wiese eee ee 3, 700 4,000 

The animal was watered daily at about 1 p. m., except the days when 
he was in the calorimeter and the day before and after, when water 
was given immediately after the morning feeding. 

Sa ddosdfasatocsttarSvosstticatit 
Eee fo 

BO On BAD ~ LY AR ares on @maQsVd 

MARCH . APRIL 1903. 

DIAGRAM I.—Live weights. 

The animal was weighed daily at 1 p. m., immediately before water- 
ing and also immediately after, the difference being taken as repre- 
senting the amount of water consumed. On the days when the animal 
was in the calorimeter the weight was taken immediately before enter- 
ing and immediately after leaving the apparatus. The figures for live 
weight and amount of water consumed are given in Table I of the 
Appendix in connection with the weights of the excreta, and the live 
weights are shown graphically on Diagram I above: 


Hlay.—The hay for each period was weighed out in advance in cloth 
bags, a day’s ration ina bag. In filling the bags the mass of hay was 
worked into from the side, taking all the material down to the floor. 
While the bags were being filled two or three large handfuls of the hay 


were taken from each bag and set aside in a covered vessel. Imme- 
diately after the weighing this sample was rapidly chopped in a meat 
chopper, thoroughly mixed, and a sample of 1,000 to 1,500 grams 
taken immediately to the laboratory in a covered vessel for determi- 
nation of dry matter and of the composition of the latter, with the 
results shown in the table on pages 8 and 9. 

Maize meal.—The maize meal required was also weighed out in 
advance for each period in tightly covered tin pails, which were kept 
in a cool place until used. At the time of weighing, a sample of 300 
to 400 grams was drawn and taken immediately to the laboratory for 
determination of dry matter and its several ingredients, with the 
results shown on page 9. 


The samples when received at the laboratory were immediately 
weighed, air dried at a temperature of about 60° C., allowed to hang 
at ordinary temperature in heavy paper bags for several days, and then 
ground in a mill as rapidly as practicable, and preserved in sealed bot- 
tles. The analyses were made as promptly as practicable, although not 
in all cases immediately. | 


As a matter of convenience in arranging for the work with the respi- 
ration calorimeter, the hour of 6 p. m. was taken as the beginning of 
the day. Approximately one-half of the hay and maize meal was given 
at this time and the remainder twelve hours later. © 


The animal was provided with the rubber duct described and illus- 
trated in a previous publication.“ for the collection of the feces, and 
with the ordinary urine funnel. During the experiments these were 
worn constantly, both during the preliminary days and during the 
digestion period proper. The apparatus served its purpose excel- 
lently, loss of excreta occurring in few instances. 

During the digestion period the excreta were weighed promptly at 
the end of each twenty-four hours, a sample drawn, after thorough 
mixing, and taken at once to the laboratory for treatment.- There a 
uniform percentage of the total excretion was set aside for a composite 
sample, chloroform being employed asa preservative. At the close of 
the period these composite samples were thoroughly mixed. In the 
feces the total nitrogen in the fresh substance was determined by the 
Konig method, while a portion of the composite sample was also air 
dried at 60° C. and the air-dry sample subjected to the usual method 
of analysis, including the determination of its heat of combustion and 
of carbon and hydrogen. In the mixed sample of urine the total 
nitrogen, total carbon, hydrogen it in organic combination, and heat of 
combustion were dlaver mined. 

@ Penn. Experiment Station Bulletin No. 42, p. 74. 



Period I (January 24 to February 13, 1908). 

The live weights of the animal and the weights of excreta are shown 

in Table I of the Appendix. 

The following table shows the percent- 

ages of dry matter contained in the samples of hay fed and refused, 
and of excreta collected and spilled and the corresponding weights of 

fresh substance and dry matter: 

Feed and excreta. 

Feed and excreta. weight. Dry matter. 
Hay: Grams. | Per cent. Grams. 
Lotalain TO ays eecces cist acta soe are eer CER CECE Ree | 52, 000. 0 85. 77 44, 600. 4 
Uneaten ae gscct ase saniometinw be scteicnogtesiomreeie eric eee eis ee toeee 17.7 59. 89 10.6 
Hatem! 2 sab cZstas bet wes hy semec meine ese aow seer eae Se aeeeeeae cone 51598253) |Seeeeeeeee 44, 589.8 
Eaten per Gaye case cca Senco cee ae oa eee ere heen a aie Dy 19852) |e swe eee ee 4, 459.0 
Collected nWlOidaysaisiccesscectee sce c enw No eee wae ecmeeeeel| 91, 677.0 19. 86 18, 207.1 
Spilledtinkcalorimetersiessss eee eee eee eee eee eeee eee 19.5 76.29 14.9 
Spillledsinkstall eH ebruanyel oaeeeee ee eee eee eee eer eeeereeeeerce 1.6 |* 81.24 1.3 
TotallexcretiOneSeetyen ceciz setae esis sete eos eerste Teme ncaa CH GEE Nococsedace 18, 223.3 
Dailyiexcretione: Ja. 22s dens sons hase oie ne see civen oe eee ee eee 9 6988) |e eee eee 1, 822.3 

The composition of the dry matter of the feeding stuffs has already 
been stated on pages 8 and 9, and that of the dry matter of the feces is 

shown in Table II of the Appendix. 

Basing the computation upon the above average weights, the digesti- 
bility of the hay, as shown in Table III of the Appendix, wasas follows: 

Digestibility of ration. 

Constituents and energy. aineeeat mites 
Per cent. 
DPryumatter’ ss24 jo wistiedes Hands So ae ree ete a ee eee eel eee iaseeeeeee grams..| 2,636.7 59.13 
0 NS TS eee ne ener anise ene sence aS eoaclc aes se aC Onno et nobus neanedd do 132.1 46. 29 
Organics matter nx. cs sia sects we nee eee See Clean eee See eee nen do....| 2,504.6 60. 00 
Proteids ceisoks srs icse wide oe Sis ae ee Se See ioe ones Se etiseeinee do. 254.8 48. 58 
Nonproteids@- iced foe Seeds snd o eo eee ae ae ee as ee eee do. 80.7} (100.00) 
Crude fiber isei5.5 Seetisactercecten ca Oo Se eee ea eet cetoe or eects do. 736.6 48.77 
Nitrogen-freerextract. oi so seeetets tec ee eae Oe eee eee eee renee do. 1, 348.0 69. 90 
Htherextract iso sre sess ha See es See elas Sat Oe EEC ea a cise SaaS Eee do. 84.4 65. 36 
INGtTOR EN: oé <5 eb as Aeee x See SS Soe NS Be ae Se eee a toes eee eee do. 57.8 57. 23 
(O71 010) 0 eee ee mre se Mem ets ott ea eRe oe Sohn eSaedotoe Momecsascad do..-.| 1,188.1 56. 41 
MOLE Y: os 2S25 Sake Re see ST ee eee ens eee Calories. .| 11, 188.3 56. 39 

a Assumed to be entirely digestible. 

Period II ( February 14 to March 6, 1903). 

The following tables, corresponding to those for Period I, sum- 
marize the weights of food and excreta and the percentage digesti- 
bility of the hay, which are contained in detail in Tables [I and III of 

the Appendix. 


Feed and excreta. 


Feed and excreta. vaeuE Dry matter, 
Hay: Grams. Per cent. Grams. 
MOotalhinal Od ays ee 4505 Ss)scmersc ee miswisalesciciels celts Suie wale wsciesnie 37, 000. 0 84. 97 31, 438. 9 
PM ALETIEDOT Ga ae. oe e somnin coe cles Se seraere's cite Seve ceicmcsito seis aaerekr SEO Ol odocaoadas 3, 143.9 
Feces: Mes 
Collectedsinel Ord ay shee cance sete conse wasowatesisais seinos Sis eeneeee 56, 602. 0 22.36 12, 656.2 
Spilledhinicalonimeverdacaaan cece einccis)eclinicieigle la sciais siete ones a 19.4 69. 88 13.6 
MRO tale x CLEUON tant seven Cees secs cok a nce eeecise ne aajacee BONG 210749 Sareretrersl-ise 12, 669. 8 
MAME CTELIOM <eman- casi oe cine aie eee oe ee cme wees cine seis SNGG2S10| Eee eeecert 1, 267.0 
Digestibility of ration. 
Total Digesti- 
digested.| bility. 
Per cent. 
IDIAY DORIC 2, SOS GC BER eee ano oe atone aes Hoar setae nicer Ee isin e nae aia grams 1,876.9 59. 70 
JEN) 3.5 065 SOO BEDE BS OEE CEG SHBG CECI OO ROBE ISS CRORE etree mrss ae nts iam do. 94.4 46. 48 
(ORSINI G IEE Shas yo sede ceEEooeC eC Oo REG coor oO Bone On UO se Hen Ose eEe reer do....| 1,782.5 60. 61 
ET OUCI CO Spaer a eisemsseie ct eletele ase ainine eee oe Sra wints © Sa sieinsoneciscwocenceEonssube se do. 201.7 53.19 
INIGTOY OTRO WONG GICAEE See Sete a RSET SEIS CR eae rei er aa is ote SN eR do. 50.3 | (100. 00) 
(CHICO OD Rs a GEO E DOR GN SCR CEES SER ORC ee Beate oie aes Serta eee do... 532.1 50. 27 
INO MeN=Tree OX LTAG bors ae ai, ciclsiaeiae Jee cies Seisinckje es coesine ee cercule ee ew ni do.. 943.0 68. 94 
HME TIE RbEA Chainer cyte nicjnjeisiamc ts a nareeie sie sissies eisjsisidcieSee aie See Seelse sin sce do.. 55.2 65. 02 © 
IN MRO RON oe Bose SUS ORR E HUE REO R OL OBL SOEUR STOR EOE GS eS Sees tye erent aoe do. 43.0 60. 23 
CATO Maree eee. cia etic = ats Hae ee Soe ine ae ie ciiats Da HUSA TG. ese atsaaiceiseces do. 826.9 57.27 
ISINGTEA So.a0 co boand oon DD Sac ORE SOEONC GO ae SoC OR aOnGe DER SseRe acres See cee Calories..| 8,078.8 58. 05 
a Assumed to be entirely digestible. 
Period III (March 7 to 27, 1903). 
In this period the final results were as follows: 
Feed and excreta. 
Feed and excreta. neieNt Dry matter. 
Hay: Grams. Per cent. Grams. 
Shore! hCG oe ones ece Bobo oE be SCC E SE PoE reE oe ores Eereeoeraras 37, 000. 0 85. 48 31, 627.6 
Tonia ee .Cbh aS cesenodccces GaCcaLe Mose Sere aa See eer soCc cee eaes Sh (NO) |scoscccaee 3, 162.8 
Maize meal: 
RO taleiTTaOKM ay Svea eoeare crete clase sie) ets was oe Mee Se Sime cite e eee 8, 500.0 86. 44 7, 347.4 
BEVIN OP CRN AEE Rec oo ccC oto Ses S OSE Le ORC a Ra TOENC orien Spee aaee GHOSO) aeocccocns 734.7 
Motil collectedhn Ns cencn esac eae tine ee Seb Sees sete aee 68,006.0] 20.04] 18,628. 4 
Spilledsinicalorimeter-ncsace ene oe cece one see ee-choaeee cceewes 29.0 49. 90 14.5 
Spilledsimistallevebruianye20neeeeeeeereeeeeee esse aeee eee 45.9 23.14 10.6 
Spilledeingstallshebnuanyse2wseree saeeeeere cose eeereee ser rreceeee 78.2 20.70 16.2 
Spilledtimestallskepnuanys2deeceeaa- acc scceecneseeeseeeccecieas 8.4 25.71 2B) 
Spilledmmystallshebruanys2Geer eer seo see ceieeece seca ce eine cele 10.6 33. 90 3.6 
Mo (alte CretlOm ser 5 sae eres cise ee Sale esos oa piece eee eee Gey WS IL sooscoocae 13, 675. 5 
DAV SER CTE COM soy fae oe sale ae ais elas Sarwiajale Se Aa isie soci cis ie Seer be GEIS lsaeunseaae 1, 367.6 


Digestibility of ration. 

Constituents and energy. aigeees a. 
IDIAY TAME Ssesconccosesccoosaosescadesoscossonsesecoodssescsaccssseeeo0be grams 2, 529.9 
YX) c eee ee er Lee ee ae oa AGG coUCCOun talalaisiiaena amosaeiet oases do.... 94.8 
(@ regen ea ie ee ee ee do....) 2,435.1 
Proteids oo .s22- coc so eecie 2 es einse een see oe ee ey -ial ote eee Nee ee eee eee do.... 276.2 
INO OROWHOIIH, «so ascosocoosososeccodossessocwsaccancsaesssccecscoseoceceseccs do.... 64.1 
(pub Moe eA snaasacdoseou seo asoDogaenoceos cece oosdoeaececeesocogaodocassceses doses. 453.8 
INiGropem=fre e (exc 08 Cie eee ee eee eee do....| 1,551.0 
IOU OVEN 8 C>:4 MEK eee oooe ad =dbes— 2d aces Sencs essence sessesee sos 58cescnccodr do.... 89.8 
INDWGROEOM oe socdossosoessossesqs coco easossbase sensoscesscoossscosseasosorsoses do.... 58. 2 
GPM OOM coscponcscag sce soos secon cosscooasneesereccsesssescssagcasccasoscCon¢ do....| 1,109.4 
EMC ey coast acco cee oe sees eis see Sec ace eee eee Seer ae ee oh eLyaene Calories. .| 10, 854. 4 

a Assumed to be entirely digestible. 
Period IV (March 28 to April 7, 1903). 
Tabulated as before, the results for this period are: 

Feed and excreta. 


Per cent. 
64. 91 
66. 26 

(100. 00) 
62. 66 

3 ; Fresh é 
Feed and excreta. weight. Dry matter. 
Hay: Grams. | Per cent. Grams. 
TotalinwOldaysteasseceseeeeee eae Cee eee Reo ee eee ceee ere _ 37,000. 0 86.12 31, 864.0 
IBM IA SIE CENT SsceacaccossaSssoseoscoss BESS Sac scan Esneapaateen Bh (NIE besocsocs= 3, 186.4 
Maize meal: 
Totalein WO ays! eeeseseeeeee eae e epee eeee eee eeeeeeeee eee 40, 000. 0 86. 27 34, 508. 0 
IDE HIENA SIP OEY Scoccecpoobdsnoncnconsocseadepsosssogesoacusseseces SE MUOUE) |lonecossece 3, 450. 8 
Rotalicollectedtsass-eee ee eeeee eee eee eee eee eee eee eee ee eer eer eee 86, 763. 0 18.09 15, 695. 4 
Stall correction. s.2062-- seSeeaneeen Soe tee see ee eeee ene eee ee 383. 6 20.37 78.1 
Total:excretion= eos ceecsscise cee lose eee ee eee ose ecte oe Sis 14656) eee eee 15, 773.5 
Daily excretions. 22265026 cae, -Sc eee ee ee eee ee ee eee Solas ||teacaeemee iL avirac! 
Digestibility of ration. 
1 F s Total Digesti- 
Constituents and energy. digested.| bility. 
Per cent. 
IDPAVasEM AIO ooanenoobacs snsosocasoo cos sao ocanc sos ans SosocSRescosaqesesesss grams..| 5,059.8 76. 23 
ANISH 2S 22 5 See Se Nae oie aierstersioles Se oe Se area eer erat terse ae do... 107.5 41.09 
OWEMMNO TANT se ca snsotmsosbcoodasoasosococcoss eco ccnebsosseccosoeococeeoaas do....| 4,952.3 77. 68 
Proteids yes isetss costco ces wsiane sSoesis acl eR eee See EERE eee esse sees do... 441.2 58. 01 
INO MIP TO GEC S Cee eee ee eae eee do.... 46.3 | (100.00) 
Crude fiber so.Sqsacte sees cos ses oe ae ee ee een Ree een saeeeieies do. 547.1 49. 05 
INTHAROYRSTAVES CWO) Sea oonoascosca Seosbosssoscassocosussesossesoscaneosoes do. 3, 718. 7 88. 20 
Ether extract: ssise2 bicsenectciosacis se eeenscia- seca ee ee eee aeeetermriareene do. 198.8 83. 89 
Nitrogen jess sis osea at ete: Gs tale nee aise See MOS REET ee cnt ermine aes do... 81.9 61.58 
Carbon. scc.28s- Sess Sse eek ace oe ce neice See eee Cee eee ere CREE Gozsa-| soso 7iest 74. 92 
EM @rey’ cis osc R See Se ese eee tied oaacibe se see Oe eS Se ae eee eee Calories. .| 21, 912.6 74.93 

a Assumed to be entirely digestible. 


Table IV of the Appendix, based upon the weights recorded in 
Table I, shows the total amouuts of nitrogen, carbon, and potential 
energy in the urine. In those cases in which some was spilled, the 
material was taken up as completely as possible with the aid of dis- 
tilled water and the weight and nitrogen content of the washings 
determined. It has been assumed that their content of carbon and of 
energy was proportional to the nitrogen. The following table gives 
a summary of the average daily excretion: 

Average daily excretion in urine. 


2 ; per gram 
Period. Nitrogen.| Carbon. | Energy. uct 

Grams. Grams. | Calories. | Calories. 
SIPS ota ene was omisis ch Siete ee tice va mesee Set eslet eee 74. 97 150.46 | 1,249.8 8.31 
I ns oo ce cO SRO RBG SSO ROG SOE Se SEE SER Sere er oat Shea re ela ett oar 58. 50 103. 43 933. 5 9.05 
INT RLSPR reaeys Rs rhe CR aide lave mieeicslstatcieccia mates ' 59.01 125. 31 920.9 7.35 
LIN cco 66 CRE ROSS OR OTIS Se Se CnSEe SERIE ID Re Tes erin actiegeaea eran See 70. 23 141.87 | 1,194.3 8.42 

It will be observed from the above table that the energy per gram 
of carbon was considerably less than that found by Kellner in similar 
experiments and likewise lower than the results found by ourselves in 
the previous year’s experiments. We believe this discrepancy is due 
to the fact that the urine samples were dried at too high a tempera- 
ture. The loss of nitrogen in drying was determined and a correction 
made for it on the assumption that this loss represented urea decom- 
posed during the drying. Determinations of the loss of carbon, 
however, gave much higher figures than corresponded to the loss of 
nitrogen on the above assumption, making it evident that some mate- 
rial other than urea was being decomposed. Under these circum- 
stances it has been thought best to discard the above results for energy 
and to compute the energy contained in the urine on the basis of Kell- 
ner’s average figures. 


The steer was thoroughly brushed immediately before entering the 
calorimeter and after leaving it, and the hair, dandruff, etc., in the 
latter case collected. To this was added the small amount brushed 
up from the floor of the calorimeter. In these samples determinations 
of nitrogen, carbon, and energy were made with the following results: 


Weights and composition of brushings. 

Constituents and energy. Period I. |Period II.|Period III.|Period TV. 

\VGHEINE J oancoccseoesoacboasboooosceocssosuosoesecee grams..| 23.0 24.3 47.5 57.4 
Dry, Matlerie ss. hse NaS 26 tua eer eee eee percent..) 94.45 93. 29 90.15 90. 01 
WCHL Or Clie TIMENHTE oo ac cos casndaanssacdsnousaue grams..| 21.72 22.67 42. 82 51. 67 
In dry matter: 
Percentage: 22-5285 550 nas se ee ee cee eeene 6.59 7.41 8. 69 7.91 
Weight:.< ict oacic seecceeen ionetee heme eee grams.. 1.43 1.68 3.72 4. 09 
Percentages. cous sc sectece ses faerie Oeeee meee eee 42.73 39. 97 43. 88 42.78 
Weight. a. oacncce saat tee Sem seseeree een grams. - 9. 28 9. 06 18. 79 22.10 
Per sram 2b cee ass nose e eee ene Calories. . 4.529 4.442 4.815 4.660 
Total.2cse: See aoa ieee eee cases do....| 98.36 100. 67 206. 2 240.8 

On the average of the four periods the amounts of nitrogen, carbon, 
and energy contained in the brushings were as follows: 

Average composition of brushings. 

Constituents and energy. Total. | Per day. 
Nitrogen -2kei2e Maes cide sireciceee acces eines mene cee cee seen grams... 3.73 1.87 
Carbone! si ca5 fc edee sheik Ses oer e eee ae ee Ss ee aes eee ee ne eee ane do.... 14. 81 7.40 
IENOI BY: cso oh cis smite Caelsee meee ener ee cae Sates Bebe coe ee eeeenernee Calories..| 161.5 80.8 

_ In the computations on the following pages it has been assumed that 
these figures represent the normal rate of production of hair, epider- 
mis, etc., by the animal during the experiment. They do not, of 
course, include the matter and energy contained in the growth of 
hoofs and horns. 


Upon the first two days of the digestion period proper in each period 
the respiratory products were determined during forty-eight hours 
continuously, the time being divided into four subperiods of twelve 
hours each. The apparatus used was the respiration calorimeter 
briefly described in Bulletin No. 51, Bureau of Animal Industry, and 
more fully in a subsequent publication. 

It is impracticable to reproduce here all the details of these determi- ” 
nations. For the general methods employed the reader is referred to 
the previous bulletin. | 

«Experiment Station Record, Vol. XV, p. 1037. 


External air.—As noted in Bulletin No. 51, check tests are depended 
upon as a means of computing the amount of combustible gases con- 
tained in the air as it enters the respiration chamber. The check tests 
were made at intervals’ during the experiments here described with the 

following results: 
Combustible gases in air. 

Vol Wat Carbon GSU cane : 
Date. of aes Sreighed. dioxide : 
weighed. | ydrogen.| Carbon. 
Liters. Gram. Gram. Millijram. | Milligram. 

Jini ehay Ea ee ceeennereseseeccooocoduore 1, 200 0. 01752 0. 00683 0.178 0.170 
Me Dru an ye Ol 903 seen ac cen ts cicero = etic mere 1, 250 . 02991 . 00831 . 301 . 082 
 Milemela @, TG8) sa sao osoonsossede ssessepeusuc 1, 200 . 02259 . 00863 . 229 215 
VSO MEQ Stal GOB eis aerciciviere Sieie minis = sresieiseleie wiscles 1, 100 . 02269 . 00544 . 255 .178 
/\jonll SU) OU igeeee seep onecceesecesSeodseses 1, 250 . 02479 . 00803 247 . 196 
ANWEHIIES a ddancs gadecnenoboacdoaaccoggallbopeodopee|l4qqubodquecd |Seaccouocoor . 242 . 168 

As in the previous year the results are somewhat variable, but in 
no case are the corrections large as compared with the total amounts 
determined in the experiments upon the animal. 

Alcohol check tests.—The accuracy of the apparatus was tested as in 
the previous year by burning in it known amounts of ethyl alcohol 
and determining the amounts of carbon dioxide, water, and heat 
evolved. The results of these alcohol check tests as regards carbon 
dioxide and heat are given below. The results upon water have not 
yet proven satisfactory. . 

Results of alcohol check tests. 

Weight of alcohol. Carbon dioxide. Heat. 
No. of 
Date. hours. | Hydra- | Anhy- Com- Ob- ee Com- Ob- Soa 
ted. drous. puted. | served. Sanwa. puted. served. SaneGl, 
Grams. | Grams. | Grams. | Grams. Calories. | Calories. 
Jan. 20, 1903... 6 527. 67 475. 62 908. 91 891.58 98.1 | 3,417.09 | 3,427.16 100.3 
Mar. 26, 1908 . 6 526. 63 474. 60 906. 96 891.24 98.3 | 3,409.76 | 3,407.01 99.9 
Apr. 28, 1903. . 6 503. 16 453. 53 "866. 69 855. 73 98.7 | 3,258.38 | 3,190.31 97.9 


Tables V, VI, VII, VIII, LX, and X of the Appendix contain the 
results of the respiratory determinations for the several periods and 
subperiods. These are summarized in the table following. 

1231—No. 74—05——3 



Carbon and hydrogen excretion. 

In CO, and H,0. 

In hydrocarbons. 

i Hydro- Hydro- 
Carbon. gen. Carbon. gen. 
Period I: Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. 
Siero eal os Sa eee see eee cone earn ean 590. 8 262.9 39. 38 12. 52 
Subperiod Qisisesih ce see aie ea ee eee eee cae amas 592. 6 262.9 39. 25 12. 36 
Wirstid diy sich 2 Soe ae ee eee ee 1,183. 4 525.8 78.63 24. 88 
Subpeniod Gir os ew hae We alr eee ine meee MeN 603.4| 244.0] 38.84 12. 40 
Supe riodes as sb eee aie aa eid ny Te es ate | 586. 0 253.5 36. 90 11. 64 
SOO cs haiy se! Tee Me hee acetylene ante inane Ny 1,189.4 497.5 75.74 24.04 
ANVGLAG eC Sih. sShec wee stat ein. cite nae eos cera oos carers tenee Pika Deer ig ay 24. 46 
Period II: aa maa. . 
Subpériod ic 2 cess Peas hasnt eae et aoe sceeee eee 499.7 218.9 28. 34 8. 66 
Subperigd 2 eerie ce ee oases yeaa ee ae ae 508. 4 253.8 27, 22 8.47 
Pins Cay eae e ese ea Age Re gene oes een ee era ae 1, 008.1 472.7 55. 56 17.13 
Sib peri oc (s x occa cers peter eines ee ea eye 506.4 | 251.3) 29.29 8.69 
SUDPeriod Aerie uenl ys pein ahd Eat lee aurea rut ne eeu 493.3 255. 4 29.50 8.88 
Secon did ays waren eae a eS ere ed are Rtv ser natana 999.7 506.7 58.79 17.52 
AVITAL R Car Ue ecyatare ic a epee nic niet erste re orale emia eee rele teks micron tere natetors 1, 003. 9 489.7 57.18 17.33 
Period III: 
Subperiod |): een setl eee acta enee aaa enue 539. 8 248, 9 38.47 12.51 
Sin perl Oded a fee ae es ee oye ees ea a pao ea 543.5 282.4 38. 09 12.16 
Wirst:day.. Poaceae ce OR SS potosk Sk eee oe a eee 1, 083.3 531.3 76. 56 24. 67 
SUBpPeriOd Beeman et oman eee a aera ne eee eee sae eam ier 267.6 40. 06 12.72 
RSTO) orev Loy Ie men ot me Ma UE Ae I ee en a ae 546.7 271.9 38. 66 "12. 28 
Second day hisses chee Tee Nera a Ee AER aaa aioe 1, 124.4 539.5 78.72 24.95 
Avetsipe <2 sheet RU Gh oAT ME as ee ele Re ae 1,103.9] 535.4| 77.64] 24.81 
Period LY: | ; 
Subperiod Ps 2siisce) Sos eS asta se seen sche cease 830.5 415.5 64. 32 20. 92 
FSJay ay ossalors Monsen terse Mee Nee es Oe el one 852.4 447.5 71.36 23.16 
inst days 82 cee ha nec BEA ire ah a pe ae 1, 682.9 863.0 | 135.68 44, 08 
SUD perigd’S 5 ses ase aes ee ee ee eet eS 821.3 442.6 67. 43 21.80 
SU period ak ee oe eee ye eee ae mes gue Oe rennae a 843.6 461.3 70. 70 23. 00 
Second. day 2.53 .U esc span ae ae eeae eee mae 1, 664.9 903. 9 138.13 44. 80° 
PR ret Neonat en nite mma et dr he leet 2 the 3 1,673.9 883.5 | 136.91 44,44 

Hydrocarbon gases.—In the experiment with timothy hay in 1901-02 
it was shown that the ratio of hydrogen to carbon in the combustible 
gases given off by the animal was almost identical with that for 
methane. The corresponding results for the present experiment were 

as follows: 

- Period I: 

Ratio of hydrogen to carbon im combustible 

Sta Perro Se a eee re ee peat mar ee 

Subperiod 2 

First day 



Period I—Continued. 

SU OETA teh RE AIO SEES NI ers eS ale a 1:3.1382 
SITE RLO Cletamrate Seater note acre Sie waite sete eicleieie caw. sigu lees 1:3.170 
ECONO De ae erates era ome Se oe tna anh ale «cua ciara ats Oks Sl oe 1:3.155 

Average, Period I 
Period IT: 

SUID CIELO Ulcer speach rece sent Fenn Me rte ay Seley nk cpsiedp aches aes ee eed 1:3.273 
SU peTOdt sy suse She oe see sana s shot lenis mecis siecle seeds s eo ees 1:3.214 
JENURSU OLENA ees ae reg cht ne eR ee ea enone eR Pa ee 1:3.244 
SUI eTUCy St seecetete es cement Mi aa one eeee ie cS W337 
SU WGI O ka: ueicres ee peamenre pen ecrautenh nis ame SE PEE SS ees Uw a 1:3.341 
SecOmiidayzeres sees eee et tee Meese cee ate SE ees 1:3.356 

Average, Period II 
Period III: 

‘SALI SY DST AOE TE Sa ia SA Rea ee ae ae en 1:3.075 
SVU THOC a 2 eyeeneta eis etme ets Manel ely heres sae ee ae 1:3.133 
ENS ECLA eee meee eset ee yay ie) eas eee Sar cee eee 1:3.103 
‘SST DOCTOR) ee eS a ee ey he ieee ea me ae 1:3.150 
SSID TC TL O Clic Ape petere i es eee Ice eigen cree, Meneses Se reg 1:3.163 
Second day...----.------ PSOE Ea Seyler eon en eee 1:3.155 

Average, Period III 
Period IV: 

Sto emiO Umea sh Aer. UCase Ra eae se ee he 1:3.074 
Silly oe lode aaeee see woes entice SU ony NR UE ONE ego ak 1:3.081 
" URTRSHE, CIES Re Bs ena ea een ge ete eat 1:3.078 
(SAU) Or OST CNCOIG YN geal A eA ae ae De Gn aed Se ae cea re 1:3.093 
Sun Wen OW temper arden: ee Ge WUE ea eae ae was 1:3.074 
SETAC GLEN hes nO BSE a CN aI eek ge ay ar 1:3.083 
PAW CTA C wei CEI OC pL eas ieee hw ee Sl a ca Medes Ie Da aes a Ss oe 
CP oyna ae Oli HOT © Pele ee ete ee ase ESA IS cis ier ae Oe Sis enue Bee 






According to the above figures, the ratio of hydrogen to carbon is 

somewhat less than that required for methane. 

The computed per- 

centage composition of the combustible gases compared with that com- 

puted for CH, was as follows: 

Percentage composition of combustible gases. 


Observed;_ A Computed 

Cash average. oes for CH. 
CAD OMe ase a Nee aia siti eee sista oie oe inte rious aie nels midisiciers fares 76. 00 75. 74 74. 85 
Ty CUO Me Mee erates msi isis nase cese a oe Neen erincts a aeraierain Ws a dare SE 24.00 24. 26 25.15 
100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 



The agreement with the composition of methane is less satisfactory 
than in the previous series of experiments, yet it seems difficult to 
account for a deficiency of hydrogen. 

If we assume that the combustible gases consist of methane and 
compute its amount from the amounts of carbon found, we have the 
following as the excretion of methane in the several periods: 

Period I: Grams. | Period III: . Grams. 
Sulbperiocdige eae =e ae cee 52. 62 Subpentocedle 25a 51. 40 
Subperiod) 202) essere 52, 44 Subperiod: 2622520 3s seas 50. 89 
Subpeniod oor s 2) eceeeee ss 51. 89 Subpenlodis asses see 53. 52 
Subperiod 4-252 eee5- asses 49. 30 SulperOd 4 a= = eee see 51. 65 

UNYEEINS WER CEN~ssoseccee4 103. 13 Average per day..------.- 103. 73 

Period II: Period IV: : 
Subperiod:la-ssee eee 37. 86 Subperigd wit 2s eee sae 85. 93 
Subperiod 2). i. Sse es ceee 36. 37 Subperiod/2 2 c2s6e.5- 5 ame 95. 34 
Subperiods3 see .eees eases 39.13 Subpertods3 see sea eee 90. 08 
Subpeniod:4:s2es2 2 ss ece oe 39. 41 Subpertod 425: 205 aoe 94. 46 

Average per day=22)=-22-- 76. 39. Average per day .:2.2-22s- 182. 91 


It is impracticable to reproduce here the very voluminous records 
required for the determination of the heat produced, and it must suffice 
to indicate the general method and to summarize the main results. 

As explained in Bureau of Animal Industry Bulletin No. 51, the 
heat given off by the animal as sensible heat is removed from the 
apparatus by a water current, the amount thus removed being meas- 

ured by the product of the amount of water passing through the 
_ absorbers and the rise in temperature during its passage through the 
apparatus. As noted, the temperature of the water was taken every 
four minutes, while the efflux of each 100 liters was noted on the 
records. In any portion of the experiment during which the rate of 
flow of water is uniform we may, without sensible error, compute the 
averages of the ingoing and of the outcoming temperatures and multi- 
ply the total weight of water by the difference between the two. 
Certain corrections are necessary, however. 

first. The pipe composing our absorber being of small diameter, 
there is a not inconsiderable pressure upon the bulbs of the dome. 
eters, and this pressure varies with the rate at which the water flows. 
Since the pressure is greater upon the ingoing than upon the outcom- 
ing thermometer, the effect is to render the observed difference in 
temperature too small. A correction for this effect was worked out 
experimentally for the range of pressure used, and is applied in the 
table. ; 

Second. The friction of the water in the absorbers is itself a source 
of a small amount of heat, which has been computed from the differ- 


ence in pressure at entrance and exit and the weight of the water 
passing through the absorbers. 

Third. As Atwater and Rosa have shown, it is essential to take 
account of the variation in the specific heat of water at different tem- 
peratures. We have followed their practice, and assuming the specitic 
heat of water at 20° C. as unity, have expressed all our results in 
Calories at 20°, using for this purpose the table of the specific heat of 
water given by those observers. 

Fourth. Corrections have to be made for the heat introduced into 
the apparatus or withdrawn from it in case the feed, drink, excreta, 
and vessels containing them were introduced or removed ata tempera- 
ture different from that of the calorimeter. The net amount of these 
corrections, as appears from the table, is ordinarily small, but the 
single factors are sometimes not inconsiderable. - This is especially the 
case with the feces, where considerable difficulty was experienced in 
determining the true average temperature of the mass. 

The results of these several computations are contained in Table XI 
of the Appendix. To the heat thus measured is to be added the 
latent heat of water vapor produced in and carried out of the chamber. 
This is computed from the results for water, assuming the latent heat 
of vaporization to be 0.592 Calorie per gram. 

The following table contains a summary of the amounts of heat 
measured in the calorimeter in the several periods and subperiods: 

Heat measured in calorimeter. 

Heat measured. 

Subperiod. 7 
: Period I. | Period II. | Period III.| Period IV. 
First day: Calories. Calories. Calories. Calories. 

Subperiodslesssccscee: seascee cauw oo sacnetonaemene 5, 805. 27 5, 444, 53 5, 318. 83 7, 306.18 

Sub pPeriodiens mem sceck ec ssatee cm eee esineeee 5, 878. 48 4, 813. 02 4, 971.58 7,424.14 

AO beneath eal Neh cral ovsialsnerstaroe,saiaveie es Micteielsee ais 11, 683.75 | 10,257.55 | 10, 290. 36 14, 730. 32 
Second day: e : 

Subperiodsle seh ccc esc. tecaeiorces ceouecemeece 6, 010. 82 4,971.32 5, 716. 51 7, 085. 07 

SW peRlOd: 2) = hem enraer cis Sete wiasscsetseee ce 5, 616. 18 4, 944.16 5, 0538. 88 7, 418. 97 

INOW. cccacasoccengossasnacedcocedannmanadesesee5 11, 627. 00 9,915.48 | 10,770.39 14, 504. 04 

PAW ET AR EsDOTy GA Viasat iis ee eemiclelce swe ele pee ae 11, 655.88 | 10,086.52 | 10,530.38 14, 617.18 


As in the previous experiment, the rate at which heat was given 

off by the animal varied remarkably according as the animal was 
standing or lying. The readings of the thermometers, which were 

taken every four minutes, furnish an approximately continuous meas- 
urement of the rate at which heat was given off by the animal by 

4U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of Experiment Stations Bull. No. 63, p. 56. 


radiation and conduction. The individual readings are probably sub- 
ject to some accidental fluctuations. To eliminate these, each three 
successive readings have been averaged and multiplied by the amount 
of water passing through the absorbers: during the same twelve min- 
utes. The results, expressed in Calories per minute, are represented 
graphically on Diagram II, in which the arrows indicate the times at 
which the animal stood up or lay down, the possible effects of slight 
variations in the temperature of the calorimeter itself being disre- 
garded. ° 

The following table shows the total heat emitted during the periods 
of standing and lying, respectively. The figures of this table relate 
only to the amount of heat given off by radiation and conduction and 
removed from the calorimeter in the water current and do not include 
the heat carried off as latent heat of water vapor. 

Heat emission. 

Period and subperiod. Time. Position. _| Total heat. oe 
Period I: 
Subperiod 1— Minutes. Calories. Calories. 

COTO, 1, 10) ZYABo4 MN sos scoeonaseessoeuesee 106 | Standing ..... 736. 05 6. 9439 

UD ]Oy 10, WO UOS) 10, Wo sscsenssocosacecode G45 Pe lvineeeeeeseer 857. 20 5, 2268 
NOB 5 1006 10) ALO Gl, we Soe ees ercosecsasnce= 152 | Standing ..... 1,122.61 7.3856 

WW oi, Wale KO) POR, 10 stot ascoctcosondaseo= Gla elovan eye seeee a 275.43 4, 5152 

POR} fle was 10) CL) G1, TON 5 Sos ecodesceonessses 137 | Standing -....-. 976.18 7.1254 

COD Ehea0s (0) OKO SIS 10 pas scodoscecasesescus LOO elvan syeees eee 442.62 4, 4262 

Subperiod 2— 

6!00a-sm tom 6:30/e)-eie esse eeeee eee aaa eee Bil) oacae Ol sa 188. 31 4, 6103 

PIN Ay 05 WO) CLO s Wao Goscasosaaassecosee 158 | Standing ..... 1, 158. 72 7.3337 

CHOseis srl, (0) IDO Ap SO) boc sooo oseucous Seda. IBES) Maybe s55ccoes 606. 08 4.5230 
AAPA Ysa 00 AKO) GH? th] Seat Bao din Baca Seooaoeaaseac 266 , Standing ....- 1, 864. 81 7.1006 

CHS IOS MON KO) LGV YO)s TM = soe nasecceuscceoscooc LOGs | Muyime yee seee es 460. 09- 4.3405 

5345p sme tOenO LOO panne ee see ee eee 26 | Standing -..-..- 206. 97 7. 9604 

Subperiod 3— 

6:00) pam Ons! Ospssmeees see eeeerse eee 18{9) |lesoac GOe ne sene 981. 05 7. 5462 

SHIl(8) 0}5 300, TRO) MOLL) [05 100, Sooo cen seoonsscsoae WIG |) Wyabayes ssasscos 588. 37 5. 0722 
LOLOGspymMantOm 428 iae meee eee eee eee eae 382 | Standing -....- 2,735. 70 7.1615 

CROLEY hs doe WO) (HNO Hy se Sao gdscnbeoadcoscoosos OPP || LEN Abos Socoqace 4038. 63 4.3873 

Subperiod 4— ; 

GOA, 1 WO) HGH), WM anosssoscedessccomeses Gf} |Sdacs (okoveceers ia 171.78 4.5205 

6:38 ian sCOR Os Siam ea eee eee ee 220 | Standing -...- 1, 482. 86 6. 7403 
UOBESR, 1as [KO APY) GOs 1 ee cscSsncqcsoneonscce 152 | Lying .....-.-- 650. 75 4, 2813 
WOH) Os 115 1O- BLO fh WN bo seco sepSoseconessos 140 | Standing ....- 999. 08 7.1363 

By arg Koy HRN O50 Sack aconoseseadesccocs IPL) | Stayer? |e o655c 583. 37 4. 4448 

HEN Fay wa, WO) OKO) Jo, 10, Ss Sososceocscoeceses 50 | Standing -.-... 388.18 7. 7636 

Period II: 
Subperiod 1— 

GOO Ds TY WO UOMO jo, WH. ncaccasesasseesscose 5D leone GO =scsscoe 1, 461. 47 5. 8459 
LOS O peanetowl2?20 laa eee 130 | Lying -...-... 512. 35 3. 9412 
TOA) e306 HO OO Oy oa see ose ceoscoccunsess 340 | Standing ..-.-. 2, 305. 81 6. 7818 

Subperiod 2— 

FOO) Bhs 0G HO) WO M,N esdoocosecceoeoseasace 2625 eee GOkeeeeeee 1, 390. 84 4, 9321 

UD SOX Easily UO) PAD jos WIV oGg5 soon oooooeeaasos 158 | Lying ......-- 595. 17 3. 7669 

e TOAD TOY Tang WO) HD WG conooacausuceSsuocees 280 | Standing ..... 1, 462. 70 5, 2239 


“A onrRwoMntoan —' nob tan — oe ee ee ee eee eee 
O9OoOnrOoON TON — TO nets OE “O- 6 OF £ ON = "C0 om om OM) FO Ae 



ION) (2 lemizn aes) 6 

6pma7 8 9 10 18 9 

1231—No. 74—05. 


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DiacRaM II,.—Rate of heat emission. 

(To face page 22.) 

1231—No, 74—05, 

i me sanee 
Eo ent eo an 
Eee A Whe 



Se aia 


1 AE GARI i 


Feat emission—Continued. 

Period and subperiod. 




Total heat. 

Heat per 

Period II—Continued. 
Subperiod 3— Minutes. Calories. Calories. 
GOO Maan tom O00 ips ee ec ceeeeeee ie eceiee 180 | Standing ..... 1, 031.79 5. 7322 
OOO RS Ne CORLL OS DM wee ecciareete rel cie eleterete cle ele 7k} | MU Abees ee oeade 683. 85 ¢- 8419 
LARD S MO Uae OM lisp ae eie Taw rale a watcha alelaicleraisiesielelele 116 | Standing ..... 748. 60 6. 4534 
HeDAgak IM. tO moO Aa ie oo ccece secs reas 116 | Lying ........ 482. 81 4, 1622 
coo eda. tO 4 aSias Mise o.oo cence icmcecre 58 | Standing ..... 0412.31 7. 1088 
A ASyamtOr O.O0PE. wl soe cic ese neice cei (2) | yAN eee eee 274, 82 3. 8169 
Subperiod 4— 
G:00'a-simssto) e8!4 Siac sees. Sc qe am ciestaicniere 1683) Sceee Gos s-a=e" 721. 40 4, 2940 
S48 aor COMET 2) ere se = ie cles oo acme 144 | Standing ..... 879. 28 6.1061 
TIM Gip wag Key BW ONS GaodaoosedeccseseeooD 244 | Lying ........ 978. 50 4.0102 
SIG TOW Wels UO) OWI 200 = sees aeoseosocesspoase 164 | Standing ..... 975. 46 5. 9479 
Period III: 
Subperiod 1— 
G00; pam ton 7:40) paml ees eee oe ses 15) losaos (Choscnadae 607. 27 5. 7885 
eAOM I TUN.) LO} Le DD, aM ome sees oe iejetts (cle slteiety=lal= 210 | Lying ......--. 946. 64 4.5078 
LelH yp sm: Om dsOdran meee secs cic eeictcee see 109 | Standing ..... 803. 49 7.3715 
NLOAasan a tOmaslOaemM eee -sceeseee oeeaaeaee 135 | Lying .......- 605. 89 4. 4881 
BHIG) Gs Ws tO OU En CoseanousoocudoodGoee 161 | Standing ..... 1, 048. 14 6.5049 
Subperiod 2— 
EON a, 10s WO) HD Glo WN Soascgocosaasososoda5S 10) locos ClO ssecsese 647. 80 5. 8891 
HenOras mm; COMMA Tae MY Ee 5 yeyeeelcioce cece 237 | Lying ......-- 789. 48 3.3311 
INT Bin NS 1K) ZY oil) Seo eedesooconcasecoos 57 | Standing ..-... 402.71 7.0651 
WAZEL IO) Tk, Woy BEL ea aeonsopecosuoodese 180 | Lying .....-... 787. 62 4.3757 
BLU Ds WH, WO) GUD IOS Min SSesoccccoooscecosudes 136 | Standing ..... 858. 28 6.3109 
Subperiod 3— 
GVO Is 1A, 1X0) (G45P4 fos 0 Goo ocesooqoodsoscoocds G4 lascoe dO sc-ss-e2 334. 89 6. 4402 
Gi Dy lesle Wo) Tee¥! Toy Wl So oaedodaadoosaecuadae 42 | Lying ....-...- 179. 81 4, 2812 
TBH Os Tn, 10) OBO), 1 So coocesosuoeeucosacas 109 | Standing ..... 800. 92 7.3479 
O93} 70, ios Wo) GBI lo, 3G. coeomoSocecdoaaaaaos (s) |} JUyabeles ea cocace 19.19 2.3988 
@.Sil fos san, WO) IDLH yoy, sens Seeoooseecoccouseoeo- 100 | Standing ..... 722. 82 7, 2282 
THLIDL To sone rod Pastel Sasa oreagooesonasoas 60 | Lying .......-. 244. 36 4.0727 
HO Obis ails 10) ABB Gls 00h Cane Gra oo OB SEOdOGRS 142 | Standing ....- 997. 05 7.0215 
2BB Gp WINGO) Gh key iy 0ll cocnaroSanooRaoSHooode 45 | Lying ...---.- 179. 47 3. 9882 
Sal Samy tOm 6: OOS Maen cement eect ses 162 | Standing ..... 988. 65 6. 1028 
Subperiod 4— 
G00laeems tol 8/40 as mee ese ace seceniecise GO} |Eeeee (loeanaeeae 813. 84 5. 0865 
S'40 yams COMMA Parpiiese oem eerie cine 157s | play ine Seen 550. 95 3. 5092 
IDL Teel atti) AWA see eeeaceecocecocdssod 177 | Standing ....- 1, 058. 35 5. 9794 
QLAT DEI LOM OLS) Pann seems cece 184 | Lying ........ 731. 27 3. 9743 
BLIKS} [9s OS Wo) GCLUO Is we oo seen osososdscaooode 42 | Standing ....- 256. 49 6. 1069 
Period LY: 
Subperiod 1— 
LTO) 79, Ws Wo) SLAG EI, Wa ooo os seseado sooo s ses 566 |..--- GIO) -S56cn05 5, 043. 55 8.9109 
BPO, wie WO) COG tN sasqoobocdoocoaucuoues ay SS Byatt eee 789.13 5. 1242 
Subperiod 2— 
GHD, 1s 1K) GBP Bh, 1 Sa ocescoudcessnaescooe GP lISooed Goma aaee. 158. 28 4, 9463 
Ger. TNs 10) Stes) 10 100) pes GoaucoosasaseEoCcus 536 | Standing ..... 3, 920. 78 7.3149 
iA} Dy USO) Seavljos WM saaeconancousesoeaser 3 | Lying ..-....-- 15. 29 5. 4000 
SL84l yo), wk, 10) “GHO0)o5 300 Ge Seeanadseosocudsenoe 149 | Standing ..... 1, 065. 11 7.1484 
Subperiod 3— 
GD 105 weiss Caos wily ooecosdoocoseaesousas 228 | eee QOssess2255 1, 676. 98 7.9103 
E374 }0s 1001 10) IO) I5f5} jo D1. Soa Se easacoeocsbosesc 86) Lying: 322... -- 426. 64 4. 9609 
UD {5}3} 195 101s Woy BGs sila eee poreobesodadcsses 204 | Standing ..... 1, 646. 90 8.0730 
eee LON OLO0}Aa Mc senile seiecmccse cine cal 218 | Lying .......- 971. 14 4, 4548 


Heat emission—Continued. 

A A - wis Heat per 
Period and subperiod. Time. Position. Total heat. mite 

Period 1V—Continued. 

Subperiod 4— Minutes. Calories. | Calories. 
BOA, wis to) GON, Wi -.ssnosnscocaseosecons 4 | oying: eases 22. 82 5. 7050 
6204%as mec Mle24Vanumnieye seen eee eee eee 320 | Standing ..... 2,516. 92 7. 8654 

OOM are araly (10) -PAPHL 0), Tm) ones besoousaosoudcaas 180s Pb yineieeeeesee 893. 35 4.9631 
2:24 psem6O 1600p weeeerae eee eee eee 216 | Standing ..... 1, 672.97 7. 7452 

From the foregoing table have been computed the following results 
for the total heat produced during the several periods in the lying and 
the standing positions, respectively, together with the average heat 
emission per minute. In making these computations the artificial 
division into subperiods has been disregarded: | 

Total heat and average heat emission per minute. 

Period. Lying. Standing. 
Period I: 
Minutes i. ce.2 eccaite see aacers oe cons cei eec een caes sce seas semeees number..| 1,113 1, 767 
Total Meat aS sss ee Seek eine see es oe ee eee See Calories..} 5,127, 63 12, 652. 21 
Heat per minutes: 22.0% care sche slate ose see chee aie eeceeeeene dozee- 4.607 7. 160 
RUbIO osisiageiss/osjabre a sre ealate Dae deers e mie wyateisjsielssichare bie beisss vere sisinicio sie at rersnae icone siete 1 1, 554 
Period II: 
Minutesee sho scc aces kiss saeine oes en tleeian Gee sea sections siento tars number..} 1,066 1, 814 
Total Meat a af Se ee seer Tons tee te a ra Calories..} 4,248. 90 10, 668. 25 
Heat per minute. 2 sitsee eee sn 55 ja aiomeate cas necine ease cimeee eens do.... 3. 986 5. 881 
Ratios :c seen nad Vaan ce Bales 8 ace oer RU ON rer ene ose ce ae 1 1.476 
Period II: ; ; ‘ 
MAnUtes: 5.52 cab Sheen coc c tee Seine Soren ate Doce eerannlacie cece e wens number..}| 1,258 1, 622 
Total heat: so2-8 ss Soa as Ae eae erica Some hee ee toe Calories..! 5,034. 68 10, 340. 01 
Heat: Perk MIMNUbe sco sas Be wesc se ece se ne cee eee cates eee Erae Goseee 4, 002 6.375 
Rates sate cise Sieieimats, os ae wage aie eis to ae sae aTm eta wate aie Seale ais Oe aie ibe eetoreitereiet eases 1 1,593 
Period IV: 
Min bese cso hts ascii eis Seem acai cis eoteine isa meet erinte rates enero number.. 677 2,203 
Total heats eSBs pas eee A aja sees ons Sere ee ee eae Calories..| 3,277.56 17, 648. 21 
Heat per minutescis-aaoe ok seas seaews ae alec cece emacs ceeewareeceereee do...- 4. 841 7. 963 
Ra tlows. gos wae cosas cee ware nee saa e seco </ec aes Meee eae cate wee oe eeinacee ae 1. 645 

We should naturally ascribe these differences in heat emission to the 
increased muscular exertion required in standing. It will be noted, 
however, that the differences are much larger than those observed in 
the previous year with the same animal and are somewhat variable, 
the differences tending to be greater as the amount of food consumed 
increases. Moreover, as already noted, we are dealing only with the 
heat given off by radiation and conduction and not with the total heat 
emission. While, therefore, the above results are included for the 
sake of record, discussion of them is postponed until further data on 
this point shall have been accumulated. 



The figures of the above tables show the amounts of heat given off 
by the animal. The heat emitted by the animal, however, is equal to 
the amount of heat actually produced only when the initial and final 
states of the animal are the same. Consequently there may be, accord- 
ing to circumstances, either a storage of heat in the body or an emis- 
sion of heat produced in a previous period. In this respect there are 
two principal sources of error: first, variations in the body tempera- 
ture of the animal; second, a storage or loss of matter by the body. 
As regards the first of these sources of error, it has been assumed that 
under normal and uniform conditions the body temperature would be 
substantially the same at the same hour of the day. We have not 
been able as yet to make systematic determinations of the body tem- 
perature of cattle as a check upon this assumption, but the rectal 
temperature of the animal was taken daily during the digestion periods 
proper of Periods I, I, III, and part of IV. The observations were 
made immediately before watering, by means of a mercurial ther- 
mometer, with the following results: 

Hiebse Gas ule ee 38. 3° C. WEIS BB coo eoeese Be 7° Ok 
SG ae 38.1 We aie Ws 38.5 (15 min. later) 
Laer ea ae 38. 2 UP Co senccce Bey ll (Ojo, 10. )) 
Orsi se in 38. 8 DOS heteare tet es 38. 5 
10 eee 38. 6 24.......... 38.8 (after drinking) 
GLE eee 38. 6 24__........ 38.2 (4.30 p. m.) 
eee Sh 38. 6 PAS eee Pe ea Ns 38. 8 ; 
ASS ape ts 2 38. 6 DGS ieee ewes 38. 7 
Spero TL ORG a Sirol ata 38. 5 (15 min. a 
OA Oe SOA 38.3 (1.50 p. m. 
Menmarie<: fas - 2 38. 5° C. Slee ee ” i He 
epenic ais fai 38. 5 Oye ise 38. 6 
HUET, ; == =5555252 : Digi sree 38. 8 (15 min. later) 
2 sae 98. 4 PA ts see 38. 6 (6 p. m.) 
AER Sra ye hs 38.5 PERIOD IV. 
Dee PE ss 38. 6 
ic Me ee 88.5 Apr LOS eee 38. 7° C. 
! UG Le ee Beh 
PERIOD IIT. TON pe eta 38 9 
Weta Oe eae 38. 5° C SOUSA et ces 38.7 
PALES recess os 38.5 

Aside from the abnormally low temperatures of February 6, 7, and 
8, the range of the observations taken under corresponding conditions 
is 38.4° C. to 38.9 C., and the greatest difference between two succes- 
sive days is 0.2° C. With an average live weight of about 530 kilo- 
grams, assuming a specific heat of 1 for the body, this difference is 
equivalent to 106 Calories. 

1231—No. 74—05——4 


That the body temperature may be affected in particular by the 
consumption of water is rendered probable by the observations upon 
the rate of heat emission just considered as well as by those of the 
previous year. It is evident that for a time after drinking the aver- 
age temperature of the animal plus the water drunk must be somewhat 
reduced, and the somewhat marked fall in the rate of heat emission 
after drinking, as shown in Diagram II, strongly suggests that this 
. effect may continue for a considerable time. Our animal, however, 
was watered twelve hours before entering and leaving the calorimeter, 
and it seems reasonable to assume that his body temperature would 
be fully restored to the normal within that time. 

If the animal stores up matter in its body, there must necessarily 
be a corresponding storing up of heat, since the matter which is stored 
- was consumed in the food at a temperature considerably below that of 
the body. On the other hand, if there is a loss of matter from the 
body in any one of the various excreta, the temperature of this matter 
is reduced (either actually or by calculation) to that of the surround- 
ing air before it leaves the calorimeter, and this heat which was pre- 
viously stored up in the body is measured along with that actually 
produced during the experiment. The above statements are, of course, 
true, whatever be the kind of matter stored up or given off, but the 
income and outgo of water is of especial importance in this respect, 
both because of its large amount and because of the high specific heat 
of water. Indeed, a very simple calculation serves to show that in 
these experiments the difference in the income and outgo of dry matter 
does not materially affect the computation of the balance of energy, 
and that consequently only the income and outgo of water need be 

From the data contained in the various tables of the Appendix is 
compiled the following table, showing the income and outgo of water 
by the animal and the consequent gain or loss of heat on each day of 
the calorimeter experiments. The body temperature has been assumed 
to be 38.5° C., while that of the calorimeter in every case was 18.2° C. 
In the case of feces spilled in the calorimeter, the water remaining in 
them when sampled has been divided equally between the two days. 
The amount of urine spilled has been calculated to the fresh weight 
upon the basis of its nitrogen content. 

Approximate water balance. 
Period. Income. |} Outgo. . Period. Income. | Outgo. 
Period I: Period III: 

February 4— Crane Grune March 18— Grams. Grams. 
LAIR OS nee eel Cee Renee CGT Coe at ae Jah SceoccoeoocceTscce BY) ooseiseonce 
Watera 2. 956 Maize meal .......... IIb), |senabesoce 
Uneaten residue......|.....---.. 48 Waterd........-..-.-- 19,759 |.,-+--+-.- 
ECGS OMe meena asl lo a8 Od 7. 819 WNGUES Wes sc socuctcoon|lescosaceos 4,705 
Ware Cee: see eae 4. 388 Feces, spilled ........|.......... 7 
Water vapor..........|........-- 4,732 Urine ¢....---. 2-22. 2-]eeeee sees 4, 936 
Balance esc aeeen FS WH So | eee VES OEY O10) Ce oo con oooollaesooeocas 4,781 
anes — Balance nysas tes belles cece 5, 760 

February 5— 

Water vapor....-..-.-.- 

Period II: 

March 19— 

AGO | ene eee Je Chyensecsousepeaseons Bie lleasanaacae 
16.345u Geese Maize meal .........-. DD I ee ee sees 
sane rae 6,151 : \NVEWIGIEG, 55 cee ocodease Qe 2NS a Use a aersiee 
Pima cs aah 5, 086 t Ie Maco me nese na| saasasaces 5, 738 
ay eh 4,477 Hecesyspillledee recess |peeeeeecee 7 
iat Ceo apne 1, 150 WINN ©, ncaccavas0secs|s00000cce0 3, 889 
16,814 ~ 46,814 WiaternvapOneesse-eealseseee eee 4, 855 
eee Balance.........-.- AL OOM Saat ees 

aIncluding water used to moisten hay. 

bSpecial sample. 

February 25— Period IV: 

Ela geese ae eat a 0) secsoocoss April 8— 
Watera............... 1), OND || cosccoone Hay.......-----...--- 313 |....-----. 
Uneaten residue......]....-...-- 2 Maize meal ...--...-- 549 |......--.. 
TRAC D Wide ee eae Ea UE rman ea ty 3, 082 Wialen@aeene cere ee: PSOE loossoseocs 
ELITE CMeae se anette |i a's cas 3, 587 IRE CES Oey petite mx ce ene eens cee see 6,573 
Water vapor..........].......--- 4, 254 Urinec...............|.-.-.-..-- 4, 304 
TINGS obo bsacsosulle eee lees 8,537 \N GNIS WEN OOW cae sooucsllecassoccce 7,472 
19,462 | 19, 462 aya dap tances ee ears Sle 
S585 3 22, 569 22, 569 
February 26— April 9— paeslitier Ge 
le OV acoSeaeeaaeesces DOG oe cess Ja Nap aret an Senenscier aes Dia rete eer 
Water@.............-. W888) |accococues Maize meal ....-...-. O49 ose olese 
Uneaten residue......].-..-..... 2 WWEWER@. Soa cccossasese LF, 0904 Seer 
HE CES Ona Reet as ont celine Mee See 4,341 INTC aka cob ooeaaoulyeanoseeda 6, 884 
(WiniMle;Che ates ee ee ose e eae 4,163 LOPE OS CR eases ceed nodeoseass 4,181 
Water vapor....--.--.].......... 4, 560 \VENE WEN OOS 6 cosccossllosococccun 8, 134 
~Balance ..........-. “GB llbcosescesu Balance............ SO Weebecsecs 
13,066 | 18, 066 19, 199 19, 199 

ec Assumed to contain the same percentage of solids as the mixed urine for the period. 

Upon the basis of the above figures the actual heat production has 
been computed, as shown in the following table, the difference between 
the income and outgo of water, expressed in kilograms, being multi- 
plied by 20.3, the difference in temperature, to obtain the correction. 



Heat production. 
pesionl Measuted Correction] Heat pro- 
ane. for water.| duced. 
Period I: Calories. Catories. Calories. 
TSt Gay; erie Fe Bele eee ae ae aioe es eae eis ote nates eee ate 11, 688. 75 —275. 93 11, 407. 82 
SCCM. Cayce eee ieee cae ne cee e eee me seen ee cess on aaeers 11, 627.00 + 23.35 11, 650. 35 
A VOLTA C!s 552 yare Saat sihie a lono nee oie aisiacet ee ates ets erereteee icine 11, 655. 38 —126. 29 11, 529. 09 
Period II: 
First day ss. h2.cie 2 Skea oe cere ne sae eee eee eee 10, 257. 55 +173. 30 10, 430. 85 
Second dayie 22 sf. 252 eee ack ae ee ee oemeR cE ee ene eee 9, 915. 48 —100. 11 9, 815. 37 
IMVIEUNTS son soo don dacns S050 cs 0nd oscoongoDOnoHaSoneDesoroabane 10, 086. 52 + 36.60 10, 123. 12 
Period III: 
First: day oy ness k Mosssanc uae scion cee apa RTS aie ToT See ee 10, 290. 38 +116. 93 10, 407. 29 
Secon Gay sens seeks et eaed keiececee cee ec ce meee ene enon 10, 770. 39 — 97.42 10, 672. 97 
JAVOTAZC 26 ooss boxed ee a5 sae aha esis Oem em atietine ee epee 10, 580. 38 + 9.76 10, 540. 13 
Period IV: 
PITS aye ees eh esses eis See Des eee Serene aes Cee aes Cee 14, 730. 32 + 85.67 14, 815. 99 
Second dayike ses eee et ek oasis eee ee seine tae ce enacts eee 14, 504. 04 — 16.28 14, 487.78 
ANCIAL oceGeceosmseie se sce eeiecee ciate meee aerate ee eee eee 14, 617. 18 + 34.70 14, 651. 88 


Considering the figures for epidermal tissues on page 16 to repre- 
sent the average rate of growth of hair, etc., we may subdivide the 
gain or loss as ordinarily computed into the growth of these tissues 
and the real gain or loss of the proteids and fat in the body, as has 

been done in the computations which follow. 


The income and outgo of nitrogen and carbon are shown in the fol- 

lowing table. 

The figures for hydrogen are omitted for the reason 

that, as stated on page 17, the results for water were not found to be 


Income and outgo of nitrogen and carbon per day and head. 

Nitrogen. Carbon. 
Period. - = i 
Income. | Outgo. | Income. | Outgo. 
Period I: Grams. | Grams. | Grams. | Grams. 
PEMA soe Gt Lie ete he sis neta Slee emer she cle = alee lie ae stectetectore race UEC) |\Soacsaccae PROT) |eoonasccmc 
OCES ig cic Sisk Soar ce ie toe ele aisle Ee SSIS ETI Getcie eo elete eee | ete ee eee ASY 20) |peeeeeeae 879. 60 
Urine ss 2 Joga Pe ae oe Se Se anata roe eae tee eee 74397 eset 150. 46 
Brushin geo. 2 si. as ace Sse ee eee ee See Sees Eee oe ne ee cll essences DST Hise de Sect 7.40 
Meth amie oon Ve ee Se Se ee Se ne ee Sete eee oa Ee eS ereesrer | reteteicterereiersl | Cieeitenetererets 77.19 
Carbon didxide:: isc: 27025 ee ee Pe ods elton Di dl ress eee 1,186. 40 
Balances x ssgo hoe tess cescsencoswmcentes Saesiceee eer WSU |lsccesozose 283.35 |...------< 
120. 04 120. 04 | 2,301.05 | 2,301.05 



Income and outgo of nitrogen and carbon per day and head—Continued. 

Nitrogen. Carbon. 

Period. = = —— 

Income. | Outgo. | Income. | Outgo. 

Period IT: Grams. | Grams. | Grams. | Grams. 
ELEY Eerste cfate eter tcinie nicte cinln\c cislsics usin oe clare aietagic eae eg aare ete WAe4O) | Paves ee thes AAA OO Sciew eee 
URSOREL GC OSUCS OSCE DORSU A GOODE EOE: BBE E Mor Bec ee BSR HACreta ees rnberd 2OcA OW ccciaeie nat 617.10 
OUTS) sR GREASE eo Nah ai ae ee (aia BENSON ace oet 103. 43 
PER UISHMTIN PS Netsersenre retersyectn le eis ins ne wie wlaveiaiaicie nisi ctevsieiee Snsers aeiouel| oie Sisteisia shore 1B7/ WScosoanade 7.40 
INTC UMUC Seas celeatec eee lee Ss eais cae eat Mabe Sees Aes coe me ecbnaste skclamect weetaldcaean geen 57.18 
CAT HONGO NAG Cyratetscyatasias aie ciate tare tea Ral See ce cline ieee Se alle wie cists cle ea Game tore Secale me SS meee 1, 003. 90 
SUBIC Cea esta mia syzinie otc ciel eae bis aie Seieislaiaisitcis ec eerie se Seals TS Mees eve speyere S4ONOM eee eae 
88.77 88.77 | 1,789.01 1, 789. OL 
Period III: == ss = == 
TROT Sabie EEE sO Se Eat SOE CIO em DIR oa Pee eR 3,80) lnseocnaane 1435290) eeeese eee 
ica eniiien lies sei era keen ae eases ane Ree tee eae OBO eee oe ned BSdsQ0 lance wees 
INCCOSHe ss sa coe series oes osentine aeeeane nee snes SES Do Seen aGs Anasaansas BED) noonaadaso 661. 40 
LUT Ove renee eae eae Wastes Meta toe waiA ee dictation aes Sek Seed O9NOM | eee eee 125, 31 
IUIGINIT AG Best oeityte tees ce Sack cicincie soe tote maisoat cee seals ws PRbeee See LSieBeaeseaeee 7.40 
WICH DDI Bos Saeecs SOBSOABOC DO SEOBORE HOCEE De ES SOO ATS ee Tal cise sec aeicll RRe ere aaee |[e etme Pecks 77. 64 
Carbon dioxide -..........-..--.-- epee NRA cee erin eu atin feliday rials Riel oh tense ies 1, 103. 90 
SON AN CO Sas see see emisie sale sicics ee robes celejenia cies Daeare ce aye 2108 lessen QOS HR eae cee 
: 94.08 94.08 | 1,975.65 | 1,975.65 
Period IV: SS SS Ss SS ——4 
PETA ay PPO caer i tcinsa ie aiaiorat sisi orbs dia sie miele Be Sas aie cielo woe aes ZB>U0! lloeesoacods 1,453.00 |...---.... 
Meniz esr Caeser as esate cicisen cartes Sietars = cine he ciara ates Selmar Se ae (0) G0) ossoseaces SBS 10) || Sooeccuce.s 
TREC aS SATIS he BE See SS eget eee ene can aneeaes Ble 108 eeesen oe 760. 60 
RWI epee eterenct teers Sema cis aera cunictateiS sinning naar wince Sela gee ei s|igee see welts 10223) | eeseecisene 141. 87 
Brushings....--.-..-- P Aiport as es pa ees mae See cP | eae ere iptv Baccooseen 7.40 
AVG tian rie eteette ets seetes eras Ste cya Li orc (acto slafatay ee stave staal icra lene elllaneibis, Neioicte S| sieices ars 136. 91 
CarHOnvarOxad Oy) cos oe ae alseais om des wise more comin aeisinsiaeis sen || aise eee alasene ceciscilsumeaetinwe 1, 673. 90 
ES ULUTIC Cesare atic aetar alone Sisk ais iol rm siereyaee Muncie a ere ate a ice eee we NOE O|saceassase 311. 02 
133. 90 133.90 | 3,031.70 | 3,031.70 


Excluding the amount of epidermal tissue produced, the gain or loss 
of protein and fat has been computed in the usual manner, using 
Kohler’s® figures for the composition of the nitrogenous tissue of 
cattle, namely, nitrogen 16.67 per cent and carbon 52.54 per cent. 
In other words, body protein is equivalent to nitrogen multiplied by 6. 
In the computation of fat from carbon the usual factor (1.3) has been 

Gain or loss of protein and fat per day and head. 

Equiva- Gain of carbon. at 
Period Gain of | lent ee 
: nitrogen.| protein AS pro- 

; NoX6. Total. ‘asi. As fat. of fat. 

Grams. | Grams. Grams. | Grams. | Grams. | Grams. 
1 Sb ote esc GES OSH GEER BO BOSE AES CSE esata ates —19.04 | —114.24 | —283.35 | — 60.02 | —223.33 —290. 33 
eset eee eet R me ae wake sal —17.37 | —104.22 | —345.01 | — 54.76 | —290.25 | —377.33 
Deep rye aos one niet aiicteieat sine semis eee — 2.68 | — 16.08 | —204.85 | — 8.45 | —196.40 | —255.32 
NV Bes eaee ee mesic oes mccise the ekae ewes +10.70 | + 64.20 | +3811.02 | + 33.73 | +277.29 | +360.48 

a Zeit. physiol. Chem., yv. 31, p. 479. 



In these experiments we have direct determinations of all the fac- 
tors of income and outgo of energy, except the potential energy of the 
methane excreted and that of the tissue gained by the animal. The 
energy of the methane, however, may be safely computed from its 
amount, its. heat of combustion at constant pressure being 13.344 
Calories per gram. The energy of the gain of tissue by the animal 
may be estimated in the usual way from the computed amounts of 
protein and fat given above, using the factors 5.7 Calories and 9.5 
Calories per gram, respectively. Having done this we are in position 
to compare the income with the outgo of energy, and thus to check to 
a considerable extent the accuracy of our experiments. The following 
table contains such a comparison for each period. The difference 
between income and outgo, which has been entered in the table under 
the heading ‘‘ Error,” shows, of course, the extent to which our results 
appear to deviate from those required by the law of the conservation 
of energy. As noted on page 15, the figures for the urine are com- 
puted from its carbon content. 

Balance of energy per day and per head. 

Income.} Outgo. 

Period I: Calories. | Calories. 
18 Ih Sone Se ne oe or Ee eae ey erie Sem RE See eae hone a I 195840) | Paeeee eee 
MO COS sai oes J Ta Ike ape SOROS 5S i ae fat ec crac oti peau hn he a 8, 652 
Ure (COMPUTE) we vswe seme eos ole SA Gaensler ene eae Tete tets sree eee ores ere ee 1, 505 
IBPUSHIN Ss oe eas eke aia ei eyte Secte et eA oe 1a I Serevent Pere ete oa ee 81 
Methane): ef k Mes esc acinar ae Ge apa renee ema ne Sp mtr eee re re || 1,376 
Heatcc ashe sano sue saetibe oc Soci be Se Sse e Be ceiRie Sn eee oo SORE Sen Cet ven Ge pe eee eee 11, 529 

Loss by body— 

Proteins 2a 5. Sacer divs Soe esas See eae Soe Ee DE SAREE See cee eres GDI eeekeeeeee 
Pt SARs ois SORIA Dae RG Roe Byes EB eC ee ps yaa ES ote re ane PEW isi lace oe oat 
EPPOD 355 seeioee side os Sarto nis Gino Saar eee he Siac sae Seale soe eins ce igen aes Se OSes ee 106 

Period IT: Tae aor 
Yee Sica peiche isin Sateen ate eh pass te moat Sst ntals Srorele releyaynt eteresane ye oes ae aeaor Sas een eee TS" Oeil 
FOCOS 2 ho ee oS Se YT Se Sie ee ge ET ape STE e ee SS DNS a otc eal fei tera le et te | Seer 5, 838 
Urine: (computed )\ sat ss sees See salen Shs laie in ne inners acl eins Sere e eee e eeaere OAS ees 1, 034 
Brushin gS ies2j%s nS Pe Sek Sess oe eee eee ee STR te ee eRe oe aseneds|lesesneeeee 81 
Meth ame: sone SE 22 Besa aa ee ee EN ae Se OSE re ava Sibi s ha crt een eens | cubase 1,020 
Heat: 2c2 Fad os See se ee oe es oe See ele Clad Be Se Seca eee ene Dose ee eel ee eee 10, 128 
Loss by body— 

Protein ..5.Sasdeee sees eens os ese cere ee Rene oles Soeletiee Eerie ety as ele mS OE pc 
WE sa dise ccs cis baer Sak cine San Seisleme See seems minds Netsiet cae esas cele oa eee emer Byte) |lbosascicne 

PRB. 5 side Heese SoG ae lee SOE ee Se race eer ea ea Tea ene ea = een 13; 983) |boseeeeeee 
Maizemeal ize 0-8 SSG ses SO a lips ree are Br mee gh at PN RE TSR BHPAIB esccacheac 
EXC 6. 3): See een rere ee ate Pe et Mel SE Re OO OSArasc ocean Sotuacdalliencncooac 6, 3381 


Balance of energy per day and per head—Continued. | 

Income. | Outgo. 
Period IJI—Continued. Calories. | Calories. 

PES UIST ES eee ease here staticaid cid ais cA etCRee ease clate Aon Soh iere create SA SPER yee ad alm te ee 81 
INCU eT Cea Set Pe a cies 5 arcrare anc Auata ert See mids erienete dinle & Semel aawra nine ast ae clel erases ait 1, 384 
MET Ce perereveteyey rer etets erat chetalet een cicicva ayer a sie anciabae el cneiclate ois es Abia eeabe clases scales emt cae acte 10, 540 

Loss by body— 
PLO LSM eters Paeae cic eso cise cies camisetas soa eines eae Lio cemeeaeecNee weer SHE ae eo 
FED EL Ue Ree NN SST eters crac oral nt eg tet Stet ee Oak eal ene Neat Eg UL Sa DR AIG emcees 
19, 704 19, 704 

Period IV: 

LEAN SABC E RSC OE SORES ORCS RG CC EE OE oS eset tae ae OTIS ages ea a a eh ep pe 0 tole Set ee ers 
INIA TIDE AS a Se cao BE SSC A Crea RS ie SECIS Sea ee CTS SECS lic ans cree ance 50665 | eeseeeeee 
JRAGSS8G bas deb ka cn dese Seco bR Rear ee S Ab re Osc Oss SHCA ee CHAD at Aan eae ORB SHIe sane Ir oer ye ats 7, 331 
ViMiAe ((Gohanjnil ol) GRae saccades Soeddee coo e CaaS SOR MOET Css SAaaeS ace ARSAn Ge aAS alaemeceace 1, 419 
BESIUTS ITM TENS ria sere ctcis seers wie we intercts ric ic ereisleetene eit cidic ort nists mr init awn omen ataid seed alas Peng ae 81 
IMG Tie tegen lomicetecnerineist atest eacte ete ae habia ciate oe Leet alata ay aig APOE NEES SII eve 8 2,441 
TEIGI GASee GARG ee eS OD CESS AE Rn roe US Ce a Te I Pe ah pyaar coal LA A 14, 652 

Gain by body— 
EROLOLING so ecke see eic cites wate wate emo stoncinin Se eeouee sais maaeE ans Macadey eee ed ae seme 366 
TM Boo oe So Ea SOG ATES ENTE ae ose I oe eared AON NO 3, 425 
IDIROLPo ade goa seb daboo pose no acon Ose dose SearO ORC AU Ba eoobacadoncadanenoSssasoapeead ANTAL fe ire ete oate 
29,715 29,715 

With the exception of Period IV, the agreement between the results 
computed from the balance of matter and those obtained by the direct 
determination of the heat evolved by the animal is very satisfactory. 

In Period IV the discrepancy is larger than it should be. 

The follow- 

ing table contains a comparison of the observed heat production with 
that computed by subtracting the energy of excreta plus gain from 
the energy of the food. It will be seen that the percentage error is 

relatively small in each period except in Period IV. 

Heat production per day. 

Period. Computed.| Observed. + 


Calories. Calories. Per cent. 
RI PRPTR eds SENET AE Naas arn Sct) a Me uoE Sere ua te nea ieee mee 11, 635 11, 529 100.9 
Ted SS a CORA RSE EE LE SERS oes SI se Ee ee tg 10, 123 10, 123 100.0 
JOT od SSE SSS Ses cimeee He: pies pra ime One a a ery are pee ogee UR EE or SLA oe 10, 655 10, 540 101.1 
OPIN Meat ps ape rps Lh ode Layer favo ata a) st Bei le ae Sele S Oairalee s Seer 14,181 14, 652 96.8 



Hay.—The results tabulated in Table III of the Appendix and 
summarized also under the several periods are brought together in 

the following table: 
Percentage digestibility of hay. 

Constituents and energy. Period I. | Period IT. 

Per cent. | Per cent. 

IDIAY WAGYNE peace s-Ssccqasesse sSeeee ssa se oss seo ssaac sconces socees cose speeeesenesoes 59.18 59. 70 
Organicimatler-ss acess eee Ce Bee eee eck atta e ree ne mee eee nee eee 60. 00 60. 61 
Total protein (Ns <6:25)) 2s See Tess 8 cess seereieee sreterciote vie = oe rare ere bereeeee [aie ieee 57, 23 60. 23 
Proteids o22 55. Sss chee eweterasacsotie ee saan ee ey sae Sele ee a rasis ener eh eiseaeomaee 48. 58 53. 19 
Crude fiber223. 62. jo s3 eee eae eee eae ate Senne CRE aaa eee e eee eee erat: 48.77 50. 27 
INGUH ROTORS Cd-4 NEKO MS ow hod ae secmecocose se secre qnseu ne san ugouas achodaesuacceane 69. 90 68. 94 
ID) DOVER Gd: DEO e oben Soo ccods ose ake osen soc bosucdose toons syecsenose soothe eeclowc aise 65. 36 65. 02 
TCT RVac cei msjeee ee eee 5 a er aS Remind aie Re RRO SIE RIS ee io ae ed oan eee ia 56. 39 58. 05 

It appears from the above figures that the digestibility of the hay 
was slightly greater in Period II, in which the smaller amount was 
fed, than in Period I. The results recorded in Bulletin 51, Bureau of 
Animal Industry, appear to show a marked increase of digestibility 
as the amount of hay consumed was diminished. Such difference as 
there is in the present instance is in the same direction, but it is so 
small as to be practically within the limits of error. 

Maize meal.—The digestibility of the maize meal is computed in 
Table [II of the Appendix upon the assumption that the hay fed in 
Periods III and IV was digested to the same extent as was the case 
in Period II, in which the same amount was fed. The results of the 
computation are as follows: 

Computed percentage digestibility of maize meal. 

Constituents and energy. Period III. | Period IV. 

Per cent. Per cent. 

Dry Matter: sss ek sue sea ee cies reece ee oem eceie Saeco eee semerieree 87.34 91.50 
D \-} 0 pee Se Ea ec ea Paes ret eae ae eo ee = PE ry rere FOE Beso os oono 18. 40 
OTPaANie Matters Ss Gases ae BOS eee Se ee eee Eee eee O ORE Ee ees 89.16 92.60 
Totalproteii( Nc Gs2b) hs Ne Sas ees toca wre te sie is ereinatcrecatatets weet eee eee eee 85. 23 62. 30 
Proteids: 22 g2cceciid ters dee bias ses ee ae Se EE aE EEO aE Ee EE eee 80. 14 66. 43 
Crude Tero 552 Ses SRG S Saree oe Se RIE ee EO SIES Sek oi oinle Sle oS ain Osorsiets | Sees 32.40 
Nitropen-fre eé: ex trac tr. a sae Bess a tare Sm is Shea ee re 98.11 97.75 
Hther- extracts 228 ee ae ee seeeeee Sees lets Si See eae aa eee 103. 72 95. 74 

NCTE Vacs nee cee eee PER ESC CSS CaaS ee OSE San GU Re ae eS COS Se CEB EnSAG 85. 46 90. 81 



There is a very marked discrepancy in the results in the two periods, 
the maize meal appearing to have been more digestible in Period IV 
than in Period III, with the exception of protein, the difference falling 
largely upon the crude fiber. We are unable to explain the discrep- 
ancy. Since, however, the proportion of maize meal fed was much 
greater in Period IV than in Period III, any variation in the digesti- 
bility of the hay, or any other errors of experiment, will affect the 
final figures to a less degree, and we are inclined, therefore, to consider 
these figures as more nearly correct than those of Period III. The 
results obtained upon total protein and proteids seem to indicate 
a decrease in the apparent digestibility of these constituents under the 
influence of the large supply of carbohydrates in the maize meal. 


The term metabolizable energy has been used by the writers to 
designate that portion of the total energy of the food which is capable 
of conversion into the kinetic form in the body. In this sense it is 

equivalent to energy of food minus energy of excreta, or to what is 

often called ‘*‘ fuel value.” 

The data of the foregoing pages enable us to compute the metabo- 
lizable energy of the rations in the several periods. Before doing 
so, however, a certain correction is necessary in the energy of the 
urine. For example, in Period I the animal lost 19.04 grams of body 
nitrogen, corresponding to a loss of 115.24 grams of protein. 
According to Rubner’s results, the potential energy of the urine is: 
increased by about 7.45 Calories for each gram of urinary nitrogen 
coming from the oxidation of body protein. In this case, then, the 
urine contained approximately 19.04 x 7.45 = 142 Calories of energy 
not derived from the potential energy of the food but from that of 
body tissue. It is plain, then, that the potential energy, of the urine 
must be diminished by this amount before it is subtracted from the 
eross energy of the food in order to get the true metabolizable energy 
of the latter. The corresponding corrections for the several periods, 
computed in this way, are as follows: 

Corrected energy of urine. 

Period. Gain of [Banivalent | energy of 

Grams. Calories. Calories. 
gerne ss crayon eeO IE Ley aw kDa le a a rh oe aie Oe ease —19. 04 —142 1, 363 
HOU Cope etcrespe re eRe reel oye cic sp eae ysis Siete Seis ad Siaieincis Ua Seis eee sees ier —17.37 —129 905 
Ob e552 SUBS eee I ES RO ea IE et ei Ora alan tz ts a — 2.68 — 20 1, 233 
WY cane ceagadaase tise BRS DSBS BST SOR ee See Seen ese ier siecle +10. 70 + 80 1, 499 


Hay.—The data of Periods I and II enable us to compute the meta- 
bolizable energy of the clover hay fed, as shown in the following 

table: . 
Metabolizable energy of clover hay. 

Period I. Period II. 
Feed and excreta. 

Feed. | Excreta.| Feed. | Excreta. 

Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 

33 oh aren et re pan ele ta nl nae BA AS SOR CSAS 19, 840 |.-.....-.-. 135.917) ||t=seeeeeee 
INSOSS ssocananassaescdnencococas adasoSSoaD Son canUSRIoSSacueDses||so0ccds005 SH OHPAlsteaagaco> 5, 838 
WisiNe(COMUACUG))) scdaadsaccadsacmooasnoousepsooacoccubadosoucalls Aectrceees S863 ieee as cess 905 
MISWNEING oo 5coocsscosssoac sane seo E sec HSSocosonsDS SacasSCogsdd|>oercsasce iff 876) |esee eee 1, 020 
Mietaboluzalles a aseca see eeree cise ee aeerereenee ete ciecince reel teeeaeeret Ce aa eoasce 6, 154 
B01 aes a SHOES Gece Bre SA CARAS SEA ono aes aS GecuABey 19, 840 19, 840 13, 917 13, 917 

The relation of the metabolizable energy to the amount of matter in 
the food may be expressed in terms of Calories per gram of the total - 
or of the digested organic matter. Computed in this way the results 
are as shown in the table following : : 


Metabolizable energy per gram of organic matter of clover hay. 

Org BAN rer of Metabolizable energy. 
Period. Per gram| Per gram 
P of total | 4. of 
Total. |Digested.| Total. ~ | digested 
organic | oreani 
matter. eepauke 
Grams. | Grams. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 

Teste G0 hasta a a ae Gi ae EE ERE ye 4,174 2,505 | 8, 449 2.024 3.373 
Gig tel cit 2 SRE SD Ee eee an aE 2,941 1,783 6, 154 2, 092 3. 452 

The metabolizable energy of a feeding stuff may also be expressed 
as a percentage of the total or gross energy. Such a percentage is 
analogous to a digestion coefficient, so that if an average value for it 
were established for any particular kind of feeding stuff, the amount 
of metabolizable energy in a given aniount of it could be computed 
from its total energy by multiplication by this coefficient just as the 
digestible dry matter or organic matter can be computed from the 
total amount present by the use of a digestion coefficient. The first 
half of the following table shows the percentage of the total energy 
which escaped in the several excreta or which was metabolized in the 
animal’s body, while the second half of the table shows the same rela- 
tions based upon the energy of the digested matter: 


Distribution of energy of clover hay. 

Total energy. Pnergy of digested matter. 

Period I.|Period II.) Average.| Period I.| Period IT.) Average. 

Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. \ Per cent. | Per cent. 

INTE G CS erscmranetenciciainisilcctis cieieicinieicasineisicats 43. 61 41.95 AD AGH esbrciaaree nis eee is em eel oer rae 
NOQEEIIIND Cave ctiaeac(iaiciacy Selnciie wie os ela seonjueiee 6. 87 6.50 6. 69 12.18 11. 20 11. 69 
MINEO EME ccicrsisee cicisic arose t sie ee weeenient 6, 94 7.33 7.13 12. 30 12. 62 12. 46 
MEL AIDOLUZADIES si cas nic mieten cease. ejeinniciete 42.58 44, 22 43. 40 75. 52 76.18 75. 85 
MOL esses seas cise Nek cccas sce 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 

Maize meal.—In Periods III and IV, in which maize meal was fed, 
the total metabolizable energy of the ration was as shown in the fol- 

lowing table: 
Metabolizable energy of total ration. 

Period III. Period IV. 
Feed and excreta. 
Feed. | Exereta.| Feed. | Excreta. 
| Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 
TEEN occu cog SORE RA ene Soe TI Pate a HEA CR A | 13'983 i. ioe eel Td, 7B Ms snececene 
Wifi Serine allie cee sae ers) ee Seles ctaiSiein gases sles are sae wie aeerne Or 203) erence ee 15, 066 |....--.- cn 
PREGOS oo csiSd ne esSO NOES ace GEE AHA Re oer on tists eee Papi este SFr 6 B8ls ere eas 7, 331 
UIT eR (CORRE CTCG) 2 a2 2 exces aaterenie nls ose nash a mecemens wance| seein ce 15233); eae ares 1, 499 
IMGUIOMNG Jo c4bbe sesso ocosSL espe eee AD UES SE EB OEE SEE NGOSA eA see sac aea eer sone DSSS) Reece stan 2,441 
NICD OOD) OG Bee eaesee eet Mame e COE ASe ee ea ert Sse ears aera ea pastor | peerenoeene 17, 973 
TDRNICIIN 5S Se pS eS ee ne ea es UR ec | 17,186 | 17,186 | 29,244 29, 244 

A part of the metabolizable energy shown in the above table, how- 
ever, was derived from the hay and only part from the maize meal. 
Knowing, however, the amount of gross energy contained in the hay 
consumed, we can apply to this the percentages computed in the pre- 
vious table and compute how much of the energy of the hay was lost 
in the excreta and how much was metabolizable. For this purpose the 
results upon Period II have been used, this being the period in which 
the same amount of hay was fed as in Periods II] and IV. The com- 
putation is precisely similar in principle to the computation of the 
digestibility of grain in a mixed ration. The results are contained in 
the following table: 

Computed metabolizable energy of maize meal. 

Organic matter. Energy of excreta. 
Total : : 
A . Urine lizable 
Total. D peat energy. | Weces. (cor- |Methane.| energy. 
P rected). ‘ 
Period III: Grams. | Grams. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 
Total ration .............-. 3,676.6 | 2,435.1 | 17,186 6, 331 1, 233 1,384 | ~ 8,238 
Clovermhay f.2522 ha. 2 55-55: 2,952.8 | 1,789.7 13, 983 5, 866 909 1, 025 6, 183 
Maize meal................ 723.8 | 645. 4 3, 203 465 324 399 2,055 
Period IV. SSBF atta Nal DANeR Rig ate ube Peete eu Seale 
MovalenatlOMesn= cee see ces 6, 375. 6 4,952.3 29, 244 1,301 1, 499 2, 441 17, 973 
Clover hay ....-.....--..-- 2,974.8 | 1,803.0 14,178 5, 948 922 1, 039 6, 269 
Maize meal.........-...... 3, 400. 8 3, 149.3 15, 066 1, 383 577 1, 402 11, 704 


Computing these results per gram of total or digested organic mat- 
ter, and computing also the percentage distribution of the total energy 
as in the case of hay, we have the following: 

Metabolizable energy per gram of organic matter in maize meal. 

Organic matter of Metabolizable energy of 

maize meal. maize meal. 
Period. Per gram Fer eta 
= of total coe 
Total. | Digested.) Total. P gested 
i OTB AUC organic 
matter. matter. 

Grams. | Grams. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 
Tas Soe Sa eS are pens Oe rere ire ene snooaacase 724 645 2,055 2.838 3.186 
TT eae ee Ree a ase OA A ae a a 3, 401 3, 149 11, 704 3. 441 3. 716 

Distribution of energy of maize meal. 

Energy of digested 

Total energy. matter 

Period III.| Period IY. | Period III.| Period IV. 

Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 
Ti feCesia fee £ Sees Ses eee ae ayers ee ne ae 14.52 Qi 18) S. siga eer | eeeeeeees 
MOST ES 2 se See ein noes oe Te area ee ie See Se eae 10.12 3, 83 11. 83 4,22 
Dn me thames a2 sete Se Pea aie eee 11.20 9.31 13.11 10. 25 
Metabolizabless. 2228 ctccoseescteceeeceieeee tes eee ooete 64.16 77. 68 75. 06 85. 53 
100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 60 

The results in these two periods show a very considerable diver- 
gence. The low percentage digestibility of the maize meal in Period 
III is equivalent, of course, to a greater apparent loss of energy in 
the feces and therefore to a lower percentage of metabolizable energy. 
Even when this is eliminated, however, by making the computation 
upon the energy of the digested matter we still find a marked differ- 
ence, Period II] showing a greater loss in the methane, and particu- 
larly in the urine. While the outcome is unsatisfactory, it would 
seem that the results in Period IV are likely to be nearer the truth 
than those of Period ILI. . 

The above results represent what has been called the ‘‘ apparent” 
metabolizable energy. It is not at all unlikely that the addition of 
maize meal affected to a greater or less degree the digestibility of the 
hay to which it was added. In particular, as was pointed out on 
page 33, it seems possible that it diminished the digestibility of the 
protein of the total ration. If such was the case the results obtained 
above are too small to represent the actual metabolizable energy of 
maize meal, just as the corresponding results upon the digestibility of 
the protein are too small. In the one case as in the other our figures 
represent the net effect upon the amount of metabolizable energy or 
of protein which the animal derived from its ration. Any effect of 


one ingredient of the ration upon the digestibility of the other is 
ascribed, by the method of computation employed, entirely to the 
maize meal. The results, therefore, as stated, represent the apparert 
digestibility or the apparent metabolizable energy. 


On account of the apparent variation in digestibility the results upon 
metabolizable energy are not very satisfactory, and the same was the 
case with the experiment of the previous year. Nevertheless, it may 
be of some interest to compare the data obtained for the various 
materials experimented with. In making this comparison the results 
for timothy hay obtained by comparing Periods A and C have been 
employed.“ For clover hay the average of Periods I and II is used, 
and for maize meal the results of Period IV. Kellner’s? average 
figures for German meadow hay have also been included. 

Percentage metabolizable. 

; : gi energy 
Of total | of digest- 
Feeds. energy. | ed mat- 

Per cent. | Per cent. 

PSTTTUO Unga Bay mererscrers crests Sci inves rata iam ai nla ofarsicis chaisiatarare) bein Wei aicie Sin ditto ws Sie eisaee ceieats s 44,25 a 86. 58 
ROMO CTA geratortee lene aoe se oie so see w scisinn seine Gawinis cee cbbeisenbesaadcaessoeneneeges 43. 40 75. 85 
IVIGS Cl O Wa Ara rit te S Se ice aitcinie sielcisin ciara soe sicic sciels @ oats colehicie em seis oer cote simian cc crece 46. 56 78.77 
MICU Ae RINT Gel lievetarmr ei serersniverns alas cle ia nave ieisiic whale a wcrsreee = avess en Ao oee siecoeiecieneaieisee cece 77.68 85. 53 

a Erroneously given in Bureau of Animal Industry, Bul. 51 as 85.58 per cent. 

Computed on the basis of total energy the maize meal naturally 
gives much higher figures because of its greater digestibility. Of the 
three coarse fodders the German meadow hay gives the highest results 
and the clover hay the lowest. The figures for the distribution of 
energy contained in the next following table show that the larger 
losses of energy in the case of clover hay as compared with meadow 
hay are partly due to inferior digestibility, and in part to larger losses 
in the urine and methane. In the case of timothy hay, while the 
digestibility is lower than that of either of the other two, the relatively 
small losses in urine and methane bring the percentage of metabolizable 
energy above that for the clover hay. When the computation is made 
upon the energy of the digested matter these relatively small losses 
in urine and methane result in a relatively high figure for metabolizable 
energy, the digested matter of the timothy hay not only being superior 
to that of the clover hay and meadow hay in this respect but even 
showing a slightly higher value than the digestible matter of maize 
meal. ; 

@ Bureau of Animal Industry, Bul. 51, p. 52. 
b Landw. Vers. Stat., v. 53, p. 447. 

Percentage distribution of energy. 

Total energy. Energy of digested matter. 

Timothy| Clover |Meadow]| Maize |Timothy| Clover | Meadow] Maize 
hay. hay. hay. meal. hay. hay. hay. meal. 

Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 

Im fe CeStacsensceeer 48. 90 42.78 40. 96 Qf 18)! [Sescise ls tas) Soee ae eiellnem an wanes Eee eee 
Imsuinimeye eres aae ee 3. 06 6. 69 5.71 3. 83 6.00 11. 69 9. 66 4.22 
imine thane ser eee 3.79 7.13 6.77 9.31 7.42 12. 46 11.57 10. 25 
Metabolizable .-.--- 44,25 43. 40 46. 56 77. 68 86.58 75. 85 78.77 85. 53 

100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100.00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 
1 ! 


Both our own observations and those of others, notably those of 
Zuntz and his associates, have shown that a considerable portion of 
the metabolizable energy of the food may be consumed in those 
mechanical and chemical processes incident to the digestion of the 
food and its conversion into forms fitted to nourish the body, or may 
otherwise be converted into the form of heat, and so not be directly 
available to make good the losses of potential energy from the body 
caused by the vital processes. The portion of the metabolizable 
energy remaining after subtracting the portion thus expended repre- 
sents the net contribution which the food has made to the maintenance 
of the stock of potential energy inthe body. This portion of the energy 
of the food is designated as net available energy.“ The availability of 
the energy of a food may be determined by adding the substance in 
question to a known basal ration and determining the extent to which 
the added food diminishes the previous loss of tissue. Such a com- 
parison may be based either upon the total energy of the food or upon 
its metabolizable energy, but the latter seems the more appropriate 
of the two. 

As the balance of energy on pages 28 and 29 shows, however, the 
gain or loss as computed from the nitrogen and carbon balance does 
not exactly agree with that computed from the difference between 
income and outgo of energy. For the present purpose it seems most 
satisfactory to use the average of these results, or, in other words, to 
substitute in the balance of energy the average of the computed and 
the observed heat production as given on page 31. For example, in 
Period I we obtain the following as the average loss of energy in the 
form of protein and fat: 

@ Kellner (Ernaihrung landw. Nutzthiere, p. 104) designates these two portions 
into which the metabolizable energy of the food may be divided as ‘‘Thermic 
energy’’ and ‘‘ Dynamic energy,’’ respectively. 


Average loss of energy. 

Feed, excreta, ete. Income. | Outgo. 

Calories. | Calories. 
1 Pocemnd asus bp Bas BRBE SEBS BA BSES SEA Ee Be reece aCe REE mer ae aaa One Sarge Ee HG) $V) |[onnecee nee 
ESS bene Sere eet Stacoln saison cies cto iate, clea cin te re catete wise abe micteinigtejejeittoge ie Stmiimicfetotefeveteiereierseiaterel [ei siarsyesataiarare 8, 652 
(AMIE MCOLREG UCU raacrar i sam seicin incisal Screens sna eta eee meee eee ede eee eigen sain felnieewisio ciate 1, 505 
PESTSUTS DUTY OS pte ons creat are wie iatersve s SIS esas act ate Seicaar eis ota SinSleie sie whole alee es aeletersie ce wt svatete reese ieisiail Mee sotarelens.S 81 
IVA NSTC Bree erase amc pe lathe eine ee OMS ee COU ae SEIS Eines mnie dee ous cee eam Et emellesakantnes 1,376 
PAMELA SC HNC BUND LOCUCULOM terete semaine ices sistas es eleia cis sie eiejelsiel-scieteit iso arr ei seinitoicier«/cisierstetsial[ elaieleisie «ie 11, 582 
Computed loss of protein and fat ........2- 2.2... i ee eee eee cee ee ce eee eee ee ees Bowel laceemocrae 
WTEC) GENIE ets ett sists cos esis ao ate Rete eS Teste Si eee eS ES ISIaS njclevaje midis cieic Salona aS Bene 23, 196 23, 196 

In making the comparison with the metabolizable energy, however, 
the loss of tissue as thus computed must be corrected by subtracting 
7.45 Calories for each gram of nitrogen in the urine, since the amount 
of metabolizable energy was corrected in the same way. ‘The average 
figures for the growth of epithelial tissue must also be counted as part 
of the gain. Making these corrections, we have the following results 
for the several periods, those for Period IV being computed both on 
the basis of the observed and of the computed heat production as well 
as upon the average, as in other cases: 

_ Average gain or loss. 

Average | Growth 

gain or wy 
Period. loss of of cone 
ae tissue. 

Correc- Total 
tion for | gain or 
nitrogen.| loss. 

Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 

Hepes etre arctntetla ea cee iercecrei ste sedis sleiseecieguceine eelsetepee sia —8, 356 81 +142 3, 188 
TOE soso SOARS ONC ASAs SEN EE NO SG ERE et Re Oa A) en —4,179 +81 +129] —83,969 
INTIME paver pera tarcra eee dle oes ie SiSls ela oe ote ee ueecietec alee —2, 461 +81 + 20 —2, 360 
IY (based on observed heat production) ...........-......-.- +3, 320 +81 — 80 +3, 321 
IV (based on computed heat production) .....--.-....-.-.... +3, 791 +81 — 80 +3, 792 
IBV Aa (A ETALE!) yess siatsisisreos si gaat ageless Seco deine es eisle See ation eae +3, 555 +81 — 80 +3, 556 

The results in the above table are also shown graphically in Dia- 
gram III, in which the abscisse represent the total amounts of metab- 
olizable energy supplied to the animal, and the ordinates the resulting 
gain or loss of energy. 


A comparison of Periods I and II, in which different amounts of 
hay were fed, affords the means of determining the availability of the 
metabolizable energy of the latter, the results for Period II being 
subtracted from those for Period I, as in the table following. 


Availability of energy. 

anic matter. 
es Metabo- 
Period. lizable Gain. 

Total. | Digested. Olena 


Grams. | Grams. | Calories. | Calories. | Per cent. 

| Re apa se ee rad ca SSN DedGaa> SunaaodscsoenooadoosL 4,174 2,505 8,449 | —3,188 |...-...--. 
AC OE GENE ee eS Saaene ne aacmen HbcE con eie obosadsensaS 2, 941 1, 783 6,154 | —3,969 |_....----- 
Difference ss-2e eas ee eee Eero re eee eee eee 1, 233 722 2, 295 836 36. 42 

From the above table it appears that the 2,295 additional Calories 
of metabolizable energy supplied in Period I diminished the loss of 
energy from the body by 836 Calories. The latter figure represents 
the portion of the added metabolizable energy which was available in 
the sense in which that term is here used, and is 36.42 per cent of the 

,295 Calories of added energy. The availability is indicated in Dia- 
gram III by the line AB. The above figures show a comparatively 
low availability for clover hay, particularly as compared with timothy 
hay, for which a percentage of 62.92 was found, and, pending further 
experiments, must be accepted with considerable reserve. 


The availability of the energy of the maize meal may be computed 
by a comparison of Periods II and III upon precisely the same princi- 
ple as that just made between Periods I and Il. Owing, however, to 
slight variations in the percentage of moisture contained in the hay, 
the animal actually ate 18.9 grams more dry matter of hay in Period 
JI] than in Period II, an amount which is equivalent to 66.2 Calories 
of total energy. On the average of Periods I and II, 43.4 per cent of 
this total energy was metabolizable, or 29 Calories; and 36.42 per cent 
of the latter amount, equivalent to 10 Calories, was, according to the 
figures just given, available. In other words, if only as much hay had 
been consumed in Period III as in Period IJ, the metabolizable energy 
would have been less by 29 Calories and the gain less by 10 Calories. 
Making this correction, we have the results shown in the following 

Percentage availability of maize meal. 

Metabo- Percent- 
lizable Gain. |age avail- 

energy. ability. 

Calories. | Calories. | Per cent. 
Total. Period SEL 285, was sey aes eae ee es rar Ree CR ee a 85238 | —2)360)|\e2eeceose= 
Correction for Maye sae eee es pate eee ee Ne ea ann —29 Oia eae 

8,209" 25 haz 0) eee 
Sates Rumen aries, ei a yy eet OSES 6,154 | =33° 960 ea eeneees 

aGise Le so aL eee Toe GR cee eae nes eee eee 2,055 | 1,599 77.81 


These results are indicated in Diagram III by the line AC.4 

While this result is subject to the errors involved in the determina- 
tion of the metabolizable energy of the maize meal, it is nevertheless 
evident that the energy of the latter is far more available than is that 
of either clover or timothy hay. Expressed in another way, this is 
equivalent to saying that the expenditure of energy in digestion and 
assimilation is relatively less in the case of maize meal, a result which 
was to have been anticipated from the nature of the material. Even 
if we compute the metabolizable energy of the maize meal with the 
aid of the data obtained in Period IV, we still find an availability of 
76.2 per cent. 


The earlier investigations of Rubner upon the replacement values 
of the nutrients, and his theory of isodynamic replacement founded 
upon them, have led many writers to regard the so-called ‘‘ fuel value” 
of nutrients and feeding stuffs as a measure of their value in nutrition, 
~ at least for purposes of maintenance. By the term ‘‘fuel value,” 
equivalent to what we have here called metabolizable energy, is meant 
the amount of heat which the material is capable of liberating in the 
body when oxidized to the final excretory products, and the tacit 
assumption is that, since on a maintenance ration all the energy of the 
food finally leaves the body in the form of heat, the fuel value of a 
feeding stuff is equivalent to its nutritive value. 

Our results upon timothy hay,’ however, showed that about 37 per 
cent of the metabolizable energy of this feeding stuff served simply 
to increase the heat production of the animal, while only the remain- 
ing 63 per cent were available to replace that lost by the katabolism of 
body tissue. In other words, the digestible organic matter of the hay 
was not isodynamic with body tissue. It was there pointed out that 
in all probability the availability of the metabolizable energy of differ- 
ent feeding stuffs would be found to differ, particularly in the case of 
grain as compared with coarse fodder, and that therefore the relative 
values of different feeding stuffs for maintenance would not be propor- 
tional to their metabolizable energy, or ‘‘ fuel value.” 

The results of the present series of experiments fully confirm this 
anticipation. From the data on the foregoing pages we find the 
metabolizable energy of one kilogram of total organic matter to be 
as follows: 

Metabolizable energy per kilogram of total organic matter. 

; Calories. 
Clover hay (average of Periods I and II).-..--.----..---------- 2, 058 
into thy shay) (Beriods!C=A\ie steer hohe eee ose e a eee 2, 118 
IMaizemmeali (Reriod IV) 22s bo eee Se ease ee sd SS 8, 441 

@ The slight correction for hay is not shown on the diagram. 
>Bureau of Animal Industry, Bulletin No. 51, pp. 61-63. 


The extent to which one kilogram of total organic matter diminished 
the loss of body tissue—i. e., its actual value for maintenance—is 
measured by its available energy, and was as folllows: 

Available energy per kilogram of total organic matter. 

Clover haye. ose esse ce SS Ee ee ame eae ee eas 750 
Timothy: hay s2 2 Uscnst/2 eee as yee eee eae ey ere ees 1, 330 
Maize imeal fc. eee Se Ss a eee ree ees ene ne 2, 678 

Taking clover hay as unity, the relative maintenance values of one 
kilogram of total organic matter as computed from its metabolizable 
energy (fuel valué) and as actually measured by its available energy 

were as follows: 

Relative values of total organic matter for maintenance. 

Computed | Computed 
Feeds from met- | from ayail- 
: abolizable| able en- 
energy. ergy. 
Clover shay iss S32 Sot ae Boos ae eee nae ae Eee ene ee EEE eas ee eee 1.000 1.000 
Timothy Hay a2 2ss2252 55st hee Nee Ss oe ae od ee eae aoe See oe ee meee eae eer 1, 027 1.773 
Miaizé:meall) us scat coo oeek ccna 2 cee ee kee ele serio Date alee eee en ee EEO eee 1.672 3.571 

A similar comparison per kilogram of digestible organic matter 

gives the following result: 

Energy per kilogram, digestible organic matter. 


Feeds. Ales Available. 

Calories. Calories. 
Clover hay. 5224-23 2e se ce se sacs cers dae & Bae Sate teres Sete SORE eee aaeas 3, 413 1, 243 
Timoth yehays sick sessed seesaw scisises se Bek Oe eee na Se nc eee Oe ener ie eee 3, 794 2, 387 
Maize meal -.j.c.282 ose ei eosin: Seg cicros Os Ss Se ine Ss Se eae cles aelecie EE ee Bele eee 3, 716 2, 892 

Relative values of digestible organic matter for maintenance. 

Computed | Computed 
Heed from met- | from ayail- 

: abolizable| able en- 

energy. ergy. 

CON ET Hay encores Hane at a eke ne oe tere Sep PEE 8 1.000 1.000 
Timothy Mayo sac ese cise. ce 2 hae a ese eee Oe ere oS soe eee SRS eee eee 1.112 1. 920 
Midiize meal). v5 Sear astoygck ewe Se Re eee pais cree Tee ie SRS eee Se Soe near: 1.089 2.325 

It is evident that the maintenance values based on the fuel values 
are not only much too high, but are not even approximately correct 



In Period IV enough maize meal was added to the ration to cause a 

material gain by the animal. 

The percentage of metabolizable energy 

actually stored as gain may be designated as the percentage utiliza- 
tion in distinction from the percentage availability, which is measured 


by the diminution of the loss below the maintenance requirement. As 
we have seen, a certain percentage of the metabolizable energy of the 
food is expended in its digestion and assimilation. When, however, 
this assimilated food is to be converted into tissue, we may assume as 
altogether probable that additional chemical work must be done upon 
it, involving a further expenditure of energy. If this is the case, we 
shall expect to find the percentage utilization correspondingly less 
than the percentage availability. 

In Period IV slightly more hay was consumed than in Period ILI. 
After correcting for this, as in the previous case, the subtraction of 
Period III from Period IV shows that in the latter 9,639 Calories more 
of metabolizable energy were consumed, resulting in a gain of 3,525 

+4000, n 

ia - Di 





Ht H H 
6000, 70 g000 9000 10000 11000 ~—«12000_—«« 1300014000 15000 ~—«*(16000 +~—«17000 ~=«8000 

DIAGRAM III.—Availability and utilization of energy. 

Calories instead of a loss of 2,360 Calories. The effect of the added 
9,639 Calories, therefore, is a mixed one, namely, preventing a loss 
of 2,360 Calories, and causing an actual gain of 33525 Calories. From 
these figures it is not possible to compute directly the percentage 
availability or the percentage utilization. If, however, we assume 
that the availability of the energy is independent of the amount fed, 
we can easily compute how much maize meal it would have been nec- 
_essary to add to the ration of Period III to exactly reach the mainte- 
nance requirement. Obviously 2,360 Calories of available energy 
would be required for this purpose. We have already computed the 
availability to be 77.81 per cent. The required amount of metaboliz- 
able energy, therefore, is 2,360 + 0.7781 = 3,033 Calories. Geomet- 
rically, this operation is represented in Diagram III by the production 


of the line AC to E. Subtracting this amount from the total differ- 
ence between the two periods we find, as shown in the table, that there 
remained 6,604 Calories of metabolizable energy which produced an _ 
average gain of 3,525 Calories, corresponding to a percentage utiliza- 
tion of 53.30 per cent, which is represented by the line ED in Dia- 
gram III. In the last two columns of the table are included also the 
results based respectively upon the maximum and minimum figures 
for the gain as given on page 39, the corresponding lines in the dia- 

gram being the broken lines ED, and ED,. 

Percentage utilization. 

Metaboliz- Gain. 

energy. Average. | Maximum.| Minimum. 

Calories. Calories. Calories. Calories. 
Period WliWescte eines ot ce eee paces estes See eee eee eeieicer 17, 973 3, 556 3, 792 3, 321 
Correction amOrshayenecs sees soccer eee ceo ec —86 —31 —31 —3l 
PeTiOdELVAIGOrrected at-ee emia Aone ane eee 17, 887 | 8, 525 3, 761 3, 290 
Period LUT esses eS ae ee as re eee eres eie tee 8, 238 | —2, 360 —2, 360 —2, 360 
Difleren Ceres sss sss ee Oe Soe ae tee cee anes mS ee 9, 649 5, 885 6,121 5, 650 
Maize meal required to reach maintenance .......... 3, 033 2,360 2, 360 2, 360 
6, 616 | 3,525 3, 761 3, 290 

| Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 
Percentage wtih zatioMmaeeeseeeee sees eo eee eee eee eee peeeeee eee 53. 28 56. 85 49.73 

Clearly the percentage utilization is much less than the percentage 
availability, even if we take the lower corrected figures for the latter. 
Of the net available energy supplied 31.52 per cent appears to have 
been expended in the work of tissue building, while 64.48 per cent 
was stored as gain. This result is quite in accordance with the indi- 
cations obtained in Period D of the previous year’s experiments on 
timothy hay (idem, pp. 58 and 64.) 


The foregoing results, and those of Bulletin No. 51, Bureau of Animal 
Industry, afford data for at least an approximate comparison of the 
percentage distribution of the energy of timothy hay, clover hay, and 
maize meal between the several excretory products, the expenditure in 
digestion and assimilation, the expenditure in tissue formation, and 
the resulting gain of tissue. The results are contained in the tables 
following, which are an extension of that given on page 38. The 
distribution is calculated both upon the total energy and upon the 
energy of the digested matter. Kellner’s average results for German 
meadow hay are also included in the table for the sake of comparison. 


Percentage distribution of total energy. 

Timothy | Clover | Meadow] Maize 
hay. hay. hay. meal. 

Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 

MBLC GCOS meme eenistee cinaratuls cles piers /ee ciniaicice clei als vicle diersicie'icisa/sie(eiats 48. 90 42.78 40. 96 9.18 
PIM LMU Geta steele teleieiteincccis ec telet aie (mien eicicinlaini= ciciste cisinisiels\Wielsiciiisiace’s 3. 06 6.69 5. 71 3. 83 
REITING ULSI Crevarta (amie eta g wisiciare Sia amie reine (cinte v cicieicie sis icieynalsiciawicisieidioisje sls 3.79 7.18 6.77 9.31 
Expended in digestion and assimilation................-...-- 16, 41 27.60 |\ 27 ef 17. 28 
Expended in tissue formation ..........-----.---- 2... ee eee eee 13.10 J \ 19. 06 
: 15.80 19,28 

PIECIN ES CaS See FLD etatare eietoteloteicts cieie cle inie(e Wie's cinicinlsicciale'civivtc.sisicidie aja ictees 14.74 , 41.39 

100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 _ 100.00 
“esgi] der JATIN ER We AGS ROS iat aD See | Mc iarsn) 60. 45 

Percentage distribution of energy of digested matter. 

Timothy} Clover | Meadow! Maize 
hay. hay. hay. meal. 
; Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. | Per cent. 

Im UTNE ------- 2-222 eee eee eee eee 6. 00 11. 69 9. 66 4,22 
inna G HNIC er sctars etm twice ce wie ci eisissc lew ccinic soiiticlenieacisieus oslere sve 7.42 12.46 |. 11.57 10. 25 
In digestion and assimilation ...............--.-.------------ 32.10 48. 24 46.08 18.97 
MMELISSUEMONMATIOM s\..)52scc ce ces ee oc ac occu cscem Seniece mosses 25. 64 Saal ; 20.93 
SEO LO CSAS AMI ce cle iaelatate ins a vorer aisiccie <jate mie aieisiave co wicie Saralaic sla aistatsielseae 28, 84 3 32. 69 45, 57 
100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 
BNE teeny SD IO Cavers oie irate iste miercie tisiere an niare-eicte Gia trom eieioee cisions 54.49 DOM Nee oe ee 65. 55 

The same results may also be computed in Calories per unit of dry 
matter, using the percentages of the above tables as coefficients. The 
total or gross energy of the materials, taking in case of timothy hay, 
clover hay, and maize meal the average of the two general samples, 
was as follows: 

Total or gross energy of materials. 

Per kilo- 

Per kilo-. | gram di- 

Materials. gram dry | gested or- 
matter. | ganic mat- 

PIIATT COM INVielT MV eeeestee seein eae eaee Suie ciaceici hea a eiciwisialsie sic eons aelejeis Sinise nacSeeieminte 4, 554 a 4, 382 
WIOVETR A Ae aes eee meee cloacae minis See Sik cc ee re sides wisiee slaiecmcenoeen see 4, 457 64,494 
TAT ZCRIN CH esterases tater ceicls sicisine eieicie(aie = wisiejaiseim/eteleminntaiiejele ministerial ee lamas yon a 4,431 ¢ 4, 327 
Germianpmendowahayicceccscac (scsds so ltoeescccnesecces sue ce bas eecessceccecees 4, 413 4, 437 
a Preliminary period, steer No. 1. 6 Average of Periods I and II. 

c Average of Periods III and IV. 

On this basis have been computed the figures of the table following, 
showing the total energy per kilogram of dry matter and its distribu- 
tion in accordance with the percentage figures already given. ° 


Energy per kilogram total dry matter. 

Timothy| Clover |Meadow| Maize 
hay. hay. hay. meal. 
Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 
WOSTAMRECESE as aes ere ene in cee eee einen ee aioeieers Bene at cada 2,227 1, 907 1, 807 407 
ost am urine 2 esr ts 5s eee tae cane ees Se ae ercr ree eet a aie area rota enae 139 298 252 170 
Lostintmethane sc22 2 ee ars een erobeterarcte nal slels er eens 173 318 299 413 | 
Expended in digestion and assimilation......-..-.. eooecseses 747 1, 230 } 1.204 763 
Expended an’ tissue formation =a) sess see eee se sees ee eee 597 || vos ! 844 
Stored asipaimi lois aascse Sane sees Jee hese ene eee ome caer 671 || | 851 1, 834 
To bald te oh cae ype Ue We oe aie rere les Tecan ae 4,554 4, 457 4, 413 4,431 
Avail Korea wimieMenNGS. --seseoccnesooseecosobessuseuesebee 1, 268 HE iscecos Ss aie 
Energy per kilogram digestible organic matter. 
Timothy | Clover | Meadow | Maize 
hay. hay. _ hay. meal. 
Calories. | Calories. | Calories. | Calories. 
ost in AWriMe sca s Sc eee ck lraqeicis cases conte ae eielotecae es oe Sieloieye isis 262 | 525 429 183 
Ost ini methane cs spear eteee aoete emcees steer ec eesierS 325 560 513 443 
Expended in digestion ana assimilation..........--.-.--.---- 1, 407 2,168 2. 045 | 821 
Pxpendedanitissuetormationee-sesseee sees seers eeereeeeerer 1,124 | 1 2a} J 908 
Storediasig aime st: Soe aneceas ae cecerten oe eee eee ae ee 1, 264 | ; 1, 450 1,972 
UG] teens Rar Aho a Se ceaa (eT alee ah wis 4,382 | 4,494 4, 437 4,327 
ASPMEV SiO ewe MUTANS 4 es caosocacsoonosedousbosscaapeaus 2,388 | 1241S aceeeeeer 2, 880 

Taking the figures for timothy hay as 1.00, the relative values of 
these four feeding stuffs are as follows: 

Relative values. 

Per kilogram total dry 

Per kilogram digestible 

matter. organic matter. 
For main- | For fatten-| For main- | For fatten- 
tenance. ing. tenance. ing. 
Timothy hay res sees ee sscee emcees Geese ee eee 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 
Clower any! oto se tepatec Sareea ye Se ee slo Se ae ere eS DOR Sess eee es + D2U eee 
MiG a Owe Tn eycss soi eee ek eee Soa Ae Da eT ct A ADT Sao eee ee 1.15 
Maize:meal sso See sakes wesc teeee Semerie Sacer Praia 2.73 1.21 1.56 

These figures again render it evident that neither the maintenance 
value nor the value for productive purposes of these feeding stuffs is 
proportional to their metabolizable energy (fuel value). 

It must, of course, be remembered that the above figures, with the 
exception of Kellner’s average for meadow hay, are the results of but 
a single experiment each upon one animal. It is scarcely necessary 
to say that far more extensive investigations are necessary to secure 
results which can be regarded as fixing the absolute values of these 


three feeding stuffs for maintenance or for productive purposes. We 
are far from making the general statement that one kilogram of the 
dry matter of timothy hay, for example, is capable of producing a 
gain of 671 Calories by a steer, or that it has a value of 1,268 Calories 
in a maintenance ration. 

The value of our results, in our judgment, lies in the very marked 
differences which they show between the ‘‘fuel value,” the value for 
maintenance, and the value for productive purposes. These differ- 
ences appear to us too large to be accounted for by the possible errors 
of single experiments, and we therefore believe that our results con- 
stitute at least a qualitative demonstration of the existence of such 
differences, especially since they are entirely in harmony in this 
respect with those of other investigators, and with generally accepted 
conceptions of the physiology of nutrition. 


TaBLE I.— Weight, water drunk, and excreta. 

, | 
ended on dite rane AVBICE Feces. | Urine.a ended on dat ee Aatee Feces. | Urine.a 
Hay only. Hay only—Con. 
Period I: Period II: 
Jan., 1903. | Klos. | Kilos. | Grams. | Grams Feb., 1908. | Kilos. | Kilos. | Grams. | Grams. 
Oy eae 577.5 Oat escoece Saomesne 1a 543.9 OHO Bec OSaee | vecnee 
Diets SELES 275) on eeeondallecsogees Da eek AS. || PEO |lesasoocesil csodsous 
265 ose: Bes Ouls hh eanenaesasocaerice Bscosun 540.8 rl eae heat ooee 
Dlosccee 565. 2 Ste} Horesaesea sal Goerees alae ee SPE Et lkchols el Ssackiasse | eonoscded 
PX ieee ae QOS weno Doel erssier=eicipel|lopete clereiae 1SE sos: | 88525) || SO ooacasacal| sosoccac 
Oh) See oee 561.0 Cine Seneeedealpses sacs Oe ea BLO GUL Bs ilsscacoaud|| onssoode 
BU) Soced SpRE As ash). @deasmeocd beceasee 20 ee | 036. 4 Bevel bpaotancacl| csceadee 
Slee s 554.0 U0 gee ton mos ieee Q1ee se BY yO Mich Wlsaabadoosl| cosseade 
Feb., 1903. 22 ee §32. 4 ORR ilsecosdecc||baebonue 
1 sae OAUIEG)| “GilsG) Mlbaenceacs| soostene PRN oecbe P20), 25) || NBG) Noosccaccalf caacouos 
Pex BE 556. 2 OS Wlesesanccalsasscecs 24 Sos NRO] O50  lecasccosull soscccce 
Bode BG4 549) 24405) |e setae aisle [easels DS ae | SEB AB AG 13.0 | 4,058} 3,840 
Ae eel ltae teveca nse 2.5 9, 738 4, 730 QGinemas: ¢[524.9]| 7.565 5,718 | 4,457 
ms c[554.0]) 16.1 7,793 | 5,438 Df ses eaeset b[519. 4]| 25.6 5,712 ; 7,003 
Greece 6[549.5]| 10.9 9, 480 5, 371 Pht cet 523.4 | 11.8 6, 942 | e[7, 577] 
Wee 540.5 | 24.1 8, 500 5, 502 Mar., 1903. 
Clo acer 548. 1 13.0 9,545 | a@[5, 625] Lease 520.8 | 16.8 4, 588 §, 365 
Oeeeee 545.4 | 12.8 10, £05 6, 283 Dea 524.2 9.8 7,895 | 6,300 
LO cc 543.0 | 20.9 8, 652 6, 238 pidercad 518. 2 15.5 5, 569 7, 033 
hee 548. 6 10. 85 8,975 6, 015 Po Teoise 520, 2 0.0 6, 438 4,160 
Os ee 544.0 | 12.2 9,195 6, 290 Rye css | 612.0 | 24.2 4, 960 3, 963 
Ie Secene 540.0 | 18.0 9, 344 6, 050 6.. 523.0 0.0 4,727 5, 830 
Motley es Bee caaelsstneses 91,677 | 57,537 Total: 22s | Seo cise |\Senteee es 56,602 | 48, 951 
Spilled in calo- Spilled in calo- 
MUIME TERE eiek |liieivecieic Soe s!eeler HOES) Nossadens rimeterixe<oalsiseiseresall sect ncine Nee al Seoenoas 
Spilled in stall Spilled in stall 
Belo Mal Sere selec ict liaise oe W.Gae once Mary loscceha |e ects Gases wal eoeecnss 58.8 

aIncluding wash water. 
b Taken at 7.30 a.m. 

¢ Taken at 6.00 p.m., when removed from calorimeter. 
da Very small loss of urine. 
e Not composited—considerable loss. 



TABLE I.— Weight, water drunk, and excreta—Continued. 


For 24 hours 

pe ree weight. 
Hay and maize 
Period III: 
Mar., 1903. | Kilos. 
Taree 536. 6 
Sse 524.8 
Qeteees 515. 2 
AO sesine 5038. 4 
Leese 519.8 
Dee * 523.6 
132. eee 520.6 
ee coas 519. 9 
by Soase 519.8 
16s eee 513.8 
Tlie b[526. 8] 
nt eeaee |saosadee 
19=Sanee e[519. 9] 
20). seed 5[515. 0] 
PADRES An 516.5 
PPwesnee 515. 0 
PB Sececs 521.1 
QA. saat 505. 4 
20 Sects 522, 2 
26% sa=5: 506. 4 
Qs sac: 514.6 

Spilled in cal- 

Wikies 2X0) ~ 555 



68, 006 





8, 485 

8, 408 

For 24 hours 
ended on date 

Hay and maize 

Period IV: 
Mar. 1908. 

Total : aoe 

at end of 

Live | Water 
weight.| drunk. 

514, 2 
530. 6 
533. 0 

b[534. 0] 

¢[532. 65 

b[524. 2] 
524.0 | 21.2 
528. 2 
530. 3 
533. 3 



a Including wash water. 
b Taken at 7.30 a. m. 

c¢ Taken at 6.00 

da Very small loss of urine. 

p. m., when removed from calorimeter. 


Tasue I1.—Composition of dry matter of feces. 

Hay only. 

Hay and maize meal. 
Constituents and energy. ; 2 : Sq SSS 
Period I. | Period II. | Period III.| Period LY. 
Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. Per cent. 
PNA Bre aote tet sieicic ctercisietateisistetaieisinicioe =cielbin isis wicle ieee vlere 8.41 8.58 9, 22 9.77 
PERO LE WEE ONDSAOHZO) aicicicteicisteicteiciecisiersicicns bicicleisicie.s wi sinieieleioctbis 14. 81 14.01 15. 20 20, 24 
ROMINGLC BELPD Ceri realeiciatsraiclatyaieiaicie cts cisies/sisraicieie:Siwic’s w arsinicicielee 42. 46 41.54 40. 90 36, 02 
Nitrogen-free extract ...- 2-20... .cccesse cece ence sccs 31. 86 338. 58 32. 46 31.55 
UIC CU mene ac cttinics cieisisicvicisicicis sisi ci eisicieicle awisticm 2.46 2.34 2,22 2.42 
: 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 100. 00 
PROCMIGMICPOP OM <lalrevs cee cassie sicieleicicicisie sleee a calectic cs ces 2.371 2.240 2. 431 3. 239 
EMOLEVOSMUGOS CL re era tatciaw alele lee ainda aielnleleinlee eiele eaieiie= == 2.079 1. 983 22, 1) 2.390 
NOSIS Wereelsyaetesie cle wicinelaieisisiwinieieiciele’n'o\e clecieieieiaise imceee 48. 27 48.70 48. 36 48. 22 
BEAU OME COE MM eetetcatetatere = ole ain)Sioveieicfejaiciniciaisie eiclejelseicielareisinlersiei=veie 5.97 6.04 6.19 6. 54 
Calories Calories Calories Calories 
per gram. | per gram. | per gram. | per gram. 
Heat of combustion................-..---.--20---0220-- 4, 747.6 4,607.5 4, 629. 6 4, 647.4 

TaBLE II1.—Digestibility of rations. 

D Or- Nitro- E 
Pane Ash. | 2nic | Pro- nee Crude eee Ere Nitro-| Car- | Ener- 
ae ae teids. erties fiber. ex- | tract. | 8&2: bon. gy. 
ye tract. 
Tota! rations. 

Period I: Grms. | Grms. | Grms.| Grms. |Grms.| Grms. | Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grams.| Cals. 
is (Chy 6geeeeeceneee 4, 459.0] 285. 4/4,173.6} 524.7) 80.7)1, 510. 4/1, 928.6] 129.2) 101.0) 2,017. 7/19, 839.9 
Feces ....-------- 1, 822.3] 153. 3)1, 669.0} 269.9)... 268 773.8) 580.6 44.8 43.2 879. 6] 8,651.6 

Digested....... 2,636.7) 182.1/2,504.6) 254.8) 80.7) 736.6/1,348.0) 84.4) 57.8] 1,188.1/11, 188.3 
Coefficient, p. ct-| 59.13) 46.29} 60.00) 48.58)/100.00} 48.77) 69.90) 65.36) 57.23) 56.41) 56.39 

Period II: Rare Perret Pian ere Sage Bouse 
EN eepeec r= <= sae 3, 148.9} 203. 1/2, 940.8) 379.2) 50.3)1, 058. 5)/1, 367.9} 84.9) 71.4] 1,444. 0/13, 916.5 
Feces...........- 1, 267.0} 108. 7)1,158.3) 177.5)...... 526.4) 424.9) 29.7) 28.4) 617.1) 5,837.7 

Digested......-. 1, 876.9 94, 4/1, 782.5) 201.7) 50.3) 532.1) 943.0 55. 2 43. 0 826.9) 8,078.8 
Coefficient, p. ct.| 59.70) 46.48] 60.61] 53.19/100.00) 50.27) 68.94) 65.02] 60.28) 57.27) 68.05 

Period III: _ A 
EV aye ect eis SiS 38, 162.8} 210.0/2,952. 8} 414.6] 59.1) 995.6)1,3938.2} 90.1) 78.8] 1,485. 9/13, 982.7 
Maize meal...... 734.7| 10.9) 728.8! 69.5) 5.0] 17.5) 601.7| 30.1) 12.6] 334.9) 3,203.1 

Total ......-. --|3, 897.5) 220.9/3, 676.6) 484.1) 64.1/1,013.1)1, 994.9) 120.2) 91.4) 1,770. 8/17, 185.8 
IRCCOS 2 ssicicice os ss 1,367.6} 126.1)1, 241.5} 207.9)...... 559.3) 443.9) 30.4) 33.2) 661.4) 6,331.4 
Digested....... 2,529.9}  94.8)/2,435.1) 276.2) 64.1] 453.8/1,551.0) 89.8) 58.2) 1,109. 4/10, 854. 4 
Coefficient, p. ct.| 64.91) 42.91| 66.26) 57.05)100.00} 44.79) 77.75) 74.71) 63.68) 62.66) 63.16 

Period IV: eae lecalpeaos ea eal ice Shee ce 
18 tS See Caneeneeee 3, 186. 4|.. 211. 6/2,974.8) 408.5) 36.3/1, 039. 7/1, 398.8) 91.4) 73.0) 1, 453.0)14, 177.6 
Maize meal...... 3,450.8}  50.0/3,400.8) 352.0) 10.0) 75.6/2,817.6) 145.6) 60.9) 1,578. 7/15, 065.8 

Ota es ese cs a5 6. 637.2} 261. 6/6,375.6| 760.5} 46.3/1,115. 3/4, 216.4] 237.0) 183.0) 3,031. 7/29, 243. 4 
IHEGeSie yeaen-ee 1,577.4) 154.1)1, 423.3) 319.3)...... 568.2) 497.7) 38.2} 51.1) 760.6) 7,330.8 
Digested....... 5,059.8] 107. 5/4,952.3) 441.2) 46.3] 547.1/3,718.7) 198.8] 81.9] 2,271. 1/21, 912.6 
Coefficient, p. ct.| 76.23) 41.09) 77.68) 58.01/100.00} 49.05) 88.20) 83.89) 61.58) 74.92) 74.93 



TABLE I11.—Digestibility of rations—Continued. 

7 Om Nitro- 

pal. | ssn, |gazic| Pro: |NOt|cruae] Fe [Ether witro.| Gar | ner 

asp mat teids. nerdes fiber. ex. | tract. | &€2: bon. gy. 
er: tract 

Computed digestibility 
of maize meal. 

Period III: Grms.| Grms.| Grms. | Grms. |Grms.| Grms. | Grms.| Grms.| Grms.| Grams.| Cals. 
Total digested... .)2,529.9| 94.8/2,435.1| 276.2) 64.1) 453.8]/1,551.0) 89.8) 58.2) 1, 109. 4/10, 854. 4 
Computed di- 

gestiblein hay.|1, 888.2) 97.6/1,789.7| 220.5) 59.1} 500.5) 960.47] 58.58} 47.46} 822.3 8,117.0 

Digested from | 641.7| —2.8) 645.4) 55.7) 5.0} —46.7| 590.53] 381.22) 10.74) 287.1) 2,737.4 
maize meal. . : 

Coefficient, p. et.| 87.34)...--.- 89.16] 80.14/100. 00)....... 98.11] 108.72} 385.23) 85.42) 85.46 

Period IV: oh a 
Total digested ...|5,059.8) 107. 5/4, 952.3) 441.2) 46.3) 547.1|3, 718.7] 198.8) 81.9} 2,271.1,21, 912.1 
Computed di- 

gestiblein hay.|1, 902.3)  98.3/1,808.0]) 207.3) 36.3] 522.6) 964.3} 59.4) 48.96] 882.1) 8,280.1 

Digested from | 
maize meal. ./3, 157.5 9. 2/3, 149.3) 233.9) 10.0)  24.5/2,754.4) 139.4) 37.94) 1,439. 0/13, 682.0 
Coefficient, p. ct.| 91.50) 18.40] 92.60} 66.43)/100.00} 32.40) 97.75) 95.74) 62.30) 91.09) 90.81 

TaBLE I1V.—Results on urine (inclusive of wash water). 
Aver- Energy. 
Period. Weight. sperifi 2 Total nitrogen.| Total carbon. 
gravity. Pergram.| Total. 

Period I: Grams. Per ct. | Grams.| Per ct. | Grams. | Calories. | Calories. 
Total collected............ BYES YioO) |lsooooaes 15303) | 749571) 25615) 1504509) Seascapes eee 
Daily average (10 days)-..} 5,754.0 | 1.0413 |........ hE el BeBe eee 150. 46 217.2; 1,249.8 

Period II: a 
Total collected..........-- 48, 951.0 |..-.---- 1,073 | 525.24 | 1.897 | 928.60 171.2 | 8,380.4 
Spilled in stall Mar. 1..... SHS |logcosceas|| ale} 1.30 | «2.675 2.30 | «241.4 20.7 

Totaler een ace ee 49, 036.8 | 1.0403 |........ BRO Veacdaaoe CRIB) lecccacceus 8, 401.1 
Daily average (9 days)....| 5,448.5 |......-. Ieee is) lacccodos 103543) | Aeeeeeeee | 933.5 

Period III: | 
Total collected..........-. (70, 086.0 |..-.---- | O%843"|) 590582") AE 788) 2535147 | Seeeeeee es |peeeeeee ee 
Daily average (10 days)...| 7,008.6 | 1.0365 |........ BELO ooceasve 125.31 131.4 920.9 

Period IV: eae amt a ee nn rl 
Total collected......-.---- 54, 685.0: (oo csessleoceccc|ecechedete ee ee eee 
Spilled in stall Apr. 13..-.| WEV 0 Sasaecan |ssnqsnculeescssssllbcascacs|oosencodollaacoscccss|oacocsores 

Totsli 3) bea aoustena byt 7B.) locoosdec 15283) | AO2525) || 2592) Shea eee 11, 943. 17 
Daily average (10 days) ...| 5,473.5 | 1.0398 |........ OS23) eee 141. 87 218.2 | 1,194.3 
a Assumed to be proportional to nitrogen content. b Estimated. 


Taste V.—Residual air. 


Period I. 

At end of preliminary run.. 
At end of subperiod 1..-..... 
At end of subperiod 2.....-.. 
At end of subperiod 3.-..... 
At end of subperiod 4....... 

Period II. 

At end of preliminary run.. 
At end of subperiod 1....... 
At end of subperiod 2....... 
At end of subperiod 3....... 
At end of subperiod 4....-... 

Period ITT. 

At end of preliminary run.. 
At end of subperiod 1....... 
At end of subperiod 2....... 

Period IV. 

At end of preliminary run.. 
At end of subperiod 1....... 
At end of subperiod 2.....-. 
At end of subperiod 3....... 
At end of subperiod 4....... 

aCorrected for tension of aqueous vapor. 

| Aspirator reading. 



ing volume 

Total vol- | 
ume of | 

Total in 


Weight. at 0° and sample | @ 5 chamber. 

, 760 mm, reduced. 3's 
ade rc ee 

a an a a) 
3 \3 fees aoe eile Be 
Sacer ete ley Sees ese lineata A lee| « |8s 
SM | eee eB Sell ee ears ee 
ae Se Boe) cit |e | ieee 

Mm. | °C. | Gms.| Gms. |Liters| Liters Gms. |Gims. 
710. 2) 19. 7/0. 15480. 1066) 0. 19) 21.84 76. 45)52. 64 
704.0} 16.2) . 1432) .1009 .18) 21. 91 69. 48/48. 96 
696. 2| 16.0} .1786] .1196} 22! 21.69 86. 92]58. 20 
701.1) 19.8) .1283) . 0888 15 21.54 61. 00/43. 94 
712.2) 18.5) .1599) .1107 19 22.00) £ 78. 39/54. 27 
718.9} 18.5} .1895) .0991| .17 22.15 68. 66/48. 77 
721.3} 17.0) .1465) .0971; .18 22.38 71. 58)47. 41 
725.6) 16.6} .1479| .0987| .18 22.55 72. 06/48. 09 
726. 6) 15.5) .1225) . 0947 15 O77 59. 19/45. 76 
724.1) 18.0) .1881] .1107) .17 22. 41 63. 93/53. 17 
719.1] 17.2) .1482) .1044) .18 22. 30 72. 42|51. 02 
720.1) 18.3) .1631) .1071 .19 22°25 80. 01/52. 54 
721.4) 17.8] .2030] .1124| .24 22.34 99. 09/54. 87 
723.'7| 16.6} .1722| .1121) .21 22.50 83. 75|54. 52 
719. 8| 17.4) .2006) .1185) .24 22.32 97. 79|57.77 
708.1} 20.0) .2008} .1514) .24 21.78 99. 05|74. 68 
710. 4) 18.8) .2167| .1405| .26 21. 93 103. 86|67. 34 
709.0) 18.2) .2004) .1487) .25 21.93 98. 01)72. 72 
711. 8) 19.3) . 2035} .1882) .25 21. 94 100. 02/67. 92 
710.7) 17.6} . 2069) .1525) .26 22.04 100. 80/74. 29 

The air in the aspirator is assumed to be saturated. 



TaBLE VI.— Ventilation. 

Volume | Average Peres 
Period. at meter| barome- 
pump yee of aque- 
: *  jousvapor. 
Period I. Liters. mm. mm. 
Subperiod 1...-.. 490, 773 720.9 1.54 
Subperiod 2..... 477, 546 711.7 2. 53 
Subperiod 3 ..... 495, 281 714.8 2.70 
Subperiod 4..... 486, 562 722.5 2.16 
Period II. 
Subperiod 1..... 473, 732 735. 2 1.47 
Subperiod 2..... 460, 159 739.0 1.13 
Subperiod 3..... 460, 208 739.7 1.20 
Subperiod 4..... 455, 607 740.1 0. 98 
Period ITI. 
Subperiod 1..... 462, 090 734.8 Nf 
Subperiod 2..... 455, 056 737.0 1.91 
Subperiod 3..... 467, 242 737.4 1.80 
Subperiod 4..... 460, 307 736.8 1.56 
Period IV. 
Subperiod 1..... 461, 100 726.6 2. 64 
Subperiod 2..... 455, 700 724.3 1.57 
Subperiod 3..... 474, 822 CE 2. 23 
Subperiod 4..... 463, 676 727.5 2.35 

tempera. | Volume at | Freud. 
ture. pump, dry. ual air. 
See Liters. Liters. 

16.7 | 437, 738.8 21.9 
17.1 419, 407.2 pale? 
17.1 | 486, 729.2 21.5 
17.6 433, 252.9 - 22.0 
18.4 | 428, 453.7 22.4 
16.2 421, 732.8 22.6 
15.9 | 422,577.3 22.8 
16.6 417,079.1 22.4 
16.1 420, 691.8 2203: 
17.1 | 414,154.4 22.3 
16.3 | 426, 728.2 22.5 
15.7 | 421,065. 4 22.3 
17.8 412, 274.4 21.9 
17.0 | 407,931.7 21.9 
17.6 425, 639. 2 21.9 
17.4 | 415, 885.4 22.0 

Methane] Volume of 


69. 2 

53. 2 



air, dry. 


437, 686. 9 
419, 355.3 
436, 677.9 
433, 205.7 

428, 492.9 
421, 704.3 
422, 545.2 
417, 046.2 

420, 641.9 
414, 105.3 
426, 675.6 
421, 015.2 

412, 175.7 
407, 819. 8 
425, 584.6 
415, 774.8 


TaBLE VII.—Jngoing air. 

: Aspi-| Ba. |Tem- 
Period. see rome-| pera- 
ing. ter, @ | ture. 
Period I. Liters| mm. | °C. 
Subperiod 1........ 200 700.8} 17.8 
Subperiod 2........ 200 695.9) 18.4 
Subperiod 3........ 200 702.3] 21.8 
Subperiod 4.......- 200 712.0) 19.6 
Period II. 
Subperiod 1........ 43.5| 719.3) 19.4 
Subperiod 2........ 200 724.1) 18.4 
Subperiod 3......-.. 200 726.0) 19.4 
Subperiod 4........ 200 724.5) 20.6 
Period ITI. 
Subperiod 1......-. 200 720.2) 20.0 
Subperiod 2......-. 200 721.2) 19.6 
Subperiod 3........ 200 723.7) 18.0 
Subperiod 4........ 200 720.4) 19.8 
Period IV. 
Subperiod 1........ 200 711.0) 20.4 
Subperiod 2........ 200 708.6) 19.8 
Subperiod 3........ 200 713.1) 21.0 
Subperiod 4........ 200 711.4) 19.0 


Re-_| Vol-| Total | patio Water. Cart on diox: 
duced | ume |volume} ~? etd 
aspira-| of | of sam- ena aaa 
tor | car- | ple re-| Fo Mi In total aie 
read- | bon | duced -) |In sam- : |In sam- 
ing, |diox-| and vena ple. Ma ple. | Yon. 
dry. | ide. dry. y : Roni 
Liters. |Liters| Liters. Tee Gram. | Grams.| Gram. | Gms. 
173.12} 0.06) 178.18) 2,527.4) 0.4039) 1,020.8) 0.1124/284. 01 
171.58 .06) 171.64) 2,443, 2 . 4209) 1, 028. 4 . 1102/269. 2 
172. 04 .05) 172.09) 2,587.5 . 4318) 1,095.7 . 1046/265. 4 
174, 82 .05| 174.87) 2,477.3 . 2896 717.4 . 1013/251. 0 
38. 44 .O1 38. 45/11, 142.3 . 0682 759.9 . 0251)279. 7 
178.52} .05) 178.57| 2,361.6) .3597|/ 849.5) .1094/258.4 
178. 37 .06| 178.48) 2,368.1 . 2204 521.9 . 1128/267.1 
177.28} .06| 177.34) 2,351.7) .2100) 493.9)  .1165)274.0 
176. 58 .06| 176.64) 2,381.4 . 5241! 1,248.1 . 1188/282. 9 
177.09} .06) 177.15) 2,337.6) .4369) 1,021.3} .1202/281.0 
178.66} .06) 178.72) 2,387.4)  .8396) 2,004.5)  .1168/278.9 
176.75} .06) 176.81) 2,381.2) .1655;) 394.1) .1150)/273.8 
174.09} .06| 174.15) 2,366.8) .7725) 1,828.4) .1137/269.1 
178.85} .06) 178.91) 2,345.0) .1264) 296.4) .1110/260.3 
174. 25 .06) 174.31) 2,441.3) .0924 225.6 .1117/272.7 
175.03} .05) 175.08) 2,374.8 .0772) 188.3] .1066/253.2 

a Corrected for tension of aqueous vapor. 

The air in the aspirator is assumed to be saturated. 



Taste VIII.—Carbon dioxide. 

Carbon dioxide | Total, 
in samples Nos.1 |In sam-| Correc- |Total CO.| Total CO. | Rani 
sail (corrected). and | ple of | tion for| in out- | CO, in |added in i, pe 
Mele 2x 100 | resid- |residual| coming jingoing| cham- Se a 
Pan Pan |and cor-|ual air.) air. air. air. joer, || CRN 
No. 1. | No. 2. | rected. 6 
Period I. Grams.| Grams. | Grams. | Gram. | Grams. | Grams. |Grams.| Grams. | Grams. 
Subperiod1....--.. 12.3144 | 12.1553 | 2,454.3 0.10 — 3.7 | 2,450.7 | 284.1 | 2,166.6 590.8 
Subperiod 2........ 12.1142 | 12.1389 | 2, 432.8 oll + 9.2 | 2,442.1 | 269.2} 2,172.9 592.6 
Subperiod 3.....-.. 12.4777 | 12.3708 | 2,492.3 pil —14.3 | 2,478.1 | 265.4 | 2,212.7 603. 4 
Subperiod4 ....... 11.9475 | 11.8761 | 2,389.5 al +10.3 | 2,399.9 | 251.0] 2,148.9 586. 0 
Period II. ; 
Subperiod1........ 10. 5350 | Lost. 2,113.3 oil — 1.4] 2,112.0 | 279.7 | 1,882.3 499.7 
Subperiod 2........ 10. 6092 | 10.5461 | 2,121.8 all + 0.7] 2,122.6 | 258.4] 1,864.2 508. 4 
Subperiod 3........ 10.6495 | 10.5518 | 2,126.4 5 il — 2.38 | 2,124.2) 267.1) 1,857.1 506. 4 
Subperiod 4........ 10. 3482 | 10.3452 | 2,075.5 oil + 7.4] 2,088.0 | 274.9} 1,809.0 493.3 
Period ILI. ; 
Subperiod 1........ 11.2609 | 11.2802 ; 2,260.8 sil + 1.5] 2,262.4; 282.9] 1,979.5 539.8 
Subperiod 2........ 11.3183 | 11.3365 | 2,271.7 sil + 2.3 | 2,274.1; 281.0} 1,993.1 543.5 
Subperiod 3.......-. 11.9475 | 11.9567 | 2,397.6 sil — 0.4] 2,397.3 | 278.9} 2,118.4 577.7 
Subperiod 4......-. 11.3273 | 11.3569 | 2,275.1 oll + 3.3 | 2,278.5 | 273.8 | 2,004.7 546.7 
Period TV. ‘ 
Subperiod 1.......-. 16.4772 | 16.6405 | 3,321.6 mull — 7.3 | 3,314.4 | 269.1] 3,045.3 830.5 
Subperiod 2........ 16.7846 | 16.9196 | 3,380.4 a2 + 5.4) 3,386.0} 260.3 | 3,125.7 852.4 
Subperiod 3........ 16.3318 | 16.4606 | 3,289.0 all — 4.8} 3,284.3 | 272.7] 3,011.6 821.3 
Subperiod 4........ 16.4890 | 16.8123 | 3,340.1 52 + 6.4] 3,346.6 | 2538.2) 3,093.4 843.6 
a For number of pump strokes. 
age from the pans, amounting to about 0.3 per cent of the total volume, 

b¥or a slight lea 


TasLe I1X.— Water. 


Period I. 

Subperiod 1 
Subperiod 2 
Subperiod 3 
Subperiod 4 

Period II. 

Subperiod 1 
Subperiod 2 
Subperiod 3 
Subperiod 4 

Period ITI. 

Subperiod 1 
Subperiod 2 
Subperiod 3 
Subperiod 4 

Period IV. 

Subperiod 1 
Subperiod 2 
Subperiod 3 
Subperiod 4 

ples (cor- 
rected). @ 

No. 2. 

No. 1. 

2x100 (correct- | 

Total, Nos. 1 and 


7. 6004 
6. 1232 
5. 6921 
5, 2879 


7. 63865 
6. 1590 
5. 7351 

3. 5192 
2. 6218 
2. 8104 
2. 2498 


2. 8134 
2. 2443, 

5. 0911 
4, 2473 
3. 6406 

5. 0179 
4, 4001 
4. 2568 
3. 6510 

6. 1980 
5. 3601 

6. 1550 
4. 6369 
5. 5432 

1, 528. 2 
1, 232.0 
1, 146.1 
1, 064. 4 

705. 9 
525. 6 
064. 1 

882. 4 
852. 9 

731. 3: 

1, 238.5) 

1, 108.3 




eo viliuale Hepa eee (con eel alg 
See hse Owe Ee Sea ali 
Bolsa | oe los (Fe la | ee | 
3 = Sen as Az |\o| os Sib ve 
2 oF | = | Bod Ilo os | so ad 
° -| am Sa 2¢g G1 OD vi 1 bp) ag oo 
Ee 2 |g | Ss |Ss |meo| we | vg b0 
A | 4 | Go| 80 | 86 \oge] a4 | sa | s 
SO hse hy | ane pee NS ON ea etile oe otal 
EP Yeae pays tise te at) ef ee ps 
Gms. | Gms. | Gm. | Gms. | Gms.| Gms. | Gms. | Gis. | Gms. 
1, 868. 0 0.0) 0.1) — 6.9} —3. 0/3, 386. 4/1, 020. 8)2, 365. 6) 262.9 
2,138.0; 10.0 .2) +17.4) —3. 0/8, 394. 6/1, 028. 4/2, 366. 2) 262.9 
2,185. 0/— 10.0 .1} --25, 9) —3. 0/3, 292. 3/1, 095. 7/2, 196.9, 244.0 
1,906.0) 17.0 . 2} +17.4]| —3.0)8, 002.0) 717. 4/2, 284. 5) 253.5 
2, 024.0 .0 .1] + 2.9) —3.0!2, 729.9) '759.9/1,970.0) 218.9 
2,610. 0 .0 -1] + 0.5) —3.0/8, 188.2) 849. 5/2, 288.7} 253.8 
2, 235. 0 .0 . 1] —12.9] —3.0)2, 788.3) 521. 9)2, 261.4) 251.3 
2, 340. 0 .0 -1} + 4.7) —8. 0/2, 792. 6| ©4983. 9/2, 298.7) 255.4 
2,435.0) 34.0 .2) + 7.6) — 3.0/3, 487. 7|1, 248. 1/2, 239. 6) 248.9 
2,563.0} 101.0 . 2} +19.1) —8. 0/8, 562. 7/1, 021. 3/2, 541. 4) 282.4 
3, 290.0} 288.0 . 2) —15.3) —8. 0/4, 412. §]2, 004. 5/2, 408. 3) 267.6 
2, 369. 0|—270. 8 .2) +14.0) —3.0)/2, 840.7) 394.12, 446.6) 271.9 
3, 092. 0/1, 235. 0 .2) + 4.8] —8. 0/5, 567. 5/1, 828. 4/3, 739.1! 415.5 
3,168.0} 237.0 .2) — 5.9) —8.0/4, 323.9) 296. 4/4, 027.5) 447.5 
3, 150. 0)/— 17.0 .2) + 2.0) —3.0)4, 208.5) 225. 6/3, 982.9) 442.6 
2,907.0} 321.6 -2} + 0.8] —3.0)4, 334.9) 183.3)/4, 151.6) 461.3 

a For number of pump strokes. 
b For slight leakage from pans, see previous table. 


TABLE X.—Carbon and hydrogen in combustible gases. 

Total Correc- perpones Total | Correc- | gen as |yrothan 
este CO, _| tion for | Gon | HeO _ | tion for | hydro- |" Go°v° 
: ‘ weighed | ingoing (cor- weighed | ingoing | carbons Bare, 
«200. air. rected).a 200. air. (cor- s p 
s rected) .a 
Period I. Grams. | Grams. Grams. Grams. Grams. | Grams. Grams. 
SubperiodhSeaseeeeseseeeeeeeee 146. 58 —2.70 39.38 121.74 —9. 53 12. 52 52. 62 
Subperiod 2..............-- ane 145. 96 —2.58 39. 25 119. 88 —9.13 12.36 52. 44 
Sulbbperiod! 3220 sees sseeaeer eee 144. 68 —2. 69 38. 84 120.78 —9.51 12. 40 51. 89 
Subperiod! 4225. s-ossncsitite ee 137.58 —2.67 36. 90 118. 88 —9. 44 11. 64 49.30 
Period II. 
Suibpenlodslesseeeeeeeseeeeerrin 106. 24 —2. 64 28.34 87.04 —9.33 8. 66 37. 86 
Subperiod22es--—-s-eeeeeeeeeee 102.12 —2. 60 27. 22 85. 14 —9.18 8.47 36. 37 
Subpenlod)sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 109. 60 —2.60 29.29 87.12 —9, 20 8. 69 39.13 
Subperlodi4=eneeeeeeee teas 110. 40 —2.57 29. 50 88. 26 —9. 08 8.83 39. 41 
Period ITI. 
SiMlayoewitOyel lo ssecoseasecesvsscos 143.16 —-2.59 38.47 121.32 —9.16 12.41 51. 40 
Sulbperiodi2e sense aseeeeeeeeaa= 141.80 —2. 55 38. 09 118.10 —9. 02 12.16 50. 89 
Subperiod'3eessssee-eeteeseeeee 149. 08 —2.63 40.06 123. 42 —9. 29 12.72 53. 52 
Subperiodi4saese sae s- peers 143. 84 —2. 60 33. 66 118. 82 —9.17 122235) epla6D) 
Period IV. 
Subperiodiley eee ease ae 236. 82 —2.54 64, 32 196. 56 —8. 98 20. 92 85. 93 
Sov oyorewnOe! Mss oosodonsasacscoane 263. 40 —2.51 71.36 216. 64 —8. 88 23.16 95. 34 
Subperiodt32 ejector 249.16 —2. 62 67.43 204. 84 —9, 27 21.80 90. 08 
Subpeniod Se ereeee eee sees 260. 90 —2.56 70.70 215. 30 —9. 06 23.00 94.46 

a For slight leakage from pans, see previous table. 

Taste XI.—Heat measurements. 
ic Average temperature of water = Heat ves 
@ current Et A WAASIO0 10) 
3 C © § | absorbers. 
at il — aaa : a8 e Total 
ue oF i : Gn ; we ne cope} =} heat, 
Period. Sole rn 8 oe og S “| 2518 — |Calories 
im op a q BA > A 5 fo | O28 | 3s | at 20° 
q r= o S) : » e = Ha | Ss . 
ei] 2 )/& | 5 |2.8/23| a | #8 | se) 28 
SMO ree] ee EOS eT WS ee Oh estes 
ee is } a iS Os a a Aas la 
Subpentod, 1. og | og | c@ | o¢, | 0@ | Liters. Gm. | Cal. 
6 p. m. to 7.46 p. m (..4}84) 6, 2352) 8.3270] 2.0918)+-0. 004 | 2. 0958) 349.82) 1.0043) 2.25) 0.25 736. 05 
7.46 p.m. to 8.14 p. m--.| 34) 5.9443) 7.6986} 1.7543 .004 | 1.7583 95.18) 1.0045) 2.25) .07 168.03 
8.14 p. m. to 8.34 p.m..| 33) 5.8540) 7.7400} 1.8860 .002 | 1.8880 55.00) 1.0045) 1.25} .02 104. 29 
8.34 p. m. to 8.50 p. m..| 32) 5.8350) 7.9950) 2.1600 . 002 | 2.1620 42.00) 1.0045) 1.00). .01 91.21 
8.50 p. m. to 9.380 p.m.-| 31) 5.8310) 8.2940) 2. 4630 . 002 | 2.4650 86.00) 1. 0044 80} .02 212.90 
9.30 p.m. to 10.14 p. m-} 30) 5.8491) 8.6164) 2.7673 .001 | 2.7683) 77.00) 1.0044 . 75) .02 214. 08 
10.14 p.m. to 10.30 p.m-| 29) 5.9400) 9.2600! 3.3200 .UG1 | 3.3210) 20.00) 1.0042 .70) . O01 66. 69 
10.30 p.m. t0 1.02.a.m_-_} 33) 5.5195) 8.0984) 2.5789)  .002 | 2.5809) 433.00) 1.0047) 1.25) .17 | 1,122.61 
1.02 a.m. to 2.03 a. m..} 29) 5.4640) 9.3260) 3.8620) .001 | 3.8630) 71.00) 1.0043) .70) .02 275. 43 
2.03 a. m. to 4.20 a.m.-| 33) 5.1429) 7.6779] 2.5350 . 002 | 2.5370) 383.00) 1.0048) 1.25) .15 976.18 
4.20 a.m. to 4.42 a.m..| 29) 5.1566) 8.9033) 3.7467 .001 | 3.7477 26. 00) 1.0044 .70| .01 97.86 
442a.m.to6a.m ....| 28) 5.4163/10.0710] 4.6547| .001 | 4.6557) 73.75) 1.0041) .50) .01 344. 76 
4, 410. 09 
Latent heat of water 
NENT) OL epee ste |roy-aste| (Seyret al ayevere cates ellceveiesic etel|iacasiot si araicl li vemictet oul si cote aie sclle emisre biel wlsrseilelaenre 1, 400. 29 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
VICSS Gliese peeisatetacs cla lleetera) staves Sia | ere Se etalle evaicreie | sie sontewieia) lols arse al eto amene Selleck aleealnns |e jee —).11 
Total heat....... PEs ein Piveral nee 2s Sh ae ee ee ee as 5, 805. 27 
Subperiod 2. A aan Reese Rte olan bes | oe 
6 a.m. to 6.30 a.m .-..} 28) 5. 4980/10. 3740) 4.8760 .001 | 4.8770 28. 25) 1.0040 .5 . 004 1388. 31 
6.30 a. m. to 9.08 a. m-.| 33) 5.0255) 7.5598) 2.5343} .002 | 2.53863) 454.75) 1.0049) 1.25) .180} 1,158. 72 
9.08 a. m. to11.22 a. m-| 28) 5.8512/11. 1473) 5.2961} .001 | 5.2971) 114.00) 1.0037) .5 {| .018|} 606.08 
11.22 a. m. to 3.48 p.m.| 33) 5.2212) 7.7381] 2.5169)  .002 | 2.5189} 737.00) 1.0048) 1.25) .290) 1, 864.81 
3.48 p. m. to 5.34 p. m..| 28) 5.7746)10. 3573} 4.5827; .001 | 4.5837} 100.00) 1.00389) .5 | .016) 460.09 
5.34p.m.to6p.m....! 33) 5.3450) 8.1850} 2.8400) .002 | 2.8420! 72.50) 1.0046! 1.25) .029! 206.97 
4, 434. 98 
Latent heat of water 
WADOPs cob cdscadceoesslleedslbasesco boseeed Soceeee Eaaeddec Senoene Peaeerens accesso taas5s| semned 1, 394. 92 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
SESS Clee ee en [ep eee rallies Waevei|e vos alc cyan eee Ibe as lea era a aes +48. 58 
Total heat..-...-- BO GHl eee Mie nee eee eee oh ees eer IR [eerie focceseelecetne|essees 5, 878. 48 
Subperiod 3. fi Re : 
6 p.m. to 8.10 p.m ....| 33) 5.1255] 7.7624) 2. 6369 . 0024) 2.6393) 370.00) 1.0048} 1.50) .18 981. 05 
8.10 p. m. to 10.06 p. m-|} 29) 5.2041] 9.0069} 3. 8028 0008) 3.8036) 154.00) 1.0045 -40) .02 588. 37 
10.06 p. m. to 4.28a.m.| 38) 4.6245) 6.9997} 2.3752)  .0024) 2.3776]1, 145.00; 1.0051) 1.50) .54 | 2,735.70 
4.28 a.m. to4.56a.m..) 29) 4.7686] $.5957| 3.8271 0008] 3.8279) 34.00) 1.0047) .40)...... 130. 76 
4.56a.m.to6a.m....| 28) 5.2547/10, 5573) 5.3026}  .0006) 5.3032} 51.25) 1.0040) .30) .01 272.87 
3 4, 708. 75 
Latent heat of water 
WRYDORs socosceagsouebolloaue|oosacodlloececes|bo5e505| so sodcsallsece=cullanscgo55||G0d0050|lonadcn|lso5cam 1,306. 31 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
VESSEL ss caters oa fisterets'|s es |bAPS sop [ye ce [toc re Ves RR eae seared el ee int Td eel Mar —4,24 
TOU) IOVS Hs Abs Galles eal Meee ane Boeeeeal CHSEeme mmcertar| lacmertre err e set al eset se | lees eters 6, 010. 82 



TABLE XI.— Heat measurements—Continued. 

Ss & Heat pro- 
5 Average peep eratune of water a duced in 
3 : © | absorbers. 
a 2 ; . oa esrees Total 
Period. 5 z 3 9 a 2 5 3 £ 2 |of | a ees 
Lice 5 £ Se 3 o? |gas|2 alories 
bed bo & a }eo is) ES me | of | ss | at 20°. 
3 BSI 5 F 13,8] o3 ss 2§ [eo | Fo 
e | ® | 2 | € |es3|) ee | € | se lee) ss 
ey eI is) a 1S Oe = < AS |s 
PERIOD I—Cont’d. 
SUID EIDE! fe c¢@, | 9c | 9G. | 9G | c@ | Liters. Cm. | Cal. 
6 a.m. to 6.388 a.m ..../28 | 5. 3400/10. 7710) 5.4310) 0.0006) 5.4316] 31. 50)1.0040 | 0.30)....-- 171.78 
6.38 a. m. to 10.18 a. m.|33 | 4.4636) 7.2065) 2.7429) .0024| 2.7453) 537.50)1.0051 | 1.50) 0.26) 1,482. 86 
10.18 a.m. to 12.50 p. m-/28 | 5.33845/11.0705| 5.7360] .0006] 5.7366) 113. 00)1.0039 .30} .01} 650.75 
12.50 p. m. to 3.10 p. m./33 | 4.4911) 7.3181) 2.8220)  .0024] 2.8244} 352.00/1.0051 |; 1.50} .18] 999.08 
3.10 p..m. to 5.10 p. m..|28 | 5. 3383/11. 4453) 6.1070 . 0006) 6.1076) 87. 00)1. 0038 . 30 - 01 583. 37 
5.10 p. m. to 6 p.m ....|383 4.5508) 7.6083) 3.0575 . 0024} 3.0599} 126. 25/1. 0050 1.50 . 06 388. 18 
i Me, f 4, 226. 02 
Latent heat of water 
MDOP: 5 se, sje oy stevsye ese sreea|| ois Sear sal Sets ace ra ore | ere SLU eee ks ay eR | ae | 1, 342. 38 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
Vessel oi.2x = Seve sho ctesll iece sl Gey mie | Seersrs ef eaeleane dese eStart | see Pee | +47. 78 
Total heat....... Siaheesi| coetsl crea all lesa el Soh Seana | rena Se SR cee a Poe cveroa | ee ee 5, 616.18 
PERIOD II. Fe eel eae eR onl = ol a 
Subperiod 1. 
6.00 p. m. to 10.10 p. m./34. 0) 6.0349] 8.3444] 2.3089}  . 0032) 2.3121) 629.50/1.0044 | 2.00) 40} 1,461.47 
10.10 p. m. to 11.18 p. m.|28. 0) 6. 3859/12. 7188} 6.3829}  . 0006) 6.3835] 33. 50/1.00325) .30).....- 214. 54 
11.18 p. m. to 11.40 p. m./28. 5} 5. 9533/13.3800| 7.3767]  .0007) 7.3774)  12.00/1.00325)  .35]...._. 88. 82 
11.40 p. m. to 12.20 a. m.}29. 0} 5.0010}11. 4090] 6.3080]  .0008] 6.3088] 33. 00)1. 0039 -40} .01} 208.99 
12.20 2. m. to 4.13 a. m.|82. 0} 5.0204] 9.3650] 4.3446]  .0024) 4.3470} 392.00/1.0044 | 1.00} 12] 1,711.40 
4.i3 a. m. to 4.34 a. m..|31.5] 4.2200} 7.7180) 3.6980]  .0013) 3.6998] 33. 00/1. 0051 .88} .01] 122.69 
4.34 a.m. to 6.00 a. m..|30.0) 4.4600} 9.4152) 4.9552] 0010) 4.9562) 94. 75/1.00455| .50)/ .02| 471.72 
; 2 4,279, 63 
Latent heat of water 
VAPOR. 2 sel See e532 Geel Soe cale |S oe ezaio eee ene | nse ers |e ae | Seen | eee | eee 1, 166.31 
Correction -for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
Big ci1c1 =) Uae parapet wa Panera Ad) (Ro vod We Pensa Le Pon peel Oa oe Sil ee a eS ll eecocloocoos —1.41 
Total heat as. 3|lo | Sen ees eee San eee crete eae ae 5, 444.58 
Subperiod 2. Sel Sark er | ee enc | 
6.00 a. m. to 7.31 a. m../30.0] 4. 4548] 9.5017] 5.0469} .0010) 5.0479} 100. 00/1. 0046 .50) .02) 507.09 
7.31 a.m. to 10.42 a. m.|29. 0] 5. 0240/11. 3106] 6.2866,  .0008) 6.2874) 140. 00/1. 0040 -40} .02) 883.75 
10.42 a. m. to 11.02 a. m./28. 0) 6. 1640/13. 0360} 6.8720} . 0006) 6.8726 5. 00)1. 0033 Ba icoesce 34. 48 
11.02 a. m. to 11.14 a. m./30. 0} 5. 0933/11. 4133] 6.3200 . 0010) 6.3210} 12. 00)1. 0039 .00|e-cee5 76.15 
11.14 a. m. to 12.14 p. m_/28. 0) 5. 9053/12. 7833] 6.8780]  .0006; 6.8786} 31. 00/1. 0034 480} hese 213. 96 
12.14 p. m. to 12.26 p. m.|29. 0} 5. 4000/11. 5200) 6. 1200 . 0008) 6.1208 12. 00)1. 0038 140) 2 252k 73.73 
12.26 p.m. to 1.20 p. m.|28. 0} 6. 1800/13. 1864) 7.0064]  .0006| 7.0070) 28. 00/1. 0034 .30} .01; 196.85 
1.20 p. m. to 1.32 p.m. .|28. 0} 5.5100/12. 7267] 7.2167) . 0006) 7.2173 6. 00)1. 0035 OO) saseee 43. 46 
1.382 p. m. to 2.52 p..m_../30. 0] 4.8245] 9.6805] 4.8560]  .0010) 4.8570} 96. 00/1. 0044 .50} . .02| 468.30 
2.52 p. m. to 3.34 p. m..|29. 0] 4.7700] 9.1250) 4.3550]  .0008) 4.3558] 52. 00/1. 0046 .40) .01) = 227.53 
3.34 p.m. to 6.00 p. m..|28. 0] 5. 4103/11. 5522) 6.4197]  .0006| 6.4203] 112. 25/1. 0038 - 30 -01) 723. 41 
"| 3, 448. 71 
Latent heat of water 
VD OR eas yee ate nial | as Neopets | ea Er | i cl | 1, 352. 04 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
VieSSCLE Se eee se seae Be eee areas eens Saerian gana Sanceeed acaocallscacedosoce: +12. 27 



PrErRiop II—Cont’d. 
Subperiod 3. 

6.00 p. m. to 7.36 p. m.. 
7.36 p. m. to 9.00 p. m.. 
9.00 p. m. to 9.47 p. m.. 
9.47 p. m. to 11.58 p.m. 
11.58 p. m. to 1.54 a. m. 
1.54 a.m. to 3.50 a. m.. 
_ 3.50 a. m. to 4.48 a. m.. 
4.48 a.m. to 6.00 a. m.. 

Latent heat of water 

Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 

WESSC MB saccict ceccceec = 

Subperiod 4. 
6.00 a. m. to 8.48 a. m.. 
8.48 a. m. to 9.06 a. m.. 
9.06 a.m. to 11.12 a.m.. 
11.12a. m. to 3.16 p. m. 
3.16 p. m. to 3.20 p.m.. 
3.20 p. m. to 6.00 p. m-. 

Latent heat of water 

Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
VIESSCL Se ne cfaisic ccc ene s 


Subperiod 1. 
6.00 p. m. to 6.06 p. m 
6.06 p. m. to 7.45 p. m 
7.45 p.m. to 8.04 p. m.. 
8.04 p. m. to 8.17 p. m 
8.17 p. m. to 8.33 p. m 
8.33 p.m. to 11.15 p. m. 
11.15 p. m. to 1.04 a. m. 
1.04 a. m. to 2.12 a. m.. 
2.12 a. m. to 3.19 a. m.. 
3.19 a. m. to 6.00 a. m.. 

Latent heat of water 

Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
BVESSC) seen m5. <iteaecs a 

Total heat....... 

TABLE XJ.—Heat measurements—Continued. 

ive rate of 




Average temperature of water = 4 eet ae 
current. ‘5% | absorbers. 

5 is s 5 g = 5 Toval 

: n 5 ie ov eat, 

a (eeren lao macro etme Se leceau yearns IE Calories 
bo 8 FA ieee EM | ES f2 | 22 |< | at 20° 
S| S) S | oe hE: ae |/e#o| PSs : 
Q i) o gee HOD 3 ov OD i=} 

Sle Seic|pe Gey alk Stic ance Sah tis nS tea les 

iS o) ALS She a 4 AS |a 

°C. CG: NB! °C. °C. | Liters. Cm. | Cal. 

5. 3020)12. 2480) 6.9460} 0.0006) 6.9466) 73.25 | 1.0037} 0.30} 0.91 510.71 
4.7448) 8.6862) 3.8914 . 0010) 3.8924) 183.25 | 1.0047 . 50 . 02 521.08 
5. 2845/10. 6518) 5. 3673 . 0006} 5.3679) 35.50 | 1.0040 OU lence 191. 32 
5. 6967/12. 0906) 6.3939 . 0005) 6.3944) 76.75 | 1.0036 . 29 .01 492.53 
4.6900} 9.2679) 4.5779 - 0009} 4.5788] 162.75 | 1.0046 .45 . 03 748. 60 
5. 6234/12. 2586) 6. 6352 . 0005) 6.6357) 72.50 | 1.0036 . 25 01 482. 81 
4.2513) 9.8733) 5.6220 0009] 5.6229] 73.00 | 1.0045 - 45 .O1 412.31 
5. 1135)11. 5924, 6. 4789 . 0005; 6.4794) 42.25 ; 1.0039 DDO ase 274. 82 
3, 634.18 
alleersesciats| Seseesticke ase ee oer Sree [eae el | eee esl Hee I acre 1, 338. 75 
FOSS OSBGOGESo BUS Se Se BeSocacal beeen ScocGosF oe em ee costen eaeer! —1.61 
aN SACRE [ESTES IEEE ERT ESR eS I See [ae ne ER 4,971.32 
_——_——_——— | ———| ——— | $e 
5. 1153/12. 3023) 7.1870 0005) 7.1875 100. 00 | 1.0037 425) -O1 721. 40 
5. 1700/13. 3700) 8. 2000 0005) 8.2005} 10.00 | 1.0035 Qo oeaeee 82. 29 
4. 4678/10. 3893) 5.9216 0008) 5. 9224) 134.00 | 1.0043 - 40 . 02 796.99 
5. 7682/11. 9164) 6. 1482 0005| 6.1487) 158.57 | 1.0036 . 20 .01 978. 50 
6. 3400)13. 1200) 6.7800 . 0005} 6.7805 3.43 | 1.0032 22D eRe 23. 33 
5. 7623/10. 8715) 5. 1092 0008) 5.1100) 185.625) 1. 0038 - 40 . 02 952.13 
a 3, 554, 64 
BOSSE ClO ney | CRR Ie eareaes  eneses creates) [Eee SPIN (ERAS Me Pan] eee ee) eer [eee 1, 360. 83 
SSS SELON GOATS RESIS TERT Te (eee | [ee aed IAB ape gNO ES BRE ot Peo k s +28. 69 
Pern iran Rete ale ce en aad es Seen erenG 
7. 2900) 8.3500) 1. 0600 0122) 1.0722) 32.00 | 1.0040) 7.00 .07 34. 38 
7. 2088; 8.3396) 1.1308 0098} 1.1406} 501.00 | 1.0041) 5.60 89 572. 89 
7.1880) 8.6740) 1. 4860 0040) 1.4900) 67.00 | 1.0040) 2.50 . 05 100. 18 
7, 2367| 8.8500} 1.6133 . 0032} 1.6165} 41.00 | 1.0039 2.00 . 03 66. 50 
7. 2950} 9.0900) 1.7950 . 0028} 1.7978) 41.00 | 1.0039) 1.50 . 02 73.98 
7.5588] 9.8495) 2.2907 . 0012} 2.2919} 307.00 | 1.0036 75 allyl 705. 98 
8.0296} 9.5564) 1.5268 . 0086) 1.5354) 522.00 | 1.0035) 4.75 719 803. 49 
7. 2876| 9.7776) 2.4900 . 0012) 2.4912) 123.00 | 1.0037 aD .07 307. 48 
7. 4362)10. 2675) 2.8313 . 0010} 2. 8323) 105.09 | 1.0085 .00 . 02 298. 41 
6.9560} 8.3215) 1.3655) . .0086) 1.3741] 760.50 | 1.0041) 4.75) 1.15) 1,048.14 
See osl SAR a ool AB ar emer n set rl Pe ems oll RAR Sty aa ear te eeie 1,305. 77 
BES ne Bene G Ge ASSES Sor SCcre GESChA AER apie iSeries SCrcaes | eer see +1. 63 
7 BST [ese (ee (SUE ee [EN Lae rae 5, 318. 88 



TaBLeE X1.—Heat measurements—Continued. 


Subperiod 2. 

6.00 a. m. to 7.30 a. 
7.30 a. m. to 7.50 a. 
7.50 a.m. to 7.56 a. 
7.56 a. m. to 8.29 a. 
8.29 a. m. to 8.45 a. m. 
8.45 a. m. to 11.47 a. m. 
11.47 a.m. to 12.44 p.m. 
12.44 p. m. to 3.44 p.m. 
3.44 p. m. to 4.32 p. m.. 
4.32 p. m. to 6.00 p. m.. 



Latent heat of water 

Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 

Total heat 

Subperiod 3. 

6.00 p. 
6.52 p. 
7.34 p. 

m. to 6.52 p.m.. 
m. to 7.34 p. m.. 
m. to 9.23 p.m.. 
9.23 p. m. to 9.31 p.m.. 
9.31 p. m. to 11.11 p.m. 
11.11 p. m. to12.11 a.m. 

12.11 a. m. to 2.83 a. m. 


2.33 a.m. to 3.18 a. m..! 4 

3.18 a.m. to 6.00 a. m.. 

Latent heat of water 

Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 

Subperiod 4. 

6.00 a. 
6.49 a. 
7.09 a. 

m. to 6.49 a. 
m. to 7.09 a. 
m. to 7.26 a. 
7.26 a.m. to 8.40 a. m.. 
8.40 a. m. to 11.17 a. m. 
11.17 a. m. to 11.26a.m. 
11.26 a. m. to 12.03 p.m. 
12.03 p. m. to 2.14 p.m. 
2.14 p. m. to 4.18 p. m.. 
4.18 p. m. to 5.18 p. m.. 
5.18 p. m. to 5.33 p. m.. 


ie Average temperature of water = Heat pro- 

S) current ,; | duced in 

= P © | absorbers 

S : : S 2 elie Total 

e ; ; 5 ) |) eat, 

Ee cate aD 8 | 23 28 = eae 5 & . |Calories 

ke wo | § Sede | oe ES fe | OF | Se | at 20° 

3 S iS) 2g S35 | on ea | ee | Sa | - 

i 3 5p 5D Cue HO SI Oo ox ae 

o Sp = @ thee | 68 3 See 

ee S) Sy 4S Se Seis (Ses |e 

Xe) CXGE 6), OC! °C. + | Liters. Cm. | Cal. 

39. 0) 6.7987) 8.0569) 1.2582) 0.0086) 1.2668) 423.00) 1.0042) 4.75) 0.64) 537.47 
.-/38. 0) 6.7900; 8.0160) 1. 2260 . 0074) 1.23384; 89.17) 1.0042) 4..00 all 110. 33 
.. 38.0) 6.8100) 7.8200) 1.0100) .0074| 1.0174; 24.33) 1.0043) 4.00) .03 24. 83 

31.0) 7.0813) 9. 0450 1. 9637 . 0012) 1.9649} 638.50) 1.0039 3 1a) 02} 125.24 

-|29, 0 7. 4725 10. 8075) 3.3350 . 0008) 3.3358) 18.00) 1.00384 ADs 60. 25 

28.0) 8. 1118/12. 8844) 4.7726 . 0006) 4.7732) 121.00) 1.0028 . 30 -O1) 579.16 

136.0, 7. 9040) 9.7840) 1. 8800 . 0050) 1.8850} 213.00) 1.0035) 3.00 20) 402.71 

29.0) 8. 2912/11. 7806| 3. 4894 . 0008) 3.4902) 225.00) 1.0030 - 40 £08 787.62 — 

136. 0 8. 6617)/10..4258) 1.7641 0050) 1.7691) 169.00} 1.0032) 3.00 .16 299.77 

|38. 0] 9.5914) 8.1668] 1. 4246 .0074| 1.4320) 389.00/ 1.0035) 4.00 49) 558.51 

3, 485. 89 

SOUS rel al ee AS | 1, 444.79 
SRS SE nes ae eengs Sa hecnoe Eaccoon seco tonel beaasccltostocllocopcs +40. 85 

1 el a cccalct| coasts sc eevee ae re (tate a ek | seeps ee | 4,971.53 
38 | 7.8007) 9.2421) 1.4414 . 0074) 1.4488) 230.50) 1.0037) 4.00) .29} 334.89 
29 | 8.2110/11. 6580) 3. 4470 0008) 3.4478} 52.00) 1.0030) .40 .01 179. 81 
38 | 7.6689) 9, 2863) 1.6174 . 0074) 1.6248} 491.50) 1.0037) 4.00) .62) 800.92 
29 | 7.6350/10. 0250) 2. 3900 0008} 2.3908 8.00) 1.0035 40 necase 19.19 
38 | 7.3864) 8.9948) 1. 6084 .0074| 1.6158) 446.00) 1.00388) 4.00 . OF 722. 82 
29 | 7. 7366/11. 1186) 3.3820 0008) 3.3828) 72.00} 1.0083 - 40 .O1; 244.36 
28 | 7.2953) 8.8967) 1.6014 0006) 1.6020} 620.00) 1.00389 .30 . 06 997.05 
29 | 7.6055)11. 0782) 3.4727 0008) 3. 4735 51.50) 1.0033 - 40 -01 179.47 
38 | 7.1295) 8.5090) 1.3795 .0074| 1.3869) 710.00) 1.0041) 4.00 09 988. 65 
4, 467. 16 

Se ere eeperees WE ae (cena ART Re Se tL 1, 255. 33 

sae) ns owats ol cissscec'| Seca ce cllae-cters sai Seeerseralleciectemes sel eee eee EEeeee —5. 98 

BS Saeed Eos Sterene tanecone lscated cepocead sepeson|beoodclessoce 5, 716. 51 

38 | 7.0377) 8.43838) 1.3961 . 0074) 1.4035} 200.00) 1.0041) 4.00 .25| 281.60 
35 | 7.0520) 8.6540) 1. 6020 . 0040; 1. 6060 71.00) 1.0040) 2.50 - 06 114. 42 
33 | 7.0750) 8.9475) 1.8725 . 0024) 1.8749} 43.00) 1.0040) 1.50 . 02 80. 92 
30 | 7.312810. 1811) 2. 8683 . 0010) 2.8693) 117.00) 1.0036 -00 .02} 336.90 
28 | 8.0618)11. 9570) 3.8952 . 0006} 3.8958} 141.00) 1.0030) .30) .01) 550.95 
30 | 8.1450)11. 1350) 2. 9900 . 0010) 2.9910) 15.00) 1.00382) .50)....-- 45.01 
34 | 8.0456/10. 0767) 2.0311 . 0032) 2.0343) 1138.00) 1.0034) 2.00 .07| 280.59 
37 | 7.9770) 9.4718) 1.4948 . 0062) 1.5010 520. 00} 1.00386) 3.50 .58| 782.75 
28 | 8.6094)12. 9810) 4.3716 . 0006) 4.3722) 106.00) 1.0026 .80) .01) 464.65 
31 | 8.8580)11. 2100) 2.3520 . 0012) 2.3532) 113.00) 1.0029 .75| .06) 266.62 
37 ' 8. 9600/10. 4350! 1.4750!  .0062! 1.4812! 61.00! 1.0082! 3.50! .07 90. 57 


Taste XI.—Heat measurements—Continued. 


iS Average temperature of water = ee 1 
® current. “1, | duced in 
= oe absorbers. 
al c a == ——— " aie == Total 
. o : Bn ro} 0 in Tae V5 = heat, 
Period. Sole e Seo 23 = ~3 | 2518 | calories 
He ap a =| BA | of > Me | o2 | ae | at z0° 
= A is) 2 Sy ) ® & ee aa HO | > s a 
«la ie) op o HR HD 3 =a) Oi ree 
® oo = eS | sea] 68 6 Pt oN a 
Re a fe) iS) tS She = 4 AS |aA 
Subperiod 4—Cont’d. o¢. | ec | og | 2G | °C. | Liters. Cm. | Cal. 
5.33 p.m. to 5.47 p.m..| 39} 8.9100)10. 2800} 1.3700} 0.0086) 1.3786) 40.00 1.0032} 4.75} 0.06 55. 26 
5.47 p.m. to 6.00 p.m..| 41) 8. 8267/10. 1467) 1.3200 . 0110; 1.3310) 88.00 1.0032} 6.30 17 110. 66 
5 3, 410. 90 
Latent heat of water 
Vn] DOS = soon eoosceancellec collbsaet cal encers| anccecd cede aecc Sore ass Goeceeos Jeescone|leceesa|losoosc 1, 608. 77 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
VESSC LSE os </cicleec<is-+|s Be SORE NOS) OROR ac BEB BO el Sere rerciey Te oe cecal | ee een eyed ik me atta = +34. 21 
inti Sovesatp ele ol Gs Fea cael geen Re Ie alten ee ER 5, 053. 88 
PERIOD IV. [iesapal easter ea area FE iaiy. osans GARG le ort ae 
Subperiod 1. 
6.00 p. m. to 3.26a.m-..| 47) 5.7973) 7.9033} 2.1060 0196) 2. 1256/2, 365. 50) 1.0046} 10.25} 7.69) 5,048.55 
3.26 a.m. to 3.84a.m..| 47) 5.1750) 7.1050} 1. 9300 0196) 1.9496) 34.00} 1.0050) 10. 25 splall 66. 51 
3.34 a. m. to 3.42a.m..} 42) 5.3200} 7.2800} 1.9600 0122) 1.9722) 29.00) 1.0049] 7.00) .07 57.40 
3.42 a.m. to03.49a.m-..| 36} 5.3900) 7.7150} 2.3250 0050) 2.3300) 29.00) 1.0048) 3.00}.----- 67. 89 
3.49 a. m. to 6.00 a. m. 29) 6. 8769!10. 6672} 3.7903 0008} 3.7911) 157.00) 1.0036 . 40 .02} 597.33 
ae a 5, 832. 68 
Latent heat of water 
WRYDORPs coc0d 6560668. 000H lean DOSES Hl ORs aeseIe reteset ere ee || tetera brant RON Peete ree [near 1, 482. 46 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
WOShEl bees suenenemeee Is Bey | ages eee | See Sel | ey oer sae ere esel lis wie ores lta a tees orale oreiatel eee toee se —8. 96 
Saeralleren meme ce RM omc aa ee tole ee lee ull Ce alae es a ene 7, 306. 18 
Subperiod 2. Sale = 
6.00 a. m. to 6.82 a.m.-| 29} 7. 4588)11. 4025] 3. 9437 0008) 3.9445) 40.00) 1.0032 .40).----- 158. 28 
6.32 a. m. to 7.14 a.M..| 35] 7.0482) 9.7182) 2.6700 . 0040) 2.6740; 123.00) 1.0038) 2.50 -10 330. 05 
7.14 a.m. to 9.57 a.m_.| 37} 7.3239) 9.4312! 2.1073 . 0062) 2.1135) 537.00) 1.0038) 3.50 . 64) 1, 188. 62 10.25a.m-_.| 39) 7.4843] 9.5214) 2.0371 0086) 2.0457) 100.00) 1.0037) 4.75) .15) 205.18 
10.25a.m.to10.52a.m..! 41] 7.5067] 9.4250} 1.9183 0110} 1.9293! 100.00) 1.0037! 6.30 oval 193. 43 
10.52a.m.toll.17a.m..| 44) 7.5248) 9.3471) 1.8228 . 0146) 1.8374) 100.00) 1.0038) 8.25 . 26 184. 18 
11.17 a.m. to 3.28 p.m..| 47} 7.2663] 9.0284] 1.7621 0196) 1. 7817|1, 047.00} 1.0039) 10.25) 3.40) 1, 869. 32 
3.28 p. m. to 3.31 p.m..| 39] 7.1150; 8.8000] 1. 6850 0086; 1. 6936 9.00) 1.0040; 4.75) .O1 15. 29 
3.31 p.m. to 6.00 p.m..| 47] 7.1511) 8. 8424! 1.6913 0196) 1.7109} 621.30} 1.0039) 10.25) 2.02) 1,065.11 
: 3 Sl Patappatel aires | 5, 159. 46 
Latent heat of water 
SVS) Lanner arava yet ineal [ivever ave Sect ca) 2 no cacNts eyes lll x aiavcvavaeilla vera atelarsi| oveleielerasere nyse teres | avers Sell mermelers 2, 243. 98 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
WESSElErtens nawencclcels Sod bCoesos ROT CRABB SSSees Saeeosed Renonse Maes Bsa seal cna ae iaenree +20. 70 
Total heat....... Pern neh aie: HG Sse, a eee we reno | Satee ie ce eormeel Rerinis eae 7,424.14 
Subperiod 3. Pee ats ae Ty Niece tal teas See | ain ae Olle ota 
6.00 p.m. to 9.32 p.m..| 47| 6.5785] 8.4972) 1.9187 0196} 1.9383) 863.00} 1.0042) 10.25} 2.80) 1,676.98 
9.32 p.m to 10.58p.m..| 29) 6.7748/10. 7471) 3.9723 0008) 3.9731; 107.00} 1.0036 .40/ .01| 426.64 
10.58 p.m. to2.22a.m..| 47] 6.6867] 8.7053) 2.0186)  .0196) 2.0382) 806.00) 1.0041) 10.25) 2.62) 1,646.90 
2.22 a.m. to 6.00 a. m..| 29) 7.4237/11.1711| 3.7474) .0008) 3.7482) 258.25) 1.0033) .40) 03} 971.14 

4,721. 66 


TaBLE X1I.—Heat measurements—Continued. 

© Average temperature of water = Heat ee 
© current. aie kegel ah 
= oo absorbers. 
m si < ag 5 a pes 
P oF : ; En i oO a o eat 
Period. rE ap S | 22 28 = 5 | 28] 5 . |Calories 
Ss 2 = Ryo |S es 25 Es fe | 22 | se | at 20° 
= Si 3 2 |e 6] 2s We ee |o5|e3 ; 
2/2 | 2 | |ese| se] 2 | 2 (22) 2" 
ne ei S) a |S Shc) a < Ao la 
PERIOD 1V—Cont’d. 
Subperiod 3—Cont’d. 
Sma: TOD @? sanier COs Xs OG}, Xr °C. | Liters. Cm. | Cal. 
A702) S10) tea socaadenacseee |\Gucs|lacascod|idee=ecolooconsallbococesosesesacllancoconellosoadodlleccodalocsoc= 2, 367. 96 
Correction for heat, 
water, excreta, and 
vyesselisi2.. 25 scshaisscee Bern Peeeeite Seaeeas pasecne loeseerien Sasaaea pace eenalsaascesisascacllaceooc —4, 55 
Total heat’... 52| 525 | sack oreln cee losses |e ere teter sere eee ee | Serie atarete | Store eee | ere | 7, 085. 07 
Subperiod 4. x 5 
6.00 a. m. to6.04 a.m-..} 29) 7. 8200/11. 6200) 3.7900) 0.0008) 3.7908 6.00) 1.00381) 0.40).....- 22. 82 
6.04 a.m. to 11.24a.m..| 47| 6.6855! 8.7685) 2.0830!  .0196) 2. 1026/1, 194.09) 1.0041) 10.25) 3.88) 2,516. 92 
11.24a.m.to2.24p.m.-.| 29) 6.0264)10. 4752) 4. 4488 . 0008) 4.4496; 200.00) 1.0039: .40 04 893. 35 
2.24 p.m. to 6.00 p. m-..| 47) 6.6894] 8.8813) 2.1919 . 0196) 2.2115} 754.50) 1.0041) 10.25) 2.45) 1,672.97 
5, 106. 06 
Latent heat of water 
Val pODsc cere ietcleie-tets BS PSeArAe SRereeo Sseccaa Senccacelesecess ssecaanalliconsaclscopacdiecesco 2, 267.35 
Correction for feed, 
water, excreta, and 
Wesseliici. cance sana BAe Renee Been ets Men maa Seneca eArr ash AAs omer alisccmecallyasscullococas +45. 56 
Total heat ..-..-. Desens Reeerer eStore Rasen sosaterd mrsccacts! ecctacllccccolconcec 7,418. 97 

{BFe 07 




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