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VOLUME   XXXIX,    1928 


PHILIP  P.  CALVERT,  PH.D.,  Editor 
E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR.,  Associate  Ed 


CHARLES  LIEBECK  JOHN  (.'.   Li  i/ 







The  several  numbers  of  the  NEWS  for  1928  were  mailed  at  the  Post 
Office  at  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  as  follows: 

No.  1— January  January  13,  1928 

"  2— February February  3 

'•  3— March  March  2 

"  4-April April  2 

"  5— May  May  3 

"  6— June May  31 

"  7— July July  2 

"  8— October October  8 

"  9 — November November  2 

The  date  of  mailing  the  December,  1928,  number  will  be  announced 
on  the  last  page  of  the  issue  for  January,  1929. 


See  next  page. 

JANUARY,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX  No.  1 



Baerg — Some  Studies  of  a  Trapdoor  Spider  (Araneae:  Aviculariidae).  1 

Knaus— Coleoptera  as  Guests  of  other  Insects  and  Animals 5 

Fulton — The   Habitat  of  Tropidischia  xanthostoma,   (Orthop.  :  Tetti- 

goniidae)      . ,s 

Knull — Two  New  Cerambycidae  (Coleop.) 11 

Miller — A  Case  of  the  Botfly  (Bogeria  buccata)  as  a  Parasite  upon  tlit- 

Common  House  Mouse  (Mus  musculus)  (Dipt.:   Oestridae).  .  13 

Barber — Thomas  Say's  Unrecorded  Journey  in  Mexico 15 

Editorial— The  Labeling  of  Plates 21 


Cockerell — Impressions  of  the  Tring  Museum,  England.  . 

Gold  Mines  of  the  Naturalist  in  Nicaragua 

C.  W.  J.— The  Clark  Collection  of  Lepidoptera 

Sherman — Assembly  of  Ground-Beetles  (Coleop.  :  Carabidae)  .    .  L;4 

Entomological  Literature 

Review — Kingsbury  and  Johannsen's  Histological  Technique.  .    . 

Obituary— Frederick  Leonard  Washburn 

Obituary — Antonio  Berlese 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1103, 

Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,   Associate   Editors;   John   C.    Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J,   A.   G   Rehn,    Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 
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Plate  I. 



VOL.  XXXIX  JANUARY,  1928  No.l 

Some  Studies  of  a  Trapdoor  Spider. ; 
(Araneae:  Aviculariidae). 

Plate  I. 
l'>y   W.   J.   15.\KK<;,    University  of    Arkansas.    Ka\ etie\  ille.   Ark. 

The  trapdoor  spicier,  Pachylomerus  ctinihi-^nriis  Atk.*,  was 
described  by  George  F.  Atkinson,  in  18Su'.  lit-  made  a  very 
careful  study-  of  the  building  of  the  nest,  and  especially  of 
the  trapdoor.  In  addition,  he  made  some  observations  on  the 
feeding  habits  of  the  trapdoor  spider.  Although  this  speck-- 
has so  far  been  recorded  only  from  Xorth  Carolina  and  I>i>- 
trict  of  Columbia,  it  is  probably  quite  common  all  through  the 
southern  states.  In  and  near  Fayetteville,  Arkansas,  it  is  found 
in  considerable  numbers.  The  studies  that  I  have  made  deal 
mainly  with  the  ballooning  habit  of  the  young  and  with  the 
effect  of  the  poison  and  habits  of  defense  of  the  adult  spider-. 

For  about  a  week  in  March  (  from  about  the  15th  to  the 
22nd)  one  can  find  on  the  university  campus,  as  well  as  else- 
where  in  the  neighborhood,  numerous  silken  bands  which  are 
the  trails  laid  down  by  the  young  trapdoor  >pidcr>.  Th> 
silken  bands,  about  two  mm.  in  width,  are  mo>t  ea.silv  seen 
on  the  bark  of  trees.  From  the  base  of  the  tree  the  trail  can 
usually  be  traced  to  the  nest  of  the  mother.  <  >n  the  ground  tin- 
bands  are  not  so  regular  as  on  the.  trees,  having  a  tendency  to 
become  so  thin  in  places  that  they  are  difficult  to  trace.  As  a 
rule,  the  silken  band  at  its  origin  is  fastened  to  the  trap  door 
of  the  mother's  domicile. 

During  the    spring   of    \(>27,    and   the   one    preceding,   about 
thirtv   of   these   trails   were   observed.      Thev    varied    in    length 
on  the  ground  from  ten  feel  to  si.\t\  eight   feet,  with  an  aver, 
of  about  twenty  feet.     The  general  direction  is  almost  al\v. 

tResearch  Paper  No.  56,  Journal   Srrk-s.    I'nivrr-oty  »\    Arkan>a>. 
*l  K'termined    by    Alexander     IVtrunki-vitcli,     Y.ilr     L'nivi-r>ity.     .\cu 
Haven,  Connecticut. 

2  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

a  straight  line  to  the  nearest  tree  of  considerable  size.  A  tree 
less  than  six  inches  in  diameter  is  usually  ignored,  even  if  it 
is  miuch  nearer  than  some  larger  tree.  No  evidence  could  be 
found  indicating  that  the  spiders  prefer  going  in  any  one 

On  the  trees  the  trail  leads  fairly  straight  up  to  a  height 
depending,  it  seems,  largely  on  the  velocity  of  the  wind  at  the 
time  when  the  spiderlings  are  travelling.  Six  trails  examined 
for  this  feature  led  to  heights  varying  from  thirteen  to  thirty 
feet.  One  trail  made  on  a  very  windy  day  faded  out  at  a 
height  of  thirteen  feet  from  the  ground.  As  a  rule  the  trail 
ends  on  a  lateral  limb. 

When  setting  out  on  the  aeronautic  expedition,  the  young 
spiders,  varying  in  number  from  eighty  to  one  hundred  and 
five,  according  to  a  few  counts,  leave  their  maternal  home  be- 
tween nine  o'clock  and  ten  o'clock  A.  M.,  travelling  single 
file,  in  greater  or  smaller  squads,  so  that  the  whole  family  is 
spread  out  over  a  distance  of  four  to  six  feet.  Limited  ob- 
servations indicate  that  they  go  at  a  rate  of  about  twenty 
inches  in  ten  minutes,  and  as  a  rule  reach  the  desired  height 
between  twelve  and  one  o'clock  P.  M.  Having  reached  this 
height,  the  young  spiders  spread  out  over  a  distance  of  about 
three  feet  and  each  one  proceeds  to  spin  out  a  thread  of  silk, 
which  when  having  sufficient  buoyancy  carries  the  spiders 
off  and  out  into  the  world.  I  have  not  actually  seen  the  spiders 
being  wafted  away,  but  the  conclusion  seems  obvious. 

In  only  one  observed  instance  have  the  young  spiders  selected 
a  building  in  order  to  reach  a  higher  altitude.  The  nest  was 
located  near  one  of  the  university  buildings,  and  on  leaving 
the  nest  the  spiders  took  a  direct  course  toward  a  narrow  part 
of  the  stone  foundation  between  two  windows.  Arriving  here 
they  were  apparently  disappointed  and  took  a  course  parallel 
to  the  wall  of  the  building.  After  going  a  short  distance  they 
came  to  the  wall  of  a  projecting  part,  which  must  have  added 
to  already  considerable  confusion,  so  that  instead  of  going  to 
a  tree  quite  near  by  here,  they  went  up  on  the  side  of  the 
building  to  a  height  of  about  eighteen  feet,  whence  they  sailed. 

An   adult    female   trapdoor   spider   when   first   disturbed   or 

xxxix,  '28] 

ENTOM OLOi.; [CAL     X  K\Y S 

annoyed  appears  very  pugnacious.  A  cockroach  held  wiihiii 
reach  of  the  spider  is  promptly  sei/ed  with  tlic  tangs  and  he-Id 
for  several  minutes.  (  )n  being  released  the  cockroach  runs  oil" 
as  if  uninjured. 

A  young  white  rat    (about   six  months  old  )    was  bitten   five 

Upper  figure  — Kaii£  and  sjl.uid  of  adu't  i  .  der. 

Lower  -  ij<ure  — Teeth  a  I  out;  llu-  sidt^-  of  UK-  nn  n>\\  ol  ill"  i  IH-II 

or  six  times.  The  spider  had  no  difficult}-  in  penetrating  the 
skin  on  the  inside  of  the  hind  leg.  While  the  punctures  were 
clearly  visible,  there  was  no  trace  of  any  liquid  having  come 
from  the  fangs.  The  rat  showed  no  symptoms  other  than 
squealing  just  when  it  was  bitten. 

4  KXTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

In  view  of  the  fact  that  the  spider  has  well  developed  glands 
above  the  fangs,  but  apparently  did  not  inject  any  poison 
when  biting,  it  seemed  desirable  to  make  an  injection  of  the 
contents  of  the  glands.  Since  the  glands  are  not  readily  taken 
out,  the  entire  chelicerae  were  removd  and  ground  up  in  one 
c.c.  of  distilled  water.  This  extract,  like  that  made  of  the  glands 
from  the  locally  common  tarantula  (Eurypclma  calif  arnica  Aus- 
serer).  has  a  decided  tendency  to  form  froth.  As  in  the 
previous  test,  the  extract  when  injected  into  the  hind  leg  of  a 
young  white  rat  produced  no  noticeable  effect.  The  rat  did 
not  even  lift  the  leg  immediately  after  the  injection. 

When  trying  the  bite  of  the  trapdoor  spicier  on  myself,  I 
allowed  the  fangs  to  be  inserted  on  the  inside  of  the  third 
finger  and  remain  for  about  a  minute  and  a  half.  Aside  from 
the  two  small  punctures  there  were  no  appreciable  effects. 

While  making  these  poison  tests,  I  learned  with  some  sur- 
prise that  the  pugnacity  which  the  spicier  presents  when  it  is 
first  disturbed  is  of  very  short  duration.  The  spider  rapidly 
becomes  more  and  more  sullen,  so  that  if  it  is  not  induced  to 
bite  at  once,  it  will  refuse  to  do  so.  In  this  sullen  attitude,  the 
spider  soon  becomes  limp  and  behaves  as  if  it  were  about  to 
expire  from  too  rough  handling.  When  put  back  in  the  jar 
containing  its  nest,  it  soon  regains  the  former  vigor  and  when 
disturbed  again  will  appear  prepared  to  fight.  Whether  this 
assumed  debility  has  been  developed  in  an  attempt  to  deceive 
a  predatory  wasp,  or  whether  it  is  a  resignation  of  the  inex- 
orable fate  as  Fabre::  has  suggested,  I  am  not  prepared  to  say. 


1.  ATKINSON,  GEORGE  F.,   1886,  Entomologica  Americana, 
Vol.  II,  p.  133. 

2.  ID.,   1886,.     A  -new  trapdoor  spider.     Amer.  Xat.,  Vol. 
20,  p.  583-593. 

3.  FAURE,  J.  H.     Life  and  love  of  an  insect,  p.   168. 


Upper  left :  Trail  leading  over  the  ground  and  tip  a  tree. 
Upper  right:  Trail,  or  silken  band,  attached  to  trap  door. 
Lower :  Adult  female  trapdoor  spider. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

Coleoptera  as  Guests  of  other  Insects  and  Animals. 

By  W.  KNAUS,  McPherson,   Kansas. 

A  worth-while  hut  only  occasionally  worked  field  for  ener- 
getic collectors  of  Coleoptera,  is  to  he  found  in  a  careful 
examination  of  the  homes  and  hurrows  of  other  inject  ord 
and  in  the  nests  and  hurrows  of  animals.  Herewith  arc  a 
numher  of  examples  illustrating  the  truth  of  the  above  state- 

Hymenoptera,    especially   ants    and    wild    bees    have    ;i>    their 
guests  and  parasites,  various  genera  and  species  nf  Coleoptera. 
The  solitary  wild  hee,  Anthophora  occidentalis  Cresson  ha-  asa 
parasite  in  Central   Kansas,  and  extending  west  and  southv 
into  the  States  of  Colorado,  Oklahoma,  Texas  and   Xew   Mex- 
ico, that  ahnormal   larva-like   Sitarinid,   Lconiiiia   ncomcxicana 
Cockerell.     The  minute  hut  very  active  larva  of  the   /.<  miidni 
fastens  itself  to  a  hair  on  the  leg  of  the  hee  and  i>  carried  into 
the  hurrow  and  the  cell,  where  it  remains,  and   feeds  on   the 
food  stored   for   the   hee   larva,   transforms    into   a   pupa   and 
emerges  as  an  imago  a  week  or  ten  days  he  fore  the  unparasit- 
izecl  hee  pupa  emerges  as  an  imago  and   hegins   to   construct 
and   store   her   cell    for   the  brood   of   next   year;    and   so   the 
process  continues  until  the  hee  colony  is  almost   or  quite  ex 
terminated.     Colonies  of  ^hitliophoni  and   !.<-<>nidiu  have  \>< 
examined  in  McPherson,  Ellsworth  and  Kiowa  Counties,   Kan- 
sas, and  the}-  can  he  found  in  many  of  the  \Ycstern  and  South- 
western  counties   of    the   state.        A    similar   para-it e.    Hnrnia 
minutipennis  Riley.   is  an  unwelcome  guest   of   a  wild   hee  in 
.Missouri.     Another  parasitic  species  is  Tricniuia  . 
nis   Say   in    Massachusetts,   and   still   another    Sitarinid    is    '/';•/- 
cnniiodcs    stiinslntrvi    Hald.    in    Utah.        The    larvae    oi    other 
genera  of   Meloidae  are  also  parasitic  on  grasshoppers 

Many  species  of  Staphylinidae  are  welcome  quests  HI   ants 
A  notable  example  coming  under  my  observation   was  ,,ne  <•! 
the  numerous  genera  and  species  of  the  Myrmedoniini.  a  '. 
micophilous  tribe  of  the  Staphylinidae.    A  sudden  rise  in  June, 
1922,  in  a  small   stream   in   the  eastern   edge   of    Me  1  'her-  m. 

*Presented  at  the  meeting  of  the  Kansas  Acaik-niy  »i    Scii-iu\ 
15,  1927. 

6  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jail.,    '28 

due  to  a  heavy  rain  caused  an  overflow  on  a  small  piece  of  low 
ground,  and  Professor  If.  H.  Nininger,  of  McPherson  Col- 
lege, while  walking  along  the  edge  of  the  overflow  saw  a 
colony  of  small  black  ants  being  drowned  out  of  their  home. 
He  gathered  the  drowning  colony  in  his  handkerchief,  and  took 
them  to  his  office.  While  sorting  them  over  he  noticed  a  few 
very  small  Staphylinids  with  the  ants.  These  he  turned  over 
to  me,  and  1  sent  them  to  Professor  W.  M.  Mann  of  the 
Division  of  Entomology,  U.  S.  National  Museum,  Washington, 
D.  C.,  who  pronounced  them  to  be  Ecitonidia  wheeleri  \Vas- 
mann,  and  the  ants  to  be  EC  it  on  schmitti  Emery.  The  Mc- 
Pherson specimens  of  Ecilonidia  were  the  third  to  be  reported 
to  the  Department.  The  type  locality  was  Austin,  Texas. 
Ecilonidia  whcclcri  closely  mimics  in  appearance  its  Eciton 

Many  species  of  Pselaphidae  are  also  guests  of  ants.  One 
species  of  ants  so  far  as  I  have  observed  entertains  only  one 
species  of  Pselaphid  guests.  Fustiger  knctusi  Sch.  was  taken 
by  the  writer  in  1904-05  in 'the  nests  of  Lasius  americunus,  in 
the  Sacramento  mountains  of  New  Mexico,  at  Cloudcroft,  at 
an  elevation  of  9,000  feet,  in  June.  Another  Pselaphid  taken 
at  Cloudcroft  was  Enplcctus  aconiana  Csy.  These  were  found 
in  the  burrows  of  Scolytids,  under  the  decaying  bark  of  dead 
spruce  logs  and  stumps. 

A  tribe  of  the  Scarabaeidae,  Cremastocheiliini,  has  many 
species  as  the  guests  of  ants.  Those  coming  under  my  notice 
were  Trinodia  setosifrons  Csy.,  Western  Kansas,  on  the 
mounds  of  the  mound-building  prairie  ants,  and  C.  quadrioollis 
Csy.,  a  specimen  of  which  was  taken  early  in  April,  1902,  near 
Waco,  Texas,  also  on  a  mound  of  the  mound-building  ant. 

Coprophagous  Scarabaeidae  frequent  the  burrows  and  nests 
of  various  animals,  and  the  nests  even  of  the  larger  birds. 
The  insect  guests  of  the  Florida  Land  Tortoise  were  collected 
and  described  by  H.  G.  Hubbard  in  1893.  Some  of  the 
Coleoptera  taken  from  the  burrows  of  the  Tortoise  were 
Copris  goplicri,  Onthophagus  polypheml,  Aphodius  troglodytes. 
and  a  species  of  Staphylinid,  PliilontJius  gophcn;  also  a  species 
of  Histerid,  Chelyoxenus  xerobatis. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

The  burrows  and  nests  of  the  Prairie  Dog  should  yield  a 
number  of  genera  and  many  new  species  of  Coleoptera  to  the 
collector  who  will  expend  the  energy  necessary  to  excavate  the 
burrows  and  homes  of  this  little  rodent.  So  far  I  know  of 
but  little  actual  work  having  been  done  in  Kansas,  to  discover  the 
Coleopterous  guests  of  this  widely  distributed  animal.  Last 
June,  Professor  \Y.  J.  Brown  of  the  A.  &  M.  College  al  Still- 
water,  Oklahoma,  visited  the  Miller  Bros.  101  Ranch  in  Noble 
County,  and  using  a  small  hand  trowel  removed  the  soil  an 
inch  iu  depth  from  the  bottom  of  several  burrows  as  far  as 
he  could  reach.  From  the  dirt  so  removed  he  collected  a 
number  of  new  species  of  Coleoptera,  among  them  being  a  line 
large  Onllioplun/its.  two  .-IpJiodius  and  one  or  more  Staphy- 
linidae.  With  such  results  obtained  by  a  few  hours  work 
in  Oklahoma,  southwest  Kansas  Dog  towns  should  prove  an 
attractive  field  for  work  with  satisfactory  returns  in  unde- 
scribed  new  species.  Not  only  do  the  Prairie  Dog  burrows 
hold  promise  of  rich  returns  in  new  species,  but  the  burrows 
and  dens  of  other  and  larger  animals  undoubtedly  shelter  many 
insect  guests. 

Even  the  birds  should  not  be  forgotten  when  looking  lor 
new  or  rare  Coleoptera.  Professor  R.  H.  Beamer,  of  the 
University  of  Kansas,  found  that  handsome  Chrysomelid, 
Gribitrius  montczitma  (Sufrr.)  mating  in  buzzards'  nests  in 
Kiowa  and  Ellsworth  counties,  Kansas,  the  first  half  of  July. 
1923.  and  collected  and  observed  the  transformation  of  the 
pupae  into  the  images  the  following  June  and  July.  This 
species  is  a  leaf  eater  as  a  perfect  insect  but  its  larvae  are 
coprophagous.  1  have  in  my  collection  a  species  of  Tro.v 
taken  from  a  crow's  nest  near  Ottawa,  Kansas,  by  Howard 
K.  Gloyd,  of  Ottawa  University. 

The  successful  collector  of  insects  and  especially  of  Coleop- 
tera should  leave  "no  stone  unturned",  no  vegetation  tin- 
searched,  no  burrow  uninspected,  if  he  desires  to  add  to  his 
collection  the  new  and  rare  species,  and  to  himself  and  others 
some  modicum  of  knowledge  of  the  life  and  habits  nt  the 
insect  world;  some  of  it  so  intricate  and  wonderful,  that  it 
seems  to  have  passed  the  border  line  of  instinct  into  the  realm 
of  reason. 

8  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

The  Habitat  of  Tropidischia  xanthostoma,  Scudder 
(Orthop.:  Tettigoniidae). 

By  B.  B.  FULTON,  Iowa  State  College,  Ames,  Iowa. 
Of  all  the  species  of  western  Orthoptera  which  I  hoped  to 
add  to  my  collection,  while  at  Corvallis,  Oregon,  the  unique 
Tropidischia  .rantJinstotiia  Scudder,  proved  to  he  the  most 
elusive.  The  meager  records  concerning  the  few  specimens 
housed  in  museums  and  the  locality  labels  with  three  specimens 
in  the  Oregon  Agricultural  College  collection  informed  me 
that  it  inhabited  forested  country,  but  that  was  all.  1  wanted 
it  because  it  is  rare  and  because  it  stands  in  a  group  by  itself, 
but  more  than  that  1  wanted  to  find  out  how  such  an  extra- 
ordinary insect  with  such  attenuated  appendages  lived.  From 
its  appearance  I  expected  it  to  have  habits  similar  to  other 
cave  and  camel  crickets  of  the  Rhaphidophorinae.  There  were 
no  caves,  but  loose  bark  and  hollow  trees  were  plenty.  I 
rolled  over  old  logs  by  the  scores  and  hacked  at  loose  bark 

o  j 

until  I  felt  ashamed  for  disfiguring  the  forests — still  no 
Tropidischia.  Smaller  Rhaphidophorinae  I  found  in  animal 
burrows  and  under  stones  and  logs,  but  not  in  the  fir  forest 
where  Tropidischia  had  been  caught.  I  had  almost  come  to 
the  conclusion  that  it  must  inhabit  the  tops  of  these  loftiest  of 
trees  and  supposed  that  the  occasional  specimens  taken  were 
some  that  had  fallen  down.  I  was  contemplating  the  difficul- 
ties of  looking  for  it  in  such  places  when  my  search  came  to 
an  unexpected  end. 

The  Biological  Club  of  the  College  was  holding  its  annual 
spring  field  trip  in  a  delightful  valley  in  the  coast  mountains, 
where  the  old  government  military  trail  crosses  the  headwaters 
of  the  Yaquina  River  by  an  ancient  log  bridge.  We  were 
just  breaking  our  camp  in  the  premature  dusk  of  the  deep 
fir  forest  when  Professor  II.  M.  Wight,  zoologist,  approached 
me  with  something  in  his  hand.  When  I  saw  two  thread-like 
antennae  protruding  between  thumb  and  finger  I  knew  that 
the  thing  I  wanted  had  been  found.  It  had  been  caught  at  the 
edge  of  the  log  bridge.  I  had  never  thought  of  looking  under 
bridges  for  them,  but  now  it  seemed  a  most  likely  place. 

XXXJX,    '28]  EXTO.MOI.OCK  AL     \K\YS 

Armed  with  a  flash  light  and  killing  bottles  we  descended 
onto  the  slippery,  mossy  rocks  tinder  the  bridge  and  looked 
back  into  the  almost  totally  dark  spaces  between  the  great  sup- 
porting logs  where  they  joined  the  bank.  The  first  flash  of 
light  revealed  several  of  the  shadowy  creatures  back  beyond 
reach,  suspended  by  their  fantastically  long  legs  to  the  under- 
side of  the  floor  logs.  Then  we  began  to  sec  other  large  ones 
and  innumerable  little  fellows.  Here  were  more  specimens  of 
this  insect  than  the  museums  of  the  world  contained.  They 
stood  motionless  except  for  their  wig-wagging  antennae.  Some 
of  them  started  moving  toward  the  inaccessible  recesses  so 
we  began  to  catch  those  within  reach. 

They  were  not  difficult  to  catch  for  they  did  not  attempt  to 
jump  unless  the  hand  touched  their  antennae.  They  could 
run  rapidly  and  those  that  started  for  the  far  corners  soon 
escaped.  We  filled  several  killing  bottles  with  the  larger  ones 
which  I  thought  at  the  time  were  adults,  but  which  proved  to 
be  in  the  last  nymphal  instar. 

On  the  following  day.  May  25,  1924,  I  went  out  to  examine 
bridges  over  small  mountain  streams  near  Corvallis.  Tropidi- 
schia  was  found  under  a  low  log  bridge  in  the  fir  forest  and 
under  a  plank  bridge  with  steel  girders  in  a  place  which  was 
formerly  forested  but  now  a  quarter-mile  removed  from  the 
nearest  patch  of  woods.  One  adult  was  captured  under  the 
last.  Bridges  over  the  same  streams  but  located  in  the  open 
valley  plain  and  surrounded  by  prairie  or  oak  woods  did  not 
harbor  the  insects,  even  though  some  had  ideal  dark  retreats 
under  them. 

Since  bridges  are  not  natural  features  I  attempted  to  find 
the  species  beneath  undercut  banks,  under  fallen  trees  and  in 
other  dark  retreats  near  the  water,  but  the  search  revealed 
nothing.  ( )ther  log  bridges  in  the  fir  forest  were  visited. 
Kvery  one  which  had  almost  totallv  dark  spaces  under  it  con- 
tained a  colony  of  these  shadowy  crickets,  always  standing 
about  in  groups,  apparently  with  nothing  to  do. 

I  left  Oregon  two  weeks  after  finding  the  specie-  so  my 
observations  on  it  are  limited,  but  during  the  last  week  I  took 

10  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

time  to  make  a  night  visit  to  one  of  the  bridges  where  I  had 
found  it  before.  As  I  suspected  the  insects  were  night  prowl- 
ers. A  number  of  the  large  nymphs  were  wandering  about 
the  water's  edge.  Another  was  standing  by  a  small  mush- 
room that  had  a  chewed  place  in  the  edge — circumstantial 
evidence  which  I  did  not  have  time  to  verify.  The  light  from 
the  pocket  flash  sent  most  of  the  insects  running  up  the  bank 
to  their  cave  so  I  did  not  learn  much  concerning  their  food 
habits.  If  they  feed  on  fungi  they  are  well  supplied  from 
the  hanging  gardens  under  the  log  bridges.  My  guess  is  that 
they  are  as  omnivorous  as  many  other  darkness-loving  Rhaphi- 

1  collected  two  adult  specimens  before  leaving  Oregon  and 
have  received  a  few  others  from  H.  M.  \Yight  and  T.  M. 
Thompson.  The  adult  stage  is  more  common  in  the  middle 
of  the  summer.  The  college  collection  contained  adults  taken 
in  August  and  September  and  a  half  grown  nymph  taken  in 
November.  The  prevalence  of  both  very  small  and  very  large 
nymphs  at  one  time  indicates  that  there  are  probably  two 
rather  distinct  broods  but  nothing  is  known  about  the  length 
of  the  life  cycle. 

The  living  insects  have  a  dark,  rich,  chocolate-colored  body 
with  a  velvety  appearance.  The  legs  and  head  are  a  lighter, 

Tropidischia  xaniliosionia  Scudder. 

almost  purplish  brown  ;  the  tips  of  the  tibiae  and  tarsi  of  the 
fore  and  middle  legs  are  pale,  somewhat  flesh-colored.  The 
antennae  have  pale  annulations.  The  clypeus  and  mouth  parts 
are  dull  yellowish  ;  palpi  pale  flesh  color  with  brownish  tinged 
areas.  The  most  unique  feature  about  the  insect  is  the  shape 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  11 

of  the  tibiae  which  are  perfectly  square  in  cross  section  and 
each  of  the  four  corners  is  finely  serrated  with  short  spines. 

The  antennae  of  an  adult  male  measured  120  mm.  in  length. 
The  hind  femora  of  the  same  were  30  mm.  long  and  the  tihiae 
37  mm.  It  would  he  possible  for  this  insect  to  extend  itself 
to  a  length  of  eight  inches  from  tips  of  the  antennae  to  the 
hind  tarsal  claws,  while  the  body  itself  even  in  the  living  in- 
sect would  measure  only  about  20  mm.  The  smallest  nymphs 
found  had  bodies  6  mm.  long;  hind  femur  8.5  mm.;  hind 
tibiae  11  mm.,  and  antennae  40  mm. 

The  species  was  described  by  Scudder1  from  one  male  taken 
under  a  large  stone  at  Crescent  City.  California.  In  a  later 
publication  Scudder-  also  records  specimens  from  Mendocino. 
California,  and  Philomath,  <  >regon.  Specimens  listed  by 
CaudelF'  extend  the  known  range  from  Los  Angeles,  Califor- 
nia, to  British  Columbia.  <  >regon  specimens  that  T  have 
examined  besides  those  collected  by  myself  are  from  Mary's 
Peak  and  Philomath  in  the  Coast  Range,  Bohemia  and  Cas- 
cadia  in  the  western  part  of  the  Cascades,  and  Waldport  on 
the  coast.  All  other  localities  mentioned  above  and  all  specific 
localities  listed  by  Caudell  are  on  the  coa>t. 


Scudder,  S.  H.  Proc.  Boston  Soc.  Xat.  Mist.  8:12,  1861. 
2Scudder,  S.  H.  Canad.  Ent.  31 :117,  1899. 
3Caudell,  A.  N.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat  Mus.  4<>:657,  1916. 

Two  New  Cerambycidae  (Coleop.). 

By   J.    N.    KNULL,    Pennsylvania    Bureau    of    Plant    Industry, 

I  larrisburg,  Pa. 
Elaphidion  (Anoplium)  masoni  n.  sp. 

Brunneus  above  and  below,  rather  robust,  head  with  coarsely 
granulate  prominent  eyes,  surface  with  irregular  large  punc- 
tures, crenulate  on  vertex,  moderately  pubescent,  antennae 
when  laid  back  over  dorsal  surface,  reaching  to  apical  fourth 
of  elytra  in  female,  first  joint  stout,  second  small  cylindrical, 
third"  not  quite  as  long  as  fourth  and  fifth  taken  together. 
fourth  to  ninth  inclusive  of  about  equal  length,  tenth  shorter 
than  ninth,  eleventh  longer  than  tenth,  third  to  tenth  joint 

12  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

inclusive  carinate,  antennae  densely  pubescent.  Thorax  wider 
than  long,  widest  in  middle,  surface  irregularly  coarsely  punc- 
tured, punctures  more  numerous  laterally,  a  central  area  smooth, 
dorsal  surface  moderately  pubescent.  Scutellum  triangular, 
with  numerous  punctures.  Elytra  wider  than  widest  portion  of 
thorax,  sides  parallel,  apices  rounded,  surface  irregularly 
coarsely  punctured,  punctures  becoming  light  toward  apex, 
each  puncture  containing  a  long  silky  hair.  Abdomen  with 
ventral  surface  somewhat  smooth,  lightly  punctured,  pubescence 
sparse,  last  ventral  segment  broadly  rounded.  Length  10  mm., 
width  3  mm. 

Type:  9,  labeled  Edgebrook,  Illinois,  June  18,  in  the  col- 
lection of  the  author,  pardtypc:  9  ,  labeled  Edgebrook,  Illinois, 
Aug.  5,  E.  Liljeblad  collector,  in  the  collection  of  the  late 
Mr.  F.  R.  Mason  after  whom  the  species  is  named.  The  author 
is  indebted  to  Prof.  H.  C.  Fall,  who  kindly  compared  the 
specimen  with  the  material  in  his  collection. 

Oberea  delongi  n.  sp. 

Piceous  above  and  below  with  exception  of  head,  ventral 
portion  of  thorax,  scutellum.  last  abdominal  segment,  humeral 
angles  of  elytra  and  legs,  which  are  yellow.  Head  with  dark 
area  on  each  ocular  region,  and  at  apices  of  mandibles,  front 
convex,  a  median  line  extending  from  thorax  to  labrum,  irregu- 
larly finely  punctate  in  front,  coarse  punctures  on  vertex 
intermixed  with  much  finer  punctures,  surface  densely  pube- 
scent, antennae  when  laid  back  over  dorsal  surface,  extending 
beyond  middle  of  elytra  in  female,  slightly  longer  in  male, 
scape  stout,  second  joint  small,  third  longer  than  fourth,  fifth 
shorter  than  fourth,  sixth  to  ninth  inclusive  of  about  equal 
length,  tenth  shorter  than  ninth,  eleventh  shorter  than  tenth. 

Thorax  cylindrical,  widest  in  middle,  constricted  anteriorly 
and  posteriorly,  smooth  callosity  in  center,  one  on  each  side  of 
central  area  and  a  lateral  one  on  each  side  near  base,  surface 
irregularly  coarsely  punctured,  short  appressed  pubescence  in- 
termixed with  long  hairs.  Scutellum  triangular,  densely  finely 
punctured  and  pubescent.  Elytra  wider  than  thorax  at  base, 
sides  nearly  parallel,  dilate  on  apical  fourth,  apices  truncate, 
sutural  costa  raised  on  each  elytron,  surface  coursely  irregularly 
punctured,  lightly  clothed  with  appressed  pubescence,  a  long 
hair  arising  from  each  puncture. 

Abdomen  with  ventral  surface  covered  with  minute  punctures 
which  give  a  somewhat  granulate  appearance,  a  closely  ap- 
pressed hair  arising  from  each  of  these  small  punctures,  larger 


punctures  irregularly  placed  each  containing  a  longer  hair, 
last  ventral  segment  of  female  concave,  strongly  emarginate 
at  tip,  a  median  line  through  center,  dorsal  segment  slightly 
emarginate,  tumid. 

TY/V:  9,  length  10.5  mm,  width  2.5  mm.  The  allotype 
has  the  last  ventral  segment  much  more  concave  with  tip 
slightly  emarginate,  the  last  dorsal  segment  nearly  truncate 
and  slightly  convex.  The  last  ahdominal  segment,  scutellum 
and  vertex  of  head  are  piceous.  The  color  varies  with  the  sex 
in  the  specimens  at  hand. 

T\pc,  allotypc  and  two  paralyses  collected  at  Cedar  Point, 
Ohio,  on  June  21,  1917,  by  Dr.  D.  M.  DeLong,  who  kindly 
presented  the  series  to  the  author.  Pamtypc  collected  at 
Zanesville,  Ohio,  on  June  25,  1924,  by  Dr.  A.  E.  Miller,  who 
kindly  loaned  me  the  specimen.  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  \Y.  S. 
Fisher  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum  for  comparing  the  species 
with  the  Casey  types  and  the  material  in  the  National  Museum. 

A  Case  of  the  Botfly  (Bogeria  buccata)  as  a  Parasite 

upon  the  Common  House  Mouse  (Mus  musculus). 

(Dipt.:  Oestridae). 

By   D.    F.    MILLER,   Ohio    State   University,    Columbus,   Ohio. 

While  many  kinds  of  mammals  and  even  birds  and  reptiles 
are  sometimes  hosts  to  the  Oestridae,  certain  types  of  hosts 
are  rare  and  are  worthy  of  mention  when  found.  Because  of 
their  small  size  and  habits  of  remaining  concealed  during  the 
daytime  mice  are  not  likely  to  be  parasitized  by  botflies  and 
instances  of  its  occurrence  are  seldom  met  with  in  the  litera- 
ture upon  the  subject. 

Brauer  (1864)  tells  of  a  hot  larva  found  by  Professor 
Hering  upon  a  field  mouse,  Ai'icola  a  mil  is  Pallas.  C.  O. 
Waterhouse  (1881)  had  on  display  at  the  meeting  of  the 
Entomological  Society  of  London  three  larvae  of  an  Oestrus 
obtained  from  Mus  musculus  and  sent  to  him  from  Peru. 
Riley  and  Howard  (1893)  mention  two  "warbles"  sent  to  them 
from  California  where  they  had  been  obtained  from  a  parasite 
mouse  Silomvs  calif  oniicus  which  had  been  trapped  on  the 
upper  Temecula  River.  They  recognize  the  larvae  as  L'ulcrcbra 
but  of  unknown  species. 

14  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

While  moving  a  pile  of  lumber  in  an  old  building  on  his 
farm  near  Mantua,  Ohio,  Mr.  D.  B.  Husted  found  a  common 
house  mouse  infested  with  a  hot.  In  regard  to  his  discovery 
he  writes  as  follows :—  "the  mouse  was  found  among  a  pile 
of  hoards  in  an  old  building.  It  was  just  barely  dead,  I  think, 
when  I  picked  it  up.  I  thought  it  had  got  pinched  in  moving 
the  boards  and  as  I  walked  to  the  door  and  threw  it  out,  I 
saw,  as  it  went,  the  button  on  its  groin,  I  recovered  it  and 
mailed  it  the  same  day." 

The  specimens  were  received  by  Professor  R.  C.  Osburn, 
of  Ohio  State  University,  and  turned  over  to  me  for  rearing. 
The  mouse  was  thoroughly  emasculated  by  the  hot  larva  which 
had  left  the  dead  mouse  but  was  itself  still  alive,  active  and 
mature.  There  was  no  indication  of  its  having  attacked  any 
other  part  of  the  mouse.  I  placed  it  upon  a  pot  of  earth 
which  was  covered  with  a  breeding  cage  and  left  upon  a  shelf 
before  my  window.  The  larva  buried  itself  immediately.  This 
was  September  30,  1926.  Pupation  must  have  followed  very 
soon  afterward. 

During  the  fall  and  winter  months  which  followed  it  re- 
mained undisturbed  upon  the  window  shelf  which  was  di- 
rectly over  a  steam  radiator.  This  probably  kept  the  tempera- 
ture slightly  above  that  of  the  room  most  of  the  time.  About 
the  only  attention  it  received  was  a  little  water  at  irregular 
intervals,  sometimes  twice  in  a  week,  sometimes  once  in  two 
weeks.  On  March  4,  1927,  a  well  formed  male  fly  emerged. 
The  fly  Bogcria  Imcaita,  (also  called  Cntcrchra),  and  the  mouse 
Mus  iintsciiliis  are  in  the  possession  of  Mr.  James  S.  Hine 
of  the  ( )hio  State  Archaeological  Museum  to  whom  I  am 
indebted  for  the  identification. 

The  finding  of  the  above  case  brings  a  letter  from  I).  R. 
Beardsley,  of  Geneva,  Ohio,  to  the  effect  that  he— "found  a 
mouse  with  a  'warble'  in  its  flank  well  back  between  its  legs 
on  the  left  side.  I  think  it  was  quite  well  matured.  It  was  a 
small  house  or  barn  mouse.  It  was  in  the  latter  part  of 
October."  He  also  states  that  the  larva  was  of  a  brownish 
color.  Unfortunately,  Mr.  Beardsley  did  not  rear  his  speci- 
men or  preserve  either  the  larva  or  the  mouse. 


Having  reared  large  numbers  of  botflies  from  the  larvae 
it  seems  to  me  that  the  common  idea  that  they  are  difficult 
to  rear  is  a  mistake  and  it  is  to  be  greatly  hoped  that  those 
who  find  them  hereafter  will  either  rear  them  or  send  them 
to  someone  who  is  interested  in  so  doing.  Many  of  the 
references  in  the  literature  are  to  very  doubtfully  classified 
specimens  based  upon  the  larva  alone. 


BRAUER,  FRIEDRICH  M.,  1864,  Verh.  Zool.-Bot.  Wien.,  xiv, 

RILEY  AND  HOWARD,  1893,  Insect  Life,  vol.  vi,  46. 

WATERHOUSE,  C.  O.,  1881,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.,  London,  Sept.  7, 
1881.  ____ 

Thomas  Say's  Unrecorded  Journey  in  Mexico. 

By  H.  S.  BARBER,  Bureau  of  Entomology,  Washington,  D.  C. 

\Yhen  definite  type  localities  are  not  recorded  for  species 
described  long  ago,  it  is  of  the  utmost  importance  that  the 
modern  systematist  understand  what  geographical  sources 
could  have  contributed  material  to  the  describer  up  to  the 
time  of  his  study.  But  it  often  requires  a  long  and  tedious 
search  through  the  records  of  a  pioneer  naturalist  such  as 
Thomas  Say  before  any  clear  idea  can  be  formed  of  the  areas 
from  which  collections  were  available  at  different  times  in  the 
progress  of  his  studies.  If  we  should  now  attempt  to  identify 
the  weevil,  Lymantes  scrobicollis  Schoenherr  1837,  a  species 
long  considered  unrecognizable,  whose  type  locality  is  recorded 
as  "America  borcalis.  A  Dom.  Say  amice  communicatus," 
it  would  be  of  importance  to  know  if  the  faunae  of  Mexico 
City  and  Yera  Cruz  need  to  be  considered  in  addition  to  the 
better  known  collecting  grounds  of  the  sender.  The  numerous 
species  described  by  Say  without  more  definite  locality  than  the 
laconic  "Inhabits  Mexico"  have  been  a  source  of  perplexity 
to  modern  workers,  some  of  whom  have  interpreted  this  locality 
as  New  Mexico,  but,  as  is  shown  below,  there  is  ample  evi- 
dence that  Say  actually  visited  Mexico  City.  It  is  probable 
that  all  of  his  Mexican  forms  were  collected  along  the  old  nu  1 
between  Vera  Cruz,  Jalapa,  Mexico  City  and  Tacuba. 



[Jan.,  '28 

Personal  experience  with  the  honey-storing,  papernest  wasp, 
Ncctarina  nielli fica  (Say)  (see  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  vol.  7, 
1905.  p.  25),  led  the  writer  to  read  Say's  account  of  this  species 
(below  quoted),  so  it  was  quite  a  surprise  to  find  later  that 
no  mention  of  his  journey  to  Mexico  appears  in  the  biographies 
of  this  fine  old  naturalist.  The  "trail  map"  here  shown  is 

drawn  chiefly  from  the  maps  of  the  two  expeditions  of  Major 
Long  in  which  Say  participated,  but  much  additional  informa- 
tion has  been  taken  from  certain  remarks  appended  to  descrip- 
tions of  species. 


In  1829,  Say  described  numerous  flies,  and  in  1831  numer- 
ous weevils  from  Mexico  without  definite  locality.  In  another 
paper,  published  in  December,  1831,  he  several  times  names 
Mexican  species  from  specimens  collected  by  \Villiam  Bennett 
and  presented  to  him  by  Mr.  Maclure.  and  among  these  he 
describes  Cori.ra  mercenaries,  with  comparisons  and  remarks,  in 
the  first  person,  as  follows,  indicating  that  Say  had,  himself, 
been  in  Mexico  City : 

Passing  through  the  market  in  the  city  of  Mexico  I  obtained 
a  few  specimens  from  the  quantity  of  at  least  a  peck,  exposed 
for  sale  by  an  Aztec  woman.  They  are  made  use  of  as  food. 

Commenting  on  a  rove-beetle  (O.rytcins  ntgulosHs)  described 
by  him  in  1834,  he  says :  "I  obtained  three  specimens  of  the 
rugitlosits  in  Mexico." 

Again,  in  a  posthumous  paper  published  in  1837,  in  de- 
scribing two  species  of  stingless  bees  from  Mexico,  he  says  of 
one  : 

My  specimens  are  workers,  and  I  did  not  find  the  nest 
or  ascertain  the  kind  and  importance  of  the  honey  they  make. 

Of  the  other  he  says :  "Of  this  I  obtained  but  a  single 
specimen — ." 

But  even  more  convincing  is  his  account  of  the  honey- 
storing,  papernest  making  wasp  which  he  describes  as  Polistcs 
incllificu,  in  which  he  says: 

Not  being  able  to  find  my  notes  relative  to  this  species,  I  can 
only  state,  that  near  Jalapa,  my  attention  was  attracted  by  a 
group  of  Indians,  who  were  eating  honey  from  a  paper  nest 
which  was  then  so  far  dissected  in  their  repast  that  I  could 
not  ascertain  its  proper  form.  The  honey  had  a  pleasant  taste, 
and  as  far  as  1  could  gather  from  their  gestures,  the  nest  was 
obtained  in  a  tree.  Some  of  the  specimens  above  described 
I  found  crawling  feebly  away  and  others  I  extracted  from  the 
cells  in  a  perfect  state.  [He  then  continues,  still  writing  in  the 
first  person,  with  lengthy  technical  remarks.] 

On  referring  to  his  papers  on  Conchology  a  number  of 
more  convincing  remarks  are  to  be  found,  a  few  of  which  may 
be  quoted  here  : 

18  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

Inhabits  Mexico.  I  obtained  several  specimens  in  a  ditch 
beside  the  road  between  the  capital  and  Tacuba. 

Occurs  in  plenty  a  short  distance  below  Vera  Cruz.  We 
found  them  immediately  behind  the  sand  hillocks  of  the  coast 
....  did  not  see  a  living  specimen. 

We  collected  many  ...  in  the  marshes  near  New  Orleans 
and  on  the  banks  of  the  Carondelet  Canal. 

I  obtained  a  few  single  valves  ....  at  New  Orleans 
during  a  short  sojourn  in  that  city  with  Mr.  Maclure  in 

Discussing  artifacts  from  the  prehistoric  mounds  (Dissemi- 
nator for  June  23,  1831 — not  seen  by  present  writer*)  Say 
says  a  certain 

—implement  which  probably  served  as  a  knife — resembles 
the  obsidian  knives  of  the  ancient  Aztecks,  or  perhaps  of  the 
Tultecks,  of  which  we  found  a  great  many  near  the  Mexican 
city  of  Chalco— 

and  the  Prince  of  Wied,  who  had  visited  Say  at  New  Harmony 
and  from  whose  book  (Travels  in  the  Interior  of  North 
America,  english  translation,  1843,  p.  80.)  the'  last  quotation 
has  been  taken,  further  discusses  these 

Instruments  ....  found  even  now  in  Mexico,  some  of  which 
Mr.  T.  Say  brought  with  him  from  his  journey  to  that  country, 
and  wrote  a  paper  respecting  them. 

In  Lockwood's  narrative  of  the  New  Harmony  Movement 
(Appleton,  1905)  the  presence  of  Say  and  Maclure  at  New 
Harmony  in  1827  is  mentioned  as  well  as  the  latter 's  departure 
for  Mexico  in  1828  leaving  Say  in  charge  of  his  interests  in 
New  Harmony. 

Through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  Wade  his  as  yet  unpublished 
bibliography  of  Thomas  Say  in  "Bibliography  of  Biographies 
of  Entomologists"  has  been  available  to  me,  but  no  mention 
of  Say's  Mexican  journey  has  been  noticed  in  the  articles  cited. 
An  outline  of  his  journey  to  Florida  appears  in  two  letters 
dated  Washington,  Dec.  12,  1817,  and  Philadelphia,  June  10, 
1818  (Ent.  News  1901,  vol.  12,  p.  233-236)  mentioning  his 

*Mr.  B.  E.  Montgomery  has  looked  up  this  publication  in  the  library 
at  New  Harmony  and  finds  this  article  is  anonymous  and  that  the  date 
is  June  25,  1831,  instead  of  June  23.  The  Prince  of  \Yicd  may  have 
had  knowledge  that  it  was  written  by  Say. 

xxxix,  '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  19 

journey  with  Maclure  in  carriage  from  Philadelphia  via  Wash- 
ington to  Charleston,  S.  C.,  where  they  shipped  to  Savannah 
and,  joining  Orel  and  Peale,  proceeded  slowly  by  sloop  to  St. 
John's  River.  The  two-year  trip  with  Long  to  the  Rockies  is 
briefly  narrated  by  Say  in  another  letter  dated  at  Philadelphia, 
Aug.  29,  1821,  (see  Ent.  News  1901,  vol.  12,  p.  314-6),  and 
the  six-month  journey  to  Lake  Winnipeg  with  Long  is  out- 
lined in  another  letter  from  Philadelphia  dated  Xov.  30,  1823, 
(see  Ent.  News  1902,  vol.  13,  p.  39-40).  Perhaps  further 
evidence  of  his  journeys  to  New  Orleans  and  Mexico,  or  else- 
\vhere,  can  be  contributed  by  some  one  who  knows  of  unpub- 
lished letters  from  New  Harmony.  After  a  rather  careful 
search  through  the  numerous  but  fragmentary  accounts  of 
this  very  impressive  character,  the  opinion  voiced  by  Dr.  Dall 
almost  forty  years  ago  in  the  footnote  to  his  appreciative 
account  (Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash.  1888,  vol.  4,  p.  101)  may  well 
be  quoted  :  "A  better  biography  of  Say  is  greatly  needed." 

Postscript,  XoTcinbcr,   1927. 

Since  writing  the  above,  two  very  important  published  state- 
ments of  such  definite  nature  as  to  almost  demand  deletion 
of  the  word  "unrecorded"  from  the  title  of  this  article,  have 
been  found  and  the  writer  is  greatly  indebted  to  Miss  Hazel 
Bartlett  of  the  Library  of  Congress.  "Washington,  and  to  Mr. 
\Vm.  J.  Fox,  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia, 
for  the  references. 

S.  G.  Morton,  in  his  Memoir  of  William  Maclure,  read  in 
1841  and  published  in  Philadelphia  (2nd  edition,  1844,  p.  21) 
wrote  : 

We  accordingly  find  him  [  Maclure  |  in  the  autumn  of  1827 
embarking  for  Mexico  in  company  with  his  friend  Mr.  Say. 
They  passed  the  winter  in  that  delightful  country  ....  and 
on  the  approach  of  summer  they  returned  to  the  l.'nited  States. 

E.  J.  Xolan,  in  his  account  of  the  Philadelphia  Academy  of 
Natural  Sciences  (Founders  Week  .Memorial  Volume,  Phila- 
delphia, 1909,  p.  156)  states: 

The  communistic   experiment   in   which   they   were 
having  proved  a    failure  he    [Say]    accompanied   Mr.    Maclure 

20  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

to  Mexico.  He  remained  there  for  twelve  months  and  was 
then  compelled  by  business  engagements  to  return  to  New 

The  source  of  information  of  either  of  these  statements  is 
not  known. 

From  a  work  of  fiction  (Seth  Way,  A  Romance  of  the  New 
Harmony  Colony,  by  Caroline  Dale  Owen — Houghton  Mifflin 
Co.,  1917)  one  may  better  comprehend  than  from  historical 
memoirs,  the  characters,  ideals  and  inspirations  which  found 
their  expression  in  the  New  Harmony  undertakings.  "In 
character  and  scientific  attainments  the  hero  is  Thomas  Say" 
but  in  the  story  he  (Seth  Way)  appears  to  be  a  wandering  lad 
working  at  New  Harmony  before  the  arrival  of  Say  who  is 
thereafter  rarely  mentioned. 

''The  Communism  of  Thomas  Say"  is  the  subject  of  a  very 
recent  paper  by  Weiss  &  Ziegler  (Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc., 
vol.  35,  pp.  231-239)  but  unfortunately  Coates'  Memoir  of 
Say  was  not  before  them  and  Ord's  statements  which  they 
adopt,  of  Say's  supposed  handicaps  in  education  and  literary 
style  seem  a  matter  of  personal  taste,  inconsistent  with  the 
known  utility  of  Say's  writings.  According  to  this  paper 
(probably  adopted  from  Orel)  Maclure  and  Say  remained  at 
New  Harmony  until  1828  when  the  former  went  to  Mexico 
leaving  his  interests  in  the  latter's  charge  but  this  disagrees 
with  the  above  evidence  that  they  spent  the  winter  of  1827-8 
in  Mexico.  Coates  and  Ord  differ  in  many  points,  the  latter, 
for  instance,  inferring  that  Say  remained  quietly  at  New  Har- 
mony after  his  departure  from  Philadelphia  in  1825,  while  the 
former  describes  Say's  appearance  during  a  visit  to  Philadel- 
phia some  months  before  his  death.  Ord  states  that  as  a  mark 
of  respect  Say  was  subsequently  called  one  of  the  founders  of 
the  Academy  while  Coates  publishes  minutes  of  meetings  show- 
ing Say  to  be  one  of  the  original  group  mentioned  in,  aiid 
signing  the  first  resolution  although  unable  to  attend  the  first 



The  Labeling  of  Plates. 

The  editor  of  the  NEWS  read  with  joy  the  following  passages 
written  by  C.  T.  Hurst,  published  in  Science  for  July  8,  1927, 
page  38: 

Not  very  long  ago  a  very  excellent  paper  of  considerable 
length  and"  illustrated  by  well-drawn  figures  in  a  half  dozen 
or  more  plates  came  to  me.  This  paper  was  a  zoological 
thesis  from  one  of  the  major  universities  of  the  country, 
it  happened  to  be  along  a  line  of  especial  interest  to  the  writer, 
it  was  read  with  care.  But  the  ease  of  reading  and  the  degree 
of  pleasure  and  profit  enjoyed  were  seriously  marred  by  the 
fact  that  the  figures  on  the  various  plates  were  labeled  with 
abbreviations  and  that  one  had  to  turn  to  a  distant  page  to 
find  the  key  to  these  abbreviations.  It  would  have  been  bad 
enough  had  the  key  been  on  the  page  facing  the  plate,  or  at  the 
bottom  of  the  plate  itself.  Often,  to  make  such  a  bad  matter 
worse,  the  terms  were  not  alphabetically  arranged — they  may 
even  be  omitted  by  error  in  some  cases.  Needless  to  say,  a 
study  of  such  plates  involves  a  great  deal  of  time,  patience, 
labor  and  even  temper.  In  many  instances,  unless  such  papers 
are  of  immediate  interest,  they  go  unread  insofar  as  a  careful 
examination  of  the  plates  is  concerned. 

In  the  plates  above  mentioned,  it  was  noticed  that  there 
would  have  been  plenty  of  room  to  spell  the  labels  out  in 
full  directly  on  the  face  of  the  plates,  thus  doing  away  with 
the  necessity  for  a  key,  and  at  the  same  time  effecting-  a  saving 
of  time  and  labor  in  the  ultimate  consumption.  The  artistic 
qualities  of  the  drawings  would  not  suffer  in  the  least  by  such 
a  procedure ;  on  the  other  hand,  accuracy  and  availability 
would  be  greatly  enhanced. 

The  present  system  of  indirect  labeling  of  plates  is  archaic 
and  absolutely  unscientific.  It  should  be  changed  to  a  system 
of  direct  labeling  on  the  figures,  together  with  any  necessary 
explanatory  matter  (not.  a  key)  on  the  page  facing  the  plate. 
Direct  labeling  can  be  easily  carried  out  in  all  cases  except 
possibly  in  those  rare  instances  where  the  details  are  exception- 
ally small  and  numerous.  In  such  cases  the  key  should  face 
the  plate  and  it  should  be  arranged  in  an  alphabetical  fashion. 

Contributors  to  the  NEWS  take  warning! 


22  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 


Dr.  FRANK  E.  BLAISDELL,  of  San  Francisco,  has  retired  from 
his  medical  teaching,  after  27  years  of  continuous  attention  to 
anatomy  and  pathology.  He  is  planning  to  spend  some  months 
in  travel  in  the  East  next  year. 

Prof.  J.  G.  NEEDHAM  wrote  from  Peking,  China,  on  October 
16,  1927:  "I  went  dragonfly  collecting  in  the  valley  beyond  this 
pagoda  [Marble  Pagoda  at  Yii  Ch'iien  Shan]  today.  Only 
Sympctnim  and  Ana.v  still  flying.  Having  an  interesting  time 
over  here.  All  well.  All  peaceful  in  Peking." 

Mr.  SAMUEL  HENSITAW'S  recent  resignation  of  the  director- 
ship of  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  at  Harvard  Uni- 
versity was  referred  to  in  Science  for  November  11,  1927.  He 
was  director  for  fifteen  years;  previous  thereto  he  was  assistant 
entomologist  and  curator  of  insects  for  eighteen  years,  succeed- 
ing Dr.  H.  A.  Hagen,  to  whom  he  was  assistant  for  two  years. 
He  took  charge  of  the  Museum  at  a  very  critical  time  in  its 
history.  During  his  directorship  the  collections  have  greatly 
increased,  especially  in  reptiles,  birds  and  insects.  Entomolo- 
gists gratefully  recall  his  List  of  the  Colcoptcra  of  North 
America  and  Supplements  thereto,  his  lists  of  synopses  of 
genera  of  Coleoptera,  the  first  four  parts  of  the  Bibliography 
of  Economic  Entomology,  his  bibliographies  of  Le  Conte,  Horn 
and  Packard,  his  list  of  the  Hemiptera  described  by  Uhler,  his 
generous  aid  to  various  zoological  and  entomological  undertak- 
ings and  wish  him  many  years  of  health  and  happiness. 

Impressions  of  the  Tring  Museum,  England. 

We  sail  for  India  and  Siam  October  28.  The  other  day  I 
went  to  see  the  Rothschild  Museum  at  Tring  and  was  shown 
over  by  Dr.  Karl  Jordan.  The  beauty  of  the  collections  sur- 
passes anything  you  could  well  imagine  and  the  long  series  of 
all  sorts  of  interesting  Lepidoptera  amazed  me.  All  the  col- 
lections are  well  cared  for  in  a  fine  large  building  in  cabinets 
of  the  latest  and  best  tvpes  and  you  could  not  find  a  more 
delightful  place  to  work.  But,  alas !  they  don't  go  in  for 
Hymenoptera.  I  also  saw  the  vast  collection  of  fleas  and  Dr. 
Jordan's  great  series  of  Anthribidae,  some  of  them  resembling 
Longicorns.  T.  D.  A.  COCKERELL. 

Gold  Mines  of  the  Naturalist  in  Nicaragua. 

Managua,  Nicaragua,  Dec.  2. —  (AP) — Chontales  Mines 
Company,  Ltd.,  owning  gold  mines  in  the  Department  of  Chon- 
tales which  it  has  worked  for  many  years,  to-day  went  into 
voluntary  liquidation. — Philadelphia  Public  Lcdqcr.  Dec.  3, 

We  reached  Pavon,  one  of  the  mines  of  the  Chontales  Com- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  23 

pany,  and  passing  the  Javali  mine  soon  arrived  at  Santo  Do- 
mingo, the  headquarters  of  the  gold-mining  company  whose 
operations  I  had  come  out  to  superintend.  [Feb.  23?,  1868 \ 
....  I  finally  left  the  mines  September  6,  1872,  on  my  way 
to  England. — THOMAS  BELT,  The  Naturalist  in  Xicara</ita,  A 
Narrative  of  a  residence  at  tJic  Gold  Mines  of  Chontalcs  .  .  . 
London,  2nd  edition,  1888,  pp.  60,  385. 

The  Clark  Collection  of  Lepidoptera. 

The  Boston  Society's  collection  of  moths  and  butterflies  has 
been  greatly  enriched  by  the  addition  of  the  collection  of  the 
late  Howard  Lee  Clark,  not  only  in  the  number  of  species  but 
by  large  series  showing  variations.  As  a  member  of  the 
Society  he  took  a  great  interest  in  the  New  England  col- 
lection and  frequently  contributed  new  and  interesting  species. 
It  was  undoubtedly  Mr.  Clark's  personal  concern  in  the  build- 
ing up  of  the  Society's  collection  that  induced  Mrs.  Clark  to 
present  his  valuable  collection  to  the  Society. 

Mr.  Clark  was  born  May  25,  1857,  and  died  November  3, 
1926.  He  was  long  interested  in  the  study  of  the  Lepidoptera, 
some  of  the  specimens  having  been  collected  as  early  as  1884. 
The  greater  part  of  the  collection,  however,  was  made  by  Mr. 
Clark  between  1912  and  1919  on  his  beautiful  place  in  the 
northern  part  of  Bristol,  Rhode  Island,  at  the  mouth  of  War- 
ren River.  He  called  his  place  "North  Farm",  and  here  he  bred 
many  interesting  species  and  studied  their  life  histories.  From 
his  trap  light  he  selected  the  rarer  species  and  only  perfect 
specimens  of  the  common  forms.  These  he  mounted  and  spread 
with  the  greatest  care,  which  accounts  for  the  unusually  large 
number  in  such  perfect  condition. 

The  collection  contains  about  1100  species  represented  by 
over  7200  specimens.  The  largest  group  is  the  family  Noc- 
tuidae,  comprising  586  species  and  4136  specimens.  The  finest 
series  of  these  is  that  of  the  genus  Catocala  (the  beautiful 
"underwings")  with  102  species  and  898  specimens.  Mr.  Clark- 
bred  manv  of  these  and  described  the  life  historv  of  Catocala 
rclicta  (Can.  Entom..  vol.  20.  p.  17-20,  1888).  A  series  of  50 
Catocala  rclicta,  20  C.  cara,  25  C.  cunatn'.r.  30  C.  ultronia.  20 
C.  ilia,  50  C.  gracllis,  20  Allotna  clouymf>ha,  and  24  Enpar- 
tlicnos  nubiHs,  showing  all  gradations  between  the  lighter  and 
darker  forms,  constitutes  a  very  handsome  and  instructive  exhibit. 
Among  manv  rare  species  there  is  a  good  specimen  of  Calocala 
Jicrodias.  There  is  also  a  large  series  of  7. ale  and  other  "sim- 
ilar-winsred  noctuids".  A  Thysania  zcnobia  taken  at  Provi- 
dence, Rhode  Island,  is  the  second  New  England  record  for 
this  southern  species.  Of  the  Geometridae  there  are  246  species 
and  839  specimens,  a  number  of  which  are  new  to  the  collec- 
tion. The  Notodontidae  arc  represented  by  44  species  and  344 

24  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

specimens.  There  are  but  few  Microlepidoptera,  but  among 
these  are  some  interesting  southern  forms,  such  as  the  Pickle 
and  Melon  Moths,  Diophania  iiitidalis  and  D.  hyalinata,  and 
the  beautiful  Attcva  pitnctcHa,  all  taken  in  Rhode  Island.  Of 
the  Arctiidae  or  tiger-moths  there  are  61  species  and  451  speci- 
mens. There  is  an  exceedingly  beautiful  series  of  the  large 
Saturnoidea,  25  species  and  211  specimens.  These  include 
such  moths  as  the  Luna,  Polyphemus,  Cecropia,  lo,  etc.  The 
Sphingidae  or  hawk-moths,  represented  by  42  species  and  242 
specimens,  are  exceptionally  fine,  a  number  of  the  more  south- 
ern species  being  represented.  The  butterflies  number  107 
species  and  624  specimens.  While  the  series  of  the  genus 
Papilio  are  especially  good,  Mr.  Clark  was  not  as  enthusiastic 
over  them  as  he  was  over  the  moths,  and  large  series  showing 
variation  are  wanting. 

With  this  addition  the  Society's  collection  of  New  England 
Microlepidoptera  becomes  almost  complete.  The  large  series 
make  it  a  particularly  valuable  study  collection. 

C.  W.  J.  (in  Bui.  Boston  Soc.  N.  H.,  No.  45,  p.  5-6.) 

Assembly   of   Ground-Beetles    (Coleop. :    Carabidae). 

On  November  6th,  1927,  while  collecting  in  this  locality 
for  Carabidae  with  Mr.  G.  E.  Hudson,  a  student  of  this  Col- 
lege, I  turned  over  a  stone  not  more  than  a  foot  in  diameter, 
and  beneath  it  found  31  Carabids,  representing  six  species 
as  follows  :— 

Dicaelus  elongatus   24  specimens,  about  equal  as  to  sexes. 

Dicaelus  ovalis 2,  both  females. 

Galerita  janus   1  male. 

Chlaenius  laticollis   2. 

Chlaenius  nemoralis   ....  1. 
Chlaenius  aestivus 1. 

No  copulation  or  attempts  thereat  were  in  progress,  nor  was 
there  any  visible  food  or  other  attraction.  It  is  not  uncommon 
to  find  several  specimens  of  Galerita  or  Chlaenius  under  one 
covering  object,  but  I  do  not  remember  ever  to  have  seen  any 
species  of  Dicaelus  thus  congregated,  certainly  not  in  such 
numbers.  Three  of  the  cloixjatus  departed  from  the  normal 
in  having  3  setae  on  right-hand  margin  of  the  thorax  in  front 
of  the  middle  whereas  the  normal  number  is  two.  The  avails 
were  both  typical  with  one  such  seta. 

On  that  day  in  about  2l/2  hours,  we  secured  29  species  of 
Carabidae,  and  yet  lacked  many  which  are  surely  present  at 
this  season. 

FRANKLIN  SHERMAN,  Div.  of  Ent.  and  Zool.,  Clemson  Col- 
lege, South  Carolina, 

List  of  the  Titles  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  Referred  to  by 

Numbers   in    Entomological    Literature 

in  Entomological  News. 

1.  Transactions   of   The   American   Entomological    Society.      Philadelphia. 

2.  Entomologische    Blatter,    red.  v.  H.  Eckstein   etc.      Berlin. 

3.  Annals   of  the   Carnegie  Museum.     Pittsburgh,   Pa. 

4.  Canadian   Entomologist.      London,   Canada. 

5.  Pysche,  A  Journal  of   Entomology.     Boston,   Mass. 

6.  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society.     New  York. 

7.  Annals  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  America.     Columbus,  Ohio. 

8.  Entomologists'   Monthly   Magazine.     London. 

9.  The  Entomologist.     London. 

10.  Proceedings  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington.     Washington,  D.  C. 

11.  Deutsche  entomologische   Zeitschrift.      Berlin. 

12.  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology.     Concord,  N.  H. 

13.  Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology.     Claremont,  Cal. 

14.  Entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Frankfurt    a.  M..    Germany. 

15.  Natural  History,  American   Museum  of  Natural  History.     New  York. 

16.  American  Journal  of   Science.     New  Haven,   Conn. 

17.  Entomologische    Rundschau.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

18.  Internationale   entomologische    Zeitschrift.     Guben,    Germany.^ 

19.  Bulletin  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological   Society.     Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

20.  Societas  entomologica.     Stuttgart,   Germany. 

21.  The  Entomologists'   Record   and  Journal   of   Variation.     London. 

22.  Bulletin  of  Entomological  Research.     London. 

23.  Bollettino    del    Laboratorio     di     Zoologia     generale     e     agraria     della 

R.    Scuola   superiore   d'. \gricultura    in    Portici.     Italy. 

24.  Annales  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

25.  Bulletin   de  la   societe  entomologiqnc  de   France.     Paris. 

26.  Entomologischcr    Anzeiger,    hersg.    .\dolf    Hoffmann.      Wien,    Austria. 

27.  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica.     Geneva,   Italy. 

28.  Ent.    Tidskrift   utgifen   af    Ent.   F<">reningen   i    Stockholm.      Sweden. 

29.  Annual   Report   of   the   Ent.   Society   of   Ontario.     Toronto,    Canada. 

30.  The   Maine   Naturalist.     Thornaston,    Maine. 

31.  Nature.     London. 

32.  Boletim  do  Museu  Nacional  do  Rio  de  Janiero.     Brazil. 

33.  Bull,  et  Annales  de  la  Societe  entomologique  de  Belgique.     Bruxelles. 

34.  Zoologischer  Anzeiger,  hrsg.  v.   E.  Korschelt.     Leipzig. 

35.  The   Annals   of    Applied    Biology.     Cambridge,    England. 

3f).  Transactions   of  the   Entomological   Society   of   London.     England. 

37.  Proceedings   of    the    Hawaiian    Entomological    Society.     Honolulu. 

38.  Bull,  of  the  Southern  California  Academy  of   Sciences.     Los  Angeles, 

39.  The  Florida  Entomologist.     Gainesville,   Fla. 

40.  American    Museum    Novitates.      New   York. 

41.  Mitteilungen  der  schweiz.  cut.  Gesellschaft.     Schaffhausen,  Switzerland. 

42.  The  Journal   of    Experimental   Zoology.      Philadelphia. 

43.  Ohio    Journal   of    Sciences.     Columbia.    Ohio. 

44.  Revista    chilena    de    historia    natural.     Valparaiso.    Chile. 

45.  Zeitschrift    fur    wisseiischaftliche    fnsektenbiologie.      IVrlin. 

46.  Zeitschrift  fiir  Morphologic  und   nkologie  der  Ti         ^Berlin. 

47.  Journal   of   Agricultural   Research.      Washington.    I).    C. 

48.  Wiener  cntomologisrhe   Zeitung.     Wit  n,    Austria. 

49.  Entomologische   Mitteilungen.     Berlin. 

50.  Proceedings   of   the   V.    S.    Xational    Museum.     Washington,    D.   C. 

51.  Notulae  entomologicae,  ed.  Soc.  ent.  helsingfors.     Helsingfors,   Finland. 

52.  Archiv   fiir   Naturgeschichtc,   hrsg.  v.  E.  Strand.     Berlin. 

53.  Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical   Science.     London. 

54.  Annales  de  Parasitologie  Humaine  et  Comparee.     Paris. 

55.  Pan-Pacific   Entomologist.     San    Francisco,   Cal. 

56.  "Konowia".     Zeit.    fur    systematische    Insektenkunde.      Wien,    Austria. 

57.  La  Feuille  des   Naturalistes.     Paris. 

58.  Entomologische  Berichten.    Nederlanclsche  ent.  Ver.     Amsterdam. 

59.  Encyclopedic  entomologique,  ed.  P.  Lechevalier.     Paris. 

60.  Stettiner   entomologische   Zeitung.     Stettin,    Germany. 

61.  Proceedings  of   the   California   Academy  of   Sciences.     San   Francisco. 

62.  Bulletin  of   the   American   Museum  of   Natural   History.     New  York. 

63.  Deutsche  entomologische  Zeitschrift   "Iris".     Berlin. 

64.  Zeitschrift   des   osterr.   entomologen-Vereines.     Wien. 

65.  Zeitschrift  fur  angewandte  Entomologie,  hrsg.   K.   Escherich.     Berlin. 

66.  P-enort  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Meeting.     Pusa.  India. 

67.  University  of  California  Publications,  Entomology.     Berkeley,  Cal. 

68.  Science.     New  York. 

69.  Comptes  rendus  hebdoma.  des  seances  de  1'Academie  des  sciences.  Paris. 

70.  Entomologica  Americana,  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn. 

71.  Novitatcs  Zoologicae.     Tring,   England. 

72.  Revue  russe  d'Entomologie.     Leningrad,  USSR. 

73.  Quarterly  Review  of   Biology.     Baltimore,   Maryland. 

74.  Sbornik  entomolog.  narodniho  musea  v  Praze.    Prague,  Czechoslavokia. 

75.  Annals  and   Magazine  of   Natural   History.     London. 

76.  The    Scientific    Monthly.     New    York. 

77.  Comptes  rendus  heb.  des  seances  et  memo,  de  la  soc.  de  biologic.  Paris. 

78.  Bulletin   Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.     Paris. 

79.  Koleopterologische  Rundschau.     Wien. 

HO.  Lepidopterologische   Rundschau,   hrsg.   Adolf   Hoffmann.     Wien. 

81.  Folia  myrmecol.  et  termitol.  hrs<r.  Anton  Krausse.     Bemau  bei  Berlin. 

82.  Bulletin,  Division  of  the  Natural  History  Survey.     Urbana,  Illinois. 

83.  Arkiv   for   ^oolojde,   K.   Svenska   Vetenskapsakademien    i.      Stockholm. 

84.  Ecology.     Brooklyn. 

85.  Genetics.     Princeton,   New  Jersey. 

86.  Zoologica,  New  York  Zoological  Society.     New  York. 

87.  Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungs  mechanik  der  Organ.,  hrsg.  v.  Roux.     Leipzig. 

88.  Die  Naturwissenschaften,  hrsg.  A.  Berliner.     Berlin. 

P9.  Zoologische   Jahrbiicher,    hrsg.  v.  Spengel.     Jena,    Germany. 

90.  The  American  Naturalist.     Garrison-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

91.  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences.     Washington,  D.  C. 

92.  Biological  Bulletin.     Wood's  Hole,  Massachusetts. 

93.  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London.     England. 

94.  Zeitschrift   fiir  wissmsrhaftlicbe  Zoolocne.     Leipzig. 

95.  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soc.  of  Washington,    Washington,  D.  C. 

96.  La  Cellule.     Lierre,  Belgium. 

97.  Biologisches    Zentralblatt.     Leipzig. 

98.  Le   Naturaliste  Canadien.     Cap  Rouge,   Chicputimi,  Quebec. 

99.  Melanges  exotico-entomologiques,  Par  Maurice  Pic.     Moulins,  France. 

xxxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  25 

Entomological    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  inserts, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  I  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  KJc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of  volume 
(in  bold  face),  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &••.  within  (  ),  follows; 
then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, "Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

?Jf*Xotc  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Blair,  K.  G. — Insect  remains  from  oil  sand 
in  Trinidad.  [36]  75:  137-142.  Cain,  B.  C.— Interesting 
hoy  scouts  in  Entomology  [12]  20:  679-681.  Crampton, 
G.  C. — Eugereon  and  the  ancestry  of  the  Hemiptera, 
Psocids  and  Hymenoptera.  [19]  22:  1-13.  Giglio-Tos, 
E.— Obituary  and  bibliography.  [34]  5:  35-37,  ill. 
Hardy,  G.  A. — Report  on  a  collecting  trip  to  Garibaldi 
Park.  15.  C.  [Rep.  Prov.  Mus.  X.  H..  M.  C.]  1926:  15-32, 
ill.  Heikertinger,  F. — Mimikry.  Schutzfarbung  und  sons- 
tige  Trachtanpassungen  bei  Insekten.  [45]  22:  212-218, 
cont.  Holdhaus,  K. — Die  geographische  Verbreitung  der 
Insekten  (Fortz.).  [Schroder:  Handb.  d.  Ent..]  2:  771- 
914.  Howard,  L.  O. — The  parasite  element  of  natural 
control  of  injurious  insects  and  its  control  by  man.  [Smith. 
Rep.]  1926:  411-420.  Ives,  J.  D.— Cave  fauna  with 
especial  reference  to  ecological  factors.  [J.  El.  Mitchel 
Soc.]  43:  84-90.  Lutz,  F.  E.— Wind  and  the  direction  of 
insect  flight.  [40]  No.  291  :  4  pp.  ill.  Peairs,  L.  M.- 
Soine  phases  of  the  relation  of  temperature  to  the  develop- 
ment of  insects.  [Abs.  of  Theses.  I'liiv.  Chicago]  (Sci 
Ser.)  3:  309-313.  Richards,  O.  W.— Sexual  selection  and 
allied  problems  in  the  insects.  [I'.iol.  Rev.  Cambr..  Engl.] 
2:  298-364,  ill.  Riischkamp,  F.— Systematik  und  Stam- 
mesgeschichte.  [49|  16:  420-422.'  Smith,  H.  S.— Cali- 
fornia's interest  in  the  insects  of  Australia  and  New  Zeal- 
and. [55]  4:  36-37.  Verity,  R. — On  the  use  of  names 
in  the  study  of  Variation.  [21]  39:  144-147.  Weiss  & 

26  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

Ziegler. — The  communism  of  Thomas  Say.  [6]  35 : 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Bridges,  C.   B.- 

Constriction  in  the  chromosomes  of  D.  melanogaster.  [97l] 
47:  600-603,  ill.  Katsuki,  K.— Untersuchungen  iiber 
erblichen  Gynandromorphismus  und  somatische  Mosaikbild- 
imgen  bei  Bombyx  mori.  [89]  44  (Allg.  Zool.)  :  1-84.  ill. 
King,  R.  L. — Origin  and  description  of  bristles  in  D.  mel- 
anogaster. [92]"  53:  465-468.  Pauli,  M.  E.— Die  Ent- 
wicklung  geschniirter  und  centrifugierter  Eier  von  Calli- 
phora  erythrocephala  und  Musca  domestica.  [94]  129 : 
483-540,  ill.  Townsend,  C.  H.  T.— On  the  Cephenemyia 
mechanism  and  the  daylight-day  circuit  of  the  earth  by 
flight.  [6]  35:  245-252.  Wettinger,  O.— Das  circula- 
tionssystem  der  Tipulidenlarven  mit  besonderer  Rerucksich- 
tigung  von  Tipula  selene.  [94]  129:  453-482,  ill. 

on  the  mite  Pediculoides  ventricosus  Newport.  [5]  34: 
157-163.  1  fig. 


rrous. — New  Thysanoptera  from  Florida.  [39]  11:  26. 
"Byers,  C.  F. — Key  to  the  North  American  species  of  Enal- 
laema.  with  a  description  of  a  new  species.  [1]  53:  249- 
260.  3  fig.  Crampton,  G.  C. —  (See  under  General).  Light, 
S.  F. — A  new  and  more  exact  method  of  expressing  import- 
ant snecific  characters  of  Termites.  [67]  4:  75-88,  ill. 
"Moulton,  D. — Four  new  California  Thysanoptera  with 
rotes  on  two  other  species.  [55]  4:  30-35.  *Moulton, 
D. — Thysanoptera,  new  species  and  notes.  [19]  22:  181- 
201,  ill.  Needbam  and  Brouahton. — The  venation  of  the 
Libellulinae.  [1]  53:  157-190.  4  fig.  -Watson,  J.  R.- 
The  Thysanopteron  fauna  of  the  Indian  Pipe.  [39]  11: 

ORTHOPTERA.— Britton,  W.— The  grasshopper  plague 
of  1866  in   Kansas.      [Sci.  Month.]      1927:     540-545.     Had- 
den,  F.   C. — A   list   of   insects  eaten   by   the   Mantis.      [37] 
6:     385-386.       Kingston,    R.   W.   G.— The   liquid-squirting 
habit  of  oriental  grasshoppers.      [36]     75  (T)  :  65-68.     1  pi. 
Lutz,  F.  E. — A  much-abused  but  still  cheerful  cricket.     [6] 
35  :     307-308.     :;:Rehn,  J.  A.  G. — On  new  and  certain  prev- 
iously-known   American    genera    of    the    Acridinae,    with 
specific  comments  and  descriptions.      [1]      53:     213-240.     1 
pi.    1  map. 

HEMIPTERA.— -Ball,  E.  D.— The  genus  Clastoptera  in 
the  Americas  south  of  the  United  States.     [19]     22:     222- 


225.  Carter,  W. —  Extensions  of  the  known  range  of  Eutet- 
tix  tenellus  1  laker  and  curly-top  of  sugar  beets.  [12]  20: 
714-717.  Crampton,  G.  C. —  (See  under  General.)  Hunger- 
ford,  H.  B. — Arctocorixa  atopodonta,  new  name  for  Arcto- 
corixa  clubia  Abbott.  [19]  22:  35.  -Hussey,  R.  F.— On 
some  American  Pyrrhocoridae.  (S)  [1('J  22:  227-235, 
ill.  Johnston,  H.  G. — Ivsperanza  texana  Barber  found  in 
Louisiana.  ( Coreidae).  1 19J  22:  221.  -Knight,  H.  H. 
—A  new  Semium  from  Arizona  and  Colorado.  (Miridae). 
[19]  22:  26-27.  "Lallemand,  V. — Descriptions  de  Cer- 
copides  nouveaux  provenant  de  la  collection  du  British 
Museum.  [36]  75:  99-118.  Painter,  R.  H.— Some  notes 
on  the  oviposition  habits  of  the  tarnished  plant  bug,  Lygus 
pratensis  Linn,  with  a  list  of  host  plants.  [29]  1926: 
44-46.  2  fig.  Stepanek,  O. — Beitrage  zur  heteropterolo- 
gischen  Teratologie.  [45]  22:  198-203,  ill.  Van  Duzee, 
E.  P. — On  the  standing  of  genus  Tibicen  Latr.  [55]  4:  47. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Riley,  N.  D.— The  Oberthiir  collec- 
tion. [9]  60:  136-138.  '  Riley,  N.  D.— Exit  Huebner's 
"Tentamen".  [9]  60:  260.  Roth,  H.— Schmetterling- 
spreise.  [17]  44:  31.  Rudolfs,  W. — Studies  on  chemical 
changes  during  the  life  cycle  of  the  tent  caterpillar  (Mala- 
cosoma  americana  Fab.).  [6]  35:  219-229,  ill.  Rummel, 
C. — Notes  on  aberrations  of  Xew  Jersey  butterflies.  [19] 
22:  15,  ill.,  cont.  Seitz,  A. — Das  system  der  Schmetter- 
linge.  III.  Die  Danaiden.  [17]"  44:  32,  35-36,  cont. 
Seitz,  A.— Itatiaya.  [17]  44:  29-31,  33-35,  cont.  Phil- 
pott,  A. — The  male  genitalia  of  the  llepialidae.  [36]  75 
(1):  35-41.  3  pi.  Provancher  et  Huard. — Faune  entomol- 
ogique  de  la  Province  de  Quebec.  Argynnis.  [Xat.  Can.] 
54:  113-118,  cont.  -Williams,  R.  C.— Studies  in  the  Neo- 
tropical Ilesperioidea.  Paper  2.  [1]  53:  261-2'>2.  2  col. 
1)1.  34  fig.  Miiller  &  Schuster  von  Forstner. — Die  Kerb- 
tierwelt  der  Insel  Seymour.  Xetie  entomologische  Erfor- 
schung  der  Galapagosinseln  (lurch  Ileebe.  Spinngewebe 
als  vogelnetze?  |2()|  42:  21-24.  ill.  Myers,  M.  A.- 
<  >bservations  on  the  habits  and  life  history  of  the  moth, 
Lophoptilus  eloisella.  [6]  35:  241-244.  Nakahara,  W.- 
Remarks  on  genitalic  characters  of  some  1'apilios  of  the 
machaon-group.  |1(>|  22:  220.  Johnson,  C.  W.-  Notes 
on  the  present  distribution  of  two  introduced  moths.  |5| 
34:  176-177.  Learned,  E.  T.— A  study  of  the  male  ab- 
dominal appendages  of  the  \ais-gnmp  of  Apantesi^ 
\\"alker.  (Arctiidae).  |5|  34:  135-145.  2  pi.  LeCerf, 
F- — Sur  la  validite  de  certains  termes  g'eneriques  attribues 

28  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

a  Linne.  [59]  (B),  Lep.  2:  153-167.  Hudson  &  Wood. 
—Some  preliminary  observation  on  the  life  history  of  the 
armyworm  Cirphis  unipuncta.  [29]  1926 :  22-24.  Engle- 
hardt,  G.  P. — A  collection  of  inflated  caterpillars.  [19] 
22:  212.  Eltringham,  H.— On  the  brush  organs  in  the 
Xocttiid  moth  Laphygma  frugiperda.  [36]  75 :  143-146, 
ill.  Dohanian,  S.  M.— Preliminary  experiments  for  the 
control  of  certain  European  vine-moths  by  fumigating  with 
cyanogas  calcium  cyanide.  [5]  34:  146-156.  *Dyai\  H. 
G. — Ten  new  Lepidoptera  from  Mexico,  [:o]  4:  7-10. 
1927.  Ball,  F.  J. — Practical  Hints  for  the  Examination  of 
the  Androconia.  [9]  60:  125-126.  Barnes  and  Benjamin. 
—On  the  identity  of  the  Asthena  lucata  Gn.  (Geometridae). 
[55]  4:6.  Barnes  and  Benjamin. — On  the  identity  of  Choer- 
odes  incurvata  Gn.  [55]  4:  10.  Barnes  and  Benjamin. 
— On  the  identity  of  Acidalia  balistaria  Gn.  [55]  4:  17. 
Barnes  and  Benjamin. — On  the  placement  of  "Ogdoconta" 
carnecla  Sm.  [55]  4:  18.  Barnes  and  Benjamin. — On 
the  identity  of  Micra  recta  Gn.  [55]  4:  39.  -Barnes 
and  Benjamin.— Notes  on  two  speties  of  the  genus  Olene. 
(Liparidae).  [19]  22:  226.  Barnes  and  Benjamin.- 
New  Phalaenidae.  [55]  4:  4-6.  Barnes  and  Benjamin. 
—Synonymic  notes.  (Phalaenidae).  [5o]  4:  1-3. 
*Be'll,  E.  L. — Description  of  a  new  Thorybes.  (Hes- 
periidae).  [19]  22:  217-218.  -Bell,  E.  L.— Description 
of  a  new  Amblyscirtes  from  Texas.  (Hesperiidae).  [19] 
22:  203-204.  -Bell,  E.  L. — Description  of  a  new  species  of 
Erynnis  (Thanaos  Auct.).  [6]  35:  261-263.  Clark,  A. 
H.— Fragrant  butterflies.  [Smith.  Rep.]  1926:  421-446, 
ill.  Cockayne,  E.  A. — Extra  wings  in  Lepidoptera.  [36] 
75:  163-176.  2  pi.  Crumb,  S.  E.— The  army  worms  (Key 
to  larvae).  [19]  22:  41-55,  ill. 

DIPTERA. — Aldrich,  J.  M. — Notes  on  muscoid  syn- 
onymy. [19]  22":  18-25.  -Alexander,  C.  P.— Uncle- 
scribed  crane-flies  from  the  Holarctic  region  in  the  U.  S. 
National  Museum.  [50]  72,  Art.  2;  17  pp.  ill.  Alexander, 
C.  P. — Undescribed  species  of  the  genus  Limnophila  from 
eastern  North  America.  (Tipulidae).  [1(']  22  :  56-64.  ill. 
-Alexander,  C.  P. — Records  and  descriptions  of  Neotropical 
crane-flies  (S).  [6]  35:  265-27S.  -Borgmeier,  T.— Kinc 
neue  ecitophile  Phoridengattung  ans  Krusilien.  [49]  16: 
411-414,  ill.  Cole,  F.  R.— Note  on  Western  bulb  flies.  [55] 
4-  29  da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Sur  la  respiration  des  larves 
d'Anopheles  albimanus.  [77]  97:  K»2-1093.  -Curran, 
C.  H. — A  new  tachinid  parasitic  on  armyworms  in  Mexico. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  29 

[37]  6:  497-498.  Hoffman,  W.  A.— A  container  for  field 
collection  of  mosquito  larvae.  [68]  65:  485,  ill.  Jordan, 
D.  S. — The  mosquito  fish  (Gambusia)  and  its  relation  to 
malaria.  [Smith.  Rep.]  1926:  361-368,  ill.  Learned,  E. 
T. — Note  on  leaf-oviposition  of  Zenillia  futilis  (Tachin- 
idae).  [19]  22:  219.  Mitchener,  A.  V.— The  current 
fruit  fly,  Epochra  canadensis  Loew,  in  Manitoba.  (Trypet- 
idae).  [29]  1926:  38-41,  ill.  Sinton  &  Covell.— The  re- 
lation of  the  morphology  of  the  buccal  cavity  to  the  classi- 
fication of  anopheline  mosquitoes.  [Indian  Jour.  Med. 
Res.]  15:  301-308,  ill.  Speed,  R.  J.— Notes  on  the  biology 
and  immature  stages  of  Geranomyia.  [39]  11:  17-26. 
7  fig.  Swezey,  O.  H. — Notes  on  the  Mexican  Tachinid, 
Archytas  cirphis  Curran,  introduced  into  Hawaii  as  an 
armyworm  parasite.  [37]  6:  499-503.  Thorpe,  W.  H.— 
The  larvae  and  pupae  of  the  genus  Hyperechia  (Asilidae). 
[36]  75:  177-185,  ill.  Wright,  W.  R.— On  the. effects  of 
exposure  to  raised  temperatures  upon  the  larvae  of  certain 
British  mosquitoes.  [22]  18:  91-94. 

COLEOPTERA.— Benedict,  W.— Two  interesting  beetles 
from    Carlsbad    Cavern.      [55]      4:      44-46.     Boucomont   et 
Gillet. — Scarabaeidae :    Coprinae.     II,   Termotraginae.     In: 
Coleopterorum   Catalogus  Part  90 :     103-264.     Brannon,  C. 
H. — Life  history  of  the  plum  curculio  (Conotrachelus  nenu- 
phar).     [J.  Elisha  Mit.  Soc.]     43:     79-83,  ill.     -Buchanan, 
L.   L. — A  short  review   of   Notaris    (Curculionidae).      [19] 
22  :     36-39,  ill.     :::Chapin,  E. — The  North  American  species 
of  Ptilodactyla.     [1]     53:    241-247  1  pi.     Csiki,  E.—Carab- 
idae :     Carabinae.     1.     In:    Coleopterorum   Catalogus   Part 
91  :      1-313.     Darlington,   P.   J.,  Jr. — Helophorus  aquaticus 
L.    in   America.      [5]      34:      174-175.     Englehardt,    G.   P.- 
Popillia  japonica  in   Long  Island.      [19]      22:     218.     *Fall, 
H.  C.— New  Lampyridae.     [19]     22:     208-211.     Hardy,  G. 
A. — Buprestidae  of  Vancouver   Island.      [Rep.   Prov.   Mus. 
N.  II.,  B.  C.]      1926:     32-37,  ill.     Hatch,  M.  H.— Notes  on 
the  biology  of   Dineutus.      (Gyrinidae).      [19]      22:     27-28. 
:;:Grouvelle,   A. — Contribution    a    1'etude    des    Notiophygus. 
(S).  [59]    (B.I)  2:  97-147.     Hatch,  H.— A  systematic  mdex 
to  the  keys  for  the  determination  of  the  Nearctic  Coleop- 
tera.  [6]  35:  279-306.    Hatch,  M.  H.— Note  on  the  varieties 
of  Crioceris  asparagi  L.   [19]   22:  211.     Hutchings,  C.  B.- 
A  -study   of   Balaninus   obtusus    Hlanchard  :   or,    a    life    his- 
tory in'a  Hazel  nutshell.   [29{   1926:  9-12,  ill.'  Kleine,  R.- 
Brenthidae.   In:   Coleopterorum   Catalogus   Part  8()    :    1-94. 
*Pic,  M.— Coleopteres  du  globe.  [99]  50:  36  pp.     Salt,  G.- 

30  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jan.,  '28 

Notes  on  the  Strepsiptera  and  their  hymenopterons  hosts. 
|  5]  34:  182-192.  *Schaeffer,  C.— On  a  few  new  and  known 
Melolonthine  Scarabaeidae.  [19]  22:  213-216.  *Van  Dyke, 
C. — New  species  of  North  American  Rhynchophora.  [55J  4: 
11-17.  *Wolcott,  A.  B. — Descriptions  of  a  new  genus  and 
four  new  species  of  American  Cleridae.  [Col.  Cont.]  1: 
105-110.  Williams,  F.  X. — Euparagia  scutellaris  Cresson, 
a  Masarid  wasp  that  stores  its  cells  with  the  young  of  a 
Curculionid  beetle.  [55]  4:  38-39.  Wilson,  J.  W.— The 
male  genital  tube  of  some  of  the  species  of  the  genus  Scym- 
nus  (Coccinellidae).  [5]  34:  167-170.  1  pi.  Winters,  F.  C.- 
Key  to  the  subtribe  Helocharse  Orchym.  of  Boreal  America. 
[55]  4:  19. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Brethes,  J.— Hymenopteres  Sucl- 
Americains  du  Deutsches  Entomologisches  Institut:  Tere- 
brantia.  [49]  16:  319-335,  ill.  Chorine,  V. — Sur  1'immunisa- 
tion  des  chenilles  de  la  mite  des  Abeilles  (Galleria  mel- 
lonella).  [77]  97:  1288-1290.  -Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— Two 
new  types  of  desert  bees.  [55]  4:  41—14.  Crampton,  G.  C.— 
(See  under  General.)  "Cushman,  R.  A. — Miscellaneous 
notes  and  descriptions  of  ichneumon-flies.  [50]  72,  Art.  13: 
22  pp.  Driggers,  B.  F. — Galls  on  stems  of  cultivated  blue- 
berry caused  by  a  Chalcidoid,  Hemadas  nubilipennis  Ashm. 
[6]  35:  253-259.  :::Gahan,  A.  B. — Description  of  a  new 
Eulophid  parasitic  on  Bucculatrix  canadensisella  Chambers. 
[5]  34:  171-173.  :;:Fenton,  F.  A.— New  parasitic  Hymen- 
optera  of  the  .subfamily  Anteoninae  from  the  Americas. 
[50]  72,  Art.  8,  16  pp.  ill.  "Menozzi,  C. — Formiche  raccolte 
dal  Sig.  H.  Schmidt  nei  dintorni  di  San  Jose  di  Costa  Rica 
(Formicidae).  [49]  16:  336-345,  ill.  -Mitchell,  T.  B.— Notes 
on  the  Megacliilidae.  [5]  34:  178-181.  -Taylor,  R.  L.— A 
new  species  of  parasitic  Hymenoptera.  (Eupelmidae).  [19[ 
22:  205-207,  ill/  Wheeler,' W.  M.— The  occurrence  of  the 
pavement  ant  (Tetramorium  caes])itum  L.)  in  Boston.  [5] 
34:  164-165.  Whiting,  A.  R. — Genetic  evidence  for  diploid 
males  in  Habrobracon.  [92]  53:  438-449.  Weber,  H.— Die 
Gliederung  der  Sternalregion  des  Tenthredinidenthorax. 
|45]  22:  161-1')8.  ill. 


Die  Hydracarinen  Schwedens. — Beitrag  zur  Systematik. 
Embryologie,  Oekologie,  und  Verbreitungsgeschichte  der 
schwedischen  Arten.  Von  O.  Lundblad.  [Zool.  Bidrag, 
Uppsala]  11:  185-540,  ill.  This  monographic  treatise  will 
probably  be  intere.sting  to  American  students  of  this  Order. 

'28]  KXToMOLOdK AL    NEWS  31 

When  books  appear  they  are  always  "much  needed",  hut  this 
term  was  never  more  truthfully  applied  in  my  opinion  than 

now   for  KlNGSBURY  AND  JOHANNSEN's   "HlSTOLOGlCAL   Tl-:<  II- 

MOUE"  recently  issued  hy  John  Wiley  and   Sons,   Inc..    Xew 
York  City  viii.  pp.  1-131/16  figs,  1927". 

I  may  be  hut  one  of  few  instead  of  many,  who  has  floundered 
somewhat  in  the  complex  preparation  of  stained  insect  and 
other  animal  tissue  in  order  to  differentiate  cytoplasm  and  its 
inclusions.  Methods  of  fixation,  dehydration  and  staining  are 
legion  in  the  numerous  periodicals,  hut  they  are  often  insuffi- 
ciently described  and  inadequately  tested,  besides  being  widely 
scattered  in  the  literature.  In  Kingsbury  and  Johannsen's  vol- 
ume there  is  now  compiled  as  complete  a  set  of  directions  for 
both  general  and  specialized  histologic  technique  as  could  be 
desired  by  the  beginner  and  more  advanced  worker.  It  doubt- 
less contains  the  tested  and  successfully  demonstrated  technique 
of  Kingsbury's  earlier  "Laboratory  directions  in  histologv" 
based  on  years  of  contact  with  advanced  students  in  animal 
histology,  and  the  extensive  experience  of  Johannsen  in  inseci 
morphology  and  histology. 

At  first  glance  the  insect  histologist  might  wish  that  the 
volume  were  devoted  to  the  preparation  of  insect  tissues  alone, 
or  he  might  wish  that  it  had  been  practicable  to  concentrate 
the  technique  upon  the  Arthropoda  in  several  chapters  rather 
than  find  it  largely  in  one  chapter  on  "Special  methods  for 
various  animal  forms"  and  in,  scattered  paragraphs  throughout 
the  volume;  but  a  working  knowledge  of  what  the  volume 
contains  would  probably  soon  obviate  any  difficulty  in  findiii" 
just  which  fixers,  methods,  or  stains  are  suitable  for  empha- 
sizing certain  insect  tissues. 

In  making  histologic  preparations,  what  are  good  directions 
lor  some  are  inadequate  for  others.  This  is  because  one  who 
presents  his  schema  for  fixation  and  staining,  omits  detailed 
steps  in  procedure  which  he  thinks  any  worker  in  histol 
should  know.  In  reality  the  worker  doesn't  know,  because 
he  is  not  working  under  similar  conditions  or  with  the  same 
equipment.  Consequently  perfection  in  histologic  technique 
becomes  rather  a  matter  of  trial  and  experience.  I'.ut  it  will 
be  found  decidedly  advantageous  to  have  this  volume  of  Doc- 
tors Kingsbury  and  [ohannsen  handy  for  the  correction  oi 
errors  in  technique  from  their  unuMiallv  complete  direction-;, 
and  to  use  it  as  a  basis  for  broadening  one's  histologic  trainin". 
into  the  later  and  more  specific  methods  of  differentiating  cell 
structures.  R.  W.  T.Kir.v. 

32  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Jan.,    '28 


The  death  of  FREDERICK  LEONARD  WASHBURN,  professor 
of  economic  vertebrate  zoology  at  the  University  of  Minne- 
sota from  1918  to  1926,  which  occurred  on  October  15,  1927, 
was  announced  in  Science  for  October  21.  He  was  born  at 
Brookline,  Massachusetts,  April  12,  1860,  son  of  Nehemiah 
and  Martha  (Parmalee)  Washburn,  received  the  A.  B.  from 
Harvard  in  1882,  and  was  a  graduate  student  at  Johns  Hopkins 
and  at  Harvard,  which  latter  gave  him  the  A.  M.  in  1895.  He 
was  instructor  of  zoology  at  the  University  of  Michigan  1887- 
88,  professor  of  zoology  at  Oregon  Agricultural  College  and' 
entomologist  at  the  Experiment  Station  1888-1894,  professor 
of  biology  at  the  University  of  Oregon  1894-1902,  State  biolo- 
gist of  Oregon  1899-1902,  professor  of  entomology  at  the  Uni- 
versity of  Minnesota  and  State  entomologist  of  Minnesota 
1902-1918.  He  married  Frances  L.  Wilcox  of  Minneapolis, 
December  27,  1887,  and  had  two  daughters,  both  of  whom 

In  addition  to,  his  official  reports  as  State  Entomologist  of 
Minnesota,  he  published,  in  1918,  a  book  entitled  Injurious 
insects  and  Useful  Birds  (Lippincott,  Philadelphia  and  Lon- 
don), which  was  reviewed  in  the  NEWS  for  February,  1919 
(]).  54).  His  most  recent  contribution  to  this  journal  appears 
to  be  a  brief  note  on  the  cotton  worm  moth,  Alabama  argittacea, 
in  Minnesota  in  1914.  published  in  our  number  for  May,  1915 
(p.  207). 

The  death  on  October  22,  1927,  after  a  short  illness,  of  Dr. 
ANTONIO  BERLESE,  director  of  the  R.  Stazione  cli  Entomologia 
.  \graria,  at  Florence,  Italy,  is  announced.  He  was  the 
author  of  the  well-known  text-book,  Gil  Insetti,  loro  orcjaniz- 
zitzionc,  si'iluppo,  abitudini  e  rapporti  coU'iioino,  in  two  large 
volumes  (Milan,  1909  and  later).  His  contributions  to  ento- 
mology include  studies  on  the  Italian  Coccidae.  1893-95,  a 
monograph  of  the  Myrientomata  (Redia,  vol.  6,  pp.  1-182,  17 
plates,  1910),  on  metamorphosis  (Redia,  vol.  9,  pp.  121-136, 
l')13)  and  cuticular  sense  organs;  and  on  the  phenomena  of 
metamorphosis  in  metabolic  insects  (Revista  di  patnlogia 
vegetale  1897  and  later). 

The  number  of  the  NEWS  for  December,  1027,  \vas  mailed  at  ibc1 
Philadelphia  Post  Office  on  December  14th,  1927. 

(  "OI;KK<  TION  :  On  title  page  of  Volume  XXXVTTI,  1027,  under 
Advisory  Committee,  for  Max  l.islink.  Jr.  read  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 


See  next  page. 

FEBRUARY,   1928 


Vol.  XXXIX 

No.   2 





\Veiss — The  Entomology  of  Sir  Thomas  Browne's  Pseudodoxia  Epi- 

Ferris— The  Larva  of  Olfersia  vulturis  Van  der  Wulp  (Diptera:  Hippo- 

Personal — E.  O.  Essig  . 

Mickel — A  New  Species  of  Meloid  Beetle,  with  a  Key  to  the  North 
American  Species  of  the  Genus  Leonidia  Cockerell  (Coleoptera) . 

Trimble — Scale  Insects  of  Pennsylvania  (Homop.:  Coccidae).  .    .    . 

Ball — Notes  on  the  Cercopidae  of  America  North  of  Mexico  (Homop.). 

Holland — The  Invalidity  of  the  Tentamen  Names  of  the  Butterflies 
(Lepidoptera  :  Rhopalocera) .  

Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology 

Editorial — Entomology  at  the  "Convocation  Week"  Meetings,  Decem- 
ber 26  to  31.  1927 

Personals— R.  J.  Tillyard,  Henry  A.  Ballou   .    . 

Goe — Concerning  Earwigs  (Derraaptera) 

Entomological  Literature . 

Review— Maeterlinck's  Life  of  the  White  Ant 

Obituary — A.  H.  Manee 












Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1 105, 

Act  of  October  3,  1917.  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory    Committee :     Philip  Laurent,   J,   A.   G   Rehri,    Chas.   Liebeck,   J, 
Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 
The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
United  States  and  possessions         .         .       $3.00 
Canada,  Central  and  South  America       .         3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue,  1  in..  $  1.20.  2  in.,  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  11.00,  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.  All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
scriptions, non-receipt  of  the  NEWS  or  of  reprints,  and  requests  for  sample 
copies,  should  be  addressed  to 

JOHN  C.  LUTZ,  827  N.  66th  ST.,  PHILADELPHIA,  PA. 

All  complaints  regarding  non-receipt  of  issues  of  the  NEWS  should  be 
presented  within  three  months  from  date  of  mailing  of  the  issue.  After 
that  time  the  numbers  will  be  furnished  only  at  the  regular  rate  for  single 
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subscriber's  expense. 

MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
munications to  the  editor,  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
according  to  date  of  reception.  The  receipt  of  all  papers  will  be  acknowl- 
edged. Owing  to  the  limited  size  of  each  number  of  the  NEWS,  articles 
longer  than  six  printed  pages  will  be  published  in  two  or  more  installments, 
unless  the  author  be  willing  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  a  sufficient  number  of 
additional  pages  in  any  one  issue  to  enable  such  an  article  to  appear  without 

Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
tion, without  change  in  form  and  without  covers,  will  be  given  free  when 
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stated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  for 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
each  case  on  application  to  the  Editor.  Blocks  furnished  or  paid  for  1>\ 
authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

^Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited ;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
hve  given  free  at  the  following  rates:  One  or  two  pages,  twenty-five  copies.  35  cents: 
three  or  four  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  70  cents;  five  to  eight  pages,  twenty-five  copies, 
$1.40;  nine  to  twelve  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  $2.00;  each  half-tone  plate,  twenty-five 
copies,  30  cents;  each  plate  of  line  cuts,  twenty-five  copies,  25  cents;  greater  numbers 
of  copies  will  be  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 


VOL.  XXXIX  FEBRUARY,  1928  No.  2 

The  Entomology  of  Sir  Thomas  Browne's 
Pseudodoxia  Epidemica. 

By  HARRY  B.  WEISS,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 
When  Sir  Thomas  Browne,  scholar  and  naturalist  of  the 
seventeenth  century,  exploded  or  attempted  to  explode  popular 
fallacies  in  his  "Pseudodoxia  Epidemica,"  he  did  not  overlook 
some  entomological  ones.  He  was  always  interested  in  animals 
and  plants,  and  observations  on  natural  history  of  one  sort  or 
another  are  scattered  throughout  his  works.  Hallam1  did  not 
rate  Browne's  "Pseudodoxia"  at  all  highly.  While  admitting 
that  it  displayed  considerable  erudition,  he  was  of  the  opinion 
that  as  late  as  1646  only  ignorant  and  unlearned  people  be- 
lieved in  the  phoenix  or  the  basilisk,  and  said  that  few  required 
a  correction  of  their  false  beliefs  with  such  an  amount  of 
proof  as  Browne  had  supplied.  Hallam  thought  that  he  oc- 
cupied his  mind  with  too  many  trifling  questions  and  said  that 
"A  man  of  so  much  credulity  and  such  an  irregular  imagina- 
tion as  Browne  was  almost  sure  to  believe  in  witchcraft  and 
all  sorts  of  spiritual  agencies."  Browne  did  believe  in  witch- 
craft. On  March  10,  1664,  "Amy  Duny  and  Rose  Cullender, 
two  widows  of  Lowestoft,  were  indicted  for  bewitching"  some 
seven  persons,  and  "Sir  Thomas  Browne,  then  Dr.  Browne, 
who  was  present  at  the  trials,  being  a  'person  of  great  know- 
ledge', was  'desired  to  give  his  opinion  what  he  did  conceive 
of  them,  and  he  was  clearly  of  opinion  that  the  persons  were 
bewitched  ....  for  he  conceived  that  these  swooning  fits 
were  natural,  and  nothing  else  but  that  they  call  the  mother, 
but  only  heightened  to  a  great  excess  by  the  subtility  of  the 
Devil,  co-operating  with  the  malice  of  these  which  we  term 
witchs,  at  whose  instance  he  doth  these  villainies. ":  Appa- 
rently Browne's  skepticism  did  not  extend  to  witchcraft.  Nor 
did  it  extend  to  the  Ptolemaic  theory,  because  he  thought  the 

1  Literature  of  Europe.  Vol.  IV,  1839,  London. 

2The  Geography  of  Witchcraft,  by  M.  Summers,  1927,  New  York. 


34  [ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '28 

Copernican  theory  was  against  Holy  Scripture.  However, 
even  naturalists  are  likely  to  hold  peculiar  beliefs  on  some 
subject  or  another,  and  Hallam's  estimate  seems  somewhat  too 
severe,  because  Browne  was  an  estimable  person  and  had  many 
good  qualities. 

Returning  to  his  "Pseudodoxia  Epidemica,"  we  find  him, 
under  the  title  "Of  some  Insects,  and  the  properties  of  several 
Plants,"  disposing  of  the  superstition  connected  with  the  tap- 
ping of  the  '"death-watch"  beetle.  He  says,  "For  this  noise 
is  made  by  a  little  sheath-winged  gray  Insect  found  often  in 
Wainscot,  Benches,  and  \Yood-work,  in  the  Summer.  We 
have  taken  many  thereof,  and  kept  them  in  thin  boxes,  wherein 
I  have  heard  and  seen  them  work  and  knack  with  a  little 
proboscis  or  trunk  against  the  side  of  the  box,  like  Apicus 
Martins,  or  Woodpecker  against  a  tree.  It  workest  best  in 
warm  weather,  and  for  the  most  part  giveth  not  over  under 
nine  or  eleven  stroaks  at  a  time."  He  then  states  that  who- 
ever can  "extinguish  the  terrifying  apprehensions"  caused  by 
the  noise  of  this  beetle,  will  prevent  "many  cold  sweats  in 
Grandmothers  and  Nurses." 

He  then  takes  up  the  idea  that  the  finding  of  certain  insects 
one  year  forecasts  famine,  war,  or  pestilence  the  succeeding 
year,  it  having  been  supposed  that  the  presence  in  oak  apples, 
of  either  maggots,  flies,  or  spiders  foretold  famine,  war,  or 
pestilence  the  next  year.  He  says  that  flies  and  maggots  are 
found  every  year  and  that  the  flies  are  first  maggots.  He 
admits  that  there  may  be  some  truth  in  the  "Analogy  or  Em- 
blematical phansie.  For  Pestilence  is  properly  signified  by 
the  Spider,  whereof  some  kinds  are  of  a  very  venemous 
Nature.  Famine  by  maggots,  which  destroy  the  fruits  of  the 
Earth.  And  War  not  improperly  by  the  Fly ;  if  we  rest  in 
the  phansie  of  Homer,  who  compares  the  valiant  Grecian  unto 
a  Fly;"  also  that  an  abundance  of  flies  and  maggots  in  the 
sap  of  a  tree  may  indicate  its  decaying  state. 

Under  the  title  "Of  the  Picture  of  a  Grashopper,"  he  cor- 
rects the  confusion  which  existed  in  ordinary  minds,  between 
grasshopper  and  cicada,  and  writes,  "Again,  Between  the 
Cicada  and  that  we  call  a  Grashopper,  the  differences  are  very 
many,  as  may  be  observed  in  themselves,  or  their  descriptions 

.\\.\ix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XF.WS 

in  Matt/iioliis,  Alilroramlits  and  Miiffctns.  For  first.  They 
are  differently  cucullated  or  capuched  upon  the  head  and  hack, 
and  in  the  Cicada  the  eyes  are  more  prominent:  The  Locusts 
have  Antennae  or  long  horns  before,  with  a  long  falcation  or 
forcipated  tail  behind  ;  and  being  ordained  for  saltation,  their 
hinder  legsj  do  far  exceed  the  other.  The  Locust  or  our  Gras- 
hopper  hath  teeth,  the  Cicada  none  at  all ;  nor  any  mouth 
according  unto  Aristotle:  The  Cicada  is  must  upon  trees; 
and  lastly,  the  fritinnitus  or  proper  note  thereof,  is  far  more 
shril  than  that  of  the  Locust ;  and  its  life  so  short  in  Summer, 
that  for  provision  it  needs  not  have  recourse  unto  the  provi- 
dence of  the  Pismire  in  Winter."  He  then  corrects  other 
interpretations,  Biblical  ones,  and  goes  on  to  say,  "It  must 
be  likewise  understood  with  some  restriction  what  hath  been 
affirmed  by  Isidore,  and  yet  delivered  by  many,  that  Cicades 
are  bred  out  of  Cuccow  spittle  or  Woodsear ;  that  is  that  spu- 
mous, froth}'  dew  or  exudation,  or  both,  found  upon  Plants, 
especially  about  the  joints  of  Lavender  and  Rosemary,  ob- 
servable with  us  about  the  latter  end  of  May.  For  here  the 
true)  Cicada  is  not  bred,  but  certain  it  is  that  out  of  this,  some 
kind  of  Locust  doth  proceed;  for  herein  may  be  discovered 
a  little  insect  of  a  festucine  or  pale  green,  resembling  in  all 
parts  a  Locust,  or  what  we  call  a  Grashopper."  He  says  that 
owing  to  the  absence  of  the  cicada  in  England,  they  have 
not  "fallen  upon  its  proper  name."  Many  years  later,  how- 
ever, the  cicada  was  discovered  there. 

Browne's  other  entomological  subjects  include  the  glow- 
worm, a  description  of  its  light,  disappearance  with  its  death, 
etc.,  the  wrong  belief  that  earwigs  are  wingless,  and  the  hum- 
ming sounds  made  by  bees,  flies,  etc.,  in  which  he  uses  the 
explanations  of  Aristotle  and  Scaliger  and  advances  his  own 
views.  All  these  are  to  be  found  under  the  heading,  "Com- 
pendiously of  sundry  Tenents  concerning  other  Animals  which 
examined,  prove  either  false  or  dubious." 

In  addition  to  being  a  good  observer,  Browne  was  an  assidu- 
ous collector,  and  his  house  in  Xorwich  was  full  of  medals, 
books,  curios,  and  natural  history  specimens.  He  was  curious 
about  everything  and  he  wanted  to  know  the  truth. 



[Feb.,  '28 

The  Larva  of  Olfersia  vulturis  Van  der  Wulp. 
(Diptera:  Hippoboscidae). 

])V  G.  F.  FERRIS,  Stanford  University,  California. 
In  September,  1925,  tbe  writer  obtained  at  San  Bias,  Nay- 
arit,  Mexico,  from  a  single  specimen  of  tbe  black  vulture, 
Catliuristit  unibii,  sixteen  specimens  of  a  Hippoboscid  fly. 
At  least  as  many  more  individuals  of  the  fly  escaped,  so  that 
the  total  Hippoboscid  population  of  this  one  bird  was  at  least 
somewhere  between  thirty  and  forty.  The  species  is  that 
described  by  Van  der  YVulp  as  Olfersia  vulturis.  Elsewhere 
I  have  joined  in  an  expression  of  the  opinion  that  vulturis 
is  a  synonym  of  Olfersia  spinifcra  (Leach),  but  I  am  not  now 
so  certain  that  this  is  the  case.  I  shall  not  enter  into  a  dis- 
cussion of  the  question  here  and  for  the  present  at  least  I 
am  reverting  to  the  use  of  the  name  vitltitris. 


Olfersia  vulturis  Van  der  Wulp  :  A,  larva  ;  B,  portion  of  derm  of  larva. 

From  these  flies  there  were  obtained  three  newly  deposited 
larvae.  Two  of  these  were  found  in  the  insect  net  in  which 
the  flies  were  caught  and  one  was  attached — perhaps  acci- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENyTOMOLOGICAL     XK\VS  37 

dentally — to  the  feathers  of  the  host.  As  far  as  T  am  aware 
no  larva  of  any  species  of  this  genus  has  yet  been  described. 
These  at  hand  present  certain  very  striking  peculiarities  that 
distinguish  them  from  any  other  Hippoboscid  larvae  that  have 
so  far  been  described  or  with  which  I  am  familiar. 

In  its  general  form  the  larva  (if  this  species  is  the  same 
as  that  which  is  characteristic  of  the  family,  its  length  on  the 
slide  about  5  mm.  The  stigmatic  plate  is  similar  to  that  of  such 
forms  as  Ornithoctona  iii</ric,ins,  ().  strigilecula,  Ornithomyia 
[<i</of>o(iis  and  Hif>f>obosca  niacnlata.  The  posterior  end  of  the 
body  is  capped  by  a  single  plate,  representing  probably  a  fusion 
of  the  usual  paired  spiracles,  this  plate  being  pierced  by  a 
number  of  small,  pore-like  openings  which  communicate  with 
trachael  trunks.  It  has  been  impossible  to  determine  the 
arrangement  of  these  pores,  for  the  stigmatic  plate  is  so 
heavily  chitinized  and  deeply  pigmented  that  it  is  quite  opaque 
in  uncleared  specimens  and  attempts  to  clear  it  in  caustic 
potash  resulted  merely  in  its  complete  disintegration. 

The  peculiar  feature  of  the  species  is  the  fact  that  the  entire 
body,  excepting  only  the  stigmatic  plate  and  a  narrow  trans- 
verse zone  which  extends  entirely  about  the  body  near  the 
cephalic  end,  is  thickly  beset  with  short  spines  (Fig.  B). 
These  are  spines,  not  setae,  there  being  no  socket.  They  vary 
si  unewhat  in  size,  being  noticeably  larger  near  the  center  of  the 
body  on  both  dorsal  and  ventral  sides.  In  addition  to  these 
the  derm  is  everywhere  marked  by  small,  sub-circular,  clear 
areas.  The  transverse  zone  which  is  free  from  spines  marks 
the  line  along  which  the  puparium  splits  at  the  time  of  emer- 
gence of  the  adult. 

In  all  the  other  species  that  have  been  described  and  that  I 
have  seen,  the  derm  of  the  larva  is  entirely  free  from  spines  or 
irregularities  of  any  sort. 

At  the  University  of  California.  K.  <  >.  Kssig.  associate  pro- 
fessor of  entomology  and  associate  entomologist,  has  been  ap- 
pointed professor  of  entomology  and  entomologist  at  the 
experiment  station.  Dr.  Kdwin  C.  Van  I  )vke.  associate  pro 
fessor  of  entomology,  has  been  appointed  professor  of  i-nto- 
inology.  -Science,  Dec.  30,  1(L>7. 

38  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '-8 

A  New  Species  of  Meloid  Beetle,  with  a  Key  to  the 

North  American  Species  of  the  Genus 

Leonidia  Cockerell.*     (Coleop.) 

By  CLARENCE 'E.  MICKEL,  University  of  Minnesota, 
St.  Paul,  Minn. 

The  following  new  species  of  Leonidia  was  reared  from  the 
cells  of  the  bee,  Anthophora  occidentals  Cresson,  which  were 
collected  in  the  vicinity  of  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado,  by  Mr. 
G.  W.  Goldsmith,  of  the  Alpine  Laboratory,  Manitou,  Colorado. 

Leonidea  anthophorae  n.  sp. 

(5  .     Piceous ;  elytra  fulvous,  at  the  sides  entirely  covering  the 
first  abdominal  segment ;  length   12  mm. 

Head  piceous,  except  the  front  very  dark  mahogany  red; 
labial  palpi  3-segmented,  the  maxillary  palpi  4-segmented ;  last 
segment  of  the  maxillary  palpi  equal  in  length  to  the  third 
(Fig  2,  a)  ;  mandibles  edentate,  blunt  at  the  tip;  labrum  some- 
what depressed  anteriorly,  the  anterior  margin  very  slightly 
and  broadly  emarginate,  moderately  punctate  throughout, 
clothed  with  sparse,  erect,  black  hairs,  anteriorly  with  a  fringe 
of  shorter,  fuscous  hairs  ;  clvpeus  glabrous  and  with  scattered 
punctures,  the  latter  slightly  larger  than  those  of  the  labrum, 
anterior  margin  of  clvpeus  broadly  concave  with  a  small  median 
tooth ;  suture  between  the  clypeus  and  the  front  indistinct ; 
front  and  vertex  glabrous,  the  interantennal  area  of  the  front 
with  scattered,  very  minute  punctures,  remainder  of  front  and 
vertex  with  sparse,  rather  large  punctures  interspersed  with 
very  minute  punctures  like  those  of  the  lower  part  of  the  front ; 
front  and  vertex  clothed  with  sparse,  erect,  black  hairs ;  anten- 
nae 10-segmented,  the  first  two  segments  glabrous,  sparsely 
punctate,  the  remaining  eight  segments  densely  punctulate  and 
pubescent ;  first  segment  campanulate,  second  segment  slightly 
shorter  than  the  first  and  almost  equilateral;  third  segment 
longer  than  either  the  second  or  the  fourth ;  fourth  to  ninth 
segments  almost  equal  in  length  but  the  distal  ones  narrower 
and  more  rectangular ;  ultimate  segment  almost  twice  as  long 
as  the  penultimate,  and  acute  at  the  tip  (Fig.  2,  b). 

I'rothorax  piceous,  glabrous,  clothed  with  sparse,  erect,  black 
hairs;  anterior  half  sparsely  punctate,  interspersed  with  very 
minute  punctures;  posterior  half  very  scatteringly  punctate; 
prolhurax  four- fifths  as  long  as  wide,  the  base  margined  and 

*Published  with  the  approval  of  tin-  Director  as  Paper  No.  700,  of  the 
Journal  Series  of  the  Minnesota  Agricultural   Kxperiment  Station. 


somewhat  sinuate;  scutelluni  large,  prominent,  glabrous,  punc- 
tate and  clothed  with  sparse,  erect,  black  hairs;  elytra  fulvous, 
rugose,  punctured,  clothed  with  sparse,  erect,  black  hairs,  at 
the  sides  entirely  covering  the  first  abdominal  segment. 

Abdomen  piceous  to  blackish  bn»\vn.  the  hind  margins  of 
the  segments  testaceous  ;  all  of  the  segments  subcorneous,  the 
basal  steruites  somewhat  less  so  medially  than  elsewhere; 
abdominal  tergites  with  spar.-e  punctures,  and  with  sparse, 
erect,  black  hairs;  sternites  punctured  and  pubescent  like  the 
tergites,  except  sternites  four  to  seven  inclusive  with  a  narrow, 
transverse  area  of  dense,  erect,  black  hairs;  ultimate  sternite 
biparted  on  the  median  line. 

Legs  piceous,  clothed  with  sparse,  erect,  black  hairs;  tibiae 
with  well  developed  spurs  ;  tarsi  slender  ;  tarsal  claws  with  a 
long,  basal  bristle. 

Tia.  1 


Fig.  I  —  Leonidia  ncomexicana  Cockerel!  :  a.  max  llat\  palpus  ;  b   niilcinri        i  ( >ti«iiinl   ) 
Hig.  2 — Leonidia  antliophorae  n.  sp. :  a,  maxillary  palpus  ;  b,  ante r  na.     (  Orig ) 

?.  Similar  to  the  male;  more  ferruginous;  antennae  of 
same  form  but  slender,  not  so  robust ;  abdominal  tergites  much 
less  corneous,  almost  membranous;  abdominal  sternites  two  to 



[Feb..  >28 

six  inclusive  membranous  medially,  subcorneous  laterally ; 
sternites  seven  and  eight  entirely  subcorneous,  the  eighth  entire, 
not  biparted  on  the  median  line. 

Ho! of  v pc:  S,  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado,  emerged  from 
cell  of  Anthophora  occidciitalis  Cresson,  June,  1926;  in  col- 
lection of  University  of  Minnesota.  Allotypc :  2  ,  Colorado 
Springs,  Colorado,  emerged  from  cell  of  Anthophora  occiden- 
talis  Cresson,  June,  1926;  in  collection  of  University  of  Min- 
nesota. Paratypcs :  7  $  and  6  2  ,  Colorado  Springs,  Colo- 
rado, emerged  from  cells  of  Anthophora  occidcntalis  Cresson, 
June,  11J26;  in  collections  of  University  of  Minnesota,  Ameri- 
can Entomological  Society  of  Philadelphia,  and  Dr.  M.  H. 

Fig.  3 — Leonidia  rileyi  Duges:  a,  adult  female  ;  b,  antenna;  c,  labium  ;  d,  maxilla 
and  palpus;  e,  tarsal  claw  from  the  side;  f,  tarsal  claw  from  above.  (  From  E.  Duges 
Insect  Life,  U.  S.  Dept.  Agr.) 

This  species  is  closely  related  to  L.  iicoinc.ncaiia  Ckll.  It 
differs  from  neomexicana  principally  in  the  form  and  the 
comparative  lengths  of  the  ultimate  segments  of  the  maxil- 
lary palpi  and  the  antennae,  as  is  shown  in  Fig.  1,  a  and  b 
(}  and  Fig.  2,  a  and  b  (antlwphorac}.  The 
figures  were  made  by  the  author  from  the  type  in  both  cases. 
.  Inthophorae  appears  to  be  the  most  primitive  of  the  three 
species  of  this  genus  so  far  known  from  North  America,  on 

XXXIX,    '28  |  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  41 

account  of  the  fact  that  in  certain  of  the  paratypes  the  last 
segment  of  the  antennae  displays  remnants  of  a  suture,  indi- 
cating that  at  some  previous  time  the  antennae  have  been 
eleven  segmented,  the  last  two  segments  having  fused  to 
form  the  present  ten-segmented  antennae. 

Key  io  the  Species  of  Lconidia. 

1.  Second  and  third  segments  of  the  antennae  oblique,  with 
one  side  produced,  Fig.  3,  b;  last  segment  of  the  maxillary 
palpi     almost     twice     as     long     as     the     third     segment, 
Fig.  3,  d rilcyi  Duges. 

Second  segment  of  the  antennae  almost  equilateral,  with  one 
side  scarcely  produced,  the  third  segment  equilateral;  last 
segment  of  the  maxillary  palpi  not  longer  than  the  third 
segment  2. 

2.  Last   segment   of    the   antennae   acute   at   the   tip,    almost 
twice  as  long  as  the  penultimate  segment,  Fig.  2,  b;  last 
segment   of    the   maxillary    palpi    equal    in    length   to   the 
penultimate  segment,  Fig.  2,  a anthophorae  n.  sp. 

Last  segment  of  the  antennae  rounded  at  the  tip,  only  slightly 
longer  than  the  penultimate  segment,  Fig.  1,  b;  last  seg- 
ment of  the  maxillary  palpi  distinctly  shorter  than  the 
penultimate  segment.  Fig.  1,  a ncoinc.vicana  C'kll. 

Specimens  of  the  genus  Lconidia  shrivel  and  become  greatly 
distorted  when  pinned  in  the  same  manner  as  other  Coleoptera. 
This  is  especially  true  of  the  abdominal  region  which  is  only 
slightly  chitinixed.  To  overcome  this  distortion  the  type  ma- 
terial of  anthophorae  was  prepared  in  the  following  manner: 
The  live  specimens  were  dropped  in  boiling1  water  and  removed 
immediately  ;  they  were  then  dehydrated  in  alcohols,  being  al- 
lowed to  stand  24  hours  in  30r/f,  50%,  75%,  85%  and  95% 
alcohol  respectively;  they  were  then  transferred  to  xylol,  in 
which  they  remained  four  or  five  days;  the  specimens  were 
then  pinned  in  the  usual  manner.  This  method  produced 
very  good  mounts.  The  hot  water  treatment,  however,  results 
in  the  segments  of  the  body  and  appendages  remaining  dis- 
tended after  mounting,  while  in  specimens  pinned  in  the  usual 
way  the  segments  of  the  body  and  appendages  contract  into 
one  another  upon  drying.  This  accounts  for  the  extraordinary 
length  of  the  antennae  in  Fig.  2,  b,  as  compared  with  Fig.  1,  b. 
It  was  taken  into  account  in  the  identification  of  the  material. 

42  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NE\\  s  "[Feb.,    '28 

Scale  Insects  of  Pennsylvania  (  Romop. :  Coccidae). 

By  F.  M.  TRIMBLE.  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry.  Harrislmrg,  Pa. 

The  economic  importance  of  the  Coccidae  or  scale  insects 
is  recognized  by  plant  growers  throughout  the  world  and  the 
interest  in  this  group  in  the  United  States  has  been  unusually 
strong  since  the  introduction  of  the  San  Jose  scale  in  Califor- 
nia about  1870.  This  family  is  represented  in  the  fauna  of  Penn- 
sylvania by  one  hundred  and  twelve  species.  In  1917  only 
forty-two  species  had  been  recorded  in  the  state,  but  subsequent 
explorations  by  the  writer  and  other  members  of  the  Bureau 
of  Plant  Industry  have  revealed  seventy  other  species,  three 
of  which  were  new  to  science.  Although  only  twelve  of  the 
total  number  are  economic  pests  on  out-door  plants  yet  these 
are  sufficiently  abundant  at  times  to  cause  enormous  losses 
if  not  controlled  by  artificial  means.  In  greenhouses  and  con- 
servatories nine  species  have  been  recorded  as  generally 

The  peculiarities  in  form  and  habitat  of  this  family  are 
not  unlike  those  of  many  other  families  of  insects  and  the 
amateur  must  closely  scrutinize  infested  plants  in  order  to 
find  many  of  them. 

Those   found  in   Pennsylvania  are  as   follows: 

*!CERYA  PURCHASI  Maskell.  Fluted  scale.  Infests  pittos- 
permum  and  citrus  varieties. 

MATSUCOCCUS  MATSUMURAE  Kuwana.  A  rare  species  and 
recorded  but  once, — imbedded  in  the  cambium  of  twigs  of  the 
past  year's  growth  on  pitch  pines.  Originally  described  in 

XYLOCOCCUS  BETULAE  Pergande.  Recorded  from  one  locality 
on  black  birch  and  ^lliuis  iiicaini.  The  scales  wrere  imbedded 
in  the  cambium  \vhere  the  bark  was  cracked. 

*ORTHEZIA  INSIGNIS  Dougl.  Greenhouse  orthezia.  A  com- 
mon pest  of  lantana  and  coleus  indoors. 

( ).  SOLIDAGINIS  Sanders.  Occasionally  taken  on  goldenrod 
and  cinquefoil. 

NIPPONORTHEZIA  ARDisiAE  Kuwana.  A  rare  coccid  found 
in  an  ant  nest  near  fort  Hunter.  Originally  described  in  Japan. 

NEWSTEADIA  AMERICANA  Morrison.    A  rare  species  described 

*Note  :     Greenhouse  species  marked  by  an  asterisk. 

'28J  EXTO-MOl.O<,lfAL     XKWS 

from  material  taken  by  Prof.  J.  G.  Sanders  in  Pennsylvania 
on  tree  roots. 

*ASTEROLECAXIUM  ISAM nrsAi:  1'xlvl.  Bamboo  scale.  Omi- 
mon  on  bamboo  in  greenhouses. 

A.  YAKIOLOSUM  Ratz.  Pit-making  oak  scale.  Occasionally 
injurious  to  white  and  English  oaks. 

A.  SP.  An  unidentified  species  taken  on  Osmodium  caro- 
liiiiuiid,  I  'iola  cuiarginata  and  Fraxinus  sp. 

LECANIODIASPIS  CELTIDIS  Ckll.  Taken  on  horsechestnut  and 
tub])  poplar. 

L.  PRUIXOSA  Hunter.     One  record  from  black  locust. 

L.  TESSELLATA  Ckll.  Recorded  on  rhododendron  and  high- 
bush  huckleberry. 

KKRMES  ANDREI  King.     Rare  on  white  oaks. 

K.  ARIZONENSIS  King.  Recorded  but  once  in  Pennsylvania, 
on  white  oak. 

K.  GALLIFORMIS  Riley.    Occasionally  taken  on  red  oak. 

K.  KINGJI  Ckll.  Occasionally  taken  on  red  oak. 

K.  PETTITI  Ehrh.     Common  on  black  oak. 

K.  PUBESCENS  Bogue.  Common  on  mossy-cup  oak  in  south- 
eastern Pennsylvania. 

Gossvi'AKiA  SPURIA  Modeer.  European  elm  scale,  a  common 
pest  of  all  varieties  of  elms  in  Pennsylvania. 

*ERiococcus  AZALEAE  Comst.  Azalea  bark  louse.  A  com- 
mon pest  of  azaleas  and  hybrid  rhododendrons  in  greenhouses. 

E.  KEMPTONI  Parr.  Rare  on  .-luunoplula  breviligulata,  taken 
on  Presque  Isle  in  Lake  Erie. 

I1"..  QUERCrs  Comst.     Oak  eriococms.     Rare  on  bear  oak. 

PHENACOOTS  .U'KRICOLA  King.  \Yonly  maple-leaf  scale. 
A  common  ]iest  of  sugar  maples. 

P.  SERRATUS  Ferris.     A  rare  species  taken  on  beech. 

P.    sp.      An    unidentified    species    found    dwarfing    ragweed. 

TRIONYMUS  sp.  An  undescribcd  species  taken  under  a  stone 
associated  with  ants. 

*PSEUDOCOCCUS  ADOXIDTM  Linn.  Long-tailed  mealy  bug. 
A  common  pest  of  many  greenhouse  plants. 

*P.  CITRI  K'isso.  Short-tailed  or  citris  mealy  bug.  Occa- 
sionally  found  on  various  greenhouse  plants. 

P.  COMSTOCKI  Kuwana.  Recorded  from  Catalan  bniujci  and 
I ! it. v its  sempervirens. 

I'.  MAUITIMTS  I^hrh.  A  common  mealy  bug  on  many  out 
door  plants. 

*P.  NIPAE  Maskell.  Kentia  mealy  bug.  \  common  pest  of 
kentia  palms. 

RIPERSIA   MIXIMA  T.  and  K.     Hn  grass  roots  in  ants'  nest. 

44  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '28 

R.  BLANCHARDII  K.  and  C.    On  grass  roots  in  ants'  nest. 

PrLvrxARiA  ACERICOLA  Walsh  and  Riley.     Cottony  maple- 
leaf  scale.     Injurious  to  silver  maples. 

*P.  FLOCCIFERA  Westwood.    A  rare  greenhouse  species  taken 
on  Dilffenbachia.  sp. 

P.  VITIS  Linn.     Cottony  maple   scale.      Common  on  grape, 
maple  and  sycamore. 

PSEUDOPHILIPPIA    OUAINTAXCIJ    Ckll.      Cottony    pine   scale. 
A  rare  species  taken  on  Finns  rigida  and  Finns  virginiana. 

ERIOPELTIS  FESTUCAE  Fonsc.     Cottony  grass  scale.     A  rare 
species  taken  on  orchard  grass  in  eastern  Pennsylvania. 

*EUCALYMNATUS  TESSELLATUs  Sign.     Tessellated  scale.     A 
common  pest  of  palms  and  many  other  greenhouse  plants. 

*Coccus  ELONGATUS   Sign.     The  elongate  scale.     A  rather 
common  pest  of   rubber  plants  in  greenhouses. 

*C.  HESPERIDUM  Linn.    Soft  brown  scale.    A  common  green- 
house pest. 

*C.  PSEUDOHESPERIDUM  Ckll.    Occasionally  taken  on  orchids. 

Tor.MEYKi.LA  LIRIODENDRI  Gmel.     Tulip  tree  soft  scale.     A 
common  pest  of  tulip  trees  and  ornamental  magnolias. 

T.  PIXI  King.     Occasionally  found  on  pitch  pines.     Honey- 
dew  excreted  by  this  species  is  rich  in  the  rare  sugar  melizotose. 

LECAXIUM    IARYAE  Fitch.     Brown  elm  scale.     Common  on 
elms  and  hickory. 

L.  c'ORNi  Bouche.     European  fruit  scale.     A  widely  dissemi- 
nated scale  of  little  importance  in  Pennsylvania. 

L.  CORNUPARYUM  Thro.     Magnolia  soft  scale.     A  scarce  in- 
sect recorded  chiefly  on  cucumber  trees. 

L.   CORYLI   Linn.      A   rare   Lecanium  taken   on   P-yracantha ; 
previously  imported  from  France. 

L.  FLETCHERI   Ckll.     A  common   scale  taken  on  arborvitae 
and  junipers. 

L.  NIGROFASCIATUM   Perg.     Terrapin  scale.     A  bad  pest  of 
peach  and  plum  trees  in  eastern  and  central  Pennsylvania. 

L.    PERSICAE   Fab.      European    peach    scale.      Taken   on    im- 
ported barberry. 

L.  PRUNASTRI  Fonsc.     Globular  scale.     A  new  pest  of  peach 
and  plum  in  Central  Pennsylvania. 

L.  QUERCIFEX  Fitch.     Oak  lecnnium.     A  common  scale  taken 
on  white  oak. 

*SAISSETIA  HEMISPHAERICA  Targ.     Hemispherical  scale. 
A- common  greenhouse  pest  on  ferns  and  various  other  plants. 

*S.  NIGRA  Nietn.     Black  scale.     An  occasional  pest  of  rubber 
plants  and  ferns. 

XXxi.X,    '28]  KXTOMOLOCU  AL     NEWS  45 

*S.  OLEAE  Bernard.  Olive  scale.  Occasionally  taken  mi 
ferns  and  palms. 

I'M YSOKKKMKS  PiCEAE  Schnuik.  Spruce  Imd  scale.  Common 
on  white,  red  and  Norway  spruces.  The  spruce  Christmas 
trees  shipped  into  Pennsylvania  have  often  been  found  to  he 
heavily  infested  with  this  pest. 

CHIONASPIS  AMERICANA  Johns.  Kim  scurfy  scale.  A  pest 
of  American  elms. 

C.  CARYAE  Cooley.     A  rare  scale  taken  on  black  walnut. 

C.  CORN i  Cooley.     Common  on  Connis  anioiiiiiin. 

C.  EUONYMI  Comst.  Euonymus  scale.  A  serious  pest  of 

C.    FURFURA   Fitch.      Scurfy   scale.      A   pest   of  apple   tree>. 

C.  LINTNERI  Comst.  Liiitner's  scale.  A  common  pest  on 
Conius  ainonnnn. 

C.  ORTHOLOBIS  Comst.  Cottonwood  scurfy  scale.  A  common 
pest  of  cotton  woods  in  northern  Pennsylvania. 

C.  PINIFOLIAE  Fitch.  Pine-leaf  scale.  A  pest  of  all  pines 
and  occasionally  spruces. 

C.  SALICIS  Linn.  An  imported  species  introduced  on  lilac 
and  Tilici  sp. 

C.  SALICJS-XIORAE  Walsh.  Willow  scurfy  scale.  A  common 
scale  on  willows  in  western  Pennsylvania. 

C.  SYLVATICA  Sanders.     Gum  scurf v  scale.     Common  scale 

on  sour  gum. 

*HOWARDIA    BICLAVIS    Comst.       Mining   scale.       Scarce   on 
Tauiarindns  indacns  in  conservatories. 

*DIASPIS  BOISDUVALLI  Sign.     BoisdnvaH's  scale.     A  common 
pest  on  many  greenhouse  plants. 

*D.     BROMELIAE     Kerner.       Pineapple     apple.       Taken     on 
Bromeliaceae  in  greenhouses. 

D.    CARUELI    Targ.      Juniper    scale.      A    common    pest    of 

*D.  ECHINOCACTI  Bouche.     Cactus  scale.    Recorded  on  many 
greenhouse  cacti. 

AULACASPIS  ROSAE  Bouche.     Rose  scale.     A  common  pest  of 
roses  and  all  bramble  berries. 

*HEMICHIONASPIS     ASPIIHSTKAE     Sign.        Aspidistra     scale. 
Common  on  aspidistra  and  ferns. 

*|'I\NASPIS  lirxi  1  louche.     An  occasional  pest  of  dracaenas. 

LEUCASPIS    JAPONICA    Ckll.      Maple   bark    scale.      Pound    in 
Pennsylvania  on   sugar  maple  and  Japanese  maplo. 

L.  BAMHUSAE  Kuw.    Taken  on  bamboo. in  a  conservatory. 

46  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

*FIOKINIA  KJOKINIAE  Targ.  European  fiorinia.  Often  in- 
jurious to  camellias  and  gardenias. 

*F.  THEAE  Green.  Tea  scale.  A  common  pest  of  the  com- 
mercial tea. 

AspimoTus  ABIETIS  Schrank.  Hemlock  scale.  Common  on 

A.  ANCYLUS  Putnam.  Putnam's  scale.  A  common  scale 
with  a  long  list  of  host  plants. 

*A.  BRITTANICUS  Newst.  Laural  scale.  Occasionally  found 
on  bay  trees  and  imported  boxwood. 

A.  COMSTOCKI  Johns.  Often  taken  on  the  twigs  and  leaves 
of  sugar  maple. 

•':.\.  CYANOPHYLLI  Sign.  Recorded  from  pandanas  in  green- 

A.  FORBES:  John.     Cherry  scale.     Common  on  cherry  trees. 

*A.  HEDERAE  Vail.  Ivy  scale.  A  common  pest  of  green- 
house plants. 

A.  JUGLANS-REGIAE  Comst.  English  walnut  scale.  Often 
recorded  on  walnut. 

*A.  LATANIAE  Sign.  Latania  scale.  A  common  pest  of 
latania,  Arcca  hitcscens  and  coconut  palms. 

A.  OSBORNI   Newell  and   Ckll.     Common  on  chestnut  trees. 

A.  OSTREAEFORMIS  curt.  European  fruit  trees  scale.  Re- 
corded on  plum  trees. 

A.  PERNICIOSUS  Comst.  San  Jose  scale.  The  most  per- 
nicious of  all  scale  insects  recorded  in  Pennsylvania. 

*A.  RAPAX  Comst.  Greedy  scale.  A  common  pest  in  green- 
house plants. 

A.  TOWNSENDII  Ckll.  A  rather  rare  species  on  the  twigs 
and  leaves  of  ornamental  magnolias. 

A.  ULMI  John.     Elm  aspidiotus.     Often  taken  on  elms. 

A.  UVAE  Comst.  Grape  scale.  Often  abundant  on  grape 
and  sycamore. 

scale.  Common  on  swreet  gum  in  southeastern  Pennsylvania. 

*  PSEUD  AO  NIDI  A  PAEONIAE  Ckll.  Frequently  taken  on  green- 
house azaleas. 

*CHRYSOMPHALUS  AONJDUM  Linn.  Circular  scale.  A  com- 
mon pest  of  dracaenas  and  rubber  plants. 

*C.  AURANTIT  Mask.  Red  scale.  Occasionally  taken  on 
greenhouse  plants. 

*C.  DICTYOSPERMI  Morgan.  Morgan's  scale.  A  widely  dis- 
seminated greenhouse  pest. 

XX.xix.    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS 

C.  OBSCURUS  ('must.  Obscure  scale.  Rather  omnium  on 
red  oaks  and  English  Daks. 

*(Jv.MXASpis  ACHMEAE  Xewst.  Common  on  Bromelia  and 
ttilbcryia  varieties. 

*LEPIDOSAPHES  BECKII  Xewm.  Purple  scale.  Common  «m 
camellia,  citrus,  etc. 

*L.  CAMELLIAS  Hoke.    Camellia  scale.    Common  on  camellia. 

*L.  GLOVERII  Pack.   Glover's  scale.    Scarce  on  citrus  varieties. 

*L.  PINNAEFORMIS  Bouche.  <  >n  citrus  varieties  recently 
imported  from  France. 

L.  ULMI  Linn.  Oyster  shell  scale.  A  pernicious  pest  of 
ornamental  shrubbery  and  trees. 

*ISCHXASPIS  Lox<ifRosTk's  Sign.  Thread  scale.  Common 
on  palms  and  camellia. 

*PARLATORIA  PERGAXDII  Comst.  Chaff  scale.  Common  on 
citrus  trees  and  ivy. 

*P.  PROTEUS  Curt.     Recorded  from  crotons. 

Notes  on  the  Cercopidae  of  America  North  of 
Mexico  (Homoptera). 

By  E.  D.  BALL,  Sanford,  Florida. 

In  a  recent  article  the  writer  summarized  the  present 
knowledge  of  the  genus  Chtstnptcni  for  the  region  north  of 
Mexico.  A  few  interesting  notes  with  reference  to  the  re- 
mainder of  the  family  follow. 

Monccphora  bicincta  Say.  The  writer  found  the  nymphs 
of  this  species  down  in  the  bottoms  of  grass  clumps  in  damp 
situations  around  Washington,  D.  C.  Places  where  seepage 
was  appearing  on  side  hills  with  south  slopes  appeared  to  be 
favorite  spots.  In  Florida  this  species  occurs  in  grass  clumps 
in  dam])  areas  and  forms  large  frothy  masses  often  partly 
below  the  level  of  the  ground. 

This  insect  differs  widely  from  the  representatives  of 
other  Cercopid  genera  in  this  country  in  the  manner  of  leaving 
the  froth  mass.  All  the  other  species  observed  leave  in  the 
nymphal  state,  climb  up  a  stem  or  branch,  fix  their  claws  se- 
curely in  the  bark  and  remain  stationary,  allowing  their  skin 
to  dry.  The  nymphal  skin  splits  down  the  back  and  the  insect 
crawls  out  leaving  the  dry  skin,  in  almost  its  original  shape. 

48  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

clinging  to  the  stem.  This  is  usually  done  in  the  early  morn- 
ing, in  order  to  give  the  wings  time  to  fully  expand  before  the 
heat  of  the  day  hardens  them.  Not  so  with  the  Monecphora 
nymph — when  ready  to  emerge  it  crawls  up  out  of  its  damp 
retreat  among  the  stems  and  roots,  selects  an  open  but  usually 
partly  shaded  situation  on  the  under  side  of  a  grass  blade  and 
forms  a  single  large  sphere  of  froth.  This  sphere  is  made  up 
of  a  lower  solid  mass  of  bubbles  and  an  upper  hollow  hemis- 
phere formed  of  a  single  layer  of  almost  uniform  sized  and 
relatively  transparent  bubbles.  On  the  lower  solid  mass  the 
nymph  comes  to  rest,  partly  dries  its  skin,  then  splits  it  down 
the  back  from  end  to  end  and  spreads  it  out  like  a  rug  on  the 
floor.  Standing  on  this  raft,  and  sheltered  by  the  glittering 
dome  of  bubbles  above,  it  spreads  out  its  wings  and  dries  them 
at  leisure.  This  usually  occupies  the  morning  and  when  it 
finally  leaves  its  frothy  bower  it  leaps  free,  spreads  its  wings 
and  is  away  like  a  flash. 

Aphrophora  saratogcnsis  Fh.  The  writer  has  taken  the 
adults  of  saratogcnsis  and  parallcla  in  abundance  on  pine  in 
Wisconsin,  Massachusetts  and  Virginia  but  has  never  found 
any  nymphs  on  pine  except  those  of  the  latter  species.  In 
Florida,  saratogcnsis  is  abundant  but  parallcla  has  not  been 
taken  so  careful  watch  was  kept  for  froth  masses  on  pine  but 
without  success.  One  day  in  sweeping  an  area  where  luxuriant 
clumps  of  the  common  ditch  fern  (Wood'Ward'ia  z'irginica) 
were  growing  near  scattered  clumps  of  pines  a  number  of 
large  froth  masses  were  found  on  the  ferns  and  from  them 
were  taken  nymphs  that  later  developed  into  A.  saratogcnsis 
adults.  From  that  time  on  froth  masses  were  found  on  ferns 
in  many  places  but  none  on  pines.  The  writer  had  long  sus- 
pected that  parallcla  was  the  only  one  of  our  species  of  Aphro- 
phora that  fed  on  pine  in  the  nymphal  stage.  Both  saratogcnsis 
and  signorcti  are  much  more  closely  related  to  the  western 
forms,  in  which  the  known  nymphs  are  found  feeding  on 
vegetation  below  the  pines,  than  they  are  to  parallcla. 

Aphrophora  signorcti  Fh.  This  species  is  rare  in  collec- 
tions and  has  only  been  reported  from  Ontario,  N.  Y.,  and 

ix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  49 

North  Carolina.  It  is  very  likely  restricted  by  its  nymphal 
food  plant  to  an  Appalachian  and  northern  habitat  and  when 
that  is  found  its  distribution  will  be  explained  and  the  numbers 
in  collections  increased. 

Stearns  evidently  confused  this  species  with  annnlata  P>al1 
as  he  reports  having  examples  of  aninilata  from  M.  IT.  and 
X.  C.  These  were  no  doubt  sn/noriii  as  he  does  not  record 
examining  examples  of  siynorcti  nor  give  drawings  of  its 
genitalia.  A.  aninilata  Ball  is  a  western  form  known  at  present 
from  Colo.,  Utah  and  California  and  all  of  these  examples 
were  taken  in  the  higher  mountains.  The  male  plates  are 
broad  and  flat  at  the  base  with  the  outer  margins  parallel  or 
slightly  widening  to  just  before  the  black  tips,  the  inner  mar- 
gins cut  out  obliquely,  and  the  whole  structure  clothed  with 
long  hairs.  In  sigiwrcti  the  male  plates  are  much  less 
divergent  longer  and  narrower,  almost  finger  like,  without 
hairs.  Steam's  drawing  of  the  plates  of  annnlata  as  a  very 
broad  crescent  is  not  typical  of  either  species. 


Van  Duzee  in  his  Catalog  lists  bilincata  (Say)  as  the 
logotype  of  the  genus  Philaroma  but  gives  no  authority. 
Lallemand  in  1912  designated  P.  abject  a  as  the  type. 

Stearns  states  that  he  has  examined  specimens  of  P. 
abjecta  from  North  Carolina  but  these  were  probably  examples 
of  Lepvronut  antjnlifcra  which  is  abundant  in  this  region  and 
has  frequently  been  determined  as  abjecta. 

P.  bilincata  var.  infuscata  Stearns  (Hemp.  Conn.  p.  230- 
1923)  =var.  orbicularis  Bull.  Proc.  la.  Ac.  Sc.  25.  p.  145-1919 
which  Stearns  omitted. 

P.     bilincata    var.    pall  id  us   Stearns    p.    230   is   so   near   the 
type   form  as  to   be   scarcely  worth  considering  as  a   varicK 
It"  this  form  is  recognized  at  all  Stearns'  name  will  fall  before 
var.    anicricana    Bak.    (Can.    Ent.   p.    112    1S9/)    shown    by   a 
Baker  type  in  the  writer's  possession.      I'.aker  described  anicr- 
icaiia  as  "resembling  in  color  P.  Uncut  us"  while  Stearns  u 
exactly  the  same  words   "color  pale  yellow";  to  describe  var. 
pallid  us  and  /'.  lineahis.     There  does  not  however  seem  to  be 
any  valid  reason  for  maintaining  a  varietal  name. 

50  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

The  Invalidity  of  the  Tentamen  Names  of  the 
Butterflies  (Lepid.  :  Rhopalocera). 

By  W.  J.   HOLLAND,   Carnegie   Museum,   Pittsburgh, 


Mr.  \Vm.  T.  M.  Forbes  published  in  Science,  October 
28,  1927,  pp.  396-397,  an  article  anent  the  names  used  in  Hiib- 
ner's  Tentamen.  He  endeavors  to  reply  to  my  article  published 
in  Science  on  July  1,  1927.  Because  of  Opinion  97  of  the 
International  Commission  on  Scientific  Nomenclature  all  the 
Tentamen  names  become  unavailable  as  generic  terms  attribut- 
able to  Hiibner  under  date  of  1806.  Cela  i'a  sans  dire.  It  is 
evident  that  if  these  names  are  to  be  recognized  as  having 
generic  standing,  it  must  be  because  they  have  been  used  in 
a  generic  sense  subsequently  to  the  issue  of  the  Tentamen.  Mr. 
Forbes  claims  that  the}-  were  so  used  by  Hiibner  himself  from 
1806-1816.  I  take  issue  with  him.  I  say  that  they  were  not 
so  used  by  Hiibner,  Mr.  Forbes  to  the  contrary  notwithstand- 
ing. Mr.  Forbes  evidently  does  not  grasp  Hiibner 's  "system," 
or  is  wilfully  perverting  it.  He  and  those  who  hold  and  have 
held  with  him,  including  my  good  friend  of  bygone  years,  the 
late  Dr.  Samuel  H.  Scudder,  have  imported  into  their  con- 
struction of  Hiibner's  terms  concepts  derived  from  modern 
usage,  apparently  without  heeding  the  warnings  of  Hiibner 
himself.  Having  studied  the  works  of  Hiibner  page  by  page 
and  being  familiar  with  all  of  them,  I  think  it  is  beyond  doubt, 
as  most  authors  have  held,  that  Hiibner  consistently  employed 
in  all  of  his  earlier  writings  a  trinomial  nomenclature,  in  which 
he  entirely  ignored  generic  terms  both  in  his  own  and  in  the 
•modern  sense  of  the  term.  It  is  in  defiance  of  Hiibner  himself 
that  generic  value  has  been  attributed  by  Scudder  and  a  few 
recent  students  to  the  category  of  names,  which  Hiibner  desig- 
nated as  Stir f>es  (Stamme). 

As  my  article  published  in  Science  may  not  be  easily 
accessible  to  some  of  the  readers  of  the  present  paper,  I  here 
again  give  the  outline  of  Hiibner's  System  of  Classification: 

XXxix,    '28  j  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  51 


a.  Phalanges    (Gcnnanicc    Horden ;    Anglice   hordes)  - 

ORDERS,  in  modern  parlance. 

b.  He  divided  the  Phalanges,  or  Hordes,  into   Tribns   (Ger- 

manicc  Rotten;  Anglice  tribes  )=  SUPER-FAMILIES. 

c.  He  subdivided  the  Tribus  into  Stirpcs  (Gcnnanicc  Stllmme ; 

Anglice  races,  or  clans)  ^FAMILIES,  as  now  u>ed. 
(/.     He  subdivided  the   Stirpcs  or   races,   into   Fainilicc    (Ger- 

iii, mice  Familien;  Anglice  families)  =SUB-FAMILIES, 

as  now  used. 
c.     He     subdivided     the     Families     into     Coitus      (Gcnnanicc 

Vereine;  Anglice  unions)  =GEXER  A   in  the  Linmean 

/.     He   subdivided   the   Coitus   into    Genera    (Gcnnanicc   Gat- 

tungen.   Anglice  kinds,  or  species  )=  SPECIES   in   the 

Linnsean  sense,  and  as  now  employed. 

In  my  article  Air.  Forbes  charges  me  with  some  sins  of 
omission.  Purposely,  for  the  sake  of  brevity,  I  omitted  allud- 
ing to  a  number  of  things,  to  which  Mr.  Forbes  calls  attention. 
I  was  merely  stating  the  law  ;  I  was  not  construing  it  in  its 
application  to  particular  cases.  Mr.  Forbes  takes  up  the  par- 
ticular case  of  the  word  Lininas.  He  evidently  is  somewhat 
mystified  and  puzzled  as  to  the  status  of  that  particular  word. 
He  flounders,  and  finally  asks  the  question :  "What  would 
Dr.  Holland  do  about  it?" 

So  far  as  the  names  of  the  butterflies  in  the  Tcntanicn 
are  concerned  the  reply  I  make  to  Mr.  Forbes  follows  herein- 

As  I  fully  explained  in  my  article  published  July  1,  1927, 
Hvilmer  in  his  Tciitamcn  was  not  writing  about  genera,  but, 
as  he  explicitly  states,  about  stirpcs  (families  in  the  modern 
sense).  As  I  pointed  out,  he  wrote  after  the  name  of  each 
Stir ps  (family),  which  he  provisionally  suggested  in  the 
Tcntanicn,  the  name  of  a  familiar  spi-cies  (Gattung)  with 
which  all  of  his  readers  might  be  supposed  to  be  well  acquainted, 
in  order  to  show  them  what  kind  of  a  butterfly  might  be 
included  in  the  STIRPS.  He  absolutely  was  not  using  the 
words  in  a  generic  sense,  although  a  reader,  familiar  with  our 
modern  use  of  terms  in  combination,  might  jump  to  such  a 

52  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

conclusion,  as  has  actually  been  clone  by  some,  including  Dr. 
Scuclder,  Air.  Forbes,  and  Messrs.  Barnes  and  Benjamin.  That 
what  I  say  of  Hiibner's  employment  of  terms  in  the  Tcntamcn 
is  positively  true  is  proved  by  all  the  subsequent  writings  of 
Hiibner,  in  which,  until  he  came  to  publish  Vol.  II  of  the 
Sam-mi  it  ng  e.rotisclier  Schmetterlinge,  he  always  had  in  mind, 
or  used,  a  trinomial  form  of  nomenclature.  In  the  legends  of 
his  plates,  SammlniKj  c.rotischcr  Schmetterlinge,  Vol.  I,  pis. 
1-213,  the  legends  are  all  trinomial:  giving  1st,  the  name  of 
Stirps  (family  in  the  modern  sense)  ;  2nd,  the  name  of  the 
familia  (Hiibnerian)  :  3rd,  the  name  of  the  genus  (Gattung. 
or  species  in  our  modern  understanding  of  the  term).  We 
must  always  remember  that  Hiibner  used  the  word  genus  for 
what  we  today  call  species.  In  the  SystematiscJi-Alphabetischcs 
VerseicJiniss,  published  in  1822  (?),  which  is,  as  Hiibner 
states  in  the  Introduction,  the  Index  to  his  Sammlung  curo- 
pdischer  Schmetterlinge,  he  consistently  uses  trinomial  terms, 
although  the  plates  in  that  work  only  carried  the  names  of 
the  species  (Gattungen),  and  were  in  fact  uninomial.  In  the 
Anzeigcr  (undated),  but  which  cannot  have  been  published 
earlier  than  1827,  probably  later,  he  furnishes  a  catalog  of  all 
of  his  published  species,  which  are  listed  in  the  Vcrzcichniss 
bckanntcr  ScJimettlingc  (sic).  In  this  catalog,  which  accounts 
for  the  species  published  both  in  the  Sammlung  europ'discher 
Schmetterlinge,  and  the  Sammlung  c.rotischcr  Schmetterlinge, 
and  which  may  be  justly  regarded  as  "the  final  layout"  of  his 
"system/'  the  points  I  brought  out  in  my  article  of  July  1, 
1927,  are  made  as  clear  as  the  sun. 

Evidently  Mr.  Forbes  does  not  understand  and  has  not 
thoroughly  acquainted  himself  with  the  writings  of  Hiibner. 
In  fact  he  confesses  in  his  article  that  one  of  .them  he  has 
not  seen,  and  queries  its  existence  in  America.  There  are 
copies  of  this  work  in  America,  one  of  which  lies  before  me 
as  I  write,  thanks  to  the  kindness  of  its  amiable  possessor. 
Professor  H.  T.  Fernald  of  Amherst,  Mass.,  whose  honored 
father  was  one  of  the  leading  students  of  the  Hiibnerian 
literature  in  his  day.  There  is  another  in  the  library  of  the 


Academy  of   Natural   Sciences   in    Philadelphia,   which    1    have- 
recently  consulted.      It  is  a  rare  honk. 

The  butterflies  in  the  Tcntamcn  and  throughout  the  writ- 
ings of  Hubner  were  divided  by  him  into  two  frihns  (  Rotten)  : 
the  "nymphales" ;  and  the  "gentiles."  In  the  Tcntamcn  he 
suggests  the  subdivision  of  these  Tribus  into  Slirpes.  Fie 
says  so  in  positive  terms.  The  names  of  the  Stirpes  (  Iniiiiiies 
in  the  modern  sense)  of  the  first  Tribe  he  consistently  used 
in  his  later  writings;  the  .s-//r/>.v-names  proposed  for  the  second 
Tribe  he  used  in  the  trinomial  legends  of  Vol.  I  of  his 
Saminluiit/  c.votischer  Schmettcrl'nujc,  but  subsequently  simply 
ignored  them,  and  substituted  other  stirps-names,  when  he  came 
to  publish  the  index  to  his  Saiiinihtn;/  europaischer  Schmetter- 
lint/e  and  subsequently,  as  I  shall  show  later  in  this  article. 

"TRIBUS  I.  nymphales"* 

"Stirps  I.  NEREIDES— Xereis   Polymnia" 

Tlie  word  Nereis  is  employed  by  Hubner  in  the  Tcntamcn 
and  elsewhere  as  the  name  of  a  Stirps  (Stamm)  of  butterflies. 
It  is  so  used  in  the  titles  of  Pis.  1-17  in  the  Sammlitiu/  c.rol- 
ischcr  Scliincttcrlingc,  it  occurs  in  the  /  'crzcicluiiss  bckanntcr 
Scluncttlinyc,  pp.  8-14,  as  the  equivalent,  as  Hubner  himself 
states,  of  the  Hcliconii  of  Linne  and  Fabricius.  It  is  cited  in 
his  Anzciycr,  1827,  p.  2,  in  the  category  of  Stirpcs  and  nowhere 
ilse.  Under  the  Nereides  Hubner  assembled  the  following 
genera:  Hvinenitis,  Ithomia,  Oleria,  Thyridia,  Acria,  C  era- 
tinia,  Sais,  Dismorpha,  Meclianilis,  Eiteides,  Melincca,  Mit/on- 
itis,  Sitnids,  ApostropJiia,  Slcyonia,  and  Ajantis.  The  name 
Nereis,  which  never  was  used  by  Hubner  in  a  generic  sense 
(Cf.  Anzcu/er,  p.  2)  under  any  construction  of  terms  cannot 
be  used  as  a  generic  name  in  the  Lepidoptera,  because  it  is 
preoccupied  in  the  !'erines  (  Limueus,  17('l).  That  is  that! 
"Stirps  II,  LIMNADES — Limnas  Chrysippus" 

Liinnas,  suggested  by  I  fiibner  in  the  Tcntanicn  as  the 
name  of  a  Stirps  (Stamm)  was  so  employed  by  him  in  Vol. 
I  of  the  Saiiinilitin/  c.votisclicr  Schmetterlinge,  Pis.  18-.vx  On 
these  plates  are  represented  fifteen  species,  belonging  to  two 

*The  headings  in  qnotatimi  marks  arc  tran^crilicd    \\-«\\\  thr  'l\-iiltiiiicn. 

54  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '28 

families  (in  modern  parlance),  the  Danaidcc  and  the  Rio- 
dinidcc,  and  nine  genera.  The  use  of  Limnas  as  a  generic 
name  must  be  attributed  to  Boisduval,  who,  knowing  that 
Hiibner  had  not  used  the  word  in  a  generic  sense,  employed  it 
in  1836  (Spec.  Gen.  I,  pi.  20,  fig.  1)  for  a  genus  of  Riodinidcc 
(Er\cinid(c),  as  he  had  a  perfect  right  to  do.  He  designated 
the  genotype  as  [>i.\'c,  a  well  known  and  common  Central  Amer- 
ican species.  Blanchard  four  years  later  used  the  word  in 
the  same  sense  as  Boisduval,  but  wrote  it  with  a  variant 
spelling  "Lyinnas."  The  word  so  spelled  should  be  designated 
as  a  synonym  of  Limnas  Boiscl.  (Kirby,  Stichel,  and  Seitz  to 
the  contrary  notwithstanding.)  The  generic  use  of  Limnas 
for  any  species  of  the  Danaidcc  is  without  warrant,  though 
several  reputable  authors  have  made  this  error. 
"Stirps  III,  LEMONIADES — Lemonias  Maturna" 

Lemonias,  proposed  by  Hiibner  in  the  Tentamen  as  the 
name  for  a  Shrps  (Stamm),  was  subsequently  employed  by 
him  as  such  in  the  titles  of  plates  and  in  the  Verzeichniss, 
p.  26;  and  the  Anseiger,  p.  2.  It  was  never  used  by  Hiibner 
as  a  generic  term  (me  jndice).  The  Lemoniades  of  Hiibner 
(Cf.  Verzeichniss  I.  c.)  include  a  heterogeneous  assemblage  of 
genera:  Stulaelitis  (Riodinidcc1)  Actinotc  and  Tclchinia 
(Acrccidce),  Melitfca,  Sclnrnis,  Byblia,  and  Cinclidia-  (Nym- 
plialidcc).  The  first  employment  of  Lciuonias  as  a  generic 
name  among  the  diurnal  lepidoptera  was  by  Hofrmansegg 
OYiedemann's  Zool.  Magazin,  I,  ii,  1818,  pp.  99-100).  But, 
as  has  been  shown  by  Stichel,  (Genera  Insectorum,  fasc.  CXII, 
]>.  377)  Lciuonias  Hoffmansegg  (1818),  falls  before  Nym- 
phidinm  Fabr.  (1807)  and  the  word,  with  all  its  derivatives, 
drops  into  the  synonymy.  The  use  of  Lemonias  as  a  generic 
name  in  substitution  for  Melitcea,  by  Barnes  and  Benjamin  in 
the  "List  of  the  Butterflies  of  Boreal  America,"  is  incorrect, 
and  founded  upon  a  misunderstanding  of  the  status  of  the 
term,  which,  though  long  used  in  the  Riodinidcc  (Ervcin- 
id(C),  has  been  so  used  without  warrant,  as  is  clearly  indicated 
by  Stichel  ( /.  r.). 

'Misspelt  "Rliiodinidcc"  in  Barnes  &  McDunnough's  Check-List,  p.  13 
-Cinclidia  Hiibner   is   synonymous   with  Melitcra   Fabr. 


••Stirps  IV,  DRYADES— Dryas  Paphia" 

Drvas  is  suggested  by  Hubner  in  the  Tcntamcn  as  the 
name  of  a  Stirps,  and  as  such  is  used  by  him  subsequently, 
but  was  never  employed  by  him  in  a  generic  sense  (See  his 
writings  passim :  Sammlung  c.vot.  Schinett.,  \  ol.  I,  1806- 
1819;  S\slcmat.-AlpJi.  \~  cr:::c\cliniss,  1822;  I'crzcicJiniss  bc- 
kanntcr  Schmcttlinyc,  1816-1827.  p.  2(J  ;  and  the  Anzc'ujcr  1827 
(?),  ]).  2).  It  has  no  standing  whatever  as  a  generic  term, 
and  its  use  as  such  by  several  authors  (c.  <j.  Tutt )  and  by 
Barnes  and  Benjamin  in  their  recent  "List  of  the  Butterflies 
of  Boreal  America."  is  in  error.  The  Dryadcs,  composing 
Stirps  IV  of  Hubner,  according  to  him  include  the  genera 
Phyciocics,  Brcntliis,  Argyiiuis.  Issoriu,  Acidalia,  Dionc, 
Cohcnis,  and  Argyronomc.  (Cf.  Hiibner's  J'crccichniss,  p.  29, 
ct  scq.;  Anzciycr,  p.  2.) 
"Stirps  V,  HAMADRYADES— Hamadryas  lo" 

I/ainiulryas  suggested  by  Hiibner  in  his  circular  letter, 
known  as  the  Tcntamcn,  as  the  name  of  a  Stirps  (Stamm), 
was  not  used  by  him  as  a  generic  name  (Cf.  Syst.  Alph.  I'crz., 
pp.  2-6  ct  scq.;  />;'£.  Bck.  Sclimctt.,  p.  32;  Anzciycr,  p.  2). 
The  genera,  which  he  included  under  the  Hamadryades,  are 
/  'ancssa.  Pvninicis,  Precis.  Anarlia,  Tcnicnis,  Jiinonia, 
Alcyoiuis,  A  pal  lira,  Historis,  Athena,  Polyyonia,  Engonia, 
Inachis,  Elyinnias,  and  Araschnia.  As  expert  systematists 
know,  the  genera  assembled  under  this  category  are  somewhat 
incongruous,  but  superficially  they  resemble  each  other.  Ham- 
adryas as  a  generic  name  must  be  credited  to  Boisduval,  1832, 
who  applied  the  name  in  a  generic  sense  to  Papilio  zoilut 
Fabr.,  which  is  the  genotype.  The  insect  is  found  in  the 
Austral-Asian  region.  (Cf.  Voyage  dc  1' Astrolabe,  Lepidop- 
tera,  p.  91;  Doubleday  &  llewitson.  (Jen.  Diurn.  Lep.,  1847, 
pi.  18*,  fig.  1;  Kirby,  Syn.  Cat.  Lep.,  1871.  p.  18.)  The  name 
Hamadryas  cannot  be  used  as  a  generic  name  for  anv  Xorth 
American  insect. 

The  word  Hamadryas  has  been  used  as  a  generic  name 
in  the  Opliidia,  the  Mammalia,  and  the  Mollnsca  bv  authors 
writing  since  Boisduval  (1S32).  In  these  three-  cases  it  i> 
iiomcn  prcoccnpalnm. 

56  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

"Stirps  VI,  NAJADES— Najas  Populi" 

Najas,  proposed  and  used  by  Hiibner  as  tbe  name  of  a 
Stirps  (Stamm)  was  never  used  by  him  as  a  generic  term. 
The  many  genera  included  by  Hiibner  under  the  Najades  are 
mostly  tropical  American,  African,  and  Asiatic  Nymphalida, 
of  which  only  Ageronia,  Hypolimnas,  and  Callicore  have  been 
listed  as  occurring  within  the  United  States.  Its  generic  use 
in  the  lepidoptera  attributable  to  Hiibner  (1806)  is  incorrect; 
it  is,  however,  apparently  preoccupied  in  the  Mollnsca,  Lam- 
arck, 1809. 
"Stirps  VII,  POTAMIDES— Potamis  Iris" 

Potamis  is  used  by  Hiibner  to  designate  a  stirps  (Pota- 
midcs),  including  a  large  number  of  genera  belonging  in  our 
accepted  modern  classification  to  the  Nymphalida1,  the  Mor- 
pliidfc,  Brassolida-,  &c.  It  was  never  used  in  his  category  of 
coitus  (genera,  in  our  accepted  sense  of  the  latter  term). 
Such  use  is  inadmissible,  if  Hiibner  is  to  be  the  reputed  author 
of  the  genus. 
"Stirps  VIII,  OREADES— Oreas  Proserpina" 

The  Oreades  of  Hiibner  are  arranged  by  him  in  eight 
families  including  a  long  list  of  genera,  mainly  referable  to  the 
Satyridce.  The  use  of  the  word  in  a  generic  sense  is  impos- 
sible, with  Hiibner  cited  as  author. 

The  Stirps-names  for  butterflies,  suggested  by  Hiibner 
under  his  "Tribus  II  gentiles,"  appear  in  the  trinomial  legends 
of  the  plates  in  Vol.  I  of  the  Sammlung  c.votischcr  Schmetter- 
lingc,  as  everybody  knows,  but  they  are  there  consistently  used 
as  Stirps-names,  not  as  generic  designations.  The  use  of 
Rusliciis,  Princcps,  J\Jancipiuin,  Consul,  and  Urbanus  as  Stirps- 
names  was  subsequently  abandoned  by  J  Iiibner.  In  his  Sys- 
tematisch-Alphabetisches  I'crzcicliniss  (1822)  he  makes  the 
following  substitutions  : 

For  Rnsiicus    he  substitutes  Agrodicctus ;  Stirps  Agrodiccti; 
Princcps  Archon ;  Archontcs; 

Mancipium"  AntJiropodnui ;  "       Anthropoda; 

Consul  Hvpahts;  "       H  \pati; 

"     Urhunns  Astycus;  Astyci. 


The  Systematisch-Alphabetisches  I'crzcichniss  was  in  fact 
the  index  to  his  Saunnlniif/  curopiiisclier  Schmetterlinge.  Tn 
1822  he  threw  the  names  of  the  Slirpcs  used  in  the  first  volume 
of  his  Sawuilung  cxotischer  Schmetterlinge  into  the  discard. 
Hiihner  regarded  all  of  his  \\ork  prior  to  the  issue  of  the 
rcrceiehniss  bckanntcr  Sclinicttliin/c  as  more  or  less  tentative. 
He  brings  this  out  clearly  in  his  Introduction  to  the  Systcin- 
atisch-Alphdbetisches  I'crzcichniss  (1822),  in  which  he  says 
at  the  outset:  "The  great  number  of  specimens  of  species 
(Gattungsmuster)  of  European  lepidoptera  in  my  collection, 
which  I  have  figured  during  the  last  thirty  years,  have  long 
called  for  an  index  of  the  names,  which  I  have  provisionally 
(einstweilen)  given  them,  until  such  time  as  they  can  be  defin- 
itely named  (unfehlbar  genannt)  &c."  He  was  a  searcher  for 
truth.  He  had,  however,  a  "System,"  which  upon  the  whole 
he  preferred  to  any  other,  and  it  was  not  until  he  began  to 
publish  his  rerzcicliniss  bckanntcr  Schmetterlinge  (1816-1827) 
and  the  plates  of  Vol.  II  of  his  Sainnilumj  e.votischcr  Sclunef- 
tcrlinyc,  that  he  finally  fell  into  line  with  other  systemat'ists, 
and  adopted  the  binomial  nomenclature. 

In  the  I'crzcichniss  bckanntcr  Schmettlinge  (1816-1827), 
which  is  an  attempt  to  catalog  all  of  the  species,  of  which  he 
had  published  figures,  and  is  the  "final  layout"  of  his  "system," 
he  introduces  an  additional  "Stirps"  between  the  Hypati  and 
the  Astyci,  calling  ft  the  Tclchincs.  into  which  he  puts  such 
different  genera  as  Cnretis  (Lyeccnid)  and  Castnia! 

The  Jnzciijer,  which  cannot  certainly  have  appeared  earlier 
than  1827,  completely  ignores  all  the  stirps-names  given  in  the 
Tent  a  in  in  in  Tribus  II.  The  title  is  "Anzcigcr/dcr  iin  I'cr- 
ceieliniss  bckanntcr  Schmettlinge  aniienonnncncn  /'cncnniiin/en 
Hirer  Harden,  Rotten/ St'dmme,  I'uinilicn,  i'crcine,  nitd  (/'(//- 
titngcn."  Freely  translated  the  title  is:  "Index  of  the  Names 
adopted  for  the  Lepidoptera  in  the  I'crzcicliniss  bckanntcr 
Schmettlinge,  giving  their  Phalanges  (Horden)  Tribus  (Rut- 
ten)  Stirpcs  (Stamme),  l'aniUi<c  (  l^amilien)  coitus  (Vereine) 
and  genera  (Gattungen)". 

A    studv    of    the    Anzciijer    makes    sun-clear    what    Hiibner 

58  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '28 

had  in  mind.  He  never  used  the  word  "Stirps"  to  designate 
a  genus  (coitus).  The  names  Kusticits,  Prince  ps,  Mancipium, 
Consul  and  Urbanus  appear  nowhere  in  his  alphabetical  list 
of  the  Stir pcs  given  on  pp.  1-2.  They  do  not  occur  in  his 
alphabetical  list  of  the  Coitus  Papilionum  pp.  4-7. 

Urbanus  suggested  by  Hiibner  in  the  Tcntaincn  as  the 
name  of  a  Stirps  and  used  as  such  in  some  of  the  plates  in 
Vol.  I  of  the  Sammlung  c.rotisclicr  Schincttcrlingc,  in  all  his 
later  writings  was  totally  ignored,  and  never  used  to  designate 
anything,  stirps,  fainilia,  coitus  (Yerein),  or  species  (Gattung). 
(Cf.  Systematisch-Alphabetisehes  J'crzeiclniiss,  1822;  Ver- 
zcuJiniss  bckanntcr  Schnictllingc,  1816-1827;  and  Anzeiger, 
1827.)  Its  resuscitation  as  a  generic  name  by  Barnes  and 
Benjamin,  following  S.  H.  Scudder,  is  unwarranted.  The 
species  mah'cc,  placed  under  Urbanus  by  Hiibner  in  the  Tcnta- 
incn, as  a  suggestion  of  what  might  be  included  in  the  family 
(Stirps).  belongs  according  to  Hiibner  (V erzeichniss  bck. 
Scluncff.,  p.  110)  to  the  genus  Carcliarodus.  Urbanus  as  a 
generic  name  in  the  diurnal  lepidoptera  has  no  standing  what- 
ever, and  its  use  is  due  to  a  misconception. 

At  the  conclusion  of  his  critique  Air.  Forbes  says:  "In 
bringing  in  the  'Yerzeichniss'  Dr.  Holland  does  not  mention 
that  ten  years  [1806-1816]  had  intervened,  and  that  in  the 
meantime  Hiibner  had  used  all  the  Tentamen  names  of  butter- 
flies as  generic  (as  the  first  names  of  binomials),  also  many 
of  the  moths.  This  fact  completely  invalidates  his  argument." 
Wondering  upon  what  Mr.  Forbes  could  possibly  have  founded 
his  sweeping  statement,  I  wrote  to  him  for  information.  He 
kindly  informs  me  (to  my  utter  astonishment)  that  it  is  based 
upon  the  legends  of  the  plates  in  the  first  volume  of  the 
Sammlung  exotischer  ScJnncttcrlingc.  But  everyone  of  these 
plates  carries  a  trinomial  (not  a  binomial)  legend.  On  these 
plates  Hiibner  gives  1st,  the  name  of  the  Stirps;  2nd,  the  name 
of  the  Fainilia;  3rd,  the  name  of  the  Gattung  (species).  It 
is  absolutely  not  true  that  Hiibner  used  ''all  the  Tcntaincn 
names"  as  "the  first  names  of  binomials"  on  these  plates.  He 
does  not  use  one  of  them  "as  generic,"  in  our  sense,  or  in  his 

\.\xix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  59 

sense,  of  that  word.  It  is  pure  sophistry  to  try  to  make  two 
out  of  three.  .Mr.  Forbes  is  wrong.  He  might  as  well  tell 
us  that  2  -f-  2  ==  5.  Inasmuch  as  his  premise  is  not  correct, 
his  conclusion  is  equally  incorrect.  Incidentally  I  may  say 
that  I  was  not  making  an  "argument"  in  a  matter,  which  in 
my  judgment  does  not  admit  of  argument.  In  what  I  wrote 
I  was  stating  the  plain  facts.  Mr.  Forbes  and  those  who  hold 
with  him  make  the  mistake  of  reading  into  the  writings  of 
Jacob  Hiibner  what  he  palpably  never  intended.  The  use  of 
Hiibner's  .tf;V/\f-names  as  the  designation  of  genera,  attribut- 
able to  Hiibner,  is  as  amusing  a  procedure  as  it  would  be  if 
a  paleontologist  were  to  undertake  today  to  rechristen  Dlplodo- 
CHS  canicgiei,  and  call  it  Dinosaitrns  carnc//ici,  because  the 
ordinal  name  Dinosauria  Owen  ( 1842)  has  priority  in  time 
over  the  genus  Diplodocits  Marsh  (1878). 

As  to  the  case  of  the  term  Apatda  (sic)  to  w/iic/i  Mr. 
Forbes  calls  attention,  and  which  he  apparently  regards  as  most 
puzzling,  which  indeed  it  is.  if  the  Stirps-names  of  Hiibner 
are  to  be  taken  as  generic,  which  they  are  not.  an  easy  solution 
nf  the  difficulty  is  to  be  found.  A  pat  el  e  Hiibner  was  a  Stirps 
under  which  Hiibner  classified  a  number  of  genera  (coitus). 
He  did  not  employ  the  word  in  a  generic  sense.  The  first  use 
as  generic  of  the  word  A patcla  must  be  attributed  to  Harris 
(1841)  type  ainericana  Harris.  But  A  pat  da  (not  Apatdc 
Hiibner)  falls  as  a  synonym  before  Acronicta  Ochsenheimer. 
The  solution  of  the  apparent  difficulty  is  quite  easy. 

All  of  the  foregoing  has  no  interest  for  politicians,  bankers, 
and  coal-dealers;  but  it  is  of  importance  to  systematists  engaged 
in  naming  and  classifying  the  butterflies  and  moths  of  the 

Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology. 
Dr.  Karl  Jordan,  Permanent  Secretary  of  the  Congress^. 
wrote  from  Tring,  Dec.  21,  1927:  "The  preparations  for  the 
Ithaca  Congress  are  proceeding  favorably.  The  number  of 
European  members  will  be  sufficiently  large  to  make  the  gath- 
ering an  international  one.  and  1  think  we  shall  all  enjoy  the 
meeting  and  enlarge  our  views." 


•  PHILADELPHIA,    PA.,    FEBRUARY,    1928. 

Entomology   at   the   "Convocation   Week"   Meetings, 

December  26  to  31,   1927. 

We  present  herewith  our  annual  summary  of  the  papers 
treating  of  insects,  as  listed  on,  the  general  program  of  the 
eighty-fourth  meeting  of  the  American  Association  for  the 
.Advancement  of  Science  and  of  the  Associated  Societies,  held 
at  Nashville  Tennessee.  Although  not  all  of  those  enumer- 
ated were  delivered,  the  titles  give  an  idea  of  the  topics  occupy- 
ing the  entomological  workers  at  this  time.  These  papers  were 
presented  before  the  following  societies: 

Entomological  Society  of  America 31 

American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists Ill 

American  Society  of  Zoologists  alone 8 

Same,  Joint  Genetics   Section 5 

Same,  with  Ecological  Society  of  America 1 

Same,  with  American  Society  of  Parasitologists 1 

Ecological  Society  of  America  alone 2 

American  Society  of  Parasitologists  alone 7 

American  Phytopathological   Society 3 

American  Society  of   Naturalists 1 

Section  O,  Agriculture,  with  Amer.  Assn.  Econ.  Ent 4 

Potato  Association  of  America 1 

American  Nature  Study  Society 3 

Total    178 

(  )n  the  basis  of  the  comparisons  made  in  the  NEWS  for  Feb- 
ruary, 1927,  page  55.  this  total  exceeds  those  of  the  meetings 
of  the  last  five  years. 

The  subjects  treated  in  these   179  papers  were  as   follows: 

i  Genetics    6 

Teaching  Entomology  ....  2      Parasites  of  Insects    5 

Cytology 1  Arthropods  Affecting  Man 

Anatomy     6          and    Animals 9 

Physiology   21      Evolution   2 

Ecology    10     Taxonomy    5 

Geographical  Distribution.  1  General    Economic     Ento- 

Ontogeny 2          mology    8 



General  Entomology 3     Symphyla 1 

Insecticides     29     Apterygota 

Apiculture    11     (  )rthoptera   4 

Insects     Affecting    Cereal,  Iso1  tera    

Forage  and  Field  Crops  Odonata    

(including  Cotton  6)    .  .    28     Homoptera 15 

Do.  Truck  Crops   6     1  Icteroptera    4 

Do.  Greenhouse  Plants   ..      6  Cdeoptera   (excl.  Japanese 

Do.   Fruit     28  "beetle  and  boll  weevil)  ..     9 

Do.  Household  and  Stored  Japanese   beetle 

Products 8         Boll  weevil 

Do.  Forest    and     Shade  Hymenoptera  (excl.  Apis)     7 

Trees    6  Lepidoptera   (excl.  codling 

Insects      Carrying       Plant  moth  and  corn  borer)  .  .      4 

Disease  Germs 4         Codling  moth 11 

( 'orn  borer 11 

ii  Diptera  (excl.  Drosophila)    12 

Myriopoda   3         Drosophila    5 

Pauropoda    1     Acarina    5 

Many  of  these  figures  are  duplicated  both  between  sections 
i  and  ii  and  also  within  each  section. 

The  Entomological  Society  of  America  met  December  27 
and  28,  Dr.  F.  E.  Lutz,  American  Museum  of  Natural  His- 
tory, New  York,  President;  Prof.  J.  J.  Davis,  Purdue  Univer- 
sity, Lafayette,  Indiana,  Secretary.  The  announced  annual 
public  address  was :  "Insects,  the  People  and  the  State,"  by 
Prof.  H.  T.  Fernald,  Massachusetts  Agricultural  College, 
Amherst.  A  symposium  on  the  Physiology  of  Insects  was 

The  American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists  met 
December  27-31,  Prof.  R.  \Y.  I  Tamed,  Agricultural  and  Me- 
chanic College,  Mississippi,  President:  C.  \V.  Collins,  Melrose 
Highlands,  Massachusetts,  Secretary.  The  entomologists'  din- 
ner was  held  Wednesday  evening,  December  28,  at  the  Her- 
mitage Hotel. 

Dr.  L.  O.  Howard  wrote:     "\\'e  had  an  excellent  entomolo^ 
ical  meeting  at  Nashville.     Both  the    Vssnciation  of   Economic 
Entomologists   and    the    Entomological    Society    of    America's 
sessions  were  well  attended  and  excellently  handled.      I  think 
there  must  have  been  at  least  250  entomologists  there." 

62  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 


An  item  in  Nature  for  November  26,  1927,  states  that  Dr. 
R.  I.  Tillyard  has  been  appointed  Chief  Entomologist  to  the 
Commonwealth  of  Australia.  A  letter  from  Dr.  Tillyard  to 
the  Editor  of  the  NEWS  states  that  he  will  leave  his  present 
position  at  The  Cawthron  Institute  of  Scientific  Research,  at 
Nelson,  New  Zealand,  on  March  1.  He  will  organize  a  Central 
Entomological  Research  Station  at  Canberra,  the  new  capital 
of  Australia,  with  outlying  stations  in  various  States. 

Prof.  Henry  A.  Ballou,  professor  of  entomology  and  head 
of  the  section  of  entomology  and  zoology  in  the  Imperial  Col- 
lege of  Tropical  Agriculture,  Trinidad,  has  been  appointed  by 
the  British  government  to  the  newly  established  office  of  com- 
missioner of  agriculture  for  the  British  West  Indies.  He  will 
retain  his  connection  with  the  college,  but  will  be  occupied 
largely  in  an  attempt  to  coordinate  the  scientific  and  practical 
work  of  the  institution  and  the  departments  of  agriculture  of 
the  various  islands. — Science,  Dec.  23,  1927. 

Concerning  Earwigs  (Dermaptera) 

In  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  (Vol.  38,  pp.  272-273)  Mr.  B. 
B.  Fulton  takes  exception  to  four  points  relating  to  the  actions 
and  habits  of  Forficula  uuriciilaria  as  stated  by  me  in  an  article 
published  in  Vol.  36,  pp.  234-238,  of  this  journal.  In  this 
article  I  stated  the  results  of  a  series  of  experiments  and  ob- 
servations covering  a  period  of  eight  months.  During  these 
experiments  the  earwigs  did  not  eat  either  leaves  or  flowers 
placed  in  jars  in  which  they  were  confined.  Shortly  after  that 
article  went  to  press  I  found  by  further  experiments  that  they 
do  eat  vegetation  but  prefer  animal  matter,  such  as  small  in- 
sects, larvae,  pupae  and  insect  eggs.  When  testing  them  with 
vegetation  during  these  experiments  the  jars  contained  fresh 
soil  which  was  changed  frequently,  and  they  must  "have  found 
food  preferable  to  leaves  and  flowers. 

As  to  Mr.  Fulton's  other  criticisms  I  take  issue  and  can  see 
no  reason  for  accepting  his  corrections.  As  to  the  use  of  the 
forceps,  I  was  dealing  with  Forficula  auric  iilaria  and  have  the 
best  of  reasons  in  believing  that  some  of  the  earwigs  in  the 
southern |  states  differ  entirely  in  the  use  of  their  forceps. 

MILTON  T.  GOE,  Portland,  Oregon. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  63 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL      AB- 
STRACTS,"   UXDER  THE   SUI'EUVISK  >X    OF    E.    T.    CRESSOX,    JR. 
Under    tin-    above    head    it    is    hit  ended    to    note    papers    received    at    the 
Academy    of    Xatural    Sciences.    of    Philadelphia,     pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of   the    Americas    (Xorth    and    South),    including    Arachnida    and 
.\lyriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but     c-untributions     to     anatomy,     physiology     and     embryology    of     insects, 
however,   whether  relating  to  American   or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers    within    brackets    I     I    refer    to   the    journals,    as   numbered 
in  the   list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in   the  January  and  Jini- 
numbers    (or  which   may  be  secured   from   the  publisher  of  Entomological 
>'ews  for  lOc),  in  which   the   paper  appeared.      The  number  of,   or  .annual 
volume,    and    in    some    casts    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (   ) 
follows;    then    the    pagination    follows    the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  arc  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  sec  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  rccnrds  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

m^Yofe  the  clidni/,  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Baker,  C.  F.— Obituary.  [12]  20:  748- 
7(54,  ill.  Berlese,  A.— Obituary.  |27]  59:  124.  Boldori, 
L. — Per  una  stretta  collaborazione  fra  naturalist!  e  spel- 
eologi.  [27]  59:  122-124.  Bradley,  J.  C.— The  use  of  the 
term  allotype.  [68]  66:  543.  Breuning,  S. — Ueber  Fra^en 
der  modernen  Systematik.  mit  Heispielen  aus  der  Gruppf 
der  Carabini.  |26]7:  234-236.  Illingworth,  J.  F. — Insects 
attracted  to  carrion  in  Southern  California.  [37]  6.  3' '7- 
400.  Prell,  H. — On  a  hibernating  ca<re  for  insects.  [12] 
20:  830-834.  ill.  Seitz,  A.— Itatiaya.  [17]  44:  29-21,33- 
35.  cont.  Stichel,  W. — Das  Zeichnen  von  Mikro-Objekten. 
[45]  22:  211-212.  Stiles,  C.  W.— Amendments  to  the 
International  Rules  of  Zoological  Nomenclature.  [68]  77: 
17-18.  Strickland,  E.  H. — Can  birds  hold  injurious  insects 
in  check?  [76]  Jan.  1928:  48-56.  Tillyard,  R.  J.— 
Method  of  Fossilisation  of  an  Insect  Wing.  [31]  120: 
802-803.  ill.  Townsend,  C.  H.— What  constitutes  syn- 
onymy? 1 4]  59:  175-176.  Tunkl,  F.  F.— Ueber  die  Brut- 
pflege  der  Tnsekten.  [26]  7:  222.  Washburn,  F.  L.- 
Obituary.  [12|  20:  849-850. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Beier,  M.— Verg- 
leichende  untersuchungen  iibcr  das  centralnervensystem 
der  Coleopterenlarven  [94]  130:  174-250,  ill.  Hazelhoff, 
E.  H. — Regeling  der  ademhalin^  hij  insecten  en  spinnen. 
[Drukkerij  J.  van  Boekhoven.  Utrecht.  127pp.].  James, 
H.  C. — On  the  pair  of  so-called  sensory  pits  of  the  ninth 
abdominal  segment  of  the  wireworm  (Agriotes  obscurus) 

64  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

with  additional  notes  on  the  internal  anatomy.  [35]  14: 
470-481,  ill.  Lee,  M.  O. — A  note  on  the  mechanism  of 
respiration  in  the  ( )rthoptera.  [42]  49:  319-320.  Mueller, 
K. — Beitnige  zur  Biologic,  Anatomic,  Histologie  uml  in- 
neren  Metamorphose  der  Thripslarven.  [94]  130:  251- 
303,  ill.  Perret-Maisonneuve,  M. — Secretion  et  utilisation 
de  la  cire  chez  1'abeille  (Apis  mellifica).  [69]  185:  1317- 
1319.  Plavilstshikov,  N.  N. — Ueber  die  sogenannten 
"homologen  Reihen  der  Variabilitat"  und  den  morphoma- 
tischen  Parallelismus  bei  Insekten.  [45]  22:  225-242. 
Portier  et  Duval. — Concentration  moleculaire  et  teneur  en 
chlore  du  sang  de  qnelques  insectes.  [77]  97:  1605-1606. 
Przibram,  H. — Diskontinuitat  des  wachstums  als  eine 
nrsache  diskontinuierlicher  variation  bei  Forficula.  [87] 
112:  142-148.  Rostand,  J. — Retard  de  la  fecondation  chez 
Liparis  dispar.  [25]  1927:  225.  Spencer,  W.  P. — Five 
autosomal  mutants  in  Drosophila  hydei.  [85]  13:  45-49. 
Swingle,  M.  C. — The  alimentary  tract  of  the  common 
bumblebee.  [43]  27:  219-231,  ill.  Toumanoff,  K.— Deux 
cas  de  gynandromorphisme  biparti  chez  Dixippus  morosus. 
1 77]  97:"  1388-1390. 


J.  W. — Insects  of  the  subclass  Apterygota  from  Central 
America  and  the  West  Indies.  (S)  [50]  72,  Art.  6.  16pp., 
ill.  :;:Hood,  J.  D. — Xew  western  Thysanoptera.  [95]  40: 
197-204.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C. — Kalotermes  minor  (Hagen). 
[55]  4:  95. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Giglio-Tos,    E.— Das   Tierreich.        50 
Lief.     Orthoptera.     Mantidae.     707pp. 

HEMIPTERA.— :::Doane   and    Steinweden.— A    new    Ri- 

persia  attacking  wheat.  [55]  4:  85-86,  ill.  *Hungerford, 
H.  B. — A  Palmacorixa  from  Mexico  (Corixidae).  [55]  4: 
94-95.  Hutchison,  W.  L.— Note  on  occurrence  of  Fitchia 
aptera  Stal  (Reduviidae).  [19]  22:  70.  -Knight,  H. 
H. — Descriptions  of  seven  new  species  of  the  genus  Or- 
thotylus  Fieber  (Miridae).  [4]  59:  176-181.  *Knowlton,  G. 
F. — A  few  capitophorus  species  of  Utah  with  descriptions 
of  two  new  species  (Aphididae).  [4]  59:  235-238,  ill. 
Raff,  J.  W. — Hatching  process  of  cicada.  [Viet.  Xat..  Mel- 
bourne] 44:  200-204,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— --Barnes     and      Benjamin.— A      new 

Cossid  from  Xew  Mexico  (Cossidae).  [55]  4:  67. 
Barnes  and  Benjamin. — Synonymic  notes  (Arctiidae). 
[55]  4:  87-89.  Blackmore,  E.  H.— Check-List  of  the 
Macrolepidoptera  of  Br.  Columbia.  [Prov.  Mus.  N.  H. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  65 

Br.  Col.]  1927:  5-47.  Campbell,  R.  E.— The  celery  leaf- 
tyer,  Phlyctaenia  rubigalis  Giien..  in  California.  [55]  4: 
77-84.  Draudt,  M. — Seitz  Macrol.  of  the  World  Fauna 
Am.  Part  191.  Vol.  6,  p.  565  begins  Lasiocampidae. 
:;:Dyar,  H.  G. — Xew  species  of  American  Lepidoptera  of 
the  families  Limacodidae  and  Dalcericlae.  [91]  17:  544- 
551.  Hayward,  K.  J. — Miscellaneous  notes  from  Argen- 
tina. [21]  39:  157-159.  :::McDunnough,  J. — The  lepidop- 
tera  of  the  Seton  Lake  region,  British  Columbia.  [4]  59: 
193-199,  ill.,  cont.  :':McDunnough.  J. — The  Lepidoptera  of 
the  Seton  Lake  Region,  British  Columbia.  [4]  59:  239- 
246.  :;:Provancher  et  Huard. — Faune  entomologique  de  la 
province  de  Quebec.  Xos  papillons.  (Argynnis  atro- 
costalis  n.  sp.)7  [98]  54:  129-143,  ill.  Roher,  A.— Ueber 
Strahlung  briinstiger  Schmetterlinge.  [80]  1 :  163-164. 
Seitz,  A.— Das  System  cler  Schmetterlinge.  111.  Die 
Danaiden.  [17]  44:  39-40,  cont. 

DIPTERA.— Alexander,  C.  P.— The  interpretation  of  the 
radial  field  of  the  wing  in  the  nematocerous  diptera,  with 
•special  reference  to  the  Tipulidae.  [Proc.  Linn.  Soc.  X. 
S.Wales]  52:  42-72,  ill.  ''Alexander,  C.  P.— Xew  nearctic 
crane-flies  (Tipulidae).  [4]  59:  184-193.  Dampf,  A.- 
Xotas  entomologicas.  La  Trioza  del  aguacate  (S)  [Bol. 
Of.  Para  Defensa  Agr.  Mex.]  1  :  436-437,  ill.  Dyar,  H. 
G.— American  Psychodidae-I.  [10]  29:  162-164,  ill.  *En- 
derlein,  G.— Dipterologische  Studien.  (S)  [60]  88:  102- 
109.  :;:Ferris,  G.  F. — Some  American  Hippoboscidae 
(Pupipara).  [4]  59:  246-251,  ill.  Herms,  W.  B.— Tab- 
anids  breeding  in  rice  fields.  [55]  4:  91-92.  Johannsen, 
O.  A. — Macropeza  and  its  Allies.  (Chironomidae).  (S) 
[49]  16:  423-425. 

COLEOPTERA.— -Barber,  H.  S.— A  supposedly  new 
Baridiid  weevil  from  Peruvian  sugarcane.  (S)  [10]  29: 
149-150,  ill.  :;:Boving,  A.  G. — Immature  stages  of  Eumyc- 
terus  (?)  saccharidis  Barber,  with  comments  on  the  classi- 
fication of  the  tribe  Barini  (Curculionidae).  [10]  29;  151- 
158,  ill.  :;:Blaisdell,  F.  E. — Studies  in  the  Melyridae  Xo.  6. 
[55]  4:  49-53.  *Brisley,  H.  R.— A  short  review  of  the 
tribe  Orsodacnini  and  Criocerini  of  the  Coleopterous  fam- 
ily Chrysomelidae  with  special  reference  to  species  of 
Western  United  States.  |55]  Pan-Pacific  Knt.  4:  54-60. 
Buchanan,  L.  L. — Synonymical  notes  on  several  otiorhyn- 
chid  weevils.  [4]  59:  '183-184.  *Chapin,  E.  A.-  \Totes 
on  Xorth  American  Tillinae  with  description  of  a  new 
Cymatodera  (Cleridae).  [95]  40:  143-146.  Hardy  and 
Preece. — Additional  notes  on  some  Cerambycidae  from 

66  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

Vancouver  Island,  15.  C.  [55]  4:  61-67.  Hervey,  G.  E. 
R. — A  European  nitidulid,  Brachypterolus  pulicarius  L. 
(Xitidulidae).  [12]'  20:  809-814,'  ill.  Lapouge,  G.— tie. 
Tribu  des  Carabini.  [Miscel.  Ent.]  30:  45-48.  Leng 
and  Mutchler. — Supplement  1919  to  1924  (inclusive)  to 
Catalogue  of  the  Coleoptera  of  America,  Xorth  of  Mexico, 
pp.  1-78.  John  L).  Sherman.  Jr.,  Alt.  Vernon,  X.  Y.  1927. 
:::Martin,  J.  O. — A  new  Helmis  (Helmidae)  from  the  north- 
west. [55]  4:  68.  "Northrop,  S.  A.— Beetles  from  the 
fox  hills  cretaceous  strata  of  South  Dakota.  [16]  15:  28- 
38,  ill.  *Pic,  M. — Contribution  a  1'etude  du  genre  Proba- 
enia  Weise.  (Hispidae)  (S)  [25]  1927:  245-247. 
Schleicher,  H. — Ueber  punktulierte  Hi-ster-Arten  (Hist.) 
[26]  7:  171-173.  Strouthal,  H. — Die  Larven  der  palaeark- 
tischen  Coccinellini  und  Psylloborini.  [52]  1926,  A.  3: 
1-63,  ill.  *Van  Dyke,  C. — A  new  species  of  Micrixys 
(Carabidae).  [55]  (S)  4:  93.  Voss,  E.— Die  Unter- 
familien  Attelabinae  und  Apoderinae.  (Cure.')  (18,  Bei- 
trag  zur  Kenntnis  der  Curculioniden.)  [60]  87:  1-88.  ill. 
Warwick,  B. — Illustrations  for  two  interesting  beetles 
from  Carlsbad  cavern.  [55]  4:  90.  *Wendeler,  H. — Ein 
neues  subgenus  und  eine  neue  species  des  genus  Paederus. 
Neue  exotische  Staphyliniden.  (S)  [Neue  Beitr.  System. 
Ins.]  4:  1-2,  ill.;  2-9'  *Wolcott,  A.  B.— A  review  of  the 
Cleridae  of  Costa  Rica.  [Col.  Contr.]  Xo.  1:  1-103. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Friese,  H.— Die  Nachtbienen-Gat- 
tung  Megalopta  Sm.  (S)  [60]  87:  111-135,  ill.  -Gar- 
lick,  W.  G. — Two  new  sawflies  of  the  genus  Arge.  [4] 
59:  182-183.  Palenitschko,  Z.  G.— Zur  vergleichenden 
variabilitat  der  arten  und  kasten  bei  den  ameisen.  [4f>] 
9:  410-438,  ill.  Scullen,  H.  A.— Bees  belonging  to  the 
family  Bremidae  taken  in  western  Oregon,  with  notes. 
[55]  4:  69-76,  cont.  *Walley,  G. — Xew  species  of  Sag- 
aritis  with  a  key  to  the  genus.  (Ichneumonidae)  |4]  59: 
227-234,  ill. 


Perhaps  the  two  most  recently  published  summaries  of  the 
embryonic  and  the  postembryonic  development  of  insects  are 
those  by  Prof.  Jan  Hirschler,  of  the  University  of  Lemberg, 
and  Dr.  Anton  Handlirsch,  of  Vienna,  respectively.  I'oth  are 
parts  of  Schroder's  Handbucli  der  Entomologie.  The  former 
constitutes  Chapter  X,  pages  570-824,  of  Vol.  I.  and  appeared 
in  two  instalments,  viz.:  in  the  13th  and  14th  (1924)  and  27th 
and  28th  (1927)  Lieferungen.  Although  Prof.  Hirschler  says 
that  the  "noch  immer  bewegte  Zeiten"  have  prevented  him  from 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  67 

reading  many  works  in  the  original  and  possibly  from  seeing 
some  of  the  newer  publications,  one  can  hardly  excuse  him  from 
omitting  such  a  careful  piece  of  work  as  Nelson's  Embryology 
of  flic  Honev  Rcc  of  I'M 5.  Dr.  Handlirsch's  Chapter  12, 
pages  1117-1184  of  Vol.  I,  came  out  in  Lieferung  33  (1927), 
and  contains  man}-  suggestive  statements  of  views  which  he 
has  expressed  in  earlier  papers. 

LINCK. Translated  from  the  French  by  Alfred  Sutro.  231 
pp.,  Dodd  Mead  and  Co.,  New  York,  1927. 

A  short  review  of  La  I  "ic  dcs  Termites  appeared  in  tin 
June.  1927,  issue  of  the  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology. 
This  work  is  now  generally  available,  by  the  present  trans- 
lation. Following  are  the  chapter  headings :  The  Termitary, 
The  Problem  of  Nutrition,  The  \Yorkers,  The  Soldiers,  The 
Royal  Pair,  The  Swarming,  The  Devastations,  The  Occult 
Power,  The  Morality  of  the  Termitary,  Their  Destiny,  Instinct 
and  Intelligence.  A  brief  bibliography  follows. 

This  work  will  no  doubt  popularize  the  termites,  as  did 
the  author's  The  Life  of  The  Bee,  but  as  Phillips  states,  it 
seems  that  Maeterlinck  was  less  familiar  with  the  termitary 
than  he  was  with  the  hive.  The  Life  of  the  White  Ant  is 
written  in  the  same  style  as  his  work  on  the  honeybee,  charged 
with  the  same  philosophy,  such  as  this ;  '  .  .  .  the  scheme  of 
nature  does  not  include  happiness."  He  contrasts  the  "happi- 
ness" and  "freedom"  of  the  hive  with  the  imprisonment  and 
sordid  surroundings  of  the  termite  nest  numerous  times.  His 
evolutionary  ideas  are  quite  interesting,  they  give  us  much  to 
think  about.  Much  of  the  biological  information  is  the  same, 
but  he  has  distorted,  or  at  least,  overstated  his  problem. 

Maeterlinck  speaks  time  after  time  of  the  intellect  of  the 
termite,  making  countless  comparisons  with  Homo,  yet  in  the 
closing  chapter  supports  Fabre's  conviction  that  insects  prob- 
ably do  not  possess  a  true  intelligence.  His  ideas  on  the 
adaptability  or  plasticity  of  the  termites,  and  of  insects  in 
general  might  be  questioned.  He  apparently  considers  termites, 
ants  and  other  arthropods  as  readily  adaptable  to  certain 
situations.  Several  debatable  statements  occur,  for  instance; 
"In  the  hive  we  find  working  bees,  eggs,  males  and  a  queen, 
the  last  merely  a  worker  whose  reproductive  organs  have  been 
considerably  developed." 

It  is  quite  significant  to  note  that  the  name  of  T.  E. 
Snyder  does  not  appear  in  either  text  or  bibliography.  He  has 
probably  done  more  to  disseminate  knowledge  in  regard  to 
termites  than  any  other  worker  in  America.  Neither  does  the 
name  of  Nathan  Banks  or  Alfred  Emerson  appear,  though 

68  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '28 

Cleveland's  comparatively  recent  work  with  the  intestinal  Pro- 
tozoa is  discussed  in  detail. 

The  hook  is  without  doubt  very  worth-while.  It  is  ex- 
tremely interesting,  and  will  do  much  towards  a  wider  dissem- 
ination of  information  on  insects.  It  is  much  better  than  most 
of  the  recent  popular  accounts.  Books  written  for  the  general 
reading  public  must  necessarily  be  over-stated  to  attain  their 
point.  DeKruif's  Microbe  Hunters  is  a  fine  parallel  .case. 
Entomologists  who  frown  upon  attempts  to  simplify  and 
popularize  insects  delay  the  progress  of  the  science,  which  in 
a  large  measure  accounts  for  the  bizarre  notions  many  people 
hold  of  entomologists. 

PAUL  KNIGHT,  University  of  Maryland. 


With  the  passing  of  the  Rev.  A.  H.  MANEE,  of  Southern 
Pines,  North  Carolina  has  lost  its  leading  amateur  entomologist. 
He  died  December  26,  1927,  in  his  cottage  on  the  hillside  in 
the  midst  of  nature  that  he  loved,  so  well.  Born  in  New  York 
City,  March  30,  1858,  he  had  spent  the  last  23  years  in  Southern 
Pines.  He  preached  for  many  Baptist  churches  in  the  North 
and  upon  coming  to  North  Carolina  filled  a  summer  pastorate 
in  Southern  Pines. 

Mr.  Manee  was  a  skillful  collector  of  insects  in  the  Sand- 
hills section  of  North  Carolina.  He  was  responsible  for  many 
unique  and  valuable  insect  records,  some  of  which  are  listed 
in  his  six  papers  published  in  the  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  from 
1908  to  1924.  All  but  one  of  these  papers  were  devoted  to 
Coleoptera.  He  was  responsible  for  finding  about  100  new 
species  in  this  limited  sandhill  section,  doing  all  of  his  col- 
lecting withing  a  radius  of  five  miles  of  his  home.  The  records 
of  the  insect  list  of  North  Carolina  show  that  the  species  he 
collected  and  found  to  be  new  were,  Wasps  14,  Carabidae  21, 
Coccinellidae  11,  Cerambycidae  13,  other  Coleoptera  12,  Dip- 
tera  1,  Caddis  flies  1.  He  described  four  new  species. 

North  Carolina  entomologists  will  miss  the  almost  boyish 
joy  he  showed  when  they  came  to  look  over  his  collection  and 
talk  about  insects.  The  long  leaf  pines,  scrub  oaks,  wild 
flowers  and  nesting  birds  near  his  cottage  will  miss  a  devoted 
friend.  R.  W.  LEIBY. 

MARCH,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX 

No.  3 



Mickel — The  Biotic  Factors  in  the  Environmental   Resistance  of  An- 

thophora  occidentalis  Cress.  (Hym.:  Apidae;  Dip.,  Coleop.)       .          69 
Dyar — A  New  Corethrella  from  Panama  (Diptera:    Culicidae)    .    .    .    ,          79 

Cockerell — Tne  Entomology  of  Central  Siberia 80 

Gary — Sugaring  for  Catocala  Moths  in  New  Hampshire,  August-Sep- 
tember, 1927  (Lepid.:   Noctuiclae) 83 

Blatchley — Two  New  Anthocorids  and  a  New  Microphysid  from  Florida 


Hiestand — Making  Insect  Labels  with  the  Camera 89 

Lindsey — Hesperia  eos  Edwards  (Lep.  :  Hesperiidae) 91 

Chamberlin — On  Three  Chilopods  from  the  La  Sal  Mountains  of  Utah        93 

Insects  made  of  Metal 96 

Bromley — The  Monarch  Butterfly  Wintering  in  the  Everglades  (Lepid. : 


Entomological  Literature 97 

Review — Theodore  D.  A.  Cockerell's  Zoology  of  Colorado 101 

Obituary— Frank  R.  Mason 102 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 

Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  1103. 

Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  '1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  S'chmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business  Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,   J.   A.   G   Rehn,    Chas.   Liebeck,   J. 
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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
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VOL.  XXXIX  MARCH,  1928  No.  3 

The  Biotic  Factors  in  the  Environmental  Resistance 

of  Anthophora  occidentalis  Cress.  (Hym. : 
Apidae;  Dip.,  Coleop.).* 

By    CLARENCE   E.    MICKEL,    University   of    Minnesota, 

St.  Paul,  Minn. 

During  the  summer  of  1925,  Dr.  Frances  Long  of  the 
Alpine  Laboratory,  Manitou,  Colorado,  sent  me  specimens  of 
both  sexes  of  Dasyniutilla  fulvohirta  Cresson  which  had  been 
reared  from  the  cells  of  the  bee,  Anthophora  occidentalis 
Cresson.  These  specimens  proved  very  interesting  since  they 
confirmed  my  decision  regarding  the  identity  of  the  two  sexes 
of  D.  fnh'ohirta.  The  male  was  unquestionably  this  species, 
and  the  female  was  identical  with  those  which  had  formerly 
been  known  as  D.  calif  arnica  auct.  and  which  I  had  assigned 
to  fnh'ohirta  on  the  basis  of  the  data  of  geographical  distribu- 
tion. Since  both  had  been  reared  from  the  same  host,  there 
could  l)e  little  question  as  to  their  being  the  two  sexes  of  the 
same  species.  I  was  interested,  however,  in  rearing  out  addi- 
tional specimens  of  this  species  from  its  host  and  in  the  fall 
of  1925,  Mr.  G.  W.  Goldsmith,  of  the  Alpine  Laboratory, 
was  kind  enough  to  send  me  a  large  number  of  the  cells  of 
Anthophora  occidentalis.  As  far  as  rearing  out  additional 
specimens  of  the  Mutillid  was  concerned  the  experiment  was 
not  a  success  for  not  a  single  Mutillid  was  secured  from  the 
entire  lot ;  but  the  insects  which  eventually  emerged  from  the 
cells  of  this  bee  revealed  a  more  or  less  complex  association, 
the  components  of  which  are  held  together  by  the  species, 
Anthophora  occidentalis  Cresson.  If  the  latter  insect  were 
removed  from  this  relationship  the  whole  association  -would 
break  down  and  cease  to  exist ;  the  integral  parts  of  the  asso- 
ciation would  then  be  either  destroyed  or  dispersed  to  form 

*Published  with  the  approval  of  the  Director  as  Paper  No.  7()2,  <>l"  tlir 
Journal  Scries  of  the  Minnesota  Agricultural   Experiment  Station. 


70  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Mar.,    '28 

new  relationships  with  other  organisms.  The  following  notes 
are  presented  for  the  purpose  of  describing  this  association  of 
insects  and  the  relationships  which  exist  within  it. 


The  above  mentioned  shipment  of  Anthophora  cells  was 
received  from  Mr.  G.  W.  Goldsmith  early  in  the  fall  of  1925. 
In  a  letter  dated  September  3,  1925,  Mr.  Goldsmith  says: 
"Large  and  interesting  colonies  are  common  about  here — . 
Two  weeks  ago  these  colonies  showed  great  activity  and  many 
of  the  nests  contained  very  small  larvae  or  eggs."  On  October 
15th  the  cells  were  examined  and  249  cells  appeared  to  be 
inhabited.  Each  cell  was  placed  in  a  shell  vial,  20  x  80  mm., 
and  the  vial  was  stoppered  with  a  plug  of  cotton.  These  vials 
were  kept  in  the  laboratory  from  October  15th  until  November 
28th.  The  temperature  of  the  room  during  this  period  varied 
between  72°  and  78°  F.  On  November  28th,  the  vials  were 
placed  in  a  refrigeration  room  for  the  winter.  The  tempera- 
ture of  this  room  varied  between  30°  and  40°  F.  during  the 
time  which  the,  specimens  remained  there.  On  April  16,  1926, 
the  vials  were  taken  from  the  refrigeration  room  and  placed 
in  the  laboratory  and  remained  there  from  that  time  until  the 
occupants  emerged.  The  temperature  of  the  laboratory  during 
this  period  varied  between  72°  and  77°  F.  The  first  insect  to 
emerge  from  the  cells  in  this  lot  was  a  chalcid,  Monodontom- 
erus  montivagus  Ashmead,  which  emerged  on  May  12th.  The 
first  Anthophora  emerged  on  June  10th. 

A  small  number  of  cells  were  kept  in  the  laboratory  during 
the  entire  winter,  and  were  not  placed  in  the  refrigeration 
room.  The  first  Anthophora  emerged  from  these  on 
March  15th. 


Anthophora  occidentals  Cress,  is  the  key  species  to  an 
association  of  insects  which  is  composed  of  at  least  ten  species. 
Nine  of  these  are  directly  or  indirectly  dependent  on  the 
presence  of  A.  occidcntalis  for  their  existence,  either  through 
the  appropriation  of  the  old  cells  of  this  bee  for  use  as  nests, 
or  through  the  relationship  of  parasitism.  Such  an  association 

xxxix,   '28 1  KX  TOMOLOCJCAL   NEWS  7! 

does  nut  necessarily  imply  that  if  the  key  species  were  removed 
the  dependent  or  secondary  species  would  be  exterminated, 
hut  that  in  such  an  emergency  the  latter  must  form  some  sort 
of  a  new  relationship,  and  that  the  survival  of  the  secondary 
species  is  dependent  on  their  ahility  to  form  such  new  relation- 
ships. If  a  secondary  species  is  capable  of  forming  a  new 
relationship  with  ease  the  removal  of  the  key  species  presents 
a  very  small  problem,  but  if  the  relationship  with  the  key 
species  is  close  and  new  relationships  are  formed  with  difficulty, 
then  it  may  easily  happen  that  the  secondary  species  will  be 

From  the  249  cells  which  appeared  to  be  inhabited  when 
the  material  was  received '  I  succeeded  in  rearing  85  adult 
specimens  of  A.  occidcntalis;  of  these  55  were  males  and  30 
were  females.  The  percentage  of  emergence  of  adult  Antho- 
phora  bees  was  therefore  approximatly  34;  and  the  percentage 
of  cells  which  produced  females  of  this  bee  was  12.  The 
percentage  of  emergence  of  adult  bees  was  in  reality  probably 
considerably  less  than  these  figures,  because  a  large  number 
of  cells,  the  occupants  of  which  had  perished,  were  discarded 
when  the  material  was  received.  On  June  10,  1926,  the  first 
Anthophora  occidcntalis  emerged  from  its  cell.  From  that 
time  until  July  19,  1926,  these  bees  emerged  daily  at  the  rate 
of  fromi  one  to  five  per  day.  On  August  17,  1926,  it  appeared 
that  no  more  would  emerge  from  the  remaining  cells,  so  each 
was  opened  and  examined.  Eighteen  of  the  remaining  cells 
contained  adult  bees  which  apparently  were  unable  to  make  their 
way  out  of  the  cells  and  had  therefore  died.  Four  cells  con- 
tained dead  Anthophora  larvae;  apparently  these  four  were 
not  parasitized. 

Thd  insects  which  play  the  part  of  secondary  species  in  the 
association  are  noted  below  : 

1.  OSMIA  MANDIBULARIS.  Cresson.  A  few  of  the  cells  con- 
tained in  the  original  lot  sent  from  Colorado  differed  from 
the  others  in  the  way  in  which  the  entrance  to  the  cell  was 
closed.  The  cells  containing  Anthophora  larvae  were  all  closed 
with  the  same  sort  of  material  of  which  the  cell  was  con- 
structed. These  few  cells,  however,  seemed  to  have  the  en- 

72  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

trance  plugged  with  a  partition  of  greenish  material.  These 
were  kept  separate  from  the  other  cells  and  very  late  in  the 
summer  of  1926,  two  males  and  one  female  of  Osmia  mandi- 
bularis  Cresson  emerged  from  these  cells.  Hicks  (1926)  has 
given  an  account  of  the  manner  in  which  0.  niandibularis  uses 
the  old  Anthophora  cells  for  its  nests. 

2.  HOLOCHRYSIS  n.  sp.  near  CHRYSIS  TOTA  Aaron.     (Det. 
S.  A.  Rohwer).     One  of  the  cells  of  which  the  entrance  was 
plugged  with  the  green   material  produced  a  chrysidid   wasp. 
Since  the   cell   was   plugged    in   exactly   the   same  manner   as 
those  which  contained  Osmia  niandibularis,  I  have  drawn  the 
conclusion  that  this   species   is  a   parasite  of   the   Osmia  bee. 
Hicks   (1926)   states  that  he  found  Chr^ysis  dcnsa  Cresson  to 
be  a  very  common  parasite  of  Osmia'  niandibularis. 

3.  ANTHRENUS  sp.     When  the  cells  of  A.  occidcntalis  were 
received   from   Colorado  they  were  heavily  infested  with  the 
larvae  of  Anthrenus  sp.     Since  the  material  was  collected  in 
the  field  and  sent  directly  to  the  author  it  seems  probable  that 
these  larvae  were  present  in  the  bee  colony  in  nature.     This 
supposition  is  confirmed  by  the  observations  of  Hicks  (1926) 
who  found  Anthrenus  larvae  in  large  numbers  in  colonies  of 
Anthophora   neomexicana   Ckll.     Whether   these   larvae   feed 
only   on   the   old   pollen   and    dead   insects    found   around   the 
colonies  or  whether  cells  containing  living  larvae  of  the  bee  are 
entered  and  plundered  is  unknown.     Certain  of  the  cells  in  the 
lot  of  249  which  appeared  to  be  intact  when  the  rearings  were 
started  produced  neither  host  nor  parasite.     When  these  cells 
were  finally  broken  open  and  examined  they  were  found  to  be 
empty  and  many  of  them  contained  Anthrenus  larvae.     There 
were  59  such  cells. 

4.  MONODONTOMERUS  MONTivAGus  Ashmead.     (Det.  A.  B. 
Gahan).     The  first   insects   which  emerged   from  any  of   the 
249  cells  proved  to  be  specimens  of  this  large  green  chalcid. 
On  May  12,  1926,  26  days  after  the  lot  of  cells  was  removed 
from  cold  storage,  eleven  specimens  of  this  species  emerged 
from  a  single  Anthophora.   cell.     On   the    following   day   this 
parasite   had   emerged    from   ten   additional   cells.     Altogether 
twenty-one  cells  proved  to  be  parasitized  by  this  chalcid  and  a 

xxxix,  '28 j  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  73 

total  of  approximately  415  specimens  emerged  from  these 
twenty-one  cells.  About  94  per  cent  of  this  number  were 

5.  PSEUDOMELECTA    MIRANDA    (Fox).      This    bee    appears 
to  be  one  of   the  minor  members   in  the  association  with  A. 
occidcntaiis.     Only  five  specimens  were  reared   from  the  249 
AntJiopJiora   cells.      The   first    specimen   of    this   bee   emerged 
on  July  2,  1926;  two  emerged  on  July  -9,  and  the  last  two  on 
July  19.     All  of  these  were  females.    "Hicks   (1926)   has  also 
reared   this    species    from   A.    inoinc.vicaiui    Ckll.    but   did    not 
find  it  at  all  common.     In  August,   1925,   Dr.   Frances  Long 
sent  me  several  specimens  of  this  bee  which  she  had  reared 
from  A.  occidcntaiis  taken  near  Colorado  Springs,  Colorado. 

6.  DASYMUTILLA    FULVOI-IIRTA     (Cresson).      The    Antho- 
phora  cells  were  originally  obtained   from  Colorado  with  the 
idea  of  rearing  out  this  species  and  obtaining  further  informa- 
tion  regarding  it,   but  no   specimens   were   obtained   from  the 
249  cells.     In  August,  1925,  Dr.  Frances  Long  sent  me  a  male 
and  female  of  this  species  which  she  had  reared  from  cells  of 
A.  occidcntaiis,  so  that  it  is  definitely  known  that  D.  fnlvohirta 
is  a  member  of  the  association. 

7.  SPOGOSTYLUM  DAPHNE  O.  S.    (Det.  C.  T.  Greene).    On 
July  3,  1926,  a  borhbyliid  fly  belonging  to  this  species  emerged 
from   one   of   the   Anthophora   cells.      It   is   apparently   not   a 
common   parasite  of   A.   occidcntaiis  since   only   one   specimen 
was  reared   from   the   249  cells.     Prison    (1922)    records   the 
rearing  of  Spogostylnni  albofasciatmn  Mac.  from  the  cells  of 
A.  abrupt  a  Say  and  states  that  it  is  a  true  parasite  of  the  latter. 
Rau    (1926)    records   the   presence   of    the   adults   of    5.   fur 
around  the  colonies  of  A.  abrupt  a  but  did  not  determine  that 
it  actually  parasitized  the  latter. 

8.  LEONIDIA    ANTHOPHOKAE     Mickel.       Eight    males    and 
seven   females  of  this  species  were  reared   from  the  cells  of 
A.   occidcntaiis.     The   first   specimen  of   this   species   emerged 
on  May  20,   1926.     Others  emerged  at  intervals  until  the  last 
one  on  July  6.     This  species  ranks  next  to  Monodontomerus 
inontii'dfjiis   Ashmead   in   the   number   of   host   individuals   de- 

74  ENTOMOLOGICAL  Niv\vs  [Mar.,  '2K 

9.  HORNIA   MINUTIPENNIS   Riley.     Four  males  and  three 
females  of  this  meloid  heetle  were  reared   from  the  A.   occi- 
dcntalis  cells. 

10.  NEMOGNATHA  LURIDA  Lee.     A   few  cells  of  A.   occl- 
d entails  were  kept  in  the  laboratory  all  winter.     By  May   13, 
1926,  it  appeared  that  no  more  emergence  might  be  expected 


from  this  material.  At  that  time  all  the  remaining  cells  in 
the  lot  were  opened  arid  examined.  In  one  of  these  an  adult 
specimen  of  Nemognatha  lurid  a  Lee.  was  found.  It  was 
dead  and  apparently  had  been  unable  to  make  its  way  out 
of  the  cell  after  reaching  the  adult  stage.  No  specimens  of 
this  beetle  emerged  from  any  of  the  cells  in  the  lot  of  249. 


Unfortunately  the  lack  of  exact  data  regarding  the  relation- 
ships existing*  between  Anthophora  Occident  alls  and  the  insects 
associated  with  it  has  not  permitted  any  definite  conclusions 
to  be  drawn  concerning  the  effects  resulting  from  these  re- 
lationships. It  is  clear,  however,  that  the  relationships  which 
exist  here  are  of  the  same  sort  that  exist  between  an  injurious 
insect  pest  and  its  associated  parasites.  On  account  of  the 
large  number  of  insects  which  compose  the  Anthophora  asso- 
ciation and  the  ease  with  which  it  could  be  investigated,  in  its 
native  habitat  it  offers  an  opportunity  to  analyze  a  situation 
in  which  a  host  insect  is  present  together  with  numerous  biotic 
factors  in  its  environmental  resistance.  This  sort  of  a  situa- 
tion exists  in  every  case  where  an  effort  is  made  to  control 
an  injurious  insect  pest  by  introducing  several  or  numerous 
parasites  from  its  native  habitat.  An  analysis  of  the  biotic 
factors  in  the  environmental  resistance  of  Anthophora  occi- 
dcntalis  would  undoubtedly  indicate  that  certain  of  the  factors 
taken  by  themselves  are  more  effective  in  controlling  the  num- 
bers of  this  bee,  than  when  present  in  combination  with  other 
factors ;  that  a  combination  of  factors  is  sometimes  less  effec- 
tive as  environmental  resistance,  than  the  individual  factors 
when  taken  alone.  Fiske  (1910)  has  already  called  attention 
to  this  in  a  discussion  of  superparasitism,  and  the  case  of  the 
parasites  of  the  Mediterranean  Fruitfly  in  Hawaii,  (Pember- 


ton  and  Willard  1918)  affords  an  example  of  an  injurious 
insect  pest  in  an  association  analagous  to  that  of  Anthophora 

A.  occldcntalis  offers  an  excellent  opportunity  for  the  investi- 
gation of  the  way  in  which  biotic  factors  operate  as  environ- 
mental resistance.  It  is  practically  certain  that  in  this  case 
Monodontoincnis  montiragus  Ashmead,  Pscudomelecta  mi- 
randa  (Fox),  Das\inntilla  fulvohirta  (Cress.),  Spogostyluui 
daphne  O.  S.,  Hornia  uiinutipcnnis  Riley,  Lconidia  anthophorae 
Mickel  and  Ncmognatha  lurida  Lee.  are  all  factors  in  reducing 
the  numbers  of  A.  Occident  alls.  To  what  extent  they  make 
up  the  environmental  resistance,  whether  they  operate  inde- 
pendently or  in  competition  with  one  another,  the  exact  effect 
produced  when  any  one  of  them  is  removed  from  the  associa- 
tion, and  the  exact  effect  produced  when  additional  factors 
are  added  to  the  association,  are  all  problems  which  it  is 
important  to  investigate.  The  solution  of  these  problems 
would  undoubtedly  throw  considerable  light  on  similar  prob- 
lems involved  in  the  biological  control  of  injurious  insect  pests. 
The  ways  in  which  biotic  factors  operate  as  environmental 
resistance  in  the  case  of  one  insect  would  certainly  indicate 
the  ways  in  which  these  same  factors  operate  in  the  cases  of 
other  insects.  A.  ocoidcntalis  is  especially  suitable  for  such 
a  study  because  several  biotic  factors  are  known  to  be  involved. 
It  is  certain  that  biotic  factors  operating  as  environmental 
resistance  produce  entirely  different  effects  when  several  such 
factors  are  present  than  are  produced  when  only  a  single  one 
is  acting.  This  bee  is  also  especially  adapted  to  such  a  study 
on  account  of  its  gregarious  habits,  large  numbers  being  found 
within  a  very  small  area  in  the  soil,  and  therefore  great  num- 
bers of  them  may  be  amassed  with  comparative  ease.  They 
are  easy  to  carry  over  winter  in  the  laboratory  and  can  lie 
handled  in  such  a  way  that  exact  data,  which  may  be  used 
in  mathematical  computations,  may  be  collected  readily. 

Whether  the  number  of  Anthophora  bees  produced  in  a 
colony  remains  constant  from  one  year  to  another,  or  whether 
there  is  a  lluctuation  in  numbers  cannot  be  definitely  deter- 
mined from  the  data  available ;  but  as  a  general  rule  the  greater 

76  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Mar.,    '28 

the  number  of  factors  which  operate  against  the  continued 
existence  of  a  species,  the  more  constant  the  number  of  that 
species  will  be  from  year  to  year.  Or  in  other  words,  the 
greater  the  number  of  factors  making  up  the  environmental 
resistance  of  a  species,  the  more  constant  in  number  will  be 
the  population  of  that  species  from  year  to  year,  and  the 
lower  the  number  of  the  population  will  be  in  relation  to  the 
biotic  potential  of  the  species.  An  environmental  resistance 
composed  of  numerous  factors  tends  to  create  an  equilibrium 
in  the  population  of  the  species  against  which  it  operates, 
while  an  environmental  resistance  composed  of  few  factors 
tends  to  create  great  fluctuations  in  the  population  of  a  species 
from  one  year  to  another.  (For  a  discussion  of  biotic  poten- 
tial and  environmental  resistance  the  reader  is  referred  to 
Chapman,  1926,  pp.  143-164.) 

While  the  exact  value  which  should  be  attributed  to  each 
of  the  biotic  factors  in  the  environmental  resistance  of  A. 
occidcntalis  is  not  known,  some  idea  of  their  relative  value  is 
to  be  had.  For  example  the  exact  roles  which  Osinia  inandi- 
bularis  and  Holochfy'sis  n.  sp.  play  as  biotic  factors  cannot  be 
demonstrated  at  present  but  it  seems  fairly  evident  that  theirs 
is  a  very  minor'  role.  Spoyostyluin  dapJinc  and  Ncnwgnatha 
Inrida  are  probably  somewhat  more  important  but  are  never- 
theless apparently  quite  minor  factors.  The  value  of  Anthrenus 
sp.  as  a  biotic  factor  can  only  be  determined  when  it  is  known 
whether  it  attacks  A.  occidcntalis  directly  and  destroys  the 
larva,  or  whether  it  is  a  scavenger  feeding  only  on  old  pollen 
and  dead  insects.  Dasyui utilla  fuk'ohirta  may  be  an  important 
biotic  factor  although  it  was  not  reared  from  the  249  cells  in 
question.  Horuia  ininutipcnnis  and  Lconidia  anthophorac  are 
important  biotic  factors.  The  habits  of  the  two  species  are 
probably  very  similar,  so  that  one  may  properly  assume  that 
when  both  are  present  in  the  same  environment  they  are  in 
direct  competition  with  one  another.  What  the  effect  on  one 
would  be  if  the  other  were  removed  from  the  environment, 
and  the  ultimate  effect  on  A.  occidcntalis  would  be  very  inter- 
esting problems  to  investigate.  Are  the  combined  efforts  of 
H.  minutipennis  and  L.  anthophorac  more  effective  in  reducing 

XXXl'x,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS 

the  numbers  of  A.  occidental  is  than  the  efforts  of  either  species 
by  itself?1  Monodontoincri;s  inontivagns  ranks  very  high  as 
a  biotic  factor  in  this  association  while  Pseudomelecta  iniranda 
apparently  may  have  less  value  than  Hornia  minutipennis.  The 
value  assigned  to  P.  iniranda,  however,  would  depend  entirely 
on  the  relationship  which  may  be  found  to  exist  between  it 
and  M.  niontirayus  and  A,  occidcntalis,  the  possibilities  of 
which  are  suggested  below. 

The  figures  given  above  regarding  the  ratio  of  the  sexes  of 
M.  nwntii'agns  agree  very  closely  with  the  data  cited  by 
Rau  (1922,  1926)  for  the  same,  or  a  very  closely  related 
species,  in  the  nests  of  A.  abnipta  Say.  On  the  other  hand. 
Hicks  (1926)  found  the  proportion  of  the  sexes  almost  re- 
versed in  the  one  cell  which  he  examined,  eleven  males  and 
three_females  having  emerged  from  the  cell.  Whether  M. 
uiont'rcayus  is  a  primary  parasite  of  A.  occidcntalis,  a  hyperpara- 
site,  or  both,  does  not  seem  to  be  definitely  settled.  Rau  (1912. 
1926)  states  that  it  is  parasitic  on  A.  abnipta;  Hicks  (1926) 
states  that  he  found  it  parasitic  on  Pseudomelecta  uiiranda 
(Fox),  which  is  itself  a  parasite  of  A.  occidcntalis,  and  that 
it  was  also  parasitic  on  A.  occidcntalis.  Practically  nothing- 
is  known  about  the  life  history  of  .17.  montivagus.  Rau 
(1926)  states  that  there  are  two  generations  per  year,  but 
further  than  that  the  insect  does  not  seem  to  have  been  in- 
vestigated. 1-1  ow  it  gains  entrance  to  the  cells  of  the  bees, 
how  and  where  it  lay.s  its  eggs,  how  the  larva  develops,  the 
possibility  of  the  insect  being  polyembryonic  and  partheno- 
genctic,  whether  it  is  restricted  to  Anthophora  bees  in  its 
parasitic  relations,  or  whether  it  may  be  both  a  primary  para- 
site and  a  hypefparasite,  and  whether  one  species  of  Mono- 
dontoinern.s  parasitizes  several  species  of  Anthophora,  or 
whether  each  species  of  the  latter  has  its  own  particular  species 
of  Monodontomerus,  are  all  questions  which  would  bear  in- 
vestigation and  all  of  which  would  contribute  important  in- 
formation regarding  the  function  of  this  chalcid  as  a  biotic 
factor  in  the  environmental  resistance  of  A.  occidcntalis. 

As  stated  above  Hicks  (1926)  thinks  that  Monodontomerus 

78  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

montivagus  is  a  parasite  of  P.  miranda,  but  in  the  rearings 
made  by  me  there  was  no  evidence  to  lead  m/e  to  believe  that 
any  such  relationship  as  this  existed.  If  Hicks  is  correct,  a 
question  immediately  arises  as  to  the  part  played  by  this 
species  in  the  environmental  resistance  of  A.  accident alis.  Is 
the  scarcity  of  P.  miranda  due  to  the  hyperparasitism  of  M. 
montivagus ?  If  it  is,  what  effect  would  be  produced  if  the 
latter  were  removed  from  the  environment?  Would  P.  mi- 
randa then  increase  in  numbers  and  be  a  more  effective  factor 
in  the  environmental  resistance  of  A.  occidcntalis  than  P.  mi- 
randa and  M.  montivagus  combined,  or  would  it  remain  con- 
stant and  the  numbers  of  A.  occidcntalis  increase? 

All  of  the  questions  which  have  been  raised  in  the  above 
paragraphs  may  seem  to -have  only  academic  interest  in  the 
case  under  consideration,  but  they  are  certainly  of  the  highest 
importance  when  taken  in  connection  with  the  introduction 
of  parasites  from  foreign  countries  for  the  control1  of  injurious 
insect  pests.  All  of  these  questions  can  be  solved  with  mathe- 
matical certainty  and  the  failure  to  investigate  them  when  an 
important  insect  pest  is  concerned  is  nothing  short  of  gross 


CHAPMAN,  R.  N.,  1926.  Animal  ecology,  with  especial 
reference  to  insects,  pp.  1-3/0. 

FISKE,  W.  F.,  1910.  Superparasitism ;  an  important  factor 
in  the  natural  control  of  insects.  Journ.  Econ.  Ent.,  3  :88-97. 

PRISON,  T.  H.,  1922.  Notes  on  the  life  history,  parasites 
and  inquiline  associates  of  Anthoplwra  abrupta  Say,  with  some 
comparisons  with  the  habits  of  certain  other  Anthophorinac. 
Trans.  Amer.  Ent.  Soc.,  48:137-156. 

HICKS,  CHARLES  H.,  1926.  Nesting  habits  and  parasites  of 
certain  bees  of  Boulder  County,  Colorado.  Univ.  Colorado 
Stud.,  217-252. 

PEMBERTON,  C.  E.  and  WILLARD,  H.  F.,  1918.  Interrela- 
tions of  fruit-fly  parasites  in  Hawaii,  Journ.  Agr.  Res., 

RAU,  PHIL.,  1922.  Ecological  and  behavior  notes  on  Mis- 
souri insects.  Trans.  Acad.  Sci.,  St.  Louis,  24:1-71. 

ID.,  1926.  The  Ecology  of  a  sheltered  clay  bank;  a  study 
in  insect  ecology.  Trans.  Acad.  Sci.,  St.  Louis,  25:157-277. 

xxxix,   '28 1  KXTO.MOLO<;K-.\I.    xi-:\vs  79 

A  New  Corethrella  from  Panama 
(Diptera  :  Culicidae). 

I>y   HARRISON  G.  DYAR,  U.  S.   National    Museum, 

Washington,  I).  C. 
Corethrella  blanda,  new  species. 

Mesonotum  light  brown,  abdomen  blackish  above.  Legs 
pale  brown,  uniform  in  the  female,  a  little  more  diversified  in 
the  male,  the  tibiae  appearing  paler  at  their  tips.  \Yings  pale 
brown,  a  broad  smoky  band  across  the  middle,  formed  by. the 
darkening  of  the  hairs  on  the  veins. 

Male  hypopygium.  Side  piece  conical  and  furnished  with 
several  stout  spines  on  the  inner  side ;  of  these  a  strong  central 
one  arises  from  a  large  tubercle,  and  there  are  six  other  less 
strong  ones,  scattered  over  the  inner  surface  and  not  arranged 
in  a  line.  Clasper  as  long  as  the  side  piece,  rather  thick,  simple. 
Mesosome  very*,  short,  composed  of  two  stout  approximated 
cones.  Male  antennae  16- jointed,  tori  very  large ;  joints  4  to 
10  have  the  hairs  very  long,  not  arising  in  whorls,  but  through- 
out the  slender  joint,  though  the  basal  hairs  are  longest ;  hairs 
shorter  on  joint  11,  and  thence  shorter  and  fewer  to  tip. 

Bred  by  Dr.  D.  P.  Curry  from  larvae  in  a  shaded  grassy 
pool  at  Las  Sabarias,  Panama,  May  28,  1927.  "The  larvae 
are  cannibals.  When  first  put  in  tbe  tube  together,  they 
seized  and  devoured  each  other ;  but  the  survivors  of  the  first 
attack  lived  together  peaceably  for  weeks  afterward." 

Larva  with  the  head  transverse,  the  front  conically  pro- 
duced, but  moderately  so,  the  cone  not  as  long  as  the  length 
of  the  rest  of  the  head  and  only  about  half  as  wide.  Antennae 
inserted  at  the  tip  of  the  cone,  folded  backward  in  a  groove 
when  at  rest,  with  three  long  spines  at  tip  not  of  uniform 
lengths.  Front  margin  of  labium  with  ten  stout  teeth.  Man- 
dibles curved  in  a  semicircle,  with  three  stout  teeth  on  apical 
aspect  and  four  short  ones  at  tip.  Tube  stout,  flat,  about 
twice  as  long  as  wide.  Eighth  segment  with  an  encircling 
plate;  laterally  behind  it  on  each  side  are  four  black  liairs  ar- 
ranged in  two  groups.  This  plate  readies  the  middle  of  the 
sides  and  is  supplemented  by  a  small  quadrate  one  ventrally. 
Sixth  and  seventh  segments  with  round  dorsal  plates.  Anal 
segment  longer  than  wide,  with  six  dorsal  hairs,  eight  ventral, 
and  a  single  lateral  one,  much  smaller  than  the  others.  Anal 
gills  small,  pointed,  not  as  long  as  the  width  of  the  segment. 

Pupa  with  stout  thorax  and  small  tapering  abdomen.  An 
angularly  trilobed  structure  on  each  side  represents  the  air- 
trumpets;  a  solid  flat  plate,  one  angular  lobe  pointing  forward, 

80  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  |  Mar.,  '28 

another  laterally,  and  the  largest  one  posteriorly.  Abdominal 
segments  produced  laterally  and  posteriorly,  granular,  and  with 
a  long  terminal  hair  directed  backward ;  the  two  posterior  horns 
end  in  a  stout  thorn,  and  have  a  small  lateral  hair. 

Two  males  and  one  female  (type  male  on  a  slide),  Las 
Sabanas,  Panama  (D.  P.  Curry),  type  No.  40517  U.  S.  Nation- 
al Museum. 

•«•»•  - 

The  Entomology  of  Central  Siberia. 

By    T.    D.    A.    COCKERELL. 

With  headquarters  at  Irkutsk,  in  the  hospitable  rooms  of 
the  Geological  Committee,  my  wife  and  I  have  explored  the 
surrounding  country  in  several  directions.  First  we  went  to 
Ust  Balei  on  the  Angara,  to  search  for  fossil  insects  in  the 
Jurassic  beds ;  then  to  the  Biological  Station  of  the  University 
of  Irkutsk,  on  Lake  Baikal;  later  to  Archan.  105  versts  west 
of  the  southwest  corner  of  Lake  Baikal,  at  an  elevation  of  900 
meters.  In  the  last  week  we  have  collected  in  localities  near 
Irkutsk  ;  Smolenschina  and  Kychtak.  The  insect  fauna  of  this 
whole  region  is  strictly  Palaearctic.  The  extensive  deserts  to 
the  south  have  prevented  any  migration  thence  of  Chinese  types. 
The  fauna  is  an  impoverished  one  compared  with  that  of  the 
Maritime  Province,  which  we  visited  four  years  ago.  Very 
few  moths  come  to  lights  at  night,  and  the  butterflies  are  not 
especially  numerous  or  striking. 

The  common  species  belong  to  Aglais,  Ercbia,  Melitaca, 
Colias,  Lcptidia  (these  are  the  common  whites  instead  of  Picris), 
Lycacua,  with  several  other  satyrids  and  a  number  of  ordinary 
small  skippers.  Papilio  and  Paniassnis  are  occasionally  seen, 
and  I  have  caught  a  very  nice  Clirysof>liauits  at  Smolenschina. 
A  fine  Gnipta  was  found  at  Archan.  The  burnets  (Zygacna) 
are  common,  apparently  of  two  species.  Among  the  Coleop- 
tera  the  Cerambycidae  are  preeminent  with  very  many  species, 
but  nearly  all  are  small,  principally  of  the  Lcptura  type. 
Buprestids  are  occasional.  Mordclla  sits  on  the  flowers  as  in 
Colorado.  I  have  two  handsome  species  of  Meloidae.  Carabidae 
are  not  abundant.  These  are  merely  general  impressions ;  no 

xxxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  81 

doubt   intensive  collecting   over  a   longer  period   would    reveal 
many  species.      Cctonia   serves  to   remind   us,   like   the  burnet 
moths,  that  we  are  in  the  Palaearctic  Region.     The  ants  are 
very  commonplace:  Formica  ntfa  with  its  characteristic  nests, 
F.  fitsca   under  stones,   Camponntns   in  the   forest,   and   other 
circumsolar  types.      No   Mutillidae  have   been   seen.      Ichneu- 
moniclae  are  not  so  numerous  as  in  Colorado  and  Chalcidoidea 
are    rarely    met    with.      There    are    some    extremely    beautiful 
species     of     the     Chrysididae.      Diptera    abound     with     many 
Tachinidae,  Asilidae,  etc.,  and  more  mosquitos  than  we  desire. 
Orthoptera    include   some    rather   large   and    handsome    forms. 
A  common  small  grasshopper  is  Gomphocerus  sibcricits,  look- 
ing just   like   our   Colorado   species.      Mr.    Ivan   Rultsoff  tells 
me  that  it  is  a  very  great  pest ;  it   recently  appeared  in  vast 
numbers,  causing  a  loss  of  about  a  million  roubles.     This  is 
astonishing  because  in  Colorado  I  have  supposed  Gomphocerus 
to  be  harmless.     The  Hemiptera,  so  far  as  seen,  are  very  like 
those  of  the  Rocky  Mountains.     Bees  are  abundant  and  I  have 
made  a  fine  collection.     Except  the  Bo  mints  which  have  been 
intensively  studied  by  Skorikoff  and  others,  the  bees  of  this  re- 
gion are  little  known.*     Thus   I   expect  to  find  a  good  many 
novelties  though  I   feel  sure  many  of  the  species  are  identical 
with  European  ones.     There  is  nothing  in  common  with  the 
desert   fauna,   and   so   far  as   I   can   see  on   casual   inspection, 
few  species  are  the  same  as  those  of  the  Maritime  Province. 
As  bees  are   found   on   flowers,   it  might  be   supposed   that   it 
would  be  easy  to  exhaust  the   fauna  of  a  region,   at  least  as 
represented  during  the  season  visited.     Our  experience  shows 
that  this  is  not  at  all  the  case.     The  poorest  locality  we  found 
was  Archan,  the  richest  Smolenschina  near  Irkutsk.     At  Smo- 
lenschina,  where  wre  were  kindly  taken  by  Mr.  Ivan  Belikoff, 
secretary    of    the    Geological    Committee,    we    found    a    small 
flowery    spot,   a    few   hundred    vurds   in   each    direction,   extra- 

*Long'  ati<)  Radoszkoski  recorded  the  fnlliuvin.u  !!:nn!>ii.\-  fruiu  Irkutsk: 
B.  tcriniiitilis  L.,  B.  distingitendus  Alitr.,  B.  baicalensis  Red.,  B.  equestris 
Fab.,  and  var.  mucidus  Gcrst.  Friese  makes  H.  equestris  a  subspecies 
of  B.  silvanim  L.  and  baiaih-nsis  a  synonym  of  ciincstrix.  Slaclen  shmvs 
that  B.  distinguendus  is  a  good  species,  nut  a  race  of  B.  sitl'tcn-ancus. 

82  ENTOMOLOGICAL   N'Kvvs  |  Mar.,  '2S 

ordinarily  rich  in  bees,  while  few  were  to  be  found  in  other 
places  nearby.  But  the  remarkable  thing  is  that  after  collect- 
ing one  day,  we  returned  after  a  few  days,  and  from  the  same 
flowers  (Geranium,  Tanacctitin,  Achillca,  Campanula,  etc.) 
obtained  a  new  set.  in  many  ways  different  from  the  first. 
Thus  on  the  first  trip  a  neat  little  Nomada  was  very  abundant  ; 
on  the  second  we  got  none,  but  only  a  single  specimen  of 
another  Notnada.  On  the  first  trip  we  got  two  specimens  only 
of  Nomia,  on  the  second  they  were  abundant.  It  was  on  the 
second  trip  that  a  strange  looking  bee  was  netted  and  as  I 
took  it  out  it  stung  viciously,  and  I  thought  had  a  peculiar  feel. 
I  was  curious  enough  to  inspect  it  with  the  lens  as  soon  as  it 
was  quiet  in  the  bottle,  and  was  delighted  to  see  a  Mclccta 
diacantha  Eversman,  which  has  a  Ooma-like  scutellum.  At 
Kychtak  I  was  pleased  to  find  a  couple  of  specimens  of  Dio.vits, 
another  parasitic  genus.  Taking  the  bee  fauna  of  the  region 
as  a  whole,  the  following  are  general  impressions.  Hylacus 
is  not  very  common,  far  less  so  than  in  the  Maritime  Province 
where  I  got  a  long  series  of  species,  all  new.  Collctcs  is 
abundant  at  least  in  individuals.  Halictus  is  surprisingly  poor 
in  species  and  even  in  individuals  ;  we  have  more  Collctcs  and 
many  more  Andrcna  than  Halictus.  One  species  of  Halictus 
is  of  gigantic  size.  Andrcna  is  well  represented  ;  a  very  large 
and  handsome  species  was  taken  at  Smolenschina.  Sphccodcs 
is  about  as  usual.  MegacJiilc  abounds  and  there  are  several 
species  of  Anthopora.  I  got  only  one  Eucerine,  one  Mclccta 
and  one  Panurginus.  The  Panurginus,  is,  I  am  nearly  sure, 
P.  nigcr  Nylander,  the  type  of  the  genus,  described  many  years 
ago  from  Siberia  and  not  seen  since.  Osmia  is  rare,  all  black. 
We  have  a  few  Anthidium  and  one  fine  little  Dianthidium. 
Several  other  genera  are  represented  each  by  one  or  a  very 
few  individuals.  Several  of  the  genera  are  certainly  new  to 
Siberia.  To-day  (Aug.  22)  we  start  for  Tashkent  in  Russian 


Sugaring  for  Catocala  Moths  in  New  Hampshire, 
August-September,  1927  (Lepid.  :  Noctuidae). 

By  MARGARET  M.  GARY,  Germantown,   Philadelphia,   Pa. 

This  summer  a  group  of  boys  and  girls  and  I  had  had 
such  good  luck  catching  Sphingidae  over  larkspur  and  phlox 
in  the  early  evening  that  we  decided  to  lengthen  our  collecting 
day  by  sugaring  for  Catocalas.  Our  cottage  is  located  near 
Lake  Sunapee  and  is  about  1300  feet  above  sea  level.  The 
country  is  hilly  and  wooded ;  but  we  live  in  an  open  meadow 
stretching  to  the  lake.  Surrounding  this  meadow  are  a  good 
many  different  kinds  of  trees  and  on  two  sides  there  are  large 
tracts  of  woodland.  We  had  read  about  sugaring,  but  had 
never  been  successful  and  we  determined  to  get  the  right  mix- 
ture for  the  bait  and  to  do  it  for  many  nights  in  succession. 

J  o 

For  the  benefit  of  others  who  have  tried  different  baits, 
I  will  give  the  exact  formula  which  we  used.  We  bought 
cheap  beer,  opened  it  into  a  large  crock,  putting  in  one  yeast 
cake  to  two  bottles  of  beer,  covered  it  up  tight  and  left  it  in  a 
warm  room.  Then  we  took  apples  and  crushed  them,  adding 
some  brown  sugar  and  setting  them  out  in  the  sun  to  ferment. 
Early  each  morning  we  put  the  following  ingredients  together 
in  a  bucket :  1  cup  of  the  yeast-beer,  }/2  cup  brown  molasses, 
1  tablespoon  rubbing  alcohol,  2  Ibs.  brown  sugar,  1  cup  crushed 
and  fermented  apples  and  1  yeast  cake. 

By  evening  this  mixture  had  a  very  strong  smell  and 
at  six  o'clock  (standard  time)  we  began  painting  the  trees 
around  the  meadow.  We  painted  five  white  pines,  two  white 
birches,  two  shaking  aspens,  two  ash  trees  and  four  apple 
trees  and  stumps.  These  trees  were  in  three  main  groups,  so 
that  there  was  a  strong  odor  in  each  locality.  At  seven  we 
repainted  and  often  again  at  nine  o'clock.  We  lighted  mir 
lantern,  making  the  rounds  every  hall"  linur  fmm  seven-thirty 
to  ten-thirty  or  eleven  o'clock.  Catocalas  alight  on  the  sugar 
in  such  a  way  that  the  bright  under  wings  show.  They  are 
very  nervous  and  if  the  slightest  shadow  crosses  the  tree  where 
they  are  resting,  they  fly  away  immediately.  It  therefore  takes 

84  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Alar.,  '28 

great  skill  to  hold  the  lantern  in  such  a  way  that  its  light  falls 
full  and  steadily  on  the  sugar,  and  does  not  blind  the  person 
who  is  to  do  the  catching.  We  went  single  file,  I  with  the 
lantern  in  the  lead,  the  hoy  with  the  net  following,  and  the 
boys  and  girls  with  the  cyanide  jar  and  collecting  case  brought 
np  the  rear.  Absolute  quiet  was  observed. 

Small  Catocalas,  like  cratacgi,  antinyinplia  and  nltronui,  we 
caught  in  the  cyanide  jar,  placing  it  slightly  beneath  the  insect, 
as  Catocalas  always  dart  down  when  starting  to  fly,  and  if  the 
boy  with  the  jar  missed  it,  the  boy  with  the  net  caught  it 
in  flight.  For  all  the  larger  Catocalas,  however,  we  found 
the  net  more  satisfactory  than  the  jar.  My  nephew,  being 
very  expert  with  the  net,  practically  never  missed  one,  and  I, 
myself,  caught  two  Cerogamas  in  the  net  at  one  swoop  one 
night  after  the  children  were  in  bed.  We  began  sugaring 
on  August  2nd,  keeping  it  up  until  September  12th  every  night 
except  in  the  pouring  rain  or  on  nights  when  the  wind  blew 
furiously.  Catocalas  seemed  to  like  spitting  rain  and  dampness, 
preferring  warm,  dark  nights  to  those  when  the  moon  was 
bright  and  the  air  cold.  On  three  different  nights  we  caught 
eleven  Catocalas,  on  one  other  night  we  caught  ten,  and  in 
all  we  got  a  hundred  and  sixteen,  among  which  were  at  least 
sixteen  species  and  varieties.  We  caught  two  forms  of 
unijuga,  two  or  three  varieties  of  briscis,  two  varieties  of 
relicta,  concuiubcns,  parta,  ulironia,  pracclara,  cratacgi,  ilia  form 
conspicua,  ccrogarna,  palcogania  form  phcdanga,  and  anti- 
nynipha.  Unijuga,  briscis,  relicta,  ccrogaina,  and  concitinbcns 
were  very  much  more  common  than  the  others,  and  most  of 
them  were  caught  between  eight  and  nine  in  the  evening.  As 
Holland  says  in  his  "Moth  Book",  "No  sport  could  exceed 
this".  It  requires  skill  and  patience  and  is  full  of  a  variety 
of  excitements  including  skunks,  who  also  delight  in  the 
sugar ! 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  85 

Two  New  Anthocorids  and  a  New  Microphysid  from 
Florida  (Heteroptera). 

By  W.   S.  BLATCHLEY,   Indianapolis,   Indiana. 

Since  my  work  on  the  Heteroptera  of  Eastern  North 
America  appeared  a  new  species  of  the  family  Anthocoridae, 
belonging  to  a  genus  not  before  known  to  be  represented  in 
this  country,  has  been  taken  in  Florida  and  another  undescribed 
species  of  the  same  family  was  referred  to  the  wrong  genus 
in  that  work.  A  new  species  belonging  to  an  apparently 
new  genus  of  the  family  Microphysidae  has  also  been  taken. 
These  have,  through  the  kindness  of  Mr.  \V.  E.  China,  all 
been  compared  with  specimens  in  the  British  Museum.  They 
are  therefore  characterized  and  named  in  this  paper.  The 
types  of  all  three  are  in  my  private  collection. 

The  genus  Asthcnidca  Renter  (1884)  is  closely  allied  to 
Cardiastethus  Fieber  (1860),  differing  mainly  in  the  less 
deeply  emarginate  base  of  pronotum,  the  more  shallow  trans- 
verse groove  of  scutellum,  and  by  the  absence  of  a  hamus 
in  the  cell  of  the  inner  wings.  It  is  not  very  strange,  there- 
fore, that,  without  specimens  for  comparison,  I  ascribed  to 
the  former  genus,  on  page  631  of  the  Heteroptera  of  Eastern 
North  America,  a  species  which  I  called  Asthcnidea  pallcsccns 
Renter,  but  which,  according  to  China,  is  an  unnamed  species 
of  Cardiastethus,  allied  to  C.  tropicalis  Champ.,  a  Guatemalan 
species.  I  therefore  give  it  the  new  name 

Cardiastethus  flaveolus  sp.  nov. 

Elongate-ovate.  Color  above  and  beneath  a  nearly  uniform 
pale  brownish-yellow,  the  head  and  thorax  shining,  the  elytra 
duller  with  numerous  scattered  inclined  rather  long  yellowish 
hairs ;  inner  half  of  cuneus  usually  in  great  part  fuscous ; 
membrane  pale  dusky  hyaline,  slighty  iridescent.  Beak  scarcely 
reaching  front  coxae,  its  apical  joint  slender,  acute.  Eyes 
relatively  large,  subglobose,  coarsely  facetted,  narrowly  sepa- 
rated beneath.  Antennae  slightly  longer  than  head  and  thorax 
united,  thickly  pilose;  joint  1  reaching  tip  of  tylus,  2  three 
times  as  long  as  1,  visibly  thickened  apically ;  3  and  4  slender, 
tinged  with  fuscous,  each  about  two-thirds  the  length  of  2. 

86  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Mar.,    '28 

Pronotum  subtrapezoidal,  its  base  less  than  twice  as  wide  as 
apex,  very  broadly  and  deeply  concave  ;  disk  with  a  wide 
median  transverse  impression,  the  callus  of  front  lobe  almost 
smooth,  transversely  convex,  the  hind  lobe  depressed,  finely 
transversely  rugose-punctate  ;  hind  angles  thickened,  slightly 
prolonged,  the  side  margins  in  front  of  them  almost  straight, 
finely  carinate.  Scutellum  with  base  broadly  exposed,  very 
finely  punctate,  disk  with  a  distinct  postmedian  transverse 
impression,  its  apical  portion  more  coarsely  and  distinctly 
punctate.  Elytra  elongate-oval,  passing  tip  of  abdomen  by 
one-third  the  length  of  membrane  ;  clavus  strongly  declivent 
toward  corium,  beset  with  three  irregular  rows  of  very  fine 
punctures  ;  sides  of  elytra  subparallel  to  base  of  cuneus,  thence 
broadly  curved  into  the  rounded  tips  of  membrane.  Osteolar 
channel  long  and  curved.  Length  2.5  —  2.8  mm. 

Described  from  seven  specimens  taken  at  Royal  Palm  Park, 
Florida,  in  December  and  April  by  sifting  vegetation  in  low 
damp  places  and  by  beating  the  dead  fallen  leaves  of  royal 
palm  in  the  dense  hammock  on  Paradise  Key.  Type  a  male 
taken  at  the  Park  December  18,  1924.  According  to  China 
my  specimens  "are  very  close  to,  if  not  identical  with,  three 
specimens  in  the  British  Museum  from  San  Geromino,  Guate- 
mala, which  were  wrongly  identified  by  Champion  as  a  variety 
of  C.  tropicalis  but  which  are  specifically  distinct  from  the 
typical  form  of  that  species."  Champion,  after  his  description 
of  tropicalis,  mentions  these  specimens  very  briefly  as  follows1  : 

"Var.  Above  and  beneath  testaceous,  the  elytra  more 
sparsely  punctured." 

ELATOPHILUS  Reuter,  1884,  56,  61. 
This  genus  belongs  to  the  subfamily  Anthocorinae,  as 
treated  on  page  633  of  the  Heteroptera,  and  differs  from 
Anthocoris  in  having  the  head  more  prolonged  with  eyes  much 
more  distant  from  the  front  margin  of  pronotum,  the  base 
of  pronotum  feebly  but  distinctly  punctate  ;  hind  coxae  widely 
separated,  with  apex  of  metasternum  truncate  and  extending 
between  them.  In  Anthocoris  the  eyes  are  subcontiguous  to 
apex  of  pronotum,  and  the  hind  coxae  are  narrowly  separated 

iol.  Cent.  Amer.   (Hemip.—  Heterop.)   II,  p.  331. 

xix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  87 

or   contiguous,    the   apex    of    metasternum    narrowly    rounded 
between  them. 

Elatophilus  pinophilus  sp.  nov. 

Elongate-oval,  almost  glabrous.  Head,  pronotum  and 
scutellum  reddish-brown,  shining,  the  tylus  and  occiput  some- 
what darker;  elytra  pale  dull  yellow,  the  cuneus  and  tip  of 
clavus  and  a  faint  cloud  near  apex  of  corium  fuscous  ;  mem- 
brane a  uniform  whitish  hyaline;  sterna  and  legs  pale  brownish- 
yellow,  ventrals  fuscous-brown.  Head  porrect,  longer  than 
its  width  across  eyes;  tylus  stout,  cylindrical,  its  apex  truncate. 
Antennae  stout,  as  long  as  head  and  pronotum  united;  joint  1 
and  basal  half  of  2  yellow,  1  just  reaching  tip  of  tylus;  2  with 
apical  half  fuscous,  two  and  a  half  times  as  long  as  1,  visibly 
but  feebly  thickened  toward  apex  ;  3  and  4  fuscous,  oblong- 
fusiform,  finely  pubescent,  3  scarcely  as  long  as  1,  4  one-fourth 
longer  than  3,  obtusely  pointed.  Pronotum  subtrapezoidal, 
twice  as  wide  at  base  as  apex,  hind  angles  somewhat  prolonged, 
subacute  ;  sides  in  front  of  them  feebly  sinuate  and  convergent 
from  base  to  apical  third,  thence  rounded  to  apex  ;  disk  with 
a  deep,  entire  postmedian  transverse  impression,  front  lobe 
smooth,  convex  and  with  a  faint  median  impressed  line, 
hind  one  flattened,  minutely  shagreened.  Mesoscutum  broadly 
exposed.  Elytra  slightly  surpassing  abdomen,  almost  invisibly 
punctate,  very  finely  pubescent.  Abdomen  of  female  broadly 
oval,  narrowed  at  base.  Length  2.8  mm. 

Type  a  female,  taken  April  14,  1927,  at  Royal  Palm  Park, 
Florida,  by  beating  the  tops  of  a  dead  and  fallen  pine.  It 
apparently  belongs  to  the  subgenus  Euhadroccnts  Reut.,  char- 
acterized by  having  joint  3  of  antennae  not  longer  than  1,  with 
beak  scarcely  surpassing  front  coxae.  This  subgenus  is  repre- 
sented by  a  single  heretofore  known  species,  Elatophilns 
(EuJiadroccrns}  crassicornis  Renter,  described  from  Algeria. 
That  is  piceous-black,  with  membrane  infuscate.  No  member 
of  the  genus  Elatophilns  has  previously  been  taken  in  this 

CHINAOLA  gen.  nov. 

This  genus   differs   from   Mallocliiohr     Bergroth,    as    char- 

-I  was  unable  to  borrow  in  time  a  specimen  of  Mallochiohi  //(;</(//r\ 
from  its  authors.  The  differential  characters  between  the  two  genera 
are  therefore  deduced  from  their  description  and  figures  of  Matlochiola 
(  fdiotropis)  i/Uf/tJtcs  in  Bull.  Brooklyn  Knt<>m.  Soc.  XIX,  \(>24,  p.  7'i 
and  fig.  2,  pi.  I. 

88  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

acterized  on  page  658  of  the  Heteroptera,  the  only  other  genus 
of  the  family  Microphysidae  known  from  North  America,  in 
having  the  front  margin  of  pronotum  trimcate  not  concave ; 
elytra  narrowly  oval  with  sides  subparallel  from  just  behind 
humeri  to  base  of  cuneus,  net  broadly  oval  with  sides  rounded 
as  in  MallocJnola,  and  membrane  with  two  veins  projected  back- 
ward from  a  ridge  near  base  to  the  middle  of  disk,  the  outer 
one  bent  angularly  at  basal  third.  The  genus  is  named  in 
honor  of  W.  E.  China,  the  efficient  Hemipterist  of  the  British 
Museum,  who  has  given  me  much  aid  in  my  studies  of  eastern 
American  Heteroptera. 

Genotype :    Chinaola   qucrcicola   sp.   nov. 

Chinaola  quercicola  sp.  nov. 

Oblong-oval.  Head  black,  strongly  shining,  glabrous ; 
pronotum  and  scutellum  black,  less  shining;  clavus  and  basal 
two-thirds  of  corium  white ;  apical  third  of  corium  fuscous, 
cuneus  and  broad  median  bar  of  embolium  black ;  base  and 
apex  of  embolium  white ;  membrane  dusky  translucent,  strongly 
iridescent ;  legs  and  beak  dark  reddish-brown.  Head  porrect ; 
clypeus  stout,  its  apex  obtuse ;  ocelli  small,  separated  by  four 
times  their  diameters ;  beak  stout,  apparently  3- jointed,  reach- 
ing front  coxae,  its  apical  joint  acute,  decurved.  Antennae 
black,  about  as  long  as  head  and  thorax,  bristly  pubescent ; 
joint  1  not  reaching  tip  of  tylus ;  3  and  4  subequal,  3  two- 
thirds  the  length  of  2.  Pronotum  with  apex  and  base  trun- 
cate ;  collar  distinct,  prominent ;  disk  very  finely  transversely 
rugose,  rather  thickly  pubescent  with  very  fine  suberect  blackish 
hairs ;  scutellum  feebly  convex,  glabrous,  finely  transversely 
rugose.  Elytra  conjointly  narrowly  oval,  surpassing  abdomen 
by  three-fourths  the  length  of  membrane ;  sides  straight  and 
parallel  to  base  of  cuneus,  thence  gradually  curved  into  the 
strongly  rounded  tips ;  disk  very  finely  pubescent.  Hind  tibiae 
curved,  one-half  longer  than  femora;  tarsi  2- jointed,  joint  2 
more  than  twice  the  length  of  1.  Length  1.5  mm. 

Type  a  female,  taken  March  10,  1927,  at  Duneclin,  Florida, 
by  beating  the  foliage  of  water  oak.  The  much  narrower  form 
of  body,  different  relative  length  of  antennal  joints,  different 
shape  of  pronotum,  etc.,  distinguish  this  unique  form  from 
Mallockiola  gagatcs  M.  &  M. 

xxxix,  '28] 



Making  Insect  Labels  with  the  Camera. 

By  W.  A.  HIESTAXD,  University  of  \Yisconsin, 

Madison,  Wisconsin. 

Very  satisfactory  locality  and  ecology  labels  may  be  made 
by  using  a  focusing  camera  and  a  typewriter.  The  illustrations 
below  show  examples  of  labels  which  were  typed  on  white 
paper,  photographed  with  a  focusing  camera  and  printed 
on  Regular  Azo  paper.  One  desirable  feature  of  mak- 
ing labels  in  this  manner  is  the  fact  that  their  size  may  be 
regulated  to  suit  the  user.  If  smaller  type  is  desired  than 
that  shown  in  the  illustration  it  is  only  necessary  to  have 
the  typewritten  sheet  farther  from  the  camera  and  vice  versa 
for  larger  type.  Needless  to  say  it  is  advantageous  for  the 
collector  to  be  able  to  print  out  whatever  number  of  labels  he 
needs  and  to  arrange  their  composition  to  suit  his  taste.  Very 
often  the  situation  arises  when  it  is  well  to  have  labels 

Dane  Co.Vlu.   Dane  Co,71a.   Dana  Co,  Via.   Dane  Co.  Via.   Dane  Co.  Tie. 

Dana  Co.  Via.   Dane  Co.Vla.   Dane  Co.Wia.   Dane  Co.  Via.   Dana  Co.  Vie. 

Collector:        Collector:        Collector;        Collector:        Collector: 

Dane  Co.'ffla.   Dane  Co.  Via.   Dane  Co.  Via.   Dans  Co,  Vie.   Dana  Co.  Via. 
Apr        192         Hay       192          Sept       192        Jane       192       June        192 
Collector:        Collector:        Collector:        Collector:        Collector: 

Apr       192         it  ay       192         sept       192       June       192       June       192 

Dane  Co,  Vie.   Dane  Co.  Via.   Dana  Co.  Via.   Dana  Co.  Via.   Dane  Co.  Vie. 
Apr        192         May        192          Sept       192       June       192       June       192 
Collector:       Collector:        Collector:        Collector:       Collector: 

lei.  by   S.A.'-aSSTA--.'.' 

Dane  Co.Vlff.  Dane  Co.  via.  Dane  Co.  Vie.  Dane  Co.  Via.  Dane  Co.  Vie. 

Collector;        Collector;        Collector:        Collector:        Collector: 

Dane  Co,  Via.   Dane  Co,  Vie.   Dana  Co,  Via.   Dane  Co,  via.    Dane  Co   Wle 
Apr        192         "ay       192          Sept       192        June       192        June       192    S.A.:tIE^TA-JL 

,-•.-•».  f.        -:   V.A.KIESTA'ID 

Collector:        Collector:        Collector:        Collector;        Colleotorl 

Apr        192         May       192          Sept        192        June       192        June       192 
Collector:        Collector:        Collector:       Collector:       Collector: 

dei  .iy  W.A.HIZ  T^:;.J 

1.--.     '  '.     \7     ..-••-. 

d*t  .by    ».A.  4:£STV1D 

Apr       192         !'ay       192         Sept       192       June       192       June       192 

D»ne  Co.  Tie.    Dane   co.'^ie.    Dane  Co.Jle.   Dane  Co.  vie.    Dane  Co   Via. 
Apr        192         :'ay        192          Sept       192       June       192        June        192 

S.A.Hleatand  3.A.iUeat*nJ  ».A   Hleetand  ».A.Kleeta.nd  T.A.Hleeta-id 

iii  small  quantities  from  various  localities  and  the  expense 
of  having  them  printed  is  high,  due  to  the  fact  that  it  is  often 
difficult  to  obtain  them  in  quantities  of  less  than  five  hundred 
of  a  kind. 

90  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  |  Mar.,    '28 

The  following  directions  should  serve  to  explain  the  method 
of   making  the  lahels.     First   of  all   it   is  necessary  to  use  a 
typewriter  with  a  new  black  record  ribbon  as  clearness  in  the 
copy  sheet  is  desirable.     Of  course  the  clearer  the  typewritten 
sheet  the  clearer  will  be  the  negative  made  from  it.     Several 
sheets  may  be  photographed  at   a  single  exposure   depending 
upon  the  size  of  the  plate  of  the  camera.     I  have  found  that 
the  best  results  were  obtained  by  exposing  the  sheets  to  the 
camera  by  artificial  light.     I  use  two  fifty  watt  mazda  bulbs 
in  two  reading  lamps  and  give  the  film  an  exposure  of  three 
minutes.      It   is   necessary   to   use   a    focusing   camera   with   a 
ground-glass  plate  in  order  that  the  lens  may  be  put  in  sharp 
focus  and  also  that  the  size  of  the  labels  may  be  regulated. 
I  have  met  with  best  results  when  the  iris  diaphragm  of  the 
camera  was  set  between  stops  8  and  16.    The  sheet  to  be  copied 
should  be  pinned  onto  a  backing  of  some  sort  so  that  it  will 
be  in  a  plane  parallel  to  the  film  or  plate  of  the  camera.    I  have 
found   that  it   is   desirable   to  have  the   background   of   white 
material   like  the  sheet  itself  rather  than  darker  as  the  light 
from  the  lamps  will  be  more  evenly  diffused.     I   have  often 
noticed  that  the  labels  in  the  center  of  the  film  were  clearer 
than  those  at  the  edges  and  have  traced  this  defect  to  the  dark 
background.      Since   I   have  used  a  white  background   I  have 
not  had  this  trouble.     It  is  necessary  to  use  a  "Process"  film 
or  plate  in  copying  the  labels  in  order  to  get  the  greatest  con- 
trast possible  and  hence  the  sharpest  labels.     Care  should  be 
taken    in    developing    the    film    or    plate    to    insure    sufficient 
development    for    if    either    is    not    left    long    enough    in    the 
fixing  bath  the  resulting  labels  will  not  be  distinct.     Personally, 
I  leave  the  film  in  the  developer  until  it  becomes  so  dark  that 
I  can  no  longer  make  out  any  characters  upon  it.     In  this  way 
I  get   best   results.      In   printing,   the  orthodox   rules   may   be 
followed   with   good   results.     I   have   found   that   Azo   paper, 
grade  number  2,  works  quite  well.     A  longer  exposure  than 
usual  is  necessary   in   printing  out  the   labels   because  of   the 
greater   degree   of   contrast   desired.      It   is   well   to   leave   the 

xxxix,  '28J  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  91 

prints  in  the  fixing  bath  for  some  time  to  insure  their  perma- 
nent character. 

There  is  no  reason  why  a  collector  who  has  access  to  a 
focusing  camera  can  not  make  satisfactory  labels  for  his  coi- 
tion at  a  considerable  saving  of  expense.  The  greatest  advan- 
tage of  photographic  labels  lies  in  the  fact  that  whatever  number 
needed  may  be  printed  and  their  exact  composition  made  to 
suit  the  collector.  A  great  variety  of  ecological  labels  can  be 
easily  made  for  different  occasions  by  this  means. 

Hesperia  eos  Edwards  (Lep.  :  Hesperiidae). 

By  A.  W.  LINDSEY,  Denison  University,  Granville,  Ohio. 

The  standing  of  Hesperia  cos  Edwards  in  our  faunal  lists 
has  been  open  to  cuiestion  for  many  years.  It  was  merely 
listed  by  Skinner  (Syn.  Cat.  p.  91,  1898)  and  Dyar  (List.  N. 
A.  Lep.  47,  1902)  as  a  species  of  Amblyscirtes.  McDunnough 
associated  it  with  celia  Skinner  and  meridional  is  Dyar  (Contri- 
butions iii,  137,  1916)  but  in  the  Barnes  and  McDunnough 
Check  List  of  1917  separated  the  three  names.  Finally  Mc- 
Dunnough placed  cos  and  uicridioualis  as  synonyms  of  altcrnata 
G.  &  R.,  an  arrangement  which  I  retained  in  my  generic 
revision  of  the  family.  This  classification  is  continued  by- 
Barnes  and  Benjamin  in  their  latest  check  list  of  the  North 
American  diurnals. 

During  my  connection  with  the  Barnes  collection  a  careful 
perusal  of  the  original  description  of  cos  led  me  to  the  belief 
that  the  species  was  really  the  same  as  cornus  Edw.,  with  which 
it  had  never,  to  my  knowledge,  been  associated.  Until  recently 
I  have  been  unable  to  verify  this  conclusion,  but  an  examina- 
tion of  the  material  in  the  Cambridge  Museum  shows  that  it 
was  correct. 

The  museum  collection,  in  which  the  type  was  said  by 
Edwards  to  be  located,  now  contains  two  specimens  labelled  as 
types  of  cos.  One  is  a  male  of  altcrnata,  the  other  a  female 
of  counts.  The  original  description  mentions  a  male,  but  gives 
no  exact  information  as  to  the  number  of  specimens  in  the 
type  series.  According  to  Edwards'  usual  procedure,  his  state- 

92-  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

ment  would  lead  one  to  expect  a  single  male  type,  but  the 
appearance  of  the  sexes  in  Amblyscirtes  is  such  that  they  can- 
not readily  be  separated  by  superficial  examination.  The  two 
specimens  in  the  Cambridge  Museum  are  not  conclusive  in 
accessory  details,  for  both  bear  printed  locality  labels  reading 
"Dallas  Vex  Boll". 

In  their  work  on  the  genitalia  of  the  North  American 
species  of  Hesperioidea  Skinner  and  Williams  indicate  that 
they  have  examined  these  types,  and  say  that  they  believe 
"cos  falls  to  allcrnata."  They  refer  the  other  type  to  coinus, 
saying  that  it  is  a  male,  and  thus  unwittingly  furnish  evidence 
for  my  belief  that  Edwards  himself  made  a  mistake  in  the  sex 
of  this  type. 

We  cannot  fail  to  consider  original  descriptions  in  the 
ultimate  fixation  of  species.  In  the  present  case  a  comparison 
of  the  specimen  of  counts  with  Edwards'  description  shows 
exact  agreement  in  the  distribution  and  number  of  spots. 
Needless  to  say,  the  other  specimen  labelled  type  contrasts 
strongly,  for  counts  has  well  defined  white  spots  on  the  under 
surface  of  the  secondaries  and  well  marked  preapical  spots  on 
the  primaries,  while  in  alternate!  no  spots  are  well  defined  and 
the  under  surface  usually  bears  only  the  vaguest  indication  of 
spots,  due  to  a  slight  concentration  of  the  superficial  gray 
vestiture.  It  seems  incredible  that  such  a  practiced  eye  as 
Edwards'  could  have  included  the  two  specimens  in  the  same 
series ;  it  is  certainly  impossible  for  his  description  to  apply 
to  the  specimen  of  altcniata. 

In  discussing  the  disposition  of  the  name,  Mr.  Banks  has 
suggested  a  logical  course  if  the  two  specimens  must  be  regard- 
ed as  types.  Altcniata  was  described  before  cos,  hence  when 
cos  was  described  one  specimen  belonged  to  a  described  species, 
and  in  the  absence  of  an  absolute  indication  of  the  type,  would 
automatically  be  dropped  in  favor  of  the  remaining  specimen. 
This  would  fix  the  specimen  of  coin  us  in  the  Cambridge 
Museum  as  the  type  of  cos.  Fortunately  all  of  the  facts  in 
the  case  favor  this  course. 

The  following  bibliography  shows  the  corrected  synonymy 
and  includes  the  chief  references  to  the  species  concerned. 


Amblyscirtes  eos  Edwards. 

Hcspcria  cos  Edw.,  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.  iii,  276,   1871. 
Hcspcria  counts  Edw.,  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.  v,  206,  1876. 
Amblyscirtes  niusl  Edw.,  Field  and  Forest  iii,   118,   1878. 
I\iuiphila  com  us  Skinner,  Syn.  Cat.  90,  1898. 
Stomylcs  counts  Godman  &  Salvin,  Biol.  Cent.  Am.,  Rhop. 

i'i.  502,  pi.  95,  fig.  25,  26,  1900. 
Amblyscirtes  cos  Dyar,  List  N.  A.  Lep.  47,  1902. 
Euphycs  counts  Dyar,  op.  cit.  53,  1902. 
Pamphila   quinquemacula   Skinner,   Ent.    News  xxii,   413, 

Amblvscirtcs  counts  Barnes  &   McDunnough,  Check  List 

22,   1917. 

Lindsey,  Hesp.  N.  A.  101,  1921. 
Skinner  &  Williams,  Trans.  Am.  Ent. 

Soc.  xlix,  141,  fig.  23,  1923. 
Barnes  &  Benjamin,  List  Diurn.  Lep. 
25,  1926. 

Amblyscirtes  alternata  Grote  &  Robinson. 

Hcspcria  alternate!  G.  &  R.,  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.  i,  3,  1867. 
Amblyscirtes  incridionalls  Dyar,   fn.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  xiii, 

135,  1905. 
Ambl\scirtcs  alternata  Barnes  &  McDunnough,  Check  List 

22,  1917. 

Lindsey,  Hesp.  N.  A.  101,  1921. 
Skinner   &    \Yilliams,    Trans.    Am. 
Ent.    Soc.    xliv,    138,    fig.    18, 

Barnes    &    Benjamin,    List    Diurn. 
Lep.  25,  1926. 

On  Three  Chilopods  from  the  La  Sal  Mountains 

of  Utah. 

By  RALPH  V.  CHAMBERLIN,  University  of  Utah, 
Salt  Lake  City,  Utah. 

The  material  upon  which  these  notes  are  based  was  sub- 
mitted to  me  for  study  by  Dr.  V.  M.  Tanner  by  whom  the 
specimens  were  colleceted  in  July,  1927.  All  were  taken  in 
the  faunistically  little  known  La  Sal  Mountains  of  San  Juan 
Co.,  Utah.  In  addition  to  the  chilopods,  there  was  in  the 
material  collected  a  male  of  the  diplopod  Paraiitlits  reinistits 

94  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

(Wood),  a  form  not  previously  taken  in  Utah,  although  not 
uncommon  in  Colorado  and  New  Mexico. 

The  types  of  the  new  species  are  in  the  author's  collection. 

Lophobius  lasalanus  sp.  nov. 

Dorsum  light  chestnut  brown,  the  head  scarcely  deeper 
in  color  than  the  dorsal  plates.  Antennae  usually  concolorous 
with  head,  a  little  paler  at  tips.  Legs  a  little  lighter  than  anten- 
nae. Antennae  short,  composed  of  twenty  articles.  Ocelli 
few,  mostly  in  two  series;  e.  g.,  1+4,  3.  Prosternal  teeth  2+2. 

Third  joint  of  all  anterior  legs  excepting  those  of  first 
pair  with  2  ventral  spines.  Ventral  spines  of  first  legs  1,  3,  1. 
Penult  legs  with  ventral  spines  1,  3,  3,  2  or  1,  3,  3,  3.  Anal 
legs  with  two  claws;  ventral  spines  1,  3,  3,  1  or  1,  3,  3,  0.  Last 
two  pairs  of  coxae  armed  laterally,  the  last  three  pairs  dorsally. 
Anal  legs  of  male  without  lobes. 

Claw  of  female  gonopods  tripartite ;  basal  spines  2+2. 

Length,  up  to  11  mm. 

This  species  is  differentiated  from  all  others  in  the  genus 
excepting  L.  socius  in  possessing  2  claws  on  the  anal  legs.  It 
is  readily  distinguished  from  socius  in  having  the  ventral  spines 
of  the  anal  legs  1,  3,  3,  1  or  1,  3,  3,  0  instead  of  1,  3,  2,  1,  in 
not  having  the  fourth  joint  of  the  anal  legs  modified  in  the 
male,  in  the  fewer  ocelli,  and  smaller  size. 

The  species  now  known  in  the  genus  may  be  separated  by 
means  of  the  following  key. 

Key  to  Species  of  LopJwbius. 

a.     All  anterior  legs,  or  all  but  first  1  or  2  pairs,  with  third 
joint  bearing  2  ventral  spines. 
b.     Ventral  spines  of  penult  legs  0,  1,  3,  3,  2. 
c.     Anal  legs  armed  with  2  claws. 

d.     Ventral   spines  of   anal   legs    1,   3,   3,    1(0); 

ocelli  in  2  series lasalanus,  sp.  nov. 

dd.     Ventral  spines  of  anal  legs  1,  3,  2,  1 ;  ocelli 
in  from  3  to  5  series.  .  .  .socius  Chamberlin 
cc.     Anal  legs  with  claw  single. 

d.     Dorsal  spines  of  twelfth  legs  1,  0,  3,  1,  1. 

e.     Ventral  spines  of  anal  legs  1,  3,  2,  0;  of 
the  twelfth  and  thirteenth  0,  3,  3,  2 

collium  Chamberlin 

ee.     Ventral    spines    of    anal    legs    normally 
1,  3,  2,  1. 

f.     Last  article  of   anal  legs   furrowed 
along   mesal   side;    fourth   joint   in 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    MAYS 

male  with  a  conspicuous  distal  lobe 

above franciscac    Chamberlin 

ft".     Anal     legs     unmodified     in     both 

sexes pungonius  Chamberlin 

del.     Dorsal  spines  of  twelfth  legs  1,  0,  3,  2,  2 
or  1,  0,  3,  1,  2. 

e.     Ventral  spines  of  anal  legs   1,   3,   2,    1  ; 
head  a  little  longer  than  wide 

urizonac  Chamberlin 

ee.     Ventral  spines  of  anal  legs  normally  1, 
3,  2,  0;  head  wider  than  long. 

hclcnae  Chamberlin 

bb.     Ventral  spines  of  penult  legs  0,   1,  3,  3,   1    (lobe  at 
distal  end  of   fourth  joint  in  male  conspicuous) 

cast cllo pcs  (Chamberlin) 

aa.     First  seven  pairs  of  legs  with  the  third  joint  bearing  but 
a  single  ventral  spine ercmus  Chamberlin 

Watophilus  utus,  sp.  nov. 

Cephalic  plate  long,  widest  anteriorly,  the  sides  converging 
to  the  caudal  end ;  anterior  and  posterior  corners  rounded ; 
anterior  margin  forming  a  very  obtuse  angle  at  middle.  Frontal 
suture  not  evident. 

Cephalic  plate  overlapping  the  basal  plate,  covering  about 
one  third  of  its  total  length.  Basal  plate  with  a  transverse 
row  of  setae  behind  middle  of  its  exposed  portion. 

A  single  small  clypeal  area  present  on  middle  line  a  little 
caudad  of  level  of  insertion  of  antennae. 

Labrum  with  lateral  pieces  separated  by  a  district  middle 
piece  which  bears  on  its  caudal  edge  about  ten  long,  slender, 
caudally  directed  teeth. 

Claws  of  prehensors  when  closed  equalling  or  a  little  sur- 
passing the  distal  end  of  the  first  antennal  article.  Claw  of 
prehensors  with  a  small  rounded  tooth  at  base;  the  two  pre- 
ceding joints  with  inconspicuous  or  obsolete  rounded  nodules ; 
femuroid  also  with  one  at  distal  end,  excavated  a  little  proximad 
of  the  tooth. 

Spiracles  all  circular ;  the  first  large,  the  second  abruptly 
smaller  and  the  succeeding  ones  decreasing  gradually  caudad. 

Anal  legs  clawless,  the  claw  replaced  by  a  minute  mem- 
branous article ;  terminating  in  several  stout  setae. 

Last  ventral  plate  wider  than  long,  the  caudal  margin  con- 
vex. Coxopleural  pores  3  or  4  along  ventral  plate,  or  partly 
covered  by  latter,  and  2  or  3  above  adjacent  to  last  tergite. 

Anal  pores  present. 

Pairs  of  legs  in  female,  65. 

Length,  21  mm. 

96  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Mar.,    '28 

The  species  of  this  genus  have  the  number  of  pairs  of 
legs  usually  invariable,  or  practically  so,  for  each  sex.  The 
species  are  thus  in  most  cases  easily  separated  on  this  basis. 
The  present  species  has  a  larger  number  of  pairs  than  any 
species  previously  known,  the  nearest  being  W .  lactus  Cham- 
berlin  of  California  which  has  a  maximum  of  55  pairs. 

GNATHOMERIUM  XENOPORUS  (Chamberlin)  In  the  col- 
lection is  one  specimen  of  this  species  which  is  a  common  form 
under  leaves  along  canyon  streams  in  the  Wahsatch  Moun- 
tains, but  which  occurs  as  well  in  Colorado  and  New  Mexico. 

Insects  made  of  Metal. 

INSECTS  made  of  metal,  true  to  the  originals  in  the  last 
minute  details  of  structure,  are  produced  by  a  process  discov- 
ered by  Dr.  N.  D.  Zelinsky,  a  German  chemist.  As  a  matter 
of  fact,  the  insects  themselves  are  metallized  through  a 
replacement  of  their  original  substance  with  the  metal,  just 
as  the  details  of  wood  or  leaf  structure  are  replaced  with  stone 
in  petrifactions.  The  process  was  discovered  by  a  quasi- 
accident.  Dr.  Zelinsky  had  undertaken  to  make  chemical 
analysis  of  some  insects.  The  procedure  involved  covering 
them  with  finely  powdered  copper  oxid  and  heating  them  in 
small  platinum  crucibles  under  an  atmosphere  of  carbon  dioxid. 
At  the  end  of  the  treatment  he  found  to  his  astonishment  that 
he  had  a  collection  of -perfect  copper  insects,  for  the  outer 
parts  of  their  body-shells  had  been  penetrated  by  the  metal 
and  the  original  horny  chitin,  with  all  its  fine  markings,  was 
replaced  by  a  layer  of  copper.  It  is  thought  that  this  method 
may  be  of  value  in  museums  in  the  permanent  preservation 
of  rare  and  perishable  insect  specimens,  and  possibly  plants 
as  well. — Science  Service  in  Science  for  Dec.  23,  1927. 

The  Monarch   Butterfly  Wintering  in  the  Everglades 
(Lepid. :  Danaidae). 

The  annual  migrations  of  the  Monarch  Butterflies  (Danaiis 
menippe  Hiibner  [Anosia  plexippus  Linn.  ] )  have  been  the 
source  of  considerable  scientific  interest.  The  paths  of  mi- 
gration have  been  definitely  traced  for  part  of  their  routes, 
but  it  has  been  a  matter  of  some  conjecture  where  the  majority 
spend  the  winter. 

In,  January,  1924,  during  the  writer's  trip  through  the  Ever- 
glades, between  West  Palm  Beach  and  Lake  Okeechobee, 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  97 

great  numbers  of  Monarch  Butterflies  were  noted  flying  over 
the  saw  grass,  alighting  on  flowers,  etc.  Mating  was  observed 
in  several  instances.  The  possibility  that  these  great  num- 
bers of  butterflies  represented  the  local  population  must,  of 
course,  be  considered,  but  it  seems  much  more  probable  that 
these  vast  throngs  of  butterflies  were  the  migrants  in  their 
winter  Quarters. — S.  W.  BROMLEY,  Xew  York. 

Kntomologica  1    Literature 

COM  T 'I  LED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  |  1  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
.News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  :  • 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

mP'A'ofe  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in    the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Andrews,  E.  A. — Injuries  to  vegetation  by 
mound  building  ants.  [90]  62:  63-75.  Bott,  R. — Die 
Flugbewegung  der  Insekten.  [18]  21:  176-178.  Common 
names  of  in.sects  approved  for  general  use  by  American 
association  of  economic  entomnlogiVL<.  (Second  Supple- 
ment) [12]  20:  837-839.  Godfrey,  E.  J.— Migrations  of 
butterflies  in  Siam  with  some  remarks  on  migrations  in 
general.  [Jour.  Siam  Soc.  X.  II.]  7:  93-100.  Grabe,  A.- 
Das  Etikett.  [18]  21:  255-25S.  ill.  Graves,  P.  P.— No- 
menclature, Dr.  Verity,  etc.  [21]  39:  167-16').  *Hedicke, 
H.—Aus  der  entomologischen  Welt.  (S)  1 11]  1927:  235- 
237.  Heydemann,  F. — Der  Gebir^s-und  Kusten-Melanis- 
mus  und-Nigrismus.  Zu^leich  ein  Beitrui;  y.uv  I'Yas^e  des 
[ndustrie-Melanismus.  [18]  21:  247-252,  cont.  Knaus, 
W. — Letter  from  a  pioneer  Kansas  entomologist.  [Jour. 
Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  1:  19-23.  Lizer  y  Trelles,  C.  A.- 

98  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

Apuntaciones  para  la  Bibliografia  entomologica  argentina. 
[Physis,  Buenos  Aires]  8:  505-535.  McAtee,  W.  L.— 
Bird  nests  as  insect  and  arachnid  hibernacula.  [10]  29: 
180-184.  McColloch,  J.  W.— A  list  of  the  literature  o  i 
Kansas  Arthropoda.  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.j  1  :  3-19. 
Meissner,  O. — Kurze  Bemerkungen  iiber  einige  neuere 
naturwissenschaftliche  Theorien.  [20]  42:  45-46,  ill. 
Miiller,  L.— Der  Fundzettel.  [18]  21:  279-281.  Schultz, 
V.  G.  M.— Vogel  auf  der  Falterjagcl.  [18]  21:  123-125. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Cretschmar,  M.- 
Pilzsymbiose  und  verwandte  Erscheinungen  bei  Insekten. 
[18]  21:  241-244,  cont.  Demoll,  R.— Untersuchungen 
iiber  die  Atnmng  der  Insekten.  [Zeit.  f.  Biologic]  87: 
8-22,  ill.  Fischer,  E.  et  P. — Observations  et  experiences 
sur  les  evolutions  des  mouches  pendant  le  vol  les 
reactions  au  mouvement.  [78]  61  :  397-427.  Koch,  A.— 
Methoden  zur  Behandlung  der  Atemphysiologie  der  In- 
sekten. [Handb.  Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  "199:  135-214,  ill. 
Kunze,  G. — Einige  Versuche  iiber  den  Geschmackssinn 
der  Honigbienne.  [89]  (Zool.  u.  Phys.)  44:  287-314. 
Lloyd,  L. — Salivary  Secretions  of  Blood-sucking  Insects 
in  Relation  to  Blood  Coagulation.  [31]  121  :  13.  Morita, 
J. — Les  chromosomes  dans  la  deuxieme  cinese  spermatocy- 
taire  de  "Mecostethus  grossus".  [78]  61  :  428-432,  ill. 
Morrison,  T.  F. — Animal  light,  with  special  reference  to 
the  synchronous  flashing  of  fireflies.  [Jour.  Siam.  Soc.  N. 
H.]  7:  71-81.  Muir,  F.— The  evidence  for  Hybrid  Vigour 
in  Insects.  [31]  121:  56.  Pawlowsky,  u.  Stein. — Experi- 
mentelle  untersuchungen  iiber  die  wirkung  der  gifthaare 
der  uberwinternden  goldafterraupen  (Euproctis  chry- 
sorrhoea)  auf  die  menschenhaut.  [46]  9:  615-637,  ill. 
Prochnow,  O. — Die  Verfahren  zur  Erforschung  des  Tier- 
fluges.  [Handb.  Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  199:  215-294,  ill. 
Schuster  von  Forstner,  W. — Licht  ohne  Warme !  Die 
neuesten  Forschungsergebnisse  iiber  die  Lampyriden.  [20] 
42 :  43-44.  Tirelli,  M. — Studi  sulla  Fisiologia  del  sistema 
nervoso  degli  Insetti.  [Bol.  Isst.  Zool.  Roma]  5:  84-114. 
ill.  Whiting,  A.  R. — Genetic  evidence  for  diploid  males 
in  Habrobracon.  [90]  62:  55-58.  Whiting,  P.  W.— The 
relation  between  gynandromorphism  and  mutation  in 
Habrobracon.  [90]  62:  59-62.  Wiilker,  G.— Xahrung- 
saufnahme  und  Stoffwechsel  bei  blutsaugenden  Insekten. 
[18]  21:  311-314,  ill.  Zeleny,  C.— Non-inheritance  of  the 
temperature  effect  on  bar  eye  in  Drosophila  m.  [90]  62: 

XXXix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  99 

ARACHNIDA     ANiJ     MYRIOPODA.— *Leitao,     M. - 

Generos  novos  de  Gonylepticleos.  (S)  [T5ol.  Mus.  N'ac. 
R.  d.  Janeiro]  3:  13-22.  Taylor,  R.  L.-  Xotes  on  the 
mite  Pediculoides  ventricosus  Newport.  [5]  34:  157- 
163,  ill. 


J.  W. — Insects  of  the  subclass  Apterygota  from  Central 
America  and  the  West  Indes.  (S)  [50]  72,  Art.  6:  .-16, 
ill.  Heikertinger,  F. — Ziichtung  von  Xeuropteren  Trichop- 
teren  und  Panorpaten  (Mecopteren).  [Handb.  Biol.  Ar- 
beitsm.]  Lief.  204:  271-275.  :|:McDunnough,  J.— A  new 
Heptagenia  from  the  Yellowstone  region.  [4]  59:  261-265. 
Rabaud,  E. — Etude  biologique  des  larves  de  quelqnes 
Planipennes.  [78]  61  :  433-499,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— Borner,  C. — Ziichtung  der  Homopteren. 
|  Handb.  Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  204:  215-270,  ill.  *Hungerford, 
H.  B. — A  report  upon  the  aquatic  and  .semi-aquatic  hemip- 
tera  of  the  Mulford  Biological  expedition  to  Bolivia,  South 
America,  1921-22.  [10]  29:  187-190,  ill.  -Jensen,  H.  A.  C. 
— Hemipterological  notes  and  descriptions.  IV.  (S) 
[42]  16:  41-56.  Soliman,  L.  B. — A  comparative  study  of 
the  structural  characters  used  in  the  classification  of  the 
genus  Macrosiphum  of  the  family  Aphididae  with  special 
reference  to  the  species  found  in  California.  [67]  4:  89- 
158,  ill.  Van  Duzee,  E.  P.— A  Rare  Aradid.  [55]  4:  68 

L^PIDOPTERA.— Barnes  &  Benjamin. — On  the  iden- 
tity of  Acidalia  hepaticaria.  (Geometridae).  On  the 
identity  of  "Cosmia"  orina.  Phalaenidae).  [55]  4:  89;  89. 
Blasche,  P.— Bequemer  Nachtfang.  [18]  21  :  131-134. 
Fischer,  E. — Ziichtung  der  Lepidopteren.  [Handb.  Biol. 
Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  204:  277-356,  ill.  Johnson,  C.  W.- 
Xotes  on  the  present  distribution  of  two  introduced  moths. 
[5]  34:  176-177.  Learned,  E.  T.— A  study  of  the  male 
abdominal  appendages  of  the  Xais-group  of  Apantesis- 
Walker.  (Arctiidae)  [5]  34:  135-145,  ill.  *McDunnough, 
J.— Contribution  towards  a  knowledge  of  our  Canadian 
plume  moths.  [Trans.  R.  Soc.  Canada]  Sect.  5,  21  :  175- 
188,  ill.  ^McDunnough,  J.— The  Lepidoptera  of  the  Seton 
Lake  region,  British  Columbia.  [4]  5(> :  266-277.  *Mey- 
rick,  E.— Exotic  Microlepidoptera.  (S)  [52]  3:  321-384. 
Michael,  H. — Die  Zucht  des  chinesischen  Seidenspinners 
B'ombyx  mori.  [Handb.  Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  207:  537- 

100  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

556,  ill.  *Neustetter,  H. — Xeue  Heliconius-Formen.  (S) 
[18]  21:  227-230.  *Niepelt,  W.— Neue  exotische  Rhopa- 
loceren.  (S)  [18]  21:  180-182,  ill.  :;:Niepelt,  W.— Xeue 
Falter  von  Columbien.  (S)  [18]  21:  239-241.  *Niepelt, 
W. — Neue  Rassen  von  Morpho  theseus  Deyr.  (S)  [18]  21  : 
252-253,  ill.  *Przegendza. — Aberrationen  von  Callicore 
clymena  Cr.  und  Catagramma  hydaspes  Drury.  (S)  [14] 
41:  333-335,111.  *R6ber,  J.— Neue  exotische  Falter.  (S) 
[18]  21:  140-142,  ill.  *R6ber,  J.— Xeue  exotische  Falter. 
(S)  [18]  21:  197-198.  -Rober,  J.— Xeue  exotische  Falter. 
(S)  [18]  21:  281-282.  *Schaus,  W.— New  species  of 
Heterocera  from  Central  and  South  America.  [10]  29: 
185-186.  *Strand,  E. — Xordamerikanische,  inbesondere 
californische  Lepidoptera.  [52]  1914,  Abt.  A,  Hft.  11  :  151- 
163.  [n.  sp.  of  Papaipema  and  Dysocnemis] .  Voukasso- 
vitch,  P. — Observations  biologiques  stir  Vanessa  io  et  ses 
parasites.  [25]  1927:  277-278, 

DIPTERA.— *Aldrich,  J.  M.— Redescription  of  types  of 
American  Mtiscoid  flies  in  the  collection  of  the  Vienna 
natural  history  museum  with  incidental  notes.  (S).  [50] 
72,  Art.  7:  35  pp.  *Curran,  C.  H. — Some  new  Canadian 
Scatophagidae.  [4]  59:  253-261.  *Curran,  C.  H.— Synop- 
sis of  the  Canadian  Stratiomyidae.  [Trans.  R.  Soc.  Canada] 
(Sect.  5)  21 :  191-228.  Heikertinger,  F.— Ztichtung  von 
Dipteren.  [Handb.  Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  204:  357-398. 
Malloch,  J.  R. — Descriptions  and  figures  of  the  puparia  of 
Minettia  ordinaria  and  Caliope  flaviceps.  [10]  29:  184,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.— Bruch,  C.— Suplemento  al  catalogo 
sistematico  de  los  Coleopteros  de  la  Republica  Argentina. 
[Physis,  Buenos  Aires]  8:  536-553.  Darlington,  P.  J.— 
Helophorus  aquaticus  L.  in  America.  [5]  34:  174-175. 
Heikertinger,  F. — Ziichtung  von  Coleopteren.  [Handb. 
Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  204:  399-458,  ill.  Horn,  W.— Ueber 
"Monstrositaten"  und  verwandte  Vorgange  bei  Cicinde- 
linen.  [49]  16:  471-477,  ill.  *Luederwaldt,  H.— Cinco 
novas  especies  da  familia  dos  Passalideos.  (S)  [Bol.  Mus. 
Xac.  R.  d.  Janeiro]  3  :  37-38.  Salt,  G.— Notes  on  the  Strep- 
siptera  and  their  hymenopterous  hosts.  [5]  34:  182-192. 
Scheerpeltz.  O. — Fin  einfaches  Hilfsmittel  ztir  Preparation 
des  Oedeagalapparates  bei  Koleopteren.  [79]  13:  246-251, 
ill.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C. — Uncommon  Buprestidae.  [55]  4: 
95.  Wilhelm,  O. — Calosoma  sycophanta  als  Bienenfeind. 
[18]  21:  187.  Wilson,  J.  W.— The  male  genital  tube  of 

xxxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  101 

some  of  the  species  of  the  genus  Scymnus  (Coccinellidae). 
[5]  34:  167-170,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA. — Arnold,  J. — Beobachtungen  iiber 
Hornissenvolker.  [18]  21:  135-136.  Fahringer,  J. — Ziich- 
tung  von  Hymenopteren.  [Hanclb.  Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief. 
204:  458-484.  ill.  *Fouts,  R.  M.— Descriptions  of  new 
nearctic  Serphoidea  [10]  29:  165-179,  ill.  Hartmann,  M.— 
Haltung-  und  Zucht  der  Honigbiene.  [Handb.  Biol.  Ar- 
beitsm.] Lief.  207:  513-536,  ill.  *Gahan,  A.  B— Descrip- 
tion of  a  new  Eulophid  parasitic  on  Bucculatrix  canaden- 
sisella  Chambers.  [5]  34:  171-173.  Gotze,  G.— Unter- 
•suchiingen  an  Hymenopteren  iiber  das  Vorkommen  und 
die  Bedeutung  der  Stirnaugen.  [89]  (Zool.  u.  Phys.)  44: 
211-268,  ill.  Kutter,  H.— -Ziichtung  von  Ameisen.  '[Handb. 
Biol.  Arbeitsm.]  Lief.  207:  485-512,  ill.  *Mitchell,  T.  B.- 
Notes  on  the  Megachilidae.  [5]  34:  178-181.  Starcke,  A. 
-Beginnende  Divergenz  bei  Myrmica  lobicorins  Xyl.  [30] 
70:  73-84.  4  fig.  *Turner,  R.  E.— On  a  new  Thynn'id  wasp 
from  Paraguay.  (S)  [49]  16:  449.  Wheeler,  W.  M- 
The  occurrence  of  the  pavement  ant  (Tetramorium  caes- 
pitum  L.)  in  Boston.  [5]  34:  164-165. 

SPECIAL    NOTICES. — Opuscula    braconologica.— Von 

Professor  Dr.  Josef  Fahringer  in  Wien.  Band  I.  Palaeark- 
tische  Region.  This  monographic  work  may  be  of  interest 
to  American  students. 

Professor  of  Zoology  in  the  University  of  Colorado.  Pub- 
lished by  the  University  of  Colorado,  Boulder,  Colorado,  1927. 
12  mo.,  pp.  viii,  262,  illustrated. — A  fly  leaf  reads:  "University 
of  Colorado  Semicentennial  Publications  Authorized  by  the 
Board  of  Regents  of  the  University  of  Colorado  and  prepared 
under  the  supervision  of  a  committee  of  the  Faculty  .... 
these  five  volumes  are  issued  as  part  of  the  celebration  of  the 
Semicentennial  of  the  University,  November,  1927.  They 
will  be  of  interest  primarily  to  the  people  of  this  State  and  are 
appropriately  Dedicated  to  The  Citizens  of  Colorado." 

Prof.  Cockerell  has  divided  this,  the  third  volume  of  the 
series,  into  fourteen  chapters,  entitled,  respectively:  1.  The 
Past,  2.  Mammals,  3.  Birds,  4.  Reptiles,  5.  Amphibia,  6. 
Fossil  Fishes,  7.  Living  Fishes,  8.  Mollusca,  9.  Insects,  10. 
Butterflies,  11.  Moths,  12.  Crustacea,  13.  Worms,  14.  Pro- 
tozoa. The  relations  between  the  extinct  and  living  faunas 
are  pointed  out  in  almost  every  chapter.  Chapter  9  occupies 

102  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

pages  143-208,  the  Butterflies  and  the  Moths  receive  15  and  9 
a'dditional  pages  respectively.  In  each  chapter  the  most  com- 
mon, or  otherwise  noteworthy,  members  of  the  group  dis- 
cussed that  occur  in  Colorado  are  mentioned  or  briefly  described, 
and  many  hitherto  unpublished  details  and  critical  remarks 
will  be  found  in  the  readable  text.  There  is  an  alphabetical 
index  of  eight  pages.  The  opportunities  for  discovery  of 
new  forms,  habits  and  habitats  offered  by  the  rich  fauna  o 
thial  State  are  frequently  brought  to  the  attention  of  the  reader. 
For  the  resident  and  the  traveler  in  Colorado  the  book  should 
be  a  great  boon. — P.  P.  CALVERT. 



FRANK  R.  MASON  died  on  May  28,  1927,  in  his  forty-sixth 
year,  at  his  residence,  5533  Pulaski  Avenue,  Germantown, 
Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania. 

When  about  twelve  years  old  he  first  showed  signs  of  being 
interested  in  insects,  especially  moths  attracted  to  the  electric 
lights.  Several  years  later  he  commenced  his  first  collection 
consisting  of  butterflies  and  moths.  Tiring  of  these  he  be- 
came more  and  more  interested  in  beetles  and  finally  disposed 
of  all  his  Lepidoptera  and  settled  down  to  the  stupendous 
but  pleasant  task  of  making  as  complete  a  collection  of  the 
Coleoptera  of  the  world  as  possible. 

The  first  big  addition  to  his  cabinet  came  with  the  purchase 
of  the  Cerambycidae  of  the  famous  Vanderpole  collection  of 
Europe.  The  material  was  safely  transported  to  Philadelphia 
and  contained  many  types  and  thousands  of  interesting  species 
from  all  parts  of  the  world.  Meanwhile  he  was  steadily 
increasing  his  staff  of  collectors  in  every  country.  Much  of 
the  duplicate  material  he  was  able  to  exchange  to  advantage. 
He  also  purchased  the  collection  of  Mr.  George  Angell.  This 
consisted  of  probably  the  finest  collection  of  CycJints,  Carabus, 
and  Calosoma  of  the  world  ever  made  by  an  American. 

He  took  unusual  pride  in  the  neatness  and  appearance  of 
his  beetles.  The  specimens  were  kept  in  wooden  boxes 
slightly  larger  than  the  regulation  Schmitt  box.  Metal  cases 
were  constructed  just  to  hold  these  boxes.  A  large  room  was 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  103 

set  aside  solely  for  the  collection.  All  his  mounting,  packing, 
and  other  work  was  done  in  a  separate  building  equipped 
for  the  purpose.  He  would  not  tolerate  a  locality  or  date  label 
written  by  hand  and  had  a  printing  press  in  order  to  enhance 
still  further  the  appearance  of  each  specimen. 

Although  interested  primarily  at  first  in  the  I.ongicorns, 
he  also  collected  beetles  of  the  other  families.  His  favorites 
were  the  Buprestidae,  Scarabaeidae,  Carabidae  and  weevils  or 
Rhynchophora.  The  last  few  years  his  collection  had  grown 
so  rapidly  that  he  decided  to  dispose  of  certain  obscure,  or 
to  him  uninteresting,  groups  such  as  Staphylinidae,  water 
beetles,  etc. 

At  the  time  of  his  death  he  had  undoubtedly  the  best  collec- 
tion of  beetles  of  the  world  in  this  country.  His  material 
is  now  in  The  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences  in  Philadelphia. 
In  accordance  with  his  will  and  wishes  it  will  be  kept  intact, 
but  is  open  for  the  inspection  of  all  students  to  whom  it  can 
not  fail  to  be  a  great  help  and  inspiration. 

He  never  displayed  much  interest  in  writing  on  entomo- 
logical topics.  Neither  was  he  interested  in  obtaining  a 
library  on  the  subject  except  where  it  would  help  him  in 
arranging  his  beetles.  Although  very  fond  of  being  out  in 
the  field,  he  was  not  a  diligent  or  hardworking  collector  and 
readily  admitted  it.  The  correspondence  with  his  numerous 
scientific  friends  gave  him  untold  pleasure  and  his  premature 
and  sudden  passing  brought  sorrow  to  many. 

Frank  R.  Mason,  son  of  Henry  and  Emma  Mason,  was 
born  February  23,  1882,  at  Germantown,  Philadelphia.  He 
was  a  delicate  child  and  only  attended  Germantown  Academy 
a  short  time,  most  of  his  education  being  obtained  from  a 
tutor.  At  the  age  of  sixteen  he  entered  the  biological  course 
at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania  but  on  account  of  poor 
health  did  not  complete  the  first  year.  Later  he  accepted  a 
position  in  Mexico,  but  again  his  health  interfered  end  he 
remained  only  six  months,  but  long  enough  to  do  some  collect- 
ing. He  travelled  quite  extensively  and  besides  making  six 
trips  to  Europe  also  visited  Northern  Africa,  South  America 

104  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '28 

and  Hawaii,  and  had  been  in  every  state  of  the  United  States 
except  two. 

The  writer  regarded  him  as  one  of  his  best  and  dearest 
friends.  Many  pleasant  collecting  trips  were  enjoyed  in  his 
company.  The  mountains  of  Tennessee  and  Virginia  were 
explored  together.  The  White  Mountains  of  New  Hampshire 
were  visited  twice ;  also  Fairfax  County,  Virginia,  on  many 
occasions,  as  well  as  innumerable  localities  in  the  states  of 
New  York  and  New  Jersey.  Even  on  the  day  of  his  sudchn 
death,  from  a  blood  clot  formed  near  the  brain,  he  was  to 
have  been  with  a  party  of  friends  collecting  at  Point  Pleasant, 
New  Jersey.  Word  of  his  being  taken  was  received  upon  the 
writer's  return  from  this  trip  and  the  following  day  he  sadly 
went  to  Philadelphia  to  the  funeral  of  his  good  friend  whose 
irreparable  friendship  he  will  never  be  able  to  replace. 


Mr.  Mason's  collection  is  especially  rich  in  the  exotic  species, 
but  does  not  exhibit  its  value  alike  in  all  the  families.  This 
is.  however,  compensated  for  by  the  large  series  in  the  families 
in  which  he  was  especially  interested.  Among  these  may  be 
mentioned  the  Cicindelidae  with  372  species,  Carabidae  with 
2,338,  Meloidae  with  238,  Pselaphidae,  194,  Cleridae,  100, 
Elateridae,  410,  Buprestidae,  1,733,  Tenebrionidae,  591,  Scara- 
baeidae,  1,636,  Lucanidae,  99,  Cerambycidae;  4,660,  Chryso- 
melidae,  1,593,  Platystomidae,  259,  Coccinellidae,  121, 
Curculionidae,  1,336. 

In  all  the  collection  is  represented  by  53  families,  16,863 
species  and  about  76,650  specimens,  and  is  contained  in  over 
1,100  boxes,  in  nine  large  pest-proof  steel  cabinets.  The 
collection  of  the  family  Carabidae  alone  contains  about  10,200 
specimens  and  is,  as  regards  the  exotic  species,  considered  to 
be  one  of  the  most  important  and  complete  in  the  country. 
The  fine  condition  of  the  material,  together  with  the  excellent 
technique  exhibited  in  the  mounting  and  arrangement,  gives 
it  an  exceptionally  handsome  appearance  and  great  value. 

E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR. 

APRIL.  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX 

No.  4 



Gunder — Evolution,  Classification,  Etc.  (Lepid.,  Rhopalocera)  ....  105 

Forbes — To  all  Collectors  of  New  York  State  Lepidoptera Ill 

Thierolf — The    Economic    Importance  of   Paratenodera   sinensis    (Or- 

thoptera  :   Mantidae) 112 

F'orbes — The  Tentamen  versus  the  Tentamen  Names 116 

Weiss — The  Entomology  in  the  Bestiary  of  Philippe  de  Thaun  119 
Custer — Parasites  of  Some  Anthidiine  Bees  (Hymenoptera  :  Megachi- 

lidae,  Chrysididae  ;   Dipt.:   Bombyliidae) 123 

Knull     A  New  Species  of  Batyle  (Coleop.  :  Cerambycidae) li'ti 

Forbes — The  First  Insect  Described  from  North  America 12ii 

Caudell — A  Note  on  Tenodera  sinensis  Sauss.  (Orthop.:   Mantidae).  .  127 
Stiles — Amendments  to  the  International  Rules  of  Zoological  Nomen- 
clature    128 

Personals — A.  B.  Gahan,  R.  A.  Cushman,  R.  A.  Cooley,  George  N. 

Wolcott 129 

Entomological  Literature 130 

Review — List  of  the  Insects  of  New  York 135 

Obituary — Felix  Henneguy 136 


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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
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VOL.  XXXIX  APRIL,  1928  No.  4 

Evolution,  Classification,  Etc.  (Lepid.,  Rhopalocera). 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

N.  D.  Riley  of  the  British  Museum  has  said  in  suhstance, 
"An v  scale  of  classification  for  Lepidoptera  sliould  he  a  scale 
of  convenience  and  it  should  also  he  approximately  natural." 

To  be  CONVENIENT  such  a  scale  should  consist  of  terms  whose 
continuity  of  definitions  each  express  for  themselves,  an  indi- 
viduality of  rank  or  grade  on  the  scale  for  the  specimens  to  be 
described.  For  example,  "var.  nov.,"  "ab.  nov.,"  etc.,  when 
used  in  formal  description  do  not  indicate  a  located  status  or 
give  to  the  specimens  described,  a  classified  conception  in  the 
minds  of  systematic  entomological  readers.  Such  terms  are 
"conversational  words"  and  have  too  broad  and  general  a 
meaning  to  be  employed  for  specific  purposes.  These  and 
some  other  vaguely  used  terms  of  classification  (as  subspecies 
is  sometimes  used)  should  feel  the  hand  of  synonymy  as  well 
as  occasionally  the  insects  for  which  they  stand.  The  mixing- 
in  or  indiscreet  use  of  one  or  several  general  terms  within  a 
single  description  is  also  and  always  a  source  of  much  con- 
fusion. I  cite  a  quaint  example  or  (cross-word  puzzle )- 

This  VARIETY  was  bred  at—  —in  the  woodshed  near  iny 
barn  and  should  prove  to  be  a  valid  RACE,  which  I  will  call 
—SUBSPECIES  nov.,  though  it  has  all  the  ear-marks  of 
an  ABERRATION:  but  I  cannot  place  it  among  those 
FORMS,  because  the  SPECIES  already  lias  some  doubtful 
INDIVIDUAL  FORMS  which  to  me  look  like  LOCAL 
RACES.  I  for  one,  deplore  the  naming  of  SPORTS,  and 
especially  FREAKS.  Sorry  I  cannot  figure  the  type  as  my 
barn  burned  down  last  weekend.  I  certainly  lost  a  beautifully 
marked  and  valuable  horse. 

A  scale  of  convenience  can  be  arrived  at  if  British  and 
American  k-pidopterists  can  get  together.  We  arc  not  far 


106  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

apart.  More  discussion  or  impersonal  treatises  upon  the  sub- 
ject should  appear  in  American  journals,  however,  like  those 
being  printed  in  the  Entomologist's  Record  of  London. 

To  be  approximately  NATURAL  in  classification  means  that 
nomenclature  will  eventually  have  to  recognize  the  element  of 
time  in  any  scheme  of  its  declension.  To  do  this,  the  fact  of 
a  "beginning,"  as  well  as  of  an  "end"  has  to  be  taken  into 
consideration  ;  in  other  words,  the  "start"  of  a  species  or  "that 
evidence  of  a  source  of  a  species"  is  just  as  important  as  a 
matter  of  classified  record  on  a  scale,  as  is  the  constant  or 
"finished"  species  itself.  Also  it  is  just  as  important  and 
deserving  of  consideration  as  is  any  recognized  middle  sub- 
division thereof.  Some  zoologists  consider  any  data  relative 
to  origin  as  of  paramount  importance.  This  article  deals 
mostly  with  the  inception,  or  the  beginning,  of  a  species  as 
far  as  it  concerns  Rhopalocera. 

In  almost  every  constant  group  of  butterflies,  excepting  those 
evidently  long  acclimated  to  some  flat  equatorial  regions,  there 
occasionally  appear  specimens  whose  wing  designs  or  colors 
differ  from  the  normal  run  of  their  kind  and  also  from  each 
other  with  persistent  coextensive  diversity.  These  are  called 
transition  forms  (transient  from  near  typical  to  definitely 
limited  variation  away  from  typical  parental  type)  and  for 
convenience  of  classification,  they  are  divided  into  two  main 
groups,  those  showing  change  of  color  and  those  having  change 
of  pattern.  A  further  subdivision  of  the  above  is  made  based 
upon  color  sequence.  (See  ENT.  NEWS,  May,  1927,  and  Nov. 
1927.)  The  biological  value  of  these  transition  forms,  which 
are  somewhat  rare  in  most  collections,  will  be  more  generally 
understood  when  future  lists  and  publications  put  them 
through  taxonomic  revision  into  eventual  systematic  order. 

These  interesting  variations  occur  either  plentifully  or  seldom 
in  a  species  according  to  the  amount  of  pressure  nature  is 
exerting  for  change  upon  their  particular  habitat.  Should  a 
butterfly  colony  exist  under  a  long  and  more  or  less  settled 
environment,  it  feels  no  immediate  need  of  further  develop- 
ment ;  but  should  the  climatic  or  geographic  area  of  its  range 
or  portions  of  its  range  be  altered,  then  this  change  is  grad- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  107 

ually  reflected  upon  the  wing  colors  and  patterns  of  the  more 
susceptible  individuals  of  that  colony  or  those  portions  of  it. 
In  other  words  these  particularly  susceptible  and  conductive 
examples  in  a  group  have  retained  in  their  being  a  suppressed 
inertia,  apparently  latent  and  hereditarily  deficient  from  a 
former  cvcle  of  deviation,  which  when  liberated  bv  timely 

»  -  J 

external  inducement,  finds  renewed  expression  by  either  ex- 
panding or  contracting  wing  design  or  by  alternating  sequence 
of  existing  wing  color.  These  primarily  modified  specimens 
then  breed  through  the  generations  and,  by  the  law  of  averages, 
increase  the  ratio  of  receptive  progeny  and  eventually  all  of 
the  affected  group  undergoing  change,  takes  on  and  perma- 
nently adopts  the  salient  traits  of  the  specific  character  deviation 
of  its  original  and  most  dominant  transition  form.  If  this 
transition  be  progressive  or  futuristic,  then  that  style  domin- 
ates ;  if  the  tendency  is  retrogressive  or  atavistic,  then  that 
influence  takes  the  lead.  To  dominate  of  course,  means  that 
many  more  of  one  kind  than  of  the  other  shall  exist  and 
propagate  to  force  an  average  of  their  style  upon  their  kind. 
In  this  manner,  if  time  and  surroundings  allow,  first  the 
initiative  local  forms  segregate  and  later  the  pure  races  are 
founded  which  digress  laterally,  for  example,  more  and  more 
from  their  original  parental  stock,  existing  either  nearby  or 
far-away  according  to  the  area  of  the  geographically  intrusive 
wedge  or  climatically  modified  intersection.  With  independent 
and  virginal  isolation  may  come  structural  variation  probably 
forced  primarily  by  a  maximum  density  of  previous  develop- 
ment and  evinced  by  venational  or  genitalic  differences.  As 
these  attain  constancy,  the  group  can  no  longer  be  considered 
in  the  light  of  an  atypical  marked  race  only,  but  has  advanced 
on  the  classification  scale  to  the  rank  of  species.  Thus  the 
cycle  by  consistent  development  in  point  of  time  is  completed  : 
beginning  with  the  meager  evidence  of  dominant  TRANSITION 
FORMS  (first)  ;  making,  may  I  say,  an  associated  plurality  of 
contiguous  local  FORMS  *  (second);  which  eventually  separate 

1  In  America  thus  far,  we  have  confined  the  term  "Local  Form"  to 
mean  a  majority  assemhlage  within  a  race  or  a  species  and  occupying 
an  altitudinal  or  confined  desert  area,  the  confines  of  which  are  NOT 
well  marked.  The  confines  of  a  "race"  ARE  well  marked,  being 
geographical  and  as  a  rule  separate. 

108  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

into  geographical  RACES  (third)  ;  and  then  through  attainment 
of  some  constant  physicnj  character  become  SPECIES  (fourth). 

The  wings  of  variant-group  butterflies  and  particularly  those 
of  transition  form  butterflies  may  be  likened  to  delicate  barom- 
eters and  the  interesting  and  unusual  fact  about  them  is  that 
in  the  living  species,  they  not  only  record  their  immediate  PAST, 
but  also  forecast  the  patterns  of  their  wings  for  the  FUTURE. 
I  believe  in  no  other  order  of  insects,  or  for  that  matter  in 
no  other  animal  organism,  is  it  possible  to  find,  so  OBVIOUSLY 
APPARENT,  the  equivalent  of  such  dual  evolutionary  tendencies. 

Regarding,  one  of  the  many  causes  for  the  extinction  of  a 
species,  I  believe,  though  it  is  only  a  surmise,  that  if  a  species 
is  over-long  constant,  it  entirely  loses  susceptibility  or  loses 
those  reactive  individuals  of  quota  necessary  in  its  midst  to 
rejuvenation  under  new  conditions  and  therefore  with  no 
medium,  there  can  be  no  survival. 

Many  species  of  butterflies  have  a  complicated  wing  pattern. 
This  should  denote  an  older  existence ;  however  in  most  cases, 
I  believe  it  is  only  the  result  of  a  more  varied  existence. 

Rarely  is  there  a  long  cycle  poise  in  a  temperate  or  variable 
zone  species  without  the  occurrence  of  transition  form  indi- 
viduals which  goes  to  prove  that  the  order  Lepidoptera  is  of 
fairly  recent  origin  and  compared  to  Coleoptera  for  example, 
which  is  an  older  order,  has  not  achieved  that  equilibrium  of 
maturity  with  immunity  to  the  Earth's  more  commonly  re- 
current and  somewhat  adverse  periods. 

Many  entomologists  are  continually  raising  or  breeding 
various  species  of  butterflies,  subjecting  their  larvae  to  unusually 
cool  or  extra  warm  temperatures  with  the  idea  of  producing 
quickly  at  home  by  artificial  means  what  would  take  much  time 
and  energy  in  the  field  to  find  and  collect  under  natural  con- 
ditions. Many  of  these  experimenters  have  thought  that 
Nature's  course  could  be  altered  by  special  breeding  processes 
and  that  something  new  or  of  radically  different  design  could 
be  evolved ;  but  this  has  never  been  found  to  be  the  case,  as 
everything  which  is  man-made  invariably  corresponds  to  those 
at  sometime  collected  under  natural  conditions  and  vice  versa. 
Breeders  are  often  disappointed  and  discouraged  when  their 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  109 

batches  of  "treated"  larvae  fail  to  produce  anything  but  typical 
examples.  They  should  bear  in  mind  that  no  amount  of 
''treatment"  will  make  well  marked  transition  forms  in  a  prime 
generation  unless  the  inherited  taint  of  receptivity  happens  to 
be  present.  If  they  are  lucky  enough  to  procure  among  their 
original  outside  stock  some  having  this  invisible  strain,  then 
their  experiments  will  be  just  that  successful  in  point  of  num- 
bers and  no  more. 

Plate  II  accompanying  this  article  is  labeled  "Evolution :  a 
discernible  cause  and  effect,"  for  the  reason  that  ancient 
transition  forms,  similar  to  those  shown  on  each  side  of  the 
illustrated  species,  have  been  the  apparent  medium  of  pro- 
ducing the  divergent  races  shown  just  below  them.  The  pic- 
tures well  portray  what  is  meant  by  transition  forms  "forcing 
an  average  of  their  style  (salient  traits)  upon  their  kind." 
Progressive  tr.  forms  are,  as  a  rule,  larger  specimens  than  their 
retrogressive  brothers ;  this  may  indicate  then,  a  slightly 
larger  species  in  the  future.  The  plate  shows  progressive 
tr.  f.  fusimacula  Barnes  on  the  left  and  retrogressive  tr.  f. 
mariana  Barnes  on  the  right.  From  a  biological  stand-point, 
the  determination  of  the  progressive  trend  has  more  signifi- 
cance, as  it  sets  the  pace  for  the  future  species.  The  reason 
I  have  chosen  one  of  the  Nymphalinac  as  a  graphic  example  is 
because  I  have  at  hand  more  original  photographic  material  to 
select  from  in  this  group,  so  far  as  transition  specimens  and 
related  races  are  available;  for  that  matter,  one  of  the  Asciidae 
or  Hesperioidea  would  suit  the  purpose  just  as  well,  but  a  few 
"missing  links"  would  have  to  be  filled  in  until  such  time  in 
the  future  when  more  material  is  found.  The  habitation  of 
Euphydryas  chalccdona  D.  &  II.  around  the  San  Francisco 
Bay  region  and  just  to  the  south  is  considered  very  old,  both 
botanically  and  geographically  ;  also  chalcedona  happens  to  be 
the  first  named,  though  that  is  beside  the  question;  so,  I  see 
no  particular  reason  why  this  species  cannot  be  considered,  in 
the  light  of  our  present  knowledge,  as  the  parental  root  of 
this  West  Coast  group.  The  point  of  prime  sj>ecies,  versus 
closely  related  races  now  listed  as  species,  will  undoubtedly 
form  the  basis  of  some  discussion  in  the  future ;  however, 

110  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

constancy  of  genitalia,  plus  limited  range  of  maculation  var- 
iation within  a  congenial  area  obviously  older  botanically 
should  establish  a  primitive  species  among  any  related  butter- 

Dr.  Verity,  of  Florence,  Italy,  is  at  present  concluding  a 
survey  of  Rhopaloceran  deviation  in  Europe.  In  a  recent 
communication,  he  calls  his  work  "a  study  of  the  geographical 
variations."  I  wish  to  compliment  the  Doctor  upon  his 
worthy  and  difficult  undertaking.  There  may  be  some  dis- 
satisfaction regarding  those  of  his  new  names  which  represent 
specimens  whose  type  localities  do  not  call  for  the  rank  of 
"race  nov."  If  the  data  of  his  original  descriptions  cannot 
save  his  names,  due  to  lack  of  details  (and  brevity  in  this 
regard  is  hardly  an  excuse),  then  comparative  illustrations- 
showing  species  with  race,  holotype  material  only,  is  the  best 
way  to  settle  a  temporary  argument.  Future  or  contemporary 
students,  having  collected  impartially  over  areas  representing 
names  under  dispute,  will  be  better  able  to  establish  status  or 
confirm  whatever  synonymy  is  involved.  As  a  whole,  the  con- 
figuration of  the  surface  of  Europe  and  its  relation  to  vast 
continents  on  the  east  and  south  have  been  conducive  to  more 
legitimate  butterfly  variation  than  ever  our  territories  here  will 
be  able  to  show.  However,  this  does  not  mean  that  conception 
of  classification  terms  need  to  be  strained.  Should  America 
work  out  "geographical  variation"  in  the  future,  it  will  have 
several  distinct  advantages  over  Europe.  I  might  mention 

1st.  Our  systematists  have  been  able  to  keep  up  to  date  by 
publishing  fairly  often,  but  for  the  most  part  privately, 
synonytnical  check  lists.  (Personally,  I  would  like  to  see  pub- 
lished yearly  at  Washington,  complete  check  lists  of  all  U.  S. 
insects  and  in  check  list  style  only.  The  printed  matter  space 
would  not  be  so  great  and  new  names  could  be  designated  as 
new  for  the  year.  Government  paper  and  ink  could  be  used 
for  this  purpose  as  well  as  for  certain  other  purposes  of  which 
I  doubt  the  good.) 

2nd.  Our  authors  have,  as  a  rule,  described  the  insects  they 
are  naming  in  a  full  and  accurate  manner  at  the  time  of  the 

XXXIX,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NK\VS  111 

first  proposal  of  their  new  names.  Rarely  do  our  workers 
"tell  of  a  summer's  trip  and  in  the  middle  of  a  paragraph 
somewhere  stick-in  a  name  nov."  Most  of  the  editors  of  our 
journals  paragraph  a  description,  as  a  whole,  separately.  The 
old  idea  of  "hiding  out"  a  name,  as  if  the  author  was  bashful, 
uncertain  or  ashamed  of  it,  is  as  old-fashioned  as  it  is  unethical. 

3rd.  By  creating  typical  paratypes  at  time  of  original  de- 
scription and  generally  depositing  these  in  different  entomo- 
logical centers,  much  material  is  available  to  all  students. 

4th.  Original  types  are  more  accessible  to  American  special- 
ists in  America  than  they  are  to  European  specialists  in 
Europe.  Sometimes  it  is  necessary  to  have  photographs  of 
both  upper  and  under  sides  of  a  specimen.  Important  details 
of  a  type  cannot  be  gained  by  viewing  it  under  glass.  Insti- 
tutions should  record  all  their  types  by  photograph  and  the 
negatives  of  these  should  be  always  available. 

5th.  Will  not  some  Lepidopterist,  using  preferably  the  Eng- 
lish language,  work  out  the  transition  forms  as  listed  in 
Europe?  The  study  of  "aberrations"  systematically  by  series 
of  grades  will  cut  down  an  immense  number  of  names. 

To  all  Collectors  of  New  York  State  Lepidoptera: 

As  sub-editor  for  the  Lepidoptera  of  the  New  York  State 
List  of  Insects,  now  coming  off  the  press,  I  wish  to  express 
my  regret  that  it  has  not  been  possible  to  give  credit  to  col- 
lector or  determiner  for  most  of  the  records  compiled  before 
1916.  They  have  been  recorded  in  all  cases  of  any  particular 
interest  in  our  files,  but  the  circumstances  of  the  compilation, 
which  was  an  alternation  of  frantic  haste  and  of  long  delays, 
made  it  impossible  to  transfer  them  to  the  finished  manuscript. 
For  the  same  reason  the  order  of  species,  which  in  the  first 
draft  followed  "Dyar's  List,"  is  in  some  confusion,  especially 
in  the  Noctuidae. 

I  also  regret,  though  I  cannot  accept  personal  -blame  for 
them,  the  errors,  and  the  obscurities  in  giving  credit,  resulting 
from  innumerable  changes  made  in  the  editorial  office  of  the 
New  York  State  College  of  Agriculture,  which  were  made 
without  my  knowledge  in  violation  of  a  definite  agreement,  and 
which  they  refused  to  rectify  in  proof.  I  may  say  that  the 
proof  of  the  "Lepidoptera  of  New  York"  had  received  similar 
treatment,  and  that  the  agreement  was  made  in  that  connection. 

WM.  T.  M.  FORBES. 

112  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

The  Economic  Importance  of  Paratenodera  sinensis 

(Orthop.:  Mantidae).* 

By  WALTER  R.  THIEROLF,  Glenside,  Pennsylvania. 
Paratenodera  sinensis,  the  praying  mantis,  a  comparatively 
recent  arrival  in  this  country  from  China,  is  gaining  a  rapid 
foothold  in  the  vicinity  of  Philadelphia.  Some  normal  spread 
is  being  noted  annually  and  some  successful  efforts  have  been 
made  to  colonize  it  in  new  localities.  Since  no  actual  study 
of  the  economic  relationship  of  this  new-comer  has  been  made, 
would  it  not  be  the  part  of  wisdom  to  call  a  halt  on  further 
distribution  until  its  economic  status  has  been  established  upon 
a  scientific  basis? 


To  this  new  arrival  have  been  attributed  predaceous,  car- 
nivorous, even  cannibalistic  tendencies,  and  because  of  these 
attributes,  and  possibly  because  of  its  religious  nomenclature, 
the  praying  mantis  has  been  hailed  as  a  welcome  combatant 
against  the  depredations  of  the  countless  hordes  of  harmful 
insects.  These  beneficent  qualities  have  been  attributed 
largely  as  the  result  of  general  observations  of  its  feeding 
habits  without  any  special  effort  to  determine  its  relative  stand- 
ing as  an  economic  factor  (Rummel  1926). 


While  numerous  instances  have  been  reported,  covering  a 
wide  range  of  insect  victims  of  Paratenodera  sinensis,  most  of 
these  observations  have  been  made  during  its  captivity,  when 
abnormal  conditions  of  environment,  degree  of  hunger,  and 
limitation  in  the  choice  of  food  were  determining  factors  in 
the  selection  of  its  food  (Didlake  1926).  Such  observations 
have  also  been  made  with  Stagmomantis  Carolina,  a  closely 
related  species,  and  while  different  foods  were  offered  the  two 

*  A  thesis  submitted  to  the  Department  of  Zoology,  Graduate  School, 
of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  in  partial  fulfillment  of  the  require- 
ments for  the  degree  of  Master  of  Science,  May,  1927. 


Plate  II. 

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XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  113 

species,  a  striking  similarity  has  been  noted  in  the  insect  food 
actually  accepted  by  them  (Ran  and  Ran   1913). 

This  brief  study,  which  is  an  effort  to  record,  from  field 
observations  of  feeding  habits  and  from  laboratory  analyses 
of  stomach  contents,  the  insects  preyed  upon  under  normal 
unconfmed  conditions,  does  not  presume  by  any  means  to  de- 
termine definitely  this  economic  status.  Before  the  life  of  any 
species  is  jeopardized  by  placing  it  upon  the  scale  of  economic 
benefit  or  harm  it  should  be  granted  the  justice  of  an  intensive 
and  extensive  investigation.  This  report  is  presented,  there- 
fore, as  an  effort  to  stimulate  such  further  study  before  even 
seriously  considering  the  suggestion  that  Paratcnodcra  sinensis 
may  be  a  lion  in  a  sheep's  clothing.  And  if  the  results  which 
are  herein  recorded  appear  to  cast  a  shadow  of  economic  sus- 
picion upon  the  praying  subject,  it  would  seem  that  justice 
should  be  tempered  with  mercy  by  sounding  a  plea  for  extended 
economic  sentence  until  some  of  the  points  in  question  shall 
have  been  further  elucidated. 



During  the  winter  and  early  spring  of  1926  about  fifty  egg 
cases  of  Paratcnodcra  sinensis  were  gathered  from  open  fields 
and  hedges  in  the  vicinity  of  Glenside,  Pennsylvania.  These 
cases  were  placed  about  the  shrubbery  of  my  home  and  neigh- 
boring lawns.  Some  cases  were  kept  in  the  house  at  normal 
living  room  temperature  (70  degrees)  for  early  hatching.  On 
May  15,  the  first  indoor  specimens  were  hatched.  The  earliest 
outdoor  hatchings  began  June  1,  and  continued  until  early  in 

During  this  period,  approximately  10,000  specimens  were 
distributed  over  lawns,  shrubbery,  flowers  and  trees  of  the 
neighborhood.  By  far  the  largest  part  of  this  number  dis- 
appeared, either  having  died  or  gone  to  the  open  fields  not  far 
away.  Wandering  specimens  were  brought  back  during  the 

114  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

whole  summer  season,  and  at  no  time  from  early  July  to 
October  frosts  were  specimens  for  observation  unavailable.  A 
number  of  individuals  were  released  on  a  farm  near  Doyles- 
town,  about  twenty  miles  from  Glenside,  and  some  of  the 
observations  of  the  accompanying  tabulations  were  made  from 
these  specimens.  All  records  apply  to  adults  with  the  exception 
of  a  few  specimens  which  were  in  the  later  stages  of  meta- 


Records  of  feeding  habits  are  listed  under  the  following 
heads:  (1)  Confined  and  artificially  fed.  (2)  Unconfmed  and 
insect  baited.  (3)  Unrestricted  freedom.  (4)  Microscopic 
analysis  of  contents  of  alimentary  tracts. 

The  first  method,  where  specimens  were  placed  in  jars  and 
boxes  and  supplied  with  various  forms  of  insects,  was  not 
performed  with  a  view  to  weighing  economic  worth  by  stim- 
ulating appetite  and  then  offering  victims  which  might  not 
have  been  touched  during  freedom,  but  rather  for  the  purpose 
of  discovering  existent  possibilities  of  food  taken  during 

In  the  second  type  of  observations,  individuals  were  given 
their  freedom,  and  conditions  were  so  arranged  that  while 
certain  insects  were  placed  within  reach,  their  hunger  was  not 
controlled,  and  acceptance  or  rejection  of  the  food  was  left 

The  third  method  was  the  observation  of  groups  in  their 
own  actual  choice  of  environment  and  their  own  selection  of 
food.  This  constituted  the  only  truly  scientific  method  of 
obtaining  economic  facts  from  the  living  specimen. 

The  fourth  process,  that  of  analysis  of  the  contents  of  the 
alimentary  tract,  was  an  effort  to  identify  parts  of  insects 
eaten.  This  was  successful  only  to  a  limited  degree  because 
much  of  the  food  material  was  broken  and  digested  to  a  stage 
beyond  possibility  of  identification. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  115 

Following  are  the  tabulations  of  the  results  obtained : 
Table  1. 

Mantids  Mantids  Insects  Insects  Eaten 

Date  Observed       Which  Ate         Offered  Harmful     Beneficial     Neutral 

July    29-30         1  1  1  horse    fly  1 

1  bumblebee 

29-30         1  1  1  horse    fly  1 

1  grasshopper       1 

29-30         1  1          1  garden  spider 

1  daddy  long  legs 
1  Jap.  beetles 
1    house   fly  1 

"      29-30        1  0          1  house  fly 

1  grasshopper 

Aug.    14-16         1  1          3  blister  btls.        2 

3  house  flies         3 

"       16  1  11  Jap.  beetle        1 

19-21         1  1         15  house  flies        9 

1  garden    spider 
1  caterpillar 
8  house   flies        3 

1  katydid  1 

2  garden  spiders 

1  wasp 
Aug.  24  to 

Sept.     41  02  katydids 

2  grasshoppers 
1  caterpillar 

3  crickets 

1  blister    beetle 

Aug.      6-71  11  cricket 

Aug.      81  02  Jap.  beetles 

1  firefly 
Sept.    10 

11  10  1          2  Jap.  beetles 

1  cricket  1 

1  firefly 

1  lady  beetle 


1  aphis   covered 

4  wasps 

1  honey  bee 

3  blister  beetles 

1  grasshopper       1 
Sept.    10 

13  17  11  Jap.  beetle 

50  blister  beetles 

1   hornet 

6  wasps 

1  honey  bee  1 

Oct.     10  1  11  mothc'rplar       1 

Totals  38  10      134  24  1  2 

116  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

In  table  1  are  listed  the  results  of  a  series  of  observations 
covering  the  period  from  July  29  to  October  10.  The  period 
of  confinement  for  individual  groups  ranged  from  one  to  four 
days.  Considering  each  day  a  mantid  was  observed  as  a  man- 
tid  day  there  were  one  hundred  eighteen  mantid  days.  The 
fact  that  thirty-eight  specimens  during  this  time  consumed  only 
twenty-seven  insects  from  a  possible  one  hundred  thirty-four 
offered  (considering  the  aphis  covered  leaf  as  one  specimen) 
reduces  the  reputed  voracity  of  Paratcnodcra  sinensis  to  the 
surprisingly  low  average  of  a  very  small  fractional  part  of  an 
insect  per  day  for  each  specimen.  Twenty-four  of  the  insects 
eaten  were  harmful  forms,  one  was  beneficial  and  the  remaining 
two  were  neutral. 

In  the  boxes  where  larger  numbers  were  confined  the  amount 
of  food  eaten  was  unaccountably  small.  At  least  one  individual 
during  this  time  was  in  the  pre-molting  condition,  its  cast 
exuvia  being  found  in  the  box  on  the  last  day  of  confinement. 
Also  the  specimen  under  observation  from  August  24th  to 
September  4th  cast  its  exuvia  on  the  last  date. 

(To  be  Continued) 

The  Tentamen  versus  the  Tentamen  Names. 

By  WM.  T.  M.  FORBES,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York. 

In  the  February  number  of  the  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  Dr. 
Holland  discusses  my  attitude  toward  Hiibner's  names  pro- 
posed for  Lepidoptera  as  expressed  recently  in  Science.  Per- 
haps a  preliminary  remark  may  clear  some  of  the  issues. 

The  question  seems  largely  to  be  as  to  what  is  a  scientific 
name,  and  how  much  may  or  must  we  extend  our  definition 
in  applying  it  to  early  workers  whose  ideas  on  the  matter  were 
less  well  formulated  than  our  own.  As  I  see  it,  a  scientific 
name  of  an  animal  has  two  essential  parts:  first,  a  name-word 
applying  to  a  group  of  animals  with  some  common  characters, 
and  not  duplicated  in  the  animal  kingdom ;  second,  a  word 
for  each  species  of  this  group,  which  shall  not  be  duplicated 
within  the  group.  It  is  also,  I  think,  generally  agreed  that 
additional  words  may  be  added  between  these  two,  to  indicate 


subordinate  groups  within  the  major  group  (subgenera  within 
the  genus),  and  others  for  the  subdivision  of  the  species  (sub- 
species, variety,  etc.).  It  is  now  customary  to  set  off  these 
subordinate  parts  of  the  name  in  some  way,  but  many  ancients 
whose  names  are  universally  accepted  did  not  do  so.  For 
instance  Linnaeus  himself  frequently  abbreviated  the  subgenus 
name  in  exactly  the  same  way  as  the  genus,  and  no  one  ever 
thought  he  thereby  invalidated  his  genus  names,  no  matter 
how  they  may  have  viewed  his  subgenera. 

The  basis  of  my  contention  then,  is  that  when  Hiibner  in 
the  period  1806-1816  issued  a  plate  labelled  Limnas  fernujinca 
Chrysippus  he  established  a  perfectly  valid  scientific  name, 
composed  of  genus  (Limnas}  and  species  (Chrysippus},  with 
an  intermediate  adjective  between,  much  ,as  was  done  by 
Linnaeus  himself  (Sphinx  Adscita  Phcgca}  but  further  sub- 
ordinating the  second  word  by  engraving  it  in  smaller  characters 
and  without  a  capital. 

Now  as  to  Dr.  Holland's  particular  points.  The  Tent  amen  to 
be  sure  speaks  of  Stirpes,  a  rather  noncommittal  word  mean- 
ing in  English  "stocks"  or  "groups."  He  used  many  words  in 
an  unusual  way:  Gattung  or  "Genus"  for  species,  Sclrncingcn 
and  Scnkcn  for  fore  and  hind  wings;  but  if  we  look  at  his 
names,  we  find  he  is  making  perfectly  regular  binomials, 
Limnas  Chrysippus  and  a  hundred  others,  so  he  uses  a  stirps 
name  as  a  genus  name  is  used  today.  Now  that  the  Committee 
have  ruled  the  Tcntamcn  unpublished  I  suppose  we  fall  back 
on  the  next  oldest  use  (date  uncertain,  1806-1814)  and  there 
we  find  Limnas  ferrnginea  Chrysippns — the  very  same  name 
attached  to  a  perfectly  good  picture.  I  can  now  say,  moreover, 
that  in  the  index  to  his  Sammhuuj  Enropaisclie  Schmetterlinge, 
published  in  1822,  which  gives  the  latest  picture  of  his  ideas, 
he  is  doing  just  the  same.  ' 

Besides  Forbes,  Scudder,  etc.,  Ochsenheimer  (1816)  and 
Harris  (1841),  with  others  between,  also  "jumped"  to  the  con- 
clusion that  Hiibner's  stirps  names  were  (jenent.  I  seem  to 
be  in  good  company  at  least. 

1  This  index  is  now  in  our   Cornell   library.     The  alphabetic   entry   is 
"Chrystppus"    [sic]    L.  678.    679.    Limnas   ferruginea. 

118  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

The  Anseigcr  of  the  Verzeichniss,  as  well  as  the  Vcrseich- 
niss  itself,  uses  a  different  system,  which  he  adopted  in  1816 
and  continued  to  use  in  the  two  works  he  started  at  that  time. 
Evidently  he  viewed  consistency  in  a  single  book  more  im- 
portant than  consistency  in  time !  This  second  system  is,  as 
Dr.  Holland  says,  binomial  even  in  the  strictest  modern  sense. 
As  I  see  it  there  are  two  possible  ways  to  reconcile  them.  One  2 
is  the  obvious  way  by  which  we  now  clear  all  points  of  nomen- 
clature when  we  can,  namely  by  taking  whichever  name  first 
gets  valid  publication.  If  we  count  out  the  Tcntamen  this  will 
in  general  be  the  first  volume  of  the  Sammlung  E.rotisehc 
Schmetterlinge  for  the  butterflies,  the  Verzeichniss  for  the 
moths,  but  there  are  many  uncertainties  of  date,  and  a  few 
embarrassing  certainties.  Thus  the  first  DiphtJiera  published 
was  hieraglyphica  (a  South  American  Erebid  of  the  genus 
Noropsis),  which  I  think  no  one  would  like  to  accept.  There 
was  no  other  Diphthera  published  before  1816  when  Ochsen- 
heimer  used  it  expressly  on  the  basis  of  the  Tcntamen.  There 
is  no  use  in  further  analysis  of  the  butterflies ;  two  are  pre- 
occupied, as  Holland  and  I  have  already  said  (and  many 
others).  The  rest  are  just  as  obvious  as  Linnaeus's  own  but- 
terflv  names. 


Perhaps  I  should  say  in  parenthesis  that  the  puzzle  about 
Apatela  (originally  Apatcle}  as  used  by  Harris,  was  merely 
where  he  got  it.  He  uses  it  as  a  well  known  name,  typically 
represented  by  aceris.  If  he  did  not  get  it  from  a  Hubner 
Strips  name,  where  on  earth  did  he  get  it  ?  Ochsenheimer  had 
come  in  contact  with  the  Tcntamen  too  late  to  use  it  as  he  did 
Diphthera  and  several  others. 

As  to  Limnas,  it  should  be  noted  that  sometime  after  1814, 

-  The  other  way  would  be  to  make  a  hypothetical  combination  of  his 
two   systems,  thus  : 

Now Genus  (adjective)    Subgenus       Species 

Hubner Stirps  familia  Coitus  Genus 

Name Limnas  ferruginea     Euploea          Chrysippus 

using  the  names  cited  in  the  singular  in  the  Anzciycr  to  the   Vcrzcich- 
niss.     Linnaeus's   scheme   then   makes   a   substantial   parallel : 
Genus  Subgenus        (adjective)     Species 

Papilio  Danaus  festivus  Chrysippus 

The  result  in  nomenclature  is  as  before. 


the  date  of  our  prospectus,  Hiibner  recognized  his  "Limnas" 
was  heterogeneous,  and  published  one  Erycinid  under  the  name 
"Napaea."  In  the  Verzeichniss,  as  already  said,  the  stirps 
names  are  supergeneric,  but  we  can  extract  from  it  what  Hiib- 
ner had  in  mind — we  find  all  of  his  Er\cinicls  formerly  in 
Limnas  are  now  Napaeae.  Finally  in  1822,  chrysippus,  the 
original  Tentamen  species,  is  again  in  Limnas,  while  lucina, 
the  only  European  Erycinid,  is  properly  enough  in  Napaea. 
Also  Boisduval  does  not  designate  pixe  as  type  of  Limnas ; 
as  I  have  already  stated  in  Science,  he  merely  figures  it  as  an 
example.  The  corresponding  text  was  never  published,  but  I 
think  we  can  be  sure  from  Boisduval's  custom  that  we  would 
have  there  found  Limnas  credited  to  Hiibner,  and  a  species 
known  to  Hiibner  listed  as  type. 

Mr.  Benjamin  has  called  my  attention  to  the  fact  that  Dryas, 
Najas,  Hamadryas  and  Oreas  (as  subgenera)  go  even  back 
of  the  Tentamen  to  the  introduction  to  Borkhausen. 

Finally,  as  to  changes  of  name,  such  as  Hiibner's  transla- 
tions of  the  Latin  names  of  the  "Tentamen"  into  the  Greek 
of  the  "Syst.  Alph.  Verz."  I  had  supposed  it  was  generally 
agreed:  1,  that  until  the  middle  of  the  last  century  it  was 
considered  allowable  for  the  author,  and  even  for  others,  to 
change  an  unsuitable  name,  as  we  still  have  some  right  to  do 
in  morphology ;  and  2,  that  in  our  present  codes  such  changes 
have  been  rejected,  and  we  use  the  original  names  proposed. 

The  Entomology  in  the  Bestiary  of 
Philippe  de  Thaun. 

By  HARRY  B.  WEISS,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 

Regardless  of  the  origin  of  the  Physiologus  stories,  which 
circulated  during  the  Middle  Ages  under  the  name  Bestiaries, 
and  for  which  various  theories  have  been  advanced,  it  is  of 
interest  to  know  just  what  kind  of  popular  entomology  flour- 
ished during  the  eleventh,  twelfth  and  thirteenth  centuries. 
Reference  has  been  made1  to  the  spiritual  application  of  the 
peculiarities  of  the  animals  utilized  in  the  stories,  and  it  is 

ijourn.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  Dec.  1925,  Vol.  XXXIII,  pp.  238-242. 

120  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

usually  assumed  that  theology  controlled  all  thought  during 
the  Middle  Ages  and  that  natural  science  was  used  only  as 
a  carrier  of  religious  doctrine.  However,  according  to  Thorn- 
dike2  the  people  at  that  time  studied  nature  out  of  curiosity 
and  not  in  search  of  religious  parallelization,  and  by  the 
thirteenth  century  the  scientific  writers,  when  they  utilized 
the  Physiologus  at  all,  discarded  its  religious  content.  Thorn- 
dike  questions  whether  the  characteristic  elements  of  the 
Physiologus  were  ever  religious  and  asks  if  they  were  not 
always  scientific.  According  to  Ahrens,3  the  title  originated 
with  Aristotle  and  the  contents  for  the  most  part  with  Pliny, 
and  the  allegories  do  not  appear  in  certain  early  texts.  Thorn- 
dike  calls  attention  to  the  fact  that  the  allegories  cannot 
do  without  the  facts,  or  what  passed  for  facts,  about  the 
animals  while  the  pseudo-scientific  facts  do  not  need  the 
allegories  and  often  dispense  with  them. 

Thomas  Wright,  in  his  "Popular  Treatises  on  Science  written 
during  the  Middle  Ages  in  Anglo-Saxon,  Anglo-Gorman,  and 
English"  (London  1841),  reproduces  among  other  things  the 
Bestiary  of  Philippe  de  Thaun,  in  Anglo-Norman,  with  a 
translation  into  English.  Little  is  known  about  Philippe  de 
Thaun,  except  that  he  was  a  poet,  and  according  to  his  "Livre  des 
Creatures,"  had  an  uncle,  Humfrey  de  Thaun,  "who  was  chap- 
lain to  Yhun  and  seneschal  to  the  king."  Wright  states  that 
Philippe  was  patronized  by  Adelaide  of  Louvaine,  queen  of 
Henry  I,  to  whom  his  Bestiary,  written  within  a  few  years 
after  her  marriage  in  1121,  was  dedicated.  Philippe's  Bestiary 
was  based  on  the  Latin  Bestiaria  which  were  common  in  the 
manuscripts  of  the  period.  Various  animals,  mythological  and 
otherwise,  are  mentioned  in  the  poem,  but  only  that  portion  of 
Wright's  translation  relating  to  insects  is  quoted  below.  It 
will  be  noted  that  Philippe,  in  his  account,  mentions  only  the 
ant  and  the  ant-lion. 

"Philippe  de  Thaun  into  the  French  language — has  translated 
the  Bestiary,  a  book  of  science, — for  the  honour  of  a  jewel, 

2 A  History  of  magic  and  experimental  science.  Vol.  I.  (New  York. 

3Zur  Geschichte  des  sogenannten  Physiologus,  1885. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  121 

who  is  a  very  handsome  woman, — Aliz  is  she  named,  a  queen 
she  is  crowned, — queen  she  is  of  England,  may  her  soul 
never  have  trouble! — In  Hebrew,  in  truth,  Aliz  means  praise 
of  God. — I  will  compose  a  book,  may  God  be  with  its  com- 

"This  saith  Solomon  of  the  ant  rightly, — and  of  the  idle 
man  who  waits  for  the  fine  weather ; — be  not  slothful,  look  at 
the  ant, — it  carries  much  corn  to  its  hole  in  summer, — in 
winter  it  sustains  itself  by  the  work  it  has  performed. 

"This  say  writings,  that  the  ant  has  three  natures ; — it  has 
such  a  nature,  when  it  issues  from  its  hole, — orderly  in  the 
morning  right  on  its  way, — and  when  it  has  found  grain  of 
all  sorts  of  corn, — it  knows  well  which  is  wheat,  by  the  smell 
alone ; — it  does  not  care  for  grain  of  barley,  such  is  its  nature ; 
—but  if  it  is  grain  of  wheat,  it  takes  it  with  its  mouth,— 
carries  it  to  its  nest,  is  supported  with  it  in  winter. 

"And  when  it  meets  an  ant,  it  does  him  no  disgrace  or 
shame, — nor  takes  from  him  his  property,  nor  asks  nor  gives ; 
the  ant,  which  is  cunning,  puts  itself  in  the  track — from  which 
the  ant  turned  who  brought  the  grain ; — who  brings  the 
wheat,  take,  of  its  experience. — Since  this  little  beast  shows 
us  the  good  condition, — man  in  the  same  manner  ought  to 
take  of  its  experience. 

"And  hear  without  doubt  another  similitude  of  it ; — for 
Scripture  says,  by  figure,  five  virgins, — and  five  lamps  full 
of  oil  and  light, — went  to  a  wedding,  they  carried  them  burn- 
ing ; — there  were  five  foolish,  their  lamps  were  empty ; — those 
entered  who  carried  them  full, — the  bridegroom  knew  them, 
and  received  them  joyfully; — the  foolish  ones  entered  not, 
who  brought  nothing  there. — This  is  a  great  signification, 
have  it  in  remembrance. 

"By  the  five  virgins  are  understood  truly  the  five  senses,— 
seeing,    hearing,    talking,    touching    and    smelling  —  and    vir- 
ginity represents  chastity, — and  who  has  that,  shall  be  welcome 
to  the  wedding, — that  is,  he  shall  come  safely  to  the  Judgment, 
-where  will  be  the  bridegroom  who  shall  give  the  great  gifts, 
—that  is  the  Lord  God,  who  will  be  in  majesty. 

"And  the  lamp  signifies  the  soul  in  this  life;  the  oil,  Chris- 
tianity; the  fire,  the  Spirit  of  God.— We  have  this  meaning 
by  the  ant ; — hear  the  other  nature,  according  to  Holy  Scrip- 
ture;— the  grain  which  it  has  it  separates  in  two  parts, — thus 
it  does  cunningly,  that  in  winter  it  may  take  of  it  for  support. 

"Hear  thou',  man  of  God,  this  is  authority,— as  much  seed 
as  is  written,  as  Isidore  saith, — thou  shouldest  part  it  in  t\v<> 
for  support  in  winter,— that  is,  spiritually,  and  historically,- 

122  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

that  thou  come  safely  at  the  Day  of  Judgment ; — and  there- 
fore St.  Paul  says  for  truth  in  his  writing. — 'the  law  is 
spiritual,  and  not  corporeal ;  the  letter  kills,'  as  he  says,  'and  the 
spirit  lives. '--This  is  said  for  example,  that  you  may  have 
remembrance  of  it. — The  traitrous  Jew  understands  so  much 
of  Scripture, — not  in  allegory;  he  knows  not  what  it  sig- 

"But  hear,  thou  man  of  God,  understand  authority, — and 
hear  Scripture,  and  the  third  nature — of  the  ant,  that  it  under- 
stands by  its  smell — which  is  grain  of  wheat,  and  similarly, 
which  is  of  barley ; — when  it  has  found  a  grain  of  barley,  and 
has  smelt  it, — then  it  stoops  and  goes  to  seek  the  wheat  ;— 
when  it  has  found  an  ear,  it  mounts  wisely  upon  it, — takes 
the  flour  of  the  grain,  and  puts  it  in  its  hole ; — it  collects 
rather  the  flower  than  the  straw. 

"O  man  of  holy  Ife.  hear  what  it  signifies ; — by  the  letter, 
understand  thou  the  straw  of  the  wheat ;  know  that  the  flower 
of  it  signifies  the  allegory ; — and  since  the  nature  of  this  little 
animal  show  us — that  what  it  does  leads  to  all  good, — man 
in  the  same  manner  ought  to  take  experience. 

'And  what  the  writing  says,  that  the  ant  does  not  care  for 
barley, — has  a  great  signification  ;  listen  to  the  allegory ; — barley 
is  food  to  a  small  creature ; — by  barley,  we  understand  the 
doctrine  of  heretics. 

"And  Solomon  says  for  truth  in  his  discourse, — 'For  wheat 
they  gave  me  barley,  who  hated  me ;' — otherwise  do  the 
triflers,  may  God  give  them  trouble! — for  barley,  he  takes 
wheat  from  his  next  kinsman, — whom  he  takes  by  surprise, 
he  soon  reduces  him  to  seek  his  bread, — he  was  not  his 
friend,  since  he  has  impoverished  him, — then  he  conceives 
hatred  for  him,  and  looks  upon  him  as  a  thing  that  is  vile. 

"Know  that,  by  Solomon,  we  understand  wise  people,— 
and  by  the  triflers,  are  understood  covetous  and  bad  people,— 
and  by  barley,  vain-glory,  sin,  and  heresy ; — he  who  will  please 
God,  must  desert  the  deceiver. — Photius,  Sabellicus,  Donatus, 
Arius, — these  were  heretics,  and  merited  ill, — let  us  not  believe 
in  their  folly,  let  us  leave  their  heresy. 

"Also  Isidore  speaks  of  the  ant  in  his  writing, — and  shows 
the  reason  well  why  it  is  named  formula', — It  is  fortis  (strong), 
and  carries  mica  (a  particle),  that  is  the  meaning  of  the  name; 
there  is  no  creature  of  so  small  a  shape, — -which  carries  by 
its  own  force  so  great  a  burden ; — it  carries  a  burden  of  heavy 
lead  of  its  own  size, — this,  a  horse  or  a  dromedary  connot 
do. — Also,  this  beast  is  of  so  cunning  a  nature, — if  it  rain 
on  its  wheat,  it  throws  it  out  to  the  wind, — and  if  it  be  sound 

ix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  123 

within,  then  it  saves  it  to  the  time,  —  which  will  come  in  winter, 
when  it  will  eat  it. 

"Also  Isidore  speaks  further  of  another  ant:  —  In  Ethiopia 
there  are  some  who  make  a  mystery  of  the  grain  ;  —  there 
is  a  river  there,  the  gram  of  gold  is  produced  in  it,  —  which 
they  collect  with  their  feet,  and  defend  it  from  people,  —  people 
dare  not  approach  there,  to  take  or  touch  it  ;  —  whom  these  ants 
bite,  they  die  immediately  ;  —  no  one  dares  approach  there,  the 
ants  are  so  fierce.  —  If  any  one  will  have  some  of  that  gold  to 
make  his  treasure  of,  —  by  a  stratagem  they  contrive  they  have 
great  plenty  of  gold.  —  They  keep  without  food  mares  which 
have  newly  colted,  —  then  on  the  third  day,  as  you  will  find,  a 
little  basket  —  on  the  backs  of  the  mares  they  bind  firmly,  —  they 
make  them  pass  the  river  to  bring  the  gold,  —  and  draw  them 
to  a  meadow  which  has  great  plenty  of  grass,  —  the  ants  are 
there  where  the  mares  go,  —  they  make  their  cells  in  the  basket 
and  load  the  mares,  —  when  they  are  satisfied,  charged,  and 
filled,  they  repair  back  behind  them,  —  they  run  to  the  colts 
where  they  are  neighing,  —  which  the  men  have  bound  and 
attached  by  the  river  ;  thus  truly  that  people  get  the  gold. 

"There  is  also  a  beast  which  is  master  of  the  ant,  —  it  is  the 
f  ormicaleon,  that  is  its  name  ;  —  it  is  the  lion  of  ants,  whence 
it  is  thus  named;  —  -it  is  a  very  little  beast,  puts  itself  in  the 
dust,  —  where  the  ant  goes,  and  does  it  great  outrage;  —  but 
of  this  matter  I  will  make  no  more  discourse,  —  because  I  will 
now  begin  to  treat  of  another." 

Parasites  of  Some  Anthidiine  Bees  (Hym.  :  Megachi- 
lidae,  Chrysididae  ;  Dipt.  :  Bombyliidae). 

By  CLARENCE  P.  CUSTER,  University  of  Colorado, 
Boulder,  Colorado. 

Various  insects  are  parasitic  on  bees  of  the  genera  Anth'uliuni 
and  Dlanthidinm.  In  1923  H.  Friese  reported  that  certain 
bees  of  the  genus  Stdis,  two  wasps,  Chrysis  rcfnhjcns  and 
Holopvgia  fcrvida,  and  two  beetles,  Zonitis  iniitica  and  Sihtris 
inuralis  were  parasitic  on  the  European  Anthidia.  In  1926, 
C.  H.  Hicks  reported  a  fly.  which  Mr.  Green  later  determined 
as  Spogost  \lnui  daphne,  parasitic  on  Dianihidlnm  snyi.  In 
1927  he  showed  that  Euscipyt/a  pro.riina  Cresson  was  parasitic 
on  Diantliidinm  pndicnm.  The  same  year  I  found  a  wasp, 
Chrvsis  (Tctraclirysis)  hint  a  Cresson1  to  be  parasitic  on 

Determined  by  Miss  Grace  Sandhouse. 

124  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

Anthidium  portcrac.     I   have   found   reference    to    no    other 
American  parasite  of  this  genus. 

Ordinarily  about  three  months  in  an  incubator  at  27°  C.  are 
sufficient  for  the  maturation  of  an  insect  which  would  require 
nine  months  in  the  out-of-doors.  It  is  interesting  to  note 
that  Chrysis  lauta  required  over  ten  months  of  incubation. 
This  may  have  been  due  to  one  of  two  factors:  Either  the 
larva  was  waiting  over  a  season  before  maturing  or  it  had 
been  injured  by  being  kept  at  37°  C.  for  the  first  week  of  its 
incubation.  At  any  rate  it  postponed  the  eating  of  the  host 
until  the  latter  had  consumed  the  pollen  and  spun  a  cocoon. 
After  this  it  constructed  its  own  cocoon  inside  that  of  the 
bee.  The  wall  of  the  wasp's  cocoon  consisted  of  a  hyaline 
membrane  on  which,  towards  the  mammillary  end  of  the  bee's 
cocoon,  there  was  a  cream-colored,  shield-shaped  area  which 
was  more  fibrous  than  the  rest. 

The  larva  remained  without  further  development  from  Sep- 
tember 26  to  July  22  at  which  time  the  dark  eyes  were  visible. 
Eight  clays  later  it  had  fully  developed  and  on  August  1  this 
bright  green  wasp  emerged  by  clitt'ng  the  wall  along  one 
side  with  its  mandibles.  Miss  Sandhouse  informs  me  that 
the  male  of  this  species  is  unknown. 

There  is  some  evidence  that  certain  mutillid  wasps  are  para- 
sitic on  bees  of  the  genus  Anthidium.  Thus  I  have  observed 
such  a  wasp  near  the  nest  of  an  Anthidium  that  was  filling  in 
the  tunnel  with  pebbles.  The  bee  was  securing  these  from  a 
distance  of  a  meter  or  so  away,  and  the  wasp,  which  is  wing- 
less in  the  female  sex,  was  between  her  and  the  nest.  Every 
time  the  bee  flew  overhead  the  wasp  followed  until  it  found 
the  nest.  Then  it  entered  by  digging  down  through  the  peb- 
bles. Approximately  a  minute  was  spent  underneath,  ap- 
parently while  it  was  laying  its  egg  in  the  host's  cell.  Neither 
host  nor  parasite  could  be  reared  from  this  cell  and  so  the 
matter  will  bear  further  investigation. 

During  the  winter  of  1926,  C.  H.  Hicks  reared  the  parasitic 
fly,  Spogostylwtn  daphne,  from  the  cell  of  the  bee  Dianthidium 
sayi.  In  1927  we  secured  over  a  dozen  such  parasites  from 
the  resin  cells  of  this  bee.  This  fly  is  specially  adapted  to 

xxxix,  '28] 



gain  exit  from  the  tough  cocoon  and  hard,  resin  walled  cell,— 
for  it  must  emerge  from  this  before  shedding  its  pupal  cov- 
ering. From  the  anterior  end,  which  is  covered  by  smooth 
chitinous  armor,  eight  spines  project.  It  sways  back  and 
forth  and  thus  batters  its  way,  with  the  help  of  these  spines, 
through  the  wall  of  the  cell.  The  row  of  hairs,  which  arises 
from  the  junction  of  thorax  and  abdomen,  as  well  as  the  dorsal 
spines  catch  on  the  edge  of  the  opening  and  thus  prevent  a 

'Dor  \ya/ , 

ro*v  e 



The  armor-plate  of  the  pupa  of  Sfiog-osMum  daphne  which  enables  it  to  gain  exit 
from  the  bee's  cocoon  and  resin  cell.     (  X  7.5  diameters. ) 

slipping  back  into  the  cocoon.  When  the  parasite  is  almost 
completely  outside  the  latter,  the  cephalic  armor-plate  bursts 
and  the  adult  is  given  its  full  freedom.  The  larva  is  undoubt- 
edly carnivorous  for  in  some  cases  I  have  opened  parasitized 
cells  and  seen  the  parasite,  hardly  larger  than  the  egg  from 
which  it  had  hatched,  firmly  attached  to  the  back  of  the  host 
which  was  almost  full-grown.  In  such  instances,  as  though 
irritated  by  the  light,  the  anterior  end  of  the  parasite  would 
lash  rapidly  back  and  forth,  showing  that  it  was  alive. 


CUSTER,  C.  P.  AND  HICKS,  C.  H.  1927  Nesting  habits  of 
some  Anthidiine  bees.  Biol.  Hull.,  52:  258-277. 

FRIESE,  H.  1923  Die  europaischen  Hienen  (. \pidae).  3  und 
4  Lieferung:  297-307.  Berlin  and  Leipzig. 

HICKS,  C.  H.  1926  Nesting  habits  and  parasites  of  certain 
bees  of  Boulder  County,  Colorado.  I'niv.  of  Colo.  Studies, 
15:  217-252. 

ID.  1927  Nesting  habits  and  parasites  of  Dianthidium  pndi- 
cum  Cresson.  Psyche. 

126  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

A  New  Species  of  Batyle  (Coleop.  :  Cerambycidae), 

By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 

The  following  Batyle  differs  so  widely  from  Batyle  ignicollis 
Say  in  color  and  sculpture  of  thorax  that  the  writer  believes 
it  worthy  of  a  name. 

Batyle  rufiventrk  n.  sp. 

Resembling  a  large  specimen  of  ignicollis  in  shape ;  head, 
thorax,  entire  ventral  surface,  legs  with  the  exception  of  the 
tibiae  and  tarsae,  scutellum,  small  area  around  scutellum  and 
humerus  rubescent,  antennae  and  elytra  piceous.  Head 
densely  punctured,  antennae,  when  laid  back  over  the  elytra, 
extending  to  about  the  middle  of  same,  first  joint  clavate, 
second  about  as  long  as  broad,  third  longer  than  first,  fourth 
shorter  than  third,  fifth  longer  than  fourth,  sixth  shorter  than 
fifth,  joints  gradually  decreasing  in  length  to  eleventh,  eleventh 
as  long  as  tenth.  Thorax  wider  than  long,  widest  basally, 
dorsal  area  opaque,  punctures  small,  widely  separated,  becom- 
ing more  numerous  laterally,  entirely  wanting  on  a  median 
dorsal  line,  each  puncture  containing  a  bristling  hair.  Scutellum 
triangular,  glabrous.  Elytra  nearly  three  times  as  long  as 
wide,  wider  than  thorax,  sides  parallel,  obtusely  rounded  pos- 
teriorly to  rounded  apices,  densely  punctured,  punctures  be- 
coming larger  and  less  numerous  anteriorly,  each  puncture 
containing  a  bristling  hair.  Ventral  surface  shining,  abdomen 
with  minute  sparsely  placed  punctures,  each  puncture  contain- 
ing a  long  fine  hair.  Length  14  mm.,  width  3.5  mm. 

o  o  o 

Type  a  female  labeled  Sierra  Ancha  Mountains,  Gila  Co., 
Arizona,  August,  D.  K.  Duncan  collector. 

The  writer  is  indebted  to  Mr.  Duncan  for  the  specimen  and 
also  to  Mr.  W.  S.  Fisher,  who  compared  the  insect  with  the 
material  in  the  National  Museum. 

The  First  Insect  Described  from  North  America: 

In  the  days  of  Queen  Elizabeth,  as  stated  in  the  letter  of 
dedication,  Thomas  Moufetius  (or  Mouffet)  wrote  a  book  on 
inserts,  which  he  intended  to  dedicate  to  the  Queen.  He  died 
unexpectedly  and  the  book  was  not  published  till  1634,  when  it 
appeared  in  Latin,  as  "Insectorum  sive  Minorum  Animalium 
Theatrum."  On  page  98  of  that  edition  is  figured  the  large 
southern  form  of  the  Tiger  Swallowtail,  Papilio 

aitstralis.     The   figure   has   some    fantastic   details,    but    is    un- 


mistakable,  and  is  credited  to  P.  glauciis  in  Rothschild  and 
Jordan's  revision  of  Papilio.  Unless  some  still  unknown 
record  is  found  from  the  Spanish  explorations,  I  suspect  that 
this  will  prove  to  he  the  first  described  North  American  insect, 
and  at  the  same  time  the  first  insect  collected  in  North 
America,  as  the  original  was  no  doubt  taken  in  the  sixteenth 
century  exploration  of  Virginia. 

In  any  case  it  is  earlier  than  any  of  the  species  mentioned 
as  strict'! v  Xorth  American,  in  Rohwer's  article  in  the  Decem- 
ber number  of  the  News.  W.M:  T.  M.  FORBES. 

A  Note  on  Tenodera  sinensis  Sauss.  (Orthop.:  Mantidae). 

The  Chinese  mantis,  Tenodora  sinensis  Sauss,  was  introduced 
into  the  United  States  about  three  decades  ago.  It  was  brought 
overseas  on  nursery  stock  to  Alt.  Airy.  Pennsylvania,  near 
Philadelphia,  where  it  became  acclimated  and  has  now  spread 
northward  to  New  York  and  has  been  introduced  into  Con- 
necticut and  Massachusetts  (J&2),  but  has  not  been  reported 
as  having  established  itself  permanently  that  far  north;  south- 
ward it  has  now  been  found  to  occur  in  nature  as  far  as 
northern  Virginia.  Its  unusually  large  size  and  interesting 
appearance  make  it  an  object  of  general  curiosity  and  speci- 
mens are  often  sent  in  for  determination. 

An  apparently  unrecorded  variation  in  the  biology  of  this  large 
mantid  is  that  the  females,  at  least  in  captivity,  sometimes 
produce  egg-masses  entirely  unlike  the  sub-spherical  and  fluffy 
ones  typical  of  this  species ;  they  are  elongate  and  with  little, 
or  scarcely  any,  of  the  fluffy  papery  outer  covering,  in  extreme 
cases  resembling  very  much  those  of  the  Carolina  Mantis, 
Stagmomantis  Carolina  John.  That  such  oothecae  are  produced 
by  the  females  of  Tenodera  is  certain,  as  they  have  been  formed 
by  caged  specimens  in  some  observed  instances,  one  in  Kent 
County,  Maryland,  and  one  in  New  Jersey.  These  elongate 
and  more  or  less  smooth  oothecae  are  due  perhaps  to  their 
producers  being  confined  during  oviposition,  the  oothecae 
produced  being  thereby  rendered  abnormal  in  structure  and 
form.  Miss  Hart,  of  the  Bureau  of  Entomology,  reports, 
however,  that  she  has  found  such  oothecae  formed  by  this 
species  outdoors  in  Washington,  D.  C. 

A.  N.  CAUDELL,  Bureau  of  Entomology.  U.  S.  Department  of 


iBritton,  W.  E.,  Bull.  Div.  Km.  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric..  No.  46,  p.  107 
(1<X)4).  Id.,  Guide  Ins.  Conn.,  Part  II,  p.  60,  pi.  vi.  fig.  1,  2  (1911). 

-Morse,  A.  P.,  Psyche,  vol.  xxvi,  p.  25  (1919).  Id..  Man.  N.  Engl. 
Orth.,  p.  329,  fig.  44  (1920). 

128  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  |  Apr.,    '28 

Amendments:  to  the  International  Rules  of  Zoological 


Upon  unanimous  recommendation  by  the  International 
Commission  on  Zoological  Nomenclature,  the  International 
Zoological  Congress,  which  met  at  Budapest,  Hungary,  Sep- 
tember 4-9,  1927,  adopted  a  very  important  amendment  to 
Article  25  (Law  of  Priority)  which  makes  this  Article,  as 
amended,  read  as  follows  (italicised  type  represents  the  amend- 
ment; Roman  type  represents  the  old  wording)  : 

Article  25. — The  valid  name  of  a  genus  or  species  can  be 
only  that  name  under  which  it  was  first  designated  on  the 
condition  : 

(a)  That   (prior  to  January  I,   1931}   this  name  was  pub- 
lished and  accompanied  by  an  indication,  or  a  definition,  or  a 
description ;  and 

(b)  That  the  author  has  applied   the  principles   of   binary 

(c)  But  no  generic  name  nor  specific  name,  publisJied  after 
December  31,  1930,  shall  liavc  any  status  of  availability  (hence 
also  of  validity)   under  the  Rules,  unless  and  until  it  is  pub- 
lished cither 

(1)  wi-tli    a    summary    of    characters    (sen    diagnosis;    scu 
definition;  sen   condensed  description)   ivhich   differentiate   or 
distinguish    the   genus   or   the   species   from    other   genera    or 

(2)  or  witJi  a  definite  bibliographic  reference  to  such  sum- 
mary of  characters    (sen   diagnosis;  sen   definition;  scu    con- 
densed description).     And  further 

(3)  in  the  case  of  a  generic  name,  ivith  the  definite  unam- 
biguous designation  of  the   type  species    (sen  genotype;  seu 
autogcnotypc ;  scu  ortJiotypc). 

The  purpose  of  this  amendment  is  to  inhibit  two  of  the  most 
important  factors  which  heretofore  have  produced  confusion 
in  scientific  names.  The  date,  January  1,  1931,  was  selected 
(instead  of  making  the  amendment  immediately  effective')  in 
order  to  give  authors  ample  opportunity  to  accommodate  them- 
selves to  the  new  rule. 

The  commission  unanimously  adopted  the  following  reso- 
lution : 

(a)  It  is  requested  that  an  author  who  publishes  a  name 
as  new  shall  definitely  state  that  it  is  new,  that  this  be  stated 
in  only  one  (i.e.,  in  the  first)  publication,  and  that  the  date  of 
publication  lie  not  added  to  the  name  in  its  first  publication. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  129 

(b)  It  is  requested  that  an  author  who  quotes  a  generic 
name,  or  a  specific  name,  or  a  subspecific  name,  shall  add  at 
least  once  the  author  and  year  of  publication  of  the  quoted 
name  or  a  full  bibliographic  reference. 

The  foregoing  resolution  was  adopted  in  order  to  inhibit  the 
confusion  which  has  frequently  resulted  from  the '  fact  that 
authors  have  occasionally  published  a  given  name  as  "new" 
in  two  to  five  or  more  different  articles  of  different  dates — up 
to  five  years  in  exceptional  cases. 

The  three  propositions  submitted  by  Dr.  Franz  Poche,  of 
Vienna,  failed  to  receive  the  necessary  number  of  votes  in 
commission  to  permit  of  their  being  recommended  to  the 
Congress.  Out  of  a  possible  18  votes  for  each  proposition, 
Poche's  proposition  I  received  9  votes.  II  received  6  votes, 
and  III  received  7  votes. 

Zoological,  medical  and  veterinary  journals  throughout  the 
world  are  requested  to  give  to  the  foregoing  the  widest  possible 
publicity  in  order  to  avoid  confusion  and  misunderstanding. 

C.  W.  STILES,  Secretary  to  Commission 
(Reprinted  from  Science  for  Jan.  6,  1928.  pp.  17-18.) 


Mr.  A.  B.  Gahan.  of  Bureau  of  Entomology,  is  in  Europe 
studying  the  types  of  parasitic  Hymenoptera. 

According  to  the  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology  for 
December,  1927,  Mr.  R.  A.  Cushman,  United  States  National 
Museum,  has  been  appointed  Honorary  Assistant  Custodian 
of  Hymenoptera  and  has  been  given  charge  of  packing  and 
shipping  to  the  Museum,  the  1450  or  more  Schmitt  boxes 
containing  the  collection  of  the  late  C.  F.  Baker. 

Professor  R.  A.  Cooley,  professor  of  Zoology  at  Montana 
Agricultural  College,  will  leave  on  April  1  for  a  year's  leave 
of  absence.  He  will  spend  part  of  the  time  in  the  interior 
of  Africa  with  the  Chicago  Zoological  expedition  and  will 
study  tick  parasites.  (Science,  March  9,  1928).  Professor 
Cooley  has  worked  on  the  Rocky  Mountain  Spotted  Fever  Tick 
and  its  relation  to  human  diseases  for  many  years. 

Dr.  George  N.  Wolcott,  formerly  entomologist  at  the  Insular 
.Experiment"  Station,  Porto  Rico,  and  more  recently  with  Ser- 
vice Technique,  Haiti,  has  accepted  a  position  with  the  sugar- 
cane and  cotton  experiment  station  in  Peru.  He  is  sailing 
from  New  York  on  April  12.  (Science.  March  9,  1928). 
Readers  of  the  NEWS  will  recall  Dr.  \Yo4cott's  article  on  the 
pierid  butterfly  Kricoyonia  cast  (.ilia,  in  our  issue  for  April,  1927. 

130  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

Entomological    Liter  cdtiare 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL      AB- 
Under   the   above   head    it    is   intended   to    note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the  Americas    (North  and   South),    including   Arachnida  and 
Aiyriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   withm    brackets    J    J    refer   to  the   journals,   as   numbered 
in  tne  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
!•>  fcws  for  lUc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;    then   the   pagination    follows    the   coion    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  lew  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

•Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

jUSF~Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained,  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Ball,  E.  D.— Symposium  :     needed  lines  of 
investigation    in    American    Entomology.   (Introduction    by 
E.  D.  ball.  Taxonomy  by  S.  A.  Rohwer.  Insect  physiology 
by  P.  S.  Welch.     Insect  bionomics  by  R.  \Y.  Doane.     In- 
sect ecology  by  A.  C.  Alice.     Needs  in  the  study  of  bene- 
ficial insects  by  L.  O.  Howard.     Economic  entomology  by 
E.  O.  Essig  and  W.  P.  Flint.     Summary  by  E.  F.  Phillips.) 
[7]  20:  419-422.     Brown,  F.  W.— Odors  and  insects.      [40 j 
No.  299:   1-9  pp.     Engelhardt,  G.  P.— Collecting  at  Mobile, 
Alabama.      [19]    22:   251-253.      Holland,    W.   J.— "Exit   the 

Tentamen,    but    "      What?      [68]    67:    161-162.      Kitt, 

M. — Typei,  Cotypen  und  Anderes.  [64]  12:89-92,  cont. 
McColloch  &  Hayes  &  Bryson. — Hibernation  of  certain 
scarabaeids  and  their  Tiphia  parasites.  [84]  9:  34-42. 

ANATOMY,    PHYSIOLOGY,    ETC.— Abbott,    C.    E.- 

Further  observations  on  the  olfactory  powers  of  the  Necro- 
phori.  1 7]  20:  550-553,  ill.  Beal,  j".  A.— The  development 
of  the  proventriculus  of  Pityogenes  hopkinsi  Swaine.  [7] 
20:  522-539,  ill.  Bergner,  A.  D.— The  effect  of  prolongation 
of  each  stage  of  the  life-cycle  on  crossing  over  in  the 
second  and  third  chromosomes  of  D.  melanogaster. 
1 42)  50:  107-161.  Bleich,  O.  E.— Thanatose  und  hypnose 
bei  coleopteren.  [46]  10:  1-61,  ill.  Boldyrev,  B.  T.— 
Copulation  and  spermatophores  of  Gryllomorpha  dalmatina 


(Gryllidae,).      [EOS]    3:    279-288,    ill.     Boldyrev,    B.    T.- 
Einige     Daten     tiber     die     Spermatophoren-Befruchtung     bei 

den  insekten.  [Rev.  Russe  Ent.J  2l  :  133-136.  Cleveland, 
L.  R. — Fuither  observations  and  experiments  on  the  sym- 
biosis between  termites  and  their  intestinal  protozoa. 
[92]  54:  ^31-237.  Davis,  A.  C. — Studies  of  the  anatomy 
and  histology  of  Stenopelmatus  fuscus  Hald.  [67]  4:  160- 
^08,  ill.  Eastham,  L.— A  contribution  to  the  embryology 
of  Pieris  rapae.  [53]  71:  353-394,  ill.  Fink,  D.  E—  The 
application  of  studies  in  Hydrogen  ion  concentration  to 
entomological  research.  [7j  20:  503-512.  ill.  Hanstrom, 
B. — Das  Gehirn  tincl  die  Sinnesorgane  der  Aphanipteren. 
[28]  48:  154-160,  ill.  Heslop,  J.  W.— A  Further  Induction 
of  Melanism  in  the  Lepidopterous  Insect  Selenia  biluaaria, 
and  its  Inheritance.  Induced  Changes  in  the  Pigmenta- 
tion of  the  Pupae  of  the  Butterfly  Pieris  napi,  and  their 
Inheritance.  [Proc.  R.  Soc.  Canada]  (B)  102:  338:257; 
347-353.  Hirschler,  J.— Appareil  de  Golgi-vacuome  au 
cours  de  la  spermatogenese  chez  Macrothylacia  rubi. 
(Lep.).  [77]  98:  145-146,  ill.  Hosselet,  C.— Le  comporte- 
ment  du  chondriome  au  cours  de  la  dedifferenciation 
musculaire  dan.s  la  nymphe  de  C ul ex  annulatus.  Le  chon- 
driome dans  la  production  de  la  striation  transversale  et 
des  grains  interstitiels  dans  les  muscles  du  vol  de  Culex 
annulatus.  [77]  98:  3C1-305.  Kuhnelt,  W.— Ein  Beitrag 
zur  Histochemie  des  Insektenskelettes.  [34]  75:  111-133. 
Morison,  G.  D. — The  muscles  of  the  adult  honey  bee.  [53] 
71  :  395-463.  ill.  Pcutiers,  R. —  La  sensibilite  des  insectes 
aux  stimulants  chimiques.  [Ann.  d.  Epiphytes]  13:  181- 
194,  ill.  Richter,  G. — Untersuchungen  an  homopteren- 
symbionten.  [46]  10:  174-206,  ill/  Robinson,  W.— The 
Thermocouple  Method  of  Determining  Temperatures.  [7] 
20:  513-521,  ill.  Sayle,  M.  H. — Factors  influencing  the 
rate  of  metabolism  of  Aeshna  umbrosa.  [92]  54:  212-230. 
Sivickis  &  Filoteo. — Observations  on  development  of  the 
spider,  Latrodectus  hasseltii.  [Trans.  Amer.  Micro.  Soc.] 
47:  11-27,  ill.  Tchang-Yung-Tai. — Les  renovations  succes- 
sive (partielles  et  totales)  de  I'epithelium  de  1'intestin 
moyen  chez  les  chenilles  de  Galleria  mellonella.  [77]  98: 
204-205.  Tempere,  G. — Vn  precede  probablement  inedit 
d'emploi  de  1'anhydride  sulfureux  dans  la  preparation  des 
insects.  [Misc.  Ent.]  30:  56-58.  Ten  Gate,  J.— Contribu- 
tion a  la  physiologic  des  ganglions  thoraciques  des  insectes. 
[Arch.  Xee'rl.  Phys.  d.  Horn,  et  d.  Animaux]  12:  327-335, 

132  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

ill.  Toumanoff,  K. — Le  rapport  entre  la  pigmentation  et 
1'alimentation  chez  Dixippus  morosus.  [77]  98:  198-200. 
Yonge,  C.  M. — Feeding  mechanisms  in  the  invertebrates. 
|  Biol.  Rev.  Camb.  Phys.  Soc.j  3:  21-76,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA      AND      MYRIOPODA.— Erickson,      E. 

W. —  Beobachtungen  an  den  Spinnen  aus  der  Gattung 
Theridium.  [Rev.  Russe  Ent.J  21:  64-84,  ill.  Kingston, 
R.  W.  G. — Protective  devices  in  Spiders'  snares,  with  a  de- 
scription of  seven  new  species  of  orb-weaving  Spiders. 
[93]  1927:  259-293,  ill.  Oudemans,  A.  C.— Laelaps-Studien. 
[Tijds.  voor  Ent.]  70:  163-209,  ill.  Petrunkevitch,  A.- 
Systema  Aranearum.  [Trans.  Conn.  Ac.  A.  &  Sci.]  29: 

ORTHOPTERA. — Friedrich,  H. — Untersuchungen  iiber 
die  tibialen  sinnesapparate  in  den  mittleren  und  hinteren 
extremitaten  von  Locustiden.  [34]  75  :  86-94,  ill.  Pallister, 
J.  C. — An  observed  use  of  the  forceps  of  the  earwig,  Aniso- 
labris  annulipes  (Forficulidae).  [19]  22:  254-255. 


F. — The  unknown  nymphs  of  North  American  Odonata. 
[4]  60:  4-6.  *McDunnough,  J. — The  Ephemeroptera  of 
Jasper  Park,  Alta.  [4]  60:  8-10. 

HEMIPTERA.— -Ball,  E.  D.— Notes  on  the  Phlepsids 
of  the  subgenus  Phlepsius  (Rhynchota  Homoptera)  [4] 
59:  262-265.  Ball  &  Reeves. — Further  studies  on  the  genus 
Gypona  and  its  allies  (Homoptera).  [7]  20:  488-500,  ill. 
*Barber,  H.  G. — Two  new  species  of  Pentatomidae  from 
the  Southern  United  States.  [19]  22:  241-244,  ill.  *Hun- 
gerford,  H.  B. — A  new  Notonecta  from  Mexico.  (Notonec- 
tidae)  19:  22:  250.  McAtee,  W.  L. — Notes  on  "Heteroptera 
or  true  bugs  of  Eastern  North  America."  [19]  22:  267-281. 
"McAtee  &  Malloch. — Synopsis  of  pentatomid  bugs  of  the 
subfamilies  Megaridinae  and  Canopinae.  (S)  [50]  72: 
Art.  25 :  20  pp.  ill.  Readio,  P.  A. — Biological  notes  on 
Phymata  erosa  subsp.  fasciata  (Gray)  (Phymatidae).  [19] 
22:  256-262,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— -Biedermann,  R.— Descriptions  et 
notes  diverses  (S)  [59]  (B.  Ill)  3:  1-10,  ill.  Draudt,  M.- 
Seitz  Macrolepidoptera  of  the  world.  Fauna  Americana. 
6:  569-584,  ill.  *Forbes,  W.  T.  M.— The  American  Catop- 
silias  (Pieridae)  |7]  20:  474-480.  Conner,  P.— Einiges 
iiber  die  atalanta-Raupe.  [14]  41:  368-369,  ill.  *G6nner, 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  133 

P. — Der  Trauermantel  (Vanessa  antiopa  Linne)  uncl  sein 
Formenkreis.  1 14]  41  :  383-385,  ill.  Gunder,  J.  D.— Blow- 
ing eggs  of  Lepidoptera.  [4]  60:  1-4,  ill.  :::Hall,  A. — Some 
new  forms  of  Nymphalinae  fiom  Tro])ical  America.  (S) 
[9]  61  :  11-13.  Kautz,  H.— Pieris  napi  L.  |  Verb.  Zool.-Bot. 
Ges.  in  Wein]  77:  44-79.  LeCerf,  F.— Observations  et 
opinion  stir  le  choix  des  genotypes.  [59]  (  B.  Ill)  3:  39-4'). 
:::McDunnom  h,  J. — A  new  Cleorid  with  notes  on  synonymy 
(Geometridae).  [4]  59:  277-278.  *Michael,  O.-  Neue 
oder  wenicr  bekannte  Agriasformen  vom  Amazonasgebiet. 
(S)  [14]  41:  300. 

DIFTERA.— Aldrich,  J.  M.— Redescription  of  types  of 
American  Muscoid  flies  in  the  collection  of  the  Vienna 
Natural  History  Museum,  with  incidental  notes.  [50]  72 : 
Art  7;  1-35.  ''Alexander,  C.  P. — New  or  little-known 
Craneflies.  Part  II.  (S)  [59]  (B1.  II)  4:  17-27.  *Borg- 
meier,  T. — Dois  generos  novos  de  Phorideos.  [32]  3:  31- 
36,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H. — Insectes  of  Porto  Rico  and  the 
Virgin  Islands.  Diptera  or  two-winged  flies.  [Sci.  Surv. 
P.  Rico  &  Virgin  Isb]  11:  1-118,  ill.  *Dampf,  A.— Un 
Simulido  nuevo  de  Mexico,  procedente  de  Tiltepec,  estado 
de  Oaxaca.  [Rev.  Mex.  Biob]  7:  125-130,  ill.  Eltringham 
&  Hamm. — On  the  Production  of  Silk  by  Species  of  the 
Genus  Hilara.  [Proc.  R.  Soc.  Canada]  (B)  102:  327-338, 
ill.  *Enderlein,  G. — Dicladocera  hoppi  nov.  spec.,  eine  von 
Werner  Hopp  in  Siid-Peru  entdeckte  Tabanide.  (S)  [11] 
1927:  234-235.  Hardy,  G.  H.— On  the  phylogeny  of  some 
Diptera  Brachycera.  [Proc.  Lin.  New  S.  Wales]  52:  380- 
386.  *Muttkowski,  R.  A. — A  new  and  unusual  insect 
record  for  North  America.  (Detiterophlebiidae)  [19]  22: 
245-249,  ill.  Patterson,  J.  T. — Sexes  in  the  Cynipidae  and 
male-producing  and  female-producing  lines.  [92]  54:  201- 
211.  Shachov,  S.  D. — Ueber  das  Parasitieren  von  Agam- 
omermis  Stiles  bei  den  Mticken  Aedes  dorsalis  Mg.  und 
Aedes  cantans  Mg.  in  der  Umgegend  der  Stadt  Charkov. 
[Rev.  Russe  Ent.f  21  :  27-32,  ill.  *Seguy,  E.— Un  nouveati 
Calliphorine  de  la  Guyane  Franchise.  (S)  [24]  96:  2(>2. 
*Seguy,  E. — Description  d'une  nouvelle  espece  d'(  )rmia. 
(S)  [59]  (B.  II)  4:  16.  *Walley,  G.  S.— A  new  species 
of  Cricotopus  with  a  kev  to  the  genus.  (Chironomidae). 
[4]  60:  21-22. 

COLEOPTERA.— -Aurivillius,  C.— Xetie  oder  \venig 
bekannte  C"oleoi)tera  Longicornia.  (S)  [83]  1(>:  525-547. 
ill.  Banninger,  M.— Die  Ozacnini  (Carab.).  [11|  1<>27: 

134  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

177-216,  ill.  Bertrand,  H. — Captures  et  elevages  de  larves 
de  Coleopteres  aquatiques.  [24]  96:  241-246.  Bristowe, 
W.  S. — An  observation  on  the  copulation  of  Stylops. 
(Strepsiptera).  [8]  64:  4-5.  *Brown,  W.  J. — The  sub- 
genus  Platydericles  in  North  America.  [4]  60:  10-21. 
*Carr,  F.  S. — New  species  of  the  genus  Brychius.  [4]  60: 
23-26.  Csiki,  E. — Carabidae :  Carabinae  II.  [Coleopter- 
orum  Catalogivs]  92:  317-621.  Donisthorpe,  H. — The 
Copulation  of  Scraptia  fuscula,  Mull ;  and  a  case  of  ab- 
normal copulation  in  two  species  of  Staphylinidae  of 
different  genera.  [21]  40:  12.  Engelhardt,"  G.  P.— A 
breeding  record  of  the  Clerid  beetle  Cymatodera  balteata 
[19]  22:  253.  -Hatch,  M.  H.— Studies  on  the  carrion 
beetles  of  Minnesota,  including  new  species.  [Univ.  of 
Minn.  Agriq.  Exper.  Sta.]  Tech.  Bull.  48:  3-19.  Hervey, 
G.  E.  R. — A  European  Nitidulid,  Brachypterolus  pulicarius 
L.  (Niticlulidae).  [12]  20:  809-814,  ill.  Jeannel,  R.- 
Monographie  des  Trechinae.  [L'Abeille  Jour.  D'Eit.]  32: 
221-550,  ill.,  cont.  Kuzin,  B.  S. — Zur  geographischen 
Variabilitat  in  der  Gattung  Mylabris  Fabr.  (Meloidae). 
[Rev.  Russe  Ent.]  21:  17-26,  ill.  Luederwaldt,  H.— Passa- 
lus  tetraphyllu.s  e  um  Popilius.  [32]  3:  65-66.  *Pic,  M.— 
Nouveaux  Chauliognathus.  (S)  [24]  96:  240.  Pic,  M.— 
Phenpodidae,  Karumiidae.  [Coleopterorum  Catalogus]  94: 
3-8.  Reed,  H. — Some  observations  on  the  leaf-mining  flea- 
beetle  Dibolia  borealis  Chevrolat.  [7]  20:  540-548,  ill. 
*Reichensperger,  A. — Neue  Myrmekophilen  nebst  einigen 
Bemerkungen  zu  bekannten.  (Paus.  Clavig.  Hist.).  (S) 
[Tijds.  Voor  Ent.]  70:  303-311,  ill.  Schenkling,  S.- 
Plastoceridae,  Dicronychidae.  [Coleopterorum  Catalogus] 
93:  3-11.  Semenov-Tian-Shansky  &  Dobzhansky. — Die 
Larve  von  Sliphopsyllus  desmanae  Ols.,  Parasit  der 
Moschusratte,  als  Kriterium  seiner  genetischen  Beziehun- 
gen  und  seiner  systematischen  Stellung.  [Rev.  Russe  Ent.] 
21  :  8-15,  ill.  :|:Sweetman  &  Hatch. — Biological  notes  on 
Osmoderma  with  a  new  species  of  Ptiliidae  from  its  pupal 
case.  [19]  22:  264-266,  ill.  Thery,  A.— Etudes  sur  les 
Coleopteres  Buprestides  appartenant  aux  collections  des 
grands  musees.  [24]  96:  247-261. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Alpatov,  W.  W.— Zur  Systematik 
der  Ameisen.  (34)  75:  138-140.  Arnoldi,  K.  W.— Studien 
iiber  die  Systematik  der  Ameisen.  [34]  75:  123-137.  Bird, 
R.  D. — The  external  anatomy  of  the  larva  of  Hoplocampa 


halcyon  Xort.  with  a  key  to  the  instars  and  to  those  of 
related  species  (Tenthredinidae).  [7|  20:  481-486,  ill. 
*Borgmeier,  T. — Einige  neue  Ameisen  aus  Brasilien.  [34] 
75:  32-39,  ill.  Clausen,  C.  P. — The  bionomics  of  Anastatus 
alhitarsis  Ashm.,  parasitic  in  the  eggs  of  Dictyoploca 
japonica  Moore.  [7]  20:  461-472,  ill.  Cole,  M.  P.  -Formica 
sanguinea  takes  the  trail.  [Can.  Field-Nat]  41:  199-201. 
^Compere,  H. — Xew  Coccid-inhabiting  Chalcidoid  parasites 
from  Africa  and  California.  [67]  4:  209-230,  ill.  Griswold, 
G.  H. — The  development  of  Coccophagu-s  gossyparlae 
Gahan,  a  parasite  of  the  European  elm  scale.  [7]  20:  553- 
555.  Holmquist,  A.  M.^Xotes  on  the  life  history  and 
habits  of  the  mound-building  ant,  Fjormica  ulkei.  [84]  9: 
70-87,  ill.  Voukassovitch,  P. — Sur  I'accouplement  des 
Hymenopteres  parasites.  [24]  96:  263-269.  *Williams, 
F."  X. — Studies  in  Tropical  wasps — Their  hosts  and  asso- 
ciates (with  descriptions  of  new  species  of  Larra  from 
South  America).  [Bull.  Exp.  Sta.  Hawaii.  S.  P.  A.]  Ent. 
Ser.  No.  19:  179  pp.,  ill. 

The  long-expected   LIST  OF   THE   INSECTS   OF   NEW    YORK, 

WITH     A     LIST     OF    THE     SPIDERS     AND     CERTAIN     OTHER     ALLIED 

GROUPS  [Opiliones,  Eriophyidae,  Diplopoda,  Chilopoda  and 
Protura]  has  appeared  as  Memoir  101,  Cornell  University 
Agricultural  Experiment  Station.  Ithaca,  New  York,  Date  of 
publication,  Jan.,  1928.  1121  pp.,  a  folding  map  in  the  back 
cover. — The  history  of  this  List  is  given  by  the  editor,  Mor- 
timer Demarest  Leonard,  in  the  Introduction.  The  List  was 
"initiated  about  twelve  years  ago  by  a  committee  of  a  number 
of  the  leading  entomological  specialists.  .  .  .  Dr.  J.  Chester 
Bradley,  of  Cornell  University,  was  appointed  Editor-in-Chief 
....  and  a  group  of  subeditors  was  selected Pres- 
sure of  other  work  prevented  Dr.  Bradley  from  continuing 
in  charge,  and  the  present  editor  was  appointed  in  the  spring 
of  1923,  while  he  was  Acting  State  Entomologist  at  Albany, 
New  York.  The  Board  of  Editors  was  somewhat  modified 
for  various  reasons,  and  in  the  fall  of  1924,  the  work  was 
transferred  to  Cornell  University,  where  it  was  completed 
under  special  appropriation  by  the  New  York  State  College 
of  Agriculture  and  the  Heckscher  Research  Fund.  To  these 
funds  the  New  York  Academy  of  Science  added  $150  and  the 
New  York  Entomological  Society  a  like  amount."  Dr.  \Y. 
T.  M.  Forbes  gives  a  brief  account  of  the  Faunal  Districts  of 
the  State  (pp.  7-11)  accompanied  by  an  outline  map  in  the 
text.  The  list  of  31  orders,  430  families,  4,797  genera  and 

136  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '28 

16,124  species  follows  to  p.  1083.  15,449  of  the  species  are 
insects.  The  different  sections  of  the  work  were  farmed  out 
to  more  than  150  specialists  and  collectors,  who  have  brought 
the  data  together.  Under  each  species  the  known  localities 
and  dates  of  appearance  are  given.  The  character  of  the  list 
is  thus  similar  to  that  of  Smith's  Insects  of  Nczv  Jersey,  the 
1910  edition  of  which  embraced  331  families,  3,486  genera  and 
10,385  species.  At  the  end  of  the  volume  are  alphabetical 
lists  of  the  more  important  collecting  stations  not  in  the  U.  S. 
Official  Postal  Guide,  of  the  cooperators  and  authorities  and 
an  index  down  to  genera  inclusive,  which  alone  occupies  28 ^o 
pages  in  fine  type.  The  University,  the  Editors,  their  assist- 
ants and  collaborators  have  placed  all  naturalists  under  a  great 
debt  by  this  publication. — P.  P.  C. 


Announcement  has  just  come  of  the  death,  in  Paris,  on 
January  28,  1928,  of  FELIX  HENNEGUY.  This  news  is  re- 
ceived with  very  deep  regret,  although  it  was  not  entirely 
unexpected.  The  writer  saw  Henneguy  last  July  at  the  meet- 
ing of  the  Academy  of  Agriculture  in  Paris,  and  was  much 
disturbed  by  his  appearance.  He  looked  like  a  man  who  had 
not  long  to  live.  He  was  operated  upon  for  stone  in  the 
bladder  last  October,  and  never  recovered.  Henneguy  was 
born  in  Paris,  March  18,  1850,  and  was  destined  to  a  medical 
career.  He  was  an  assistant  in  physiology  at  Montpellier  from 
1871  to  1875,  and  took  his  doctorate  in  medicine  there.  '  He 
came  to  Paris  in  1881  and  was  preparator  in  comparative 
embryology  at  the  College  of  France.  He  studied  under 
Balbiani  and  was  given  a  doctorate  in  science  in  1888.  He 
became  Professor  of  Comparative  Embryology  in  1900.  He 
was  made  a  member  of  the  Academy  of  Medicine  in  1907,  and 
of  the  Academy  of  Sciences  in  1908,  succeeding  Alfred  Giard. 
Although  his  work  covered  a  large  field,  he  had  an  especial 
interest  in  entomology,  and  his  great  work,  Les  luscctcs,  a 
large,  well  illustrated  volume  of  eight  hundred  pages,  is  well 
known,  and  is  often  consulted  all  over  the  world.  It  was  pub- 
lished in  1904.  It  is  especially  strong  in  questions  of  morph- 
ology and  embryology,  and  is  one  of  the  great  books.  He 
also  published  some  shorter  entomological  papers.  A  brief 
review  of  his  life  and  work  was  given  by  the  President  of 
the  Academy  of  Agriculture  of  France  at  the  meeting  of 
February  1st.  L.  O.  HOWARD. 

MAY,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX 

No.  5 



Ferris — The  Genus  Myialges  (Acarina;  Sarcoptidae) 137 

Thierolf — The  Economic  Importance  of  Paratenodera  sinensis    (Or- 

thoptera:  Mantidae) 140 

Blatchley— Passing  the  Buck  in  Descriptions  of  Insects 146 

Townsend — On  the  Structure,   Host  Habit,  Affinity  and  Geographic 

Range  of  Beskia  (Diptera  :  Tachinidae) 150 

Townsend — Schistocercophaga,  New  Genus  of  Locust  Parasites  (Lar- 

vaevoridae)  (Diptera:  Tachinidae) 152 

Practical  Hint  for  Breeding  Lepidoptera 

Invitation  from  Prof.  E.  O.  Essig 

Chamberlin — Some  Chilopods  and  Diplopods  from  Missouri 

Hungerford — Aquatic  Hemiptera  from  New  Mexico  and  Georgia,  In- 
cluding a  New  Species  of  Corixidae 156 

Dr.  Felt  retires  as  State  Entomologist 157 

Hiestand— A  New  Kind  of  Moth  Trap  ....       .        158 

Entomological  Literature 161 

Obituary — Charles  Walter  Howard 167 



Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  r 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors;  John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J,  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 
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Plate  III. 

MYIALGES  CAULOTOON,  A-D,  F,  G,  I,  K.     M.  ANCHORA,  E,  H,  J.-FERRIS. 


VOL.  XXXIX  MAY,  1928  No.  5 

The  Genus  Myialges  (Acarina  :  Sarcoptidae). 

By  G.  F.  FERRIS,  Stanford  University,  California. 

Plate    ITT. 

The  members  of  the  mite  family  Sarcoptidae  are  character- 
istically parasites  of  mammals.  However,  a  single  genus, 
Myialges,  with  two  known  species,  occurs  on  flies  of  the  family 
Hippoboscidae.  The  two  named  species  were  originally  record- 
ed from  Africa  in  1907,  and  as  far  as  I  have  been  able  to 
determine  there  have  been  no  additions  to  the  knowledge  of 
the  genus  since. 

In  the  course  of  working  over  a  rather  large  amount  of 
material  belonging  to  the  Hippoboscidae,  I  have  upon  three 
occasions  met  with  these  mites.  Two  species  are  included  in 
the  material  at  hand.  The  existing  descriptions  omit  reference 
to  some  structures  of  specific  importance  and  it  is  possible 
that  the  forms  at  hand  are  new,  but  I  am  disposed  to  believe 
that  this  is  not  the  case  and  to  refer  my  material  to  these 
named  species. 

It  is  not  possible  to  add  anything  to  the  knowledge  of  the 
biology  of  the  species,  but  the  descriptions  may  be  considerably 
amplified  and  as  the  genus  has  not  appeared  in  American  lit- 
erature I  shall  here  review  what  is  known  of  its  biology. 

Subfamily   MYIALGESINAE  Trouessart. 
1907.    Trouessart,  Bull.  Soc.  Zool.  France  31 :128. 

Type  and  only  included  genus,  Myialges  Sergent  and  Troues- 

The  following  general  notes  apply  to  both  species. 

Thus  far,  except  for  the  first  stage  of  M.  anchora,  only  the 
adult  females  are  known.  These  are  found  attached  by  their 
beaks  to  the  body  of  the  fly  host.  In  the  case  of,  the  specimens 
which  I  have  myself  seen  all  but  one  were  attached  to  the 
abdomen,  this  one  being  on  the  thorax.  Sergent  and  Troues- 
sart record  them  as  occurring  on  both  parts  of  the  body.  That 




[May,  '28 

there  appears  a  very  small  chitinous  spot  which  encloses  a 
minute  opening  (fig.  Z).)  that  somewhat  suggests  a  spiracle. 
The  abdomen,  as  is  common  to  the  family,  is  marked  with 
fine  ridges.  In  the  figure  of  M.  caulotoon  (fig.  A}  I  have 
indicated  merely  what  a  student  of  finger  prints  would  call  the 
"deltas,  loops  and  arches"  of  the  pattern.  It  is  evident,  how- 
ever, that  these  are  variable  in  their  arrangement. 


Myialges  caulotoon  Speiser.  A,  female ;  B,  anterior  leg ; 
C,  venter  of  cephalothorax ;  D,  undetermined  structure  from 
lateral  aspect  of  abdomen  ;  F,  rostrum  ;  G,  chela ;  /,  second  leg ; 
K,  caroncle. 

Myialgcs  anchora  Sergent  and  Trouessart.  E,  ventral  aspect 
of  cephalothorax ;  H,  claw  of  anterior  leg.  J,  second  leg. 

The  Economic  Importance  of  Paratenodera  sinensis 

(Orthop. :  Mantidae).* 

By  WALTER  R.  THIEROLF,  Glenside,  Pennsylvania. 

(Continued    from    page    116). 

Table  2. 






Which  Ate 

Offered             Harm 

July     18 




(many)            1 

ants  (many) 

Aug.     19 



house  flies 

many                6 

Oct.       8 



1  owlet  moth 

caterpillar         2 

Oct.      10 



5  tent  cater- 

pillars             4 



15  tent  cater- 

pillars             4 



1  meas.  worm        1 

Oct.      12 



2  garden   spiders 



1  garden  spider 



1  cricket 





Insects  Eaten 
ul     Beneficial     Neutral 


0  3 

In  the  observations  recorded  in  table  2  the  freedom  of  the 
subjects  was  normal.  While  the  matter  of  accepting  food 
was  optional  the  selection  of  such  food  can  hardly  be  considered 
natural.  Of  the  thirty-four  specimens  observed  sixteen  con- 


sumed  twenty-one  insects,  eighteen  of  which  were  harmful  and 
three  neutral.  It  is  natural  to  assume  that  the  appetite  of  these 
free  specimens  was  more  nearly  normal  than  in  the  case  of 
the  confined  mantids.  The  periods  of  time  involved  in  these 
feedings  varied  from  a  few  minutes  to  several  hours.  On 
August  19th,  one  mantid  consumed  six  house  flies  in  one  hour. 
On  October  10th,  twenty-two  individuals  required  two  hours 
to  eat  eight  tent  caterpillars  and  a  measuring  worm.  In  this 
particular  instance  the  mantids  were  captured  in  an  open  field 
and  carried  to  a  tree  on  which  the  caterpillars  were  feeding. 
The  excitement  factor  due  to  heing  handled  must  be  taken  into 
account  as  a  possible  cause  affecting  appetite,  also  possibly  the 
presence  of  numbers  of  specimens,  for  at  this  time  the  mating 
instinct  was  at  a  high  ebb  and  sex  stimulation  together  with 
the  antagonistic  attitudes  of  the  males  toward  one  another  may 
have  had  a  negative  influence  upon  feeding.  It  should  be 
noted  that  during  these  observations  one  pair  of  mantids  en- 
gaged in  copulation  and  several  combats  ensued  among  the 

The  second  table  would  undoubtedly  indicate  a  high  degree 
of  efficiency  of  Paratenodera  sincnsis  on  the  beneficial  side  of 
the  balance.  The  same  conclusion  would  be  drawn  from  the 
first  table  of  results.  It  now  remains  to  be  seen  whether  the 
same  type  of  insect  food  is  selected  during  11011  confinement 
and  freedom  of  food  selection. 

Table  3 

Mantids  Mantids  Insects  Eaten 

Date  Observed         Which  Ate  Harmful  Beneficial  Neutral 

Sept.     11  20  1  2  honey  bees 

1  honey  bee 
1  1  butterfly        1  honey  bee 

Sept.     12  20  1  2  honey  bees     1  wasp 

1  honey  bee 
1  honey  bee 
1  honey  bee 
1  honey  bee 
1  honey  bee 

Sept.     16  1  11  grasshopper 

Oct.  1  1  2  caterpillars 

Totals  42  11  4  11  1 

142  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

From  an  economic  viewpoint  the  results  of  the  third  series 
of  observations  as  recorded  in  table  3,  are  of  importance.  Of 
the  forty-two  mantids  enjoying  absolute  freedom  eleven  ate 
sixteen  insects,  eleven  of  which  were  beneficial,  four  harmful, 
and  one  neutral.  In  the  preceding  table,  where  a  decided  ca- 
pacity for  harmful  insects  was  noted,  no  insects  of  a  beneficial 
type  were  offered.  In  this  series  of  observations,  which  were 
made  in  an  open  field  overgrown  with  flowering  golden  rod, 
evening  primrose,  and  other  weeds,  bees  were  decidedly  pre- 
dominant in  number,  though  other  insects  observed  within  the 
range  of  the  mantids  were  ants,  aphids,  mosquitoes,  fireflies, 
caterpillars,  house  flies,  butterflies,  moths,  spiders,  blister 
beetles,  lady  beetles,  ground  beetles,  grasshoppers  and  wasps. 

There  seems  to  have  been  undoubted  evidence  of  a  preference 
for  bees  as  well  as  a  striking  adaptation  iH  the  selection  of  an 
environment  which  was  particularly  attractive  to  bees.  The 
time  factor  varied,  the  observation  of  September  llth  cover- 
ing one  hour  and  fifteen  minutes  and  that  of  September  12th 
two  hours  and  fifteen  minutes. 

It  would  be  unfair  to  reduce  such  meagre  results  to  terms 
of  bee  destructive  capacity  for  a  season,  yet  it  may  be  readily 
seen  that  a  few  mantids  in  the  vicinity  of  an  apiary  would 
wreak  destructive  havoc  in  a  short  time. 

Table  4 

Number  of  Man-  Insects  Eaten 

Group  tids  Feeding  Harmful  Beneficial  Neutral  Total 
Confined  and 

artificially   fed  10  24                1                2            27 
Unconfined  and 

insect   baited  16  18                0                3            21 

Unrestricted  freedom  11  4               11                 1             16 

Totals  37  46              12               6            64 

While  there  has  been  no  definite  correlation  of  these  three 
types  of  observations  which  are  summarized  in  table  4,  it  may 
be  interesting  to  note  that  the  thirty-seven  feeding  mantids  ate 
forty-six  harmful,  twelve  beneficial  and  six  neutral  insects 
during  the  time  they  were  under  observation.  The  figures  in 
connection  with  the  group  in  unrestricted  freedom  naturally 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  143 

bear  the  most  damaging  evidence  against  Paratenodera  sinensis 
as  an  economic  factor. 


With  reference  to  food  eaten,  the  preceding  methods  have 
been  both  qualitative  and  quantitative  in  nature.  The  stomach 
analysis  method  is  entirely  qualitative,  since  no  effort  was  made 
to  determine  the  number  of  any  species  of  insect  present. 

Table  5 
of  Mantid  Food  Identified 

1  Lepidopter,  sawfly* 

2  grasshopper,  honey,  bee,  Lepidopter 

3  nothing  identified 

4  Lepidopter 

5  grasshopper,  Lepidopter,  spiders* 

6  nothing  identified 

7  honey  bee,  Lepidopter 

8  honey  bee,  Lepidopter 

9  honey  bee,  Lepidopter,   spider* 

10  honey  bee,  Lepidopter 

11  honey  bee,  Lepidopter,   wasp 

12  honey  bee,  Lepidopter 

13  grasshopper 

14  honey  bee,   Lepidopter,   wasp 

15  honey  bee,  Lepidopter 

16  honey  bee,   Lepidopter,   wasp 

17  honey  bee,   Lepidopter,   wasp,    Ichneumonoid* 

18  honey  bee,  lady  beetle,  wasp 

19  honey  bee,  wasp 

20  caterpillar,  honey  bee 

21  grasshopper,  honey  bee,  Lepidopter,   Hetcropteron* 

22  honey  bee,  Lepidopter,*   sawfly* 

23  caterpillar,  grasshopper 

24  nothing  identified 

25  caterpillar,  grasshopper,  honey  bee 

26  caterpillar,  honey  bee,   hornet,   Lepidoptera 

27  grasshopper,  honey  bee 

28  caterpillar 

29  caterpillar,  grasshopper,   honey   bee,   Lepidopter,    Ichneumonoid* 

30  caterpillar 

31  caterpillar,  grasshopper,  honey   bee,    Lepidopter 

32  caterpillar,    Lepidopter 

33  caterpillar,  grasshopper,  honey  bee,  Lepidopter 

34  grasshopper,  spider* 

35  fly,  honey  bee,  wasp 

*  Identification  of  starred  parts  was  accomplished  through  the 
courtesy  of  Dr.  W.  C.  Henderson,  Chief  of  the  Bureau  of  Biological 
Survey,  Washington,  D.  C.,  whose  assistance  was  procured  by  Dr. 
Philip  P.  Calvert,  of  the  Department  of  Zoology,  University  of  Penn- 
sylvania, under  whose  direction  this  thesis  was  prepared. 

144  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

The  results  of  this  check-up  which  are  listed  in  table  5,  would 
seem  to  be  the  most  summary  evidence  of  feeding  habits; 
however,  they  must  not  be  considered  exhaustive  because  of 
the  large  number  of  parts  unidentifiable. 

The  alimentary  tract  was  removed  and  divided  into  three 
sections,  the  oesophagus  and  gizzard,  the  stomach  and  the  in- 
testine. The  contents  of  these  sections  were  spread  out  on 
watch  glasses  and  microscopically  examined  for  such  parts  as 
mandibles,  maxillae,  tarsi,  claws,  sections  of  legs,  antennae, 
stings,  hairs,  scales  and  various  other  bits  of  characteristic 
chitin  that  could  be  traced  to  their  original  possessors.  Since 
very  few  parts  were  found  in  the  oesophagus  and  because  of 
the  similarity  of  parts  found  in  the  stomach  and  intestine,  the 
results  tabulated  are  for  the  alimentary  tract  as  a  whole. 

Expressed  in  summary  form,  of  the  thirty-five  alimentary 
tracts  examined  twenty-three  indicated  bee  food,  twenty-one 
butterfly  or  moth  as  indicated  by  Lepidopter,  ten  caterpillar, 
one  fly,  two  sawfly,  two  Ichneumonoid,  one  Heteropteron, 
eleven  grasshopper,  one  hornet,  one  lady  beetle,  seven  wasp, 
three  spider.  The  first  twenty-three  specimens  were  taken 
from  an  open  field  on  September  16th  and  the  remaining  twelve 
were  taken  from  the  same  locality  October  2nd.  At  the  time 
the  latter  group  was  captured  the  blossom  stage  of  golden  rod 
and  evening  primrose  was  on  the  wane,  and  bees,  wasps  and 
butterflies  were  less  in  evidence,  having  been  supplanted  by 
larger  numbers  of  caterpillars  and  grasshoppers.  This  change 
of  food  was  decidedly  noticeable  in  the  alimentary  tract  exam- 

Table  6 

Insect  ] 
Number  of   Mantids         in 










Foods  Indicated 

Percentage  of  Mantids 

imentary   Tract 

Eating  Indicated  Food 

honey  bee 












lady  beetle 












XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  145 

In  table  6  are  indicated  the  number  of  mantids  whose  ali- 
mentary tract  contained  the  remains  of  insects  specified,  and 
also  the  percentage  of  mantids  examined  which  ate  that  par- 
ticular kind  of  insect. 

The  results  of  these  observations  show  conclusively  that 
large  numbers  of  mantids  are  depredators  among  the  bees 
and  that  they  destroy  beneficial  Ichneumonoids.  They  show 
the  mantis  also  to  be  extremely  helpful  to  man  by  destroying 
butterflies  and  moths,  caterpillars  their  direct  descendants,  grass- 
hoppers and  sawflies.  The  other  types  of  insects  eaten  are 
representative  of  both  beneficial  and  harmful  sides  of  the 
economic  scale.  Whether  they  should  be  definitely  classed  as 
harmful  or  beneficial  depends  upon  the  relative  numbers  of 
each  type  of  victim  consumed  and  upon  our  evaluation  of  these 
respective  victims. 

As  a  result  of  a  more  or  less  quantitative  observation,  F.  C. 
Hadden  ('27)  states  that  "theoretically  mantids  should  be  and 
probably  are.  more  beneficial  than  harmful,  for  it  is  the  com- 
mon, harmful  insects  that  they  catch  in  greatest  numbers." 
Among  the  insects  eaten  by  the  mantis  he  includes  four  species 
of  Orthoptera,  one  species  of  Homoptera,  three  species  of 
Lepidoptera,  fifteen  species  of  Diptera  and  six  species  of 
Hymenoptera,  though  he  does  not  state  whether  these  insects 
were  fed  to  the  mantids  or  whether  they  were  taken  freely  in 
the  wild. 

The  fact  that  the  insect  victims  of  mantids  are  so  extremely 
varied  would  appear  to  make  them  worthy  agents  in  nature's 
plan  to  retain  a  normal  balance  in  insect  life. 


Didlake,  Mary.  1926.  Observations  on  the  life  histories  of 
two  species  of  Praying  Mantis.  Ent.  News,  vol.  37. 

Hadden,  F.  C.  1927.  A  list  of  insects  eaten  by  the  mantis 
Paratenodera  sinensis  (Sauss.).  Proc.  Hawaiian  Ent.  Soc., 
vol.  6. 

Ran,  I'hil,  and  Ran,  Nellie.  1913.  The  biology  of  Stagmo- 
mantis  Carolina.  Trans.  Acad.  Sci.,  St.  Louis,  vol.  22. 

Rnmmel,  Charles.  192n.  <  )bstrvations  of  polygamous  and 
supposedly  cannibalistic  insects  of  the  order  Orthoptera.  Bull. 
Brooklyn  Ent.  Soc.,  vol.  21. 

146  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

Passing  the  Buck  in  Descriptions  of  Insects. 

By  W.  S.  BLATCHLEY,  Indianapolis,  Indiana. 

During  the  six  years  spent  in  the  preparation  of  the  man- 
uscript of  my  work  on  the  Heteroptera  of  Eastern  North 
America  I  was  obliged  to  borrow,  or  probably  I  should  say 
"tried  to  borrow,"  examples  of  numerous  species  not  repre- 
sented in  my  collection  in  order  that  I  might  draw  up  from 
them  in  my  own  words  descriptions  suitable  for  the  character 
of  the  work  which  I  was  preparing.  That  work,  as  well  as 
my  other  manuals,  was  intended  mainly  for  the  use  of  tyros 
or  beginning  students,  and  also  for  busy  economic  entomologists 
who  desire  to  find  out  as  quickly  as  possible  the  name  of  some 
insect  in  hand.  On  a  number  of  occasions  I  was  asked  by 
persons,  who  did  not  particularly  care  to  lend  me  specimens, 
why  I  did  not  use  descriptions  already  in  print.  As  an 
example  of  these,  and  to  make  the  purpose  of  this  paper  more 
clear,  I  will  quote  the  following  specific  instance : 

In  1925  there  appeared  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  U.  S. 
National  Museum  an  excellent  work  for  specialists  entitled 
"Revision  of  American  Bugs  of  the  Reduviid  Subfamily 
Ploiariinae,"  by  Messrs.  McAtee  &  Malloch.  It  is  a  difficult 
group,  and  there  were  a  number  of  the  species  described  from 
the  eastern  United  States  which  were  not  in  my  collection. 
I  therefore  wrote  to  Mr.  McAtee  and  asked  for  the  loan  of 
.representatives  of  eleven  of  these.  A  few  days  later  I  had 
a  reply  from  Mr.  A.  Wetmore,  Assistant  Secretary  of  the 
Museum,  stating  that  examples  of  five  of  the  species  were 
being  sent  me  (the  others  being  represented  in  the  museum 
by  single  specimens)  and  adding:  "We  are  somewhat  sur- 
prised to  notice  your  request  for  the  loan  of  this  material, 
inasmuch  as  the  Museum  has  recently  published  a  paper  by 
McAtee  &  Malloch  treating  all  the  Nearctic  species  of  this 
subfamily.  Certain  workers1  who  use  this  paper  find  it  very 
satisfactory  and  we  had  hoped  it  would  be  of  service  to  all 
workers  in  the  preparation  of  local  lists  and  in  obtaining 
definite  characters  for  the  identification  of  the  various  species." 

1The  Italics  are  mine. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  147 

I  replied,  stating  to  Mr.  Wetmore  the  nature  of  the  work 
which  I  was  preparing  and  that  I  desired  the  specimens  to 
draw  up  new  descriptions  which  would  show  correctly  and  in 
detail  both  color  and  structural  characters.  I  also  cited  him 
to  certain  features  in  the  McAtee-Malloch  paper  which  render 
it  in  some  respects  practically  useless  to  beginners.  A  few 
of  these,  briefly  stated,  are  as  follows : 

EMPICORIS  ORTHONEUROX  n.  sp.,  p.  18 — "Similar  to  erra- 
bitiuins  in  color  except  that,"  etc. 

EMPICORIS  RETICULATIS  n.  sp.,  p.  20 — "Similar  to  crrabundus 
in  color,  the  spots  at  apices  of  hind  wings  very  distinct." 

EMPICORIS  CULICIFORMIS  (DeGeer),  p.  25 — "In  color  it 
agrees  very  closely  with  crrabundus  but  it  is  distinguished 
structurally  as  indicated  in  the  key." 

EMPICORIS  ERRABUNDUS2  (Say),  p.  24 — In  neither  the  de- 
scription nor  the  key  is  any  reference  made  to  the  color  of 
this  species  except  that  the  "hind  wings  are  spotted  with  black 
apically."  In  other  words,  the  authors  presuppose  that  every 
person  using  their  paper  has  at  hand  correctly  named  examples 
of  the  insect  they  call  Empicoris  errabundus  Say.  If  he  does 
not  have  these,  and  not  one  beginning  student  in  one  hundred 
will  have  them,  the  descriptions  of  the  first  three  species  above 
named  are  entirely  worthless  as  far  as  color  goes.  This  kind 
of  a  description  is  what  I  term,  to  use  a  slang  expression  now 
very  much  in  vogue,  "passing  the  buck,"  not  only  from  one 
species  to  another,  but  passing  it  also  to  the  innocent  student. 

There  are  numerous  other  instances  of  the  kind  in  the 
McAtee-Malloch  paper,  but  the  most  flagrant  examples  of  this 
"buck  passing,"  which  I  happened  upon  during  my  studies  of 
the  Heteroptera,  are  in  a  paper  by  H.  H.  Knight  in  Bulletin 
Brooklyn  Entomological  Society,  XV,  1920,  pp.  49-66,  entitled 
"New  and  Little  Known  Specie's  of  I'hytocoris  from  the 
Eastern  United  States."  A  few  words  of  explanation  in  re- 
gard to  this : 

In  1876  O.  M.  Renter,  a  noted  European  Hemipterist  and 

2The  E.  tuberatlatiis  Banks,  p.  518  of  the  "Heteroptera  of  E.  N. 

148  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

afterward  world  authority  on  the  family  Miridae,  described3 
from  Texas,  a  species  of  Mirid  under  the  name  Phytocoris 
eximius.  In  1909  Renter  sent  to  the  U.  S.  National  Museum 
a  specimen  under  the  name  of  P.  eximius  which  he  had  com- 
pared with  the  type  in  the  Stockholm  Museum.  In  the  same 
year  he  redescribed4  P.  eximius  from  specimens  which  Knight 
states  "were  apparently  a  different  species,  being  a  form  with 
irrorate  membrane."  Knight,  in  the  paper  above  cited,  used 
specimens  from  the  eastern  United  States  which  he  had  com- 
pared with  the  paratype  of  a  Texas  species  in  the  U.  S.  Nat. 
Museum,  and  which  he  says  does  not  agree  with  Renter's 
second  description,  to  draw  up  a  two-page  description  of  what 
he  (Knight)  calls  P.  eximius,  but  which  he  admits  in  the  notes 
which  follow,  may  not  be  that  species.  On  the  subsequent 
pages  Knight  describes  ten  new  species,  viz.,  P.  brcvifurcatus, 
salicis,  neglcctus,  spicatus,  cortitectus,  buenoi,  pcnipcctus,  pec- 
tinatus,  obtectus  and  conspurcatus,  beginning  the  description 
of  each  of  them  with  the  words  "Resembles  eximius,"  or  "Very 
similar  to  eximius,"  and  giving  otherwise  only  a  few  charac- 
ters pertaining  to  the  color  or  male  genitalia,  in  which  it  differs 
from  his  detailed  description  of  his  supposed  eximius.  There 
are  no  keys  to  separate  the  species  and  unless  a  student  knows 
that  he  has  at  hand  for  comparison  specimens  of  the  supposed 
eximius  described  by  Knight,  the  descriptions  given  are  wholly 
worthless,  except  to  validate  the  new  species  for  Knight  and 
other  specialists  who  have  paratypes  at  hand.  On  pages  634 
and  638-640  of  the  "Hemiptera  of  Connecticut,"  these  deficient 
descriptions  are  copied  verbatim  from  Knight's  1920  paper, 
but  in  this  work  they  are  accompanied  by  a  key  which  will  help 
the  student  to  pass  on  them.  On  page  639  he  describes  another 
new  species,  P.  husseyi.  In  the  description  of  this  he  gives 
the  color  of  pronotum  and  elytra  as  "nearly  as  in  crcctus,"  and 
when  we  turn  to  crcctus  on  the  next  page,  we  find,  "very 
similar  to  husseyi  in  size  and  coloration,"  thus  giving  the 
"buck"  plenty  of  exercise. 

3Capsinae  ex  America  boreali  in  Museo  Holmiensi  asservatae. 
Ofv.  sv.  Vet.-Ak.  Forh.  XXXII,  p.  67. 

4Bemerkungen  ueber  Nearctische  Capsiden.  Acta  Soc.  Sci. 
Fennicae,  XXXVI,  No.  2,  p.  23. 


In  a  number  of  other  instances  Knight  has  indulged  in 
this  pastime  of  "passing  the  buck"  in  his  descriptions,  notably 
in  his  treatment  of  the  species  of  Lopidca,  Plagiognathus  and 
Deraeocoris  in  his  various  isolated  papers  on  these  genera,  and 
in  the  treatment  of  these  same  genera  in  the  Hemiptera  of 
Connecticut.  In  my  work  on  Heteroptera  I  was  obliged  to 
copy  verbatim  some  of  these  deficient  descriptions,  as  I  was 
unable  to  borrow  specimens,  but  wished  to  include  the  species 
in  my  book. 

Mr.  E.  P.  Van  Duzee,  in  his  "Monograph  of  the  North 
American  Species  of  OrtJwtyhis,"  has  also  "passed  the  buck" 
in  a  number  of  his  descriptions,  using  the  older  species  0. 
dorsalis  (Prov.),  O.  flavosparus  (Sahib.),  and  others,  as  a 
basis  for  his  "Very  similar  to".  He  even  goes  farther,  as  he 
describes  as  new  Ortlwtylus  angulatus  bninncns  as  a  "sub- 
species" and  then  uses  that  form  as  the  basis  of  comparison  for 
O.  cuncatus,  O.  pullatus  and  O.  latcralis,  three  new  species 
which  he  also  describes  and  then  again  uses  latcralis  as  a  basis 
for  two  others.  Probably  no  one  on  earth  except  Van  Duzee 
has  at  hand  for  comparison,  determined  specimens  of  his  var. 
brunnens  and  species  lateralis.  Of  what  benefit  therefore  are 
his  "very  similar  to"  descriptions  of  the  other  species? 

It  is  not  only  among  Hemipterists  that  this  "buck  passing" 
is  in  vogue,  but  among  other  entomologists  as  well.  I  have 
recently  prepared  an  "Annotated  List  of  the  Scarabaeidae  of 
Florida,"  and  in  its  preparation  ran  across  numerous  examples. 
Casey,  in  his  "Review  of  the  American  Species  of  Rutelinae, 
Dynastinae  and  Cetoninae5,"  almost  equals  Knight  in  the  festive 
game.  A  single  example  from  his  work  will  suffice.  In  the 
genus  Ligyrodcs  the  variations  of  the  claws  of  the  front  tarsi 
of  the  males  are  used  in  classification.  In  his  description  of 
his  new  species  L.  quadripennis  on  p.  182,  he  states:  "the 
larger  claw  of  the  male  as  in  rclictu-s."  The  next  species  he 
mentions  is  L.  relictus  (Say),  and  in  the  description  he  says 
"the  larger  claw  of  the  male  as  in  the  preceding."  How  much 
knowledge  is  available  to  the  student  in  these  two  statements? 

5Memoirs  VI,  1915. 

150  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

Many  other  instances  of  this  "buck  passing"  could  be 
cited.  Perhaps  all  systematists,  myself  included,  have  indulged 
in  it  at  times.  However,  its  commonness  and  cussedness  is 
never  forcibly  brought  to  mind  until  one  has  to  use  extensively 
and  intensively  the  descriptions  of  others  in  which  it  occurs. 
In  my  later  years  I  have  come  to  believe,  and  have  tried  to 
practice  the  belief,  that  the  description  of  every  species,  new 
or  old,  should  "stand  on  its  own  bottom,"  i.  e.,  should  be  com- 
plete within  itself,  without  reference  to  another  species,  unless 
the  other  be  one  well  known  and  of  wide  distribution  as,  for 
instance,  Passolus  cornutus  Fabr.  or  Papilio  aja.v  L.  Then, 
in  the  notes  following  the  description,  the  author  can  make 
his  comparisons  and  draw  his  deductions  ad  libitum  without 
fear  of  being  accused  of  "passing  the  buck." 

On  the  Structure,  Host  Habit,  Affinity  and  Geogra- 
phic Range  of  Beskia  (Dipt.  :  Tachinidae). 


The  sexes  of  Beskia  were  not  certainly  distinguished  by 
Brauer  &  Bergenstamm  when  they  described  B.  cornuta. 
Neither  sex  has  proclinate  frontoorbitals,  but  both  have  one 
reclinate  frontoorbital.  Other  head  characters  are  very  similar 
in  the  two  sexes,  but  the  male  has  the  third  antennal  joint 
much  elongated  and  widened,  produced  heavily  on  front  apical 
angle  in  form  of  the  blade  of  a  pruning  knife.  The  external 
genitalia  are  usually  retracted  in  dried  specimens  so  that  their 
true  character  is  not  readily  evident.  The  female  has  a  sharp 
piercer  of  the  ordinary  short  type,  the  base  of  which  is  over- 
lapped by  an  emarginate,  hairy,  scale-like  structure  that  usually 
stands  out  in  profile.  This  structure  is  the  larvipositor  guide, 
borne  dorsally,  the  vagina  opening  between  its  base  and  the 
base  of  the  piercer.  It  functions  during  larviposition  to  direct 
the  ejected  maggot  through  the  puncture  made  by  the  piercer. 

Nothing  is  so  far  certainly  known  as  to  the  host,  but  in 
1908  Mr.  E.  O.  G  Kelly  found  on  wheat  in  Pawnee,  Okla- 
homa, a  larva  or  pupa  from  which  a  specimen  of  Beskia  aclops 


issued  later.  The  following  extracts  from  correspondence 
refer  to  this  specimen : 

"The  pupa  was  collected  on  wheat  and  the  adult  reared. 
The  supposition  is  that  the  larva  was  feeding  upon  aphids" 
(F.  M.  Webster,  February  8,  1909). 

Reared  from  a  larva  found  "in  the  act  of  actually  feeding 
on  a  grain  aphid  on  wheat,  probably  Macrosiphum  granaria" 
(F.  M.  Webster,  February  13,  1909). 

Mr.  Kelly's  notice  was  attracted  to  this  larva  "from  the 
fact  that  it  seemed  quite  different  from  syrphid  larvae  which 
are  common  among  aphids  on  grains"  (F.  M.  Webster,  Feb- 
ruary 18,  1909). 

Since  the  Dcskia  female  has  a  sharp  piercer,  it  is  quite  out 
of  the  question  that  the  Bcskia  larva  should  feed  externally 
on  aphids.  The  indications  are  that  the  female  of  Bcskia 
injects  a  living  first-stage  maggot  within  the  body  of  syrphid 
larvae  which  feed  on  aphids. 

On  September  23,  1911,  Mr.  E.  S.  Tucker  found  in  axils 
of  rice  leaves  at  Crowley,  Louisiana,  two  puparia  of  Bcskia 
aclops.  One  was  empty,  but  the  fly  issued;  five  days  later  from 
the  other.  In  each  case  the  puparium  was  pressed  as  deeply 
as  possible  into  the  axil  with  the  anal  end  lowermost. 

The  anal  stigmata  of  the  last-stage  maggot  and  puparium 
of  Bcskia  are  borne  on  a  pair  of  stout,  elongate,  divergent 
tubercles,  approximated  at  base  and  rugose  on  their  external 
surfaces.  The  respiratory  area  is  rather  reniform  and  shows 
three  more  or  less  distinct  divisions,  the  whole  area  of  one 
tubercle  bearing  from  twelve  to  twenty-eight  microscopic 
geminate  warts  irregularly  disposed. 

Bcskia  evidently  belongs  in  the  family  Phasiidae,  subfamily 
Phaniinae,  tribe  Cylindromyiini,  forming  a  well-marked  sub- 
tribe  with  Hcmyda,  Ei'ibrissa,  Epigrimyia  and  certain  other 

Bcskia  aclops  ranges  as  far  north  as  Virginia  and  B.  cor  nut  a 
as  far  south  as  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  Both  reach  Mexico  and 
aclops  may  continue  farther  south. 

152  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

Schistocercophaga,  New  Genus  of  Locust  Parasites 
(Larvaevoridae)  (Dipt.  :  Tachinidae). 

Schistocercophaga  n.  gen. 

Differs  from  Hypophorinia  as  follows :  Facial  profile  reced- 
ing, bulged ;  f acialia  nearly  on  edge,  sharp ;  male  third  antennal 
joint  four  times  the  second;  face  and  front  nearly  equilateral; 
f  rentals  stopping  at  base  of  antennae ;  two  reclinate  f ronto-or- 
bitals  in  male ;  f  rontalia  width  in  middle  equal  to  paraf  rontalia 
width  at  same  point ;  paraf  acialia  narrow ;  one  preacrostichal 
and  two  postacrostichals ;  median  discals  on  intermediate 
abdominal  segments ;  discal  row  on  anal  segment. 

Genotype,  Oedcmatoccra  dampfi  Aldrich,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc. 
Wash.,  XXIX,  17,  Southern  Mexico  and  Guatemala. 

Schistocercophaga  dampfi  is  a  parasite  of  Schistoccrca  para- 
nensis,  the  migratory  locust  of  tropical  America.  It  evidently 
belongs  in  the  tribe  Phoriniini  and  is  far  removed  from  Ocde- 


— '  »»»  ' — 

Practical  Hint  for  Breeding  Lepidoptera. 

Many  butterflies  have  the  habit  of  emerging  from  their  co- 
coons at  night,  so  that  breeders  have  had  to  sit  up  with  their 
charges  until  all  hours  in  order  to  prevent  them  from  fluttering 
about  their  cages  and  damaging  their  delicate  wings.  Herr 
Julius  Stephan,  a  German  naturalist,  avoids  this  nocturnal 
labor  by  artificially  hastening  nightfall.  At  two  or  three  in  the 
afternoon  he  transfers  the  cocoons  to  a  dark  cool  place,  and 
the  insects  soon  begin  to  display  their  normal  night-reaction. 
By  7  o'clock  all  that  are  due  to  emerge  that  day  will  have  put 
in  their  appearance.  Science  News  in  Science,  April  6,  1928. 

Invitation  from  Prof.  E.  O.  Essig. 

Beginning  May  14th  and  continuing  until  June  24,  1928,  E. 
O.  Essig  will  conduct  a  University  of  California  course  in  field 
entomology  in  the  Yosemite  National  Park,  with  headquarters 
at  the  new  Yosemite  Park  Museum.  From  July  1st  to  August 
1st  of  the  same  season  he  will  be  at  his  permanent  summer 
camp  at 'Echo  Lake,  in  the  High  Sierras,  7,500  feet  altitude, 
eleven  miles  from  Lake  Tahoe.  Entomologists  visiting  Cali- 
fornia are  cordially  invited  to  call  on  Prof.  Essig  at  either 
of  the  above  places  and  he  will  be  very  glad  to  assist  them  in 
the  various  types  of  entomological  work  in  those  regions. 


Some  Chilopods  and  Diplopods  from  Missouri. 


The  notes  of  the  present  paper  are  based  upon  a  small  col- 
lection of  chilopods  and  diplopods  transmitted  to  me  for  iden- 
tification by  Miss  Mary  J.  Brown.  It  seems  desirable  to 
publish  them  both  because  few  species  of  these  groups  have 
been  recorded  from  the  state  and  because  the  collection  includes 
several  previously  undescribed  species.  All  of  the  material 
was  collected  by  Miss  Brown  at  St.  Charles  during  1926  and 
1927.  All  type  specimens  of  the  new  forms  are  in  the 
author's  personal  collection. 


THEATOPS  SPINICAUDUS    (Wood).     One   specimen   April   16, 

OTOCRYPTOPS  SEXSPINOSUS   (Say).     Two  specimens,  in   1926 

and  one  in  1927 


LINOTAENIA  BRANNERI  Bollman.     Two  specimens,  1927. 
LINOTAENIA  BIDENS  (Wood).     One  specimen,  1927. 



Geophilus  missouriensis,  sp.  nov. 

The  general  color  of  the  holotype  as  preserved  in  alcohol 
is  reddish  yellow  above,  with  legs  yellow.  In  life  the  color 
may  have  been  distinctly  red  as  usual  in  G.  nwrda.v.  Cephalic 
plate  broad,  the  caudal  margin  truncate,  the  anterior  margin 
obtusely  angular ;  frontal  plate  set  off  behind  by  a  distinct  pale 
line.  Basal  plate  overlapped  anteriorly  by  cephalic  plate,  the 
exposed  portion  at  base  about  four  times  as  wide  as  median 
length,  but  exposed  along  sides  of  rounded  corners  of  cephalic 
plate.  Prehensors  when  closed  surpassing  anterior  end  of  head, 
attaining  distal  end  of  first  antennal  joint;  joints  unarmed 
excepting  for  a  minute  denticle  at  base  of  each  claw;  all  joints 
very  shoVt.  Anterior  ventral  plates  deeply  depressed  or  pitted 
at  middle.  Spiracles  all  circular,  very  gradually  decreasing  in 
size  from  the  first  caudad.  Last  ventral  plate  very  wide,  sides 
nearly  parallel,  the  caudal  margin  a  little  convex.  Pleural 
pores  about  six  along  each  edge  of  ventral  plate  and  partly 
covered  by  the  latter,  the  most  caudal  pore  a  little  largest, 

154  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

and  in  addition  a  single  pore  above,  adjacent  to  tergite.  Anal 
pores  distinct.  Anal  legs  with  claws  long  and  slender.  Pairs 
of  legs  in  the  holotype,  a  female,  75.  Length,  38  mm. 

The  holotype,  the  only  specimen  taken,  was  collected  in  1926, 
at  St.  Charles,  Missouri. 

NADABIUS  IOWENSIS  (Meinert).     Three  specimens,  1927 


TIGANOGONA,  gen.  nov. 

Agreeing  with  Clcidogona  in  general  characteristics :  the 
body  consisting  of  30  segments,  with  carinae  and  setigerous 
tubercles  obsolete;  ocelli  numerous  and  well-developed,  forming 
a  triangular  patch  on  each  side  of  the  head ;  antennae  long 
and  filiform,  the  third  joint  longest,  the  seventh  shorter  than 
the  sixth ;  gonopods  of  male  consisting  of  two  pairs  of  pro- 
cesses ;  first  two  pairs  of  legs  in  male  small  and  slender,  the 
next  five  pairs  moderately  crassate.  Differing  from  Clcido- 
gona. in  not  having  the  ninth  legs  of  male  with  basal  joints 
enlarged  and  the  last  three  reduced  and  hamate,  all  joints  being 
of  normal  proportions  and  the  first  one  with  a  process  at  distal 
end  beneath.  Tenth  legs  of  male  also  with  joints  of  normal 
proportions,  the  second  joint  with  a  protuberance  at  proximal 
end  beneath.  Eleventh  and  twelfth  legs  and  their  pedigerous 
laminae  not  specially  modified. 

Genotype  Tiganogona  broivnac  sp.  nov. 

Tiganogona  brownae  sp.  nov. 

The  body  in  general  form  much  as  usual  in  Clcidogona, 
subfusiform.  Brownish  black  above  with  an  interrupted  yel- 
lowish stripe  along  middle  line  of  dorsum  and  one  on  each 
side  of  dorsum ;  lower  part  of  sides  and  venter  yellow ;  antennae 
blackish  ;  the  head  between  bases  of  antennae  brown,  areolate 
over  vertex,  light  colored  over  and  just  above  clypeal  region; 
legs  proximally  yellow  or  whitish,  the  distal  joints  blackish. 
The  ninth  legs  of  male  with  joints  of  normal  proportions,  the 
process  at  distal  end  of  second  joint  subcylindrical,  of  mod- 
erate length.  The  basal  process  of  second  joint  of  tenth  legs 
of  male  short,  nearly  tuberculiform.  Posterior  processes  of 
male  gonopods  uncate,  bending  forward  between  anterior  pair, 
smooth.  Anterior  pair  of  processes  bent  caudad,  the  superior 
branch  of  each  distally  vertically  laminate,  bifid  at  end  and  a 
little  bent  mesad.  A  short  cylindrical  process,  acutely  pointed 


at  tip,  extends  ventrad  just  outside  (laterad)  of  each  of  these 
processes.    Length,  about  12  mm. 

Holot\pc,  a  male.  In  addition  to  the  holotype,  the  paratypes 
include  two  females,  all  taken  at  St.  Charles  in  1926. 


POLYDESMUS   SERRATus   Say.     Five  specimens,   mostly   imma- 
ture, 1927. 
SCYTONOTUS  GRANULATUS  (Say).     One  specimen,  1927. 

MIMULORIA,  gen.  nov. 

Embracing  forms  smaller  than  typical  Fontarhi  as  in  the 
case  of  Aphcloria.  Characterized  especially  by  the  structure 
of  the  male  gonopods  in  which  the  blade  is  not  coiled  as  in 
Aphcloria,  extending  cephalad,  a  little  bent  or  curved  toward 
or  beyond  middle  of  length  and  expanded  into  a  small  laminate 
plate  at  distal  end ;  with  a  short,  typically  laminate  spur  toward 
base  of  telopodite. 

Genotype  Mimuloria  missouricnsis,  sp.  nov.  Fontaria 
castanca  (McNeill)  of  Indiana  also  belongs  in  this  genus. 

Mimuloria  missouriensis,  sp.  nov. 

In  most  specimens  the  general  color  is  yellow,  becoming 
tinged  with  orange  cephalad,  the  orange  color  densest  on  an- 
terior segments  and  head,  the  carinae  usually  paler  than  mid- 
dorsal  region  of  tergites.  Only  one  specimen,  the  female  allo- 
type,  appears  to  be  in  full  color.  In  this  specimen  the  tergites 
are  brown  with  the  keels  yellow.  Posterior  angles  of  seven- 
teenth, eighteenth  and  nineteenth  tergites  produced  and  distally 
rounded,  those  of  the  three  preceding  tergites  only  slightly 
extended,  the  others  with  caudal  margins  straight.  Last  ter- 
gite  narrowly  truncate  at  caudal  end,  scarcely  curved  ventrad. 
Anal  valves  mesally  strongly  margined.  Anal  scale  triangular, 
the  sides  convex.  Second  joint  of  legs  with  the  usual  long- 
spine  at  distal  end,  but  first  joint  and  sternum  unspined.  The 
gonopods  of  the  male  have  basal  spur  of  telopodite  laminate 
and  acutely  pointed.  The  expanded  distal  plate  with  a  thin, 
slender,  acutely  pointed  process  at  right  angles  to  general  sur- 
face. Length,  19  mm. 

The  types  embrace  eight  specimens  of  which  one,  the 
holotype,  is  an  adult  male.  All  were  collected  at  St.  Charles 
in  1926  and  1927. 

156  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

Aquatic  Hemiptera  from  New  Mexico  and  Georgia, 
Including  a  New  Species  of  Corixidae. 

H.    B.    HUNGERFORD,    Dept.    of    Entomology,    University    of 
Kansas,  Lawrence,  Kansas. 

On  two  or  three  occasions  Mr.  Charles  H.  Martin,  a  former 
student  at  Kansas  University,  has  sent  us  noteworthy  collec- 
tions obtained  by  him  on  occasional  holiday  trips.  Since  some 
of  the  records  are  new,  and  some  of  the  species  represented 
by  very  long  series  it  seems  worth  while  to  record  them— 

In  Torrence  County,  New  Mexico  during  the  summer  of 
1925  Mr.  Martin  secured  the  following  species  and  specimens : 

ARCTOCORIXA  LAEVIGATA  (Uhler).     180. 

A.   utahensis   Hungerford.      This   species    is    described    from 

Utah.     119. 

A.  TUMIDA   (Uhler).     A  new  record.     191. 
A.  EDULIS  (Champ.).     A  new  record.     16. 
A.  ALTERNATA   (Say).     A  new  record.     46. 
RAMPHOCORIXA  ACUMINATA  (Uhler).    A  new  record.     1 
NEOCORIXA  SNOWI    Hungerford.     13. 
NOTONECTA  KIRBYI  Hungerford.     A  beautiful  series  showing 

all  color  phases  of  this  variable  species.     650. 
N.  INDICA  Linnaeus.     A  new  record.     112. 
N.  UNDULATA  (Say).    210. 

Not  long  ago  he  sent  me  the  following  insects  which  repre- 
sented one  vacation  day's  trip  in  Baker  County,  Georgia  (Oct. 
23,  1927).  In  this  lot  we  find  more  new  records  and  a  new 
species : 

NOTONECTA  UHLERI  Kirkaldy.     A  new  record.    2 

N.  IRRORATA  Uhler.     A  new  record.     1. 

N.  HOWARDII  Bueno.    A  new  record.    131. 

ARCTOCORIXA  NITIDA  (Fieber).     54. 

A.  BRIMLEYI  Kirkaldy.  A  new  record.     1. 

A.  LUCIDA  Abbott,      new  record.    9. 

A.  INTERRUPTA  (Say).    A  new  record.     15. 

A.  sp.  nov.     Described  below.    47. 


TENAGOGONUS  HESIONE  Kirkaldy.     16. 

TREPOBATES  PICTUS  Uhler.     12. 


HYDROMETRA  MARTINI  Kirkaldy.    8. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  157 

Arctocorixa  martini  sp.  n. 

10  mm.  in  length;  width  of  head  3.5  mm.  in  male,  a  little 
wider  in  the  female. 

General  color  effect  dark.  Pronotum  crossed  by  nine  or 
ten  pale,  quite  obscure  bands  that  are  slightly  narrower  than 
the  darker  bands.  Pale  lineations  of  hemelytra,  transverse, 
slender  and  wavy,  those  at  base  of  clavus  broader  and  more 
conspicuous  than  elsewhere  but  not  as  wide  as  the  black  bands. 
Elsewhere  the  pale  bands  are  not  more  than  half  as  wide  as 
the  intervening  black  bands.  Pattern  of  membrane  continuous 
with  that  of  corium. 

Middle  of  anterior  margin  of  vertex  as  seen  from  above 
slightly  produced  in  the  middle  of  both  sexes.  Interocular 
space:  width  of  eye  ::10:13.  Frontal  depression  of  face  of 
male  large  ovate  and  deeply  concave,  attaining  the  eyes  later- 
ally. Thorax  rather  elevated  as  seen  in  lateral  view.  Pronotum 
and  hemelytra  strongly  rastrate,  membrane  shiny.  Metaxyphus 
longer  than  broad.  Strigil  elongate  of  10  rows,  length: 
breadth  :  :22 :8.  The  pala  of  male  elongate,  sides  nearly 
parallel  but  slightly  wider  in  distal  third,  row  of  pegs  about  30, 
larger  at  base  and  smaller  and  more  crowded  at  tip,  the  distal 
end  of  the  row  making  a  neat  curve  following  the  upper  distal 
margin  of  the  pala.  On  some  males  there  is  a  curious  excres- 
cense  on  the  distal  margin  of  the  pala,  in  others  this  is  entirely 
lacking  and  in  one  specimen  is  present  on  the  tip  of  one  pala 
and  absent  on  the  other. 

Described  from  47  specimens  taken  by  C.  H.  Martin  in 
Baker  County,  Georgia,  October  23,  1927.  Holotypc,  allotype 
and  paratypes  in  University  of  Kansas  Entomological  collec- 
tion. Some  paratypes  in  U.  S.  N.  Museum. 

This  species  is  of  the  same  size  as  Arctocorixa  intcrrupta 
(Say).  It  can  be  distinguished  from  all  other  species  of  this 
series  by  its  rough  surface,  deeply  depressed  face  of  the  male 
and  the  shape  of  the  male  pala.  The  right  clasper  of  male 
is  stout,  curiously  formed  and  turns  transversely  across  the 
genital  capsule. 

Dr.  Felt  Retires  as  State  Entomologist. 
Dr.  Ephraim  P.  Felt,  New  York  State  Entomologist,  retired 
on  March  31  to  become  adviser  on  shade  trees  and  forest  insect 
problems  with  the  Rartlett  Research  Laboratories  at  Stamford, 
Connecticut.     Science,  April  6,  1928. 



[May,  '28 

A  New  Type  of  Moth  Trap. 

By  W.  A.  HIESTAND,  University  of  Wisconsin. 

During  the  spring  and  summer  of  1923  the  author  working 
in  collaboration  with  Mr.  C.  H.  Hicks  had  such  unprecedented 
success  with  four  moth  traps  of  their  own  design  that  it  seems 
quite  fitting  to  describe  the  construction  and  use  of  these  traps 
to  all  who  have  occasion  to  collect  moths  in  this  way.  Every 
lepidopterist  who  has  used  moth  traps  is  aware  of  the  feasi- 
bility of  taking  moths  in  this  way  and  probably  also  of  the 
difficulties  encountered. 

^          ^S<3>  <^>    <=>^&         ^1) 

(*  ^ 

The  conventional  type  of  trap  appears  to  be  the  age-old  box 
trap  with  plates  of  glass  placed  in  such  positions  as  to  keep 
the  moths  from  entering  the  light  chamber  as  well  as  to  pre- 
vent their  escape  from  the  trap  having  once  entered  it.  The 
trap  of  this  type  (fig.  1)  ordinarly  consists  of  a  light  chamber 
containing  either  an  incandescent  electric  bulb  or  an  oil  lamp, 
the  latter  making  it  possible  to  hang  the  ti^ap  far  from  the 
source  of  electric  current.  The  light  chamber  is  separated 


from  the  killing  chamber  by  a  plate  of   glass  and  this  latter 
chamber  confined  from  the  outside  by  one  or  more  panes  of 
glass  placed  at  angles  to  make  the  entrance  of  the  moth  as 
easy  as  possible  and  to  prevent  as  far  as  possible  its  escape. 
The  bottom  of  the  killing  chamber  usually  consists  of  a  funnel 
with  a  screw  top  jar  attached  to  it  containing  the  killing  agent, 
potassium  cyanide.     Such  traps  as  these  are  offered  for  sale 
by  various  entomological  supply  houses.     The  chief  objection 
to  this   form  of  trap,  it  was   found,  lay  in  the  fact  that  only 
one  side  of  the  box  was  open  to  let  the  light  shine  out.     The 
success  of  such  a  trap  largely  depends  upon  the  location  of 
it  and  the  direction  in  which  the  light  projects.     After  several 
trials  of  a  wooden  box  trap  of  this  type  which  finally  resulted 
in  the  explosion  of  the  kerosene  lamp  and  of  course  burning 
of  the  trap  it  was  decided  that  an  improved  type  of  trap  could 
be  constructed  which  gave  rise  to  the  trap  described  here.    This 
trap  must  be  used  near  a  building  or  where  electric  current  is 
available  but  it  was  soon  found  that  the  returns  were  so  favor- 
able that  it  was  unnecessary  to  place  the  traps  at  any  distance 
from  the  buildings,  providing  of  course  the  buildings  were  lo- 
cated in  regions  where  moths  were  found.  Four  of  these  traps 
were  used  outside  the  Biology  Building  of  the  University  of 
Wisconsin  and  very  good  results  were  obtained.  The  best  results 
were  had   when   the  traps   were   placed  at  the  height   of   the 
third  story  windows.     The  chief  advantages  of  this  trap  are 
its  simplicity,  its  low  cost  of  construction,  its  ease  of  operating 
and  cleaning,  its  convenience  in  setting  up  and  taking  down,  and 
most  important  of  all  its  efficiency  due  to  the  great  radius  of 
light  emitted. 

Figure  2  illustrates  the  trap.  It  consists  simply  of  a  funnel 
ten  inches  in  diameter  with  the  spout  removed  and  instead  a 
screw  cap  of  a  Mason  jar  with  a  circular  hole  cut  in  it  soldered 
to  it.  The  funnel  is  hung  by  three  or  four  wire  rods  with 
one  end  bent  to  form  hooks  so  that  the  trap  may  be  readily 
taken  apart,  to  a  circular  galvanized  iron  disc,  also  ten  inches 
in  diameter.  To  this  metal  disc  is  bolted  a  porcelain  socket 
to  receive  a  Mazda  bulb.  The  distance  of  the  disc  to  the 
funnel  depends  upon  the  size  of  the  bulb  used.  Best  results 

160  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [May,    '28 

were  obtained  when  the  tip  of  the  bulb  projected  about  one 
and  one-half  inches  below  the  top  of  the  funnel.  An  eyelet 
or  other  means  of  support  may  be  soldered  to  the  top  of  the 
disc  for  hanging  the  trap.  The  conduits  from  the  socket 
should  be  brought  through  an  opening  in  the  center  of  the 
metal  disc  in  order  not  to  interfere  with  the  open  sides  of  the 
trap.  The  cyanide  used  was  placed  in  a  bag  of  cheese  cloth 
so  that  the  jar  could  be  washed  out  frequently.  Powdered 
cyanide  gave  better  results  then  lump  cyanide.  When  not  in  use 
the  jars  can  be  unscrewed  from  the  traps  and  regular  Mason 
jar  caps  placed  on  them  to  keep,  the  cyanide  from  deteriorating. 
Fresh  dry  cyanide  never  works  as  well  as  that  which  has  been 
used  a  few  times  and  has  become  moist  so  that  it  is  advisable 
to  place  a  few  drops  of  a  weak  acid  such  as  tartaric  or  citric 
acid  on  it  for  the  first  time  it  is  used.  Of  course,  cyanide  may 
be  imbedded  in  cotton  or  plaster  of  Paris  as  well  as  tied  up 
in  sacks  but  the  jar  may  be  kept  clean  more  easily  if  the 
cyanide  is  not  fastened  to  it.  The  above  traps  may  be  fastened 
to  poles  and  placed  outside  of  windows  and  so  easily  taken  in, 
or  suspended  from  limbs,  etc.  The  collector  will  indeed  be 
surprised  by  the  effectiveness  of  this  type  of  trap.  In  fact  on 
warm  sultry  nights  it  was  found  necessary  to  place  jars  of  a 
two  quart  capacity  on  the  funnels  to  accommodate  all  of  the 
insects  caught.  The  manner  in  which  the  insects  are  caught 
is  as  follows :  The  brightness  of  the  light  attracts  them  and 
upon  striking  the  bulb  they  drop  into  the  jar  where  they  are 
soon  killed  by  the  fumes  of  the  cyanide.  It  is  no  exaggeration 
to  say  that  as  many  as  two  hundred  or  more  moths  may  be 
caught  in  a  single  trap  on  a  favorable  night  as  well  as  myriads 
of  other  insects  such  as  Diptera,  Coleoptera,  Hymenoptera, 
Homoptera,  Heteroptera,  Trichoptera,  Neuroptera,  and  even 

It  is  the  intention  of  the  author  to  construct  such  a  trap  that 
can  be  used  with  the  ordinary  six  volt  automobile  bulb  to  be 
used  on  camping  trips  in  the  woods.  If  the  reader  has  been 
disillusioned  with  the  conventional  types  of  light  traps  it  will 
be  well  worth  his  effort  to  try  out  one  of  this  type  and  see 
how  effectively  it  will  work  under  favorable  collecting  con- 


Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it    is   intended   to   note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North   and   South),    including   Arachnida   and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I    ]    refer   to  the   journals,   as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in   the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (   ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

0^-ATo£e  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Alinder,  S. — Eine  coccinellidenfressende 
Rhynchote.  [Mitt.  Miinchner  Ent.  Gesell.]  17:  75-76. 
Balfour-Browne,  F. — The  "Balfour-Browne"  water-net. 
[8J  64:  58-61,  ill.  Bezzi,  M.— L'attivita  scientifica  del 
Prof.  Mario  Bezzi.  Elenco  delle  pubblicazioni.  [Atti  Soc. 
Ital.  Sci.  Xat.  Mus.  Civ.  Milano.]  66:  287-312,  port. 
Blatchley,  W.  S. — "Quit-claim"  specialists  versus  the  mak- 
ing of  manuals.  [19]  23:  10-18.  Bruce,  E.  A.— Entomo- 
logical notes  of  veterinary  interest.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit. 
Col.]  24:  26-29.  Cockayne,  E.  A. — -Somatic  mosaics  and 
mutations.  [21]  40:  17-21,  ill.  Dennys,  A.  A.— Some 
notes  on  the  hibernating  habits  of  insects  in  dry  trees  in 
the  interior  of  B.  C.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  24: 
19-25,  ill.  Fassl,  A.  H. — Actividades  de  un  naturalista  en 
Colombia.  [B'ol.  Soc.  Colombiana  de  Ciencias  Nat.]  17: 
11-16,  cont.  Franz  von  Tunkl,  F. — Ueber  die  brutpflege 
cler  insekten.  [26]  7:  210-212,  cont.  Heikertinger,  F.— 
Wie  ordnet  der  Spezialist  Gattungen  und  Arten  nach  einem 
naturlichen  System?  [79]  14:  24-42.  Leonard,  M.  D.- 
A  list  of  the  insects  of  New  York.  [Cornell  Univ.  Agric. 
Exper.  Sta.]  Mem.  101:  5-1121.  McAtee,  W.  L.- Sub- 
genera  often  preferable  to  genera.  1 10]  30:  14-K>.  Rau, 
P. — The  ecology  of  a  sheltered  clay  bank  ;  a  study  in  insect 
sociology.  [Trans.  Acad.  Science  of  St.  Louis]  25:  157- 

162  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [May,    '28 

276,  ill.  Robertson,  C. — Florida  flowers  and  insects. 
[Trans.  Acad.  Sci.  St.  Louis.]  25:277-324.  Thorndike,  L. 
—A  historical  sketch  of  the  relationship  between  history 
and  science.  [76]  1928:  342-345.  Timm,  P.— Das  Photo 
graphieren  von  Insektcn  in  vergrossertem  Massstabe.  [2] 
22:  76-82,  ill.  Van  Den  Bergh,  P.  J. — Indrukken  van  mijn 
reis  naar  Zuicl  Amerika.  [58]  6:  49-59.  Weiss,  H.  B.— 
James  Petiver's  gazophylacii.  [6]  35:  411-414. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Cockayne,  E.  A.- 

An  error  of  metamorphosis,  hysterotely,  in  a  lepidopterous 
pupa,  with  a  discussion  on  prothetely  and  hysterotely. 
[36]  75:  297-305,  ill.  Fisher,  R.  A. — On  some  objections 
to  mimicry  theory;  statistical  and  genetic.  [36]  75:  269- 
27!8.  Goldschmidt  &  Katsuki. — Zweite  Mitteilung  iiber 
erblichen  Gynadromorphismus  bei  Bombyx  mori.  [97] 
48:  39-43.  Hersch,  A.  H. — Organic  correlation  and  its 
modification  in  the  bar  series  of  drosophila.  [42]  50: 
239-255.  Handlirsch,  A. — Der  Bau  des  Insektenkorpers 
tmcl  seiner  Anhange.  [Handbuch  cler  Ent.]  1:  1186-1296, 
ill.  Hoffman,  C.  C. — Nota  acerca  de  un  probable  trans- 
misor  de  la  Trypanosomiasis  humana,  en  el  estade  de 
Vera  Cruz.  [Revista  Mexicana  de  Biologic.]  8:  12-18. 
Hottes,  F.  C. — Concerning  the  structure,  function  and 
origin  of  the  family  Aphididae.  [95]  41  :  71-84.  Kat- 
suki, K. — Weitere  Versuche  iiber  erbliche  Mosaikbildung 
und  Gynandromorphismus  bei  Bombyx  mori.  [97]  48: 
43-49,  ill.  Page,  H.  E.— The  origin  of  instinct.  [21]  40: 
32.  Peters,  H. — Ueber  das  Gehor  der  Noctuiden.  [14] 
41  :  371-372,  ill.  Rostand,  J. — Survie  des  divers  segments 
clu  corps  les  Insectes.  [25]  1927:  311.  Soudek,  S  — The 
pharyngeal  glands  of  the  honevbee.  [Bull.  Sup.  Agri. 
Brno.]  C  10:  1-63,  ill.  Steinfeld,  H.  M.— Length  of  life 
of  Drosophila  melanogaster  under  aseptic  conditions. 
[Univ.  Cal.  Pub.  Zool.]  31:  132-178,  ill.  Voinov,  D.— Le 
vacuome  et  1'appareil  de  golgi  dans  les  cellules  b  genitales 
males  de  Notonecta  glauca.  [Arch.  Zool.  Exp.  et  Gen.] 
67:  1-22,  ill.  Whiting,  P.  W. — Mosaicism  and  mutation  in 
Habrobracon.  [IViol.  Bull.  Marine  f'.iol.  Lab.]  54:  289- 
306,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA    AND    MYRIOPODA.— Baerg,   W.   J.- 

Tht-  life  cycle  and  mating  habits  of  the  male  Tarantula. 
[73]  3:  109-116.  Lundblad,  O.— Zur  Systemalik  der 
Familie  Hygrobatidae.  |34|  75:  176-180.  -McGregor, 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  ]63 

E.  A. — Descriptions  of  two  new  species  of  spinning  mites. 
[10]  30:  11-14,  ill.  Petrunkevitch,  A. — Systema  Aranear- 
um.  [Trans.  Conn.  Acacl.  Arts  &  Sciences]  29:  7-270. 
Verhoeff,  K.  W. — Diplopoda.  [Klassen  und  Ordnungen 
des  Tier-Reichs.]  5  :  801-1072,  ill. 


V.  N. — The  North  American  species  of  the  genus  Pota- 
manthus,  with  a  description  of  a  new  species.  [6]  35 : 
319-326,  ill.  Calvert,  P.  P.— Report  on  Odonata,  including 
notes  on  some  internal  organs  of  the  larvae.  [Univ.  Iowa 
Studies]  12:  3-44,  ill.  "  Day,  H.  C.— Varieties  of  the 
dragonfly  Agrion  aequabile  in  Colorado.  [Univ.  Colo. 
Stud.]  15:  253-155.  Heath,  H. — Fertile  termite  soldiers. 
[Biol.  Bull.  Marine  Biol.  Lab.]  54:  324-326,  ill.  *Jordan, 
K. — Siphonaptera  collected  during  a  visit  to  the  Eastern 
United  States  of  North  America  in  1927.  [71]  34:  178- 
188,  ill.  Marshall,  W.  S.— The  malpighian  tubules  of  the 
larva  of  Ileptagenia  interpunctata,  Say.  [7]  20:  149-154, 
ill.  *Powell,  W.  N. — On  the  morphology  of  Pyrsonympha 
with  a  description  of  three  new  species  from  Reticulitermes 
hesperus.  [Univ.  California  Pub.  Zool.]  31:  179-200,  ill. 
:|:Silvestri,  F. — Description  of  a  new  species  of  Japyx  (Thy- 
sanura)  from  Potter  Creek  Cave,  Shasta  County,  California. 
[Univ.  California  Pub.  Ent.]  4:  335-340,  ill.  'Womersley, 
H. — Notes  on  the  antennal  sensory  organs  of  Campodea. 
[8]  64:  65-66,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Caudell,    A.    N.— Grasshoppers    and 
their   allies.      [76]      1928:    329-334,    ill.     Caudell,    A.    N.- 
Report  on  the  orthopteroid  insects.      [Univ.   Iowa  Studies 
Nat.  Hist.]      12:  3-22,  ill.     -Werner,  F.— Neue  Mantodeen 
aus  vier  Erdteilen.     (S)     [56]     6:  275-281,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— Batchelder,  C.  H.— The  variability  of 
Aphis  gossypii.  [7]  20:  263-278,  ill.  *Davis,  W.  T.— New 
Cicadas  from  the  Western  United  States  with  notes  on  sev- 
eral other  species.  [6]  35 :  373-385,  ill.  *Drake,  C.  J.- 
synopsis  of  the  American  species  of  Acalypta  ( Tingitidae). 
[19]  23:  1-9,  ill.  :|:Drake,  C.  J. — Synoiiymical  notes  on 
tingitid  genera  with  the  descriptions  of  two  new  species 
from  Haiti.  |('5|  41:  21-24.  -Drake  &  Harris.— Three 
new  gen-ids  from  Xorth  America.  [95]  41:25-30.  Esaki 
&  China. — A  new  family  of  aquatic  1  leteroptera.  [3<>|  7?: 
279-295.  Coding,  F.  W.— The  membracidae  of  South 
America  and  the  Antilles.  11.  Subfamily  C'eiitrotinae.  [6] 

164  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

35:  391-406,  ill.  Hottes,  F.  C. — Concerning  the  structure, 
function,  and  origin  of  the  cornicles  of  the  family  Aphid- 
idae.  [Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  of  Washington]  41:  71-84,  ill. 
*Hungerford,  H.  B. — A  new  species  of  Hydrometra  from 
North  America.  [7]  20:  262.  *  Knight,  "H.  H.— Key  to 
the  species  of  Clivinema  with  descriptions  of  seven  new 
species  (Miridae).  [Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Washington]  41: 
31-36.  "Knight,  H.  H. — New  Species  of  Phytocoris  from 
North  America  (Miridae).  [19]  23:  28-46.  -Knight,  H. 
H. — Megalopsallus,  a  new  genus  of  Miridae  with  five  new 
species  from  North  America.  [7]  20:  224-228.  *Knowl- 
ton,  G.  F. — A  new  rabbit  brush  Aphid  from  Utah.  [71] 
20:  229-231,  ill.  *Lawson,  P.  B. — New  species  of  Acinop- 
terus  (Cicadellidae).  [7]  20:  232-239,  ill.  McAtee  & 
Malloch. — A  character  for  recognition  of  the  family  Mem- 
bracidae.  [Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Washington]  41:  39-40,  ill. 
*McAtee  &  Malloch. — Synopsis  of  pentatomid  bugs  of  the 
subfamilies  Megaridinae  and  Canopinae.  (S)  [50]  72, 
Art.  25:  1-21,  ill.  Myers,  J.  G. — The  Croton  leafhopper, 
Cicadella  histrio.  (S)  [75]  1 :  376-377. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Ahlberg,  O.— Ronnbarsmalen  Ar- 
gyresthia  conjugella.  [Meddel.  324,  Central.  Forsok. 
Tordbruk.  Stockholm]  "  1927:  5-127,  ill.  Dicksee,  A.- 
Butterrlies  from  South  America.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  London] 
2:  41.  Dingier,  M. — Ueber  die  puppe  und  das  Schlitpfen 
von  Morpho  laertes  Druce  [-epistrophis  Hbn.].  (S)  [Mitt. 
Miincher  Ent.  Gesell.]  17:  61-68.  *Dyar,  H.  G.— Descrip- 
tions of  four  South  American  moths.  [10]  30:  9-10. 
Hopp,  W. — Die  Megalopygiden-Unterfamilie  der  Trosiinae 
(Megalopygidae).  [Mitt,  aus  dem  Zool.  Mus.]  1927: 
206-336.  :::Joicey  &  Talbot. — New  forms  of  Rhopalocera  in 
the  Hill  Museum.  (S)  [Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  2:  19-27.  Jor- 
dan, K. — ()u  some  Lepidoptera  of  special  interest,  with 
remarks  on  morphology  and  nomenclature.  [71]  34: 
132-146.  Petersen,  W. — Die  Blattminierergattungen  Lith- 
ocelletis  u.  Nepticnla.  [CO]  88:  113-174,  ill.  Ph'ilpott,  A. 
—Notes  on  the  female  genitalia  in  the  Micropterygoidea. 
[36]  75:319-322.  *Pro'ut,  L.  B.— New  Geometridae.  (S) 
[71!]  34:  53-70.  Provancher  &  Huard. — Faune  entomolo- 
gique  de  la  province  de  Quebec.  Sixieme  ordre  (Nos 
Papillons).  [Le  Naturaliste]  54:  157-167,  ill.,  continua- 
tion. *Talbot.  G. — A  new  form  of  papilio  from  Colombia. 
[Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  2:  28.  Thorpe,  W.  H.-  \7ote  on  Hypo- 
nomeuta  cognatella  feeding  on  the  honey-dew  of  Aphis 


humicis  Linn.  [8]  64:  46.  Turner,  H.  J.— [Xote  on 
Huebner's  Tentamen].  [21]  40:  30-32.  Randolph,  V.- 
On  the  seasonal  migrations  of  Dione  vanillae  in  Kansas. 
[7]  20:  242-244.  Ris,  F.— Ueber  die  Generationen  von 
Pieri.s  napi.  [41 1  14:  20-36,  cont.  Stichel,  H.-  Kachar- 
beiten  zur  Revision  der  Riodinidae.  [45]  .23:  35-46. 
Watton,  J.  H. — An  early  note  on  the  forming  of  the  pouch 
in  Parnassius.  [9]  61 :  52-53.  Wiesmann,  R. — Die  beiden 
Knospenwickler  Tmetocera  (Eucosma)  ocellana  F.  und 
Olethreutes  variegana  Hb.  als  Knospenschadlinge  der 
Apfelbaume  und  ihre  Bekampfung  im  Wallis  1926.  [41] 
14:  14-16.  *Wright,  W.  S. — Two  new  Geometridae  from 
San  Diego  County,  California.  [Trans.  San  Diego  Soc. 
Nat.  Hist.]  5:  41-43. 

DIPTERA — *Borgmeier,  T.— Zwei  neue  myrmecophile 
Phoriden  aus  Brasilien.  [EOS]  3:  505-511,  ill.  Collin, 
J.  E. — Gynandromorph.s  and  intersexes  in  Diptera.  [Proc. 
Ent.  Soc.  London]  2:  47-48.  *Edwards,  F.  W.— A 
Tipulid  apparently  mimicking  a  mosquito.  (S)  [Proc.  Ent. 
Soc.  London.]  2':  45-46.  Edwards,  F.  W.-  -Two  widely- 
spread  moth-flies.  [9]  61 :  32.  Ewing,  H.  E. — The  hip- 
poboscid  fly,  Ornithomyia  avicularia  Linnaeus,  as  a  carrier 
of  Mallophaga.  [7]  20:  245-250,  ill.  *Frost,  S.  W.- 
Three  new  species  of  Phytomyza.  (Agromyzidae).  [71 
20:  217-220.  Hearle,  E.— List  of  mosquitoes  of  British 
Columbia.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  24:  11-19. 
Kriebel,  O. — Contribution  a  etude  du  corps  adipeux  des 
Chironomides  I.  [Publi.  Faculte  des  Sci.  Univ.  Masaryk] 
1927:  3-15,  ill.  Mesa,  E.  O. — Caso  de  perforacicm  del  velo 
del  palad  ar  por  larvas  de  Chrysomyia  macellaria.  [Bol. 
Soc.  Colomb.  Cien  Nat.]  16:  157-161,  ill.  Myers,  J.  G.- 
A  peculiar  feeding-habit  of  Culex  pipiens  L.  [8]  64:  57-58. 
Parman,  D.  C. — Experimental  dissemination  of  the  tabanid 
egg  parasite  Phanurus  emersoni  and  biological  notes  on 
the  species.  [U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.]  Circ.  no.  18:  1-7,  ill. 
Thomann,  H. — Erfahrungen  in  der  Zucht  der  Dasselfliege. 
[41]  14:4-5. 

COLEOPTERA.— Abbott,  C.  E.— Experimental  data  on 
the  olfactory  sense  of  Coleoptera,  with  special  reference  to 
the  Necrophori.  [7]  20:  207-216.  Ballou,  C.  H.— An 
observation  on  mating  habits  of  Leptinotarsa  nndecim- 
lineata.  [12|  21:  235-236.  "Banninger,  M. — Uc-ber  die 
Nebriini.  13.  Beitrag  zur  Kenntnis  der  Carabinae.  [79] 

166  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

14:  1-7.  Beier  &  Strouhal. — Kaferlarven  und  Kaferpuppe-n 
aus  Maulwurfsnestern.  [45]  23:  1-34.  Bertrand,  H.— 
Les  larves  cles  Dytiscides,  Hygrobiides,  Haliplides.  [59] 
(A)  10:  1-366,  ill.  Blatchley,  W.  S.— Notes  on  the  supple- 
ment to  Leng'.s  catalogue  of  coleoptera.  [19]  23:  47-49. 
Boving,  A.  G. — Descriptions  of  larvae  of  the  genera  Dia- 
brotica  and  Phyllobrotica,  with  a  discussion  of  the  taxono- 
mic  validity  of  the  subfamilies  Galerucinae  and  Halticinae 
(Chrysomelidae).  [10]  29:  193-205,  ill.  *Breuning,  S.- 
Monographie  der  Gattting  Calosoma  Web.  (Carab.).  (S) 
[79]  14:  43-48.  *Fall,  H.  C.— A  review  of  the  North 
American  species  of  Podabrus.  [70]  8:  65-103.  :|:Gebien, 
H. — Zwei  neue  Gattungen  von  Tenebrioniden  aus  Argen- 
tinien.  [2]  22:  82-86.  *Hatch,  M.  H.— Studies  on  the 
Silphinae.  [6]  35:  331-370,  ill.  Hayes,  W.  P.— The  imma- 
ture stages  and  larval  anatomy  of  Anomala  kan.sana  H. 
and  McC  (Scarabaeidae).  [7]  20:  193-203,  ill.  Heller,  K. 
M. — Studien  zur  Systematik  altweltlicher  Balaninini  II. 
[60]  88:  175-287.  "Hinds,  W.  E.— Notes  on  the  biology 
and  habits  of  the  Peruvian  cotton  square  Weevil  (Anthon- 
omus  vestitus  Bohm).  (S)  [7]  20:  251-254.  *Fisher, 
W.  S.— New  cactus  beetles.  II.  (S)  [10]  30:  1-7. 
*Kleine,  R. — Ueber  die  Brenthidenfauna  von  Costa  Rica. 
[60]  88:  288-296,  ill.  *Langston,  J.  M.— A  new  species 
of  Phyllophaga  from  Mississippi.  [7]  20:  221-223,  ill. 
Prell,  H. — Der  Ernahrungsfrass  cles  grossen  Larchenbor- 
kenkafers  (Ips  cembrae  Heer)  und  seine  praktische 
Becleutung.  [2]  22:  62-76,  ill.  Reineck,  G.— Beitra^  zur 
Lebens-und  Entwicklungweise  von  Coleopteren.  [45]  23: 
53-54.  Scholz,  R. — Zur  Lebensgeschichte  der  Phytodecta 
flavicornis.  [2[  22:  87-89.  Schwerdtfeger,  F. — Aeussere 
Geschlechtsmerkmale  bei  Pitvogenes  chalcographus.  [2] 
22:  89-91.  *Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— The  American  species  of 
Pteroloma  (Silphidae)  and  a  new  Tananese  species.  [19] 
23:  19-26,  ill.  Zweigelt,  F.— Der  Maikafer  Studien  zur 
B'iologie  und  zum  Vorkomrnen  im  sitdlichen  Mitteleuropa. 
[Mon.  Ang.  Ent.]  9:  1-453,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Arnoldi,  K.  W.— Studies  itber  die 
Systematik  der  Ameisen.  [34]  75:  199-215.  Bradley,  J. 
C. — Sobre  las  hembras  de  las  especies  americanas  de  Scolia. 
[An.  Soc.  Cient.  Arg.]  103:  164-170.  Buckell,  E.  R.— An 
Annotated  list  of  the  Ants  of  British  Columbia.  fProc. 
Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  24:  30-34.  Ferriere  &  Voukassovitch. 
—Stir  les  parasites  dcs  Aphides  et  lours  hyperparasites. 


[25]  1928:  26-32.  :;:Forel,  A. — Ouelques  fourmis  des  en- 
virons  de  Quito.  (Ecuador).  [Hull.  Soc.  Vaud.  Sci.  Xat.| 
54:  131-1357  Prison,  T.  H. — The  development  of  the  castes 
of  bumblebees.  (Bremidae).  [/"']  20:  156-178,  ill.  Hicks, 
C.  H. — Nesting  habits  and  parasites  of  certain  bees  of 
Boulder  Co.,  Colorado.  [LTniv.  Colo.  Stud.]  15:  217-252. 
:::Muesebeck,  C.  F.  W. — A  new  European  species  of  Apan- 
teles  parasitic  on  the  gypsy  moth.  [10]  30:  8-9.  Parker, 
J.  B. — Vespula  rears  successive  broods  in  the  same  cells 
(Vespilae).  [10]  30:  14.  Plath,  O.  E.— Notes  on  the 
hibernation  of  several  North  American  bumblebees.  [7] 
20:  181-192.  Richards,  O.  W.— The  specific  characters  of 
the  British  bumblebees.  [36]  75:  233-268.  ill.  Smith  & 
Compere. — A  preliminary  report  on  the  insect  parasites  of 
the  black  Saissetia  oleae.  [Univ.  California  Pub.  Ent.]  4: 
232-334,  ill.  Tillyard,  R.  J.— The  ancestry  of  the  order 
Hymenoptera.  [36]  75:  307-318,  ill.  Wheeler,  W.  M.- 
Mermis  parasitism  and  intercastes  among  ants.  [42]  50: 
p.  165-237,  ill. 


CHARLES  WALTER  HOWARD,  long  a  member  of  the  American 
Association  of  Economic  Entomologists,  died  at  Wheaton, 
Illinois,  on  March  1st,  1928,  from  injuries  received  when  he 
was  struck  by  an  interurban  train. 

Professor  Howard  was  an  entomologist  of  wide  experience. 
Graduating  from  Cornell  in  1904,  he  went  to  the  Transvaal  in 
1905  as  Assistant  Entomologist  and  on  the  death  of  C.  B. 
Simpson,  in  1906,  was  appointed  Entomologist.  In  1908,  he 
was  made  Chief  of  the  Entomological  Section  of  the  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture  of  Mozambique,  Portuguese  East  Africa. 

Returning  to  this  country  in  1911,  he  became  a  special  As- 
sistant in  the  Rockefeller  Institute  for  Medical  Research, 
engaged  in  the  search  for  insect  vectors  of  poliomyelitis.  In 
1912  he  was  appointed  to  the  entomological  staff  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Minnesota,  but  in  1917  resigned  his  associate  pro- 
fessorship to  become  Professor  of  Biology  and  soon  Head  of 
the  Department  in  the  Canton  Christian  College  (Lingnan 

168  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '28 

In  China  his  attention  was  quickly  attracted  to  the  needs  of 
the  silk  industry  in  the  Canton  region  and  with  remarkable 

success  he  began  to  apply  the  Pasteur  methods  to  the  control 
of  the  diseases  which  were  rapidly  wiping  out  silk  growing  in 
that  section.  Entering  upon  the  work  with  an  utter  unselfish- 
ness and  self-effacement,  he  won  the  confidence  of  the  Chinese 
themselves  and  in  1923  he  became  Director  of  the  Government 
Bureau  for  the  Improvement  of  Sericulture  of  the  Kwongtung 
Province,  a  position  which  he  held  at  the  time  of  his  death. 

In  September,  last,  he  returned  to  this  country  as  Head  of 
the  Department  of  Zoology  of  Wheaton  College,  with  the 
agreement  that  he  was  to  return  to  Canton  for  the  summer 
vacation  and  keep  in  close  touch  with  the  Bureau. 

He  was  a  fellow  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  London, 
a  member  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Advancement 
of  Science,  the  Entomological  Society  of  America,  the  South 
African  Association  for  the  Advancement  of  Science,  the  Royal 
Society  of  South  Africa  and  other  scientific  societies.  He  was 
a  member  of  the  Pan-African  Trypanosomiasis  Commission 
and  of  the  First  International  Congress  of  Entomology,  held 
in  Brussels  in  1909.  He  was  to  have  been  chairman  of  the 
sericultural  section  of  the  Fifth  Congress,  meeting  in  August 
of  this  year  in  Ithaca. 

To  Professor  Howard  science  offered  first  of  all  a  field  for 
service.  Wherever  he  worked  his  interest  in  the  human  ele- 
ment was  paramount.  The  result  was  that  as  a  teacher  and 
administrator  he  had  the  love  and  loyalty  of  his  students  and 
his  associates.  But,  withal,  he  had  a  very  genuine  ability  for 
research  of  a  high  order  and  in  spite  of  his  manifold  duties 
in  public  service  he  had  published  numerous  papers  dealing 
with  ticks,  tsetse  flies,  mosquitoes  and  other  blood-sucking 
arthropods.  His  studies  on  the  chiggers  of  Minnesota  consti- 
tuted the  first  detailed  work  on  these  forms  in  this  country. 

He  leaves  a  widow  and  four  children,  who  are  making  their 
home  at  Wheaton,  Illinois.  For  the  present  Mrs.  Howard, 
whose  work  on  the  light  organs  of  Photinus  (as  Anne  B. 
Townsend)  is  well  known  to  entomologists,  is  continuing  his 
class  work  in  Wheaton  College'.  WM.  A.  RILEY. 

JUNE,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX  No.  6 



Frost— Notes  on  Ortalidae  (Dipt.) 169 

Horn — "  Heteropod-Zoology  "  and  ''  Entomological  Complexes".  .  .  172 

Knight — Remarks  on  Photographic  Labels  for  Insects 178 

Alexander — Undescribed  Species  of  Crane- Flies  from  Chile  (Dipt.: 

Tipulidae) 180 

Drake— A  Synopsisof  the  Species  of  Pachycysta  (Hemip.:  Tingitidae)  184 
Carpenter — Chironomus  quadripunctatus  Malloch  (Diptera:  Chirono- 

midae) 186 

Weiss — Some  Entomology  of  Bartholomew's  De  Proprietatibus  Rerum  190 

Personals- Prof  and  Mrs.  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell  ;  Dr.  H.  B.  Hungerford  193 

Barber — Some  Quantitative  Results  in  Collecting  Hemiptera.  .  .  .  193 

The  Fight  against  Insect-Borne  Diseases 194 

Entomological  Literature 195 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  i 
Act  of  Octobers,  1917,  authorized  lanuary  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder,Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors  ;•  John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J,  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 
Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr 
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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
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£NT.  NEWS,  Vo^.  XXXIX, 

Plate  IV. 




not  at  a  Wd« 

May       June     July     Aug.   Sep.   Oct. 



annul Ip e s  Mac. 


Apr.   May     June  July     Aug.     Sep.   Oct 


Paeudotephritis  vau  Say. 

May     June     July  Aug.      Sept.    Oct 



VOL.  XXXIX  JUNE,  1928  No.  6 

Notes  on  Ortalidae  (Dipt.). 

By  S.  W.  FROST,  Pennsylvania  State  College* 

Plate  IV. 

Comparatively  little  has  been  published  in  American  literature 
dealing  with  the  habits  of  the  Ortalidae.  Williston  ('08) 
remarks,  "the  flies  are  usually  found  about  meadows  or  among 
luxuriantly  growing  grass."  Hendel  ('08-' 14)  has  dealt  with 
their  taxonomy  in  considerable  detail  and  Cresson  ('20-'24) 
has  given  additional  notes  on  their  habits,  distribution  and 
descriptions  of  new  species.  Numerous  papers,  chiefly  of  an 
economic  character  have  discussed  the  species  of  the  genera 
Ett.rcsta,  Pseudotephiritis  and  Scioptcni.  The  habits  of  the 
other  genera  are  little  or  not  at  all  known.  The  accompanying 
records  add  further  information  on  the  abundance  and  seasonal 
occurence  of  several  species. 

All  of  the  material  under  discussion  was  taken  from  liquid, 
sugar  or  molasses  baits  used  as  traps  for  the  oriental  fruit 
moth  during  the  summer  of  1927  in  the  vicinity  of  Arendts- 
ville,  Pa.  These  traps  were  in  operation  from  March  12th 
until  October  18th.  The  determinations  of  the  species  of 
Ortalidae  were  made  by  Mr.  E.  T.  Cresson  of  the  Academy 
of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia,  Pa.  The  subdivisions  of  this 
family  raised  to  family  rank  by  some  authors  have  not  been 
considered  in  this  paper.  Pyrgota  no  doubt  according  to 
Hendel  ('08-T4,  '22)  and  other  authors  belongs  in  a  separate 
family  Pyrgotidae.  It  is  structurally  and  biologically  different 
and  comes  closer  to  the  Conopidae  and  Oestridae. 

It  is  well  known  that  the  Diptera  are  one  of  the  first  order  - 
to  make  their  appearance  in  considerable  numbers  in  Spring. 
Johnson  ('04)  makes  a  statement  to  this  effect  but  at  that  time 
records  no  Ortalids  flying  during  April  or  May.  His  later 

*  Published  by  permission  of  the  Director  of  the  Agricultural  Experi- 
ment Station  of  The  Pennsylvania  State  College  as  a  part  of  project 
No.  697.  Technical  paper  No.  446. 


170  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,    '28 

paper  ('25)  shows  that  several  species  have  been  taken  during 
these  months.  The  writer  found  that  the  Anisopidae  were  the 
first  of  the  Uiptera  to  visit  the  baits.  On  March  10th,  110 
specimens  were  taken  from  a  single  bait-pail  in  the  vicinity  of 
woods.  A  few  days  later  Muscids  and  Drosophilids  came  in 
great  abundance  and  an  occasional  Syrphid  or  Tipulid  visited 
the  pails.  The  most  interesting  of  all  the  catches  were  the 

A  few  of  the  species  as  En.rcsta  notata  (Wied),  Pscudotc- 
pJiritis  van  Say,  and  Callopistornyia  aiiinilipcs  Macq.,  were 
taken  almost  continually  from  April  or  May  until  October. 
Callopistomyia  annitlipes  Macq.,  was  the  first  to  make  its 
appearance.  A  single  specimen  was  taken  from  a  pail  in  the 
vicinity  of  woods  on  April  12th.  Other  species  were  taken 
only  for  short  periods  during  the  summer.  The  abundance  of 
some  of  the  species  in  the  baits  would  indicate  rather  clearly 
that  they  visit  the  baits  to  feed.  Certain  types  as  Pyrtjota 
were  no  doubt  accidental  catches. 

RIVELLIA  VIRIDULANS  R-D.  Although  this  species  is  con- 
sidered somewhat  common,  only  five  specimens  were  taken 
from  June  3rd  to  July  19th.  It  was  previously  recorded  from 
Eastern  Pennsylvania  by  Cresson  ('24).  Judging  from  the 
writer's  notes  and  earlier  records,  this  species  does  not  fly  early 
or  late  in  the  season. 

CAMPTONEURA  PICTA  Fab.  A  single  specimen  was  taken  at 
Arendtsville  June  10th,  from  a  bait  pail  that  was  hung  on  a 
cherry  tree.  This  species  has  not  previously  been  recorded 
from  Pennsylvania. 

IDANA  MARGINATA  Say.  Five  specimens  of  this  striking 
species  was  taken  from  baits,  from  June  15th  until  July  5th. 

TEPHORONOTA  RUFICEPS  V.  d.  W.  One  specimen  on  July 
12th,  and  another  on  August  2nd. 

CALLOPISTOMIA  ANNULIPES  Macq.  208  specimens  of  this 
common  species,  from  April  12th  until  October  18th.  The 
males  frequented  the  baits  slightly  in  excess  of  the  females. 

PSEUDOTEPHRITIS  coRTiCALis  Loew,  taken  in  small  numbers 
from  June  2nd  until  July  23rd.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that 
Johnson  ('25)  gives  an  early  record,  May  3rd,  for  this  species 
in  Connecticut.  Greene  ('17)  also  reared  adults  from  April 
16  to  18  in  1913  at  Falls  Church,  Va.  He  gives  excellent  life 
history  notes  and  figures. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  171 

PSEUDOTEPHRITIS  VAU  Say,  frequented  the  baits  from  May 
10th  until  October  llth.  Seventy-six  specimens  were  taken 
and  the  males  and  females  appeared  in  about  equal  numbers. 

EUXESTA  NOTATA  (Wied).  The  adults  of  this  common 
species  were  often  seen  at  rest  on  the  foliage  of  peach  trees  in 
the  orchard.  Four  hundred  and  seventeen  specimens  were 
taken  in  bait  pails  from  May  10th  until  October  llth.  The 
males  and  females  came  in  about  equal  numbers.  Hutchinson 
('16)  who  has  some  excellent  notes  on  the  life  history  of  this 
species  records  it  as  early  as  April  30th.  He  remarks  that  the 
species  was  abundant  during  May,  June  and  July  but  rare 
during  August  and  September. 

SKIOPTERA  VIBRANS  Linn.  Only  four  specimens  were  taken 
in  baits  from  June  15th  until  June  28th.  Johnson  ('25)  notes 
that  the  species  was  taken  as  late  as  August  8th  in  Connecticut. 

PYRGOTA  UN  DAT  A  Wied.  A  single  specimen  on  June  15 
from  a  bait  pail  hung  on  a  willow  tree.  This  was  no  doubt 
an  accidental  catch.  The  adults  were,  however,  taken  in  rather 
large  numbers  during  June  and  July  at  light  traps.  Other 
observers  have  noticed  their  affinity  for  lights  although  the 
writer  believes  no  record  has  been  made  to  this  effect. 

Cuscianna  ('22)  has  some  notes  on  chemotropic  tests  with 
Diptera  in  Italy  that  are  worth  mentioning  here.  Numerous 
aromatic,  ethereal,  balsamic  and  nauseous  odors  were  used. 
The  attraction  was  almost  exclusively  confined  to  the  Diptera, 
chiefly  the  Anthomyiids,  Tachiniids  and  Ortalids.  Among  the 
Ortalids  the  genus  Platysoma  responded  most  readily.  The 
species  of  this  genus  are  not  sensitive  to  balsamic  and  ethereal 
odors  but  are  attracted  by  the  aromatic  and  nauseous  odors. 
Hundreds  of  the  introduced  North  American  species  Euxcsta 
nitidiventris  were  taken  with  a  vinegar  solution. 


Cresson,  E.  T.  1920.  Proc.  Phil.  Acad.  Nat.  Sciences 
71:191.  1924.  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.  50:225-241. 

Greens,  C.  T.     1917.     Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.  P. 

Hutchinson,  R.  H.     1916.     Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.   18:171. 

Hendel,  Friedrich.  1908-14.  General  Insectorum  Fasc. 
79,  96,  106,  113,  157.  1022.  Konowia  Band  1  Heft  6:252-2<o. 

Johnson,  C.  W.  1904.  Psyche  11  :37-38.  1925.  Bost.  Soc. 
Nat.  Hist.  VII. 

\Yilliston.  S.  W.     1908.     North  American  Diptera  274. 

Cuscianna,  N.  1922.  Boll.  Lab.  Zool.  gen.  e  agrar.  R. 
Scuola  sup.  d'Agrrc.  Portici.  Vol.  15:226-253. 

172  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [JuilC,    '28 

" Heteropod-Zoology "  and  "Entomological 
"  Complexes".* 

By  DR.  WALTHER  HORN,  Berlin-Dahlem.f 

I  hope  that  my  reader  will  not  be  too  impatient  with  the 
unusual  ideas  that  follow,  and  that  accepting  my  sincerity,  he 
will  pardon  me  for  presenting  them. 

Three  things  are  very  unfortunate  for  a  prosperous  devel- 
opment of  the  science  of  systematic  entomology  ("taxonomy" 
or  "theoretical  entomo-museology")  : 

1.)  The  fact  that  too  many  people  do  not  know  what  a 
so-called  "entomologist"  is. 

2.)  The  co-existence  of  the  words  "entomology"  and 

3.)     The  existence  of  the  word  "insect-species". 

If  it  were  not  for  these  considerations,  the  outlook  for  the 
future  of  "hexapod-zoology"  i.  c.,  entomology,  would  be 

almost  ideal. 


What  is  an  "entomologist"?  The  common  people  of  many 
countries  of  the  world  have  no  idea  at  all ;  often  even  the 
educated  man  must  look  into  an  encyclopedia  or  dictionary  to 
find  the  significance  of  the  word,  of  which  even  many  zoolog- 
ists are  ignorant.  How  often  I  have  been  asked  the  self-same 
question  by  a  member  of  the  latter  profession!  I  have  always 
answered  that  even  a  zoologist  who  is  studying  insects  during 
his  entire  life  is  not  necessarily  an  entomologist;  the  purpose 

*  EDITOR,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  :  At  the  forthcoming  Entomological 
Congress  at  Ithaca,  Dr.  VYalther  Horn  is  to  give  an  address  before  the 
section  of  Taxonomy  on  some  problems  confronting  the  scientific 
workers  of  to-day,  and  this  address  is  to  be  preliminary  to  a  forum 
devoted  to  the  discussion  of  certain  special  phases  thereof.  In  ac- 
cepting the  invitation  to  deliver  this  address,  Dr.  Horn  sent  to  Dr. 
Johannscn  and  myself  a  paper  in  English  entitled  "Heteropod-Zoology 
and  Entomological  Complexes,"  with  the  request  that  wre  forward  it 
to  you  to  publish  in  the  NEWS  in  order  that  it  might  set  people 
thinking  along  the  lines  to  be  discussed  at  the  meeting. — J.  CHESTER 

fl  have  not  at  all  the  intention  to  say  in  my  lecture  at  Ithaca  thai 
the  ideas  of  tins  paper  arc  identical  with  those  I  may  propose  as  the 
only  and  best  solution  of  the  question.  All  these  papers  contain  only 
heuristic  ideas,  and  I  think  it  may  be  some  time  before  one  sees  what 
may  be  the  best  final  solution — if  there  be  one. — W.  H. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  173 

actuating  his  work  determines  his  status.  For  many  years  R. 
Goldschmidt  has  been  studying  moths,  in  order  to  discover 
the  laws  of  genetics,  but  he  is  not  on  that  account  an  entomol- 
ogist nor  has  he  ever  claimed  to  be.  He  uses  insects  incident- 
ally whether  perchance  occasionally,  or  for  a  long  continued 
time,  as  the  basic  material  for  his  research,  never  with  the 
interests  of  "hexapod  zoology"  at  heart,  but  entirely  from 
the  standpoint  of  genetics,  a  division  of  general  zoologv 
(biology).  On  the  other  hand  a  real  entomologist  can  study 
other  branches,  as  for  example,  chemistry,  for  long  years 
without  thereby  losing  his  status  as  an  entomologist,  if  he 
does  so  in  order  to  acquire  knowledge  having  a  direct  bearing 
upon  his  own  field  of  entomology.  All  this,  my  dear  reader, 
is  of  course  only  my  point  of  view. 


"Entomology  and  Zoology"!  What  sense  is  there  to  the 
title  of  a  professorship,  or  of  a  journal,  or  of  a  section  of 
an  institution  or  congress  "of  entomology  and  zoology"?  I 
have  always  thought  that  it  would  be  much  better  if  we 
might  say  "hexapod-"  and  "heteropod-zoology."  I  have  noth- 
ing at  all  against  such  a  word  as  "entomo-zoology",  the  for- 
mer expression  seems  to  me  to  give  perhaps  a  better  con- 
trast. More  than  one  zoological  museum  has  long  since  been 
divided  into  several  autonomous  brandies :  The  British 
Museum  into  "Hexapod-"  and  "Heteropod-Zoology",  the  Paris 
Museum  into  five  divisions,  the  Stockholm  Museum  into  three, 
or  even  four,  counting  paleozoology.  The  missing  link  is  a 
technical  term  for  the  whole  zoological  field  other  than  in- 
sects. Does  this  contrast  not  resemble  just  a  little  the  relation 
'net ween  a  cat  and  a  dog?  These,  too,  recognize  that  they  are 

related  but  by  protesting! 


"Insect-species"!  I  can  hardly  imagine  bow  happy  an  ento- 
mologist would  be  if  there  were  no  specie's!  How  many 
zoologists  have  raised  this  question?  How  many  have  tried 
to  find  a  solution?  How  many  recognize  or  even  have  a  fore- 
boding that  the  old  significance  of  the  word  "species"  is  n<i\va- 

174  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '28 

days  rapidly  breaking  down,  since  long  decades  ago  the  ideas 
of  evolution  first  shook  its  pillars?  How  does  a  geneticist 
interpret  the  Linnaean  species  ?  How  a  physiologist  ?  How 
a  zoogeographer  ?  How  the  palaeozoologist?  How  the  ecolo- 
gist?  If  we  compare  the  membracid  systematist  with  a 
student  of  Carabidae  and  a  braconid  specialist  with  an  aphid- 
ologist,  the  standpoint  of  a  Casey  with  that  of  an  L.  Bedel, 
how  they  disagree !  But  in  spite  of  it  the  word  "species"  still 
stand  as  the  ultimate  foundation  of  the  system!  And  what 
is  the  result?  We  have  reached  nearly  the  million  mark  of 
"species"  and  we  shall  continue  into  millions  and  millions 
more  until  we  negative  the  real  meaning  of  the  word  "system". 
We  are  forgetting  that  our  system  has  not  only  an  ultimate 
ideal — the  explanation  of  relationships,  but  also  a  prior  prac- 
tical aim — the  orientation  of  the  actual  state  of  knowledge. 
By  trying  to  settle  both  aims  at  the  same  time,  are  we  not,  in 
a  measure,  like  a  man  who  is  trying  to  catch  two  hares  at 
once?  Are  we  not  attempting  the  impossible?  As  I  have  said 
at  the  Zweite  Wanderversammlung  Deutscher  Entomologen  at 
Stettin  in  1927  (Entomologische  Mitteilungen,  1927.  16:  368- 
375)  we  have  for  a  long  time  been  neglecting  the  questions  of 
chief  importance,  by  reason  of  our  zeal  in  completing  the 
subsidiary  ones. 

The  most  important  point  of  all  is  the  manner  of  handling 
"species",  for  that  is,  so  to  speak,  the  horizon  from  which 
we  reckon,  or  if  one  prefers,  the  bricks  with  which  we  build. 

Some  nights  ago  I  was  sitting,  as  I  often  do  in  the  library 
of  my  institute.  The  light  was  turned  off,  for  the  sake  of 
economy.  The  books  around  me  were  closed,  for  I  was  read- 
ing between  the  lines.  Suddenly  somebody  knocked  on  the 
door :  Karl  von  Linne  came  in  to  see  me. 

"Take  a  seat"  I  said.  Now  my  dear  reader,  please  do  not 
misunderstand  me,  since  Karl  von  Linne,  from  your  view- 
point, died  long  ago !  Why,  I  am  very  sure  that  Karl  von 
Linne  has  never  died,  and  perhaps  in  some  respects  he  was 
never  more  alive,  as  far  as  entomo-systematics  are  concerned, 
than  today. 


"You  seem  to  be  sad",  he  said. 

"Yes",  I  answered,  "and  you  are  the  cause". 

"What  have  I  done?    How  have  I  erred"? 

"You  created  a  system  based  upon  species.  How  could 
you  do  that,  when  elsewhere  you  displayed  such  keen  insight 
into  the  far  distant  future?  You,  who  for  example,  ignorant 
of  Ornithodorus  moiibata,  nevertheless  divined  the  role  that 
the  Acarina  would  same  day  be  found  to  play  in  entomo- 
medicine"  !* 

"I  built  a  modest  house,  using  small  bricks.  Have  I  ever 
forbidden  others  the  use  of  larger  stones  when  building  a 
greater  edifice?  No,  it  is  you,  not  /  who  have  been  wrong. 
A  modern  factory  does  not  use  the  tools  of  my  time.  The 
pots  in  the  kitchen  of  Mrs.  Horn  do  not  entirely  resemble 
those  of  my  wife.  Instead  of  using,  as  you  have  been  doing, 
even  smaller  stones  than  mine,  take  the  large  ones  which  your 
edifice  requires.  See  how  the  chemists  are  working.  They 
do  not  try  to  realize  all  theoretically  possible  combinations  of 
elements  ad  infinitum,  but  they  study  in  particular  those  in 
which  they  stand  in  want,  and  which  have  a  greater  degree  of 
importance ;  otherwise,  they,  too,  might  lose  themselves,  as 
you  have  perhaps  done". 

He  then  left  me. 

Perhaps  you  will  understand,  my  dear  reader?  We  systema- 
tists  of  hexapod-zoology,  have  always  begun  by  dividing 
everything  down  to  the  smallest  element.  If  we  were  working 
with  whales,  or  starfish,  or  some  such  group,  it  would  have 
perhaps  made  no  difference,  but  our  work  is  with  insects. 

As  a  solution,  I  propose  the  division  of  our  taxcrr.vny  into 
two  branches,  considering  each  one  independently  in  accord 
ance  with  the  following  plan : 

1.)  We  should  endeavor  to  find  out  those  characters  which 
are  identical  for  all  very  closely  allied  insect  species — the 
smallest  "groups"  of  species  of  many  modern  systematists,  so 
as  to  give  a  good  description  of  all  their  resulting  identical 
features.  Such  a  group  would  form  a  new  systematic  link 

*Amoenitates  Naturae,  1756,  v.  3,  p.  342. 

176  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,    '28 

for  which  I  propose  the  term  "complex".  The  size  of  an 
individual  complex  will  vary  more  or  less  according  to  the 
individual  author,  but  that  is  not  a  matter  of  importance. 

2.)  By  such  a  plan  we  would  reduce  the  appalling  number 
of  Linnaean  species  to  a  tolerable  number  of  complexes  in 
each  genus.  One  hundred  species  of  one  genus  might  be  re- 
duced to  twenty  complexes,  one  thousand  of  another  to  one 
hundred  complexes,  and  so  on. 

3.)    The  primary  system  should  terminate  with  the  complex; 
at  which  point  the  secondary  system  begins,  continuing  down- 
wards as   far  as   did   the  old   system,   that   is   to    subspecies, 
aberrations,  synonyms,  etc.     The  technical  term  species  would 
keep  its  old  sense  (however  dubious  that  sense  may  have  be- 
come) ;  but  it  would  not  complicate  as  heretofore  the  prob- 
lems of  the  primary  system.     To  the  makers  of  the  primary 
system    (I  should  call   them  primary  systematists)    it  would 
be  a  matter  of  indifference  whether  one  treats  different  forms 
as  species,  variations,  or  synonyms.     How  much  time  of  the 
primary  systematist  has  been  lost  in  the  past   in  clearing  up 
inexplicable  descriptions  of  doubtful   forms?     How  much  in 
finding  out  old  bibliographical  dates  often  only  of  historical 
value?     How  much  for  all  those  annoying  questions  that  par- 
alyze even  the  best  powers  of  the  primary  taxonomist?     Such 
questions,  as  for  example,  what  species  some  one  would  have 
described  120  years  ago  if  he  had  really  described  it  instead  of 
giving  an  adequate  combination  of  words,*  would  lose  a  good 
deal  of  their  pathological  interest  to  the  primary  systematist, 
because  they  would  be  relegated  to  the  province  of  the  sec- 
ondary systematist,  who  might  treat  them  more  in  the  manner 
of  simple  matters  of  history  than  of  natural  history. 

4.)  In  regard  to  the  relation  of  primary  and  secondary 
taxonomist,  we  must  remember  that  each  has  an  important 
function,  otherwise  the  whole  matter  would  go  astray.  The 
secondary  taxonomist  in  no  sense  implies  a  second-rate  classi- 

*This  is  in  reality  a  more  complex  matter  than  appears  at  first 
glance:  the  original  description  may  have  hccn  in  every  way  adequate 
for  its  day,  l>ut  have  long  since  become  absolutely  insufficient  by 
reason  of  the  increase  of  our  knowledge. 

xxxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  177 

fication,  and  there  must  never  he  the  slightest  suspicion  of 
degradation  in  connection  with  the  role.  Detail  and  "en  gros" 
are  always  of  co-ordinate  importance.  Nevertheless  we  must 
not  forget  that  in  a  measure  the  primary  taxonomists  must 
play  the  role  of  the  leaders  of  an  army,  the  secondary  taxono- 
mists that  of  a  battalion.  Such  a  comparison  shows  exactly 
the  intimate  relation  between  the  two ;  the  one  can  become, 
or  replace  the  other.  The  whole  question  becomes  a  matter 
of  organization :  both  of  the  workmen  have  to  go  hand  in 

5.)  The  work  of  the  future  for  by  far  the  greater  number 
of  entomologists  must  be  the  detail  of  the  secondary  taxono- 
mist,  for  whom  the  smaller  collections  and  libraries  will 
suffice.  The  natural  course  of  development  would  be  that  the 
taxonomists  of  the  larger  museums  would  have  better  oppor- 
tunities and  fitness  for  the  problems  of  primary  taxonomy, 
those  of  the  smaller  or  private  collections  for  the  problems  of 
secondary  taxonomy;  but  in  no  instance  must  the  mere 
position  of  the  systematist  determine  the  matter  without  re- 
gard to  his  personal  qualifications. 

6.)  For  practical  and  theoretical  purposes  the  term  species 
will  remain  the  same  as  heretofore.  The  rules  of  nomencla- 
ture will  not  be  changed.  As  a  name  for  the  individual  com- 
plex, I  would  propose  a  combining  of  the  oldest  name  by  a 
hyphen  with  the  best  known  species  of  the  complex.  In  this 
way  a  fair  mnemo-technical  name  might  result.  A  solution 
of  the  question  of  the  taxonomy  of  hexapod-zoology  by  can- 
celling the  existence  of  the  species,  seems  to  me  to  be,  at 
least  for  our  time,  an  impossibility. 

7.)  The  interpolation  of  the  complex  is  in  no  sense  a  war- 
rant for  a  less  precise  handling  of  the  matter  of  species  than 

8.)  The  citation  of  literature  under  each  complex  might 
give  only  the  names  of  species,  adding  perhaps  large  races 
and  doubtful  species,  and  the  leading  literature,  reserving  all 
details  for  the  work  of  the  secondary  systematist. 

9.)      If  the  time  comes,  as  eventually  it  will,  when  the  pri- 

178  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,    '28 

mary  system  is  sufficiently  advanced,  it  will  be  easy  to  combine 
the  two  branches,  as  one  is  in  all  essential  points  a  continua- 
tion of  the  other.  Therefore  no  work  done  will  be  fruitless ; 
the  complexes  will  stand  as  very  useful  divisions.  In  many 
groups  of  insects  this  stage  of  development  has  already  been 
long  attained,  or  in  others  soon  will  be. 

10.)  My  proposal  destroys  nothing  of  the  Linnaean  system, 
but  adds  just  a  little.  In  the  future  the  settling  of  dubious 
species  will  appear  of  higher  value  to  science  than  the  de- 
scribing of  innumerable  new  ones.  Let  us  digest  more  thor- 
oughly what  we  have  eaten,  before  we  again  overload  our 
stomachs ! 

In  conclusion,  dear  reader,  please  do  not  forget  that  not 
alone  is  Nature  guilty  of  the  destruction  of  our  modern  so- 
called  system  of  Hexapod-Zoology  by  the  creation  of  too  many 
species,  but  that  the  systematists  themselves  have  perhaps,  to 
some  extent,  lost  their  own  way. 

Remarks  on  Photographic  Labels  for  Insects. 

By  HARRY  H.  KNIGHT,  Ames,  Iowa. 

In  the  March  number  of  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  (1928), 
Mr.  W.  A.  Hiestand  has  called  attention  to  the  convenience 
of  using  photographic  labels  for  giving  desired  data  on  pinned 
insects.  Since  the  writer  has  for  some  years  been  making 
labels  by  the  photographic  method  he  might  be  pardoned  for 
offering  two  or  three  additional  points  which  he  believes  worth 

Photographic  labels  as  I  have  seen  them  coming  in  on 
specimens  are  usually  very  poor,  frequently  darkened  and 
nearly  illegible.  Unless  good  labels  are  made  I  would  suggest 
not  vising  them.  One  of  the  most  important  items  in  the  whole 
process  is  to  make  use  of  the  best  photographic  printing  paper 
for  the  purpose.  Regular  Azo  paper  is  too  thin  to  set  well 
on  a  pin,  and  at  the  same  time  tends  to  curl  badly,  especially 
in  a  dry  climate,  or  in  winter  when  zero  air  is  warmed  to 
room  temperatures.  Any  non-curling  paper  is  an  improvement 
but  not  all  brands  are  of  the  proper  thickness.  After  consider- 

XX.xix,    '2S|  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NKWS  179 

able  testing,  the  best  photographic  paper  tried  up  to  the  present 
time  is  the  Eastman  Vitava  Alba  A4,  which  is  a  smooth  white, 
semi-matte,  single  weight,  non-curling  paper  of  proper  con- 
trast to  give  clear  black  and  white,  labels.  This  paper  also 
takes  ink  very  well  which  is  a  great  advantage  when  one  wishes 
to  fill  in  dates. 

The  locality  labels  shown  by  Mr.  Hiestand  are  good  but  I 
would  suggest  deleting  the  line  with  "collector"  and  save  space, 
since  the  name  appearing  on  the  third  line  is  generally  under- 
stood among  entomologists  as  representing  the  name  of  the 
collector.  Where  small  insects  are  labeled,  it  is  a  great  con- 
venience for  those  doing  the  determination  work,  if  the  labels 
are  kept  small  so  that  a  view  may  be  had  of  the  ventral  sur- 
face of  the  specimen  without  removing  the  label.  For  this 
practical  reason  I  always  try  to  get  all  the  data  on  a  three 
line  label,  and  employ  four  lines  only  when  adding  host  plant 
or  similar  information. 

Another  important  use  to  which  the  photographic  method 
may  be  put  is  in  making  determination  labels  to  go  on  the  pin. 
I  refer  to  those  where  the  name  is  printed  in  full  and  can  be 
quickly  applied  to  the  determined  specimen.  I  would  espe- 
cially recommend  this  practice  for  those  who  are  doing  mono- 
graphic work,  naming  large  numbers  of  specimens  to  be 
returned  to  various  institutions  or  collectors.  Because  of  the 
time  consumed  it  rarely  occurs  that  the  worker  will  take  the 
trouble  to  write  out  by  hand  more  than  one  or  two  labels  for 
each  species.  Thus  many  specimens  may  be  labored  over 
under  the  microscope,  never  to  receive  an  individual  label 
after  the  determination  is  worked  out.  There  is  a  distinct 
loss  in  the  value  of  such  specimens.  To  overcome  this  diffi- 
culty I  would  recommend  the  use  of  photographic  name 
labels  to  go  on  the  pin  beneath  the  locality  label. 

For  the  winning  of  those  who  may  be  inclined  to  try  this 
method  I  will  describe  the  type  of  name  label  used  by  Dr.  C. 
E.  Mickel,  Dr.  H.  M.  Harris  and  myself.  It  is  a  three  line 
label  which  is  only  a  little  wider  than  the  usual  locality  label. 
The  genus  name  appears  on  the  first  line,  species  name  and 
author  on  the  second  line,  while  the  third  line  has  the  name  of 

180  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Hllie,    '28 

the  person  who  makes  the  determination,  prefaced  by  "Det." 
The  desired  name  labels  may  be  run  off  on  the  typewriter  in 
the  usual  manner,  always  single  spacing  to  be  rid  of  surplus 
width  in  labels.  From  a  negative  taken  from  three  or  four 
sheets  of  such  labels,  arranged  to  save  space,  25  or  more 
prints  are  made.  These  prints  are  cut  up,  the  species  sorted 
into  envelopes,  and,  for  filing,  a  sample  label  is  pasted  on  the 
left  hand  corner  of  the  envelope  flap.  Small  envelopes  are 
preferable  and  can  be  alphabetically  arranged  in  a  box.  It 
takes  only  a  few  seconds  to  find  the  correct  label  and  remove 
one  or  more  with  forceps  for  placing  on  the  determined  ma- 
terial. To  prevent  mistakes  the  label  should  be  checked  by 
reading  as  it  is  placed  on  the  specimen. 

I  believe  that  individual  determination  labels  enhance  the 
value  of  carefully  determined  specimens,  and  the  photographic 
label  offers  a  feasible  solution  of  the  time  saving  desired.  For 
those  who  may  wish  to  try  making  such  labels,  I  will  be  glad 
to  send  samples  on  request. 

Undescribed  Species  of  Crane-Flies  from  Chile 
(Dipt:  Tipulidae). 

By  CHARLES  P.  ALEXANDER,  Amherst,  Massachusetts. 

The  species  herein  described  as  new  were  included  in  ex- 
tensive series  of  these  flies  taken  in  the  vicinity  of  Concepcion 
and  in  the  Valley  of  Marga-marga  by  Fathers  Jaffuel  and 
Pirion,  who  have  added  greatly  to  our  knowledge  of  the  fauna 
and  flora  of  Chile.  The  types  of  the  novelties  are  preserved 
in  my  collection  through  the  generosity  of  the  collectors.  Their 
detailed  study  of  the  Valley  of  Marga-marga  (Sec  Jaffuel  and 
Pirion,  Plantas  fanerogamas  del  Valle  de  Marga-marga, 
Revista  Cliilcna  de  Historia  Natural,  25:350-405;  1921)  has 
shown  that  the  South  Chilean  or  Antarctic  element  of  the 
fauna  and  flora  extends  much  further  to  the  north  than  has 
been  generally  appreciated,  presumably  occurring  in  favored 
localities  or  "islands,"  in  a  manner  quite  similar  to  that  of  the 
Canadian  "islands"  in  New  York  and  New  England. 

Cryptolabis   (Baeoura)   advena  sp.  n. 

General  coloration  gray,  the  praescutum  with  four  ill-defined 
brown  stripes ;  haltercs  pale ;  wings  with  Rs  elongate ;  cell 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  181 

ist  M .,  closed ;  male  hypopygium  with  the  dististyle  subterminal 
in  position. 

$  .  Length  about  4.2  mm. ;  wing  4.5-4.6  mm.  $  .  Length 
about  4.4  mm. ;  wing  5.3  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black  throughout,  of 
moderate  length,  if  bent  backward  extending  about  to  the 
wing-root ;  flagellar  segments  elongate-oval,  with  long  verticils. 
Head  light  gray. 

Pronotum  brownish  gray,  with  a  yellow  spot  on  either  side 
behind.  Anterior  lateral  pretergites  conspicuous,  pale  yellow. 
Mesonotum  gray,  the  praescutum  with  four  ill-defined  brown 
stripes,  the  lateral  pair  broader,  tending  to  become  obsolete ; 
posterior  lateral  angles  of  the  scutal  lobes  yellow;  scutellum 
dark  brownish  gray,  more  reddish  brown  posteriorly.  Pleura 
dark  gray,  the  dorso-pleural  region  obscure  yellow,  clearer 
posteriorly.  Halteres  pale.  Legs  with  the  fore  coxae  dark 
brown,  the  middle  and  hind  coxae,  and  the  trochanters,  paler 
brown ;  remainder  of  legs  dark  brown. 

Wings  with  a  yellowish  gray  suffusion,  brighter  basally ; 
stigmal  region  inf uscated ;  veins  brown,  those  before  the  cord 
somewhat  paler.  Venation :  Si\  ending  just  before  the  fork 
of  Rs,  Sc.^  slightly  removed  from  its  tip,  Sc^  alone  subequal  to 
in-cit ;  Rs  very  long,  .approximately  three  times  R  alone ; 
R.2-\~x-\-4  relatively  short,  a  little  longer  than  r-iu;  R-2-\-3  a  little 
longer,  gently  arcuated  ;  R.,  a  little  shorter ;  veins  R3  and  R4 
somewhat  divergent,  cell  R.,  being  nearly  parallel  or  even 
slightly  narrowed  at  margin;  cell  ist  M.2  closed;  in-cn  at  near 
midlength  of  the  cell ;  vein  2nd  A  nearly  straight  to  very  gently 

Abdomen  dark  brown,  the  hypopygium  a  little  brighter. 
Male  hypopygium  with  the  basistyle  elongate,  produced  beyond 
the  point  of  insertion  of  the  dististyle.  the  apical  lobe  approxi- 
mately two-thirds  the  more  enlarged  main  portion  of  the 
style;  on  mesal  face  a  long,  pale  blade;  in  slide  mounts  directed 
mesad.  Dististyle  appearing  as  a  flattened  blade,  more  ex- 
panded at  tip,  the  mesal  face  just  beyond  midlength  bearing 
a  slender,  black  rod,  its  tin  obtuse;  surface  of  style  set  with 
long  conspicuous  setae.  Phallosome  a  broadly  expanded  plate, 
the  apex  more  narrowed,  produced  into  two  blackened  points 
on  either  side  of  the  aedeagus. 

Holotypc:  $  ,  Perales  de  Marga-marga.  January  1927  (//. 
Pirion).  Allotopolypc:  9  .  February,  1927.  Punitopntypcs; 
2  <&?,  with  the  holotype. 

182  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,    '28 

This  is  the  first  species  of  the  subgenus  Bacoura  to  be 
described  from  the  New  World. 

Molophilus  monostylus  sp.  n. 

General  coloration  dark  brown ;  antennae  relatively  short, 
black  throughout ;  halteres  pale  yellow ;  wings  with  a  yellowish 
gray  suffusion  ;  petiole  of  cell  M3  relatively  short ;  male  hypo- 
pygium  with  a  single  dististyle,  this  subterminal  in  position, 

£  .     Length  about  4.6  mm. ;  wing  5.6  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black  throughout, 
relatively  short,  if  bent  backward  scarcely  attaining  the  wing- 
root  ;  rlagellar  segments  cylindrical,  with  a  short  dense  white 
pubescence.  Head  dark  gray. 

Pronotum  dark  brown,  the  scutellum  buffy  with  brown 
setiferous  punctures.  Anterior  lateral  pretergites  yellow. 
Mesonotum  dark  brown,  very  slightly  pruinose,  the  humeral 
region  of  the  praescutum  obscure  yellow;  pseudosutural  foveae 
elongate,  pale  brown ;  scutellum  brownish  yellow  posteriorly. 
Pleura  dark  brownish  gray,  the  anterior  portion  of  the  dorso- 
pleural  region  obscure  yellow.  Halteres  pale  yellow.  Legs 
with  the  coxae  dark  brown,  the  remaining  coxae  and  tro- 
chanters  more  testaceous ;  remainder  of  legs  brown,  the  tips 
of  the  femora  broadly  dark  brown,  the  tips  of  the  tibiae  more 
narrowly  so ;  terminal  tarsal  segments  brownish  black ;  fore 
legs  broken. 

Wings  with  a  pale  yellowish  gray  suffusion,  the  costal  region 
brighter  yellow,  the  axillary  region  more  dusky ;  veins  darker 
than  the  ground-color;  macrotrichiae  dark  brown.  Venation: 
^+H  gently  arcuated,  about  twice  Rt-\-r, ',  petiole  of  cell  MB 
relatively  short,  only  about  one-fourth  longer  than  in-cii;  vein 
2nd  A  of  moderate  length,  ending  about  opposite  one-fourth 
the  length  of  the  petiole  of  cell  M... 

Abdomen  dark  brown,  the  hypopygium  a  little  brighter. 
Male  hypopygium  with  the  basistyle  produced  apically  into  a 
small,  slender  lobe.  A  single  dististyle,  subterminal  in  position, 
conspicuously  trifid,  the  base  broad ;  outer  arm  a  long  black 
spine,  middle  arm  longest,  slender,  ending  obtusely;  inner  arm 
shortest,  appearing  as  a  short  black  spine.  Aedeagus  very  long 
and  slender. 

Holotypc:  $,  Concepcion,  October  13,  1927  (Jaffucl  and 

Molophilus  monostylus  is  a  very  distinct  species  that  must 
be  considered  as  representing  a  separate  group  of  the  genus, 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEXVS  183 

distinguished  by  the  single  subterminal  dististyle,  which  gives 
to  the  hypopygium  a  strong  superficial  resemblance  to  Erioptcru. 

Molophilus  gymnocladus  sp.   n. 

Belongs  to  the  plagiatus  group;  general  coloration  brown; 
antennae  dark  brown  throughout ;  knobs  of  the  halteres  yellow  ; 
male  hypopygium  with  the  basal  dististyle  deeply  bifid,  the 
stem  a  little  longer  than  wide,  the  branches  acutely  pointed, 
smooth  or  approximately  so. 

$  .     Length  about  3.5-3.7  mm. ;  wing  4.3-4.8  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  dark  brown.  Antennae  (  £  )  relatively 
long,  dark  brown  throughout,  if  bent  backward  extending  to 
shortly  beyond  the  wing-root;  flagellar  segments  oval  with  a 
conspicuous  erect  white  pubescence.  Head  dark  brown. 

Pronotum  dark  brown,  the  posterior  notum  obscure  yellow. 
Anterior  lateral  pretergites  light  yellow.  Mesonotum  rather 
light  brown,  the  scutellum  more  testaceous  brown.  Pleura  a 
little  darker  brown  than  the  notum.  Halteres  yellow,  the  stem 
a  little  more  dusky,  the  knobs  light  yellow.  Legs  with  the 
coxae  brownish  testaceous ;  trochanters  obscure  yellow ;  re- 
mainder of  legs  brown,  the  femoral  bases  more  yellowish ;  fore 
tibiae  (  $  )  with  a  relatively  long,  slightly  dilated,  subbasal, 
blackened  ring. 

Wings  with  a  grayish  suffusion,  the  base  and  costal  region 
more  yellowish,  the  axillary  region  a  trifle  darker ;  veins  brown  ; 
macrotrichiae  dark  brown.  Venation:  /?.,+...  only  slightly 
arcuated,  nearly  twice  R^-\  vein  2nd  A  ending  about  opposite 
one-third  the  length  of  the  petiole  of  cell  M.,. 

Abdomen  dark  brown,  including  the  hypopygium.  Male 
hypopygium  with  the  basal  dististyle  deeply  bifid  but  not  so 
profoundly  so  as  in  flat' id  us  and  allies,  the  stem  being  longer 
than  wide ;  outer  branch  longest,  nearlv  glabrous,  on  outer 
margin  before  apex  with  one  or  two  small,  appressed  denticles ; 
inner  arm  about  four-fifths  the  length  of  the  outer  and  more 
slender,  narrowed  gradually  to  the  long  acute  point,  the  surface 

Holotypc:  $,  Concepcion,  October  13,  1927  (Jaffucl  and 
Pit-ion).  Paratopotypc,  $. 

Molophilus  gymnocladus  is  allied  to  M .  flai'idus  Alexander 
and  allied  species  but  differs  in  the  much  longer  stem  of  the 
basal  dististyle,  which  is  here  longer  than  wide  instead  of  the 

184  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,    '28 

A  Synopsis  of  the  Species  of  Pachycysta 
(Hemip. :  Tingitidae). 

By  CARL  J.  DRAKE,  Ames,  Iowa. 

The  genus  Pachycysta  was  erected  by  Champion,  Trans.  Ent. 
Soc.  Lond.,  1898,  p.  59,  for  a  new  species  which  he  describes 
on  the  same  page.  Since  that  time  only  one  other  species  has 
been  described  and  a  third  is  characterized  herein. 

This  genus  is  most  closely  allied  to  Meyalocysta  Champion, 
but  differs  from  it  in  having  the  third  antennal  segment  prac- 
tically truncate  at  the  apex  and  the  pronotum  strongly  tri- 
carinate,  the  lateral  carinae  being  strongly  incurved.  The 
nervures  of  hood,  carinae,  paranota  and  elytra  are  stout  and 
thickly  pilose.  The  bucculae  are  either  open  or  closed  in  front. 
Nothing  is  known  regarding  the  food  plants  or  biology  of  the 

Key  to  the  species  of  Pachycysta. 

1.  Paranota  strongly  narrowed  towards  outer  margin  (largely 
along  the  anterior  margin),  the  outer  margin  very  narrow 
and    jointly    rounded    with    both    anterior    and    posterior 
margins   2 

Paranota  not  strongly  narrowed,  the  outer  margin  broad 
P.  dlaphana  Champ. 

2.  Elytra  considerably  constricted  beyond  the  middle  ;  discoidal 
area  uniformly  elevated,  very  broad  beyond  the  middle  to 
apex  and  there  broadly  rounded P.  chauipioni  Drake 

Elytra  not  constricted ;  discoidal  area  strongly  elevated  along 
the  discoidal  area,  broadest  beyond  the  middle,  angulate 
at  apex P.  schildi,  n.  sp. 


Pachycysta  diaphana  Champion,  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond., 
1898,  p.  59,  PI.  II,  fig.  6. 

The  type  of  this  insect,  a  female  from  Brazil,  has  been 
beautifully  figured  by  Champion.  The  paranota,  discoidal  area 
and  shorter  antennae  distinguish  it  at  first  sight  from  its 


Pachycvsta  chain pioiri  Drake,  Bui.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist.,  Vol. 
XXVII,  1921,  p.  344,  fig.  I. 

This  species  resembles  P.  schildi,  n.  sp.,  from  which  it  may 
be  distinguished  bv  the  characters  given  in  the  kev,  the  longer 


third  segment  of  the  antennae,  shorter  legs  and  darker  color. 
Known  only  from  the  type  locality,  Chochabamba,  Bolivia, 
South  America. 

Pachycysta  schildi,  n.  sp. 

Elongate,  broad,  very  dark  brown,  the  legs  and  antennae 
much  darker,  the  areolae  hyaline.  Antennae  long,  stout,  clothed 
with  numerous  short  hairs;  segment  I  a  little  stouter  and  twice 
as  long  as  II,  the  latter  smaller  at  its  base ;  III  very  long,  slightly 
curved;  IV  with  its  terminal  half  broken  off.  Rostral  channel 
widening  posteriorly,  open  behind,  the  sides  testaceous  ;  rostrum 
very  long  and  stout,  contiguous  with  the  median  line  of  head, 
enlarged  toward  the  tip,  the  tip  distinctly  knobbed,  antero- 
lateral  spines  much  shorter,  testaceous,  enlarged  distally,  con- 
tiguous with  head,  extending  as  far  forward  as  median  spine. 

Pronotum  strongly  swollen  thru  disc,  coarsely  pitted,  the 
triangular  portion  reticulate,  tricarinate,  the  lateral  carinae 
curved  as  in  other  species  of  the  genus;  lateral  carinae  very 
long,  each  composed  of  a  single  row  of  rather  large  areolae; 
median  carina  yellowish  brown,  more  foliaceous,  the  areolae 
much  larger.  Hood  large,  the  sides  flattened,  highest  a  little 
behind  the  middle,  rounded  above,  slightly  longer  than  high. 
Paranoia  strongly  reflexed,  strongly  dilated,  widely  reticulated, 
wide  at  the  base  but  becoming  much  narrower  towards  lateral 
margin  and  there  narrowly  rounded,  the  anterior  and  posterior 
margins  slightly  recurved. 

Elytra  broad,  widely  reticulated,  narrow  at  the  base ;  costal 
area  broad,  mostly  triseriate,  quadriseriate  at  widest  point,  the 
areolae  large  and  not  very  irregularly  arranged;  subcostal  area 
biseriate,  its  surface  almost  in  a  vertical  plane;  discoidal  area 
large,  bounded  by  a  prominent  costate  nervure,  the  outer  por- 
tion jointly  raised  with  subcostal  area  and  more  strongly  raised 
along  the  middle  and  at  apex,  widest  just  beyond  the  middle, 
gradually  narrowed  towards  base  but  abruptly  narrowed  at 
apex,  not  extending  to  middle  of  elytra.  Nervures  of  hood, 
paranota,  carinae  and  elytra  thick  and  rather  densely  clothed 
with  very  fine  pile.  Wings  a  little  longer  than  abdomen. 
Male  claspers  very  large,  strongly  curved,  hairy  at  base. 
Length,  4.43  mm.;  width,  2.11  mm. 

Hulutypc,  male,  Costa  Rica  (Suize  Tur'lba)  [Turrialba  |. 
collected  by  Mr.  P.  Schild,  in  author's  collection.  Aside'  from 
the  characters  given  in  the  key,  the  darker  color,  longer  legs 
and  antennae,  and  nonconstricted  elytra  set  off  this  species 
from  P.  chainpioni  Drake. 

186  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,    '28 

Chironomus  quadripunctatus  Malloch 
(Dipt.:  Chironomidae). 

By  F.  F.  CARPENTER,  Roosevelt  High  School,  Dayton,  Ohio. 

Plates  V  and  VI. 

While  observing  a  large  bed  of  yellow  pond  lilies,  Nymphaea 
advcna  Ait.,  in  Eagle  Lake,  Kosciusko  County,  Indiana,  I 
noticed  that  a  number  of  leaves  and  stems  had  wrinkled, 
turned  yellow  and  were  apparently  dead.  Since  the  growing 
season  was  not  over  it  occurred  to  me  that  there  must  be  some 
specific  reason  for  this  condition.  Stems  in  various  stages  of 
decay  were  examined  and  all  of  them  were  found  to  be  in- 
fested by  small  "blood  worms".  These  "blood  worms"  were 
also  found  to  be  inhabiting  green  stems. 

Repeated  observations  proved  that  these  organisms  bur- 
rowed into  the  stems  from  without,  cutting  a  round  hole 
through  the  epidermis,  then  pushing  their  way,  usually  up- 
ward, through  the  porous  stem.  After  a  period  of  time  other 
holes  were  cut  through  the  outer  surface  near  which  these 
larvae  attached  themselves  to  pupate.  After  the  pupating 
period  the  adult  emerged  through  one  of  these  openings  in 
the  stem,  rested  on  a  nearby  object  and  flew  away.  Emergence 
was  found  to  occur  late  in  the  afternoon  or  at  night. 

These  larvae  were  blood  red  in  color  with  stout  bodies  and 
well  developed  mouth  parts,  and  measured  from  15  to  17mm. 
in  length.  A  microscopic  examination  of  the  digestive  tract 
which  revealed  particles  of  stem  fibers,  suggested  that  the 
larva  had  been  feeding  on  the  lily  stems. 

The  following  method  was  employed  in  order  to  determine 
the  average  number  of  larvae  inhabiting  a  stem.  A  heavy 
wire,  enclosing  a  quadrat  one  meter  square,  was  lowered  over 
the  top  of  the  lily  stems  and  all  stems  in  this  area  were  cut 
and  examined  for  larvae. 


No.  lily  stems 

No.  infested 

No.  Larvae 













The  total  of  stems  examined  was  280,  of  which  134  \\uv 
infested.     The  total  number  of  larvae  taken  from  these  stems 


was  377,  an  average  of  2.8  larvae  in  each  infested  stem,  or  an 
average  of  1.3  in  all  stems  examined  in  representative  stations. 

It  is  not  contended  that  the  larvae  caused  the  death  of  all 
the  yellow  water  lily  stems,  yet  it  is  a  fact/ that  their  burrow- 
ing and  feeding  affect  these  stems  both  directly  and  indirect! v. 
Directly,  in  that  the  tissue  is  destroyed  by  feeding,  and  indi- 
rectly, by  breaking  the  epidermis,  opening  the  path  for 

The  technique  used  in  associating  this  larva  with  the  adult 
was  simple.  A  cylinder  made  of  wire  screen  about  four 
inches  in  diameter  and  eighteen  inches  long  was  covered  with 
mosquito  netting  which  extended  about  six  inches  above  and 
below  the  ends  of  the  screen.  This  covered  cylinder  was 
placed  over  the  stem  and  tied  at  each  end  to  the  stem,  thus 
preventing  the  escape  of  the  imago. 

A  check  was  made  by  bringing  infested  parts  of  stems  to 
the  laboratory  and  placing  them  in  covered  counting  pans 
where  the  larvae  were  observed  to  feed,  pupate  and  emerge. 
Other  larvae  were  placed  in  a  small  aquarium,  fed  with 
juice  and  shreds  of  the  lily  stems,  and  were  also  observed  to 
pupate  and  emerge.  Specimens  of  various  stages  in  the  life 
history  were  thus  obtained. 

My  own  efforts  at  classification  assured  me  that  I  had  the 
midge,  Chironomus  qiiadripunctatiis,  the  male  of  which  has 
been  originally  described  by  Malloch.  But  to  verify  my  classi- 
fication I  sent  a  male  specimen  to  Dr.  O.  A.  Johannsen,  who 
kindly  confirmed  my  conclusion.  Later  I  compared  my  speci- 
men with  the  type  specimen  which  is  in  the  Illinois  State 
Laboratory  of  Natural  History,  Urbana,  Illinois. 

The  exact  length  of  time  the  larva  lives  was  not  determined 
because  artificial  conditions  of  the  laboratory  seemed  to  affect 
their  development  in  such  a  way  as  to  hinder  natural  growth, 
causing  them  to  immediately  start  pupating.  The  average 
length  of  time  in  the  pupa  stage,  under  conditions  observed, 
was  from  five  to  seven  days.  The  adult  was  never  observed 
to  feed  but  was  kept  alive  as  long  as  seven  days. 

Specimens  of  all  stages  were  collected  in  the  following  lakes 
of  Northern  Indiana  during  the  summers  of  1925,  '26,  '27: 

188  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '28 

Cellars,  Cedar,  Chapman,  Huffman,  Barbee,  Palestine,  Wawa- 
see  and  Webster.  They  were  also  observed  in  other  lakes 
where  yellow  pond  lilies  were  growing. 

After  collecting  the  original  descriptions  of  the  American 
species  of  Chironomus,  I  find  no  mention  of  any  midge  found 
associated  with  lily  stems  as  discussed  in  this  paper.  How- 
ever, Dr.  Johannsen  informs  me  that  a  species  with  similar 
habits  is  found  in  Europe. 


Chironomus  quadripunctatus.  Malloch.  Bull.  111.  Lab. 

Larva.  Blood-red,  length  15  to  17  mm.,  general  appearance 
as  in  pi.  V,  fig.  1.  Head  brown,  slightly  longer  than  broad,  a 
few  long  hairs  scattered  over  dorsal  surface  of  head.  Antenna 
short  and  stout  with  five  joints,  basal  joint  as  long  as  the 
remaining  four,  third  joint  longer  than  second.  Labium  broad, 
teeth  as  in  pi.  V,  fig.  5,  distinctly  darkened,  six  on  each  side. 
Mandibles  stout,  with  five  teeth  counting  apical  one,  fourth 
from  apex  longer  and  larger  than  second,  third  or  fifth,  all 
distinctly  blackened.  Anterior  pseudopods  with  numerous 
hairs  on  apices.  Posterior  pairs  of  prolegs  armed  with  apical 
claws.  Abdominal  segments  with  scattered  setae,  eleventh 
segment  without  ventral  blood-gills,  four  anal  blood-gills  cov- 
ered with  numerous  soft  hairs,  dorsal  tufts  consisting  of  about 
twelve  hairs,  basal  papillae  short. 

Pupa.  Reddish  brown,  frontal  tubercles  not  prominent, 
thoracic  respiratory  organs  present,  white  and  greatly 
branched,  the  larger  branches  made  up  of  bundles  of  whitish 
threads.  On  posterior  margin  of  abdominal  segment  is  a 
transverse  row  of  rather  conspicious,  blackish  spines.  Dorsal 
abdominal  segment  covered  with  microscopic  setae.  Eighth 
abdominal  segment  with  lateral  fin  as  in  pi.  V,  fig.  9.  Caudal 
fin  with  white  mat  of  hairs.  Caudal  hairs  longer  than  those 
lateral.  Length,  about  13  mm. 

?.  Antennal  hairs  yellowish,  basal  joint  of  antenna  amber 
color,  head  reddish  brown,  segments  of  palpus  as  in  pi.  V,  fig. 
6.  Segment  (a)  distinctly  thicker  and  about  three  times 
shorter  than  segment  (d),  segment  (c)  about  twice  as  long 
as  (a)  and  about  the  same  length  as  (b).  Mesonotum 
brownish,  divided  by  a  median  line  which  is  slightly  raised 
making  a  space  between  lateral  vittae  and  median  line  appear 
as  a  strip  slightly  lighter  in  color  than  vittae.  Metanotum 
chocolate  brown.  Vittae  slightly  darker.  Halteres  yellow. 


Plate  V. 




Plate  VI. 



Abdomen  stout,  tapering  very  little  posteriori v.  I'.odv  seg- 
ments dark  brown,  body  hairs  yellowish,  posterior  marginal 
segment  bands  pale  yellow  and  narrow.  Abdominal  segments 
2-6  near  posterior  margin  bearing  four  glassy  spot-like  dots, 
usually  arranged  in  a  quadrilateral  figure  as  in  pi.  V,  fig.  8. 
Legs  light  brown,  coxae  and  sternoplurae  brownish.  Fore 
tarsi  with  hairs  and  slightly  longer  than  fore  tibiae.  Tibia 
joint  in  midpair  slightly  darkened.  Mid  and  hind  tibiae  with 
hairs  longer  than  diameter  of  leg.  Wings  iridescent  in  strong 
light.  Cubitus  fork  near  the  middle,  crossvein  slightly  before. 
Wings  rather  widely  spread  at  tips  when  at  rest.  Length, 
8-9  mm. 

Eggs.     Never  were  found. 

iMalc.  The  male  was  originally  described  by  Mr.  J.  R.  Mai- 
loch.  Type  locality  was  given  as  Lake  Delavan,  Wisconsin, 
collected  by  Mr.  C.  A.  Hart,  September  7,  1892. 

I  have  seen  the  specimen  originally  described  by  Malloch 
and  found  it  to  be  in  a  very  poor  condition,  however,  I  am 
convinced  that  the  species  compared  are  the  same  and  that 
Malloch's  description  is  adequate. 

I  have  greatly  appreciated  advice  and  criticism  of  Dr.  W. 
Scott  and  Dr.  A.  C.  Kinscy,  both  of  the  Department  of  Zool- 
ogy, Indiana  University. 


Structural  Details  of  Chironomus  quadriptmctatus. 
Fig.   1.     General  outline  of  larva. 
Fig.  2.     Mandible  of  larva. 
Fig.  3.     Antenna  of  larva. 
Fig.  4.     Antenna  of  female. 
Fig.  5.     Labium. 
Fig.  6.     Palpus  of   female. 
Fig.  7.     Hypopygium. 
Fig.  8.     Body    segments,    dorsal    view,    showing    four    oval 

glassy  spots  found  on  segments  2-6. 
Fig.  9.     Apical  lateral  process   found  on  segment  8  of  pupa. 


Photographs    Showing   Yellow    Lily   Stems   Party   Destroyed 

by  Chironomus  quadripunctatus. 
Fig.   1.     Cross   section  of  stems  cut   about   four  inches    from 

root  stalk. 
Figs.  2  and  3.     Longitudinal  sections  showing  stage's  of  attack 

by  larva. 

190  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '28 

Some  Entomology  of  Bartholomew's  De 
Proprietatibus  Rerum. 

By  HARRY  B.  WEISS,  New  Brunswick,  N.  J. 

During  medieval  times  entomology  as  we  now  understand 
that  term  was  practically  non-existant.  However,  those  who 
laid  claim  to  any  erudition  at  all  had  a  slight  general  knowl- 
edge of  some  insects,  gained,  probably  for  the  most  part,  from 
Bartholomew's  DC  proprietatibus  rerum,  or  On  the  Properties 
of  Things.  This  is  an  encyclopedic,  elementary  work  of  nine- 
teen "books"  which  circulated  in  manuscript  form  in  the 
latter  part  of  the  thirteenth  and  early  fourteenth  century  and 
later  in  printed  form  up  to  the  sixteenth  century,  having  been 
translated  into  English,  Spanish,  French  and  Dutch.  It  was 
written,  according  to  the  author,  to  explain  the  references  to 
natural  objects  in  the  Scriptures,  but  Bartholomew  did  more 
than  simply  compile  his  material,  and  frequently  incorporated 
information  on  contemporary  affairs.  The  nineteen  books 
deal  with  various  apparently  unconnected  subjects  such  as 
God,  angels,  demons,  the  soul,  family  life,  medicine,  the 
heavens,  time,  "form  and  matter,"  the  air  and  its  animals, 
weather,  water  and  fish,  the  earth,  geography,  minerals,  the 
properties  of  animals,  color,  odor,  etc.,  and  numerous  author- 
ities are  cited.  Part  of  its  value  at  present  consists  of  the 
conception  it  gives  one  of  the  medieval  state  of  mind  and  of 
the  status  of  science,  natural  history,  geography,  etc.,  in  the 
Middle  Ages. 

Insects  such  as  bees,  flies,  crickets,  locusts,  come  in  for  some 
attention,  and  as  an  example  of  Bartholomew's  treatment 
there  is  quoted  below,  some  passages  on  bees  from  Trevisa's 
translation  (1397)  of  Bartholomew's  work.  These  have  been 
extracted  from  Robert  Steele's  "Mediaeval  Lore  from  Bar- 
tholomew Anglicus"  (London  1924)  in  which  obsolete  gram- 
matical forms  have  been  replaced  by  modern  ones  and  the 
spelling  modernized. 

"The  properties  of  bees  are  wonderful,  noble  and  worthy. 
For  bees  have  one  common  kind  as  children,  and  dwell  in 


one  habitation,  and  are  closed  within  one  gate ;  one  travail 
is  common  to  them  all,  one  meat  is  common  to  them  all,  one 
common  working,  one  common  use,  one  fruit  and  flight  is 
common  to  them  all,  and  one  generation  is  common  to  them 
all.  Also  maidenhood  of  body  without  wem  is  common  to 
them  all,  and  so  is  birth  also.  For  they  are  not  medlied  with 
service  of  Venus,  nother  resolved  with  lechery,  nother  bruised 
with  sorrow  of  birth  of  children.  And  yet  they  bring  forth 
most  swarms  of  children. 

"Bees  make  among  them  a  king,  and  ordain  among  them 
common  people.  And  though  they  be  put  and  set  under  a 
king,  yet  they  are  free  and  love  their  king  that  they  make,  by 
kind  love,  and  defend  him  with  full  great-  defence,  and  hold 
filj  honour  and  worship  to  perish  and  be  spilt  for  their  king, 
and  do  their  king  so  great  worship  that  none  of  them  dare  go 
out  of  their  house,  nor  to  get  meat,  but  if  the  king  pass  out 
and  take  the  principality  of  flight.  And  bees  chose  to  their 
king  him  that  is  most  worthy  and  noble  in  highness  and  fair- 
ness, and  most  clear  in  mildness,  for  that  is  chief  virtue  in 
a  king.  For  though  their  king  have  a  sting  yet  he  useth  it 
not  in  wreck.  And  also  bees  that  are  unobedient  to  the  king, 
they  deem  themselves  by  their  own  doom  for  to  die  by  the 
wound  of  their  own  sting.  And  of  a  swarm  of  bees  is  none 
idle.  Some  fight,  as  it  were  in  battle,  in  the  field  against  other 
bees,  some  are  busy  about  meat,  and  some  watch  the  coming 
of  showers.  And  some  behold  concourse  and  meting  of  diu-s 
and  some  make  wax  of  flowers,  and  some  make  cells  now 
round,  now  square  with  wonder  binding  and  joining,  and 
evenness.  And  yet  nevertheless,  among  so  diverse  works  none 
of  them  doth  espy  nor  wait  to  take  out  of  other's  travail, 
neither  taketh  wrongfully,  neither  stealeth  meat,  but  each 
seeketh  and  gathereth  by  his  own  flight  and  travail  among 
herbs  and  llowers  that  are  good  and  convenable. 

"Pxvs  sit  not  on  fruit  but  on  llowers,  not  withered  but  fresh 
and  new,  and  gather  matter  of  the  which  they  make  both 
honey  and  wax.  And  when  the  flowers  that  are  nigh  unto 
them  be  spent,  then  they  send  spies  for  to  espy  meat  in 
fui-ther  places.  And  if  the  night  falleth  upon  them  in  their 
journey,  then  they  lie  upright  to  defend  their  wings  from  rain, 
and  from  dew,  that  they  may  in  the  morrow  tide  fly  the  more 
swifter  to  their  work  with  their  wings  dry  and  able  to  Ily. 
And  they  ordain  watches  after  the  manner  of  castles,  and 
rest  all  night  until  it  be  day,  till  one  bee  wake  them  all  with 
twice  buz/ing  or  thrice,  or  with  some  manner  trumping;  then 

192  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,    '28 

they  fly  all,  if  the  day  be  fair  on  the  morrow.  And  the  bees 
that  bring  and  bear  what  is  needful,  dread  blasts  of  wind,  and 
fly  therefore  low  by  the  ground  when  they  be  charged,  lest 
they  be  letted  with  some  manner  of  blasts,  and  charge  them- 
selves sometimes  with  gravel  or  with  small  stones,  that  they 
may  be  the  more  stedfast  against  blasts  of  wind  by  heaviness 
of  the  stones. 

"The  obedience  of  bees  is  wonderful  about  the  king,  for 
when  he  passeth  forth,  all  the  swarm  in  one  cluster  passeth 
with  him.  And  he  is  beclipped  about  with  the  swarm,  as  it 
were  with  an  host  of  knights.  And  is  then  unneth  seen  that 
time  for  the  multitude  that  followeth  and  serveth  him,  and 
when  the  people  of  bees  are  in  travail,  he  is  within,  and  as  it 
were  governor,  and  goeth  about  to  comfort  others  for  to  work. 
And  only  he  is  not  bound  to  travail.  And  all  about  him  are 
certain  bees  with  stings,  as  it  were  champions,  and  continual 
wardens  of  the  king's  body.  And  he  passeth  selde  out,  but 
when  all  the  swarm  shall  go  out.  His  outgoing  is  known 
certain  days  tofore  by  voice  of  the  host,  as  it  were  arraying 
itself  to  pass  out  with  the  king." 

For  most  of  his  natural  history,  Bartholomew  depended 
upon  Aristotle  and  this  is  quite  apparent  when  comparisons 
are  made.  For  instance,  in  Historia  Animalium  (Book  V), 
Aristotle  says : 

"Of  the  king  bees  there  are,  as  has  been  stated,  two  kinds. 
In  every  hive  there  are  more  kings  than  one ;  and  a  hive  goes 
to  ruin  if  there  be  too  few  kings,  not  because  of  anarchy 
thereby  ensuing,  but,  as  we  are  told,  because  these  creatures 
contribute  in  some  way  to  the  generation  of  the  common 
bees.  A  hive  will  go  also  to  ruin  if  there  be  too  large  a  num- 
ber of  kings  in  it ;  for  the  members  of  the  hives  are  thereby 
subdivided  into  too  many  separate  factions." 

Again  in  Book  IX,  he  writes:  "At  early  dawn  they  make 
no  noise  until  some  one  particular  bee  makes  a  buzzing  noise 
two  or  three  times  and  thereby  awakes  the  rest ;  hereupon  they 
all  fly  in  a  body  to  work.  By  and  by  they  return  and  at  first 
are  noisy;  then  the  noise  gradually  decreases,  until  at  last 
some  one  bee  flics  around,  making  a  buzzing  noise,  and  appar- 
ently calling  on  the  others  to  go  to  sleep;  then  all  of  a 
sudden  there  is  a  dead  silence." 

Little  is  known  of  Bartholomew's  life.     In  1230  the  General 


(if  the  Franciscan  Order  wrote  to  the  provincial  of  France 
asking  him  to  send  Brother  Bartholomaeus  Anglicus  and  an- 
other friar  to  Magdeburg  in  Saxony  to  assist  him.  In  1231, 
according  to  a  manuscript  chronicle,  this  was  done  and  Bar- 
tholomew was  made  a  teacher  of  theology.  One  gathers  also, 
from  Salimbene  (Histoire  Litteraire  de  la  France,  1284)  that 
Bartholomew  lectured  on  the  Bible  at  the  University  of  Paris. 
The  exact  date  of  the  first  appearance  of  the  DC  proprietatibus 
rental  is  uncertain.  Some  authorities  place  it  at  about  1230, 
and  others  about  1248. 


TIIORNDIKE,  LYNN.     A  History  of   Magic  and  Experimental 

Science.     New  York,  1923. 
STEELE,  ROBERT.     Mediaeval  Lore  from  Bartholomew  Angli- 

cus.     London,  1924. 
THOMPSON,     D'ARCY    WENTWORTII.       Historia     Animalium, 

(Works  of  Aristotle  trans,  into  English).     Oxford,  1910. 


According  to  Science  for  April  20,  1928,  Prof,  and  Mrs. 
T.  D.  A.  Cockerell  have  left  Siam  for  Australia,  after  con- 
ference with  Dr.  Kcrr  on  the  Siamese  flora  and  with  Dr. 
Hugh  M.  Smith  on  Siamese  fishes. 

Dr.  IT.  B.  llungerford,  of  the  University  of  Kansas,  left 
on  April  27  for  eight  months  of  research  work  in  the  mu- 
seums of  Europe.  He  will  take  with  him  specimens  from 
the  collections  of  the  University  of  Kansas  and  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution,  Washington,  with  which  he  is  collaborat- 
ing on  the  trip.  Dr.  Hungerford  will  spend  most  of  the 
month  of  May  in  British  Museums,  going  later  to  Paris, 
Brussels,  Amsterdam,  Berlin,  Halle,  Copenhagen,  Uppsala, 
Prague,  Vienna  and  Budapest. — Science,  May  4,  1928. 

Some  Quantitative  Results  in  Collecting  Hemiptera. 

While  stopping  at  Wilson's  Camp  on  Indian  Lake  in  the 
Adirondacks  in  August,  1921.  and  again  last  August,  I  col- 
lected many  interesting  ITemiptera.  Most  of  my  time  was 
spent  collecting  on  a  neighboring  hillside  facing  the  lake.  Just 
back  of  this  cleared  area  was  dense  timber.  The  vegetation 
was  rather  low  and  scanty  consisting  of  clumps  of  grass,  inter- 



[June,  '28 

spersed  with  moss  and  various  low  growing  weeds  common 
to  such  a  semi-xerophytic  environment.  Dead  leaves  swept  in 
from  above  filled  in  the  interspaces.  As  my  method  of  col- 
lecting was  rather  unusual,  it  deserves  a  hit  of  explanation. 
My  operation  was  very  like  a  busy  hen,  scratching  and  search- 
ing for  her  juicy  morsels  amgng  the  dead  leaves.  Spreading 
my  sifting  cloth  and  lying  down  flat  beside  it  with  my  nose 
close  to  the  ground,  I  would  begin  the  operation  of  pulling 
grass  and  weeds,  scratching  and  searching,  occasionally  throw- 
ing the  debris  on  the  cloth  for  further  search.  Thus  I  grad- 
ually worked  down  the  hill  leaving  the  area  behind  me  prac- 
tically denuded  and  my  bottles  well  filled.  Why  this 
particular  hillside  has  such  a  rich  hemipterous  fauna 
I  am  unable  to  explain.  One  day  while  collecting  it  occurred 
to  me  that  I  might  secure  some  quantitative  results  which 
would  be  worth  recording.  Measuring  off  an  area  12  x  3  ft., 
and  collecting  there  in  this  intensive  manner  for  three  hours 
resulted  in  108  specimens  of  Hemiptera  representing  21  species. 
Other  forms  of  life  such  as  many  spiders,  ants,  a  few  beetles 
and  myriapods  were  neglected.  The  complete  list  of  Hemip- 
tera is  as  follows : 

Nysius  thymi  Wollf 2 

Zeridoneus  costalis  Van 

Duz 4 

Ligyrocoris  diffusus  Uhl..  2 

Sphaerobius  insignis  Uhl.  1 
Ptochiomera  ferruginea 

Stal 12 

Stygnocoris  rusticus  Fall.  8 

S.  pedestris  Fall 13 

Plinthisus  contractus  Uhl.  1 

Kolonctrus  plenus  Dist...  2 
Trapezonotus  arenarius 

Linn.  9 

Drymus  unus  Say 1 

Scolopostethus       thomsoni 

Reut 23 

Pagasa  fusca  Stein 1 

Xylocoris   cursitans    Fall. . 

X.  sp.? 

Lygus  vanduzeei  Knight . 
Philaenus  spumarius  Linn. 
Acucephalus  n  e  r  v  o  s  u  s 


A.    flavostrigatus    Donov.. 

Euscelis  sp.  ?   

Agallia  4— punctata   Prov. 





H.  G.  BARRER,  Roselle,  New  Jersey. 

The  Fight  Against  Insect-Borne  Diseases. 

During  1927  the  Rockefeller  Foundation,  in  disbursing  fnuu 
income  and  capital  $11,223,124,  inter  alia,  helped  Brazil  to 
maintain  precautionary  measures  against  yellow  fever ;  con- 
tinued studies  of  that  disease  in  West  Africa  on  the  Gold  Cons! 
and  in  Nigeria;  and  had  a  part  in  malaria  control  demonstra- 
tions or  surveys  in  eight  states  of  the  Southern  United  States 
and  in  eleven  foreign  countries. 

List  of  the  Titles  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  Referred  to  by 

Numbers   in   Entomological    Literature 

in  Entomological  News. 

1.  Transactions   of   The   American   Entomological    Society.      Philadelphia. 

2.  Entomologische    Blatter,    red.  v.  H.  Eckstein    etc.      Berlin. 

3.  Annals   of  the   Carnegie  Museum.     Pittsburgh,   Pa. 

4.  Canadian   Entomologist.     London,    Canada. 

5.  Pysche,  A  Journal  of   Entomology.     Boston,   Mass. 

6.  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society.     New  York. 

7.  Annals  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  America.     Columbus,  Ohio. 

8.  Entomologists'   Monthly   Magazine.     London. 

9.  The  Entomologist.     London. 

10.  Proceedings  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington.     Washington,  D.  C. 

11.  Deutsche  entomologische   Zeitschrift.      Berlin. 

12.  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology.     Concord,  N.  H. 

13.  Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology.     Claremont,  Cal. 

14.  Entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Frankfurt    a.  M.,    Germany. 

15.  Natural  History,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.     New  York. 

16.  American  Journal  of   Science.     New  Haven,   Conn. 

17.  Entomologische    Rundschau.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

18.  Internationale    entomologische    Zeitschrift.     Guben,    Germany. 

19.  Bulletin  of  the   Brooklyn  Entomological   Society.     Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

20.  Societas  entomologica.     Stuttgart,   Germany. 

21.  The  Entomologists'   Record  and  Journal  of   Variation.      London. 

22.  Bulletin  of   Entomological  Research.     London. 

23.  Bollettino    del    Laboratorio     di     Zoologia     generale     e     agraria     della 

R.   Scuola   superiore  d'Agricultura   in   Portici.     Italy. 

24.  Annales  cle  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

25.  Bulletin  de  la   societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

26.  Entomologischcr    Anzeiger,   hersg.    Adolf    Hoffmann.      Wien,    Austria. 

27.  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica.     Genova,   Italy. 

28.  Ent.    Tidskrift   utgifen   af    Ent.   Foreningen   i    Stockholm.      Sweden. 

29.  Annual   Report  of   the   Ent.   Society  of   Ontario.     Toronto,   Canada. 

30.  The   Maine   Naturalist.     Thornaston,   Maine. 

31.  Nature.     London. 

32.  Boletim  do  Museu  Nacional  do  Rio  de  Janiero.     Brazil. 

33.  Bull,  et  Annales  de  la  Societe  entomologique  de  Belgique.     Bruxelles. 

34.  Zoologischcr  Anzeiger,  hrsg.  v.   E.  Korschelt.     Leipzig. 

35.  The   Annals   of    Applied    Biology.     Cambridge,    England. 

36.  Transactions  of   the   Entomological   Society   of   London.     England. 

37.  Proceedings   of    the    Hawaiian    Entomological    Society.     Honolulu. 

38.  Bull,  of  the  Southern  California  Academy  of   Sciences.     Los  Angeles. 

39.  The  Florida  Entomologist.     Gainesville,   Fla. 

40.  American   Museum    Novitates.     New   York. 

41.  Mitteilungen  der  schweiz.  ent.  Gesellschaft.     Schaffhausen,  Switzerland. 

42.  The  Journal   of    Experimental   Zoology.      Philadelphia. 

43.  Ohio   Journal   of    Sciences.     Columbus,    Ohio. 

44.  Revista   chilena   de   historia   natural.     Valparaiso,    Chile. 

45.  Zeitschrift    fur    wissenschaftliche    Tnsektenbiologie.     Berlin. 

46.  Zeitschrift  fiir  Morphologic  und  Okologie  der  Tierc.     Berlin. 

47.  Journal  o'f  Agricultural   Research.     Washington,   D.   C. 

48.  Wiener  entomologische  Zeitung.     Wien,   Austria. 

49.  Entomologische   Mitteilungen.     Berlin. 

50.  Proceedings   of  the   U.   S.   National    Museum.     Washington,   D.   C. 

51.  Notulae  entomologicae,  cd.  Soc.  ent.  helsingfors.    Helsingfors,  Finland. 

52.  Archiv  fiir   Naturgeschichte,   hrsg.  v.  E.  Strand.     Berlin. 

53.  Quarterly  Journal  of   Microscopical   Science.     London. 

54.  Annales  de  Parasitologie  Humaine  et  Comparee.     Paris. 

55.  Pan-Pacific   Entomologist.     San    Francisco,    Cal. 

56.  "Konowia".     Zeit.    fiir    systematische    Insektenkunde.      Wien,    Austria. 

57.  La  Feuille  des   Naturalistes.     Paris. 

58.  Entomologische  Berichten.    Nederlandsche  ent.   Ver.     Amsterdam. 

59.  Encyclopedic  entomologique,  ed.  P.  Lechevalier.     Paris. 

60.  Stettiner   entomologische   Zeitung.     Stettin,    Germany. 

61.  Proceedings  of   the   California   Academy  of   Sciences.     San   Francisco. 

62.  Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of   Natural  History.     New  York. 

63.  Deutsche  entomologische  Zeitschrift   "Iris".     Berlin. 

64.  Zeitschrift   des   b'sterr.   entomologen-Vereines.     Wien. 

65.  Zeitschrift   fiir  angewandte  Entomologie,  hrsg.   K.   Escherich.     Berlin. 

66.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Meeting.     Pusa,  India. 

67.  University  of  California  Publications,  Entomology.     Berkeley,  Cal. 

68.  Science.     New  York. 

69.  Comptes  rendus  hebdoma.  des  seances  de  1'Academie  des  sciences.  Paris. 

70.  Entomologica  Americana,  Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn. 

71.  Novitatcs  Zoologicae.     Tring,   England. 

72.  Revue  russe  d'Entomologie.     Leningrad,  USSR. 

73.  Quarterly   Review  of   Biology.     Baltimore,   Maryland. 

74.  Sbornik  entomolog.  narodniho  musea  v  Praze.    Prague,  Czechoslavokia. 

75.  Annals  and   Magazine  of   Natural   History.     London. 

76.  The    Scientific    Monthly.     New    York. 

77.  Comptes  rendus  heb.  des  seances  et  memo,  de  la  soc.  de  biologic.  Paris. 

78.  Bulletin   Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.     Paris. 

79.  Koleopterologische  Rundschau.     Wien. 

80.  Lepidopterologische   Rundschau,   hrsg.   Adolf   Hoffmann.     Wien. 

81.  Folia  myrmecol.  et  termitol.  hrsg.  Anton  Krausse.     Bernau  bei  Berlin. 

82.  Bulletin,  Division  of  the  Natural  History  Survey.     Urbana,  Illinois. 

83.  Arkiv   for   zoologie,   K.   Svenska   Vetenskapsakademien   i.      Stockholm. 

84.  Ecology.     Brooklyn. 

85.  Genetics.     Princeton,   New  Jersey. 

86.  Zoologica,  New  York  Zoological  Society.     New  York. 

87.  Archiv  fur  Entwicklungs  mechanik  der  Organ.,  hrsg.  v.  Roux.     Leipzig. 

88.  Die  Naturwissenschaf  ten,  hrsg.  A.  Berliner.     Berlin. 

89.  Zoologische   Jahrbiicher,    hrsg.  v.  Spengel.     Jena,    Germany. 

90.  The  American  Naturalist.     Garrison-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

91.  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences.     Washington,  D.  C. 

92.  Biological  Bulletin.     Wood's  Hole,   Massachusetts. 

93.  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London.     England. 

94.  Zeitschrift   fiir  wissenschaftliche  Zoologie.     Leipzig. 

95.  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soc.  of  Washington,    Washington,  D.  C. 

96.  La  Cellule.     Lierre,  Belgium. 

97.  Biologisches   Zentralblatt.     Leipzig. 

98.  Le   Naturaliste  Canadien.     Cap  Rouge,   Chicoutimi,  Quebec. 

99.  Melanges  exotico-entomologiques,  Par  Maurice  Pic.     Moulins,   France. 


Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

O^'Notc  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL— Crampton,  G.  C.— The  s-roupin^  ,,f  the 
insect  orders  and  their  lines  of  descent.  [9]  Ol  :  82-85,  ill. 
Cutright  &  Huber. — Growth  condition  of  the  host  as  a  fac- 
tor in  insect  abundance.  [7]  21  :  147-153.  Durrant,  J.  H.- 
Obituary.  [10]  30:  40.  [9]  61:  73-75,  port.  [21]  40: 
47-48,  port.  Edwards,  F.  W. — Insect  collecting  in  the 
Southern  Andes.  [15]  1:  111-125,  ill.  Eisinger,  F.— Die 
Insekten  in  der  alten  Heilkunde.  [14]  41:  440-447,  emit. 
Forbes,  W.  T.  M.— What  is  a  name?  [08 1  67:  373.  Fried- 
rich,  H.-  Alaskicrte  Tiere.  [Kosmos]  25:  110-120,  ill. 
Frost,  S.  W.— Insect  scatology.  [7]  21:36-46.  Hendrick- 
son,  G.  O. — Some  notes  on  the  insect  fauna  of  an  Iowa 
prairie.  |7|  21:  132-138.  Kuhlgatz,  T.-  Nomenclator  ani- 
malium  s^enerum  et  sub^enera.  2  :  797-950.  Corneo-1  >eros. 
McAtee,  W.  L. — "I'.ioln^ical  species"  from  the  standpoint 
of  the  insect  taxonomist.  |  K)|  30:  38-39.  Michelmore,  A. 
P.  G.---A  ily  milkin-  an  aphid.  [9|  Ol  :  90-91.  Watson,  J. 
R.— Citrus  insects  of  Honduras.  [39]  11  :  53-54. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Cleveland,  L.  R. 
Further  observations  and  experiments  on  the  symbiosis  be- 
tween termites  and  their  intestinal  proto/.oa.  |  I'.iul.  I'.ull.j 
54:  231-237.  Crampton,  G.  C.  The  culabinm,  mentum. 
submentum  and  ^ular  region  of  insects.  |13|  20:  1-18,  ill. 
Demoll,  R.—  LJritersuchungen  iiber  die  . \tinun-  der  Insek- 
ten. [Zool.  Jahrb.  Abt.  Allg.  Zool.  und  Phys.  der  Tiere ] 

196  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '28 

(Hesse  Festschrift)  45:  515-534,  ill.  Dusham,  E.  H— The 
larval  wax  glands  of  the  dogwood  sawfly  (Macremphytus 
variamis  Norton).  [7]  21 :  92-96,  ill.  Ewing,  H.  E.—" The 
legs  and  leg-bearing  segments  of  some  primitive  Arthropod 
groups,  with  notes  on  leg-segmentation  in  the  Arachnida. 
[Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.]  80:  No.  11,  1-41,  ill.  Glaser,  R.  W.- 
Evidence  in  support  of  the  olfactory  function  of  the  anten- 
nae of  insects.  [5]  34:  209-215.  Jobling,  B.— The  struc- 
ture of  the  head  and  mouth  parts  in  Culicoides  pulicaris 
(Nematocera).  [22]  18:  211-236,  ill.  Lozinski,  P.— Ueber 
die  Spinndrusen  der  Wespenlarven.  II :  Histologie  und 
Zytologie.  [Bull.  Intern.  Acad.  Polonaise  Sci.  &  Lett.]  3: 
161-209,  ill.  Muller,  H.  J.™ --Erzeugung  neuer  tierformen 
durch  Rontgenstrahlen.  [Die  Umschau]  32:  314-316,  ill. 
Monne,  L. — Untersuchungen  zur  Genetik  der  Raupenzeich- 
nung  des  Schwammspinners  (Lymantria  dispar).  (Bull. 
Intern.  Acad.  Polonaise  Sci.  &  Lett.]  3:  403-415,  ill. 
Truszkowski,  R. — Les  diastases  purinolytiques  des  Inverte- 
bres.  [77]  98:  1048. 

is. — Millipeds  of  the  order  Colobognatha,  with  descriptions 
of  six  new  genera  and  type  species,  from  Arizona  and  Cali- 
fornia. [50]  72:  1-26,  i'll.  Hassan,  A.  S.— The  biology  of 
the  Eriophyidae  with  special  reference  to  Eriophyes  tris- 
triatus.  [67]  4:  342-383,  ill.  Wiehle,  H.— Vom  radnetz  der 
Spinnen.  [Der  Nat.  forsch.,  Berlin.]  4:  1-6. 


W.  E. — European  hen  flea  in  Connecticut.  [12]  21:  437. 
Broughton,  E. — Some  new  Odonata  nymphs.  [4]  60:  32- 
34,  ill.  Calvert,  P.  P.— Report  on  Odonata  [collected  by 
the  Barbados- Antigua  Expedition],  including  notes  on  some 
internal  organs  of  the  larvae.  [Iowa  Studies  Nat.  Hist.J 
12:  3-44,  ill.  Carpenter,  F.  M. — A  scorpion-lly  from  the 
Green  River  eocene.  [3]  18:  241-248,  ill.  *Esben-Peterson, 
P. — Neue  und  wenig  bekannte  Neuropteren  des  Hamburger 
museums.  (S)  [11]  1928:  73-77,  ill.  *Hood,  J.  D.— New 
Neotropical  Thysanoptera  collected  by  C.  B.  \Yilliams.  [5] 
34:  230-246.  *Pic,  M.— Neue  Malacodermen.  (S)  [34]  76: 
95-98.  Pomeyrol,  R. —  La  parthenogenese  des  Thysanop- 
teres.  [78]  62:  2-19.  :!:Richter,  W.— Beitrag  zur  kenntnis 
der  Aeolothripiden  (Thysanoptera.  [11:]  1928;  29-37,  ill. 
[n.  gen.  for  neotrop.  sp.]  :i:Ris,  F. — Die  ausbcute  drr 
deutschen  Chaco-Expedition  1925-26.  (S)  |5(»]  7:  40-49, 
ill.  Ryvez,  M. — Les  mouches  a  truites  Perles  Nenioun-:-, 
Sialis.  [La  Nat.]  1928:  369-370,  ill.  Wilson,  F.  H.— Notes 
on  the  collection  of  Mallophaga.  [4]  60:  27-28. 


ORTHOPTERA.— Champlain,   A.   B.— Denizens    of    the 
cracks  and  dark  corners.      [Nature   Mag.]    11:  304-306,   ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— *Ball,  E.  D.— The  genus  Draecula- 
cephala  and  its  allies  in  North  America.  (Rhynchota).  [39:] 
1 1  :  33-40.  Drake  &  Harris. — Tetraphleps  canadensis,  a  true 
Tetraphleps.  [4]  60:  50.  Esaki,  T.— Contribution  to  the 
knowledge  of  the  genus  Nepa  (Xepidae).  [75]  1:  434-441, 
ill.  Essig,  E.  O.— Rice  bugs.  [55]  4:  128.  Frothingham, 
L. — Notes  on  the  periodical  Cicada  on  Cape  Cod,  Mass., 
1906-1923.  [Mull.  J'.oston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  1928:  7-10. 
:|:Gillette  &  Palmer.— Notes  on  Colorado  Aphididae.  [7]  21  : 
1-20,  ill.  Hungerford,  H.  B. — Concerning  Kirkaldy's  Noton- 
ecta  mexicana  varieties  Hades  and  Ceres.  (Notonectidae) 
[55]  4:  119-120.  Hungerford,  H.  B.— Melanchroism  in 
Notonecta  borealis.  |4|  (>0:  7<>.  *Hungerford,  H.  B. — Some 
recent  studies  in  aquatic  Hemiptera.  [7]  21  :  139-144,  ill. 
^Hungerford,  H.  B. — Two  new  Notonecta  from  South 
America.  (Notonectidae)  [7]  21  :  119-120.  Johnson,  C.  W.- 
The  periodical  Cicada  in  New  England.  [  Hull.  Boston  Soc. 
Nat.  Hist]  1928:  3-6,  ill.  Merrill,  A.  W.— Sonora  cotton 
square  dauber  (Creontiades  debilis).  [12]  21  :  437.  Readio, 
P.  A. — Studies  on  the  biology  of  Reduviidae  of  America 
north  of  Mexico.  [Univ.  Sci.  Bull.]  17:  6-291,  ill.  Simm; 
K. — Die  Rosenzwergzikade  (Typhlocvba  rosae).  Ein  Beit- 
rag  zur  Kenntnis  der  Jassiden.  [Bull.  Intern.  Acad.  Polon- 
aise Sci.  &  Lett.]  3 :  67-85,  ill.  Titschack,  E.— Der  Fiih- 
lernerv  der  Bettwanze,  Cimex  lectularius  und  sein  zentrales 
Endgebiet.  [Zool.  Jahrb.  Abt.  Allg.  Zool.  und  Phvs.  der 
Tiere]  (Hesse  Festschrift)  45:  437-462.  Thompson,  W. 
L. — The  seasonal  and  ecological  distribution  of  the  common 
aphid  predators  of  central  Florida.  [39]  11:  49-52. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Anon.— Celerio  gallii  intermedia,  [on 
St.  Paul  Island,  Alaska]  [55 1  4:  136.  :i:Bang-Haas,  O. 
Horae  Macrolepidopterologicae.  1  :  128,  ill.  Barnes  &  Ben- 
jamin.— On  the  identity  of  four  species  of  Geometridae. 
[55]  4:  133-136.  Barnes  &  Benjamin.-- On  the  distribution 
of  Perizoma  osculata  (Geometridae).  [55]  4:  120.  *Cas- 
sino,  S.  E. — Some  new  Lasiocampidae.  [The  Lepidoptcr- 
ist]  4:  89-96.  Chandler,  S.  C.— Codling  moth  hibernation 
studies.  [12]  21:  315-318.  *Clark,  B.  P.— Sundry  notes  on 
Sphingidae  and  descriptions  of  ten  new  forms.  [Pro.  \ew 
England  Zool.  Club]  10:  33-4(>.  Forbes,  W.  T.  M.-  A  ke) 
to  the  forms  of  the  genus  Chlosyne.  (Nymph.)  |7|  21: 

198  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [June,  '28 

98-100.  Frohawk,  F.  W.— Variation  of  Pieris  napi.  [9] 
61 :  76-77,  ill.  Gadeau,  H. — Resultat  de  1'accouplement  de 
femelles  decapitees  avec  des  males  normaux  et  ponte  d'abdo- 
mens  isoles  chez  le  Bombyx  du  murier.  (Sericaria  mori  L). 
[25]  1928:  70-71.  Conner,  P.— Dcr  Traucrmantel  (Vanessa 
antiopa  Linne)  und  sein  Formenkreis.  [14]  41:  435-442, 
cont.  *Gunder,  J.  D. — A  Review  of  genus  Zerene  in  the 
United  States.  [55]  4:  97-102.  *Keiffer,  H.  H.— California 
Microlepidoptera  III.  [55]  4:  129-132.  *Kruger,  R.— Eino 
neue  Erycinide ;  Symmachia  margaretha.  Castnia  cacica 
forma  discomaculata.  (S  [14]  41  :  442-443.  Petersen,  W. 
-Die  Blattminierergattungen  Lithocolletis  u.  Nepticula. 
[60]  88 :  113-174,  ill.  Riley,  N.  D.— The  Obcrthiir  collection 
of  butterflies  and  moths.  [15]  1:  83-90.  Turner,  H.  J.- 
Lyeaena.  [Note  on  the  name].  [21]  40:  33-34. 

DIPTERA.— :i:Alexander,  C.  P.— Studies  on  the  crane- 
Hies  of  Mexico.  (Tipnloidea).  [7]  21 :  101-1 19.  Aldrich, 
J.  M. — The  flics  of  the  western  mountains.  [Smiths.  Inst.] 
1928:  67-72,  ill.  *  Alexander,  C.  P.— Records  of  crane-flies 
(Tipulidac)  from  Ontario.  [4]  60:  54-60.  *Bau,  A. 
Cuterebra  ornata,  spec.  nov.  (Cuterebrinae).  (S)  [56]  7: 
50-51.  Broadbent,  B.  M. — Developmental  history  of  the 
narcissus  bulb  fly  at  Washington,  D.  C.  [12]  21  :' 353-357. 
:|:Curran,  C.  H. — Two  new  species  of  Wagneria  (Tachim- 
dae).  [4]  60:  48-49.  *Czerny,  L. — Erganzungen  zu  meiner 
monographic  der  Helomyziden.  [56]  7:  52-55.  Ferris,  G.  F. 
-The  genus  Brachypteromyia  (Hippoboscidae).  [55]  4: 
140-142,  ill.  Johnson,  C.  W. — The  Tricyphonu  inconstans 
on  Nantucket  Island,  Mass.  [5]  34:  216:217,  ill.  *Krober, 
O. — Neue  und  wenig  bekannte  Dipteren  aus  den  familicn 
Omphralidae,  Conopidae  und  Therevidae.  (S)  [56]  7: 
1-23,  ill.  *Lindner,  E. — Die  ausbeute  der  deutschen  Chaco- 
Expedition.  (S)  [56]  7:  24-36,  ill.  *Malloch.  J.  R.- 
Exotic  Muscaridae.  (S)  [75]  1:465-494,  ill.  Martini,  E.- 
Ueber  die  scgmentale  Gliederung  nematocerer  dipteren. 
[34]  76:  83-95,  ill.  Martini  &  Kalandadze.— Ueber  .lie  seg- 
mentale  Gliederung  nematocerer  dipteren.  |34]  76;  67-83, 
ill.  *Smith,  L.  M. — Distinction  between  three  species  of 
Eumerus  (Syrphidae),  with  description  of  a  new  species. 
[55]  4:  137-139,  ill.  Townsend,  M.  T.— Seasonal  abun- 
dance and  vertical  migrations  of  Eucilia  caesar  and  other 
insects  in  an  artificial  grove.  |7|  21:  121-129,  ill.  :!:Van 
Duzee,  M.  C. — Three  new  Dolichopodids  from  Western 
Canada.  [4]  60:  40-42. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  199 

COLEOPTERA.— Arrow,  G.  J.— Mimicry  in  beetles. 
[15]  1  :  166-172,  ill.  *Barber,  H.  S.— Two  new  cave-beetles 
related  to  Anophthalmus  pusio.  [91]  18:  194-196.  *Bern- 
hauer,  M. — Ein  neues  Anthobium  a  us  Nordamerika. 
(Staph.)  [11]  1928:  40.  Bigger,  J.  H.— Hibernation 
studies  of  Colaspis  brunnea.  [12]  21 :  268-273.  *Blatchley, 
W.  S. — Notes  on  some  Florida  Coleoptera  with  descriptions 
of  new  species.  [4]  60:  60-73.  Blatchley,  W.  S.— The 
Scarabaeidae  of  Florida.  [39]  11  :  44-46,  cont.  *Breuning, 
S. — Monographic  der  gattung  Calosoma.  (Carab.).  [48] 
44:  81-141.  Brisley,  H.  R.--A  short  review  of  the  tribes 
Orsodacnini  and  Crioccrini  of  the  coleopterous  family 
Chrysomelidae  with  special  reference  to  species  of  Western 
United  States.  [55]  4:  114-119.  *Brown,  W.  J.— Three 
new  species  of  Glaresis.  [4]  60:  73-76,  ill.  Chittenden,  F. 
H,— Note  on  Phyllotreta.  [4]  60:  53.  *Desbordes,  H.- 
Tableau  des  especies  americaines  du  genre  Lioderma  (ITis- 
teridae),  description  d'une  espece  nouvelle  et  note  synony- 
miquc.  (S)  [25]  1928:  53-60.  *Fall,  H.  C.— The  North 
American  species  of  Rybaxis.  [5]  34:  218-226.  Fall,  H.  C. 
-A  review  of  the  genus  Polyphylla  (Scarabaeidae).  [10] 
30:30-35.  Gui,  H.  L. — The  Coccinellidae  of  Kansas.  [Jour. 
Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  1  :  2-13.  Hayes  &  McColloch. — Ecolog- 
ical studies  of  Kansas  Scarabaeid  larvae.  [12]  21  :  249-260, 
ill.  Heller,  K.  M. — Studien  znr  systematik  altweltlicher 
I'.alanimini  IT.  [60]  88:  175-287,  ill  Jones,  W.  W.— Phy- 
tonomus  quadricollis  a  leaf  miner.  [55]  4:  142.  *Kleine, 
R. — Ueber  die  Brenthidenfauna  von  Costa  Rica.  [60]  88: 
288-296,  ill.  Knaus,  W. — The  northward  extension  of 
Agrypnus  sallei.  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  1  :  20.  Kolbe, 
H. — Zur  morphologic  der  arten  von  Cerapterus,  einer  gat- 
tung der  coleopterenfamilie  der  Paussiden.  [11]  1928:  1-20. 
*Luginbill,  P. — The  beetles  of  the  genus  Phyllophaga  in- 
habiting South  Carolina.  [7]  21  :  47-91,  ill.  Marshall,  W. 
S. — The  development  of  the  compound  eye-  of  the  confuse.] 
flour  beetle,  Tribolium  confusum.  [Trans.  \\'isc.  Acad.  Sri. 
Arts  &  Letters]  23:  611-630,  ill.  McColloch,  J.  W.-  Dis 
pcrsal  of  Scarabacids  by  flood  \vaters.  [  (our.  Kansas  Ent. 
Soc.]  1:  19-20.  Milne,  L.  J.— Notes  on  Silphidae  in  llali- 
burton  Co.,  Ont.  [Canadian  Field  Nat.]  42:  43.  *Schaef- 
fer,  C. — Notes  on  the  species  of  Eina  and  allied  genera 
(Chrysom.).  [4]  60:  42-47.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— Melano- 
phila  consputa.  |55]  4:  11.x  :|:Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— 

200  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,    '28 

and  descriptions  of  new  species  of  Lucanidae  and  Ceranv 
bycidae  from  Western  North  America.  [55]  4:  105-113. 
:;Wendeler,  H. — Paederognathus  nom.  nov.  (Staphylin.). 
[11]  1928:  37.  *Wolcott,  G.  N.— The  may  beetles  of  Haiti 
(Scarabaeidae).  [10]  30:  21-29,  ill.  Wymore,  F.  H.— On 
Dinapate  wrighti.  [55]  4:  143.  *Zimmermann,  A. — Neuer 
lleitrag  zur  kenntnis  der  schwimmkafer.  [48]  44:  165-187. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Alfken,  J.  D.— Beitrag  zur  kenntnis 
ciniger  Chalicodoma-arten.  (Apid.)  [11]  1928:  41-44. 
Box,  H.  E. — Algunos  parasitos  de  los  huevos  de  Diatraea 
saccharalis  en  Tucuman.  [Rev.  Ind.  Agric.  Tucuman]  18: 
5-8,  ill.  Box,  H.  E. — Los  parasitos  conocidos  de  las 
cspecies  americanas  de  Diatraea.  (Pyralidae)  [Rev.  Ind. 
Agric.  Tucuman]  18:  53-nl.  *Brethes,  J. — Parasitos  e 
hiperparasito  de  Diatraea  saccharalis  en  la  cana  de  azucar, 
en  Tucuman.  [Rev.  Ind.  Agric.  Tucuman.]  17:  Io3-166. 
Criddle,  N. — The  introduction  and  establishment  of  the 
larch  savvllv  parasite,  Mesoleius  tcnthredinis,  into  Southern 
Manitoba.  "[4]  60:  51-53.  Custer,  C.  P.— Nesting  habits  of 
a  solitary  bee  of  the  genus  Spinoliclla.  [5|  34:  199-202,  ill. 
Custer,  C.  P. — On  the  nesting  habits  of  Melissodes.  [41 
60:  28-31,  ill.  *Dozier,  H.  L. — Two  undescribed  Aphelinid 
scale  parasites  from  Delaware  (Aphelinidae).  [10:]  30:  35- 
38,  ill.  *Fox,  C.  L. — A  new  Stictiella  from  Texas  (Bembeci- 
dae).  [55]  4:  103-104.  *Graenicher,  S.— Bees  of  the  genus 
Halictus  from  Miami,  Florida.  [5]  34:  203-208.  Hayward, 
K.  J. — Miscellaneous  notes  from  Argentina.  Ants  in  flooded 
areas.  [21]  40:54-55.  Hicks,  C.  H.— Parasites  and  habits 
of  Dianthidium  pudicum.  [5]  34:  193-198.  Holldobler,  K. 

—Zur  Biologic  der  diebischen  Zwergameise  (Solcnopsis 
fugax)  und  ihrer  Gaste.  [97]  48:  129-142.  Kleine,  R.- 
Bestimmungstabelle  der  Brcnthidae.  [14]  41  :  444-445,  cont. 
Martin,  C.  H. — Biological  studies  of  two  hymenopterous 
parasites  of  aquatic  insect  eggs.  [70]  8:  105-156,  ill.  Rau, 
P. — The  nesting  habits  of  the  wasp,  Chalybion  caerulcum. 
[7]  21  :  25-35.'  *Rohwer,  S.  A. — Preoccupied  name  in 
Hymenoptera.  [10]  30:  38.  Salman,  K.  A.— Notes  on 
Phlebatrophia  mathesoni  in  Maine.  [12]  21:432.  Scullen, 
H.  A. — Bees  belonging  to  the  family  Bremidae  taken  in 
Western  Oregon,  with  notes.  [55]  4:  121-128.  Smith,  R. 
C. — Lasius  interjectus  (Formicidae),  a  household  pest  in 
Kansas.  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Sue.]  1  :  14-18.  Wilder,  M.  C. 

-Observations  on   the   Ichneumon-fly   Fpiurus  pterophori. 
|5|  34:227-229,  ill. 

JULY,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX  No.  7 


^      V 



Gunder — Unnaraable  Butterflies  (Lepid.:  Rhopalocera) 201 

Abbott — Some  Observations  on  the  Behavior  of  Cerceris  architis  Mickel 

(Hym.:   Philanthidae) 205 

To  Authors  of  Entomological  Papers 206 

Wolcott — Descriptions  of  New  Species  of  North  American  Hydnocer- 

inae  (Col.:  Cleridae)  . 207 

Ferris  and  Chamberlin— On  the  Use  of  the  word  "  Chitinized  " 

Walton — A  New  Endomychid  from  Florida  (Coleop.).  ...  ...  216 

Park — Bifurcation  of  Antenna  in  Balaninus  (Coleop.  :  Curculionidae) .  219 

Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology 220 

Haimbach— New  Synonymy  (Lep. :  Saturnidae) 223 

Personals— Dr.  C.  E.  Porter,  Prof.  J.  S.  Hine,  Dr.  A.  F.  Braun  ...  223 

Entomological  Literature 224 

Byers — Comments  on  the  Odonata  Recorded  in  "  A  List  of  the  Insects 

of  New  York" 229 

Review  of  Needham,  Frost  and  Tothill's  Leaf-Mining  Insects 230 


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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
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No*  7 

Unnamable  Butterflies  (Lepid.:  Rhopalocera). 

By  J.  D.  GUXDER,  Pasadena,  California. 
(Plates  VII-X). 

Unnamable  butterflies  are  those  sorts  of  Lepidoptcra  which 
are  popularly  termed  hermaphrodites,  freaks,  sports,  deforms, 
malforms,  aberrations  ('),  monstrosities,  etc.  Such  specimens 
have  no  right  to  specific  names  and  if  named,  they  fall  into 
synonymy.  I  believe  a  consensus  of  opinion  in  this  regard 
hears  me  out. 

As  a  class,  these  "freaks  of  nature"  are  interesting  to  ob- 
serve and  it  is  the  object  of  this  article  to  illustrate  several 
kinds.  I  cannot  here  go  into  a  complete  diagnosis  of  their 
unfortunate  physical  condition.  In  most  cases  the  c;  ,es  of 
their  ailments  are  unknown.  Our  latest  check  lists  still  record 
some  of  these  named  "freaks"  as  got  id,  but  I  believe  all  will 
b"  eventually  culled  out. 

For  convenience  of  illustration  and  division  of  text  matter, 
I  have  separated  such  specimens  into  ten  groups  as  lot!  ?s: 

1.  I  IKRMAPHRODITES  (Individuals  in  which  the  c!  acters 
of  both  sexes  are  combined)  AND  MOSAICS.  Hate  VII,  '  ;.  l.\ 
is  not  really  a  hermaphrodite  like  fig.  II!,  for  example,  but  is  a 
hi-  formed  Pupilio  ylancus  L.  ?  ,  having  the  dark  form  female 
on  the  left  and  the  light  form  female  on  the  right  ;  specimen 
in  the  Academy  coll.  at  Philadelphia;  a  similar  specimen  i> 
figured  in  color  by  W.  II.  Edwards  on  I'apilio  plate  5  in  "llut- 
terllies  of  North  America".  Kig.  II!;  9  ,  same  species;  mal--  Ini, 
female  right;  in  Strecker  coll..  Field  Museum,  Chicago,  Illi- 
nois. Fig.  1C;  $  ,  same  species;  right  secondary  only  male;  also 

(')The  word  aberration  or  ah.  means  —  "A  •;\.-an<liirin</  dci'hilion  from 
vv//<//  is  rii/lit,  mil  urnl;  a  menial  (or  physicttl)  ilisordt'r".  It  is  a  very 
.neneral  term  which  easily  covers  all  "unnaniahle  huttertlies".  It  sin  mid 
not  he  used  in  classification  \«r  designating  a  tirade  »f  ^lecimen^;  it 
implies  no  biological  rank.  For  further  discussion  and  referefta 
Ent.  News,  Nov.,  1927,  pp.  265-6. 


202  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

in  Strecker  coll.     Fig.   ID;    9,  same  species;  wings  showing  a 
conglomerate  mixture  of  both  sexes  ;  also  in  Strecker  coll. 

2.  CHRYSALIS  BURNS.  Specimens  showing  a  bleaching  out  or 
irregular  fading  of  the  pigmental  colors  over  the  wings.     Such 
specimens  are  commonly  found  in  all  species  and  in  both  sexes. 
They  are  disease-scarred  individuals  which  have  probably  re- 
covered from,  or  "pulled  through,"  some  mild  affliction  devel- 
oped during  the  chrysalis   stage.      Plate  VII,   fig.   2\    (type) 
shows  a  Dana  us  nicnippc    (Hbn.)    which  was  named   pnlchra 
(synonym)  by  Herman  Strecker.     Figs.  2B  and  2C  also  show 
two  other  "birth-marked"  specimens  in  the  same  species. 

3.  DWARFS  AND  GIANTS.      Plate  VIII,  fig.  3C  illustrates 
a  normal  size  Cynthia  card  in  L.  while  figs.  A  and  B  show  the 
opposite   extremes.       The    name    minor    (Ckll.)    should    be    in 
the  synonymy,  as  it  is  based  on  small  size  only  with  no  design 
or  color  change.     Mr.  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell  writes  me  this  type 
was  taken  by  him  in  Colorado  flying  with  typical-sized  speci- 
mens.   I  doubt  if  his  original  example  was  as  small  as  the  one 
shown  by  fig.  3A  which  was  taken  on  the  Mojave  Desert. 

4.  RUBBED,   FADED,    OR   DECREASED    SPECIMENS   and   those 
changed  by  long  exposure  to  cyanide,  etc.     Such  specimens  are 
often  mistaken  for  something  new  and  undoubtedly  names  have 
been  applied   on   this   score.      The   illustrated   figure  shows  a 
rubbed  example  of  Zcrcnc  cnrydicc    (Bdv.)    which  was  given 
to  me  by  a  prominent  western  butterfly  dealer  who  swore  it 
was  "a  good  thing"  and  worthy  of  a  varietal  name. 

5.  VENATIONAL  MALFORMATIONS.     Individuals  whose  vein 
patterns  vary  from  normal  and  in  consequence  cause  a  change 
in  maculation.    Plate  VIII,  fig.  5A  (upper  side)  and  fig.  5AA 
(under  side)    show  a  variant  Argynnis  cybclc   (Fab.)    named 
bartschi  by  Wm.  Reiff.     Fig.  5B    (upper  side)   and  fig.   5BB 
(under  side)   also  show  an  irregularly  veined  Argynnis  coro- 
nis   (Behr)    named  baroni  by  W.  H.   Edwards.     Both  names 
should  be  in  the  synonymy.     By  closely  observing  the  under 
sides  of  these  specimens,  the  unusual  and  distorted  position  of 
the  major  veins  will  be  noticed. 

6.  WING    MALFORMATIONS.      Specimens    having   deformed 


wings  of  irregular  contour.  Examples  of  .these  unfortunate 
lepicloptera  are  everywhere  common  and  no  particular  reason 
or  reasons  can  be  assigned  for  their  condition,  though  much  has 
been  written  on  the  subject.  Plate  IX,  figs.  6A  and  n.\A  show 
a  Papilio  nthdits  Luc.  named  hospitomna  by  LeCerf  of  Paris. 
Its  "crumpled"  wing  margins  are  easily  seen.  Figs.  6B  and  (>]', I', 
illustrate  the  "cramped"  margins  and  corresponding  marginal 
design  alteration  of  a  Anthacaris  sum  rcakirtn  Fdw.,  which  is 
figured  by  Comstock  in  his  "Butterflies  of  California",  plate  11, 
fig.  18  It  is,  fortunately,  unnamed,  though  termed  an  aberra- 
tion. Figs.  f;C  I)  F  F  G  Fi  I  and  J  show  examples  of  Jninniia 
cocnia  I  Ibn.  These  readily  picture  the  effects  of  wing  malfor- 

7.  PIC.MEN  r.\i.    MI.;I  EACEMEXTS.     Two  types   of   this   rare 
phcnoT.cnon  a"e  known.    Plate  IX,  fig.  7A  shows  a  female  liury- 
n:us  f>':ilodicc   (Godt.)   in  which  the  colors  are  much  "run  out 
(•f  bounds"  or  "spilled  open"  through  the  wing  scales.  The  colors 
of  this  example   resemble  a  paint  pot  and    1    wish   it   could   be 
illustrated   in   natural   c.ilor   to   show    its   motley   rainbow  com- 
bination of  re  1,  lilac,  yellow  and  brown  shades.     The  specimen 
is  in  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  at  Cambridge.   Mas- 
sachusetts.  Fig.  7B  shows  the  type  of  Iiitrviniis  /i///7<»r//<v  rotlilcci 
(Reiff).      It  is  a  case  where  some  of  the  black   pigment   1ri> 
remained  in  the  veins  or  permeated  their  structures.     1  do  not 
believe  such   specimens  have  a  classificatory   value  or  the  right 
to  a  specific  name.    The  type  is  in  my  collection. 

8.  M  JNSTKOSITIKS.    Under  this  heading  comes  a  number  of 
real    "freaks",   such   as   extra   wing   specimens,   those   matured 
without  scales  and  those  having  unusual   or  superfluous   parts 
of  organs.     As  a  novelty,  I  illust;  •'.!••  a   female  .  I  sent   inoiiuslc 
(L.)  with  its  larval  head  attached   (  Plate  X,  fig.  8).    The  .•-peri- 
men  is  in  the  Academy  collection  at  Philadelphia  and  was  taken 
in   flight  in   Florida. 

<>.  Frxors-AKFECTED  SPECIMENS.  I  am  told  that  fungus 
growths  are  not  uncommon  in  papered  specimens  which  have 
been  subjected  to  dampness.  Tin's  is  the  only  example  I  have 
noticed,  however.  The  illustration  (Plate  X,  \'\^.  '*)  shows  such  a 

204  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jubr    '28 

growth  at  the  hase  of  the  eyes  on  the  head  of  a  Papilio  philcnor 
L.  The  growth  is  yellow  in  color.  Can  some  one  supply  me 
with  more  information  upon  the  subject  of  fungus  on  insects 
or  direct  me  to  articles  on  the  subject? 

10.  WING  PUNCTURES.  Plate  X,  fig.  10A  shows  two  holes 
through  the  wing  of  a  Euphydryas  phaeton  (Dru.).  Under 
a  microscope  these  show  evidence  of  healing.  Can  this  be  pos- 
sible? Note  the  bending  of  the  vein  between  the  two  punctures. 
This  specimen  was  kindly  sent  to  me  by  Mr.  E.  L.  Bell  of 
Flushing,  New  York.  Plate  X,  fig.  10B  (upper  side)  and  fig. 
10BB  (under  side)  show  greatly  magnified  photographs  of  a 
puncture  near  the  outer  margin  on  the  wing  of  a  Papilio  nthilits 
Luc.  The  hole  has  been  accidently  torn  open  and  enlarged 
to  the  outer  margin  by  the  butterfly  itself  prior  to  capture.  The 
wings  being  folded  during  the  chrysalis  stage,  it  is  evident  that 
the  incision  did  not  penetrate  through  to  the  under  folds,  but 
left  its  mark  as  seen  by  the  two  black  spots  inward  from  the 

[Without  pretending  to  furnish  a  bibliography  for  Mr. 
Guilder's  article,  we  may  direct  those  interested  to  Morgan 
and  Bridges'  paper  on  "The  Origin  of  Gynandromorphs"  in 
Publication  No.  278,  Carnegie  Institute  of  Washington,  191'), 
122pp.,  4  pis.,  70  text-figs.;  P.  Cappe  de  Baillon's  recent 
"Recherches  sur  la  Tetratologie  des  Insectes",  Paris,  1927; 
and  H.  A.  Hagen's  "On  Some  Insect  Deformities"  (Memoirs, 
Mus.  Comp.  Zool.  Harv.  Coll.,  ii,  no.  9,  23pp.,  1  pi..  IS/6). 
In  this  last  Dr.  Hagen  brings  together  from  the  literature  and 
his  own  observations  a  number  of  cases  of  "Perfect  Insects 
with  the  Larval  Head"  in  12  species  of  Lepidoptera,  3  of  Colc- 
optera  and  1  of  Diptera.  I  have  examined  the  abnormal  speci- 
men of  Ascia  (or  Picris}  nwnustc  at  the  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia  figured  here  by  Mr.  Guilder.  A  small, 
narrow  strip  of  each  imaginal  compound  eye  shows  behind 
each  side  of  the  larval  head-covering.  The  latter  is  slightly  split 
along  the  two  sutures  which  bound  the  ad  frontal  plates  laterally. 
The  specimen,  a  dark  female,  was  one  of  a  lot  of  this  color 
form  received  in  paper  envelopes  by  Mr.  R.  C.  Williams,  Jr., 
from  the  collector,  and  had  not  attracted  attention  from  any- 
one until  after  it  was  pinned  and  spread. — EDITOR.] 


Some  Observations  on  the  Behavior  of  Cerceris 
architis  Mickel  (Hym.:  Philanthidae). 

P>v  C.   E.  AnnoTT. 

In  the  summer  of  1(J26,  having  nothing  better  to  do  than 
build  u]>  deficient  red  blood  cells,  I  was  in  the  habit  of  frequent- 
ing a  field  east  of  Elgin  (Illinois)  to  bask  in  the  sun.  I 
discovered  several  burrows  in  the  clay  bank  at  the  top  of  an 
abandoned  sand  pit.  Part  of  the  time  these  burrows  were 
inhabited  by  busy  little  black-and-yellow  wasps  about  half  an 
inch  in  length.  For  many  hours  each  day  the  wasps  labored 
irregularly  at  their  excavations. 

The  opening  of  each  nest  was  nearly  circular  and  about  one 
centimeter  in  diameter.  Into  this  the  owner  plunged,  only  to 
reappear  a  little  later,  abdomen  foremost,  behind  a  heap  of 
loose  earth.  This  kind  of  digging  continued  until  the  opening 
of  the  nest  was  quite  hidden.  Then  the  insect  appeared, 
head  foremost,  from  below ;  the  debris  was  scattered  around 
the  opening  in  the  form  of  a  low  crater.  Of  course  the  nest 
that  opened  on  a  vertical  surface  did  not  have  this  accumulation, 
which  in  some  cases  amounted  to  a  teaspoonful  of  loose  soil. 
Occasionally  a  wasp  enlarged  the  door  of  her  burrow  by 
dislodging  bits  of  earth  with  her  jaws. 

(  )ften  the  wasps  remained  in  the  nests  for  hours  with  their 
faces  in  the  doorways.  This  was  especially  the  case  fin  dull 
days,  at  which  time  the  only  reaction  the  insects  gave  was 
brought  about  by  my  sudden  appearance  or  the  intrusion  of 
other  insects.  In  the  first  case  each  wasp  dropped  out  of 
sight  into  its  nest,  only  to  cautiously  reappear  when  nothing 
more  occurred  to  cause  alarm.  Toward  too  curious  insects 
they  behaved  differently;  rushing  out,  they  violently  drove 
these  away. 

Aided  by  grass  stems  and  plaster  of  Paris,  I  was  able  to 
trace  the  extent  of  some  of  these  burrows.  In  consequence 
of  roots  and  stones,  thev  were  somewhat  tortuous;  all  tended 
to  incline  to  one  side,  so  that  the  whole  was  curved  like'  a 
scimiter.  There  was  a  surprising  uniformity  of  width  through- 
out the  length  of  each  burrow.  Excepting  the  closed  end. 

206  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  u        '28 

where  for  two  or  three  centimeters  its  width  was  fifteen 
millimeters,  the  average  tunnel  had  a  diameter  of  one  centi- 

In  the  terminal  chamber,  mixed  with  much  loose  earth,  there 
were  from  three  to  seven  weevils.  In  some  nests  the  beetles 
were  reduced  to  a  few  dry  fragments.  More  often  there  were 
still  slight  evidences  of  life;  twitching  of  the  tarsi  and  move- 
ments of  the  head  which  ceased  after  twenty-four  hours.  The 
beetles  stored  by  the  wasps  proved  to  be  Curculio  Hastens  Say. 
They  were  about  half  an  inch  in  length  and  of  a  light  brown 
or  buff  color.  They  were  remarkable  for  a  proboscis  nearly 
as  long  as  the  remaining  parts  of  the  body. 

Each  wasp,  returned  at  irregular  intervals  with  a  weevil 
clasped  beneath  its  body.  At  the  door  of  its  nest  the  wasp 
dropped  the  beetle,  entered  the  burrow,  and  seizing  the  weevil, 
dragged  it  in. 

I  had  the  rare  good  fortune  to  see  one  of  these  wasps  attack 
its  prey.  A  living  Ccrccris  and  the  beetle  it  had  captured  were 
put  into  a  vial.  Seizing  the  weevil  by  the  left  prothoracic  leg, 
the  wasp  tried  to  drag  it  through  the  stoppered  end  of  the 
bottle.  Failing  in  this,  she  grasped  her  prey  dorsally,  taking 
its  proboscis  in  her  jaws  ;  she  then  curved  her  abdomen  beneath 
it  and  inserted  her  sting  at  the  ventral  juncture  of  the  thorax 
and  abdomen. 

The  departing  wasps  circled  about  their  nests  before  taking 
off.  When  the  position  of  objects  in  the  vicinity  of  a  nest 
were  changed  the  returning  wasp  was  unable  to  find  her 

In  conclusion,  I  wish  to  thank  Dr.  S.  A.  Rohwer  and  his 
colleagues  for  the  identification  of  the  specimens. 

To  Authors  of  Entomological  Papers. 
EDITOR,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS:  I  herewith  kindly  ask  you 
to  inform  your  readers  that  I  request  those  interested  in  hav- 
ing their  entomological  works  noticed  in  the  Russian  entomo- 
logical literature  to  forward  their  papers  to  me  for  the  afore- 
said purpose.  V.  YAKHONTOV,  Manager  of  Entomological 
Department  of  Agricultural  Experiment  Station,  (  >ld  I'.ouk- 
hara,  Shiraboudin,  S.  S.  S.  R.  (Russia). 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  207 

Descriptions  of  New  Species  of  North  American 
Hydnocerinae  (Col.:  Cleridae). 

By  A.  B.   \VOLCOTT,  Field  Museum  of   Natural  History, 

Chicago,   Illinois. 
Hydnocera  mira  sp.  nov. 

Black,  feebly  shining;  elytra  piceous,  basal  third  (suture 
excepted)  red;  antennae,  mouth  (mandibles  piceous),  palpi, 
front  legs  (outer  edge  of  femora  with  an  elongate  piceous 
maculation),  base  and  apex  of  middle  femora,  base  of  posterior 
femora,  apex  of  middle  and  posterior  tibiae,  and  tarsi  pale 
testaceous;  the  tarsi  somewhat  infuscate. 

Head,  including  the  prominent  eyes,  slightly  wider  than  the 
pronotum,  rather  coarsely  and  closely  punctate;  front  with  a 
large-  rounded  impression  on  each  side;  pubescence  sparse, 
long,  erect,  pale.  Antennae  short,  stout,  only  slightly  longer 
than  the  head.  Pronotum  slightly  wider  than  long;  apical  con- 
striction very  feeble;  sides  abruptly  strongly  dilated;  behind  the 
dilation  parallel  to  base ;  subapical  transverse  impressed  line 
deep  at  flanks,  feeble  on  disk;  basal  transverse  line  entire,  dis- 
tinct ;  lateral  f oveae  large,  not  deeply  impressed ;  punctuation 
same  as  that  of  head,  with  a  few  transverse  regulae  on  disk 
and  at  sides;  pubescence  sparse,  long,  erect,  pale.  Scutellum 
densely  clothed  with  white  pubescence. 

Klytra  distinctly  wider  than  the  head,  depressed,  length 
slightly  more  than  twice  the  width  at  base;  sides  parallel; 
apices  obtusely  rounded,  not  serrate,  merely  irregular  in  out- 
line, narrowly  dehiscent  at  suture;  surface  rather  coarsely, 
closely  punctate  throughout;  pubescence  rather  sparse,  short, 
semi-recumbent,  grayish  white;  color  piceous,  rufo-piceous  at 
apex;  basal  third  (suture  broadly  piceous)  red,  the  posterior 
margin  of  the  red  area  irregularly  oblique  from  the  lateral 
margin  of  the  elytra  to  the  piceous  suture.  Body  beneath  and 
abdomen  shining,  sparsely  pubescent.  Abdomen  distinctly 
longer  than  the  elytra.  Legs  rather  densely  clothed  with  long, 
erect,  pale  hairs.  Length  5.7  mm. 

One  specimen:  Sand  Hills,  Nebraska.  July.  Tv/v  (female) 
No.  942,  in  my  collection. 

This  species  is  most  closely  allied  to  wickhami  \Volc.,  from 
which  it  may  be  easily  distinguished  by  the  total  absence  of 
the  post-median  elytral  fascia  which  is  formed  of  silvery  white 
hairs  and  which  is  so  conspicuous  in  that  species.  Other  differ- 
ences that  mav  be  mentioned  (aside  from  color)  arc-  the  shorter 

208  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

antennae,  less  strongly  constricted  prothorax,  the  lateral  dila- 
tions of  which  are  more  prominent,  with  the  sides  posteriorly 
straight  to  base,  and  the  absence  of  a  nearly  smooth  discal  area. 

Hydnocera  puritana  sp.  nov. 

Robust,  depressed,  moderately  pubescent,  feebly  shining, 
aeneous;  antennae,  mouth  and  palpi  dull  testaceous;  anterior 
and  middle  tibiae  and  all  tarsi  piceo-testaceous. 

1 1  rad,  including  the  not  very  prominent  eyes,  scarcely  wider 
than  the  greatest  width  of  pronotum ;  front  rather  feebly  bi- 
impressed,  moderately  coarsely,  occiput  more  closely,  very 
feebly,  finely  rugulose.  Antennae  stout,  slightly  longer  than 
the  head.  Pronotum  nearly  one- fourth  wider  than  long 
(L:W:  :48  :60)  ;  sides  rather  strongly  constricted  near  apex, 
moderately  dilated  at  middle,  parallel  at  base ;  lateral  foveae 
small,  deeply  impressed:  subapical  and  basal  transverse  im- 
pressed lines  straight,  deep;  surface  moderately  coarsely, 
densely  punctate,  rugulose  at  apex  and  Hanks. 

Elytra  distinctly  wider  than  the  head,  twice  as  long  as  wide 
at  base,  feebly  convex,  slightly  shorter  than  the  abdomen; 
sides  straight,  very  nearly  parallel ;  apices  separately  obtusely 
rounded,  very  feebly  serrate;  humeri  prominent;  surface 
moderately  coarsely,  not  closely  punctate,  in  apical  two-fifths 
densely  scabrous;  pubescence  short,  sparse,  semi-erect,  gray, 
more  conspicuous  in  apical  two-fifths,  intermixed  with  sparse, 
erect,  long,  black  hairs.  Metasternum  sparsely,  finely  rugu- 
lose. Abdomen  rather  coarsely,  moderately  sparsely,  irreg- 
ularly rugoso-punctate,  the  terminal  segments  more  sparsely 
punctate ;  clothed  with  dense,  long,  white  and  sparse,  black 
hairs.  Legs  sparsely  clothed  with  long,  erect,  dark  hairs. 
Length  6.2  mm. 

One  specimen:  Boston,  Massachusetts.  June  (Liebeck). 
Tv/v  (female)  No.  654,  in  my  collection. 

Also  allied  to  wickhami  VVolc.,  and  like  niira  distinguished 
by  lacking  the  post-median  fascia  of  silvery  white  hairs.  In 
fmrllana  the  antennae  are  shorter,  the  humeri  more  prominent, 
the  bodv  above  feebly  shining,  the  prothorax  is  of  a  different 
form,  with  its  transverse  impressed  lines  entire,  and  the  scu- 
tellum  is  nude,  in  all  of  these  characters  it  differs  from 

Hydnocera  cuneiformis  sp.  nov. 

Moderately  elongate,  rather  depressed,  shining,  moderately 
sparsely  pubescent,  black;  head  and  thorax  faintly  cupreo- 


aeneous;  antennae,  mouth  parts  and  elytra  pale  yellow,  the 
last  with  piceous  markings;  legs  pale  yellowish  red. 

Head  very  finely  and  very  sparsely  punctate,  rather  densely 
clothed  with  depressed  white  pubescence,  with  a  few  longcr 
eivct  white  hairs  intermixed;  front  with  a  crescentiform  im- 
pression between  the  eyes.  Pronotum  nearly  one-fourth  wider 
than  long  (L:W:  :29:37),  nearly  one-fourth  narrower  than 
the  head  across  the  eyes ;  surface  finely  rugulose ;  lateral  dila- 
tion not  very  prominent;  lateral  foveae  large  and  deep;  sub- 
apical  and  basal  transverse  impressed  lines  deep  and  distinct ; 
pubescence  very  sparse  but  with  the  long,  erect,  white  hairs 
more  conspicuous  than  on  head.  Scutellum  triangular,  black, 
the  apex  acute. 

Elytra  across  the  humeri  very  broad,  equal  in  width  to  tin- 
head  ;  sides  straight,  strongly  convergent  from  humeri  to 
apices,  the  latter  very  obtusely,  separately  rounded  and  dis- 
tantly but  not  very  strongly  serrate;  suture  narrowly  dehiscent 
in  apical  third;  each  elytron  with  a  large,  somewhat  rounded 
impression  at  apical  sixth,  behind  which  the  apices  are  verv 
feebly  tumid;  Hanks,  apical  and  sutural  margin  in  apical  third 
strongly  carinate ;  surface  rather  finely,  very  sparsely  punctate, 
almost  seriate,  posterior  to  the  subapical  impressions  more 
coarsely  and  closely  punctate;  pubescence  very  sparse,  semi- 
erect,  white;  color  pale  yellow;  at  apical  two-fifths  a  common, 
irregular,  piceous  maculation,  which  is  formed  by  the  apices 
and  suture  being  broadly  piceous,  with  a  transverse  extension 
of  the  same  color  just  before  the  subapical  impression,  the 
maculation  anterior  to  this  confined  to  the  suture  and  strongly 
attenuate  anteriorly,  reaching  posterior  margin  of  middle  fifth 
ol  elytra;  the  dorsal  surface  of  lateral  carina  piceous  through- 
out its  length.  Legs  rather  sparsely  clothed  with  moderately 
lung,  white  hairs.  Length  3.5  mm. 

One  specimen:  Phoenix,  Arizona.  (Liebcck).  TvyV  (female) 
No.  1170,  in  my  collection.- 

Milterent  in  form  from  any  species  yet  described  in  our 
taun.'i,  but  bearing,  in  this  respect,  a  good  deal  of  resemblance 
to  tin-  CYntral  American  //.  ijualcnuilac  (  iorh.,  but  there  the 
similarity  ceases,  as  the  two  species  differ  in  nearlv  every  de- 
l:iil  ol  structure.  The  new  species  is  best  placed  in  proximity 
to  oiii<></c>-(i  Horn,  from  which  it  may  readily  be  distinguished 
by  its  much  longer  elytra,  the  sides  of  which  are  absolutely 
straight,  the  lateral  margins  not  at  all  serrate,  and  the  entire 
absence  of  a  fascia  of  pubescence  at  apical  third:  the  head 
is  more  sparsely  punctate;  the  dilations  of  the  pronotum  are 

210  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [July    '28 

stronger;  the  elytra  are  much  less  coarsely  and  less  deeply 
punctate,  and  the  apices  are  more  broadly  obtusely  rounded 
and  much  less  strongly  serrate. 

In  the  specimen  at  hand  the  abdomen  is  a  trifle  shorter  than 
the  elytra,  but  it  is  quite  evidently  shrunken  and  contracted 
and  consequently  the  elytra  are,  in  all  probability,  normally  a 
little  shorter  than  the  abdomen. 

Hydnocera  blanchardi  sp.  nov. 

Dark  blue,  shining,  thorax  with  slight  aeneous  luster ;  front 
and  middle  tibiae,  hind  tibiae  at  apex  and  base,  all  tarsi,  an- 
tennae (club  excepted),  palpi,  mandibles  and  labrum  pale 
testaceous;  antennal  club  pale  fuscous. 

Head,  including  the  moderately  prominent  eyes,  slightlv 
wider  than  the  pronotum,  moderately  finely  but  very  densely 
punctate;  front  with  a  feeble  crescentric  impression;  pubes- 
cence very  short,  sparse  and  recumbent,  silvery  white,  with 
no  intermixture  of  long  dark  or  light  hairs.  Antennae  short, 
stout,  slightly  longer  than  the  head.  Pronotum  slightly  wider 
than  long,  apical  constriction  moderately  strong;  sides  broadlv. 
rather  strongly  dilated,  behind  dilation  parallel  to  base;  sub- 
apical  transverse  impressed  line  deep  and  broad ;  basal  im- 
pressed line  deep  ;  basal  margin  reflexed ;  lateral  f oveae  feeble  ; 
sides  with  same  punctuation  as  that  of  head,  a  small  discal  area 
devoid  of  punctures;  pubescence  short  and  recumbent  whitish, 
intermixed  with  longer  sparse,  erect  light  brown  hairs. 

Elytra  slightly  wider  than  the  head,  depressed,  about  twice 
as  long  as  the  width  across  the  humeri ;  sides  very  feebly  nar- 
rowing toward  apices,  the  latter  separately  rounded  and  rather 
strongly  serrate ;  broadly  dehiscent  at  suture ;  surface  moder- 
ately coarsely,  densely  punctate,  the  apical  two-fifths  scabrous; 
pubescence  same  as  that  of  pronotum  but  becoming  a  little 
more  dense  toward  the  apices,  and  with  a  feebly  indicated 
post-median  fascia  composed  of  whitish  pubescence.  Body  be- 
neath and  legs  rather  sparsely  pubescent.  Abdomen  very 
slightly  longer  than  the  elytra.  Length  3.2  mm. 

One  specimen:  New  Mexico,  (Leng).  Type  in  the  collec- 
tion of  the  late  Frederick  Blanchard  to  whose  memory  this 
fine  species  is  dedicated. 

Greatly  resembles  //.  fnclisi  Schrfr..  but  in  blanchardi  the 
elytra  are  more  densely  punctate  in  more  than  basal  half,  while 
the  apical  two-fifths  are  scabrous  (basal  half  densely-cribrate 
in  fnclisi),  the  transverse  fascia  is  post-median  (median  in 
fnclisi),  the  sides  are  less  truly  parallel,  the  apices  are  more 
strongly  serrate  and  leave  a  portion  of  the  abdomen  exposed. 
The  head  in  blanchardi  is  clothed  with  short,  sparse,  recumbent 
pubescence,  with  no  intermixture  of  long  dark  hairs,  these 


long,  erect,  dark  hairs  being  very  conspicuous  in  fnclisi.     The 
coloration  also  is  somewhat  different. 

Isohydnocera  mima  sp.  nov. 

Form  of  /.  tabida  Lee.,  hut  with  sides  of  thorax  much  more 
strongly  dilated.  Aeneous-black,  feebly  shining;  mouth,  palpi, 
antennae  (five  apical  segments,  piceous)  and  anterior  and 
middle  legs  pale  yellowish;  posterior  legs  black,  with  ba>al 
half  of  femora,  knees  and  tarsi  pale  yellow;  pubescence  mod- 
erately long,  erect  and  recumbent,  rather  dense,  that  of  elytra 
conspicuously  dense,  white. 

Head  large  and  broad;  eyes  prominent;  front  feebly  bi- 
impressed,  finely  and  sparsely  punctate,  becoming  very  finely 
rugulose  posteriorly.  Pronotum  about  one-fourth  longer  than 
wide  across  dilations  (L:W:  :43:34);  sides  behind  the  dila- 
tions straight  and  feebly  convergent  to  base;  surface  finely 
rugose,  with  large,  feebly  impressed  punctures  at  the  sides 
and  in  a  little  more  than  basal  half;  lateral  foveae  small,  feebly 

Elytra  at  base  subequal  in  width  to  the  head ;  sides  feebly 
convergent  to  apex;  apices  obtusely,  separately  rounded, 
strongly  serrate,  tumid,  slightly  dehiscent  at  suture ;  surface 
coarsely,  deeply  and  densely  punctate,  the  tumid  apices  shining 
and  very  sparsely  punctate.  Underside  shining,  sparsely 
pubescent  and  finely  punctate;  abdomen  one-half  longer  than 
the  elytra,  finely  and  sparsely  rugulose.  Length  5-  5.5  mm. 

Two  specimens:  Arizona.  Type  (female)  No.  1228,  in 
my  collection;  cotypc  (female)  in  the  collection  of  Mr.  Chas. 
Liebeck,  to  whom  I  am  indebted  for  the  type  specimen. 

The  new  species  appears  to  be  very  near  /.  nigrina  Schffr., 
but  differs  from  that,  as  described,  by  having  the  elytral  apices 
strongly  serrate  and  the  legs  much  paler,  the  legs  in  nigrina 
being  in  great  part  black.  The  pubescence  is  also  more  dense 
than  is  implied  in  the  description  of  nigrina,  for  it  seems  cer- 
tain that  Mr.  Schaeffer  would  have  mentioned  the  conspicuous 
and  dense  pubescence  of  the  elytra,  if  it  were  present  in  his 

Isohydnocera  liebecki  sp.  nov. 

Form  similar  to  /.  curtipennis  Xe\vm.,  but  with  much  more 
elongate  elytra  and  differently  forme<l  thorax.  I'.lack,  mod- 
erately shining,  sparsely  pubescent;  elytra  dark  piceous. 
humeri  and  apical  portions  ruf o-piceous ;  palpi,  antennae  (seg- 
ments 7-11  piceous)  and  legs  pale  yellowish,  hind  tibiae  (  base 
excepted)  and  bind  femora  near  apex  narrowlv  black. 

212  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

Head  only  slightly  wider  than  pronotum  at  widest  part; 
front  feebly  impressed  between  the  eyes,  finely  and  very 
densely  rugose,  posteriorly  more  finely  and  sparsely  rugose. 
Pronotum  one-fourth  longer  than  wide  (L:W:  :35:28);  sides 
dilated,  a  little  more  strongly  than  in  curtipennis  but  not  con- 
stricted behind  the  dilation,  straight  and  rather  strongly 
convergent  from  apex  of  dilation  to  base  of  pronotum;  surface 
coarsely  alutaceous,  with  coarse,  very  sparse,  feebly  impressed 

Elytra  very  elongate,  at  base  as  wide  as  the  head ;  sides 
parallel  to  near  the  apex,  thence  feebly  narrowing  to  the  ob- 
tuse, non-serrate  apices,  the  latter  slightly  dehiscent  at  suture; 
surface  rather  coarsely,  deeply  and  densely  punctate,  the 
punctures  largely  confluent.  Underside  shining;  abdomen  but 
very  slightly  longer  than  the  elytra.  Length  5  mm. 

Two  specimens:  Anglesea,  New  Jersey.  June  20  and  July 
4  (Liebeck).  Type  No.  1229,  in  my  collection;  cotypc  in  the 
collection  of  Mr.  Chas.  Liebeck,  to  whom  I  am  indebted  for 
the  type  specimen  and  to  whom  it  gives  me  great  pleasure  to 
dedicate  this  very  distinct  species,  which,  it  is  only  just  to  say, 
was  recognized  by  Mr.  Liebeck  as  being  undescribed. 

Closest  allied  to  /.  curtipennis,  from  which  it  may  be  readily 
distinguished  by  the  very  elongate  elytra,  which  are  more 
elongate  than  even  in  /.  tabida,  but  much  less  dehiscent  at  the 
suture,  the  sides  of  the  elytra  more  parallel  and  but  feebly 
attenuate  toward  the  apices,  the  latter  are  not  serrate,  while 
in  curtipennis  they  are  strongly  serrate.  The  form  of  the  pro- 
notum, and  the  but  slightly  abbreviated  elytra,  which  nearly 
cover  the  abdomen,  are  also  distinctive  characters. 

On  the  Use  of  the  Word  "  Chitinized  ". 

By  G.  F.  FERRIS,  and  J.  C.  CIIAMRERLIN,  Stanford  University, 

Cali  fornia. 

It  would  seem  reasonable  to  suppose  thai  such  a  Fundamental 
subject  as  that  of  the  nature  of  the  non-cellular  integument  ol 
insects  should  by  this  time  be  entirely  understood  and  free 
from  confusion.  Vc't  apparently  ibis  is  not  the  case.  Let  us 
consider  some  of  the  various  statements  concerning  the  mattrr. 

Packard  '  presents  the  following.  "If  we  allow  an  insect  to 
soak  for  a  long  time  in  acids,  or  boil  it  in  liquid  polas^a  or 

1  Packard,  A.  S.     Text-Book  of  Entomology,  p.  29. 

XXxi.X,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    .\L\VS  213 

caustic  potash,  the  integument  is  not  affected.  The  muscles 
and  the  other  soft  parts  are  dissolved,  leaving  the  cuticle  clear 
and  transparent.  This  insolubility  of  the  cuticle  is  due  to  the 
presence  of  chitin,  the  insoluble  residue  left  after  such  treat- 

And  he  quotes  from  Miall  and  Denny,  "The  Cockroach". 
"Chitin  forms  less  than  one-half  by  weight  of  the  integument, 
but  it  is  so  coherent  and  imiformlv  distributed  that  when 
isolated  by  chemical  reagents,  and  even  when  cautiously  cal- 
cined, it  retains  its  original  organized  form.  The  color  which 
it  frequently  exhibits  is  not  due  to  any  essential  ingredient;  it 
may  be  diminished  or  even  destroyed  by  various  bleaching 

From  all  this  we  may  conclude  that  the  fundamental  base 
of  the  non-cellular  body  wall  is  chitin  and  that  this  chitin  is 
the  carrier  of  other  substances — such  as  pigments — that  with 
it  make  up  the  cuticle. 

Yet  if  we  turn  to  one  of  the  very  recent  text-books  -  we 
find  a  directly  contradictory  statement.  "The  well  known 
firmness  of  the  larger  part  of  the  cuticle  of  adult  insects  is  due 
to  the  presence  in  it  of  a  substance  which  is  termed  cliilin 
.  .  .  \\  hen  treshlv  formed,  the  cuticula  is  flexible  and  elastic, 
and  certain  portions  of  it,  as  at  the  nodes  of  the  body  and  of 
the  appendages,  remain  so  ...  we  mav  speak  therefore  of 
chitini/ed  cuticula  and  non-chitini/ed  cuticula." 

It  is  evident  from  this  quotation  that  we  have  here  a  point 
ot  view  which  assumes  that  tin-  base  of  the  non-cellular  bodv 
wall  is  not  chitin  at  all,  but  some  other  .substance  in  which 
the  chitin  is  deposited.  What  that  other  substance  may  be  is 
nowhere  stated,  nor  apparently  does  anyone  know. 

The  same  point  of  view  is  even  more  definitely  expressed  in 
another  text  :;  where  we  find  this  statement.  "For  the  mosl 
part,  however,  the  cuticle  forms  a  hard,  inelastic  exoskcletoii 
which  is  due  to  its  becoming  permeated  \\ith  a  substance 
termed  c/iilin." 

Tillyard  '    says   merely   that    "It    (the   exoskelelon )    is    com 

2Comstock,  .1.   If.     An    Intnidiu-iidii  to  Entomology,  \<.  .><>. 
3  Imms,  A.  f).    A  (ieiuTal  Tf\t-r>«»k  of  Entomology,  i>i>.  o-7. 

214  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

posed  of  chitin."  He  speaks  further  of  "strongly  chitinized" 
areas  and  of  "soft,  membranous  chitin."  It  is  evident  that 
his  point  of  view  is  in  accord  with  that  of  Packard. 

Now  it  is  a  common  experience  with  anyone  who  works 
with  insects  by  the  methods  now  used  by  most  of  the  students 
of  the  small  forms  such  as  the  Coccidae,  that  even  a  rather 
short  period  of  boiling  in  concentrated  alkalis  will  profoundly 
alter  these  "chitinized"  portions  of  the  body  wall,  removing 
from  them  their  color  and  reducing  them  to  a  flexible  and 
membranous  condition.  In  fact  attention  is  called  to  this  very 
circumstance  by  most  of  the  authors  from  whom  we  have 
quoted.  We  have  then  a  very  curious  circumstance.  This 
chitin  which  permeates  some  other  substance  that  forms  the 
cuticula  and  which  gives  to  it  hardness  is  the  first  thing  to 
disappear  although  by  its  very  definition  it  should  be  the  last! 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  by  the  very  definition  of  it,  chitin  is 
the  basic  substance  of  which  the  non-cellular  body  wall  is 
composed.  The  entire  body  wall,  membranous  and  hard,  is 
basically  composed  of  chitin  and  this  chitin  serves  as  the  carrier 
in  which  other  substances  are  deposited.  The  body  wall  is 
not  some  other  substance  permeated  with  chitin,  it  is  chitin 
permeated  with  other  substances.  This  view  is  in  accord  with 
that  of  Packard  and  of  Tillyard  and  opposed  to  the  view  of 
Comstock  and  Imms. 

It  is  entirely  improper  then  to  speak  of  "chitinized"  and  "un- 
chitinized"  areas.  There  are  no  such  things  as  unchitinized 
areas  except  pores  and  similar  apertures  and  the  harder  por- 
tions are  areas — possibly,  it  is  true,  of  thicker  chitin — in  which 
there  has  been  formed  a  deposit  of  other  substances  which 
cause  the  hardening  and  pigmentation.  This  is  simply  in  ac- 
cord with  the  observed  facts.  It  is  in  accord  with  certain 
experiments  made  by  the  second  author  of  this  paper,  in  which 
it  was  found — as  has  been  found  by  others — that  even  after 
the  most  rigorous  treatment  with  acids  and  alkalis  the  form  of 
the  insect  still  remains  in  a  soft  and  llexible  condition  and 
that  the  substance  of  this  form  is  what  is  commonly  considered 
to  be  chitin. 

4  Tillyard,  R.  J.    Insects  of  Australia  and  New  Zealand,  p.  9. 

XXxix,    '28  |  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  215 

The  other  substances  which  are  borne  by  the  chitinous  base 
and  which  are  removed  by  the  action  of  reagents  are  appar- 
ently of  a  proteinaceous  nature.  The  chitin  itself  is  pure 
white  and  transparent. 

All  of  this  has  a  certain  practical  bearing.  For  one  tiling 
it  has  to  do  with  the  matter  of  the  action  of  stains.  The 
stains  that  are  at  present  being  used  extensive!}'  in  the  study 
of  such  small  insects  as  the  Coccidae — magenta  and  acid 
fuchsin — are  not  in  any  sense  chitin  stains.  Actually  they 
are  specific  stains  for  at  least  a  part  of  the  substances  which 
are  contained  in  the  chitin  and  which  are  of  a  proteinaceous 
nature.  As  a  matter  of  fact,  a  true  chitin  stain  is  exactly  what 
is  not  wanted  for  such  work,  for  such  a  stain  would  give  little 
or  no  differentiation,  while  these  other  stains  select  for  their 
action  those  areas  which  are  commonly  considered  as  "chitin- 

In  the  preparation  of  such  material  for  staining  the  treat- 
ment must  be  such  that  these  proteins  are  not  affected  by  it. 
Too  prolonged  treatment  with,  alkalis  or  too  intense  heat  will 
remove  or  alter  them  in  such  a  way  that  the  stains  are  not 

It  would  be  well  if  our  terminology  took  cognizance  of  the 
facts  in  connection  with  this  matter  and  were  brought  nior  • 
into  accord  with  them.  It  is  evidently  quite  incorrect  to 
speak  ol  chitinized  and  unchitinized  areas.  It  is  not  entirely 
correct  to  speak  of  areas  of  stronger  or  weaker  chitinization 
when  what  we  actually  mean  are  areas  in  which  these  other 
substances  are  or  are  not  deposited  without  regard  to  the 
amount  of  chitin  that  ma}-  be  present. 

\Ve  might  very  logically  extend  the  use  of  the  root  which 
appears  in  the  word  "sclerite."  This  word  alone  is  hardly 
sufficient  to  meet  all  our  needs  and  we  could  speak  of  "scle- 
rotic areas"  or  of  "sclerotizcd  areas".  Such  u>age  should  be 
much  more  satisfactory  than  that  which  is  at  present  followed, 
for  it  avoids  the  obvious  contradiction  which  appears  in  the 
present  practice  and  the  confusion  of  thinking  that  is  at  the 
root  of  this  contradiction. 

216  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  f  July    '28 

A  New  Endomychid  from  Florida1  (Coleop.). 

L.   B.   WALTON,   Kenyon   College,   Gambler,   Ohio. 

An  Endomychid  belonging  to  the  genus  Stcnotarsiis  quite 
distinct  however  from  our  common  S.  Jiispidns  (Herbst)  so 
widely  distributed  over  the  eastern  part  of  the  United  States, 
was  recently  forwarded  me  for  identification  by  Mr.  W.  S. 
Blatchley,  of  Indianapolis,  Indiana.  The  single  specimen  col- 
lected by  Mr.  Blatchley  was  obtained  on  the  west  coast  of 
Florida  at  Dunedin,  April  10,  1926,  in  beating  red  cedar 

The  species  is  easily  distinguished  from  S.  hispidus  by  hav- 
ing the  seven  terminal  segments  of  the  antennae  black,  by  the 
uniformly  testaceous  color  of  the  dorsal  side,  and  by  the  black 
areas  covering  the  underside  of  the  metathorax  and  abdomen. 
Casey  (1916)  described  6'.  solidits  from  North  Carolina  as  a 
new  species  stating  that  the  "ninth  antennal  joint  (was)  dis- 
tinctly longer  than  the  tenth  and  not  subequal  in  length  as  in 
hispid  us".  All  of  the  many  specimens  of  S.  hispid  its  which  I 
have  seen  however,  have  the  ninth  segment  of  the  antennae 
slightly  longer  than  the  tenth  segment.  Inasmuch  as  the  other 
characters  noted  have  on  the  basis  of  the  description  only  a 
relatively  slight  comparative  value,  the  form  scarcely  merits 
being  retained  even  as  a  variety. 

The  genus  Stcnotarsits  is  an  extremely  large  one  numbering 
some  one  hundred  and  fifty  species  confined  almost  entirely  to 
the  tropical  regions,  only  a  few  being  found  in  the  temperate 
zones.  The  punctuation  of  the  elytra  may  be  utilized  to  separate 
the  forms  into  at  least  three  fairly  well  defined  groups,  com- 
mencing with  the  well  defined  striate  forms  and  ending  with  the 
irregularly  punctuate  forms  found  in  North  and  South  America. 
If  we  assume  with  Tillyard  that  the  arrangement  of  the  punc- 
tures in  the  form  of  striae  represents  a  more  primitive  con- 
dition, so  far  as  the  Coleoptera  are  concerned,  than  the  irreg- 
ular arrangement,  the  trend  of  migration  in  the  group  is  clearly 

The  two  species  found  within  the  limits  of  the  United  States 
and  Canada  may  be  easily  separated  by  the  following  char- 

1  Contributions  from  the  Samuel  Mather  Science  Hall.  Biology 
No.  32. 


Plate  VII. 


2.   Chrysalis  frurns . 



Plate  V1I1. 


Dvjs.rfs  &  Giants, 



B  B  B 

Venation  inalformations. 



Plate  IX. 

D.  Wing  malformations. 

T.  Pigmental  fluid  misplacements 



Plate  X. 

8.     Monstrosities. 

10.       fa-rasitic  wing  punctures. 


xxxix,  '28] 



Table  of  Species. 

Antennae  with  six  distal  segments  black;  disk  of  each  elytron 
black  with  a  narrow  pale  yellow  border  sometimes  obsolete 
along  the  suture;  underside  uniformly  pale  \ello\y. 

S.  hispid  its. 

Antennae  with  seven  distal  segments  black;  dorsal  surface  of 
the  body  uniformly  pale  yellow  except  the  eyes;  abdomen 
and  metathorax  beneath  with  large  black  central  area. 

5'.  blalchlcyi. 
Stenotarsus  blatchleyi  n.  sp. 

Uniformly  light  yellow  in  color 
with  the  exception  of  the  seyen  dis- 
tal segments  of  the  antennae,  the 
eyes,  and  a  central  area  covering 
the  greater  part  of  the  underside  of 
the  abdomen  and  the  metathorax, 
black;  clothed  with  long  yellowish 

Form  elongately  oval,  the  elytra 
gradually  narrowed  behind  so  that 
an  acuminate  appearance-  is  pre- 
sented; legs  comparatively  short; 
antennae  extending  slightly  beyond 
the  posterior  margin  of  the  pro- 

Fig.  1.   Stenotarsus  blatchleyi  (x  10), 
from  Dunedin,  west  cost  of  Florida. 

Fig.  2.    Stenotarsus  blatchleyi.     (A)  Underside  of  prothorax  (x30).     (Ill   Antenna 
(right)  (x 40).     (C)  Head  (x  15). 

218  KNTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

nottim,  the  first  segment  somewhat  elongate,  second  globose, 
third  to  seventh  segments  slightly  increasing  in  length,  the 
sixth  and  seventh  segments  distinctly  longer  than  broad,  the 
eighth  segment  globose,  and  the  ninth,  tenth  and  eleventh 
segments  forming  a  club  the  length  of  which  is  approxi- 
mately equal  to  the  length  of  segments  three  to  eight 
inclusive ;  distal  segment  elongately  oval  and  acuminate  at  tip. 

Pronotum  transverse  with  posterior  angles  slightly  acute, 
decidedly  narrowed  anteriorly,  central  area  convex,  marginal 
lines  distinct,  longitudinal  sulci  scarcely  attaining  the  middle, 
slightly  convergent  anteriorly,  fine  basal  sulcus  almost  in  con- 
tact with  the  posterior  margin. 

Scutellum  punctuate,  broadly  triangular;  elytra  with  prom- 
inent umbones,  entire  surface  finely  and  irregularly  punctuate  ; 
abdomen  with  first  segment  equal  in  length  to  the  three  suc- 
ceeding segments,  the  fifth  longer  than  the  fourth  segment, 
and  the  narrow  sixth  longer  than  the  fifth  segment. 
Length,  4  mm.  Diameter,  2.6  mm. 

Type  in  collection  of  W.  S.  Blatchley.  Taken  at  Dunedin, 

I  take  much  pleasure  in  dedicating  this  species  to  Mr. 
Blatchley  who  has  done  so  much  efficient  work  in  promoting 
the  cause  of  systematic  entomology.  It  is  closely  related  to 
S.  htlpcs  Arrow  (1920)  erroneously  identified  by  Gorham  in 
the  Riologia  Centrali-Americana  (1899)  as  S.  ang-nst-uliis  Ger- 
staecker,  as  pointed  out  by  Arrow.  It  is  to  be  distinguished 
however  from  that  species  in  possessing  four  basal  segments  of 
the  antennae  which  are  pale  yellow,  in  its  smaller  size,  and 
in  having  the  antennae  decidedly  less  than  half  the  length  of 
the  body,  a  characteristic  however  which  differs  in  the  sexes 
of  many  species  of  Stcnotarsns.  In  S.  latlpcs  the  two  basal  seg- 
ments of  the  antennae  are  pale  yellow,  the  third  and  fourth  are 
pale  brown,  and  the  seven  distal  segments  black,  while  the  length 
of  the  individual  is  noted  as  5.5  mm.  instead  of  4  mm.  as  in 
S.  bhitchlcyi.  A  careful  comparison  of  the  two  species  would 
undoubtedly  show  other  distinct  differences. 

Continued  careful  collecting  in  Florida  will  undoubtedly 
yield  many  more  subtropical  species  of  insects  particularly 
among  the  minute  forms  so  often  overlooked  by  the  average 
individual  interested  in  entomological  pursuits.  We  should 
thus  be  quite  appreciative  of  the  results  obtained  by  Mr. 
Rlatchley  in  helping  to  demonstrate  the  value  of  keen  observa- 
tion in  connection  with  the  fauna  and  llora  of  Florida. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  219 

Bifurcation  of  Antenna  in  Balaninus 
(Coleop. :  Curculionidae). 

By  ORLANDO  PARK,  Whitman  Laboratory,  Univ:r:i:y  of 


The  abnormal  modification  of  antennae  has  been  noted 
previously  in  the  Coleoptera  by  a  number  of  ct  ;crvers,  by 
Jayne  ('80),  Riley  ('91),  Schwarz  ('90),  Scudder  (;91),  and 
by  Cockayne  ('25)  among  others.  Bate>on  ('94)  lists  many 
cases,  more  or  less  complex,  originally  described  by  G.  Kraatz, 
Albert  Moc(|uerys  and  a  host  of  other  European  workers. 

As  a  preface  to  future  work,  I  wish  to  record  another  mal- 
formed antenna  among  Coleoptera.  The  specimen  is  a  male 
Inilan'unis  rcchts  Say,  normal  save  for  a  deformed  left  an- 
tenna. As  illustrated  in  the  accompanying  figure,  the  seventh 

segment  of  the  funicle  is  bifurcated.  Each 
distal,  articulating  surface  of  this  swollen 
segment  bears  a  three-segmented  club;  one 
of  these  is  normal  with  reference  to  the 
dub  of  the  right  antenna,  and  is  obviously 
the  true  continuation  of  the  funicl 
other  club  is  smaller  in  size,  partially  rota 
and  apparently  is  the  duplicating  member. 
Nothing  definite  may  be  said  on  the  sym- 
metry involved  as  the  normal  club  is  a  bi- 
antenna  of  laterally  symmetrical  structure,  in  its  n: 

Salanmus  rectus  Say.          ,    A     -, 

details  at  least,  rendering  any  interpretation 
doubtful  (Bateson  1.  c.  p.  513,  548). 

Such   a   duplication   of   the   distal   end   of   an   appcndag< 
probably   due   to   a    chance   injury   at  a  more   proximal  point 
(Cockayne  1.  c.,  after  Bateson),  possibly  a  longitudinal  incision 
of  the  structure  at  an  earlier  stage  of  development.     Cockayne 
(1.  c.)  lists  a  case  in  Plioluris  trilincaia  Say,  bearing  a  cer 
similarity    to   the   one   described,   and   the   results   obtained 
Shelford    ('15)    on    the   labrum    of    Ciciiulcla    may    indicate 
possible  explanation.     Such  malformations,  in  the  br. 
are  not  uncommon  among  the  Caraboid,  Scarabaeoid,  and  ( 
ambycoid  stocks  but  seem  to  be  unusually  scarce  among  the 

220  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEXYS  u         '28 

Rhynchophora,  as  has  been  noted  by  Bateson.  The  latter  lists 
but  two  cases  of  simple  antennal  duplication  among  weevils, 
(1.  c.  p.  550). 

The  specimen  was  taken  in  the  lower  beach  drift  of  Lake 
Michigan,  alive,  near  Tremont,  Indiana  (August  29th,  1925) 
and  is  now  in  the  collection  of  the  writer. 


BATESON,  W.  1894  Materials  for  the  study  of  variation. 

COCKAYNE,  E.  A.  1925  Teratological  specimens  in  the 
Hope  Department  of  Zoology  in  the  Oxford  University 
Museum.  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  pp.  395-403. 

JAYNE,  H.  F.  1880  Some  monstrosities  in  Coleoptera. 
Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  8:155-162:1880. 

RILEY,  C.  V.     1891      (Note)    Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.,  2:181. 

SCHWARZ,  E.  A.  1890  (Note)  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash., 

SCUDDER,  S.  H.  1891  A  decade  of  monstrous  beetles. 
Psyche,  6:89-93. 

SHELFORD,  V.  E.  1915  Abnormalities  and  regeneration  in 
Cicindela.  Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.,  8:291-294. 

Fourth  International   Congress  of   Entomology. 

Dr.  O.  A.  Johannsen,  American  Executive  Secretary  of  the 
Congress,  has  sent  out  the  following  preliminary  program 
of  the  meetings  to  be  held  at  the  Baker  Laboratory  of  Chem- 
istry, Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  New  York,  except  when 
otherwise  stated. 

Four  general  sessions  will  be  held,  at  which  papers  of  broad 
interest  will  be  presented  by  the  leading  entomologists  of 
the  world.  The  afternoons  will  be  devoted  to  meetings  of 
the  following  sections  and  subsections:  1.  Taxonomy,  Distri- 
bution and  Nomenclature.  2.  Morphology,  Embryology  and 
Physiology.  3.  Ecology.  4.  Medical  and  Veterinary  Entomol- 
ogy. 5.  Genetics.  6.  Apiculture.  7.  Economic  Entomology: 
a.  Fruit  Insects ;  b.  Cereal-  and  Truck-Crop  Insects ;  c.  Cot- 
ton Insects;  d.  Insecticides  and  Appliances;  c.  Forest  Ento- 

Saturday  and  Sunday,  August  11  and  12,  Willard  Straight 
Hall,  headquarters  of  the  Congress,  will  be  open  for  registra- 
tion and  information. 

Sunday,  August  12,  opportunities  will  be  available  for  field 
excursions  to  some  of  the  interesting  collecting  grounds  in 


the  vicinity  of  Ithaca,  such  as  the  sphagnum  bogs  at  McLean. 
8:00  p.  m.,  informal  gathering  at   Willard  Straight   Hall. 

Monday,  August  13,  10:00  a.  m.,  first  general  session.  Ad- 
dress of  welcome  hy  Dr.  Livingston  Karrand,  President  of 
(  ornell  University.  Opening  address  of  Congress  l>v  President 
L.  (  ).  Howard,  followed  by  a  general  session.  2:00  ]>.  m., 
section  meetings.  8:00  p.  m.,  smoker. 

Tuesday,  August  14,  9:00  a.  m.,  general  session.  2:00  p.  m., 
section  meetings.  4:30  p.  m.,  picnic  supper  at  Enneld  Kails. 

Wednesday.  August  15.  The  Wednesday  meetings  will  be- 
held at  the  New  York  State  Agricultural  Experiment  Station, 
<  icneva.  New  York.  (Geneva  is  forty  miles  from  Ithaca  by 
train  or  automobile.)  10:00  a.  m.,  inspection  of  the  Experi- 
ment Station.  3  :00  p.  m.,  section  meetings. 

Thursday,  August  16,  9:00  a.  m.,  general  session.  2:00  p. 
m.,  section  meetings. 

Friday.  August  17,  9:00  a.  m.,  section  meetings.  2:00  p. 
m.,  general  session  and  business  meeting.  7:00  p.  m.,  banquet, 
cl large  $2.00. 

Saturday,  August  18,  9:00  a.  m.,  informal  meeting  of  sec- 

GENERAL  INFORMATION.  In  Ithaca,  at  the  headquarters  of 
the  Congress,  rooms  may  he  engaged  at  the  university  dormi- 
tories at  from  $2  to  $2.50  a  day  for  each  person.  Rooms  in 
private  houses  may  be  obtained  at  $1  a  day.  Board  is  obtain- 
able at  cafeterias  and  restaurants  on  the  campus,  as  well  as 
at  other  places,  for  from  40  to  60  cents  a  meal.  Suitable  camp- 
ing quarters  arc  available  on  the  campus  for  those-  who  mav 
wish  to  camp  out.  Tea  will  be  served  at  Willard  Straight  Hall 
exery  afternoon  between  four  and  six  o'clock.  Motion-picture 
films  of  interest  to  biologists,  theatricals,  and  other  forms  of 
entertainment  are  scheduled  for  those  evenings  not  otherwise 
provided  for  in  the  foregoing  program.  Trips  to  near-by  places 
of  interest,  and  other  forms  of  diversion,  will  be  arranged  for 
the  entertainment  of  the  women  who  may  not  be  primarily  in- 
terested in  the  entomological  program. 

Ex<  i  'ksioxs  :  After  the  C'ongress  the  following  excursions 
have  been  arranged  : 

Sunday,  August  1(>,  an  excursion  to  Xiagara  Kails  and  re-turn 
to  Ithaca.  Special  round-trip  rale,  $7.40.  Members  who  desire 
to  go  to  Pittsburgh  before  proceeding  to  Washington  mav  leave 
Xiagara  Kails  for  Buffalo  and  go  thence  by  night  train  to  Pitts- 
burgh. This  deviation  from  the  plan  will  involve  an  additional 
cost  for  railway  fares  ranging  from  $7  to  $10.  depending  on 
whether  or  not  a  sleeper  is  taken.  The  fare-  from  Xiagara 
Falls  to  Buffalo  is  50  cents;  from  P.ulTalo  to  Pittsburgh,  $9.20; 

222  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

from  Pittsburgh  to  Washington,  about  $10.  Those  who  desire 
to  omit  Pittsburgh  from  their  itinerary  will  return  on  Sunday 
from  Niagara  Falls  to  Ithaca. 

Monday,  August  20,  by  rail  to  Washington,  D.  C.  Leave 
Ithaca  9  a.  m.  Arrive  at  Washington  10  p.  m.  Fare,  $12.12. 

Tuesday,  August  21,  to  Friday,  August  24,  in  Washington. 
States  National  Museum ;  United  States  Bureau  of 
Entomology ;  other  points  of  interest.  One  afternoon  at  Plum- 
mer's  Island. 

Friday,  August  24,  p.  m..,  by  rail  to  Philadelphia.  Arrive 
6  p.  m.  Fare,  $4.90. 

Saturday,  August  25,  in  Philadelphia.  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences ;  American  Entomological  Society. 

Sunday,  August  26,  field  excursion  to  the  New  Jersey  Pine 

Monday,  August  27,  the  Japanese  Beetle  Laboratory  at 
Moorestown  and  Riverton.  Afternoon — continue  from  River- 
ton  via  Trenton  to  New  York.  Arrive  6  p.  m.  Fare  from 
Philadelphia  to  New  York,  $3.24. 

Tuesday,  August  28,  to  Boston  by  motor  bus.  Fare,  $3  and 

Wednesday,  August  29,  in  Boston.  Museum  of  Compara- 
tive Zoology;  Boston  Society  of  Natural  History;  the  Corn- 
Borer  Laboratory  at  Arlington. 

Thursday,  August  30,  in  Boston.  Bussey  Institution  of  Har- 
vard University ;  Arnold  Arboretum ;  the  Gypsy  Moth  Labora- 
tory at  Melrose  Highlands.  To  New  York  via  steamship,  fare 
$4  to  $5  (stateroom  $1  and  above). 

Friday,  August  31,  in  New  York.  Brooklyn  Museum;  New 
York  Zoological  and  Botanical  Gardens. 

The  total  cost  of  this  excursion,  including  board,  room  and 
railway  fares,  need  not  exceed  from  $90  to  $100.  If  either 
Pittsburgh  or  Boston  (including  Melrose  Highlands)  were 
omitted,  the  fares  would  be  $10  less.  In  most  cities  rooms 
without  bath  may  be  obtained  as  low  as  from  $2  to  $3  a  day. 
Board  will  average  $1.50  and  upward  a  day. 

Indications  are  that  this  will  lie  a  record  meeting.  Nearly 
a  hundred  European  entomologists  have  already  signified  their 
intention  of  coming,  and  many  more  are  expected. 

Return  sailings  to  Europe  on  either  English  or  Dutch  lines, 
Saturday,  September  1.  Those  omitting  the  excursion  to  Phila- 
delphia or  Boston  may  sail  on  August  25. 

Inquiries  regarding  housing  and  local  entertainment  should 
be  addressed  to  the  chairman  of  the  Committee  on  Local  En- 
tertainment, Dr.  P.  W.  Claassen,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca, 
New  York. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  223 

New  Synonymy  (Lep.:  Saturnidae). 

1873  Samia  sccitrifcra  Massen,  in  Massen  &  \\Vvmer  Bei- 
trage  7.u  der  Schmetterlings  Kunde,  ft.  50,  51,  Centra f  America. 

1908  Callosaniia  atnjiilifcni  Walker,  Var.  Carolina  Jones  F,nt 
News,  XIX,  231. 

^  1909     Callosamia  Carolina  Jones,  Fnt.  News,  XX,  49  pi.  Ill, 
c?  &  ?  pi.  IV,  Cocoons. 

The  figures  in  the  Beitrdge  are  rather  crude,  but  easily  recog- 
nixed  as  the  form  described  by  Jones.  In  the  illustration  of 
the  male,  the  discal  marks  on  the  primaries  are  much  more 
conspicuous  than  in  the  type  of  Carolina,  but  this  a  variable 
feature  in  the  genus  Callosa/nia.  Jones,  in  his  description  of 
the  malc\  says  "discal  mark  on  primaries,  yellow  and  prom- 
inent, on  secondaries  absent  or  very  faintly  indicated."  The 
type  males  in  the  collection  of  the  Academy  of  Xatural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia,  may  be1  less  conspicuously  marked 
than  tin-  average;  I  have  bred  some  male  prometheus  with 
large  discal  marks,  some  without  any.  I  have  also  bred  a 
female  prometheus,,  without  any  discal  marks  on  any  wings 
(ab.  9  caeca  Ckll.). 

The  suffused  color  of  the  inferiors  of  the  male  on  both 
upper  and  under  surfaces  is  a  good  distinguishing  character. 

Massen  in  his  short  denomination  of  the  species  writes 
"probably  the  southern  form  of  nin/iilifcnt,"  but  I  can  see  no 
reason  why  securifera  should  not  have  specific  rank.  The  life 
history  is  not  the  same  as  angulifera,  and  as  species  go,  it  is  as 
good  as  any  other.  Besides  the  $  type  and  9  allotype  of 
euro/inn  from  South  Carolina,  we  have  2  $  $  and  299  from 
Mobile,  Alabama,  collected  by  Mr.  \Y.  C.  Dukes.  They  all 
match  Massen's  figures  very  well. 

FRANK  HAIMBACII,  Acad.  Nat.  Sciences,  Philadelphia. 


Dr.  Carlos  E.  Porter,  of  Santiago,  Chile,  editor  of  the 
J\'crisla  Cliili'na  dc  Historic!  Naiuralc,  has  been  elected  presi- 
dent of  the  Entomological  Society  of  Spain. 

Prof.  James  S.  Hine,  of  Ohio  State  University,  and  Dr. 
Annette  F.  I'raun,  of  Cincinnati,  have  been  elected  President 
and  Vice  President  respectively,  of  the-  ()hi<>  Acadcnn  of 
Science.  (Science,  May  25,  1928.) 

224  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Jubr    '28 

Kntomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL      AB- 
Under   the   above   head    it    is   intended   to   note   papers    received   at   the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North   and    South),    including   Arachnida   and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    j    .]    refer   to  the   journals,    as   numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in   the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (   ) 
follows;    then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*I'apers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
7iiology,  see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

ijJfT~Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Burger,   O.   F.— Obituary   note.      [39]    11: 

52.  Claude,  Joseph  F. — Rccherchcs  biologiques  sur  les  Pre- 
dateurs  du  Chili.     [Ann.  des  Sci.  Nat.,  Zool.]  11 :  67-207,  ill. 
Cresson,  E.  T. — Biography  by  P.  P.  Calvert.     A  contribu- 
tion to  the  history  of  entomology  in  North  America.     [1], 

53,  Suppl.:  1-63,  "ill.     Curtis,  W.'  P.— Nomenclature.     [21] 
40:    59-60.     Eidmann,    H. — Insektcn    als    haarschmuck    in 
China.      [49]    17:   46-49,   ill.     Graves,    P.    P.— Dr.   Verity's 
nomenclature;  a  reply.     [21]  40:  56-57.     Kingston,  R.  W. 
G. — Field  observations  on  spider  mimics.      [93]    1927:  841- 
857,    ill.     Horn,    W. — Et    meminissc    et    vaticinari    liceat. 
IVber  sanierungs-gedanken.     [49]   17:  87-90.     Howard,  C. 
W. -Obituary.     [4]  60:  101-102.     Lhoste,  L.— Note  sur  la 
faune  entomologique  des  graines.     [Misc.  Entom.]   30:  94- 
96.     Lutz,    F.    E.— Little  '"Beasts    of   prey"    of    the    insect 
world.     1 15]  1928:  188-190,  ill.     McAtee,  W.  L.— Automatic 
nomenclature.      |10|    30:  72-76.     Robertson,   C. — Localities 
of    insects    collected    by    Charles    Robertson.      [5]    35:    dl. 
Scriba,  F.— Obituary.    '[17|  45:  5.     Stiles  &  Hassall.— Key- 
catalogue  of  insects  of  importance  in   public  health.      [U. 
S.  Hygienic  Laby.  ]    I'.ull.  150:291-408.    Pic,  M.— Evolution 
descriptive,   varietisme.      [Miscel.   Ent.]    30:  86-90.     Weiss 
&  Ziegler. —  The  entomology  of   Ilooke  and  Leeuwenhoek. 
[oj  36:  95-104. 


ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Bischoff,  H.— Zur 
frage  des  kopfaustausches  und  der  instinktveranderung'en 
bei  insekten.  [34]  76 :  204-20X.  Cleveland,  L.  R.— Further 

observations  and  experiments  on  the  .symbiosis  between  ter 
mites    and    their    intestinal     protozoa.       \{.)2\     54:231-237. 
Eckardt,  G. — 7ur  frage  dcs  mclnnismns  durch   cimvirkung 
von    faulnisguscn.      |18)    21:405-407.      Frisch,   K.    v.— Ver 
snche  iiber  den   Geschmackssinn   der   I'ienen.      [Die   Natur- 
\\-issenschaften]    Id;  307-315,  ill.     Gabritschevsky,  E. — F.\ 
pcriences  sur  le  determinisme  et  la  reversion  des  cuructcro 
polymorphes  larvaircs  de  Miastor  metroloas.      (Cecidomyi- 
dae)   [25]   1928:75-79.     Keys,  A.  B.— Ectoparasites  and  vi- 
tality.     [90]    62:279-282.     Kleinschmidt,   O.—  Die   formen- 
kreislehre   und  das  wcltwcrden  des  lebens.      [  I  )ie    l;ormen- 
kreislehre]    1926:1-188,  ill.     Kuhnelt,  W.— Ueber  den   ban 
des    inscktenskelettes.      [89]    50:219-278,    ill.      Peacock    & 
Gresson. — The  roles  of  the  nurse-cells,  oocvtes  and  follicle 
cells  in  Tenthredinid  oogcncsis.      [Quart.  ]ourn.  Micr.  Sci.j 
71  :  541-561,  ill.     Schmalfuss,  H. — Zum  neuzeitlichen  Mcla- 
nismus  bei  schmetterlingen.     [18]  21  ;  453-454.     Seidel,  F.— 
hie  determinierung  der  kcimanlagc  bei  insekten  II.      |97| 
48:230-251,  ill. 


V. — Notes  on  spiders  from  the  La  Sal  Mountains  of  I'tah. 
[4]  60:  93-95.  Hassan,  A.  S.— The  biology  of  the  Erio- 
phyidae  with  special  reference  to  Eriophyes  tristriatu^ 
(Nalepa).  [(.7]  4:  342-394,  ill. 


&  Hirschlerowa. —  L'appareil  de  Golgi  et  le  vacuome  dan- 
unc  cerlaine  categoric  de  cellules  somati<|ues  chex  le  larve 
de  Thryo-anea  grandis  (Trichoptera).  [77]  98:1099-1100, 
ill.  :!:Silvestri,  F. — Description  of  a  new  species  of  Jap\  \ 
(Thvsanura)  from  1 'otter  Creek  Cave,  Shasta  Count \,  Cab 
fornia.  |fi/|  4:335-340,  ill.  Walker,  E.  M.-  -The  nymphs 
of  the  Stxlurus  .^roup  of  the  genus  ( lomphus  with  notes  on 
the  distribution  of  this  group  in  Canada.  [4]  d():7('SS,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— :I:Barber,  H.  G.     The  genus  Eremocoris 

in  the  eastern  Cnited  States,  with  description  of  a  ne\\ 
s]iecies  and  a  new  varict\  (Lygaeidae).  |1'M  3(>:  ?'*  <i". 
:i:Barber,  H.  G.  A  new  genus  and  species  of  Corcidae  trom 
the  Western  States  (Heteroptera).  |(>|  36:25-28.  :i:Blatch- 
ley,  W.  S. — Notes  on  the  I  letrroptera  of  eastern  \orth 
America  with  descriptions  (>f  new  species.  |<>|  3<  > :  1  23. 
:i:Davis,  W.  T. — The  Cicadas  of  Porto  Rico  with  a  de^crip- 

226  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

tion  of  a  new  genus  and  species.  [6]  36:  29-33,  ill.  *Downes, 
W. — A  new  species  of  Neottiglossa  (Pentatomidae).  [4] 
60:90-92,  ill.  *Ferris,  G.  F.— Observations  on  the  Cher- 
midac.  Part  IV.  (S)  [4]  60:109-117,  ill.  *Goding,  F. 
W.— New  Membracidae,  IV-V.  (S)  [6]  36: 37-45.  *Mc- 
Atee  &  Malloch. — A  new  bicolored  species  of  Megaris  (Ten- 
tatomidae).  (S)  [10]  30:46.  Muller,  G.— Ueber  Rhyn- 
choten  (Schnabelkerfe),  im  besondern  iibcr  Hcteropteren 
(Wanzen).  [18]  21:407-411,  cont:  *Osborn,  H.— III. 
Neotropical  llomoptcra  of  the  Carnegie  Museum.  Tart  d. 
Re])ort  on  the  subfamily  Typhlocybinae,  with  descriptions 
<»f  new  species.  |3|  18 :  253-298,  ill.  Smith,  H.  S.— The 
native  home  of  the  citrophilus  mealybug.  [12]  21  :  435-43d. 
Walley,  G.  S. — Key  to  the  species  of  Dicyphus  occurring  in 
eastern  North  America.  (Miridae.)  [4]  00:119. 

COLEOPTERA— Bayer  &  Lengerken.— Studien  iibcr 
die  Lebenserscheinungen  der  Silphini.  JIT  Xylodrepa  cjuad- 
ripunctata.  [4d]  10:330-352,111.  *Blatchley,  W.  S.— Two 

new  names  in  Onthophagus.  |4]  dO:128.  Bokor,  E.— 
Bestimmungstabelle  der  Bathyscinen-gattung  Sophrochaeta 
(Sil])h.).  [49]  17:114-120.  *Brown,  W.  J.— Two  new  spe- 
cies of  Coleoptera.  [4]  60:89-90.  *Chapin,  E.  A.— The 
North  American  species  of  Holotrochus  Erichson  (Staphy- 
linidae).  with  descri])tions  of  two  new  species.  [10]  30:  d5- 
d7.  Comignan,  J. — Etude  du  foussement  des  Scarabees  en 
rapport  avec  leur  activite  gcnerale.  [77]  98:1410-1412. 
:;:Darlington,  P.  J. — New  Coleoptera  from  Western  Hot 
Springs.  [5]  35:1-6.  :!:Dobzhansky,  T. — Zwei  neue  Pharo- 
scymnus-arten  nebst  cinem  beitrag  zur  kenntniss  der  mor- 
phologic der  Coelopterina  (Coccinellidae).  [72]  21:240- 
244,  ill.  Fall,  H.  C.--Polyphylla  spcciosa  [10]  30:70-71. 
*Fall,  H.  C. — A  new  Coelambus  from  a  thermal  spring  in 
Xevada.  [5]  35:64-65.  Forbes,  W.  T.  M.— The  Proto- 
coleoptera  [fossil].  [5]  35:32-35.  ill.  Frost,  C.  A.— Un- 
usual occurrence  of  Civrimis.  [5]  35:31-32.  Hatch,  M.  H. 
— Brachypterolus  pulicarius  (1>.)  in  America  (Nitidulidae). 
|d]  36:35-36.  *Hetschko,  A. — VA\\  nomenclatur  ciniger 
Colydiiden-,  Cucujiden-  und  Phalacriden-arten.  [4S|  44: 
141-142.  Hopping,  G.  R.—  A  correction.  [Trachykcle  for 
Trachychele]  [4]  60:  102.  Spett  &  Lewitt. — Yersuch  einer 
verwertung  des  receptaculum  seminis  als  systematisches 
merkmal  bei  den  Chrysomeliden.  [52]  1926:' A,  6,  96-140, 
ill.  Taylor,  R.  L. — The  destructive  mexican  book  beetle 
comes  to  I'oston.  [5]  35:44-50.  :i:Thery,  A. — I'.uprestides 
nouveaux  du  Deutsches  cntomologischcs  museum  (note  2). 


(S)  [49J  17:76-79,111.  Wallis,  J.  B.— Revision  of  the  genus 
Odontaeus  (Scarabaeidae).  [4|  (.0:119-128,  c«.nt.  Wol- 
cott,  G.  N. — Phyllophaga  minutissima,  a  correction.  (S) 
110]  30:76,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— *Bouvier,  E.   L.— Anuropteryx,   Sal 

urnioi'dc  nouveau  dc  la  famille  do  Arsenurides.  (S)  [25  | 
1928:  47-48,  ill.  Bowman,  K. — Additions  to  annotated  cbeck 
list  of  the  macrolepidoptera  of  Alberta.  [4]  60:117-118. 
Cook,  W.  C.  Light  traps  as  indicators  of  cutworm  moth 
population.  [4]  60:103.  *Corti,  A. — Studien  iiber  die  sub 
familie  der  Agrotinae.  [49]  17:49-60.  ill.  Eder  R.— Ran- 
pcn/ucht  bei  Luftabschluss.  [14]  42:4-5,  cont.  *Forbes, 
W.  T.  M.  A  new  Teriocolias  (1'ieridae)  from  the  Andes. 
[6|  30:81-82.  Gasow,  H. — Die-  fnihdiagnose  des  auftretens 
der  azaleenmotte.  (Gracilaria  azaleela  I'rants.)  [Arb.  aus 
der  Biol.  Reich,  fur  Land  und  Forst.]  15:593-599,  ill. 
:;:Gehlen,  B. — None  Sphingidae-arten,  -unterarten  und  -for- 
men.  (S)  1 18]  22:13-18,  ill.  *Gehlen,  B.— NYue  Sphin- 
giden-arten,  -unterarten  und  -formen.  (S)  [18)  21:3('l- 
401,  ill.  Gorham-,  R.  P. — A  method  of  collecting  li ving 
moths  at  sugar  bait.  [4]  60:103.  :1:Horhammer,  Dr. —  Line 
neue  Arctia  caja-form.  [18]  21:371-372.  Klots,  A.  B.— A 
revision  of  the  genus  Eurema  (Pieridac).  Part  I.  Xew 
\\Orld  s]>ecies,  morphology  and  phylogeny.  [6|  36:61-72, 
ill.  *Kruger,  R. — Eine  neue  varietat  von  Castnia  juturna 
H])ffr.  Castnia  vesta  Kruger.  (S)  [18]  21  :  385-386. 
*Neustetter,  H. — Zwei  neue  Heliconius.  (S)  [18]  21: 
442-444.  *Niepelt,  W. — Kine  neue  Sphingiden-form  von 
Siid-Amcrika.  [18]  21:434-435,  ill.  *Niepelt,  W.-. \eue 
tagfalter  aus  Columbien.  (S)  [18]  21:  390.  *Schaus,  W. 
New  sjiecies  of  Lepidoptera  in  the-  I'nited  States  National 
Museum.  (S)  [10]  30:46-58.  Schwanwitsch,  B.  N.- 
Studies  upon  the  wing-patterns  of  1'ierella  and  related  gen- 
era of  South  American  Satyridan  butterflies.  [46|  10:433- 
532,  ill.  Siegler  &  Brown. — Longevity  of  the  codling  moth 
larva.  |12]  21:434.  Stshedrin,  Frl.  Z.— Der  einflus:  von 
gasen  auf  die'  farbung  bei  \Tanessa  urticac-.  [72]  21:li'3 
170,  ill.  Tarns,  W.  H.  T.— The  tentamen  of  Jacob  llubner. 
[21]  40:74-76.  Tschauner,  W.-  Durch  schimmelbildung 
melanisierter  l'ai>ilio  machaon?  [18]  21:418-420,  ill. 
Walker,  F.  H.-  An  introduced  moth  (Hi-liothis  dips]»ai-ea 
L.)  [5]  35:29-30.  *Watkins,  H.  T.  G.— New  Satyrid  butter 
flies.  (S)  [75|  1  :  61 5-618.  Zikan,  C.  F.— Die  Macro-Lepi 
do])tera  des  Itatiaya  (Siidabliang  bei  Campo  1'cllo).  (S) 
1 17 1  45:7  8,  cont. 

228  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— A  new  bee 
of  the  genus  Andrenn  visiting  Senecio.  [5]  35:(>2-<o. 
Creighton,  W.  S. — Notes  on  three  abnormal  ants.  [5|  35: 
51-55.  Goetsch,  W. — Beitrage  zur  biologic  korncrsammcln- 
der  ameisen.  [46]  10:353-419.  ill.  Mercet,  R.  G.-  Xota 
sobre  algunos  Encirtidos  americanos  (Chalc.).  [EOS]  4: 
5-12,  ill.  Michailov,  A.  S. — Workers  of  A]iis  mellifera 
reared  in  drone  cells.  [72]  21  :  151-K.2,  ill.  *Mickel,  C.  E.- 
The  Mutillidae  of  Cuba.  [5]  35  :  16-28.  Mickel,  C.  E.— Bio- 
logical and  taxonomic  investigations  on  the  Mutillid  \vas])s. 
[Bui.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.]  143:1-351,  ill.  Mole,  R.  R.— The 
romance  of  the  Bachac  [parasol  ant].  [Bull.  N.  Y.  Zool. 
Soc.J  31  :  54-60,  ill.  Nowicki,  I.  S.— Francis  Walkers'  hand- 
schriftliche  erganzungcn  zur  "Monographia  chalciditum" 
ini  exemplare  der  bibliothek  des  Deutschen  entomologischen 
institut.  [49]  17:111-114.  Rau,  P.— The  honey-gathering 
habits  of  Polistes  wasps.  [92]  54:  503-519,  ill.  'Robertson, 
C. — Anthemoessa  abrupta.  [5]  35:56-60,  ill.  Schultz,  V. 
G.  M. — Geheimnisvolles  von  den  schlupfwespen.  [18]  21: 
367-370.  :;:Smith  &  Compere. — A  preliminary  report  on  tin- 
insect  parasites  of  the  black  scale,  Saissetia  oleae.  [67]  4: 
231-334,  ill.  Wasmann,  E. — Zur  kenntnis  von  Mimecit<m 
und  der  anpassungen  der  Myrniecophilen.  [34]  76:  1(>5-1X4, 
ill.  Wheeler,  W.  M.— Ants  of  Nantucket  Island,  Mass. 
[5]  35:  10-11. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Strachovskij,  A.  N.— Zur  biologic  von 
Acrydium  kraussi.     [72]  21:245-247,  ill.      |  Russian.] 

DIPTERA— *Aldrich,  J.  M.— A  revision  of  the  American 
parasitic  ilies  belonging  to  the  genus  Bclvosia.  [5(>]  73:  1- 
45.  Aldrich,  J.  M. — Note  on  Prosena  sibirita  and  relate. 1 
forms.  [49]  17:  130-131.  Aldrich,  J.  M.-— Synonymic  notes 
on  Diptera.  [10]  30:41-45.  -Alexander,  C.  P.  New  or 
little-known  species  of  the  genus  Tipula  from  Labrador. 
(Tipulidae)  |4)  60:95-101.  ^Alexander,  C.  P.— Records 
and  descriptions  of  neotropical  crane-Hies  (Tipulidae).  |<>] 
36:47-59.  -Bromley.  S.  W.-  Notes  im  the  genus  Procta 
canthus  with  the  descri])tions  of  two  new  species  (  Asilidae). 
|  5]  35:  12-15.  -Collado,  J.  G. — Cirtidos  nuevos  del  museum 
de  Madrid.  (S)  [EOS]  4:  57-M,  ill.  *Edwards,  F.  W, 
Mosquito  Notes.— VT1.  (S)  [22]  18 : 267-284,  ill.  *Ender- 
lein,  G. — Udamoctis  sctigcna,  cine  ncuc  Sarcophagine  aus 
Paraguay.  (S)  [49]  17:129-130.  Frankenberg,'  G.  v, 
Ausgleich  einer  kunstlichen  gewichtsvermehrung  durch  die 

x.xxix,  '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  xi  229 

larve  von  Corethra.     [34|  76:237-240,  ill.     -Frost,  S.  W.- 
X'otes  on   Phytomyza  with  a  de-cription  of  a  new  species. 

[4]  i  .0:77-7*.  Hendel,  F.  —  I'  die  minierenden  eui'opai- 
-chen  Scaptomyza-arten  und  ihre  biologic.  [34]  76:2 
302.  ill.  Hosselet,  C.—  Deux  modes  devolution  du  chon- 
drionie  clans  les  dixjues  imaginaux  chez  Culex  annulatus. 
[77]  OS:  1108-1110.  Johannsen.  O.  A.  Note  on  Macropeza 
and  I'aryphoconus  (  Chironomidae  )  .  (S)  [49]  17:30-31. 
:;:Krober,  O.--\eue  dipteren  de>  Dcutschen  Entomolog. 
Museums  in  Dahlem.  (Conopidac,  Omphralidae.  There- 
vidae,  Tabanidae.)  (S)  [49]  17  :  31-41,  ill.  Martini,  E.- 
I-.ine  interessante  variante  am  hypopygium  einer  Culicide. 
[49]  17:138-140,  ill.  Martini,  E.—  Ueber  die  segmentale 
gliederung  nematocerer  di]>teren.  IV.  I  )ie  terminalia  der 
Culiciden  und  I'sychodiden.  [34]  7G:147-l<d.  ill.  Town- 
send,  C.  H.  T.  —  On  the  rare  occurrence  of  certain  American 
Miiscoid  form>  of  -triking  character.  [6]  3'  >  :  S3-93. 
:;:Townsend,  C.  H.  T.  —  Xew  Muscoidea  from  humid  tropical 
South  America.  [48]  44:143-154.  -Van  Duzee,  M.  C.  - 
Table  of  the  Xorth  American  specie-  of  Medeterus,  with 
descriptions  of  three  new  forms.  [5]  35:  3'i-43. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES.—  Betrem,  J.  G.—  Monographic  der 

Indo-Australischen   Scoliiden    (Arid.).      Mit   /•  ^raiihi- 

schen  betrachtungen.  [Treubia]  9:  Su]»iil.,  1-3S8,  ill.  [Thi- 
pa])er  may  prove  of  interest  to  American  student-  of  hymen- 

Comments  on  the  Odonata  Recorded  in  "A  List  of 
the  Insects  of  New  York."  i  See  the  XIAVS  for  April,  p.  135.  ) 

The  159  specie-  of  (  'donata  recorded  from  Xew  York  State 
in  the  lun^  awaited  "List  of  the  In-ecl-  of  \~e\v  York",  reju'e- 
-ent  an  imposing  array  of  material  and  State  record-.  I;or 
mean-  of  judging  the  atmpletene--  of  this  work,  the  following 
figures  ma\"  be  of  significance  : 

l\t  L;!OII  Authority  I  >ate    Xo.  Sp 


Xorth  America 






4'  4* 

Xew   Kngland  State- 

1  b.we 






(,  '<  mnecticut 

<  larman 



*  Includes  subspecies. 

230  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

Of  particular  interest  to  me  is  the  large  number  of  southern 
species  included,  names  such  as  Agrion  amalitni,  Lcstcs  vigilax, 
Argia  bipunctulata,  Lad  on  a  dcplanata,  Libelhda  flavlda,  Libcl- 
hila  vibrans  and  Pachydiplax  longipciinis,  although  not  unre- 
corded from  the  north,  are  ones  that  we  more  naturally 
associate  with  the  Dragonfly  fauna  of  the  south-eastern  states. 

There  are  several  errors  in  the  list  that  I  would  like  to 
mention,  more  for  the  sake  of  the  avoidance  of  confusion  than 
in  the  spirit  of  fault  rinding.  On  the  bottom  of  page  45,  the 
first  genus  mentioned  is  that  of  Caloptcryx  Burmeister.  The 
genus  Caloptcryx  was  judged,  some  eighteen  years  ago,  by  the 
Commission  on  Nomenclature  of  the  International  Zoological 
Congress  to  be  a  synonym  of  Agrion  Fabricius.  Hence  the 
word  Agrion  should  be  subsituted  for  that  of  Caloptcryx  wher- 
ever the  latter  appears.  Page  48,  line  8  should  read  E.  vcs- 
pcrutn  Calv.  and  not  E.  hcspcrnm  Calv.  Likewise,  page  51, 
the  last  line  should  read  A.  tubcrculifcra  Wlk.,  not  A.  tubcr- 
cnlafa  Wlk.  The  genera  on  page  46  from  line  12,  to  page 
48,  including  Anomalagrion  on  page  49,  have  been  included  in 
the  Damsel flv  family  Aqrionidac,  I  know  of  no  modern  list  of 

_<  j  u 

Odonata  that  does  not  place  these  genera  in  a  separate  family, 
that  of  the  Coeagrlonidac.  It  is,  therefore,  my  belief,  that  the 
words.  Family  Coenagrionidae  Kirby,  should  be  added  on  page 
46  following  the  genus  Hctacrinu,  and  preceding  the  genus 

Two  other  matters  pertaining  to  this  list  of  Odonata  present 
themselves  at  this  time.  It  was  niv  privilege  to  work  on  the 
Odonata  collections  at  Cornell  University  during  the  winter 
of  1926-27,  after  the  list  in  question  had  been  compiled.  Dur- 
ing the  progress  of  this  work  I  determined  that  the  species 
listed  on  page  48,  line  21,  as  N.  carlotta  Butler  is  in  reality  a 
synonym  of  Nchalennia  Irene  Hagen.  Also,  that  the  species, 
Gomphus  cornutns  Tough,  listed  on  page  50,  line  14,  a  record 
based  on  a  single  specimen  from  the  McLean  Reservation,  is 
a  misidentification  for  Gomphus  furcifer  Hagen.  Gomphns 
cornnhts,  as  far  as  I  know,  occurs  only  in  Michigan  and  Wis- 

C.  FRANCIS  BYEKS,  Dept  of  Biol.,  Univ.  of  Florida. 

W.  FROST,  BEATRICE  H.  TOTHILL.  Baltimore :  The  Williams 
and  Wilkins  Company,  1928.  Pp.  351.  91  figures.  3  plates. 
-  Under  this  title,  the  authors  have  brought  together  a 
wealth  of  general  information  on  the  subject  of  leaf-mining 
larvae  in  the  four  orders,  Lepidoptera,  Coleoptera,  Diptera 

XXxix,    '28]  KXTOMOLOGICAL    NKWS  231 

and  Hymenoptera.  The  iir>t  two  chapters  are  of  a  general 
nature  and  deal  \\itli  such  topics  as  the  leaf  as  a  dwelling 
place,  the  types  of  leaf-mining  larvae,  the  general  tendencies 
in  evolution  of  a  form  of  body  adapted  to  leaf-mining,  the 
mines  themselves,  the  origin  of  the  leaf-mining  habit  and  its 
intergradation  with  other  hal»its,  extent  of  the  leaf-mining 
habit  and  preferred  plant  hosts.  They  contain  such  usabl<- 
features  as  a  classification  of  mines  and  the  relation  of  mining 
operations  to  leaf  structure,  a  table  (  p.  35)  for  separating  th>- 
larvae  of  the  four  orders  and  general  directions  for  collecting 
and  rearing  leaf-miners.  The  last  topic  could  well  have  been 
somewhat  enlarged  upon  in  a  book  which  contains  so  much 
of  interest  to  the  field  worker. 

Chapter  1 1 1  is  devoted  to  the  Lepidoptera  in  general  and 
the  succeeding  eight  chapters  deal  with  those  subdivisions  of 
this  order  in  which  the  leaf-mining  habit  has  developed.  The 
plan  is  to  describe  in  general  each  group  (egg.  larva,  pupa, 
adult),  the  character  of  the  mining  operations  and  point  out 
the  ] (articular  modifications  and  adaptations  to  the  mining 
habit  shown,  followed  by  examples  of  representative  members. 
The  widespread  development  of  the  mining  habit  in  the  Lepi- 
doptera i>  indicated  bv  the  proportion  of  the  book  given  up 
to  this  order — 140  pages  out  of  a  total  of  2So  pages  of  text 

The  same  plan  is  followed  in  the  other  three  orders.  Coleop- 
tera  <  Chapter  XII),  Ilymeiioplcra  (Chapter  XIII),  I  Hplera 
(Chapter  XIV).  In  these  orders,  table>  and  keys  to  >pcdes 
which  should  be  of  value  to  the  worker  are  included. 

The  steps  in  the  specialization  of  form  for  the  leaf-mining 
habit,  more  particularly  as  shown  bv  Lepidopterous  larvae, 
\\here  the  extreme  of  modification  is  exhibited  in  the  mmith- 
parts  of  the  sap-feeders,  the  remarkable  convergence  in  form 
in  the  mandibulate  leaf-mining  larvae,  and  adaptation  ot  larval 
habits  to  the  mining  life,  briefly  outlined  in  the  first  chapter, 
furnish  abundant  material  of  interest  to  the  general  biologist 
and  the  student  of  evolution,  and  are  ably  presented  by  th<' 
authors  in  the  general  chapter  on  Lepidoptera  (Chapter  111) 
and  in  the  general  parts  of  the  chapters  devoted  to  the  other 
three  orders. 

To  the  field  worker,  whether  he  be  ecologist,  amateur  stu- 
dent of  nature,  plant  pathologist  or  economic  entomologist, 
those  parts  of  the  general  chapters  which  deal  with  the  indi- 
viduality of  mine,  which  enables  recognition  of  a  genus,  or 
even  of  a  species  within  it,  and  the  general  descriptions  ot 
mining  habits  under  each  group,  will  be  of  especial  intere-t 

232  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July    '28 

and  value.  Some  of  the  generalizations  given  under  mining 
habits  may  require  modification  with  increasing  knowledge 
(c.  ;/.  in  Bucculatrix} .  Again  the  facts  scarcely  warrant  the 
distinction  made  (cf.  pp.  19,  20)  between  the  form  of  mines 
of  the  same  general  type  in  firm  and  soft  leaves,  as  both 
forms  may  occur  on  the  same  leaf. 

Valuable  features  of  the  book  to  the  outdoors  observer  are 
the  lists  of  leaf-mining  insects  and  their  hosts  (Chapters  XV 
and  XVI).  It  seems  to  the  reviewer  that  here  it  would  have 
been  advisable  to  append  a  note  to  the  effect  that  the  list 
includes  those  species  of  which  there  is  a  definite  record  of 
mining  habit;  the  omission  of  many  species  (even  where  food 
plant  is  known)  in  genera  of  leaf-mining  habits  may  cause 
confusion  and  misconception  in  the  mind  of  the  inexperienced 
worker  to  whom  complete  lists  of  species  and  bibliographical 
references  are  not  available.  Epermenia  appears  to  be  omitted 
from  the  list  of  leaf-mining  Lepidoptera,  and  Gracilaria  alnl- 
vorclla  and  G.  purpuriella  are  erroneously  listed  under 

The  bibliography  will  be  an  invaluable  aid  to  the  student, 
and  brings  together,  particularly  in  the  Microlepidoptera,  a 
great  proportion  of  the  papers  dealing  with  the  group. 

It  is  unfortunately  necessary,  in  a  book  whose  conception 
and  treatment  have  so  much  of  merit  and  value,  to  point  out 
some  of  the  blemishes  and  errors.  The  tremendous  number 
of  typographical  errors,  especially  in  the  scientific  names 
throughout  text  and  lists,  is  much  to  be  regretted ;  it  is  im- 
possible to  enumerate  these.  The  omission  of  words  and  the 
use  of  a  word  with  opposite  meaning  to  the  one  intended 
occur  in  several  instances,  but  the  context  will  generally  indi- 
cate the  correction.  In  the  bibliography,  obvious  errors  in 
transcribing  references  appear.  Figure  2,  purporting  to  be  an 
illustration  of  Lithocollctis  hamadryadella,  does  not  represent 
that  species,  which  is  correctly  delineated  by  figure  43,  but 
more  probably  represents  L.  macrocarpcHa.  Figure  51  more 
likely  illustrates  the  mine  of  Psacaplwra  terminella,  and  not 
that  of  a  Cosmopteryx.  The  second  species  mentioned  under 
the  family  Cycnodiidae  (p.  151),  the  bulrush  leaf -miner,  is 
a  Gelechiid,  Aristolclia  robusla,  and  not  a  species  of  Aphclo- 
sctia  (Elachista}  ;  it  is  referred  to  its  correct  position  in  the 

The  book  forms  a  valuable  addition  to  our  entomological 
literature  on  a  little-known  subject,  and  students  owe  a  debt 
of  gratitude  to  the  authors  for  gathering  together  in  accessible 
form  this  mass  of  information.- -ANNETTE  F.  BRAUN. 

OCTOBER,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX  No.  8 




Knowlton — Notes  on  a  few  Species  of  Neothomasia  from  Utah  (Homop., 

Aphididae) 233 

Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  Reopened 235 

Byers — Florida  Dragonflies  Captured  by  the  Automobile 236 

Lindsey — Pyrgus  centaureae  and  freija  (Lep. :   Hesperiidae) 239 

Dr.  Herbert  Osborn 241 

Smith — An  Additional  Annotated  List  of  the  Ants  of  Mississippi 242 

Knight — Descriptions  of  Four  New  North  American  Species  of  Megalo- 

ceroea  (Hemip.:   Miridae) 247 

Howard— Spiders  and  Bedbugs  (Araneina,  Hemiptera) 251 

Editorial — The  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology 252 

The  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology 252 

Personals— Clark,  Holland,  Needham,  Cockerell 257 

Banks — The  C.  W.  Johnson  Collection  of  Diptera 257 

The  Trend  of  the  Times 257 

Another  Way  of  Acquiring  Yellow  Fever 257 

Entomological  Literature 258 


Logan  Square 

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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
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Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
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VOL.  XXXIX  OCTOBER,  19281  No.  9 

Notes  on  a  Few  Species  of  Neothomasia  from  Utah1 

(Homop.:  Aphididae). 

By  GEORGE  F.  KNOWLTON,  Logan,  Utah. 

(Plate   XI.) 

NEOTHOMASIA  SALICINIGRA  Knowlton.  (Plate  XI,  figs.  A-C,  J.) 
This  dusky  aphid  was  collected  in  Cedar  Canyon,  Utah,  dur- 
ing- the  summer  of  1925.     The  collection  was  made  on  willow 


at  an  elevation  of  7000  feet,  the  ajtfiids  feeding  on  the  bark 

of  small  twigs. 

Ahitc  I'k'ipara. — Body  black,  rather  broad  and  1.35  to  1.75 
mm.  long ;  rostrum  scarcely  reaching  second  coxae ;  head  broad 
and  rounded  in  front;  antennae  black,  except  base  of  III,  and 
armed  with  rather  long  curved  sensilla ;  antennal  III,  0.34  to 
0.37  mm.  long,  with  8  to  10  wide-margined  sensoria  in  irregu- 
lar to  scattered  row ;  IV,  0.2  to  0.25  mm.,  with  0  to  3  sensoria; 
V,  0.17  to  0.21  mm.,  occasionally  with  one  secondary  sensori- 
um;  VI,  0.29  to  0.36  (0.09+0.2  to  0.1+0.26)  mm.;  legs  rather 
short,  dusky  to  black;  wing  venation  typical;  veins  dark  with 
membrane  slightly  dusky ;  abdomen  with  dark  bands  in  dorsal 
surface,  and  with  dark  areas  on  the  sides ;  cornicles  short,  0.09 
to  0.11  mm.  long,  with  closed  reticulations  over  much  of  the 
surface  and  with  a  moderate  flange;  cauda  rounded  to  slightly 
elongate,  and  without  constriction;  anal  plate  broadly  rounded. 

This  species  resembles  Neothomasia  salicicola  (Essig)  in  many 
ways.  The  winged  form  differs  from  the  latter  particularly  in 
the  following  respects :  antennal  segments  longer ;  sensoria 
more  numerous  on  antennal  III  and  sometimes  occurring  on 
IV  and  V,  also;  head  more  flattened  across  the  front;  cauda 
shorter  and  broader. 

1  Contribution  from  Department  of  Entomology,  Utah  Agricultural 
Experiment  Station,  Logan,  Utah.  Approved  for  publication  by 


234  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

Neothomasia  utahensis  Knowlton,  n.  sp.     (Plate  XI,  figs. 

D-F,  K,  L.) 

This  aphid  was  present  in  large  colonies  on  the  bark  of  wil- 
low (Sali.v  sp.)  at  Hyde  Park  and  North  Logan,  Utah,  on 
June  22,  1925.  The  small  twigs  were  most  commonly  attacked 
well  out  toward  the  tips,  and  the  aphid  colonies  very  frequently 
extended  on  to  the  tender  new  growth.  Some  of  the  aphids 
were  feeding  on  the  leaves  and  their  petioles,  but  bark  feeding 
was  much  more  common.  The  aphid  colonies  were  attended 
by  a  great  number  of  ants  of  the  species  Formica  ritfa. 

This  aphid  very  much  resembles  Neothomasia  salicicorliccs 
(Essig),  but  the  winged  form  differs  from  the  latter  in  the 
following  respects:  antennal  III  usually  longer  and  with  fewer 
sensoria ;  base  of  antennal  VI  shorter,  with  filament  noticeably 
longer  than  base ;  anterior  margin  of  head  less  rounded ;  wing 
veins  and  the  marginal  shading  noticeably  darker. 

Alatc  vivipara. — Body  wide,  more  or  less  dorso-ventrally 
compressed  and  armed  with  long  prominent  hairs ;  size  2  to  2.6 
mm.  long;  head  and  thorax  black;  anterior  margin  of  head 
rather  straight  with  a  slight  median  depression  ;  antennae  at- 
tached in  a  slight  depression  under  margin  of  the  head ;  rostrum 
reaching  third  coxae ;  antennae  dusky  to  black,  with  proximal 
three-fo  "ths  of  III,  and  a  narrow  band  at  distal  ends  of  III, 
IV,  and  '  yellowish;  antennal  III,  0.5  to  0.55  mm.  long  and 
armed  wit^  9  to  13  round  sensoria,  the  average  being  11  to  12; 
IV,  0.25  mm.,  with  one  to  three  sensoria;  V,  0.21  mm.,  occa- 
sionally with  one  secondary  sensorium ;  VI,  O.l-fO.14  mm.; 
legs  of  moderate  length,  hind  tibiae  1.1  mm.  long;  front  wings 
with  media  twice  branched,  and  with  dusky  shading  along  each 
side  of  the  dark  veins,  hind  wings  with  both  media  and  cubitus 
present,  dusky  and  very  faintly  clouded  along  their  margins ; 
abdomen  dusky  brown,  with  dark  bands  on  the  dor  sum  and 
black  areas  on  the  sides  of  the  segments ;  cornicles  black,  trun- 
cate, 0.1  mm.  long,  with  closed  reticulations  over  much  of  the 
surface ;  cauda  black,  rounded,  armed  with  four  long  hairs ; 
anal  plate  black,  broadly  rounded,  armed  with  numerous  long 

Type  in  the  collection  of  the  writer.  Paratypes  are  in  the 
U.  S.  National  Museum. 

NEOTHOMASIA   POPULICOLA    (Thomas).      (Plate   XI,   figs.   G- 

I,  M). 

This  is  one  of  the  most  common  aphids  infesting  Utah  pop- 
lars. The  infestation  often  becomes  very  severe.  The  aphids 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  235 

attack  the  bark  on  the  twigs  and  become  numerous  on  the 
leaves  and  petioles.  Leaves  of  balsam  poplars  at  Smithfield 
were  heavily  infested  with  this  species  during  the  fall  of  1926. 
Collections  have  been  made  on  Populus  angitstifolia,  P.  bal- 
samifcra,  P.  tremuloides,  and  Sali.v  fluviatalis. 

Alatc  vivipara. — -Body  black  and  armed  with  long,  curved 
hairs ;  rostrum  reaching  second  coxae ;  antennae  black,  with 
proximal  four-fifths  of  III  lighter;  antennae  inserted  slightly 
under  margin  of  head;  antennal  III,  0.3  to  0.38  mm.  long  and 
armed  with  12  to  20  round  sensoria;  IV,  0.2  to  0.25  mm.,  with 
two  or  three  sensoria;  V,  0.17  to  0.2  mm.;  VI,  0.1  -f-  0.19  to 
O.ll-f-0.21  mm.;  wing  venation  typical,  veins  dusky;  front 
wings  with  dusky  to  black  shading  along  the  veins  and  at  tips ; 
legs  moderately  long;  abdomen  blackish  with  darker  bands  on 
dorsum  and  black  areas  on  the  sides  ;  cornicles  short,  yellowish 
to  dusky,  0.1  mm.  long,  with  closed  reticulations  over  much  of 
the  surface ;  cauda  rounded ;  anal  plate  broadly  rounded. 

Apterous  vh'ipara. — This  form  has  a  large  yellowish  Y- 
shaped  area  on  the  abdomen. 

In  Utah,  this  species  has  been  collected  from  Bellevue,  Ben- 
jamin, Brigham,  Eden,  Emigration  Canyon,  Farmington,  Gar- 
den City,  Leeds,  Logan,  Payson,  Providence,  Provo  Canyon, 
Saint  George,  Salina,  Salt  Lake  City,  Smithfield,  Tre1  on,  and 
Zion  National  Park.  The  writer  has  also  collected  his  aphid 
from  the  Kaibab  Forest,  Arizona;  Emigration  Canyon  and 
Paris,  Idaho;  Savage,  Minnesota,  and  St.  Croix  Falls,  Wiscon- 


Ncothomasia  salicinigra  Knowlton.  A,  wing;  B,  cornicle; 
C,  antenna;  /,  cauda  and  anal  plate.  N.  utahcnsis  Knowlton, 
n.  sp.,  D,  wing;  E,  cornicle;  F,  antenna;  K,  head;  L,  cauda 
and  anal  plate.  N.  populicola  (Thomas),  G,  wing;  H,  cornicle; 
/,  antenna;  M,  cauda  and  anal  plate.  All  down  from  alate 

Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  Reopened. 
Agassiz  Museum,  the  Harvard  University  museum  of  o>m 
parative   zoology,    was   opened   again   to   the   public   beginning 
June  19,  following  the  first  extensive  remodeling  it  has  had  in 
fifty  years.     (Science,  June  22,  1928.) 

236  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

Florida  Dragonflies  Captured  by  the  Automobile. 

By  C.  FRANCIS  BYERS,  Dept.  of  Biology,  University  of  Florida. 

In  a  recent  article  on,  "The  Automobile  vs.  Insects",  (Ent. 
News,  Vol.  38,  No.  2-3),  A.  O.  Larson  points  out  the  impor- 
tance of  these  machines  in  the  collecting  and  distribution  of 
insect  life,  especially  in  the  orders  of  Lepidoptera,  Coleoptera 
and  Diptera. 

This  past  fall  (Oct. -Dec.  1927),  I  was  very  much  impressed 
by  the  large  number  of  insects  on  the  radiators  of  the  automo- 
biles parked  along  the  streets  of  Gainesville  and  on  the  Campus 
of  the  University  of  Florida.  While  the  predominating  forms 
to  be  found  in  this  peculiar  "habitat"  were  members  of  the 
orders  indicated  by  Dr.  Larson,  the  large  representation  of 
Odonata  was  noteworthy  and  came  as  somewhat  of  a  surprise. 
Being  particularly  interested  in  Dragonflies,  I  mystified  many 
a  peace  loving  citizen  of  this  fair  town  by  suddenly  darting  out 
from  the  side  walk  and  snatching  a  somewhat,  more  or  less, 
disreputable  "mosquito-hawk"  from  a  way-side  Buick,  Dodge 
or  Nash.  If  the  find  was  a  good  one,  I  would  remain  to  de- 
termine from  the  driver  of  the  car  the  probable  date  and 
locality  of  the  capture,  all  of  which  were  in  the  Gainesville 
region,  certainly  not  out  of  Alachua  County. 

Through  the  above  process  several  very  interesting  facts 
and  theories  came  into  being,  and  a  rather  select  list  of  Odon- 
ata were  obtained,  as  follows : 

1.  ANAX  JUNIUS  (Drury).     Two  nearly  perfect  specimens 
were  taken,  one,  a  male,  on  November  3rd ;  the  other  a  female, 
on  December  5th.     While  these  were  the  only  two  specimens 
actually  collected,  the  remains  of  others,  too  mutilated  to  be 
available,  were  recorded.     The  species  is  a  very  common  one 
in  this  region  in  the  autumn. 

2.  GYNACANTIIA    NERVOSA    Rambur.      One    female    taken 
from  an  automobile  in  the  spring  of  1924;  not  represented  in 
the  1927  collection.     It  was  frequently  seen  on  the  wing,  how- 
ever.    (Byers.  Ent.  News,  Vol.  38,  p.  319.) 

3.  GYNACANTHA   BIFIDA    Rambur.     Early   in  morning  of 
October  10th,  a  female  specimen  of  this  species  was  found  on 


a  Buick  roadster.  The  muscles  of  the  body  were  still  soft, 
though  the  insect  was  apparently  dead.  G.  bifida  is  a  typically 
tropical  Odonata,  and  while  its  occurrence  in  Florida  has 
previously  been  noted,  it  is  extremely  rare  in  this  part  of  its 
range.  It  seems  to  be  a  general  phenomena  that  insects  of 
tropical  distribution  work  their  way  north  in  Florida  during 
the  fall  months. 

4.  TRICANTHAGYNA  TRIFIDA   (Rambur).     The  addition  of 
this  form  to  the  list  of   Dragonflies  captured  by  Gainesville 
motorists  was  perhaps  the  most  noteworthy  of  all  those  made. 
Its  twilight  flying  habits  together  with  its  swiftness  and  agility 
have  caused  its  appearance  in  collections  to  be  necessarily  rare. 
However,  the  automobile  has  succeeded  in  overcoming  both 
of  these  obstacles  to  collection,  and  consequently   T.  trifida, 
was  well  represented  among  the  Dragonflies  falling  victim  to 
this  peculiar  collecting  means.     A  male  specimen  was  taken 
still  alive  from  a  gutter  beside  a  parked  car,  on  October  21st. 
A   male   and   a   female   were    found   on   one   radiator  on   the 
morning  of  October  24th.     On  December  10th  three   teneral 
specimens  were  secured  from  a  Nash.    All  during  the  fall  this 
species  seemed  to  be  quite  common  along  toward  early  eve- 
ning.    One  unlucky  individual  was  observed  in  a  theatre  and 
still  another  in  Church.     The  collection  of  tenerals  in  Decem- 
ber seems  to  indicate  that  their  emerging  period  is  in  the  fall, 
an  idea  borne  out  by  their  increasing  numbers  during  the  fall 
months.    The  first  of  the  above  listed  specimens  of  this  species 
was  very  hard  to  distinguish  from  T.  carlbbca,  especially  while 
it  was  still  alive. 

5.  SOMATOCHLORA  FiLOSA  (Hagen).     One  male  secured  on 
November  llth.    5.  filosa  is  the  only  member  of  this  genus  in 
the  south-eastern  states,  and  while  fairly  plentiful  in  Georgia, 
its  occurrence  in  Florida  has  always  been  considered  rare. 

6.  ERYTHEMIS  SIMPLICICOLLIS  (Say).     A  common  species 
of  Odonata  in  the  Gainesville  region.    Well  represented  in  the 
1927  Automobile  collection,  though  too  mutilated  to  bother,  in 
most  cases,  removing  from  the  cars. 

7.  SYMPETRUM     CORRUPTUM     (Hagen).     One    male    was 

238  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

found  on  the  radiator  of  a  Chrysler,  parked  near  Science  Hall, 
University  of  Florida  Campus,  late  in  the  afternoon  of  No- 
vember 9th.  To  the  best  of  my  knowledge  this  is  the  first 
record  of  the  capture  of  this  common  northern  species  as  far 
south  as  the  state  of  Florida.  The  owner  of  the  car  assured 
me  that  he  had  not  been  driving  far  out  of  Gainesville  for  the 
past  several  days.  This  is,  therefore,  a  new  Florida  record. 

8.  PACHYDIPLAX     LONGIPENNIS      (Burmeister).     A     very 
common  southern  Dragonfly,  well  represented  on  the  automo- 
bile radiators,  both  whole  and  in  part. 

9.  TRAMEA   CAROLINA    (Linne).     Another    fairly   common 
victim  of  our  mechanical  trap. 

10.  PANTALA  FLAVESCENS  (Fabricius).     Although  none  of 
these  adroit  cosmopolitan  Odonata  were  observed  flying,  two 
of  them  were  found  on  machines.    One  male  on  a  Buick,  No- 
vember  llth;  another  on  a  Nash,  December  2nd.     Both  of 
these  specimens  were  in  good  condition  and  were  apparently 
recently  killed. 

These  ten  species  complete  the  list  of  Dragonflies  that  I  have 
collected  from  automobiles  around  the  city  of  Gainesville,  in 
the  fall.  On  examination  of  the  data,  several  interesting  points 
come  to  light : 

1.  All  the  species  represented  are  strong  flying  and  agile 
forms.     Especially   is   this   true   of   Anax,    Gynacantha,    Tri- 
canthagyna,  Somatochlora,  Tramca  and  Pantala. 

2.  The  listed  species  are  usually  all  wanderers.    The  pond- 
loving  Zygoptera,  Plathcmis,  Perithemis,  etc.,  or  the  woods- 
loving  Libellula  were  not  captured,  apparently,  by  automobiles. 
From  which  observation  a  moral  could  be  derived. 

3.  The  automobiles  upon  which  these  Odonata  were  found 
were  all  of  the  higher  powered  types.    The  Fords  and  Chevro- 
lets  were  not  overly  successful,  in  this  respect  at  least. 

The  number  of  individuals  and  species  comprising  the 
1927  Automobile  list,  I  believe  to  be  in  excess  of  the  average 
number  that  usually  fall  victims  to  this  agent. 

It  was  in  an  effort  to  account  for  these  points  that  I  tried 
to  find  out  just  where  the  automobiles  were  being  driven  and 


under  what  conditions.  Accurate  data  was  impossible  to  se- 
cure. However,  about  four  miles  south  of  Gainesville,  there 
is  a  peculiar  ecological  habitat  covering  some  twenty-five 
square  miles,  known  as  "Payne  Prairie"  or  "Alachua  Lake". 
At  one  time  in  its  history  this  locality  was  covered  with  water 
and  was  a  true  lake.  Since  that  time,  however,  due  to  the 
vicissitudes  of  underground  limestone  drainage,  most  of  the 
water  of  the  old  lake  has  drained  off,  leaving  a  semi-marsh 
condition  with  occasional  pools  of  open  water,  surrounded 
with  luxuriant  growths  of  water-hyacinth.  A  paved  road 
from  Gainesville  to  Ocala  extends,  on  an  artificial  embank- 
ment, for  nearly  three  miles  across  this  marsh.  The  drive 
across  the  Prairie  is  a  popular  one  with  the  Gainesville  motor- 
ists, especially  the  students ;  while  speeding  over  the  three  mile 
stretch  is  the  rule  of  procedure  if  one  has  a  high  powered  car. 
It  is  to  this  that  I  attribute  much  of  the  success  of  the  auto- 
mobile in  collecting  Odonata  in  the  Gainesville  vicinity. 

Pyrgus*  centaureae  and  freija  (Lep.:  Hesperiidae). 

By  A.  W.  LINDSEY,  Denison  University,  Granville,  Ohio. 

The  suggestion  by  Mr.  B.  C.  S.  Warren  that  the  species 
commonly  known  as  Hespcria  centaureae  Rambur  is  in  reality 
made  up  of  two  distinct  species  and  his  application  of  the  name 
freija  to  the  supposedly  undescribed  species  have  caused  no 
little  comment  among  systematists  interested  in  the  Hes- 
perioidea  in  the  United  States.  Mr.  Bell's  summary  of  the 
case  (Ent.  News  xxxvii,  109-110,  1926)  first  attracted  my 
attention  seriously  to  the  problem,  for  at  that  time  I  had  no 
centaureae  from  New  Jersey  and  suspected  that  my  material 
might  include  nothing  but  freija.  Since  the  publication  of 
Mr.  Bell's  paper  I  have  secured  two  specimens  from  New 
Jersey  and  enough  material  from  Labrador  and  Lapland  to 
make  my  series  adequate  for  the  serious  consideration  of  the 
validity  of  the  two  names. 

*  Since  Hubner's  Tentamen  has  been  officially  discarded  Vrbatius 
cannot  be  used  in  place  of  Hesperia  Auct.  Pyrgus  is  the  next  available 

240  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

In  order  to  avoid  personal  bias  as  much  as  possible  I  have 
studied  over  these  specimens  at  intervals  for  a  year.  From 
time  tO'time  I  have  made  microscope  slides  of  the  genitalia  of 
specimens  which  seemed  to  present  significant  superficial  char- 

As  a  summary  of  Warren's  distinctions  between  freija  and 
centaureae  I  can  do  no  better  than  to  refer  to  Bell's  paper 
cited  above  or  to  Warren's  Monograph  of  the  Tribe  Hcspenidi 
(Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond.  1926,  Part  I).  It  seems  unnecessary 
here  to  consider  in  detail  the  differences  said  to  exist  between 
the  two  species. 

In  going  over  my  material  I  find  it  possible  to  pick  out 
specimens  of  freija  Warren  from  Lapland,  Hayden  Peak,  Colo. 
(13,000  ft.),  and  Nain,  Labrador,  but  upon  examining  their 
genitalia  I  find  that  only  the  specimen  from  Hayden  Peak 
shows  any  real  resemblance  to  Warren's  figure  of  the  geni- 
talia of  freija  (Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond.  LXXIV,  pi.  XV,  fig. 
2).  The  broad  terminal  part  of  the  clasp  to  which  Warren  has 
applied  the  name  cuiller  shows  in  this  slide  a  prominent  dorsal 
point,  but  its  ventral  margin  is  so  strongly  convex  that  it  bears 
a  much  greater  resemblance  to  his  figure  of  the  genitalia  of 
centaureae  (loc.  cit.  fig.  1).  The  most  striking  slide  in  my 
possession  is  from  a  Lapland  insect ;  in  this  slide  the  left 
cuiller  is  nearly  identical  with  Warren's  figure  under  the  name 
freija  while  the  right  cuiller  bears  more  resemblance  to  that 
of  centaureae. 

Likewise  I  have  picked  specimens  which  appeared  to  be 
freija  on  the  dorsal  surface  according  to  characters  given  in 
Warren's  monograph,  only  to  find  that  the  lower  surface  might 
be  characteristically  like  the  figures  of  centaureae.  It  is  a 
bewildering  situation  which  leads  me  to  the  conclusion  that 
we  cannot  have  two  valid  species  here. 

I  have  not  the  slightest  doubt  that  it  is  possible  to  find  speci- 
mens which  show  the  characters  described  by  Warren.  My 
objection  is  wholly  directed  against  their  interpretation.  Here 
we  have  a  species  circumpolar  in  distribution,  extending  far 
to  the  south  on  our  continent  at  high  altitudes.  My  series  of 
fifty  specimens  represents  all  of  the  localities  and  dates 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  241 

ascribed  to  freija,  yet  I  am  forced  to  conclude  that  I  have 
no  specimens  which  agree  in  all  particulars  with  the  descrip- 
tion of  freija.  If  then,  we  have  centaurcae  and  freija  in  ex- 
actly the  same  regions  of  North  America  at  exactly  the  same 
time,  it  seems  doubtful  that  they  are  pure  species.  In  Europe, 
according  to  Warren's  data,  ccntaurcae  occurs  farther  south 
than  freija.  Is  it  not  possible  that  the  conditions  which  favor 
the  appearance  of  the  characters  of  centaurcae  are  normal  at 
lower  latitudes  and  either  rare  or  occasional  at  higher  latitudes 
and  altitudes  ?  The  fact  that  Bell  refers  his  New  Jersey  speci- 
mens unhesitatingly  to  centaurcae  still  further  suggests  this 
possibility.  My  own  two  specimens  from  Great  Notch,  N.  J., 
bear  out  this  view  although  their  dorsal  maculation  savors 
strongly  of  freija. 

Under  ordinary  conditions  it  seems  inadvisable  to  deny  the 
existence  of  species  like  these.  We  must  admit  that  the  New 
Jersey  centaur eae  are  as  rigidly  separated  from  those  of  Lab- 
rador or  Lapland  as  if  they  were  actually  different  species,  and 
isolation  under  different  conditions  may  well  develop  them  in 
time  into  distinct  species.  But  when  no  isolation  of  space  or 
time  can  be  demonstrated  I  fail  to  see  the  process  by  which 
anything  more  than  a  variable  species  can  be  developed.  The 
rigorous  climates  in  which  these  insects  live  are  an  adequate 
guaranty  of  extreme  variability  and  there  is  no  known  barrier 
to  the  free  interbreeding  which  would  maintain  a  common 
level  of  development  including  their  wide  range  of  variation. 

From  a  sound  biological  point  of  view  it  seems  that  freija 
and  ccntaureac  must  be  regarded  as  the  same  species,  and  in 
my  own  material  there  is  nothing  to  indicate  that  even  varietal 
names  are  desirable.  It  is  certain  that  other  data  than  can  be 
derived  from  the  study  of  adult  specimens  are  necessary  to 
prove  the  existence  of  more  than  one  species. 

Dr.  Herbert  Osborn,  research  professor  at  the  Ohio  State 
University,  by  vote  of  the  fellows  of  the  Entomologicol  Soci- 
ety of  America  has  been  elected  to  honorary  fellowship  in  the 
society.  Other  honorary  fellows  are  C.  J.  S.  Bethune,  J.  H. 
Comstock,  S.  A.  Forbes,  L.  O.  Howard  and  E.  A.  Schwarz. 
(Science,  July  20,  1928.) 

242  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

An  Additional  Annotated  List  of  the  Ants  of 


With  a  Description  of  a   New   Species  of  Aphaenogaster 

(Hym. :   Formicidae).* 

By  M.  R.  SMITH,  A.  and  M.  College,  Mississippi. 

In  a  previous  paper  (£NT.  NEWS,  Vol.  38,  pp.  308-314, 
(1927),  11  species  of  ants  were  recorded  as  new  to  the  state, 
thus  making  a  total  of  87  species  for  Mississippi.  In  the  present 
article  19  additional  species  are  listed,  one  of  these  being  a  new 
subspecies  of  Aphaenogaster  tc.rana  Emery,  which  is  subse- 
quently described. 

Descriptions  are  given  for  the  female  of  Phcidolc  dentigula 
M.  R.  Smith  and  also  for  what  is  apparently  the  male  of 
Sysphincta  pergandei  Emery. 

The  species  are  not  only  numbered  and  listed  below  accord- 
ing to  their  respective  subfamilies  but  are  also  accompanied  by 
the  usual  biological  notes. 

Subfamily  PONERINAE. 


$  Length:  3.6  mm.  Head,  excluding  the  mandibles,  slightly 
broader  than  long  when  measured  from  side  to  side  thru  the 
center  of  the  eyes,  posterior  border  and  posterior  angles  strong- 
ly rounded.  Vertex  with  3  prominent  ocelli,  the  distance  be- 
tween one  of  the  lateral  and  the  median  ocellus  less  than  that 
between  the  two  lateral  ocelli.  Eyes  large,  elliptical,  and  con- 
vex, the  interior  borders  of  each  almost  parallel  with  one  an- 
other. Cheeks,  due  to  the  extensive  size  of  the  eyes,  poorly 
developed.  Clypeus  strongly  protuberant  medianly,  the  pos- 
terior border  extending  as  a  sharp  angular  point  past  the  in- 
sertions of  the  antennal  scapes.  An  apparently  faint  furrow 
or  groove  extending  from  the  depressed  frontal  area  to  the 
anterior  border  of  the  median  ocellus.  Mandibles  triangular, 
with  a  sharp  apical  and  a  blunt  basal  tooth,  the  dental  borders 
between  the  two  strongly  emarginate.  Maxillary  palpi  4— 
segmented,  labial  palpi  2 — segmented.  Antennae  13 — segment- 
ed, pedicel  subglobular,  funiculus  filiform. 

Thorax  short  and  massive;  viewed  dorsally,  the  mesonotum 
and  scutellum  comprise  the  greater  part  of  the  thorax.  Pro- 

*A  contribution  from  the  Mississippi  Agricultural  Experiment 

XXxix,   '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  243 

notum  somewhat  concealed  by  the  mesonotum,  and   with  the 


anterior  border  strongly  reflexed  at  its  junction  with  the  head. 
Mesonotum  without  Mayrian  furrows,  but  with  a  parapsidal 
furrow  on  each  side.  A  deep,  but  narrow,  depressed  area  bear- 
ing longitudinal  striae,  between  the  mesonotum  and  scutellum. 
Metanotum  forming  a  rather  angular  tooth,  which  is  carinate 
medianly.  The  concave,  declivous  surface  of  the  epinotum, 
longer  than  the  base  of  the  epinotum.  Pedicel  1 — segmented, 
the  node  or  petiole  with  the  posterior  border  constricted  and 
reflexed.  First  segment  of  the  gaster,  also  constricted  at  its 
base  and  apex,  and  at  least  twice  as  broad  as  the  petiole.  Gas- 
ter with  6  visible  segments  dorsally,  the  second  segment  occu- 
pying a  very  large  proportion  of  its  area. 

Mandibles  shining,  sparsely  punctate.  Mesepisternum  of  the 
thorax,  and  the  gaster,  smooth  and  shining.  Antennae  and  legs 
subopaque.  Remainder  of  the  body  rather  opaque  due  to  the 
sculpturing  and  pubescence. 

Hairs  grayish,  short,  suberect,  covering  all  parts  of  the  body. 
Pubescence  fine  and  distinct,  also  covering  all  parts  of  the  body, 
but  not  easily  discernible  on  the  thorax  and  gaster,  giving 
these  parts  in  certain  lights,  a  fulvous  color. 

Head,  excluding  the  mandibles,  cheeks,  clypeus,  antennae, 
and  the  dorsum  of  the  thorax,  and  the  gaster,  almost  black. 
Mandibles  yellowish ;  cheeks,  clypeus,  antennae,  legs,  lateral 
parts  of  thorax,  and  the  venter  varying  from  ferruginous  to 

Although  the  worker  of  this  species  was  described  by  Emery 
in  1895,  apparently  no  one  has  published  a  description  of  the 
male  of  this  rare,  primitive  ant.  The  above  description  is 
based  on  an  alate  specimen  which  was  collected  at  Artesia. 
Mississippi,  on  the  afternoon  of  August  26th,  1927. 

5\  pcrgandci  Emery,  although  a  very  rare  ant,  is  the  most 
common  species  of  this  genus.  Wheeler  states  that  the  ants 
nest  under  stones  in  rather  moist  places,  usually  in  mead- 
ows. The  colonies  are  composed  of  only  a  very  few  indi- 
viduals. The  ants  which  are  subterranean  in  habits  apparently 
feed  on  the  flesh  of  organisms.  The  species,  5".  /vn/t/m/r/  is 
common  to  the  eastern  half  of  the  United  States. 


Adaton.  Only  one  specimen  (a  worker)  of  this  primitive 
ant  has  been  taken  in  this  state.  This  specimen  which  is  larger, 
more  ferruginous  brown  and  more  heavily  sculptured  than  the 

244  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

specimens  of  pallipcs  from  Wisconsin  in  my  collection,  may 
prove  to  be  a  new  subspecies  or  variety.  The  ant  was  taken  in 
the  rather  dense,  moist  woods  at  Adaton.  The  student  who 
collected  the  ant  could  not  furnish  any  definite  information  as 
to  the  exact  spot  in  which  he  captured  the  individual. 


Columbus.  Three  dealated  females  of  what  is  apparently 
this  species  were  taken  in  a  small  woodland  patch  near  Colum- 
bus. One  of  the  females  was  found  beneath  the  bark  of  a  pine 
log  in  the  vicinity  of  the  following  other  species  of  ants :  Strn- 
migcnys  pulchclla  Emery  and  Aphacnogastcr  lamcllidcns  var. 
nigripcs  M.  R.  Smith.  An  interesting  myrmecophilous  beetle, 
Tmesiphorus  carintus  (Say),  was  also  found  here.  The  two 
remaining  females  were  secured  from  beneath  the  bark  of  pine 
stumps.  One  of  these  was  found  beneath  the  bark  of  a  stump 
along  with  the  following  ants :  Solcnopsis  molcsta  Say,  Stru- 
migcnys  pulchclla  Emery  and  Phcidolc  dent  at  a  Mayr.  No 
workers  were  seen  with  any  of  the  females  although  a  careful 
search  was  conducted  for  them. 

The  female  of  P.  croccnm  can  be  distinguished  from  the 
female  of  the  other  North  American  species  of  Proccratium 
by  its  large  size  (5  mm.)  and  by  its  much  thicker  petiolar 


Columbus.  One  dealated  female  of  what  is  apparently  this 
species  was  taken  from  beneath  the  bark  of  a  pine  stump  in 
the  same  habitat  as  the  preceding  species.  The  frass  beneath 
the  bark  was  fine  and  slightly  moist. 

92. — PONERA  C.ILVA  Roger. 

Columbus.  Approximately  forty  workers  were  collected 
from  beneath  the  bark  of  a  pine  log  in  the  same  habitat  as  the 
species  of  Proccratium  mentioned  in  this  article.  The  frass 
beneath  this  log  was  very  moist  as  was  also  the  log.  No  imma- 
ture stages  or  sexed  forms  of  the  ants  .were  observed.  The 
workers  which  bear  somewhat  of  a  resemblance  to  the  workers 
of  Proceratium  were  very  slow  of  movement.  Some  of  these 
tried  to  escape  capture  by  hiding  in  crevices  and  remaining 
perfectly  quiet.  From  the  same  log  were  collected  two  indi- 
viduals of  a  new  species  of  Fulgorid  belonging  to  the  genus 


Epiptcra  and  the  ants  :  Phcidolc  dcntata  Mayr  and  Aphacno- 
gastcr  tc.vano  var.  or  subsp.  Poncra  (jilra  Roger  does  not  appear 
to  be  as  common  in  Mississippi  as  some  of  the  other  species  of 

The  worker  of  this  yellowish  or  somewhat  ferruginous  col- 
ored species  can  be  distinguished  from  the  worker  of  the  other 
species  of  Poncra  in  Mississippi  by  its  laterally  margined  epi- 
notum  and  by  its  very  much  thickened  (longitudinally)  petiolar 

Subfamily   DORYLINAE. 

93. — ECITON  (A.)  CAROLINENSIS  Emery. 

Ellisville,  A.  and  M.  College,  Columbus.  Three  colonies  of 
this  ant  have  been  seen  in  Mississippi  and  strange  to  say  all 
of  these  were  found  in  some  form  of  decaying  wood.  A  colony 
at  Ellisville  occurred  in  the  rotten  branch  of  a  tree.  The  branch 
was  about  six  inches  wide  and  four  feet  long.  A  single  female 
and  from  5,000-10,000  workers  and  some  larvae  were  noted 
inside  the  branch.  At  A.  and  M.  College  another  colony  ap- 
proximately the  same  size  was  located  in  the  base  of  a  rotten 
pine  stump.  At  Columbus  a  third  colony  was  noted  nesting 
inside  of  a  fence  post  lying  in  a  pasture.  The  post  although 
firm  outside  was  hollow  inside  and  furnished  excellent  quarters 
for  the  colony  which  consisted  of  a  single  female,  many  workers 
and  some  larvae. 

The  worker  of  E.  carolinciisis  bears  a  striking  resemblance 
to  the  worker  of  E.  opacithorax  Emery.  The  worker  can  be 
distinguished  from  the  worker  of  that  species  however,  by  the 
more  nearly  square  petiole  and  postpetiole  and  by  the  much 
more  heavily  incrassated  antennae. 

Subfamily  MYRMICINAE. 

9.  Length:  3.5  mm.  Head,  excluding  the  mandibles, 
slightly  longer  than  broad,  with  rather  widely  and  deeply 
emarginate  posterior  border,  and  rounded,  yet  distinct  posterior 
angles.  Anterior  border  of  gula  with  two  short,  coarse  teeth, 
which  are  easily  seen  when  the  head  is  viewed  from  the  side. 
Mandibles  large,  somewhat  flattened  dorsally,  each  with  2  large 
apical  and  2  small  basal  teeth.  Clypeus  c-marginate.  Frontal 
area  small,  subtriangular,  broader  than  long.  Antennal  scapes 

246  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

slender,  longer  than  in  the  worker,  but  yet  not  attaining  the 
posterior  angles  of  the  head.  Vertex  with  3  large  and  promi- 
nent ocelli. 

Thorax  short,  robust.  Humeral  angles  of  the  prothorax  well 
developed  but  obscured  from  above,  by  the  rounded  anterior 
border  of  the  large  and  prominent  mesonotum.  Parapsidal 
furrows  on  the  mesonotum  not  clearly  discernible.  Viewed  lat- 
erally the  mesonotum  and  scutellum  are  flattened.  Epinotum 
with  a  pair  of  large,  blunt,  angular  teeth  or  spines,  the  area 
between  these  concave. 

Postpetiole  about  two  and  one-half  times  as  wide  as  long, 
the  sides  conulate.  Postpetiole  at  least  twice  as  wide  as  the 
petiole.  Caster  with  distinct  humeral  angles. 

Mandibles  and  clypeus  shining,  the  former  with  prominent, 
scattered  punctures.  Head  subopaque,  longitudinally  rugulose, 
with  the  areas  between  the  rugulae  finely  punctulate,  the  region 
around  the  posterior  angles  reticulate-punctulate.  Mesonotum, 
mesopleurae,  metanotum,  scutellum,  legs,  postpetiole  and  gaster 
smooth  and  shining.  Epinotum  long,  transversely  rugulose- 

Hairs  pale  yellowish,  long  and  abundant,  suberect  to  erect. 

Ferruginous ;  mandibles,  and  sclerites  at  base  of  wings  darker. 

The  above  description  is  based  on  a  dealate  female,  which 
with  a  worker  was  taken  at  A.  and  M.  College.  Both  individu- 
als were  found  in  rich  mucky  soil  around  the  base  of  a  stump. 
The  soldier  and  worker  were  described  in  a  previous  paper. 


Ocean  Springs.  A  number  of  workers  from  the  above  local- 
ity were  sent  to  the  writer  by  the  late  R.  P.  Barnhart,  with- 
out remarks  concerning  their  nesting  habits.  The  variety 
nigripes  M.  R.  Smith,  appears  to  be  more  common  than  lamelli- 
ilens  in  this  state,  and  is  usually  found  nesting  in  logs  or  in  the 
soil  beneath  them. 

95. — APHAENOGASTER  FULVA  subsp.  AQUIA  Buckley. 

Rara  Avis.  Several  workers  of  this  species  were  collected 
from  the  ground  in  a  dense  patch  of  woodland  at  the  above 
locality.  As  Emery  has  remarked,  aquia  is  somewhat  smaller 
than  fulva  Roger  (4. -4. 66  mm.).  The  epinotal  spines  are  short- 
er than  half  of  the  basal  surface  of  the  epinotum  and  the  an- 
terior portion  of  the  mesothorax  when  viewed  frim  the  side 
does  not  extend  beyond  the  general  surface  of  the  prothorax 
so  prominently  as  with  fidva.  The  sculpturing  is  also  weaker. 

(To  be  continued.) 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  247 

Descriptions  of  Four  New  North  American  Species 
of  Megaloceroea  (Hemip. :  Miridae).* 

By  HARRY  H.  KNIGHT,  Ames,  Iowa. 

In  working  out  an  interesting  new  species  of  Megaloceroea 
collected  in  Yellowstone  National  Park  during  1927,  I  have 
taken  occasion  to  work  over  the  available  material  in  this  genus 
with  the  result  that  four  new  species  are  herewith  described. 

Megaloceroea  curta,  sp.  nov. 

Allied  to  dcbilis  Uhler,  but  distinguished  by  the  longer 
rostrum,  somewhat  shorter  frons  with  transverse  apex,  and  in 
structure  of  male  genital  claspers;  female  differs  in  the  trans- 
verse posterior  margin  of  the  ninth  tergite. 

J1.  Length  8.4  mm.,  width  2.1  mm.  Head:  width  .95  mm., 
vertex  .41  mm.;  tylus  not  so  strongly  swollen  on  basal  half  as 
in  dcbilis,  the  black  color  beginning  on  basal  half,  leaving  the 
median  line  and  apex  pale ;  juga  black,  the  dark  color  extend- 
ing back  rather  broadly  around  the  eyes  to  collum.  Rostrum, 
length  2.9  mm.,  extending  slightly  beyond  posterior  margins 
of  hind  coxae,  or  upon  third  ventral  segment,  black,  basal 
segment  pale.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  1.48  mm. ;  II,  3.85 
mm.;  Ill,  2.8  mm.;  IV,  1.42  mm.;  black,  segment  II  some- 
what brownish.  Pronotum  :  length  .92  mm.,  width  at  base  1.6 
mm.;  basal  margin  more  transverse  than  dcbilis,  and  broadly 
exposing  the  mesoscutum ;  a  broad,  black  stripe  each  side  of 
disk,  covering  the  calli  and  extending  back  more  or  less  behind 
middle  of  disk ;  propleura  pale,  a  triangular  blackish  ray  behind 
lower  margin  of  coxal  cleft.  Scutellum  smooth,  obsoletely 
punctate,  pale,  narrow,  lateral  margins  and  outer  margin  of 
mesoscutum  black. 

Hemelytra  pale,  clavus,  inner  angle  of  corium,  and  mem- 
brane more  or  less  pale  fuscous ;  a  few  dark  punctures  border- 
ing claval  vein ;  an  opaque,  white  calloused  line  bordering  vein 
around  apical  half  of  larger  areole.  Body  beneath  pale  to 
fuscous,  genital  segment  and  sides  of  venter  fuscous,  the  dark 
lateral  line  not  clearly  set  off  as  in  dcbilis. .  Legs  fuscous,  fe- 
mora somewhat  lighter  beneath,  with  row  of  fuscous  >]mt> 
on  anterior  aspect.  Genital  claspers  distinctive,  left  clas]»  r 
broader  than  dcbilis,  a  thin  blade  of  chitin  arises  on  dorsal 
edge  within  the  curved  part  of  clasper. 

?.     Length  7.4  mm.,  width  2.2  mm.     Head:    width  1   nun., 

*Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology, 
Iowa  State  College,  Ames,  Iowa. 

248  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

vertex  .56  mm.  Rostrum,  length  3.5  mm.,  reaching  to  anterior 
margin  of  fourth  ventral  segment.  Antennae :  segment  I, 
length  1.42  mm.;  II,  3.7  mm.;  Ill,  2.6  mm.;  IV,  1.3  mm. 
Pronotum:  length  1  mm.,  width  at  base  1.54  mm.  Hemelytra 
short,  the  last  tergite  usually  visible  from  above.  More  robust 
than  the  male  but  very  similar  in  coloration. 

Holotype:  c?.  August  8,  1927,  Yellowstone  National  Park, 
Wyoming  (H.  H.  Knight)  ;  author's  collection.  Allotype: 
same  data  as  the  type.  Paratypcs:  7<3,  18?,  taken  with  the 
types  by  sweeping  mixed  grasses  and  sedges  near  the  roadside 
on  the  high  treeless  plateau  between  Roosevelt  Lodge  and 
Mammoth  Hot  Springs.  IDAHO— 9  June  22,  1926,  McCall 
(R.  W.  Haegele).  MONTANA — c?  July  23,  1902,  Copperopolis  ; 
?  July  18,  1913,  alt.  5500  ft.,  Gallatin  County  (Mont.  Agr. 
Expt.  Sta.). 

Megaloceroea  hirsuta,  sp.  nov. 

Distinguished  by  the  erect  long  hairs  covering  all  parts  of 
body  and  legs,  dorsum  impunctate ;  elongate,  tip  of  abdomen 
just  reaching  middle  of  cuneus  in  the  male. 

c?.  Length  8.9  mm.,  width  1.7  mm.  Head:  width  1  mm., 
vertex  .46  mm. ;  tylus  angulate  and  swollen  at  middle,  basal 
half  with  median  line  and  marks  each  side  blackish;  frons 
with  oblique,  granulate,  fine  dark  lines  each  side  of  middle. 
Rostrum,  length  2.25  mm.,  only  reaching  upon  middle  coxae. 
Antennae:  segment  I,  length  1.6  mm.,  yellowish  to  fuscous, 
darker  about  base  of  hairs,  set  with  erect  long  fuscous  hairs, 
length  of  many  exceeding  thickness  of  segment;  II,  3.94  mm., 
brownish  black,  closely  pubescent  with  pale  and  fuscous  hairs, 
the  dark  hairs  longer  near  base,  length  of  several  exceeding 
thickness  of  segment;  III,  2.8  mm.,  blackish.  Pronotum: 
length  1.06  mm.,  width  at  base  1.58  mm.;  disk  with  several 
very  fine  punctures  on  middle ;  calli  with  several  irregular  dark 
glabrous  marks  and  small  spots ;  pale,  a  rather  broad  fuscous 
stripe  each  side  extending  from  front  margin,  covering  width 
of  callus,  somewhat  paler  but  wider  at  base ;  propleura  pale, 
a  reddish  to  fuscous  stripe  extending  from  behind  eye,  across 
lower  half  of  coxal  cleft  to  basal  margin.  Mesoscutum  broadly 
exposed,  yellowish  brown,  fuscous  each  side.  Scutellum 
smooth,  pale,  dark  along  basal  half  of  lateral  edges. 

Hemelytra  long,  widest  near  scutellum,  cuneus  long  and 
slender,  extending  beyond  tip  of  venter  by  half  its  length ;  pale 
to  dusky,  darker  on  clavus  and  inner  half  of  corium;  mem- 


brane  and  veins  pale  fuscous,  darker  each  side  near  cuneus. 
Body  pale,  sternum,  mark  through  pleura,  and  rather  broad 
stripe  on  sides  of  venter,  fuscous  to  reddish.  Legs  pale  but 
thickly  dotted  with  small  and  some  large  fuscous  markings, 
tibiae  somewhat  darker  and  tarsi  black;  thickly  set  with  erect, 
long  pale  hairs,  length  of  those  on  tibia  equal  to  twice  thick- 
ness of  segment.  Genital  claspers  distinctive,  left  clasper 
broad  on  basal  half  then  suddenly  constricted  to  a  slender 
rounded  and  incurved  arm  which  becomes  acuminate  at  apex; 
right  clasper  small,  rather  thick,  with  a  prominent  hook  or 
claw  extending  distad  from  posterior  dorsal  angle. 

Holotypc:  3.  Sept.  26,  1925,  Santa  Rita  Mts.,  Pima 
County,  Arizona  (C.  T.  Vorhies)  ;  author's  collection.  Para- 
types  :  5  8,  Fort  Davis  Mts.,  Texas. 

Megaloceroea  punctata,  sp.  nov. 

Distinguished  by  the  strongly  punctate  corium,  clavus, 
scutellum  and  pronotum ;  first  antennal  segment  not  equal  to 
width  of  head;  distinguished  from  rnbicnnda  Uhler  in  the  less 
prominent  tylus  and  frons,  carinate  pronotum,  punctate  scu- 
tellum and  spotted  femora. 

d1.  Length  5.6  mm.,  width  1.36  mm.  Head:  width  .83 
mm.,  vertex  .42  mm. ;  tylus  only  moderately  prominent,  frons 
not  sharply  set  off  from  base  of  tylus  as  in  dcbilis  and  other 
species.  Rostrum,  length  2.84  mm.,  reaching  upon  fourth 
ventral  segment.  Antennae  :  segment  I,  length  .62  mm. ;  II,  1.72 
mm. ;  IV,  broken ;  reddish  brown,  segment  I  blackish  on  basal 
half  but  chiefly  on  anterior  aspect.  Pronotum:  length  .88  mm., 
width  at  base  1.24  mm. ;  lateral  margins  of  disk  carinate,  slight- 
ly sulcate,  basal  margin  broadly  rounded  but  distinctly  sinuate 
at  median  line ;  coarsely  and  rather  closely  punctate,  several 
punctures  on  anterior  margin  and  on  calli,  many  punctures 
infuscated.  Mesoscutum  only  moderately  exposed,  lateral 
angles  each  writh  two  transverse  grooves.  Scutellum  also 
punctate,  pale,  narrow  lateral  margins  fuscous. 

Hemelytra  with  clavus  and  corium  distinctly  punctate ;  pale, 
punctures  and  clavus  laterad  of  claval  vein  fuscous ;  corium 
except  along  radial  vein,  and  inner  half  of  cuneus  reddish; 
membrane  fuscous.  Clothed  with  moderately  fine  pale  yel- 
lowish pubescence.  General  coloration  pale  yellowish,  median 
vitta  and  two  lateral  marks  on  ba>al  half  of  tylus,  also  ape\ 
of  tylus,  arcuate  mark  bordering  inner  margin-,  of  eyes  and 
antennae,  collum  except  median  line,  and  calli,  black;  dark 
color  each  side  of  frons  and  vertex  more  or  less  reddish  to 
black.  Mark  behind  lower  margin  of  eye,  across  lower  half 

250  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

of  coxal  cleft,  mark  on  metapleura  and  base  of  hind  coxae, 
and  the  usual  lateral  line  on  venter,  reddish.  Legs  pale,  fe- 
mora with  two  rows  of  distinct  black  spots  on  anterior  aspect, 
also  several  spots  on  distal  half  of  posterior  aspect,  and  two 
rows  of  fine  black  spots  on  basal  half  of  tibiae ;  tarsi  and 
tips  of  tibiae  black.  Right  genital  clasper  with  a  distinct  claw 
at  tip,  margin  of  genital  segment  with  a  slight  tubercle  at  base 
of  right  clasper. 

?.  Length  6.6  mm.,  width  1.6  mm.  Head:  width  .87  mm., 
vertex  .52  mm.  Antennae :  segment  I,  length  .66  mm. ;  II, 
2.87  mm.;  Ill,  broken.  Pronotum :  length  1.06  mm.,  width 
at  base  1.39  mm.  More  robust  than  the  male  but  very  similar 
in  coloration,  punctuation,  and  pubescence. 

Holotype:     d     August  24,  1906,  Nogales,  Arizona   (F.  W. 
Nunenmacher)  ;    author's    collection.      Allotype:    August    23, 
topotypic.    Paratype:    Aug.  16,  topotypic. 
Megaloceroea  letcheri,  sp.  nov. 

Allied  to  punctata,  but  differs  in  the  longer  first  antennal 
segment  which  exceeds  width  of  head,  and  the  more  prominent 
eyes ;  also  differs  in  the  prominent  erect  hairs  on  dorsum  and 
first  antennal  segment ;  differs  from  hirsuta  in  the  punctate 
dorsum  and  shorter  first  antennal  segment. 

c?.  Length  7.1  mm.,  width  1.8  mm.  Head:  width  .98  mm., 
vertex  .41  mm. ;  eyes  larger  and  more  prominent  than  in 
punctata,  apex  of  frons  more  prominent;  pale  to  yellowish, 
fuscous  about  inner  margins  of  eyes  and  on  collum.  Rostrum, 
length  2.8  mm.,  just  attaining  posterior  margins  of  hind  coxae. 
Antennae;  segment  I,  length  1.09  mm.,  reddish  brown  to  fus- 
cous, thickly  clothed  with  nearly  erect  dusky  hairs,  length  of 
hairs  about  equal  to  two-thirds  thickness  of  segment ;  II,  3.4 
mm.,  brownish  to  dusky;  III,  broken.  Pronotum:  length  1 
mm.,  width  at  base  1.48  mm.;  lateral  margins  not  so  distinctly 
margined  as  in  punctata.  Pronotum,  scutellum,  clavus  and 
corium  punctate  nearly  as  in  punctata,  but  the  whole  dorsum 
clothed  with  erect,  long  pale  hairs.  Mesoscutum  with  three 
very  distinct  transverse  grooves  on  each  lateral  angle. 

General  coloration  yellowish  to  dusky,  membrane  fuscous, 
no  reddish  evident  in  the  unique  type,  also  without  lateral  line 
on  venter.  Legs  thickly  clothed  with  erect  pale  hairs,  yellow- 
ish, tarsi  black,  with  a  few  obsolete  fuscous  spots  on  femora. 
Right  genital  clasper  with  a  distinct  claw  at  apex,  but  curved 
more  sharply  downward  than  in  punctata. 

Holotype:  3  July  25,  1922,  Douglas,  Arizona  (H.  Letcher)  ; 
author's  collection. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  251 

Megaloceroea  rubicunda  Uhler. 

I  have  seen  cotypes  of  this  species,  also  a  female,  August  16, 
White  Mountains,  New  Mexico  (Townsend).  A  male  speci- 
men is  at  hand  from  Douglas,  Arizona,  July  22,  1922  (H. 
Letcher),  which  I  place  here  although  the  first  antennal  seg- 
ment is  somewhat  longer  and  more  slender  while  the  scutellum 
is  impunctate,  but  the  latter  is  roseus  in  color  and  with  indi- 
cations of  red  on  median  line. 

For  purposes  of  comparison  the  following  characters  are 
recorded  from  a  male  cotype :  Head :  width  .84  mm.,  vertex 
.43  mm.  Rostrum,  length  2.6  mm.,  reaching  upon  fourth  ven- 
tral segment.  Antennae :  segment  I,  length  .68  mm.,  thus  not 
equal  to  width  of  head,  thickness  .15  mm.,  clothed  with  short 
brownish  pubescence;  II,  2.81  mm.,  cylindrical,  black;  III,  1.51 
mm. ;  IV,  broken.  Pronotum,  length  .95  mm.,  width  at  base 
1.47  mm.  Scutellum  with  a  few  obsolete  punctures,  pale 
roseus,  median  line  set  off  by  two  slender  and  partially  inter- 
rupted reddish  lines  each  side  of  the  pale  median  line,  the 
latter  extending  slightly  into  the  blackish  at  base. 

Spiders  and  Bedbugs  (Araneina,  Hemiptera). 

Dr.  N.  Lorando,  of  Athens,  Greece,  has  been  taking  an  inter- 
est in  the  way  of  destroying  bedbugs  among  the  refugees  out 
there  occupying  wooden  barracks.  The  methods  of  disinfection 
that  were  tried  were  not  successful.  So  he  thought  of  try- 
ing to  find  a  natural  enemy  to  destroy  the  bugs.  He  writes 
me  that  a  spider  finally  arrived  from  the  neighborhood,  which 
killed  all  the  bedbugs  in  the  camps.  He  sent  me  three  vials 
containing  at  the  start,  living  bedbugs  and  spiders.  I  sent 
these  specimens  to  Dr.  A.  Petrunkevitch,  of  New  Haven,  who 
writes  me  that  vial  No.  1  contained  a  spider  of  the  genus 
Thanatus,  probably  flai'idus  Simon  (a  Thomisid)  ;  vial  No. 
3  contained  a  spider  which  was  probably  a  very  young  Tcgc- 
naria  doincstica.  In  vial  No.  2,  curiously  enough,  the  spider 
had  been  eaten  up  by  the  bedbugs,  but  from  the  fragments  lie 
judged  that  it  was  a  Tc(/cnaria.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that 
the  bedbugs  and  the  spiders,  which  were  sent  from  Athens  on 
April  18,  arrived  in  Washington  alive  and  in  good  condition, 
with  the  exception  of  spider  Xo.  2.  They  were  still  alive  in 
New  Haven  on  May  21,  when  Doctor  IVtrunkevitch  wrote  me. 
This  statement  must  be  modified  somewhat,  since  undoubtedly 
the  spiders  had  killed  a  few  of  the  bedbugs  on  the  journey. 

L.  O.  HOWARD,  Washington,  D.  C. 



The  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology. 

The  first  International  Congress  of  Entomology  was  held 
in  Brussels  in  1910,  the  second  in  Oxford  in  1912,  the  third 
was  to  have  been  in  Vienna  in  1915  but,  owing  to  the  war,  was 
postponed  until  1925  and  met  in  Zurich.  The  fourth,  in  Ithaca, 
August  12-18,  1928,  has  been  the  largest  in  point  of  attendance, 
and  surely  has  justified  the  hopes  of  those  who  advocated  its 
meeting  in  the  United  States.  Elsewhere  in  this  number  a 
brief  account  of  the  Congress  is  given. 

As  participants  in  the  great  gatherings  on  the  campus  of 
Cornell  University,  we  wish  to  express  thus  publicly  our  thanks, 
appreciation  and  admiration  for  the  manner  in  which  our  hosts 
at  Ithaca  planned  and  executed  the  manifold  arrangements 
which  made  the  Congress  the  great  success  that  it  was.  We 
cannot  conceive  what  more  they  could  have  done  to  make  it 
better.  Willard  Straight  Hall  made  an  unique  central  meeting 
place  and  we  shall  not  soon  forget  the  breakfasts  with  con- 
genial souls  on  the  great  stone  terrace,  the  tete-a-tetes  in  the 
many  reception  rooms,  the  final  banquet  in  its  great  memorial 
hall,  the  sunsets  over  Cayuga  Lake  seen  from  the  same  terrace. 
It  is  the  personal  contacts  established  or  maintained  by  such 
meetings  that  are  of  the  most  value.  Surely  Ithaca  has  done 
much  for  these. 

One  voice  was  still  that  would  have  welcomed  us,  could  it 
have  done  so.  He  to  whom  Cornell  primarily  owes  its  eminence 
in  entomology  lay  helpless,  unable  to  move  or  to  speak,  yet 
surely  responding  by  the  expression  of  his  countenance,  the 
varying  pressure  of  his  fingers  to  warm  greetings  of  those 
friends  privileged  to  see  him.  It  is  the  great  tragedy  of  his 
life  that  Professor  Comstock  could  not  participate  in  the 

Fourth  Congress. 

— .».«•..» — 

The  Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology. 
assembled  at   Ithaca,   New  York,   in  the  buildings  of   Cornell 
University,  from  Saturday,  August  11,  to  Sunday,  August  19, 


XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  253 

1928.      Sessions   began  on   the    13th   and   ended   on   the    18th. 
The  grouping  into  sections  was  somewhat  different  from  that 
given  in  the  preliminary  program,  published  in  the  NEWS  for 
July,  pages  220-222,  and  was  as  follows : 
General  Session,  4  meetings,  M.,  Tu.  and  Th.  a.  m. ;  Fri.  p.  m. 

(16,  7). 
Section  of  Nomenclature  and  Bibliography,  2  meetings,  M.,  Tu. 

p.  m.  (16,  5). 

Section  of  Systematic  Entomology  and  Zoogeography,  5  meet- 
ings, Tu.,  W.  &  Th.  p.  m.,  F.  &  S.  a.  m.  (31,  15). 
Section  of  Ecology,  2  meetings,  M.  &  Th.  p.  m.  (7,  4). 
Section  of  Morphology,  Physiology,  Embryology  and  Genetics, 

3  meetings,  Tu.  &  Th.  p.  m.,  F.  a.  m.  (13,  5). 
Section  of   Medical  and  Veterinary  Entomology,   3  meetings, 

M.,  Tu.  &  Th.  p.  m.  (4,  10).  ' 
Section  of  Apiculture,  4  meetings,  M.,  Tu.  &  Th.  p.  m.,  F.  a.  m. 

Section  of  Forest  Entomology,  3  meetings,  Tu.  &  Th.  p.  m.. 

F.  a.  m.  (5,  9). 
Section  of  Economic  Entomology,  divided  into  the   following 

subsections : 

Cereal  and  Truck  Crop  Insects,  5  meetings,  M.-Th.  p.  m., 
F.  a.  m.  (21,  12). 

Citrus  Fruit  Insects,  1  meeting,  M.  p.  m.  (3,  3). 

Deciduous    Fruit    Insects,   2   meetings,   Tu.    &   W.    p.    m. 
(5,  7). 

Cotton  Insects,  1  meeting,  F.  a.  m.  (4,  6). 

Insecticides  and  Appliances,  1  meeting,  Th.  p.  m.  (1,  4). 
The  numbers  in  parentheses  after  the  times  of  meeting  of 
each  section  and  subsection  are  those  of  the  total  number  of 
titles  of  papers  and  reports  listed  on  the  program  for  that 
section  or  subsection,  a  by  authors  from  outside  the  United 
States,  b  by  authors  residing  in  the  U.  S.  The  total  number  of 
papers  accredited  to  authors  from  without  the  U.  S.  was  133, 
to  authors  residing  in  the  U.  S.  94 ;  sum  total  227,  as  compared 
with  178  papers  at  the  latest  convocation  week  meeting  of  the 
A.  A.  A.  S.  and  its  associated  and  affiliated  societies  at 
Nashville,  in  December,  1927,  (see  NEWS  for  February  last, 
pp.  60-61). 

At  the  opening  general  session  of  the  Congress  on  Monday 
morning,  addresses  of  welcome  were  made  by  Dean  A.  R.  Mann, 
of  the  New  York  State  College  of  Agriculture  and  Dean  \Y.  A. 
Hammond,  of  the  University  Faculty,  following  which  Dr. 
L.  O.  Howard  gave  his  address  as  President  of  the  Congress. 
All  three  addresses  have  been  published  in  full  in  the  daily 

254  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

Ithaca  Journal-News  for  Aug.  13,  and  Dr.  Howard's  has  also 
appeared  in  Science  for  Aug.  17.  The  Journal-Ne^vs,  for  the 
week  of  the  Congress,  gives  much  information  of  the  latter's 
activities  and  summaries  of  the  following  papers : 

Dr.  Karl  Jordan's  "Problems  of  distribution  and  variation 
of  North  American  fleas,"  Dr.  W.  J.  Baerg's  "Some  poisonous 
arthropods  of  North  and  Central  America,"  Dr.  W.  E.  Hind's 
"Can  we  increase  the  usefulness  of  the  egg'  parasite,  Tricho- 
gramma  minutnni?"  Dr.  Walther  Horn's  "On  the  splitting  in- 
fluence of  the  increase  of  entomological  knowledge  and  the 
enigma  of  species,"  Prof.  F.  Silvestri's  "The  relation  of  tax- 
onomy to  other  branches  of  entomology,"  Dr.  W.  J.  Holland's 
"The  mutual  relations  of  museums  of  science  and  taxonomic 
specialists,"  Dr.  C.  L.  Marlatt's  "Restrictions  enforced  by  the 
United  States  on  entry  of  foreign  plants  and  plant  products 
for  the  purpose  of  excluding  new  and  dangerous  pests,"  Dr. 
W.  E.  Hind's  "The  development  of  a  control  program  for  the 
Mexican  cotton  boll  weevil  and  some  of  its  results,"  Mr.  T.  E. 
Snyder's  "Termites  modify  building  codes,"  Dr.  E.  P.  Felt's 
"Insect  inhabitants  of  the  upper  air,"  Prof.  H.  A.  Eidmann's 
"Economic  value  of  ants  in  the  preservation  of  forests,"  Dr. 
A.  D.  Imms'  "Insect  control  of  noxious  weeds,"  and  its  counter- 
part, Dr.  R.  J.  Tillyard's  "Biological  control  of  noxious 
weeds."  Still  briefer  abstracts  are  to  be  found  in  Science  News 
Supplement  of  Science  for  Aug.  17  and  31.  It  is  expected  that 
all  the  papers  on  the  program  will  be  made  accessible  in  the 
Proceedings  to  be  printed  later. 

At  the  last  general  session,  the  invitation  of  the  French 
entomologists  to  hold  the  next  Congress  in  Paris  in  1932,  the 
centenary  of  the  founding  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 
France,  was  unanimously  accepted.  Prof.  O.  A.  Johannsen, 
of  Cornell  University,  American  Executive  Secretary  of  the 
Fourth  Congress,  was  elected  as  the  representative  of  the 
United  States  on  the  Permanent  Executive  Committee  of  the 
International  Congresses  of  Entomology.  He  thus  takes  the 
place  occupied  by  Dr.  Henry  Skinner  until  his  recent  death. 
The  other  members  of  this  committe  are  Drs.  Karl  Jordan, 
secretary,  and  Harry  Eltringham,  England,  Walther  Horn, 
Berlin,  Yngve  Sjostedt,  Stockholm,  and  Rene  Gabriel  Jeannel, 
Paris.  The  President  of  the  Fifth  Congress  will  be  elected  by 
this  committee. 

The  last  gathering  of  the  entire  Congress  was  at  a  banquet 
in  the  beautiful  memorial  hall  of  Willard  Straight  Hall  on 
Friday  at  7  p.  m.  Dr.  Howard,  the  toastmaster,  said  the 
occasion  was  an  historic  one  as  it  marked  the  termination  of 


the  greatest  Congress  of  entomologists  ever  held  in  the 
history  of  the  civilized  world,  not  less  than  625  persons  having 
registered  as  members  and  associate  members.  He  called  on 
Dr.  W.  J.  Holland,  who  proposed  a  toast  to  the  ladies,  in  the 
course  of  which  he  referred  to  Mrs.  Anna  Botsford  Comstock, 
seated  at  the  principal  table,  as  "the  queen  of  American  ento- 
mologists." Dr.  Howard  then  called  on  a  speaker  from  each 
one  of  the  nations  represented  at  the  banquet,  who  responded 
in  his  own  language,  or  in  English,  or  in  both.  These  were 
the  Consul  General  at  New  York  City  for  Argentina ;  Dr. 
R.  J.  Tillyard,  Australia;  Dr.  F.  Heikertinger,  Austria;  Dr. 
A.  Ball,  Belgium;  Dr.  P.  Tschorbadjieff,  Bulgaria;  Mr.  A. 
Gibson,  Canada;  Senor  Alberto  Graf  Marin,  Chile;  Sr.  A. 
Merchan,  Cuban;  Dr.  F.  Rambousek,  Czechoslovakia;  Dr.  M. 
Thomsen,  Denmark ;  Dr.  A.  D.  Imms,  England ;  Dr:  H.  C. 
Efflatoun  Bey,  Egypt;  Dr.  U.  Saalas,  Finland;  Prof.  E.  L. 
Bouvier,  France;  Dr.  M.  Schwartz,  Germany;  the  Consul 
General  in  New  York  City,  Guatemala;  Rev.  Dr.  R.  Streda, 
Hungary;  Mr.  J.  Carroll,  Irish  Free  State;  Prof.  F.  Silvestri, 
Italy;  Prof.  S.  Inomata,  Japan;  Dr.  A.  Dampf,  Mexico;  M. 
J.  B.  Corporal,  The  Netherlands;  Hr.  L.  R.  Natvig,  Norway; 
Prof.  B.  Bledowski,  Poland;  Prof.  M.  N.  Rimsky-Korsakov, 
Russia ;  Don  F.  Silvela,  Spain ;  Prof.  I.  Tagardth,  Sweden ; 
Mr.  S.  H.  Skaife,  Union  of  South  Africa. 

Excursions  to  places  in  the  vicinity  of  Ithaca  were  a  pro- 
minent feature  and  went  to  Buttermilk  Creek  and  Lick  Brook 
on  Aug.  12,  Enfield  Gorge,  Aug.  13,  Taughannock  Falls  State 
Park,  Aug.  14,  Geneva,  all  day,  with  sessions  as  announced, 
Aug.  15,  Lloyd-Cornell  Wild  Flower  Preserve  and  Arnot 
Forest,  Aug.  16,  Lloyd-Cornell  Ringwood  Wild  Life  and  Wild 
Flower  Preserves,  Six  Mile  Creek  and  Renwick,  Aug.  17, 
Lloyd-Cornell  Reservation  at  McLean,  Enfield  Falls  and  Wat- 
kins  Glen,  Aug.  18. 

The  main  excursion  after  the  Congress  to  Niagara  Falls, 
Pittsburgh,  Washington,  Philadelphia,  Boston  and  New  York, 
outlined  in  the  July  NEWS,  pp.  221-222,  was,  in  so  far  as 
Philadelphia  was  concerned,  participated  in  by  Messrs.  Adri- 
nov  (Moscow),  Bledowski,  Bogdanov-Katjkov  (Leningrad), 
Dampf,  Efflatoun,  Kemner  (Stockholm),  Lathy  (Paris), 
Loding  (Alabama),  Martinov  (Leningrad),  Regnier  and 
Madame  Regnier  (Rouen),  Rimsky-Korsakov,  Roepke  (\Vagen- 
ingen),  Saalas  and  Madame  Saalas,  Miss  Skwarra  (Konigs- 
berg),  Stellwaag  (Neustadt  Hdt.),  Streda,  Talbot  (Witley), 
Thomsen,  Vayssiere  (Paris),  Fox  Wilson  (London)  and 
Zaitzev  (Tiflis).  Other  foreign  members  of  the  Congress 
visited  Philadelphia  before  or  after  the  excursion. 

256  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

The  excursionists  were  met  on  their  arrival  in  Philadelphia 
hy  members  of  the  American  Entomological  Society  and  es- 
corted to  their  hotel.  On  the  following  day,  August  25,  they 
visited,  in  parties,  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  the 
Wistar  Institute,  the  Zoological  Laboratory  of  the  University  of 
Pennsylvania,  the  Zoological  Gardens,  the  Art  Museum,  or 
made  sight-seeing  tours  of  the  city.  The  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  was  host  at  a  luncheon  at  the  Penn  Athletic  Club, 
at  which  the  visitors  were  welcomed  by  Capt.  Roswell  C. 
Williams,  Jr.,  President  of  the  American  Entomological  Society, 
a  response  being  made  by  Dr.  F.  Stellwaag.  Most  of  the 
visitors  took  part  in  an  all-day  motorbus  collecting  trip,  on 
August  26,  to  Chatsworth  and  the  Plains,  in  the  New  Jersey 
Pine  Barrens,  under  the  guidance  of  Dr.  Henry  Fox  and  Mr. 
R.  J.  Sim.  On  August  27,  the  party  inspected  the  Japanese 
Beetle  Laboratory  at  Moorestown,  New  Jersey,  where  they 
were  received  by  Mr.  Lorin  B.  Smith  and  staff,  and  in  the 
afternoon  continued  their  journey  to  New  York. 

(Since  this  note  descriptive  of  the  Congress  was  written 
accounts  by  Prof.  G.  W.  Herrick  have  appeared  in  Science  for 
Sept.  14,  and  the  Scientific  Monthly  (illus.)  for  October). 


The  University  of  Pittsburgh,  in  June,  1928,  conferred  the 
degree  of  Sc.  D.  upon  B.  Preston  Clark,  of  Boston,  in  recog- 
nition of  his  work  on  the  Sphingidae  of  the  world,  and  the 
honorary  degree  of  L.  H.  D.  on  Dr.  W.  J.  Holland,  in  recog- 
nition of  his  approaching  eightieth  birthday  and  his  forty-year 
service  as  a  trustee  of  the  university,  during  ten  of  which  he 
was  its  chancellor.  (Science,  July  6,  1928.)  His  birthday, 
August  16,  occurring  during  the  session  of  the  Fourth  Inter- 
national Congress  of  Entomology  at  Ithaca,  New  York,  was 
further  signalized  by  his  election  as  an  Honorary  Fellow  of  the 
Congress,  and  by  the  presentation  to  him  by  Dr.  Avinof ,  Direc- 
tor of  the  Carnegie  Museum  at  Pittsburgh,  of  a  beautifully 
illuminated  scroll  recounting  Dr.  Holland's  honors  and  achieve- 

Dr.  James  G.  Needham,  professor  of  entomology  at  Cornell 
University,  has  returned  from  spending  a  year  in  China  with 
the  China  Foundation  for  the  Promotion  of  Education  and 
Culture.  He  lectured  on  biological  subjects  before  Chinese 
universities  in  and  around  Peking,  Tientsin,  Tsinan,  Shanghai, 
Hangchow,  Soochow  and  Nanking.  He  was  made  an  honorary 
member  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  China  and  of  the 
Chinese  honorary  scholastic  society  of  Phi  Tau  Phi  and  a  cor- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  257 

responding  member  of  the  Peking  Xatural  History  Society. 
He  gathered  large  collections  of  dragonilies  and  is  preparing 
a  monograph  of  the  Chinese  Odonata.  (Science,  July  27, 

Science  for  Sept.  7,  1928,  announced  the  return  of  Prof,  and 
Mrs.  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell  to  the  University  of  Colorado  after 
their  journey  around  the  world.  Prof.  Cockerell  wrote  from 
Honolulu,  July  29:  "Had  four  weeks  in  New  Caledonia  and 
found  the  island  extremely  interesting;  many  endemic  snails, 
and  a  good  lot  of  insects  but  few  bees.  Mrs.  Cockerell  and 
Miss  Mackie  stopped  off  at  Pago  Pago  and  went  to  Apia 
(British  Samoa)  for  three  weeks,  while  I  came  on  here  and 
have  been  working  on  my  collections." 

The  C.  W.  Johnson  Collection  of  Diptera. 
The  private  collection  of  Diptera  of  Mr.  C.  W.  Johnson, 
well-known  to  be  one  of  the  best  in  our  country',  has  become 
the  property  of  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  at  Cam- 
bridge, Massachusetts.  It  contains  about  6,000  species,  of 
which  542  are  represented  by  types.  Besides  the  North  Ameri- 
can collection,  there  is  material  from  South  America  and  Java, 
as  well  as  a  good  European  collection.  The  Nearctic  collection 
will  be  kept  separate  from  the  general  collections  of  the  muse- 

The  Trend  of  the  Times 

is  shown  by  the  following  advertisement  which  appeared  in  the 
Philadelphia  Public  Ledger  for  June  1,  1928. 


Insecticide  dusting  by  airplane.  U.  S  Department  of  Agri- 
culture, Washington,  D.  C.,  May  28,  1928. — Sealed  proposals 
for  furnishing  one  airplane,  with  insecticide  dusting  attachments 
and  personnel  at  Cherryfield,  Maine,  will  be  received  at  the 
Department  until  2  o'clock  P.  M.,  Tuesday,  June  12,  1928,  and 
then  opened.  Specifications  and  blank  forms  for  proposals 
can  be  had  on  application  to  the  Chief,  Division  of  Purchase 
and  Sales,  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Another  Way  of  Acquiring  Yellow  Fever. 

While  working  on  experimental  yellow  fever  in  rhesus 
monkeys  at  Lagos,  Nigeria,  West  Africa.  Professor  Adrian 
Stokes  was  suddenly  taken  ill  on  Sept.  15,  1927,  and  died 
four  days  later  of  yellow  fever.  The  circumstances  of 

258  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

illnes  gave  rise  to  the  idea  that  the  virus  might  pass  through 
slightly  injured,  or  even  entirely  unbroken,  skin.  To  de- 
termine this  question,  Drs.  J.  H.  Bauer  and  N.  P.  Hudson 
made  experiments  at  Lagos,  which  they  described  in  The 
American  Journal  of  Topical  Medicine  for  Sept.,  1928.  On 
Sept.  27,  1927,  a  single  infected  mosquito,  Acdcs  acyypti,  was 
allowed  to  bite  a  normal  rhesus  monkey,  No.  370.  The  latter's 
temperature  rose  to  105. 9°F.  on  Oct.  1.  Two  drops  of  its  blood 
were  on  that  day  rubbed  on  the  unbroken  skin  of  normal 
monkey  381,  on  a  shaved  area  of  382  and  on  a  slightly  scarified 
area  of  383.  Nos.  381,  382  and  383  died  between  Oct.  7  and 
16.  Both  gross  and  microscopical  post-mortem  examination  of 
all  three  monkeys  gave  a  diagnosis  of  experimental  yellow  fever 
as  the  cause  of  death.  Similar  results  in  additional  experiments 
led  to  the  conclusion  that  the  virus  of  yellow  fever,  when 
present  in  sufficient  amount  in  the  circulating  blood  of  ex- 
perimentally infected  animals,  can  penetrate  the  intact  skin  and 
produce  infection  in  rhesus  monkeys. 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  ]  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

^fNote  the  change  in  the  method  o/  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Brown,  F.  W.— Odors  and  insects.      [40] 
299:   1-9,  ill.     Felt,  E.  P.— Dispersal  of  insects  by  air  cur- 
rents.    [>  .  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.]  1928:  59-129.    Felt,  E.  P.- 
Observations  and  notes  on   injurious  and  other  insects  of 
New  York  State.     [N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.]   1928:  145-176, 

XXxix,   '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  259 

ill.  Fessard  &  Fessard. — Recherches  sur  1'excitabilite  clu 
systeme  nerveux  des  insectes.  [77]  99:  305-307.  Fernald, 
H.  T.— Insects:  The  people  and  the  state.  [76]  1928: 
193-205.  Gibson  &  Ross. — Insects  affecting  greenhouse 
plants.  [Canada  Dept.  of  Agric.]  Bull.  7:5-63,  ill.  Hand- 
lirsch,  A. — Grosse  und  gestalt  der  insekten.  Die  trachten. 
[Schroeder's  Hand,  der  Entom.]  Lief.  38,  1:  1313-1332,  ill. 
Kolbe,  H. — Tiergeographie  und  morphologic,  neue  unter- 
suchungen  zur  entwicklungsgeschichte  der  tiergattungen. 
[34]  77:  195-209.  Krausse,  A. --Zur  terminologie  der 
edaphischen  biocoenosen.  [18]  22:  110-111.  Lutz,  F.  E.— 
Insects  that  erect  tents.  [15]  28:  264-268,  ill.  Lutz,  F. 
E. — Wind  and  the  direction  of  insect  flight.  [40]  291  : 
1-4,  ill.  Mobius,  M. — Die  bedeutung  Linnes  fur  die  botanik 
und  zoologie  in  heutiger  beurteilung.  [88]  16:  537-542. 
Noe,  A.  C. — The  use  of  charts  in  the  natural  sciences.  [68] 
67:  571-574.  Poche,  F. — Ueber  Stiles'  eigenmachtige  ander- 
ung  der  internationalen  nomenklaturregeln.  [48]  45  :  23-27. 
Riischkamp,  F. — Neue  stative  der  optischen  werke  Leitz. 
[2]  24:  6-8,  ill.  Smith,  R.  C. — Concerning  the  spelling  of 
"Ypsilon."  [19]  23:92.  Swaine  &  Hutchings.— The  more 
important  shade  tree  insects  of  eastern  Canada  and  their 
control.  [Canada  Dept.  of  Agric.]  Hull.  63:3-58,  ill. 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Allard,    H.    A.- 

Specializations  governing  musical  expression  among  in- 
sects. [76]  27:  81-88,  ill.  Bartels  u.  Baltzer.— Ueber  orien- 
tirung  und  gedachtnis  der  netzspinne  Agelena  labyrinthica. 
[Rev.  Suisse  Zool.]  35:  247-258,  ill.  Beattie,  M.  V.  F.- 
Observations  on  the  thermal  death  points  of  the  blo\v-flv 
at  different  relative  humidities.  [22]  18:  397-403,  ill. 
Brown,  F.  M. — Enzymes  and  bacteria  in  the  honey  bee. 
[40]  304:  1-5,  ill.  Dhere,  C. — Sur  quelques  pigments  respi- 
ratoires  des  invertebres.  [Rev.  Suisse  Zool.]  35:  277-288, 
ill.  Feige,  E. — Die  geographische  beeinflussung  der  pig- 
mente.  [Dr.  A.  Peterm.  Mitteil.  Erganz.-heft]  198:  107- 
117.  Felt,  E.  P.— Insects  and  health"  [N.  Y.  State  Mus. 
Bull.]  1928:  3-57,  ill.  Hirschlerowa,  Z. — Les  composants 
plasmatiques  des  cellules  genitales  femelles  de  Phryganea 
grandis.  (Trichoptera).  [77]  99:  476-477,  ill.  Holl'dobler, 
K. — Ueber  einfache  herstellung  von  gipsbeobachtungsnes- 
tern  fiir  ameisen.  [Aus  der  Heimat]  41  :  184-186,  ill.  Lud- 
wigt  D. — Development  of  cold  hardiness  in  the  larva  of  the 
Japanese  beetle  (Popillia  japonica).  [84|  9:  303-30<>.  ill. 
Mattes,  O. — Parasitare  krankheiten  der  mehlmottenlarven 

260  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

und  versuche  iiber  ihre  verwendbarkeit  als  biologisches 
bekampfungsmittel.  [Marburger  Sitzungsberichte]  62: 
381-417,  ill.  Meisenheimer,  J. — Die  fliigelregeneration  bei 
schmetterlingen.  [Verb.  Deut.  Z.  Gesel.]  1909:  174-182, 
ill.  Nalepa,  A.— Zur  phanologie  und  entwicklungsgesch- 
ichte  der  milbengallen.  [Marcellia]  24:  87-98.  Pictet,  A. 
-Le  determinisme  des  proportions  numeriques  entre  les 
divers  composants  d'une  population  mixte  de  lepidopteres. 
[Rev.  Suisse  Zool.]  35:  241-246.  Schroder,  C. — Die  psy- 
chischen  fahigkeiten  der  insekten.  Mit  exkurs  in  die 
probleme  der  allgemeinen  biologic.  [Hand,  der  Entom.] 
2:  1059-1138.  Spencer,  W.  P. — New  mutations  in  Droso- 
phila  funebris.  [42]  51:  177-194,  ill.  Voinov,  V.— La  pig- 
mentogenese  chez  les  larves  de  Simulium.  [Arch,  de  Zool. 
Exp.  et  Gen.]  67:  223-255.  Weber,  H. — Die  gliederung  der 
sternopleuralregion  des  lepidopterenthorax,  Eine  vergleich- 
end  morphologische  studie  zur  subcoxaltheorie.  [94J  131  : 
181-254,  ill.  Williamson,  K.  B. — Mosquito  breeding  and  ma- 
laria in  relation  to  the  nitrogen  cycle.  [22]  18:  433-439,  ill. 
Whiting,  P.  W. — The  production  of  mutations  by  X-rays 
in  Habrobracon.  [68]  68:  59. 

ARACHNIDA  AND  MYRIOPODA.— Cooley  &  Kohls. 

-Egg  laying  of  Ixodiphagus  caucurtei  in  larval  ticks.  [68] 
67 :  656.  *Ewing,  H.  E. — The  scorpions  of  the  western  part 
of  the  United  States,  with  notes  on  those  occuring  in  north- 
ern Mexico.  [50]  73:  1-24,  ill.  Hofeneder,  H.— Ueber  die 
larven  der  Blepharoceriden  und  ihren  merkwurdigen  an- 
heftungsapparat.  [Verb.  Zool.  Bot.  Gesell.  Wien]  77: 
82-98,  ill.  Leon,  A. — Spinnen  auf  der  jagd.  [Der  Naturf.] 
1928:  178-180,  ill.  Nalepa,  A.— Probleme  der  eriophyiden- 
systematik.  [Marcellia]  24:  1-29.  Roewer,  C.  F. — Weitere 
weberknechte  II.  [Abh.  Naturw.  Ver.  Bremen]  26:  527- 
632,  ill. 


S.  W. — A  dragon  fly  ovipositing  on  a  paved  highway.  [19] 
23 :  69.  Despax,  R. — Observation  relative  a  1'action  de  la 
lumiere  sur  la  metamorphose  des  Trichopteres.  [25]  1928: 
154-156,  ill.  *Handschin,  E. — Collembola  from  Mexico. 
(S.)  [Jour.  Linnean  Soc.]  36:  533-552,  ill.  K.  Die  Buckel- 
zikaden. —  [Die  Umschau]  -32:  444,  ill.  Krausse,  A. — Col- 
lembolen  des  Waldbodens  [18]  22:  117-118.  Light  &  San- 
ford. — Experimental  transformation  of  termites.  [Calif. 
Univ.  Pub.  Zool.]  31 :  269-274,  ill.  Moulton,  D.— The  green- 
house thrips.  [Calif.  Dept.  Agric.]  17:  366-367,  ill.  Peters, 


H.  S.— Mallophaga  from  Ohio  birds.  [43]  28:  215-228. 
Priesner,  H. — Ein  neuer  Zeugmatothrips  (Thysanoptera : 
Tubulifera)  aus  Costarica.  [23]  20:  189-190. 

ORTHOPTERA.  —  Chopard  &  Bellecroix.  Dimor- 
phisme  alaire  chez  les  Gryllides ;  repartition  geographique 
des  formes  macropteres  et  brachypteres.  [78]  62:  157-163. 
Milovidov,  P.  F. — A  propos  des  bactero'ides  des  Blattes 
(Blattella  germanica).  [77]  99:  127-128. 

HEMIPTERA.— Anonymous.— Cochenille  et  Coccinel- 
les.  [Le  Nat.]  55:  5-8.  Davis,  W.  T.— The  occasional 
appearance  of  the  seventeen-year  cicada  in  the  fall,  and 
brood  No.  1  on  Long  Island,  N.  Y.,  in  1927.  [19]  23:  64-66. 
*Drake,  C.  J. — Four  undescribed  Tingitids  from  United 
States.  [39]  12  :  3-5.  *Drake  &  Harris.— Two  undescribed 
water-striders  from  Grenada.  [39]  12:  7-8.  *Hungerford, 
H.  B. — A  new  Ramphocorixa  from  Haiti  (Corixidae).  [40] 
278:  2pp.,  ill.  *Hungerford,  H.  B. — Notes  on  the  genus 
Heterocorixa  with  the  description  of  some  new  species 
(Corixidae).  (S).  [19]  23:  99-102,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H.- 
Hesperolabops  periscopis,  a  new  periscopic  bug  from 
Salvador,  with  a  note  on  the  Texas  member  of  this  genus 
(Miridae).  [10]  30:  67-68.  Lathrop,  F.  H.— The  biology 
of  apple  aphids.  [43]  28:  177-204,  ill.  *Lutz  &  Brown.- 
A  new  species  of  bacteria  and  the  gall  of  an  aphid.  [40] 
305:  1-4.  Myers,  L.  E. — The  mexican  mealybug.  [Calif. 
Dept.  Agric.]  17:  355-358,  ill.  Raff,  J.  W.— A  true  moult, 
immediately  after  hatching,  in  the  Cicada.  [The  Victorian 
Nat.]  45:  52-56,  ill.  Theobald,  F.  V.— Some  West  Indian 
Aphididae.  [8]  64:  153.  *Tissot,  A.  N.— A  new  aphid 
from  poison  ivy.  ( Rhus  radicans  L.).  [39]  12:  1-2,  ill. 
Watson,  J.  R. — Parasites  appreciably  delaying  the  multipli- 
cation of  the  citrus  aphid.  [39]  12:  6-7. 

COLEOPTERA.— Anonymous.— See  Hemiptera.  *Beier, 
M. — Die  larven  der  gattung  Quedius  (Staph.).  (S.).  [89] 
55:  329-350,  ill.  Bernhauer,  M. — Zur  kenntnis  der  Staphy- 
linidengattung  Zyras  Steph.  (17  Beitrag  zur  Staphy- 
linidenfauna  Afrikas).  [52]  1926,  A,  7:  19-75.  Beuten- 
muller,  W. — Aserica  castanea:  A  new  Japanese  lawn  pest. 
[19]  23:  68.  *Blair,  K.  G.— Coleoptera  (Heteromera,  Tere- 
dilia,  Malacodermata,  and  Bruchidae)  from  the  Galapagos 
Islands,  collected  on  the  "St  George"  Expedition,  1924. 
[75]  1 :  671-680,  ill.  *Blake,  D.  H.— Notes  on  some  West 
Indian  Chrysomelidae.  (S).  [19]  23:  93-98,  ill.  *Felt,  E. 
P. — Three  Japanese  beetles  new  to  Nc\v  York  State  |  X.  Y. 

262  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

State  Mus.  Bull.]  1928:  131-144,  ill.  *Franz,  E.— Plusiotis 
ohausi  n.  sp.  (S).  [Senkenberg.]  4:  3-5,  ill.  Frost,  C.  A.— 
Collected  by  the  sounding  waters.  [19]  23:  84-86.  Heberdey, 
R.  F. — Ein  beitrag  zur  entwicklungsgeschichte  des  mann- 
lichen  geschlechtsapparates  der  Coleopteren.  [40]  10: 
533-575,  ill.  Jaques,  H.  E. — A  further  report  on  the  May 
beetles  (Phyllophaga)  in  Iowa.  [Proc.  Iowa  Acad.  Sci.] 
34:  314-315,  ill.  Krogerus,  R. — Studien  iiber  lebensweise 
und  entwicklung  einiger  Bledius-arten.  [Acta  Soc.  Pro. 
Fauna  et  Flora  Fennica]  56:  3-22,  ill.  Maran,  J. — Etude 
sur  les  especes  macropteres  du  genre  Carabus  dans  les 
collections  de  la  section  entomologique  du  Museum 
National  de  Prague  (Carabidae).  [Venational  study.]  [74] 
4:  125-130,  ill.  *Myers,  J.  G.— The  first  known  Embiophile, 
and  a  new  Cuban  Embiid.  (S).  [19]  23:  87-90,  ill.  *Pic, 
M.— Notes  et  descriptions.  (S).  [99]  51:  1-36.  *Spaeth,  F. 
-Mitteilungen  ueber  die  Cassidinen  des  Prager  National- 
museums  (Chrysomelidae).  (S).  [74]  4:  81-96. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Anon.— [New  synonymy  in  Pieri- 
dae  and  Danaiclae].  [18]  22:  71-72.  "Ball  &  Stone.— A 
puzzling  butterfly  migration.  [68]  68:  110-111.  *Bieder- 
mann,  R. — Descriptions  et  notes  diverses.  (S).  [59]  (B) 
3 :  95-96.  Boback,  A.  W. — Massenmord  von  heimischen  und 
verfalschung  unserer  fauna  mit  auslandischen  schmetter- 
lingen.  [Der  Naturforscher]  5:  131.  *Boursin,  C. — Contri- 
butions a  1'etude  des  Noctuelles  trifides.  [59]  (B)  3:  49-60, 
ill.  da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Sobre  as  especies  do  genero 
"Stylura"  (Zygaenidae).  (S)  [32]  4:  24,  ill.  Engelhardt, 
G.  P. --An  observation  on  the  estivation  habit  of  the 
Bombycid  larvae  of  Arachnis  picta.  [19]  23:  91-92. 
*Hall,  A. — A  revision  of  the  genus  Phyciodes,  (Nym- 
phalidae).  [Bull.  Hill  Mus.  Suppl.]  2:  1-20,  ill.  cont. 
*Kriiger,  R. — Calydna  caieta  9  amazonica  f.  n.  m.  (S).  [18] 
22:  101.  *Krtiger,  R.- — Heliconius  burneyi  Hbn.  roseni  f. 
n.  m.  (S).  [18]  22:  100-101.  *Kriiger,  R.— Zwei  neue  Anaea 
ambrosia  subsp.  (S).  [18]  22:  114-115.  *Meier-Ramel,  B. 
-Description  de  formes  nouvelles  ou  peu  connues.  (S). 
[59]  (B)  3:  61-66,  ill.  *Neustetter,  H.— Neue  Heliconius- 
formen.  (S).  [18]  22:  75-80,  ill.  *Niepelt,  W.— Eine  neue 
Heliconius-form  von  Columbien.  [18]  22:  56.  Polacek,  E. 
R. — A  new  aberration  of  Samia  cecropia.  [Maryland  Acad. 
Sci.  Bull.]  7:  43.  *R6ber,  J.— Neue  exotische  falter.  (S). 
[18]  22:  67-71,  ill.  Rogers,  W.  P.— Collecting  notes  on  Lep- 
idoptera.  [19]  23:  98.  Rogers,  W.  P.— Notes  on  New  Eng- 
land Lepidoptera.  [19]  23:  86.  Tothill,  J.  D— The  natural 


control  of  the  fall  webworm  (Hyphantria  cunea)  in  Canada 
together  with  an  account  of  its  several  parasites.  [Canada 
Dept.  of  Agric.J  Bull.  3:  3-107.  ill.  *Schaus,  W.--Xe\v 
moths  of  the  family  Ceruridae  (Notodontidae)  in  the  Unit- 
ed States  National"  Museum.  (S).  [50]  73:  1-90.  Schrader, 
W. — Experiments  on  a  species  of  migrating  butterfly.  [38] 
27:68-70.  Stichel,  H.— Nemeobiinae.  [Das  Tierreich]  Lief. 
51;  1928:  1-330,  ill.  Strondl,  H.— Zucht  von  Platysamia 
cecropia  1927.  [18]  22:  94-95.  Wolff,  N.  L.— A  case  of  true 
albinism  in  a  lepidopterous  insect  (Orrhodia  vaccinii). 
[Ent.  Meddel.]  16:  150-151. 

HYMENOPTERA.  —  Anonymous.  -  -  Ohne  sch \\arze 
ameisen  kein  kakao.  [Die  Umschau]  32:  459-461,  ill.  Be- 
quaert,  J. — A  study  of  certain  types  of  diplopterous  wasps 
in  the  collection  o'f  the  British' Museum.  [75]  2:  138-176, 
ill.  [Includes  definitions  of  several  "type"  terms.]  Be- 
quaert,  J. — The  diplopterous  wasps  of  Fabricius,  in  the 
Banksian  collection  at  the  British  Museum.  [19]  23:  53-(>3. 
Box,  H.  E. — The  introduction  of  Braconid  parasites  of 
Diatraea  saccharalis,  into  certain  of  the  West  Indian 
Islands.  [22]  18:  365-370,  ill.  *Brimley,  C.  S.— Some  new 
wasps  and  two  new  diptera  from  North  Carolina.  [Jour.  E. 
Mitchell  Sc.  Soc.J  43:  199-206.  *Cheesman,  L.  E.— A  new 
species  of  Sphegidae  from  Columbia.  [75]  2:  102-104,  ill. 
Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— Supplementary  notes  on  Colorado 
bees,  with  a  list  of  all  the  genera.  [Univ.  of  Colorado 
Bull.]  28:  99-126.  Giraux,  M. — Le  controle  de  la  fecun- 
dation des  reines  d'abeilles.  [Rev.  Sci.]  66:  335-341,  ill. 
Houard,  C. — Les  collections  cecidologiques  du  laboratoire 
d'entomologie  du  museum  d'histoire  naturelle  de  Paris. 
Galles  des  Etats-Unis.  [Marcellia]  24:  99-141,  ill.  Houard, 
C. — Les  collections  cecidologiques  du  laboratoire  d'ento- 
mologie du  museum  d'histoire  naturelle  de  Paris.  Galles 
du  Mexique.  [Marcellia]  24:  30-86,  ill.  Michailov,  A.  S. 
-Ueber  die  geographische  variabilitat  der  Honigbiene 
(Apis  mellifera  L)  im  ebenen  europaischen  Y.  S.  S.  1\. 
[34]  77:  29-36.  *Navas,  R.  P.  L. -- Comunicaciones 
entomologicas.  (S).  [Rev.  Acad.  Exac.  Nat.,  Zarago/a|  11  : 
37-52,  ill.  Nielsen,  E. — A  supplementary  note  upon  the  lilV 
histories  of  the  Polysphinctas  (Fchneum).  [Ent.  Alrd'lrl.| 
16:  152-155,  ill.  Pijoan,  M. — Eormicidae  of  Southern  Cali- 
fornia. Some  Formicidae  from  So.  California.  |13|  20:  37- 
43,  ill.  Rau,  P. — Field  studies  in  the  behavior  of  the  non- 
social  wasps.  [Trans.  Acad.  Sci.  St.  Louis]  25:  325-489,  ill. 

264  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '28 

*Schwarz,  H.  F. — Notes  on  some  Anthicliine  bees  of  Mon- 
tana and  California.  [40]  277:  1-8.  Smith,  M.  R. — Remarks 
concerning"  the  distribution  and  hosts  of  the  parasitic  ant 
fungus,  Laboulbenia  formicarium.  [19]  23:  104-106.  *Tim- 
berlake,  P.  H. — Bees  of  the  genus  Perdita  in  the  Amer. 
Museum  of  Nat.  Hist.  [40]  No.  321  :  13pp.  Viereck,  H.  L. 
—A  report  on  the  Hymenoptera  of  the  New  York  State 
Museum.  [N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.]  1928:  177-195. 

DIPTERA.— Banzhaf,  W.— Biologische  beobachtungen 
an  rachenbremsen.  [18]  22:  85-90,  ill.  Baranov,  N. — Einige 
morphologische  besonderheiten  der  fam.  Simuliidae  und 
ihre  bedeutung  fur  die  klassifikation  dieser  familie.  [In 
Russian.  Resume  in  Germ.].  [Glasnik,  Soc.  Ent.  Serbo- 
Croat.  -Slov.]  2:  19-23.  *Borgmeier,  T. — Zur  kenntnis  der 
myrmecophilen  phoridengattung  Commoptera.  (S).  [48] 
45:  1-7,  ill.  *Brimley,  C.  S. — See  under  Hymenoptera. 
*Curran,  C.  H. — Four  new  American  Diptera.  [40]  275: 
1-4,  ill.  Curran,  C.  H. — New  eastern  species  of  Medeterus. 
[N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.]  1928:  199-204.  *Curran,  C.  H.- 
New  West  Indian  Tachinidae.  [40]  260:  1-15,  ill.  Fiebrig- 
Gertz,  C. — Un  diptere  ectoparasite  sur  un  phasmide :  Cera- 
topogon  ixodoides  n.  sp.  [54]  6:  285-290,  ill.  Faune  de 
France  by  M.  Goetghebuer. — Dipteres  (Nematiceres).  Chi- 
ronomidae,  III.  Chironomariae.  18:  1-174,  ill.  [Of  probable 
interest  to  American  students  of  this  group.]  *Frey,  R.— 
Beitrage  zur  kenntnis  der  exotischen  Dolichopodiden.  (S). 
[51]  8:  17-23,  ill.  *Frey,  R. — Eine  neue  Heteroneuriden- 
gattung  mit  stielformigen  kopffortsatzen  (Haplost.).  (S). 
[51]  8^  14-16,  ill.  Hanson,  F.  B. — The  effects  of  x-rays  on 
productivity  and  the  sex  ratio  in  Drosophila  melanogaster. 
[90]  62:  352-362,  ill.  *Huckett,  H.  C.— Little  known  antho- 
myicl  flies  that  commonl)r  occur  on  the  catkins  of  willow. 
(Muscidae).  [19]  23:  70-81.  *Johannsen,  O.  A.— Two  new 
species  of  western  Chironomids.  [13]  20:  33-35.  Langeron, 
M. — Les  larves  anormales  de  moustiques,  ou  larves  a  col- 
lier et  a  cerceaux.  [54]  6:  273-283,  ill.  *Malloch,  J.  R.- 
Notes  on  American  two-winged  flies  of  the  family  Sapromy- 
zidae.  (S).  [50]  1-18,  ill.  Rohdendorf,  B. — Sarcophaginen- 
studien  I.  Beitrage  zur  kenntnis  der  gattung  Blaesoxipha. 
[34]  77:  23-28,  ill.  Thompson,  W.  R.— A  contribution  to 
the  study  of  the  dipterous  parasites  of  the  European  Ear- 
wig (Forficula  auricularia).  [ParasitologyJ  20:  123-158,  ill. 
*VanDuzee,  M.  C. — New  Mycetophilidae  taken  in  Cali- 
fornia and  Alaska.  [61]  17:  31-65,  ill. 


NOVEMBER,  1928 


Vol.  XXXIX  No.  9 

;  1 5  192 



Learned — The  Early  Stages  of  Apantesis  vittata  (Lep.;  Arctiidae)  .  .  265 

Weiss — Mark  Gatesby 270 

Smith — An  Additional  Annotated  List  of  the  Ants  of  Mississippi  .  .  .  275 
Graenicher — New  Bees  from  the  Miami  Region  of  Florida  (Hymen.: 

Andrenidae,  Megachilidae) 279 

Personals— M.  P.  Lesne,  Dr.  M.  T.  Sraulyan,  Prof.  T.  V.  Rarna- 

krishna  Ayyar.  ...  L',S4 

Strand  and  Junk — Lepidopterorum  Catalogus  ...  285 

Davis — Bequest  to  the  Entomological  Society  of  America '_'S5 

Entomological  Literature 286 

Review — Dr.  Viktor  Janda  on  the  Male  of  Dixippus  .  .  .  293 
Obituary— Enrico  Brunetti,  John  Hartley  Durrant,  Lt.-Col.  J.  W.  Yer- 

bury,  Gervase  F.  Matthew,  Marquis  Henri  du  Buysson,  Eugene 

Amandus  Schwarz,  Jean  Brethes 295 


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Plate  XII. 



VOL.  XXXIX  NOVEMBER,  1928  No.  9 

The  Early  Stages  of  Apantesis  vittata 
(Lep.:  Arctiidae). 

By  ELMER  T.  LEARNED,  Fall  River,  Massachusetts. 

Plate  XII. 

This  paper  is  offered  as  a  contribution  to  the  knowledge  of 
Apantesis  vittata  (Fabr.)  (=dccorata  Saunders)  by  describing 
the  life  history  of  the  larva  and  recording  certain  variations  in 
the  imago. 

There  is  little  to  be  found  in  the  literature  on  the  larva  of 
A.  vittata.  French  published  brief  descriptions,  but  his  deter- 
mination of  the  species  is  doubtful.  Hampson  has  regarded 
ph-alcrata  (Harris)  as  a  synonym  of  vittata,  and  the  references 
and  notes  on  the  larval  stages  found  in  his  Catalog  (Supple- 
ment, vol.  II)  under  the  name  vittata  actually  refer  not  to  this 
species,  but  to  phalcrata  (save  one  reference  to  radians}.  Phal- 
crata  is  very  different  from  vittata  structurally,  and  must  be 
considered  a  distinct  species.  There  remain  the  descriptions  of 
the  mature  larva  by  Dyar  and  by  Gibson  as  the  only  contribu- 
tions on  the  preparatory  stages  to  date. 

The  moth  from  which  eggs  were  obtained  was  similar  to 
the  female  figured  at  the  top  of  the  plate,  but  even  more  lightly 
marked,  with  faint  costal  fascia;  the  costal  edge  was  black. 
This  moth  was  taken  in  July  at  Hope,  Arkansas,  by  Miss  Louise 
Knobel.  The  eggs  had  just  hatched  when  received. 

In  the  description,  Dyar's  (1901)  system  is  used  for  the 
setae  or  warts.  The  thoracic  and  abdominal  segments  are  num- 
bered separately,  and  designated  by  Roman  and  Arabic  numerals 

Stage  I.  Length  1.8  mm.  Head  0.42  mm.  wide.  Head 
black  with  suture  lines,  front  (frontal  triangle)  and  mouth 
parts  pale,  except  mandibles  which  are  brownish.  Body  is 
grayish,  tinged  with  yellow  after  eating.  \Vurts  brownish, 
shiny.  Three  setae  from  the  cervical  shield,  those  from  ii  and 


266  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

iii  on  thorax,  the  seta  from  ii  and  one  from  iii  on  abdomen, 
are  black,  the  rest  white.  All  setae  are  finely  spinulate.  Legs 
and  prolegs  concolorous  with  body.  The  first  molt  took  place 
July  30. 

Stage  II.  Head  0.60-0.64  mm.  wide.  Head  shiny  black,  the 
front  dull  white  with  a  brownish  spot  in  its  center ;  there  is 
a  pale  brown  area  on  each  side  of  the  head  at  the  posterior 
edge.  Body  brownish,  with  a  white  dorsal  line,  widening  on 
each  segment  opposite  wart  ii,  so  that  it  appears  like  a  series  of 
diamond  shaped  spots.  Warts  black ;  wart  ii  conspicuously 
larger  than  the  others.  All  setae  from  ii,  some  from  iii,  and 
one  from  iv  and  v  are  black,  the  rest  white.  Some  setae  from 
ii  on  III,  and  all  from  ii  on  1  to  7,  are  smooth;  all  others  are 
spinulate  except  some  small  ones  on  legs  and  ventral  warts. 
In  this  stage  a  seta  makes  its  appearance  on  segments  II  and 
III  just  posterior  to  wart  v.  Legs  black,  prolegs  like  body. 
The  second  molt  occurred  August  3. 

Stage  III.  Larvae  6  mm.  long,  head  0.96  mm.  wide.  Head 
shiny  black ;  front  now  almost  entirely  brown.  There  is  a  white 
dorsal  line,  ill-defined  on  segment  I ;  it  is  obscure  at  the  in- 
cisures  so  as  to  appear  interrupted.  Viewed  laterally  the  larva 
appears  ochreous  due  to  the  large  amount  of  this  color  between 
warts  ii  and  iii,  and  iii  and  iv,  the  area  so  colored  being  shiny 
and  slightly  raised  like  a  broad,  low  ridge  between  these  warts. 
The  ochreous  between  iv  and  v  is  less  extensive,  paler,  and 
permits  the  pale  grayish  body  color  to  appear  on  either  side  of 
it.  There  is  pale  ochre  also  between  v  and  vi.  The  area  before 
and  behind  ii  is  brownish  contrasting  with  and  evenly  defining 
the  upper  limit  of  the  ochreous  patch  between  ii  and  iii.  A 
similar  brownish  area  behind  iii  serves  to  define  the  lower 
border  of  the  ochreous  patch  and  thus  gives  the  appearance  of 
an  ochreous  sub-dorsal  line.  On  the  thoracic  segments  in  the 
subspiracular  area  the  ochreous  is  replaced  by  an  inconspicuous 
dull  brown.  On  the  abdomen  posterior  to  wart  v  is  a  diffuse, 
dull  brown  color  like  that  on  the  thoracic  segments.  Warts  are 
black.  Setae  from  i  are  white,  from  ii  black ;  from  iii  black, 
with  one  or  two  white  ones ;  from  iv  and  v  one  black,  the  rest 
white.  Setae  from  cervical  shield  are  mixed  black  and  white. 
Legs  black  ;  prolegs  with  an  outer  dark  area  and  pale  plantae, 
else  like  the  body.  Spiracles  inconspicuous.  The  third  molt 
came  on  August  6. 

Stage  IV.  Length  9.5  mm.  Head  1.3  mm.  wide,  black,  shiny; 
front  is  now  black  and  the  former  white  markings  reduced  to 
dull  yellowish  along  the  suture  lines,  often  obsolete.  The 
lighter  area  previously  present  on  the  side  of  the  head  is  obso- 
lete ;  clypeus  and  bases  of  antennae  are  white.  Larvae  essen- 
tially as  before,  but  the  markings  intensified,  the  grayish  body 


color  scarcely  apparent  between  the  markings  of  brown  and 
ochreotis.  The  white  dorsal  line  is  sometimes  tinned  with 
yellow  near  the  edge  of  the  segment.  A  white  subdorsal  line 
is  more  or  less  clearly  indicated  in  different  larvae.  It  is 
crossed  by  the  ochreous  color  between  ii  and  iii,  which  some- 
times entirely  obscures  it  and  gives  the  effect  of  an  ochreons 
snbdorsal  line.  The  ochreous  at  the  bases  of  the  warts  is  even 
more  conspicuous  than  in  the  last  stage,  especially  between  iii 
and  iv.  Warts  are  black,  and  all,  especially  the  base  of  ii,  are 
polished.  Setae  from  i,  ii  and  iii  on  abdomen  are  all  black ; 
There  are  one  or  two  black  ones  from  iv,  v  and  vi,  the  rest 
white.  Spiracles  are  black,  the  first  and  last  with  orange  center. 
The  fourth  molt  occurred  August  10. 

Stage  V .  Length  1.5  cm.  Head  2.3  mm.  wide.  Suture  lines 
and  base  of  front  marked  inconspicuously  with  dull  brownish. 
Body  black.  The  white  dorsal  line  is  variable  and  in  some 
larvae  obsolete.  When  well  developed  it  begins  faintly  on  seg- 
ment II  and  extends  through  9,  beginning  narrowly  at  the 
anterior  edge  of  each  segment,  widening  to  just  behind  wart 
ii,  then  narrowing  abruptly  to  the  posterior  edge  where  it  mav 
be  tinged  with  yellow.  Subdorsal  line  if  present  is  even  less 
clearly  defined  than  before.  There  are  no  markings  on  segment 
I,  few  or  none  on  II  and  III :  none  except  the  faint  dorsal  line 
on  9.  Setae  from  i,  ii  and  iii  are  black;  the  rest  mostly  pale 
or  with  a  rusty  tinge.  Spiracles  orange.  The  intensity  and 
extent  of  the  markings  vary  greatly  in  this  stage,  from  larvae 
with  sharp,  white  dorsal  line  and  bright  ochreous  markings,  to 
larvae  which  are  almost  entirely  black.  The  fifth  molt  came 
on  August  14. 

Stage  VI.  Head  3.0  mm.  wide  (average  specimen)  ;  suture 
lines  not  marked.  There  was  considerable  variation  in  the  size 
of  the  head  in  this  stage,  though  all  larvae  were  known  to  have 
molted  an  equal  number  of  times.  Body  black,  dorsum  darker 
than  the  lateral  area.  There  is  the  same  variation  in  coloration 
as  in  the  preceding  stage.  In  general  those  larvae  with  the 
best  developed  dorsal  line  also  have  the  most  conspicuous  ochre- 
ous markings,  and  vice  versa.  In  many,  all  markings  are 
obsolete.  The  base  of  wart  ii  on  abdominal  segments  is  mod- 
erately polished  anteriorly  and  laterally.  Setae  from  i,  ii  and 
iii  are  black;  those  from  iv  mostly  black,  with  a  few  like  those 
of  v  and  vi,  which  are  straw  colored  or  pale  rusty:  v  with  an 
occasional  black  one.  Setae  from  cervical  shield  mixed  black 
and  rusty.  In  this  stage,  most  of  the  setae  from  ii  and  iii  on 
segments  II  and  III,  all  setae  from  the  three  upper  warts  on 
all  abdominal  segments  except  the  last,  and  a  few  setae  from 
the  lower  warts,  are  smooth  and  needle-like ;  the  rest  are  spin- 
ulate.  The  change  from  spinulate  to  smooth  setae  takes  place 

268  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

progressively    through    the    preceding    stages,    beginning    in 
stage  II. 

Larvae  began  to  spin  cocoons  on  August  23  and  the  first  ones 
pupated  on  the  25th.  Most  of  the  larvae  chose  the  upper  angles 
of  the  cage  to  spin  their  loose,  thin  cocoons ;  a  few  crawled 
under  paper  on  the  bottom.  The  larvae  were  fed  on  plantain 
and  dandelion  in  the  early  stages,  later  on  lettuce. 

An  average  size  pupa  is  2.0  cm.  long  by  6.5  mm.  at  greatest 
width,  clothed  sparsely  with  very  minute,  short  hairs.  Color 
is  black,  without  bloom.  In  some  pupae  the  intersegmental 
membrane  is  dark  chestnut,  in  others  concolorous  with  body. 
Spiracles  are  concolorous.  On  each  side  of  the  vertex  is  a 
bunch  of  stiff  bristles  of  two  kinds :  short,  stout,  sharp  bristles, 
and  others  with  the  end  rough  and  flattened  similar  to  those  of 
the  cremaster.  One  or  two  minute  spines  at  base  of  antenna. 
Cremaster  with  a  longitudinal  groove  at  base,  and  armed  with 
about  twenty  stout  spines  of  varying  length,  the  two  apical  ones 
the  longest,  all  with  the  ends  slightly  enlarged,  somewhat  cone 
shaped,  and  much  roughened.  The  larval  skin  clings  closely  to 
the  end  of  the  pupa. 

The  brood  of  about  fifty  larvae  seemed  healthy,  only  two 
or  three  being  lost,  but  there  was  a  high  mortality  in  the  pupal 
stage.  Twenty-eight  moths  emerged,  however,  between  Sep- 
tember 7  and  22. 

All  the  moths  varied  from  normal  vittata  in  having  the  costal 
edge  of  primaries  black  instead  of  yellow,  and  also  in  peculiar- 
ities of  the  male  genitalia  which  have  been  described  and  figured 
elsewhere1.  The  hind  wings  were  red  in  all  specimens,  the 
abdomen  ochre;  the  black  dorsal  stripe  always  even,  never 
widening  on  the  anal  segments. 

Eggs  were  obtained  from  these  moths,  laid  in  mats  attached 
to  the  sides  of  the  cage.  Color  pale  yellow,  surf  ace  m  finely 
shagreened.  Diameter  .76  mm.  height  .66  mm.  The  pale  yel- 
low changed  gradually  to  pale,  lustrous  amber,  and  the  shell 
became  transparent. 

The  larvae  of  the  second  generation  in  the  earlier  stages 
were  like  those  described,  but  with  an  increasing  tendency  as 
they  grew  older  toward  obsolescence  of  the  maculation.  In  the 
last  stage  all  larvae  were  entirely  velvety  black  except  for  the 

1  Psyche  1927,  xxxiv,  141,  PI.  IV. 


orange  spiracles.  There  was  no  dorsal  line  or  ochreous  mark- 
ing. The  setae  of  the  two  lower  rows  of  warts,  and  some  on 
the  thorax,  were  rusty  reddish.  In  a  few  larvae  a  faint  whitish 
dash  on  the  5th  or  6th  segment  represented  the  remnant  of  a 
dorsal  line.  The  loss  of  color  in  the  second  generation  larvae 
may  have  been  due  to  temperature  differences,  as  they  were 
reared  during  October  and  November,  and  matured  slowly. 
The  moths  emerged  in  December  and  January. 

In  this  second  generation  four  males  and  five  females  out  of 
about  thirty  moths  had  the  yellow  costa  normal  to  vittata 
(Plate:  third  male,  second  female).  Otherwise  they  were  all 
like  those  of  the  first  brood.  The  same  variations  in  the  male 
genitalia  were  found  in  both  generations. 

The  occurrence  of  the  black  costa  is  probably  a  mutation  ; 
its  reappearance  in  the  second  generation  suggests  a  Mendelian 
character.  There  is  a  possibility  it  may  indicate  hybridism, 
but  as  I  have  stated  elsewhere2,  cross-breeding  seems  im- 

Though  the  moths  vary  from  the  usual  form,  the  pattern 
and  color  is  in  general  that  of  vittata  in  the  majority  of  speci- 
mens, and  the  genitalia,  though  aberrant,  confirm  the  determin- 

The  plate  shows  the  range  of  variation  which  may  occur  in 
these  moths  in  one  brood.  The  commonest  variety  was  that 
most  typical  of  the  species,  without  any  indication  of  the  termi- 
nal band.  At  one  extreme  the  species  resembles  radians  as  in  the 
lightly  marked  female  at  the  top  of  the  plate,  while  the  specimen 
at  the  bottom  with  more  complete  pattern  and  tendency  to 
breaking  up  of  the  black  border  of  secondaries,  could  easily  be 
mistaken  for  phalcrata. 

It  is  interesting  to  compare  the  plate  with  Seifert's8  illustra- 
tions of  nais  and  radians  to  observe  the  similar  range  of 
variation  in  all  these  species  ;  an  equal  range  is  found  in  />/;<;/- 
crata.  As  Seifert  says:  "Each  species  is  nevertheless  bound  to 
certain  limits;  and  while  the  characters  inclined  to  variation  are 
the  same  in  all,  each  species  aims  at  a  different  ideal  toward 
which  the  majority  of  its  individuals  "develop." 

2  Psyche,  1927,  xxxrv,  138. 

3  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  1902,  x,  4,  I'l.  II;  82,  PI.  XL 

270  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

Mark  Catesby. 

By  HARRY  B.  WEISS,  New  Brunswick,  New  Jersey. 

"The  Planters  by  the  richness  of  the  Soil,  live  after  the  most 
easie  and  pleasant  Manner  of  any  People  I  have  ever  met  with ; 
for  you  shall  seldom  hear  them  Repine  at  any  Misfortunes 
in  life,  except  the  loss  of  Friends,  there  being  plenty  of  all 
Necessaries  here,  and  the  Planters  are  the  most  hospitable 
People  that  are  to  be  met  with.  ..." 

"The  Country  in  general  is  adorned  with  large  and  Beautiful 
Rivers  and  Creeks,  and  the  Woods  with  lofty  Timber,  which 
afford  most  delightful  and  pleasant  Seats  to  the  Planters,  and 
the  Lands  very  convenient  and  easie  to  be  fenced  in,  to  secure 
their  Stocks  of  Cattle  to  more  strict  Boundaries,  whereby  with 
small  trouble  of  fencing,  almost  every  Man  may  enjoy  to  him- 
self an  intire  Plantation." 

"The  Girls  are  most  commonly  handsome  and  well  Featur'd, 
but  have  pale  or  swarthy  Complexions,  and  are  generally 
more  forward  than  the  Boys,  notwithstanding  the  Women  are 
very  Shy,  in  their  Discourses,  till  they  are  acquainted.  The  girls 
are  not  only  bred  to  the  Needle  and  Spinning,  but  to  the  Dairy 
and  domestick  Affairs,  which  many  of  them  manage  with  a 
great  deal  of  prudence  and  conduct,  though  they  are  very 

"The  Men  are  very  ingenious  in  several  Handycraft  Busi- 
nesses, and  in  building  their  Canoes  and  Houses ;  though  by  the 
richness  of  the  Soil,  they  live  for  the  most  part  after  an  indolent 
and  luxurious  Manner ;  yet  some  are  laborious  and  equalize 
with  the  Negros  in  hard  Labour,  and  others  quite  the  Reverse ; 
for  I  have  frequently  seen  them  come  to  the  Towns,  and  there 
remain  Drinking  Rum,  Punch  and  other  Liquors  for  Eight  or 
Ten  Days  successively.  .  .  . 

"This  Colony  boasts  more  Advantages  than  several  others  on 
this  Continent,  both  for  Pleasure,  Ease  and  Profit :  Were  the 
Inhabitants  as  industrious  as  the  Soil  is  bountiful  they  might 
supply  themselves  with  all  the  Necessaries  of  Life.  With  little 
Industry  they  may  have  Wines,  Oil,  Silk,  Emits,  and  many  sorts 
of  Drugs,  Dyes,  &c.  Here  the  Curious  may  have  a  large  Field 
to  satisfie  and  divert  their  Curiosity ;  here  they  may  collect 
strange  Beasts,  Birds,  Fishes,  Insects,  Reptiles,  Shells,  Mines, 
Herbs,  Flowers,  Plants,  Shrubs,  Trees,  Gums,  Tears,  Rosin, 
Stones,  and  several  other  things  that  yield  both  Profit  and 
Satisfaction."  * 

Such  was  the  Carolina,  where  Catesby,  who  was  probably 
the  first  illustrator  of  North  American  insects,  lived  for  some 

*The   Natural   History  of   North   Carolina  by  John   Brickell,   M.   D. 
(Dublin,  1737). 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  271 

years,  hunted  with  the  Indians,  and  where  he  collected  and 
painted  specimens  of  natural  history. 

Born  in  England,  probably  in  London,  about  1679  or  1680, 
he  came  to  America  in  1712,  landing  in  Virginia  April  23  of 
that  year.  Catesby  had  relatives  in  Virginia,  but  in  addition 
he  wanted  to  explore  the  natural  history  of  countries  other  than 
his  own.  He  stayed  seven  years  or  until  1719,  and  according 
to  his  own  statement,  did  little  but  observe  and  admire  the 
fauna  and  flora.  However,  he  took  back  to  England  with  him, 
a  collection  of  plants  and  specimens  which  excited  the  interest 
of  Sir  Hans  Sloane  and  Doctor  Sherard. 

During  the  next  several  years  he  arranged  and  named  his 
specimens,  a  number  of  which  found  their  way  into  Sloane's 
museum.  Dr.  William  Sherard,  with  whom  Catesby  became 
friendly  through  their  mutual  botanical  interests,  advised  him 
to  undertake  a  more  serious  study  of  the  fauna  and  flora  of 
Carolina  and  the  neighboring  areas  with  the  idea  of  publishing 
his  findings.  And  so  after  getting  financial  help  from  twelve 
"noble  Persons  and  Gentlemen,"  including  Sir  Hans  Sloane, 
Richard  Mead,  M.  D.,  His  Grace  the  Duke  of  Chandois,  and 
the  Honorable  Colonel  Francis  Nicholson,  Catesby,  with  this 
idea,  left  England  in  1722  and  landed  in  Carolina  May  23  of 
the  same  year.  Upon  his  arrival  at  Charles  Town  he  im- 
mediately called  upon  General  Nicholson,  who  was  then 
governor  of  South  Carolina.  Erom  then  on  until  1726  he  was 
busy  with  his  observations  and  explorations. 

Upon  his  return  to  England  in  1726,  he  found  his  work  so 
favorably  received  that  he  was  advised  to  publish  it,  but  on 
account  of  the  expense  of  engravings,  this  did  not  seem  pos- 
sible. However,  Mr.  Joseph  Goupy  advised  Catesby  to  study 
etching  and  do  the  work  himself.  This  he  did  and  as  a  result 
there  finally  appeared,  The  /  Natural  History  /  of  /  Carolina, 
Florida  and  the  Bahama  Islands :  /  Containing  the  Figures  of 
Birds,  Beasts,  Fishes,  Serpents,  Insects  and  Plants:  /  Par- 
ticularly, the  Forest-Trees,  Shrubs,  and  other  Plants,  not 
hitherto  described,  /  or  very  incorrectly  figured  by  Authors.  / 
Together  with  their  Descriptions  in  English  and  French.  /  To 
which,  are  added  /  Observations  on  the  Air,  Soil  and  Waters :  / 
With  Remarks  upon  /  Agriculture,  Grain,  Pulse,  Roots,  &c.  / 

2/2  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

To  the  whole,  /  Is  Prefixed  a  new  and  correct  Map  of  the 
Countries  Treated  of.  /  By  /  Mark  Catesby,  F.  R.  S.  /  Vol.  I  / 
London  /  Printed  at  the  Expence  of  the  Author,  and  sold  by 
W.  Innys  and  R.  Manby,  at  the  West  End  of  /  St.  Paul's,  by 
Mr.  Hauksbee,  at  the  Royal  Society  House,  and  by  the  Author, 
at  Mr.  Bacon's  /  in  Haxton :  /  MDCCXXXI. 

This  is  an  imperial  folio  occupied  almost  entirely  by  plates 
of  birds  resting  on  trees  and  shrubs,  with  brief  descriptive  text, 
in  English  and  French.  Catesby  gave  the  plants  English  and 
Indian  names,  and  Doctor  Sherard  supplied  the  Latin  ones. 
As  for  the  birds  he  called  most  of  them  "after  European  Birds 
of  the  same  Genus,  with  an  additional  Epithet  to  distinguish 

Volume  II,  which  appeared  in  1743,  covers  fishes,  crabs, 
turtles,  snakes,  plants,  lizards,  frogs,  squirrels,  rabbits,  trees, 
etc.,  and  the  last  part  is  devoted  to  the  soil,  weather,  agriculture, 
the  Indians  and  their  manufactures  and  arts.  Catesby  was  too 
busy  with  plants  and  birds  to  pay  much  attention  to  insects, 
concerning  which  he  says.  "As  for  Insects  these  Countries 
abound  in  numerous  kinds,  but  I  was  not  able  to  delineate  a 
great  Number  of  them."  However,  he  did  manage  to  figure 
twenty-six,  all  but  three  appearing  in  the  last  volume  and  al- 
most half  of  them  being  lepidopterous.  The  insects  appear 
only  incidentally  on  the  plates  sometimes  associated  with  the 
plants,  and  the  entomological  text  is  quite  brief,  dealing  with 
colors  and  markings  and  sometimes  the  caterpillars  and  cocoons. 

Allibone  refers  to  Catesby's  work  as  having  been  published 
in  numbers  from  1731  to  1748  and  in  Pulteney's  "Sketches  of 
Botany"  it  is  noticed  as  follows :  "In  this  splendid  performance 
the  curious  are  gratified  with  the  figures  of  many  of  the  most 
beautiful  trees,  shrubs,  and  herbaceous  plants  that  adorn  the 
gardens  of  the  present  time."  According  to  Hagen,*  a  second 
edition  revised  by  Edwards  appeared  in  London  in  1754,  and 
a  third  edition  with  a  Linnaean  index  in  1771.  A  German 
translation  was  published  at  Nuremberg  in  1756.  There  also 
appeared  at  Niiremburg  in  1750  and  in  1777  his  "Piscium 
Serpentum,  Insectorum  aliorumque  nonnullorum  Animalium 
nee  non  Plantarum  quarundam  Imagines." 

*Bibliotheca  Entomologica. 


Of  Catesby's  insect  illustrations,  Walton  states  that  his  work 
is  "rather  crude  as  compared  with  that  of  contemporaneous 
illustrators  of  the  better  class,  and  does  not  approach  the 
excellence  of  the  artists  of  a  slightly  later  period,  such  as  that 
of  Abbot,  William  Wood,  Jr.,  or  Peale."  Of  his  own  work 
Catesby  says,  "As  I  was  not  bred  a  Painter  I  hope  some  faults 
in  Perspective,  and  other  Niceties,  may  be  more  readily  excused, 
for  I  humbly  conceive  Plants,  and  other  Things  done  in  a  Flat 
tho'  exact  manner,  may  serve  the  Purpose  of  Natural  History, 
better  in  some  Measure  than  in  a  more  bold  and  Painter  like 

Catesby  in  1747  read  a  paper  "On  the  Migration  of  Birds," 
before  the  Royal  Society,  which  was  supposed  to  contain  new 
facts  on  the  subject,  and  under  his  authorship  there  was  pro- 
duced in  London  in  1737  (?)  or  1767  (posth.),  "Hortus  Bri- 
tanno-Americanus,  or  a  Collection  of  85  curious  Trees  and 
Shrubs,  the  production  of  North  America,  adapted  to  the  Cli- 
mate and  Soil  of  Great  Britain,"  with  seventeen  colored  plates. 
He  died  at  the  age  of  seventy  in  his  home  on  Old  Street,  Lon- 
don, December  23,  1749. 

In  volume  II  of  his  "Natural  History  of  Carolina,"  Catesby 
printed  a  "List  of  the  Encouragers"  of  his  work,  numbering 
about  158  subscribers,  some  of  whom  took  two  and  three  books. 
This  list  embodies  "Her  late  Majesty  Queen  Carolina,  Her 
Majesty  the  Queen  of  Sweden,  Sir  Hans  Sloane,  Henry  Tre- 
lawney  Esq.,  The  Right  Hon.  the  Lord  Carteret,  Richard  Mead" 
and  many  others  including  the  following  who  were  identified 
with  the  colonial  life  of  this  country:  "Mr.  John  Pert  ram  of 
Pennsilvania,  Alexander  Hume,  Esq.,  of  Carolina,  The  Hon. 
Rob.  Johnson,  Gov.  of  S.  Carolina,  Hon.  Lieut.  Gen.  F.  X'ich- 
olson,  Gov.  of  S.  Carolina,  Thomas  Pen,  Esq.,  Proprietor  of 
Pennsilvania,  Sir  John  Randolph  of  Virginia,  Benj.  \\  hitaker, 
Esq.,  of  Virginia,  and  The  lion.  Alex.  Skene  of  S.  Carolina." 

"John  Bertram  of  Pensilvania"  is  of  course  the  Pennsylvania 
Quaker,  John  Bartram,  first  to  describe  the  plants  of  the  Xew 
World.  Robert  Johnson  was  governor  of  South  Carolina  under 
the  Proprietors  and  again  in  1730  under  the  first  regular  Koval 
administration.  In  1718  he  had  been  active  in  putting  down 
piracy.  He  died  in  1735  and  never  saw  the  second  volume  of 

274  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

Catesby's  work.  General  Sir  Francis  Nicholson  was  industri- 
ous and  experienced  in  colonial  affairs.  In  1689  he  was  Lieu- 
tenant Governor  of  the  Dominion  of  New  York;  in  1690,  Lieu- 
tenant Governor  of  Virginia;  in  1694  Governor  of  Maryland; 
then  again  to  Virginia  where  he  succeeded  Andris ;  then  Gov- 
ernor of  Nova  Scotia,  ending  as  Governor  of  South  Carolina 
in  1720.  Nicholson  was  a  strong  friend  and  patron  of  the 
Church  and  education.  He  was  instrumental  in  starting  churches 
from  Rhode  Island  to  Virginia,  in  the  foundation  of  William 
and  Mary  College,  and  had  a  reputation  for  quarreling  and 
mixing  his  love  affairs  with  business.  Thomas  Penn,  one  of 
the  sons  of  William  Penn,  founder  of  Pennsylvania,  succeeded 
to  the  share  in  the  proprietary  formerly  held  by  his  brother 
John,  who  died  in  1746.  He  was  interested  in  the  college  at 
Philadelphia,  the  hospital,  library  and  various  literary,  chari- 
table and  religious  societies.  Benjamin  \Vhi taker  was  a  lawyer 
and  one  time  Attorney  General  and  Chief  Justice  of  South 
Carolina,  and  Alextnder  Skene  was  a  member  of  the  Council 
about  1731,  and  interested  in  political  affairs. 

With  the  exception  of  John  Bartram  it  is  doubtful  if  the 
other  colonial  subscribers  took  more  than  a  passing  interest 
in  natural  history,  or  more  than  a  gentleman  was  supposed  to 
take  at  that  time.  Nevertheless,  credit  should  be  given  them 
for  their  support,  when  the  settlers  were  busy  subduing  the 
land  and  the  Indians. 


ALLIBONE,  S.  A.  Dictionary  of  English  Literature  (Phila. 

BLAKE,  J.  L.     Biographical  Dictionary  (Phila.  1842). 

CATESBY,  MARK.  The  Natural  History  of  Carolina,  Florida 
and  the  Bahama  Islands  (London,  1731-43). 

Chronicles  of  America  (New  Haven,  1921). 

HUNT,  ROBERT.     Mark  Catesby  (Diet.  Nat.  Biog.). 

LOWNDES,  W.  T.     Biobliographer's  Manual   (Bohn  eel.). 

McCRADY,  EDWARD.  History  of  South  Carolina  under  the 
Royal  Government  (New  York,  1901). 

MORRIS,  JOHN  G.  Contributions  toward  a  History  of  Ento- 
mology in  the  United  States  (Amer.  Jour.  Sci.  Ser.  2,  Vol. 
I,  1846,  pp.  17-27). 

WALTON,  W.  R.  Entomological  Drawings  and  Draughtsmen 
(Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash.  Vol.  23,  No.  4,  April  1921). 


An  Additional  Annotated  List  of  the  Ants  of 


With  a  Description  of  a  New  Species  of  Aphaenogaster 

(Hym. :   Formicidae).* 

By  M.  R.  SMITH,  A.  and  M.  College,  Mississippi. 
(Continued  from  page  246.) 


Boyle.  Several  colonies  of  this  ant  were  found  in  the  soil 
beneath  logs  at  Boyle.  The  variety  is  characterized  1>y  being 
darker  than  the  subspecies,  the  specimens  being  usually  pitch- 
blacp;  in  other  respects  this  and  aquia  are  very  similar. 


A.  and  M.  College.  A  worker  of  what  I  believe  to  be  this 
species  was  taken  from  the  soil  around  the  base  of  a  stump. 
At  a  superficial  glance  one  might  confuse  the  workers  of  tc.niua 
and  its  various  forms  with  that  of  fulva  and  its  forms.  The 
heads  of  the  workers  of  the  former  species  are  rounder  posteri- 
orly than  the  heads  of  the  workers  of  fulra  and  its  forms. 
The  scapes  of  the  former  are  longer  and  more  slender  and 
there  are  other  important  differences.  This  variety  is  a  very 
dark  form  of  tc.raua. 

98. — Aphaenogaster  texana  flemingi  subsp.  nov. 

$  .  Length:  4.3-4.6  mm.  Head,  excluding  the  man- 
dibles, much  longer  than  broad,  slender,  and  very  strikingly 
constricted  in  the  region  posterior  to  the  eyes,  but  especially 
so  at  the  junction  of  the  head  and  thorax.  Eyes  rather  large 
and  prominent,  convex,  placed  at  a  distance  from  the  mandibles 
equivalent  to  one  and  one-half  times  their  greatest  diameter. 
Antennae  long  and  slender,  scapes  surpassing  the  posterior 
angles  of  the  head  by  at  least  one-third  their  length,  segments 
3-8  of  the  funiculus  subequal,  segments  9-12  slightly  enlarged 
and  forming  a  rather  indefinite,  distal  club. 

Viewed  laterally,  the  segments  of  the  thorax  appear  as  fol- 
lows :  the  prothorax  is  rather  gently  and  evenly  convex  dorsally  ; 
the  mesothorax  bears  a  noticeable  transverse  depre>sion  midway 
of  its  length,  and  there  is  a  prominent  constriction  between  the 
mesothorax  and  the  epinotum  ;  the  base  of  the  epinotuni  is  hori- 

*A    contribution    from    the    Mississippi    Agricultural 

276  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

zontal,  longer  than  the  declivity,  and  bears  a  pair  of  prominent, 
acute  spines,  which  are  longer  than  broad  at  their  bases.  Post- 
petiole  rather  voluminous,  approximately  twice  the  width  of 
the  petiole. 

Head,  thorax,  petiole  and  postpetiole  punctate ;  frontal  area, 
legs,  and  gaster  smooth.  Mandibles,  clypeus,  frontal  area, 
posterior  region  of  the  head,  prothorax,  legs,  petiole,  postpetiole 
and  gaster  shining,  remainder  of  body  subopaque. 

Hairs  yellowish,  erect,  sparsely  scattered  over  the  body. 
Pubescence  also  yellowish,  most  easily  discernible  on  the  an- 
tennae and  legs,  on  which  it  is  abundant  and  appressed. 

Color  ferruginous  brown. 

Type  locality:  A.  and  M.  College,  Mississippi.  Descriptions 
based  on  many  cotype  specimens  which  are  in  the  collection  of 
Dr.  W.  M.  Wheeler,  the  author,  and  the  Department  of  Ento- 
mology, of  the  Mississippi  A.  and  M.  College. 

A  colony  consisting  of  90  workers  and  many  larvae  were 
collected  from  the  base  of  a  rotten  pine  stump  during  mid-Jan- 
uary, 1928.  In  this  stump  were  numerous  termites,  none  of 
which  seemed  to  have  been  disturbed  by  the  ants. 

This  new  subspecies  is  named  in  memory  of  the  late  Mr. 
Andrew  Fleming  of  Sibley,  Mississippi,  a  man  who  made 
many  important  contributions  to  the  knowledge  of  the  ants 
of  Mississippi. 

The  worker  of  this  new  subspecies,  although  allied  to  the 
worker  of  Aphaenogaster  tc.rana  Emery  and  its  varieties  fur- 
vesccns  and  carolmensis  Wheeler,  differs  in  an  important  num- 
ber of  respects,  namely :  that  its  head  is  more  strongly  con- 
stricted behind  the  eyes,  its  epinotal  spines  are  larger  and  long- 
er, and  its  sculpturing  more  feeble.  The  posterior  region  of 
the  head,  and  the  dor  sum  of  the  prothorax  are  so  faintly  sculp- 
tured that  they  appear  glabrous.  Future  studies  of  this  species 
may  necessitate  raising  flciniitgi  to  specific  rank;  for  the  pres- 
ent, however,  this  subspecies  has  been  referred  to  tc.rana  be- 
cause the  worker  resembles  that  of  tc.rana  in  having  a  head 
with  very  much  rounded  posterior  angles,  long,  slender  an- 
tennae, a  similar  petiole  and  postpetiole  and  other  such  char- 



A.  and  M.  College,  Sibley.  (  hi  January  27,  1928,  a  colony 
of  this  exceedingly  small,  yellow  ant  was  dug  from  the  soil 
at  the  base  of  a  stump  in  a  wooded  area  here,  near  the  college. 
The  colony  was  composed  of  at  least  6  dealated  females,  several 
hundred  workers,  and  numerous  larvae.  Another  colony  from 
the  same  type  of  habitat  was  found  in  the  earth  about  six 
inches  from  the  surface.  This  colony  contained  at  least  8  or 
more  dealated  females,  about  150  workers,  but  apparently  no 

In  this  locality  ininutissinia  does  not  appear  to  be  as  common 
a  species  as  z'ictiina  subsp.  missouriensis  Pergande.  It  res- 
sembles  this  ant  in  many  respects  but  is  noticeably  smaller. 
This  species  may  prove  to  be  a  subspecies  or  variety  of  1'ictnna, 
as  is  missouriensis. 


Columbus.  Three  workers  and  a  dealated  female  were  col- 
lected from  beneath  the  bark  of  a  pine  log  and  a  pine  stump. 
The  frass  beneath  the  bark  of  both  the  log  and  stump  was 
slightly  moist.  The  dealated  female  which  came  from  the 
stump  was  found  there  along  with  the  following  other  species 
of  ants:  Solcuopsis  molcsta  Say,  Proceratium  croccnni  Knge-r, 
Proccratium  cntssiconw  Emery  and  Phcidolc  dcntata  Mayr. 

The  worker  of  this  species  resembles  the  worker  of  Struini- 
ycnys  pcrgandei  Emery.  It  can  be  distinguished  from  the 
worker  of  that  species  however  by  its  smaller  size  (1.5-1.66 
mm.),  by  the  presence  of  a  prominent  tooth  near  the  base  of 
each  mandible,  which  is  hidden  by  the  edge  of  the  clypeus,  and 
also  by  the  fact  that  the  anterior  edge  of  the  clypeus  only  bears 
ten  or  twelve  club-like  or  scale-like  hairs. 

Subfamily  FORMICINAE. 

101. — LASIUS  UMBRATUS  MixTus  var.  Armmcoi.A  Walsh. 

Boyle,  A.  and  M.  College.  In  a  wooded  area  at  Boyle,  a 
large  colony  of  this  ant  was  found  beneath  a  log.  Among  the 
ants  were  many  pinkish  mealy  bugs,  which  Miss  ( iladys  Hoke 
determined  as  Pscndococcns  morrisoni  llollinger.  Wingless 
aphids  in  the  same  nest  were  tentatively  determined  by  Mr.  A. 

278  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

L.  Hamner  as  Pcmpli'njus  lachiatc  (Fitch).  The  workers 
from  this  colony  were  much  lighter  in  color  and  more  glabrous 
than  the  typical  form  which  was  collected  at  A.  and  M.  Col- 
lege in  a  rotten  stump  along  the  hank  of  a  stream.  A  species 
of  mealy  bug  near  morrisoni  was  also  found  with  this  colony. 


Columbus.  Many  nests  of  this  ant  were  found  in  the  pure 
white  sand  in  a  locality  near  Columbus.  The  nests  were  small 
craters,  each  with  a  central  entrance. 

The  workers  of  arcnivaga  are  characterized  by  their  pale 
yellow  color,  their  glabrous  bodies  and  by  the  fact  that  the 
hairs  covering  the  body  are  dark  at  the  base  and  light  at  the 
apex.  The  antennal  scapes  bear  erect  hairs. 

103. — PRENOLEPIS  IMPARTS  var.  TESTA CEA  Emery. 

A.  and  M.  College.  This  pale  yellowish  variety  of  imparis 
can  be  found  nesting  in  the  woods  here.  The  ants  seem  to  like 
moist  spots  for  their  nests.  Their  habits  are  similar  to  those 
of  the  species. 

104. — FORMICA  PALLIDE  FULVA  var.  SUCCINEA  Wheeler. 

A.  and  M.  College.  A  nest  of  this  species  was  found  on  the 
side  of  a  hill  very  near  the  edge  of  some  woods.  The  nest  of 
the  ants  extended  for  a  foot  and  one-half  in  the  clay  loam. 
From  this  nest  were  taken  many  workers,  pupae,  larvae  and 
eggs.  The  workers  were  very  timid  and  tried  to  hide  beneath 
particles  of  soil.  I  noted  that  some  of  them  had  been  bringing 
in  for  food,  the  bodies  of  a  soldier  beetle,  Cliaiiliognathiis  pcnn- 
sylvanicus  DeGeer,  an  undetermined  species  of  membracid, 
and  some  flesh  flies. 

This  variety  is  distinguished  from  the  species  in  that  the 
ants  are  of  a  deeper  reddish  tinge  and  a  more  glabrous  ap- 
pearance than  those  of  Formica  pallid c  fulva  Latr.  The  work- 
ers bear  a  very  striking  resemblance  to  the  lighter  forms  of 
Formica  pallidc  fulva  subsp.  nitidiventris  Emery. 


Boyle.     A  colony  of  this  ant  was  found  in  the  soil  beneath 

a  log  in  a  dense  woodland  patch  at  Boyle.     Beneath  the  same 


log  were  three  other  species  of  ants,  hut  none  of  these  \v;is  nest- 
ing in  contact  with  uitidk'cnlris.  The  ants  which  were  found  here 
were:  Camponotus  castuncns  Latr.,  Lasius  umbratus  mixtus 
var.  aphidicola  Walsh,  and  Aphacnogastcr  lanicllidcns  var.  ni- 
M.  R.  Smith. 


A.  and  M.  College.  Last  spring  (1927)  one  of  the  students 
brought  to  the  laboratory  a  small  worker  of  what  I  believe  to 
he  this  species.  When  questioned  as  to  where  he  had  collected 
it,  the  student  stated  that  he  took  the  specimen  in  the  edge  of  a 
patch  of  woods  near  the  college.  At  my  request  he  later  went 
back  to  hunt  for  more  specimens  but  was  unable  to  find  any. 

New  Bees  From  the  Miami  Region  of  Florida 
(Hymen.:  Andrenidae,  Megachilidae). 

By  S.  GRAENICHER,  South  Miami,  Florida. 

Triepeolus  rufithorax  n.  sp. 

9  Length  about  10.5  mm.  Head  and  abdomen  black,  thorax 
dark  red  with  the  exception  of  a  greater  portion  of  the  meta- 
thorax,  which  is  mostly  black. 

Punctures  on  lower  sides  of  face  very  delicate  and  close, 
coarser  above  the  antennae.  Vertex  shining,  coarsely  punc- 
tured. Mandibles  red  with  dark  tips.  Labrum,  clypeus,  supra- 
clypeal  area  and  first  three  joints  of  antennae  red.  Clypeus 
minutely  sculptured  with  scattered  punctures,  and  a  median 
low  smooth  and  shining  ridge  above.  Supraclypeal  area  distinct- 
ly punctured,  produced  into  a  narrow  black-tipped  ridge  be- 
tween the  antennae.  Sericeous  pubescence  on  middle  portion 
of  face. 

Golden  ornaments  distributed  as  follows:  band  on  pronotum, 
attenuated  towards  the  middle  and  slightly  interrupted  ;  a  semi- 
circular patch  back  of  tubercle;  a  small  patch  behind  the  tegula  ; 
two  parallel  narrow  bands  below  the  scute!  him,  running  into 
a  tuft  of  long  hairs  on  each  side;  a  comma-shaped,  oblique 
band  on  each  side  of  posterior  face  of  the  propodeum  ;  two 
indistinct  short  longitudinal  lines  on  the  mesonotuni  in  front; 
a  short,  hardly  visible  line  on  the  mesopleura.  MeMnioium  finely 
roughened,  the  same  as  the  sulcate  scutellum  with  its  conical 
blunt  tooth  on  each  side.  Mesopleurae  more  coarsely  sculptured 
than  mesoiiotum.  Tegulae  reddish  testaceous,  smooth  and  shin- 

280  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

ing.  Wings  dark,  especially  their  outer  margins.  Nervures  and 
stigma  black.  Legs  entirely  red,  including  the  tihial  spurs. 
Claws  dark. 

Bands  on  abdominal  segments  1  to  3  golden  yellow.  Apical 
band  on  first  segment  narrow  and  interrupted,  widened  con- 
siderably along  the  sides.  Bands  on  second  and  third  segments 
slightly  interrupted,  widened  toward  the  margins,  that  on  fourth 
entire  and  more  cinereous.  Fifth  with  a  triangular  cinereous 
patch  on  each  side,  its  middle  portion  striato-punctate,  slightly 
shining,  and  its  apex  truncate.  The  first  ventral  segment  red- 
dish on  its  posterior  half,  with  a  distinct  median  triangular  pit 
near  the  apical  margin.  Ventral  segments  2  to  4  finely  punc- 
tured, shining,  with  a  reddish  tinge  near  their  apices.  Seg- 
ment 5  rounded  and  its  apex  turned  downward  to  a  slight 

$  .  Agrees  very  closely  with  the  female.  More  pubescence 
on  the  face  below  and  around  the  antennae.  Ornaments  lighter, 
more  cinereous.  Bands  on  the  third  to  sixth  abdominal  seg- 
ments distinctly  cinereous.  Apical  plate  narrowed  considerably 
towards  the  rounded  tip,  and  surrounded  by  a  black  ridge.  A 
cinereous  band  on  apex  of  ventral  segment  2,  ventral  segment 
3  entirely  covered  with  cinereous  hairs. 

Type:  9  ,  Miami,  July  16,  1927.  Allotype:  $  ,  South  Miami, 
July  22,  1924.  Of  the  24  paratypes,  18  were  collected  by  the 
author  at  Miami  and  South  Miami,  and  the  following  6  are 
in  the  collection  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History 
of  New  York.  The  labels  on  these  give  the  following  informa- 
tion:  IS,  F.  4666  B,  Miami,  Fla.,  April  11-21,  1923;  1  9  F. 
4667,  Royal  Palm  State  Park,  Fla.,  April  12-18,  1923;  299, 
F.  4671 S,  Royal  Palm  State  Park,  Fla.,  April  12-18,  1923; 
2  9  9,  F.  4675A,  Miami,  Fla.,  April  11-21,  1923. 

Three  of  these  were  captured  at  Royal  Palm  State  Park, 
about  44  miles  southwest  of  Miami,  and  these  records  establish 
a  more  southern  range  than  my  specimens  indicate.  For  tht 
loan  of  this  material  for  study,  I  am  greatly  indebted  to  the 
Entomological  Department  of  the  American  Museum  of  Natural 
History  of  New  York,  and  in  addition  I  wish  to  thank  Mr. 
Herbert  F.  Schwartz,  a  member  of  that  Department,  through 
whose  kind  efforts  1  obtained  the  loan. 

This  species  varies  in  length  from  about  9  mm.  to  10.5  mm. 
There  is  also  some  variation  in  color;  the  red  extends  in  some 
individuals   to  the   first   abdominal   segment,  and   in   two    (  $ 
and    $  )  even  to  the  second. 


The  most  conspicuous  character  of  this  species  is  the  pre- 
dominant reel  color  of  the  thorax.  The  following  parts  are  also 
red:  mandibles,  lahrum,  antennae  at  base,  large  portion  of 
face,  amUdegs  except  the  claws.  The  yellow  hairy  ornaments 
of  the  thorax  and  abdomen  show  in  fresh  specimens  a  golden 
tinge.  This  combination  of  characters  separates  the  species 
from  any  species  of  our  fauna  described  so  far. 

Males  have  been  collected  from  .March  31  to  June  22.  The 
females  are  on  the  wing  throughout  the  warmer  season,  from 
about  March  28  to  October  26.  They  were  visiting  the  flowers 
of  the  following  species:  }'cnioiiia  lUtxh/cttii,  Hitlcus  Icucan/lia ; 
Melanthera  ntdiuta,  M.  pari'iflora,  Fhrrcrnt  liiicaris,  Uorrichia 
fnttcscciis,  Sida  carpiiiifolia,  Poinsetta  cyathophora  and  Sabal 
palmetto  *.  The  first  six  mentioned  belong  to  the  Compositae. 

Heriades  crawfordi  n.  sp. 

9  Length  about  7.5  mm.  Face  distinctly  longer  than  broad, 
clothed  with  sparse  white  pubescence,  which  is  short  in  the 
middle,  longer  on  the  sides  next  to  the  antennae.  Punctures 
small  and  very  close  on  the  clypeus,  coarser  on  vertex  and 
occiput.  A  very  narrow,  low,  shining  ridge  on  upper  middle 
of  clypeus.  Lower  margin  of  clypeus  straight.  Mandibles 
broad,  ending  in  a  strong,  pointed  tooth.  Antennae  black. 

Mesonotum  closely  punctured  in  front,  more  coarsely  and 
sparsely  towards  the  scutellum.  Scutellum  flat  and  shining,  with 
few  strong  punctures.  Pleurae  more  coarsely  sculptured  than 
mesonotum.  Disk  of  propodeum  with  a  transverse  row  of 
deep  pits,  bounded  by  a  posterior  high  ridge.  Posterior  face 
with  moderately  deep  punctures  laterally,  and  a  median  smooth 
and  shining  sulcus,  which  broadens  out  above.  Wings  dusky 
on  outer  half.  Tegulae,  nervures  and  stigma  black.  Legs 
black,  with  testaceous  claws,  and  long  whitish  hairs  on  posterior 

Abdomen  with  clean-cut  white  apical  hairbands  on  segments 
1  to  5.  Punctures  small  and  close  on  segments  1  and  2,  stronger 
and  more  separated  on  segment  3,  and  gradually  becoming  finer 
on  remaining  segments.  Concavity  on  base  of  first  segment 
^hallow,  bounded  by  a  distinct  narrow  rim.  Surface  of  con- 
cavity shining,  with  punctures  in  upper  half,  and  a  short  sulcus 
below.  Ventral  scopa  white. 

$  Length  about  6.5  mm.  Face  narrower,  body,  and  especi- 
ally face,  more  hairy,  and  punctures  in  general  liner  and  closer 
than  in  opposite  sex.  Second  antennal  joint  about  as  long  as 
broad,  third  shorter. 

*  Nomenclature  according  to  Small's  "Flora  of  Miami"  or  the 
same  author's  "Flora  of  the  Southeastern  United  States." 

282  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

Apical  portion  of  abdomen  bent  downward  and  forward 
from  third  or  fourth  segment  on.  Sixth  segment  with  a  trun- 
cate apical  margin,  and  a  preapical  depression  on  each  side. 
First  ventral  segment  produced  considerably  towards  the  mid- 
dle of  its  apex.  It  forms  a  blunt  projection  covering  the  base 
of  the  second  segment.  The  apical  margin  of  the  latter  is 
slightly  membranous  in  the  middle.  Segments  3  and  4  are 
thin  and  membranous  to  a  greater  extent.  Segment  5  is  split, 
forming  2  rounded  membranous  lobes.  Membranous  parts 

Described  from  3  males  and  12  females  taken  at  South  Miami, 
Miami  and  Hollywood,  on  the  flowers  of  Croton  linearis,  Ptcr- 
ocaulon  undatum  and  Chrysopis  Trctcyi.  According  to  the  rec- 
ords on  hand,  this  bee  Hies  during  the  cooler  months,  from 
about  the  end  of  October  to  the  middle  of  April. 

Type:  9,  South  Miami,  November  12,  1924.  Allotype :  $, 
Miami,  December  4,  1924. 

Large  for  a  Hcriadcs.  The  structures  of  the  ventral  seg- 
ments in  the  male  are  very  characteristic  of  the  species.  The 
$  of  this  species  has  the  first  ventral  abdominal  segment  elon- 
gate medially,  and  agrees  in  this  respect  with  H.  Icavitti  Craw- 
ford, Can.  Ent.  45,  270  (1913).  In  H.  Icavitti  this  elongation 
is  pointed  at  the  apex,  according  to  the  description,  in  H.  craw- 
fordi  it  is  rounded.  There  is  a  distinct  difference  between  the 
two  in  the  puncturation  of  the  dorsum  of  the  abdomen.  On  the 
first  3  segments  of  H.  Icavitti  the  punctures  are  fine  and  close, 
"hardly  half  a  puncture  width  aoart".  In  H.  crau'fordi  seg- 
ment 2  has  very  close  and  fine  punctures,  on  segment  1  the 
punctures  are  close  but  distinctly  coarser,  and  on  segment  3 
coarse  and  mostly  the  entire  width  of  a  puncture  apart. 

H.  leamtti  is  a  smaller  insect  than  H.  craivfordi.  The  9  of 
the  former  has  not  been  described. 

The  $  of  H.  carinatus  Cresson,  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Phil.  2, 
383,  (1864)  has  the  apex  of  the  first  ventral  abdominal  seg- 
ment truncate,  not  elongate  and  a  blunt  tubercle  on  its  disk. 
This  separates  it  from  either  H.  crawfordi  or  H.  Icavitti. 

Stelis  floridana  n.  sp. 

9  Length  about  10  mm.  Ground  color  black.  Ornaments 
partly  yellow,  mostly  red.  Legs  red.  Head  covered  with  short 
white  hairs,  especially  around  the  antennae.  Clypeus  dull, 
closely  and  finely  punctured.  Rest  of  head  shining  with  coarse 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  283 

punctures.  A  broad  band  on  side  of  face  yellowish  on  lower 
half,  reddish  above.  A  transverse  red  band  behind  the  eyes. 
Antennae  black,  lighter  on  flagellum  beneath. 

Punctures  on  mesonotum  distinct  and  crowded,  coarser  and 
more  separated  on  scutellum  and  sides  of  thorax.  Tufts  of 
white  hair  beneath  tegulae  and  wings.  A  red  band  on  each  side 
of  mesonotum,  curving  forward,  and  becoming  yellowish, 
broadly  interrupted  on  the  front  margin.  Scutellum  red,  broad- 
ly rounded  on  sides,  and  slightly  truncate  at  apex.  Axillae  red 
with  punctures  smaller  than  on  scutellum.  Tubercles  red,  shin- 
ing, finely  punctured.  Tegulae  red  and  shining,  with  fine  punc- 
tures, and  a  faint  dark  annulus  on  top.  Upper  anterior  corner 
of  mesopleura  red  as  far  as  middle  of  tegula  and  half  way  down. 
Spot  under  hind  wing  and  a  smaller  one  in  lower  hind  corner 
of  mesopleura  red.  Wings  sooty,  darker  along  the  outer  two- 
thirds  of  the  front  margin.  Stigma  brown,  veins  black.  Middle 
femora  broader  than  the  other  ones.  Legs  red,  including  tibial 
spurs  and  claws.  Hind  coxa  large  and  flat,  blackish  on  the 
outer  surface. 

Abdomen  shining,  coarsely  puntured  on  second  segment, 
finer  on  basal  and  third  segments,  and  gradually  becoming  finer 
and  closer  towards  the  sixth.  A  narrow,  smooth  apical  space 
on  segments  1  to  5.  First  segment  red,  black  at  base ;  second 
with  a  red  scarcely  interrupted  band,  narrowed  medially.  Third 
with  a  subapical  yellow  band,  narrow  and  emarginate  in  the 
middle.  Subapical  yellow  band  on  the  fourth,  with  lateral  in- 
dentations and  a  median  emargination.  Fifth  with  a  short 
emarginate  yellow  band,  about  one-third  'as  broad  as  the  seg- 
ment. Sixth  entirely  black.  Much  red  on  the  first  ventral 
segment,  and  a  faint  indication  of  the  same  color  along  the 
apices  of  ventral  segments  2  to  5.  Sixth  black,  flat  and  round- 
ed at  tip. 

$  Length  about  9  mm.  Very  much  like  the  female,  but 
ornaments  differing  as  follows  :  red  triangular  mark  on  basal 
two-thirds  of  clypeus.  Band  on  second  abdominal  segment  more 
narrowed  medially,  that  on  third  reddish,  broadened  on  sides. 
Fourth  with  reddish  ornaments,  consisting  of  a  short  narrow 
median  band,  widely  separated  from  a  triangular  spot  on  each 
extreme  side.  Remaining  segments  black.  Apex  of  sixth  seg- 
ment truncate  with  a  semicircular  emargination.  Seventh  with 
an  apical  tooth.  The  first  five  dorsal  segments  are  turned  in- 
ward on  the  sides,  therebv  overlapping  the  ventral  segments. 
First  ventral  about  one-half  as  broad  as  the  abdomen,  coarsely 
punctured  at  base,  and  shining  on  apical  half  with  a  hyaline 
apical  margin.  Second  shining  with  coarse  punctures,  and  a  red 
smooth  apex,  which  is  turned  upward,  and  considerably  pro- 
duced over  the  third.  The  latter  split  in  the  middle,  forming 
two  round,  membranous  lobes.  Fourth  black  and  punctured  at 

284  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

base,  ending  in  two  very  thin  projecting  membranes.  Fifth 
flat,  not  membranous,  incised  in  middle.  Sixth  black  and  shin- 
ing, slightly  rounded  at  apex,  and  with  a  median  longitudinal 

Described  from  1  female  and  4  males  taken  at  Homestead 
(about  23  miles  southwest  of  Miami)  July  21,  1916.  I  have 
not  come  across  it  since. 

Type:  5,  Homestead,  Dade  County,  Fla.,  July  21,  1916. 
Allotype:  3,  Homestead,  Dade  County,  Fla.,  July  21,  1916. 

Its  nearest  relative  is  5.  costal  is  Cresson  (Texas),  from  which 
it  differs  in  color,  shape  and  distribution  of  its  ornaments.  Mr. 
J.  C.  Crawford,  to  whom  I  sent  a  $  specimen,  compared  it 
with  specimens  of  £  costalis  in  his  collection,  and  wrote  to  me, 
among  other  things,  that  he  had  never  seen  a  costalis  as  big 
as  the  specimen  (of  floridana)  sent  to  him,  nor  one  with  the 
marks  red. 

I  take  this  opportuity  to  thank  Mr.  Crawford  for  the  valu- 
able information  received  from  him  lately,  as  also  in  previous 

•     «•>    • 


M.  P.  Lesne,  the  well  known  Coleopterist,  was  elected  an 
honorary  member  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  France,  De- 
cember \4,  1927. 

Dr.  M.  T.  Smulyan  is  working  on  a  revision  of  the  genus 
Perilampus  (Chalcidae)  in  No.  America. 

Prof.  T.  V.  Ramakrishna  Ayyar,  the  Indian  Entomologist, 
has  just  returned  from  his  world  tour  after  visiting  America, 
England,  and  the  Continent,  as  announced  in  the  NEWS  for 
February,  1927.  In  America  he  spent  about  eight  months  at 
the  Stanford  University  as  a  graduate  research  scholar.  That 
University  conferred  on  him  the  degree  of  Ph.  D.,  in  recogni- 
tion of  his  past  work  in  Zoology  and  Entomology  in  India  and 
for  a  thesis  on  "A  contribution  to  our  knowledge  of  the  Thy- 
sanoptera  of  India".  Before  leaving  the  States  Dr.  Ayyar 
visited  a  few  Entomological  Institutions  including  the  U.  S. 
National  Museum.  He  then  crossed  over  to  Europe  and  after 
spending  some  time  in  the  British  Museum  and  other  places 
of  scientific  interest  returned  to  India  after  a  short  ramble 
on  the  Continent. 

Dr.  Ayyar  with  his  30  years'  work  at  Entomology  and  his 
recent  personal  experiences  with  many  eminent  Entomologists 


in  America  and  Europe  and  with  the  honor  of  a  Doctor's  de- 
gree will  be  a  valuable  asset  to  his  country.  In  a  recent  lecture 
he  delivered  on  the  subject  of  his  foreign  tour  Dr.  Ayyar  ex- 
pressed his  great  admiration  for  the  work  of  American  Ento- 
mologists, and  his  sincere  gratitude  for  the  uniform  and  warm 
hospitality  he  received  everywhere  in  America. 

Dr.  Ramakrishna  Ayyar's  special  groups  are  Indian  Thysan- 
optera,  Coccidae,  and  Hymenoptera,  especially  parasitic  forms. 
His  address  is  Agricultural  College,  Coimbatore,  Lawley  Road 
P.  O.,  S.  India. 

S.  MANIN,  Madras  Public  Library,  Madras,  S.  India. 

Lepidopterorum  Catalogus. 

The  Lepidopterorum  Catalogus  contains  in  Latin  the  names, 
references  to  the  whole  literature,  the  synonymy  and  the  geo- 
graphical distribution  of  all  species  of  Lepidoptera,  known  to- 
day. Such  a  catalogue  has  not  existed  hitherto.  For  in  the 
works  of  Staudinger-Rebel,  Kirby,  Cotes-Swinhoe,  Dyar  and 
others  only  some  regions  or  groups  are  treated.  It  is  unneces- 
sary to  dwell  upon  the  necessity  of  the  Lepidopterorum  Cata- 
logus for  all  students  and  collectors  of  butterflies  and  moths. 
The  Coleopterorum  Catalogus  and  the  Fossilhun  Catalogus  are 
issued  by  the  same  publisher. 

The  work  is  appearing  in  parts.  Published  till  now7:  33 
parts  ;  3  others  are  in  preparation.  An  index-volume  will  appear 
after  completion  of  the  catalogue.  The  literature  on  the  biology 
and  the  development  and  that  on  the  noxious  species  is  listed 
with  special  care. 

\\'e  now  take  the  liberty  to  ask  you  to  help  us  by  treating 
one  of  the  groups  which  are  still  unpublished.  \Ye  address 
ourselves  in  all  cases  only  to  the  first  specialist.  Kindly  let  us 
know  your  decision  as  soon  as  possible.  We  shall  then  inform 
you  about  the  particulars  (author's  fee,  free  copies,  etc.). 
Expecting  your  answer  we  are, 

Very   truly   yours, 

Editor:  Publisher: 

Prof.   EMMKIK    STRAND  Dr.  W.  JUNK 

Zoological  Institute  of  the  University  Merlin   \V   15, 

Pasta  Kastite  802  Germany. 

Riga,  Latvia. 

Bequest  to  the  Entomological  Society  of  America. 

Readers  of  ENTOMMI.OCH  AL  NEWS  will  be  interested  to  know 
that  the  Entomological  Society  of  America  has  received  a 
bequeath  of  $1,000.00  left  by  the  late  Miss  Mary  E.  Soule 
of  Brookline,  Mass.  J.  J.  DAVIS.  Secretary-Treasurer. 

286  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED        WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above    head   it    is   intended   to    note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology of  the  Americas    (North  and   South),    including   Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I     I    refer   to   the   journals,   as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from   the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (   ) 
follows;    then   the   pagination    follows    the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

f-J^-TZVofe  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL — Cottle,  J.  E. — On  the  wing — a  retrospect. 
[55]  4:  187-189.  Doering,  P.— Das  abbilden  entomolo- 
gischer  objekte  und  praparate  [14]  42:  90-92.  Dyar,  H.  G. 

—A  necessity  for  taxonomic  wrorkers.  [10J  30:  102-103. 
Hanstrom,  B. — Eine  genetische  studie  iiber  die  augen  und 
sehzentren  von  turbellarien,  anneliden  und  arthropoden 
(Trilobiten,  Xiphosuren,  Eurypteriden,  Arachnoiden,  Myri- 
apoden,  Crustaceen  und  Insekten).  [Kungl.  Sv.  Vet.  Akad. 
Handl.]  4:  3-176,  ill.  Heller,  M— Zur  kenntnis  der  Schutz- 
farbung  bei  insekten.  [34]  78:  13-21,  ill.  Horn  &  Schenkling. 
Index  litteraturae  entomologicae.  1:  Aalborg-Ferriere.  2: 
Ferril-Leconte.  Muir,  F.  Some  remarks  on  function  as  a 
base  for  classification  and  its  relationship  to  form.  [37]  7: 
135-145.  Nicholson,  A.  J.  A  new  theory  of  mimicry  in  in- 
sects [The  Australian  Zool.]  5:  10-104,  ill.  Pelseiieer,  P. 

—La  variabilite  relative  des  sexes  d'apres  des  variations 
chez  Patella,  Trochus  et  Nassa.  Premiere  partie.  Variabi- 
lite  relative  des  deux  sexes  dans  le  regne  animal.  [Acad. 
R.  Belgique  Cl.  Sci.  Mem.]  10:  3-11.  *Ruschkamp,  F.- 
Das  alteste  insekt.  [Natur  und  Mus.J  58:  49-51,  ill.  *Strand, 
E. — Miscellanea  nomenclatorica  zoologica  et  palaeontolo- 
gica.  [Arch.  Nat.]  1926:  A.  8,  30-75.  [Proposes  many  new 
names  on  account  of  priority  |.  Tulloch,  J.  B.  G. — A  society 
for  the  protection  of  butterflies.  [9]  61  :  164-165.  Weiss, 
H.  B. — The  entomology  of  Doctor  Brickell's  "Natural  His- 
tory of  North  Coralina".  |6j  36:  185-188.  Weiss,  H.  B.- 
The  entomology  of  the  Hieroglyphics  of  Horapolla.  -[6] 
36:  119-122. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  287 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Alpatov  &  Bosch- 
ko-Stepanenko. — Variation  and  correlation  in  serially  situ- 
ated organs  in  insects,  fishes  and  bird>.  [90]  62:  409-424, 
ill.  Anonymous. — Genetics  of  "liar-eye"  in  Drosophila. 
|31]  122:  422.  Brown  &  Heffron. — Serum  diagnosis  and 
Rhopalocera.  [6]  36:  165-168.  Crampton,  G.  C. — The  evo- 
lution of  Insects,  Chilopods,  Diplopods,  Crustacea  and  other 
Arthropods  indicated  by  a  study  of  the  head  capsule.  [4] 
60:  129-141,  ill.  Dallas,  E.  D. —  Un  coleoptero  hemigimno- 
gastra.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  37-39,  ill. 
Daviault,  L. — Sur  le  developpement  post-embryonnaire  de 
la  Bruche  du  Haricot:  Acanthoscelides  obtectus.  Suivi  de 
considerations  sur  la  signification  phyletique  de  son  di- 
morphisme  larvaire.  [24]  97:  105-132,  ill.  Dobzhansky,  T. 

-The  effect  of  temperature  on  the  viability  of  superfemales 
in  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [Proc.  Nat.  Acad.  Sci.  U.  S. 
A.]  14:671-675.  Dobzhansky  &  Bridges. — The  reproductive 
system  of  triploid  intersexes  in  Drosophila  melanogaster. 
[90]  62:  425-434,  ill.  Dumont,  C. — Experiences  sur  la' modi- 
fication profonde  du  regime  alimentaire  de  diverses  che- 
nilles. [24]  97:  59-104.  '  Glaser,  R.  W.-  \Tote  on  the  culti- 
vation of  Metarrhizimn  anisopliae  (Metsch.)  Sorokin  from 
the  vegetative  form  in  silkworms.  [7]  21:  202.  Raskins, 
C.  P. — Notes  on  the  behavior  and  habits  of  Stigmatomma 
pallipes.  [6]  36:  179-184.  Headlee,  T.  J.— Some  data  rela- 
tive to  the  relationship  of  temperature  to  codling  moth 
activity.  [6]  36:  147-163,  ill.  Hubault,  E.— A  propos  de 
1'action  de  la  lumiere  sur  la  metamorphose  des  Trichop- 
teres.  [25]  1928:  198-199.  Jackson,  D.  J.— The  inheritance 
of  long  and  short  wings  in  the  weevil,  Sitona  hispidula,  with 
a  discussion  of  wing  reduction  among  bettles.  [Trans. 
Royal  Soc.  Edinburgh]  55:  665-735,  ill.  Mahdihassan,  S. 

— Symbionts  specific  of  \vax  and  pseudolac  insects.  [Archiv 
Protistenkunde]  63:  18-22,  ill.  McMullen,  D.  E— Geneti- 
cal  and  Cytological  observations  on  Oryzaephilus  surina- 
mensis  (The  saw-toothed  grain  beetle).  '(S).  [90]  62:  435- 
445,  ill.  Melvin,  R. — Oxygen  consumption  of  inject  eggs. 
|I',io1.  Hull.  Marine  Biol.  Lab.]  55:  135-142,  ill.  Navachine, 
S. — Le  sexe  en  tant  que  facteur  de  1'evolution  organique. 
[Scientiaj  44:  99-108.  Rivnay,  E.— External  morphology 
of  the  Colorado  potato  beetle  i  Lt-ptinotarsa  decemlineata) . 
[6]  36:  125-144.  ill.  Welch  &  Sehon— The  periodic  vibra- 
tory movements  of  the  larva  of  Xymphula  maculalis  and 
their  respiratory  significance.  [7]  21  :  243-258,  ill. 

288  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 


A  preliminary  key  to  the  larvae  of  fifteen  species  of  the 
mite  genus  Trombicula,  with  descriptions  of  four  new 
species.  [10]  30:  77-80.  ^Marshall,  R.— A  new  species  of 
water  mite  from  thermal  springs.  [5]  35:  92-96,  ill.  *Roe- 
wer,  C.  F. — Brasilianische  Opilioniden,  gesammelt  von 
Bresslau  im  Jahre  1914.  [Abhand.  Her.  Sencken.  Natur- 
forsch.  Gesell.]  40:  333-352.  ill.  Stone,  M.  W.— Spiders  of 
Rhode  Island.  [Park  Mus.  Bull.]  14:  29-32,  ill.  Verhoeff, 
K.  W. — Myriapoda,  Diplopoda.  [Bronns  Klass.  mid  Ordn. 
des  Tier-Reichs]  5:  Part  2,  1073-1264,  ill. 


J.  V. — On  sound  production  in  the  Psocoptera  and  on  a 
presumed  stridulatory  organ.  [8J  64:  179-186.  Pemberton, 
C.  E. — Thysanuran  predatory  on  eggs  and  immature  forms 
of  termites  in  Borneo.  [37]  7:  147.  *Priesner,  H. — Ein 
neuer  Zeugmatothrips  (Thysanoptera :  Tubulifera)  aus 
Costarica.  (S).  [23]  20:  189-190.  *Ris,  F.— Zwei  neue 
Odonaten  aus  Chile  und  der  Argentinischen  Kordillere. 
(S).  [49]  17:  162-174,  ill.  Schmidt,  E.— Bemerkungen  iiber 
Lestiden.  [49]  17:  244-251,  ill.  *Stewart,  M.  A.— Two  new 
Siphonaptera  from  Colorado.  [4]  60:  148-151,  ill.  Tillyard, 
R.  J. — Kansas  permian  insects.  Part  10.  The  new  order 
Protoperlaria :  A  studv  of  the  typical  genus  Lemmatophora. 
[16]  16:  185-220,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Caudell,  A.  N.— On  the  systematic 
position  of  the  orthopterous  genera  Onemotettix  and  Pho- 
beropus.  [10]  30:  103-105, 'ill.  Crampton,  G.  C.— Ana- 
tomical evidence  that  Cylindracheta  is  a  Gryllotalpoid  not 
an  Embiid.  [49]  17:  252-257,  ill.  Rehn,  J.  A.  G.— On  the 
relationship  of  certain  new  or  previously  known  genera  of 
the  Acridine  group  Chrysochraontes  (Acrididae).  [Proc. 
Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phila.]  80:  189-205,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— Barber,  H.  G.— Revision  of  the  genus 
Ptochiomera  ( Lygaeidae).  |6]  36:  175-177.  Borgmeier,  T. 
—Ein  interessantes  Copeognathen-Gespinst  aus  Brasilien. 
[49]  17:  155-161.,  ill.  Drake,  C.  J.— Some  Tingitidae  (Het- 
eroptera)  from  Honduras.  [Oc.  Pap.  Mus.  Zool.  Mich. 
Univ.]  1928:  1-5,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H.— Key  to  the  species  of 
Hadronema  with  descriptions  of  five  new  species  (Miridae). 
[4]  60:  177-182.  *Knight,  H.  H.— Key  to  the  species  of 
Oncerometopus  with  descriptions  of  five  new  species  (Miri- 
dae).  [6]  36:  189-194.  *Knowlton,  G.  F.— A  few  western 
aphids  with  descriptions  of  three  new  species.  [7]  21 :  259- 


268,  ill.  Knowlton,  G.  F. — The  beet  leafhopper  in  Utah: 
A  study  of  its  distribution  and  the  occurrence  of  curly-top. 
[Utah  Agric.  Exper.  Sta.]  1928:  3-23.  ill.  *  Knowlton,  G.  F. 
-Three  new  aphids  from  Utah.  [55]  4:  169-172.  ill.  Massee 
&  Steer. — Capsid  bugs.  [The  Gardeners  Chronicle]  84: 
154.  Morrison,  H. — A  classification  of  the  higher  gn>up> 
and  genera  of  the  coccid  family  Margarodidae.  [U.  S.  Dept. 
Agric.  Tech.  Bull.  52]  1928:  1-239,  ill.  *Muir,  F.— A  neA 
species  of  Megamelanus.  from  Bermuda  ( Delphacidae).  (S). 
[75]  2:  213-215,  ill.  *Myers,  J.  G.— Some  Cuban  Cicadidae, 
Cercopidae  and  Membracidae.  [5]  35:  119-125,  ill.  *Schmidt, 
E. — Die  Cicadellinen  des  Stettiner  Museums.  (S).  |60] 
89:  31-62.  de  la  Torre  Bueno,  J.  R.— -A  minor  rectification 
[regarding  Mesovelia  mulsanti].  [19]  23:  102.  *Van  Duzee, 
E.  P.— A  misidentified  Hadronema.  [55]  4:  182.  *Van 
Duzee,  E.  P. — Our  first  Rhyparochromus  (Lygaeidae). 
[55]  5:  47.  *Van  Duzee,  E.  P.— Two  interesting  additions 
to  the  hemipterous  fauna  of  California.  [55]  4:  190-191. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Ainslie,    C.   N.— The    pale     western 
cutworm      ( Porosagrotis     orthogonia).      [4]     60:     157-161. 
*Barnes,    W. — Some    new    species    and   varieties    of    \~orili 
American  Lepidoptera.   [55]   5:  5-13.    Bates,  M.—  XTotes  on 
the    cypress    sphinx    (Isoparce    cupressi).    [39]     12:    20- 
Bruch,    C. — Orugas    mirmecofilas    de    Hameris    epulus 
natus.    (S).    [Rev.  Soc.   Ent.  Argentina]    1:  ; 
sino,  S.  E. — New  Geometridae.  [The  Lepidopterist]   5:  l-< 
Collenette,  C.  L. — An  Ageronia  responding  to  a  noise  made 
by  birds.    (S).    [8]  64:    178-179.    Dumont,  C.- -Experiences 
siir  la  modification  clu  regime  alimentaire  de  deux  Ypono- 
meutes.    ( Yponomeutidae).  [25]  1928:  211-213.  Englehardt, 
G.  P.— Boisduval  types  of  Aegeriidae  in  the  Win.   Banu-s 
collection    of   N.   A.    lepicloptera.    [19]    23:   67 -f.S.        Essig, 
E.  O.     Outbreak  of  the  silver-spotted  halisdotn,  H.  argen- 
tata  in   California.    [55]    4:   186.     Graves,  P.  P.-    .ycaena. 
[21]   40:   101-103.     Greer,  T.  Variation   of   Pieris  napi.    |('| 
61:      189.       *Gunder,    J.    D. — Additional     transition     forms 
(Rhopalocera).   [4]   60:   162-168.     *Gunder,  J.  D.      Hie  re 
discovery   of   a   lost   race    (  Khopalocera ).    |55|  ill. 

*Heinrich,  C. — A  new  Laspeyresia  from  Florida  i  (  Hethreu- 
tidae).  [10J  30:  109,  ill.  Hoffman,  F.—  die  lepidop- 
terenfauna  Sudbrasilien  II.  [14|  42:  43-44,  cont.  Kerville, 
H.  G.  de. — Description  et  figuration  d'une  antenne  anomale 
d'Hypolimnas  misippus  (Nymphalidae).  |25j  1^ 
123,  ill.  Klots,  A.  B.— A  phylogenetic  study  of  the  genu- 

290  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  ,  [Nov.,    '28 

Teriocolias  (Pieridae).  [6]  36:  113-116,  ill.  Kohler,  P.- 
Apuntes  biologicos  sobre  el  genero  Antarctia.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1 :  27-30.  Schultze,  A. — Beobachtun- 
gen  und  betrachtungen  iiber  zwei  in  ihrer  existenz  gefahr- 
clete  Morpho-arten  Kolumbiens,  Morpho  rhodopteron  v. 
nevadensis  und  Morj)ho  sulkowskyi.  [63]  42:  246-248,  ill., 
cont.  *Stichel,  H. — Eine  neue  Hamearis  art.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1  :  12-13.  Stock,  J. — Zum  riickgang 
der  falterwelt.  [14]  41:  419-420.  Strassberger,  R.— Flores 
que  atrapan  lepidopteros.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1  : 
35-36,  ill.  *Tessmann,  G. — Neue  schmetterlinge  aus  Ost- 
peru.  [Mitt.  Zool.  Mus.  Berlin]  14:  117-130,  ill. 

DIPTERA. — *Blanchard,  E.  E. — A  dipterous  leaf-miner 
on  Cineraria,  new  to  science.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 1:  10-11,  ill.  *Brues,  C.  T.— Some  Colombian  Phori- 
dae  from  the  nests  of  stingless  bees.  [5]  35:  134-137,  ill. 
*Dyar,  H.  G.— American  Psychodidae-II.  [10]  30:  87-88, 
ill.  Dyar,  H.  G. — The  mosquitos  of  the  Americas.  [Car- 
negie Inst.  of  Wash.]  1928,  no.  387:  3-616,  ill.  *Dyar,  H. 
G. — Water-bearing  plants  of  Panama  which  harbor  mos- 
quitoes, with  a  new  species  of  Wyeomyia  (Culicidae). 
[10]  30:  110-112.  Essig,  E.  O. — Some  vacation  biters. 
[55]  4:  185-186.  *Hall,  D.  G. — Sarcophaga  pallinervis  and 
related  species  in  the  Americas.  [7]  21  :  331-348,  ill.  Pruthi, 
H.  S. — Some  insect  and  other  enemies  of  mosquito  larvae. 
[Indian  Jour,  of  Med.  Res.]  16:  153-157.  Smith,  M.  R.- 
Plastophora  crawfordi  and  Plastophora  spatulata  ( Phori- 
dae),  parasitic  on  Solenopsis  geminata.  [10]  30:  105-108. 
Townsend,  C.  H.  T. — A  system  of  abbreviations  for  use  in 
muscoid  description.  [6]  36:  169-174.  *Van  Duzee,  M.  C.— 
Three  new  species  of  Rhaphium.  [55]  4:  166-168. 

COLEOPTERA. — *Aurivillius,  C. — Neue  oder  wenig 
bekannte  Coleoptera  longicornia.  [83]  19:  1-41,  ill.  *Ban- 
ninger,  M. — Systematisches  verzeichnis  der  Gattung  Sia- 
gona  sowie  einige  neue  Ozaenini  und  Scaritini.  (Carab.). 
(S).  [2]  24:  55-63.  *Barrett,  R.  E.— A  new  species  of 
Melandryidae.  [55]  4:  173-174.  *Blaisdell,  F.  E.— Studies 
in  the  Melyridae,  No.  7.  [55]  5:  35-42.  Blake,  D.  H.— Note 
on  the  habits  of  Lixus  blakeae.  [55]  5:  42-44.  *Blake,  D. 
H. — Two  new  clavicorns  from  the  United  States.  [5]  35: 
108-113,  ill.  *Blaisdell,  F.  E.— Two  new  species  of  Coeloc- 
nemis  (Tenebrionidae).  [55]  4:  163-165.  *Boucomont,  A. 
— Coprophages  d'Americue  du  Sud  nouveaux  ou  pen  con- 
nus.  (S).  [25]  1928:  186-194.  *Boucomont,  A.— Copro- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  291 

phages  d'Amerique  clu  Sucl  nouvcaux  on  pen  connus 
(suite).  [25]  1928:  202-207.  Boving,  A.  G.— The  larvae  of 
Enoclerus  lecontei  and  Callimerns  arcufer,  of  the  beetle 
family  Cleridae.  [10]  30:  93-100,  ill.  *Brown,  W.  J.- 
Silphidae  and  Melyridae  in  the  Canadian  National  Collec- 
tion. [4]  60:  141-148.  *Chittenden,  F.  H.— Description  of 
a  new  species  of  Lixus  from  the  Pacific  region  of  the  I  nited 
States  (Curculionidae).  [10]  30:  90-91.  Cros,  A.-  ;sai 
sur  la  forme  contractee  (Hypnotheque  on  Pseudonymphe) 
des  larves  des  Meloidae.  [24]  97:  27-58.  Dallas,  E.  D.- 
Cefalomelia  en  nn  Galerita  collaris.  [Rev.  Sac.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 1  :  25-26,  ill.  Davis,  A.  C. — A  note  on  the  parasitism 
of  Hippodamia.  [55]  4:  184.  Davis,  A.  C. — Southern  Cali- 
fornia collecting  notes.  [55]  4:  183.  *Fall,  H.  C.— Alandes. 
[55]  4:  145-150.  *Fletcher,  F.  C.— Pselaphidae  collected 
by  Dr.  Alfons  Dampf  in  Central  America.  (S).  [7]  21: 
203-230,  ill.  *Gebien,  H. — Ueber  einige  gruppen  amerikan- 
ischer  Tenebrioniden.  (S).  [60]  89:  97-164,  ill.  Hardy,  G. 
A. — Vancouver  Island  Elateridae.  [Rep.  Prov.  Mus.  X.  H. 
Br.  Col.]  1927:  16-17.  *Hatch,  M.  H.- -The  nearctic  and 
european  species  of  the  snbgenns  Phaedon  (Chrysome- 
linae).  [55]  5:  44-47.  Hatch,  M.  H.— The  species  of  Sino- 
dendron  (Lucanidae).  [55]  4:  175-176.  Hayes,  W.  P.— The 
epipharynx  of  Lamellicorn  larvae  with  a  key  to  common 
genera. '[7]  21:  282-303,  ill.  Kleine,  R.— Die  typen  der 
familie  Brenthidae.  [60]  89:  63-96.  Langston,  J.  M.--Phyl- 
lophaga  of  Mississippi.  [Miss.  Agric.  Exper.  Sta.]  Tech. 
Bull.  15:  3-103,  ill.  Mata,  A.  B.— Sobre  algnnos  Curculioni- 
dae encontrados  en  el  estomago  de  las  aves.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  23-24.  Mata  &  Aravena.- -Meta- 
mofosis  de  un  coleoptero  del  genero  Gratiana.  (S).  |  Kev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  31-34.  *Marelli,  C.  A.-  I  a  plnga 
de  los  gorgojos  de  los  eucaliptos.  iCurculio.)  (S).  |  Re\ 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  14-22,  ill.  *Martin,  J.  O.-  >  new 
Triarins  from  Arizona.  |55|  5:  34.  *Nagel, 
liber  Hirschkafer  (Lucanidae).  (S).  [49 1  17:  -261,  ill. 
Obenberger,  J. — Opuscula  Buprestologica.  Beitrii  /nr 
kenntnis  der  Buprestiden.  |52]  92: 

Ruschkamp,  F. — Der  flugapparat  der  kafer  und  seine  nick 
bildimg.  |Xatur.  nnd  Mus.]  58:  113-116,  ill.,  cont.  Salt,  G. 
— Notes  on  the  life  history  of  IVlecinm  sulcatum.  |5|  3:v 
131-134.  *Sim,  R.  J.— Phyllophaga  (Scarabaeidae)  of  the 
United  States  and  Canada.  [New  Jersey  Dept.  of  Agric.  | 
Cir  145:  3-60,  ill.  *Tanner,  V.  M.— Tin-  Coleoptera  of  Xi«>n 
National  Park,  Utah.  [7]  21:  269-280,  ill.  Teissier,  G.— La 

292  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

perte  cle  poids  cle  Tenebrio  molitor  lors  de  la  mort  par 
inanition  ne  depend  pas  de  la  temperature.  [77]  99:  602- 
603.  Thery,  A. — Y  a-t-il  des  Buprestides  nocturnes?  [25] 
1928:  161-162.  *Uhmann,  E.— Probaenia  crenotula  (n.  sp.) 
nebst  Frassbild  und  Alurnus  lycliae  (n.  sp.)  (Hispidae). 
(S).  [49]  17:  287-290,  ill.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— Dichelonyx 
pallens.  [55]  4:  165.  *Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— Notes  and  descrip- 
tions of  new  species  of  Scarabaeidae  from  western  North 
America.  [55]  4:  151-162.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— Thyce  squami- 
collis  taken  in  California.  [55 j  4:  174.  van  Emden,  F. — Die 
verwandtschaftliche  stellung  von  Euxestus  nebst  beschrei- 
bung  neuer  arten  der  gattung.  [Tijdschr.  v.  Entom.]  71  : 
84-110.  *Wallis,  J.  B. — Revision  of  the  genus  Odontaeus. 
(Scarabaeidae).  [4]  60:  151-156,  ill.,  cont.  Wilson,  J.  W. 
-The  male  genital  tube  of  the  Amphizoidae.  [5]  35:  98-99, 

HYMENOPTERA.— Buckell,  E.  R.— Notes  on  the  life- 
history  and  habits  of  Melittobia  chalybii.  ( Chalcidoidea  : 
Elachertidae)  [55]  5:  14-22,  ill.  Custer,  C.  P.— The  bee 
that  works  in  stone;  Perdita  opuntiae.  [5]  35:  67-84,  ill. 
*Malloch,  J.  R. — Three  newr  species  of  the  genus  Pedinaspis 
(Psammocharidae).  [10]  30:  100-102.  *  Miller,  R.  L.- 
Telenomous  megacephalus,  an  egg  parasite  of  the  green 
pumpkin  bug,  Nezara  viridula,  in  Florida.  [39]  12:  17- 
20..  Rau,  P. — The  nesting  habits  of  the  pulp-making 
bee,  Alcidamea  producta.  [5]  35:  100-107,  ill.  *Salman, 
K.  A. — On  a  new  species  of  Pepsis.  (Psammocharidae). 
[55]  5:  23-25.  Seeman,  E. — The  working  hours  of  ants. 
[5]  35:  114-118.  Scullen,  H.  A. — Alellissodes  mysops  nest- 
ing in  Oregon  ( Anthophoridae).  [55]  4:  176.  Smith,  M.  R. 

-The  biology  of  Tapinoma  sessile,  an  important  house- 
infesting  ant/  [7]  21:  307-329,  ill.  *Timberlake,  P.  H.- 
Bees  of  the  genus  Perdita  in  the  J.  C.  Bridwell  Collection. 
[37]  7:  151-161.  *Timberlake,  P/H.— -Two  new  species  of 
bees  of  the  genus  Perdita  in  the  collection  of  the  Cali- 
fornia Academy  of  Sciences.  [55]  5:  25-33.  Wheeler,  G.  C. 

-The  larva  of  Leptanilla  ( Formicidae).  [5]  35:  85-91,  ill. 
Whiting,  P.  W. — Biological  notes  on  Nemeritis  canescens 
(Ichneumonidae).  [5]  35:  125-126. 

SPECIAL   NOTICES.— Catalogue   of   Indian   Insects.- 

[Of  this  work  parts  14 — Palpicornia  by  d'Orchymont,  15— 
Cecidomyidae  by  Senior-White,   16 — Cosmopterygidae  and 
17 — Yponomeuticlae  by  Bainbrigge  Fletcher  have  just  ap- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  293 

ON     THE     MALK     OK     DlXIPlTS     MOkOSTS.     .'111(1     M  Mile     observa- 

tions  and  experiments  carried  on  with  this  species  by  I  >r. 
VIKTOR  JANDA.  Translated  from  the  antlior's  (  lerman  resume, 
])ii1)lished  in  Gisopis,  \'o1.  XXIII.  pp.  27-42.  l(L;n,  with  plate-*. 

Casopis  is  a  Czecho-Slovakian  Journal,  .available  to  but  few 
English-speaking  people,  and  while  the  studies  of  the  author 
have  also  been  carried  on  bv  other  investigators,  yet,  the  litera- 
ture on  this  subject  is  very  meagre,  and  it  appears  to  the  trans- 
lator that  the  article  is  of  sufficient  importance  to  interest  the 
general  English  reader  of  biological  literature. 

"Among  the  parthenogenetic  and  bisexual  reproduction  of 
the  Phasmids  there  are  many  transitional  stag  There  are 

species  where  males  are  great  rarities,  as  Hcicilliis  al //ericas,  />'. 
f/ulliciis,  />.  ntticits,  Dixippus  iiiorosns  and  others,  and  some 
unknown,  but  also  such  in  which  the  male's  predominate,  as 
Lcpt\nia  attcnnata.  Among  1000  H.  inorosns  specimens,  there 
is  but  one  male,  while  among  100  L.  ullciiinita  there  are  but 
35  females.  Gynandromorphs  in  all  possible  combinations  of 
male  and  female  characters  have  been  observed.  The  Dixippus 
males  and  females  are  diploid ;  two  polar  bodies  are  formed 
in  the  eggs  of  D.  inorosus;  they  retain  however  their  full  chro- 
mosome number.  According  to  Sinety  the  spermatozoe  deter- 
mine the  male  sex  in  some  of  the  Phasmids,  the  males  of  /.). 
inorosus,  however,  can  generate  from  unfertilized  eggs. 

In  the  following  lines  I  will  give  my  conclusions,  based 
upon  observations  and  experiments  which  1  have  carried  on. 

In  the  beginning  of  May,  1925,  I  found  among  my  partheno- 
genetic rearing  of  D.  inorosns  a  male  (imago),  which  lived 
until  the  end  of  June  (same  year).  It  was  <>  cm.  long,  nearly 
flat,  olive  color.  The  form  of  the  abdominal  segment  and  copu- 
latory  apparatus  of  this  male  is  figured  on  plate  II,  ft.  1.  2.  3 
(I.e.),  I  did  not  observe  a  copula. 

From  a  female  isolated  in  the  larval  stage,  I  received  eight 
parthenogenetic  generations;  the  vitality  of  the  last  generation 
was  not  in  the  least  impaired. 

The  length  of  the  life  of  the  parthenogenetic  females  was 
9>2  to  10  months. 

(  )ne  isolated  female  laid  2M  eggs  during  its  whole  lite, 
among  them  4  a  trifle  smaller  than  normal,  and  I  dwarfed; 
from  another  isolated  female  I  received  322  normal  .  oi 

medium  size  and  two  dwarfed:  the  egg-laying  process  iv<|nircd 
about  six  months;  among  2220  eggs  from  different  females 
were  11  medium-si/ed,  17  dwarfed,  and  one  with  two  micro- 

294  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

pyles,  and  without  opercule.  The  dwarfed  eggs  as  well  as  the 
egg  with  the  two  micropyles,  were  sterile ;  average  length  of  my 
females  was  7.4  cm.,  two  were  but  6.1  and  6.2  cm.,  respectively. 

The  eggs  of  the  dwarfed  females  were  of  quite  normal 

On  March  19th,  1919,  I  placed  freshly  laid  Dirippus  eggs 
in  the  following  temperatures,  one  directly  after  the  other: 
44°C  (20  minutes),  42°C  (2Ominutes)  and  35°C  (15  minutes). 
On  August  5th,  1919,  the  first  larvae  appeared. 

Long  exposure  to  ether-fumes  produced  the  falling  off  of 
the  elliptical  shields  and  micropyles. 

When  the  temperature  falls  to  0°C  (zero) "or  below,  one  can 
often  observe  the  larvae  in  the  cage  falling  to  the  floor,  and 
lie  there  with  outstretched  legs  in  a  stupified  condition.  At 
36 °C  there  is  a  noticeable  activity  in  the  movement  of  the 
larvae;  at  39°-40°C,  after  a  half  hour's  exposure,  a  stifling 
takes  place,  which  however  after  2-10  minutes  in  normal  tem- 
perature, fully  restores  the  larvae;  after  15  minutes  exposure 
to  a  temperature  of  45 °C,  all  the  larvae  of  DLvippus  died. 

In  warm  water  40°-45°C,  laming  of  the  legs  took  place,  but 
when  brought  to  normal  requirements,  they  recovered  in  about 
two  hours  and  became  lively. 

If  ether-fumes  are  injected  into  the  cage,  there  is  no  notice- 
able change  in  the  behavior  of  the  larvae  for  about  five  minutes, 
when  they  begin  to  move  their  front  legs ;  these  movements 
last  about  five  minutes,  and  then  one  after  another  they  fall  to 
the  floor  with  outstretched  legs.  The  larvae  and  imagos  can 
endure  ether  fumes  fairly  well.  Specimens  of  Dixippus  from 
which  the  brain  ganglia  had  been  entirely  removed,  did  not 
change  in  color,  nor  did  they  exhibit  any  disturbance  in  their 
movements,  save  that  they  moved  faster;  only  after  the 
destruction  of  the  oesophagus  with  a  needle  or  after  decapitation, 
do  they  first  show  signs  of  the  loss  of  coordinate  walking 
power,  and  the  decapitated  specimens  lie  without  moving,  even 
if  attempt  is  made  to  force  them  to  move  (compare  Schleip 
and  Buddenbrock)  ;  contrary  to  this  I  have  found  with  Ncpa 
c'mcrca  and  some  other  Rhynchota,  that  beheaded  specimens 
retained  to  the  last  degree  the  complicated  coordinate  walking, 
grasping,  and  swimming  movements. 

If  the  head  of  a  decapitated  Dixippus  is  tied  on  with  a  fine 
thread,  so  that  not  much  loss  of  blood  takes  place,  the  specimens 
can  live  12  to  15  days,  and  lay  a  number  of  eggs. 

The  autotomy,  especially  of  the  hind  legs,  followed  from 
a  preformed  fracture,  when  the  leg  in  the  proximal  quarter  of 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  295 

the  femur  was  cut  or  injured,  and  the  leg  rested  in  a  splint. 
At  times  the  throwing  off  of  the  remainder  of  the  leg  took 
place  only  after  moulting.  The  autotomy  occurs  but  seldom 
after  an  injury  of  the  leg,  and  the  remainder  of  the  tibiae 
often  remains  connected  at  the  fracture,  if  the  stumps  of  the 
feet  assist  in  moving,  thereby  producing  pressure  against  the 
splint.  Cast  off  legs  were  again  regenerated;  the  development 
of  regenerated  legs  is  the  more  complete  the  younger  the 
individual  is. 

Also  the  eyes  of  D.  iiiorsns  may,  after  entire  extirpation, 
become  regenerated.  The  regenerated  eyes  are  much  smaller 
than  the  normal.  The  regeneration  is  the  more  complete,  the 
more  moultings  the  operated  individual  undergoes.  In  cases 
where  the  regeneration  of  the  totally  removed  eyes  does  not 
take  place,  the  wound  heals  completely.  The  regeneration  of 
operated  eyes  in  Tcncbrio  nwlitor,  Periplaneta  orientalis,  and 
Xepa  cinerca  proved  successful  experimentally.  The  inheri- 
tance of  the  dark  and  green  colors  of  parthenogenetic  females 
of  Dixippus  did  not  take  place  under  ordinary  experimental 
conditions.  A  change  of  color  from  the  touch  before  and 
after  the  ether  narcotization  as  also  by  the  dipping  of  the 
larvae  and  images  of  Dixippus  in  warm  water  (44°),  I  have 
not  observed."  "  FRANK  HAIMBACH. 


Deaths  of  the  following  well-known  entomologists  have  been 
reported  in  recent  numbers  of  various  journals,  but  have  not 
been  noticed  in  the  NEWS  hitherto. 

ENRICO  BRUNETTI  died  in  London,  January  21,  1927,  at  the 
age  of  63  years.  Of  Italian  ancestry,  a  Londoner  by  birth,  a 
musician  by  occupation,  he  devoted  many  years  to  the  study  of 
the  Diptera,  fifteen  of  which  he  spent  in  India.  (I'.nl.  Mo. 
Mag.,  Oct.,  1927.) 

JOHN  HARTLEY  DURRANT,  born  at  Hitchin,  Herts,  Kngland. 
Jan.  10,  1863,  died  at  Putney,  Jan.  18,  1928.  Interested  in  the 
Microlepidoptera  from  an  early  age,  he  became  curator  tor 
Lord  Walsingham  in  1886.  The  \Ya1singham  collection  was 
transferred  to  the  Natural  History  Museum  at  South  Ken- 
sington in  1910  and  Durrant  accompanied  it  there,  becoming  a 
member  of  the  scientific  staff.  He  was  associated  with  Lord 
Walsingham  in  the  preparation  of  the  volume-  on  Microlepi- 

296  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Nov.,    '28 

doptera  of  the  Biologia  Central!-,  luicnccnia  and  the  Fauna 
Haii'aiicnsis.  as  well  as  of  articles  on  these  moths  in  various 
journals,  and  of  the  Merton  Rules  of  entomological  nomen- 
clature. (Ent.  Mo.  Mag.,  March,  1928.) 

Lt.-Col.  J.  W.  YERBURY  died  Nov.  10,  1927,  in  Charing 
Cross  Hospital,  London,  as  the  result  of  being  knocked  down 
]>v  a  motor  car.  He  was  born  March  30,  1847,  at  Cerampore, 
Bengal,  and  served  in  the  Royal  Artillery  from  1868  to  1892  in 
various  parts  of  the  world.  He  made  extensive  collections  of 
insects  of  all  orders  which  he  distributed  to  friends  and  mu- 
seums. From  1895  onward  he  was  especially  interested  in 
Diptera.  (Ent.  Mo.  Mag.,  April,  1928.) 

GERVASE  F.  MATTHEW  died  on  Feb.  10  at  Dovercourt,  Es- 
sex, England,  on  the  eve  of  his  86th  birthday.  In  1861  he  en- 
tered the  Royal  Navy  as  a  clerk  and  retired  in  1902  as  Pay- 
master-in-Chief.  "Throughout  his  long  period  of  active  em- 
ployment, which  included  prolonged  commissions  on  the  Pa- 
cific, Australian  and  Mediterranean  stations,  he  availed  himself 
to  the  full  of  such  opportunities  for  the  study  of  Natural  His- 
tory as  came  in  his  way,  though  he  concentrated  mainly  on  the 
Lepidpptera  of  which  he  made  large  collections  on  every  voy- 
age. .  .  .  On  his  retirement  he  settled  at  Dovercourt.  .  .  . 
and  continued  to  work  this  highly  productive  district  until 
well  past  his  eightieth  year,  as  well  as  devoting  much  time 
and  skill  to  the  rearing  of  Lepidoptera.  .  .  .  At  the  time  of  his 
death  [he]  was  one  of  the  two  Senior  Fellows  [of  the  Ento- 
mological Society  of  London] ,  the  Rev.  A.  E.  Eaton,  happily 
still  with  us,  having  been  elected  on  the  same  day"  [in  July, 
1865].  (J.  J.  W.  in  Ent.  Mo.  May.,  April,  1928.) 

The  death  of  Marquis  HENRI  nc  HCYSSON.  known  for  his 
work  on  Elateridae,  was  announced  at  the  meeting  of  the  Ento- 
mological Society  of  France  held  on  Oct.  12,  1927,  but  with- 
out further  particulars. 

As  we  go  to  press  we  regret  to  read  in  Science  for  Oct.  26, 
the  announcement  of  the  deaths  of  Dr.  EIV.ENE  AMANDUS 
SCHWARZ,  of  Washington,  on  Oct.  15,  1928,  and  of  Dr.  JEAN 
BRETIIES,  of  Buenos  Aires,  on  July  2,  1928. 


DECEMBER,  1928 



Vol.  XXXIX  No.   10 





Cockerell  —  A  Remarkable  New  Dragon-fly  from  the  Eocene  (Odonata)  297 
Aldrich  —  A  New  Species  of  Oedematocera  with  Notes  on  Schistocerco- 

phaga  Townsend  (Dipt.:  Tachinidae)  ..............  301 

Gunder  —  New  Butterflies  (Lepid.:  Nymphalidae)    ..........  304 

Chamberlin  —  Notes  on  Chilopods  and  Diplopods  from  Southeastern 

Utah  ...........    ..................  307 

McAtee  —  Verbose  Descriptions  of  Insects  ..............  311 

Knull  —  Descriptions  af  New  Species  of  Acmaeodera  (Buprestidae)  with 

Notes  on  other  Coleoptera   (Cleridae,  Cerambycidae,  Platysto- 

midae,  Curculionidae)  ................  .    .  314 

Personal—  S.  W.  Frost  ......................  316 

Sherman—  Request  for  Letters  of  Dr.  E.  A.  Schwarz  ..........  317 

Glover  —  Ophion  chilensis  (Hym.:  Ichneumonidae)  .........  317 

Gunder  —  Pest  Control  in  Insect  Drawers  ................  318 

Entomological  Literature  .....................  319 

Review  —  A  Classification  of  the  Higher  Groups  and  Genera  of  the 

Coccid  Family  Margarodidae  .................  325 

Obituary—  Juan  Brethes  ........................  328 


Logan  Square 

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Plate  XIII. 





VOL.  XXXIX  DECEMBER,   1928  No.  10 

A  Remarkable  New  Dragon-fly  from  the  Eocene 


By.  T.  D.  A.  COCKERELL,  Boulder,  Colorado. 

(Plate  XIII.) 

I  am  indebted  to  Professor  O.  M.  Ball,  of  the  Agricultural 
and  Mechanical  College  of  Texas,  for  the  opportunity  to  de- 
scribe one  of  the  most  magnificent  fossil  insects  which  has 
ever  been  discovered.  It  is  a  large  dragon-fly,  with  the  wings 
outspread  as  if  set  by  an  Entomologist,  showing  characters 
which  appear  to  me  to  place  it  in  a  new  family  of  the  Ani- 
sozygoptera.  Professor  Ball  writes :  "It  came  from  an  assess- 
ment hole  above  the  rim  rock  in  Brushy  Creek  Canyon  about 
twenty-five  miles  northwest  of  DeBeque,  Colorado,  and  was 
collected  by  a  miner  who  was  at  that  time  working  for  me." 
The  horizon  is  Green  River  Eocene.  Professor  Ball  thinks, 
but  is  not  quite  certain,  that  the  actual  discoverer  of  the  speci- 
men was  Mr.  A.  P.  Hawxhurst,  then  of  Colbren,  Colo. 

ZACALLITIDAE  new  family. 

Large  Anisozygoptera,  apparently  related  to  the  Archithemi- 
dae  of  Handlirsch,  and  perhaps  directly  descended  from  them. 
In  Tillyard's  work  on  the  British  Liassic  Dragon-flies,  pub- 
lished by  the  British  Museum  in  1925,  there  is  a  key  to  the 
families,  in  which  the  new  fossil  runs  straight  to  Architherni- 
dae,  but  differs  from  Diastatommites  by  a  number  of  important 
characters,  such  as  the  lack  of  a  definite  specialized  anal  vein 
and  anal  area,  the  division  of  the  cells  beyond  the  quadrilateral 
or  discoidal  (after  the  first  cell),  and  the  form  of  the  Milx|iiad- 
rangle.  Yet  the  quadrilateral  is  strikingly  similar,  with  its 
upper  apical  angle  acute.  From  Selenothemis  our  tossil  dif- 
fers in  having  nearly  three  times  as  many  cross-veins  between 
nodus  and  pterostigma,  the  discoidal  not  expanding  on  the 
apical  side,  and  other  features.  .  Ircliiilicniis  has  a  quite  differ- 
ent discoidal,  resembling  that  of  Luissoplilclun.  The  base  of 
the  wing  is  unknown  in  Hctcrothcinis,  Liadothemis  and  Oryc- 


298  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

toth-emis,  but  the  parts  preserved  show  no  close  affinity.*  Till- 
yard  questions  the  reference  of  those  genera  in  which  the  dis- 
coidal  is  similar  in  upper  and  lower  wings  to  the  Anisozyg- 
optera,  thereby  differing  from  Handlirsch.  The  genus  now 

described  shows  no  important  difference  in  the  discoidals,  but 
in  other  respects  so  closely  resembles  undoubted  Anisozyg- 
optera  of  the  Mesozoic,  that  I  do  not  think  it  can  be  excluded 
from  that  group.  It  is  however  not  at  all  closely  allied  tt>  the 
living  Epiophlcbia,  though  there  is  more  affinity  with  the  Oli- 
gocene  Sieblosia  of  Bavaria.  In  Sicblosia  however  the  sub- 
quadrangle  is  standardized  in  the  manner  of  modern  forms. 
The  abdomen  of  Sicblosia  is  proportionately  longer  than  in  our 
insect,  but  the  terminal  appendages  appear  to  be  about  the  same. 
Since  Tillyard  has  described  (Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  1928) 
a  typical  Zygopteran  from  the  Permian  of  the  Falkland  Islands, 
it  is  evident  that  these  Anisozygopterous  groups  had  no  conr 
nection  with  the  Zygoptera  during  the  Mesozoic,  and  must  be 
thought  of  as  a  once  wide-spread  type  now  almost  entirely 
extinct.  The  more  modern  Anisoptera  took  their  place,  begin- 
ning with  the  Gomphidae. 

ZACALLITES  new  genus. 

Large  insects  with  the  aspect  of  Anisoptera,  the  wings  prob- 
ably held  horizontally  in  repose,  but  the  discoidal  cell  is  undi- 
vided, and  supratriangle  and  subtriangle  are  not  represented. 
Head  small ;  thorax  stout  but  rather  long ;  abdomen  slender, 
ordinary  for  Anisoptera,  the  anal  appendages  stout  and  curved. 

[*Zacallitcs  differs,  i.  a.,  from  the  recently  described  Karatazuia 
(Martynov,  Bull.  Acad.  Sci.  Russia,  1925,  p.  587,  fig.  9),  from  the  Jurassic 
of  Turkestan,  in  that  the  latter  has  the  "triangle,"  or  "quadrangle,"  con- 
fluent with  the  "basal,"  or  "median,"  cell,  as  in  the  case  of  TarsopMcbia. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XEWS  299 

Nodus  before  middle  of  wing ;  pterostigma  well  developed, 
very  long.  Region  beyond  the  nodus  to  the  apex,  and  down  to 
the  radial  forks,  essentially  as  in  the  Zygopterous  Cliinaco- 
basis,  though  the  stigma  is  considerably  longer  and  the  strong 
sector  is  conspicuously  arched  below  the  stigma.  Discoidal 
cells  or  quadrilaterals  similar  in  both  pairs  of  wings,  the  upper 
apical  angle  acute,  an  approach  to  the  Anisopterous  type.  In 
the  Anisopterous  series  it  approaches  nearest  to  the  Gomphi- 
dae,  and  a  specially  noteworthy  feature  is  the  straight  (not 
zigzag)  vein  dividing  the  cells  after  the  first  beyond  the  dis- 
coidal,  that  is  to  say  between  MA  and  Cu2  (following  Till- 
yard's  revised  nomenclature).  This  feature  is  observed  in  the 
Liassic  Heterophlebia,  except  that  there  it  begins  four  cells 
away  from  the  discoidal.  There  is  also  such  a  vein  in  Lias- 
sopJilcbia,  beginning  after  three  cells  from  the  discoidal.  For 
other  details  see  the  description  of  the  species. 

The  black  at  the  wing-tips  recalls  species  of  Orthcmis,  Tlicr- 
inochoria  and  Elcnthcinis,  not  otherwise  related. 

Zacallites  balli  n.  sp. 

Head,  thorax  and  abdomen  dark,  the  basal  half  of  abdomen 
somewhat  paler.  Head  and  thorax  about  17  mm.  long,  head  5.7 
mm.  wide,  thorax  8  mm.  wide ;  abdomen  47mm.  long,  3  wide  in 
middle,  and  4  subapically.  Anterior  wing  39  mm.  long,  about  1 1 
wide  in  middle,  nodus  17  mm.  from  base;  pterostigma  5.3  mm. 
long.  Posterior  wing  36  mm.  long,  9.7  wide  in  middle,  nodus  14.5 
mm.  from  base,  pterostigma  5  mm.  long.  Wings  clear,  with 
the  apical  margin  black  or  dark  brown,  the  dark  color  sharply 
defined,  beginning  on  costa  about  12  mm.  from  apex,  and  end- 
ing in  a  sharp  point  about  10  mm.  from  apex  on  lower  margin; 
the  width  of  the  black  in  apical  region  about  3  mm.  on  anterior 
wings  and  nearly  4  on  hind.  The  stigma  is  enclosed  in  this 
dark  area,  which  also  includes  7  or  8  costal  cells  before  stigma. 
The  detailed  description  of  the  venation  is  from  the  anterior 

Fourteen  or  fifteen  cross-veins  before  nodus,  and  thirty  be- 
tween nodus  and  stigma,  the  more  apical  cells  very  small.  Be- 
fore the  nodus,  the  cross-veins  are  not  continuous  with  the 
next  series  below,  but  after  the  nodus  they  frequently,  though 
by  no  means  always,  are.  There  are  seventeen  cells  below  the 
.stigma,  these  being  very  small,  and  higher  than  broad.  Beyond 
the  stigma  the  cells  are  numerous,  in  two  rows.  Subnodus  verv 
oblique,  with  R3  separating  just  below  its  end,  but  with  a 
short  basal  bend,  which  prevents  it  from  being  in  a  line  with 
the  subnodus.  In  the  fork  of  1\J-I\3  are  four  cells  before  the 
doubling  begins,  but  on  one  side  the  second  cross-vein  is  di- 

300  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

vided  above,  making  a  Y.  In  the  upper  division,  between  R2 
and  R3,  above  the  strong  sector,  the  cells  are  very  irregular, 
with  three  rows  below  the  stigma,  the  upper  two  invaded  by  the 
black,  while  on  the  margin  are  six  rows  of  very  small  cells, 
greatly  crowded.  In  the  lower  division,  below  the  sector,  are 
twelve  cells  from  the  doubling  to  the  further  subdivisions,  and 
then  about  four  until  there  are  three  rows  of  cells,  and  at  the 
widest  part  (2  mm.  wide  or  high),  below  the  middle  of  the 
stigma,  are  five  rows  of  cells,  while  on  the  apical  margin  are 
six  rows  of  small  cells. 

In  the  apical  area  there  are  three  rows  of  cells  between  Rl 
and  R2.  Vein  1R3  arises  in  the  usual  manner  12  cells  basad 
of  end  of  subnodus,  the  last  three  cells  above  1R3  much  higher 
than  broad.  Beyond  the  level  of  the  subnodus  it  runs  close  to 
R3,  but  apically  rapidly  diverges  from  it,  curving  downward, 
so  that  the  interval  forms  a  broad  fan,  with  five  rows  of  cells 
in  subapical  region.  The  fan  is  much  broader  than  in  Climaco- 
basis.  R4+5  is  a  very  weak  vein,  arising  at  a  sharp  angle, 
and  bounded  below  by  three  and  a  half  square  cells  before 
level  of  origin  of  1R3.  In  its  course  before  the  level  of  the 
nodus  it  has  one  row  of  square  cells  above  and  one  below, 
about  16  below  from  its  origin  to  level  of  nodus.  In  the  apical 
field  there  is  a  broad  fan  above,  as  in  the  interval  above  1R3. 
Vein  MA  is  very  strong,  originating  in  the  usual  manner  at  the 
arculus,  and  having  a  straight  course  as  far  as  level  of  nodus, 
with  19  or  20  cells  below  it  between  discoidal  cell  and  level  of  • 
nodus.  Discoidal  cell  (quadrilateral)  diamond  shaped,  with 
the  upper  apical  and  lower  basal  corners  acute  angles,  the  others 
obtuse  angles;  a  strong  straight  vein,  beginning  in  the  second 
cell  beyond  discoidal  cell,  running  close  below  MA,  with  one  row 
of  cells  between,  until  the  subapical  spreading.  Basal  space 
not  crossed.  Subquadrangle  not  differentiated,  merely  an 
elongate  (high)  oblique  cell  below  discoidal.  No  supratriangle 
(such  as  occurs  in  the  Anisoptera).  Vein  Cu2  leaves  the 
lower  corner  of  the  discoidal  cell,  at  first  downward,  but  rapidly 
curving  and  arching  upward  before  the  level  of  the  nodus,  and 
reaching  the  margin  21  mm.  from  the  base  of  the  wing.  In 
the  region  below  the  arculus  it  is  separated  from  the  margin 
by  two  rows  of  cells,  but  at  the  widest  part  are  about  seven 
cells  between  it  and  the  margin,  and  below  it  are  two  quite  dis- 
tinct curved  sectors.  Anal  zigzag.  The  cubitoanal  area  in 
front  wing  is  4  mm.  across  at  widest,  in  hind  wing  5  mm. ; 
a  character  of  Anisozygoptera. 

According  to  present  estimates  of  geological  time,  the  inter- 
val between  the  Lias  and  Upper  Eocene  must  be  over  fifty 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  301 

million  years.  It  is  evident  that  in  the  evolution  of  insects  new 
types  have  arisen  without  necessarily  displacing  the  old.  and  this 
has  happened  more  easily  because  the  great  multitude  of  situ- 
ations occupied  by  insects  affords  opportunities  for  success  to 
innumerable  diverse  species.  Among  the  discoveries  possible 
to  entomologists,  few  are  more  interesting  than  surviving  relics 
of  nearly  extinct  groups,  and  these  may  be  found  either  as 
fossils  or  in  the  living  fauna. 

The  figures  of  the  discoidals  and  adjacent  cells  of  Liassic 
genera  are  copied  from  Tillyanl.  The  beautiful  photograph 
(Plate  XIII),  enlarged  rather  more  than  one  half,  is  the  work 
of  my  colleague,  Mr.  Paul  F.  Shope. 

The  specimen  will  be  placed  in  the  collection  of  the  A.  &  M. 
College  of  Texas,  College  Station,  Texas. 

A  New  Species  of  Oedematocera  with  Notes  on  Schis- 
tocercophaga  Townsend  (Dipt.:  Tachinidae). 

By  J.  M.  ALDRICH,  National  Museum,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Besides  Hypostcua  f  lav  col  a  Coquillett,  the  type  species,  this 
genus  contains  Hypostcna  yik'ipcs  Coquillett  and  the  recently 
described  Oedematocera  damp  ft  Aldrich  (Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Wash., 
vol.  29,  1927,  p.  17).  The  last  is  a  widespread  and  common 
parasite  of  the  tropical  Migratory  Locust,  Schistoccrca  paranen- 
sis  Burmeister.  Gilvipcs  has  been  reared  from  a  cricket  in 
Kansas  (sent  for  identification  by  Professor  S.  J.  Hunter). 
The  host  relations  of  fhrccola  are  unknown,  as  are  those  of  the 
new  species  here  described. 

Oedematocera  striata  new  species. 

Female. — Front  at  vertex  .30  of  head  width,  the  eyes  diverg- 
ing very  gradually  and  uniformly,  so  that  just  above  the  vibris- 
sae  they  are  separated  by  .48  of  the  head  width.  Pollen  of 
head  distinctly  yellow  on  paraf rentals  and  posterior  orbits, 
silvery  on  parafacials ;  cheek  about  one-eighth  of  eye  height, 
reddish;  palpi  and  proboscis  yellow;  parafacials  narrow,  on 
lowest  part  only  one-third  as  wide  as  third  antennal  joint. 
Antennae  red  at  base,  gradually  infuscated  on  third  joint,  which 
is  of  ordinary  width  and  four  times  the  third;  arista  bare, 
reddish  at  base,  thickened  on  about  the  basal  fourth,  basil  joints 
short;  facial  ridges  sharp,  with  some  small  hairs  below. 
Ocellars  proclinate,  divergent;  the  usual  two  pairs  of  orbitals. 

Thorax  black  in  ground  color,  heavily  overlaid  with  yellowish 

302  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 


white  pollen,  but  with  two  well-defined  dark  brown  stripes, 
which  include  the  dorsocentrals  and  reach  nearly  to  the  scutel- 
lum ;  a  diagonal  brown  area  behind  and  above  the  front  coxae, 
and  the  scutellum  bordered  with  brown  ;  acrostichal  2,  2  ;  dorso- 
central  3,  3;  sternopleural  1,1;  scutellum  with  three  lateral, 
a  smaller  non-decussate  apical,  and  small  discal.  Prosternum 

Abdomen  shining  brownish-black  above,  basal  half  or  less 
of  second  and  third  segments  with  silvery-white  pollen,  which 
is  wider  on  venter ;  fourth  segment  almost  covered  with  pollen, 
the  tip  reddish ;  first  segment  without  median  marginals,  second 
with  discal  and  marginal  pair,  third  with  discal  pair  and  marg- 
inal row  of  six;  fourth  with  discal  row  and  a  few  smaller 

Legs  yellow  on  coxae  and  base  of  femora,  the  rest  brown. 
Mid  tibia  with  one  bristle  on  outer  front  side,  front  tibia  with 
two  on  outer  hind  side. 

Wings  yellowish  brown,  first  posterior  cell  open  at  apex; 
third  vein  curving  backward  near  tip;  fourth  with  rounded 
oblique  bend,  concave  near  tip.  Hind  crossvein  joining  fourth 
at  three-fifths  of  distance  from  small  crossvein  to  bend ;  several 
stout  spinules  at  base  of  third  vein ;  no  costal  spines.  Calypters 
pale  yellow.  Length,  5.6  mm. 

Described  from  one  female,  collected  at  Cabima,  Panama. 
May  22,  1911,  by  August  Busck. 

Typc.—Femsi\e,  Cat.  No.  41109,  U.  S.  N.  M. 

The  species  differs  very  little  from  Oedcniatoccra  daiupfi 
Aldrich  except  in  the  strikingly  vittate  thorax. 

Townsend  (Ent.  News,  xxxix,  1928,  p.  152)  has  proposed 
the  new  genus  Schistoccrcophaga,  with  Ocdematoccra  dainpfi 
as  type.  His  description  is  in  the  form  of  a  comparison,— 
"Differs  from  Hypophorinia  as  follows,"  etc.  Unfortunately, 
he  does  not  give  a  reference  to  the  description  of  Hypophorinia; 
it  was  described  by  him  in  Revista  Museo  Paulista,  vol.  xv, 
1926,  p.  279.  The  term  "described"  can  be  used  only  in  a 
qualified  sense,  as  the  student,  after  tracing  down  the  reference, 
will  find  the  name  proposed  in  a  key  with  no  description  except 
the  couplets  of  the  key,  which  are  composed  in  a  jargon  of 
Portugese  and  Latin  abbreviations*.  The  genotype  (of  .course 

*Townsend's  abbreviations  were  discussed  in  the  taxonomic  section  of 
the  International  Zoological  Congress  at  Ithaca  last  August  and  it  was 
voted  unanimously  (about  twenty-five  entomologists  being  present,  rep- 
resenting several  countries)  that  such  abbreviations  should  be  pro- 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  303 

there  is  only  one  species)  is  hypJicna  new  species,  from  the 
vicinity  of  Sao  Paulo,  Brazil,  which  is  described  in  seven 
lines  of  the  same  composition.  Nothing  could  be  more  hope- 
less than  the  effort  to  identify  the  genus;  hence  the  description 
of  Schistocercophaga,  for  those  who  do  not  have  specimens  of 
dainpfi  at  hand  and  identified,  can  have  no  meaning.  It  is  ap- 
parent that  Townsend  had  no  such  specimens  when  he  drew 
up  his  generic  characterization,  as  he  cites  none  and  mentions 
only  characters  used  by  me  in  describing  the  species.  How 
much  simpler  for  other  dipterists  if  he  had  made  his  com- 
parison with  Ocdemaioccra.  Even  if  one  had  a  correctly  named 
specimen  of  HypopJwrinia  as  a  basis,  the  statements  regarding 
differences  cannot  be  relied  on,  as  I  have  many  times  found  by 
comparing  Townsend's  genotypes,  that  in  a  paragraph  of  this 
kind  he  begins  with  differences,  but  at  some  point  he  changes 
to  resemblances  without  indicating  the  fact. 

Referring  to  the  relationships  of  dampfi,  Townsend  says, 
"It  evidently  belongs  in  the  tribe  Phoriniini  and  is  far  removed 
from  Oedematocera" 

There  is  no  definition  of  a  tribe  Phoriniini  in  literature,  but 
we  may  assume  that  the  genus  Phorinia  at  least  would  be  a 
member  of  it.  The  genotype  of  Phorinia  is  the  European  auri- 
frons Robineau-Desvoidy,  of  which  the  National  Museum  pos- 
sesses two  males  determined  by  Villeneuve.  On  comparing 
dainpfi  with  aurifrons,  it  is  clear  that  I  made  a  complete  failure 
in  describing  the  former,  or  else  that  Townsend  knows  nothing 
about  Phorinia.  I  note  the  following  principal  differences: 
(1)  aurifrons  has  the  first  posterior  cell  ending  far  before  the 
tip  of  the  wing,  dampfi  in  the  tip;  (2)  aurifrons  has  the  facial 
ridges  bristly  almost  to  the  level  of  the  arista,  dampfi  has  only 
small  hairs  on  lower  fourth;  (3)  aurifrons  has  the  penultimate 
joint  of  the  arista  conspicuously  elongated,  several  times  as 
long  as  thick,  while  dampfi  has  it  short ;  (4)  aurifrons  has  the 
eyes  densely  hairy,  dainpfi  has  them  bare;  (5)  aurifrons  has 
the  frontals  descending  below  level  of  arista,  in  dampfi  they 
reach  only  to  the  base  of  the  antennae. 

On  the  other  hand,  dampfi  agrees  well  with  the  genotype  of 

304  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Dec.,  '28 

Ocdcmatoccra  (flaveola  Coquillett)  and  I  have  no  doubt  of 
the  correctness  of  the  generic  reference.  The  male  of  flaveola 
has  abnormally  large  antennae,  changing  the  shape  of  the  head 
considerably ;  in  a  case  like  this  it  is  the  female  which  should  be 
relied  on  for  the  generic  character,  and  it  is  the  female  which 
agrees  with  dampfi. 

Key  to  Species  of   Ocdcmatoccra. 

1.  Mesonotum  with  two  distinct,  broad  blackish  stripes,  which 
include  the  dorsocentral  bristles striata  new  species. 

Mesonotum    only    very    narrow,    inconspicuous    stripes,    if 
any    2. 

2.  Prosternum  with  a  pair  of  delicate,  hairlike  bristles 

gilvipcs  Coquillett 
Prosternum  bare 3. 

3.  Abdomen  wholly  yellow   flaveola  Coquillett. 

Abdomen  with  broad  median  blackish  stripe,  connected  with 

blackish  posterior  margins  on  the  segments .  .  dampfi  Aldrich. 

New  Butterflies  (Lepid.:  Nymphalidae). 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  XIV.) 
Euphydryas  morandi  n.  sp.    Fig.  A  $    and  A  A  9  . 

Sexes  similar.  Constant  in  size  and  wing-shape  to  Euphy. 
niaria  (Skin.)  and  to  Enphy.  whcclcri  (Hy.  Edw.).  The  ground 
color  of  the  former  is  dull  brick-red  and  that  of  the  latter  is 
a  peach-pink  tint.  This  new  species  differs  from  both  and  from 
all  other  typical  American  Euphydryas  in  being  a  yellow-brown 
or  dark  ochre  shade  and  has  no  suggestion  of  a  red  or  pink 
tinge.  In  this  respect  it  is  unique,  except  for  the  tr.  f.  onuii- 
Ititeofucus  Gun.  of  Euph\.  chalccdona  (Dbldy.  &  Hew.)  — 
(see  Ent.  News,  July,  1925). 

Regarding  the  upper  surfaces.  A  distinguishing  peculiarity 
is  the  dark  heavily  marked  basal  and  cell  areas  of  the  secondaries 
with  no  rectangular  white  bars  or  flares  extending  outward 
therefrom;  also  no  white  spotting.  On  the  primaries,  there  is 
a  single  submarginal  row  of  round  white  spots  well  in  and 
heavily  black  guarded.  The  usually  expected  white  dashes  or 
marks  occurring  within  or  near  the  cell  are  absent  or  quite 

On  the  under  sides,  the  arrangement  of  the  white  maculation, 
black  lines  and  ochre  ground  color  is  similar  to  most  of  the 
related  group.  The  under  sides  are  shown  on  the  accompanying 
plate  also  in  both  sexes. 



Plate  XIV. 



XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  305 

Occasional  specimens  in  a  series  of  this  species  show  a  ten- 
dency towards  heavier  hlack  maculation  which  gives  to  those 
grading  individuals  a  much  darker  appearance.  This  is  in  no 
sense  a  fusion,  but  simply  a  uniform  broadening  of  all  the 
dark  design. 

Classification  :  For  the  time  being  and  because  of  the  status 
heretofore  accorded  nutria,  alcna,  iclieclcri,  etc.,  I  am  describ- 
ing this  colony  as  a  species.  It  is  nearest  i^licclcri  (Hy.  Edw.). 

Data:  Average  expanse — <5  ,  35—10  mm.;  9,  40-46  mm. 
Holotypc  $  (fig.  A),  expanse  37  mm.  Allotypc  9  (fig.  AA). 
expanse  42  mm.;  July  12,  1928;  Kyle  Canyon  only  at  10,500 
to  11,000  feet  on  Mt.  Charleston  Peak  in  Spring  Mountain, 
Clark  County,  Nevada.  Types  in  author's  coll.  Paratypes 
18  $  and  9  $  ,  July  10  to  16,  same  locality.  One  pair  para- 
types  deposited  in  Barnes  coll.,  Decatur,  111.,  and  one  pair  in 
National  coll.  at  Ottawa,  Can.  All  specimens  collected  by  Mr. 
Frank  Morand,  of  Los  Angeles,  Calif.,  after  whom  they  are 

Notes:  Mt.  Charleston  is  in  the  extreme  southern  part  of 
Nevada  and  only  about  20  miles  from  the  California  line.  Las 
Vegas  is  the  nearest  town  and  a  desert  village.  The  ascent  to 
near  the  summit  where  these  specimens  were  taken  is  quite 
difficult  and  none  were  seen  at  a  lower  altitude.  No  other 
Euphydryas  was  reported  on  the  mountain. 

EUPHYDRYAS     CHALCEDOXA      (Dbldv.     &     liew.),     race     M  CV,  LA- 
SH ANII  (Riv.),  forma  truckeensis  nov.     Fig.  B   $   &  BB    $  . 

Differs  in  both  sexes  from  typical  mcglashanii  (Riv.)  by 
the  spread  and  domination  of  the  red  color  over  the  outer  por- 
tion of  the  wings  on  the  upper  sides.  The  red  areas  of  the 
under1  sides  remain  about  the  same.  Usually  the  outer  mar- 
ginal red  spots  on  the  upper  sides  become  broadened  or  fuller 
at  the  expense  of  the  black.  The  first  and  second  submarginal 
rows  of  white  spots  on  the  secondaries  become  red  or  take 
on  a  decided  redish  tinge.  The  black  cell  spots  of  both  wings 
also  show  flushes  of  red. 

The  plate  illustrates  the  sequence  or  intergrade  of  red  color 

graduating  from  a  typical    $    inci/iaslninii  up  to  the  designated 

$    allotype  form.     Truckee  specimens  do  not   show  a  further 

advance  of  red  color  at  least.     The  males  also  grade  like  the 


306  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

Classification :  Form  truckeensis  is  the  connecting  link  be- 
tween mcglashann  and  sierra  (Wri.). 

Data:  Holotypc  $  (fig.  B),  expanse  47  mm.,  July  18,  1925, 
Truckee,  Calif.  (Dodge);  Allotypc  $  (fig.  BB),  expanse  52 
mm.,  June  28,  1928,  Truckee,  Calif.  (Cottle).  Types  in  au- 
thor's collection.  Paratypcs:  1  9  ,  same  date  and  locality  as 
allotype  in  James  Cottle  collection,  SF.  2  9  in  author's  col- 
lection, dated  July  18,  '26?  Truckee  (Cottle)  and  July  18, 
1916,  Truckee  (Dodge). 

EUPHYDRYAS     CHALCEDONA      (Dbldv.     &     Hew.),     race     MCGLA- 

SHANII  (Riv.),  forma  transit,  hilli  nov.    (Fig.  C.) 

All  rows  of  white  spotting  on  both  upper  and  under  sides 
tending  to  join  together  with  the  gradual  disappearance  of  the 
transverse  black  lines.  This  fusing  of  the  white  maculation 
through  the  interspaces  is  after  the  fashion  of  Enph\.  chalcc- 
dona  fusimacula  (Barnes)  and  others. 

Classification:  transition  form;  albifusism — primaries  well 
developed,  secondaries  not  so  much  so. 

Data:  Holotypc  9  (fig.  C),  expanse  53  mm.;  Auburn,  Calif, 
(nr.  Truckee),  July  12,  1928  (Hill).  In  author's  collection  and 
named  after  Chas.  Hill  of  Glendale,  Calif. 

EUPHYDRYAS  CHALCEDONA    (Dbldy.  &  Hew.),  race  OLANCHA 
(Wri.),  forma  georgei  nov.     Figs.  D.    $    &  DD    9  . 

White  maculation  of  both  sexes  similar  to  typical  olancJia, 
but  having  the  second  submarginal  row  of  white  spots  on  the 
upper  side  secondaries  broadly  suffused  with  red.  This  red 
also  fuses  over  the  3rd.  rectangular  mixed  row  on  the  pri- 
maries. The  primaries  show  more  red  tinting  than  the  secon- 
daries. Also  the  internal  black  spots  of  the  cells  of  both  wings 
have  red  centers.  The  under  sides  record  little  change  in  dis- 
position of  red  color.  Both  sexes  intergrade  to  typical  olancha; 
only  that  of  the  female  is  shown  on  the  plate. 

Classification:  A  form  of  race  olancha  (Wri.)  approaching 
what  is  at  present  termed  tv/icelcri  (Hy.  Eclw.)  of  the  Mono 
Lake  region.  Taken  with  olancha  (Wri.). 

Data:  Holotypc  $  (fig.  D),  expanse  40  mm.;  Allotypc  9 
(fig.  DD),  expanse  47  mm.;  Casa  Diablo  Hills,  Mono  Co., 
Calif.  (Malcolm),  June  23,  1(J25.  In  author's  collection. 
Paratypcs — 2  and  2  9  ,  same  date  and  locality  in  collection 
of  Geo.  Malcolm  and  author.  Named  after  Mr.  George  Mal- 
colm, of  Los  Angeles,  our  veteran  collector  of  the  High  Sier- 
ras of  California. 


Notes  on  Chilopods  and  Diplopods  from  Southeastern 


By  RALPH  V.  CHAMBERLIN,  University  of  Utah. 
During  April  of  the  present  year  a  field  party  from  the  De- 
partments of  Zoology  and  Botany  of  the  University  of  Utah, 
consisting  of  twelve  students  and  staff  members,  spent  ten  days 
in  south-eastern  Utah,  chiefly  in  San  Juan  County.  Incidentally 
to  other  work,  the  myriopods  listed  below  were  taken.  The 
types  of  the  new  species  herein  described  are  in  the  author's 



SCOLOPENDRA  POLYMORPHA  (Wood).  In  San  Juan  County, 
specimens  were  taken  at  Bluff,  between  Bluff  and  Blanding, 
Blanding  and  Devil's  Canyon;  in  Grand  County  at  Moab ;  in 
Emery  County  at  Straight  Wash;  and  in  Wayne  County  at 

The  specimens  from  these  southern  localities  are  notably 
larger  and  more  brightly  colored  than  those  from  northern 
localities,  such  as  in  Salt  Lake  County. 


LAMYCTES  PINAMPUS  Chamberlin.  Specimens  of  this  species, 
described  originally  from  Nevada,  were  taken  on  a  previous 
expedition  in  Zion  National  Park  (1923). 


GOSIBIUS  ARIZONENSIS  Chamberlin.  Many  specimens  taken 
also  on  the  previous  expedition  at  Lake  Navajo,  Iron  County. 
The  species  has  not  previously  been  reported  excepting  from 



Archethopolys  gosobius  sp.  nov. 

A  species  strongly  related  to  A.  bipunctatus  (Wood),  which 
occurs,  in  the  northern  section  of  the  state  and  in  Nevada.  The 
present  species  in  comparison  with  bipunctatus  is  readily  dis- 
tinguishable in  having  the  ventral  spines  of  the  anal  legs 
uniformly  1,  1,  3,  2,  0  instead  of  1,  1,  3,  2,  1 ;  the  claw  single. 
Ventral  spines  of  penult  legs  1,  1,  3,  3,  2,  an  accessory  claw 

308  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

present.  Coxae  of  antepenult  legs  not  ventrally  armed,  the 
last  three  pairs  dorsally  armed.  Claw  of  female  genital  forceps 
tripartite ;  basal  spines  3  +  3,  with  the  innermost  on  each  side 
often  much  more  slender  than  the  others.  Prosternal  teeth 
mostly  3 — 6-(-6 — 3  or  4 — 6-(-6 — 4,  occasionally  with  only 
two  teeth  ectad  of  diastema  and  with  seven  mesad  of  it  on  one 
side,  thus  differing  from  bipunctatus  in  which  the  teeth  ectad 
of  the  diastema  are  normally  two,  and  from  parowanus  in  which 
normally  hut  one.  Ocelli  mostly  in  three  longitudinal  series ; 
e.  g.,  1  '-f-  5,  5,  2.  Antennae  long,  reaching  to  eighth  segment. 
Anal  legs  long  and  slender.  Color  in  general  light  brownish 
yellow  with  head  and  caudal  segments  of  orange  cast.  Length, 
up  to  27  mm. 

Locality. — San  Juan  County,  at  Devil's  Canyon,  between 
Blanding  and  Monticello.  Ten  specimens  collected  April  18 
by  R.  V.  Chamberlin  and  W.  J.  Gertsch.  The  holotypc  is  a 



TIDABIUS  TIVIUS  Chamberlin.  Many  specimens  were  taken  at 
Moab,  Grand  County. 

LOPHOBIUS  socius  Chamberlin.  Specimens  were  taken  in  San 
Juan  County,  at  Blanding,  Monticello,  between  Monticello  and 
Bluff,  Verdure  and  Devil's  Canyon  ;  in  Emery  County  at  Wood- 
side  and  in  Sevier  County  at  Salina. 

LOPHOBIUS  COLLIUM  Chamberlin.     Taken  in  San  Juan  County 
at  Bluff ;  in  Grand  County  at  Green  River ;  in  Wayne  County 
at  Fruita ;  and  in  Carbon  County  at  Price. 
LOPHOBIUS  ARIZONAE  Chamberlin.    Taken  in  San  Juan  County 

•/  J 

at  Devil's  Canyon,  Verdure  and  LaSal  Junction.  Not  recorded 
previously  from  the  state. 

POKABIUS  UTAHENSIS  Chamberlin.  Several  specimens  of  this 
form,  common  in  the  more  northern  canyons  of  the  Wahsatch 
and  Uintah  Mts.,  were  taken  at  Fruita,  Wayne  County. 

Oabius  sanjuanus  sp.  nov. 

Body,  head  and  antennae  light  brown,  the  legs  more  yellow. 
Agreeing  with  decipiens  Chamberlin  and  inept  us  Chamberlin 
in  having  the  anal  legs  armed  with  two  claws  but  differing  from 
those  species  in  having  none  of  the  posterior  coxae  laterally 
armed.  Ventral  spines  of  anal  legs,  0,  1,  3,  2,  0.  Ventral 
spines  of  penult  legs,  0,  1,  3,  3,  1.  Ventral  spines  of  thirteenth 


legs,  0,  0,  1,  (2),  1,  1.  Prosternal  teeth  2+2,  small,  the  line  of 
apices  straight  or  a  little  recurved.  Antennae  composed  of  the 
usual  20  articles ;  the  ultimate  article  about  equalling  the  three 
preceding  taken  together.  Anal  leg  of  male  a  little  inflated  but 
bearing  no  special  lobes  or  other  modifications.  Ocelli  5  in 
two  series ;  thus,  1  -|-  3,  2.  Length,  6.5  mm. 

Holot\pc,  a  male,  taken  at  Bluff,  San  Juan  County,  April 
16,  by  H.  P.  Critchlow. 

JUANOBIUS  gen.  nov. 

Similar  to  Siuwbius  in  having  in  the  male  a  conspicuous  sub- 
dorsal  process  at  distal  end  of  the  fifth  joint  of  the  penult 
legs.  It  differs  from  that  genus  in  having  the  posterior  angles 
of  the  ninth,  eleventh  and  thirteenth  dorsal  plates  produced  and 
in  having  the  articles  of  the  antennae  numerous,  typically  32, 
instead  of  being  fixed  at  20.  Characters  of  anal  legs  not 

Genotype. — Juanobius  crcmns  sp.  nov. 

Juanobius  eremus  sp.  nov. 

Dorsum  light  brown,  the  antennae  similar,  the  legs  lighter 
but  caudal  pairs  darker  than  the  others.  Antennae  moderate, 
consisting  of  32  articles.  Ocelli  in  three  series;  e.  g.,  1,  3,  3,  2. 
Prosternal  teeth  2,  2,  or  with  trace  of  a  third  tooth  on  one  side. 
Coxal  pores  small,  uniseriate,  2,  3,  3  (4),  3.  Ventral  spines 
of  first  legs,  1,  3,  1.  Ventral  spines  of  thirteenth  legs,  0,  0, 
3,  3,  2 ;  dorsal,  0.  0,  3,  2,  2.  Ventral  spines  of  penult  legs, 
0,  1,  3,  3,  2;  dorsal,  1,  0,  3,  2,  1.  Last  pair  of  coxae  armed 
laterally  and  dorsally ;  penult  pair  armed  dorsally  only.  Fifth 
article  of  penult  leg  in  the  male  obliquely  excised  on  the  inner 
side  of  the  distal  and  above  and  there  bearing  a  process  a  little 
constricted  at  base  and  with  distal  face  oblique.  Length,  12  mm. 

One  male  taken  at  Devil's  Canyon,  San  Juan,  April  18,  by 
W.  J.  Gertsch.  The  specimen  lacks  the  anal  legs. 

ANOBIUS  CENTURIO  (Chamberlin).  Many  specimens  taken  in 
San  Juan  County  at  Devil's  Canyon  and  in  Grand  Count v  at 
Big  Indian  Rock,  April  18  and  15  respectively.  Previously 
known  from  New  Mexico. 

Haplophilus  hesperus  sp.  nov. 

Body  slender,  gradually  attenuated  cephalad,  more  strongly 
caudad.  Yellow  in  color,  with  the  head  light  chestnut,  the 

310  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

antennae  yellow.  Cephalic  plate  about  equal  in  length  and 
breadth,  widest  across  caudal  end.  Antennae  more  nearly 
cylindrical  than  usual  in  this  family,  all  joints  excepting  the 
ultimate  very  short.  Claws  of  the  prehensors  when  closed  not 
reaching  anterior  margin  of  head ;  all  joints  unarmed.  Spiracles 
all  small  and  circular.  Ventral  pores  in  a  transversely  oblong 
series  on  plates  of  anterior  half  of  body.  First  legs  shorter  and 
more  slender  than  the  second.  Last  ventral  plate  of  moderate, 
width,  the  sides  straight  and  converging  caudad ;  caudal  margin 
straight.  Last  coxae  with  numerous  small  pores  over  entire 
surface  excepting  a  caudal  area  on  lateral  surface.  Anal  legs 
in  female  slender,  a  little  longer  than  the  penult.  Length, 
35  mm. 

The  holotypc,  a  female,  was  taken  at  Devil's  Canyon  in  San 
Juan  County,  April  18,  1928;. 


LINOTAENIA  CHIONOPHILA   (Wood).     One  specimen  taken  at 
Devil's  Canyon,  San  Juan  County,  April  18. 

Chile  noph  ilidae 

GNATHOMERIUM  XENOPORUS  (Chamberlin).  Many  specimens 
of  this  form,  widespread  in  Utah  and  New  Mexico,  were  taken 
in  San  Juan  County  at  Verdure  and  Devil's  Canyon. 
WATOPHILUS  UTUS  Chamberlin.  A  male  and  female  taken 
between  Moab  and  LaSal  Junction  by  the  author  and  a  female 
taken  at  Bluff  by  W.  J.  Gertsch. 

Unlike  the  other  species  as  previously  known,  the  number 
of  pairs  of  legs  in  the  present  species  seems  to  be  subject  to 
considerable  variation.  The  female  holotype,  from  the  La  Sal 
Mts.,  has  65  pairs  of  legs,  that  from  between  Moab  and  La  Sal 
73,  and  the  one  from  Bluff  81.  The  male  from  between  La  Sal 
and  Moab  has  69  pairs  of  legs. 

Geophilus  fruitanus  sp.  nov. 

Cephalic  plate  without  frontal  suture.  Prebasal  plate  not 
exposed.  Prehensors  when  closed  not  surpassing  anterior 
margin  of  head;  joints  short,  all  unarmed.  Spiracles  all  circu- 
lar, rather  small,  the  first  a  little  larger  than  the  second.  Last 
ventral  plate  very  wide,  the  sides  strongly  converging  caudad ; 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  311 

two  coxal  pits  on  each  side  covered  by  the  ventral  plate.  Anal 
pores  indistinct.  Anal  legs  of  female  slender,  ending  in  well- 
developed  claws.  Pairs  of  legs  57.  Length,  38  mm^ 

The  holotypc,  a  female,  was  taken  at  Fruita,  Wayne  County/ 
This  species  is  related  to  G^n^rdgj^tfLemert,  in  having  on 
each  of  the  last  coxae  two  large  pits  covered  by  the  last  ventral 
plate,  but  differs  in  not  having  the  frontal  plate  discrete  and 
in  riot  having  the  prebasal  plate  exposed. 



TINGUPA  UTAHENSIS  Chamberlin.  Two  females  were  taken 
in  Devil's  Canyon,  San  Juan  County. 


SPIROSTREPHON  UTORUM  Chamberlin.  Specimens  taken  in  San 
Juan  County  at  Bluff  by  Emory  Soule  and  the  author  and  in 
Emery  County  at  Straight  Wash  by  A.  M.  Woodbury,  W.  J. 
Gertsch  and  the  author. 


PARAJULUS  VENUSTUS  (Wood).  Specimens  taken  in  San  Juan 
County  at  Devil's  Canyon,  Verdure  and  Blanding  by  A.  M. 
Woodbury,  W.  J.  Gertsch,  E.  Soule,  J.  R.  Chamberlin  and  the 

Verbose  Descriptions  of  Insects. 

By  W.  L.  McATEE,  U.  S.  Dept.  of  Agriculture, 
Washington,  D.  C. 

There  are  differences  of  opinion  on  most  subjects,  and  the 
topic  of  long,  compared  to  brief,  descriptions  of  insects,  given 
space  in  the  May,  1928,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS*,  certainly  is 
no  exception  to  this  rule.  Since  a  paper  of  which  T  am  joint 
author  is  used  as  an  example  of  short  descriptions,  unsatis- 
factory to  the  critic  concerned,  a  reply  by  me  is  in  order. 

In  the  papert  referred  to,  the  policy  as  to  descriptions  is  set 

*  Rlatchley,  W.  S.,  Vol.  M,  No.  5,  pp.   140-150. 

fMcAtee,  W.  L.  and  J.  R.  Malloch,  Revision  of  the  American  I'.m:-, 
of  the  Reduviid  subfamily  Ploiariinae.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mns.,  Vol.  67. 
No.  1,  1925. 

312  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

forth  on  pp.  7-8,  in  a  paragraph  beginning,  "The  keynote  of 
descriptions  in  this  paper  is  avoidance  of  repetition",  and  this 
policy  which  economizes  in  writing,  typing,  editing  and  printing, 
and  which  saves  time  and  expense  at  every  stage  of  preparation 
and  utilization,  would  seem  to  be  in  little  need  of  defense  in 
these  days  when  the  demand  for  entomological  publishing  space 
so  clearly  exceeds  the  supply. 

The  instances  of  what  our  critic  considers  inadequate  de- 
scriptions as  cited  in  the  May,  1928,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS 
are  presented  in  a  very  misleading  way.  For  instance,  there 
are  for  Einpicoris  ortlionciirou  n.  sp.  on  the  page  cited  84  words 
of  description.  There  are  also  two  figures  illustrating  the 
fore  wing,  and  the  male  hypopygium.  For  E'mpicoris  rcticul- 
atiis  n.  sp.  there  are  99  words  of  description  on  p.  20.  For  E. 
culiciforuris  De  Geer  there  are  95  words  of  description  on  p. 
23,  and  2  figures.  For  E.  crrabundns  Say  there  are  118  words 
of  description  and  3  figures. 

These  statistics  include  only  descriptive  matter  on  text  pages. 
In  the  key  to  the  species  there  are  the  following  numbers  of 
words  of  description  applying  to  the  respective  species  con- 
cerned: E.  orthoncuron  125,  E.  rcticulatus  141,  E.  cuUcifonnis 
200,  and  E.  errabuudns  126.  In  the  key  to  genera  are  217 
words  and  in  the  general  description  of  the  genus  some  230 
words  which  apply  to  all  of  the  species,  and  various  descriptive 
matter  in  the  discussion  of  characters  of  the  family  total  more 
than  300  words  of  similar  application. 

The  species  we  are  charged  with  having  inadequately  de- 
scribed, therefore,  have  the  following  totals  of  words  used  in 
describing  them  in  the  paper  criticized : 

Name  Number  of  descriptive  words  under 

Family     Genus     Key       Species      Total 

orthoneuron  300        447         125  84  986 

reticulatus  141  99  1,017 

culiciformis  200  95  1,072 

errabundus  126  118  1,021 

The  writer  is  rather  shocked  to  learn  that  on  the  average 


more  than  a  thousand  words  of  description  have  been  devoted 
to  each  of  these  species  and  feels  that  the  accusation  of  inade- 
quate description  is  entirely  refuted.  The  real  difficulty  more 
probably  was  unwillingness  of  our  critic  to  use  our  paper 
according  to  the  principle  upon  which  it  was  planned,  and  to 
expect  it  to  follow,  to  him,  familiar  lines.  \Ye  have  no  apologies 
to  offer  for  failing  in  this  respect.  The  objection  to  descrip- 
tions that  refer  to  other  species  for  comparative  purposes  seems 
of  no  great  weight.  One  cannot  safely  use  any  key  without 
having  some  of  the  species  in  hand  so  that  he  can  be  certain 
he  understands  the  characters  mentioned.  The  tyro  cannot 
expect  to  grab  a  bug  from  a  weed  and  a  book  from  the  shelf 
from  which  he  can  get  the  correct  name  in  a  jiffy.  Regardless 
of  the  questionable  desirability  of  such  an  achievement,  it  is 
and  ever  will  be  impossible. 

Our  critic  has  scored  brief  descriptions  so  we  may  be  allowed 
to  comment  on  wordy  ones.  It  is  self-evident  that  there  is  no 
intrinsic  virtue  in  verbose  descriptions.  An  author  may  de- 
scribe an  insect  by  the  page,  or  for  that  matter  by  the  ream, 
and  still  utterly  fail  to  mention  characters  some  later  reviser 
needs  to  know  about  before  he  can  place  the  species.  The  idea 
that  the  "description  of  every  species,  new  or  old,  should  'stand 
on  its  own  bottom'  i.  e.,  should  be  complete  within  itself,"  is 
fallacious,  for  none  but  a  prophet  could  foresee  what  charac- 
ters will  be  used  by  future  students  and  thus  be  able  to  mention 
them  in  his  descriptions. 

There  is  nothing  more  wearisome  and  unprofitable  than 
reading  long-winded  descriptions  of  insect  species  which  include 
characters  common  to  the  genus,  family,  or  order,  and  among 
which  it  is  impossible  to  discover  contrasting  passages  without 
the  most  careful  comparison.  Such  descriptions  waste  the  time 
of  all  students,  impede  progress  in  the  science,  and  are  no  less 
than  a  taxonomic  crime. 

A  synoptic  key  alone  would  be  far  more  useful  than  wordy 
descriptions  for  the  purpose  our  critic  exalts,  namely,  enabling 
tyros  and  busy  economic  entomologists  "to  find  out  as  quickly 
as  possible  the  name  of  some  insect  at  hand."  In  fact  the  per- 

314  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

sons  referred  to  would  soon  lose  themselves  in  the  maze  of 
verbose  descriptions  and  arrive  nowhere  so  far  as  making  a 
determination  is  concerned. 

It  is  not  entirely  out  of  place  to  doubt  the  feasibility  of 
enabling  the  classes  of  individuals  mentioned  to  make  satis- 
factory identifications.  Everyone  who  has  done  any  specialized 
work  in  insect  classification  realizes  the  danger  of  making  deter- 
minations in  a  group  with  which  one  cannot  claim  special  ac- 
quaintance. Experience  in  thorough  taxonomic  work  reveals 
how  little  we  know  any  of  the  groups.  After  every  reaccumula- 
tion  of  material  any  of  the  groups  may  prove  to  be  in  need  of 
revision,  which  means  that  all  previous  determinations  are  sub- 
ject to  possible  correction.  The  best  course  for  the  non- 
specialist  is  to  appeal  to  specialists  for  names  and  not  to  rely  on 
cure-all  manuals.  Regardless  of  verbosity  no  insect  manual  is 
of  even  reliability  throughout,  none  is  free  from  numerous 
errors,  and  none  is  even  approximately  complete. 

Descriptions  of  Two  New  Species  of  Acmaeodera 

(Buprestidae)  with  Notes  on  other  Coleoptera 

(Cleridae,  Cerambycidae,  Platystomidae, 


By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry, 

Harrisburg,  Pa. 

The  types  of  the  new  species  here  described  are  in  the  au- 
thor's private  collection. 

HYDNOCERA  UNIFASCIATA  Say.  Reared  from  Ulmns  branches 
infested  with  Magdalas  and  Pscnoccnts  supcrnotatus  Say  col- 
lected at  Hummel stown,  Pa. 

COKINTHISCUS  LEUCOPHAEUM  Klug.  Several  adults  reared 
from  cypress  (Tax  odium  distichum)  branches  infested  with 
Curins  dentatus  Newn.,  Ocme  rigid  a  Say  and  Chrysobothn's 
clirysocla  111.,  collected  at  Cape  Henry,  Va. 

Acmaeodera  flavinigrapunctata  n.  sp. 

Form  and  size  of  A.  hcpburni  Lee.,  color  piceous,  distinctly 
bronzed,  thorax  with  side  margin  yellow  for  basal  two-thirds, 


elytra  yellow,  with  base,  umbone,  suture  and  forty  small  irregu- 
lar areas  which  resemble  dots  to  the  naked  eye,  piceous.  Head 
feebly  impressed,  densely  punctured,  joints  five  to  eleven  of 
antennae  much  broader  than  joints  one  to  four.  Thorax  about 
twice  as  wide  as  long,  sides  feebly  arcuate,  gradually  divergent 
to  base,  side  margin  not  visible  from  above  except  in  front, 
dish  with  median  impression  in  front  of  scutellum,  a  strong 
lateral  oblique  impression  on  each  side  near  base,  surface 
coarsely  densely  punctured,  punctures  becoming  more  numerous 
at  sides,  base  margined  with  a  corrugated  strip,  surface  densely 
pubescent.  Elytra  at  base  as  wide  as  thorax  at  that  point,  sides 
sinuate,  broadly  rounded  posteriorly,  side  margins  serrate  near 
apex,  surface  coarsely  punctured,  intervals  flat,  uniseriately 
punctate,  each  of  the  smaller  punctures  containing  a  short  stout 
hair.  Prosternum  in  front  slightly  trisinuate,  last  ventral  with 
a  thick  subapical  plate  which  is  truncate  at  the  end.  Length 
10  mm.,  width  4  mm. 

Type :  $  labeled  Raymondville,  Texas,  June  29  and  pre- 
sented to  me  by  Mr.  F.  M.  Hull.  This  species  should  stand 
next  to  A.  hcpburni  Lee.  in  our  list.  The  new  species  can  be 
separated  from  the  latter  by  the  markings  and  shorter  pubes- 
cence on  the  elytra  and  by  the  more  prominent  subapical  plate. 

Acmaeodera  hulli  n.  sp. 

Robust,  size  and  shape  of  A.  sqttuinosa  Van  D.,  color  piceous, 
bronzed,  each  elytron  with  four  irregular  yellow  spots,  one 
back  of  humerus,  another  median,  one  back  of  middle  and  one 
near  apex.  Head  coarsely  punctured,  front  convex,  densely 
pubescent,  antennae  with  fifth  and  following  joints  broader 
than  first  four  joints.  Thorax  wider  than  long,  widest  in  mid- 
dle, convex,  sides  more  strongly  constricted  at  base  than  at 
apex,  side  margins  not  visible  from  above,  surface  coarsely 
punctured,  punctures  more  numerous  and  confluent  lateral! v, 
posterior  margin  with  a  narrow  corrugated  strip,  surface  mod- 
erately pubescent  with  short  hair-like  setae.  Elytra  at  base 
as  wide  as  base  of  thorax,  wider  than  widest  part  of  thorax 
slightly  back  of  base,  sides  sinuate,  obtusely  rounded  at  apex, 
strongly  serrate  on  sides  near  tip,  dish  convex,  with  rows  of 
moderately  large  impressed  punctures,  each  interval  with  an 
irregular  row  of  fine  punctures,  each  bearing  a  squamiform 
hair.  Prosternum  truncate,  dentate  on  each  side,  last  three 
ventral  segments  densely  finely  punctate,  clothed  with  long  fine 
hairs  which  curve  forward,  no  trace  of  a  subapical  crest  on 
last  ventral  segment.  Length  8  mm.,  width  2.5  mm. 

316  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

Described  from  one  $  collected  at  Mesilla  Park,  New  Mex- 
ico, June  27,  by  Mr.  F.  M.  Hull.  This  species  is  probably  the 
same  which  Professor  Fall*  referred  to  from  Texas  in  his 
discussion  of  A.  guttifcra  Lee.  Professor  Fall  has  kindly  ex- 
amined this  species  and  the  one  preceding. 

The  new  species  can  be  separated  from  A.  guttifcra  Lee.  by 
its  more  robust  form  and  the  vestiture  of  the  dorsal  surface. 
From  A.  squawtosa  Van  D.,  it  can  be  separated  by  being  more 
elongate,  the  lack  of  convex  intervals,  the  different  dorsal 
markings  and  vestiture.  In  our  list  it  should  be  placed  between 
A.  guttifcra  Lee.  and  A.  squamosa  Van  D. 

CYLLENE  CARYAE  Gahan.  Larvae  of  this  species  were  col- 
lected in  mesquite  at  Mar  fa,  Texas,  by  Dr.  J.  Ever.  Adults 
were  reared  by  injecting  the  living  larvae  into  black  locust, 
Robinia  pseudo-acacia,  branches  which  were  used  as  a  host 
plant  for  the  partly  grown  larvae. 

CYRTOPHORUS  VERRUCOSUS  Oliv.  A  living  adult  was  found 
in  a  pupal  cell  in  dead  tulip  poplar,  Liriodendron  tulipifcra, 
wood  at  Inglenook,  Pa.,  on  March  12. 

LEPTURGES  FACETUS  Say.  Reared  from  dead  black  oak, 
Quercus  vclutina,  branches  collected  at  Harrisburg,  Pa. 

ECYRUS  DASYCERus   Sav.      Reared   from  the  branches  of  a 


dead  honey  locust,  Glcditsia  triacanthos,  collected  at  Rockville, 

ORMISCUS  SALTATOR  Lee.  Reared  from  dead  willow,  Salix, 
branches  collected  at  Harrisburg,  Pa.,  by  Champlain  and  Knull. 

EUSPHYRUS  WALSHI  Lee.  Reared  from  the  branches  of 
dead  elm,  Ulmus,  collected  at  Hummelstown,  Pa. 

ACALLODES  VENTRICOSUS  Lee.  Adults  were  found  numerous 
at  Inglenook,  Pa.,  on  June  7,  feeding  on  the  foliage  of  Stcir- 
onema  ciliatum. 


Mr.  S.  W.  Frost  is  leaving  New  York,  January  10th,  1929, 
for  Panama  where  he  will  spend  six  months  collecting  and 
studying  leaf-mining  insects.  He  may  also  go  into  Costa  Rica 
and  Guatemala. 

*  H.  C.  Fall,  Jour.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  V.  7,  p.  33,  1899. 


Request  for  Letters  of  Dr.  E.  A.  Schwarz. 

I  would  like  to  assemble  (borrow)  all  available  letters  from 
the  late  Dr.  E.  A.  Schwarz  with  a  view  to  publishing  a  selection 
of  the  most  interesting  ones  as  a  memorial  to  him.  JOHN  D. 
SHERMAN,  JR.,  132  Primrose  Avenue,  Mount  Vernon,  New 

Ophion  chilensis  (Hym:  Ichneumonidae). 

Hail,  Ophion  chilensis  Spin  !  You  have  evidently  come  from 
far  off  Chili  to  live  in  North  America  and  we  gladly  welcome 
you !  When  we  first  laid  eyes  upon  you  three  years  ago  near 
San  Diego,  California,  we  were  indeed  surprised!  We  never 
thought  that  you  would  migrate  quite  so  far  from  your  South 
American  aboriginal  home !  We  could  hardly  believe  our  eyes 
when  at  last  you  were  identified  as  being  Ophion  chilensis  Spin  ! 

Just  how  long  you  have  been  in  North  America  (Calif.)  we 
do  not  know,  but  probably  only  a  few  years.  Chilensis  has 
evidently  come  to  stay.  He  is  only  an  inch  long,  yet  is  a  real 
Ichneumon  aristocrat — delicate,  refined  !  He  is  a  night  flier— 
at  least  we  have  never  so  far  seen  him  in  the  daytime.  He  keeps 
company  with  moths  and  lace-wings  and  other  nocturnal  in- 
sects around  electric  lamps,  hiding  in  the  shade  during  the 
day.  His  flight  is  unsteady,  bumping  against  this  and  that  and 
never  failing  to  take  a  sly  bite  at  one's  fingers,  if  he  can  do  so! 
\\V  have  sent  him  to  Stanford  University,  to  the  San  Diego 
Natural  Hist.  Soc.,  and  to  the  National  Museum,  Wash.,  where 
he  is  being  studied  by  Mr.  Sumner,  specialist  in  Ichneumons. 

Chilensis  loves  hot  weather  and  disappears  when  days  and 
nights  grow  too  cool  for  him,  as  it  so  often  does  in  Southern 
California.  In  the  warm  evenings  of  early  Spring  this  year 
he  was  quite  plentiful  on  our  porch,  but  the  long  spell  of  cold 
evenings  and  cloudy  days  has  driven  him  to  cover. 

The  wings  of  chilensis  are  so  characteristic  of  him  that  even 
an  amateur  can  always  readily  identify  him  by  their  venation, 
even  if  not  so  easily  by  other  specific  marks.  A  glass  of  6-8 
diameters  is  needed  in  order  to  see  clearly  the  venation.  Chilen- 
sis is  a  very  fascinating  Ichneumon  ! 

ALFRED  K.  GLOVER,  San  Diego,  California. 

[On  sending  proof  of  this  note  to  the  author,  we  were  shocked  to 
learn  from  Airs.  Glover  that  her  husband  passed  away  on  September  16, 
1928.  We  tender  her  our  respectful  sympathy. — EDITOR.] 



[Dec.,  '28 

Pest  Control  in  Insect  Drawers. 

Even  the  best  made  insect  boxes  do  not  for  ever  keep  out 
harmful  insect  pests.  Every  collection,  no  matter  how  well  it 
is  housed,  needs  attention  now  and  then  to  preserve  it  from 
the  ravages  of  Dennestcs  (a  beetle)  in  its  larval  stages.  The 
cheapest  thing  to  use  in  boxes  as  a  preventive  is  crushed  moth- 
balls, although  these  have  not  a  very  great  fumigation  strength. 
Naphthaline  flakes  (sold  by  druggists)  are  much  better.  The 
snowy  white  kind,  not  the  pinkish  stuff,  should  be  demanded. 

Kill  the 
PeachTree  Borer 




I  find  the  best  and  strongest  disinfective  to  use  continually  is 
Paracide  (para-dichlor  benzene),  a  trade  marked  product  made 
by  Hooker  Electrochemical  Co.,  of  Niagara  Falls,  New  York. 
The  substance  looks  like  crushed  moth-balls,  but  has  a  far 
greater  fumigation  value.  It  is  put  up  in  one  or  five  pound  tins 
as  shown  by  fig.  1.  It  sells  for  about  35  cents  a  pound  tin  and 
your  local  druggist  can  order  it  for  you  from  his  wholesale 
house.  To  quickly  kill  Dennestcs  in  a  badly  infected  box  use 
bi-sulphide  of'  carbon,  U.  S.  P.,  (poison  and  inflammable),  a 
clear,  ill-smelling  liquid  sold  by  druggists.  This  may  be  poured 
over  a  piece  of  cotton  and  then  pinned  in  the  corner  of  the 
box.  I  have  found  that  I  can  apply  this  liquid  directly  to  the 
bodies  of  butterflies  without  harm.  Fig.  2  shows  a  small  oil 
can  which  is  handy  for  this  purpose  as  it  allows  a  drop  or  two 
to  come  out  at  a  time.  These  small  oil  cans  are  sold  by  any 
Wool  worth  or  Kresge  store  for  10  cents  each.  They  keep  the 
liquid  trom  evaporating  when  not  in  use.  Do  not  apply  bi-sul- 
phide directly  to  the  bodies  of  moths  or  other  hairy  insects,  or 
to  type  specimens. — J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

XXxix,    '28]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  319 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,       WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL      AB- 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Wyriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  Amcriran  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  j  I  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

'Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

jjj^-Notc  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — A. — Malices  et  stratagemes  chez  quelques 
insectes.    [98]    55:   56-58.      Abel,   O. — Xeuere   forschungen 
liber    die   herkunft    uncl    stammesgeschichte    cler   primaten. 
[Verb.  Zool.-Bot.  Ges.  Wein]   78:  39-45.     Aurivillius,  C.- 
Obituary.   [63]   42:  294-295.     Brooks,  B.  T.— The  interpre- 
tation  of   research.      [76]    1928:   410-415.      Brues,   C.  T- 
Studies  on  the  fauna  of  hot  springs  in  the  western  United 
States  and  the  biology  of  Thermophilous  animals.     [Proc. 
Amer.  Acad.  Arts  &  Sci.]  63:  139-228,  ill.    Collins,  J.  E.- 
The   recent  growth   of   interest   in    Entomological    Science 
and  its  effect  upon  Entomologists  and  Entomological  Soci- 
eties.    [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Loud.]  2:  106-113.    Crowell,  M.  F. 

—A  vial  for  catching  small  leaping-  insects.  [12]  21:  632- 
633,  ill.  Donisthorpe,  H.  K. — The  mouth-parts  in  some  in- 
sects. [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Loncl.j  3:  28-29.  Edwards,  F.  W. 

-Insects  taken  at  sea  off  the  Brazilian  Coast.  |  Proc.  Ent. 
Soc.  Loncl.]  2:  56-59.  Felt,  E.  P.— Insects  and  health.  Dis- 
persal of  insects  by  air  currents.  [N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.] 
1928:  5-57,  ill.;  59-129.  Felt,  E.  P.— Observations  and 
notes  on  injurious  and  other  insects  of  New  York  State. 
[N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.)  1928:  145-176,  ill.  Fisk,  G.  H.- 
Insects  found  under  burlap  bands.  |4]  60:  183-184.  Frick- 
hinger,  H.  W.— Die  volkswirtschaftliche  bedeutung  der 
schadlingsbekampfung.  |  Der.  Nat.]  1928-1929:  284-285. 
Hayward,  K.  J. — A  short  description  of  the  Argentine 
Chaco.  [Proc.  S.  London  Ent.  &  N.  H.  Soc.J  1927-28: 
18-33.  Horn,  W. — Ueber  "pliotostatische"  reproduktionen 

320  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

von  literatur-stellen.  [49]  17:  153-155.  Horn,  W.— Ueber 
die  2,  "Liegnitzer  alten."  [49]  17:  307-310.  Janisch,  E.- 
Die  lebens-und  entwicklungsdauer  der  insekten  als  tem- 
peraturfunktion.  [94]  132:  176-186,  ill.  Johnson,  C.  W.- 
Some  common  insects  of  the  household.  [76]  1928:  343- 
346.  Johnson,  C.  W. — The  insect  fauna  with  reference  to 
the  flora  and  other  biological  features.  [Biol.  Sur.  Mount 
Desert  Reg.]  Part  1 :  3-247.  Kelsheimer,  E.  G— The  pres- 
ervation of  immature  insects.  [7]  21 :  436-444.  Petersen, 
C.  G.  J. — On  some  biological  principles.  [Det.  Kgl.  Danske 
Vidensk.  Selskab.  Biol.  Meckl.J  7:  3-54.  Petersen  &  Haeus- 
sler. — Response  of  the  oriental  peach  moth  and  codling 
moth  to  colored  lights.  [7]  21 :  353-375,  ill.  Robinson,  W. 

-Response  and  adaptation  of  insects  to  external  stimuli. 
[7]  21:  407-417,  ill.  Report  of  the  British  National  Com- 
mittee on  Entomological  Nomenclature.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc. 
Lond.]  3:  33-45.  Schaum,  K.  &  E. — Einheimische  sprin- 
gende  gallen.  [88]  16:  761.  Schmidtgen,  O. — Fahrten  von 
insekten  und  wirbeltieren  im  Perm  von  Nierstein  am  Rhein. 
[Verb.  Zool.-Bot.  Ges.  Wein]  78:  35-39.  Skala,  H— Fu- 
turonerva  absurda  ?!  [14]  42:  118.  [Criticism  of  describ- 
ing malformations.]  Snodgrass,  R.  E. — The  mind  of  an 
insect.  [An.  Rep.  Smiths.  Inst.]  1927:  387-416,  ill.  Wade, 
J.  S. — A  bibliography  of  biographies  of  entomologists,  with 
special  reference  to  North  American  workers.  [7]  21 :  489- 
520.  Weiss,  H.  B. — Some  early  American  papers  on  ento- 
mology. [6]  36:  293-297.  Wightman,  A.  J.— Dr.  Verity's 
nomenclature  (a  rejoiner).  [21]  40:  122-123.  Wilson,  O. 

-The  "Hundred-Thousand"  insect.  [Nat.  Mag.]  12:  292- 
295,  ill.  [On  the  making  of  shellac.] 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Bugajew,  I.  L- 

Zum  studium  des  baues  der  Malpighischen  gefasse  bei  den 
insekten.  [34]  78:  244-255,  ill.  Comignan,  J.-Note  pre- 
liminaire  sur  le  role  de  1'olfactioii  chez  Scarabaeus  semi- 
punctatus.  [25]  1928:  214-216.  Crampton,  G.  C.— The 
basal  structures  of  the  wings  of  certain  insects.  [19]  23: 
113-118,  ill.  Davies,  W.  M. — The  effect  of  variation  in 
relative  humidity  on  certain  species  of  Collembola,  [Brit. 
Jour.  Exper.  Biol.]  6:  79-86,  ill.  Frew,  J.  G.  H.— A  tech- 
nique for  the  cultivation  of  insect  tissues.  [Brit.  Jour. 
Exper.  Biol.]  6:  1-11.  Ingles,  L.  G. — The  development  of 
the  central  nervous  system.  [13|  20:  55-57,  ill.  Lester  & 
Lloyd. — Notes  on  the  process  of  digestion  in  Tsetse-flies. 
[22 1  19:  39-60,  ill.  Meyer,  E. — Neue  sinnesbiologische 
beobachtungen  an  spinnen.  [46]  12:  1-69,  ill.  Schilder  & 
Schilder. — Die  nahrung  der  Coccinelliden  und  ihre  bezie- 
hung  zur  verwandtschaft  tier  arten.  [Arb.  aus  der  Biol. 

XXXl'x,    '2X]  KXTOMol.or.K  AL    XKNVS  321 

Reich,  fiir  Lancl-uncl  Forstwirtschaft]  16:  213-282,  ill. 
Schmid,  B. — Sichtbarmachung,  tierischer  Laute.  [97]  48: 
513-521.  Verrier,  M.  L. — fitucle  anatomique  et  cytologique 
d'une  cecidie  sur  Senecio  cacaliaster.  [24]  97:  19-26,  ill. 
Welch,  P.  S. — The  physiology  of  insects — metabolism. 
[7 1  21:  476-488.  Wirth]  W.— Untersuchungen  iiber  reiz- 
schwellenwerte  von  geruchsstoffen  bei  insekten.  [97]  48: 
567-576,  ill. 

Gertsch. — Notes  on  spiders  from  southeastern  Utah.  [95] 
41 :  175-187.  *Hilton,  W.  A. — The  occurrence  of  a  mem- 
ber of  the  class  Pauropoda  in  California.  [13]  20:  65-68. 
ill.  Kingston,  R.  W.  G. — Protective  devices  in  spiders' 
snares.  [Proc.  S.  London  Ent.  &  N.  H.  Soc.]  1927-28:  15-17. 
Hodson,  W.  E.  H. — Some  notes  on  the  bulb  mite.  [Jour. 
Alin.  Agric.]  35:  656-660. 

-Le  developement  des  soldats  termites.  [An.  Sci.  Nat., 
Zool.,  Paris]  11:  261-281,  ill.  *Goding,  F.  W.— Membra- 
ciclae  of  South  America  and  Antilles,  III.  Subfamily  Mem- 
bracinae.  [6]  36:  201-233,  ill.  *Hood,  J.  D.— A  new  Acti- 
nothrips  (Thysanoptera)  from  Brazil.  [19]  23:  147-150, 

ORTHOPTERA.— Fulton,  B.  B.— A  demonstration  of 
the  location  of  auditory  organs  in  certain  Orthoptera.  [7] 
21:  445-448.  *Hebard,  M. — Studies  in  the  Dermaptera  and 
Orthoptera  of  Colombia.  5.  Orthopterous  family  Grylli- 
dae.  [1]  54:  79-124.  Liebermann,  J. — Preliminares  para  el 
estudio  de  los  Acridioideos  Argentines.  [An.  Soc.  Cien. 
Argentina]  94:  137-158.  *Rehn,  J.  A.  G.— New  or  little 
known  neotropical  Blattidae.  1.  [1]  54:  125-194,  ill.  Rob- 
erts, R.  A. — Notes  on  the  biology  of  Stagmomantis  Carolina 
(Mantidae).  [4]  60:  209-212. 

HEMIPTERA.— Balduf,    W.    V.— Observations    on    the 

buffalo  tree  hopper  Ceresa  bubalus  (Membracidae)  and  the 
bionomics  of  an  egg  parasite,  Polvnema  striaticorne  (  Mym- 
aridae):  |7|  2\  :  419-435,  ill.  *Ball,  E.  D.— Some  new  gen- 
era and  species  of  N.  A.  Derbidae  with  notes  on  others 
(  Fulgoridae).  |4|  60:  196-201.  Barber,  H.  G.— Ptochiomera 
or  Plociomera?  [19]  23:  153.  China,  W.  E.— Terminal  ab- 
dominal proc'  in  a  Jassid  larva  (  Jassidae).  [Proc.  Ent. 
Soc.  Loud.]  3:  21-23,  ill.  Clark,  L.  B. — Seasonal  distribution 
and  life  history  of  Xotomviu  undulala  in  the  Winnipeg 
Region,  Canada.  [84]  9:  383-403,  ill.  *Goding,  F.  W.- 
New  Membracidae" VII.  (S).  [19]  23:  137-142.  *Gould, 

322  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

G.  E. — A  new  species  of  Rhagovelia.  (Veliidae).  [7]  21: 
417-418.  *Granovsky,  A.  A. — A  new  genus  and  species  of 
Aphidae  (Homoptera).  [10]  30:  113-121,  ill.  *Fairbairn, 
V.  M. — The  genus  Hymetta  (Cicadellidae).  [Jour.  Kansas 
Ent.  Soc.]  1 :  84-92,  ill.  Fairbairn,  V.  M.— The  life  history 
of  Erythroneura  ziczac  (Cicadellidae).  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent. 
Soc.]  1:  79-84.  *Harris,  H.  M.— Anent  Blatchley's  manual 
of  Heteroptera,  with  description  of  a  new  Nabid  there- 
from. [19]  23:  143-146.  Hottes,  F.  C.— Borderline  aphid 
studies.  [95]  41:  133-138.  *Hungerford,  H.  B.— Note  on 
Plea.  [19]  23:  132.  *Hungerford,  H.  B.— Notonecta  reu- 
teri,  new  name  for  Notonecta  scutellaris.  [19]  23:  128. 
*Hungerford,  H.  B. — Some  Corixidae  from  Northern  States 
and  Canada.  [4]  60:  226-230,  ill.  Kitao,  Z.— Notes  on  the 
anatomy  of  Warajicoccus  corpulentus,  a  scale  insect  nox- 
ious to  various  oaks.  [Jour.  Coll.  Agric.  Imperial  Univ. 
Tokyo]  10:  1-19,  ill.  *  Knight,  H.  H.— A  new  key  for  Bol- 
teria  with  descriptions  of  two  new  species  (Miridae).  [19] 
23:  129-132.  Lawson,  P.  B. — The  genus  Driotura  and  the 
genus  Unoka  (Cicadellidae).  [7]  21:  449-462,  ill.  *Osborn, 
H. — Neotropical  Homoptera  of  the  Carnegie  Museum.  Part 
6.  Report  of  the  subfamily  Tvphlocybinse,  with  descrip- 
tions of  new  species.  [3]  18:  253-292,  ill.  *Osborn,  H.- 
The  leafhoppers  of  Ohio.  [Ohio  Biol.  Surv.J  3:  199-374, 
ill.  Poulton,  E.  B. — Notes  on  Laternaria  (Fulgoridae)  and 
other  "Lanthorn-flies".  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Loud.]  2:  86-88. 
Readio,  P.  A. — Studies  on  the  biology  of  the  genus  Corizus 
(Coreidae).  [7]  21 :  189-199,  ill.  *Walley,  G.  S.— The  genus 
Aphrophora  in  America  north  of  Mexico  (Cercopidae). 
14)  60:  184-192,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Box,  H.  E.— Note  upon  the  larva 
and  pupa  of  Bungalotis  astylos  (Hesperiidae).  [Proc.  Ent. 
Soc.  Lond.]  2:  83-84.  Braun,  A.  F. — Phylogenetic  signifi- 
cance of  the  frenulum  retinacula  in  the  Gelechioidea.  [7] 
21:  463-468.  Hagmann,  M.— Raupenzucht.  [14]  42:  102- 
103,  ill.,  (cont.).  *Haimbach,  F. — A  list  of  the  species  and 
descriptions  of  new  forms  of  the  American  genus  Zale  and 
a  new  form  of  Safia  (Noctuidae,  Catocalinae).  54:  215-231, 
ill.  *Hayward,  K.  J. — Migration  of  insects  in  Northeastern 
Argentina,  1928.  [9]  61  :  210-212.  *Hering,  M.— Neue  mid 
alte  Heteroceren  aus  dem  zoologischen  staatsmuseum  Ber- 
lin. (S).  1 63]  42:  268-282.  *Holland,  W.  J.— Notes  upon 
some  North  American  species  and  varieties  of  the  genus 
Brenthis.  19:  35-45,  ill.  Holland,  W.  J.— The  Argynnids 
of  the  Nokomis-group.  19:  15-34.  ill.  *Hopp,  W. — Beitrag 
zur  kenntnis  cler  Dalceriden.  (S).  [63]  42:  283-287,  ill. 
Liu,  C.  L. — On  some  parasites  of  the  eastern  tent  cater- 

XXxix,    '2SJ  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  323 

pillar  (Malacosma  americana).  [Hull.  Peking  Soc.  Nat. 
Hist.]  3:  19-20.  *Meyrick,  E. — Exotic  Microlepidoptera. 
3:  385-416.  *Meyrick,  E. — Two  American  species  of  Las- 
peyresia.  (S).  [9]  61 :  231-232.  *Michael,  O.— Ueber  neue 
Agriasaberrationen  vom  Amazonas.  [14J  42:  123,  cont. 
Poulton,  E.  B. — An  adaption  which  tends  to  prevent  in- 
breeding in  certain  lepidoptera.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond.] 
2:  75-82;  3:  18-20.  Poulton,  E.  B.— Scent-tufts  observed 
in  the  males  of  certain  Costa  Rican  lepidoptera.  [Proc. 
Ent.  Soc.  Lond]  2:  74-75.  Swingle,  H.  S. — Digestive  en- 
zymes of  the  oriental  fruit  moth.  |7J  21:  469-475,  ill. 

DIPTERA.  —  Bangerter,  H.  -    Mucken-metamorphosen. 

[56]  7:  156-161.  ill.  Bischoff,  W.— Die  oekologie  der 
palaarktischen  Blepharoceridae.  [  Erge.  und  Fort,  der  Zool.] 
7:  209-278,  ill.  Box,  H.  E. — Observations  upon  Lixophaga 
diatraeae,  a  Tachinid  parasite  of  Diatraea  saccharalis,  in 
Porto  Rico.  [22]  19:  1-6,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H.— New  eastern 
species  of  Medeterus  (Dolichopodidae).  [N.  Y.  State  Mus. 
Bull.]  1928:  199-204.  *Curran,  C.  H.— Revision  of  the 
American  species  of  Archytas  (Tachinidae) .  [4]  60:  201-208. 
cont.  *Curran,  C.  H. — Revision  of  the  American  species 
of  Archytas  (Tachinidae).  [4]  60:  218-226,  ill.,  cont.  Davis, 
W.  T. — Lucilia  flies  anticipating  death  [of  their  host]. 
[19]  23:  118.  Dyar,  H.  G.— The  mosquitos  of  the  Ameri- 
cas. [Carnegie  Inst.  Wash.]  1928:  1-616,  ill.  Edwards,  F. 
W. — The  family  position  of  Pachyneres.  [9]  61  :  208. 
Edwards,  F.  W. — Wyeomyia  smithi  in  Newfoundland.  [9] 
61:  214.  *Enderlein,  G. — Sarcophagiden-studien  II.  (S). 
[56]  7:  147-153,  ill.  Engelhardt,  G.  P.— Note  on  the  breed- 
ing of  Hermetia  aurata.  Stratiomydae.  [19]  23:  122. 
*Felt,  E.  P.— A  new  western  gall  midge.  [13]  20:  58. 
*Hendel,  F. — Neue  oder  weniger  bekannte  Bohrfliegen 
(Trypetidae)  meist  aus  dem  Deutschen  Entomologischen 
Institut  Berlin-Dahlem.  (S).  [49]  17:  341-370.  Hofeneder, 
H. —  LJeber  die  larven  der  Blepharoceriden  und  ihren  merk- 
wurdigen  anhettungsapparat  [Verb.  Zool.  Bot.  Gesell. 
\\'ein]  77:  82-98,  ill.  Krober,  O. — Neue  und  wenig  bekannte 
Dipteren  aus  den  familien  Omphralidae,  Conopidae  und 
Therevidae.  |56|  7:  113-134,  ill.  *Lindner,  E.— Die  aus- 
beute  der  Deutschen  Chaco-Expedition.  III.  Ulidiidae. 
(S).  [56 1  7:  93-98.  *Malloch,  J.  R.— Exotic  Mnsraridae. 
(S).  [75]  2:  307-319.  Rogers,  J.  S.— Notes  on  the  biology 
of  Gnophomyia  luctuosa,  with  de>criptions  of  the  imma- 
ture stages.  |  7]  21  :  398-406,  ill.  Rohdendorf,  B.—  I  it-it  rage 
xur  kenntnis  der  Salmacia-  '(Ionia-)  gruppe.  (Tachinidae.) 
[34]  78:  97-102,  ill.  Rohdendorf,  B.— Calliphorinen-studien 
II.  [49]  17:  336-338,  ill.  *Root,  F.  M.— Note  on  mosqui- 

324  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

to  fauna  of  the  republic  of  Haiti.  [Am.  J.  Hygiene]  7: 
463-469,  ill.  *Root,  F.  M. — Studies  on  Brazilian  mosquitos. 
II.  Chagasia  fajarcloi.  [Am.  J.  Hygiene]  7:  470-480,  ill. 
*Root,  F.  M. — Studies  on  Brazilian  mosquitos.  IV.  Notes 
on  some  Brazilian  species  of  Anopheles.  [Am.  J.  Hygiene] 
7:  599-605,  ill.  *Root,  F.  M. — Studies  on  Brazilian  mosqui- 
tos. III.  The  genus  Culex.  [Am.  J.  Hygiene]  7:  574-598, 
ill.  Saunders,  L.  G. — Psychoda  alternata  breeding  in  the 
sea.  [9]  61 :  209.  Smith,  F.  K. — Larval  characters  of  genus 
Dixa.  [6]  36:  263-284,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.— *BlatchIey,  W.  S. — Notes  on  the 
Rhynchophora  of  Eastern  North  America  with  descrip- 
tions of  new  species,  IV,  [6]  36:  235-262.  *Boucomont,  A. 

— Wissenschaftliche  ergebnisse  der  schwedischen  entomo- 
logischen  reise  des  A.  Roman  in  Amazonas  1914-1915  (uncl 
1923-1924).  Scarabaeiclae.  [83]  19,  no.  22:  1-8.  *Brown, 
W.  J. — Two  new  species  of  Bolbocerosoma  with  notes  on 
the  habits  and  genitalia  of  other  species.  [4]  60:  192-196, 
ill.  *Osiki,  E. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  97:  Cara- 
bidae:  Mormolycinae,  Harpalinae  I.  226  pp.  *Fletcher,  F. 
C. — The  Cornell  University  entomological  expedition  to 
South  America,  1919-1920.  Scientific  results,  No.  4:  Pse- 
laphidae.  [1]  54:  69-77.  Frost,  C.  A.— Notes  on  the  Cole- 
optera  of  1925.  [19]  23:  133-136.  *Gentner,  L.  G.— Con- 
tributions to  our  knowledge  of  North  American  Halticinae. 
I.  Notes  with  descriptions  of  new  species  (Chrysomelidae). 
[1]  54:  57-67.  *Hatch,  M.  H. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus. 
Pars  95:  Silphidae  II.  63-244.  Hopping,  G.  R.— The  west- 
ern cedar  borer.  (Trachykele  blondeli).  [Canada  Dept. 
of  Agric.]  Pamph.  94:  1-17,  ill.  Felt,  E.  P.— Three  Japanese 
bettles  new  to  New  York  State.  [N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.] 
1928:  131-144,  ill.  Payne,  N.  M.— Cold  hardiness  in  the 
Japanese  beetle,  Popillia  japonica.  [92]  55:  163-179,  ill. 
*Schaeffer,  C. — The  North  American  species  of  Hydro- 
thassa  with  notes  on  other  Chrysomelidae  and  a  descrip- 
tion of  new  species  and  a  variety-  [6]  36:  287-291.  *Schenk- 
ling,  S. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  96:  Melasidae. 
110  pp.  :i:Spaeth,  F. — Neue  Cassidinen  aus  clem  museum 
zu  Stockholm.  (S).  [83]  19,  no.  30:  1-11.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C. 

— Callidium  pallidum  taken  in  California.     [55]  4:  172. 

HYMENOPTERA.--Alpatov,  W.  W.  --  Variation  of 
hooks  on  the  hind  wing  of  the  honey  bee  (Apis  mellifera). 
[92]  55:  209-234,  ill.  Balduf,  W.  V—  (See  under  Hemip- 
tera.)  *BischofT,  H. — Beitrag  zur  kenntnis  der  Orussiden. 


(S).  [56]  7:  175-181.  *Bradley,  J.  C.--A  revision  of  the 
new  world  species  of  Trielis,  a  submenus  of  Campsomeris 
(Scoliidae).  54:  195-214.  ill.  Bradley,  J.  C.— The  species 
of  Compsomeris  (Scoliidae)  of  the  Plumipes  group,  inhabit- 
ing- the  United  States,  the  Greater  Antilles,  and  the  Ba- 
hama Islands.  [Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  Phila.]  80:  313-337, 
ill.  Cleare,  L.  D.— A  method  for  the  rearing-  of  egg  para- 
sites of  the  sugar-cane  moth-borers.  \22\  19:  31-38,  ill. 
Cresson,  E.  T. — The  types  of  Hymenoptera  in  the  Academy 
of  Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia  oilier  than  those  of 
Ezra  T.  Cresson.  [Mem.  American  Ent.  Soc.j  5:  1-90. 
*Fouts,  R. — Notes  on  the  Bethylinae  with  descriptions  of 
one  new  Cuban  and  twelve  new  Xorth  American  species. 
[10]  30:  121-132.  Freudenstein,  K.— Das  herz  und  das  cir- 
culationssystem  der  Honigbeine  (Apis  mellifica).  [94| 
132:  404-475,  ill.  *Frison,  T.  H.— A  'new  species  of  bumble- 
bee from  Guatemala  (Bremidae).  [19]  23:  151-152.  Mc- 
Colloch,  J.  W. — The  Mutillidae  of  Kansas.  [Jour.  Kansas 
Ent.  Soc.j  1:  93-98.  Rau,  P.— The  nesting  habits  of  the 
little  carpenter-bee,  Ceratina  calcarata.  [7]  21 :  380-396,  ill. 
Schwarz,  H.  F. — Anthidiinae  collected  mostly  in  Canada. 
[4|  60:  212-217.  Viereck,  H.  L.— A  report  on"  the  Hymen- 
optera in  the  New  York  State  Museum.  [N.  Y.  State  Mus. 
Bull.]  177-197.  Watson,  L.  R. — Controlled  mating  in  hon- 
eybees. [73]  3:  377-390,  ill. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES.— Editorial  on  cactus  hedges  by  J. 
R.  T.  B.  [19]  23:  154-155.  [A  protest  against  an  idea  pro- 
posed in  a  previously  published  article  which  would  prohibit 
the  nonprofessional  from  participation  in  the  study  of  en- 
tomology.] Opinions  rendered  by  the  International  Com- 
mission on  Zoological  Nomenclature.  Opinions  98  to  104. 
[These  opinions  include  reference  to  Brauer  &  Bergen- 
stamm  ;  also  generic  names  placed  in  official  list.]  (Smith. 
Misc.  Coll.]  73:  1-28. 

United  States  Department  of  Agriculture,  Technical  Bulletin 
No.  52,  239  pp.,  116  text  figs.,  7  plates,  July,  l()28.  I  have  in 
earlier  reviews  and  in  various  other  papers  expressed  a  full 
measure  of  criticism  of  the  methods  that  have  quite  generally 
prevailed  in  the  systematic  work  on  the  scale  in-ects  and  of  the 
results  that  have  been  pre-determined  by  those  methods.  It  is 
consequently  a  most  genuine  pleasure  to  come  at  last  upon  a 
piece  of  systematic  work  dealing  with  this  group  and  concern- 

326  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 

ing  which  nothing  can  be  offered   save  words  of   praise  and 

Here  is  a  study  that  approaches  about  as  closely  as  anyone  is 
likely  to  come  to  an  ideal  expression  of  what  systematic  work 
should  be,  not  only  as  such  work  involves  insects  of  the  type 
of  the  sternorhynchous  Hemiptera  but  as  it  applies  to  any 
group.  It  is  as  such  a  paper,  as  a  contribution  demonstrating 
the  possibilities  inherent  in  the  combination  of  a  thoroughly 
qualified  student  and  proper  methods  of  work,  even  more  than 
as  a  highly  important  contribution  to  the  knowledge  and  un- 
derstanding of  a  particular  group,  that  it  is  especially  notable. 

As  a  contribution  to  the  literature  on  the  scale  insects  it 
will  stand  as — up  to  the  present  time — the  best  detailed  study 
dealing  with  an  extensive  range  of  material  that  we  have. 
There  have  been  papers  dealing  with  individual  species  or  small 
groups  or  miscellaneous  material — such  as  some  of  Morrison's 
own  papers,  Herbert's  papers  on  Matsucoccus,  and  a  few 
others — that  have  been  equally  well  done,  but  they  represent 
no  such  sustained  effort  as  this  treatment  of  a  large  and  im- 
portant group.  As  such  a  treatment,  it  is  approached  only  by 
Chamberlin's  work  on  the  Lacciferidae  (Tachardiidae). 

The  details  of  the  paper  are  of  interest  only  to  special  students, 
but  a  general  statement  may  be  made  that  will  convey  to  non- 
specialists  some  conception  of  what  has  been  accomplished. 

Here  is  a  group  of  insects  that  had  shared  equally  with  the 
rest  of  the  Coccidae  in  the  mistreatment  to  which  this  family- 
or  super-family  or  sub-order,  call  it  what  you  wish — had  been 
subjected  at  the  hands  of  systematists.  It  is  a  group  as 
difficult  as  any  to  study  because  of  the  problem  of  obtaining 
good  preparations.  Added  to  this  are  the  remarkable  trans- 
formations through  which  some  of  the  species  pass  in  the 
course  of  their  development  and  the  difficulty  of  securing 
adequate  material  with  which  to  work  these  out.  And  there 
are  a  fair  share  of  nomenclatorial  difficulties.  Fortunately, 
Morrison  had  at  hand  type  material  of  a  great  many  species  and 
was  able  to  secure  material  representing  many  others. 

The  classification  of  the  group  as  a  whole  was  in  a  very 
serious  tangle.  Most  of  the  genera  were  but  vaguely  defined. 
These  genera  had  been  aggregated  into  a  series  of  so-called 
sub-families  that  were  based  upon  a  very  slight  knowledge  of 
the  actual  structures  of  the  insects.  But  little  had  been  done 
in  the  way  of  determining  what  are  the  actual  bases  for  generic 
and  group  classification. 

(  hit  of  this  there  has  been  brought  order  and — in  the  light 
of  present  knowledge — a  reasonable  classification.  The  genera 


have  been  clarified  and  their  type  species  made  positively  iden- 
tifiable. Everything  that  could  be  done  with  the  available 
material  has  been  done  to  take  into  account  the  various  develop- 
mental stages  and  to  consider  and  weigh  the  value  of  all 
structures  that  can  be  found  upon  the  bodies  of  the  insects  in 
good  preparations.  The  illustrations  are  as  numerous,  as  in- 
telligently worked  out,  as  carefully  arranged  and  lettered  and 
technically  as  good  as  can  be  desired.  The  lists  of  genera  and 
species  showing  synonymy  and  present  disposition  of  all  names 
within  the  group  are  exceedingly  useful.  The  bibliography  is 
in  all  probability  complete. 

More  than  this,  what  could  be  asked  of  any  author? 

That  there  are  still  deficiencies,  the  author  himself  realizes. 
Actually  we  probably  know  but  a  small  part  of  the  species 
that  exist  and  the  discovery  of  new  forms  may  possibly  change 
some  of  the  conceptions  as  to  classification.  There  are  some 
important  species  that  are  still  known  only  from  inadequate 
material.  There  are  some  of  which  the  highly  important  life 
histories  are  still  to  be  worked  out.  But  these  are  not  defects 
of  method  and  they  are  not  a  basis  for  criticism.  Only  time 
can  remedy  these  deficiencies. 

With  some  of  the  author's  conclusions  there  is  a  possiblity 
of  disagreement.  The  points,  however,  are  largely  academic 
and  have  to  do  chiefly  with  the  rank  to  be  assigned  to  various 
groups.  For  example,  I  still  hold  that  if  the  scale  insects  as 
a  whole  be  regarded  as  a  super- family  the  two  families  Marg- 
arodidae  and  Otheziidae  should  be  placed  as  subfamilies  of  a 
single  family,  which  would  necessarily  shift  the  rank  of  the 
groups  below  them.  Also  there  may  be  disagreement  as  to  the 
use  of  the  family  name  Margarodid'ae.  Morrison  has  accepted 
the  "oldest  genus"  principle  and  has  rejected  priority  which 
would  have  required  the  use  of  the  name  Monophlebidae.  Tn 
this  particular  case,  however,  it  is  possibly  better  to  follow 
Morrison's  procedure,  for  we  still  know  nothing  of  the  genus 
Monophlcbus,  other  than  that  it  belongs  to  this  group. 

When  such  treatments  as  this  exist  for  all  the  groups  of  the 
scale  insects  we  shall  really  have  a  foundation  upon  which  to 
build  the  enormous  and  complex  structure  that  will  eventually 
be  necessary  to  house  systematically  the  thousands  of  specie 
that  still  remain  to  be  discovered.  And  with  such  a  treatment 
as  this  available  as  an  example  of  what  can  be  done  by  the 
application  of  proper  methods,  there  no  longer  exists  any 
excuse  for  the  type  of  work  that  has  prevailed  in  the  past. 
The  study  of  the  scale  insects  is  changing.  It  i>  coming  of  age. 
G.  F.  FERRIS,  Stanford  I'niversity,  California. 

328  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '28 


In  the  Annals  of  the  Scientific  Society  of  Argentina  for 
July-September,  1928,  pages  73-79,  is  an  account  of  JUAN 
BRETHES,  with  portrait  and  partial  bibliography.  Brethes  was 
born  at  Saint-Sever,  France,  February  24,  1871,  and  died  at 
Buenos  Aires  2nd  July,  1928.  The  account  does  not  state  how 
or  when  he  went  to  South  America,  but  apparently  he  was  in 
Buenos  Aires  at  the  time  of  the  death  of  Carlos  Berg  in  1922. 
At  the  time  of  his  death,  Berg  was  Director  of  the  Museum 
of  Natural  History  of  Buenos  Aires.  He  was  succeeded  by 
F.  Ameghino,  who  considered  that  it  was  necessary  (since 
Berg  was  gone)  to  have  a  competent  entomologist  in  the  Muse- 
um. And  so  Brethes  was  appointed,  and  remained  with  the 
Museum  until  the  time  of  his  death. 

The  bibliographical  list  published  in  connection  with  this 
article  comprises  only  those  papers  published  in  the  Annals 
of  the  National  Museum  and  in  the  Annals  of  the  Argentine 
Scientific  Society.  It  comprises  62  titles,  but  Brethes  published 
many  of  his  papers  under  other  auspices,  notably  in  the  Annals 
of  the  Agricultural  Society  of  Argentina,  in  the  Magazine  of 
the  Museum  of  La  Plata,  in  Pliysis,  and  'in  Carlos  Porter's 
Revista  Chilcna.  A  complete  list  of  his  writings  will  appear 
in  the  Revista  of  the  Argentine  Entomological  Society. 

While  Brethes'  writings  covered  a  large  field  in  entomology, 
he  wrote  especially  upon  Diptera  and  Hymenoptera  and  seemed 
rather  especially  attracted  to  parasitic  Hymenoptera.  He  was, 
however,  more  or  less  of  a  student  of  Coleoptera  and  Lepi- 
doptera,  and  published  certain  papers  relating  to  insects  of 
these  orders. 

While  his  early  writings  were  justly  subject  to  criticism 
mainly  based  on  his  insufficient  knowledge  of  the  literature,  his 
work  steadily  improved  and  he  achieved  a  position  of  some 
distinction.  As  a  consequence  of  this,  shortly  before  his  death, 
Dr.  Walther  Horn  had  sent  him,  to  work  over,  certain  groups 
of  South  American  Aculeates  from  the  Deutschcs  Entomo- 
logisches  Institut.  L.  O.  HOWARD. 


(*  indicates  new  genera,  species,  names,  etc.) 

ABBOTT,    C.    E.     Some   observations   on   the   behavior   of 

Cerccris   architis    Mickel 205 

ALDRICH,   J.   M.     A  new   species  of    Oedcmatoccra   with 

notes  on  Schistocercophaga  Townsend 301 

ALEXANDER,    C.    P.     Undescribed   species   of    Crane   flies 

from   Chile 180 

BAERG,  W.  J.     Some  studies  of  a  Trapdoor  spider 1 

BALL,  E.  D.     Notes  on  the  Cercopidae  of  America  North 

of    Mexico 47 

BANKS,  N.     The  C.  W.  Johnson  Collection  of  Diptera.  .  .  257 
BARBER,   H.    G.     Some   quantitative   results    in  collecting 

Hemiptera 194 

BARBER,  H.   S.     Thomas    Say's    unrecorded    journey    in 

Mexico    15 

BELT,  T.     Gold  Mines  of  the  Naturalist  in  Nicaragua.  ...      22 
BLATCHLEY,  W.  S.     Passing  the  buck  in  descriptions  of 

insects    146 

Two   new   Anthocorids   and   a   new   Microphysid    from 

Florida     85 

BRAUN,  A.  F.     Review :  Leaf  Mining  Insects  by  James  G. 

Needham,  Stuart  W.  Frost,  Beatrice  H.  Tothill 230 

BROMLEY,  S.  W.     The  monarch  butterfly  wintering  in  the 

Everglades    96 

BYERS,  C.  F.     Comments  on  the  Odonata  recorded  in  "A 

List  of  the  Insects  of  New  York" 229 

Florida  dragonflies  captured  by  the  automobile 236 

CALVERT,  P.  P.     Entomology  at  the  "Convocation  Week" 

meetings,  Dec.  26  to  31,  1<)27  (Ed.) 60 

Obituaries:  Frederick  Leonard  \Vashburn,  Antonio 
Berlese 32 

Obituaries:  Enrico  Brunetti,  John  Hartley  Durrant, 
Lt.-Col.  J.  W.  Yerbury,  Gervase  F.  Matthew,  Marquis 
Henri  Du  Buysson,  Dr.  Eugene  Amandus  Schwarz, 
Dr.  Jean  Brethes 295 

Review:    List  of  the  Insects  of  New  York 135 


330  INDEX 

Review :    Zoology  of  Colorado 101 

The    Fourth    International    Congress    of     Entomology 

(Editorials  :   two) 252 

The  Labelling  of  Plates  (Ed.) 21 

CAREY,    M.    M.     Sugaring    for    Catocala    Moths    in    New 

Hampshire,  August-September,  1927 83 

CARPENTER,  J.   F.     Chironoinus  qiiadripunctatus  Malloch  186 

CAUDELL,  A.  N.     A  note  on  Tcnodcra  sincnsis  Sauss 127 

CHAMBERLIN,  J.  C.     See  Ferris,  G.  F.  and  Chamberlin, 

J.  C. 
CHAMBERLIN,  R.  V.     Notes  on  Chilopods  and  Diplopods 

from  southeastern  Utah 307 

On  three  Chilopods  from  the  La  Sal  Mountains  of  Utah     93 

Some  Chilopods  and  Diplopods  from  Missouri 153 

COCKERELL,  T.  D.  A.     Impressions  of  the  Tring  Museum, 

England     22 

The  Entomology  of  Central  Siberia 80 

A  remarkable  new  dragon-fly  from  the  Eocene  (ill.)..   297 
CRESSON,  E.  T.  JR.     Entomological  Literature  25,  63,  97,  130 
161,  195,  224,  258,  286,  319. 

Notes  on  Mason  Collection  (Coleop.) 104 

CUSTER,  C.  P.     Parasites  of  some  Anthidiine  bees 123 

DAVIS,   J.   J.     Bequest   to   the   Entomological    Society   of 

America 285 

DRAKE,  C.  J.     A  Synopsis  of  the  Species  of  Pachycysta.  .    184 

DYAR,  H.  G.     A  new  Corethrella  from  Panama 79 

ESSIG,  E.  O.     Invitation 152 

FERRIS,  G.  F.     The  genus  Myialgcs 137 

The  larva  of  Olfcrsia  vulturis  Van  der  Wulp 36 

Review :     Classification  of  the  higher  groups  and  genera 

of  the  Coccid   family  Margarodidae 325 

FERRIS,  G.  F.       and  CHAMBERLIN,  J.  C.     On  the  use  of 

the  word   "Chitinized" 212 

FORBES,  W.  T.  M.     The  first  insect  described  from  North 

America     126 

The  Tentamen  versus  the  Tentamen  names 116 

To  all  collectors  of  New  York  State  Lepidoptera Ill 

FROST,  S.  W.     Notes  on  Ortalidae 169 

FULTON,  B.  B.     The  Habitat  of  Tropidischia  .ranthostoiiut 
Scudder  8 

INDEX  331 

GLOVER,  A.  K.     Ophion  c/iilcnsis 317 

GOE,  M.  T.     Concerning  Earwigs 62 

GRAENICHER,   S.     New  bees   from  the   Miami   region   of 

Florida 279 

GUNDER,  J.  D.     New  Butterflies  (ill.) 304 

Pest  control  in  insect  drawers   (ill.) 318 

Unnamable  butterflies 201 

HAIMBACII,  FRANK.     New  synonymy  (Lep. :  Saturnidae)  223 

Review  :     On  the  male  of  Di.ripf>ns  inorosiis 292 

HIESTAND,  W.  A.     A  new  type  of  moth  trap 158 

Making  insect  labels  with  the  camera 89 

HOLLAND,  W.  J.     The  invalidity  of  the  Tentamen  names 

of  the  butterflies 50 

HORN,    W.     Heteropod-Zoology   and    entomological   com- 
plexes       172 

HOWARD,  L.  O.     Obituary:     Felix  Henneguy 136 

Obituary :     Juan  Brethes 328 

Spiders  and  Bedbugs 251 

HUNGERFORD,  H.  B.     Aquatic  Hemiptera  from  New  Mex- 
ico and  Georgia,  including  a  new  species  of  Corixidae.  .  156 

JOHANNSEN,  O.  A.     Fourth  international  congress  of  en- 
tomology     220 

J[OHNSON],  C.  W.     The  Clark  Collection  of  Lepidoptera  23 

JORDAN,  K.     Fourth  International  Congress  of  Entomology  59 

JUNK,  W.     See  Strand,  Embrik,  &  Junk,  W. 

KNAUS,   W.     Coleoptera  as   guests   of   other   insects   and 

animals    5 

KNIGHT,  H.  H.     Descriptions  of  four  new  North  Amer- 
ican species  of  Megaloccroca 247 

Remarks  on  photographic  labels  for  insects 178 

KNIGHT,  P.     Review:     The  life  of  the  white  ant 67 

KNOWLTON,  GEORGE  F.     Notes  on  a  few  species  of  Neo- 

tlioinasia  from  Utah 233 

KXULL,  J.  N.     Descriptions  of  two  new  species  of  Acmac- 

odcra  (Buprestidae)   with  notes  on  other  Coleoptera...  314 

A  new  species  of  Batylc 126 

Two  new  Cerambycidae 11 

LEARNED,  E.  T.     The  early  stages  of  .Ipantcsis  rittata.  .  .  265 

LEIBY,  R.  W.     Obituary :     Rev.  G.  H.  Manee 68 

Review :     Histological  Technique 31 

332  INDEX 

LINDSEY,  A.  W.     Hesperia  cos  Edwards 91 

1' \rgus  ccntaurcac  and  frcija 239 

McATEE,  W.  L.     Verbose  descriptions  of  insects 311 

MANIN,  S.     Dr.  T.  V.  Ramakrishna  Ayyar 284 

MICKEL,  CLARENCE  E.     A  new  species  of  Meloid  beetle, 
with  a  key  to  the  North  American  species  of  the  genus 

Leonid /a    Cockerell 38 

The  hiotic   factors   in   the   environmental   resistance   of 

Anthophora  occidentals  Cress 69 

MILLER,  D.  F.     A  case  of  the  botfly.   (Bogcria  bit  c  cat  a) 

as  a  parasite  upon  the  common  house  mouse 13 

NICOLAY,  A.  S.     Obituary :     Frank  R.  Mason 102 

PARK/  O.     Bifurcation  of  antenna  in  Balaninus 219 

RILEY,  W.  A.     Obituary:     Charles  Walter  Howard 167 

SHERMAN,  F.     Assembly  of  ground  beetles 24 

SHERMAN,  J.  D.  JR.     Request  for  letters  of  Dr.  E.  A. 

Schwarz    317 

SMITH,  M.  R.     An  additional  annotated  list  of  the  ants  of 

Mississippi   242,  275 

STILES,  C.  W.     Amendments  to  the  international  rules  of 

zoological    nomenclature 128 

STRAND,   EMBRIK,    &  JUNK,   W.     Lepidopterorum    Cata- 

logus    285 

THIEROLF,    WALTER    R.      The    economic    importance    of 

Paratenodera  sinensis 112,  140 

TOWNSEND,  CHARLES  H.  T.     On  the  structure,  host  habit, 

affinity  and  geographic  range  of  Beskia 150 

SchistoccrcopJiaga,  new  genus  of  locust  parasites 152 

TRIMBLE,  F. -M.     Scale  insects  of  Pennsylvania 42 

\\  ALTON,  L.  B.     A  new  Endomychid  from  Florida 216 

\YF.rss,  HARRY  B.     Mark  Catesby 270 

The  entomology  in  the  Bestiary  of  Philippe  de  Thaun.  .    119 
The  Entomology  of  Sir  Thomas  Browne's  Pseudodoxia 

Epidemica  33 

Some   Entomology   of    Barthomew's    De   Proprietatibus 

Rerum   190 

\\  OLCOTT,  A.   B.    .Descriptions  of  new  species  of   North 

American  Hydnocerinae • 207 

YAKHONTOV,  V.     To  authors  of  entomological  papers. .  .  .  206 




America,    Entomological    Soci- 
ety of   285 

Animal  hosts  5,  13 

Antenna,   Bifurcation  of    (ill.)   219 

Authors  of  papers,  To 206 

Automobile,   Captures  by 236 

Bequest    to    the    Ent.    Soc.    of 

America   285 

Biotic  factors 69 

Birds,  Parasites  of 36 

Bird  nests,   Insects   in 7 

Chitinized,  Use  of  the  word..   212 

Complexes,    Entomological 172 

Convocation  week  meetings ...     60 

De  proprietatibus  rerum 190 

Descriptions  of  insects 146 

Descriptions  of  insects,  Verbose  311 

Disease,  Insect-borne   194 

Entomology  in  the  bestiary  of 

Philippe  de  Thaun 119 

Environmental  resistance 69 

Evolution,     classification,     etc. 

(ill.)    105 

First     insect     described     from 

North    America 126 

Fossil    insects 297 

Fourth    international    congress 

of  Entomology 59,  220,  252 

Hermaphrodites   201 

"Heteropod  zoology"  and  "en- 
tomological complexes" 172 

Hosts,   Animal 36 

Hosts,   Insect     5,  40,   69,    138,  150 

Insecticide     dusting     by     air- 

plane   257 

International  rules  of  zoologi- 
cal nomenclature,  Amend- 
ments to 128 

Labelling  of  plates   21 

Labels,    Making   insect 89,  178 

Literature,  Entomological    25,    63 
97,   130,   161,   195,  224,  258,  286, 
Metal,  Insects  made  of..  96 

Moth  trap,  New  type  of 158 

Museum  reopened 235 

Naturalist  in  Nicaragua 22 

Parasites  of  bees 123 

Parasitic  insects 13,  301 

Parthenogenesis,     regeneration 

and  gynandromorphs 293 

Passing   the    buck    in    descrip- 
tions  of   insects 146 

Pest  control  in  insect  drawers  318 

Plants  attacked  by  insects  42,  314, 

Plants   visited   by   insects 281 

Pseudodoxia    epidemica 33 

Say's       unrecorded       journey 

(ill.)    15 

Schwarz,  Letters  of  Dr.  E.  A.  317 

Siberia,  Entomology  of 80 

Tentamen  names,  Invalidity  of  50 
Tentamen     versus     the  tenta- 

men    names 1 16 

Tring  museum 22 

Yellow  fever,  Way  of  acquiring  257 


Berlese,  A 32 

Brethes,  J 296,  328 

Brunetti,   E 295 

Buysson,  H.  du 296 

Durrant,  J.  H 295 

Glover,  A.  K 317 

Henneguy,    F 136 

Howard,  C.  W 167 

Manee,  A.   H 68 

Matthew,  G.  F 296 

Mason,  F.  R 1Q2 

Schwarz,  E.  A 296 

\Vushburn,    F.   L 32 

Yerbury,  J.  W 296 


Ayyar,  T.  V.  R 284 

Ballou,   H.  A 62 

Blaisdell,  F.  E 22 

Catcsby,    M.    (Biography).         275 

Clark,  B.  P 256 

Cockerell,  T.  D.  A 193,  257 



Cooley,  R.  A 129  Arkansas :     Arac.,  1.     Lep.,  265. 

Cushman,   R.   A 129  California:     Arac.,      139.        Hym., 

Essig,  E.  0 37,  152  317.     Lep.,  109,  202,  306. 

Felt,  E.  P 157  Colorado:     Col.,  38,  74.     Dip.,  73. 

Frost,  S.  W 316  Hym.,  69.     Lep.,  202,  240.     Od., 

Gahan,   A.   B 129  297. 

Henshaw,    S 22  Connecticut :     Orth.,  127. 

Hine,  J.  S 223  District    of    Columbia :     Hem.,    47. 

Holland,  W.  J 256  Orth.,  127. 

Hungerford,   H.   B.    . . .' 193  Florida:     Col.,  216.     Hem.,  47,  85, 

Johnson,  C.  W 257  279.    Lep,  96,  203.    Od.,  236. 

Lesne,  M.  P 284  Georgia:     Hem.,   156. 

Osborn,  H 241  Idaho :     Hem,  235,  248. 

Necdham,  J.  G 22,256  Illinois:     Col,  12.    Hym,  205. 

Porter,  C.  E 223  Indiana :     Col,  186.     Dip,  186. 

Smulyan,  M.  T 284  Kansas :     Col,  6.     Hym,  6. 

de  Thaun,  P 119  Louisiana :     Dip,  150. 

Tillyard,    R.   J 62  Maryland:     Orth,  127. 

Van  Dyke,  E.  C 37  Massachusetts :     Col,  207.     Hem, 

Wolcott,  G.  N 129  48.     Orth,  127. 

Michigan :     Col,  220. 

REVIEWS  Minnesota:     Hem.,  235. 

Mississippi :     Col,  244,  278.    Hem, 

Bartholomew:    De    Propneta-  Vr          ->/n    OTC 

in,  277.     Hym,  242,  275. 

tibus  Rerum   190 

,      .     „   .  ,  Missouri:     Myr,   153. 
Brown :   Pseudodoxia  Epidem- 

„-  Montana:     Hem,  248. 

'  V  ' ' ' '  Nebraska  :     Col,  207. 
Cockerel! :    Zoology    of    Colo- 

1A1  Nevada:     Lep,  305. 

rado     101 

r  ,T        ,^     ,     T  .  ,      ,  10C  J\ew  Hampshire:     Lep,  83. 

Insects  of  New  \ork,  List  of  135  £ ' 

T^.       ,           p    T  i                  TT-  New  Jersey:     Col,  207.    Lep,  239. 

Kmgsbury  &  Johannsen :  His-  :; 

tological    Technique  31 

,r                                :.,     ,,,,..  New  Mexico:     Col,  6,  207,  316. 
Maeterlinck  :  Life  of  the  White 

,  New  York:     Hem,  193.  Lep,  111. 

Od,  229.    Orth,  127. 

Morrison:   A   Classification  of  ^T                   .. 

rT.   ,           ~  North  Carolina:     Hem,  49. 
the      Higher      Groups      and 

,  ,,              •  ,  T7      -,  Ohio:     Col,  13.     Dip,  14. 
uenera  ot  the  Coccid  bamily 

T./T              ,.,                                  -,-,,-  Oklahoma:     Dip,  150. 

Margarodidae   325 

XT      it.         T-       L   a-  ^1  -11    T      r  Oregon :     Lep,   109.     Orth,  8. 
Needham,  Frost,  Tothill :  Leaf- 

T                                       ,-„  Pennsylvania:     Col,  314, 316.    Dip, 

169      Hem,  42.     brth,  113,  127. 

GEOGRAPHICAL  S°^  Carolina:    Co1"  24'     Lep" 

DISTRIBUTION  Tex^:     Col,  315,  316.    Hem,  249. 

Alabama:     Lep,  233.  Utah:     Hem,  233.     Myr,  93,  307. 

Arizona:     Col,    126,    207.      Hem,  Virginia:     Col,    314.      Hem,    48. 

5,  247.  Lep,  127.    Orth,  127. 



Washington :     Lcp.,  109. 
Wisconsin:     Hem.,  48,  235. 
Wyoming :     Hem.,  247. 

Africa:  Arac.,  139. 
Canada :  Lep.,  239. 
Central  America:  Col.,  15.  Dip., 

17,  36,  79,   152,  302.     Hem.,   17, 

185.     Myr.,  162. 
Europe:     Arac.,   251.     Hem.,   251. 

Lep.,  239. 

Philippine  Islands  :     Arac.,  139. 
South  America  :     Dip.,  180. 
Siberia :     80. 


anchora,  Myialges  (ill.) 138 

Aviculariidae     1 

carabivonis,          Pachylomerus 

(ill.)    ' 1 

caulotoon,  Myialges  (ill.) 139 

Myialges 137 

(see     also     anchora,     caulo- 

Pachylomerus    (see    carabivor- 

Sarcoptidae    137 

Spiders    and    Bedbugs 251 

Trapdoor    spider,     Studies    of 
(ill.)      1 


acomana,   Euolcctus    6 

Acallodcs  (see  vcntricosus} 
Acmacodera      (see     flaviniyra- 

punctata,  guttifcra,  hcpburni, 

hulli,  squamosa) 

anthophorac*,  Lconidia  (ill.)..     38 
Aplwdius  (see  troglodytes) 
Balaninus   (see  rcctus) 
Batyle   (see  rufii'cntris) 

blanchardi*,  Hydnocera  210 

blatchlcyi*,  Stcnotarsus   (ill.).   217 

Carabidae     24 

caryac,   Cyllcnc    316 

Cerambycidae     11,  126 

Cleridae    207 

cuneiformis*,  Hydnocera  208 

Cliclyo.i'cnus    (see  .rcrobatis) 
Copris    (see  gopheri) 
Corinthiscus  (see  Icitcopliacum) 
Cyllcnc  (see  caryac) 
Cyrtophorus    (see  vcrrucosus) 

dasy cents,    Ecyrus    316 

dclont/i*,  Obcrca    12 

Rcitonidia   (sec  i^licclcri) 
Ecyrus  (see  dasyccnts) 

Endomychidae     216 

Elaphidion    (see   inasoni) 
Euolcctus    (see   acomana) 
Eusphyrus   (see  walshi) 

facctus,    Leptitrycs    316 

flaviniyrapunctata*,  Acmaco- 
dera    314 

Fustitjcr    (see   knaitsi) 

yophcri,   Copris    6 

yopheri,   Philonthus    6 

Griburiiis    (see  montcznma) 
Ground-beetles,  Assembly  of . .     24 

Guests,   Coleoptera  as    5 

yitttifcra,  Acmacodera    316 

licplutrni,  Acmacodera    315 

hispidns,  Stcnotarsus    217 

Hernia   (see  minutipennis) 

hulli*,  Acmacodera   315 

Hydnocera  (see  blanchardi, 
cuneiformis,  mini,  pitritana, 

Isohydnoccra  (see  licbccki.  mi- 
ma  ) 

knaitsi,    Fustifjcr    6 

Lconidia.   Key    to    38 

(also  see  anthophorae,   nco- 
me.vicana,   rilcyi) 
Lept urges  (see  facctus) 
leucophaeu-iii,   Corinthiscus    ...   314 

licbccki*,  Isohydnocera    211 

Inrida,    \'c;ii<>i/nntlia    74 

Lyiiuintcs    (see   scrol>ic<>lli.<;) 

Mason    colk-i-tinn     104 

niiisoni*,   Elaphidion    11 

Mcluidae  38 



mima*,  Isohydnoccra    211 

minutipennis,   Ploniia    5,     74 

mira*,  Hydnoccra    207 

inontcsn-ma,   Gribnrins    7 

Nemognatha  (see  lurida) 
ncon/c.ricana,  Leonidia  5,  (ill.)     41 
Obcrea    (see  dclonyi) 
Onthophayus  (see  polyphemi) 
Ormiscns  (see  solicitor) 
O.rytclits  (see  rugulosus) 
Philonthus    (see  gopheri) 
polyplicini.    Ontliopliayns    ....       6 

pnritana*,   Hydnoccra    208 

rcctits,    Balaninns    219 

rileyi,  Leonidia   (ill.)    41 

ntfivcntris*,    Batylc    126 

rugnlosns,  Oxytelus   17 

saltator,    Ormiscus    316 

sanguinipennis,   Tricrama    ....       5 

scrobicollis,  Lymantcs   15 

sctosifrons,    Triiwdia    6 

sqnamosa,  Acmaeodcra    316 

Stcnotarsus      (see      blatchlcyi, 


Tricrama   (see  sanyninipcnnis) 
Triiwdia   (see  sctosifrons) 

troglodytes,  Aphodins    6 

unijasciaia,  Hydnoccra    314 

ventricosns,  Acallodcs   316 

vcrrncosns,  Cyrtophorns    316 

zvalshi,   Ensphyrns    316 

wheelcri,  Ecitonidia    6 

xerobatis,  Chelyoxenus   6 


advcna*,   Cryptolabis    180 

Acdcs  (see  acgypti) 

acgypti,    Acdcs    258 

Aclops,    Bcskia    150 

(inmtlipcs,  Callopistomyia 170 

aurijrons,  Phorinia    303 

Beskia,    Structure,    host    habit, 
affinity      and      geographical 

range    of    150 

blanda*,  Corcthrclla   79 

Bogcria  (see  buccata) 

Bombyliidae,  Parasites  of  Some 

Anthidiine  Bees   123 

Botfly  as  parasite  upon  mouse     13 

buccata,  Bogeria    13 

Callopistomyia  (see  annulipes) 
Camptoncnra  (see  picta) 

Chironomidac    186 

Chironomns    (see    quadripunc- 

Corcthrclla   (see  blanda) 

cornnta,  Bcskia    150 

corticalis,  Pscndotcphritis 170 

Crane-flies  from  Chile   180 

Cryptolabis   (see  advcna) 

Culicidae    79 

Cntcrcbra    (see  Bogeria) 
dainpfi,    Ocdcmatoccra    ...152,303 
dampfi,  Schistoccrcophaga    . . .    152 
daphne,  Spogostyhtm  73,   (ill.)    124 
Eu.vcsta  (see  notata,  nitidiven- 

flavcola,   Ocdcmatocera    304 

flavidns,  Molophilns   183 

yymnocladus*,  Molophilns   ...   183 

yilvipcs,   Ocdematoccra    304 

Hippoboscidae    36 

Hypophorinia    302 

Idana    (see  -inarginata) 

Johnson    collection    257 

Larva      of      Olfcrsia     znilturis 

(ill.)    36 

Larvaevoridae 152 

•maryinata,    Idana    170 

Molophilns     (see     monostylus, 
yymnocladus,  flavidns) 

monostylus*,  Molophilns   182 

nitidireiitris,  En.resta   171 

notata,  En.resta    171 

Ocdcmatoccra,   Key   to    304 

Olfcrsia   (see  vnltnris) 

Ortalidae,  Notes  on  (ill.)    169 

Phorinia    (see  aurifrons) 

picta,    Cantptoneura    170 

Pscndotcphritis   (see  corticalis, 

"'an ) 
Pyryota   (see  undata) 



qitadripunctatus,       Chironcnnus 

(ill.)    186 

Rii'dlia   (see  viridulans) 

ntficcps,  Tephoronota  170 

Schist  ocercophaga*     152,  301 

(also  see  dampfi) 
Scioptcra  (see  vibrans) 
Spoyostylum   (see  daphne) 

striata*,  Ocdematoccra 301 

Tachinidae    150,  152 

Tophoronota   (see  ntficcps) 

Tipulidae    180 

itndata,  Pyrgota  171 

van,  Pseudotephritis  170 

rihratis,  Scioptcra   171 

viridulans,  Rivcllia   170 

ntltitris,  Oljcrsia   (ill.)    36 


abjccta,  Philaronia   49 

anynlifcra,  Lcpyronia   49 

annulata,   Aphrophora    49 

Aphididae    233 

Aphrophora  (see  annulata,  sar- 
atnycnsis,  signorcti) 

Aquatic    Hemiptera    156 

Arctocorixa   (see  martini} 

Asthcnidca     85 

(also  see  pallescens) 

Bedbugs  and  spiders    251 

bicincta,  Monccphora   47 

Cardiastctlius   (see  flaveolits) 

Cercopidae,  Notes  on  47 

chanipioni,    Pachycysta    184 

Chinaola*     87 

(also  see  quercicold) 

Coccidae  42 

Collecting  Hemiptera  193 

Corixa   (see  mcrccnaria) 

Corixidae   156 

crassicornis,  Euhadroccrus   ...     87 

curia*,  Mcyaloccroca   247 

diaphana,  Pachycysta   184 

Elathophilns    86 

(also  see  pinopliilns) 
Euhadroccnts     (see    crassicor- 

flavcohis*,  Cardiastcthns  85 

hirsuta*,  Mcyaloccroca    248 

infnscata,    Philaronia    bilincata  49 
Lcpyronia  (see  angulifcra) 

Ictchcri*,  Mcyaloccroca   250 

Margarodidae,  Classification  of  325 

martini*,  Arctocorixa 157 

Mcyaloccroca  (see  citrta,  hir- 
suta, Iclchcri,  punctata,  rubi- 

mcrccnaria,  Cori.rn   17 

Miridae     247 

Monccphora  (see  bicincta) 
Neothoinasia     (see    populicola, 

saliciniyra,  ntalicnsis)    233 

Pachycysta,     Synopsis     of 

Species    184 

pallcsccns,  Asthcnidca    85 

pallidita,  Philaronia  bilincata..  49 
Philaronia   (see  abjccta,  injus- 
cata,  pallidua) 

pinophilns*,  Elatopliilus  87 

populicola,   Ncothotnasia    (ill.)  234 

punctata*,  Mcgaloccroca    249 

qucrcicola*,  Chinaola    88 

rubicunda,   Mcgaloceroea    ....  251 

saliciniyra,  Neothoinasia    (ill.)  233 

saratoycnsis,  Aphrophora    ....  48 

Scale   insects   of    Pennsylvania  42 

schildi*,  Pachycysta    185 

signorcti,  Aphrophora    48 

Tingitidae    184 

ntalicnsis*,  Neothoinasia    (ill.)  234 


Andrenidae    279 

Anthidiine  bees,  Parasites  on..  123 

.-Inthophora  occidcntalis.  Envi- 
ronmental resistance  69 

onthophorac,  Lconidia    73 

Ants  of  Mississippi 242,  275 

Aphncnoyastcr  (see  flcminyi, 
juh'a,  furrcsccns.  Itiniclli- 
dcns,  picca) 

aphidicola,     Lasius      uinbratus 

ini.i-tus                        277 



Apidae    69 

architis,  Ccrccris,  habits  of...   205 

arenivaga,  Prenolepis  278 

Behavior    of    Ccrccris    architis  205 

carolincusis,   Eciton    245 

Ccrccris   (see  architis) 

chilcnsis,    Ophion    317 

Chrysididae    123 

crassiconic,  Proccratimn   244 

crawfordi*,  Hcriadcs   281 

Cremastvgaster,    (see    ininutis- 


dcntigula,  Phcidolc   245 

Dianthidium   (see  sayi) 
Eciton   (see  carolincnsis) 
flciningi*,   Aphaenogaster   te.v- 

ana     275 

floridana*,  Stclis 282 

Formica    (see  mclanotica,  niti- 

divcntris,  snccinca) 

Formicidae   242,  275 

jnlva,  Aphaenogaster   246 

jnrvescens,  Aphaenogaster  tex- 

ana     275 

gilva,  Poncra    244 

Hcriadcs  (see  cran'fordi) 
lamcllidcns,   Aphaenogaster    .  .  246 
Lasius  (see  aphidicola) 
Lo pistes  (see  mcllifica) 

mandibnlaris,    Osmia    71 

Megachilidae    123,  279 

mclanotica.    Formica    ntfa    ob- 

scitripcs    279 

mcllifica,  Lopistcs   17 

mcllifica,  Ncctarina  16 

minutissima,    Crcmastogastcr.  .   277 

miranda,  Pscndomclccta 73 

Monodontamerus    (see    monti- 


montivagus,  Monodontomerus.     72 
Ncctarina   (see  mcllifica) 
nitidivcntris,    Formica    pallidc 

jnlva    278 

occidcntalis,  AntJwphora   69 

Ophion   (see  chilcnsis) 

Osmia    (see  inandihnlans) 

pallipcs,  Stiymatomma  243 

pergandei,  Sysphincta    242 

Phcidolc    (see  dcntigula) 

Philanthidae    205 

picea,      Aphaenogaster      julva 

aqnia    275 

Poncra   (see  gilva) 
Prenolepis  (see  arcnivaga,  tcs- 


Proceratinm    (see  crassicorne) 
Pseudomclccta   (see  miranda) 

pnlchclla,  Strnmigenys 277 

rnfithora.r*,   Tricpcolns   279 

sayi,  Dianthidium    124 

Stelis  (see  floridana) 
Stigmatomma    (see  pallipcs) 
Strnmigenys  (see  pulchella) 
succinea,   Formica   pallidc   jnl- 
va      278 

Sysphincta   (see  pergandei) 
testacea,  Prenolepis  hnparis...  278 
Triepcolns    (see   rnfithorax) 


Aberrations  in  butterflies  (ill.)   201 
altcrnata,    Amblyscirtcs,    Hcs- 

pcria    93 

Amblyscirtcs      (see     altcrnata, 

cos,  mcridionalis,  ninsl) 
Anosia   (see  plcxippns) 
Apantesis  vittata,  early  stages 

(ill.)    265 

Arctiidae    265 

Breeding,  Hints  for   152 

Callosamia   (see  sccurijera) 

Catocala,   Sugaring  for   83 

ccntanrcac,  Pyrgus   239 

chalccdona,    Euphydryas    (ill.)    109 

305,  306. 

Clark  collection   23 

Classification    of    Rhopalocera 

(ill.)    105 

Collectors  of  New  York  Lepi- 

doptera   Ill 



colon,   Euphvdr\as   chalccdona 

(ill.)    ."... 109 

comus,     Hcspcria,     Pamphila, 

Stomylcs,  Euphycs   93 

Danaus   (see  menippe) 
cos,  Hcspcria,  Amblyscirtes .91,  93 
Euphydryas     (see    chalccdona, 
colon      fitsiniacula,     ycoryci. 
liilli,     >nci;laslianii,    morandi, 
olancha,    mariana,    truckccn- 
Euphycs   (see  com  us) 

frcija,   Pyryus    239 

fitsiniacula,  Euphydryas  chalcc- 
dona   (ill.)     109 

gcoryci*,  Euphydryas  (ill.)...   306 
Hcspcria  (see  alternata,  comus, 

Hesperiidae    91,  239 

//////*,  Euphydryas   (ill.)    306 

Lepidopterorum   catalogus    . . .   285 
mariana,    Euphydryas    chalcc- 
dona   (ill.)    109 

meylashami,  Euphydryas   (ill.)   305 

mcnippc,  Danaus   96 

meridionalis,  Amblyscirtes    ...     93 

morandi*,  Euphydryas  304 

niusl,  Amblyscirtes   93 

olancha,     Euphydryas     chalcc- 
dona   (ill.)     109 

Pamphila  (see  comus,  quinquc- 

ple.rippus,  Anosia    96 

Pyryus  (see  ccntaurcac,  frcija) 
<liiinqucmacula,  Pamphila   ....     93 

Saturnidae  223 

securifcra,  Callosamia    223 

Stomylcs  (see  comus) 

Sugaring  for  Catocala   83 

Tentamen  names   50 

Trap,  Moth  (ill.)    158 

truckccnsis*,  Euphydryas  (ill.)   305 

rittata,  Apantcsis    (ill.)    265 

Unnamable  butterflies    201 

Wintering,    Monarch    96 


Anobius    (see   centurio) 
Archethopolys  (see  yosobius) 

arizonac,  Lophobius 95,  308 

arizonenis,   Gosibius    307 

brozvnac*,    Tiyaiwyona    154 

castanca,  Fontaria   155 

castcllopcs,  Lophobius   95 

centurio,  Anobius    309 

Chilenophilidae     153 

Chilopoda    93,  153 

cliionophila,  Linotacnia    310 

collium,  Lophobius  94,  308 

Craspedosomidae    154 

Cryptopidae     153 

Diplopoda     154 

c remits*,  Juanobiiis  309 

creinns,   Lophobius    95 

Fontaria    (see   castanca) 

franciscac,  Lophobius 95 

fntitanits*,   GcopJiilus    310 

Geophilidae    153 

Gcophilits   (see  frnitanits,  'mis- 

Gnatlwincriuin     (see    xcnopor- 


Gosibius  (see  arisonensis) 
gosobius*,  Archethopolys    ....   307 
Haplophilus    (see  hcspcnts) 

hclenae,  Lophobius    95 

hcsperus*,  Haplophilus 309 

Juanobiiis*  309 

(also  see  crcmus) 
Lamyctes   (see  pinampus) 

lasalanus*,  Lophobius 94 

Linotacnia    (see    chinnophila) 

Linotaeniidae     153 

Lithobiidae     154 

Lophobius,  Key  to  species 94 

(also  see  arizonac,  castcl- 
lopcs, collium,  crcmus.  fran- 
ciscac, hclcnac.  hisaliiints, 
pitnt/onius,  socins) 

Mimnloria*    155 

(also  sec  missouriciisis) 
missouriensis*,  Gcophihts   ....   153 



missouricnsis*,   Mimuloria    .  . .    155 
Oabius  (see  sanjnanns) 
Parajulus  (see  vcnitstns) 

pinainpHS,  Lamyctes   307 

Pokabius  (see  utahcnsis) 

Polydesniidae    155 

polymorpha,  Scolopendra 307 

pungonius,  Lophobius 95 

sanjuanus*,  Oabius  308 

Scolopendra  (see  polymorpha) 

sociits,  Lophobius  94,  308 

Spirostrcphon  (see  utorum) 
Tidabins  (see  tivius) 

Tiganogona*    154 

(also  see  broivnae) 
Tingupa  (see  utahcnsis) 

tivius,   Tidabins   308 

utahcnsis,  Pokabins 308 

utahcnsis,   Tingupa    311 

utorum,  Spirostrcphon   311 

ittns*,    Watophilns    95,310 

vcmistus,  Parajulus    311 

Watophilns  (see  iitits) 

.rcnoporus,    Gnathomcrium    96,  310 

Xystodesmidae    155 


Ana.v   (see  jnnins) 

Archithcmis    297 

balli*,  Zacallitcs    299 

bifida,   Gynacantha    236 

Comments  on  the  N.  Y.  list..  229 

corruptum,  Sympctrum    237 

Diastatoiniiiitcs  297,    (ill.) 297 

Dragonflies   captured  by  auto- 
mobile       236 

Eocene,       Remarkable       new 

dragonfly  from  the  (ill.) 297 

filosa,    Soinatochlora    237 

flavcsccns,  Pantala    238 

Gynacantha    (see    bifida,    ner- 

vosa  ) 

jnnins,  Ana.v 236 

Karatawia   298 

Liassophlcbia    (ill.)     297 

nervosa,  Gynacantha 236 

Pantala   (see  flavcsccns) 

Pctrophlcbia    (ill.)    298 

Sclcnothcmis     297 

Sieblosia     298 

Soinatochlora  (see  filosa) 
Sympctrum  (see  corruption} 
Triacanthagyna   (see  trifida) 

trifida,   Triacanthagyna    237 

Zacallitcs*   299 

(also  see  balli) 
Zacallitidae*    (ill.)    297 


auriciilana,  Forficula    62 

Earwigs,  Concerning   62 

Di.rippits,  Experiments  on  par- 
thenogenesis,   regeneration..   293 
(also  see  morosus) 
Forficula  (see  aurictilaria) 

Mantidae  112,  127 

morosus,  Di.vippns    293 

parancnis,    Schistoccra,    Para- 
site of  301 

Paratcnodcra    (see  sincnsis) 
sincnsis,  Paratcnodcra  ....112,  140 

sincnsis,  Tcnodcra  127 

Tenodera   (see  sincnsis) 

Tettigoniidae     8 

Tropidischia     (see    .ranthosto- 


xanthostovna,           Tropidischia. . . . 
(ill.)    8 


VOLUME   XL,   1929 



E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR.        R.  G.  SCHMIEDER,  PH.  D.        ERNEST  BAYLIS 











The  several  numbers  of  the  NEWS  for  1929  were  mailed  at  the  Post 
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JANUARY,  1929 


Vol.  XL  No.   1 



The  Lorquin  Entomological  Society  ................  Plate  I 

Mickel  —  The  North  American  Sitarine  Blister  Beetles  (Coleop.:  Meloidae) 

Rau  —  At  the  End  of  the  Season  with  Polistesrubiginosus  (Hym.:  Vespidae)  7 
Nabours  —  Hancock's  Study  of  Inheritance  in  Green  and  Pink  Katy-Dids, 

Amblycorypha  oblongifolia  DeGeer  (Orthop.:  Tettigoniidae)  .....  14 

Chamberlin—  On  Three  New  Spiders  of  the  Genus  Oxyopes  (Araneina). 

Holland  —  A  New  Riodinid  from  Louisiana  (Lepid.)  ........    .    .  20 

Moulton  —  Hoplothrips  karnyi  Hood  (Thysanoptera)  ..........  21 

Bierens  de  Haan—  The  choice  of  Bees  by  Absolute  or  Relative  Character- 

istics (Hymen.:  Apidae)  .....................  22 

Howard—  (as  Editorial)  On  the  Accrediting  of  Illustrations  .......  23 

Personal—  Dr.  E.  D.  Ball  ......................  24 

Howard  —  Must  "  Konowia  "  be  Discontinued?  .............  24 

Entomological  Literature  .......................  25 

Review  —  Needham's  Elementary  Lessons  on  Insects  ......... 

Review  —  Metcalf  and  Flint's  Destructive  and  Useful  Insects  .......  29 

Obituary  —  Dr.  A.  E.  Schwarz  ......................  31 


Logan  Square 

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VOL.  XL  JANUARY,   1929  No.  1 

The  North  American  Sitarine  Blister  Beetles 
(Coleop.:  Meloidae).1 

By  CLARENCE  E.  MICKEL,  University  of  Minnesota. 

Mr.  Warren  Knaus  has  recently  called  my  attention  to  the 
fact  that  there  is  a  possibility  of  Lconidia  antho florae  Mickel 
(ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  39:38-41,  1928)  being  the  same 
species  as  Hornia  gigantca  Wellman.  This  possibility  also  oc- 
curred to  me  when  L.  anthophorae  Mickel  first  came  to  my 
notice  and  before  I  wrote  the  manuscript  describing  it  as  a 
new  species.  At  that  time  I  examined  the  type  of  Hornia 
gigantca  Wellman  but  dismissed  the  possibility  of  my  speci- 
mens being  the  same  as  that  species  for  the  following  reasons : 
The  antennae  of  the  type  specimens  of  H.  git/ant  at  Wellman 
are  eleven-segmented  and  this  character  has  been  considered 
diagnostic  of  the  genus  Hornia  Riley,  while  the  antennae  of 
all  of  my  specimens  are  ten-segmented,  and  ten-segmented  an- 
tennae have  been  considered  as  a  diagnostic  character  of  the 
genus  Lconidia  Cockerell;  the  male  type  specimen  of  PI.  gigan- 
tca  Wellman  has  the  head  distinctly  wider  than  the  thorax,  so 
much  so  that  Wellman  stated  "head  almost  a  third  wider  than 
the  pronotum",  while  the  one  or  two  specimens  of  L.  antho- 
phorae Mickel  which  I  compared  with  the  type  had  the  head 
scarcely  any  wider  than  the  pronotum ;  and  the  scutellum  of 
the  type  specimen  of  H.  gigantca  Wellman  is  acutely  ungulate 
at  the  apex,  while  the  scutellum  in  my  specimens  is  roundly 
or  bluntly  angulate  at  the  apex. 

Since  the  description  of  L.  ant/iop/iorac  Mickel  was  pub- 
lished, Mr.  Knaus  has  sent  me  five  male  specimens  and  eight 
female  specimens  which  were  all  collected  at  Roxbury,  Mc- 
Pherson  County,  Kansas,  in  June,  1922,  and  which  he  identified  , 
as  H.  yigautca  Wellman.  Upon  examination  I  find  that  one  male 

1  Published  with  the  approval   of  the   Director  as   Paper   No.   788,   of 
the  Journal   Series   of  the   Minnesota   Agricultural    Experiment   Station. 

2  KXTOMOI.Or.ICAL    NEWS  [.JAN.,    '29 

specimen  of  this  lot  has  the  antennae  eleven-segmented,  two  fe- 
male specimens  have  ten-segmented  antennae  with  a  remnant  of  a 
suture  on  the  tenth  segment,  while  three  males  and  seven  fe- 
males have  the  antennae  definitely  only  ten-segmented.  The 
specimens  with  the  ten-segmented  antennae  are  identical  with 
the  holotype  and  paratypes  of  L.  anthophorae  Mickel,  excepting 
minor  variations.  This  of  course  raised  the  question  as  to 
whether  the  McPherson  county  specimens  were  correctly 
identified  as  H.  gigantca  Wellman.  To  settle  this  point  it  was 
necessary  to  compare  these  specimens  with  the  types  of  Well- 
man's  species  which  were  made  available  to  me  through  the 
courtesy  of  Dr.  H.  B.  Hungerford,  University  of  Kansas. 

Upon  examination  I  find  that  the  McPherson  county  specimen 
with  eleven-segmented  antennae  is  identical  with  the  male  type 
of  H.  gigantca  Wellman.  The  other  specimens  from  McPher- 
son County  and  all  of  the  specimens  of  L.  anthophorae  Mickel 
are  very  similar  to  Wellman 's  types  with  the  exception  of  the 
number  of  segments  in  the  antennae  and  the  comparative  widths 
of  the  head  and  pronotum.  This  result  led  me  to  suspect  that 
possibly  the  material  collected  at  the  same  time  and  place  as 
the  types  might  show  a  variation  in  the  number  of  antennal 
segments  and  in  the  comparative  widths  of  the  head  and  pro- 
notum. Dr.  Hungerford  has  generously  placed  at  my  disposal 
eleven  males  and  twelve  females  collected  at  the  same  time  and 
place  as  the  type  specimens  of  H.  gigantca  Wellman,  Gove 
County,  Kansas,  June  20,  1910  (F.  X.  Williams).  In  addition 
to  the  above  material  I  have  before  me  six  specimens  of  H. 
gigantca  Wellman  collected  at  Logan  County,  Kansas,  June  27, 
1910  (F.  X.  Williams).  Six  males  and  four  females  of  the 
Gove  County  material  have  eleven-segmented  antennae,  three 
males  and  five  females  have  ten-segmented  antennae,  and  two 
males  and  three  females  have  the  antennae  more  or  less  inter- 
mediate between  a  ten-segmented  and  eleven-segmented  con- 

Since  the  number  of  the  segments  in  the  antennae,  and  the 
comparative  widths  of  the  head  and  pronotum  have  been 
thought  to  have  considerable  significance  as  diagnostic  char- 
acters I  have  examined  all  of  the  fifty-nine  specimens  before  me 

XL,  *29] 


very  carefully  with  reference  to  these  two  characters.  The  fol- 
lowing table  gives  the  results  of  my  examination  with  reference 
to  the  number  of  segments  in  the  antennae: 

Specimens          Specimens 
with  antennae    with  antennae 


in  which  tenth 

ten-segmented     antennal  seg- 
ment has  rem- 
nant of  a  suture 
indicating  possi- 
bility of  eleven 

2c?,  3$. 


Hornia  giyantca  Wellman. 

Type  material.  lc?,  1?. 

Hornia  gigantea  Wellman. 

Material  collected  at  same 

time  and  place  as  types         6c?,  4?.  3c?,  5?. 

Hornia  gigantea  Wellman. 

McPherson  County  speci- 
mens  determined   by   W. 

Knaus.  IcT.  4c?,  6$. 

Hornia  gigantea  Wellman. 

Logan  County  specimens          lc?.  4c?.  let1. 

Leonidia  anthophorae  Mickel 

Type  material  60?",  7?. 

Since  I  can  find  no  other  characters  in  the  specimens  with 
eleven-segmented  antennae  which  can  be  used  to  distinguish 
them  from  those  specimens  with  ten-segmented  antennae,  and 
since  there  are  five  male  and  five  female  specimens  with  an- 
tennae more  or  less  intermediate  between  a  definite  eleven- 
segmented  condition  and  a  definite  ten-segmented  condition,  it 
appears  that  the  number  of  segments  in  the  antennae  is  a 
variable  character  within  a  species  and  that  it  has  no  signifi- 
cance as  a  diagnostic  character. 

Wellman  stated  in  his  paper  describing  H.  yiyantca  \Yell- 
man  that  his  species  had  the  "head  one-third  wider  than  the 
pronotum",  and  the  male  type  does  have  the  head  distinctly 
wider  than  the  pronotum,  although  by  actual  measurement  it 
is  only  one-fifth  wider  than  the  pronotum.  Some  of  the  speci- 
mens in  the  type  material  of  L.  anthophorae  .Mickel  have  tin- 
head  no  wider  than  the  pronotum.  The  following  table  .^ives 
the  results  of  my  examination  of  the  material  before  me  with 
reference  to  this  character;  the  measurements  were  made  in 
units  of  a  micrometer  scale  in  the  eyepiece  of  a  binocular  micro- 
scope : 


[JAN.,  '29 

Males,  antennae  eleven-segmented. 

Width  of    Width    Excess 
head  of        of  head 

pronotum    over 

ylyantca  Wellnian,  type,  Gove  County,  Kan. 
Gove  county,   Kan. 


Logan  county,  Kan. 
McPherson  county,  Kan. 
Males,  antennae  ten-segmented 
ij'njantca  Wellman,  Gove  county,  Kan. 

Logan  county,  Kan. 

McPherson  county,  Kan. 



anthophorae  Mickel,  holotype 

Females,  antennae  eleven-segmented. 
yiyantca  Wellman,  type. 

Gove  county,  Kan. 


Females,  antennae  ten-segmented. 
yiyantca  Wellman,  Gove  county,  Kan. 




















































































































XL,  '29] 


\Yidth  of    Width    Excess 
head  of        of  head 

pronotum    over 

//.  yif/aiitea  Wellman,  Gove  county,  Kan. 

McPherson  county,  Kan. 


















































ontlwf'horac  Mickel,  allotype. 

From  the  above  data  it  appears  that  the  comparative  widths 
of  the  head  and  pronotum  is  a  highly  variable  character  and 
that  it  has  no  significance  as  a  diagnostic  character  for  disting- 
uishing the  species  H.  giyantca  Wellman  and  L.  antho  phonic 

An  examination  of  the  H.  c/igantca  Wellman  material  col- 
lected at  the  same  time  and  place  as  the  type  showed  that  there 
was  also  a  great  vapiation  in  the  shape  of  the  scutellum,  in 
some  specimens  being  acutely  angulate  at  the  tip,  in  others 
roundly  or  bluntly  angulate,  so  that  the  shape  of  the  scutellum 
has  no  value  as  a  specific  or  generic  character.  It  must  be  con- 
cluded then,  that  on  the  basis  of  the  above  comparison  L. 
anthophorac  Mickel  and  H.  (/i(/nnfca  \Yellman  are  the  same 
species,  and  the  former  will  have  to  fall  as  a  synonym. 

Williams  and  Hungerford  (ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  25:1. 
pi.  1,  1914)  have  pointed  out  that  Hontia  yigantca  Wellman 
has  the  claws  armed  with  a  long,  basal  spine  and  my  examin- 
ation of  the  type  verifies  this.  The  presence  of  this  basal  spine 
on  the  tarsal  claws  as  described  for  the  genus  Leonid ia  Cock- 
erell,  the  fact  that  a  large  number  of  specimens  have  only  ten 

6  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  |  JAN.,    '29 


segments  in  the  antennae,  together  with  the  fact  that  the 
ahclomcn  is  suhcorneous  as  in  Lconidia  Cockerell  show  that  H. 
gigantca  Wellman  is  much  more  closely  related  to  L.  ncomexi- 
cana  Cockerell,  and  L.  rilcyi  Duges,  than  it  is  to  H.  minuti- 
pcnnis  Riley.  In  fact  the  only  differences  by  which  L. 
cdiia  Cockerell  and  H.  gigantca  Wellman  can  be  separated  is 
in  the  length  and  form  of  the  last  segment  of  the  antennae  and 
of  the  last  segment  of  the  maxillary  palpi.  On  account  of  the 
variation  existing  in  the  terminal  segments  of  the  antennae 
of  H.  gigantca  Wellman,  the  form  and  length  of  the  terminal 
segment  is  not  a  valid  character  for  separating  it  from  L. 
neomc. \icana  Cockerell ;  the  same  may  be  said  regarding  the 
maxillary  palpi.  An  examination  of  the  type  of  L.  neomexicana 
Cockerell  showed  no  other  characters  by  which  the  two  could 
be  separated;  therefore,  Hornia  gigantca  Wellman  and  Lconidia 
neomexicana  Cockerell  must  be  regarded  as  the  same  species, 
and  the  former  name  will  become  a  synonym  since  CockerelFs 
name  has  priority. 

The  genus  Lconidia  Cockerell  was  originally  erected  as  the 
genus  Lconia  Duges.  The  name  Lconia  Duges  was  shown  by 
Cockerell  to  be  preoccupied  by  Lconia  Gray,  a  genus  of  mol- 
luscs, and  Cockerell  proposed  Lconidia  to  replace  it.  Duges 
separated  Lconia  from  Hornia  on  the  following  characters : 
antennae  ten-segmented,  prothorax  cordate;  elytra  larger  than 
in  Hornia;  metasternum  less  visible  than  in  Hornia;  abdomen 
subcorneous  ;  claws  with  a  long  basal  spine.  The  antennal  char- 
acter is  a  variable  one,  as  shown  above,  there  being  ten  seg- 
ments in  the  antennae  in  some  specimens  and  eleven  in  others ; 
the  prothorax  in  Hornia  minulipcnnis  Riley  is  more  elongate 
than  in  Lconidia  neomexicana  Cockerell,  but  there  is  no  funda- 
mental difference  in  form;  the  elytra  are  slightly  larger  in  L. 
ncoinc.vic'aiHi  Cockerell  than  in  H.  minutipcnnis  Riley;  the  meta- 
sternum is  less  visible,  and  the  abdomen  is  more  corneous  in  L. 
neomexicana  Cockerell  than  in  H.  minutipennis  Riley,  and  the 
basal  spine  on  the  tarsal  claw  is  absent  in  the  latter  species. 

After  a  comparison  of  representatives  of  the  two  genera, 
and  a  consideration  of  the  differences  which  distinguish  them, 
it  seems  to  the  writer  that  these  differences  are  not  of  generic 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOCICAI.     \K\VS 


value,  that  they  are  only  specific  in  nature,  and  that  the  genera 
Hornia  and  Lconidia  should  be  united  as  one  genus,  the  former 
name  having  priority.  Accepting  this  conception  of  the  genus 
Hornia  Riley,  the  history  of  the  genus  and  its  species  is  as 
follows : 

Hornia  Riley,  Trans.  St.  Louis  Ac.   Sci.,  3:563-565,   1877.- 

Wellman,    Ent.    News,    22:15-17,    191 1.— Williams    and 

Hungerford,  Ent.  News,  25:1-2,  1914. 
Lconia  Duges,  Insect  Life.  1  :21 1-213,  1889.— Cockerell,  Psyche, 

8:416,  1899. 
Lconidia  Cockerell,  Psyche,  9:11.  1900.— Wellman,  Ent.  News, 

22:15-17,  1911.— Mickel,  Ent.  News,  39:38-41.  1928. 
Hornia  minntipcnms  Riley,  Trans.   St.  Louis  Ac.  Sci.,  3:563- 

565,    1877.— Cockerell,    Psyche.    8:417.    1899.— Wellman, 

Ent.  News,  22:17,  1911. 
Lconia  rilcyi  Duges,  Insect  Life,  1:211-213,  1889.— Cockerell, 

Psyche,  8:416,  1899. 

Lconidia  rilcyi  Mickel,  Ent.  News,  39:40-41,  1928. 
Lconia  ncomcxioana  Cockerell,  Psyche,  8:416-417,  1899. 
Hornia  (jigantca  Wellman,  Ent.  News,  22:16-17,   1911— WiK 

liams  and  Hungerford,  Ent.  News,  25:1-2,  1914. 
Lconidia  anthophorac  Mickel,  Ent.  News,  39:38-40,  73,  1928 
Leonidia  ncoinc.vicana  Mickel,  Ent.  News,  39-41,  1928. 

At  the  End  of  the  Season  with  Polistes  rubiginosus 

(Hym.:  Vespidae). 

r>v  PHIL  RAU,  Kirkwood.  Missouri. 

We  are  told  in  the  wasp  literature  that  at  the  end  of  the 
summer  season,  queens  and  males  hatch  from  the  nests;  thai 
the  workers  and  the  males  die  off,  while  the  fertilized  queens 
seek  shelter  and  hibernate.  This  would  lead  one  to  believe  that 
when  the  various  forms  emerge  from  the  nest,  they  fly  away 
and  somehow  meet  those  of  the  opposite  sex  from  other  nests 

X  K\T<>: Ml  (LOGICAL    NEWS  [JAN.,   '29 

to  perform  the  function  of  mating.  However,  we  have  no  defi- 
nite statement  to  this  effect. 

In  the  autumn  of  1919,  I  had  the  opportunity  of  observing 
the  behavior  of  a  colony  of  P.  rubiginosus.  This  was  entirely 
concealed  in  between  the  outer  and  inner  board  walls  of  an  old 
building,  and  ingress  and  egress  was  gained  through  a  knot- 
hole about  two  and  one-half  inches  in  diameter.  This  opening 
was  very  conspicuous  because  it  was  surrounded  by  a  hundred 
or  more  wasps,  which  just  idly  sat  about  for  hours,  occasionally 
engaging  in  conflicts  the  nature  of  which  puzzled  me.  With 
the  ubiquitous  Sunday  pleasure-seekers  about,  it  was  impossible 
on  that  day  to  solve  the  puzzle,  so  we  were  forced  to  await 
another  opportunity  to  get  the  details  of  their  behavior. 

On  September  15  I  returned  with  the  express  purpose  of 
studying  the  group.  At  dusk  many  of  them  were  to  be  seen  in 
the  dim  light  around  this  opening  in  the  wall,  and  the  following 
morning  at  8 :30,  masses  of  wasps  were  present,  in  some 
places  three  deep,  clustered  about  this  opening.  At  one  point 
there  was  a  compact  cluster  of  about  a  dozen  wasps,  and  this 
mass  was  moving  as  a  unit,  slowly  walking  out  of  the  hole. 
When  they  had  reached  the  outside,  where  I  thought  that  at  any 
moment  the  mass  would  lose  its  hold  and  drop  to  the  ground, 
they  slowly  extricated  themselves  and  walked  back  to  join 
the  throng  at  the  margin  of  the  hole.  The  sex  of  the  wasps 
was  noted  as  they  walked  away  singly ;  all  were  males  but  one, 
which  was  a  queen ;  her  trim  and  fresh  appearance  indicated 
that  she  was  newly  emerged.  This  of  course  gave  the  first  in- 
dication that  this  waiting  behavior  was  in  anticipation  of 
mating.  I  have  often  wondered  why  one  sees  in  the  literature 
no  record  of  the  mating  of  Polistcs.  Furthermore,  seeing 
adults  of  both  P.  anniilaris  and  P.  pullipcs  clinging  to  the  nests 
long  after  all  the  cells  were  empty  has  caused  me  to  suspect 
that  mating  does  not  take  place  on  the  wing,  but  upon  the  nest. 
This  of  course  would  indicate  that  inbreeding  occurs,  and  pos- 
sibly it  docs.  At  least,  with  this  hypothesis  in  mind,  I  spent 
a  whole  day  in  watching  this  mass  for  clues  to  the  meaning 
of  this  behavior. 

The  clusters  or  compact  knots  of  moving  wasps  appeared 
only  at  intervals.  The  entire  waiting  congregation  kept  its 

XL,    '29  J  K.\T<i.MOLO<;iCAL     NE\\  'S  " 

place  constantly  about  the  hole,  some  on  the  inside  ami  some 
on  the  outside  of  the  wall.  Sometimes  these  wasps  would 
grow  restless,  walk  a  short  distance  and  hack  again,  or  crawl 
over  one  another;  occasionally  one  would  ily  out  in  the  sun- 
shine, and  at  great  intervals  one  would  return  to  the  group 
on  the  wing,  at  which  times  the  others  were  usually  eager  to 
gather  any  refreshment  they  could  from  its  mouth.  Some- 
times some  of  those  waiting  in  the  crowd  would  get  their  mouths 
together  as  though  effecting  an  exchange  of  saliva,  and  occa- 
sionally one  was  to  be  seen  biting  at  the  wood  as  though  trying  to 
scrape  something  off  the  surface.  Since  only  a  few,'  perhaps 
five,  were  seen  at  the  golden-rod  that  entire  morning  and  few 
were  seen  to  leave,  I  decided  that  the  majority  of  them  must 
be  desperately  hungry,  but  were  too  lazy  or  too  fearful  of 
losing  their  place,  to  leave  the  nest  and  seek  their  own  food. 
This  was  proven  by  the  panic  which  was  precipitated  by  my 
smearing  a  little  apple  jelly  from  my  lunch  on  the  wall  near 
the  opening,  and  later  by  placing  a  piece  of  ripe  persimmon 
there.  The  mass  of  wasps  at  the  persimmon  became  so  thick 
and  the  struggle  so  intense  that  soon  the  entire  mass  rolled  to 
the  ground.  This  excitement  was  especially  significant  in  con- 
sideration of  the  fact  that  under  the  persimmon  tree  scarcely 
fifty  feet  away  lay  similar  morsels  aplenty,  but  to  these  no 
wasps  came. 

As  I  have  said,  they  usually  waited  quietly  at  the  periphery 
of  the  opening,  but  I  failed  to  make  clear  the  prettiness  of  their 
positions.  Almost  all  of  them  were  facing  the  light;  the  circle 
of  pale,*  serious  faces,  watching  so  intently,  through  the  ragged 
hole,  was  indeed  a  pretty  sight.  The  chief  disturbance  to  break 
the  ominous  silence  was  caused  by  the  appearance  of  new  ones 
coming  down  from  the  unseen  nest  above.  Sometimes  these 
new  arrivals  would  crowd  in  among  the  throng ;  sometimes  they 
would  simply  walk  over  the  top  of  the  mass  until  they  settled 
into  it  and  became  a  part  of  it. 

One  might  easily  suspect  from  this  conduct  that  they  were 
only  seeking  the  sunshine,  but  in  this  case,  this  hypothesis  is 
quickly  discarded  by  the  fact  that  they  stopped  short  of  actually 
reaching  the  sunshine;  they  persistently  lingered  at  the  hole 

*  Males  have  white  faces. 

10  !•:. \TOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [jAN.,    '29 

here  near  the  nest,  a  place  where  the  sun  could  not  reach 
them  until  after  one  o'clock.  Furthermore,  it  was  soon  evi- 
dent that  influences  other  than  light  were  at  work  in  prompting 
this  hehavior,  because  they  were  out  just  the  same  at  deep 
twilight  and  even  a  few  were  there  at  9  p.  m.,  and  in  the  deep 
shadows  of  the  morning  hours.  I  wondered  whether  these 
might  be  guarding  the  nest,  but  since,  when  they  were  awakened 
by  my  lantern,  they  moved  slowly  and  clumsily  up  toward 
the  nest,  I  soon  decided  that  they  had  been  sleeping  and  not 
performing  sentry  duty. 

At  8:'30  a.  m.,  I  saw  a  second  slowly  moving  mass  come 
out  of  the  opening  and  move  downward  on  the  outside  of  the 
wall.  There  was  great  confusion  and  display  of  emotion  as 
the  ball-like  mass  moved.  It  stopped  at  a  point  four  inches 
below  the  opening,  and  while  I  was  trying  to  decipher  the 
meaning  of  it  all,  a  fine  large  female  extricated  herself  from 
the  mass  and  slowly  walked  away.  A  male  followed  her,  and 
a  moment  later  another,  and  the  two  struggled  for  her  pos- 
session while  she  was  trying  to  escape ;  she  seemed  unfriendly 
to  their  advances,  threateningly  manipulated  her  sting,  and 
eventually  succeeded  in  breaking  away,  and  then  quickly  climbed 
up  the  wall.  While  this  was  going  on,  the  number  of  males 
had  increased  from  two  to  six,  and  as  the  queen  fled  up  the 
wall  she  left  in  her  wake  a  string  of  six  emotional  suitors, 
who  eventually  returned  and  made  their  way  back  to  the  mass 
at  the  hole. 

The  problem  of  the  mass  of  waiting  wasps  now  began  to 
.take  form ;  certain  definite  questions  began  to  arise  in  my 
mind.  As  the  males  stand  thus,  two  or  three  deep  in  places, 
all  with  their  heads  out,  waiting,  alert,  are  they  quietly  linger- 
ing there  for  new  queens  to  emerge?  Do  they  wait  for  queens 
which  have  gone  out  into  the  sunshine  to  return  for  the  pur- 
pose of  mating?  Is  it  possible  that  queens  from  other  nests 
come  here?  Are  the  queens  fertilized  more  than  one  time? 
If  inbreeding  occurs,  does  it  in  any  way  affect  the  vigor  or 
sex  of  the  offspring? 

Even  as  I  was  pondering  thus  I  looked  up  and  saw  a  pair 
in  ccjpulo  walking  over  the  mass  of  their  fellow-creatures. 
After  some  seconds  they  accidentally  severed,  but  in  this  the 
female  showed  her  perfect  willingness  to  resume  the  relation; 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  11 

this  was  quite  in  contrast  to  the  behavior  of  the  first  female, 
which  threateningly  used  her  sting  in  making  her  escape. 
Probably,  however,  this  was  after  abundant  fertilization  had 
been  effected  in  the  case  of  the  first. 

A  little  later  a  third  mass  was  seen ;  this  seemed  the  largest 
yet,  and  from  cursory  examination  seemed  to  be  an  all-stag 
affair.  Male  was  atop  male-,  with  much  agitation  of  the  an- 
tennae and  bodily  movements  denoting  intense  sexual  excite- 
ment. So  the  struggling  among  the  seething  mass  continued 
while  as  a  unit  it  slowly  moved  on  ;  their  sexual  excitement 
was  wild,  and  their  attacks  even  upon  each  other  were  now 
unmistakably  of  this  nature.  It  was  impossible  not  to  suspect 
that  somewhere  within  the  ball  was  a  female,  yet  1  watched 
their  maneuvers  carefully  for  five  minutes  without  being  able 
to  detect  her.  Suddenly  she  appeared  on  the  surface,  extri- 
cated herself,  or  really  tore  herself  free  from  the  teeming  mass 
and  dashed  away  on  the  wing  into  the  sunshine.  I  had  time  only 
to  see  that  her  wings  were  badly  frayed,  which  usually  indicates 
age,  but  it  was  obvious  that  even  a  new  queen  could  not  have 
gone  through  this  melee  without  being  badly  torn.  It  was  in- 
teresting to  observe  the  conduct  of  the  mass  of  followers  after 
the  escape  of  this  queen.  Their  movements  and  agitation  con- 
tinued the  same,  to  such  a  degree  that  I  suspected  the  presence 
of  a  second  female  among  them.  In  this  idea  I  was  in  error ; 
the  fact  was  that  in  their  extreme  excitement,  none  of  the  males 
observed  her  escape  and  in  their  madness  none  of  them  even 
missed  her  until  long  after  her  disappearance.  To  be  exact, 
it  took  just  three  minutes  for  them  to  discover  her  absence, 
and  one  by  one  they  disentangled  themselves  and  walked  sol- 
emnly back  to  the  hole  in  the  wall  and  took  their  places  among 
the  other  watchers.  The  queen  was  gone,  leaving  me  pondering 
perplexing  problems;  would  she  ever  return  to  the  nest  from 
this  first  flight,  or  with  the  function  of  fertilization  accom- 
plished would  she  seek  a  place  a  place  for  hibernation  ? 

In  the  course  of  the  next  ten  minutes,  there  was  no  particular 
activity  other  than  the  departure  on  the  wing  of  two  of  the 
males,  and  the  return  of  two  others  from  the  field  to  the  nest. 
This  gave  rise  to  the  questions:  I  Tow  do  these  males  find  their 
way  back  to  the  home  nest  when  once  they  venture  out  afield? 
Is  it  possible  that  some  of  the  males  thus  wander  out  and  return 

12  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NE\VS  [JAN.,    '29 

to  nests  other  than  their  own,  and  that  the  resultant  mixing  of 
the  strain  tends  to  offset  the  injuries  of  inbreeding? 

As  it  neared  noon  and  the  temperature  rose,  more  and  more 
wasps  ventured  to  the  opening,  and  among  the  crowd  I  saw 
two  newly-emerged  queens.  I  knew  from  their  fresh  and  mi- 
scarred  condition  that  they  were  young,  but  since  the  males 
paid  no  attention  to  them,  I  thought  that  perhaps  they  were 
only  newly-emerged  workers  of  large  size  or  newly  hatched 
'queens  which  were  physiologically  too  immature  for  mating. 
While  the  males  paid  no  attention  to  these  two,  which  looked 
every  bit  as  though  they  were  queens  (and  at  that  date  one 
would  suspect  all  newly  emerged  adults  to  be  either  queens  or 
males),  an  incoming  queen  just  at  that  time  precipitated  the 
greatest  commotion  of  the  morning.  As  this  queen  alighted 
she  gathered  a  group  of  males  about  her  which,  like  a  rolling 
snow-ball,  increased  in  size  as  the  mass  slowly  moved  while 
clinging  with  many  legs  to  the  wall.  With  legs  in  motion,  an- 
tennae moving,  abdomens  pulsating  and  all  the  wasps  strug- 
gling pell-mell,  the  mass  looked  like  a  tangled  ball  of  twine. 
The  weight  of  the  cluster  was  too  great,  and  after  a  few  seconds 
the  whole  mass  fell  to  the  ground  below.  For  six  minutes  the 
same  struggle  continued  on  the  ground,  when  slowly  one  by  one 
they  freed  themselves  and  either  flew  or  walked  up  the  wall  to 
the  nest,  leaving  the  contest  to  the  last  three,  two  males  and  one 
queen.  All  told,  this  lot  contained  fourteen  individuals,  three 
females  and  eleven  males.  The  behavior  of  the  two  younger 
females  in  the  lot  was  difficult  to  explain ;  their  very  entry 
into  the  struggle  was  not  due  to  mob  psychology,  or  a  "follow- 
the-crowd"  attitude,  but  was  probably  deliberate,  for  on  another 
occasion  a  little  later,  when  a  group  of  three  males  and  one 
queen  were  in  the  struggle  for  copulation  about  four  inches 
below  the  opening  in  the  wall,  a  second  queen,  likewise  a  wall- 
flower and  unsought,  left  the  group  by  the  opening  and  walked 
down  to  the  scene  of  commotion  four  inches  below  and  joined 
in  the  competition. 

This  behavior  continued  all  day,  in  sunshine  or  in  shade; 
even  at  twilight  at  6:20  p.  m.,  a  mass  of  twelve,  in  all  of  their 
excitement  fell  to  the  ground,  and  even  when  it  was  nearly  dark 
they  extricated  themselves  and  flew  or  walked  back  to  the 
group  at  the  hole  in  the  wall. 

XL,    '29  |  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  13 

Thus  one  sees  that  their  behavior  at  this  time  teems  with 
emotion,  that  they  indulge  in  likes  and  dislikes,  and  that  light, 
heat  and  darkness  are  not  primary  influencing  factors  in  this 

That  these  males  occasional! v  fed  at  the  flowers  during  their 


sojourn  here  was  actually  observed.  Two  wasps  from  this 
colony  were  seen  refreshing  themselves  at  the  goldenrod  below 
the  nest.  Since  they  so  seldom  leave  the  mass,  however,  1  sus- 
pect that  their  meals  are  few  and  far  between,  and  that  the 
great  majority  of  them  are  ravenously  hungry  most  of  the  time. 
This  was  indicated  by  their  onslaught  upon  the  jelly  and  per- 
simmon placed  near  enough  for  them  to  get  it  without  leaving 
the  spot  where  they  kept  eager  and  incessant  watch.  Frequently 
also  a  returning  male  created  much  excitement,  but  1  could  not 
tell  whether  this  was  because  they  suspected  it  to  be  a  female 
or  whether  it  had  some  food  or  nectar  about  its  face.* 

I  have  data  to  show  that  in  the  laboratory  the  male  Pol  isles 
pallipes  also  remains  on  the  nest  long  after  emergence,  and 
observations  show  that  the  same  is  true  for  them  in  nature, 
although  the  length  of  time  that  they  linger  there  is  not  ac- 
curately known.  Their  food  problem  also,  under  these  circum- 
stances, is  of  interest.  On  one  nest  of  P.  pallipcs  in  autumn, 
I  observed,  among  four  workers  and  two  males,  that  a  worker 
and  one  male  appeared  to  be  "kissing"  each  other  to  so  pro- 
longed an  extent  that  I  suspected  that  the  male  was  imbibing 
some  food  from  the  mouth  of  the  worker.  In  fact,  this  worker 
was  for  the  same  reason  attractive  to  others,  for  soon  a  second 
male  pushed  the  first  one  aside  and  secured  for  himself  the 
treat,  whatever  it  may  have  been,  from  the  lips  of  the  worker. 
Presently  a  second  worker  (or  possibly  it  was  the  queen) 
forcibly  pushed  both  of  these  aside,  put  her  own  lips  to  those 
of  the  popular  one  and  repeated  their  performance.  From  im- 
position 1  could  not  actually  see  any  >ubstance  pass  from  the 
mouth  of  one  to  the  other,  but  the  evidence  seemed  to  justify 
my  strong  suspicions  in  the  case. 

*  The  second  year  this  behavior  \vas  repeated  at  tin-  same  place,  ami 
elsewhere  I  show  that  on  the  \\ann  days  in  I'Yhrnary  the  same  hole  in 
the  wall  harbored  many  queens.  They  probably  hibernated  in  the  space 
between  the  two  walls,  or  came  back  to  their  childhood  home  for  m>t- 
bnilding,  having  retained  memory  of  it. 

14  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [JAN.,    '29 

Hancock's  Studies  of  Inheritance  in  Green  and  Pink 

Katy-Dids,  Amblycorypha  oblongifolia  DeUeer 

(Orthop.:  Tettigoniidae). 



Kansas  State  Agricultural  College  and  Agricultural  Experiment 

Station,  Manhattan,  Kansas. 

In  the  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  Vol.  xxvii,  pp.  70-82,  the  late 
Dr.  Joseph  Lane  Hancock,  of  Chicago,  gave  a  preliminary 
account  of  his  extraordinary  experiment  in  crossing  a  male 
green  Katy-did  with  a  pink  female  of  the  species  Amblycorypha 
oblongifolia.  There  is  an  historical  sketch,  an  account  of  the 
finding  of  the  pink  female  and  a  description,  in  considerable 
detail,  of  the  methods  of  breeding  and  the  general  biology  of 
these  Katy-dids.  Then  there  is  a  summary,  in  part  as  follows : 

1.  A  green  male  was  mated  to  the  pink  Katy-did,  and  the 
eggs  were  oviposited  in  the  summer  of    1912.     Hancock  was 
the  first  to  observe  that  the  females  of  this  species  oviposited 
in  the  ground.    He  was  also  first  to  discover  that  some  of  the 


eggs  required  two,  and  others  three  years  before  hatching. 

2.  There   were   thirteen    F±    progeny,    eight    pink    and   two 
green  hatched  two  years  (1914),  and  one  pink  and  two  green 
hatched  three  years  (1915)  after  the  eggs  had  been  oviposited, 
a  ratio  of  9  pink :  4  green.    There  were  approximately  as  many 
males  as  females. 

3.  In  June,   1914,  four  pairs  of  the  Fx  pink,  and  one  pair 
of  the  green  Katy-dids  were  mated.    Three  of  the  pink  and  the 
one  green  female  oviposited  in  the  ground  of  their  respective 
cages  late  in  the  summer  and  early  autumn. 

4.  In  the  summer  of  1915,  a  green  female,  of  the  one  pink 
and  two  green  individuals  which  hatched  that  year  from  the 
1912  mating,  was  mated  to  a  green  male  from  the  field.    Later 
in  the  summer  she  oviposited. 

5.  Hancock  concluded  that  the  pink  color,  as  well  as  the 
green,   was   hereditary,   and   that   the   idea   of    these   colors   in 
Katy-dids  being  dependent  on  the  absorption  of  the  coloring 
matter  taken  in  with  the  food  was  erroneous. 

At  the  time  of  the  publication  of  this  paper,  February,  1916, 
Hancock  was  looking  forward  to  the  hatching  of  the  F..  progeny 
in  the  summers  of  1916,  1917  and  1918. 

XL,    '20]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  15 



Circumstances  prevented  Dr.  Hancock  from  publishing  his 
further  observations  and  records.  On  January  5,  1919,  the 
main  results  were  wrtten  down  as  Dr.  Hancock  verbally  related 
them  to  me.  Since  his  death  Airs.  Hancock  has  generously 
furnished  his  complete  notes,  composing  more  than  forty  type- 
written pages  of  the  unpublished  part  of  the  observations  and 
experimental  results. 

Most  of  the  notes  refer  to  observations  of  the  habits  of  the 
Katy-dids  such  as  feeding  (they  were  cannibalistic  to  some 
extent),  mating,  ovipositing,  hatching  of  the  offspring,  growth, 
molting,  effects  of  temperature  and  moisture,  and  enemies 
(mostly  spiders).  The  males  were  much  less  viable  than  the 
females.  They  ate  best  a  mint  common  in  the  region  of  Lake- 
side, Michigan,  where  the  experiment  was  carried  on.  Among 
the  green  ones,  the  males  were  yellowish  green  while  the  females 
were  bluish  green.  Among  the  pink  individuals  the  males  had 
a  touch  of  yellow  while  the  females  were  bluish  red.  There 
were  some  variations  in  patterns.  One  male  had  strikingly 
blacker  hind  tibia  than  the  others.  Some  had  the  thorax  marked 
with  a  black  line  on  each  side  which  was  in  contrast  with  others. 

Beginning  where  Dr.  Hancock  left  off  (loc.  cit.).  the  one 
pair  of  F!  green  individuals  gave  21  all  green  offspring  in 
1916,  and  two  green  ones  in  1917  (see  diagram  p.  16).  The 
one  surviving  Fx  green  female  which  hatched  in  1915,  mated  to 
a  male  from  the  fields,  gave  58  all  green  ones  in  1917,  and 
number  of  green  young  with  no  pink",  in  1918.  From  the 
three  Fl  pink  females,  mated  to  pink  brothers,  in  1914,  32 
green  and  75  pink  individuals  were  hatched  in  1916;  six  green 
and  fifteen  pink  were  hatched  and  recorded  in  1917,  making  a 
total  F.,  progeny  of  38  green :  90  pink.  Several  of  the 
Fo  pink  males  and  females  of  the  1916  hatching  were  inbred, 
and  they  gave  35  green  and  209  pink  in  1918,  and  1  green  and 
1  pink  in  1919  (see  diagram  p.  5).  (  )bviously.  among  the 
parents  of  the  F,  progeny  there  were  some  which  were  ho- 
mozygous  for  pink. 

Hancock  states  that  he  bred  green  males  and  females,  from 
the  field,  aside  from  the  green  x  pink  stock,  as  controls,  and 



[JAN.,    '29 

that  they  were  parallel  in  respect  to  the  two-ami  three-year 
periods  required  for  the  eggs  to  hatch,  and  all  the  progenies 
were  green. 

Miss   Isahel   Potter  has  aided   in  checking  the  figures  used 
with  Dr.  Hancock's  notes. 


1.  The   eggs   of   the   Katy-did,   A.    oblongifolia,   oviposited 
in  the  ground  in  the  late  summer  and  early  autumn,  hatch  in 
the  early  summer,  some  of  them  two,  and  others  three  years 

2.  Since  the  green  individuals  bred  true  consistently,  and 
the  F,  pink  males  and  females  gave  green  and  pinks  in  F,  in 
a  ratio  of   38:90,   it  appears  that  the  green   and   pink  of   A. 
oblongifolia  compose  a  pair  of  Mendelian  characters,  with  the 
pink   color   dominant.      The   original   pink    female   parent   was 
heterozygous  for  pink  and  green,  respectively. 

3.  The  assiduousness  of  Dr.  Hancock  in  carrying  out  this 
most  arduous  experiment,  over  a  period  of   seven  years,  will 
he  appreciated  and  admired  by  all. 

1912  c?  Green  x  Pink  $ 






1917     Green 








(Nature)         | 

c?  Green  x  Green  9 

Green     Pink 
32          75 


Green     Pink 
6  15 

Green     Pink 
2  1 



Green     Pink 
35         209 

' '  Several ' ' 
No  Pinks" 

Green     Pink 
1  1 

Diagram  Showing  the  Inheritance  Results  from  the  Crossing  of  a 
Green  Male  Katy-did  with  a  Pink  Female  Katy-did  (Amblycorypha 
nhlongifolia).  From  the  notes  of  Dr.  Joseph  Lane  Hancock.  (There 
were  approximately  equal  numbers  of  males  and  females.) 


Plate  I. 

3  -a; 
«  2 

c       o 

<C    S    C3 

Q   <  O 

P   <   S 

"u  -"". 

"a   -  o  S~ 


O    M  O 
c   3 


-^  2   0 

u     -  2 
.y  c>  g 





XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOC.ICAL     NEWS  17 

On  Three  New  Spiders  of  the  Genus  Oxyopes 


University  of  Utah. 

The  three  new  species  of  O.ryopes  here  described  were  noted 
in  the  course  of  a  study  of  material  in  the  Cornell  University 
collection,  where  the  types  are  deposited.  They  are  described 
through  the  courtesy  of  Prof.  C.  R.  Crosby.  They  may  be 
placed  with  reference  to  the  commoner  North  American  species 
by  means  of  the  following  key  to  females. 

a.     Femora  of  legs  lined  with  1  tlack  beneath. 

b.     Epigynum  with  a  pronounced,   forwardly-directed,   dis- 

tally  acute  process  (fig.  5) O.  sulticus  Htz. 

bb.     Epigynum  with  no  such  forwardly-directed  process. 
c.     Spermathecal     openings     not     widely     separated ;     the 
transverse  caudal  ridge  or  plate  with  its  anterior  margin 
obtusely  angular  at  middle  (fig.  3)...0.  aclcishis  n.  sp. 
cc.     Spermathecal   openings   widely   separated ;   the   trans- 
verse   ridge    farther    forward,    its    anterior    margin    not 

angular  at  middle  (fig.  1) O.  lu/lossns  n.  sp. 

aa.     Femora  of  legs  without  longitudinal   black  lines  beneath. 
b. .    Epigynum   with  a  conspicuous,    forwardly-directed,  api- 
cally  rounded  process  or  finger. 

c.     Line  of  cephalothorax  seen  in  profile  nearly  straight; 
finger  of  epigynum  narrower  (fig.  6)..  .O.  scularis  lit/. 
cc.     Line  of   cephalothorax  in  profile  rising  decidedly  in 
head   region;  finger  of  epigynum  broader 

O.  ntfipcs  Banks 

bb.      Epigynum    with    no    such    conspicuous    finger,    at    most 
obtusely  angular  in  front  (fig.  4) 0.  licliiis  n.  sp. 

Oxyopes  aglossus  n.  sp. 

9  . — Coloration  much  as  in  O.  sallicns.  Carapace  with  in- 
tegument yellow,  or  brownish  yellow,  clothed  with  dark  scales 
on  the  sides  and  with  white  scales  on  middle  band,  a  black 
line  extending  from  each  anterior  lateral  eve  and  down  the 
front  face  of  the  chelicera,  the  lateral  margins  lined  with  black. 
Sternum  yellow,  typically  with  marginal  black  dots.  Legs  yel 
low,  the  femora  each  with  a  ventral  black  line  and  olten  some 
small  scattered  black  spots  on  coxae,  femora,  patellae  and  tibiae, 
especially  at  bases  of  the  spines.  Abdomen  dorsallv  light  yel- 
lowish grey  or  somewhat  silvery,  sides  brown  with  darker 
maculations,  the  venter  with  a  median  black  band  between 



|  JAN.,    '29 

epigynum  and  spinnerets,  this  band  often  broken  into  spots. 
Characterized  especially  by  the  form  of  the  epigynum  which 
presents  a  strongly  chitinized  transverse  plate  behind  a  cavity, 
bearing  no  forwardly-directed  process  or  finger.  (Fig.  1.) 
Length,  6  mm. 

1  Epigynum  of  Oxyopes  aglossus  n.  sp.  2  Lateral  view  of  portion  of 
right  palpus  of  male  of  Oxyopes  aglossus  n.  sp.  showing  tibial  apophysis. 

3  Epigynum  of  Oxyopes  acleistiis  n.  sp.  4  Epigynum  of  Oxyopes 
heliiis  n.  sp. 

5  Epigynum  of  Oxyopes  salticus  Hentz.  6  Epigynum  of  Oxyopes  sca- 
laris  Hentz. 

XL,    '29j  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NK\VS  I1) 

$  . — Coloration  in  general  as  in  the  female.  Palpi  darkened, 
the  tarsus  and  palpal  organ  black  or  nearly  so.  The  abdomen, 
which  is  more  slender  and  pointed  than  in  the  female,  with 
dorsal  light  band  narrower,  pointed  behind,  commonly  enclos- 
ing a  dark,  stibsagitate  area  anteriorly.  Tibia  of  palpus  with 
a  low,  dorso-ectal  angular  process  as  in  salticns  but  with 
ventral  process  of  the  form  shown  in  fig.  2.  The  cymbium 
posteriorly  cornuate,  but  the  process  rather  small,  rounded,  and 
close  to  the  tibia.  Length,  4  mm. 

Localities. — Georgia:  Okefenokee  Swamp,  Billy's  Id.  (C. 
R.  Crosby,  June,  1912),  Honey  Id.  and  Mixon's  Hammock; 
Tennessee:  Beersheeba  (one  $  ,  Fox  Coll.,  June,  1888)  ;  Lou- 
isiana: Chestina  (2  $  ,  K.  R.  Schmidt,  May,  1915).  Holotypc, 
a  female,  and  allotype  from  Billy's  Id. 

Likely  to  be  confused  with  salticns  because  of  the  similar 
lineation  of  the  legs  but  easily  distinguished  by  the  very  dif- 
ferent epigynum.  The  male  is  most  easily  distinguished  by 
the  larger,  differently  formed  ventral  apophysis  of  the  tibia 
of  the  palpus  (fig.  2).  The  posterior  process  of  the  cymbium 
is  shorter  and  less  salient  than  in  salticus. 

Oxyopes  acleistus  n.  sp. 

9  . — Color  pattern  of  this  species  also  suggesting  that  of 
salticus.  The  vertical  black  lines  down  clypeus  are  broader, 
extending  over  space  between  anterior  median  and  anterior 
lateral  eye  on  each  side,  narrowing  from  eyes  gradually  to 
edge  of  clypeus.  Black  lines  along  antero-ventral  face  of 
femora  wider,  often  with  edges  irregular ;  a  broader  band  along 
ventro-caudal  face  mostly  broken  into  spots ;  a  stripe  along 
antero-dorsal  face  complete  on  first  legs  but  on  third  and 
fourth  legs  showing  only  distally  ;  the  stripes  on  femora  tend- 
ing to  spread  laterally  and  to  unite  with  each  other  distally. 
Median  dorsal  light  area  of  abdomen  enclosing  a  dark  sagittate 
mark ;  sides  dark,  and  venter  with  the  usual  median  longitudinal 
dark  band.  The  spermathecal  openings  not  concealed  :  caudal 
rim  of  epigynum  angled  at  middle  but  with  no  forwardly- 
directed  finger  (fig.  3).  Length,  6  mm. 

Locality. — Florida:  Stanford  (1  9  taken  by  Stone,  27  July, 

Oxyopes  helius  n.  sp. 

9  . — Contrasting  with  the  two  preceding  species  in  showing 
no  longitudinal  dark  lines  on  the  femora  of  legs ;  these  are 
dusky  with  a  tendency  to  show  a  paler  annulus  at  middle  and 
at  distal  end;  patellae  and  tibiae  also  dusky;  posterior 

20  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [JAN.,    '29 

paler  than  the  anterior.  Clypeus  and  chelicerae  with  no  vertical 
black  lines,  the  clypeus  with  three  sub-vertical  lines  of  white  hair, 
a  median  one  and  a  lateral  one  on  each  side  from  between  pos- 
terior lateral  and  anterior  lateral  eyes  to  ventro-lateral  corner. 
Sternum  and  coxae  of  legs  yellow,  not  spotted.  Light  area  (if 
dorsum  subdivided  by  a  median  brown  line  which  sends  off 
oblique  lines  on  each  side  behind;  sides  very  dark;  mid-ventral 
band  broad  but  not  so  deeply  colored  as  the  sides.  The  cephalo- 
thorax  is  very  high  in  front  of  the  posterior  declivity,  the  dorsal 
line  in  profile  a  little  convex.  The  epigynum  presents  a  mar- 
ginal rim  laterally  and  candally  which  is  narrower  behind  than 
in  other  species  and  presents  neither  median  tooth  nor  finger 
from  the  rim  (fig.  4).  Length,  5  mm. 

Locality. — Georgia:  Okefenokee  Swamp,  Mixon's  Ham- 
mock (Crosby  coll.,  16  June,  1912).  1  $  taken  from  a  nest 
of  Pelopoeus. 

The  epigynum  of  this  species  separates  it  at  once  from  other 
species.  The  abdomen  is  proportionately  broader  and  shorter 
than  usual,  and  the  caudally  high,  broad  cephalothorax  is  also 

— . — • — • 

A  New  Riodinid  from  Louisiana  (Lepid.). 

By  W.  J.  HOLLAND,  Carnegie  Museum,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania 

Calephelis  louisiana  n.  sp. 

Upper  side : — The  prevalent  color  of  the  wings  is  dull  brown, 
interrupted  on  the  fore  wing  by  a  band  of  dark  luteous,  which 
extends  from  the  base  parallel  with  the  costa  to  the  outer  mar- 
gin ;  a  similarly  colored  light  transverse  band  crosses  the  hind 
wing  about  its  middle,  parallel  to  the  outer  margin,  sending 
an  outward  ray-like  projection  about  its  middle  toward  the 
outer  margin.  The  thorax  and  abdomen  on  the  upper  side 
are  concolorous. 

I'utlcr  side: — The  ground-color  of  this  side  of  the  wings  is 
pale  red,  much  paler  than  in  C.  virginicnsis  Gray,  and  in  tint 
like  that  of  C.  perdilalis  B.  &  McD.  The  metallic  spots  and 
dark  markings  disposed  much  as  in  C.  virginicnsis  and  C. 
horealis,  but  with  the  post-median  band  of  metallic  spots  rela- 
tively larger,  and  widening  toward  the  costa  of  the  fore  wing, 
in  certain  lights  showing  dark  reflections.  Thorax  and  abdomen 
on  the  under  side  concolorous.  Legs  testaceous ;  tibiae  whitish. 
Expanse :  .75  in. 

Type  (  $  )  in  the  Holland  Collection,  taken  at  Opelousas, 
Louisiana,  by  G.  R.  Pilate. 

'29]  EXTOMOI.IM.ICAL     XF.WS  21 

Hoplothrips  karnyi  Hood  (Thysanoptera). 

By  DUDLEY  Mori/mx, 
San  Francisco,  California. 

Numerous  specimens  of  this  interesting  Hoplothrips  have 
been  forwarded  to  me  for  identification  during  the  last  two 
years,  with  host  plant,  locality  and  collector  records  as  fol- 
lows: "Tree  fungus",  Newark,  Xew  Jersey,  (  \Ym.  Trager), 
Chrysanthemum  Iciicautlicinuiii,  1  lamden,  Connecticut,  (  \Y.  K. 
Britton),  Northern  Spy  Apple,  Fair  Haven,  Vermont,  (H.  N. 
Bean),  Fungus  on  dead  Beech. stump,  Kingsville,  Ohio,  (J.  C. 
Pallister),  Fungus  on  dead  log,  Cold  Spring  Harbor,  Long 
Island,  (H.  Friedman),  under  bark.  Amherst,  Massachusetts. 
(A.  H.  Salmon),  on  cherry  and  peach  stumps,  Indianapolis, 
Indiana,  (H.  F.  Dietz).  under  bark  of  cherry  tree.  Brooklyn. 
Mew  York,  (\V.  E.  Smith). 

The  confusion  that  has  arisen  in  the  proper  identification  of 
this  species  has  been  brought  about  partly  because  there  are  two 
distinct  forms  of  male,  and  a  noticeable  variation  in  size  of 
the  female.  Dr.  11.  Priesner.  of  Austria,  has  given  the  name 
ocdyuicr  for  male  specimens  having  greatly  enlarged  prothorax 
and  forelegs,  and  i/y/iacoid  for  those  having  prothorax  and  fore- 
legs normally  developed.  T  have  recently  named  a  species  in 
another  genus,  Haplothrips  I'ifcnnis,  from  Abyssinia,  Africa. 
which  shows  the  same  type  variation. 

I  have  selected  eighty  9  9  for  the  purpose  of  comparison 
and  measurement  from  among  the  collections  above  listed,  48 
macroptera,  32  brachyptera  and  34  32,5  macroptera  </yim- 
coid,  5  brachyptera  gynacoid  and  24  brachyptera  ai'dvincr, 
Macroptera  ocd\u\cr  forms  have  not  been  observed  in  this 
species.  Macropterous  males  are  equally  as  common  as  brachyp- 
terous  males  in  the  ocdyincr  form  of  fluplotlirips  hifonnis. 

There  is  a  marked  variation  in  total  body  length,  from 
2  mm.  to  4  mm.,  especially  among  the  females,  with  prevailing 
size  2.5  to  3.5  mm.  Much  of  this  variation  is  due  to  a  con- 
tracted or  distended  condition  of  the  abdomen.  The  connectini; 
tissue  between  the  segments  in  a  distended  specimen  is  as  long, 

22  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [JAN.,    '29 

if  not  longer,  than  the  tergites  themselves,  while  in  a  contracted 
specimen  the  segments  are  more  or  less  telescoped,  connecting 
tissue  is  folded  and  largely  concealed  and  length  of  abdomen 
is  much  less  than  half  of  that  in  a  normally  distended  specimen. 
All  of  the  characters  which  have  been  used  heretofore  in 
an  attempt  to  designate  two  different  species  are  insufficient, 
and  are  overcome  by  the  normal  variation  within  the  species 
itself  when  we  recognize  the  ocdymcr  and  gyna co-id  forms. 


Trichothrips  karnyi  Hood,  Insecutor  Inscitiae  Menstruus,  ii, 
No.  2,  20,  1914. 

Trichothrips  karnyi  major  Hood,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash., 
xxvii,  153,  1914. 

Trichothrips  karnvi  karnyi  Hood,  Proc.  Biol.  Soc.  Wash, 
xxvii,  153,  1914. 

Hoplothrips  karnyi  major  Hood,  The  Ent.,  xlviii,  105,  1915. 

Hoplothrips  karnvi  karnvi  Hood,  Insec.  Insc.  Mens.,  v,  Nos. 
4-6,  61,  1917. 

Trichothrips  drakci  Watson,  Bull.  Brooklyn  Ent.  Soc.,  xvi, 

78,  1921. 

Trichothrips  ulmi  Weiss  &  Lott,  Bull.  Brooklyn  Ent.  Soc., 

xviii,  94,  1923. 

Hoplothrips  major  Weiss,  Ent.  News,  xxxvii,  84,  1926^ 
Hoplothrips  major  Hood,  Ent.  Americana,  vii,  226,  1927. 
Hoplothrips  karnyi  major  Hood,  Ent.  News,  xxxviii,  113, 


— «  •  « i 

The  Choice  of  Bees  by  Absolute  or  Relative  Characteristics 

(Hymen.:  Apidae). 

In  the  great  majority  of  experiments  made  by  Kohler  upon 
chicks,  the  chick's  choice  between  two  shades  of  grey  was  de- 
termined by  the  relative  characteristics  of  the  training  bright- 
ness. Bees  if  trained  to  choose  with  regard  to  the  difference 
of  two  shades  of  greys  determine  their  choice  by  the  absolute 
brightness  of  the  training  paper.  If  in  a  transference  in  posi- 
tive direction  the  training  paper  remains  visible,  they  go  to 
that  paper  as  before;  if  in  a  transference  in  negative  direction 
the  training  paper  is  absent,  they  do  not  choose  the  paper  that 
has  the  same  relative  place  in  the  new  combination  as  the 
training  paper  had  in  the  old  one,  but  sit  clown  about  equally 
on  both  papers  and  in  a  smaller  number  than  they  did  when 
the  training  paper  was  present.  J.  A.  BIERENS  DE  HAAN  (in 
Tijdschrift  dcr  Ncdcrlandschc  Dicrkuvdiyc  I'crccniyiny  (3) 
I,  2,  Leiden,  Sept.,  1928). 



On  the  Accrediting   of   Illustrations. 

When  a  man,  like  C.  V.  Riley  for  example,  with  a  genius 
for  illustration,  worked  industriously  to  produce  a  striking 
and  extremely  competent  drawing,  he  was  naturally  rather 
proud  of  it,  and  he  expected  and  deserved  scientific  credit 
for  his  work.  Riley  was  very  insistent  on  this  point,  and  his 
wonderful  illustrations  in  the  famous  Missouri  Reports  have 
heen  used  again  and  again  in  bulletins  and  books  by  other 
authors.  Owing  to  Riley's  original  insistence,  the  credit  has 
almost  invariably  been. given  to  him,  whoever  the  author  of 
the  article  or  book  in  which  the  illustration  has  been  used. 
After  he  left  Missouri  and  came  to  Washington,  he  did  com- 
paratively little  personal  drawing,  but  he  trained  George  Marx 
and  Lily  Sullivan,  and  the  early  drawings  of  these  two  were 
done  under  his  eye  and  under  his  constant  and  severe  criticism. 

Since  the  use  of  photography  for  insect  illustration  has  come 
in  very  generally — and  it  was  first  used  most  successfully  by 
Slingerland — there  has  been  a  reduction  in  the  number  of 
original  drawings ;  but  nevertheless  many  skilled  draftsmen 
of 'entomological  subjects  have  appeared.  It  is  generally  under- 
stood that  an  illustration  should  lie  accredited  to  the  author 
of  the  paper  which  it  originally  illustrated,  and  this  should  be 
the  careful  aim  of  all  writers.  I  think  that  this  idea  is  univer- 
sally accepted.  In  later  years,  however,  there  has  been  an 
output  of  bulletins  and  books  in  extraordinary  number.  In 
spite  of  the  new  photographs  and  new  drawings,  old  figures 
have  been  used  again  and  again.  In  the  course  of  this  use  and 
reuse,  the  original  source  of  many  of  these  illustrations  has 
been,  through  lack  of  care,  disregarded,  and  later  works  using 
some  of  these  illustrations  for  the  second  or  third  or  tenth 
time  credit  the  illustration  to  the  second  or  third  or  ninth 
author  in  whose  publication  they  appeared. 


24  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [  JAN.,    '29 

My  early  years  with  Riley,  perhaps,  cause  me  to  notice  this 
fact  more  quickly  than  do  others,  and  to  feel  more  keenly  about 
it;  and  I  am  wondering  whether  it  is  too  late  to  correct  this 
tendency.  \Ye  are  very  careful  in  matters  of  scientific  credit 
in  other  directions.  Should  we  not  be  equally  careful  in  this? 
Some  day,  perhaps,  some  careful  and  inquisitive  bookworm 
will  look  into  this  illustration  credit  and  will  prepare  for  publi- 
cation a  list  that  will  suprise  many  of  us  and  cause  some  authors 
who  have  been  a  bit  careless  in  this  direction  a  certain  amount 
of  chagrin. — L.  O.  HOWARD. 


Dr.  E.  D.  Ball  has  been  appointed  Dean  of  the  College  of 
Agriculture  and  Director  of  the  Experiment  Station,  of  the 
University  of  Arizona,  at  Tucson,  Arizona. 

Must  "Konowia"  be  Discontinued? 

Dr.  L.  O.  Howard  has  sent  to  the  Editor  of  the  NEWS  some 
correspondence  he  has  lately  had  with  Herr  Fritz  \Yagner, 
of  Vienna,  publisher  of  Konowia.  Herr  Wagner  writes  from 
Haizingergasse  4,  YVien  XVIII,  in  part  as  follows:  It  is  a 
question  of  to  be  or  not  to  be  with  Konowia,  the  continuation 
of  which  is  seriously  questioned.  Up  to  the  present  time  I 
have  endeavored  to  meet  the  expense  of  Konowia  out  of  my 
own  pocket,  but  the  deficit  has  now  reached  an  amount  (3200 
Austrian  shillings  or  $500)  which  renders  it  impossible  for 
me  to  make  further  sacrifices  and  I  see  myself  before  the 
alternative  either  to  apply  for  aid  to  some  well-to-do  ento- 
mologists or  scientific  institutions  or  to  discontinue  publica- 
tion. The  latter  would  certainly  be  regrettable,  as  Konowia  is 
the  only  German  journal  dealing  neither  with  Coleoptera  nor 
Lepidoptera.  All  attempts  to  obtain  some  financial  aid  in  this 
city  have  been  unsuccessful,  because  our  country  is  too  poor, 
and  there  is  no  other  way  left  to  me  than  to  apply  to  foreign 
countries  to  ask  for  help  in  the  interest  of  Konowia  and  of 
the  science  in  general.  It  is  pretty  certain  that  the  present 
deficit  can  never  be  covered  by  the  relatively  small  number  of 
subscribers,  if  no  helpers  are  found  who,  by  special  contribu- 
tions of  larger  sums,  will  balance  this  deficit  and  enable 
Konozvia  to  start  life  over  again.  (Translated  from  the  original 
(id-man  and  condensed.) 

XL,    '29]  KXTO.MOI.OCICAl.     XF.WS 

|  R'ono-^'id  is  a  journal  of  taxonomic  entomology  excluding 
the  two  orders  mentioned  above.  It  publishes  about  20  sheets 
of  letter  press,  with  figures  and  plates,  each  year,  the  sub- 
scription price  being  12  Gmk.  Perhaps  those  entomologists  in 
the  United  States  who  know  and  use  Konoiciu  can  suggest 
directly  to  llerr  \Yagner,  or  to  Dr.  Howard,  some  means  by 
which  this  useful  journal  may  be  saved  and  re-established.— 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it    is   intended   to    note   papers    received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North   and    South),    including   Arachnida   and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I     I    refer   to   the   journals,   as   numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from   the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;    then   the   pagination   follows    the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

gJtf^Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  c-iting  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Britton,  W.  E.— The  Fourth  International 
Congress  of  Entomology.  [12]  21:  651-661,  ill.  Fulton,  B. 
B. — Sound  perception  by  insects.  [76]  1928:  552-556.  Hei- 
kertinger,  F.  -  -  Wie  ordnet  der  specialist  gattungen  uncl 
arten  nach  einem  natiirlichen  system?  [79]  14:  129-150. 
McAtee,  W.  L. — A  two-word  code  of  nomenclature.  Sta- 
bility in  nomenclature.  [10]  30:  150-151:  151-152.  Myers, 
J.  G. — Insect  exploiters  of  animal  secretions.  A  chapter  of 
insect  behavior.  [19]  23:  157-173.  Poos,  F.  W.— An  anno- 
tated list  of  some  parasitic  insects.  [10|  30:  145-150. 
Schwarz,  E.  A.— Obituary.  |68|  68:  443.  Turner,  H.  J.- 
Nomenclature.  [21]  40:  164-165.  Wainwright,  C.  J.— Mr. 
Charles  H.  T.  Townsend's  descriptions.  A  protest.  |4S| 
45:  96-99.  Watson,  J.  R. —  Effect  of  the  burn' cane  on  tin- 
abundance  of  some  insects.  [39]  12:  40-41,  ill.  Williams,  C. 
B. — Collected  records  relating  to  insect  migration.  [36]  76: 

26  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [jANv    '29 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Abbott,   C.   E.- 

Some  experiments  on  the  nervous  physiology  of  dragon-fly 
larvae.  [5]  35:  182-185.  Cappe  de  Baillon',  P.— Embryo- 
genie  teratologique  chez  les  Phasmides.  (Menexenus  semi- 
armatus  et  Clitumnus  artemis.)  [78]  62:  378-387,  ill. 
Legendre,  M.  J. — Psychologic  animale. — La  psychologic  de 
Culex  pipiens.  [69]  187:  774-776.  Levy,  R. — Fonctionne- 
ment  du  vaisseau  dorsal  de  la  larve  de  mouche  en  milieu 
artificial.  [69]  99:  1482-1485.  Maziarski,  S.— Sur  le  tissu 
musculaire  des  insectes.  II.  Les  elements  contractiles  dans 
les  couches  musculaires  du  tube  digestif  des  Tipulines. 
[Bull.  Acad.  Polonaise  des  Sci.]  1927,  B  :  785-822,  ill.  Sikes, 

E.  K. — The   external    morphologv   and    life-history    of   the 
coccid  bug,  Orthezia  urticae.  [93]   1928:  269-305,  ill    Snod- 
grass,   R.   E. — The   mind   of   an   insect.      [Smiths.    Report] 
1917:  387-416,  ill.     Morphology  and  evolution  of  the  insect 
head  and  its  appendages.  [Smith.  Misc.  Coll.]  81:  1-158,  ill. 
Weyer,    F.  -  -  Untersuchungen    iiber    die    Keimdrusen    bei 
Hymenopterenarbiterinnen.   [94]    131 :  345-501,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA  AND  MYRIOPODA.— Crosby  &  Bishop. 

-Revision  of  the  spider  genera  Erigone,  Eperigone  and 
Catabrithorax  (Erigoneae).  [N.  Y.  State  Mus.  Bull.]  1928: 
5-96,  ill.  Hodson,^W.  E.  H.— The  bionomics  of  the  bulb 
mite,  Rhizoglyphus  echinopus.  [22]  19:  187-200,  ill.  Seeley, 
R.  M. — Revision  of  the  spicier  genus  Tetragnatha.  [N.  Y. 
State  Mus.  Bull.]  1928:  99-150,  ill. 


F.  M. — A  new  Protodonatan  from  the  Grand  Canyon.    [5] 
35:  186-190,  ill.    *McDunnough,  J. — Ephemerid  notes  with 
description  of  a  new  species.   [4]   60:  238-240.     Stitz,  H.— 
Die  Neuropteren  des  arktischen  Gebietes.     [Fauna  Arctica, 
Jena]  5:  636-638. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Ramme,  W.— Die  Orthopteren  des 
arktischen  Gebietes.  [Fauna  Arctica,  Jena]  5:  641-646. 
*Hubbell  &  Walker. — A  new  shrub-inhabiting  species  of 
Schistocerca  from  Central  Florida.  [Oc.  Pap.  Mus.  Zool.] 
197:  1-10,  ill.  Uvarov,  B.  P. — Locusts  and  their  control. 
[Nat.  Hist.  Mag.]  1:  298-306,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— *Ball,  E.  D.— A  supplemental  review 
of  the  genus  Ophiola  (Conosanus)  in  N.  A.  (Cicadellinae.) 
|1<)|  23:  185-190.  Blatchley,  W.  S.— The  Mexican  chicken 
bug  in  Florida.  |39j  12:  43-44.  *Drake,  C.  J.— Some  Tingi- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  27 

tidae  (Heteroptera)  from  Honduras.  [Oc.  Pap.  Mus.  Zool.] 
190:  1-5,  ill.  *Drake  &  Harris. — Concerning-  some  North 
American  \vater-striders  with  descriptions  of  three  new 
species.  [43 J  28:  269-276,  ill.  Ferris,  G.  F.— Observation-, 
on  the  Chermidae  (Homoptera).  Part  V.  (S).  [4]  60: 
240-245,  ill.  *Hunger£ord,  H.  B.— Some  South  American 
Corixidae.  [19J  23:  174-180,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H.— New 
species  of  Labopidea  and  Macrotyloides  (Miridae).  [4J 
60:  233-236.  *Myers,  J.  G. — Some  Cuban  Cicadidae,  Cerco- 
pidae  and  Membracidae. — A  correction.  [5]  35:  190.  Myers, 
J.  G.— The  morphology  of  the  Cicadidae.  [93]  1928:  365- 
472,  ill.  *Schmidt,  E. — Die  Cicadellinen  des  Stettiner  mus- 
eums. (S).  [48]  45:  53-90.  Watson,  S.  A.— The  Miridae 
of  Ohio.  [Ohio  Biol.  Sur.j  4:  3-43,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA.  —  *Dyar,  H.  G. -- Notes  on  cactus 
moths  allied  to  Melitara,  with  two  new  genera  and  one  new 
species.  [10]  30:  133-137.  *  Walter,  E.  V.  — Some  new 
moths  from  Arizona.  [10]  30:  137-41.  *Dyar,  H.  G.- 
Description  of  a  new  genus.  [10]  30:  138.  Eltringham,  H. 
—On  the  abdominal  glands  in  certain  North  American 
Argynnids  (Nymphalidae).  ]36[  76:  97-99,  ill.  *Mc- 
Dunnough,  J.  H.— A  new  Euphydryas.  |4]  60:  248-249. 
Philpott,  A. --On  the  systematic  position  of  Anomoses 
(Homoneura).  [36]  76:  93-96,  ill.  Stichel,  H.  -  -  Die 
Veroffentlichungen  iiber  Ervcinidae  von  A.  Seitz  im  spie- 
gelbild  der  kritik  (Rhopal.).' [11]  1928:  146-160,  cont. 

DIPTERA. — Aldrich,  J.  M. — Notes  on  synonymy  of  Dip- 
tera.  [10]  30:  142-145.  Balduf,  W.  V.— No'tes  on  the  habits 
of  Aphiochaeta  aletiae.  [43]  28:  237-245,  ill.  *Brues,  C.  T. 
—A  new  species  of  Coniceromyia  from  Cuba  (Phoridae). 
[5]  35:  157-159,  ill.  Brues,  C.  "T.— Some  Cuban  I'horidae 
which  visit  the  flowers  of  Aristolochia  elegans.  [5]  35: 
160-161.  *Curran,  C.  H.— Revision  of  the  American  specie> 
of  Archytas  ( Tachinidae).  [4]  60 :  249-256,  ill.,  cont.  *Mann, 
W.  M. — II.  A  new  Microdon  from  Panama.  [5]  35:  168- 
170.  *Taylor,  R.  L. — A  new  species  of  Lonchaea  (  Lon- 
chaeidae).  [19]  23:  191-194.  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.  —  Arrow,  G.  J.  --  Polymorphism  in 
horned  beetles.  [36]  76:  73-77,  ill.  *Barber',  H.  S.  --I.  A 
new  Bolivian  silvanid  beetle  from  the  myrmecodomatia  <>) 
Cordia.  [5|  35:  167-168.  *Benick,  L. — Amerikanische  Steni- 
nen  (Staph.).  [4]  60:  33-52,  ill.  *Blake,  D.  H.— A  new 
species  of  Luperodes  from  Ml.  Mitchell,  Xorth  Carolina. 

28  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NE\\  S  |jAN.,    '29 

|  19]  23:  183-184.  *Bruch,  C.— Descripcion  de  dos  estafili- 
nos  nuevos.  (S).  [Bol.  Acad.  Nac.  Cien.  Rep.  Argentina.] 
29:  415-418,  ill.  Bruch,  C. — Supleniento  al  catalogo  siste- 
matico  de  los  Coleopteros  de  la  Republica  Argentina.  III. 
i  Addenda,  Corrigenda  y  lista  de  especies.)  [Bol.  Acad.  Nac. 
Cien.  Rep.  Argentina]"  29:  419-452.  *Fall,  H.  C.— New 
Plastoceridae  and  a  new  Cebrio.  ]5]  35:  139-146.  Gross- 
man, E.  F. — Resumption  of  egg-laying  by  hibernated  cotton 
l)oll  weevils  (Anthonomus  grandis).  [39]  12:  33-38,  ill. 
*Hopping,  G.  R.— New  Cerambycidae.  [4]  60:  246-247. 
Keler,  S. — Fossile  borkenkafer  nnd  bemerknngen  iiber  die 
Phylogenie  der  gruppe  [Bull.  Ent.  Pologne.]  6:  216-225. 
de  Lapouge,  G. — Les  Ceroglosses.  (S).  [Misc.  Ent.]  41, 
110.  4:  3-8.  Noskiewicz  &  Poluszynski. — Embryologische 
nntersuchnngen  an  Strepsipteren.  I.  Teil.  Embryogenesis 
der  gattung  Stylops.  [Bull.  Acad.  Polonaise  des  Sci.]  1927, 
B:  1093-1226,  'ill."  *Voss,  E. — Einige  weitere  Attelabinae 
nnd  Apoderinae  (Cure.).  (S).  [2]  24:112-120. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Borgmeier,  T.— Urn  caso  de  tro- 
phobiose  entre  um a  formiga,  e  um  parasita  do  cafeeiro.  (S). 
|  32]  3:  285-289,  ill.  *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— Bees  collected 
by  Nathan  Banks  in  the  vicinity  of  the  Panama  Canal.  [5] 
35:  173-181.  Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— III.  Bees  collected  by 
Dr.  W.  M.  Wheeler  at  flowers  of  Triplaris.  (S).  [5]  35: 
170-172.  *Creighton,  W.  S. — A  new  species  of  Thauma- 
tomyrmex  from  Cuba.  [5]  35:  162-166,  ill.  Prison,  T.  H.— 
A  contribution  to  the  knowledge  of  the  life  history  of  Bre- 
mus  bimaculatus.  [70|  8:  159-214,  ill.  Records  of  bumble- 
bees from  Alberta.  Canada.  (Bremidae.)  [4]  60:  236-238. 
*Heinrich,  G. — Ctenamblyteles  nom.  nov.  (Ichneum.).  [11] 
1928:  141.  Johnson,  C.  W. — The  New  England  Siricidae  or 
horntails.  [Bull.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  1928:  3-7.  ill. 
Rau,  P. — Modification  of  the  nest-building  habits  of  Polis- 
tes.  [5]  35:  147-150,  ill.  The  reconstruction  of  destroyed 
nests  by  Polistes  wasps.  [5]  35:  151-152.  Trophallaxis  in 
Polistes  pallipes.  [5|  35:  153-156. 

HAM,  Professor  of  Entomology,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca. 
Charles  C.  Thomas,  publisher.  Springfield,  Illinois,  and  Balti- 
more, Maryland.  1928.  22  x  15.5  cm.  pp.  viii,  210;  72  figs. 
Price  $2.00,  by  mail  $2.12. — As  indicated  by  the  title  this 
book  is  intended  for  use  by  rather  immature  students  who 
know  very  little  about  insects.  Its  plan  embraces,  for  each 
topic,  first,  a  description  of  some  insect  or  group  of  insects ; 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     XK\VS  29 

second,  a  "work  program"  in  which  pupils  as  well  as  teacher 
participate  in  the  collecting  and  preparation  of  material  tor 
study;  and  third,  a  "lahoratory  program"  of  study  of  both 
living  and  preserved  specimens.  The  first  topic  is  "\Yhat  an 
insect  is  like — outside",  illustrated  hy  a  description  of  an 
adult  stonefly,  followed  hy  directions  for  gathering,  mounting 
and  making  balsam  slides  of  the  insects  used  in  a  compara- 
tive study  of  the  exterior  of  nymph  and  adult  stonefly,  grass- 
hopper (nymph  and  adult),  adult  dragonfly,  beetle  and  was]). 
The  second  topic  is  "What  an  insect  is  like — inside"  ;  the  inter- 
nal organs  of  a  stonefly  nymph  again  afford  the  basis  of  the 
description,  and  a  comparison  of  transparent  aquatic  insect 
larvae  (those  of  mayfly,  dragonfly  and  midge)  comprises  the 
laboratory  work.  It  will  be  seen  that  the  approach  to  ento- 
mology is  made  chiefly  through  aquatic  insects  instead  of  such 
terrestrial  forms  as  cockroach,  grasshopper  or  cricket.  \\  hy 
should  there  not  be  many  avenues  of  approach? 

The  two  topics  above  mentioned,  with  III.  How  an  insect 
grows  up,  constitute  Part  I,  Introductory  (pp.  3-36).  Tart 
II  (pp.  37-136)  deals  with  the  Principal  groups  of  insects, 
Part  III  (pp.  139-174)  with  Injurious  insects  and  their  con- 
trol, Part  IV  with  Collecting,  preserving  and  rearing  insects 
(pp.  177-206).  There  is  a  list  of  22  reference  books  (p.  206) 
and  an  index  of  4  pages. 

Special  features  are,  as  the  preface  states,  "a  new  selection 
of  material  for  elementary  instruction  and  some  new  plans 
for  its  use."  Very  compact  are  the  "Clues  for  recognition  of 
the  commoner  orders  of  winged  insects"  (p.  135),  the  "Con- 
densed list  of  injurious  insects"  (pp.  151-153)  and  the  list  of 
"Insect  enemies  of  principal  crops"  (pp.  157-159). 

The  book  is  attractively  bound  and  is  printed  on  unglazed 
paper — with  praiseworthy  lightness  of  weight. — P.  P.  CALVERT. 

W.  P.  FLINT.  918pp.,  561  fig.,  McGraw-Hill  Book  Co.,  New 
York,  1928. 

Many  who  were  familiar  with  the  mimeographed  issues  o! 
'Destructive  and  Useful  Insects'  have  awaited  the  first  printed 
edition  impatiently.  A  cursory  examination  is  sure'  to  lea\e 
a  good  impression  with  the  biologist,  and  when  the  book  is 
carefully  investigated  it  is  not  likely  that  this  credence  will 
be  altered.  Obviously  the  antbor>  are  capable  of  accepting 
the  commission  of  writing  such  a  bonk  as  this  one  proves  to 
be.  Mr.  Flint  has  had  wide  experience  in  insect  control,  while 
Professor  Metcalf  has  been  connected  with  a  number  ol  our 

30  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [JAN.,    '29 

leading  higher  institutions.      From  this  we  expect  a  book  of 
value  to  both  teacher  and  economic  entomologist,  and  so  it  is. 

The  strongest  feature  of  the  book  is  probably  the  introduc- 
tory portion,  consisting  of  ten  chapters.  The  chapters  follow- 
ing are  of  equal  value,  but  are  less  unique.  Most  books  on 
applied  entomology  have,  perhaps  of  necessity,  slighted  the 
discussion  of  the  relation  of  insects  to  mankind,  the  structure, 
development,  classification  and  control  of  insects.  Here  we 
find  these  in  great  detail,  297  pages  in  all.  Probably  for  this 
reason  we  have  no  right  to  call  this  a  book  on  practical  ento- 
mology, though  that  is  its  general  tendency.  The  introductory 
chapters  alone  are  sufficient  for  a  small  textbook,  and  many 
teachers  cover  no  more  than  this  in  their  beginning  course.  The 
order  of  the  first  chapters  is  slightly  different  from  the  usual: 
Insects  as  Enemies  of  Man,  The  Value  of  Insects  to  Man, 
The  External  Morphology  of  Insects,  The  Internal  Anatomy 
and  Physiology  of  Insects,  The  Mouth  Parts  of  Insects,  De- 
velopment and  Metamorphosis,  The  Place  of  Insects  in  the 
Animal  Kingdom,  The  Order  of  Insects.  Insect  Control,  and 
Apparatus  for  Applying  Insecticides.  Following  these  chap- 
ters are  thirteen  on  insect  pests  of  the  various  economic  groups 
of  crops,  stored  products,  domestic  animals,  and  man. 

Teachers  may  notice  that  the  discussion  of  the  biological 
position  of  insects  is  delayed  until  after  the  chapters  on  struc- 
ture and  development.  After  teaching  many  classes  in  elemen- 
tary entomology  Professor  Metcalf  has  deemed  it  wise  to  give 
the  student  a  clear  idea  (if  what  an  insect  is  before  he  is  taught 
the  relationship  of  insects  to  the  remainder  of  the  animal  king- 
dom. Probably  it  is  also  an  opportune  introduction  to  the  orders 
and  chief  families  of  insects.  Useful  outlines  are  frequent, 
there  are  a  number  of  well  selected  quotations  from  noted  ento- 
mologists, and  references  are  given.  Scientific  names  and 
references  are  given  in  footnotes,  which  adds  to  the  clarity  of 
the  text. 

Each  chapter  on  insect  pests  opens  with  a  field  key  for 
identification,  similar  to  those  prepared  by  Lochhead  in  his 
Economic  Entomology,  but  more  complete.  Where  accurate 
figures  on  depredations  and  cost  of  control  are  available  these 
precede  the  tables  and  discussion.  A  surprising  amount  of 
information  has  been  concentrated  in  these  thirteen  chapters, 
vet  it  is  not  compacted  to  the  point  of  being  useful  only  for 
reference.  A  small  but  well  selected  list  of  references  is  given 
for  each  insect.  It  is  safe  to  say  that  the  great  majority  of  the 
economic  pests  of  America  are  treated,  though  of  course  equal 
weight  is  not  given  to  all. 


The  authors  have  borrowed  freely  from  many  sources,  as 
it  is  necessary  to  do  in  a  work  covering  such  broad  range. 
The  cuts  have  been  well  selected,  and  many  of  them  are  not 
sufficiently  familiar  to  breed  contempt.  Special  mention  is  due 
several  drawings  by  A.  M.  Paterno,  and  the  figures  from  the 
files  of  the  State  Natural  History  Survey  at  Urbana. 

The  directness  of  approach  and  the  lucid  style  of  writing  are 
not  the  least  features  of  the  bonk.  The  reviewer  has  used 
the  mimeographed  edition  as  a  reference  for  his  students,  who 
have  found  it  very  easy  to  read.  The  authors  go  a  little  beyond 
the  field  of  entomology  at  times,  and  this  will  detract  nothing 
from  the  usefulness  of  their  work.  This  is  shown  in  the  general 
treatment  of  taxonomy,  in  the  comparison  of  the  insect  body 
with  that  of  the  vertebrate,  and  in  many  other  places. 

A  book  has  never  been  written  that  was  favorably  reviewed 
by  all  critics.  Here  the  teacher  or  field  worker  will  find  modi- 
fications necessary,  but  these  are  due  less  to  mistakes  than 
regional  or  institutional  differences.  To  the  writer  of  this 
review  the  good  points  are  so  replete,  and  those  he  would  change 
so  minor  that  he  hesitates  to  say  anything  in  this  direction. 
Let  the  worker  decide  for  himself,  he  will  find  the  book  exceed- 
ingly interesting.  No  pains  have  been  spared  by  authors  or 
publisher  in  making  this  one  of  the  most  important  books  in 
the  McGraw-Hill  trade  list.  Its  physical  features  befit  its 
technical  makeup.  The  actual  writing  of  the  book  has  been  in 
process  more  than  five  years,  and  most  of  the  mistakes  have 
been  combed  out  through  the  influence  of  the  temporary  edi- 
tions. It  will  be  useful  to  all  entomologists.  It  gives  an  unsur- 
passed short  account  of  the  fundamentals  of  entomology,  and 
should  prove  a  valuable  textbook.  Its  size  and  consequent 
expense  ($7.50)  will  prevent  its  adoption  by  teachers  having 
a  limited  time  for  their  elementary  course,  but  it  is  safe  to  say 
that  it  will  take  its  place  beside  Comstock's  'Introduction'  and 
Folsom's  'Entomology.'  It  is  not  unreasonable  to  expect  it  to 
exceed  in  use  all  books  on  practical  general  entomology. 

PAUL  KNKIIIT,  University  of  Maryland. 


DR.  E.  A.   Sni 

Pneumonia,   following  serious  injury   from  a  fall,  resulted  in 

the  death  of  Dr.  Schwarx  in  Washington,  D.  C,  on  the   15th 

of  October,  1928.    As  an  entomologist  few  were  more  broadly 

known  or  more  highly  respected  than  this  kindly  man.     Few 

32  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [JAN.,    '29 

are  there  in  this  country  or  abroad  but  knew  of  him  or  his 
works,  for  though  not  at  all  a  profuse  writer,  his  extensive 
knowledge  of  entomology  in  general  and  of  Coleoptera  in  par- 
ticular exerted  an  influence  felt  in  one  way  or  another  all  over 
the  entomological  world.  Being  a  classical  scholar  of  Old 
World  training,  he  knew  well  several  tongues  and  was  able 
and  willing  at  all  times  to  help  less  able  workers  to  arrive  at 
the  correct  meaning  of  involved  Latin  phrases  or  to  construct 
technical  names  from  the  Greek  and  Latin  languages.  He  pos- 
sessed an  intimate  knowledge  of  the  biology  and  taxonomy  of 
the  beetles  of  all  faunas,  especially  of  the  United  States.  For 
years  he  spent  much  time  in  field  observations  and  thus  knew 
his  subjects,  both  at  home  in  nature  and  pinned  in  collections. 
In  general,  he  was  a  most  learned  entomologist,  but  his  retiring- 
disposition  served  to  obscure  all  outward  evidence  of  this,  as 
he  studiously  shunned  publicity.  A  few  words  of  conversa- 
tion would,  however,  serve  to  reveal  an  accurate  and  intimate 
knowledge  of  almost  any  subject  and  almost  invariably  shed 
light  on  questions  under  discussion. 

Dr.  Schwarz  was  a  most  kindly  man,  and  a  friend  to  all. 
More  than  one  professional  entomologist  owes  allegiance  to  him 
as  the  one  who  long  ago  encouraged  his  incipient  interests  in 
the  study  of  insects  and  directed  and  helped  him  along  the 
path  to  professionalism. 

The  untiring  zeal  of  our  late  friend  was  an  inspiration  to 
all,  and  his  refusal  to  relinquish  his  work  until  within  a  few 
days  of  his  death,  at  the  advanced  age  of  eighty-four,  shows 
to  what  an  extent  he  was  absorbed  in  his  chosen  work.  A 
more  zealous  worker,  a  more  helpful  friend,  or  a  more  worthy 
man  never  lived  than  good  old  Dr.  Schwarz. 

.A.  N.  CAUDKLL,  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture. 

[Dr.  L.  O.  Howard  has  contributed  a  short  biographical  notice  of  Dr. 
Schwarz,  with  dates  and  localities,  to  Science  for  Nov.  9,  1928,  page  443, 
and  a  longer  one  from  the  same  pen  will  appear  in  the  Proceedings  of 
the  Entomological  Society  of  Washington. — EDITOR.] 

ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  for  December,  1928,  was  mailed  at  the  Phila- 
delphia Post  Office  on   I  Krembcr  17.  1928. 

List  of  the  Titles  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  Referred  to  by 

Numbers   in   Entomological    Literature 

in  Entomological  News. 

1.  Transactions   of   The   American   Entomological    Society.      Philadelphia. 

2.  Entomologische    Blatter,    red.  v.  H.  Eckstein   etc.      Berlin. 

3.  Annals  of  the   Carnegie  Museum.     Pittsburgh,   Pa. 

4.  Canadian   Entomologist.      London,   Canada. 

5.  Pysche,  A  Journal  of   Entomology.     Boston,   Mass. 

6.  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society.     New  York. 

7.  Annals  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  America.     Columbus,  Ohio. 

8.  Entomologists'   Monthly   Magazine.     London. 

9.  The  Entomologist.     London. 

10.  Proceedings  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington.     Washington,  D.  C. 

11.  Deutsche  entomologische   Zeitschrift.      Berlin. 

12.  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology.     Concord,  N.  H. 

13.  Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology.     Claremont,  Cal. 

14.  Entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Frankfurt    a.  M.,    Germany. 

15.  Natural  History,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.     Xew  York. 

16.  American  Journal  of   Science.     New  Haven,   Conn. 

17.  Entomologische    Rundschau.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

18.  Internationale   entomologische    Zeitschrift.     Guben,    Germany. 

19.  Bulletin  of  the   Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

20.  Societas  entomologica.     Stuttgart,   Germany. 

21.  The  Entomologists'   Record  and  Journal  of   Variation.     London. 

22.  Bulletin  of   Entomological  Research.     London. 

23.  Bollettino    del    Laboratorio     cli     Zoologia     generate     e     agraria     della 

R.   Scuola   superiore  d'Agricultura   in   Portici.     Italy. 

24.  Annales  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

25.  Bulletin  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

26.  Entomologischer    Anzeiger.   hersg.    Adolf    Hoffmann.      Wien,    Austria. 

27.  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica.     Geneva,   Italy. 

28.  Ent.    Tidskrift   utgifen   af    Ent.   Foreningen   i    Stockholm.      Sweden. 

29.  Annual   Report  of  the   Ent.   Society  of   Ontario.     Toronto,   Canada. 

30.  The   Maine   Naturalist.     Thornaston,   Maine. 

31.  Nature.     London. 

32.  Boletim  do  Museu  Nacional  do  Rio  de  Janiero.     Brazil. 

33.  Bull,  et  Annales  de  la  Societe  entomologique  de  Belgique.     Bruxelles. 

34.  Zoologischer  Anzeiger,  hrsg.  v.   E.  Korschelt.     Leipzig. 

35.  The   Annals   of    Applied    Biology.     Cambridge,    England. 

36.  Transactions   of   the   Entomological   Society   of   London.     England. 

37.  Proceedings   of    the    Hawaiian    Entomological    Society.     Honolulu. 

38.  Bull,  of  the  Southern  California  Academy  of   Sciences.     Los  Angeles. 

39.  The  Florida  Entomologist.     Gainesville,  Fla. 

40.  American    Museum   Novitates.     New   York. 

41.  Mitteilungen  der  schweiz.  ent.  Gesellschaft.     Schaffhausen,  Switzerland. 

42.  The  Journal   of    Experimental   Zoology.      Philadelphia. 

43.  Ohio   Journal   of   Sciences.     Columbus,    Ohio. 

44.  Revista   chileria   de   historia   natural.     Valparaiso,    Chile. 

45.  Zeitschrift   fur    wissenschaftliche    Insektenbiologie.     Berlin. 

46.  Zeitschrift  fitr  Morphologic  und  Okologie  der  Tiere.     Berlin. 

47.  Journal  of  Agricultural  Research.     Washington,   D.   C. 

48.  Wiener  entomologische  Zeitung.     Wien,   Austria. 

49.  Entomologische   Mitteilungen.     Berlin. 

50.  Proceedings  of  the  U.   S.   National   Museum.     Washington,   D.   C. 

51.  Notulae  entomologicae,  ed.  Soc.  ent.  helsingfors.    Helsingfors,  Finland. 

52.  Archiv  f  iir   Naturgeschichte,   hrsg.  v.  E.  Strand.     Berlin. 

53.  Quarterly  Journal  of  Microscopical  Science.     London. 

54.  Annales  de  Parasitologie  Humaine  et  Comparee.     Paris. 

55.  Pan-Pacific   Entomologist.     San    Francisco,   Cal. 

56.  "Konowia".     Zeit.    fur    systematische    Insektenkunde.      Wien,    Austria. 

57.  La  Feuille  des  Naturalistes.     Paris. 

58.  Entomologische  Berichten.    Nederlandsche  ent.  Ver.     Amsterdam. 

59.  Encyclopedic  entomologique,  ed.  P.  Lechevalier.     Paris. 

60.  Stettiner   entomologische   Zeitung.     Stettin,    Germany. 

61.  Proceedings  of   the   California   Academy  of   Sciences.     San   Francisco. 

62.  Bulletin  of  the  American  Museum  of   Natural  History.     New  York. 

63.  Deutsche  entomologische  Zeitschrift   "Iris".     Berlin. 

64.  Zeitschrift  des   osterr.   cntomologen-Vereines.     Wien. 

65.  Zeitschrift   fiir  angewandte  Entomologie,  hrsg.  K.  Escherich.     Berlin. 

66.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Meeting.     Pusa,  India. 

67.  University  of  California  Publications,  Entomology.     Berkeley,  Cal. 

68.  Science.     New  York. 

69.  Comptes  rendus  hebdoma.  des  seances  de  1'Academie  des  sciences.  Paris. 

70.  Entomologica  Americana,   Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn. 

71.  Novitates  Zoologicae.     Tring,   England. 

72.  Revue  russe  d'Entomologie.     Leningrad,  USSR. 

73.  Quarterly  Review  of   Biology.     Baltimore,   Maryland. 

74.  Sbornik  entomolog.  narodniho  musea  v  Praze.    Prague,  Czechoslavokia. 

75.  Annals  and   Magazine  of   Natural   History.     London. 

76.  The    Scientific    Monthly.     New   York. 

77.  Comptes  rendus  heb.  des  seances  et  memo,  de  la  soc.  de  biologic.  Paris. 

78.  Bulletin   Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.     Paris. 

79.  Koleopterologische  Rundschau.     Wien. 

80.  Lepidopterologische   Rundschau,  hrsg.   Adolf   Hoffmann.     Wien. 

81.  Folia  myrmecol.  et  termitol.  hrsg.  Anton  Krausse.     Bernau  bei  Berlin. 

82.  Bulletin,  Division  of  the  Natural  History  Survey.     Urbana,  Illinois. 

83.  Arkiv  for  zoologie,   K.   Svenska   Vetenskapsakademien   i.      Stockholm. 

84.  Ecology.     Brooklyn. 

85.  Genetics.     Princeton,   New  Jersey. 

86.  Zoologica,  New  York  Zoological  Society.     New  York. 

87.  Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungs  mechanik  der  Organ.,  hrsg.  v.  Roux.     Leipzig. 

88.  Die  Naturwissenschaften,  hrsg.  A.  Berliner.     Berlin. 

89.  Zoologische   Jahrbiicher.    hrsg.  v.  Spengel.     Jena,    Germany. 

90.  The  American  Naturalist.     Garrison-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

91.  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences.     Washington,  D.  C. 

92.  Biological  Bulletin.     Wood's  Hole,  Massachusetts. 

93.  Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London.     England. 

94.  Zeitschrift   fur  wissenschaftliche  Zoologie.     Leipzig. 

95.  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soc.  of  Washington,    Washington,  D.  C. 

96.  La  Cellule.     Lierre,  Belgium. 

Q7.  Biologisches    Zentralblatt.     Leipzig. 

98.  Le  Naturaliste  Canadien.     Cap  Rouge,  Chicoutimi,  Quebec. 

99.  Melanges  exotico-entomologiques,  Par  Maurice  Pic.     Moulins,  France. 


FEBRUARY,  1929 


Vol.  XL 


0m  INS) 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— Plate  II..     33 

Balduf — The  Life  History  of  the  Goldenrod  Beetle,  Trirhabda  canadensis 

Kirby  (Coleop.  :  Chrysomelidae) .-      35 

Knight — Descriptions  of  Six  New   Species  of  Microphylellus  (Hemip.  : 

Miridae) 40 

Alexander— Undescribed  Species  of  Crane-flies  from  the  Eastern  United 

States  and  Canada  (Dipt.  :  Tipulidae).     Part  V 44 

Chamberlin — Dasychernes  inquilinus  from  the  Nest  of  Meliponine  Bees 
in  Colombia  (Arachnida:  Chelonethida) 49 

Mason— Transient  Color  Changes  in  the  Tortoise  Beetles  (Coleop. :  Chry- 
somelidae)         52 

Editorial — Entomology  at  the  "  Convocation  Week  "  Meetings 

Articles  on  Museums  Containing  Lepidoptera 

Entomological  Literature 

Review — Zweigelt's  Klima  und  Entwicklung 63 

Review — Ferris'  The  Principles  of  Systematic  Entomology 64 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  r 
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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Schmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.   A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.  Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
United  States  and  possessions         .         .       $3.00 
Canada,  Central  and  South  America      .        3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents.     Sample  copies  5°  cents. 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue,  1  in..  $  1.20.  2  in.,  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  "  11.00,  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.  All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
scriptions, non-receipt  of  the  NEWS  or  of  reprints,  and  requests  for  sample 
copies,  should  be  addressed  to 

JOHN  C.  LUTZ,  6623  Lansdowne  Ave.,  PHILADELPHIA,  PA. 

All  complaints  regarding  non-receipt  of  issues  of  the  NEWS  should  be 
presented  within  three  months  from  date  of  mailing  of  the  issue.  After 
that  time  the  numbers  will  be  furnished  only  at  the  regular  rate  for  single 
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MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
munications to  the  editor,  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
according  to  date  of  reception.  The  receipt  of  all  papers  will  be  acknowl- 
edged. Owing  to  the  limited  size  of  each  number  of  the  NEWS,  articles 
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unless  the  author  be  willing  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  a  sufficient  number  of 
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Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
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stated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
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the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
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authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of   The  American  Entomological   Society  will  be  held 
'.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,    August,    November    and    December,    and    on    the    third    Thursday    of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited ;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
e  given  free  at  the  following  rates:  One  or  two  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  35  cents: 
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$1.40;  nine  to  twelve  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  $2.00;  each  half-tone  plate,  twenty-five 
copies,  30  cents;  each  plate  of  line  cuts,  twenty-five  copies,  25  cents;  greater  numbers 
of  copies  will  be  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 

ENT.  NE\VS,  VOL.  XL. 

Plate  II. 





VOL.  XL.  FEBRUARY,    1929  No.  2 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

I.     The  Natural  History  Museum,  San  Diego,  California. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  II.) 

[This  is  the  first  article  of  an  illustrated  series  describing 
several  of  America's  important  entomological  centers.  It  is 
hoped  that  the  information  about  these  institutions  will  be  of 
interest  to  the  readers  of  the  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS.  The  illus- 
trations will,  we  hope,  allow  everyone  to  become  more  per- 
sonally acquainted  with  the  men  about  whom  they  have  read 
or  with  whom  they  have  corresponded  in  the  past. — Author.] 

Anyone  visiting  the  City  of  San  Diego  in  Southern  Califor- 
nia is  struck  by  the  beauty  and  magnitude  of  its  famous  Bal- 
boa Park.  Within  this  park  were  erected  the  buildings  of  the 
Panama-California  Exposition  in  1915-1916,  and  one  of  these 
ornate  structures  is  now  the  permanent  home  of  the  Natural 
History  Museum.  This  institution  is  a  private  enterprise  and 
although  receiving  some  city  funds,  was  largely  dependent 
upon  public  support  until  1920,  when  the  Scripps  family  of 
San  Diego  left  it  a  substantial  foundation.  Since  then,  and 
mostly  through  the  efforts  of  the  present  director,  Mr.  Clinton 
G.  Abbott,  an  ornithologist,  the  Museum  has  been  enlarged 
and  its  scope  of  public  service  broadened.  Mr.  Abbott's  wisely 
pursued  policy  of  "local  natural  history  first"  is  giving  the 
southwest  a  really  thorough  and  useful  knowledge  of  its  imme- 
diate environs. 

In  1874,  when  San  Diego  was  a  little  town  and  people  came 
down  the  coast  by  means  of  horse  stages  or  weekly  boat,  sev- 
eral naturalists  who  had  been  meeting  at  each  other's  homes, 
met  in  the  law  offices  of  Daniel  Cleveland,  a  botanist,  and 


34  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

founded  the  original  San  Diego  Natural  History  Society. 
Among  this  group  was  O.  N.  Sanford,  a  coleopterist,  who  is 
considered  the  first  curator  of  entomology  for  the  present 
institution.  As  years  went  by  Mr.  George  Field  became  the 
second  curator.  Mr.  Field  is  still  active  and  though  not  now 
connected  with  the  Museum,  is  known  to  hundreds  of  lepi- 
dopterists  around  the  country  because  of  his  commercial  insect 
dealings  dating  back  to  the  time  when  L.  E.  Ricksecker,  the 
coleopterist,  and  Frank  Stephens,  the  naturalist,  were  in  their 

Mr.  W.  S.  Wright,  the  present  curator  of  entomology  whose 
picture  accompanies  this  article,  needs  little  introduction. 
When  one  thinks  of  Gcometridac  (moths),  one  thinks  of  "W. 
S."  right  away!  He  has  been  collecting  Lepidoptera  for  about 
thirty-five  years  and  there  are  many  new  names  listed  to  his 
credit.  Most  of  his  papers  will  be  found  published  in  the 
Entomological  News,  Jl.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  Proc.  Calif.  Acad. 
Sci.  and  lately  in  the  Trans,  of  the  local  Museum.  Mr.  Wright 
was  born  in  La  Salle  Co.,  Illinois,  on  April  23,  1866,  and 
after  attending  Doane  College,  Nebraska,  went  to  Columbia 
University  in  New  York.  He  has  three  sons  and  two  daughters. 

The  entomological  activities  of  the  San  Diego  Museum  really 
began  in  1923  when  it  acquired  by  donation  the  W  right  col- 
lection of  insects.  Two  rooms  in  the  building  are  devoted  to 
entomological  research  and  there  is  a  sizeable  display  of  local 
and  exotic  lepidoptera  on  view  to  the  public.  Mr.  Wright 
estimates  that  there  are  about  fifty  thousand  specimens  of 
butterflies  and  moths  in  the  mounted  collections  which  are  con- 
tained in  thirty  wooden  cases  of  thirteen  drawers  each.  He 
has  represented  practically  all  of  the  lepidoptera  from  San 
Diego  County  and  has  specialized  for  years  upon  material  in 
long  series  from  this  section.  The  type  and  paratype  speci- 
mens are  not  kept  separate  at  present,  but  it  is  proposed  to 
give  them  that  advantage  within  the  year. 

Mr.  Wright  asks  me  to  say  that  all  entomologists  will  be 
especially  welcomed  by  him  should  they  come  to  San  Diego 
and  if  they  are  visiting  in  Southern  California,  not  to  pass  by 
his  city. 


The  Life  History  of  the  Goldenrod  Beetle,  Trirhabda 
canadensis  Kirby  (Coleop. :  Chrysomelidae).* 

By  W.  V.   BALDUF,  University  of   Illinois. 

Trirhabda  canadensis,  now  generally  referred  to  in  the  liter- 
ature as  the  goldenrod  heetle,  was  described  by  Kirby  in  1837, 
under  the  generic  name  Galcnica.  Leconte  revised  the  Gal- 
lerucicles  of  North  America  in  1865,  and  erected  the  new 
genus  Trirhabda  to  which  canadensis  was  then  transferred. 
The  beetle  is  seven  to  eight  millimeters  long,  with  seven  longi- 
tudinal stripes, — two  dorsal  and  two  marginal  dull  yellow, 
and  two  lateral  and  the  median  black.  Only  occasional  refer- 
ence has  been  made  to  this  common  species  since  it  was  first 
described,  and  a  study  of  its  development  through  the  year 
has  not  been  previously  made.  The  present  history  was  de- 
termined at  Oak  Harbor,  Ohio,  in  1928.  Leng's  Catalogue  of 
the  Coleoptera  of  North  America  gives  its  known  distribution 
as  Hudson  Bay  Territory,  New  Jersey,  Colorado,  California, 
and  Indiana. 

Morrill  reports  extensive  defoliation  of  sage  Artemisia  sp. 
by  this  species  on  the  Navajo  Indian  Reservation,  but  it  was 
not  of  great  importance.  In  all  other  reports  it  is  cited  as 
feeding  upon  goldenrod  Solidago  sp.  on  which  the  writer  also 
observed  it.  According  to  Knight,  the  beetle  is  attacked  by 
the  Pentatomid  predator  Pcrillus  circiimcintns.  The  adult 
feigns  death  readily,  dropping  to  the  ground  or  lower  parts  of 
the  plant  when  the  latter  is  shaken  or  approached.  Disturbances 
by  wind  tend  to  bring  them  lower  on  the  plant  than  when  the 
air  is  still.  Parasites  were  not  obtained  during  the  present 


The  species  seems  to  be  best  known  in  its  larval  stage.    The 

larvae  are  black,  with  venters  brown  and  when  mature  become 

about  three-eighths  inch  long,  and  in  regard  to  proportions  and 

general  appearance  are  similar  to  the  larvae  of   the  common 

""Contribution  No.  129  from  the  Entomological  Laboratories  of  the 
University  of  Illinois. 

36  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

asparagus  beetle.  They  feed  exposed  on  the  leaves  of  Solidago, 
usually  near  the  tops  of  the  plants,  on  the  more  tender  leaves, 
and  sometimes  consuming  much  of  the  foliage.  They  were  seen 
in  good  numbers  and  well  advanced  in  growth  at  Urban  a  on 
June  10,  and  mostly  larger  and  also  common  on  June  20  along 
the  Toussaint  River  north  of  Oak  Harbor.  They  are  rather 
uniform  in  size,  hence  would  seem  to  have  begun  development 
almost  simultanously  at  the  beginning  of  the  season. 

One  hundred  larvae  placed  in  an  insectary  cage  on  June  21 
has  descended  into  the  sandy  soil  by  June  28,  where  they 
pupated  in  oval  cases  about  one-half  inch  below  the  surface. 
Marcovitch,  who  saw  the  larvae  abundant  on  the  leaves  in 
Minnesota  in  June,  found  them  pupating  in  a  breeding  cage 
in  early  July,  and  just  below  the  soil  surface. 

The  pupa  has  the  arrangement  of  appendages  typical  of 
coleopterous  pupae.  The  color  is  yellowish,  otherwise  corres- 
ponding closely  to  the  adult.  The  first  adults  made  their  ap- 
pearance in  the  cage  on  July  12  and  all  had  issued  from  their 
cells  by  July  18th.  Marcovitch  found  that  the  pupal  period  was 
nine  days,  but  the  air  was  cool  during  the  first  part  of  July 
at  Oak  Harbor,  and  pupation  required  seventeen  to  twenty 
days.  Emergence  in  nature  probably  continued  to  about  August 
1.  Beetles  in  copulation  and  females  in  an  extreme  gravid  state 
with  abdomens  swollen  to  two  or  three  times  their  natural 
size  were  found  from  July,  in  the  cages,  to  August  23  along 
the  Toussaint  River  and  at  West  Harbor  at  Catawba  Island. 
Maximum  numbers  were  present  in  about  the  third  week  of 
July,  and  mating,  which  is  performed  in  the  usual  way  of 
beetles,  seemed  to  have  reached  its  height  about  July  23.  By 
August  23,  the  numbers  had  reduced  to  about  one-fourth  that 
of  latter  July,  and  on  August  28  a  few  scattered  individuals 
persisted.  None  was  found  in  copulo  on  that  date,  although 
some  females  with  enlarged  abdomens  were  still  present.  Obvi- 
ously then,  a  few  adults  survive  the  first  of  September;  two 
were  recovered  in  a  cage  on  August  30.  Blatchley  reported 
it  scarce  in  Lake  and  Marshall  counties,  Indiana,  from  July 
4  to  July  30. 



Gravid  females  crawling  about  in  a  peculiar  way  over  the 
Solidago  in  an  observation  cage  were  obviously  seeking  to 
oviposit.  During  locomotion  the  beetle  constantly  tapped  the 
plant  parts  with  the  caudal  end  of  her  abdomen,  or  dragged 
the  latter  along  and  brushed  it  from  side  to  side,  thrusting  it 
down  into  the  fold  of  the  leaves,  into  axils,  and  on  plain  leaf 
surfaces.  A  very  definite  form  of  situation  is  needed  to  satisfy 
the  requirements  of  the  beetle  for  oviposition.  The  selection  is 
by  a  positive  thigmotropism,  the  beetle  backing  its  abdomen 
into  various  places  until  a  suitably  shaped  spot  is  found.  Loca- 
tions chosen  were  depressions,  folds,  or  concavities  of  nearly 
the  conical  shape  and  greatly  distended  size  of  the  terminal  third 
of  the  abdomen.  The  rounded  surface  of  the  leaf,  or  the  round- 
ed petiole,  or  branches,  were  never  selected,  even  \vhen  the  urge 
to  oviposit  was  strong  as  evidenced  by  the  persistent  search  of 
the  female.  The  roughly  conical  places  required  were  found 
under  cage  conditions  both  in  and  out  of  doors  to  be  as  follows ; 
in  the  soil  under  the  food  plant,  among  small  clods  of  earth ;  in 
folds  of  dried  Solidago  leaves  on  the  ground,  the  folds  formed 
by  the  spiral  twisting  of  the  leaves  incident  to  drying;  in  only 
one  instance  were  eggs  found  on  a  green  leaf  in  a  concavity 
caused  by  the  feeding  of  a  lace  bug  Tingitidae;  into  cavities, 
or  between  bark  and  pith,  at  the  broken  ends  of  old  reed,  or 
other  stems,  lying  on  the  ground  below  the  goldenrod.  The 
stems  of  Phraffjnitcs  are  common  under  the  Solidago  along  the 
river's  edge,  and  in  one  instance  eggs  were  found  in  the  end 
of  such  a  stem  in  a  cage.  The  preferred  places,  judged  by  cage 
observations,  were  the  soil  and  the  dried  leaves,  the  latter  with 
petioles  at  times  still  clinging  to  the  plant  stems. 

The  eggs  are  deposited  in  irregular  arrangement,  consisting 
of  masses  of  five  to  twenty-two  eggs  each.  The  eggs  are  cement- 
ed together,  and  the  walls  of  the  concavities  are  held  to  the  eggs, 
by  a  small  amount  of  a  thin  colorless  liquid  secreted  by  the  fe- 
male. Seven  to  ten  minutes  were  spent  in  depositing  some  of 
the  masses  of  eggs.  During  the  most  active  oviposition  there 
was  a  marked  separation  of  the  sexes  on  the  plants, — the  males 
being  near  or  at  the  tops. 

38  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

The  egg:  surface  dull,  color  light  brown  to  dim  yellow; 
ovate  in  outline,  one  end  obtusely,  the  other  acutely  rounded, 
shaped  much  like  a  turkey's  egg ;  surface  rough  but  not  acutely 
or  pitted,  suggesting  the  exterior  of  a  mulberry  or  morel  mush- 
room; length  1-1.2  mm.,  maximum  width  0.6-0.7  mm.  slightly 
broader  than  thick,  the  shape  being  affected  at  times  by  the 
drying  of  the  sticky  secretion  or  of  the  leaves  on  which  the 
eggs  are  deposited. 

Both  chorion  and  vitelline  membrane,  particularly  the  latter 
as  this  membrane  goes,  are  thick  and  tough,  and  enclose  a  yel- 
low yolk.  These  shells,  together  with  the  hidden  positions  of 
the  eggs  and  their  gluey  covering,  seem  to  protect  the  eggs  well 
against  dessication  during  the  ten  months  of  their  existence. 
Feces  were  sometimes  found  covering  in  part  the  egg  masses. 
The  first  eggs  were  laid,  under  observation,  on  July  23,  and 
beetles  caged  outside  on  August  23  deposited  several  masses 
in  the  following  week.  The  occurrence  of  gravid  females  in 
nature  on  August  28  indicated  that  oviposition  may  continue 
into  September. 


On  October  10,  the  eggs  which  were  laid  on  the  first  date, 
and  kept  out  of  doors  after  deposition,  were  still  firm  and  con- 
tained healthy  yellow  yolk  with  no  traces  of  advanced  embry- 
onic development.  Hence,  the  species  without  doubt  spends 
the  winter  in  the  egg  stage,  and  inasmuch  as  the  larvae  are  well 
advanced  in  early  June,  hatching  occurs  about  the  middle  of 
May.  The  eggs  being  in  or  near  the  ground,  the  larvae  readily 
find  the  new  food  plants  developing  in  the  spring.  There  is 
thus  only  one  generation  a  year,  and  the  egg  stage  is  longer 
than  any  other,  approximately  10  months,  'from  latter  July  to 

In  conclusion,  two  facts  of  general  interest  stand  out  in  this 
history.  The  first  is  that  there  is  only  one  generation  annually 
whereas  some  other  Chrysomelidae,  Diabrotica  vittata  Fabr., 
for  example,  have  two  cycles  during  the  same  period  of  de- 
velopment. .  T.  canadcusis  would  seem  to  have  sufficient  time 
from  latter  July  through  August  and  September  to  produce 
a  st'coiid  generation.  It  is  possible  that  the  determining  factor 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  39 

here  may  be  the  timing  of  the  larval  stage  with  the  existence 
of  the  tender  growing  period  of  the  food  plant.  Solidago  is 
in  bloom  and  the  foliage  rather  hard  in  August  and  September 
when  the  second  cycle  larvae  would  be  present.  Hence,  there 
is  probably  an  adaptation  of  the  beetle  cycle  to  that  of  the  food 
plant.  Britton's  statement  that  the  "plants  S.  sempervirens 
were  stripped  of  their  topmost  leaves  and  tender  shoots", 
whereas  "the  lower  leaves  were  less  injured  and  were  still 
green",  gives  confirmation  to  this  explanation. 

The  second  point  of  interest  is  the  discovery  that  the  eggs 
of  T.  caiiadctisis  are  placed  in  the  soil  or  in  folds  o'f  dry  leaves 
on  the  ground  rather  than  on  the  surfaces  of  green  leaves  that 
prevail  at  the  time  of  oviposition  and  on  which  both  larvae  and 
adults  feed.  But  the  occurrence  of  only  one  generation  per 
year  explains  this  divergence  in  habit.  The  larvae,  at  the  time 
of  hatching,  are  more  certain  to  be  near  their  food  plants  in 
the  next  spring  as  a  result  of  oviposition  in  the  soil  or  on  dry 
foliage  on  the  ground  than  if  i^ie  eggs  were  placed  on  green 
leaves  which,  upon  drying,  might  easily  be  carried  by  the  wind 
to  some  distance  from  the  location  of  the  next  year's  food  plants 
with  probably  a  higher  consequent  rate  of  mortality  among  the 
newly  hatched  larvae.  The  likelihood  of  being  so  removed  is 
increased  by  the  probability  that  the  eggs,  were  they  laid  on 
green  leaves,  would  quite  likely  be  placed  on  the  top  of  the 
plant  on  the  more  succulent  foliage  which  winds  would  be  more 
apt  to  carry  away  than  the  lower  leaves  which  are  sheltered 
from  wind  by  the  surrounding  dense  growth  of  goldenrod.  This 
instance  of  the  adjustment  of  the  insect's  oviposition  habits 
seems  to  follow  therefore  its  adaptation,  by  the  number  of 
generations,  yearly,  to  the  cycle  of  the  food  plant. 

Kirby,   William.,    1837.      The   Insects   in   Richardson's   Fauna 

Boreali-Americana,  IV,  London,  p.  219 

Leconte,  J.  L.,  1865.    Proc.  Acad.  Nat.  Sci.  L'hila.,  pp.  204-222. 
Morrill,  A.  W.,  1915.    7th  Ann.  Report.  Ent.  Ariz.  Comm.  Agr. 

and  Hort.,  f.,  p.  46. 

Knight,  H.  H.,  l(^21-22.    19th  Rept.  Minn.  State  Ent.,  p.  59. 
Marcovitch,  S.,  1915-1916.    16th  Rept.  Minn.  State  Ent.,  p.  144. 
Blatchley,  W.  S.,  1910.    Coleoptera  of  Indiana,  p.  1166. 
Britton,  W.  E.,  1907-1908.    Conn.  Exp.  Sta.  Rept.,  p.  844. 

40  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

Descriptions  of  Six  New  Species  of  Microphylellus 
(Hemip. :  Miridae).* 

By  HARRY  H.  KNIGHT,  Ames,  Iowa. 

Microphylellus  adustus  n.  sp. 

Pale  yellowish  and  darkened  with  brownish  and  fuscous; 
rather  suggestive  of  Plagiognathus  delicatus  Uhler  but  lacking 
the  fuscous  spots  on  femora  and  tibiae. 

$  .  Length  3.4  mm.,  width  1.3  mm.  Head:  width  .696  mm., 
vertex  .38  mm.;  fuscous  brown  above,  tylus  blackish.  Ros- 
trum, length  1.12  mm.,  extending  to  near  hind  margins  of 
middle  coxae,  yellowish,  apex  blackish.  Antennae:  segment  I, 
length  .21  mm.;  II,  .74  mm.;  Ill,  .41  mm.;  IV,  .36  mm.; 
dusky  brown,  last  two  segments  more  fuscous.  Pronotum: 
length  .52  mm.,  width  at  base  1.11  mm. 

Clothed  with  simple,  fine  yellowish  pubescence.  Pale  yel- 
lowish to  brownish,  more  or  less  behind  each  callus,  scutellum 
except  for  lighter  streak  each  side  of  median  line,  inner  half 
of  clavus  and  inner  half  of  corium,  triangular  central  area  of 
propleura,  and  sides  of  venter,  dark  brown  to  fuscous.  Cuneus 
uniformly  pale  yellowish  brown.  Membrane  rather  uniformly 
fusco-brownish,  but  darker  within  areoles.  Legs  yellowish, 
apical  half  of  femora,  and  the  tibiae,  dark  brownish. 

Holotypc:  5,  August  11,  1925,  Ute  Creek  Ranch,  Ft.  Gar- 
land, COLORADO  (H.  H.  Knight)  ;  author's  collection.  Para- 
types  :  2  9  ,  taken  with  the  type.  $  July  24,  1900,  Salida,  Colo- 
rado (E.  D.  Ball). 

MICROPHYLELLUS  ADUSTUS  binotatus  n.  var. 

Differs  from  adustus  in  the  paler  color  and  distinct  black 
spots,  one  behind  each  callus;  pale,  tylus,  vertex,  spot  behind 
each  callus,  lateral  margins  of  scutellum,  inner  margin  of 
clavus,  inner  half  of  corium,  and  the  membrane  fuscous  to 
black.  Sternum,  propleura  except  margins,  epimera,  ostiolar 
peritreme,  and  venter,  blackish. 

$  .  Length  3.7  mm.,  width  1.24  mm.  Head:  width  .71  mm., 
vertex  .326  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1  mm.,  reaching  upon  middle 
of  intermediate  coxae.  Antennae :  segment  I,  length  .24  mm. ; 
II,  1.03  mm.,  equal  in  thickness  to  segment  I;  III,  .53  mm.; 
IV,  .37  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .50  mm.,  width  at  base  1.03 

*Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology,  Iowa 
State  College,  Ames,  Iowa. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  41 

Holotype:  $  June  29,  1927,  Montesano,  WASHINGTON  (Wm. 
W.  Baker)  ;  author's  collection.  Paratypcs:  2  $  ,  taken  with  the 
type.  ?  July  23,  1924,  Saanich  District ;  9  Sept.  8',  1922,  Vic- 
toria, BRITISH  COLUMBIA  (W.  Downes),  "on  cottonwood". 

Microphylellus  brevicornis  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  adustus  but  smaller  and  of  paler  color;  distinguished 
by  the  short  second  antennal  segment  which  is  not  equal  to 
width  of  head. 

$  .  Length  3.1  mm.,  width  1.3  mm.  Head:  width  .66  mm., 
vertex  .38  mm.  Rostrum,  length  .47  mm.,  reaching  to  middle 
of  intermediate  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .16  mm.; 
II,  .61  mm.,  gradually  thickened  apically  but  not  attaining 
thickness  of  segment  I;  III,  .25  mm.;  IV,  .28  mm.;  combined 
length  of  last  two  segments  not  equal  to  segment  II.  Pronotum  : 
length  .49  mm.,  width  at  base  1.08  mm. 

Color  pale,  tinged  with  yellowish  and  dusky  ;  apical  half  of 
clavus,  inner  half  of  corium,  spot  behind  coxal  cleft,  more  or 
less  on  sternum  and  sides  of  venter  near  base,  dusky  to  fuscous. 
Clothed  with  short,  fine,  pale  to  yellowish  pubescence,  tibial 
spines  yellowish  brown.  Membrane  pale,  dusky  brown  within 
and  between  areoles,  also  a  small  cloud  just  behind  apex  of 



Holotype :  5  April  20,  1926,  Santa  Cruz  River,  Pima  Co., 
ARIZONA  (A.  A.  Nichol)  ;  author's  collection.  Paratypcs:  3$  , 
taken  with  the  type  on  "cotton  weed"  by  Mr.  Nichol. 

Microphylellus  mineus  n.  sp. 

Distinguished  by  the  small  size  and  light  red  color. 

$  .  Length  2.8  mm.,  width  1.23  mm.  Head :  width  .62  mm., 
vertex  .31  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.09  mm.,  reaching  to  near 
hind  margins  of  posterior  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length 
.21  mm.;  II,  .68  mm.;  Ill,  .32  mm.;  IV,  .30  mm.;  yellowish, 
last  two  segments  dusky. 

Color  light  reddish,  scutellum,  embolium,  base  and  outer 
margin  of  cuneus,  more  yellowish.  Legs  pale  to  yellowish, 
tibial  spines  blackish.  Tylus,  lora,  and  tip  of  rostrum  blackish. 
Membrane  pale,  anal  area,  within  and  between  areoles,  and 
more  or  less  bordering  apical  margin  of  areoles,  dusky  to 
fuscous.  Clothed  with  moderately  prominent,  simple,  yellowish 

Holotype:  $  ,  Gainesville,  FLORIDA  (J.  R.  Watson)  ;  author's 

42  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

Microphylellus  nicholi  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  bicinctus  Van  D.,  but  differs  somewhat  in  color 
characters ;  hind  femora  blackish  on  distal  half  only,  the  pale 
band  across  clavus  curving  forward  and  involving  basal  one- 
fourth  of  corium. 

$  .  Length  3.3  mm.,  width  1.12  mm.  Head :  width  .68  mm., 
vertex  .266  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.11  mm.,  reaching  to  mid- 
dle of  hind  coxae,  pale,  segments  one  and  four  blackish.  An- 
tennae:  segment  1,  length  .19  mm.;  II,  .92  mm.;  Ill,  .55  mm.; 
IV,  .31  mm. ;  yellowish,  last  two  segments  fuscous,  segment 
II  becoming  dusky,  darker  apically.  Pronotum  :  length  .50  mm., 
width  at  base  .98' mm.:  lateral  margins  of  disk  sinuate  sulcate, 
pale  on  middle  third. 

Color  dark  fuscous  to  black,  basal  one-third  of  cuneus  white, 
an  arcuate  pale  area  across  clavus  behind  scutellum,  curving 
forward  and  involving  the  basal  one-third  of  corium.  Legs 
pale,  distal  half  of  hind  femora  blackish,  hind  tibiae  and  the 
tarsi  fuscous.  Tibia!  spines  pale  to  brownish.  Membrane  rather 
uniformly  dusky,  darker  along  veins.  Clothed  with  fine,  recum- 
bent, pale  yellowish  pubescence,  becoming  fuscous  on  dark  part 
of  cuneus. 

9  .  Length  2.8  mm.,  width  1.15  mm.  Head:  width  .65  mm., 
vertex  .33  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .18  mm.,  II,  .70 
mm.;  Ill,  .43  mm.;  IV*  .27  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .47  mm., 
width  at  base  .99  mm.  Pubescence  similar  to  the  male  but 
coloration  much  lighter;  head  black,  pronotum  yellowish,  calli 
fuscous,  propleura  reddish ;  median  line  of  scutellum  yellowish, 
hemelytra  more  broadly  pale  than  in  the  male,  cuneus  with 
basal  half  white.  Venter  reddish  to  brown ;  legs  nearly  as  in  the 

Holotypc:  &  April  25,  1926,  alt.  3200  ft.,  Santa  Catalina 
Mts.,  ARIZONA  (A.  A.  Nichol)  ;  author's  collection.  Allotype: 
taken  with  the  type.  Paratypcsi  7  $  12  5  ,  taken  with  the  types 
on  Qucrcus  hypolcuca  by  Mr.  Nichol. 

Microphylellus  minor  n.  sp. 

Very  similar  to  bicinctns  Van  D.,  but  size  smaller,  distin- 
guished by  the  more  porrect  head,  the  tylus  projecting  distinctly 
forward,  this  difference  more  prominent  in  the  female,  the  ver- 
tex also  somewhat  wider. 

$  .  Length  2.6  mm.,  width  .95  mm.  Head :  width  .61  mm., 
vertex  .27  mm.  Rostrum,  length  .93  mm.,  reaching  to  near 
hind  margins  of  posterior  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length 
.13  mm.;  II,  .65  mm.;  Ill,  broken;  yellowish  to  dusky.  Pro- 
notum: length  .38  mm.,  width  at  base  .78  mm. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  43 

Color  dark  chestnut  brown  to  blackish,  basal  one-third  of 
cuneus  white,  a  transverse  pale  band  across  clavus  and  corinm 
beginning  just  behind  scutellum ;  antennae  and  legs  pale  yel- 
lowish, hind  femora  chestnut  brown  except  for  pale  base  and 
apex.  Pubescence  pale  to  yellowish,  tibial  spines  pale. 

9  .  Length  2.4  mm.,  width  .95  mm.  Head:  width  .59  mm., 
vertex  .296  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .13  mm.;  II, 
.58  mm.;  Ill,  .31  mm.;  IV,  .21  mm.  Pronotum :  length  .37 
mm.,  width  at  base  .80  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  colora- 
tion and  pubescence. 

Holotypc:  $  June  20,  1926,  Fresno,  CALIFORNIA  (C.  J. 
Drake)  ;  author's  collection.  Allot  yj^c:  same  data  as  the  type. 
Paratypcs :  4  $  ,  taken  with  the  types.  Dr.  Drake  found  this 
species  on  one  host  and  bicinctus  Van  D.  on  a  different  host  in 
the  same  locality,  altho  the  plants  were  not  identified.  The 
small  size  of  this  species  and  the  different  host  plant  observed, 
indicates  a  biological  difference  between  this  and  bicinctus, 
which  taken  with  the  differences  noted  in  head,  antennae  and 
pubescence,  further  substantiates  the  view  that  we  are  dealing 
with  distinct  species. 

Microphylellus  flavicollis  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  bicinctits  Van  D.,  but  distinguished  by  the  pale  band 
across  pronotum,  by  the  broader  head  and  distinctly  tumid 

9  .  Length  3.4  mm.,  width  1.36  mm.  Head:  width  .78  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm ;  vertex  and  frons  strongly  tumid,  tylus  slightly 
angulate,  the  apical  half  sloping  posteriorly.  Rostrum,  length 
1.24  mm.,  reaching  to  middle  of  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  seg- 
ment I,  length  .21  mm. ;  II,  .83  mm. ;  III,  broken  ;  yellow.  Pro- 
notum:  length  .56  mm.,  width  at  base  1.14  mm. 

Black,  basal  one-third  of  cuneus  white ;  a  transverse  pale 
band  across  middle  of  clavus,  more  narrowly  across  coriuni 
and  extending  to  include  basal  third  of  embolium  ;  scutellum 
pale  to  yellowish,  apex  fuscous ;  pronotal  disk  with  broad  pale 
to  yellowish  band,  leaving  only  narrow  basal  margin  and  the 
calli  black,  also  extending  over  on  the  propleura.  Legs  pale 
yellowish,  distal  half  of  hind  femora  blackish.  Membrane  pale 
fuscous.  Clothed  with  very  fine  pale  to  yellowish  pubescence ; 
tibial  spines  yellowish. 

Holotypc:  9  May  10,  1926,  Tampico,  WASHINGTON  (E. 
W.  Davis);  author's  collection.  9  May  15,  1911,  Humboldt 
Co.,  CALIFORNIA  (F.  W.  Nunenmacher).  ?  May  21.  18(>3. 
Hood  River,  OREGON. 

44  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

Undescribed  Species  of  Crane-flies  from  the  Eastern 
United  States  and  Canada  (Dipt,:  Tipulidae). 

Part  V. 

By  CHARLES  P.  ALEXANDER,  Massachusetts  Agricultural 
College,   Amherst,    Massachusetts. 

The  novelties  discussed  in  this  installment  were  collected 
chiefly  in  Florida  by  my  colleague,  Professor  J.  Speed  Rogers, 
of  the  University  of  Florida.  A  few  additional  species  taken 
by  myself  in  New  York  and  New  England  are  included.  The 
striking  new  Ulomorpha  from  Florida  is  of  especial  interest. 

Limonia  (Limonia)  novae-angliae  n.  sp. 

General  coloration  yellow,  the  praescutmn  with  narrow  black 
stripes  on  the  interspaces;  knobs  of  halteres  brownish  black; 
femora  yellow,  the  tips  black,  preceded  by  a  clearer  yellow  ring ; 
wings  with  three  large  brown  areas  in  cell  R,  the  second  at  the 
origin  of  Rs,  the  third  at  the  stigma;  R2  subequal  to  Ri+2- 

$  .     Length  about  7.5-8  mm. ;  wing  8-9  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  with  the  scape  brownish 
yellow,  the  flagellum  black,  with  long  verticils.  Head  brown 
above,  obscure  yellow  beneath. 

Pronotum  dark  brown,  yellowish  laterally.  Mesonotal  prae- 
scutum  obscure  brownish  yellow,  with  'four  narrow  black  lines 
that  margin  the  yellow  stripes,  the  intermediate  pair  paler  to 
subobsolete  on  the  posterior  half ;  lateral  dark  stripes  crossing 
the  suture  onto  the  scutal  lobes ;  scutellum  pale ;  postnotal  me- 
diotergite  chiefly  pale,  dark  laterally.  Pleura  chiefly  pale,  varie- 
gated with  small  dark  spots.  Halteres  yellow,  the  knobs  brown- 
ish black.  Legs  with  the  coxae  and  trochanters  yellow ;  femora 
yellow,  the  tips  blackened,  preceded  by  a  slightly  wider  clearer 
yellow  ring,  with  vague  indications  of  a  second  dusky  ring 
immediately  proximad  of  this ;  tibiae  yellow,  the  bases  very 
narrowly,  the  tips  more  extensively  blackened;  tarsi  black. 
Wings  yellow,  the  costal  region  clearer ;  three  conspicuous 
brown  areas  in  the  radial  field,  the  first  post-arcular,  the  second, 
roughly  circular  to  subquadrate,  at  origin  of  Rs,  the  third  area 
at  stigma,  almost  entire ;  conspicuous  and  extensive  greyish 
clouds  in  all  cells  beyond  the  stigma,  the  radial  clouds  inter- 
rupted by  yellowish  marks  in  the  ends  of  the  cells ;  cells  M,  Cu 
and  the  Anal  cells  more  extensively  variegated ;  veins  dark 
brown,  the  costal  and  subcostal  veins  more  yellowish.  Venation : 
Ro  subequal  to  RI-}-Z;  m-ou  before  the  fork  of  M. 

Abdomen  brownish  yellow,  the  basal  rings  of  the  tergites 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  45 

somewhat  clearer  yellow;  hypopygium  obscure  yellow.  Male 
hypopygium  with  the  dististyles  separated  only  at  tips.  Gona- 
pophyses  slender,  the  apex  with  a  microscopically  spiculose 
cone,  not  with  a  tuft  of  setae  as  in  cinctif'cs  and  allies. 

Habitat.  -  MASSACHUSETTS.  Hololypc :  $  ,  Chesterfield 
Gorge,  West  Chesterfield,  altitude  850  feet,  August  2,  1928 
(C.  P.  Alexander).  Paratopotypc,  £  .  Type  in  the  author's 

While  this  paper  was  going  through  the  press,  Mr.  F.  W. 
Edwards  of  the  British  Museum  (Natural  History)  informs 
me  that  he  collected  a  few  additional  specimens  of  the  present 
species  at  Tuxedo  Park,  New  York,  August  27-28,  1928.  Mr. 
Edwards  notes  that  this  was  the  commonest  species  of  Lhnoiiia 
on  the  wing  at  that  date. 

Limonia  novac-angliac  is  readily  told  from  L.  clnctipes 
(Say),  to  which  it  is  apparently  most  closely  allied,  by  its  small 
size,  darkened  halteres  and  very  distinct  hypopygium.  The 
wings  of  the  types  show  abnormalities  of  venation,  with  adven- 
titious crossveins  and  spurs,  together  with  other  malformations. 

LIMONIA  (Limonia)  ROGERSIANA  longistylata  n.  subsp. 

$  .     Length  about  5.5  mm. ;  wing  6.2  mm. 

Generally  similar  to  typical  royersiana  (Alexander)  of  the 
southeastern  United  States  (Ent.  News,  37:  45-46;  1926).  dif- 
fering especially  in  the  larger  size  and  details  of  structure  of 
the  male  hypopygium. 

Mesonotal  praescutum  with  only  the  median  praescutal  stripe 
well-indicated.  Wings  with  Rs  longer  and  the  basal  section  of 
J?4+5  shorter,  the  former  approximately  three  times  the  lat- 
ter; m  very  long  and  arcuated,  much  exceeding  the  basal  section 
of  M3.  Male  hypopygium  with  the  basistyles  very  elongate, 
as  in  the  group,  the  ventral-mesal  lobe  conspicuous,  with  elon- 
gate setae.  Dististyle  single,  narrowed  outwardly,  at  apex  a 
slender  chitinized  spine.  Apex  of  each  gonapophysis  micro- 
scopically serrulate,  more  distinctly  so  than  in  rogersiana. 

Habitat. — FLORIDA.  Holotypc,  6  ,  "Camp  Torreva",  Liber- 
ty Co.,  April  26,  1924  (J.  S.  Rogers)  ;  No.  5.  Type  returned 
to  Professor  Rogers. 

Although  close  to  the  typical  form,  longistylata  certainly  ap- 
pears to  be  distinct,  especially  in  the  structure  of  the  dististyles 

46  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '29 

of  the  male  hypopygium.  In  rogcrsiana,  the  apex  of  the  style 
is  abruptly  narrowed  into  a  long,  finger-like  lobe,  with  two  or 
three  long  setae  close  to  the  tip.  The  coloration  of  the  allotype 
female  of  roycrsiana  is  darker,  with  the  three  praescutal  stripes 
better  indicated,  and  this  latter  may  be  found  to  be  a  still  dif- 
ferent race  or  species.  The  present  species  belongs  to  a  group 
that  is  well-developed  in  Tropical  America  (basistylata  Alexan- 
der, hoffmani  Alexander,  apicata  Alexander,  and  others). 

Dactylolabis  supernumeraria  n.  sp. 

$  .  Length  about  7-8  mm. ;  wing  8-9  mm.  $  .  Length  about 
8  mm. ;  wing  about  8.5-9  mm. 

Generally  similar  to  D.  montana  (Osten  Sacken),  differing 
especially  in  the  thoracic  coloration  and  the  venation. 

Antennae  a  little  longer,  the  outer  flagellar  segments  corre- 
spondingly lengthened :  antennae  black,  the  basal  segment  a  little 
pruinose.  Head  clearer  grey.  Mesonotal  praescutum  dark 
brownish  grey,  the  four  stripes  poorly  delimited  against  this 
background  ;  in  montana,  yellowish  grey,  the  stripes  very  con- 
spicuous and  well-defined.  Pleura  dark,  pruinose,  the  ptero- 
pleurite  paler.  Wings  with  cell  M^  much  longer  than  its  peti- 
ole ;  cell  1st  MX  long,  exceeding  M-A  beyond  it ;  a  supernumerary 
crossvein  in  cell  R^,  opposite  or  just  proximad  of  R-2- 

Habitat. — New  York,  New  England.  Holotypcs  $  ,  Wilming- 
ton Notch,  Adirondacks,  NEW  YORK,  June  13,  1927  (C.  P. 
Alexander).  Allotopotype,  9.  Paratopotype,  $.  Paratypes, 
$  $  ,  Smuggler's  Notch,  Green  Mts.,  VERMONT,  June  15-20, 
1927  (C.  P.  Alexander).  Type  in  the  author's  collection. 

The  specimens  of  Dactylolabis  montana  mentioned  by  Osten 
Sacken  (Mon.  Dipt.  North  America,  4:  228;  1869)  as  having 
adventitious  crossveins  in  the  submarginal  cell  presumably  refer 
to  the  present  species.  The  recently  described  D.  cvrsicana 
Edwards  (Corsica)  similarly  possesses  a  supernumerary  cross- 
vein  in  cell  RS  and  Mr.  Edwards  tells  me  that  the  character 
was  constant  in  the  numerous  specimens  observed.  Other 
species  of  the  genus  possess  this  character,  but  in  some  of  the 
far  northern  species,  as  D.  rhicnoptiloidcs  Alexander,  the  cross- 
vein  tends  to  be  evanescent.  The  present  species  was  found 
commonly  in  the  Green  Mts.,  Vermont,  and  this  feature  of  a 
supernumerary  crossvein  was  quite  constant. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  47 

Pilaria  arguta  n.  sp. 

Antennae  (  <5  )  short;  mesonotal  praescutum  shiny  brown, 
more  yellowish  laterally :  wings  relatively  narrow,  with  a  strong 
brownish  suffusion  ;  cell  M \  present. 

$  .     Length  7.2-7.5  mm. ;  wing  8-8.5  x  1.95-2  mm. 

Rostrum  obscure  brownish  yellow;  palpi  dark  brown.  An- 
tennae (  $  )  short,  if  bent  backward  extending  approximately 
to  opposite  wing-root ;  scapal  segments  obscure  brownish  yel- 
low, the  second  darker  at  tip ;  flagellutn  brownish  black,  the 
verticils  long  and  conspicuous.  Head  obscure  reddish  brown, 
the  postgenae  infuscated. 

Mesonotal  praescutum  shiny  yellow  laterally,  the  disk  behind 
more  infuscated;  posterior  sclerites  of  mesonotum  in  fumed. 
Pleura  yellow.  Halteres  dirty  white,  the  knobs  darker.  Legs 
with  the  coxae  and  trochanters  yellow  ;  remainder  of  legs  yel- 
lowish brown,  the  terminal  tarsal  segments  darker ;  basal  setae 
of  femora  short  and  subspinous.  Wings  relatively  narrow, 
with  a  strong  brownish  suffusion,  the  oval  stigma  a  little  darker 
than  the  ground-color;  veins  dark  brown.  Venation:  Si\  ending 
about  opposite  three-fourths  to  four-nfths  the  length  of  the 
long  Rs,  Sc-2  at  its  tip ;  R  :>-|-3+4  subequal  to  or  longer  than 
R3;  R-2  just  beyond  the  fork  of  A^+s+4 ;  cell  MI  subequal  to 
its  petiole ;  ni-cu  at  or  beyond  midlength  of  cell  1st  J/L>. 

Abdomen  obscure  yellowish  brown,  fringed  laterally  with 
conspicuous  setae. 

Habitat. — FLORIDA.  Holotypc :  $  .  Newman's  Lake,  Ala- 
chua  Co.,  April  6,  1928  (J.  S.  Rogers)  ;  No.  230.  Paratypc. 
$  ,  Marianna,  Jackson  Co.,  April  13,  1928  (J.  S.  Rogers)  ;  No. 
3.  Type  returned  to  Professor  Rogers. 

Pilaria  arguta  is  allied  to  P.  rccotidita  (Osten  Sacken),  dif- 
fering especially  in  the  smaller  size  and  narrow  wings. 

Pilaria  vermontana  n.  sp. 

General  coloration  brown;  antennae  of  moderate  length  in 
both  sexes,  in  the  male  extending  approximately  to  the  base 
of  the  abdomen;  wings  with  a  pale  brown  tinge,  the  relatively 
small  oval  stigma  only  a  little  darker;  cell  M\  present. 

$  .     Length  about  7.5-8.5  mm. ;  wing  S-9  mm. 

9  .     Length  about  8  mm. ;  wing  9.5  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  dark  brown.  Antennae  dark  brown,  of 
moderate  length,  in  male  if  bent  backward  extending  approxi- 
mately to  the  base  of  the  abdomen;  llagellar  segments  cylin- 
drical, with  verticils  that  are  shorter  than  the  segments.  Head 
dark  greyish  brown. 

48  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

Mesonotum  pale  testaceous  brown,  the  posterior  sclerites 
darker  brown.  Pleura  more  yellowish  than  the  notum.  Halteres 
pale,  the  base  of  the  stem  restrictedly  yellow.  Legs  with  the 
coxae  and  trochanters  yellow;  femora  brownish  testaceous,  the 
tips  darkened;  tibiae  'and  tarsi  passing  into  darker  brown. 
Wings  with  a  pale  brown  tinge,  the  relatively  small  oval  stigma 
hairy,  only  a  little  darker  than  the  ground-color;  veins  dark 
brown.  Venation :  Sc-,  a  short  distance  before  the  fork  of  Rs, 
Sc-2  at  its  tip ;  Rs  elongate,  gently  arcuated  at  origin ;  R-2  oblique, 
at  fork  o'f  7?3+4  ;  cell  Mj  present,  varying  from  subequal  to 
much  longer  than  its  petiole;  m-cn  at  or  shortly  beyond  mid- 
length  cell  1st  Mo.  Wings  broader  than  in  tenuipes. 

Abdominal  tergites  dark  brown,  the  sternites  somewhat  paler ; 
hypopygium  obscure  yellow. 

Habitat. — VERMONT.     Holotypc :    $  ,  Woodcrest  Farm,  near 

Stowe,  at  foot  of  Mt.  Mansfield,  in  a  sphagnum  bog,  altitude 

1000  feet,  June  22,   1927    (C.   P.  Alexander).     Allotopotypc: 

9  ,  June  22,  1927.    Paratopotypc :    $  ,  June  24,  1927.    Type  in 

the  author's  collection. 

Pilaria  Vermont  ana  is  somewhat  intermediate  in  its  characters 
between  P.  tenuipes  (Say)  and  P.  rccondita  (Osten  Sacken). 
The  antennae  are  conspicuously  shorter  than  in  tenuipes  but 
much  longer  than  in  rccondita  and  allies.  It  is  probable  that  the 
present  species,  like  P.  stanwoodac  (Alexander),  will  be  found 
to  be  confined  to  the  vicinity  of  bogs. 

Ulomorpha  rogersella  n.  sp. 

General  coloration  shiny  coal-black,  the  ventral  pleurites  red- 
dish yellow;  fore  femora  extensively  blackened,  the  remaining 
femora  yellow ;  wings  yellowish,  the  veins  broadly  seamed  with 
darker ;  cell  MI  lacking. 

$  .     Length  about  5.5  mm. ;  wing  6  mm. 

5  .     Length  about  8  mm. ;  wing  about  7.5  mm. 

Rostrum  and  palpi  black.  Antennae  black  throughout,  the 
verticils  elongate.  Head  shiny  black. 

Mesonotum  shiny  coal-black.  Pleura  black,  the  ventral  sterno- 
pleurite  and  meron  pale  reddish  yellow,  with  a  microscopic 
appressed  silvery  pubescence.  Halteres  pale  brownish  yellow, 
in  the  female  the  knobs  more  infuscated.  Legs  with  the  coxae 
and  trochanters  obscure  yellow ;  fore  femora  with  the  distal 
two-thirds  black,  the  base  light  yellow,  the  segment  weakly 
clavate ;  remaining  femora  obscure  yellow,  the  base  a  trifle 
clearer;  tibiae  and  tarsi  pale  yellowish  brown,  the  distal  tarsal 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  49 

segments  infuscated ;  legs  conspicuously  hairy.  Wings  with  a 
yellowish  ground-color,  the  veins  broadly  seamed  with  brown- 
ish to  produce  a  more  or  less  distinct  streaked  appearance ; 
stigma  oval,  a  trifle  darker  than  the  brown  seams  ;  veins  brown. 
Macrotrichiae  of  the  cells  abundant,  including  all  cells  beyond 
cord,  as  well  as  the  distal  ends  of  cells  R,  M,  Cu  and  1st  A. 
Venation:  Sc-2  at  tip  of  Sc<i,  ending  about  opposite  two-thirds 
to  three-fourths  the  length  of  Rs;  Rs  relatively  long,  strongly 
arcuated  to  angulated  and  short-spurred  at  origin ;  cell  RS  ses- 
sile; cell  MI  lacking;  cell  1st  A/o  elongate-rectangular,  in-cu 
at  near  two-fifths  its  length. 

Abdomen  shiny  coal-black,  the  intermediate  sternites  a  little 
brightened.  Ovipositor  with  the  tergal  valves  long  and  slender, 
pale  horn-yellow,  gently  upcurved. 

Habitat. — FLORIDA.  Holotypc :  $  ,  Marianna,  Jackson  Co., 
April  13,  1928  (J.  S.  Rogers);  No.  847,  study-specimen.  Allo- 
topotypc :  $  .  Paratopotype :  $  ,  No.  3.  Type  returned  to  Pro- 
fessor Rogers. 

Ulomorpha  royersclla  is  very  distinct  from  the  only  other 
known  Eastern  species,  U.  pilosella  Osten  Sacken.  It  is  named 
in  honor  of  the  collector,  Professor  J.  Speed  Rogers,  who  has 
done  more  than  any  other  person  to  make  known  the  Tipulid 
fauna  of  the  southeastern  United  States. 

Dasychernes  inquilinus  from  the  Nest  of  Meliponine 
Bees  in  Colombia  ( Arachnida :  Chelonethida). 

By  JOSEPH   CONRAD  CHAMBERLIN,   Stanford  University, » 


Through  the  courtesy  of  Mr.  George  Salt  of  Bussey  Insti- 
tution of  Harvard  University,  I  have  had  the  privilege  of  ex- 
amining an  interesting  collection  of  false  scorpions  taken  at 
two  localities  in  Colombia  from  the  nesting  cavities  of  Meli- 
ponine bees.  This  magnificent  form  (it  is  one  of  the  largest 
of  the  false  scorpions)  hitherto  undescribed  is  here  named 
Das\chcrncs  i  in/ nil  inns,  genus  et  species  nova.  It  is  assigned 
to  the  family  CHELIFERIDAE  Hagen  and  to  the  subfamily 

DASYCHERNES  nov.  gen. 

Orthotype:     Dasychernes  inqiiUinus  n.  sp.     Colombia. 
Diagnosis:     Cheliferoid  genus  related  to  Chcrncs  and  Clic- 
lanops.    Sclerotic  parts  obscurely  granulate,  almost  smooth  but 

50  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

scarcely  polished.  Setae  simple  and  slender,  non-denticulate. 
Venom  apparatus  reduced  and  present  in  movable  finger  only. 
Chela  with  accessory  teeth  serially  developed  exteriorly  and  in- 
teriorly on  both  fixed  and  movable  fingers.  Fingers  of  chela 
with  sense  spot  areas  tremendously  developed,  primarily  basally 
on  exterior  and  interior  surfaces  of  both  fixed  and  movable 
fingers.  Fingers  of  chela  in  female  slightly  gaping  when 
closed ;  widely  gaping  in  male.  Chaetotaxy  of  chela :  movable 
finger — terminal  seta  about  one-third  finger  length  from  tip  of 
finger;  sub-terminal  seta  one-eighth  to  one-ninth  finger  length 
from  terminal  seta;  sub-basal  seta  about  one-fifth  finger  length 
from  base  with  the  basal  seta  midway  between  it  and  base  of  fin- 
ger ;  fixed  finger — exterior  terminal  seta  one-eighth  finger  length 
from  tip ;  exterior  sub-terminal  seta  between  3  and  4  eighths 
of  a  finger  length  posterior  to  the  exterior  terminal  seta;  in- 
terior terminal  seta  dorsal  and  one-third  closer  to  exterior  ter- 
minal seta  than  exterior  sub-terminal  seta ;  exterior  basal  seta 
almost  truly  basal ;  exterior  sub-basal  seta  dorso-anterior  thereto 
a  distance  equal  to  that  between  the  basal  and  sub-basal  setae ; 
interior  basal  seta  dorsal,  slightly  anterior  to  the  exterior  sub- 
basal  seta ;  interior  sub-basal  seta  dorsal,  nearly  midway  be- 
tween the  interior  sub-terminal  and  the  interior  basal  setae, 
situated  clearly  on  basal  half  of  finger.  Flagellum  of  fhree 
blades.  Spinneret  galeate,  multi-ramose  and  not  sexually  dif- 

Palm  of  chelicera  with  seven  (two  accessory)  setae,  of 
which  the  central  group  of  three  are  terminally,  minutely  den- 
ticulate. Carapace  garypoid  in  form,  totally  eyeless  and  with 
two  strongly  developed  transverse  carapacal  furrows  of  which 
the  anterior  one  is  slightly  posterior  of  median  and  procurved ; 
the  posterior  one  nearer  posterior  carapacal  margin  than  anter- 
ior furrow  and  weakly  recurved.  Tracheal  trunks  with  numer- 
ous, internal,  finger-like  papillae.  Leg  IV  without  differenti- 
ated tactile  setae  but  with  a  tarsal  sense  dome  one-third  to  one- 
fourth  from  base.  Tarsal  claws  partially  retractile  against  the 
excavated  tip  of  tarsus ;  claws  and  subterminal  setae  simple ; 
empodium  normal  in  form  and  shorter  than  claws.  Clothing 
setae  normal  on  palps  and  nearly  so  on  carapace  and  legs ;  ter- 
gites  and  sternites  distinctly  hairy  especially  laterally  and  poster- 
iorly ;  setae  not  arranged  in  rows  as  usual  but  more  or  less 
evenly  distributed  over  the  entire  tergal  scutae  and  over  the 
posterior  half  o'f  the  sternal  scutae ;  in  the  orthotype  a  median 
tergite  (compounded  of  2  scutae)  bears  well  over  200  setae 
while  a  similar  sternite  bears  in  the  neighborhood  of  100.  All 
tergites  and  sternites  but  the  first  and  eleventh  divided  by  a 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  51 

median  membranous  area  which  is  broadest  medianally  :  inter- 
segmental  membrane  broad  and  plicate ;  pleural  membrane 
broad  and  prominently  papillate. 

Remarks.     The    hairy    tergites    will    distinguish    this    genus 
from  all  related  groups.    Known  only  from  the  orothotype. 

Dasychernes  inquilinus  n.  sp. 

Large  species  measuring  between  5  and  6  millimeters  long 
when  expanded.  Femur  shorter  than  carapace ;  fingers  of  chela 
longer  than  femur ;  tibia  shorter  than  femur ;  fingers  much 
longer  than  hand  which  is  clearly  longer  than  broad.  Trochan- 
ter  1.7  to  1.8  times  as  long  as  broad;  femur  2.7  to  2.9  times  as 
long  as  broad,  slenderest  in  male ;  tibia  2.5  to  2.8  times  as  long 
as  broad,  slenderest  in  male;  chela  3.3  to  3.7  times  as  long  as 
broad,  also  slenderest  in  male ;  hand  slightly  broader  than  deep 
but  almost  cylindrical;  fingers  1.3  to  1.6  times  as  long  as 
hand,  more  elongate  in  male.  Spinneret  (galea)  scarcely  twice 
as  long  as  basally  broad,  strongly  conical  in  shape  and  with 
many  short  simple  branches.  Chela  with  a  band  of  densely 
packed  sense  spots  extending  from  base  to  beyond  midpoint 
on  exterior  surface  of  both  fixed  and  movable  fingers ;  fixed 
finger  with  a  large  basal  area  and  an  attenuated  zone  of  sense 
spots  extending  to  middle  of  finger  or  beyond ;  interior  surface 
of  fixed  finger  with  a  large  basal  area  of  sense  spots  from 
which  extends  a  scattered  zone  to  beyond  middle  of  finger; 
interior  surface  of  movable  finger  with  a  close  basal  cluster 
and  ill-defined  projecting  zone  of  scattered  sense  spots  extend- 
ing to  beyond  middle  of  finger.  Nodus  ramosus  opposite  27th 
to  30th  marginal  tooth.  Fixed  finger  with  a  series  of  12-18 
accessory  teeth  on  either  side  of  marginal  row ;  movable  finger 
similarly,  with  10-16  teeth  on  either  side  of  marginal  series. 

Holotyfie,  £  (JC— 439.01002)  ;  Allotypc,  9,  (JC- -439.01,- 
001).  Paratypes,  10  $  ,  and  8  9,  (JC- -439.01003  to  21). 
Also  9  immature  specimens  ( JC-  -439.01022  to  29) .  All  from  Rio 
Frio,  COLOMBIA.  Collected  by  George  Salt,  October  11,  1927. 
Additional  material  (Paratypes)  6$,  1  $  (JC- -442.01001-8), 
from  Sevilla,  Colombia.  Coll.  George  Salt,  July  30,  1927. 
All  material  except  2  9  ,  (JC- ^42.01002  and  3)  from  Sevilla, 
and  2  $  ,  and  2  9,  (JC- -439.01004  to  7)  from  Rio  Frio.  in 
author's  collection.  The  excepted  specimens  have  been  re- 
turned to  Mr.  Salt. 

52  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

Transient  Color  Changes  in  the  Tortoise  Beetles' 
(Coleop.:  Chrysomelidae). 

By  CLYDE  W.   MASON,   Laboratory  of   Chemical   Microscopy, 

Department  of  Chemistry,  Cornell  University, 

Ithaca,  New  York. 

As  entomologists  have  known  for  years,  specimens  of  the 
common  "tortoise  beetles,"  Coptocycla  bicolor  Fabr.  and  C. 
signifera  Herbst,  lose  their  brass-yellow  metallic  iridescence 
soon  after  death,  becoming  a  pale  brown.  It  is  perhaps  not  so 
generally  known  that  they  may  lose  it  temporarily  when  alive, 
or  may  vary  its  hue  in  a  most  striking  manner.  Such  unusual 
behavior  affords  an  excellent  opportunity  to  apply  the  thin-film 
theory  of  structural  colors  in  insect  integuments,  which  has 
been  discussed  by  the  writer  in  a  series  o'f  earlier  papers.2 

This  theory  is  supported  by  a  wide  variety  of  evidence  from 
numerous  workers.  It  explains  the  production  of  brilliant 
colors  which  change  their  hue  with  changing  angle  of  obser- 
vation, and  which  show  almost  metallic  luster  without  the  pres- 
ence of  any  but  neutral-hued  pigments,  as  being  due  to  purely 
structural  causes.  The  color  production  is  ascribed  to  films 
of  transparent  chitinous  material  which  are  themselves  colorless, 
and  which  produce  color  by  virtue  of  their  extreme  thinness, 
just  as  does  a  soap  bubble  or  an  oil  film  on  water.  The  colors 
are  more  brilliant  and  metallic  than  those  of  soap  bubbles  be- 
cause several  films  function  to  produce  them.  These  films  are 
less  than  0.5  micron  thick,  and  are  in  contact  except  for 
cementing  layers  of  slightly  different  chitinous  material.  The 
entire  color-producing  layer  may  be  no  more  than  a  micron  or 
two  in  thickness. 


The  appearance  of  the  living,  undisturbed  beetle  is  almost 
like  a  ball  of  gold.  Its  elytra  are  highly  metallic,  and  their 
bright  brass-yellow  color  makes  the  insect  conspicuous  in  sun- 
shine. The  reflections  are  specular  and  the  high  lights  sharp!  v 

]This  paper  is  a  continuation  of  an  investigation  supported  by  a  grant 
from  the  Heckscher  Foundation  for  the  Advancement  of  Research,  estab- 
lished by  August  Heckscher  at  Cornell  University. 

The  writer  is  indebted  to  Dr.  W.  T.  M.  Forbes,  of  the  Department 
of  Entomology,  for  advice  and  criticism  in  connection  with  this  study. 

2Mason:  Structural  Colors  in  Insects,  J.  Phys.  Chem.  30,  383-95 
(1926);  31,  321-54,  1856-72.  Structural  Colors  in  Feathers,  J.  Phys. 
Chem.  27,  201-251,  (1927),  401-447  (1923). 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  53 

defined,  as  with  metals.  If  the  line  of  vision  is  inclined  to  the 
surface  the  color  is  not  yellow  but  green,  or  even  blue  at  graz- 
ing incidence.  This  color  change  with  increasing  angle  of 
vision  corresponds  exactly  to  that  of  numerous  other  iridescent 
insects,  and  is  typical  of  thin-film  colors.  It  represents  a  shift 
in  Newton's  series  of  colors,1  from  upper  second  order  to  lower 
second  order.  A  similar  decrease  in  order  is  noted  at  the  edges 
of  the  elytra  or  of  pits  in  the  integument,  and  corresponds  to  a 
thinned  color-producing  structure.  The  slight  localized  non- 
uniformities  of  hue  visible  microscopically  are  due  to  uneven- 
ness  in  the  thickness  of  the  films. 

The  color  originates  beneath  the  outer  hard  transparent 
layer  of  the  elytron,  as  may  be  shown  by  scraping  the  latter; 
it  is  above  the  fluid  interior  however,  and  is  backed  by  the 
orange  color  of  the  latter.  Scrapings  may  be  removed,  or  torn 
edges  studied,  and  their  properties  are  wholly  consistent  with 
those  anticipated  from  the  thin-film  theory. 

When  the  insect  is  disturbed,  in  the  course  of  less  than 
a  minute  its  color  changes  progressively  through  the  hues  of 
lower  order  in  Newton's  series,  becoming  green,  blue,  violet, 
and  finally  a  brownish  orange  which  is  lost  against  the  color 
of  the  fluid  interior  of  the  elytron.  The  metallic  lustre  and 
brilliancy  of  the  color  seem  to  decrease,  but  this  is  probably 
because  blue  and  violet  are  less  bright  to  the  human  eye  than 
is  yellow. 

This  shift  in  hue  from  golden  yellow  to  dark  purple  or  orange 
may  serve  as  a  protective  device,  for  certainly  the  beetles  are 
less  easily  noticed  when  they  have  changed  to  their  less  gor- 
geous hues.  If  the  insect  is  left  undisturbed  for  a  few  minutes, 
the  colors  pass  through  the  above  sequence  in  reverse  order 
until  the  original  hue  is  regained. 

One  might  perhaps  postulate  that  these  changes  involve  the 
rapid,  reversible,  syntheses  of  a  series  of  different  colored  pig- 
ments, or  at  least  the  presence  of  a  pigment  which  can  show 

Colored  charts   of  the  series   of  interference  colors   such  as  are  pro- 
duced by  thin  films  may  be  found  in  the  following  books : 

C.  V.  Boys,  Soap  Bubbles  (1912) 

Johannsen :     Determination  of  Rock  Forming   Minerals    (1908) 

Iddings:     Rock   Minerals    (1911) 

Winchell:     Elements  of  Optical  Mineralogy    (1909). 
Or  one  can   produce  the  colors   for  himself   by  allowing  a   drop   of  oil 
to  spread  on  water  over  a  dark   background.     At  the  edges,  where  the 
film  is  thin,  the  colors  are  of  low  order,  and  their  order  increases  to\\:m| 
the  thicker  center  of  the  film. 

54  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

several  colors,  as  an  indicator  does  with  acids  and  alkalies. 
But  in  addition  such  a  pigment  would  have  to  exhibit  a  high  de- 
gree of  "selective  reflection"  and  still  be  almost  colorless  by 
transmitted  light.  We  know  of  no  pigments  or  other  colored 
substances  which  even  approximate  these  properties. 

On  the  other  hand,  all  of  the  remarkable  color  phenomena 
which  the  tortoise  beetles  show  can  be  easily  explained  by  the 
thin-film  theory.  The  brilliancy  of  metallic  lustre  of  the  color- 
ing are  perfectly  analogous  to  those  of  thin  films,  and  the 
hues  are  identical  with  those  of  Newton's  series.  The  faint 
transmission  colors,  complementary  to  the  reflection  colors,  are 
also  consistent.  The  changes  of  color  with  changes  in  the  angle 
of  incidence  are  exactly  what  one  would  predict.  In  all  the 
above  respects  the  tortoise  beetles  do  not  differ  'from  other 
insects  having  metallic  iridescent  integuments. 

As  regards  their  unique  behavior  in  changing  their  hue  when 
disturbed,  one  naturally  assumes  that  in  some  way  they  are  able 
to  vary  the  thickness  of  the  color  producing  films.  As  confir- 
mation of  this  idea,  we  note  that  the  change  in  hue  corresponds 
precisely  to  that  produced  when  a  color  producing  film  is  made 
thinner.  The  colors  pass  from  upper  second  order  green, 
through  the  lower  second  order  of  Newton's  series,  to  upper 
first  order  violet  or  orange.  As  the  insect  recovers  its  com- 
posure the  reverse  changes  are  again  in  perfect  agreement  with 
those  which  we  would  expect  if  a  color-producing  film  were 

We  can  test  this  explanation  further  by  subjecting  scrapings 
of  the  iridescent  layer  of  the  integument  to  pressure,  so  as 
to  make  the  films  thinner.  The  colors  change  just  as  described 
above.  When  pressure  is  removed,  they  are  restored,  similarly. 

In  attempting  to  test  the  insect's  control  over  its  color,  an 
elytron  was  cut  transversely  by  fine  scissors,  so  that  only  the 
inner  edge  remained  intact.  It  was  found  that  the  power  of 
color  variation  did  not  extend  beyond  the  cut.  But  more  im- 
portant, the  vicinity  of  the  cut  showed  a  pronounced  alteration 
in  color,  as  compared  with  the  remainder  of  the  elytron. 

The  uninjured  portion  of  the  surface  becomes  violet  of  the 
lower  second  order,  due  to  the  disturbance  of  the  insect  by  the 
operation.  Toward  the  cut,  the  colors  rise  in  order,  up  to 
yellow  of  the  second  order,  or  even  as  high  as  the  red  between 
the  second  and  third  orders.  Still  nearer  the  cut  the  colors  de- 


crease  in  order,  down  through  the  second  order  to  the  lowest 
violet  or  orange  which  is  ever  perceptible  on  the  insect.  The 
zone  o'f  higher  order  colors  parallels  the  cut  and  follows  any 
angles  which  it  may  make.  The  color  producing  layer  may 
show  a  distinctly  wrinkled  surface  in  the  region  of  highest 
order  color. 

Such  behavior  makes  impossible  demands  upon  any  pig- 
mentation theory,  but  can  be  explained  rather  simply  as  due 
to  a  localized  "congestion"  in  the  vicinity  of  the  injury,  which 
results  in  a  swelling  of  the  color  films.  This  is  confirmed  by 
the  wrinkled  appearance  developed.  At  the  very  edges  of  the 
cut,  where  the  tissue  is  actually  laid  open,  evaporation  of 
moisture,  and  consequent  shrinkage,  cause  a  lowering  of  the 

This  swelling  and  shrinking  of  the  color-producing  film, 
with  corresponding  changes  in  its  thickness,  is  also  the  ex- 
planation of  the  color  changes  shown  by  the  living  insect.  By 
a  slight  regulation  of  the  turgor  of  the  tissue  in  which  the 
color  originates,  probably  by  regulation  of  its  moisture  con- 
tent, the  insect  can  produce  a  wide  variety  of  colors.  Instead 
of  growing  pale  with  fright,  by  the  contraction  of  the  capil- 
laries of  the  skin,  the  tortoise  beetle  becomes  a  lower  order 
color,  by  the  shrinkage  of  his  color-producing  membrane.  The 
study  of  the  deeper  physiological  and  psychological  aspects  of 
this  manifestation  of  insect  emotion  the  writer  is  forced  to 
leave  to  the  entomologist. 

One  might  carry  the  absurd  comparison  a  step  further  by 
saying  that  superficial  injuries,  instead  of  causing  swelling 
and  redness  from  congestion  of  blood,  bring  about  swelling 
and  high  order  colors  from  the  increased  thickness  of  the  color 

To  test  this  explanation,  attempts  were  made  to  swell  and 
to  shrink  the  color-producing  membrane.  It  was  laid  bare,  either 
by  scraping  or  by  cutting  through  the  elytron,  and  wetted  with 
water.  Instead  of  lowered  colors  at  the  very  edge  of  the  ex- 
posed part,  the  colors  were  even  higher  than  in  the  adjacent 
zone.  The  color-producing  tissue  was  strongly  wrinkled,  and 
obviously  had  undergone  swelling  where  the  water  had  soaked 
into  it.  On  drying  out  the  colors  decreased  in  order  to  the  original 

56  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

hues.  This  points  to  the  color-producing  films  being  made  up 
of  a  tissue  capable  of  variable  degree  of  hydration  and  con- 
sequent swelling,  such  as  is  common  in  all  forms  of  life. 

As  a  further  test,  a  specimen  which  had  been  swelled  with 
water  in  the  manner  just  described  was  wetted  with  a  concen- 
trated solution  of  sodium  chloride.  Just  as  in  the  familiar  ex- 
periments with  plant  and  animal  cells,  the  salt  solution,  of  high 
osmotic  pressure  (hypertonic),  abstracted  water  from  the  tis- 
sue, resulting  in  a  marked  shrinkage  which  was  evidenced  by  a 
smoothing  out  of  the  wrinkles,  and  by  a  lowering  of  the  order 
of  the  colors.  Replacing  the  salt  solution  by  water  restored 
the  previous  swollen  condition. 

In  the  light  of  the  above  observations  it  seems  reasonably 
certain  that  the  loss  of  color  after  death  is  due  to  similar  causes. 
Drying  out  of  the  tissue  causes  a  thinning  of  the  color  film, 
a  lowering  of  the  colors,  and  finally  the  loss  of  iridescence 
and  lustre,  just  as  when  drying  out  occurs  at  the  edge  of  a  cut. 
However,  if  the  insect  is  killed  by  drowning,  or  is  kept  moist 
after  death,  the  colors  may  last  for  months,  and  would  probably 
be  permanent  if  the  specimen  were  preserved  in  an  appropriate 
isotonic  "physiological  saline  solution."  Specimens  which  have 
been  dry  and  colorless  for  some  months  may  have  their  color 
and  lustre  restored  more  or  less  perfectly  by  soaking  in  water. 
This  is  not  always  successful,  probably  because  the  tissue  may 
have  been  so  completely  coagulated  and  hardened  as  to  be 
practically  unsusceptible  to  the  swelling  action  of  water.  It 
might  be  of  interest  for  an  entomologist  with  plenty  of  material 
to  apply  the  explanation  given  above  to  working  out  a  method 
of  retaining  the  fugitive  coloring  of  the  tortoise  beetles  (and 
possibly  other  insects)  by  the  use  of  isotonic  solutions  which 
will  keep  the  tissue  in  its  original  condition,  with  neither 
swelling,  shrinkage,  decay  or  loss  of  differentiated  character. 

The  conclusions  of  this  paper  are  as  follows : 

1.  The  "tortoise  beetle"  changes  its  color  when  disturbed, 
by  altering  the  thickness  of  the  films  which  constitute  its  color- 
producing  layer. 

2.  The  loss  of  color  in  dead  specimens  is  due  to  a  dehydra- 
tion and  shrinkage  of  the  tissues,  which  is  not  perfectly  rever- 



Entomology  at  the  "Convocation  Week"  Meetings, 
December  27,  1928,  to  January  2,  1929. 

Again  we  summarize  the  papers  treating  of  insects  and  a 
few  other  tracheate  arthropods  listed  on  the  program  of  the 
(eighty-fifth)  meeting  of  the  American  Association  for  the  Ad- 
vancement of  Science  and  Associated  Societies,  held  in  New 
York  City.  As  heretofore,  we  do  not  attempt  to  differentiate 
between  papers  actually  delivered  and  those  not  given,  due 
to  the  absence  of  their  authors.  The  summary  at  least  gives 
information  as  to  the  topics  being  studied  at  this  time. 

The  numbers  of  papers  listed  by  the  various  societies  were 
as  follows : 

Entomological   Society  of   America 34 

American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists 115 

American  Society  of  Zoologists  alone 12 

Same,  Joint  Genetics  Section 12 

Ecological  Society  of  America 

American  Society  of   Parasitologists 4 

Botanical  Society  of  America 

Total    181 

These  papers  were  distributed  in  subject  as  follows : 

i  General   Economic   Ento- 

General  Entomology 4          mology    13 

History  of  Entomology  .  .  4  Insecticides     and     Appli- 

Teaching  Entomology  ....  2          ances 31 

Collecting  Methods 3      Apiculture    10 

Cytology 2  Affecting   Cereal,   Forage 

Anatomy 5          and  Field  Crops   15 

Physiology    29      Do.  Truck  Crops 12 

Ecology 16  Do.  Greenhouse  Plants  ...     2 

Geographical  Distribution .  5  J  )o.  Fruits  and  Fruit-trees .    32 

Ontogeny   5  Do.  Household  and  Stored 

Genetics    11          Products 1 

Parasites  of  Insects 5  Do.  Forest      and      Shade 

Affecting  Man  and  other  Trees 4 

Animals    4  Carrying    Plant    Disease 

Taxonomy    9          Germs 1 



ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.    '29 

ii  Lepidoptera  (excl.  codling 

Orthoptera 5  and       oriental       peach 

Isoptera              1  moths  and  corn  borer) .     6 

Plecoptera    1          Codling  moth 12 

Ephemerida    1  Oriental  peach  moth  ...     6 

Homoptera 16          Corn  borer 6 

Thysanoptera 1      Trichoptera    

Coleoptera    (excl.   Japan-  Diptera  (excl.  Drosophila)    14 

ese  beetle)    19          Drosophila   8 

Japanese  beetle   8      Araneina    

Hymenoptera  (excl.  Apis)  7      Acarina    1 

'Apis    4 

Many  of  these  figures  are  duplicated,  both  between  sections 
i  and  ii  and  also  within  each  section. 

The  total  of  181  papers  exceeds  any  of  those  of  the  pre- 
ceding five  years,  beginning  with  1923-24,  as  follows :  180, 
166,  158,  167,  178.  The  numbers  given  on  the  programs  for 
the  same  five  years  were,  for  the  Entomological  Society  of 
America:  70  (41  of  which  comprised  the  symposium),  38  (9 
of  them  jointly  with  the  Ecol.  Soc.  Amer.),  34  (7  of  them  with 
the  Assn.  Econ.  Ent.),  38,  31;  for  the  American  Association 
of  Economic  Entomologists:  89,  93,  83  (see  above),  102,  111; 
for  the  American  Society  of  Zoologists,  both  alone  and  jointly: 
18,  17,  21*,  19,  15.  Papers  on  Physiology,  Insecticides,  In- 
sects affecting  Fruits  and  Fruit  trees  and  on  Drosophila  exceed 
in  number  those  of  any  of  the  preceding  five  meetings. 

The  Entomological  Society  of  America,  Prof.  E.  O.  Essig, 
president,  Prof.  J.  J.  Davis,  secretary,  met  Dec.  27  and  28,  the 
annual  public  address  on  "The  Potentialities  of  Entomology" 
by  Dr.  R.  N.  Chapman,  of  the  University  of  Minnesota,  being- 
given  on  Dec.  28  at  8  P.  M.  The  American  Association  of 
Economic  Entomologists,  Prof.  W.  B.  Hermes,  president, 
Mr.  C.  W.  Collins,  secretary,  met  Dec.  27-31,  including  its 
sections  of  Plant  Quarantine  and  Inspection  and  of  Apiculture. 
The  annual  address  of  the  president,  "The  Experimental  Method 
as  Applied  to  Entomological  Investigations"  was  delivered  on 
the  morning  of  the  28th.  Both  societies  met  in  Teachers'  Col- 
lege of  Columbia  University.  The  "Dinner  of  Pure  and  Ap- 
plied Entomologists"  was  held  in  the  Flying  Bird  Gallery  of 

*Including  Section  F,  A.  A.  A.  S.  and  its  joint  meetings — Ent. 
News,  xxxvii:  54. 


the  American  Museum  of   Natural  History,  Dec.  29,  at  5.30 
p.  m.,  Prof.  W.  M.  Wheeler  presiding. 

An  "At  Home"  for  entomologists  was  arranged  for  the 
afternoon  of  Dec.  30  at  the  Museum,  followed  by  an  informal 
reception  at  the  home  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  John  D.  Sherman, 
Jr.,  at  Mount  Vernon,  New  York.  To  them,  to  Dr.  F.  E. 
Lutz  and  his  associates  on  the  local  committees  of  arrange- 
ments, we,  who  attended  all  or  some  of  these  meetings  and 
gatherings,  are  deeply  grateful  for  a  cordial  welcome  and 
pleasant  and  valuable  interchange  of  ideas  and  of  greetings. 

Articles  on  Museums  Containing  Lepidoptera. 

Thanks  to  the  generosity  of  Mr.  J.  D.  Gunder,  of  Pasadena, 
California,  the  News  will  be  able  to  present  to  its  readers, 
from  time  to  time,  some  additional  pages  and  some  illustrations 
showing  museums  in  North  America  containing  important  col- 
lections of  Lepidoptera  and  portraits  of  entomologists  active  in 
those  institutions. 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL.      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it    is   intended   to   note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology of  the  Americas    (North  and   South),    including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers  within    brackets    I    ]    refer   to  the   journals,   as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

!«|1F  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Christie,  J.  R.— Notes  on  larval  nemas 
from  insects.  [Jour.  Parasitology  |  15:  127-130,  ill.  Cock- 
erel, T.  D.  A.— What  is  a  hybrid?  [31]  122:  845.  Ehren- 
berg,  K. --Ueber  Standortsformen.  [Verh.  Zool.-Bot. 

60  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '29 

Gesell.  Wien]  78:  53-59.  Horn  &  Schenkling.— Index  liter- 
aturae  entomologicae.  Leconte-Schaum.  3 :  705-1056. 
Knight.  P. — The  development  and  present  status  of  ento- 
mological courses  in  American  colleges  and  universities. 
[12]  21  :  871-877,  ill.  Lambrecht.  K.— Die  verwendung  der 
fluorographie  in  der  palaontologischen  forschung.  [Verb. 
Zool.-Bot.  Gesell.  Wien]  78:  62-70,  ill.  Merle,  R.— Les 
insectes  predateurs  clu  Chili.  [La  Nat.]  1928:  502-506,  ill. 
Ogilvie,  L. — The  insects  of  Bermuda.  [Bermuda  Dept. 
Agric.]  1928:  3-52,  ill.  Roig,  M.  S.— Catalogue  of  natural 
history  specimens  in  the  Museum  of  Natural  History  of 
Havana,  Cuba.  [Inst.  Nac.  Investigacions  Cien.  Mus.  Hist. 
Nat.  Cuba]  1928:  9-220,  ill.  Stiles  &  Hassall.— Key-cata- 
logue of  insects  of  importance  in  public  health.  [U.  S. 
Hyg.  Lab.  Bull.]  150:  291-408.  Sweetman,  H.  L.— Notes 
on  insects  inhabiting  the  roots  of  weeds.  [7]  21 :  594-600. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Boulange,   H. 

Sur  le  determinisme  du  fouissement  chez  la  larve  de  Nauro- 
toma  flaviventris.  (Tenthredinidae)  [25]  1928:  254-259. 
Despax,  R. — A  propos  de  Faction  de  la  lumiere  sur  la  meta- 
morphose des  Trichopteres.  [25]  1928:  244-247.  Fasten, 
N. — Concerning  cilia  in  the  Arthropoda.  [7]  21 :  670. 
Friedmann,  H. — Social  parasitism  in  birds.  [73]  3:  554- 
569.  Fulton,  B.  B. — Some  temperature  relations  of  Mel- 
anotus  (Elateridae).  [12]  21:  889-897,  ill.  Geist,  R.  M.- 
The  heat  sensitive  areas  of  certain  grasshoppers.  [7]  21: 
614-618.  Hiestand,  W.  A. — A  correlation  of  strength  and 
weight  in  insects  [7]  21 :  601-606,  ill.  Mclndoo,  N.  E.- 
Responses  of  insects  to  smell  and  taste  and  their  value  in 
control.  [12]  21:  903-913.  Mordvilko,  A.— The  evolution 
of  cycles  and  the  origin  of  heteroecy  (migrations)  in  plant- 
lice.  [75]  2:  570-582.  Morgan  &' Crumb.— Notes  on  the 
chemotropic  responses  of  certain  insects.  [12]  21:  913-920. 
Robinson,  W. — Water  conservation  in  insects.  [12]  21 :  897- 
902,  ill.  Sayle,  M.  H.— The  metabolism  of  insects.  [73]  3: 
542-553,  ill.  Snodgrass,  R.  E. — Morphology  and  evolution 
of  the  insect  head  and  its  appendages.  [Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.] 
81  :  1-158,  ill.  Stahn,  I. — Ueber  die  atmungsregulation,  be- 
sonders  die  kohlensaureregulation,  bei  Dixippus  morosus 
mid  Aeschna  grandis.  [89]  46:  1-85,  ill.  Timon-David,  J. 
-Sur  les  variations  des  graisses  de  reserve  pendant  1'evo- 
lution  de  la  Fyrale  du  Mais  (Pyrausta  nubilalis).  [77 1 
99:  1799-1800.  van  Bemmelen,  J/F. — Die  farbenzeichnung 
von  raupe,  puppe  und  imago  und  ihre  beziehungen  zur 
erblichkeitslehre.  [34]  3  Suppl.  Band :  169-183,  ill/ 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  61 


Opilioes  de  Matto-Grosso  e  Pernambuco.  [32]  4:  9-13,  ill. 
*Worley,  L.  G.— New  Nebraska  spiders.  [7]  21 :  619-622, 

P.  W. — Additions  and  corrections  to  the  monograph  on  the 
Plecoptera  of  North  America.  |7|  21:  667-668.  Spencer, 
G.  J. — External  parasites  on  certain  birds  of  British  Colum- 
bia. [4]  60:  257-260. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Hubbell  &  Walker.— A  new  shrub- 
inhabiting  species  of  Schistocerca  from  Central  Florida. 
fOcc.  Pap.  Mus.  Zoll.  Univ.  Michigan]  1928:  1-10,  ill.  Kuhl, 
W. — Die  variabilitat  der  abdominalen  korperanhange  von 
Forficula  auricularia  unter  herucksichtigung  ihrer  normalen 
und  abnorman  entwickhtng,  nebst  einem  anhang  iiber  die 
geschlechtsbiologie.  [46]  12:  299-532,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA. — Esaki  &  China. — A  monograph  of  the 
Helotrephidae,  subfamily  Helotrephinae  ( Heteroptera). 
[EOS]  4:  129-172.  ill.  *Granovsky,  A.  A.— A  review  of 
Myzocallis  species  inhabiting  Alnus,  with  description  of  a 
new  species  (Aphiidae).  [7]  21:  546-565,  ill.  *Harris,  H. 
M. — A  monographic  study  of  the  hemipterotis  family  Xa- 
bidae  as  it  occurs  in  North  America.  [70]  9:  1-97,  ill. 
*Hoke,  G. — Some  undescribed  Diaspines  from  Mississippi, 
II.  (Coccidae.)  [7]  21:  671-676,  ill.  Jaczewski,  T—  Be- 
merkungen  iiber  die  geographische  verbreitung  der  Corixi- 
den.  [An.  Mus.  Zool.  Polonici]  7:  45-67.  *McAtee  &  Mai- 
loch. — Thyreocorinae  from  the  State  of  Parana.  Bra/il. 
[An.  Mus.  Zool.  Polonici]  7:  32-43. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— *Hall,  A.— A  revision  of  the  genus 
Phyciodes  (Nymphalidae).  [Suppl.  Bull.  Hill  Mus.|  2: 
25-44,  cont.  *McDunnough,  J. — Notes  on  Canadian  diurnal 
Lepidoptera.  [4]  60:266-275.  *Meyrick,  E. — Exotic  Micro- 
lepidoptera.  3:  417-448.  Ripper,  W. — Ueber  die-  systema- 
tische  bedeutung  der  stellung  der  primaren  borsten  bei 
Lepidopterenlarven.  [Verb.  /ool.-Bot.  Gesell.  "\Yicn]  78: 
76-80.  *Talbot,  G.— List  of  Rhopalocera  collected,  by  Mr. 
C.  L.  Collenette  in  Matto  Grosso,  Brazil.  |  Bull.  Hill 
Mus.]  2:  192-223,  ill.  *Talbot,  G.— List  of  Arctiidae  and 
Amatidae  collected  by  C.  L.  Collenette  in  Matto  Grosso, 
Braxil.  AYith  descriptions  of  some  new  forms.  I  Bull.  Hill 
Mus.]  2:  241-246. 

62  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb.,    '29 

COLEOPTERA.— Cros,  A.— Revision  des  genres  Horia 
et  Cissites.  (Note  rectificative  et  complementaire.)  [Bull. 
Soc.  R.  Ent.  Egypte]  11:  103-115,  ill.  Duty,  C.— Blaps 
mucronata  in  Cincinnati,  O.  [19]  23:  180.  Gentner,  L.  G. 
-The  systematic  status  of  the  mint  flea  beetle  (Chrysom.) 
with  additional  notes.  [4]  60:  264-266.  Hatch,  M.  H.- 
Notes  on  the  classification  of  Nearctic  Coleoptera.  [7]  21 : 
571-580,  ill.  Hatch,  M.  H.— Studies  on  the  carrion  beetles 
of  Minnesota,  including  new  species.  [Univ.  Minn.  Agric. 
Exper.  Sta.]  1927:  3-19.  *Kleine,  R.— Eine  neue  Brent- 
hide  aus  Peru  [Senckenbergiana]  10:  226,  ill.  *Leuder- 
waldt,  H. — Novas  especies  do  genero  "Pinotus"  (Lamell.). 
(S).  [32]  4:  63-65.  Marriner,  T.  F.— Coccinellid  hybrids. 
A  provoked  communication.  [21]  40:  176-177.  Saunders, 
L.  G.— (See  under  Diptera.)  *Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— A  re- 
classification  of  the  genera  of  North  American  Meloidae 
and  a  revision  of  the  genera  and  species  formerly  placed 
in  the  tribe  Meloini,  found  in  America  north  of  Mexico, 
together  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  [67]  4:  395-474, 

DIPTERA.— *Aldrich,  J.  M.— New  Diptera  or  two- 
winged  flies  from  South  America.  [50]  74:  1-25,  ill.  *Alex- 
ander,  C.  P. — New  species  of  crane-flies  from  South  America. 
Part  II.  (Tipulidae.)  [7]  21 :  623-641.  Blunk,  Bremer  &  Kauf- 
mann. — Untersuchungen  zur  lebensgeschichte  und  bekamp- 
fung  der  Riibenfliege  (Pegomyia  hyoscyami).  [Arb.  aus  der 
Biol.  Reich,  fiir  Land-und  Forstwirtschaft]  16:  423-573,  ill. 
Branch,  H.  E. — Description  and  identification  of  some  chiro- 
nomid  egg  masses.  [7]  21 :  566-570,  ill.  *Bromley,  S.  W. 
-New  neotropical  Erax  in  the  American  Museum  of  Nat- 
ural History  (Asilidae).  [40]  1928:  1-5.  Clausen,  C.  P.- 
Hyperalonia  oenomaus,  a  parasite  of  Tiphia  larvae  (Bom- 
byliidae).  [7]  21:  642-659,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H.— New  Dip- 
tera in  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.  [40] 
1929:  1-13,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H. — New  species  of  Ommatius 
from  America,  with  key.  (Asilidae)  [40]  1928:  1-6.  *Cur- 
ran,  C.  H. — Revision  of  the  American  species  of  Archvtas 
(Tachinidae.)  [40]  60:  275-282,  ill.  deMeijere,  J.  C.  H.— 
Die  larven  der  Agromyzinen.  [Tijd.  Ent.]  71  :  145-178,  ill. 
Edwards,  F.  W. — A  note  on  Telmatogeton  and  related 
genera  (Chironomidae).  [56]  7:  234-237.  *Engel,  E.  O.— 
Die  ausbeute  der  deutschen  Chaco-Expedition  V  Empi- 
didae.  (S).  [56]  7:  245-251,  ill.  Hendel,  F.— Ueber  zwei 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  63 

meiner  dipterengattungen,  die  Doktor  J.  M.  Aldrich  nicht 
anerkennen  will.  [56]  7:  214-217.  Hendel,  F.— Zweifliigler 
oder  Diptera.  [Tierwelt  Deutschlands]  11:  1-135,  ill. 
Holmquist,  A.  M. — Notes  on  the  biology  of  the  muscid  fly, 
Pyrellia  serena,  with  special  reference  to  its  hibernation. 
[7]  21  :  660-667.  Mercier,  M.  L. — Le  polymorphisme  du 
male  (poecilandrie)  chez  Cynomyia  mortuorum  (Calliphori- 
nae).  [69]  187:  1003-1005.  *Saunders,  L.  G.— Some  ma- 
rine insects  of  the  Pacific  Coast  of  Canada.  [7]  21  :  521-545, 
ill.  Saunders,  L.  G. — The  early  stages  of  Diamesa  ( Psilo- 
diames)  lurida  (Chironomidae).  [4]  60:  261-264,  ill.  Stehli, 
G. — Merkwiirliges  insektenleben  im  petroleum.  [Kosmos] 
25:  409-411,  ill.  *Walley,  G.  S.— The  genus  Tanypus  in 
Canada,  with  a  key  to  the  North  American  species  (Chiro- 
nomidae). [7]  21:"  581-592,  ill. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Chandler,  L.  G.— Notes  on  two 
grasshopper-wasps.  [Victorian  Nat.]  45:  176-181.  Hein- 
rich,  G. — Die  Kennzeichen  der  Ichneumoninen  auf  ihren 
arttrennenden  wert.  [56]  7:  203-213.  Nowicki,  S. — Bemer- 
kungen  zur  gattung  Asecodes  (Chalc.  Euloph.  Ented.  Om- 
phal.).  [56]  7:  223-230,  ill.  Quilis,  M.— Los  apidos  de 
Espana.  Estudio  monografico  de  las  Dasvpoda.  [EOS] 
4:  173-241,  ill. 

mologischer  Anzeiger,  Vienna,  Volume  VIII,  (9)  p.  p.  93-94, 
(10)  p.  p.  99-100,  (11)  p.  p.  107-114,  1928.  The  author  lays 
stress  on  the  fact  that  development  of  insect  life  depends 
mostly  upon  external  forces,  as  climate,  temperature,  ecology, 
and  others.  He  gives  a  few  examples:  "Picris  rafmc  and  other 
butterflies  require  a  certain  average  summer-temperature  for 
their  development.  Mimas  tiliac  if  fed  on  birch,  almost  in- 
variably produces  the  brunnca-fonn.  Phylloxera  i>astatri.\-  and 
P.  vitifoliae  are  becoming  more  restricted  every  year,  even  to 
the  point  where  one  certain  grape  variety  is  required  for  its 
development,  namely  the  one  which  responds  to  its  sting  in 
gall  producing.  Acherontia  atropos  can  only  complete  its  nor- 
mal development  in  the  warmest  climates,  as  specimens  which 
mature  in  cooler  climates  in  fall  do  not  possess  the  regenerative 
faculty.  The  larvae  of  Polyphylla  can  not  adapt  themselves  to 
every  soil."  A  chart  is  given  showing  the  flight  years  of  the 
respective  three  and  four  year  races  of  the  May  beetle,  (Mclo- 
lontha  species)  also  a  chart  showing  the  boundaries  where  the 
races  Melolontha  mclolontha,  M.  liippocastani,  M.  h.  nigripcs 


64  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Feb..,    '29 

and  M.  pcctoralis  abound.  Charts  showing  the  vertical  plague- 
boundary  and  isothermal  map  are  also  given.  Based  upon  these 
studies  it  is  proven  that  the  climate  is  the  positive  and  the  soil 
the  negative  factor  in  the  distribution  of  the  May  beetles  (Mclo- 
lontha  species).  The  author  deplores  the  wholesale  naming 
of  varieties,  forms,  races,  .aberrations,  etc..  as  most  of  these 
are  only  based  upon  external  factors,  and  hopes  that  entomolo- 
gists will  rather  study  the  reason  for  variation  than  create  an 
everlasting  amount  of  synonomy,  which  has  no  value.  The 
article  is  well  worth  serious  thought. — FRANK  HAIMBACH. 

FERRIS,  Stanford  University  Publ.  Biol.,  Vol.  5,  No.  3.  1928, 
169  pp.,  11  figs.,  Stanford  University  Press,  paper  $2.00,  cloth 
$2.75. — This  book,  the  first  of  its  kind,  is  a  stimulating  dis- 
cussion of  methods  in  systematic  entomology,  with  suggestions 
for  the  betterment  thereof,  that  should  be  carefully  studied 
by  younger  systematists,  and  could  be  heeded,  not  unprofitably, 
by  many  of  their  elders.  The  author  terms  his  work  "a  frankly 
critical  survey  of  the  existing  conditions  in  systematic  ento- 
mology," but  as  it  is  critical  of  practices  more  than  of  people, 
probably  not  as  much  opposition  will  be  aroused  as  the  author 
seems  to  expect. 

There  are  not  many  chapters,  and  citation  of  their  headings 
will  serve  briefly  to  indicate  the  scope  of  the  book.  These  are : 
1.,  The  contribution  of  the  systematist  to  biology;  2,  The 
scope  of  systematic  biology ;  3,  The  principles  of  systematic 
entomology ;  4,  The  segregation  of  species ;  5,  Categories  less 
than  the  species ;  6,  The  morphological  basis  of  systematic 
entomology ;  7,  The  preparation  of  material ;  8,  Entomological 
drafting;  9,  The  description  of  species;  10.  Classification;  11, 
Nomenclature,  and  12,  The  training  of  the  systematist. 

Although  the  reviewer  has  been  asked  by  Ferris  to  comment 
on  his  book  in  a  critical  way,  he  finds  himself  in  most  cases 
impelled  to  reinforce  rather  than  oppose  the  arguments  pre- 
sented. For  instance,  as  to  the  place  of  the  systematist  in 
the  scheme  of  things  biological.  There  are  those  who  regard 
the  taxonomist  as  a  servant  in  the  house  of  biology,  an  atti- 
tude of  ignorant  bumptiousness,  which  the  views  of  a  biologist 
of  the  standing  of  Raymond  Pearl  (quoted  by  Ferris),  should 
help  to  alleviate.  The  "disrepute"  of  taxonomy  to  which  the 
author  alludes  is  due  to  its  being  judged  by  standards  different 
from  those  applied  by  critics  in  their  own  fields.  Their  num- 

XL.     29]    •  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  65 

erous  failures  have  been  condoned,  while  taxonomy  because 
not  infallible,  has  been  condemned.  The  taxonomist,  however, 
need  not  worry  over  the  attitude  of  critics ;  in  the  end  they 
must  come  to  him,  must  accept  his  finding's,  and  defer  to  his 
judgment,  be  it  with  ever  so  little  grace. 

Ferris  is  much  more  sympathetic  with  the  querulities  of 
geneticists  and  other  experimental  biologists  towards  systematic 
work  than  the  reviewer  would  be.  Wonder  and  even  pain  have 
been  expressed  that  systematists  do  not  adopt  the  findings  of 
the  laboratory  workers,  but  why  anyone  should  ever  have  ex- 
pected close  team-work  is  a  more  legitimate  reason  for  sur- 
prise. The  laboratory  group  for  the  most  part  work  under 
controlled  conditions  and  with  abnormalities,  while  the  sys- 
tematist  seeks  the  normal  product  of  natural  conditions,  in  fact 
rejects  all  abnormalities.  Even  were  some  of  the  laboratory 
work  applicable  in  classification,  it  would  be  impracticable 
to  use  it,  because  the  element  of  time  alone  would  render 
impossible  similar  analysis  of  all  comparable  organisms,  which 
the  systematist  would  have  to  consider.  In  other  words  classi- 
fication must  rest  on  characters  known  for  all  members  of 
the  group  concerned,  and  we  never  shall  have  complete  chro- 
mosome or  other  biological  analysis  of  insects  or  even  of  any 
considerable  group  of  them. 

Hence  we  must  proceed  on  the  basis  of  structure,  and  Ferris 
does  well  to  dwell  on  the  responsibilities  of  the  systematist  as 
a  morphologist.  Again,  however,  there  is  little  doubt  that  strict 
morphologists  have  gone  to  extremes  where  systematists  have 
not  felt  justified  in  following.  The  theoretically  inclined 
morphologist,  in  particular,  is  an  unsafe  guide,  and  it  does  not 
take  long  to  reveal  that  his  work  is  too  much  in  a  state  of 
flux  to  furnish  the  solid  basis  needed  for  satisfactory  classi- 

The  author  in  several  places  warns  against  the  description  of 
species  being  mistaken  for  systematic  entomology.  It  may 
be  part  of  it,  but  the  lowest  part ;  what  is  needed  throughout 
is  improvement,  refinement,  of  classification,  in  other  words 
of  more  and  more  thorough  revisional  work.  Description  of 
species  is  necessitated  in  revisions  but  it  is  not  the  main  ob- 
jective, and,  paraphrasing  an  aphorism,  we  may  say  that  if 
systematists  will  lake  care  of  revisions,  species  will  take  care 
of  themselves.  Ferris  well  says  "The  writer  who  contributes 
to  the  genuine  knowledge  of  species  is  accomplishing  far  more 
than  one  who  merely  names  them." 

Within  the  limits  of  a  review  it  is  impossible  to  comment 
on  the  many  interesting  points  raised  in  Professor  Ferris'  book. 

66  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Feb.,  '29 

The  author  is  especially  qualified  to  write  upon  morphology 
as  applied  to  classification,  and  to  give  advice  on  entomological 
illustration.  His  insistence  upon  the  importance  of  adequate 
illustration  of  papers  on  systematic  entomology  is  not  too 
strong,  and  by  implication  condemns  the  requirement  of  num- 
erous entomological  publications  that  authors  pay  engraving 
costs,  a  practice  that  certainly  discourages  illustration.  The 
reprinting  in  the  book  of  the  International  Code  of  Nomen- 
clature (a  singularly  inaccessible  document)  and  of  the  Com- 
mittee decisions  pertinent  to  entomology  in  itself  should  result 
in  considerable  demand  for  the  work. 

Propositions  in  the  book,  with  which  the  reviewer  finds 
himself  more  or  less  in  disagreement  include  the  following. 
Ferris  thinks  all  data  of  every  kind  available  should  be  used 
in  connection  with  the  segregation  of  species;  the  reviewer 
would  urge  that  it  is  practicable  to  use  only  those  which  we 
have  uniformly  for  all  forms  in  the  group  being  revised.  His 
first  3  paragraphs  in  chapter  VI  practically  admit  this  conten- 
tion. Ferris  says  he  disagrees  with  the  reviewer  as  to  the 
necessity  of  being  satisfied  with  approximations  to  the  truth 
in  classificatory  work,  but  we  do  not  take  this  literally,  for 
however  much  the  approximations  are  refined,  they  remain 
approximations.  This  is  the  nature  of  science,  and  its  distinc- 
tion from  dogma.  The  author  says  also  he  does  not  agree  with 
the  reviewer's  ideas  on  naming  lower  than  specific  forms  of 
insects,  but  the  reasons  for  naming  them  are  the  same  as  in 
the  case  of  other  groups.  Lacking  a  name  knowledge  does  not 
accumulate.  The  varieties  of  today  are  the  species  of  tomor- 
row (see  Ferris  on  pyramiding,  p.  124).  As  to  criteria  for 
recognition  of  genera  and  higher  groups,  the  reviewer  would 
not  pay  much  attention  to  average  number  of  units  in  a  group, 
nor  to  "hollow  curves,"  but  would  urge  that  the  test  of  inter- 
gradation  be  applied  throughout  from  the  lowest  to  the  highest 
groups  in  making  decisions  as  to  what  should  be  united  and 
what  separated.  In  the  lower  categories  usually  it  is  the  condi- 
tion as  to  intergradation  of  single  characters,  that  we  must 
observe,  and,  in  the  higher,  of  combinations  of  characters. 

Upon  the  topic  of  the  training  of  systematists,  it  might  be 
added  that  usually  they  must  be  self-trained,  and  good  syste- 
matic work  requires  the  highest  talents.  In  this  final  chapter, 
particularly,  but  scattered  throughout  the  book,  Ferris  has  con- 
cisely stated  truths  and  cogent  criticisms  which  if  read  and 
incorporated  into  their  consciousness  by  systematists  cannot 
but  have  the  effect  of  improving  their  output  and  elevating  the 
standards  of  the  science. — W.  L.  McATEE. 


MARCH,  1929 


Vol.  XL  No.  3 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— Plate  II..  67 
Knight — Descriptions  of  Five  New  Species  of  Plagiognathus  from  North 

America  (Hemip.  :  Miridaej .  69 

Blatchley — Two  New  Heteroptera  from  Southern  California  (Cydnidae, 

Nabidae) 74 

Hallock — North  American  Predacious  Insects  Attacking  Japanese  Beetle 

Grubs  ( Popillia  japonica  Newman) 76 

Dr.  H.  B.  Hungerford 78 

Crosby— Studies  in  North  American  Spiders :  the  Genus  Cochlembolus 

(Araneina) 79 

Frost— Notes  on  Pennsylvania  Ortalidae  (Dipt.) 84 

Randolph — A  Calendar  of  Kansas  Butterflies 88 

Knight— Entomology  in  the  Literary  Supplements 92 

Entomological  Literature  .  .  93 

Doings,  of  Societies — Chicago  Entomological  Society ...  98 

Obituary — Prof.  Edwin  Eddy  Calder,  Dr.  Harrison  Gray  Dyar 99 


Logan  Square 

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Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
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•         •        » 

*'    '    •         • 




VOL.  XL.  MARCH,    1929  No.  3 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

II.     The  Los  Angeles  Museum,  Los  Angeles,  California. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  III.) 

One  of  the  most  imposing  buildings  in  Exposition  Park,  Los 
Angeles,  is  the  Museum  of  History,  Science  and  Art.  This 
Museum  was  formally  opened  on  November  6,  1913.  under 
county  financial  supervision.  Within  the  last  eight  years  the 
present  structure  (illustrated)  has  become  inadequate,  so  about 
two  years  ago  a  major  building  program  was  begun,  of  which 
two  units  have  been  constructed  and  which,  when  finally  com- 
pleted, will  make  this  Museum  one  of  the  largest  in  the  United 
States.  The  new  buildings  will  have  approximately  thirteen 
times  the  present  ground  area  and  will  cost  over  ten  million 
dollars.  The  construction  is  of  the  most  approved  type,  rein- 
forced concrete  throughout,  and  with  adequate  facilities  for 
modern  display  and  research. 

Although  the  Museum's  activities  cover  the  three  fields  of 
art,  science  and  history,  its  most  outstanding  collection,  from 
the  viewpoint  of  international  interest,  is  that  of  the  pleistocene 
remains  recovered  from  the  La  Brea  asphalt  beds  which  are 
within  the  city  limits.  It  is  estimated  that  this  collection  con- 
tains more  bone  material  than  is  found  in  all  the  combined 
museums  of  the  world. 

Of  interest  to  entomologists  is  the  collection  of  insect  remains 
found  in  the  La  Brea  pits.  Of  course,  the  crude  asphalt  has 
not  preserved  any  Lepidoptera,  but  occasionally  beetles  and 
other  hard  shelled  insects  are  found  in  fair  condition. 

The  Museum,  as  a  whole  (including  also  the  Otis  Art  Insti- 
tute and  Hancock  Park),  is  under  the  direction  of  Mr.  \Yilliam 
Bryan,  well  known  as  a  museum  executive  and  connoiseur  of 
art.  Before  assuming  the  directorship  of  the  Los  Angeles 
Museum,  Mr.  Bryan  had  filled  numerous  posts  in  public  service, 


68  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.  '29 

including  a  curatorship  with  the  Bishop  Museum  of  Honolulu. 
He  has  been  ably  supported  in  the  phenomenal  expansion  and 
development  of  the  Los  Angeles  Museum  by  the  County  Board 
of  Supervisors.  The  associate  directorship  of  the  Museum  is 
held  by  Dr.  John  A.  Comstock,  formerly  director  of  the  South- 
west Museum  (Los  Angeles),  and  all  departments  of  Natural 
Science  are  under  his  personal  guidance. 

Prof.  L.  J  Muchmore  is  in  charge  of  the  entomological  de- 
partment and  except  for  the  Lepidoptera  which  are  under  the 
supervision  of  Dr.  Comstock,  all  other  insects  are  in  his  care. 
Mr.  Muchmore  has  been  engaged  for  the  last  few  years  in 
bringing  the  Coleoptera  material  up  to  date.  The  collections  of 
Lepidoptera  include  those  of  Daggett,  Herr,  Albright,  Cool- 
edge  (Heterocera  only),  and  the  recently  acquired  Comstock 

Dr.  Comstock  is  well  known  for  his  work  on  western  diurnal 
Lepidoptera  and  for  his  recently  published  book,  "The  Butter- 
flies of  California",  which  has  taken  the  place  of  the  older 
publication,  W.  G.  Wright's  "Butterflies  of  the  West  Coast". 
Dr.  "J.  A."  was  born  Jan.  30,  1883,  in  Evanston,  Illinois,  and 
attended  public  high  school  there.  He  received  his  M.  A.  at 
Occidental  College,  Los  Angeles,  and  his  medical  degree 
through  the  College  of  Ost.  Phys.  &  Surg,  also  in  Los  Angeles. 

Since  1920,  he  has  been  editor  of  the  "Bulletin  of  the  So. 
Calif.  Acad.  of  Sciences".  He  began  collecting  about  1895 
and  with  his  brother,  Hurd  Comstock,  first  attended  an  ento- 
mological meeting  in  Chicago. 

The  Entomological  Department  of  the  Los  Angeles  Museum 
is  housed  on  the  third  floor  of  the  second  new  unit  and  occupies 
three  spacious  rooms.  Types  are  at  present  incorporated  in 
the  general  collection,  but  will  eventually  be  segregated  in  sep- 
arate steel  cabinets.  A  display  collection  of  insects,  chiefly 
Lepidoptera,  is  one  of  the  museum  features  and  is  used  exten- 
sively by  visiting  teachers  and  classes. 

The  Lorquin  Entom.  Society  is  affiliated  with  the  Museum 
and  holds  monthly  meetings  in  the  main  building.  This  organ- 
ization was  founded  by  Fordyce  Grinnell  and  was  for  a  time 
working  in  association  with  the  Southwest  Museum,  but  when 


that  institution  decided  to  limit  its  field  to  anthropology,  the 
Society  transferred  its  interests  to  the  Los  Angeles  Museum. 
Once  each  year  in  February  this  Cub  sponsors  a  "Butterfly 
Show"  which  is  held  in  the  Museum  and  creates  much  public 
interest  and  press  comment.  This  year  the  8th  Annual  Exhibit 
will  be  held. 

The  Museum  buildings  are  only  a  short  distance  from  the 
giant  Los  Angeles  Stadium  in  which  will  be  centered  most  of 
the  activities  of  the  Olympic  Games  in  1932.  At  that  time  it 
is  hoped  that  many  entomologists  will  take  the  opportunity  of 
visiting  Los  Angeles,  and  to  these  the  Museum  extends  a  most 
cordial  invitation  of  welcome. 

Descriptions  of  Five  New  Species  of  Plagiognathus 
from  North  America  (Hemip. :  Miridae).* 

By  HARRY  H.  KNIGHT,  Ames,  Iowa. 

Plagiognathus  salicicola  n.  sp. 

Runs  to  dclicatus  Uhler  in  my  key  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p. 
433),  but  easily  distinguished  by  the  larger  size  and  black  color 
markings ;  cuneus  black  with  all  margins  pale. 

$  .  Length  4.1  mm.,  width  1.5  mm.  Head:  width  .83  mm., 
vertex  .33  mm. ;  pale,  tylus  and  lora  black,  arcuate  mark  each 
side  of  frons  and  spot  each  side  above,  fuscous.  Rostrum, 
length  1.4  mm.,  extending  upon  middle  of  hind  coxae,  fuscous 
at  the  joints.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .27  mm.,  black, 
apex  pale;  II,  1.09  mm.,  pale,  base  and  apex  blackish;  III, 
.77  mm.,  pale  to  dusky ;  IV,  .45  mm.,  dusky.  Pronotum : 
length  .65  mm.,  width  at  base  1.26  mm. 

Clothed  with  pale  to  yellowish  simple  pubescence,  suberect 
and  moderately  prominent.  Color  blackish,  anterior  margin  of 
pronotum,  disk  behind  calli,  lower  half  of  propleura,  scutellum 
except  on  base,  along  claval  suture  and  radial  vein,  embolium, 
all  margins  of  cuneus,  xyphus,  sides  of  sternum,  epimcra.  and 
apical  area  of  genital  segment,  pale  to  yellowish.  Legs  pale, 
basal  half  of  coxae  largely  fuscous,  double  row  of  spots  on 
femora,  also  apically  on  posterior  aspect,  knees,  spots  and 
spines  on  tibiae,  black. 

9  .  Length  3.9  mm.,  width  1.7  mm;  very  similar  to  the  male 
in  pubescence  and  coloration  but  the  dorsum  somewhat  more 
broadly  pale. 

*Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology,  Io\va 
State  College,  Ames,  Iowa. 

70  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

Holotypc:  $  July  17,  1927,  St.  Mary's,  OHIO  (S.  A.  Wat- 
son) :  author's  collection.  Allotypc:  July  13,  1920,  Berrien  Co., 
MICHIGAN  (R.  F.  Hussey),  collected  on  Salix.  Paratypcs: 
$  ,  2  $  ,  July  19,  1925,  Ledges  State  Park,  Boone,  IOWA  (H.  H. 
Knight),  taken  on  Sali.v  Ion gi folia. 
PLAGIOGNATHUS  SALICICOLA  depallens  n.  var. 

Similar  in  structure  to  salicicola  but  differs  in  the  pale  color ; 
dorsum  uniformly  pale,  without  distinct  fuscous  markings  altho 
the  membrane  is  fuscous ;  antennae  inf uscated  like  the  typi- 
cal form  but  the  legs  with  spotting  somewhat  reduced ;  hind 
femora  with  a  spot  on  middle  and  a  group  of  smaller  spots  on 
apical  half. 

Holotypc:  $  August  2,  1924,  St.  Anthony  Park,  St.  Paul, 
MINNESOTA  (H.  H.  Knight);  author's  collection.  Paratypcs: 
5  9  ,  taken  with  the  type  on  Salix  sp.  12  $  $  ,  July  12,  1919, 
Hennepin  Co.,  Minnesota  (H.  H.  Knight),  taken  on  Sali.v 
longifolia.  $  July  8,  1921,  St.  Paul,  Minn.  (H.  H.  Knight), 
taken  at  light.  10  $  $  July  11,  1923,  Red  Rock,  Ramsey  Co., 
Minnesota  (H.  H.  Knight),  on  Sali.v  longifolia.  IOWA— 
53$  July  19,  1925,  Ledges  State  Park,  Boone  (H.  H. 
Knight),  taken  on  Sali.v  longifolia  where  the  species  was 
breeding.  2  $  July  26,  1928,  Ames,  Iowa  (H.  H.  Knight),  on 
Sali.v  longifolia. 


This  species  was  originally  described  as  a  variety  of  P.  albo- 
notatus  Kngt  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p.  437),  but  with  the  accu- 
mulation of  considerable  material  since  1923,  it  is  evident  that 
tinctns  is  a  valid  species.  We  have  found  it  breeding  on  sand 
bar  willow  (Sali.v  longifolia},  the  same  host  as  the  above  de- 
scribed salicicola  but  it  may  be  readily  separated  by  the  fuscous 
to  blackish  scutellum  combined  with  a  pale  to  reddish  cuneus. 

Dcbilis  Blatchley  is  a  color  form  of  tinctns  Kngt.,  it  being 
the  common  phase  of  the  species  in  the  Mississippi  valley  region. 
J  found  it  particularly  abundant  in  Minnesota  breeding  on  sand 
bar  willow.  Typical  tinctns  has  reddish  appearing  in  the  pale 
cuneus  and  occurs  as  might  be  expected,  in  the  cooler  and 
higher  elevations  of  its  range,  especially  Pennsylvania,  but  1 
have  also  taken  it  in  Minnesota. 

Plagiognathus  shepherdiae  n.  sp. 

Pale  and  marked  with  black;  color  pattern  suggestive  of 
Phyllopidca  picta  (Uhl.)  but  distinguished  by  the  longer  ros- 
trum and  so'ft  pale  pubescence. 


$  .  Length  4.5  mm.,  width  1.6  mm.  Head:  width  .87  mm., 
vertex  .38  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.38  mm.,  reaching  upon  mid- 
dle of  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .30  mm.,  pale, 
base  and  two  setigerous  points  on  apical  half  black;  II,  1.27 
mm.,  pale  to  greenish  yellow,  base  and  more  widely  on  apex 
blackish;  III,  .77  mm.,  fuscous;  IV,  .42  mm.,  fuscous.  Pro- 
notum:  length  .64  mm.,  width  at  base  1.29  mm. 

Clothed  with  soft  pale  pubescence.  Ground  color  pale  to 
yellowish,  four  spots  on  front  of  vertex,  transverse  marks 
each  side  of  frons,  apex  and  bivittate  mark  on  basal  half  of 
tylus,  tip  of  rostrum,  calli,  more  or  less  transversely  on  basal 
half  of  pronotal  disk  and  sometimes  extending  forward  to 
outer  margin  of  callus,  middle  of  mesoscutum  and  sometimes 
extending  on  base  of  scutellum,  clavus  except  rather  broadly 
along  claval  vein,  claval  suture,  corium  except  rather  broadly 
along  radial  vein  and  extending  to  apex,  central  area  of  cuneus, 
coxal  cleft  above,  central  area  of  propleura,  sternum,  and 
venter  more  or  less,  fuscous  to  black.  Legs  pale,  anterior 
aspect  of  femora  with  double  row  of  prominent  spots,  posterior 
aspect  also  with  incomplete  rows,  and  dorsal  margin  with  line 
on  apical  half,  black ;  knees,  tibial  spines  and  spots  at  base 
also  black.  Membrane  fuscous,  paler  bordering  the  white  veins. 

9  .  Length  4  mm.,  width  1.6  mm.  Head:  width  .83  mm., 
vertex  .41  mm.  Antennae :  segment  I,  length  .29  mm. ;  II, 
.98  mm.;  Ill,  .61  mm.;  IV,  .37  mm.  Pronotum :  length  .62 
mm.,  width  at  base  1.24  mm.  More  robust  than  the  male  but 
very  similar  in  coloration ;  membrane  paler,  the  heavy  infusca- 
tion  reduced  to  an  irregular  transverse  band,  and  between  and 
within  the  central  areas  of  larger  areoles. 

Holotypc:  $  August  12,  1925,  Pagosa  Springs,  COLORADO 
(H.  11.  Knight);  author's  collection.  Allot  ypcs  same  data  as 
type.  Paratypes :  22  $  9  ,  taken  with  the  types  on  buffalo  berry 
(Shephcrdia  argent ca  Nutt.)  on  which  the  species  was  breed- 
ing. 11  $  9  Aug.  13,  1925,  Mancos,  Colorado  (H.  H.  Knight), 
taken  on  the  same  host. 


Very  similar  in  structure  to  shcphcrdiac  but  differs  greatly 
in  color  aspect;  uniformly  pale,  antennae  and  legs  marked 
\\ith  black  as  in  shepherdiae  but  without  black  line  forming 
above  on  femora;  frons  above  with  four  dusky  spots  but  other 
markings  obsolete;  cuneus  sometimes  dusky  on  middle,  mem- 
brane uniformly  pale  fumate.  Clothed  with  soft  pale  pubes- 

72  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

$.  Length  3.8  mm.  Head:  width  .86  mm.,  vertex  .385 
mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .29  mm.;  II,  1.15  mm.;  Ill, 
.74  mm. ;  IV,  .45  mm.  Pronotum :  length  .59  mm.,  width  at 
base  1.21  mm.  Female  very  similar  to  the  male  in  size  and 

Holotypc:  $  July  24,  1927,  Kennebec,  SOUTH  DAKOTA  (H. 
H.  Knight)  ;  author's  collection.  Allotypc:  same  data  as  type. 
Parat\pcs:  16$  225,  taken  with  the  types  on  buffalo  berry 
(Shcphcrdia  argcntea  Nutt.),  but  the  fruit  of  these  plants  was 
yellow  and  not  dark  red  like  the  Colorado  plants  which  have 
been  determined  as  the  same  species. 

It  seems  rather  significant  that  not  a  single  specimen  of  the 
good  series  obtained,  varies  toward  the  dark  color  pattern  of 
the  typical  shepkerdiae  from  Colorado.  Perhaps  the  form 
here  described  represents  a  race  or  subspecies,  but  it  will  take 
time  and  more  work  before  we  can  be  sure  of  the  status  of 
such  closely  related  forms. 

Plagiognathus  luteus  n.  sp. 

Distinguished  by  the  uniformly  orange-yellow  color;  first 
antennal  segment,  base  and  apex  of  segment  II,  line  on  dorsal 
margin  of  apical  half  of  hind  femora,  knees  and  spots  on  tibiae, 
black ;  membrane  uniformly  pale  fumate,  veins  of  the  same 
deep  orange-yellow  as  the  corium  and  cuneus.  Tibial  spines 
fuscous  to  black ;  tarsi  apically,  last  two  antennal  segments 
and  tip  of  rostrum,  fuscous. 

$  .  Length  3.8  mm.,  width  1.3  mm.  Head:  width  .70  mm., 
vertex  .31  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.3  mm.,  reaching  to  middle 
of  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .26  mm.;  II, 
1.12  mm.;  Ill,  .59  mm.;  IV,  .33  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .52 
mm.,  width  at  base  1.06  mm. 

9  .  Length  3.2  mm.,  width  1.5  mm.  Head:  width  .68  mm., 
vertex  .34  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .25  mm.;  II,  .95 
mm.;  Ill,  .52  mm.;  IV,  .31  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .49  mm., 
width  at  base  1.1  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  coloration 
and  pubescence. 

Holotypc:  $  June  12,  1925,  Williams,  ARIZONA  (A.  A. 
Nichol)  ;  author's  collection.  Allotype:  same  data  as  the  type. 
r<inilyf>cs:  165  19,  taken  with  the  types  on  Berbcris  fre- 
montn  which  is  the  host  plant.  Mr.  Nichol  states :  "Recalling 
the  yellow  species  of  which  there  was  a  good  series  taken  on 


barberry  at  Williams,  it  may  be  of  interest  to  know  that  the 
color  of  the  flower  and  insect  not  only  closely  agreed,  but  the 
outer  layer  of  the  cambium  is  also  that  shade  of  yellow." 

Plagiognathus  tenellus  n.  sp. 

Distinguished  by  the  uniformly  pale  yellowish  color,  rather 
broad  head  and  prominent  eyes.  Antennae  yellowish  brown, 
last  two  segments  dark  brown  to  fuscous.  Hind  femora  with 
five  or  six  setigerous  fuscous  dots  subapically  on  anterior  face ; 
tibial  spines  prominent,  black,  with  small  fuscous  spots  at  base. 
Membrane  unformly  pale  fuscous.  Clothed  with  prominent, 
simple,  pale  yellowish  pubescence.  Left  genital  clasper  rather 
prominent  for  the  genus,  forming  a  small  lobe  distally,  the 
dorsal  margin  forming  an  arcuate  line. 

cJ  .  Length  3.8  mm.,  width  1.4  mm.  Head:  width  .89  mm., 
vertex  .31  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.14,  scarcely  attaining  hind 
margins  of  middle  coxae.  Antennae :  segment  I,  length  .25 
mm.;  II,  1.2  mm.;  Ill,  .86  mm.;  IV,  .35  mm.  Pronotum : 
length  .61  mm.,  width  at  base  1.27  mm. 

$  .  Length  3.6  mm.,  width  1.6  mm.  Head:  width  .86  mm., 
vertex  .40  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .24  mm.;  II,  1.03 
mm.;  Ill,  .80  mm.;  IV,  .41  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .59  mm., 
width  at  base  1.3  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  pubescence 
and  coloration. 

Holotypc:  £  August  2,  1917,  top  of  Bright  Angel  trail, 
Grand  Canyon,  ARIZONA  (H.  H.  Knight)  ;  author's  collection. 
Allotypc:  taken  with  the  type.  Paratypcs:  12  $  $  ,  taken  with 
the  types.  36  $  $  June  20,  1928,  alt.  6200  ft.,  Chiricahua  Mts., 
ARIZONA  (A.  A.  Nichol).  Mr.  Nichol  reports  the  species  as 
breeding  on  Philadclphus  rugosus. 

Plagiognathus  phoradendronae  n.  sp. 

Pale  greenish  yellow,  more  greenish  on  thorax,  hemelytra 
yellowish  translucent,  tinged  with  dusky  apically  on  corium. 
Membrane  pale,  anal  area,  apically  within  areoles,  and  trans- 
verse cloud  just  behind  areoles,  dusky  to  fuscous.  Legs  un- 
spotted, tibial  spines  pale  to  yellowish.  Head  rather  short  and 
broad  for  the  genus. 

$  .  Length  2.8  mm.,  width  1.2  mm.  Head:  width  .74  mm., 
vertex  .33  mm.  Rostrum,  length  .83  mm.,  just  attaining  hind 
margins  of  intermediate  coxae.  Antennae :  segment  I,  length 
.16  mm.;  II,  .90  mm.,  thickness  about  equal  to  segment  I, 
clothed  with  rather  prominent  fuscous  pubescence;  III,  .40 
mm.;  IV,  .35  mm.;  greenish  yellow,  last  two  segments  beooni- 

74  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

ing  fuscous.     Pronotum:  length  .47  mm.,  width  at  base  1.06 

Length  2.8  mm.,  width  1.2  mm.  Head:  width  .71  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .16  mm.;  II, 
.75  mm.;  Ill,  .41  mm.;  IV,  .29  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .445 
mm.,  width  at  base  1.03  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  color- 
ation and  pubescence. 

Holotypc:  $  June  20,  1928,  Chirichaua  Mts.,  ARIZONA  (A. 
A.  Nichol)  ;  author's  collection.  Allotypc:  same  data  as  the 
type.  Paratypes :  IS  $  5  ,  taken  with  the  types  on  mistletoe 
(Phoradcndron  macro phyllum}  where  the  species  was  breeding. 

Two  New  Heteroptera  from  Southern  California 
(Cydnidae,  Nabidae). 

By  W.  S.  BLATCHLEY,  Indianapolis,  Indiana. 
Among  the  100  and  more  species  of  Heteroptera  taken  by 
the  writer  in  the  vicinity  of  Los  Angeles,  California,  between 
November  25,  1927,  aand  March  15,  1928,  were  four  which 
are  apparently  new  to  science.  Two  of  these,  belonging  to 
the  family  Lygaeidae,  will  soon  be  described  by  Prof.  H.  G. 
Barber.  The  other  two  are  described  in  the  present  paper. 
The  types  of  both  are  in  the  writer's  collection. 

Pangaeus  californicus,  n.  sp. 

Broadly  oval,  subdepressed.  Dark  chestnut-brown  to  piceous- 
black;  membrane  whitish-hyaline;  tarsi  and  joints  4  and  5  of 
antennae  pale  reddish-brown.  Head  declivent,  as  broad  across 
eyes  as  front  margin  of  pronotum,  without  an  anteapical  spine- 
beset  groove ;  cheeks  each  with  four  or  five  erect  bristles  and 
two  broad  sub-transverse  ridges,  the  intervals  between  the 
ridges  very  finely  indistinctly  punctate ;  vertex  almost  smooth. 
Beak  reaching  middle  coxae.  Antennae  reaching  basal  third 
of  pronotum;  joint  1  cylindrical;  2  more  slender,  subclavate, 
one-fourth  longer  than  3,  the  latter  stouter,  also  subclavate; 
4  and  5  still  stouter,  subfusiform,  densely  clothed  with  fine 
very  short  yellowish  pubescence,  4  slightly  the  longer.  Pro- 
notum with  the  usual  subapical  transverse  impression  of  the 
genus  very  feeble  and  without  visible  punctures  at  middle ; 
submedian  transverse  impression  also  ill  defined  and  with  a 
single  irregular  row  of  fine  punctures ;  disk  of  pronotum  other- 
wise almost  smooth,  the  front  lobe  the  more  convex;  front 


angles  broadly  rounded,  hind  angles  subrectangular,  side  mar- 
gins each  with  9  or  10  erect,  evenly  spaced  bristles.  Scutellum 
a  nearly  equilateral  triangle,  its  sides  strongly  converging  from 
base  to  the  narrowly  rounded  apex ;  disk  with  basal  third 
smooth,  feebly  elevated,  apical  two-thirds  coarsely,  sparsely 
irregularly  punctate.  Elytra  with  membrane  slightly  surpass- 
ing tip  of  abdomen;  costal  margins  of  basal  half  each  with 
three  bristle-bearing  punctures;  oitfer  margin  of  clavus  with 
a  single  regular  row  of  coarse  punctures,  these  obsolete  toward 
"apex ;  corium  with  a  single  row  of  finer  punctures  along  inner 
margin  and  a  few  irregular  ones  on  basal  third,  otherwise 
wholly  smooth.  Under  surface  dark  chestnut-brown,  smooth, 
strongly  shining.  Length,  9.3-10  mm. ;  width,  4.8-5  mm. 

Type  a  female  taken  January  10,  1928,  from  beneath  a  stone 
in  a  small  semi-desert  area  near  Sunland,  Los  Angeles  County, 
CALIFORNIA.  Other  unnamed  specimens  are  in  the  Museum 
of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences  labelled  "San  Diego, 
Cal.,  IV-8  and  Coldwater  Canyon,  Los  Angeles  Co.,  Cal.,  X-4." 
This  species  is  most  closely  allied  to  P.  discrcpans  Uhl.,  from 
which  it  differs  in  its  larger  size,  lack  of  punctures  or  distinct 
groove  behind  apex  of  pronotum,  much  fewer  and  more  regu- 
larly placed  bristles  on  cheeks  and  along  side  margins  of  pro- 
notum and  elytra,  smoother  disks  of  pronotum  and  corium, 
etc.  The  length  of  discrcpans  is  6.5-8  mm. ;  there  are  on  head 
about  10  erect  bristles  on  each  cheek,  18  or  20  similar  bristles 
along  each  side  margin  of  pronotum  and  7  to  9  on  each  costal 
margin  of  elytra ;  the  corium  there  has  two  rows  of  punctures 
along  inner  margin  and  numerous  much  smaller  punctures 
scattered  irregularly  over  the  entire  surface. 

P.  discrcpans,  and  especially  calif ornicus,  differ  from  P. 
bilincatus  (Say),  our  most  widely  distributed  and  best  known 
species,  in  the  vagueness  or  absence  of  the  anteapical  groove 
of  pronotum,  and  the  generic  keys  at  present  extant  in  North 
American  literature  in  which  the  presence  of  this  groove  is 
the  primary  character  used,  will  either  have  to  be  modified  or 
a  new  genus  erected  for  these  two  species. 

Nabis  edax  n.  sp. 

Elongate,  slender.  Color  a  nearly  uniform  bright  straw-yel- 
low, moderately  shining;  a  stripe  on  sides  of  head  behind  the 
eyes,  collar  and  a  very  narrow  median  stripe  on  pronotum, 

76  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

median  stripe  slightly  widened  posteriorly  on  scutellum,  ex- 
treme tip  of  commissure,  and  a  stripe  on  the  side  of  meso- 
sternum,  purplish-black ;  membrane  slightly  dusky,  a  very  small 
fuscous  spot  on  the  margins  each  side  of  middle ;  outer  face 
of  hind  femora  with  a  row  of  minute  fuscous  dots ;  tarsal 
claws  piceous.  Antennae  very  slender,  minutely  bristly-pubes- 
cent, joint  1  as  long  as  head,  2  twice  as  long  as  1,  one-fifth 
longer  than  3,  its  tip  f usceus ;  4  two-fifths  the  length  of  3. 
Pronotum  subcampanulate,  the  postapical  and  submedian  con- 
strictions broad  but  prominent,  surface  smooth.  Elytra  with 
sides  parallel  to  apical  fourth,  thence  curved  into  the  broadly 
rounded  tips ;  commissure  and  apex  of  corium  subequal  in 
length,  the  latter  straight,  diagonal,  longer  than  scutellum ;  disk 
of  elytra  minutely,  indistinctly  rather  sparsely  pubescent.  Con- 
nexivum  narrowly  exposed,  the  incisures  between  the  seg- 
ments each  with  a  very  small  fuscous  spot.  Membranes  slightly 
surpassing  tip  of  abdomen.  Femora  unarmed  beneath ;  hind 
ones  very  slender,  one-half  longer  than  middle  pair.  Abdomen 
thickly,  very  finely  pubescent.  Genital  segment  of  male  scoop- 
shaped  and  with  a  broad  median  lengthwise  groove.  Length, 
6.5  mm. ;  width,  2  mm. 

Type  a  male,  taken  December  6,  1927,  by  sifting  debris  be- 
neath a  pile  of  matted  grass  in  Hancock  Park,  Los  Angeles, 
CALIFORNIA.  Differs  from  all  our  other  described  species  in  its 
nearly  uniform  pale  color,  relative  length  of  the  very  slender 
antennal  segments,  etc. 

North  American  Predacious  Insects  Attacking 
Japanese  Beetle  Grubs  (Popillia  japonica  Newman). 

(Coleop. :  Scarabaeidae,  Carabidae  ;  Dipt.:  Tabanidae,  Therevidae, 


By  HAROLD  C.  HALLOCK,  Associate  Entomologist,  U.  S.  Dept. 
of  Agri.,  Bureau  of  Entomology. 

There  has  been  considerable  doubt  as  to  whether  North 
American  insects  were  helping  to  reduce  the  numbers  of  the 
Japanese  bettle  in  this  country.  In  order  that  this  question 
might  be  answered,  at  least  in  part,  extensive  surveys  were 
made  during  the  seasons  of  1923  to  1925,  inclusive.  The  work 

*Contribution  No.  49,  Japanese  Beetle  Research  Laboratory,  Moores- 
town,  New  Jersey. 


reported  in  this  paper  was  confined  to  a  few  species  of  Caru- 
bidae,  Tabanidae,  Asilidae,  and  Therevidae,  in  their  relation- 
ship to  Japanese  beetle  grubs. 

During  the  three  years  mentioned,  work  was  done  at  ten 
locations  near  the  Japanese  Beetle  Laboratory  in  the  center  of 
the  infested  area.  These  stations  were  about  one  mile  apart, 
and  were  all  in  meadow  land.  At  each  station  several  plots  of 
one  foot  square  were  examined  to  a  depth  of  eight  inches 
about  once  a  week,  and  the  insect  population  noted.  As  exam- 
inations of  plots  farther  from  the  Laboratory  but  within  the 
infested  area  revealed  insect  populations  similar  to  those  of  the 
ten  stations,  further  work  was  carried  on  only  at  the  latter. 
All  predacious  insects  found  which  might  be  connected  with  the 
reduction  of  the  numbers  of  Japanese  beetles  were  reared  in 
the  Laboratory,  and  Japanese  beetle  grubs  were  used  as  food 
during  the  rearing  of  these  insects. 


Carabidac.  The  larvae  of  Har pal  us  pennsylvanicus  DeG. 
were  found  throughout  the  central  Japanese  beetle  area.  Other 
species  of  Carabid  larvae  were  observed  occasionally,  but  were 
never  abundant.  There  was  an  average  of  one  Carabid  larva  to 
every  twelve  square  feet  of  sod  land  examined.  When  placed 
in  soil  with  a  Japanese  beetle  grub,  the  H.  pennsyk'anicns 
larva  immediately  attacked  the  grub,  pierced  the  skin  with  its 
mandibles,  and  made  a  small  hole  through  which  the  body 
fluids  were  extracted.  In  captivity  the  average  number  of 
grubs  killed  and  their  body  fluid  consumed  was  one  every 
two  days. 


Tabanidae.  The  larvae  of  Tabatnts  costalis  \Yied.  were  ob- 
served from  June  15  to  August  20  in  fairly  dry  soil.  During 
the  spring  and  fall  months  they  were  found  only  along  the  edge 
of  streams,  but  when  they  became  larger  in  the  summer  they 
were  observed  to  occur  about  one  to  every  14  square  feet  of 
soil  examined,  as  far  as  200  feet  from  the  streams.  Jap- 
anese beetle  grubs  were  also  numerous  at  these  localities. 
Tabanus  costalis  larvae  fed  readily  upon  grubs,  and  reached 

78  ENTOMOLOGICAL  XEXVS  [Mar..    2 

the  adult  stage  in  caption-  even  when  they  were  kept  in  soil 
that  contained  only  an  average  proportion  of  moisture. 

Thernndae.  The  larvae  of  Psiloceplwla  haemorrhfndalis 
Macq.  are  very  hardy  and  are  easily  reared  in  captivity.  They 
were  found  throughout  the  central  Japanese  beetle  area,  and 
occurred  at  the  rate  of  about  one  to  even*  five  square  feet  of 
soil  examined.  The  ThereA-id  larvae  attack  grubs  very  readily. 
and  in  several  cases  were  observed  to  puncture  the  skin  of  a 
grub  with  their  mandibles  and  to  insert  the  head  in  the  wound 
so  that  they  could  obtain  the  body  fluids.  In  captivity  they 
killed  more  grubs  than  the  Carabids.  but  they  often  leave  the 
dead  grubs  after  sucking  out  only  part  of  the  body  fluids. 

Asilidac.  The  average  number  of  Asilid  larvae  in  the  open 
field  is  generally  about  the  same  as  that  of  the  Therevid  lar- 
vae, but  they  are  more  difficult  to  rear  in  captivity  than  the 
larvae  of  either  Tabanus  costalis  or  Psilocephala  hacmorrhoi- 
dalis.  The  Asilid  larvae  were  very  abundant  in  one  field  which 
had  been  in  sod  for  many  years.  Thirty-four  were  found 
during  part  of  one  day  while  the  field  was  being  plowed.  Jap- 
anese beetle  and  other  Scarabaeid  grubs  were  also  plentiful  in  the 
same  field.  Although  only  a  small  percentage  of  the  Asilid 
larvae  which  were  collected  reached  maturity,  several  speci- 
mens of  Era.r  aestuans  Linn,  and  of  Onunatius  marginclln-s 
Fab.  were  reared  with  Japanese  beetle  grubs  as  food. 


All  the  insects  mentioned  are  predators,  and  will  undoubt- 
edly feed  upon  weaker  predators  as  readily  as  upon  herbivorous 
insects.  They  do  some  good.  but.  so  far.  they  have  never  been 
found  numerous  enough  in  the  field  to  have  any  noticeable 
effect  upon  the  numbers  of  the  Japanese  beetle. 

Dr.  H.  B.  HUXGERFORD,  state  entomologist  and  head  of  the 
department  of  entomology  at  the  University  of  Kansas,  has 
returned  from  an  eight-months'  visit  to  Europe,  as  collaborator 
for  the  Smithsonian  Institution,  where  he  went  for  the  purpose 
of  comparing  insects  in  the  University  of  Kansas  collection 
with  the  tvpe  collections  in  the  older  museums  of  Europe. — 
Science..  Jan.  18,  1929. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOL-  '9 

Studies  in  North  American  Spiders :  the  Genus 

Cochlembolus    Ananeina  . 
By  C.  R.  CROSBY.  Cornell  University.   Ithaca.  X.  Y. 

(Plate  IV 

T\pe:  Dismodicns  alpinus  Bank- 

Related  to  Sfircmbolus  and  Toricmbolus  by  the  spiral  form 
of  the  tail-piece  and  middle  part  of  the  embolv-  ned 

from  Spircmbolus  by  the  cephalic  pits  in  the  male  and  from 
Tortcmbolus  by  the  shorter  apophysis  on  the  tibia  of  male 
palpus.  The  type  of  this  genii:-  was  placed  by  Banks  in  Dismo- 
dicus  to  which  it  is  not  closely  related.  The  American  repre- 
sentative of  Disiiwdicus  is.  as  pointed  out  by  Simon  in  1884 
CAr.  Fr.  5:568).  Lophocarcnum  a.  .datum  Emertor..  a 

species  very  closely  related  to  D.  bifrons  Black  wall,  its  type. 

The  first  three  species  here  included  in  the  genus  have  been 
carefully  studied  and  there  is  no  doubt  that  they  form  a  clc - 
related  natural  group.    I  have  also  included  Lc ;  i     - 

nalc  Emerton.  the  type  of  which  I  studied  in  the  Museurr 
Comparative   Zoology   at    Cambridge.      The   drawing-      ;    the 
palpus  which  I  had  made  at  that  time  clearly  indicate  its  close 
relationship  to  the  other  three  spec: 


Dismodicns  alpinus  Bank>.    Can.  Ent.  28:63.  1896^ 

Lophocarcnum  alf  Emerton.     Conn.  Acad.   Sci.  Trn:  - 

14:190.  pi.  3.  fig.  3.  1909. 

Xot    Lopho  :    Erne"'  'nn.    Aca<". 

Trans.  20:150.  pi.  2.  fig.  7.     I    .: 

Tortcmbo'.  rosby.  in  Chamberlin  Calif.  Ac.    5 

Proc.  14:115.  1925. 

Length.  2  mm.     Cephalothorax  gray  with  the  cephalic 
lobe  pale,   dusky  behind.      Cephalothorax 

elongate,  the  -  ly  rounded,  rou-  nt.  the 

clypeus  protruding:  viewe  e  side,  gradually  ascending 

and   very   gently   arched   over  the   thorax   to   the   b:.  the 

cephalic  lobe  which     -  ded  above  and  leaning 

ward,  clothed  above  and  in  front  with  hairs  directed  forward 
and  downward.    Ocular  area  and  clvpeus  slantin.L.  :;rd.  the 

latter  protruding  and  strongly  convex. 

80  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

Posterior  eyes  in  a  straight  line,  the  median  borne  under  the 
base  of  the  cephalic  lobe,  separated  by  more  than  the  diameter 
and  from  the  lateral  by  less  than  the  diameter.  Anterior  eyes 
in  a  very  gently  procurved  line,  the  median  smaller  than  the 
lateral  and  almost  touching,  separated  from  the  lateral  by  nearly 
twice  the  diameter.  Median  ocular  area  convex  and  thickly 
clothed  with  hairs  directed  forward  and  downward.  Cephalic 
pits  small  and  placed  in  deep  furrows. 

Chelicerae  dusky  orange  yellow.  Sternum  and  labrum  nearly 
black.  Endites  dusky.  Legs  pale  yellowish.  Abdomen  gray. 
Epigastric  plates  very  finely  striate. 

Femur  of  palpus  rather  short  and  thick,  straight.  Patella 
long,  nearly  straight  and  almost  as  thick  as  the  femur.  Ratio 
of  length  o'f  femur  to  that  of  patella  as  25  to  16.  Tibia  rather 
stout  basally,  armed  above  with  two  strong  spines,  the  dorsal 
margin  armed  with  two  teeth,  the  mesal  one  black  and  strongly 
incurved,  the  lateral  one  broad,  thin  and  quadrate,  the  two 
separated  by  a  deep  rounded  fissure.  The  cymbium  strongly 
angulate  dorsally  at  base.  Paracymbium  broad,  thin,  with  a 
short  hook  at  tip.  Bezel  very  high,  thin,  semitransparent  with  a 
rounded  margin.  The  embolic  division  of  the  strongly  spiral 
type.  The  tail-piece  at  apex  broad  and  flat,  the  middle  turn 
apparently  doubled,  the  embolus  long  and  slender  making  one 
complete  turn  around  the  tip  of  the  bulb. 

$  .  Length.  2.25  mm.  Similar  to  male  but  with  the  head 
normal.  Cephalothorax  viewed  from  above  rounded  on  the  sides 
with  a  shallow  but  distinct  constriction  at  the  cervical  groove, 
broadly  rounded  across  the  front ;  viewed  from  the  side  rather 
steeply  ascending  behind  and  rounded  over  the  head,  highest 
back  of  the  eyes.  Clypeus  slightly  protruding  and  gently  con- 
vex. Posterior  eyes  in  a  slightly  recurved  line,  equal,  separated 
by  a  little  less  than  the  diameter  and  a  little  nearer  to  the  lat- 
eral. Anterior  eyes  in  a  very  gently  recurved  line,  the  median 
smaller  than  the  lateral,  almost  touching  and  separated  from 
the  lateral  by  less  than  the  diameter. 

Epigynum  presents  a  median  hour-glass  shaped  pale  area. 
On  each  side  of  this  the  integument  is  thickened  and  nearly 
black  bearing  the  openings  midway  from  front  to  back.  On 
the  front  margin  is  a  low  but  distinct  black  semicircular  median 
tooth  formed  from  the  thickened  upturned  anterior  margin  of 
the  epigynum. 

Type  locality.    Mt.  Washington,  N.  H. 

MEW  HAMPSHIRE:  Summit  of  Mt.  Washington,  6000  ft., 
Aug.  19,  1925,  4c5  15$.  WYOMING:  Summit  of  Mt.  Wash- 
burn,  Yellowstone  Park,  10,300  ft.,  Aug.  30,  1927,  1  $  . 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NKNVS  81 

Cochlembolus  sanctus  n.  sp. 

$.  Length,  1.8  mm.  Cephalothorax  dusky  brown;  the 
clypeus  and  the  eye  area  paler,  the  cephalic  lobe  pale  dusky 
behind,  the  median  line  and  a  diagonal  line  extending  inward 
and  backward  from  the  anterior  lateral  angle  darker.  Cephalo- 
thorax viewed  from  above  rounded  on  the  sides  posteriorly, 
the  sides  converging  towards  the  front  and  slightly  concave 
at  the  cervical  groove,  obtusely  pointed  in  front ;  viewed  from 
the  side,  rather  low  and  gently  ascending  to  the  base  of  the 
cephalic  lobe  where  there  is  a  slight  depression,  cephalic  lobe 
rather  high  and  rounded  over  the  top,  highest  in  front  of  the 
middle,  the  whole  face  slanting  forward,  clypeus  protruding 
and  strongly  convex  towards  the  margin.  Cephalic  lobe  divided 
by  a  shallow  median  groove,  clothed  in  front  with  hairs  directed' 
downward  and  outward.  Cephalic  pit  small,  circular,  in  a 
shallow  groove. 

Posterior  eyes  in  a  slightly  recurved  line,  equal,  the  median 
separated  by  less  than  the  diameter  and  from  the  lateral  by 
more  than  the  diameter.  Anterior  eyes  in  a  gently  procurved 
line,  the  median  a  little  smaller  than  the  lateral,  almost  touch- 
ing and  separated  from  the  lateral  by  a  little  more  than  the 
diameter.  Chelicerae  yellow  orange.  Sternum  and  labium  dark 
gray.  Endites  honey  yellow  lightly  suffused  with  gray  especially 
across  the  middle.  Legs  and  palpi  light  yellow,  the  coxae  dusky 
below.  Abdomen  gray.  Epigastric  plates  coarsely  striate. 

Femur  of  palpus  nearly  straight,  rather  thick.  Patella 
long  and  broader  than  the  femur,  straight.  Ratio  of  length  of 
femur  to  that  of  patella  as  24  to  17.  Tibia  rather  long,  armed 
near  base  with  a  stout  dorsal  spine,  the  mesal  margin  diagonally 
truncate,  smooth  with  a  short  blunt  tooth  curved  forward  on  the 
dorsal  angle.  In  dorsal  view  the  tibia  is  narrower  at  base  and 
then  gradually  widened  on  the  mesal  side  and  abruptly  widened 
laterally,  the  swelling  so  formed  thickly  clothed  with  stiff  hairs 
directed  forward,  the  dorsal  margin  obliquely  truncate  with 
the  mesal  angle  armed  with  two  short  black  incurved  teeth.  Para- 
cymbium  small  and  strongly  curved.  Tegulum  deeply  exca- 
vated on  the  mesal  side  for  the  reception  of  the  tail-piece  of 
the  embolic  division,  the  bezel  very  high  and  extended  forward 
as  a  quadrate  membraneous  plate.  The  embolic  division  of  the 
spiral  type,  the  tail-piece  thin  and  coiled  with  two  turns,  the 
embolus  whip-lash  in  form  and  making  a  complete  turn  around 
the  tip  of  the  bulb. 

Holotypc  male,  in  the  Cornell  University  Collection. 
UTAH:    St.  Johns,  Oct.  8,  1927.    46    (  K.  V.  Chamberlin). 



Cochlembolus  sacer  n.  sp. 

$.  Length,  1.7  mm.  Cephalothorax  dusky  yellow  orange 
with  darker  radiating  lines  ;  viewed  from  above  rounded  on  the 
sides  posteriorly,  the  sides  nearly  straight  and  converging 
towards  the  front,  clypeus  protuding,  rounded;  viewed  from 
the  side,  ascending  evenly  to  the  top  of  the  cephalic  lobe  which 
is  rounded  on  top  and  in  front  and  separated  from  the  ocular 
area  by  a  transverse  groove.  Ocular  area  and  clypeus  slanting 
strongly  forward  in  a  straight  line.  Clypeus  strongly  convex. 
Cephalic  lobe  clothed  in  front  with  numerous  stiff  hairs  directed 
forward-  and  downward.  Median  ocular  area  clothed  with 
shorter  hairs.  Cephalic  pit  small. 

Posterior  eyes  in  a  slightly  recurved  line,  equidistant,  sep- 
arated by  the  diameter.  Anterior  eyes  in  a  slightly  procurved 
line,  the' median  smaller  than  the  lateral,  almost  touching  and 
separated  from  the  lateral  by  more  than  the  diameter.  Cheli- 
cerae  orange  yellow.  Sternum  gray  over  orange  yellow,  darker 
along  the  edge.  Endites  the  same  color  but  without  the  gray. 
Legs  and  palpi  orange  yellow.  Abdomen  gray. 

Femur  of  palpus  nearly  straight.  Patella  broader  distally 
and  gently  curved  downward.  Ratio  of  length  of  femur  to  that 
of  patella  as  19  to  13.  Tibia  in  dorsal  view  gradually  widened 
distally  with  a  sharp  tooth  on  the  mesal  half  which  is  separated 
by  a  deep  rounded  notch  from  the  broader  rounded  lateral 
part.  Tibia  armed  dorsally  with  a  row  of  four  stiff  hairs.  Tibia 
in  mesal  view  shows  the 'tooth  at  mesal  angle  short  black  and 
strongly  incurved,  and  on  the  dorsal  side  near  the  margin  in 
line  with  the  row  of  hairs  there  is  a  high  rounded  hump.  Bezel 
high  and  narrow.  Embolic  division  very  much  as  in  alpinus 
but  the  embolus  is  much  longer  and  very  slender. 

Holotypc  male,  in  the  Cornell  University  Collection. 

ALBERTA  :     Lake  Louise,  Aug.  4,  1927,  1  <?  . 

Emerton  (Conn.  Acad.  Sci.  Trans.  20:150,  pi.  2,  fig.  7.  1915) 
figured  this  species  under  the  name  of  alpinus  Bks.  His  speci- 
men was  from  Sulphur  Mt.,  Banff,  Alberta,  and  was  taken  in 
moss  below  the  Alpine  Club  House. 


Lophocarenum  -rcnialc  Emerton.  Conn.  Acad.  Sci.  Trans. 
(>:51,  pi.  14,  fig.  8.  1882. 

Diploccplialns  vernalis  Banks.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.  Bui.  72  :27. 

The  type  specimens  in  the  Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology 
have  apparently  been  dry  and  are  very  dirty.  The  colors  are 
unreliable.  The  following  notes  were  taken  some  years  ago 
when  the  drawings  of  the  palpus  were  made. 


Plate  IV. 


COCHLEMBOLUS  ALPINUS,  1-4;    C.  SANCTUS,  5-7;    C.  SACER,  8-10; 
C.  VERNALIS,  11-1  3. -CROSBY. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  83 

$ '.  Length,  1.5  mm.  (according  to  Emerton).  Cephalo- 
thorax  viewed  from  the  side  ascending  in  a  nearly  straight 
line  to  the  top  of  the  cephalic  lobe  which  is  very  low,  rounded 
over  the  front  of  the  lobe  and  then  slopes  downward  at  a  steep 
angle  through  the  median  ocular  area  and  clypeus. 

Posterior  eyes  in  a  slightly  recurved  line.  Anterior  eyes  in 
a  slightly  recurved  line,  the  median  almost  touching  but  well 
separated  from  the  lateral.  Sternum  broad,  rounded  on  the 
sides  with  the  hind  coxae  separated  by  less  than  the  length. 

Patella  of  palpus  longer  than  tibia  without  the  apophysis. 
Tibia  armed  dorsally  with  a  broad  rounded  projection  bearing 
a  small  tooth  at  apex.  Near  the  base  of  this  projection  on  the 
lateral  side  an  erect  process  slanting  forward.  On  the  back  of  the 
tarsus  opposite  the  paracymbium  there  are  two  parallel  ridges. 
The  paracymbium  rather  stout  and  bent  in  a  semicircle.  The 
body  of  the  embolic  division  is  very  similar  to  C.  alpinus.  The 
tail-piece  appears  as  a  semilunate  plate  with  a  short  projection 
on  the  lower  inner  corner.  This  plate  is  the  first  element  of  a 
spiral  which  at  first  appears  double  owing  to  the  fact  that  the 
edges  of  the  band  are  more  strongly  chitinized.  On  the  third 
turn  these  edges  come  together  to  form  the  whip-lash-like  em- 
bolus  which  is  coiled  twice  around  the  end  of  the  bulb  with  the 
tip  lying  near  the  bezel. 

9.  Length,  1.8  mm.  Posterior  eyes  in  a  slightly  recurved 
row,  the  median  separated  by  about  the  diameter  and  nearer  to 
the  lateral  than  to  each  other.  Owing  to  the  bad  condition  of  the 
specimen  the  other  characters  could  not  be  made  out. 

Type    locality.       Pine    Rock,    New    Haven,    CONNECTICUT 
(  March ) . 


1.  C.  alfiiims,  cephalothorax,  lateral  view. 

2.  C.  alpinus,  right  palpus,  mesal  view. 

3.  C.  alpinus,  right  palpus,  dorsal  view. 

4.  C.  alpinus,  epigynum. 

5.  C.  sanctits,  cephalothorax,  lateral  view. 

6.  C.  sanctits,  right  tibia  of  male  palpus,  mesal   view. 

7.  C.  sanctus,  right  tibia  of  male  palpus,  dorsal  view. 

8.  C.  safer,  cephalothorax,  lateral  view. 

9.  C.  sacer,  right  tibia  of  male  palpus,  mesal  view. 

10.  C.  saccr,  right  tibia  of  male  palpus,  dorsal  view. 

11.  C.  vcrnalis,  left  palpus,  meso-ventral  view. 

12.  C.  vcrnalis,  left  palpus,  lateral  view. 

13.  C.  vcrnalis,  left  palpus,  dorsal  view. 

The  drawings  were  made  by  Nellie  H.  Crosby  and  Albert 
W.  Force. 

84  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

Notes  on  Pennsylvania  Ortalidae  (Dipt.). 

By   S.   W.   FROST,   Pennsylvania   State   College.1 

The  continued  use  of  baits  as  traps  during  the  season  of 
1928  yielded  several  new  records  which  should  be  added  to 
the  list  of  Ortalidae  previously  noted,-  and  give  some  varia- 
tions in  catches  worth  mentioning.  The  appended  list  of  Ortali- 
dae taken  in  Pennsylvania,  shows  by  comparison,  the  value  of 
bait  traps  in  securing  records  of  these  species. 

Approximately  1,000  bait  traps  were  operated  in  a  peach 
orchard  near  Arendtsville,  Pa.,  during  the  past  season.  The 
baits  consisted  chiefly  of  molasses  or  refiner's  syrups  diluted 
by  twenty  parts  of  water  and  placed  in  1  gallon  tin  cans,  which 
were  hung  in  the  trees.  In  some  cases  sodium  arsenite  was 
added  to  the  molasses,  giving  a  bait  of  longer  duration.  The 
first  examination  of  the  baits  was  made  on  May  8  and  collec- 
tions were  made  each  subsequent  week  until  November  1. 

The  determinations  of  the  species  were  made  by  Mr.  E.  T. 
Cresson  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
Only  a  few  of  the  specimens  of  each  series  were  sent  for  iden- 
tification as  some  of  the  species  were  too  numerous  and  too 
common  to  deem  this  advisable.  The  addition  of  new  records 
during  1928  brings  the  total  number  of  species  taken  from  bait 
traps  to  14,  which  represents  about  one-half  the  number  of 
species  of  this  locality  and  no  doubt  nearly  all  the  species  that 
could  be  expected  from  baits  operated  under  these  conditions. 
Undoubtedly  if  the  traps  were  hung  in  more  open  places  or 
along  the  edges  of  woods,  the  number  of  species  could  be  in- 

It  will  be  noted  in  the  following  summary  that,  with  one 
exception,  the  species  taken  during  1927  were  recovered  again 
in  1928,  and  in  approximately  the  same  numbers.  C.  annnlipcs 
Macq.,  for  some  reason,  was  not  taken  as  often  during  1928 
as  in  the  preceding  year.  The  new  records  added  during  the 
current  season  are  probably  due  to  the  greater  number  of  traps 

1  Published  by  permission  of  the  director  of  the  Agricultural   Experi- 
ment Station,  as  technical  paper  No.  465 

2  Frost,  S.  W.,  Ent  News,  39:169-171,  1928, 

XL,  '29] 

K  X  TO M  OLO( ;  I C A L    N  K \V  S 




viridulans  R-D 


picta  Fab. 


marginata  Say. 


ruficeps  V.  d.  W. 

annulipes  Macq. 

corticalis  Loew. 

van  Say. 

approximata  Bnks. 

notata  (Wied) 

vibrans  Linn. 

myrmecoides  Lw. 


incurva  Lw. 


fulvifrons  Macq. 

massyla  Wlk. 

Number         Period 








July  3-19 

June  10 
June  15, 
July  5 
July  12, 
Aug.  2 
Apr.  12— 
Oct.  18 
June   2 — 
July  23 
May  10— 
Oct.  11 

May  10— 
Oct.  11 
June  15 

June  28 







July  24, 
Sept.  4 


June  26 


June  12 


July  3 


Mav  15 
-Oct.  16 



Mav  21 
-Oct.  16 



Aug.  7, 
Sept.  4 

May    8 
—Oct.  16 


June  12 
-July  17 



Sept.  13 


Aug.  2 


May  28 

Some  pronounced  differences  in  the  number  of  specimens 
taken  during  the  same  periods  in  1927  and  1928  are  worth 
consideration.  In  the  cases  of  E.  notata  Wied.,  and  C.  unnnlipcs 
Macq.,  the  weekly  collections  during  May,  June  and  July,  1927, 
greatly  exceeded  those  during  August,  September  and  October. 
In  1928  the  conditions  were  reversed  and  the  captures  during 
August,  September  and  October  exceeded  those  during  the  early 
part  of  the  season.  This  was  especially  true  in  the  case  of  C  . 
annulipes  Macq.,  and  the  plotted  curves  for  1928  should  be  com- 
pared with  those  for  1927. l  These  differences  can  be  correlated 
with  variations  in  precipitation  and  temperature.  June  and 
July,  1928,  were  abnormally  wet  and  cool,  11.04  inches  of 
rain  falling  in  June,  and  5.26  inches  in  July,  1()28,  as  against 
4.48  inches  and  4.83  inches  in  June  and  July,  1(^27.  It  is 

1  Frost,  S.  W.    Op.  cit. 



[Mar.,  '29 

interesting  to  note  further  that  the  one  large  collection  of  E. 
notata  Wied.,  which  stands  out  conspicuously  in  June,  1928, 
occurred  during  the  week  of  June  6  to  13,  when  only  .5  inches 
of  rain  fell,  and  this  occurred  during  a  single  period  of  twenty- 

May  15 

Oct   33. 

four  hours.  The  combined  influence  of  precipitation  and  low 
temperatures  tends  to  reduce  the  catches  of  Ortalidae.  It  would 
thus  appear  that  peaks  in  the  curves  for  captures  by  baits  do 
not  necessarily  indicate  broods.  The  same  condition  might  he 
attained  in  running  trap  lanterns  or  other  mechanical  methods 
for  obtaining  specimens. 

In   all   the  captures   the  males   and    females   were   taken   in 
approximately  equal   numbers.      The  three   species  coming  to 
the  traps  most  freely,  show  this  best.    During  1928,  6365    and 
706  9   E.  notata  Wied  ;  12  $  ,  16  9   P.  van  Say,  and  68  $  ,  49  9 
C.  annulipcs  Macq.,  were  taken. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  87 

The  genus  Rivellia  was  not  freely  attracted  to  baits.  Of  the 
seven  species  recorded  from  Pennsylvania,  only  one,  R.  viri- 
didans  Desv.,  was  taken  in  baits  and  this  only  occasionally.  It 
would  look  as  though  this  genus  had  habits  different  from  the 
majority  of  the  other  Ortalidae.  The  European  genus  Platys- 
tonid,  belonging  to  the  same  subfamily,  responded  most  readily 
to  attractive  baits,  according  to  Cuscianna.2 


Rivellia  flavimana  Loew.  (H)    (J)    (C). 
Rivellia  pallida  Loew.  (H)    (J).  ' 
Rivellia  quadrifasciata   Macq.    (H)    (J)    (C). 
Rivellia  variabilis  Loew.  (H)   (J)   (C). 
Kivellia  viridulans  Desv.  (H)   (J)   (C)   (F). 
Rivellia  boscii  Desv.   (J). 
Kivellia  cognata  Cresson.  (C). 
Myrmecomyia  myrmecoides  Loew.  (H)   (F). 
Tr'itoxa  flexa  Wied.  (H)   (J). 
Tritoxa  incurva  Loew.  (J)  (F). 
Camptoneura  picta  Fab.  (H)   (J)    (F). 
Idana  marginata  Say.  (H)   (J)   (F). 
Tephronota  narytia  Wlk.    (H)    (J). 
Tephronota  rufkeps  V.  d.  W.  (H)   (C)   (F). 
Melieria  philadelphica  Desv.  (J). 
Tetanops  luridipennis  Loew.   (H)    (J)    (C). 
Callopistromyia  annulipes  Macq.  (H)   (J)   (F). 
Pseudotephritis  corticalis  Loew.   (H)    (J)    (F). 
Pseudotephritis  approximata  Banks.    (F). 
Pseudotephritis  van  Say.  (H)   (J)   (F). 
Chrysomyza  demandata  Fab.   (H)    (J). 
Euxesta  iiotata  Wied.  (H)   (J)   (F). 
Chaetopsis  aenea  Wied.  (H)   (J). 
Chaetopsis  massyla  Wlk.  (F). 
Chaetopsis  fulvifrons  Macq.  (H)    (F). 
Seioptera  vibrans  Linn.   (H)    (J)    (C)    (F). 

Seioptcra  colon  Loew.  (H). 
Seioptera  albipes  Cresson.  (C). 
Stenomyia  tenuis  Loew.  (H)  (J). 
Kumetopia  rufipes  Macq.   ([). 
(  )dontomera  ferruginea  Macq.   (C). 
Sepsisoma  flavescens  Johnson.  (C). 

H^State  collection,  Harrisburg. 

J  —Unpublished  list  of  Penn.  Diptera  by  Johnson. 

F  — New  records  by  Frost. 

C:=Published  records  by  Cresson. 

"  Cuscianna,  N.     1922.     Roll.  Lab.  Xonl.   i>-cn.  e.  aurar.    R.   Samla   sun 
A^ric.  Portici.     \.'l.  15  :226-2^. 

88  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

A  Calendar  of  Kansas  Butterflies. 

By  VANCE  RANDOLPH,   Pittsburg,   Kansas. 

For  some  years  I  have  been  more  or  less  interested  in  the 
life  history  and  habits  of  Dione  vanillac,1  but  it  was  not  until 
I  attempted  a  study  of  the  seasonal  migrations  of  this  species 
that  the  difficulties  of  such  investigations  were  brought  home 
to  me.  Dione  vanillae  appears  in  southern  Kansas  about  Au- 
gust 1  and  flies  until  late  November,  but  neither  egg,  larva, 
chrysalis  or  adult  seems  able  to  survive  the  Kansas  winter.2 
In  Mexico,  however,  vanillac  is  said  to  breed  the  year  'round, 
as  it  does  in  California.3  It  would  certainly  be  interesting  to 
know  the  precise  dates  upon  which  vanillac  first  appears  at  a 
series  of  points  between  southern  Kansas  and  the  northernmost 
region  in  which  it  flies  continuously,  but  this  information  is 
not  available  at  present.  There  are  plenty  of  enthusiastic  butter- 
fly-hunters in  the  sparsely  settled  South  and  West,  but  most 
of  them  are  more  interested  in  collecting  showy  specimens  than 
in  recording  definite  information  about  dates  of  appearance 
and  the  like. 

With  this  condition  in  mind,  I  have  gone  through  my  notes 
made  at  Pittsburg,  in  southeastern  Kansas,  for  the  last  twelve 
years,  and  have  set  down  such  information  as  I  have  about  the 
dates  of  the  common  butterflies  in  this  locality.  Since  this  work 
requires  no  technical  knowledge  beyond  the  mere  ability  to 
recognize  common  species,  it  seems  to  me  that  many  other  ama- 
teur lepidopterologists  in  the  southern  hinterland  might  be 
induced  to  record  similar  data,  and  that  these  records  should  be 
carefully  preserved  for  the  use  of  future  investigators  of  sea- 
sonal and  geographical  distribution. 

ANCYLOXIPHA  NUMITOR  is  never  common  here.  I  have  taken 
less  than  a  dozen  specimens,  all  flitting  about  marsh  grasses  and 
cat-tails,  between  August  1  and  September  15. 

1  Randolph,  Vance.  Life  History  and  Habits  of  Dione  vanillae,  Trans. 
Kansas  Acad.  Sci,  XXX:351-362,  1919-1921. 

•  Randolph,  Vance.  On  the  seasonal  migrations  of  Dione  vanillae  in 
Kansas,  Ann.  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  Amer.,  XX  (2)  :242-245,  1927. 

:!  Wright,  William  Greenwood.  West  coast  butterflies,  San  Bernar- 
dino, 1905. 

XL,    '29  j  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  89 

ANOSIA  PLEXIPPUS  appears  early  in  April  and  flies  until 
about  June  15.  Very  few  specimens  are  seen  between  July  1 
and  the  middle  of  August,  but  great  numbers  suddenly  appear 
about  August  25,  and  the  butterfly  is  common  until  late  Octo- 
ber. I  have  taken  a  few  as  late  as  November  20. 

ARGYNNIS  CYBELE  is  first  seen  in  early  May,  and  is  fairly 
common  until  the  end  of  June.  Very  rare  from  early  July  to 
the  middle  of  September,  when  it  becomes  common  again,  and 
persists  well  into  October. 

ARGYNNIS  IDALIA  appears  early  in  July  and  flies  until  late 
September.  It  is  usually  rather  rare,  but  in  1919  I  saw  hun- 
dreds of  specimens  hovering  about  the  red  iron-weeds,  in  late 
July  and  the  first  half  of  August. 

ATALOPEDES  HURON  is  common  from  June  1  to  the  middle 
of  November,  being  most  abundant  in  September  and  October. 

BASILARCHIA  ASTYANAX  is  never  very  common  here,  but  I 
have  taken  specimens  from  early  May  to  late  October.  It  is 
most  abundant,  I  think,  in  late  August  and  early  September. 
I  have  taken  several  of  the  larvae  on  the  wild  cherry  trees,  in 


BASILARCHIA  DISIPPUS  is  comparatively  rare  in  this  locality. 
The  earliest  appearance  recorded  in  my  notes  is  June  11,  and 
the  latest  entry  September  27.  Practically  all  of  my  specimens 
have  been  taken  near  willow  trees  on  the  margin  of  a  small 

CATOPSILIA  EUBULE  appears  late  in  July,  and  by  the  middle 
of  September  is  probably  the  commonest  of  our  large  and 
showy  butterflies.  Not  many  specimens  are  seen  after  October 
15,  but  1  have  taken  two  or  three  in  late  November,  and  one 
specimen  on  December  2. 

CHLORIPPE  CELTIS  usually  appears  about  the  middle  of  July, 
and  flocks  about  the  hackberry  trees  all  through  August.  Not 
often  seen  after  September  20,  but  occasionally  persists  into 

CHLORIPPE  CLYTON  is  comparatively  rare,  but  I  have  taken 
a  few  specimens  in  July  and  August,  and  one  as  late  as  the 
middle  of  September. 

COLIAS  EURYTHEME  appears  about  the  middle  of  April,  and 
is  very  common  from  July  1  to  the  middle  of  November. 
I  took  several  specimens  on  Dec.  3  in  1927. 

COLIAS  PHILODICE  first  appears  early  in  March,  and  is  com- 
mon everywhere  until  the  latter  part  of  November. 

DEHIS  CRKOLA  is  rare.  I  have  seen  only  three  specimens,  and 
these  were  all  taken  in  the  first  week  of  August,  1928. 

DIONK  \ AXILLAE  appears  about  August  1,  and  is  most  abun- 


ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,    '29 

dant  from  August  15  to  September  15.    I  have  never  seen  one 
later  than  November  28. 

EPARGYREUS  TITYRUS  is  fairly  common  from  the  middle  ol 
April  to  the  latter  part  of  August,  and  occasional  specimens 
are  taken  all  through  September. 

EUPTOIETA  CLAUDIA  appears  about  August  1,  and  flies  until 
almost  the  end  of  November,  being  most  abundant  in  October. 

FENISECA  TARQUINIUS  is  rare.  The  few  specimens  I  have 
seen  were  all  taken  in  September. 

GRAPTA  COMMA  is  not  common,  but  is  seen  occasionally  from 
May  1  to  early  September. 

GRAPTA  INTERROGATIONS  flies  from  early  May  to  late  No- 
vember, and  is  very  common  from  July  to  October. 

HESPERIA  MONTIVAGO  appears  about  July  15,  is  very  common 
in  September  and  October,  and  persists  well  into  November. 

JUNONIA  COENIA  is  not  seen  until  late  August  or  early  Sep- 
tember, and  is  very  common  in  late  September  and  all  through 
October.  Not  infrequently  taken  as  late  as  November  15. 

LIBYTHEA  BACHMANNI  appears  in  June,  and  becomes  quite 
common  in  the  latter  part  of  July.  I  have  never  seen  one  later 
than  the  middle  of  October. 

LYCAENA  PSEUDARGIOLUS  is  sometimes  seen  as  early  as  March 
10,  and  is  very  common  from  about  April  15  to  the  latter  part 
of  September. 

MEGANOSTOMA  CAESONIA  is  not  one  of  our  most  common 
species,  but  a  few  specimens  may  be  found  almost  any  day 
between  early  June  and  late  October.  Most  abundant  between 
September  15  and  October  20.  A  few  entries  in  my  notes 
record  this  butterfly  in  late  March,  and  I  took  one  specimen 
on  January  15,  1928,  at  Pineville,  Mo. — only  about  seventy 
miles  south  of  Pittsburg. 

MELITAE  PHAETON  is  rare.  The  last  one  I  have  any  record 
of  was  taken  September  8,  1917. 

NATHALIS  IOLE  is  first  seen  in  late  August  or  early  Septem- 
ber, and  is  most  in  evidence  about  the  middle  of  October.  I 
have  seen  very  few  specimens  later  than  November  15. 

NEONYMPHA  EURYTUS  appears  early  in  May,  and  is  com- 
mon throughout  June  and  July,  but  is  seen  only  in  early  morn- 
ing and  late  afternoon,  flitting  about  low  weeds  and  grasses. 

PAPILIO  AJAX  appears  as  early  as  May  1,  and  is  most  abun- 
dant about  the  middle  of  July.  It  is  much  less  common  in 
August,  and  is  seldom  seen  after  the  middle  of  September. 

PAPILIO  ASTERIAS  is  rare.  I  once  took  a  pair  in  coitus  on 
July  17,  and  found  a  full-grown  caterpillar  July  29.  I  have 
never  seen  this  butterfly  later  than  August  25. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  91 

PAPILIO  CRESPHOXTES  is  never  common.  It  appears  in  the 
first  half  of  August  and  is  most  abundant  in  the  first  half  of 

PAPILIO  PHILENOR  occurs  from  early  June  to  late  October, 
and  is  most  common  in  August. 

PAPILIO  TROILUS  is  first  seen  in  the  latter  part  of  April,  and 
becomes  very  common  in  July  and  early  August.  From  then  on 
it  is  rare,  although  I  have  taken  a  few  specimens  as  late  as 
October  10. 

PAPILIO  TURNUS  is  never  very  common,  but  a  few  speci- 
mens are  seen  every  year  in  late  April  and  early  May,  and  per- 
sist well  into  September. 

PHYCIODES  NYCTEIS  appears  about  the  middle  of  June,  be- 
comes fairly  common  in  August,  and  persists  in  small  numbers 
to  the  latter  part  of  November. 

PHYCIODES  THAROS  is  common  from  early  April  to  late  Sep- 
tember; it  is  subject  to  considerable  variation,  and  some  of 
its  phases  are  liable  to  confusion  with  P.  nyctcis. 

PIERIS  PROTODICE  usually  appears  about  the  middle  of  May, 
and  flies  until  the  latter  part  of  October. 

PIERIS  RAPAE  is  sometimes  seen  as  early  as  March  15,  and  is 
fairly  common  until  about  the  middle  of  October. 

PYRAMEIS  ATALANTA  appears  in  April,  and  flies  until  about 
the  middle  of  September.  Occasional  specimens  are  taken  as 
late  as  October  30. 

PYRAMEIS  CARDUI,  according  to  my  notes,  does  not  appear 
until  about  the  first  week  in  July,  and  is  not  seen  after  the  mid- 
dle of  November. 

PYRAMEIS  HUNTERA  flies  from  early  April  to  late  August. 

PYRRHANAEA  ANDRIA  appears  early  in  March,  becomes  very 
abundant  in  August,  and  persists  until  late  November. 

SATYRUS  ALOPE  is  seldom  seen  before  July  1,  but  becomes 
very  common  from  the  middle  of  July  to  the  end  of  August, 
and  often  persists  into  the  first  part  of  a  mild  October. 

TERIAS  LISA  appears  about  August  1,  and  from  then  on  is 
one  of  our  commonest  roadside  butterflies  until  late  October. 
In  the  mild  winter  of  1927  I  saw  several  specimens  in  the  first 
week  of  December. 

TERIAS  MEXICANA  is  very  rare,  and  I  have  not  taken  more 
than  a  dozen  in  all  my  years  of  collecting.  I  saw  two  specimens 
on  November  29,  1927. 

TERIAS  NICIPPE  appears  about  August  1,  and  becomes  fairly 
common  in  late  August  and  early  September.  I  have  taken  a 
few  specimens  in  October. 

THANOAS  MARTIALIS,  according  to  my  notes,  occurs  from 
late  April  to  November. 

92  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Mar.,    '29 

THECLA  MELINUS  is  not  very  common  at  any  time,  but  I  have 
taken  it  at  various  times  between  August  1  and  October  28. 

VANESSA  ANTIOPA  appears  about  the  middle  of  March  in 
ordinary  seasons,  and  a  few  specimens  are  seen  in  early  April. 
I  have  never  taken  antiopa  during  the  summer  months,  but  it 
appears  again  in  late  October  and  early  November. 

Entomology  in  the   Literary   Supplements. 

Scientists,  we  hope,  are  gratified  with  the  interest  the  general 
public  is  taking  in  their  technical  problems.  One  of  the  greatest 
indications  of  this  interest  is  the  change  in  reading  taste  on 
the  part  of  the  American  people  from  fiction  to  non-fiction 
works.  This  was  no  doubt  influenced  by  the  publication  of 
numerous  interesting  bits  of  popular  science  such  as  Slosson's 
'Creative  Chemistry'  or  DeKruif's  recent  'Hunger  Fighters.' 
Along  with  numerous  newspaper  articles  and  press  notices  these 
come  as  welcome  preludes  of  an  era  when  science  will  have 
a  great  influence  in  guiding  social  problems  toward  a  solution. 
Today  the  public  at  least  knows  that  the  doctor  is  not  the  only 
scientist  who  can  come  to  his  aid. 

The  attention  certain  scientific  books  have  recently  been  given 
in  our  leading  literary  sheets  is  probably  less  familiar  to  us  than 
the  many  newspaper  accounts  or  book  store  displays.  The  great 
mass  of  technical  books  never  receive  the  stamp  of  literary 
critics,  having  no  merits  in  this  direction,  but  within  the  past 
ten  years  a  galaxy  of  technical  problems  of  science  have  been 
written  into  the  language  of  the  citizen  who  formerly  read 
only  current  novels  and  newspapers.  Some  of  these  have  been 
recognized  by  critics  because  of  the  style  of  writing  and  the 
unusual  methods  of  presenting  the  subject  matter. 

The  principal  literary  sheets  have  on  their  staffs  one  or  more 
reviewers  who  have  more  than  a  bowing  acquaintance  with 
science.  Many  of  us  will  be  familiar  with  the  names  of  Howard 
Madison  Parshley,  William  Beebe,  or  Logan  Clendening. 
These  names,  along  with  numerous  others  will  be  seen  accom- 
panying reviews  in  the  'New  York  Herald-Tribune  Books,'  the 
most  widely  circulated  literary  supplement  in  America. 

Within  the  past  year  the  writer  has  noticed  careful  reviews 
(if  a  number  of  books  on  entomology  in  the  above  mentioned 
publication.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that,  though  the  literary 
merit  is  perhaps  the  prime  consideration,  the  subject  matter 
is  given  careful  analysis.  Carpenter's  'The  Biology  of  Insects,' 
though  probably  used  largely  as  a  text  or  reference,  received 
UK  >re  than  a  column  of  appreciative  comment.  Balfour-Browne's 
recent  'Insects,'  a  number  in  Holt's  'Home  University  Library,' 
received  a  short  but  friendly  note.  XVheeler's  'Foibles  of  In- 
sects and  Men,'  a  series  of  reprints  of  addresses  and  popular 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  93 

studies,  received  considerable  praise  for  its  humanitarian  view- 
point and  literary  merit.  His  latest  study,  'The  Social  Insects,' 
first  published  in  France  and  recently  made  available  in  Eng- 
lish, was  carefully  reviewed  by  William  Beebe,  who  has  first 
hand  knowledge  of  the  social  insects.  This  review  occupied 
more  than  a  column  and  a  half,  calling  attention  to  the  be- 
havior and  evolution  of  the  social  insects  as  well  as  the  keen 
human  analogies  and  scholarly  presentation.  The  most  recent 
review  is  that  of  Phillips'  'Beekeeping.'  Ben  Ray  Redman,  who 
writes  'Old  Wine  in  New  Bottles,'  a  section  of  'Books'  devoted 
entirely  to  reprint  editions,  gives  half  a  column  to  this  work, 
ordinarily  considered  a  textbook  or  manual  of  apiculture.  "Al- 
though the  book  is  addressed  only  to  beekeepers,  potential  and 
active,  few  readers  possessed  of  any  curiosity  will  find  it  dull. 
For  my  part  I  found  it  fascinating  .  .  .  ."  This  from  a  re- 
viewer who  admits  no  knowledge  of  beekeeping  before  reading 
the  book! 

Within  the  past  five  years  entomologists  have  seen  a  great 
improvement  in  the  technical  content  of  the  books  on  insects, 
and  now  the  literary  merit  is  likewise  improving.  Dr.  Howard 
tells  us  "The  world  is  getting  better,  especially  the  entomolo- 
gists." PAUL  KNIGHT,  University  of  Maryland. 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it   is   intended   to   note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology of  the   Americas    (North  and   South),    including   Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I    ]    refer   to  the   journals,   as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

^t^"Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Dyar,  H.  G.— Obituary.     [68]  69:  151-152. 
Hollas,  F. — Photographische  aufnahmen  lebender  inseku-n. 
[26]  8:  75-76,  cont.     Ritchie,  J.  D. — Capture  of  drain  mllirs 
by  larvae  of  Cicindelidae.     |  19|  23:  271.     Schwarz,  E.  A.— 
Obituary.      [1()|    30:    153.    ill.      Swaine,   J.   M.— F,,n>t   en- 

94  KXTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

tomology  and  its  development  in  Canada.  [Canada  Dept. 
Agric.]  Pamph.  97:  3-20.  Taylor,  R.  L.— The  arthropod 
fauna  of  coniferous  leaders  weeviled  by  Pissodes  strobi. 
[5]  35:  217-225.  Zweigelt,  F.— Klima  und  entwicklung. 
[26]  8:  93-94,  ill.,  cont. 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Abbott,   C.   E.- 

The  tarsal  chemical  sense  of  the  screw  wrorm  fly,  Cochlio- 
myia  macellaria.  [5]  35:  201-204,  ill.  Chorine  &  Korvine- 
Kroukovsky. — Stir  1'immunisation  de  fragments  isoles  du 
corps  des  chenilles  de  Galleria  mellonella.  [77]  100:  15-16. 
Crampton,  G.  C. — The  evolution  of  the  head  region  in  lower 
arthropods  and  its  bearing  upon  the  origin  and  relationships 
of  the  arthropodan  groups.  [4]  60:  284-301,  ill.  Ferris,  G.  F. 
-The  wax-secreting  organs  of  the  Coccidae.  [55]  5:  67-70. 
Murdock,  G.  E. — The  wax-secreting  mechanism  in  the  adult 
female  of  Icerya  purchasi.  [55]  5:  71-75,  ill.  Portier  & 
Rorthays. — Stir  1'evoltition  ponderale  des  chrysalides  des 
Lepidopteres.  [77]  99:  1954-1956. 

V. — Three  new  lithobiomorphous  chilopods  from  Washing- 
ton and  Oregon.  [55]  5:  85-86.  A  two-eyed  spider  from 
Utah.  [5]  35:  235-236.  *Ewing,  H.  E.— Three  new  ameri- 
can  chiggers  (Acarina:  Trombidiidae).  [10]  31.  9-11. 
*Jacot,  A.  P. --New  oribatoid  mites.  [5]  35:  213-215. 
*Kendall,  J. — A  new  gall  mite  on  Primus  maritima.  [5] 
35:  210-212,  ill.  Marcus,  E. — Spinnentiere  oder  Arachno- 
idea.  IV:  Bartierchen  (Tardigrada).  [Tierwelt  Deutsch- 
lands]  12:  1-232,  ill.  *Petrunkevitch,  A. — The  spiders  of 
Porto  Rico.  Part  1.  [Trans.  Conn.  Acad.  Arts  and  Sci.] 
30:  7-158,  ill.  Williams  &  Hefner. -- The  millipedes  and 
centipedes  of  Ohio.  [Ohio  State  Univ.  Bull.]  33:  93-147, 


Die   Libelle.      [Kosmos]   26:  22-25,  ill.     *Morgan,  A.  C.- 
A  new  genus  and  five  new  species  of  Thysanoptera  foreign 
to  the  United  States.   (S).      [10]   31:  1-9.     *Moulton,  D.- 
A  new  ankothrips  from  Colorado.     [55]  5:  91-92.     Richter, 
W. — Die  Thysanopteren  des  arktischen  gebietes.      [Fauna 
Arctica,  Jena  j    5 :  837-850.      Schuster  von  Forstner,  W.  - 
Was   veranlasst    die    Libellenziige.      [26]    8:    29.      Snyder, 
T.  E.— Termites  and  architecture.     [76]    1929:  143-151,  ill. 
Stitz  &  Ramme. —  (See  under  Orthoptera.) 

ORTHOPTERA.— *Caudell,  A.  N.— A  new  variety  of 
Insctidderia  walkeri  from  Virginia  (Tettigoniidae).  [10] 
31:  11-13.  Engelhardt,  G.  P. — An  unusual  flight  record  of 
the  oriental  mantid  Paratenodera  sinensis — from  New  York 

XL,    '29]  ENTO.MOI.OCICAL    XFAVS  95 

City.  [19]  23:  249.  *Hebard,  M.— Studies  in  the  Gryllidae 
of  Panama.  [1]  54:  233-294,  ill.  Stitz  &  Ramme.— Nacht- 
rag  zu  dem  Neuropteren-und  dem  Orthopteren-abschnitt. 
[Fauna  Arctica,  Jena]  5:  855-856.  Uvarov,  B.  P. — Syno- 
nymy of  mantis  (Thespis)  armata,  (Mantidae).  (S).  [75] 
3:  74-75. 

HEMIPTERA— *Barber,  H.  G.— Two  new  Lygaeidae 
from  the  western  United  States.  (Lygaeidae).  [19]  23: 
264-268.  *China  &  Myers. — A  reconsideration  of  the  clas- 
sification of  the  cimicoid  families,  with  the  descriptions  of 
two  new  spider-web  bugs.  (S).  [75]  3 :  97-125.  ill.  Cock- 
erell,  T.  D.  A.  -  -  Drosicha  burmeisteri  apparently  redis- 
covered (Coccidae).  [10]  31  :  16.  *da  Costa  Lima,  A.— 
Contribeicao  ao  estudo  dos  aleytodideos  da  subfamilia  Aleu- 
rodicinae.  (S).  [Suppl.  Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz]  1928: 
128-140,  ill.  Essig,  E.  O. — Some  insects  of  the  Yosemite 
National  Park.  Coccidae.  [55]  5:  76-78.  Knight,  H.  H.- 
New  species  of  Halticotoma  and  Sixeonotus  (Miridae). 
[19]  23:  241-249.  *Knowlton,  G.  F. -- Notes  on  a  few 
species  of  Macrosiphini  (Aphididae)  from  Utah  with  des- 
criptions of  two  new  species.  [55]  5:  79-84,  ill.  Muir,  F.— 
New  and  little-known  South  American  Delphacidae  ( Ful- 
goroidea)  in  the  collection  of  the  British  Museum.  [75]  3: 
75-85,  ill.  Sprehn,  C. — Die  Pentastomiden  des  arktischen 
gebietes.  [Fauna  Arctica,  Jena]  5:  853-854.  *Waterston, 
J. — A  new  encyrtid  (Chalcid.)  bred  from  Clastoptera.  ( Cer- 
cop.).  (S).  [22]  19:  249-251,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA. — Bargmann,  R. — Anaea  rosae  forma 
flora  subsp.  nova.  (S).  [80]  2:  196.  Hyposcada  evanides 
f.  neustetteri  m.  n.  (S).  [80]  2:  212.  Neue  exotische 
falter.  (S).  [80]  2:  223-224.  Cont.  *Box,  H.  E.— La 
"Lagarta  rosada"  del  nlgodonero  ( Pectinophora  gossypi- 
ella).  Una  plaga  (|ue  no  queremos  tener  en  Tuchuman. 
(S).  [Rev.  Ind.  Agric.  Tucuman]  19:  106-110,  ill.  *Busck, 
A. — A  new  injurious  pine  moth  (Gelechiidae).  [10|  31: 
13-15,  ill.  Clark,  A.  H. — Notes  on  some  butterflies  from 
New  England.  [5]  35:  J2<>-228.  *d' Almeida,  R.  F.— Con- 
tribution a  1'etude  des  Rhopaloceres  americains.  (S).  |24| 
(>7:  369-388.  ^Dyar,  H.  G.— A  new  beneficial  moth  from 
Panama  and  a  scavenger  (  I  Vralidae,  Phycitiuae).  |K)| 
31  :  1()-17.  :i:Gunder,  J.  D. — New  Kuphydryas  i  Rhopalocera) . 
[55]  5:  49-50,  ill.  H.  A.  M. — Apuntes  lepidopterologicos. 
(S).  [Bol.  Soc.  Columbiana  Cien.  Nat]  17:  180-183.  *Hein- 
rich,  C. — Two  new  american  Coleophoridae.  [10|  31  :  18-19. 
Hepp,  A.  ---  Zum  iiberwinterungsstadium  \-on  Stili>notia 
il.eucoma)  salicis  <  Lymantriidae).  [80]  2:67-68.  Holland, 
W.  J. — The  argynnids  of  the  Nokomis-group.  [3]  19:  15- 

96  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

34,  ill.  *Kaye  &  Lament-- A  catalogue  of  the  Trinidad 
Lepidoptera  Heterocera.  [Mem.  Dept.  Agric.  Trinidad  and 
Tobago]  3:  1-159,  ill.  *Lathy,  P.  I.— The  female  of  Cata- 
gramma  casta.  (S).  [75]  3:  143.  Lei,  H.  K. — Silkworm 
diseases  in  South  China.  [China  Jour.]  10:  30-37.  Lindsey, 
A.  W. — Hesperioidea  from  the  Kartabo  district  of  British 
Guiana.  [Jour.  Sci.  Lab.  Denison  Univ.]  23:  231-235,  ill. 
Pollard,  C.  L.—  Stilpnotia  salicis,  a  European  moth  in  the 
United  States.  [19]  23:  250.  Portier  &  Rorthays.— Inter- 
pretation de  la  Constance  de  poids  que  presentent  certaines 
chrysalides  pendant  une  longue  periode  de  leur  existence. 
[77]  99:  1956-1958,  ill.  *Rummel,  C.— Butterfly  aberra- 
tions. [19]  23:  268.  Voukassovitch,  P.-- Observations 
biologiques  sur  un  Lepidoptere  (Ephestia  kuehniella).  [77] 
100:  62-64.  Wolcott,  G.  N.— The  mystery  of  Alabama 
argillacea.  [90]  63:  82-87. 

DIPTERA.— Curran,  C.  H.— Mosquitoes  and  other  flies. 
[15]  29:  45-49,  ill.  *Johnson,  C.  W.— A  new  cecidomyiid 
of  the  genus  Lestodiplosis.  [5]  35:  216.  Karl,  O. — Zwei- 
fliigler  oder  Diptera.  Ill:  Muscidae.  [Tierwelt  Deutsch- 
lands]  13:  1-236,  ill.  Munro,  H.  K. — A  note  on  the  system- 
atic status  of  Tridacus  lounsburyi.  (Trypetidae).  [An. 
Med.  Transvaal  Mus.]  12:  336-337.  *Parerit,  O.— Etude  sur 
les  Dipteres  Dolichopoclides  exotiques  conserves  au  Zoolo- 
gisches  Staats  institut  und  Zoologisches  Museum  de  Ham- 
bourg.  [Mitt.  Zool.  Staat.  und  Zool.  Mus  Hamburg]  43 : 
155-198,  ill.  Spencer,  G.  J.—  (  See  under  Coleoptera).  *Van 
Duzee,  M.  C. — New  north  american  species  of  Dolichopo- 
didae.  [55]  5:  87-89. 

COLEOPTERA.  -- *Bernhauer,  M.--Beitrag  zur  siid- 
amerikanischen  Staphylinidenfauna.  [Tijd.  Ent.]  71  :  286- 
288.  *Brown,  W.  J. — Studies  in  the  Scarabaeidae.  (I). 
[4]  60:  301-307,  cont.  Bryson,  H.  R.— A  method  for  rearing 
wireworms  ( Elateridae).  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  2:  15-21. 
*Chamberlin,  W.  J. — Remarks  on  the  Buprestidae  of  the 
North  Pacific  Coast  Region  with  descriptions  of  new  species. 
[55]  5:  93-95,  cont.  *Davis,  A.  C. --A  new  Cicindela 
(Cicindelidae).  [55]  5:  65-66.  Douglass,  J.  R.— Chryso- 
melidae  of  Kansas  (1).  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  2:  2-15, 
cont.  Essig,  E.  O.— Diabrotica  balteata.  [55]  5  :  66.  *Fall, 
-Miscellaneous  notes  and  descriptions.  [19]  23: 
'36-2-10.  *Fisher,  W.  S. — A  revision  of  the  North  American 
species  of  buprestid  beetles  belonging  to  the  genus  Agrilus. 
[Bull.  U  M.]  145:  1-347,  ill.  Fleutiaux,  E.— Note 

sur  le  genre  Agrypnella  et  description  d'un  genre  nouveau. 
(S).  5 1  1928:  282-287.  *Gebien,  H.  -  -  Ueber  einige 
gruppen  amerikanischer  Tenebrioniden  (Col.)  (S).  [60] 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  97 

89:  167-234,  ill.  *Gellermann,  H.— A  new  species  of  Hydro- 
porus  from  Washington.  [55]  5:  63-65,  ill.  *Hatch,  M.  H. 
-Further  studies  on  Phaedon  (Chrysomelinae).  [55]  5: 
59-62.  Studies  on  Dytiscidae.  [19]  23:  217-229.  Hoscheck 
&  Thery. — Monographic  der  gattung  Hyperantha  (Bnp- 
restidae).  [Mitt.  Zool.  Staat.  und  Zool.  Mus.  Hamburg] 
43:  125-154,  ill.  Jeannel,  R.— (See  under  Special  Notice). 
Konschegg,  V. — Kritik  iiber  die  preparation  der  Coleop- 
teren.  [26]  8:  91-92.  Latta,  R.— The  effect  of  the  extreme 
temperature  of  Dec.  7,  8,  and  9,  1927  on  hibernating  Crio- 
ceris  asparagi  and  Hippodamia  convergens  at  Ames,  Iowa. 
[5]  35:  229-231.  Salt,  G.— A  Study  of  Colaspis  hypochlora. 
(S).  [22]  19:  295-308,  ill.  Spencer,  G.  J.— Dead  Pollenia 
rudis  as  hosts  of  dermestids.  [4]  60:  283.  *Van  Dyke, 
E.  C. — New  species  of  heteromerous  Coleoptera.  [19]  23: 
251-262.  The  species  of  the  genus  Lepyrus  (Curculionidae) 
in  North  America.  [55]  5:  53-58. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Bequaert,  J.— Microtrimeria  cock- 
erelli,  a  new  genus  and  species  of  South  America  masarids. 
[5]  35:  191-198,  ill.  Brues,  C.  T.— A  note  on  the  genus 
Pelecinus.  [5]  35:  205-209.  *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— Some 
bees  from  Utah.  [5]  35:  232-234.  *Compere,  H. — Descrip- 
tion of  a  new  species  of  Coccophagus  recently  introduced 
into  California.  [67]  5:  1-3,  ill.  da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Had- 
ronotus  brasiliensis,  novo  scelionideo  parasite  de  ovos  de 
um  coreideo.  [Suppl.  Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz]  1928:  1-2, 
ill.  Duncan,  C.  D. — Plant  hairs  as  building  material  for 
Polistes.  (Vespidae.)  [55]  5:  90.  Engelhardt,  G.  P.- 
An  observation  on  the  breeding  habits  of  Chlorion  harrisi 
in  Texas.  [19]  23:  269-271.  *Gahan,  A.  B.— Description 
of  an  egg-parasite  of  Exopthalmus  quadrivittatus.  (S). 
|10|  31:  17-18.  Hicks,  C.  H.— Notes  on  Anthidium  pal- 
liventre.  [55]  5:  51-52.  Parks,  H.  B. — Nesting  habits  of 
the  bee,  Nomis  nortonii  in  Texas.  |  19|  23:  263.  Rau,  P. 

—Autumn  and  spring  in  the  life  of  the  queen   Polistes  an- 
nularis  and  P.  pallipes.     [19]  23:  230-235.    Strelnikov,  T.  D. 

— Mermis  parasitism  in  Pachycondyla  striata.     [5]  35:  199- 
200,  ill. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES. --Die  Tierwelt  mitteleuropas.  - 

Hrsg.  P>rohnuT,  Ehrmann  <.K:  I'lmer.  lid.  3,  Lf.  4:  about 
98  pp.,  ill.  Spinnentiere.  This  \\-ork  would  probably  be  of 
interest  to  American  students  of  Arachnida.  Monographic 
des  Trechinae. -- Morphologic  comparee  et  distribution 
geographique  d'un  groupe  de  Coleopteres.  Les  Trechini 
cavernicoles  by  K.  Jeannel.  |L'. \beille.  35:  1-808.  ill.]. 
This  is  a  monographic  contribution  and  will  prove  valuable 
to  all  students  of  this  group  of  Coleoptera. 

98  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

Doings  of  Societies. 

At  the  October  and  November,  1928,  meetings  of  the  Chi- 
cago Entomological  Society  the  following  items  of  interest 
were  reported : 

LEPIDOPTERA:  Mr.  W.  F.  Henderson  reported  the  capture 
on  Sept.  9th  at  Palos  Park,  just  outside  the  limits  of  the  city  of 
Chicago,  of  Danaus  bcrcnicc  form  strigosa.  This  is  extremely 
unusual  and  much  further  north  than  it  has  hitherto  been  re- 
ported. The  specimen  was  a  female. 

Mr.  Emil  Beer  reported  finding  a  number  of  caterpillars 
feeding  on  the  flowers  and  seed  pods  of  Pcntstemon  glabra. 
These  developed  late  in  September  into  Oncocncmis  saundcr- 
siana,  only  one  specimen  of  which  has  heretofore  been  reported 
taken  here. 

Mr.  Arthur  Herz  reported  rearing  Folia  cctypa  on  Silcne 
stcllata,  commonly  known  as  starry  campion.  He  picked  a 
number  of  the  blossoms  late  in  July  or  early  in  August  when 
the  seed  capsules  begin  to  form,  kept  them  in  water  standing 
over  a  sheet  of  white  paper  and  when  he  found  frass  on  the 
paper  he  sought  and  found  the  larvae  which  he  succeeded  in 
bringing  to  maturity.  After  the  last  moult  the  larvae  also  feed 
on  the  leaves.  They  pupate  in  the  ground  in  a  case  lightly 
bound  together  by  a  secretion  of  the  larva.  Only  one  moth 
emerged  the  same  year,  on  September  5.  The  remainder  hiber- 
nated, the  first  specimen  emerging  June  23  and  the  others  de- 
veloping from  time  to  time  until  July  25.  This  species  has 
always  been  considered  very  rare. 

Messrs.  Beer,  Herz,  Dluhy;  Lustig  and  Wyatt  attended  the 
field  meeting  held  on  April  22  in  the  Dune  region  at  Tremont, 
Indiana.  The  weather  was  cold  and  nothing  was  flying.  Little 
of  interest  was  found  until  afternoon  when  a  moth  was  beaten 
out  of  a  witch  hazel  whose  leaves  had  adhered  over  winter. 
Diligent  beating  of  witch  hazel  and  oak  resulted  in  the  capture 
of  twelve  or  thirteen  specimens,  all  Conistra  ccromatica,  ex- 
cept one  Graptolitlia  bcthitnci.  Later,  on  Decoration  Day,  May 
30,  at  the  same  place  the  same  collectors  found  larvae  on  witch 
hazel  in  some  numbers,  but  only  Wyatt  succeeded  in  rearing 
four  to  maturity.  These  proved  to  be  Conistra  gracfiana  and 
developed  September  22  to  30.  On  October  21  Messrs.  Beer 
and  Wyatt  made  another  trip  to  the  same  place  and  captured 
by  beating  and  sugaring  a  number  of  specimens  of  gracfiana 
and  also  a  few  ccromatica,  besides  one  of  Graptolitha  bcthiinci 
and  several  lodia  rufago. 


Other  interesting  captures  during  the  year  were  Graptolitha 
vlndipallcns  on  sugar  at  Edgebrook,  Prodcnia  cridania  on  sugar 
at  Tremont,  Erebus  odora  on  sugar  at  Edgebrook  andAgriopo- 
dcs  Icpidula  on  sugar  at  Elmwood  Park. 

Mr.  Herz  bred  quite  a  number  of  the  latter  species  from 
eggs  deposited  by  a  captured  specimen,  feeding  them  on  dan- 
delion and  dock.  Six  specimens  developed  during  the  fall  and 
the  remaining  pupae  hibernated. 

Messrs.  Wyatt  and  Beer  bred  to  maturity  six  specimens  of 
Papaipcma  ccrina  from  larvae  which  they  found  in  grass  in 
the  early  stages.  The  small  larvae  were  later  transferred  to 
stems  of  mandrake  and  finally  into  turk's  cap  lily  in  which 
they  matured.  They  also  bred  Papaipcma  harrisi,  cataphracta, 
spcciosissiina,  marginidcns,  impecuniosa  and  silphii.  Mr.  Herz 
also  bred  several  of  these  species  and  among  others  an  unusual 
form  resembling  marginidcns,  but  without  the  ordinary  white 
spots.  This  was  from  a  larva  in  burdock. 

Mr.  Charles  Krueger  exhibited  at  the  meeting  a  large  num- 
ber of  interesting  moths  and  butterflies  taken  during  a  trip 
to  Florida. 

ALEX*  K.  WYATT,  Secretary. 


Prof.  EDWIN  EDDY  CALDER,  A.  M.,  Ph.  C.,  Phar.  D.,  Dean 
of  the  Rhode  Island  College  of  Pharmacy  and  Allied  Sciences 
and  an  authority  in  chemical  circles,  died  at  the  Deaconess  Hos- 
pital, at  Boston,  at  2  o'clock,  January  16,  1929,  after  an  illness 
of  several  months.  He  suffered  an  infection  of  his  foot  last 
August  from  which  blood  poison  developed  and  he  was  taken 
to  the  Deaconess  Hospital  early  in  September  for  treatment. 
It  was  found  necessary  to  amputate  a  portion  of  the  foot,  but 
this  failed  to  check  the  gangrenous  development  and  subse- 
quent amputations  were  necessary. 

He  was  born  in  Providence,  Rhode  Island,  March  17,  1S5.\ 
the  son  of  John  Lewis  and  Julia  F.  (Eddy)  Calder.  He  was 
educated  in  the  public  schools  of  this  city  and  specialized  in  the 
sciences  with  particular  reference  to  chemistry.  He  was  assis- 
tant instructor  in  analytical  chemistry  at  Brown  University 
from  1874  until  1882  when  he  became  professor  of  chemistry 

100  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [Mar.,  '29 

at  the  Boston  University  School  of   Medicine  where  he  con- 
tinued until  1906. 

In  1890  he  also  took  up  duties  at  Brown  University  as  in- 
structor in  chemistry,  conducting  classes  at  both  institutions 
until  1900  when  he  resigned  his  chair  at  Brown.  He  was  active- 
ly associated  with  the  Rhode  Island  College  of  Pharmacy  at 
the  same  time.  He  received  the  honorary  degree  of  A.  M.  from 
Brown  University  and  later  the  honorary  degrees  of  Ph.  C.  and 
Phar.  D.  from  the  Rhode  Island  College  of  Pharmacy  and  Allied 

In  addition  to  his  educational  duties  he  conducted  a  private 
analytical  chemistry  business  as  a  member  of  the  firm  of  Calder 
&  Strickland  in  this  city,  his  firm  having  been  commissioned  by 
the  State  authorities  to  conduct  investigations  in  connection 
with  a  number  of  capital  crimes  and  important  surveys. 

On  Dec.  23,  1875,  Professor  Calder  married  Ella  A.  T.  Els- 
bree,  daughter  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Hiram  Elsbree,  who  died  sev- 
eral years  ago.  He  is  survived  by  one  daughter. 

Professor   Calder's  hobby  was  the  study  and  collecting  of 
beetles  and  he  was  the  possessor  of  one  of  the  largest  and  most 
complete  collections  of  coleoptera  in  this  section  of  the  country. 
-(The  Providence  Journal  for  Jan.  16,  1929.) 

Three  brief  papers  on  Coleoptera  by  Prof.  Calder  are  listed 
in  Leng's  Catalogue  of  the  Coleoptera  and  the  Supplement 
thereto.  They  are : 

Cicindela  rhodensis  n.  m.  Jl.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  XXIV,  p.  94, 

New  Cicindelas  of  the  fulgida  group.  Can.  Ent.  liv,  p.  62, 
1922.  [Describes  forms  from  British  Columbia,  Manitoba  and 
Nebraska.  ] 

Change  of  name  in  Cicindela.    Can.  Ent.  liv,  p.  191,  1922. 

Dr.  HARRISON  GRAY  DYAR,  widely  known  for  his  work  on 
Lepidoptera,  especially  their  larvae,  on  Culicidae  and  related 
Diptera,  died  in  Washington,  D.  C.,  on  January  21,  1929.  An 
obituary  notice  by  Dr.  L.  O.  Howard  has  been  published  in 
Science  for  February  8,  1929, 


Will  subscribers  who  have  received  duplicate  copies  of 
Entomological  News  for  March,  1929,  February,  1927,  and 
February,  1926,  please  return  them  to  the  News. 

APRIL,  1929 


Vol.  XL  No.  4 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— Plate  III.  101 
Hicks — The  Nesting  Habits  of  Anthidium  mormonum  fragariellum  Ckll. 

(Hym.  :  Megachilidae) 105 

Hebard — Entomological  Collecting  Equipment  for  the  Western  United 

States,  with  Special  Reference  to  Orthoptera 110 

White,  Fulton  and  Cranor — Clothes  Moth  Prevention  as  Adapted  to  the 

Needs  of  the  Housekeeper 117 

Cockerell— A  Journey  Round  the  World 122 

Brower — Notes  upon  Calephelis  borealis  and  other  Rhopalocera  in  Mis- 
souri (Lepid.) 125 

Seybolt — An  Amateur  Entomologist  of  1762 126 

Entomological  Literature 127 

Review — Handschin's   Praktische    Einfuhring   in   die   Morphologie  der 

Insekten 132 

Review— Dozier's  The  Fulgoridae  or  Plant-Hoppers  of  Mississippi  .    .    .  133 

Obituary — William  Rhodes  Reinicke 134 


Logan  Square 

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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,  Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee :     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.  Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 

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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
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Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
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Plate  V. 


E.   P    VAN   DUZEE 

DR.  E.  C.  VAN  DYKE  DR.  E.  H.  BURKE 



VOL.  XL.  APRIL,    1929  No.  4 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

III.  The  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco,  California. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  Calif. 

(Plate  V.) 

Very  little  has  been  written  and  really  nothing  published  con- 
cerning the  early  history  of  the  California  Academy  of  Sciences 
at  San  Francisco,  yet  it  is  the  oldest  scientific  organization  of 
its  kind  in  western  America.  I  am  indebted  to  Mr.  James  E. 
Cottle  and  others  for  much  time  spent  in  ascertaining  for  me 
a  few  of  the  following  historical  facts. 

It  seems  that  some  twenty-two  San  Francisco  men  of  scien- 
tific bent  of  mind  were  assembled  on  April  4,  1853,  in  the 
offices  of  Col.  Thomas  J.  Nevius,  at  what  was  then  174  Clay 
Street,  to  discuss  the  founding  of  an  Academy  for  the  devel- 
opment and  study  of  natural  phenomena.  There  is  little  evi- 
dence that  any  of  these  gentlemen  were  collectors  or  naturalists 
in  the  zoological  sense  of  the  word,  but  eight  of  them  were 
prominent  physicians  in  the  city  and  several  were  ministers  of 
the  gospel.  At  a  second,  more  formal  meeting,  which  took  place 
on  the  16th  of  May  following,  a  constitution  was  adopted  and 
a  corps  of  officers  elected.  Thus  we  find  that  Dr.  Andrew 
Randell  became  the  first  president  of  what  was  then  termed 
the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences.  Later,  in  1868,  the  name  was 
changed  to  simply  the  Academy  of  Sciences.  From  the  first 
little  gathering-place  on  Clay  Street,  the  society  moved  into  an 
old  discarded  Baptist  church  on  the  southwest  corner  of  Cali- 
fornia and  Dupont  Streets.  Here  their  meetings  and  lectures 
began  to  attract  genuine  public  interest.  Eventually,  James 
Lick,  of  Lick  (  )1>servatory  fame,  deeded  to  them  a  valuable 
piece  of  land  at  819  Market  Street,  in  the  very  heart  of  the 
down-town  district.  Again,  several  years  later,  they  were 
fortunate  in  becoming  one  of  the  three  residuary  legatees  to  his 
vast  estate  from  which  was  derived  about  $450,000.  \Yith 


102  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

most  of  this  money,  an  Academy  building  was  erected  on  the 
Market  Street  property  and  moved  into  during  the  summer  of 
1891.  From  then  on  the  Academy  was  on  a  firm  financial 
basis.  Its  exhibits,  library  and  laboratories  occupied  a  separate 
rear  portion  of  the  building,  while  the  front  part  was  leased  to 
business  offices  from  which  a  considerable  income  was  gener- 
ally derived.  A  noteworthy  visitor  to  the  Academy  in  the  early 
70's  was  Louis  Agassiz. 

On  April  18,  1906,  the  great  San  Francisco  earthquake  and 
fire  left  the  Academy  in  ruins.1      It  was  a  tremendous  loss. 
Everything  was  destroyed  and  practically  nothing  saved.    The 
fire  did  not  reach  that  section  of  the  city  until  the  second  day ; 
so,  Mr.  Loomis,  the  director,  with  the  aid  of  Miss  Eastwood, 
the  botanist,  and  Miss  Hyde,  the  librarian,  managed  to  remove 
by  hand  a  few  books,  some  old  records  (from  which  this  article 
is  written)  and  a  complete  set  of  publications,  together  with  the 
botanical  types  and  certain  types  of  Coleoptera,  Hymenoptera 
and  Hemiptera.     All  the  Lepidoptera  collections  were  burned, 
including  Dr.  Behr's  collections  and  his  type  specimens.    What 
little  material  could  be  carried  out  was  moved  into  a  store  on 
Turk  Street  and  elsewhere.    Although  temporarily  stunned  by 
its  losses,  the  Academy  almost  immediately  resumed  activity 
and  in  a  few  months  had  rented  space  in  the  Security  Bldg., 
near  Market  Street.    Fire  insurance  money  began  coming  in ;  a 
donation  of  $20,000  was  received  from  Chas.  Crocker  and  with 
the  Lick  endowment  again  bearing  interest,  the  Academy  went 
ahead  and  laid  its  plans  for  a  real  new  home  to  eventually  rise 
in  Golden  Gate  Park,  which  is  over  on  the  western  edge  of  the 
city  towards  the  ocean  and  far  away  from  any  future  fire  haz- 
ard.   The  new  Academy  building  was  completed  and  occupied 
by  1915.     It  is  partly  shown  in  the  accompanying  illustration 
(Plate  V).      Its  construction  is  of   solid  concrete  and  stone, 
making  it  practically  immune  from  cataclysm.     One  good  fea- 
ture is  its  roomy,  well-arranged  laboratories  which  are  probably 
better  equipped  for  the  use  of  the  student  than  any  other  in 

1  Mr.  W.  G.  Wright  in  the  June,  1906,  issue  of  the  NEWS  shows 
a  picture  of  the  buildings  or  what  was  left  of  them  after  the  destruc- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  103 

the  country.  Dr.  Barton  W.  Evermann  is  the  present  director 
and  is  interested  mostly  in  ichthyology.  An  auditorium,  an 
African  Museum  Hall  and  new  library  quarters  are  planned 
for  the  future. 

The  Academy's  Department  of  Entomology  was  founded 
on  January  6,  1862,  by  the  appointment  of  a  definite  curator- 
in-charge  and  the  following  gentlemen  have  held  that  post  to 
date:  (Their  chief  interest  is  noted.) 

Dr.  H.  Herman  Behr,  1862-1867,  Lepidoptera. 

Mr.  Richard  H.  Stretch,  1868-1880,  Lepidoptera. 

Dr.  H.  Herman  Behr,  1881-1904,  Lepidoptera. 

Dr.  Edwin  C.  Van  Dyke,  1904-1916,  Coleoptera. 

Mr.  Edward  P.  Van  Duzee,  1916  to  date,  Hemiptera. 

The  entomological  department  is  especially  strong  in  the 
Coleoptera  of  western  North  America  and  in  the  Hemiptera  of 
America,  north  of  Mexico.  It  is  estimated  that  the  Lepidoptera 
collections  number  about  eighty  thousand  mounted  specimens. 
Almost  one-third  the  moths  listed  in  the  1917  Barnes  Check 
List  are  catalogued,  which  makes  this  collection  the  largest  of 
its  kind  in  the  west.  Most  of  the  specimens  in  all  orders  are 
kept  in  twenty-four  drawer  metal  cabinets  of  the  size  and  style 
of  the  several  shown  in  the  illustration.  The  butterfly  collec- 
tions consist  of  the  well  known  W.  G.  Wright  material  and  the 
collections  of  F.  X.  Williams,  E.  J.  Newcomer  and  Albert  Koe- 
bele.  The  Wright  types  and  the  particular  specimens  which 
went  to  make  up  his  plates  for  the  "Butterflies  of  the  West 
Coast"  are  of  special  interest.  There  is  also  a  sizable  collection 
of  western  diurnals  purchased  from  the  late  Chas.  L.  Fox. 

Mr.  E.  P.  Van  Duzee,  the  present  curator  of  Entomology, 
is  well  known  for  his  work  in  the  Order  Hemiptera,  but  he 
has  always  taken  a  great  deal  of  interest  in  Lepidoptera,  especi- 
ally Heterocera.  "EP"  was  born  in  New  York  City,  April  6, 
1861,  and  his  first  entomological  work  was  on  moths  under  the 
personal  guidance  and  encouragement  of  A.  R.  Grote,  at  Buf- 
falo, from  1876  to  1882.  He  published  a  list  of  the  Lepidoptera 
of  Buffalo,  New  York,  in  1894.  From  1885  on,  his  scientific 
work  with  insects  has  been  almost  entirely  in  the  Hemiptera  on 
which  more  than  one  hundred  papers  have  been  published.  For 

104  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

twenty-eight  years  he  was  connected  with  the  Grosvenor  Li- 
hrary  at  Buffalo.  One  year  was  spent  at  La  Jolla,  California, 
with  the  Scripps  Institute  for  Biological  Research.  For  two 
years  the  University  of  California,  at  Berkeley,  claimed  his 
services  and  from  there  he  came  to  the  Academy  in  1916.  All 
of  his  collections  have  been  donated  to  the  Academy.  Mr.  Van 
Dnzee  has  made  the  following  interesting  field  trips :  Muskoka 
Lakes,  Canada,  in  1888;  Michigan  in  1891;  Georgia  in  1899; 
Colorado  and  Utah  in  1900-3;  New  Jersey  in  1902;  Jamaica  in 
1906;  Florida  in  1908;  New  Hampshire  and  Maine  in  1909; 
Ottawa  in  1912;  Lake  Tahoe  in  1915;  San  Jacinto  Mountains, 
California,  in  1917;  Siskiyou  County,  California,  in  1918;  Hunt- 
ington  Lake,  California,  in  1919;  Washington  and  Vancouver 
Island  in  1920;  Gulf  of  California  in  1921;  Utah  in  1922; 
Arizona  in  1924;  Truckee,  California,  and  Nevada  in  1927. 
There  are  very  few  entomologists  who  can  claim  as  active  and 
unbroken  a  fifty-three  year  period  of  service  for  science  as  can 
E.  P.  Van  Duzee. 

The  accompanying  illustration  shows  Dr.  Edwin  C.  Van  Dyke, 
the  well  known  Coleopterist,  as  well  as  Dr.  H.  E.  Burke,  a 
forest  insect  specialist  who  happened  to  be  visiting  the  Academy 
when  this  picture  was  taken.  Dr.  Van  Dyke  may  well  be  con- 
sidered the  best  authority  on  beetles  in  the  west. 

I  am  particularly  pleased  to  be  able  to  include  in  this  plate, 
a  picture  of  Mr.  James  E.  Cottle.  He  is  undoubtedly  the  oldest 
living  lepidopterist  on  the  coast  and  personally  knew  all  the 
bygone  collectors  like  Behr,  Letcher,  Fuchs,  Mueller,  Rivers, 
Harford,  Dunn  and  many  others.  Several  years  ago  he  retired 
from  long,  meritorious  duty  in  the  San  Francisco  Police  De- 
partment and  since  then  has  been  more  than  ever  active  in 
building  up  his  collections  of  butterflies  and  moths.  Jim  Cottle 
was  born  in  New  York  City  on  July  10,  1861  (same  place  and 
year  as  Van  Duzee).  When  a  small  boy  his  folks  moved  west- 
ward to  San  Francisco  and  he  has  lived  there  ever  since.  In 
1901  he  married  Magdelina  Schulthress.  Years  ago,  when  an 
employe  in  the  Ilibernia  Bank,  he  became  ill  and  was  sent  to 
Anderson  Springs  to  recuperate.  While  there  an  acquaintance 
was  made  with  Beverly  Letcher  and  from  then  on,  according 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  105 

to  Cottle,  "I  became  a  chaser  with  the  net !"  Anyone  visiting 
San  Francisco  should  look  up  Jim  Cottle  and  see  his  collection. 
He  can  tell  you  all  about  the  good  old  collecting  grounds  and 
besides  it's  a  pleasure  to  meet  and  know  Mrs.  Cottle. 

In  1901  Chas.  Fuchs  and  others  established  the  California 
Entomological  Club,  which,  a  year  later,  changed  its  name  to 
the  Pacific  Coast  Entomological  Society.  This  organization 
meets  quarterly  and  publishes  an  annual  Proceedings.  Since 
July,  \()24,  it  has  published  the  Pan-Pacific  Entomologist,  a 
good  quarterly  journal  and  one  of  which  the  Society  may  well 
be  proud.  Mr.  Van  Duzee  is  the  editor. 

The  Nesting  Habits  of  Anthidium  mormonum 
fragariellum  Ckll.  (Hym. :  Megachilidae). 

By  CHARLES  H.  HICKS,  University  of  California  at  Los  Angeles. 

The  facts  in  regard  to  the  relationships  of  Anthidium  mor- 
monum Cresson  and  its  allies  have  been  reviewed  and  dis- 
cussed by  Professor  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell1  and  later  by  Her- 
bert F.  Schwarz-.  The  relationships  in  this  group  are  very 
complicated  and  are  ably  treated  in  these  two  papers. 

In  the  spring  of  1928,  while  'observing  bees  nesting  in  the 
ground  or  visiting  flowers  near  Pasadena,  California,  Anthidium 
mormonum  fragariellum  Ckll.:i  was  seen  many  times.  She 
early  attracted  my  attention  but  succeeded  in  eluding  my 
searches  until  Callantliidium  illustrc  (Cresson),  nesting  in 
stumps,  was  studied.  The  two  species  were  found  in  numbers 
at  the  stumps  and  many  facts  were  obtained  concerning  their 
nesting  habits.  A  review  of  the  more  important  ones  in  regard 
to  A.  mormonum  fragariellum  is  given  below. 

The  observed  nesting  period  of  this  bee  extended  from  March 
14th  to  June  2nd  and  may  be  somewhat  longer.  During  this 
period  field  observations  were  made ;  later  nests  were  obtained 
from  the  stumps,  after  having  been  located  by  finding  tunnels 

1  T.  D.  A.  Cockerell.  Anthidiine  bees  in  the  collection  of  the  California 
Academy  of  Sciences.  Proc.  Calif.  Acad.  Sci.  14:  345-.id7.  1(J_'5. 

-Herbert  F.  Sdnvarz.  Xorth  American  hers  of  the  ^cnu>  Anthidi- 
um. AIIHT.  Mils.  Xositates.  X<>.  151 :  !-_>_>.  ]<>27. 

:t  Kindly  determined  by    1'roiVssor    1'.    11.   Timberlake. 

106  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

whose  entrances  were  stopped  with  down,  the  cells  removed 
and  the  insects  reared  in  the  laboratory. 

The  nests  of  down  and  pebbles  are  placed  in  the  deserted  bur- 
rows of  coleopterous  larvae  in  old,  dead,  live  oak  stumps  and 
others.  The  bee,  when  a  nest  is  started,  begins  by  seeking  a 
suitable  cavity  for  her  cells.  Many  different  individuals  have 
been  observed  inspecting  the  available  tunnels,  entering  some, 
merely  passing  by  others,  or  giving  much  attention  to  a  suit- 
able one.  This  attention  is  shown  by  the  bee  repeatedly  enter- 
ing and  leaving  the  tunnel,  flying  about  it,  or  returning  to  it 
after  a  brief  flight  elsewhere.  Finding  it  of  the  right  size  and 
its  walls  of  a  sufficient  degree  of  smoothness  and  hardness  she 
begins  nesting  activities,  sometimes  by  first  removing  some 
debris,  or  if  the  tunnel  is  clear,  by  obtaining  down  at  once. 
Tunnels  with  rough  projections  on  the  walls,  such  as  were 
found  in  some  of  the  improvised  ones  formed  with  a  brace  and 
bit  in  an  old  yucca  flower  stalk,  are  quickly  rejected,  the  bee 
emerging  in  a  hurry. 

Near  the  end  of  a  nesting  season  the  available  tunnels  are 
much  in  demand,  as  was  evidenced  at  these  stumps  at  Pasadena, 
and  there  is  some  competition  for  their  use.  In  other  localities 
where  stumps  or  logs  are  more  abundant  and  tunnels  more 
plentiful,  and  where  the  wood  is  not  too  old  and  soft,  this  com- 
petition is  not  so  keen.  A  dearth  of  ready  tunnels  in  a  given 
nesting  territory  causes  the  bee  to  waste  much  valuable  time 
in  a  vain  search  as  well  as  giving  rise  to  an  occasional,  though 
not  deadly,  combat  between  the  females.  One  such  combat 
was  witnessed  and  recorded  on  May  12th. 

While  observing  an  insect  a  few  feet  away,  my  attention  was 
suddenly  attracted  by  some  insects  flying  heavily  to  the  ground. 
Coming  immediately  upon  the  scene,  I  found  two  females 
fiercely  fighting.  Each  had  the  other  by  a  fore  leg,  held  with 
the  mandibles  with  which  they  were  intermittently  biting,  inter- 
valed  every  few  seconds  by  an  attempt  to  sting  one  another. 
Occasionally  there  was  a  loud  buzzing  of  wings  as  they  fought 
more  actively.  The  contest  lasted  one  minute  and  forty-seven 
seconds,  at  the  end  of  which  time  one  flew  away  while  the 
other  flew  to  her  nest.  It  is  probable  that  both  had  been  trying 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  107 


to  use  the  same  tunnel  for  previously  two  bees  had  been 
watched  at  this  tunnel,  each  attempting  to  appropriate  it  for 
her  use. 

The  length  of  the  tunnel  used  by  A.  mormonum  fragariellum 
varies  from  22  to  65  mm.,  with  an  average  of  40  mm.  from  6 
nests  measured.  The  outer  diameter  varies,  depending  on  the 
tunnel  appropriated,  which  in  turn  depends  upon  the  species  of 
beetle  previously  using  it.  The  diameter  of  one  tunnel  measured 
7  by  5  mm. ;  that  of  another,  7  by  6  mm.  The  entrance  to  the 
tunnels  may  be  readily  located  by  surveying  the  outer  surface 
of  stumps  and  logs  and  finding  the  exit  holes  of  beetles,  plugged 
flush  with  the  surface  with  down.  This  down,  early  and  before 
the  weather  has  had  time  to  dull  it,  is  bright  and  easily  seen ; 
later  it  beomes  darkened  and  some  of  it  may  be  lost  from  one 
cause  or  another.  This  outer  plug  is  usually  short,  being  from 
4  to  10  mm.  in  length  (average  of  6  mm.  from  4  nests).  Be- 
low this  a  space  has  always  been  found,  filled  with  pebbles  and 
debris  often  mixed  with  soil.  The  soil  used  is  fine  and  some- 
times especially  abundant,  an  apparently  unusual  material  for 
nesting  among  the  Anthidiine  bees.  The  length  of  the  tunnel 
used  for  this  material  has  been  from  7  to  12  mm.  long. 

Usually  below  this  outer  region,  filled  with  pebbles  and  soil, 
the  down  above  and  continuous  with  the  cells  of  the  bee  is 
found.  In  a  few  instances,  however,  there  has  been  a  second 
and  inner  plug  of  down  followed  by  a  space  filled  with  pebbles. 
A  nest  taken  on  May  30th  illustrates  this  condition.  It  con- 
sisted of  a  plug  of  down  to  the  outside,  flush  with  the  surface, 
measuring  4  mm.  in  length;  next,  11  mm.  of  pebbles,  soil,  etc.; 
a  partition  of  down  of  5  mm.;  a  second  series  of  pebbles,  4 
mm.  long ;  and  finally,  the  down  of  the  nest  14  mm.  long  and 
containing  one  cell  with  a  larva.  This  larva  was  8  mm.  in 
length,  full  grown  and  ready  to  spin  its  cocoon. 

The  down  immediately  about  the  cells,  varies  in  length  de- 
pending upon  the  number  of  cells  it  contains.  The  number  of 
cells  to  a  nest  has  been  found  to  vary  from  1  to  4  with  an 
average  number  of  1.44  from  25  nests.  Females  have  been  ob- 
served gathering  down,  pebbles,  soil,  small  pieces  of  stems,  and 
the  like,  and  carrying  them  to  the  nest.  They  gather  the  down 
from  the  hairy  leaves  and  stems  of  Lepidospartum  sqmnmitum. 

108  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

When  obtaining  pebbles,  one  bee  selected  and  carried  26  loads 
in  5  minutes  from  a  rather  definite  place  13  feet  and  5  inches 
from  the  nest.  The  nest  entrance,  in  this  instance,  was 
nearly  parallel  with  the  ground  and  the  bee  often  barely  alighted 
at  the  edge,  releasing  the  pebble  within,  while  hesitating  but 
a  moment  on  the  wing  before  quickly  flying  away.  After  4  or 
5  loads,  however,  she  entered  and  arranged  them  with  her  man- 
dibles. Having  finished  with  the  pebbles,  she  immediately  began 
securing  down,  which  after  6  trips  filled  the  tunnel  even  with 
the  surface.  The  nest  complete  this  bee  began  entering  vacant 
tunnels  and  searched  as  though  looking  for  another  nest  site. 
This  instance  and  others  affords  evidence  that  as  soon  as 
the  female  has  finished  one  nest  she  may  immediately  begin 
another.  Since  there  is  often  but  one  cell  to  a  nest,  A.  inor- 
monuin  fragarielluni  must,  of  necessity,  and  on  the  average, 
provision  a  number  of  them. 

Loose  soil  from  the  surface  has  many  times  been  observed 
carried  by  the  bee  in  her  mandibles  to  the  tunnel.  This  fills  in 
the  spaces  between  the  pebbles  (the  proportion  of  pebbles  to 
soil  varies  considerably  among  different  individuals)  and  would 
appear  to  aid  somewhat  in  forming  a  more  compact  block  against 
enemies  as  well  as  keep  some  rain  from  entering.  Rain  some- 
times causes  damage  to  the  nest  and  its  contents,  when  it  comes 
heavily  before  the  cells  are  completed  and  the  protection  placed 
on  the  outside. 

During  the  season's  study  of  this  bee  and  later,  from  nests 
taken  from  stumps,  parasites  have  been  secured.  The  most 
common  is  a  beautiful,  little,  metallic  bee,  Chclynia  leucotricha 
Ckll.,4  taken  early  at  the  stumps  where  A.  mormonum  fragariel- 
lum  was  nesting.  The  parasite  remained  about,  entered  and  fre- 
quented the  nesting  tunnels  of  the  bee.  On  a  few  occasions 
I  have  seen  the  parasite  enter  a  tunnel  being  provisioned  by  the 
host,  almost  immediately  come  out,  turn  about  outside  and 
back  within  out  of  sight.  Her  actions  suggested  very  strongly 
that  she  had  gone  within  to  lay  an  egg  and  agreed  with  similar 
observations,  reported  in  a  recent  paper  (Hicks),5  on  Stclis 
permaculata  Ckll.,  a  parasite  of  Hcriadcs  carinatus  Cress. 

'  Determined  by  Professor  P.  H.  Timberlake. 

n  Charles  H.  Hicks.  Stelis  permaculata  Ckll.,  a  parasite  of  Heriades 
carinatus  Cress.  Kntom.  News,  38,  (10):  297-300.  1927. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  109 

The  cocoons  of  the  host  agree  very  well  with  those  formed 
by  Anthicliine  bees  and  especially  with  the  ones  made  by  jthe 
bees  of  the  genus  Antlridinin.  The  mammillary  projection  is 
especially  conspicuous,  however,  and  shows  some  variation  in 

The  males  apparently  do  not  seek  the  females  very  often; 
if  at  all,  at  the  nesting  sites  for  none  were  observed  at  the 
stumps.  Neither  have  they  been  seen  at  the  flowers  mating 
with  the  females,  although  this  would  seem  to  be  the  place  to 
expect  them.  Possibly  the  failure  was  due  to  not  enough  time 
having  been  spent  at  the  flowers.  My  first  acquaintance  with 
the  male  occurred  when  one  emerged  from  his  cocoon  on  Octo- 
ber 18th.  The  cocoon,  from  which  he  emerged,  had  been  at 
slightly  above  room  temperature,  on  the  average,  during  the 
period  from  June  2  to  October  18. 

The  females  on  several  occasions  have  been  found  to  rest ' 
or  sleep  in  the  tunnels  during  the  night  or  when  the  weather 
was  cool,  cloudy  or  rainy.  They  crawl  within  and  remain  with 
their  abdomens  towards  the  outside,  sometimes  quite  or  nearly 
exposed.  A  female  may  sleep  at  night  in  the  tunnel  in  which 
she  is  nesting  until  it  is  finished.  Late  one  evening  I  found 
two  females  of  CaUcanthidium  illustrc  (Cresson)  and  a  female, 
A.  Dionnoninn  frayaricllum  close  together  in  a  single  cavity  in 
a  yucca  flower  stalk. 

The  ease  with  which  the  cells  of  this  bee  may  be  secured 
throughout  the  year,  the  large  number  of  nests  often  found 
in  a  single  stump,  the  insects  and  parasites  secured  in  obtaining 
these,  and  the  ease  with  which  they  may  be  reared  in  the  labora- 
tory, together  with  the  resulting  facts  obtained  (i.  e.  sex 
ratios,  ratio  of  parasites  to  host,  ratio  of  one  parasite  to  an- 
other, effects  of  temperature  on  rate  of  development,  etc.) 
commend  this  species  for  further  study. 

One  nest  of  this  bee,  which  consisted  of  three  cells  in  a  row 
in  usual  order,  contained  a  Tenebrionid  beetle  pupa  in  each  of 
the  outer  cells.  The  middle  cell  contained  a  typical  cocoon  of 
the  bee.  Each  pupa  was  completely  surrounded  by  the  down 
of  /the "cell  and  there  was  no  evidence  that  this  down  had  been 
broken  by  an  insect  entering  it.  The  pupa  soon  reached  matur- 

HO  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

ity  in  the  laboratory.  One  was  killed  and  pinned,  the  other 
remained  alive  within  its  vial  for  five  and  one-half  months. 
It  died  at  the  end  of  this  period  and  was  later  determined  as 
Aphanotus  brevicornis  Lee.  by  Dr.  L.  J.  Muchmore  of  the  Los 
Angeles  Museum.  Whether  the  beetle  larva  ate  the  food  pro- 
vided for  the  bee  larva  or  destroyed  the  latter  could  not  be 
definitely  determined  from  the  nest  content. 

On'e  beetle,  the  tunnel  of  which  A.  mormonum  fragaricllum 
sometimes  appropriates  is  Polycaon  stoutii  Lee.6  This  beetle 
likewise  was  able  to  live  without  food,  after  having  reached 
maturity,  for  over  five  months.  The  writer  hopes  to  present 
in  the  future  additional  facts  concerning  the  relationship  of 
this  bee  to  other  insects,  especially  her  parasites. 

Entomological  Collecting  Equipment  for  the  Western 

United  States,  with  Special  Reference  to 


By  MORGAN  HEBARD,  Philadelphia,  Penna. 

During  some  twenty  years  of  entomological  field  work,  with 
Mr.  James  A.  G.  Rehn,  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 
we  have  gradually  discarded  unnecessary  equipment,  condens- 
ing the  outfit  to  a  point  where  little  that  will  not  be  used  is  now 
included.  Some  of  the  data  obtained  may  be  of  use  to  the 
entomological  collector,  contemplating  field  work  for  the  first 
time,  particularly  if  Orthoptera  is  one  of  the  orders  to  be  sought. 

In  the  first  place  the  usual  clothing  is  worn  at  the  start  of 
the  journey,  light  if  warm  regions  are  to  be  visited  and  heavier 
if  colder  climates  are  to  be  encountered.  Additional  sets  of 
underwear  and  socks,  several  shirts,  neckties,  handkerchiefs 
and  toilet  articles  complete  this  part  of  the  equipment,  a  cap 
sometimes  being  useful  en  route.  An  overcoat  is  unnecessary, 
though  a  light  rain-coat,  or  better  a  poncho,  is  advisable  if  a 
region  of  frequent  rain  is  to  be  visited  at  any  time  during 
the  trip. 

The  camp  equipment  depends  more  on  the  type  of  transporta- 
tion to  be  used.  In  a  light  motor  truck  I  would  carry  a  "Gold 

0  Kindly  determined  by  Mr.  A.  C.  Davis. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  111 

Medal"  or  similar  knock-down  army  cot,  several  blankets  and 
a  pillow.  Only  the  blankets  are  indispensable,  but  with  days 
of  hard  work  the  energy  of  the  individual  shows  real  deteriora- 
tion unless  restful  sleep  can  be  obtained.  A  light  knock-down 
table  is  also  most  serviceable,  but  rather  a  luxury  in  camp.  On 
the  other  hand  a  "Coleman"  or  similar  gasoline  pressure  lamp 
is  absolutely  essential,  primarily  for  packing  material  znd  writ- 
ing notes  after  dark,  but  also  to  secure  night-flying  species. 
A  liberal  supply  of  extra  lamp  mantles  should  also  be  brought, 
for  sometimes  a  set  will  stand  hard  usage  for  days  and  the  next 
shatter  at  the  first  severe  jolt.  A  tent  can  be  carried  and  is 
needed  if  heavy  rains  are  to  be  expected,  but  enough  water- 
proof canvas  to  keep  the  bedding  dry  is  alone  essential  in  most 
of  the  western  United  States.  Putting  up  and  taking  down  a 
tent  causes  serious  loss  of  time  unless  stops  of  several  days 
in  one  spot  are  contemplated,  when  a  tent  is  pleasant,  not  only 
as  a  refuge  in  bad  weather,  but  also  as  a  safe  place  of  storage 
and  a  shelter  from  wind,  which  later  may  prove  extremely 
trying  when  packing  material,  either  on  the  plains,  the  desert 
or  the  mountains.  If  a  tent  is  carried,  poles  and  sufficient  stakes 
must  also  be  secured,  as  in  many  places  where  it  is  likely  to 
be  used  such  can  not  be  found. 

The  cooking  equipment  for  camping  may  be  reduced  to  fry- 
ing pan,  one  or  two  small  pots,  coffee  pot,  large  knife,  can 
opener  and  cup,  fork  and  spoon  per  man ;  but  knives,  a  bucket 
and  a  dutch  oven  are  often  very  welcome. 

The  food  equipment  depends  greatly  on  the  region  to  be 
covered,  but  the  following  has  proved  amply  sufficient  for 
three  men  for  a  week  in  the  arid  or  semi-arid  west.  Twelve 
dozen  eggs,  crated ;  1  side  of  bacon ;  3  Ibs,  coffee ;  7  loaves  of 
bread  (preferably  a  few  purchased  every  two  or  three  days)  ; 
1  box  flap-jack  flour;  2  large  jars  of  jam;  7  cans  of  tomatoes; 
4  cans  of  baked  beans ;  3  cans  of  chile  con  carne ;  7  cans  fruit 
(cherries,  peaches  and  pears  are  usually  the  most  satisfactory)  ; 
14  small  tins  condensed  milk ;  3  Ibs.  sugar ;  several  pounds  of 
butter  (packed  deep  in  load,  which  preserves  from  melting 
astonishingly),  salt  and  pepper.  One  of  the  pleasantest  addi- 
tions to  the  above  is  a  steak  or  other  cut  of  fresh  meat,  added 

112  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

on  passing  through  a  ranch  or  village.  Fresh  vegetables  and 
potatoes  are  also  very  satisfactory,  but  as  a  rule  take  just 
sufficiently  more  time  to  prepare  than  we  bave  rarely  found 
time  available.  In  regions  where  game  can  be  secured,  the 
pleasantest  of  all  additions  to  the  normal  diet  is  available  if 
a  shot-gun  and  box  of  shells  is  added  to  the  equipment.  Like 
fishing,  however,  considerable  time  is  often  needed  in  a  strange 
country  to  secure  in  that  way  sufficient  food  for  three  men  for 
even  a  single  meal. 

Of  all  these  items  canned  tomatoes  are  the  most  important 
in  the  desert.  They  alone  will  quench  the  thirst  and  should 
the  water  supply  fail  they  might  prove  vital. 

In  cooking,  the  dutch  oven,  a  kind  of  deep  frying  pan  with 
tightly  fitting  iron  lid,  gives  splendid  results  over  the  camp  fire. 
Both  parts  are  heated  and  the  food,  cooked  from  both  above  and 
below,  is  more  appetizing  and  more  healthful  than  when  fried. 

Water  is  all  important,  as  we  have  found  that  unless  equipped 
to  make  several  dry  camps  in  succession  it  is  often  impossible 
to  give  a  region  thorough  examination  in  the  areas  where  best 
results  can  be  obtained.  Ten  gallons  of  water  should  be  carried 
and  a  load  of  twenty  is  far  more  satisfactory ;  contained  in  a 
barrel  with  a  long  rubber  tube  to  syphon  it  out  whenever  needed 
without  disturbing  the  rest  of  the  load.  In  addition  a  quart 
canteen  per  man  is  almost  indispensable. 

Morover  extra  gasoline  should  be  included,  ten  gallons  in  two 
sealed  five  gallon  tins  removing  any  worry  on  this  score. 

A  medicine  chest  must  be  carried  and  should  contain  mercuri- 
chrome,  sodium  bJcarbonate,  aromatic  spirits  of  ammonia, 
aspirin,  a  laxative,  a  purgative,  bismuth  subgallate  (5  gr.), 
quinine  (5  gr.),  strychnia  ( }£  gi".),  potassium  permanganate 
or  (better)  antivenin  (for  snake  bite),  a  little  gauze,  newskin 
and  adhesive  tape. 

The  camp  clothing  needed  consists  of  a  fairly  broad- 
brimmed  felt  hat,  a  sweater,  light  shirts  or  verv  light  and 

^  c* 

medium  olive-drab  woolen  shirts,  khaki  or  woolen  riding 
trousers,  two  light  undershirts  and  underdrawers,  several 
pair  of  heavy  socks,  leather  puttees  and  at  least  two  pair  of 
moderately  heavy  shoes,  large  enough  to  fit  comfortably  over 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  113 

two  pair  of  heavier  socks.  Very  light  shirts  are  needed  partic- 
ularly if  work  is  to  be  clone  during  the  hot  months  in  Death 
Valley,  Imperial  Valley,  or  other  places  of  extreme  heat.  Under- 
shirts but  not  under-drawers  can  be  dispensed  with  in  hot 
weather.  Whatever  the  region  and  even  with  a  sweater  in  re- 
serve, heavy  as  well  as  light  shirts  are  essential,  as  the  con- 
trast in  temperature  between  noon  and  after  dark  is  often  very 
great.  One  pair  of  field  shoes  should,  if  possible,  be  broken 
in,  as  one  is  very  apt  to  become  lame  wearing  new  field  shoes 
unless  they  are  alternated  with  old  ones.  Spare  shoe  laces  are 
also  often  useful,  and  only  the  very  strong  survive.  In  one 
pocket  should  always  <be  carried  a  compass  and  matches. 

The  collecting  equipment  requires  two  hand  electric  flash- 
lamps  and  extra  batteries,  a  supply  of  about  one  cyanide  bot- 
tle per  man  per  week,  several  small  cyanide  bottles  for  the 
more  delicate  specimens,  two  pair  of  tweezers,  a  note  book,  a 
fountain  pen,  pencils,  one  pair  of  good  scissors,  a  small  pair 
of  straight  manicure  scissors  (for  evisceration),  a  small  bottle 
of  formaldehyde  solution,  about  one-half  pound  of  napthaline 
per  week,  a  napthaline  shaker  (made  out  of  a  small  tin  with 
large  holes  punched  in  the  lid),  numerous  blotters,  needles  and 
thread,  a  small  screw-driver  (mainly  for  putting  together  the 
collecting  nets),  a  net  frame  per  man  per  week  and  two  net 
bags  for  the  same  period. 

We  have  found  the  standard  "Harrimac"  fish  landing-net 
frame  the  best,  using  only  the  first  section  of  the  wooden 
handle.  This  is  a  net  about  14j/>  inches  in  diameter  and  slight- 
ly longer  than  wide,  with  a  24  inch  handle.  The  net  bags  have 
to  be  made  and  the  heaviest  unbleached  muslin  is  the  best 
material.  For  our  work  the  bag  is  20  inches  in  depth,  allowing 
a  maximum  depth  that  can  be  reached  easily  with  the  hand, 
the  bottom  very  broadly  rounded  so  that  there  are  no  pocketed 
corners  and  the  material  turned  over  twice  along  the  rim.  In 
this  way  two  thicknesses  must  be  worn  through  to  reach  the 
steel  net  rim  where,  along  its  extremity,  the  wear  and  tear 
is  greatest.  These  nets  are  made  symmetrical  so  that  alter 
some  use  they  can  be  reversed  on  the  frame,  the  protected 
basal  portion  of  the  rim  then  receiving  the  rough  treatment  and 
in  this  way  nearly  double  work  can  be  done  with  a  net.  It 

114  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

must  be  remembered  that  a  large  portion  of  the  most  inter- 
esting Orthoptera  is  not  taken  by  pursuit  in  the  open  but  by 
strenuous  beating  of  shrubs,  trees  and  brush,  often  covered 
with  thorns. 

I  know  of  no  better  equipment  for  collecting  Lepidoptera, 
particularly  in  the  tropics  where  many  forms  show  greater 
activity,  than  this  same  net  frame  using  two  of  the  wooden 
handle  sections  and  a  slightly  deeper  bag  of  green  mosquito- 
netting.  In  spite  of  contrary  arguments  I  have  heard,  I  am 
convinced  that  many  butterflies  will  take  fright  much  more 
quickly  at  a  white  than  at  a  green  net,  though  as  much  im- 
mobility of  the  net  before  striking  as  may  be  possible  is  very 

The  final  packing  of  material  is  a  difficult  problem.  Triangu- 
lar papers  such  as  are  generally  used  for  Lepidoptera  serve 
well  with  small  series  of  Orthoptera,  particularly  if  the  paper 
is  not  stiff.  When  taken  in  quantity,  however,  that  method 
becomes  very  unsatisfactory.  We  have  used  for  a  long  time 
with  great  success  cigar  boxes,  each  containing  about  fifteen 
carefully  cut  and  tightly  fitting  layers  of  sheet  cotton.  This  is 
known  as  "cotton  batting"  and  its  surface  holds  the  specimens 
but  not  entangling  them,  as  plain  cotton  batting  or  jewelers 
cotton  was  found  to  do.  One  box  a  day  is  usually  sufficient, 
but  in  rich  regions  we  have  filled  many  more  in  that  length 
of  time,  so  that  an  extra  supply  of  this  cotton  should  be  car- 
ried, cigar  boxes  being  easily  obtained  unless  very  isolated 
regions  are  to  be  investigated. 

Most  Orthoptera  should  be  packed  as  closely  as  can  be 
without  specimens  actually  touching  each  other.  A  sprinkling 
of  napthaline,  a  slip  with  a  note  book  number  and  number  of 
specimens  on  the  layer  in  a  circle  beneath  and  the  next  layer  of 
cotton  is  placed.  The  napthaline  is  indispensable  as  it  prevents 
mould  and  also  damage  from  insects  or  small  animals.  Great 
care  must  be  taken  to  keep  the  box  full  of  extra  cotton  layers 
until  filled  with  specimens  and  several  days  later,  when  the 
contents  has  settled,  additional  layers  should  be  added.  The 
method  of  packing  involves  risk  not  only  of  damage  to  speci- 
mens but  also  mixing  of  layers  unless  the  box  is  kept  tigJitly 
packed  at  all  times. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  115 

Though  all  Orthoptera  will  keep  if  given  a  reasonable  chance 
to  dry  and  not  too  closely  packed,  all  large  bodied  specimens 
should,  if  possible,  be  eviscerated.    This  is  done  by  slitting  the 
under  side  of  the  specimen  longitudinally  from  metasternum  to 
the  middle  of  the  abdomen.    The  crop  is  then  grasped  with  the 
tweezers  as   far  toward  the  head  as -possible  and  pulled  out. 
The  specimen  is  then  reversed,  the  forceps  re-inserted  and  the 
intestine  is  similarly  grasped  near  the  other  end  of  the  body. 
A  careful  pull  then  removes  the  entire  alimentary  tract,  the 
greatest  care  being  used  to  keep  the  apex  of  the  abdomen  from 
telescoping,  and  a  firm  hold  of  that  portion  being  necessary  to 
prevent  this.    It  then  remains  to  extract  the  eggs  or  the  sperm 
sacks.  Only  specimens  with  soft  body  walls  need  to  have  a  little 
cotton    inserted.     All    green    individuals    should    be    slitted    or 
eviscerated  and  dropped  into  the  bottle  of  about  2%  formalde- 
hyde.  They  can  then  be  taken  out  almost  immediately  and  dried 
on  blotters.    Much  more  time  is  required  to  entirely  dry  out 
the  eviscerated  examples  with  pieces  of  blotting  paper  and  this 
must  be  done,  as  we  have   found  that  unless  thoroughly  dry 
such  specimens  will  deteriorate  and  at  the  same  time  seriously 
injure  other  specimens  packed  near  them.    Use  of  a  5%  solu- 
tion or  over  at  first  led  us  to  believe  that  this  method  of  fixing 
green  colors  had  little  merit,  as  even  that  weak  strength  did 
damage.    Later  material  packed  when  only  dry  externally  did 
much   damage.     The    method    suggested    above    has,    however, 
met  with  great  success.   We  originally  put  at  least  some  cotton 
in  each  specimen  eviscerated,  but  have  found  this  to  be  quite 
unnecessary  except  for  soft-bodied  species.    The  time  saved  by 
less   "stuffing"   has,   however,   been   more   than   lost   whenever 
green  material  is  properly  treated. 

About  camp  an  axe  is  always  useful,  and  where  roads  have 
been  bad  a  pick  and  shovel  have  helped  more  than  once. 

Though  it  may  appear  that  considerable  equipment  has  been 
suggested,  we  have  found  that  for  the  best  work  little  can  be 
omitted.  We  have  usually  packed  all  but  the  camp  outfit  and 
some  of  the  extra  packing  boxes  and  cyanide  bottles  in  three 
waterproof  telescopes,  the  best  size  being  about  22  by  14  by 
10  inches.  The  balance  we  have  shipped  in  a  trunk  to  the  point 


where  camping  would  begin.  The  telescope  is  vastly  superior 
to  the  suit  case  in  that  it  need  never  be  set  on  its  side  and  may 
be  tightly  packed  though  its  content  may  vary  from  half  to  fully 
its  capacity. 

We  prefer  puttees  and  moderately  heavy  shoes  to  boots 
largely  because  they  ventilate  better  and  the  latter  are  so  much 
more  difficult  to  pack  in  small  spaces.  Hob-nails  should  never 
be  used  in  the  desert  regions  as  the  heating  of  the  nails  on 
the  bare  ground  makes  them  almost  unendurable. 

When  we  first  began  our  work  it  was  possible  to  make  many 
stops  in  the  west  without  camping  equipment.  A  great  many 
places  on  the  railroads  were  very  small,  there  was  often  a 
reasonably  good  hotel  and  collecting  could  be  commenced  at 
very  short  distances.  The  growth  of  towns  and  land  under 
cultivation  has  made  a  motor,  then  rarely  to  be  found,  essential 
for  effective  work  without  serious  loss  of  time.  Though  in  this 
way  probably  more  favorable  locations  are  reached,  the  cost 
has  been  greatly  increased.  A  motor  for  working  over  a 
territory  of  a  thousand  or  more  miles  in  several  weeks,  with  a 
complete  camping  outfit,  is  in  consequence  now  the  most  effec- 
tive method.  Though  the  city  rate  for  motor  and  driver  is  often 
five  dollars  an  hour,  we  have  been  able  to  secure  a  truck  and  a 
good  man  to  drive  and  cook  for  as  low  as  seven  dollars  per 
day,  not  including  gasoline,  oil  and  food.  A  covered  truck  is 
.the  ideal  equipment,  our  preference  being  for  a  car  as  large  or 
larger  than  a  Dodge.  A  man  who  will  drive  and  cook  and  who 
knows  something  of  the  region  to  lie  visited  will  enable  the 

•  collectors  to  accomplish  far  more  than  would  otherwise  be  possi- 
ble.   Even   with   these  advantages  a   satisfactory   survey  of   a 
reasonably  large  area  in  a  few  weeks  means  sufficient  hardship 
and  hard  work  to  discourage  all  but  the  eager  and  physically 
fit.    Packing  and  often  collecting  specimens  far  into  the  night, 
minor  mishaps,  unavoidable  delays  and  often  the  need  to  in- 

•  vestigate  the  life  zones  in  mountains  to  their  summits,  on  horse- 
back if  horses  can  be  found,  otherwise  on  foot,  brings  a  strain 
that  is  endurable  only  because  one  is  constantly  in  the  open  air 
and 'continuously  exercising  throughout  the  day. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  117 

Clothes  Moth  Prevention  as  Adapted  to  the  Needs 
of  the  Housekeeper. 

By    HELENE   WHITE,*    B.    B.    FULTON,    and    KATHERINE   T. 

CRANOR,  Home  Economics  Division,  Iowa  State  College, 

Ames,  Iowa. 

Clothes  moth  prevention  is  a  subject  of  growing  interest  not 
only  to  scientists,  but  to  homemakers  as  well.  The  damage  done 
by  the  clothes  moth  is  at  least  one-half  as  great  as  that  done 
by  fire.  A  leaflet  distributed  by  the  Better  Fabric  League  of 
America  estimates  the  annual  loss  from  those  insect  pests  as 
one  hundred  million  dollars. 

There  are  few  homes  in  the  land  whose  woolens,  furs,  rugs 
or  upholstered  furniture  have  not  at  some  time  been  infested 
by  the  clothes  moth.  Many  homemakers  still  believe  that  such 
worthless  remedies  as  printers'  ink  of  newspapers,  red  pepper, 
borax,  tobacco  leaves,  red  cedar  leaves,  or  eucalyptus  leaves, 
have  value.  Where  worthwhile  remedies,  such  as  naphthalene 
crystals,  and  paradichlorobenzene,  are  used,  they  are  not  applied 
in  the  most  efficient  manner.  These  facts  are  indications  that 
much  education  is  needed  concerning  the  satisfactory  control  of 
these  insects. 

It  is  hoped  that  this  research  may  give  some  practical  infor- 
mation to  the  average  consumer,  as  well  as  to  the  teacher  of 
Textiles  and  Clothing  who  has  an  opportunity  to  emphasize 
the  importance  of  making  systematic  efforts  to  guard  properly 
against  the  depredation  of  the  moth. 

This  study  was  started  in  January  when  clothes  moth  larvae 
seemed  to  be  scarce  in  Ames.  Various  efforts  to  find  infesta- 
tions met  with  small  success.  By  April  larvae  enough  for  the 
proposed  experiment  had  not  been  found.  Therefore,  an  ad- 
vertisement for  clothes  moth  larvae  was  inserted  in  the  Iowa 
Student  and  the  Ames  Tribune.  As  a  result  of  advertising  and 
spring  cleaning  many  infestations  were  reported  during  that 

One  housewife  was  found  to  have  mohair  upholstered  furni- 

*This  paper  is  the  experimental  part  of  a  thesis  offered  by  the 
senior  author  in  partial  fulfillment  of  the  requirement  for  the  Degree 
of  M.  S.,  in  Textiles  and  Clothing,  June,  1927. 

118  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

ture  badly  infested  with  the  webbing  clothes  moth.  In  another 
home  were  discovered  webbing  and  casemaking  larvae,  "Buf- 
falo moth"  larvae,  and  black  carpet  beetle  larvae.  These  were 
found  in  stored  woolens  and  furs,  and  among  seldom  used  toys. 
Doll's  hair  seemed  to  be  the  favorite  food  from  the  toys.  Other 
Ames-donated  infested  material  included  a  fur  cap,  a  jersey 
coat,  and  an  army  uniform. 

From  the  many  scources  reported  it  is  evident  that  the  web- 
bing clothes  moth.  Tincola  bisclliella,  is  much  more  common  in 
Ames  than  the  case-making,  Tinea  pcllionclla.  Since  the  web- 
bing clothes  moth  larvae  were  easier  to  obtain,  they  were  used 
in  all  experiments. 

Infested  fabrics  were  placed  in  two  insect  cages,  1x1x2 
feet,  in  the  bottom  of  which  was  kept  moist  sand  to  insure  a 
desired  humidity.  These  were  put  into  a  small  room,  the  win- 
dows of  which  had  been  covered  with  beaver  board  to  provide 
darkness.  This  room  was  kept  at  an  approximate  heat  of  25° C. 

Material  next  to  the  wet  sand  became  moldy.  More  larvae 
were  found  to  feed  on  this  than  on  the  other  parts  of  the  fabric, 
probably  because  there  was  more  moisture.  During  April  an 
adult  clothes  moth  would  now  and  then  appear  in  a  cage.  In 
May  there  were  always  two  or  three  adults  present.  During 
June  and  the  first  part  of  July  they  were  very  numerous.  By 
the  last  of  June  the  fabrics  were  infested  with  a  crop  of  tiny 
larvae,  the  new  generation. 

For  the  experiments  in  this  research  scoured  wool,  yarns,  and 
fabrics  of  various  weaves  were  used.  These  were  all  wool,  and 
white  with  the  exception  of  the  moth-proofed  blankets,  which 
were  of  various  colors.  All  samples  were  cut  one  by  one-half 
inches  with  the  exception  of  those  used  in  one  experiment. 

Round  tin  boxes,  twelve  inches  in  circumference  were  used 
for  experiments  with  the  exception  of  two  for  which  paste 
board  boxes,  six  by  ten  inches,  were  thought  more  desirable 
because  of  their  size.  In  the  tin  boxes  were  placed  pieces  of 
blotting  paper  which  were  kept  moist.  The  cardboard  boxes 
were  placed  in  an  insect  cage  containing  moist  sand. 

When  larvae  were  needed  for  experiments  they  were  re- 
moved from  the  infested  material  with  as  little  handling  as 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  119 

possible.  At  the  time  each  set  of  experiments  with  moth-  proof- 
ing solutions  was  started,  a  number  of  larvae  were  placed  on 
a  sample  of  batiste,  untreated,  as  a  check. 

Experiment  1.  To  find  the  comparative  attractiveness  of 
scoured  wool  fleece  and  white  wool  fabric. 

Four  larvae  were  placed  in  each  of  five  tin  boxes  with 
samples  of  fiber  from  a  scoured  wool  fleece  and  a  white 
wool  blanket. 

In  two  weeks'  time,  80%  of  the  larvae  were  found  entangled 
in  the  wool  fibers  of  the  fleece.  This  indicates  that  clothes  moth 
larvae  prefer  wool  fiber  untouched  by  manufacturing  processes. 
This  may  also  be  due  to  the  fact  that  the  fibers  of  the  fleece 
give  them  a  greater  opportunity  to  bury  themselves  in  the 
manner  they  prefer. 

Experiment  2.  To  find  the  comparative  attractiveness  of 
a  dyed  and  an  undyed  wool  yarn. 

Two  larvae  were  placed  in  each  of  five  tin  boxes  with  a 
sample  of  each  of  red  and  white  yarn. 

The  red  yarn  although  attacked,  was  injured  only  about  one- 
half  as  much  as  the  white  yarn.  It  is  probable  that  the  dye  was 
responsible  for  this. 

Experiment  3.  To  find  the  comparative  attractiveness  of 
various  weaves  of  white  all-wool  fabrics. 

Folded  samples,  one  and  one-half  inches  by  three  inches, 
of  each  of  the  following  materials  were  placed  in  a  card- 
board box. 

a — Blanket;  twill  weave;  loosely  woven,  and  heavily 

b — Light  weight  sweater ;  knitted  weave, 
c — Baby  flannel ;  plain  weave,  woolen  yarn, 
d — Gaberdine;  twill  weave,  worsted  yarn. 
e — Felt ;  pressed  fiber. 

Two  larvae  were  put  within  the  fold  of  each  sample. 
Ten  such  boxes  were  prepared.  At  the  end  of  one 
month  it  was  found  that  many  larvae  had  spun  cocoons. 
Because  of  this  and  to  insure  pronounced  results,  two 
more  clothes  moth  larvae  were  added  to  each  box. 

About  one-half  of  the  larvae  in  each  box  collected  on  the 
blanket  sample.  When  examined  the  nap  had  been  eaten  from 
this  fabric.  Knitted  material  was  considerably  damaged,  flan- 
nel of  plain  weave  slightly  damaged,  felt  and  gaberdine  of  twill 

120  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

weave  were  almost  untouched.  These  results  would  indicate 
that  clothes  moth  larvae  prefer  the  hairy,  napped  and  loosely 
woven  fabrics  to  the  tightly  woven  hard  finished  ones.  The  only 
time  the  latter  fabrics  are  attacked  to  any  great  extent  is  when 
the  larvae  have  nothing  else  to  feed  upon. 

Experiment  4.  Testing  of  a  commercially  moth-proofed 

A  sample  of  this  wool  blanket  was  placed  in  each  of  five 
pasteboard  boxes  with  four  larvae.  A  sample  of  moth- 
proofed blanket  and  a  sample  of  untreated  blanket  were 
placed  in  each  of  five  pasteboard  boxes  with  eight  larvae. 

It  was  found  that  the  commercially  moth-proofed  blanket  was 
equally  attractive  to  the  larvae  with  untreated  blanket  samples 
of  the  same  make. 

Experiment  5.  To  test  the  effectiveness  of  Larvex,  a  moth- 
proofing solution. 

</.  Five  samples  of  white  flannel,  one  by  one  and  one- 
half  inches,  were  saturated  in  Larvex  solution  by  dip- 
ping, and  slowly  dried.  Each  sample  with  two  larvae 
was  placed  in  a  tin  box. 

b.  Five  samples  of  white  flannel  were  treated  as  in  a, 
and  placed,  each,  in  a  tin  box  together  with  an  untreated 
sample  and  four  larvae. 

c.  Five  samples  of  batiste  were  saturated  by  spraying 
with  Larvex,  and  allowed  to  dry  slowly. 

Each  was  placed  in  a  tin  box  with  one  larva  on  a  sample, 
when  the  larvae  died  it  was  replaced. 

d.  A  sample  of  mohair  upholstery  material  was  treated 
and  placed  in  a  tin  box  with  three  larvae. 

c.  A  sample  of  blanket  was  treated  and  placed  in  a  tin 
box  with  three  larvae. 

Tn  the  boxes  which  contained  only  flannel,  after  14  days, 
n2r/.  of  the  larvae  were  dead,  22%  still  alive  and  moving 
around,  and  16%  had  spun  cocoons.  At  the  end  of  24  days  all 
the  larvae  had  died  except  those  in  cocoons.  No  damage  had 
been  done  to  the  fabrics. 

Where  both  treated  and  untreated  fabrics  were  used,  23% 
of  the  larvae  were  dead,  73%  alive  and  4%  had  spun  cocoons 
after  14  clays.  The  percentage  of  living  insects  was  much 
greater  in  this  group  because  part  of  them  fed  upon  the  un- 
treated fabric.  After  24  days  a  few  more  cocoons  had  been 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  121 

spun  and  the  rest. of  the  larvae  were  still  feeding.  The  treated 
material  was  not  damaged. 

Uatiste  samples  were  sprayed  with  Larvex  until  saturated, 
or  dipped  in  a  sufficient  amount  of  the  liquid.  All  the  larvae 
on  the  batiste  samples  so  treated  were  dead  by  the  end  of  18 
days.  The  fabric  was  uninjured. 

At  the  end  of  14  days  the  mohair  sample  treated  with  Larvex 
was  not  harmed,  although  the  larvae  had  spun  tunnels  of  silk 
through  the  pile,  and  one  had  died.  In  the  case  of  the  blanket 
treated  with  Larvex,  after  14  days  the  larvae  had  spun  short 
tunnels  through  the  nap,  one  had  bitten  off  a  few  fibers  and  in- 
corporated them  into  its  cocoon,  and  one  had  died.  These  re- 
sults indicate  the  Larvex  soultion  will  make  materials,  on 
thorough  saturation,  repellant  to  the  moth  larvae  to  such  an 
extent  that  they  will  refuse  it  as  food. 

l'..\-f>crimcnt  6.  To  test  the  value  of  Eulan  F  Extra,  a  moth- 
proofing compound. 

</.  A  solution  of  Eulan  F.  Extra  was  prepared  according 
to  directions  furnished  by  the  manufacturer.  Three- 
fourths  of  an  ounce  of  the  Eulan  was  dissolved  in  two 
quarts  of  water  by  boiling  for  five  minutes,  yielding  a 
saturated  solution. 

Five  samples  of  batiste  were  saturated  with  this  by  dip- 
ping, and  slowly  dried.  Each  was  then  placed  in  a  tin 
box  with  one  larvae.  When  this  larvae  died  another  was 

b.  A    sample  of  batiste  was  treated   with  the  solution 
as  in  "a"  and  placed  in  a  tin  box  together  with  an  un- 
treated sample  and  four  larvae. 

c.  A  sample  of  blanket  was  treated  as  in  "a"  and  placed 
in  a  tin  box  with  three  larvae. 

Where  five  batiste  samples  were  treated  with  Eulan  F.  Extra, 
the  larvae  ate  small  holes  in  two  samples  by  the  end  of  30  days. 
The  average  life  of  a  larvae  on  this  material  was  16  days,  ex- 
cept in  a  few  cases  where  cocoons  were  spun.  In  the  case 
where  a  Eulan  treated  and  an  untreated  sample  were  exposed 
to  larvae,  the  treated  sample  was  uninjured  and  the  untreated 
slightly  damaged.  The  larvae  on  the  blanket  sample  had  spun 
tunnels  and  died.  These  results  indicate  the  Eulan  F.  Extra 
tends  to  prevent  damage  by  moths. 

(To  be   continued) 

122  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

A  Journey  Round  the  World. 

By  T.  D.  A.  COCKERELL,  Boulder,  Colorado. 
We  sailed  from  New  York  on  the  "Leviathan"  June  11,  1927, 
and  landed  at  Southampton.  After  a  few  days  in  England  we 
took  the  S.  S.  "Soviet"  from  London  to  Leningrad,  spending 
three  days  at  Bremen  on  the  way.  At  Bremen  I  was  much 
pleased  to  meet  my  old  correspondent  Dr.  Alfken,  one  of  the 
leading  authorities  on  wild  bees,  and  to  attend  a  meeting  of 
the  Bremen  Entomological  Society.  We  also  saw  the  procession 
of  the  Men's  Singing  Clubs,  which  was  meeting  that  year  in 
Bremen.  It  included  groups  from  all  over  western  Germany. 
We  were  very  cordially  received  in  Germany,  and  when  we 
got  our  visa  in  London,  no  charge  was  made.  On  arriving  in 
Leningrad,  we  put  up  at  the  Hotel  Europa,  and  visited  the 
great  museum  of  the  Academy  of  Sciences,  the  Geological 
Committee,  and  the  Botanic  Garden,  all  of  them  establishments 
of  the  highest  scientific  standing,  doing  an  immense  amount 
of  work.  In  a  few  days  we  were  on  the  train  for  Siberia,  going 
first  to  Moscow,  where  we  were  aided  and  shown  the  city  by 
Professor  David  Ilovaisky,  of  the  Aeademy  of  Mines.  In  the 
long  journey  to  Irkutsk,  in  Central  Siberia,  we  were  very  for- 
tunate in  having  as  a  travelling  companion  a  young  Russian 
woman,  Miss  Ksenia  Lukhmanoff,  who  spoke  excellent  English, 
and  acting  as  interpreter,  enabled  us  to  converse  with  the 
various  people  on  the  train.  At  Irkutsk  we  found  Mr.  Trotsky 
(the  real  Mr.  Trotsky,  not  Bernstein)  who  served  as  our  guide 
and  interpreter.'  We  were  allowed  to  live  in  the  guest  room 
of  the  Geological  Committee,  and  were  greatly  assisted  by 
the  members  of  the  Committee,  and  the  biological  staff  of  the 
University.  We  visited  the  Jurassic  fossil  beds  at  Ust  Balei 
on  the  Angara  River,  and  the  Biological  Station  of  the  Uni- 
versity of  Irkutsk  on  Lake  Baikal.  Later  we  went  to  Archan, 
where  we  were  most  hospitably  entertained  by  the  director  of 
the  Sanitarium.  We  found  the  country  about  Lake  Baikal  very 
interesting,  full  of  flowers  and  insects,  and  captured  many 
new  species  of  bees.  Leaving  Irkutsk,  this  time  with  Miss 
Alexandra  Troubnikoff  as  our  interpreter,  we  went  to  Tashkent, 
in  Russian  Turkestan,  now  called  Usbekistan.  We  had  to 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  123 

spend  a  night  on  the  way  at  Novo-Sibirsk,  the  new  capital  of 
Siberia,  and  to  change  trains  in  Russia  at  Kinel,  near  Samara. 
At  Tashkent  we  found  a  large  University,  and  were  allowed 
to  bring  away  collections  of  bees  and  snails  to  be  studied. 
The  snails  have  been  published,  and  the  bees  are  now  being 
studied.  We  returned  to  Moscow,  and  thence  on  to  Leningrad, 
and  took  the  S.  S.  "Yamel"  for  London.  The  weather  was  very 
bad  in  the  North  Sea,  and  the  small  boat  tossed  about  a  great 
deal.  We  were  the  only  passengers. 

After  a  month  in  London,  which  gave  me  an  opportunity 
to  work  up  some  of  my  materials  at  the  British  Museum,  we 
sailed  for  the  Orient  in  the  "City  of  Karachi."  We  saw  the 
rock  of  Gibraltar,  and  had  a  day  at  Naples,  which  enabled  us 
to  visit  Pompeii  and  the  Marine  Biological  Station.  Leaving 
Naples,  we  had  a  good  view  of  Mt.  Etna  on  the  way  to 
Egypt,  and  on  arriving  at  Port  Said  took  the  train  to  Cairo, 
later  joining  the  ship  at  Suez.  At  Cairo  we  saw  the  Museum, 
and  visited  the  Pyramids  and  Sphinx.  The  next  place  to  go  on 
shore  was  Colombo,  Ceylon,  and  this  gave  us  an  opportunity 
to  see  Kandy,  and  the  famous  Peradeniya  Botanical  Gardens. 
Leaving  Ceylon,  we  sailed  for  Calcutta,  where  we  left  the 
ship.  We  had  about  ten  days  in  India,  visiting  Darjeeling  and 
Agra,  at  the  latter  place  seeing  the  Taj  Mahal,  at  the  former 
the  great  snowy  peaks  of  the  Himalayas.  From  Darjeeling  we 
went  to  Rangoon,  Burma  (Dec.  14),  and  thence  to  Penang, 
where  we  met  Miss  Alice  Mackie,  who  accompanied  us  to  Siam, 
and  was  with  us  on  the  voyage  to  Australia  and  across  the 
Pacific.  We  went  by  train  from  Penang  to  Bangkok,  and  then 
again  by  train  northward  to  northern  Siam.  Leaving  the 
train,  we  travelled  four  days  through  the  jungle  with  carriers, 
and  arrived  at  Nan,  at  the  home  of  our  friends  Doctors  Douglas 
and  Mary  Collier,  on  December  26.  Christmas  dinner  was 
held  over  a  day  to  await  our  arrival.  We  had  a  most  interesting 
time  in  Siam,  exploring  the  country,  and  making  many  zoologic- 
al discoveries.  After  leaving  Siam,  we  visited  Kuala  Lumpur, 
in  the  Federated  Malay  states,  where  there  is  an  excellent 
museum.  We  then  went  on  to  Singapore,  and  took  ship  for 

124  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

Australia,  stopping  at  Batavia  (March  5)  and  Surabaya 
(March  7)  in  Java.  From  Batavia  we  went  to  see  the  botanical 
garden  at  Buitenzorg,  and  were  shown  over  by  Dr.  Karny,  the 
distinguished  Entomologist. 

We  first  stood  on  Australian  soil  at  Port  Darwin  (March  12), 
on  the  north  coast,  where  we  saw  the  black  fellows  and  col- 
lected many  insects.  We  had  a  day  at  Thursday  Island,  and 
proceeded  down  the  beautiful  coast  of  Queensland,  between 
the  barrier  reef  and  the  shore.  At  Brisbane  (March  20)  we 
visited  the  Queensland  Museum  and  the  University.  I  found 
things  so  interesting  that  I  stayed  three  days,  while  Mrs. 
Cockerell  and  Miss  Mackie  went  on  to  Sydney  by  sea.  I  went 
south  by  train  and  joined  them  there.  We  visited  the  Australian 
Museum,  the  Botanical  Garden  and  other  places  in  Sydney, 
and  later  on  I  undertook  to  write  a  book  on  Australian  Bees 
for  the  Royal  Zoological  Society  of  Sydney.  The  greater  part 
of  our  time  in  Australia  was  spent  at  Sandringham,  near  Mel- 
bourne, where  we  were  the  guests  of  Mr.  and  Mrs.  Tarlton 
Rayment.  Mr.  Rayment  has  done  more  than  any  other  man 
to  study  the  habits  of  Australian  bees,  and  has  prepared  an 
illustrated  account  of  the  species  found  at  Sandringham. 

We  had  intended  to  go  to  New  Zealand,  but  the  southern 
winter  was  now  approaching,  and  we  decided  to  go  to  New 
Caledonia  instead.  We  took  the  S.  S.  "Suva"  for  New 
Caledonia,  stopping  at  the  Fiji  Islands  on  the  way,  and  see- 
ing something  of  the  excellent  work  in  Economic  Entomology 
carried  on  there.  We  had  four  weeks  (May  14-June  12)  in 
New  Caledonia,  and  although  we  found  few  bees,  we  obtained 
many  interesting  snails.  We  had  to  go  back  to  Sydney  on  the 
'Suva,"  and  had  a  hard  time,  getting  into  one  of  the  worst 
storms  of  recent  years  in  that  region.  Leaving  Sydney  we 
crossed  the  Pacific,  once  more  calling  at  the  Fiji  Islands,  and 
then  on  to  Pago  Pago,  in  American  Samoa.  At  this  point 
Mrs.  Cockerell  and  Miss  Mackie  left  the  ship  and  took  the 
little  "Lady  Roberts"  for  British  Samoa,  while  I  went  on  to 
Honolulu,  where  they  joined  me  two  weeks  later.  We  finally 
reached  California  just  in  time  to  hear  Herbert  Hoover's  speech 
of  acceptance  at  Stanford  University. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  125 

So  far  (January  24th)  142  kinds  of  bees  have  been  identified, 
61  of  these  being  new.  When  the  work  is  completed,  the  total 
number  of  bees  may  approach  200.  Of  other  insects,  212  species 
have  been  determined,  most  of  them  by  the  Imperial  Bureau 
of  Entomology,  which  has  returned  to  me  a  large  number  of 
duplicates,  beautifully  mounted  and  labelled.  Numerous  new 
species  and  a  few  new  genera  have  been  detected.  Mr.  Curran 
has  already  published  two  Diptera  from  New  Caledonia  (the 
locality  cited  as  Balky  I.  is  really  Bailly  Island)  and  I  have 
published  three  Mutillidae  from  Siam.  The  greater  part  of  the 
material  has  been  distributed  to  museums,  especially  the  United 
States  National  Museum,  British  Museum,  American  Museum 
of  Natural  History,  the  Russian  Academy  of  Sciences,  the 
Australian  Museum  (New  Caledonia  spiders)  and  the  Mel- 
bourne Museum  (New  Caledonia  ants).  My  friends  Dr.  and 
Mrs.  McKean  of  Chiengmai.  Dr.  and  Mrs.  Dr.  Collier  at  Nan, 
and  Dr.  Kerr  of  Bangkok,  have  collected  very  many  Siamese 
insects  since  I  left,  so  that  the  Siamese  collections  are  greatly 
increased.  The  Queensland  Museum,  the  Australian  Museum, 
Professor  Nicholson  of  the  University  of  Sydney,  and  the 
American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  have  submitted  im- 
portant collections  of  Australian  bees,  in  which  many  new 
species  have  been  found. 

Notes  upon  Calephelis  borealis  and  other  Rhopalocera  in 

Missouri  (Lepid.). 

Calephelis  borealis  is  such  an  uncommon  insect  through  most 
of  its  range  that  but  little  has  been  recorded  regarding  its 
habits,  the  early  stages  being  entirely  unknown.  The  writer 
had  never  taken  anything  except  stray,  worn  males  of  the 
species  until  the  season  of  1926  when  a  number  of  perfect 
specimens,  including  perfect  females,  were  taken.  The  curious 
habit  of  settling  on  the  under  side  of  leaves  with  outstretched 
wings  like  Pyralid  and  other  moths  makes  the  species  an 
unusually  interesting  member  of  our  butterfly  fauna. 

The  locality,  \Yillard,  Missouri,  is  on  the  border  of  the 
Ozark  Mountain  Region.  All  the  strays  had  been  taken  in  the 
wooded  hollows  leading  to  a  stream,  and  early  in  August  1926 
fresh  specimens  were  found  in  a  limited  area  on  the  banks 
of  this  spring-fed  stream.  The  locality  was  visited  a  number 
of  times  and  specimens  captured  by  sweeping  the  bunch  grass 
and  other  plants  growing  there  and  capturing  the  weak  Hying 
insects  as  they  arose.  Owing  to  the  scant  amount  of  soil  over 

126  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

the  solid  rock  the  timber  is  sparse  and  stunted,  giving  the 
herbaceous  vegetation  a  chance  to  flourish.  The  vegetation  is 
more  nearly  characteristic  of  the  prairies  of  the  Middle  West 
than  of  the  Eastern  States.  The  trees  are  all  oaks.  Freshly 
emerged  females  indicated  the  proximity  of  the  foodplant,  but 
no  females  were  found  ovipositing  and  the  foodplant  remains 

Two  rare  records  for  Missouri  were  made  in  1927  on  the 
White  River,  in  Taney  County,  Missouri,  which  borders  upon 
Arkansas.  On  October  llth  a  beautiful  example  of  Catopsila 
philca  was  seen  to  settle  upon  a  bed  of  Zinnias,  but  the  wary 
insect  eluded  the  sweep  of  the  net.  Following  two  or  three 
days  of  strong  southwest  winds,  a  badly  battered  female  of 
Ercsia  tcxana  was  captured  on  October  23.  Terias  mexicana 
was  fairly  common  along  the  river  banks. 


An   Amateur   Entomologist   of   1762. 

An  advertisement  in  The  Bosto)i  Evening  Post,  July  19, 
26,  Aug.  2,  Sept.  13,  1762,  may  find  a  place  among  the  histori- 
cal documents  of  the  entomologist.  It  contains  a  brief,  but  in- 
teresting record  of  the  practice  of  collecting,  and  of  exchanging 
duplicates,  shortly  after  the  middle  of  the  eighteenth  century. 
The  notice  follows: 

"A  Gentleman  in  LONDON,  whose  Amusement  for  some 
Years  past  has  consisted  in  collecting  English  insects,  particu- 
larly of  the  Moth  and  Butterfly  Tribes,  and  having  obtain'd 
the  various  Species  generally  found  in  that  Kingdom,  is  desirous 
of  procuring  some  that  are  Natives  of  these  Parts,  either  by 
Purchase  or  exchanging  a  Collection  of  English  Duplicates.— 
The  Author  of  this  Advertisement  would  think  himself  very 
happy  in  the  Correspondence  of  any  Gentleman  or  Lady  in 
America,  of  a  similar  Taste,  or  who  would  assist  him  in  obtain- 
ing a  Collection  by  either  of  the  forementioned  Methods  (the 
latter  of  which  would  be  the  most  eligible  to  him)  in  Conse- 
quence of  which  all  due  Regard  will  be  paid  to  any  Letter 
directed  to  Mr.  DRURY,  to  be  left  at  Mr.  LEVER'S,  the 
New-England  Coffee  House  in  Thread-Needle-Street,  London." 

Two  years  later,  Mr.  Drury  republished  his  appeal  (Th-c 
Boston  Evening  Post,  April  16,  30,  May  7,  14,  21,  June  4,  11, 
1764)  as  an  "Advertisement  to  the  Naturalists,"  but  with  an 
added  paragraph : 

"N.  B.  Any  Person  delighting  in  this  Branch  of  natural 
History,  and  willing  to  procure  a  Collection  of  the  above  Things, 
may  by  directing  a  Line  as  aforesaid,  receive  ample  Instruc- 
tions for  that  Purpose  (if  they  don't  perfectly  understand  the 
Methods  of  obtaining  them)  and  also  depend  on  receiving  the 
full  Worth  of  any  Thing  so  procured/' 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  127 

An  interesting  account  of  Drury's  life  and  works,  by  H.  B. 
Weiss,  appeared  in  the  NEWS  for  July,  1927  (pp.  208-214), 
in  which  this  practice  of  Drury's  is  mentioned.  A  catalogue 
of  his  specimens  was  published  in  London,  1805.  The  records 
are  silent,  however,  concerning  the  moths  and  butterflies  which 
he  succeeded  in  obtaining  from  his  American  correspondents. 
ROBERT  FRANCIS  SEYBOLT,  University  of  Illinois. 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it    is   intended   to   note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the  Americas    (North  and   South),    including   Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I    ]    refer  to  the   journals,   as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from   the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

iJf"Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Dampf,  A. — El  IV  Congreso  Internacional 
de  Entomologia  celebrado  en  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  Los  dias  del 
12  al  18  de  agosto  de  1928.  [Hoi.  Oficina  Defensa  Agric. 
Mexico]  2:  692-729,  ill.  Felt,  E.  P.— A  popular  guide  to  the 
study  of  insects.  [N.  Y.  State  Mus.]  1929:  5-147,  ill. 
Foerster,  E. — Insektenschutz.  |17|  45:  1-2.  Geiser,  S.  W. 
-Naturalists  of  the  frontier.  I.  Jacob  Holl.  [Southwest 
Review]  1929:  184-198.  Marelli,  C.  A.— Un  voraz  enemigo 
del  bicho  de  cesto.  [Revista  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1  :  37-38. 
Myers,  J.  G. — Additional  notes  on  all-female  families  in 
certain  insects.  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Lond.]  3:  41-43.  Robson, 
G.  C. — The  species  problem.  An  introduction  to  the  study 
of  evolutionary  divergence  in  natural  populations.  [Hiol. 
Monographs  and  Manuals]  1928:  3-283.  von  Dalla  Torre, 
C.  W.— Obituary.  [18]  22:  338-340,  ill.  Weiss  &  Ziegler- 
Notes  on  some  wood  engravers  of  North  American  insects. 
[6]  36:  421-431,  ill. 

128  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Eggers,   F.— Die 

stiftfuhrenden  sinnesorgane.  Morphologic  uncl  physiologic 
cler  chorclotonalen  uncl  der  tympanalen  sinnesapparate  der 
insekten.  [Zool.  Bausteine,  Berlin]  2:  1-353,  ill.  George, 

C.   J. The    morphology    and    development    of    the    genital 

ducts  of  Homoptera  and  Zygoptera  as  shown  in  the  life 
histories  of  Philaenus  and  Agrion.  [53 j  72:  447-485,  ill. 
Goldschmidt  &  Katsuki.— Cytologie  des  erblichen  gynan- 
dromorphismus  von  Bombyx  mori.  [97]  48:  685-699  ill. 
Hasebroek,  K. — Atmosphare  uncl  luftstromungen  in  ihren 
bezieluingen  zum  industrie-und  grosstadtmelanismus.  [18] 
22:  313-318,  321-335,  ill.  Lischetti,  A.  B.— Experiencias 
sobre  la  accion  de  substancias  toxicas  sobre  mosquitos  adul- 
tos.  (S).  [RevistaSoc.  Ent: Argentina]  1:29-32.  Morison, 
G.  D.— The  muscles  of  the  adult  honey-bee  (Apis  melli- 
fe'ra).  |53]  72:  511-526,  ill.  Porchet,  B— Contribution  a 
1'etude  des  reactions  immunitaires  chez  les  invertebres. 
[Bull.  Soc.  Sc.  Nat.]  56:  553-560.  Roubaud,  E.— L'art 
paralyseur  chez  1'Abeille  domestique.  [25]  1928:  318-319. 
Thomas,  M. — La  fuite  clevant  le  danger  et  la  simulation 
de  la  mort.  |33]  68:  53-72.  Traub,  V.— Zur  frage  der 
entstehung  des  melanismus  der  industrie-und  faulnisab- 
dunstungen  in  der  natur.  [18]  22:  188-189,  ill.  Verlaine, 
L. — Les  reactions  des  antennes  des  Papillons  aux  tempera- 
tures elevees  et  aux  chocs.  [33]  67:  273-283. 

ARACHNIDA    AND     MYRIOPODA.  —  Banks,    N.  - 

Spiders  from  Panama.  jBull.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.]  69:  53-96, 
ill.  Giltay,  L. — Ouelques  types  de  metamerisation  tergale 
abdominale  chez 'les  araignees.  [33]  67:  285-296,  ill.  ^Gil- 
tay, L. — Arachnides  nouveaux  du  Bresil.  [33]  68:  79-87,  ill. 
Jacot,  A.  P. — American  oribatid  mites  of  the  subfamily 
Galumninae.  [Bull.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.]  69:  3-37.  ill. 
*Pearse,  A.  S. — Two  new  mites  from  the  gills  of  land  crabs. 
(S).  [Pap.  Tortugas  Lab.  Carnegie  Inst.  Wash.]  26:  225- 
230,  ill.  *Roewer,  C.  F. — Opilions  nouveaux  du  Bresil.  [33] 
68:' 123-127,  ill.  Walker,  M.  E.— A  revision  of  the  order 
Phalangida  of  Ohio.  [Ohio  Biol.  Sur.]  4:  153-175.  ill. 


A.  N. — I3ie  bestimmungstabelle  der  gattungen  der  unter- 
familie  Libellulinae  (Libellulidae).  [89]  56:  357-424,  ill. 
*Jordan,  K. — Notes  on  North  American  fleas.  [71]  35:  28- 
39.  Jordan,  K. — Further  records  of  North  American  bird- 
fleas,  with  a  list  of  the  nearctic  birds  from  which  fleas  are 
known.  [71]  35:  89-92,  ill.  *Navas,  R.  P.  L.—  Klemerop- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  129 

teros  nuevos  de  la  Republica  Argentina.  [Revista  Soc.  Ent. 
Argentina]  1  :  33-35,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA. — Chopard,  L. — La  faune  des  Orthop- 
teres  des  montagnes  des  etats-unis  et  ses  rapports  avec  la 
faune  palearctique.  [Peuple.  Hautes  Montagnes]  1928: 
142-149.  *Hubbell  &  Walker.— A  new  shrub-inhabiting 
species  of  Schistocerca  from  central  Florida  (Acrididae). 
[Occ.  Pap.  Mus.  Zool.  Univ.  Michigan]  197:  1-10,,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— Ballou,  C.  H.— Los  Coccidos  de  Cuba 
y  stis  plantas  Hospederas.  [  Cuba  Est.  Exper.  Agron.] 
1926:  9-47.  *Davis,  W.  T. — Cicadas  belonging  to  the  genus 
Diceroprocta  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  |6]  3o : 
439-458,  ill.  de  Azevedo  Marques,  L.  A. — Cigarrinha  nociva 
a  varias  especies  vegetaes.  Biologia  do  membracideo  Aetha- 
lion  reticulatum.  (S).  [Inst.  Biol.  Defesa  Agric.  Rio  de 
Janeiro]  1928:  3-27,  ill.  *Drake,  C.  J.— Xew  and  little 
known  neotropical  Tingitidae.  [Iowa  Sta.  Coll.  Jour.  Sci.| 
3:  41-56.  *Knowlton,  G.  F. — Notes  on  a  few  species  of 
Alyzini  (Aphididae)  from  Utah  with  descriptions  of  two 
new  species.  [4]  61:  9-15,  ill.  *Knowlton,  G.  F. — A  new 
juniper  aphid  from  Utah  with  notes  on  a  few  other  species. 
[39]  12:  59-62,  ill.,  cont.  Marelli,  C.  A. — Anotaciones  sobre 
Dacnirotatus  bruchi.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1  :  43-44. 
Steer,  W. — The  eggs  of  some  Hemiptera-Heteroptera.  |8| 
(o:  34-38,  ill.  Van  Duzee,  E.  P. — A  rare  pentatomid.  [55] 
5 :  52. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— *Bandermann,  F.— Pyranieis  cardui 
ab.  flava.  [18]  22:  236-237  [new  ab.  Europe].  *Cas- 
sino,  S.  E. — Some  new  geometrids.  [The  Lepidopterist] 

4:  84-88,  ill.  *Cassino  &  Swett. — A  new  geometric!  genus. 
[The  Lepidopterist]  4:  81-83.  Collenette  &  Talbot.— Obser- 
vations on  the  binomics  of  the  Lepidoptera  of  Matto  Grossq, 
Brazil.  |36]  76:  391-414,  ill.  Dallas,  E.  D.— Erin-ma  gen- 
eralizado  producido  por  tin  lepidoptero.  (S).  [Key.  Sec. 
Ent.  Argentina)  1  :  63-64,  ill.  Driggers,  B.  F. — Some  hiber- 
nation quarters  of  the  oriental  fruit  moth.  [6|  3d:  435- 
436,  ill.  *Dyar,  H.  G. — A  new  Tropical  American  la>io- 
campid.  [55]  5:  86.  Fisher  &  Ford. — The  variability  of 
species  in  the  Lepidoptera,  with  reference  to  abundance 
and  sex.  |3(>|  7d :  367-384.  ill.  -Forbes,  W.  T.  M.— Varia- 
tion in  Junonia  lavinia  (  Xymphalidae ) .  (S).  |o|  36:  305- 
320,  ill.  :i:Gehlen,  B. —  Ueber  bisher  unl>ckannte  mid  be- 
kannte  Sphingiden-formen.  (S).  |1S|  22:354-35<>.  :i:Gia- 
comelli,  E. — Sobre  una  rara  especie  de  Euptoieta  (Nympha- 

130  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

lidae).  Euptoieta  ramirezi  n.  sp.  (S).  [Rev.  Ent.  Soc.  Ar- 
gentina] 1 :  39-40,  ill.  Hayward,  K.  J.— Miscellaneous  notes 
from  Argentina.  [21]  41:  12.  *Igel,  H.  L.— Drei  neu- 
beschreibungen.  [ab.  of  Callosamia  angulifera  and  Hyper- 
chiria  io  ]  "[18]  22:  155.  *John,  K.— Ueber  einige  neue 
Saturniden-formen.  (S).  [18]  22:  318-319.  Kohler,  I.  P.— 
Sobre  mimetismo  en  lepidopteros.  [Revista  Soc.  Ent.  Ar- 
gentina] 1 :  49-54.  Kohler,  I.  P.— Los  pigmentos  alares. 
| Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  45-49.  *Kriiger,  R.— Eine 
neue  Hespericle.  Pamphila  abeli.  (S).  [18]  22:  287-288. 
*Kriiger,  R. — Agrias  claudina  f.  coelestis  m.  n.  ssp.  (S). 
[18|  72-  302  *Kruger,  R. — Neubeschreibungen  und  be- 
richtigungen.  (S).  [18)  22:  229-231,  *Kruger,  R.— Neu- 
beschreibungen. (S).  376-377.  Loquay,  R.— Sammeltage 
am  rande  des  urwaldes.  (S).  [18]  22:  156-157.  *Meyrick, 
E.— Exotic  Microlepidoptera.  3:  449-480.  *Neustetter,  H. 
-Neue  Heliconius.  (S).  [18]  22:  258-259.  *Neustetter, 
H. — Neue  und  wenig  bekannte  Heliconius.  (S).  [18]  22: 
237-238,  245-248.  *Neustetter,  H.— Neue  exotische  tag- 
falter.  (S).  [18]  22:389-392,  ill.  *Niepelt,  W.— Neue  Heli- 
conius-formen  von  Columbien.  [18]  22:  305-306,  ill.  *Prout, 
L.  B. — New  species  and  sub-species  of  Geometridae.  (S). 
[71]  35:  63-77.  Reuss,  T.— Die  Argyreidae  fam.  nov.  [18] 
22:  145-146.  *Riechmann,  P. — Eine  neue  aberration  von 
Phil,  cynthia.  [18]  22:  285-286.  Riechmann,  P.— Eine 
neue  aberration  (?)  von  Phil,  cynthia.  [18]  22:  231-232, 
ill.  *Schultze,  A. — Eine  weitere  neue  Agrias-form  aus  Ko- 
lumbien.  (S).  [63]  42:  329-330.  Strassberger,  R.— Los 
enemigos  de  Rothschilclia  jacobsese.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent. 
Argentina]  1 :  57.  Wladimirsky,  A.  P. — Ueber  die  verer- 
bung  experimentell  erzeugter  farbung  von  puppen  der  kohl- 
motte  Plutella  maculipennis.  [97]  48:  739-759,  ill. 

DIPTERA.— *Alexander,  C.  P.— Diptera.  Fam.  Tipuli- 
dae.  Subfam.  Cylindrotominae.  [Genera  Insectorum]  1927, 
Ease.  187:  1-16,  ill.  Diptera.  Fam.  Ptychopteridae.  [Genera 
Insectorum]  1927,  Fasc.  188:  1-12,  ill.  Diptera.  Fam.  Tany- 
deridae.  [Genera  Insectorum]  1927,  Fasc.  189:  1-13,  ill. 
*  Alexander,  C.  P. — New  nearctic  crane-flies  (Tipulidae). 
Part  XIII.  [4]  61:  15-22,  ill.  *Alexander,  C.  P.— Records 
and  descriptions  of  neotropical  crane-flies  (Tipulidae),  V. 
[6]  36:  355-367.  Alpatov,  W.  W. — Growth  and  variation 
of  the  larvae  of  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [42]  52:  407- 
434,  ill.  Brown,  C.  J.  D. — A  morphological  and  systemati- 
cal study  of  Utah  Asilidae.  |1|  54:  295-320,  ill.  "  Copello, 
A. — Biologia  de  Hermetia  illuscens.  (La  mosca  de  nuestras 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  131 

colmenas.)  (S).  [Revista  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  23-26, 
ill.  *Duda,  O. — Beitrag  zur  kenntnis  der  aussereuropais- 
chen,  Scatopsiden.  [56]  7:  259-297,  ill.  Lindner,  E.— Dr. 
L.  Ziirchers  Dipteren-ausbeute  aus  Paraguay :  Stratiomyii- 
den.  [52]  92,  A/12,  94-103,  ill.  Marelli,  C/A.— La  Agro- 
myza  productora  de  agallas  nodicolas  en  la  lagunilla  y  sus 
parasites  e  hiperparasitos.  (S).  [Revista  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina) 1:  13-21,  ill.  *Melander,  A.  L.— Empididae.  [Gen. 
Tnsectorum]  Ease.  185,  484  pp.  Pierre,  C. — Diptera.  Earn. 
Tipulidae.  Suhfam.  Tipulinae.  [Genera  Insectorum]  1926, 
Ease.  186:  1-68,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.  —  Belsak,  J.  -  -  Nota  sobre  Phanaeus 
bonariensis.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  62.  Bel- 
sak, J. — Sobre  la  biolog'ia  de  Trachyderes  morio.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1  :  58.  *Bernhauer,  M. — Beitrag  zur 
Staphvlinidenfauna  sudamerikas  insbesondere  Brasiliens. 
[Mem.  Soc.  Ent.  Itaiiana]  5:  152-169.  Blair,  K.  G.— Cole- 
opterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  99.  Pythidae,  Pyrochroidae. 
41  pp. ;  14  pp.  *Bruch,  C. — Coleopteros  mirmecofilos  de 
Cordoba.  (S).  [Revista  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1  :  3-12,  ill. 
Burgeon,  L. — Note  sur  les  Goliathus  du  musee  de  Tervue- 
ren.  (S).  [33]  68:  73-78.  Burke,  H.  E.— The  pacific  flat- 
head  borer.  [U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.]  1929,  Tech.  Bull.  83:  1-36, 
ill.  Csiki,  E. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  98.  Carabi- 
dae:  Harpalinae  II.  227-345.  Dallas,  E.  D. — Hemiterias 
(Diversas  deformaciones  en  coleopteros  argentinos).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1 :  65-68,  ill.  Dallas,  E.  D. — Un  caso 
interesante  de  mimetismo.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 1:  59-60.  Dallas,  E.  D.— Un  Liogenys  flaveolus  mon- 
struoso.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  1:  41-42,  ill. 
Hatch,  M.  H. — A  geographical  index  of  the  catalogues  and 
local  lists  of  nearctic  Coleoptera.  [6]  36:  335-354.  Klein, 
R. — Bestimmungstabelle  der  gattung  Cautires  C.  O.  Water- 
house.  [52]  92,  A/12,  118-146,  ill!  *Knaus,  W.— A  new 
name  for  Cicindela  violacea.  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  2: 
23-24.  Schenkling,  S. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  100. 
Languriidae.  40  pp.  Schenkling,  S. — Coleopterorum  Cata- 
logus. Pars.  101.  Throscidae,  Cerophytidae,  Perothopidae. 
26  pp. ;  3  pp. ;  1  p.  *Swaine  &  Hopping. — The  Lepturini  of 
America  north  of  Mexico.  Part  I.  [Canada  Dept.  Mines] 
Hull.  52:  1-97,  ill.  Vogel,  R.— Aus  clem  leben  der  leucht- 
kaferlarven.  [Kosmos]  26:  51-54,  ill.  *Wendeler,  H.— 
Neue  exotische  Staphvliniden.  (S).  I  Xeue  Beit.  Syst. 
Insekt.]  4:  33-36. 

132  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

HYMENOPTERA. — Aravena,  R.  O. — Nota  sobre  una 
costumbre  de  Scelifrons  figulus.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 1 :  61-62.  *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— New  name  for  a  genus 
of  bees.  [9]  62:  19.  Hicks,  C.  H.— On  the  nesting  habits 
of  Callanthidium  illustre.  [4]  61 :  1-8.  *Schwarz,  H.  F- 
Bees  of  the  subfamily  Anthidiinae,  including  some  new 
species  and  varieties,  and  some  new  locality  records.  [6] 
36:  369-418,  ill.  Smith,  M.  R.— Observations  and  remarks 
on  the  slave-making  raids  of  three  species  of  ants  found 
at  Urbana,  Illinois.'  [6]  36:  323-333.  *Walley,  G.  S.— A 
new  Campoplegidea  parasitic  on  Ellopia  fiscellaria  (Ich- 
neumonidae).  [4]  61:  22-23.  *Whittaker,  O.— New  Beth- 
ylidae  from  British  Columbia.  [36]  76:  385-390,  ill. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES.  —  Genera  Insectorum.  —  Diptera. 
Fam.  Empididae  by  A.  L.  Melander.  1-434,  ill.  [Indispensa- 
ble to  students  of  this  family.] 

INSEKTEN.  Ein  Hilfsbuch  fiir  Lehrer,  Studierende  und  En- 
tomophile.  By  EDUARD  HANDSCHIN,  (Univ.  of  Basle).  Samm- 
lung  naturwissenschaftlicher  Praktika,  Bd.  16,  Gebruder  Born- 
traeger,  Berlin,  1928.  Pp.  vii,  112:  pis.  XXIII.  11  Marks. 

This  commendable  little  volume  is  a  kind  of  text  book  on 
external  insect  anatomy,  in  which  descriptions  of  structures 
are  reduced,  as  far  as  possible,  almost  to  the  form  of  definitions. 
It  is  intended  that  the  student  build  his  own  morphological  con- 
cepts directly  from  a  study  of  the  various  modifications  under 
which  structures  may  occur.  The  book  is  a  thorough  laboratory 
manual,  since  all  structures  are  illustrated  by  numerous 
preparations  to  be  made  by  the  student.  These  preparations, 
mostly  in  the  form  of  permanent  mounts  for  microscopic  study, 
number  about  135  and  are  derived  from  ninety  of  the  com- 
moner genera  of  insects.  The  text  is  not  illustrated  but  the 
volume  is  accompanied  by  a  separately  bound  atlas,  which  con- 
tains 194  figures  and  fits  into  a  substantial  pocket  within  the 
back  cover. 

In  the  usual  type  of  laboratory  course  in  insect  anatomy,  a 
relatively  few  individual  species,  taken  from  different  groups, 
are  studied  in  detail.  This  plan  has  its  advantages,  among  which 
is  its  more  economical  use  of  the  insect  material  studied.  The 
other  method  of  approach  to  the  study  of  insect  anatomy,  used 
in  the  present  manual,  is  radically  different.  After  the  intro- 
ductory chapter,  wHich  contains  directions  for  fixing  and 
preserving  material  and  for  preparing  mounted  material  for 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  133 

microscopic  examination,  there  follow  chapters  on  the  chitinous 
skeleton,  the  head,  the  appendages  of  the  head,  the  thorax, 
the  abdomen,  the  encloskeleton,  the  sound-producing  organs 
and  the  spiracles.  In  each  chapter  or  in  its  sub-divisions,  as  the 
case  may  be,  a  uniform  plan  is  followed :  First  there  is  a 
carefully  selected  bibliography,  then  a  list  of  the  insect  material 
to  be  used  and  finally  a  general  characterization  of  each  struc- 
ture and  the  modifications  it  exhibits  in  the  various  prepara- 
tions suggested.  These  descriptive  characterizations,  which  are 
entirely  adequate  although  surprisingly  concise,  are  accompanied 
by  references  to  the  physiological  significance  and  to  the  phylo- 
genetic  origin  of  the  structures  involved.  The  approach,  then, 
is  from  the  comparative  morphological  point  of  view,  which 
has  the  advantage  of  yielding  a  better  understanding  of  struc- 
ture. Here  structure  is  subordinated  to  life  processes.  Each 
structure,  in  turn,  is  observed  as  it  occurs  in  its  different  adap- 
tational  relationships  in  the  various  groups  so  that  the  structure 
is  understood  in  view  of  the  function  it  fulfills.  We  find,  even 
in  very  different  groups,  that  wherever  a  similar  mode  of  life 
exists,  similar  modifications  of  structure  occur,  and  that  within 
the  same  group  differences  in  the  mode  of  living  will  determine 
differences  in  structure.  The  plan  for  laboratory  study  first 
referred  to  differs  essentially  from  this  one  in  that,  in  the 
former,  each  insect  is  considered  as  a  completed  mechanism,  to 
which  the  life  functions  are  then  subordinated. 

This  "practical  introduction"  is  a  thoroughly  organized  treat- 
ment throughout,  it  is  full  of  practical  information  for  teachers 
and  students,  and  like  others  of  the  series  of  "Praktika"  of 
which  it  is  volume  16,  is  a  beautiful  piece  of  scientific  book- 
making,  well  printed  on  glazed  paper. — R.  G.  SCHMIEDER. 

logical, Ecological,  and  Economic  Study.  By  HERBERT  L. 
DOZIER,  Technical  Bulletin  No.  14,  Miss.  Agr.  Exp.  Station, 
152  pp.,  35  figs.  Dec.,  1926  [My  copy  received  July,  1928]. 

This  publication  summarizes  work  that  has  been  carried  on 
for  several  years  and  which  has  suffered  not  only  delay,  but 
the  loss  of  new  species  described  in  the  interval  by  other  work- 
ers, and  more  unfortunately  still  of  some  excellent  colored  plates 
that  were  prepared  by  the  author  to  embellish  it.  Neverthe- 
less, it  is  still  adequately  illustrated  by  35  text  figures,  chiefly 
by  Dr.  Dozier.  Keys  to  the  subfamilies,  genera,  and  in  most 
cases  to  species  are  given,  with  descriptions  of  sufficient  detail 
to  serve  as  a  check  on  results  obtained  by  the  use  of  the  keys. 
Mississippi  records  are  cited,  but  the  general  range  also  is  given. 

134  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Apr.,    '29 

and  species  of  likely  occurrence  are  included,  so  that  the  work 
is  more  than  a  mere  state  list.  It  will  function  very  well  no 
doubt  as  a  manual  of  Fulgoridae  (exclusive  of  Delphacinae)  of 
the  Southeastern  States.  The  following  new  species  are  de- 
scribed in  the  publication :  Bruchomorpha  bhnaculata,  Aphclo- 
ncma  viridis,  Ccnchrca  nicatcci,  and  Anialopota  mcatcci. 

All  in  all,  Dr.  Dozier's  contribution  is  a  worthy  and  welcome 
one  toward  the  elucidation  of  a  group  of  insects  that  have  been 
rather  neglected.  This  is  still  true  of  one  subfamily,  the  Del- 
phacinae, a  baffling  complex,  which  also  we  trust  Dr.  Dozier 
will  be  able  to  study  and  to  illustrate  in  his  very  capable  man- 
ner.—W.  L.  McATEE. 


WILLIAM    RHODES   REINICKE,   widely  known   librarian  and 
head    of    the    Apprentices'    Library,    Broad    and    Brandywine 
Streets,  Philadelphia,  Pennsylvania,  died  on  March  5,  1929 
the  Oncologic  Hospital,  where  he  had  been  a  patient  for  sc , 

Mr.  Reinicke,  son  of  the  late  Henry  P.  and  Julia  J.  Reinicke, 
was  50  years  of  age  and  had  been  associated  with  library  work 
since  boyhood.  For  many  years  he  was  connected  with  the 
Bureau  of  Documents  in  the  State  Library  at  Harrisburg.  He 
recently  concluded  the  installation  of  the  library  in  the  Perm 
Athletic  Club.  He  began  his  library  work  in  the  Wagner  Insti- 
tute, Seventeenth  Street  and  Montgomery  Avenue,  and  from 
there  went  to  Harrisburg  and  then  returned  to  this  city  and 
took  charge  of  the  Apprentices'  Library.  He  is  survived  by 
his  widow,  two  children  and  a  sister. 

In  connection  with  his  work  in  libraries  he  formed  a  collec- 
tion of  books  injured  by  insects  and  of  insects  which  injure 
books  which  was  acquired  by  the  late  Mr.  Joseph  G.  Rosen- 
garten,  a  Trustee  of  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  and  pre- 
sented by  him  to  that  institution.  Mr.  Reinicke  was  at  one 
time  an  associate  (1894),  and  later  a  member  (1900),  of  the 
old  entomological  section  of  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences 
of  Philadelphia  and  a  member  of  the  Feldman  Collecting  Social 
of  the  same  city.  He  published  an  article  "Insects  Destructive 
to  Books"  in  the  American  Journal  of  Pharmacy  for  December, 
1910,  pp.  551-562. 


Will  subscribers  who  have  received  duplicate  copies  of 
Entomological  News  for  March,  1929,  February,  1927,  and 
February,  1926  please  return  them  to  the  News. 

MAT,  1929 


Vol.  XL 

No.  5 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera — IV..  .    .  135 

Tietz— A  List  of  Macrolepidoptera  of  Pennsylvania  136 

White    Fulton  and  Cranor — Clothes  Moth  Prevention  as  Adapted  to  the 

Needs  of  the  Housekeeper  (continued  from  page  121) 137 

Hebard — An  Orthopterist's  Point  of  View  as  to  the  value  of  Specific  and 
Racial  ( Subspecific)  Names  and  the  Uselessness  of  those  for  ' '  Varie- 
ties" and  "Forms"  141 

Knull — Additions  to  the  Lists  of  Buprestidae  and  Cerambycidae  of  Penn- 
sylvania (Coleop.) 144 

Fulton — Apparatus  for  Making  Insect  Locality  Labels 145 

Snodgrass— Some  Further  Errors  of  Body  Wall  Nomenclature  in  Ento- 
mology   150 

Entomological  Literature 155 

Review — Felt's  Popular  Guide  to  the  Study  of  Insects 163 

Review — Graham's  Principles  of  Forest  Entomology 164 

Obituary — Dr.  Harrison  Gray  Dyar 165 

Obituary — Colonel  Wirt  Robinson 168 


Logan  Square 

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Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  j 
Act  of  October  3,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1931. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors ;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:      Philip  Laurent,   J,   A.   G  Rehn,    Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
United  States  and  possessions         .         .       $3.00 
Canada,  Central  and  South  America       .         3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents.     Sample  copies  50  cents. 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue,  1  in..  $  1.20.  2  in.,  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  11.00,  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.  All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
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Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
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Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 



Plate  VI. 




VOL.  XL.  MAY,    1929  No.  5 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

IV.     The  Provincial  Museum,  Victoria,  B.  C.,  Canada. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 
(Plate  VI.) 

The  Provincial  Museum  of  Natural  History  at  Victoria, 
British  Columbia,  Canada,  was  founded  hy  the  Provincial  Gov- 
ernment on  October  25,  1886.  Its  first  public  displays  occu- 
pied simple  quarters  in  the  old  Supreme  Court  Building,  but 
as  the  Institution  developed  under  the  leadership  of  John  Fan- 
nin,  ornithologist,  it  was  thought  necessary  in  1897  to  move  it 
to  its  present  home  (shown  to  left  in  illustration  as  marked) 
in  the  two-story,  east  wing  of  the  Parliament  Block.  These 
buildings,  which  are  of  solid  stone  construction,  always  look 
impressive  to  visitors  and  have  that  substantial,  well  built  ap- 
pearance so  characteristic  of  Canadian  Government  structures. 
The  present  director,  Mr.  Francis  Kermode,  has  been  in  charge 
of  the  museum  since  1904,  his  special  interests  being,  mam- 
malogy and  ornithology.  A  white  bear  Ursus  kennodci  Horn. 
is  named  in  his  honor.  The  local  government  should  appro- 
priate additional  funds  for  expansion  and  reorganization,  so  that 
this  deserving  institution  can  be  kept  more  up  to  date  and 
abreast  with  the  times. 

There  are  two  large,  plate  glass  exhibition  cases  of  nicely 
arranged  and  mounted  lepidoptera  representing  local  material 
on  view  to  the  public ;  one  of  butterflies  and  the  other  of  moths. 
The  study  collection  of  insects  amounts  to  about  twenty  glass- 
top  drawers.  The  museum  has  no  types  of  lepidoptera.  Mr. 
W.  H.  Danby  and  Mr.  C.  DeB.  Green,  both  collectors  of  lepi- 
doptera, founded  the  collections  in  1892. 

A  second  complete  "Check  List  of  Macrolepidoptera  of  Brit- 
ish Columbia"  was  recently  (1927)  issued  by  the  Museum. 
This  very  helpful  publication,  which  is  being  kept  up  to  date 


136  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

in  the  Annual  Reports,  was  edited  by  Mr.  E.  H.  Blackmore, 
who  acts  as  honorary  curator  for  the  entomological  division. 
He  is  shown  in  the  illustration  standing  by  one  of  the  muse- 
um's cases  of  insects.  Mr.  Blackmore  has  been  interested  in 
lepidoptera  for  about  thirty-five  years  and  has  recently  been 
devoting  his  entire  spare  time  to  the  study  of  local  micro- 
lepidoptera.  For  several  terms  (1916-17;  1919-20),  he  was 
president  of  the  British  Columbia  Entomological  Society.  He 
was  born  on  January  20,  1878,  in  Ludlow,  Shropshire,  England, 
and  has  two  sons.  Mr.  Blackmore  is  credited  to  date  with  about 
fifteen  entomological  papers,  the  first  appearing  in  the  Pro- 
ceedings of  the  local  Society  in  March,  1916.  Several  have 
been  published  in  th£  Canadian  Entomologist.  His  personal 
collections  and  types  are  kept  at  home.  He  has  been  an  official 
in  the  Government  Postal  Service  for  many  years  and  is  well 
thought  of  in  Victoria.* 

British  Columbia  has  always  listed  a  good  quota  of  active 
entomologists.  In  1901  Messrs.  R.  V.  Harvey,  G.  W.  Taylor 
and  Tom  Wilson  founded  the  B.  C.  Entomological  Society 
and  this  organization  has  published  annually  their  "Proceed- 
ings" since  1911.  Prior  to  that,  from  March,  1906,  to  June, 
1908,  there  was  issued  a  quarterly  Bulletin.  The  Society  meets 
alternately  in  Victoria  and  Vancouver. 

A  List  of  Macrolepidoptera  of  Pennsylvania. 

I  am  compiling  a  list  of  macrolepidoptera  of  Pennsylvania 
and  would  like  to  obtain  as  many  records  as  possible,  giving 
dates,  localities  and  any  other  notes  of  interest.  Even  notes 
on  one  or  two  species  will  help  to  make  the  article  more  com- 
plete. If  you  have  many  species  to  record,  I  can  send  a  tenta- 
tive list  to  which  can  be  added  the  data  you  can  furnish.  All 
contributors  will  receive  full  credit  for  their  contributions. 
Address  DR.  HARRISON  M.  TIETZ,  Dept.  Zoology,  Penn  State 
College,  State  College,  Penna. 

*  I  have  just  had  word  from  Mrs.  F.  Blackmore  with  the  sad  news 
that  her  husband,  Mr,  E.  H.  Blackmore,  passed  away  suddenly  on 
March  2,  1929. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  137 

Clothes  Moth  Prevention  as  Adapted  to  the  Needs 
of  the  Housekeeper. 

By   HELENE   WHITE,*    B.    B.    FULTON,   and   KATHERINE   T. 
CRANOR,  Home  Economics  Division,  Iowa  State  College, 

Ames,  Iowa. 
(Continued  from  page   121) 

Experiment  7.  To  test  the  value  of  Eulan  A,  a  moth-proof- 
ing solution. 

a.  Eulan  A  was  prepared  for  use  according  to  direc- 
tions furnished  by  the  manufacturer.    Twenty  cc.  of  the 
solution  was  mixed  with  240  cc.  of  water  and  240  cc.  of 
methylated    spirits    (wood   alcohol).      Five    samples   of 
batiste   were   saturated   with  this   solution   and  allowed 
to  dry.     Each  was  then  placed  in  a  tin  box  with  one 
larva.    In  case  the  larva  died,  it  was  replaced. 

b.  A  sample  of  batiste  was  treated  with  the  solution  as 
in  "a"  and  placed  in  a  tin  box  together  with  an  untreated 
sample  and  four  larvae. 

c.  A   sample   of    blanket   was   treated   as   in    "a"   and 
placed  in  a  tin  box  with  two  larvae. 

Samples  treated  with  Eulan  A  were  not  harmed  by  the  larvae 
at  the  end  of  11  days.  By  this  time  all  larvae  placed  on  the 
materials  at  the  beginning  of  the  experiment  were  dead.  In 
the  case  where  treated  and  untreated  samples  were  used,  the 
larvae  were  still  feeding  on  the  untreated  samples.  This  an  in- 
dication that  Eulan  A  is  a  satisfactory  moth-proofing  substance. 

Experiment  8.     To  test  the  value  of  sodium  silico  fluoride 
SiFe),  for  moth-proofing  use. 

a.  A  saturated  solution  of  sodium  silico  fluoride  was 
made  by  boiling  a  liter  of  water  containing  an  excess  of 
crystals,  25  grams,  for  five  minutes.     (Na2SiF6)  is  said 
to  be  2.46%   soluble  in  boiling  water,  but  is  less  than 
\%  soluble  at  ordinary  temperatures. 

After  the  solution  had  cooled  and  settled  five  samples 
of  batiste  were  saturated  and  dried.  Each  was  placed 
in  a  tin  box  with  one  larva.  In  case  the  larva  died  an- 
other was  substituted. 

b.  A  sample  of  batiste  was  treated  as  in  "a"  and  placed 
in  a  tin  box  with  four  larvae. 

c.  A  sample  of  treated  batiste  was  placed  in  a  tin  box 
together  with  an  untreated  sample  and  four  larvae. 

d.  A  sample  of  blanket  was  treated  and  placed  in  a  box 
with  two  larvae. 

138  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  |  May.    '2° 

At  the  end  of  11  days  samples  treated  with  sodium  silico- 
fluoride  were  uninjured.  The  larvae  on  the  blanket  sample  wove 
still  alive,  but  not  feeding.  Those  in  the  boxes  containing 
treated  and  untreated  samples  were  still  alive,  either  feeding  on 
the  untreated  material  or  in  cocoons.  This  indicates  that  sodi- 
um silico  fluoride  has  a  decided  moth-proofing  effect  on  woolens. 

Experiment  9.  To  test  the  value  of  sodium  lloride  (XaF) 
for  moth-proofing  use. 

a.  A  saturated  solution  of  sodium  floride  was  made  by 
boiling  a  liter  of  water  containing  an  excess  of  crystals, 
45  grams,  for  five  minutes.     (XaF  is  slightly  over  4'  \ 
soluble  in  boiling  water.)     After  the  solution  had  cooled 
and  settled  five  samples  of  batiste  were  treated  by  sat- 
urating and  drying.    Each  was  then  placed  in  a  tin  box 
with  four  larvae. 

b.  A  sample  of  batiste  was  treated  as  in  "a"  and  placed 
in  a  tin  box  together  with  an  untreated  sample  and  four 

Samples  treated  with  sodium  fluoride  solution  were  uninjured 
at  the  end  of  15  days.  \Yhere  both  treated  and  untreated  fab- 
rics were  used,  the  untreated  was  slightly  damaged,  but  the 
treatment  was  unharmed.  Apparently  sodium  fluoride  is  of 
value  in  moth-proofing. 

Experiment  10.  To  find  the  value  as  a  moth-proofing  solu- 
tion of  Enoz  Moth  Spray. 

a.  A  sample  of  flannel  was  saturated  with  Enoz  and 
allowed  to  dry.  Three  larvae  were  placed  on  the  sample 
in  a  tin  box. 

The  larvae  died  within  a  week.  The  material  had  such  an 
oily  feel  and  the  odor  was  so  disagreeable  even  after  two  months 
of  airing  that  the  solution  was  considered  impractical  for  use 
for  moth-proofing  and  no  further  experiments  were  made. 

Experiment  11.  To  find  the  physical  effect  of  the  moth- 
proofing solutions  on  various  material. 

Samples  of  purple  felt,  black  and  white  checked  wool 
suiting,  red  wool  broadcloth,  blue  wool  crepe,  mohair 
upholstery  material,  and  white  fur  were  saturated  in 
each  of  the  following  solutions :  Larvex.  Eulan  F.  Extra, 
Eulan  A.,  sodium  silico  fluoride,  and  sodium  fluoride. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NK  139 

Untreated  material  on  which  larvae  were  placed,  as  chec"- 
at  the  same  time  that  each  group  of  experiments  on  moth-proof- 
ing was  started,  was  bady  damaged. 

The  results  of  the  various  moth-proofing  experiments  indi- 
cate that  moth-proofing  is  of  value  in  protecting  textiles  from 

The  visible  physical  characteristics  of  the  wool  fabrics  of 
various  colors  and  weaves  were  not  changed  by  any  of  the  five 
moth-proofing  -olutions  used.  The  mohair  upholstery  material 
should  be  brushed  while  still  slightly  damp  to  insure  the  reten- 
tion of  it>  luster. 


Minimizing  the  moth  menace.      Ladie-'   Home 
Journal,  70:172.    May,  1926. 

.  MOUS.     Moth-proofing  process.  Textile  World.  67  :1395. 
Feb.,  1925. 

ANONYMOUS.  Report  of  tests  upon  the  immersion  of  fabrics 
in  Larvex  solution.  Made  for  the  Larvex  Co..  by  the  Ma--a- 
chusetts  In-t.  of  Tech.  Larvex  Co..  Xew  York,  1926. 

BACK.  E.  A.  Clothes  moths  and  their  control.  U.  S.  D.  A. 
Farmers'  Bulletin.  Xo.  1353.  1923. 

BACK,  E.  A.,  and  COTTON,  R.  T.  Clothes  Moths — killing  by 
vacuum.  Journ.  of  Agric.  Research  31:1035-1041.  192:. 

ID.  Effect  of  cold  storage  on  clothes  moths.  Refrigerating 
World.  59:26.  April,  1924. 

ID.  Insect  control  in  upholstered  furniture.  Furniture  Ware- 
houseman. Yi ;  Xo.  5,  May,  1926. 

BACK,  E.  A.  and  RABAK.  F.  Red  cedar  chests  as  protectors 
against  moth  damage.  U.  S.  D.  A.  Bulletin.  Xo.  1051.  Wash- 
ington, 1923. 

BENEDICT,  R.  C.  An  outline  of  the  life  history  of  the  clothes 
moth,  Tincola  bisclliclla.  Science.  46:464-466.  Xo\-.,  1917. 

ID.     The  yellow  clothes  moth.     Science.  47 :392..    April.  1918. 

CLARK.  C.  O..  and  CRAFT.  J.  EULAN.     A  permanent  protection 
-•    moth  damage  to  textile.-.     Journ.  of   Soc.  of   Dyers 
and  Colorist-,  41  :155-161.    May.  1925. 

CRAFT,  J.  Chemical  protection  of  fabrics  against  moths.  Chem- 
;  ige,  12:108.  Jan.,  1925. 

COLTON,  HAROLD  S.  The  unnatural  history  of  the  clothes 
moth.  Scientific  Monthly.  24 :47-58.  Jan..  1927. 

HF.RRICK,  G.  W.  How  to  kill  moths.  Literary  Digest,  82:24-5. 
July,  1924. 

140  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

ID.  Insects  injurious  to  the  household.  The  Macmillan  Co., 
New  York,  1914. 

ID.  Lesson  134.  Cornell  Reading  Course  for  the  Home.  Cor- 
nell Univ.,  Ithaca,  1923. 

ID.  Manual  of  injurious  insects.  Henry  Holt  &  Co.,  New 
York,  1925. 

IMME,  A.  D.  Clothes  moths  and  their  control.  Scientific  Amer- 
ican, 130:248.  June,  1924. 

JOHNSON,  A.  K.  Experiments  with  microorganisms  and  in- 
sects in  textile  work.  Amer.  Dyestuff  Reporter,  14:11-17. 
Jan.,  1925. 

LUTZ,  FRANK  E.  Field  book  of  insects.  G.  P.  Putnam's  Sons. 
The  Knickerbocker  Press.  New  York,  1921. 

MARLATT,  C.  L.     U.  S.  D.  A.  Farmers'  Bulletin,  No.  659.  1915. 

MATTHEWS,  J.  M.  Textile  fibres,  p.  126.  John  Wiley  and 
Sons.  New  York,  1924. 

MAYER,  M.  M.  The  malicious  moth.  Good  Housekeeping, 
74:75.  Mar.,  1922. 

ID.  On  packing  away  your  winter  clothes.  Good  Housekeep- 
ing, 80:86.  April,  1925. 

MCDANIEL,  E.  Cloth  moths.  Mich.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.  Quart. 
Bull.,  IV,  No.  4:143.  May,  1922. 

MINSEFF,  M.  G.  Moth  larvae  and  their  behavior  toward  cer- 
tain colored  substances.  Textile  Colorist,  49:89-91.  Feb., 

MULLEN,  CHARLES.  Moth-proofing  compounds.  Textile  Col- 
orist, 48:89.  Feb.,  1926. 

ID.  Moths  and  moth-proofing.  Amer.  Dyestuff  Reporter, 
14:321-325.  May,  1925. 

NAGEL,  I.  Contributions  to  biology  of  Tineole  biseiliclla.  Re- 
view of  Applied  Ent.,  Ser.  A,  9:1.  Imperial  Bureau  of  Ent. 
London,  1921. 

NEUBURGER,  ALBERT.  Checkmating  the  moth.  Scientific  Amer- 
ican, 130-248.  Apr.,  1924. 

RILEY,  C.  V.  Some  insect  pests  of  the  household.  Insect  Life, 
11:211,215.  1890. 

SACHS,  A.  P.  History  of  moth  prevention.  Textile  Colorist, 
48:453-456.  July,  1926. 

ID.  History  of  moth  prevention.  Textile  Colorist.  48:526-530. 
Aug.,  1926. 

ID.  Moth  damage  and  moth  prevention.  Amer.  Dyestuff  Re- 
porter, 14:155-156.  March,  1925. 

ID.  Moth  and  moth  damage.  Textile  Colorist,  46:221-226. 
Apr.,  1924. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  141 

SCHLOSBERG,  MORRIS.  A  study  of  the  effect  of  heat  on  clothes 
moths  (Tincola  bisclliclla)  in  upholstered  furniture.  Thesis. 
M.  S.  degree  from  the  University  of  Ohio,  Columbus,  1926. 

SEVERIN,  H.  C.  Clothes  moths.  Circular  21.  South  Dakota 
State  Entomologist,  Brookings,  Nov.,  1920. 

TITSCHACK,  E.  Contributions  to  a  monograph  on  the  clothes 
moth,  Tincola  bisclliclla.  Rev.  of  Applied  Ent.,  Series  A, 
11:367.  Imperial  Bur.  of  Ent.  London,  1923. 

WHITSON,  HELEN.  Stop  feeding  the  moth.  Good  Housekeep- 
ing, 79:84-85.  Aug.,  1924. 

An  Orthopterist's  Point  of  View  as  to  the  value  of 

Specific  and  Racial  (Subspecific)  Names  and  the 

Uselessness  of  those  for  "  Varieties  " 

and  "  Forms." 

By  MORGAN  HEBARD,   Philadelphia,   Penna. 

In  recent  somewhat  comprehensive  studies  of  certain  species 
of  Orthoptera,  certain  factors,  which  have  received  but  little 
consideration  or  have  been  wholly  overlooked  in  the  past,  have 
become  constantly  more  apparent  and  their  relative  values 
better  understood.  One  of  the  most  vital  points  is  the  com- 
prehension of  the  occasional  necessary  subdivision  of  specific 
units  into  geographic  races.  This  factor  until  recent  years  had 
been  almost  wholly  overlooked  by  entomologists  and,  in  the 
literature,  material  representing  such  subspacific  differentiation 
was  almost  invariably  treated  as  inseparable  from  typical 
material  of  the  species,  or  described  as  representing  a  distinct 
species.  The  reason  for  this  is  easily  found ;  in  the  past  work 
of  almost  all  authorities  on  the  subject,  large  series  of  speci- 
mens of  one  species  from  many  portions  of  its  range  have  not 
been  obtainable,  and  from  inadequate  material  the  presence  of 
geographic  races  could  not  be  discerned. 


In  numerous  species  a  gradual  increase  in  size,  or  in  brilliancy 
of  coloration,  or  both,  is  found  in  their  distribution  toward  the 
equator.  In  such  species  the  size  increase  is  general  and  propor- 
tional, while  the  difference  in  coloration  does  not  affect  the 

142  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

color  pattern.  These  variations  are,  we  believe,  the  specific 
adaptation  to  the  gradual  changes  of  climatic  conditions  over 
the  range  of  the  species;  the  naming  of  the  very  different  ap- 
pearing extremes  of  such  variation  from,  say,  New  Jersey 
and  Florida,  must  he  strongly  condemned.  With  the  assump- 
tion that  names  are  for  the  purpose  of  distinguishing  units  of 
varied  importance,  it  is  quickly  apparent  that  when  in  such 
cases  large  series  of  material  from  the  entire  range  of  the 
species  show  a  gradual  and  constant  gradation  from  one  ex- 
treme of  development  to  the  other,  no  definite  points  for  division 
exist  and  were  the  extremes  named,  intermediate  conditions 
could  receive  with  equal  propriety  names  having  not  the  slight- 
est value. 


In  some  species  virtually  constant  differences  are  found  to 
separate  series  from  one  area  from  those  from  another  area, 
such  areas  being  almost  always  very  extensive.  These  differ- 
ences are  found  in  disproportionate  increase  in  size,  length 
or  width  of  certain  portions  of  the  insect,  differences  in  the 
structure  of  various  parts  or  in  the  color  pattern ;  all  of  these 
being  virtually  constant  over  considerable  areas,  but  in  the 
intervening  (usually  much  more  restricted)  areas  showing 
every  intermediate  gradation.  Such  distinct  units  in  a  species 
are  termed  geographic  races  and  are  properly  designated  by 
a  trinomial. 

In  insular  and  otherwise  isolated  aggregations  of  a  species, 
such  geographic  races  also  occur,  but  these  are  sometimes 
naturally  restricted  to  very  limited  areas  and  intermediate 
material  is  usually  not  to  be  found. 

Undoubtedly  some  geographic  races  will  eventually  become 
specific  units,  while  others  will  disappear,  and  the  isolated 
forms  mentioned  above  indicate  the  evolution  of  the  species 
which  has  occurred  since  the  separation  took  place. 


In  addition  to  the  above  geographic  variations,  differences 
are  often  found  in  material  from  distinctive  conditions  in  local 
environment.  These  are  interesting  in  the  study  of  a  species, 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  143 

but  can  not  properly  bear  name  designation  if  they  are  .found 
to  vary  without  any  line  of  demarkation  from  the  extreme  of 
difference  to  the  typical  condition. 


Differences  in  species  of  Orthoptera  such  as  macropterism 
and  brachypterism,  various  types  of  coloration  (such  as  melan- 
ism, albinism,  etc.),  intensive  and  recessive  conditions  of  color 
pattern,  extremes  of  ovipositor  length  and  other  similar  varia- 
tions can  rarely  be  given  names.  If  this  were  done,  their  com- 
plexity, intermingling  and  variability  would  lead  to  a  senseless- 
array  of  meaningless  names,  of  interest  perhaps  to  the  hoard- 
ing collector  but  of  no  true  scientific  value.  The  confusion 
possible  were  "varieties"  all  considered,  may  be  readily  illus- 
trated by  the  forms  of  Dichroinorplui  riridis;  in  this  insect 
macropterism  and  brachypterism  are  found  and  in  color  we 
have  a  wholly  green  and  a  wholly  brown  form,  one  with  green 
sides  and  brown  dorsum  and  one  with  the  reverse,  and  both 
immaculate  and  speckled  conditions.  Naming  only  the  more 
evident  of  such  variations  would  not  only  oblige  the  use  of 
quadrinomials,  but  eight  names  for  only  the  major  types  of 
coloration,  and  in  other  species  showing  as  many  forms  and 
developing  a  geographic  race  as  well  quinquenomials, would  be 
requisite.  For  conditions  of  really  minor  importance,  such 
an  array  of  names  would  be  ridiculous. 


Mendelian  factors,  which  rarely  occur  in  their  pure  form  in 
nature,  can  not  logically  be  used  as  a  basis  for  specific  or  sub- 
specific  names;  exemplifying,  as  they  do,  but  a  single  tendency 
of  the  variational  complex  of  the  organism. 

Our  attitude  is  that  the  usefulness  of  taxonomic  names  in 
zoology  is  to  designate  what  appear  to  be  definite  steps  in  the 
evolutionary  development  of  the  organisms  under  considera- 
tion. By  definite  steps  we  mean  those  stages  which  show  a 
degree  of  completion  and  stability  sufficient  to  distinguish  them 
one  from  the  other,  excluding  features  of  difference  within 
themselves  which  are  individual,  sporadic  or  occasional  or 
which  represent  merely  some  single  manifestation  of  the  com- 
plexity of  the  organism. 

144  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

Additions  to  the  Lists  of  Buprestidae  and  Ceramby- 
cidae  of  Pennsylvania  (Coleop.). 

By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 

Since  the  lists  of  Buprestidae  and  Cerambycidae  of  Penn- 
sylvania have  been  published*,  collecting  records  have  made 
it  necessary  to  add  the  following  species  which  were  not 
included  therein : 

POECILONOTA  MONTANUS  Chamb. — an  adult  female  which 
agrees  quite  well  with  a  specimen  of  this  species  determined 
by  Mr.  W.  J.  Chamberlin  and  now  in  the  author's  collection, 
was  found  ovipositing  in  a  wound  on  a  large  toothed  aspen 
(Popuhis  grandidcntata)  in  Clark's  Valley,  just  north  of  Har- 
risburg,  on  July  31.  The  poplar  had  been  partly  girdled  by 
a  beaver. 

ANOPLIUM  PUMILUM  Newn. — A  specimen  collected  at  Cham- 
bersburg,  June  7,  by  the  author. 

PSEUDIBIDION  PERTENUE  Csy. — Specimens  were  collected  at 
Philadelphia  Neck,  June  30  and  July  18V  by  Mr.  Charles 

TYPOCERUS  ACUTICAUDA  Csy. — Presque  Isle,  June  9,  E.  M. 
Craighead ;  Mt.  Holly,  June  25,  Hummelstown,  July  11,  Perdix, 
June  11,  Inglenook,  July  5,  author. 

Typocerus  deceptus  n.  sp. 

Form  and  color  of  T.  vclutinus  Oliv.,  however  the  reddish 
brown  area  of  elytra  is  quite  dark  in  spots  between  the  yellow 

Antennae  black,  without  impressed  poriferous  areas  in  the 
female,  but  these  areas  are  marked  in  the  male  from  the 
6th  to  llth  joints  inclusive. 

Thorax  convex,  constricted  anteriorly,  sides  sinuate,  surface 
coarsely  punctured,  each  puncture  bearing  a  stiff  recumbent 
golden  hair. 

Elytra  cuneiform,  sides  sinuate  back  of  middle,  apices 
obliquely  emarginate,  surface  finely  densely  punctured,  each 
puncture  bearing  a  recumbent  hair,  color  of  pubescence  vary- 
ing from  golden  to  nearly  black  with  the  ground  color  of  the 

*KNULL,  J.  N. — "Annotated  List  of  Buprestidae  of  Pennsylvania." 
Can.  Ent.  54 :79-86.  1922. 

KNULL,  J.  N. — "The  Buprestidae  of  Pennsylvania."  Ohio  State  Uni- 
versity Studies.  2,  No.  2:1-71.  1925. 

KIRK,  H.  B.  and  KNULL,  J.  N. — "Annotated  List  of  the  Cerambycidae 
of  Pennsylvania."  Can.  Ent.,  58  :21-26.  1925. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  145 

Female  with  last  dorsal  segment  nearly  twice  as  long  as 
wide,  distinctly  emarginate,  surface  coarsely  and  sparsely 
punctured,  last  ventral  broadly  rounded,  slightly  concave  near 

Male  with  last  dorsal  emarginate,  surface  coarsely  densely 
punctured  near  tip,  last  ventral  broadly  rounded,  with  concave 
area  near  tip.  Length  14  mm.,  width  4.5  mm. 

Described  from  a  small  series  of  both  sexes  all  but  one  of 
which  were  collected  by  the  author  in  Clark's  Valley,  north  of 
Harrisburg  during  July  and  August,  on  the  flowers  of  the 
smooth  sumac  (RJius  glabra).  One  other  specimen  labeled  Mt. 
Holly,  June  25,  also  collected  by  the  author.  The  species  was 
extremely  rare  as  compared  with  the  very  common  T.  vclutinus 
which  could  be  found  on  practically  every  cluster  of  flowers 
in  the  same  locality.  Type  female  and  paratypcs  in  author's 

The  new  species  superficially  resembles  a  dark  colored  speci- 
men of  T.  vclutinus  and  undoubtedly  stands  under  this  label 
in  some  collections.  It  can,  however,  be  separated  on  the  mark- 
ings, when  one  gets  a  series  of  both  species  together.  Aside 
from  this  it  differs  from  T.  z'clutiinis  by  being  more  robust, 
the  elytra  more  acuminate  and  more  sinuate  back  of  middle. 
The  thorax  is  larger  in  proportion  to  the  width  which  makes 
it  less  robust  than  in  T.  vclutinus,  antennae  of  female  without 
evident  impressed  poriferous  areas,  pygidium  in  the  female 
being  more  elongate  and  more  coarsely  and  sparsely  punctured. 
In  the  systematic  arrangement  it  should  come  next  to  T. 

Anoplodcra  minncsotana  Csy.  -  -  Hummelstown,  May  15, 
July  4,  Inglenook,  June  21,  Perry  Co.,  July  11,  Clark's  Valley, 
July  20,  author. 

Apparatus  for  Making  Insect  Locality  Labels.* 

By  B.  B.  FULTON,  North  Carolina  State  College. 

By  means  of  the  apparatus  described  below  an  entomologist 

can  prepare  a  hundred   or   more   clearly   legible  photographic 

insect  labels  for  any  locality  and  date  with  about  ten  minutes 

of  actual  labor  and  can  have  them  ready  to  use  in  a  little  over  an 

*  Published  with  the  approval  of  the  Director  of  Research,  N.  C.  State 
College,  as  paper  No.  29  of  the  Journal  series. 

140  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

hour.  One  photographic  operation,  that  of  developing  the 
finished  print  is  all  that  is  necessary.  The  preparation  of  local- 
ity labels  is  so  simplified  that  material  from  various  localities 
can  be  labeled  and  distributed  as  it  comes  in  instead  of  saving 
it  till  the  end  of  the  summer  and  running  the  risk  of  mistakes. 

The  apparatus  is  simple  and  can  be  made  from  old  boxes  by 
anyone  having  the  rudiments  of  mechanical  training.  The  essen- 
tial parts  are,  (1)  a  light-tight  box  with  a  diaphragm  near  the 
middle,  (2)  a  frame  for  holding  three  5x7  glass  plates  (other 
sizes  may  be  used  if  desired),  (3)  an  opaque  screen  containing 
regularly  spaced  holes  of  small  diameter,  (4)  a  back  for  hold- 
ing an  ordinary  plate  holder.  Each  pin-hole  in  the  screen  acts 
as  a  miniature  camera  and  makes  a  duplicate  in  black  letters 
of  the  label  which  is  scratched  on  a  smoked  glass.  The  printing 
is  done  directly  on  photographic  paper  held  in  the  plate  holder 
in  a  film-sheath. 

Altho  a  view  camera  could  be  adapted  to  the  purpose  here 
described,  a  rigid  box  has  the  advantage  of  being  always  ready 
for  use  once  it  has  been  adjusted  for  making  labels  of  the  de- 
sired size.  In  my  own  apparatus  I  used  parts  of  an  old  view 
camera  for  the  front  and  back  and  made  a  four-sided  box  to 
hold  them  together.  Near  the  middle  of  the  box  which  mea- 
sures approximately  8"x8"x8",  I  inserted  a  cardboard  diaphragm 
to  cut  off  reflections  from  the  sides.  The  whole  interior  was 
painted  dead  black. 

The  accompanying  figure  shows  the  apparatus  as  if  cut  lon- 
gitudinally through  the  middle.  The  front  consists  of  a  remov- 
able frame  for  holding  5x7  plates.  It  is  deep  enough  to  hold 
three  plates  and  has  spring  clips  to  hold  them  in  place.  The 
back  is  a  special  view  camera  back  designed  for  making  lantern 
slides.  It  holds  a  lantern  slide  size  (3^4  x  4)  plate  holder  in 
front  of  a  ground  glass  focusing  screen.  The  frame  that  holds 
the  plate  holder  is  deep  enough  from  front  to  back  to  permit 
the  pin-hole  screen  being  inserted  so  as  to  stand  about  13  mm. 
in  front  of  the  plane  occupied  by  the  photographic  plate.  This 
frame  is  clamped  to  another  having  a  larger  opening  which  in 
turn  is  fastened  to  the  box.  When  the  clamps  are  loosened  the 

XL,  '29] 



back  frame  can  be  moved  up  and  down  or  laterally,  a  feature 
valuable  for  lantern  slide  making  but  of  no  use  in  the  present 
circumstances  after  the  back  has  been  once  squared  and  cen- 

Making  the  pin-hole  screen  is  the  most  difficult  and  exacting 
part  of  the  whole  operation.  At  first  I  tried  a  blackened  celluloid 
film  and  made  the  holes  with  a  fine  insect  pin.  This  did  fairly  good 
work  but  the  thickness  of  the  film  tended  to  cut  down  light 




that  had  to  pass  through  at  an  angle.  I  tried  tin  foil  with  about 
equally  good  results.  This  was  thinner  but  the  holes  could 
not  be  made  without  leaving  a  small  burr  around  the  edges. 
I  finally  made  a  successful  screen  by  making  holes  in  the  gelatin 
film  of  a  lantern  slide  plate  that  had  been  exposed  to  light, 
developed  deep  black,  and  fixed.  The  holes  must  be  of  uniform 
size  and  for  best  results  should  be  about  .3  mm.  in  diameter. 
These  are  made  in  the  following  manner :  Pull  the  head  off  a 
very  fine  steel  insect  pin,  No.  0,  or  smaller.  Force  the  pin 
through  a  small  piece  of  wood  about  %  inch  thick  and  pull 
through  until  only  the  head  end  is  imbedded  in  the  wood.  Bend 
the  free  end  into  the  form  of  a  crank  handle  and  place  the 
block  down  on  a  blackened  plate  and  turn  the  handle.  A  few 
turns  will  cut  a  neat  hole  in  the  gelatine  film  which  can  be  ex- 
amined and  measured  under  a  microscope.  It  may  be  necessary 
to  try  several  pins  before  one  is  found  that  will  cut  a  neat 

148  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

hole  of  the  right  size.  The  pin  must  fit  tight  in  the  wood  so  that 
it  does  not  wobble  when  rotated.  It  should  be  inserted  near 
one  edge  of  the  piece  of  wood  and  a  line  should  be  drawn  from 
the  pin  to  the  edge  as  a  guide  in  placing  the  holes.  A  piece  of 
cardboard  is  then  fastened  down  to  the  plate  that  is  to  be  used 
for  the  pinhole  screen  and  the  edge  of  the  card  marked  with  4 
mm.  spaces  or  whatever  space  is  desired  for  the  vertical  width 
of  the  locality  labels.  The  block  of  wood  holding  the  pin  is 
moved  along  the  card  and  the  pin  rotated  at  each  mark.  When 
the  row  is  completed  the  card  is  moved  over  to  a  new  position, 
a  distance  corresponding  to  the  desired  horizontal  width  of  the 
labels  which  in  my  own  pin-hole  screen  is  9  mm.  The  rows 
should  be  kept  parallel  and  square  with  the  plate.  I  made  6 
rows  9  mm.  apart,  each  containing  18  holes  4  mm.  apart.  If 
letters  three-quarters  inch  high  are  used  in  the  label  plate,  a 
vertical  spacing  of  3.5  mm.  would  be  sufficient.  After  the 
holes  are  completed  the  plate  can  be  examined  under  a  binocular 
microscope  and  small  flaws  corrected  with  the  point  of  a  pin. 

The  plate  is  then  cut  to  the  right  size  and  fitted  into  a  small 
wooden  frame  so  that  it  can  be  moved  forward  and  backward 
in  front  of  the  plate  holder.  The  gelatin  side  should  be  toward 
the  plate  holder  and  the  wide  space  between  holes  should  cor- 
respond to  the  longer  dimension  of  the  label.  I  found  that  I 
could  extend  the  line  of  the  holes  farther  in  a  direction  at  right 
angles  to  the  words  in  the  label  without  interfering  with  the 
printing.  Thus,  rows  of  20  or  more  labels  can  be  made  at 
right  angles  to  the  longer  dimension  of  the  label.  In  the  other 
direction  the  length  of  the  label  itself  tends  to  increase  the 
angle  at  which  the  light  from  the  first  and  last  letters  passes 
through  the  holes,  and  limits  the  number  of  holes  in  horizontal 
rows  to  about  6  or  7. 

The  size  of  the  labels  will  depend  on  the  placement  of  the 
pin-hole  screen.  In  my  own  apparatus  the  distance  from  the 
pin-hole  screen  to  the  front  is  eighteen  times  the  distance  from 
the  screen  to  the  paper,  causing  an  eighteen  diameter  reduc- 
tion in  size.  The  printed  images  of  the  label  should  nearly  meet 
on  all  sides  so  that  only  one  cut  with  the  scissors  is  necessary 
in  cutting  them  apart. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  149 

Before  the  apparatus  is  ready  to  use  a  lot  of  old  5x7  plates 
must  be  cleaned  off  with  hot  water.  They  are  then  smoked  over 
a  flame  such  as  physiologists  use  for  smoking  their  kymograph 
sheets.  Gas  passed  through  benzene  and  burned  in  a  fish-tail 
burner  makes  a  very  good  flame  for  this  purpose.  By  using 
tin  masks  the  plates  are  blacked  in  three  ways  as  shown  in  the 
figure.  There  should  be  31  prepared  with  the  small  black- 
area  and  about  8  with  the  two  black  areas.  The  number  to 
prepare  of  those  which  are  half  blackened  will  depend  on  how 
many  places  the  collector  expects  to  collect  in  during  the  com- 
ing season.  The  blackened  areas  should  overlap  slightly  when 
the  three  kinds  of  plates  are  superimposed. 

After  smoking  the  plates,  flow  alcohol  saturated  with  shel- 
lac over  the  smoked  area  by  means  of  a  pipette.  After  drying 
they  can  then  stand  ordinary  handling  but  letters  can  still  be 
easily  scratched  in  the  smoked  surface  with  a  chisel-shaped 
piece  of  wood  3  to  4  mm.  wide.  Prepare  a  lettering  guide  by 
cutting  rectangular  spaces  in  a  5x7  card.  A  letter  height  of 
three-fourths  of  an  inch  is  about  right.  Letter  the  small  black 
spaces  from  1  to  31  for  the  days  of  the  month.  The  plates 
with  two  black  areas  should  have  the  state  and  month  abbrevia- 
tions scratched  in  the  left  hand  space  and  the  year  in  the  right 
hand  space.  Most  collectors  do  their  collecting  for  any  one  year 
within  the  the  same  state  and  during  a  relatively  few  months 
so  that  ordinarily  six  or  eight  of  these  labels  are  sufficient  and 
good  for  the  whole  year.  Each  year  the  year  abbreviation  can 
be  smoked  out  and  new  numbers  scratched  in. 

The  plates  which  are  half  smoked  are  reserved  for  the  name 
of  the  locality  which  can  be  scratched  in  when  needed.  By 
using  a  letter  guide  and  making  plain  block  capitals  I  found 
no  difficulty  in  scratching  in  any  name  in  two  or  three  minutes, 
By  simply  adding  the  plates  for  the  proper  month  and  day  of 
month  a  complete  label  is  made  up  and  placed  in  the  front  of 
the  box  so  that  it  reads  correctly  from  the  front.  The  box  is 
then  propped  up  on  a  window  sill  so  as  to  point  toward  an 
area  of  clear  sky  not  too  close  to  the  sun,  and  exposed  for  about 
thirty  minutes.  Be  sure  that  the  line  from  the  highest  pin  hole 
to  the  bottom  of  the  label  points  above  the  horizon.  Use  a 

150  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

contrast  paper  placed  in  a  film  sheath  and  loaded  like  an  or- 
dinary plate.  If  several  labels  are  needed  at  one  time,  several 
plate  holders  may  he  loaded  and  all  exposures  made  before 
developing.  The  black  slide  in  the  plate  holder  is  all  that  is 
needed  for  a  shutter. 

I  gave  my  date  and  month  plates  a  coat  of  varnish  by  flowing 
over  them  a  little  diluted  balsam  in  xylol.  This  also  clears  the  un- 
smoked  areas  that  have  been  clouded  with  shellac.  Most  of  the 
locality  labels  were  simply  cleaned  up  with  a  little  alcohol  on 
cotton  and  not  varnished.  All  plates  are  kept  between  index 
cards  in  a  card  file.  All  locality  plates  are  kept  in  the  same 
way  so  that  they  may  be  used  again  if  collections  are  again 
made  in  that  locality.  Since  most  collectors  do  much  of  their 
collecting  around  home  or  in  a  few  interesting  localities,  a  few 
plates  will  make  labels  for  most  of  the  insects  collected  and 
-only  a  few  new  ones  will  need  to  be  made  each  year. 
v  By  using  a  slightly  wider  space  in  the  pin-hole  screen  this 
system  could  be  used  for  making  labels  with  three  or  even  four 
lines  so  that  the  collector's  name,  or  type  of  habitat  could  be 
included  in  the  label. 

Some  Further  Errors  of  Body  Wall  Nomenclature 

in  Entomology. 

By  R.  E.   SNODGRASS. 

Probably  the  worst  phase  of  any  science  is  its  terminology. 
The  cultured  mind  cannot  endure  a  bare  fact.  In  order  to  have 
admission  to  intellectual  circles,  therefore,  a  fact  must  be  prop- 
erly clothed  in  a  word  or  a  phrase ;  in  other  words,  it  must  have 
a  name.  But,  once  a  fact  is  suitably  costumed,  we  easily  come 
to  accept  the  dress  for  the  thing  itself.  Hence,  it  readily  fol- 
lows that  many  imposters,  which  are  mere  ideas,  though  pos- 
sibly at  first  honest  ideas,  acquire  a  good  standing  under  cover 
of  an  agreeable  adjective  or  noun. 

The  names  of  mere  facts  or  of  objects  do  not  ordinarily 
create  disorder ;  it  is  usually  those  terms  that  conceal  an  idea, 
or  that  connect  a  fact  with  an  idea,  that  sooner  or  later  lead 
to  trouble,  for  there  is  sure  to  be  a  scandal  eventually  when  it 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  151 

is  discovered  that  some  particular  idea  has  lost  its  credentials 
and  can  not  longer  be  permitted  to  associate  with  respectable 

Words,  with  most  of  us,  are  expressions  of  thoughts ;  and 
yet  we  change  or  multiply  our  thoughts  much  more  rapidly  than 
we  change  our  vocabulary.  It  seems  that  linguistically  we  have 
practised  almost  too  much  economy  in  making  over  these  relics 
of  our  first  wardrobe  of  respectable  garments  to  fit  our  growing 
and  diversifying  family  of  ideas.  As  a  consequence,  we  find 
that  many  words  in  our  languages  today  express  something 
quite  different  from  that  for  which  they  originally  stood.  It 
has  also  occurred,  in  changing  a  verbal  garment  from  time  to 
time,  that  we  have  happened  to  get  the  thing  on  backward  and 
have  buttoned  it  up  behind,  or  in  front,  as  the  case  may  be, 
and  have  then  unconsciously  reversed  the  idea  in  accord  with 
the  dress. 

Many  years  ago,  one  hundred  and  six  at  the  present  writing, 
a  Frenchman,  named  Odier,  made  a  study  of  the  chemical 
nature  of  the  cuticular  covering  of  insects,  and  he  found  that 
after  the  cuticula  had  been  macerated  in  potassium  hydroxide 
for  some  time  a  definite  insoluble  substance  was  always  left. 
This  substance  he  designated  la  chitinc,  explaining  "c'est  ainse 
que  je  nomine  cet  substance  chiton,  KITON,  envelope".  It 
would  seem,  therefore,  that  the  chitin,  as  we  translate  the  French 
into  English,  should  be  the  softer,  flexible  substance  of  the 
cuticula,  for  the  hard  parts  evidently  are  removed  by  the  treat- 
ment with  caustic.  But  now,  if  we  turn  to  the  definition  of 
chitin  as  given  in  Webster's  dictionary  we  read  as  follows : 
"A  white  amorphous  horny  substance  forming  the  harder  part 
of  the  outer  integument  of  insects,  crustaceans,  and  other  in- 
vertebrates". Evidently  our  word  chitin  has  somehow  turned 
itself  completely  about  during  the  course  of  a  century,  and  has 
reversed  our  ideas  associated  with  it,  for  Webster  only  reflects 
the  common  custom  among  entomologists  of  speaking  of  the 
hardened  areas  of  the  insect  body  wall  as  "chitinized",  and 
the  softer  parts  as  "weakly  chitinized",  or  "unchitinized". 

There  are  some  of  us  perhaps  who  have  realized  the  error, 

152  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

but  have  continued  in  it  because  the  terms  "chitinized"  and 
"unchitinized"  have  been  found  very  convenient  in  their  cur- 
rent reversed  application.  Our  tranquility  has  recently  been 
disturbed.  Messrs.  Ferris  and  Chamberlin  (1928)  have  called 
upon  us  to  give  an  account  of  our  laxness  and  our  inconsis- 
tency, and,  with  Odier  in  the  background,  we  can  no  longer 
evade  a  reform.  Unlike  most  reformers,  however,  the  writers 
just  mentioned  offer  entirely  acceptable  substitutes  for  the 
misused  terms  they  would  displace,  in  that  they  propose  the 
use  of  the  words  sclerotic  and  sclerotiscd  instead  of  "chitin- 
ized". A  sclerite  thus  becomes  a  sclerotized  area  of  the  cuti- 
cula,  and  not  a  "chitinized"  or  "strongly  chitinized"  area.  The 
terms  have  been  adopted  by  the  writer,  and  are  recommended 
for  general  use. 

In  a  recent  study  of  the  chemistry  of  the  body  wall  cuticula 
of  insects,  Dr.  F.  L.  Campbell  (1929),  of  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of 
Entomology,  has  shown  that  the  entire  cuticula  contains  chitin 
as  its  best  known  constituent,  but  that  the  hardened  areas  called 
sclerites  can  not  be  attributed  to  a  condensation  of  the  chitin, 
or  to  any  change  in  its  composition  or  texture.  Other  substances 
than  chitin  give  rise  to  the  sclerotization  and  pigmentation. 

When  the  insect  cuticula  is  heated  in  saturated  solutions  of 
sodium  or  potassium  hydroxide,  the  hardening  materials  are 
dissolved,  and  the  chitin  is  converted  into  chitosan  and  acetic 
acid,  without  change  in  appearance.  Dr.  Campbell,  therefore, 
points  out  that  the  prevalent  idea  that  chitin  produces  the  hard- 
ness and  inflexibility  of  insect  exocuticula  is  no  longer  tenable. 
He  shows  that  the  so-called  "heavily-chitinized",  hard,  pig- 
mented  exocuticula  of  the  American  cockroach  contains  about 
22%  of  chitin,  while  the  "non-chitinized",  flexible,  colorless 
endocuticula  contains  about  60%.  In  conclusion,  he  says: 
"The  hardness  of  the  exocuticula  is  caused  by  a  chemical  or 
physical  change  in  certain  substances  intimately  associated  with 
chitin,  which  are  present  with  it  in  the  cuticula  when  the  harden- 
ing process  begins." 

Having  gone  thus  far  in  the  matter  of  reform  in  the  integu- 
mental  terminology  of  entomology,  we  should  rectify  another 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  153 

erreor  of  equal  importance.  The  insect  cuticula  commonly 
shows  in  sections  that  it  is  composed  of  an  outer  layer  and  an 
inner  layer,  the  outer  one  being  usually  the  principal  seat  of 
those  non-chitinous  deposits  that  give  color  and  hardness  to 
the  integument.  The  cuticular  strata  have  been  termed  the 
"epidermis"  and  the  "dermis",  respectively.  Consistent  with 
this  terminology  the  cell  layer  of  the  body  wall  beneath  the 
so-called  dermis  is  designated  the  "hypodermis".  Since,  how- 
ever, the  names  "dermis"  and  "epidermis"  are  taken  evidently 
from  vertebrate  anatomy,  where  all  parts  of  the  skin  are  of  a 
cellular  nature,  they  are  clearly  not  applicable  to  the  insect  cuti- 
cula, which  is  a  non-cellular  product  of  the  underlying  layer 
of  cells,  and  neither  of  its  strata  is  a  dermis  in  any  sense.  It 
then  becomes  quite  illogical  to  call  the  formative  cell  layer  a 

The  cell  layer  of  the  insect  or  arthropod  body  wall  is  the 
external  part  of  the  ectoderm  of  the  embryo.  It  strictly  cor- 
responds, therefore,  with  the  epidermis  of  vertebrates,  and  its 
homologue  is  so  named  in  all  other  groups  of  invertebrates. 
Many  of  the  earlier  entomologists  did  not  use  "hypodermis", 
and  some  recent  writers  have  discarded  it.  In  Schroder's  Hand- 
buch  (1912)  the  ectodermal  layer  of  the  insect  body  wall  is 
described  as  the  epidermis,  and  Kiihnelt  (1928),  in  discussing 
the  structure  of  the  insect  integument,  rejects  "hypodermis" 
without  ceremony.  The  term  should  no  longer  have  a  place 
in  an  entomological  glossary,  except  as  a  disqualified  synonym 
of  epidermis. 

The  two  layers  of  the  insect  cuticula  are  appropriately  desig- 
nated c.vocHticula  and  cntocuticula  by  MacGillivray  (1923), 
but  cndocuticula  may  be  substituted  for  the  second  on  the 
ground  of  euphony.  Outside  the  exocuticula  there  is  an  ex- 
tremely thin,  non-chitinous  surface  layer,  which  is  said  to  bc 
of  a  lipoid  nature  (Kiihnelt,  1928a).  The  German  histologist 
usually  refer  to  this  film  as  the  "Grenzlamelle",  a  term  appro- 
priate when  applied  to  sectional  studies,  but  one  that  does  not 
carry  the  idea  of  a  continuous  surface  layer.  The  writer  would, 
therefore,  propose  the  term  cpicitticulu  for  this  outermost 
stratum  of  the  arthropod  integument. 

154  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

One  further  point  in  nomenclature  relative  to  the  body  wall 
must  be  considered.  This  has  to  do  with  the  term  "suture" 
as  it  is  commonly  used  in  entomology.  The  word  suture  comes 
from  the  Latin  sncrc,  to  sew.  In  anatomy  it  properly  applies, 
therefore,  to  the  lines  along  which  adjoining  parts  have  united, 
as  those  between  the  centers  of  ossification  in  a  vertebrate 
cranium.  The  so-called  "sutures"  of  the  insect  skeleton  are 
usually  not  of  this  nature.  In  most  cases  they  are  the  external 
grooves  of  linear  inflections  of  the  cuticula  that  have  formed 
internal  ridges  or  plates  to  strengthen  the  skeleton,  or  to  fur- 
nish increased  surfaces  for  muscle  attachments.  In  other  cases 
they  are  lines  where  the  hardening  deposits  of  the  cuticula 
have  become  secondarily  discontinuous  in  order  to  give  flexibil- 
ity; or  they  are  lines  where  the  deposits  have  never  been 
formed.  In  a  few  cases  true  sutures  of  fusion  between  original- 
ly distinct  sclerites  are  present.  Hence,  under  the  term  "suture" 
we  commonly  include  at  least  four  anatomically  distinct  struc- 
tures. Since,  however,  an  attempt  to  limit  the  use  of  the  term 
would  probably  not  be  accepted  at  present,  and,  if  it  were, 
would  leave  us  without  substitutes  for  the  three  spurious  cases, 
and  besides  would  create  confusion  through  differences  of 
opinion,  it  will  be  well  to  leave  rectification  in  this  matter  to 
some  future  reformer. 


CAMPBELL,  F.  L.  1929  The  detection  and  estimation  of  insect 
chitin ;  and  the  irrelation  of  chitinization  to  hardness  and  pig- 
mentation of  the  American  cockroach,  Periplaneta  americana 
L.  In  manuscript. 

FERRIS,  G.  F.  and  CHAMBERLIN,  J.  C.  1928  On  the  use  of  the 
word  "chitinized."  Ent.  News.  39:212-215. 

KUHNELT,    W.    1928      Uber    den    Bau    des    Insektenskeletts. 
Zool.  Jahrb.,  Anat,  50:219-278,  42  figs. 
1928a  Ein  Beitrag  zur  Histochemie  des  Insektenskeletts. 
Zool.  Anz.,  75:111-113. 

MACGILLIVRAY,  A.  D.  1923     External  insect-anatomy. 

ODIER,  A.  1823  Memoire  sur  la  composition  chemique  des 
parties  cornee  des  insectes.  Mem.  Soc.  Hist.  Nat.,  Paris, 
1 :29-42. 

SCHRODER,  C.  1912     Handbuch  der  Entomologie,  Vol.  1. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  155 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,       WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it    is   intended   to   note   papers    received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North  and    South),    including   Arachnida  and 
.Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    j     I    refer   to  the   journals,    as   numbered 
in  the   list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in   the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from   the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
lOntomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

UB(?  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL— Adkin,  R.— The  balance  in   nature.     With 

special  reference  to  local  species  of  British  Lepidoptera  and 

their  protection.     [Proc.  South  London  Ent.  &  Nat.  Hist. 

Soc.  |    1926-27:  45-54.     Adkin,  R. — Species  in  the  making? 

[Proc.  South  London  Ent.  &  Nat.  Hist.  Soc.]    1926-27:  61- 

70,  ill.    Berlese,  A.— Obituary.     [Redia]  16:  v-vii,  ill.    Ber- 

lese,  A. — Biography.     [Mem.  Soc.  Ent.  Italiana]   6:  55-84. 

Bibliographia  zoologica.— 38 :  480  pp,  1928.     Blair,  K.  G.- 

Some  insect  musicians.     [Proc.  South  London  Ent.  &  Nat. 

Hist.  Soc.]    1926-27:  11-23.     Bruch,  C.— Breves  notas  ento- 

mologicas.     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4-  73.    Bryk, 

F. — Nachschrift  zur  klarung  des  teratologiebegriffes.    [14] 

42:  287-289,   cont.      Cockerell,  T.   D.   A.— Insects.      [Zool. 

Colorado]   1927:  143-230,  ill.    Copeland,  E.  B.— What  is  the 

type  of  a  genus?     [68]  69:  327-328.    Corporaal,  J.  B.— Ver- 

slag  van  mijn  bezoek  aan  het  IVe  Internationale  Entomolo- 

gen-Congres,  gehouden   te   Ithaca,   N.   Y.,   van    13   t   m    18 

Augustus  1928.     [58]  7:  362-369.    Deautier  &  Steullet— La 

primera  sociedad  entomologica  Argentina.     [  Rev.  Soc.  Ent. 

Argentina]  3  No.  6:  27-30,  ill.    de'La  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.- 

Editing,  editors,  contributors  and  readers.     \\()\   24:   15-19. 

de  La  Torre-Bueno,  J.   R. — Editorials.      On   entomologists 

and  entomology.    [19|  24:  41-42.    de  La  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R. 

-"Fit  to  Print".     |19|   24:  42.     deReaumur,  M.— 1  listoire 

des    Kourmis.      [59]    (A)    11:   5-116.      Diirck,  H.— Das   fan- 

gnetz  und  seine  konstruktion.    |2()|  43:  17-18,  ill.    Dyar,  H. 

G.— Obituary    [4[    61:   4o-47.      Eltringham,   H.— Hints   on 

156  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

making  preparations  of  the  genitalia  of  insects.  [9]  62: 
54-58.  Ferris,  G.  F. — The  principles  of  systematic  entomol- 
ogy. [Stanford  Univ.  Publ.  Biol.  Sci.]  5:  3-169,  ill.  Geiser, 
S.  W. — Professor  Jacob  Boll  and  the  natural  history  of  the 
Southwest.  [American  Midland  Nat.  Indiana]  11:  439- 
452,  ill.  Horn,  W. — Der  IV.  Internationale  Kongress  fur 
Entomologie.  [49]  17:  428-435.  Horn,  W.—Nachtrage  und 
verbesserungen  zu  meiner  arbeit,  "Ueber  den  verbleib  der 
entomologischen  sammlungen  der  welt.  (Ein  beitrag  zur 
geschichte  der  entomo-rnuseologie)"  [Suppl.  Ent.]  1929: 
72-120,  ill.  Horn  &  Schenkling. — Index  litteraturae  ento- 
mologicae.  Band  4.  Schaum-Zwinger  und  Nachtrag.  1057- 
1426.  Johnson,  C.  W. — Nantucket  as  a  collecting  ground. 
[Bull.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  50:  3-6.  Kiefer,  O.— Zur 
psychologic  des  schmetterlingssammlers.  [14]  42:  135-137. 
Metcalf,  M.  M. — Parasites  and  the  aid  they  give  in  prob- 
lems of  taxonomy,  geographical  distribution,  and  paleoge- 
ography.  [Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.]  81 :  No.  8,  36  pp.,  ill.  Munro, 
J.  W. — Notes  bearing  on  unisexuality  in  insects.  [Proc.  Ent. 
Soc.  London]  3:  33-34.  Orfila,  R.  N. — Contribucion  a  la 
entomobibliografia  Argentina  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
2  No.  3:  31-50.  Orfila,  R.  N. — Sobre  canibalismo  en  insec- 
tos.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4:  65-66.  Pohlman, 
H. — Die  optik  im  dienste  der  entomologie.  [20]  43:  18-19, 
ill.  Riley,  N.  D. — The  Fourth  International  Congress  of 
Entomology,  Cornell  University,  Ithaca,  N.  Y.,  August 
12th-18th,  1928.  [9]  62:  37-40.  "Riley,  W.  A.— The  teach- 
ing of  medical  entomology.  [7]  22:  136-141.  Schuster  von 
Forstner,  W.  -  -  Zukiinftige  biologische  entwicklungsmo- 
glichkeiten.  Auf  grund  charakteristischer  erscheinungen 
der  gegenwart  und  im  Lichte  meiner  lehre  einer  "wieder- 
kehrenden  trockenzeitahnlichen  Lebensperiode".  [20]  43 : 
43-44.  Seiffert,  H. — Treibzuchten  bei  kiinstlicher  hohen- 
sonne.  [17]  45:  40,  43-44,  ill.  Stellwag,  F.— Der  4.  Inter- 
nationale Kongress  fur  Entomologie  in  Ithaca  (New  York) 
vom  12. -18.  August  1928.  [Anz.  Schadlingskunde,  Berlin] 
5:  1-13,  ill.  Sumner,  F.  B. — The  analysis  of  a  concrete  case 
of  intergradation  between  two  subspecies.  [Proc.  Nat. 
Acad.  Sci.  U.  S.  A.]  15:  110-120,  ill.  Talbot,  G.— Teratology 
and  systematics.  [14]  42:  201.  Zacher,  F. — Die  biologische 
bedeutung  der  kalte  in  der  schadlingsbekampfung  und  im 
Forratsschutz.  [Kosmos]  26:  99-102,  ill. 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Ankel,   W.   E.- 

Neuere  untersuchungen  iiber  Parthenogenese  bei  schmetter- 
lingen.  I.  [18]  22:  259-264,  cont.  B5rner,  C.— Mandibeln 
und  maxillen  bei  Psociden,  Thysanopteren  und  Rhynchoten. 
[45]  24:  108-116,  ill.  Courtois,  A.— Sur  la  faible  teneur  en 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  157 

cholesterol  des  matieres  grasses  des  chrysalides  de  Lepidop- 
teres  [69]  188:  666-668. "  Dallas,  E.  D.— A  proposito  de  un 
caso  de  monstruosidad  bilateral  y  simetrica  en  un  coleop- 
tero.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4:  67-69,  ill. 
Enslin,  E. — Beitrage  zur  metamorphose  der  goldwespen. 
[45]  24:  116-130,  ill.  Federici,  E.— Contributi  alia  storia 
naturale  dei  Culicidi.  I.  La  snzione  degli  alimenti  nei  Culi- 
cidi  e  1'ipotesi  di  una  diretta  trasmissibilita  deH'infezione 
malarica.  [Redia]  16:  51-68.  Goetghebuer,  M. — Note  sur  un 
cas  de  myase  intestinale.  [33]  68:  237-239.  Haupt,  H. — Die 
mechanik  des  zikadenfliigels  und  ihre  bedeutung  fur  den 
Plug.  [45]  24:  73-78,  ill.  Mavor,  J.  W.— The  effect  on  cross- 
ing over  and  nondisjunction  of  x-raying  the  anterior  and 
posterior  halves  of  Drosophila  pupae.  [Genetics]  14:  129- 
159,  ill.  Minnich,  D.  E. — The  chemical  senses  of  insects. 
[73]  4:  100-112.  Mote,  D.  C.— The  reproductive  system  of 
the  warble  fly  Hypoderma  bovis.  [7]  22:  70-76,  ill.  Orfila, 
R.  N. — Observaciones  sobre  partenogenesis.  [Rev.  Soc. 
Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4:  71.  Picard,  F. — A  propos  du 
determinisme  du  deroulement  de  la  trompe  et  la  physiologic 
du  gout  chez  les  Lepidopteres  (Pieris  rapae).  [33]  67: 
297-300.  Preiss,  J.  Bemerkenswerte  abnormitat-eine 
morphologisch-physiologische  betrachtung.  [17]  45:  37-38, 
41-42.  Sekla,  B. — Esterolytic  processes  and  duration  of  life 
in  Drosophila  melanogaster.  [Brit.  Jour.  Exp.  Biol.]  6: 
1M-166,  ill.  Tirelli,  M. — Nota  di  technica  sulla  fissazione  e 
colorazione  delle  sfere  vitelline.  [Mem.  Soc.  Ent.  Italiana] 
5:  214-224.  Uvarov,  B.  P. — Insect  nutrition  and  metabol- 
ism. A  summary  of  the  literature.  [36]  76:  255-343.  Ver- 
laine,  L. — L'instinct  et  1'intelligence  chez  les  Hymenopteres. 
VIII. — Note  complementaire  sur  Tabstraction.  [33]  68:  240- 


Note  on  the  occurrence  of  the  mite,  Dermanyssus  gallinae 
in  the  nest  of  a  house  wren.  [4]  61  :  39-40.  Bonnet,  P.— 
L'eclosion  des  cocons  chez  les  Araignees.  [  lUill.  Soc.  Hist. 
Nat.  Toulouse]  56:  505-512,  ill.  *Chamberlain,  R.  V.— Two 
new  lithobioid  chilopods.  |4|  61:  37-38.  Ewing,  H.  E. — A 
new  variety  of  Tarsoncmus  (Acarina)  from  the  Pacific 
Coast.  [10|  31:31-32.  Henke,  K.— Der  gcsichtssinn  der 
spinnen.  (S).  [88]  17:  119-120.  Oudemans,  A.  C.—. \caro- 
logische  aanteekeningen  XCII.  (S).  |  58]  7:  341-348. 

T.  D.  A. — The  psocoid  family  Caeciliidae.  [9]  62:  19. 
Dohler,  W.  --Die  aussereuropaischen  Trichopteren  des 

museums  fur  Tierkundc  v.\\   Dresden.     (S).     [45]  24:  83-89, 

158  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

ill.  *John,  O. — A  new  species  of  Thysanoptera  from  Brazil 
representing  a  new  genus.  [33]  69:  33-36.  Kimmins,  D.  E. 
—New  and  little  known  Neuroptera  of  Central  America. 
[EOS]  4:  363-370,  ill.  *Longinos  Navas,  R.  P.— Insectos 
del  museo  de  Hamburgo.  (S).  [Bol.  Soc.  Ent.  Espana] 
11:  59-67,  ill.,  cont.  Morgan,  A.  H. — The  mating  flight  and 
the  vestigial  structures  of  the  stump-legged  mayfly,  Camp- 
surus  segnis.  (S).  [7]  22:  61-68,  ill.  *Navas,  R.  P.  L.- 
Nemopterido  (Ins.  Neur.)  nnevo  de  America.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3 :  3-4,  ill.  *Navas,  R.  P.  L.- 
Insectos  nuevos  de  la  Republica  Argentina.  [Rev.  Soc. 
Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3:  27-29,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Buckell,  E.  R.— Notes  on  some  Or- 
thoptera  from  the  Peace  River  District  of  British  Columbia. 
[Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  1928:  10-14.  *Cabrera,  A.— Un 
segundo  ortoptero  del  Triasico  argentino.  [EOS]  4:  371- 
373.  Faber,  A. — Die  bestimmung  der  deutschen  geradrliig- 
ler  (Orthopteren)  nach  ihren  Lautausserungen.  [45]  23: 
209-234.  Joan,  S.  T.— Nota  preliminar  sobre  la  evolucion  de 
la  Tucura.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3:  7-11, 

HEMIPTERA.— *Beamer,  R.  H.— Erythroneura  (Cica- 
dellidae)  from  the  southwest.  [7]  22:  115'-127,  ill.  *Bondar, 
G. — Aleyrodideos  do  Brasil  (2  Contr.).  [Bol.  Lab.  Path. 
Veg.  Bahia]  1928:  37  pp.,  ill.  de  La  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.- 
Protective  adaptations  among  Aquatic  Hemiptera.  [19] 
24:  30-31.  *DeLong  &  Sleesman. — New  genera  and  sub- 
genera  from  the  genus  Deltocephalus.  A  study  of  the  inter- 
nal male  genitalia  of  the  American  species  and  their  bearing 
upon  taxonomy.  [7]  22:  81-105,  ill.  *Drake,  C.  J.— Some 
Tingitoidea  from  Central  and  South  America.  [19]  24: 
35-37.  *Gillette  &  Palmer.— New  Colorado  Aphididae.  [7] 
22:  1-32,  ill.  Glendenning,  R. — An  interesting  Myzocallis 
(Aphididae).  [Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Brit.  Col.]  1928:  18-20. 
Jordan,  K.  H.  C. — Zur  biologic  des  Wasserlaufers,  Lim- 
notrechus  odontogaster.  [45]  24:  28-33,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H. 
—New  species  of  Neoborus  and  Xenoborus  (Miridae).  [19] 
24:  1-11.  *Laing,  F. — An  interesting  aphid  and  coccid  from 
the  Argentine  Republic.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No. 
4:  23-25,  ill.  *Morrison,  H. — Some  neotropical  scale  insects 
associated  with  ants.  (Coccidae.)  [7]  22:  33-60,  ill. 
*Myers,  J.  G.  -  -  Notes  on  Cuban  fulgoroid  Homoptera. 
[Harvard  Biol.  Lab.  &  Bot.  Fauna  Cuba]  1928:  13-28. 
Myers  &  China. — The  systematic  position  of  the  Pelori- 
diidae  as  elucidated  by  a  further  study  of  the  external 
anatomy  of  Hemiodoecus  leai  (Peloridiidae).  [75]  3:  282- 

XL,    '29]  K.XTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  159 

294,  ill.  Nino,  F.  L. —  Breves  noticias  sobre  el  Triatoma  in- 
festans  en  la  Republica  Argentina  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 2  No.  4:  55-64,  ill.  Poisson,  R. — Sur  la  presence  dans 
le  micli  de  la  France  d'un  Heiniptere-Homoptere  Americain 
de  la  famille  des  Membracidae:  Ceresa  bubalus  et  sur  sa 
biologic.  [69]  188:  572-573.  Walley,  G.  S.— Notes  on  the 
identity  of  the  Provancher  species  of  Arctocorixa  (Corjxi- 
dae).  [4]  61:  34-37,  ill.  *Walley,  G.  S.— Two  new  species 
of  Eremocoris  with  notes  and  a  key  to  the  species  of  Peri- 
trechtis  (Lygaeidae).  |4|  61:  41-44.  Zotta,  A. — Dacniro- 
tatus  bruchi  (El  gorgojo  de  los  eucaliptos) — Su  hallazgo 
en  distintos  parajes.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2 
No.  4:  74. 

LEPIDOPTERA.— Aravena,  R.  O.— Breve  resena  sobre 
el  desarrollo  del  Lepidoptero  Mallocephala  deserticola. 
(S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3 :  51-54,  ill.  Ara- 
vena, R.  O. — Informe  sobre  el  Oeceticus  platensis  en  la 
localidad  de  Arano,  F.  C.  S.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 2  No.  3:  61-62.  Aravena,  R.  O. — Biologic  de  Chryso- 
pyge  pauperata.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No. 
6:  43-46,  ill.  *Bargmann,  R. — Neue  exotische  falter.  (S). 
[26]  9:  32-38.  Bethune-Baker,  G.  T.— The  type  of  the  genus 
Lycaena.  [9]  62:45.  Biener,  A.— -"Zimmerzucht"  von 
schmetterlingen.  [Ent.  Nachrichtsblatt]  1:  25-28.  *Braun, 
A.  F. — A  new  genus  and  species  in  the  Gracilaridae.  [4] 
61 :  38-39.  *Breyer,  A.- — Callicore  candrena  var.  nov.  Mal- 
donadoi.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5:  1-2, 
ill.  Casale,  G. — El  tasi  como  frampa  de  mariposas.  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3:  58-59.  Cockayne,  E.  A.- 
Intersexes  in  the  Lvcaenidae.  [Proc.  South  London  Ent. 
&  Nat.  Hist.  Soc.]  1926-27:  24-29.  Dallas,  E.  D.— Un  her- 
mafrodita  de  Ecphanteria  sp.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 2  No.  3:  60,  ill.  Dallas,  E.  D. — Nota  sobre  tin  Lepi- 
doptero Argentine  anomalo  (Papilio  perrhebus  var.  Damo- 
krates).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5:  19-20,  ill. 
Dallas,  E.  D. — A  proposito  de  Morpho  argentinus.  (S). 
[Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  63-64.  'Dallas,  E.  D.- 
Nota  sobre  otra  flor  c[ue  atrapa  lepid(')pteros.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  64.  v.  Dalla  Torre,  K.  W.- 
Die  erscheinungsdaten  von  Herrich-SchalTers  saininlung 
neuer  und  wenig  bekannten  aussereuropaischer  schmetter- 
linge.  [Ent.  Nachrichtsblatt]  1:1-11,56-60,72-76.  Daltry, 
H.  W. — Tenaga  pomiliella;  a  tineid  new  to  the  British  list. 
[9]  62:  34.  Davis,  W.  T. — An  aberrant  buttcrrly-Junonia 
coenia.  [19]  24:  12,  ill.  Day,  G.  O. — On  the  early  stages  of 
Platyptilia  punctidactyla  (Pterophoridae).  |  Proc.  Ent.  Soc. 
Brit.  Col.]  1928:  14-"l5.  *Dyar,  H.  G.— Notes  and  new 

160  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

species  of  American  moths  of  the  genus  Scoparia.  [50]  74: 
art.  24,  9  pp.  *Dyar  &  Heinrich. — A  new  species  of  Aero- 
basis  (Pyralidae;  Phycitinae).  [10]  31:  37,  ill.  *Gaede,  M. 
— Alte  und  neue  Arctiinae  des  Berliner  Zoologischen  Mu- 
seums. (S).  [17]  45:  27-28,  31-34.  Giacomelli,  E.— Que 
es  el  Papilio  thoas  thoantiades?  Paginas  de  lepiclopterologia 
comparada.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5:  5-10, 
ill.  Giacomelli,  E. — Los  estudios  lepidopterologicos  en  la 
Republica  Argentina.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No. 
6:  59-60.  *Gunder,  J.  D. — A  new  California  Euphydryas 
(Rhopalocera).  [4]  61  :  44-45.  Hemming,  A.  F. — Notes  on 
the  generic  names  of  the  holarctic  Lycaenidae.  [75]  3:  217- 
245.  Hepp,  A. — Fliissige  abwehrmittel  bei  grossschmetter- 
lingen.  [14]  42:  248.  *Hodgson,  B.  E.— The  host  plants  of 
the  European  corn  borer  in  New  England.  1928;  Tech. 
Bull.  77:  63  pp.,  ill.  Jorgensen,  P. — Sobre  unas  orugas  de 
la  familia  Lymantriidae.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
3  No.  6:  31-34.  Koehler,  I.  P. — Biologia  de  Chlosyne  saun- 
dersi.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5:  3-4,  ill. 
Koehler,  I.  P. — Biologia  de  Cobalus  cannae.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5  :  11-12,  ill.  Koehler,  I.  P.- 
Biologia  de  Calpodes  ethlius.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tina] 2  No.  5:  17-18,  ill.  Koehler,  P.— La  oruga  de  Phycio- 
des  claudia  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5:  21. 
*K6hler,  P.  E. — El  genero  Hamearis.  Sus  especies  Argen- 
tinas.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  21-26,  ill.  *Mey- 
rick,  E. — The  micro-lepidoptera  of  the  "St.  George"  expe- 
dition. (S).  [36]  76:  489-521.  *Michael,  O.— Neue  oder 
wenig  bekannte  Agriasformen  vom  Amazonasgebiet.  [14] 
42:  204-206,  214-217,  254-256,  cont.  *Niepelt,  W'.— Eine  neue 
Morpho-form  von  Columbien.  [14]  42:  143,  ill.  *Niepelt, 
W.— Neue  exotische  Rhopaloceren.  (S).  [14]  42:  217-218. 
Nosswitz,  F. — Nota  sobre  el  genero  Papilio  en  la  Republica 
Argentina.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3:  57-58. 
Nosswitz,  F. — Biologia  de  Morpho  argentinus.  (S).  [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  5:  13-14,  ill.  Peking,  F.— Erfolg 
und  misserfolg  in  der  raupenzucht.  [14]  42:  265-267.  Poul- 
ton,  E.  B. — The  earliest  account  (in  MS.)  by  W.  J.  Bur- 
chell  of  the  american  clothes-moth  Tineola  uterella.  [Proc. 
Ent.  Soc.  London]  3:  47-48,  ill.  Preiss,  J. — Zum  variations- 
problem  der  Argynnisarten.  [14]  42:  137-141.  Seitz,  A.— 
Zur  nomenklatur  in  den  "Gross-Schmetterlingen  der  Erde". 
[17]  45:  39-40,  41-42.  Strand,  E.— Enumeration  des  Het- 
eroceres  exotiques  qui  jusqu'a  1'annee  1926  sont  nom- 
mes  et  publiees.  [Ent.  Nachrichtsblatt]  1:  12-25,  42-55. 
Williams,  H.  B. — Random  notes  on  Rumicia  phlaeas.  [Proc. 
South  London  Ent.  &  Nat.  Hist.  Soc.]  1926-27:  71-81. 
*Zerny,  H. — Neue  tropische  heteroceren  aus  dem  natur- 
historischen  museum  in  Wien.  (S).  [64]  13:  81-84. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  161 

DIPTERA.— Aldrich,  J.  M.— Notes  on  synonymy  of  Dip- 
tera,  No.  3.  [10]  31  :  32-36.  *  Alexander,  C.  P.— The  crane- 
flies  of  New  York:  third  supplementary  list.  [19]  24:  22-29. 
*Curran,  C.  H. — Some  new  Nearctic  Diptera.  [4]  61 :  30- 
34,  ill.  *Curran,  C.  H. — A  new  syrphicl  from  Canada.  [4]  61 : 
45-46.  Federici,  E. — L'azione  tossica  delle  "Charae"  sulle 
larve  dei  Culicidi.  [Redia]  16:  17-28.  Johnson,  C.  W.— The 
injury  to  nestling-  birds  by  the  larvae  of  Protocalliphora. 
[7]  22:  131-135.  Lenz,  F. — Gedanken  zur  systematik  der 
Chironomiden.  [20]  43:  21-23.  25-27,  29-31,"  33-34,  37-38. 
*Lindner,  E. — Die  von  Prof.  Dr.  A.  Seitz  in  Brasilien  ge- 
sammelten  Stratiomyiden.  [Ber.  Senckenberg.  Naturf. 
Ges.]  10:  235-244,  ill.'  *Malloch,  J.  R.— Exotic  Muscaridae. 
(S).  [75]  3:  249-280,  ill.  Roubaud,  M.  E.— Cycle  autogene 
d'attente  et  generations  hirvernales  suractives  inapparentes 
chez  le  moustique  commun,  Culex  pipiens.  [69]  188:  735- 
738.  *Schmitz,  H. — Pnyxia  dispar  n.  spec.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc. 
Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4:  27-30,  ill.  *Seguy,  E.— Etude  sur 
quelques  Mydaidae  nouveaux  ou  pen  connus.  (S).  [59] 
(B)  4:  129-156,  ill.  Shannon,  R.  C.— Contribucion  a  los 
estudios  de  las  zonas  biologicas  de  la  Republica  Argentina. 
[Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina |  2:  No.  4:  1-14,  ill.  *Shannon, 
R.  C. — Some  new  Diptera  from  Argentina.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent. 
Argentina]  2  No.  4:  31-32.  Shannon,  R.  C. — Apropos 
"Masarygus".  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  37-38. 
*Van  Duzee,  M.  C. — Tropical  american  Diptera  or  two- 
winged  flies  of  the  family  Dolichopodidae  from  Central 
and  South  America.  [50]  74,  Art.  10:  64  pp.,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.— Aravena,  R.  O.— Insectos  encontrados 
en  estomagos  de  aves.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
3  No.  6:  61-62.  Bertrand,  H. — -Notes  sur  la  collection  de 
larves  de  Dytiscides  du  museum  d'histoire  naturelle  de 
Paris.  [59]  (B)  3:  183-193.  Bolivar  y  Pieltain,  C.—Sobre 
la  existencia  de  un  Karumido  sudamericano  y  sus  relaciones 
con  las  formas  persicas  (Karumiidae).  [EOS|  4:  399-404, 
ill.  Bosq,  J.  M. — Contribucion  a  la  entomofauna  del  Delta 
del  Parana.  Coleopteros.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
2  No.  3 :  63-66.  Breuning,  S. — Monographic  der  gattung 
Ceroglossus  (Carab.).  [EOS]  4:  283-338.  Bridwell,' J.  C.- 
The  cowpea  bruchid  under  another  name — a  plea  for  one 
kind  of  entomological  specialist.  [10]  31:  39-44.  Bruch,  C. 
-Tres  interesantes  coleopteros.  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
2  No.  4:  15-22,  ill.  Bruch,  C.— Athyreus  chalybeatus.  De- 
scripcion  del  macho.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3 
No.  6:  1-4,  ill.  Capra,  F. — Nota  sinonimica.  Hylotrupes 
minutus  Casey=H.  bajulus  ab.  puellus  Villa.  [27]  59:  132- 
133.  Cotton,  R.  T. — The  larva  of  the  weevil  Exopthalmus 
quadrivittatus  (Rhyncophoridae).  |  10]  31:  27-31,  ill. 

162  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

Dallas,  E.  D. — Fenestraciones  elitrales  en  Coleopteros  ar- 
gentinos.     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]   2  No.  3:  21-24,  ill. 
Dallas,  E.  D. — Sobre  los  cliversos  tipos  de  anomalia  obser- 
vadas  en  los  coleopteros.    [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No. 
3:  67-68,  ill.    Dallas,  E.  D. — Nota  sobre  un  coleoptero  pale- 
arctico  introduciclo  en   la   R.   Argentina.      [Rev.   Soc.   Ent. 
Argentina]  2  No.  4:  73-74,  ill.    Dallas,  E.  D. — La  coleccion 
de  Staphylinidae  cle  Felix  Lynch  Arribalzaga.     (S).     [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]     3  No.  6:  17-20.     Dallas,  E.  D.— Un 
tenebrionido  con  antena  bifida  (Nyctelia  pimcticollis).  (S). 
[Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  55-58.  ill.    Deautier,  E. 
A. — Un  caso  curioso  de  anomalia  elitral.     (S).     [Rev.  Soc. 
Ent.  Argentina]   3  No.  6:  39-49,  ill.     Fall,  H.  C.— Peelilus 
parvicollis  not  a  Dendroicles.     [19]  24:  13-14.    Green,  E.  E. 
—A  remarkable   larva   from    California.      [Proc.    Ent.    Soc. 
London]  3:  40-41.    Heller,  K.  M. — Die  geographische  ver- 
breitung    cler    Balaninini    und    die    aus    ihr    zu    ziehenden 
schliisse.     [45]  24:  33-37.     Marelli,  C.  A. — Importancia  de 
investigar  en  la  Argentina  los  parasites  de  Lema  bilineata. 
Convertida  en  peste  de  las  plantaciones  de  tabaco  en  Sud 
Africa  y  su  posible  aclimatacion  en  aquellos  estados.    [Rev. 
Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4:  47-54,  ill.    Mutchler  &  Weiss. 
-The  Ostomidae  of  New  Jersey.    [New  Jersey  State  Dept. 
Agric.]    1929,  Cir.    154:    17   pp.."  ill.      *Ochs,   G.— On   some 
new  and  interesting  species  of  Avater  beetles  of  the  family 
Gyrinidae   in   the   United   States   National    Museum.      (S). 
[50]    75:   1-6.     *Pic,  M. — Nouveaux  Coleopteres  du  globe 
(IV).       (S).       [Bull.     Soc.     Zool.     France]     52:     185-189. 
*Pic,   M. — Nouveaux   malacodermes   et   heteromeres   de    la 
Republique  Argentine.     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]   2  No. 
3:  13-16.   *Pic,  M. — Nouveaux  Coleopteres  de  la  Republique 
Argentine.      [Rev.    Soc.    Ent.   Argentina]    2   No.   3:   25-26. 
*Pic,  M. — Coleopteres  nouveaux  ou  pen  connus  de  la  Re- 
publique Argentine.     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentine]   2  No.  4: 
43-46.     *Pic,  M. — Nouveaux  Coleopteres  malacodermes  de 
1'amerique  meridionale.     (S).     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
3  No.  6:  35-36.    *Pic,  M. — Nouveaux  Coleopteres  de  la  Re- 
publique Argentine.     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]   3  No.  6: 
49-52.       *Schaeffer,    C. — The    North    American    species    of 
Parandra  (Cerambycidae).     [19]  24:  38-40.    Schilder,  F.  A. 
— Zur  erblichkeit  der  Coccinellidenzeichnung.    [14]  42:  188- 
189,  199-200.  249-253.     Winkler,  A.— Catalogus  Coleopter- 
orum  regionis  palaearcticae.     Pars  9:  1009-1136.     Wolcott, 
G.  N. — Notes  on  the  life-history  of  Exopthalmus  quadrivit- 
tatus.      [10]    31:   21-26.      Yepes,  J. — Algunas   etiquetas   de 
coleopteros  para  las  playas  de  Juancho  (Prov.  de  Bs.  Aires). 
[Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  41-42.    Orfila,  R.  N.- 
Hibridismo  en  cassidos.     (S).     [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina] 
2  No.  4:  72. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  163 

HYMENOPTERA.  — Alpatov,  W.  W.  -  -  Biometrical 
studies  on  variation  and  races  of  the  honey  bee  (Apis  mel- 
lifera).  [73]  4:  1-58,  ill.  *Banks,  N.— Notes  on  Cuban  and 
other  West  Indian  Psammocharidae.  [Harvard  Biol.  Lab. 
&  Bot.  Fauna  Cuba]  1928:  3-10.  Bischoff,  H.  -  -  Zur 
biologic  des  Euplectrus  bicolor  (Chalc.).  [45]  24:  78-82,  ill. 
*Brethes,  J. — Hymenopteres  Sud-Americains  du  Deutsches 
Entomologisches  Institut:  Terebrantia.  [49]  17:  426-428. 
Copello,  A. — La  reina  y  demas  poblacion  de  un  gran  hor- 
niiguero.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  3:  17-20. 
*Cushman,  R.  A. — A  revision  of  the  North  American  ich- 
neumon-flies of  the  genus  Mesostenus  and  related  genera. 
[50 1  74,  Art.  16:  58  pp.,  ill.  Giacomelli,  E.— Notas  sobre  el 
Sphex  nigeus  (  Fam.  S])hegidae).  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Ar- 
gentina] 3  No.  6:  53-54.  John,  H. — Monographic  der  gat- 
tung  Notiophygus.  [Suppl.  Ent.]  1929:  1-71,  ill.  *Lawson, 
P.  B. — A  leafhopper  parasite — Polynema  saga.  (Mymari- 
dae).  [7]  22:  130.  *Mitchell,  T.  B.— Sex  anomalies 'in  the 
genus  Megachile  with  descriptions  of  new  species.  (S). 
|  1  I  54:  321-383.  ill.  Parks,  H.  B.— The  honey  ant,  Myrme- 
cocystus  melliger  at  San  Antonio,  Texas.  [19]  24:  32-34. 
Peacock,  A.  D. — On  rearing  larvae  from  eggs  dissected  out 
of  a  saw-fly.  [Proc.  R.  Phy.  Soc.,  London]  21:  171-174. 
Rau,  P. — Feeding  experiments  on  Polistes  wasps.  [4]  61  : 
25-30.  Smith,  M.  R. — Two  introduced  ants  not  previously 
known  to  occur  in  the  United  States.  [12]  22:  241-243. 
Stich,  R. — Ueber  imaginalparasiten  aus  der  familie  der 
Mracimiden  bei  Kafern.  [45]  24:  89-96.  *Timberlake,  P.  H. 

llees  of  the  genus  Perdita  in  the  American  Museum  of 
Natural  History.     [40]  321  :  13  pp. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES. — Studies  on  the  stoneflies  of  Japan 

bv   Masu/o  Ueno.     [Mem.  Coll.  Sci.  Kyoto  Imp.  Univ.]   4, 
(B)  :  97-155,  ill.     [A  monographic  work.] 

KKLT,  D.  Sc.  New  York  State  Museum  Handbook  6.  Albany, 
1929.  7^x5  inches  (19x13  cm.),  147  pp.,  62  figs.  (For 
sale  at  the  Museum,  50  cents.) — This  is  an  excellent  pamphlet 
to  put  into  the  hands  of  any  one  becoming  interested  in  insects 
and  who  desires  to  know  what  to  do  first  and  how  to  do  it. 
After  a  general  sketch  of  the  "Interesting  and  practical  phases 
of  insect  life"  (pp.  11-61)  follow  directions  for  making  a  col- 
lection of  insects  (61-78)  and  for  preserving  them  (78-105). 
The  principal  orders  of  insects  are  briefly  described  (  105-127) 
and  the  final  section  is  entitled  General  Literature  (127-140). 
This  last  tells  of  juvenile  and  popular  books,  textbooks,  serials 
and  the  chief  bibliographical  aids  to  systematic,  morphological, 

164  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

economic  and  nomenclatural  entomology.  (Dr.  Walther  Horn's 
new  Index  Littcraturae  Entomologicac  might  have  been  in- 
cluded.) But  this  is  far  from  being  the  only  guide  to  ento- 
mological literature.  Many  of  the  subsections  into  which  the 
above  mentioned  topics  are  divided  terminate  with  a  list  of 
books  and  papers  relating  to  that  special  subject.  The  inquirer 
who  wishes  to  know  the  qualifications  of  an  entomologist,  how 
to  sugar,  how  to  mail  or  ship  insects,  how  to  make  microscopic 
mounts  or  to  inflate  insect  larvae  will  find  here  answers  to 
these  and  many  other  questions.  Nor  must  we  forget  to  men- 
tion the  charming  verses  on  insects  and  entomologists,  from 
many  autfiors,  which  are  scattered  throughout  the  volume. 
Finally,  there  is  an  index  of  7  pages. — P.  P.  CALVERT. 

ANDER GRAHAM,  pages  I-XIV,  1-339,  149  text  illustrations, 
McGraw-Hill  Book  Company,  Inc.,  New  York,  1929. 
The  title  illustrates  the  scope  of  this  work,  since  it  is  pri- 
marily concerned  with  the  principles  involved  and  is  ecological 
instead  of  being  devoted  largely  to  detailed  accounts  of  numer- 
ous species  with  discussions  of  control  measures.     The  close 
limitations   upon    expenditures    for   control   of   various    forest 
insects  leaves  no  alternative  course  under  present  conditions, 
although  experiences  with  large  scale  control  work  upon  the 
gipsy  moth  in  New  England  and  minor  though  similar  opera- 
tions in  relation  to  some  other  forest  pests  indicate  that  this 
limitation  may  not  necessarily  persist. 

The  student  of  forest  entomology  will  find  this  work  partic- 
ularly valuable  because  of  its  discussion  of  the  various  factors 
which  effect  insect  abundance,  namely  biotic  potential,  environ- 
mental resistance  and  the  application  of  these  facts  in  securing 
an  indirect  control  of  forest  depredators.  This  last  is  exceeding- 
ly difficult  owing  to  the  large  areas  involved  and  the  very  close 
cost  limitations  imposed  by  the  nature  of  the  problem. 

The  chapter  on  leaf-eating  insects  summarizes  in  a  most 
admirable  manner  the  effect  of  such  pests  upon  various  trees 
and  discusses  the  probable  sequence  of  events  following  more 
or  less  complete  defoliation. 

The  author  naturally  gives  special  attention  to  the  more  im- 
portant forest  insects  in  his  discussion  of  general  principles 
as  well  as  in  his  accounts  of  various  types  of  insect  work. 
Throughout  the  volume,  one  may  find  numerous  statements  in 
relation  to  habits  and  behavior  of  many  of  these  forms.  There 
is  a  chapter  on  sap  sucking  insects  dealing  particularly  with 
plant  bugs,  lace  flies,  the  adelgids  and  various  scale  insects. 
There  is  a  brief  discussion  of  the  insectivorous  parasites  and 
predators,  including  in  the  latter,  a  very  brief  summation  in 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  165 

relation  to  birds.  There  is  an  excellent  classified  bibliography 
and  a  detailed  index.  The  numerous  illustrations  add  very 
materially  to  the  value  of  the  work.  The  volume  is  marred 
somewhat  by  errors  in  orthography  and  evidently  through 
an  inadvertence,  the  author  refers  to  the  Chironomidae  instead 
of  to  the  Cecidomyiidae. 

This  work  occupies  a  distinct  field  and  cannot  but  prove 
most  helpful  and  suggestive  to  all  interested  in  various  phases 
of  forest  entomology. — E.  P.  FELT. 


Harrison  Gray  Dyar. 

Born  at  New  York  City,  February  14,  1866. 

Educated  at  Roxbury  Latin  School  (Massachusetts),  the 
Massachusetts  Institute  of  Technology,  Columbia  University 
and  in  the  field. 

Lived  and  collected  several  years  at  Rhinebeck,  New  York. 

Collected  and  reared  insects  in  New  York,  Colorado,  Brit- 
ish Columbia,  Florida,  Panama  and  elsewhere. 

Worked  at  the  United  States  National  Museum  from  1897 
till  his  death. 

Editor  of  the  Journal  of  the  Neiu  York  Entomological  S oct- 
et v  1904-1907,  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 
Washington,  1909-1912. 

Proprietor  and  editor  of  Insecittor  Inscitiac  Mcnstrnus,  1913- 

Worked  on  the  Lepidoptera,  especially  their  larvae,  larvae  of 
saw-flies,  mosquitoes,  especially  their  larvae,  and  bacteria. 

Died  January  21,  1929. 

The  world  has  produced  many  entomologists  with  a  good 
eye  for  species — a  number  who  have  been  able  to  comprehend 
the  major  groups  of  insects — several  who  have  carefully  and 
intensively  studied  the  biology  and  early  stages  of  one  or  an- 
other group.  There  have  been  hardly  any  who  could  do  all 
these  three  things,  and  see  a  group  of  insects  as  a  whole. 

Dyar  was  one,  and  almost  the  only  one  of  those  who  worked 
on  the  Lepidoptera  who  excelled  in  all  three  of  these  fields  and 
was  able  to  make  a  synthesis  of  them. 

First:  He  was  a  student  of  the  life  histories  of  Lepidoptera. 
From  his  college  days  and  for  years  after  he  reared  caterpillars, 

166  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

either  independently  or  in  collaboration  with  Miss  Emily  Mor- 
ton, A.  N.  Caudell  and  others.  The  publications  that  have  re- 
sulted, have  included  a  larger  number  of  full  larval  descrip- 
tions than  the  work  of  any  other  American  entomologist,— 
perhaps  more  than  all  the  rest  together,  if  we  leave  out  W.  H. 
Edwards.  His  papers  on  the  Eucleidae  of  New  York  in  col- 
laboration with  Miss  Morton1  are  a  model  that  no  one  in  this 
country  (except  Edwards,  perhaps)  has  equalled. 

Second:  He  was  a  systematic  entomologist  in  the  broadest 
sense  of  the  term.  On  the  basis  of  his  knowledge  of  adults, 
eggs,  and  larvae — first  stage  and  immature  as  well  as  mature 
-his  work  may  perhaps  be  considered  the  basis  of  our  modern 
classification  of  the  moths.  He  was,  I  believe,  the  first  to  sug- 
gest from  egg  and  larval  characters  the  existence  of  a  closely 
bound  group  surrounding  the  Noctuidae,  and  including  the 
Notodontidae  as  well  as  the  Arctiidae  and  their  related  fam- 
ilies. Thoracic  characters  have  since  verified  and  strengthened 
this  association.  His  work  on  larvae,  and  especially  first  stage 
larvae,  has  clarified  our  ideas  on  the  classification  of  the  micros, 
along  lines  first  suggested  by  Herrich-Schaffer's  work  on  the 
venation ;  and  our  recent  further  progress  in  the  understanding 
of  the  micros  has  largely  grown  out  of  his  work.  In  fact  it  is 
through  the  work  of  Dyar  more  than  any  one  man  that  we  can 
now  say  the  classification  of  the  Lepidoptera  is  probably  the 
soundest  and  best  understood  of  any  of  the  large  orders  of 
insects.  In  the  field  of  minor  systematics — the  synoptic  classi- 
fication of  groups  of  species  for  convenient  identification — his 
long  series  of  papers  are  notable  for  combined  clearness,  con- 
densation and  convenience. 

In  biological  theory  his  first  paper  laid  down  a  rule  that  has 
since  been  referred  to  as  "Dyar's  law".2  The  preface  to  his 
doctor's  thesis:{  contains  a  clear  discussion  of  the  nature  of 
species  and  its  relation  to  sexual  and  asexual  reproduction 
which  both  entomologists  and  bacteriologists  would  do  well 
to  read.  But  most  of  his  contribution  to  biological  law  has 

1  Journ.  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.  iii-vii,  with  scattered  papers  later. 

2  The  number  of  molts  of  lepidopterous  larvre.     Psyche  v,  420,   1890 ; 
Imms,  Text  Book  of  Entomology,  p.  183. 

s  On  certain  bacteria  from  the  air  of  New  York  City.     Annals  N.  Y. 
Academy  of  Sciences  viii,  322  ff.,  1895. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  167 

been  implicit.  He  understood  how  nature  works,  and  was 
capable  of  applying  his  knowledge  and  of  guiding  others  to 
its  application. 

As  a  curator  he  is  largely  responsible  for  the  fact  that  the 
collection  of  Lepidoptera  in  the  U.  S.  National  Museum  is 
probably  the  only  large  collection  in  the  country  where  prac- 
tically everything  is  named  and  arranged.  Fortunately  in  this 
field  he  has  found  efficient  successors. 

As  an  editor  he  was  always  stimulating,  and  was  more  effici- 
ent than  the  average. 

There  is  no  one  to  take  his  place. 

WM.  T.  M.  FORBES. 

Dr.  Dyar's  work  on  Diptera  began  with  the  larvae  of  the 
mosquitoes  nearly  thirty  years  ago,  when  he  was  chiefly  inter- 
ested in  early  stages  of  Lepidoptera  and  sawflies.  This  was 
about  the  time  when  Dr.  Howard  had  begun  to  make  plans 
for  a  monograph  of  North  American  mosquitoes,  and  he  asked 
Dr.  Dyar  to  become  a  colleague  in  this  enterprise.  The  monu- 
mental work  "The  Mosquitoes  of  North  and  Central  America 
and  the  West  Indies,"  was  published  by  the  Carnegie  Institu- 
tion in  four  large  volumes,  1912-1917.  Dr.  Dyar  did  the  tax- 
onomic  work,  writing  practically  two  volumes.  Before  it  ap- 
peared he  published  with  Mr.  Knab  an  important  paper  on 
"Larvae  of  Culicidae  classified  as  Independent  Organisms."4 
He  also  published  many  shorter  papers.  He  continued  to  pub- 
lish actively  on  the  mosquitoes  after  the  monograph  appeared. 
In  1921  he  published  "The  Mosquitoes  of  Canada,"5  and  on 
account  of  the  edition  of  the  monograph  being  sold  out,  "The 
Mosquitoes  of  the  United  States."6  He  reviewed  the  non- 
biting  forms  in  "The  North  American  Chaoborinae."7  In  the 
same  period  he  began  to  take  up  other  nematocerous  Diptera, 
and  published  with  R.  C.  Shannon  a  paper  on  the  North  Ameri- 
can Simuliidae,8  also  several  short  papers  on  Psychodidae, 

1  Journal  N.  Y.  Ent.  Soc.,  vol.  14,  1906,  pp.  169-230,  with  13  plates. 

E  Transactions  of  the  Royal  Canadian  Institute,  vol.  13,  part  1,  pp. 

6  Proceedings  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum,  Vol.  62,  art.  1,  1922, 
pp.  1-119. 

7Insccutor  Inscitiae  Menst.,  vol.  12,   1924,  pp.  201-216. 

8  Proceedings  U.  S.  National  Museum,  vol.  69,  1927,  pp.  1-54,  with  7 

168  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [May,  '29 

Thaumaleidae,  and  Dixidae.  The  last  he  considered  a  subfamily 
of  Culicidae. 

As  considerable  progress  had  been  made  in  the  study  of 
South  American  mosquitoes,  and  the  large  monograph  was  no 
longer  obtainable,  the  Carnegie  Institution  consented  to  pub- 
lish a  new  volume  covering  all  the  known  mosquitoes  of  both 
continents.  This  was  Dyar's  last  large  work,  and  appeared  only 
a  few  months  ago  as  "The  Mosquitoes  of  the  Americas,"  a 
volume  of  over  600  pages  with  123  plates. 

Even  after  this,  although  in  frail  health,  he  continued  to 
publish,  and  only  ten  days  before  his  death  handed  in  a  manu- 
script to  the  Museum  giving  an  annotated  list  of  the  mosquitoes 
of  Montana,  with  one  new  species. — J.  M.  ALDRICH. 

A  note  in  the  Journal  of  Mammalogy  for  February,  1929, 
announces  the  death  of  Colonel  WIRT  ROBINSON,  at  Washing- 
ton, D.  C.,  on  January  20,  1929,  and  refers  briefly  to  his  services 
in  that  department  of  zoology.  His  interests  were  much  wider 
than  that  one  field  and  included  the  insects.  In  the  NEWS  for 
January,  1903  (volume  xiv,  pages  17-21)  is  a  paper  of  his 
authorship,  entitled  "A  Trip  After  Papilio  Homerus,"  extracted 
from  a  letter  to  Prof.  E.  J.  Smith,  Jr.,  describing  the  strenuous 
efforts  made  by  him  and  his  brother  in  Jamaica,  resulting  in 
the  capture  of  44  specimens  of  this  rare  butterfly.  The  visit  to 
Venezuela  made  by  him  and  Dr.  M.  W.  Lyon,  Jr.,  in  1900, 
referred  to  by  the  Journal  quoted,  yielded  also  a  collection 
of  insects  now  in  the  United  States  National  Museum ;  the 
Odonata  of  this  lot,  with  others,  have  been  listed  in  the  Annals 
of  the  Carnegie  Museum  for  1909  (volume  vi,  pp.  73-276). 
He  was  born  in  Buckingham  County,  Virginia,  October  16, 
1864,  a  region  in  which  he  collected  in  later  years,  sometimes 
accompanied  by  Mr.  William  T.  Davis,  of  Staten  Island.  He 
graduated  from  the  United  States  Military  Academy  in  1887, 
and  entered  the  artillery  service  in  that  year  as  a  second  lieuten- 
ant, becoming  a  captain  in  1898,  major  in  1907,  lieutenant 
colonel  and  colonel  in  1911.  He  was  assistant  professor  of 
chemistry  at  the  Academy,  at  West  Point,  New  York,  1906- 
1911,  and  professor  and  head  of  the  department  since  1911. 



Will  subscribers  who  have  received  duplicate  copies  of 
Entomological  News  for  March,  1929,  February,  1927,  and 
February,  1926,  please  return  them  to  the  News. 

JUNE,  1929 


Vol.  XL  No.  6 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— V 169 

West— The  Behavior  of  Macronychus  glabratus  Say  (Coleo.:   Helmidae)  171 

Horsfall — The  Grapevine  Sawfly  (Hym.:  Tenthre'dinidae) 174 

Williams — The  Cicindelidae  (Coleoptera)  at  Kartabo,  Bartica  District, 

British  Guiana  ...        178 

Daniels — The    Hibernation   of    Uhleriola    ftoralis  Uhl   (Heteropt.:    Ly- 

gaeidae) 179 

Gunder— What  Constitutes  a  Good  Original  Description 180 

Knight  (Paul)— Correction ' 188 

Knight — New  Species  and  Varieties  of  Platytylellus  from  North  America 

(Hemiptera:  Miridae) 189 

Winter — The  Identity  of  Aphis  rubicola  Oestlund  and  Aphis  rubiphila 

Patch  (Homop.:  Aphididae) 193 

Brimley — Two  New  Wasps  from  North  Carolina  (Hym.:   Cerceridaej  .  194 

Busck— The  E.  H.  Blackmore  Collection  of  Lepidoptera 195 

Kisliuk— Air   Routes,  German    Dirigible    "Graf    Zeppelin"   and  Plant 

Quarantines 196 

Daniels— Gillette  Club  Meeting 

Entomological  Literature 198 

Obituary— Dr.  Hans  Brauns 204 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  r 
Act  of  Octobers,  1917,  authorized  January  15,  1921. 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 

Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder,Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.  A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 

Chester  Bradley,  Ph.D.,  Frank  Morton  Jones,  John  C.  Lutz,  Max  Kisliuk,  Jr. 

The  subscription  price  per  year  of  ten  (10)  numbers  is  as  follows: 
United  States  and  possessions         .        .       $3.00 
Canada,  Central  and  South  America      .        3.15 

Foreign 3.25 

Single  copies  35  cents.     Sample  copies  5°  cents, 

ADVERTISING  RATES:  Full  width  of  page.  Payments  in  advance. 
One  issue,  1  in..  $  1.20.  2  in..  $  2.40,  half  page,  $  4.00,  full  page,  $  8.00 
Ten  issues  11.00,  20.00,  35.00,  70.00 

SUBSCRIPTIONS.  All  remittances  and  communications  regarding  sub- 
scriptions, non-receipt  of  the  NEWS  or  of  reprints,  and  requests  for  sample 
copies,  should  be  addressed  to 

JOHN  C.  LUTZ,  6623  Lansdowne  Ave.,  PHILADELPHIA,  PA. 

All  complaints  regarding  non-receipt  of  issues  of  the  NEWS  should  be 
presented  within  three  months  from  date  of  mailing  of  the  issue.  After 
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MANUSCRIPTS  AND  ADVERTISEMENTS.  Address  all  other  com- 
munications to  the  editor,  Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University 
of  Pennsylvania,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

TO  CONTRIBUTORS.  All  contributions  will  be  considered  and  passed 
upon  at  our  earliest  convenience  and,  as  far  as  may  be,  will  be  published 
according  to  date  of  reception.  The  receipt  of  all  papers  will  be  acknowl- 
edged. Owing  to  the  limited  size  of  each  number  of  the  NEWS,  articles 
longer  than  six  printed  pages  will  be  published  in  two  or  more  installments, 
unless  the  author  be  willing  to  pay  for  the  cost  of  a  sufficient  number  of 
additional  pages  in  any  one  issue  to  enable  such  an  article  to  appear  without 

Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
tion, without  change  in  form  and  without  covers,  will  be  given  free  when 
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slated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  for 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
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authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of   The  American  Entomological   Society  will  be  held 
'.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 

July,    August,    November    and    December,    and    on    the    third    Thursday    of 

November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 

solicited;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 

e  given   free  at  the   following  rates:     One  or   two  pages,   twenty-five   copies,    35    cents: 

li^n   or.four.   PaSe*'   twenty-five    copies,    70   cents;    five   to   eight    pages,    twenty-five   copies, 

;    nine   to    twelve    pages,    twenty-five    copies,    $2.00;    each    half-tone    plate,    twenty  five 

copies,      )   cents;    each   plate   of   line    cuts,   twenty-five   copies,    25    cents;    greater   numbers 

oi  copies  will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 


Plate  VII. 




VOL.  XL.  JUNE,   1929  No.  6 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

V.     The   Field   Museum,   Chicago,   Illinois. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,   Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  VII.) 

The  World's  Fair  held  at  Chicago  in  1893,  brought  together 
an  unsurpassed  amount  of  excellent  display  material  suitable 
for  museum  purposes.  There  had  been  an  era  of  artistic  and 
industrial  development  on  earth  and  competition  and  rivalry 
had  led  every  nation  to  produce  and  exhibit  its  best.  About  this 
time  a  group  of  public-spirited  citizens  decided  that  at  the  close 
of  the  Exposition,  the  most  important  and  valuable  of  these 
exhibits  should  remain  in  Chicago.  Thus  on  August  21,  1893, 
was  founded  the  original  "Columbian  Museum."  A  short  time 
later  the  name  was  changed  to  the  "Field  Columbian  Museum" 
and  the  most  beautiful  of  the  World's  Fair  buildings,  the 
Palace  of  Arts  in  Jackson  Park,  was  secured  as  a  temporary 
home.  This  building  was  occupied  for  some  twenty-seven 
years,  however.  In  1905  the  museum  limited  its  scope  to  the 
departments  of  Anthropology,  Botany,  Geology  and  Zoology 
and  the  name  was  finally  and  definitely  designated  as  the  Field 
Museum  of  Natural  History  in  honor  of  Mr.  Marshall  Field, 
the  Chicago  merchant  "prince"  whose  endowments  made  it 

The  museum's  new  home  (Plate  VII)  on  the  lake  front  in 
Grant  Park,  downtown  Chicago,  was  opened  to  the  public  in 
1921.  The  exterior  is  of  Georgia  white  marble  and  is  treated 
in  monumental  manner  based  on  Greek  architecture  of  the 
Ionic  order.  The  interior  of  the  building  is  very  imposing  and 
consists,  in  its  general  arrangement,  of  a  great  central  hall  or 
nave,  Hanked  by  transverse  exhibition  halls  on  both  sides.  The 
animal  groups  by  the  well  known  taxidermist  and  sculptor,  Mr. 
Carl  Akeley,  are  of  special  note.  Mr.  Stephen  C.  Simms  is  the 
present  director,  whose  chief  interest  is  popular  education. 


170  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

As  mentioned  above,  the  museum's  activities  are  divided 
among  four  departments  or  sciences ;  one  of  these  is  Zoology, 
of  which  Dr.  W.  H.  Osgood  is  the  curator.  The  division  of 
insects  (or  entomology)  comes  under  this  section,  and  since 
1901,  the  date  of  the  founding  of  the  division,  Mr.  William 
J.  Gerhard  has  been  in  charge  under  the  title  of  Assistant 
Curator.  He  is  shown  in  the  accompanying  illustration  with 
Mr.  Emil  Liljeblad,  coleopterist,  who  has  been  with  the  muse- 
um a  long  while  and  whose  speciality  is  the  Mordellidae.  Al- 
though Mr.  Gerhard  has  worked  with  all  insect  orders  for  over 
thirty-three  years,  he  prefers  the  Hemiptera  and  has  a  good 
private  library  upon  the  subject  as  well  as  a  specialized  col- 
lection. A  "List  of  Mosquitoes  of  the  Chicago  Area"  is  among 
his  writings.  In  1898-99  he  was  sent  on  a  colletcing  trip  into 
Bolivia.  Many  tropical  butterflies  were  secured,  but  his  health 
was  somewhat  impaired  by  fever.  Mr.  Gerhard  was  born 
January  3,  1877,  in  Berks  County,  Pennsylvania,  is  married 
and  has  one  daughter. 

The  Division  (or  Department)  of  Entomology  consists  of 
a  spacious  office  and  one  long  workroom  with  windows  along 
one  side  and  with  the  insect  cabinets  placed  in  parallel  rows 
down  the  center.  It  is  estimated  that  there  are  some  seventy- 
five  thousand  butterflies  (and  some  moths)  altogether,  with 
four  hundred  and  thirty-five  specimens  representing  two  hun- 
dred and  fifty-one  types  and  cotypes.  Aside  from  the  general 
museum  collection  which  is  separate,  the  following  collections 
of  note  are  represented  and  kept  individually  intact  as  orig- 
inally received:  the  Arthur  J.  Snyder  collection  of  North 
American  Lepidoptera,  purchased  in  1904;  the  well  known 
Herman  Strecker  collection  of  Lepidoptera  of  the  world,  pur- 
chased in  1908;  the  O.  C.  Poling  collection  (moths  in  part), 
donated  in  1914,  and  the  August  Salle  colection,  donated  in 
1917.  The  wooden  cabinets,  which  for  the  most  part  hold  these 
collections,  will  shortly  be  replaced  by  a  modern  all-steel  equip- 

Chicago  has  an  active  entomological  society  which  holds  reg- 
ular meetings  at  the  Chicago  Academy  or  elsewhere.   It  is  unfor- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  171 

tunate  that  this  society  is  not  affiliated  in  some  manner  with  the 
Field  Museum.  It  is  noticed  that  those  local  entomological  or- 
ganizations which  are  more  closely  in  touch  with  their  larger 
home  institutions  fare  better  in  the  long  run  than  those  con- 
tinually working  on  an  independent  basis.  This  statement  is 
suggested  because  the  author  was  formerly  a  member  of  the 
Chicago  Entomological  Society  when  living  in  that  city  and 
he  has  the  welfare  of  the  old  club  in  mind. 

The  Behavior  of  Macronychus  glabratus  Say 
(Coleo.:  Helmidae). 

By  LUTHER  S.  WEST,  Battle  Creek  College,  Battle  Creek,  Mich. 

Although  an  attempt  to  work  out  the  life  history  of  this 
species  proved  unsuccessful,  it  was  my  good  fortune  to  observe 
certain  features  of  adult  behavior  which  have  not  apparently 
been  hitherto  recorded.  These  observations,  though  fragmen- 
tary, are  presented  at  this  time  for  the  benefit  of  any  who  may 
be  interested  in  the  biology  of  aquatic  Coleoptera. 

Adult  beetles  were  collected  in  May  and  early  June  from 
submerged  and  water-logged  wood,  boards  seeming  to  be  pre- 
ferred over  sunken  branches  by  most  individuals.  The  insects 
are  evidently  extremely  adaptive,  since  they  may  be  collected 
in  almost  equal  numbers  from  slow  flowing  woods  streams  in 
which  the  water  is  colored  with  humous  acids,  and  from  bright, 
sunny,  open  water,  where  the  current  is  swift.  Sufficient,  ap- 
parently, that  they  have  partly  decayed  wood  to  which  they 
may  cling. 

A  considerable  colony  was  kept  under  observation  in  a  jar 
of  natural  water,  placed  near  the  window,  and  their  behavior 
noted.  Sticks  of  wood  on  which  they  had  been  taken  were 
placed  in  the  jar  for  them  to  crawl  upon.  At  the  posterior  cud 
of  most  individuals,  as  they  climbed  about  beneath  the  surlarr, 
might  be  seen  a  tiny,  silvery  bubble  of  air.  This  is  evidently  a 
sort  of  reservoir  which  serves  them  for  purposes  of  respiration 
while  they  are  submerged.  Kadi  individual  if  observed  long 
enough,  could  be  seen  to  wander  above  the  surface  occasionally, 
where  he  always  made  much  less  satisfactory  progress,  tor  here 
his  twelve  claws  seemed  to  stick  exasperatingly  into  the  wood, 

172  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

and  the  individual  would  be  obliged  to  stop  and  clean  the  fore- 
legs with  each  other,  very  much  after  the  fashion  of  the  house 
fly.  This  performance  was  also  occasionally  seen  when  the 
beetle  was  below  the  surface. 

The  not  infrequent  excursion  above  the  surface  is  evidently 
necessary  in  order  to  secure  a  fresh  supply  of  air  and  judging 
from  the  difficulty  with  which  the  beetles  crawl  when  out  of  the 
water,  would  not  be  indulged  in  so  frequently  were  it  not 
required.  It  may  be  that  in  flowing  water  their  reservoir  is 
replenished  more  or  less  automatically,  but  this  can  hardly  be 
true  in  certain  almost  stagnant  waters,  in  which  they  are  also 

Food  Habits.  One  finds  the  beetles  frequently  in  little 
grooves  or  burrows  which  appear  to  have  been  excavated  by  the 
insects  themselves.  A  dissection  of  several  individuals  and 
careful  examination  of  the  contents  of  the  alimentary  tract, 
never  revealed  anything  more  definite  than  a  finely  divided 
brown  "frass"  with  an  occasional  hint  of  algae,  like  those  grow- 
ing on  the  surface  of  the  wood.  I  now  believe  that  the  adult 
beetles,  and  evidently  the  larvae  also,  feed  exclusively  on  the 
partly  decayed,  water-soaked  wood  to  which  they  are  given 
to  clinging,  passing  it  through  the  body  along  with  whatever 
other  nourishment  it  may  contain. 

Copulation.  Copulation  was  observed  several  times  during 
the  month  of  June,  both  in  nature  and  among  the  captured 
specimens.  The  performance  was  usually  as  follows.  The  male 
would  wander  about  beneath  the  surface  until  he  came  upon 
a  second  individual  which  he  would  examine  in  a  preliminary 
way  by  use  of  the  fore-legs.  He  would  perhaps  pass  on  to  a 
second  or  even  a  third  before  finding  a  suitable  mate,  those 
passed  by  being  doubtless  other  males.  The  position  of  cop- 
ulation is  quite  normal,  the  male  being  above  and  facing  the 
same  direction  as  the  female,  which  provides  transportation 
for  both,  while  the  male  clings  to  the  dorsum  of  the  female 
with  all  six  feet.  The  genitals  seem  to  be  brought  into  contact 
only  intermittently,  but  the  position  is  maintained  for  a  variable 
length  of  time.  One  pair  was  observed  to  separate  after  five 
minutes  while  another  pair  remained  together  for  over  twenty. 
Copulating  pairs  were  isolated  in  small  rearing  cages,  through 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  173 

which  flowing,  natural  water  was  caused  to  pass,  and  the  beetles 
were  provided  with  hits  of  wood  on  which  to  rest.  No  eggs 
were  secured  however  by  this  method  and  since  time  did  not 
permit  further  experimentation  the  project  was  finally  aban- 
doned. That  the  same  pair  may  enter  into  copula  more  than 
once,  at  intervals  widely  separated  is  illustrated  by  the  fol- 
lowing note. 

On  June  9,  a  pair  seen  to  be  in  copula  was  isolated  in  a  small 
rearing  cage,  where,  on  daily  examination  they  were  found 
separate  from  each  other  until  June  21.  The  pair  was  found  to 
be  in  copula  again  on  that  date  and  was  left  undisturbed.  On 
June  23,  when  the  cage  was  next  examined,  the  pair  was  found 
still  in  mating  position.  It  is  barely  possible  that  union  may 
have  continued  for  forty-eight  hours. 

Hibernation  :  Mention  of  the  larva.  One  point  was  clearly 
established  and  that  is  the  fact  that  the  adults  overwinter.  A 
colony  of  several,  collected  in  July,  lived  through  in  rearing 
cages,  where  the  water  temperature  approximated  that  of  outside 
conditions,  and  remained  active  during  the  following  summer, 
one  after  another  dying  off  as  the  season  came  to  an  end.  Two 
were  still  alive  when  the  work  was  abandoned  in  October.  They 
were,  however,  exceedingly  sluggish  and  it  is  not  to  be  supposed 
that  they  would  have  lived  appreciably  longer. 

The  larva  usually  associated  with  this  species  occurs  in  little 
crevices  in  the  wood,  sometimes  more  or  less  covered  with  sur- 
face debris.  This  larva  is  subtriangular  in  cross-section  and 
seems  to  possess  the  ability  to  burrow  short  distances  into  the 
softer  parts  of  the  wood.  Bearing  in  mind  the  life  history  of 
Macronychus  quadrituberculatus  Bull.,  as  reported  by  Perez 
('63)*  we  might  expect  that  the  pupae,  as  is  the  case  with  the 
European  species,  may  ultimately  be  located  within  tiny  bur- 
rows in  the  wood  itself.  I  am  not  willing  to  commit  myself 
as  to  the  identity  of  this  larva,  since  Macronyclnis  t/lal'ralns  is 
not  the  only  species  found  in  such  situations.  A  more  nearly 
cylindrical  larva,  like  that  of  Stenclinis  hicarinatiis  Lee.  is  also 
sometimes  found  associated  with  the  adult  Macron  \'c/nis. 

*Pcrcz,   Areas   1863.     Historic    dcs    metamorphores    clu 
quadrituberculatus  ct  clc   son   parasite.      Ann.   Soc.  ent.   de   France.      (4e 
ser)  T.  3.    621-636,  pi.  14.    21  figs. 

174  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '29 

The  Grapevine  Sawfly  (Hym. :  Tenthredinidae).' 

By  WILLIAM  R.  HORSFALL,   Department  of  Entomology, 

University  of  Arkansas. 

(Plate  VIII.) 

The  grapevine  sawfly,  Erythraspidcs  pygmacns  (Say)2,  was 
listed  as  a  pest  of  grape  by  Harris3  in  his  Treatise  on  Insects. 
It  is  also  included  among  the  grape  insects  discussed  in  the 
popular  manuals  on  fruit  insects  by  Saunders4  and  by  Slinger- 
land  and  Crosby5.  It  occurs  in  Arkansas  as  a  pest  of  porch 
arbors,  but  there  is  no  record  of  its  attacking  grapes  in  vine- 
yards in  this  state.  The  only  host  upon  which  it  has  been 
collected  here  is  the  sweet  winter  grape,  Vitis  cincrca  Engel6. 
This  species,  so  far  as  I  know,  is  grown  only  as  an  arbor  grape. 

The  following  notes  on  the  habits  and  life  history  of  the 
grapevine  sawfly  were  secured  at  Fayetteville,  Arkansas,  during 
the  summer  of  19287.  No  attempt  at  completeness  was  made, 
since  the  studies  were  carried  on  as  an  incidental  part  of  the 
insectary  work  with  more  important  pests. 

The  adult  sawflies  show  the  greatest  activity  in  the  brightest 
part  of  the  day, — i.  e.,  between  the  hours  of  10:00  a.  m.  and 
2:00  p.  m.,  when  they  may  be  seen  flying  swiftly  around  the 
arbor.  The  numbers  vary,  depending  on  the  periods  of  great- 
est emergence.  Some  may  be  found  all  of  the  time  in  midsum- 
mer. The  female  selects  a  small  tender  leaf,  preferably  about 
an  inch  across,  for  oviposition.  When  she  first  alights  on  the 
leaf  she  is  very  restless  and  runs  about  over  it  until  a  place  for 
oviposition  is  selected.  The  under  surface  is  always  chosen,  and 
she  locates  a  place  for  the  egg  by  feeling  about  with  her  abdo- 
men. She  gradually  becomes  more  quiet,  and  then  inserts  her 

'  Research  Paper  No.   113,  Journal  Series,  University  of  Arkansas. 

2  Determined  by  Win.   Middle-ton. 

3  Harris,  T.  W.     1852.     Insects  injurious  to  vegetation,  pp.  522-523. 
Saunders,  W.    Ins.  Inj.  to  Fruit,  p.  185. 

B  Slingerland,  M.  V.  and  Crosby,  C.  R.  Manual  of  Fruit  Insects, 
PP.  417-418. 

"Determined  by  Dr.  D.  M.  Moore,  Professor  of  Botany,  Univer- 
sity of  Arkansas. 

'  This  study  was  carried  on  at  the  suggestion  of  Mr.  Dwight  Iselv 
of  the  Department  of  Entomology.  Also,  I  wish  to  thank  Mr.  David 
(j.  Hall  for  assistance  in  preparing  the  drawings  and  for  the  photo- 
graph of  the  feeding  larvae. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  175 

ovipositor  alongside  a  vein  and  deposits  an  egg.  The  eggs  are 
laid  singly  along  the  lateral  margins  of  the  veins,  thus  giving 
the  veins  a  knotty  appearance.  They  are  held  in  place  by  strands 
of  fiber  which  surround  the  veins,  and  are  covered  by  the  floe- 
cose  material  on  the  under  surface  of  the  leaves.  The  leaf  vein 
in  which  the  egg  is  inserted  is  killed  at  the  point  of  insertion. 

Larvae  of  the  first  two  instars  feed  individually,  making  small 
holes  between  the  veins  of  the  leaf  upon  which  they  hatched  or 
upon  adjacent  ones.  Most  of  the  feeding  is  toward  the  edge  of 
the  under  side  of  the  leaf,  causing  the  margins  to  curl  down- 
ward. In  the  latter  instars  the  larvae  tend  to  be  gregarious. 
They  start  feeding  at  the  edge  of  a  leaf  and  gradually  move 
backward  toward  the  petiole,  leaving  very  little  more  than  the 
petiole  and  midrib.  When  one  leaf  has  been  devoured,  they 
migrate  to  another. 

In  the  last  instar  the  larva  does  not  feed.  The  male  has  a 
total  of  five  instars  and  the  female  six.  As  soon  as  it  has 
hardened  after  molting,  it  drops  to  the  ground  and  makes  an 
elliptical  cell  for  pupation  about  an  inch  below  the  surface. 
The  walls  of  this  cell  or  cocoon  are  quite  firm  so  that  it  can 
easily  be  removed  from  the  soil,  although  it  appears  to  be  made 
largely  of  sand  or  earth. 


Records  on  the  duration  of  stages  were  taken  in  the  period 
from  July  10  to  August  9,  1928,  when  the  daily  mean  temper- 
ature in  the  insectary  ranged  from  73-82 y2  °F. 

The  incubation  period  required  from  3  to  5  days,  with  an 
average  of  3.9,  based  on  records  of  71  eggs. 

The  duration  of  total  larval  feeding  period  of  the  male-  \vas 
from  8  to  16  days,  with  an  average  of  11.35,  based  on  records 
of  18  larvae.  The  duration  of  the  total  larval  feeding  period 
of  the  female  was  from  9  to  20  days  with  an  average  of  14.30 
days,  based  on  records  of  20  larvae. 

The  average  duration  of  the  different  larval  stages  in  days 
was  as  follows:  first  stage,  l.('S,  based  on  93  larvae;  second 
stage,  1.57,  49  larvae;  third  stage,  1.97.  49  larvae;  fourth 
stage,  2.88,  81  larvae;  fifth  stage,  2.30  for  females,  40  larvae. 

176  ENTOMOLOGICAL   NEWS  [June,  '29 

and  2.95  for  the  non-feeding  males,  18  larvae ;  sixth  stage, 
females  only,  3.60,  based  on  20  larvae. 

The  total  period  spent  under  ground  (the  last  larval  period 
and  pupa)  was  from  11  to  14  days,  with  an  average  of  11.75. 
Of  the  time  spent  in  the  ground,  from  7  to  9  days  were  in  the 
last  larval  instar,  with  an  average  of  7.50  days ;  and  from  4  to 
5  days  were  spent  as  pupae  with  an  average  of  4.19  days,  based 
on  records  of  16  individuals. 

All  of  the  stages  were  apparently  the  same  in  the  case  of  the 
male  and  female,  with  the  exception  of  the  larval  feeding  period. 
As  above  stated,  the  male  has  five  larval  feeding  instars,  and  the 
female  has  six. 

The  preoviposition  period  is  very  short,  being  from  2  to  3 
days,  with  an  average  of  2.5,  based  on  records  of  30  females. 
None  of  the  females  lived  over  six  days  after  emerging,  and 
some  died  as  early  as  the  fourth  day. 


Egg. — Length,  .95  mm. ;  greatest  diameter  .65  mm.  General 
shape  ovoid,  one  end  tapering  more  rapidly  than  the  other. 
Color  whitish  translucent.  The  outer  membrane  is  pliable, 
rather  tough,  and  elastic. 

The  width  in  millimeters  of  the  head  capsule  of  the  different 
larval  instars  is  as  follows :  first  instar,  .35-. 37 ;  second  instar, 
.60;  third  instar,  .90;  fourth  instar,  1.15  to  1.20;  fifth  instar, 
1.40  to  1.45;  sixth  instar  (female  only),  1.65. 

Figure   1.     Larva   of   last   feeding   instar   of   grapevine   sawfly. 

Larva,  last  feeding  instar. — Length,  12-15  mm.;  width  of 
head  capsule,  1.40  to  1.45  mm.  Head  black,  shiny,  microscop- 
ically setiferous,  smaller  than  thorax;  ocellaria  black;  tips  of 
mandibles  and  clypeus  brown ;  glossae  and  paraglossae  not 
fused,  shorter  than  palpi ;  glossae  without  opening  in  center. 
Body  greenish  yellow,  subcylindrical,  slender,  tapering  slightly 
caudad;  larvapods  on  all  but  first  and  ninth  abdominal  seg- 


Plate  VIII. 


XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  177 

ments.  Spines,  large,  black,  omical,  not  bifurcate-,  spinose,  1 
seta  at  base  of  each  spine;  spines  arranged  typically  in  two 
transverse  rows  across  each  segment;  third  abdominal  seg- 
ment with  five  annulae.  with  three  pairs  of  spines  on  second 
and  fourth;  spiracles  black  margined;  tarsal  claws  brown; 
dorsal  plate  on  tenth  abdominal  segment  black.  (See  fig.  1.) 

Larva  of  the  last  instar. — Length  after  molting  9  to  1 1  mm. 
Most  apparent  difference  between  this  and  preceding  instars  : 
head  whitish  yellow;  body  lemon  yellow;  spines  absent.  Only 
parts  remaining  dark  colored  are  the  black  ocellaria  and  the 
brown  tips  of  the  mandibles  and  larvapods.  The  glossae  and 
paraglossae  are  fused,  with  an  opening  in  the  center.  The  man- 
dibles are  non-functional  and  do  not  meet.  Legs  and  larvapod- 
functional  until  after  cell  is  made. 

After  forming  the  pupal  cell  the  larva  gradually  shortens 
and  goes  into  the  typical  prepupal  stage. 

Pupa. — Length,  5  to  7  mm. ;  greatest  breadth,  2.5  mm.  Color, 
pale  yellow.  (See  fig.  2.) 

Figure   2.     Pupa   of   grapevine   sawfly. 

Adult. — The  original  description  of  the  adult,  as  Tenthredo 
pygmacus  by  Say8,  is  as  follows : 

"Black;  thorax  rufus  before;  feet  white.  Inhabits  United 

"1'ody  polished;  hypostoma  obscure  whitish;  thorax  anterior 
segment  rufus,  collar  dusty;  wings  dusky;  feet  white;  thighs 
blackish  in  the  middle  behind;  posterior  tibiae  and  tarsi  black. 

"Length    $   one-fifth  of  an  inch,    9    rather  more." 


Grapevine  sawfly.  (1)  Feeding  injury  by  larvae  of  lirM 
instar,  showing  characteristic  curling  of  leaves;  (2)  pupa  in 
pupal  cell;  (3)  large  larvae  feeding  gregariously. 

8  Complete  writings  of  Thomas  Say  (.'(liu-d  by  I.  1..  LeConte,  1S51'. 
p.  213. 

1/8  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

The  Cicindelidae  (Coleoptera)  at  Kartabo,  Bartica 
District,  British  Guiana. 

By  SAMUEL  H.  WILLIAMS,  University  of  Pittsburgh. 
In  point  of  individuals,  the  tiger  beetles  are  numerous  at 
Kartabo.  Many  of  the  woodland  forms  frequent  the  plants 
and  are  seldom  taken  on  the  ground.  This  may  be  accounted 
for  by  the  fact  that  the  density  of  the  jungle  roof  prevents 
the  admission  of  much  light  to  the  substratum  while  many  of 
the  leaves  are  illuminated  by  the  rays  of  sunlight  that  trickle 
through  the  mass  of  foliage. 

Of  the  eight  species  of  Cicindelidae  found  at  Kartabo,  sev- 
eral are  active  at  night.  Among  these  are  Odontochila  luridipcs 
Dejean,  0.  caycnnensis  Fab.,  Tetracha  affinis  Dejean,  and 
Aniara  scpulchralis  Fab.  I  have  also  taken  Tetracha  sobrina 
subspecies  globosicollis  Horn,  along  the  trails  of  the  Coushi 
ants  at  night.  In  fact,  this  species  inhabits  these  trails  even 
when  there  are  ant  processions  in  both  directions  although  no 
evidence  of  interrelationships  could  be  detected. 

Of  all  the  species  mentioned  in  this  list  T.  sobrina  subsp. 
globosciollis  Horn,  seems  to  be  least  common.  Its  resemblance 
to  T.  affinis  caused  me  to  overlook  it  for  a  time  and  it  was 
placed  among  the  latter  species  in  the  collection.  However,  on 
later  examination,  it  proved  to  be  a  different  form  and  I  was 
unable  to  properly  place  it.  While  in  Germany  I  submitted 
it  to  Dr.  Horn  at  the  Entomologisches  Museum  in  Berlin- 
Dahlem  and  he  informed  me  of  its  identity.  Dr.  Horn  stated 
that  he  had  originally  described  the  species  from  male  speci- 
mens and  the  females  from  Kartabo  were  the  first  he  had 

Cicindcla  argentata  Fab.,  was  taken  from  the  tops  of  giant 
Mora  trees  which  were  examined  immediately  after  they  had 
fallen  and  remains  of  this  species  were  also  found  in  epiphytic 
plants  more  than  one  hundred  feet  above  the  ground. 

The  following  list  represents  the  Cicindelidae  in  the  collec- 
tion of  the  New  York  Zoological  Society  and  in  my  personal 
collection.  Through  the  kindness  of  Dr.  William  Beebe  I  was 
permitted  to  use  the  Society's  collection.  Specimens  of  all 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  179 

species  were  found  in  both  collections  and  all  were  taken  in 
the  region  of  the  Tropical  Research  Station  operated  for  sev- 
eral years  by  the  New  York  Zoological  Society  and  later  by 
the  University  of  Pittsburgh.  Kartabo,  where  the  Station  is 
located,  is  situated  on  the  southern  shore  of  the  Cuyuni  River 
near  its  junction  with  the  Mazaruni  River,  more  than  sixty 
miles  in  the  jungle. 

The  Zoological  Society's  collection  was  made  at  random  and 
some  specimens  date  back  to  1921,  while  those  in  my  personal 
collection  were  taken  from  June  to  October,  1925,  and  from 
July  to  October,  1927.  It  is  interesting  to  note  that  J  collected 
all  species  on  both  occasions.  The  list  of  species  is  as  follows : 

ODONTOCHILA  lacordairci  Gory.  Ann.  de  la  Soc.  de  France 
II,  1833,  p.  172. 

ODONTOCHILA  MARGINEGUTTATA  Dejean.  "Species  general 
des  Coleopteres  de  la  collection  de  M.  le  Comte  Dejean"  Paris 
1825-31,  page  24. 

ODONTOCHILA  LURIDIPES  Dejean.    1.  c.  page  23. 

ODONTOCHILA  CAYENNENSIS  Fab.  Mantissa  Insectorum  I, 
1787,  page  187. 

CICINDELA  ARGENTATA  Fab.  Systema  Eleutheratorium  I, 
1801,  page  242. 

ANIARA  SEPULCHRALIS  Fab.    1.  c.  page  233. 

TETRACHA  AFFINIS  Dejean.     1.  c.  page  12. 

TETRACHA  SOBRINA  subspecies  GLOBOSICOLLIS  Horn.  Archiv 
fiir  Naturgeschicte  LXXIX,  All,  1913,  page  5. 

Of  the  above  species  0.  cayeiiiiaisis  is  the  commonest. 

The   Hibernation   of   Uhleriola   floralis   Uhl. 
(Heteropt. :   Lygaeidae). 

During  a  recent  collecting  trip,  March  23,  to  the  foothills 
west  of  Fort  Collins,  several  thousand  lygaeids,  Vhlcriohi 
ftoralis  Uhl.,  were  observed  in  hibernation.  The  insects  were 
found  massed  together  in  three  large  clusters  beneath  a  lar^c 
rock  on  the  south  exposure  of  a  sheltered  bank.  The  cluster^ 
were  several  inches  in  diameter.  These  Hemiptera,  formerly 
placed  in  the  genus  Rhyparochrovnus,  are  abundant  during  the 
summer  months  in  certain  localities  in  Colorado.  T  have  ob- 
served them  on  a  number  of  occasions  in  hibernation  during 
the  winter  months,  but  never  in  such  large  number^. 

LKSI.II;   15.   I  ).\\n:i.s. 
Colorado  Agricultural  College,  Fort  Collins,  Colorado. 

180  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

What  Constitutes  a  Good  Original  Description. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 
(Plate  IX.) 

I  have  written  to  a  number  of  well  known  entomologists 
around  the  country,  each  of  whom  specializes  in  a  particular 
or  different  order  of  insects  and  who,  for  the  most  part,  have 
done  a  great  deal  of  descriptive  work.1  I  have  tried  to  get 
their  general  ideas  upon  the  question  of,  "What  constitutes  a 
good  original  description?"  This  subject,  as  put,  was  very 
broad,  I  admit,  and  left  room  for  plenty  of  comment  and  sug- 
gestion. In  the  latter  portion  of  this  article,  I  have  ventured 
to  quote  from  a  number  of  the  replies  received  and  from  other 
sources  of  information.  It  was  most  interesting  to  note  that 
practically  everyone  considered  their  own  original  descriptions 
"about  as  unideal  as  the  average."  This  unsophisticated  men- 
tal attitude  and  modesty  of  conclusion  on  the  part  of  American 
workers  is  a  good  sign.  It  shows  an  open  mind,  susceptible 
of  individual  improvement,  if  improvement  can  lie  made,  and 
yet  does  not  imply  an  urgent  need  of  such,  but  rather  infers 
a  broad  hope  of  future  advancement  in  the  art  of  letting  the 
other  fellow  know  just  what  the  new  ''bug"  is  like. 

The  ideal  original  description  will  never  be  one  which  is 
wholly  in  script,  for  it  is  next  to  impossible  to  convey  to  the 
majority  or  even  to  some  specicalists,  the  desired  or  paratypical 
mental  reproduction  of  a  complex  insect.  Illustration  is  needed 
in  conjunction  with  the  written  word,  as  a  help  toward  a  more 
clear  and  rapid  communication  of  details,  especially  photo- 
graphic reproduction  or  comprehensible  drawings.  This  state- 
ment is  not  offered  as  a  new  suggestion  for  it  has  been  dis- 
cussed many,  many  times  before ;  but  each  time,  seemingly, 
there  is  more  weight  in  its  favor.  Of  course  circumstances 
will  decide  as  to  when  illustration  or  part  illustration  is  advis- 
able (see  text  elsewhere)  ;  but  just  the  same,  it  must  be  borne 
in  mind  by  all  entomological  authors  that  we  are  now  living  in 
what  may  be  termed  the  beginning  of  a  pictorializing  era.  Peo- 

1  In  the  insect  orders  of  Coleoptera,  Diptera,  Hemiptera,  Hymenoptera, 
Lepidoptera,  Neuroptcra,  Odonata,  Orthoptera,  etc. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  181 

pie  prefer  to  understand  via  tJic  (jraphic  method.  This  is 
exemplified  by  the  movies,  pictorial  advertising,  visible  radio, 
picture  telegraphy,  etc.  This  modernistic  manner  of  mental 
perception  is  undoubtedly  quicker  and  more  satisfactory.  It 
is  time,  principally,  and  space  which  count  nowadays  and  the 
busy  specialist  has  come  to  consider  superfluity  of  text  as 
stupid,  even  unethical.  He  knows  that  the  excess  text  matter 
now  used  in  some  wordy  description  would  have  been  better 
replaced  by  a  neat  halftone  or  figure  of  some  kind.  One  ento- 
mologist answered  my  query,  in  similarity  with  others,  thus : 
"When  I  see  new  descriptions  with  good  illustrations,  I  am 
tickled;  1  know  just  where  I  am  at.  To  me,  a  picture  saves 
reading  half  the  text,  which  I  can  read  anytime  later,  if  I 
have  to."  One  little  angle  of  the  situation  which  every  describer 
of  a  new  insect  should  think  over  and  bear  in  mind  is  that— 
//  used  to  be  the  reader  who  was  considered  stupid,  if  he  could 
not  understand,  but  now,  it  is  apt  to  be  the  dilatory  author 
who  has  to  share  this  reputation,  if  his  descriptions  are  not 
made  comprehensible  when  known  latter  day  devices  to  make 
them  so  are  at  hand. 

I  have  come  to  the  conclusion  that  doubtful  descriptions  may 
be  laid  to  the  doors  of  three  kinds  of  authors,  as  follows : 

FIRST  :  To  those  energetic  beginners  who  haven't  assembled 
much  material  as  yet  and  who  are  unfortunate  in  being  near 
antiquated  collections  which  are  in  charge  of  "very  busy" 
superiors  working  in  other  groups.  There  is  plenty  of  hope 
for  this  coming  generation  and  if  they  can  only  be  encouraged 
to  keep  their  specimens  until  they  have  a  good  collection,  they 
will  by  that  time  know  the  right  parties  who  will  gladly  help 
them.  By  a  good  collection,  I  mean  an  ample  specialised  col- 
lection, nothing  less.  A  mixed  general  collection  in  any  order 
gets  the  student  no  where,  in  this  age  of  restricted  endeavor. 

SECOND:  To  those  well  known  "Jacks  of  all  (  )rders"  who 
publish  much  at  home  as  well  as  abroad  and  who  are  the  bane 
of  a  specialist's  life.  No  hope  for  these  old  boys — only  a  super- 
ficial reputation.  They  keep  the  abstractors  busy  as  well  as  the 
synonymical  check  listers. 

THIRD:     To  those  "forgetful  describers",  who  like 

182  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

unintentionally  leave  out  something  of  importance  now  and 
then.  Everybody  is  in  this  class  and  there  are  no  exceptions, 
if  that  is  any  consolation.  Further,  no  excuse  can  be  offered, 
for  there  is  none.  We  only  improve  by  recognizing  our  own 
faults.  Let  us  try  to  know  them,  therefore  ! 

On  the  accompanying  plate,  I  have  attempted  to  chart  out 
a  few  important  details  which  if  disregarded  constitute  incom- 
plete original  description.  There  are  undoubtedly  many  points 
not  mentioned.  The  late  Dr.  H.  G.  Dyar  recently  wrote  to 
me,  "It  is  impossible  to  draw  up  a  model  description.  That 
would  do  more  harm  than  good.  A  poor  student  will  muddle 
his  description  regardless  of  standards  and  an  astute  student 
will  only  be  handicapped  by  a  set  form."  Therefore,  I  believe 
that  a  recitation  of  a  number  of  definite  points  to  be  observed 
by  an  author  is  better  than  attempting  to  work  out  a  model  or 
to  write  generalizations  such  as  are  usually  offered. 

I  wish  to  thank  the  several  specialists  whose  opinions,  in 
brief,  follow.  Would  that  I  had  more  space  to  devote  to  these. 

A.  Use  standard  American  entomological  journals.     "Aca- 
demically, it  is  better,  of  course,  that  American  insects  be  pub- 
lished   in    American    entomological    publications.  C.    W. 
STILES."     The  use  of  foreign  journals  spells  unavailability  to 
the  average  reader.   "Avoid  publishing  new  descriptions  in  semi- 
private  and  one-man-edited  sheets  because  the  validity  of  these 
so-called  publications  is  frowned  upon  by  the  Commission  and 
new  names  may  be  rejected  later  as  considered  unpublished.— 
C.  W.  STILES."     Also  it  is  better  to  publish  in  pure  entomo- 
logical journals  in  preference  to  those  mixed  bulletins  featur- 
ing in  part  botany,  astronomy,   etc.      These  journals  are  too 
broad  in  scope  to  always  reach  the  desired  clientele  of  interested 
specialists  or  entomological  libraries.    Also  for  your  protection, 
use  only  those  journals  which  state  "date  of  mailing."    Prefer 
stamhrd  journals  like  the  Entomological  News,  Canadian  En- 
tomologist and  the  Pan-Pacific  Entomologist ;  they  will  be  only 
too  glad  to  enlarge  and  take  care  of  all  good  text  matter.    This 
last  statement  is  suggested  for  independent  workers. 

B.  Write  your   editor  a   Icyiblc   manuscript.      "Editors,   as 
well  as  printers,  waste  valuable  time  trying  to  decipher  poor 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  183 

long-hand,  and  in  correcting  errors  in  spelling  and  grammar. 
We  wonder  sometimes  if  authors  can  read  their  own  sen- 
tences. The  use  of  a  typewriter  is  recommended. — P.  P. 

C.  Ask  fur  author's  "separates"  and  later  distribute  them. 
Use  "extras"  and  save  wear  and  tear  on  the  bound  volume. 
Don't  let  your  friends  have  to  ask  for  these  things !     You  get 
them  free,  so  return  the  courtesy. 

D.  Correct    proofs    carefully    and    return    same    promptly. 
Many  errors  have  been  avoided  by  proof  reading.   Never  pigeon- 
hole a  proof  which  is  marked— -"return  at  once." 

E.  Join  a  bracketed  subtitle  to  paper's  title.    For  example— 
"New  Nymphalidae  (Lepid. :  Rhopalocera)"  or  "New  Butter- 
flies  (Lepid. :   Nymphalidae)";   Nymphalidae  being  the   family 
name.     "It  is  very  important  that  cataloguers  and  abstractors 
of  entomological  papers  know  the  families  to  which  the  article 
refers ;  merely  Heterocera  or  Rhopalocera,  for  example,  is  not 
enough. — P.  P.  CALVERT/'     This  is  a  phase  of  title  construct- 
tion    which    authors    frequently    overlook.       Every    descriptive 
heading  of  importance  should  be  bracketed  in  order  to  make 
yearly  indexing  more  convenient  and  accurate. 

F.  •  Affix  your  address   as  well  as  your   name   under   title. 
Sometimes  readers  wish  to  get  in  touch  with  authors  and  if  the 
address  is  missing,  the  task  is  made  more  difficult.    Anonymous 
articles  or  those  signed  with  initials  or  by  a  "nom  de  plume" 
should  never  be  submitted,  much  less  accepted. 

G.  Latinise  new  names  according  to  the  Code.    It  is  not  good 
style   any   longer   to   write   descriptions   wholly   or   in    part    in 
Latin ;    however,    it    is    better    for    science   that    Latin    names, 
especially  Latin  terminations  remain  in  use.     "Write  or  print 
new  names  in  bold  face  type. — E.  T.  CRESSON,  JR." 

H.  Follow  ''nez^>'J  or  "~nov"  with  a  definable  classification 
term.  Forget  the  word  "variety";  never  use  it  in  connection 
with  new  or  nov.  (see  classification  scale  in  November,  \(>27. 
Ent.  News).  Remember  that  "a  form"  is  always  found  with, 
or  is  a  part  of,  a  species  or  a  race;  therefore  to  refer  collectively 
to  several  species  or  to  several  races  as  "those  forms"  is  bad 
entomological  grammar,  because  it  is  the  same  as  calling  either 

184  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

species  or  race,  a  form.  I  noticed  in  the  December  issue  of 
a  journal  recently  that  the  word  "form"  was  used  eighty-two 
times  hy  actual  count  and  with  various  and  different  meanings ! 
Moral :  Don't  abuse  a  good  classification  term  by  using  it 
promiscuously  and  indiscriminately.  Call  a  horse,  a  horse. 

/.  Illustrate  more  often  by  photographs  or  drawings.  In 
all  orders  there  are  certain  families  which  are  considered  diffi- 
cult of  identification.  In  Lepidoptera,  for  example,  the  genus 
Euphydryas  of  the  Family  Nymphalidae  especially  requires 
illustration  at  time  of  original  description  ;  otherwise  the  validi- 
ty of  the  names  "lie  on  ice"  indefinitely,  which  is  a  selfish  pro- 
cedure and  brands  the  author  as  a  doubtful  entomologist.  It 
holds  the  name  for  him,  but  what  a  taxonomic  farce!  Isn't  it 
about  time  to  individually  improve  this  situation?  "The  value 
of  new  names  in  original  description  will  undoubtedly  be  in- 
creased if  authors  will  accompany  their  text  with  phenomenally 
accurate  illustrations  or  figures.  Careful  and  accurately  labeled 
illustrations  are  an  enormous  aid. — L.  O.  HOWARD."  "The 
object  of  description  is  to  convey  by  means  of  words  or  illus- 
tration, a  direct  picture  of  the  object. — S.  A.  ROHWER."  "The 
description  should  stand  as  a  substitute  for  the  object  itself  .  . 
.  .  this  ideal  may  be  regarded  as  impossible  on  the  basis  of 
words  alone.  There  remains  but  one  way  by  which  this  ideal 
may  be  approached,  and  that  is  by  means  of  some  sort  of  pic- 
torial or  graphic  representation. — G.  F.  FERRIS."  "My  idea  is 
that  a  new  species  should  be  accompanied  by  ....  figures 
of  at  least  the  parts  used  for  diagnosis. — CHAS.  W.  LENG/' 
"1  believe  that  original  descriptions  should  always  be  accom- 
panied by  figures  illustrating  the  principal  characters. — E.  M. 
WALKER."  'A  good  figure  is  better  than  pages  of  descrip- 
tion.— W.  J.  HOLLAND." 

/.  Describe  fully  at  first  proposal  of  any  new  name.  Today 
in  Europe  they  are  still  troubled  with  authors  who  write  all 
about  a  summer's  vacation  and  some  where  in  their  sentences 
stick  in  a  new  name  with  a  line  or  two  of  text,  then  later 
publish  an  illustration  and  perhaps  a  real  description  of  it. 
Fortunately,  we  have  no  such  work  (or  lack  of  work)  in  Amer- 
ica. However,  we  do  have  some  brief  descriptions  which  are 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  185 

essentially  diagnostic  and  which  require  the  reader  to  have  a 
key  or  a  full  description  of  the  related  species  to  know  what 
the  new  one  may  be  like.  1  believe,  as  a  general  policy,  unless 
the  specimens  described  represent  a  race  or  a  form,  that  this 
character  of  description  should  be  discouraged.  There  should 
be  a  happy  medium.  "The  first  essential  for  a  proper  descrip- 
tion, 1  think,  is  that  it  should  be  complete  within  itself,  so  far 
as  specific  characters  go. — A.  X.  CAUDELL."  "Personally,  I 
like  to  begin  a  description  with  a  few  of  the  most  striking  or 
salient  features  ....  following  these,  general  statements 
with  a  systematic  and  pretty  complete  description  of  the  in- 
sect ....  (avoiding  generic  characters  as  much  as  pos- 
sible) ....  following  this  with  a  comparative  review  of 
neighboring  species  ....  In  this  way  the  difficulty  of  a 
purely  differential  description  is  avoided. — H.  T.  FERNALD/' 
"Even  the  -absence  of  certain  peculiarities  should  be  expressly 
mentioned. — J.  BEQUAERT."  "I  have  come  across  some  de- 
scriptions which  lack  everything  but  words. — E.  T.  CRESSON, 

K.  Describe  comparatively,  specifically,  coonlinately  and  less 
ycnerically.  "A  purely  differential  description,  comparing  one 
species  to  another,  is  useless  unless  you  have  the  other  species 
and  knoiv  it  to  be  the  other. — H.  T.  FERNALD."  "Careful  com- 
parison with  the  nearest  allied  species,  I  consider  of  paramount 
importance. — E.  M.  WALKER."  "Clearness  and  conciseness 
are  the  first  requisites  of  a  good  description. — J.  G.  NEEDHAM/ 
"In  the  presentation  of  a  specific  classification,  all  data  should 
be  arranged  in  some  logical  and  orderly  fashion. — G.  t . 

L.     Note  primary  sc.vual  differences  as  wll  as  secondary. 
'Tay  careful  attention  to  secondary  sexual  characters,  if  such 
rxist    ....    primary  characters  are  often  very  helpful.- 
C.  FALL/'    "The  genitalia  may  be  all  important  in  a  final  diag- 
nosis.— E.  M.  WALKER." 

.17.  Avoid  informal  "common  names"  of  insects  'in  a  formal 
description.  Common  names  are  coined  only  for  the  use  of 
laymen  and  tyros. 

N.      Use    iie-^'-horn    structural   terms   else-a'licre   first.      New 

186  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

terms,  which  are  original  with  the  author  or  which  have  not 
been  previously  defined,  should  not  be  used  in  original  descrip- 

0.  Abbreviate  less,  especially  wlicn  misunderstanding  may 
result.  For  instance,  a  type  locality  given  as—  "Y.  N.  P."  may 
mean  Yosemite  National  Park  in  California  or  Yellowstone 
National  Park  in  Wyoming.  "I  also  wish  to  protest  aginst  the 
use  of  abbreviations,  which  tend  to  become  a  serious  menace.— 

P.  Standardize  color  names  according  to  Ridgitny.  To  say 
yellow,  for  example,  is  indefinite  because  yellow  is  a  funda- 
mental color  and  there  are  many  hues  for  each  of  the  six  dis- 
tinct colors  of  the  solar  spectrum.  Dr.  Robert  Ridgway  of  the 
United  States  National  Museum  is  undoubtedly  one  of  the 
best  authorities  on  color  nomenclature.  "Personally  I  have  used 
Ridgway's  latest  since  it  has  appeared  from  the  press. — J.  A. 
G.  REHN." 

Q.  Add  authorship  when  mentioning  other  named  insects. 
To  add  authorship  following  a  name  is  to  save  the  reader's 
time  in  looking  it  up  ;  besides  it  is  according  to  the  Code  and 
also  an  ethical  courtesy  due. 

R.  Assemble  all  "data"  or  details  as  a  unit  following  de- 
scription. I  have  in  mind  a  paper  containing  a  series  of  descrip- 
tions in  which  the  disposition  of  the  type  material  was  hidden 
in  adjoining  text  and  quite  separate  from  the  descriptions 
themselves.  Considerable  time  was  wasted  in  trying  to  find  this 
important  information.  "In  the  notes  following  the  descrip- 
tion and  not  in  the  body  of  the  description  itself,  the  type  local- 
ity ....  etc.,  should  be  given. — W.  S.  BLATCHLEY." 

S.  Mention  probable  "check  list"  position  of  new  name. 
Makers  of  catalogues  and  check  lists  would  probably  appre- 
ciate any  references,  right  or  wrong,  in  this  regard.  By  express- 
ing your  idea  first,  it  would  safeguard  your  knowledge  or  in- 
tention as  to  where  the  name  should  be  inserted.  "It  is  helpful 
to  state  the  probable  relationship  in  the  genus.  -  J.  A.  COM- 


T.     Designate    holotypc,    next    allotypc,    finally    paratypes. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  187 

"All  type  material  should  he  carefully  listed.—  -  J.  M.  ALDKICH." 
"A  series  (if  possible)  of  specimens  should  be  available  from 
which  a  typical  male  should  be  designated,  the  holotype,  and  a 
typical  female,  the  allotype.  If  possible,  a  good  series  of  speci- 
mens should  be  set  aside  and  consecutively  numbered — Para- 
type  1,  2,  3,  etc. — J.  A.  COMSTOCK." 

U.     Always  (jive  se.ves  of  types,  if  known.     <  )lder  collectors 

evidently   could   not   determine   sex   or   thought   sex    reference 

unnecessary,  but  this  is  hardly  an  excuse  in  regard  to  modern 

research.    "Some  descriptions  lack  a  full  account  of  the  types. 

-J.  M.  ALDRICH." 

V .  Give  accurate  type  measurements,  plus  known  averages. 
"Measurements  may  be  misleading,  if  only  the  extremes  are 
given.  Either  the  mean  of  a  number  of  measurements  of  an 
average  individual  should  be  given,  as  well  as  the  extremes 
I  know  I  have  not  followed  this  rule  consistently  myself,  but  I 
believe  it  should  be  adopted. — E.  M.  WALKER/'  "List  a  defi- 
nite set  of  comparative  dimensions  instead  of  merely  'broader 
than  long'  or  'third  joint  longer  than  second'.  A  micrometer 
grating  in  a  low  power  microscope  eye-piece  will  give  fixed 
and  definite  standards,  so  that  length  and  breadth  can  be 
stated  as  '25  to  21'  or  'third  joint  to  second,  23  to  17'. — J.  A. 
G.  REHN." 

IV.  Invariably  state  explicit  type  locality  with  definite  dales. 
Merely  giving  the  month  of  capture  without  the  date  in  that 
month  or  year  is  unsatisfactory  information  in  the  extreme. 
Field  collectors,  please  take  notice!  "It  is  needless  to  empha- 
size the  importance  of  exact  locality  data  ....  particularly 
in  mountainous  regions. — E.  M.  WALKER."  "I  have  found 
the  average  entomologist  to  be  rather  weak  on  geography  .  . 
.  .  For  a  clear  comprehension  of  distributional  and  evolution- 
ary problems,  a  vigorous  effort  should  be  made  to  include  all 
available  locality  data. — J.  A.  G.  KHUN." 

X.  Aleutian  original  collector's  name.  "The  collector's  name 
should  be  included  as  a  matter  of  polite  recognition  and  source 
of  material  information  to  others. — J.  A.  COMSTOCK." 

Y.  Specify  disposition  of  types  and  paratypes.  "The  dis- 
position of  type  material  is  very  necessary. — A.  N.  CAUDELL." 

188  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

"The  real  basis  of  conception,  namely  the  holotype,  must  be 
consulted  anew  from  time  to  time.— W.  L.  McATEE." 

Z.  Include,  as  knoivn,  food  plant,  host,  life  history,  notes, 
etc.  "The  addition  of  biological  notes  and  general  remarks 
about  the  species  is  often  helpful— A.  N.  CAUDELL."  'All  good 
descriptions  should  include  distributional  notes,  seasonal  oc- 
currence, habits,  etc.,  where  known. — J.  A.  G.  REI-IN." 

In  conclusion  the  writer  understands,  of  course,  that  the 
above  twenty-six  suggestions  try  to  cover  a  very  broad  ento- 
mological field.  They  need  not  necessarily  be  applicable  to 
other  fields,  for  in  other  groups  of  organisms  different  systems 
of  description  and  publication  may  be  required.  Corrections, 
comments  and  discussion  upon  the  subject  of  "What  consti- 
tutes a  good  original  description"  will  be  welcomed. 


In  an  article,  entitled  "The  development  and  present  status 
of  entomological  courses  in  American  colleges  and  univer- 
sities", published  in  the  December,  1928  issue  of  the  Journal 
of  Economic  Entomology,  there  occurred  a  number  of  errors 
which  have  been  called  to  the  author's  attention. 

The  University  of  Pennsylvania  was  omitted  entirely  from 
the  list,  which  institution  should  have  received  credit  for  four 
graduate  and  two  undergraduate  courses.  The  University  of 
Minnesota  should  be  credited  with  eighteen  courses,  of  which 
six  are  in  apiculture.  The  staff  at  Minnesota  numbers  13.  To 
the  list  of  Canadian  institutions  should  be  added  the  Univer- 
sity of  Saskatchewan,  University  of  Alberta,  University  of 
Manitoba,  University  of  Western  Ontario,  and  Manitoba  Agri- 
cultural College. 

The  main  purpose  in  publishing  this  paper  was  to  serve  as 
an  introduction  to  two  succeeding  studies,  nevertheless  the 
omissions  are  regretted,  and  thanks  are  extended  to  those  kind 
enough  to  write  regarding  them.  A  more  complete  paper  on 
this  subject  was  published  by  Professor  Roger  C.  Smith,  in  the 
Kansas  State  Agricultural  College  Bulletin,  Volume  12,  Num- 
ber 1.  The  total  institutions  covered  in  this  publication  number 
153.  The  above  mentioned  embraces  only  ninety-nine,  fifteen 
of  which  are  not  listed  in  the  latter,  bringing  the  grand  total 
to  168.  P>y  putting  the  information  of  the  two  papers  together 
a  good  idea  of  the  present  status  and  development  can  be 
obtained. — PAUL  KNIGHT,  University  of  Maryland. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  189 

New  Species  and  Varieties  of  Platytylellus  from 
North  America  (Hemiptera:  Miridae).* 

By  HARRY  H.  KXICIIT,  Ames,  Iowa. 

Platytylellus  nigripilus  n.  sp. 

Runs  in  my  key  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p.  552)  to  the  couplet 
with  borcalis  Kngt.,  but  differs  from  this  species  in  color  and 
pubescence  ;  distinguished  from  iusigiiis  Say  by  the  shorter 
second  antennal  segment  which  is  barely  equal  (  $  )  or  not 
equal  (  9  )  to  basal  width  of  pronotum  ;  also  differs  from  both 
species  in  having  stiff  black  hairs  on  the  red  areas  of  collar 
and  pronotal  disk.  Differs  from  eremicola  n.  sp.  in  that  an- 
tennal segment  I  is  equal  to  width  of  vertex,  and  segment  II 
is  likewise  longer. 

$  .  Length  6.2  mm.,  width  2.1  mm.  Head:  width  1.09  mm., 
vertex  .58  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.9  mm.,  only  attaining  base 
of  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .59  mm.;  II,  1.83 
mm.;  Ill,  (broken).  Pronotum:  length  1.05  mm.,  width  at 
base  1.83  mm. 

Dull  black,  base  of  head,  collar,  median  line  of  disk,  pro- 
pleura,  scutellum  except  basal  angles,  and  venter  except  geni- 
tal and  eighth  segment,  red.  Clothed  with  pale  yellowish  pubes- 
cence, dusky  to  black  above,  the  dorsum  interspersed  with 
short,  stiff  black  hairs,  more  noticeable  on  the  collar  and  red 
median  line  of  pronotal  disk. 

9.  Length  6.6  mm.,  width  2.7  mm.  Head:  width  1.18 
mm.,  vertex  .65  mm.  Antennae  :  segment  I,  length  .65  mm.  ; 
II,  1.95  mm.;  Ill,  1.36  mm.;  IV,  .84  mm.  Pronotum:  length 
1.24  mm.,  width  at  base  2.2  mm.  Very  similar  in  pubescence 
and  coloration. 

:  $  August  14,  1917,  Cranberry  Lake,  NEW  YORK 
(C.  J.  Drake);  author's  collection.  Allotypc:  July  21,  1920, 
type  locality  (C.  J.  Drake).  I'unity^cs:  9  July  7,  base  Mt. 
Washington,  NEW  HAMPSHIRE.  29,  Aug.  17,  Aug.  25,  Slave 
Lake,  ALBERTA  (Owen  Bryant). 

Platytylellus  eremicola  n.  sp. 

Distinguished  by  the  short  antennae;  segment  I  not  equal  to 
width  of  vertex,  segment  II  much  shorter  than  basal  width  of 

$  .  Length  5.8  mm.,  width  2.4  mm.  1  lead  :  width  1.18  mm., 
vertex  .64  mm.  Rostrum,  length  2.1  mm.,  reaching  to  middle 
dt"  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  1.  length  .55  mm.;  II,  1.72 

*  Contribution  from  the  Department  of  Zoology  and  Entomology, 
Iowa  State  College,  Ames,  Iowa. 

190  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

mm.;  Ill,  1.03  mm.;  IV,  .63  mm.  Pronotum:  length  1.14  mm., 
width  at  base  1.95  mm. 

Dull  black,  collum,  median  point  at  base  of  vertex  and  at 
basal  angles  of  eyes,  collar  above,  dorsal  half  of  propleura, 
median  line  of  pronotal  disk,  scutellum  except  more  or  less  on 
basal  angles,  dull  red;  sometimes  with  the  collar  and  propleura 
median  line  of  pronotal  disk,  scutellum  except  more  or  less  on 
basal  angles,  dull  red ;  sometimes  with  the  collar  and  propleura 
black,  and  more  rarely  with  median  line  of  disk  uniformly  black. 
Clothed  with  fine,  pale  to  black  pubescence,  interspersed  with 
short  stiff  black  hairs,  more  prominent  on  lateral  margins  of 
pronntum  and  hemelytra ;  pubescence  pale  over  the  red  areas; 
surface  coated  with  fine,  pale  to  reddish,  granular  excretions. 

9.  Length  6.1  mm.,  width  2.6  mm.  Head:  width  1.18 
mm.,  vertex  .67  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .62  mm,; 
II,  1.67  mm.;  Ill,  1  mm.;  IV,  .65  mm.  Pronotum:  length  1.23 
mm.,  width  at  base  2.1  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  pubes- 
cence and  coloration. 

Holotypc:    $    August   7,    1927,    Shoshone   National    Forest, 

WYOMING    (H.    H.    Knight);   author's   collection.      AHotypc: 

same  data  as  the  type.    Paratypes :  12  $  9  ,  taken  with  the  types 

by  sweeping  mixed  herbaceous  growth  in  an  open  glade.    WY- 

OMINC.— 83  9    July  20-25,    1920,   Yellowstone   National   Park 

(A.  A.  Nichol).     COLORADO—  $    Aug.  12,  1925,  Wolf  Creek 

Pass  (H.  H.  Knight).      $    Aug.  1,  Lizzard  Hill;    $    Aug.  1, 

1900,   Rices  Spur   (E.  D.  Ball).      9    July  15,  Ute  Creek   (L. 

Brunei-).       14  $  9 ,    "CoLO."    with    various    numbers    (C.    F. 

Baker).       $     "CoL."    (Uhler   coll.),    probably    represents    the 

chirotype  of  Uhler's    (1872)    manuscript  name  crcmicola    (U. 

S.  N.  M.).    IDAHO— <?    July  11,  1926,  Big  Meadows;    $   July 

10,    1926,  Stanley    (R.  W.   Haegele).      MONTANA—  $  9    July 

14,  1919,  alt.  7500  ft.,  Gallatin  Co.     NEW  MEXICO— 9    Aug. 

15,  1900,  Beaulah   (T.  1).  A.  Cockerel! ).     ALBERTA—,?    July 
23,  1928,  alt.  6000  ft.,  Laggan ;    $  9   June  26,  1928,  Kannanas- 
kis  (Owen  Bryant).     6   June  21,  1919,  Edmonton  (F.  S.Carr). 

This  is  the  species  to  which  Uhler  gave  the  manuscript  name 
crciiiicolit  but  failed  to  publish  a  description.  It  has  been  taken 
chiefly  at  the  higher  altitudes  in  the  Rocky  Mountain  region. 

Platytylellus  concisus  n.  sp. 

Runs  to  nujricolUs  Rent,  in  my  key  (TTem.  Conn.,  1(>23,  p. 
551)  in  that  antennal  segment  I  is  equal  to  twice  the  lateral 
width  of  an  eye,  but  differs  in  the  type  of  pubescence  and  col- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  191 

oration.  Differs  from  crouicolu  n.  sp.  in  the  relatively  longer 
antennal  segments;  segment  II  equal  to  basal  width  of  the  pro- 

9  .  Length  6.5  mm.,  width  2.5  mm.  Head:  width  1.33  mm., 
vertex  .74  mm.  Rostrum,  length  2.3  mm.,  reaching  to  middle 
of  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .70  mm.;  II,  2.03 
mm.;  Ill,  1.48  mm.;  IV,  1.02  mm.  Pronotum :  length  1.2  mm., 
width  at  base  2.04  mm. 

Dull  black,  base  of  head,  margins  of  vertex  bordering  eyes, 
genae,  gula,  basal  half  of  Imcculae,  collar,  xyphus,  propleura, 
ray  between  calli  and  extending  to  middle  of  disk,  narrow 
median  line  of  scutellum,  sides  of  sternum,  pleura,  venter  except 
last  three  segments  and  a  triangular  area  on  the  sides  of  each 
segment  below  the  spiracular  line,  red.  Clothed  with  fine  yel- 
lowish and  blackish  pubescence;  clorsum  with  very  fine,  short, 
decurved  pubescence ;  surface  coated  with  very  fine  reddish, 
granular  excretions. 

Holotypc:  9  July  29,  1927,  Deadwood,  SOUTH  DAKOTA  (H. 
H.  Knight)  ;  author's  collection. 

Platytylellus  rubroscutellatus  n.  sp. 

Suggestive  of  persignandus  Dist.,  but  differs  at  least  in  hav- 
ing the  collar,  pronotum,  and  sternum  uniformly  black. 

$  .  Length  5.6  mm.,  width  2.2  mm.  Head:  width  1.14  mm., 
vertex  .59  mm.  Rostrum,  length  2.2  mm.,  attaining  posterior 
margins  of  hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .50  mm.; 
II,  1.79  mm.,  cylindrical,  equal  in  thickness  to  segment  I;  III, 
1.21  mm.;  IV,  (broken).  Pronotum:  length  1.11  mm.,  width 
at  base  1.78  mm. 

Black,  opaque,  scutellum,  base  of  head  (collum)  and  venter 
except  genital  segment  and  distal  margin  of  the  eighth  seg- 
ment, red;  basal  angles  of  scutellum  usually  black.  Clothed 
with  black  pubescent  hairs,  yellowish  on  red  area  of  the  venter; 
coated  with  line,  white  granular  excretions. 

9  .  Length  6.4  mm.,  width  2.7  mm.  Head:  width  1.21  mm., 
vertex  .65  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .54  mm.;  II,  !.(>(> 
mm.;  Ill,  1.15  mm.;  IV,  .'>'>  nun.  Pronotum:  length  1.3  mm., 
width  at  base  2.1  mm.  Similar  to  the  male  in  coloration,  pubes- 
cence and  granular  coating;  genital  segments  black,  also  the 
distal  half  of  segments  six  and  seven. 

IIolol\'f>c:  S  August  1-15,  l()lu,  alt.  6400  ft.,  Jeme/  Springs. 
Xi;w  MKXIUI  (John  Woodgate):  author's  collection.  .lllo- 
/V/v:  same  data  as  the  type.  /'</r<//y/v.s- :  3(5  29,  taken  with 
the  types.  9  July  12.  2  £  July  15,  1(H5;  ,5  July  7,  <J  July 
30,  1919,  type  locality  (J.  Woodgate).  2$  June  22,  l'L>5.  Ft. 

192  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

Wingate,  New  Mexico.  ARIZONA — 2$  June  1,  1926,  alt.  6000 
ft.,  Chiricahua  Mts.  (A.  A.  Nichol).  $  Aug.  9,  1927,  Yavapai 
Co.  (R.  H.  Beamer).  COLORADO — 2  $  Aug.  7,  1925,  Stone- 
wall, near  Trinidad  (H.  H.  Knight). 


Similar  to  the  typical  rubroscutcllatns  except  the  scutelltim 
is  uniformly  black ;  venter  with  red  as  in  the  typical  form. 

Type:  $  July  12,  1915,  Jemez  Springs,  NEW  MEXICO  (J. 
Woodgate)  :  author's  collection. 

When  a  key  is  prepared  for  all  the  species  this  form  will 
probably  run  to  a  separate  couplet,  hence  the  desirability  of  a 
varietal  name. 

PLATYTYLELLUS  CIVITTIS  evittatus  n.  var.  , 

Perhaps  only  a  variety  of  brcittis  Stal,  yet  it  may  prove  to 
be  distinct.  Distinguished  from  birittis  at  least  in  color  aspect ; 
pronotum  uniformly  red  without  trace  of  vittae.  Color  sug- 
gestive of  atripcnnis  Rent.,  but  the  pronotum  set  with  prominent, 
stiff  black  hairs. 

$  .  Length  6.6  mm.,  width  2.1  mm.  Head :  width  1.19  mm., 
vertex  .64  mm.  Rostrum,  length  2.12  mm.,  reaching  to  base 
of  hind  coxae.  Antenna:  segment  I,  length  .64  mm.;  II,  1.98 
mm.;  Ill,  1.23  mm.;  IV,  .72  mm.  Pronotum:  length  1.24  mm., 
width  at  base  1.92  mm. 

Color  bright  red,  wings,  antennae,  frons,  tylus,  rostrum, 
mesosternum,  legs,  and  genital  segment,  black.  Pronotum  and 
scutellum  set  with  prominent,  stiff  black  hairs. 

Type:    $  ,  Beaver  Valley,  UTAH;  author's  collection. 

PLATYTYLELLUS  BOREALIS  notatus  n.  var. 

Structurally  very  similar  to  typical  bar calls  Kngt.,  but  differs 
in  the  median  red  vitta  on  pronotum  and  scutellum,  also  more 
broadly  red  on  head  and  ventral  surface. 

$  .  Length  6  mm.,  width  2.2  mm.  Head:  width  1.15  mm., 
vertex  .61  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .65  mm.;  II, 
1.88  mm.;  Ill,  1.36  mm.;  IV,  .89  mm.  Pronotum:  length  1.09 
mm.,  width  at  base  1.77  mm. 

Black,  base  of  head,  collar,  propleura,  median  line  of  pro- 
notum and  scutellum,  sides  of  thorax,  and  venter  except  the 
eighth  and  genital  segments,  red. 

Type:  $  August  8,  1920,  Eddy  Co.,  NORTH  DAKOTA  (T. 
H.  Hubbell)  ;  author's  collection. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  193 

The  Identity  of  Aphis  rubicola  Oestlund  and  Aphis 
rubiphila  Patch  (Homop,:  Aphididae).* 

By  J.  I).  WINTER,  University  <>f  Minnesota. 
Aphis  rubicola  was  described  by  Oestlund  (1887)  from  speci- 
mens collected  on  the  wild  red  raspberry  in  Minnesota  and 
Aphis  rubiphila  was  described  by  Patch  (1914)  from  speci- 
mens collected  on  the  same  host  plant  in  Maine.  Both  species 
are  recorded  as  common  on  the  raspberry. 

A  slide  containing  three  alate  viviparous  rubiphila  taken  on 
black  raspberry  at  Wooster,  Ohio,  was  compared  to  rubicola 
in  the  Oestlund  collection,  including  the  type  slide. 

Measurements  of  the  Ohio  specimens  were  as  follows:  an- 
tenna, total  length,  0.86-0.88,  III  0.21,  IV  0.13-0.19,  V  0.14- 
0.16,  VI  0.07-0.11+0.17-0.21  ;  cornicles,  0.19-0.20;  cauda,  0.13; 
body,  1.33-1.46;  fore-wing,  2.15-2.30;  width  of  stigma,  0.12- 
0.13.  Corresponding  measurements  of  three  alate  viviparous 
rubicola  were:  antenna,  total  length,  0.84-0.86,  III  0.21-0.23, 
IV  0.13,  V  0.14,  VI  0.09-0.11+0.19-0.21;  cornicles,  0.16; 
cauda,  0.11-0.12;  body,  1.06-1.22;  fore-wing,  1.91-1.98;  width 
of  stigma,  0.11-0.13.  All  specimens  examined  had  4  to  5  large 
circular  sensoria  in  a  row  on  III,  mostly  on  distal  two-thirds; 
the  cornicles  were  cylindrical,  not  reaching  tip  of  cauda ;  the 
cauda  was  conical,  with  many  long  hairs;  the  stigma  was  elon- 
gate, pointed  and  dusky. 

The  specimens  from  Ohio  were  slightly  larger  than  the  type 
rubicola  but  were  within  the  variation  in  size  found  in  collected 
material  of  rubicola  in  Minnesota.  The  slide  of  rubiphila  was 
later  submitted  to  Dr.  Edith  M.  Patch  to  confirm  the  identifica- 
tion, this  confirmation  being  obtained  through  the  courtesy  of 
Dr.  Patch. 

From  the  examination  of  this  material  the  writer  concludes 
that  Aphis  rubicola  Oestlund  and  Aphis  rubiphila  Patch  are 
identical  and  that  this  species  should  be  known  as  Aphis  rubi- 
cola Oestlund. 

Published  descriptions  of  Ccrosipha  rubifolii  (Thomas)  indi- 
cate a  very  close  resemblance  of  this  species  to  Aphis  rubicola. 
Specimens  were  compared  and  no  significant  difference  could 
be  found  except  that  rubifolii  has  only  5  antennal  segments  as 
described  by  Thomas  (1879).  The  type  slide  of  rubifolii  un- 
doubtedly is  lost.  Dr.  C.  \V.  I'.ennett  stales,  in  a  letter  to  the 

*  Published  with  tin-  approval  of  tin-  Director  as  Paper    \o.  X.i(<  of 
the  Journal  Series  of  the  Minnesota  Agricultural  K.xprnmeiit  Station. 

194  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '2'' 

writer,  that  rubicola  usually  will  not  satisfactorily  live  and  re- 
produce on  any  variety  of  blackberry  with  which  he  has  worked, 
while  no  difficulty  is  found  in  this  respect  with  the  common 
blackberry  aphid.  The  blackberry  aphid  referred  to  by  Bennett 
(1927)  as  Aphis  ntbi  is  undoubtedly  rubifolii  although  no  ma- 
terial is  available  for  examination.  Evidently  rubicola  and 
rubifolii  are  distinct  species. 

The  writer  is  indebted  to  R.  B.  Wilcox  for  the  slide  of 
nibif>liihi,  to  Dr.  T.  L.  Guyton  for  the  slide  of  rubifolii  and 
to  Dr.  O.  W.  Oestlund  for  the  loan  of  slides  of  rubicola. 


BENNETT,  C.  W,  Mich.  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Tech.  Bui.  80,  1927, 
pp.  14,  32. 

OESTLUND,  O.  W.,  Minn.  Geol.  and  Nat.  Hist.  Survey,  Bui. 
4,  1887,  p.  60. 

PATCH,  E.  M.,  Maine  Agr.  Exp.  Sta.  Bui.  233,  1914,  p.  269. 

THOMAS,  C,  8th  Rept.  111.  State  Ent.,  1879,  p.  64. 

Two  New  Wasps  from  North  Carolina 
(Hym.:  Cerceridae). 

By  C.  S.  BRIMLEY,  Ent.  Div.  N.  C.  Dept.  Agric..  Raleigh, 

North  Carolina. 
Cerceris  zobeide  n.  sp. 

Black;  face,  base  of  mandibles,  scape  beneath,  underside 
of  flagel  and  its  apical  joint,  two  large  narrowly  separated  spots 
on  pronotum,  tegulae,  broad  band  on  scutellum,  postscutellum, 
large  spot  on  each  side  of  propodeum,  broad  even  band  on  sec- 
ond abdominal  segment,  very  narrow  apical  bands  on  segments 
3-6,  hind  coxae,  mid  and  hind  trochanters,  narrow  tips  of  all 
femora,  line  on  underside  mid  femora,  base  of  hind  femora, 
four  front  tibiae,  underside  and  base  of  hind  tibiae,  and  all  tarsi, 
reddish  yellow,  the  hind  tarsi  somewhat  darkened  above  especi- 
ally toward  apex 

Clypeus  decidedly  convex  with  three  blunt,  black  teeth  below  : 
enclosure  transversely  striate  on  apical  half,  obliquely  striate  on 
sides  at  base.  Length  ()  mm. 

In  Hanks'  key  to  eastern  Cerceris  (Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.  V. 
12-15,  1(>12)  this  form  runs  to  couplet  1()  (males)  but  is  dis- 
tinguished from  all  the  species  to  which  thai  couplet  leads  by 
the  broad  reddish  band  'on  the  scutellum. 

7'v/r,  male,  Raleigh,  NORTH  CAROLINA,  July  28,  1028,  C. 
S.  Brimley,  collector. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  195 

Cerceris  zosma  n.  sp. 

Black;  large  spot  on  each  side  of  face,  spot  on  base  of  man- 
dibles, large  spot  on  clypeal  process  not  reaching  tip  or  edg<^, 
line  on  underside  of  scape,  postsaitelhun,  broad  band  complete- 
ly divided  in  middle  on  second  abdominal  segment,  yellow; 
ferulae,  faint  markings  at  apex  pronotum,  tips  of  all  femora, 
narrowest  on  hind  pair,  four  anterior  tibiae  and  tarsi,  lower 
side  and  base  of  hind  tibiae,  reddish  or  reddish  yellow;  hind 
tarsi  mostly  dusky;  wings  slightly  smoky,  darker  at  tip,  stigma 

Clypeal  process  erect,  about  a>-  long  as  broad,  of  even  width, 
truncate  at  tip;  enclosure  wholly  striato-rugose ;  punctuation 
moderately  coarse,  about  as  in  prouiincns.  Length  10mm. 

In  Banks'  key  to  eastern  Cerceris,  (females)  runs  to  couplet 
3,  but  can  be  distinguished  from  all  the  species  under  that 
couplet  by  the  combination  of  a  rugose  enclosure  with  a  wholly 
unmarked  first  abdominal  segment  and  a  broad  but  completely 
interrupted  yellow  band  on  the  second. 

Tv/»r,  female,  Raleigh,  NORTH  CAROLINA,  May  31,  1928,  C. 
S.  Brimley,  collector. 

The  types  of  this  and  the  preceding  will  be  retained  for  the 
present  in  the  Entomological  Collections  of  the  N.  C.  Depart- 
ment of  Agriculture. 

The  E.  H.   Blackmore  Collection   of  Lepidoptera. 

The  well-known  Lepidopterist,  Mr.  E.  H.  Blackmore,  of 
Victoria,  British  Columbia,  died  March  2,  1929,  as  noted  in 
the  NEWS  for  May,  page  136,  with  an  accompanying  portrait. 
I  le  left  a  large  and  carefully  mounted  and  labeled  collection  of 
British  Columbia  Lepidoptera.  It  contains  roughly  180  named 
species  of  Butterflies  in  900  specimens,  1100  species  of  Hetero- 
cera  in  6500  specimens,  of  which  the  Micros  probably  consti- 
tute the  most  important  half  part.  There  arc,  besides  thc^e. 
some  42  named  species  of  liupilhcsia  in  about  200  specimens 
and  a  large  number  of  unnamed  specimens.  The  collection 
includes  some  thirty  odd  types  and  cotypes  and  will  be  a  valu- 
able asset  to  any  museum,  as  a  \\hole  or  in  parts,  llis  widow 
is  anxious  to  dispose  of  it.  Parties  interested  will  please  ad- 
dress Mrs.  K.  Mlackmore,  2M5  Work  Street,  Victoria.  I'.r. 
Columbia,  and  it  is  suggested  that  they  signify  the  price  they 
arc  willing  to  give,  as  Mrs.  P.lackniore  is  not  herself  able  to 
properly  estimate  the  value  of  the  collection. 
AUGUST  I'rscK.  V.  S.  National  Museum,  Washington.  1).  C. 

196  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

Air  Routes,  German  Dirigible  "Graf  Zeppelin"  and  Plant 


Speed  and  still  more  speed  is  the  trend  of  modern  transpor- 
tation. With  more  and  better  roads  in  all  parts  of  the  world 
and  with  the  increasing  number  of  motors,  the  more  rapid 
railroads  and  steamboats,  all  replacing  the  pack  mules,  oxcarts, 
camels,  sailing  vessels,  slow  steamers,  etc.  of  yesterday,  the 
most  remote  parts  of  the  world  are  now  but  a  few  days'  time 
from  our  ports.  Needless  to  state,  that  with  this  rush  against 
time  there  is  a  corresponding  increase  in  the  danger  of  new 
insect  pests  and  plant  diseases  being  shipped  alive  and  virulent 
with  such  plants  or  plant  products  as  may  comprise  the  cargos, 
baggage  or  stores  of  these  carriers. 

Now  these  potential  dangers  are  still  more  threatening  with 
commercial  and  private  airplane  travel.  Dr.  J.  H.  Mont- 
gomery writes  of  such  new  airplane  routes  bringing  new  pests 
from  Cuba  and  South  America  to  Florida  and  the  United 
States.  ("Changed  Conditions  in  Reference  to  Plant  Quar- 
antines", pages  196-204,  Monthly  Bulletin  of  the  State  Plant 
Board  of  Florida,  XII  (10)  April  1928.)  California  has  also 
expressed  a  fear  of  the  introduction  of  new  pests  into  that 
State  and  the  United  States  via  airplane  routes  from  Mexico, 
Central  America,  etc.  (See  page  516,  Report  of  the  Bureau 
of  Plant  Quarantine  and  Pest  Control;  Monthly  Bull,  of  the 
Dept.  of  Agric.,  State  of  California,  XVII  (9)  Sept.  1928.) 
Mr.  E.  R.  Sasscer  referred  to  a  weekly  schedule  of  three  pas- 
senger planes  between  Porto  Rico  and  Haiti  (Journal  of  Eco- 
nomic Entomology,  Vol.  21,  No.  3,  June,  1928). 

Still  another  air  vehicle  must  be  considered  as  a  potential 
carrier  of  live  insect  pests  and  virulent  plant  diseases  new  to 
the  United  States,  namely  the  dirigible  or  vessels  lighter  than 

Toward  dusk  of  October  15,  1928,  the  first  foreign  com- 
mercial passenger  and  cargo  carrying  dirigible,  "Graf  Zeppe- 
lin," threw  a  tow  line  toward  the  mooring  mast  at  the  U.  S. 
Navy  Air  Station  at  Lakehurst,  N.  J.  All  the  details  such  as 
inspections  made  by  officials  of  the  U.  S.  Public  Health  Service, 
Immigration  Bureau,  U.  S.  Customs  and  the  Plant  Quarantine 
and  Control  Administrator  were  undertaken  in  the  same  way 
as  on  a  vessel  arriving  at  an  American  port  from  any  foreign 
port.  How  to  treat  or  dispose  of  any  dangerous  fruit  or  vege- 
table in  the  stores  of  this  vessel  is  an  absolutely  new  problem, 
especially  since  these  are  actually  landed  on  our  territory.  To 
destroy  all  such  materials  by  burning  at  once  would  be  the  only 
solution.  All  such  provisions  on  this  first  trip  of  the  Graf 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  197 

Zeppelin  had  been  consumed  before  the  vessel  reached  Lake- 
hurst.  On  account  of  the  storms  encountered  and  the  delays 


due  to  strong  adverse  winds  the  passengers  and  crew  had  been 
reduced  to  a  diet  of  canned  and  preserved  food.  The  cargo 
was  carefully  examined  by  an  Inspector  of  the  Plant  Quaran- 
tine and  Control  Administration  in  cooperation  with  a  Customs 
Examiner  but  no  plants  or  plant  products  were  found.  No 
plant  material  was  found  in  the  passengers'  baggage,  but  three 
passengers  from  Germany  had  each  a  bouquet  of  flowers,  one 
of  roses,  another  of  chrysanthemums  and  still  another  of  car- 
nations. These  were  found  in  the  passengers'  quarters,  the 
cuttings  still  green  though  beginning  to  wither.  The  first  two 
bouquets  were  readily  abandoned  but  the  owner  of  the  carna- 
tions claimed  to  have  brought  these  to  distribute  as  souvenirs 
of  the  flight  to  American  friends  and  relatives.  These,  however, 
were  finally  abandoned. 

Interceptions  made  from  this  material  were  as  follows  : 

Insects  Plant  Diseases 

Myzus  pcrsicac  Sulz.  Hctcrosporium        cchinulatiiin 

Tritogenaphis  sonchi  Linn.  Berk. 

Undetermined  Aphid  Sterile  leaf  spot,  possibly  Scp- 

Coccinae,    possible    Lccaniuin          toria  chrysanthemi 

corni  Bouche  Sphaceloma  rosarnni 

Thrifts  tabaci  var  fmlla 
Typhlocyba  rosac  Linn. 
Eggs  of  sp.  of  Noctuidae 
Cocoon  of  Noctuidae 
Undetermined  spider 

Associate  Plant  Quarantine  Inspector,    Philadelphia,  Pa. 

Gillette  Club  Meeting. 

On  March  28,  a  banquet  in  the  form  of  a  "surprise  party" 
was  held  for  Dr.  C.  P.  Gillette,  in  honor  of  his  seventieth  birth- 
da)',  at  the  Armstrong  Hotel.  The  party  was  held  under  the 
auspices  of  the  Gillette  Club,  which  is  an  entomological  organi- 
zation composed  of  students  and  co-workers  of  Dr.  Gillette. 
A  large  number  of  members  was  present  to  celebrate  the  occa- 
sion. Dr.  Gillette,  in  his  years  of  service  as  Professor  of 
Entomology  and  State  Entomologist  at  Colorado  Agricultural 
College,  has  endeared  himself  to  many,  and  it  was  felt  most 
fitting  to  express  in  this  form,  our  regard  for  him.  The  club 
has  planned  to  have  a  large  oil  painting  made  of  Dr.  Gillette, 
to  be  placed  in  the  hall  of  the  anticipated  new  science  building. 

1  .LSI. iic  15.  DANIKI.S. 
Colorado  Agricultural  College,  Fort  Collins,  Colorado. 

List  of  the  Titles  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  Referred  to  by 

Numbers   in    Entomological    Literature 

in  Entomological  News. 

1.  Transactions   of   The   American   Entomological    Society.      Philadelphia. 

2.  Entomologische    Blatter,    red.  v.  H.  Eckstein    etc.      Berlin. 

3.  Annals   of  the   Carnegie  Museum.     Pittsburgh,   Pa. 

4.  Canadian   Entomologist.      London,   Canada. 

5.  Pysche,  A  Journal  of   Entomology.     Boston,   Mass. 

6.  Journal  of  the  New  York  Entomological  Society.     New  York. 

7.  Annals  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  America.     Columbus,  Ohio. 

8.  Entomologists'   Monthly   Magazine.     London. 

9.  The  Entomologist.     London. 

10.  Proceedings  of  the  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington.     Washington,  D.  C. 

11.  Deutsche  entomologische   Zeitschrift.      Berlin. 

12.  Journal  of   Economic   Entomology,   Geneva,   N.   Y. 

13.  Journal  of  Entomology  and  Zoology.     Claremont,  Cal. 

14.  Entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Frankfurt    a.  M.,    Germany. 

15.  Natural  History,  American  Museum  of  Natural  History.     New  York. 

16.  American  Journal  of   Science.     New  Haven,   Conn. 

17.  Entomologische    Rundschau.      Stuttgart,    Germany. 

18.  Internationale   entomologische    Zeitschrift.      Guben,    Germany. 

19.  Bulletin  of  the  Brooklyn  Entomological   Society.     Brooklyn,   N.  Y. 

20.  Societas  entomologica.     Stuttgart,   Germany. 

21.  The  Entomologists'   Record  and  Journal   of   Variation.     London. 

22.  Bulletin  of   Entomological  Research.     London. 

23.  Bollettino    del    Laboratorio     di     Zoologia     gcnerale     e     agraria     della 

R.   Scuola  superiore   d'Agricultura   in   Portici.     Italy. 

24.  Annales  de  la  societe  entomologique  de  France.     Paris. 

25.  Bulletin  de  la  societe  entomologique  de   France.     Paris. 

26.  Entomologischer    Anzeiger,   hersg.    Adolf    Hoffmann.      Wien,    Austria. 

27.  Bolletino  della  Societa  Entomologica.     Geneva,  Italy. 

28.  Ent.    Tidskrift   utgifen   af    Ent.   Foreningen   i    Stockholm.      Sweden. 

29.  Annual   Report  of   the   Ent.   Society  of   Ontario.     Toronto,   Canada. 

30.  The   Maine   Naturalist.     Thornaston,   Maine. 

31.  Nature.     London. 

32.  Boletim  do  Museu  Nacional  do  Rio  de  Janiero.     Brazil. 

33.  Bull,  et  Annales  de  la  Societe  entomologique  de  Belgique.     Bruxelles. 

34.  Zoologischer  Anzeiger,  hrsg.  v.  E.  Korschelt.     Leipzig. 

35.  The   Annals   of    Applied    Biology.     Cambridge,    England. 

36.  Transactions  of   the   Entomological   Society  of   London.     England. 

37.  Proceedings   of    the   Hawaiian    Entomological    Society.     Honolulu. 

38.  Bull,  of  the  Southern  California  Academy  of   Sciences.     Los  Angeles. 

39.  The  Florida  Entomologist.     Gainesville,  Fla. 

40.  American   Museum   Novitates.     New   York. 

41.  Mitteilungen  der  schweiz.  ent.  Gesellschaft.     Schaffhausen,  Switzerland. 

42.  The  Journal   of    Experimental   Zoology.      Philadelphia. 

43.  Ohio   Journal  of   Sciences.     Columbus,    Ohio. 

44.  Rcvista   chilena   de   historia   natural.     Valparaiso,    Chile. 

45.  Zeifschrift   fiir    wissenschaftliche    Insektenbiologie.     Berlin. 

46.  Zeitschrift  fiir  Morphologic  und  Okologie  der  Tiere.     Berlin. 

47.  Journal  of  Agricultural   Research.     Washington,   D.   C. 

48.  Wiener  entomologische  Zeitung.     Wien,   Austria. 

49.  Entomologische   Mitteilungen.     Berlin. 

50.  Proceedings   of  the   U.   S.   National   Museum.     Washington,   D.   C. 

51.  Notulae  entomologicae,  ed.  Soc.  ent.  helsingfors.    Helsingfors,  Finland. 

52.  Archiv  fiir   Naturgeschichte,   hrsg.  v.  E.  Strand.     Berlin. 

53.     Quarterly  Journal  uf   Microscopical   Science.     London. 
Annales  de  Parasitologie  Humainc  et  Comparee.     Paris. 

55.  Pan-Pacific   Entomologist.     San    Francisco,    Cal. 

56.  "Konowia".     Zeit.    fiir    systematische    Insektenkunde.      Wien,    Austria. 

57.  La  Feuille  des  Naturalistes.     Paris. 

Entomologische  Berichten.    Nederlandsche  cut.   Ver.     Amsterdam. 
Encyclopedic  entomologique,  ed.  P.  Lechevalier.     Paris. 

60.  Stettiner    entomologische   Zeitung.     Stettin,    Germany. 

61.  Proceedings  of   the   California   Academy  of   Sciences.     San   Francisco. 

62.  Bulletin   of   the   American   Museum  of    Natural   History.     New  York. 

63.  Deutsche   entomologische  Zeitschrift   "Iris".     Berlin. 

64.  Zeitschrift  des   osterr.   entomologen-Vereines.     Wien. 

65.  Zeitschrift   fur  angcwandte   Entomologie,   hrsg.   K.   Escherich.     Berlin. 

66.  Report  of  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Meeting.     Pusa,  India. 

67.  University  of  California  Publications,  Entomology.     Berkeley,  Cal. 

68.  Science.     New  York. 

69.  Comptes  rendus  hebdoma.  des  seances  de  1'Academie  des  sciences.  Paris. 

70.  Entomologica  Americana,   Brooklyn  Entomological  Society.     Brooklyn. 
Novitates  Zoologicae.     Tring,   England. 

Revue  russe  d'Entomologie.     Leningrad,  USSR. 

73.  Quarterly   Review   of   Biology.     Baltimore,   Maryland. 

74.  Sbornik  entomolog.  narodniho  musea  v  Praze.    Prague,  Czechoslavokia. 

75.  Annals  and   Magazine  of   Natural   History.     London. 

76.  The    Scientific    Monthly.     New    York. 

77.  Comptes  rendus  heb.  des  seances  et  memo,  de  la  soc.  de  biologic.  Paris. 

78.  Bulletin   Biologique  de  la  France  et  de  la  Belgique.     Paris. 

79.  Koleopterologische  Rundschau.     Wien. 

80.  Lepiclopterologische   Rundschau,   hrsg.   Adolf   Hoffmann.     Wien. 

81.  Folia  myrniecol.  et  termitol.  hrsg.  Anton  Krausse.     Bernau  bei  Berlin. 

82.  Bulletin,  Division  of  the  Natural  History  Survey.     Urbana,  Illinois. 
Arkiv   for  zoologie,   K.   Svenska   Vetenskapsakademien   i.      Stockholm. 

84.  Ecology.     Brooklyn. 

85.  Genetics.     Princeton,   New  Jersey. 

86.  Zoologica,  New  York  Zoological  Society.     New  York. 

87.  Archiv  fiir  Entwicklungs  mechanik  der  Organ.,  hrsg.  v.  Roux.     Leipzig. 
38.     Die  Naturwissenschaften,  hrsg.  A.  Berliner.     Berlin. 

89.  Zoologische    Jahrbiichcr,    hrsg.  v.  Spengel.     Jena,    Germany. 

90.  The  American  Naturalist.     Garrison-on-Hudson,  New  York. 

91.  Journal  of  the  Washington  Academy  of  Sciences.     Washington,  D.  C. 
Biological  Bulletin.     Wood's  Hole,  Massachusetts. 

Proceedings  of  the  Zoological  Society  of  London.     England. 
(M.     Zeitschrift   fiir  wissenschaftliche  Zoologie.     Leipzig. 

95.  Proceedings  of  the  Biological  Soc.  of  Washington,    Washington,  D.  C. 

96.  La  Cellule.     Lierre,  Belgium. 

Q7.     Biologisches   Zentralblatt.     Leipzig. 

Le  Naturaliste  Canadien.     Cap  Rouge,   Chicoutimi,  Quebec. 
99.     Melanges  exotico-entomologiques.  Par  Maurice  Pic.     Moulins,  France. 

100.  Bulletin    Intern.,    Academic    Polonaise    des    Sci.    et    des    Lett.     Cra- 

covie,   Poland. 

101.  Tijdschrift       voor       entomologie,       Nederlandsche       Entomol.       Ver., 


102.  Entomologiske    Meddelelser,    Entumologisk    Korening,    Copenhagen. 

103.  Journal    of    the    Kansas     Entomological     Society,     Lawrence,     Kansas. 

198  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF      "BIOLOGICAL      AB- 
Under   the   above   head    it    is   intended   to    note   papers    received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North   and    South),    including   Arachnida   and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I    1    refer   to  the    journals,    as   numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials   published  in   the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which   may  be  secured   from   the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (   ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining-  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

|J(P"*2Vo£e  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers   published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Arribalzaga,  F.  L.— Biografia.  [Rev.  Soc. 
Ent.  Argentina]  3  No.  6:  5-12,  ill.  Aurivillius,  O.  C.— In 
memoriam.  [51]  8:  110-113.  Berger,  J.  F. — Obituary.  [64] 
14:  13-15.  Brues,  C.  T. — Present  trends  in  systematic  ento- 
mology. General  discussion.  [5]  36:  13-20.  Chapman,  R.  N. 

-The  potentialities  of  entomology.  [68]  69:  413-418. 
Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— Insects  flying  to  ships.  [31]  123:  528. 
dejoannis,  J. — Quelle  importance  faut-il  attacher  a  rexamen 
des  "types"?  [Lambillionea]  29:  34-38.  Forbes,  W.  T.  M. 

-Present  trends  in  systematic  entomology.  Scientific 
names.  [5]  36:  21-27.  Herms,  W.  B. — The  experimental 
method  as  applied  to  entomological  investigations.  [12] 
22:  45-61.  Ingles,  L.  G. — The  seasonal  and  associational 
distribution  of  the  fauna  of  the  upper  Santa  Ana  River 
Wash.  [13]  21:  1-48,  ill.,  cont.  Johnson,  C.  W.— Meeting 
place  of  the  insects.  [Nat.  Mag.]  13:  333-335,  ill.  Lutz,  F. 
E.— Experiments  with  "Wonder  Creatures".  [15]  1929: 
160-168,  ill.  Maack,  C.  J. — Beifiitterung  von  Jod  an  Raupen. 
[26]  9:  100-101.  Pic,  M.— De  1'utilite  des  noms  pour  les 
varietes.  [25]  1929:  80-82.  Reverdin,  J.  L.— Obituary. 
|9|  62:  93-96.  Reverdin,  J.  L.— Kin  nachruf.  f!8|  23:  13- 
18.  Smith,  R.  C. — The  tray  system  for  insect  collections. 
[Trans.  Kansas  Acrid.  Sci.'j  31:  77-80,  ill.  Strand,  E.- 
Schach  (1cm  typenkult!  [Ent.  Nachricht.]  11:  61-63. 
Thompson,  W.  R. — On  the  relative  value  of  parasites  and 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  199 

predators   in    the   biological   control   of   insect   pests.      [22] 
19:  343-350. 

ANATOMY,    PHYSIOLOGY,    ETC.  —  Davidson,   J.  - 

On  the  occurrence  of  the  parthenogenetic  and  sexual  forms 
in  Aphis  rumicis  with  special  reference  to  the  influence  of 
environmental  factors.  [35]  16:  104-134,  ill.  Denis,  J.  R.— 
Etudes  sur  1'anatomie  de  la  tete  de  quelques  Collemboles 
suivies  de  considerations  sur  la  morphologic  de  la  tete  des 
insectes.  [Arch.  Zool.  Exp.  Gen.,  Paris]  68:  291pp.,  ill. 
Faber,  A. — Die  lautausserungen  der  Orthopteren.  (Lau- 
terzeugung,  lautabwandkung  und  deren  biologische  bedeu- 
tung  sowie  tonapparat  der  geradfliigler.)  vergleichende  un- 
tersuchungen  I.  [46]  (A).  13:  745-803,  ill.  'Fischel,  W.- 
Wachstum  und  hautung  der  spinnen.  I.  •\litteilung:  Studien 
an  retitelen  spinnen.  [94]  133:  441-469,  ill.  Gadeau  de  Ker- 
ville,  H. — Action  de  differentes  substances  chimiques  et  de 
temperatures  elevees  sur  les  couleurs  metalliques  de  quel- 
ques Coleopteres.  [25]  1929:  73-76.  Handschin,  E.— Prak- 
tische  einfiihrung  in  die  morphologic  der  insekten  ein 
hilfsbuch  fur  lehrer,  studierende  und  entomophile.  [Samml. 
Nat.  Praktika]  16:  112pp.,  ill.  Jeschikov,  J. — Zur  frage 
itber  die  entstehung  der  vollkommenen  verwandlung.  [89] 
50:  601-652.  Kastner,  A. — Bau  und  funktion  der  facher- 
tracheen  einiger  spinnen.  [46]  (A)  13:  463-558,  ill.  Keeler, 
C.  E. — Thelytoky  in  Scleroderma  immigrans.  [5]  36:  41- 
44,  ill.  Martini  &  Achundow. — Versuche  iiber  farbenanpas- 
sung  bei  Culiciden.  [34]  81  :  24-44,  ill.  Masing,  R.— Die 
vererbung  der  quantitativen  merkmale  bei  Drosophila  me- 
lanogaster.  [Trav.  Soc.  Nat.  Leningrad]  58:  41-43.  Mc- 
Arthur,  J.  M. — An  experimental  study  of  the  functions  of 
the  different  spiracles  in  certain  Orthoptera.  [42]  53:  117- 
128.  Mclndoo,  N.  E. — Tropisms  and  sense  organs  of  Lepid- 
optera.  [Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.]  81 :  59pp.,  ill.  Mitrofanova,  J. 
—On  the  growth  of  the  head  in  the  larva  of  Anopheles 
maculipennis.  [22]  19:  361-366,  ill.  Muir,  F. — The  ten- 
torium  of  Hemiptera  considered  from  the  point  of 
view  of  the  recent  work  of  Snodgrass.  [8]  65:  86-88. 
Pulikowsky,  N.  Die  respiratorischen  anpassungserschein- 
ungen  bei  den  puppen  der  Simuluden.  [46)  13:  <»55-U>4,  ill. 
Ripper,  W. — Die  jnippen  der  beiden  knospenwickler.  [64] 
14:  18-21,  25-28,  ill.  Roubaud,  E. — Caractcre  obligatoire  de 
riiibernation  chez  les  reines  de  \'e>pi<les  annuels.  Con>e- 
quences  biologiques.  [25]  1929:  83-84.  *Sacharov.  P.— 

200  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

Contributions  a  1'etude  de  la  transmission  hereditaire  de  la 
forme  clu  corps  chez  la  Musca  domestica,  reduite  sous  1'in- 
fluence  d'inanition  des  larves.  [Comptes  Rendus,  Acad. 
Sci.  U.  S.  S.  R.]  1928:  5.  Samtleben,  B.— Zur  kenntnis  der 
histologie  und  metamorphose  des  Mitteldarms  der  stech- 
muckenlarven.  [34]  81 :  97-109,  ill.  Saveliev,  V.— On  the 
manifold  effect  of  the  gene  vestigial  in  Drosophila  melano- 
gaster.  [Trav.  Soc.  Nat.  Leningrad]  58:  85-88.  Schwarz,  I. 
— Untersuchungen  an  mikrosporidien  minierender  schmet- 
terlingsraupen,  den  "Symbionten"  Portiers.  [46]  (A)  13: 
665-705,  ill.  Stegemann,  F. — 1st  die  insektenkutikula  wirk- 
lich  einheitlich  gebaut?  Untersuchungen  an  Cicindeliden. 
[89]  50:  571-580,  ill.  Teodoro,  G. — Apparati  di  uncinumen- 
to  negli  omotteri  ["Redia"]  16:  139-144,  ill.  Thienemann, 
A. — Chironomiden-metamorphosen.  II.  Die  sectio  Tany- 
tarsus  genuinus.  [Archiv  fiir  Hydrobiologie,  Stuttgart] 
20:  93-119,  ill.  Weber,  H.— Kopf  und  thorax  von  Psylla 
mali  (Homoptera).  Eine  morphogenetische  studie.  [46] 
14:  59-165,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA  AND  MYRIOPODA.  —  Chamberlin  & 
Woodbury. — Notes  on  the  spiders  of  Washington  County, 
Utah.  [95]  42:  131-141,  ill.  Mello-Leitao.— Oxyopideos  do 
Brasil.  [Rev.  Mus.  Paulista,  Sao  Paulo]  16: '491-536,  ill. 
Mometideos  do  Brasil.  [Rev.  Mus.  Paulista]  16:  539-568, 
ill.  *Mello-Leitao. — Hersiliideos  da  America  tropical  [32] 
4:  43-46.  *Mello-Leitao. — Novas  notas  arachnologicas.  (S). 
[32]  4:  49-54,  ill.  Newcomer  &  Yothers.— Biology  of  the 
European  red  mite  in  the  Pacific  Northwest.  [U.  S.  Dept. 
Agric.]  Tech.  Bull.  89,  1929:  70pp.,  ill. 


E. — Notes  on  the  Siphonapteren  genus  Catallagia,  including 
the  description  of  a  new  species.  [95]  42:  125-127.  *John, 
O. — A  new  Frankliniella  (Thysanoptera)  from  Brazil.  [33] 
68:  152-154,  ill.  *Moulton,  D.— New  California  Thysanop- 
tera. [55]  5:  125-136.  Pearman,  J.  V. — Additional  notes  on 
psocid  biology  (Oviposition).  [8]  65:89-90.  Schoenemund, 
E. — Ueber  die  larven  der  ephemeropterengattung  Chitono- 
phora.  [48]  45:  158-163,  ill. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Arlington,  L.  C.— Cricket  culture  in 
China.  [China  Jour.  |  10:  135-142,  ill.  *Caudell,  A.  N.— Coc- 
conotus  schunkei,  new  name  [for  C.  similis  Caudell)  (Tetli- 
goniidae:  Pseudophyllinae).  (S).  [10]  31:  64.  *Hubbell,  T. 
H. — Two  new  species  of  Ceuthophilus  from  the  southeast- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  201 

ern  United  States.  [39]  13:  8-20,  ill.  *Rehn,  J.  A.  G.- 
Studies  in  Costa  Rican  Dermaptera  and  Orthoptera.  Paper 
two.  New  genera  and  species  of  Acridiclae.  [1]  55:  9-77,  ill. 
HEMIPTERA. — Borgmeier,  T. — Sobre  urn  casulo  curioso 
deumCopeognatobrasileiro.  (S).  [32]  4:59-65, ill.  Hagmann, 
G. — A  larva  da  Laternaria  phosphorea.  (S).  [32]  4:  1-6,  ill. 
*Jensen-Haarup,  A.  C. — Hemipterological  notes  and  de- 
scriptions V.  (S).  [Ent.  Meddel.]  16:  185-202.  *Knowlton, 
G.  F. — A  new  juniper  aphid  from  Utah  with  notes  on  a  few 
other  species.  Part  II.  [39]  13:  4-8,  ill.  Lawson,  P.  B.- 
Concerning  Cicadella  hieroglyphica  var.  dolobrata  (Cica- 
dellidae).  [4]  61:  69-70.  Lawson,  P.  B.— Leaf  hoppers  and 
the  trap  light.  [Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.]  2:  39-47,  ill.  *Lund- 
blad,  O. — Beitrag  zur  kenntnis  der  Corixiden.  (S).  [28] 
49:  219-242,  ill.  *Lundblad,  O. — -Monographic  der  bis  jetzt 
bekannten  arten  der  neotropischen  Corixidengattung  Hete- 
rocorixa!  [28]  49:  66-83,  ill.  Lundblad,  O. — Zur  kenntnis 
dreier  wenig  bekannter  amerikanischer  Corixiden.  (S).  [34] 
80:  193-204,  ill.  *Lundblad,  O. — Neue  und  wenig  bekannte 
Corixiden.  (S).  [Ent.  Meddel.]  16:  277-304,  ill.  Metcalf  & 
Barber. — Notes  on  Aphrophora  salicis  in  America.  [5]  36: 
51-56.  ill.  *Tissot,  A.  N. — A  new  dogwood  aphid  from  Flori- 
da. 1 39]  13:  1-4,  ill. 

LEPIDOPTERA. — Briand,  L.  J. — Laboratory  breeding 
of  the  European  corn  borer  (Pyrausta  nubilalis)  with  spec- 
ial reference  to  equipment  and  cages.  [4]  61  :  51-54,  ill. 
*Bryk,  F. — Ueber  die  amimetischen  weibchen  von  Perrhy- 
bris  lypera.  (S).  [20]  44:  14-15,  ill.  *Chermock,F.H.— Notes 
on  North  American  Lepidoptera.  [19]  24:  20-21.  Clark,  A. 
H. — On  certain  forms  of  common  American  butterflies.  [5| 
36:  28-33.  Clark,  A.  H.— The  butterflies  of  the  District  of 
Columbia.  [Expk.r.  &  Field  Work  Smiths.  Inst.  1928] 
1929:  101-108,  ill.  Clark,  A.  H.— Preliminary  list  of  the 
butterflies  of  the  District  of  Columbia.  [95]  42:  113-116. 
*Heinrich,  C.— Notes  on  some  North  American  moths  of 
the  subfamily  Eucosminae.  [50]  75,  Art.  8:  23pp..  ill.  Kaye 
&  Lament. — A  catalogue  of  the  Trinidad  Lepidoptera  Hete- 
rocera.  [Mem.  Dept.  Agric.  Trinidad  &  Tobago]  1927: 
144pp. ,  ill.  Lederer,  G. — Lebende  Morpho  laertes  (=epis- 
trophis)  und  Morpho  hercules  in  der  insektenabteilung  des 
Frankfurter  Aquariums.  (S).  |18|  22:  445-451.  ill.  *Mc- 
Dunnough,  J. — Synonymic  notes  on  Canadian  Eupithecias 
(Geomet.).  [4]  61:  59-69.  ill.  McDunnough,  J.  H.— Argyn- 

202  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  [June,    '29 

nis  atrocastalis.  [Le  Nat.  Canad.]  55:  194-195.  McDun- 
nough,  J.  H. — A  generic  revision  of  North  American  agro- 
tid  moths.  [Canada  Dept.  Mines]  Bull.  55:  78pp..  ill. 
*Schaus,  W. — New  species  of  Heterocera  from  Southern 
Brazil.  [10]  31:  45-61,  ill.  Schwanwitsch,  B.  N.— Two 
schemes  of  the  wing-pattern  of  butterflies.  [46]  14:  36-58, 
ill.  Seitz,  A. — Weitere  beobachtungen  und  betrachtungen 
iiber  die  gattung  Stalachtis  und  ihre  verwandten.  (S).  [17] 
46:  9-12,  cont.  Skell,  F. — Ueber  die  preparation  der  mann- 
lichen  genitalanhange  bei  schmetterlingen.  [Mitt.  Miinch- 
ner  Ent.  Gesell.]  18:  67-75,  ill.  Steeg,  M.— AVeitere  beo- 
bachtungen bei  Morpho  hercules  und  M.  laertes.  (S).  [18] 
23:  10-11.  Stichel,  H. — Die  veroffentlichungen  uber  Ery- 
cinidae  von  A.  Seitz  im  Spiegelbild  der  Kritik.  (S).  [11] 
1928:  225-266,  ill.  Thompson!  B.  G.— Moths  of  the  family 
Aegeriidae  occurring  in  Oregon,  with  notes.  [55]  5:  117- 
122.  Tindale,  N.  B. — Preliminary  note  on  the  life  history 
of  Synemon  (Fam.  Castniidae).  [Records  So.  Australian 
Mus.]  4:  143-144. 

DIPTERA.— *Aldrich,  J.  M.— Further  studies  of  types 
of  American  muscoicl  flies  in  the  collection  of  the  Vienna 
Natural  History  Museum.  [50]  74,  Art.  19:  34pp.,  ill. 
*  Alexander,  C.  P. — A  revision  of  the  American  two-winged 
flies  of  the  psychodid  subfamily  Bruchomyinae.  (S).  [50] 
45,  Art.  7:  1-9,  ill.  *Bau,  A. — Cuterebra  semilutea,  sp.  n., 
sowie  schliissel  zur  bestimmung  der  Cuterebra-arten.  (S). 
[Senckenberg.]  11:  1-7,  ill.  Berlese,  A. — La  distruzione 
della  Mosca  domestica.  ["Redia"]  16:  1-11,  ill.  *Bromley, 
S.  W.— New  Asilidae  from  Mexico.  [5]  36:  45-47.  Cramp- 
ton,  G.  C. — A  swarm  of  males  of  the  rare  and  primitive 
cranefly  Protoplasa  fitchii  observed  near  Chandler  in  the 
Gaspe  peninsula,  Prov.  Quebec.  [4]  61 :  70-72.  *Czerny,  L. 

-Erganzungen  zu  meiner  monographic  der  Helomyziden. 
(S).  [56]  8:  87-92.  *Czerny,  L.— Neue  Clusiiden  aus  Para- 
guay und  Rio  Grande  do  Sul.  [56]  8:9-13.  *Duda,  O. — Die 
ausbeute  der  deutschen  Chaco-expedition  1925  26.  VI.  Sep- 
sidae,  VII.  Piophilidae,  VIII.  Cypselidae,  IX.  Drosophilidae 
und  X.  Chloropidae.  (S).  [56]  8:  33-50,  ill.  *Dyar,  H.  G.- 
American Psychodidae  III.  [10]  31:  63-64.  Gater,  B.  A.  R. 

—An  improved  method  of  mounting  mosquito  larvae.  \22\ 
19:  367-368.  Hardenberg,  J.  D. — Beitrage  zur  kenntnis  der 
pupiparen.  [89]  50:  497-570,  ill.  Schuurmans-Stekhoven,  J. 
H. — Pupipara  des  deutschen  entomologischen  museums. 
[49]  17:  442-443.  *Shannon,  R.  C.— Una  nueva  especie  de 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  203 

Syrphidae:  Ouichuana  rieseli.  (S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argen- 
tinaj  2  No.  3:  5-6.  *Van  Duzee,  M.  C. — New  species  of 
Dolichopodidae  from  the  ^Yest  Indies.  [5]  36:  37-39. 

COLEOPTERA.— Boving,  A.  G.— Beetle  larvae  of  the 
subfamily  Galerucinae.  [50]  75,  Art.  2:  48pp.,  ill.  Box,  H. 
E. — El  briiquido  del  Porpto  (  Bruchus  obtectus)  [Rev.  I  ml. 
Agric.  TiicmmuiJ  19:  146-154,  ill.  *Chamberlin,  W.  J.- 
Remarks  on  the  Buprestidae  of  the  north  Pacific  Coast  Re- 
gion with  descriptions  of  new  species.  [55]  5:  109-116,  ill. 
Chamberlin  &  Ferris. — On  Liparocephalus  and  allied  gen- 
era (Staphylinidae).  [55]  5:  137-143,  cont.  Csiki,  E. — Cole- 
opterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  104.  Carabidae :  Harpalinae  III. 
347-527.  *daCosta  Lima,  A. — Contribuicao  ao  estudo  dos 
aleyrodideos  da  subfamilia  Aleurodicinae.  (S).  [Inst.  Os- 
waldo  Cruz,  Suppl.  Mem.,  Rio  de  Janeiro]  1928:  128-140, 
ill.  *da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Sobre  alguns  cryphalineos  obser- 
vados  em  sementes  de  cacaoeiro  e  de  cafeeiro.  (S).  [Inst. 
Oswaldo  Cruz,  Suppl.  Mem.,  Rio  de  Janeiro]  1928:  117-121, 
ill.  *D'Orchymont,  A. -- Revision  des  Neohydrophilus 
americains.  (S).  [33]  68:  158-168.  *D'Orchymont',  A.— Con- 
tribution a  1'etude  des  Palpicornia.  VII.  [33]  69:  79-96,  ill. 
*Fall,  H.  C.— New  Coleoptera  XIII.  [4]  61:  54-59.  Fleu- 
tiaux,  E.--Melasidae  nouveaux.  (S).  [25]  1929:  35-37. 
*Hustache,  A.  -  -  Nouveaux  Curculionides  sud-americains. 
[25]  1929:  42-44.  *Kleine,  R.— Zwei  neue  Nemocephalus- 
arten  aus  clem  Universitetets  Zoologiske  Museum,  Kopen- 
hagen  ( Brenthiclae).  (S).  [Ent.  Meddel.]  16:  223-226. 
*Knaus,  W. — A  new  Cicindela  (Cicindelidae).  [Jour.  Kan- 
sas Ent.  Soc.]  2:  47-48.  ^Marshall,  G.  A.  K.— New  Curculi- 
onidae  from  cultivated  plants.  (S).  [22]  19:  391-400,  ill. 
*Nagel,  P. — Neues  iiber  Hirschkafer  (Lucan.).  (S).  [11] 
1928:  273-298,  ill.  *Ochs,  G.— Notes  upon  some  Gyrinidae 
in  the  Carnegie  Museum  with  descriptions  of  new  species. 
iS).  [3]  19:  123-134.  Orfila,  R.  N.— Hibridismo  en  cassidos. 
(S).  [Rev.  Soc.  Ent.  Argentina]  2  No.  4:  72.  Pic,  M.— Cole- 
opterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  103.  Dasytidae:  Melyrinae. 
3-32.  *Pic,  M.— Nouveautes  divcrses.  [99]  5:  36pp.  :i:Sicard, 
A. — Description  de  quelques  especes  nouvelles  de  Cocci- 
nellides.  (S).  [75  |  1  :  299-301.  *Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— Two  new 
species  of  Listronotus  ( Curculionidae).  |55|  5:  108.  *Will- 
iams,  S.  H.  -  -  Eine  neue  (Jreodera-art  aus  Siidamerika. 
(Ceramb.)-  |H|  192.S:  222-224,  ill.  Wolfrum,  P.— Cole- 
opterorum  Catnlogus.  Pars  102.  Anthribidae.  3-145. 

204  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [June,  '29 

HYMENOPTERA.— Alfken,  J.  D.— Ueber  einige  bienen- 
typen  von  Fabricius.  [45]  24:- 14-17.  *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.- 
Some  Californian  parasitic  bees.  [55]  5:  101-105.  *Cock- 
erell,  T.  D.  A. — Descriptions  and  records  of  bees.  [75]  3: 
392-405.  Creighton,  W.  S. — Further  notes  on  the  habits  of 
Harpagoxenus  americanus.  [5]  36:  48-50.  Custer,  C.  P.— 
Habits  of  Perdita  zebrata  with  description  of  larva.  [4]  61  : 
49-51.  Grandi,  G. — Revisione  critica  degli  Agaonidi  descrit- 
tida  Gustavo  Mayr  e  catalogo  ragionato  delle  specie  fino 
ad  oggi  descritte  di  tutto  il  mondo.  [Bol.  Lab.  Ent.  R.  Inst. 
Sup.  Agrario  Bologna]  1  :  107-235,  ill.  Grandi,  G. — Contri- 
buti  alia  conoscenza  biologica  e  morfologica  degli  Imenot- 
teri  melliferi  e  predatori.  [Bol.  Lab.  Ent.  R.  Inst.  Sup. 
Agrario  Bologna]  1:  3-30,  259-324,  ill.  Hering,  M.— Die 
blattminierer-gattung  Pelmatopus  (Tenthr.).  [45]  24:  97- 
107,  ill.1  Hicks,  C.  H. — Notes  on  a  nest  of  Bremus  vosne- 
senskii.  [55]  5:  97-100.  Johnson,  C.  W. — Notes  on  para- 
sitic Hymenoptera.  [Bull.  Boston  Soc.  Nat.  Hist.]  1929: 
8-9.  Rau,  P. — Coloration  in  Polistes  pallipes.  [5]  36:  34-36. 
Richards,  O.  W. — The  types  of  the  Humble-bees  described 
by  Gribodo  (Bombidae).  [8]  65:  58-59.  *Rohwer,  S.  A.- 
A  note  on  the  synonymy  of  a  birch  leaf  miner.  [10]  31: 
62-63.  Schmiedeknecht,  O. — Opuscula  Ichneumonologica. 
Suppl.  Bd.,  Fasc.  IV:  193-272.  Genus  Ichneumon  [Palae- 
arct.].  Wasmann,  E. — Aus  dem  leben  einer  Ameise.  [48] 
45:  136-153. 

SPECIAL    NOTICES.— Biological    Abstracts.— Vol.    2. 

Nos.  6-8.  This  number  contains  over  500  abstracts  of  ento- 
mological titles.  Evolution  of  the  wing  pattern  in  Palaearc- 
tic  Satyridae  by  B.  N.  Schwanwitsch.  [46]  13:  559-654,  ill. 
[This  paper  will  probably  prove  of  interest  to  American 


An  entomologist  of  world-wide  reputation.  Dr.  HANS 
BRAUNS,  M.D.,  died  at  Willowmore.  Many  discoveries  bear 
his  name.  The  Stellenbosch  University  conferred  on  him  the 
honorary  degree  of  Doctor  of  Science  last  year,  and  part  of 
his  collection  was  bought  for  the  Pretoria  Museum  by  the 
Union  Government  at  a  cost  of  several  thousand  pounds.  Dr. 
Brauns  was  a  corresponding  member  of  manv  societies  in 
various  countries,  and  his  death  will  be  deplored  bv  entomolo- 
gists and  collectors  in  general. — The  .-Ifrican  ll'orld,  March 
2,  1929. 

ENT.  NEWS,  VOL.  XL.  Plate  IX. 

a  as 



of  the  more  commonly  studied  insects  belonging  to  the 
Orders  Coleoptera,  Diptera,  Hemiptera,  Hymenoptera, 
Lepidoptera,  Neuroptera,  Odonata,  Orthoptera,  etc. 

T  F< 

A.  To  use  standard  American  entomological  journals. 

B.  To  write  the  editor  a  legible  manuscript. 

C.  To  ask  for  author's  separates  and  later  distribute  them. 

D.  To  correct  proofs  carefully  and  return  same  promptly. 

E.  To  join  a  bracketed  sub-title  to  paper's  title. 

F.  To  affix  your  address  as  well  as  name  under  title. 

G.  To  Latinize  new  names  according  to  the  Code. 

H.  To  follow  'new'  or  'nov'  with  a  definable  classification  term. 

I.  To  illustrate  more  often  by  photographs  or  drawings.      "'  \ 

J.  To  describe  fully  at  first  proposal  of  any  new  name. 

K.  To  describe  comparatively,  specifically,  coordinately  and  less  generically. 

L.  To  note  primary  sexual  differences  as  well  as  secondary. 

M.  To  avoid  informal  'common  names'  in  formal  descriptions. 

N.  To  use  new-born  structure  terms  elsewhere  first. 

O.  To   abbreviate  less,  especially   when  misunderstanding  may    result. 

P.  To  standardize  color  names  according  to  Ridgway. 

Q.  To  add  authorship  when  mentioning  other  named  insects. 

R.  To  assemble  all  'data'  or  details  as  a  unit  following  description. 

S.  To  mention  probable  check  list  position  of  new  name. 

T.  To  designate  holotype  first,  next  allotype,  finally  paratypes. 

U.  To  always  give  sexes  of  types,  if  known. 

V.  To  give  accurate  type  measurements,  plus  known  averages. 

\V.  To  invariably  state  explicit  type  locality  with  definite  dates. 

X.  To  mention  original  collector's  name. 

Y.  To  specify  disposition  of  types  and  paratypes. 

Z.  To  include,  as  known,  food  plant,  host,  life  history  notes,  etc. 

ETC.  To  read  over  your  old  descriptions  in  order  to  improve  your  nc-Tc  ones. 

J.   D.  G.— 1929 


Will  subscribers  who  have  received  duplicate  copies  of 
Entomological  News  for  March,  1929,  February,  1927,  and 
February,  1926,  please  return  them  to  the  News. 

TTJT.Y    1929 


Vol.  XL  No.  7 




Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— VI. .  .  .  205 

Fox — Some  New  Siphonaptera 218 

Pate— Studies  in  Oxybeline  Wasps  (Sphecidae,  Hymen.) 219 

Thomas — A  Method  for  Rearing  Mushroom  Insects  and  Mites 222 

Cole — Arachnara  subcarnea  Kell  (Lepidop.:  Noctuidae)  a  Host  of  Masi- 

cera  senilis  Rond.  (Dipt.:  Tachinidae) 225 

Rau — Orphan  Nests  of  Polistes  (Hym.:  Vespidae) 226 

Stabler — Benacus  griseus  at  Electric  Light  (Heterop.:  Belostomatidae)  232 

Notice  to  Contributors  to  the  News 233 

Lutz — Corythucha  decens  Stal.  in  Pennsylvania  (Heteropt.:  Tingididae)  233 

Shepard — Notes  on  Hesperiid  Nomenclature  (Lepid.) 233 

List — Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomologists. 234 

Entomological  Literature 235 

Review — Needham  and  Heywood's  Handbook  of  the  Dragonflies  of 

North  America  ....  240 


Logan  Square 

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published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
Entomological  Society. 

Philip  P    Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthrmeder.Ph.D., 
Ernest  Baylis,  Associate  Editors;   John   C.   Lutz,   Business   Manager. 
Advisory   Committee:     Philip  Laurent,  J.   A.  G  Rehn,   Chas.   Liebeck,  J. 
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Plate  X. 





VOL.  XL.  JULY,    1929  No.  7 

VI.    The  Carnegie  Museum,  Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

By.  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  X,  XI) 

It  has  been  truly  said  that  none  of  the  makers  of  great  for- 
tunes began  their  industrial  careers  closer  to  absolute  zero 
than  did  Andrew  Carnegie.  Shortly  after  emigrating  from 
Scotland  with  his  parents  to  Allegheny,  Pennsylvania,  in  1848, 
he  became  their  sole  support  at  the  age  of  fourteen,  working 
first  as  an  engine-room  clerk  and  then  as  a  telegraph  boy  in 
Pittsburgh.  Through  steady  labor  and  sheer  ability,  he  rose, 
step  by  step,  to  the  superintendency  of  the  Pennsylvania  Rail- 
road in  1860.  Already  a  small  capitalist,  he  foresaw  about 
this  time  the  possibility  of  iron  and  steel  over  wood,  especially 
in  bridge  construction  and  therefore  entered  that  business,  in- 
troducing the  Bessemer  ore  smelting  process  from  England  to 
America  in  1868.  As  a  result  the  Carnegie  Steel  Corporation 
was  eventually  founded  and  he  became  in  the  early  '90s  a  world 

With  the  accumulation  of  vast  wealth,  Mr.  Carnegie  decided 
to  retire  and  to  consecrate  the  remainder  of  his  life  to  public 
service;  thereby  returning,  first  to  the  people  of  Pittsburgh 
and  then  to  Americans  generally,  what  he  had  in  personal 
profits  drawn  from  them.  As  a  youth  he  craved  books  and 
really  made  use  of  the  knowledge  obtained  from  the  few  which 
he  could  get  hold  of.  He  also  knew  by  experience  how  diffi- 
cult it  was  in  the  early  days  of  the  poor  man  to  have  access 
to  good  volumes,  particularly  to  works  upon  technical  subjects. 
Consequently  the  free  public  library  idea  was  conceived  and 
in  1895  the  great  Carnegie  Library  of  Pittsburgh  in  Schenley 
Park  was  opened  unreservedly  to  the  public.  Shortly  after- 
wards he  realized  the  need  of  building,  in  conjunction  with  this 
library,  a  museum  for  the  Arts  and  Sciences;  thus  what  is 


206  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '29 

termed  as  a  whole,  the  Carnegie  Institute,  came  into  being. 
The  latest  or  more  recently  enlarged  portion  of  this  building 
was  formally  opened  to  the  public  in  April,  1907.  The  total 
gifts  from  Mr.  Carnegie  to  the  Institute  for  all  purposes  amount 
to  well  over  $36,000,000.  It  is  his  largest  single  foundation 
among  his  many  and  varied  bequests.  Mr.  Carnegie  had  no 
special  private  hobby  or  zoological  collection  of  any  kind, 
though  he  was  interested  in  paleontology  and  natural  history 
at  large.  At  one  time,  however,  he  personally  bought  and 
presented  to  Dr.  Holland,  a  collection  of  Indian  lepidoptera. 
Mr.  Carnegie  passed  away  at  Lenox,  Massachusetts,  on  August 
11,  1919. 

I  believe  that  the  Carnegie  Museum  is  considered  the  most 
beautiful  museum  edifice,  both  inside  and  out,  of  any  in 
America.  Certainly  the  interior  decorations  are  costly  and  in 
exquisite  artistic  taste.  The  Hall  of  Sculpture,  for  example, 
is  beautiful  in  itself  and  leaves  with  the  visitor  a  lasting  im- 
pression of  real  architectural  harmony  and  quiet  grace  of 
design.  Some  one  has  said  that,  "the  walls  of  a  museum  should 
be  to  its  contents  what  the  frame  is  to  a  good  picture" ;  cer- 
tainly the  generosity  of  the  founder  has  made  this  ideal  a 

In  1898  Dr.  W.  J.  Holland  became  the  first  director,  retiring 
as  Director  Emeritus  in  1923  in  favor  of  Dr.  Douglas  Stewart. 
Upon  the  lamented  death  of  that  gentleman  some  three  years 
later.  Dr.  Audrey  Avinoff  was  chosen  to  fill  the  vacancy.  He 
is  a  man  of  great  personal  charm  and  culture  and  fortunately 
for  entomology  has  always  made  that  branch  of  science  a 
favorite  study.  In  Europe  he  had  published  many  papers  upon 
Lepidoptera,  dealing  especially  with  the  Parnassins  and  Eury- 
mus  (Colias)  groups.  Quite  recently  several  have  appeared  in 
co-authorship  with  Dr.  Holland.  I  predict  a  continued  and 
bright  entomological  future  for  the  Carnegie  Museum. 

Dr.  Avinoff  was  born  February  14,  1884,  at  Tulchin  in  the 
province  of  Volynia.  He  belongs  to  one  of  the  oldest  families 
of  the  Russian  nobility,  his  ancestors  having  played  a  dis- 
tinguished part  in  Russian  affairs  as  far  back  as  the  fourteenth 
century.  Cape  Avinoff  on  the  coast  of  Alaska  bears  the  name 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  207 

of  his  paternal  grandfather.  During  boyhood  his  father,  who 
was  a  Lieutenant-General  in  the  Imperial  Army,  was  for  a  time 
stationed  at  Tashkent,  the  capital  of  Russian  Turkestan.  Here 
young  Audrey  began  to  take  an  early  interest  in  entomology 
and  to  collect  butterflies  and  moths.  Usually  his  summer  vaca- 
tions were  passed  amid  the  mountains  of  Tian-Shan.  He  was 
matriculated  in  the  College  of  Law  of  Moscow  in  the  year 
1905.  While  pursuing  legal  studies,  he  never  failed  to  devote 
himself  whenever  possible  to  the  study  of  natural  history  and 
took  a  full  course  in  botanv  and  biology  in  that  University. 

J  O«*  - 

After  graduation  Dr.  AvinofT  was  appointed  a  member  of  the 
Tribunal  of  the  district  of  Poltawa,  his  duties  corresponding 
to  those  of  an  Assistant  District  Attorney  in  the  United  States. 
In  1907  he  was  transferred  to  the  staff  of  the  Chancellory  of 
the  Senate  in  St.  Petersburg  and  in  1909  was  made  Assistant- 
Secretary-General  of  the  Senate  in  the  Department  of  Admin- 
istrative Control.  His  appointment  as  Gentleman-in-Waiting 
to  the  Czar  came  in  1911.  Those  duties  related  mostly  to  the 
ceremonious  presentation  of  distinguished  personages  at  the 
Court.  Later  he  was  elected  Marshall  of  Nobility  in  the  district 
of  Poltawa  where  his  mother's  estates  were  located.  In  this 
capacity  he  was  in  charge  of  all  local  judicial,  educational,  and 
charitable  institutions.  The  outbreak  of  the  World  War  in  1914 
found  him  at  the  front  with  the  Red  Cross,  but  a  year  later 
he  was  sent  to  the  United  States  to  purchase  supplies,  partly 
for  the  army  and  partly  for  the  relief  of  the  sick  and  wounded. 
When  the  Revolution  occurred  in  I'M/,  he  was  again  sent  to 
this  country  and  while  here  the  Bolshevist  coup-d'etat  took 
place.  Realizing  the  hopelessness  of  returning  to  his  native 
country  Dr.  Avinoff  took  the  necessary  steps  and  became  an 
American  citizen,  working  for  sometime  with  the  War  Indus- 
tries Board  clearing  up  matters  involved  under  the  old  regime. 
His  first  connection  with  the  Carnegie  Museum  came  in  1(>24  as 
associate  curator  of  entomology. 

Dr.  AvinofT  had  one  of  the  largest  private  collections  of 
Lepidoptera  in  Europe.  For  example,  there  were  represented 
about  ten  thousand  specimens  of  /'(inmssiiis  and  an  equal  num- 
ber of  Eurymns,  including  many  types  and  variations 

208  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty*    '29 

impcrialis,  Parnassius  lo.i'ias,  etc.  At  the  time  of  the  Bolshevist 
revolution  this  material  was  all  seized  and  "nationalized"  hy  the 
new  government.  It  is  at  present  in  the  possession  of  the  Lenin- 
grad Academy  of  Science.  Unfortunately  his  great  entomologi- 
cal library  was  destroyed  when  his  country  home  was  looted  and 
burned  to  the  ground.  Beginning  in  about  the  year  of  1906,  Dr. 
Avinoff  continually  sent  expeditions  throughout  Europe  and 
Asia.  He  financed  nearly  forty  collecting  parties  through  all 
parts  of  arctic  and  temperate  Asia.  He,  himself,  in  1908, 
visited  the  Pamir  district  (Central  Asia)  as  a  naturalist,  ac- 
companied by  a  noted  young  hymenopterist.  In  1912,  he  went 
to  India  and  explored  Kashmir,  Little  Thibet,  traversed  the 
Karakorum  and  entered  Chinese  Turkestan  by  way  of  Yarkand 
and  Kashgan.  The  whole  expedition  was  made  in  company 
with  two  companions,  one  a  distinguished  European  entomolo- 
gist, the  other  an  ornithologist  and  mammalogist.  Upon  his 
return  from  this  journey,  Dr.  Avinoff  received  the  Gold  Medal 
of  the  Imperial  Geographic  Society  of  Petrograd  in  recognition 
of  his  Asian  zoogeographic  researches.  He  was  a  member  of 
the  Entomological  Society  of  St.  Petersburg  and  still  holds 
fellowships  in  the  Societies  of  London,  France  and  the  Nether- 
lands. His  executive  ability,  his  broad  knowledge  of  science, 
as  well  as  his  fine  attainments  as  a  linguist,  all  coupled  with 
his  personal  acquaintance  with  scientific  men  and  institutions, 
both  in  Europe  and  America,  make  him  a  most  competent  leader 
to  carry  on  the  difficult  tasks  as  head  of  this  great  Pittsburgh 

The  entomological  department  of  the  Carnegie  Museum 
came  into  being  when  the  institution  was  established  and 
occupies  a  rather  large,  well  lighted  and  slightly  L-shaped 
room  on  the  third  floor.  A  gallery  over  one  portion  gives 
access  to  a  number  of  the  cabinets  which  extend  to  the  ceiling. 
All  the  insect  drawers  are  of  uniform  size  with  neat  looking 
drawer  pulls  and  convenient  contents  signs.  Dr.  Holland  has 
been  Honorary  Curator  for  many  years.  Dr.  Hugo  Kahl  is 
curator  and  besides  being  an  all-around  entomologist,  he  spec- 
ializes somewhat  in  Diptera  and  Odonata.  Mr.  Henry  Klages, 
coleopterist,  and  Mr.  Bernard  Krautwurm,  lepidopterist,  are 

XL,  '29]  ENTO.MI >i.o< ;ICAL  NEWS  209 

permanently  employed  as  assistants.  The  following  Collection- 
of  lepidoptera  of  note  are  the  property  of  the  Museum: — thoM- 
of  A.  \'.  Knyvett  of  Indian  material,  Henry  Engel,  H.  A. 
Smith,  Frank  Kneehtel,  H.  L.  Weber,  J.  A.  Reis,  A.  J.  Good, 
African,  Steinbach  and  S.  M.  Klages  from  South  America; 
Fred  Marloff  of  local  micro-lepidoptera ;  Krautwurm.  Geo.  A. 
Ehrmun,  both  local  and  exotic,  C.  B.  Antisdel  and  Dr.  Hol- 
land's, especially  African. 

The  B.  P.  Clark  collection  (Boston,  Mass.)  of  world  Sphin- 
gidae  is  gradually  being  transferred  to  the  Museum  as  a  per- 
manent deposit.  Mr.  Clark  wishes  to  retain  actual  ownership 
during  the  remainder  of  his  lifetime.  Some  of  this  material 
is  being  held  in  Boston  as  a  working  basis.  The  well  known 
W.  H.  Edwards'  collection  of  North  American  Lepidoptera 
is  still  the  property  of  Dr.  Holland  and  is  kept  in  the  Museum 
in  its  original  cabinets,  which  are  about  in  the  same  condition 
of  arrangement  as  Mr.  Edwards  left  them  in  1889.  At  some- 
time in  the  past,  numbers  of  the  specimens  became  molded  and 
turned  blackish  therefrom,  but  luckily  this  condition  has  not 
affected  any  of  the  major  types  as  far  as  I  can  find  out.  For  the 
most  part  the  type  specimens  have  the  word  "type"  written 
across  the  principal  labels  in  red  ink.  Some  lepidopterists  visit- 
ing Pittsburgh  are  disappointed  at  finding  only  a  relatively 
small  proportion  of  United  States  and  Canadian  diurnal  lepi- 
doptera represented,  but  it  must  be  remembered  that  Dr.  Hol- 
land, though  editing  books  upon  American  lepidoptera,  has 
been  for  years  specializing  on  exotic  material,  leaving  the 
boreal  American  work  to  such  students  as  Barnes,  Skinner 
and  others.  The  recently  acquired  Ehrman  collection  is  general 
in  scope,  but  unfortunately  many  of  the  specimens  have  never 
been  in  what  would  be  called  first  class  condition.  Generally 
speaking,  the  Museum  may  be  termed  especially  strong  in  equa- 
torial African  and  Central  and  South  American  material  and 
this  is  due  entirely  to  Dr.  Holland's  energetic  and  persistent 
efforts  in  those  directions.  It  is  estimated  that  there  are  between 
four  hundred  and  five  hundred  thousand  mounted  lepidoptera 
altogether  in  the  Museum's  collections. 

Dr.    Holland   has   very    kindly   given   to    me   the    following, 

210  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '29 

especially  written  biographical  sketch  of  his  life  and  I  am 
pleased  to  place  it  on  record  for  the  readers  of  the  ENTOMO- 
LOGICAL NEWS.  His  is  a  life  full  of  action,  romance  and  ac- 

"My  father.  Rev.  Francis  Raymond  Holland,  when  I  ap- 
peared upon  the  scene,  August  16,  1848,  was  a  Moravian  mis- 
sionary in  Bethany,  Jamaica.  He  was  descended  from  one  of 
the  early  settlers  of  Salem,  North  Carolina  (now  Winston- 
Salem).  My  mother,  Augusta  Eliza  (Walle)  Holland,  was 
the  only  child  of  Jacob  Wolle  of  Bethlehem,  Pennsylvania,  a 
well-known  citizen  of  that  town  and  long  the  President  of  its 
Council.  On  the  maternal  side  I  am  descended  from  the  earliest 
settlers  of  New  England,  Manhattan  and  Pennsylvania,  whose 
names  are  not  unknown  and  who  acted  well  their  parts  in  their 
day.  Both  my  parents  were  highly  respected  and  deeply  inter- 
ested in  natural  history.  My  mother's  cousin  was  Dr.  Thomas 
Horsfield,  for  fifty  years  the  Director  of  the  India  Museum  in 
London.  He  wrote  extensively  upon  the  fauna  and  flora  of 
the  East  Indies.  My  father's  father  was  an  amateur  botanist 
and  a  keen  sportsman.  His  hobbies  were  the  hybridization  of 
cacti  and  apiculture.  My  father  himself  was  a  conchologist 
and  botanist.  My  mother's  father  was  the  friend  and  cor- 
respondent of  most  of  the  American  botanists  of  the  last 
.century,  among  them  De  Schweinitz,  Short,  Mead,  Darlington, 
Sprague,  and  Asa  Gray.  He  also  corresponded  and  exchanged 
with  many  of  the  botanists  of  Europe,  especially  Grisebach, 
the  author  of  the  'Flora  of  the  British  West  Indies'.  His  her- 
barium has  been  deposited  by  me  as  a  loan  in  the  Museum. 

Father's  home  in  Jamaica  seemed  to  be  headquarters  for  nat- 
uralists and  sooner  or  later  lovers  of  nature  found  their  way 
there.  C.  B.  Adams,  Professor  of  Zoloogy  at  Amherst  College, 
lived  for  a  long  time  with  us  while  pursuing  his  studies  on  the 
Island.  My  mother  told  me  he  often  rocked  my  cradle  when 
I  was  an  infant.  Philip  H.  Gosse,  the  author  of  The  Birds  of 
Jamaica',  was  one  of  my  father's  friends  and  in  his  old  age  I 
myself  corresponded  with  Mr.  Gosse  about  butterflies  and  we 
made  several  exchanges.  His  son  was  Edmund  Gosse,  the  poet 
and  Librarian  of  the  House  of  Lords  whom  I  later  learned  to 
know  in  London. 

XL,    '29]  ENToMOl.ociCAL    NEWS  211 

On  returning-  to  the  United  States  in  the  spring  of  the  year 
1851.  my  father  was  appointed  the  pastor  of  the  Moravian 
Church  at  Dover,  Ohio,  and  sometime  later  to  a  rural  charge, 
known  as  the  Sharon  Church,  near  what  is  Tuscarawas,  Ohio. 
He  had  brought  back  with  him  from  Jamaica  a  large  number  of 
shells,  plants  and  insects  and  these  found  a  place  in  the  manse. 
As  a  child  I  was  permitted  the  examination  of  these  collections 
and  on  rainy  or  snowy  days  I  delighted  to  look  them  over  and 
gradually  came  to  know  some  of  their  Latin  names.  My 
mother  taught  me  to  draw  and  to  paint  and  I  still  have  among 
nn  papers  a  number  of  sketches  of  those  Jamaican  shells  and 
butterflies  which  I  drew  from  life  before  I  entered  my  teens. 
(  )ur  life  in  the  country  charmed  me.  My  father,  whom  I  ac- 
companied as  he  went  his  pastoral  rounds,  encouraged  me  to 
collect  plants,  the  scientific  names  of  which  he  gave  me  as  he 
could.  \Ye  explored  together  the  woods  and  the  fields  about  the 
home.  I  collected  land  shells  on  the  hillsides  and  from  the 
brooks  the  Unioniclae,  and  gradually  I  became  acquainted  with 
the  living  things  about  me.  Fish  were  abundant  in  the  streams 
in  those  early  days  and  one  of  my  boyish  triumphs,  although  I 
was  not  yet  ten  years  old,  was  to  capture  a  big  Channel  Catfish, 
weighing  about  twenty  pounds  and  which  I  took  upon  an  out- 
line which  I  had  set  in  the  Tuscarawas  River. 

In  the  fall  of  1858  my  father  was  transferred  to  the  pastor- 
ate of  the  Moravian  Church  at  Salem,  North  Carolina,  and  I 
was  sent  for  a  time  to  a  parochial  school  for  boys.  Later  my 
education  was  committed  to  private  tutors.  All  the  spare  time 
1  could  command  was  devoted  to  collecting  birds,  birds'  nests 
and  eggs  and  to  fishing  or  shooting.  My  father  taught  me  how 
to  prepare  bird-skins  and  to  rear  and  mount  insects.  The  back 
verandah  of  our  house  was  covered  in  the  summer  and  fall 
with  breeding  boxes  in  which  T  reared  many  lepidoptera.  The 
librarian  of  the  Salem  College  for  \Yomen  was  Mrs.  Mary 
L.  Denke,  the  widow  of  a  distinguished  missionary  to  the 
Indians.  She  had  lived  long  in  France  and  was  a  highly  culti- 
vated woman.  Through  her  1  was  permitted  the  use  of  Wilson 
and  lionaparte's  great  work  on  the  birds  of  America.  1  pos- 
sessed myself  of  Say's  'American  Entomology'  and  of  what- 

212  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  u*    '29 

ever  books  relating  to  entomology  I  could  lay  my  hands  on  at 
the  time  and  from  these  I  made  fairly  faithful  water-color 
drawings  of  many  of  the  illustrations.  Being  provided  with  a 
carpenter's  bench  and  tools  I  learned  to  make  my  own  insect 
boxes,  a  few  of  which  I  still  possess. 

About  the  time  the  Civil  War  broke  out  I  was  ready  to  take 
my  examinations  for  entrance  into  college.  My  father  thought 
of  sending  me  to  the  University  of  North  Carolina,  but  the 
war  closed  the  doors  of  that  institution,  so  I  went  on  with 
my  studies  in  the  forenoons  under  a  most  capable  tutor  and  the 
afternoons  were  given  over  either  to  sport  or  some  natural 
history  diversion.  In  the  fall  of  1863  the  family  came  north 
by  the  'Underground  Route',  a  trip  full  of  adventure  for  a  boy, 
as  well  as  for  the  adults.  We  arrived  at  Bethlehem,  Pennsyl- 
vania, late  in  November,  my  grandfather  having  meanwhile 
died.  We  found  our  home  under  the  roof  of  the  old  house  in 
Bethlehem  and  I  immediately  entered  the  Moravian  College 
to  an  advanced  standing,  for  I  had  already  mastered  an  ele- 
mentary knowledge  of  Latin,  Greek  and  mathematics.  German 
and  French  were  in  a  measure  'mother-tongues'  to  me,  for 
from  my  earliest  childhood  I  had  been  taught  to  use  those  lan- 
guages. Mrs.  Denke  spoke  French  like  a  native,  as  she  had 
been  in  early  life  the  governess  and  companion  of  the  daughters 
of  Mr.  Munroe  of  Paris  and  she  insisted  upon  speaking  French 
with  me  at  all  times,  which  was  to  my  advantage. 

I  pass  over  the  years  spent  at  Bethlehem,  but  I  might  add 
that  my  Saturday  afternoons  and  vacations  were  given  over  to 
drawing  and  painting  in  oil  and  water-colors  under  the  tutelage 
of  Gustav  Grunewald,  a  celebrated  German  artist  then  living 
in  America.  I  had  completed  my  course  in  the  Moravian 
College  by  June,  1867. 

As  I  was  too  young  after  completing  this  college  course  at 
Bethlehem  to  think  of  entering  the  clerical  calling,  which  my 
dear  father  insisted  I  should  follow,  he  sent  me  to  Amherst 
College,  where  I  matriculated  in  the  middle  of  the  Junior  year 
in  the  class  of  1869.  The  work  I  was  called  upon  to  do  in 
Amherst,  so  far  as  the  languages  were  concerned,  laid  no 
burden  upon  me  whatever.  I  was  excused  from  attendance 

XL,  '29] 

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XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  213 

upon  classes  in  German,  but  at  Commencement  1  was  required 
to  give  the  'German  Oration'  and  1  chose  as  my  theme,  ]5is- 
marck,  who  was  then  at  the  height  of  his  glory.  At  Amherst 
1  became  deeply  interested  in  chemistry,  physics  and  geology; 
also  taking  a  course  in  astronomy  under  Professor  Ksty.  Dr. 
Edward  Hitchcock  gave  me  some  practical  instruction  in  pale- 
ontology. My  greatest  debt  was  to  Professor  Julius  Seelye. 
who  later  became  President  of  the  College.  He  was  a  sort  of 
second  father  to  me  and  set  me  delving  into  the  writings  of 
Kant,  Hegel  and  Fichte.  My  room-mate  during  my  senior 
year  was  Neesima,  the  first  Japanese  educated  in  America.  He 
taught  me  Japanese  in  return  for  assistance  given  him  in  the 
stiulv  of  Greek.  Later  he  played  a  great  role  in  Japan,  found- 
ing the  Doshisha,  the  University  of  Kyoto.  At  the  end  of  my 
senior  year  I  was  elected  Principal  of  the  Amherst  High 
School  (lc%9-70),  and  then  became  the  Principal  of  the  High 
School  at  Westborough,  Massachusetts  (1870-71). 

In  the  fall  of  1871  I  entered  Princeton  Theological  Seminary, 
at  last  giving  away  to  my  father's  wishes  that  I  take  up  preach- 
ing. I  studied  there  for  three  years,  devoting  myself  more  par- 
ticularly to  Hebrew,  Chaldee  and  Arabic.  Writing  in  my 
eightieth  year,  I  may  say  that  my  Arabic  has  largely  evap- 
orated, but  that  my  Hebrew  still  abides  with  me  in  some 
strength  ! 

By  1874  I  had  learned  enough  about  religion  to  hold  down 
the  pastorship  of  the  I'ellefield  Presbyterian  Church  in  Pitts- 
burgh. Fortunately,  and  as  a  relief  from  pure  clergical  work, 
I  was  almost  immediately  thereafter  made  a  Trustee  of  the 
Pennsylvania  College  for  Women.  There,  as  an  act  of  charity, 
I  became  the  Professor  of  Ancient  Languages,  which  position 
I  held- for  sometime.  I  went  to  Europe  in  1X77  as  a  delegate' 
to  the  Pan- Presbyterian  Council  held  in  Edinburgh.  It  gave 
me  a  chance  to  see  and  travel  through  some  of  the  countries 
not  before  visited. 

With  my  newly-wedded  wife  I  again  went  to  Fnrope  in 
1879  to  attend  a  meeting  of  the  Evangelical  Alliance  held  at 
P.asle.  Switxerland.  Later  we  made  an  extensive  tour  of  the 

214  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty.    '29 

About  this  time  I  again  renewed  my  interest  in  natural  his- 
tory and  resumed  the  collection  of  insects.  1  felt  I  needed 
diversion  from  the  narrowness  of  the  ministerial  profession. 
Some  of  my  young  missionary  acquaintances  were  going  to 
Africa,  Asia  and  South  and  Central  America  and  they  were 
induced  by  me  to  collect  in  those  parts  of  the  world.  My  col- 
lections grew  rapidly  and  1  kept  adding  to  my  entomological 
library.  I  soon  discovered  that  I  had  accumulated  quite  a  few 
species  new  to  science  evidently,  so  I  began  my  first  attempts 
at  publication. 

In  1887  I  went  to  Japan  as  the  Naturalist  of  the  Eclipse 
Expedition  sent  out  by  our  Navy  Department  and  the  National 
Academy  of  Sciences.  Again  in  1889  I  went  on  a  similar  expe- 
dition to  West  Africa. 

About  this  time  I  purchased  from  William  H.  Edwards  his 
collection  of  butterflies  of  North  America  which  he  was  on 
the  point  of  selling  to  Europe.  I  agreed  in  exchange  for  the 
collection  to  pay  all  the  expenses  of  producing  the  third  volume 
of  his  celebrated  work,  'The  Butterflies  of  North  America'. 
By  this  time  my  collections  of  exotic  lepidoptera  had  grown  by 
leaps  and  bounds.  I  had  in  my  employment,  Mr.  Wm.  Doherty. 
one  of  the  ablest  collectors  who  ever  lived.  He  collected  exten- 
sively for  me  in  the  Himalays,  Burmah  and  elsewhere.  I  was 
his  first  patron.  Long  afterwards  he  died  in  East  Africa  while 
in  the  joint  employment  of  Lord  Rothschild  and  myself. 

In  1891  I  accepted  the  Chancellorship  of  the  Western  Uni- 
versity of  Pennsylvania  (now  the  University  of  Pittsburgh). 
While  there  I  taught  anatomy  and  lectured  upon  zoology. 
Teaching  was  a  'relief  from  my  former  duties.  The  following 
year,  fortified  with  letters  from  the  U.  S.  Commissioner  of 
Education,  I  went  to  England,  France  and  Germany  to.  study 
their  technical  schools.  I  took  with  me  at  the  time  several 
thousand  lepidoptera  from  Africa  and  spent  about  a  month 
identifying  these  at  the  British  Museum  and  at  the  museums  in 
Paris  and  Berlin.  The  result  of  this  trip  was  very  gratifying 
as  I  made  many  good  friends  among  the  scientific  men  of 
those  countries. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  215 

During  all  these  years  there  had  been  a  close  friendship 
between  Mr.  Andrew  Carnegie  and  myself  and  he  often  hon- 
ored me  by  confidentially  discussing  with  me  his  plans  for 
the  development  of  the  cultural  institutions  which  he  wished  to 
establish  in  Pittsburgh  and  elsewhere.  Thus  in  1898,  though 
still  the  Chancellor  of  the  University,  I  was  elected  Director  of 
the  new  Carnegie  Museum,  the  formulation  of  the  plans  for 
that  institution  having  already  for  some  years  been  largely 
entrusted  to  my  care  by  my  associates  on  the  Board  of  Trustees 
because  of  my  knowledge  of  such  institutions  in  Kurope  and  in 

While  carrying  on  paleontological  investigations  in  the  Rocky 
Mountains  of  Wyoming  in  1899,  I  suffered  an  attack  of  appen- 
dicitis which  nearly  proved  fatal.  While  slowly  recovering, 
Mr.  Carnegie  persuaded  me  to  give  up  the  Chancellorship  and 
devote  my  entire  time  to  the  Museum  and  to  scientific  research. 
This  I  did,  but  continued  as  a  member  of  the  Board  of  Trus- 
tees of  the  University,  a  position  I  still  hold,  being  at  vhe 
present  writing,  the  senior  member  of  that  body.  I  should 
not  forget  to  mention  that  about  this  time  I  devoted  much 
study  to  a  system  of  water  purification  for  the  City  of  Pitts- 
burgh, making  a  couple  of  European  trips  to  find  out  what 
they  were  doing  over  there.  As  a  member  of  the  Filtration 
Commission,  plans  were  prepared  and  as  a  result  the  city  is 
today  practically  free  from  the  typhoid  scourge.  If  I  had 
done  nothing  else  for  Pittsburgh  than  this,  I  should  be  happy. 

The  Butterfly  Book  was  published  by  me  in  1898.  I  recog- 
nized the  fact  that  there  was  no  compendium  of  information 
about  the  general  diurnal  lepidoptera  of  Xorth  America  in 
existence.  1  knew  that  the  youth,  as  well  as  the  scientific 
workers,  would  welcome  such  a  volume.  The  plates  were  care- 
fully made  in  Chicago  and  I  dictated  the  text  at  odd  moments. 
It  was  rapidly  prepared.  Nearly  sixty  thousand  copies  have 
been  sold  and  I  followed  it  with  the  Moth  Hook  which  I  feel 
was  equally  well  received.  I  have  tried  to  populari/e  the  study 
of  lepidoptera  in  America  and  by  editing  a  reasonably  priced 
book,  I  believe  I  have  helped  along  the  cause.  The-  Hntlcrjly 

216  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty.    '29 

Guide,  a  small  condensed  volume,  has  also  caught  the  fancy  of 
many  budding  amateurs. 

Among  the  many  entomological  papers  published  in  the  past, 
the  following  may  be  worthy  of  note  : 

'The  Diurnal  Lepidoptera  of  Celebes',  (Proc.  Boston  Soc. 
Nat.  Hist.,  Vol  XXV,  1900). 

'The  Lepidoptera  of  Bum',  (Novitates  Zoologicae,  Vol.  VII, 

'New  Genera  and  Species  of  African  Lepidoptera',  (articles 
in  Psyche,  1893-94). 

'A  Preliminary  Revision  and  Synonymic  Catalog  of  Hes- 
periidae  of  Africa  and  Adjacent  Islands,  etc.',  (Proc.  of  Zoo- 
logical Soc.,  London,  1896). 

'The  Lepidoptera  of  the  Congo',  (Bull.  Am.  Mus.  Nat.  Hist., 
XLIII,  1920). 

'Epipaschiinae  of  the  Western  Hemisphere',  (Ann.  Cam. 
Mus.,  XVI,  1925). 

I  have  had  the  pleasure  of  writing  numerous  papers  upon 
paleontology  and  have  always  taken  a  special  interest  in  dino- 
saurs. Under  my  direction  the  Carnegie  Museum  has  acquired 
one  of  the  largest  collections  of  these  curious  reptiles  in  ex- 

Speaking  of  Museums  again,  I  undertook  in  1906  the  task 
of  organizing  the  American  Association  of  Museums  and  suc- 
ceeded. That  body,  which  has  continued  a  useful  existence 
since  its  origin,  will  soon  celebrate  its  twenty-fifth  Anniversary. 

During  my  long  life,  I  have  known  personally  every  Presi- 
dent of  the  United  States  since  Grant  (excepting  Hoover) 
and  most  of  the  Presidents  of  the  Republic  of  France.  During 
the  World  War  I  served  as  Belgian  Consul  in  Western  Penn- 
sylvania and  had  the  pleasure  of  helping  to  entertain  King 
Albert  and  his  Queen  on  the  occasion  of  their  visit  to  Pitts- 
burgh. Various  degrees  and  honors  have  come  to  me  in  the 
past  and  I  hope  I  am  worthy  of  their  bestowal.  Several  for- 
eign governments  have  seen  fit  to  present  Orders  for  the  work 
in  paleontology  and  as  an  educator.  I  am  particularly  proud 
of  the  degree  of  D.D.  received  from  my  alma  mater,  of  the 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  217 

decree  of  LL.D.  from  the  St.  Andrew  University,  Scotland, 
and  the  degree  of  L.H.D.  bestowed  in  June,  1928,  by  the  Uni- 
versity which  I  have  so  long  served.  Perhaps  the  greatest 
honor  1  ever  received  was  on  my  eightieth  birthday,  last  year, 
when  the  hundreds  of  delegates  to  the  Fourth  International 
Entomological  Congress  made  me  by  acclamation  an  Honorary 
Life  Member  of  that  and  following  Congresses.  I  appreciated 
that  real  token  of  esteem  and  especially  as  coming  from  those 
whom  I  had  known  for  so  long. 

Personal  hobbies?  Well,  in  my  youth  I  loved  all  outdoor 
sports  and  was  a  good  swimmer.  I  was  fond  of  horses  and 
rode  a  great  deal.  In  the  last  few  years  I  like  a  good  game  of 
golf,  but  rarely  get  the  chance  to  swing  the  clubs!  I  always 
enjoy  a  game  of  whist,  but  have  grown  rusty  as  a  chess-player. 
Years  ago  in  Japan  I  achieved  quite  a  reputation  over  the  ches^ 
board.  They  were  fine  players  over  there,  too. 

You  ask  me  about  my  outstanding  mental  traits.  It  seems 
that  nature  has  always  endowed  me  with  a  good  memory,  not 
quite  so  good  today  perhaps  as  it  used  to  be,  but  I  still  retain 
a  reading  knowledge  of  a  number  of  the  ancient  languages 
and  can  remember  where  many  lepidoptera  species,  for  example, 
were  figured  and  described.  I  am  naturally  of  an  active  and 
industrious  turn  and  the  only  thing  that  troubles  me  is  lack  of 
time  in  which  to  do  the  things  I  would  like  to  do.  My  favorite 
motto  since  childhood  has  been :  'Get  wisdom,  get  understand- 
ing!'; coupled  with  the  other  text:  'Whatsoever  the  hands  find 
to  do,  do  it  with  might !'." 

The  accompanying  portrait-photo  of  Dr.  Holland  was  taken 
March  18,  1929.  He  is  shown  sitting  at  his  desk,  busy  as  usual 
and  looking  over  a  sample  butterfly  proof  plate  which  is  one 
of  several  going  into  the  new  revised  edition  of  The  Hiitlcr/ly 
Hook  shortly  to  appear.  Who  among  us  but  does  not  envy 
"that  grand  old  man  of  the  Carnegie"  who  at  81  is  as  tit  and 
as  active  as  ever  and  who  is  an  inspiration  to  us  all ':  1 1  is  name 
will  ever  live  as  the  one  who  popularized  the  study  of  American 

All  hail,  dear  old  Dr.  Holland!! 

218  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty,    '29 

Some  New  Siphonaptera. 

By  CARROLL  Fox,  Surgeon,  United  States  Public  Health 


Hectopsylla  suarezi  n.  sp. 

Near  H.  stoinis  Jordan  1925.  Frons  without  angle,  posterior 
margin  of  occiput  without  lateral  lobe,  ventral  genal  lobe  and 
genal  process  close  together,  pygidium  and  anal  tergite  short. 

We  have  a  series  of  these  fleas  all  $  $  collected  by  Dr.  V. 
A.  Suarez,  Director  General  of  Public  Health,  Ecuador. 

Host:  Guinea  pigs  (Cobaya),  also  taken  from  Raft  us  nor- 
veyicits  and  Rattus  rattus,  Quito,  ECUADOR. 

Type:  9,  U.  S.  National  Museum  Collection.  Cat.  No. 

Anomiopsyllus  falsicalifornicus  n.  sp. 

In  April  1926,  the  writer  described  a  flea  in  die  Pan  Pacific 
Entomologist  Vol.  11,  No.  4  as  the  male  of  Anomiopsyllus  cali- 
fornicus.  Recently  Dr.  Karl  Jordan  has  had  an  opportunity 
to  study  these  specimens  and  to  compare  them  with  the  material 
in  the  Tring  Museum. 

He  states  as  follows:  "Among  the  specimens  of  A.  calif  or- 
nicus,  from  CALIFORNIA,  which  you  kindly  gave  me,  there  are 
two  species  :  one  agreeing  with  nudatus  and  being  true  cali- 
fornicits,  and  the  other  being  the  species  you  figured  as  cali- 
fornicits.  This  second  species  requires  a  name  :  *  *  *  The 
female  of  this  new  species  is  different  from  our  California!! 
female,  which  agrees  with  nudatus,  as  does  the  before-men- 
tioned male  from  California." 

Types,  $  U.  S.  National  Museum  Collection.  Cat.  No. 

CERATOPHYLLUS  NEPOS  dieteri,  n.  subsp. 

$  Immovable  process  of  claspers  narrow.  9  Similar  to 
C.  laiens  Jordan  1925,  sinus  of  VII  sternite  very  narrow,  head 
of  spermatheca  longer. 

Host:  Lyn.v  ruff  us.    Los  Angeles  County,  CALIFORNIA. 
Type:    <3  ,   U.    S.    National    Museum   Collection.      Cat.    No. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  219 

Studies  in  Oxybeline  Wasps  (Sphecidae,  Hymen.). 

I.     Enchemicrum,  an  Annectant  between   Belomicrus  and 


By  V.  S.  L.  PATH,  Cornell  University. 
ENCHEMICRUM  -en.  nov. 

(<YXOS,  ™,  spear  f  ^i«pos,  small) 

Head  as  wide  as,  or  wider  than,  the  thorax.  Face  moderately 
wide.  Eyes  reaching  the  bases  of  the  mandibles,  moderately 
divergent  above  and  below,  with  dorsal  and  posterior  facets 
smaller  than  anterior  ventral  ones.  Ocelli  arranged  in  a  low 
isosceles  triangle;  posterior  pair  nearer  the  compound  eyes 
than  each  other;  an  oblique  impression  between  the  lateral 
ocelli  and  the  compound  eyes.  Mandibles  acute  at  apex,  with 
a  blunt  tooth  at  about  the  middle  of  the  inner  margin  and,  in 
the  male,  excised  at  the  middle  of  the  outer  margin.  Median 
area  of  clypeus  more  or  less  produced  in  the  male.  Antennae 
13-jointed  in  the  male,  12-jointed  in  the  female,  inserted  just 
above  the  posterior  margin  of  the  clypeus  and  about  as  far  from 
each  other  as  they  are  from  the  eyes;  flagellum  short,  joints, 
except  the  last,  about  as  wide  as  long.  Face  more  or  less  flat, 
with  two  smooth  impressions  on  the  lower  half  to  accommodate 
the  scapes  when  laid  back.  Temples  wide  above,  rapidly  nar- 
rowing below.  Occipital  carina  wanting. 

Thora.v  moderately  stout.  Pronotum  short,  linear,  nearly 
level  with  the  mesonotum,  its  anterior  face  vertical.  Meso- 
pleurum  with  a  well  denned  epicnemium  (prepectus)  and  with- 
out a  distinct  crest  or  ridge  before  the  middle  coxae.  Scutellum 
and  postscutellum  without  a  median  longitudinal  carina.  Post- 
scutellum  produced  on  the  hind  margin  into  membranous  lamel- 
lae. Dorsum  of  propodeum  with  a  small  straight  mucro  or 
median  process  below  which  is  a  well  denned  enclosed  median 

Abdomen  ovate,  widest  at  second  segment.  First  and  second 
tergites  subcarinate  along  the  edge  of  the  dorso-ventral  fold, 
but  not  sharply  flexed  as  in  Bcloinicrifs ;  sternites  not  flat. 
Tergites  without  lateral  teeth  in  the  $  .  Pygidial  area  defined 
in  both  sexes,  triangular  in  the  9  ,  more  or  less  trapezoidal  in 
the  $  . 

U'iin/s:  Stigma  distinct.  Forewing  with  radial  cell  broadly 
truncate  at  apex,  and  with  distinct  appcndiculate  cell  ;  first 
cubital  and  first  discoidal  cells  continent,  separated  at  most  by 
a  I'ciid  spit riii. 

Lct/s  moderately  spinose.     Middle  and  hind  tibiae  with  three 

220  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '29 

rows  of  spines  ;  middle  tibiae  with  one  spur  apically.  Middle 
coxae  far  apart  and  sunk  into  the  sternum.  Tarsal  comb  weakly 
developed  in  the  9  ,  quite  rudimentary  in  the  $  .  Last  joint 
of  tarsi  moderately  swollen ;  pulvillus  large ;  claws  unarmed. 

Puncturation  of  body  similar  to  Belomicrus,  much  finer  than 

Genotype:  Enchcmicrum  aitslralc  sp.  nov. 

Enchemicrum  australe  sp.  nov. 

c5  .  4.5  mm.  long.  Black.  Mandibles  lemon  yellow,  apex 
red.  Scapes  yellow  with  a  black  line  internally ;  flagellurn  black 
becoming  rufous  apically.  Tarsi,  anterior  and  middle  tibiae, 
posterior  tibiae  externally,  anterior  and  middle  femora  beneath, 
posterior  femora  at  apex,  pronotum  with  tubercles,  and  post- 
scutellum  stramineous.  First  and  second  abdominal  tergites 
with  broad  yellow  bands  laterally,  those  of  the  first  segment 
twice  the  size  of  the  second ;  last  two  segments  rufous.  Tegu- 
lae,  squamae,  tip  of  macro,  and  posterior  margins  of  abdom- 
inal tergites  and  sternites  subhyaline. 

Front  and  clypeus  clothed  with  short  appressed  silvery  pubes- 
cence; thorax,  abdomen  and  legs  sparsely  clothed  with  quite 
short  silver  hairs. 

Head  finely  but  distinctly  punctured ;  occiput  striato-punc- 
tate.  Medially  produced  portion  of  clypeus  tridentate ;  front 
slightly  crested  medially  and  with  a  shallow  sulcus  on  each 
side  parallel  to  the  inner  orbits  of  the  compound  eyes ;  anterior 
ocellus  situated  in  a  shallow  fossa. 

Tliora.v  with  puncturation  similar  to  that  of  head.  Pronotum 
transversely  carinate  anteriorly  and  with  a  median  longitudinal 
sulcus.  Mesonotum  with  a  very  fine  double  stria  on  the  anterior 
two-fifths.  Squamae  linear,  without  lateral  or  terminal  points. 
Epicnemium  and  mesepisterna  carinate  anteriorly ;  metapleura 
with  oblique  rugae.  Mucro  short,  straight,  scarcely  exceeding 
the  level  of  the  squamae,  canaliculate  anteriorly  and  dorsally, 
apex  acute.  Propodeum  with  oblique  rugae  and  reticulations 
above;  median  area  wedge-shaped,  shining  within;  lateral  areas 
finely  punctured  and  with  a  few  transverse  rugae ;  lateral  faces 
shining,  finely  punctured  and  with  very  fine  oblique  striae. 

Abdomen  shining,  with  fine  well  separated  punctures;  without 
any  indication  of  lateral  spines;  last  tergite  (pygidium)  emar- 
ginate  apically ;  sternites  each  with  a  low,  rounded,  polished 
ridge  preapically. 

Wings  hyaline,  nervures  testaceous. 

Legs  with  calcaria  of  hind  tibiae  at  least  three-fourths  the 
length  of  the  hind  metatarsi. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  221 

9.  5.4  mm.  long.  Dififcrs  from  $  as  follows:  Scape  of 
antennae  yellow  apically  only;  maculations  of  abdomen  smaller; 
only  last  segment  of  abdomen  rufous.  Clypeus  witb  a  polished, 
impunctate  bevel ;  truncate  apically,  lateral  angles  prominent, 
median  area  gently  curved,  anteriorly  with  a  rounded  protuber- 
ance. Mandibles  not  excised  externally,  at  most  shallowly 

Plolotypc. —  6  ,  Tulsa,  OKLAHOMA.  July  18  (J.  C.  Bradley) 
[Cornell  University,  Type  no.  944.1].  Allot  yf^c. —  9,  Tulsa, 
OKLAHOMA.  July  18  (J.  C.  Bradley )  (Cornell  University, 
Type  no.  944.2J.  Punitvpcs:  <  )KLAHO.MA — 2  $  $  ,  Tulsa,  July 
18  (J.  C.  B.)  [C.  U.,  no."  944.3-944.4 j.  LOUISIANA— 1  9  ,  Har- 
row, June  19  (Jos.  Bequaert)  [C.  U.,  no.  944.6];  2  $  $  , 
Logansport,  June  1  (J.  C.  B.)  (C.  U..  no.  944.7-944.8].  TEXAS 
-1  9  ,  Feodor,  July  6  (Birkmann)  [Academy  of  Natural  Sci- 
ences of  Philadelphia];  1  $,  Galveston,  May  30  (J.  C.  B.) 
[C.  U.,  no.  944.5]  ;  2  $  $  ,  Richmond,  Brazos  River,  June  22 
(J.  C.  B.)  [C.  U.,  no.  944.9-944.10].  ARIZONA—!  $,  San 
Suor  (sic!),  July  14  (J.  C.  B.)  [C.  U.,  no.  944.11].  ALA- 
BAMA—6  $  $,  Burkville,  June  10  (J.  C.  B.)  [C.  U.,  no. 

All  specimens  were  apparently  caught  on  low  ground  in  the 
near  vicinity  of  streams.  The  specimens  from  Burkville,  Ala., 
and  Richmond,  Tex.,  have  the  maculations  cyanided. 

Enchemicrwm  is  an  annectant  between  Belomicrus  Costa  and 
O.vybcliis  Latr.  Its  affinities  with  Belomicrus  are  evidenced  by 
the  fine  puncturation  of  the  body,  the  armature  of  the  post- 
scutellum  and  propodeum,  the  impressed  ocular-ocellar  groove 
and  the  absence  of  a  distinct  crest  or  ridge  on  the  mesepisterna 
before  the  middle  coxae.  Were  it  not  for  the  well  developed 
squamae  and  mucro,  the  presence  of  a  well  defined,  enclosed 
median  area  on  the  propodeum  and  the  tarsal  comb,  anstnilc 
might  be  considered  a  New  \Yorld  representative  of  that  inter- 
esting /Ethiopian  subgenus,  Uriinocdns  Arnold. 

Until  further  material  is  forthcoming,  the  following  key  will 
serve  to  separate  the  Nearctic  genera  of  (  Kvbeline  wasps: 

1.  Tergites  1-5   (and  f>  in  the  6  )   abruptly  Hexed  under  at  the 
sides,  so  that  the  ventral  and  dorsal  portions  of  the 

222  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  IJulv.    '29 

tergites  form  a  sharp  edge  at  their  junction;  the  ster- 
nites  are  flat.  Last  tarsal  joint  not  swollen.  Appen- 
diculate  cell  of  the  forewing,  if  present,  very  small, 
so  that  the  radial  cell  appears  lanceolate  or  acute  at 

apex   Belomicrus  Costa. 

Tergites  not  sharply  flexed  under  at  the  sides ;  the  sternites 
are  convex.  Last  tarsal  joint  swollen.  Appendiculate 
cell  of  the  forewing  wide  so  that  the  radial  cell  is 

truncate  at  apex    (2) 

2.  Mesepisternum  with  a  precoxal  carina ;  scutellum  and  post- 
scutellum  longitudinally  carinate  in  the  middle  ;  punc- 

turation  of  body  coarse Oxybelus  Latreille. 

Mesepisternum  without  a  precoxal  carina ;  scutellum  and 
postscutellum  not  carinate ;  puncturation  of  body  fine 

Enchemicrum  Pate. 

A  Method  for  Rearing  Mushroom  Insects  and  Mites.* 
By  C.  A.  THOMAS,  Pennsylvania  State  College. 

While  conducting  studies  on  the  biology  and  control  of  insects 
and  mites  affecting  cultivated  mushrooms,  it  was  necessary  to 
rear  large  numbers  of  these  pests.  Various  rearing  methods 
were  tried,  including  the  use  of  soil  in  salve  boxes,  manure  in 
vials,  etc.,  but  none  was  found  more  satisfactory  than  the  fol- 

The  insects  and  mites  were  obtained  in  as  pure  a  culture  as 
possible.  They  were  then  introduced  in  small  numbers  into 
fresh  one-quart  bottles  of  commercial  mushroom  spawn,  and  al- 
lowed to  breed  and  develop.  This  spawn  is  made  of  chopped 
straw  and  manure  thoroughly  mixed,  sterilized  in  an  autoclave, 
and  later  inoculated  with  mushroom  mycelium,  grown  from 
spores.  With  incubation  at  room  temperature,  the  mycelium 
penetrates  to  the  bottom  of  the  bottles  and  completely  fills  the 
interstices  of  the  medium.  This  spawn  is  thus  pure-culture 
and  is  uncontaminated  with  molds. 

It  is  very  important  that  the  flies  and  springtails  to  be  reared 
should  be  free  from  mites,  the  hypopi  of  which  are  often  car- 
ried on  their  bodies.  Otherwise  the  mites  may  breed  so  rapidly 
as  to  destroy  the  mycelium  and  perhaps  starve  the  insects. 

*Publication  authorized  by  the  Director  of  the  Pennsylvania  Agricul- 
tural Experiment  Station  as  Technical  Paper  No.  475. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  223 

Contamination   with  molds  should  also  he  prevented   as   much 
as  possible. 

These  bottles  of  insect  colonies  should  he  kept  in  a  somewhat 
humid  atmosphere,  as  many  species  of  Springtails  cannot  with- 
stand drying  of  the  cultures.  After  the  cultures  have  been 
developing  for  awhile  the  insect  excreta,  as  well  as  bacteria  en- 
tering with  the  insects,  will  usually  make  the  medium  moisl 
enough  so  that  further  additions  of  moisture  are  unneces.sary. 
Tight  cotton  plugs  are  used  in  the  bottle  mouths. 

Most  of  the  rearing  experiments  were  carried  on  at  temper- 
atures between  50  and  65  degrees  Fahr.,  as  these  represent  the 
usual  temperature  limits  of  the  bearing  mushroom  houses. 

The  mushroom  mycelium  furnishes  an  excellent  food  tor 
these  mushroom  pests,  and  they  gradually  eat  it  out,  leaving 
the  original  straw-manure  medium.  Feeding  begins  at  the  top 
of  the  spawn,  and  as  it  progresses,  the  portion  destroyed  is 
sharply  differentiated  from  the  uneaten  part.  Fggs  are  laid 
and  the  stages  develop  right  next  to  the  glass,  where  they  are 
easily  observed  with  a  binocular  microscope.  In  studying  the 
development  of  any  particular  eggs  or  groups  of  other  stages, 
a  circle  is  drawn  around  them  on  the  glass  with  a  wax  pencil. 
They  are  thus  readily  referred  to. 

The  following  insects  have  been  successfully  reared  in  spawn 
bottles  of  this  type : 

DIPTERA  :     Sciaridae,  Mycetophilidae. 

Sciara  coprophila  Lintner. — det.  by  O.  A.  Johannsen. 
Neosciara   panciscta  Felt. — det.  by  Johannsen. 

Many  generations  of  these  flies  have  been  reared  in  these 
spawn  bottles,  one  series  for  over  one  and  one-half  years  in  the 
same  bottles.  Three  generations  of  a  parasite  of  these  Hies  were 
also  reared.  This  parasite  is  a  species  of  the  Hymenopteron 
Calliccras  (Ccraphron),  near  am  phi  Ashmead,  as  determined 
by  Gahan,  who  says  it  is  probably  a  new  species. 

DIPTEKA:  Cecidomyiidae.  Small  orange-colored  Hies  ot  this 
family,  the  larvae  of  which  were  collected  in  mushroom  cap> 
and  mushroom  beds,  have  been  reared  successfully.  Ihese 
flies  have  not  yet  been  identified. 

224  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty'    '29 

COLLEMBOLA  (  Springtails)  —  These  tiny  insects  are  sometimes 
rather  difficult  to  rear  under  experimental  conditions,  due  to 
their  susceptibility  to  dessication,  but  in  these  spawn  bottles 
they  thrive  remarkably  well  and  large  numbers  of  the  follow- 
ing species  have  been  reared. 

Achorutcs  annatus  Nic.  Very  large  numbers  of  these  tiny 
gray  springtails  are  commonly  found  in  manure  piles  and  in 
mushroom  houses.  In  the  latter  they  sometimes  do  considerable 
damage  by  feeding  on  the  mushroom  caps  and  on  the  mycelium 
in  the  beds.  They  thrive  in  the  spawn  bottles  but  are  quite 
susceptible  to  drying.  Immense  numbers  of  these  springtails 
gather  in  the  aisles  of  the  mushroom  houses  where  they  form 
piles  sometimes  a  foot  in  diameter  and  several  inches  deep, 
containing  probably  millions  of  individuals.  It  is  presumed  that 
these  are  breeding  piles,  although  pairing  has  not  actually  been 

Proisotoma  (Isotoina)  tninuta  Tullb.  Collected  in  soil. 
Usually  breeds  rapidly  in  spawn  bottles. 

Isotoma  sp.  Probably  a  new  species,  according  to  Dr.  J.  W. 

Lcpidocyrtus  cyancus  Tullb.  This  species  breeds  very  readily 
in  spawn  bottles.  It  is  usually  common,  sometimes  abundant  in 
mushroom  houses,  where  it  feeds  on  the  mycelium  in  the  beds. 
It  can  withstand  somewhat  dryer  conditions  than  can  some  of 
the  other  springtails. 

L.  albus  Pck.  Breeds  readily  in  spawn  bottles.  Collected 
from  soil  in  cultivated  field,  Bustleton,  Pa. 

Sminthurus  caccus  Tullb.  Breeds  slowly  in  spawn  bottles. 
This  is  a  very  interesting  little  white  species,  dotted  with  red. 
It  was  collected  at  Bustleton,  Pa.  Are  there  any  other  Pennsyl- 
vania records  for  this  species? 

ACARINA  (Mites).  There  usually  is  no  trouble  in  rearing 
Tyroglyphids  and  numerous  other  mites  in  the  spawn  bottles. 
In  fact  it  is  often  difficult  to  obtain  pure  cultures  of  mush- 
room insects  because  of  infestation  by  these  pests.  The  chief 
species  feeding  on  mushrooms  and  mycelium  are  Tyroglyphids, 
chiefly  Tyroglyph-us  Hntncri  Osborn,  another  Tyroglyphus 

XL,    '29  J  ENTOMi  )!.<)(; If  AL    NEWS  225 

species  and  sometimes  a  species  of  Histiosloine  which  feeds  on 
the  decaying  tissues  of  injured  or  diseased  mushrooms. 

All  of  the  ahove  mites  have  been  reared  through  many  gen- 
erations in  the  spawn  bottles,  and  all  stages,  including  the  very 
interesting  hypopi  of  the  Tyroglyphids,  have  been  found  in  the 
spawn.  Abundance  of  moisture  is  no  deterrent  to  the  develop- 
ment of  these  mites  as  they  may  often  be  found  partly  suh- 
nuTged  in  the  moist  surface  of  the  spawn  medium. 

I'Yom  the  notes  given  above  it  is  evident  that  mushroom 
spawn  forms  an  excellent  medium  for  rearing  and  observing 
mushroom  insects  and  mites.  Tt  is  probable  that  other  fungus 
insects  could  be  reared  in  these  bottles  provided  the  moisture 
and  other  factors  were  regulated  to  suit  the  species.  In  order  to 
make  smaller  cultures  the  spawn  may  be  removed  to  smaller 
bottles  or  vials.  However,  it  is  necessary  to  avoid  contamina- 
tion with  molds  and  with  mites  during  this  process. 

Arachnara  subcarnea  Kell.   (Lepidop.:   Noctuidae)   a  Host 
of  Masicera  senilis   Rond.    (Dipt.:   Tachinidae). 

At  Monroe,  Michigan,  during  the  summer  of  1928,  the 
author  collected  from  a  stalk  of  cat-tail  (Typha  I  at  i  folia}  one 
specimen  of  Arachnara  subcarnea  Kell.  in  the  larval  stage, 
from  which  emerged  two  specimens  of  Masicera  senilis  Rond. 
both  of  them  females.  The  parasites,  feeding  internally  at  time 
of  collection,  pupated  externally  some  four  days  later,  and 
emerged  on  August  21,  having  been  reared  under  laboratory 
conditions  (Temperature  80°F;  Humidity  74 r/f}.  The  host 
was  determined  by  the  late  Dr.  H.  G.  Dyar  and  the  parasite 
by  Dr.  J.  M.  Aldrich,  both  of  the  U.  S.  National  Museum  at 
Washington.  Masicera  senilis  Rond.  is  an  imported  parasite 
of  the  European  corn  borer  (Pyninsta  nnhilalis  llubn.)  and 
has  only  recently  been  found  identical  with  Masicera  myoidea 
Desv.,  a  native  of  this  country. 

It  might  be  of  interest  to  know  that  the  base  of  the  Typha 
stalk  from  which  the  host  larva  was  dissected  was  submerged 
in  water  at  a  depth  of  approximately  18  inches.  It  was  there- 
fore necessary  to  insure  a  very  moist  condition  while  rearing 
the  parasites. 

A.  C.  COLE,  JR.,  Ohio  State  I'niversity. 

226  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '29 

Orphan  Nests  of  Polistes  (Hym.:  Vespidae). 

By  PHIL  RAU,  Kirkwood,  Missouri. 

The  nest  known  as  108  was  an  orphan  nest  of  P.  pallipcs 
taken  from  Wickes.  Mo.,  June  19,  1920.  At  that  date  it  com- 
prised eight  closed  cells.  Just  one  week  later  I  discovered, 
at  6  a.  m  ,  that  three  adults  had  emerged  and  were  clinging  to 
the  nest.  It  had  been  on  the  table  at  the  time  of  their  emer- 
gence, and  was  now  moved  to  a  west  window ;  after  a  few  min- 
utes one  and  then  another  flew  away,  the  first  taking  a  flight 
of  orientation.  The  third  one  was  faithful  and  remained  on 
the  nest. 

There  has  been  some  doubt  as  to  whether  the  young  adults 
bite  their  way  out,  or  whether  others  on  the  nest  assist  them  in 


emerging.  In  this  case,  at  least  the  first  one  must  have  bitten 
its  own  way  out  unaided. 

The  next  morning,  June  27,  this  one  was  still  acting  as 
queen.  One  other  cell  had  been  opened,  but  whether  an  adult 
had  emerged  and  flown  away,  or  whether  the  first  had  turned 
cannibal,  I  do  not  know.  It  was  by  this  time  evident  that  this 
one  was  acting  queen ;  she  assumed  full  charge  of  the  nest,  and, 
when  I  came  too  near,  flew  down  promptly  with  defiant  air,  and 
stung  me,  then  flew  high  into  the  air  and  dashed  away.  She 
had  evidently  explored  the  neighborhood,  for  she  flew  directly 
back  after  ten  minutes.  A  little  later  a  second  one  flew  in  and 
alighted  on  the  nest,  perhaps  the  one  whose  open  cell  had  just 
been  discovered.  This  now  made  two  on  the  nest ;  the  critical 
question  arose,  which  was  to  be  queen  ? 

By  July  4  there  were  on  the  nest  three  adults,  two  closed 
cells,  and  one  full-grown  larva  about  ready  to  spin  its  cap. 
There  were  also  some  small  cells  and  thriving  young  larvae ;  this 
condition  indicated  that  the  workers  had  been  faithful  to  duty. 
For  the  several  days  following,  these  three  adults  continued  to 
assume  the  care  of  the  nest.  One  of  them  was  constantly  on 
duty.  One  would  bring  in  a  ball  of  pulp,  divide  it  in  half  and 
both  or -all  would  do  the  masticating  preparatory  to  applying 
it  to  the  walls.  They  gave  much  attention  to  strengthening  the 
point  of  attachment  to  the  wall.  This  nest  was  pinned  to  the 

XL,  '29 1  K.vioMoi.or.icAi.   XF.WS  227 

wall ;  they  entirely  covered  the  pin  with  pulp,  even  that  part 
above  its  entrance  into  the  nest  where  the  added  material  obvi- 
ously was  of  no  value.  Some  very  effectual  braces  of  paper 
pulp  were  built  around  the  base  of  the  pin  to  the  woodwork. 
Even  an  additional  thin  petiole  was  inserted,  connecting  the 
nest  with  a  projecting  strip  of  wood  only  a  quarter-inch  away. 
Their  activities  in  general  seemed  to  be  quite  the  same  as  though 
the  wasps  had  emerged  in  normal  homes  with  parents  and  sis- 

Ik-sides  this  work  of  bracing  up  the  nest,  several  of  the  unfin- 
ished cells  were  completed  and  three  new  ones  added ;  the 

colors  of  the  material  showed 
clearly  where  the  additions  had 
been  begun.  On  July  2,1,  ten  of 
these  new  cells  contained  eggs. 
Orphan  wasps  often  add  cells 
to  the  nest,  not  in  a  circle 
around  those  already  existing, 
but  to  one  side  as  seen  in  figure 
1.  The  fact  that  they  build  cells 
without  ever  having  been  shown 
how  to  do  the  work,  places  this 

Polistes  t>alhpes  nest.     Arrow  indicates  ...  . 

portion  built  by  orphan  workers.  activity    111    the    Category    of     111- 

stinct.  Yet  the  fact  confronts  us  that  these  cells  are  all  built 
at  one  side,  whereas  pallipcs  always  places  the  cells  in  a  circle 
with  the  petiole  in  the  center.  This  digression  from  the  usual 
form  bv  the  orphan  workers  leads  one  to  suspect  that  while- 
cell  making  is  instinctive,  the  placing  of  the  cells  in  symmetrical 
position  is  either  learned  or  acquired  by  imitation. 

The  material  for  nest-building  was  all  brought  in  from  ihe 
outside-,  and  not  la/.ily  obtained,  as  might  be  expected,  by  iear- 
away  old  parts  of  the  nest  to  build  new  sections. 

During  this  period,  while  I  could  not  give  them  constant 
attention,  I  failed  at  any  time  to  find  the  nest  alone;  one  guard 
was  always  in  attendance.  A  series  of  markings  in  paint  were 
placed  on  these  wasps  on  July  21,  in  order  to  determine  whether 
or  not  it  was  always  the  same  one,  or  whether  more-  than  one 
assumed  the  duties  of  queen  or  guard. 

228  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty*    '29 

I  suppose  some  of  the  earlier  ones  got  lost  ;  it  was  really  sur- 
prising that  they  could  find  their  way  home.  All  their  relatives 
and  immediate  ancestors  had  homes  in  sheds,  less  than  ten  feet 
ahove  the  ground;  here  these  nests  were  pinned  to  a  window 
sash  on  a  third-floor  window  at  more  than  three  times  their 
normal  height,  in  a  row  of  city  houses  which  looked  enough 
alike  to  confuse  any  person.  Then  there  were  three  windows 
in  a  row,  about  three  feet  apart,  yet  the  wasps  learned  to  come 
not  only  to  the  abnormal  height,  but  also  to  the  right  house 
and  the  right  window  of  the  series.  At  first  they  would  often 
enter  the  wrong  window,  and  sometimes  even  though  they 
flew  out  again  by  the  right  one  they  would  reenter  the  first 
wrong  one,  and  so  on.  Thus  at  first  they  displayed  great  diffi- 
culty in  locating  their  nest,  but  later  they  became  very  skillful 
at  it. 

Thus  as  the  colony  grew,  these  three  orphan  adults  still  had 
charge  of  the  nest.  They  were  marked,  and  the  details  of  their 
conduct  were  recorded.  The  nest  at  this  time  comprised  two 
sealed  cells,  six  half  -grown  larvae  and  ten  eggs. 

At  9:05  a.  m.,  "blue-dot"  was  manipulating  a  ball  of  food- 
pulp;  at  intervals  she  poked  her  head  into  the  various  cells  of 
the  larvae.  At  9:22,  she  distributed  the  remainder  of  the  ball, 
but  the  hungry  larvae  gulped  it  down  so  quickly  that  I  could 
not  see  what  it  was. 

At  9:15,  "small-dot"  flew  out;  at  9:17,  "yellow-wing"  flew 
away.  Up  to  11  o'clock  neither  of  them  had  returned,  but  "blue- 
dot"  never  left  the  nest  during  that  period. 

At  11:15,  "small-dot"  returned,  passed  a  ball  of  brownish 
material  which  proved  to  be  food,  to  "blue-dot"  ;  two  hours  she 
had  spent  in  search  of  a  mouthful.  "Blue-dot"  chewed  and 
rolled  the  caterpillar  in  her  jaws  for  three  minutes,  and  then 
made  the  rounds  of  the  cells,  poking  her  head  inside  and  leav- 
ing a  bit  of  meat  in  each,  as  I  could  see  by  creeping  up  under  the 
nest  and  peering  into  the  mouths  of  the  larvae.  This  was  de- 
voured with  the  eager  haste  that  is  characteristic  of  most  young 
creatures.  Meanwhile,  "small-dot",  the  one  which  had  brought 
it  in,  made  her  toilet,  poked  her  head  inquiringly  into  two  of  the 
cells,  and  flew  away  again  at  1  1  :22,  presumably  to  fetch  the 

XL,    '29]  EN  TO  MOLOCH  AL     \K\VS  229 

remainder  of  her  caterpillar.  I  watched  closely  for  her,  think- 
ing that  if  she  had  noted  the  place,  she  could  easily  find  it 
without  being  gone  two  hours  this  time.  In  just  three  minutes 
she  returned  with  her  load,  hut  did  not  pass  it  to  "hlue-dot", 
whom  I  had  begun  to  regard  as  provisional  queen,  hut  instead 
she  walked  nervously  over  the  nest.  Ky  this  time  T  had  dis- 
covered that  the  material  was  after  all  not  food  hut  paper  pulp; 
soon  she  found  the  unfinished  cell  and  worked  it  in.  A  feu 
seconds  after  "small-dot's"  arrival  with  the  load,  "hlue-dot" 
flew  away,  hut  when  she  returned  empty-handed  in  five  min- 
utes, T  realized  that  this  was  only  a  queenly  flight  for  exercise 
and  not  for  work.  She  returned  he  fore  "small-dot"  left,  how- 
ever, so  as  to  he  on  guard. 

Twelve-thirty  arrived,  and  in  all  that  time  "yellow-wing" 
had  not  returned,  excepting  that  once  at  ahout  10  o'clock  she 
flew  in  at  the  window  and  right  out  again,  without  even  stop- 
ping on  the  nest.  She  was  then  empty-handed. 

At  12:35,  "small-dot"  returned  with  a  large  mass  of  green 
caterpillar-meat.  This  was  chewed  or  malaxated  in  partnership 
for  some  time  and  then  divided.  "Small-dot"  hroke  off  ahout 
one-fourth  of  the  piece,  manipulated  it  and  then  fed  it  to  the 
larvae,  while  queen  "hlue-dot"  took  the  larger  portion,  worked 
it  a  longer  time  and  disposed  of  it  likewise.  There  were  several 
larvae  to  be  fed,  and  each  received  a  small  portion  which  it 
rapidly  consumed.  One  that  I  watched  closely  actually  dis- 
posed of  its  portion  in  three  gulps.  I  think  that  during  this 
kneading  process,  some  of  the  food  is  swallowed  by  the  worker^, 
either  accidentally  or  intentionally.  I  watched  "small-dot" 
working  up  her  small  portion,  which  fed  three  larvae.  She 
would  manipulate  it  each  time  more  he  fore  feeding  it  and  dur- 
ing the  process  the  mass  grew  smaller,  so  I  suspected  that  she 
was  swallowing  some  of  it.  The  food  may  merely  have  been 
rendered  more  compact,  but  at  least  I  am  sure  that  in  mere 
bulk  the  larvae  would  have  gotten  three  times  as  much  if  she 
had  not  worked  it  thus  so  long  in  her  jaws.  The  fore- feet 
hold  the  mass  while  the  jaws  work  it.  and  after  it  i-  distributed. 
the  process  of  cleaning  the  legs  gives  the  worker  some  ol  the 
fragments  which  cling  to  the  feet. 

230  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [J^lV,    '29 

The  toilet  process  is  very  complete  ;  the  hind  legs  clean  the 
abdomen,  and  the  two  pairs  of  front  legs  and  the  pair  of  hind 
legs  clean  each  other  by  rubbing  and  scraping  one  leg  against 
another.  The  front  legs  also  clean  the  head,  eyes  and  face, 
while  the  mouth-parts  clean  the  front  legs  also.  If  anyone 
wonders  about  the  utility  of  the  spines  on  the  legs  of  Polistes, 
let  him  see  this  cleaning  process,  where  one  leg  is  passed  under 
the  spine  of  another  in  the  cleaning,  and  their  use  is  apparent. 

Immediately  after  this  "small-dot"  left  again  and  returned 
at  12:52  with  another  large  piece  of  caterpillar.  The  process  of 
malaxating  and  feeding  was  repeated,  but  this  time  it  took  only 
two  minutes.  Again  she  left.  Only  once  did  queen  "blue-dot" 
leave  the  nest  when  the  worker  was  absent,  and  then  she  was 
gone  for  only  three  minutes. 

I  was  obliged  to  be  absent  until  (>  p.  in.  ;  at  that  time  I  found 
"blue-dot"  on  the  nest,  as  usual.  At  that  time  of  day  the  nest, 
on  the  outside  of  the  west  window,  was  in  the  full  glare  of  the 
sun.  This  wasp  was  ventilating  the  nest  by  standing  on  it  with 
the  body  motionless  and  rapidly  vibrating  the  wings,  for  imny 
minutes  at  a  time.  At  6:58,  "small-dot"  returned  with  a  large 
ball  of  green  caterpillar,  and  the  process  of  working  and  divid- 
ing it  and  feeding  the  young  was  repeated,  and  in  addition  the 
drinking  of  saliva,  described  elsewhere*.  A  drop  of  molasses' 
placed  on  the  nest  was  promptly  cleaned  up  by  "small-dot". 

It  seemed  at  that  time  that  "yellow-wing"  must  have  met 
with  tragedy,  for  she  did  not  return  all  day  or  at  night.  "Small- 
dot"  also  remained  out  all  night  July  25-26,  and  had  not  yd 
come  back  at  9  a.  m.,  but  at  11  p.  m.,  when  I  returned,  she  was 
back  on  the  nest. 

On  August  3  there  were  two  new  adults  on  the  nest  ;  queen 
"blue-dot"  was  still  faithful.  This  nest  was  now  established  and 
in  good  working  order,  so  I  pinned  nest  255  a  few  inches  above 
it  on  August  6.  On  August  10,  at  midnight,  an  examination 
revealed  that  "blue-dot"  had  gone  to  this  nest,  and  was  holding 
and  chewing  in  the  darkness  an  immense  ball  of  larva  meat, 
which  had  evidently  been  taken  from  one  of  the  cells.  Two 
hours  before  she  had  not  been  on  the  nest.  Further  survey 

*Psyche  35:  153-156,  1928. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    .\K\VS  231 

discovered  "small-dot",  also  from  the  not  he-low  i  No.  108) 
on  nest  260,  which  was  pinned  to  the  opposite  window.  Such 
marauding  was  really  hecoming  alarming!  Were  these  the  acts 
of  individuals  under  ahnormal  conditions,  or  were  they  instances 
of  a  common  depredation  which,  under  cover  of  darkness,  had 
not  heen  discovered?  (  )n  August  12,  8  a.  m.,  "hlue-dot"  was 
still  on  the  nest,  and  at  that  time  I  also  found  two  other  marked 
adults  from  nest  108  there  devouring  the  larvae,  while  the  five 
others,  one  to  two  days  old,  on  this  nest  did  not  show  these 
cannibalistic  tendencies.  These  five  young  showed  a  lively  war 
spirit  when  I  came  close;  they  did  not  launch  a  direct  attack, 
but  stood  erect,  vibrated  the  wings  and  made  much  threatening 
commotion.  The  old  queen  took  my  visits  coldly;  I  could  almost 
poke  my  nose  into  one  of  the  cells  without  agitating  her.  All 
of  the  workers  had  at  this  time  deserted  nest  108.  Their  action 
could  not  have  been  because  they  had  naught  to  live  for  inas- 
much as  the  cells  still  contained  eight  eggs,  seven  larvae  and 
two  pupae.  During  the  next  day.  August  13,  "hlue-dot"  was 
coming  and  going  and  apparently  doing  as  she  pleased  on  nest 
255,  while  her  old  nest  (108)  was  completely  deserted. 

Let  us  for  the  time  shift  our  attention  to  a  P.  rariatiis  nest. 
which  now  entered  into  the  complications.  In  the  story  just  fin- 
ished I  record  the  disappearance  of  "yellow-wing"  from  her  nest. 
her  last  appearance  there  being  the  time  when  she  casually 
passed  by  on  the  wing  without  stopping.  A  little  later  I  dis- 
covered a  P.  f>a!li pcs  female  with  the  unmistakable  yellow  paint 
on  her  right  wing,  on  this  orphan  nest  of  /'.  raridtus!  She- 
stood  on  the  nest,  poked  her  head  into  the  cells,  and  gave  every 
indication  of  being  mistress.  From  her  mark  and  also  from 
her  species  it  was  evident  that  she  belonged  elsewhere.  I  gave 
her  half  a  P.  fmllipcs  larva;  she  took  it  and  walked  with  it  to 
the  roof  of  the  nest  where  she  went  through  the1  usual  work  of 
squeezing  out  the  inside  portion.  Three  of  the  cells  of  ibis 
P.  I'driatns  nest  contained  one-fourth  grown  larvae,  with  no 
one  to  feed  them,  and  I  thought  that  her  conduct  indicated 
that  she  intended  to  nourish  them.  She  carefullv  worked  tin- 
meat  for  fifteen  minutes,  gathering  the  muscle  tissue.-  into  a 
large  neat  ball  and  discarded  the  entrails,  thru  she  astonished 
me  by  taking  up  her  burden  and  living  out  of  the  north  window, 
returned  at  the  south  window  and  began  a  diligent  scaivh  she 

232  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty*    '29 

was  searching  for  her  old  nest  !  Once  more  she  flew  out  of  the 
window  and  came  back,  this  time  to  the  middle  window,  where 
she  found  her  old  nest  108  and  handed  over  her  load  of  pro- 
visions to  one  of  the  workers  then  present  !  She  did  not  return 
again  to  the  P.  variatus  nest,  either  to  get  the  rest  of  her  prov- 
ender, or  to  enjoy  the  privilege  of  playing  queen. 

Such  conduct  is  difficult  to  interpret.  Some  people  would 
probably  say  that  she  merely  got  lost  and  thought  this  was  her 
own  nest.  That  seems  unlikely  in  view  of  the  fact  that  when 
she  had  a  food  ball  to  dispose  of,  she  soon  found  her  own.  It 
is  hard  to  say  why  she  remained  on  this  nest,  apparently  quite 
content,  for  several  hours.  One  might  say  that  she  came  to 
rob  it  of  its  larvae,  but  if  that  were  true  she  had  ample  oppor- 
tunity to  do  so,  she  was  there  alone  and  undisturbed  for  a 
sufficient  length  of  time  to  act.  I  wonder  if  she  could  have 
been  swayed  by  an  impulse  to  want  to  start  things  anew,  but 
like  many  of  us  she  lacked  the  strength  of  purpose  to  carry  it 

Another  nest  of  P.  variatus  was  brought  in  from  Wesco, 
Mo.,  on  August  3,  1920.  The  nest  comprised  44  sealed  cells, 
1C)  with  larvae  and  35  containing  eggs,  about  a  dozen  adults 
had  been  routed  and  left  behind.  Two  days  later,  August  5, 
three  orphan  adults  emerged;  one  was  a  male!  These  wasps 
emerged  while  the  nest  was  lying  inverted  on  the  table  ;  it  was 
then  pinned  to  the  inside  of  a  wooden  box,  to  afford  it  some 
protection  from  the  intense  sunshine.  The  wasps  were  then 
picked  up  with  forceps  and  placed  upon  it,  but  the  two  workers 
walked  away  indifferently  and  escaped.  The  male  lingered, 
but  showed  no  purposeful  interest  in  anything  ;  rather,  he 
appeared  too  stupid  to  do  anything  else. 

(To  be  continued.) 

Benacus  griseus  at  Electric  Light 
(Heterop. :  Belostomatidae). 

On  Sunday,  April  7,  1929,  at  10.15  P.M.,  the  giant  water  bug 
Benacus  griseus  (Say)  was  very  abundant,  flying  about  a  very 
powerful  electric  light,  some  twenty  feet  high,  at  the  corner 
of  North  Broadway  and  Gay  Street,  Baltimore,  Maryland.— 
ROBERT  M.  STABLER,  Zoological  Laby.,  University  of  Penna., 
Philadelphia,  Penna. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  233 

Notice  to  Contributors  to  the  News. 

As  the  Editor  of  the  NEWS  expects  to  lie  absent  on  a  visit 
to  Europe  from  July  10  to  September  30,  it  is  requested  tli:ii 
all  manuscripts,  advertisements  and  otber  material  for  inser- 
tion in  the  NEWS  be  expressly  addressed  to  ENTOMOLOGICAL 
NEWS,  Zoological  Laboratory,  University  of  Pennsylvania, 
Philadelphia,  Penna.,  and,  as  far  as  possible,  sent  well  in 
advance  of  the  earlier  date  named. 

Corythucha  decens   Stal.   in  Pennsylvania   (Heteropt. : 


While  collecting  on  the  County  line  separating  Philadelphia 
and  Montgomery  counties,  T  took  a  single  specimen  of  Cory- 
thucha dcccns  Stal.  with  my  sweep-net  on  June  26th,  19-7. 
C.  marmorata  Uhl.  was  very  abundant  and  T  did  not  notice-  the 
specimen  of  dcccns  until  I  was  mounting  it.  A  Her  making 
several  more  visits  to  the  same  locality  I  was  unsuccessful  in 
securing  any  more  specimens.  Due  to  the  fact  thai  there  had 
been  some  confusion  as  to  the  occurrence  of  C.  dcccns  in  the 
United  States  due  to  wrong  determinations  and  also  that  it  was 
confused  with  C.  marmorata  before,  I  sent  the  specimen  to 
Dr.  Carl  J.  Drake,  of  the  Iowa  State  College,  and  after  he  had 
carefully  examined  it  and  compared  it  with  the  Central  Ameri- 
can specimens  of  C.  dcccns  he  had  in  his  collections,  he  wrote 
in  part  as  follows  :— 

"I  believe  that  it  would  be  best  to  call  this  species  Corythucha 
dcccns  Stal  as  you  have  done.  The  triangular  process  of  the 
pronotum  seems  to  be  slightly  long  and  the  hood  not  quite  so 
strongly  inflated  as  in  the  Central  American  species  of  C. 
dcccns  before  me.  However,  I  believe  that  these  differences 
are  only  slight  variations." 

In  view  of  the  above,  C.  dcccns  Stal  can  now  be  detmilely 
recorded  from  the  United  States. — JOHN  C.  LUTZ,  Philadelphia. 

Notes  on  Hesperiid  Nomenclature  (Lepid.). 
Lindsey  (Ent.  News  39:239,  1928)  stales  that  "since  Hiib- 
ner's  Tentamen  has  been  officially  discarded  Urbanus  cannot 
be  used  in  place  of  Hcspcrhi  Auct.  Pvrt/iis  is  the  next  available 
name."  As  previously  shown  by  Lindsey  (  Ann.  Knt.  Soc.  Am. 
18:75,  1925).  the  generic  name  Hcspcria  has  been  wrongly 
applied  since  1872  when  both  Crotch  and  Scndder  cited  inal- 
('(/<•  Linn,  as  genotype  instead  of  comma  Linn.,  thrice  cited  as 
genotype  before  thai  date.  //V.v/vrm  reverts  to  tin-  subfamily 
containing  comma  Linn.:  this  division  of  the  familv  tak- 
ing the  name  Hcspcriinac  (nee  Pampkilinae}  I  lames  and 

234  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  IJuly<    '29 

Lindsey  (Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.  15:89,  1922)  used  the  Tentamen 
name  Urbanus  for  Scudder's  Hcspcria  (type  malvac  Linn.), 
and  chose  the  subfamily  name  Urbaninac.  As  a  result  of  die 
dropping  of  Urbanus  in  favor  of  the  next  availahle  name, 
Pyrc/us,  this  subfamily  should  be  termed  the  Pyrginac  (nee 
Hesperiinae  Auct.)  (See  Article  5  of  the  International  Rules 
of  Zoological  Nomenclature.) 

Considerable  confusion  has  existed  in  the  use  of  the  generic 
names,  Goniurus  Hiibner  (1820)  and  Eudanms  Swainson 
(1831-32).  Skinner  and  Williams  (Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc. 
48:114,  1922)  summarize  the  usage  of  these  names  since 
Watson's  citation  of  cochts  Cram,  as  type  of  Goniurus  in  1893. 
They  however  wrongly  assume  that  Lindsay's  usage  of  sim- 
pliciits  Stoll  as  type  of  Goniurus  is  based  on  the  first  mentioned 
species ;  this  species  was  designated  as  type  by  Butler  in  1870. 
It  appears  to  the  writer  however  that  even  Butler's  citation  was 
unnecessary.  Westwood,  in  1852  (Gen.  Diurn.  Lep.,  p.  510), 
in  speaking  of  the  species  included  in  Goniurus  (misspelled 
"Goniuris"),  refers  to  "these  species  (of  which  Papilio  Proteus 
may  be  considered  as  the  type)  .  .  ."  In  1875  Scudder  (Hist. 
Sketch  Gen.  Names)  does  not  mention  Westwood's  citation 
but  makes  the  remark  under  Goniurus  that  "neither  Proteus 
nor  Simplicius  can  be  taken  as  the  type,  since  they  are  con- 
generic, and  Proteus  has  been  taken  as  the  type  of  Eudamus." 
Since  proteus  not  only  could  be  but  was  taken  as  type  of  Goni- 
urus by  Westwood  in  1852,  Eudamus  and  Goniurus  have  had 
the  same  type  from  that  time.  Hence  Eudamus  Swains.  (1831- 
32)  falls  as  synonymous  to  Goniurus  Hubn.  (1820). — HAROLD 
H.  SHEPARD,  Bur.  of  Ent.,  Washington,  D.  C. 

Rocky  Mountain   Conference  of   Entomologists. 

The  sixth  annual  meeting  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  Confer- 
ence of  Entomologists  is  to  be  held  in  Pingree  Park,  Colorado, 
August  19  to  24,  1929.  Notices  to  this  effect  have  been  sent  to 
a  number  of  entomologists,  but  it  is  impossible  to  reach  all,  so 
readers  of  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  are  cordially  invited. 

Arrangements  are  such  that  other  members  of  the  family 
can  be  accommodated.  The  meetings  are  usually  quite  informal 
with  time  permitted  for  recreation  and  collecting.  The  collect- 
ing in  the  mountain  area  is  usually  at  its  best  at  this  season  of 
the  year.  As  arrangements  must  be  made  in  advance  for  the 
taking  care  of  a  crowd  more  than  50  miles  from  supplies,  it  is 
important  that  the  secretary  be  notified  in  advance  by  all  who 
expect  to  attend.  We  would  also  appreciate  having  subjects  for 
papers  or  discussions  sent  at  an  early  date. — GEORGE  M.  LIST, 
Secretary,  Fort  Collins,  Colorado. 

XL,    '29  j  ENTOMOLOGICAL     XKWS  235 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,       WITH      THE       ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 

Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  ;it  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
hut  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
l.mvfver,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  he  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  |  I  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  tlie  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
.vr\vs  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
volume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

fjUf-ZVofe  the  change  in^the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in    the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Bequaert,  J. — Present  trends  in  systematic 
entomology;  Descriptions.  [19]  24:  98-102.  Brues,  C.  T.- 
Present  trends  in  systematic  entomology.  General  discus- 
sion. [5]  36:  13-27.  Calder,  E.  E.— Obituary.  [19]  24: 
115.  Doll,  J.— Obituary.  [19]  24:  104-109.  ill.  Essig,  E. 
O.— Man's  influence  on  insects.  [76]  1929:  499-506,  ill. 
Friederichs,  K.— A  collecting  vial.  [12]  22:  420.  Frost, 
C.  A. — The  unexpected  acid  test.  [Acid  ejected  by  Carabus 
vinctus).  |5|  36:  59.  Gunder,  J.  D. — Mounted'  genitalia 
attached  to  specimens.  [4]  61  :  97-98,  ill.  Haase,  J. — Die 
lichtfalle.  ein  hilfsmittel  zur  erforschung  der  lokalfauna. 
[18]  23:  89-107,  ill.  Headlee  &  Burdette— Some  facts 
relative  to  the  effect  of  high  frequency  radio  waves  on  in- 
sect activity.  [6J  37:  59-64.  Heikertinger,  F. — Was  i^t 
T.U  tun  in  der  entomologie?  [79]  14:  208-227.  Locke,  D.— 
The  tragic  account  of  the  fall  of  a  thriving  community  o! 
Bolivian  umbrella  ants.  How  the  supplies  they  garnered 
caused  their  dramatic  end.  |15|  1929:  296-306,  ill.  Neave, 
F. — Reports  of  the  Jasper  Park  Lakes  Investigations  1{>25- 
1926.  Plecoptera.  159-173.  Aquatic  Insects.  185-195.  The 
Beetles  by  J.  B.  \Vallis.  221-225.  |Contr.  Canad.  Biol.  & 
Fish.  |  Vol.  4.  Stiles,  C.  W. — Amendments  to  the  inter- 
national rules  of  zoological  nomenclature.  |  .\oi>k  Knt. 
Tidsskrift]  2:  259-261.  v.  Tunkl,  F.  F.— Knlturgochicht- 
liche  notizen  zur  heuschreckenplage.  |2<>|  9:  173-176. 
Weiss,  H.  B. — The  entomology  of  Martin  Lister,  physician. 
naturalist  and  antiquarian.  [6]  37:43-48. 

236  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [July,    '29 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Barnes,   H.   F.- 

Some  remarks  on  Paedogenesis  in  gallmidges  (Cecidomyi- 
dae).  [8]  65:  138-139.  Bidder,  G.  P.— Geotropism  and  an- 
tennae. [31]  123:  799.  Brohmer,  P. — Schiilerubungen  iiber 
die  mundwerkzeuge  der  insekten  als  mittel  phylogenetisch- 
er  erkenntnisbildung.  [Mikrokosmos]  22:  130-133,  ill. 
Bugnion,  E. — Les  organes  bucco-pharynges  de  la  fourmi 
coupe-feuilles  du  Bresil  Atta  sexdens.  [34]  82:  55-78,  ill. 
Dolley  &  Wierda. — Relative  sensitivity  to  light  of  different 
parts  of  the  compound  eye  in  Eristalis  tenax.  [42]  53: 
129-139,  ill.  Donisthorpe,  H. — Gynandromorphism  in  ants. 
[34 1  82:  92-96.  Eidmann,  H. — Die  koloniegrundung  von 
Formica  fusca  nebst  untersuchungen  iiber  den  brutpfle- 
geinstinkt  von  Formica  rufa.  [34]  82:  99-114,  ill.  Gerould, 
T.  H. — History  of  the  discovery  of  periodic  reversal  of 
heart-beats  in  insects.  [92]  56:215-225.  Headlee,  T.  J.— An 
apparatus  for  the  study  of  comparative  effects  of  constant 
versus  variable  temperatures  on  the^  speed  of  insect  meta- 
bolism. [6]  37:  25-27.  Hirschler,  J. — Sur  la  relation  entre 
le  noyau  et  les  composants  plasmatiques  (appareil  de  Golgi, 
vacuome)  dans  les  spermatocytes  des  Lepidopteres.  [69] 
101 :  82-85,  ill.  Hosselet,  C. — Les  elements  du  chondriome 
dans  les  espaces  nerveux  intercellulaires  et  dans  le  nerf, 
chez  les  insectes.  [69]  101:  85-87,  ill.  James,  H.  C.— On 
the  post-embryonic  development  of  the  female  genitalia 
and  of  other  structures  in  the  chalcidoid  insect  Harmolita 
graminicola.  [93]  1928:  661-695,  ill.  Lopez,  A.  W.— Mor- 
phological studies  of  the  head  and  mouthparts  of  the  ma- 
ture codling-moth  larva  Carpocapsa  pomonella.  [67]  5 : 
19-36,  ill.  Merker,  E. — Die  pigmentverschiebungen  im  net- 
zauge  der  insekten  miter  dem  einfluss  von  ultraviolettem. 
[89]  46:  297-372,  ill.  Nabours  &  Foster.— Parthenogenesis 
and  the  inheritance  of  color  patterns  in  the  grouse  locust 
Paratettix  texanus.  [92]  56:  129-155,  ill.  Panu  &  Verrier. 

—Contribution  a  1'etude  du  pigment  et  des  variations  chro- 
matiques  de  Phyllium  siccifolium  (Orthoptere  phasmide) 
[77]  100:  1118-1120.  Phillips,  E.  F.— Variation  and  cor- 
relation in  the  appendages  of  the  honeybee.  [Cornell  Univ. 
Agric.  Exp.  Sta.]  Mem.  121:  52  pp.,  ill.  Pierantoni,  U.— 
L'organo  simbiotico  di  Silvanus  surinamensis.  [Atti  Reale 
Accad.  Naz.  Lincei,  Roma]  9:  451-455,  ill.  Prell,  H. — Die 
vereinheitlichung  der  bezeichnungsweise  fiir  die  verschie- 
denen  generationsfolgen  von  insekten  mit  mehrjahriger 
generation.  |34|  8:  203-219.  Rudolfs,  W.— Studies 'on 
chemical  changes  (luring  the  life  cycle  of  the  tent  cater- 
pillar ( Malacosoma  americana)  IV.  Glycogen.  [6]  37: 

17-23,   ill.      Salman,    K.   A. — The   external    morphology   of 
Pepsis    elegans    (Psammocharidae).       [1]    55:    119-153,   ill. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  237 

Timon-David,  J. — Action  <lu  brome  sur  les  huiles  d'insectes. 
|n')|  188:  1122-1124.  Verlaine,  L— L'instinct  el  rintelli- 
gence  chez  les  Hymenopteres.  IX. — La  notion  <ln  temps. 
[33]  69:  115-125.  Whedon,  A.  D.— .Muscular  reorganization 
in  the  Oclonata  during  metamorphosis.  [92]  5o :  177-192, 
ill.  Woods,  W.  C. — The  integument  of  the  larva  of  the  alder 
flea  beetle.  [19J  24:  116-123,  ill.  Zernoff,  M.  V.— Kssai  de 
scrotherapie  chez  Galleria  melonella.  |69|  188:  1321-1323. 

ARACHNIDA   AND   MYRIOPODA.— :|:Chamberlin,   J. 

C. —  Dinocheirus  tenoch,  an  hitherto  tin  described  genus  and 
species  of  false  scorpion  from  Mexico  (  Chelonethida ).  |55] 
5:  171-173.  *Crosby  &  Bishop. — Three  new  species  of  spi- 
ders (Linyphiidae).  [4]  61:  101-105. 

D.  E. — Coryphaeschna  longfieldae  sp.  n.,  from  Brazil,  and 
its  allies.  "[75]  3:  489-493,  ill.  Moll,  F.— Termiten  als 
Schadlinge  am  Holz  und  der  Schutz  gegen  sie.  [Zeit. 
Pflanzenkrankheiten  und  Pflanzenschutz]  39:  177-180,  ill. 
Neave,  F. — Plecoptera.  See  under  general.  Nevin,  F.  R.— 
Larval  development  of  Sympetrum  vicinum  (Libelltilidae; 
Sympetrini).  [1]  55:  79-102,  ill.  *Snyder,  T.  E.-  \Tew  ter- 
mites from  the  Antilles  and  Middle  America.  [10]  31:  79- 
87,  ill.  Stager,  R. — Der  ameisenlowe  totet  sein  opfer  durch 
gift.  [Kosmos]  26:  176-178.  Walker,  E.  M.— The  Oclo- 
nata (dragonflies)  of  the  Lake  Abitibi  region.  [Univ.  To- 
ronto Studies  Biol.  Ser.]  1928:  37-44. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Allard,  H.  A.— The  last  meadow  ka- 
tydid ;  a  study  of  its  musical  reactions  to  light  and  tempera- 
ture (Tettigoniidae).  [1]  55:  155-164.  *Beier,  M— \\Vi- 
tere  neue  manticlen  aus  der  sammlttng  des  Naturhistorischen 
Museums  in  Wien.  (S).  [34]  8:  245-254,  ill.  Fulton,  B.  B.- 
The  camouflage  cricket  Neduba  carinata  (Tettigoniidae). 
[55]  5:  175-180,  ill.  Hubbell,  T.  H.— The  distribution  of 
the  beach -grasshoppers  Trimerotropis  huroniana  and  Tri- 
merotro])is  maritima  interior  in  the  Great  Lakes  region 
i  \crididae).  [6]  29:  31-38,  ill.  Olsen,  O.  W.— Notes  on 
the  Tetriginae  of  Utah.  [55  j  5:  181-182. 

HEMIPTERA.  —  *Goding,  F.  W.--New   Mi-mbracidac. 
VI.     (S).     [6]  37:  11-12.     Coding,  F.  W.-  Notes  on  softie 

South   American   Membracidae.      |<>|    37:  7-9.     Neave,  F.— 
Aquatic  insects.     (See  under  (ic-neral.)     Van  Duzee,  E.  P.— 
Note  on  two  Berytidae.    |55|  5:  166.    *Van  Duzee,  E.  P.- 
A  new  Oecleus  (Fulgoridae).     |55|  5:  173.    Van  Duzee,  E. 
P. — Addition.-  to  the  Oslumin  katalog.    [55]  5:  182. 

238  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Juty'    '29 

LEPIDOPTERA.—  Anon.—  The  identity  of  Papilio  mo- 
nuste  (Pieridae).    [Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  3:  52-56.    Brodie,  H.  J. 

—Notes  on  the  early  stages  of  Anisota  manitobensis.  [4] 
61  :  98-100,  ill.  Gunder,  J.  D.  —  Rediscovery  of  Euphydryas 
hermosa.  [55]  5:  170.  *Hall,  A.  —  New  forms  of  Nymphali- 
dae  in  the  collection  of  the  British  Museum.  (S).  [9]  62: 
130-135,  ill.  *Klots,  A.  B.  —  A  revision  of  the  genus  Eurema. 
(Pieridae).  Part  IT.  New  world  species,  taxonomy  and 
synonymy.  [70]  9:  99-163,  ill.  Klots,  A.  B.—  Note's  and 
additions  for  1928  to  the  New  York  State  list.  |6]  37:  41-42. 
*Krtiger,  R.  —  Catagramma  hesperis  f.  biedermanni  ssp.  m. 
n.  (S).  [18]  23:  84-85.  *Kriiger,  R.—  Neue  tropische  fal- 
ter. [18]  23:  58-59.  *McDunnough,  J.—  Notes  on  some 
diurnal  Lepidoptera  from  Yellowstone  Park  and  the  adja- 
cent regions  of  Montana.  [4]  61  :  105-107.  Meyrick,  E.— 
Exotic  Microlepidoptera.  3:481-544.  Poulton,  E.  B.—  The 
assembling  of  male  moths  due  to  the  sense  of  smell.  [31] 
123:  717.  Ritchie,  J.  D.  —  Food-plant  of  Chrysophanus  hel- 
loides.  [19]  24:  103.  Roher,  A.—  Ueher  Melanismus  der 
schmetterlinge.  [26]  9:  159-162.  Ruediger,  E.  —  Ueber  das 
sammeln  von  Mikrolepidopteren.  [17]  46:  18-19,  cont. 
Ruediger,  E.  —  Ueber  das  sammeln  von  Mikrolepidopteren. 
[17]  46:  13-14,  cont.  Schultz,  V.  G.  M.  —  Protandrie  und 
protogynie  bei  Arctiiden,  Noctuiden  und  Geometriden. 
[45]  24:  151-157.  Seitz,  A.  —  Weitere  beobachtungen  und 
betrachtungen  u'ber  die  gattung  Stalachtis  und  ihre  ver- 
wandten.  [17]  46:  9-12,  14-16,  cont.,  ill.  Sherborn,  Tarns 
&  Prout.  —  On  the  dates  of  Hiibner's  "Verzeichniss  bekann- 
ter  Schmettlinge".  [75]  3:  568.  *Talbot,  G.—  Some  new 
forms  of  Castniidae.  (S).  [Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  3:  68-71. 
*Talbot,  G.  —  New  forms  of  butterflies  from  South  America. 

[Bull.  Hill  Mus.]   3:  81-86,  ill.     Watson,  F.  E.—  Eurymus 
eurytheme  f.  amphidusa  f.    9    pallida.     [6]  37:  48. 

DIPTERA.—  ^Alexander,  C.  P.—  Undescribed  species  of 
Eriopterine  crane-flies  from  the  United  States  and  Canada 
(Tipulidae),  Part  I.  [6]  37:  49-58.  Cuthbertson,  A.—  The 
mating  habits  and  oviposition  of  crane-flies.  [8]  65:  141- 
144,  cont.  Edwards,  F.  W.  —  A  revision  of  the  Thaumalei- 
dae.  [34]  82:  121-142,  ill.  Greene,  C.  T.—  Characters  of  the 
larvae  and  pupae  of  certain  fruit  flies.  [47]  38:  489-504,  ill. 
*Huckett,  H.  C.  —  New  Canadian  anthomyids  belonging  to 
the  genus  Hylemya.  (Muscidae).  [4]'  61  :  93-96,  cont. 
*Johannsen,  6.  A.  —  A  new  sciarid  from  Luray  Cavern,  Vir- 
ginia (Mycetophilidae).  |10|  31:  88.  Lindner,  E.—  Zur 
okologie  sudamerikanischer  Asiliden.  [45  1  24:  167-173. 
Parent,  M.  O.—  Cle  de  determination  des  males  des  especes 
nearctiques  et  neotropicales  reunies  du  genre  Condylo- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  239 

stylus.     I  An.  Soc.  Sci.   Bruxelles|   4o :  74-87.     *Schmitz,  H. 
-Mine-  IK-IK-  ecitophile  X.'inionotuni-art  aus  Brasilien.     [341 
82:  228-232.  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.— *Blaisdell,  F.  E.—  Revised  synopsis  of 
the  species  of  Eleodes  belonging  to  the  submenus  Meta- 
blapylis  with  description  of  two  new  species.  |55]  5:  163- 
Ino.  Boving,  A.  G. — On  the  classification  of  beetles  ac- 
cording to  larval  characters.  [19|  24:  55-80.  ill.  Brown, 
W.  J. — Some  new  species  of  Coleoptera.  [4]  61  :  108-110. 
*Brown,  W.  J. — Studies  on  the  Scarabaeidae  (  II  ).  [4|  61  : 
86-93.  *Bruch,  C. — Neue  myrmekophile  Histeriden  und 
verzeichnis  der  aus  Argentinien  bekannten  Ameisengaste. 
|34J  82:  421-437,  ill.  *Cameron,  M. — Description  of  a  new 
>pecies  of  Staphylinidae  from  British  Guiana,  and  a  new 
genus  from  Australia.  [75J  3:  599-601.  Davis,  A.  C. — Dia- 
brotica  balteata  again.  [55]  5:  116.  Driggers,  B.  F. — Notes 
on  the  life  history  and  habits  of  the  blueberry  stem  borer, 
Oberea  myops,  on  cultivated  blueberries.  [6J  37:  67-73. 
*Eggers,  H. — Eine  neue  Ipidengattung  aus  Nordamerika. 
[Tijds.  voor  Ent.]  72:  40-41.  Fall,  H.  C.— On  the  genus 
Phacdon.  [55]  5:  145-152.  *Fall,  H.  C.— On  Phyllophaga 
debilis,  with  descriptions  of  three  new  species.  [19]  24: 
110-114.  ill.  Goidanich,  A. — Correzioni  al  Coleopterorum 
Catalogus  di  Schenkling.  [Boll.  Lab.  Ent.  Inst.  Sup.  Agrar. 
Bologna]  1 :  93-95.  Hatch,  M.  H. — The  genera  and  subgen- 
era  of  Leiodidae  and  Clambidae.  [6j  37:  1-6.  *Hatch,  M. 
H.— Studies  on  Histeridae.  [4]  61  :  76-84.  Martin,  J.  O.- 
A  new  California  Malachius.  [55]  5:  174.  Neave,  F.— 
Aquatic  insects.  See  under  general.  Nunberg,  M. —  (Die 
morphologic  der  larven-und  imaginesmundwerkzeuge  der 
borgenkafer.)  [Polskie  Pismo  Ent.]  7:137-173.  *Ochs,  G. 
-Ein  neuer  Gyrinus  aus  Mexico.  [Senckenberg.  |  11  :  102- 
104,  ill.  *Ohaus,  F.- — Neue  Lucaniden  des  Senckenberg- 
Museums.  (S).  [Senckenberg.  1  11:  155-159,  ill.  Penecke, 
K. — Aus  der  praxis  des  kafersammlers.  X.  1  )as  sammeln 
von  Uliynchophoren.  [79]  14:  196-202.  *Pic,  M.  Phy- 
tophages  exotiques  nonveaux.  (S)  |25]  1920:  147-14S. 
:|:Psota  &  Ray. — A  new  Ptenidium  from  C'alifornia.  [4|  ol  : 
119.  Swaine  &  Hopping. — The  Lepturini  of  America  north 
ol  Mexico.  [Canada  Dept.  of  Mines]  Bull.  52:  97  pp.,  ill. 
*Van  Duzee,  E.  P. — Some  new  western  Hcmiptera.  [55| 
5:  1XO-1(>1.  Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— Change  of  names  |  in  Neo- 
clylus  and  Xylotrerhtis  | .  |  55  |  5:  136.  Wallis,  J.  B.— The 
bec-lles.  See  under  general.  West,  L.  S. —  Life  history  noti-> 
on  P>c-])henus  lecontc-i  (Dryopoidea;  Psephenidae).  |  l!at- 
tle  C'reek  Coll.  l',ull.|  3:  2-20.  ill.  West,  L.  S.— A  bibli- 
oqr;i]ili\  of  the  Dryopoidea.  [Suppl.  P>attle  Creek  C<>11. 
Bull. |  3:  3-12.  Zikan,  J.  J. — Zur  biologie  der  Cicindelidi-n 
Brasiliens.  [34]  82:  269-414,  ill. 

240  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July,  '29 

HYMENOPTERA.--*Cockerell  &  Timberlake.  —  Two 
new  bees  of  the  genus  Triepeolus.  [55J  5  :  167-170.  Escher- 
ich,  K. — Einige  notizen  iiber  die  lebensweise,  wirtschaft- 
liche  bedeutung  und  bekampfung  cler  blattschneideramei- 
sen  (Atta).  [34]  82:  185-197,  ill.  *Ferriere,  C.— Nouveaux 
Diapriides  du  Bresil,  notes  des  Eciton.  [34]  82:  156-171,  ill. 
*Frison,  T.  H. — Additional  descriptions,  synonymy  and 
records  of  North  American  bumblebees  (Bremidae).  [1] 
55:  103-118.  Haskins,  C.  P. — Note  on  an  imitation  of  the 
deportation  habit  in  Polyergus  lucidus.  (S).  [6]  37:  65-66. 
Hicks,  C.  H. — Notes  on  the  habits  of  Anthidium  collectum. 
[4]  61 :  84-86.  Joseph,  H.  C. — Le  repos  nocturne  chez  quel- 
ques  Hymenopteres  du  Chili.  [34]  82:  414-421,  ill.  Kara- 
wajew,  W. — Die  spinndriisen  der  weberameisen  (Formi- 
cid.).  [34]  82:  247-256,  ill.  Pitman,  E.  M.— The  marriage 
flight  of  ants.  [30]  9:  30.  Rau,  P.— The  habitat  and  dis- 
semination of  four  species  of  Polistes  wasps.  [84]  10:  191- 
200,  ill.  Reichensperger,  A. — Systematische  und  okolo- 
gische  Myrmekophilen-beitrage  (Staphyl.  Hist.).  [34]  82: 
257-268,  ill.  *Santschi,  F. — Nouvelles  fourmis  de  la  Repub- 
lique  Argentine  et  du  Bresil.  [An.  Soc.  Cien.  Argentina] 
107:  273-316,  ill.  Wheeler  &  Bequaert. — Amazonian  Myr- 
mecophytes  and  their  ants.  [34]  82:  10-39,  ill.  Wishart,'G. 
—Large  scale  production  of  the  egg  parasite  Trichogram- 
ma  minutum.  [4]  61  :  73-76,  ill. 

SPECIAL  NOTICES.— Opinions  105  to  114  rendered 
by  the  International  Commission  on  Zoological  Nomencla- 
ture. [Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.  Vol.  73.  No.  6,  26  pp.].  Contain- 
ing opinions,  on  Type  of  Oestrus  ;  and  on  Sarcoptes  Latr. 

Chas.  C.  Thomas,  Springfield,  111.,  and  Baltimore,  Md.  Pp. 
viii,  378,  149  figs.  $7.00'net,  by  post  $7.24. 

This  work  represents  the  first  attempt  since  the  publication 
in  1861  of  Hagen's  "Synopsis  of  the  Neuroptera  of  North 
America"  to  cover  the  entire  North  American  dragonfly  fauna 
in  a  single  descriptive  treatise.  The  need  of  such  work  is  indi- 
cated by  the  fact  that  the  number  of  species  recorded  from 
North  America,  north  of  Mexico,  has  nearly  doubled  since 
Hagen's  work  appeared.  The  "Handbook",  however,  is  much 
more  than  a  mere  manual  for  the  identification  of  species.  The 
introductory  part  contains  an  excellent  general  account  of  the 
characteristics  and  life  history  of  dragonllies,  together  with 
special  sections  on  the  collecting  and  rearing  of  these  insects  and 

XL,    '29]  KXTOMOLOCK'AL     NEWS  241 

on  their  relations  to  fish  culture;  while  the  special  part  con- 
tains tahles  for  the  identification  of  both  larvae  and  adults, 
as  well  as  descriptions  and  ecological  notes  on  all  of  the 

Perhaps  the  best  part  of  the  book  is  the  general  section 
(Part  1)  in  which  we  recognize  the  facile  style  and  vivid  de- 
scriptive powers  of  the  senior  author.  Following  a  short  his- 
torical sketch  of  American  oclonatology  the  life  history  of  a 
well  known  species  (.liui.v  jnnins  Dru.)  is  described  to  illus- 
trate that  of  the  order  as  a  whole.  Then  follow  sections  of  the 
Adult  Dragonfly,  the  Immature  Stages,  the  Eggs,  and  the 
Relation  of  Dragonflies  to  Fish  Culture.  The  first  two  of  these 
sections  are  each  divided  into  several  parts,  descriptive  of  struc- 
tures, habits  and  methods  of  collecting  and  rearing.  These 
sections  are  well  illustrated  by  some  of  Professor  C.  H.  Ken- 
nedy's fine  drawings  and  also  by  some  attractive  little  diagrams 
showing  methods  of  flight  and  oviposition. 

The  general  plan  of  the  Handbook  is  admirable  and  much  of 
this  plan  is  well  carried  out.  The  sections  on  the  Zygopterous 
genera  Enallayma  and  Ischnura,  by  C.  F.  Byers,  are  particu- 
larly thorough.  One  of  the  attractive  features,  which  relieves 
the  descriptive  part  of  the  dryness  usually  associated  with  sys- 
tematic treatises,  is  the  introduction  of  copious  notes  on  the 
habits  and  habitat  of  each  species,  where  the  data  are  available, 
these  notes  being  largely  in  the  form  of  quotations  from  the 
original  records.  An  attempt  is  made  to  introduce  common 
names  for  a  number  of  the  better  known  species. 

One  does  not  look  in  a  work  of  this  sort  for  new  features  of 
taxonomy,  but  we  note  in  the  genus  Goutplms  a  few  changes 
in  the  composition  of  the  subgenera,  which  we  believe  express 
better  than  in  previous  groupings  the  relationships  of  the 
species.  G.  spiral  us,  c.  </.,  is  removed  from  .lri</<>iiipliiis  to 
Coin  pints,  G.  abhrri'iatits,  l>reris,  and  related  forms,  as  well 
as  the  fratcrnus  group,  from  Goinplnis  to  Goiiipliitriis.  G. 
sruddcri  and  aumirola  are  also  placed  in  Goinplinnis,  although 
in  the  opinion  of  others,  including  the  reviewer,  their  relation- 
ships are  with  the  Slylunis  group. 

The  book  is  well  supplied  with  keys  to  all  the  taxonomic 
groups  both  in  the  larval  and  adult  stages.  These  keys  are 
necessarily  made  as  concise  as  possible  consistent  with  the 
proper  fulfilment  of  their  purpose,  and  on  the  whole  they  seem 
to  function  excellently.  Hut  in  the  kevs  to  species  in  certain 
genera  too  much  has  been  sacrificed  for  the  sake  of  brevity  and 
simplicity  and  characters  are  sometimes  used  which  are  trivial 
and  unreliable  or  even  incorrect.  This  is  notably  the  cast'  in  the 
treatment  ot  .  It'scliiui  and  Soiuulochlora.  For  instance.  .  Icxchnu 
coerulea  and  .1.  sitcliciisis  are  separated  by  the  length  of  the 

242  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS  [July,  '29 

stem  of  the  T-spot,  a  character  based  apparently  upon  a  badly 
copied  figure,  since  it  does  not  exist  in  reality.  The  distinctions 
given  between  Somatochlora  t^Iiitchoitsci  and  i\  septentrionalis 
are  likewise  unsound,  a  particularly  unfortunate  case,  inas- 
much as  the  figures  of  these  two  species  have  been  transposed. 

Again,  in  the  key  to  Lcucorrhinia,  L.  glacial  is  is  separated 
from  frigida  and  proximo  by  supposed  difference  in  the  colour 
of  the  thoracic  pleura,  a  difference  which,  so  far  as  glacialis 
and  f>ro.\-iiua  are  concerned,  is  merely  a  matter  of  age. 

One  more  instance  of  this  kind  may  be  given.  In  the  key  to 
the  females  of  Lcstcs  the  two  related  species  forcipatus  and 
disjunct  us  are  distinguished  by  length  only.  This  difference  in 
size  is  by  no  means  constant,  for  L.  forcipatus  decreases  in 
size  northward,  while  L.  disjunctiis  becomes  larger  in  the  north- 
west. The  relative  size  of  the  ovipositor  affords  an  easy  means 
of  separating  these  two  species. 

Another  series  of  errors,  mostly  of  only  minor  importance, 
is  found  in  connection  with  the  tables  in  which  certain  larval 
characters  are  given.  Some  of  these  pertain  to  the  characters 
themselves  while  others  are  concerned  with  the  references  to 

As  to  the  first  of  these  we  have  noted  only  a  few  cases.  In 
the  genus  Lcucorrhinia,  c.  g.,  three  of  the  six  species  have  well 
developed  dorsal  spines,  while  in  the  other  three  they  are 
either  wholly  lacking  (the  usual  condition)  or  are  vestigial 
(some  individuals  of  hudsonica).  In  the  table  they  are  indi- 
cated as  being  present  in  all  the  species,  and,  in  the  key  to  the 
genera  of  Libellulinae,  Lcucorrhinia  is  separated  from  Syni- 
pctruin  by  the  possession  of  "dorsal  hooks  as  long  as  the  seg- 
ments which  bear  them",  and  does  not  appear  elsewhere  in 
the  key.  The  character  used  to  separate  Cordulia  from  the 
Somatochloras  without  dorsal  hooks  is  also  invalid,  the  teeth 
of  the  lateral  lobes  being  about  equally  developed  in  these 

Concerning  the  references  to  descriptions  of  nymphs  the 
value  of  citing  the  first  published  description  is  not  apparent. 
What  is  really  wanted  is  the  best  available  description,  as  in 
pioneer  descriptions  the  distinctive  characters  are  of  ted  omitted. 

In  these  references  to  the  first  descriptions  of  nymphs  some 
curious  errors  occur.  Aeschna  const  ri  eta,  c.  g.,  is  credited  to 
Needham,  the  nearly  related  A.  innbrosa  to  Cabot.  Both  of 
the  descriptions  referred  to  were  published  under  the  name  of 
coiisfi-icla  before  itmbrosa  had  been  recognized  as  a  separate 
species,  but  both  really  belong  to  unibrosa  and  the  nymph  of 
cuiislricld  was  first  described  by  the  present  writer. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  243 

In  the  table  to  the  nymphs  of  Somatochlura  Xeedham  is 
again  credited  with  the  description- of  S.  dongata  as  well  as 
S.  l/ncaris,  though  the  references  are  to  the  selfsame-  descrip- 
tion. This  description,  referred  by  Needham  himself  to 
"Somatochlora  sp.  2"  really  belongs  to  dongata,  as  pointed  out 
by  the  writer  in  1924.  Since  his  description  was  published, 
however,  Needham  found  S.  linear  is  in  transformation  at  Lake 
Forest,  Illinois,  and  believing  the  exuviae  to  be  identical  with 
his  "species  No.  2"  referred  the  latter  to  S.  Uncurls.  He  had 
already  described  as  S.  don  gat  a  the  nymph  of  .V.  williamsoni. 
So  that,  on  this  basis,  Needham  is  given  the  credit  of  describ- 
ing the  nymphs  of  all  three  species. 

The  nymph  of  Enallagma  I'cspcntin,  credited  to  the  present 
writer,  was  first  correctly  described  by  Carman  (1917).1 

The  use  of  trinomials  is  avoided  and  this  is  probably  a  wise 
practice  in  a  book  that  is  not  intended  primarily  for  the  ad- 
vanced specialist,  but  there  have  been  some  unfortunate  conse- 
quences of  this  omission.  In  the  genus  Syinpctnnn,  c.  g.,  S. 
assiiuildhiin  appears  as  a  species  while  .9.  dccisuin  is  not  men- 
tioned at  all.  Both  names  have  been  commonly  quoted  as  sub- 
species of  nibicitndiilitin,  but  assiinilatuin  has  long  been  known 
as  a  mere  colour  phase  of  the  latter  species,  while  dccisuin 
has  constant  structural  characters  and  deserves  to  rank  as  a 
distinct  species.  Another  instance  is  that  of  slcschna  inter- 
nipt  a,  a  transcontinental  species  consisting  of  several  well- 
marked  races.  In  this  case  only  the  name  intcrmpta  is  used, 
but  the  distribution  given  is  that  of  the  race  interrnpta,  not  of 
the  species  as  a  whole. 

This  brings  us  to  the  question  of  distribution  and  one  of  the 
most  obvious  defects  of  the  book  is  the  manner  in  which  the 
ranges  of  the  various  species  are  given.  A  few  examples  will 
make  this  clear.  Hetaerina  americana,  which  is  absent  from 
the  northern  half  of  North  America,  being  confined  in  Canada 
practically  to  the  extreme  southern  part  of  Ontario,-  is  said  to 
inhabit  "N.  Am.  generally".  British  Columbia  is  included  in 
the  range  of  Lcstcs  forcipatus,  a  species  which  in  Canada  is 
confined  to  the  eastern  provinces,  while  L.  (iisJHiictiis.  the  com- 
monest British  Columbian  species,  is  not  mentioned  as  occur- 
ring west  of  North  Dakota.  The  only  locality  given  for 
Coenagrion  interrogatum  is  the  type  locality  "Sask.",  whereas 
it  has  been  recorded  from  Newfoundland  to  the  Rocky  Moun- 
tains, including  most  of  the  provinces.  The  distribution  of 
Coninlia  slnirllcffi  as  stated  (Alaska,  I'..  C.,  X.  J..  I 'a.  and  X. 
Y.)  is  also  misleading  as  its  main  range  is  from  Newfoundland 

1  Hull.   111.  State   Lab.    Nat.   Hist.   12:550. 
"  There  is  an  old  record  from  Montreal,  Que. 

244  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Ju'y»    '29 

to  Hudson  Bay,  British  Columbia  and  Alaska,  occupying  the 
entire  Canadian  zone,  where  it  is  a  dominant  species.  Macromia 
illinoicnsis  is  recorded  only  from  "N.  E.,  N.  Y.,  Pa.,  Del., 
N.  C."  and  yet  on  the  same  page  is  a  quotation  from  William- 
son in  which  this  species  is  mentioned  as  having  been  taken  in 
large  numbers  in  Sandusky,  Ohio.  Similarly  M.  -matinijica 
occurs  in  "Calif.,  Ariz."  although  we  read  a  little  further  on 
that  Kennedy  observed  it  at  Satus  Creek  in  Oregon.  Both  of 
these  species  occur  in  Canada,  but  Canadian  records  in  par- 
ticular have  been  largely  ignored.  Lastly  we  may  note  the 
case  of  La-dona  Julia,  whose  range  is  given  as  "N.  Y.  to  Md." 
This  is  very  incomplete  and  misleading  as  L.  Julia  is  a  trans- 
continental species  and  ranges  northward  to  the  Hudson  Bay 

Besides  those  already  mentioned  a  number  of  miscellaneous 
errors  have  been  noted.  These  are  chiefly  misprints  and  mis- 
spelled words  but  the  following  are  more  serious : 

P.  116.  The  figures  of  Complins  furcifcr  and  G.  villosipcs 
are  transposed. 

P.  135.  The  nymph  of  Acschna  sitchensis  is  omitted  from 
the  list  of  known  nymphs  of  this  genus. 

P.  181.  The  figure  of  Tctrayoncnria  splnosa,  referred  to 
under  this  heading  has  been  omitted. 

P.  198.  Under  Dorocordnlia  appears  the  statement  "Only 
the  nymph  of  D.  Icpida  has  been  made  known  (Nclm.  '01,  p. 
505)".  This  reference  is  to  D.  lib  era  not  Icpida. 

P.  236.  The  figures  of  the  vulvar  laminae  of  Sympetrnm 
rubicundulum  and  5.  obtntsnin  are  transposed. 

P.  310.  Under  Cocnayrion  appears  the  statement  ''The 
nymphs  of  none  of  our  American  species  have  been  as  yet  made 
known."  The  nymph  of  C.  resolution  was  described  by  the 
writer  in  1914  and  by  Kennedy  in  1915. 

The  quality  of  the  illustrations  is  variable.  Those  of  Part  I 
are  excellent,  as  are  also  all  the  venational  drawings.  The 
figures  of  appendages  and  genitalia,  however,  are  of  a  lower 
standard  and  are  frequently  crude.  In  some  cases  where  ap- 
pendages are  very  similar  it  would  have  been  better  if  more 
distinctive  characters  had  been  figured. 

As  the  "Handbook"  will  doubtless  be  more  generally  used 
for  many  years  than  any  other  work  on  North  American 
dragon  flies  it  is  unfortunate  that  it  is  marred  by  so  many  inac- 
curacies. Tn  spite  of  these  it  will  serve  a  very  useful  purpose 
not  only  to  teachers  and  general  students  but  also  to  advanced 
specialists  and  more  particularly  to  those  in  regions  where  the 
local  fauna  is  not  yet  well  known. — E.  M.  WALKER. 


Will  subscribers  who  have  received  duplicate  copies  of 
Entomological  News  for  March,  1929,  February,  1927,  and 
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OCTOBER,  1929 


Vol.  XL  No.  8 




Gunder— North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera—  VII.  .    .      245 
Hebard— A  Remarkable  Mew  Chilean  Genus  of  Grasshopper  (Orthop- 

tera,  Crytacanthacrinae)  .        .    . 

Ran— Orphan  Nests  of  Polistes  (Hym.:  Vespidae).  . 
Balduf— Hibernation  of  the  Striped  Cucumber  Beetle  (Coleop.:   Chry- 


Knight— The  Fourth  Paper  on  New  Species  of  Plagiognathus  (Hemip- 

tera:  Miridae) 

Harris — An  Unusual  CatocalaColouy  (Lepid.  :  Noctuidae). 
Knull — Three  New  Species  of  Agrilus  (Coleop.  :   Burprestidae) .  . 

Mora— A  Swarm  of  Dragonflies  in  Costa  Rica  (Odonata) 273 

Tristan-         "         " 

Entomological  Literature 


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Philip  P    Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
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Proof  will  be  sent  to  authors.  Twenty-five  "extras"  of  an  author's  contribu- 
tion, without  change  in  form  and  without  covers,  will  be  given  free  when 
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stated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  be 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  the 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  for 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
each  case  on  application  to  the  Editor.  Blocks  furnished  or  paid  for  by 
authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

The  printer  of  the  "News"  will  furnish  reprints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
five  given  free  at  the  following  rates:  One  or  two  pages,  twenty-five  copies,  35  cents; 
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of  copies  will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 


Plate  XII. 





VOL.  XL.  OCTOBER,    1929  No.  8 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

VII.     Barnes  Museum  of  Lepidoptera,  Decatur,  Illinois. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plates  XII,  XIII,  XIV.) 

Dr.  \Yilliam  Barnes  of  Decatur,  Illinois,  has  the  largest  col- 
lection of  North  American  lepidoptera  in  existence  and  it  can 
also  be  said  that  he  has  accomplished  more  general  taxonomic 
work  in  the  order1  than  any  other  living  man.  There  is  no  doubt 
that  the  best  work  in  lepidoptera  is  always  done  by  those  having 
adequate  material  and  that  the  poorest  is  offered  by  those  whose 
collections  cannot  back  up  their  observations.  "Get  long  series 
from  the  type  localities  and  you  will  know  what  you  are  doing" 
has  been  the  Doctor's  motto  and  objective.  Perhaps  this  is 
one  of  the  reasons  why  in  the  last  few  years  he  is  looked  upon 
as  the  American  authority. 

Decatur  is  a  prosperous  town  of  some  seventy  thousand  in- 
habitants in  the  central  part  of  the  State  of  Illinois  and  Dr. 
Barnes  has  always  lived  in  this  community.  His  people  are  old 
settlers  and  owned  hundreds  of  acres  of  some  of  the  best  agri- 
culture lands  in  the  district.  Born  September  3,  1860,  he  gradu- 
ated in  1877  from  the  Decatur  High  School  and  later  in  1883 
from  Harvard  University.  Following  in  his  father's  footsteps 
as  a  physician,  he  graduated  from  the  Harvard  Medical  School 
in  18<S6  and  has  since  specialized  in  surgery,  being  one  of  the 
founders  of  the  great  Decatur  and  Macon  County  Hospital  at 
Decatur  and  one  of  the  best  known  surgeons  in  the  state.  He 
was  married  to  Charlotte  Lancraft  Gillett  at  Elkhart,  Illinois, 
on  June  18,  1891.  A  married  son,  Wm.  Barnes,  Jr.,  and  a 
married  daughter,  Joan  Gillett  McArthur,  live  in  or  near  De- 
catur and  the  old  gentleman  is  a  very  happy  grandparent  indeed 

1  Strictly  Boreal  American,  north  of  old  Mexico. 


246  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

when  all  the  youngsters  happen  to  gather  around  the  house  or 
in  his  entomological  work  rooms.  Doctor  is  a  stanch  Republi- 
can and  does  not  care  much  about  the  blue-law  church  people. 
He  is  broad  shouldered  and  athletic  despite  his  years.  His  con- 
versation and  letters  are  always  to  the  point  and  he  has  a 
pleasing  definiteness  of  character  which  is  appreciated  by  his 
entomological  friends  and  others.  Whenever  there  is  a  Com- 
munity Chest,  a  new  baseball  field  or  some  other  civic  event  to 
"put  over",  Bill  Barnes  is  called  upon  to  take  charge,  for  they 
know  he  can  make  a  success  of  almost  any  undertaking. 

"No  one  in  particular  first  interested  me  in  lepidoptera,  as 
far  as  I  can  remember",  says  Dr.  Barnes,  "but  when  I  was  ten 
or  twelve  years  old,  I  used  to  pin  butterfly  specimens  on  wooden 
strips  and  tack  these  on  the  wall  in  my  room.  A  little  later  I 
kept  them  in  segar  boxes  and  still  later  in, wooden  boxes  which 
I  made  myself.  About  this  time  I  caught  a  transition  form 
(aberration)  of  Pyhciodes  tharos  (Dru)  which  I  sent  to  the 
Museum  of  Comparative  Zoology  in  Boston  and  I  suppose  it  is 
still  there.  While  a  student  at  Harvard,  I  knew  Oliver  Wendell 
Holmes  and  Louis  Agassiz.  It  may  be  it  was  these  gentlemen 
who  fired  my  zeal  to  seriously  continue  entomology  and  eventu- 
ally make  some  contribution  to  the  science". 

For  many  years  Dr.  Barnes  kept  his  collection  in  several 
rooms  in  his  residence,  but  as  these  became  too  small  and  the 
destruction  hazard  for  types  too  great,  a  special  detached  build- 
ing was  put  up  on  the  rear  of  his  lot.  This  unique  structure 
cost  upward  of  twelve  thousand  dollars  and  is  partly  shown 
in  the  circle  at  the  top  of  plate  XII.  It  is  isolated,  fire-proof, 
forty  feet  long,  thirty  feet  wide  and  fourteen  feet  high  and 
built  of  hollow  tile,  steel  and  concrete.  To  insure  against  damp- 
ness the  walls  have  two  air  spaces.  An  interesting  feature  is  the 
cement  floor,  which  is  heated  from  beneath.  To  provide  abun- 
dant light  there  are  three  plate-glass  windows  along  one  side, 
each  fifty-two  inches  wide.  On  plate  XII  Dr.  Barnes  is  shown 
sitting  at  his  desk  before  one  of  these  windows.  Additional 
light  is  afforded  by  three  large  sky-lights  in  the  ceiling,  sloping 


V  Hfcx 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  247 

to  the  north.  All  electric  wiring  is  in  conduit  and  plenty  of 
adjustable  drop  cords  furnish  illumination  on  cloudy  days. 

Regarding  the  collection.  Altogether  there  are  42  oak  cabi- 
nets of  nearly  uniform  size  containing  1232  drawers.  These 
are  arranged  in  parallel  rows,  double-decked,  down  the  center 
of  the  room.  (See  illustration  showing  one  of  three  aisleways.) 
The  drawers  are  double  walled  for  insecticide  with  triple-ply 
bottoms  and  have  plate  glass  tops.  They  average  20  x  24  inches 
in  size.  These  drawers  hold  the  real  mounted  collection  and 
contain  upwards  of  35,000  butterflies  and  170,000  moths.  These 
specimens  are  all  well  mounted  and  labeled  and  as  stated  before 
are  all  of  strictly  United  States  and  Canadian  origin.  Dupli- 
cates and  not-worked-up  specimens  are  kept  in  2160  Schmidt 
boxes  on  shelves  along  one  side  of  the  room.  (These  can  be 
seen  in  the  background  on  the  large  plate  XIII.)  It  is  estimated 
that  these  boxes  contain  from  250,000  to  260,000  reserve  speci- 
mens, enough  to  make  four  or  five  complete  collections.  From 
this  stock  the  "exchange"  or  "trade"  wants  are  taken.  Summed 
up,  the  Barnes  Collection  may  be  estimated  to  contain  about 
465,000  specimens,  a  figure  which  cannot  be  far  from  wrong. 

Regarding  the  type  material.  There  are  1915  straight  types, 
1078  co-  or  paratypes  and  3714  homo-types,  totaling  6707  ex- 
amples. Each  of  these  represents  a  different  name  in  the  check- 
list, i.  e.,  species,  race,  form,  transition  form  or  synonym  as 
the  case  may  be.  In  addition  to  these  there  are,  of  course,  quite 
a  few  other  types  such  as  paratypes,  etc.  When  the  Guenee  Col- 
lection is  carefully  worked  up,  probably  there  will  be  found  a 
few  more  labeled  type  specimens.  All  types  are  kept  in  the 
general  collection  and  not  segregated.  One  style  of  type  label 
has  always  been  used  by  Dr.  Barnes.  Types  of  the  following 
authors  are  included  in  the  collection:  Barnes,  Barnes  &  l>usck, 
Barnes  (£  curators),  Benjamin,  Beutenmiiller,  Biedermann, 
Bird,  Blackmore,  Boisduval,  Boisduval  &  LeConte,  Braun, 
Brehm,  Busck,  Cassino,  Cassino  &  Sweet,  Comstock,  Curtis, 
Dod,  Dyar,  Ehrman,  Ellsworth,  Engel,  Engelhardt,  Eletcher, 
French,  Graef,  Grinnell,  Grossbeck,  Grote,  Guenee,  Guerin, 

248  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

Gunder,  Heinrich,  Herrich-Schaffer,  Heylaerts,  Hill,  Holland, 
Hulst,  Kerfott,  Leussler,  Lindsey,  Lyman,  McDunnough,  Mor- 
rison, Murtfeldt,  Nakahara,  Nixon,  Newcomb,  Oberthiir,  Otto- 
lengui,  Owen,  Pearsall,  Poling,  Putnam-Cramer,  Ragonot, 
Reiff,  Smith,  Sweet,  Taylor,  Verity,  Worthington,  Wright. 

The  following  collections  of  lepidoptera  have  been  purchased 
by  Dr.  Barnes  and  incorporated  into  his  collection  :— 

Oberthiir  Collection.  All  North  American  specimens  except- 
ing the  Sphingidae  acquired  by  Clark  of  Boston  and  the  Par- 
nossius  and  Hesperidae  acquired  by  R.  Oberthiir.  The  Bois- 
duval  and  Guenee  collections  were  previously  mixed  in  with  the 
Oberthiir  collection.  Among  others  this  collection  contained 
the  types  of  certain  specimens  of  Guerin,  Curtis,  Heylaerts, 
Ragonot,  Verity,  Herrich-Schaffer,  Oberthiir  and  Boisduval- 

Taylor  Collection.    Mostly  Geometridae  with  many  types. 

Kearfoot  Collection.  Micro  collection  complete,  excepting 
the  Tortricids.  Of  these  the  types  went  to  the  New  York 
Musuem,  but  one-half  the  specimens,  including  co-types,  when 
present,  went  to  the  Barnes  collection. 

Poling  Collection.    Only  a  few  types. 

Lacy  Collection.    A  few  co-types. 

Field  Collection.    Quite  a  few  co-types. 

Hill  (Los  Angeles)  Collection.  Noctuidae  only.  All  types 
and  other  desired  specimens  as  wanted.  Remainder  of  collec- 
tion was  bought  by  the  Los  Angeles  Museum  of  Los  Angeles, 

Longley  Collection.    Only  one  type. 

Spalding  (Utah)   Collection.     No  types,  but  a  few  co-types. 

Merrick  Collection.    Only  one  type  and  a  few  co-types. 

Dr.  Barnes  considers  the  three  rarest  butterflies  in  his  col- 
lection to  be  Eurymus  bootliii  Curt.,  Ccrcyonis  stcnclc  Bdv.  and 
Euphydryas  helvia  Scud,  and  the  three  rarest  moths  as  probably 
Spin.v  dolli  Neum.,  Hcmilcuca  so r onus  Hy.  Edw.  and  Sthcnopis 
a  u  rat  us  Grt.  He  still  has  his  "wants",  as  has  every  collector 
and  would  like  to  find  someone  who  has  Papilio  animoni 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  249 

Behrns2,  or  Bury  in  us  inohiii  Stkr.  among  the  butterflies  and 
perhaps  Hyphantria  aspcra  Grt.  among  the  moths. 

A  system  of  complete  disinfection  has  been  inaugurated  for 
the  collection  and  all  drawers  and  boxes  are  inspected  periodi- 
cally, usually  twice  a  year.  If  any  signs  of  infection  are  found, 
the  drawer  or  box  is  fumigated;  then  a  small  blue  sticker  is 
stuck  on  so  that  for  a  year  or  more  frequent  examination  may 
be  made  until  the  trouble  is  ended.  Napthalin  is  used  in  the 
drawers  and  naphalin  cones  in  the  duplicate  boxes.  This  has 
proven  quite  satisfactory.  All  in-coming  material  is  kept  in  an 
air-tight  drum  filled  with  bi-sulphide  of  carbon  for  several 
days.  This  drum  is  of  good  size  and  will  hold  several  large 
express  shipments  at  a  time. 

The  Doctor  has,  of  course,  a  very  large  entomological  library 
and  he  has  probably  received  during  his  lifetime  more  compli- 
mentary authors'  "extras"  than  any  other  living  man.  Among 
his  books  he  considers  "Illustrations  of  North  American  Ento- 
mology", Vol.  3,  1878,  by  Towend  Glover,  as  very  interesting. 
For  years  he  has  been  a  steady  subscriber  to  over  thirty  ento- 
mological serials,  which  is  quite  an  item  of  expense. 

Revisional  workers  and  compilers  of  books  on  lepidoptera 
have  made  valuable  use  of  the  Barnes  collection.  Hardlv  a 


month  passes  without  a  visit  from  some  one  interested  scien- 
tifically in  lepidoptera  and  Dr.  Barnes  has  been  very  kind  in 
this  regard.  Very  recently  Dr.  Holland  has  borrowed  certain 
specimens  to  illustrate  in  his  new  "Butterfly  Book",  as  the  \Y. 
H.  Edwards  collection,  though  good  in  its  day,  did  not  cover 
the  field  by  any  means.  When  John  Comstock  published  ilu- 
"Butterflies  of  California"  a  few  years  ago,  much  assistance 
in  western  identification  was  afforded  and  specimens  lent  for 
figuring.  The  collection  was  liberally  drawn  on  for  the  original 
specimens  shown  in  Seitz  and  the  specimens  thus  used  arc- 
marked  in  the  collection  with  the  Seitz  plate  and  figure  number. 
After  leaving  Washington  Prof.  John  B.  Smith  used  the 
Barnes  material  extensivel  on  Noctuids.  Whenever  he  had 

"The  Author  has  two  fine  examples  of  this  from  San 
County,  California,  one  of  which  is  figured  in  Comstock's  "Butter- 
flies of  California".  It  is  probably  a  larger  and  darker  race  of 
Papilio  nttnhis  Luc.  coming  north  from  the  mountains  of  western  Mexico. 

250  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

two  specimens  before  him  when  describing  new  species,  one 
was  deposited  in  the  Barnes  collection.  If  the  specimens  came 
originally  from  this  collection,  the  types  were  supposed  to  be 
returned,  but  in  many  cases  this  was  not  done  and  after  Smith's 
death  no  effort  was  made  to  retrieve  any  of  this  material. 

In  the  past  Dr.  Barnes  has  employed  several  all-time  assis- 
tants or  curators  to  continually  work  over  and  help  build  up  the 
collection.  Among  these  were  Dr.  A.  W.  Lindsey  and  Mr. 
Foster  H.  Benjamin,  whose  portraits  accompany  this  article. 
Dr.  Lindsey  accomplished  a  "Revision  of  the  Pterophoidae", 
etc.,  and  did  valuable  work  on  the  Hesperidae,  in  which  field 
he  always  took  ,an  active  interest.  He  is  at  present  with  the 
Denison  University  at  Granville,  Ohio,  and  will  shortly  publish 
a  textbook  on  "Evolution".  Dr.  Lindsey  was  with  Dr.  Barnes 
from  April  2,  1919,  to  August  19,  1921.  Recently  the  popular 
press  has  given  Mr.  Foster  H.  Benjamin  nationwide  notice  in 
connection  with  his  Government  work  fighting  the  Mediter- 
ranean Fruit  Fly.  At  present  he  is  in  Orlando,  Florida,  having 
come  from  Brownsville,  Texas,  after  leaving  Dr.  Barnes  in 
August,  1927.  A  "Revision  of  the  Rynchagrotis"  is  one  of 
several  of  his  papers  on  lepidoptera.  Mr.  Benjamin  has  a  fine 
collection  of  Noctuids,  preferring  that  group  among  the  moths. 
Dr.  Jim  McDunnough  was  Barnes'  first  assistant,  prior  to 
1919.  He  is  at  present  with  the  Canadian  Government  at  Otta- 
wa, and  editor  of  the  Canadian  Entomologist. 

Innumerable  papers  have  been  published  in  various  journals 
by  Dr.  Barnes  during  the  last  twenty  years.  Personally,  I  be- 
lieve the  Check  Lists  of  1917  and  1926  have  afforded  the  most 
lepidopterological  popularity.  Five  volumes  of  "Contributions" 
were  privately  published  and  are  a  valuable  asset  to  any  library 
upon  butterflies  and  moths,  being  well  illustrated  and  contain- 
ing many  descriptions  in  addition  to  much  revisional  text  mat- 
ter. These  volumes  sell  for  about  $45  when  obtainable  through 
book  dealers. 

"Probably  the  rarest  butterfly  which  I  was  most  thrilled  by 
capturing",  says  Dr.  Barnes,  "was  Erebia  magdalcna  which  is 
a  beautiful  black  diurnal  found  only  at  very  high  elevations  in 










xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  251 

Colorado.  It  is  taken  in  places  where  one  doesn't  have  much 
room  to  move  about  in.  ttrcntliis  alberta  and  Brcnthls  astarte 
are  also  both  very  difficult  to  catch  in  perfect  condition  and  are 
taken  only  at  extreme  altitudes  in  the  Canadian  Rockies.  For 
many  years  I  personally  made  collecting  trips  each  summer. 
These  were  usually  to  the  type  localities  of  some  species  which 
it  was  desirable  to  get  more  material  of,  in  order  to  be  certain 
of  identifications.  Many  of  these  trips  were  made  with  the  vet- 
eran collector  Bruce,  also  with  Oslar  and  Elwes.  Hall  Valley 
and  Glen  wood  Springs  in  Colorado  were  always  two  of  the 
most  prolific  fields.  Southern  Utah  used  to  be  good  until  the 
sheep  killed  off  most  of  the  vegetation.  Personally,  I  have  never 
had  any  narrow  escapes,  but  the  Apache  Indians  got  two  of 
my  collectors  in  an  early  day  in  Arizona.  On  one  trip  Bruce 
broke  a  leg  when  we  were  in  a  difficult  high  region  and  this 
caused  some  concern.  On  another  occasion  when  we  were  col- 
lecting in  a  remote  valley  where  lived  only  an  old  lady  and  her 
son,  when  we  were  packing  up  to  leave  their  ranch  the  lady 
complained  of  a  very  severe  abdominal  pain.  As  Bruce  and  I 
had  to  be  going,  I  left  her  a  small  bottle  of  laudanum  with  in- 
structions to  take  a  prescribed  number  of  drops  every  3  or  4 
hours  until  relieved.  Just  before  we  got  to  the  railroad  which 
was  out  next  destination  many  miles  away,  her  boy  came  tear- 
in  down  the  road  from  the  valley  on  a  horse,  bare  back,  saying 
his  mother  had  taken  the  whole  bottle  and  that  he  thought  she 
was  dead.  I  sent  him  back  with  word  of  what  to  do.  It  was 
impossible  to  do  more  under  the  circumstances.  I  never  heard 
whether  she  died  or  not". 

"Among  the  older  collectors  I  personally  knew  \Y.  If.  Kd- 
wards,  Henry  Edwards,  McGlashan,  Graef,  Hulst,  Packard, 
Scudder,  Strecker  and  most  of  the  others  in  their  time.  Streck- 
er  was  a  very  peculiar  man  when  visiting  you  and  it  was  better 
to  stay  close  by  his  side  as  a  protection  to  valuable  specimens! 
He  had  a  most  peculiar  habit  of  crawling  in  between  the  sheets 
with  his  boots  and  clothes  on.  When  Bruce  was  around  it  was 
also  very  essential  to  keep  your  eyes  open.  1  le  was  always  in  the 
habit  of  stopping  off  in  Decatur  on  his  way  home  from  his  col- 
lecting trips  so  that  I  could  have  the  privilege  of  going  over  his 

252  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

catch  and  selecting  what  I  cared  for.  On  one  of  these  occasions 
I  was  unavoidably  called  East,  leaving  him  where  he  had  access 
to  the  collection.  At  that  time  I  had  a  number  of  new  species 
on  a  spreading  board.  Among  others  Rhododipsa  inasonl.  On 
my  return  I  found  these  specimens  had  disappeared  and  very 
shortly  afterwards  I  noticed  Smith  had  described  them,  naming 
them  after  Mr.  Mason  of  Denver.  It  seems  that  Mr.  Mason 
was  a  very  wealthy  man,  quite  a  little  interested  in  Lepidoptera 
and  Bruce  was  very  anxious  to  get  in  his  good  graces,  thinking 
that  Mason  would  help  finance  his  expeditions.  Masoni  is  such 
a  beautiful  species  that  Bruce  thought  Mr.  Mason  would  be 
pleased  to  have  it  named  after  him,  so  he  sent  the  specimens  to 
Prof.  Smith,  requesting  him  to  name  them  after  him" ! 

"I  have  made  several  trips  through  Italy,  Germany,  France, 
Austria  and  England  studying  types  and  various  collections. 
On  these  trips  I  have  always  been  very  materially  assisted  in 
the  work  by  Oberthiir,  Verity,  Hampson,  Prout,  Merrick,  Tal- 
bot,  Riley,  Bang-Haas,  Durrant,  LeCerf  and  many  others.  It 
is  a  real  pleasure  to  know  and  correspond  with  most  of  these 

In  1920  Dr.  Barnes  deeded  the  entire  collection  as  a  gift  to 
the  Decatur  and  Macon  County  Hospital,  the  collection  to  be 
sold  and  the  money  realized  to  be  used  by  the  Hospital  Board 
to  promote  the  cause  of  child  welfare.  Dr.  Barnes  practically 
founded  this  hospital  and  its  directors  are  guided  entirely  in 
the  matter  of  the  collection's  sale  by  him.  The  Doctor  would 
like  to  see  the  collection  go  eventually  to  either  Washington  or 
Cambridge,  but  there  should  be  an  all-time  curator  placed  in 
charge  wherever  it  may  go.  There  is  enough  unworked-up 
material  available  to  keep  one  party  busy  for  at  least  five  years. 

Dr.  Barnes  has  not  been  so  well  this  last  spring  and  summer 
and  he  has  practically  given  up  all  medical  practice ;  however, 
each  afternoon  finds  him  busy  among  his  butterflies  and  moths, 
keeping  the  records  up  to  date  or  answering  important  cor- 
respondence. Such  is  the  life  of  an  entomologist  and  what  more 
can  any  of  us  ask.  At  that,  I  think  we  get  more  satisfaction 
out  of  our  existence  than  the  average  human  being. 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  253 

A  Remarkable  New  Chilean  Genus  of  Grasshopper 
(Orthoptera,  Crytacanthacrinae). 

By  MORGAN   HEBARD,   Philadelphia,   Pennsylvania. 

(Plate  XV.) 

During  a  recent  visit  to  the  British  Museum  the  author  noted 
three  specimens  of  a  large  and  strikingly  colored  grasshopper, 
labelled  simply  "Chile",  unlike  any  previously  seen.  The  loan 
of  these  for  study  enables  us  to  say  that  a  new  genus  and 
species  is  represented,  nearest  Litoscirtus  insularis  Bruner, 
known  only  from  Cerros  Island,  Lower  California,  but  widely 
separated  by  many  important  characters. 

These  genera  agree  in  general  structure  of  head,  short  an- 
tennae, moderately  hairy  limbs,  serrate  dorsal  carina  of  caudal 
femora  and  armament  of  caudal  tibiae.  Presence  of  apical 
spines  on  both  dorsal  margins  of  the  caudal  tibiae  and  fastigium 
declivent  with  lateral  margins  declivent  cephalad  are  other 
important  features  in  determining  their  position  in  the  Cyrta- 

The  new  genus,  Aucacris,  combines  with  the  above  charac- 
ters, the  following.  Frontal  costa  narrowed  and  moderately 
sulcate  at  juncture  with  fastigium.  Pronotum  with  very  low 
medio-longitudinal  carina,  which  itself  is  finely  longitudinally 
sulcate,  interrupted  by  the  transverse  sulci  and  absent  on  the 
metazona ;  lateral  carina  indicated  only  by  nodes ;  latero-caudal 
angles  of  lateral  lobes  distinctly  flaring  in  dorsal  aspect,  rounded 
but  distinctly  angulate,  rectangulate  in  male,  obtuse-angulate  in 
female.  Tegmina  reduced  to  very  large  pads.  Caudal  femora 
robust,  genicular  lobes  rounded.  Prosternal  spine  heavy,  blunt 
conical,  slightly  transverse  in  male,  more  decidedly  so  in  female. 

Genotype, — Aucacris  emnera  new  species. 

The  brilliant  color  of  the  caudal  femora  and  tibiae  and  strik- 
ing bands  on  the  former  constitute  the  most  distinctive  features 
of  coloration. 
Aucacris  eumera  new  species.  Plate  XV,  figure 

This  remarkable  insect  has  the  appearance  of  a  large  brachyp- 
terous  Oedipodid,  but  examination  shows  that  it  belongs  instead 
to  the  Cyrtacanthacrinae. 

The  closer  relationship  of  Litoscirtus  insularis  I>runer  is  evi- 
dent from  a  number  of  characters,  though  that  genus  super- 

254  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

ficially  suggests  a  greatly  modified  condition,  with  fully  devel- 
oped organs  of  flight,  of  the  highly  specialized  type  developed 
in  the  species  of  Dracotctti.v  I'runer,  the  latter  belongs  to  a 
very  different  phylum. 

Type:  $  ;  Chile1.    [British  Museum.] 

Size  large,  form  robust.  Antennae  short  and  heavy,  with 
(seventeen  or  eighteen)  joints,  of  which  all  are  very  short 
except  the  ultimate,  which  is  elongate  conical.  Fastigium  de- 
clivent,  rounding  at  slightly  more  than  a  right  angle  into  the 
weakly  oblique  face  ;  its  lateral  carinae  distinct  from  just  be- 
yond the  eyes,  convergent  and  continued  as  those  of  the  frontal 
costa ;  dorsal  surface  shallowly  concave  and  smooth,  back  of 
which  the  occiput  is  feebly  roughened  and  shows  a  very  feeble, 
fine,  medio-longitudinal  carina.  Eyes  of  moderate  size  and 
prominence.  Lateral  ocelli  very  small,  smaller  than  in  Lito- 
scirtus  iiisiihtris.  Frontal  costa  sulcate  throughout,  narrow  at 
juncture  with  fastigium,  then  expanded  slightly  with  the  lateral 
carinae  percurrent  to  clypeus,  faintly  convergent  just  below 
median  ocellus,  elsewhere  nearly  parallel.  A  decided  but  slight- 
ly irregular  vertical  carina  extending  from  between  eye  and 
antennal  socket  to  clypeus,  flanked  by  depressions,  those  toward 
the  cheeks  becoming  sulcate  ventrad.  Pronotum  rugose  with 
decided  transverse  sulci  dorsad ;  prozona  with  lateral  and  meso- 
zona  with  lateral  and  meso-latera!  larger  nodes,  metazona  more 
coarsely,  thickly  and  generally  nodulose  and  bluntly  sub-rectan- 
gulate  produced  caudad  with  lateral  margins  undulate.  Tegmina 
represented  by  very  large,  overlapping  pads  which  leave  more 
than  half  the  abdomen  (when  in  normal  position)  exposed, 
their  apices  broadly  rounded,  their  surfaces  very  thickly  and 
regularly  supplied  with  longitudinal  veins  and  a  multitude  of 
cross-veinlets,  dorsal  very  faintly  defined  from  lateral  fields. 
Wings  vestigial,  atrophied,  lying  wholly  beneath  the  tegminal 
pads.  Supra-anal  plate  as  broad  as  long,  lateral  margins  convex 
then  concave  convergent  to  the  acute  apex;  dorsal  surface 
raised  meso-proximad  and  including  a  short  medio-longitudinal 
sulcus,  the  raised  area  extending  latero-caudad  as  two  narrow 
rays  which  gradually  narrow  and  disappear.  Styles  very  short 
and  slender.  Subgenital  plate  small,  convex-conical.  Caudal 
femora  with  dorsal  carina  of  external  pagina  finely  serrate, 
not  as  thickly  or  as  heavily  as  the  dorsal  carina.  Caudal  tibiae 
with  ten  external  and  nine  slightly  longer  internal  spines,  regu- 
larly spaced  except  that  the  three  disto-internal  are  closer  than 
any  of  the  others. 

1  This  and  the  allotype  undoubtedly  came  from  the  same  locality. 
Both  bear  the  number  81  over  56  on  a  circular  label.  The  paratypic 
male  is  smaller,  darker  and  more  brilliantly  colored  and  was  probably 
secured  at  a  different  place. 


Plate  XV. 


xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  255 

Allotypc:9  ;  Chile.     [British  Museum.] 

Generally  similar  to  male,  differing  as  follows.  Size  much 
larger.  Fastigium  and  frontal  costa  broader  and  shallower, 
the  latter  showing  stronger  narrowing  at  dorsal  extremity  and 
just  below  median  ocellus.  Pronotum  with  prozona  and  meso- 
zona  with  median  carina  and  nodes  less  heavy,  metazona  less 
thickly  and  evenly  nodulose  but  with  a  few  larger  scattered 
nodes  which  are  longer  than  wide,  much  like  those  found  in 
certain  species  of  Lcprus.  Tegmina  separated  by  a  brief  inter- 
val and  showing  scarcely  a  trace  of  differentiation  between  the 
dorsal  and  lateral  fields.  Ovipositor  valves  small,  hairy,  disto- 
external  margins  of  dorsal  valves  very  bluntly  toothed,  of  ven- 
tral valves  forming  a  short  proximal  lobe,  all  apices  weakly 
curved  and  not  elongate. 

Body  and  tegmina  mummy  brown,  head,  antennae  and  pro- 
notum  heavily  but  not  evenly  overlaid  with  cinnamon  in  type 
and  with  clay  color  in  allotype.  Cephalic  and  medium  limbs 
clay  color.  Caudal  femora  with  external  surfaces  individually 
bright  cinnamon  buff,  cinnamon  and  dull  clay  color,  with  three 
bands  of  black  dorsad,  first  absent  latero-externally,  second 
and  third  weak  on  external  pagina  and  there  obsolete  in  the 
female,  but  continued  across  the  ventral  surface  heavily  in 
all,  the  first  and  second  there  connected  broadly  and  the  second 
and  third  narrowly  by  the  same  color  along  the  ventral  carina; 
these  bands  also  crossing  the  internal  face  but  there  interrupted 
by  the  ventro-internal  carina;  internal  surface  and  internal  half 
of  ventral  surface  brazil  red  (very  rich)  in  males,  peach  red 
(pinkish)  in  female.  Caudal  tibiae  and  tarsi  light  scarlet  red 
in  males,  the  former  paling  to  light  orange  yellow  proximo- 
externally  in  the  paratype,  much  duller,  carnelian  red  in  female 
with  external  surface  and  tarsi  dull  apricot  buff. 

The  measurements  of  a  male  paratype  from  Chile,  taken  by 
II.   L.  Klwes  and  belonging  to  the  author,  follow  those  of  the 
type.     Length  of  body    £    24.8  and  23.2,    $    36.S ;  length  nf 
pronotum    $   9.1  and  7.2,    9    12;  greatest  dorsal  width  of  pro- 
notum   <$    5.8  and  4.3,    9    7.8;  exposed  length  of  tegmen 
and  7.2,    9    11.7;  greatest  width  of  tegmen    <5    4.7  and  3.9,    9 
6;  length  of  caudal   femur    $    15.8  and  14.2,    9    19;  greatest 
width  of  caudal  femur   $    5.6  and  4.7,   $    5.9  mm. 


(Figures  ll/s  natural  size.) 
Aitcacris  cuiucni  new  secies.   Fig.  1  and  2. — Type.      Male. 

Fig.  3  and  4, —  Paratype.     Male. 
Fig.  5  and  6, — -Allotype.      Female. 

256  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

Orphan  Nests  of  Polistes  (Hym.:  Vespidae). 

By  PHIL  RAU,  Kirkwood,  Missouri. 
(Continued  from  page  232). 

On  August  7,  about  six  more  adults  had  emerged.     I  could 
not  be  sure  of  the  exact  number,  since  there  was  evidence  that 
one  or  more  of  the  open  cells  had  been  broken  into  violently; 
fragments  of  the  paper  and  debris  and  even  parts  of  P.  variatns 
pupae  were  scattered  on  the  floor  of  the  box.     The  next  day, 
one  adult   was   caught   red-handed  at   its  cannibalism;   it   was 
calmly  eating  a  pupa  which  it  had  just  pulled  out  of  its  cell. 
Verily,  of  wasps  too  it  may  be  said,  "There's  no  accounting 
for  tastes."    These  young  cannibals  heartily  relished  molasses, 
but  flatly  refused  the  larvae  of  P.  pallipcs  when  offered  them 
on  the  forceps.     This  was  indeed  strange,  since  at  this  very 
time  they  were  robbing  the  cells  of  their  own  young.     Their 
refusal  was  not  clue  to  shyness,  for  they  very  readily  accepted 
molasses  offered  on  the  forceps  in  the  same  way,  often  stretch- 
ing out  so  far  to  reach  it  that  they  lost  their  balance.     While 
some  ate  the  molasses   at   once,    others   removed   it    from   the 
forceps  in  as  large  a  mass  as  they  could  handle  and  kneaded 
it  in  the  forelegs  and  jaws,  just  as  they  do  with  a  ball  of  cater- 
pillar flesh.    Later,  these  would  go  from  cell  to  cell,  feeding  the 
young  in  the  usual  way.      During  this  time  the  solitary  male 
spent  most  of  his  time  hiding  in  a  nook  on  the  roof  of  the  nest 
next  to  the  wall.     He  was  a  heavy  feeder,  and  seldom  came 
out  of  his  hiding-place  for  other  purposes.    On  August  8  he  dis- 
appeared ;   whether   he   was   careless   or   met   with   disaster,   or 
whether  he  went  forth  in  quest  of  his  career,  I  do  not  know. 

Another  orphan  nest  of  P.  variatus  was  observed  for  some 
time.  The  three  oldest  workers  were  marked,  "left-dot", 
"center-dot"  and  "yellow-tail",  the  younger  ones  which  emerged 
later  were  left  unmarked.  The  reader  will  note,  throughout  the 
story,  how  these  three  oldest  ones  gained  and  held  the  leader- 
ship in  the  management  of  the  nest's  affairs,  while  the  younger 
ones  never  came  to  the  fore. 

A  green  caterpillar,  held  in  the  forceps,  was  offered  to  the 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  257 

group  of  wasps.  Several  of  them  snapped  and  bit  at  it,  as 
though  it  were  a  common  enemy.  Even  when  it  was  placed 
under  the  very  noses  of  several,  it  \vas  always  refused.  It  was 
then  laid  on  the  roof  of  the  nest.  After  alxmt  ten  minutes  it 
was  sniffed  at  by  "yellow-tail",  then  it  was  taken  up,  manipu- 
lated for  a  moment  and  dropped  to  the  floor;  whether  by  acci- 
dent or  with  purpose,  I  do  not  know,  but  at  least  no  effort  was 
made  to  regain  it  or  even  go  after  it,  though  it  was  only  fifteen 
inches  away.  So  after  a  time  I  replaced  the  caterpillar  on  the 
roof.  "Yellow-tail"  again  took  it  in  her  jaws,  stood  head  down- 
ward on  the  side  of  the  nest  with  the  caterpillar  dangling  in 
mid-air  while  she  malaxated  it  for  a  time,  then  kneaded  it  into 
a  ball  and  fed  it  to  the  larvae,  going  from  cell  to  cell,  leaving 
a  bit  here  and  a  bit  there. 

A  little  later,  with  a  great  deal  of  insistence,  I  got  "yellow- 
tail"  to  accept  a  larva  of  P.  pallipcs;  while  she  was  malaxating 
it,  "center-dot"  took  it  away  from  her  and  completed  the  job. 
"Left-dot"  now  became  interested  also,  and  when  the  viscera 
was  almost  squeezed  out  and  ready  to  be  discarded,  she  took 
hold  of  the  dangling  refuse,  with  a  quick  jerk  severed  it  from 
the  good  meat,  and  dropped  it  below.  Then  she  succeeded  in 
gaining  possession  of  the  food  portion,  and  worked  it  over  and 
over  in  her  jaws.  It  should  be  reported  that  just  before  "left- 
dot"  offered  her  assistance  in  this  task,  she  was  seen  handling 
parts  of  a  broken  pupa  which  she  had  torn  from  its  cell  under 
her  feet;  whether  she  was  actually  robbing  a  cell  for  food,  or 
merely  finishing  the  task  of  clearing  a  cell  of  a  dead  pupa,  I 
could  not  declare. 

Another  piece  of  food,  this  time  a  half-grown  Hillifcs  larva, 
was  proffered  to  the  group,  and  again  "yellow-tail"  took  it, 
and  artistically  squeezed  out  the  entrails.  At  the  conclusion  of 
the  task,  however,  she  had  the  wrong  end  of  the  mass  in  her 
mouth,  so  the  food  portion  was  in  danger  of  being  lost.  She 
attempted  to  change  its  position,  and  to  do  so  tried  to  drag  it 
to  the  roof  of  the  nest,  but  it  was  unwieldy,  she  lost  her  gra>p 
and  it  fell. 

Another  pallipcs  larva,  a  mutilated  one,  was  placed  on  the 

258  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

roof  of  the  nest.  After  a  half  hour  it  was  discovered  by  a 
wasp  which  I  thought,  judging  by  its  coloration  and  manner, 
was  a  male.  Unlike  the  others,  it  stood  on  the  roof  beside  the 
larva  and  with  its  jaws  inserted,  ingested  lustily  both  juices 
and  muscular  tissue,  without  malaxating  it  or  dividing  it.  Pres- 
ently "left-dot"  discovered  the  feast  in  progress  and  haughtily 
confiscated  his  victuals,  literally  taking  the  food  out  of  his 
mouth,  leaving  him  licking  his  chops  and  cleaning  up  any 
crumbs  that  adhered  to  the  sides  of  his  face.  One  such  particle, 
a  little  speck  no  larger  than  a  pin-head,  he  scraped  from  his 
cheek  and  seemed  to  cherish  for  a  minute ;  then  he  carried  it 
below  and  went  seriously  about  peddling  the  lone  crumb  from 
cell  to  cell  where  the  larvae  were.  I  was  eager  to  find  out  if  the 
male  plays  any  such  part  in  the  economy  of  the  nest,  so  I 
watched  all  this  closely,  and  at  the  end,  took  up  the  wasp  to  see 
if  it  really  was  a  male.  The  sting  clearly  proved  it  to  be  a 
worker,  but  with  the  white  face  and  coloration  of  a  male.  I 
do  not  know  whether  to  say  that  this  new  worker  was  handi- 
capped by  male  coloration  and  a  male  mind,  or  merely  that 
she  was  young  and  had  never  learned  the  fine  art  of  nursing. 

The  queen  of  another  colony  was  lost  in  some  homing  experi- 
ments in  June,  so  her  small  nest  was  taken  into  the  laboratory. 
It  contained,  on  July  1,  five  sealed  cells,  and  another  was  sealed 
on  July  4.  Attention  could  be  given  to  this  only  intermit- 
tently, but  in  a  comparative  way  the  notes  are  of  value. 

In  just  three  weeks,  on  July  21,  there  were  four  adults  on 
the  nest ;  all  of  the  activities  of  a  well-appointed  and  queenly 
nest  were  in  evidence.  Pulp  was  being  brought  in,  new  cells 
begun,  and  some  of  the  unfinished  old  ones  were  being  com- 
pleted, eggs  were  being  deposited,  and  the  attachment  of  the 
petiole  to  the  wall  strengthened.  The  instincts  displayed 
here  are  indeed  interesting.  Imagine  these  young  work- 
ers, coming  out  of  their  cells  into  their  first  light  of  day,  and 
promptly  taking  up  the  task  of  completing  the  old  unfinished 
cells  where  their  unseen  mother  had  left  them!  In  reinforcing 
the  support  of  the  nest,  there  followed  a  new  method.  In  nest 
108,  described  above,  the  workers  added  more  pulp  all  around 

xl,    '29]  EXTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  259 

the  pin  and  at  its  base,  and  even  built  props  or  guy-ropes  from 
it  to  the  \vall.  In  this  case  the  pin  was  entirely  disregarded 
and  a  new  petiole  was  made,  connecting  the  nest  with  the  wall, 
but  this  was  rather  a  matter  of  form,  because  it  was  so  weak 
that  without  the  aid  of  the  pin.  it  could  not  possibly  have  held 
the  weight  of  the  nest.  Here  we  had  proof  also  that  their  en- 
gineering estimates  are  not  always  correct  because  these  work- 
ers thoroughly  covered  and  reinforced  with  paper  the  head 
and  upper  part  of  the  pin,  above  the  point  where  it  entered 
the  nest  and  hence  where  the  work  was  utterly  useless. 

Eggs  were  being  deposited  by  the  unfertilized  workers  in  the 
shallow  new  cells,  so  it  was  easy  to  observe  oviposition.  One 
egg  is  deposited  in  each  cell,  but  I  had  occasion  to  see  a  wasp 
lay  a  second  egg  in  one  cell.  She  placed  the  tip  of  the  abdomen 
in  the  shallow  cell  and  quietly  held  the  position  for  a  minute  or 
two  until  the  egg  appeared  and  it  immediately  stuck  to  the 
wall.  I  say  it  stuck  to  the  wall,  because  no  effort  was  made  to 
stick  it  there  ;  it  left  the  body  already  moist  with  glue,  and  it 
adhered  to  the  wall  where  it  touched.  After  the  performance 
the  wasp  walked  away,  but  returned  after  a  few  minutes,  dis- 
covered the  two  eggs  in  the  cell,  pulled  the  last-laid  one  out, 
chewed  it  up  carefully  and  swallowed  it,  discarding  the  shell. 
Instinctively,  they  lay  eggs,  and  instinctively,  it  seems,  they 
know  that  only  one  young  wasp  can  live  in  each  cell.  \Yhether 
the  wasp's  consciousness  or  recognition  of  numbers  is  some- 
thing more  than  instinct,  or  whether  the  fact  that  this  one  passed 
over  the  first  egg  and  reached  to  get  the  new  egg  beyond  it 
indicates  something  more  plastic  than  instinct,  I  dare  not  say. 
Then,  again,  the  fact  that  she  recognized  an  abnormal  condition 
and  thereupon  performed  an  abnormal  act  in  eating  her  own 
egg — stretching  a  point  to  gain  a  meal — leads  one  to  see  how 
very  plastic  is  their  behavior. 

In  one  orphan  nest  of  P.  rariatns,  where  T  had  neglected 
to  feed  the  larvae  for  a  few  days,  one  half-grown  larva  spun 
a  cap  to  its  cell.  This  was  not  (lush  with  the  top  or  protruding 
as  usual,  but  down  about  one-third  of  the  length  of  the  cell 
below  the  edge. 

260  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

Hibernation  of  the  Striped  Cucumber  Beetle 
(Coleop.:  Chrysomelidae). 

W.  V.  BALDUF,  University  of  Illinois. 

Where  and  how  the  striped  cucumber  beetle,  Diabrotica  vit- 
tata  Fabr.,  spends  the  winter  has  long  been  a  puzzling  question. 
Most  workers  are  satisfied  that  the  adult  stage  carries  the 
species  through  the  cold  season,  but  much  mystery  surrounds 
its  exact  location  through  that  period.  It  may  therefore  be  of 
interest  to  report  that  the  writer  discovered  59  living  adults 
of  this  species  in  what  seems  to  be  its  natural  habitat  for  hiber- 
nation. Two  miles  south  of  Muncie,  Illinois  (near  Urbana),  is 
a  small  river  valley  bordered  on  the  north  by  low,  lightly  for- 
ested hills  ranging  east  to  west.  On  January  20,  1929,  31  of  the 
beetles  were  found  on  the  south  slope  of  such  a  hill,  quite  near 
its  base,  and  about  two  rods  from  the  south  margin  of  the 
woods,  which  is  bordered  there  by  a  public  road.  All  these  indi- 
viduals occurred  under  two  inches  of  foliage  of  trees  within 
an  area  of  two  square  feet  around  the  base  of  an  ash  seedling 
about  three  feet  high.  Two  of  them  were  in  actual  bodily  con-- 
tact, but  the  rest  were  isolated  by  short  distances  and  there 
was  a  slightly  greater  concentration  nearest  the  ash. 

Upon  further  investigation  on  January  28,  28  additional 
specimens  were  found  under  similar  circumstances  about  five 
feet  removed  from  the  first  lot.  Again  there  was  a  heavy  cover 
of  dead  foliage  over  the  beetles,  and  in  addition  a  few  small 
decaying  branches  thrown  together  in  a  heap,  and  a  few  ash 
seedlings  grew  in  their  midst.  A  rather  thorough  examination 
of  the  acre  surrounding  these  spots  failed  to  reveal  more  of 
this  species.  No  dead  individuals  were  found  in  these  places. 

It  is  commonly  stated  in  the  literature  dealing  with  D.  vittata 
that  it  spends  the  winter  in  the  soil,  which  is  an  absurd  claim  in 
view  of  the  absence  of  fossorial  devices  on  this  insect.  Most 
of  the  beetles  taken  on  the  above  dates  were  on  the  soil  surface 
with  the  leaves  fairly  compacted  over  them.  A  few  of  those 
found  on  the  last  date  occurred  in  small  shallow  depressions 
about  an  inch  deep  and  perhaps  made  by  the  feet  of  a  small 
domestic  animal  or  by  the  process  of  freezing  and  thawing. 
These  pockets  were  full  of  leaf  mold,  and  the  presence  of  some 

*Contribution  No.  135  from  the  Entomological  Laboratories  of 
the  University  of  Illinois. 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  261 

beetles  in  them  indicates  the  tendency  of  the  insect  to  react  to 
lowering  temperatures  by  descending  as  far  as  their  locomotor 
facilities  make  possible.  Temperature  readings  on  January  28 
showed  that  the  beetles  were  under  conditions  of  31  degrees 
Fahr.  shortly  before  noon,  with  the  sun  shining,  whereas  the 
air  temperature  four  feet  above  that  spot  and  in  the  shade 
varied  from  25  to  28  degrees  Fahr.,  and  in  the  sun  and  wind 
it  was  36  to  37  degrees  Fahr.  The  soil  here  was  loose,  and 
devoid  of  solid  ice  despite  one  of  the  most  consistently  cold 
winters  known  here  within  the  last  decade.  A  few  ice  crystals, 
probably  formed  from  the  melting  of  a  light  snow  that  fell  a 
few  days  earlier,  had  formed  among  the  laminae  of  leaves  over 
the  beetles.  Upon  direct  exposure  to  the  sun's  rays,  the  beetles 
soon  moved  their  appendages  slightly. 

It  seems  then  that  the  striped  cucumber  beetle  is  gregarious 
in  hibernation,  resembling  in  this  habit  the  common  spotted 
ladybeetle  Cci-atoincgilla  fnscilabris,  which,  by  the  way,  was 
abundant  in  this  environment  in  its  characteristic  masses,  but 
obviously  sheltered  by  a  comparatively  thin  blanket  of  leaves 
Another  difference  noted  is  that  the  lady  beetle  is  most  often 
found  huddled  at  the  base  of  a  tree,  whereas  the  cucumber 
beetle,  while  hidden  on  the  woods  floor,  was  removed  about 
ten  feet  from  the  nearest  tree.  The  two  species  did  not  occur 
directly  together  in  the  same  spots. 

Where  did  these  cucumber  beetles  originate,  and  how  did 
they  succeed  in  meeting  in  two  such  narrowly-separated,  local- 
ized spots  ?  Residents  in  the  valley  stated  that  the  nearest  culti- 
vated cucurbits  were  a  little  patch,  constituting  a  small  fraction 
of  an  acre,  of  watermelons  one-fourth  mile  to  the  southwest  ot 
this  spot.  Others  were  more  than  a  mile  away.  Old  melons 
were  still  present  on  the  ground  in  January,  it  was  tound.  An 
open  pasture  field  and  two  small  fields  of  corn  separated  the 
cucurbit  field  and  the  hibernation  quarters.  It  is  presumed  that 
the  beetles  made  their  way  to  the  woods  in  the  path  of  the  wind 
individually,  not  collectively,  by  either  a  single,  or  a  series  of 
short  flights.  l>y  what  sense  do  they  find  one  or  two  spots. 
the  like  of  which,  estimated  by  human  judgment,  were  common 
all  over  the  hillside?  Does  the  forest  margin  serve  as  a  wall 
that  limits  the  extent  of  the  flight?  And  is  the  direction  of  the 

262  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

migration  determined  by  either  a  positive  or  a  negative  reaction 
to  the  prevailing  wind  ?    It  would  seem  that  certain  larger  and 
broader  features  of  the  landscape,  such  as  trees  and  hills,  aided 
by  the  wind,  serve  to  concentrate  the  beetles  in  a  general  way. 
After  settling  down   within  a  relatively   small   area   of   a   few 
square  rods,  perhaps  gathering  one  now  and  another  then,  vhey 
come  close  enough  together  to  enable  individuals  to  detect  one 
another  by  the  sense  of  smell  and  what  is  probably  to  be  desig- 
nated as  a  specific  body  odor.    Obviously  such  a  fall  migration 
flight  must  be  made  before  low  temperatures  benumb  the  mus- 
cles.     It  is  well  known   that  these  beetles  concentrate   on  old 
cucurbit    fruits   in   autumn,   and    feed   there   as   long  as   edible 
substance  remains,  which  has  been   found  to  exist   as   late  as 
early    November    at    Columbus,    Ohio,    or    weeks    after    frosts 
have  killed  the  foliage  of  the  vines.     Migration  probably  does 
not  begin  until  the  cucurbit  food  is  no  longer  edible.     By  that 
time  the  forest   foliage  has  mostly  or  entirely   fallen,  and  the 
beetles  coming  to  the  forest  margin,  which  ecologists  claim  to 
be  the  natural  environment  in  which  this  species  originally  fed 
upon   wild   cucumber   species,   find   the   bed   of   leaves   already 
formed.    It  is,  then,  probable  that  two  or  more  tropisms, —  (1) 
a  positive  or  negative  anemotropism,    (2)    attraction   of   indi- 
viduals into  a  localized  spot  by  sensing  the  body  odor  of  the 
species,  and  (3)  possibly  an  isolated  small  plant  or  other  object 
may  serve  as  a  place  for  landing  or  congregation,  from  which 
they  may  then  descend  below  the  leaves  when  their  geotropism 
is  made  positive  by  lowering  temperature, — govern  this  insect 
in  its  migration  from  its  adopted  feeding  ground  on  cultivated 
cucurbits  to  its  primitive  hibernation  site. 

If  this  gregarious  habit  is  typical  for  the  species,  it  can  be 
readily  understood  why  this  common  pest  of  the  cucurbitaceous 
vine  has  so  long  eluded  those  interested  in  finding  its  true  habit 
and  habitat  during  the  winter  season.  When  the  members  of 
a  generation  from  a  given  patch  seem  to  center  in  a  few  square 
feet  of  area  amid  acres  of  what  to  man  seems  to  contain  hun- 
dreds of  equally  suitable  sites  for  hibernation  purposes,  it  is 
plain  why  this  insect  has  not  been  discovered  before  in  any 
numbers  and  in  a  situation  that  meets  the  requirements  of  the 
original  habitat. 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  263 

The  Fourth  Paper  on  New  Species  of  Plagiognathus 
(Hemiptera:  Miridae). 

By  HARRY  H.   KNIGHT,   Iowa   State   College.   Ames. 
Plagiognathus  negundinis  n.  sp. 

Runs  to  itnintldtits  Uhler  in  my  key  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p. 
431),  hut  differs  in  the  longer  second  antenna!  segment  which 
in  the  male  is  equal  to  or  slightly  exceeds  width  of  pronotum 
at  base;  head  more  vertical  and  tylus  less  prominent. 

$  .  Length  4  mm.,  width  1.36  mm.  Head:  width  .72  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.4  mm.,  reaching  to  middle  of 
hind  coxae.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .27  mm. ;  II,  1.2  mm. ; 
III,  .75  mm.;  IV,  .35  mm.;  hlack,  tip  of  first  segment  pale, 
last  two  segments  dusky  brown.  Pronotum:  length  .62  mm., 
width  at  base  1.17  mm. 

Black,  vertex  pale,  legs  orange  yellow,  hind  femora  with  a 
row  of  four  or  five  black  spots  on  antero-dorsal  line,  also  one 
spot  on  median  line  of  anterior  face  at  middle  of  apical  half, 
sometimes  with  two  or  three  smaller  dots,  and  two  subapical 
black  spots  beneath,  but  rarely  forming  a  black  line  above  or 
beneath  ;  tibiae  yellow,  knees,  spines  and  spots  at  base  of  spines 
black ;  tarsi  fuscous,  apical  segment  black.  Rostrum  yellow, 
apex  and  basal  half  of  first  segment  blackish.  Membrane  and 
veins  fuscous,  a  clear  spot  behind  smaller  areole  by  apex  of 
cuneus.  Dorsum  clothed  with  simple,  recumbent,  yellowish  to 
dusky  brown  pubescence. 

9  .  Length  3.8  mm.,  width  1.4  mm.  Head:  width  .71  mm., 
vertex  .40  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .26  mm.;  II, 
1.02  mm.;  Ill,  .66  mm.;  IV,  .36  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .64 
mm.,  width  at  base  1.21  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  pubes- 
cence and  coloration. 

Holotypc:  $  June  19,  1927,  Ames,  IOWA  (H.  H.  Knight); 
Iowa  State  College  collection.  Allot  \f>c:  taken  with  the  type. 
Parat\pcs:  86  $  9  taken  with  the  types  on  box  elder  (Acer 
Negundo  L.).  40  $  9  June  14,  46  $  9  June  20,  1927,  Ames, 
Iowa  (H.  H.  Knight),  taken  on  box  elder  where  the  specie^ 
was  breeding.  $  9  June  2,  $  2  9  June  9,  1925,  Ames,  Iowa 
(H.  H.  Knight).  539  June  16,  5  $  June  25.  1927,  Ames, 
Iowa  (H.  G.  Johnston),  taken  on  box  elder.  6  <?  9  June  3, 
1912,  Ames,  Iowa  (R.  L.  Webster),  "associated  with  Cliai- 
tophorus  negundinis  Thos." 

264  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

PLAGIOGNATHUS  NEGUNDINIS  fulvotinctus  n.  var. 

Similar  in  structure  to  ncgundmis  but  runs  in  my  key 
(Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p.  431)  to  fratcrnus  Uhler  from  which  it 
may  he  separated  by  having  the  femora  orange  yellow,  not 
clouded  with  fuscous  although  with  distinct  black  spots.  Differs 
from  typical  negundinis  in  that  the  embolium,  basal  half  of 
corium  more  or  less,  outer  margin  of  clavus  on  basal  half,  and 
basal  half  of  cuneus  is  pale  to  orange  yellow. 

Type:  9  July  10,  1924,  Fort  Snelling,  MINNESOTA  (H.  H. 
Knight),  author's  collection.  Paratypcs:  2  <5  49  June  14, 
16$  9  June  19,  9  $  9  June  20,  1927,  Ames,  IOWA  (H.  H. 
Knight),  taken  on  box  elder. 

Plagiognathus  crataegi  n.  sp. 

Runs  to  rcpctitus  Kngt.  in  my  key  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p. 
431),  while  the  paler  females  may  run  to  punctatipes  Kngt. 
Differs  from  rcpctitus  in  the  larger  size,  relatively  longer  an- 
tennae, larger  spots  on  hind  femora,  and  front  coxae  uniformly 
yellow  without  fuscous  at  base.  Separated  from  punctatipes 
by  the  uniformly  yellow  front  coxae  and  the  more  broadly 
blackish  antennae ;  males  differ  in  form  of  left  genital  clasper. 

$  .  Length  3.4  mm.,  width  1.3  mm.  Head:  width  .65  mm., 
vertex  .31  mm.;  black,  vertex  yellowish.  Rostrum,  length  1.21 
mm.,  reaching  to  apices  of  hind  femora,  yellowish,  basal  seg- 
ment and  apex  black.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .21  mm.; 
II,  .86  mm.;  Ill,  .56  mm.;  IV,  .32  mm.;  black,  last  two  seg- 
ments more  fuscous.  Pronotum:  length  .50'  mm.;  width  at 
base  1.02  mm. 

Clothed  with  simple,  recumbent,  yellowish  pubescence.  Black, 
vertex  yellowish ;  membrane  uniformly  dark  fuscous,  veins 
slightly  paler.  Legs  yellow,  tibial  spots  and  spines  black ;  hind 
femora  with  two  rows  of  black  spots  on  anterior  face,  clouded 
with  fuscous ;  middle  femora  with  a  few  small  fuscous  spots ; 
coxae  uniformly  yellow,  hind  pair  only  with  fuscous  at  base. 

9.  Length  3.5  mm.,  width  1.4  mm.  Head:  width  .68., 
mm.,  vertex  .355  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .21  mm., 
black;  II,  .87  mm.,  dusky  yellow  to  fuscous,  basal  one-fourth 
to  one-third  black,  apex  usually  infuscated;  III,  .57  mm.,  dusky 
yellow;  IV,  .37  mm.,  dusky  yellow.  Pronotum:  length  .56  mm., 
width  at  base  1.11  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in  coloration 
and  pubescence. 

Holotypc:  £  July  2,  1928,  Ames,  IOWA  (H.  H.  Knight); 
Iowa  vState  College  collection.  Allotypc :  taken  with  the  type. 
Paratypcs :  24  <J  9  ,  taken  with  the  types  on  Crataegus  sp.  where 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  265 


the  species  was  breeding.  10  o  9  June  2,  1925,  Ames,  Iowa 
(11.  II.  Knight),  found  breeding  on  Crataegus ;  some  speci- 
mens reared  from  nymphs  confined  on  tender  foliage. 

Cratacyi  is  allied  to  disbar  Kngt.,  a  species  found  breeding 
on  hickory  in  New  York,  but  with  cuneus  pale  at  base  while 
the  second  antennal  segment  is  yellow  and  narrowly  black  at 

Plagiognathus  geminatus  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  ilicis  Kngt.,  but  differs  in  the  longer  second  anten- 
nal segment  which  exceeds  length  of  rostrum;  femora  and 
scutellum  infuscated,  hemelytra  uniformly  pale  greenish  yellow, 

9.  Length  3.5  mm.,  width  1.7  mm.  Head:  width  .80  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.02  mm.,  reaching  to  middle 
of  intermediate  coxae,  not  equal  to  length  of  second  antennal 
segment.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .21  mm.;  II,  1.21  mm.; 
Ill,  .59  mm.;  IV,  .31  mm.;  yellowish,  becoming  dusky  on  la-t 
two  segments.  Pronotum  :  length  .71  mm.,  width  at  base  1.4  mm. 

I 'ale  greenish  yellow,  embolium  and  cuneus  more  greenish, 
disk  of  scutellum  fuscous,  membrane  rather  uniformly  dusky  : 
femora  infuscated,  hind  femora  darker,  a  row  of  small  darker 
spots  along  median  line  of  anterior  aspect ;  tibiae  pale,  spines 
brownish  and  without  spots  at  base.  Clothed  with  simple,  yel- 
lowish pubescence,  more  prominent  on  head  and  pronotum. 

Holotypc:  9  April  7,  1928,  College  Station,  TEXAS  (H.  G. 
Johnston)  ;  author's  collection.  Paratypcs:  489  April  7,  20  9 
April  11,  1928,  taken  with  the  type  on  Ilc.r  dccidna  and  Jlc.v 
roinitaria  by  Mr.  Johnston.  It  seems  rather  remarkable  that 
not  a  single  male  can  be  found  in  the  large  series  studied.  This 
species  is  another  good  example  of  Jordan's  Law  of  geminate 
species,  in  that  gciniinitits  is  the  southwestern  twin  of  ilicis 
Kngt.  which  was  described  from  New  York.  These  two  species 
are  indeed  very  similar  except  in  structure  of  antennae  and 
rostrum,  and  in  the  fuscous  coloration.  In  the  large  series 
studied  there  is  no  variation  in  color. 

Plagiognathus  gleditsiae  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  dclicutits  Uhler  but  distinguished  by  the  broader 
head  and  shorter  rostrum;  scutellum  black  with  median  line 
pale,  frons  with  a  quadrate  black  spot  each  side  of  median  line. 

9.  Length  3  mm.,  width  1.29  mm.  Head:  width  .72  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm.  Rostrum,  length  .77  mm.,  only  attaining  hind 
margin  of  mesosternum.  Antennae:  srgment  I,  length  .18  mm.. 

266  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

black;  II,  .69  mm.,  brownish  black,  darker  on  base  and  apex; 
III,  .38  mm.,  blackish;  IV,  .21  mm.,  black.  Pronotum :  length 
.55  mm.,  width  at  base  1.12  mm. 

Coloration  yellowish  with  fuscous  and  black ;  quadrate  spot 
each  side  of  frons,  tylus,  apex  of  lora,  calli,  broad  rays  extend- 
ing from  calli  to  basal  margin  of  pronotum,  triangular  area  be- 
hind coxal  cleft,  mesoscutum  except  lateral  edge,  scutellum 
except  narrow  median  line,  inner  half  of  clavus  except  base, 
corium  except  base,  sternum,  apex  of  rostrum,  and  venter, 
fuscous  to  black.  Cuneus  somewhat  dusky  on  middle.  Mem- 
brane fuscous  brown,  darker  within  areoles,  veins  dusky,  opaque 
yellow  at  apex  of  areoles.  Legs  yellowish,  with  three  rows  of 
black  spots  on  anterior  aspect,  also  spots  above  and  on  apical 
half  of  posterior  aspect.  Tibiae  with  black  spots  at  base  of 
spines,  but  becoming  obsolete  apically ;  'tarsi  fuscous,  apices 
black.  Clothed  with  short,  recumbent,  simple  fuscous  to  black 
pubescence,  yellowish  on  ventral  surface. 

Holotype:  9  April  13,  1928,  College  Station,  TEXAS  (H.  G. 
Johnston)  ;  author's  collection.  Paratypes:  9$  ,  taken  with  the 
type  on  honey  locust  (Glcditsia  triacanthos) . 

Plagiognathus  subovatus  n.  sp. 

Runs  to  albocuneatus  Kngt.  in  my  key  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923, 
p.  431)  but  distinguished  by  the  shorter  antennae,  both  sexes 
with  segment  III  shorter  than  width  of  head  across  eyes;  male 
differs  in  the  shorter  and  more  rounded  posterior  lobe  of  left 
genital  clasper,  while  second  antennal  segment  is  not  equal  to 
basal  width  of  pronotum  ;  female  differs  in  the  strongly  arcuate 
embolar  margins,  veins  of  membrane  pale,  size  distinctly  small- 
er and  more  ovate. 

$  .  Length  3.6  mm.,  width  1.45  mm.  Head:  width  .77  mm., 
vertex  .38  mm.  Rostrum,  length  1.39  mm.,  reaching  to  middle 
of  hind  coxae,  largely  fuscous.  Antennae:  segment  I,  .27  mm., 
black;  II,  1.06  mm.,  black;  III,  .64  mm.,  dusky  yellow;  IV, 
.44  mm.,  pale  fuscous.  Pronotum:  length  .59  mm.,  width  at 
base'  1.12  mm.  Hemelytra  with  embolar  margins  moderately 
arcuate.  Clothed  with  prominent,  simple,  pale  to  yellowish  re- 
cumbent pubescence. 

Black,  vertex,  spot  just  behind  calli  on  middle  of  disk,  lower 
margins  of  propleura,  median  line  of  scutellum  but  frequently 
obsolete  on  middle,  outer  half  of  clavus,  basal  half  of  corium, 
embolium,  cuneus,  and  legs  largely,  pale.  Membrane  fuscous, 
slightly  paler  on  middle,  veins  and  spot  behind  smaller  areole, 
pale.  Coxae  with  basal  third  fuscous;  apical  half  of  femora 
with  two  rows  of  spots  on  anterior  aspect,  also  group  of  spots 
on  posterior  face  black,  becoming  obscured  with  fuscous ;  front 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  267 

and  middle  femora  with  a  row  of  four  or  live  small  black  dots 
on  median  line  beginning  at  middle.  Tibiae  with  spots  and 
spines  black,  tarsi  fuscous.  Genital  claspers  distinctive,  left 
clasper  with  posterior  lobe  shorter  and  more  rounded  than  in 

9  .  Length  3.4  mm.,  width  1.6  mm.  Head:  width  .77  mm., 
vertex  .40  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .27  mm.;  II,  .99 
mm.;  Ill,  .67  mm.;  IV,  .42  mm.  Pronotum:  length  .59  mm., 
width  at  base  1.17  mm.  Embolar  margins  more  strongly  arcu- 
ate than  in  the  male,  pubescence  and  coloration  very  similar  but 
somewhat  more  broadly  pale. 

Holotypc:  $  July  9,  1921,  St.  Anthony  Park,  St.  Paul, 
MINNESOTA  (H.  II.  Knight),  taken  at  light;  author's  collec- 
tion. Allot  \  pc\  Aug.  11,  taken  at  the  same  light.  Paralyses: 
39  July  6,  $  July  8,  9  July  10,  $  July  9,  1921,  topotypic, 
taken  at  light. 

This  species  is  allied  to  albonotatus  Kngt.  but  differs  in  the 
black  second  antennal  segment  and  in  form  of  the  genital 
claspers,  general  form  also  somewhat  larger. 

Plagiognathus  fusciflavus  n.  sp. 

Allied  to  alboradialis  Kngt.,  but  differs  in  that  both  sexes  are 
rather  similar  and  more  broadly  pale  ;  scutellum  pale  with  basal 
angles -broadly  fuscous;  corium  pale,  a  longitudinal  fuscous 
stripe  thru  the  middle;  cuneus  pale  yellowish  brown,  darker 
on  middle. 

$  .  Length  4.1  mm.,  width  1.45  mm.  Head:  width  .75  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm. ;  yellowish,  lora  and  tylus  black,  the  latter  with 
a  spot  on  each  side  of  a  Y-shaped  mark  at  base,  pale ;  gula,  spot 
above  base  of  antennae  and  obsolete  marks  on  frons,  fuscous. 
Rostrum,  length  1.55  mm.,  reaching  upon  fourth  ventral  seg- 
ment, yellowish,  last  two  segments  black.  Antennae :  segment 
1,  length  .26  mm.,  black;  II,  1.15  mm.,  black;  III,  (broken). 
Pronotum:  length  .56  mm.,  width  at  base  1.12  mm. ;  pale  to  yel- 
low, calli  fuscous,  black  on  inner  margins,  yellow  before,  nar- 
row collar  margin  black ;  propleura  fuscous,  lower  margin 
pale.  Mesoscutum  rather  broadly,  exposed,  yellowish;  scutellum 
pale  yellowish,  basal  angles  rather  broadly  infuscated,  sutural 
line  at  base  blackish  but  obsolete  on  middle. 

Dorsum  and  venter  clothed  with  simple  yellowish  pubescence, 
but  blackish  on  the  legs.    Hemelytra  pale,  corium  with  a  longi- 
tudinal   fuscous    stripe   thru    tin-    middle,    only    slightly    wider 
apically ;  commissural  edges  of  clavus  blackish;  cuneus  yellow 
ish    brown,   darker   on    middle.      Membrane    pale   to    du^ky,    a 

268  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

fuscous  spot  each  side  just  behind  apex  of  smaller  areole,  anal 
area  blackish  ;  veins  yellowish,  an  opaque  callous  mark  border- 
ing apex  of  larger  areole.  Ventral  surface  fuscous  but  not 
entirely  obscuring  the  yellowish  pigment  of  the  hypodermis ; 
ostiolar  peritreme  yellowish.  Legs  yellowish,  femora  with  rows 
of  black  spots,  larger  on  hind  femora,  but  those  on  posterior 
aspect  grouped  on  distal  half.  Tibiae  with  knees,  spots  and 
spines,  black ;  tarsi  black. 

2.  Length  4  mm.,  width  1.5  mm.  Head:  width  .77  mm., 
vertex  .41  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .26  mm.;  II,  1.03 
mm.;  Ill,  .68  mm.;  IV,  .38  mm.;  black.  Pronotum :  length 
.56  mm.,  width  at  base  1.15  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in 
pubescence  and  coloration,  but  venter  more  broadly  yellowish, 
posterior  half  of  each  segment  only  blackish. 

Holotypc:  $  June  26,  1926,  LaGrande,  OREGON  (E.  W. 
Davis);  author's  collection.  Allot \pc\  same  data  as  the  type. 

Plagiognathus  fuscipes  n.  sp. 

Runs  to  laricicola  Kngt.  in  my  key  (Hem.  Conn.,  1923,  p. 
43.1 )  but  distinguished  by  the  longer  rostrum  and  more  promi- 
nent and  pointed  head. 

$  .  Length  3.7  mm.,  width  1.3  mm.  Head:  width  .77  mm., 
vertex  .37  mm.,  moderately  produced,  tylus  prominent  as 
viewed  from  above.  Rostrum,  length  1.96  mm.,  reaching  upon 
fifth  ventral  segment,  black.  Antennae :  segment  I,  len-gth  .27 
mm.;  II,  1.05  mm.;  Ill,  .66  mm.;  IV,  .42  mm.;  black,  last  two 
segments  pale  fuscous.  Pronotum :  length  .53  mm.,  width  at 
base  1.09  mm. 

Clothed  with  moderately  prominent,  pale  to  yellowish  pubes- 
cence. Color  black  with  a  tinge  of  brown,  the  cuneus  uniformly 
black  like  the  corium.  Membrane  and  veins  uniformly  dark 
fuscous,  slightly  paler  by  tip  of  cuneus.  Vertex  transversely 
pale.  Legs  uniformly  fuscous  over  a  lighter  ground  color, 
tibiae  slightly  paler,  spines  with  small  basal  spots  black  ;  hind 
femora  with  a  double  row  of  black  spots  showing  thru  the 
fuscous  shade;  apical  half  of  coxae  and  the  trochanters  pale. 

2  .  Length  3.6  mm.,  width  1.48  mm.  Head:  width  .72  mm., 
vertex  .39  mm.  Antennae:  segment  I,  length  .24  mm.;  II,  .96 
mm.;  Ill,  .65  mm.;  IV,  .35  mm.  Very  similar  to  the  male  in 
pubescence  and  coloration. 

Holotypc:  $  August  9,  1925,  Veta  Pass,  COLORADO  (H.  H. 
Knight);  author's  collection.  Allotypc:  same  data  as  the 
type.  Paratypcs  :^7  $  22  taken  with  the  types  on  Dasiophora 
fruticosa  L.  where  the  species  was  evidently  breeding. 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  269 

An  Unusual  Catocala  Colony  (Lepid.:  Noctuidae). 

By  LUCIEN  HARRIS,  JR.,  Macmillan  Company,  Publishers, 

Atlanta,  Georgia. 

While  it  is  not  unusual  to  find  many  species  of  lepidnptera 
abounding  in  certain  areas,  it  has  been  my  good  fortune  to 
find  here  in  Atlanta,  in  a  very  restricted  area,  twenty-seven 
species  and  ten  variations  of  moths  belonging  to  the  genus 

Some  are  common  and  some  are  rare,  but  they  were  all  taken 
in  a  little  wooded  ravine  not  over  two  acres  in  extent.  The 
very  limited  space  in  which  I  have  found  all  of  these,  and  the 
further  fact  that  none  is  to  be  found  in  other  nearby  patches  of 
woods,  makes  this  particular  place  quite  unusual. 

The  woods  in  this  little  ravine  are  rather  open  and  made 
up  of  the  following  trees:  pine  (quite  a  number),  a  few  im- 
mense poplars,  a  good  many  oaks,  and  the  following  in  de- 
creasing numbers,  beech,  hickory,  dogwood,  sweet  gum,  iron- 
wood,  willow  and  hawthorne. 

Several  species  of  the  Cat&calae  are  very  abundant  during 
their  particular  season  of  the  summer.  Of  these  I  would  especi- 
ally mention  C.  cpione,  C.  cam,  var.  carissima,  C.  ilia,  C.  inacs- 
tosa,  C.  lacrvmosa  and  C.  innubcns.  A  few  others  are  common 
in  certain  favorable  years.  I  remember  two  years  ago  I  took 
a  number  of  C.  cousors  in  this  place  where  previously  it  had 
been  very  rare.  Also  during  one  excellent  year  for  Catocalac 
I  counted  forty-five  C.  inacstosa  sitting  on  one  poplar  tree. 
One  day  last  year  I  found  fifteen  of  the  beautiful  C.  cam 
variety  carissima  all  under  a  favorite  log.  In  this  colony,  C. 
cam  itself  is  seldom  found.  Tn  fact  I  have  seen  and  taken  only 
four  or  five  specimens,  but  the  form  carissima  is  abundant. 

I  would  like  to  make  special  mention  of  a  few  of  the  moths 
encountered.  My  first  C.  mannomla  was  found  sitting  on  a 
medium  sized  pine  tree.  At  rest  it  resembled  a  very  large  C. 
inacstosa  and  it  was  not  until  the  cyanide  jar  was  quickly  thrust 
over  it,  that  I  realized  what  a  prize  had  been  captured.  The 
following  year  1  caught  another  one  within  a  hundred  feet 
of  the  same  spot.  It  was  sitting  on  one  of  the  large  poplars. 
l)oth  were  fresh  specimens  and  were  taken  in  August. 

270  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

C.  angusi  form  Incctta  I  find  is  partial  to  the  pine  as  a  place 
to  rest.  C.  lacrvuiosa  rather  prefers  the  beech  and  dogwoods, 
while  C.  "c'idna  and  inacstosu  seem  to  like  the  poplars  as  a  rest- 
ing place,  or  perhaps  I  should  say  hiding  place  for  their  colors 
and  markings  blend  remarkably  well.  C.  nclntlosa  I  found 
sitting  with  several  carissiina  underneath  a  log  that  had  fallen 
across  a  small  stream  that  flows  through  these  woods.  C.  ilia 
is  usually  plentiful  and  is  to  be  found  each  year  in  several 
varietal  forms. 

C.  mint  appears  to  be  out  of  its  recorded  range  but  the  speci- 
men taken  is  undoubtedly  this  species. 

For  those  interested  I  am  giving  a  complete  list  of  the  Cato- 
calac  taken  up  to  date  in  this  little  area.  The  nomenclature  is 
that  given  in  Barnes  and  McDunnough's  work  on  Catocala. 

Agripplna  (Strecker),  agrippina  form  sitbviridis  (Harvey), 
alabamac  (Grote),  amatrix  (Hiibner),  amatrir  form  sclccta 
(Walker),  arnica  (Hiibner),  ainica  form  ncrissa  (Hy.  Ed- 
wards), andromcda  (Guenee),  angusi  form  Incctta  (Hy.  Ed- 
wards), cur  a  (Guenee),  cara  form  carissiina  (Hulst),  consors 
(Abbott  and  Smith),  cratacgi  (Saunders),  elonympha  (Hiib- 
ner), cpionc  (Drury),  flcbilis  (Grote),  ilia  (Cramer),  ilia 
form  co)isf>icna  (Worthington),  ilia  form  diiplicata  (Worth- 
ington),  innnbcns  (Guenee),  inniibcns  form  scintillans  (Grote), 
insolabilis  (Guenee),  lacryiuosa  (Guenee),  lacrymosa  form 
evclina  (French),  lacrymosa  form  paulina  (Hy.  Edwards), 
niacstosa  (Hulst),  uiannorata  (Edwards),  mira  (Grote),  nebu- 
la sa  (Edwards),  obscura  (Strecker),  piatri.v  (Grote),  robin- 
soni  (Grote),  ulalumc  (Strecker),  ultronia  (Hiibner),  ultronia 
form  cclia  (  Hy.  Edwards),  vidua  (Abbott  and  Smith),  Eupar- 
thcnos  nnbilis  form  fasciata  (Beutenraiiller). 

Three  New  Species  of  Agrilus  (Coleop. :  Burprestidae). 

By  J.  N.  KNULL,  Pennsylvania  Bureau  of  Plant  Industry. 
Agrilus  duncani  n.  sp. 

Head  bronzy  green ;  pronotum  dark  blue  almost  black  ;  elytra 
cupreous,  suture  dark  blue;  ventral  surface  dark  blue,  more 
shining  than  above. 

Head  convex,  a  slight  median  depression,  rugosely  punctate, 
densely  clothed  with  recumbent  pubescence ;  antennae  short, 
serrate  beginning  with  the  fifth  joints. 

I'ronotum  slightly  wider  than  long,  convex,  widest  at  middle, 
sides  arcuately  rounded  to  just  behind  the  middle,  then  strongly 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  271 

sinuate  to  posterior  angles ;  marginal  and  submarginal  carinae 
feebly  sinuate,  separated  anteriorly  and  joined  near  base;  an- 
terior margin  strongly  sinuate,  median  lobe  broadly  rounded  ; 
disk  convex,  broad  oblique  depression  along  each  lateral  mar- 
gin ;  prehumeral  carinae  distinct,  surface  finely  transversely 
rugose,  sparsely  clothed  with  recumbent  pubescence,  which  is 
more  numerous  laterally.  Scutellum  granulate,  without  trans- 
verse carina. 

Elytra  at  base  slightly  wider  than  pronotum  at  base,  sides 
sinuate,  tips  rounded,  slightly  prolonged,  strongly  serrulate; 
sides  of  abdomen  visible  from  above;  disk  slightly  flattened, 
sutural  margins  strongly  elevated  posteriorly,  moderate  basal 
depressions;  surface  densely  imltricate-punctate,  recumbent 
pubescence  sparse,  more  prominent  along  suture. 

Abdomen  beneath  finely  punctate,  pubescent,  first  and  second 
segments  united,  suture  between  the  two  segments  faintly  indi- 
cated at  sides,  median  depression  smooth,  extending  to  middle 
of  second  ventral  segment ;  pygidium  without  projecting  carina. 
Prosternum  densely  clothed  with  long  white  pubescence,  pros- 
ternal  lobe  broadly  rounded,  feebly  emarginate  in  front.  Tarsal 
claws  on  anterior  and  middle  feet  toothed,  inner  portions  only 
feebly  turned  inward,  the  tips  distant,  posterior  tarsi  lacking. 
Length  6  mm.,  width  1.5  mm. 

Described  from  one  male  specimen  in  the  collection  of  the 
writer,  labeled  Sierra  Ancha  Mountains,  ARIZONA,  D.  K.  Dun- 
can collector.  The  species  would  run  to  Agrilus  fcrris  Dury 
in  Fisher's  key,*  but  the  antennae  being  serrate  from  the  fourth 
joint  will  at  once  separate  it  from  that  species. 

Agrilus  fisheri  n.  sp. 

Color,  form  and  markings  of  Atjrilns  fcli.\-  Horn,  brownish 
cupreous,  a  vitta  on  each  side  of  pronotum  and  elytra  formed  by 
white  pubescence. 

Head  with  slight  median  depression  on  vertex ;  surface  gran- 
ulate, lower  half  covered  with  dense  white  pubescence  which 
conceals  the  surface ;  antennae  serrate  beginning  with  the  fourth 

I'ronotum  nearly  twice  as  wide  as  long,  slightly  wider  at  apex 
than  at  base,  widest  in  middle;  sides  arcuate  from  apex  to 
base ;  marginal  and  submarginal  carinae  sinuate,  separated  in 
front  and  joined  near  base;  anterior  margin  broadly  sinuate; 
disk  slightly  flattened,  with  two  median  depressions,  anterior 
one  broad,  lateral  oblique  depressions  deep  ;  prehumeral  carinae 
distinct,  surface  granulose,  lightly  transversely  rugose.  Scutel- 
lum granulate,  transversely  carinate. 

*  \Y.   S.    Fisher— U.    S.    Xutionnl    MUM-UHI.    I'.ul.    145. 

272  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

Elytra  at  base  wider  than  base  of  pronotum ;  sides  sinuate, 
tips  rounded,  serrulate ;  sides  of  abdomen  exposed  above ;  disk 
with  a  longitudinal  costa  on  each  side,  sutural  margins  elevated 
on  apical  third,  basal  depressions  deep;  surface  imbricate.  Ab- 
domen beneath  finely  punctate,  a  dense  patch  of  white  pubes- 
cence on  each  side  of  each  abdominal  segment ;  pygidium  cari- 
nate,  carina  projecting. 

Prosternum  densely  clothed  with  recumbent  white  pubes- 
cence, prosternal  lobe  broadly  rounded,  feebly  emarginate,  pro- 
sternal  process  with  sides  parallel  between  and  behind  front 
coxal  cavities,  tip  acute.  Tarsal  claws  similar  on  all  feet,  cleft, 
inner  tooth  slightly  shorter  but  not  turned  inward. 

Length  8  mm.,  width  2.5  mm. 

Described  from  one  female  specimen  in  the  collection  of  the 
writer  labeled  Phoenix,  ARIZONA,  June  2,  1927,  A.  A.  Nichol 

According  to  Fisher's  key,  the  species  would  run  to  Agrilus 
niacer  Lee.,  however  the  white  vittae  on  the  dorsal  surface  will 
at  once  separate  it  from  that  species.  Named  for  Mr.  W.  S. 
Fisher,  who  kindly  compared  the  three  species  described  in  this 
paper  with  the  types  in  the  National  Museum  collection. 

Agrilus  parafloridanus  n.  sp. 

Color  bronzy  green,  form  of  a  stout  Agrilus  floridanus  Cr. 

Head  with  a  broad  depression  on  vertex ;  surface  irregularly 
rugose ;  antennae  short,  serrate  beginning  with  the  fifth  joints. 

Pronotum  wider  than  long,  wider  at  apex  than  at  base,  widest 
in  middle ;  sides  arcuately  rounded,  from  apical  angles  to  base ; 
marginal  and  submarginal  carinae  sinuate,  widely  separated 
anteriorly,  connected  near  base ;  anterior  margin  strongly  sinu- 
ate, median  lobe  broadly  rounded ;  disk  convex,  with  two  slight 
median  depressions,  lateral  depressions  deep  ;  prehumeral  cari- 
nae not  sharp,  but  well  indicated  ;  surface  coarsely,  transversely 
rugose,  punctate  between  rugae.  Scutellum  transversely  cari- 

Elytra  at  base  as  wide  as  base  of  pronotum ;  sides  sinuate  to 
broadly  rounded  tips,  tips  serrulate;  sides  of  abdomen  exposed 
from  above ;  disk  flattened,  sutural  margins  elevated  posteriorly, 
basal  depressions  deep ;  surface  densely  coarsely  imbricate- 
punctate,  sparsely  clothed  with  small  hairs,  a  small  patch  of 
indistinct  pubescence  on  each  elytron  in  front  of  middle  and 
on  apical  fourth,  which  give  the  appearance  of  spots. 

Abdomen  beneath  imbricate,  clothed  with  recumbent  hairs, 
first  and  second  segments  united,  suture  between  the  two  seg- 
ments faintly  indicated  at  the  sides ;  pygidium  with  a  feeble 
longitudinal  carina,  which  does  not  project. 

xl,     '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  273 

Prosternum  densely  clothed  with  recumbent  pubescence  ;  an- 
terior margin  truncate;  prosternal  process  wide,  sides  parallel 
to  apex,  which  is  truncate. 

Tarsal  claws  similar  on  all  feet,  cleft,  inner  tooth  shorter 
than  outer,  not  turned  inward. 

Length  7.5  mm.,  width  2  mm. 

Described  from  one  female  specimen  in  the  collection  of  the 
writer,  labeled  Apopka,  FLORIDA,  July  11,  1926,  E.  D.  Ball  col- 

According  to  Fisher's  key,  this  species  would  run  to  .-h/rilns 
floridanus  Crotch,  but  it  can  lie  separated  from  that  species  by 
the  color,  the  head  being  more  deeply  depressed;  wider  and 
more  coarsely  sculptured  pronotum. 

A  Swarm  of  Dragonflies  in  Costa  Rica  (Odonata). 
On  the  morning  of  January  3d  of  the  current  year,  at  about 
8  A.  M.,  I  was  standing  on  the  front  porch  of  my  home  when 
I  saw  what  seemed  to  me  a  swarm  of  locusts  flying  at  a  great 
height  from  east  to  the  west,  more  or  less.  It  was  impossible 
to  tell  what  they  were,  but  in  the  afternoon  of  the  same  day 
while  I  was  in  the  back  yard,  I  noticed  another  swarm  flying 
low  and  I  thinking  they  would  land  on  the  nearby  fields  came 
out  and  ran  toward  the  direction  in  which  I  had  seen  them 
flying,  but  with  little  or,  better,  no  success,  except  that  I  was 
able  to  see  that  the  insects  were  large  dragonflies  and  not 
locusts,  as  I  imagined  before.  The  following  day  I  found  that 
a  man  from  Tres  Rios  had  also  noticed  a  swarm  of  dragon- 
flies  flying  towards  San  Jose  on  the  same  day.  and  also  few 
persons  in  Turrucares  and  Rio  Grande.  They  tell  me  also  that 
some  school  children  in  Rio  Grande  have  captured  some  and 
that  they  are  about  four  inches  from  one  end  to  the  other  of 
the  wings.  I  shall  try  very  hard  to  obtain  a  sample  of  them. 
C.  MADRIGAL  MORA,  Liceo,  San  Jose,  C'osta  Rica. 

In  reference  to  this  note  by  Mr.  Mora,  Prof.  J.  l;.  Tristan 
wrote:  "1  tried  to  get  some  specimens  of  this  dragontly,  but 
it  was  impossible,  because  they  fly  very  high  and  very  quickly. 
My  colleague,  Mr.  C.  Madrigal"  Mora.  Professor  of  English 
at  the  Liceo,  saw  this  swarm  and  I  asked  him  to  write  a  de- 
scription of  this,  new  to  me,  phenomenon.  I  am  sending  you 
herewith  the  description.  Many  persons  spoke  to  me  about 
this  swarm  of  ^i^iltic/ius.  .\  teacher  told  me  that  he  bad  seen 
the  same  flock  of  lihclnlns  in  Turrucares  the  >ame  day.  I  can 
say  that  the  flock  was  seen  in  Escasu,  San  Jose  and  Tres  Rios." 
-J.  l-'iD.  TRISTAN,  San  Jose,  Costa  Rica. 

274  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,       WITH      THE       ASSISTANCE       OF       "BIOLOGICAL      AB- 
Under   the   above    head   it    is   intended   to   note   papers    received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,     pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North   and    South),    including    Arachnida    and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted: 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The    numbers    within    brackets    |    1    refer   to   the    journals,    as   numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in   the  January  and   June 
numbers    (or   which   may  be  secured    from   the   publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which   the   paper  appeared.     The  number  of,    or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (   ) 
follows;   then   the   pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord. Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

fij^  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. --Andrews,  E.  A. -- Population  of  ant 
mounds.  [73]  4:  248-257.  Cook,  W.  C.— A  biodimatic  zo- 
nation  for  studying-  the  economic  distribution  of  injurious 
insects.  [84J  10:  282-293,  ill.  Driggers,  B.  F.— Some  para- 
sites of  the  oriental  peach  moth  in  New  Jersey.  [6]  37: 
169-170.  Essig,  E.  O.— Entomological  sentiment.  [7|  22: 
335-340.  Herrick,  G.  W. — The  procession  of  foreign  insect 
pests.  [76]  1929:269-274,  ill.  Hudson,  G.  V.— Some  aspects 
of  modern  methods  in  entomology.  [8]  65:  146-151.  Hyslop, 
J.  A. — Common  names  and  taxonomy.  [5]  36:  107-111. 
Imms,  A.  D. — Some  methods  of  technique  applicable  to 
entomology.  [22]  20:  165-171.  McAtee,  W.  L.-- Further 
notes  on  insect  inhabitants  of  bird  houses.  [10]  31  :105-111. 
Parfentjev,  I.  A. — The  development  of  Russian  entomology. 
[6]  37:  153-155.  Showalter,  W.  T. — Exploring  the  wonders 
of  the  insect  world.  [Nat.  Geog.  Mag.]  56:  1-27,  ill.  Smith, 
H.  S. — On  some  phases  of  preventive  entomology.  [76]  1929: 
177-184.  Smith,  H.  S. — Multiple  parasitism:  its  relation  to 
the  biological  control  of  insect  pests.  [22 1  20:  141-149. 
Soliman,  B.  L. — The  immunity  and  resistance  of  plants  to 
insect  attack.  [Bull.  Soc.  Roy.  Ent.  Egypt]  1928:  81-95. 
Vayssiere,  P.  -  -  La  lutte  centre  les  insectes  nuisibles  an 
cotonnier  et  a  la  canne  a  sucre  aux  Etats-Unis.  [  Rev.  Bot. 
Appl.  Agric.  Trop.  Paris]  5:  121-125,  ill.  Weiss,  H.  B.— The 
entomology  of  Aristotle.  A  note  on  veterinary  entomology 
of  the  Sixteenth  Century.  [6]  37:  101-109,  159-161.  Wis- 
herd  &  Murayama. — Insect  rivals  of  the  rainbow.  |  Nat. 
Geog.  A  lag.  |  56:  28-90,  ill. 

xl,     '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKWS  275 

ANATOMY,   PHYSIOLOGY,   ETC.— Abbott,   C.    E.- 

The  comparative  morphology  of  the  spiracles  of  two  species 
of  weevils.  [7]  22:  331-334. 'ill.  Bridwell,  J.  C.— Thelytoky 
or  arrhenotoky  in  Sclerodermus  immigrans.  [5]  36:  119- 
120.  Brindley,  M.  D.  H. — On  the  repugnatorial  glands  of 
Corixa.  [36 j  77:  7-13.  ill.  Casteel,  D.  B— Histology  of 
the  eyes  of  x-rayed  Drosophila.  [42]  53:  373-385,  ill.  Cousin, 
G. — Influence  d"e  1'etat  hygrometrique  du  milieu  sub  revo- 
lution larvaire  de  Lucilia  sericata.  [77]  101:  913-915. 
Dakessian,  V.  S. — Variation  and  correlation  on  the  legs  of 
the  honeybee.  [7[  22:  168-174.  ill.  Dolley  &  Karris.— Uni- 
cellular glands  in  the  larvae  of  Kristalis  tenax.  [6]  37: 
127-134,  ill.  Eltringham,  H. — On  the  scent  organs  of  Opsi- 
phanes  cassiae  lucullus  (  Brassolidae).  1 36 1  77:  1-4,  ill. 
Frew,  J.  G.  H. — Studies  in  the  metabolism  of  insect  meta- 
morphosis. [Brit.  Jour.  Kxp.  Hiol.|  6:  205-218.  ill.  Gar- 
barskaja,  M.  -  -  Ueber  das  verhalten  der  malpighi'schen 
gefasse  einiger  Sphingidae-arten  wahrend  der  metamor- 
phose, unter  beriicksichtigung  der  veranderungen  des  zell- 
kernes.  [89]  51:  63-110,  ill'.  Gatenby  &  Mukerji.— The 
spermatogenesis  of  Lepisma  domestica.  [53]  73:  1-6,  ill. 
Grimshaw,  P.  H. — Instinct  and  intelligence  in  insects. 
[Scottish  Nat.]  1929:  97-101.  Grossman,  E.  F.— Biology 
of  the  Mexican  cotton  boll  weevil.  III.  The  mechanism 
of  grub  feeding.  [39]  13:  32-33.  Halik,  L.— Beitrag  zur 
kenntnis  der  Sinnesborsten  bei  Hydracarinen.  [34]  83: 
164-168,  ill.  Hanson  &  Winkleman. — Visible  mutations  fol- 
lowing radium  irradiation  in  Drosophila  melanogaster. 
[Jour.  Heredity]  20:  277-286,  ill.  Henson,  H.— On  the  de- 
velopment of  the  mid-gut  in  the  larval  stages  of  Vanessa 
urticae.  [53]  73 :  87-105.  ill.  Hirschler,  J. — Sur  un  appareil 
de  golgi  primaire  et  seconclaire  dans  les  spermatides  de 
Palomena  viridissima  (  Khynchote-Pentatomide).  [77]  101: 
850-852,  ill.  Keeler,  C.  E. — Critical  data  upon  thelytoky  in 
Scleroderma  immigrans.  [5)36:121-122.  Krumbiegel,  I.- 
Untersuchungen  viber  die  ein  wirkung  der  fortpflanzung  anf 
altern  und  lebensdauer  der  insekten,  ausgefiihrt  an  Carabus 
uml  Drosophila.  |89|  51  :  111-162.  ill.  Lee,  M.  O.— Respira- 
tion in  the  insects.  |  73  |  4:  213-232.  Marcu,  O. — Nervenen- 
digungen  an  den  muskelfasern  von  insekten.  |  Anatomischer 
Anzeiger]  67:  369-380,  ill.  Nel,  R.  I.— Studio  on  tin-  de- 
velopment of  the  genitalia  and  the  genital  ducts  in  insects. 
Female  of  Orthoptera  and  Dermaptera.  |  53  |  73:  J5-S(>.  ill. 
Paterson,  J.  T. — The  production  of  mutations  in  somatic 
cells  of  Drosophila  melanogaster  by  means  of  x-rays.  [42] 
53:  327-372,  ill.  Paterson,  J.  T.—  X-rays  and  somatic  muta- 
tions. [Jour.  Heredity]  20:  261-267,  ill.  Samtleben,  B- 
Anatomie  und  histologie  der  abdominalund  thoraxmuskul- 

276  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

atur  von  stechmiickenlarven.  [94]  134:180-269,111.  Schra- 
der,  W. — The  causes  of  change  in  color  patterns  of  butter- 
fly aberrations.  [38]  28:  8-11,  ill.  Schultz,  J.— The  minute 
reaction  in  the  development  of  Drosophila  melanogaster. 
[Genetics]  14:  366-419,  ill.  Scott,  H.— Blind  instinct  or 
conscious  action?  [8]  65:  161-162.  Steiner,  L.  F. — Homol- 
ogies  of  tracheal  branches  in  the  nymph  of  Anax  junius 
based  on  their  correlation  with  the  muscles  they  supply. 
[7]  22:  297-308,  ill.  Tunkl,  F.— Gedanken  iiber  die  puppen- 
ruhe.  [26]  9:  266-269.  Vignon  &  Seguy, — Sur  la  presence 
de  la  nervure  mediane  haute  chez  les  Dipteres.  [69]  188: 
1699-1701,  ill.  Voukassovitch,  P. — Contribution  a  1'etude 
de  Macrocentrus  abdominalis  et  de  ses  parasites.  (Bra- 
conidae).  [24]  98:  163-187,  ill.  Weyrauch,  W.  K.— Die 
hypnose  bei  Forficula  auricularia.  4.  Beitrag  zur  mneme. 
[46]  15:  109-155.  Whiting,  P.  W.— X-rays 'and  parasitic 
wasps.  [Jour.  Heredity  20:  269-276,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA   AND    MYRIOPODA.— Baerg,   W.   J.- 

Cocoon-making    by    the    tarantula.       [7]    22:    161-164,    ill. 
Chamberlin,  J.   C. — On    some   false   scorpions   of   the   sub- 
order   Heterosphyronida    ( Arachnida-Chelonethida).        [4] 
61:   152-155.     Gerhardt,  U. — Zur  vergleichenden  sexualbio- 
logie    primitiver    spinnen,    insebesondere    der    Tetrapneu- 
monen.     [46]    14:  699-764,  ill.     Oudemans,  A.  C.— Kritisch 
historisch    overzicht    der    Acarologie.       Tweede    Gedeelte. 
[101]   72,  Suppl:   1097  pp,  ill.     Oudemans,  A.  C.— C.  D. 
Sherborn  en  de  Acarologie.    [58]  7:  473-476.    Schiffer,  P.- 
Mites  on  Sceloporus.     [Copeia]   171  :  45-46. 


R.  H. — Studies  on  the  biology  of  Kansas  Cicadidae.     [Kan- 
sas  Univ.   Sci.   Bull.]    18:    155-263,   ill.      Davies,  W.   M.- 
Dragonflies  in  folk-lore.      [31]    124:  55.     *Frison,  T.  H.- 
Fall  and  winter  stoneflies,  or  Plecoptera,  of  Illinois.     I  Illi- 
nois Nat.  Hist.  Surv.  Bull.]    18:  345-409,  ill.     Longfield,  C. 
—A  list  of  Odonata  of  the  state  of  Matto  Grosso,  Brazil. 
[36]    77:    125-139,   ill.      Wheeler,   W.    M.— A    Camponotus 
mermithergate  from  Argentina.     [5]  36:  102-106,  ill.    Will- 
iams, C.  B. — Some  records  of  dragonflv  migration.     19]  62: 

ORTHOPTERA.— Berland,  L.— Remarques  sur  le  soln 
((tie  certaines  Blattes  prennent  de  leur  ootheque.  [25]  1929: 
172-174.  *Hebard,  M.— The  orthoptera  of  Colorado.  [Proc. 
Ac.  Nat.  Sc.  Phila.J  81  :  303-425,  ill.  *Little,  V.  A.— A  new 
grasshopper  (Acrididae)  from  Texas.  [10]  31:  114-116,  ill. 

HEMIPTERA.— Bare,  C.  O.— Haemoglobin  cells  and 
other  studies  of  the  genus  Buenoa  (Notonectidae).  [Kan- 
sas Univ.  Sci.  Bull.]  18:  265-349,  ill.  Beamer,  R.  H.— 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  277 

Scolops  osborni  in  Kansas.  (Fulgoridae).  [103]  2:  70. 
Breakey,  E.  P. — The  genus  Scolops  (Fulgoridae).  [Kan- 
sas Univ.  Sci.  Bull.]  18:  417-455,  ill.  Carpenter,  I.  P- 
Study  of  the  life  history  and  spotting  habits  of  Eutettix 
chenopodii  ( Cicadellidae).  [Kansas  Univ.  Sci.  Bull.]  18: 
457-483,  ill.  *Goding,  F.  W—  New  Membracidae,  VTTI. 
[6]  37:  167-168.  *Goding,  F.  W.— New  Membracidae,  IX. 
[6]  37:  171-174.  *Hungerford,  H.  B.— Some  new  semi- 
aquatic  hemiptera  from  South  America  with  a  record  of 
stridulatory  devices.  (Velliidae-Velia.)  [103]  2:  50-57. 
*Knight,  H.  H. — Rectifications  for  Blatchley's  "Heterop- 
tera"  with  the  description  of  a  new  species.  [19]  24:  143- 
154.  Knight  &  McAtee. — Bugs  of  the  family  Miridae  of 
the  District  of  Columbia  and  vicinity.  [50]  75,  Art.  13: 
27pp.  MacGill,  E.  I. — The  biology  of  Thysanoptera  with 
reference  to  the  cotton  plant.  IV.  The  relation  between 
the  degree  of  infestation  and  surface  caking  of  the  soil. 
[35]  16:  288-293,  ill.  *Martin,  C.  H.— An  exploratory  sur- 
vey of  characters  of  specific  value  in  the  genus  Gelastocoris 
and  some  new  species.  (S).  [Kansas  Univ.  Sci.  Bull.]  18: 
351-369,  ill.  Maxson  &  Knowlton. — The  tribe  Pemphigini 
(Aphididae)  in  Utah.  [7]  22:  251-271,  ill.  Shull,  A.  F.- 
Determination  of  types  of  individuals  in  aphids,  rotifers 
and  cladocera.  [Biol.  Reviews  &  Biol.  Proc.  Cambridge 
Phil.  Soc.]  4:  218-248.  Steinweden,  J.  B.— Bases  for  the 
generic  classification  of  the  coccoid  family  Coccidae.  [7] 
22:  197-243,  ill.  *Walley,  G.  S.— Notes  on  the  genus  Phi- 
laenus  in  America  north  of  Mexico,  (Cercopidae).  [4]  61  : 

LEPIDOPTERA.  —  *Clark,  B.  P. --Sundry  notes  on 
Sphingidae,  descriptions  of  sixteen  new  forms,  and  of  one 
new  genus.  [Pro.  New  England  Zoo.  Club]  11:  7-24. 
*Dyar  &  Heinrich. — A  new  myelois  from  Brazil  (Pyrali- 
dae:  Ohycitinae).  [10]  31:  116-118,  ill.  *Forbes,  W.  t.  M. 
-The  genus  Ecpantheria  (Arctiidae).  [7]  22:  310-330. 
Gilliatt,  F.  C. — The  bionomics  of  the  tortricid  moth,  Eulia 
mariana.  (Trans.  R.  Soc.  Canada,  Biol.  Sc.]  23  Sec.  5: 
69-84,  ill.  Haldy,  B. — Schmetterlingsschutz.  [Natur.  Mon- 
atsschrift  Heimat]  42:  238-243,  ill.  'Hayward,  K.  J.— Larval 
descriptions  from  Argentine.  [19]  24:  91-93,  cont.  Holland, 
W.  J. — The  first  picture  of  an  American  butterfly.  [76] 
1929:  45-48.  Johnson,  C.  W.— A  flight  of  Pieris  monuste. 
[5]  36:  92.  Klots,  A.  B.— The  genus  Anteos  (Pieridae). 
[19]  24:  134-142,  ill.  Kriiger,  E. — Kinige  beobachtungen 
ulu-r  Mnrpho  he-culm  (fluggewohnheiten,  eiablage,  junge 
raupe,  nahrpflange),  perscus,  acliillms  u-ir),  rhodopteron 
(ei,  niihrllange,  kopula),  rhelenor  (l«>pula).  (S),  |17|  46: 
22-23.  Peking  u.  Roth.  -  -  Mitteilungen  des  verbandes 

278  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

deutschsprachlicher  entomologen-vereine.  [Schmetterling- 
spraparation].  [26]  9:  225-230,  ill.  *Riley,  N.  D.- -Three 
new  species  of  Hesperiidae  from  Matto  Grosso.  [Bull.  Hill 
Mus.]  3:  134-138,  ill.  Salt,  G.— Castniomera  humboldti,  a 
pest  of  bananas.  (S).  [22]  20:  187-193,  ill.  Sherbora,  C.  D. 
—On  some  essays  and  proofs  by  Jacob  Hiibner.  [75]  4: 
80-82.  Stichel,  H. — Die  veroffenlichungen  iiber  Eryciniden 
von  A.  Seitz  im  spiegelbild  der  kritik.  [63]  43:  85-96. 
*Talbot,  G. — A  new  genus  of  Pericopinae  (Arctiidae).  (S). 
[Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  3:  133.  *Talbot,  G.— New  forms  of  but- 
terflies from  South  America.  [Bull.  Hill  Mus.]  3:  143-147. 
Tarns,  W.  H.  T. — Notes  on  the  study  of  the  wing-patterns 
of  moths.  [Nat.  Hist.  Mag.]  2:  58-63,  ill.  Zikan,  J.  F.- 
Myrmekophilie  bei  Hesperiden?  [17]  46:  27-28. 

DIPTERA. — :i:Aldrich,  J.  M. — Three  new  acalyptrate 
diptera.  [10]  31:  89-91.  *Aldrich,  J.  M.— A  revision  of 
the  two-winged  flies  of  the  genus  Procecidochares  in  North 
America  with  an  allied  new  genus.  [50]  75,  Art.  2:  13pp. 

*  Alexander,  C.  P. — Undescribed  species  of  the  genus  Lim- 
nophila   from   eastern    North   America.      [19]    24:    187-191. 

*  Alexander,  C.  P. — Records  and  descriptions  of  neotropical 
crane-flies   (Tipulidae),  VI.      [6]   37:  89-99.     *Bromley,  S. 
W. — Notes  on  the  asilid  genera  Bombomima  and  Laphria 
with  descriptions  of  three  new  species  and  two  new  varie- 
ties.    [4]  61:  157-161,  ill.    *Bromley,  S.  W.— The  Asilidae 
of  Cuba.     [7]  22:  272-294,  ill.    *Cresson,  E.  T.— Studies  in 
the  dipterous  family  Ephydridae.     Paper  II.      [mostly  ex- 
otic].     [1]    55:    165-195.   "  Curran,   C.   H.— Diptera  of  the 
American  Museum  Congo  expedition.  [Bull.  American  Mus. 
Nat.  Hist]  58:  167-187,  ill.     *Curran,  C.  H.— New  species 
of  Scatophagidae.     [4]   61:   130-134,  ill.     *Dyar,  H.  G.— A 
new  species  of  mosquito  from  Montana  with  annotated  list 
of  the  species  known  from  the  state     [50]  75,  Art.  23:  8pp. 
Hall,  D.  G. — Corrections  to  Sarcophaga  pallinervis  and  re- 
lated species  in  the  Americas.     [103]  2:  71.    Hallock,  H.  C. 

-Notes  on  methods  of  rearing  Sarcophaginae,  and  the  biol- 
ogy of  Sarcophaga  latisterna."  [7]  22:  246-  250,  ill.  Hearle, 
E. — The  life  history  of  Aedes  flavescens.  [Trans.  R.  Soc. 
Canada,  Biol.  Sc.]  23,  Sec.  5:  85-102,  ill.  *Huckett,  H.  C.- 
New  Canadian  anthomyids  belonging  to  the  genus  Hyle- 
myia  (Muscidae).  [4]  '61 :  136-144,  cont.  *Johannsen,"  O. 
A. — A  new  species  of  Blepharocera  from  Massachusetts. 
|5|  36:  123-124.  Johnson,  C.  W. — Diptera  destroying  snails 
[5]  36:  106.  *  Johnson,  C.  W.— Diptera  of  Labrador.  [5] 
36:  129-146.  Krober,  O. — Ueber  einige  kleinere  gattungen 
der  stkl  amerikanischen  Tabanini.  '[34]  83:  115-137,  ill. 
Lindner,  E. — Diptcrologische  eindriicke  aus  Sudamerika. 
1 17]  46:  25-26,  cont.  *Malloch,  J.  R.— Exotic  Muscaridae. 
[Alaska  and  S.  Am.|  [75]  4:  97-120.  Martinez,  M.— La 

xl,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  279 

mosca  domestica  en  la  ciuclad  de  Mexico.  [Mem.  y  Rev. 
Soc.  Cien.  "Antonio  Alzate"]  48:  391-418,  ill.  Paramonow, 
S.  J. — Beitrage  zur  monographic  der  gattung  Bombylius 
(  Bombyliidae).  Beitrage  zur  monographic  der  gattung 
Kxoprosopa.  [Acad.  Sci.  Ukraine  Mem.  Cl.  Sci.  Phys. 
Math.]  3:  185pp ;  6:  303pp,  ill.  Paramonow,  S.  J. — Beitrage 
zur  monographic  einiger  Bombyliiden-gattungen.  [Acad. 
Sciences  1'Ukraine]  1929:  65-224^  Quayie,  H.  J.— The  med- 
iterranean and  other  fruit  flies.  [Univ.  Cal.  Coll.  Agric.] 
Circ.  315:  19pp.,  ill.  Rolfs,  P.  H.— The  Mediterranean  fruit 
fly.  [39]  13:  25-30.  *Shannon,  R.  C.— Two  new  and  re- 
markable Syrphidae  in  the  Mus.  Nac.  Hist.  Nat.  Buenos 
Aires.  [An.  Mus.  Nac.  Hist.  Nat.  Bernardina  Rivadavia] 
34:  573-576.  *Speiser,  P. — Drei  ortaliden  aus  Siidbrasilien. 
[48]  46:27-31,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA.— Bengtsson,    S.— Die    larven    der    nor- 
dischen   arten   von   Carabns.      Eine  morphologische  studie. 

[Acta  Univ.  Lundensis.  Nova  Series]  24:  3-88,  ill.  *Blatch- 
ley,  W.  S.— The  Scarabaeidae  of  Florida.  [39]  13:  33-37, 
cont.  :!:Buchanan,  L.  L. — A  new  Agronus  from  Canada 
(Otiorhynchidae).  [10]  31:  102-104,  ill.  *Buchanan,  L.  L. 

-North  American  species  of  the  weevils  of  the  otiorhyn- 
chicl  genus  Mesagroicus.  [50]  76,  Art.  4:  14pp.,  ill.  *Carr, 
F.  S.— A  new  Cylindrocopturus.  [4]  61:  134-135.  Cham- 
berlain, K.  F. — Notes  on  Gyrinus  marginellus.  [19]  24: 
155-156.  Crowell,  M.  F. — A  note  on  the  asparagus  beetle, 
Crioceris  asparagi.  [5]  36:  101.  *daCosta  Lima,  A. — Sobre 
dois  scolytideos.  (S).  [Suppl.  Mem.  Inst.  Oswaldo  Cruz] 
1929:  109-112,  ill.  Friend,  R.  B.— The  asiatic  beetle  in  Con- 
necticut. [Conn.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.j  Bull.  304:  585-664,  ill. 
Frings,  C.  F.— Megaceras  chorinaeus.  (S).  [20]  44:  21, 
ill.  Frost,  C.  A. — An  early  cerambycid.  [19|  24:  154. 
Frost,  C.  A. — Geotrupes  horni.  |5|  3(>:  111.  *Hatch,  M.  H. 

-A  new  Bembidion.  [4]  61  :  135.  Hatch,  M.  H. — A  sup- 
plement to  the  indices  to  the  keys  to  and  local  lists  of  ne- 
arctic  Coleoptera.  [6]  37:  135-143.  Heymons  &  Lenger- 
ken. — Biologische  untersuchungen  an  coprophagen  Lamelli- 
corniern.  I.  Nahrungserwerb  und  fortpflanzungsbiologie 
der  gattung  Scarabaeus.  [4(>j  14:  531-613,  ill.  Horsfall, 
W.  R. — Notes  on  Phyllophaga  ilicis.  (Scarabaeidae).  |K>3| 
2:  71.  Knaus,  W. — The  genus  Agrilus  in  Kansas.  [103] 
2:66-69.  *Liebke,  M— Laufkafer-studien  VI.  (S)  |2(>| 
9:  245-247,  261-265,  297-298,  ill.,  cont.  *Marshall,  G.  A.  K. 

-New  Curculionidae  from  cacao  and  camphor.     (S).     |22| 
20:201-204,  ill.    *Maulik,  S.— New  injurious  Hispinae.    (S) 
[22|  20:  81-94.  ill.    *Notman,  H.— A  nc-w  species  of  Bembi- 
dion   from    Lake    Su]>erior    ( Carabidae).      [6]    37:    157-15S. 

280  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Oct.,    '29 

*Rivnay,  E. — Revision  of  the  Rhipiphoridae  of  North  and 
Central  America.  [Mem.  American  En.  Soc.j  No.  6:  68pp., 
ill.  Stammer,  H.  J. — Die  symbiose  der  Lagriiclen.  [46] 
15:  1-34,  ill.  Swaine,  J.  M. — The  biology  of  Canadian  bark- 
beetles.  [4]  61 :  145-146.  *Van  Dyke,  E.  C.— New  species 
of  Meloidae.  [19]  24:  127-133. 

HYMENOPTERA. — Balduf,  W.  V. — The  bionomics  of 
Tetrastichus  verrucarii  (Chalcidoidea)  with  notes  on  its 
hosts  (Neuroterus  spp.,  Cynipidae)  on  bur  oak.  [4]  61  : 
125-130.  *Bequaert,  J. — A  new  Pseudomasaris  from  Cali- 
fornia, with  some  considerations  on  the  masarid  wasps. 
[5]  36:  61-88,  ill.  *da  Costa  Lima,  A. — Nota  sobre  o  "Pseu- 
dotelenomus  pachycoris"  (n.  g.,  n.  sp.)  parasito  dos  ovos 
de  "Pachycoris  torridus."  (S).  [32 j  4:  51-53,  ill.  Deay, 
H.  O. — -The  Coreidae  of  Kansas.  [Kansas  Univ.  Sci.  Bull.) 
18:  371-415,  ill.  deOng,  E.  R.— The  honeybee  as  a  polliniz- 
er.  [Univ.  Calif.  Coll.  Agric.]  Circ.  297:  17-22.  *Doering, 
K.  C. — The  genus  Clastoptera  in  America  north  of  Mexico. 
[Kansas  Univ.  Sci.  Bull.]  18:  5-153,  ill.  *Fischer,  C.  R.- 
De  um  novo  Hymenoptero  destruidor  de  motucas.  (S). 
[Bol.  Biol.  Rio  de  Janeiro]  1929:  43-46,  ill.  Friese,  H.- 
Wie  konnen  schmarotzerbienen  aus  sammelbienen  entste- 
hen?  [34]  84:  1-3.  Frings,  C.  F. — Beobachtete  paarung  bei 
Ichneumoniden.  [20]  44:  26.  Hicks,  C.  H. — Pseudoma- 
saris edwardsii,  another  pollen-provisioning  was]),  with 
further  notes  on  P.  vespoides.  [4]  61  :  121-125.  Malyshev, 
S.  I. — The  nesting  habits  of  Macropis  (Apoidea).  |KOS] 
5:  97-109,  ill.  *Mitchell,  T.  B.— A  species  of  Megachile 
from  Bermuda.  [5]  36:  93-94.  *Muesebeck,  C.  F.'  W.- 
Two  new  species  of  Apanteles  (Braconidae).  [10]  31  :  118- 
120.  *Parker,  J.  B. — A  generic  revision  of  the  fossorial 
wasps  of  the  tribes  Stizini  and  Bembicini  with  notes  and 
descriptions  of  new  species.  [50]  75,  Art.  5:  203pp.,  ill. 
Robertson,  C. — Phenology  of  oligolectic  bees  and  favorite 
flowers.  [5]  36:  112-118.  *Ross,^  H.  H.— A  study  of  Mar- 
latt's  group  I  of  the  genus  Pontania  with  descriptions  of 
four  new  species  (Tenthredinidae).  [10]  31:  91-97,  ill. 
Schwarz,  H.  F. — A  gynandromorphic  specimen  of  Trigona 
cupira  var.  rhumbleri.  (S).  [6]  37:  145-149.  Stager,  R.— 
Die  samensammelnden  ameisen  und  das  ernahrungsprob- 
lem.  [45]  24:  199-214.  *Timberlake,  P.  H.— New  records 
and  descriptions  of  bees  of  the  genus  Perdita.  [6]  37:  111- 
125.  Wheeler,  W.  M. — Two  neotropical  ants  established  in 
the  United  States.  [5]  36:  89-90.  Wilkinson,  D.  S.— New 
species  and  host  records  of  Braconidae.  (S).  [22]  20-  205- 
208,  ill. 

SPECIAL    NOTICES.— Zoologica    Record    Vol.    LXV, 
1928,  Part  11,  Insecta,  has  just  been  issued. 


NOVEMBER,  1929 


Vol.  XL 


No.  9 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera— VIII ..  .  281 

Gunder— A  Correction 286 

Thomas — The  Parasites  of  Wireworms  (Coleop.:  Elateridae) 287 

Ewing— Four  New  Species  of  Chiggers  (Acarina-Trombidiidae) 294 

Weiss — Eastern  Branch  American  Association  of  Economic  Entomolo- 
gists   297 

The  Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial 297 

Foreign  Honorary  Members  of  Two  Entomological  Societies 299 

Stiles— International  Commission  on  Zoological  Nomenclature  Opinions 

105  to  114 301 

Entomological  Literature 302 

Review — Wardle's  Problems  of  Applied  Entomology 307 


Logan  Square 

Entered  at  the  Philadelphia,  Pa.,  Post  Office  as  Second  Class  Matter. 
Acceptance  for  mailing  at  the  special  rate  of  postage  prescribed  for  in  Section  i 
Act  of  Octobers,  1917,  authorized  January  15, 


published  monthly,  excepting  August  and  September,  by  The  American 
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Philip  P.  Calvert,  Ph.D.,  Editor;  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  R.  G.  Sthmieder.Ph.D., 
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Plate  XVI. 





* Deceased 


VOL.  XL.  NOVEMBER,    1929  No.  9 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

VIII.     U.  S.  National  Museum,  Washington,  D.  C. 

By  J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

(Plate  XVI). 

Every  country  has  a  museum,  or  group  of  museums,  in  its 
capital  city.    Among  the  oldest  is  the  British  Museum  in  Lon- 
don which  came  into  existence  in   1753  by  act  of   Parliament 
and  was  inspired  by  the  will  of  Sir  Hans  Sloane,  who  left  an 
invaluable  collection  of  books,  manuscripts  and  so-called  curi- 
osities.    Actually,  the  first  scientific  museum  on  record  along 
modern    lines    was   begun   at    Oxford,    England,    in    1667,    by 
Elias   Ashmole.      Though   not   under  national   control,   it   still 
survives  and  is  known  as  the  Ashmolean   Museum.     The  be- 
ginning  of   a   government   collection    in    America   dates    from 
1826,  when  James  Smithson  bequeathed  his  estate  to  the  United 
States  "to  found  at  Washington,  under  the  name  of  the  Smith- 
sonian Institution,  an  establishment   for  the  increase  and  dif- 
fusion of  knowledge  among  men."      Mr.   Smithson's  personal 
effects  consisted  of  several  boxes  of  books  and  a  good  mineral 
collection  of  about  ten  thousand  small  specimens.    This  formed 
the  nucleus  of   our  nation's   first  display  cabinet.      Unfortun- 
nately   this   collection   was   destroyed    in   the   Smithsonian   fire 
of    1865.     The  phrase  "National   Museum",  or  the  idea  of  a 
National   Museum,  was  first  suggested  in   1840  by   Hon.    foel 
R.   Poinsett,  of   South   Carolina,  who  was  Secretary  of  War 
under  President  Van   Buren.     The  words  "National  Museum 
of  the  United  States"  were  painted  over  the  door  of  the  exhi- 
bition hall  of  the  Smithsonian  Building  in  1859  and  since  then 
there   has   been   an   ever-increasing  tendency   to   submerge  the 
word   Smithsonian   in    favor  of   the  broader   name.      However, 
there    will    always    be   a    Smithsonian    Institition    Building   in 


282  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

Washington  to  perpetuate  the  original  bequest  and   ideals  of 
the  founder. 

The  new  Natural  History  Building  shown  in  the  oval  on 
the  accompanying  plate  was  completed  in  1912  and  is  one  of 
several  fine  structures  in  Smithsonian  Park  where  all  the 
government  museum  buildings  are  located.  The  Division  of 
Insects,  under  the  Department  of  Biology,  occupies  a  number 
of  rooms  on  the  third  floor  and  here  are  assembled  all  the 
entomological  collections,  as  well  as  the  offices  and  laboratories 
of  the  many  scientists  whose  work  is  so  well  known. 

The  National  collection  of  insects  has  from  the  earliest  time 
been  closely  associated  with  the  U.  S.  Bureau  of  Entomology, 
which  has  contributed  not  only  a  large  part  of  the  specimens 
during  the  last  forty  years,  but  which,  also,  has  paid  the  salary 
of  the  major  part  of  the  working  force.  The  chiefs  of  the 
Bureau  of  Entomology  (C.  V.  Riley  and  Dr.  L.  ( ).  Howard) 
have  been  the  honorary  Curators  of  the  insect  collections.  A 
portrait  of  Dr.  Howard  is  among  the  group1  shown  on  plate 
XVI.  The  Doctor  tells  me  that  for  personal  study  he  is  par- 
tial to  parasitic  hymenoptera  and  that  next  to  that  he  finds 
great  pleasure  in  adding  to  his  private  entomological  library, 
which  already  consists  of  six  or  seven  thousand  volumes  and 
pamphlets.  Since  going  to  Washington  in  1878.  he  has  not 
felt  the  need  of  a  private  insect  collection  and  those  which 
he  made  as  a  youth  were  given  to  Cornell  University.  I  hope 
the  Doctor  will  forgive  me  if  I  list  the  degrees  which  have 
come  to  him:  B.S..  Cornell,  1877;  M.S..  Cornell,  1883;  Ph.D., 
Georgetown,  1896;  M.D.,  George  Washington,  1911;  LL.D., 
Pittsburgh,  1911;  Sc.D.,  Toronto,  1921;  LL.D.,  University  of 
California,  1929.  It  can  be  said  that  L.  O.  Howard  put  eco- 
nomic entomology  on  the  map.  His  books  were  largely  respon- 
sible for  the  anti-house  fly  campaign  all  over  the  world  in 

1  Photograph  taken  Jan.  4,  1929,  in  the  Lepidoptera  collection  room. 
This  is  the  last  picture  in  which  Dr.  Harrison  Grey  Dyar  appeared.  He 
was  very  shortly  to  have  been  made  "Expert  in  Culicidae  (mosquitoes), 
Bureau  of  Entomology",  but  death  took  its  toll  Jan.  21st.  A  fine  testi- 
monial biography  appears  in  Science  under  date  of  Feb.  8,  1929,  from 
the  pen  of  Dr.  L.  0.  Howard. 

XL,    '29  J  ENTOMOLOGICAL     MAYS  2X3 

the  last  twenty  years  and  he  will  always  he  remembered  as 
a  leader  in  the  international  "mosquito  campaign",  lie  forced 
the  people  and  the  governments  to  understand  the  need  of 
insect  control.  Dr.  Howard  was  horn  at  Rockford,  Illinois, 
on  June  11,  1857,  and  has  three  charming  daughters. 

The  small  heginnings  of  the  Lepidoptera  collections  at  the 
National  Museum  date  from  Towsend  Glover  and  C.  V.  Riley. 
They  took  more  technical  form  from  the  early  work  of  John 
B.  Smith  and  were  well  on  the  way  when  Dr.  H.  G.  Dyar 
became  custodian  in  1897  and  gave  his  large  collection  of 
North  American  Lepidoptera  to  the  museum.  From  then  on 
the  collection  as  a  whole  acquired  importance  through  the  very 
many  types,  several  thousands,  described  by  Dyar.  Schaus, 
Busck  and  Heinrich  and  by  the  acquisition  of  numerous  large 
and  smaller  collections,  among  the  more  important  of  which 
are : 

1897.  Harrison   G.    Dyar  collection    (gift);    North   Ameri- 
can, arranged  according  to  the  Dyar  List. 

1898.  Hoffman  collection    (purchase)  ;   Palearctic  Lepidop- 
tera, a  very  complete,  well  mounted  and  well  determined  Euro- 
pean collection. 

190.-?.  \Ym.  Schaus  collection  (gift)  ;  Central  and  South 
American  Lepidoptera,  worked  up  in  subsequent  years  and 
constituting  the  major  part  of  the  largest  and  most  important 
South  and  Central  American  collection  extant. 

1903.  U.  Nawa  collection  (gift)  ;  Japanese  Lepidoptera  ex- 
hibited at  the  St.  Louis  World  Fair. 

1908.  Meyrick  collection  (gift)  ;  Australian  Microlepidop- 
tera,  authentically  named  material. 

I'M  1-12.  Smithsonian  Panama  Expedition  collection;  large 
collection  made  by  Busck  and  subsequently  worked  up  by 
Busck  and  Dyar,  yielding  many  hundreds  of  new  types. 

1912.  Walsingham  collection  (gift);  Alicrolepidoptera  (c. 
half  types  and  cotypes)  of  the  /Holot/iti  Central!-. •liiicricuna ; 
also  numerous  other  named  micros  from  Africa  and  the  East. 

1920  ?.  Idding  collection  (gift)  ;  Lepidoptera.  lar-dy  ex- 
otics in  glass  mounts  and  largely  used  for  exhibition  purposes. 

1924.     C.  H.  Fernald  collection   (purchase);  mainly   Micro- 

284  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

lepidoptera,  containing  Fish  types,  Fitch's  Pterophorid  types 
and  many  North  American  cotypes  of  Hulst,  Packard,  Grote 
and  Walsingham,  besides  Fernald's  own  Tortricid  types. 

1925.  Dognin  collection  (purchased  by  subscription  and 
presented  to  the  Museum)  ;  mostly  exotics,  about  80,000  speci- 
mens with  over  3000  Dognin  types  and  300  Thierry- Mieg  types. 

1925.  Schoenborn  collection  (gift)  ;  eastern  United  States 
and  European  material. 

1925.  Hamfelt  collectipn  (purchase)  ;  large,  well  deter- 
mined and  well  preserved  Palearctic  collection. 

1928.  A.  Philpott  collection   (gift)  ;  authentic  collection  of 
New  Zealand  Microlepidoptera,  nearly  complete. 

1929.  Brooklyn    Museum   collection    (permanent    deposit)  ; 
a  very  large  series  of   North  American  collections,   including 
types  of  Neumoegen,  Hulst  and  others. 

The  Lepidoptera  collections  are  all  kept  in  one  hundred  metal 
cases  of  fifty  drawers  each  and  two  hundred  wooden  cases 
of  twenty-two  drawers  each.  The  drawers  average  18  x  18 
inches.  This  makes  a  total  of  9400  drawers  containing  the 
butterflies  and  moths.  Perhaps  there  are  well  over  500,000 
mounted  and  labeled  specimens  altogether.  The  number  of 
types  exceed  12,000  according  to  index  record. 

When  anyone  wants  to  know  about  foreign  moths  he  asks 
Dr.  William  Schaus,  for  he  has  worked  with  and  described 
more  exotic  Heterocera  than  any  other  American.  Harry 
Edwards  first  interested  the  Doctor  in  Lepidoptera.  Born  in 
New  York  City,  January  11,  1859,  he  attended  private  schools 
in  England  and  France  and  won  his  M.A.  at  the  University 
of  Wisconsin.  The  degree  of  D.Sc.  was  received  several 
years  ago  from  the  University  of  Pittsburgh.  Dr.  Schaus 
had  a  very  complete  entomological  library  which  was  donated 
to  the  Smithsonian,  but  remains  under  his  personal  care.  He 
is  at  present  concluding  "A  Monograph  of  American  Bomby- 
ciclae"  for  Seitz's  Lepidoptera  of  the  World. 

I  was  very  glad  to  include  Mr.  Carl  Heinrich  in  the  group 
photograph.  Although  an  associate  entomologist  with  the  U. 
S.  Bureau  of  Entomology,  he  has  been  working  in  conjunction 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  285 

with  the  Insect  Division  of  the  National  Museum  since  1913 
and  has  numerous  papers  upon  American  moths  and  their 
larvae  to  his  credit.  Beginning  in  19U>,  he  made  a  number 
of  productive  collecting  trips  through  the  southwestern  United 
States.  Unlike  most  entomologists,  Mr.  H'einrich  is  an  all-round 
student,  being  well  versed  and  interesting  himself  in  history, 
literature  and  philosophy  especially.  He  was  born  April  7, 
1880,  in  Newark,  New  York,  and  was  brought  up  in  Omaha, 

The  gentleman  on  the  extreme  right  in  the  picture  is  Mr. 
Francis  H.  Noyes,  the  well-known  entomological  artist.  He 
has  made  upwards  of  one  thousand  paintings  of  Lepidoptera 
for  the  Museum.  His  work  is  in  reality  miniature  painting 
of  insects.  Mr.  Noyes  says,  "1  first  make  an  academic  draw- 
ing of  each  subject  to  be  figured  and  then  paint  it  as  I  would 
any  miniature  portrait.  I  started  drawing  at  the  age  of  fifteen 
and  painting  at  about  eighteen  or  nineteen  under  the  tutelage 
of  Dr.  Wm.  H.  Holmes,  the  venerable  Director  of  the  U.  S. 
National  Museum,  than  whom,  in  my  humble  opinion,  there  is 
no  superior  aquarelle  artist.  After  working  in  Washington 
until  1886,  I  went  abroad  to  study  and  lived  in  London  and 
on  the  Continent  for  twenty-eight  years,  returning  to  America 
in  1914."  To  view  some  of  Mr.  Noyes'  portraits  of  Lepi- 
doptera is  to  know  to  what  exceptional  success  he  carries  his 
art.  Each  figure  is  an  exquisite  expression  in  life-like  detail 
and  color. 

August  Busck  first  came  to  the  Government  in  1895  and 
he  is  undoubtedly  the  American  expert  on  Microlepidoptera. 
These  are  the  very  interesting  little  fellows  of  which  the 
common  cloths  moth  is  a  representative.  Mr.  Rusck  has 
described  nearly  1200  new  species,  the  types  for  the  most 
part  being  in  the  National  Museum,  except  for  a  few  in  the 
\Vm.  Barnes  collection  at  Decatur,  Illinois.  lie  has  accom- 
plished much  revisit mal  work,  especially  in  the  Families  Ge- 
lechiidae,  Oecophoridae  and  Phaloniidae.  As  a  lepidopterist 
he  accompanied  the  Smithsonian  Biological  Survey  to  Panama. 
Mr.  Busck  was  born  Feb.  18,  1870,  at  Mygdal  in  the  district 

286  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

of  Randers,  Denmark,  and  was  raised  in  Copenhagen  where 
he  was  graduated  from  the  Royal  University.  He  married 
Ville  Christensen  of  Hoboken,  New  Jersey,  in  July,  1895, 
and  has  four  children,  two  boys  and  two  girls. 

In  the  preparation  of  this  article  upon  the  National  Museum, 
I  am  much  indebted  to  Mr.  Busck  for  considerable  patient 
help.  He  is  a  man  whom  any  entomologist  would  be  glad 
to  personally  know  or  correspond  with.  If  you  have  a  few 
extra  micro  moths  or  should  incidentally  collect  some  at  light, 
send  them  on  to  August  Busck,  for  they  may  lie  new  and  it 
is  worth  while  to  receive  any  credit  of  discovery. 

A    Correction. 

In  my  article  upon  the  Carnegie  Museum  and  its  activities, 
published  in  the  issue  of  July,  1929,  I  gave  what  purported  to 
be  a  short  biographical  account  submitted  to  me  by  my  good 
friend.  Dr.  W.  J.  Holland.  In  preparing  the  article  I  did  not 
always  closely  follow  the  language  of  the  sketch  of  his  life, 
which  he  gave  me  at  my  urgent  request  a  year  or  more  ago,  and 
I  now  discover  to  my  regret  that  I  would  have  done  better  to 
have  used  exactly  the  words  which  he  wrote.  He  did  not  say, 
as  I  represented  him  as  saying:  "In  1874  I  had  learned  enough 
about  religion  to  hold  down  the  pastorship  of  the  Bellefield 
Presbyterian  Church  in  Pittsburgh.  Fortunately,  and  as  a 
relief  from  pure  clergical  work  I  was  almost  immediately 
thereafter  made  a  Trustee  of  the  Pennsylvania  College  for 
Women."  The  original  reads :  "In  the  spring  of  1874  I  was 
installed  as  the  pastor  of  the  Bellefield  Presbyterian  Church 
in  Pittsburgh  and  almost  immediately  thereafter  was  made 
a  Trustee  of  the  Pennsylvania  College  for  Women."  In  the 
top  paragraph  of  p.  214  I  quote  Dr.  Holland  as  saying:  "About 
this  time  I  again  renewed  my  interest  in  natural  history  and 
resumed  the  collection  of  insects.  I  felt  I  needed  diversion 
from  the  narrowness  of  the  ministerial  profession."  The  orig- 
inal manuscript  reads :  "About  this  time  I  began  to  feel  I  needed 
diversion  from  more  strictly  professional  duties,  and  fell  back 
upon  the  study  of  nature.  I  resumed  the  collection  of  insects." 
Dr.  Holland  insists  that  I  have  unfortunately  and  with  no 
intention  of  grieving  him,  quite  misrepresented  his  attitude  as 
to  his  calling,  which  he  declares  is  not  "narrow"  from  his 
point  of  view,  and  which  he  regards  as  "high  and  most  hon- 
orable."- -J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  287 

The  Parasites  of  Wireworms  (Coleop. :  Elateridae). 

By  C.  A.  THOMAS,  Pennsylvania  State  College. 

The  true  wireworms  seem  to  be  comparatively  free  from  in- 
ternal parasites.  They  are  heavily  chitinized  and  live  entirely 
underground,  which  may  have  much  to  do  with  freedom  from 
attack.  That  these  are  not  the  only  factors  is  indicated  by  the 
fact  that  the  "False  wireworms"  or  Tenebrinoid  larvae,  which 
are  likewise  heavily  chitinized  and  subterranean,  are  attacked 
by  several  parasites. 

Reference  to  the  literature  on  wireworms  in  this  country 
and  Europe  indicates  that  the  parasites  are  quite  local  in  their 
distribution,  and  in  (inly  a  few  instances  could  be  considered 
as  control  factors.  Their  scarcity  is  indicated  by  the  following : 
Conradi  and  Eagerton,  (1914),  and  Gibson,  (1916),  found 
none  in  their  studies  of  Horistonotus  nJilcri  Horn  in  South 
Carolina;  Graf  (1914)  found  none  in  ten  thousand  larvae  of 
Liiuoiiiits  ciilifoniicns  Mann,  in  California;  Veitch  (1916) 
found  the  Sugar-Cane  Wireworm,  Simodactylus  cinnatnoneus 
Boisd.  free  from  parasites;  Williams  and  Swezey  (1922),  in 
their  search  for  the  parasites  of  the  wireworms  of  Hawaii, 
found  none  in  the  Philippines,  Australia,  or  in  the  countries 
bordering  the  Gulf  of  Mexico;  Escherich  (1923)  mentioned 
the  scarcity  of  parasites;  Strickland  (1927)  found  no  trace 
of  parasites  in  Ludius  acripcnnis  Kby. ;  and  in  handling  many 
thousands  of  wireworms  during  investigations  in  Pennsylvania 
the  writer  has  found  only  one  instance  of  wireworm  parasitism. 

Correspondence  with  investigators  on  the  biology  and  con- 
trol of  wireworms  has  elicited  the  information  that  although 
they  have  handled  many  thousands  of  larvae,  they  have  found 
no  parasites. 

The  most  important  insect  parasites  of  wireworms  belong 
to  the  1  Ivmenoptera,  chiefly  of  the  families  Proctotrupidae  and 
Bethylidae,  and  to  the  Diptera.  Records  of  the  hymenopterous 
parasites  are  as  follows : 

In   England — Bierkander,    (1805).  found  six  wireworms  in- 

*  Publication  authori/ed  by  the   Director  of  the   Pennsylvania  Agricul- 
tural Experiment   Station  as  Technical   Paper  No.  476. 

288  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov..    '29 

festecl  with  "Ichneumons",  which  he  did  not  rear  to  maturity, 
and  did  not  name.  John  Curtis,  (1845),  noted  the  rearing  of 
an  internal  parasite  as  far  as  the  pupal  stage  but  it  did  not  be- 
come adult.  He  said  it  probably  was  a  Microgastcr,  and  gave 
a  figure  of  it  in  the  Royal  Agricultural  Journal,  vol.  Ill,  plate 
E,  fig.  10.  In  the  same  paper  (1845),  Curtis  gave  another  ref- 
erence to  an  "Ichneumon"  larva  infesting  a  dead  larva  of 
Elatcr  (Ayriotes)  lincatus,  and  said  the  pupa  was  accidently 
forced  through:  the  wireworm's  skin  and  the  adult  never 
emerged.  Curtis  was  possibly  wrong  in  thinking  that  the  pupa 
projecting  through  the  skin  was  accidental,  as  this  is  a  normal 
habit  of  the  Proctotrupids  affecting  wireworms.  He  thought 
that  this  parasite  was  far  from  uncommon,  though  he  never 
found  many,  never  reared  it  to  the  adult  stage,  and  did  not 
know  its  name.  These  same  parasites  were  again  referred 
to  on  page  159  of  his  "Farm  Insects,"  (1860),  but  were  doubt- 
fully called  Proctotrupcs  viator. 

In  1917,  Ford  noted  that  Agriotcs  obscurus  L.  was  very 
free  from  internal  parasites  but  had  been  reported  by  Fryer  as 
being  attacked  by  an  undetermined  Hymenopteron.  Rymer- 
Roberts,  (1919),  said  that  several  specimens  of  a  Proctotrupid, 
Phacnoscrphus  species,  probably  P.  fuscipcs  Hal.,  were  bred 
in  July  from  a  larva  of  Athous  haemorrhoidalis,  and  that  Dr. 
M.  Laurie,  of  the  Rothamsted  station,  found  several  parasites, 
probably  Proctotrupids,  in  a  larval  Agriotcs  obscurus. 

Koblova  (1922)  recorded  an  undetermined  Proctotrupid 
reared  from  a  larva  of  Ayriotes  lincatus  L.  at  Orlov,  Russia, 
while  Blunck,  (1925),  stated  that  in  1922  he  obtained  one  male 
and  nineteen  females  of  the  Proctotrupid  Paracodrus  aptcrogy- 
ints  Halid.  from  an  Ayriotes  spulator  larva  in  Germany.  In 
1924,  Zolk  recorded  P.  aptcroy\nus  as  parasitizing  Ayriotes 
obscurus  L.  in  Esthonia.  In  most  instances  the  parasite  pupae 
protruded  from  the  dead  bodies  of  wireworm  larvae  that  were 
ready  for  pupation.  In  his  Nov.  1924  paper,  Zolk  described 
and  figured  this  parasite  and  discussed  its  biology.  In  a  letter  to 
the  writer,  Zolk  says,  "/'.  aptcroyynus  is  spreading  very  rap- 
idly. First  found  in  1923,  in  1924  I  found  considerably  more, 
and  in  1925  the  number  of  infected  wireworms  was  increased 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     XKWS  2<S() 

to  25  per  cent.  Thus  this  is  a  very  important  wireworm  para- 
site, and  is  the  only  one  found  in  Esthonia." 

Regnier  (1928)  found  the  larvae  of  Ayriotcs  obscitnts  L.  to 
he  parasitized  by  the  Proctotrupid,  Phaenoscrphns  pallipcs 
Latr.  in  the  neighborhood  of  Rouen,  France,  at  the  end  of 
April.  These  parasites,  a  description  of  which  is  given,  were 
bred  in  the  laboratory  and  emerged  in  series  over  a  period  of 
15  days,  beginning  in  early  May.  Regnier  stated  that  Ferriere 
also  found  P.  pullipcs  as  a  parasite  of  undetermined  Ayriotcs 

South  America— In  the  "Gaceta  Rural",  (1914),  the  Ich- 
neumon, P>racon  disbar,  was  said  to  be  an  effective  parasite  of 
Agriotcs  (Elatcr)  scyctis,  which  would  otherwise  be  a  most 
injurious  pest  to  cereals  in  Argentina. 

United  States — Klippart,  in  1860,  stated  that  a  small  ich- 
neumon fly,  Proctotrupcs  viator,  was  very  abundant,  laying  20 
to  30  eggs  in  wireworms,  producing  maggots  which  destroyed 
the  latter.  This  note  may  have  been  taken  by  Klippart  from 
Curtis'  "Farm  Insects". 

Hyslop,  (1915),  found  a  Melanotus  larval  skin  firmly  at- 
tached to  an  empty  hymenopterous  pupal  case,  which  closely 
resembled  a  Tiphia  cocoon.  This  was  probably  a  Bethylid 
cocoon.  Hyslop  said  that  J.  J.  Davis  had  made  an  identical 
observation  in  Indiana. 

Hyslop,  (1916)  gave  a  description  and  account  of  a  larva 
of  the  Bethylid,  Pristocera  a.nnifcra  (Say),  which  was  found 
in  late  July,  1915,  at  Brattleboro,  Vermont,  attached  to  the 
ventral  surface  of  a  living  Limonius  agonus  (Say)  larva. 
After  destroying  this  wireworm  it  attacked  another  and  soon 
killed  it,  leaving  its  second  host  on  July  29  and  spinning  a 
silken  cocoon  on  the  soil  surface.  The  adult  parasite  emerged 
on  August  30,  thirty-three  days  after  the  cocoon  was  spun. 
Hyslop  gave  figures  of  this  parasite. 

In  the  late  summer  of  1924  the  writer  found  an  empty  light 
brown  silken  cocoon  in  soil  at  Riverton,  N.  J.  Attached  to  the 
outside  of  this  cocoon  was  the  empty  skin  of  a  Mclanotns  larva. 
From  the  cocoon  and  from  remains  of  the  parasite  pupal  skin 
found  within  the  cocoon,  A.  B.  Gahan  of  the  National  Museum 

290  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

identified  this  as   Pristoccra   armifcra.      This   cocoon  with   its 
attached  wireworm  skin  is  shown  in  figure  1. 

Hayes,  (1927),  recorded  finding,  in  a  corn  plot  at  Manhat- 
tan, Kansas,  August  19,  1920,  a  dead  larva  of  Aeolus  dorsalis 
Say  with  an  external  larval  parasite  attached.  This  parasite 
had  its  head  inserted  in  the  ventral  side  of  the  wireworm's  ab- 
domen. On  August  21  it  spun  a  brown  silken  cocoon,  and  the 
adult  emerged  in  late  September.  Rohwer  identified  this  adult 
as  Pristoccra  arm  if  era.  A  similar  cocoon  was  found  on  the 
same  plots  in  February,  1921,  with  a  Mclaiiolns  larval  skin 
attached,  but  the  adult  parasite  had  emerged. 

Fig.  1. — Pristoccra  arniij'era  (Say)  Cocoon:  enlarged  x  2.  The 
empty  skin  of  a  Melanotus  larva  is  attached  to  it. 

In  a  recent  paper,  Bryson,  (1929),  noted  the  occurrence  of 
several  unnamed  parasites  among  wireworms  he  had  reared  at 
Manhattan,  Kansas.  J.  W.  McColloch,  of  Manhattan,  states 
that  the  parasite  mentioned  by  Bryson  is  Pristoccra  armifcra. 
In  one  collection  of  Melanotus  larvae  from  a  pasture  near  Man- 
hattan in  1928,  about  25  per  cent,  of  these  wireworms  were 
parasitized  by  P.  armifcra.  This  is  the  only  instance  of  a  high 
percentage  of  parasitism  found  at  Manhattan. 

The  above  data  are  all  that  the  writer  has  found  in  regard  to 
the  hymenopterous  parasites  of  wireworms. 

The  references  to  dipterous  parasites  of  wireworms  are  even 
more  scarce,  and  consist  of  the  following  two  items: 

XL,    '29]  KXTOMOLOCICAL     XF.\VS  291 

S.  A.  Forbes,  (18th  Report,  1892,  p.  41),  says  "A  single 
parasitic  fly  has  been  bred  by  us  from  a  wireworm,  which  be- 
cause of  its  condition  when  found,  could  be  only  doubtfully 
referred  to  Mclanotus  fissilis."  This  fly  was  never  determined, 
and  according  to  a  recent  letter  from  Dr.  Forbes,  cannot  no\v  lie- 
found  in  their  collection. 

The  other  reference  is  a  paper  by  C.  M.  Packard  which  has 
just  appeared  in  the  Journal  of  Economic  Entomology.  In  this 
paper  Packard  stated  that  in  June,  1919,  he  reared  six  speci- 
mens of  the  Dexiid  fly,  Atcloylossa  cincrcn  Coq.  from  Mclanotus 
larvae  collected  by  D.  J.  Caffrey  in  his  garden  at  Arlington 
Heights,  Massachusetts.  This  parasitism  did  not  average  over 
3  per  cent,  of  the  larvae  collected.  In  a  lot  of  Mclanolus  larvae 
collected  in  the  same  garden  in  the  spring  of  1(>21.  Van  Zwalu- 
wenburg  found  20  per  cent,  parasitism,  although  apparently 
no  adult  parasites  were  reared.  In  the  field  the  parasitized 
wireworms  came  out  onto  the  soil  surface  about  the  time  the 
parasite  larvae  were  ready  to  emerge.  The  maggot  then  issued 
from  the  side  of  the  wireworm  and  formed  its  puparium  just 
below  the  soil  surface. 


In  Gardeners'  Chronicle,  London,  vol.  3,  p.  433,  1843,  Rier- 
kander  stated  that  he  obtained  from  a  correspondent  a  Filuria 
worm  taken  from  a  wireworm.  Curtis  referred  to  this  specimen 
in  his  "Farm  Insects",  (1860). 

Conradi  and  Eagerton,  (1914),  said  that  a  few  Horistonotus 
ulilcrii  Horn  larvae  were  killed  presumably  by  an  Annelid  par- 
asite observed  in  the  bodies.  This  was  identified  as  belonging 
to  the  family  Enchytraeidae  by  P.  S.  Welch,  who  stated,  how- 
ever, that  none  of  the  species  of  this  family  are  known  to  be  true 
internal  parasites,  and  he  wondered  whether  this  might  not  be 
a  case  of  accidental  parasitism. 

Van  Zwaluwenburg,  (1928),  stated  "The  only  record  of 
Nematocle  parasitism  that  we  know  of  is  given  by  Dr.  F.  X. 
Williams.  While  in  Trinidad  he  bred  an  undetermined  Mer- 
mithid  from  an  Elaterid  pupa  associated  in  a  rotten  lo^  with 
Monocrepidius  larvae." 

2(>2  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov..    '29 

Regnier,  (1928),  gave  a  photograph  of  an  adult  Agnates 
obscurus  parasitized  by  an  undetermined  Nematode. 

The  foregoing  records  constitute  all  that  a  quite  thorough 
review  of  the  entomological  literature  has  revealed  in  regard 
to  the  internal  animal  parasites  of  Elaterid  larvae.  It  is  possi- 
ble, however,  that  there  have  been  omissions,  and  the  writer 
will  appreciate  having  such  omissions  brought  to  his  attention. 


ANONYMOUS.  1914.  Gaceta  Rural,  Buenos  Aires,  Argen- 
tina, vol.  7,  p.  935. 

ANONYMOUS.  1923.  In  Proc.  42nd  Ann.  Mtg.,  Hawaiian 
sugar  Planters'  Assoc.,  Nov.  20-22,  1922,  Honolulu. 

BIERKANDER,  C.  1805.  In  Communications  to  the  Board 
of  Agriculture,  vol.  4,  pp.  412-415. 

BLUNCK,   H.     1925.     Parasiten  der  Elateridlarven.     Zeitschr. 
angew.  Ent.  Bel.  11,  pp.  148-49,  Berlin. 

I'.LUNCK,  H.  1928.  Elateriden.  In  "Handbuch  der  Pflan- 
zenkrankheiten",  von  Paul  Sorauer,  Bd.  5,  4te  Aurl.  Berlin, 
pp.  112-134. 

BRYSON,  H.  R.  1929.  A  method  for  rearing  wireworms. 
Jour.  Kansas  Ent.  Soc.,  vol.  2,  pp.  15-21. 

CONRADI,  A.  F.,  &  EAGERTON,  H.  C.  1914.  Corn  and  Cotton 
Wireworm  (Horistonotus  uhleri  Horn)  Bull.  180,  S.  Carolina 
Agric.  Expt.  Sta.,  Clemson  College,  16  pp. 

CURTIS,  JOHN.  1845.  Observations  on  the  natural  history 
and  economy  of  the  insects  called  wireworms,  affecting  the 
turnips,  corn  crops,  etc.  Jour.  Roy.  Agric.  Soc.  of  England, 
vol.  5,  pp.  180-217. 

CURTIS,  J.     1860.     Farm  Insects.    London,  1860,  p.  159. 

ESCHERICII,  K.  1923.  Die  Forstinsekten  Mitteleuropas. 
Bd.  2,  Berlin,  p.  164. 

ELLIOT  &  MORLEY.  1907-08.  On  the  hymenopterous  para- 
sites of  Coleopter'a.  In  Trans.  Ent.  Soc.  of  London,  p.  16; 
also  1911-12,  p.  458-59. 

FORBES,  S.  A.  1892.  18th  Report  of  the  State  Entomolo- 
gist of  Illinois— the  7th  Report  of  Forbes,  for  1891-92.  Re- 
print 1920.  p.  24-44. 

FORD,  G.  H.  1917.  (  )bservations  on  the  larval  and  pupal 
stages  of  .-li/riolcs  obscunts  Linn.  Annals  of  Applied  Biology, 
vol.  3,  p.  97-115. 

GIBSON,  E.  H.  1916.  The  corn  and  cotton  wireworm  in 
its  relation  to  cereal  and  forage  crops,  with  control  measures. 
Farmer's  Bull.  733,  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric. 

XI..     '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NK\VS  293 

GRAF,  JOHN  E.  1914.  A  preliminary  report  on  the  sugar- 
beet  wireworm  ( Linioniits  culifoniiciis  Mannh.)  Bull.  123, 
Bureau  of  Ent.,  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric. 

HAYKS.  \V.  P.  1927.  Another  host  of  Prisloccni  armifcni 
(Say).  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  of  Washington,  vol.  29,  no.  1. 

HYSLOP,  J.  A.  1915.  Wireworms  attacking  cereal  and  for- 
age crops.  U.  S.  D.  A.  Bulletin  156,  (Professional  Paper). 

HYSLOP,  J.  A.  1916.  Pristoccnt  uruiifcra  (Say)  parasitic 
on  Limonins  agonns  (Say).  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  Washington,  vol. 
18,  p.  169. 

KLIFPART,  J.  H.  1860.  The  wheat  plant.  Moore,  \Yil- 
stock.  Keys  &  Co.,  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  p.  629. 

KOBLOVA,  F.  1922.  Ein  newer  Parasit  von  Agriotcs  lincatns 
L.  In  Proc.  3,  All  Russian  Entomo-Phytopath.  Tagung  in 
Petrograd,  p.  34-35. 

PACKARD,  C.  M.  1929.  Atcloylossa  cincrca  Coq.,  a  para- 
site of  Mclanotits  sp.  Jour.  Econ.  Ent.,  vol.  22,  p.  598. 

REC.NIER,  R.  1928.  Contribution  a  1'etude  de  VAc/riotcs 
obscunis  L.  Rev.  Path.  veg.  Ent.  Agric.,  vol.  15,  p.  40-47,  Paris. 

RYMER-ROBERTS,  A.  W.  1919.  On  the  life-history  of  wire- 
worms  of  the  genus  .-If/riotes,  etc.  Ann.  Applied  Biology,  Cam- 
bridge, vol.  6,  p.  116-135. 

SHARP,  DAVID.     Cambridge  Natural  History,    vol.  5,  p.  535. 

STRICKLAND,  E.  H.  1927.  Wireworms  of  Alberta.  (Pre- 
liminary Report).  Research  Bulletin  2,  Univ.  Alberta,  College 

SWEZEY,  O.  H.  1922.  Hawaiian  Planters'  Record,  Hono- 
lulu, vol.  26,  p.  6. 

VEITCH,  R.  1916.  The  sugar-cane  wireworm  in  Fiji. 
Colonial  Sugar-Refining  Co.  Agric.  Report  no.  1,  Sydney,  Aus- 
tralia, 16  pp. 

WILLIAMS,  F.  X.  1922.  Ent.  work  in  the  Philippines, 
1920-1922.  Hawaiian  Planters'  Record,  Honolulu,  vol.  26,  p. 

VAN  ZWALUWENBURG,  R.  H.  1928.  The  interrelationships 
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XOLK,  K.  1924.  Panicodnts  uptcrof/ynus  Halid.,  a  new 
parasite  of  .  h/rioti's  nhscnnis  1 ..  ( Transl.  Estlionian  title). 
Tartu  Ulikooli  Entomoloogiakatsejaama  teadaanded,  nr.  3,  Tar- 
tu, Esthonia,  (Summary  in  (lerman). 

ZOLK,  K.  l'J24.  I'aracodrns  aptcnxjyuus  Halid.  hioloogia. 
kohta.  (  l)iology  of  P.  ai)terogynus  llalid.)  Ibid.,  no.  5,  Tar- 
tu, Esthonia,  Nov.  1924.  (German  Summary.) 

294  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [  Nov.,    '29 

Four  New  Species  of  Chiggers 

By  H.  E.  EWING,  Bureau  of  Entomology,  Washington,  D.  C. 
In  this  paper  there  are  described  three  new  species  of  Troin- 
bicula  (larval  instar)  and  one  new  species  of  Schongastia  (lar- 
val instar).  All  four  of  these  species  'were  collected  in  the 
Atlantic  Coast  states.  The  types  are  deposited  in  the  United 
States  National  Museum. 

Key  to  the  Trombicula  Larvae  Described  in  this  Paper. 

1.  Palpal  claw  hi  furcate;  dorsal  plate  fully  twice  as  broad  as 

long;    38    dorsal    abdpminal    setae 

T.   inyotis,   new  species. 

Palpal  claw  trifurcate;  dorsal  plate  about  one  and  a  half 
times  as  broad  as  long ;  not  over  32  dorsal  abdominal 
setae  2. 

2.  Pseudostigmatic  organs  pectinate;  a  transverse  line  behind 

each  pseudostigmata ;  dorsal   abdominal  setae  32 

T.  bisiynata,  new  species. 

Pseudostigmatic  organs  simple ;  no  transverse  line  behind 
each  pseudostigmata ;  dorsal  abdominal  setae  26-30 

T.  whartoni,  new  species. 

Trombicula  myotis,  new  species. 

Palpi  angulate  laterally,  the  outer  wall  of  the  second  seg- 
ment being  suddenly  thickened  near  the  anterior  end  and  pro- 
duced outwardly  into  a  lateral  angle.  First  palpal  seta  simple, 
about  as  long  as  the  segment  on  which  it  is  situated ;  second 
palpal  seta  simple  and  about  twice  as  long  as  the  first ;  third 
palpal  seta  simple  and  somewhat  shorter  than  the  first.  Palpal 
claw  divided  into  two  elements,  the  inner  being  much  the 
largest  and  longest.  Dorsal  plate  over  twice  as  broad  as  long, 
front  margin  inwardly  curved  between  each  lateral  seta  and 
the  median  seta,  posterior  margin  outwardly  angulate  behind 
each  pseudostigmata.  Pseudostigmata  situated  almost  between 
the  posterior  pair  of  lateral  setae  of  dorsal  plate.  Pseudostig- 
matic organs  longer  than  the  dorsal  plate,  flagelliform  and  pec- 
tinate for  the  distal  one-half  of  their  length.  Anterior  and 
posterior  eyes  equal.  Dorsal  abdominal  setae  short,  thirty-eight 
in  number,  and  arranged  in  irregular  transverse  rows  as  fol- 
lows, 2-10-10-6-6-4.  Legs  moderate,  anterior  and  posterior 
pairs  subequal,  second  pair  considerably  shorter. 

Length  of  partly  engorged  larva,  0.45  mm. ;  width,  0.25  mm. 

XL,     '29]  ENTOMOLOC.ICAL     XKWS  295 

Type  host. — A  bat,  Myotis  hicifnyns  lncifi((/ns.  TV  pi'  locali- 
ty.—Ut.  Katahdin,  MAINE.  Type  slide.— Cat.  Xo.  991,  U. 
S.  N.  M. 

Described  from  tbree  specimens  which  were  part  of  a  lot 
taken  from  the  type  host  at  Basin  Ponds,  Mt.  Katahdin,  MAIXK, 
September  7,  1928,  by  Francis  Harper  and  W.  J.  Hamilton, 
Jr.  The  specimens  were  taken  from  the  tragi  and  ears.  This 
species  is  quite  distinct  from  any  described  Trombiculci  larva 
in  the  shape  of  the  dorsal  plate,  and  is  the  only  one  to  be  thus 
far  reported  in  the  Nearctic  Zone  from  a  bat  host. 

Trombicula  bisignata,  new  species. 

Palpi  with  outer  margin  of  large  second  segment  rounded, 
but  not  evenly  so.  First  palpal  seta  pectinate,  with  many  barbs  ; 
second  palpal  seta  about  as  long  as  first  and  with  only  a  few 
barbs;  third  palpal  seta  shorter  than  second  and  with  two  or 
three  barbs.  Palpal  claw  trifurcate,  the  two  accessory  prongs 
being  small,  subequal  and  situated  laterally  near  the  tip.  Dorsal 
plate  about  one  and  a  half  times  as  broad  as  long,  the  front 
margin  being  almost  straight  while  the  posterior  margin  forms 
a  broad  angle  with  the  apex  on  the  median  line.  Pseudostig- 
mata  medium,  situated  slightly  behind  the  middle  of  dorsal 
plate  ;  immediately  behind  each  in  a  short  transverse  line  equal 
in  length  to  the  width  of  the  pseudostigma.  Each  pseudostig- 
matic  organ  fiagelliform  and  with  about  four  barbs,  its  length 
about  equal  to  the  width  of  the  dorsal  plate.  Front  and  rear 
eyes  equal.  Dorsal  abdominal  setae  thirty-two,  not  well  ar- 
ranged into  transverse  rows.  First  and  second  pairs  of  legs 
subequal  and  slightly  shorter  than  the  third  pair. 

Length  of  unengorged  larva,  0.31  mm.;  width,  0.19  mm. 

Type  liost. — Meadow  mouse,  Microtits  pcniisvk'unicits  penn- 
sylvanicus. Type  locality.  -  -  Mt.  Katahdin,  MAINE.  Tvpc 
slides.— Cat  no".  992,  U.  S.  N.  M. 

Described  from  four  specimens  as  follows:  one  from  .1//V- 
rotus  pennsylvanicus  pennsylvanicus  taken  at  Mt.  Katahdin, 
MAIXE,  August  22,  1928,  by  \V.  J.  Hamilton.  Jr..  and  three 
from  Pcroinysciis  nuinicuhitiis  abielorum  taken  at  Mt.  Desert 
Island,  Maine.  August  19.  1928,  by  W.  J.  Hamilton.  Jr.  This 
species  from  the  extreme  northeast  part  of  the  United  States 
is  nearest  the  common  chigger  of  Kurope,  Trombicula  autum- 
nulis  (Shaw)  but  differs  from  autumnalis  in  having  the  trans- 
verse lines  behind  the  pseudostigmata  and  fewer  barbs  on  the 
pseudostigmatic  organs. 

296  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

Trombicula  whartoni,  new  species. 

Palpi  rounded  laterally.  First  palpal  seta  provided  with 
many  barbs ;  second  palpal  seta  provided  with  several  barbs ; 
third  palpal  seta  with  two  or  three  barbs.  The  barbs  on  all  the 
palpal  setae  are  longer  than  usual.  Palpal  claw  strongly  curved, 
with  two  unequal  accessory  claws  below  about  the  middle.  Che- 
licerae  stout,  curved,  but  with  the  tips  broken  off.  Dorsal 
plate  about  one  and  a  half  times  as  broad  as  long;  front  mar- 
gin incurved  between  median  line  and  each  lateral  corner ;  hind 
margin  strongly  outcurved,  more  so  toward  the  median  line. 
Pseudostigmata  situated  about  two-thirds  the  distance  from 
the  front  margin  of  dorsal  plate  to  the  hind  margin,  and  each 
a  little  more  than  its  diameter  from  the  median  line.  Pseudo- 
stigmatic  organs  longer  than  the  dorsal  plate,  simple,  flagelli- 
form.  Anterior  and  posterior  eyes  about  equal,  but  the  posterior 
ones  without  well-developed  corneas.  Dorsal  abdominal  setae 
of  the  usual  size  and  structure,  twenty-six  in  number  not 
counting  four  situated  on  lateral  margins.  They  are  arranged 
in  rows  as  follows,  2-6-6-4-4-2-2.  Legs  rather  short,  last 
pair  longest,  first  pair  next,  second  the  shortest.  Tarsal  spine 
stout  on  Tarsus  I  and  IT,  but  almost  setiform  on  tarsus  III. 

Length  of  partly  engorged  larva,  0.60  mm. ;  width,  0.45  mm. 

Type  host. — A  bird.  Type  locality. — Summerville,  SOUTH 
CAROLINA.  Type  slide.— Cat.  No.  999,  U.  S.  N.  M. 

Described  from  a  single  specimen  taken  from  inside  of  ear 
of  a  bird,  at  type  locality,  by  W.  P.  Wharton  during  bird-band- 
ing operations.  This  species  is  closely  related  to  T.  autuinnalis 
(Shaw)  of  Europe,  but  has  simple  pseudostigmatic  organs  and 
fewer  dorsal  abdominal  setae. 

Schongastia  peromysci,  new  species. 

Palpi  angulate  laterally  near  the  end  of  large  second  seg- 
ment. First  papal  seta  with  many  barbs  arranged  along  its 
entire  length  ;  second  seta  similar  to  first  but  slightly  smaller. 
Palpal  claw  long,  curved  and  trifurcate,  the  two  accessory 
prongs  being  small,  equal  and  situated  on  the  outside  near  the 
tip  of  claw.  Chelicerae  stout,  strongly  curved  and  sharply 
pointed.  Dorsal  plate  rather  small.  Pseudostigmata  situated 
about  twice  their  diameters  apart ;  pseudostigmatic  organs  sub- 
capitate,  with  very  short  pedicels ;  each  being  well  studded  with 
minute  prickles.  Dorsal  abdominal  setae  numerous,  over  forty 
being  present.  Legs  rather  short ;  first  pair  equal  to  third  and 
second  pair  shorter.  Tarsus  I  enlarged  above  and  distally  so 
as  to  form  sort  of  a  tubercle,  which  is  tipped  with  a  seta. 

Length  of  slightly  engorged  larva,  0.37  mm. ;  width,  0.20  mm. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  297 

/'v/v  liosl.  -White-footed  mouse.  I'<TOIII\'SCH.\'  leucopiis  iwuc- 
/xinieensis.  Type  locality. — Sturbridge,  M  ASSACII  v SETTS.  Type 
sli,le.—Cai.  No.  9('.\  U.  S.  X.  M. 

Described  from  a  single  larva  which  was  taken  from  the  type 
host  at  SUirbridge,  Massachusetts,  May  27,  1928,  by  Francis 
Harper.  This  species  is  most  nearly  related  to  S.  scinricola 
Ewing,  but  in  scinricola  the  first  papal  seta  is  only  slightly 
pectinate  while  the  second  is  simple.  In  peromvsci  both  the 
first  and  second  palpal  setae  are  heavily  pectinate. 

Eastern  Branch 
American  Association  of  Economic  Entomologists. 

A  meeting  of  the  Eastern  Branch  of  the  American  Associa- 
tion of  Economic  Entomologists  will  be  held  on  November  21 
and  22  at  the  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  77th 
Street  and  Central  I 'ark  West,  New  York  City.  The  Hotel 
McAlpin,  I '.road way  and  34th  Street,  has  been  selected  as 
headquarters.  Results  of  research  work  in  the  form  of  papers 
requiring  not  more  than  fifteen  minutes  for  delivery  are  desired 
and  should  be  presented  in  a  form  suitable  for  publication,  be- 
cause it  is  hoped  that  arrangements  will  be  made  for  their  ap- 
pearance in  the  Journal  of  Economic  Entomoloffy.  The  titles 
of  papers,  together  with  a  brief  statement  as  to  the  scope  of 
each  (for  program  purposes)  should  be  submitted  to  the  Sec- 
retary by  November  8. 

The  revised  Articles  of  Agreement  will  be  presented  for 

As  this  is  the  first  paper-reading  session  of  the  Branch,  it 
is  hoped  that  full  advantage  will  be  taken  of  the  opportunities 
for  presenting  research  work  and  for  discussions. —  HARRY  B. 
WEISS,  Secretary,  Room  903,  Trenton  Trust  Bldg.,  Trenton, 
New  Jersey. 

The  Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial. 

The  Academy  ol  Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia  announces 
that  through  the  generosity  of  Dr.  James  I'..  Clemens  there  has 
been  established  at  the  Academy  a  fund  to  be  known  as  the 
llrackenridge  Clemens  Memorial  Fund.  Dr.  I'.rackcuridgc 
Clemens,  father  of  Dr.  James  B.  Clemens,  was  America's  pio 
neer  student  of  the  Microlepidoptera,  and  his  collections  and 
types  formed  the  nucleus  of  the  very  important  series  of  that 
suborder  of  insects  now  in  the  Entomological  Department  of 
the  Academy. 

298  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

Born  in  Wheeling,  West  Virginia,  January  31,  1825,  Brack- 
enridge Clemens  received  his  early  education  at  the  Virginia 
Military  Institute,  and  at'ter  his  graduation  there  he  matriculated 
at  the  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Medical  Department,  grad- 
uating with  the  class  of  1848.  Much  of  his  life  was  spent  at 
Easton,  Penna..  and  his  first  contribution  to  entomology  was 
published  in  the  year  1859,  in  the  Proceedings  of  the  Academy 
of  Natural  Sciences  of  Philadelphia.  Between  that  year  and 
his  premature  and  untimely  death  in  1867,  the  elder  Dr.  Clem- 
ens published  eighteen  papers,  eight  in  the  pages  of  the  Pro- 
ceedings and  Journal  of  the  Academy,  and  ten  in  the  Proceed- 
ings of  the  Entomological  Society  of  Philadelphia,  all  but  one 
bearing  upon  the  Microlepidoptera.  In  these  contributions  he 
described  some  hundreds  of  new  species  and  thirty-one  new 
genera,  thus  creating  the  first  authoritative  literature  on  the 
Microlepidoptera  to  appear  in  America.  In  1903,  Dr.  August 
Busck,  an  outstanding  student  of  the  tineid  section  of  the 
Microlepidoptera,  appraised  Dr.  Clemens'  contributions  as  "a 
series  of  systematic  and  biological  articles  which  yet  remain 
the  most  important  contribution  to  our  knowledge  of  American 
Tineina".  During  the  troubled  period  of  civil  war  days  few 
were  able  to  carry  on  in  the  atmosphere  of  placid  thought 
which  scientific  work  requires.  When  it  is  realized  that  while 
Dr.  Brackenridge  Clemens  bore  his  share  in  the  struggle  of  the 
day  as  an  officer  in  the  Union  Arm}-,  and  that  his  foundation 
of  an  important  field  of  scientific  endeavor  was  laid  on  the 
threshold  of  and  during  that  great  struggle,  his  example  and 
devotion  to  his  work  cannot  be  other  than  an  inspiration.  II.  T. 
Stainton,  the  eminent  British  Microlepidopterist,  regarded 
Clemens'  work  so  highly  that  in  1872  lie  reprinted  in  London 
the  papers  on  Tineina  under  the  title.  The  Tineina  of  North 
America,  together  with  his  correspondence  with  Dr.  Clemens, 
which  latter  gives  a  delightful  picture  of  the  breadth  and 
lucidity  of  mind  of  the  American  worker. 

The  Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial  Fund  will  provide  for 
the  care,  elaboration  and  housing  of  the  collections  of  Micro- 
lepidoptera at  the  Academy,  along  lines  already  made  possible 
by  Dr.  James  B.  Clemens'  assistance;  will  permit  the  increase  of 
a  recently  established  special  memorial  library  on  the  suborder, 
and  will  assist  in  the  publication  of  monographs  and  similar 
studies  based  on  the  collections  covered  by  the  Memorial. 

The  original  collection  of  Dr.  Brackenridge  Clemen^  ha> 
been  splendidly  preserved  and  is  regularly  consulted  by  stu- 
dents of  the  Microlepidoptera.  The  entire  series  of  the  sub- 
order is  now  housed  in  standard  glass-top  boxes  contained  in 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  299 

steel  cabinets,  while  the  Memorial  Library  contains  copies  of  all 
of  Dr.  Bracken  ridge  Clemens'  publications  and  the  more  im- 
portant works  of  other  authors  on  the  subject  covered  by  the 
Memorial.  The  collections  of  Microlepidoptera  no\\-  in  the 
custody  of  the  Academy  also  include  the  types  and  paratypic 
series  of  a  number  of  authors  other  than  Clemens,  and  excel- 
lent representative  collections  received  from  Mr.  Frank  llaim- 
bach  of  the  Academy's  entomological  staff,  Dr.  Annette  Braun 
of  Cincinnati,  Ohio,  and  other  students  of  these  beautiful  and 
diminutive  moths. 

A  portrait  of  Dr.  Brackenridge  Clemens  now  hangs  in  the 
Hall  of  the  Academy,  which  organization  and  its  kindred  ento- 
mological society  were  so  closely  and  intimately  associated  with 
his  scientific  activities.  His  brilliant  and  invaluable  studies 
hold  an  enviable  place  in  entomological  science  in  America,  and 
the  Memorial  will  concretely  bring  the  inspiration  of  his  work 
to  those  who  follow  his  path. 

Foreign   Honorary   Members   of  Two   Entomological 


It  is  interesting  to  glance  at  the  selections  of  honorary  mem- 
bers that  have  been  made  by  the  two  oldest  of  the  national 
entomological  societies,  both  as  to  their  distribution  as  to  nation- 
ality and  as  to  the  character  of  the  work  that  brought  these 
individuals  the  distinction  implied  in  the  election  to  either  of 
these  great  old  societies. 

The  Entomological  Society  of  France  has,  since  its  founda- 
tion in  1832,  elected  thirty-one  foreign  honorary  members.  It 
has  also  had  the  custom  of  electing  French  honorary  members, 
and  fifty-four  of  those  have  been  chosen  during  the  nearly  one 
hundred  years'  existence  of  the  Society. 

The  Entomological  Society  of  London,  on  the  other  hand, 
does  not  elect  British  entomologists  as  honorary  fellows  (only 
foreigners).  For  many  years  its  rules  restricted  this  list  to  ten. 
Later  it  was  increased  to  twelve.  During  its  entire  history  it 
has  elected  fifty-seven  such  honorary  fellows.  As  a  rule  the 
number  permitted  by  the  constitution  has  been  kept  complete, 
and  new  names  have  been  selected  only  on  the  death  of  a  prev- 
ious occupant  of  an  honorary  fellowship. 

In  the  following  statement  of  distribution  as  to  nationalities 
of  such  honorary  members  and  fellows,  it  must  be  remembered, 
there  are  no  Frenchmen  in  the  French  list  and  no  Englishmen 
in  the  English  list. 

300  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 


Austria:  Italy: 

Brauer,  1904.  Spinola,  1849. 

Belgium:  Berlese,  1905. 

Lacordaire,  1859.  Silvestri,  L928. 

Selys-Longchamps,  1885.     Russia: 

Lameere,  1915.  Romanoff,  1899. 

Denmark:  Osten-Sacken,  1900. 

Schiodte,  1874.  Spain: 

Meinert,  1899.  Bolivar,  1913. 

England:  Sweden: 

Kirby,  1832.  Gyllenhal,  1832. 

Curtis,  1856.  Schonherr,  1843. 

Westwood,  1860.  Boheman,  1856. 

Darwin,  1874.  Zetterstedt.  1858. 

Lubbock,   1894.  Thomson,  1882. 

Sharp,   1907.  Switzerland: 

Germany:  Standfuss,  1905. 

Humboldt,  1832.  Reverdin,  1923. 

King,  1832.  United  States  of  America: 

Hungary:  Leconte,  1879. 

HoVvath,  1913.  Horn,  1885. 

Packard,  1894. 
Howard,  1905. 


Austria:  Fabre,  1901. 

Hammerschmid,  1843  ( ?)  Oberthur  (C.),  1908. 

Kollar,  1843  (?)  Marchal,  1918. 

Wattenwyl,  1893.  Germany: 

Brauer,  1900.  Gravenhorst.  1843  (?) 

Belgium:  Weidemann,  1843  (?) 

Lacordaire,   1864.  King,  1843  (  ?) 

Lameere,  1914.  Zeller,  1850  (  ?) 

Denmark:  Schaum,  1861. 

Schiodte,  1870.  Hagen,  1864. 

Prance:  Siebold,  1870. 

Milne-Edwards,  1843 (  ?)  Burmeister,  1875. 

Lefebvre,  1843  (?)  Mueller  (F.),  1884. 

Dufour,  1861.  Dohrn  (C.  A.),  1885. 

Guerin-Meneville,  1866.  Weissman,  1898. 

Guenee,  1874.  Ganglbauer,  1906. 

Signoret,  1881. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  301 

Holland:  Sweden: 

Haan,  1843  ( ?)  Schonherr.  1843  ( ?) 

Snellen  (P.  T.  C),  1885.  Zettersteclt,  1854. 

Wasmann,  1911.  Boheman,  1866. 

Ifiint/arv:  Wallengren,  1893. 

Horvath,  1926.  Thomson,  1895. 

Italy:  Aurivillius,  1900. 

Passerini,  1850.  Switzerland: 

Grassi,  1898.  Pictet,  1856. 

Berlese.  1915.  Saussure,  1872. 

Gestro,  1925.  Forel,  1894. 

I\itssia:  Frey-Gessner,  1912. 

Qsten-Sacken,  1884.  Cnited  States  of  America: 

Renter  (().  M.).  1906.  Leconte.   1864. 

Tian-Shanski,   1913.  Packard,  1884. 

Spain:  Riley,  1889. 

Bolivar,  1905.  Scudder,  1895. 

Comstock,  1911. 
Howard,  1915. 

International  Commission  on  Zoological   Nomenclature 

Opinions  105  to  114. 

The  undersigned  has  the  honor  to  invite  the  attention  of 
the  zoological  profession  to  the  fact  that  Opinions  105  to  114 
have  been  published  by  the  Smithsonian  Institution.1  The  sum- 
maries, in  so  far  as  they  refer  to  Entomology,  read  as  follows : 

Opinion  106.  The  Type  of  Oestrus  Linn.,  1758,  is  0. 
i>ris.  The  type  of  Oestrus  Linn.,  1758,  is  ().  ovis  (Art.  30r/). 
Latreille's  designation  of  Oestrus  cqiti  Fabr.  as  type  of  Oestrus 
is  not  valid  (Art.  30r/).  The  following  five  names  of  dipterous 
genera  are  hereby  placed  in  the  Official  List  of  Generic  "Names: 
Ceplicnemyia  (type  trompe),  (iastero^hilus  (type  cqni  of 
Clark,  synonym  of  iiileslinalis  de  Geer),  H\f>odenna  (type 
hovis),  Oedeinai/cna  (type  tarandi),  and  Oestrus  (type  <r;''is). 

Opinion  113.  Sarcoptes  Latreille,  1802,  Type  seabiei.  Placed 
in  <  M'ficial  List. — Sarcoples  Latreille  dates  from  1802  instead 
o!  1804  or  180n  as  frequently  quoted.  It  was  originally  mono- 
typic,  containing  only  .Icarus  siuhiei.  The  1810  type  designa- 
tion of  Acarus  passeriiuts  is  invalid  under  Article  30r  and 
30r.r.  The  acceptance  of  .learns  sea  hie  i  as  type  species  of 
.Icarus  is  invalidated  by  Article  3 Or/,  according  to  which  .learns 
siro  (syn.  farinae)  is  the  type  of  .Icarus.  Sarcoptes  Latr., 
1802,  mt.  scahiei  is  hereby  placed  in  the  Official  LiM  of  ( icn- 
eric  Names.— C.  \Y.  STILES  (Secretary  to  the  International 
Commission  on  Zoological  Nomenclature),  Washington.  1).  (  . 

1  Smithsonian  Miscellaneous  Collections,  v.  73,  no.  6,  pp.   1-26. 

302  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov..    '29 

Entomological    Literature 

COMPILED,      WITH      THE      ASSISTANCE      OF       "BIOLOGICAL,      AB- 
Under   the   above   head   it    is   intended   to   note   papers   received   at    the 
Academy    of    Natural    Sciences,    of    Philadelphia,    pertaining    to    the    En- 
tomology  of  the   Americas    (North   and    South),    including   Arachnida   and 
Myriopoda.     Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but    contributions    to    anatomy,    physiology    and    embryology    of    insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 
The   numbers   within    brackets    I    ]    refer   to  the   journals,   as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers    (or  which  may  be  secured   from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.     The  number  of,   or  annual 
volume,    and    in    some    cases    the    part,    heft,    &c.    the    latter    within    (  ) 
follows;   then   the  pagination   follows   the   colon    : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

*Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

Uijf  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in   the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL.— Bezzi,  M.— Obituary  by  B.  Parisi.  [Mem. 
Soc.  Ent.  Italianaj  6:  165-182.  ill.  "Dallas,  E.  D.— Anota- 
ciones  referentes  a  los  "tipos"  en  entomologia  y  su  termi- 
nologia.  [44]  31  :  206-216.  Davis,  J.  J. — Insects  of  Indiana 
for  1928.  [Indiana  Acad.  Sci.]  38:  299-314,  ill.  Fluke,  C. 
L. — -The  known  predacious  and  parasitic  enemies  of  the 
pea  aphid  in  North  America.  [Agric.  Exp.  Sta.  Univ.  Wis- 
consin] 1929:  47pp.,  ill.  Friedrich,  A. — Meine  sammeler- 
fahrungen  in  Brasilien.  [14]  43:  138-142.  Handbuch  der 
Zoologie. — Prog-oneata:  Chilopoda :  Tnsecta  by  Attems. 
Handlirsch  &  Meixner.  4:  673-800,  ill.  Heikertinger,  F- 
Vom  ziele  der  nomenklatur  tmd  seiner  erreichung.  [Col. 
Cent.]  3:  161-178.  Hoffman,  F. — Acht  monate  in  clen 
urwaldern  von  Espirito  Santo  (Brasilien).  [Ent.  jahrbuch] 
1929:  53-73.  Hume,  H.  H.— The  mediterranean  fruit  fly 
situation.  [Florida  State  Plant  Board]  14:  29-42.  Porter, 
C.  E. — Algunos  insectos  cle  Mancera.  |44|  31:  121-122. 
Schwarz,  E.  A.— Letters  of  E.  A.  Schwarz,  bv  T.  D.  Sher- 
man, Jr.  [6]  37:  181-392,  ill.  Wileman,  A.  E.— Obituary. 
[9]  62:  215-216.  Wood,  A.  A. — A  method  of  preparing 
wax  entomological  exhibits.  |29]  59:  52-55,  ill. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Cappe  de  Baillon, 
P. — Diplogeneses  et  formations  multiples  chex  les  insecte.-i. 
[Hull.  Biol.  France  &  Belgium-]  63:  456-484,  ill.  Gadeau 
de  Kerville,  H. — Snr  la  couleur  interferentielle  vert  d'eme- 
raude  brillant  du  Physonota  gigantea  (Chrysomelidae). 

XL.    '29 1  ENTOMOLOGICAL     XFAYS  303 

(S).  [25 1  1929:  231-232.  Gadeau  de  Kerville,  H.—  Pro- 
duction, chez  des  insectes  desseches  (Coleopteres,  Lepidop- 
teres,  Hemipteres  et  Orthopteres),  de  variations  de  couleurs 
par  1'action  de  substances  chimi(|iies  et  de  temperatures 
elevees.  |25|  1929:  214-216.  Jacquet  &  Bonnamour.- 
Note  sur  les  moeurs  et  I'alimentation  de  Carpophilus  hemip- 
tems  jXitidulidaej  et  de  sa  larve.  [25 J  1929:  223-224. 
Macgregor,  M.  E. — The  significance  of  the  pH  in  the  de- 
velopment of  mosquito  larvae.  [Parasitology]  21:  132- 
157.  Merker,  E. — Die  fhiores/enz  im  insektenauge,  die 
fluoreszenz  des  chitins  der  insekten  und  seine  durchlassig- 
keit  fur  ultraviolettes  licht.  [89]  46:  483-574,  ill.  Na- 
bours,  R.  K.  -  -The  genetics  of  the  Tettigidae  (grouse 
locusts).  [Bibl.  Gen.]  5 :  27-104,  ill.  Nakahara  &  Naka- 
hara. — An  observation  on  the  etiology  of  a  certain  mal- 
formation in  the  earwig,  Anisolabis  maritima  (Dermap- 
tera).  |19|  24:  161-163,  ill.  Nolan,  W.  J.— Success  in  the 
artificial  insemination  of  queen  bees  at  the  bee  culture 
laboratory.  |12|  22:  544-551.  Piza  Junior,  S.  T.— Sobre 
as  glandulas  salivares  dos  Blattideos.  |  hoi.  Hiol.  lira/ill 
1<>2S:  6-9,  ill.  Pruthi,  H.  S.— Honiulogies  of  the  genitulia 
of  insects.  |8|  65:198-20"!.  Rosen,  H.  R.— The  discovery 
of  insect  transmission  of  pathogenic  micro-organisms. 
[68]  70:  355.  Szalay,  L. — Ueber  die  widerstandsfahigkeit 
der  hvdracarinen.  [An.  Hist.  Nat.  Mus.  Nat.  Hungarici] 
25  :  427-438.  Yung-tai,  T. — Recherches  experimentales  sur 
la  metamorphose  de  "Galleria  mellonella".  [Bull.  Biol. 
France  &  Belgi(|ue|  63:  350-376. 

ARACHNIDA     AND     MYRIOPODA.— *Banks,     N. 

S|>iders  from  Panama.  [Bull.  Mus.  Comp.  Zool.  Harvard 
Coll.]  (V:  53-96,  ill.  Chamberlin  &  Gertsch.— New  spiders 
from  Utah  and  California.  |13|  21:  101-112.  ill.  Mello- 
Leitao. — Aranhas  de  Pernambuco,  colhidas  por  D.  Bento 
Pickel.  [An.  Acad.  Brasileira  Sci.j  1:  91-112,  ill.  Pe- 
trunkevitch,  A. — The  spider  fauna  of  Panama  and  its  Cen- 
tral American  affiliation.  |90|  63:455-469.  Schmitt,  C.- 
Spinner  u.  weber  bei  den  tiereu.  [Kosmos]  26:306-309.  ill. 


—Revision    of    the   nearctic    Myrmeleonidae.      |  I5ull.    .Mus. 
C'oni]).  Zool.  Harvard  Coll.|    68:  84pp.,  ill.     Claude-Joseph. 

— Observaciones  sobre  el  l'eri]»atu>  blainvillei.  (S).  [44| 
31  :  223-236,  ill.  Jones,  D.  T. — A  snail-collecting  aphis-lion 
larva.  [Marieta  Coll.  Res.  Pub.]  1:  9pp.,  ill.  Knoch,  V.- 
Die  wunder  des  termitenstaates.  |  I'.nt.  Jahrbuch)  lu_'(|: 
1(>()-175.  :|:McDunnough,  J. —  Notes  on  Xorth  Ameriran 
Ephemeroptera  with  descriptions  ot  new  species.  II.  |4| 

304  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

61 :  169-180,  ill.  Navas,  R.  P.  L. — Insectos  Neotropicos. 
Neuropteros.  [44]  31  :  316-328,  ill.  Paton,  C.  I.— Migra- 
tion of  dragonflies  and  uraniid  moth  in  British  Guiana. 

[9]    62:  212-213.     Tulloch,  J.  B.  G— Dragonfly  migration. 

[9]    62:  213. 

ORTHOPTERA.— Allard,  H.  A.— Physiological  dif- 
ferentiation in  overwintering  individuals  of  certain  musical 
Orthoptera.  [4]  61  :  195-198.  *Karny,  H.  H.— Revision 
cler  Gryllacriden  des  Ungarischen  National-Museums.  (S). 
[An.  Hist.  Nat.  Mus.  Nat.  Hungarici]  25:  215-260,  ill. 
Piza  Junior,  S.  T. — Contribuicao  para  o  conhecimento  do 
apparelho  reproducer  e  da  reproducc,ao  dos  Blattideos.  (S). 
[Bol.  Biol.  Brazil]  1928:  76-78,  ill.  Zeuner,  F.— Beitrage 
zur  systematik  und  phylogenie  der  gattung  Platycleis  und 
verwandter  Decticinen  (Tettig.).  [Mitt.  Zool.  Mus.  Ber- 
lin] 15:  201-235,  ill.  Zeuner,  F. — Der  einfluss  der  post- 
glazialen  klimaschwankungen  auf  die  verbreitung  von 
Ephippigera  vitium  (Tettig.).  [Mitt.  Zool.  Mus.  Berlin] 
15:  87-106. 

HEMIPTERA. — Annand,  P.  N. — A  contribution  toward 
a  monograph  of  the  Adelginae  ( Phylloxeridae)  of  North 
America.  [Stanford  Univ.  Pub.  Biol.  Sci.]  6:  146pp.,  ill. 
*Goding,  F.  W. — The  Membracidae  of  South  America  and 
the  Antilles.  IV  Subfamilies  Hoplophorioninae,  Darninae, 
Smiliinae,  Tragopinae  (Homoptera).  [1]  55:  197-330,  ill. 
Jaczewski,  T. — Notes  on  Corixidae.  [An.  Hist.  Nat.  Mus. 
Nat.  Hungarici]  25:  204-214,  ill.  *Knight,  H.  H.— Labops 
verae,  n.  sp.,  with  Labopella,  Nicholia,  and  Pnmotocrepis, 
11.  g.  of  North  American  Miridae.  |4|  61  :  214-218.  Knowl- 
ton,  G.  F. — Studies  on  the  morphology  of  the  beet  leaf- 
hopper.  [Utah  State  Agric.  Coll.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.]  Bull. 
212:  3-24.  ill.  Marelli,  C.  A. — Una  intersante  anomalia  por 
sacralizacion  coxigea  del  P>atracio,  Calyptocephahis  gayi. 
|44|  31:  237-240,  ill.  *Myers,  J.  G.— Notes  on  Cuban  ful- 
goroid  Homoptera.  |  Harvard.  Biol.  Lab.  &  Bot.  Garden 
Cuba]  1928:  13-28,  ill.  *Pack  &  Knowlton.— A  few  match 
brush  aphids  from  Utah.  |4|  61  :  199-204.  ill.  Parshley,  H. 
M. — Observations  on  Melrobates  hesperius  (Gerridae). 
|19|  24:  157-160,  ill.  Pinto,  C.— Sobre  a  presenca  do 
Cimex  poedtis  (Stal,  1854)  no  Hrasil.  [Bol.  Biol.  Brazil] 
1928:  85-91,  ill.  *Pinto,  C. — Cimex  limai  n.  sp.  parasite  of 
bats  of  Hrasil.  |  Hoi.  Hiol.  Brazil]  1927:  188-189.  *Pinto, 
C. — Sphaeridopidae,  nova  familia  de  Hemiptero  Reduvioi- 
deae,  com  a  descripcJLo  de  uni  genero  e  'especie  nova.  (S). 
|  Bol.  Biol.  Brazil].  1927:  43-47,  ill.  *Pinto,  C.— Sobre  urn 

XL,    '29J  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  305 

noYo  genero  de  Coccidca  da  sub-familia  Klossinae  (Carini- 
ella  carinii).     (S).     |  Bol.  Biol.  Brazil  ]    1926:82-83,111. 

LEPIDOPTERA. — *Bandermann,  F. — Stilpnotia  salicis 
ah.  neumamii.  |2(>]  9:  340-341,  ill.  *Barnes  &  Benjamin. 
— Lepidopterological  contributions.  |  19J  24:  164-1X(>. 
Boldt,  R. — Geometriden-raupenfang.  |18|  23:  273-277.  ill. 
Bryk,  F. —  Lcpidoptcrorum  Catalogus.  Pars  35.  Papilioni- 
dae  I  (  Lamproptera,  Cressida,  Euryades,  Troides).  55pp. 
Crumb,  S.  E. — Tobacco  cutworms.  [Good  figs,  of  larvae 
and  imagos).  |  U.  S.  Dept.  Agric.|  Tech.  Bull.  88:  179  pp.. 
ill.  d'Almeida,  R.  F. — Notes  stir  les  Papillons  Heteroceres 
dii  Bresil.  Description  de  trois  chenilles.  |25|  1929:216- 
220.  Dalla  Torre  &  Strand. — Lepidopterorum  Catalogus. 
Pars  34.  I'sychidae.  21 1  pp.  de  Joannis,  J. — Remarques 
stir  les  moeurs  d'Oecia  oecophila  (  Gelechiidae).  (S).  [25  | 
1929:  230.  Eishardt,  W.— Two  moths.  [19]  24:  192. 
Fiedler,  A. —  Beitrag  zu  "Die  Futterpflanzen  der  Raupen". 
[18]  23:  198-200.  *Hayward,  K.  J.— Larval  description 
from  the  Argentine.  [21 1  41:  138.  Heydemann,  F. — Zur 
morphologie,  biologic  und  zucht  YOU  Dystroma  (Cidaria) 
truncata  und  Citrata.  [18]  23:  249-260,  ill.,  cont.  *Hopp, 
W. — Nachtrag  zu  den  Trosiinae  (Megalopyg.)-  (^)-  [Mitt. 
Zool.  Mus.  Berlin)  15:  41-51.  Ihering,"  H.— Phylogenie 
und  system  der  tagfalter.  [17|  46:  29-30,  cont.  Neustet- 
ter,  H. — Lepidopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  36.  Nymphali- 
didae:  Subfam.  Heliconiinae.  136pp.  Oliver,  G.  B.— 
I'yrameis  cardui :  Hibernation  and  aberration.  |9]  62: 
204.  Poulton,  E.  B. — The  Uvarov  theory  of  locust  migra- 
tion and  its  possible  bearing  upon  butterfly  migration.  |('3| 
4:  16-20.  Puga  Borne,  F. — Distribucion  geografica  de  la 
mariposa  plateada  de  Chile.  [44 1  31  :  277-279.  ill.  Ruedi- 
ger,  E. — Ueber  mikrophobie  und  die  abnahme  der  Mikro- 
lepidopterensamftiler.  |Tjit.  Jahrbuch]  1929:  131-136,  ill. 
*Stichel,  H. — Nacharbeiten  '/.ur  re\'ision  der  Riodinidae 
(Rhop.).  IV.  (S).  |Mitt.  Zool.  Mus.  Berlin  |  15:15-26. 
Talbot,  G. — A  monograph  of  the  Pierine  genus  Delias. 
Paris  I,  II,  Ml;  1-172',  ill.,  cont.  Turner,  H.  J— The  Kupi- 
thecia  common  to  iMirope  and  X.  America.  [21  |  41: 

DIPTERA.— Alexander,  C.  P.— Genotypes  of  the  Chilean 
Tipuloidea  described  by  IMiilippi.  |44]  31:  15.  Alexander, 
C.  P. — Xew  species  of  Tipulidae  from  Chile.  1 44 1  31: 
217-221.  *Alexander,  C.  P. — Undescribed  species  of  crane- 
flies  from  Yaldivia  (Chile).  1 44 1  31:  245-249.  Jordan,  K. 
—On  a  Brazilian  sand-flea,  Tunga  caecata.  |'»3|  4:  34-35. 
Malloch,  J.  R.— Exotic  Muscaridae.  (S).  [75]  4:  249- 
257,  ill.  Schreitmiiller,  W. — Einiges  iiber  fliegenzucht. 

306  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

[Das  Aquarium  J  1929:  158-159,  ill.  *Townsend,  C.  H.  T. 
—New  muscoid  genera  and  species  of  the  coasts  of  Peru 
and  Chile.  [44]  31:  158-164.  Vignon  &  Seguy.— Sur  la 
presence,  chez  les  Dipteres,  de  la  mediana  posterieure  vraie, 
et  stir  la  regression  c|ne  subit  la  mediane  haute  chez  les 
Syr])hides.  '[25]  1929:  226-230,  ill. 

COLEOPTERA. — *Arangua,  V. — Contribucion  al  estu- 
dio  de  los  Cicindelidae.  Dos  neuvas  razas  de  Cicinclela  del 
grupo  "purpurea-oregona".  (S).  [44|  31:  173-175. 
*Brown,  W.  J. — Studies  in  the  Scarabaeidae  (III).  [4] 
61:  204-214,  ill.  ^Dallas,  E.  D. — Nota  sobre  una  variedad 
en  un  coleoptero  Chiteno.  |44|  31  :  81-82,  ill.  Frost,  C.  A. 
-Rarity  versus  secrecy  [Coxelus  guttulatusj.  |19|  24: 
156.  Hatch,  M.  H. — Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  105. 
Leiodidae,  Clambidae.  100pp.  *Horn,  W. — A  new  sub- 
species of  Pseudoxychila  of  Ecuador.  [44|  31  :  16-17. 
*Horn,  W. — On  a  new  Cicindela  from  Brazil.  |44|  31  : 
139-140,  ill.  Hustache,  A. — Contribution  a  1'etude  des 
Cnrculionides  de  la  Republique  Argentine.  |An.  Mus. 
Nac.  Hist.  Nat.  Bernardina  Rivadavia]  34:  155-2M,  ill. 
Jordan,  K. — On  the  difference  in  position  of  certain  male 
characters  in  some  allied  genera  of  Anthribidae.  [93]  4: 
50-52,  ill.  ^Marshall,  G.  A.  K. — Four  new  South  American 
Curculionidae.  [75]  4:  264-270,  ill.  Obenberger,  J.— Re- 
vision cler  Sphenopteren-untergattung  Deudora.  [Col. 
Cent.]  4:  10-55,  cont.  *Pic,  M. — Nouveautes  diverses. 
[99]  54:  36pp.  Plavilstschikov,  N.  N. —  Les  Staphylinides 
recoltes  par  Mr.  Nicolas  Tconnicov  dans  1e  Perou  (Staphy- 
linidae).  |  Knt.  Nachrichs.  ]  3:29-30.  Schenkling  &  Mar- 
shall.— Coleopterorum  Catalogus.  Pars  106.  Curculionidae: 
Byrsopinae,  Rhytirrhinae,  Thecesterninae,  Hipporrhininae, 
Rhyparosominae.  62  pp.  Scholz,  M.  F. — Zur  systematik 
cler"  Haliplidae.  [Ent.  Nachrichs.]  3:28-29.  Strand,  E.- 
Kritisches  u'ber  P.  Bliithgens  behandlung  einiger  Halictus- 
arten.  [Ent.  Nachrich.]  3:  35-38,  cont."  Zumpt,  F. — Das 
priiparieren  der  kafer.  |  Ent.  Jahrbuch]  1929:  152-156,  ill. 
Zumpt,  F. — Revision  der  genera  Notaris,  Lepidonotaris  in., 
Thryogenes,  Grvpus,  Tcaris  und  Picianus  in.  (Cure.). 
[Col.  Cent.]  3:  213-239;  4:  55-72,  cont. 

HYMENOPTERA.— *Banks,  N.— Notes  on  Cuban  and 
other  West  Indian  Psammocharidae.  [Harvard  Biol.  Lab. 
K  Mot.  Garden  Cuba]  1928:  3-10.  *Bondar,  G.— Lima  nova 
especie  de  Hymenoptero  nas  sementes  de  Anonacea.  [Bol. 
Biol.  Brazil] "  1928:  83-84.  *Borgmeier,  T. — Algumas  novas 
formigas  brasileiras.  [Arch.  Mus.  Nac.  Rio  de  Janeiro] 
29:  57-65.  Borgmeier,  T. — Catalogo  systematico  e  syno- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  307 

nymico  das  formigas  do  Brasil.  2  Part.  Suhf.  Pseudomyr- 
minae,  Myrmicinae,  Formicinae.  [Arch.  Mus.  Nac.  Rio 
de  Janeiro]  29:  69-164.  *Borgmeier,  T. — Algunias  formi- 
gas" do  nuiseo  I'aulista.  (S).  |  Bol.  Biol.  Brazil]  1928: 
55-69,  ill.  *Brethes,  J. — Nouveaux  Hymenopteres  parasites 
du  Chili.  |44|  31  :  194-200,  ill.  Bruch,  C.— Estudios  Mir- 
mecologicos.  [An.  Mus.  Nac.  Hist.  Nat.  Bernardina  Riva- 
davia]  (S).  34:  341-360,  ill.  *Cockerell,  T.  D.  A.— De- 
scriptions  and  records  of  bees.  [75]  4:  296-304.  *Fischer, 
C.  R. — De  um  novo  Hymenoptero  destrnidor  de  Motucas. 
(S).  [Bol.  Biol.  Brazil]  1929:  43-45,  ill.  Haupt,  H.- 
Weiterer  ansbau  meines  systems  der  Psammocharidae. 
Mit  beschreibung  neuer  gattungen  mid  arten.  [Mitt.  Zool. 
Mus.  Berlin]  15:  109-197,  ill.  *Montealegre,  A.— Biologia 
de  insectos  chilenos.  La  Megachile  pollinosa.  [44]  31  : 
92-95.  Montealegre,  A. — Biologia  de  insectos  chilenos.  Kl 
Moscardon  (  Bombus  dahlbomi).  [44]  31:  165-172,  ill. 
Pickel,  B. — Contribuic,ao  j)ara  a  biologia  de  Centris  sponsa 
e  Acanthopus  excellens.  (S).  |  Bol.  Biol.  Braxil]  1928: 
135-143,  ill.  Stuardo,  C.  --Algunas  observaciones  sobrc 
tres  Afelininos  parasitos  de  Trialeurodes  vaporariorum. 
(S).  |44]  31  :  144-149.  ill.  *Walley,  G.  S.— Descriptions 
of  new  Canadian  parasitic  Hymenoptera.  |4|  61  :  190-194. 

WARDLE.  XI  and  587  pp.,  31  figs.  McGraw-Hill  Book  Com- 
pany, New  York.  $6.00. — This  work,  the  first  part  of  which 
largely  represents  an  expansion  of  the  earlier  Principles  of 
Insect  Control  by  \Yardle  and  Buckle,  is  one  which  should  be 
in  the  hands  of  every  person  who  wishes  to  be  reliably  informed 
on  the  present  state  of  knowledge  in  the  now  highly  diversified 
field  of  applied  entomology.  Not  only  is  the  work  before  us 
a  mine  of  information  as  regards  fact  and  theory,  but  it  also 
possesses  the  merit  of  being  both  fair  and  critical  in  its  esti- 
mate of  the  achievements  of  the  science  and  of  the  problems 
remaining  to  be  solved.  In  the  opinion  of  the  reviewer,  there 
is  much  in  this  book  which  is  reminiscent  of  Batesmfs  Prob- 
lems of  d'enetics,  despite  the  fact  that  the  two  works  deal  with 
radically  different  subjects.  Both  exhibit  a  refreshing  original- 
ity of  treatment  which  is  most  stimulating  and  suggestive.  In 
both  we  find  that  same  lack  of  satisfaction  in  the  finality  of 
the  results  attained  and  of  the  theories  promulgated  which, 
however  provoking  it  may  be  to  those  who  are  content  with 
nothing  short  of  certainty,  is  the  very  breath  of  life  to  the 
investigator  who  realizes  how  tentative  our  present  knowledge 
is  likely  to  be  and  who  appreciates  the  fact  that  innumerable 

308  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

problems  remain  to  be  solved.  It  is  well  to  have  pointed  out 
to  us  how  insecure  are  many  of  the  conclusions  which  we  are 
disposed  to  consider  settled  on  the  basis  of  existing  knowledge. 
In  the  work  at  hand,  the  author,  while  in  no  way  belittling  the 
noteworthy  achievements  in  applied  entomology,  shows  through- 
out a  most  commendable  attitude  of  caution  in  refraining  from 
expressing  in  too  dogmatic  a  tone  the  conclusions  which,  how- 
ever much  they  may  be  in  line  with  certain  classes  of  facts, 
may  perhaps  not  be  entirely  justified  when  the  whole  body  of 
evidence  is  critically  reviewed. 

Although  the  work  under  review  is  ostensibly  intended  for 
those  who  are  engaged  in  the  practical  work  of  insect  control, 
it  is  by  no  means  lacking  in  value  to  others  whose  main  interest 
lies  in  fundamental  biological  phenomena,  especially  as  these 
are  illustrated  in  insect  material.  It  is  obvious  that  the  ultimate 
basis  of  insect  control  is  the  knowledge  which  we  possess  of 
insect  reactions,  and,  in  line  with  the  general  recognition  of 
this  relation,  we  find  that  a  very  considerable  portion  of  the 
present  book  is  devoted  to  a  consideration  of  such  purely 
physiological  or  ecological  problems  as  would  fall  under  subjects 
like  host  adaptability  and  resistence,  biological  races,  the  phase 
theory,  disease,  population  estimates,  climatic  adaptability,  faun- 
al  succession,  tropic  behavior,  parasites  and  predators,  environ- 
mental relationships.  It  is  clear,  therefore,  that  the  scope  of 
the  present  work  is  not  narrow,  in  the  sense  of  being  confined 
to  the  strictly  applied  phases  of  entomology,  but  that,  instead, 
it  contains  much  which  would  appeal  to  the  worker  in  biological 
science  pure  and  simple. 

There  can  be  little  doubt  that  Wardle's  work  will  take  high 
rank  as  a  standard  work  of  reference  in  the  field  which  it 
covers.  In  these  days  of  extreme  specialization  and  often  nar- 
rowed professional  outlook,  when  the  worker  in  some  phase  of 
applied  science  finds  it  almost  hopeless  to  keep  himself  informed 
of  progress  in  even  closely  allied  branches  of  his  general  sub- 
ject, the  need  for  such  a  comprehensive  summary,  as  is  con- 
tained in  the  present  work,  of  the  knowledge  accumulated  in 
the  diverse  subdivisions  of  applied  entomology  is  clear.  In 
bringing  together,  within  the  limits  of  a  single  volume,  the  in- 
formation compiled  from  many  widely  different  sources,  the 
author  richly  deserves  the  gratitude  of  his  co-workers,  not 
only  of  those  engaged  in  applied  entomology  in  a  strict  sense, 
but  also  of  others  who  may  be  more  especially  interested  in 
the  basic  biological  phenomena  underlying  insect  control.  As 
it  is,  Wardle's  work  is  one  which  no  entomologist,  except 
perhaps  the  strictest  sort  of  systematist,  can  afford  to  ignore, 
and  it  is  at  least  conceivable  that  a  perusal  of  it  might  be  of 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     NEWS  309 

benefit  to  even  a  systematic  in  suggesting,  like  llateson's  work 
already  mentioned,  the  broad  biological  implications  of  bis 

I'Yom  the  point  of  view  of  the  investigator,  one  of  the  most 
valuable  features  of  the  present  work  is  the  very  extensive 
bibliography,  occupying  forty  closely  printed  pages  of  matter, 
which  forms  Part  III  of  the  book.  The  titles  are  arranged 
under  headings  corresponding  to  the  chapters  of  the  text.  Nat- 
urally, it  results  from  this  arrangement  that  many  references 
are  cited  more  than  once,  but  this  in  no  way  detracts  from  the 
value  of  the  list  which,  in  the  reviewer's  judgment,  is  a  model 
of  what  a  bibliography  covering  such  a  wide  range  of  subjects 
should  be. 

The  text  of  the  book  is  divided  into  two  parts.  Part  I,  en- 
titled General  Problems,  treats  of  the  broad  principles — physi- 
cal, chemical,  biological, — which  .underlie  the  problem  of  insect 
control,  while  Part  II,  entitled  Area  Problems,  deals  more 
specifically  with  the  particular  insect  control  problems  confront- 
ing entomologists  in  the  different  countries  of  the  globe. 

As  previously  mentioned.  Part  I  represents,  to  a  very  con- 
siderable extent,  an  expansion  of  an  earlier  work  by  the  same 
author  in  joint  authorship  with  Buckle.  In  the  present  work, 
about  half  of  the  space  devoted  to  Part  I  is  taken  up  with 
subjects  which  collectively  might  be  classified  under  the  head 
of  natural  control,  while  the  remainder  could  be  grouped  under 
that  of  artificial  control.  As  regards  natural  agencies  of  con- 
trol, we  find  chapters  in  this  first  part  on  subjects  such  as  host 
resistence,  clmatic  resistence,  tropic  behavior,  disease,  and  par- 
asites and  predators.  In  the  second  half  of  Part  I,  pertaining 
to  artificial  methods  of  control,  we  have  chapters  on  the  theory 
of  insecticides,  stomach  poisons,  contact  insecticides,  fumi- 
gants  and  combination  insecticides,  and  cultural  influences. 

Part  II  represents  a  new  departure.  It  is  quite  different  in 
general  plan  from  Part  I,  and,  as  the  author  intimates  in  the 
preface,  might  well  have  formed  the  basis  for  a  separate  book. 
In  the  words  of  the  author,  this  part  "attempts  to  present  to 
the  entomologists  of  any  one  country  some  conception  of  the 
problems  which  face  his  confreres  in  other  countries."  In  ac- 
cordance with  this  plan,  the  treatment  in  Part  II  is  geographic 
throughout,  with  the  notable  exception  of  the  last  two  diap- 
ers, treating  respectively  the  subjects  of  locality  disinfection 
and  locality  protection.  In  the  opinion  of  the  reviewer,  these 
latter  chapters  seem  out  of  place  in  a  section  otherwise  strictly 
geographic  in  arrangement,  and  would  more  appropriately  have 
come  at  the  end  of  Part  I,  in  connection  with  the  general  con- 
sideration of  artificial  agencies  of  control. 

310  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

Owing  to  the  limited  amount  of  space  available,  scarcely 
more  than  a  summary  is  given  in  Part  TI  of  the  more  im- 
portant problems  in  insect  control  which  are  met  with  in  the 
different  countries  of  the  globe.  This  is  explicitly  recognized 
by  the  author,  who  states  that  anything  like  an  adequate  treat- 
ment of  this  phase  of  his  subject  would  require  a  separate 
book,  and  he  frankly  expresses  the  hope  that  his  outline  will 
serve  to  stimulate  the  production  of  such  a  text.  So  far  as 
chapter  subdivision  in  this  part  is  concerned,  it  is  based,  with 
the  exception  of  the  two  chapters  previously  mentioned,  upon 
what  may  appropriately  be  termed  the  insect  control  provinces 
of  the  earth.  By  this  is  meant  that  the  author  groups  together 
those  countries  or  regions  in  which  closely  similar  insect  control 
problems  claim  major  attention.  In  some  instances  these 
provinces  coincide  with  definitely  delimited  geographic  areas, 
as,  for  example,  North  America,  Southeastern  Asia,  the  Euro- 
Asiatic  Plain,  the  Mediterranean  Area,  but  in  other  instances 
he  associates  regions  often  widely  separated  geographically. 
Thus,  we  find  one  chapter  with  the  title.  West  Africa  and 
Central  America,  while  another  treats  of  South  America,  South 
Africa,  Central  and  East  Africa. 

In  selecting  matters  for  special  comment  or  criticism  in 
a  work  covering  as  much  ground  as  this,  one  is  as  much  em- 
barrassed by  the  wealth  and  variety  of  material  from  which 
to  choose  as  he  is  from  the  realization  that  anything  approach- 
ing a  satisfactory  attempt  in  that  direction  would  require  the 
cooperation  of  a  number  of  specialists,  each  an  authority  in 
one  of  the  special  fields  of  investigation  covered  by  the  book. 
On  this  account  the  present  reviewer  will  limit  his  further 
remarks  to  those  portions  of  the  work  which  treat  of  basic 
biological  problems  and  will  leave  to  others  the  task  of  pointing- 
out  errors,  defects,  or  omissions  in  the  sections  devoted  to 
the  more  strictly  applied  phases  of  the  subject. 

In  a  discussion  of  Uvarov's  Phase  Theory  on  pp.  14-16, 
the  examples  chosen  to  illustrate  this  theory  are  all  drawn 
from  exotic  Orthoptera.  An  illustration  much  more  familiar 
to  readers  on  this  side  of  the  Atlantic  could  have  been  found 
in  the  case  of  the  old  Rocky  Mountain  locust,  Mclanoplus 
sprctus,  which  is  almost  certainly  nothing  more  than  the  migra- 
tory phase  of  the  common  and  widely  distributed  grasshopper, 
Mclanoplus  atlanis. 

In  his  discussion  of  the  Phase  Theory,  the  author,  in  this, 
as  in  other  sections  of  his  book,  shows  his  fairness  toward  and 
tolerance  of  views  which  may  impress  one  as  mutually  antag- 
onistic. While  apparently  strongly  disposed  to  favor  the  phase 
theory  as  promulgated  by  Uvarov,  he  also  presents  the  views 
of  Plotnikov,  who  maintains  the  specific  distinctness  of  swarm- 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL     XF.WS  311 

ing  and  non-swarming  forms  of  grasshoppers,  but  argues 
that,  in  periods  of  abundance,  variations  in  the  one  form 
approach  and  overlap  those  taking  place  simultaneously  in  the 
other,  therebv  giving  what  Plotnikov  evidently  claims  to  be  a 
deceptive  apearance  of  blending  of  the  two  forms.  A  view  <>t 
this  sort  may  seem  rather  far-fetched,  but  it  is  well  to  have  it 
stated  clearly  in  a  work  of  this  kind,  as  it  may  serve  to  impress 
the  reader  with  the  futility  of  trying  to  solve  questions  of 
this  nature  on  the  basis  of  observation  alone.  The  whole 
problem  of  specific  distinctness  or  of  intergradation,  in  tin- 
case  of  forms  whose  taxonumic  status  is  unsettled,  needs  to 
be  attacked  from  the  side  of  experimental  breeding. 

In  enumerating,  on  pp.  33-34.  four  general  principles  upon 
which  estimates  of  infestation  should  be  based,  it  seems  that 
none  of  these  quite  covers  a  rule  which  has  impressed  itself 
upon  the  reviewer  in  an  attempt  to  estimate  the  abundance  of 
the  Japanese  beetle,  I'opillia  japonic<t,  in  successive  years.  For 
instance,  a  survey  of  any  suitable  area  within  the  territory 
infested  by  this  insect  shows  that,  in  each  year,  a  rapid  reduc- 
tion in  the  number  of  larvae  takes  place  as  spring  advances. 
For  this  reason,  in  order  to  obtain  comparable  results,  it  is 
necessary,  in  any  given  area,  to  make  the  larval  surveys  at 
about  the  same  time  each  year.  Thus,  if  in  one  year,  a  larval 
survey  is  conducted  in  April,  it  would  be  necessary  to  make 
a  similar  survey  in  the  same  month  of  the  following  year,  as 
a  survey  made  later  in  the  season  would  not  yield  comparable 
results.  Of  course,  a  rule  of  this  kind  would  apply  only  in 
case  estimates  of  insect  infestation  are  intended  to  cover  a 
series  of  years. 

In  view  of  the  many  excellent  features  and  the  general 
critical  tone  of  the  book,  it  max  seem  rather  gratuitous  to  call 
attention  to  a  passage  in  which  the  author  would  appear  to 
have  inadvertently  allowed  himself  to  fall  into  error,  or.  at 
least,  to  have  expressed  his  meaning  in  so  i  ibscure  a  form  as 
to  render  it  far  from  obvious.  On  page  50,  in  commenting 
upon  the  fact  that  a  given  month  in  one  part  of  an  insect's 
range  may  not  be  the  ecological  equivalent  of  the  same  month 
in  another  part  of  its  range,  the  author  adds,  by  way  of  illus- 
tration that  "the  degree  of  temperature  and  the  amount  nt 
rainfall  required  to  produce  a  particular  value  of  atmospheric 
humiditv  or  of  soil  moisture  content  would  not  have  the  same 
values  in  the  north  as  in  the  south."  Kvidenily  the  meaning 
which  he. intended  to  convex-  in  this  passage,  (as  is  also  indi- 
cated by  his  insertion  of  Koppen's  table  of  rainfall  necessary 
to  produce  stream  flow  at  different  temperatures)  is  that  the' 
amount  of  rainfall  required  t<>  produce  a  particular  value  of 

312  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Nov.,    '29 

atmospheric  humidity  or  of  soil  moisture  content  would  be 
different  in  the  two  sections,  the  obvious  reason  being  that 
normally  the  temperature  in  the  one  is  different  from  that 
in  the  other. 

The  absence  of  dogmatic  finality,  which  the  author  so  con- 
sistently maintains  throughout,  is  shown  in  his  comments  upon 
the  generally  accepted  mathematical  formulations  of  the  rate 
of  development  of  insects  as  influenced  more  especially  by 
temperature.  Thus,  on  page  63,  we  read  that  "the  more  precise 
work  of  later  observers  .  .  .  has  cast  some  doubt  upon  the 
absolute  correctness  of  these  assumptions,  and  the  question 
arises  as  to  whether  the  thermal  constant  really  is  constant  for 
all  temperatures  within  the  effective  range ;  whether  the  veloc- 
ity curve  really  is  a  straight  line;  whether  the  point  at  which 
it  cuts  the  temperature  axis  is  really  the  true  Threshold  of 
Development,  whether,  in  fact,  the  curve  expressing  the  ef- 
fective range  is  an  equilateral  hyperbola  at  all."  It  is  well 
for  physiological  entomologists  to  have  their  attention  called 
thus  to  the  fact  that  many  an  assumption,  which  they  are 
likely  to  take  as  an  established  fact,  may  not  be  wholly  free 
from  doubt  in  the  present  state  of  knowledge. 

Because  of  the  present  claim  on  popular  interest  which  the 
institution  of  drastic  quarantine  measures  against  the  spread 
of  insect  pests  has  called  forth  in  various  sections  of  this  coun- 
try, it  is  interesting  to  note  that  in  the  present  work  the  author 
takes  a  very  pessimistic  tone  as  regards  the  efficiency  of  such 
measures.  He  seems  to  think  that  the  chances  are  strongly 
against  the  probability  of  any  form  of  quarantine  inspection 
preventing,  or  even  materially  delaying,  the  introduction  or 
spread  of  any  of  the  major  insect  pests.  As  an  example,  he 
mentions  the  Mediterranean  Fruit-fly  (of  interest  in  connec- 
tion with  its  recent  startling  discovery  in  epidemic  form  in 
Florida),  which,  despite  the  admittedly  high  efficiency  of  the 
California  quarantine  system,  he  is  apparently  disposed  to  think, 
may  be  already  established  in  that  State,  and  that  its  appearance 
there  in  epidemic  form  is  only  a  question  of  time  and  climate. 
Truly  a  gloomy  outlook  from  the  point  of  view-  of  legislative 
control  of  insect  pests!  However,  our  experience  in  such  at- 
tempts at  insect  control  is  still  limited,  and  it  may  well  be  that 
in  the  near  future,  with  a  richer  measure  of  experience  to 
serve  as  a  guide,  public  control  measures  may  yet  be  evolved 
to  a  point  where  they  will  yield  more  satisfactory  results.  The 
difficulties  are  great,  and  may  seem  insurmountable,  but  that 
does  not  seem  adequate  ground  for  advocating  the  adoption 
» of  a  laissez  fairc  policy  in  the  face  of  a  threatened  insect  pest 
invasion. — HENRY  Fox. 


DECEMBER,   1929 


Vol.  XL  No.  10 



Gunder — North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera — IX..  .    .  313 

Guilder — A  State  Butterfly  for  California  (Lepid.:  Pieridae) 318 

Hall — The   North   American   Species  of   Sarcophaga   belonging  to  the 

"A"  Group  (Dip.:   Sarcophagidae).  .    .  ........  319 

Park — Notes  on  the  Relationship  between   Formica  ulkei  Emery   and 

Solenopsis  molesta  Say  (Hymen.:   Formicidae) 325 

Holland— Hesperia  ruricola   Boisd.    and   Pamphila  californica   Mabille 

Synonyms  of  Atrytone  vestris  (Boisduval)  i  Lepid.:   Hesperiidae).  326 
Crosby — An  Unexpected    Food   Plant  of  the  Striped  Cucumber  Beetle 

(Coleop.:  Chrysomelidae) .    .  328 

Stiles — Proposed   Amendments:  International  Rules  of  Zoological  No- 
menclature   329 

Entomological  Literature 333 

Review — Ewing's  Manual  of  External  Parasites 337 

Doings  of  Societies— The  Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomologists.  341 

Obituary — Thomas  Utting  Spalding 343 


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stated  on  the  MS. 

Owing  to  increased  cost  of  labor  and  materials,  no  illustrations  will  to 
published  in  the  NEWS  for  the  present,  except  where  authors  furnish  th< 
necessary  blocks,  or  pay  in  advance  the  cost  of  making  blocks  and  pay  foi 
the  cost  of  printing  plates.  Information  as  to  the  cost  will  be  furnished  in 
each  case  on  application  to  the  Editor.  Blocks  furnished  or  paid  for  by 
authors  will,  of  course,  be  returned  to  authors,  after  publication,  if  desired. 

Stated  Meetings  of  The  American  Entomological  Society  will  be  held 
at  7.30  o'clock  P.  M.,  on  the  fourth  Thursday  of  each  month,  excepting  June, 
July,  August,  November  and  December,  and  on  the  third  Thursday  of 
November  and  December. 

Communications  on  observations  made  in  the  course  of  your  studies  are 
solicited;  also  exhibits  of  any  specimens  you  consider  of  interest. 

nfr       °ff  f£e  ??iews"  wi"  furni^h  "Prints  of  articles  over  and  above  the  twenty- 
nr   fJlfr  «  *  following  rates:     One   or   two  pages,   twenty-five   copies,    35    cents; 

or  four  pages    twenty-five   copies,   70   cents;    five  to   eight   pages,   twenty-five  copies, 
;    nine   to   twelve   pages,    twenty-five   copies,    $2.00;    each    half-tone    platef  twenty  five 
30   cents;    each   plate   of   line    cuts    twenty-five    copies,    25    cents;    greater   numbers 
will  be  at  the  corresponding  multiples  of  these  rates. 


Plate  XVII. 



Standing-DR.  P.  P.  CALVERT,  JAMES  A.  G.  REHN,    E.  T.  CRESSON,  Jr. 


VOL.  XL.  DECEMBER,    1929  No.  10 

North  American  Institutions  Featuring  Lepidoptera. 

IX.     The  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 
By  J.   D.  GrxoER,   Pasadena.  California. 

(Plates  XVII-XX). 

Philadelphia  is  the  birthplace  not  only  of  our  national  inde- 
pendence and  constitutional  law  and  liberty,  but  of  a  number 
of  other  good  things.  Among  these,  and  not  the  least  valuable, 
is  an  institution  which  has  through  its  history,  particularly 
before  1860,  exerted  a  greater  influence  in  the  development  of 
our  knowledge  of  the  natural  sciences  than  any  similar  scien- 
tific body  in  America.  I  refer  to  the  Academy  of  Natural 
Sciences  of  Philadelphia.  It  was  founded  in  the  fore  part  of 
1812  by  John  Speakman,  Jacob  <  lilliams  and  several  others, 
including  Thomas  Say,  the  well-known  naturalist  and  ento- 
mologist. The  presence  of  Mr.  Say  and  the  high  character 
of  his  early  scientific  work,  coupled  with  the  dignity  he  wTas 
able  to  lend  the  first  proceedings,  undoubtedly  accounted  for 
the  continued  existence  of  the  Academy.  Say  was  a  born 
naturalist  and  scarcely  troubled  himself  with  "commercial  bus- 
iness". At  one  time,  as  a  result,  it  is  said  that  he  was  so  poor 
that  he  had  to  make  his  bed  under  a  stuffed  horse  in  the  hall 
of  the  Academy.  In  his  scientific  investigations  it  is  interest- 
ing to  note  he  paid  little  attention  to  relationships  and  classi- 
fication, but  confined  his  work  almost  entirely  to  specific  dis- 
tinctions of  which  he  had  an  unusually  acute  perception.  His 
oral  reports  of  original  re>earches  were  the  first  to  replace 
tin-  time-honored  reading  of  extracts  from  encyclopaedias  rind 
journals,  which  formed  the  usual  attraction  at  those  early-day 
meetings.  The  founders  of  the  Academy  in  that  distant  period, 
nearly  118  years  ago,  did  not  have  big  buildings,  tolerant 


314  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

audiences  or  fine  halls  for  their  meetings.  Little  did  they  think 
when  renting  a  small  room  on  Second  Street,  and  each  gave 
a  "small  collection  of  scientific  ohjects",  that  they  were  form- 
ing the  nucleus  of  the  museum  and  superb  library  which  today 
gives  the  Academy  its  distinction  among  learned  societies.  The 
energy  of  those  founders  was  persistent  and  the  spirit  of  their 
industrious  research  has  continued  on  down  till  now,  as  ex- 
emplified by  the  high  character  of  the  present  scientific  staff. 

I'hiladelphia  is  also  the  birthplace  of  the  first  purely  ento- 
mological society  in  America.  On  February  14,  1859,  James 
Riding,  George  Newman  and  Ezra  T.  Cresson1  met  together 
at  the  Cresson  residence  with  the  view  of  forming  an  asso- 
ciation "whose  object  shall  be  the  advancement  of  entomo- 
logical science,  by  ascertaining  the  name,  locality  and  habits 
of  insects  found  within  the  United  States".  This  well-known 
organization  thrived  from  the  beginning  and  until  1867  was 
known  as  the  Entomological  Society  of  Philadelphia,  when 
the  name  was  changed  to  the  American  Entomological  Society. 
The  new  name  gave  the  body  a  national  significance  which  it 
was  eventually  to  merit.  For  a  while,  beginning  in  1865,  the 
Society  edited  a  paper  called  The  Practical  Entomologist.  It 
was  in  reality  an  economic  journal  intended  for  farmers,  garden- 
ers, foresters  and  agricultural  people,  but  the  venture  was  not 
appreciated  by  those  for  whom  it  was  intended,  as  the  times 
were  not  ripe  and  economic  entomology  was  hardly  understood, 
so  the  Society  had  to  suspend  this  publication.  However,  to 
those  Philadelphia  entomologists  and  founders  of  the  American 
Entomological  Society  goes  the  credit  of  being  the  pioneers  of 
that  immensely  distributed  work  now  being  done  by  the  Bureau 
of  Entomology  under  the  U.  S.  Department  of  Agriculture. 

By  1876  the  collection  of  insects,  including  types  and  library, 
of  the  Society  had  so  increased  that  it  was  thought  necessary 
to  have  them  associated  with  the  Academy  of  Natural  Sciences, 
so  admission  was  granted  and  an  Entomological  Section  thereof 
was  formed2.  The  Entomological  Society  has  always  retained 

1  His  portrait  appears  on  the  front  cover  page  of  this  volume  of  the 


Plate  XVIII. 



XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  315 

its  corporate  existence,  however.  This  move  gave  the  collec- 
tions fire-proof  housing  and  the  facilities  which  only  a  museum 
can  afford.  In  looking  over  the  records  of  the  Society  during 
the  last  50  years,  it  is  interesting  to  note  the  names  of  so  many 
fine  men  and  well-known  scientists.  As  long  as  mankind  shall 
be  interested  in  the  insect  world,  the  memory  of  Cresson,  Horn, 
LeConte,  McCook,  Skinner  and  others  will  remain  bright. 

In  1017  the  Sections  of  the  Academy  were  abolished  and 
the  Entomological  Department  of  the  Academy  advanced,  so 
that  today  it  holds  equal  rank  with  the  other  divisions  or 
sciences  and  occupies  six  large  rooms  on  two  floors,  one  above 
the  other.  All  the  collections,  work  tables  and  library  are  in 
close  proximity.  This  is  a  very  advantageous  arrangement 
because  in  some  museums,  most  museums  in  fact,  the  library 
is  "down  stairs"  or  far  away  and  much  "red  tape"  is  necessary 
to  get  a  book  and  return  same  within  a  specified  time. 

The  collections  of  butterflies  and  moths  are  kept  in  120 
metal  and  wooden  cabinets  which  contain  altogether  about 
1400  drawers  of  Lepidoptera.  These  cases  are  not  double- 
decked  as  there  is  plenty  of  floor  space.  Mr.  Williams  esti- 
mates there  are  500  types  and  some  150,000  mounted  specimens 
in  all.  but  I  think  these  figures  must  be  rather  low.  The 
Museum  of  the  Academy  displays  a  fine  localized  collection  of 
Insects  for  the  average  individual,  which  saves  wear  and  tear 
on  the  main  collections.  It  provides  a  cohesive  visualiza- 
tion of  the  butterfly  and  moth  fauna  around  Philadelphia. 
Dr.  J.  B.  Clemens  has  recently  given  the  Academy  a  memorial 
cabinet  to  hold  the  microlepidoptera  collections  and  writings 
of  his  father  and  others.  It  is  known  as  the  "Brackenridge 
Clemens  Memorial"  and  is  shown  in  the  background  of  plate 

"  See  illustrations  of  Academy  Building  up  to  1840  and  up  to  1876  on 
Plate  XVIII.  The  present  Academy  Building,  shown  in  circle  at  top  of 
Plate  XVII,  consists  of  six  large  three-st6ry  buildings  of  brick  and  terra- 
cotta, connected  into  an  E-shaped  group.  They  cover  approximately 
one  acre  of  ground  area.  Unfortunately  the  Academy  receives  no 
support  from  the  City  of  Philadelphia,  but  in  the  past  the  State  of 
Pennsylvania  has  financed  the  envli<'ii  "I  some  of  its  buildings.  Al- 
though no  definite  expansion  plan  is  contemplated  at  present,  it  will 
undoubtedly  be  necessary  within  the  next  few  years. 

316  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

XVII.  Among  the  larger  individual  collections  of  lepidoptera 
which  have  come  to  the  Institution  in  the  past  are  those  of 
Felipe  Poey,  1865;  B.  Clemens,  1867;  T.  R.  Peale,  1890;  I.  C. 
Martindale,  1894;  C.  A.  Blake,  1903,  and  Henry  Skinner, 

Mr.  R.  C.  \Yilliams,  Jr.,  has  recently  donated  his  excellent 
collection  of  about  25,000  butterflies,  which  include  his  Ameri- 
can Hesperioidea  and  Palaearctic  Rhopalocera.  Mr.  Williams 
was  born  in  Brooklyn,  New  York,  August  21,  1869,  attended 
the  Adelphi  Academy,  of  Brooklyn,  N.  Y.,  in  188(»  and  was 
graduated  from  Cornell  with  B.S.  and  M.E.  in  1892.  He  has 


been  Research  Associate  on  the  staff  for  years  and  since  the 
demise  of  Dr.  Henry  Skinner,  has  been  considered  their  expert 
on  American  butterflies,  especially  the  skippers.  Numerous  con- 
tributions on  Hesperiids  have  appeared  from  his  pen  in  recent 
years  and  before  that,  several  upon  the  larger  Hesperiidae  of 
North  America  in  joint  authorship  with  Dr.  Skinner.  His  inves- 
tigations have  had  as  a  background  the  genitalic  morphology  of 
the  species  and  having  about  worked-out  the  Xorth  American 
fauna,  he  is  now  engaged  on  the  neotropical  groups.  Mr. 
Williams  has  made  many  trips  abroad  and  also  to  the  western 
and  southern  United  States.  While  these  trips  have  not 
always  been  basically  entomological  field  expeditions,  he  has 
secured  valuable  and  important  material  and  is  continually 
increasing  the  collections  of  his  specialty  at  the  Academy.  He 
at  present  holds  the  office  of  President  of  the  American  Ento- 
mological Society. 

To.  Mr.  J.  W.  Coxey  is  evidently  left  the  task  of  building 
up  the  Academy's  collection  of  exotic  lepidoptera.  He  has 
already  made  two  very  successful  trips  to  Ecuador  (1926-27 
and  1928-29),  bringing  home  valuable  and  extensive  collections, 
including  many  rarities  which  only  a  personal  trip  can  secure. 
He  was  unfortunately  absent  in  South  America  when  the 
Academy  group  photograph  was  taken,  but  Plate  XIX  of  this 
article  shows  him  busy  at  the  time  in  camp  at  Dos  Puentes, 
Ecuador,  mounting  what  is  evidently  a  large  specimen  of  a 


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Morpho  butterfly.  Mr.  Coxey  was  born  in  Camclen,  New 
Jersey,  November  29,  1887,  and  is  a  valued  Research  Asso- 
ciate on  the  staff.  Would  that  he  could  be  induced  to  give 
us  several  vivid  articles  in  the  XEWS  upon  his  collecting  exper- 
iences in  the  wilds  of  Ecuador! 

The  Krank  I  laimbach  collection  of  Heterocera  (moths), 
which  he  donated  to  the  Academy  not  long  ago,  is  especially 
noteworthy.  For  forty  years  Mr.  Haimbach  has  been  an 
assiduous  collector  of  these  insects  in  the  middle  Atlantic 
States  and  in  this  way  and  by  exchange,  he  has  built  up  a 
most  extensive  and  beautifully  prepared  series  of  many  thou- 
sands of  specimens.  He  occasionally  publishes  records  and  new 
descriptions  of  moths  in  the  NEWS  and  Transactions.  Mr. 
Haimbach  was  born  July  2,  1859,  and  is  a  native  son  of  Phila- 
delphia. He  is  Secretary  and  Treasurer  of  the  American  Ento- 
mological Society  and  former  corresponding  Secretary  of  the 
same  society. 

Aside  from  Lepidoptera  there  are  several  men  working  on 
other  insect  orders  who  have  helped  make  the  Entomological 
Department  of  the  Institution  internationally  well  known.  Air. 
E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  for  example,  whose  interest  is  the  Diptera, 
is  clearly  the  foremost  American  authority  on  the  Acalyptrate 
family  Ephydridae.  Over  a  period  of  nearly  twenty  years  he 
has  published  a  considerable  number  of  articles  and  a  fair  por- 
tion of  these  papers  are  parts  of  a  revision  of  this  family, 
on  which  he  has  been  engaged  for  nearly  his  entire  productive 

Mr.  Morgan  Hebard,  Curator,  and  Mr.  James  A.  G.  Rehn, 
Secretary  of  the  Academy  and  Associate  Curator  of  the  De- 
partment of  Entomology,  are  both  specialists  in  the  Orthoptera 
and  have  made  numerous  field  trips  together  to  western  and 
southern  United  States.  Special  trips  were  often  made  to  the 
desert  portions  of  Nevada,  Utah,  Ari/ona  and  New  Mexico. 
Their  Orthoptera  collections  are  unsurpassed  and  both  are 
continually  offering  new  papers  upon  every  phase  of  this 
interesting  order. 



[Dec.,  '29 

The  American  Entomological  Society  issues  three  publica- 
tions, namely:  the  Transactions,  a  quarterly  started  in  1867, 
following  the  Proceedings  of  the  Entomological  Society  of 
Philadelphia.;  the  Memoirs,  which  are  complete  papers  of  mon- 
ographic character  appearing  at  irregular  intervals  since  1916, 
and  this  publication,  ENTOMOLOGICAL  NEWS,  which  was  begun 
in  1890.  An  outstanding  feature  of  the  NEWS,  which  has 
always  been  distinctive,  is  its  section  devoted  to  "Entomological 
Literature".  Mr.  E.  T.  Cresson,  Jr.,  deserves  a  great  deal  of 
credit  for  his  invaluable  work  of  continually  abstracting  those 
many  tedious  references. 

Dr.  P.  P.  Calvert  is  sufficiently  well  known  to  our  readers 
as  the  Editor  of  the  NEWS  and  writer  on  Odonata.  His  col- 
lection of  these  insects  is  at  the  Academy. 

Mr.  James  A.  G.  Rehn  has  materially  assisted  me  in  the 
preparation  of  this  article  and  I  heartily  thank  him  for  much 
of  the  data  contained  herein. 

A  State  Butterfly  for  California   (Lepid.:  Pieridae). 

The  entomologists  of  the 
State  of  California,  num- 
bering about  200  as  a  whole, 
recently  voted  upon  the 
question  of  a  State  Insect 
and  choose  the  native  but- 
terfly, Zerene  eurydice  Bdv., 
(the  Dog  Head  or  Flying 
Pansy),  to  serve  as  their 

The  State  Flower  for  California  is  the  "Poppy".  This  is 
the  first  state  in  the  Union  to  record  a  symbol  of  the  Insect 
Kingdom  for  acceptance  by  the  general  public.  It  will  undoubt- 
edly stimulate  interest  in  entomology.  Will  not  other  states, 
Pennsylvania,  for  example,  follow  suit?  The  accompanying 
insignia  illustrate  the  male  of  the  species.  See  the  October, 
1929,  Pan-Pacific  Entomologist  for  further  information. 

J.  D.  GUNDER,  Pasadena,  California. 


XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  319 

The  North  American  Species  of  Sarcophaga  belong- 
ing to  the  "A"  Group'  (Dip. :  Sarcophagidae). 

By  DAVID  *G.   HALL,  JR., 
Kansas  State  Agricultural   College. 

Four  species  of  Sarcophaga  were  included  by  Doctor  Aid- 
rich  (1916,  Sarcophaga  and  Allies,  p.  67)  in  his  provisional 
"A"  Group.  These  were  5.  sin  mil  u  Mg.,  S.  cockcrclhic  Aid., 
S.  hineii  Aid.,  and  S.  pull  a  Aid.  To  these  may  be  added  S. 
morosa  Aid.  (1925.  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus.  Vol.  66:26),  and 
the  two  species  herein  described. 

These  species  have  the  following  characters  in  common : 
Three  postsutural  dorso-central  bristles,  genital  segments 
black,  and  the  hind  tibiae  of  the  male  more  or  less  villous. 

Acknowledgment  for  the  comparison  of  specimens  with  type 
material,  and  for  the  generous  exchange  of  notes  is  due  Dr. 
J.  M.  Aldrich,  of  the  United  States  National  Museum. 

Key  to  Species. 

1.  Outer  verticals   well   developed,   first  posterior  cell  closed 
or  but  slightly  open  in  margin.     (D.  C.,  Va.,  Penna.) 

niinittissmia  n.  sp.  Fig.  1 
Outer  verticals  absent 2 

2.  Two  sternopleural  bristles  present    (Alta.   Can.) 

cunadaisis  n.  sp.  Fig.  2 
Three  sternopleural  bristles  present 3 

3.  Middle    femora   with   whitish,   yellowish,    or   golden   patch 
of  hair  on  outer  front  side  (widespread — Northern  U.  S.) 

sinuata  Mif. 
Middle  femora  plain,  without  such  spot 4 

4.  Second  abdominal   segment   with  pair  of  median  marginal 
bristles  which  may  be  somewhat  small  or  depressed   ....    5 
Second     abdominal     segment     without     median     marginal 

bristles    6 

5.  Middle    tibae    with    three    antero-dorsal    bristles,    forceps 
thick  with  a  long,  slender  tooth  on  tip    (Colo.,    X.    Mex., 

and  British  Col.,  Can.)    cockcrclhic  Aid. 

Middle  tibae  with  one   large  and  one   small   antero-dorsal 

bristles,  forceps  slender  with  a  small  tooth  on  middle  of 
the  blunt  tip  (Lake  Erie  area)    liincii  Aid. 

6.  Accessory  plate  long  and   linger-like    (Ohio,    I'enna.) 

pnlhi.  Aid. 
Accessory  plate  triangular  (Ontario,  Ohio)    .  .tnorosti  Aid. 

Contribution    No.    374    from    the    Entomological    1  .aliorat<  >r\ ,    Kansas 
State  Agricultural  College. 



[Dec.,  '29 

Sarcophaga  minutissima  n.  sp.   (Fig.  1). 

Small ;  black ;  outer  verticals  developed. 

$  .  Front  narrow,  .161  of  head  (average  of  three  .190,  .160, 
and  .133)  ;  paraf  rentals  and  para  facials  silvery,  the  latter  with 
the  usual  row  of  minute  hairs  below  near  eye,  the  lower  two 
long  and  bristle-like ;  frontal  bristles  about  eight,  the  lower  few 
diverging  to  the  middle  of  the  second  antennal  joint ;  antennae 
black,  third  joint  hardly  twice  second,  reaching  four-fifths 

Fig.  1. — Sarcophaga  minutissima  Hall.  Fig.  2. — Sarcophaga  cana~ 
densis  Hall.  A.  Left  lateral  view  of  hypopygial  composite.  B.  Rear 
view  of  forceps.  C.  Rear  view  of  penis.  D.  Tip  of  penis. 

XL,    '29 j  ENTOMOLOGICAL    XKWS  321 

distance  to  the  vihrissae  which  are  normal  and  are  at  the  oral 
margin;  arista  plumose  for  half  its  length;  palpi  and  proboscis 
black,  normal;  bucca  two-thirds  eyeheight ;  back  of  head  with 
two  rows  of  post-ocular  bristles,  below  with  some  pale  hairs, 
none  before  the  metacephalic  suture:  outer  verticals  distinct. 

Thorax  with  the  usual  3-5  black  stripes;  anterior  acrostichals 
2;  prescutellars  present,  small  and  slender;  postsuturals  3; 
sterno-pleurals  3,  the  intermediate  rather  small  and  hairlike ; 
scutellum  with  two  marginals,  one  subapical  and  one  apical. 

Abdomen  thinly  pollinose.  the  usual  tessellation  indistinct ; 
second  and  third  segments  with  median  marginals;  fourth  with 
marginal  row  of  about  twelve;  fifth  sternite  obscured. 

Hypopygium  shining  black;  first  segment  small,  a  few  hairs 
in  a  posterior  marginal  row  ;  second  segment  globose,  shining 
black,  clothed  with  numerous  black  hairs;  forceps  black,  in 
rear  view,  behind  diverging  gently  to  tips,  clothed  with  long 
curly  hair,  anterior  edge  straight  with  slight  tip,  posteriorly 
curved  strongly  forward  at  tip,  behind  at  tip  with  a  patch  of 
minute  spines:  accessory  plate  triangular,  more  brown  than 
black:  posterior  clasper  black,  curved  slightly  forward  with 
several  hairs  on  the  anterior  edge ;  anterior  clasper  black,  curved 
strongly  forward,  the  inner  edge  rolled  toward  outside  ;  penis 
composed  of  two  segments,  first  segment  transparent  white 
and  curved  somewhat  forward,  second  segment  with  rounded 
anteriorly  thick  tip,  forward,  on  each  side  two  partially  trans- 
parent plates  or  processes  extending  anteriorly,  centrally  one 
each  side  with  a  semi-transparent  pad. 

Wings  anteriorly  smoked  brown;  costal  spine  present;  third 
costal  segment  shorter  than  fifth;  first  posterior  cell  closed  or 
slightlv  open  in  the  wing  margin;  first  vein  bare;  third  with 
several  setulae. 

Legs,  black:  middle  tibae  with  two  antero-dorsal  bristles; 
hind  tibae  with  sparse  villosity. 

9  .  Front  narrow,  .254  of  head  (average  of  three  .250,  .231. 
.291);  generally  less  pollinose  than  male;  lacks  the  scutellar 
apicals  ;  otherwise  like  male  except  for  sexual  characteristics. 
I  .eiigth  3  '  j-5  mm. 

Three  males  and  three  females  from  the  V.  S.  Xatioiial 
Museum  collection:  two  females,  Rock  Creek  Park,  DISTRICT 
01-  COLUMBIA,  August  19,  1927,  C.  H.  T.  Townsend :  one  male 
and  one  female,  Falls  Church,  VIRGINIA,  Aug.  27,  1912.  C.  T. 
Greene;  one  male,  Rock  Creek  Park,  D.  C.,  May  1,  1919,  G. 
E.  Quinter;  one  female,  Montebello,  PENNSYLVANIA,  Oct.  5, 
1920,  Champlain  and  Knull.  Holotype,  the  Rock  Creek  Park 

322  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

male  in  the  U.  S.  N.  M.,  No.  41910.    Allotypc— Female  from 
the  same  locality  in  the  U.  S.  N.  M.,  No.  41911. 

To  the  knowledge  of  the  author,  this  is  the  smallest  species 
of  Sarcophaga  to  be  described  from  North  America.  Not- 
withstanding the  closing  of  the  first  posterior  cell  in  the 
margin  of  the  wing,  chaetotaxy  and  genital  similarities  adhere 
it  to  the  present  grouping. 

Sarcophaga  canadensis  n.  sp.  (Fig.  2). 

Small ;  tessellated  ;  two  sternopleurals. 

$  .  Front  .333  of  head  in  single  specimen ;  frontal  stripe 
narrow ;  frontal  bristles  about  eight,  the  lower  few  diverging 
to  the  middle  of  the  second  antennal  joint;  parafacials  and 
parafrontals  silvery,  the  latter  with  the  usual  row  of  minute 
hair  below  near  eye;  antennae  black,  third  joint  two-thirds 
length  of  second,  reaching  three-fourths  the  distance  to  the 
vibrissae  which  are  normal  and  are  at  the  oral  margin ;  arista 
plumose  for  half  its  length;  bucca  reddish  and  but  slightly 
pollinose,  one-third  the  eyeheight ;  palpi  and  proboscis  black, 
ordinary;  back  of  head  with  one  complete  and  seveeral  scat- 
tered rows  of  black  hair ;  outer  vertical  not  differentiated ;  a 
few  pale  hairs  around  neck  and  below,  none  before  the  meta- 
cephalic  suture. 

Thorax  with  usual  3-5  black  stripes,  quite  shining;  anterior 
acrostichals  O ;  postsutural  dorsocentrals  3 ;  sternopleurals  2 ; 
scutellum  with  two  marginals,  no  preapicals  nor  apicals. 

Abdomen  thinly  pollinose,  mostly  shining  black ;  first  and 
second  segments  with  lateral  bristles  only ;  third  with  median 
marginal  pair,  fourth  with  marginal  row  of  about  twelve;  fifth 
sternite  obscured. 

Hypopygium  black ;  first  segment  with  a  row  of  hair-like 
bristles  on  posterior  margin  ;  second  segment  quite  hairy,  shin- 
ing black ;  forceps  in  rear  gradually  diverging  to  tips,  with  long 
curly  hair  at  base;  in  profile  gradually  curving  forward  to  sharp 
point ;  accessory  plate  triangular,  more  brown  than  black ; 
posterior  clasper  black,  slightly  curved  anteriorly ;  anterior 
clasper  black,  curved  strongly  anteriorly,  its  outside  edge  rolled 
inward ;  penis  narrow  at  base,  globose  toward  tip  where  two 
tube-like  processes  project  downward,  anteriorly  with  shoe- 
shaped  protuberance  which  is  white  and  semi-transparent. 

Legs  black ;  middle  femora  with  anterior  and  posterior 
combs ;  middle  tibae  with  one  antero-dorsal  bristle ;  hind  tibae 
with  villosity. 

Wings  sub-hyaline;  no  costal  spine;  third  costal  segment 
longer  than  fifth;  first  vein  bare;  third  with  several  setulae. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  323 

Female  unknown. 

One  male,  Banff,  ALBERTA,  Canada,  June  15.  1922,  collected 
by  C.  B.  D.  Garrett  and  sent  to  the  author  by  Mr.  C.  H.  Curran 
from  the  Canadian  Entomological  Collections  at  Ottawa.  Ont. 
Ilolotypc. — In  the  Canadian  Entomological  Collections. 

Three  sternopleural  bristles  are  found  quite  constantly  in 
all  the  species  of  Sarcophaga.  The  presence  of  but  two  in 
S.  canadensis  should  render  the  species  easily  recognizable  in 
both  the  male  and  the  female. 

Although  the  genitalia  of  the  male  are  quite  unlike  the  other 
species  within  this  group,  and  the  species  has  but  two  sterno- 
pleural bristles,  it  should  not  be  of  generic  or  of  sub-generic 
importance.  5".  bisctosa  Parker  has  only  two  sternopleural 
bristles,  but  the  genitalia  of  the  species  are  almost  identical  to 
that  of  5*.  chnbicis  Townsend,  showing  that  the  absence  of  one 
sternopleural  bristle  is  not  of  generic  significance. 


Meigen,  1828,  Syst.  Bescher.,  V :  22— Europe. 
Townsend,  1892]  Trans.  Am.  Ent.  Soc.,  XIX:  110-111. 
Sarcotachinella  intermedia. — 111. 

This  is  the  most  easily  determined  Sarcophagid  occurring  in 
North  America.  Both  the  male  and  the  female  have  the  outer 
front  side  of  the  middle  femora  with  a  brilliant  whitish,  yellow- 
ish, or  golden  spot. 

S.  sinuata  is  evidently  a  common  species  in  this  country. 
Specimens  have  been  determined  from  New  England  to  (  )re- 
gon,  and  southward  to  northwestern  Arkansas,  apparently  most 
'common  in  the  St.  Lawrence  River  area.  Bottcher  stated  that 
the  species  was  widely  distributed  in  Europe,  but  that  it  was 
apparently  nowhere  common. 

Aldrich.     1^16,  Sarc.  and  Allies,  p.  70,  fig.  22. 

The  species  is  evidently  not  common.     Beside  the  type  speci- 
mens,  one   male    has  been   seen    from    White    Lake,    BRITISH 
COLUMBIA,    Canada,    July    27,     1929,    collected    by     Xonnaii 
Criddle.    Holotypc.—Male  No.  20495,  U.  S.  X.  M. 

Aldrich,  1916,  Sarc.  and  Allies,  p.  71,  fig.  23. 

ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

Auten,  1925,  Ann.  Ent.  Soc.  Am.  XVIII:  244.  (Reared 
from  nests  of  spiders,  PModronius  canadcnsis,  Epeira 
sclopctaria  and  Aranca  frondosa). 

The  characters  given  in  the  key.  separate  this  species  from 
its  closest  ally.  S.  cockcrcllac  Aid. 

The  species  was  first  collected  by  Prof.  J.  S.  Mine,  at  Cedar 
Point,  OHIO,  where  it  is  commonly  found  during  the  summer. 
Dr.  C.  H.  Kennedy  of  Ohio  State  University  has  collected 
for  a  number  of  years  at  Put-in-Bay,  Ohio,  and  has  found  the 
species  common  on  the  islands.  The  author  appreciates  the 
donation  of  over  one  hundred  males  and  females  of  this  species 
which  he  collected  there. 

It  is  commonly  reared  from  the  nests  of  certain  house-inhab- 
iting spiders  in  the  Lake  Erie  area,  Miss  Agnes  Auten  being 
the  first  to  rear  material  extensively.  Her  report  is  noted 

Holotypc.—Ma\e  No.  20496,  U.  S.  N.  M. 


Aldrich,  1916,  Sarc.  and  Allied,  p.  72,  fig.  24. 

Aside  from  genital  peculiarities  of  the  male,  this  species  may 
be  separated  from  all  the  species  very  closely  related,  with  the 
exception  of  S.  morosa,  Aid.,  by  the  lack  of  median  marginals 
on  the  second  abdominal  segment.  From  S.  morosa.  the  species 
is  most  clearly  separated  by  the  shape  of  the  accessory  plate 
which  is  triangular  in  5\  morosa,  elongate  and  finger-like  in  5\ 

The  type  specimen  of  this  species  was  collected  in  Westmore- 
land County,  PENNSYLVANIA.  Specimens  have  been  collected 
at  Cantwell  Cliffs,  OHIO,  May  15,  1926,  by  the  author. 

Type.     Male,  Ace.  321,  Carnegie  Museum,  Pittsburgh,  Pa. 


Aldrich,  1925,  Proc.  U.  S.  Nat.  Mus,  Vol.  LXVI,  26,  fig. 
1,  d. 

The  type  specimen  of  S.  morosa  was  reared  from  a  larva  by 
F.  Johansen,  near  OTTAWA,  Canada,  the  fly  emerging  July  11, 
1918.  Specimens  have  been  taken  by  the  author  at  Miami 
County,  OHIO,  June  14,  1928,  and  Lucas  County,  Ohio,  June 
19,  1928.  Holotypc—MB.\e  No.  27098,  U.  S.  N!  M. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    \K\VS  325 

Notes  on  the  Relationship  between  Formica  ulkei 

Emery  and  Solenopsis  molesta  Say 

(Hymen.:  Formicidae).* 

I'-v   THOMAS    PARK.    University  of   Chicago. 

The  general  economy  and  life-history  of  Solenopsis  molesta 
has  been  well  studied  by  a  number  of  investigators,  among 
whom  McColloch  and  Hayes  (191(>)  have  presented  complete 
and  significant  data  on  this  subject.  This  ant  which  often 
inhabits  the  nests  of  larger  species  is  known  as  a  "thief-ant" 
or  as  Wheeler  classifies  it,  a  "Lestiobiosis"  type,  (1910:  p. 
427)  and  is  found  living  typically  in  such  a  relationship  with 
many  forms.  In  an  examination  of  the  Formica  ulkei  mound- 
nests  at  Palos  Park,  Illinois,  a  number  of  colonies  of  Solenopsis 
molesta  were  found  existing  in  greater  numbers  in  the  outer 
layers  of  the  nest  similar  to  the  other  cases  described  by  Mc- 
Colloch  and  Hayes.  The  nests  of  Solenopsis  consisted  of  a 
net-work  of  minute  tunnels  which  branched  off  from  a  well 
used  passageway  of  the  Formica  nest  and  radiated  from  a  com- 
paratively large  cavern  located  between  the  Formica  runways. 
These  small  tunnels  were  too  tenuous  to  allow  a  Formica  nlkcl 
worker  to  enter  them,  and  they  seemed,  furthermore,  to  be  con- 
tinually guarded.  When  both  species  were  introduced  into  the 
laboratory,  the  Solenopsis  colony  seemed  to  thrive  and  to  have 
no  real  need  of  the  larger  ant. 

In  the  laboratory,  Solenopsis  molesta  defends  itself  and  its 
nest  from  F.  ulkei  with  great  vigor,  displaying  the  same  reac- 
tion each  time  attacked.  Molesta  workers  would  mount  upon 
the  femora  and  antennae  of  the  larger  ant  so  that  in  all  the 
invader  had  about  six  or  eight  individuals  upon  its  appendage-. 
There  they  would  cling  biting  and  perhaps  stinging  until  the 
death  ot  the  F'onnica  nlkci.  The  latter  seemed  powerless  to 
remove  these  pests  and  after  varying  length  of  time  died, 
whereupon  all  of  the  Solenopsis  workers  dismounted  from  tin- 
dead  ant  and  returned  to  their  nest.  The  details  of  this  process 
seemed  to  be  essentially  the  same  in  all  of  the  six  or  seven 
cases  observed.  In  one  instance,  after  a  Formica  had  been  so 

*Supervised  by  Dr.  W.  C.   Alice. 

326  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

attacked,  it  was  immediately  killed  and  soon  after  the  reflexes 
of  death  had  ceased  the  Solenopsis  molest  a  workers  left  the 
body  and  paid  it  no  more  attention. 

The  main  object  of  this  note,  however,  is  to  record  the  occur- 
rence of  Solenopsis  molcsta  in  Formica  nlkci  nests  in  a  "Lesti- 
obiotic"  relationship ;  a  fact  hitherto  overlooked. 


HOLMQUIST,  A.  M.  1928.  Notes  on  the  Life  History  and 
Habits  of  the  Mound-Building  Ant,  Formica  ulkei.  Ecology, 
Vol.  IX;  No.  1. 

McCoLLOCH.  J.  W.  &  HAYES,  W.  P.  1916.  A  Preliminary 
Report  on  the  Life  Economy  of  Solenopsis  molcsta  Say.  Jour- 
nal of  Economic  Entomology,  Vol.  IX. 

WHEELER,  W.  M.  1910.  Ants.  Their  Structure,  Behavior, 
and  Development.  New  York :  The  Columbia,  University 

Hesperia  ruricola  Boisd.  and  Pamphila  californica 

Mabille  Synonyms  of  Atrytone  vestris 

(Boisduval)  (Lepid.:  Hesperiidae). 

By  W.  J.  HOLLAND,  Carnegie  Museum, 
Pittsburgh,  Pennsylvania. 

In  the  Annalcs  of  the  Entomological  Society  of  France 
(2)  X,  1852,  p.  315,  Boisduval  briefly  described  Hesperia 
ruricola.  In  the  "Lepidopteres  de  la  Calif ornie,"  (Ann.  Soc. 
Ent.  de  Belgique,  XII,  1863,  p.  25)  he  republished  his  description 
of  the  species.  He  gives  California  as  the  habitat  of  the  insect. 
Both  descriptions  are  quite  brief  and  amount  to  the  statement 
that  the  butterfly  is  in  form  and  size  like  lincoht,  fulvous  in 
color  above,  with  a  narrow  brown  border,  the  sexual  brand 
of  the  primaries  as  strongly  developed  as  in  sylvanus,  bordered 
longitudinally  by  a  fine  light  line.  The  underside  yellowish, 
with  the  entire  surface  of  the  inferiors  and  the  apex  of  the 
superiors  greenish  (verdatre). 

Speaking  of  this  insect  in  the  Etudes  Comparccs,  Ease.  IX, 
1"  Partie,  1913,  p.  43,  Mons.  Charles  Oberthur  remarks: 
"Manque  dans  la  collection;  le  type  parait  perdu." 

The  identity  of  the  insect  has  been  a  puzzle  to  American 
(and  particularly  Californian)  lepidopterists. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  327 

Last  March  I  wrote  to  Mons.  Rene  Oherthiir  at  Retincs.  in 
whose  hands  are  now  all  the  Ilcsf>crii(l(C,  which  were  a  part  of 
the  collection  of  his  hrother  Charles,  requesting  him  to  kindly 
make  a  renewed  search  for  the  type  of  //.  ruricola,  and  lo  give 
me  all  the  information  possihle.  I  have  just  received  from  him 
a  long  and  most  interesting  letter,  which  is  well  worthy  of 
being  translated  and  published  at  length  ;  but  1  content  myself 
in  this  connection  with  a  condensed  st.itcmcnt.  \Yith  the  nio>t 
obliging  generosity  he  has  risked  sending  me  across  the  ocean 
one-  ol  the  three  males  possessed  by  him,  and  mentioned  by  me 
in  what  follows.  I  have  carefully  studied  this  specimen  in 
company  with  Prof.  A.  \Y.  Lindsey,  who  agrees  with  me  in 
my  conclusions. 

Mons.  Rene  Oberthur  after  careful  search  found  a  speci- 
men bearing  the  printed  locality-label  "Californie,  Lorquin". 
and  labelled  in  Boisduval's  handwriting  "Hcspcria  nibicola. 
Type."  As  Boisduval  never  published  a  species  under  the 
name  "rnhicola,"  from  California,  but  did  publish  the  name 
"rnricohi"  as  that  of  a  California!!  species,  Mons.  Oberthur 
naturally  has  reached  the  conclusion  that  Boisduval,  who  pub- 
lished the  species  under  the  name  "ruricola,"  had  intentionally, 
or  inadvertently,  changed  the  name  from  what  is  written  on 
the  label.  The  change,  which  involves  but  one  letter  (the  sub- 
stitution of  "r"  for  ''b"),  may  represent  a  lapsus  calami,  when 
Moisduval  was  penning  his  description,  which  went  to  the 
printer:  or  he  may  have  thought  "ruricola"  more  appropriate, 
and  have  failed  to  make  the  corresponding  change  on  his 
label.  Mons.  ( )berthur  informs  me  that  he  has  two  other  speci- 
mens of  the  same  provenance,  each  bearing  the  same  printed 
label  "Californie.  Lorquin."  All  three,  including  the  type  of 
ruricola  (rnhicola').  came  into  the  hands  of  their  original  pos- 
sessors through  Depuiset,  a  well  known  dealer  in  insects,  to 
whom  Lorquin  sent  his  collections  made  in  California  to  be 
sold.  The  second  specimen,  a  male,  identical  with  the  type  of 
ruricola,  is  the  type  of  f'ainpliila  calif ornica  Mabille.  obtained 
by  Rene  Oberthur  from  Mabille  himself,  who  described  the 
insect  under  the  foregoing  name  in  the  Comptes-Rendus  of  the 
Soc.  Ent.  de  Belgique,  T.  XXVII,  1883.  p.  Ixvii.  Mons.  Ober- 
thur informs  me  that  this  insect  exactly  matches  in  every  par- 

328  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

ticular  the  type  of  H.  ruricola  (ntbicola).  The  third  speci- 
men in  the  hands  of  Mons.  Oberthiir  was  originally  in  the 
possession  of  Guenee,  whose  insects  hecame  the  property  of 
Mons.  Charles  Oberthiir.  It  too  hears  the  printed  label  "Cali- 
fornie.  Lorqnin."  Mons.  Oberthiir  tells  me  that  is  an  exact 
match  of  the  other  two  specimens  of  which  I  have  spoken  above. 
This  specimen  Mons.  Oberthiir  has  kindly  sent  me  for  study 
and  examination. 

Careful  and  protracted  examination  shows  that  this  third 
specimen  is  positively  and  beyond  doubt  an  old  (it  lacks  the 
antennae)  example  of  Atrytone  vestris  (Boisd.)  matching  spec- 
imens from  Shasta  and  other  parts  of  California  in  the  Ed- 
wards, Holland,  and  Lindsey  Collections,  which  are  somewhat 
paler  as  a  rule  than  specimens  from  the  eastern  part  of  the 
continent.  As  Dr.  Lindsey  put  the  matter  to  me  when  we  were 
examining  the  insect:  "Put  a  male  of  A.  vestris  in  the  sun, 
bleaching  it  for  a  week,  and  the  type  of  Hesperia  ruricola  or  of 
Pampliila  californica  will  be  before  you.'' 

This  discovery  eliminates  from  future  Check-lists  of  the 
Hesperiidae  of  Xorth  America,  two  specific  names,  which  have 
long  been  used  as  those  of  species  "inccria:  sedis,"  and  puts 
them  into  the  already  formidable  list  of  synonyms  of  A.  ves- 

An  Unexpected  Food  Plant  of  the  Striped  Cucumber  Beetle 
(Coleop.:  Chrysomelidae). 

W.  V.  Balduf's  paper  on  the  striped  cucumber  beetle  in  the 
October  number'  of  the  NEWS,  reminds  me  of  an  observation 
on  this  insect  which  seems  worthy  of  record.  On  June  1st,  1928, 
having  need  of  living  adults  of  Diabrotica  vittata  for  exhibition 
purposes  on  Long  Island,  N.  Y.,  I  searched  carefully  for 
specimens  in  the  vicinity  of  old  cucumber  fields  but  without 
success.  The  new  plantings  were  not  yet  above  ground  and 
I  was  forced  to  give  up  the  search.  On  the  way  back  to  the 
hotel  in  Riverhead,  however,  I  stopped  to  examine  a  beautiful 
stand  of  the  pink  lady-slipper  (Cypripediutn  acaule)  growing 
in  a  patch  of  woods  by  the  roadside.  I  noticed  that  many  of 
the  blossoms  showed  brown  areas  and  were  beginning  to  wilt. 
On  opening  these  injured  flowers  I  was  surprised  to  find  that 
most  of  them  contained  three  or  four  of  the  beetles  and  that 
they  were  apparently  responsible  for  the  injury  -  C.  R. 
CROSHY,  Tlhaca,  New  York. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  329 

Proposed  Amendments:     International  Rules  of 
Zoological   Nomenclature. 

Notice  to  the  Zoological  Profession  that  Certain  Proposi- 
tions for  Changes  in  the  International  Rules  of  Zoological 
Nomenclature  have  hern  submitted  to  the  International  Coin- 
mission  for  Consideration. 

The  undersigned  has  the  honor  to  invite  attention  of  the 
zoological  profession  to  the  fact  that  a  considerable  number  of 
propositions  for  changes  in  the  International  Rules  have  been 
submitted  to  the  Commission.  Some  of  these  involve  major 
questions,  others  deal  with  minor  points.  The  present  notice 
deals  chiefly  with  certain  major  questions. 

Zoological  societies,  special  and  national  committees  on  no- 
menclature, and  individual  zoologists  are  cordially  invited  to 
communicate  to  any  member  of  the  Commission  their  views  on 
these  propositions,  not  later  than  June  30,  1930,  if  feasible. 
The  Commission  will  hold  its  next  session  probably  in  August 
or  September,  1930. 

1930 A  [number  of  proposition  in  Secretary's  file]. — In- 
structs the  Commission  to  report  to  the  Congress  all  proposi- 
tions which  obtain  a  majority  [instead  of  a  unanimous  vote, 
as  heretofore]  and  these  controversial  cases  are  then  to  be 
decided  in  open  meeting  by  the  general  session  of  the  trien- 
nial congresses.  This  proposal  was  presented  with  a  list  of 
about  550  names  in  1913  and  of  about  650  names  in  1927  of 
persons  who  supported  it,  but  a  referendum  conducted  in  the 
United  States  showed  a  vote  of  549  against  it  and  only  4 
for  it. 

1930B  [substitute  for  1930 A}. — At  least  all  those  proposals 
for  amendments  of  or  additions  to  the  International  Rules  of 
Zoological  Nomenclature  which  have  ob  ained— 

first,  a  majority  of   5/6ths  of  the  total  membership  of  the 
Commission   of   Nomenclature   for  the  time  being,  and 

subsequently,    5/6ths   of   the    votes   of   those   present   at   the 

meeting  of  the  Commission. 

shall  be  the  recommendations  of  the  Commission  to  the  Con- 

1930C  [substitute  for  1930.1.  B,  />,  F].--The  stability  of 
the  Rules  is  a  prime  and  fundamental  principle. 

1930D. — Provides  that  type  designation  by  "Elimination" 
be  raised  from  the  status  of  a  recommendation  (Art.  30£)  to 
the  status  of  a  rule.  This  proposal  has  three  times  (1907; 
1913;  1927)  failed  of  acceptance  in  Commission,  and  it  is  re- 

330  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

submitted  for  reconsideration  in  1930.  In  its'  support  were 
about  550  signatures  in  1913  and  about  650  signatures  in  1927, 
chiefly  Europeans.  The  1927  referendum  conducted  in  the 
United  States  resulted  in  4  signatures  in  favor,  and  548  sig- 
natures against  this  proposition. 

1930E  [substitute  for  1930D}.— That  under  Article  30,  III 
of  the  Rules,  the  Recommendations  //,  i,  /',  and  k,  in  this  order, 
be  raised  from  the  status  of  recommendations  to  the  status  of 
rules,  effective  (but  not  retroactive)  after  December  31,  1930, 
or  at  a  date  later  by  not  more  than  three  years. 

1930F. — Proposition  to  reject  from  nomenclature  papers 
which  are  binary  (recognizing  genera  and  species)  but  not 
binomial  (do  not  use  generic  and  specific  names  as  a  binomial). 
This  is  a  century-old  controversial  question  which  failed  of 
acceptance  by  the  Commission  in  1901,  1913,  and  1927. 

193DG  [substitute  for  1930F].— To  accept  the  12th  edition 
(1766-67)  of  Linnaeus'  Systcma  naturae  as  a  starting  point 
for  the  application  of  the  Rules  of  Nomenclature,  thus  elim- 
inating many  of  the  papers  printed  in  the  transitional  stage  of 
1758  to  1766. 

J930H. — A  purely  tentative  draft  (for  purpose  of  study) 
defining  the  term  "Publication". 

RULE  effective  January  1,  1931  (and  in  some  parts  retro- 
active).— From  the  standpoint  of  the  Rules  of  Nomenclature, 
Zoological  Publication  shall  consist  (or  consists)  in  the  distri- 
bution of  zoological  documents  containing  data  intended  as 
record  [i.  e.,  not  asking  for  information].  The  distribution 
must  be,  at  least  in  part,  by  sale,  thus  making  the  documents 
potentially  and  reasonably  available  to  the  entire  zoological 
profession,  and  the  documents  must  be  manifolded  by  some 
method  (such  as  printing)  and  with  materials  (permanent  ink 
and  fairly  stable  paper)  which  promise  reasonable  permanency. 

Preliminary  notices  are  to  be  considered  publication,  since 
it  is  customary  to  admit  their  names  to  action  of  the  Law  of 

The  following  are  not  to  be  considered  publication: 

a.  Anonymous  documents  of  every  kind  including  unsigned 
reviews  and  editorials ; 

b.  Deposit    of    document    in    public    library    without    simul- 
taneous offering  for  sale  to  make  it  potentially  and  reasonably 
available  to  the  entire  zoological  profession    [not   retroactive, 
because  of  the  old  university  custom  of  exchange  of  theses]  ; 

c.  Documents  of  any  sort  not  bearing  at  least  the  year  date ; 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  331 

<$,  Manuscript  (including  hard,  carbon,  and  letter  press 
copies)  ; 

c.   Presentation  of  paper  before  meeting  of  any  kind ; 

/.   Printer's  proof  sheets   (galley  or  page)  ; 

(j.  Separata  (including  preprints;  reprints:  etc.).  unle-^ 
these  are  definitely  placed  on  sale  as  separate  publications: 

//.  Specimen  tags  or  museum  labels,  but  these  take  date  and 
published  status  when  quoted  in  published  documents; 

i.  Reports  (no  matter  how  detailed)  in  the  nontechnical 
press  (for  instance,  political  or  lay  newspapers,  lay  journals, 
lay  magazines,  etc.). 

RECOMMENDATIONS. — It  is  urgently  recommended  that  all 
zoological  documents  of  record  printed  in  any  of  the  less  uni- 
versally read  languages  (Chinese,  Hungarian,  Japanese,  Polish, 
Russian,  etc.)  be  provided  with  a  summary  in  English,  French, 
German.  Italian,  Latin,  or  Spanish. 

The  date  borne  by  a  publication  is  to  be  assumed  to  be  cor- 
rect unless  and  until  proved  to  be  incorrect. 

In  case  of  publications  bearing  more  than  one  year  date 
(example,  "Proceedings  for  the  years  1883  to  1885")  without 
a  definite  year  date  of  issue,  the  last  year  (example  1885)  may 
be  assumed  to  be  the  date  of  publication  for  all  pages  of  the 
volume  unless  and  until  an  earlier  date  of  issue  is  proved. 

In  case  of  publications  bearing  only  the  year  date,  the  actual 
date  of  publication  for  all  pages  may  be  assumed  to  be  Decem- 
ber 31,  unless  and  until  an  earlier  date  of  issue  is  proved. 

In  case  of  publications  bearing  year  and  month  date,  the 
actual  date  of  all  pages  may  be  assumed  to  be  the  last  clay  of 
that  month,  Greenwich  time,  unless  and  until  an  earlier  date 
of  issue  is  proved. 

In  case  of  serials,  it  is  recommended  that  the  actual  date 
of  publication  of  each  part  or  number  be  stated  in  the  next 
succeeding  part  or  number. 

All  zoological  documents  should  bear  the  name  and  address 
of  the  editor  or  publisher,  or  publishing  organization,  and  it 
is  well  for  publishers  to  report  titles  promptly  to  dealers  in 
scientific  publications,  to  zoological  bibliographic  agencies,  and 
to  journals  which  habitually  publish  reviews  or  abstracts. 

19301. — It  is  recommended  that  superfamily  names,  based 
on  generic  names,  be  given  the  ending  oidca.  [As  originally 
proposed  by  Gill  (1872)  when  he  proposed  the  superfamily 
as  a  group.  Four  endings  are  now  used  for  superfamily  names: 
nit/en,  oidae,  a'nlcac.  and  iitcs.] 

It  is  recommended  that  new  ordinal  names,  when  based  upon 

332  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

generic  names,  be  given  the  ending  id  a   (or  idea'.'')   and  new 
subordinal  names  ina  (or  inca.'). 

1930J. — The  following  amendments  to  Articles  4  and  5 
have  been  submitted  to  the  Commission.  (See  Science,  1928, 
vol.  f>8,  August  3,  pp.  102-104.) 

(a)  The  type  genus  of  a  family  or  subfamily  shall  be  the 
contained  genus  of  which  the  stem  of  the  name  was  first  em- 
ployed in  combination  with  a  termination  in  Latin  plural  form 
to  designate  a  group  higher  than  genus.      If  any  termination 
was  originally  used  other  than  provided  for  in  Article  4  of  the 
code,  said  termination  shall  be  changed  to  bring  it  into  confor- 
mation with  that  article.      (Older  authors  rarely  used  the  ter- 
minology today   required.) 

(b)  The  name  of  a  family  or  subfamily  shall  date  from  the 
time  it  was  first  proposed  as  a  group  higher  than  genus,  pro- 
vided it  was  based  on  a  contained  generic  name.     (The  older 
authors  used  many  terms  to  indicate  groups  equivalent  from  a 
nomenclatorial  standpoint  to  what  we  now  call  family  and  sub- 

(c)  Recommendation.     When  erecting  a  subfamily  or  fam- 
ily, an  author  should  choose  the  oldest  valid  contained  genus 
as  type,  whenever  feasible  ;  but  no  family  or  subfamily  name 
is  to  be  changed  because  its  type  is  not  the  oldest  contained 


Article  5.  When  the  name  of  the  type  genus  of  a  family 
or  subfamily  is  found  to  be  a  homonym,  it  must  be  changed 
to  correspond  to  the  change  of  the  name  of  its  type  genus. 

In  addition  to  the  foregoing  specific  propositions,  the  Com- 
mission has  before  it  three  general  propositions  which  call  for 
extensive  changes  in  wording,  arrangement,  and  details  of 
the  present  Rules.  These  are : 

1930K. — Report  of  the  British  National  Committee  on  Ento- 
mological Nomenclature:  See  Proc.  Ent.  Soc.  London,  1928, 
containing  early  edition  which  has  now  been  somewhat  emended. 

1930L. — Numerous  propositions  by  Dr.  Franz  Poche.  See 
Entoinologisclicr  Anzciijcr,  Jahrgang  Vll,  1927,  Nr.  1-15,  about 
75  pages. 

1930M. — Schenk's  proposal  to  reedit  present  Rules,  with 
various  modifications.  Not  published,  but  manuscript  copy  can 
be  consulted  at  office  of  any  of  the  Commissioners. 

1930N . — Various  proposals  by  Dr.  Baron  de  Fejervary  (of 
Budapest).  See  Bui.  Soc.  Vaudoise  Sci.  nat.,  1919,  v.  52  (195), 
pp..  317-324. 

The    Commission    sits,    usually    for    one    week,    immediately 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  333 

prior  to  the  meeting  of  the  Congress.  According  to  procedure, 
no  proposition  is  considered  unless  it  is  submitted  to  the  Com- 
mission at  least  one  year  prior  to  the  meeting  of  the  Congre^. 
A  preliminary  informal  vote  on  propositions  precedes  the  meet- 
ing of  the  Commission,  and  no  proposition  is  subject  to  dis- 
cussion unless  it  receives  a  majority  vote  in  this  preliminary 
consideration.  No  proposition  is  reported  to  the  Congress  un- 
less it  receives  the  unanimous  vote  of  the  entire  Commission 
present  at  the  meeting. 

Pfearings   are   granted   to   persons   especially   interested,    pro 
or  con,  in  any  proposition. 

C.  W.  STILES,  Secretary  to  Connnission. 

Entomological    Literature 


Under  the  above  head  it  is  intended  to  note  papers  received  at  the 
Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  of  Philadelphia,  pertaining  to  the  En- 
tomology of  the  Americas  (North  and  South),  including  Arachnida  and 
Myriopoda.  Articles  irrelevant  to  American  entomology  will  not  be  noted; 
but  contributions  to  anatomy,  physiology  and  embryology  of  insects, 
however,  whether  relating  to  American  or  exotic  species  will  be  recorded. 

The  numbers  within  brackets  I  1  refer  to  the  journals,  as  numbered 
in  the  list  of  Periodicals  and  Serials  published  in  the  January  and  June 
numbers  (or  which  may  be  secured  from  the  publisher  of  Entomological 
News  for  lOc),  in  which  the  paper  appeared.  The  number  of,  or  annual 
voiume,  and  in  some  cases  the  part,  heft,  &c.  the  latter  within  (  ) 
follows;  then  the  pagination  follows  the  colon  : 

All  continued  papers,  with  few  exceptions,  are  recorded  only  at  their 
first  installments. 

•Papers  containing  new  forms  or  names  have  an  *  preceding  the 
author's  name. 

(S)  Papers  pertaining  exclusively  to  neotropical  species,  and  not  so 
indicated  in  the  title,  have  the  symbol  (S)  at  the  end  of  the  title  of 
the  paper. 

For  records  of  Economic  Literature,  see  the  Experiment  Station  Rec- 
ord, Office  of  Experiment  Stations,  Washington.  Also  Review  of  Applied 
Entomology,  Series  A,  London.  For  records  of  papers  on  Medical  Ento- 
mology, see  Review  of  Applied  Entomology,  Series  B. 

•jjtg  Note  the  change  in  the  method  of  citing  the  bibliographical  refer- 
ences, as  explained  above. 

Papers    published    in    the    Entomological    News    are    not    listed. 

GENERAL. — Aaron,  S.  F. — Six-legged  warriors.  A  view 
of  some  battlers  of  the  world  of  insects.     [31  |    14:  281-284. 
ill.      Barnett,   R.  J. — Entomology    in    Kansas.      A    historical 
note.    |  103 1  2:  90-93.     Belfrage/G.  W.— Xatunilists  of  the 
frontier  by  S.  W.  Geiser.     (Southwest  Review]   14:  381-398. 
Blackmore,  E.  H.— Obituary.     |4|  (.1  :  218.     Breakey,  E.  P. 
-Notes  on   the  natural   enemies  of  the    Iris  borer.   Macro 
noctua  onusta.     |7|  22:  459-464.     du  Monceau,  H.  L.  D.— 
A  pioneer  economic  entomologist.      By    1'.   Simmons.      |12| 
22:  820-821,  ill.   Engelhardt,  G.  P.— The  Brooklyn  and  Xe\\ 

334  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

York  Entomological  Societies,  past  and  present.  [7]  22: 
392-400.  Gifford,  W.  M— An  appreciation.  By  E.  P.  Van 
Duzee.  [55]  6:  46-47.  Hall,  M.  C. — Arthropods  as  inter- 
mediate hosts  of  helminths.  [Smiths.  Misc.  Coll.]  81,  no. 
15:  77pp.,  ill.  Hayes,  W.  P. — A  preliminary  list  of  insects 
of  the  Sorghum  Field.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acad.  Sci.]  30: 
235-240.  McAtee,  W.  L. — The  place  of  authority  in  tax- 
onomy. [10]  31:  138.  Scheidter,  F. — Insektenlarven  :  Lar- 
venformen  und  larvenleben.  [Der  Naturf.,  Berlin]  6:  241- 
247.  Scott,  H. — On  some  cases  of  maternal  care  displayed 
by  cockroaches  and  their  significance.  |8J  65:  218-222. 
Stewart,  M.  A. — The  teaching  of  entomology.  [12]  22: 
777-781.  Tucker,  E.  S. — Studies  of  insects  associated  with 
the  American  mistletoe.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acad.  Sci.]  30: 
143-170,  ill. 

ANATOMY,  PHYSIOLOGY,  ETC.— Campbell,  F.  L.- 

The  detection  and  estimation  of  insect  chitin  ;  and  the  irre- 
lation  of  "Chitinization"  to  hardness  and  pigmentation  of 
the  cuticula  of  the  American  cockroach,  Periplaneta  ameri- 
cana.  [7]  22:  401-426,  ill.  Grossman,  E.  F.— Biology  of 
the  Mexican  cotton  boll  weevil  IV.  Duration  of  fertility 
after  copulation.  [39]  13:41-43.  Mergenthaler,  W. — Uebe'r 
die  putzorgane  der  hautfliigler.  [Aus  der  Heimat,  Stutt- 
gart] 42:  289-292,  ill.  Muttkowski,  R.  A. — Insect  nutrition 
and  metabolism.  [7]  22:  552-554.  Steinweden,  J.  B.— 
Notes  on  the  origin  of  the  wax  secretion  of  certain  Cocci- 
nellid  larvae.  [55]  6:  26-32,  ill. 

ARACHNIDA   AND    MYRIOPODA.— *Petrunkevitch, 

A. — Descriptions  of  new  or  inadequately  known  American 
spiders.  [7]  22:  511-525,  ill. 


C. — Some  dragon  flies  of  southeastern  Kansas.  [Trans. 
Kansas  Acad.  Sci.]  30:  45-58,  ill.  Clark,  A.  H.— Peripatus 
from  the  island  of  Montserrat.  [10]  31 :  139.  *  Jordan,  K.- 
()n  a  small  collection  of  Siphonaptera  from  the  Adin Hi- 
clacks,  with  a  list  of  the  species  known  from  the  state  of 
New  York.  [71]  168-177,  ill.  *Moulton,D.— Contribution 
to  our  knowledge  of  American  Thysanoptera.  [19|  24: 
224-244,  ill.  Park,  O. — Reticulitermes  tibialis  in  the  Chi- 
cago area.  [10]  31  :  121-126.  Taborsky',  K.— fitudes  syste- 
matiques  et  morphologiques  stir  1'appareil  buccal  des 
Odonata.  [74]  5:  143-180,  ill.  Wagner,  J.— Ueber  die  nord- 
amerikanische  Ceratophylli  welche  auf  Zieseln  und  Mur- 
meltieren  leben.  [56]  8:  311-315. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  335 

ORTHOPTERA. — Uvarov,  B.  P. — Locusts  and  grass- 
hoppers. A  handbook  lor  their  study  and  control.  352pp., 
ill.  Uvarov  &  Zolotarevsky. —  Phases  of  locusts  and  their 
interrelations.  |22|  20:261-265. 

HEMIPTERA.— de  la  Torre-Bueno,  J.  R.— A  few  late 
spring  bugs.  [19]  24:  221.  *Gillette  &  Palmer.— Five  new 
Aphididae  from  Colorado.  |7|  22:  468-476,  ill.  Griswold, 
G.  H. — On  the  bionomics  of  a  primary  parasite  and  of  two 
hyperparasites  of  the  geranium  aphid.  |7j  22:  438-452,  ill. 
Johnston,  H.  G. — A  partial  list  of  M indue  from  Texas.  |  19] 
24:  217-219.  *Knowlton,  G.  F.— Aphid  notes  from  Utah. 
[55]  6:  33-42,  ill.  Knowlton,  G.  F. — Notes  on  a  few  Hom- 
optera  from  Utah.  [39]  13 :  45-51.  Lawson,  P.  B.— A  list 
of  the  Cicadellidae  of  Kansas.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acad.  Sci.| 
30:  331-336.  *Moulton,  D.— New  Mexican  Thysanoptera. 
[55]  6:  11-20.  *Osborn,  H. — A  new  genus  and  three  new 
species  of  South  American  Cicadellidae.  [7]  22:  465- 
467.  *Van  Duzee,  E.  P. — A  new  Corimelaena.  [55]  6:  10. 

LEPIDOPTERA. — Bennett,  N. — The  dissection  and 
preparation  of  the  genitalia  of  lepicloptera.  [9]  62:  220-223, 
cont.  Bratley,  H.  E. — Notes  on  Lymire  edwardsi,  the  rub- 
ber tree  caterpillar.  |39j  13:  44.  *Busck,  A. — A  new  aege- 
riid  on  cowpea  from  Brazil  ( Aegeriidae).  [10]  31:  134-136, 
ill.  Cockerell,  T.  D.  A. — Paonias  excaecatus  in  Colorado. 
[19]  24:  244.  Crevecoeur,  F.  F. — Additions  to  the  list  of 
Kansas  Lepicloptera.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acad.  Sci.J  30:  377- 
385.  *Gunder,  J.  D. — The  genus  Euphydryas  of  Boreal 
America  (Nymphalidae).  [55  |  6:  1-8,  ill.  *Gundef,  J.  D.- 
An  addition 'to  Cynthia  carye  (Nymphalidae).  |55]  6:  9,  ill. 
*Hampson,  G.  F. — Five  new  species  of  Phycitinae  (Pyral- 
idae).  (S).  |  75]  4:  351-353.  *Holland,  W.'  J.-  \Totes  upon 
some  North  American  species  and  varieties  of  the  genus 
Brenthis.  [3]  19:  35-45.  ill.  Holland,  W.  J.-  'he  Argyn- 
nids  of  the  Nokomis-group.  |3|  I0-:  15-34,  ill.  |  In  Decem- 
ber, 1928,  the  above  articles  of  Dr.  Holland's  were  cited 
without  the  journal  reference  number,  |3|,  which  is  'Ann. 
Carnegie  Mus."|  Klots,  A.  B. — Further  notes  on  Eurema 
(I'ieridae).  [19|  24:  214-216.  Klots,  A.  B.— The  generic 
status  of  Catopsilia  and  I'hoebis.  with  a  discussion  of  the 
relationshi])s  of  the  species  and  the  homologies  of  the  male 
genitalia  (Pieridae).  |19|  24:  203-214.  ill.  Kosminsky  & 
Golowinskaja. — Zur  morphologic  de>  geschlechtsapparats 
der  Lei)ido])teren.  ]4(>|  15:  459-473,  ill.  Latham,  R- 
Isturgia  truncataria  in  Long  Island.  |  19|  24:  24().  Prze- 
gendza. — Zur  biologie  von  Morpho  hercnle-.  (S). 
154-155.  Randolph,  V.— A  list  of  the  butterllie>  of  Craw- 

336  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

ford  County,  Kansas.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acacl.  Sci.]  30:  59- 
61.  A  preliminary  study  of  the  life  history  and  habits  of 
Dione  vanillae.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acad.  Sci.]  30:  351-362. 
*R6ber,  J. — Ueber  einige  exotische  falter.  [18]  23:  323- 
327,  ill.  Salman,  K.  A. — Notes  on  the  immature  stages  and 
biology  of  a  birch  case-bearer.  [7]  22:  480-488.  Seitz,  A. 
—Ueber  das  sammeln  von  Mikrolepidopteren.  Pyralidae. 
[17]  46:  37-39,  ill.,  cont.  Van  Mellaerts,  L. — La  curiosite 
chez  les  papillons?  [Lambillionea]  29:  99-100. 

DIPTERA. — Bigelow,  N.  K.— Some  common  Diptera 
and  their  habits.  [19]  24:  245-246.  *Curran,  C.  H.— New 
Syrphidae  and  Tachinidae.  (S).  [7]  22 :  489-510.  Fall,  H. 
C. — Phyllophaga  austricola — A  correction.  [19]  24:216. 
Frost,  C.  A.— Winter  homes  for  mosquitoes.  [19]  24:  223. 
Hall,  D.  G. — An  annotated  list  of  the  Sarcophaginae  which 
have  been  collected  in  Kansas.  [103]  2:  83-90.  *Malloch, 
J.  R.— Exotic  Muscaridae.  (S).  [75]  4:  322-341. 

COLEOPTERA.— *Blaisdell,  F.  E.— A  revision  of  the 
beetles  of  the  Tenebrionid  tribe  Usechini,  with  descriptions 
of  a  new  genus  and  new  species.  [50]  75,  Art.  19:  14pp., 
ill.  *Blaisdell,  F.  E. — Miscellaneous  studies  in  the  Coleop- 
tera,  III.  [55]  6:  21-25,  ill.  Blaisdell,  F.  E.— Note  on  No- 
toxus.  [55]  6:  42.  Brooks  &  Cotton. — The  chestnut  cur- 
culios.  [U  S.  Dept.  Agric.J  Tech.  Bull.  130: 24  pp.,  ill. 
*Chamberlain,  K.  F. — A  new  species  of  Gyrinus  from 
northern  New  Hampshire.  [19]  24:  247-249,  ill.  Dawson, 
R.  W. — Biology  of  the  tiger  beetles  with  a  key  to  the 
species  of  Cicindela  found  in  Minnesota.  [Univ.  Minn. 
Agric.  Exp.  Sta.]  Tech.  Bull.  56:3-8,  ill.  Frost  C.  A.- 
Cicindela  tranquebarica  horiconensis.  [19]  24:  219.  A 
synonym.  [19]  24:249.  Frost  &  Dietrich.— Coleoptera 
taken  from  bait-traps.  [7]  22:  427-437,  ill.  Hayes,  W.  P. 
-Kansas  Rhynchophora  in  the  collection  of  the  Kansas 
State  Agricultural  College.  [Trans.  Kansas  Acad.  Sci.]  30: 
205-212.  Horn,  W. — Notes  and  records  on  the  tiger  beetles 
of  Minnesota.  [Minn.  Agric.  Exp.  Sta.]  Tech.  Bull.  56: 
9-13.  *Horn,  W. — Stir  deux  especes  nouvelles  d'Odonto- 
chila  neotropiques  et  quelques  autres  especes  rapprochees. 
(S).  [Rev.  Chilena  Hist.  Nat]  33:  154-158,  ill.  *Hustache, 
A. — Un  nouveau  genre  remarquable  de  Baridiinae  (Curcu- 
lipnidae).  (S).  [75]  4:  349-351,  ill.  Kleine,  R.— Ueber  die 
biologic  und  die  systematische  stellung  der  Taphroderini. 
[2]  25:  149-150.  Maran,  J.— The  study  of  the  rudiments  of 
the  wings  in  the  genera  Pterostichus,  Poecilus,  Abax  and 
Molops.  (Carabidae.)  [74]  5 :  121-139,  ill.  Notman,  H.— 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  337 

Coleoptera  from  northern  California.  [19]  24:  222-223.  Pic, 
M. — Addenda  et  corrigenda  du  Coleopterorum  Catalogus. 
[33]  69:  205-208.  *Reichensperger,  A. — Xeue  ameisengiiste 
und  ein  neuer  termitengast  (Pauss.  Hist.  Staph.).  (S).  \2\ 
25:  132-137. 

HYMENOPTERA.— Andrews,  E.  A.-  -The  mound- 
building"  ant.  Formica  exsectoides,  associated  with  tree- 
hoppers.  [7]  22:369-391,  ill.  Bequaert,  J.— Podalonia 
violaceipennis  ( Lepeletier).  A  dimorphic  fossorial  wasp. 
[19]  24:  220-221.  *Borgmeier,  T.— Zur  kenntnis  der  brasil- 
ianischen  ameisen.  [EOS]  5:  195-214,  ill.  Crevecoeur,  F. 
F. — Additions  to  the  list  of  Kansas  Hymenoptera.  [Trans. 
Kansas  Acad.  Sci.]  30:  385-388.  *Flanders,  S.  E.— A  new 
codling  moth  parasite.  ( Calliephialtes  sp.)  [55]  6:32. 
Howard,  L.  O. — Aphelinus  mali  and  its  travels.  |7|  22: 
341-368.  Kostoff  &  Kendall. — Studies  on  the  structure  and 
development  of  certain  cynipid  galls.  [92]  56:  402-458.  ill. 
Lubbock,  J. — Ants,  bees  and  wasps.  A  record  of  observa- 
tions on  the  habits  of  the  social  Hymenoptera.  377pp.,  ill. 
*Smith,  M.  R. — Descriptions  of  five  new  North  American 
ants,  with  biological  notes.  [7]  22:  543-551,  ill.  timber- 
lake,  P.  H. — A  new  species  of  the  Encyrtid  genus  Meta- 
phycus  from  Washington.  [55]  6:  43-45.  Van  Duzee,  E. 
P. — A  rare  wasp  from  Oregon.  (Odynerus  margaretellus ). 
[55]  6:  47. 

EWING,  225  pages,  96  text  figures,  Charles  C.  Thomas,  Spring- 
field, 111..  1929. 

Here  is  a  book  for  which  a  word  of  sincere  praise  is  due  to 
the  publisher  and  printer.  It  is  a  most  attractive  little  volume, 
beautifully  bound,  and  beautifully  printed.  It  would  form  a 
creditable  addition  even  to  a  library  the  function  of  which  is 
to  please  the  esthetic  sense  rather  than  to  fulfill  the  severely 
utilitarian  needs  of  reference. 

But  with  the  contents  the  case  is  somewhat  otherwise.  Y\  ere 
the  reviewer  to  attempt  a  single  word  summary — after  the 
fashion  of  the  "wise-cracking"  journals — he  might  be  tempted 
to  light  upon  the  word  "feeble"  as  his  choice.  The  bonk  simply 
falls  short  of  being  what  it  should  be.  It  is  an  attempt  to  till 
a  very  obvious  gap  in  our  entomological  literature.  From  the 
reviewer's  point  of  view  it  rattles  about  somewhat  in  the  gap, 
but  still  it  performs  its  intended  function  with  a  certain  mra- 
ure  of  efficiency.  To  the  entomologist  who  knows  nothing  of 
the  ectoparasitic  Arthropoda  it  will  be  extremely  useful,  for  it 
brings  within  the  compass  of  a  single  volume  information  that 

338  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

otherwise  is  scattered  so  widely  as  to  be  almost  unavailable  to 
the  general  student.  And  as  there  are  in  all  the  world  scarcely 
more  than  a  dozen  entomologists  who  are  especially  informed 
concerning  the  fields  that  the  book  covers,  it  is  evident  that 
there  is  a  definite  advance  with  its  publication.  Nevertheless, 
from  the  point  of  view  of  one  of  that  dozen,  it  cannot  be  re- 
garded as  constituting  an  especially  impressive  contribution  to 
the  literature  of  the  ectoparasites. 

In  the  first  place,  the  title  is  misleading.  It  is  presented  with- 
out qualifications  or  reservations  as  "A  Manual  of  External 
Parasites."  The  selection  of  a  title  is  almost  always  a  difficult 
matter  and  it  is  perhaps  to  that  difficulty  that  the  discrepancy 
between  promise  and  performance  is  to  be  charged.  But  the 
discrepancy  is  large.  The  ectoparasitic  Arthropoda  come  from 
a  surprisingly  large  number  of  widely  separated  groups.  There 
are  the  Acarina  of  the  Arachnida ;  the  two  families  Cimicidae 
and  Polyctenidae  of  the  Hemiptera ;  the  so-called  sub-order 
Pupipara  of  the  Diptera  with  its  three  families  Hippoboscidae, 
Streblidae  and  Nycteribiidae,  and  the  curious  Braulidae  of  un- 
certain position ;  there  are  the  truly  parasitic  beetles  of  the 
families  Leptinidae  and  Platypsyllidae  and  a  number  of  pre- 
sumably parasitic  Staphylinidae ;  there  is  Hcmimcrus  of  the 
Dermaptera ;  there  are  the  three  completely  parasitic  orders 
Mallophaga,  Anoplura  and  Siphonaptera ;  there  are  even  one 
or  two  putatively  parasitic  moths.  But  of  this  assemblage  only 
the  Acarina,  Anoplura,  Mallophaga,  and  Siphonaptera  are 
treated  in  this  volume,  in  spite  of  the  inclusive  title. 

It  is  true  that  the  groups  dealt  with  include  in  numbers  of 
species  probably  more  than  ninety-five  percent  of  the  ectopara- 
sites, but  the  remaining  groups  are  biologically  just  as  important 
and  the  knowledge  of  them  among  entomologists  is  even  more 
limited.  They  should  at  least  have  been  accorded  some  measure 
of  attention. 

In  its  illustrations  the  volume  clings  all  too  closely  to  the 
standard  from  which  the  writers  of  our  various  text  books  of 
parasitology  seem  utterly  unable  to  escape.  True  it  does  not 
go  back  quite  as  far  for  any  of  its  illustrations  as  some  other 
recent  texts  have  done.  It  at  least  does  not  utilize  Denny's 
picture  of  the  crab  louse  which  was  first  published  in  1842 ! 
But  the  crudeness  and  inaccuracy  of  the  figure  purporting  to 
illustrate  Menopon  gallinae  (Fig.  60)— in  which  the  palpi  are 
represented  as  arising  from  the  dorsal  side  of  the  head  and 
the  legs  appear  as  unsegmented  horns — represent  but  a  slight 
improvement.  It  is  equalled  only  by  the  morphologically  amaz- 
ing drawings  of  fleas  (Figs.  93,  94)  in  which  the  abdominal 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  339 

segments  are  represented  as  uninterrupted  rings.  Still,  for 
these  last  two  drawings  the  author  has  available  the  precedent 
set  by  one  of  the  world's  most  eminent  entomologists  in  one  of 
the  most  recent  comprehensive  text  books.  Figure  59  is  almost 
as  bad.  Figure  70  is  little  more  than  a  blot,  and  numerous  other 
figures,  such  as  those  from  Lugger,  are  out  of  place  in  ;i  modern 
book.  On  the  other  hand,  Figures  86  and  S'J,  representing 
details  of  fleas,  are  really  excellent,  while  others  are  merely 
technically  mediocre.  Most  important  of  all,  however,  is  the 
fact  that  the  number  of  figures  which  actually  show  much  of 
what  can  really  be  considered  as  the  morphology  of  the  various 
groups  is  exceedingly  few.  There  is  practically  no  reason  to 
suppose  from  the  figures  that  any  insect  possesses  structures 
on  the  ventral  side  of  the  body. 

Something  over  one-third  of  the  volume  is  devoted  to  the 
Acarina,  and  this  portion  of  the  volume  is  far  more  adequately 
developed  and  illustrated  than  is  the  remainder.  This  is  but 
natural,  since  it  covers  the  field  in  which  the  author  is  best 
qualified,  his  knowledge  of  the  other  groups  being  but  a  com- 
paratively recent  development.  It  may  be  assumed  that  the 
information  contained  is  reliable  and  reasonably  extensive. 
Certain  omissions  may  be  noted,  however.  Under  the  genus 
Halarachnc  (p.  18)  it  is  said  that  but  two  North  American 
species  are  known.  Four  have  been  recorded.  Also  the  genus 
Myialgcs,  regarded  by  Trouessart  as  constituting  a  subfamily 
of  the  Sarcoptidae,  first  described  many  years  ago  and  rede- 
scribed  more  than  a  year  ago  by  the  present  writer  is  not  men- 

Under  the  Mallophaga  the  writer  has  done  about  as  well  as 
can  be  hoped  for  at  the  present  time  in  compiling  keys  and 
arranging  the  groups.  The  order  is  at  present  in  systematic 
confusion,  due  to  the  recognition  of  the  inadequacy  of  the  older 
classification  but  lacking  any  broad  general  studies  that  can 
serve  as  the  basis  for  a  better  rearrangement.  Kwing  has  seen 
fit  to  name  several  new  genera,  especially  in  the  Trichodectidae. 
Until  a  careful  general  review  of  the  Trichodectidae  lias  been 
made  it  is  doubtful  that  such  a  procedure  really  does  anything 
more  than  complicate  matters  for  some  of  these  genera  are  <>t 
most  dubious  value.  There  is  no  evidence  in  the  present  work 
that  such  careful  preliminary  studies  have  been  made. 

Under  the  Anoplura,  a  group  with  which  the1  reviewer  is 
especially  familiar,  Ewing  has  essayed  not  only  to  name  a 
number  of  new  genera  but  to  extend  the  general  classification 
as  well,  again  without  convincing  results.  The  general  clari- 
fication of  the  group  waits  upon  the  completion  of  compre- 

340  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

hensive  studies  and  until  such  have  been  accomplished  nothing 
is  to  be  gained  by  the  naming  of  new  subfamilies  when  even 
the  present  so-called  families  are  of  doubtful  significance. 
There  is  no  evidence  in  the  present  paper  or  in  any  of  Ewing's 
few  other  short  papers  on  the  group  that  he  has  made  such 
studies  and  there  is  no  reason  to  suppose  that  his  rearrangement 
is  any  special  improvement  over  the  present  and  evidently  in- 
adequate system.  His  inclusion  of  the  genera  Phthirpcdiculus 
and  Lcmu rpli t hints  in  the  family  Pedicnlidae  is  a  case  in  point. 
He  has  evidently  been  influenced  more  by  considerations  of 
host  relationship  than  by  a  knowledge  of  the  structure  of  the 

The  composition  of  genera  is  of  course  a  matter  of  opinion 
and  in  our  opinions  the  author  and  the  reviewer  diverge  most 
sharply.  Ewing  indicates  (preface)  an  expectation  of  criticism 
for  publishing  new  genera  in  a  volume  such  as  this.  The  criti- 
cism is  due  rather  for  naming  some  of  these  genera  in  any 
publication.  The  genus  Endcrlcincllus,  which  with  its  approxi- 
mately twenty  species  all  from  Sciuridae.  all  of  a  common 
fades,  all  agreeing  in  essential  characters  and  thus  forming  a 
compact,  homogeneous  and  biologically  significant  group,  ap- 
pears to  the  reviewer  to  constitute  a  real  genus — if  there  be 
such  a  thing  at  all — is  split  by  Ewing  into  five  genera  that 
actually  are  based  upon  nothing  more  than  minor  departures 
from  the  general  type. 

For  the  genus  Ahaematopinus,  here  named  as  new,  there 
appears  to  be  no  valid  reason  and  to  place  with  its  type  species, 
Neohaematopinus  iuornatns  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  such  species  as 
Polypla.v  insulsa  Ferris  and  P.  oxyrrhynchus  Cummings  argues 
a  lack  of  knowledge  of  the  group. 

The  genus  Ctcnura,  with  the  single  species  Hoplo pleura  pcc- 
tlnata  Cummings,  is  an  example  of  the  forcible  wrenching  of  a 
species  from  the  midst  of  its  friends  and  relatives  to  imprison 
it  in  solitary  confinement  because  it  departs  slightly  from  the 
conventions.  The  case  of  Hoploplcura  trispinosa  Kellogg  and 
Ferris,  which  is  made  the  type  of  Enhoploplcura,  is  an  even 
more  marked  example  of  the  same  thing. 

Hoploplcura  cryptica  Ferris  is  made  the  type  of  the  genus 
Ctcnoplura  but  its  very  evident  relatives,  H.  nciiniaiini  Fahren- 
holz,  H.  biscriata  Ferris  and  H.  I'cprccida  Ferris  are  left  behind. 
The  earlier  separation  by  Ewing  of  the  genus  PteropJ'.tliints 
for  the  two  species  Hoploplcura  ainhix  Ferris  and  H.  data 
Ferris,  and  which  was  the  picking  up  of  a  crumb  dropped  by 
the  reviewer,  has  some  justification  but  there  is  less  for  the 
naming  of  the  genus  Ferrisella  with  H.  ochotonae  Ferris  as 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAT.    XF.WS  341 

type  and  H.  <iis(/rct/ti  Fern's,  H.  inalaysiaua  Ferris  and  H. 
i'liniri/i/itifd  Ferris  for  its  companions.  Once  more  the  reviewer 
is  impelled  tearfully  to  reject  the  honor  implied  by  the  incor- 
poration of  his  cognomen  in  a  generic  name. 

Why.  in  view  of  the  naming  of  these  genera,  other  species 
were  left  undisturbed  is  difficult  to  understand.  At  least  a  half 
do/en  more  genera  of  equal  value  could  have  been  brought 
down  bv  the  ''shot  gun"  methods  employed  and  added  to  the 
bag.  \\  hv  were  Necha-einatopinus  heliosciuri  Cummings, 
Polypla.v  anricitlaris  Kellogg  and  Ferris,  P.  f>raccisa  Xeumann 
and  Hoplopleura  bidcn/a/n  (  Xeumann)  at  least  not  seized  upon 
as  types  of  new  genera?  They  are  offered  to  the  attention  of 
the  writer  of  the  "Manual  of  External  Parasites"  together  with 
the  classical  advice  "\on  cs  boinini  miens  nltcrii  Icf/crc." 

The  section  on  the  very  important  order  Siphonaptera  con- 
sists  chiefly  of  a  compilation  of  keys  to  the  genera  and  a  brief 
discussion  of  a  few  of  the  important  genera.  This  should  be 
especially  useful  as  the  generic  keys  to  this  order  are  at  present 
much  scattered.  But  three  new  genera  are  here  named.  G.  F. 

Doings  of  Societies. 

The  Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomologists. 

The  sixth  annual  Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Ento- 
mologists was  held  in  Pingree  Park,  August  19  to  24,  1929, 
inclusive.  A  total  of  64,  including  members  of  the  families, 
registered  at  camp.  Those  directly  interested  in  Entomology 
were  present  as  follows:  R.  L.  Shotwell,  K.  C.  Sullivan,  G.  A. 
Dean,  L.  Johnson,  F.  B.  Paddock,  H.  G.  Butler,  Donald  A. 
Wilbur.  Miriam  A.  Palmer.  J.  G.  Sanders,  Frank  T.  Cowan, 
C.  P.  Gillette,  Sam  C.  McCampbell,  Geo.  AI.  List.  Louis  G. 
Davis.  C'.  C.  Hamilton,  E.  R.  l',li>s,  Carl  A.  Ujurman.  K.  G. 
Richmond.  Horace  (i.  Smith,  Leo  J.  Doering,  L.  M.  Gates, 
L.  IS.  Daniels.  Geo.  I.  Reeves  and  C.  R.  Jones. 

A  total  oi  ten  sessions  were  held  during  the  week  for  the 
presentation  of  papers.  The  following  is  a  list  of  the  subjects 
presented  : 

Orthoptera — Grasshopper  Investigations.  R.  L.  Shot- 
well;  The  Mormon  Cricket  Control  Campaign  in  Colorado, 
F.  T.  Cowan. 

Coleoptera — The  Alfalfa  Weevil  in  Colorado,  J.  H.  Nc\\- 
ton ;  The  Clover  Root  Curculio  on  Alfalfa  in  Kansas,  Don- 
ald A.  Wilbur. 

342  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

Hymenoptera — Breeding  Trie  ho  gramma  minutum,  Geo. 
M.  List. 

Lepidoptera — The  Bee  Moth,  F.  B.  Paddock;  Codling 
Moth  Traps,  J.  H.  Newton ;  Codling  Moth  Work  at  the 
Wichita,  Kansas.  Station,  H.  G.  Butler. 

Homoptera — The  Spruce  Gall  Aphid.  C.  P.  Gillette; 
Aphids  on  Conifers  of  Colorado,  Miss  M.  A.  Palmer. 

Diptera — The  Mediterranean  Fruit  Fly,  G.  A.  Dean. 

Apiculture — Some  Ideas  on  the  Control  of  the  American 
Foul  Brood,  R.  G.  Richmond. 

Insecticides- — Fumigating  Gases,  George  A.  Dean  ;  Some 
Relations  between  Leaf  and  Fruit  Growth  of  Two  Varieties 
of  Apples  and  the  Quantity  of  Lead  Arsenate  Maintained, 
C.  C.  Hamilton ;  Oils,  J.  G.  Sanders. 

General — The  Effect  of  Insects  upon  Civilization,  G.  A. 
Dean ;  Plant  Inspection  in  Nebraska,  L.  M.  Gates ;  Aquatic 
Insects  of  the  Ozarks,  K.  C.  Sullivan  ;  Insect  Egg  Penetra- 
tion, L.  B.  Daniels. 

Symposium — Teaching  Entomology  :  General  Discussion 
and  Summary,  C.  P.  Gillette;  General  Courses,  K.  C.  Sulli- 
van ;  Graduate  Teaching,  D.  A.  Wilbur ;  Laboratory  Teach- 
ing, C.  R.  Jones ;  The  View  Point  of  a  Commercial  Ento- 
mologist, J.  G.  Sanders ;  The  View  Point  of  a  Producer, 
E.  R.  Bliss ;  The  View  Point  of  a  Field  Entomologist,  J. 
H.  Newton. 

The  symposium  on  the  teaching  of  entomology  led  to  the 
following  recommendations  to  the  various  institutions  repre- 
sented and  others  interested : 

1.  That  every  student  in  agriculture  be  given  a  course  in 
entomology  and  that  this  be  given  not  later  than  the  sopho- 
more year. 

2.  That  a  course  in  entomology  be  required   for  all  those 
taking  up  county  extension   agent  work  and   vocational  agri- 
culture teaching. 

3.  That    where    an    entomology    department    exists    in    an 
institution  it  be  given  charge  of  all  entomological  work  of  the 

4.  That   more   attention   be  given   to   entomology   in   boys' 
and  girls'  club  work. 

5.  That  each  candidate  for  a  master's  degree  in  entomology 
be  required  to  have  at  least  one-half  year  in  insect  morphology 
and  one-half  year  in  insect  taxonomy. 

The  old  officers  consisting  of   C.   P.   Gillette,   Chairman,  J. 
W.   McCulloch,  Vice-chairman,  Geo.   M.   List,   Secretary  and 
C.  R.  Jones,  Treasurer,  were  retained  in  office  for  another  year. 
—GEORGE  M.  LIST,  Secretary. 

XL,    '29]  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NKWS  343 



Thomas  Utting  Spalding,  noted  entomological  collector, 
passed  away  in  a  Salt  Lake  City  hospital  July  9,  1929,  after 
an  illness  of  four  days  due  to  paralysis.  He  was  horn  in  Wood- 
hridge,  Suffolk,  England.  Septemher  21,  1866,  son  of  Frederick 
Spalding,  an  educated  man  and  student  of  natural  history. 
Tom  Spalding,  as  he  chose  to  he  called,  was  early  led  by  his 
father  to  take  an  interest  in  collecting  insects  and  birds.  His 
early  education  was  thorough,  as  he  was  taught  at  home  by 
his  nurse  and  in  private  schools. 

At  the  age  of  nineteen  he  left  England  in  quest  of  adven- 
ture. He  came  to  America  and  then  to  the  west  to  participate 
in  the  search  for  gold.  \Yhile  in  Utah  he  met  Miss  Minnie 
Swensen  of  Salt  Lake  City  and  they  were  married  in  1892. 
To  this  couple  were  born  five  sons  and  one  daughter,  all  of 
whom  survive  him. 

About  1900,  his  collecting  of  Utah  insects  began  in  earnest. 
He  had  discovered  that  students  of  the  Lepidoptera  in  the  east 
were  willing  to  pay  for  western  specimens,  and  that  there  was 
a  market  for  all  the  specimens,  of  many  groups,  he  could  col- 
lect. He  was  at  this  time  employed  by  one  of  the  mining  com- 
panies at  Stockston,  working  on  the  night  shift  at  the  entrance 
to  the  mines.  This  gave  him  an  opportunity  to  capture  many 
of  the  night-fliers.  At  this  period  of  his  life,  his  entomological 
friends  were  John  Sugden  and  (i.  \Y.  Browning,  who  have 
long  been  interested  in  collecting  Utah  insects. 

In  1905.  he  moved  to  Provo  and  established  his  "collecting 
cabin"  at  Vineyard,  on  the  sand  dunes  between  Provo  Bench 
and  Utah  Lake,  about  five  miles  northwest  of  Provo.  From 
here,  as  his  permanent  quarters,  he  made  collecting  trips  to 
various  parts  of  the  state,  such  as  I'rovo  Canyon,  Callao  and 
Deep  Creek  Mts.  (Ibapah  Mts.),  Southern  Utah,  Parawan. 
Zioii  Park,  and  St.  George,  and  Las  Vegas,  Xevada.  In  1919, 

1  Contribution    No.    20    from    the    Department    of    Zoology    and    Knto- 
P.righani   Young  University,    Provo,   Utah. 

344  ENTOMOLOGICAL    NEWS  [Dec.,    '29 

he  accompanied  Mr.  Warren  Knaus  on  his  collecting  trip 
through  the  southwestern  part  of  Utah.  His  last  five  years 
were  spent  in  Dividend  where  he  was  employed  at  the  mines. 

The  years  1917  and  1918  were  his  most  productive  from  the 
standpoint  of  sales.  His  books  show  that  in  1918  his  receipts 
were  $1150  from  the  sale  of  Lepicloptera  alone.  Specimens 
were  purchased  by  such  men  as:  Dr.  Wm.  Barnes,  August 
Busk,  Wm.  Reifif,  S.  E.  Cassino,  J.  A.  Comstock,  Wm.  Beuten- 
muller,  F.  H.  Benjamin,  W.  J.  Coxey,  C.  A.  Hill  and  others. 
In  1919,  Mr.  Spalding  began  to  sell  Coleoptera  to  Col.  T.  L. 
Casey.  In  all  he  sold  him  about  820  specimens  from  which 
lot  the  Colonel  named  dozens  and  dozens  of  new  species.  Mr. 
Spalding  told  me  that  he  soon  found  Col.  Casey  to  be  a  good 
customer  as  he  paid  well  for  all  his  "variable  and  freakish 
specimens".  Mr.  Spalding  left  a  small  collection  of  moths 
and  beetles  which  are  being  cared  for  by  members  of  his 

Mr.  Spalding  could  not  be  prevailed  upon  to  publish  upon 
his  findings,  this  he  left  for  others  to  do.  Eighteen  species 
were  named  in  his  honor.  They  are  as  follows : 

Lepidoptera : 

Philotes  spaldingi  B.  &  McD.  Eupithccia  spaldingi  Tayl. 

Grotella  spaldingi  B.  &  McD.  Scoparia  spaldingalis  B.  & 
Lathosea  spaldingi  Barnes  McD. 

Trachea  spaldingi  Sm.  Tctralopha  spaldingclla  B.  & 
Hyppa  spaldingi  Sm.  3. 

Xanthorhoc    spaldingaria  Eurythmia  spaldingclla   Dyar. 

Grossb.  Eucosma  spaldingana  Kearf. 

Coleoptera : 

Cicindela  spaldingi  Csy.  Coelocnemis  spaldingi  Csy. 

Bradytus  spaldingi  Csy.  Conipinus  spaldingi  Csy. 

Harpalus  spaldingi  Csy.  Prionus  spaldingi  Csy. 

Diptera:   Tipula  spaldingi  Dietz. 

Tom  Spalding  will  be  remembered  in  many  parts  of  the  world 
as  a  great  collector  of  Utah  insects  and  in  his  passing  Utah 
lost  her  most  noted  student  of  the  Lepidoptera. 


INDEX    TO     VOLUME    XL. 

(*  indicates  new  genera,  species,  names,  etc.) 

\I-DRICH,  J.  M.    Obituary:  Dr.  Harrison  Gray  Dyar 167 

ALEXANDER,  C.  P.    Undescribed  species  of  Craneflies  from 
the  Eastern  United  States  and  Canada,  Part  V 44 

ANONYMOUS:     Foreign  Honorary  Members  of  two  Ento- 
mological Societies 299 

The  Brackenridge  Clemens  Memorial 297 

BALDUF,  \Y.  V.  Hibernation  of  the  striped  Cucumber  beetle  260 
The  Life  History  of  the  Goldenrod  beetle,   Trirhabda 
canadensis  Kirby   35 

BLATCIILKV,  "\Y.  S.     Two  nc-w  Heteroptera  from  Southern 
California    74 

BRIMLEY,  C.  S.    Two  new  wasps  from  North  Carolina  . .  .    194 

BROWER,  A.   E.     Notes  on  Calcphclis  borcalis  and  other 
Rhopalocera  in  Missouri 125 

BUSCK,  A.     The  E.  H.  Blackmore  Collection  of  Lepidop- 
tera 195 

CALVERT,  P.  P.    Articles  on  Museums  containing  Lepidop- 

tera   (Ed.)    59 

Biographical  Notice  of  Dr.  E.  A.  Schwarz  (Ed.) 32 

Entomology  at  the  Convocation  Week  Meetings,  Dec.  27, 

1928,  to  Jan.  2,  1929  (Ed.)   57 

Must  "Konowia"  be  discontinued?    (Ed.)   24 

Notice  to  contributors  to  the  NEWS 233 

Obituaries:    Prof.   Edwin   Eddy   Calder;   Dr.   Harrison 

Gray  Dyar 99 

William  Rhodes  Reinicke 134 

Colonel  Wirt  Robinson 168 

Dr.  Hans  Brauns 204 

Reviews :  A  popular  Guide  to  the  study  of  Insects 163 

Elementary  lessons  on  Insects 28 

CAUDELL,  A.  N.    Obituary:  Dr.  E.  A.  Schwarz 31 



CHAMBERLJN,  J.  C.  Dasychernes  inquilinus  from  the  nest 
of  Meliponine  Bees  in  Colombia 49 

CHAMBERLIN.  R.  W.  On  three  new  Spiders  of  the  genus 
O.ryopcs  (111.)  17 

COCKERELL,  T.  D.  A.    A  journey  round  the  world 122 

COLE,   A.   C.     TR.     Arachnara  siibcarnca   Kell.  a  host  of 

1      •/ 

Masiccra  scuilis  Rond 225 

CRANOR.  K.  T.     (See  White.  Fulton  and  Cranor.) 
CRESSON,  E.  T.,  JR.    Entomological  Literature,  25,  59,  93, 

127,  155,  198,  235,  274,  302,  333. 
CROSBY,  C.  R.     Studies  in  North  American  Spiders :  the 

genus  CocJilcinboIus  (111.)    79 

An  unexpected  food  plant  of  the  striped  Cucumber  beetle  328 
DANIELS,  L.  B.    Gillette  Club  Meeting 197 

The  hibernation  of  Uhleriola  floralis  Uhl 179 

EWING,  H.  E.    Four  new  species  of  Chiggers 294 

FELT,  E.  P.  Review:  The  principles  of  Forest  Entomology  164 
FERRIS,  G.  F.  Review:  A  Manual  of  external  Parasites.  .  337 
FORBES,  W.  T.  M.  Obituary :  Dr.  Harrison  Grav  Dvar  .  .  165 

J  *  f 

Fox,  C.    Some  new  Siphonaptera 218 

Fox,  H.    Review:  The  problems  of  applied  Entomology.  .    307 

FROST,  S.  W.    Notes  on  Pennsylvania  Ortalidae 84 

FULTON,  B.  B.    Apparatus  for  making  Insect  locality  labels 

(111.)    145 

(See  also  White,  Fulton  and  Cranor.) 

GUNDER,  J.  D.    A  correction 286 

A  State  Butterfly  of  California  (111.)    318 

North  American  Institutions  featuring  Lepidoptera 
I.     The  Natural  History  Museum,  San  Diego,  Cal. 

(111.)    33 

II.     The  Los  Angeles   Museum,   Los   Angeles,    Cal. 

(111.)    67 

III.  The  Academy  of  Sciences,  San  Francisco,  Cal. 

(111.)  101 

IV.  The  Provincial  Museum,  Victoria,  B.  C.,  Cana- 

da (111.)  135 

The  Field  Museum,  Chicago,  111.  (111.) 169 

VI.     Carnegie  Museum,  Pittsburgh,  Pa.  (111.)   205 

INDEX  347 

VII.     Barnes    Museum   of    Lepidoptera,    Decatur,    111. 

(111.)     245 

VIII.     U.  S.  National  Museum,  Washington,  D.  C.  (111.)   281 
IX.     Academy  of  Natural  Sciences,  Philadelphia,  Pa. 

(111.)     313 

What  constitutes  a  good  original  description 180 

HAAN,  J.  A.  B.  DE.  The  choice  of  Bees  by  absolute  or  rela- 
tive characteristics  22 

HAIMBACH,  F.    Review  :  Klima  und  Entwicklung 63 

HALL,  D.  G.,  JR.    The  North  American  species  of  Sarcoph- 

aga  belonging  to  the  "A"  group  (111.)    319 

HALLOCK,  H.  C.  North  American  predacious  Insects  at- 
tacking Japanese  beetle  grubs  (Poplllia  japomca  New- 
man)    76 

HARRIS,  L.,  JR.    An  unusual  Catocala  colony 269 

HEBARD,  M.  A  remarkable  new  Chilean  Genus  of  Grass- 
hoppers (111.)  253 

An  Orthopterist's  point  of  view  as  to  the  value  of  Speci- 
fic and  Racial  (subspecific)  names  and  the  uselessness 

of  those  for  "Varieties"  and  "Forms" 141 

Entomological    collecting    equipment    for    the    Western 

United  States,  with  special  reference  to  Orthoptera  .  .    110 
HICKS,  C.  H.     The  nesting  habits  of  Anthidiuin  monnon- 
um  fragaricllum  Ckll 105 

HOLLAND,  W.  J.  A  new  Riodinid  from  Louisiana  (Lepi- 
doptera)    20 

Hcspcria  ruricola  Boisd.  and  Pamphila  califoniica  Ma- 

bille,  synonyms  of  Atrytonc  vcstris  Boisd 326 

HORSFALL,  W.  R.     The  Grapevine  Sawfly  (111.)   174 

HOWARD,  L.  O.    On  the  accrediting  of  Illustrations 23 

KISLIUK.   M.,   JR.     Air   routes,   German    Dirigible   "Graf 

Zeppelin''  and  plant  quarantines  l''f> 

KNIC.IIT.  H.  H.     Descriptions  of  six  nrw  species  of  Micro- 

phylcllnx    40 

Descriptions  of  five  new  species  of  Plagiognathus  from 

North  America 69 

New  species  and  varieties  of  Platytylellus  from    Xorth 

America    189 

The  fourth  paper  on  new  species  of  I'ldi/ioi/iitit/ms  ....    J( 

348  INDEX 

KNIGHT,  P.    Correction 188 

Entomology  in  the  Literary  Supplements 92 

Review :  Destructive  and  useful  Insects 29 

KNULL,  J.  N.     Additions  to  the  lists  of  Buprestidae  and 

Cerambycidae  of  Pennsylvania   144 

Three  new  species  of  Agrilus 2/0 

LIEBECK,  C.     (This  Index.) 

LIST,  G.  M.     Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of  Entomolo- 
gists     234,  341 

LUTZ,  J.  C.    Corythucha  dcccns  Stal.  in  Pennsylvania 233 

MASON,  C.  W.     Transient  color  changes  in  the  Tortoise 

beetles    52 

McATEE,  W.  L.     Review :  The  Fulgoriclae  or  Plant  Hop- 
pers of  Mississippi,  including  those  of  possible  occurrence  133 
Review :  The  principles  of  Systematic  Entomology  ....     64 
MICKEL,    C.    E.      The    North   American    Sitarine    Blister 


MORA,  C.  M.,  and  TRISTAN,  J.  F.    A  swarm  of  Dragonflies 

in  Costa  Rica 273 

MOULTON,  D.     Hoplothrips  karnyi  Hood   21 

NABOURS,  R.  K.    Hancock's  studies  of  inheritance  in  green 

and  pink  Katy-dids,  AmblycorypJia  oblongifolia  DeGeer.     14 
PARK,  T.    Notes  on  the  relationship  between  Formica  ulkei 

Emery  and  Solcnopsis  molcsta  Say 325 

PATE,  V.  S.  L.     Studies  in  Oxybeline  Wasps 219 

RANDOLPH,  V.    A  calendar  of  Kansas  Butterflies 88 

RAU,  P.    At  the  end  of  the  season  with  Polistes  rubiginosus 

Orphan  nests  of  Polistes  (111.)   226,  256 

SCHMIEDER,  R.  G.    Review :  Praktische  Einfuhring  in  die 

Morphologic  der  Insekten 132 

SEYBOLT,  R.  F.    An  amateur  Entomologist  of  1762 126 

SHEPARD,  H.  H.    Notes  on  Hesperid  nomenclature 233 

SNODGRASS,  R.  E.    Some  further  errors  of  Body  Wall  No- 
menclature in  Entomology 150 

STABLER,  R.  M.    Bcnacus  (/riscus  at  electric  light 232 

STILES,   C.   W.     International   Commission   on  Zoological 

Nomenclature,  Opinions  105  to  114 301 

Proposed  Amendments :  International  rules  of  Zoological 
Nomenclature  329 

INDEX  349 

TANNER,  V.  M.    Obituary :  Thomas  Utting  Spalding  ....   343 
THOMAS,  C.  A.     A  method  for  rearing  Mushroom  Insects 

and  Mites   222 

The  parasites  of  Wireworms 287 

TIETZ,  H.  M.    A  list  of  Macrolepidoptera  of  Pennsylvania   136 

TRISTAN  J.  F.     (See  Mora,  C.  M.) 

WALKER,  E.  M.    Review:  A  Handbook  of  the  Dragonflies 

of  North  America 240 

WEISS,  H.  B.     Eastern  Branch,  American  Association  of 

Economic   Entomologists    297 

WEST,  L.  S.    The  behavior  of  Macronyc/ms  f/labnitns  Say.   171 
WHITE,   H.,   with   FULTON,   B.   B.,   and   CRANOR,   K.   T. 

Clothes   Moth  prevention  adapted  to  the   needs   of   the 

housekeeper    117,   137 

WILLIAMS,  S.  H.     The  Cicindelidae  at  Kartabo,   Bartica 

District,  British  Guiana 178 

WINTER,  J.  D.     The  identity  of  Aphis  rubicola  Oestlund 

and  Aphis  rubiplnla  Patch 193 

WYATT,  A.  K.     Chicago  Entomological  Society 98 




Accrediting  of  Illustrations   ..     23 
Air   routes   and  plant  quaran- 
tine        196 

Amateur  Entomologist  of  1762  126 
American  Association  of  Eco- 
nomic   Entomologists,    East- 
ern Branch   297 

Apparatus    for    making    Insect 

labels   (ill.)    145 

Applied  Entomology,  problems 

of  ". 307 

Bird  hosts   296 

Body   wall   nomenclature,    fur- 
ther  errors    150 

Chicago      Entomological      So- 
ciety         98 

Collecting  equipment    110 

"Convocation  week"  meetings.     57 
Entomological  courses,  Correc- 
tion        188 

Foreign  Honorary  Members  of 

Ent.  Socs 299 

Forest    Entomology,    the   prin- 
ciples of   164 

Gillette  Club  Meeting    197 

Guide  to  study  of  Insects    . . .    163 

Hosts,   Animal    218,  294 

Hosts,  Insect  49,  225 

Insects  at  light    232 

Insects,  destructive  and  useful  29 
Insects,  elementary  lessons  on  28 
Journey  round  the  World  ....  122 

Klima  und  Entwicklung   63 

"Konowia"  be  discontinued?..     24 
Literary     Supplements,     Ento- 
mology  in    98 

Literature,    Entomological — 25, 
59,  93,  127,  155,  198,  235,274, 
302,  333. 
Lorquin  Entomological  Society 

(Plate  I)    68 

Morphologic  der  Insekten  ....    132 
Museums    (see  Lepidoptera) 
Mushroom   Insects   and   Mites, 
methods  of  rearing 222 

Notice  to  contributors  to  the 
NEWS  233 

Original  description,  what  con- 
stitutes a  good  (with  chart 
and  opinions  of  Entomolo- 
gists)    180 

Parasites,  a  manual  of  external  337 

Parasites,  Insect  105,  222,  287,  337 

Relative  characteristics    22 

Rocky  Mountain  Conference  of 
Entomologists  234,  341 

Systematic  Entomology,  prin- 
ciples of  64 

Value  of  Specific  and  Racial 
names  141 

Zoological  nomenclature,  In- 
ternational Commission  ....  301 

Zoological  nomenclature,  pro- 
posed amendments  329 


Brauns,   H 204 

Calder,  E.  E 99 

Dyar,  H.  G 100.  165,  167,  282 

Reinicke,  W.  R 134 

Robinson,  W 168 

Schwarz,  E.  A 31 

Spalding,  T.  U 343 


Abbott,  C.  G 33 

Avinoff,    A 206 

Ball,  E.  D 24 

Barnes,  W 245 

Benjamin,  F.  H 250 

Blackmore,  E.  H 136 

Bryan,  W 67 

Burke,  H.  E 104 

Busck,   A 285 

Calvert,   P.   P 318 

Clark,   B.  P 209 

Comstock,  J.  A 68 

Cottle,  J.  E 104 

Coxey,  J.  W 316 

Cresson,  E.  T.,  Jr 317 

Evermann,  B.  W.  103 



Gerhard,  W.  J 170  Needham    and    Hey  wood :     A 

Gillette,  C.  P 197  Handbook  of  the  Dragonflies 

Haimbach,  F 317  of  North  America    240 

Hebard,  M 317  Wardle :    The  problems  of  Ap- 

Heinrich,   C 284  plied   Entomology    307 

Holland,  W.  J 206,  286  Zweigelt :  Klima  und  Entwick- 

Howard,  L.  0 2X2  lung  63 

Hungerford,  H.  B 78 


Kermode,  F 135  DISTRIBUTION 

Klages,  H 208 

onQ  Alabama:   Hym.  221. 

Krautwurrn,    B 208  , 

T  ...  ,.                                                ,_A  Arizona:    Col.  271,  272.     Hem.  41, 

Liljeblad,  E 170 

.                                                       ,cn  42,  72,  191.     Hym.  221. 

Lindsey,  A.  W 250  '                       , 

~fn  Arkansas:    Dip.  323.     Hym.  174. 

McDunnough,  J 250  .            ,                  J 

,0  California:    Col.  35,  110,  287.  Hem. 

Muchmore,  L.  J 68 

„    „                                  -,oc  43,  75,  76.    Hym.   105.    Lep.  326. 

Noyes,  F.  H 285  '      ' 

Osgood,  W.  H 170  r,P/'      .  .        '                    ., 

'     .     ^                                 ,17  Colorado:      Col.  35.    Hem.  40,   71, 

Rehn,  J.  A.  G 317 

c  u          ixr                                       ->QA  "9,  190,  192,  268. 

Schaus,  W 284 

....             c    ^                                    1/;0  Connecticut:   Thysanop.  21. 

Simms,   S.  C 169 

„.  .                                                     ,1/:  District  of  Columbia:     Dip.  321. 

Skinner,    H 316  ' 

,,                     T-    n                            m?  rlorida:     Arac.  19.  Col.  2/3.     Dip. 

Van  Duzee,  E.  P 103 

AT      r>>  i       tr    r-                            in?  45,  47,  49.    Hem.  41. 

Van  Dyke,  E.  C 103 

ixr-ir           r>    r-     T                          71A  Georgia:     Arac.  19,  20. 

Williams,  R.  C.,  Jr 316  * 

•nr  •   i.    t\r    c-                                   i*  Idaho:    Hem.  190. 

Wright,  W.  S 34  . 

Illinois:     Col.  291.    Lep.  98. 

£j£yjj£^yg  Indiana:    Col.  35.    Hym.  289.    Thy- 
sanop. 21. 

Dosier :     The     Fulgoridae    or  Jowa .     Rem   ?Q>  2^  264 

Plant-hoppers  of  Mississippi  133  Kanfas .    Col    lf  2,  290.    Hym.  290. 

Ewing :    A  manual  of  external  T         on 

Parasites  ••••                           '   337  Louisiana:      Arac.    19.     Hym.   221. 

Felt :    A  popular  guide  to  the  ^        ?Q 

study  of  Insects   .                       163  Maine'.~  Acar    m.    Hem.   193. 

Ferris:    The  principles  of  Sys-  Maryland:     Hem.  232. 

tematic  Entomology  Massachusetts:      Acar.    297.     Col. 

Graham:      The    principles     of  291.   Dip.  45,  291.   Thysanop.  21. 

Forest  Entomology                    U,4  Michigan:      Col.     171.      Dip.    225. 

Handschin:      Practische     Em-  Hem.  70.   Lep.  225.    Orth.  15. 

fuhrmg   m  die    Morphologic  Minnesota:    Col.  36.    Hem.  70, 193, 

der  Insekk-n   132  y.  .    ^~ 

Metcalf  and  Flint:  Destructive  Missouri:  '  Hym.  7,  22o.    Lep.   125. 

and  useful  Insects  .  Montana:     Hem.  190. 

Needham:    Elementary  lessons  New  Hampshire :    Arac.  80.    Hem. 

on  Insects   163 



scinricola,  Schougastia  297 

Troinbicula,  Key  to   294 

(see     autumnal  is,     bisiijnata, 
vi y otis,  zvhartoni) 

Trombidiidae     294 

whartoni*,  Trombicnla  .  .          .   296 

New  Jersey :     Col.  35,  77.    Dip.  77, 

78,289.   Hym.  289.  Thysanop.  21. 
New  Mexico:     Col.  35.    Hem.  190, 

191,  192. 
New  York :     Col.  328.   Dip.  45,  46. 

Hem.  189,  264,  265.  Thysanop..21. 
North  Carolina:     Hym.   194,   195. 

North  Dakota:     Hem.  192.  ARACHNIDA 

Ohio:      Arac.   324.    Col.    35.     Dip.  (        j    Acarina) 

324.  Hem.  70,  193.   Thysanop.  21. 

Oklahoma:     Hym.  221.  aclcistns*.  Oxyopcs   (ill. ) 

Oregon:     Dip.  323.    Hem.  43,  268.  "dlossus*,  Oxyopes  (ill.) 

Pennsylvania:     Col.  144,  287.    Dip.  «//"»"•*,  Cochlcmbohis  ( ill. .) 

84,  223,  321,  324.  Hem.  233.  Thy-  Aranea   (see  frondosa) 

sanura223.  Araneina  .                              .17,     79 

South  Carolina:     Acar.  296.    Col.  canadensis,  Philodromus       ...   324 

707  Chelonethida   49 

South   Dakota':      Hem.   72,   73,   74,  Cochlcmbohis*      (see     alpimis, 

igi  saccr,  sanctns,  vernalis) 

Tennessee-      Arac    19  Dasychernes*  (see  inqiiilinns) 

Texas:     Hem.  265,  266.    Hym.  221.  Efcira   (see  sclofictaria) 

Utah:     Arac.  81.    Hem.  192.  frondosa,  Aranea  .                     .324 

Vermont:     Col.  289.    Dip.  46,  48.  Wins*,  Oxyopcs   (ill.) 

Hym.  289.    Thysanop.  21.  inquilinus*,  Dasychernes  .      ..     51 

Virginia:     Dip.  321.  Oxyopes    (see  aclcistus.  aglos- 

Wfishington:    Hem.  41,  43.  s"s>   I'^lius,   rnfipes,   salticns. 

Wyoming:     Arac.  80.    Hem.   190.  scalaris 

Africa:     Hym.  221.    Thysanop.  21.  Philodromus  (see  canadensis) 

Canada:     Arac.  82.    Col.  35.    Dip.  rnfipes,  Oxyopes 

323,324.    Hem.  41,  189.  saccr*,  Cochlembolits   (ill.)    ..     82 

Central  America:     Dip.  46.  salticns,  Oxyopcs   (ill.)                   17 

Europe:     Arac.  295.    Col.  173,  288.  sanctns*,   Cochlembolits    (ill.).     81 

Dip.  46.    Hym.  288.  scalaris,  Oxyopes   (ill.)          ...      17 

South    America :      Arac.    49.     Col.      sclopctaria,  Epcira          324 

178,  289.    Hym.  289.    Orth.  253.  vernalis,  Cochlembolits  (ill.). 

Siph.  218. 


ACARINA  ,     ~  , 

aciiticaiiaa,   1  yppcerus    144 

autumnal  is,  Troinbicu/a   295  Aeolus  (see  dorsahs) 

bisignata*,  Trombicnla 295       aeripcnnis,  Lndins   287 

myotis*,  Troinbicula   294      affinis,  Tctracha   178 

New  Species  of  Chiggers   294      agonus,  Limonius    289 

peromysci*,  Schuiif/nstiii    296  Acjrilns    (see    duncani.    fishcri, 

Sun-oplcs,  Type  of   301  parafloridanns) 

Schoni/axtia      (see     peromysci,  Ac/notes  (see  obscunts,  segetis, 

scinricola)  spntator) 



Awiara  (see  scpulchralis) 
Anoplium  (see  pumilum) 
.  Inoplodcra  (see  minnesotana) 

anthophorae,  Lconidia    1 

Aphanotus  (see  brevicornis) 

argentata,  Cicindcla    178 

Athoits  (see  haemorrhoidalis) 

bicarinatus,   Stcnchnis    173 

bicolor,  Coptocycla   52 

brevicornis,   Aphanotus    110 

Buprestidae    144,  270 

californicus,  Liinoniiis    287 

canadcnsis,   Trirhabda    35 

Carabidae     77 

cayennensis,   Odontochila    ....    178 

Cerambycidae    144 

Ccratomcijilla   (see  juscilabris) 
Chrysomelidae,    ...35,  52,  260,  328 
Cicindcla   (see  argentata) 

Cicindelidae 178 

cinnamoneus,  Siinodactylits  . . .  287 
Color      changes      in      Tortoise 

beetles     52 

Coptocycla    (see  bicolor,  signi- 

deccptus*,  Typoccrus   144 

Diabrotica   (see  rittata) 

dorsalis,  Aeolus  290 

dnncani*,  Agrilus    270 

Elater  (see  lincatns) 

Elateridae    287 

fisher i*,  Agrilus 271 

fissilis,  Meltinotus   291 

juscilabris,  Ceratomegilla    ....  261 

gigantca,  Hornia    1 

glahratus,  Macronychus  171 

globosicollis,   Tctracha  sobrina  178 

haemorrhoidalis,  Athous  288 

Harpalus  'see  pennsylvanicus) 

Helmidae   171 

Horistonotits  (see  ulilcri) 
llornia,  Key  3,  4.     (see  gigan- 
tea,  tninutipennis) 

japonica,   Popillia    76 

Liinoniits  (see  agonus,  califor- 

lincatns,  Elater  (Ayriotcs)    .  .  .   288 
Ludius   (see  acripcnnis) 

luridipes,    Odontochila    178 

Macronychus     (see     glahnitits. 

Melanotus    (see  fissilis) 

Meloidae    1 

minnesotana,   Anoplodcra    ....    145 

iiiinutipennis,  Hornia    6 

nwntaniis   Poccilonota    144 

neomexicana,   Lconidia    6 

obscurus  Agriotes   288 

Odontochila    (see    cayennensis, 

parafloridanus*,  Agrilus 272 

pennsylvanicus,   Harpalus   ....     77 

pcrtcmte,  Pscudibidion   144 

Poecilonota   (see  montanus) 
Polycaon    (see  stoutii) 
Popillia   (see  japonica) 
Pscudibidion    (see  pertenuc) 

pinniluni,   Anopliuni    144 

quadrituberculatus,      Macrony- 
chus      173 

rilcyi,  Leonidia  6 

scyctis,  Agriotes   (Elater)    .  . .   289 

scpulchralis,  Aniara    17S 

signifcra,   Coptocycla    52 

Siinodactyliis      (see      cinnamo- 

Sitarine  Blister  beetles    

sputator,    Agriotes    288 

Stenclinis   (see  bicarinatus) 

stoutii,  Polycaon    110 

Striped   cucumber   beetle,   food 


hibernation -''>'  > 

Tctracha    (see  affinis,  globosi- 

Trirhabda  (see  canadcnsis) 
Typocerus  (see  acuticauda,  dc- 
ceptus,  velutinus) 

uhlcri,  Horistonotits    _'<S7 

I't'lutinns,  Typoct-ms  144 

vittata,  Diabrotica   38,  2(>0,  328 

Wireworms,  parasites  of  287 




acstuans,  Era*  78 

arguta*,  Pilaria   47 

Asilidae    78 

Ateloglossa   (see  cincrca) 
canadensis*,  Sarcophaga    (ill.)   322 

cinerea,  Ateloglossa   

cockerellae,  Sarcophaga    ...    .   323 

coprophila,  Sciara    223 

corsicana,  Dactylolabis    46 

costalis,  Tabanus  

Dactylolabis  (see  corsicana, 
montana,  rhicnoptiloides,  su- 

Dexiidae 291 

Erax   (see  aestuans) 
haemorrhoidalis,   Psilocephala .     78 

hincii,  Sarcophaga 323 

Limonia    (see  longistylata,  no- 

longistylata*,    Limonia    rogcr- 

siana    45 

margincllus,   Ommatius    78 

Masiccra  (see  myoidca,  senilis) 
minutissima*,  Sarcophaga.  .  .  . 

(ill.)     320 

montana,  Dactylolabis   46 

morosa,  Sarcophaga   324 

Mycetophilidae     223 

myoidca,  Masiccra    225 

Neosciara    (see  pauciscta) 

novac-angliae*,  Limonia    44 

Oestrus,  Type  of  301 

Ommatius  (see  margincllus) 
Ortalidae       of       Pennsylvania 
(ill.)  with  list  of  species  ...     84 

panciseta,  Neosciara   223 

Pilaria    (see    argnta,    vcr mon- 

I'siloccphala  (see  haemorrhoid- 

pulla,  Sarcophaga 324 

rhicnoptiloides,  Dactylolabis  . .     46 
rogersella*,  Ulomorpha  48 

Sarcophaga,  Key  to  species   . .  319 
(see   canadcnsis,  cockerellae, 
hincii,   minutissima,   moro- 
sa, pulla,  sinuata) 

Sarcophagidae     319 

Sciara    (see   coprophila) 

Sciaridae    223 

senilis,  Masiccra    225 

sinuata,  Sarcophaga    323 

supernumeraria*,  Dactylolabis.     46 

Tabanidae    77 

Tabanns   (see   costalis) 

Tachinidae  225 

Tipulidae    44 

Therevidae     78 

Ulomorpha    (see   rogersella) 
•vermontana* ,  Pilaria    47 


adnstns*,  Microphylellus   40 

Aphididae    193 

Aphis  (see  rubi,  rnbicola,  rubi- 


Belostomatidae   232 

Bcnacus    (see  griscus) 

bilincatus,  Pangaeus  75 

binotattts*,  Microphylellus 

aditstus   40 

brevicornis*,  Microphylellus  . .  41 

calif ornicus*,  Pangaeus   74 

Ccrosipha   (see  nibifolii) 

circitmcinctus,   Pcrillus    35 

coucisns*,   Platytylellus    190 

Corythuca    (see    deceits,    mar- 


cratacgi*,  Plagiognothus   264 

Cydnidae    74 

debilis,  Plagiognathus 70 

dccens,  Corythuca    233 

dcpallcns*,  Plagiognathus  sali- 

cicola 70 

discrcpans,  Pangaeus    75 

cda.r*,  Nabis 75 

eremicola*,  Platytylellus   189 



crittatits*,    Plat\'t\'lcllus    birit- 

tis 192 

flavicollis*,  Microhhyllcllus  ...     43 
thrt'idus*,   Plagiognnthus  shep- 
herd icie    71 

floral  is.    I'hlcriola    179 

Fulgoridae  133 

fult'otinctits*.    .  .Plagiognathus 

ncgundinis    264 

fusciflai'iis*.  Plagiognathus  .  . .  267 

f use i PCS*,  Plagiognathus   268 

gc-minatiis*.  Plagiognathus   .  .  .   265 
gleditsiae*,   Plagiognathus    . . .  265 

griscus,  Bcnacus    232 

lutcus*,    Plagiognathus    72 

Lygaeidae    179 

marmorata,  Corythuca    233 

Microphylellus  (see  aditstits. 
binotatus.  brcricornis.  flaz'i- 
collis,  mincus,  minor,  nicholi) 

mineus*.   Microphylellus    41 

minor* .   Microphylellus    42 

Miridae   ."..40,  69.  189,  263 

Nabidae    74 

\nhis    (see   eda.r) 

uegundinis*.   Plagiognathus    .  .  263 

nicholi*,  Microphylellus   42 

nigripilus*,  Platytylcllus    189 

nigriscutus*,    Platytylcllus    ru- 

hroscutellatus    192 

nolatus*,   Platylylcllus  borcalis  192 
Pangacus   (see  bilincatiis.  cali- 
jornicus,  discrcpans) 

Pentatomidae    35 

Pcrillus   (see  circuincinctus) 
Plagiognathus     (see     crataegi, 
debilis,     depallens,     flavidus, 
fiilvotinctns,  fusciflavus,  fus- 
cipes,    gcminatus.    gleditsiae, 
lute  us.  ncgundinis,  phoradcn- 
dronae,    salicicola,    shcphcr- 
iliac.       siiboi'alus,       tcnellus, 

Plant    Hoppers    of   Mississippi  133 
Platytylellus       (see      concisus, 

eremicola.    c-i'iltatus,    nigripi- 
lus,  nigriscutus,   notiitns,  ru- 
phorudendronac*.  Plagiognath- 

us 73 

rubi.  .Aphis   194 

rubicola.  Aphis  (rubiphila)   .  . .  193 

nibifolii,  Cerosipha   193 

n/hroscntcllatus*.    Platytylellus  1CH 

salicicola'-'1.  I'lugiognathus   ....  69 

shcphcrdiac*,  Plagiognathus  . .  70 

subovatns*.   Plagiognathus    .  .  .  266 

fcnelliis*,  Plagiognathus   73 

tinctus,  Plagiognathus   70 

Tingitidae   37,  233 

I'hlcriola   (see  floralis) 


ainpla,  Calliccras  

Ant    relationship    

.Inthidiitm     (see    fragaricllum. 


apterogynus.  Paracodnis   

arinifcra,  Pristoccra   (ill.)    289, 

australe*,  Enchemicrum  



Bracon    (see  dispar) 


Callanthidium    (see   illustrc) 

Calliccras  (see  ampla) 

carinatus,  Henadcs  


Ccrccris  (see  zobcidc,  zosma} 

Chelynia   (see  leucotricha) 

Choice  of  Bees  

dispar,  Bracon    

linchcmicnim*,    (see   australe) 

lirythraspidcs    (see    py/imacus) 

l-ormica    (see   ulkci) 


fragaricllum,    .Inthidium    mor- 

fuscipcs,    Phaenoserphus    










Grapevine   Sawfly    (ills.)    ....    174 
Hcriadcs  (see  carinatus) 

illitstre,  Callanthidiiim    105 

Icitcotricha,  Chclynia    108 

Megachilidae  105 

molcsta,  Solenopsis  325 

mormonum,  Anthidium    105 

Nesting  habits,  7,  49,  105,  174,  226, 

256,  325 

Oxybeline  wasps    219 

Oxybchis    222 

pallipcs,  Phaenoscrphus  289 

pallipcs.  Pollstcs   (ill.)   8,  226,  256 
Paracodnts    (see   aptcrogynus) 

pcrmacnlata,  Stelis   108 

Phaenoscrphus     (see    fuscipcs. 

Polistcs   (see  pallipcs,  rubigin- 

osus,  variatus) 
Pristoccra    (see  annifcra) 
Proctotnipcs  (see  viator) 


pygmacus,  Erythraspidcs  (ill.)    174 

rnbiginosus,  Polistcs  

Solenopsis   (see  inolcsta) 

Sphecidae     219 

Stelis   (see  pcrmacnlata) 

Tenthredinidae    174 

nlkci,  Formica    325 

variatus,  Polistcs   231,  256 

Vespidae 7,226,  256 

viator,   Proctotnipcs    288,289 

zobcidc*,  Ccrccris   194 

zosma*,  Cerccris   195 


Agriopodcs  (see  lepidula) 

aja.r,    Papilio    90 

alopc,  Satynis 91 

Ancyloxipha   (see  numitor) 

andria,  Pyrrhanaca  91 

Anosia   (see  plcxippus) 

antiopa,  Vanessa   92 

Arachnara  (see  subcarnea) 
Argynnis  (see  cybele,  idalia) 
astcrias,  Papilio   90 

atalanta,  Pyramcis    .  .^ 91 

Atalopedes   (see  huron) 
A  try  tone    (see  vestris) 

bachmanni,   Libythca    90 

Basilarchia    (see  disippus) 

bcthunci,  Graptolitha    98 

bisclliella,    Tincola    118 

Blackmore  Collection   195 

borealis,  Calcphclis   125 

Brackenbridge  Clemens  Memo- 
rial   ' 297 

cacsonia,  Meganostoma    90 

Calcphclis   (see  borealis.  louis- 

californica,  Patnphila    326 

cardui,  Pyramcis  91 

cataphracta,  Papaipnna   99 

Catocala  colony,  Unusual    ....   269 
Ctilopsilia    (see  citbnlc,  philea) 

ccltis,    Chlorippc    89 

cerina,  Papaipema   99 

ccromatica,    Conistra    98 

Chlorippc    (see  ccltis,  clyton) 

clandia,  Euptoicta    90 

Clothes    Moth   prevention    117,  137 

clyton,  Chlorippc  89 

cocnia,  Junonia 90 

Colias    (see    eurythcinc,   philo- 

comma,   Grapta    90 

Conistra  (see  ccromatica,  grae- 

creola,  Debis  89 

cresphontes,  Papilio    91 

cybele,  Argynnis   89 

Danaus  (see  strigosa) 
Dcbis  (see  creola) 
Dionc    (see   vanillac) 

disippus,  Basilarchia   89 

ectypa,  Polia  98 

Epargyrcus   (see  tityrus) 
Erebus  (see  odor a) 
Ercsia  (see  texana) 

cridania,  Prodenia    99 

eubule,   Catopsilia    89 

Euptoieta   (see  clandia) 



eurydicc,  Zcrcne    318 

rurythrinc,   Colias    89 

citrytus,   Neonympha    90 

Feniseca,  (see  tarquinius) 

gracfiana,  Conistra   98 

(inipla   (see  coinmn,  interroga- 


(iraptolitha    (see   bethuuci,   ri- 

hnrrisi,  Papaipcma    99 

I  Icspcria  ( see  montivago,  ruri- 

llrsperid   nomenclature    223 

Hesperidae     326 

huntera,  Pyrameis  91 

hitron.  Atalopedes   89 

idalia,    Argynnis    89 

impecuniosa,  Papaipcma    99 

iiitcrroiHttioitis,    Grapta    90 

Jodia  (see  ntfago) 

iole,  Nathalis 90 

Jitnonia   (see  cocnia) 

Kansas    butterflies,   a   calendar     88 

Icpidula,    .  Igriopodcs    99 

Libythca   (see  bachmanni) 

lisa,  Tcrins    91 

louisiana,  Calephelis 20 

Lycacna    (see   pseudargiolus) 
Macrolepidpptera    of    Pennsyl- 
vania,  list   of    136 

marginidens,   Papaipcma    99 

iiHtrtialis,  Thanaos    91 

Mcganostoma  (see  cacsonia) 

•iiicliuus.  Tliccla   92 

Mclilnca    (see   phaeton) 

nic.riciiiHi,    Tcrias    91,   126 

m mi  I  Ira  (/ o,   Hcsperia    90 

Museums  featuring  Lepidoptera 
33,  67,  101,  135,  169,205,245, 
281,  313 

Nathalis  (see  iolc) 
Neonympha   (see  ciirytus) 

nicippe,  Terias   91 

Noctuidae    225 

niibdalis,   Pyransta    225 

nmiiitnr,  Aiicylo.riphn  88 

nyctcis,  Phyciodes  91 

t,  Erebus  99 

Oncocnemis  (see  saundersiana) 
Palaearctic  Satyridae   204 

PnmphUi.1   (see  ctiliftirnica) 
Papaipcuiii     ( si-e     cataphracta, 
ccn'iui,    harrisi,    iiiipccnuidsu, 
inari/iuiilcns,    silphii.    spccio- 

PapiHc     (see     aja.r,     asterias, 
cresphontes,  philenor,  tnniiis) 

[•cUinnclla,  Tinea   118 

phaeton,   Melitaca    90 

philcd.    Catopsila    126 

philenor,   Papilio    91 

phileidicc,  Colias 89 

Phyciodes  (see  nyctcis,  tharos) 
Picris    (see    protodice.   rapac) 

plc.rippus,   Anosia    89 

Polia    (see  cctypa) 
Prodi-ilia    (see  cridania) 

protodicc,   Picris    91 

pseudargiolus,   Lycacna    90 

Pyrameis  (see  atalanta,  cardui, 


Pyransta   (see  iinbilalis) 
Pyrrhanaea  (see  andria) 

rapac,  Picris  91 

Rhopalocera  in  Missouri   125 

Riodinid   20 

ntfago,  lodia  98 

rnricola,    Hcsperia    ( rnbicola) .   326 

Satynts  (see  a! ope) 

saundersiana.  Oncocnemis   ....     98 

silpliii,  Papaipcma    99 

speciosissima,   Papaipcma    ....     99 
State  Butterfly  of  California..   318 

subcarnea,  Amchnnni   -25 

tiiniuiiiins,   I'cniscca    90 

Tcrias   (see  lisa,  mc.ricana.   ni- 
cippe),   liresin    126 

Thanaos  (see  martialis) 

t liar os,   Phyciodes    91 

Thetla   (see  mclinus) 
Tinea  (see  pellionella) 
Tincola    (see  bisclliella) 

li/vnis,    llpargyrcns    90 

troilits.  Papilio    .  .-. 91 

titrnus.   Piipilio   91 



Vanessa  (see  antiopa) 

vanillac,   Dione    89 

vcstris,  Atrytone    326 

viridipallens,  Graptolitha   99 

Zcrcuc  (see  enrydice) 


Dragonflies     in     Costa      Rica, 

swarm     273 

Dragonflies  of  North  America  240 


Amblycorypha     (see     oblongi- 

Aucacris*  (see  enmera) 

Chilean   Grasshopper    253 

Crytacanthacrinae    253 

Dichromorpha    (see   viridis) 

Dracotettix    254 

ciiinera*,  Aucacris   (ill.)    253 

Green  and  pink  Katydids   ....      14 

insularis,   Litoscirtns    253 

Litoscirtus  (see  insularis) 
oblongijolia,  Amblycorypha    . .     14 

Tettigoniidae     14 

viridis,  Dichromorpha    143 


Anomiopsyllus  (see  calif  orni- 
cus,  falsicalifornicus,  nuda- 

calijornicus,    Anomicopsyllus . .  218 
Ccratophyllus  (see  dictcri) 
dieteri*,  Ceratophylhts  ncpos.  .   218 
fa Isicalifornicus*,    Anom iopsyl- 

lus    218 

Hectopsylla  (see  saurczi) 

nitdatns,  Anomiopsyllns  218 

saurezi*,  Hectopsylla    218 


bijormis,  Holothrips  21 

drakei,   Holothrips    22 

Holothrips   (see  biformis,  dra- 
kei, karuyi,  major,  ulmi) 

horny i,   Holothrips    21 

major,  Holothrips 22 

ulmi,  Holothrips    22 


Achorutes  (see  armatns) 

albus,   Lepidocyrtus    224 

armatus,  Achorutes 224 

caecus,  S-ininthitrus  224 

Collembola     224 

cyaneus,  Lepidocyrtus 224 

Isotoma    224 

Lepidocyrtus    (see    albus,    cy- 

minuta,  Proisotoma  . .  _ 224 

Proisotoma    (see   minuta) 
Sminthurus    (see  caecus) 





Collection  of  1000  African  Coleoptera,  about  400  species,  all 
labelled  with  localities  and  mostly  named  including  many  Longi- 
cornes,  etc.,  with  the  storeboxes  $40.00.  Postage  extra. 

Fine  South  American  butterflies  in  papers  $5.00  per  100,  includ- 
ing showy  Papilios,  Catagrammas,  Hebconius,  etc. 

Fine  Morpho  cypris  $i  oo  each,  Rhetenor  75  cents  each.  Metel- 
lus  and  var.  Persius  15  cents  each,  many  others,  liberal  discounts 
on  large  orders. 

1400  species  of  British  Lepidoptera,  2000  species  of  British  Cole- 
optera, named  and  "  set  "  at  moderate  rates. 

A.    FORD, 

42  Irving  Rd.,  Bournemouth,  Hants.,  England 

A  Year  of  Costa  Rican  Natural  History 

Sometime  Fellow  in  Biology,   Bryn  Mawr  College,   and 

Professor  of  Zoology,  University  of  Pennsylvania,  Editor  of  Entomological  News 

Cloth,  8vo.,  pp.  xix  +  577.     Frontispiece  (of  14  species  of  insects 
in  colors),  137  black  and  white  illustrations,  5  maps.     $3.00. 

For  Sale  by  The  American  Entomological  Society,  1900  Race  St.,  Philadelphia. 


From  Colombia,  South  America: 

Morpho  cypris  Morpho  amathonte 

sulkowskyi  Caligo  spp. 

From  Cuba: 

Papilio  columbus  Urania  boisduvali 

andraemon  Erinyis  guttalaris 

celadon  Protoparce  brontes,  etc. 

"        devilliersi 

From  Venezuela: 

Over  5000  Lepidoptera 

200  Dynastes  Hercules 

From  New  Guinea 

2000  Coleoptera 
200  Orthoptera 

From  Assam,  India: 

Papilio  arcturus  Kallima  inachis 

philoxenus  Brahmaea  wallachi 

And  Many  Other  Showy  Species 

From  Tibet  (Bhutan)  : 
Armanaia  Hdderdalii  Parnassius  hardwicki 



If  interested  kindly  send  your  list 
of  desiderata  for  further  information  to 


Department  of  Natural  Science  New  York 

G.  Lagai,  Ph.D.  10-14  West  25th  Street 





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