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Full text of "An explication of the hundred and tenth Psalm"

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PRINCETON,    N.    J. 


















Instituted  1799. 




£In  this  edition  some  slight  abridgments  have  been  made ;  and  the 
obsolete  words  exchanged  for  others  of  the  same  meaning,  j 

I  RtC,  NOV  1881 


Christian  reader, 

When  I  was  first  persuaded  to  communicate 
some  of  my  poor  labours  to  the  public,  my  purpose  was  to 
have  added  unto  those  Treatises  which  were  extant  before,  so 
much  of  this  which  I  now  present  unto  thy  view  as  con- 
cerneth  the  eulogy  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  the  instrument  of 
begetting  the  life  of  Christ  in  us :  for  little  reason  had  I, 
considering  mine  own  weakness,  the  frequent  returns  of  that 
service  wherein  these  pieces  were  delivered,  and  the  groaning 
of  the  press  of  late  under  writings  of  this  nature,  to  trouble 
the  world  a  second  time  with  any  more  of  my  slender  provi- 
sions towards  the  work  of  the  sanctuary,  in  this  abundance 
which  is  on  every  side  brought  in.  But  finding  that  work 
grow  up  under  mine  hand  into  a  large  volume,  and  conceiving 
that  it  might  be  both  more  acceptable  and  useful  to  handle  a 
whole  Scripture  together,  especially  being  both  of  so  noble  a 
nature,  and,  at  first  view,  of  so  difficult  a  sense,  as  this  Psahn 
is,  than  to  single  out  some  verse  and  fragment  by  itself;  I 
therefore  resolved  once  more  to  put  in  my  mite  into  the  treasury 
of  the  temple,  which,  though  for  no  other  reason,  may  yet,  I 
hope,  be  for  this  cause  accepted,  because  it  beareth  the  image 
and  inscription  of  Christ  upon  it.  Some  passages  are  therein 
inserted  which  were  delivered  in  another  order,  and  on  other 
Scriptures ;  and  some  likewise  which  were  delivered  in  other 
places,  and  on  other  occasions ;  which  yet,  being  pertinent 
to  the  series  of  the  discourse,  I  the. ght  might  justly  seem  as 
natural  parts,  and  not  as  incoherent  and  unsuitable  pieces. 

So,  submitting  my  poor  labours  to  thy  favourable  censure, 
and  commending  thee  to  the  blessing  of  God,  I  rest, 

Edward  Reynolds. 




Most  noble  lord, 

It  was  the  devout  profession  which  St.  Austin 
once  made  of  himself,  when  speaking  of  the  great  dehght 
which  he  took  in  Cicero's  Hortensius,  (as  containing  a  most 
liberal  exhortation  to  the  love  of  wisdom,  without  any  bias  or 
partiality  towards  sects,)  he  affirmeth,  that  "  the  heat  of  this 
his  delight  was  by  this  only  reason  abated,  because  there  was 
not  in  that  book  to  be  found  the  name  of  Christ ;  without 
which  name  nothing,  though  otherwise  ever  so  polite  and 
elaborate,  could  wholly  possess  those  affections  which  had 
been  trained  to  a  nobler  study."  And  Gregory  Nazianzen, 
that  famous  divine,  setteth  no  other  price  upon  all  his 
Athenian  learning,  wherein  he  greatly  excelled,  but  only 
this,  that  "  he  had  something  of  worth,  to  esteem  as  no- 
thing, in  comparison  of  Christ :"  herein  imitating  the  example 
of  St.  Paul,  who,  though  he  profited  in  the  Jewish  religion 
above  many  others.  Gal.  i.  14,  16,  yet,  when  the  Son  of  God 
was  revealed  in  him,  laid  it  all  aside  "  as  loss,  for  the  excel- 
lency of  the  knowledge  of  Christ  Jesus  his  Lord,"  Phil.  iii.  8. 
The  consideration  of  which  sacred  affections  in  those  holy 
men,  together  with  the  many  experiences  of  your  lordship's 
abundant  favour,   hath  put  into  me  a  boldness  beyond  my 


natural  disposition,  to  prefix  so  great  a  name  before  these 
poor  pieces  of  my  labours  in  God's  church.  Other  argument 
in  this  book  there  is  none,  to  procure  either  your  lordship's 
reading  or  patronage,  than  this  one,  which  that  good  father 
could  not  find  in  all  the  writings  of  Plato  or  Cicero,  that  it 
hath  that  high  and  holy  Person  for  the  subject  thereof,  the 
knowledge  of  whom  is  not  only  our  greatest  learning,  but  our 
eternal  life. 

In  this  confidence  I  have  presumed  to  present  unto  your 
lordship  this  public  testimony  of  my  most  humble  duty,  and 
deep  obligations  for  your  many  thoughts  of  favour  and  bounty 
towards  me,  not  in  myself  only,  but  in  others,  unto  whom 
your  lordship's  goodness  hath  vouchsafed  under  that  respect  to 
overflow.  May  the  Lord  Jesus,  our  eternal  Melchizedek,  meet 
your  lordship  in  all  those  honourable  affairs  which  he  hath 
called  you  unto,  with  the  constant  refreshment  and  benediction 
of  his  Holy  Spirit,  and  long  preserve  you  a  faithful  patron  of 
the  church  which  he  hath  "  purchased  with  his  own  blood," 
Acts  XX.  28;  and  a  worthy  instrument  of  the  justice,  honom, 
and  tranquillity  of  this  kingdom. 

Your  lordship's  most  humbly  devoted, 

Edward  Reynolds. 



The  analysis  of  the  Psalm 2 

Verse  1. 

Christ's  ordination  to  his  kingdom 5 

The  quality  of  Christ's  kingdom 6 

Christ  compels  not  man's  will 8 

Subjection  due  to  Christ 9 

The  necessity  of  subjection 11 

Christ  the  Son  of  David 12 

How  Christ  is  a  Lord 13 

How  Christ  is  a  Lord  to  us  and  the  patriarchs 14 

Obedience  due  unto  Christ 16 

The  power  of  Christ's  kingdom 17 

The  exaltation  of  Christ 18 

Necessity  of  Christ's  humiliation 22 

Administration  of  Christ's  kingdom 25 

The  Holy  Spirit  the  gift  of  Christ 26 

Different  operations  of  Christ's  Spirit 28 

The  Spirit  our  Comforter 35 

The  healing  and  renewing  virtue  of  the  Spirit 38 

The  Spirit  makes  fruitful 40 

Continual  supply  of  the  Spirit 41 

False  love  to  Christ 42 

Grounds  of  false  love  to  Christ 44 

Evidences  of  true  love  to  Christ 51 

Stability  of  Christ's  kingdom 57 

Claims  of  papal  monarchy  examined 61 

Intranquillity  of  the  church 68 

God's  patience  hath  fixed  bounds 69 

The  obstinacy  of  sin 71 

Punishment  of  the  wicked 73 

Christ's  enemies  his  footstool 87 

Verse  2. 

Christ's  regalities 95 

The  rod  of  Christ's  strength 98 

The  power  of  the  gospel .  100 

The  glory  of  the  gospel 121 

Christ's  care  of  his  church 170 



The  gospel  is  Christ's  own  power 186 

The  gospel  sent  by  God 194 

The  ministerial  office 197 

The  throne  of  Christ's  kingdom 201 

The  calling  of  the  gentiles 203 

The  church  the  seat  of  saving  truth 204 

The  stability  of  the  church 209 

Christ's  kingdom  opposed  in  the  world 213 

Verse  3. 

Analysis  of  third  verse *     .  218 

The  subjects  of  Christ's  kingdom 221 

Christ's  people  have  a  war  to  fight 229 

Christ's  people  a  willing  people 232 

How  Christ's  people  are  made  willing 251 

The  beauty  of  holiness 260 

Christ's  subjects  are  numerous 272 

The  spiritual  birth  of  a  christian 278 

Veese  4. 

Christ's  Priesthood  confirmed  by  an  oath 285 

How  God  is  said  to  repent,  and  how  not 293 

The  immutability  of  the  new  covenant 295 

The  Priesthood  of  Christ 299 

The  sacrifice  of  Christ 315 

The  intercession  of  Christ 319 

Justification  by  imputed  righteousness 326 

Our  duty  in  respect  to  Christ's  Priesthood 341 

The  order  of  Christ's  Priesthood 343 

Verses  5,  6. 

The  victories  of  Christ 360 

Verse  7. 

The  sufferings  and  resurrection  of  Christ 382 


HLU,    1\UV  Itiil 



Christ  Jesus  the  Lord  is  the  sum  and  centre  of  all 
divinely  revealed  truth ;  neither  is  anything  to  be  preached 
unto  men,  as  an  object  of  their  faith,  or  necessary  element  of 
their  salvation,  which  doth  not,  some  way  or  other,  either 
meet  in  him,  or  refer  unto  him.  All  truths,  especially  di- 
vine, are  of  a  noble  and  precious  nature ;  and,  therefore, 
whatsoever  mysteries  of  his  counsel  God  hath  been  pleased 
in  his  word  to  reveal,  the  church  is  bound  in  her  ministry  to 
declare  unto  men.  And  St.  Paul  professeth  his  faithfulness 
therein  ;  "  I  have  not  shunned  to  declare  unto  you  all  the 
counsel  of  God,"  Acts  xx.  27 :  but  yet  all  this  counsel, 
which  elsewhere  he  calls  "the  testimony  of  God,"  he 
gathers  together  into  one  conclusion ;  "  I  determined  not  to 
know  anything  among  you ;"  that  is,  in  my  preaching  unto 
you  to  make  discovery  of  any  other  knowledge,  as  matter  of 
consequence  or  faith,  "  save  Jesus  Christ,  and  him  crucified," 
1  Cor.  ii.  1,  2.  And  therefore  preaching  of  the  word  is 
called  preaching  of  Christ,  2  Cor.  iv.  5 ;  and  ministers  of  the 
word,  ministers  of  Christ,  1  Cor.  iv.  1,  2;  and  learning  of  the 
word,  learning  of  Christ,  Eph.  iv.  20 ;  because  our  faith,  our 
works,  and  our  worship,  which  are  the  three  essential  elements 
of  a  christian,  the  whole  duty  of  man,  and  the  whole  will  of 
God,  have  all  their  foundation,  growth,  end,  and  virtue  only 
in  and  from  Christ  crucified.  There  is  no  fruit,  weight,  nor 
value  in  a  christian's  title,  but  only  in  and  from  the  death  of 

The  word  in   general  is  divided  into  the  Old  and  New 
Testament,  both  which  are  the  same  in  substance,  though 


different  in  the  manner  of  their  dispensations,  as  Moses  veiled 
differed  from  himself  unveiled.  Now,  that  Christ  is  the  sub- 
stance of  the  whole  New  Testament,  containing  the  history, 
doctrines,  and  prophecies  of  him  in  the  administration  of  the 
latter  ages  of  the  church,  is  very  manifest  to  all.  The  old 
Scriptures  are  again  divided  into  the  law  and  prophets  ;  for 
the  historical  parts  of  them  contain  either  typical  prefigurations 
of  the  evangelical  church,  or  inductions  and  exemplary  demon- 
strations of  the  general  truth  of  God's  justice  and  promises, 
which  are  set  forth  by  way  of  doctrine  and  precept  in  the  law 
and  prophets.  Now,  Christ  is  the  sum  of  both  tliese,  Matt, 
v.  17;  Luke  xvi.  16:  they  waited  upon  him  in  his  transfi- 
guration, Luke  ix.  28,  to  note  that  in  him  they  had  their 
accomplishment.  1.  For  the  law  ;  Christ  is  the  substance 
of  it ;  he  brought  grace,  to  fulfil  the  exactions,  and  truth,  to 
make  good  the  prefigurations  of  the  whole  law,  John  i.  17. 
The  ceremonial  law  he  fulfilled,  and  abolished:  the  moral 
law  he  fulfilled,  and  established ;  that  his  obedience  thereunto 
might  be  the  ground  of  our  righteousness,  and  his  spirit 
and  grace  therewith  might  be  the  ground  of  our  obedience ; 
and  therefore  it  is  called  the  law  of  Christ,  Gal.  vi.  2. 
2.  For  the  prophets  ;  he  is  the  sum  of  them,  too,  for  to 
him  they  give  all  witness.  Acts  x.  43.  He  is  the  Author  of 
their  prophecies ;  they  spake  by  his  Spirit :  and  he  is  the 
object  of  their  prophecies ;  they  spake  of  the  grace  and  sal- 
vation which  was  to  come  by  him,  1  Pet.  x.  11  :  so  that  the 
whole  Scriptures  are  nothing  else  but  a  testimony  of  Christ, 
and  faith  in  him.  of  that  absolute  and  universal  necessity 
which  is  laid  upon  all  the  world  to  believe  in  his  name,  John 
V.  39.  It  is  not  only  a  necessary  precept,  because  we  are  there- 
unto commanded ;  but  a  necessary  medium  too,  because  he  is  the 
only  ladder  between  earth  and  heaven,  the  alone  Mediator 
between  God  and  man ;  in  him  there  is  a  final  and  unabolish- 
able  covenant  established,  and  there  is  no  name  but  his 
under  heaven  by  which  a  man  can  be  saved.  Acts  iv.  12. 

In  consideration  of  all  which,  I  have  chosen  to  speak  upon 
this  Psalm,  and  out  of  it  to  discover  those  ways  whereby  the 
life  of  Christ  is  dispensed  and  administered  towards  his 
church.  For  this  psalm  is  one  of  the  clearest  and  most 
compendious  prophecies  of  the  person  and  offices  of  Christ 
in  the  whole  Old  Testament,  and  so  full  of  fundamental 
truth,  that  I  shall  not  shun  to  call  it  David's  creed.  And, 
indeed,  there  are  very  few,  if  any,  of  the  articles  of  that  creed 


which  we  all  generally  profess  which  are  not  either  plainly 
expressed,  or  by  most  evident  implication  couched  in  this 
little  model.  First,  The  doctrine  of  the  Trinity  is  in  the  first 
words  ;  "  The  Lord  said  unto  my  Lord."  There  is  Jehpvah 
the  Father,  and  my  Lord  the  Son  ;  and  the  sanctification  or 
consecration  of  him,  which  was  by  the  Holy  Ghost ;  by 
whose  fulness  he  was  anointed  unto  the  offices  of  King  and 
Priest;  for  so  our  Saviour  himself  expounds  this  word  "said," 
by  the  sealing  and  sanctification  of  him  to  his  office,  John  x. 
34 — 36.  Then  we  have  the  incarnation  of  Christ  in  the 
words,  "  My  Lord,"  together  with  his  dignity  and  honour 
above  David,  as  our  Saviour  himself  expounds  it,  Matt.  xxii. 
42,  45.  Mine,  that  is,  my  Son  by  descent  and  genealoo-y, 
after  the  flesh,  and  yet  my  Lord,  too,  in  regard  of  a  hio-her 
Sonship.  We  have  also  the  sufferings  of  Christ,  in  that  he 
was  consecrated  a  Priest,  ver.  4,  to  offer  up  himself  once  for 
all,  and  so  "  to  drink  of  the  brook  in  the  way,"  ver.  7.  We 
have  his  breaking  forth,  and  conquest  over  all  his  enemies ; 
his  sufferings ;  his  resurrection :  "  He  shall  lift  up  his 
head."  His  ascension  and  intercession ;  "  Sit  thou  on  my 
right  hand."  And  in  that  is  comprised  his  descent  into 
hell,  by  St.  Paul's  way  of  arguing, — "  That  he  ascended) 
what  is  it  but  that  he  descended  first  into  the  lower  parts  of 
the  earth  ?  "  Eph.  iv.  9.  We  have  a  holy  cathohc  "church, 
gathered  together  by  the  sceptre  of  his  kingdom,  and  holding 
in  the  parts  thereof  a  blessed  and  beautiful  communion  of 
saints ;  "  The  Lord  shall  send  the  rod  of  thy  strength  out 
of  Zion :  rule  thou  in  the  midst  of  thine  enemies.  Thy 
people  shall  be  willing  in  the  day  of  thy  power,  in  the  beau- 
ties of  holiness  from  the  womb  of  the  morning :  thou  hast 
the  dew  of  thy  youth."  We  have  the  last  judgment,  for  all 
his  enemies  must  be  put  under  his  feet,  which  is  the 
apostle's  argument  to  prove  the  end  of  all  things,  1  Cor.  xv. 
25.  And  there  is  the  day  of  his  wrath,  wherein  he  shall 
accomplish  that  judgment  over  the  heathen,  and  that  victory 
over  the  kings  of  the  earth,  who  take  counsel  and  band 
themselves  against  him,  which  he  doth  here  in  his  word 
begin.  We  have  the  remission  of  sins  comprised  in  his 
priesthood,  for  he  was  to  offer  sacrifice  for  the  remission  of 
sins,  and  to  put  away  sin  by  the  sacrifice  of  himself,  Eph, 
i.  7  ;  Heb.  ix.  26.  We  have  the  resurrection  of  the  body* 
because  he  must  subdue  all  his  enemies  under  his  feet ;  and 
the  last  enemy  to  be  subdued  is  death,  as  the  apostle  arc^ues 
B  2 


out  of  this  Psalm,  1  Cor.  xv.  25,  26,  And,  lastly,  we  have 
life  everlasting,  in  the  everlasting  merit  and  virtue  of  his 
priesthood ;  "  Thou  art  a  priest  for  ever  after  the  order  of 
Melchizedek ;"  and  in  his  sitting  at  the  right  hand  of  God, 
whither  he  is  gone  as  our  Forerunner,  and  to  prepare  a  place 
for  us,  Heb.  vi.  20 ;  John  xiv.  2 ;  and  therefore  the  apostle, 
from  his  sitting  there,  and  ever  living,  inferreth  the  perfection 
and  certainty  of  our  salvation,  Rom.  vi.  8.  11;  viii.  17; 
Eph.  ii.  6;  Col.  iii.  1—4;  1  Cor.  xv.  49;  Phil.  iii.  20,  21; 
1  Thess.  iv,  14;  Heb.  vii.  25;   1  John  iii.  2. 

The  sum,  then,  of  the  whole  Psalm  is  this  : — The  ordination 
of  Christ  unto  his  kingdom,  together  with  the  dignity  and 
virtue  thereof,  ver.  1.  The  sceptre,  or  instrument  of  that 
kingly  power,  ver.  2.  The  strength  and  success  of  both  in 
recovering,  notwithstanding  all  the  malice  of  enemies,  a  king- 
dom of  willing  subjects,  and  those  in  multitudes,  unto  himself, 
ver.  2,  3.  The  consecration  of  him  unto  that  everlasting 
priesthood,  by  the  virtue  and  merit  whereof  he  purchased  this 
kingdom  to  himself,  ver.  4.  The  conquest  over  all  his 
strongest  and  most  numerous  adversaries,  ver.  5,  6.  The 
proof  of  all,  and  the  way  of  effecting  it,  in  his  sufferings  and 
exaltation.  He  shall  gather  a  church,  and  he  shall  confound 
his  enemies,  because  for  that  end  he  hath  finished  and  broken 
through  all  the  sufferings  which  he  was  to  drink  of,  and  hath 
lifted  up  his  head  again. 



Here  the  Holy  Ghost  begins  with  the  kingdom  of  Christ, 
which  he  describes  and  magnifies ;  1.  By  his  unction  and 
designation  thereunto,  the  word  or  decree  of  his  Father, — 
"  The  Lord  said."  2.  By  the  greatness  of  his  person  in 
himself,  and  yet  nearness  in  blood  and  nature  unto  us, — "  my 
Lord."  3.  By  the  glory,  power,  and  heavenliness  of  his 
kingdom ;  for  in  the  administration  thereof  he  sitteth  at  the 
right  hand  of  his  Father, — "  Sit  thou  at  my  right  hand."  4. 
By  the  continuance  and  victories  thereof, — "  until  I  make  thine 
enemies  thy  footstool." 

"  The  Lord  said."  Some  read  it,  "  certainly  or  assuredly 
said,"  by  reason  of  the  affinity  which  the  original  word  hath 

Christ's  ordination  to  his  kingdom.  5 

with  Amen,  (from  which  it  differs  only  in  the  transposition  of 
the  same  radical  letters  ;)  which  would  afford,  by  the  way,  this 
observation,  that  all  which  God  says  of  or  to  his  Son  is  very 
faithful  and  true.  For  which  cause  the  gospel  is,  by  special 
emphasis,  called  "  the  word  of  truth,"  Eph.  i.  13  ;  and,'  "  a 
faithful  saying,  worthy  of  all  acceptation,'  1  Tim.  i.  13 ;  or, 
"  most  worthy  to  be  believed  and  embraced,"  for  so  the  Greek 
words,  being  applied  unto  the  gospel,  signify,  John  i.  12 ; 
John  iii.  33;  Acts  xvii.  11;  being  opposite  unto  Acts 
xiii.  46. 

I.  But  the  principal  thing  here  to  be  noted  is,  the  decree, 
appointment,  sanctification,  and  sealing  of  Christ  unto  his 
regal  office.  For  the  "  word  of  God  "  in  the  Scripture  signifies 
his  blessing,  power,  pleasure,  ordination.  "  Man  shall  not 
live  by  bread  alone,  but  by  every  word  which  proceedeth  out 
of  the  mouth  of  God,"  Matt.  iv.  4.  That  is,  by  that  com- 
mand which  the  creatures  have  received  from  God  to  nourish 
by,  that  benediction  and  sanctification  which  maketh  every 
creature  of  God  good  unto  us,  1  Tim.  iv.  5.  God's  saying 
is  ever  doing  something ;  his  words  are  operative,  and  carry 
an  unction  and  authority  along  with  them. 

Whence  we  may  note, — That  Christ's  kingdom  belongs 
to  him,  not  by  usurpation,  intrusion,  or  violence;  but  Je- 
gally,  by  order,  decree,  investiture  from  his  Father.  All 
kings  reign  by  God's  providence,  but  not  always  by  his 
approbation.  "  They  have  set  up  kings,  but  not  by  me ; 
they  have  made  princes,  and  I  knew  it  not,"  Hosea  viii.  4. 
But  Christ  is  a  King  both  by  the  providence  and  by  the  good 
will  and  immediate  consecration  of  his  Father.  "  The 
Father  loveth  the  Son,  and  hath  given  all  things  into  his 
hand,"  John  iii.  35.  "  The  Father  judgeth  no  man,  but 
hath  committed  all  judgment  to  his  Son,"  John  v.  22 ; 
that  is,  hath  intrusted  him  with  the  economy  and  actual 
administration  of  that  power  in  the  church  which  originally 
belonged  unto  himself.  He  hath  made  him  to  be  "  Lord 
and  Christ,"  Acts  ii.  36.  He  hath  "  ordained  him  to  be 
Judge  of  quick  and  dead,"  Acts  x.  42.  He  hath  appointed 
him  "  over  his  own  house,"  Heb.  iii.  2,  6.  He  hath 
crowned  him,  and  "  put  all  things  in  subjection  under  his 
feet,"  Heb.  ii.  7,  8.  He  hath  "  highly  exalted  him,  and 
given  him  a  name  above  every  name,"  Phil.  ii.  9.  There- 
fore he  calleth  him,  "  My  King ;"  set  up  by  him  upon  his  own 
holy  hill,  and  that  in  virtue  of  a  solemn  decree,  Psa.  ii.  6,  7. 


But  we  must  here    distinguish  between   Christ's  natural 
kingdom,  which  belongeth  unto  him  as  God  co-essential  and 
co-eternal  with  his  Father ;  and  his  dispensatory  kingdom,  as 
he  is  Christ  the  Mediator,  which  was  his,  not  by  nature,  but 
by  donation  and  unction  from  his  Father,  that  he  might  be 
the  Head  of  his  church,  a  Prince  of  peace,  and  a  King  of 
righteousness  unto  his   people.      In   which   respect  he  had 
conferred  upon  him  all  such  meet  qualifications  as  might  fit 
him  for  the  dispensation  of  this  kingdom.     1.  God  prepared 
him  a  body,  or  a  human  nature,  Heb.  x.  3,  and,  by  the  grace 
of  personal  and  hypostatical  union  caused  the  Godhead  to 
dwell  bodily  in  him,  Col.  ii,  9.     2.  He  anointed  him  with  a 
fulness  of  his  Spirit ;  not  such  a  fulness  as  John  the  Baptist 
and  Stephen  had,  Luke  i.  15;  Acts  vi.  5,  which  was  still  the 
fulness  of  a  measure  or  vessel,  a  fulness  for  themselves  only, 
Eph.  iv.   7 ;    1  Cor.  xii.  11;    Rom.  xii.   3,  but    a   fulness 
without  measure,  like  the  fulness  of   light  in  the  sun,  or 
water  in  the  sea,  which  hath  an  unsearchable  sufficiency  and 
redundancy  for  the  whole  church,   John  iii.  34;  Eph.  iii.  8; 
Mai.  iv.  2.     So  that  as  he  was  furnished  with  all  spiritual 
endowments  of  wisdom,  judgment,  power,  love,  holiness,  for 
the  dispensation  of  his  own  office,  Isa.  xi.  2;  Ixi.  1,  so  from 
his  fulness  did  there  run  over  a  share  and  portion  of  all  his 
graces  unto  his  church,  John  i.  16;  Col.  i.  19.     3.  He  did 
by  a  solemn  and  public  promulgation  proclaim  the  kingdom 
of  Christ  unto  the  church,  and  declare  the  decree  in  that 
heavenly  voice  which  came  unto    him    from    the    excellent 
glory,    "  This    is    my   beloved    Son,    in   whom   I    am   well 
pleased,  hear  ye  him,"  Matt.  iii.  17;  xvii.  3;  2  Pet.  i.  17. 
4.  He  hath  given  him  a  sceptre  of  righteousness,  and  hath 
put  a  sword  in  his  mouth,  and  a  rod  of  iron  in  his  hand, 
made  him  a  Preacher  and  an  Apostle,  to  reveal  the  secrets  of 
his  bosom,  and  to  testify  the  things  which  he  hath  seen  and 
heard.     5.  He  hath  honoured  him  with  many  ambassadors 
and  servants  to  negociate  the  affairs  of  his  kingdom,  "  some 
apostles,  and  some  prophets,  and  some  evangelists,  and  some 
pastors  and  teachers,  for  the  perfecting  of  the  saints,  for  the 
work   of  the  ministry,   and  for  the   edifying  of  his  body," 
Eph.  iv.  11,    12;    2  Cor.  v.  20.      6.   He  hath  given  him 
the  souls  and  consciences  of  men,  even  to  the  uttermost  parts 
of  the  earth,  for  his  possession,  and  for  the  territories  of  his 
kingdom,   Psa.  ii.  8  ;  John  xvii.  6.     7.   He  hath  given  him 
a  power  concerning  the  laws  of  his  church.     A  power  to 


make  laws,  the  law  of  faith,  (as  St.  Paul  calls  it,  Rom.  iii. 
27,)  Mark  xvi.  15,  16.  A  power  to  expound  laws,  as  the 
moral  law.  Matt.  v.  A  power  to  abrogate  laws,  as  the  law 
of  ordinances,  Col.  ii.  14.  8.  He  hath  given  him  a  power 
of  judging  and  condemning  enemies,  John  v.  27 ;  Luke  xix. 
27.  Lastly,  he  hath  given  him  a  power  of  remitting  sins, 
and  sealing  pardons,  which  is  a  royal  prerogative,  Matt.  ix. 
6 ;  John  xx.  23.  And  these  things  belong  unto  him  as  he 
is  man  as  well  as  God,  John  v.  27.  For  the  works  of 
Christ's  mediation  were  of  two  sorts  ;  works  of  service  and 
ministry,  for  he  took  upon  himself  the  form  of  a  servant,  and 
was  a  minister  of  the  circumcision,  Phil.  ii.  8  ;  Rom.  xv.  8 : 
and  works  of  authority  and  government  in  the  church ;  "  All 
power  is  given  unto  me  in  heaven  and  earth,"  Matt, 
xxviii.  18. 

The  quality  of  this  kingdom  is  not  temporal  or  secular, 
over  the  natural  lives  or  civil  negociations  of  men.  He  came 
not  to  be  ministered  unto,  but  to  minister ;  his  kingdom  was 
not  of  this  world;  he  disclaimed  any  civil  power  in  the  dis- 
tribution of  lands  and  possessions  ;  he  withdrew  himself  from 
the  people  when  by  force  they  would  have  made  him  a  king; 
and  himself,  that  in  this  point  he  might  give  none  offence, 
paid  tribute  unto  Ceesar,  Matt.  xx.  28 ;  xvii.  27  ;  John  xviii. 
36;  Luke  xii.  13,  14;  John  vi.  15.  But  his  kingdom  is 
spiritual  and  heavenly,  over  the  souls  of  men,  to  bind  and 
loose  the  conscience,  to  remit  and  retain  sins,  to  awe  and 
overrule  the  hearts,  to  captivate  the  affections,  to  bring  into 
obedience  the  thoughts,  to  subdue  and  pull  down  strong- 
holds, to  break  in  pieces  his  enemies  with  an  iron  rod,  to 
slay  them  with  the  words  of  his  mouth,  to  implant  fearfulness 
and  astonishment  in  the  hearts  of  hypocrites,  and  to  give 
peace,  security,  protection,  and  assurance  to  his  people. 

The  way  whereby  he  enters  upon  his  kingdom  is  ever  by 
way  of  conquest.  For  though  the  souls  of  the  elect  are  his, 
yet  his  enemies  have  the  first  possession;  as  Canaan  was 
Abraham's  by  promise,  but  his  seed's  by  victory.  Not  but 
that  Christ  proclaims  peace  first,  but  because  men  will  not  come 
over  nor  submit  to  him  without  war.  The  strong  man  will  not 
yield  to  be  utterly  spoiled  and  crucified  upon  terms  of  peace. 
Hence,  then,  we  may  first  learn  the  great  authority  and 
power  of  this  King,  who  holds  his  crown  by  immediate  tenure 
from  heaven,  and  was,  after  a  more  excellent  manner  than 
any  other    kings,   thereunto    decreed  and  anointed  by   God 


himself.  Much,  then,  are  they  to  blame  who  find  out  ways  to 
diminish  the  kingdom  of  Christ,  and  boldly  affirm  that 
though  a  King  he  could  not  but  be,  yet  he  might  be  without  a 
kingdom ;  a  King  in  personal  right,  without  subjects  or  terri- 
tories to  exercise  his  regal  power  in ;  a  King  only  to  punish 
enemies,  but  not  a  King  to  govern  or  to  feed  a  people.  But 
shall  God  give  his  Son  the  uttermost  parts  of  the  earth  for 
his  possession,  and  shall  men  withhold  it?  Shall  God  give 
men  unto  Christ,  "  Thine  they  were,  and  thou  gavest  them 
me,"  John  xvii.  6,  and  shall  they  detain  themselves  from 
him?  What  is  it  that  He  gives  unto  his  Son  but  the 
souls,  the  hearts,  the  very  thoughts  of  men,  to  be  made  obe- 
dient unto  his  sceptre?  2  Cor.  x.  5 ;  and  shall  it  then  be  within 
the  compass  of  human  power  to  effect,  as  it  is  in  their  pride 
to  maintain,  that,  if  possible,  there  should  be  no  church? 
We  know  one  principal  part  of  the  kingdom  and  power  of 
Christ  is  to  cast  down  imaginations,  and  every  high  thing 
that  exalteth  itself  against  the  knowledge  of  God;  and  that, 
not  only  unto  conviction,  but  unto  obedience,  as  the  apostle 
shows  ;  to  send  such  gifts  of  the  Spirit  unto  men  as  should 
benefit  the  very  rebellious,  that  God  might  dwell  amongst 
them,  Psa.  Ixviii.  18;  for  inasmuch  as  Christ  came  to  destroy 
the  works  of  the  devil,  that  is,  sin,  as  the  apostle  shows, 
1  John  iii.  8 ;  John  viii.  41,  44,  and  in  their  place  to  bring  in 
the  work  of  God,  which  is  faith  in  him,  for  so  that  grace  is 
frequently  styled,  John  vi.  29;  Phil.  i.  29;  Col.  ii.  12, 
therefore  it  is  requisite  that  none  of  Satan's  instruments  and 
confederates,  such  as  the  hearts  of  natural  men  are,  should  be 
too  strong  for  the  grace  of  Christ. 

But  what  then,  doth  Christ  compel  men  against  their 
wills  to  be  subject  unto  him?  No,  in  no  wise.  He  hath 
ordered  to  bring  them  in  by  way  of  voluntariness  and  obe- 
dience. And  herein  is  the  wisdom  of  his  power  seen,  that 
his  grace  shall  mightily  produce  those  effects  in  men,  which 
their  hearts  shall  most  obediently  and  willingly  consent  unto ; 
that  he  is  able  to  use  the  proper  and  genuine  motions  of 
second  causes  to  the  producing  of  his  own  most  holy,  wise, 
and  merciful  purposes.  As  we  see  wisdom  can  so 
order,  moderate,  and  make  use  of  natural  motions  that  by 
them  artificial  effects  shall  be  produced;  as  in  a  clock  the 
natural  motion  of  the  weight  or  plummet  causeth  the  artificial 
distribution  of  hours  and  minutes;  and  m  a  mill  the  natural 
motion  of  the  wind  or  water  causeth  an  artificial  effect  in 


grinding  the  corn ;  how  much  more,  then,  shall  the  wisdom 
of  Almighty  God,  whose  weakness  is  stronger,  and  whose 
foolishness  is  wiser  than  men,  be  able  so  to  use,  incline,  and 
order  the  wills  of  men,  without  destroying  them  or  their 
liberty,  as  that  thereby  the  kingdom  of  his  Son  shall  be  set 
up  amongst  them?  so  that  though  there  be  still  an  habitual, 
radical,  fundamental  indetermination  and  indifferency  unto 
several  ways,  unto  none  of  which  there  can  be  a  compul- 
sion, yet,  by  the  secret,  ineffable,  and  most  sweet  operation 
of  the  Spirit  of  grace,  opening  the  eyes,  convincing  the  judg- 
ment, persuading  the  affections,  inclining  the  heart,  giving 
an  understanding,  quickening  and  awakening  the  conscience, 
a  man  shall  be  swayed  unto  the  obedience  of  Christ;  and 
shall  come  unto  him  so  certainly,  as  if  he  were  drawn;  and 
yet  so  freely,  as  if  he  were  left  unto  himself.  For  in  the 
calling  of  men  by  the  word,  there  is  a  trahere,  and  a  venire, 
— a  drawing,  and  a  coming.  The  Father  draweth,  and  the 
man  cometh,  John  vi.  44.  That  notes  the  efficacy  of  grace, 
and  this  the  sweetness  of  grace.  Grace  worketh  strongly, 
and  therefore  God  is  said  to  draw;  and  it  worketh  sweetly 
too,  and  therefore  man  is  said  to  come. 

Again,  from  hence  we  learn  our  duty  unto  this  King,  the 
honour  and  subjection  which  is  due  unto  him.  "  The  Father 
hath  committed  all  judgment  unto  the  Son ;"  that  is,  hath 
anointed  him  with  the  office  and  abilities  of  a  king  ;  for  judg- 
ment stands  for  the  whole  duty  of  a  king,  Psa.  Ixxii.  1,  and 
is  therefore  frequently  attributed  unto  the  Messiah,  Isa.  xlii. 
1,  4;  Jer.  xxiii.  5;  xxxiii.  15.  And  from  thence  our 
Saviour  infers,  "  that  all  men  should  honour  the  Son,  even  as 
they  honour  the  Father,"  John  v.  22,  23,  with  the  same 
worship,  reverence,  and  subjection.  For  "  God  hath  highly 
exalted  him,  and  given  him  a  name  above  every  name,  that 
at  the  name  of  Jesus,"  that  is,  unto  that  Holy  Thing,  unto 
the  power  and  sceptre  of  that  Divine  Person,  which  is  unto 
us  so  comfortably  manifested  in  a  name  of  salvation,  "  every 
knee  shall  bow,"  Phil.  ii.  9,  10.  This  duty  the  psalmist 
expresseth  by  "  kissing  the  Son,"  Psa.  ii.  12.  Which  de- 
noteth  unto  us  three  things:  1.  Love.  For  a  kiss  is  a 
symbol  and  expression  of  love,  and  therefore  used  by  the 
primitive  christians  in  their  feasts  of  love,  and  after  prayer 
to  God,  and  oftentimes  enjoined  by  St.  Paul  as  an  expression 
of  christian  love ;  insomuch  that  it  was  a  proverbial  speech 
amongst  the  heathen,  *'  See  how  these  christians  love  one 
B  3 


another!"  And  this  is  a  duty  which  the  apostle  requires, 
under  pain  of  the  extremest  curse  that  can  light  upon  a  man, 
to  love  the  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  1  Cor.  xvi.  22;  Eph.  vi. 
24.  "  He  that  loveth  father  or  mother  more  than  me," 
saith  our  Saviour,  "  he  is  not  worthy  of  me ;  or  son  or 
daughter  more  than  me,  he  is  not  worthy  of  me,"  Matt.  x. 
37.  That  is,  he  is  utterly  unqualified  for  the  benefit  of  my 
mediation;  for  he  that  hath  good  by  me  cannot  choose  but 
love  me,  Luke  vii.  47.  2.  To  kiss,  in  the  Scripture  phrase, 
noteth  worship  and  service :  "  Let  the  men  that  sacrifice  kiss 
the  calves,"  Hosea  xiii.  2;  Job  xxxi.  26,  27.  And  thus  we 
find  the  four  beasts,  and  the  four  and  twenty  elders,  and 
every  creature  in  heaven  and  on  earth,  and  under  the  earth, 
worshipping  the  Lamb,  and  ascribing  "  blessing,  honour, 
glory,  and  power  unto  him,"  Rev.  v.  8,  14.  3.  To  kiss  is 
an  expression  of  loyalty  and  obedience ;  thus  Samuel  kissed 
Saul,  when  he  had  anointed  him  king  over  Israel,  1  Sam. 
X.  L  And  this  is  a  duty  which  we  owe  unto  Christ,  to  be 
obedient  to  him,  to  be  ruled  by  his  mouth,  and  by  the  sceptre 
of  his  mouth  ;  that  is,  by  his  word,  which  is  therefore  called 
the  law  of  Christ,  because  it  hath  a  binding  power  in  it. 
We  are  commanded  from  heaven  to  hear  him,  Matt.  xvii.  5 ; 
and  that,  too,  under  pain  of  a  curse :  every  soul  which  will 
not  hear  that  Prophet  shall  be  destroyed  from  among  the 
people,  Acts  iii.  23.  We  should  learn,  therefore,  to  take 
his  commands  as  from  God,  for  he  speaketh  his  Father's 
words,  and  in  his  name,  Deut.  xviii.  19 ;  John  iii.  34. 
When  Ahasuerus  commanded  Haman  to  put  on  the  crown 
upon  Mordecai,  he  presently  executed  the  king's  pleasure, 
and  honoured  his  greatest  enemy,  because  the  king  required 
it.  Now,  God  hath  made  Christ  our  King,  and  hath  "  crowned 
him  with  honour  and  majesty,"  as  the  apostle  speaks,  Heb. 
ii.  9,  and  requires  of  us  to  kiss  his  Son,  and  to  bow  unto  his 
name;  and,  therefore,  be  we  what  we  may,  princes  or  judges, 
or  great  men  of  the  world,  who  rejoice  in  nothing  more  than 
in  the  name  of  wisdom,  this  is  our  wisdom  and  duty,  Psa. 
ii.  10,  12.  It  is  too  ordinary  with  great  men  to  be  regard- 
less of  God  and  his  ways.  Yet  we  see  the  wrath  of  God  in 
his  creatures;  fire,  tempest,  pestilence,  sword,  sickness, 
make  no  distinction  between  them  and  others ;  how  much 
less  will  God  himself  make,  when  all  crowns,  and  sceptres, 
and  dignities  shall  be  resigned  to  him,  and  all  men  shall 
stand  in  an  equal  distance  and  condition  before  the  tribunal 


of  Christ,  when  no  titles  of  honour,  no  eminency  of  station, 
no  treasures  of  wealth,  no  strength  of  dependences,  no  retinue 
and  train  of  servants,  will  accompany  a  man  into  the  presence 
of  the  Lamb,  or  stand  between  him  and  the  judgment  of 
that  great  day.  We  know  he  was  a  king  that  feared  the 
presence  of  a  persecuted  prophet,  1  Kings  xxi.  20;  and  he 
was  a  governor  that  trembled  at  the  preaching  of  an  apostle 
in  chains.  Acts  xxi  v.  26. 

The  word  of  God  cannot  be  bound  nor  limited ;  it  is  the 
sceptre  which  his  Father  hath  given  him,  and  we  cannot, 
without  open  contest  against  God,  resist  his  government 
therein  over  us.  "  He  that  despiseth  you  despiseth  me ;  and 
he  that  despiseth  me  despiseth  him  that  sent  me,"  saith  our 
Saviour,  Luke  x.  16.  It  is  Christ  himself,  whose  ambassa- 
dors we  are,  and  with  whom  men  have  to  do  in  our  ministry. 
And  he  will  have  it  so:  1.  For  our  peace;  if  God  were  to 
speak  again  by  the  ministry  of  angels,  in  thunder  and  fire,  as 
he  did  on  mount  Sinai,  we  should  quickly  call  for  Moses 
and  ministers  again,  Exod.  xx.  19.  2.  For  his  own  glory, 
that  the  excellency  may  be  of  God,  and  not  of  men,  2  Cor. 
iv.  7.  That  it  may  not  be  in  him  that  planteth,  nor  in  him 
that  watereth,   "  but   in   God  which  giveth    the   increase," 

1  Cor.  iii.  7.  That  it  may  not  be  in  him  which  willeth,  nor 
in  him  which  runneth,  "  but  of  God  which  showeth  mercv," 
Rom.  ix.  16.  That  the  service,  co-operation,  and  help"  of 
the  church's  joy  might  be  ours,  but  the  dominion  over  men's 
faith,  and  the  teaching  of  their  inner  man,  might  be  Christ's, 

2  Cor.  i.  24;  Eph.  iv.  20,  21.  Very  bold,  therefore,  and 
desperate  is  the  contumacy  of  those  men  who  stand  at  defiance 
with  the  power  of  Christ  speaking  in  his  servants.  The 
apostle  saith,  there  is  no  escape  for  those  who  neglect  so 
great  salvation,  Heb.  ii.  3.  And  yet  this  is  the  constant 
folly  and  cry  of  natural  men,  "  We  will  not  have  this  man 
to  reign  over  us.  Let  us  break  their  bands  asunder,  and  cast 
away  their  cords  from  us,"  Luke  xix.  14;  Psa.  ii.  3. 

But,  1.  Every  man  must  be  subject  to  some  king,  either 
Christ  or  sin,  for  they  two  divide  the  world,  and  their  kingdom.s 
will  not  consist.  And  the  subjects  of  sin  are  all  slaves  and 
servants,  no  liberty  amongst  them,  John  viii.  34;  whereas 
Christ  makes  all  his  subjects  kings,  like  himself,  Rev.  i.  6  ; 
and  his  is  a  kingdom  of  righteousness,  peace,  and  joy,  Rom. 
xiv.  17.  2.  If  men,  by  being  the  subjects  of  sin,  could  keep 
quite  out  from  the  judgment  and  sceptre  of  Christ,  it  were 


something :  but  all  men  must,  one  way  or  other,  be  subdued 
unto  him,  either  as  sons,  or  as  captives  ;  either  under  his  grace, 
or  under  his  wrath.  "  As  I  live,  saith  the  Lord,  every  knee 
shall  bow  to  me,"  Rom.  xiv.  10,  11.  He  must  be  either  a 
savour  of  life,  or  of  death ;  either  for  the  rising,  or  the  fall  of 
many  in  Israel ;  either  for  a  sanctuary,  or  for  a  stumbling  block  : 
all  must  either  be  saved  by  him,  or  judged  by  him.  There  is 
no  refuge  nor  shelter  of  escape  in  any  part  of  the  world,  for 
his  kingdom  reacheth  to  the  uttermost  corners  of  the  earth, 
and  will  find  out  and  fetch  in  all  his  enemies.  3.  The  matter 
were  not  great,  if  a  man  could  hold  out  in  the  opposition. 
But  "  can  thine  heart  endure,  or  thine  hands  be  strong,  saith  the 
Lord,  in  the  days  that  I  shall  deal  with  thee  ? "  Ezek.  xxii. 
14.  What  will  ye  do  in  the  desolation  which  shall  come 
from  far  ?  when  you  are  spoiled,  what  will  ye  do  ?  where  will 
you  leave  your  glory  ?  what  will  become  of  the  king  whom 
you  served  before  ?  It  may  be  thy  money  is  thine  idol,  and 
thou  art  held  in  thraldom  under  thine  own  possessions.  But 
what  will  remain  of  a  man's  silver  and  gold  to  carry  him 
through  the  wrath  to  come,  but  only  the  rust  thereof  to  join 
in  judgment  against  him?  It  maybe  thou  servest  the  times 
and  fashions  of  the  world,  rejoiceth  in  thy  youth,  in  the  ways 
of  thy  heart,  and  in  the  sight  of  thine  eyes  :  but  thou  must 
not  rise  out  of  thy  grave  in  thy  best  clothes,  nor  appear  be- 
fore Christ,  like  Agag,  gorgeously  apparalled.  Thou  must 
not  rise  to  play,  but  to  be  judged.  It  may  be  thou  servest 
thine  own  lust  and  another's  beauty :  but  what  pleasure  will 
there  be  in  the  fire  of  lust,  when  it  shall  be  turned  into  the 
fire  of  hell  ?  or  what  beauty  wilt  thou  find  on  the  left  hand  of 
Christ,  where  the  characters  of  every  man's  hellish  conscience 
shall  be  written  in  his  face  ?  Thou  servest  thine  own  vain- 
glory and  affectations ;  but  what  good  will  it  be  to  be  admired 
by  thy  fellow-prisoners,  and  condemned  by  thy  Judge  ?  In 
one  word,  thou  servest  any  of  thine  own  evil  desires  :  foolish 
man,  here  they  command  thee,  and  there  they  will  condemn 
thee ;  they  are  here  thy  gods,  and  they  will  be  there  thy 

II.  The  second  particular  in  the  description  of  Christ's 
kingdom  is  the  greatness,  and  nearness  of  his  person  unto 
David.  "  My  Lord."  David  calleth  him,  "  My  Lord,"  upon  a 
double  reason;  by  a  spirit  of  prophecy,  as  foreseemg  his  incar- 
nation and  nativity  out  of  the  tribe  of  Judah  and  stock  oi 
Jesse  ;  and  so  he  was  David's  son  ;  and  by  a  spirit  of  faith, 

HOW  CHRIST    IS  A  LORD.  13 

as  believing  him  to  be  his  Redeemer  and  salvation  ;  and  so 
he  was  David's  Lord.  ''A  virgin  shall  conceive,  and  bear  a 
son ;"  there  we  see  his  incarnation  and  descent  from  David  ; 
**and  shall  call  his  name  Immanuel,"  God  with  us,  Isa.  vii. 
14 ;  there  we  see  his  dominion  over  David.  As  man,  so  he 
was  his  son ;  and  as  Mediator,  so  he  was  his  Lord.  As  man, 
so  he  was  subject  unto  Mary  his  mother;  and  as  Mediator,  he 
was  the  Lord  and  Saviour  of  his  mother,  Luke  ii.  51;  i.  46, 
47.  As  man,  he  was  made  for  a  little  while  lower  than  the 
angels,  that  he  might  suffer  death  ;  but  as  Mediator,  God  and 
man,  in  one  person,  he  was  made  much  better  than  the  angels, 
all  the  angels  of  God  were  his  subjects,  to  worship  him,  and 
his  ministers,  to  wait  upon  him,  Heb.  ii.  7,  9 ;  i.  4,  6,  7. 
So  then  the  pronoun  mine  leads  us  to  the  consideration  of 
Christ's  consanguinity  with  David,  as  he  was  his  son ;  and  of 
his  dignity  above  David,  as  he  was  his  Lord. 

From  hence  we  learn,  that  though  Christ  was  man,  yet  he 
was  more  than  a  bare  man.  For,  by  the  law  of  nature,  no 
son  is  lord  to  his  father;  domination  doth  never  ascend. 
There  must  be  something  above  nature  in  him  to  make  him 
his  father's  sovereign,  as  our  Saviour  himself  argueth  from  these 
words.  Matt.  xxii.  42,  43.  Christ  then  is  a  Lord  to  his  people ; 
he  had  dominion,  and  was  the  salvation  of  his  own  forefathers 

A  Lord  ;  1.  By  right  of  the  creation.  For  he  is  "before 
all  things,  and  by  him  all  things  consist,"  Col.  i.  17  :  which 
the  apostle  makes  the  argument  of  his  sovereignty ;  "  To  us 
there  is  but  one  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  by  whom  are  all  things, 
and  we  by  him,"  1  Cor.  viii.  6. 

2.  By  a  right  of  sonship  and  primogeniture,  as  the  chief, 
the  firstborn,  the  heir  of  all  things.  He  is  not  in  the  house, 
as  Moses  was,  as  a  servant,  but  a  son  over  his  own  house,  Heb. 
iii.  3,  6.  That  is,  he  was  not  a  servant,  but  Lord  in  the 
church,  as  the  apostle  elsewhere  gives  us  the  same  distinction. 
"  We  preach  Christ  Jesus  the  Lord,  and  ourselves  your  ser- 
vants," 2  Cor.  iv.  5.  For  in  the  Scripture  phrase  the  firstborn 
notes  principality,  excellency,  and  dominion.  "  I  will  make 
him,"  saith  God,  "  my  firstborn,  higher  than  the  kings  of  the 
earth,"  Psa.  Ixxxix.  27.  So  in  Job,  the  firstborn  of  death  is 
the  same  with  the  king  of  terrors.  Job  xviii.  13,  14 ;  and  so 
the  apostle  saith,  that  the  heir  is  the  lord  of  all.  Gal.  iv.  1. 
And  therefore  from  his  primogeniture  and  designation  to  the 
inheritance  of  all  things,  he  inferreth  his  pre-eminence  and 
honour  even  above  the  angels,  Gal.  i.  18  ;  Heb.  i.  2,  4. 


3.  By  the  right  of  his  unction,  office,  and  mediatorship, 
unto  which  he  was  designed  by  his  Father.  He  w^as  in  all 
things  to  have  the  pre-eminence  ;  "  For  it  pleased  the  Father 
that  in  him  should  all  fulness  dwell,"  Col.  i.  18,  19.  Where 
by  fulness  we  must  understand  either  fulness  of  the  Godhead 
bodily,  as  the  apostle  speaks,  Col.  ii.  9 ;  or  fulness  of  the 
Spirit  of  grace,  which  St.  John  speaks  of,  John  i.  16  ;  iii.  34. 
And  in  both  respects  he  is  Lord  over  all :  in  one,  by  the  dig- 
nity of  his  hypostatical  union  ;  in  the  other,  by  the  grace  of 
his  heavenly  unction  ;  and  in  both,  as  Mediator  and  Head  in 
the  Church.  Therefore  the  apostle  saith,  "  that  God  hath 
made  him  Lord  and  Christ,"  Acts  ii.  36  ;  and  by  the  accom- 
plishment of  his  office,  in  dying,  rising,  and  reviving,  he  be- 
came Lord  both  of  the  dead  and  living,  Rom.  xiv.  9  ;  Rev.v.  12. 

And  thus  he  is  Lord  in  two  respects  :  1.  A  Lord  in  power 
and  strength.  Power  to  forgive  sins ;  power  to  quicken  whom 
he  will ;  power  to  cleanse,  justify,  and  sanctify ;  power  to  suc- 
cour in  temptations ;  power  to  raise  from  the  dead ;  power  to 
save  to  the  uttermost  all  that  come  unto  God  by  him  ;  power 
to  hold  fast  his  sheep ;  power  to  cast  out  the  accuser  of  the 
brethren  ;  power  to  put  down  all  his  enemies,  and  to  subdue 
all  things  unto  himself.  2.  A  Lord  in  authority ;  to  judge, 
to  anoint,  to  employ,  to  command  whom  and  what  he  will. 
He  only  is  Lord  over  our  persons,  over  our  faith,  over  our 
consciences  !  to  him  only  we  must  say,  "  Lord,  save  us,  lest  we 
perish  !"  and,  "  Lord,  what  wilt  thou  have  me  to  do  ?" 

And  Christ  was  such  a  Lord  to  his  own  forefathers. 
"  They  did  all  eat  of  the  same  spiritual  meat,  and  did  all  drink 
the  same  spiritual  drink,"  even  of  that  spiritual  Rock,  which 
was  Christ,  1  Cor.  x.  3,  4.  He  was  the  substance  of  the  cere- 
monies, the  doctrine  of  the  prophets,  the  accomplishment  of 
the  promises,  the  joy  and  salvation  of  the  patriarchs  and 
princes,  the  desire  and  expectation  of  all  flesh.  The  gospel 
is  to  us  a  history  and  narration,  and  therefore  delivered  by  the 
hand  of  witnesses  ;  to  them  a  promise  and  prediction,  and 
therefore  delivered  by  the  hand  of  prophets.  The  apostles 
entered  into  the  prophets'  labours,  and  were  servants  in  the 
same  common  salvation ;  these  as  sowers,  and  they  as  reapers ; 
these  as  preachers  of  the  seed  hoped,  and  they  as  preachers 
of  the  same  seed  exhibited.  The  ancient  jews,  then,  were  not 
saved  by  bare  temporal  promises,  neither  was  their  faith  ulti- 
mately fixed  upon  ceremonies  or  earthly  things ;  but  as  their 
preachers  had  the  same  spirit  of  Christ  with  ours,  so  the  doc- 


trine  which  they  preached,  the  faith  and  obedience  which  they 
required,  the  salvation  which  they  foretold,  were  the  same 
with  ours.  As  the  same  sun  enlightens  the  stars  above  and 
the  earth  beneath,  so  the  same  Christ  was  the  righteousness 
and  salvation  both  of  his  forefathers  and  of  his  seed.  "  They 
without  us  could  not  be  made  perfect,"  Heb.  xi.  40 ;  that 
is,  as  I  conceive,  their  faith  had  nothing  actually  extant 
amongst  themselves  to  perfect  it,  but  received  all  its  form  and 
accomplishment  from  that  better  thing  which  was  provided  for, 
and  exhibited  unto  us.  "  For  the  law,"  that  is,  the  carnal 
commandment,  and  outward  ceremonies  therein  prescribed, 
"  made  nothing,"  grace,  nor  person,  "  perfect ;  but  the  bringing 
in  of  a  better  hope,"  that  is,  of  Christ,  who  as  he  is  unto  us 
the  hope  of  glory,  so  he  was  unto  them  the  hope  of  deUver- 
ance,  for  he  alone  it  is  by  whom  we  draw  nigh  unto  God, 
"  hath  perfected  for  ever  them  that  are  sanctified,"  Heb.  vii. 
19;   Heb.  X.  14. 

If  Christ  then  be  our  Lord,  we  must  trust  in  him,  and  de- 
pend upon  him  for  all  our  present  subsistence  and  our  future 
expectations.  For  he  never  faileth  those  that  wait  upon  him. 
"  He  that  believeth  in  him  shall  not  be  ashamed,"  Rom.  ix. 
23.  And  indeed  faith  is  necessary  to  call  Christ,  Lord  ;  "  No 
man  can   say  Jesus  is  the   Lord,  but  by  the  Holy  Ghost," 

1  Cor.  xii.  3 :  because  other  lords  are  present  with  us,  they 
do  with  their  own  eyes  oversee,  and  by  their  own  visible  power 
order  and  direct  us  in  their  service  :  but  Christ  is  absent  from 
our  senses  ;  "  Though  I  have  known  Christ  after  the  flesh, 
yet  henceforth,"   saith  the  apostle,  "know  I  him  no  more," 

2  Cor.  v.  16.  Therefore,  to  fear,  and  honour,  and  serve  him 
with  all  fidelity,  to  yield  more  absolute  and  universal  obedience 
to  his  commands,  though  absent,  and  though  tendered  unto  us 
by  the  ministry  of  mean  and  despicable  persons,  than  to  the 
threats  and  sceptres  of  the  greatest  princes  ;  to  labour  that  not 
only  present,  but  absent,  we  may  be  accepted  of  him;  to  do 
his  hardest  works  of  self-denial,  of  overcoming  and  rejecting 
the  assaults  of  the  world,  of  standing  out  against  principal- 
ities, and  pov.-ers,  and  spiritual  wickedness,  of  suffering  and 
dying  in  his  service,  there  needs  must  be  faith  in  the  heart  to 
see  him  present  by  his  Spirit,  to  set  our  seal  to  the  truth, 
authority,  and  majesty  of  all  his  commands ;  to  hear  the  Lord 
speaking  from  heaven,  and  to  find  by  the  secret  and  powerful 
revelations  of  his  Spirit  out  of  the  word  to  the  soul,  evident 
and  invincible  proofs  of  his  living  by  the  power  of  God,  and 


speaking  mightily  in  the  ministry  of  his  word  to  our  con- 
sciences. Therefore,  when  the  apostle  had  said,  "  We  are  ab- 
sent from  the  Lord,"  2  Cor.  v.  6,  he  presently  adds,  "  We 
walk  by  faith  ; "  that  is,  we  labour  to  yield  all  service  and 
obedience  to  this  our  Lord,  though  absent ;  because  by  faith 
(which  giveth  presence  to  things  unseen,  and  subsistence  to 
things  that  are  yet  but  hoped)  we  know  that  he  is,  and  that 
"  he  is  a  Rewarder  of  those  that  diligently  seek  him." 

And  indeed,  though  every  man  call  him  Lord,  yet  no  man 
doth  in  truth  and  sincerity  of  heart  so  esteem  him,  but  those 
who  do  in  this  manner  serve  him,  and  by  faith  walk  after 
him.  "  If  I  be  a  master,  where  is  my  fear,  saith  the  Lord?" 
Mai.  i.  6.  It  is  not  every  one  that  saith.  Lord,  Lord,  but  he 
that  doth  my  will,  that  trembleth  at  my  word,  that  laboureth 
hi  my  service,  who  declares  himself  to  be  mine  indeed.  For 
the  heart  of  man  cannot  have  two  masters,  because  which 
way  soever  it  goes,  it  goes  whole  and  undivided.  We  cannot 
serve  Christ  and  any  thing  else  which  stands  in  competition 
with  him  :  1.  Because  they  are  contrary  masters  ;  one  cannot 
be  pleased,  or  served,  without  the  disallowance  of  the  other. 
"The  spirit  that  dwelleth  in  us  lusteth  to  envy;"  that  is, 
oTudgeth,  and  cannot  endure  that  any  service  should  be  done 
to  the  Lord;  for  "the  friendship  of  the  world  is  enmity  with 
God,"  James  iv.  4,  5.  And  therefore,  saith  the  apostle,  "  If 
any  man  love  the  world,  the  love  of  the  Father  is  not  in  him," 

1  John  ii.  15  ;  and  the  reason  is,  because  they  are  contrary 
principles,  and  have  contrary  spirits  and  lusts  ;  and  therefore 
must  needs  overrule  unto  contrary  services.  2.  Because  both 
masters  have  employments  enough  to  take  up  a  whole  man. 
Satan  and  the  world  have  lusts  to  fill  the  whole  head  and 
heart  of  their  most  active  and  industrious  servants ;  for  the 
apostle  saith,  that  all  which  is  in  the  world  are  lusts,  1  John 
ii.  16.  And  the  heart  of  man  is  wholly  or  most  greedily  set 
in  him  to  do  that  evil  which  it  is  tasked  withal,  Eccles.  viii. 
11.  The  "all"  that  is  in  man,  all  his  faculties,  all  his  affec- 
tions, the  whole  compass  of  his  created  abilities,  are  all  gone 
aside,  or  turned  backward  ;  there  is  no  man,  no  part  in  man, 
that  doth  any  good,  no  not  one,  Psa.  xiv.  3 ;  hii.  3. 

Christ  likewise  is  a  great  Lord,  hath  much  m.ore  business 
than  all  the  time  or  strength  of  his  servants  can  bring  about. 
He  requireth  the  obedience   of   every  thought  of  the  heart, 

2  Cor.  X.  5.  Grace,  and  edification,  and  profit  in  all  the  words 
that  proceed  out  of  our  mouth,  Eph.  iv.  29.     A  respect  mito 


the  glory  of  God  in  whatever  works  we  go  about,  1  Cor.  x.  31. 
The  whole  soul,  body,  and  spirit,  should  be  sanctified 
throughout,  and  that  even  till  the  coming  of  our  Lord  Jesus 
Christ,  1  Thess.  v.  23.  Christ  hath  much  more  service  than 
enough  to  take  up  all  the  might,  strength,  studies,  abilities, 
time,  and  callings  of  all  his  servants  ;  every  christian  hath  his 
hands  full  of  work.  And  therefore  Christ  expostulateth  that 
it  is  an  absurd  thing  to  call  him,  Lord,  Lord,  to  profess  and  re- 
peat a  verbal  subjection,  and  yet  not  to  do  the  things  which 
he  requires,  Luke  vi.  46. 

III.  The  third  thing  observed,  touching  the  kingdom  of 
Christ,  is  the  glory  and  power  thereof,  intimated  by  his  sitting 
at  the  Lord's  right  hand.  God's  right  hand,  in  the  Scripture, 
is  a  metonymical  expression  of  the  strength,  power,  majesty, 
and  glory  that  belong  unto  him.  "  This  is  mine  infirmity," 
said  the  psalmist ;  "  but  I  will  remember  the  years  of  the 
right  hand  of  the  Most  High,"  Psa.  Ixxvii.IO.  Where  we  find 
God's  power  under  the  figure  of  a  right  hand,  opposed  to  the 
infirmity  of  his  servant.  So  the  right  hand  oi  the  Lord  is 
said  to  span,  or  extend  the  heavens,  Isa.  xlviii.  13.  And  the 
psalmist  expresseth  the  strength  and  salvation  of  the  Lord  by 
his  right  hand,  Psa.  cxviii.  14 — 16.  And  his  fury  is  the 
"  cup  of  his  right  hand,"  Hab.  ii.  16,  And  he  strengtheneth, 
and  helpeth,  and  upholdeth  his  people  by  the  right  hand  of 
his  righteousness  ;  that  is,  by  his  power  and  faithful  promises, 
which  in  their  weakness  strengthens  them,  in  their  fear  and 
flagging  helps  them,  in  their  sinking  and  falling  upholds  them, 
Isa.  xli.  10.  So  the  psalmist  saith  of  wicked  men,  that  "  their 
right  hand  is  a  right  hand  of  falsehood,"  Psa.  cxliv.  11  ;  that 
is,  either  confidence  in  their  own  power  will  deceive  themselves, 
or  they  will  deceive  others  to  whom  they  promise  succour  and 
assistance.  Therefore  God's  right  hand  is  called  the  right  hand 
of  majesty,  Heb.  i.  3 ;  and  the  right  hand  of  power,  Luke 
xxii.  69.  To  sit  then  at  God's  right  hand  noteth  the  great 
honour  and  judiciary  office,  and  plenitude  of  power  which  God 
the  Father  hath  given  to  his  Son,  after  his  manifestation  in 
the  flesh,  in  his  nativity,  and  justification  by  the  Spirit ;  in  his 
resurrection,  he  was  then,  amongst  other  dignities,  received  up 
into  glory,  1  Tim.  iii.  16.  This  we  find  amongst  those  ex- 
pressions of  honour  which  Solomon  showed  unto  his  mother, 
that  she  sat  at  his  right  hand,  1  Kings  ii.  19.  And  herein 
the  apostle  puts  a  great  difference  between  Christ  and  the  le- 
vitical  priests,  that  they  stood  daily  ministering,  but   Christy 


after  his  offering,  "  sat  down  on  the  right*hand  of  God,"  Heb. 
X.  12.  Noting  two  things:  1.  that  Christ  was  the  Lord,  and 
they  but  servants  ;  for  standing  is  the  posture  of  a  servant  or 
minister,  Deut.  xvii.  12  ;  Ezek  xHv.  24,  and  not  sitting,  Luke 
xvii,  7.  2.  That  their  work  was  daily  to  be  repeated,  whereas 
Christ's  was  consummated  in  one  offering  once  for  all,  after 
which  he  rested  or  sat  down  again. 

1.  This  sitting  of  Christ  at  the  right  hand  of  Majesty  and 
Glory,  notes  unto  us,  the  great  exaltation  of  the  Lord  Christ, 
whom  God  hath  highly  honoured  and  advanced,  and  given 
a  name  above  every  name. 

(1.)  His  Divine  nature,  though  it  cannot  possibly  receive 
any  intrinsical  improvement  or  glory,  all  fulness  of  glory 
essentially  belonging  thereunto,  yet  so  far  as  it  was  hum- 
bled, for  the  economy  and  administration  of  his  office,  so  far 
it  was  re-advanced  again.  Now,  he  emptied  and  humbled  him- 
-self,  not  by  putting  off  any  of  his  Divine  glory  ;  but  by  suffer- 
ing it  to  be  over-shadowed  with  the  similitude  of  sinful  flesh, 
and  to  be  humbled  under  the  form  of  a  servant,  as  the  light  of 
a  candle  is  hidden  in  a  dark  and  close  lantern.  So  that  de- 
claratorily,  or  by  way  of  manifestation,  he  is  in  that  respect 
magnified  at  God's  right  hand ;  or,  as  the  apostle  speaks,  de- 
clared to  be  the  Son  of  God  with  power  in  rising  from  the  dead, 
and  returning  to  his  glory  again,  Rom.  i.  4.  Again  ;  however 
in  the  abstract  we  cannot  say,  that  the  Deity,  or  Divine  na- 
ture was  exalted  in  any  other  sense,  than  by  evident  manifest- 
ation of  itself  in  that  Man  who  was  before  despised  and 
accused  as  a  blasphemer,  for  that  he  made  himself  equal  with 
God  :  yet,  by  reason  of  the  communication  of  properties  from 
one  nature  to  another  in  the  unity  of  one  person,  it  is  true, 
that  as  God  saved  the  world  by  his  blood,  and  as  it  was  the 
Prince  of  life  that  was  crucified,  and  the  Lord  that  lay  in  the 
grave,  so  God  likewise  was  in  the  form  of  a  servant  humbled, 
and  at  the  right  hand  of  Majesty  exalted  again. 

(2.)  The  human  nature  of  Christ  is  most  highly  exalted 
by  sitting  at  God's  right  hand ;  for  in  the  right  of  his  hypo- 
statical  union,  he  hath  an  ample  and  immediate  claim  to  all 
that  glory  which  might  in  the  human  nature  be  conferred 
upon  him  ;  so  that  though,  during  the  time  of  his  conversation 
amongst  men,  the  exigence  and  economy  of  the  office  which 
he  had  for  us  undertaken  made  him  a  man  of  sorrows,  and 
intercepted  the  beams  of  the  Godhead  and  Divine  glory  from 
the  other  nature ;  yet,  having  finished  that  dispensation,  there 


was  in  the  virtue  of  that  most  intimate  association  of  the  na- 
tures in  one  person,  a  communicating  of  all  glory  from  the 
Deity  which  the  other  nature  was  capable  of.  For,  as  by  the 
Spirit  of  holiness  he  was  filled  with  treasures  of  wisdom,  and 
knowledge,  and  grace,  and  thereby  fitted  for  the  office  of  a 
Mediator,  and  made  the  first-fruits  of  the  first-born,  the  Heir 
of  all  things,  the  Head  and  Captain  of  the  church  ;  furnished 
with  a  residue  and  redundancy  of  the  Spirit  to  sanctify  his 
brethren,  and  to  make  them  joint  heirs  and  first-born  with 
himself ;  so,  by  the  Spirit  of  glory  is  he  filled  with  unmatchable 
perfections,  beyond  the  capacity  or  comprehension  of  all  the 
angels  of  heaven  ;  being  not  only  full  of  glory,  but  having  in 
him  all  the  fulness  of  glory  which  a  created  nature,  joined  to 
an  infinite  and  bottomless  fountain,  could  receive. 

From  hence,  therefore,  we  should  learn  to  let  the  same  mind 
be  in  us  which  was  in  Christ ;  to  humble  ourselves  first,  that 
we  may  be  exalted  in  due  time ;  to  finish  our  works  of  self- 
denial  and  service  which  we  owe  to  God,  that  so  we  may  enter 
into  our  Master's  glory.  For  he  himself  entered  not  but  by  a 
way  of  blood.  We  likewise  learn  to  have  recourse  and  de- 
pendence on  him  for  all  supplies  of  the  Spirit,  Phil.  i.  19 ; 
for  all  strength  of  grace,  Phil.  iv.  13  ;  for  all  influences  of  life, 
for  the  measure  of  every  joint  and  member,  Eph.  iv.  16.  He 
is  our  Treasure,  our  Fountain,  our  Head.  It  is  his  free  grace, 
his  voluntary  influence,  which  habituateth  and  fitteth  all  our 
faculties ;  which  animateth  us  unto  a  heavenly  being,  which 
givethus  both  the  strength  and  first  act,  whereby  we  are  qualified 
to  work,  and  which  concurreth  with  us  in  the  second  act  to  all 
those  works  which  we  set  ourselves  about.  As  an  instrument, 
even  when  it  hath  an  edge,  cutteth  nothing  till  it  be  assisted 
and  moved  by  the  hand  of  the  artificer ;  so  a  christian,  when 
he  hath  a  will  and  an  habitual  fitness  to  work,  yet  is  able  to 
do  nothing  without  the  constant  supply,  assistance,  and  con- 
comitancy  of  the  grace  of  Christ,  exciting,  moving,  and  ap- 
plying that  habitual  power  unto  particular  actions.  He  it  is 
that  giveth  us  not  only  to  will,  but  to  do  ;  that  goeth  through 
with  us,  and  worketh  all  our  works  for  us  by  his  grace.  With- 
out him  we  can  do  nothing  ;  all  our  sufficiency  is  from  him. 
But  it  maybe  objected,  If  we  can  do  nothing  without  a  second 
grace,  to  what  end  is  a  former  grace  given  ?  Or  what  use  is 
there  of  our  exciting  that  grace  and  gift  of  God  in  us,  which 
can  do  nothing  without  a  further  concourse  of  Christ's  Spirit  ? 
To  this  I  answer,  first,  that  as  light  is  necessary  and  requisite 


unto  seeing,  and  yet  there  is  no  seeing  without  an  eye,  so 
without  the  assisting  grace  of  Christ's  Spirit  concurring  with 
us  unto  every  holy  duty,  we  can  do  nothing ;  and  yet  that 
grace  doth  ever  pre-suppose  an  implanted,  seminal,  and  habitual 
grace,  fore-disposing  the  soul  unto  the  said  duties.  Again  ;  as 
in  the  course  of  natural  effects,  though  God  be  a  most  volun- 
tary agent,  yet  in  the  ordinary  concurrence  of  a  first  cause  he 
worketh  after  the  manner  of  nature,  measuring  forth  his  assist- 
ance proportionably  to  the  condition  and  preparation  of  the 
second  causes :  so  in  supernatural  and  holy  operations,  albeit 
not  with  a  like  certain  and  unaltered  constancy,  though  Christ 
be  a  most  voluntary  Head  of  his  church,  yet  usually  he  pro- 
portioneth  his  assisting  and  second  grace  unto  the  growth, 
progress,  and  deepening  of  those  spiritual  habits  which  are  in  the 
soul  before.  From  whence  cometh  the  difference  of  holiness 
and  profitableness  amongst  the  saints,  that  some  are  more 
active  and  unwearied  in  all  holy  conversation  than  others ;  as 
in  the  natural  body  some  members  are  larger  and  more  full  of 
life  and  motion  than  others,  according  to  the  different  distribu- 
tion of  spirits  from  the  heart,  and  influences  from  the  head. 

This,  then,  affords  matter  enough  both  to  humble  us  and  to 
comfort  us.  To  humble  us,  that  we  can  do  nothing  of  our- 
selves ;  that  we  have  nothing  in  ourselves,  but  sin.  All  the 
fulness  of  grace  is  in  him  ;  and  therefore  whosoever  hath  any, 
must  have  it  from  him:  as  in  the  Egyptian  famine,  whosoever 
had  any  corn  had  it  from  Joseph,  to  whom  the  granaries  and 
treasures  of  Egypt  were  for  that  purpose  committed.  And 
this  lowliness  of  heart,  and  sense  of  our  own  emptiness,  is 
that  which  makes  us  always  have  recourse  to  our  Fountain, 
and  keep  in  favour  with  our  Head,  from  whom  we  must  re- 
ceive fresh  supply  of  strength  for  doing  any  good,  for  bearing 
any  evil,  for  resisting  any  temptation,  for  overcoming  any 
enemy  ;  for  beginning,  for  continuing,  and  for  perfecting  any 
duty.  For  though  it  be  man's  heart  that  doth  these  things,  yet 
it  is  by  a  foreign  and  impressed  strength  ;  as  it  is  iron  that 
burns,  but  not  by  its  own  nature,  which  is  cold ;  but  by  the 
heat  which  it  hath  received  from  the  fire.  "Yet  not  I," 
saith  the  apostle,  "  but  the  grace  of  God  which  was  with  me," 
1  Cor.  XV.  10. 

To  comfort  us  likewise,  when  we  consider  that  all  fulness 
and  strength  is  in  him,  as  in  an  officer,  an  Adam,  a  treasurer 
and  dispenser  of  all  needful  supplies  to  his  people,  according 
to  the  place  they  bear  in  his  body,  and  to  the  exigence  and 


measure  of  their  condition  in  themselves,  or  service  in  his 
church.  Sure  we  are  that  what  measure  soever  he  gives  unto 
any,  he  hath  still  a  residue  of  Spirit ;  nay  he  still  retaineth  his 
own  fulness  ;  hath  still  enough  to  carry  us  through  any  .con- 
dition, and  according  to  the  difficulties  of  the  service  he  puts 
us  upon  ;  hath  still  wisdom  to  understand,  compassion  to  pity, 
strength  to  supply  all  our  needs.  And  that  all  this  he  hath 
as  a  merciful  and  faithful  Depository,  as  a  Guardian,  and 
Husband,  and  elder  Brother,  to  employ  for  the  good  of  his 
church.  That  he  is  unto  this  office  appointed  by  the  will  of 
Him  that  sent  him,  to  lose  nothing  of  all  that  which  is  given 
him,  but  to  keep  and  perfect  it  unto  the  resurrection  at  the  last 
day.  That  God  hath  planted  in  him  a  Spirit  of  faithfulness 
and  pity,  for  the  cheerful  discharge  of  this  great  office ;  given 
him  a  propriety  in  us,  made  us  as  near  and  dear  unto  him 
as  the  members  of  his  sacred  body  are  to  one  another ;  and 
therefore  whosoever  cometh  to  him,  with  emptiness,  and  hun- 
ger, and  faith,  he  will  in  no  wise  cast  them  out  ;  it  is  as  pos- 
sible for  him  to  hew  off,  and  to  throw  away  the  members  of 
his  natural  body,  to  have  any  of  his  bones  broken,  as  to 
reject  the  humble  and  faithful  desires  of  those  that  duly  wait 
upon  him. 

Again,  from  this  exaltation  of  Christ  in  his  human  nature, 
we  should  learn  to  keep  ourselves  in  holiness  and  in  honour, 
as  those  who  expect  to  be  fashioned  at  the  last  like  unto  him. 
For  how  can  that  man  truly  hope  to  be  like  Christ  hereafter, 
that  labours  to  be  as  unlike  him  here  as  he  can  ?  "  Shall  I 
take  the  members  of  Christ,  and  make  them  the  members  of  an 
harlot?"  saith  the  apostle,  1  Cor.  vi.  15,  So  may  I  say, 
Shall  I  take  the  nature  of  Christ,  that  nature  which  he  in  his 
person  hath  so  highly  glorified,  and  make  it  in  my  person  the 
nature  of  a  devil  ?•  If  a  prince  should  marry  a  mean  woman, 
would  he  endure  to  see  those  of  her  nearest  kindred,  her 
brethren  and  sisters,  live  like  scullions  or  the  lowest  menials 
under  his  own  6ye?  Now,  Christ  hath  taken  our  nature  into 
a  nearer  union  with  himself  than  marriage  ;  for  man  and  wife 
are  still  two  persons,  but  God  and  man  is  but  one  Christ. 
Death  itself  was  not  able  to  dissolve  this  union  ;  for  when  the 
soul  was  separated  from  the  body,  yet  the  Deity  was  separated 
from  neither.  It  was  the  Lord  that  lay  in  the  grave,  and  he 
that  ascended  was  the  same  that  descended  into  the  lower  part 
of  the  earth.  Matt,  xxviii.  6  ;  Eph.  iv.  10.  And  shall  we  then 
defile    this   nature  by    wantonness,    intemperance,    and    vile 


affections,  which  is  taken  into  so  indissoluble  an  unity  with  the 
Son  of  God  ?  Christ  took  it  to  advance  it ;  and  it  is  still,  by 
his  Spirit  in  us,  so  much  the  more  advanced,  by  how  much  the 
nearer  it  comes  to  that  holiness  which  it  hath  in  him.  We 
should  therefore  labour  to  walk  as  becometh  those  that  have 
so  glorious  a  Head,  to  walk  worthy  of  such  a  Lord  unto  all 
well  pleasing,  in  fruitfulness  and  knowledge  ;  to  walk  as  those 
that  have  received  Christ,  and  expect  his  appearing  again, 
Phil.  i.  27 ;  Col.  i.  10 ;  ii.  6  ;  iii.  4,  5. 

2.  The  sitting  of  Christ  on  the  right  hand  of  God,  notes 
unto  us  the  consummation  of  all  those  offices  which  he  was  to 
perform  here  on  the  earth  for  our  redemption :  for  till  they  were  all 
finished,  he  was  not  to  return  to  his  glory  again.  "  He  that 
hath  entered  into  his  rest  hath  ceased  from  his  own  works," 
saith  the  apostle,  Heb.  iv.  10.  First,  he  was  to  execute  his 
office  before  he  was  to  enter  into  his  rest.  Though  he  were  a 
son,  and  so,  by  the  law  of  nature,  the  inheritance  were  his 
own  before,  yet  he  was  to  learn  obedience  by  the  things  which 
he  was  to  suffer  before  he  was  made  perfect  again,  Heb.  v.  8,  9. 
*'  After  he  had  offered  one  sacrifice  for  sins  for  ever,"  that  is, 
after  he  had  made  such  a  complete  expiation  as  should 
never  need  be  repeated,  but  was  able  for  ever  to  perfect  those 
that  are  sanctified,  he  then  "  sat  down  on  the  right  hand  of 
God  ;  from  henceforth  expecting  till  his  enemies  be  made 
his  footstool,"  Heb.  x.  12 — 14,  This  is  the  argument  our 
Saviour  useth  when  he  prayeth  to  be  glorified  again  with  his 
Father ;  "  I  have  glorified  thee  on  earth,"  or  revealed  the 
glory  of  thy  truth  and  mercy  to  thy  church ;  "  I  have  finished 
the  work  which  thou  gavest  me  to  do,  and  now,  O  Father, 
glorify  thou  me  with  thine  own  self,"  John  xvii.  4,  5.  "  He 
humbled  himself,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  and  became  obedient 
to  death,  even  the  death  of  the  cross ;  wherefore  God  hath 
highly  exalted  him,"  Phil.  ii.  8,  9.  Noting  unto  us,  the  order 
of  the  dispensation  of  Christ's  offices :  some  were  works  of 
ministry  and  service,  in  the  office  of  obedience  and  suffering 
for  his  church;  others  were  works  of  power  and  majesty,  in 
the  protection  and  exaltation  of  his  church ;  and  those  neces- 
sarily to  precede  these.  He  "  ought  to  suffer,  and  to  enter 
into  his  glory,"  Luke  xxiv.  26,  46.  Necessarily  I  say ;  1.  by 
a  necessity  of  God's  decree,  who  had  so  fore-appointed  it, 
Acts  ii.  23,  24.  2.  By  the  necessity  of  God's  justice,  which 
must  first  be  satisfied  by  obedience,  before  it  could  be  appeased 
with  man,  or  in  the  person  of  their  Head  and  Advocate  exalt 


tliem  to  his  glory  again,  Rom.  Hi.  25;  v.  10 ;  vi.  6,  11 ;  Eph. 
ii.  5,  6.  8.  By  the  necessity  of  God's  word  and  will,  signified 
in  the  predictions  of  the  prophets,  Luke  xxiv.  46  ;  1  Peter  i. 
10,  11,  4.  By  the  necessity  of  Christ's  infinite  person, 
which  being  equal  with  God,  could  not  possibly  be  exalted 
without  some  preceding  descent  and  humiliation.  "  That  he 
ascended,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  what  is  it  but  that  he  also  de- 
scended first  into  the  lower  parts  of  the  earth  ?  "  Eph.  iv,  9. 
Therefore  it  is  that  our  Saviour  saith,  the  Spirit  should 
con\'ince  the  world  of  righteousness,  because  he  was  to  go  to 
the  Father,  and  should  be  seen  here  no  more,  John  xvi.  10. 
The  meaning  of  it  is,  that  the  Spirit  should,  in  the  ministry  of 
the  word,  reveal  unto  those  who  are  fully  convhiced  of  their 
sinful  condition,  and  humbled  in  the  sense  thereof,  a  treasure 
of  full  and  sufficient  righteousness  by  his  obedience  wrought 
for  sinners :  and  the  reason  which  is  given  of  it  stands  thus  ; 
our  righteousness  consists  in  our  being  able  to  stand  in  God's 
presence.  Now,  Christ  having  done  all  as  our  Surety  here, 
went  up  into  glory  as  our  Head  and  Advocate,  as  the  First-fruits, 
the  Captain,  the  Prince  of  life,  the  Author  of  salvation,  and 
the  Forerunner  of  his  people ;  so  that  his  going  thither,  is  an 
argument  of  our  justification  by  him.  Because  it  is  a  sign 
that  he  hath  finished  the  work  of  our  redemption  on  earth  ;  a 
sign  that  he  overcame  death,  and  was  justified  by  the  Spirit 
from  the  wrongs  of  men  and  from  the  curse  of  the  law.  There- 
fore he  said  to  Mary,  after  his  resurrection,  "  Go  unto  my 
brethren,  and  say,  I  ascend  unto  my  Father,  and  your  Father ; 
and  to  my  God,  and  your  God,"  John  xx.  17.  That  is,  by  my 
death  and  victory  over  it,  you  are  made  my  brethren  and  recon- 
ciled unto  God  again.  Again ;  because  he  hath  offices  in 
heaven  to  fulfil  at  the  right  hand  of  his  Father  in  our  behalf, 
to  intercede  and  to  prepare  a  place  for  us,  to  apply  unto  us  the 
virtue  of  his  death  and  merits.  If  he  had  ascended  without 
fulfilling  all  righteousness  for  the  church,  he  would  have  been 
sent  down,  and  seen  again  :  but  now,  saith  he,"  You  see  me  no 
more  ;"  for  by  once  dying,  and  by  once  appearing  in  the  end  of 
the  world,  he  put  away  sin  by  the  sacrifice  of  himself,  Heb. 
ix.  26  ;  vii.  27  ;  Rom.  vi.  9,  10.  "  He  was  taken,"  saith  the 
prophet,  "  from  prison  and  from  judgment ;"  to  note,  that  the 
whole  debt  was  paid,  and  now  "  who  shall  declare  his  gene- 
ration ?"  Isa.  liii.  8.  That  is,  he  now  liveth  unto  num- 
berless generations,  he  prolongeth  his  days,  and  hath  already 
fulfilled  righteousness  enough  to  justify  all  those  that  know 


him,  or  believe  in  him.  Thus  we  see  that  Christ's  deliver- 
ance out  of  prison,  and  exaltation  at  the  right  hand  of  God, 
is  an  evident  argument  that  he  is  fully  exonerated  of  the  guilt 
of  sin  and  the  curse  of  the  law,  and  hath  accomplished  all 
those  works  which  he  had  undertaken  for  our  righteousness. 

And  this  likewise  affords  abundant  matter  both  to  humble 
and  to  comfort  the  church  of  Christ.  To  humble  us  in  the 
evidence  of  our  disabiUties ;  for  if  we  could  have  finished  the 
works  which  were  given  us  to  do,  there  would,  have  been  no 
need  of  Christ.  It  was  weakness  which  made  way  for  Christ : 
our  weakness  to  fulfil  obedience,  and  that  weakness  of  the  law 
to  justify  sinners,  Rom.  v.  6;  viii.  3;  Heb.  vii.  18,  19.  All 
the  strength  we  have  is  by  the  power  of  his  might  and  by  his 
grace,  Eph.  vi.  10 ;  2  Tim.  ii.  1.  And  even  this  God  dis- 
penseth  unto  us  in  measure,  and  by  degrees,  driving  out  our 
corruptions  as  he  did  the  Canaanites  before  his  people,  by 
little  and  little,  Exod.  xxiii.  30.  Because,  while  we  are  here, 
he  will  have  us  live  by  faith,  and  draw  our  strength,  as  we 
use  it,  from  Christ,  and  wait  in  hope  of  a  better  condition. 

To  comfort  us  likewise:  (1.)  Against  all  our  unavoidable 
and  invincible  infirmities.  Every  good  christian  desires  to 
serve  the  Lord  with  all  his  strength  ;  desires  to  be  enriched, 
to  be  stedfast,  unmoveable,  abounding  in  the  work  of  the 
Lord;  to  do  his  will  as  the  angels  in  heaven  do  it.  Yet  in 
many  things  he  fails,  and  has  daily  experience  of  his  own  de- 
fects. But  here  is  all  the  comfort.  Though  I  am  not  able  to 
do  any  of  my  duties  as  I  should,  yet  Christ  hath  finished  all 
his  to  the  full ;  and  therefore,  though  I  am  compassed  with 
infirmities,  so  that  I  cannot  do  the  things  which  I  would,  yet 
I  have  a  compassionate  Advocate  with  the  Father,  who  both 
giveth  and  craveth  pardon  for  every  one  that  prepareth  his 
heart  to  seek  the  Lord,  though  he  be  not  perfectly  cleansed, 
1  John  ii.  2 ;  2  Chron.  xxx.  18,  19. 

(2.)  Against  the  pertinacy  and  close  adherence  of  our  cor- 
ruptions, which  cleave  as  fast  unto  us  as  the  very  powers  and 
faculties  of  our  soul ;  as  heat  unto  fire,  or  light  unto  the  sun. 
Yet  sure  we  are,  that  He  who  forbad  the  fire  to  burn,  and  put 
blackness  upon  the  face  of  the  sun  at  midday,  is  able  like- 
wise to  remove  our  corruptions  as  far  from  us  as  he  hath  re- 
moved them  from  his  own  sight.  And  the  ground  of  our  ex- 
pectation hereof  is  this ;  Christ,  when  he  was  upon  the  earth 
in  the  form  of  a  servant,  accomplished  all  the  offices  of  suffer- 
ing and  obedience  for  usi  therefore,  being  now  exalted  far 


ahove  all  heavens,  at  the  right  hand  of  Majesty  and  Glory, 
he  will  much  more  fulfil  those  offices  of  power  which  he  hath 
there  to  do  :  which  are,  by  the  supplies  of  his  Spirit,  to  purge 
us  from  sin  ;  by  the  sufficiency  of  his  grace  to  strengthen  us , 
by  his  word  to  sanctify  and  cleanse  us,  and  to  present  us  to 
himself  a  glorious  church  without  spot  or  wrinkle.  He  that 
brought  from  the  dead  the  Lord  Jesus,  and  suffered  not  death 
to  hold  the  Head,  is  able,  by  that  power,  and  for  that  reason, 
to  make  us  perfect  in  every  good  work  to  do  his  will,  and  not 
to  suffer  corruptioQ  for  ever  to  hold  the  members.  It  is  the 
frequent  argument  of  the  Scripture,  Heb.  xiii.  20,  21 ;  Col. 
ii.  12 ;  Eph.  i.  19,  20 ;  Rom.  vi.  5,  6  ;  viii.  11. 

(3.)  Against  all  those  fiery  darts  of  Satan,  whereby  he 
tempteth  us  to  despair,  and  to  forsake  our  mercy.  If  he 
could  have  held  Christ  under  when  he  was  in  the  grave,  then 
indeed  our  faith  would  have  been  vain,  we  should  be  yet  in 
our  sins,  1  Cor.  xv.  17.  But  he  who  himself  suffered,  being 
tempted,  and  overcame  both  the  sufferings  and  the  tempta- 
tion, is  able  to  succour  those  that  are  tempted,  and  to  show 
them  mercy  and  grace  to  help  in  time  of  need,  Heb.  ii.  17, 
18  ;  iv.  13,  16. 

(4.)  Against  death  itself.  For  the  accomplishment  of 
Christ's  office  of  redemption,  in  his  resurrection  from  the  dead^ 
was  both  the  merit,  the  seal,  and  the  first-fruits  of  ours, 
1  Cor.  XV.  20,  22. 

3.  The  sitting  of  Christ  on  the  right  hand  of  his  Father, 
noteth  unto  us  the  actual  administration  of  his  kingdom. 
Therefore  that  which  is  here  said,  "  Sit  thou  at  my  right 
hand,  until  I  make  thine  enemies  thy  footstool,"  the  apostle 
thus  expoundeth ;  "  He  must  reign,  till  he  hath  put  all  ene- 
mies under  his  feet,"  1  Cor.  xv.  25.  And  he  therefore  "  died, 
and  rose,  and  revived,  that  he  might  be  Lord  both  of  dead 
and  living,"  Rom.  xiv.  9;  namely,  by  being  exalted  unto 
God's  right  hand.  Now  this  administration  of  Christ's  king- 
dom implies   several  particulars  : — 

(1.)  The  publication  of  established  laws.  For  that  which 
is  in  this  psalm  called  the  sending  forth  of  the  rod  of  Christ's 
strength  out  of  Sion,  is  thus  by  the  prophets  expounded, 
"  Out  of  Sion  shall  go  forth  the  law,  and  the  word  of  the 
Lord  from  Jerusalem,"  Isa.  ii.  3  ;  Micah  iv.  2. 

(2.)  The  conquering  and  subduing  of  subjects  to  himself, 
by  converting  the  hearts  of  men,  and  bringing  their  thoughts 



into  the  obedience  of  his  kingdom :  ministerially,  by  the  word 
of  reconciliation ;  and  effectually,  by  the  power  of  his  Spirit, 
writing  his  laws  in  their  hearts,  and  transforming  them  into 
the  image  of  his  word,  from  glory  to  glory. 

(3.)  Ruling  and  leading  those  whom  he  hath  thus  con- 
verted in  his  way,  continuing  unto  their  hearts  his  heavenly 
voice,  never  utterly  depriving  them  of  the  exciting,  assisting, 
co-operating  grace  of  his  Holy  Spirit ;  but  by  his  Divine 
power  giving  unto  them  all  things  which  pertain  unto  life  and 
godliness,  after  he  had  once  called  them  by  his  glorious 
power,  Isa.  ii.  3  ;  xxx.  21 ;  John  x.  3,  4  ;  1  Cor.  i.  4,  8  ; 
1  Peter  ii.  9 ;  2  Peter  i.  3. 

(4.)  Protecting,  upholding,  succouring  them  against  all 
temptations  and  discouragements.  By  his  compassion  pitying 
them ;  by  his  power  and  promises  helping  them ;  by  his  care 
and  wisdom  proportioning  their  strength  to  their  trials ;  bv 
his  peace  recompensing  their  conflicts ;  by  patience  and  ex- 
perience establishing  their  hearts  in  the  hope  of  deliverance, 
Heb.  ii.  17 ;  John  xvi.  33 ;  1  Cor.  x.  13 ;  2  Cor.  i.  5  ;  Phil, 
iv,  7,  19  ;    Rom.  xv.  4. 

(5.)  Confounding  all  his  enemies ;  in  their  projects, 
holding  up  his  kingdom  in  the  midst  of  their  malice  ;  and 
making  his  truth,  like  a  tree,  settle  the  faster,  and  like  a  torch, 
shine  the  brighter,  for  the  shaking.  And  in  their  persons, 
whom  he  doth  here  gall  and  torment  by  the  sceptre  of  his 
word,  constraining  them  by  the  evidence  thereof,  to  subscribe 
to  the  justice  of  his  wrath;  and  whom  he  reserveth  for  the 
day  of  his  appearing,  till  they  shall  be  put  all  under  his  feet : 
in  which  respect  he  is  said  to  stand  at  the  right  hand  of  God, 
as  a  man  of  war  ready  armed  for  the  defence  of  his  church. 
Acts  vii.  5,  6. 

4.  The  sitting  of  Christ  on  the  right  hand  of  God  noteth 
unto  us  his  giving  of  gifts,  and  sending  down  the  Holy  Ghost 
upon  men.  It  hath  been  an  universal  custom,  both  in  the 
church  and  elsewhere,  in  days  of  great  joy  and  solemnity,  to 
give  gifts  and  send  presents  unto  men.  Thus,  after  the  wall 
of  Jerusalem  was  built,  and  the  worship  of  God  restored,  and 
the  law  read  and  expounded  by  Ezra  to  the  people,  after  the 
captivity,  it  is  said,  that  the  people  did  eat,  and  drink,  and 
send  portions,  Neh.  viii.  10,  12.  The  like  form  w^as  by  the 
people  of  the  jews  observed  in  their  feast  of  purim,  Esther  ix. 
22.      And  the  same    custom  hath  been    observed   amongst 


heathen  princes  upon  solemn  and  great  occasions,  to  distribute 
donations  and  congiaries*  amongst  the  people.  Thus  Christ, 
in  the  day  of  his  majesty  and  inauguration,  in  that  great  and 
solemn  triumph,  when  he  ascended  up  on  high,  and  led  cap- 
tivity captive,  he  did  withal  give  gifts  unto  men,  Eph.  iv.  10. 

Christ  was  notably  typified  in  the  ark  of  the  testament.  In 
it  were  the  tables  of  the  law,  to  show  that  the  whole  law  was 
in  Christ  fulfilled,  and  that  he  was  the  end  of  the  law  for 
righteousness  to  those  that  believe  in  him.  There  was  the 
golden  pot  which  had  manna,  to  signify  that  heavenly  and 
abiding  nourishment  which  from  him  the  church  receiveth. 
There  was  the  rod  of  Aaron  which  budded,  signifying  either 
the  miraculous  incarnation  of  Christ  in  a  virgin,  or  his  suffer- 
ings, which  are  expressed  by  stripes,  Isa.  liii.  5 ;  and  our  re- 
surrection with  him  noted  in  the  budding  of  a  dry  rod.  Or 
lastly,  noting  the  sanctifying  and  fruitful  virtue  of  his  word, 
which  is  the  rod  of  his  strength.  Upon  it  also  was  the  mercy 
seat,  to  note  that  in  Christ  is  the  foundation  of  all  that  mercy 
and  atonement  which  is  preached  unto  men.  But  in  two 
things  principally  did  it  signify  Christ  unto  our  present  pur- 
pose. 1.  It  was  overlaid  within  and  without  with  gold,  and 
had  a  crown  of  gold  round  about  it,  Exod.  xxv.  1 1 ;  xxxvii.  2  ; 
denoting  the  plentiful  and  glorious  kingdom  of  Christ,  who 
w^as  crowned  with  glory  and  honour,  Heb.  ii.  7.  2.  It  had 
rings,  by  which  it  was  carried  up  and  down,  till  at  last  it 
rested  in  Solomon's  temple,  with  glorious  and  triumphal  so- 
lemnity, Psa.  cxxxii.  8,  9 ;  2  Chron.  v.  13.  So  Christ,  while 
he  was  here  upon  earth,  being  anointed  with  the  Holy  Ghost 
and  with  power,  went  about  doing  good.  Acts  x.  38.  And 
having  ceased  from  his  works,  did  at  last  enter  into  his  rest, 
Heb.  iv.  10,  which  is  the  heavenly  temple.  Rev.  xi.  19. 

Now,  this  carrying  of  the  ark  into  its  resting-place  denotes 
two  things  :  1 .  A  final  conquest  over  the  enemies  of  God.  For 
as  the  moving  of  the  ark  signified  the  acting  and  procuring  of 
victory.  Josh,  vi  11,  20;  so  the  resting  of  the  ark  noted  tlie 
consummation  of  \i^.  "*"  2.  It  notes  the  conferring  of  gifts, 
as  we  see  in  that  triumphal  song  at  the  removal  of  the  ark ; 
being  also  a  prediction  both  of  that  which  literally  happened  in 
the  reign  of  Solomon,  and  was  mystically  verified  in  Christ,Psa. 
Ixviii.  18.  Thus  Christ  our  Prince  of  peace,  being  now  in 
the  temple  of  God  in  heaven,  hath  bound  hell,  sin,  and  death 

*  A  gift  distributed  to  the  Roman  people  or  soldiers,  originally  ia 
i        corn,  afterwards  in  money. 



captive,  and  hath  demolished  the  walls  of  Jericho,  or  the  king- 
dom of  Satan ;  thrown  him  down  from  heaven  like  lightning, 
and  passed  a  sentence  of  judgment  upon  him ;  and  hath  re- 
ceived of  the  Father  the  promise  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  given 
gifts  unto  men,  Acts  ii.  32,  35. 

And  we  are  to  note,  that  as  it  began  with  his  sitting  there, 
so  it  continueth  as  long  as  he  shall  sit  there.  It  is  true  all 
holy  Scripture  which  God  ordained  for  the  gathering  of  his 
people,  and  for  the  guidance  of  them  in  the  militant  church, 
is  already  long  since  by  the  Spirit  dictated  unto  holy  and  se- 
lected instruments  for  that  purpose,  inspired  with  more  abund- 
ance of  grace,  and  guided  by  a  full  and  infaUible  Spirit ;  but 
yet  we  must  note,  that  in  these  holy  writings  there  is  such  a 
depth  of  heavenly  wisdom,  such  a  sea  of  mysteries,  and  such 
an  unsearchable  treasure  of  purity  and  grace ;  and  though  a 
man  should  spend  the  longest  life,  after  the  severest  and  most 
industrious  manner,  to  acquaint  himself  with  God  in  the  reve- 
lations of  his  word,  yet  his  knowledge  would  be  but  in  part, 
and  his  holiness,  after  all,  come  short  of  maturity :  as  the 
enemies  are  not  all  presently  under  Christ's  feet,  but  are  by 
degrees  subdued ;  so  the  Spirit  is  not  presently  conferred  in 
fulness  unto  the  members  of  Christ,  but  by  measure  and  de- 
grees, according  to  the  voluntary  influences  of  the  Head,  and 
exigences  of  the  members.  So  much  of  the  Spirit  of  grace 
and  truth  as  we  have  here,  is  but  the  earnest  and  handsel  of  a 
greater  sum,  Eph.  i.  14  ;  the  seeds  and  first  fruits  of  a  fuller 
harvest,  1  John  iii.  9  ;  Rom.  viii.  23.  Therefore  the  apostle 
mentions  a  growing  change  "  from  glory  to  glory  by  the  Spirit 
of  God,"  2  Cor.  iii.  18.  We  must  not  expect  a  fulness  till 
the  time  of  the  restitution  of  all  things  ;  till  that  day  of  re- 
demption and  adoption  wherein  the  light,  which  is  here  but 
soWn  for  the  righteous,  shall  grow  up  into  a  full  harvest  of 
holiness  and  of  glory. 

But  here  ariseth  a  question  out  of  the  seeming  contradiction 
of  holy  Scripture.  It  is  manifest  that  the  Spirit  of  Christ 
was  in  the  church  long  before  his  ascension.  The  prophets 
spake  by  him,  1  Peter  i.  11;  the  ancient  jews  vexed  him, 
Isa.  Ixiii.  10  ;  John  the  Baptist  was  even  filled  with  the  Spirit, 
to  note  a  plentiful  measure  for  the  discharge  of  his  office, 
Luke  i.  15  ;  and  yet  St.  John  saith,  that  "  the  Holy  Ghost 
was  not  yet  given ;  because  that  Jesus  was  not  yet  glorified," 
John  vii.  39.  To  this  I  answer,  that  the  fathers  were  sancti- 
fied by  the  same  Spirit  of  Christ  with  us.    Difference  there  is 


none  in  the  substance,  but  only  in  the  accidents  and  circum- 
stances of  effusion  and  manifestation  :  as  light  in  the  sun, 
and  light  in  a  star,  is  in  itself  the  same  original  light,  but  very 
much  varied  in  the  dispensation.  It  was  the  same  truth  which 
was  preached  by  the  prophets  and  by  Christ ;  but  the  apostle 
observes  in  it  a  difference :  "  sundry  times,  and  in  sundry 
manners,  hath  God  spoken  by  the  prophets,  but  unto  us  by 
his  Son,"  Heb.  i.  1 ;  John  xvi.  23  ;  that  is,  more  plentifully 
and  more  plainly  unto  us  than  unto  the  fathers.  Therefore, 
though  it  be  true  that  Abraham  saw  Christ's  day,  as  all  the 
fathers  did,  (though  he,  being  the  father  of  the  faithful,  more 
than  others,)  in  which  respect  Eusebius  saith  of  them,  "  that 
tliey  were  christians  really  and  in  effect,  though  not  in  name :" 
yet  it  is  true  likewise,  that  many  prophets  and  righteous  men 
did  desire  to  see  and  hear  the  things  which  the  apostles  saw 
and  heard,  but  did  not.  Matt.  xiii.  17  ;  namely,  in  such  plain 
and  plentiful  measure  as  the  apostles  did.  They  saw  in 
glimpses  and  morning  stars,  and  prefigurations  ;  but  these  the 
things  themselves.  They  saw  only  the  promises,  and  those 
too  but  "  afar  off,"  Heb.  xi.  13 ;  these,  the  substance  and 
gospel  itself,  near  at  hand,  in  their  mouth,  and  before  their 
eyes,  and  even  amongst  them,  Rom.  x.  8  ;  Gal.  iii.  1  ;  John  i. 
14  ;  1  John  i.  2,  3.  They,  by  prophets,  who  "  testified  be- 
forehand;" these,  by  eye  witnesses,  who  declared  the  things 
which  they  had  seen  and  heard.  Acts  i.  8,  22  ;  x.  41.  There- 
fore it  is  said,  that  Christ  was  a  "  Lamb  slain  from  the 
foundation  of  the  world,"  Rev.  xiii.  8  ;  and  yet  "  in  the  end 
of  the  world  that  he  appeared  to  put  away  sin  by  the  sacrifice 
of  himself,"  Heb.  ix.  26.  To  note,  that  the  fathers  had  the 
benefit,  but  not  the  perfection  of  the  promises,  Heb.  xi.  40 ; 
for  the  apostle  every  where  makes  perfection  the  work  of  the 
gospel,  Eph.  iv.  13;  Heb.  vi.  1. 

So  then,  after  Christ's  sitting  on  the  right  hand  of  power, 
the  Holy  Spirit  was  more  completely  sent,  both  in  regard  of 
manifestation  and  efficacy,  than  ever  before.  The  difference 
is  chiefly  in  three  things  : 

(1.)  In  the  manner  of  his  mission.  To  the  old  church  in 
dreams  and  visions,  in  figures  and  latent  ways ;  but  to  the 
evangelical  churches  in  power,  evidence,  and  demonstration, 
1  Cor.  ii.  4,  5.  Therefore,  he  is  called  the  "  Spirit  of  wisdom 
and  revelation,"  which  discovereth,  and  that  unto  principal- 
ities and  powers  by  the  church,  the  manifold  and  mysterious 
wisdom  of   God  in  Christ,  Eph.  i.  17  ;    iii.  10.     Therefore, 


the  Spirit  was  sent  in  the  latter  days,  in  wind,  and  fire,  and 
tongues,  and  earthquakes,  Acts  ii.  2,  3  ;  iv.  31 ;  all  which 
have  in  them  a  self-discovering  property,  which  will  not  be 
hidden.  Whereas,  in  the  time  of  the  prophets,  God  did  not 
in  any  such  things,  save  only  in  a  low  and  still  voice,  reveal 
himself,  1  Kings  xix.  1 1,  12. 

(2.)  In  the  subjects  unto  whom  he  was  sent.  Before, 
only  upon  the  hiclosed  garden  of  the  jews  did  this  wind  blow  ; 
but  now  is  the  Spirit  poured  upon  all  fleeh,  and  this  heavenly 
dew  falleth  not  upon  the  fleece,  but  upon  the  whole  earth. 
And  therefore  our  Saviour  opposeth  Jerusalem  and  the  Spirit, 
John  iv.  21,  28.  Every  believer  is  of  the  Israel  of  God, 
every  christian  a  temple  of  the  Holy  Ghost ;  no  people  of  the 
earth  secluded,  but  in  every  nation  he  that  feareth  God  and 
worketh  righteousness  is  accepted ;  no  place  unclean,  but 
every  where  pure  hands  may  be  lifted  up. 

(3.)  In  the  measure  of  his  grace.  At  first  he  was  sent 
only  in  drops  and  dew,  but  afterwards  he  was  poured  out  in 
showers  and  abundance,Tit.  iii.  6  ;  and  therefore,  as  I  have  be- 
fore observed,  the  grace  of  the  gospel  is  frequently  expressed 
by  the  name  of  riches,  Eph.  i.  7,  to  note,  not  only  the  precious- 
ness,  but  the  plenty  thereof  in  the  church.  And  it  is  here 
worthy  our  observation  that  the  Spirit,  under  the  gospel,  is 
compared  to  things  of  a  spreading,  multiplying,  and  operative 

[1.]  To  water,  and  that  not  a  little  measure  to  sprinkle  or 
bedew,  but  to  baptize  the  faithful  in.  Matt.  iii.  11  ;  Acts  i.  5 ; 
and  that  not  in  a  font  or  vessel  which  grows  less  and  less,  but 
in  a  springing  or  living  river,  John  vii.  39.  Now,  water,  be- 
sides its  purging  property,  is  of  a  spreading  nature  :  it  hath  no 
bounds  nor  limits  to  itself,  as  firm  and  solid  bodies  have,  but 
receives  its  restraint  by  the  vessel  or  continent  which  holds  it : 
so  the  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  not  straitened  in  himself,  but 
only  by  the  narrow  hearts  of  men  into  which  he  comes.  "  Ye 
are  not  straitened,"  saiththe  apostle,  "  in  us  ;"  that  is,  in  that 
ministry  of  grace  and  dispensation  of  the  Spirit  which  is  com- 
mitted to  us,  "but  m  your  own  bowels,"  which  are  not  in  any 
proportion  enlarged  unto  that  abundance  and  fulness  of  heavenly 
grace  which,  in  the  gospel  of  salvation,  is  offered  unto  you. 
Spring  water  is  a  growing  and  multiplying  thing;  which  is  the 
reason  why  rivers  which  rise  from  narrow  fountains,  have  yet, 
by  reason  of  a  constant  and  regular  supply,  a  great  breadth  in 
remote  channels,  because  the  water  lives  :  whereas  in  pits  and 


torrents  it  groweth  less  and  less  :  so  the  graces  of  the  Spirit 
are  living  and  springing  things ;  the  longer  they  continue,  the 
larger  they  grow,  like  the  waters  of  the  sanctuary,  Ezek.  xxxvi. 
25;  and  the  reason  is,  because  they  come  from  a  fountain 
which  is  all  life,  John  iv.lO;  xiv.  6  ;  Col.  iii.  4.  Again  ;  as 
water  multiplies  in  itself,  so,  by  insinuation  and  molHfication, 
it  hath  a  fructifying  virtue  in  other  things.  Fruitful  trees  are 
planted  by  the  water's  side  ;  so  the  Spirit,  searching  and  molli- 
fying the  heart,  maketh  it  fruitful  in  holy  obedience,  Ezek.  xi. 
19,  20.  Water  is  very  strong  in  its  own  stream ;  we  see  what 
mighty  engines  it  moveth,  what  huge  vessels  it  rolleth  like  a 
ball,  what  walls  and  bulwarks  it  overthrows :  so  the  Spirit  of 
God  is  able  to  beat  down  all  strong  holds  which  the  wit  of 
man  or  the  malice  of  Satan  can  erect  against  the  church.  And 
this  strength  of  water  serves  to  carry  it  as  high  as  its  own 
spring  and  level :  so  the  Spirit  will  never  cease  to  raise  the 
hearts  of  his  people  till  it  carries  them  up  to  their  fountain 
and  spring-head  in  heaven. 

[^2.]  The  Spirit  is  compared  to  the  rushing  of  a  mighty 
wind.  The  learned  observe,  that  before  Christ's  time  God 
spake  unto  men  in  a  soft  still  voice,  which  they  called,  "  Bath 
koll ;  "  but  after,  in  the  time  of  the  gospel,  by  a  mighty  wind  : 
noting  thereby  both  the  abundance  of  his  Spirit  which  he  would 
pour  out  in  the  latter  days,  and  the  strength  thereof,  as  of  a 
rushing  wind.  Though  a  man  have  walls  of  brass  and  bars 
of  iron  upon  his  conscience ;  though  he  set  up  fortifications 
of  fleshly  reason  and  the  very  gates  of  hell,  to  shut  out  the 
Spirit  of  grace,  yet  nothing  is  able  to  withstand  the  power  of 
this  mighty  rushing  wind.  "  Who  art  thou,  O  great  mountain  ? 
Before  Zerubbabel  thou  shalt  become  a  plain,"  Zech.  iv.  7. 

£S.']  The  Spirit  is  compared  to  fire  ;  noting  likewise  both 
the  multiplying  or  diffusive  property  thereof,  turning  every 
thing  into  its  own  nature ;  and  the  mighty  strength  thereof, 
whereby  it  either  cleanseth  or  consumeth  any  thing  that 
it  meets  with.  If  thou  art  stubble,  it  will  devour  thee ;  if 
stone,  it  will  break  thee  ;  if  gold,  it  will  purge  thee.  The  hard 
heart  it  can  melt,  and  the  foul  heart  it  can  purify.  Lay  down 
thine  heart  under  the  word,  and  yield  it  to  the  Spirit,  who  is, 
as  it  were,  the  artificer  which  doth  manage  the  word,  he  can 
frame  it  into  a  vessel  of  honour ;  but  if  thou  resist  and  be 
stubborn  against  the  Spirit  in  the  word,  know  that  it  is  but  the 
crackling  of  a  leaf  in  the  fire  :  if  thou  wilt  not  suffer  it  to 
purge  thee,  thou  canst  not  hinder  it  consuming  thee ;  nothing 


is  more  comfortable,  nothing  more  consuming  than  fire ;  no- 
thing more  comfortable  than  the  light,  warmth,  and  witness  of 
the  Spirit ;  nothing  more  terrible  than  the  conviction,  con- 
demnation, and  bondage  of  the  Spirit. 

Now  this  difference  in  the  measure  of  the  Spirit  may  be 
seen  in  two  things.  1.  In  a  greater  measure  of  knowledge ; 
"  They  shall  all  know  me,  from  the  least  of  them  unto  the 
greatest  of  them,  saith  the  Lord,"  Jer.  xxxi.  34.  "  And  the 
earth  shall  be  full  of  the  knowledge  of  the  Lord,  as  the  waters 
cover  the  sea,"  Isa.  xi.  9.  Our  Saviour  told  his  disciples  that 
all  things  he  had  heard  of  his  Father  he  had  made  known 
unto  them,  John  xv.  15  ;  and  yet  a  little  after  he  telleth  them 
that  many  other  things  he  had  to  say  unto  them  which  they 
could  not  bear,  till  the  Spirit  of  truth  came,  who  should  guide 
them  into  all  truth,  John  xvi.  12,  13 ;  noting  that  the  Spirit, 
when  he  came,  should  enlarge  their  hearts  to  a  capacity  of 
more  heavenly  wisdom  than  they  could  comprehend  before. 
For  we  may  observe,  before  how  ignorant  they  were  of  many 
things,  though  they  conversed  with  Christ  in  the  flesh.  Philip 
ignorant  of  the  Father,  John  xiv.  8  ;  Thomas  of  the  way  unto 
the  Father,  John  xiv.  5 ;  Peter  of  the  necessity  of  Christ's 
sufferings,  Matt.  xvi.  22  ;  the  two  disciples  of  his  resurrection, 
Luke  xxiv.  43 ;  all  of  them  of  the  quality  of  his  kingdom, 
Acts  i.  6.  Thus,  before  the  sending  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  the 
Lord  did  not  require  so  plentiful  knowledge  unto  salvation,  as 
after ;  as  in  the  valuations  of  money,  that  which  was  plenty 
two  or  three  hundred  years  since,  is  but  penury  now.  2.  In 
a  greater  measure  of  strength  for  spiritual  obedience.  They 
who  before  fled  from  the  company  of  Christ  in  his  sufferings, 
did  afterwards  rejoice  to  be  counted  worthy  of  suffering  shame 
for  his  name  ;  or,  as  the  elegancy  of  the  original  words  import, 
to  be  dignified  with  that  dishonour  of  being  christians.  Acts  v. 
41.  For  suffering  of  persecution  for  Christ,  and  the  trial  of 
faith  by  divers  temptations,  is  in  the  Scriptures  reckoned  up 
amongst  the  gifts  and  hundred  fold  compensations  of  God  to 
his  people,  Mark  x-  30 ;  Phil.  i.  29 ;  Heb.  xi.  26  ;  James  i.  2  ; 
1  Peter  i.  6,  7.  "  No  man,"  saith  our  Saviour,  "  putteth  new 
wine  into  old  bottles  ; "  that  is,  exacteth  rigid  and  heavy  ser- 
vices of  weak  and  unqualified  disciples,  and  therefore  my  disci- 
ples fast  not  while  I  am  amongst  them  in  the  flesh :  but  the 
days  will  come  when  I  shall  be  taken  from  them  in  body, 
and  shall  send  them  my  Holy  Spirit  to  strengthen  and  pre- 
pare them  for  hard  service,  and  then  they  shall  fast  and  per- 


form  those  parts  of  more  difficult  obedience  unto  me,  Matt.  ix. 
15,  17. 

Now  further,  touching  this  sending  of  the  Holy  Spirit, 
which,  together  with  Christ's  intercession,  was  one  of  the  prin- 
cipal ends  of  his  ascending  up  unto  the  right  hand  of  power, 
it  may  be  here  demanded,  why  the  Holy  Spirit  was  not,  before 
this  exaltation  of  Christ,  sent  forth  in  such  abundance  upon 
the  church  ?  The  main  reason  whereof,  next  unto  the  pur- 
pose and  decree  of  God,  into  which  all  the  acts  of  his  will  are 
to  be  resolved,  Eph.  i.  11,  is  given  by  our  Saviour,  John  xiv. 
16  ;  xvi.  7;  because  he  was  to  supply  the  corporeal  absence  of 
Christ,  and  to  be  another  Comforter  to  the  church.  Of  which 
office  the  Spirit,  because  it  was  one  of  the  main  ends  of  his 
mission,  and  that  one  of  the  chief  works  of  Christ's  sitting  at 
God's  right  hand,  I  shall  here,  without  any  unprofitable  or 
impertinent  digression,  speak  a  little. 

(1.)  The  Spirit  is  a  Comforter,  because  an  Advocate  to  his 
people ;  for  so  much  the  word  signifies,  and  is  elsewhere  ren- 
dered, 1  John  ii.  1.  Now,  he  is  called  "  another  Comforter,"  or- 
Advocate,  to  denote  the  difference  between  Christ  and  the 
Spirit  in  this  particular.  There  is  then  an  advocate  by  office 
when  one  person  takes  upon  himself  the  cause  of  another,  and 
in  his  name  pleads  it.  Thus  Christ,  by  the  office  of  his  medi- 
ation and  intercession,  is  an  Advocate  for  his  church,  and  doth, 
in  his  own  person  in  heaven,  apply  his  merits,  and  further  the 
cause  of  our  salvation  with  his  Father.  There  is  likewise  an 
advocate  by  energy  and  operation,  by  instruction  and  assist- 
ance, which  is  not  when  a  work  is  done  by  one  person  in  the 
behalf  of  another,  but  when  one  by  his  counsel,  inspiration, 
and  assistance,  enableth  another  to  manage  his  own  business 
and  plead  his  own  cause.  And  such  an  advocate  the  Spirit  is, 
who  doth  not  intercede  nor  appear  before  God  in  person  for 
us,  as  Christ  doth,  but  maketh  intercession  for  men  in  and  by 
themselves,  giving  them  an  access  unto  the  Father,  embolden- 
ing them  in  their  fears,  and  helping  them  in  their  infirmities, 
when  they  know  not  what  to  pray,  Eph.  ii.  18 ;  iii.  16  ;  Heb. 
X.  15,  19;  Rom.viii.  26, 

[1.]  First  then,  the  Spirit,  as  our  Advocate,  justifieth  our 
persons,  and  pleadeth  our  causes  against  the  accusations  of 
our  spiritual  enemies.  For  as  Christ  is  our  Advocate  at  the 
tribunal  of  God's  justice,  to  plead  our  cause  against  the  se- 
verity of  his  law  and  that  most  righteous  and  undeniable 
charge  of  sin  which  he  layeth  upon  us  ;  so  the  Holy  Spirit  is 



our  Advocate  at  the  tribunal  of  God's  mercy,  enabling  us  there 
to  clear  ourselves  against  the  temptations  and  murderous  as- 
saults of  our  spiritual  enemies.  The  world  accuseth  us  by 
false  and  slanderous  calumniations,  laying  to  our  charge 
things  which  we  never  did  ;  the  Spirit  in  this  case  maketh  us 
not  only  plead  our  innocency,  but  to  rejoice  in  our  fellowship 
with  the  prophets  who  were  before  us  ;  to  esteem  the  reproaches 
of  Christ  greater  riches  than  the  treasures  of  the  world ;  to 
count  ourselves  happy  in  this,  that  it  is  not  such  low  marks  as 
we  are  which  the  malice  of  the  world  aimeth  at,  but  the  Spirit 
of  glory  and  of  God  which  resteth  upon  us,  who  is  on  their 
part  evil  spoken  of,  1  Peter  iv.  14.  Satan,  that  grand  accuser 
of  the  brethren,  doth  not  only  load  my  sins  upon  my  con- 
science, but  further  endeavoureth  to  exclude  me  from  the 
benefit  of  Christ,  by  charging  me  with  impenitency  and  unbe- 
lief. But  here  the  Spirit  enableth  me  to  clear  myself  against 
the  father  of  lies.  It  is  true  indeed  I  have  sinful  flesh,  the 
seeds  of  all  mischief  in  my  nature  ;  but  the  first  means  which 
brought  me  hereunto  was  the  believing  of  thy  lies,  and  there- 
fore I  will  no  longer  entertain  thy  hellish  reasonings  against 
mine  own  peace.  I  have  a  spirit  which  teacheth  me  to  bewail 
the  frowardness  of  mine  own  heart,  to  deny  mine  own  will  and 
works,  to  long  and  aspire  after  perfection  in  Christ,  to  adhere 
with  dehght  and  purpose  of  heart  unto  his  law,  to  lay  hold 
with  all  my  strength  upon  that  plank  of  salvation  which,  in 
this  shipwreck  of  my  soul,  is  cast  out  unto  me.  These  affec- 
tions of  my  heart  come  not  from  the  earthly  Adam ;  for  what- 
soever is  earthly,  is  sensual  and  devilish  too.  And  if  they  be 
holy  and  heavenly,  I  will  not  believe  that  God  will  put  any 
thing  of  heaven  into  a  vessel  of  hell.  Sure  I  am,  that  He  who  died 
for  me  when  I  did  not  desire  him,  will  in  no  wise  cast  me  away 
when  I  come  unto  him.  He  who  hath  given  me  a  will  to  love 
his  service,  and  to  lean  upon  his  promises,  will,  in  mercy,  accept 
the  will  for  the  deed,  and  in  due  time  accomplish  the  work  of 
holiness  which  he  hath  begun.  Thus  the  Spirit,  like  an  ad- 
vocate, secureth  his  client's  title  against  the  sophistical  ex- 
ceptions of  the  adversary ;  and  when,  by  temptations,  our  eye 
is  dimmed,  or  by  the  mixture  of  corruptions  our  evidences  de- 
faced, he  by  his  skill  helpeth  our  infirmities,  and  bringeth  those 
things  which  are  blotted  out  and  forgotten  into  our  remember- 
ance  again. 

[2.]  An  advocate  admonisheth  and  directeth  his  client  how 
to  order  and  manage  his  own  business ;  what  evidences  to  pro- 


duce,  what  witnesses  to  prepare,  what  offices  to  attend,  what 
preparations  to  make  against  the  time  of  his  hearing :  so  the 
Spirit  doth  set  the  hearts  of  believers  in  a  right  way  of  nego- 
tiating their  spiritual  affairs,  maketh  them  to  hear  a  voice  be- 
hind them,  furnishing  them  with  wisdom  and  pruderice  in 
every  condition ;  how  to  grapple  with  temptations,  how  to 
serve  God  in  all  states ;  when  to  reprove,  direct,  counsel,  com- 
fort ;  when  to  speak,  and  when  to  be  silent ;  when  to  let  out, 
and  when  to  chain  up  a  passion ;  when  to  use,  and  when  to 
forbear  liberty  ;  how  to  prosecute  occasions  and  apply  occur- 
rences unto  spiritual  ends ;  every  where  and  in  all  things 
strengthening  and  instructing  us  to  manage  our  hearts  unto 
the  best  advantages  of  peace  to  ourselves  and  of  glory  to  our 
master,  Isa.  xxx.  21 ;  Col.  i.  9,  10 ;  Phil.  iv.  12,  13. 

[3.]  An  advocate  maketh  up  the  faihngs  of  his  client,  and 
by  his  wisdom  and  observation  of  the  case,  picks  out  advan- 
tages beyond  the  instructions,  and  gathereth  arguments  to  fur- 
ther the  suit  which  his  client  himself  observed  not.  So  the 
Spirit,  when  we  know  not  what  to  pray,  when,  with  Jehosha- 
phat,  we  know  not  what  to  do  ;  when,  it  may  be,  in  our  own 
apprehension,  the  whole  business  of  our  peace  and  comfort 
lieth  a  bleeding,  doth  then  help  our  infirmities,  and  by  dumb 
cries  and  secret  intimations,  and  deep  and  unexpressible  groan- 
ings,  presenteth  arguments  unto  him  who  is  the  Searcher  of 
hearts,  and  whoknoweth  the  mind  of  the  Spirit,  which  we  our- 
selves cannot  express,  Rom.  viii.  27. 

(2.)  The  Spirit  is  a  Comforter  by  applying  and  representing 
Christ  absent,  unto  the  soul  again.  For  the  Spirit  carrieth  a 
christian's  heart  up  to  Christ  in  heavenly  affections  and  conver- 
sation, Col.  iii.  1 — 3;  Phil.  iii.  20.  As  a  piece  of  earth, 
when  it  is  out  of  its  place,  doth  ever  move  to  the  whole  earth, 
so  a  spark  of  Christ's  Spirit  will  naturally  move  upward  unto 
him  who  hath  the  fulness  in  him.  A  stone,  though  broken 
all  to  pieces  in  the  motion,  will  yet  through  all  that  peril  and 
violence  move  unto  the  centre ;  so,  though  the  nature  of  man 
abhor,  and  would  of  itself  decline  the  passages  of  death, 
2  Cor.  v.  4 ;  yet  the  apostle  desired  to  be  dissolved  and  to  be 
taken  asunder,  that  by  any  means  he  might  be  with  Christ, 
who  is  the  centre  of  every  christian's  desire,  Phil.  i.  23. 
Likewise  the  Spirit  bringeth  Christ  down  to  a  christian, 
formeth  him  in  his  heart,  evidenceth  him,  and  the  virtue  of 
his  passion  and  resurrection  unto  the  conscience,  in  the  power- 
ful dispensation  of  his  holy  ordinances.     Therefore,  when  our 


Saviour  speaks  of  sending  the  Holy  Spirit,  he  addeth,  "I 
will  not  leave  you  comfortless  ;  I  will  come  to  you.  Yet  a 
little  while  and  the  world  seeth  me  no  more ;  but  ye  see  me." 
This  noteth  the  presence  of  Christ  by  his  Spirit  with  the 
church :  but  there  is  more  than  a  presence,  there  is  an  in- 
habitation :  "  At  that  day  ye  shall  know  that  I  am  in  my 
Father,  and  ye  in  me,  and  I  in  you,"  John  xiv.  18,  20. 

(3.)  The  Spirit  is  a  Comforter  by  a  work  of  sweet  and 
fruitful  illumination,  not  only  giving  the  knowledge  but  the 
love  and  comfort  of  the  truth  unto  a  christian,  making  him 
with  open  face  behold  as  in  a  glass  the  glory  of  God,  and 
thereby  transforming  him  into  the  same  image  from  glory  to 
glory.  The  light  of  other  sciences  is  like  the  light  of  a  can- 
dle, nothing  but  light ;  but  the  knowledge  of  Christ  by  the 
Spirit  is  like  the  light  of  the  sun,  which  hath  influences  and 
virtue  in  it.  And  this  is  that  which  the  apostle  calls  the 
"  Spirit  of  revelation  in  the  knowledge  of  God ; "  for  though 
there  be  no  prophetical,  nor  extraordinary  revelations  by 
dreams,  visions,  ecstacies,  or  enthusiasms  ;  yet  according  to  the 
measure  of  spiritual  sight  and  diligent  observation  of  holy 
Scriptures,  there  are  still  manifold  revelations,  or  manifesta- 
tions of  Christ  unto  the  soul.  The  secret  and  intimate  ac- 
quaintance of  the  soul  with  God ;  the  heavings,  aspirings,  and 
harmony  of  the  heart  with  Christ ;  the  sweet  illapses  and 
flashes  of  heavenly  light  upon  the  soul ;  the  knowledge  of  the 
depths  of  God  and  of  Satan,  of  the  whole  armour  of  God 
and  the  strong  man,  of  conflicts  of  spirit,  protection  of  angels, 
experiences  of  mercy,  issues  of  temptation,  and  the  like,  are 
heavenly  and  constant  revelations  out  of  the  word  manifested 
to  the  souls  of  the  faithful  by  the  Spirit. 

(4.)  Lastly,  and  principally,  the  Spirit  is  a  comforter  in 
those  effects  of  joy  and  peace  which  he  worketh  in  the  heart. 
For  joy  is  ever  the  fruit  and  companion  of  the  Spirit,  Gal.  v. 
22 ;  Acts  xiii.  52 ;  and  the  joy  of  the  Spirit  is  like  the  inter- 
cession of  the  Spirit,  "  unspeakable  and  full  of  glory,"  1  Peter 
i.  8.  Not  like  the  joy  of  the  world,  which  is  empty,  false,  and 
deceitful,  full  of  vanity,  vexation,  insufficiency,  unsuitableness 
to  the  soul ;  mingled  with  fears  of  disappointment  and  mis- 
carriage, with  tremblings  and  guilt  of  conscience,  with  cer- 
tainty of  period  and  expiration  ;  but  clear,  holy,  constant,  un- 
mixed, satisfactory,  and  proportionable  to  the  compass  of  the 
soul,  exciting  more  gladness  than  all  the  world  can  take  in  the 
increase  of  their  corn  and  wine,  Psa.  iv.  7. 


And  this  joy  of  the  Spirit  is  grounded  upon  every  passage 
of  a  christian's  condition,  from  tlie  entrance  to  the  end. 

[1.]  The  Spirit  worketh  joy  in  discovering  and  bending  the 
heart  to  mourn  for  corruption.  For  it  is  the  Spirit  of  grace  and 
supplication  which  maketh  sinners  mourn  and  loath  themselves, 
Zech.  xii.  10,  11  ;  Ezek.  xxxvi.  27  :  and  such  a  sorrow  as  this 
is  the  seed  and  the  matter  of  true  joy  ;  for  Joseph's  heart  was 
full  of  joy  when  his  eyes  poured  out  tears  upon  Benjamin's 
neck.  As  in  wicked  laughter  the  heart  may  be  sorrowful,  so 
in  holy  mourning  the  heart  may  rejoice,  for  all  spiritual 
afflictions  have  a  peaceable  fruit.  This  was  the  first  glimpse 
and  beam  of  the  prodigal's  joy,  that  he  resolved  with  tears  and 
repentance  to  return  to  his  father  again.  For  there  is  a  sweet 
complacency  in  an  humble  and  spiritual  heart  to  be  vile  in  its 
own  eyes,  as  to  the  hungry  soul  every  bitter  thing  is  sweet. 
Sacrifices  we  know  were  to  be  offered  up  with  joy ;  and  of  all 
sacrifices  a  broken  heart  is  that  which  God  most  delighteth  in, 
Psa.  li.  16, 17.  There  is  joy  in  heaven  at  the  repentance  of  a 
sinner,  and  therefore  there  must  needs  be  joy  in  the  heart 
itself  which  repenteth,  inasmuch  as  it  hath  heavenly  affections 
begun  in  it.  Therefore,  as  the  apostle  saith,  "  Let  a  man  become 
a  fool  that  he  may  be  wise  ;"  so  may  I  truly  say.  Let  a  man  be- 
come a  mourner  that  he  may  rejoice. 

If  it  be  objected,  how  one  contrary  affection  can  be  the 
ground  and  inducement  of  another,  and  that  he  who  feeleth 
the  weight  of  sin  and  displeasure  of  God,  can  have  little  rea- 
son to  boast  of  much  joy;  to  this  I  answer,  1.  That  we  do 
not  speak  of  those  extraordinary  combats  and  grapplings  with 
the  sense  of  the  wrath  of  God,  breaking  of  bones,  and  burning 
of  bowels,  which  some  have  felt ;  but  of  the  ordinary  humilia- 
tions and  courses  of  repentance  which  are  common  to  all. 
2.  That  such  spiritual  mourning  and  joy  are  not  contrary,  in 
regard  of  the  Spirit,  nor  does  one  exthiguish  or  expel  the 
other.  As  black  and  white  are  contrary  in  the  wall,  but  meet 
without  any  repugnancy  in  the  eye,  because,  though  as  quali- 
ties they  fight,  yet  as  objects  they  agree  to  vulgar  apprehension. 
So  joy  and  mourning,  though  contrary  in  regard  of  their  im- 
mediate impressions  upon  the  sense,  do  not  only  agree  in  the 
same  principle,  the  grace  of  Christ,  and  in  the  same  end,  the 
salvation  of  man,  but  may  also  be  subordinated  to  each  other; 
as  a  dark  and  muddy  colour  is  a  fit  ground  to  lay  gold  upon ; 
so  a  tender  and  mourning  heart  is  the  best  preparation  unto 
spiritual  joy.     Therefore    our    Saviour   compareth   spiritual 


sorrow  unto  the  pains  of  a  woman  in  travail.  Ottier  pains,  grow- 
ing out  of  sickness  and  distempers,  have  none  but  bitter  ingre- 
dients and  anguish  in  them ;  but  that  pain  groweth  out  of  the 
matter  of  joy,  and  leadeth  unto  joy:  so  though  godly  sorrow 
have  some  pain  in  it,  yet  that  pain  hath  ever  joy  both  for  the 
root  and  fruit  of  it,  John  xvi.  21 ;  and  though  for  the  present 
it  may  perhaps  intercept  the  exercise,  yet  it  doth  strengthen 
the  habit  and  ground  of  joy  :  as  those  flowers  in  the  spring 
rise  highest  and  with  greatest  beauty,  which  in  winter  shrink 
lowest  into  the  earth.  "  I  trembled  in  myself,"  saith  the  pro- 
phet, "  that  I  might  rest  in  the  day  of  trouble,"  Hab.  iii.  16. 

[2.]  The  Spirit  doth  not  only  discover,  but  heal  the  cor- 
ruptions of  the  soul;  and  there  is  no  joy  like  the  joy  of  a 
saved  and  cured  man.  The  lame  man  when  he  was  restored 
by  Peter,  expressed  the  abundant  exultation  of  his  heart  by 
"  leaping  and  praising  God,"  Acts  iii.  8.  For  this  cause, 
therefore,  amongst  others,  the  Spirit  is  called  "the  oil  of  glad- 
ness," because  by  that  healing  virtue  which  is  in  him,  he 
maketh  glad  the  hearts  of  men.  *'  The  Spirit  of  the  Lord," 
saith  Christ,  "  is  upon  me ;  because  the  Lord  hath  anointed 
me  to  preach  good  tidings  unto  the  meek ;  he  hath  sent  me 
to  bind  up  the  broken  hearted,"  Isa.  Ixi.  1  ;  and  again,  "  I  will 
bind  up  that  which  was  broken,  and  will  strengthen  that  which 
was  sick,"  Ezek.  xxxiv.  16.  Now,  this  healing  virtue  of 
Christ  is  in  the  dispensation  of  his  word  and  Spirit,  and  there- 
fore the  prophet  saith,  "  the  Sun  of  Righteousness  shall  arise 
with  healing  in  his  wings,"  Mai.  iv.  2;  where  the  Spirit  in  the 
word,  by  the  which  he  cometh  and  preacheth  unto  men,  Eph. 
ii.  17  ;  1  Peter  iii.  19,  is  called  the  wing  of  the  sun,  because 
he  proceedeth  from  him,  and  was  sent  to  supply  his  absence, 
as  the  beam  doth  the  sun's ;  and  this  Spirit  the  apostle  calleth 
the  strengthener  of  the  inner  man,  Eph.  iii.  16. 

[3.]  The  Spirit  doth  not  only  heal,  but  renew  and  revive 
again  When  an  eye  is  smitten  with  a  sword,  there  is  a 
double  mischief,  a  wound  made,  and  a  faculty  perished ;  anJ 
here,  though  a  surgeon  can  heal  the  wound,  yet  he  can  never 
restore  the  faculty,  because  total  privations  admit  no  return  or 
recovery :  but  the  Spirit  doth  not  only  heal  and  repair,  but 
renew  and  re-edify  the  spirits  of  men.  As  he  healeth  that 
which  was  torn,  and  bindeth  up  that  which  was  smitten,  so  he 
reviveth  and  raiseth  up  that  which  was  dead  before,  Hos.  vi. 
1,2;  and  this  the  apostle  calls  the  renovation  of  the  Spirit, 
Tit.  iii.  5 ;  whereby  old  things  are  not  mended  end  put  together 

OF   THE  SPIRIT.  39 

again,  for  our  fall  made  us  all  over  unprofitable  and  little 
worth,  Rom.  iii.  12;  Prov.  x.  20;  but  are  done  quite  away, 
and  all  things  made  new  again,  2  Cor.  v.  17.  The  heart, 
mind,  affections,  judgment,  conscience,  members  changed 
from  stone  to  flesh,  from  earthly  to  heavenly,  from  the  image 
of  Adam  to  the  image  of  Christ,  Ezek.  xi.  19 ;  1  Cor.  xv.  49. 
Now  this  renovation  must  needs  be  matter  of  great  joy ;  for 
so  the  Lord  comforteth  his  afflicted  people,  Isa.  liv.  11 — 14. 

[4.]  The  Spirit  doth  not  renew  and  set  the  frame  of  the 
heart  right,  and  then  leave  it  to  its  own  care  and  hazards  again ; 
but  being  thus  restored,  he  abideth  with  it  to  preserve  and 
support  it  against  all  tempests  and  batteries.  And  this  further 
multiplieth  the  joy  and  comfort  of  the  church  that  it  is  estab- 
lished in  righteousness,  so  that  no  weapon  which  is  formed 
against  it  can  prosper,  Isa.  liv.  14,  17.  Victory  is  ever  the 
ground  of  joy,  Isa.  ix.  3.  And  the  Spirit  of  God  is  a  victo- 
rious Spirit :  his  judgment  in  the  heart  is  sent  forth  unto  vic- 
tory. Matt.  xii.  20  ;  and  before  him  mountains  shall  be  made 
a  plain,  and  every  high  thing  shall  be  pulled  down,  till  he 
bring  forth  the  head-stone  with  shoutings,  Zech.  iv.  7.  To 
Stephen  he  was  a  Spirit  of  victory  against  the  disputers  of  the 
world.  Acts  vi.  10 ;  to  the  apostles  a  Spirit  of  liberty  in  the 
prison,  Acts  xvi.  25,  26  ;  to  all  the  faithful  a  Spirit  of  joy 
and  glory  in  the  midst  of  persecutions,  1  Peter  iv.  13, 14. 

[3.]  The  Spirit  doth  not  only  preserve  the  heart  which  he 
hath  renewed,  but  maketh  it  fruitful  and  abundant  in  the 
works  of  the  Lord,  Gal.  v.  22  ;  Rom.  vii.  4.  And  fruitful- 
ness  is  a  ground  of  rejoicing,  Isa.  liv.  1.  Therefore  they 
which  are  born  of  God  cannot  commit  sin,  that  is,  they  are 
not  workers  or  artificers,  or  finishers  of  iniquity,  because  they 
have  the  seed  of  God,  that  is  his  Spirit  in  them,  which  fitteth 
them,  as  seed  doth  the  earth,  to  bring  forth  fruit  unto  God. 
Partly,  by  teaching  the  heart,  and  casting  it,  as  it  were,  in  the 
mould  of  the  word  ;  fashioning  such  thoughts,  apprehensions, 
affections,  judgments,  in  the  soul,  as  are  answerable  to  the 
will  and  Spirit  of  God  in  the  word,  so  that  a  man  cannot  but 
set  his  seal,  and  say  Amen  to  the  written  law.  Partly  by 
moving,  animating,  applying,  and  most  sweetly  leading  the 
heart  unto  the  obedience  of  that  law  which  is  thus  written 

[6.]  Those  whom  he  hath  thus  fitted,  he  sealeth  up  unto 
a  final  and  full  redemption  by  the  testimony  of  their  adoption, 
which  is  the  earnest  of  their  inheritance  ;  and  thereby  begetteth 


a  lively  hope,  an  earnest  expectation,  a  confident  attendance 
upon  the  promises,  and  an  unspeakable  peace  and  security 
thereupon ;  by  which  fruits  of  faith  and  hope  there  is  a  glo- 
rious joy  shed  abroad  into  the  soul,  so  full,  and  so  intimately 
mingled  with  the  same,  that  it  is  as  possible  for  man  to  anni- 
hilate the  one,  as  to  take  away  the  other  :  for  according  to  the 
evidence  of  hope,  and  excellency  of  the  thing  hoped,  must  needs 
the  joy  therefrom  resulting  receive  its  sweetness  and  stability. 
By  all  this  which  hath  been  spoken  of  the  mission  of  the 
Spirit  in  such  abundance,  after  Christ's  sitting  at  the  right 
hand  of  God,  we  should  learn  with  what  affections  to  receive 
the  gospel  of  salvation,  for  the  teaching  whereof  the  Holy 
Spirit  was  shed  abroad  abundantly  on  the  ambassadors  of 
Christ ;  and  with  what  heavenly  conversations  to  express  the 
power  which  our  hearts  have  felt  therein,  to  walk  as  children 
of  the  light,  and  as  becometh  the  gospel  of  Christ ;  to  adorn 
our  high  profession,  and  not  to  receive  the  grace  of  God  in 
vain.  Consider  that  the  word  thus  quickened  will  have  an 
operation,  either  to  convince  unto  righteousness,  or  to  seal 
unto  condemnation  ;  as  the  sun,  either  to  melt,  or  to  harden  ; 
as  the  rain,  either  to  ripen  corn  or  weeds ;  as  the  sceptre  of  a 
king,  either  to  rule  subjects,  or  to  subdue  enemies ;  as  the  fire 
of  a  goldsmith,  either  to  purge  gold,  or  to  devour  dross ;  as 
the  waters  of  the  sanctuary,  either  to  heal  places,  or  to  turn 
them  into  salt-pits,  Ezek.  xlvii.  li.  Consider,  according  to 
the  proportion  of  the  Spirit  of  Christ,  in  his  word  revealed, 
shall  be  the  proportion  of  their  judgment  who  despise  it.  The 
contempt  of  a  great  salvation  and  glorious  ministry  shall  bring 
a  sorer  condemnation,  Heb.  ii.  2 — 4.  "  If  I  had  not  come 
and  spoken  unto  them,"  saith  our  Saviour,  "  they  had  not 
had  sin,"  John  xv.  22.  Sins  against  the  light  of  nature  are 
no  sins  in  comparison  of  those  against  the  gospel.  The  earth 
which  drinketh  in  the  rain  that  falls  oft  upon  it,  and  yet  bear- 
eth  nothing  but  thorns  and  briars,  is  rejected,  and  nigh  unto 
cursing,  Heb.  vi.  7,  8.  Consider  that  even  here  God  will  not 
always  suffer  his  Spirit  to  strive  with  flesh  :  there  is  a  day 
of  peace,  which  he  calleth  "  our  day  ;"  a  day  wherein  he  entreat- 
eth  and  bcseecheth  us  to  be  reconciled :  but  if  we  therein 
judge  ourselves  unworthy  of  eternal  life,  and  go  obstinately  on 
till  there  be  no  remedy,  he  can  easily  draw  in  his  Spirit,  and 
give  us  over  to  the  infatuation  of  our  own  hearts,  that  we 
may  not  be  cleansed  any  more  till  he  have  caused  his  fury  to 
rest  upon  us,  Ezek.  xxiv.  13. 


We  see  likewise  by  this  doctrine  whereupon  the  comforts  of  the 
church  are  founded  ;  namely,  upon  Christ  as  the  first  Comforter, 
by  working  our  reconciliation  with  God ;  and  upon  the  Spirit  as 
another  Comforter,  testifying  and  applying  the  same  unto  our 
souls.  And  the  continual  supply  and  assistance  of  this 
Spirit  is  the  only  comfort  the  church  hath  against  the  domi- 
nion and  growth  of  sin.  For  though  the  motions  of  lust 
which  are  in  our  members,  are  so  close,  so  working,  so  full  of 
vigour  and  life,  that  we  can  see  no  power  nor  probabilities  of 
prevailing  against  them ;  yet  we  know  Christ  hath  a  greater 
fulness  of  Spirit  than  we  can  have  of  sin ;  and  it  is  the  great 
promise  of  the  new  covenant  that  God  will  put  his  Spirit  into 
us,  and  thereby  save  us  from  all  our  uncleannesses,Ezek.  xxxvi. 
27 — 29  :  for  though  we  be  full  of  sin,  and  have  but  a  seed,  a 
sparkle  of  the  Spirit  put  into  us,  and  upheld  and  fed  by  fur- 
ther, though  small  supplies,  yet  that  little  is  stronger  than 
legions  of  lust ;  as  a  little  salt  or  leaven  seasoneth  a  great 
lump,  or  a  few  drops  of  spirits  strengthen  a  whole  glass  full 
of  water.  Therefore  the  Spirit  is  called  a  Spirit  of  judgment 
and  of  burning,  because,  as  one  judge  is  able  to  condemn  a 
thousand  prisoners,  and  a  little  fire  to  consume  abundance  of 
dross  ;  so  the  Spirit  of  God,  in  and  present  with  us,  though 
received  and  supplied  but  in  measure,  though  but  a  smoking 
and  suppressed  fire,  shall  yet  break  forth  in  victory  and  judg- 
ment against  all  that  resist  it.  In  us  indeed  there  is  nothing 
that  feeds,  but  only  that  which  resists  and  quencheth  it.  But 
this  is  the  wonderful  virtue  of  the  Spirit  of  Christ  in  his  mem- 
bers, that  it  nourisheth  itself.  Therefore,  sometimes  the  Spirit 
is  called  fire,  Isa.  iv.  4 ;  Matt.  iii.  11;  and  sometimes  oil, 
Heb.  i.  9 ;  1  John  ii.  27  :  to  note  that  the  Spirit  is  nutriment 
unto  itself ;  that  grace  which  we  have  received  already  is  pre- 
served and  excited  by  new  supplies  of  the  same  grace  ;  which 
supplies  we  are  sure  shall  be  given  to  all  that  ask  them,  by 
the  virtue  of  Christ's  prayer,  John  xiv.  16 ;  by  the  virtue  of 
his  and  his  Father's  promise,  John  xvi.  7  ;  Acts  i.  4 ;  and  by 
the  virtue  of  that  office  which  he  still  bears,  which  is  to  be 
the  Head,  or  vital  principle  of  all  holiness  and  grace  unto  the 
church.  And  all  these  are  permanent  things,  and  therefore 
the  virtue  of  them  abideth,  their  effects  are  never  totally  in- 

5.  and  lastly,  this  sitting  of  Christ  at  the  right  hand  of 
God  noteth  his  intercession  in  the  behalf  of  the  whole  church, 
and  each  member  thereof.     "  Who  is  he  that  condemneth  ?" 


saith  the  apostle.  "  It  is  Christ  that  died,  yea  rather,  tliat  is 
risen  again,  who  is  even  at  the  right  hand  of  God,  who  also 
maketh  intercession  for  us,"  Roin.  viii.  34.  But  of  this  doc- 
trine I  shall  speak  more  fitly  in  the  fourth  verse,  it  being  a 
great  part  of  the  priesthood  of  Christ. 

I  now  proceed  to  the  last  thing  in  this  first  verse, — the  con- 
tinuance and  victory  of  kingdom,  in  these  words,  "  Until  I 
make  thy  foes  thy  footstool : "  wherein  every  word  is  full  of 
weight.  Here  is  the  term  of  duration,  or  measure  of  Christ's 
kingdom, — "  Until."  The  Author  of  subduing  Christ's 
enemies  under  him, — "  I,"  the  Lord.  The  manner  thereof, 
— "  I  will  put  them,"  and  "  I  will  put  them  as  a  footstool : '' 
"  put  thy  foes  as  a  stool  under  thy  feet." 

Victory  is  a  relative  word,  and  presupposeth  enemies,  and 
they  are  expressed  in  the  text.  Their  enmity  is  here  not  de- 
scribed, but  only  presupposed.  It  shows  itseJf  against  Christ 
in  all  the  offices  of  his  mediation.  There  is  enmity  against 
him  as  a  prophet ;  enmity  against  his  truth.  In  opinion,  by 
adulteratmg  it  with  human  mixtures  and  superinducements, 
teaching  for  doctrines  the  traditions  of  men.  In  aifection,  by 
wishing  many  Divine  truths  were  razed  out  of  the  Scriptures, 
as  being  manifestly  contrary  to  those  pleasures  which  they  love 
rather  than  God.  In  conversation,  by  keeping  down  the  truth 
in  unrighteousness,  and  in  those  things  which  they  know, 
as  brute  beasts  corrupting  themselves.  Enmity  against  his 
teaching,  by  quenching  the  motions,  and  resisting  the  evidence 
of  his  Spirit  in  the  word,  refusing  to  hear  his  voice,  and  re- 
jecting the  counsel  of  God  against  themselves.  There  is  en- 
mity against  him  as  a  Priest,  by  undervaluing  his  person,  suf- 
ferings, righteousness,  or  merits.  And  as  a  King,  enmity  to  his 
worship,  by  profanely  neglecting  it,  by  idolatry  perverting  it, 
by  superstition  corrupting  it.  Enmity  to  his  ways  and  service, 
by  ungrounded  prejudices,  misjudging  them  as  grievous,  un- 
profitable, or  unequal  ways ;  and  by  wilful  disobedience  for- 
saking them,  to  walk  in  the  ways  of  our  own  heart. 

And  this  is  a  point  which  men  should  labour  to  try  them- 
selves in  ;  for  the  enemies  of  Christ  are  not  only  oui  of  the 
church,  but  in  the  midst  where  his  kingdom  is  set  up,  ver.  2 ; 
Isa.  viii.  14.  And  indeed,  by  how  much  the  more  dangerous 
it  is,  by  so  much  the  more  subtle  will  Satan  and  a  sinful  heart 
be  to  deceive  itself  therein ;  for  this  is  a  certain  truth,  that 
men  may  profess  and  falsely  believe  that  they  love  the  Lord 


Jesus,  and  yet  be  as  real  enemies  unto  his  person  and  king- 
dom, as  the  jews  that  accused  and  the  heathen  that  crucified 
him.  He  was  set  up  for  a  sign  to  be  spoken  against,  for  a 
rock  of  offence,  and  a  stone  of  stumbling,  which  the  very 
builders  themselves  would  reject.  There  were  false  brethren 
amongst  the  Philippians,  who  professed  the  name  of  christians, 
and  yet  by  their  sensual  walking  and  worldly-mindedness,  de- 
clared themselves  to  be  enemies  to  the  cross  of  Christ,  Phil, 
iii.  18,  19.  To  honour  the  bodies  of  the  saints  departed  with 
beautiful  sepulchres,  is  in  itself  a  testimonial  of  sincere  love 
and  inward  estimation  of  their  persons  and  graces  ;  and  there- 
fore the  Holy  Ghost  hath  recorded  it  for  the  perpetual  honour 
of  Joseph  of  Arimathea,  and  Nicodemus,  that  they  embalmed 
the  body  of  Jesus,  and  laid  it  in  a  new  sepulchre,  John  xix. 
38 — 41 ;  yet  our  Saviour  pronounced  a  woe  against  the 
scribes  and  pharisees,  because  they  built  the  tombs  of  the 
prophets,  and  garnished  the  sepulchres  of  the  righteous.  Matt, 
xxiii.  29.  The  fault  was  not  in  the  fact  itself,  but  in  the 
hypocrisy  of  the  heart,  in  the  incongruity  of  their  other  prac- 
tices ;  and  in  that  protection  which,  by  this  plausible  pretext 
of  honour  to  the  prophets,  they  laboured  to  gain  their  persons, 
and  appropriation  to  their  attempts  against  Christ,  in  the 
minds  of  the  people,  who  yet  ordinarily  esteemed  Christ, 
whom  they  persecuted,  a  prophet  sent  from  God.  They  pro- 
fess, if  we  had  been  in  the  days  of  our  fathers,  we  would 
not  have  done  as  they  did :  but  our  Saviour  reproves  this 
hypocritical  persuasion,  by  showing  that  it  was  no  strange 
thing  with  them  to  persecute  prophets,  but  a  national  and 
hereditary  sin,  and  therefore  they  had  no  reason  to  boast  of 
their  descent,  as  their  manner  was,  Luke  iii.  8  ;  John  viii.  39 ; 
or  to  think  that  God's  mercies  were  entailed  unto  them,  since, 
by  their  own  confession,  they  were  the  posterity  of  those  that 
had  killed  the  prophets  :  and  also  that  they  did  fulfil  the  measure 
of  their  fathers  ;  that  is,  that  which  their  fathers  had  been  long 
and  leisurely  doing,  they  now  did  altogether  in  one  blow.  For 
it  was  the  same  Christ  whom  they  persecuted  in  his  person, 
and  their  fathers  in  his  prophets ;  and  therefore,  though  they 
seemed  to  honour  and  revere  the  memory  of  those  holy  mar- 
tyrs, yet  upon  them  should  light  the  guilt  of  all  the  righteous 
blood  which  had  ever  been  shed  in  the  land,  inasmuch  as 
their  malice  was  directed  against  that  fulness,  of  which  all  the 
prophets  had  but  a  measure.  If  by  several  enemies  a  man  be 
severally  mangled,  one  cuts  off  a  foot,  another  a  hand,  another 


an  arm,  and  after  all  this,  there  come  one  who  cuts  off  the 
head,  and  yet  bestows  some  honourable  ceremonies  upon 
those  members  which  the  rest  had  abused,  he  shall  justly 
suffer,  as  if  he  had  slain  a  whole  man,  inasmuch  as  his  malice 
did  eminently  contain  in  it  the  degrees  of  all  the  rest ;  and 
that  pretended  honour  shall  be  so  far  from  compensating  the 
injury,  that  it  shall  add  thereunto  an  aggravation  of  base  hy- 
pocrisy. Thus,  as  the  jews,  when  they  thought  they  honoured 
and  admired  the  prophets,  did  yet  harbour  in  their  breasts  that 
very  root  of  fury,  and  had  that  self-same  constitution  of  soul, 
which  were  in  their  forefathers  who  shed  their  blood:  so  in 
our  days,  men  may  say  and  think  that  they  love  Christ,  and 
court  him  with  much  outside  and  empty  service ;  may  boast 
that  if  they  had  lived  in  the  days  of  those  unthankful  jews, 
they  would  not  have  partaken  with  them  in  so  execrable  a 
murder,  and  yet  interpretatively,  and  at  second  hand,  show  the 
very  same  root  of  bitterness,  and  rancorous  constitution  of 
heart  against  him,  in  his  Spirit  and  ordinances,  which  was  in 
those  men  when  they  cried,  "  Away  with  him  ;  crucify  him  I 
crucify  him  ! " 

Many  grounds  there  are  of  this  grand  mispersuasion  of  the 
heart  in  its  love  to  Christ,  which  I  will  but  touch  upon. 
1.  The  first  is  the  general  acceptation  and  countenance  which 
the  gospel  of  Christ  receiveth  amongst  the  princes  of  this 
world,  who,  in  christian  commonwealths,  do  both  by  their  own 
voluntary  and  professed  subjection,  and  by  the  vigour  of  their 
public  laws,  establish  the  same.  Now,  this  is  most  certain, 
that  as  in  all  other  sciences,  the  principles  of  one  will  not 
serve  to  beget  the  conclusions  of  another  ;  so  here,  especially, 
if  a  spiritual  assent  and  affection  be  grounded  upon  no  other 
than  human  inducements,  it  is  most  undoubtedly  spurious  and 
illegitimate.  That  reason  which  the  pharisees  used  to  dis- 
suade men  from  believing  in  Christ,  "  Have  any  of  the  rulers 
or  of  the  pharisees  believed  on  him  ?  "  John  vii.  48,  is  one  of 
the  principal  arguments  which  many  men  have  now  why  they 
do  believe  on  him ;  because  the  rulers,  whose  examples  and 
laws  they  observe  more  upon  trust  than  trial,  do  lead  them 
thereunto  ;  and  therefore  we  find  amongst  the  jews  that  those 
very  men  who,  when  the  goverrment  of  the  whole  twelve 
tribes  was  one,  did  all  consent  in  an  unity  of  religion ;  upon 
the  distraction  of  the  kingdom  under  Jeroboam,  were  presently 
likewise  divided  in  their  observance  of  God's  worship ;  and 
they  who  before  were  zealous  for  the  temple  at  Jerusalem, 


were  afterwards  as  superstitious  for  Dan  and  Bethel :  the  pro- 
phet giveth  the  reason  of  it,  "  They  wilUngly  walked  after  the 
commandment,"  namely  of  Jeroboam,  Hos.  v.  11.  No  sooner 
did  the  prince  interpose  his  authority,  but  the  people  were  will- 
ing to  pin  their  opinions  and  practices  upon  his  word.  If 
Omri  make  statutes,  and  Ahab  confirm  idolatrous  counsels  by 
his  own  practices,  the  prophet  shows  how  forward  the  people 
are  to  walk  in  them,  Micah  vi.  16.  Therefore  it  is  that  our 
Saviour  saith  of  the  best  sort  of  wicked  men,  that  those  who 
with  gladness  (and  that  is  ever  a  symptom  of  love)  received 
the  gospel,  yet  in  time  of  persecution  they  were  offended, 
and  fell  away.  Matt.  xiii.  21  ;  to  note  unto  us,  that  when 
Christ  is  forsaken  because  of  persecution,  the  imaginary  love 
which  was  bestowed  upon  him  before  was  certainly  supported 
by  no  other  ground  than  that  which  is  contrary  to  persecution, 
namely  the  countenance  and  protection  of  public  power. 

2.  A  great  part  of  men  profess  faith  and  love  to  Christ 
merely  upon  the  rules  of  their  education.  The  main  reason 
into  which  their  religion  is  resolved,  is  not  any  evidence  of 
excellency  in  itself,  but  only  the  customs  and  traditions  of 
their  forefathers  ;  which  is  to  build  a  divine  faith  upon  a  hu- 
man authority,  and  to  set  man  in  the  place  of  God.  Certain 
it  is,  that  contrary  religions  can  never  be  originally  grounded 
upon  the  same  reason  ;  that  which  is  a  true  and  adequate  prin- 
ciple of  faith  or  love  to  Christ  can  never  be  suitable  to  the 
conclusions  of  mohammedanism  or  idolatry.  Now  then,  when 
a  professed  christian  can  give  no  other  account  of  his  love  to 
Christ  than  a  Turk  of  his  love  to  Mohammed ;  when  that 
which  moveth  an  idolater  to  hate  Christ,  is  all  that  one  of  us 
hath  to  say  why  he  believeth  in  him,  certainly  that  love  and 
faith  is  but  an  empty  presumption,  which  dishonoureth  the 
Spirit  of  Christ,  and  deludeth  our  own  souls.  There  is  a 
natural  instinct  in  the  mind  of  man  to  reverence  and  vindicate 
the  traditions  of  their  progenitors,  and  at  first  view  to  detest 
any  novel  opinions  which  seem  to  thwart  the  received  doctrine 
wherein  they  had  been  bred  :  and  this  affection  is  ever  so  much 
the  stronger,  by  how  much  the  tradition  received  is  about  the 
nobler  and  more  necessary  things.  And  therefore  it  discover- 
eth  itself  with  most  violence  and  impatiency  in  matters  of 
religion,  wherein  the  eternal  welfare  of  the  soul  is  made  the 
issue  of  the  contention.  We  find  with  what  heat  of  zeal  the  jews 
contended  for  the  temple  at  Jerusalem,  and  with  how  equal 
and  confident  emulation  the  Samaritans  ventured  their  lives 


for  the  precedency  of  their  temple  on  mount  Gerazim ;  and 
took  an  oath  to  produce  proofs  for  the  authority  thereof;  and 
yet  all  the  ground  of  this  will-worship  was  the  tradition  of 
their  fathers  ;  for  our  Saviour  assures  us  that  they  worshipped 
they  knew  not  what,  John  iv.  20 — 22,  and  only  took  things 
upon  trust  from  their  predecessors.  This  we  find  was  ever 
the  reason  of  the  Jews'  obstinacy  against  the  prophets ;  they 
answered  all  their  arguments  with  the  practice  and  traditions 
they  had  received  from  their  fathers,  Jer.  ix.  14  ;  xi.  1 0  ;  xliv.l7  ; 
Acts  vii.  51. 

3.  The  heart  may  be  mispersuaded  of  its  love  to  Christ  by 
judging  that  an  affection  unto  him,  which  is  indeed  nothing 
but  a  self-love  and  a  desire  of  advancing  private  ends.  The 
rule  whereby  Christ  at  the  last  day  will  measure  the  love  or 
hatred  of  men  unto  him,  is  their  love  or  hatre-d  of  his  brethren 
and  members  here,  Matt.  xxv.  40,  45  ;  for  in  all  their  afflictions 
Christ  himself  is  afflicted.  "  Peter,  lovest  thou  me  ?  Feed 
my  sheep  ; "  make  proof  of  thy  love  to  me  by  thy  service  and 
compassion  to  my  people.  And  how  many  are  there  every- 
where to  be  found  whose  love  unto  themselves  hath  devoured 
all  brotherly  love  !  who  take  no  pity  either  upon  the  souls  or 
temporal  necessities  of  those  with  whom  they  yet  pretend  a 
fellowship  in  Christ's  own  body  !  who  spend  more  upon  their 
own  pride  and  luxury,  upon  their  backs  and  bellies,  their  plea- 
sures and  excesses,  yea,  bury  more  of  their  substance  in  the 
maws  of  hawks  and  dogs,  than  they  can  ever  persuade  them- 
selves to  put  into  the  bowels  of  the  poor  saints  I  Surely  at 
the  day  of  judgment,  however  such  men  here  profess  to  love 
Christ,  and  would  spit  in  the  face  of  him  who,  with  Justin 
Martyr,  should  say,  they  were  not  christians,  it  will  appear 
that  such  men  did  as  formally  and  as  properly  deny  Christ,  as 
if,  with  Peter,  they  had  publicly  sworn,  "  1  know  not  the  man." 
The  apostle  plainly  intimates  thus  muchwhen  he  showeth  that  the 
experiment  of  the  Corinthians'  ministration  to  the  necessity  of 
the  saints,  was  an  inducement  unto  the  churches  to  praise  God 
for  their  professed  subjection  to  the  gospel  of  Christ,  2  Cor.  ix. 
13.  Again,  as  Christ  is  present  with  us  in  his  poor  members, 
so  likewise  in  the  power  of  his  ordinances,  and  in  the  light 
and  evidence  of  his  Spirit,  shining  forth  in  the  lives  of  holy 
men.  If  then  we  are  impatient  of  the  edge  of  his  word  when 
it  divides  between  the  bone  and  the  marrow,  when  it  discern- 
eth  and  discovereth  our  secret  thoughts,  our  bosom  sins,  our 
ambitions,  unclean  and  hypocritical  intents :  if  the  lives  and 


communion  of  the  saints  be  in  like  manner  an  eye-sore  unto 
us,  in  shaming  and  reproving  our  formal  and  fruitless  profes- 
sion ;  certainly  the  same  affections  of  hatred,  reproach,  and 
disestimation  which  we  show  unto  them,  we  would  with  so  m\ich 
the  more  bitterness  have  expressed  unto  Christ  himself,  if  we  had 
lived  in  his  days,  by  how  much  that  Spirit  of  grace,  against 
which  the  spirit  which  is  in  us  envieth,  was  above  measure  more 
abundantly  in  him  than  in  the  holiest  of  his  members.  "  If 
ye  were  of  the  world,"  saith  our  Saviour,  "  the  world  would  love 
his  own,  but  I  have  chosen  you  out  of  the  world ;  "  I  have  given 
to  you  a  spirit  which  is  contrary  to  the  spirit  of  the  world, 
"  therefore  the  world  hateth  you,"  John  xv.  19.  And  this 
is  evident,  when  men  hate  one  another  merely  for  that  distinc- 
tion which  differenceth  him  from  them,  they  much  more  hate 
him  from  whom  the  difference  itself  originally  proceedeth. 
We  see,  then,  that  they  who  openly  profess  Christ,  may  yet 
inwardly  hate  him,  because  the  ground  of  their  profession  is 
not  any  experimental  goodness  which  they  have  tasted  in  him, 
for  by  nature  men  have  no  relish  of  Christ  at  all,  but  only 
self-love  and  private  ends,  whereby  Christ  is  subordinated  to 
their  own  interests. 

And  may  we  not  still  observe  amongst  christians  at  this 
day,  many  men  who,  contrary  to  the  evidence  of  their  judg- 
ment, and  peace  of  their  consciences,  conform  themselves  unto 
the  vanities,  courses,  and  companies  of  this  evil  world,  and, 
like  cowards,  are  afraid  to  adventure  on  a  rigorous  and  uni- 
versal subjection  to  the  truth  of  Christ ;  dare  not  keep  them- 
selves close  to  those  narrow  rules  of  St.  Paul,  to  abstain  from 
jesting,  which  is  not  seemly ;  to  avoid  all  appearances  of  evil ; 
to  reprove  the  unfruitful  works  of  darkness  ;  to  speak  unto  edi- 
fication, that  their  words  may  minister  grace  unto  the  hearers  ; 
to  rejoice  always  in  the  Lord ;  to  give  place  unto  wrath  ;  to 
recompense  evil  with  good ;  to  be  circumspect  and  exact 
in  their  walking  with  God ;  and  all  this  merely  out  of  suspicion 
of  some  disrespect  and  disadvantages  which  may  hereupon  meet 
them  in  the  world,  of  some  obstacles  and  stoppage  in  the  order 
of  those  projects  which  they  have  contrived  for  their  private 
ends  ?  Now,  if  such  purposes  as  these  do  startle  men  with  a 
punctual  and  rigorous  profession  of  the  gospel  of  Christ 
and  his  most  holy  ways,  (notwithstanding  our  vows  in  baptism 
do  as  strictly  bind  us  thereunto  as  unto  the  external  title  of 
Christianity,)  suppose  we  that  the  same,  or  greater  disadvan- 
tages should  now,  as  in  the  primitive  times,  attend  the  naked 


and  outward  profession  of  Christ,  would  not  such  men  as 
these  fall  into  downright  apostaey,  and  deny  the  Lord  that 
bought  them  ?  Certainly,  our  Saviour  hath  so  resolved  that 
case  in  the  very  best  sort  of  unregenerate  men,  noted  in  the 
stony  ground ;  when  times  of  persecution  happen,  and  they 
are  brought  to  the  trial  who  it  was  whom  in  their  profession 
they  loved,  Christ  or  themselves,  the  excellency  of  the  know- 
ledge of  him,  or  the  secure  enjoyment  of  secular  contentments, 
they  will  then  certainly  fall  away,  and  be  offended,  Matt.  xiii. 
21.  So  profound  and  unsearchable  is  the  deceitful  heart  of 
man,  that  by  that  very  reason  for  which  men  contend  for  the 
outward  face  and  profession  of  religion,  because  they  love  their 
pleasures  and  profits,  which,  without  such  a  profession,  they 
cannot  peaceably  enjoy ;  they  are  deterred  from  a  close, 
spiritual,  and  universal  obedience  to  the  power  thereof,  be- 
cause thereby  likewise  those  pleasures  and  profits  are  kept 
within  such  rules  of  moderation  as  the  nature  of  a  boundless 
and  unsatiable  lust  will  not  admit.  This  is  a  certain  rule  in 
love,  that  the  motions  and  desires  thereof  are  strong,  and 
therefore  in  any  thing  which  the  soul  loves,  it  therein  strives 
for  excellency  and  perfection  ;  and  this  rule  holds  most  true  in 
religion,  because  when  the  soul  loves  that,  it  loves  it  under 
the  apprehension  of  the  greatest  good,  and  therefore,  by  con- 
sequence, sets  the  strongest  and  m.ost  industrious  desires  of 
the  soul  upon  it.  Therefore  the  apostle  saith,  that  the  love 
of  Christ,  namely,  that  love  of  him  which  is  by  the  Holy 
Ghost  shed  abroad  in  our  hearts,  constraineth  us  to  live  unto 
liim,  and  to  aspire  after  him  who  died  for  us  and  rose  again, 
2  Cor.  v.  14,  15.  Love  is  as  strong  as  death,  it  will  take 
no  denial.  It  is  the  wing  and  weight  of  the  soul,  which 
fixeth  all  the  thoughts,  and  carrieth  all  the  desires  unto  an 
intimate  unity  with  the  thing  it  loves  ;  stirreth  up  a  zeal  to 
remove  all  obstacles  which  stand  between  it ;  worketh  a  lan- 
guor or  failing  of  nature  in  the  want  of  it ;  a  softness  of  na- 
ture to  receive  the  impressions  of  it ;  an  egress  of  the  spirits, 
and,  as  it  were,  an  haste  of  the  soul  to  meet  and  entertain  it. 
Whence  those  expressions  of  the  saints  in  holy  Scripture  : 
"  Comfort  me  with  apples,  stay  me  with  flagons  :  for  I  am  sick 
of  love.  My  soul  breaketh  for  the  longing  that  it  hath  unto 
thy  judgments  at  all  times.  The  desire  of  our  soul  is  to  thy 
name,  and  to  the  remembrance  of  thee.  My  soul  thirsteth 
for  (rod.  for  the  living  God ;  when  shall  I  come  and  appear 
before  God  ?     O  that  my  ways  were  directed,  that  I  might 


keep  thy  statutes  ?  With  my  whole  heart  have  I  sought  thee. 
I  have  stuck  unto  thy  testhnonies.  I  will  delight  myself  in 
thy  commandments ;  thy  statutes  have  been  my  songs.  My 
soul  fainteth  for  thy  salvation,"  Cant.  ii.  5  ;  Psa.  cxix.'  20 ; 
Isa.  xxvi.  8  ;  Psa.  xlii.  2  ;  cxix.  5,  10,  31,  47,  54,  81.  By  all 
which  we  see  that  a  true  love  of  Christ  doth  excite  strong 
desires,  and  an  earnest  aspiring  and  ambition  of  the  soul  to 
walk  in  all  well-pleasing,  and  to  be  in  all  things  conformable 
unto  him.  What  the  apostle  saith  of  spiritual  hope,  we  may 
truly  say  of  love,  (which  is  the  fundamental  affection  and  root 
of  all  the  rest,)  he  that  hath  it  indeed  in  him,  "purifieth 
himself  even  as  God  is  pure."  The  love  of  the  world,  and 
the  things  and  lusts  of  the  world,  may  indeed  consist  with  the 
formal  profession,  but  no  way  with  the  truth  or  power  of  a 
true  love  to  Christ  or  his  government.  For  love  is  ever  the 
principle  and  measure  of  all  our  actions ;  such  as  it  is,  such 
likewise  will  they  be  too. 

4.  Something  like  love  there  may  be  in  natural  men  unto 
Christ,  grounded  upon  the  historical  assurance  and  persuasion 
of  his  being  now  in  glory,  attended  by  mighty  angels,  filled  with 
all  the  treasures  of  wisdom,  knowledge,  grace,  power,  and  other 
excellent  attributes,  which  can  attract  love  even  from  an  enemy ; 
and  that  he  hath,  and  still  doth  procure  such  good  things  for 
mankind,  in  their  deliverance  from  the  guilt  of  sin,  and  from 
the  wrath  to  come,  as  of  which,  might  they  but  have  an  ex- 
emption from  his  spiritual  government,  and  a  dispensation  to 
live  according  to  their  own  lusts  still,  no  man  should  be  more 
greedily  desirous.  As  Samson  met  the  lion  as  an  enemy  when 
he  was  alive ;  but  after  he  was  slain,  he  went  unto  him  as  to  a 
table  ;  there  was  only  terror  while  he  lived,  but  honey  when  he 
was  dead.  So,  doubtless,  many  men,  to  whom  the  bodily  pre- 
sence of  Christ,  and  the  mighty  power  and  penetration  of  his 
heavenly  preaching,  whereby  he  smote  sinners  unto  the  ground, 
and  spake  with  such  authority  as  never  man  spake,  would  have 
been  unsufferably  irksome  and  full  of  terror,  as  it  was  unto  the 
scribes  and  pharisees,  can  yet,  now  that  he  is  out  of  their  sight, 
and  doth  not  in  person,  but  only  by  those  who  are  his  wit- 
nesses, torment  the  inhabitants  of  the  earth,  pretend  much  ad- 
miration and  thankful  remembrance  of  that  death  of  his, 
which  was  so  full  of  honey  for  all  that  come  unto  him.  For 
as  particular  dependences  and  expectations  may  make  a  man 
flatter  and  adore  the  greatness  of  some  living  potentate,  whose 
\ery  image,  notwithstanding,  the  same  man  doth  professedly 



abominate  in  other  tyrants  of  the  world  who  are  dead,  or  upon 
whom  he  hath  not  the  same  ends  ;  so  the  self-same  reason  may 
make  men  in  hypocritical  expressions  flatter  and  fawn  upon 
Christ  himself,  who  is  absent,  and  yet  hate  with  a  perfect 
hatred  the  very  image  of  his  Spirit,  in  the  power  of  his  word, 
and  in  the  lives  of  his  people.  The  very  scribes  and  pharisees, 
who  blasphemed  his  Spirit,  and  contrived  his  death,  could  yet 
be  contented  to  be  gainers  thereby ;  for  so  they  confess  ;  "  It 
is  expedient  for  us  that  one  die  for  the  people." 

5.  A  false  love  to  Christ  may  be  grounded  upon  a  false  con- 
ceit of  love  to  his  ordinances.  For  as  it  is  certain,  that  he  who 
loves  the  word  and  worship  of  Christ,  as  his,  doth  love  him, 
too,  who  is  the  Author  of  them  :  so  it  is  certain,  likewise,  that  that 
love  which  is  sometimes  pretended  unto  them,  may  indeed  in  them 
fix  upon  nothing  but  accidental  and  by-respects.  "  The  children 
of  thy  people,"  saith  the  Lord  to  his  prophet,  "  sit  before  thee 
as  my  people,  and  they  hear  thy  words,  but  they  will  not  do 
them  :  for  with  their  mouth  they  show  much  love,  but  their 
heart  goeth  after  their  covetousness."  Here  is  love  in  pre- 
tence, but  falsehood  in  the  heart.  What  then  was  it  which  in 
the  prophet  they  did  thus  love  ?  That  presently  follows ; 
"  Thou  art  unto  them  as  a  very  lovely  song  of  one  that  hath  a 
pleasant  voice,  and  can  play  well  on  an  instrument,"  Ezek. 
xxxiii.  31,  32 ;  that  is,  it  is  not  my  will  which  in  thy  ministry 
they  at  all  regard,  but  only  those  circumstantial  ornaments  of 
graceful  action  and  elocution,  which  they  attend  with  just  the 
same  proportion  of  sensual  delight  as  an  ear  doth  the  harmony 
of  a  well-tuned  instrument.  For  as  a  man  may  be  much  af- 
fected with  the  picture  of  his  enemy,  if  drawn  by  a  skilful  hand, 
and  yet  therein  love  nothing  of  the  person,  but  only  the  cunning 
of  the  workman  who  drew  the  piece  ;  so  a  man  who  hates  the 
life  and  spirit  of  the  word  of  God  itself,  as  being  diametrically 
contrary  to  that  spirit  of  lust,  and  of  the  world  which  rules  in 
him,  may  yet  be  so  wonderfully  taken  with  that  dexterity  of 
wit,  or  delicacy  of  expression,  or  variety  of  learning,  or  sweet- 
ness of  speech  and  action,  or  whatsoever  other  perfection  of 
nature  or  industry,  in  the  dispensers  of  that  word,  are  most 
suitable  to  his  natural  affections,  as  that  he  may  from  thence 
easily  cheat  his  own  conscience,  and  ground  a  mispersuasion  of 
his  love  to  God's  word,  which  yet  indeed  admireth  nothing  but 
the  perfections  of  a  man.  Nay,  suppose  he  meet  not  with  such 
enticements  to  draw  his  affection,  yet  the  very  pacification  of 
the  conscience,  which  by  a  notorious  neglect  of  God's  ordi- 


nances  would  haply  be  disquieted ;  or  the  credit  of  bearing  con- 
formity to  ecclesiastical  orders  and  the  established  service  of 
God  in  his  church,  or  some  other  the  like  sinister  respect,  may 
hold  a  man  to  such  an  external  fair  correspondence,  as  by  a  de- 
ceitful heart  may  easily  be  misconstrued  a  love  of  God's  ordi- 
nances. Nay,  further  ;  a  man  may  externally  glory  in  the  privi- 
lege of  God's  oracles  ;  he  may  distinctly  believe  and  subscribe 
to  the  truth  of  them  ;  he  may  therein  hear  many  things  gladly, 
and  escape  many  pollutions  of  the  world,  and  yet  hence  con- 
clude no  clearer  evidence  of  his  love  to  Christ  in  his  word 
than  the  unbelieving  jews,  or  Herod,  or  Ahab,  or  Simon 
Magus,  or  the  foolish  virgins  and  apostates,  (all  of  which  have 
attained  to  some  of  these  degrees,)  could  have  done. 

For  the  clearing  then  of  this  great  case, — Touching  the 
evidence  of  a  man's  love  to  Christ,  we  must  first  know,  that 
this  is  not  a  flower  of  our  own  garden  ;  for  every  man  by  nature 
is  an  enemy  to  Christ  and  his  kingdom ;  of  the  jews'  mind, 
"  We  will  not  have  this  man  to  reign  over  us  ;"  and  the  reason 
is,  because  the  image  of  the  old  Adam,  which  we  bear,  is  ex- 
tremely contrary  to  the  heavenly  image  of  the  Second  Adam,  unto 
which  we  are  not  born,  butmust  be  renewed.  And  this  is  certain, 
our  love  is  according  to  our  likeness  ;  he  who  hath  not  the  na- 
ture and  Spirit  of  Christ  can  never  love  him,  or  move  towards 
him.  For  love  is  like  fire,  it  carrieth  things  of  a  nature  to  one 
another.  Our  love  then  unto  Christ  must  be  of  a  spiritual 
generation  ;  and  it  is  grounded  upon  these  causes. 

1.  Upon  the  proportion  which  is  in  him  unto  all  our  desires 
or  capacities;  upon  the  evidence  of  that  unsearchable  and 
bottomless  goodness  which  is  in  him,  which  makes  him  the 
fairest  of  ten  thousand,  even  altogether  lovely.  For  that 
heart  which  hath  a  spiritual  view  of  Christ  will  be  able,  by 
faith,  to  observe  more  dimensions  of  love  and  sweetness  in  him, 
than  the  knowledge  of  any  creature  is  able  to  measure.  In 
all  worldly  things,  though  of  never  so  curious  and  delicate  an 
extraction,  yet  still,  even  those  hearts  which  swim  in  them,  and 
glut  upon  them,  can  easily  discover  more  dregs  than  spirits. 
Nothing  was  ever  so  exactly  fitted  to  the  soul  of  man,  wherein 
there  was  not  some  defect,  or  excess ;  something  which  the 
heart  could  wish  were  away,  or  something  which  it  could  de- 
sire were  tempered  with  it :  but  in  Christ  and  his  kingdom 
there  is  nothing  unlovely.  For  as  in  man,  the  all  that  he  is,  is 
full  of  corruption,  so  in  Christ,  the  all  that  he  is,  is  nothing 
but  perfection.  His  fulness  is  the  centre  and  treasure  of  the 


soul  of  man  ;  and  therefore  that  love  which  is  thereupon 
grounded,  must  needs  be  in  the  soul  as  an  universal  habit  and 
principle,  to  facilitate  every  service  whereby  we  move  unto  this 
centre  ;  for  love  is  the  weight  or  spring  of  the  soul,  which  sets 
every  faculty  on  work  ;  neither  are  any  of  those  commandments 
grievous  which  are  obeyed  in  love ;  and  therefore  it  is  called 
the  fulfilling  of  the  law.  True  love  unto  Christ  keeps  the 
whole  heart  together,  and  carries  it  all  one  way ;  and  so  makes 
it  universal,  uniform,  and  constant  in  all  its  affections  unto 
God,  for  unstedfastness  of  life  proceeds  from  a  divided  or 
double  heart,  James  i.  8.  As  in  the  motions  of  the  heavens, 
there  is  one  common  circumvolution  which  equally  carrieth 
the  whole  frame  daily  unto  one  point  from  east  to  west,  though 
each  several  sphere  hath  a  several  cross  way  of  its  own, 
wherein  some  move  with  a  swifter  and  others  with  a  slower 
motion  ;  so,  though  several  saints  may  have  their  several 
corruptions,  and  those  likewise  in  some  stronger  than  in 
others,  yet  being  all  animated  by  one  and  the  same  Spirit, 
they  all  agree  in  a  steady  and  unifonn  motion  unto  Christ. 
If  a  stone  were  placed  under  the  concave  of  the  moon,  though 
there  be  fire,  and  air,  and  water  between,  yet  through  them  all 
it  would  hasten  to  its  own  place ;  so  be  the  obstacles  ever  so 
many,  or  the  conditions  ever  so  various,  through  which  a 
man  must  pass  ;  through  evil  report  and  good  report ;  through 
terrors  and  temptations ;  through  a  sea  and  a  wilderness ; 
through  fiery  serpents  and  sons  of  Anak ;  yet  if  the  heart 
love  Christ  indeed,  and  conclude  that  heaven  is  its  home, 
nothing  shall  be  able  totally  to  discourage  it  from  hastening 
thither,  whither  Christ  the  Forerunner  is  gone  before. 

2.  The  true  love  of  Christ  is  grounded  upon  the  evidence 
of  that  propriety  which  the  soul  hath  unto  him,  and  of  that 
mutual  inhabitation  and  possession  which  is  between  them. 
So  that  our  love  unto  him,  in  this  regard,  is  a  kind  of  self- 
love,  (and  therefore  very  strong,)  because  Christ  and  a  christian 
are  but  one.  And  the  more  persuasion  the  soul  hath  of  this 
unity,  the  more  must  it  needs  love  Christ ;  for  "  we  love  him, 
because  he  first  loved  us,"  1  John  iv.  16,  19.  And  therefore 
our  Saviour,  from  the  woman's  apprehension  of  God's  more 
abundant  love  in  the  remission  of  her  many  and  great  sins,  con- 
cludeth  the  measure  and  proportion  of  her  love  to  him.  But, 
saith  Christ,  "  to  whom  little  is  forgiven,  the  same  loveth 
little,"  Luke  vii.  47. 

Now,  true  love  to  Christ  and  his  kingdom  thus  grounded, 


will  undoubtedly  manifest  itself,  first,  in  an  universal  extent 
unto  any  thing  wherein  Christ  is  present  unto  his  ehurch. 

(1-)  The  soul,  in  this  case,  will  abundantly  love  and  cherish 
the  Spirit  of  Christ ;  entertain  with  dearest  embraces,  as 
worthy  of  all  acceptation,  the  motions,  dictates,  and  secret 
illapses  of  him  into  the  soul ;  will  be  careful  to  hear  his  voice 
always  behind  him,  prompting  and  directing  him  in  the  way 
he  should  walk  ;  will  endeavour,  with  all  readiness  and  pliable- 
ness  of  heart,  to  receive  the  impression  of  his  seal,  and  the 
testimony  which  he  giveth  in  the  inner  man  unto  all  God's 
promises  ;  will  fear  and  suspect  nothing  more  than  the  froward- 
ness  of  his  own  nature,  which  daily  endeavoureth  to  quench, 
grieve,  resist,  and  rebel  against  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  to  fling 
off  from  his  conduct  again. 

(2.)  The  soul,  in  this  case,  will  abundantly  love  tlie  ordi- 
nances of  God,  in  which,  by  his  Spirit,  he  is  still  walking  in 
the  midst  of  the  churches ;  for  the  law  is  written  in  it  by  the 
finger  of  God,  so  that  there  is  a  suitableness  and  coincidence 
between  the  law  of  God  and  the  heart  of  such  a  man.  He 
will  receive  the  word  in  the  purity  thereof,  and  not  give  way 
to  those  human  hiventions  which  adulterate  it ;  nor  to  that 
spiritual  treason  of  wit  and  fancy,  or  of  heresy  and  contra- 
diction, which  would  stamp  the  private  image  and  superscrip- 
tion of  a  man  upon  God's  own  coin,  and  torture  the  Scriptures 
to  confess  that  which  was  never  in  them.  He  will  receive  the 
word  in  the  power,  majesty,  and  authority  thereof,  suffering  it 
like  thunder  to  discover  the  forest,  and  to  drive  out  all  those 
secret  corruptions  which  sheltered  themselves  in  the  corners 
or  deceit  of  his  heart.  He  will  delight  to  have  his  imaginations 
humbled,  and  his  fleshly  reasonings  nonplussed,  and  all  Jiis 
thoughts  subdued  unto  the  obedience  of  Christ.  He  will  re- 
ceive the  word  as  a  wholesome  potion  to  that  very  end,  that 
it  may  search  his  secret  places,  and  purge  out  those  incorpo- 
rated lusts  which  hitherto  he  had  not  prevailed  against.  He 
will  take  heed  of  hardening  his  heart  that  he  may  not  hear, 
of  rejecting  the  counsel  of  God  against  himself,  of  thrusting 
away  the  word  from  him,  of  setting  up  a  resolved  will  of  his 
own  against  the  call  of  Christ,  as  of  most  dangerous  down- 
falls to  the  soul.  He  will  receive  the  word  in  the  spirituality 
thereof,  subscribing  to  the  closest  precepts  of  the  law  ;  suffer- 
ing it  to  cleanse  his  heart  unto  the  bottom.  He  will  let  the 
consideration  of  God's  command  preponderate  and  over-rule 
all  respects  of  fear,  love,  profit,  pleasure,  credit,   compliancy, 


or  any  other  charm  to  disobedience.  He  will  be  contented  to  be 
led  in  the  narrowest  way ;  to  have  his  most  secret  corruptions 
revealed  and  removed ;  to  expose  his  conscience  with  patience 
under  the  saving,  though  severest  blows  of  this  spiritual 
sword.  In  one  word,  he  will  deny  the  pride  of  his  own  wisdom  ; 
and  if  it  be  the  evident  truth  of  God  which  is  taught  him, 
though  it  come  naked,  and  without  any  dressings  or  contribu- 
tions of  human  fancy,  he  will  distinguish  between  the  Author 
and  the  instrument,  between  the  treasure  and  the  vessel  in 
which  it  comes  ;  and  from  any  hand  receive  it  with  such  awful 
submission  of  heart  as  becometh  God's  own  word. 

(3.)  The  soul,  in  this  case,  will  most  dearly  love  every 
member  of  Christ.  For  these  two,  the  love  of  Christ  and 
of  his  members,  do  infallibly  accompany  one  another.  For 
though  there  be  a  far  higher  proportion  of  love  due  unto 
Christ  than  unto  men,  yet  our  love  to  our  brethren  is,  as  re- 
spects ourselves  and  our  posterity,  not  only  the  evidence,  but 
even  the  measure  of  our  love  to  Christ.  "  He  that  loveth  not 
his  brother  whom  he  hath  seen,  how  can  he  love  God  whom 
he  hath  not  seen  ?  "  saith  the  apostle,  1  John  iv.  20.  He  that 
hath  not  love  enough  in  him  for  a  man  like  himself,  how  can 
he  love  God,  whose  goodness  being  above  our  knowledge,  re- 
quireth  a  transcendancy  in  our  love  ?  This,  then,  is  a  sure 
rule,  He  that  loveth  not  a  member  of  Christ,  loveth  not 
Christ ;  and  he  who  groweth  hi  his  love  to  his  brethren,  grow- 
eth  likewise  in  his  love  to  Christ.  For  as  there  is  the  same 
proportion  of  one  to  five,  as  there  is  of  twenty  to  an  hundred, 
though  the  numbers  be  far  less  ;  as  the  motion  of  the  shadow 
upon  the  dial  answereth  exactly  to  that  proportion  of  motion 
and  distance  which  the  sun  hath  in  the  firmament,  though  the 
sun  goeth  many  millions  of  miles,  when  the  shadow,  it  maybe, 
moveth  not  the  breadth  of  a  hand  :  so,  though  our  love  to 
Christ  ought  to  be  a  far  more  abundant  love  than  to  anv  of  his 
members,  yet  certain  it  is,  that  the  measure  of  our  progress  in 
brotherly  love,  is  punctually  answerable  to  the  growth  of  our 
love  to  Christ. 

3.  A  true  grounded  love  unto  Christ  v^ill  show  itself  in 
the  right  manner  or  conditions  of  it ;  which  are  principally 
these  three  : — 

(1.)  It  must  be  an  incorruptible  and  sincere  love.  "Grace 
be  with  all  them  that  love  the  Lord  Jesus  in"  incorruption,  or 
*' sincerity,"  saith  the  apostle,  Eph.  vi.  24;  that  is,  on  those 
who  love  not  in  w  ord,  or  outward  profession  and  stipulation 


only,  but  in  deed  and  truth,  or  in  the  permanent  constitution 
of  the  inner  man;  which  moveth  them  to  love  him  always  and 
in  all  things  ;  to  hate  every  false  way  ;  to  set  the  whole  heart, 
the  study,  purpose,  prayer,  and  all  the  activity  of  our  spirits 
against  every  corruption  in  us  which  standeth  at  enmity  with 
Christ  and  his  kingdom. 

(2.)  It  must  be  a  principal  and  superlative  love,  grounded 
upon  the  experience  of  the  soul  in  itself,  that  there  is  ten 
thousand  times  more  beauty  and  amiableness  in  him  than  in 
all  the  honours,  pleasures,  profits,  and  satisfactions  which  the 
world  can  afford  ;  that  in  comparison  or  competition  with 
him,  the  dearest  things  of  this  world,  the  parents  of  our 
body,  the  children  of  our  flesh,  the  wife  of  our  bosom,  the 
blood  in  our  veins,  the  heart  in  our  breast,  must  not  only  be 
laid  down  and  lost  as  sacrifices,  but  hated  as  snares  when  they 
draw  us  away  from  him. 

(3.)  It  must  be  an  unshared  and  incommunicable  love, 
without  any  rivals  ;  for  Christ,  as  he  is  unto  us  all  in  all,  so 
he  requireth  to  have  all  our  affections  fixed  upon  him.  As 
the  rising  of  the  sun  drowneth  all  those  innumerable  stars 
which  did  shine  in  the  firmament  before,  so  must  the  beauty 
of  this  Sun  of  righteousness  blot  out,  or  else  gather  together 
unto  itself,  all  those  scattered  affections  of  the  soul  which 
were  before  cast  away  upon  meaner  objects. 

(4.)  True  love  unto  Christ  will  show  itself  in  the  natural 
and  genuine  effects  of  strong  and  spiritual  graces.  Some  of 
the  principal  I  before  named,  unto  which  we  may  add, 

[1.]  An  universal,  cheerful,  and  constant  obedience  to 
his  holy  commandments.  "  If  a  man,"  saith  Christ,  "  love 
me,  he  will  keep  my  words ;  and  my  Father  will  love  him,  and 
we  will  come  unto  him,  and  make  our  abode  with  him,"  John 
xiv.  23.  There  is  a  two- fold  love;  a  love  which  descends, 
and  a  love  which  ascends  ;  a  love  of  bounty  and  beneficence, 
and  a  love  of  duty  and  service.  So  then,  as  a  father  doth 
then  only  in  truth  love  his  child,  when  with  all  care  he  pro- 
videth  for  his  present  education  and  future  subsistence ;  so  a 
child  doth  then  truly  love  his  father  when,  with  all  reverence 
and  submission  of  heart,  he  studieth  to  please  and  to  do  him 
service.  And  this  love,  if  it  be  free  and  ingenuous,  by  how 
much  the  more,  not  only  pure  and  equal  in  itself,  but  also  pro- 
fitable unto  him  the  commandment  is,  by  so  much  the  more 
carefully  will  it  endeavour  the  observation  thereof.  And  there- 
fore, since  the  soul  of  a  christian  knows  that  as  God  himself 


is  good,  and  doth  good  ;  so  his  law,  which  is  nothing  but  a 
ray  and  gUmpse  of  his  own  hoHness,  is  Ukewise  good  in  itself, 
and  doth  good  unto  those  who  walk  uprightly ;  it  is  hereby 
inflamed  to  a  more  sweet  and  serious  obedience  thereunto ;  in 
the  keeping  whereof,  there  is  for  the  present  so  much  sweet- 
ness, and  in  the  future  so  great  a  reward.  "  Thy  word,"  saith 
the  psalmist,  "  is  very  pure  :  therefore  thy  servant  loveth  thee," 
Psa.  cxix.  140. 

[2.]  A  free,  willing,  and  cheerful  suffering  for  him  and  his 
gospel.  "  Unto  you,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  it  is  given  in  the 
behalf  of  Christ,  not  only  to  believe  oa  him,  but  also  to  suffer 
for  his  sake,"  Phil.  i.  29.  We  see  how  far  a  human  love 
either  of  country  or  of  vain-glory,  hath  transported  some 
heathen  men,  to  the  devoting  and  casting  away  their  own 
lives.  How  much  more  should  a  spiritual  love  of  Christ  put 
courage  into  us,  to  bear  all  things,  and  to  endure  all  things  for 
Him,  as  the  apostle  speaks,  1  Cor.  xiii.  7,  who  bare  our  sins, 
and  our  stripes,  and  our  burdens  for  us,  which  were  heavier 
than  all  the  world  could  lay  on  I  And  this  was  the  inducement 
of  that  holy  martyr  Polycarp  to  die  for  Christ,  notwithstanding 
all  the  persuasions  of  the  persecutors,  who,  by  his  apostacy, 
would  fain  have  cast  the  more  dishonour  upon  the  christian 
religion,  and,  as  it  were,  by  sparing  him,  have  the  more  cun- 
ningly persecuted  that.  "This  eighty-six  years,"  saith  he, 
"  I  have  served  him,  and  he  never,  in  all  that  time,  hath  done 
me  any  hurt ;  why  should  I  be  so  ungrateful  as  not  to  trust 
him  in  death,  who  in  so  long  a  life  hath  never  forsaken  me  ?  " 
"  I  am  persuaded,"  saith  the  apostle, "  that  neither  death,  nor  life, 
nor  angels,  nor  principalities,  nor  powers,  nor  things  present,  nor 
things  to  come,  nor  height,  nor  depth,  nor  any  other  creature, 
shall  be  able  to  separate  us  from  the  love  of  God,  which  is  in 
Christ  Jesus  our  Lord,"  Rom.  viii.  38,39.  Nothing  is  able  to 
turn  away  his  love  from  us,  and  therefore  nothing  should  bp 
able  to  quench  our  love  to  him.  "  Many  waters,"  that  is,  by 
the  usual  expression  of  the  holy  Scriptures,  many  afflictions, 
persecutions,  temptations,  "  cannot  quench  love,  neither  can 
the  floods  drown  it,"  Cant.  viii.  7. 

[3.]  A  zealous  and  jealous  contention  for  the  glory,  truth, 
worship,  and  ways  of  Christ.  Wicked  men  pretend  much 
love  to  Christ,  but  they  indeed  serve  only  their  own  turns;  as 
ivy,  which  clasps  an  oak  very  close,  but  only  to  suck  out  sap 
for  its  own  leaves  and  berries ;  but  a  true  love  is  full  of  care 
to  advance  the  glor}'  of  Christ's  kingdom,  and  to  promote  his 


truth  and  worship  ;  fearing  lest  Satan  and  his  instruments  should 
by  any  means  corrupt  his  truth,  or  violate  his  church,  as  the 
apostle  to  the  Galatians  professeth  the  fear  which  his  love 
wrought  in  him  towards  tliem :  "  I  am  afraid  of  you,  lest  I 
have  bestowed  upon  you  labour  in  vain,"  Gal.  iv.  11.  So  "we 
find  what  contention,  and  disputation,  and  strife  of  spirit,  the 
apostles  and  others  in  their  ministry  used,  wnen  Christ  and 
his  holy  gospel  was  any  way  either  injured  by  false  bretliren,  or 
kept  out  by  the  idolatry  of  the  places  to  which  they  came.  Acts 
XV.  2  ;  xvii.  16  ;  xviii.  25  ;  xix.  8;  Gah  ii.  4,  5;  Jude,ver.  3. 

[4.]  A  longing  after  his  presence,  a  love  of  his  appearing, 
a  desire  to  be  with  him,  which  is  best  of  all ;  a  seeking  after 
him,  a  grieving  for  him,  when  for  any  while  he  departs  from 
the  soul ;  a  waiting  for  his  salvation,  a  delight  in  his  commu- 
nion, and  in  his  spiritual  refreshments ;  a  communing  with 
him  in  his  secret  chamber,  in  his  houses  of  wine,  and  in  his 
galleries  of  love.  By  which  lively  expressions  the  wise  man 
hath  described  the  fellowship  which  the  church  desireth  to 
have  with  Christ,  and  that  abiding  and  supping  of  Christ  with 
his  church,  feasting  the  soul  with  the  manifestations  of  him- 
self and  his  graces  unto  it,  Psa.  xlii.  3 ;  cv.  4 ;  2  Cor.  v.  2 ; 
2  Tim.  iv.  8;  Phil  i.  23;  Cant.  iii.  1,  2;  v.  6,  8  ;  Gen. 
xlix.  18;  Psa.  cxix.  131  ;  Cant.  i.  4 ;  ii.  4 ;  vii.  5;  John  xiv. 
21,  23  ;  Rev.  iii.  20. 

Having  thus,  by  occasion  of  the  enemies  of  Christ,  spoken 
something  of  the  true  and  false  love  which  is  in  the  world 
towards  himj  we  now  proceed  to  the  particulars  mentioned 

1.  And  the  first  is  the  term  of  duration,  or  measure  of  time 
in  the  text, — "  Until."  It  hath  a  double  relation  in  the 
words,  unto  Christ's  kingdom,  and  unto  his  enemies.  As  it 
looks  to  the  kingdom  of  Christ,  it  denotes  both  the  continuance 
and  the  limitation  of  his  kingdom.  The  continuance  of  it  in 
his  own  person,  for  it  is  there  fixed  and  intransient.  He  is  a 
King  without  successors,  as  being  subject  to  no  mortality  nor 
defect  which  might  be  by  them  supphed.  The  kingdom  of 
Christ,  as  I  observed,  is  either  natural,  as  he  is  God;  or  dis- 
pensatory, and  by  donation  from  the  Father,  as  he  is  Medi- 
ator ;  and  not  only  of  the  former,  but  even  of  this  latter  like- 
wise, the  Scripture  affirms  that  it  is  eternal.  It  is  a  kingdom 
set  up  by  the  God  of  heaven,  and  it  shall  never  be  destroyed, 
but  stand  for  ever,  Dan.  ii.  44.  "  I  have  set  my  king  upon 
my  holy  hill  of  Zion,"  Psa.  ii.  6;  that  notes  unction  and 


donation.  And  in  mount  Zion  where  God  hath  set  him,  he 
shall  reign  from  "  henceforth,  even  for  ever,"  Micah  iv.  7. 
Though  he  be  a  Child  born,  and  a  Son  given,  yet  "  of  the  in- 
crease of  his  government  and  peace  there  shall  be  no  end, 
upon  the  throne  of  David,  and  upon  his  kingdom,  to  order  it, 
and  to  establish  it  with  judgment  and  with  justice,  from 
henceforth,  even  for  ever,"  Isa.  ix.  6,  7.  "  Unto  the  Son  he 
saith,  Thy  throne,  O  God,  is  for  ever  and  ever,"  Heb.  i.  8- 
And  here  we  must  distinguish  between  the  substance  of 
Christ's  kingdom,  and  the  form  or  manner  of  administering 
and  dispensing  it.  In  the  formet-  respect  it  is  absolutely  eter- 
nal :  Christ  shall  be  a  Head  and  Rewarder  of  his  members, 
an  everlasting  Father,  a  Prince  of  peace  unto  them  for  ever. 
In  the  latter  respect  it  shall  be  eternal,  according  to  some  ac- 
ception ;  that  is,  it  sliall  remain  until  the  consummation  of  all 
things ;  as  long  as  there  is  a  church  of  God  upon  the  earth, 
there  shall  be  no  new  way  of  spiritual  and  essential  govern- 
ment prescribed  unto  it  ;  no  other  vicar,  successor,  monarch, 
or  usurper  upon  his  office  by  God  allowed ;  but  he  only,  by 
his  Spirit  in  the  dispensation  of  his  ordinances,  shall  order  and 
overrule  the  consciences  of  his  people,  and  subdue  their  ene- 
mies :  yet  he  shall  so  reign  till  then,  as  that  he  shall  then 
cease  to  rule  in  such  manner  as  now  he  doth.  When  the 
end  comes,  he  shall  deliver  up  the  kingdom  to  God  the  Father ; 
and  when  all  things  shall  be  subdued  unto  him,  he  also  him- 
self shall  be  subject  unto  him  that  put  all  things  under  him, 
that  God  may  be  all  in  all,  1  Cor.  xv.  24,  28.  He  shall  so 
return  it  unto  God,  as  God  did  confer,  and,  as  it  were,  appro- 
priate it  unto  him,  namely,  in  regard  of  judiciary  dispensation 
and  execution ;  in  which  respect  our  Saviour  saith,  that,  as 
touching  the  present  administration  of  the  church,  "  The 
Father  judgeth  no  man,  but  hath  committed  all  judgment, 
and  hath  given  authority  "  to  execute  it,"  unto  the  Son,"  John  v. 
22,  27.  Now,  Christ  governeth  his  church  by  the  ministry  of 
his  word  and  sacraments,  and  by  the  effusion  of  his  Spirit  in 
measure  and  degrees  upon  his  members ;  by  his  mighty, 
though  secret  power,  he  fighteth  with  his  enemies,  and  so 
shall  do  till  the  resurrection  of  the  dead,  when  death,  the 
last  enemy,  shall  be  overcome,  and  then,  in  these  respects,  his 
kingdom  shall  cease  ;  for  he  shall  no  more  exercise  the  offices 
of  a  Mediator  in  compassionating,  defending,  interceding  for 
his  church  ;  but  yet  he  shall  still  sit  and  reign  for  ever  as  God, 
co-equal  with  his  Father,  and  shall  ever  be  the  Head  of  the 


church  his  body.  Thus  we  see,  though  Christ's  kingdom, 
in  regard  of  the  manner  of  dispensation  and  present  execu- 
tion thereof,  is  Hmited  by  the  consummation  of  all  things  5 
yet,  in  itself,  it  is  a  kingdom  which  hath  neither  within  the 
seeds  of  mortality,  nor  the  danger  of  a  concussion  without, 
but  in  the  substance  is  immortal  ;  though  in  regard  of  the 
commission  and  power  which  Christ  had  as  Mediator,  to  ad- 
minister it  alone  by  himself,  and  by  the  fulness  of  his  Spirit, 
it  be  at  last  voluntarily  resigned  into  the  hands  of  the  Father, 
and  Christ,  as  a  part  of  that  great  church,  become  subject  to 
the  Father,  that  God  may  be  all  in  all. 

Now  the  grounds  of  the  constancy  of  Christ's  government 
over  his  church,  and,  by  consequence,  of  the  church  itself, 
which  is  his  kingdom,  are  these,  amongst  others. 

1.  The  decree  and  promise  of  God  sealed  by  an  oath, 
which  made  it  an  adamantine  and  unbended  purpose,  which 
the  Lord  would  never  repent  of  nor  reverse.  All  God's 
counsels  are  immutable  ;  though  he  may  alter  his  works,  yet 
he  doth  never  change  his  will ;  but  when  he  sealeth  his  de- 
cree with  an  oath,  that  makes  their  immutabihty  past  question 
or  suspicion.  In  that  case  it  is  impossible  for  God  to  change, 
because  it  is  impossible  for  God  to  lie,  or  deny  himself,  Heb. 
vi.  18.  Now,  upon  such  a  decree  is  the  kingdom  of  heaven 
established.  "  Once  have  I  sworn  by  my  holiness  that  I  will 
not  lie  unto  David,"  saith  the  Lord,  Psa.  Ixxxix.  35. 
*'  Once,"  that  notes  the  constancy  and  fixedness  of  God's 
promise.  "  By  my  holiness,"  that  notes  the  inviolableness 
of  his  promise  ;  as  if  he  should  have  said.  Let  me  no  longer 
be  esteemed  an  holy  God,  if  I  keep  not  immutably  that  cove- 
nant which  I  have  sworn  unto  David  in  my  truth. 

2.  The  free  gift  of  God  unto  his  Son,  Christ,  whereby 
he  committed  all  power  and  judgment  unto  him.  Power  is 
a  strong  argument  to  prove  the  stabiUty  of  a  kingdom, 
especially  if  it  be  on  either  side  supported  with  wisdom  and 
righteousness,  as  the  power  of  Christ  is.  And  therefore  from 
his  power  he  argues  for  the  perpetuity  of  his  church  to  the 
end  of  the  world ;  "  All  power  is  given  unto  me  in  heaven 
and  earth.  Go  ye  therefore  and  teach  all  nations  ;  and,  lo,  I 
am  with  you  alway,  even  unto  the  end  of  the  world,"  Matt, 
xxviii.  18 — 20.  And  the  argument  is  very  strong  and  em- 
phatic; for  though  kingdoms  of  great  power  have  been,  and 
may  be  subdued,  yet  the  reason  is,  because  much  power  hath 
still  remained  in  the  adverse  side  ;  or  if  they  have  been  too 


vast  for  any  smaller  people  to  root  out,  yet  having  not  either 
wisdom  enough  to  actuate  so  husje  a  frame,  or  righteousness 
to  prevent  or  purge  out  those  vicious  humours  of  emulation, 
sedition,  luxury,  injustice,  violence,  and  impiety,  which,  like 
strong  diseases  in  a  body,  are  in  states  the  preparations  and 
seeds  of  mortality,  they  have  sunk  under  their  own  weight, 
and  been  inwardly  corrupted  by  their  own  vices.  But  now, 
first,  the  power  of  Christ  in  his  church  is  universal ;  there  is 
in  him  all  power,  and  no  weakness  ;  no  power  without  him,  or 
against  him  ;  and  therefore  no  wonder  if,  from  a  fulness  of 
power  in  him,  and  an  emptiness  in  his  enemies,  the  argument 
of  continuance  in  his  kingdom  doth  infallibly  follow.  For 
what  man,  if  he  were  furnished  with  all  sufficiency,  would 
suffer  himself  to  be  mutilated  and  dismembered,  as  Christ 
would,  if  any  thing  should  prevail  against  the  church,  which 
is  his  fulness.  Again  ;  this  power  of  Christ  is  supported  with 
wisdom,  it  can  never  miscarry  for  any  inward  defect ;  for  the 
wisdom  is  proportionable  to  the  power ;  this  "  all  power,"  and 
that,  "  all  the  treasures  of  wisdom  :  "  power,  able  by  weakness 
to  confound  the  things  which  are  mighty,  and  wisdom,  able  by 
foolishness  to  bring  to  nought  the  understanding  of  the  pru- 
dent. And  both  these  are  upheld  by  righteousness,  which  is 
indeed  the  very  soul  and  sinews  of  a  kingdom,  upon  which  the 
thrones  of  princes  are  established,  and  which  the  apostle 
makes  the  ground  of  the  perpetuity  of  Christ's  kingdom  ; 
"  Thy  throne,  O  God,  is  for  ever  and  ever ;  a  sceptre  of 
righteousness  is  the  sceptre  of  thy  kingdom,"  Heb.  i.  8. 

3.  The  quality  of  Christ's  kingdom  is  to  be  a  growing 
kingdom ;  though  the  original  thereof  be  but  like  a  grain  of 
mustard-seed,  or  like  Elijah's  cloud ;  to  a  human  view  despicable, 
and  almost  below  the  probabilities  of  subsistence  ;  the  object 
rather  of  derision  than  of  terror  to  the  world ;  yet  at  last  it 
groweth  into  a  wideness  which  maketh  it  as  universal  as  the 
world.  And  therefore  that  which  the  prophet  David  speaks 
of  the  sun,  the  apostle  applies  to  the  gospel,  Rom.  x.  18 ;  to 
note  that  the  circle  of  the  gospel  is  like  that  of  the  sun,  uni- 
versal to  the  whole  world.  It  is  such  a  kingdom  as  groweth 
into  other  kingdoms,  and  eats  them  out.  The  little  stone  in 
Nebuchadnezzar's  vision,  which  was  *he  kingdom  of  Christ, 
for  so  Jerusalem  is  called  a  stone,  Zech.  xii.  3,  brake  in  pieces 
tlie  great  monarchies  of  the  earth,  and  grew  up  into  a  great 
mountain  which  filled  the  world,  Dan.  ii.  34,  35  ;  for  the  king- 
doms of  the  earth  must  become  the  kingdoms  of  the  Lord  and 


of  his  Christ,  Rev.  xi.  15.  Therefore  the  prophets  express 
Christ  and  his  kingdom  by  the  name  of  a  branch,  which 
groweth  up  for  a  standard  and  ensign  of  the  people,  Isa.  xi. 
1,  10  ;  Zech.  iii.  8.  A  branch  which  grows,  but  never  with- 
ers. It  hath  no  principles  of  death  in  itself;  and  though  it 
be  for  a  while  subject  to  the  assaults  of  adversaries,  and  fo- 
reign violence,  yet  that  serves  only  to  try  it,  and  to  settle  it, 
but  not  to  weaken  or  overturn  it.  The  gates  of  hell,  all  the 
powers,  policies,  and  laws  of  darkness,  shall  never  prevail 
against  the  church  of  Christ :  he  hath  bruised,  and  judged, 
and  trodden  down  Satan  under  our  feet  :  he  hath  overcome 
the  world :  he  hath  subdued  iniquity :  he  hath  turned  perse- 
cutions into  the  seed  and  resurrections  of  the  church :  he 
hath  turned  afflictions  into  matter  of  glory  and  of  rejoicing : 
so  that  in  all  the  violence  which  the  church  can  suffer,  it  doth 
more  than  conquer,  because  it  conquers,  not  by  repelling,  but 
by  suffering. 

And  this  shows  the  sacrilege  and  pertness  of  the  church 
of  Rome,  which  in  this  point  doth,  with  a  double  impiety, 
pervert  the  Scriptures,  that  it  may  derogate  from  the  honour 
of  Christ  and  his  kingdom.  And  those  things  which  are 
spoken  of  the  infallibility,  authority,  and  fulness  of  power 
Christ  hath  in  his  body  ;  of  the  stabihty,  constancy,  and  uni- 
versality of  his  church  upon  earth,  she  doth  arrogate  only  to 
the  pope  and  his  see  at  Rome.  As  the  donatists,  in  saint 
Augustine's  time,  from  that  place  of  the  spouse  in  the  Can- 
ticles, "  Tell  me,  O  thou  whom  my  soul  loveth,  where  thou 
feedest,  where  thou  makest  thy  flock  to  rest  in  meridie,''  [at 
sultry  noon,]  Cant.  i.  7,  excluded  all  the  world  from  being  a 
church,  save  only  a  corner  of  Africa,  which  was  at  that  time 
the  nest  of  those  hornets.  So,  because  Christ  says,  his  church 
is  built  upon  a  rock,  and  the  gates  of  hell  shall  not  prevail 
against  it ;  therefore  the  romanists  from  hence  conclude  all 
these  privileges  to  belong  to  them,  and  exclude  all  the  famous 
churches  of  the  world  besides  from  having  any  communion 
with  Christ  the  Head.  That  scornful  expoctulation  which 
Harding  makes  with  that  renowned  and  incomparable  bishop, 
under  whose  hand  he  was  no  more  able  to  subsist  than  a 
whelp  under  the  paw  of  a  lion,  "  Shall  we  now  change  the 
song  of  Micah  the  prophet,  '  Out  of  Zion  shall  come  the 
law,  and  the  word  of  the  Lord  from  Jerusalem  ;'  and  sing  a 
new  song.  Out  of  Wittenberg  is  come  the  ^gospel,  and  the 
word  of  the  Lord  from  Zurich  and  Geneva  ?  "  may  most  truly 


and  pertinently  be  retorted  upon  himself  and  his  faction,  who 
boldly  curse  and  exclude  all  those  christian  churches  from  the 
body  of  Christ  and  the  hope  of  salvation  who  will  not  receive 
laws  from  Rome,  nor  esteem  the  cathedral  determinations  of 
that  bishop  (though  perchance  in  himself  an  impure,  diaboli- 
cal, and  intolerable  beast,  as,  by  their  own  confessions,  many 
of  them  have  been)  to  be,  notwithstanding  the  infallible  edicts 
of  the  Spirit  of  God,  as  undoubtedly  the  word  of  Christ,  as 
if  St.  Peter  or  St.  Paul  had  spoken  it ;  an  arrogancy  than 
which  there  is  scarce  any  more  express  and  characteristical 
note  to  discern  antichrist  by.  It  is  true,  that  Christ's  regal 
power  doth  always  show  forth  itself  in  upholding  his  catholic 
church,  and  in  revealing  unto  it,  out  of  his  sacred  word,  such 
necessary  truths  as  are  absolutely  requisite  unto  its  being  and 
salvation ;  but  to  bind  this  power  of  Christ  to  one  man  and 
to  one  see,  as  if,  like  the  pope,  he  were  infallible  only  in  St. 
Peter's  chair,  is  the  mere  figment  of  pride  and  ambition, 
without  any  ground  at  all,  raised  out  of  a  heap  and  aggrega- 
tion of  monstrous  presumptions,  of  human,  and  some  most 
disputable,  others  most  false  conceits ;  of  which,  though  there 
be  not  the  least  vestige  in  sacred  Scriptures,  yet  must  they  be 
all  first  rested  in  for  indubitable  principles,  and  laid  for  sure 
foundations,  before  the  first  stone  of  papal  authority  can  be 

(1.)  As  first,  that  the  external  and  visible  regiment  of  the 
whole  church  is  monarchical,  and  that  there  must  be  a  predomi- 
nant mistress  church  set  over  all  the  rest,  to  which  in  all 
points  they  must  have  recourse,  and  to  whose  decisions  they 
must  conform  without  any  hesitancy  or  suspicion  at  all ; 
whereas  the  apostle  tells  us,  that  the  unity  of  the  church  is 
gathered  by  many  pastors  and  teachers,  Eph.  iv.  11 — 13. 
For,  as  if  several  needles  be  touched  by  so  many  several  load- 
stones, all  which  have  the  self-same  specifical  virtue  in  them, 
they  do  all  as  exactly  bend  to  one  and  the  same  point  of 
heaven,  as  if  they  had  been  thereunto  qualified  by  but  one  : 
so,  inasmuch  as  apostles,  prophets,  evangelists,  pastors,  teach- 
ers, come  all  instructed  with  one  and  the  same  spiritual  truth 
and  power  towards  the  church  ;  therefore  all  the  faithful,  who 
are  any  where  by  these  multitudes  of  preachers  taught  what 
the  truth  is  in  Jesus,  do  all,  by  the  secret  sway  and  conduct 
of  the  same  Spirit  of  grace,  whose  peculiar  office  it  is  to  guide 
his  church  in  all  necessary  and  saving  truth,  with  an  admi- 
rable consent  of  heart,  and  unity  of  judgment,  incline  to  the 


same  end,  and  walk  in  the  same  way,  acknowledging  no  mo- 
narch over  their  consciences  but  Christ,  nor  any  other  minis- 
terial application  of  his  regal  power  in  tlie  catholic  church, 
but  only  by  several  bishops  and  pastors,  who,  in  their  several 
particular  compasses,  are  endowed  witli  as  plenary  and  ample 
ministerial  power  as  the  pope  and  his  consistory  within  the  see 
of  Rome. 

(2.)  That  Peter  was  prince  and  monarch,  rock  and  head 
in  this  universal  church,  and  that  he  alone  was  keeper  of  the 
keys ;  and  all  this  in  the  virtue  of  Christ's  promise  and  com- 
mission granted  unto  him,  "  Thou  art  Peter,  and  upon  this 
rock  will  I  build  my  church  :  feed  my  sheep ;  feed  my  lambs : 
unto  thee  will  I  give  the  keys  of  the  kingdom  of  heaven." 
In  which  respect  Baronius  calleth  him  lapidem  primariumy 
the  chief  stone.  And  again,  though  Christ,  saith  he,  be  the 
Author  and  Moderator  of  his  church,  yet  the  princedom  and 
monarchy  he  hath  conferred  upon  Peter ;  and  therefore,  as  no 
man  can  lay  any  other  foundation  than  that  which  is  laid, 
namely  Christ,  so  no  man  can  lay  any  other  than  that  which 
Christ  hath  laid,  namely  Peter.  And  it  is  wonderful  to  con- 
sider what  twigs  and  rushes  they  catch  at  to  hold  up  this  their 
monarchy.  Because  Peter  did  preach  first,  therefore  he  is 
monarch  of  the  church.  By  which  reason  his  monarchy  is 
long  since  expired  ;  for  his  pretended  successors  scarce  preach 
at  all.  And  yet  if  that  may  be  drawn  to  any  argument,  it 
proves  only  that  he  was  lapis  primus,  the  first  in  order  and 
forwardness  to  preach  Christ,  (as  it  became  him  who  had 
three  times  denied  him,)  but  not  lapis  prim arius,  the  chief  in 
dignity  and  jurisdiction  over  the  rest.  And  why  should  it  not 
be  as  good  an  argument  to  say  that  James  had  the  dignity  of 
nrecedence  before  Peter,  because  Paul  first  names  James,  and 
then  Cephas,  and  that  in  a  place  where  he  particularly  singles 
them  out  as  pillars  and  principal  men  in  the  church  ;  as  to  say 
that  Peter  hath  jurisdiction  over  James  and  the  rest,  because 
in  their  synods  and  assemblies  he  was  the  chief  speaker  ? 
Because  Peter  cured  the  lame  man  that  sat  at  the  gate  of  the 
temple,  therefore  he  is  universal  monarch.  By  which  reason, 
likewise,  Paul,  who  in  the  self-same  manner  cured  a  cripple 
at  Lystra,  should  fall  into  competition  with  Peter  for  his  share 
in  the  monarchy.  But  the  people  there  were  not  so  acute 
disputants  as  these  of  Rome ;  for  though  they  saw  what  Paul 
had  done,  yet  they  concluded  the  dignity  and  precedence  for 
Barnabas,  they  called  him  Jupiter,  and  Paul,  Mercury.  Again  ; 


because  Peter  pronounced  sentence  upon  Ananias,  therefore 
he  is  monarch  of  the  universal  church  ;  and  why  Paul  should 
not  here  likewise  come  in  for  his  share,  I  know  not ;  for  he 
also  passed  judgment  upon  Elymas  the  sorcerer,  and  we  no 
where  find  that  he  derived  his  authority,  or  had  any  com- 
mission from  Peter  to   do  so.     And  surely,  if  by  the  same 
apostolical  and   infallible   Spirit  of  Christ,  which  they  both 
immediately  received  from  Christ  himself,    St.  Paul  did  ad- 
judge Elj^mas  to  bhndness.  by  the  which  St.  Peter  adjudged 
Ananias  to  death  ;  I  see  not   how  any  logic  from  a  parity  of 
actions    can   conclude  a  disparity  of  persons,  except  ihey  will 
say  that  it  is  more  monarchical  to  adjudge  one  to  death,  than 
another  to  blindness.     Again  ;  because  Peter  healed  the  sick 
by  his  shadow,   therefore  Peter  is  monarch  of  the  universal 
church:  and  even  in  this  point  Paul  likewise  may  hold  on  his 
competition  ;  for  why  is  not  the  argument  as  good,  that  Paul 
is  monarch  of   the   church,  because  the   handkerchiefs  and 
aprons  which  came  from  his  body  did  cure  diseases  and  cast 
out  devils,  as  that  Peter  is  therefore  monarch,  because  by  the 
overshadowing  of  his  body  the  sick  were  healed  ?     But  the 
truth   is,   there  is  no  more   substance   in  this  argument  for 
Peter's  principality,  than  there  is  for  their  supposed  miraculous 
virtue  of  images  and  relics  of  saints,  because  the  shadow, 
which  was  the  image  of  Peter,  did  heal  the  sick ;  for  that  also 
is  the  cardinal's  great  argument.     Again  ;  because  Peter  was 
sent  to  Samaria  to  confirm  them  in  the  faith,  and  to  lay  hands 
on  them,  that  they  might  receive  the  Holy  Ghost,  and  to  con- 
found Simon  Magus  the  sorcerer,  therefore  he  is  primate  of 
the  catholic  church,  and  hath  monarchical  jurisdiction.     And 
yet  the   pope   is,  by  this   time,  something  more  monarchical 
than  Peter ;  for  he  would  scorn  to  be  sent  as  an  ambassador 
of  the  churches  from  Rome  to  the  Indians,  amongst  whom  his 
gospel  hath  been  in  these  latter  ages  preached,  and  doubtless 
they  would  be  something  more  confirmed  than  they  are  by  the 
sovereign  virtue  of  his  prayers  and  presence.     But  alai,  what 
argument  is  it  of  monarchy  to  be  sent  by  others  in  a  message, 
and  that  too  not  without  an  associate,  who  joined  with  him  in 
the  confirmation  of  that  church  ?      And  if  the  confuting  or 
cursing  of  Simon  Magus  were  an  argument  of  primacy,  why 
should  not  St.  Paul's  cursing  of  Elymas,  and  Hymeneus,  and 
Alexander  ;  and  also  St.  John's  cursing  of  Cerinthus,  be  argu- 
ments  of  their  primacy  likewise?     Again  ;  because  Paul  went 
up  to  Jerusalem  to  see  Peter,  therefore  Peter  was  monarch  ot 


the  catholic  church.  And  why  should  not,  by  this  argument, 
Elizabeth  be  concluded  a  greater  woman  than  the  virfrin 
Mary,  and  indeed  the  lady  of  all  women,  because  the  blessed 
virgin  went  up  into  the  hill  country  of  Judea,  and  entered 
into  the  house  of  Zacharias,  and  saluted  EHzabeth  ?  But  we 
find  no  argument  but  of  equality  in  the  text ;  for  he  went  to 
see  him  as  a  brotlier,  but  not  to  do  homage  to  him,  or  receive 
authority  from  him  as  a  monarch  ;  else,  why  went  he  not  up 
immediately  to  Jerusalem,  but  stayed  three  years,  and  preached 
the  gospel  by  the  commission  he  had  received  from  Christ 
alone  ?  And  how  came  St.  Paul  to  be  so  free,  or  St.  Peter 
to  be  so  much  more  humble  than  any  of  his  pretended  succes- 
sors, as  the  one  to  give  with  boldness,  the  other,  with  silence 
and  meekness  to  receive,  so  sore  a  reproof  in  the  face  of  all 
the  brethren,  as  many  years  after  that  did  pass  between  them  ? 
Certainly  St.  Paul,  in  so  long  time,  could  not  but  learn  to 
know  his  distance,  and  in  what  manner  to  speak  to  his  mo- 
narch and  primate. 

By  these  particulars  we  see  upon  what  a  sandy  foundation 
this  vast  and  formidable  Babel  of  papal  usurpation  and  power 
over  the  catholic  church  is  erected,  which  yet,  upon  the  mat- 
ter, is  the  sole  principle  of  romish  religion,  upon  which  all 
their  faith,  worship,  and  obedience  dependeth.  But  we  say, 
that  as  Peter  was  a  foundation,  so  were  all  the  other  apostles 
likewise,  Eph.  ii.  20;  Rev.  xxi.  14;  and  that  upon  the  same 
reason  ;  for  the  apostles  were  not  foundations  of  the  church  by 
any  dignity  of  their  persons,  as  Christ  the  chief  corner  stone 
was,  but  by  the  virtue  of  their  apostolical  office,  which  was 
universal  jurisdiction  in  governing  the  people  of  Christ,  uni- 
versal commission  in  instructing  them,  and  a  spirit  of  infalli- 
bility in  revealing  God's  will  unto  them  throughout  the  whole 
world.  And  therefore  as  Peter  had  the  keys  of  the  kingdom 
of  heaven  to  remit  or  retain  the  sins  of  men,  so  likewise  had 
the  other  apostles,  John  xx.  23.  That  Christ's  charge  to 
Peter,  "  Feed  my  sheep,  feed  my  lambs,"  is  no  other  in  sub- 
stance than  his  commission  to  them  all,  "  Go  and  teach  all 
nations,  baptizing  them  in  the  name  of  the  Father,  and  of 
the  Son,  and  of  the  Holy  Ghost ; "  and  that  the  particular 
directing  of  it  unto  Peter,  and  praying  for  him,  was  with  re- 
spect unto  this  particular  only,  by  way  of  comfort  and  confirm- 
ation, as  being  then  a  weak  member ;  not  by  way  of  dignity, 
or  deputation  of  Christ's  own  regal  power  to  him  in  the  visible 
church.     For    all  the  offices  of   Chris;t  are  intransient    and 


uncommunicable  to  any  other  ;  inasmuch  as  tliat  administration 
and  execution  of  them  dependeth  upon  the  dignity  of  his  per- 
son, and  upon  the  fulness  of  his  Spirit,  which  no  mortal  man, 
or  immortal  angel,  is  capable  of.  But  all  this  is  not  enough 
to  be  granted  them  for  the  raising  their  authority. 

(3.)  But  then,  thirdly,  we  must  grant  them  too,  that  Peter, 
thus  qualified,  was  bishop  of  Rome,  for  proof  whereof  they 
have  no  testimony  of  holy  Scriptures,  but  only  human  tradi- 
tion, which  may  very  possibly  be  false  ;  so  that  in  this,  which 
is  one  of  the  main  principles  they  build  upon,  their  faith  can- 
not be  resolved  into  the  word  of  God,  and  therefore  is  no 
divine  faith. 

(4.)  That  he  did  appoint  that  church  to  be  the  monarchical 
and  fundamental  see  to  all  other  churches ;  for  he  was  bishop 
as  well  of  Antioch  as  of  Rome,  by  their  own  confession:  and 
I  wonder  why  some  of  his  personal  virtue  should  not  cleave 
to  his  chair  at  Antioch,  but  all  pass  over  with  him  to  another 

(5.)  That  he  did  transmit  all  his  prerogatives  to  his  succes- 
sors in  that  chair.  By  which  assertion  they  may  as  well  prove 
that  they  all,  though  some  of  them  have  been  sorcerers,  others 
murderers,  others  blasphemous  atheists,  were  inheritors  of 
St.  Peter's  love  to  Christ;  for  from  thence  our  Saviour  infers, 
"  Feed  my  sheep,"  to  note  that  none  feed  his  sheep  but  those 
that  love  his  person. 

(6.)  That  the  long  succession  from  St.  Peter,  until  now, 
hath  ever  since  been  legal  and  uninterrupted ;  or  else  the 
church  must  sometimes  have  been  a  monster  without  a  head. 
We  grant  that  some  of  the  ancients  argue  from  succession  in 
the  church  ;  but  it  was  while  it  was  yet  pure,  and  while  they 
could,  by  reason  of  the  little  space  of  time  between  them  and 
the  apostles,  with  evidence  resolve  their  doctrine  through  every 
medium,  into  the  preaching  of  the  apostles  themselves.  But 
even  in  their  personal  succession,  who  knoweth  not  what  simo- 
nies and  sorceries  have  raised  divers  of  them  unto  that  degree  ? 
And  who  is  able  to  resolve  that  every  episcopal  ordination  of 
every  bishop  there  hath  been  valid,  since  thereunto  is  requi- 
site both  the  intention  and  orders  of  that  bishop  that  ordained 
him  ?  These  and  a  world  of  the  like  uncertainties  must  the 
faith  of  these  men  depend  upon,  who  dare  arrogate  to  them- 
selves the  prerogatives  of  Clirist,  and  of  his  catholic  kingdom. 
But  I  have  been  too  long  upon  this  argument. 

Again  ;  this  point  of  the  stability  of  Christ's  kingdom  is  a 


ground  of  strong  confidence  and  comfort  to  the  whole  church 
of  Christ,  against  all  the  violence  of  any  outward  enemies 
wherewith  sometimes  they  may  seem  to  be  swallowed  up. 
Though  they  associate  themselves,  and  gird  to  the  battle ; 
though  they  take  counsel,  and  make  decrees  against  the  Lord's 
Anointed,  and  against  his  spouse,  yet  it  shall  all  come  to 
nought,  and  be  broken  in  pieces.  All  the  smoke  of  hell  shall 
not  be  able  to  extinguish,  nor  all  the  power  of  hell  to  overturn 
the  church  of  God ;  and  the  reason  is,  Immanuel,  God  is  with 
us,  Isa.  viii.  9,  10.  That  anointing  which  the  church  hath 
received,  shall  deliver  it  at  last  from  the  yoke  of  the  enemy, 
Isa.  X.  27.  Though  it  seem  for  a  time  in  as  desperate  a  con- 
dition as  a  dry  stick  in  the  fire,  or  a  dead  body  in  the  grave, 
yet  this  is  not  indeed  a  sepulture,  but  the  seed-time.  Thoucrh 
it  seem  to  be  cast  away  for  a  season,  yet  in  due  time  it  will 
come  up  and  flourish  again,  Zech.  iii.  2;  Ezek.  xxxvii.  11. 
And  this  is  the  assurance  that  the  church  may  have  that  the 
Lord  can  save  and  deliver  a  second  time,  Isa.  xi.  11  ;  that  he 
is  the  same  God  yesterday,  and  to  day,  and  for  ever ;  and 
therefore  such  a  God  as  the  church  hath  found  him  heretofore, 
such  a  God  it  shall  find  him  to  day,  and  for  ever,  in  the  re- 
turns and  manifestations  of  his  mercy  :  which  discovers  the 
folly,  and  foretells  the  confusion  of  the  enemies  of  Christ's 
kingdom.  They  conceive  mischief,  but  they  bring  forth 
nothing  but  vanity,  Job  xv.  35  ;  they  conceive  chaff,  and 
bring  forth  stubble,  Isa.  xxxiii.  11.  They  imagine  nothing  but 
a  vain  thing,  their  malice  is  but  like  the  fighting  of  briars  and 
thorns  with  the  fire,  Isa.  xxvii.  4  ;  Nahum  i.  10;  like  the 
dashing  of  waves  against  a  rock ;  like  a  mad  man's  shooting 
arrows  against  the  sun,  which  at  last  return  upon  his  own 
head ;  like  the  puffing  of  the  fan  against  the  corn,  which  driveth 
away  nothing  but  the  chaff;  like  the  beating  of  the  wind 
against  the  sail,  or  the  foaming  and  raging  of  the  water  against 
a  mill,  which,  by  the  wisdom  of  the  artificers,  are  all  ordered 
unto  useful  and  excellent  ends.  And  surely  when  the  Lord 
shall  have  accomplished  his  work  on  mount  Sion,  when  he 
shall,  by  the  adversary,  as  by  a  fan,  have  purged  away  the  ini- 
quity of  Jacob,  and  taken  away  his  sin,  he  will  then  return  in 
peace  and  beauty  unto  his  people  again.  Look  on  the  pre- 
paration of  some  large  building ;  in  one  place  you  shall  see 
heaps  of  lime  and  mortar,  in  another  piles  of  timber,  every- 
where rude  and  undigested  materials,  and  a  tumultuous  noise 
of  axes  and  hammers ;  but,  at  length,  the  artificer  sets  every 


thing  in  order,  and  raiseth  up  a  beautiful  structure  :  such  is 
the  proceeding  of  the  Lord  in  the  afflictions  and  devastations 
of  his  church,  though  the  enemy  intend  to  ruin  it,  yet  God 
intends  only  to  repair  it.  Thus  far  the  word  ''  until "  respects 
Christ's  kingdom  in  itself. 

Now,  as  it  respecteth  the  enemies  of  Christ,  it  notes, 
1.  The  present  inconsummateness  of  the  victories,  and  by 
consequence,  the  intranquillity  of  Christ's  kingdom  here  upon 
earth.  All  his  enemies  are  not  yet  under  his  feet ;  Satan  is 
not  yet  shut  up ;  the  rage  of  hell,  the  persecutions  and  poli- 
cies of  wicked  men,  the  present  immunity  of  desperate  sinners, 
are  evidences  that  Christ  hath  much  work  to  do  in  his  church. 
But  doth  not  the  apostle  say,  that  all  things  are  put  under  his 
feet  ?  Eph.  i.  22.  It  is  true,  as  regards  his  power  to  judge 
the  world,  but  not  the  exercise  of  his  power  in  governing  it : 
he  shall  not  receive  any  new  power  to  subdue  his  enemies, 
which  he  hath  not  already  ;  but  yet  he  can  execute  that  power 
when  and  how  he  will.  And  he  is  pleased  to  suffer  his  ene- 
mies, in  this  respite,  to  rage,  and  revile,  and  persecute  him  in 
his  members.  Every  wicked  man  is  condemned  already,  and 
hath  the  wrath  of  God  abiding  upon  him,  John  iii.  18,  36; 
only  Christ  doth  suspend  the  execution  of  them  for  many 
weighty  reasons. 

(1.)  To  show  his  patience  and  long-suffering  towards  the 
vessels  of  wrath,  for  he  ever  comes  first  with  an  offer  of  peace, 
before  he  draws  the  sword,  Rom.  ii.  4 ;  ix.  22  ;  Deut.  xx.  10, 
13;  Lukex.  5,  11. 

(2.)  To  magnify  the  power  of  his  protection  and  provi- 
dence over  the  church  in  the  midst  of  their  enemies ;  for  if 
the  Lord  were  not  on  the  church's  side  when  man  riseth  up 
against  it,  if  he  did  not  rebuke  the  proud  waves,  and  set  them 
their  bounds  how  far  they  should  go,  there  could  be  no  more 
power  in  the  church  to  withstand  them,  than  in  a  level  of  sand 
to  resist  an  inundation  of  the  sea,  Psa.  cxxiv.  1,  5. 

(3.)  To  reserve  wicked  men  unto  the  great  day  of  his  ap- 
pearing, and  of  the  declaration  of  his  power  and  righteous- 
ness, wherein  all  the  world  shall  be  the  spectators  and  wit- 
nesses of  his  just  and  victorious  proceedings  against  them, 
Acts  xvii.  31. 

(4.)  To  show  forth  his  mighty  power  in  destroying  the 
wicked  altogether.  They  who  here  carried  themselves  with 
that  insolence,  as  if  every  particular  man  meant  to  have 
plucked  Christ  out  of  his   throne,  shall  there  all  together  be 


brought  forth  before  him.  That  as  the  righteous  are  reserved 
to  have  their  full  salvation  together,  1  Thess.  iv.  17,  so  the 
wicked  may  be  bound  up  in  bundles,  and  destroyed  together, 
Psa.  xxxvii.  38  ;  Isa.  i.  28. 

(5.)  To  fill  up  the  measure,  and  to  ripen  the  sins  of  wicked 
men  :  for  the  Lord  puts  the  wickedness  of  men  into  an  ephah, 
and  when  they  have  filled  up  their  measure,  he  then  sealeth 
them  up  unto  the  execution  of  his  righteous  judgments.  And 
hence  it  is,  that  the  Scripture  calleth  wicked  men  "  vessels  fitted 
Cor  destruction  ; "  for  they  first  fill  themselves  with  sin,  and 
then  God  filleth  them  up  with  wrath  and  shame. 

(6.)  To  fill  up  the  number  of  his  elect,  for  he  hath  many 
sheep  which  are  not  yet  within  his  fold,  and  they  many  of 
them  the  posterity  of  wicked  men,  John  x.  16. 

(7.)  To  fill  up  the  measure  of  his  own  sufferings  m 
his  members,  that  they  may  follow  him  unto  his  kingdom 
through  the  same  way  of  afflictions  as  he  went  before  them, 
Col.  i.  24;  Rev.  vi.  11. 

(8.)  To  exercise  the  faith  of  his  church,  to  drive  the  faith- 
ful, with  the  prophet  Habakkuk,  into  their  watch-tower,  and", 
with  David,  into  the  sanctuary  of  the  Lord  ;  there  to  wait  upon 
him  in  the  way  of  his  judgments,  to  consider  that  the  end  of 
the  righteous  man  is  peace,  and  that  the  pride  and  prosperity 
of  the  wicked  are  but  as  the  fat  of  lambs,  and  as  the  beauty  of 
grass ;  that  God  hath  set  them  in  slippery  places,  and  will 
cast  them  down  at  the  last,  Hab.  ii.  1  ;  Psa.  xxxvii.  2,  10, 
20 ;  Ixxiii.  18. 

(9.)  To  wean  the  faithful  from  earthly  affections,  and  to 
kindle  in  them  the  desires  of  the  saints  under  the  altar,  "  How 
long,  O  Lord,  holy  and  true,  dost  thou  not  judge  and  avenge 
our  blood  on  them  that  dwell  on  the  earth  !  "  Rev.  vi.  10. 

2.  As  "  until "  notes  the  patience  of  Christ  towards  his 
enemies,  so  it  notes  likewise  that  there  are  fixed  bounds  and 
limits  unto  that  patience,  beyond  which  he  will  no  longer  for- 
bear. There  is  an  appointed  day  wherein  he  will  judge  the 
world  in  righteousness.  Acts  xvii.31.  There  is  a  year  of 
veno-eance,  and  of  recompenses  for  the  controversies  of  Sion, 
Isa.^xxiv.  8.  The  wild  ass  that  snufFeth  up  the  wind  at  her 
pleasure,  may  be  found  in  her  month,  Jer.  ii.  24.  The  Lord  seeth 
that  the  day  of  the  wicked  is  coming :  it  is  an  appointed 
time  ;  though  it  tarry,  yet  if  we  wait  for  it,  it  will  surely 
come,  it  will  not  tarry,  Psa.  xxxvii.  13;  Hab.  ii.  3.  Well 
then,  let  men  go  on  with  all  the  fierceness  and   excess    of 

70  god's  patience  hath  fixed  bounds. 

riot  they  will,  let  them  walk  in  the  way  of  their  heart,  and  in 
the  sight  of  their  eyes,  yet  all  this  while  they  are  in  a  chain, 
they  have  but  a  compass  to  go,  and  God  will  bring  them  to 
judgment  at  the  last.  When  the  day  of  a  drunkard  and 
riotous  person  is  come,  when  he  hath  taken  so  many  hellish 
swallows,  and  hath  filled  up  the  measure  of  his  lusts,  his  mar- 
row must  then  lie  down  in  the  dust :  though  the  cup  were  at 
his  mouth,  yet  from  thence  it  shall  be  snatched  away,  and  for 
everlasting  he  shall  never  taste  a  drop  of  sweetness,  nor  have 
the  least  desire  of  his  wicked  heart  satisfied  any  more.  A 
wicked  man's  sins  will  not  follow  him  to  hell  to  please  him, 
but  only  the  memory  of  them  to  be  an  everlasting  scourge 
and  flame  upon  his  conscience.  O  then  take  heed  of  ripening 
sin  by  custom,  by  security,  by  insensibility,  by  impudence  and 
stoutness  of  heart,  by  making  it  a  mock,  a  matter  of  glory 
and  of  boasting,  by  stopping  the  ear  against  the  voice  of  the 
charmer,  and  turning  the  back  upon  the  invitations  unto 
mercy,  by  resisting  the  evidence  of  the  Spirit  in  the  word,  and 
committing'  sin  in  the  lio[ht  of  the  sun :  for  as  the  heat 
of  the  sun  doth  wither  the  fruit  which  falls  off,  and  ripen 
that  which  hangs  on  the  tree ;  so  the  word  doth  weaken 
those  lusts  which  a  man  is  desirous  to  shake  off,  and  doth 
ripen  for  judgment  those  which  the  heart  holds  fast,  and  will 
not  part  with.  When  was  Israel  overthrown,  but  when  they 
mocked  the  messengers  of  God,  and  despised  his  word,  and 
misused  his  prophets,  and  rejected  the  remedy  of  their  sin  ? 
And  when  was  Judah  destroyed,  but  when  they  hardened 
themselves  against  the  word,  and  would  not  take  notice  of  the 
day  of  their  peace  ?  Alas,  what  haste  do  men  make  to  pro- 
mote their  own  damnation,  and  to  go  quickly  to  hell,  when 
they  will  break  through  the  very  law  of  God,  and  through  all 
his  holy  ordinances,  that  they  may  come  thither  the  sooner,  as 
if  the  gate  would  be  shut  against  them,  or  as  if  it  were  a  place 
of  some  great  preferment ;  as  if  they  had  to  do  with  a  blind 
God  which  could  not  see,  or  with  an  impotent  God  which 
could  not  revenge  their  impieties  !  Well,  for  all  this  the  wise 
man's  speech  will  prove  true  at  the  last, — "  Know  that  God 
will  bring  thee  unto  judgment." 

3.  "  Until "  notes  the  infallible  accomplishment  of  Christ's 
victories,  and  triumph  over  his  enemies  at  the  last,  when  the 
day  is  come  wherein  he  will  be  patient  towards  them  no  longer. 
The  prophet  giveth  three  excellent  reasons  thereof  in  one  verse, 
Isa.  xxxiii.  22  ;  "  The  Lord  is  our  Judge,  the  Lord  is  our 


Lawgiver,  the  Lord  is  our  King ;  he  will  save  us."  He  is  our 
Judge,  and  therefore  when  the  day  of  trial  is  come,  he  will 
certainly  plead  our  cause  against  our  adversaries,  and  will  con- 
demn them,  Micah  vii.  9.  But  a  judge  cannot  do  what 
pleaseth  himself,  but  he  is  bound  to  his  rule,  and  proceedeth  ac- 
cording to  established  laws.  Therefore,  Christ  is  our  Lawgiver 
likewise,  and  therefore  he  may  appoint  himself  laws  accordincr 
to  his  own  will.  But  when  the  will  of  the  judge  and  the  rule 
of  the  law  do  both  consent  in  the  punishing  of  offenders,  yet 
then  still  the  king  hath  a  liberty  of  mercy,  and  he  may  pardon 
those  whom  the  law  and  the  judge  have  condemned.  But 
Christ,  who  shall  judge  the  enemies  of  his  church  according 
to  the  law  which  himself  hath  made,  is  himself  the  King ;  and 
therefore  when  he  revengeth,  there  is  none  besides,  nor  above 
him  to  pardon.  So  at  that  day  there  shall  be  a  full  mani- 
festation of  the  kingdom  of  Christ;  none  of  his  enemies 
shall  move  the  wing,  or  open  the  mouth,  or  peep  against  him. 
IL  The  second  thing  formerly  proposed  in  this  latter  part 
of  the  verse  was,  the  Author  of  subduing  Christ's  enemies 
under  his  feet, — "  I  the  Lord."  Wicked  men  will  never  sub- 
mit themselves  to  Christ's  kingdom,  but  stand  out  in  opposition 
against  him  in  his  word  and  ways.  When  God's  hand  is 
lifted  up  in  the  dispensation  of  his  word  and  threatenings 
against  sin,  men  will  not  see,  Isa.  xxvi.  1 1  ;  and  therefore  he 
saith,  "My  Spirit  shall  not  always  strive  with  men  ;"  to  note, 
that  men  would  of  themselves  always  strive  with  the  Spirit, 
and  never  yield  nor  submit  to  Christ.  Though  the  patience 
and  goodness  of  God  should  lead  them  to  repentance,  and 
forewarn  them  to  flee  from  the  wrath  to  come,  yet  they,  after 
their  hardness  and  impenitent  heart,  do  hereby  treasure  up 
against  themselves  the  more  wrath,  Rom.  ii,  4,  5  ;  and  because 
judgment  is  not  speedily  executed,  their  heart  is  wholly  set  in 
them  to  do  mischief,  Eccles.  viii.  11.  "Let  favour,"  saith 
the  prophet,  "be  showed  unto  the  wicked,  yet  will  he  not  learn 
righteousness  :  in  the  land  of  uprightness  will  he  deal  unjustly, 
and  will  not  behold  the  majesty  of  the  Lord,"  Isa.  xxvi.  10. 
Certainly,  if  a  wicked  man  could  be  rescued  out  of  hell  itself, 
and  brought  back  into  the  possibilities  of  mercy  again,  yet 
would  he  in  a  second  life  fly  out  against  God,  and  while  he  had 
time,  take  his  fill  of  lusts  again.  We  see  clay  will  but  grow 
harder  by  the  fire  ;  and  that  metal  which  melted  in  the  furnace, 
being  taken  thence,  will  return  to  its  wonted  solidity.  When 
Pharaoh   saw  that  the  rain,  and  the  hail,  and  the  thunders 


were  ceased,  (though  in  the  time  of  them  he  was  like  melted 
metal,  and  did  acknowledge  the  righteousness  of  God,  and 
his  own  sin,  and  make  strong  promises  that  Israel  should  go,) 
yet  then  he  sinned  more,  and  hardened  his  heart,  he  and  his 
servants,  and  would  not  let  the  children  of  Israel  go,  Exod. 
ix.  27,  28,  34,  33.  Do  we  not  see  men  sometimes  cast  on 
a  bed  of  sickness,  brought  to  the  very  brink  of  hell,  and  to 
the  smell  of  that  sulphury  lake,  when,  by  God's  wonderful 
patience,  they  are  snatched  like  a  brand  out  of  the  fire,  and 
have  recovered  a  little  strength,  continue  to  provoke  the  Lord 
again  ?  When  they  should  set  themselves  to  make  good 
those  hypocritical  resolutions  of  amendment  of  life,  wherewith 
in  their  extremity  they  flattered  God,  and  deceived  them- 
selves, they  suddenly  break  forth  into  more  filthiness  than 
before,  as  if  they  meant  now  to  be  revenged  of  God,  and  to 
fetch  back  that  time  which  sickness  took  from  them,  by  an 
extremity  of  sinning ;  as  if  they  had  made  a  covenant  with 
hell  to  do  it  more  service  if  they  might  then  be  spared.  All 
the  favours  and  methods  which  God  useth  are  not  enough  to 
bring  wicked  men  home  unto  him  of  their  own  wills. 
"  Though  I  have  redeemed  them,"  saith  the  Lord,  "  yet  they 
have  spoken  lies  against  me.  They  have  not  cried  unto  me 
with  their  heart,  when  they  howled  upon  their  beds.  The 
people  turneth  not  unto  him  that  smiteth  them,  neither  do 
they  seek  the  Lord  of  hosts."  Hoseavii.  13,  14;  Isa.  ix.  13. 
So  many  judgments  did  the  Lord  send  upon  Israel  on  the 
neck  of  one  another,  and  yet  still  the  burthen  of  the  prophet 
is,  "  Yet  have  you  not  returned  unto  me,  saith  the  Lord," 
Amos  iv.  6,  8 — 11.  Dam  up  the  passage  of  a  river, 
and  use  all  the  art  that  may  be  to  over-rule  it,  yet  you  can 
never  carry  it  backward  in  its  own  channel ;  you  may  cut  it 
out  into  other  courses,  but  no  art  can  drive  it  into  a  contrary 
motion,  and  make  it  retire  into  its  own  fountain.  So,  though 
wicked  men  may  haply,  by  divers  reasons  which  their  lusts 
will  admit,  be  so  far  wrought  upon  as  to  change  their  courses, 
yet  it  is  impossible  to  change  themselves,  or  to  turn  them 
quite  out  of  their  own  way  into  the  way  of  Christ.  There  is 
in  the  world  but  a  way  of  life,  and  a  way  of  death ;  and  the 
Lord,  in  the  ministry  of  the  word,  gives  us  our  option ;  "  I 
have  set  before  you  this  day  life  and  death,  blessing  and 
cursing :  and  he  that  believeth  shall  be  saved ;  he  that  be- 
lieveth  not  shall  be  damned."  To  the  former  he  invites, 
beseecheth,    enticeth    us    with   promises,    with    oaths,   with 


engagements,  with  prevention  of  any  just  objection  which 
might  be  made ;  "  We  pray  you,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  in 
Christ's  stead,  be  ye  reconciled  to  God."  From  the  othei  ,he 
deters  us  by  forewarning  us  of  the  wrath  to  come,  and  of  the 
period  which  death  will  put  to  our  lusts  with  our  lives.  And 
as  TertulHan  once  spake  of  the  oath  of  God,  so  may  I  of  his 
entreaties  and  threatenings ;  "  O  blessed  men  whom  the 
Lord  himself  is  pleased  to  solicit  and  entice  unto  happiness  ! 
But  O  miserable  men,  that  will  not  believe  nor  accept  of 
God's  own  entreaties  I"  And  yet  thus  miserable  are  we  all 
by  nature.  There  is  in  men  so  much  atheism,  infidelity, 
and  distrust  of  God's  word,  so  close  an  adherency  of  lust 
unto  the  soul,  that  it  rather  chooseth  to  run  the  hazard,  and 
to  go  to  hell  entire,  than  to  go  halt  and  maimed  unto  heaven ; 
yea,  to  make  God  a  liar,  and  to  bless  themselves  in  their  sins, 
when  he  curseth  ;  and  to  judge  of  him  by  themselves,  as  if  he 
took  no  notice  of  their  ways.  It  is  not,  therefore,  without 
just  cause  that  God  so  often  threateneth  to  remember  all  the 
sins  of  wicked  men,  and  to  do  against  them  whatsoever  he 
hath  spoken. 

We  see  then,  that  men  will  never  submit  themselves  unto  the 
sceptre  of  Christ,  nor  prevent  the  wrath  to  come  by  a  volun- 
tary subjection.  It  remains,  therefore,  that  God  takes  the 
work  into  his  own  hands,  and  puts  them  by  force  under 
Christ's  feet.  They  will  not  submit  to  his  kingdom  of  grace 
and  mercy,  they  will  not  believe  his  kingdom  of  glory  and 
salvation  ;  but  they  shall  be  made  subject  to  the  sword  of  his 
wrath,  and  that  without  any  hope  of  escape  or  power  of  op- 
position ;  for  God  himself  shall  do  it  immediately  by  his  own 
mighty  power.  He  will  interpose  his  own  hand,  and  magnify 
the  glory  of  his  own  strength  in  the  just  confusion  of  wricked 
men.  So  the  apostle  saith,  that  the  Lord  will  show  his 
wrath,  and  make  his  power  known  in  the  vessels  fitted  for 
destruction,  Rom.  ix,  22,  Two  means  the  apostle  showeth 
shall  be  used  in  the  destruction  of  the  wicked,  to  effect  it, — 
the  presence,  or  countenance,  and  the  glorious  power  of  the 
Lord,  2  Thess.  i.  9.  The  very  terror  of  his  face,  and  the 
dreadful  majesty  of  his  presence,  shall  slay  the  wicked.  "  The 
kings  of  the  earth,  and  the  great  men,  and  the  rich  men,  and 
the  chief  captains,  and  the  mighty  men,"  those  who  all  their 
lifetime  were  themselves  terrible,  and  had  been  acquainted 
with  terrors,  shall  then  beer  of  the  mountains  and  rocks  to 


"  fall  on  them,  and  to  hide  them  from  the  face  of  him  that 
sitteth  on  the  throne,  and  from  the  wrath  of  the  Lamb,"  Rev. 
vi.  15,  16 ;  Isa.  ii.  10,  19 :  whence  that  usual  expression  of 
God's  resolution  to  destroy  a  people,  "  1  will  set  my  face 
against  them."  Oh  then,  how  sore  will  the  condemnation  of 
wicked  men  be,  when  therein  the  Lord  purposeth  to  declare 
the  glorious  strength  of  his  own  almighty  arm  !  Here,  when 
the  Lord  punisheth  a  people,  he  only  showeth  how  much 
strength  and  edge  he  can  put  into  the  creatures  to  execute 
his  displeasure.  But  the  extreme  terror  of  the  last  day  shall 
be  this,  that  men  shall  fall  immediately  into  the  hands  of 
God  himself,  who  hath  said,  "  Vengeance  belongeth  unto 
me,  and  I  will  recompense,"  Heb.  x.  30,  31.  And,  there- 
fore, the  apostle  useth  this  expostulation  against  idolaters, 
"  Do  we  provoke  the  Lord  to  jealousy  ?  Are  we  stronger 
than  he?"  1  Cor.  x.  22.  Dare  we  meet  the  Lord  in  his 
fury?  do  we  provoke  him  to  pour  out  "  all  his  wrath?"  Psa. 
Ixxviii.  38.  He  will  at  last  stir  up  all  his  wrath  against  the 
vessels  that  are  fitted  for  it.  And  for  that  cause  he  will 
punish  them  himself.  For  there  is  no  creature  able  to  bring 
all  God's  wrath  unto  another ;  there  is  no  vessel  able  to  hold 
all  God's  displeasure.  The  apostle  telleth  us  that  we  have  to 
do  with  God  in  his  word,  Heb.  iv.  13  ;  but  herein  he  useth 
the  ministry  of  weak  men,  so  that  his  majesty  is  covered,  and 
wicked  men  have  a  veil  upon  their  hearts,  that  they  cannot 
see  God  in  his  word.  "  When  thy  hand  is  lifted  up," 
namely,  in  the  threatenings  and  predictions  of  wrath  out  of 
the  word,  "  they  will  not  see  ;"  for  it  is  a  work  of  faith  to 
receive  the  word  as  God's  word,  and  therein  beforehand  to 
see  his  power,  and  to  hear  his  rod,  Micah  vi.  9.  Other 
men  belie  the  Lord,  and  say.  It  is  not  he.  But  though  they 
will  not  acknowledge  that  they  have  to  do  with  God  in  his 
word,  though  they  will  not  see  when  his  hand  is  lifted  up  in 
the  preparations  of  his  wrath,  yet  they  shall  see,  and  know 
that  they  have  to  do  with  him  in  his  judgments,  when  his 
hand  falleth  down  again  in  the  execution  of  his  wrath.  So 
the  Lord  expostulateth  with  them,  "  Can  thine  heart  endure, 
or  thine  hands  be  strong,  in  the  days  that  I  shall  deal  with 
thee  ?  "  Ezek.  xxii.  14.  The  prophet  Isaiah  resolves  that 
question,  "  The  sinners  in  Zion  are  afraid,  fearfulness  hath 
surprised  the  hypocrites,''  (namely,  a  fearful  looking  for  of 
judgment  and  fiery  indignation,  as  the  apostle   speaks,  Heb. 


X.  27.)  "  Who  among  us  shall  dwell  with  the  devouring 
fire  ?  who^  among  us  shall  dwell  with  everlasting  burnings  ?" 
Isa.  xxxiii.  14 ;  that  is,  in  the  words  of  another  prophet, 
"  Who  can  stand  before  his  indignation  ?  and  who  can  abide 
in  the  fierceness  of  his  anger  ?  His  fury  is  poured  out  like 
fire,  and  the  rocks  are  throvm  down  by  him,"  Nahum  i.  6. 

Confirmations  of  this  point  we  may  take  from  these  consi- 
derations : — 

1.  The  quarrel  with  sinners  is  God's  own,  the  con- 
troversy his  own,  the  injuries  and  indignities  have  been 
done  to  himself  and  his  own  Son,  the  challenges  have  been 
sent  unto  himself  and  his  own  Spirit ;  and,  therefore,  no 
marvel  if  he  take  the  matter  into  his  own  hands,  and,  the 
quarrel  so  immediately  reflecting  upon  him,  if  he  be  provoked 
to  revenge  it  by  his  own  immediate  power. 

2.  Revenge  is  his  royal  and  peculiar  prerogative,  Deut. 
xxxii.  35,  41  ;  from  whence  the  apostle  infers,  that  it  is  "  a 
fearful  thing  to  fall  into  the  hands  of  the  living  God,"  Heb. 
x.  30,  31.  And  there  are  these  arguments  of  fearfulness  in 
it:  it  shall  be  in  judgment,  without  mercy,  James  ii.  13; 
there  shall  be  no  mixture  of  any  sweetness  in  the  cup  of 
God's  displeasure,  but  all  poison  and  bitterness ;  there  shall 
not  be  afforded  a  drop  of  water  to  a  lake  of  fire,  a  minute  of 
ease  to  an  eternity  of  torment.  It  shall  be  in  fury,  without 
compassion  :  in  human  judgments,  where  the  law  of  the 
state  will  not  suffer  a  judge  to  acquit  or  show  mercy,  yet  the 
law  of  nature  will  force  him  to  compassionate  and  grieve  for 
the  malefactor  whom  he  must  condemn.  There  is  no  judge 
so  senseless  of  another's  misery,  nor  so  destitute  of  human 
affections,  as  to  pronounce  a  sentence  of  condemnation  with 
laughter.  But  the  Lord  will  condemn  his  enemies  in  ven- 
geance, without  any  pity.  "  I  will  laugh,"  saith  the  Lord, 
*'  at  your  calamity,  I  will  mock  when  your  fear  cometh," 
Prov.  i.  26.  It  shall  be  in  revenge  and  recompense,  in 
reward  and  proportion  ;  that  is,  in  a  full  and  everlasting  de- 
testation of  wicked  men ;  the  weight  whereof  shall,  peradven- 
ture,  lie  heavier  upon  them,  than  all  the  other  torments  which 
they  are  to  suffer,  when  they  shall  look  on  themselves  as 
scorned  and  abhorred  exiles  from  the  favour  and  presence  of 
Him  that  made  them.  For  as  the  wicked  did  here  hate 
God,  and  set  their  hearts  and  their  courses  against  him 
perpetually,  in  all  that  time  which  God  permitted  them   to 



sin,  so  God  will  hate  wicked  men,  and  set  his  face  and  fury 
against  them  perpetually  too,  as  long  as  he  shall  be  Judge  of 
the  world. 

3.  This  may  be  seen  in  the  beginnings  of  hell  in  wicked 
men  upon  the  earth.  When  the  door  of  the  conscience  is 
opened,  and  that  sin  which  lay  there  asleep  before,  riseth  up, 
like  an  enraged  lion,  to  flee  upon  the  soul ;  when  the  Lord 
suffers  some  flashes  of  his  glittering  sword  to  break  in  like 
lightning  upon  the  spirit,  and  to  amaze  the  sinner  with  the 
pledges  and  first  fruits  of  hell ;  when  he  melteth  the  stout 
hearts  of  men,  and  grindeth  them  unto  powder,  what  is  all 
this  but  the  secret  touch  of  God's  own  finger  upon  the  con- 
science ?  For  there  is  no  creature  in  the  world  whose  ministry 
the  heart  doth  discern  in  the  commotions  and  invisible  work- 
ings of  a  guilty  and  unquiet  spirit. 

4.  The  torments  of  wicked  angels,  whence  can  they  come  ? 
There  is  no  creature  strong  enough  to  lay  upon  them  a  suffi- 
cient recompense  of  pain  for  their  sin  against  the  majesty  of 
God.  The  devils  acknowledge  Christ  their  tormentor,  and 
that  when  he  did  nothing  but  rebuke  them.  There  was  ao 
fire,  nor  any  other  creature  by  him  supplied,  but  only  the 
majesty  of  his  own  word,  power,  and  person,  which  wrung 
from  them  that  hideous  cry,  "  Art  thou  come  to  torment  us 
before  the  time  ?"  Matt.  viii.  29. 

5.  Consider  the  heaviness  of  Christ's  own  soul,  his  agony 
and  sense  of  the  curse  due  unto  our  sin  when  he  was  in  the 
garden ;  the  trouble,  astonishment,  and  extreme  anguish  of 
his  soul,  which  wrought  out  of  his  sacred  body  that  woful  and 
wonderful  sweat.  Whence  came  it  all  ?  We  never  read  of 
any  devils  let  loose  to  torment  him ;  they  were  ever  tormented 
at  his  presence.  We  read  of  no  other  angels  who  had  com- 
mission to  afilict  him  ;  we  read  of  an  angel  who  was  sent 
to  strengthen  him,  Luke  xxii.  43.  There  is  no  reason  to 
think  that  the  fear  of  a  bodily  death,  which  was  the  only  thing 
that  men  could  inflict  upon  him,  was  that  which  squeezed  out 
those  drops  of  blood,  and  extorted  those  bitter  and  strong 
cries  from  him.  There  were  not  in  his  innocent  soul,  in  his 
most  pure  and  sacred  body,  any  seeds  or  principles  of  such 
tormenting  distempers ;  his  compassion  towards  the  misery  of 
sinners,  his  knowledge  of  the  guilt  and  cursedness  of  sin,  was 
as  great  at  other  times  as  then.  What  then  could  it  else  be, 
but  the  weight  of  his  Father's  justice,  the  conflict  with  his 


Father's  wrath  against  the  shis  of  men,  which  wrought  such 
extremity  of  heaviness  in  his  soul  ?  And  he  was  our  Surety, 
he  stood  in  our  stead ;  that  which  was  done  to  tlie  green  tree 
should  much  more  have  been  done  to  the  dry.  If  God  laid 
upon  him  the  strokes  which  were  due  unto  our  sin,  how 
much  more  heavy  shall  his  hand  be  upon  those  whom  he 
thoroughly  hateth  ! 

But  shall  not  the  angels  then  be  executioners  of  the  sen- 
tence of  God's  wrath  upon  wicked  men  ?  I  answer,  The 
angels  shall  have  their  service  in  the  coming  of  the  Lord ; 
as  attendants,  to  show  forth  the  majesty  and  glory  of  Christ 
to  the  world,  2  Thess.  i.  7  ;  Matt.  'xxiv.  31.  Also,  as 
executioners  of  his  will,  which  is  to  gather  together  the  elect 
and  the  reprobate ;  to  bind  up  the  wicked  as  sheaves  or  fagots 
for  the  fire.  Matt.  xiii.  30;  xxiv.  31.  But,  still  the  Lord 
interposeth  his  own  power.  As  a  schoolmaster  setteth  one 
scholar  to  bring  forth  another  unto  punishment,  but  then  he 
layeth  on  the  stripes  himself. 

But  why  is  it  said,  that  the  Father  shall  put  Christ's  ene- 
mies under  his  feet  ?  Doth  not  Christ  himself  do  it,  as  well 
as  the  Father?  Yes,  doubtless,  God  hath  given  the  Son 
authority  to  execute  judgment  also,  and  put  into  his  hands  a 
rod  of  iron,  to  dash  his  enemies  to  pieces  like  a  potter's 
vessel ;  "for  whatsoever  things  the  Father  doth,  these  also 
doth  the  Son  likewise,"  John  v.  19,  27 ;  Psa.  ii.  9.  But 
we  are  to  note,  that  the  subjecting  of  Christ's  enemies  under 
his  feet  is  a  work  of  Divine  power.  And  therefore,  though 
it  be  attributed  to  Christ  as  an  officer,  yet  it  belongeth  to 
the  Father,  as  the  fountain  of  all  Divine  operations.  So 
God  is  said  to  set  forth  his  Son  as  a  propitiation,  Rom.  iii. 
25;  and  yet  the  Son  came  down  and  manifested  himself, 
Phil.  ii.  7,  8  ;  Heb.  ix.  26.  The  Father  is  said  to  have 
raised  him  from  the  dead.  Acts  ii.  32  ;  Rom.  vi.  4 ;  and  yet 
the  Son  raised  himself  by  his  own  power,  John  x.  18.  The 
Father  is  said  to  have  set  Christ  at  his  own  right  hand  in 
heavenly  places,  Eph.  i.  20 ;  and  Christ  is  said  to  have  sat 
down  himself  on  the  right  hand  of  the  Majesty  on  high,  Heb. 
i.  3,  10,  12.  The  Father  is  said  to  give  the  Holy  Ghost,  John 
xiv.  16 ;  and  yet  the  Son  promiseth  to  send  the  Spirit  him- 
self, John  xvi.  7.  So  here,  though  the  Son  has  received 
power  sufficient  to  subdue  all  his  enemies  under  his  feet,  (for 
he  is  able  to  subdue  all  things  unto  himself,  Phil.  iii.  21,) 


yet  the  Father,  to  show  his  hatred  against  the  enemies  of 
Christ,  and  his  consent  to  the  victories  of  his  Son,  will  like- 
wise subdue  all  things  unto  him,  1  Cor.  xv.  27,  28. 

Oh,  then,  that  men  would  be,  by  the  terror  of  the  Lord,  per- 
suaded to  flee  from  the  wrath  to  come,  to  consider  the  weight 
of  God's  heavy  hand,  and  when  they  see  such  a  storm  com- 
ing, to  hide  themselves  in  the  holes  of  that  Rock  of  mercy ! 
It  is  nothing  but  atheism  and  infidelity  which  bewitcheth 
men  with  desperate  senselessness  against  the  vengeance  of 
God.  And  therefore,  as  the  Lord  hath  seconded  his  word  of 
promise  with  an  oath,  that  they  might  have  strong  consola- 
tion who  flee  for  refuge  to  lay  hold  on  the  hope  which  is  set 
before  them,  Heb.  vi.  17,  18,  so  hath  he  confirmed  the  word 
of  his  threatenings  with  an  oath  too  :  "  If  I  lift  up  my  hand 
to  heaven,  and  say,  I  live  for  ever — I  will  render  vengeance 
to  mine  enemies,  I  will  reward  them  that  hate  me,"  Deut. 
xxxii.  40,  41  ;  and  again,  "  The  Lord  hath  sworn  by  the 
excellency  of  Jacob,  Surely  I  will  never  forget  any  of  their 
works,"  Amos  viii.  7  ;  and  again,  "  I  have  sworn  by  myself, 
That  unto  me  every  knee  shall  bow,"  Isa.  xlv.  23 ;  and  this 
he  doth,  that  secure  and  obdurate  sinners  might  have  the 
stronger  reasons  to  flee  from  the  wrath  which  is  set  before 
them.  How  wonderful  is  the  stupidity  of  men,  that  will 
neither  believe  the  words,  nor  tremble  at  the  oath  of  God  ! 
He  hath  warned  us  to  flee  from  the  wrath  to  come,  and  we 
make  haste  to  meet  it  rather  ;  we  fill  up  our  measure,  and 
commit  sin  with  both  hands  greedily ;  with  unclean  and  in- 
temperate courses,  we  bring  immature  deaths  upon  ourselves, 
that  so  we  may  hasten  to  hell  the  sooner,  and  make  trial 
whether  God  be  a  liar  or  not.  For  this,  indeed,  is  the  very 
direct  issue  of  every  profane  exorbitancy  which  men  rush  into. 
Every  man  hath  much  atheism  in  his  heart  by  nature,  but 
such  desperate  stupidity  doth  wonderfully  increase  it,  and 
bring  men  by  degrees  to  the  hellish  presumption  of  those  in 
the  prophets,  "  The  Lord  will  not  do  good,  neither  will  he  do 
evil ;  it  is  not  the  Lord,  neither  shall  evil  come  upon  us ; 
the  prophets  shall  become  wind,  and  the  word  is  not  in  them. 
The  days  are  prolonged,  and  every  vision  faileth,"  Jer.  v. 
12,  13 ;  Ezek.  xii.  22 :  this  man  prophesies  of  things  afar 
off,  of  doomsday,  of  things  which  shall  be  long  after  our  time. 
Unto  these  men  I  say,  in  the  words  of  the  apostle,  though 
they  sleep,  and  see  nothing,  and  mock  at  the  promise   of 


Christ's  coming,  yet  '•  their  damnation  slumbereth  not,"  2  Pet. 
ii.  3,  but  shall  come  upon  them  soon  enough,  even  Hke  an 
armed  man.  "  Be  ye  not  mockers,"  saith  the  propliet,  "  lest 
your  bands  be  made  strong,"  Isa.  xxviii.  22.  Atheism  and 
scorn  of  God's  judgments  will  make  him  bind  them  the  faster 
upon  us  ;  he  will  get  the  better  of  the  proudest  of  his  enemies. 
We  may  mock,  but  God  will  not  be  mocked,  Gal.  vi.  7,  8. 
He  that  shooteth  arrows  against  the  sun  shall  never  reach 
high  enough  to  violate  it,  but  the  arrows  shall  return  upon 
his  own  head.  Contempt  of  God  and  his  threatenings  doth 
but  tie  our  damnation  the  faster  upon  us,  and  make  our  con- 
dition the  more  remediless.  The  rage  and  wrestling  of  a 
beast  with  the  rope  that  binds  him,  doth  make  the  knot  the 
faster.  Nay,  there  is  no  atheist  in  the  world  but  some  time 
or  other  feeleth,  by  the  horrors  of  his  own  bosom,  and  by  the 
records  of  his  own  conscience,  that  there  is  a  consumption 
decreed,  and  a  day  of  slaughter  coming  for  the  bulls  of 

Again  ;  others  I  have  known  acknowledge  indeed  the  terror 
of  the  Lord,  but  yet  go  desperately  on  In  their  presumptions, 
and  that  upon  two  other  dangerous  downfalls.  They  thus 
argue,  Peradventure  I  belong  to  God's  election  of  grace,  and 
then  he  will  fetch  me  in,  in  his  time,  and  in  the  mean  time 
his  mercy  is  above  my  sins,  and  it  is  not  for  me  to  hasten  his 
work  till  he  will  himself.  Oh,  what  a  perverseness  is  this, 
for  the  wickedness  of  man  to  disturb  the  order  of  God  I 
His  rule  is,  that  we  should  argue  from  a  holy  conversation  to 
our  election,  and  by  our  diligence  in  adding  one  grace  unto 
another,  to  make  it  sure  unto  ourselves ;  not  to  argue  from 
our  election  to  our  calling,  nor  to  neglect  all  diligence  till  our 
election  appear.  It  is  true,  the  mercy  of  Christ  is  infinitely 
wider  than  the  utmost  rebellions  of  men,  and  it  may  be  he 
will  snatch  such  a  wicked  disputer  as  this  like  a  brand  out  of 
the  fire ;  but  then  know  withal,  that  every  desperate  sin  thou 
dost  now  wilfully  run  into,  will  at  last  cost  thee  such  bitter 
throes,  such  tears  of  blood,  as  thou  wouldst  not  be  willing, 
with  the  least  of  them,  to  purchase  the  most  sweet  and  con- 
stant pleasure  which  thy  heart  can  now  delight  in.  And  in 
the  mean  time  it  Is  a  desperate  adventure  upon  the  patience 
of  God  for  any  man,  upon  expectation  of  God's  favour,  to 
steal  time  from  his  service,  and  to  turn  the  probability  of  the 
mercy  of  God  into  an  occasion  of  sinning.     The  Ninevltes 


gathered  another  conclusion  from  these  premises  :  "  Let  man 
and  beast  be  covered  with  sackcloth,  and  cry  mightily  unto 
God ;  yea,  let  them  turn  every  one  from  his  evil  way,  and 
from  the  violence  that  is  in  their  hands ;"  and  the  ground  of 
this  resolution  is  this,  "  Who  can  tell  if  God  will  turn  and 
repent,  and  turn  away  from  his  fierce  anger,  that  we  perish 
not  ?"  Jonah  iii.  8,  9.  And  the  prophets  teach  us  to  make 
another  use  of  the  possibility  of  God's  mercy :  "  Rend  your 
heart,  and  not  your  garments,  and  turn  unlo  the  Lord  your 
God ;  for  he  is  gracious  and  merciful,  slow  to  anger,  and  of 
great  kindness,  and  repenteth  him  of  the  evil.  Who  knoweth 
if  he  will  return  and  repent,  and  leave  a  blessing  behind  him  ?" 
Joel  ii.  12,  14.  And  again,  "'  Seek  ye  the  Lord,  all  ye 
meek  of  the  earth ;  seek  righteousness,  seek  meekness :  it 
may  be  ye  shall  be  hid  in  the  day  of  the  Lord's  anger,"  Zeph. 
ii.  3. 

But  there  are  not  wanting  desperate  wretches  who  will 
thus  hellishly  argue  against  the  service  of  God :  It  may  be 
the  decree  is  gone  forth,  and  I  am  rejected  by  God,  and  why 
should  I  labour  in  vain,  and  go  about  to  repeal  his  will,  and 
not  rather,  since  I  have  no  heaven  hereafter,  take  the  fill  of 
mine  own  ways  and  lusts  here  ?  Thus  we  find  the  wicked 
epicures  conclude.  We  shall  die  to-morrow,  therefore  let  us 
eat  and  drink  to-day,  1  Cor.  xv.  32.  Nay,  but  who  art  thou, 
O  man,  who  disputest  against  God ;  who  rather  choosest  to 
abuse  the  secrets  of  God,  that  thou  mayest  dishonour  him, 
than  to  be  ruled  by  his  revealed  will,  that  thou  mayest  obey 
him  ?  "  Let  the  potsherds  strive  with  the  potsherds  of  the 
earth ;"  but  let  not  the  clay  dash  itself  against  him  that  made 
it.  Remember  and  tremble  at  the  difference  which  our 
Saviour  makes  even  amongst  the  wicked  in  hell.  It  shall  be 
more  tolerable  for  Sodom  and  Gomorrah,  and  for  Tyre  and 
Sidon,  in  the  day  of  judgment,  than  for  those  cities  which 
have  heard  and  despised  him.  Wicked  men  are  treasuring 
up  wrathj  and  hoarding  up  destruction  against  their  own 
souls ;  every  new  oath  or  blasphemy  heaps  a  new  mountain 
upon  their  conscience ;  every  renewed  act  of  any  uncleanness 
plungeth  a  man  deeper  into  hell,  giveth  the  devil  more  hold- 
fast of  him,  adds  more  fuel  unto  his  Tophet,  squeezeth  in 
more  dregs  and  woful  ingredients  into  the  cup  of  astonish- 
ment which  he  must  swallow.  Doubtless  a  sinner  in  hell 
would  account  himself  a  happy  creature  if  he  did  not  feel 


there  the  weight  and  worm  of  some  particular  sins,  which 
with  much  easiness  he  might  have  forborne,  nay,  which 
without  pain  and  labour  he  could  not  commit.  We  see 
Dives  in  hell  begged  for  but  a  drop  of  water  to  cool  his 
tongue  in  that  mighty  flame.  Now,  suppose  a  man  in  a 
burning  furnace ;  what  great  comfort  could  he  receive  from 
but  a  drop  of  water  against  a  furnace  of  fire  ?  Certainly, 
the  abatement  of  so  much  pain  as  the  abiding  of  one  drop 
would  remove,  could  in  no  proportion  amount  to  the  taking 
away  the  punishment  of  the  smallest  sin,  of  the  least  idle 
word,  or  unprofitable  thought ;  and  yet  in  that  extremity  there 
shall  not  be  allowed  a  drop  of  refreshment  against  a  lake  of 
fire.  Oh  that  men  would  therefore  in  time  consider  what  a 
woful  thincT  it  is  to  fall  into  the  hands,  and  to  rouse  up  the 
jealousy  of  the  living  God  !  that  because  he  will  do  thus  and 
thus  unto  obdurate  sinners,  they  would  therefore  in  time 
humble  themselves  under  his  mighty  hand,  and  prepare  to 
meet  him  in  the  way  of  his  judgments  !  For  certainly,  no 
sooner  doth  the  heart  of  a  sinner  yield  to  God,  but  he  meeteth 
him  in  his  return,  and  preventeth  him  with  goodness ;  his 
heart  Hkewise  is  turned  within  him,  and  his  repentings  are 
kindled  together.  With  much  more  delight  will  he  put  a 
man  into  the  arms  of  Christ  than  force  him  under  his  feet. 
"He  doth  not  afflict  willingly,  nor  grieve  the  children  of  men  ;" 
he  taketh  no  pleasure  in  the  death  of  a  sinner,  but  "  he  de- 
lighteth  in  mercy." 

III.  The  last  thing  observed,  was  the  manner  of  this  vic- 
tory, expressed  in  those  words,  "  to  put,"  and  "  to  put  as  a  stool 
under  Christ's  feet."  Now,  this  expression,  that  the  conquest 
of  Christ's  enemies  shall  be  but  as  the  removing  of  a  stool 
into  its  place,  noteth  unto  us  two  things  : — 

1.  The  easiness  of  God's  victory  over  the  enemies  of 
Christ.  They  are  before  him  as  nothing,  less  than  nothing, 
the  drop  of  a  bucket,  the  dust  of  a  balance,  a  very  little 
thing.  What  thing  is  heavier  than  a  m.ountain  ?  what  thing 
easier  than  a  touch  ?  what  lighter  than  chaff,  or  softer  than 
wax  ?  and  yet  they  who  in  the  eyes  of  men  are  as  strong  and 
immovable  as  mountains,  if  God  but  touch  them,  they  shall 
be  turned  into  chaff,  and  flow  at  his  presence.  If  a  man  had 
a  deadly  pestilence,  and  of  infallible  infection,  how  easily 
might  that  man  be  avenged  on  his  enemy  with  but  breathing 
in  his  face  !  Now,  the  breath  of  the  Lord  is  like  a  stream 


of  brimstone  to  devour  the  wicked.  As  easily  as  fire  con- 
sumeth  flax  or  stubble,  as  easily  as  poison  invadeth  the 
spirits  of  the  body,  as  easily  as  a  rod  of  iron  breaketh  in 
pieces  a  potter's  vessel,  as  easily  as  a  burthensome  stone 
bruiseth  that  which  it  falls  upon ;  so,  and  much  more  irresis- 
tibly, doth  the  wrath  of  the  Lord  consume  his  enemies. 

Again ;  God's  power  is,  as  it  were,  set  on  by  his  jealousy 
and  fury  against  sinners.  Anger  we  know  is  the  whetstone 
of  strength  ;  in  an  equality  of  other  terms  it  v^dll  make  a  man 
prevail.  Nothing  is  able  to  stand  before  a  fire  which  is  once 
enraged.  Now,  God's  displeasure  is  kindled  and  breaketh 
forth  into  a  flame  against  the  sins  of  men,  Deut.  xxix.  20, 
like  a  devouring  lion,  or  a  bereaved  bear ;  like  the  implacable 
rage  of  a  jealous  man,  so  doth  the  fire  of  the  Lord's  revenge 
break  forth  upon  the  enemies  of  his  Son. 

Add  hereunto,  our  disposition  and  preparedness  for  the 
wrath  of  God  Strength  itself  may  be  tired  out  in  vain  upon 
a  subject  which  is  incapable  of  any  injury  therefrom ;  but  if 
the  paw  of  a  bear  meet  with  so  thin  a  substance  as  the  skin 
of  a  man's  heart,  how  easily  is  it  torn  to  pieces.  Every 
action  is  then  most  speedily  finished,  when  the  subject  on 
which  it  works  is  thereunto  prepared.  Far  easier  is  it  to 
make  a  print  in  wax,  than  in  adamant  ;  to  kindle  a  fire  in  dry 
stubble,  than  in  green  wood.  Now,  wicked  men  have  fitted 
themselves  for  wrath,  and  are  the  procurers  and  artificers  of 
their  own  destruction.  They  are  vessels,  and  God  is  never 
without  treasures  of  wTath,  so  that  the  confusion  of  a  wicked 
man  is  but  like  the  drawing  of  water  out  of  a  fountain,  or 
the  filling  of  a  bag  out  of  a  heap  of  treasure. 

Add  hereunto,  our  destituteness  of  all  help  and  succour. 
Even  fire  amongst  pitch  might  be  quenched,  if  a  man  could 
pour  down  water  in  abundance  upon  it.  But  the  wicked  shall 
have  no  strength  either  in  or  about  them  to  prevent  or  remove 
the  wrath  to  come.  Here  indeed  they  have  some  helps,  such 
as  they  are,  to  stand  out  against  God  in  his  word.  Wealth 
and  greatness  to  be  the  provisions  of  their  lusts ;  the  counte- 
nance of  the  wicked  world  to  encourage  them  in  their  ways ; 
Satan  and  the  wisdom  of  the  flesh  to  furnish  them  with  argu- 
ments, and  to  cast  a  garnish  upon  uncleanness ;  but  when 
the  lion  comes,  the  shepherd  can  do  the  sheep  no  good  ;  when 
the  fire  comes,  the  rotten  post  shall  perish  with  the  varnish 
which  covered  it.     He  that  was  here  strong  enough  to  pro- 


voice  God  shall  at  last  be  bound  hand  and  foot,  and  so   have 
no  faculty  left  either  to  resist  him  or  to  run  from  him. 

There  is  a  foolish  disposition  in  the  hearts  of  men  to  think 
that  they  shall  ever  continue  in  that  state  which  they  are 
once  in.  The  proud  and  wicked  man  hatli  said  in  his  heart, 
"  I  shall  never  be  moved,  I  shall  never  be  in  adversity.  God 
hath  forgotten;  he  hideth  his  face ;  he  will  never  see  it,"  Psa. 
X.  6,  11.  And  David  was  overtaken  with  this  gross  error, 
''  I  said  in  my  prosperity,  I  shall  never  be  moved."  This 
was  the  vain  conceit  of  the  fool  in  the  gospel,  "  Thou  hast 
much  goods  laid  up  for  many  years,  take  thine  ease,  eat, 
drink,  and  be  merry,"  Luke  xii.  19.  This  ever  hath  been 
the  language  of  secure  and  wicked  men ;  "  None  evil  can 
come  upon  us,"  Micah  iii.  11.  "I  shall  have  peace,  though 
I  walk  in  the  imagination  of  mine  heart,"  Deut.  xxix.  19. 
"  To-morrow  shall  be  as  this  day,  and  much  more  abundant," 
Isa.  Ivi.  12.  And  so  also  in  afflictions :  "  Hath  God  for- 
gotten to  be  gracious  ?  hath  he  shut  up  his  tender  mercies  in 
anger?"  Psa.  Ixxvii.  9.  "  From  day  even  to  night  wilt  thou 
make  an  end  of  me,"  Isa.  xxxviii.  12.  "  I  said  my  hope  is 
lost,  and  I  am  cut  off'  for  my  part,"  Ezek.  xxxvii.  11.  I 
shall  never  overcome  such  an  affliction ;  I  shall  never  break 
through  such  a  pressure.  And  both  these  come  from  want 
of  faith  touching  the  power  of  God  to  subdue  all  enemies 
under  Christ's  feet.  If  men  would  but  consider  how  easily 
God  can  break  down  all  their  cobwebs,  and  sweep  away  their 
refuge  of  lies  ;  how  easily  he  can  spoil  them  of  all  tiie  provi- 
sions of  their  lusts,  they  would  be  more  fearful  of  him,  and 
less  dote  upon  things  which  will  not  profit ;  they  would  take 
heed  how  they  abuse  their  youth,  strength,  time,  and  abilities, 
as  if  they  had  a  spring  of  them  all  within  themselves,  and 
consider  that  their  good  is  not  in  their  own  hand  ;  that  the 
scythe  can  get  as  well  through  the  green  grass  as  the  dry 
stubble ;  that  consuming  fire  can  as  well  melt  the  hardest 
metal  as  the  softest  wax.  What  is  the  reason  why  men  in 
sore  extremities  make  strong  resolutions,  and  vow  much 
repentance  and  amendment  of  life,  and  yet  as  soon  as  they 
are  off  from  the  rack,  return  again  to  their  vomit,  and  wallow 
in  their  wonted  lusts,  but  because  their  sense  made  them  feel 
that  then,  which  if  they  had  faith  they  might  still  perceive, 
and  so  still  continue  in  the  same  good  resolutions,  namely, 
that  God's  hand  was  near  unto  them?     But  what,  is  not 


God  a  God  afar  off  as  well  as  near  at  hand  ?  Jer.  xxiil.  23. 
Doth  not  he  say  of  wicked  men,  that  in  the  fulness  of  their 
sufficiency  they  shall  be  in  straits  ?  Cannot  he  blast  the  corn 
in  the  blade,  in  the  harvest,  in  the  barn,  in  the  very  mouth 
of  the  wicked  ?  Did  he  not  cut  off  Belshazzar  in  his  cups, 
and  Herod  in  his  robes,  and  Babylon  and  Tyrus  in  their 
pride,  and  Haman  in  his  favour,  and  Jezebel  in  her  paint  ? 
Have  but  faith  enough  to  say,  I  am  a  man,  and  therefore  no 
human  events  should  be  strange  unto  me ;  and  even  that  one 
consideration  may  keep  a  man  from  outrage  of  sinning.  It 
may  be  I  have  abundance  of  earthly  things,  yet  am  I  still  but 
a  gilded  potsherd.  It  may  be  I  have  excellent  endowments, 
but  I  have  them  all  in  an  earthen  vessel.  And  shall  the 
potsherd  strive  with  the  potter,  and  provoke  him  that  made 
it  ?  This  would  teach  us  to  fear  and  tremble  at  God's  power. 
Though  we  look  upon  death  and  judgment  as  afar  off,  yet 
God  can  make  them  near  when  he  will ;  for  he  hath  said, 
that  the  damnation  of  wicked  men  is  swift,  and  that  they  are 
near  unto  cursing.  His  judgments  are  like  lightning,  and 
have  wings  suddenly  to  overtake  a  sinner.  He  requires  but  a 
month,  nay,  but  a  morning,  nay  but  a  moment  to  consume 
his  enemies,  and  bring  desolation  upon  those  who  said  they 
should  sit  as  a  lady  for  ever,  and  did  never  remember  the 
latter  end.  "  Though  a  sinner  do  evil  a  hundred  times,  and 
his  days  be  prolonged,"  namely,  by  the  patience  and  permission 
of  God,  in  whose  hands  his  days  are,  "  yet  it  shall  be  well 
with  them  that  fear  God,"  Eccl.  viii.  12,  13.  The  wicked 
are  not  able  to  prolong  their  own  days. 

Again,  for  afflictions  and  temptations,  it  is  a  great  fruit  of 
the  infidelity  of  men's  hearts,  and  a  foolish  charging  and 
chiding  of  our  Maker,  to  account  ourselves  swallowed  up  of 
any  present  pressure.  If  we  did  but  consider  that  it  is  as 
easy  with  God  to  subdue  our  enemies,  and  to  rebuke  our 
afflictions,  as  it  is  with  us  to  put  a  stool  under  our  feet,  we 
should  then  learn  to  wait  on  him  in  all  our  distresses ;  and 
when  we  cannot  answer  difficulties,  nor  extricate  ourselvei.- 
out  of  our  own  doubts  or  fears,  to  conclude,  that  his  thoughts 
are  above  our  thoughts,  and  his  ways  above  our  ways,  and  so 
to  cast  ourselves  wholly  upon  his  power.  It  is  an  argument 
which  the  Lord  everywhere  useth  to  establish  his  church 
withal :  "  Fear  not  the  fear  of  men,  nor  be  afraid,  but  sanctify 
the  Lord  of  hosts  himself,  and  let  him  be  your  fear,"  Isa.viii, 


1 2,  13.  "  Who  art  thou,  that  thou  shouldst  be  afraid  of  a 
man  that  shall  die,  and  of  the  son  of  man  which  shall  be  made 
as  grass  ;  and  forgettest  the  Lord  thy  Maker,  and  hast  feared 
continually  every  day  because  of  the  fury  of  the  oppressor  ? 
and  where  is  the  fury  of  the  oppressor?"  Isa.  li.  12,  13.  "  If 
it  be  marvellous  in  the  eyes  of  the  remnant  of  this  people, 
should  it  also  be  marvellous  in  mine  eyes  ?  saith  the  Lord  of 
hosts,"  Zech.  viii.  6,  7.  "  Behold,  I  am  the  Lord,  the  God 
of  all  flesh  ;  is  there  any  thing  too  hard  for  me  ?  Blessed  is 
the  man  that  trusteth  in  the  Lord,  and  whose  hope  the  Lord 
is  :  he  shall  be  as  a  tree  planted  by  the  waters,  which  shall  not 
be  careful  in  the  year  of  drought.  When  the  poor  and  needy 
seek  water,  and  there  is  none,  and  their  tongue  faileth  for 
thirst,  I  the  Lord  will  hear  them,  I  the  God  of  Israel  will 
not  forsake  them.  Though  the  fig-tree  shall  not  blossom, 
neither  shall  fruit  be  in  the  vines ;  the  labour  of  the  olive 
shall  fail,  and  the  fields  shall  yield  no  meat ;  the  flock  shall 
be  cut  off  from  the  fold,  and  there  shall  be  no  herd  in  the 
stalls  :  yet  I  will  rejoice  in  the  Lord,  I  will  joy  in  the  God 
of  my  salvation,"  Jer.  xxxii.  27;  xvii.  7,  8;  Isa.  xh.  17, 
18 ;  Hab.  iii.  17,  18.  He  is  "  able  to  do  abundantly  above 
all  that  we  can  ask  or  think."  God  would  never  so  frequently 
carry  men  to  the  dependence  upon  his  power,  if  they  were 
not  apt  in  extremities  to  judge  of  God  by  themselves,  and  to 
suspect  his  power. 

2.  As  this  putting  of  Christ's  enemies  like  a  stool  under 
his  feet  noteth  easiness,  so  also  it  noteth  order  and  beauty. 
When  Christ's  enemies  shall  be  under  his  foot,  then  there 
shall  be  a  right  order  in  things ;  then  it  shall  indeed  appear 
that  God  is  a  God  of  order;  and  therefore  the  day  wherein 
that  shall  be  done  is  called  "  the  times  of  the  restitution  of 
all  things,"  Acts  iii.  21.  The  putting  of  Christ's  enemies 
under  his  feet  is  an  act  of  justice  ;  and  of  all  other  justice  is 
the  most  orderly  virtue,  that  which  keepeth  beauty  upon  the 
face  of  a  people,  as  consisting  itself  in  a  symmetry  and  pro- 
portion. Again,  every  thing  out  of  its  own  place  is  out  of 
order,  but  when  things  are  all  in  their  proper  places  and  due 
proportions,  then  there  results  a  beauty  and  comeliness  from 
them.  In  a  great  house  there  are  many  vessels,  some  of 
wood  and  brass,  others  of  gold  and  silver ;  some  for  honour- 
able, others  for  base  and  sordid  uses.  Now,  if  all  these  were 
confusedly  together  in  one  room,  a  man  would  conclude  that 
things  were  out  of  order ;  but  when  the  plate  is  in  one  place, 


the  brass  and  wood  in  another,  we  acknowledge  a  decency 
and  cleanliness  in  such  a  house.  Let  a  body  be  of  never  so 
exact  temperature  and  delicate  complexion,  yet  if  any  member 
therein  be  misplaced,  the  eye  in  the  room  of  the  ear,  or  the 
cheek  on  the  forehead,  there  can  be  no  beauty  in  such  a  body. 
So  in  the  church,  till  God  set  every  one  in  his  right  place, 
the  order  thereof  is  but  imperfect.  Therefore  when  Judas 
was  put  under  Christ's  feet,  he  is  said  to  have  gone  to  his 
own  place.  Acts  i.  25. 

Why  then  should  any  man  murmur  at  the  prosperity  of 
wicked  men,  or  conceive  of  God's  proceedings  as  if  they  were 
irregular  and  unequal,  as  if  there  were  no  profit  for  those  who 
walk  mournfully,  but  the  proud  and  wicked  workers  were 
set  up  ?  This  is  to  revile  the  workman  while  he  is  yet  in 
the  fitting  of  his  work.  The  pieces  are  not  yet  put  together 
in  their  proper  joints,  and  therefore  no  marvel  if  the  evenness 
and  beauty  of  God's  works  be  not  so  plainly  discovered.  For 
everything  is  beautiful  in  its  time ;  what  though  the  corn  in 
the  held  hang  down  the  head,  and  the  weeds  seem  to  flourish 
and  overtop  it ;  stay  but  till  the  harvest,  and  it  will  then 
appear  which  was  for  the  garner  and  which  for  the  lire.  Go 
into  the  sanctuary  of  the  Lord,  and  by  faith  look  unto  the  day 
of  the  revelation  of  God's  righteous  judgments,  and  it  will  ap- 
pear "  that  the  ways  of  the  Lord  are  right,  though  the  transgres- 
sors stumble  in  them,"  or  be  offended  at  them,  Hos.  xiv.  9. 

From  hence  every  man  may  learn  how  to  bring  beauty  and 
order  into  himself,  namely,  by  subduing  those  enemies  of 
Christ,  those  lusts  and  evil  affections  which  dwell  within  him. 
Laws  we  know  are  the  ligaments  and  sinews  of  a  state ;  the 
strings,  as  it  were,  which  being  touched  and  animated  by 
skilful  governors,  do  yield  that  excellent  harmony  which  is 
to  be  seen  in  well  constituted  commonwealths  ;  the  more  they 
prevail  so  much  the  more  unity  is  preserved,  and  faction 
abated,  and  connnunity  cherished  in  the  minds  of  men.  Even 
so,  where  the  sceptre  of  Christ,  the  law  of  the  mind,  the  royal 
law  of  liberty  and  grace,  do  more  prevail  over  the  lusts  of  the 
heart,  by  so  much  the  more  excellent  is  the  harmony  and 
complexion  of  such  a  soul. 

III.  Now,  the  last  thing  in  this  verse  is,  "A  stool  under  thy 
feet."  Things  are  under  Christ's  feet  two  manner  of  ways: 
either  by  way  of  subjection,  as  servants  unto  him,  and  so  he 
hath  dominion  over  all  the  works  of  God's  hands,  and  hath 
ail  things  put  under  his  feet.     So  the  apostle  saith,    that 


God  hath  "set  him  at  his  own  riglit  hand  in  heavenly  places, 
far  above  all  principality,  and  power,  and  might,  and  domi- 
nion, and  every  name  that  is  named,  not  only  in  this  world, 
but  also  in  that  which  is  to  come  ;  and  hath  put  all  thinors 
under  his  feet,  and  gave  him  to  be  the  head  over  all  things 
to  the  church,"  Eph.  i.  21,  22.  Which  St.  Peter  expresseth 
in  a  like  manner :  He  "  is  gone  into  heaven,  and  is  on  the 
right  hand  of  God,  angels  and  authorities  and  powers  being 
made  subject  to  him,"  1  Pet.  iii.  22.  Or,  secondly,  by  way 
of  victory  and  triumph,  and  so  all  Christ's  enemies  are  put 
under  his  feet,  which  is  the  most  proper  way.  For  the 
members  of  Christ  are  indeed  under  the  Head :  so  we  find 
that  the  sheep  of  Christ  are  in  his  hands  :  "  No  man  shall 
pluck  them  out  of  my  hand,"  John  x.  28.  And  the  lambs  of 
Christ  are  in  his  arms  and  bosom  :  "  He  shall  gather  the 
lambs  with  his  arm,  and  carry  them  in  his  bosom,"  Isa.  xl.  11. 
But  the  enemies  of  Christ  are  under  his  feet  to  be  trampled 
upon.  And  this  is  an  usual  expression  of  a  total  victory  in 
holy  Scripture,  the  laying  of  an  adversary  even  with  the 
ground,  that  he  may  be  crushed  and  trampled  upon.  This 
was  the  curse  of  the  serpent,  that  he  should  crawl  with  his 
belly  upon  the  dust  of  the  earth,  and  that  the  seed  of  the 
woman  should  bruise  his  head.  And  it  is  the  curse  of  God's 
enemies,  that  they  should  lick  the  dust,  and  that  the  feet  of 
the  church,  and  the  tongue  of  her  dogs  should  be  dipped  in 
the  blood  of  her  enemies. 

Now,  this  putting  of  Christ's  enemies  as  a  stool  under  his 
feet,  notes  unto  us,  in  regard  of  Christ,  two  things — his  rest, 
and  his  triumph. 

1.  To  stand,  in  the  Scripture  phrase,  (as  I  have  before 
observed,)  denoteth  ministry,  and  to  sit,  rest ;  and  there  is 
no  posture  more  easy  than  to  sit  vvith  a  stool  under  one's  feet. 
Till  Christ's  enemies  then  be  all  under  his  feet,  he  is  not 
fully  in  his  rest.  It  is  true,  in  his  own  person  he  is  in  rest ; 
he  hath  finished  the  work  which  was  given  him  to  do,  and 
therefore  is  entered  into  his  rest.  He  hath  already  ascended 
up  on  high,  and  led  captivity  captive ;  yet  in  his  members  he 
still  suffers,  though  not  by  way  of  pain  or  passion,  yet  by 
way  of  sympathy  or  compassion  :  he  is  touched  with  a  feel- 
ing of  our  infirmities,  Heb.  iv.  15.  As  by  the  things  which 
he  suffered  he  learned  obedience  towards  God,  so  by  the 
same  sufferings  he  learned  compassion,  and  thereupon  mercy 
and  fidelity  towards  his  members  ;  for  no  man  can  be  more 

88  Christ's  enemies  his  footstool. 

tenderly  faithful  in  the  business  of  another  than  he  who  by 
his  own  experience  knoweth  the  consequence  and  necessity 
of  it.  And  therefore  he  is  said  to  be  afflicted  in  all  the  afflic- 
tions of  his  people,  Isa.  Ixiii.  9  ;  and  the  apostle  tells  us,  that 
the  afflictions  of  the  saints  fill  up  the  remainders,  or  that 
which  is  behind  of  the  afflictions  of  Christ,  Col.  i.  24.  For 
as  the  church  is  called  the  fulness  of  Christ,  who  yet  of  him- 
self is  so  full  as  that  he  filleth  all  in  all ;  (neither  doth  the 
church  serve  to  supply  his  defects,  but  to  magnify  his  mercy ;} 
so  the  church's  sufferings  are  esteemed  the  fulness  of  the 
sufferings  of  Christ,  although  his  were  of  themselves  so  full 
before,  as  that  they  had  their  consummation,  to  seal  up  both 
their  measure  and  their  merit ;  and  therefore  our  sufferings  are 
called  his,  not  by  way  of  addition  or  improvement  unto  those, 
but  by  way  of  honour  and  dignity  unto  us.  They  show 
Christ's  compassion  towards  us,  and  our  union  and  conformity 
to  him  ;  but  no  way  either  any  defect  of  virtue  in  his,  or  any 
value  of  merit  in  ours ;  or  any  ecclesiastical  treasure,  or  re- 
dundancy out  of  a  mixture  of  both  :  very  profitable  they  are 
for  the  edification  of  the  church,  but  very  base  and  unworthy 
for  the  expiation  of  sin ;  very  profitable  for  the  comfort  of 
men,  but  very  unprofitable  to  the  justice  of  God.  So  then, 
though  Christ  rest  from  suffering  in  himself,  yet  not  in  his 
saints  ;  though  the  serpent  cannot  come  to  the  Head,  yet  it  is 
still  bruising  of  his  heel.  Here  then  the  apostle's  inference 
is  good,  "  there  remaineth  therefore  a  rest  for  the  people  of 
God,"  and  that  such  a  glorious  rest  as  must  arise  out  of  the 
ruin  of  their  enemies.  When  the  wicked  perish,  they  shall 
see  it  and  rejoice,  and  shall  wash  their  feet  in  the  blood  of 
their  adversaries.  The  revenge  of  God  against  his  enemies  is 
such  as  shall  bring  an  ease  with  it.  "  Ah,"  saith  the  Lord> 
"  I  will  ease  me  of  mine  adversaries,  and  avenge  me  of  mine 
enemies,"  Isa.  i.  24.  This  is  the  comfort  which  the  Lord 
giveth  his  people,  that  they  shall  be  full,  when  their  enemies 
shall  be  hungry,  and  that  he  will  appear  to  their  joy,  when 
their  enemies  shall  be  ashamed. 

This  must  teach  wicked  men  to  take  heed  of  persecuting 
the  members  of  Christ,  for  they  therein  are  professed  enemies 
to  Him,  whom  yet  they  would  seem  to  worship.  This  is 
certain,  that  all  the  counsels  and  resolutions  which  are  made 
against  the  subjects  or  laws  of  Christ's  kingdom,  are  but  vain 
imaginations  which  shall  never  be  executed.  He  will  at  last 
avenge  the  quarrel  of  his  people,  and  in  spite  of  all  the  power 


or  malice  of  hell,  make  them  to  sit  actually  in  heavenly 
places  with  him,  whom  he  bath  virtually  and  representatively 
carried  thither  already.  And  it  should  comfort  the  faithful 
in  all  their  sufferings  for  Christ's  sake;  because  hereby  they 
are,  first,  conformable  unto  him ;  secondly,  they  are  associates 
with  him  ;  and,  thirdly,  they  are  assured  that  they  are  in  a  way 
to  rest :  for,  saith  the  apostle,  "  it  is  a  righteous  thing  with  God 
to  recompense  tribulation  to  them  that  trouble  you,  and  to  you 
who  are  troubled,  rest,  when  the  Lord  Jesus  shall  be  revealed 
from  heaven,"  2  Thess.  i.  6,  7.  And  "  inasmuch,"  saith  St. 
Peter,  "  as  ye  are  partakers  of  Christ's  sufferings,  that 
when  his  glory  shall  be  revealed,  ye  may  be  glad  also  with 
exceeding  joy,"  1  Pet.  iv.  13.  And  this  joy  shall  be  so 
much  the  greater,  because  it  shall  grow  out  of  the  everlasting 
subjection  of  the  enemies  under  Christ's  feet ;  and  those  whom 
here  they  persecuted  and  despised,  shall  there,  with  Christ,  be 
their  judges. 

2.  As  it  noteth  the  rest,  so  likewise  the  triumph  of 
Christ,  when  he  shall  set  his  feet  on  the  neck  of  his  enemies. 
The  apostle  saith,  that  he  triumphed  over  them  in  his  cross, 
Col.  ii.  15.  And  there  are  two  words  which  have  an  allusion 
unto  the  forms  of  triumph,  exspoliation,  and  publication,  or 
representation  of  the  pomp  unto  the  world  of  the  faithful. 
He  spoiled  principalities  and  powers ;  that  is,  he  took  from 
them  all  their  armour  wherein  they  trusted,  and  divided  the 
spoils,  Luke  xi.  22.  The  armour  of  Satan  was  principally 
the  handwriting  of  the  law  which  was  against  us,  or  contrary 
unto  us ;  so  long  as  we  were  under  the  full  force  and  rigour 
of  that,  so  long  we  were  under  the  possession  and  tyranny  of 
Satan  ;  but  when  Christ  nailed  that  unto  the  cross,  and  took 
it  out  of  the  way,  then  all  the  other  panoply  of  Satan  was 
easily  taken  from  him  ;  he  was  then  spoiled  of  all  his  weapons 
and  provisions  of  lust ;  for  the  world,  and  all  the  things  which 
are  in  the  world,  were  unto  us  crucified  in  the  cross  of  Christ; 
so  that  now  by  faith  in  him  we  are  able  to  overcome  the 
world,  to  value  it  aright,  to  esteem  the  promises  thereof  thin 
and  empty,  and  the  threatenings  thereof  vain  and  false ;  the 
treasures  thereof  baser  than  the  very  reproaches  of  Christ, 
and  the  afflictions  thereof  not  worthy  to  be  compared  with 
the  glory  which  shall  be  revealed  in  us,  as  being  in  their 
measure  but  light,  and  but  momentary  in  their  duration.  The 
power  and  wisdom  of  Satan  was  likewise  in  the  cross  of 
Christ  most  notably  befooled  and  disappointed ;  for  when  he 

90  Christ's  enemies  his  footstool. 

thought  that  he  had  now  swallowed  up  Christ,  he  found  a 
hook  under  that  bait ;  he  found  that  which  neither  himself 
nor  any  of  his  instruments  could  have  suspected,  that  Christ 
crucified  was  indeed  the  wisdom  of  God,  and  the  power  of 
God,  and  that  through  death  he  chose  to  destroy  him  who 
had  the  power  of  death,  I  Cor.  i.  24 ;  Heb.  ii.  14. 

Again,  he  made  a  show,  or  public  representation  of  this 
his  victory,  and  of  these  his  spoils,  openly  unto  the  world. 
As  the  cross  was  his  triumphal  chariot,  so  was  it  likewise  the 
pageant,  as  it  were,  and  exhibition  of  his  spoils  ;  for  though 
to  a  carnal  eye  there  was  nothing  but  ignominy  and  dishonour 
in  it,  yet  to  those  that  are  called  there  is  an  eye  of  faith  given 
to  see  in  the  cross  of  Christ,  hell  disappointed,  Satan  con- 
founded, his  kingdom  demolished,  the  earthly  members  of  the 
old  man  crucified,  affections  and  lusts  abated,  and  captivity 
already  led  captive.  And  indeed,  what  triumph  of  any  the 
most  glorious  conqueror  was  ever  honoured  with  the  openings 
of  graves,  the  resurrection  of  the  dead,  the  conversion  of 
enemies,  the  acclamation  of  mute  and  inanimate  creatures, 
the  darkness  of  the  sun,  the  trembling  of  the  earth,  the  com- 
passion of  the  rocks,  the  amazement  of  the  world,  the  admi- 
ration of  the  angels  of  heaven,  but  only  this  triumph  of 
Christ  upon  the  cross  ?  And  if  he  did  so  triumph  there, 
how  muob  more  at  the  right  hand  of  the  Majesty  on  high, 
where  he  is  crowned  with  glory  and  honour ;  and  at  that  great 
day,  which  is  therefore  called  the  day  of  the  Lord  Jesus, 
because  he  will  therein  consummate  his  triumph  over  all  his 
enemies,  when  he  shall  come  with  the  attendance  of  angels, 
in  a  chariot  of  fire,  with  all  the  unbelievers  of  the  world 
bound  before  his  throne,  and  with  the  applause  and  admira- 
tion of  all  the  saints  ! 

And  this  is  a  plentiful  ground  of  comfort  to  the  faithful  in 
all  their  conflicts  with  Satan,  sin,  temptations,  or  corruptions; 
they  fight  under  his  protection,  and  with  his  Spirit  who  hath 
himself  already  triumphed,  who  accounteth  our  temptations 
his,  and  his  victories  ours  ;  who  turned  the  sorest  perplexities 
which  the  world  shall  ever  see,  into  a  doctrine  of  comfort 
unto  his  disciples,  Luke  xxi.  25 — 28.  Whenever  then  we 
are  assaulted  with  any  heavy  temptation,  to  discomforts,  fears, 
faintings,  weariness,  despair,  sinful  conformities,  or  the  like  ; 
let  us  not  depend  upon  any  strength  or  principles  of  our  own, 
but  look  only  by  faith  unto  the  victories  of  Christ,  and  to 
this  great  promise  which  is  here  made  unto  him,  as  Head  and 

Christ's  enemies  his  footstool.  91 

Captain  of  the  church,  by  whom  we  shall  be  able  to  do  all 
things ;  and  though  we  were  surrounded  with  enemies,  to 
escape  as  he  did  through  the  midst  of  them  all.  Our  enemies 
come  against  us  in  armies,  with  infinite  methods  and  strata- 
gems to  circumvent  us ;  this  only  is  our  comfort,  that  we 
have  one  refuge  which  is  above  all  the  wisdom  of  the  enemy, 
to  climb  up  unto  the  cross  of  Christ,  and  to  commit  the 
keeping  of  our  souls  unto  him,  out  of  whose  hands  no  man 
can  take  them.  When  David  went  forth  against  Goliath,  he 
did  not  grapple  with  him  by  his  own  strength,  but  with  his 
sling  and  his  stone  at  a  distance  overthrew  him.  It  is  not 
good  to  let  Satan  come  too  close  unto  the  soul,  to  let  in  his 
temptations,  or  to  enter  into  any  private  and  intimate  combat 
with  him,  (this  was  for  our  Captain  only  to  do,  who  we  know 
entered  into  the  field  with  him,  as  being  certain  of  his  own 
strength,)  but  our  only  way  to  prevail  against  him  is  to  take 
faith  as  a  sling,  and  Christ  as  a  stone ;  he  will  undoubtedly 
find  out  a  place  to  enter  in,  and  to  sink  the  proudest  enemy. 
We  are  beset  with  enemies,  yea,  we  are  enemies  unto  ourselves ; 
the  burden  of  the  flesh,  the  assaults  of  the  world,  the  fiery 
darts  of  Satan,  treason  within,  and  wars  without,  swarms  of 
Midianites,  troops  of  Amalekites,  the  sea  before  us,  the 
Egyptians  behind  us ;  sin  before,  Satan  and  the  world 
behind ;  either  I  must  run  on,  and  be  drowned  in  sin,  or  I 
must  stand  still,  and  be  hewed  in  pieces  with  the  persecutions 
of  wicked  men,  or  I  must  revolt  and  turn  back  to  Egypt, 
and  so  be  devoured  in  her  plagues.  In  these  extremities  the 
apostle  hath  given  us  our  one  great  object :  look  unto  Jesus ; 
he  that  is  the  Author  will  be  the  Finisher  of  our  faith,  Heb. 
xii.  1,  2.  It  is  yet  but  a  little  while,  he  will  come,  and  will 
not  tarry ;  he  is  in  the  view  of  our  faith  ;  he  is  within  the  cry 
of  our  prayers ;  he  sitteth  at  the  right  hand  of  power,  nay,^ 
he  there  standeth,  and  is  risen  up  already  in  the  quarrel  of 
his  saints.  Acts  vii.  56.  The  nearer  the  Egyptian  is  to 
Israel,  the  nearer  he  is  to  ruin,  and  the  nearer  Israel  is  to 
deUverance.  Though  Moses  have  not  chariots,  nor  multi- 
tudes of  weapons,  yet  he  hath  a  rod,  a  branch,  an  angel  of 
God's  presence,  which  can  open  the  sea,  and  give  an  issue  to 
the  greatest  dangers  which  can  turn  the  enemy's  rage  into  his 
own  ruin.  There  is  no  enemy  so  close,  so  dangerous,  so 
unavoidable,  as  our  own  lusts.  Now,  the  Lord  promiseth  to 
deal  with  the  sins  of  his  people  as  he  did  with  the  Egyptians; 
we  know  he  subdued  their  tyranny  with  plagues ;  their  first- 

92  Christ's  enemies  his  footstool. 

bom,  the  strength  and  flower  of  the  land,  he  slew  before,  and 
those  who  afterwards  joined  themselves  against  his  people,  he 
drowned  in  the  bottom  of  the  sea  ;  so  saith  the  prophet,  "  He 
will  subdue  our  iniquities,"  Mic.  vii.  19 ;  he  will  purge  them 
away,  the  power  and  strength  of  them  he  will  abate  by  his 
Spirit ;  and  as  for  those  remainders  thereof  which  are  yet 
behind,  and  rebel  against  his  grace,  he  will  cast  all  of  them 
into  the  depth  of  the  sea,  Psa.  Ixv.  3 ;  that  is,  he  will  remove 
them  utterly  away  from  us ;  he  will  drown  them  in  everlasting 
forgetfulness ;  he  will  not  only  blot  them  out,  that  they  may 
not  be,  but  he  will  not  remember  them,  which  is  in  some  sort 
to  make  them  even  not  to  have  been.  And  which  yet  makes 
the  assurance  of  all  this  the  stronger,  the  ground  of  it  all  is 
only  in  God  himself,  his  covenant  and  mercy.  Now,  though 
our  condition  alter,  yet  his  mercy  is  still  the  same.  If  the 
root  of  the  covenant  were  in  us,  then  as  we  change,  that  also 
would  vary  too ;  but  the  root  is  in  God's  own  grace,  whose 
mercy  is  therefore  without  repentance  in  himself,  because  it  is 
without  reason  or  merit  in  us. 

3.  Lastly,  this  footstool  under  Christ's  feet,  in  regard  of 
his  enemies,  noteth  unto  us  four  things  : — 

(1.)  The  extreme  shame  and  confusion  which  they  shall 
everlastingly  suffer,  the  utter  abasing  and  bringing  down  of  all 
that  exalteth  itself  against  Christ.  It  notes,  the  extremest 
degree  of  revenge,  v/hich  hath  no  mixture  of  mercy  or  com- 
passion in  it.  So  that  by  this  we  see  the  enemies  of  Christ 
and  his  kingdom  shall  be  put  to  utter  and  everlasting  shame. 
That  as  the  faithful  in  that  great  day  of  their  redemption 
shall  lift  up  their  heads,  and  have  boldness  in  the  presence  of 
the  Lamb ;  so  the  wicked  shall  fall  flat  upon  their  faces,  and 
cleave  unto  the  dust,  when  the  books  shall  be  unsealed,  and 
the  consciences  of  men  opened,  and  the  witnesses  produced, 
and  the  secrets  of  uncleanness  revealed  on  the  housetop,  and 
the  mouths  of  the  wicked,  who  here  for  a  little  while  dispute 
against  the  ways  of  Christ,  and  cavil  at  his  commands,  shall 
be  everlastingly  stopped  ;  when  men  shall  be  like  an  appre- 
hended thief,  (as  the  prophets  speak,)  then  shall  their  faces 
be  as  a  flame,  full  of  trembling,  confusion,  and  astonishment, 
Jer.  ii.  26  ;  JSzra  ix.  6 ;  Dan.  ix.  7,  8.  The  very  best  that 
are  find  shame  enough  in  sin,  how  much  they  who  give  them- 
selves over  unto  vile  and  dishonourable  affections  ! 

(2.)  Hereby  is  noted  the  burden  which  wicked  men  must 
bear.     The  footstool  beareth  the  weight  of  the  body,  so  nmst 

Christ's  enemies  his  footstool.  93 

the  enemies  of  Christ  bear  the  weight  of  his  heavy  and  ever- 
lasting wrath  upon  their  souls.  Sin,  in  the  committing,  seems 
very  light,  no  bigger  than  the  cloud  which  the  prophet  showed 
his  servant,  but  at  last  it  gathers  into  such  a  tempest,  as,  if 
the  soul  make  not  haste,  it  will  be  swept  away,  and  over- 
whelmed by  it.  Weighty  bodies  do  with  much  difference 
affect  the  sense  according  to  the  difference  of  places  wherein 
they  are.  That  vessel,  or  piece  of  timber,  which,  when  it  is 
on  the  water,  may  be  easily  drawn  with  the  hand  of  a  man,  on 
the  land  cannot  be  stirred  with  much  greater  strength  :  so  is  it 
with  sin  upon  the  conscience  ;  in  the  time  of  committing  it, 
nothing  more  easy,  but  in  the  time  of  judging  it,  nothing  more 
insupportable.  The  wicked  in  sin,  however  for  the  time  they 
mav  bear  it  out  with  much  mirth,  and  cheer  up  their  hearts  in 
the  days  of  their  pleasure,  yet  when  sin  is  come  to  the  birth, 
and  so  fully  finished,  that  it  is  now  ready  to  bring  forth  deatli 
unto  the  soul,  they  shall  then  find  that  it  is  but  like  the  roll 
which  the  prophet  swallowed,  sweet  to  the  palate,  but  bitter 
in  the  belly  ;  like  a  cup  of  deadly  poison,  pleasant  in  the 
mouth,  but  torment  in  the  bowels.  On  whomsoever  the  Son 
of  man  shall  fall,  with  the  weight  of  his  heavy  displeasure,  he 
will  grind  him  to  powder.  That  must  needs  be  a  heavy  burden 
which  men  would  most  joyfully  exchange  for  the  weight  of 
rocks  and  mountains  to  lie  everlastingly  upon  their  backs ;  and 
yet  the  wicked  at  that  great  day  shall  in  vain  beg  of  the  moun- 
tains and  rocks  to  fall  upon  them,  and  to  hide  them  from  the 
wrath  of  the  Lamb,  shall  choose  rather  to  live  eternally  under 
the  weight  of  the  heaviest  creature  in  the  world,  than  under 
the  fury  of  Him  that  sitteth  upon  the  throne,  Rev.  vi.  16. 

(3.)  Herein  likewise  is  noted  the  relation  of  a  just  and 
equal  recompense  unto  ungodly  men.  The  Lord  uscth  often 
to  fit  punishments  to  the  quality  and  measure  of  the  sins  com- 
mitted. He  that  on  the  earth  denied  a  crumb  of  bread,  in 
hell  was  denied  a  drop  of  water.  Man  who,  being  in  honour, 
would  needs  affect  to  be  as  God,  was  thereby  debased  to  become 
like  the  beasts  that  perish.  Nadab  and  Abihu  offered  strange 
fire,  and  perished  by  strange  fire  from  the  Lord.  That  apos- 
tate in  St.  Cyprian,  who  opened  his  mouth  against  Christ  in 
blasphemy,  was  immediately  smitten  with  dumbness,  that  he 
could  not  open  it  unto  Christ  for  mercy.  Eutropius  the 
eunuch,  when  he  persuaded  the  emperor  to  take  from  male- 
factors the  benefit  of  refuge  at  the  altars,  did  therein  prevent 
his  own  mercv,  and  beg  away  the  advantage  of  an  escape  from 

94  Christ's  enemies  his  footstool. 

himself,  the  privilege  whereof  lie  did  afterwards  in  vain  lay 
hold  on.  And  thus  will  Christ  deal  with  his  enemi*^s  at  the 
last  day.  Here  they  trample  upon  Christ  in  his  word,  in  his 
ways,  in  his  members.  They  make  the  saints  bow  down  for 
them  to  go  over,  and  make  them  as  the  pavement  on  the 
ground  ;  they  tread  under  foot  the  blood  of  the  covenant  and 
the  sanctuary  of  the  Lord,  and  put  Christ  to  shame  here ; 
and  there  their  own  measure  shall  be  returned  into  their  own 
bosom ;  they  shall  be  constrained  to  confess  as  Adonibezek, 
"As  I  have  done,  so  God  hath  requited  me."  Yea,  this  they 
shall  suffer  from  the  meanest  of  Christ's  members,  whom  they 
here  insulted  over.  They  shall  then  as  witnesses,  and  as  it 
were  co-assessors  with  Christ,  judge  the  very  wicked  angels, 
and  tread  them  under  their  feet.  They  shall  take  them  cap- 
tives, whose  captives  they  were,  and  they  shall  rule  over  their 
oppressors.  All  they  that  despised  thee  shall  bow  themselves 
down  at  the  soles  of  thy  feet.  They  who  gathered  themselves 
against  Sion,  and  said,  Let  her  be  defiled,  and  let  our  eyes  see 
it,  shall  themselves  be  gathered  as  sheaves  into  the  floor,  and 
the  daughter  of  Sion  shall  arise  and  thresh  them  with  horns 
of  iron  and  with  hoofs  of  brass,  Isa.  xiv.  2 ;  Mic.  iv.  !!»  13. 
Then,  saith  the  church,  "  she  that  is  mine  enemy  shall  see 
it,  and  shame  shall  cover  her  which  said  unto  me,  Where  is 
the  Lord  thy  God  ?  Mine  eyes  shall  behold  her ;  now  shall 
she  be  trodden  down  as  the  mire  of  the  streets."  "  So  let  all 
thine  enemies  perish,  O  Lord  ;  but  let  them  that  love  him  be 
as  the  sun  when  he  goeth  forth  in  his  might,"  Judges  v.  3L 

(4.)  Herein  we  may  note,  the  great  power  and  wisdom  of 
Christ,  in  turning  the  malice  and  mischief  of  his  enemies  to 
his  own  use  and  advantage  ;  and  in  so  ordering  wicked  men, 
that  though  they  intend  nothing  but  extirpation  and  ruin  to 
his  kingdom,  yet  they  shall  be  useful  to  him,  and  against 
their  own  wills  serviceable  to  those  glorious  ends,  in  the 
accomplishing  whereof  he  shall  be  admired  by  all  those  that 
believe.  The  Lord,  by  his  wisdom,  doth  make  use  of  wicked 
men's  persons  and  purposes  to  his  own  most  righteous  and 
wonderful  ends,  secretly  and  mightily  directing  their  wicked 
designs,  to  the  magnifying  of  his  own  power  and  providence, 
and  to  the  furthering  of  his  people  in  faith  and  godliness,  Isa 
xxxvii.  28,  29. 

Christ's  regalities.  95 



This  verse  is  a  continuation  of  the  former,  touching  the  king- 
dom of  Christ,  and  it  contains  the  form  of  its  spiritual  admi- 
nistration ;  wherein  is  secretly  couched  another  of  the  offices 
of  Christ,  namely,  his  prophetical  office.  For  that  is,  as  it 
were,  the  dispensation  and  execution  of  his  regal  office  in  the 
militant  church.  The  sum  of  this  administration  consists  in 
two  principal  things  :  first,  in  matters  military,  for  the  sub- 
duing of  enemies,  and  for  the  defence  and  protection  of  his 
people;  secondly,  in  matters  civil  and  judicial,  for  the  govern- 
ment, preservation,  and  honour  of  his  kingdom.  And  both 
these  are  in  this  psalm ;  the  former  in  the  latter  part  of  this 
verse,  "  Rule  thou  in  the  midst  of  thine  enemies ;"  the  other 
in  the  third  verse,  "  Thy  people  shall  be  willing  in  the  day 
of  thy  power ;"  and  the  way  of  compassing  and  effecting,  in 
the  former  words  of  this  verse,  "  The  Lord  shall  send  the  rod 
of  thy  strength  out  of  Sion." 

Every  king  hath  his  royal  laws,  certain  royal  prerogatives 
and  peculiar  honours  proper  to  his  own  person,  which  no 
man  can  use.  but  with  subordination  unto  him.  And  if  we 
observe  them,  we  shall  find  many  of  them  as  exactly  belong 
unto  Christ  in  his  kingdom  as  to  any  secular  prince  in  his. 
Unto  kings  belong  the  public  armouries,  the  magazines 
for  military  provision,  and  the  power  and  disposition  of  public 
arms.  Therefore  he  is  said  by  the  apostle  to"  bear  the  sword," 
because  arms  properly  belong  unto  him,  and  unto  others  under 
his  allowance  and  protection,  Rom.  xiii.  4.  So  to  Christ 
doth  belong,  and  in  him  only  is  to  be  found,  the  public 
armoury  of  a  christian  man.  The  weapons  of  our  warfare 
are  mighty  only  through  him.  Nay,  he  is  himself  the  Armour 
and  Panoply  of  a  christian,  and  therefore  we  are  commanded 
to  "  put  on  the  Lord  Jesus."  Again,  the  highway  is  the 
kino-'s  way,  wherein  every  man  walketh  freely  under  the  pro- 
tection of  his  sovereign.  So  that  law  of  faith  and  obedience 
under  which  we  are  to  walk,  which  St.  Paul  calleth  "  the  law 

96  Christ's  regalities. 

of  Christ,"  Gal.  vi.  2,  is  by  St.  James  called  a  "  royal  law,"  and 
"  alaw  of  liberty,"  James  ii.8,  in  which  while  any  man  conti- 
nueth  he  is  under  the  protection  of  the  promises  and  of  the 
angels  of  Christ.     Again,  lands  that  are  concealed,  and  under 
the  evident  claim  of  no  other  person  or  lord,  do  belong  unto 
the  prince,  as  he  that  hath  the  supreme  and  universal  domi- 
nion in  his  countries.     And  this  is  most  certainly  true  of 
Christ  in  his  kingdom  ;  if  any  man  can  once  truly  say.  Lord, 
I  am  not  the  servant  of  any  other  master ;  no  other  king  hath 
the  rightful  dominion  or  peaceable  possession  of  my  heart,  he 
may  most  truly  from  thence  infer ;  therefore.  Lord,  I  am  thy 
servant,  and  therefore.  Lord,  my  heart  is  thine.     True  it  is, 
O  Lord  our  God,  that  "  other  lords  besides  thee  have  had 
dominion  over  us ;"  but  now  "  by  thee  only  will  we  make 
mention  of  thy  name,"  Isa.  xxvi.  13.     Again,  tributes,  and 
customs,  and  testifications  of  homage  and  fideUty,  are  personal 
prerogatives  belonging  unto  princes,  and  as  the  apostle  saith, 
due  u°nto  them,  for  that  ministry  and  office  which  under  God 
they  attend  upon,  Rom.  xiii.  (J,  7.     So  in  Christ's  kingdom, 
there  is  a  worship  which  the  psalmist  saith  is   "  due  unto  his 
name,"   Psa.  xcvi.  8.      They  which  came  unto  the  temple, 
which  was  a  type  of  Christ,  were  not  to  come  empty-handed, 
but  to  bring  testimonies  of  their  reverence,  and  willing  subjec- 
tion unto  that  worship.     When  Abraham  met  Melchizedek, 
a  figure  of  Christ,  as  from  him  he  received  a  blessing,  so  unto 
hinT  he  gave  an  expression  of  a  loyal  heart,  the  tenth  of  the 
spoils.     When   the  people  of  Israel  entered  into  the  land  of 
Canaan,  (which  was  a  type  of  Christ's  church  which  he  should 
conquer  unto  himself,)  if  any  people  accepted  of  the  peace 
which  they  were  first  to  proclaim,  they  were  to  become  tribu- 
taries and  servants  unto  Israel,  Deut.  xx.  11.      So  it  is  said 
of  Solomon,  (whose  peaceable  kingdom  was  a  type  of  Christ's 
after  his  many  victories,)  that  he  levied  a  tribute  of  bond-ser- 
vice upon  all  the  nations  about  Israel,  1  Kings  ix.  21 ;  and 
that  those  princes  with  whom  he  held  correspondence  brought 
unto  him  presents,  as  testimonies  of  his  greatness  and  wisdom, 
1  Kincrs  iv.  21.     So  when  the  wise  men  (the  first-fruits  of 
the  ge°ntiles  after  Christ  appeared)    came  to  submit  unto  his 
kingdom,  "  they  opened  their  treasures,  and  presented  unto 
hin?  gifts,  gold,  and  frankincense,  and  myrrh,"  Matt.^h.  11. 
Again,  the  authorizing  and  valuation  of  public  coins  oelong 
unto  the  prince  only;  it  is  his  image  and  inscription  alone 
which  maketh  them  current.     Eve.n  so  unto  Christ  only  doth 

Christ's  regalities.  97 

belong  the  power  of  stamping  and  creating,  as  it  were  new 

±nt  S"  s  "  ?Tt '  rh^  ''  ''''''  ^^^'  "-  ^^ 
Zn  i  N^r^''^'  ^''^'  ""'^^^  '"^'S^  or  express  authority 
tuti^   ^f  ?        u  '""  ^">^  "^^"  ^^^^ify  ^^  ^«rrupt  any  consti- 

fro^tL      •  P  u  '?y^^'>^'  *^^"  administration  whereof  is 

from   he  pri.nce    as  the  fountain  of  all  human  equity,  funder 
(xod,)  deposited  m  the  hands  of  inferior  officers,Uo  are    as 
xlS   ho'sra":'  f  .^'-.P--V0P"bli^hthe'laws,  Z:^  To 
W  to  ht  «f  justice  and  peace  which  principally  be^ 

ong  to  his  owii  sacred  breast.     And  so  Christ  saith  of  him- 

Son-  aJd  ha^h  "  I  ''""T'^  ^"  >^S"^^'^^  ""^«  the 
John  V  22-27^"'Lr  '"'^""'^  ^^  ^^^^"^^  >^§--t'" 
persons  and  di       .i^^   .'  "^  P°''''  '^   P^^^«»   condemned 

fsTtratopf^  r'  '^'"^  ^'"^  '^^  '^^^°^^f  *^^^^^'«  sentence, 
IS  a  transcendant  mercy,  a  gem  which  can  shine  only  from  the 

h  Zct  f  •  ""r  ""^^  ^^^^^^  ^^k--  beLngeTh t 
oUv  of  thi  Pp"''  ''/"^"'  ^^"^^  ^^  ^^  *^^^  most  sacred 
ever  tV  ev2  "'/  P'''''  "°'  '"^^  ^^  ^"^P^"^'  b"t  for 
of  Ll/.  '  ^"^'  ^'  '*  ^^'^'  annihilate  the  sentence 
of  malediction  under  which  every  man  is  born.     Ther     a  e 

foreign  kn'f,"^  t  ^r^"'  "'^^  "«"^  ^«  «^"d  to  those 
andfonl"^r  ''.^r•'^'>^^^^^"^^^^^^^^  ^«  testimonies 

robeTn/T"'  f  ^heir  dignity,  an  ivory  sceptre,  a  roval 

the  Scriptures  belonging  unto  Christ,  that  he  was  crowned 
with  glory  and  honour,  Heb.  ii.  9,  and  that  he  had  a  throne 
aiid  righteous  sceptre  belonging  to  his  kingdom,  Psa.  xlv  6 
Ihus  we  have  seen,  in  several  particulars,  how  Christ  hath  his 
royalties  belonging  to  his  kingdom.  Some  principal  of  them 
we  hnd  m  this  place ;  a  throne,  a  sceptre,  ambassadors,  and 
armies,  for  the  right  dispensing  of  his  sacred  power. 

We  will    first  consider   the  words,   and  then    raise    such 
observations  as  shall  offer  themselves. 

1.  What  is  meant  by  the  rod  of  Christ's  strength,  or  his 
strong  rod  ?  It  notes  a  thing  which  a  man  may  lean  upon 
or  lay  the  whole  weight  of  his  body  on  in  his  weariness ;  but 
being  spoken  of  Christ's  kingdom,  we  take  it  for  a  sceptre  or 
rod  ot  majesty.  But  for  the  more  distinct  understanding  of 
the  words,  we  may  consider  out  of  the  holy  Scriptures  what 
things  were  sent  out  of  Sion ;  and  we  find  these  two  thii 

iinc-s  : 

98  THE    ROD    OF    CHRIST's  STRENGTH. 

1.  The  word  of  the  Lord,  or  his  holy  gospel :  "  The  law 
shall  go  forth  of  Sion,  and  the  word  of  the  Lord  from  Jerusa- 
lem," Mic.  iv.  2.  2.  The  Spirit  of  the  Lord,  which  was 
first  sent  unto  Sion ;  for  at  Jerusalem  the  apostles  were  "  to 
wait  for  the  promise  of  the  Father,"  Acts  i.  4,  and  from  thence 
were  shed  abroad  into  the  world  upon  all  flesh.  Acts  ii.  17  ; 
and  both  these  are  the  power  or  strength  of  Christ.  His 
word,  a  gospel  of  power  unto  salvation,  Rom.  i.  16  ;  2  Cor. 
iv,  7,  and  his  Spirit  a  Spirit  of  power,  1  Cor.  ii.  4 ;  2  Tim. 
i.  7,  which  is  therefore  called  the  finger  and  the  arm  of  the 
Lord,  Luke  xi.  20 ;  Isa.  liii.  1  :  so  by  the  rod  is  meant  the 
gospel  and  the  Spirit  of  Christ.  ^ 

2.  What  is  meant  by  God's  sending  this  rod  of  Christ  s 
strength  ?  It  notes  the  manifestation  of  the  gospel ;  we  knew 
it  not  before  it  was  sent.  The  donation  of  the  gospel ;  we 
had  it  not  before  it  was  sent.  The  invitation  of  the  gospel ; 
we  were  without  God  in  the  world,  and  strangers  from  the 
covenant  of  promise,  before  it  was  sent.  The  commission  of 
the  dispensers  of  the  gospel;  they  have  their  patent  from 
heaven  ;  they  are  not  to  speak  until  they  be  sent. 

3.  What  is  meant  by  sending  it  out  of  Sion  ?     It  is  put 
in  opposition  to  mount  Sinai,  from  whence  the  law  was  some- 
times  sent  with  thunders  and  fire,  and  much  terror  unto  the 
people  of  Israel.      "  Ye  are  not  come,"  saith  the  apostle, 
"  unto  the  mount  that  burned  with  fire,  nor  unto  blackness 
and   darkness,  and  tempest— but  ye  are   come  unto   mount 
Sion,  and  unto  the  city  of  the  living  God,  the  heavenly  Jeru- 
salem, and  to  an  innumerable  company  of  angels,  and  to  Jesus 
the  Mediator  of  the  new  covenant,"  Heb.  xii.  18—24.     And 
the  apostle  elsewhere  showeth  us  the  meaning  of  this  allego- 
rical opposition  between  Sinai  and  Sion,  between   Sarah  and 
Hacrar  ;  namely  the  two  covenants  of  the  law  and  of  grace, 
or   of  bondage  and  liberty,  Gal.  iv.  24,  25.      Sion  was  the 
place  whither  the  tribes  resorted  to  worship  the   Lord ;  the 
place  towards  which  that  people  prayed  ;  the  place  of  Gods 
merciful  residence  amongst  them  ;  the  beauty  of  holmess  ;  the 
place  upon  which  at  first  the  gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost  was 
poured  forth,  and  in  which  the  gospel  was  first  of  all  preached 
after  Christ's  ascension.     We  may  take  it  by  a  synecdoche, 
for  the  whole  church  of  the  jews,  unto  whom  the  Lord  first 
revealed  his  covenant  of  grace  in  Christ,  Acts  ni.  26 ;  xui. 

46 ;  Rom.  ii.  10.  ,        ,  .  ,    .  i 

"  Rule  thou :"  that  is,  thou  shalt  rule,  which  is  a  ilsuai 

THE    ROD    OF    CHRIST  S  STRENGTH.  ,  99 

form  to  put  the  imperative  for  the  future  indicative.  It  is 
not  a  command  which  hath  relation  unto  any  service ;  but 
it  is  a  promise,  a  commission,  a  dignity,  conferred  upon 

"  In  the  midst  of  thine  enemies."  Some  understand  it  of 
changing  the  hearts  of  his  enemies,  and  converting  them  as 
captives  unto  his  obedience.  Others  understand  the  wonderful 
effect  of  the  power  of  Christ's  kingdom,  that  he  can  by  his  word 
and  Spirit  hold  up  his  church  in  despite  of  all  the  enemies  thereof 
round  about.  The  church  ever  was  and  will  be  pestered  with 
divers  kinds  of  adversaries,  heretics,  and  hypocrites,  and  false 
brethren,  with  profaneness,  temptations,  persecutions,  spiritual 
wickednesses ;  and  in  the  midst  of  all  these  the  church  of 
Christ  groweth  as  a  lily  amongst  the  thorns.  Now,  this  "  in 
the  midst "  noteth  two  things  :  1.  A  perfect,  and  a  full  govern- 
ment, without  mutilation,  without  impediment ;  the  church 
being  amongst  the  wicked  as  a  rock  in  the  midst  of  the  sea, 
or  as  a  garrison  in  an  enemy's  town.  "  Let  them  rule  in  the 
midst  of  the  city,"  is  an  expression  of  such  a  rule  as  can  no 
way  be  hindered  or  removed.  The  church  of  God  is  a  bur- 
densome stone ;  they  who  go  about  to  remove  it  out  of  that 
place  where  Christ  shall  plant  it,  shall  be  cut  in  pieces, 
though  all  the  people  of  the  earth  should  gather  together 
against  it,  Zech.  xii.  3.  2.  A  secure  and  confident  government. 
So  in  the  Scripture  phrase,  "  In  the  midst,"  notes  confidence 
and  security.  When  the  prophet  asked  the  Shunamite, 
"  Wouldst  thou  be  spoken  for  to  the  king,  or  to  the  captain  of 
the  host?  she  answered,  I  dwell  amongst  mine  own  people,'' 
2  Kings  iv.  13 ;  that  is,  I  am  safe,  and  have  enough  already. 
When  they  of  the  synagogue  would  have  cast  Christ  down 
headlong  from  the  brow  of  a  hill,  it  is  said  that  he  "  passed 
through  the  midst  of  them,  and  went  his  way,"  Luke  iv. 
29,  30 ;  that  is,  with  much  confidence,  safety,  and  assurance, 
he  withdrew  himself.  So  the  prophet  was  full  of  security 
and  quietness  in  the  midst  of  the  Syrian  siege,  2  Kings  vi. 

The  words  being  thus  unfolded,  we  may  observe  in  them 
three  of  Christ's  principal  regalities — the  sceptre,  the  throne, 
and  the  power  or  government  of  his  kingdom.  His  sceptre 
is  the  word  of  his  gospel,  animated  by  the  power  of  his  Holy 
Spirit,  and  accompanied  with  the  blessing  and  authority  of 
God  the  Father,  who  sendeth  it  abroad  into  the  world.  His 
throne,  from  whence  this  his  sceptre  is  extended,  Sion,  the 


church    of  the    Jews.     His  victorious,    plenary,  and  secure 
government.  "  Rule  thou  in  the  midst  of  thine  enemies.'' 

First.    The  sceptre  here  is  the  gospel  and  the   Spirit  of 
Christ.     Christ  is  a  Shepherd  tovv^ards  his  flock,  the  church, 
Isa.  xl.  11.     A  great  Shepherd,  Heb.  xiii.  20,  that  notes  his 
power  and  majesty  over  them :  and  a  good  Shepherd,  John 
X.  14,  that  notes  his  care  and  tenderness  towards  his  sheep. 
Kings  in  the  Scripture  are  called  shepherds ;  to  lead,  and  to 
feed,  and  to  govern  the  people.     So  David  is  said  to  have 
been  taken  from  the  sheepfolds  to  feed  Jacob  and  Israel,  Psa. 
Ixxviii.  70,  71 ;  2  Sam.  v.  2 :  and  thus  Christ  is  a  Shepherd 
and  a  King.     "  I  will  set  up  one  shepherd  over  them,  and  he 
shall  feed  them,  even  my  servant  David — I  the  Lord  will  be 
their  God,  and  my  servant  David  a  prince  among  them,'* 
Ezek.  xxxiv.  23,  24.      Prophets  and  teachers    are    in    the 
Scripture  likewise  called  shepherds,  Jer.  xxiii.  1 — 4,  and  so 
Christ  is  a  Shepherd  and  a  Bishop.     "  Ye  were  as  sheep 
going  astray ;  but  are  now  returned  unto  the   Shepherd  and 
Bishop  of  your  souls,"  1  Pet.  ii,  25.     And  therefore  we  find 
in  the   Scripture  that  Christ  hath  two  pastoral  staves,  to  note 
his  great  care  and  double  office  in  his  church :  "  The  Lord 
is  my  Shepherd ;  I  shall  not  want — 1  VN^ill  fear  no  evil :  for 
thou  art  with  me ;  thy  rod  and  thy  staff  they  comfort  me,*' 
Psa.  xxiii.  1,  4;    "I  took  unto  me  two  staves;    the  one  I 
called  Beauty,  and  the  other  I  called  Bands ;    and  I  fed  the 
flock,"  Zech.  xi.  7.     So  then,  the  rod  of  Christ's  strength,  or 
his  strong  staff,  doth  in  these  several  relatio-ns  note  unto  us 
three  things  :  as  it  is  a  staff  of  strength,  so  it  notes  the  power 
of  Christ ;  as  it  is  the  sceptre  of  a  King,  so  it  notes  the  ma- 
jesty of  Christ ;  as  it  is  the  staff  of  a  bishop  or  prophet,  so  it 
notes  the  care  and  superintendence  of  Christ  over  his  church.  So 
then,  this  first  particular  of  the  rod  of  Christ's  kingdom  affords 
unto  us  three  observations :  I.  That  Christ  in  his  gospel  and 
Spirit  is  full  of  power  and  strength  towards  the  church.     II 
That  Christ  in  his  gospel  and  Spirit  is  full  of  glory  and 
majesty  towards  his  church.     III.  That  Christ  in  his  gospel 
and  Spirit  is  full  of  care  and  of  tenderness  towards  his  church. 
I.  The  word  of  the  gospel,  with  the  Spirit,  is  full  of  power 
and  strength.     No  man  will  deny  that  Christ  in  his  own  per- 
son is  full  of  power.     And  as  the  power  of  a  prince  is  princi- 
pally seen  in  his  laws,  edicts,  pardons,  and  gracious  patents ; 
so  is  the  power  of  Christ  wonderfully  magnified  towards  the 
church  in  his  gospel,  which  unto  us  is  both  a  covenant  of 

THE    POWER    OP    THE    GOSTEL.  101 

mercy  and  a  law  of  obedience.     We  may  observe  how  Christ 
is  frequently  pleased  to  honour  his  gospel  with  his  own  titles 
and  attributes ;  and  therefore  the  apostle  speaks  of  him  and 
his  word  as  of  one  and  the  same  thing :  "  The  word  of  God 
is  quick,  and  powerful — a  discerner  of  the  thoughts  and  intents 
of  the  heart.  Neither  is  there  any  creature  that  is  not  manifest 
in  his  sight ;  but  all  things  are  naked  and  opened  unto  the 
eyes  of  Him  with  whom  we  have  to  do,"  Heb.  iv.  12,  13. 
That  which  is  the  word  in  one  verse,  is  Christ  himself  in 
another,  which  hath  given  occasion  to  some  learned  men  to 
take  the  word  there  for  the  essential  Word  of  God,  or  the 
person  of  Christ  himself.    We  know  that  Christ  was  crucified 
at  Jerusalem,  and  yet  the  apostle  saith,  that  he  was  crucified 
amongst   the    Galatians,  Gal.  iii.  1.     Certainly,  in   that  he 
died,  he  died  but  once  unto  sin.      St.  Paul  could  not  do  that 
himself,  which  he  curseth  others  for  doing,  "  Crucify  afresh 
the  Lord  of  glory."     So  then,  at  Jerusalerri  he  was  crucified 
in  his  person,  and  at  Galatia  in  the  ministry  of  his  word.  One 
and  the  same  crucifying  was  as  lively  set  forth  in  St.  Paul's 
preaching  as  it  was  really  acted  upon   Christ's  person ;  for 
Christ  is  as  really  present  to  his  church  now  in  the  spiritual 
dispensation  of  his  ordinances,  as  he  was  corporeally  present 
with  the  jews  in  the  days  of  his  flesh.     And  therefore  I  say 
it  is  that  we  find  the  same  attributes  given  to  both.     "  Christ 
the  power  of  God,  and  the  wisdom  of  God,"   1  Cor.  i.  24  ;  and 
the  gospel  elsewhere  is  called  "  the  power  of  God,"  Rom.  i.  16, 
and  "  the  wisdom  of  God  in  a  mystery"  to  them  that  are 
perfect,  1  Cor.  ii.  6,  7.     Again,  "  Christ  the  Lord  of  glory," 
1  Cor.  ii.  8;  and  the  gospel,  the  gospel  of  glory,  or  "  the 
glorious  gospel,"  1  Tim.  i.  11.     Christ  "  the  Prince  of  life," 
Acts  iii.  13  ;  yea,  *'  the  word  of  hfe,"  1  John  i.  1  ;  and  the 
gospel  the  word  of  life  too,  Phil.  ii.  16.     Christ  a  Judge, 
John  v.  27  ;  and  the  word  of  Christ  a  judge  too :     "  The 
word  that  I  have  spoken,  the  same  shall  judge  him  at  the  last 
day,"   John  xii.  48.      Christ  a  Saviour  and  salvation  unto 
men  ;  "  Mine  eves  have  seen  thy  salvation,"  Luke  i.  69,  77  ; 
ii.  30;    and  the  gospel  of  Christ  a  salvation  too;      "  We 
know,"  saith  Christ  to  the  woman  of  Samaria,  '*  what  we 
worship  :    for  salvation  is  of  the  jews,"  John  iv.  22.     The 
force  of  the  reason  leads  us  to  understand  by  salvation  the 
oracles  of  God  which  were  committed  unto  that  people ;  for 
out  of  them  only  it  is  that  we  know  what  and  how  to  worship, 
and  this  is  not  unusual  in  holy  Scriptures.     "  If  the  word," 

102  THE    POWER    OF    THE    GOSPEL. 

saith  the  apostle,  "  spoken  by  angels  was  stedfast,  and  every 
transgression  and  disobedience  received  a  just  recompense  of 
reward ;  how  shall  we  escape,  if  we  neglect  so  great  salva- 
tion;  which  at  the  first  began  to  be  spoken  by  the  Lord?" 
Heb.  ii.  2,  3.  Where  we  find  salvation  set  in  opposition  to 
the  word  spoken  by  angels,  which  was  the  law  of  God,  or  the 
ministry  of  condemnation,  and  therefore  it  must  needs  signify 
the  gospel  of  Christ.  "  Be  it  known  unto  you,"  saith  the 
apostle  to  the  unbelieving  Jews,  "  that  the  salvation  of  God," 
that  is,  the  gospel  of  God,  (as  appeareth  plainly  by  the  like 
parallel  speech  in  another  place,)  "  is  sent  unto  the  gentiles, 
and  that  they  will  hear  it,"  Acts  xxviii.  28.  So  the  apostle 
saith,  that  the  "engrafted  word"  is  able  to  save  the  souls  of  men, 
James  i.  21.  All  which,  and  many  other  the  like  particulars, 
note  unto  us,  that  as  Christ  is  the  power  and  image  of  his 
Father,  so  the  gospel  is,  in  some  sort,  of  Christ ;  for  which 
reason  the  apostle,  as  I  conceive,  calleth  the  gospel  the  face 
of  Jesus  Christ :  "  God,  who  commanded  the  light  to  shine 
out  of  darkness,  hath  shined  in  our  hearts,  to  give  the  light  of 
the  knowledge  of  the  glory  of  God  in  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ," 
2  Cor.  iv.  6.  Where  is  it  that  we  behold  the  glory  of  God  but  in 
a  glass  ?  2  Cor.  iii.  18  ;  and  what  is  that  glass  but  the  word  of 
God,  as  St.  James  calls  it  ?  James  i.  23.  Christ  is  not  pleased 
any  other  ways  ordinarily  to  exercise  his  power,  or  to  reveal  his 
glory,  but  in  these  ordinances  of  his  which  we  dispense. 
Therefore  he  walketh  in  his  church  with  a  sword  in  his 
mouth.  Rev.  i.  16,  and  with  a  rod  in  his  mouth,  Isa.  xi.  4, 
to  note,  that  he  giveth  no  greater  testification  of  his  strength 
than  in  the  ministry  of  his  gospel ;  which  is  therefore  some- 
times called  a  sword,  Eph.  vi.  17,  a  hammer,  a  fire,  Jer.  xxiii. 
29  ;  sometimes  only  a  savour  of  life  and  death,  2  Cor.  ii.  16, 
to  note,  the  mighty  working  thereof,  that  can  kill  as  well  by  a 
scent  as  by  a  wound,  as  well  by  a  breath  as  by  a  blow. 

To  consider  this  point  a  little  more  distinctly.  This  power 
of  the  gospel  of  Christ  appears  in  both  these  respects,  as  it  is 
a  savour  of  life  unto  life,  and  as  it  is  a  savour  of  death  unto 
death  :  towards  his  church  who  shall  be  saved,  and  towards 
his  enemies  who  shall  perish. 

1.  Many  ways  are  the  gospel  of  Christ  and  his  Spirit  a 
rod  of  strength  unto  his  church. 

(1.)  In  their  calling  and  conversion  from  the  power  of 
Satan  unto  God.  Satan  is  a  strong  man,  and  he  is  armed, 
hath  a  whole  panoply,  and  full  provision  of  military  instru- 

THE    POWER    OF    THE    GOSPEL.  "103 

ments,  and  (which  is  a  great  advantage)  hath  both  the  first 
possession  and  the  full  love  of  the  hearts  of  men,  before  Christ 
attempts  any  thing  upon  them.     And,  therefore,  that  which 
pulleth  a  man  from  under  the  paw  of  such  a  lion,  and  forcetli 
him  away  from  his  own  palace,  must  needs  be  much  stron<i-er 
than  he.     And,  therefore,  the  apostle  commendeth  the  power 
of  the  word  by  this  argument,  that  it  is  a  sword  fit  to  over- 
come principalities  and  powers,  and  rulers  of  the  darkness  of 
this    world,    and    spiritual  wickedness    in  high  places,  Eph. 
vi.  12 — 17.  Again ;  the  old  man  in  our  nature  is  a  strono- 
man    too,   a    reigning- king,  which  setteth  himself  mightily 
against    the  word   and  will    of   Christ,   and    cherisheth    the 
disease    against    the    remedy.      And   by   that  likewise    the 
apostle  commendeth  the  power  of  the  gospel,  that  it  is  mighty 
through  God  to  the  pulling  down  of  strongholds,  and  imagi- 
nations or  fleshly  reasonings.     When  Christ  stilled  the  winds 
and  the  sea  with  but  two  words,  "  Peace,  be  still,''  they  were 
exceedingly  amazed  at  his  power,  and  said  one  to  another, 
"  What  manner  of  man  is  this,  that  even  the  wind  and  the 
sea  obey  him?"  Mark  iv.  39,  41.     The  conversion  of  a  man 
is  a  far  greater  work  than  the  stilling  of  the  sea,  that  will 
be  sometimes  calm  of  itself,  when  the  fury  of  the  wind  ceaseth. 
The  wicked  indeed  are  like  the  sea,  though  not  at  any  time, 
but  "  like  a  troubled  sea,  when  it  cannot  rest,"  Isa.  Ivii.  20. 
The  sea  we  know  is  subject  unto  several  motions :  an  inward 
boiling  and  unquietness  from  itself,  its  ordinary  fluxes  and 
refluxes  from  the  influence  of  the  moon,  many  casual  agita- 
tions from  the  violence  of  the  winds,  and  from  its  own  waves, 
one  wave  precipitating,  impelling,   and  repelling  another :  so 
are  the  hearts  of  wicked  men,  by  the  foaming,  estuations,  and 
excesses    of  natural    concupiscence,    by  the   provisions  and 
materials  of  sinful  pleasures,  by  the  courses  of  the  world,  by 
the  solicitations  and  impulsions  of  Satan,  by  a  world  of  hourly 
casualties  and  provocations  so  tempestuous,  that  they  always 
cast  out  upon  the  words  and  actions  of  men  mire  and  dirt. 
Now,  in  the  dispensation  of  the  word  by  the  ministry  of  a 
weak  man,  Christ  stilleth  the  raging  of  this  sea,  quells  the 
lusts,   correcteth  the  distempers,   scattereth  the  temptations, 
worketh  a  smoothness  and  tranquillity  of  spirit   in  the  soul 
of  a  man.      Surely  when   this  is  done,  the  soul  caimot  but 
stand  amazed  at  its  own  recovery,  and  admire  that  wonderful 
and   invisible   power  which  could  so  suddenly  rebuke   such 
raging  affections,  and  reduce  them  unto  calmness  and  beauty 


again  :  "  What  ailed  thee,  O  thou  sea,  that  thou  fleddest  ? 
thou  Jordan,  that  thou  wast  driven  back  ?  Ye  mountains, 
that  ye  skipped  hke  rams  ;  and  ye  little  hills,  like  lambs  ? " 
Psa.  cxiv.  5,  6,  This  is  an  expression  of  God's  power  towards 
his  people  in  their  triumphal  entrance  into  the  land  of  Ca- 
naan. We  may  apply  it  to  the  conquest  and  possession 
which  the  word  takes  of  the  souls  of  men.  W^hat  ailed  a 
man  that  he  was  driven  back  from  his  own  channel,  and 
made  suddenly  to  forget  his  wonted  course  ?  What  ailed 
those  strong  and  mountainous  lusts,  which  were  as  immoveably 
settled  upon  the  soul  as  a  hill  upon  his  base,  to  fly  away  at 
the  voice  of  a  man  like  a  frighted  sheep  ?  What  ailed  those 
smaller  corruptions  and  intemperances,  which  perhaps  had 
before  lost  their  names,  and  were  rather  customs  and  infirm- 
ities than  sins,  to  fly  away  like  lambs  from  the  word  of 
Christ  ?  A  man  went  into  the  church  with  a  full  tide  and 
stream  of  lusts  ;  every  thicket  in  his  heart,  every  reasoning 
and  imagination  of  his  soul,  did  before  shelter  whole  flocks 
of  evil  affections  ;  when  he  came  out,  the  tide  was  driven  back, 
the  stream  turned,  the  centre  of  his  heart  altered,  his  forest 
discovered,  his  lusts  scattered  and  subdued.  What  ails  this 
man?  He  hath  but  heard  an  hour's  discourse,  the  same 
which  others  hear,  and  their  tide  riseth  the  higher  by  it. 
Certainly  these  devils  were  not  cast  out,  these  streams  were 
not  turned  back,  but  by  the  finger  of  God  himself.  When 
the  minister  of  Christ  shall  whisper  in  the  ears  of  a  dead 
man,  whom  no  thunder  could  have  awakened,  and  he  shall 
immediately  rise  up  and  give  glory  to  God ;  when  Christ  shall 
call  men  to  deny  themselves,  to  get  above  themselves  ;  to  hate 
father  and  mother,  and  wife  and  children,  and  their  own  life  ;  to 
sell  all  that  they  have  ;  to  crucify  and  be  cruel  to  their  own  mem- 
bers ;  to  pull  out  their  right  eyes,  to  cut  off  their  right  hands, 
to  part  from  those  sins  which  before  they  esteemed  their  choicest 
ornaments,  and  from  those  too  which  before  they  made  their 
chicfest  support  and  subsistence ;  to  stand  at  defiance  with 
the  allurements  or  discouragements  of  the  world,  and  to  be  set 
up  for  signs  and  wonders,  for  very  proverbs  of  scorn,  and  ob- 
jects of  hatred  to  those  of  their  own  house  ;  to  receive  perse- 
cutions as  rewards,  and  entertain  them  not  with  patience  only, 
but  with  thankfulness  and  with  rejoicing  ;  to  be  all  their  life 
long  in  the  midst  of  enemies,  put  to  tedious  conflicts  with  the 
powers  of  the  world  and  of  darkness,  to  believe  the  things 
which  they  have  not  seen,  and  to   hope  for  things  which  they 


do  not  know ;  and  yet,  notwithstanding  all  this,  to  refuse  to 
consult  with  flesh  and  blood,  to  stand  more  in  awe  of  God's 
word  than  of  any  other  thing:  certainly  that  which  with  the 
voice  of  a  weak  man  bringeth  such  great  things  to  pass,  must 
needs  be  a  rod  of  strength ;  a  rod  like  the  rod  of  Moses, 
which  can  lead  us  through  such  seas  as  these,  to  one  whom 
we  have  never  seen  nor  known  before,  Isa.  Iv.  5. 

(2.)  The  gospel  of  Christ  is  a  rod  of  strength  in  the  justi- 
fication of  men,  as  it  is  "  a  sceptre  of  righteousness,"  Heb. 
i.  8  ;  a  word  of  reconciliation,  2  Cor.  v.  19  ;  a  gospel  of  sal- 
vation, Eph.  i.  13  ;  a  law  of  the  Spirit  of  life,  Rom.  viii.  2,  3 ; 
a  ministration  of  the  Spirit  of  life  and  of  righteousness,  2  Cor. 
iii.  6,  8,  9  ;  an  opening  of  prisons,  and  a  proclaiming  of  liberty 
unto  captives,  Isa.  Ixi.  1 :  in  these  respects  likewise  it  is  full 
of  power.  There  was  a  mighty  power  in  the  law  of  God 
typified  in  those  thunderings  and  terrors  with  which  it  was  ad- 
ministered upon  mount  Sinai.  The  apostle  calleth  it  a 
'"  schoolmaster,"  to  scourge  and  drive  us  unto  Christ,  Gal.  iii. 
24 ;  and  the  psalmist,  an  iron  rod,  able  to  break  in  pieces  all 
the  potsherds  of  the  earth,  Psa.  ii.  9.  And  w^e  know  boys  in 
a  school  do  not  apprehend  so  much  terror  in  the  king  as  in 
their  master.  Yet,  in  comparison  of  the  power  of  the  gospel, 
the  law  itself  was  very  weak  and  unprofitable,  Rom.  viii.  3 ; 
Heb.  vii.  18,  19  ;  able  to  make  nothing  perfect.  The  power 
of  the  law  was  only  to  destruction  ;  the  power  of  the  gospel 
for  edification.  The  law  could  only  hold  under  him  that  was 
down  before,  it  could  never  raise  him  up  again.  Now,  the 
power  is  far  greater  to  raise,  than  to  kill ;  to  forgive  sins,  than 
to  bind  them.  Herein  is  the  mighty  strength  of  God's  mercy 
seen,  that  it  can  pass  by  iniquities,  transgressions,  and  sins, 
Exod.  xxxiv.  5 — 7  ;  Micah  vii.  18.  To  preach  the  gospel  of 
Christ  in  his  name  and  authority,  is  an  evident  argument  of 
that  plenary  power  which  is  given  unto  him  both  in  heaven 
and  earth.  And  the  very  dispensing  of  this  word  of  recon- 
ciliation which  is  committed  unto  the  ministers  of  the  gospel, 
how  basely  soever  the  ungrateful  world  may  esteem  them, 
hath  honoured  them  with  a  title  of  as  great  a  power  as  a  man 
is  capable  of,  to  be  called  "  saviours,"  Obad.  ver.  21  ;  to  have 
the  custody  of  the  keys  of  heaven,  ministerially  and  instru- 
mentally  under  Christ  and  his  Spirit,  to  save  the  souls,  and  to 
cover  the  sins  of  men,  James  v.  20.  Now,  then,  that  word 
which  from  the  mouth  of  a  weak  man  is  able  to  reconcile  a 
child  of  wrath  unto  God,  and  by  the  words  of  one  hour  to 
F  5 


cover  and  wipe  out  the  sins  of  many  years,  which  were  scat- 
tered as  thick  in  the  souls  of  men  as  the  stars  in  the  firma- 
ment, must  needs  be  a  rod  of  strength. 

(3,)  The  gospel  of  Christ  is  a  rod  of  strength  in  the  sanc- 
tification  of  men  ;  as  it  is  a  sceptre  which  hath  ever  an  unction 
accompanying  it :  as  it  is  a  sanctifying  truth,  John  xvii.  17  ; 
a  heavenly  teaching,  Isa.  liv.  13 ;  a  forming  of  Christ  in 
the  soul.  Gal.  iv.  19 ;  a  making  of  the  heart,  as  it  were,  his 
epistle,  by  writing  the  law  therein,  and  manifesting  the  power 
and  image  of  Christ  in  the  conscience,  2  Cor.  iii.  2.  If  a  man 
should  touch  a  marble  or  adamant  stone  with  a  seal,  and,  taking 
it  off,  should  see  the  print  of  it  left  behind,  he  could  not  but  con- 
ceive some  wonderful  and  secret  virtue  to  have  wrought  so  strange 
an  effect.  Now,  our  hearts  are  of  themselves  as  hard  as  the 
nether  millstone  ;  when  then  a  holy  word,  so  meekly  and  gently 
laid  upon  them,  shall  leave  there  an  impression  of  its  own 
purity  ;  when  so  small  a  thing  as  a  grain  of  mustard-seed  shall 
transform  an  earthy  soul  into  its  own  nature  ;  when  the  eyes,  and 
hands,  and  mouth  of  Christ,  being  in  the  ministry  of  his  word 
spread  upon  the  eyes,  and  hands,  and  mouth  of  a  child,  shall  re- 
vive the  same  from  death  ;  when,  by  looking  into  a  glass,  we  shall 
not  only  have  a  view  of  our  own  faces,  but  shall  see  them  changed 
into  the  image  of  another  face  which  from  thence  shineth  upon 
us,  how  can  we  but  conclude  that  certainly  that  word  by  which 
such  wonders  as  these  are  effected  is  indeed  a  rod  of  strength  ? 

(4.)  The  gospel  of  Christ  is  a  rod  of  strength  in  the  pre- 
servation and  perseverance  of  the  saints :  it  is  a  rod,  like 
Aaron's,  which  blossomed,  and  the  blossoms  perished  not,  but 
remained  in  the  ark  for  a  testimony  of  God's  power.  For  as 
those  buds,  and  the  manna  in  the  ark,  did  not  perish,  so  neither 
doth  the  word  of  the  gospel  in  the  hearts  of  the  faithful. 
The  apostle  saith,  that  we  are  "kept  by  the  power  of  God 
unto  salvation,"  1  Peter  i.  3  ;  and  St.  Jude,  that  God's 
power  keepeth  the  saints  from  falling,  and  presenteth  them 
faultless  before  the  presence  of  his  glory,  Jude,  ver.  24.  And 
what  is  this  power  of  God  whereby  he  doth  it,  but  the  gospel 
of  Christ,  which  St.  Peter  calleth  incorruptible  seed?  1  Peter 
i.  23  ;  and  the  Spirit  of  Christ,  which  St.  John  calleth  an 
abiding  seed  ?  1  John  iii.  9.  If  I  should  see  a  tree  with  per- 
petual fruit,  without  any  variation  from  the  difference  of  sea- 
sons ;  a  tree  like  that  in  St.  John's  paradise,  which  every 
month  did  bring  forth  fruit  of  twelve  several  kinds,  I  should 
conclude  that  it  had  an   extraordinary  vital  power  in  it :   so 


when  I  find  Christ  in  his  word  promising,  and  by  the  planting  and 
watering  of  his  labourers  in  the  vineyard  making  good  that  pro- 
mise unto  his  church,  that  every  branch  bringing  forth  fruit  in 
him,  shall  not  only  be  as  Aaron's  rod,  have  his  fruit  preserved 
upon  him,  but  shall  bring  forth  more  fruit,  and  shall  have  life 
more  abundantly,  how  can  I  otherwise  conclude,  but  that  this 
word  which  is  the  instrument  of  so  imperishable  condition,  is 
indeed  a  rod  of  strength,  a  rod  cut  out  of  the  tree  of  life  itself! 
(5.)  The  gospel  of  Christ  is  a  rod  of  strength  in  com- 
forting and  supporting  of  the  faithful,  as  it  is  a  rod  of  beauty 
and  of  binding ;  as  it  is  a  word  which  doth  bind  that  which 
was  broken,  and  give  unto  them  which  mourn  in  Sion  beauty 
for  ashes,  and  the  garment  of  praise  for  the  spirit  of  heavi- 
ness, Isa.  Ixi.  1 — 3  ;  as  it  quencheth  all  the  fiery  darts,  and 
answereth  all  the  blasphemous  reasonings  of  Satan  against 
the  soul ;  as  it  is  a  staff  which  giveth  comfort  and  support  in 
the  very  valley  of  the  shadow  of  death.  The  shadow  of 
death  is  an  usual  expression  in  the  Scripture  for  all  fears, 
terrors,  affrightments,  or  any  dreadful  calamities  either  of  soul 
or  body.  The  whole  misery  of  our  natural  condition  is 
thereby  signified,  Luke  i.  79.  Many  ways  doth  the  prophet 
David  set  forth  the  extremities  he  had  been  drawn  unto : 
"  My  bones  are  vexed,  and  dried  like  a  potsherd,  and  turned 
into  the  drought  of  summer  ;  my  couch  swimmeth  with  tears, 
mine  eye  is  consumed  and  waxen  old  with  grief.  I  am 
poured  out  like  water,  all  my  bones  are  out  of  joint,  my  heart 
is  like  melted  wax  in  the  midst  of  my  bowels.  Thine  arrows 
stick  fast  in  me,  thine  hand  presseth  me  sore ;  there  is  no 
soundness  in  my  flesh,  my  wounds  stink  and  are  corrupt,  I  am 
feeble  and  sore  broken  ;  I  have  roared  by  reason  of  the  dis- 
quietness  of  my  heart.  Innumerable  evils  compass  me  about, 
I  am  not  able  to  look  up.  Fearfulness  and  trembling  are 
come  upon  me,  and  horror  hath  overwhelmed  me.  My  soul 
is  among  lions,  I  lie  amongst  them  that  are  set  on  fire.  The 
waters  are  come  in  unto  my  soul,  I  sink  in  the  deep  mire  ;  the 
floods  overflow  me,"  These  all,  and  the  like,  are  compre- 
hended in  that  one  word,  The  shadow  of  death.  And  in  that 
it  was  only  the  word,  and  the  Spirit  of  God  which  did  sup- 
port him  :  "  This  is  my  comfort  in  my  affliction,"  saith  he, 
*'  for  thy  word  hath  quickened  me."  When  my  afflictions 
had  brought  me  to  the  very  brink  and  darkness  of  the  grave, 
thy  word  revived  me  again,  and  made  me  flourish.  "  Unless 
thy  law  had  been  my  delights,  I  should  then  have  perished  in 


mine  affliction,"  Psa.  cxix.  50,  92.  Now  then,  when  I  see 
a  man,  upon  whom  so  many  heavy  pressures  do  meet,  the 
weight  of  sin,  the  weight  of  God's  heavy  displeasure,  the 
weight  of  a  wounded  spirit,  the  weight  of  a  decayed  body, 
the  weight  of  scorn  and  temptations  from  Satan  and  the  world, 
in  the  midst  of  all  this  not  to  turn  unto  lying  vanities,  not  to 
consult  with  flesh  and  blood,  not  to  rely  on  the  wisdom  or 
help  of  man,  but  to  lean  only  on  this  word,  to  trust  in  it  at  all 
times,  and  to  cast  all  his  expectations  upon  it,  to  make  it  his 
only  rod  and  staff,  to  comfort  him  in  such  sore  extremities,  how 
can  I  but  confess  that  this  word  is  indeed  a  rod  of  strength  ? 

(6.)  The  gospel  of  Christ  is  a  rod  of  strength  in  sancti- 
fying and  blessing  of  our  temporal  things  ;  as  it  is  a  staff  of 
bread.  Man  liveth  not  by  bread  alone,  but  by  the  word  which 
proceedeth  out  of  the  mouth  of  God,  Matt.  iv.  4 ;  not  by  the 
creature,  but  by  the  blessing  which  prepare th  the  creature  for 
our  use.  Now,  it  is  the  word  of  God,  namely  his  promises 
in  Christ  of  things  concerning  this  life,  as  well  as  that  which 
is  to  come,  that  doth  sanctify  the  creatures  of  God  to  those 
who  with  thankfulness  receive  them..  All  the  creatures  of 
God  are  by  sin  mischievously  converted  into  the  instruments 
and  provisions  of  lust.  The  sun,  and  all  the  glorious  lights 
of  nature,  have  become  but  instruments  to  serve  the  pride,  co- 
vetousness,  adultery,  and  vanity  of  a  lustful  eye.  All  the  deli- 
cacies which  the  earth,  air,  or  sea  can  afford,  but  materials  to 
feed  the  luxury  and  intemperance  of  a  lustful  body.  All 
the  honours  and  promotions  of  the  world,  but  fuel  to  satisfy 
the  haughtiness  and  ambition  of  a  lustful  heart.  That  word, 
then,  which  can  fetch  out  this  leprosy  from  the  creatures, 
and  put  life,  strength,  and  comfort  hito  them  again,  must  needs 
be  a  rod  of  strength. 

2.  The  gospel  and  Spirit  of  Christ  are  a  rod  of  strength, 
in  regard  of  his  and  his  church's  enemies.  Able  both  to 
repel  and  to  revenge  all  their  injuries  ;  to  disappoint  the  ends 
and  machinations  of  Satan,  to  triumph  and  get  above  the 
persecutions  of  men,  to  get  a  treasure  which  no  malice  nor 
fury  of  the  enemy  can  take  away  ;  a  nobleness  of  mind  which 
no  insults  of  the  adversary  can  abate  ;  a  security  of  condition, 
and  calmness  of  spirit,  which  no  worldly  tempests  can  any 
more  extinguish  than  the  darkness  of  a  cloud,  or  the  boiste- 
rousness  of  a  wind  can  blot  out  the  lustre,  or  perturb  the 
order  of  celestial  bodies ;  a  heavenly  wisdom  able  to  prevail 
against  the  gates  of  hell,  and  to  stop  the   mouths  of  every 


gainsayer.  The  word  hath  ever  a  readhiess  to  revenge  dis- 
obedience, as  the  apostle  speaks,  2  Cor.  x.  6  ;  it  hardens  the 
faces  of  men,  and  arms  them,  that  they  may  break  all  those 
who  fall  upon  them. 

This  power  of  the  word  towards  wicked  men  showeth  it- 
self in  many  particulars. 

(1.)  In  a  mighty  work  of  conviction.  The  Spirit  was 
therefore  sent  into  the  world  to  convince  it  by  the  ministry  of 
the  gospel,  which  one  word  containeth  the  ground  of  the 
whole  strength  here  spoken  of;  for  all  that  the  word  bringeth 
to  pass,  it  doth  by  the  conviction  of  the  Spirit.  This  con- 
viction is  twofold. 

[1,]  A  conviction  unto  conversion,  whereby  the  hearts  of 
men  are  wonderfully  overruled  by  that  invincible  evidence  of 
the  Spirit  of  truth,  to  feel  and  acknowledge  their  woeful  con- 
dition by  reason  of  sin,  so  long  as  they  continue  in  unbelief, 
to  take  unto  themselves  the  just  shame  and  confusion  of  face 
which  belong  unto  them,  to  give  unto  God  the  glory  of  his 
righteous  and  just  severity  if  he  should  destroy  them  ;  and 
hereupon  to  be,  by  the  terror  of  the  Lord,  persuaded  to  count 
worthy  of  all  acceptation  any  deliverance  out  of  that  state 
which  shall  be  tendered  unto  them.  To  admire,  adore,  and 
greedily  embrace  any  terms  of  peace  and  reconciliation  which 
shall  be  offered  them ;  to  submit  unto  the  righteousness,  and 
with  all  willing  and  meek  affection  to  bend  the  heart  to  the 
sceptre  of  Christ,  and  to  whatever  form  of  judicature  and 
spiritual  government  he  shall  please  to  erect  therein.  And 
this  magnifies  the  strength  of  this  rod  of  Christ's  kingdom, 
that  it  maketh  men  yield  upon  any  terms.  When  we  see  the 
little  stone  grow  into  a  mighty  mountain,  and  eat  into  all  the 
kinadoms  of  the  world ;  when  we  see  emperors  and  prmces 
submit  their  necks  and  sceptres  to  a  doctrine  at  first  every- 
where spoken  against,  and  that  upon  the  words  of  a  few  de- 
spicable persons ;  and  that  such  a  doctrhie  too  as  is  diametri- 
cally contrary  to  the  natural  constitution  of  the  hearts  of 
men,  and  teacheth  nothing  but  self-denial ;  and  this  for  hope 
of  reward  from  one  whom  they  never  saw,  and  whom,  if  they 
had  seen,  they  would  have  found  by  a  natural  eye  no  beauty 
in  him,  for  which  he  should  be  desired ;  and  this  reward  too, 
whatever  it  be,  deferred  for  a  long  time,  and  in  the  interim  no 
ground  of  assurance  to  expect  it,  but  only  faith  in  hnnself 
that  promiseth  it ;  and  in  the  mean  time  a  world  of  afflictions 
for  his  name's  sake,— how  can  we  think  that  a  world  of  wise 


and  of  great  men  should  give  ear  most  willingly  unto  such 
terms  as  these,  if  they  were  not  a  demonstrative  and  con- 
straining evidence  of  truth  and  goodness  therein,  able  to  stop 
the  mouths,  and  to  answer  the  objections  of  all  gainsayers? 

[2.]  There  is  a  conviction  unto  condemnation  of  those 
who  stand  out  against  this  saving  power  of  the  gospel  and 
Spirit  of  gi-ace,  driving  them  from  all  their  strongholds,  and 
constraining  them  by  force  to  acknowledge  the  truth  which 
they  do  not  love.  Thus  we  find  our  Saviour  disputing  with 
the  jews,  till  no  man  was  able  to  answer  him  a  word,  Matt, 
xxii.  46 :  and  as  he  did  so  himself,  so  he  promiseth  that  his 
messengers  should  do  so  too  ;  "  I  will  give  you  a  mouth  and 
wisdom,  which  all  your  adversaries  shall  not  be  able  to  gain- 
say, nor  resist,"  Luke  xxi.  13.  And  this  promise  we  find 
made  good;  the  enemies  of  Stephen  were  not  able  to  resist 
the  spirit  by  which  he  spake,  Acts  vi.  10  ;  and  Apollos  might- 
ily convinced  the  jews,  showing  by  the  Scriptures  that  Jesus 
was  Christ,  Acts  xviii.  28.  And  this  the  apostle  numbereth 
amongst  the  qualifications  of  a  bishop,  that  he  should  be  able 
by  sound  doctrine  to  convince  the  gainsayers,  and  to  stop  the 
mouths  of  those  unruly  deceivers,  whose  business  it  is  to  sub- 
vert men,  Titus  i.  9 — ll.  For  this  is  the  excellent  virtue  of 
God's  word,  that  it  concludeth  or  shutteth  men  in,  and  leaveth 
not  any  gap  or  evasion  of  corrupted  reason  unanswered,  or  un- 
prevented,  Gal.  iii.  22.  Thus  we  find  how  the  prophets  in 
their  ministry  did  still  drive  the  jews  from  their  shifts,  and 
press  them  with  dilemmas,  the  inconveniences  whereof  they 
could  on  no  side  escape.  Either  there  must  be  a  fault  in  you, 
or  else  in  God  who  rebuketh  you  ;  but  now,  "  What  iniquity," 
saith  the  Lord,  "  have  your  fathers  found  in  me,  that  they 
are  gone  far  from  me  ?  Have  I  been  a  wilderness  unto  Israel  ; 
a  land  of  darkness  ?  Wherefore  say  my  people,  W^e  are 
lords  ;  we  will  come  no  more  unto  thee  ?  O  my  people,  what 
have  I  done  unto  thee  ?  and  wherein  have  I  wearied  thee  ? 
Testify  against  me.  I  raised  up  of  your  sons  for  prophets, 
and  of  your  young  men  for  Nazarites.  Is  it  not  even  thus, 
O  ye  children  of  Israel?"  Jer.  ii.  5,  31;  Micah  vi.  3,  4; 
Amos  ii.  11.  Here  the  Scripture  useth  that  figure  which  is 
called  by  the  rhetoricians  communication  a  debating  and  delibe- 
rating with  the  adverse  party ;  an  evidencing  of  a  cause  so 
clearly,  as  that  at  last  a  man  can  challenge  the  adversary  him- 
self to  make  such  a  determination,  as  himself  shall  in  reason 
judge  the  merit  of  the  cause  to  require.  "  How  shall  I  pardon 


thee  for  this  ?  for  how  shall  I  do  for  the  daughter  of  iny 
people  ?"  Jer.  v.  7  ;  ix.  7.  Set  me  in  a  way,  determine  the 
controversy  yourselves,  and  I  will  stand  to  the  issue  which 
your  own  consciences  shall  make.  "  O  inhabitants  of  Jeru- 
salem and  men  of  Judah,  judge,  I  pray  you,  betwixt  me  and 
my  vineyard,"  Isa.  v.  3 ;  that  is,  do  you  yourselves  undertake 
the  deciding  of  your  own  cause.  When  a  band  of  armed 
men  came  against  Christ  to  attack  him,  at  the  pro- 
nouncing but  of  these  words,  "  I  am  he,"  all  fell  down  back- 
ward to  the  earth,  John  xviii.  6  ;  we  must  needs  confess  that 
there  was  some  mighty  power  and  evidence  of  majesty  in  him 
that  uttered  them ;  what  think  we  can  he  do  when  he  reigneth 
and  judgeth  the  world,  who  did  let  out  so  much  power  when 
he  was  to  die  and  be  judged  by  the  world?  Now,  Christ 
reigneth  and  judgeth  the  world  by  his  word,  and  that  more 
mightily  after  his  ascending  up  on  high,  and  therefore  he  pro- 
miseth  his  apostles  that  they  should  do  greater  works  than 
he  himself  had  done.  When  I  see  a  man  armed  with  scorn 
against  Christ  in  his  word,  standing  proudly  upon  the  defence 
of  his  own  ways  by  his  own  wisdom,  and  wrapping  up  him- 
self in  the  mud  of  his  own  carnal  reasonings,  yet  by  a  few  rea- 
sonings and  deductions  from  God's  word,  to  be  forced  to 
stop  his  own  mouth,  to  be  condemned  by  his  own  witness,  to 
betray  his  own  succours,  and  to  be  shut  up  in  a  prison  with- 
out bars ;  when  I  shall  force  such  a  man  by  the  mighty  pene- 
tration and  invincible  evidence  of  God's  word,  to  see  his  own 
conscience  subscribing  to  the  truth  which  condemns  him,  and 
belying  all  those  delusions  which  he  had  framed  to  deceive 
himself  withal ;  who  can  deny  but  that  the  rod  of  God's  mouth 
is  indeed  a  rod  of  strength,  an  iron  rod,  able  to  deal  with  all 
human  reasonings,  as  a  hammer  with  a  potsherd,  which 
though  to  the  hand  of  a  man  it  may  feel  as  hard  as  a  rock, 
yet  it  is  too  brittle  to  endure  the  blow  of  an  iron  rod  ? 

Strange  it  is  to  observe  how  boldly  men  venture  on  sins, 
under  the  names  of  custom,  or  fashions,  or  some  other  pre- 
tences of  corrupted  reason,  contrary  to  the  clear  and  literal 
evidence  of  holy  Scripture,  the  most  immediate  and  grammat- 
ical sense  whereof,  is  ever  soundest,  where  there  doth  not 
some  apparent  and  unavoidable  error  in  doctrine,  or  mischief 
in  manners,  follow  thereupon.  Men  will  justify  the  cause  of 
the  wicked  for  reward,  and  by  dexterity  of  wit  put  a  better 
colour  upon  a  worse  business,  and  yet  the  Lord  saith  ex- 
pressly, "  Thou  shalt  not  speak  in  a  cause  to  wrest  judgment. 


thou  shalt  keep  thee  far  from  a  false  matter,"  Exod.  xxiii. 
2,  7  ;  for  God,  whom  thou  oughtest  to  imitate,  will  not  justify 
the  wicked.  Men  will  follow  the  sinful  fashions  of  the 
world,  in  strange  apparel,  in  lustful  and  unprofitable  expense 
of  that  precious  moment  of  time,  upon  the  abuse  or  right  im- 
provement whereof  dependeth  the  several  issues  of  their  eter- 
nal condition ;  though  the  Lord  say  expressly,  "  Be  not 
conformed  to  this  world;"  they  that  walk  according  to  the 
course  of  the  world,  walk  according  to  the  prince  of  the  power 
of  the  air.  To  conclude  this  particular,  the  apostle  is  pe- 
remptory ;  "  Neither  fornicators,  nor  idolaters,  nor  effeminate, 
nor  thieves,  nor  covetous,  nor  drunkards,  nor  revilers,  nor  ex- 
tortioners, shall  inherit  the  kingdom  of  God,"  1  Cor.  vi.  9, 
10 :  and  the  consciences  of  many  men,  who  yet  will  never 
yield  to  the  conclusion,  cannot  choose  but  secretly  to  admit  as 
the  apostle  goes  on,  "  such  were  some  of  you  ;"  nay,  and  such 
we  will  be  too.  But  now,  if  we  should  bespeak  these  men  in 
the  word  of  the  prophet,  *'  Produce  your  cause,  saith  the 
Lord ;  bring  forth  your  strong  reasons,  saith  the  King  of  Ja- 
cob," Isa.  xli.  21 ;  they  should  find,  at  the  last,  their  reasons 
to  be  like  themselves,  vanity,  and  lighter  than  nothing ;  that 
the  word  of  the  Lord  will  at  last  prevail,  and  sweep  away  all 
their  refuge  of  lies,  Isa.  xxviii.  17. 

(2.)  The  power  of  the  word  towards  wicked  men  is  seen 
in  affrighting  of  them.  There  is  a  spirit  of  bondage,  and  a 
savour  of  death,  as  well  as  a  Spirit  of  life  and  liberty,  which 
goeth  along  with  the  word.  Guilt  is  an  inseparable  conse- 
quence of  sin,  and  fear  of  the  manifestation  of  guilt.  If  the 
heart  be  once  convinced  of  this,  it  will  presently  faint  and 
tremble,  even  at  the  shaking  of  a  leaf,  at  the  working  of  a 
man's  own  conscience  ;  how  much  more  at  the  voice  of  the 
Lord,  which  shaketh  mountains,  and  maketh  the  strong 
foundations  of  the  earth  to  tremble  I  If  I  should  see  a  pri- 
soner at  the  bar  pass  sentence  upon  his  judge  ;  and  the  judge 
thereupon  surprised  with  trembling,  and  forced  to  subscribe 
and  acknowledge  the  doom,  I  could  not  but  stand  amazed  at 
so  inverted  a  proceeding ;  yet  in  the  Scripture  we  find  prece- 
dents for  it.  Micaiah,  a  prisoner,  pronouncing  death  unto 
Ahab,  a  king,  1  Kings  xxii.  27,  28 ;  Jeremiah,  a  prisoner, 
pronouncing  captivity  unto  Zedekiah,  a  king,  Jer.  xxxvii.  16, 
17  ;  Paul,  in  his  chain,  preaching  of  judgment  unto  Felix  in 
his  robes,  and  making  his  own  judge  to  tremble,  Acts  xxiv. 
25.     It  is  not  for  want  of  strength  in  the  word,  or  because 


there  is  stoutness  in  the  hearts  of  men  to  stand  out  against  it, 
that  all  the  wicked  of  the  world  do  not  tremble  at  it,  but 
merely  their  ignorance  of  the  power  and  evidence  thereof. 
The  devils  are  stronger  and  more  stubborn  creatures  than  any 
man  can  be,  yet  because  of  their  full  illumination,  and  that 
invincible  conviction  of  their  consciences  from  the  power  of 
the  word,  they  believe  and  tremble  at  it.  Though  men  were 
as  hard  as  rocks,  the  word  is  a  hammer  which  can  break 
them  ;  though  as  sharp  as  thorns  and  briars,  the  word  is  a 
fire  which  can  devour  and  torment  them ;  though  as  strong  as 
kingdoms  and  nations,  the  word  is  able  to  root  them  up,  and 
to  pull  them  down ;  though  as  fierce  as  dragons  and  lions,  the 
word  is  able  to  trample  upon  them,  and  to  chain  them  up, 
Jam.  ii.  19;  Jer.  xxiii.  29;  Jer.  v.  14;  Ezek.  ii.  6;  Deut. 
xxxiii.  2;  Jer.  i.  10;  Psa.  xci.  13. 

(3.)  The  power  of  the  word  is  seen  towards  wicked  men,  in 
that  it  doth  judge  them.  "  Son  of  man,  wilt  thou  judge,  wilt 
thou  judge  the  bloody  city,  saith  the  Lord  ?  yea,  thou  shalt  show 
her  all  her  abominations,"  Ezek.  xxii.  2.  To  note,  that  when 
wicked  men  are  made  to  see  their  filthiness  in  the  word,  they 
have  thereby  the  wrath  of  God,  as  it  were,  sealed  upon  them. 
"  He  that  rejecteth  me,  the  word  that  I  have  spoken,  the  same 
shall  judge  him  at  the  last  day,''  saith  our  Saviour,  John  xii. 
48.  "  But  if  all  prophesy,"  saith  the  apostle,  "and  there  come 
in  one  that  believeth  not,  or  one  unlearned,  he  is  convinced  of 
all,  he  is  judged  of  all,  and  thus  are  the  secrets  of  his  heart  made 
manifest,"  1  Cor.  xiv.  24.  Nay,  the  word  doth  in  some  sort 
execute  death  and  judgment  upon  wicked  men  ;  therefore  it 
is  said  that  the  Lord  would  "  smite  the  earth  with  the  rod  of 
his  mouth,  and  with  the  breath  of  his  lips  shall  he  slay  the 
wicked,"  Isa.  xi.  4.  And  again,  "  I  have  hewed  them  by 
the  prophets ;  I  have  slain  them  by  the  words  of  my  mouth," 
Hosea  vi.  5.  And  therefore  the  word  of  the  Lord  is  called 
**  fury"  by  the  prophet,  Jer.  vi.  11,  to  note,  that  when  wrath  and 
fury  are  poured  out  upon  a  land,  they  are  the  effects  of  God's 
word.  If  a  pestilence  devour  a  city,  and  a  sword  come  and 
glean  after  it,  it  is  the  word  only  which  slays ;  they  are  but  the 
instruments,  which  are,  as  it  were,  actuated  and  applied  by 
the  word  of  God  to  their  several  services.  Therefore  it  is 
that  the  prophet  saith,  that  wise  men  see  the  voice  of  God, 
and  hear  his  rod,  Micah  vi.  9.  A  rod  is  properly  to  be  seen, 
and  a  voice  to  be  heard  ;  but  here  is  a  transposition,  and  as  it 
were,  a  communication  of  properties  between  the  word  of  God 


and  his  punishments,  to  note,  that  towards  wicked  men  there 
is  a  judging,  and  tormenting  virtue  in  the  word:  "  for  judg- 
ment," saith  our  Saviour,  "  I  am  come  into  this  world, 
that  they  which  see  not  might  see;  and  that  they  which  see 
might  be  made  bUnd,"  John  ix.  39.  If  it  be  here  objected 
that  Christ  saith  of  himself,  "  The  son  of  man  is  not  come  to 
destroy  men's  lives,  but  to  save  them ;"  and  that  "  he  came  not 
to  condemn  the  world,  but  that  the  w^orld  through  hhn  might  be 
saved,"  Luke  vi.  56;  John  iii.  17,  I  answer,  that  there  are  two 
events  of  Christ's  coming,  and  by  consequence  of  his  gospel.  The 
one  principal,  and  by  him  intended,  the  other  accidental  and 
occasional,  growing  out  of  the  ill  disposition  of  the  subject 
unto  whom  he  was  sent.  The  main  and  essential  business  of 
the  gospel  is  to  declare  salvation,  and  to  set  open  unto  men  a 
door  of  escape  from  the  wrath  to  come  ;  but  when  men  wil- 
lingly stand  out,  and  neglect  so  great  salvation,  then,  seconda- 
rily, doth  Christ  prove  unto  those  men  a  stone  of  offence, 
and  the  gospel  a  savour  of  death  unto  death  ;  as  that  potion 
which  was  intended  for  a  cure  by  the  physician,  may,  upon  oc- 
casion of  the  indisposedness  of  the  body,  and  stubborn  radi- 
cation  of  the  disease,  hasten  a  man's  end  sooner  then  the  dis- 
ease itself  would  have  done.  So  that  to  the  wicked  the  word 
of  God  is  a  two-edged  sword  indeed,  an  edge  in  the  law-,  and  an 
edorein  the  gospel :  they  are  on  every  side  beset  with  condemna- 
tion ;  if  they  go  to  the  law^,  that  cannot  save  them,  because  they 
have  broken  it ;  if  they  go  to  the  gospel,  that  will  not  save 
them,  because  they  have  contemned  it. 

(4.)  The  power  of  the  word  towards  wicked  men  is  seen  in 
this,  that  it  doth  ripen  their  sins,  and  make  them  so  much  the 
more  sinful,  and  so  much  the  sooner  fill  up  their  measure.  "  If 
I  had  not  come,"  saith  Christ, "  and  spoken  unto  them,  they  had 
not  had  sin  ;  but  now  they  have  no  cloke  for  their  sin,"  John 
XV.  22.  A  tree  which  is  fastened  unto  a  wall,  in  which  the 
heat  of  the  sun  is  more  permanent  and  united,  will  bring 
forth  ripe  fruit  before  the  ordinary  season :  so  a  people  upon 
whom  the  light  of  the  gospel  hath  constantly  shined,  and 
which  doth  often  drink  in  the  rain  which  falleth  upon  it,  must 
nee  ds  bring  forth  summer-fruit ;  sms  speedily  ripe,  and  there- 
fore are  so  much  nearer  unto  cursing.  There  is  but  a  year  be- 
tween such  a  tree  and  the  fire.  We  shall  never  find  that  the 
sins  of  Israel,  and  of  Judah  (for  w^hich  they  were  at  any  time 
plagued  with  captivity)  were  so  long  in  ripening  as  the  sins  of 
the  Canaanites,   upon  whom   there  did  no  hght  shine.     The 


land  had  rest  sometimes  forty  years,  and  sometimes  fourscore 
years ;  but  we  never  find  that  they  were  suffered  to  provoke 
the  Lord  to  his  face  four  hundred  years  together.  We  find 
when  God  sent  a  prophet  to  Nineveh,  to  reveal  unto  them  the 
guilt  and  demerit  of  their  sins,  he  then  set  them  a  very  short 
time,  in  which  they  should  either  forsake  or  ripen  them  ;  "  Yet 
forty  days  and  Nineveh  shall  be  overthrown.'* 

(5.)  The  power  of  the  ingrafted  word  towards  wicked  men 
is  seen  even  in  the  rage  and  madness  which  it  excites  in  them. 
It  is  a  sign  that  a  man  hath  to  do  with  a  strong  enemy  when 
he  buckleth  on  all  his  harness,  and  calleth  together  all  his 
strength  for  opposition.  When  I  see  a  river  without  any  sensi- 
ble noise  or  motion,  I  am  ready  to  esteem  it  a  standing  pool ; 
but  when  I  look  further,  and  there  observe  what  huge  engines 
it  carries  about,  and  what  weighty  bodies  it  roUeth  before  it,  I 
then  believe  a  strength  in  it  which  I  did  not  see  :  so  when  I  see 
the  word  of  Christ  rouse  up  the  rage  and  lusts  of  men,  and 
force  them  to  set  up  against  it  strong  holds,  and  high  imagina- 
tions, even  the  wisdom  and  strength  of  the  gates  of  hell  to 
keep  it  out,  I  must  needs  then  conclude  that  it  is  indeed  a  rod 
of  strength.  The  most  calm  and  devout  hypocrites  in  the 
Avorld  have  by  the  power  of  this  word  been  put  out  of  their 
demure  temper,  and  mightily  transported  with  outrage  and  bit- 
terness against  the  majesty  thereof.  One  time  filled  with 
wrath  ;  another  time  filled  with  madness  ;  another  time  filled 
with  envy  and  hidignation ;  another  time  filled  with  contradic- 
tion and  blasphemy;  another  time  cut  to  the  heart,  and  like 
reprobates  in  hell,  gnashing  with  their  teeth  :  such  a  search- 
ing power,  and  such  an  extreme  contrariety  there  is  in  the  gos- 
pel to  the  lusts  of  men,  that  if  it  do  not  subdue,  it  will  won- 
derfully swell  them  up,  till  it  distemper  even  the  prudent 
men  of  the  world  with  those  brutish  and  uncomely  affections 
of  rage  and  fury,  and  drive  disputers  from  their  arguments 
unto  stones.  Sin  cannot  endure  to  be  disquieted,  much  less  to 
be  shut  in  and  encompassed  with  the  curses  of  God's  word. 
Therefore,  as  a  hunted  beast,  in  an  extremity  of  distress,  will 
turn  back,  and  put  forth  its  utmost  strength  to  be  revenged  on 
the  pursuers,  and  to  save  its  life  ;  so  wicked  men  to  save  their 
lusts  will  let  out  all  their  rage,  and  open  all  their  sluices  of 
pride  and  malice  to  withstand  that  holy  truth  which  doth  so 
closely  pursue  them.  Till  men  can  be  persuaded  to  lay  apart 
all  filthiness  and  superfluity  of  naughtiness,  they  will  never 
receive  the  engrafted  word  with  meekness.     For  till  then  it  is 


a  binding  word,  which  sealeth  their  guilt  and  condemnation 
upon  them. 

(6.)  The  mighty  power  of  the  word  towards  wicked  men 
is  seen  in  altering  them :  in  their  semipersuasions  and  semi- 
conversions  unto  godliness,  in  restraining  them  from  those 
lusts  which  they  dearly  love,  and  in  forcing  them  to  those  ex- 
ternal conformities  which  have  no  inward  principles  to  sup- 
port them.  The  humiliation  of  Ahab,  the  attention  of  Herod, 
the  incomplete  persuasion  of  Agrippa,  the  forced  obedience  and 
flatteries  of  the  dissembling  jews,  the  essays  and  offers  of  hypo- 
crites towards  religion,  the  low  desires  and  hankerings  of  un- 
resolved wills  after  Christ,  are  notable  evidences  of  the  power 
and  majesty  which  is  in  the  gospel.  If  I  should  see  a  millstone 
in  the  air,  not  falling  constantly  and  swiftly  down,  but  waver, 
and  float  about  in  a  kind  of  unresolved  motion,  as  if  it  were 
in  a  deliberation  which  way  to  go,  one  while  yielding  to  its 
own  weight,  another  while  lingering,  and  by  fits  attempting  to 
ascend,  how  could  I  sufficiently  wonder  at  that  secret  virtue, 
and  those  strange  impressions  which  did  retard  the  natural  de- 
scent of  so  weighty  a  body  ?  so  when  I  see  men,  who  still  re- 
tain the  principles  of  their  own  corrupt  nature,  which  carry 
them  with  as  strong  an  impulse  to  sin  and  hell  as  a  millstone 
is  moved  unto  its  center,  hanker  notwithstanding  after  good- 
ness, and  when  they  yield  unto  their  lusts,  do  it  not  without 
much  hesitancy  and  conflict  of  a  natural  conscience,  I  must 
needs  acknowledge  a  mighty  strength  in  that  word  which  set- 
teth  bounds  to  the  raging  of  so  proud  a  sea. 

From  hence  then,  the  messengers  of  Christ,  who  are  en- 
trusted with  the  dispensation  of  this  rod  of  strength,  may  be 
instructed  how  to  behave  themselves  in  that  ministry.  Few 
men  will  lose  any  thing  of  that  power  which  is  given  them  ;  for 
every  thing  in  its  kind  doth  affect  power.  Now,  Christ  hath 
committed  unto  us  the  custody  of  his  own  power,  and  there- 
fore we  ought  to  manage  it  as  a  word  of  power,  as  able  alone  by 
itself,  without  the  contemporations  of  human  fancies,  or  the 
superstruction  of  human  opinions,  to  work  mightily  to  the  sal- 
vation of  those  that  believe,  and  to  the  conviction  of  gain- 
sayers.  Our  commission  is  to  charge  even  the  great  men  of 
the  world.  It  is  true,  the  ministers  of  the  gospel  are  servants 
to  the  church  :  in  compassion,  to  pity  the  diseases,  the  in- 
firmities, the  temptations  of  God's  people  ;  ia  ministry,  to 
assist  them  with  all  needful  supplies  of  comfort,  or  instruction, 
or  exhortation  in  righteousness ;  in  humility,  to  wait  upon 


men  of  lowest  degree,  and  to  condescend  unto  men  of  weakest 
capacity.  And  thus  the  very  angels  in  heaven  are  servants  to 
the  church  of  Christ.  But  yet  we  are  servants  only  for  the 
church's  good;  to  serve  their  souls,  not  to  serve  their  humours. 
And  therefore  we  are  such  servants  as  may  command  too. 
"  These  things  command  and  teach.  Let  no  man  despise  thy 
youth,"  1  Tim.  iv.  11,  12.  And  again,  "  These  things 
speak  and  exhort,  and  rebuke  with  all  authority.  Let  no  man 
despise  thee,"  Tit.  ii.  15.  No  ministers  are  more  despicable 
than  those  who  by  ignorance,  or  flattery,  or  any  base  and  am- 
bitious affections,  betray  the  power  and  majestical  simplicity 
of  the  gospel  of  Christ.  When  we  deliver  God's  message, 
"  we  must  not  then  be  the  servants  of  men ;  if  I  yet  pleased 
men,  I  should  not  be  the  servant  of  Christ,"  saith  the  apostle, 
1  Cor.  vii.  23;  Gal.  i.  10.  To  captivate  the  truth  of  God 
unto  the  humours  of  men,  and  to  make  the  Spirit  of  Christ  in 
his  gospel  to  bend,  comply,  and  complement  with  human  lusts, 
is,  like  Jonah,  to  play  the  runagate  from  our  office,  and  to 
prostrate  the  sceptre  of  Christ  unto  the  insults  of  men.  There 
is  a  wonderful  majesty  and  authority  in  the  word  when  it  is  set 
on  with  Christ's  Spirit.  Christ  taught  men  as  one  who  had 
power  and  authority,  or  privilege  to  speak  ;  as  one  that  cared 
not  for  the  persons  of  men  ;  and,  therefore,  wherever  his  Spirit 
is,  there  will  this  power  and  liberty  of  Christ  appear ;  for  he 
hath  given  it  to  his  ministers,  that  they  may  commend  them- 
selves in  the  consciences  of  those  that  hear  them  ;  that  they 
may  harden  their  faces  against  the  pride  and  scorn  of  men ; 
that  they  may  go  out  in  armies  against  the  enemies  of  his 
kingdom  ;  that  they  may  speak  boldly  as  they  ought  to  speak ; 
that  they  may  not  suffer  his  word  to  be  bound,  or  his  Spirit  to 
be  straitened  by  the  humours  of  men,  1  Cor.  ii.  4;  2  Cor.  iii. 
17;  xiii.  10;  iv.  2;  Jer.  i.  6—8;  Ezek.  iii.  8,  9;  Psa.  ex.  3 ; 
Eph.  vi.  20. 

Again ;  we  should  all  labour  to  receive  the  word  in  the 
power  thereof,  and  to  expose  our  tender  parts  unto  it.  Cer- 
tainly, the  proudest  of  men  have  some  tender  part  into  which 
a  sting  may  enter.  The  conscience  is  as  sensible  of  God's 
displeasure,  as  obnoxious  to  his  wrath,  as  subject  to  liis  word, 
in  a  prince,  as  in  a  beggar.  If  the  word,  like  David's  stone, 
find  that  open,  and  get  into  it,  it  is  able  to  sink  the  greatest 
Goliah.  Therefore  we  should  open  our  consciences  unto  that 
word,  and  expect  his  Spirit  to  come  along  with  it,  and  receive 
it,  as  Josiah  did,  with  humility  and  trembling.     We  should 


learn  to  fear  the  Lord  In  his  word,  and  when  his  voice  cryeth 
in  the  city,  to  see  his  name  and  his  power  therein.  "  Fear  ye 
not  me,"  saith  the  Lord  ;  "  will  ye  not  tremble  at  my  presence, 
which  have  placed  the  sand  for  the  bound  of  the  sea  ?  "  Jer.  v.  22. 
No  creature  so  swelling,  and  of  itself  so  strong  and  encroaching, 
as  the  sea ;  nothing  so  small,  weak,  smooth,  and  passable  as  the 
sand ;  and  yet  the  sand  (a  creature  so  easily  removed,  and  swept 
away)  is  decreed  to  hold  in  so  raging  an  element.  What  in  ap- 
pearance weaker  than  words  spoken  by  a  despised  man  ?  and 
what  in  the  experience  of  all  the  world  stronger  than  the  rag- 
ing of  an  army  of  lusts  ?  and  yet  that  hath  the  Lord  appointed 
to  tame  and  subdue  these,  that  men  might  learn  to  fear  his 

Again ;  it  should  teach  us  to  rest  upon  God  in  all  things,  as 
being  unto  us  all-sufficient;  a  Sun,  a  Shield,  an  exceeding 
great  reward  in  the  truth  and  promises  of  his  gospel.  The 
word  of  God  is  a  sure  thing,  that  which  a  man  may  cast  his 
whole  weight  upon,  and  lean  confidently  on  in  any  extremity* 
All  the  creatures  in  the  world  are  full  of  vanity,  uncertainties, 
and  disappointments  ;  and  usually  deceive  a  man  most, 
when  he  most  of  all  relies  upon  them ;  and  therefore  the  apos- 
tle chargeth  us  not  to  trust  in  them,  1  Tim.  vi.  17.  But  the 
word  of  the  Lord  is  an  abiding  word,  as  being  founded  upon 
the  immutability  of  God's  own  truth :  he  that  maketh  it  his 
refuge,  relieth  on  God's  omnipotency,  and  hath  all  the  strength 
of  the  Almighty  engaged  to  help  him.  Asa  was  safe  while  he 
depended  on  the  Lord  in  his  promises,  against  the  hugest  host 
of  men  that  we  read  of  in  the  Scriptures ;  but  when  he  turned 
aside  to  collateral  aids  he  purchased  to  himself  nothing  but 
perpetual  wars.  And  this  was  that  which  established  the 
throne  of  Jehoshaphat,  and  caused  the  fear  of  the  Lord  to  fall 
upon  the  kingdoms  of  the  lands  which  were  round  about 
him,  2  Chron.  xvii.  9,  10 ;  because  he  honoured  the 
word  of  God,  and  caused  it  to  be  taught  unto  his  people.  When- 
soever Israel  and  Judah  did  forget  to  lean  upon  God's  word, 
and  betook  themselves  to  human  confederacies,  to  correspon- 
dence with  idolatrous  people,  to  facility  in  superstitious  com- 
pliances, and  the  like  fleshly  counsels,  they  found  them  always 
to  be  but  very  lies,  like  waxen  and  wooden  feasts,  made  spe- 
cious of  purpose  to  delude  ignorant  comers  ;  things  of  so  thin 
and  unsolid  a  consistence,  as  were  ever  broken  with  the  weight  of 
those  who  did  lean  upon  them.  Let  us  not,  therefore,  rest 
upon  our  own  wisdom,  nor  build  our  hopes  or  securities  upon 


human  foundations,  but  let  us  in  all  conditions  take  hold  of 
God's  covenant,  of  this  staff  of  his  strength,  which  is  able  to 
stay  us  up  in  any  extremities. 

Again  ;  since  the  gospel  is  a  word  of  such  sovereign  power,  as 
to  strengthen  us  against  all  enemies  and  temptations,  to  uphold 
us  in  all  our  ways  and  callings,  to  make  us  strong  in  the  grace 
of  Christ,  (for  ever  a  christian  man's  knowledge  of  the  word  is 
the  measure  of  his  strength  and  comfort,)  we  should  therefore 
labour  to  acquaint  ourselves  with  God  in  his  word,  to  hide  it 
in  our  hearts,  and  grow  rich  in  the  knowledge  of  it.     In  hea- 
ven our  blessedness  shall  consist  in  the  knowledge  and  com- 
munion with  the  Father,  and  with  his  Son  Jesus  Christ.     So 
that  the  gospel  and  the  Spirit  are,  to  us  upon  earth,  the  pre- 
ludes and  supplies  of  heaven,  for  by  them  only  is  this  know- 
ledge and   communion  begun.     And  that  man  doth  but  de- 
lude himself  and  lie  to  the  world,  who  professeth   his  desire 
to  go  to  heaven,  and  doth  not  here  desire  to  know  so  much  of 
God  as  he  is  pleased  to  afford  to  men  on  the  earth.     The  gos- 
pel is  the  patent  and  charter  of  a  christian,  all  that  he  hath  to 
show  for  his  salvation ;  the  treasure  of  his  wealth  and  privi- 
leges, all  that   he  hath  to  boast  in  either  for  this  life  or  ano- 
ther ;  the  armoury  of  a  christian,  all  that  he  hath  to  hold  up 
against  the  temptations  and  conflicts  of  his  sorest  enemies  ;  the 
only  tool  and  instrument  of  a  christian,  all  that  he  hath  to  do 
any  action  of  piety,  charity,  loyalty,  or  sobriety  withal ;  the 
only  glass  of  a  christian,  wherein  he  may  see  his  own  face,  and 
so  learn  to  deny  himself,  and  wherein  he  may  see  the  face  of 
God  in  Christ,  and  so  learn  to  desire  and  to  follow  him.      So 
that,  upon  the  whole  matter,  for  any  man  to  be  ignorant  of  the 
gospel,  is  to  unchristian  himself  again,  and  to  degenerate  into  a 
heathen.   "  Pour  out  thy  fury  upon  the  heathen  that  know 
thee  not,"  Jer.  x.  25.  Ignorance  makes  a  man  a  very  heathen. 
"  This  I  say  and  testify,"  saith  the  apostle,  "that  you  hence- 
forth walk  not  as  other  gentiles  walk,  in  the  vanity  of  their 
mind: — for  ye  have  not  so  learned  Christ,"  Eph.  iv.  17,  20. 
It  is  not   the  title,  nor  the  possession  which  maketh  a  man  a 
real  christian,  and  distinguisheth  him  from  other  heathen  men, 
but  the  learning  of  Christ  in  his  Spirit  and  gospel.    For  as  he 
who  was  only  outwardly,  and  in  the  flesh  a  jew,  might  be  un- 
circumcised  in  his  heart :  so  he  who  is  only  in  title  and  name 
a  christian,  may  be   a  heathen  in  his  heart ;  and   that  more 
fearfully  than  Sodom  and  Gomorrah,  or  Tyre  and  Sidon  ;  be- 
cause he  hath  put  from  himself  the  salvation   of  the  Lord, 


and  judged  himself  unworthy  of  eternal  life,   Rom.  ii.  28,  29  ; 
Col.  ii.  11;  Philip,  iii.  3. 

Lastly  ;  if  there  be  indeed  such  power  in  the  gospel,  we 
should  labour  to  bear  witness  unto  the  testimony  which  God 
giveth  of  his  word,  in  a  holy  conversation.  It  is  a  reproach 
cast  upon  the  ordinances  of  God  when  men  do  in  their  lives 
deny  that  virtue  which  God  testifieth  to  be  in  them.  Wicked 
men  are  said  to  crucify  Christ  again,  to  put  him  to  shame,  to 
make  God  a  liar  ;  not  that  these  things  can  so  really  be,  but 
because  men  in  their  evil  lives  carry  themselves,  as  if  indeed 
they  were  so.  And  in  this  sense  the  gospel  may  be  said  to 
be  weak  too,  because  the  pride  of  men  holds  out  against  the 
saving  power  thereof.  But  these  men  m.ust  know  that  the 
word  returneth  not  empty  unto  God,  but  accomplisheth  some 
work  or  other ;  either  it  ripeneth  weeds  or  corn.  There  is 
thunder  and  lightning  both  in  the  word;  if  the  one  break  not 
the  heart,  the  other  will  blast  it ;  if  it  be  not  humbled  by  the 
word,  it  will  certainly  be  withered,  and  made  fruitless.  Shall 
the  clay  boast  itself  against  the  fire,  because,  though  it  have 
power  to  melt  wax,  yet  it  hath  not  power  to  melt  clay  ?  Is  it  not 
one  and  the  same  power  which  hardeneth  the  one  and  which 
softeneth  the  other  ?  Is  not  the  word  a  sweet  savour  unto  God, 
as  well  in  those  that  perish,  as  in  those  that  are  saved  ?  Cer- 
tainly there  is  as  wonderful  a  power  in  adding  another  death 
to  him  who  was  dead  before,  (which  upon  the  matter  is  to 
kill  a  dead  man,)  as  in  multiplying  and  enlarging  life.  And 
the  gospel  is  to  those  that  perish  a  savour  of  death  unto  death  ; 
such  a  word  as  doth  cumulate  the  damnation  of  wicked  men, 
and  treasure  up  wrath  upon  wrath.  If  it  do  not  convert,  it 
will  certainly  harden ;  if  it  do  not  save,  it  will  undoubtedly 
judge  and  condemn.  The  Lord  doth  never  cast  away  his 
gospel ;  he  that  gave  charge  to  gathei*up  the  broken  meat  of 
loaves  and  fishes,  that  nothing  might  be  lost,  will  not  suffer 
any  crumb  of  his  spiritual  manna  to  come  to  nothing.  Yet 
we  find  the  Lord  giveth  a  charge  to  his  prophets  to  preach 
even  there  where  he  foretold  them  that  their  words  would 
not  be  heard.  "  Thou  shalt  speak  all  these  words  unto  them  ; 
but  they  will  not  hearken  to  thee  ;  thou  shalt  also  call  unto 
them,  but  they  will  not  answer  thee.  Son  of  man,  I  send 
thee  to  the  children  of  Israel,  to  a  rebellious  nation  :  they  are 
impudent  children  and  stiff-hearted.  Thou  shalt  speak  my 
words  unto  them,  whether  they  will  hear,  or  whether  they  will 
forbear,    for    they    are    most    rebellious.       They    will    not 


hearken  unto  thee,  for  they  will  not  hearken  unto  me  :  for 
all  the  house  of  Israel  are  impudent  and  hard-hearted,"  Jer. 
vii.  27;  Ezek.  ii.  3,4,  7;  iii.  7.  Certainly,  when  the  Lord 
taketh  pains  by  his  prophets  to  call  those  who  will  not  hear, 
he  doth  it  not  in  vain ;  they  shall  know  at  length  that 
a  prophet  hath  been  amongst  them.  Therefore,  as  the 
apostle  saith,  that  the  gospel  is  a  sweet  savour  even  "  in  those 
that  perish,"  2  Cor.  ii.  15;  so  we  find  that  those  messages 
which  have  contained  nothing  but  curses  against  an  obstinate 
people,  have  yet  been  as  honey  for  sweetness  in  the  mouth  of 
those  that  preached  them.  "  I  did  eat  the  roll,"  saith  the  pro- 
phet, "and  it  was  in  my  mouth  as  honey  for  sweetness  ;"  and 
yet  there  was  nothing  in  it  written  but  "  lamentations,  and 
mourning,  and  woe,"  Ezek.  iii.  2,  10.  Jeremiah  did  not  de- 
sire the  woeful  day,  but  did  heartily  say  Amen  to  the  false  pro- 
phets in  their  predictions  of  safety  ;  yet  in  regard  of  his  readv 
service  unto  God,  and  of  that  glory  which  God  would  work 
out  unto  himself  in  the  punishment  of  that  sinful  people,  the 
word  of  prophecy,  which  was  committed  unto  him,  was  the 
joy  and  rejoicing  of  his  heart ;  so  that  in  all  respects  the  gos- 
pel of  Christ  is  a  word  of  power,  and  therein  we  do  and  must 

We  observed  before,  that  this  rod  of  strength  is  both  the 
sceptre  of  Christ,  as  he  is  a  King,  and  his  pastoral  staff,  as  he 
is  a  Bishop.  It  denoteth  the  administration  of  Christ's  king- 
dom, which  consisteth  in  the  dispensing  of  his  gospel,  as  it  is 
a  word  of  majesty,  and  of  care.  So  then  here  are  (as  I  before 
observed)  two  observations  yet  remaining  to  be  noted  out  of 
these  words,  "  the  rod  of  thy  strength." 

II.  That  the  gospel  of  Christ,  accompanied  with  his  Spirit, 
is  a  word  of  great  glory  and  majesty.  For  we  must  ever 
make  these  concomitants,  "  We  preach  the  gospel,"  saith 
St.  Peter,  "  with  the  Holy  Ghost,  sent  down  from  heaven," 
1  Pet.  i.  12.  And  indeed  the  Spirit  is  peculiar  to  the  gospel, 
and  not  belonging  to  the  law  at  all,  if  we  consider  it  alone  by 
itself,  under  the  relation  of  a  distinct  covenant.  For  though 
as  itproceedeth  out  of  Sion,  that  is,  as  it  is  an  appendix  and 
addition  unto  the  gospel,  it  tends  unto  liberty,  and  so  cometh 
not  without  the  Spirit ;  yet  by  itself  alone  it  gendreth  no- 
thing but  bondage.  And  therefore,  when  the  apostle  showeth 
the  excellency  of  the  gospel  above  the  law,  he  caileth  the  one 
a  ministration  of  death  and  of  the  letter,  the  other  a  ministra- 
tion of  the  Spirit  and  life,  2  Cor.  iii.  6—8.      To  show,  that 



properly  the  Spirit  belongeth  unto  the  gospel  of  grace.  Now 
this  spiritual  gospel  of  Christ  is  the  sceptre  of  his  kingdom ; 
and  therefore  as  it  is  an  ensign  of  royalty,  it  importeth  glory 
and  majesty.  It  is  a  gospel  full  of  glory.  We  may  observe, 
that  the  very  typical  prefigurations  of  that  mercy,  which  is  the 
sole  business  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  are  in  the  Scriptures 
honoured  with  the  name  of  glory.  The  garments  of  the 
priests,  being  types  of  the  evangelical  righteousness  of  the 
saints,  were  made  for  glory  and  beauty.  The  tabernacle,  which 
was  ordained  for  an  evidence  and  seal  of  God's  evangelical 
presence  with  that  people,  is  called  by  the  prophet  David,  a 
tabernacle  of  honour,  Psa.  xxvi.  8  ;  the  place  which  God  did 
use  to  till  with  his  own  glory,  Exod.  xl.  34.  The  ark  of 
God,  which  was  nothing  else  but  the  gospel  under  vails  and 
shadows,  is  called  by  excellency  the  glory  of  Israel,  1  Sam.  iv. 
22 ;  which  is  the  attribute  of  Christ,  "  All  kings  shall  see  thy 
glory,"  Isa.  Ixii.  2.  The  temple  at  Jerusalem  was  the  place 
of  God's  rest ;  "  This  is  my  rest  for  ever ;  here  will  I  dwell. 
Arise,  O  Lord  God,  into  thy  rest ;  thou,  and  the  ark  of  thy 
strength,"  Psa.  cxxxii.  8,  14.  It  was  so  called,  to  note  the 
stability  of  God's  everlasting  covenant  in  Christ ;  it  was  not 
to  be  changed,  nor  to  be  repented  of ;  but  to  be  sure  and  fixed 
in  Christ  for  ever.  His  kingdom  is  a  kingdom  which  was 
not  to  be  shaken  ;  his  priesthood,  a  priesthood  which  was  not 
to  pass  away,  Heb.  vii.  24 ;  his  teaching  a  teaching  which  was 
to  continue  to  the  world's  end.  And  secondly,  to  note  the  de- 
light of  God  in  Christ,  and  in  the  mercy  which  through  him 
was  unto  the  world  revealed  ;  therein  the  Lord  rested  and  re- 
poseth  himself,  as  in  the  crown  and  accomplishment  of  all  his 
works.  And  this  temple  is  called  a  glorious  rest,  a  glorious 
high  throne,  a  house  of  glory,  of  beauty,  and  of  holiness,  Isa. 
xi.  10;  Jer.  xvii.  12;  Isa.  Ix.  7;  Ixiv.  II.  It  is  said,  at 
the  first  dedication  thereof,  that  the  glory  of  the  Lord  filled  it ; 
1  Kings  viii.  11.  It  was  not  the  gold  or  silver  (wherewith 
before  that  dedication  it  was  beautified)  wherein  the  glory 
thereof  did  consist,  but  in  the  evidence  of  God's  presence ; 
which  at  that  time  was  but  a  cloud,  whereas  the  true  glory 
thereof  himself  was  a  Sun,  as  the  prophet  calls  him,  Mai. 
iv.  2.  And  with  this  did  the  Lord  fill  the  second  temple,  which 
for  this  cause  is  said  to  have  been  more  glorious  than  the 
former,  though  in  the  magnificence  of  the  structure  far  inferior. 
Hag.  ii.  7,  9.  Now  then,  as  the  apostle,  in  a  case  of  just  a 
like  proportion,  useth  a  term  of  excess,  when  he  speaketh  of 


the  substance  in  comparison  of  the  type,  ("  If  the  blood  of  bulls 
and  of  goats  sanctify  to  the  purifying  of  the  flesh,  how  much 
more  shall  the  blood  of  Christ?"  Heb.  ix.  13,  14,)  so  may 
we  in  this  case  ;  if  the  types  of  evangelical  things  were  thus 
glorious,  how  much  more  glorious  must  the  gospel  itself  needs 
be  ?  And  therefore,  as  I  before  observed,  in  other  things,  so 
in  this  is  it  true  likewise,  that  Christ  and  his  gospel  have  the 
same  attribute  of  glory  frequently  given  unto  them.  Christ 
is  called  the  glory  of  the  Lord,  and  of  his  people  Israel,  Isa. 
xl.  5 ;  Luke  ii.  32.  And  the  gospel  a  gloribus  mystery,  a 
royal  law,  a  ministration  of  glory,  Col.  i.  27  ;  James  ii.  8 ; 
2  Cor.  iii.  8,  9 ;  nay  glory  itself,  for  so  I  understand  that  place 
of  the  apostle,  "  That  ye  would  walk  worthy  of  God,  who  hath 
called  you  unto  his  kingdom  and  glory,"  1  Thess.  ii.  12  ;  that 
is,  unto  the  knowledge  of  his  gospel ;  for  of  that  in  all  the 
antecedent  parts,  and  in  the  verse  immediately  following,  doth 
the  apostle  speak.  A  glory  which  draweth  the  study  and 
amazement  of  the  most  glorious  creatures  of  God  unto  it, 
1  Pet.  i.  12. 

To  consider  this  point  more  particularly,  the  glory  and 
majesty  of  the  gospel  of  Christ  appeareth  principally  in 
four  things :  in  the  Author  of  it ;  in  the  promulgation,  and 
publishing  of  it;  in  the  matter  which  it  contains;  and  in  the 
ends,  purposes,  or  uses,  for  which  it  serves. 

1.  In  the  Author  of  it :  many  things  of  small  worth  have 
yet  grown  famous  by  the  authors  of  them,  and  like  the  unpro- 
fitable children  of  renowned  progenitors,  hold  their  estimation 
and  nobility  from  the  parents  which  begat  them.  And  yet 
from  men  who  are  unclean,  there  will  ever  descend  some  un- 
cleanness  upon  the  works  which  they  do.  But  the  gospel  is 
therefore  indeed  a  glorious  gospel,  because  it  is  the  gospel  of 
the  blessed  God.  There  is  glory  in  all  the  works  of  God,  be- 
cause they  are  his  ;  for  it  is  impossible  that  so  great  a  workman 
should  ever  put  his  hand  to  an  ignoble  work.  And  therefore 
the  prophet  David  useth  his  glory  and  his  handiwork  promis- 
cuously for  the  same  thing  ;  "  The  heavens  declare  the  glory  of 
God,  and  the  firmam.ent  showeth  his  handy  work,"  Psa.  xix.  1  ; 
to  note,  that  there  is  an  evidence  of  glory  in  any  thing  which  he 
puts  his  hand  unto.  And  yet  the  prophet  there  showetli  tliat 
there  is  more  glory  in  the  law  of  his  mouth,  than  in  the  works  of 
his  hands.  The  Lord  is  better  known  by  Sion,  and  his  name 
greater  in  Israel,  than  in  all  the  world  besides  :  the  more  God 
doth  communicate  himself  unto  any  of  his  works,  the  more 



glorious  it  is.  Now,  there  is  nothing  wherein  God  hath  so 
much  put  himself,  wherein  he  may  be  so  fully  known,  com- 
municated with,  depended  upon,  and  praised,  as  in  his  gospel. 
This  is  a  glass  in  which  the  blessed  angels  do  see  and  admire 
that  unsearchable  riches  of  his  mercy  to  the  church,  which  they 
had  not  by  their  own  observation  found  out  from  the  immedi- 
ate view  of  his  glorious  presence.  In  the  creatures  we  have 
him  a  God  of  power  and  wisdom,  working  all  things  in  number, 
weight,  and  measure,  by  the  secret  vigour  of  his  providence 
upholding  that  being  which  he  gave  them,  and  ordering  them 
to  those  glorious  ends  for  which  he  gave  it.  In  the  law  we 
have  him  a  God  of  vengeance  and  of  recompense,  in  the  pub- 
lication thereof  threatening,  and  in  the  execution  thereof  in- 
flicting wrath  upon  those  that  transgress  it.  But  in  the  gos- 
pel we  have  him  a  God  of  bounty  and  endless  compassion, 
humbling  himself  that  he  might  be  merciful  to  his  enemies  ; 
that  he  might  himself  bear  the  punishments  of  those  injuries 
which  had  been  done  unto  himself ;  that  he  might  not  offer 
only,  but  beseech  his  own  prisoners  to  be  pardoned  and  recon- 
ciled again.  In  the  creature  he  is  a  God  above  us,  in  the  law 
he  is  a  God  against  us  :  only  in  the  gospel  he  is  Immanuel, 
a  God  with  us,  a  God  like  us,  a  God  for  us. 

There  is  nothing  doth  declare  God  so  much  to  be  God  as 
his  mercy  in  the  gospel.  He  is  invisible  in  himself,  we  can- 
not see  him  but  in  his  Son.  He  is  unapproachable  in  him- 
self, we  cannot  come  unto  him  but  by  the  Son.  Therefore., 
when  he  maketh  himself  known  in  his  glory  to  Moses  he 
sendeth  him  not  to  the  creation,  nor  to  mount  Sinai,  but  putteth 
him  into  a  rock,  (being  a  resemblance  of  Christ,)  and  then 
maketh  a  proclamation  of  the  gospel  unto  him.  Moses' 
prayer  was,  "  I  beseech  thee,  show  me  thy  glory,"  Exod. 
xxxiii.  18,19.  How  doth  the  Lord  grant  this  prayer?  ''  I 
will  make  all  my  goodness  to  pass  before  thee,"  and  then  re- 
vealeth  himself  unto  him  almost  all  by  mercy.  "  The  Lord, 
the  Lord  God,  merciful  and  gracious,  long  suffering,  and 
abundant  in  goodness  and  truth,  keeping  mercy  for  thousands, 
forgiving  iniquity,  and  transgression,  and  sin,"  Exod.  xxxiv.6, 
7 ;  to  note  unto  us,  that  the  glory  of  God  is  in  nothing  so  much 
revealed  as  in  his  goodness.  "  Who  is  a  God  like  unto  thee, 
that  pardoneth  iniquity,  and  passeth  by  the  transgression  of 
the  remnant  of  his  heritage?"  Mic.  vii.  18. 

Besides,  though  the  law  be  indeed  from  God,  as  from  the 
author  of  it,  so  that  in  that  respect  there  may  seem  to  be  no 


difFerence  of  excellency  between  that  and  the  gospel ;  vet  we 
must  observe,  that  by  the  remainders  of  creation,  though  God 
should  not  have  revealed  his  law  again  unto  Moses  in  the 
mount,  much  of  the  law,  and  by  consequence  of  God  himself, 
might  have  been  discovered  by  human  industry,  as  we  see  by 
notable  examples  of  the  philosophers  and  grave  heathens. 
But  the  gospel  is  such  a  mystery  as  was  for  ever  hidden  from 
the  reach  and  very  suspicion  of  nature,  and  wholly  of  Divine 
revelation  :  "  Eye  hath  not  seen,  nor  ear  heard,  neither  have 
entered  into  the  heart  of  man,  the  things  which  God  hath  pre- 
pared for  them  that  love  him."Rom.  xvi.  25.  The  apostle  speak- 
eth  of  the  mystery  of  the  gospel,  1  Cor.  ii.  9,  noteth  that  it  is 
above  the  observation,  or  learning,  or  comprehension  of  nature, 
so  much  as  to  suspect  it ;  nay  the  natural  inquiry  of  the  angels 
themselves  could  never  have  discovered  it ;  even  unto  them  it  is 
"  made  known  by  the  church,"  Eph.  iii.  9,  10  ;  that  is,  if  it  had 
not  been  for  the  church's  sake  that  God  would  reveal  so  glo- 
rious a  mystery,  the  angels  in  heaven  must  have  been  for  ever 
ignorant  of  it.  So  extremely  desperate  was  the  fall  of  man, 
that  it  required  the  infinite  and  unsearchable  wisdom  of 
God  himself  to  find  out  a  remedy  against  it.  If  the  Lord 
had  proceeded  thus  far  in  mercy  towards  man,  and  no  further, 
thou  wouldst  be  a  wretched  creature,  and  I  a  righteous  God ; 
yea,  so  heavy  is  my  wrath,  and  so  woful  thy  condition,  that  I 
cannot  choose  but  take  compassion  upon  thee  ;  and  tlierefore  I 
will  put  the  matter  into  thine  own  hands  :  requisite  it  is  that 
my  pity  towards  thee  should  not  swallow  up  the  respects  to 
mine  own  justice  and  honour,  that  my  mercy  should  be  a 
righteous  and  a  wise  mercy.  Consult,  therefore,  together  all 
ye  children  of  men,  and  invent  away  to  reconcile  my  justice 
and  mercy  to  one  another ;  set  me  in  a  course  to  show  you 
mercy,  without  parting  from  mine  own  right,  and  denying  the 
righteous  demands  of  mine  offended  justice,  and  I  will  pro- 
mise you  to  observe  it.  I  say,  if  the  mercy  of  the  Lord 
had  confined  itself  within  these  bounds,  and  referred  tiie  me- 
thod of  our  redemption  unto  human  discovery,  we  sliould  for 
ever  have  continued  in  a  desperate  state,  everlastingly  unable 
to  conceive,  or  so  much  as  in  fancy  to  frame  unto  ourselves  a 
way  of  escape.  As  the  creatures  before  their  being  could 
have  no  thought  ©motion  of  their  being  brought  out  of  that 
nothing  which  they  were  before ;  so  fallen  man  could  not 
have  the  smallest  conjecture  or  suspicion  of  any  feasible  way 
to  deliver  himself  out  of  that  misery  into  which  he  fell.     If  all 


the  learning  in  the  world  were  gathered  into  one  man,  and 
that  man  were  to  employ  all  his  time  and  study  to  frame  unto 
himself  the  notions  of  a  sixth,  or  seventh  sense,  which  yet  are 
as  expressly  fashioned  amongst  those  infinite  ideas  of  God's 
power  and  omniscience,  as  these  five  which  are  already  cre- 
ated, he  would  be  as  totally  ignorant  of  the  conclusion  he  sought 
at  last  as  he  was  at  first.  For  all  human  knowledge  of  natural 
things  is  wrought  by  a  reflection  upon  those  phantasms  or 
ideas,  which  are  impressions  made  from  those  senses  we 
already  use,  and  are  indeed  nothing  else  but  a  kind  of  notional 
existence  of  things  in  the  memory  of  men  wrought  by  an  ex- 
ternal and  sensible  perception  of  that  real  existence  which  they 
have  in  themselves.  And  yet  in  this  case  a  sixth  or  a  seventh 
sense  would  agree  in  the  nearest  kind,  and  so  have  some  kind 
of  relation  with  those  we  already  enjoy.  But  a  new  covenant, 
a  new  life,  a  new  faith,  a  new  salvation  are  things  entirely 
beyond  the  strain  and  sphere  of  nature.  That  two  should 
become  one,  and  yet  remain  two  still,  as  God  and  man  do 
in  one  Christ ;  that  He  who  maketh  should  be  one  with  the 
thing  which  himself  hath  made ;  that  He  v/ho  is  above  all 
should  humble  himself ;  that  He  who  filleth  all  should  empty 
himself ;  that  He  w^ho  blesseth  all  should  be  himself  a  curse ; 
that  He  who  ruleth  all  should  be  himself  a  servant ;  that  He 
who  was  the  Prince  of  life,  and  by  whom  all  things  in  the 
world  do  consist,  should  himself  be  dissolved  and  die  ;  that 
mercy  and  justice  should  meet  together,  and  kiss  each  other ; 
that  the  debt  should  be  paid,  and  yet  pardoned ;  that  the 
fault  should  be  punished,  and  yet  remitted ;  that  death,  like 
Samson's  lion,  should  have  life  and  sweetness  in  it,  and  be 
used  as  an  instrument  to  destroy  itself;  these  and  the  like 
evangelical  truths  are  mysteries  which  surpass  the  reach  of  all 
the  princes  of  learning  in  the  world.  It  is  to  be  believed  by  a 
spiritual  light,  which  was  not  so  much  as  possible  to  a  human 
reason.  We  may  observe  that  every  Person  in  the  Trinity  set- 
teth  himself  to  teach  the  mystery  of  the  gospel.  The  Father 
reveaieth  it  unto  men  ;  "  Flesh  and  blood  hath  not  revealed  it 
unto  thee,  but  my  Father  which  is  in  heaven,"  Matt.  xvi.  17. 
"  It  is  written  in  the  prophets,  And  they  shall  be  all  taught  of 
God.  Every  man  therefore  that  hath  heard,  and  hath  learn- 
ed of  the  Father,  cometh  unto  me,"  John  vi.  43.  The  Son 
likewise  teacheth  it  unto  men,  therefore  he  is  called  the  An- 
gel of  God's  covenant  and  counsel ;  that  is,  the  revealer  thereof, 
because  unto  the  world  he  made  known  that  deep  project  of 


his  Father's  counsel  touching  the  restoring  of  mankind.  "  No 
man   hath  seen   God  at  any  time ;  the  only  begotten   Son 
which  is  in  the  bosom  of  the  Father,  he  hath  declared  him," 
Johni.  18.     He  only  it  is  who  openeth  the  bosom  of  his  Fa- 
ther; that  is,  whorevealeth  the  secret  and  mysterious  counsels, 
and  the  tender  and  compassionate  affections  (for  the  bosom  is 
the  seat  of  secrets  of  love)  of  his  Father  unto  the  world.    And 
therefore  he  is  said  to  be  a  "  Teacher  come  from  God,"  John 
iii.  2  ;  and  to  be  the  Lord  which  speaketh  from  heaven  in  the 
ministry  of  his  gospel,  Heb.  xii.  25  ;  and  the  doctrine  which 
he  teacheth  is  called  a  "  heavenly  doctrine,"  John  iii.  12,  and  a 
"  heavenly  calling,"  Heb.  iii.  1,  and  a  "  high  calling,"  Phil.  iii. 
14 ;  and  oft  by  the  apostle  to  Hebrews,  "  heavenly  things,"  Heb. 
viii.  5,  9,  23 ;  to  note  that  they  are  not  of  a  natural  or  earthly 
condition,  and  therefore  not  within  the  comprehension  of  an 
earthly  understanding.     It  is  a  "wisdom  that  is  from  above," 
James  iii.  17.  The  Holy  Ghost  likewise  is  a  revealer  of  the  gos- 
pel unto  the  faithful.      He  was  sent  that  he  might  convince  the 
world  not  only  of  sin,  but  of  righteousness  and  judgment  too, 
which  are  evangelical  things,  John  xvi.  8 — 11.     The  Spirit 
searcheth  all  things,  the  deep  things  of  God,  1  Cor.  ii.  10 — 
12;  that  is,  his  unsearchable  love,  wisdom,  and  counsel  in  the 
gospel.     Therefore  the  gospel  is  called  "  the  law  of  the  Spirit 
of  life,"  Rom.  viii.  2;  and  the  "  ministration  of  the   Spirit," 
2  Cor.  iii.  8 ;  and  the   "  revelation  of  the   Spirit,"  Eph.  i. 
17  ;  and  "  no  man  can  say  that  Jesus  is  the  Lord,  but  by  the 
Holy  Ghost,"  1  Cor.  xii.  3 ;  that  is,  though  men  may  out  of 
external  conformity  to  the  discipline  and   profession  under 
which  they  live,  with  their  mouths  acknowledge  him  to  be  the 
Lord ;  yet  their  hearts  will  never  tremble,  nor  willingly  sub- 
mit themselves   to  his  obedience  ;  their  conscience  will  never 
set  its  seal  to  the  spiritual  power  of  Christ  over  the  tlioughts, 
desires,  and  secrets  of  the  soul,  but  by  the  over-ruling  direction 
of  the   Holy    Ghost.     Nature  taught  the   pharisees  to  call 
him  Beelzebub,  and  Samaritan,  Matt.  xii.  24  ;  John  viii.  48  ; 
but  it  is  the  Spirit  only  which  teacheth  men  to  acknowledge 
him  a  Lord.     Christ  is  not  the  power  nor  the  wisdom  of  God 
to  any,  but  to  those  who  are  called,  1  Cor.  i.  24 ;  that  is,  to 
those  unto  whose  consciences  the  Spirit  witnesseth  the  right- 
eousness which  is  to  be  found  in  him.     So  then  tlie  publica- 
tion  of  the   gospel  belongeth  unto  men,  but  the   etfectual 
teaching  and  revelation  thereof  unto  the  soul,  is  the  joint  work 
of  the  Holy  Trinity,  opening  the  heart  to  attend,  and  persuad- 


ing  the  heart  to  believe  the  gospel,  as  a  thing  worthy  of  all 
acceptation.  Thus  the  gospel  is  a  glorious  thing  in  regard  of 
the  original  and  Author  of  it. 

From  whence  we  may  infer,  that  whatever  men  think  of  the 
ministry  and  dispensation  of  the  word,  yet  undoubtedly  the 
neglect  and  scorn  which  are  shown  to  it,  is  done  unto  Christ  him- 
self, and  that  in  his  glory :  he  that  receiveth  not  his  word, 
rejecteth  his  person,  John  xii.  48,  and  the  sin  of  a  man 
against  the  words  which  we  speak  in  the  name  and  authority 
of  Christ,  and  in  the  dispensation  of  that  office  wherewith  he 
hath  entrusted  us,  is  the  same  with  the  sins  of  those  men  who 
despised  him  in  his  own  person.  You  will  say,  Christ  is  in 
heaven  ;  how  can  any  injuries  of  ours  reach  unto  him  ?  Surely 
though  he  be  in  heaven,  (which  is  now  the  court  of  his  royal 
residence,)  yet  he  hath  to  do  upon  earth,  as  one  of  the  chief 
territories  of  his  dominion,  and  in  the  ministry  of  his  word 
he  speaketh  from  heaven  still.  He  it  was  who  by  his  am- 
bassador St.  Paul  came  and  preached  peace  to  the  Ephesians, 
who  were  afar  off.  His  Spirit  it  was  who  in  the  prophets 
did  testify  of  his  sufferings  and  glory,  Eph.  ii.  17  ;  1  Pet. 
i.  11.  He  it  was  who  gave  manifest  proof  of  his  own  power, 
speaking  in  his  apostles.  He  then  who  refuseth  to  obey 
the  words  of  a  minister  in  the  execution  of  his  office, 
when  he  forewarneth  him  of  the  wrath  to  come,  and 
doth  not  discern  the  Lord's  voice  therein,  but  in  despite  of 
this  ministerial  citation  unto  the  tribunal  of  Christ,  will 
still  persist  in  the  way  of  his  own  heart,  and  as  he  hath 
been,  soresolveth  to  continue,  a  swearing,  blasphemous,  luxu- 
rious, proud,  revengeful,  and  riotous  person,  thinking  it  base- 
ness to  mourn  for  sin,  and  unnecessary  strictness  to  humble 
himself  to  walk  with  God  ;  and  yet  because  all  men  else  do 
so,  will  profess  his  faith  in  the  Lord  Jesus  ;  that  man  is  a 
notorious  liar ;  yea,  (as  the  apostle  speaketh,)  he  maketh  God 
a  liar  too,  1  John  v.  10,  in  not  believing  the  record  which  he 
giveth  of  his  Son,  which  is  that  he  should  wash  away  the  filth, 
and  purge  out  the  blood  of  his  people  with  a  spirit  of  judg- 
ment, and  a  spirit  of  burning,  Isa.  iv.  4 :  that  he  should  "  sit 
as  a  refiner  and  purifier  of  silver,  purging  the  sons  of  Levi, 
that  they  might  offer  unto  the  Lord  an  ottering  in  righteous- 
ness," Mai.  ]ii.  3.  He  walketh  contrary  to  that  covenant  of 
mercy  which  he  professeth  to  lay  hold  on  :  for  this  is  one  of 
the  great  promises  of  the  covenant,  "  I  will  sprinkle  clean 
water  upon  you,  and  you  shall  be  clean ;  from  all  your  hlthiness, 


and  fiom  all  your  idols  will  I  cleanse  you.  I  will  put  my  Spirit 
within  you,  and  cause  you  to  walk  in  my  statutes,"  Ezek.  xxxvi. 
25,  27 .  He  vvalketh  contrary  to  the  quality  of  that  fear  of  God, 
which  yet  he  professeth  to  feel  as  well  as  others :  for  the  fear 
of  the  Lord  is  a  clean  things  Psa.  xix.  9.  He  vvalketh  con- 
trary to  the  virtue  of  that  blood,  with  which  notwithstanding 
he  professeth  to  be  sprinkled :  for  the  blood  of  Christ  cleans- 
eth  not  only  the  lives,  but  the  very  consciences  of  men  from 
dead  works,  Heb.  ix.  14 ;  that  is,  makes  the>n  so  inwardly 
labour  for  purity  of  heart,  as  that  they  may  not  be  conscious 
to  themselves  of  any,  though  the  most  secret  allowed  sin.  He 
walketh  contrary  to  the  fruitfulness  of  that  grace  which  alone 
he  professeth  to  boast  in  :  for  the  Spirit  of  grace  which  is 
poured  from  on  high,  maketh  the  very  wilderness  a  fruitful 
field,  Isa.  xxxii.  15.  He  walketh  contrary  to  the  properties 
of  that  faith,  by  which  alone  he  hopeth  to  be  saved  :  for  true 
faith  purifieth  the  heart ;  and  therefore  a  pure  heart  and  a 
good  conscience  are  the  inseparable  companions  of  an  un- 
feigned faith.  And  therefore  whatever  verbal  and  ceremoni- 
ous homage  he  may  tender  unto  Christ,  yet  in  good  earnest 
he  is  ashamed  of  him,  and  dares  not  prefer  the  yoke  of  Christ 
before  the  lusts  of  the  world,  or  the  reproaches  of  Christ  be- 
fore the  treasures  of  the  world. 

Why  should  it  be  treason  to  kill  a  judge  in  his  ministry  on 
the  bench?  or  esteemed  an  injury  to  the  state,  to  do  any  in- 
dignity to  the  ambassador  of  a  great  prince  ?  but  because  in 
such  relations  they  are  persons  public  and  representative. 
Surely,  the  case  is  the  same  between  Christ  and  his  ministers  in 
their  holy  function.  And,  therefore,  we  find  the  expressions  pro- 
miscuous: sometimes,  "the  gospel  of  Christ,"  and  sometimes, 
"  my  gospel ;"  sometimes,  "the  preaching  of  Jesus  Christ ;"  and 
sometimes,  "  my  preaching  ;"  in  the  virtue  of  which  co-opera- 
tion and  co-partnership  with  Christ  and  with  God,  as  he  sav- 
eth,  so  we  save  ;  as  he  forgiveth  sins,  so  we  forgive  them  ;  as 
he  judgeth  wicked  men,  so  we  judge  them;  as  lie  bescechcth, 
so  we  also  beseech,  saith  the  apostle,  that  you  be  reconciled, 
and  receive  not  the  grace  of  God  in  vain,  2  Cor.  v.  20 ; 
vi.  1.  We,  by  his  grace,  and  he,  by  our  ministry.  He  there- 
fore that  despiseth  any  conviction  out  of  the  book  of  God, 
(and  he  that  obeyeth  not,  doth  despise,  for  the  Lord  calleth 
disobedience  rebellion,  stubbornness,  and  a  rejecting  of  his 
word,  1  Sara.  xv.  22,  23  ;)  he  that  persisteth  in  any  known 
sin,  or  in  the  constant  omission  of  any  evident  duty,  figliteth 
o  5 


against  Christ  himself,  throweth  away  his  own  mercy,  stoppeth 
his  ears  at  the  entreaties  of  the  Lord,  and  committeth  a 
sin  directly  against  heaven.  And  if  he  so  persist,  God  will 
make  him  know  that  there  is  flaming  fire  prepared  for  those 
that  obey  not  the  gospel  of  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,  2  Thess.  i.  8. 
Therefore,  whensoever  we  come  unto  the  word  read  or 
preached,  we  should  come  with  an  expectation  to  hear  Christ 
himself  speaking  from  heaven  unto  us,  and  bring  such  affec- 
tions of  submission  and  obedience  as  becometh  his  presence. 
"  Let  him  that  hath  an  ear  hear  what  the  Spirit  saith  unto 
the  churches.  I  will  hear  what  God  the  Lord  will  speak : 
for  he  will  speak  peace  unto  his  people,"  Rev.  ii.  7  ;  Psa. 
Ixxxv.  8.  Christ's  sheep  discern  his  voice  in  the  dispensation 
of  the  gospel,  and  will  not  know  the  voice  of  strangers,  John 
X.  4,  5.  And  this  was  the  honour  of  the  Thessalonians  and 
the  men  of  Berea,  that  in  the  preaching  of  the  word  they  set 
themselves  as  in  God's  presence,  expecting  it  in  his  authority, 
and  receiving  it  in  his  name,  Acts  xvii.  11  ;  1  Thess.  ii.  13. 
Dareth  any  man  to  rush  with  a  naked  weapon  into  the  pre- 
sence of  his  prince,  and  with  scorn  to  throw  back  his  own 
personal  commands  into  his  face  again  ?  And  shall  we  dare  to 
come  armed  with  high  thoughts,  and  proud  reasonings,  and 
stubborn  resolutions  against  the  majesty  of  the  Lord  himself 
who  speaketh  from  heaven  unto  us  ?  "  Receive  with  meek- 
ness,'' saith  the  apostle,  "  the  engrafted  word,  which  is  ahle 
to  save  your  souls,"  Jam.  i.  21.  The  word  doth  not  mingle, 
nor  incorporate,  and,  by  consequence,  doth  not  change  nor 
save  the  soul,  but  when  it  is  received  with  meekness ;  that  is, 
when  a  man  cometh  with  a  resolution  to  lay  down  his  weapons, 
to  fall  down  on  his  face,  and  give  glory  to  God ;  he  that  is 
swift  to  wrath,  that  is,  to  set  up  stout  and  fretful  affections 
against  the  purity  and  power  of  the  word,  to  snuff  against  it, 
and  to  fall  backward  like  pettish  children  which  will  not  be 
led,  will  be  very  slow  to  hear  or  to  obey  it ;  "  for  the  wrath 
of  man  worketh  not  the  righteousness  of  God,''  Jam.  i.  19,  20, 
A  proud  hearer  will  be  an  unprofitable  liver.  Ever  therefore 
come  unto  the  word  with  this  conclusion,  It  may  be  this  day 
will  God  strike  me  in  my  master  vein ;  I  am  an  usual  pro- 
faner  of  his  glorious  name ;  a  name  which  I  should  fear  for 
the  greatness,  and  love  for  the  goodness,  and  adore  for  the 
holiness  of  it ;  he  will  peradventure  lay  close  to  my  conscience 
that  guilt  which  himself  hath  declared  to  be  in  this  great  sin, 
that  whatsoever  is  more  then  yea  and  nay  is  sin  unto  me,  and 


whatsoever  Is  sin  is  hell  to  my  soul.  I  am  a  vain  person,  a 
companion  of  loose  and  riotous  men ;  it  may  be  the  Lord 
will  urge  upon  my  conscience  the  charge  of  his  own  word, 
not  to  company  with  fornicators,  to  have  no  fellowship 
with  the  unfruitful  works  of  darkness,  not  to  follow  a  multi- 
tude to  do  evil,  and  that  though  hand  join  in  hand,  yet  sin 
shall  not  go  unpunished.  I  am  unprofitable,  loose  and  rot- 
ten in  my  discourse,  and  he  will  ply  me  with  his  own  au- 
thority, that  for  every  idle  word  I  must  render  an  account.  I 
am  full  of  oppression  and  unjust  gain,  and  the  Lord  will  now 
urge  the  instructions  of  Nehemiah,  and  the  restitution  of 
Zaccheus  upon  me,  Neh.  v.  11,  12;  Luke  xix.  8.  In 
these,  or  any  other  the  like  cases,  if  a  man  can  come  with  St. 
Paul's  temper  of  heart,  not  to  consult  with  flesh  and  blood, 
but,  "  Lord,  what  wilt  thou  have  me  to  do  ?  "  Acts  ix.  6  ;  or 
with  the  answer  of  Samuel,  "  Speak,  Lord,  for  thy  servant 
heareth,"  1  Sam.  iii.  10  ;  or  with  the  resolution  of  Cornelius, 
"  I  am  here  present  before  God  to  hear  all  things  that  shall  be 
commanded  of  God,''  Acts  x.  33.  I  am  come  with  a  purpose 
of  heart  to  cleave  unto  thy  holy  will  in  all  things.  Here  I  am  in 
my  sins,  strike  where  thou  wilt,  cut  off  which  of  mine  earthly 
members  thou  wilt,  I  will  not  harm  it,  I  will  not  extenuate  it,  I 
will  not  dispute  with  thee,  I  will  not  rebel  against  thee,  I  will 
second  thee  in  it,  I  will  praise  thee  for  it : — this  is  to  give  God 
the  glory  of  his  own  gospel.  It  is  not  to  part  from  a  little  money 
towards  the  maintenance  of  the  word,  or  to  vouchsafe  a  little 
countenance  to  the  dispensers  of  it,  (and  yet  alas,  how  few 
are  there  who  repay  unto  the  ministers  of  the  gospel  that 
double  honour  which  God,  and  not  they,  hath  given  unto 
them  !)  but  to  part  from  our  lusts,  and  to  suffer  our  old  man 
to  be  crucified,  which  giveth  honour  to  the  word.  If  a  man 
had  thousands  of  rams,  and  ten  thousand  rivers  of  oil,  and 
would  be  content  to  part  from  them  all  for  God's  worship  : 
if  a  man  had  children  enough,  and  in  a  famine  of  the  word, 
would  buy  every  sermon  which  he  heareth  with  the  sacrifice 
of  a  son  :  yet  all  this  would  not  give  glory  enough  to  the  or- 
dinance of  God,  Micah  vi.  6, 10.  Men  naturally  love  their 
lusts,  the  issue  of  their  evil  hearts,  better  then  their  lands  or 
the  children  of  their  body.  If  Herod's  son  stand  m  the  way 
of  his  ambitious  security,  it  were  better  to  be  his  hog  than  his 
child.  The  loss  of  catde,  and  fruits,  and  water,  and  light, 
and  the  first-born  of  all  the  land,  was  not  enough  to  make 
Pharaoh  let  go  his  sin,  he  will  once  more  rush  into  the  midst 


of  a  wonderful  deliverance  of  Israel,  and  venture  his  own  and 
his  people's  lives,  for  but  the  bondage  of  his  enemies,  and 
the  satisfaction  of  his  lust.  To  do  justly  then,  to  love  mercy, 
and  to  walk  humbly  before  God,  to  acknowledge  his  name  in 
the  voice  of  the  minister,  and  to  put  away  the  treasures  of 
wickedness  out  of  our  hands,  this  only  is  to  give  God  the 
glory  which  is  due  unto  his  word. 

2.  The  gospel  is  glorious  in  the  promulgation  and  publish- 
ing of  it  unto  the  world.  And  this  may  appear  whether  we 
consider  the  initial  promulgation  in  Christ's  own  personal 
preaching ;  or  the  plenary  revelation  thereof  in  the  sending  of 
the  Holy  Ghost  to  those  selected  vessels  who  w^ere  to  carry 
abroad  this  treasure  unto  all  the  world.  For  the  former  we 
may  note,  that  there  was  a  resemblance  of  state  and  glory  ob- 
served in  the  preaching  of  Christ.  A  forerunner  sent  to  pre- 
pare his  way,  and  to  bear  his  sword  before  him,  as  a  herald  to 
proclaim  his  approach,  and  then  at  last  is  revealed  the  glory  of 
the  Lord,  Mal.iii,  1.  And  thus  we  may  observe,  how  he  sent 
his  harbingers  before  his  face  into  every  city  and  place  whi- 
ther he  himself  would  come,  Luke  x.  1  ;  that  so  men  might 
prepare  themselves,  and  lift  up  their  everlasting  gates  that 
the  Prince  of  glory  should  enter  in.  When  one  poor  ordi- 
nary man  intendeth  to  visit  another,  there  is  no  state  nor  dis- 
tance, no  ceremonies  nor  solemnities  observed ;  but  when  a 
prince  will  communicate  himself  unto  any  place,  there  is 
a  publication,  and  officers  sent  abroad  to  give  notice  thereof, 
that  meet  entertainments  may  be  provided.  So  doth  Christ 
deal  with  men  ;  he  knoweth  how  unprepared  we  are  to  give 
him  a  welcome,  how  foul  our  hearts,  how  barren  our  con- 
sciences, and  therefore  he  sendeth  his  officers  before  his  face 
with  his  own  provision,  his  graces  of  humiliation,  repentance, 
desire,  love,  hope,  joy,  hungering  and  thirsting  after  his  ap- 
pearance ;  and  then  when  he  is  esteemed  worthy  of  all  accep- 
tation, he  cometh  himself. 

Look  upon  the  more  consummate  publication  of  the  gos- 
pel, (for  Christ  in  his  own  personal  preaching  is  said  but  to 
have  begun  to  teach,)  and  we  shall  see  that  as  princes  in  the 
time  of  their  solemn  inauguration  do  some  special  acts  of 
magnificence  and  honour,  open  prisons,  proclaim  pardons, 
create  nobles,  stamp  coin,  fill  conduits  with  wine,  distribute 
donatives  and  congiaries  to  the  people :  so  Christ,  to  testify 
the  glory  of  his  gospel,  did  reserve  the  full  publication  there- 
of unto  the  day  of  his  installation,  and  solemn  readmission 


Into  his  Father's  glory  again.  When  he  ascended  up  on  high, 
he  led  captivity  captive,  and  gave  gifts  unto  men,  namelv, 
the  Holy  Ghost,  who  is  called  the  gift  of  God,  Acts  ii.  38 ; 
viii.  20;  John  iv.  10;  and  in  the  plural  number  gifts :  as  else- 
where he  is  called  "  seven  spirits,"  Rev.  i.  4 ;  to  note,  the  plenty 
and  variety  of  graces  which  are  by  him  shed  abroad  upon  the 
church.  Wisdom,  and  faith,  and  knowledge,  and  healings,  and 
prophecy,  and  discerning,  and  miracles,  and  tongues,  "  all 
these  worketh  that  one  and  the  self-same  Spirit,  dividing  to 
every  man  severally  as  he  will,"  1  Cor.  xii.  8,  11.  And  these 
gifts  were  all  shed  abroad  for  evangelical  purposes,  "  for  the  per- 
fecting of  the  saints,  for  the  work  of  the  ministry,  and  for  the 
edifying  of  the  body  of  Christ."  And  this  Spirit,  St.  Peter 
telleth  us,  is  "  a  Spirit  of  glory, "  1  Pet.  iv.  14;  and  there- 
fore, that  gospel,  for  the  more  plentiful  promulgation  whereof 
he  was  shed  abroad,  must  needs  be  a  gospel  of  glory  too. 

And  this  further  appears,  because  in  this  more  solemn  publi- 
cation of  the  gospel,  there  was  much  more  abundance  of  glorious 
light  and  grace  shed  abroad  into  the  world.  The  Sun  of 
righteousness,  in  his  state  of  humiliation,  was  much  eclipsed 
with  the  similitude  of  sinful  flesh,  the  communion  of  our 
common  infirmities,  the  poverty  of  a  low  condition,  the  grief 
and  vexation  of  the  sins  of  men,  the  overshadowing  of  his 
Divine  nature,  the  form  and  entertainment  of  a  servant,  the 
burden  of  the  guilt  of  sin,  the  burden  of  the  law  of  God,  the 
ignominy  of  a  base  death,  the  agony  of  a  cursed  death.  But 
when  he  ascended  up  on  high,  like  the  sun  in  its  glory,  he 
then  dispelled  all  these  mists,  and  now  sendeth  forth  those 
glorious  beams  of  his  gospel  and  Spirit,  which  are  the  two 
wings,  by  which  he  cometh  unto  the  churches,  and  under 
which  the  healing  and  salvation  of  the  world  are  treasured. 
John  Baptist  was  the  last  and  greatest  of  all  the  prophets  who 
foretold  of  Christ ;  a  greater  had  not  been  born  of  women  ;  and 
yet  he  was  less  than  the  least  in  the  kingdom  of  heaven  ;  that 
IS,  than  the  least  of  those  upon  whom  the  promise  of  the 
Spirit  was  shed  abroad,  for  the  more  glorious  manifestation  of 
the  kingdom  of  his  gospel.  All  the  prophets  and  the  law 
prophesied  until  John;  but  at  the  coming  of  Christ  they 
seemed  to  be  taken  away,  not  by  way  of  abrogation  and  ex- 
tinguishment, as  the  ceremonies,  but  by  way  of  excess  and 
excellency.  "  As  the  stars  disappear  at  the  rising  of  the  sun," 
as  the  orator  speaks :  so  saith  the  apostle,  "  Even  that  which 
was  made  glorious,  had  no  glory  in  this  respect,  by  reaso"  ' " 


the  glory  that  excelleth,"  2  Cor.  iii.  10.  Therefore,  the  full 
revelation  of  the  gospel  is  called  an  effusion  of  the  Spirit,  Tit. 
iii.  6  ;  not  in  dew,  but  in  showers  of  rain,  which  multiply  into 
rivers  of  living  water,  (for  the  rain  of  the  Spirit  fioweth  from 
heaven  as  from  a  spring,)  and  into  wells  of  salvation,  and  into 
a  sea  of  knowledge.  Which  attributes  note  unto  us  two 
things :  the  abundance  of  spiritual  grace  and  knowledge  by 
the  gospel,  it  should  be  a  river ;  and  the  growth  and  increase 
thereof,  it  should  be  living  water,  multiplying  and  swelling 
up  like  the  waters  of  the  sanctuary,  till  it  came  to  a  bottom- 
less and  unmeasurable  sea  of  eternal  life.  And  to  touch  that 
which  was  before  spoken  of,  very  glorious  are  the  virtues  of 
the  Spirit  in  the  gospel,  intimated  in  this  similitude  of  living 
water,  Isa.  xxxiii.  14;  John  iv.  10;  Ezek.  xlvii.  12;  Zech. 
xii.  10.  To  quench  the  wrath  of  God,  that  otherwise  con- 
suming and  unextinguishable  fury,  which  devoured  the  adver- 
saries with  everlasting  burnings.  To  satisfy  those  desires  of 
the  thirsty  soul  which  itself  begetteth ;  for  the  Spirit  is  both 
for  medicine  and  for  meat :  for  medicine,  to  cure  the  dull  and 
averse  appetites  of  the  soul ;  and  for  meat,  to  satisfy  them. 
The  Spirit  is  both  a  Spirit  of  supplication,  and  a  Spirit  of 
grace,  or  satisfaction  :  a  Spirit  of  supplication,  directing  us  to 
pray ;  and  a  Spirit  of  grace,  supplying  those  requests,  and  sa- 
tisfying those  desires  which  himself  did  dictate.  To  cleanse, 
to  purify,  to  mollify,  to  take  away  the  barrenness  of  our  natural 
hearts.  To  overflow  and  communicate  itself  to  others.  To 
withstand  and  subdue  every  obstacle  that  is  set  up  against  it. 
To  continue  and  to  multiply  to  the  end,  Ezek.  xxxvi.  25 ; 
Isa.  XXXV.  6,  7;  Ezek.xi.  19;  Mai.  iii.  16;  Gal.  vi.  1,  2; 
V.  17  ;  Phil.  i.  27. 

By  this  then  we  learn  the  way  how  to  abound  in  grace  and 
and  how  to  be  transformed  into  the  image  of  Christ, 
'he  beam  and  light  of  the  sun  is  the  medium  of  the  heat  and 
influence  of  the  sun  ;  so  the  light  of  the  gospel  of  Christ  is 
that  which  conveyeth  the  virtue  and  gracious  working  of  the 
Spirit  upon  the  soul.  And,  therefore,  we  are  to  seek  those  va- 
rieties of  grace,  which  are  for  meat  to  satisfy  the  desires,  and 
for  medicine  to  cure  the  bruises  of  the  soul,  only  upon  the 
banks  of  the  waters  of  the  sanctuary ;  that  is,  in  the  knowledge 
ofthe  word  of  truth,  which  is  the  gospel  of  salvation.  The 
more  of  this  glorious  light  a  man  hath,  the  more  proportion  of 
all  other  graces  will  he  have  too.  And,  therefore,  the  apostle 
puts  the  growth  of  these   two  together,  as   contributing   a 


mutual  succour  unto  one  another ;  "  Grow  in  grace,  and  in  the 
knowledge  of  our  Lord  and  Saviour  Jesus  Christ,"  2  Pet.  iii. 
18.  Your  grace  will  enlarge  your  desires  of  knowledge,  and 
your  knowledge  will  multiply  your  degrees  of  grace.  And 
St.  Paul  makes  the  knowledge  of  the  will  of  God  in  wisdom, 
and  after  a  spiritual  manner,  to  be  the  ground  of  fruitf  alness  in 
every  good  work,  and  that  again  an  inducement  to  increase  in 
knowledge.  Col.  i.  9,  10 ;  as  in  the  twisting  together  of  two 
cords  into  one  rope,  they  are  by  art  so  ordered,  that  either 
shall  bind  and  hold  in  the  other.  As  in  the  heavens  the  in- 
ferior orbs  have  the  measure  and  proportion  of  their  general 
motion  from  the  supreme,  so  in  the  motions  of  grace  in  the 
soul,  the  proportion  of  all  the  rest  ariseth  from  the  measure  of 
our  spiritual  and  saving  light.  The  more  distinctly  and 
thoroughly  the  spirit  of  a  man's  mind  is  convinced  of  the  ne- 
cessity, beauty,  and  gloriousness  of  heavenly  things,  the  more 
strong  impressions  thereof  will  be  made  upon  all  subordinate 
faculties  ;  for  we  move  towards  nothing  without  preceding  ap- 
prehensions of  its  goodness,  which  apprehensions,  as  they 
more  seriously  penetrate  into  the  true  and  intimate  worth  of 
that  thing,  so  are  the  motions  of  the  soul  thereunto  propor- 
tionably  strengthened.  Thus  the  apostle  telleth  us,  that  the 
excellency  of  the  knowledge  of  Christ  was  that  which  made 
him  so  earnest  to  win  him ;  the  knowledge  of  the  power  of  his  re- 
surrection, and  fellowship  of  his  sufferings  was  that  which  made 
him  reach  forth,  and  press  forward  unto  the  mark  and  price  of 
that  high  calling  which  was  before  him,  Phil.  iii.  8,  10,  14. 
3.  The  glory  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  with  his  Spirit,  may 
be  considered  in  regard  of  the  matters  which  are  therein  con- 
tained, namely  the  glory,  the  excellency,  the  treasure  of  God 
himself.  "  We  all,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  with  open  face  be- 
hold as  in  a  glass"  (that  is,  in  the  spiritual  ministration  of 
the  gospel,  having  the  veil  of  carnal  stupidity  taken  away  by 
the  Spirit)  "the  glory  of  the  Lord,"  2  Cor.  iii.  18.  What 
glory  do  we  here  behold,  but  that  which  a  glass  is  able  to  re- 
present ?  Now,  nothing  can  be  seen  in  a  glass  but  the  image 
of  that  thing  which  sheddeth  forth  its  species  thereupon  ;  and 
therefore  he  immediately  addeth,  "  We  are  changed  into  the 
same  image  from  glory  to  glory."  And  he  elsewhere  putteth 
these  two  together,  "  Man  is  the  image  and  the  glory  of  God,  " 
1  Cor.  xi.  7  ;  for  nothing  can  have  any  thing  of  God  in  it, 
any  resemblance  or  form  of  him,  but  so  far  it  must  needs  be 
glorious.     But  how    do  we  in  the  gospel   see   the  image  of 


God,  who  is  invisible  ?  The  apostle  expresseth  that  else- 
where, "  God  who  commanded  the  light  to  shine  out  of  dark- 
ness, hath  shined  in  our  hearts,  to  give  the  light  of  the  know- 
ledge of  the  glory  of  God  in  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ,"  2  Cor. 
iv.  4 — 6.  Christ  is  the  image  and  express  character  of  his 
Father's  glory,  as  the  impression  in  the  wax  is  of  the  form 
and  fashion  of  the  seal ;  there  is  no  excellency  in  God  which 
is  not  completely,  adequately,  and  distinctly  in  Christ ;  so 
that  in  that  glass  wherein  we  may  see  him,  we  may  likewise 
see  the  glory  of  the  Father.  Now,  the  gospel  is  the  face  of 
Jesus  Christ ;  that  which  as  lively  setteth  forth  his  grace  and 
Spirit  to  the  soul,  as  if  he  were  present  in  the  flesh  amongst 
us.  Suppose  that  a  glass  could  retain  a  permanent  and  un- 
vanishing  species  of  a  man's  face  within  it,  though  he  himself 
were  absent,  might  we  not  truly  say  this  glass  is  the  face  of 
that  man,  whose  image  it  so  constantly  retaineth  ?  So,  inas- 
much as  Christ  is  most  exactly  represented  in  his  gospel,  it  is 
therefore  justly  by  the  apostle  called  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ ; 
and,  therefore,  the  glass  wherein  we  see  the  image  and  glory  of 
God.  As  it  is  the  same  light  which  shineth  from  the  sun  upon 
a  glass,  and  from  a  glass  upon  a  wall,  so  it  is  the  same  glory 
which  shineth  from  the  Father  upon  the  Son,  and  from  the 
Son  upon  the  gospel ;  so  that,  in  the  gospel,  we  see  the  un- 
searchable treasures  of  God,  because  his  treasures  are  in  his 
Son:  therefore  that  which  is  usually  called  preaching  the 
gospel,  Rom.  xv.  19;  1  Cor.  xv.  1,  is  in  other  places  called 
preaching  the  kingdom,  and  the  riches  of  Christ,  Acts  xx.  25 ; 
Eph.  iii.  8,  to  note,  the  glory  of  those  things  which  are  in 
the  gospel  revealed  unto  the  church. 

It  containeth  the  glory  of  God's  wisdom,  and  that  wisdom  is  a 
manifold  and  various  wisdom,  as  the  apostle  speaketh,  who  there- 
fore calleth  Christ  and  his  gospel  by  the  name  of  wisdom :  "We 
preach  Christ  crucified ;  unto  them  which  are  called  the  power  of 
God,  and  the  wisdom  of  God,"  and,  '*  We  speak  wisdom  amongst 
them  that  are  perfect,"  Eph.  iii.  10  ;  1  Cor.  i.  24  ;  ii.  6,  7  : 
wisdom  to  reconcile  his  own  attributes  of  mercy  and  truth, 
righteousness  and  peace,  which  by  the  fall  of  man  seemed  to 
be  at  variance  among  themselves ;  wisdom  in  reconciling  the 
world  of  obstinate  and  rebellious  enemies  unto  himself ;  wis- 
dom in  sanctifying  the  whole  creation  by  the  blood  of  the  cross, 
and  repairing  those  ruins  which  the  sin  of  man  had  caused; 
wisdom  in  incorporating  Christ  and  his  church,  things  in 
their  own  distinct  natures  as  unapt  for  mixture  as  fire  and 


water  in  their  remotest  degrees ;  wisdom  in  uniting  the  jew.s 
and  gentiles,  and  reducing  their  former  jealousies  and  disafFec- 
tions  into  an  intimate  fellowship  in  the  same  common  mys- 
teries :  in  one  word,  wisdom  above  the  admiration  of  the 
blessed  angels,  in  finding  out  a  way  to  give  greater  satisfaction 
to  his  offended  justice,  by  showing  mercy  and  saving  sinners, 
than  he  could  ever  have  received  by  either  the  confusion  or 
annihilation  of  them.  It  containeth  the  glory  of  God's  good- 
ness and  mercy,  of  that  goodwill  towards  men,  which  brought 
glory  to  God,  and  to  the  earth  peace ;  for  the  gospel  is,  as  it 
were,  a  love-token  or  commendatory  epistle  of  the  Lord  unto 
his  church.  God  left  not  himself  without  witnesses  of  his 
care,  and  evidences  of  some  love,  even  to  those  whom  he  suf- 
fered to  walk  in  their  own  ways  without  any  knowledge  of  his 
gospel.  He  did  them  good  ;  he  gave  them  rain  from  heaven  and 
fruitful  seasons ;  so  even  they  had  experience  of  some  of  his 
goodness,  as  the  goodness  of  his  providence ;  for  he  is  the  Saviour 
of  all  men  ;  but  the  gospel  containeth  all  God's  goodness,  as 
a  heap  and  miscellany  of  universal  mercy.  "  I  will  make  all 
my  goodness  pass  before  thee,  and  I  will  proclaim  the  name 
of  the  Lord  before  thee  ;  and  will  be  gracious  to  whom  I  will 
be  gracious,  and  I  will  show  mercy  on  whom  I  will  show 
mercy."  God's  special  and  gracious  mercy,  the  mercy  of  his 
promises  in  Christ,  doth  convey  unto  the  soul  an  interest  in 
all  his-goodness  ;  nay,  it  maketh  all  things  good  unto  us,  so 
that  we  may  call  them  ours,  as  gifts  and  legacies  from  Christ. 
He  hath  given  to  us  all  things  that  pertain  to  life  and  godli- 
ness, 2  Pet.  i.  3,  4,  the  world,  and  life,  and  death,  and  things 
present,  and  things  to  come  :  "  all  are  yours,''  saith  the  apos- 
tle, 1  Cor.  iii.  22.  Death  itself  and  persecutions  are  amongst 
the  legacies  of  Christ  unto  the  church,  and  a  portion  of  all 
that  goodness  with  which  in  the  gospel  she  is  endowed.  It 
contains  the  glory  of  God's  power  and  strength  ;  for  it  is  the 
"  power  of  God  unto  salvation,"  as  hath  been  declared.  It 
containeth  the  glory  of  God's  grace.  The  grace  of  his  favour 
towards  us,  and  the  grace  of  his  Spirit  in  us.  "  The  law  was 
given  by  Moses,  but  grace  and  truth  came  by  Jesus  Christ," 
John  i.  17 ;  that  is,  favour,  instead  of  God's  fury  ;  and  strength, 
instead  of  man's  infirmity ;  for  because  man  was  unable  to  ful- 
fil the  law,  therefore  the  law  came  with  wrath  and  curses  against 
man  ;  but  in  the  gospel  of  Christ  there  is  abundance,  even  a 
whole  kingdom  of  grace ;  (the  apostle  saith,  that  by  Jesus 
Christ  grace  reigned,  Rom.  v.  21  ;)   there  is  grace  to  remove 


the  curse  of  the  law,  by  God's  favour  towards  us  ;  (so  that 
on  all  sides  the  law  is  weak,  unable,  by  reason  of  man's  sin, 
to  save  ;  and  unable,  by  reason  of  God's  favour,  to  condemn :) 
and  there  is  grace  to  remove  the  weakness  of  man  by  God's 
Spirit  in  us  ;  for  though  our  own  spirit  lusts  unto  envy,  or 
sets  itself  proudly  against  the  law  of  God,  yet  "  he  giveth 
more  grace ;'  that  is,  strength  enough  to  overcome  the  counter- 
lustings  of  the  flesh  against  his  will,  and  to  enable  us  in  sin- 
cerity and  evangelical  perfection  to  fulfil  the  commands  of 
the  law.  Lastly ;  it  containeth,  in  some  sort,  the  glory  of 
God's  heavenly  kingdom,  in  that  therein  are  let  in  the  glimpses 
and  first-fruits,  the  seals  and  assurances  thereof  unto  the  soul 
by  the  promises,  testimonies,  and  comforts  of  the  Spirit. 
And  therefore  it  is  frequently  called  the  gospel  of  the  king- 
dom, and  the  mysteries  of  the  kingdom  of  God,  Mark  i.  14 ; 
Luke  viii.  10 ;  namely,  that  kingdom  which  beginneth  here, 
but  shall  never  end.  As  if  a  man  born  in  Ireland  be  after- 
ward transplanted  into  England,  though  he  change  his  coun- 
try, he  doth  not  change  his  king,  or  his  law,  but  is  still  under 
the  same  government :  so  when  a  christian  is  translated  from 
earth  to  heaven,  he  is  still  in  the  same  kingdom :  in  heaven  it  is  the 
kingdomi  of  glory  ;  (mended  much  by  the  different  excellency  of 
the  place  and  preferment  of  the  person  ;)  inearth  it  is  the  same 
kingdom,  though  in  a  less  pleasant  and  comfortable  climate, 
the  kingdom  of  the  gospel.  These  and  many  other  the  like 
things  are  the  glorious  matters  which  the  gospel  containeth. 

Here  then  we  see  how  and  wherein  we  are  to  look  upon 
God,  so  that  we  may  receive  his  glory,  and  be  comforted 
by  it ;  we  must  not  look  upon  him  in  his  own  immediate 
brightness  and  essence,  nor  by  our  impertinent  curiosities  pry 
into  the  secrets  of  his  unrevealed  glory,  for  he  is  a  consuming 
jfire,  an  invisible  and  unapproachable  light.  We  may  see  his 
back-parts  in  the  proclaiming  of  his  mercy ;  and  we  may  see 
the  horns  or  bright  beams  of  his  hands,  in  the  publishing  of 
his  law  ;  but  yet  all  this  was  under  a  cloud,  or  under  the 
hiding  of  his  power  :  his  face  no  man  can  see  and  live.  We 
must  not  look  upon  him  only  in  ourselves.  Though  we 
might  at  first  have  seen  him  in  our  own  nature,  for  we  were 
created  after  his  image  in  righteousness  and  true  holiness  ;  yet 
now  that  image  is  utterly  obliterated,  and  we  have  by  nature 
the  image  only  of  Satan  and  the  old  Adam  in  us.  We  must 
not  look  upon  him  only  in  mount  Sinai,  in  his  law,  lest  the  fire 
devour  us,  and  the  dart   strike  us  through ;   we  can  find 


nothing  of  him  there  but  rigour,  inexorableness,  wrath,  and 
vengeance.  But  we  must  acquaint  ourselves  with  him  in  his 
Son,  we  must  know  him  and  whom  he  hath  sent  together. 
There  is  no  fellowship  with  the  Father,  except  it  be  with  the 
Son  too,  John  xvii.  3 ;  1  John  i.  3.  We  may  have  the  know- 
ledge of  his  hand,  that  is,  of  his  works  and  of  his  punishments, 
without  Christ ;  but  we  cannot  have  the  knowledge  of  his 
bosom,  that  is  of  his  counsels  and  of  his  compassions ;  nor 
the  knowledge  of  his  image,  that  is  of  his  hoHness,  grace  and 
righteousness  ;  nor  the  knowledge  of  his  presence,  that  is  of 
his  comforts  here  and  his  glory  hereafter,  but  only  in  and  by 
Christ.  We  may  know  God  in  the  world,  for  in  the  creation 
that  which  may  be  known  of  him  is  manifest ;  namely,  his 
eternal  power  and  Godhead :  but  this  is  a  barren  and  fruit- 
less knowledge,  which  will  not  keep  down  unrighteousness ; 
for  the  wise  men  of  the  world  when  they  knew  God,  they  glori- 
fied him  not  as  God,  but  became  vain  in  their  imaginations, 
and  held  that  truth  of  him  which  was  in  the  creation  revealed,  in 
unrighteousness.  We  may  know  him  in  his  law  too,  and  that  in 
exceeding  great  glory  when  "  God  came  from  Teman,  and  the 
Holy  One  from  mount  Paran"  (whereabout  the  law  was  the  se- 
cond time  repeated  by  Moses)  "  his  glory  covered  the  heavens, 
and  the  earth  was  full  of  his  praise.  And  his  brightness  was  as 
the  light,"  Habak.  iii.  3,  4.  But  this  is  a  killing  knowledge, 
a  knowledge  which  makes  us  fly  from  God,  and  hide  ourselves 
out  of  his  presence,  and  fight  against  him  as  our  sorest  ene- 
my, and  come  short  of  his  glory ;  therefore  the  law  is  called 
"  a  fiery  law,"  or  a  fire  of  law  ;  to  show  not  only  the  original 
thereof,  for  it  was  spoken  out  of  the  midst  of  the  fire,  Deut. 
xxxiii.  2 ;  v.  22,  but  the  nature  and  operation  of  it  too, 
which  of  itself  is  to  heap  fire  and  curses  upon  the  soul ;  and 
therefore  it  is  called  "  the  ministration  of  death,"  2  Cor.  lii. 
7.  But  now,  to  know  the  glory  of  God  in  the  face  of  Jesus 
Christ,  is  both  a  fruitful  and  a  comfortable  knowledge :  we  know 
the  pattern  we  must  walk  by,  we  know  the  life  we  must  live  by, 
we  know  the  treasure  we  must  be  supplied  by,  we  know 
whom  we  have  beUeved,  we  know  whom  we  may  be  bold  with 
in  all  straits  and  distresses ;  we  know  God  in  Christ  full  of  love, 
full  of  compassion,  full  of  cars  to  hear  us,  full  of  eyes  to 
watch  over  us,  full  of  hands  to  fight  for  us,  full  of  tongues  to 
commune  with  us,  full  of  power  to  preserve  us,  f  ul  of  grace  to 
transform  us,  full  of  fidelity  to  keep  covenant  with  us,  fu  of 
wisdom  to  conduct  us,  full  of  redemption   to  save  us,  lull  ol 


glory  to  reward  us.  Let  us,  therefore,  put  ourselves  into  this 
rock,  that  God's  goodness  may  pass  before  us,  that  he  may 
communicate  the  mysteries  of  his  kingdom  and  of  his  glory 
unto  us,  that  by  him  our  persons  may  be  accepted,  our  prayers 
admitted,  our  services  regarded,  our  acquaintance  and  fellow- 
ship with  the  Lord  increased  by  that  blessed  Spirit  which  is 
from  them  both  shed  abroad  in  the  gospel  upon  us. 

4.  Now  lastly,  the  gospel  of  Christ  is  glorious  in  those 
ends,  effects,  or  purposes  for  which  it  serveth  :  and  in  this 
respect  principally  doth  the  apostle  so  often  magnify  the  glory 
of  the  gospel  above  the  law.  The  law  was  a  glorious  minis- 
try, as  appears  by  the  thunderings  and  lightnings,  the  shin- 
ing of  Moses'  face,  and  trembling  at  God's  presence,  the 
service  of  the  angels,  and  sound  of  the  trumpet,  the  ascending 
of  the  smoke,  and  the  quaking  of  the  mountain  ;  but  yet  still 
the  glory  of  the  gospel  was  far  more  excellent,  a  better  cove- 
nant, a  more  excellent  ministry,  Heb.  viii.  6.  The  law  had 
weakness  and  unprofitableness  in  it,  (both  terms  of  diminution 
from  the  glory  thereof,)  and  therefore  it  "  could  make  nothing 
perfect,"  Heb.  vii.  18,  19  ;  but  that  which  the  law  could  not 
do,  inasmuch  as  it  was  weak  through  the  flesh,  "  the  law  of 
the  spirit  of  life  in  Christ  Jesus"  (which  is  a  periphrasis  of 
the  gospel,  as  appeareth,  2  Cor.  iii.  6,)  did  do  for  us,  namely, 
make  us  free  from  the  law  of  sin  and  death,  Rom.  viii.  2.  So 
then  the  law  was  glorious,  but  the  gospel  in  many  respects 
did  excel  in  glory,  2  Cor.  iii.  10. 

To  take  a  more  particular  view  of  the  spiritual  glory  of  the 
gospel  of  Christ  in  those  excellent  ends  and  purposes  for  which 
it  serveth  ; 

(1.)  It  is  full  of  light,  to  inform,  to  comfort,  to  guide 
those  who  sit  in  darkness  and  the  shadow  of  death,  into 
the  way  of  peace.  Light  was  the  first  of  all  the  creatures 
which  were  made,  and  the  apostle  magnifieth  it  for  a  glorious 
thing  in  those  other  luminaries  which  were  after  created, 
1  Cor.  XV.  41.  How  much  more  glorious  was  the  light  of  the 
gospel !  The  apostle  calleth  it  "  a  marvellous  light,"  1  Pet. 
ii.  9 ;  and  therefore  the  kingdom  of  the  gospel  is  expressed 
by  light  and  glory  together,  as  terms  of  a  promiscuous  signi' 
fication,  Isa.  Ix.  1 — 3.  Of  all  other  learning,  the  knowledge 
of  the  gospel  doth  infinitely  excel  in  worth,  both  in  regard  of 
the  object  thereof,  which  is  God  manifested  in  the  flesh,  and 
in  regard  of  the  end  thereof,  which  is  flesh  reconciled,  and 
brought  unto  God.     A  knowledge  which  passeth  knowledge. 

THE    GLORY    OF    THE    GOSPEL.  141 

a  knowledge  which  bringeth  fuhiess  with  it,  even  all  the  fulness 
of  God  ;  a  knowledge  so  excellent,  that  all  other  human  excel- 
lences are  but  dross  in  comparison  of  it.  What  angel  in  hea- 
ven would  trouble  himself  to  busy  his  noble  thoughts  (which 
have  the  glorious  presence  of  God  and  the  joys  of  heaven  to 
fill  them)  with  metaphysical,  or  mathematical,  or  philological 
contemplations,  which  yet  are  the  highest  delicacies  that 
human  reason  doth  fasten  on  to  delight  in  ?  And  yet  we  find 
the  angels  in  heaven,  with  much  greediness  of  speculation, 
stoop  down,  and,  as  it  were,  turn  away  their  eyes  from  that  in- 
expressible glory  which  is  before  them  in  heaven,  to  gaze  upon 
the  wonderful  light  and  bottomless  mysteries  of  the  gos- 
pel of  Christ.  In  all  other  learning  a  devil  in  hell  (the  most 
cursed  of  all  creatures)  doth  wonderfully  surpass  the  greatest 
proficients  amongst  men  ;  but  in  the  learning  of  the  gospel, 
and  in  the  spiritual  revelations  and  evidences  of  the  benefits  of 
Christ  to  the  soul  from  thence,  there  is  a  knowledge  which 
surpasseth  the  comprehension  of  any  angel  of  darkness ;  for 
it  is  the  Spirit  of  God  only  which  knoweth  the  things  of  God. 
Though,  therefore,  it  were  to  the  Jews  an  offence,  as  contrary 
to  the  honour  of  their  law,  and  to  the  Greeks  foolishness,  as 
contrary  to  the  pride  of  their  reason,  yet  to  those  that  were 
perfect  it  was  an  hidden  and  mysterious  wisdom,  able  to  con- 
vince the  gainsayers,  to  convert  sinners,  to  comfort  mourners, 
to  give  wisdom  to  the  simple,  and  to  guide  a  man  in  all  his 
ways  with  spiritual  prudence ;  for,  whatever  the  prejudice  of 
the  world  may  be,  there  is  no  man  a  wiser  man,  nor  more  able 
to  bring  about  those  ends  which  his  heart  is  justly  set  upon, 
than  he  who,  being  acquainted  with  God  in  Christ  by  the  gos- 
pel, hath  the  Father  of  wisdom,  the  Treasurer  of  wisdom,  the 
Spirit  of  wisdom,  and  the  law  of  wisdom  to  furnish  liim  there- 
withal. It  is  not  for  want  of  sufficiency  in  the  gospel,  but  for 
want  of  more  intimate  acquaintance  and  knowledge  thereof  in 
us,  that  the  children  of  this  world  are  more  wise  in  their  ge- 
neration than  the  children  of  light. 

(2.)  Another  glorious  end  and  effect  of  the  gospel  is,  to  be 
a  ministration  of  righteousness,  a  publication  of  pardon  to 
the  world,  and  that  so  general,  that  there  is  not  one  exception 
therein  of  any  other  sin  than  only  of  the  contempt  of  the  par- 
don itself.  And  in  this  respect  likewise  the  gospel  exceeds  in 
glory.  "  If  the  ministration  of  condemnation,"  saith  the 
apostle,  "  be  glory,  much  more  doth  the  ministration  of  right- 
eousness exceed  in  glory,"  2  Cor.  iii.  9.     It  is  the  glory  of  a 


man  to  pass  by  an  offence,  and  the  Lord  proclaimeth  his  glory 
to  Moses,  in  that  he  would  forgive  iniquity,  transgression,  and 
sin,  Exod.  xxxiv.  7  ;  that  is,  multitudes  of  sins,  and  sins  of 
all  degrees.  And  thus  the  Lord  magnifies  his  mercy  and 
thoughts  towards  sinners,  above  all  the  ways  and  thoughts  of 
men,  even  as  the  heavens  are  higher  than  the  earth,  because 
he  can  "abundantly  pardon,''  or  multiply  forgivenesses,  upon 
those  who  forsake  their  ways,  and  turn  to  him,  Isa.  Iv.  7 — 9  ; 
and  therefore  justifying  faith,  whereby  we  rely  upon  the  power 
of  God  to  forgive  and  subdue  our  sins,  is  said  to  give  glory  to 
God.  Abraham  "  staggered  not  at  the  promise  of  God 
through  unbelief,  but  was  strong  in  faith,  giving  glory  to  God," 
Rom.  iv.  20,  21  ;  namely,  the  glory  of  his  power  and  fidelity. 
"  Ye  shall  not  bring  this  congregation  into  the  land  which  I 
have  given  them,"  saith  the  Lord  to  Moses  and  Aaron,  "  be- 
cause ye  believed  me  not,  to  sanctify  me  in  the  eyes  of  the 
children  of  Israel,"  Numb.  xx.  12  ;  that  is,  to  give  me  the 
glory  of  my  power  and  truth,  (for  to  sanctify  the  Lord  of 
hosts,  signifies  to  glorify  his  power  by  fearing  him  more 
than  men,  and  by  relying  on  him  against  the  power  and  con- 
federacies of  men,  Isa.  viii.  12,  13.)  And,  therefore,  in  the 
same  argument,  touching  the  happiness  of  the  saints,  if  they 
suffer  for  righteousness'  sake,  or  be  reproached  for  the  name 
of  Christ,  St.  Peter  useth  in  one  place  "sanctifying  of  the  Lord 
in  our  hearts,"  and  in  another  "  glorifying  of  him,"  as  terms  equi- 
valent, I  Pet.  iii.  14,  15 ;  iv.  14.  And,  therefore,  unbeHef 
is  said  to  make  God  a  liar,  1  John  v.  10  ;  that  is,  to  dishonour 
him,  and  to  rob  him  of  the  glory  of  his  truth  ;  and  despair  to  rob 
God  of  his  mercy,  and  to  make  the  guilt  of  sin  greater  than 
the  power  of  God.  And,  therefore,  murmurers  and  unbelievers 
are  said  to  speak  against  God,  and  to  grieve  him,  to  tempt,  to 
limit  him,  Psa.  Ixxviii.  18,  19  ;  xl.  41  ;  that  is,  to  call  in 
question  the  glory  of  his  power  and  truth.  Herein  then  con- 
sisteth  another  glorious  effect  of  the  gospel  of  Christ,  that, 
being  a  ministration  of  righteousness,  it  is  a  glass  which  exhi- 
bits that  power,  truth,  mercy,  and  fidelity  of  God,  which  by 
faith  we  rest  upon  for  the  forgiveness  and  subduing  of  sin. 

(3.)  Another  glorious  end  of  the  gospel  is  to  be  a  minis- 
tration and  a  law  of  life.  "  If  the  ministration  of  death,"  saith 
the  apostle,  "  were  glorious,  how  shall  not  the  ministration  of 
the  Spirit  be  rather  glorious?"  2  Cor.  iii.  7,  8.  The  law 
alone,  by  itself,  is  towards  sinners  but  a  dead  letter ;  only  the 
rule  according  unto  which  a   man  ought  to  walk,  not  any 


principle  enabling  him  to  walk.  If  Moses  alone  should 
speak  unto  men,  he  could  only  tell  them  what  they  ought  to 
do,  he  could  in  no  wise  enable  them  to  do  it :  nay,  further,  the 
law  hath  occasionally,  from  the  sin  of  man,  a  malignant  pro- 
perty in  it,  to  irritate  and  exasperate  lust  the  more,  to  beget 
an  occasional  rage  and  fierceness  in  our  nature;  as  the  sun 
shining  on  a  dunghill  exhaleth  noisome  vapours,  and  maketh 
it  the  more  offensive.  But  now  the  gospel,  by  the  Spirit, 
doth  not  only  teach,  but  help  also  ;  showeth  us  what  we  should 
do,  and  giveth  us  strength  to  do  it.  We  do  not  only  therein 
see  the  glory  of  God,  but  are  withal  "changed  into  the  same 
image,  even  from  glory  to  glory,"  that  is,  (as  I  conceive  from 
that  allusion  to  a  glass,)  the  glory  of  the  Lord  shining  upon 
the  gospel,  and  from  the  gospel  shining  upon  our  hearts,  doth 
change  them  into  the  image  of  the  same  glory  ;  even  as  the 
glory  of  the  sun  shining  upon  a  glass,  and  from  that  glass  re- 
flecting on  a  wall,  doth  therein  produce  a  more  extraordinary 
image  of  its  own  light ;  so  that  the  apostle's  "  from  glory  to 
glory,''  is  the  same  with  the  poet's  "  to  behold  as  in  a  glass  ;" 
from  the  glory  of  the  gospel,  which  is  one  glass  of  God's 
image,  there  is  shaped  the  same  glory  in  the  heart,  which  is 
another  glass  of  his  image.  This  is  that  which  the  apostle 
calleth  the  forming  of  Christ  in  the  soul,  and  the  planting  of 
it  into  the  likeness  of  his  death  and  resurrection. 

(4.)  It  is  a  glorious  gospel  in  the  judicature  thereof.  The 
Spirit  in  the  gospel  doth  convince  not  of  righteousness  only, 
but  of  judgment  too,  John  xvi.  11  ;  that  is,  the  Spirit  shall 
erect  a  throne  in  the  hearts  of  men  ;  shall  pull  down  the 
prince  of  this  world,  and  dispossess  him  ;  shall  enable  men's 
own  hearts  to  proceed  like  upright  judges  with  truth  and  witli 
victory  (which  are  two  of  the  principal  honours  of  judgment) 
against  their  own  lusts,  to  censure,  to  condemn,  to  crucify 
them,  though  before  they  were  as  dear  as  their  own  members  ; 
and  to  judge  and  revenge  themselves.  "  Ephraim  shall  say, 
What  have  I  to  do  any  more  with  idols .''"  Hosea  xiv.  8.  "  In 
that  day,"  saith  the  Lord,  "  every  man  shall  cast  away  liis 
idols  of  silver,  and  his  idols  of  gold,  which  your  own  hands 
have  made  unto  you  for  a  sm,"  Isa.  xxxi.  7.  "  I  have  surely 
heardEphraim  bemoaning  himself  thus :  After  that  I  was  turned, 
I  repented  ;  and  after  that  I  was  instructed,  I  smote  upon  my 
thigh,"  Jer.  xxxi.  18,  19.  Thus  the  government  of  the 
gospel  in  the  heart  makes  a  man  severe  to  sentence  every  sm, 
to  hang  up  his  Haman,  his  favourite  lusts,  to  give  up  himself 


to  the  obedience  of  Christ,  and  to  have  his  conversation,  his 
trading,  his  treasure,  his  privileges,  his  freedom,  his  fellow- 
ship m  heaven,  as  being  now  constituted  under  the  gracious 
and  peaceable  government  of  an  heavenly  Prince. 

(3.)  It  is  a  glorious  gospel,  in  that  it  was  to  be  a  continu- 
ing ministration,  and  an  immortal  seed.     "  If  that  which  was 
done  away,"  saith   the   apostle,  "  was  glorious,  much  more 
that  which  remaineth  is  glorious,"  2  Cor.  iii.  11.     Now,  the 
gospel  is  able  to  preserve  a  man  blameless  unto  the  coming 
of  our  Lord  Jesus  ;  it  will  not  suffer  a  man  to  be  shaken  nor 
overturned  by  all  the  powers  of  darkness ;  there  is  strength 
enough  in  it  to  repel,  and  wisdom  to  answer,  all  the  tempta- 
tions and  assaults  of  the    enemies  of  our  salvation.     If  the 
world  set  upon  us  with  any  temptations  on  the  right  hand,  or 
on    the   left,  with    disgraces,    persecutions,    discomforts,  re- 
proachings,  such  as,   Lo,  this  was  the  man  who  made  God 
his  help,  and  would  needs  be  more  excellent  than  his  neigh- 
bours ;  the  gospel  furnisheth  us  with  sure  promises  and  sure 
mercies.     This  is  answer  sufficient  against  all  the  discourage- 
ments of  the  world,  "  I  know  whom  I  have  believed ;"  I  know 
that  he  hath  overcome  the  world,  "  and  am  persuaded  that 
He  is  able  to  keep  that  which   I  have  committed  unto  him 
against  that  day,"  2  Tim.  i.  12  ;  and,  in  the  mean  time,  the 
world  is  crucified  unto  me,  and  I  unto  the  world ;  that  is,  we 
are  at  an  equal  point  of  distance  and  defiance  ;  the  world  con- 
temns me,  and  I  am  as  careless  of  the  world.  If  with  pleasures, 
honours,  and  gilded  baits  to  draw  us  away  from  God,  faith 
in  the  gospel  easily  overcometh  the  world ;  for  it  giveth  both 
the  promises  and  first  iruits  of  such  treasures  as  are  infinitely 
more  precious  and  weighty  than  all  the  world  can  afford ;  the 
very  reproaches  of  Christ  (how  much  more  his  promises  !  how 
infinitely  more  his  performances  at  the  last !)   are  far  greater 
riches  then  the  treasures  of  Egypt.     The  daily  sacrifice  of  a 
godly  life,  and  the  daily  feast  of  a  quiet  concience,  put  more 
sweetness  into  the  afflictions  of  Christ,  than  is  in  all  the  pro- 
fits, pleasures,  or  preferments  of  the  world,  being  made  bitter 
with  the  guilt  of  sin.     If  Satan  or  our  own  reasonings  stand 
up  against  the  kingdom  of  Christ  in  us,  the  gospel  is  a  store- 
house which  can  furnish  us  with  armoury  of  all  sorts  to  repel 
them.      Faith  can  quench   fiery  darts ;  the  weapons   of  the 
Spirit  can  captivate  the  very  thoughts  of  the  heart  unto  the  obe- 
dience of  Christ.  "  No  weapon  that  is  formed  against  thee  shall 
prosper;  and  every  tongue    that    shall  rise  against  thee   in 


judgment,  thou  shall  condemn,"  Isa.  Hv.  17,  is  a  staff  which 
can  carry  a  man  over  any  Jordan,  and  can  support  and  com- 
fort him  in  any  shadow  of  death.     This  is  the  honour  of  the 
word,  that  it  doth  not  only  sanctify  men,  but  preserve  their 
holiness  in  them.     If  it  were  not  for  the  treasure  of  the  word 
in  the  heart,  every  Httle  thing  would  easily  turn  a  man  out  of 
his  way,  and  make  him  revolt  from  Christ  again.    How  easily 
would  afflictions  make  us  mistrust  God's  affection  to  us,  and 
so  change  ours  unto  him,  (for  this  is  certain,   his  love  to  us 
is  the  original  of  our  love  to  him ;)  make  us  murmur,   repine, 
struggle,  fret  under  his  hand,  if  in  the  gospel  we  did  not  look 
upon  them  as  the  gentle  corrections  of  a  Father  who  loves  us, 
as  the  pruning  and  harrowing  of  our  souls,  that  they  may 
bring  forth  more  fruit  I  "  Unless  thy  law  had  been  my  delight, 
I  should  then  have  perished  in  mine  affliction,"  Psa.  cxix.  92. 
My  affliction  would  have  destroyed  me,  and  made  me  perish 
from  the  right  way,  if  it  had  not  been  tempered  and  sanctified 
by  thy  word.     It  wrought  so  with  that  wicked  king  of  Israel ; 
"  Behold,  this  evil  is  of  the  Lord,  what  should  I  wait  for  the 
Lord  any  longer  ?"  2  Kings  vi.  33.     What  profit  is  there  to 
walk  humbly  before  him,  or  to  afflict  ourselves  before  him, 
who  will  not  see,  nor  take  knowledge  of  it,  but  continue  to  be 
our  enemy  still  ?  Isa.  Iviii.  3.   But  the  gospel  teacheth  a  man's 
heart  to  rest  in  God,  assureth  it  that  there  is  hope  in  Israel, 
and   balm  in   Gilead ;  that    they  which   believe  should  not 
make  haste  to  limit  or  to  misconstrue  God,  but  wait  for  his 
salvation,  which  will  ever  come  in  that  due   time  wherein  it 
shall  be  both  most   acceptable  and  most  beautiful.     Again  ; 
how  easily  would  temptations  overturn  the  faith  of  men,  if  it 
were  not  daily  supported  by  the  word  !   What  is  the   reason 
that  the  sheep  of  Christ  will  not  follow  strangers,  nor  know  tlieir 
voice  ;  that  is,  will  not  acknowledge  any  force,  nor  subscribe 
in  their  hearts  to  the  conviction  or  evidence  of  any  temptation, 
which  would  draw  them  from  God,  but  only  because  they  hear 
and  know  the  voice  of  Christ  in  his  gospel,  and  feel  the  Spirit 
in  their  own  hearts  setting  to  its  seal,  and  bearing  witness  to 
that  truth  from  whence  those  solicitations  would  seduce  them  ? 
The  apostle  foretold  the  elders  of  Ephesus  at  his  solemn  de- 
parture from  them  that  grievous  wolves  would  enter  in  among 
them,  and  that  some  of  themselves  would  arise  speaking  per- 
verse things  to  draw  away  disciples  after  them.     And  the 
main  remedy  which  the  apostle  gives  them  against  this  danger 
was,  "  I  commend  you  to  God,  and  to  the  word  of  his  grace, 



which  is  able  to  build  you  up,  and  to  give  you  an  inheritance 
among  all  them  which  are  sanctified."  Noting,  that  it  is  the 
word  of  God  which  keepeth  men  from  being  drawn  away 
with  perverse  disputes.  And  the  same  intimation  he  gives 
in  his  epistles  unto  them,  "  He  gave  some,  apostles ;  and 
some,  prophets  ;  and  some,  evangelists  ;  and  some,  pastors  and 
teachers.  That  we  henceforth  be  no  more  children,  tossed  to 
and  fro,  and  carried  about  with  every  wind  of  doctrine  by  the 
sleight  of  men,  and  cunning  craftiness,  whereby  they  lie  in 
weight  to  deceive,"  Eph.  iv.  11,  14.  The  more  richly  the 
word  of  God,  in  the  love  and  evidence  thereof,  doth  dwell  in  any 
man,  and  enable  him  to  prove  all  things,  the  more  stedfastly  will 
he  hold  that  which  is  good,  and  stand  immovable  against  the 
slights  and  solicitations  of  men,  1  Thess.  v.  21.  Again  ; 
how  easily  would  our  own  evil  hearts  gather  a  rust  and  mapt- 
ness  for  service  over  themselves,  if  they  were  not  daily  whet  and 
brightened  upon  the  word  of  God  !  That  only  it  is  which 
scrape th  away  that  leprosy  and  mossiness  which  our  souls  are 
apt  to  contract  out  of  themselves.  A  man  may  lose  all  that 
he  hath  wrought,  all  the  benefit  of  what  he  hath  done  already, 
and  all  the  strength  to  do  any  more,  only  by  not  abiding  in 
the  doctrine  of  Christ.  He  is  not  a  doer  of  the  word  who 
looketh  in  it,  as  a  man  on  a  glass,  and  presently  forgetteth 
the  image  and  state  of  his  conscience  again ;  it  is  only  he 
that  continueth  therein,  who  is  a  doer  of  the  work,  and 
blessed  in  his  deed.  Jam.  i.  23,  25.  He  that  treasureth  up 
the  gospel  in  his  heart,  and  laboureth  to  grow  rich  in  the 
knowledge  thereof,  can  never  be  turned  quite  out  of  his  way, 
or  become  an  apostate  from  the  grace  of  Christ. 

(6.)  It  is  a  glorious  gospel  in  regard  of  those  noble  and 
majestical  endowments  with  which  it  qualifieth  the  soul  of  a 
christian  :  for  there  is  no  nobility  comparable  to  that  of  the  gos- 
pel. It  giveth  men  the  highest  privilege  in  the  world ;  to  be 
called  the  sons  of  God,  to  be  kings  and  priests  before  him,  to 
be  a  royal  priesthood,  a  holy  nation,  a  peculiar  people,  a  na- 
tion of  priests,  John  i.  12  ;  1  John  iii.  1  ;  Rev.  i.  6  ;  1  Pet. 
ii.  9.  Nothing  doth  so  honour  a  land  as  to  be  the  seat  of 
the  gospel.  It  was  the  honour  of  the  jews,  that  unto  them 
were  committed  the  oracles  of  God,  Rom.  iii.  1,2:  therefore, 
the  ark  is  called  the  glory  of  Israel,  1  Sam.  iv.  22  ;  and  Christ 
the  glory  of  Israel,  and  the  excellency  of  Jacob,  Luke  ii.  32 ; 
Amos  viii.  7.  Neither  is  there  anything  else  allowed  a  man 
to  glory  in,  save  only  this,  that  he  understandeth  and  knoweth 


the  Lord  in  his  word,  Jer.  ix.  24.  It  putteth  magnanimity 
into  the  breasts  of  men,  high  thoughts,  regal  afFectionj,, 
public  desires  and  attempts,  a  kind  of  heavenly  ambition  to 
do  and  to  gain  the  greatest  good.  The  main  ends  of  a  chris- 
tian are  all  high  and  noble  ;  the  favour  of  God,  the  fellow- 
ship of  the  Father  and  the  Son,  the  grace  of  Christ,  the 
peace  of  the  church;  his  traffic  and  negotiation  is  for  heaven, 
his  language  the  dialect  of  heaven,  his  order  a  heavenly  order, 
innumerable  companies  of  angels,  and  the  spirits  of  just  men 
made  perfect.  A  holy  man,  who  hath  the  spirit  of  his  mind 
raised  and  ennobled  by  the  gospel,  is  an  agent  in  the  same 
affairs,  and  doth  in  his  thoughts,  desires,  prayers,  and  emula- 
tions, pursue  the  same  high  and  heavenly  ends,  for  the  ad- 
vancement of  the  glory  of  Christ  and  demolishing  the  king- 
dom of  Satan,  with  the  blessed  angels  of  God.  His  desires 
look  no  lower  than  a  kingdom,  a  weight  of  massive  and  most 
superlative  glory.  That  which  other  men  make  the  utmost 
point  even  of  their  impudent  and  immodest  hopes,  the  secu- 
lar favours  and  dignities  of  the  world,  these  put  lowest  under 
their  feet ;  but  their  wings,  the  higher  and  more  aspiring 
affections  of  their  soul,  are  directed  only  unto  heaven  and  hea- 
venly things.  They  no  sooner  are  placed  in  the  body  of 
Christ,  but  they  have  public  services  ;  some  to  preach,  some 
to  defend,  all  to  pray,  to  practise,  to  adorn  the  profession  they 
have  undertaken.  For,  indeed,  every  christian  hath  his  ta- 
lent given  him,  his  service  enjoined  him.  The  gospel  is  a 
public  treasure,  committed  to  the  keeping  of  every  christian, 
each  man  having,  as  it  were,  a  several  key  of  the  church,  a 
several  trust  for  the  honour  of  this  kingdom,  delivered  unto 
him.  As  in  the  solemn  coronation  of  the  prince,  every  peer 
of  the  realm  hath  his  station  about  the  throne,  and  with  the 
touch  of  his  hand  upon  the  royal  crown  declareth  the  per- 
sonal duty  of  that  honour  which  he  is  called  unto,  namely,  to 
hold  on  the  crown  on  the  head  of  his  sovereign,  to  make  it  the 
main  end  of  his  greatness  to  study,  and  by  all  means  endeavour 
the  establishment  of  his  prince's  throne  ;  so  every  christian,  as 
soon  as  he  hath  the  honour  to  be  called  unto  the  kingdom 
and  presence  of  Christ,  hath  immediately  no  meaner  a  trust 
committed  to  his  care  than  the  very  throne  and  crown  of  his 
Saviour,  than  the  public  honour,  peace,  victory,  and  stability 
of  his  Master's  kingdom.  The  gospel  is  committed  to  the 
custody  of  the  bishops  and  pastors  of  the  church  to  preach 
it ;   they  are,   as    it  were,    the  heralds  and    forerunners  of 



Christ,  to  prepare  his  way  in  the  souls  of  men  :  to  the  cus- 
tody of  the  princes  and  judges  of  the  earth,  to  defend  it,  to  be 
a  guard  about  the  person  and  truth  of  Christ,  to  command  the 
obedience,  and  to  encourage  the  teaching  of  it.  The  gospel 
is  the  law  of  Christ's  throne,  and  the  princes  of  the  world  are 
the  lions  about  his  throne,  set  there  to  watch  and  guard  it 
against  the  malice  of  enemies.  And,  therefore,  it  is  recorded 
for  the  honour  of  David,  that  he  set  in  order  the  courses  of 
the  priests,  and  appointed  them  their  forms  and  vicissitudes  of 
service ;  of  Solomon,  that  he  built,  adorned,  and  dedicated 
a  temple  for  God's  solemn  worship  ;  of  Josiah,  that  he  made 
the  people  to  serve  the  Lord  their  God  ;  of  Hezekiah,  that  he 
restored  the  service  and  repaired  the  temple  of  God,  that  he 
spake  comfortably  to  the  Levites,  who  taught  the  good  know- 
ledge of  the  Lord,  that  he  proclaimed  a  solemn  passover,  that 
he  ordered  the  courses  of  the  priests  and  Levites,  that  he  gave 
commandment  concerning  the  portion  of  their  due  mainte- 
nance, that  they  might  be  encouraged  in  the  law  of  the  Lord, 
2  Chron.  xxxiv.  33  ;  xxix.  3;  xxx.  1,  22;  xxxi.  2 — 4,  a 
pattern  worthy  the  admiration  and  imitation  of  all  christian 
princes.  Lastly,  the  gospel  is  committed  to  the  keeping  of 
every  christian  to  practise  it,  to  adorn  it,  to  pray  for  it, 
to  be  valiant  and  courageous  in  his  place  and  station  for  the 
truth  of  it.  And  for  a  man  to  neglect  these  duties,  is  to  be- 
tray and  dishonour  the  kingdom  of  Christ,  and  to  degenerate 
from  that  high  and  public  condition  in  which  God  had  placed 

Again ;  it  putteth  a  spirit  of  fortitude  and  boldness  into  the 
hearts  of  men,  boldness  to  withstand  the  corruptions  of  the 
times,  to  walk  contrary  to  the  courses  of  the  world,  to  out-face 
the  sins  and  the  scorns  of  men,  to  be  valiant  for  a  despised 
truth  or  power  of  religion,  not  to  be  ashamed  of  a  persecuted 
profession,  to  spread  out  "  his  arms  in  buffeting  the  torrent," 
to  stand  alone  against  the  power  and  credit  of  a  prevailing 
faction,  as  Paul  against  the  contradictions  of  the  jews,  and 
Peter  and  John  against  a  synod  of  pharisees.  Acts  xiii.  46 ; 
xxviii.  28 ;  1  Thess.  ii.  2 ;  Acts  ii.  14 ;  xxiii.  36  ;  iv.  8,  12, 
13,  19;  v.  29,  32:  and  those  invincible  champions  of 
Christ,  Athanasius,  against  the  power  of  Constantius,  the  fre- 
quent synodical  conventions  of  countenanced  heretics,  and  the 
general  deluge  of  arianism  in  the  world ;  Ambrose,  against 
the  wrath  and  terror  of  the  emperor  of  the  world,  to  whom, 
having  imbrued  his  hands  in  much  innocent  blood,  that  holy 


father  durst  not  deliver  the  blood  of  Christ  ;  Chrysostom, 
against  the  pride  and  persecution  of  the  empress  Eudoxa  ; 
Luther,  against  the  mistress  of  fornications,  the  princess  of 
the  earth,  and  as  himself  professed,  if  it  had  been  possible, 
against  a  whole  city  full  of  devils ;  the  christians  of  all  ages, 
against  the  fire,  fury,  and  arts  of  torment  executed  by  the 
bloody  persecutors  of  the  church.  Nay,  further,  the  gospel 
giveth  boldness  against  that  universal  fire  which  shall  melt 
the  elements,  and  shrivel  up  the  heavens  like  a  roll  of  parch- 
ment. "  Herein,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  is  our  love  made  per- 
fect, that  we  may  have  boldness  in  the  day  of  judgment,  be- 
cause as  he  is,  so  are  we  in  this  world,"  1  John  iv.  17  ;  that  is, 
we  have  his  image  in  us,  and  his  love  shed  abroad  in  our 
hearts,  and  therefore  we  are  able  to  assure  our  hearts  before 
him,  and  to  have  confidence  towards  him.  Now,  he 
who  hath  boldness  to  stand  before  God,  to  dwell  with 
consuming  fire,  who  can  get  the  Lord  on  his  right 
hand,  and  put  on  the  Lord  Jesus,  though  he  be  not  out 
of  the  reach,  or  beyond  the  blow,  yet  is  he  above  the  in- 
jury of  the  malice  of  men  ;  they  may  kill,  but  they  can  never 
overcome  him.  "  I  am  he  that  comforteth  you ;  who  art 
thou,"  saith  the  Lord,  "  that  thou  shouldest  be  afraid  of  a  man 
that  shall  die  ;  and  forgettest  the  Lord  thy  Maker  ?"  Isa.  li. 
12,  13.  What  an  invincible  courage  was  that  of  Elijah, 
which  retorted  the  slander  of  Ahab  upon  his  own  face ;  '*  I 
have  not  troubled  Israel :  but  thou,  and  thy  father's  house," 
1  Kings  xviii.  18.  And  that  of  Micaiah,  against  the  base  re- 
quest of  a  flattering  courtier,  who  thought  God  to  be  such  a 
one  as  himself,  that  would  magnify  and  cry  up  the  ends  of  a 
wicked  king ;  "  As  the  Lord  liveth,  what  the  Lord  saith  unto 
me,  that  will  I  speak,"  1  Kings  xxii.  14.  And  that  of  Amos 
against  the  unworthy  instructions  of  Amaziah,  the  priest  of 
Bethel ;  "  Thou  sayest.  Prophesy  not  against  Israel,  and  drop 
not  thy  word  against  the  house  of  Isaac.  Therefore  thus 
saith  the  Lord ;  Thy  wife  shall  be  an  harlot  in  the  city,  and 
thy  sons  and  thy  daughters  shall  fall  by  the  sword,  and  thy 
land  shall  be  divided  by  line  ;  and  thou  shalt  die  in  a  polluted 
land :  and  Israel  shall  surely  go  into  captivity  forth  of  his 
land,"  Amos  vii.  16,  17.  And  that  of  Jeremiah,  who  boldly 
gave  the  lie  to  Irijah,  the  captain  of  the  ward:  "  It  is  false  ;  I 
fall  not  away  to  the  chaldeans,''  Jer.  xxxvii.  13,  14.  The 
time  would  fail  if  I  should  speak  of  the  unbended  constancy 
(or,  as  the  gentiles  styled  it,  obstinacy)  of  Ignatius,  Polycarp, 


Justin,  Cyprian,  Pionius,  Sabina,  Maximus,  and  those  infinite 
armies  of  the  holy  martyrs,  who  posed  the  inventions,  tired 
out  the  cruelties,  withstood  the  flatteries,  and  with  one  word, 
"We  are  christians," overcame  all  the  tyrannies,  quenched  the 
fire,  and  stopped  the  mouths  of  their  proudest  persecutors. 

Again ;  the  gospel  putteth  a  kind  of  lustre  and  terror  on 
the  faces  of  those  in  whom  it  reigneth,  and  maketh  them,  as 
the  law  did  Moses,  to  shine  as  lights  in  the  world,  and  to  be 
more  excellent  than  their  neighbours ;  worketh  in  others  to- 
wards them  a  dread  and  awfulness.  Though  Jeremiah  were 
a  prisoner,  cast  into  a  dungeon,  and  in  such  extremity  that  he 
was  there  likely  to  perish  ;  yet  such  a  majesty  and  honour  did 
God  even  then  put  upon  him,  and  that  in  the  thoughts  of  the 
king  himself,  that  he  could  not  be  quiet  till  he  consulted 
with  him  about  the  will  of  the  Lord,  and  by  his  many  confer- 
ences with  him  made  it  plainly  appear  that  he  stood  in  awe 
of  his  person  and  prophecies.  So  it  is  said,  that "  Herod  feared 
John,  knowing  that  he  was  a  just  man,  and  holy,  and  observed 
him,"  Mark  vi.  20 ;  to  note,  that  holiness  maketh  men's  per- 
sons and  presence  dreadful  to  the  wicked,  by  reason  of  that 
grace  and  majesty  which  God  hath  put  into  them.  The 
whole  council  of  scribes  and  pharisees,  who  afterwards 
gnashed  on  Stephen  with  their  teeth,  were  forced  to  acknow- 
ledge the  majesty  of  holiness  shining  upon  him  ;  "  They 
looked  stedfastly  on  him,  and  saw  his  face  as  it  had  been  the 
face  of  an  angel,"  Acts  vi.  15.  The  mighty  power  of  the 
gospel  of  Christ  maketh  unbelievers  fall  on  their  faces,  and 
confess  of  a  truth  that  God  is  in  those  who  preach  it.  This 
we  find  verified  in  the  poor  astonished  keeper  of  the  prison 
into  which  Paul  and  Silas  had  been  cast ;  "  He  sprang  in,  and 
came  trembling,  and  fell  down  before  them,  and  brought  them 
out,  and  said.  Sirs,  what  must  I  do  to  be  saved  ?"  Acts  xvi. 
29,  30.  It  is  true  that  naturally  men  hate  Christ  and  his 
servants  ;  but  this  is  not  as  a  man  hateth  a  toad,  (which  he 
can  easily  crush ,)  with  a  simple  hatred ;  but  as  a  man  hateth 
a  lion,  or  as  a  malefactor  hateth  his  judge,  or  as  a  thief  hateth 
the  \i(r\\t,  with  a  compounded  hatred,  mixed  with  a  fear  and 
dread  of  that  majesty  within  them  :  which  majesty  hath 
sometimes  shone  so  brightly  even  under  torments  and  perse- 
cutions, that  it  hath  forced  from  heathen  emperors  a  desire  of 
the  christian's  prayers ;  sometimes  not  only  astonished,  but 
converted  the  adversaries. 

Lastly ;  the  gospel  bringeth  liberty  and  joy  into  the  hearts 


of  men  with  it.  The  Hberty  is  a  glorious  Hberty,  Rom.  viii. 
21,  and  the  joy  a  glorious  joy,  1  Pet.  i.  8  ;  therefore  the  gos- 
pel is  called  a  gospel  of  great  joy,  Luke  ii.  10.  Liberty  is  so 
sacred  a  thing,  that  indeed  it  belongs  in  the  whole  compass  of 
it  only  to  the  prince ;  for,  though  other  men  be  free  from 
servitude,  yet  they  are  not  free  from  subjection.  Now,  the 
gospel  giveth  a  plenary  freedom  to  the  consciences  of  men  ; 
they  may  be  commanded  by  their  own  consciences,  but  their 
consciences  cannot  be  commanded  by  any  but  by  Christ. 
The  Son  hath  made  them  free  from  all  others,  that  he  might 
only  be  the  Lord  over  them. 

Now  then,  to  draw  some  inferences  from  the  most  useful  and 

excellent  doctrine  of  the  glory  of  the  gospel,  we  learn  from  thence, 

1.  What  liberty  and  what  sincerity  the  ministers  of  Christ 

ought  to  use  in  the  administration  of  this  his  kingdom  in  the 


(I.)    What    liberty.      The  officers  of   a    prince,  who   go 
before    him    to  prepare  his  way,   make  bold    to  strike  and 
to  scatter  those  unruly  throngs  of  men  who  press   too  near 
upon  his  sacred  person.     We   are   the  messengers  of  Christ 
sent  before-hand  with    his   royal  proclamation  of  peace,  to 
make  room  in  the  hearts  of  men  for  him,  and  to  open  their 
everlasting  doors,  that  this  King  of  glory  may  enter  in.     We 
may,  therefore,  boldly  smite  with  the  rod  of  his  mouth ;  we 
may  cry  aloud,  and  spare  not,  pull  down  mountainous  lusts, 
subdue  strong-holds,   take  unto  us  iron    pillars,  and  brazen 
walls,  and  faces  of  flint,  to  root  up,  to  pull  down,  to  batter 
and   destroy ;   not    to  teach  only,  but  to  command  with  all 
authority,  and  to  commend  ourselves  to  every  man's  conscience 
in  the  sight  of  God.     This  use  the  apostle  maketh   of  the 
glory  of  the  gospel;  "  Seeing  that  we  have  such  hope,"  that 
is,  seeing  in  this  glorious  gospel  we  have  the  dispensation  of 
a  blessed  hope  unto  men,  or  the  revelation  of  Christ,  who  is 
unto  us  the  hope  of  glory,  or  the  assured  confidence  of  doing 
excellent  works  by  the  virtue  of  this  so  glorious  a  word,  "  we 
use  great  plainness,"  or  liberty,  "  of  speech,"  2  Cor.  iii.  12 ; 
for  why    should  he  who  bringeth  unto   men  glad  tidings  of 
glorious    things,  who   offers  unto  them  the  blessed  hope  of 
eternal  life,  be  afraid  or  ashamed  of  his  office  ?  Though  Rome 
were  the   seat,  and  the    emperor  the  first  instigator,   of  the 
persecutions  of  the  church,  yet  even  unto  that  place  the  apos- 
tle was  not  ashamed  to  preach  the  gospel  of  Christ,  because  it 
was  the  power  of  God  unto  salvation,  Rom.  i.  16.     Therein 


no  shame  in  being  a  deliverer  ;  and  therefore  it  is  both  the 
honour  and  duty  of  the  dispensers  of  the  gospel  "  to  speak 
boldly  as  they  ought  to  speak ;"  and  of  the  people  to  pray 
that  the  excellent  Spirit  may  ever  accompany  so  glorious  a 
message.  This  was  the  prayer  of  the  primitive  saints  for  the 
apostles  of  Christ,  "  Grant  unto  thy  servants  that  with  all 
boldness  they  may  speak  thy  word,"  Acts  iv.  29.  And  this 
duty  lies  upon  us  with  a  heavy  necessity.     For, 

[1.]  We  are  dispensers  of  all  God's  counsels;  there 
must  not  be  a  word  which  God  hath  commanded  that  we 
should  refuse  to  make  known  unto  the  people  ;  for  the  things 
revealed  are  for  them  and  their  children.  Thus  we  find,  when 
the  angel  of  the  Lord  brought  forth  the  apostles  out  of  prison, 
he  gave  them  this  command,  "  Go,  stand  and  speak  in  the 
temple  to  the  people  all  the  words  of  this  life,"  Acts  v.  20 ; 
and  certainly  some  of  these  words  will  require  boldness.  When 
we  lay  the  axe  to  the  root  of  the  tree,  when  we  hew  off 
men's  members,  when  we  snatch  them  like  brands  out  of  the 
fire,  when  we  make  them  to  see  their  own  faces  in  the  law  of 
liberty,  the  face  of  a  guilty,  and  therefore  cursed  conscience, 
there  will  be  need  of  much  boldness.  A  surgeon  who  is 
to  search  an  inveterate  wound,  and  to  cut  off  a  putrified  mem- 
ber, had  not  need  to  be  faint-hearted,  or  bring  a  trembling 
hand  to  so  great  a  work. 

[2.3  The  severest  message  we  are  sent  withal,  and 
which  men  are  most  unwilling  to  hear,  is  for  them  expe- 
dient. No  news  could  be  so  unwelcome  to  the  apostles  as  to 
hear  of  Christ's  departure  ;  "  Because  I  have  said  these 
things,  sorrow  hath  filled  your  heart.  Nevertheless,  I  tell  you 
the  truth,  it  is  expedient  for  you  that  I  go  away,"  John  xvi.  6, 
7.  The  first  news  which  we  bring  unto  men  is  of  Christ's 
absence,  of  their  false  conceits  and  presumptions  of  their 
being  in  him,  of  the  distance  and  unacquaintance  which  is  be- 
tween them,  of  our  fears  of  them,  and  of  their  condition  ;  and 
in  all  this  we  are  not  their  enemies,  because  we  tell  them  the 
truth.  Gal.  iv.  16.  As  it  is  our  ofiice  to  speak,  so  it  is  the 
people's  duty  and  profit  to  hear,  all  things  which  shall  be  told 
them  of  God ;  for  all  Scripture,  as  well  that  which  reproveth 
and  correcteth,  as  that  which  teacheth  and  instructeth  in  righte- 
ousness, is  profitable,  and  tends  to  the  perfection  of  the  saints, 
2  Tim.  iii.  16,  17  ;  Deut.  xii.  28.  "  All  his  precepts  con- 
cerning all  things  are  right,"  Psa.  cxix.  128.  The  contempt 
of  one  is,  virtually  and  interpretatively,  in  the  constitution  and 


preparation  of  heart,  the  violation  of  all,  Jam.  ii.  10,  11  ;  be- 
cause they  are  all  grounded  upon  the  same  Divine  authority, 
and  directed  unto  the  same  saving  ends  :  and,  therefore,  we 
ou^ht  not  to  pick  and  choose  either  in  the  preaching  or  prac- 
tismg  thereof. 

[3.]  We  are  to  answer  for  the  blood  of  people,  if  we  pre- 
varicate. If  we  let  their  sins  alone,  they  will  have  a  double 
edge,  both  to  kill  them  and  us  ;  like  the  mutual  embracement 
of  two  in  a  river,  which  is  the  means  to  drown  them  both. 
•'  Speak  unto  them  all  that  I  command  thee  ;  be  not  dismayed 
at  their  faces,''  saith  the  Lord  to  his  prophet,  "  lest  I  con- 
found thee  before  them,"  Jer.  i.  17.  "  If  thou  speaketh  not 
to  warn  the  wicked  from  his  wicked  way,  to  save  his  life,  the 
same  wicked  man  shall  die  in  his  iniquity ;"  (thy  bashfulness 
shall  do  him  no  good ;)  "  but  his  blood  will  I  require  at  thine 
hand,''  Ezek.  iii.  18.  Is  it  at  all  congruous,  that  men  should 
have  boldness  enough  to  declare  their  sins,  to  speak  of  them,to 
proclaim  them,  to  wear  them,  to  glory  in  them,  and  that  those 
officers  who  are  sent  for  no  other  business,  but  in  the  name 
and  authority  of  Almighty  God  to  fight  against  the  corrup- 
tions of  the  world,  should,  in  the  mean  time,  hang  down  the 
head,  and  be  tongue-tied  ?  that  men  should  have  more  bold- 
ness to  destroy  themselves,  and  to  do  Satan's  works,  than  we 
to  save  them,  or  to  serve  God  ? 

[4.]  We  are  to  speak  in  the  person  of  Christ,  and  in  the 
virtue  of  his  Spirit.  We  must  speak  as  the  oracles  of  God,  and 
with  his  words,  as  if  he  himself  did  by  us  speak  unto  the  people. 
We  must  give  manifestation  of  Christ  speaking  by  us,  that  men 
may  be  convinced  that  God  is  in  us  of  a  truth,  and  that  we  are 
full  of  power  by  his  Spirit,  that  his  Spirit  setteth  to  his  seal 
to  authorize  our  commission,  and  to  countenance  our  ministry  ; 
and  therefore  we  must  use  judgment  and  might,  that  is,  spi- 
ritual discretion  and  inflexible  constancy  against  the  sins  of 
men  ;  (for  these  two  are  contrary  to  the  two  grand  props  of 
Satan's  kingdom,  which  are  his  craftiness,  and  his  weapons  of 
power  ;)  for  where  the  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is,  there  is  liberty, 
his  Spirit  will  not  be  straitened,  neither  will  the  Lord  keep 
silence,  '2  Cor.  iii.  17  ;  Micah  ii.  7.  He  that  speaketh  by  the 
Spirit  of  Christ,  must  speak,  though  not  in  equality,  (which 
is  impossible,)  yet  in  some  similitude  and  proportion  as  he 
spake  ;  that  is,  as  those  that  have  authority  and  power  com- 
mitted to  them  for  the  edification  of  the  church. 

[5.]   A  partial,  unsearcliing,  and  unreproving  minister  is 


one  of  God's  curses  and  scourges  against  a  place,  the  fore- 
runner of  a  final  and  fearful  visitation.  "  The  days  of  visi- 
tation and  recompense  come,"  saith  the  Lord,  "  the  prophet 
is  a  fool,  the  spiritual  man  is  mad,  for  the  multitude  of  thine 
iniquity,  and  the  great  hatred,"  Hos.  ix.  7.  If  a  man  be 
walking  in  the  spirit  and  falsehood,  that  is,  professing  the 
work  of  a  spiritual  man,  and  yet  betraying  his  office  ;  or  in  a 
false  and  lying  spirit,  prophesying  of  wine  and  strong  drink, 
that  is,  cherishing  and  encouraging  sensual  Hvers  in  their  per- 
nicious courses,  he  shall  even  be  the  prophet  of  this  people, 
Mic.  ii.  11.  And  therefore,  when  the  Lord  will  punish  with 
an  extreme  revenge  the  rebellion  of  a  people  against  his  gos- 
pel, who  judge  themselves  unworthy  of  so  great  a  salvation, 
he  either  removeth  their  candlestick,  and  taketh  it  away  from 
them,  or  else  sealeth  up  the  mouth  of  his  prophets,  that  they 
may  be  dumb,  and  reprove  them  no  longer,  and  that  they  may 
not  be  purged  any  more  from  their  filthiness ;  or  else  infatu- 
ates their  prophets,  and  sufFereth  Satan  to  seduce  them,  and 
to  be  a  lying  spirit  in  their  mouths,  that  he  may  destroy 
them  ;  as  we  see  in  the  ruin  of  Ahab,  and  in  the  captivity  of 
Judah,  1  Kings  xxii.  20,  23;  Rev.  ii.  5;  Matt.  xxi.  41,43; 
xxiii.  37,  38  ;  1  Thess.  ii.  16  ;  Ezek.  iii.  26  ;  xxiv.  13  ;  Jer. 
iv.  10;  xiv.  13  ;  xxiii.  13 ;  xxxiii.  40  ;  Lam.  ii.  14. 

Again,  as  the  ministers  of  the  gospel  must  use  liberty, 
so  must  they  likewise  use  sincerity  in  the  dispensation  thereof, 
because  it  is  a  glorious  gospel.  This  likewise  is  the  apostle's 
inference  ;  for  having  spent  a  whole  chapter  in  this  one 
argument  of  the  glory  of  the  gospel,  he  presently  concludeth, 
"  Therefore  seeing  we  have  this  ministry,"  that  is,  the  dispen- 
sation of  such  a  gospel  committed  unto  us,  "  we  faint  not,  but 
have  renounced  the  hidden  things  of  dishonesty ;"  that  is,  as 
I  conceive,  the  arts  of  daubing,  and  palliating,  and  covering 
over  unclean  courses  with  plausible  reasonings,  and  fleshly 
apologies, (which  is  the  manner  of  false  prophets,)  "not  walking 
in  craftiness  ;  that  is,  not  using  human  sleights,  to  carry  men 
about  with  every  wind  of  doctrine,"  as  sinners  are  very  willing 
to  be  deceived,  and  love  to  have  it  as  false  prophets  say  it  is  ; 
"  nor  handling  the  word  of  God  deceitfully,"  that  is,  falsify- 
ing and  adulterating  it  with  corrupt  glosses,  and  so  tempering 
it  to  the  palate  of  sinners,  that  the  working  and  searching  vir- 
tue thereof,  whereby  of  itself  it  is  apt  to  purge  out  and  wrestle 
with  the  lusts  of  men,  maybe  deadened,  and  so  it  may  well  con  - 
sist  with  the  power  of  lusts  still ;  "  but  by  manifestation  of  the 


truth,"  that  is,  hy  such  spiritual  and  perspicuous  demonstra- 
tions, as  under  which  there  can  no  falsity  or  deceit  lurk,  "com- 
mending ourselves  to  every  man's  conscience  in  the  sight  of 
God,''  2  Cor.  iv.  1,  2;  that  is,  working  not  the  fancies,  or 
humours,  or  fleshly  conceits  of  men,  (which  always  take  the 
part  of  sin,)  but  calling  their  very  consciences,  (which  always  is 
on  God's  side,)  to  bear  witness  unto  the  truth  which  we  speak  ; 
to  receive  it  not  as  the  wit  or  learning  of  a  man,  but  as  the 
word  and  wisdom  of  God  ;  to  acknowledge  the  conviction,  the 
judicature,  the  penetration  thereof;  and  so  to  fall  down  upon 
their  faces,  and  to  glorify  God  and  report  that  he  is  in  us  of  a 
truth.  And  all  this  in  the  sight  of  God;  that  is,  so  handling 
the  word  as  that  we  may  please  and  approve  ourselves  to  his 
eye,  whose  servants  we  are,  and  whose  work  we  do :  this  is 
that  which  the  apostle  calleth  uncorruptness,  gravity,  sincerity, 
soundness  of  doctrine,  such  as  the  very  adversaries  themselves 
shall  not  be  able  to  quarrel  with,  or  to  speak  against,  Tit. 
ii.  1,  7,  8.  We  must  not,  then,  make  account  to  adorn  the 
gospel  with  our  own  inventions,  or  with  superstructions  of 
human  wit  and  fancy  ;  though  these  things  may,  to  fleshly 
reason,  seem  full  of  beauty,  yet  indeed  they  are  but  like  the 
mingling  of  glass  beads  with  a  chain  of  diamonds,  or  of  lime 
with  pure  and  generous  wine ;  they  are  indeed  but  lurking 
places  for  unclean  lusts  to  hide  themselves  under,  or  to  escape 
away,  while  the  corrupt  fancies  of  men  stand  gazing  at  that 
which  pleaseth  them ;  as  Agag,  when  he  was  gloriously 
arrayed,  thought  nothing  of  the  bitterness  of  death  ;  or  Sisera 
of  the  nail  and  the  hammer,  while  he  saw  nothing  but  the  milk 
and  the  butter.  Some  there  are  who,  by  sleight  and  cunning 
craftiness,  impose  upon  weak  and  incautious  hearers  the  visions 
of  their  own  fancy,  the  crude  and  unnourishing  vapours  of  an 
empty  wit,  (things  infinitely  unsuitable  to  the  majesty  and  seri- 
ousness of  the  foundation 'in  the  gospel,)  for  the  indubitable 
truth  of  God  in  his  word ;  which  (with  reverence  may  it  be 
spoken)  is  nothing  else  but  to  put  the  holy  prophets  and  apos- 
tles into  a  fool  s  coat :  but  however  these  men  may  please  and 
pufF  up  themselves  in  the  admiration  of  their  own  wit,  yet 
certain  it  is,  that  the  gospel  of  Christ  doth  as  much  scorn 
human  mixtures,  as  a  wall  of  marble  doth  a  roof  of  straw,  or 
the  sun  at  noon  doth  the  light  of  a  candle.  And  therefore, 
the  palate  of  those  who  cannot  tolerate  the  naked  simplicity 
of  the  gospel,  without  the  blandishments  of  human  wit,  who 
must  needs  have  quails  to  their  manna,  is  hereby  discovered  to 


be  manifestly  distempered  with  an  itch  of  lust,  and  their  eyes 
blinded  by  the  god  of  this  world,  2  Tim.  iv.  3 ;  2  Cor.  iv.  3. 
(2.)  This  glory  of  the  gospel  may  teach  us  what  admira- 
tion and  acceptation  it  should  find  amongst  men,  even  as  it 
doth  with  the  blessed  angels  themselves.  "  This  is  a  faithful 
saying,  and  worthy  of  all  acceptation  ;"  worthy  to  be  received 
with  all  readiness  of  mind;  worthy  to  be  gazed  upon,  like  the 
star  of  the  wise  men,  with  exceeding  great  joy  ;  worthy  to  be 
enamelled  in  the  crowns  of  princes,  and  to  be  written  in  the 
soul  of  every  christian  with  a  beam  of  the  sun,  "  that  Christ 
Jesus  came  into  the  world  to  save  sinners,"  1  Tim.  i.  15.  In- 
deed, the  faithful  have  ever  found  beauty  in  the  feet  of  those 
that  bring  them  glad  tidings  of  this  their  King ;  that  is,  in  the 
coming  of  this  word  of  grace  and  salvation  unto  them,  which 
is  the  usual  phrase  of  the  Scripture,  setting  forth  more  abun- 
dantly the  mercy  of  the  Lord,  who  did  not  choose  one  fixed 
place  for  his  gospel  to  reside  in,  and  unto  which  all  nations, 
who  would  have  benefit  by  it,  should  take  the  pains  to  resort, 
as  he  did  for  the  jews  at  Jerusalem,  but  hath  made  it  an  itine- 
rary salvation,  and  hath  sent  it  abroad  to  the  very  doors  of 
men,  who  else  would  never  have  gone  out  of  doors  to  seek  it. 
What  man,  in  a  sad  and  disconsolate  state,  would  not  spread 
wide  open  his  heart,  to  run  upon  the  embraces  of  that  man, 
who  was  coming  unto  him  with  a  message  of  more  lovely  and 
acceptable  news  than  the  very  wishes  of  his  heart  could  have 
framed  to  himself?  When  Joseph  was  sent  for  out  of  prison 
unto  Pharaoh's  court,  when  Jacob  saw  the  chariots  which  were 
brought  to  carry  him  unto  Joseph  his  son,  how  were  they  re- 
vived and  comforted  after  their  distresses  I  "  When  the  Lord 
turned  again  the  captivity  of  Sion,  we  were  like  them  that 
dream,"  Psa.  cxxvi.  1  :  the  thing  was  so  incredibly  suitable 
to  their  desires,  that  it  seemed  rather  the  imaginary  wish  of  a 
dream,  than  a  deliverance  really  acted ;  as  Peter,  when  he  was 
delivered  out  of  prison,  thought  he  had  seen  a  vision.  Jacob 
could  not  at  first  believe  the  news  of  the  life  and  honour  of 
Joseph  his  son  ;  and  the  disciples  for  very  joy  were  not  able 
to  believe  the  resurrection  of  Christ,  Acts  xii.  9  ;  Gen.  xlv. 
26  ;  Luke  xxiv.  41.  Now,  what  are  all  these  good  tidings 
to  those  of  the  gospel,  which  is  a  word  of  salvation,  which 
opens  prisons,  and  lets  out  captives,  which  brings  our  King 
unto  us,  and  makes  us  kings  too,  which  gives  us  such  a  joy, 
as  the  whole  world  cannot  rob  us  of;  "  Your  joy  shall  no 
man  take  from   you."     The  joy  which   Caligula  gave  unto 


Agrippa,  Claudius  might  have  taken  from  him,  as  he  did 
afterwards  from  Agrippa  his  son,  and  though  he  did  not,  yet  we 
see  the  angel  did.  But  the  joy  of  the  gospel  is  unvariable  ; 
the  angels  themselves  (to  whom  one  might  think  the  joys  of 
men  should  seem  but  small)  call  it  a  "great  joy,"  Luke  ii. 

10.  It  is  the  joy  of  a  treasure,  infinitely  more  precious  than 
all  which  a  man  hath  besides.  A  joy  of  a  triumphal  harvest, 
and  of  victorious  spoils,  wherein  there  is  not  only  an  escape 
from  dangerous  hazard,  but  a  large  reward  of  peace  and 
plenty.  It  is  a  full  joy,  there  is  no  sorrow  mingled  with  it, 
nay,  it  is  all  joy,  and  therefore  there  is  nothing  but  sorrow 
without  it.  All  joy  in  itself,  and  all  joy  in  the  midst  of 
opposition  too.  A  joy  in  the  heart  like  gold  in  the  mine, 
which  turneth  every  thing  about  it  into  joy.  Divers  tempta- 
tions take  not  away  one  scruple  of  it,  no  more  than  fire  doth 
of  gold,  it  is  all  joy  still.  "  My  brethren,"  saith  the  apostle, 
*'  count  it  all  joy  when  ye  fall  into  divers  temptations,"  James 
i.  2.  It  turneth  the  reproaches  of  men  into  riches,  nay  in 
the  midst  of  all  other  tribulations  it  is  our  peace,  and  our 
glory;  therefore,  being  so  full  of  joy,  when  once  aright  appre- 
hended, needs  must  it  likewise  be  worthy  of  all  acceptation 
too.  And  therefore,  the  prophet  calleth  the  time  of  the  gospel, 
"  the  acceptable  time,"  or  year,  "  of  the  Lord;"  which  Baronius 
falsely  understands  of  the  first  year  of  Christ's  preaching  only, 
since  the  apostle  useth  the  same  phrase  for  the  whole  time  of 
evangelical  dispensation,  2  Cor.  vi.  2. 

And  indeed,  if  we  look  into  the  church,  we  shall  see  what 
worthy  acceptation  this  gospel  hath  found.  Zaccheus  made 
haste,  and  received  Christ  into  his  house  gladly,  Luke  xix. 
26 ;  so  did  the  brethren  at  Jerusalem  receive  the  apostles.  Acts 
xxi.  17  ;  so  did  the  men  at  Berea  receive  the  word,  Acts  xvii. 

11,  "  with  all  readiness  of  mind,"  or  forward  affection ;  so  did 
the  Galatians  receive  St.  Paul  with  the  honour  of  an  angel, 
yea,  even  as  Christ  Jesus  himself,  Gal.  iv.  14  ;  (for  indeed 
Christ  and  his  gospel  go  still  together ;)  the  man  in  the  gos- 
pel sold  all  he  had  for  it ;  the  saints  did  earnestly  contend  for 
it,  and  take  the  kingdom  of  heaven  by  violence,  Mark  x.  29. 
Though  they  suffered  the  loss  of  all  for  Christ,  yet  they 
counted  godliness  great  gain  still.  In  a  shipwreck  I  throw 
my  goods  overboard,  and  get  my  life  for  a  prey ;  in  this  case 
I  come  no  loser  to  heaven  ;  a  man's  life  is  sufficient  trea- 
sure in  such  an  adventure.  We  are  all  by  nature  in  an  evil 
condition,  every  man  is  a  sea  and  a  tempest  to  himself,  as 


impossible  to  escape  ruin,  as  to  put  off  himself.  Now,  in  the 
gospel,  Christ  showeth  a  man  a  way  to  get  out  of  himself,  and 
so  to  escape  the  tempest ;  showeth  a  way  how  with  him  he 
shall  walk  upon  the  sea,  and  not  sink ;  how  he  shall  be  in  the 
world,  and  not  of  it,  nor  swallowed  by  it.  Oh  how  willingly 
will  the  man,  who  is  convinced  of  his  danger,  cast  off  every 
thing  which  would  press  him  down,  and  account  it  a  plentiful 
deliverance  to  have  his  soul  saved  from  such  a  tempest  of 
wrath  as  was  falling  upon  him  !  We  see  what  hazards  men 
run  to  get  temporary  riches  ;  to  the  bottom  of  rocks  for  dia- 
monds, to  the  bowels  of  the  earth  for  gold  and  silver ;  such 
affections  have  the  saints  had  towards  the  gospel.  If  they 
must  dig  in  mines  for  Christ,  (it  was  usual  to  condemn 
christians  to  work  in  the  mines,)  they  were  most  willing  so  to 
do,  they  had  a  treasure  there  which  the  emperor  knew  not  of, 
they  had  infinite  more  precious  wealth  from  thence  than  he. 
If  they  must  fetch  Christ  in  the  fire,  or  wrestle  for  him,  as  for 
a  precious  prize,  with  the  wild  beasts  of  the  earth ;  if  they 
be  not  suffered  to  wear  Christ,  except  they  put  off  themselves, 
how  willing,  how  thankful  are  they  for  so  rich  a  bargain  ! 
*'  Look  to  your  life,"  said  the  governor  to  St.  Cyprian,  that 
blessed  martyr,  "  be  not  obstinate  against  your  own  safety,  but 
advise  well  with  yourself;"  "  Sir,"  said  the  holy  man,  "  you  are 
my  judge,  you  are  none  of  my  counsellor;  do  the  office 
which  is  committed  to  you,  in  so  righteous  a  cause  there  is  no 
further  need  of  consultation."  "  Take  pity  upon  yourself; 
sacrifice,  and  save  your  life,"said  the  officers  to  Polycarp;  "No," 
saith  the  martyr,  "  this  eighty-six  years  I  have  served  Christ, 
and  he  hath  done  me  no  harm  ;  I  will  not  do  what  you  per- 
suade me."  That  rich  and  blessed  virgin  in  Basil,  who  was 
for  Christianity  condemned  to  the  fire,  and  was  offered,  if  she 
would  worship  idols,  to  have  her  life  and  estate  safely  restored 
unto  her,  was  obstinate  in  her  resolution  ;  "  I  shall  have 
more  life  in  Christ,  than  in  myself :  all  the  emperors,  all  the 
physicians  in  the  world  cannot  make  my  life,  which  I  have  in 
myself,  so  long  to-morrow^  as  it  is  to-day ;  but  in  Christ  my 
life  is  not  only  an  abiding,  but  an  abounding  life  ;  I  shall 
have  more  of  that  by  losing  mine  own  ;  my  life  in  him  is  an 
hidden  life,  free  from  all  injuries  and  persecutions  of  men  ;  I 
shall  have  more  riches  in  him  than  in  myself,  even  unsearch- 
able riches,  which  can  never  be  stolen  away,  because  they  can 
never  be  exhausted."  It  is  as  possible  for  thieves  to  draw 
out  the  mines  of  India,  or  to  steal  away  the  sun  out  of  his 


oib,  as  for  any  human  violence  to  take  away  Christ  from  a 
man.  Such  acceptation  hath  the  gospel  found  amongst  re- 
nowned worthies  heretofore;  and  the  like  entertainment 
should  we  all  give  unto  it,  even  prefer  it  above  our  greatest 
glory,  and,  as  the  Thessalonians  did,  receive  it  with  joy  in  the 
midst  of  afflictions,  1  Thess.  i.  6 ;  abide  with  Christ  in  his 
temptations,  esteem  his  gospel  glorious  as  the  stars  in  the 
darkness  of  the  night,  or  as  a  torch,  which  blazeth  most  when 
it  is  most  shaken. 

This  alone  it  is  whicli  proves  our  love  to  Christ  to  be  sin- 
cere and  incorrupt,  wlien  we  embrace  his  gospel  for  itself,  and 
can  therein,  in  any  condition,  see  Christ  full  of  glory,  grace, 
and  truth  ;  when  a  man  can,  with  St.  Paul,  not  rejoice  only 
in  the  name  and  profession  of  the  cross  of  Christ,  but  in  con- 
formity and  obedience  thereunto,  in  that  virtue  of  the  orospel 
which  crucifies  him  unto  the  world,  and  the  world  unto  him. 
In  days  of  peace  and  religion  men  may  easily  afford  to  magnify 
the  gospel,  because  they  get  by  it.  The  persians,  who,  had 
the  dreadful  decree  continued,  would  have  been  the  slaughterers 
of  the  jews,  yet  when  leave  was  given  to  that  people  to  deliver 
themselves  from  the  malice  of  Haman,  even  many  of  them 
turned  jews  themselves,  because  the  fear  of  that  people  fell 
upon  them.  We  may  observe  this  affection  in  the  woman  of 
Samaria ;  the  first  reason  why  she  gave  some  heed  to  Christ, 
speaking  of  his  water  of  life  unto  her,  was,  because  she  should 
thirst  no  more,  nor  come  thither  to  draw,  John  iv.  14.  So 
long  as  Ephraim  might  have  her  work  and  her  wages  together, 
she  was  contented  to  do  God  some  service,  like  an  heifer  that 
loveth  to  tread  out  the  corn,  Hos.  x.  11  ;  that  is,  while  she 
had  no  yoke  on  her  neck,  no  muzzle  on  her  mouth,  while 
she  was  not  put  to  plough,  but  to  easy  and  pleasant  service,  she 
was  willing  to  yield  unto  it ;  to  note,  that  it  is  but  base  and 
hypocritical  obedience  which  is  supported  by  no  other  than 
present  rewards.  "  They  seek  me  daily,''  saith  the  Lord  to 
the  hypocrites  among  his  people,  "  and  delight  to  know  my 
ways,  as  a  nation  that  did  righteousness  ;"  but  the  end  was, 
that  they  might  have  their  own  wills,  and  as  it  were  to  oblige 
God  to  reward  them  ;  and  therefore,  as  soon  as  God  seemeth 
to  neglect  them  and  their  services,  they  proudly  expostulate 
with  him,  and  even  reproach  him  concerning  their  works ; 
"  Wherefore  have  we  fasted,  and  thou  seest  not?"  Isa.  Iviii.  2, 
3.  This  then  is  the  proof  of  our  sincere  love  unto  Christ, 
which  is  not  raised  upon  mercenary  respects,  when  we  can 


receive  the  gospel  with  persecution.  Persecution  is  amongst 
Christ's  legacies,  a  part  of  the  church's  portion,  and  of  God's 
gifts  unto  her,  Mark  x.  30 ;  no  man  that  will  live  godly  can 
be  without  them.  Even  in  Abraham's  house,  which  was,  at 
that  time,  if  not  the  sole,  yet  the  most  glorious  church  on  the 
earth,  there  was  a  persecutor,  and  "  as  it  was  then,  so  is  it 
now,"  saith  the  apostle,  Gal.  iv.  29.  The  saints  of  God  ever 
have  been,  and  ever  will  be,  to  the  world's  end,  esteemed  for 
wonders,  and  marks,  and  madmen,  and  proverbs  of  reproach. 
And  hereby  the  Lord  doth  provide  to  make  his  gospel  more 
glorious,  because  he  giveth  men  hearts  to  suffer  scorn  and  re- 
proach for  it.  To  receive  the  word  in  affliction,  and  yet  with 
joy,  is  an  exemplary  thing,  which  maketh  the  sound  and  glory 
of  the  gospel  to  spread  abroad.  Now  then,  if  persecution  be 
thus  an  appendant  to  the  gospel,  every  man  must  resolve  to  re- 
ceive it  in  some  affliction,  when  he  must  be  put  to  discard  his 
wicked  companies,  to  shake  off  his  flattering  and  sharking 
lusts,  to  forsake  his  own  will  and  ways,  to  run  a  hazard  of  un- 
deserved scorn,  disreputation,  and  misconstructions  in  the 
world,  and  yet  for  all  this  to  set  an  high  price  upon  the  pre- 
cious truths  of  the  gospel  still ;  is  not  this  to  receive  the 
word  in  much  affliction  ?  And  surely,  till  a  man  can  resolve 
upon  this  conclusion,  I  am  ready  to  be  bound  and  to  die  for 
the  name  of  Jesus  ;  I  count  not  my  life,  much  less  my  liberty, 
peace,  credit,  secular  accommodations  dear,  so  that  I  may  finish 
my  course  with  joy  ;  Lord,  my  will  is  no  more  mine,  but  it  shall 
be  in  all  things  subject  unto  thee, — he  can  never  give  such  en- 
tertainment to  the  word  as  becometh  so  glorious  a  gospel.  All 
his  seeming  profession  and  acceptation  is  but  like  the  Gada- 
renes'  courtesy  in  meeting  of  Christ,  which  was  only  to  be 
rid  of  him,  Matt.  viii.  34. 

(3.)  We  should  from  hence  learn  a  further  christian  duty, 
which  is  to  adorn  this  glorious  gospel  in  an  holy  conversation, 
Phil.  i.  27.  This  use  the  apostle  everywhere  makes  of  the 
gospel  of  Christ ;  that  we  should  walk  as  becometh  the  gos- 
pel ;  that  we  should  in  all  things  adorn  the  doctrine  of  God 
our  Saviour,  Tit.  ii.  10  ;  that  we  should  walk  worthy  of  him 
who  hath  called  us  unto  his  kingdom  and  glory,  1  Thess.  ii. 
12  ;  that  we  show  forth  the  praises  of  him  who  hath  called  us 
out  of  darkness  into  his  marvellous  light,  1  Pet.  ii.  9  ;  that  we 
should  not  receive  so  great  a  grace  as  the  ministry  of  reconci- 
liation in  vain,  but  that  we  should  walk  fittingly  to  the  holi- 
ness and  efficacy  of  so  exce  lent  a  rule,  as  becometh  a  royal 


nation,  a  people  of  glory,  a  peculiar  and  selected  inheritance, 
even  zealous  of  good  works,  Tit.  ii.  14.  It  was  once  the  ex- 
postulation of  Nehemiah  with  his  enemies.  Should  such  a  man 
as  I  flee  from  such  men  as  you?  Nehem.  vi.  11.  Such 
should  be  our  expostulation  with  Satan  and  our  own  lusts, 
Should  such  men  as  we  are,  who  have  the  gospel  of  Christ  for 
our  rule,  conform  ourselves  unto  another  law  ?  Is  not  this  the 
end  why  the  gospel  is  preached,  that  we  should  live  unto  God  ? 
Doth  it  become  the  son  of  a  king  to  go  in  rags,  or  to  converse 
with  mean  and  ignoble  persons  ?  Now  by  the  gospel  we  have 
that  great  honour  and  privilege  given  us  to  be  called  the  sons 
of  God,  and  shall  we  then  walk  as  servants  of  Satan  ? 
Would  any  prince  endure  to  see  the  heir  of  his  crown  live  in 
bondage  to  his  own  vassal  and  most  hated  enemy  ?  Herein  is 
the  greatest  glory  of  the  gospel  above  the  law,  that  it  is  a  law 
of  life  and  liberty,  a  word  which  transformeth  men  into  the 
image  of  Christ,  and  maketh  them  such  as  it  requireth  them 
to  be.  So  that  to  walk  still  according  to  the  course  of  the 
world  as  we  did  before,  is,  as  much  as  in  us  lies,  to  make  the 
gospel  as  weak  and  unprofitable  as  the  law.  "  How  do  ye 
say,  We  are  wise,"  saith  the  prophet,  "  and  the  law  of  the 
Lord  is  with  us  ?  Lo,  certainly  in  vain  made  he  it ;  the  pen 
of  the  scribe  is  in  vain,"  Jer.  viii.  8  ;  that  is,  the  privilege  of 
having  the  oracles  and  ordinances  of  God  committed  unto  us, 
will  do  us  no  more  good,  if  we  walk  unworthy  of  so  great  a 
grace,  than  if  those  ordinances  had  never  been  written  or  re- 
vealed to  men. 

Here  then  it  is  needful  to  inquire  in  what  manner  we  are 
to  adorn  and  set  forth  the  glory  of  the  gospel.  To  this  I 

[1.]  That  the  greatest  honour  we  can  do  unto  the  gospel 
is  to  set  it  up  in  our  hearts,  as  our  only  rule  by  which  we  are 
to  walk,  that  we  prefer  it  above  all  our  own  counsels,  and  ven- 
ture not  to  mingle  it  with  the  wisdom  and  reasonings  of  the 
flesh  ;  that  we  raise  up  our  conversation  unto  it,  and  never 
bend  it  unto  the  crookedness  of  our  own  ends  or  rules.  "  As 
ye  have  received  Christ  Jesus  the  Lord,  so  walk  ye  in  him," 
saith  the  apostle.  Col.  ii.  6 ;  that  is,  fashion  your  conversa- 
tion to  the  doctrine  of  Christ,  let  that  have  the  highest  place, 
and  the  over-ruling  suffrage  in  your  hearts.  There  is  all  wis- 
dom in  the  gospel ;  it  is  able  to  make  men  wise  unto  salvation  : 
that  is,  there  is  wisdom  enough  in  it  to  compass  the  utmost 
and  most  difficult  end.     And  what  can  the  reasonino;s  of  the 

162  THE    GLORY    OF    THE    GOSPEL. 

flesh  contribute  to  that  which  was  all  wisdom  before,  and 
which  can  thoroughly  furnish  a  man  unto  every  good  work  ? 
This  glory,  St.  Paul  (though  a  man  of  great  learning,  of 
strong  intellect,  of  a  working  and  stirring  spirit,  qualities  very 
unapt  to  yield  and  be  silent)  did  at  the  very  first  revelation 
thereof  give  unto  the  gospel ;  "  Immediately,"  said  he,  "  I 
conferred  not  with  flesh  and  blood,''  Gal.  xvi.  1 ;  I  did  not 
compare  the  gospel  of  Christ  with  the  principles  of  my  carnal 
wisdom  ;  I  did  not  resolve  to  dispute  against  God's  grace,  or 
to  conform  unto  this  mystery,  no  further  than  the  precepts  of 
mine  own  reason,  or  the  co-existence  of  mine  own  secular  ends 
and  preferments  would  allow ;  but  I  captivated  all  my  thoughts, 
and  laid  down  all  the  weapons  of  the  flesh  at  Christ's  feet, 
resting  only  on  this  word  as  a  treasury  of  wisdom,  and  yield- 
ing up  my  whole  heart  to  be  in  all  things  ordered  by  this  rule. 
It  is  an  horrible  boldness  in  many  men  to  wrest,  and  torture, 
and  distinguish  the  gospel  into  all  shapes  for  their  own  lusts' 
sake.  As  we  see  what  shifts  men  will  use,  to  make  the  way 
of  life  broader  than  it  is,  by  looking  upon  it  through  their  own 
multiplying  glasses  ;  what  evasions  and  subterfuges  sin  will 
find  out  to  escape  by,  when  the  letter  of  the  word  presseth 
sore  upon  them.  Oh  how  many  sins  might  men  escape,  how 
wonderfully  might  they  improve  the  image  of  Christ  in  their 
hearts,  if  they  did,  with  David,  make  the  law  their  counsellor, 
and  weigh  every  action  which  they  go  about,  those  especially 
which  they  have  any  motions  of  reluctancy  in  the  spirit  of 
their  mind  unto,  not  in  the  deceitful  balance  of  human  cus- 
tom, but  in  the  balance  of  the  sanctuary,  the  holy  Scriptures  I 
If  they  would  seriously  remember  that  they  must  always  walk 
in  Christ,  Col.  ii.  6,  make  him  the  rule,  the  way,  the  end,  the 
judge,  the  companion,  the  assistant  in  all  their  works  ;  that  as 
the  members  of  the  body  do  nothing  at  all  but  in  the  fellow- 
ship of  the  body,  and  as  they  are  thereunto  applied  by  the 
same  common  soul  which  animates  them  all ;  so  christian  men 
should  do  nothing  but  as  parts  of  Christ,  and  as  actuated  by 
the  same  gracious  Spirit  which  is  in  him.  This  is  the  mean- 
ing of  our  being  christians,  and  of  that  consent  which  in  our 
baptism  we  yield  unto  that  covenant  of  Christ,  that  we  will  not 
follow  nor  be  led  by  Satan,  the  world,  or  the  flesh, — that  is, 
by  that  wisdom  which  is  earthly,  sensual,  devihsh, — but  that  we 
will  be  ordered  by  that  Spirit  of  regeneration,  the  seal  of  whose 
baptism  we  receive  in  our  sacramental  washing.  Oh  then 
what  is  become  of  the  Christianity  of  many  men,  who  forget 


that  they  have  been  purged ;  who  live  as  if  they  had  never  been 
baptized  into  Christ;  who  Uve  as  if  they  had  never  learned  Christ? 
What  a  prodigy  and  contradiction  is  it,  that  the  tongue  which 
lately  professed  itself  to  be  christian,  and  said  Amen  to  a 
most  holy  praver,  should  (like  those  beasts,  which  Seneca 
speaketh  of,  which,  by  turning  aside  their  head  to  some  other 
spectacle,  do  immediately  forget  the  meat  which  they  seemed 
most  greedily  to  eat  before)  break  forth  presently  into  blasphe- 
mies, oaths,  lies,  revilings,  clamours,  obscenities,  which  are 
the  very  fumes  and  evidences  of  hell  in  the  heart  I  that  those 
hands  which  lately  were  reached  forth  to  receive  the  sacred 
pledges  and  mysteries  of  salvation,  which  were  lately  employed 
in  distributing  alms  to  the  members  of  Christ,  or  in  helping  to 
lift  up  a  prayer  unto  heaven,  which  seemed,  like  the  hands  of 
Ezekiel*s  living  creature,  to  have  wings  of  devotion  over  them, 
should  suddenly  have  their  wings  melted  off,  and  fall  down  to 
covetous  and  cruel  practices  again  !  that  those  feet,  which  in 
the  morning  carried  men  into  the  Lord's  sanctuary,  and  into 
the  presence  of  Christ,  should  the  same  day  turn  the  backs  of 
the  same  men  upon  the  temple  of  the  Lord,  and  carry  them  to 
scenes  of  iniquity  and  nurseries  of  uncleanness  I  that  those  eyes, 
which  just  now  seemed  to  have  been  nailed  unto  heaven,  and 
to  have  contended  with  the  tongue  and  the  hand  which  should 
more  earnestly  have  presented  the  prayers  of  the  soul  to  God, 
should,  almost  in  the  space  of  their  own  twinkhng,  be  filled 
with  sparks  of  uncleanness,  gazing  and  glutting  themselves 
upon  vain  or  adulterous  objects!  What  is  this  but  for  men  to 
renounce  their  baptism,  to  tear  off  their  seal,  and  dash  out 
their  subscription  from  the  covenant  of  grace,  to  deny  the  Lord 
that  bought  them,  to  repent  their  bargain  which  they  had 
made  for  salvation,  and  really  to  dishonour  that  gospel  which 
they  hypocritically  profess  ?  This,  then,  is  the  first  honour 
which  we  can  do  unto  the  gospel  of  Christ,  when  we  set  it  up 
in  our  hearts  as  a  most  adequate  rule  of  all  wisdom,  and  the 
alone  principle  of  every  action. 

[2.]  We  continue  to  honour  the  gospel  of  Christ  by 
walking  in  obedience  thereunto  as  our  perfect  rule.  In  the 
obedience  of  faith,  receiving  it,  and  leaning  upon  it,  laying  hold 
on  the  covenant  which  is  therein  revealed,  as  on  the  only  hope 
which  is  set  before  us  ;  for  this  is  a  great  acknowledgment  of 
the  glory  and  praise  of  God  when  we  trust  in  him  for  salvation. 
Therefore  the  apostle,  having  showed  the  glory  of  Christ  above 
Moses,  maketh  this  principal  use   of  it,    that  therefore  we 


should  hear  his  voice,  and  take  heed  of  an  evil  and  unbelieving 
heart,  in  departing  from  him,  Heb.  iii.  3 — 12.  We,  saith  he, 
are  to  the  praise  of  God's  glory,  who  trust  in  Christ,  Eph. 
i.  12.  Again  ;  in  obedience  of  life  and  holiness.  When  for 
the  honour  of  the  gospel  we  can  deny  ourselves,  and  dishonour 
our  lusts,  and  part  from  all  that  we  had  before  as  from  dross, 
and  express  the  image  of  Christ  in  our  conversation.  This  is 
indeed  the  true  learning  of  Christ,  when  we  show  forth  his  life 
in  ours,  when  we  walk  as  he  also  walked,  when  as  he  was,  so 
we  are  in  this  world,  when  the  same  mind,  judgment,  affec- 
tions are  in  us,  which  were  in  Christ.  Thus,  the  faithful  are 
said  to  honour  God  when  they  sanctify  his  sabbath,  and  to 
glorify  him  when  they  bring  forth  much  fruit,  Eph.  iv.  20,  22 ; 
1  John  ii.  6  ;  iv.  17  ;  Phil.  ii.  5  ;  Isa.  Iviii.  13  ;  John  xv.  8. 
[3.]  We  honour  the  gospel  of  Christ  by  constancy  and  con- 
tinuance in  our  faith  and  obedience  thereunto  ;  for  standing  fast, 
or  persisting  immovably  in  our  course  without  sorrow  or  repent- 
ance, is  an  argument  of  the  excellency  of  the  gospel.  "  Walk," 
saith  the  apostle,  "  as  becometh  the  gospel — that  I  may  hear 
of  your  affairs,  that  ye  stand  fast  in  one  spirit,"  Phil.  i.  27. 
Lusts  ever  bring  inconstancy  with  them,  and  make  the  soul 
like  weary  and  distempered  bodies,  never  well  m  any  posture  or 
condition.  Wicked  men  flee,  like  bees  from  one  flower  to  ano- 
ther, from  one  vanity  to  another,  can  never  find  enough  in  any 
to  satiate  the  endless  intemperancy  of  unnatural  desires  ;  only 
the  gospel,  being  spiritually  apprehended,  hath  treasures 
enough  for  the  soul  to  rest  in,  and  to  seek  no  further.  And 
therefore  falling  away  from  the  truth,  power,  or  purity  of  the 
gospel  is  said  to  expose  Christ  to  shame,  and  to  crucify  him 
again.  For  as  in  baptism,  when  we  renounce  sin,  and  betake 
ourselves  to  Christ,  we  do,  as  it  were,  expose  sin  unto  public 
infamy,  and  nail  it  on  the  cross  of  Christ ;  so,  when  we  re» 
volt  from  Christ  unto  sin  again,  and  in  our  hearts  turn  back 
unto  Egypt,  and  thrust  him  from  us,  we  do  then  put  him  to 
shame  again,  as  if  he  were  either  in  his  power  deficient,  or 
unfaithful  in  those  promises  which  before  we  pretended  to  rely 
upon.  If  Israel,  as  they  consulted,  should  likewise  actually 
have  rebelled  against  Moses,  and  returned  in  body,  as  well 
as  in  heart,  unto  Egypt  again,  what  a  scorn  would  it  have 
wrought  in  that  proud  nation,  that  their  vassals  should  volun- 
tarily resume  their  thraldom,  after  so  many  boasts  and  appear- 
ances of  deliverance  I  If  a  man  should  relinquish  the  service 
of  some  noble  person,  and  apply  himself  unto  some  sordid 


master  for  subsistence,  would  not  the  mouths  of  men  be 
quickly  open  ;  or  their  minds  jealous  to  suspect  that,  however 
such  a  man  carries  a  high  name,  and  there  be  great  expecta- 
tions from  attending  on  him,  yet  in  truth  he  is  but  a  dry  mas- 
ter, whom  his  own  servants  do  so  publicly  dishonour  ?  so, 
when  any  men  turn  apostates  from  the  power  and  profession  of 
the  gospel  of  Christ,  presently  wicked  men  are  apt  to  blaspheme, 
and  to  conceive  desperate  prejudices  against  our  high  and  holy 
calling.  If  any  man  make  a  boast  of  the  law,  and  yet  break  it,  he 
dishonoureth  God  the  more  ;  for,  saith  the  apostle,  "  The 
name  of  God  is  blasphemed  among  the  gentiles  through  you," 
Rom.  ii.  24  ;  so  constancy  in  Christ's  service  giveth  him  the 
glory  of  an  honourable  master,  and  his  law  of  a  royal  law,  put- 
teth  to  silence  the  ignorance  of  those  foolish  men,  who  lie  in 
wait  to  take  advantages,  that  they  may  blaspheme  the  name  of 
God,  and  his  doctrine,  1  Pet,  ii.  15,  16 ;  1  Tim.  vi.  1. 

[4.]  The  gospel  of  Christ  is  honoured  by  the  unity  of 
spirit,  and  concurrent  judgments  and  affections  of  men  towards 
it.  When  all  the  sincere  professors  thereof  do  unani- 
mously strive  together,  and  earnestly  contend  for  it ;  when  all 
that  ever  have  been,  or  are  acquainted  therewith,  do  glorify  it 
with  their  suffrages  and  subscription  ;  it  must  needs  be  a  glo- 
rious gospel,  if  all  that  ever  looked  on  it  do  so  conclude.  No- 
thing was  ever  able  to  deceive  all  men,  neither  did  so  many 
ever  combine  to  deceive  others.  When  the  pliilosophers  se- 
verally strove  for  the  precedence  of  their  several  sects,  and 
every  man,  after  his  own  order,  gave  the  next  place  unto  Plato, 
it  was  undoubtedly  concluded  that  his  was  the  most 
excellent,  because,  after  their  own  prejudice  and  personal  re- 
spects, it  was  honoured  by  the  equal  suffrages  of  all  the  rest : 
how  much  more  must  the  gospel  needs  be  glorious,  which 
hath  the  joint  attestation  of  angels  and  all  holy  men  since  the 
world  began  to  honour  it  withal  I  Therefore,  when  the  apostle 
proveth  the  greatness  of  this  heavenly  mystery,  he  useth  a 
word  which  importeth  the  consent  of  men,  without  any  doubt, 
or  by  an  universal  confession,  "Great  is  the  mystery  of  godliness," 
1  Tim.  iii.  16.  Doth  it  not  much  set  forth  the  glory  of  a 
law,  that  there  should  be  so  much  wisdom,  power,  equity,  ma- 
jesty, and  beauty  in  the  face  of  it,  that  every  true  subject  in  a 
realm  should  concur  in  a  constant  and  uniform  love  and 
obedience  to  it  ?  Let  us,  therefore,  express  the  glory  of  the 
gospel,  not  only  in  our  joint  confessions,  but  in  our  united 
obedience  thereunto,  and  in  our  unanimous  zeal  and  con- 


tention  for  it ;  in  our  brotherly  affections  and  compassions  to 
one  another;  for  the  schisms  and  disafFections  of  christians 
bring  much  dishonour  upon  their  holy  profession,  which  in  all 
their  miscarriages  doth  ever,  by  occasion  of  the  unreasonable- 
ness of  wicked  men,  suffer  together  with  them.     Therefore,  the 
apostle,  from  the  unity  of  Christ  in  himself,   concludeth  that 
such  he  should  be  in  his  members  too.     Is  Christ  divided? 
Hath  he  divers  opinions,  or  hath  he  the  truth  of  God  in  re- 
spect of  persons  ?    Such  as  he  is,  such  should  you  be  like- 
wise,  lest  by  your    contentions  you   seem   to  make  another 
Christ,  or  another  gospel,  than  that  which  you  have  received. 
[3.]    The  gospel  of  Christ  is  honoured  in  our  studying  of 
it,  and  digging  after  it  in  our  serious  and  painful  inquiries  into 
the  mysteries  of  it.     St.  Paul  despised  all  other  knowledge. 
and  shook  off  every  weight  that  he  might  press  forward  with 
the  more  unwearied  affections  towards  so  excellent  a  treasure. 
Surely,  if  men  had  the  spirit  of  the  apostle,  or  of  those  blessed 
angels  which  desire  to  pry  into  the  gospel  of  Christ,  they  would 
not  mispend  so  much  precious  time   in  frothy  and  fruitless 
studies,  nor  waste  away  that  lamp  of  reason  in  their  bosoms  in 
empty  and  unnourishing  blazes  ;  but  would  set  more   hours 
apart  to  look  into  the  patent  of  their  salvation,    (which  is  the 
book  of  God,)  and  to  acquaint  themselves  with  Christ  before- 
hand, that  when  they  come  into  his  presence  they  may  have  the 
entertainment  of  friends,  and  not  of  strangers.      Men  that  in- 
tend to  travel  into  foreign  kingdoms  with   any  advantage  to 
their  parts,  or  improvement  of  their  experience,  do  beforehand 
season  and  prepare  themselves  with  the  language,  with  some 
topographical  observations  of  the  country,  with  some  general 
notions  of  the  manners,  forms,  civilities,  and  entertainments  of  the 
natives  there ;  do  delight  to  converse  with  those  men  who  are 
best  learned  in  these  or  the  like  particulars.     Surely,  as  we 
all  profess  a  journey  to  heaven,  a  pilgrimage  in  this  present 
world,  we  should  have  our  conversation  now  where  we  look 
to  have  our  everlasting  abode  with  the  Lord  hereafter.    Now, 
in  the  gospel  of  Christ  we  have,  as  it  were,  a  map,  a  topogra- 
phical delineation  of  those  glorious  mansions  which  are  there 
prepared  for  the  church  ;  we  have  a  taste  and  description  of 
the  manners  of  that  people  ;  we  have   some  rudiments  of  the 
heavenly  language  ;  in  one  word,  we  have  abundantly  enough, 
not  only  to  prepare  us   for  it,  but  to  inflame  all  the  desires  of 
our  soul  unto  it,  even  as  exiles  or  captives  desire  to  return  to 
their  native  country.   Now  then,  if  we  no  way  desire  to  study 


it,  or  acquaint  ourselves  with  it ;  if  we  seem  to  desire  the  sif^ht 
of  Christ  in  heaven,  and,  when  we  may  every  day  have  a 
blessed  view  of  his  face  in  the  glass  of  his  gospel,  we  turn 
away  our  eyes,  and  regard  it  not,  we  do  as  good  as  proclaim 
to  all  the  world,  that  either  our  hopes  of  heaven  are  very  slen- 
der, or  our  care  thereof  little  or  none  at  all.  And  this  I  take 
for  a  most  undoubted  truth,  that  there  is  so  much  of  the 
knowledge,  grace,  and  Spirit  of  Christ,  and  through  him  of  the 
Father,  in  the  holy  Scriptures,  (and  those  only  are  the  things 
which  make  heaven  to  be  the  home  and  the  hope  of  men,) 
as  that  whosoever  neglecteth  the  study  of  them,  and  suffereth 
the  Scriptures  to  lie  by  him  as  a  sealed  book,  would  be  every 
whit  as  unwilling,  if  heaven  gates  were  wide  open  unto  him,  to 
relinquish  his  portion  in  the  earth,  and  to  spend  his  time  in 
the  fruition  or  contemplation  of  that  glorious  country. 

[6.]  We  honour  the  gospel  when  in  our  greatest  distresses 
we  make  it  our  altar  of  refuge,  our  door  of  escape,  the  ground 
of  all  our  hope  and  comfort,  the  only  anchor  to  stay  our  souls 
in  any  spiritual  tempest,  the  only  staff  to  lean  upon  in  our 
greatest  darkness.  Whatever  other  carnal  comforts  men  may 
for  a  time  rejoice  in,  they  will  all  prove  but  as  a  fire  of  sparks, 
or  as  a  blaze  of  thorns,  which  can  yield  no  solid  or  abiding 
light  unto  the  soul.  When  sinners  in  Sion  begin  once  to  be 
afraid,  and  to  be  surprised  with  the  fearfulness  of  a  guilty  soul, 
when  the  affrighted  conscience  shall  put  that  dreadful  ques- 
tion, in  the  prophet,  to  itself,  How  can  I  dwell  with  devour- 
ing fire  ?  How  can  I  dwell  with  everlasting  burning  ?  there 
will  no  other  answer  allay  the  scorching  terror  thereof,  but 
that  in  the  end  of  the  same  chapter,  "  The  people  that  dwell 
therein  shall  be  forgiven  their  iniquity,"  Isa.  xxxiii.  14,  24. 
If  thou  wilt  indeed  be  comforted,  sue  out  thy  pardon,  flee  to 
the  court  of  mercy  which  is  erected  in  the  gospel.  This  was 
our  Saviour's  argument  to  the  man  that  was  sick  of  the  palsy, 
"  Son,  be  of  good  cheer,  thy  sins  be  forgiven  thee,"  Matt. 
ix.2.  There  is  no  worldly  affliction  goeth  closer  to  the  life  of 
a  man  than  sickness  ;  and  yet,  as  in  the  midst  of  laughter  the 
heart  of  a  wicked  man  is  sorrowful,  because  it  is  still  under 
the  guilt  of  sin,  so  in  the  midst  of  pain  and  sorrow  the  heart 
of  a  godly  man  may  be  cheerful,  because  his  sins  are  forgiven. 

To  conclude  this  point,  we  may,  for  our  better  encourage- 
ment in  so  necessary  a  duty,  lay  together  these  considerations  : 

1.  In  point  of  honour  we  should  learn  to  walk  as  becometh 
the  gospel,  for  the  gospel  is  a  christian's  glory,  and  therefore 


ought  to  be  preserved  in  his  heart,  as  his  chiefest  privilege. 
The  Spirit  of  God  will  not  endure  to  have  holy  things  pro- 
faned, as  if  they  were  common  or  unclean.  Belshazzar  con- 
verted the  consecrated  vessels  of  the  temple  into  instruments  of 
luxury  and  intemperance  ;  but  the  Lord  tempered  his  wine 
with  dregs,  and  made  them  prove  unto  him  as  cups  of  trem- 
bling and  astonishment.  Now  then,  if  the  Lord  were  thus 
jealous  for  the  types  of  his  gospel,  how  think  we,  can  he  en- 
dure to  see  the  gospel  itself  dishonoured  by  an  unsuitable  pro- 
fession, or  the  blood  of  the  covenant  trampled  under  foot,  as 
if  it  were  a  common  or  unclean  thing ;  in  the  contempt  of  the 
gospel  there  is  more  dishonour  done  unto  each  Person  of  the 
blessed  Trinity,  than  can  be  by  any  other  sin.  An  under- 
valuing of  the  Father's  wisdom,  that  great  mystery  and  coun- 
sel of  redemption  which  was  hidden  from  former  ages  ;  and 
what  an  indignity  is  it  unto  him,  for  a  man  to  shut  out  the  light 
of  the  sun,  that  so  he  may  enjoy  the  pitiful  benefit  of  dark- 
ness, to  gaze  upon  the  false  glistering  of  rotten  wood,  or  of 
earthly  slime,  the  deceit  whereof  would  be  by  the  true  light 
discovered  !  An  undervaluing  of  his  wonderful  love,  as  if  he 
had  put  himself  unto  a  needless  compassion,  and  might  have 
kept  it  still  in  his  own  bosom.  A  scorn  unto  the  Son  of  God, 
when  we  suffer  him  to  stand  at  our  doors,  with  his  locks  wet 
with  the  dew  of  heaven,  to  put  his  finger  into  the  hole  of  the 
lock,  as  if  he  desired  to  steal  an  entrance  upon  the  soul ;  to 
empty,  to  humble,  to  deny  himself,  to  suffer  the  wrongs  of  men, 
and  the  wrath  of  God,  and  after  all  this  to  have  that  precious 
blood,  which  was  squeezed  out  with  such  woful  agonies, 
counted  no  other  than  the  blood  of  a  common  malefactor  ;  nor 
that  sacred  body  which  was  thus  broken,  discerned  from  the 
bodies  of  the  thieves  which  were  crucified  with  him.  An  indig- 
nity beyond  all  apprehension  to  the  Spirit  of  grace,  when  we 
suffer  him  to  wait  daily  at  our  Bethesda,  our  houses  of  mercy, 
and  all  in  vain  to  spend  his  sacred  breath  in  the  ministry  of 
reconciliation,  in  doubling  and  redoubling  his  requests  unto 
our  souls  that  we  should  be  contented  to  be  saved ;  while 
we  harden  our  hearts,  and  stop  our  ears,  and  set  up  the 
pride  and  stoutness  of  our  own  reasonings,  till  we  do  even 
weary  him,  and  chide  him  away  from  us.  Now,  this  is  a  cer- 
tain rule,  God  will  not  lose  any  honour  by  men's  sins ;  if 
they  refuse  to  give  him  the  glory  of  his  mercy,  he  will  show 
the  glory  of  his  power  and  justice  in  treading  down  the  proud 
enemies  of  Christ  under  his  feet.     As  they  that  honour  him 


shall  be  honoured  ;  so  they  who  cast  any  disgrace  upon  his 
truth  and  covenant,  shall  be  sure  to  meet  with  shame  and  dis- 
honour at  the  last. 

2.  To  avoid  scandal.  The  gospel  is  the  light  of  a  nation  ; 
and  sins  in  the  light,  as  they  are  committed  with  more  impu- 
dence, so  likewise  with  more  offence.  An  offence  or  scandal 
tending  unto  sin  in  misguiding  the  weak,  in  encouraging  and 
confirming  the  obdurate,  in  opening  the  mouths  of  adversaries 
to  revile  our  holy  profession ;  and  a  scandal  tending  unto  sor- 
row in  wounding  the  hearts  of  the  godly,  and  vexing  their 
righteous  spirits  with  a  filthy  conversation. 

3.  We  should  learn  to  walk  as  becometh  the  gospel,  even 
in  respect  to  the  state,  for  the  gospel  is  the  foundation  of  true 
peace  and  tranquillity  in  a  commonweal ;  and  those  who  show 
forth  the  power  thereof,  are,  as  it  were,  lions  about  the  throne 
of  their  king.  By  righteousness  the  throne  is  established,  but 
sin  is  a  reproach  unto  any  people.  One  Joseph  in  Egypt  is 
a  store-house  to  all  the  kingdom;  one  Elisha,  an  army  of 
chariots  and  of  horsemen  unto  Israel ;  one  Moses,  a  fence  to 
keep  out  an  inundation  of  wrath  which  was  breaking  in  upon 
the  people  ;  one  Paul,  an  haven,  an  anchor,  a  deliverance  to 
all  that  were  in  the  ship  with  him.  And  now,  if  the  stars  fall, 
we  must  needs  look  for  tempests  to  ensue ;  if  the  salt  lose  its 
savour,  we  cannot  look  that  any  thing  should  be  long  pre- 
served. If  christians  live  as  if  they  had  no  gospel,  or  as  if 
they  had  another  gospel,  what  can  we  expect  but  that  God 
should  either  plague  us,  or  forsake  us,  either  send  his  judg- 
ments, or  curse  his  blessings  ? 

4.  The  gospel  makes  sin  more  filthy,  if  it  do  not  purge 
it ;  the  sweet  savour  of  the  gospel  maketh  the  sins  of  men 
more  noisome  and  odious  in  the  nostrils  of  the  Almighty. 
And  therefore  we  see  what  a  fearful  doom  the  apostle  pro- 
nounceth  against  those,  who  having  tasted  of  the  good  Spirit 
of  God,  and  been  enlightened,  and  in  some  sort  affected  with 
his  grace,  do  yet  afterwards  fall  away, — even  an  impossibility 
of  repentance  or  renovation,  Heb.  vi.  4,  7  ;  x.  26.  From 
which  place,  perversely  wrested,  the  Novatians  of  old  did 
gather  a  desperate  and  uncomfortable  conclusion,  that  sin 
committed  after  regeneration  was  absolutely  unpardonable, 
to  avoid  the  danger  of  which  damnable  and  damning  doctrine, 
some  have  boldly  questioned  both  the  author  and  authenticity 
of  that  epistle  ;  yet,  all  these  inferences  being  denied,  we  learn 


170  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

from  thence  this  plain  observation, — that  precedent  illumina- 
tion from  the  gospel  of  Christ,  doth  tend  much  to  the  aggra- 
vation of  those  sins  which  are  committed  against  it.  And  there- 
fore, from  all  these  considerations,  we  should  labour  to  walk 
worthy  of  so  glorious  a  gospel,  and  of  so  great  a  salvation. 

III.  Thus  have  we  at  large  spoken  of  the  rod  of  Christ's 
strength,  as  it  is  an  ensign  and  rod  of  majesty  ;  we  are  now  to 
speak  a  little  of  it  as  it  is  an  episcopal  rod,  which  denoteth 
much  heedfulness  and  tender  care.  This  is  the  precept  which 
the  apostle  giveth  unto  the  pastors  of  the  church,  that  they 
would  take  special  heed  to  all  the  flock  over  which  the  Holy 
Ghost  had  made  them  overseers,  Acts  xx.  28.  And  the  apos- 
tle again  reckoneth  vigilance,  or  care  over  the  flock  amongst 
the  principal  characters  of  a  bishop,  1  Tim.  iii.  2 ;  and  he 
professeth  of  himself,  that  there  did  daily  lie  upon  him  '*  the 
care  of  the  churches,"  2  Cor.  xi.  28.  And  this  consideration 
atFordeth  us  another  note  out  of  the  words,  namely,  that  Christ 
in  the  ministry  of  his  gospel,  and  dispensation  of  his  Spirit,  is 
full  of  care  and  tenderness  towards  his  church.  This  Christ 
maketh  one  main  point  of  opposition  between  himself  and 
hirelings,  that  these  care  not  for  the  flock,  but  suff'er  the  wolf 
to  come,  and  to  scatter  them,  while  they  flee  away ;  whereas, 
he  keepeth  them  that  none  may  be  lost,  and  prayeth  unto 
the  Father  to  keep  them,  through  his  own  name,  John  x.  12, 
13;  xvii.  11,  12.  The  Lord  committed  the  church  unto 
Christ  as  their  head;  gave  them  into  his  hands,  not  as  an  ordi- 
nary gift,  wherein  he  did  relinquish  his  own  interest  rn 
them,  or  care  of  them,  (for  he  careth  for  them  still,)  but 
as  a  blessed  trust :  entrusted  them  with  him,  as  the  choicest 
of  his  jewels,  as  the  most  precious  casket  amongst  all  the  trea- 
sures of  the  creation,  that  he  should  polish,  preserve,  present 
them  faultless,  and  without  spot  before  the  presence  of  his 
glory  at  the  last  day.  And  for  this  purpose,  he  gave  him  a 
commandment  of  the  greatest  care  and  tenderness  that  ever  the 
world  knew,  that  he  should  lay  down  his  life  for  his  sheep,  and 
should  lose  nothing  of  all  that  was  given  him,  but  should 
raise  it  up  at  the  last  day,  John  x.  18;  vi.  39.  So  that  now, 
want  of  care  or  compassion  of  Christ  towards  his  church, 
would  be  an  argument  of  unfaithfulness ;  if  he  had  not  been 
a  merciful  High-Priest,  neither  could  he  have  been  faithful  to 
him  that  appointed  him,  for  he  was  appointed  to  be  merciful, 
and  was  by  the  Spirit  of  God  filled  with  most  tender  affections, 


^nd  qualified  with  a  heart  fuller  of  compassion  than  the  sea  is 
of  waters,  that  he  might  commiserate  the  distresses  of  his 
people,  and  take  care  of  their  salvation. 

1.  Notably  doth  this  care  of  Christ  show  itself,  in  the  appor- 
tioning and  measuring  forth  to  every  one  his  due  portion,  and 
in  the  midst  of  those  infinite  occasions  and  exigencies  of  his 
several  members  in  providing  such  particular  passages  of  his 
word,  as  may  be  thereunto  most  exactly  suitable ;  for  this 
showeth  that  his  care  reacheth  unto  particular  men.  It  is  the 
duty  of  a  faithful  bishop,  to  make  such  a  difference  between 
men,  and  so  to  divide  or  distribute  the  word  aright,  as  that 
every  one  may  have  the  portion  which  is  due  unto  him.  Some 
are  but  lambs  in  Christ's  flock,  young,  tender,  weak,  easily 
offended  or  affrighted ;  others  are  sheep,  grown  up  to  more 
strength  and  maturity  :  some  in  his  garner  are  but  cummin 
seed,  others  fitches,  and  some  harder  corn  :  some  can  but 
bear  a  little  rod,  others  a  greater  staff  or  flail,  and  some  the 
pressure  of  a  cart  wheel ;  that  which  doth  but  cleanse  some, 
would  batter  and  break  others  into  pieces :  some  are  suffering 
from  the  pangs  of  a  burdened  conscience  and  the  agonies  of 
deep  contrition  ;  others  are,  as  it  were,  new  born,  yet  very  ten- 
der, weak,  and  fearful ;  and  these  he  gathers  with  his  arm,  and 
carries  in  his  bosom,  shows  them  that  his  care  doth  not  only 
reach  unto  the  least  of  his  kingdom,  but  that  his  compassions 
are  most  enlarged  to  those  that  are  too  weak  to  help  them- 
selves ;  that  he  hath  breasts  of  consolation  to  satisfy  and  de- 
light, with  abundance,  the  smallest  infant  of  his  kingdom,  Isa. 
Ixvi.  11.  Some  are  broken-hearted,  and  those  he  bindeth ; 
some  are  captives,  to  those  he  proclaimeth  liberty  ;  some  are 
mourners  in  Sion,  and  for  them  he  hath  beauty,  and  oil  of  joy, 
and  garments  of  praise ;  some  are  bruised  reeds,  whom  every 
curse  or  commination  is  able  to  crush ;  and  some  are  smok- 
ing flax,  whom  every  temptation  is  able  to  discourage ;  and 
yet  even  these  doth  he  so  carefully  tend  and  furnish  with  such 
proportionable  supplies  of  his  Spirit  of  grace,  as  makes  that 
seed  and  sparkle  of  holiness,  which  he  began  in  them,  get  up 
above  all  their  own  fears,  or  their  enemies'  machinations,  and 
grow  from  a  judgment  of  truth  and  sincerity  (as  it  is  called  by 
the  prophet)  unto  a  judgment  of  victory  and  perfection,  as  it 
is  termed  by  the  evangelist.  In  one  word,  some  are  strong, 
and  others  are  weak ;  the  strong  he  feedeth,  the  weak  he 
cureth  ;  the  strong  he  confirmeth,  the  weak  he  restoreth  :  he 
hath  trials  for  the  strong  to  exercise  their  graces,  and  he  hath 


172  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

cordials  for  the  weak  to  strengthen  theirs.  According  unto 
the  several  states,  and  unto  the  secret  demands  of  each  mem- 
ber's condition,  so  doth  the  care  of  Christ  severally  show  it- 
self towards  the  same  in  his  word ;  there  is  provision  for  any 
want,  medicine  for  any  disease,  comforts  for  any  distress,  pro- 
mises for  any  faith,  answers  to  any  doubt,  directions  in  any 
difficulty,  weapons  against  any  temptation,  preservatives 
against  any  sin,  restoratives  against  any  lapse;  garments  to 
cover  my  nakedness,  meat  to  satisfy  my  hunger,  physic  to  cure 
rav  diseases,  armour  to  protect  my  person,  a  treasure  to  provide 
for  my  posterity.  If  1  am  rich,  I  have  there  the  wisdom  oi 
God  to  instruct  me ;  and  if  I  am  poor,  I  have  there  the 
oblio-ations  of  God  to  enrich  me.  If  I  am  honourable,  I  have 
there  the  sight  of  my  sins  to  make  me  vile,  and  rules  of  mo- 
deration to  make  me  humble ;  if  I  am  of  low  degree,  I  have 
there  the  communion  and  consanguinity  of  Christ,  the  partici- 
pation of  the  Divine  nature,  the  adoption  of  God  the  Father, 
to  make  me  noble.  If  I  am  learned,  I  have  there  a  law  of 
charity  to  order  it  unto  edification ;  and  if  I  am.  unlearned, 
I  have  there  a  Spirit  who  searcheth  the  deep  things  of  God, 
who  can  give  wisdom  unto  the  simple,  who  can  reveal  se- 
crets unto  babes,  who  can  command  light  to  shine  out  of 
darkness,  who  can  give  the  light  of  the  knowledge  of  the 
glory,  fulness,  and  love  of  God  in  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ, 
who  can  make  me,  though  ignorant  of  all  other  things,  to 
learn  Christ,  in  whom  there  is  more  wisdom,  more  various  and 
admirable  curiosity,  more  filling  and  plentiful  satisfaction, 
more  proportion  to  the  boundless  desires  of  a  soul  once  recti- 
fied, more  fruit  and  salvation  (which  should  be  the  end  of 
every  christian  man's  learning)  than  in  all  other  knowledge, 
which  either  past  or  present  ages  can  afford.  In  one  word, 
everywhere,  and  in  all  things,  I  am  there  taught  how  to  want, 
and  how  to  abound,  and  how  to  do  all  things  through  Christ 
that  strengthens  me.  A  christian  can  be  set  in  no  condition, 
wherein  the  abundant  care  of  Christ  over  him  is  not  in  the 
gospel  wonderfully  magnified.  And  commonly  in  the  greatest 
straits,  he  showeth  the  greatest  care,  as  waters  run  strongest 
in  the  narrowest  passages ;  when  we  walk  in  darkness,  and 
have  no  light,  when  we  seek  water,  and  there  is  none,  and  our 
tongue  faileth  for  thirst,  then  is  his  fittest  time  to  help  us,  and 
then  is  our  fittest  time  to  stay  upon  him.  Israel  were  delivered 
by  miracles  of  mercy  from  their  Egyptian  bondage,  and  in  the 
wilderness  conducted  by  a  miraculous  presence,  and  fed  with 


angel's  food.  Isaac  was  upon  the  altar,  and  then  in  the  mount 
was  the  Lord  seen,  and  his  mercy  stepped  in  hetween  the  knife 
and  the  sacrifice.  Jacob  in  great  fear  of  his  brother  Esau, 
and  then  comforted  by  prevailing  with  an  angel  who  was 
stronger  than  Esau.  Peter  in  sorest  distress  for  denying  Christ, 
and  he  the  first  man  to  whom  Christ  sent  news  of  his  resur- 
rection. Paul  in  the  ship  visited  by  an  angel.  Peter  in  pri- 
son delivered  by  an  angel.  The  distressed  woman  at  Christ's 
sepulchre  comforted  by  an  angel.  Such  as  the  extremities  of 
the  saints  are,  such  is  Christ's  care  for  their  deliverances. 

The  care  of  Christ  is  thus  further  commended,  that  it  pro- 
ceedeth  solely  from  the  grace  and  compassion  of  Christ ;  there 
is  no  affection  naturally  in  us  to  desire  it,  there  is  no  virtue  in 
us  to  deserve  it :  when  we  were  in  our  blood,  well  pleased 
with  our  own  pollution,  he  doubled  his  goodness,  and  used  a 
kind  of  violence  and  importunity  of  mercy  to  make  us  live ; 
when  we  did  not  seek  after  him,  when  we  did  not  so  much  as 
ask  whether  he  were  fit  to  be  sought,  when  we  were  aliens 
from  his  covenant,  and  strangers  to  his  name,  he  even  then 
multiplied  his  invitation  unto  us,  "  I  said,  behold  me,  behold 
me,  unto  a  nation  that  was  not  called  by  my  name,"  Isa. 
Ixv.  1.  When  we  were  weak,  full  of  impotency  ;  when  we  were 
sinners,  full  of  antipathy ;  when  we  were  enemies,  full  of  obsti- 
nacy and  rebellion ;  when  we  cared  not  for  him,  but  turned 
our  backs,  and  stopped  our  ears,  and  suffered  him  to  throw 
away  in  vain  so  many  sermons,  so  many  sacraments,  so  many 
mercies,  so  many  afflictions  upon  us ;  when  we  cared  not  for 
ourselves,  no  man  repented,  or  said,  "  What  have  I  done?"  even 
then  did  he  magnify  his  compassion  towards  us ;  he  cared  for 
us,  when  we  neglected  ourselves,  despised  him  ;  he  bestowed 
his  mercy  not  only  upon  the  unthankful,  but  upon  the 

But  then  a  little  compassion  is  enough  for  those  that  had 
deserved  none,  for  those  that  had  provoked  scorn  and  dis- 
pleasure against  themselves  ;  but  herein  is  the  care  and  tender-^ 
ness  of  Christ  abundantly  magnified,  that  it  hath  in  it  all  the 
ingredients  of  a  most  sovereign  mercy,  that  nothing  more 
could  have  been  done,  than  he  hath  done  for  us. 

1.  For  the  foundation  and  original  of  all  mercy,  there  is  in 
him  an  overflowing  of  love,  without  stint  or  measure,  a  turning 
of  heart,  a  rolling  and  sounding  of  bowels,  a  love  which  sur- 
passeth  all  knowledge,  which  is  as  much  beyond  the  thoughts 

174  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

or  comprehensions,  as  it  is  above  the  merits  of  men,  Hos.  xi.  8  ; 
Jer.  xxxi.  20  ;  Eph.  iii.  19  ;  Isa.  Iv.  9  ;  Jer.  xxix.  11. 

2.  There  is  a  study  and  inquisitiveness  how  to  do  good,  a 
debating  within  himself,  a  consulting  and  projecting  how  to 
show  mercy  ;  an  arguing,  as  it  were,  of  his  grace  with  man's 
sin,  and  his  own  severity ; "  How  shall  I  give  thee  up,  Ephraim  ? 
how  shall  I  deliver  thee,  Israel  ?  how  shall  I  make  thee  as 
Admah  ?  how  shall  I  set  thee  as  Zeboim  ?  mine  heart  is 
turned  within  me,  my  repentings  are  kindled  together,"  Hosea 
xi.  8.  True  it  is,  thou  hast  been  unto  me  as  the  rulers  of 
Sodom,  and  as  the  people  of  Gomorrah  :  but  shall  I  be  unto 
thee,  as  I  have  been  unto  them  ?  Am  I  not  God,  and  not  man  ? 
shall  I  change  my  covenant,  because  thou  hast  multiplied  thy 
backslidings  ?  The  Lord  useth  such  human  expressions  of 
his  proceedings  with  men,  as  if  their  sins  had  put  him  to  a  stand, 
and  brought  him  to  difficulties  in  showing  mercy.  "  I  said, 
How  shall  I  put  thee  among  the  children,  and  give  thee  a 
pleasant  land?"  Jer.  iii.  19.  Thy  case  is  very  desperate,  and 
thou  hast  stopped  up  the  courses  of  my  mercy  towards  thyself; 
how  then  shall  I  make  good  my  resolutions  of  compassion  to- 
wards those  that  reject  and  nullify  it  to  themselves  ?  Surely, 
there  is  no  way  but  one,  to  over-rule  the  hearts  of  obstinate 
sinners,  that  they  may  not  turn  away  any  more.  Thou  shalt 
call  me  my  Father,  that  is,  I  will  put  filial  affections,  awful 
thoughts,  constant  resolutions  into  thy  heart,  and  thou  shalt 
not  turn  away  from  me.  "  I  will  melt  them  and  try  them," 
saith  the  Lord ;  "  for  how  shall  I  do  for  the  daughter  of  my 
people  ?''  Jer.  ix.  7.  The  Lord  setteth  himself  to  study  and 
contrive  mercy  for  his  people,  that  as  they  set  up  their  sins,  as 
it  were,  in  pride  to  oppose  his  covenant ;  so  he  gathereth  to- 
gether his  thoughts  of  mercy,  as  it  were,  to  conquer  their  sins. 

3.  There  is  constancy  and  continuance  in  this  his  care  ;  "  His 
mercy  endureth,  his  compassions  fail  not,  but  are  renewed 
every  morning,"  Lam.  iii.  22,  23.  And  therefore  the  mercies 
of  David,  that  is,  of  Christ,  for  so  he  is  called,  or  the 
mercies  of  the  covenant  made  with  David,  are  called  "  sure 
mercies ;"  they  have  a  foundation,  the  everlasting  love  and 
counsel  of  God,  upon  which  they  are  built ;  they  have  many 
■seals  by  which  they  are  confirmed,  the  faithfulness,  the  immu- 
tabihty,  and  the  oath  of  God  :  if  there  were  not  continuance 
in  his  mercies,  if  he  were  not  the  same  yesterday,  and  to  day, 
and  for  ever   in  his   truth  and  fidelity  to  bis  church  ;  if  he 

Christ's  care  of  his  church.  175 

should  change  and  turn  from  us,  as  oft  as  we  forsake  lilin,  if 
he  should  leave  us  in  the  hand  of  our  own  counsel,  and  not 
afford  us  such  daily  supplies  of  his  Spirit,  as  might  support  us 
against  the  ruinous  disposition  of  our  own  nature,  we  should 
be  children  of  wrath  every  day  anew.  But  herein  doth  the 
abundant  care  of  Christ  in  the  gospel  declare  itself  unto  us, 
that  though  we  are  worms  in  ourselves,  full  of  weakness,  and 
of  earthly  affections,  yet  God  hath  a  right  hand  of  righteous- 
ness, which  can  uphold  us  ;  that,  though  we  are  bent  to  back- 
sliding, yet  he  is  God,  and  not  man  ;  unchangeable  in  his 
covenant  with  the  persons,  and  almighty  in  his  power  and 
mercy  towards  the  sins  of  men,  both  to  cover  them  with  his 
righteousness,  and  to  cure  them  by  his  Spirit ;  both  to  forgive 
for  the  time  past,  and  to  heal  and  prevent  backslidings  for  the 
time  to  come. 

4.  That  he  might  be  fit  for  so  mean  and  humble  a  service, 
there  was  a  lessening  and  emptying  of  himself;  he  was  con- 
tented to  be  subject  to  his  own ;  to  be  the  child  of  his  own 
creature;  to  take  upon  himself  not  the  similitude  only,  but 
the  infirmities  of  sinful  flesh  ;  to  descend  from  his  throne,  and 
to  put  on  rags ;  in  one  word,  to  become  poor  for  us,  that  we, 
through  his  poverty,  might  be  made  rich,  2  Cor.  viii.  9. 
Amongst  men,  many  will  be  willing  to  show  so  much  mercy  as 
will  consist  with  their  state  and  greatness,  and  may  tend  to 
beget  a  further  distance,  and  to  magnify  their  height  and 
honour  in  the  minds  of  men  :  but  when  it  comes  to  this  exi- 
gency, that  a  man  must  debase  himself  to  do  good  unto 
another  ;  that  his  compassion  will  be  to  a  miserable  man  no 
benefit,  except  he  suffer  ignominy,  and  undergo  a  servile  con- 
dition for  him,  and  do,  as  it  were,  change  habits  with  the  man 
whom  he  pities;  what  region  of  the  earth  will  afford  a  man 
who  will  freely  make  his  own  honour  to  be  the  price  of  his 
brother's  redemption  ?  Yet  this  is  the  manner  of  Christ's  care 
for  us,  who,  though  he  were  the  Lord  of  glory,  the  brightness 
of  his  Father's  glory,  and  the  express  image  of  his  person, 
did  yet  humble  himself  to  endure  shame  and  the  contra- 
diction of  sinners,  that  he  might  be  the  Author  and  Finisher 
of  our  faith. 

3.  There  was  not  only  an  humbling,  or  metaphoncal  empty- 
ing of  himself,  in  that  "  he  made  himself  of  no  reputation," 
but  there  was  likewise  a  real  and  proper  emptying  of  himself: 
he  therein  testified  his  wonderful  care  of  the  businesses  of  man, 
that  for  them  he  put  himself  to  the  greatest  expense,  and  to 

176  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

tlie  exhausting  of  a  richer  treasure  than  any  t-ither  heaven  or 
earth  could  afford  besides.  "  Ye  were  not  redeemed,"  saith 
the  apostle,  "  with  corruptible  things,  as  silver  and  gold,  from 
your  vain  conversation,  but  with  the  precious  blood  of  Christ, 
as  of  a  lamb  without  blemish,  and  without  spot,"  1  Pet.  i. 
18,  19.  That  which  no  man  will  bestow  upon  himself,  and 
that  which  was  in  nature,  and  might  justly  in  love  have  been 
nearest  to  Christ  himself,  even  the  soul  in  his  body,  and  the 
blood  in  his  veins,  he  was  contented  to  make  a  sacrifice  for 
them,  who  poured  it  out  as  the  blood  of  a  malefactor. 

6.  Besides  this  great  price  which  he  paid  to  his  Father  for 
us,  he  hath  opened  another  treasure  of  his  grace  and  Spirit, 
out  of  which  he  affordeth  us  daily  supphes,  and  putteth  into 
our  hands,  as  it  were,  an  heavenly  stock,  for  the  better  negoti- 
ating and  improvement  of  our  salvation.  He  setteth  up  his 
Spirit  in  our  hearts,  thereby  conversing  and  communing  with 
us,  teaching  us  the  trade  of  the  citizens  of  heaven,  and  of  lay- 
ing up  treasures  there,  where  our  final  abode  must  be ; 
of  having  our  conversation  and  commerce  with  innumerable 
companies  of  angels,  and  with  the  spirits  of  just  men  made 
perfect,  and  with  all  that  general  assembly  and  church  of  the 
first-born  which  is  enrolled  in  heaven. 

7.  To  all  this  he  addeth  preparations  and  provisions  for 
the  future  for  us ;  he  doth  not  only  give,  but  he  prepareth 
things  for  those  that  love  him,  and  whatever  is  wanting  now 
he  will  make  it  up  unto  us  in  the  riches  of  his  glory,  1  Cor.  ii. 
9;  Phil.  iv.  19.  It  was  for  our  expediency  that  he  left  the 
church  on  earth,  (in  regard  of  his  carnal  presence,)  and  went 
unto  his  Father  again  ;  he  was  not  beholden  to  change  of 
place  for  his  own  glory,  for  his  heaven  was  within  himself  as  a 
fountain ;  and  indeed  it  is  his  presence  which  maketh  heaven 
to  be  the  place  of  glory:  therefore  St.  Paul  desired  to  depart, 
and  to  be  with  Christ ;  noting,  that  it  is  not  heaven,  but 
Christ's  presence,  which  is  the  glory  of  the  saints.  There- 
fore, I  say,  it  was  for  us  that  he  went  to  heaven  again  ;  "  For 
their  sakes,"  saith  he,  "  I  sanctify  myself;"  "  it  is  expedient 
for  you  that  I  go  away,"  John  xvii.  19 ;  xvi.  7.  Expedient, 
to  seal  and  secure  our  full  and  final  redemption  unto  us ;  for, 
as  the  levitical  priest  entered  not  into  the  holiest  of  all  without 
blood,  so  neither  did  Christ  into  heaven  without  making  sa- 
tisfaction ;  he  first  obtained  eternal  redemption  for  us,  and 
then  he  entered  into  the  holy  place.  And  expedient  to  pre- 
pare a  place  for  us ;  that  the  glory  which  is  given  to  hiin,  he 


may  give  unto  us ;  that,  being  raised  up  together,  we  may 
likewise  sit  together  with  him  in  heavenly  places  ;  for,  when 
the  head  is  crowned,  the  whole  body  is  invested  with  roval 
honour.  He,  by  the  virtue  of  his  ascension,  opened  the  king- 
dom of  heaven  for  all  believers  ;  even  the  fathers  before 
Christ  entered  not  in,  without  respect  unto  that  consummate 
redemption  which  he  was  in  the  fulness  of  time  to  accomplish 
for  his  church  ;  as  a  man  may  be  admitted  into  an  actual 
possession  of  land,  only  in  the  virtue  of  covenants,  and  under 
the  intuition  of  a  payment  to  be  afterwards  performed.  Thus 
we  see  in  how  many  things  the  abundant  care  of  Christ  doth 
show  itself  towards  the  church. 

And  as  there  are  therein  all  the  particulars  of  a  tender  care, 
so  by  the  gospel  likewise  do  all  the  fruits  and  benefits  thereof 
redound  unto  the  faithful. 

1.  In  the  gospel  he  feedeth  and  strengtheneth  them:  even 
in  the  presence  of  their  enemies  he  prepareth  them  a  table, 
and  feedeth  them  with  his  rod  ;  and  according  to  their  coming 
out  of  Egypt,  he  showeth  unto  them  marvellous  things.  And 
therefoj;e  our  Saviour  calleth  his  gospel  the  children's  bread, 
Matt.  XV.  26.  It  is  that  which  quickeneth,  which  strengthen- 
eth them,  which  maketh  them  fruitful  in  spiritual  works. 

2.  He  upholdeth  them  from  fainting ;  if  their  strength  at 
any  time  fail,  he  leadeth  them  gently,  and  teacheth  them  to 
go.  As  Jacob  led  on  his  cattle  and  his  children  softly,  ac- 
cording as  they  were  able  to  endure  ;  so  Christ  doth  lead  out 
his  flock,  and  hold  his  children  by  the  hand,  and  teach  them 
to  go,  and  draweth  them  with  the  cords  of  a  man,  (that  is,  with 
meek  and  gentle  institution,  such  as  men  use  towards  their 
children,  and  not  to  their  beasts,)  and  with  bands  of  love,  Hos. 
xi.  3,  4.  As  an  eagle  fluttereth  over  her  young,  and  spreadetli 
abroad  her  wings,  and  taketh  them  and  beareth  them  on  her 
wings,  Deut.  xxxii.  11,  12  ;  so  doth  the  Lord  in  his  gospel 
sweetly  lead  on  and  institute  the  faithful  unto  strength  and  sal- 
vation ;  he  dealeth  with  them  as  a  compassionate  nurse  with 
a  tender  infant,  condescendeth  to  their  strength  and  capacity : 
when  we  stumble,  he  keepeth  us ;  when  we  fall,  he  raiseth  us  ; 
when  we  faint,  he  beareth  us  in  his  arms ;  when  we  grow 
weary  of  well-doing,  the  gospel  is  full  of  encouragements  to 
hearten  us,  full  of  spirit  to  revive  us,  full  of  promises  to  esta- 
blish us,  full  of  beauty  to  entice  us  ;  when  we  seem  to  be 
in  a  wilderness,  a  maze,  where  there  is  no  issue,  nor  view  of 


178  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

deliverance,    even   there    he    openeth  a  door    of  hope,  and 
allureth  and  speaketh  comfortably  unto  us. 

3.  He  healeth  our  diseases,  our  corruptions,  our  backshd- 
ings :  easily  are  the  best  of  us  misled  out  of  the  right  way, 
drawn  and  enticed  away  by  our  own  lusts,  driven  away  by  the 
temptations  of  Satan,  the  frowns  or  follies  of  the  world  ;  pos- 
sessed with  carnal  prejudices  against  the  ways  of  God,  as  if 
they  were  grievous,  unprofitable,  and  unequal ;  apt  to  take 
every  pretence  to  flinch  away,  and  steal  from  the  eye  of  God ; 
apt  to  turn  aside  into  every  diverticle  which  a  carnal  reason  and 
a  crooked  heart  can  frame  unto  itself;  for  a  corrupt  heart  is 
like  a  wild  beast,  that  loveth  to  have  intricacies  and  windings 
in  his  holes  ;  it  cannot  walk  in  straight  paths,  but  loveth  to 
twist  and  pervert  the  rule  of  life.  In  these  cases  it  is  the  care 
and  office  of  Christ  to  gather  that  which  was  scattered,  to  seek 
that  which  was  lost,  to  bring  again  that  which  was  dri- 
ven away,  to  bind  up  that  which  was  broken,  to  strengthen 
that  which  was  sick,  and  to  restore  by  his  Spirit  of  meekness 
those  which  are  overtaken  with  a  fault :  his  gospel  is  like  the 
trees  of  the  sanctuary,  not  for  meat  only,  but  for  m.edicine  too, 
Ezek.  xxxiv.  16  ;  Gal.  vi.  1  ;  Ezek.  xlvii.  12. 

4.  As  he  healeth  our  diseases,  and  giveth  us  strength,  so, 
in  the  midst  of  enemies  and  dangers,  he  removeth  our  fears, 
and  giveth  us  comfort  and  refreshment.  "  I  will  make  with 
them,"  saith  he,  "  a  covenant  of  peace,  and  will  cause  the  evil 
beasts  to  cease  out  of  the  land,  and  they  shall  dwell  safely  in 
the  wilderness,  and  sleep  in  the  woods,"  Ezek.  xxxiv.  25 ; 
"  When  the  Assyrian  shall  come  into  our  land,  and  when  he 
shall  tread  in  our  palaces,  then  shall  we  raise  against  him  seven 
shepherds,  and  eight  principal  men,"  Micah  v.  3  ;  namely, 
the  ministers  of  his  gospel  in  abundance,  to  establish  the  hearts 
of  his  people  against  all  dangers.  This  is  that  Shiloh  who 
should  bring  tranquillity  and  peace  into  the  church,  even  when 
the  sceptre  should  depart  from  Judah.  When  the  heart  is 
full  of  doubts  and  distresses,  disquieted  with  the  fear  of  God's 
displeasure,  accused  by  the  law,  pursued  by  the  adversary,  and 
condemned  by  itself ;  then  doth  he  still  the  raging  of  the  sea, 
and  command  the  evil  spirit  to  be  dumb ;  then  doth  he  wipe 
away  tears  from  the  conscience,  and  refresh  it  with  living  wa- 
ters, even  with  the  sweet  communion  of  his  Spirit,  and  with 
the  abundance  of  his  graces. 

5.  He  keepeth  a  continual  watch  over  us  by  his   spiritual 


presence  and  protection.  As  Jacob  testified  his  great  care  for 
the  good  of  Laban,  that  the  drought  consumed  him  by  day, 
and  the  frost  by  night,  and  that  sleep  departed  from  his  eyes, 
Gen.  xxxi.  40 ;  so  doth  the  Lord  commend  his  care  towards 
the  church,  in  that  he  is  the  keeper  or  the  watchman  of 
Israel,  who  doth  neither  slumber  nor  sleep.  His  presence  is 
with  his  people  to  guide  them  in  their  pilgrimage,  and  unto 
which  they  have  daily  recourse  for  comfort  and  establishment.  In 
that  great  tempest  when  Christ  was  asleep  in  the  ship,  his  disci- 
ples awoke  him  and  expostulated  with  him,  "  Master,  carest 
thou  not  that  we  perish  ?"  Mark  iv.  38,  40.  But,  when  he 
had  rebuked  the  wind  and  the  sea,  he  then  rebuked  them  like- 
wise ;  he  had  another  storm  of  fear  and  unbelief  to  calm  In 
their  hearts,  who  could  not  see  him  In  his  providence  watch- 
ing over  them,  when  his  body  slept. 

The  grounds  of  this  great  care,  which  Christ  in  his  gospel 
testifieth  towards  his  church,  are  these  ; 

1.  He  is  our  Kinsman ;  there  is  affinity  in  blood,  and  there- 
fore a  natural  care  and  tenderness  In  affection.    We  know  that 
amongst  the  jews,  when  a  woman  had  burled  an  husband  with- 
out fruit  of  his  body,  the  next  of  the  kindred  was  to  take  care 
of  her,  and  to  raise  up  the  name  of  the  dead  upon  his  inheri- 
tance.     And  If  any  man  had  waxen  poor,  and  sold  any  of  his 
possession,  the  nearest  kinsman  was  to  have  the  first  option 
in  the  recovery  and  redemption  of  it.     And  from  hence  the 
apostle  argueth  to  prove  the  mercifulness  and  fidelity  of  Christ, 
in  sanctifying  or  bringing  many  sons  unto  glory,  (for  I  take 
those  phrases  to  be  In  that  place  equivalent,)  because  lie  was 
not  ashamed  to  call  us  brethren,  but  was  made  in  all    things 
like  unto  us,  Heb.  11.  11,  17.     And  we  may  observe,  that  in 
the  Scripture  he  hath  almost  all  the  relations  of  consanguinity, 
to  note  that  his  care  Is   universal  and  of  all  sorts.     He  is  a 
Father ;  "  Behold,  I  and  the  children  whom  the  Lord   hath 
given  me,"  Isa.  vill.  18  ;  and  the  care  of  a  father  Is  to  govern, 
to  nourish,  to  instruct,    to  lay   up  for  his  children.     He  Is 
a  Mother;  he  carrleth    his  young  ones  in  his  bosom,   Isa. 
xl.  11;  he  gathereth  them  as  a  hen  her  chickens.  Matt,  xxlii, 
37 ;  and  thus  he  hath  a  care  of  indulgence  and  compassion.   He 
Is  a  Brother  ;  "  Go  to  my  brethren,  and  say  unto  them,  I  ascend 
unto  my  Father,  and  your  Father  ;  and  unto  my  God,  and  your 
God,"  John  XX.  17.     And  the  care  of  a  brother  is  to  counsel, 
advise,  and  comfort.    "  A  brother  Is  born  for  adversity,"  Prov. 
xvii.  17.  Lastly,  he  is  a  Husband  ;  "  Ye  are  married  to  him  who 

180  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

is  raised  from  the  dead,"  Rom.  vii.  4 ;  and  that  word  compriseth 
all  care,  to  love,  to  cherish,  to  instruct,  to  maintain,  to  pro- 
tect, to  compassionate,  to  adorn,  to  communicate  both  his  se- 
crets and  himself.  Christ  is  set  forth  unto  us  under  all  rela- 
tions of  blood  and  unity ;  to  note,  that  there  can  be  no  case 
or  condition  of  the  church  supposed,  wherein  the  care  of 
Christ  shall  be  impotent  or  deficient  towards  it,  wherein  he 
is  not  able  to  correct,  to  nourish,  to  instruct,  to  counsel,  to 
comfort,  to  provide  for  it. 

2.  He  is  our  Companion  in  sufferings ;  he  himself  suffered  and 
was  tempted,  and  this  the  apostle  maketh  a  main  ground  of  his 
care  towards  us,  and  of  our  confidence  in  him;  "  We  have  not 
an  high  priest  which  cannot  be  touched  with  the  feeling  of  our 
infirmities,  but  was  in  all  points  tempted  as  we  are,  yet  without 
sin;"  and,  therefore,  "he  is  able  to  succour  those  that  are 
tempted,"  and  to  take  compassion  on  those  that  are  out  of  the 
way,  because  he  was  compassed  with  such  infirmities  as 
were  much  less  grievous  than  the  weight  of  sin,  Heb.  iv.  13  ; 
ii.  17;  V.  2. 

3.  He  is  our  Head,  and  so  is  one  with  us  in  a  nearer  rela- 
tion than  that  of  affinity,  in  a  relation  of  unity,  for  he  and  his 
members  make  but  one  Christ.  And,  being  the  Head,  he  is  the 
seat  of  care,  and  the  fountain  of  influences  unto  the  rest  of  the 
body ;  all  the  wisdom  and  senses  which  are  in  the  head,  are 
there  placed  as  in  a  watch  tower,  or  council  chamber,  to  con- 
sult and  provide  for  the  good  of  the  whole  ;  the  eye  seeth,  the 
ear  heareth,  the  tongue  speaketh,  the  fancy  worketh,  the  me- 
mory retaineth  for  the  welfare  of  the  other  members,  and  they 
have  all  the  same  care  one  for  another,  1  Cor.  xii.  23. 

4.  He  is  our  Advocate  and  Mediator,  1  Johnii.  1,  2.  He 
is  the  only  practiser  in  the  court  of  heaven,  and  therefore  he 
must  needs  be  full  of  the  businesses  of  his  church.  It  is  his 
office  to  despatch  the  affairs  of  those  that  come  unto  him,  and 
crave  his  favour  and  intercession  to  debate  their  causes,  and 
he  is  both  faithful  and  merciful  in  his  place  ;  and  besides  fur- 
nished with  such  unmeasurable  unction  of  Spirit,  and  vast 
abilities  to  transact  all  the  businesses  of  his  church,  that  who- 
soever Cometh  unto  him  for  his  counsel  and  intercession,  he 
will  in  nowise  cast  them  out,  or  refuse  their  cause,  John  vi. 
37.  And  this  is  one  great  assurance  we  may  take  comfort  in, 
that  be  our  matters  never  so  foul  and  inexcusable  in  them- 
selves, yet  the  very  entertaining  of  him  as  our  counsel,  and 
the    leaning  upon  his  wisdom,  power,  fidelity,   and    mercy. 

Christ's  care  of  his  church.  ISI 

to  expedite  our  businesses,  to  compassionate  our  condition,  and 
to  rescue  us  from  our  own  demerits,  doth,  as  it  were,  alter  the 
property  of  the  cause,  and  produce  a  complete  contrary  issue 
to  that  which  the  evidence  of  the  thing  in  trial  would  of  itself 
have  created.  And  as  we  may  observe,  that  men  of  extraor- 
dinary abilities  in  the  law  delight  to  wrestle  with  some  difficult 
business,  and  to  show  their  learning  in  clearing  matters  of 
greatest  intricacy  and  perplexity  before ;  so  doth  Christ  es- 
teem himself  most  honoured,  and  the  virtue  and  wisdom  of 
his  cross  magnified,  when  in  cases  of  sorest  extremity,  of  most 
hideous  guilt,  of  most  black  and  uncomfortable  darkness  of 
soul,  which  perplex  not  only  the  presumptions,  but  the  hope, 
faith,  conjectures,  thoughts,  and  contrivances  which  the  hearts 
of  men  can  even  in  wishes  make  to  themselves  for  mercy,  they 
do  yet  trust  Him  "  whose  thoughts  are  infinitely  above  their 
thoughts,  and  whose  ways  above  their  ways,"  Isa.  Iv.  8.  "Who 
is  among  you  that  feareth  the  Lord,  that  obeyeth  the  voice  of 
his  servant,  that  walketh  in  darkness,  and  hath  no  light?  let  him 
trust  in  the  name  of  the  Lord,  and  stay  upon  his  God,"  Isa.  1. 10. 
When  the  soul  can  go  unto  Christ  with  such  complaints 
and  acknowledgments  as  these; — Lord,  when  I  examine  my 
cause  by  my  own  conscience  and  judgment  of  it,  I  cannot  but 
give  it  over  as  utterly  desperate,  and  beyond  cure ;  my  bones 
are  dried,  my  hope  is  cut  off,  I  am  utterly  lost ;  my  sins  and 
my  sorrows  are  so  heavy  that  they  have  broken  my  spirit  all  to 
pieces,  and  there  is  no  sound  part  in  me  :  but,  Lord,  I  believe 
thou  knowest  a  way  to  make  dead  bones  live  ;  that  thy  thoughts 
and  ways  are  above  mine,  that  thou  knowest  thine  own 
thoughts  of  peace  and  mercy,  though  I  cannot  comprehend 
them ;  that  thy  riches  are  unsearchable,  that  thy  love  is  above 
human  knowledge,  that  thy  peace  passeth  all  created  under- 
standing, that  though  I  am  the  greatest  of  all  sinners,  and  feel 
enough  in  myself  to  sink  me  as  low  as  Judas  into  hell,  yet  thou 
hast  not  left  me  without  patterns  of  all  long-suffering,  of  thy 
royal  power  in  enduring,  and  in  forgiving  sins;  And  now. 
Lord,  though  thou  afford  me  no  light,  though  thou  beset  me 
with  terrors,  though  thou  make  me  to  possess  the  sins  of  my 
youth,  yet  I  still  desire  to  fear  thy  name,  to  walk  in  thy  way, 
to  wait  upon  thy  counsel :  I  know  there  is  not  in  men  or  angels 
so  much  wisdom,  compassion,  or  fidelity  as  in  thee,  and  there- 
fore, if  I  must  perish,  I  will  perish  at  thy  feet,  I  will  starve 
under  thy  table,  I  will  be  turned  away  and  rejected  by  thee, 
who  hast  promised  to  cast  away  none  that  come  unto  thee ;  I 

182  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

have  tried  all  ways,  and  I  here  resolve  to  rest,  and  to  look  no 
further  :  thou  that  hast  kept  such  a  sinner  as  I  am  out  of  hell 
thus  long,  canst  by  the  same  power  keep  me  out  for  ever ; 
upon  thy  wisdom  and  compassion  (who  canst  make  dry  bones 
to  flourish  like  an  herb,  and  broken  bones  to  rejoice  and  sing) 
I  cast  the  whole  weight  of  my  guilty  spirit ;  into  thy  bosom  I 
empty  all  the  fears,  cares,  and  requests  of  my  distracted  and  sink- 
ing soul : — I  say,  when  a  man  can  thus  pour  out  himself  unto 
Christ,  he  esteemeth  the  price  and  power  of  his  blood  most 
highly  honoured ;  when  men  believe  in  him  against  reason,  and 
above  hope,  and  beyond  the  experience  or  apprehensions  they 
have  of  mercy  ;  for  Christ  loveth  to  show  the  greatness  of  his 
skill  in  the  salvation  of  a  Manasseh,  a  Mary  Magdalen,  a  cru- 
cified thief,  a  persecutor  and  injurious  blasphemer,  in  giving 
life  unto  them  that  nailed  him  to  his  cross  :  the  more  desperate 
the  disease,  the  more  honourable  the  cure. 

3.  He  is  our  Purchaser,  our  Proprietor :  we  belong  unto 
him  by  grant  from  the  Father ;  "  Thine  they  were,  and  thou 
gavest  them  unto  me,"  John  xvii.  6  ;  and  by  payment  from 
him  unto  the  Father;  "  Ye  are  bought  with  a  price,"  1  Cor. 
vi.  20.  There  is  no  good  that  concerns  the  church  that  he 
hath  not  fully  paid  for  with  his  own  precious  blood.  And 
Christ  will  not  die  in  vain  ;  he  will  take  order  for  the  accom- 
plishing of  that  redemption  which  himself  hath  merited.  And 
this  is  the  greatest  argument  of  his  care  and  fidelity,  that  he  is 
not  as  a  servant,  but  as  a  lord,  and  his  care  is  over  his  own 
house.  An  ordinary  advocate  is  faithful  only,  because  the 
duty  of  his  office  requireth  it ;  but  the  businesses  which  he 
manageth  come  not  close  unto  his  heart,  because  he  hath  no 
personal  interest  in  them ;  but  Christ  is  faithful,  not  as 
Moses,  or  a  servant  only,  but  as  Lord  in  his  own  house ;  so 
that  the  affairs  of  the  church  concern  him  in  as  near  a 
right  as  they  concern  the  church  herself ;  so  that  in  his  office 
of  Intercessor  he  pleadeth  his  own  causes  with  his  Father  ; 
and  in  the  miscarriage  of  them,  himself  should  lose  that  which 
was  infinitely  more  precious  than  anything  in  the  world  be- 
sides, even  the  price  and  merit  of  his  own  blood.  These  are 
the  grounds  of  the  great  care  of  Christ  towards  his  people. 

And  from  hence  we  should  learn  faith  and  dependence  on 
Christ  in  all  our  necessities,  because  we  are  under  the  pro- 
tection and  provision  of  him  who  careth  for  us,  and  is  able  to 
help  us.  A  right  judgment  of  God  in  Christ,  and  in  his  gos- 
pel of  salvation,  will  wonderfully  strengthen  the  faith  of  men- 


Paul  was  not  ashamed  of  persecutions,  because  lie  knew  whom 
he  had  believed;  he  doubted  neither  of  his  care  nor  power,  and 
therefore  he  committed   tlie  keeping  of  his  soul    unto  him 
against  the  last  day ;  and,  when  all  forsook  him,   l:e  stood 
to  the  truth,  because  the   Lord  forsook  him   not,   2   Tim. 
iv.  16^18.     The   reason  why  men  trust  in  themselves,  or 
their  friends,  is  because  they  are   assured   of  their  care  and 
good  will  to  help  them  ;  but  if  men  did  compare  the  affectiona 
of  Christ  to  other  succours,  they  would  rather  choose  to  build 
their  hopes  and  assurances   on  him.     This  consideration  of 
the   care   and    the  power   of  God  made  the  three    children 
stand  against  the  edict  of  an  idolatrous  king  ;  "  Our  God  is  able 
to  deliver  us,  and  he  will  deliver  us,"  Dan.  iii.  16,  17.    And 
this  made  Abraham  resolve  to  offer  his  son  without  stag- 
gering, because  he  rested  upon  the  promise  and  the  power  of 
God,  who  was  able  to  raise  him  from  the  dead,  from  whence 
in  a  sort  he  had  received  him  before,  namely,  from  a  dead  body, 
and  from  a  barren  womb.     And    this  is  the  ground    of  all 
mistrust,  that  men   consider  not  the  power  and   the  care  of 
God  towards   them,  but  conceive  of  him  as  if  he  had  for- 
gotten to  be  gracious,  as  if  he  had  cast  them  out  of  his  sight, 
as  if  he  had  given  over  his   thoughts  of  them  ;    and   that 
maketh    them    fear    second    causes,    and    seek   unto    things 
which    cannot   profit.      And    therefore    the    Lord    suffereth 
second  causes  to   go   cross,  to  fail    and  disappoint  a  man, 
because   he  loveth  to  be  glorified  by  our  dependence   on  his 
all-sufficiency  and  protection.       He  suffereth  friends  to  fail, 
to  be   off  and  on,   promises  to  be  uncertain,   assurances  to 
vanish,  projections  and  frames  of  businesses  to  be  shattered, 
that  men  may  know  how  to  trust  him  ;  for  man,  being  impo- 
tent in  himself,  must  needs  have  something  without  himself  to 
subsist  upon.     Now,  when  a  man  findeth  the  creatures  to  be 
deceitful,  and  second  causes  vain,  and  considereth  that   God 
is  "  I  am,''  and  a  most  certain  rewarder  of  those  that  diligently 
seek  him,  then  the  soul  findeth  it  good  to  draw  near  to  God, 
to  live  under  his  fidelity,  and  to  cast  all  its  care  on  him,  be- 
cause he  careth  for  it,  Heb.  xi.  6  ;  Psa.  Ixxiii.  28  ;   1  Pet.  v.  7. 
And,  indeed,  a  right  judgment  of  God  will  help  us  to  employ 
our  faith  in  any  condition.     In  wealth  men  are  apt  to  trust  in 
their  abundance,  to  stand  upon  their  mountain,  and  to  say,  I 
shall  never  be  moved.     But  now,  in  this  estate,  if  a  man  con- 
ceive aright  of  God,  that  it  is  he  who  giveth   strength  to  be 
rich,  and  who  giveth  riches  strength  to  do  us  good,  that  he 

184  Christ's  care  of  his  church. 

can  blast  the  greatest  estate  with  an  imperceptible  consump- 
tion, and  in  the  midst  of  a  man's  sufficiency  make  him  be  in 
straits  ;  that  he  can  embitter  all  with  his  sore  displeasure,  and 
not  suffer  the  floor  nor  the  winepress  to  feed  him  :  in  great 
wisdom  and  deep  counsels,  if  a  man  consider  that  the  counsel 
of  the  Lord  shall  stand,  and  that  he  can  turn  the  wisdom  of 
this  world  into  foolishness,  and  catch  the  wise  in  their  own 
craftiness  :  in  great  provisions  of  worldly  strength  and  hu- 
man combinations,  if  he  consider  that  God  can  take  off  the 
wheels,  and  amaze  the  imagination,  and  dissipate  the  affections, 
and  melt  the  spirits,  and  waylay  the  enterprises  of  the  hugest 
hosts  of  men  ;  that  he  can  arm  flies,  and  lice,  and  dust,  and 
wind,  and  stars,  and  every  small  unexpected  contingency  against 
the  strongest  opposition ; — it  must  needs  make  him  set  his  mind 
at  rest,  and  hang  his  confidences  and  assurances  upon  a  higher 

Again ;  in  poverty  and  the  extremest  straits  which  a  man 
can  be  in,  if  he  consider  that  God  is  a  God  as  well  of  the  val- 
leys as  of  the  hills;  that  he  will  be  seen  in  the  mount,  when 
his  people  are  under  the  sword,  and  upon  the  altar ;  that  the 
Lord  knoweth  the  ways  of  the  upright,  and  will  satisfy  them 
in  the  time  of  famine ;  that  when  the  young  lions  famish  for 
hunger,  yet  even  then  he  can  provide  abundantly  for  his  ; 
that  when  things  are  marvellous  unto  us,  then  they  are  easy 
unto  him  ;  that  when  they  are  impossible  unto  us,  then  they 
are  possible  with  him ;  that  he  can  lead  in  a  wilderness,  and 
feed  with  an  unknown  and  unsuspected  bread ;  that,  when  the 
light  of  the  sun  and  the  moon  shall  fail,  he  can  be  an  everlasting 
light  and  glory  to  his  people  ;  that  as  a  Father,  so  he  pitieth  ; 
and  as  an  heavenly  Father,  so  he  knoweth,  and  can  supply  all 
our  needs ;  that  when  we  are  without  any  wisdom  to  dis- 
appoint, or  strength  to  withstand  the  confederacies  of  men, 
when  they  come  with  chariots  of  iron,  and  walls  of  brass,  even 
then  the  eyes  of  the  Lord  run  to  and  fro  to  show  himself  va- 
liant in  the  behalf  of  those  that  walk  uprightly  ;  that  he  can 
then  order  some  accident,  produce  some  engine,  discover  some 
way  to  extricate  and  to  clear  all ; — then  will  a  man  learn  to  be 
careful  or  distracted  in  nothing,  but  in  everything,  by  prayer 
and  supplication,  with  thanksgiving,  make  his  request  known 
unto  him  who  is  at  hand,  and  who  careth  for  him,  Phil.  iv.  6. 

The  like  may  be  said  of  men's  spiritual  condition.  When 
men  despair,  as  Cain,  that  their  sin  is  greater  than  can  be  for- 
given, the  only  ground  is  because  they  judge  not  aright  of 


God  in  Christ,  they  look  not  on  him  in  his  gospel  as  a  God 
that  careth  for  them,  they  do  not  lean  upon  the  staff  of  his 
strength.  Despair  is  an  affection  growing  out  of  the  sense  of 
sin  and  wrath,  as  it  is  an  evil  too  heavy  to  be  borne,  and  yet 
impossible  to  be  removed.  All  victory  ariseth  either  out  of 
an  inward  power  of  our  own,  or  by  the  assistance  of  foreign 
power  which  is  more  than  our  own.  Now  then,  when  we 
despair  because  of  sin,  this  cometh  first  from  the  considera- 
tion of  our  own  everlasting  disability  to  break  through  sin  by 
our  own  strength  ;  and  this  is  a  good  despair,  which  helpeth 
to  drive  men  unto  Christ. 

Another  ground  of  mistrust  cometh  from  a  misconceiving 
either  of  the  power  or  care  of  those  who  might  assist  us  ;  some- 
times from  the  misjudging  of  God's  power  ;  for  the  forgiveness 
of  sins  is  an  act  of  omnipotency  ;  and  therefore,  when  the  Lord 
proclaimeth  himself  a  forgiver  of  iniquity,  transgression,  and  sin, 
he  introduceth  it  with  his  titles  of  power,  "  The  Lord,  the  Lord 
God,  merciful  and  gracious,"  Exod.  xxxiv.  6.  To  pardon 
malefactors  is  a  power  and  royalty  which  belongeth  only  unto 
princes.  There  is  much  strength  required  in  bearing  burdens  ; 
and  therefore  patience,  especially  towards  sinners,  is  an  act  of 
power,  and  impatiency  ever  a  sign  of  impotency.  To  con- 
ceive sin  greater  than  can  be  forgiven,  is  to  misjudge  the  om- 
nipotency of  God  :  but,  ordinarily,  despair  proceedeth  from  the 
misjudging  of  God's  affection  and  goodwill  towards  men;  the 
soul  conceives  of  him  as  of  one  that  hath  cast  off'  all  care  or 
respect  towards  it.  This  is  an  error  touching  God's  benevo- 
lence, and  the  latitude  of  his  mercy,  and  height  of  his  thoughts 
towards  sinners.  He  hath  declared  himself  willing  that  all 
men  should  be  saved,  he  hath  set  forth  examples  of  the  com- 
pass of  his  long-suffering  ;  his  invitations  run  in  general  terms, 
that  no  man  may  dare  to  anticipate  damnation,  but  look 
unto  God  as  one  that  careth  for  his  soul.  Let  a  man's  sins  be 
ever  so  crimson,  and  his  continuance  therein  ever  so  obdurate, 
(I  speak  this  for  the  prevention  of  despair,  not  for  the  en- 
couragement of  security  or  hardness,)  yet,  as  soon  as  he  is  wil- 
ling to  turn,  God  is  willing  to  save ;  as  soon  as  he  hath  a 
heart  to  attend,  God  hath  a  tongue  to  speak  salvation  unto 
him.  We  see  then  the  way  to  trust  in  Christ  is  to  look  upon 
him  as  the  Bishop  of  our  souls  ;  as  the  Officer  of  our  peace ; 
as  one  that  careth  and  provideth  for  us  ;  as  one  that  hath  pro- 
mised to  save  to  the  uttermost ;  to  give  supplies  of  his  Spirit 
and  grace  in  time  of  need ;  to  give  us  daily  bread  and  life  in 


abundance  ;   to  be  with  us  always  to   the  end  of  the  world  ; 
never  to  fail  us  nor  forsake  us. 

And  we  may  hereby  learn  our  duty  one  to  another,  to  put 
on  the  affections  of  members,  and  the  mind  of  Christ,  in  com- 
passionating, considering,  and  seeking  the  good  of  one  another, 
in  bearing  one  another's  burthens,  in  pleasing  not  ourselves, 
but  our  neighbour  for  his  edification;  for  even  Christ  pleased 
not  himself.  That  man  cannot  live  in  honour,  nor  die  in  comfort, 
who  liveth  only  to  himself,  and  doth  not  by  his  prayers,  com- 
passions, and  supplies  imitate  Christ,  and  interest  himself  in 
the  good  of  his  brethren. 

Now,  the  ground  of  all  this  power,  majesty,  and  mercy  of 
the  gospel  is  here  set  forth  unto  us  in  two  words :  I.  It  is 
the  strength  of  Christ.  IL  It  is  sent  by  God  himself.  "  The 
Lord  shall  send  the  rod  of  thy  strengtKout  of  Sion." 

I.  Here  then  we  may  note,  that  the  gospel  is  Christ's  own 
power  and  strength,  and  the  power  of  God  his  Father,  by 
whom  it  is  sent  abroad ;  so  the  apostle  calls  it,  "  The  power 
of  God  unto  salvation,"  and  the  "  demonstration  of  the  Spirit, 
and  of  power  ;  that  your  faith  should  not  stand  in  the  wisdom 
of  men,  but  in  the  power  of  God,"  Rom.  i.  16  ;  1  Cor.  ii.  4, 
5.  Therefore  in  one  place  we  are  said  to  be  taught  of  God, 
John  vi.  45  ;  and  in  another  to  be  taught  of  Christ,  Eph.  iv. 
20,21:  in  one  place  it  is  called  "the  gospel  of  the  blessed  God," 
1  Tim.  i.  1 1  ;  and  in  another  "  the  gospel  of  Christ,"  Rom.  xv. 
19 ;  to  note  that,  whatsoever  things  the  Father  doth  in  his 
church,  the  same  the  Son  doth  also  ;  and  that  the  Father  doth 
nok  make  known  his  will  of  mercy,  but  by  his  Son ;  that  as 
in  the  Son  he  did  reconcile  the  world  unto  himself,  so  in  the 
Son  he  did  reveal  himself  unto  the  world.  No  man  hath  seen 
the  Father  at  any  time,  but  the  Son,  and  he  to  whom  the  Son 
shall  reveal  him,  John  i.  18.  Christ  is  both  the  matter  and 
the  Author  of  the  gospel.  As  in  the  work  of  our  redemption 
he  was  both  the  sacrifice,  and  the  Priest  to  offer,  and  the  altar 
to  sanctify  it ;  so,  in  the  dispensation  of  the  gospel,  Christ  is 
both  the  sermon,  and  the  Preacher,  and  the  power  which  giveth 
blessing  unto  all.  He  is  the  sermon,  "  We  preach  Christ 
crucified,''  saith  the  apostle ;  "  v.e  preach  not  ourselves,  but 
Christ  Jesus  the  Lord,"  1  Cor.  i.  23;  2  Cor.  iv.  5.  And 
he  is  the  Preacher  ;  "  See  that  ye  refuse  not  him  that  speaketh. 
— He  came  and  preached  peace  to  you  that  were  afar  off,  and 
to  them  that  were  nigh,"  Heb.  xii.  23 ;   Eph.  ii.  17.     And, 


lastly,  he  is  the  power  which  enhveneth  his  own  word ;  "  The 
dead  shall  hear  the  voice  of  the  Son  of  God,  and  they  that 
hear  shall  live.  For,  as  the  Father  hath  hfe  in  himself,  so 
hath  he  given  to  the  Son  to  have  hfe  in  himself.  My  sheep 
hear  my  voice,  and  I  know  them,  and  they  follow  me  :  and  I 
give  unto  them  eternal  hfe,"  John  v.  25,  26  ;  x.  27,  28.  He 
is  the  Lord  of  your  faith  ;  we  are  but  the  helpers  of  your  joy, 
2  Cor.  i.24.  He  is  the  Master  in  the  church,  John  xiii.  13, 
14 ;  we  are  but  your  servants  for  Jesus'  sake,  2  Cor.  iv.  5. 
He  is  the  chief  Shepherd,  the  Lord  of  the  sheep,  1  Pet.  v.  3, 
4  ;  the  sheep  are  his  own,  John  xxi.  13  ;  we  are  but  his  depo- 
sitaries, entrusted  with  the  ministry  of  reconciliation,  2  Cor. 
V.  19 ;  unto  us  is  committed  the  dispensation  of  the  grace  of 
God.     So  then  the  word  is  his,  but  the  service  ours. 

From  whence  both  the  ministers  of  the  word,  and  they 
which  hear  it,  may  learn  their  several  duties.  We  should 
learn  to  speak  as  the  oracles  of  God,  as  the  servants  and 
stewards  of  a  higher  master,  whose  word  it  is  which  we  preacii, 
and  whose  church  it  is  which  we  serve.  We  should  there- 
fore do  his  work,  as  men  that  arc  set  in  his  stead  ;  preach  him, 
and  not  ourselves.  There  can  be  no  greater  sacrilege  in  the 
world  than  to  put  our  own  image  upon  the  ordinances  of 
Christ,  than  to  make  another  gospel  than  that  we  have  received. 
St.  Paul  durst  not  please  men,  because  he  was  the  servant  of 
Christ,  Gal.  i.  10 ;  neither  durst  he  preach  himself,  because 
he  was  the  servant  of  the  church.  For  hereby  men  do  even 
jostle  Christ  out  of  his  own  throne,  and,  as  it  were,  snatch 
the  sceptre  of  his  kingdom  out  of  his  own  hand,  boldly  in- 
truding upon  that  sacred  and  uncommunicable  dignity  which 
the  Father  hath  given  to  his  Son  only,  which  is  to  be  the 
Author  of  his  gospel,  and  the  total  and  adequate  object  of  all 
evangelical  preaching.  This  sacrilege  of  self-preaching  is 
committed  in  three  manner  of  ways. 

I.  When  men  make  themselves  the  authors  of  their  own 
preaching  ;  when  they  preach  their  own  inventions,  and  make 
their  own  brains  the  seminaries  and  forges  of  a  new  faith ; 
when  they  so  gloss  the  pure  word  of  God,  as  that  withal  they 
poison  and  pervert  it.  This  is  that  which  the  prophet  calleth 
lying  visions,  and  dreams  of  men's  own  hearts,  Jer.  xiv.  14; 
xxiii.  16;  which  St.  Peter  calls  perverting,  or  making  crooked 
the  rule  of  faith,  2  Pet.  iii.  16  ;  and  St.  Paul  the  adulterating 
and  using  the  word  of  God  deceitfully,  2  Cor.  iv.  2.  Which 
putteth  me  in  mind  of  a  speech  in  the  prophet,  "  The  prophet 


is  a  snare  of  a  fowler  in  all  his  ways,"  Hosea  ix.  8.  Birds 
we  know  are  caught  with  the  same  corn  wherewith  they  are 
usually  fed;  but  then  it  is  either  adulterated  with  some  ve- 
nomous mixture  which  may  intoxicate  the  bird,  or  else  put 
into  a  gin  which  shall  imprison  it ;  and  such  were  the  carnal 
preachers  in  the  prophet's  and  in  St.  Paul's  time,  who  turned 
the  truth  of  God  into  a  snare,  that  by  that  means  they  might 
bring  the  church  into  bondage.  The  occasions  and  originals 
of  this  perverse  humour  are, — 

(] .)  From  without,  such  as  the  seducements  of  Satan,  unto 
which,  by  the  just  severity  of  God,  they  are  sometimes  given 
over  for  the  punishment  of  their  own  and  others'  sins. 

(2.)  Within  them,  (upon  which  the  other  is  grounded,)  as 
pride  of  wit,  joined  with  ambition  and  impatiency  of  repulse  in 
vast  desires,  which  hath  anciently  been  the  ground  of  many 
heresies  and  schisms.  Nothing  hath  ever  been  more  danger- 
ous to  the  church  of  God  than  greatness  of  parts  unsanctified 
and  unalloyed  with  the  love  of  truth,  and  the  grace  of  Christ. 

(3.)  Envy  against  the  pains  and  estimation  of  those  that  are 
faithful.  This  was  one  of  the  originals  of  Arius's  cursed  heresy, 
his  envy  against  Alexander,  the  good  bishop  of  Alexandria,  as 
Theodoret  reports. 

(4.)  Impatiency  of  the  spirituality  and  simplicity  of  the  holy 
Scriptures,  which  is  ever  joined  with  the  predominancy  of 
some  carnal  lust,  whereby  the  conscience  is  notoriously  wasted 
or  defiled.  He  that  hath  once  put  away  a  good  conscience, 
and  doth  not  desire  truth  in  order  and  respect  thereto,  that 
thereby  his  conscience  may  be  enlightened,  purified,  and  kept 
even  towards  God,  will,  without  much  ado,  make  shipwreck  of 
his  faith,  and  change  the  truth  for  any  thriving  error.  And 
this  impatiency  of  the  spirit  of  truth  in  the  Scriptures  is  that 
which  caused  heretics  of  old  to  reject  some  parts,  and  to  add 
more  to  the  canon  of  sacred  Scriptures,  and  in  these  days  to  su- 
peradd traditions  and  apocryphal  accessions  thereunto ;  and  in 
those  which  are  pure,  and  on  all  sides  confessed,  to  use  such 
licentious  and  carnal  glosses,  as  may  force  the  Scripture  to 
the  countenancing  of  their  lusts  and  prejudices,  rather  than 
to  the  rectifying  of  their  own  hearts  by  the  rule  of  Christ. 

2.  Men  preach  themselves  when  they  make  themselves  the 
object  of  their  preaching,  when  they  preach  self-dependence 
and  self-concurrence,  making  themselves,  as  it  were,  joint- 
saviours  with  Christ :  such  was  the  preaching  of  Simon 
Magus,  who  gave  out  that  himtelf  was  some  great  one,  even 


the  great  power  of  God.  Of  Montanus  and  his  scholars,  wlio 
preached  him  for  the  comforter  that  was  promised.  Of  Pela- 
gius  and  his  associates,  who,  though  they  acknowledged  the 
name  of  grace,  to  decline  envy,  and  avoid  the  curse  of  the 
great  council  of  Carthage,  yet  still  they  did  but  shelter  their 
proud  heresies  under  equivocations  and  ambiguities.  Of  the 
Massilienses,  in  the  time  of  Prosper  and  Hilary,  and  of  some 
ancient  schoolmen,  touching  pre-existent  congruities  for  the 
preparations  of  grace,  and  co-existent  concurrences  with  the 
Spirit  for  the  production  of  grace.  Of  the  papists,  in  their 
doctrines  of  indulgences,  authoritative  absolution,  merits  of 
good  works,  justification,  and  other  like,  which  do  all,  in  effect, 
out-face  and  give  the  lie  unto  the  apostle,  when  he  calleth 
Christ  an  able  and  sufficient  Saviour,  Heb.  vii.  25. 

3.  Men  preach  themselves  when  they  make  themselves  the 
end  of  their  preaching,  when  they  preach  their  own  parts,  pas- 
sions, and  designs,  and  seek  not  the  Lord ;  when,  out  of  envy, 
or  covetousness,  or  ambition,  or  any  other  servile  or  indirect 
affection,  men  shall  prevaricate  in  the  Lord's  message,  and 
make  the  truth  of  God  serve  their  own  turns  ;  when  men 
shall  stand  upon  God's  holy  mount  as  on  a  theatre,  to  act 
their  own  parts,  and  as  a  step  to  their  own  advancement ; 
when  the  truth  of  God,  and  the  death  of  Christ,  and  the  king- 
dom of  heaven,  and  the  fire  of  hell,  and  the  souls  of  men,  and 
the  salvation  of  the  world,  shall  be  made  basely  serviceable 
and  contributary  to  the  boundless  pride  of  an  atheistical  Diotre- 
phes.  We  must  therefore  always  remember,  that  the  gospel 
is  Christ's  own,  and  that  will  encourage  us  to  speak  it  as  we 
ought  to  speak : 

(L)  With  authority  and  boldness,  without  silence  or  con- 
nivance at  the  sins  of  men.  Though  in  our  private  and  per- 
sonal relations  we  are  to  show  all  modesty,  humility,  and 
lowliness  of  carriage  towards  all  men ;  yet,  in  our  Master's 
business,  we  must  not  respect  the  persons,  nor  be  daunted  at 
the  faces  of  men.  Paul  a  prisoner  was  not  afraid  to  preach  of 
righteousness,  and  temperance,  and  judgment  to  come,  before 
a  corrupt  and  lascivious  prince,  though  it  made  him  tremble. 
(2.)  With  wisdom,  as  a  scribe  instructed  in  the  kingdom 
of  heaven.  This  was  St.  Paul's  care,  to  work  as  a  wise  mas- 
ter builder,  1  Cor.  iii.  10.  When  Christ's  enemies  watched 
him,  to  pick  something  out  of  his  mouth,  whereby  they  might 
accuse  him,  so  much  depth  of  wisdom  was  found  in  the  answers 
and  behaviour  of  Christ,   as  utterly    disappointed  them  of 


their  expectations,  and  struck  them  with  such  amazement, 
that  they  never  durst  ask  him  any  more  questions,  Matt.xxii.22, 
46.  So  should  we  endeavour  to  behave  ourselves  in  such 
manner,  as  that  our  ministry  may  not  be  blamed,  nor  the  truth 
of  God  exposed  to  censure  or  disadvantage ;  for  sacred  truths 
may  be  sometimes  either  so  unseasonably,  or  so  indigestedly 
and  incoherently  delivered,  as  may  rather  open  than  stop  the 
mouths  of  gainsayers,  and  sooner  discredit  the  truth  than 
convert  the  adversary.  The  apostle  saith,  that  we  are  to 
make  a  difference,  to  save  some  with  compassion,  others 
with  fear,  Jude  22,  23.  This  is  to  speak  a  word  in  due 
season,  and  as  our  Saviour  did,  to  speak  as  men  are  able  to 
hear ;  to  press  the  word  upon  the  conscience  with  such  season- 
able and  suitable  enforcements,  as  may  be  most  likely  to  con- 
vince those  judgments,  and  to  allure  those  affections,  which 
we  have  to  do  with.  It  is  not  knowledge  in  the  general, 
but  the  right  use  thereof,  and  wise  application  unto  particulars, 
which  winneth  souls.  "  The  tongue  of  the  wiseuseth  know- 
ledge aright,"  Prov.  xv.  2.  This  is  that  heavenly  craft  where- 
with the  apostle  caught  the  Corinthians,  as  it  were  with  guile, 
2  Cor.  xii.  16.  Such  art  he  used  towards  the  philosophers 
of  Athens ;  not  exasperating  men  who  were  heady  and  confi- 
dent of  their  own  rules,  but  seeming  rather  to  m.ake  up  the  de- 
fects which  themselves  in  the  inscription  of  their  altar  confessed, 
and  to  reveal  that  very  God  unto  them,  whom  they  worshipped, 
but  did  not  know.  Acts  xvii.  23 — 28.  Therefore,  we  find 
him  there  honouring  their  own  learning,  and  out  of  that  dis- 
puting for  a  resurrection,  and  against  idolatry,  to  show  that  the 
christian  religion  was  no  way  against  that  learning,  or  rectified 
reason,  which  they  seemed  to  profess.  The  like  art  he  used 
towards  king  Agrippa,  first  presuming  of  his  knowledge  and 
credit  which  he  gave  to  the  prophets,  and  then  meeting  and 
setting  on  his  inclinable  disposition  to  embrace  the  gospel, 
Acts  xxvi.  2,  3,  27,  29 :  like  the  wisdom  of  the  servants  of 
Benhadad  unto  Ahab,  "  They  did  dihgently  observe  whe- 
ther anything  would  come  from  him,  and  did  hastily  catch  it ; 
and  they  said,  Thy  brother  Benhadad,"  1  Kings  xx.  33.  And 
the  like  wisdom  he  used  everywhere  ;  he  denied  himself  his  own 
liberty,  and  made  himself  a  servant  unto  all ;  to  the  jew,  as  a 
jew;  to  the  greek,  as  a  greek  ;  to  the  weak,  as  weak;  and  all 
things  to  all,  that  by  all  means  he  might  save  som.e,  and  so 
further  the  gospel,  1  Cor.  ix.  19,  23.  One  while  he  used  cir- 
cumcision that  he  might  thereby  gain  the  weak  jews  ;  another 


while  he  forbade  circumcision,  that  he  might  not  misguide  the 
converted  gentiles,  nor  give  place  by  subjection  unto  false 
brethren.  "  Who  is  weak,"  saith  he,  "  and  I  am  not  weak? 
who  is  offended,  and  I  burn  not  ?"  2  Cor.  xi.  29.  His  care  of 
men's  souls  made  him  take  upon  him  every  man's  affection, 
and  accommodate  himself  unto  every  man's  temper;  that  he 
might  not  offend  the  weak,  nor  exasperate  the  mighty,  nor 
dishearten  the  beginner,  nor  affrighten  those  that  were  without 
from  coming  in,  but  be  all  unto  all  for  their  salvation.  The 
same  love  is  due  unto  all,  but  the  same  method  of  cure  is  not 
requisite  for  all.  With  some  love  travaileth  in  pain,  with 
others  it  rejoiceth  in  hope ;  some  it  laboureth  to  edify,  and 
others  it  feareth  to  offend ;  unto  the  weak  it  stoopeth,  unto 
the  strong  it  raiseth  itself ;  to  some  it  is  compassionate,  to 
others  severe  ;  to  none  an  enemy,  to  all  a  mother.  But  all  this 
it  doth  not  by  belying  the  truth,  but  by  pitying  the  sinner.  It 
is  not  the  wisdom  of  the  flesh,  nor  to  be  learned  of  men.  The 
Scripture  alone  is  able  to  make  the  man  of  God  wise  unto  the 
work  of  salvation. 

(3.)  With  meekness,  for  that  is  the  child  of  wisdom  ;  "  Who 
is  a  wise  man  ?"  saith  St.  James,  "  let  him  show  out  of  a 
good  conversation  his  works  with  meekness  of  wisdom  ;"  and 
again,  "The  wisdom  that  is  from  above  is  first  pure,  then  peace- 
able, gentle,  and  easy  to  be  entreated,  full  of  mercy,"  Jam.  iii. 
13,  17.  The  gospel  is  Christ's  gospel,  and  it  must  be 
preached  with  Christ's  spirit,  which  was  very  meek  and  lowly. 
When  the  disciples  would  have  called  for  fire  from  heaven  upon 
the  Samaritans  for  their  indignity  done  unto  Christ,  he  re- 
buketh  them  in  a  mild  and  compassionate  manner ;  "  Ye 
know  not  what  manner  of  spirit  ye  are  of,"  Luke  ix.  55.  A 
right  evangelical  spirit  is  ever  a  meek  and  a  merciful  spirit. 
"  If  a  man,''  saith  the  apostle,  "  be  overtaken  in  a  fault,  ye 
which  are  spiritual  restore  such  a  one  in  the  spirit  of  meek- 
ness," Gal.  vi.  1.  And  again,  "  In  meekness,"  saith  the  apostle, 
"  instructing  those  that  oppose  themselves,  if  God  peradven- 
ture  will  give  them  repentance  to  the  acknowledging  of  the 
truth,"  2  Tim.  ii.  25. 

(4.)  With  faithfulness,  inasmuch  as  the  gospel  is  none  of 
ours,  but  Christ's,  whose  servants  and  stewards  we  are.  Christ 
was  faithful,  though  he  were  a  Son  over  his  own  house,  and 
therefore  might  in  reason  have  assumed  the  more  liberty  to  do 
his  own  will :  much  more  doth  it  become  us,  who  are  but  his 
officers,  to  be  faithful  too  ;  not  to  dissemble  anything  which 


the  state  and  exigence  of  those  souls  committed  to  our  charge 
shall  require  us  to  speak :  not  to  add,  diminish,  or  de- 
viate from  our  commission,  preaching  one  gospel  in  one  place, 
and  another  in  anotlier;  but  to  deliver  only  the  counsel  of  God, 
and  to  watch  over  the  souls  of  men,  as  they  that  must  give  an 

Since  the  gospel  is  Christ's  own  power,  we  must  all  learn 
from  thence  two  duties  : 

1,  To  receive  it  as  from  him  with  the  affection  of  subjects 
which  have  been  bought  by  him  ;  that  is,  first  in  hearing  of 
the  v/ord  to  expect  principally  his  voice,  and  to  seek  him 
speaking  from  heaven.  This  is  the  nature  of  Christ's  sheep,  to 
turn  away  their  ears  from  the  voice  of  strangers,  and  to  hear  him. 
Two  things  principally  there  are  which  discover  the  voice  of 
Christ  in  the  ministry  of  the  word.  It  is  a  spiritual  and  heavenly 
doctrine,  full  of  purity,  righteousness,  and  peace,  touching  the 
soul  with  a  kind  of  secret  and  magnetical  virtue,  whereby  the 
thoughts,  affections,  conscience,  and  conversation  are  turned 
from  their  earthly  centre,  and  drawn  up  unto  him,  as  eagles  to 
a  carcass.  Also  it  is  a  powerful,  an  edged,  a  piercing  doctrine, 
Heb.  iv,  12.  If  the  word  thou  hearest  speak  unto  thy  con- 
science, if  it  search  thy  heart,  if  it  discover  thy  lusts,  if  it  make 
thy  spirit  burn  within  thee,  if  it  cast  thee  upon  thy  face,  and 
convince  and  judge  thee  for  thy  trangressions,  if  it  bind  up 
thy  sores,  and  cleanse  away  thy  corruptions,  then  it  is  cer- 
tainly Christ's  word,  and  then  it  must  be  received  with  such 
affections  as  becometh  the  word  of  Christ. 

(1.)  With  faith.  If  we  confer  with  flesh  and  blood,  we  shall 
be  ever  apt  to  cavil  against  the  truth ;  for  he  that  rejecteth 
Christ,  doth  never  receive  his  word.  A  fleshly  heart  cannot 
submit  unto  a  heavenly  doctrine.  Christ  and  his  apostles 
did  everywhere  endure  the  contradiction  of  sinners.  But  yet 
he  claimeth  this  honour  over  the  consciences  of  men,  to  over- 
rule their  assents  against  all  the  mists  and  sophistical  reason- 
ings of  the  flesh.  The  apostles  themselves  preached  nothing, 
but  either  by  immediate  commission  from  him,  or  out  of  the 
law  and  the  prophets.  But  his  usual  form  was,  "  Verily,  I  say 
unto  you ;"  noting,  that  he  only  was  unto  the  church  the  Author 
and  Fountain  of  all  heavenly  doctrine  ;  that  unto  him  only  be- 
longeth  that  authoritative  and  infallible  spirit  which  can  com- 
mand the  subscription  and  assent  of  the  conscience  ;  that  he 
only  can  say  with  boldness  to  the  soul,  as  he  did  to  the  Sama- 
ritan woman,  "  Believe  me,"  John  iv.  21.     And  that  there- 


fore  no  authority,  either  of  men  or  churches,  either  episco])nl, 
papal,  or  synodical,  can,  without  open  sacrilege,  usurp  power 
to  over-rule  the  faith  of  men,  or  impose  any  immediate  and 
doctrinal  necessity  upon  the  conscience  in  any  points  which 
are  not  ultimately  and  distinctly  resolved  into  the  evident  au- 
thority of  Christ  in  his  word.  St.  Paul  himself  durst  not  assume 
dominion  over  the  faith  of  men  ;  nor  St.  Peter  either  suffer  any 
elders  (amongst  whom  he  reckoneth  himself  as  an  elder)  to  over- 
rule, or  prescribe  unto  the  heritage  of  God.  It  is  only  Christ's 
word  which  the  hearts  of  men  must  stoop  and  attend  unto, 
and  which  they  must  mingle  with  faith,  that  it  may  be  profit- 
able unto  them  ;  that  is,  they  must  let  it  into  their  hearts  with 
this  assurance,  that  it  is  not  the  breath  of  a  man,  but  the  mes- 
sage of  Christ,  who  is  true  in  all  his  threatenings,  and  faithful 
in  all  his  promises, and  pure  in  ail  his  precepts;  that  he  sendeth 
this  ministry  abroad  for  the  perfection  of  the  saints,  and  the 
edification  of  his  church ;  and  therefore  if  they  be  not  hereby 
cleansed,  and  built  up  in  his  body,  they  do,  as  much  as  in  them 
lieth,  make  void  the  holy  ordinance  of  God,  which  yet  must 
never  return  in  vain.  The  word  of  God  doth  effectually  work 
only  in  those  that  believe.  It  worketh  in  hypocrites,  and 
wicked  hearers,  (according  to  the  measure  of  tiiat  imperfect 
faith  which  they  have,)  though  it  worketh  not  effectually;  that 
is  it  doth  not  consummate  nor  accomplish  any  perfect  work,  but 
only  in  those  that  believe  ;  in  the  rest  it  proves  but  an  abor- 
tion, and  withers  in  the  blade. 

(2.)  With  love  and  readiness  of  mind,  without  despising 
or  rejecting  it.  No  man  can  be  saved  who  doth  not  receive 
the  truth  in  love,  who  doth  not  receive  it  (as  the  prhnitive 
saint  did)  with  gladness  and  readiness  of  mind :  as  Eli, 
though  from  the  hand  of  Samuel,  a  child,  1  Sam.  iii.  18  ;  as 
David,  though  from  the  hand  of  Abigail,  a  woman,  1  Sam.  xxv. 
32 ;  as  the  Galatians,  though  from  the  hand  of  Paul,  an  infirm  and 
persecuted  apostle.  Gal.  iv.  14.  For  hereni  is  our  homage  to 
Christ  the  more  apparent,  when  we  suffer  a  little  child  to  lead  us. 

(3.)  With  meekness  and  submission  of  heart,  reverencing 
and  yielding  unto  it  in  all  things.  Wresting,  shifting,  evad- 
ing, or  perverting  the  word,  is  as  great  an  indignity  unto  Christ, 
as  altering,  interlining,  or  erasing  a  patent  which  the  king  hath 
drawn  with  his  own  royal  hand,  is  an  offence  against  him. 
Patience  and  effectual  obedience,  even  in  affliction,  is  an  argu- 
ment that  a  man  esteems  the  word  to  be  indeed  God's  own 
word,  and  so  receives  it.     He  only  who  putteth  off  the  old 



man,  the  corrupt  deceitful  lusts  of  his  former  conversation,  and 
is  renewed  in  the  spirit  of  his  mind,  is  the  man  who  hath  learned 
and  been  taught  of  Christ ;  who  hath  received  the  truth  in  him. 

2.  Inasmuch  as  the  gospel  is  the  rod  of  Christ's  own 
strength,  or  the  instrument  of  his  arm,  ("  Who  hath  believed 
our  report,  and  to  whom  is  the  arm  of  the  Lord  revealed,  Isa, 
Ixiii.  1,)  and  the  instrument  is  no  further  operative  or  effectual 
than  according  to  the  measure  of  that  impressed  virtue  which 
it  receiveth  from  the  superior  cause  ;  therefore  we  should  learn 
always  to  repair  unto  Christ  for  the  success  of  his  word.  For 
he  only  is  the  Teacher  of  men's  hearts,  and  the  Author  of  their 
faith ;  to  him  only  it  belongeth  to  call  men  out  of  their 
graves,  and  to  quicken  whom  he  will.  We  have  nothing  but 
the  ministry ;  he  keepeth  the  power  in  his  own  hands,  that  men 
might  learn  to  wait  upon  him,  and  to  have  to  do  with  him,  who 
only  can  send  a  blessing  with  his  word,  and  teach  his  people 
to  profit  thereby. 

II.  Another  ground  of  the  power  of  the  word  is,  that  it  is 
sent  from  God  :  "  The  Lord  shall  send  forth  the  rod  of  thy 
strength ;"  from  which  particular  likewise  we  may  note  some 
useful  observations  :  as, 

1.  That  God's  appointment  and  ordination  is  that  which 
gives  being,  life,  majesty,  and  success  to  his  own  word ;  au- 
thority, boldness,  and  protection  to  his  servants.  When  he 
sendeth  his  word,  he  will  make  it  prosper,  Isa.  Iv.  11.  When 
Moses  disputed  against  his  going  down  into  Egypt  to  deliver 
his  brethren,  sometimes  alleging  his  own  unfitness  and  in- 
iirmity,  sometmies  the  unbelief  of  the  people  ;  this  was  still 
the  warrant  with  which  God  encouraged  him,  "  Who  hath 
made  man's  mouth  ?  or  who  maketh  the  dumb,  or  deaf,  or  the 
seeing,  or  the  blind  ?  have  not  I  the  Lord  ?  Now  therefore  go, 
and  I  will  be  thy  mouth,  and  teach  thee  what  thou  shalt 
say,"  Exod.  iv.  11,  12.  "  I  was  no  prophet,  neither  was  I 
a  prophet's  son,"  saith  Amos,  "  but  1  was  an  herdsman,  and 
a  gatherer  of  sycamore  fruit.  And  the  Lord  took  me  as  I 
followed  the  flock,  and  said  unto  me.  Go,  prophesy  unto  my 
people  Israel,"  Amos.  vii.  14,  15.  And  this  made  him  peremp- 
tory in  his  office  to  prophesy  against  the  idolatry  of  the  king's 
court,  and  against  the  flattery  of  the  priest  of  Bethel.  And 
this  made  the  apostles  bold,  though  otherwise  unlearned  and 
ignorant  men,  to  stand  against  the  learned  council  of  priests 
and  doctors  of  the  law  ;  "  We  ought  to  obey  God  rather  than 
men."     Upon  which,  grave  was  the  advice  of  Gamaliel ;    "If 


this  counsel  or  this  work  be  of  men,  it  will  come  to  nouglit  ; 
Imt  if  it  be  of  God,  ye  cannot  overthrow  it ;  lest  haply  ye  be 
found  even  to  fight  against  God,"  Acts  v.  29,  38,  39.  For 
to  withstand  the  power  or  progress  of  the  gospel,  is  to  set  a 
man's  face  against  God  himself. 

2.  Inasmuch  as  the  gospel  is  sent  forth  by  God ;  that  is, 
revealed  and  published  out  of  Sion,  we  may  observe,  that 
evangelical  learning  came  not  into  the  world  by  humah  dis- 
covery or  observation,  but  it  is  utterly  above  the  compass  of  all 
reason  or  natural  disposition,  neither  men  nor  angels  ever 
knew  it  but  by  Divine  revelation.  And  therefore  the  apostle 
everywhere  calleth  it  a  "mystery;  a  great  and  hidden  mystery, 
which  was  kept  secret  since  the  world  began,"  Rom.  xvi.  25  ; 
1  Cor.  ii.  7,  9;  Rom.  i.  20.  There  is  a  natural  theology, 
without  the  word,  gathered  out  of  the  works  of  God,  out  of 
the  resolution  of  causes  and  effects  into  their  first  originals, 
and  out  of  the  law  of  nature  written  in  the  heart.  But  there 
is  no  natural  Christianity.  Nature  is  so  far  from  finding  it  out 
by  her  own  inquiries,  that  she  cannot  yield  unto  it,  when  it  is 
revealed,  without  a  spirit  of  faith  to  assist  it.  The  jews 
stumbled  at  it,  as  dishonourable  to  their  law,  and  the  gentiles 
derided  it,  as  absurd  in  their  philosophy.  It  was  a  hidden  and 
secret  wisdom,  the  execution  and  publication  whereof  was  com- 
mitted only  to  Christ,  1  Cor.  ii.  7,  10.  In  God  it  was  an  eter- 
nal gospel  ;  for  Christ  was  a  lamb  slain  from  before  the  foun- 
dations of  the  world  ;  namely,  in  the  predeterminate  counsel  and 
decree  of  his  Father ;  but  revealed  it  was  not  till  the  dispen- 
sation of  the  fulness  of  time,  wherein  he  gathered  together  in 
one  all  things  in  Christ.  The  purpose  and  ordination  of  it 
was  eternal,  but  the  preaching  and  manifestation  of  it  reserved 
until  the  time  of  Christ's  solemn  inauguration  into  his  kingdom, 
and  of  the  obstinacy  of  the  jews,  upon  whose  defection  the 
gentiles  were  called  in.  Which  might  teach  us  to  adore  the 
unsearchableness  of  God's  judgments  unto  former  ages  of  the 
world,  whom  he  suffered  to  walk  in  their  own  ways,  and  to 
live  in  times  of  utter  ignorance,  destitute  of  any  knowledge 
of  the  gospel,  or  of  any  natural  parts,  or  abilities  to  find  it 
out.     For  these  things  are  true  : 

(1.)  That  without  the  knowledge  of  Christ  there  is  no  sal- 
vation, "  This  is  life  eternal,  that  they  might  know  thee,  the  only 
true  God,  and  Jesus  Christ  whom  thou  hast  sent.  By  his 
knowledge  shall  my  righteous  servant  justify  many,"  John 
xvii.  3;  Isa.  liii.  11. 

K  2 


(2.)  That  Christ  cannot  be  known  by  natural,  but  evangeli- 
cal and  revealed  light.  The  natural  man  cannot  know  the 
things  of  the  Spirit  of  God,  because  they  are  spiritually  dis- 
cerned, 1  Cor.  ii.  14.  The  light  shined  in  darkness,  and  the 
darkness  was  so  thick  and  fixed  that  it  did  not  let  in  the  light, 
nor  comprehend  it,  John  i.  5. 

(3.)  That  this  light  was,  at  the  first,  sent  only  unto  the  jews, 
as  to  the  first-born  people,  (excepting  only  some  particular 
extraordinary  dispensations  and  privileges  to  some  few  first- 
fruits  and  preludes  of  the  gentiles.)  "  He  showeth  his  word 
unto  Jacob,  his  statutes  and  his  judgments  unto  Israel.  He 
hath  not  dealt  so  with  any  nation,"  Psa.  cxlvii.  19.  He  hath 
not  afforded  the  means  of  salvation  ordinarily  unto  any  other 
people  ;  the  world  by  wisdom  knew  him  not. 

(4.)  That  this  several  dispensation  towards  one  and  the  other, 
the  giving  of  saving-knowledge  to  one  people,  and  withhold- 
ing it  from  others,  was  not  grounded  upon  any  preceding  dif- 
ferences and  dispositions  thereunto  in  the  people,  but  only  in 
tlie  love  of  God.  "  The  Lord  thy  God  hath  chosen  thee  to 
be  a  special  people  unto  himself,  above  all  people  that  are 
upon  the  face  of  the  earth.  The  Lord  did  not  set  his  love 
upon  you,  nor  choose  you,  because  ye  were  more  in  number 
than  any  people,  for  ye  were  the  fewest  of  all  people;  but  be- 
cause the  Lord  loved  you.  The  Lord  thy  God  giveth  thee 
not  this  good  land  to  possess  it  for  thy  righteousness  ;  for  thou 
art  a  stiff-necked  people.  Your  fathers  dwelt  on  the  other 
side  of  the  flood  in  old  time,  and  they  served  other  gods," 
Deut.  vii.  6 — 8  ;  ix.  6  ;  Josh.  xxiv.  2.  There  was  no 
difference  between  them  and  the  gentiles  from  whom  he  ga- 
thered them. 

(5.)  That  the  gospel  was  hidden  for  others  in  God,  his  own 
will  and  counsel  was  the  cause  of  it.  He  forbade  men  to  go 
into  the  cities  of  the  gentiles,  neither  were  they  to  go  unto 
them  without  a  special  gift  and  commission.  The  same 
good  pleasure  was  the  reason  of  revealing  it  to  some,  and  of 
hiding  it  from  others ;  "  Even  so,  O  Father,  for  so  it  seemed 
good  in  thy  sight." 

If  all  these  particulars  be  true,  needs  must  we  both 
admire  the  inscrutableness  of  God's  judgments  towards 
the  gentiles  of  old,  for  no  human  presumptions  are  a  fit 
measure  of  the  ways  and  severities  of  God  towards  sinners ; 
and  also  everlastingly  adore  his  compassions  towards  us,  whom 
he  hath  reserved  for  these  times  of  light,  and  out  of  the  alone 


unsearchable  riches  of  his  grace,  hath,  together  with  princi- 
palities and  powers  in  heavenly  places,  made  us  to  see  what 
is  the  fellowship  of  that  great  mystery  which  from  the  begin- 
ning of  the  world  was  hidden  in  himself. 

3.  In  that  the  Lord  doth  send  forth  the  gospel  of  Christ 
out  of  Sion  into  the  world,  we  may  further  observe,  that  the 
gospel  is  a  message  and  an  invitation  from  heaven  unto  men. 
For  to  that  end  was  it  sent,  that  thereby  men  might  be  invited 
and  persuaded  to  salvation.  The  Lord  sendeth  his  Son  up 
and  down,  carrieth  him  from  place  to  place;  he  is  set  forth 
before  men's  eyes,  he  comes,  and  stands,  and  calls,  and  knocks 
at  their  doors,  and  beseecheth  them  to  be  reconciled.  He  set- 
teth  his  word  before  us,  at  our  doors,  and  in  our  mouths  and 
ears.  He  hath  not  erected  any  standing  sanctuary  or  city  of 
refuge  for  men  to  fly  for  their  salvations  unto,  but  hath  ap- 
pointed ambassadors  to  carry  this  treasure  unto  men's  houses 
where  he  inviteth  them,  and  entreateth  them,  and  requireth 
them,  and  commandeth  them,  and  compelleth  them  to  come 
unto  his  feast  of  mercy.  And  this  must  needs  bean  unsearch- 
able riches  of  grace,  for  mercy,  pardon,  preferment,  life,  and 
salvation  to  go  a  begging,  and  sue  for  acceptance  ;  and  very 
unsearchable  likewise  must  needs  be  the  love  of  sin,  and  mad- 
ness of  folly  in  wicked  men,  to  trample  upon  such  pearls,  and 
to  neglect  so  great  salvation  when  it  is  tendered  unto  them. 
Oh  what  a  heavy  charge  will  it  be  for  men. at  the  last  day,  to 
have  the  mercy  of  God,  the  humility  of  Christ,  the  entreaties 
of  his  Spirit,  the  proclamations  of  pardon,  the  approaches  of 
salvation,  the  days,  the  years,  the  ages  of  peace,  the  minis- 
ters of  the  word,  the  book  of  God,  and  the  great  mystery  of 
godliness,  to  rise  up  in  judgment,  and  to  testify  against  their 
souls  ! 

4.  In  that  the  gospel  is  sent  from  God,  the  dispensers 
thereof  must  look  upon  their  mission,  and  not  intrude  upon  so 
sacred  a  business  before  they  are  thereunto  called  by  God. 
Now,  this  call  is  twofold :  extraordinary,  by  immediate  instinct 
and  revelation  from  God,  which  is  ever  accompanied  with  im- 
mediate and  infused  gifts,  but  of  this  we  do  not  now  speak ; 
and  ordinary,  by  imposition  of  hands,  and  ecclesiastical  de- 
signation.    Whereunto  there  are  to  concur  three  things. 

(1.)  An  act  of  God's  providence  casting  a  man  upon  such 
a  course  of  studies,  and  fashioning  his  mind  unto  such  affec- 
tions towards  learning,  and  disposing  of  him  in  such  schools 
and  colleges  of  the  prophets,  as  are  congruous  preparations, 


and  were  appointed  for  nurseries  and  seminaries  of  God's 
church.  It  is  true,  many  things  fall  under  God's  providence, 
which  are  not  within  his  allowance,  and  therefore  it  is  no  suffi- 
cient argument  to  conclude  God's  consent  or  commission  in 
this  office,  because  his  wisdom  hath  cast  me  upon  a  collegiate 
education.  But  when  therewithal.  He,  in  whose  hands  the 
hearts  of  all  men  are  as  clay  or  wax,  to  be  moulded  into  such  shapes 
as  the  counsel  of  his  will  shall  order,  hath  bended  the  desires 
of  mv  heart  to  serve  him  in  his  church,  and  hath  set  the 
strongest  delight  of  my  mind  upon  those  kinds  of  learning 
which  are  unto  that  service  most  proper  and  conducive  ;  when, 
measuring  either  the  good  will  of  my  heart,  or  the  appliable- 
nessof  my  parts,  by  this,  and  other  professions  of  learning,  I 
can  clearly  conclude  that  such  measure  and  proportion  which 
the  Lord  hath  given  me  is  more  suitable  unto  this,  than  other 
learned  callings,  (I  suppose,  other  qualifications  herewith  con- 
curring,) a  man  may  safely  from  hence  conclude,  that  God, 
who  will  have  every  man  live  in  some  profitable  calling,  doth 
not  only  by  his  providence  permit,  but  by  his  secret  direction 
lead  him  unto  that  service,  whereunto  the  measure  of  gifts 
which  he  hath  conferred  upon  him  are  most  suitable  and 

(2.)  There  is  to  be  respected  in  this  ordinary  mission,  the 
meet  qualification  of  the  person  who  shall  be  ordained  unto 
this  ministry.  For,  if  no  prince  will  send  a  mechanic  from 
his  loom,  or  his  shears,  on  an  honourable  embassage  to  some 
other  foreign  prince ;  shall  we  think  that  the  Lord  will  send 
forth  stupid  and  unprepared  instruments  about  so  great  a  work 
as  the  perfecting  of  the  saints,  and  edification  of  the  church  ! 
It  is  registered  for  the  perpetual  dishonour  of  that  wicked 
king  Jeroboam,  (who  made  no  other  use  of  any  religion,  but 
as  a  secondary  bye  thing,  to  be  the  supplement  of  policy,) 
that  he  made  of  the  lowest  of  the  people,  those  who  were  really 
such  as  the  apostles  were  falsely  esteemed  to  be,  the  scum  and 
off-scouring  of  men,  to  be  priests  unto  the  Lord,  1  Kings  xii. 
31.  Now,  the  qualities  more  directly  and  essentially  belong- 
ing unto  this  office  are  these  two ;  fidelity  and  ability.  "  The 
things,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  that  thou  hast  heard  of  me 
among  many  witnesses,  the  same  commit  thou  to  faithful  men, 
who  shall  be  able  to  teach  others  also,"  2  Tim.  ii.  2. 

We  are  stewards  of  no  meaner  a  gift  than  the  grace  of  God, 
and  the  wisdom  of  God  :  that  grace  which  by  St.  Peter  is 
called  "manifold grace,"  1  Pet.  iv.  10  ;  and  that  wisdom  which 


by  St.  Paul  is  called  "  the  manifold  wisdom  of  God,"  Eph. 
iii.  10.  We  are  the  depositaries  and  dispensers  of  the  most  pre- 
cious treasures  which  were  ever  opened  unto  the  sons  of  men  : 
the  incorruptible  and  precious  blood  of  Christ,  the  exceediufr 
great  and  precious  promises  of  tlie  gospel,  the  word  of  the 
grace  of  God,  and  of  the  unsearcliablc  riches  of  Christ.  Now, 
it  is  reqiured  of  stewards,  that  a  man  be  found  faitiiful,  1  Cor. 
iv.  2  ;  that  he  defraud  not  Christ  of  his  purchase,  which  is  tlie 
souls  of  men,  nor  men  of  their  price  and  privilege,  which  is 
the  blood  of  Christ  ;  that  he  never  favour  the  sins  of  men,  nor 
dissemble  the  truth  of  God ;  tliat  he  watch,  because  he  is  a 
seer  ;  that  he  speak,  because  he  is  an  oracle;  that  he  feed,  be- 
cause he  is  a  shepherd ;  that  he  labour,  because  he  is  a  hus- 
bandman ;  that  he  be  tender,  because  he  is  a  mother  ;  that  he 
be  careful,  because  he  is  a  father ;  that  he  be  faithftd,  because 
he  is  a  servant  to  God  and  his  church  :  in  one  word,  that  he 
be  instant  in  season  and  out  of  season,  to  exhort,  rebuke,  in- 
struct, to  do  the  work  of  an  evangelist,  to  accomplish  and 
make  full  proof  of  his  ministry  ;  because  he  hath  an  account  to 
make,  because  he  hath  the  presence  of  Christ  to  assist  him, 
the  promises  of  Christ  to  reward  him,  the  example  of  Christ, 
his  apostles,  prophets,  evangelists,  bishops,  and  martyrs  of  the 
purest  time,  who  have  now  their  palms  in  their  hands,  to  en- 
courage him.  It  was  Christ's  custom  to  enter  into  their  syna- 
gogues on  the  sabbath  days,  and  to  read  and  expound  the 
Scriptures  to  the  people,  Luke  iv.  16,  31.  It  was  St.  Paul's 
manner  to  reason  in  the  synagogues,  and  to  open  the  Scrip- 
tures on  the  sabbath  days,  Acts  xvii.  2  ;  xviii.  4.  Upon  Sun- 
day, saith  Justin  Martyr,  all  the  christians  that  are  in  the  cities 
or  countries  about  meet  together,  and  after  some  commenta- 
ries of  the  apostles,  and  writings  of  the  prophets  have  been 
read,  the  senator  or  president  doth  by  a  sermon  exhort  the 
people,  and  admonish  them  to  the  imitation  and  practice  oi 
those  Divine  truths  which  they  had  heard  read  unto  them. 
And  St.  Austin  telleth  us  of  Ambrose,  that  he  heard  him 
rightly  handUng  the  word  of  God  unto  the  people  every  Lord's 
day.  Yea,  it  should  seem  by  the  homilies  of  St.  Chrysostom, 
that  he  did  often  preach  daily  unto  the  people,  and  therefore 
we  frequently  meet  with  his  "  yesterday,"  this  and  this  I 
taucrht  you.  And  Origen  intimateth  this  frequency  of  ex- 
pounding the  Scriptures  in  his  time ;  "  If,"  saith  he,  "  you  come 
frequently  unto  the  church  of  God,  and  there  attend  unto  the 
sacred   Scriptures,  and  to  the   explication  of  those  heavenly 


commandments,  thy  soul  will  be  strengthened,  as  thy  body 
with  food."  And  our  church,  in  her  ecclesiastical  constitutions, 
hath  provided  for  the  continuance  of  so  faithful  and  pious  a 
custom,  enjoining  every  allowed  preacher  to  have  a  sermon 
every  Sunday  in  the  year,  and  in  the  afternoon  besides,  to 
spend  half  an  hour  in  catechizing  the  younger  and  ruder  sort 
in  the  principles  of  christian  religion.  The  neglect  of  which 
most  necessary  duty  no  man  can  more  bewail,  nor  more  urge 
the  necessity  thereof,  than  those  who,  looking  abroad  into  the 
world,  have  experience  of  more  thick  and  palpable  darkness 
in  the  minds  of  men,  concerning  those  absolute  necessary  doc- 
trines of  the  passion,  merits,  and  redemption  of  Christ,  and  of 
faith  in  them,  than  men  who  have  not  with  their  own  eyes  ob- 
served it  can  alm.ost  believe.  And  that  too  in  such  places 
where  sermons  have  been  very  frequently  preached.  I  will 
close  this  point  with  the  assertion  and  profession  of  holy 
Austin.  Nothing,  saith  he,  is  in  this  life  more  pleasant  and 
easy  than  the  life  of  a  bishop  or  minister,  if  it  be  carelessly 
and  flatteringly  executed  ;  but  then  in  God's  sight,  nothing 
more  base,  more  vile,  more  damnable.  And  it  is  said  of 
him,  that  he  was  never  absent  from  his  episcopal  service  and 
attendance,  upon  any  licentious  and  assumed  liberty,  but  only 
upon  some  other  necessary  service  of  the  church. 

Touching  the  ability  required  in  the  discharge  of  this  great 
office,  there  are,  as  I  conceive,  two  special  branches  thereunto 

[1.]  Learning,  for  the  right  information  of  the  consciences 
of  men,  that  men  may  not  pervert  the  Scripture. 

[2.]  Wisdom,  or  spiritual  pTrudence,  for  seasonable  appli- 
cation of  the  truth  to  particular  circumstances,  which  is  that 
which  maketh  a  wise  builder.  For  this  latter,  it  being  so  va- 
rious, according  to  those  infinite  varieties  of  particular  cases 
and  conditions,  which  are  hardly  reduceable  unto  general 
rules,  I  cannot  here  speak,  but  refer  the  reader  to  the  grave 
and  pious  counsels  of  those  holy  men  who  have  given  some 
directions  herein.  For  the  other,  two  great  works  there  are 
which  belong  to  this  high  calling — instruction  of  the  scholar, 
and  conviction  of  the  adversary.  Unto  the  perfection  of 
which  two  services,  when  we  duly  consider  how  many  differ- 
ent parts  of  learning  are  requisite, — as  knowledge  of  the 
tongues,  for  the  better  understanding  of  the  holy  Scriptures  by 
their  original  idiom  and  emphasis  ;  of  the  arts,  to  observe 
connexion,    and    augmentation,    and  method   of  them ;    of 


ancient  customs,  histories,  and  antiquities  of  the  Bahylonians, 
Persians, Greeks,  and  Romans,  without  insight  whereinto  the  full 
meaning  of  many  passages  of  holy  Scripture  cannot  be  clearly 
apprehended;  of  school  learning,  for  discovering  and  repellin<T 
the  subtilty  of  the  adversaries,  a  thing  required  in  a  rhetorician 
by  Aristotle  and  Quinctilian,  insomuch  that  Julian  the  apos- 
tate complained  of  the  christians,  that  they  used  the  weapons 
of  the  gentiles  against  them,  and  therefore  interdicted  them 
the  use  of  schools  of  learning  ;  and  lastly,  of  histories  and  anti- 
quities of  the  church,  that  we  may  observe  the  succession  of 
the  professors,  and  doctrines  hereof,  the  originals  and  sprout- 
ings  of  heresy  therein,  the  better  to  answer  the  reproaches  of 
our  insolent  adversaries,  who  lay  innovation  to  our  char<Te : — I 
say,  when  we  duly  consider  these  particulars,  we  cannot  suffi- 
ciently admire,  nor  detest  the  impertinence  of  those  bold  in- 
truders, who  when  they  have  themselves  need  to  be  taught 
what  are  the  first  principles  of  the  oracles  of  God,  become 
teachers  of  the  ignorant  before  themselves  have  been  disciples 
of  the  learned,  and  before  either  maturity  of  vears,  or  any  se- 
vere progress  of  studies,  have  prepared  them,  boldly  leap,  some 
from  their  manual  trades,  many  from  their  grammar  and  logic 
rudiments,  into  this  sacred  and  dreadful  office,  unto  which 
heretofore  the  most  learned  and  pious  men  have  trembled  to 

(3.)  And  lastly,  unto  this  call  is  requisite  the  imposition 
of  hands,  and  the  authoritative  act  of  the  church,  ordaining 
and  setting  apart,  and  deriving  actual  power  upon  such  men, 
of  whose  fidelity  and  ability  they  have  sufficient  evidence,  (for 
hands  are  not  to  be  laid  suddenly  on  any  man,)  to  preach  the 
word,  and  to  administer  the  sacraments,  and  to  do  all  those 
ministerial  acts,  upon  which  the  edification  of  the  people  of 
Christ  doth  depend.  I  have  now  done  with  the  first  of 
Christ's  regalities  in  the  text, — the  sceptre  of  his  kingdom. 

Having  thus  enlarged  upon  the  first  thing  proposed,  "  The 
sceptre  of  Christ's  kingdom,"  I  now  proceed  to  speak  of  the 
second,  which  is  the  throne  of  his  kingdom :  "  The  Lord 
shall  send  the  rod  of  thy  strength  out  of  Sion."  Which  notes 
unto  us, 

1.  That  the  church  of  the  jews  was  the  chief,  original,  and 

metropolitan  church   of  all  others.     Therefore  our   Saviour 

chargeth  his  disciples   to  tarry  in  the  city  of  Jerusalem,  till 

they  should  be  endued  with  power  from  on  high,  Luke  xxiv.  49. 

K  5 


The    apostle    saith,    that  they    had    the    advantage  or    pre- 
cedence and  excellency  above  other  people,  *'  because  that 
unto  them  were  committed  the  oracles  of  God.    To  them  did 
pertain  the  adoption,  and  the  glory,  and  the  covenants,  and 
the  giving  of  the  law,  and  the   service  of  God  and  the  pro- 
mises," Rom.  iii.  1,  2  ;  ix.  4.     Of  them  was  Christ  after  the 
flesh.      All  the   fathers,  patriarchs,  prophets,  apostles,   and 
writers  of  the  holy   Scriptures  were  of  them.     There  is  no 
church  that  can  show  such  privileges,  nor  produce  such  au- 
thentic records  for  her  precedency  as  the  church  of  the  jews. 
Therefore  they  are  called  by  an  excellency,  "  God's  first-born," 
and  the  "  first  fruits  of  his  creatures,"  Jer.  xxxi.  9  ;  Jam.  i. 
18  ;  they  are  called  "  the  children  of  the  kingdom,"  Matt.  viii. 
12,  whereas  others  were  at  first  dogs,  and  strangers.  Matt.  xv. 
26.     Their  titles,  Sion,  Jerusalem,  Israel,  are  used  as  proper 
names  to  express  the  whole  church  of  God  by,  though  amongst 
the   gentiles,    Gal.  iv.  26 ;   vi.  16 ;   Heb.  xii.   22.      Christ 
Jesus,  though  he  came  as  a  Saviour  unto  all,  yet  he  was  sent 
to  be  a  Prophet  and  a  Preacher  only  unto  them.    Therefore  the 
apostle  calleth  him  "  the  Minister  of  the  circumcision,"  that 
is,  of  the  jews,  Rom.  xv.  8 ;  and  he  saith,  "  I  am  not  sent 
but  unto  the  lost  sheep  of  the  house  of  Israel,"  Matt.  xv.  24. 
And  when  he  gave  his  apostles  their  first  commission,  he  sent 
them  only  into  the  cities  of  the  jews,  Rom.  xi.  1 1  ;  the  gen- 
tiles were  incorporated  into  them,  were  brought  in  upon  their 
rejection,  and  refusal  of  the    gospel,  took  the   christians  of 
Judea  for  their  pattern  in  their  profession,  1  Thess.  ii.  14 ; 
fi-om  that  church  were  rules  and  constitutions  sent  abroad  into 
other  churche^s,  as  binding  and  necessary  things.  Acts  xv.  2, 
22.     To  that  church  the  churches  of  the  gentiles  were  debt- 
ors, as  having  been  made  partakers  of  their  spiritual  things, 
Rom.  XV.  27  ;  and  though  they  be  now  a  rejected  people,  yet 
when  the  fulness  of  the  gentiles  is  come  in,  Israel  shall  be  ga- 
thered again,  and  made  a  glorious  church,  Rom.  xi.  23,  26. 
And  in  the  mean  time  their  dispersion  tendeth  unto  the  con- 
version of  the  gentiles.     For  though  they  were  enemies  to  the 
faith  of  christians,  yet  they  did  bear  witness  unto  those  Scriptures 
out  of  which  the  christians  did  prove  their  faith  ;  and  there 
is  no  greater  evidence  in  a  cause,  than  the  affirmative   testi- 
mony of  that  man  who  is  an   enemy  to  the  cause.     If  the 
church  of  Rome  had  such  evidences  as  these  out  of  the  book 
of  God,  to  prove  their  usurped  supremacy  by,  how  proud  and 
intolerable  would  they  be  in  boasting  thereof,  and  obtruding  it 


unto  others,  who  are  now  so  confident  upon  far  sk'ndcrfi 
grounds  I 

And  from  hence  we  may  learn  to  take  heed  of  the  sins  of 
that  people,  which  were  principally  the  rejectincr  of  tlie  Corner- 
stone, and  the  putting  off  the  gospel  of  Christ  away  from 
them,  as  every  obstinate  and  unbelieving  sinner  doth  from 
himself.  This  is  that  which  hath  made  them  of  all  nations 
the  most  hated,  and  the  most  forsaken,  and  hath  brought  wrath 
to  the  utmost  upon  them,  because  when  Christ  came'  unto 
his  own,  they  received  him  not.  "  Because  of  unbelief  tliey 
were  broken  off,"  saith  the  apostle,  "and  thou  standest  by 
faith.  Be  not  high-minded,  but  fear,  for  if  God  spared  not 
the  natural  branches,  take  heed  lest  he  also  spare  not  thee," 
Rom.  xi.  20,  21.  And  we  should  likewise  learn  to  pray  for 
the  fulness  of  the  gentiles,  and  for  the  restoring  of  this  people 
unto  their  honour  and  original  privileges  again  ;  for  we  are 
their  debtors  ;  we  entered  upon  the  promises  which  were  made 
to  them ;  and  therefore  good  reason  we  have  to  do  for  them 
now,  as  they  did  for  us  before.  "  We  have  a  little  sister,"  or 
rather  an  elder  sister,  "  and  she  hath  no  breasts  :"  the  ora- 
cles and  ordinances  of  God  are  taken  from  her  ;  "  what 
shall  we  do  for  our  sister  in  the  day  when  she  shall  be  spoken 
for?"  Cant.  viii.  8. 

2.  This  notes  unto  us  the  calling  of  the  gentiles  into  the 
fellowship  of  the  same  mystery  which  was  first  preached  unto 
the  jews,  that  they  mig])t  be  the  daughters  of  this  mother 
church,  that  they  may  take  hold  of  the  skirt  of  the  jew,  and 
say,  "  We  will  go  with  you  :  for  we  have  heard  that  God  is 
with  you,"  Zech.  viii.  23.  The  church  of  Jerusalem  was  set 
up  as  a  beacon,  or  an  ensign,  or  a  public  sanctuary,  to  which 
the  nations  should  flee,  as  doves  to  their  windows.  Of  this 
merciful  purpose  some  evidences  and  declarations  the  Lord 
gave  before  in  Rahab,  Job,  Nineveh,  the  wise  men,  and  otiiers, 
who  were  the  preludes  and  first-fruits  of  the  gentiles  unto 
God :  and  did  after  fully  manifest  the  same  in  his  unlimited 
commission  to  his  apostles,  "  Go  ye  into  all  the  world,  and 
preach  the  gospel  to  every  creature,"  Mark  xvi.  15. 

And  now  alas,  what  were  we  that  God  should  bring  us 
hitherto?  St.  Paul  saith,  that  we  were  filled  with  all  unright- 
eousness ;  that  we  did  neither  understand  God,  nor  seek  after 
him.  All  our  faculties  were  full  of  sin,  and  the  fulness  of  all 
sin  was  in  us ;  we  were  ruled  by  no  laws  but  the  course  of 
the  world,  the  prince  of  the  air,  and  the  lusts  of  tho  flesh,  with- 


out  God  in  this  world,  and  without  any  hope  for  the  world  to 
come.  Here,  vessels  of  lust  and  poison,  and  fitted  to  be  here- 
after vessels  of  destruction  and  misery.  We  were  no  nation, 
a  foolish  people,  a  people  that  sought  not,  nor  inquired  after 
God  ;  and  yet  his  own  people  hath  he  passed  by,  and  called 
us  to  the  knowledge  of  his  love  and  mercy  in  Christ.  And 
that,  not  as  many  other  gentiles  are  called,  who  hear  of  him 
indeed,  and  worship  him,  but  have  his  doctrine  corrupted  and 
overturned  with  heresy,  and  his  worship  defiled  with  supersti- 
tion and  idolatry  :  but  he  hath  for  us  purged  his  floor,  and 
given  unto  us  the  wheat  without  the  chaff;  he  hath  let  the 
light  of  his  glory  to  shine  purely  upon  us  only  in  the  face  of 
Jesus  Christ,  without  any  human  supplements,  or  contribu- 
tions. How  should  we  praise  him  for  it  ;  and  as  we  have  re- 
ceived Christ  purely,  so  labour  to  work  worthily  in  him  I  How 
should  we  run  to  him  that  called  us  when  we  knew  him  not ! 
How  should  we  set  forward,  and  call  upon  one  another,  that 
we  may  flee  like  doves  in  companies  unto  the  windows  of  the 
church  !  How  earnestly  should  we  contend  for  this  truth,  the 
custody  whereof  he  hath  honoured  us  withal !  How  should 
we  renew  our  repentance,  and  remember  our  first  works,  lest  so 
excellent  a  privilege  be  removed  from  us  !  There  is  no  wrath 
that  is  wrath  to  the  utmost,  but  that  which  depriveth  a  people 
of  the  gospel,  and  taketh  away  their  candlestick  from  them. 

3.  It  notes  unto  us  the  difference  of  the  two  covenants,  the 
one  out  of  Sinai,  the  other  out  of  Sion,  Heb.  xii.  18,  22 ; 
Gal.  iv.  23.  At  first  the  law  proceeded  out  of  Sinai,  wherein, 
though  the  end  were  merciful,  yet  the  manner  was  terrible, 
and  therefore  the  effect  nothing  but  bondage ;  but  after  it  was  sent 
out  of  Sion  with  the  Spirit  of  grace  and  adoption,  it  was  observed 
with  cheerfulness  and  liberty,  as  by  those  that  know  God  will 
spare  them,  as  a  man  spareth  his  child  that  serveth  him  :  for 
in  my  bond-slave  I  look  to  the  perfection  of  the  work ;  but  in 
my  son,  to  the  affection  and  disposition  of  the  heart. 

4.  It  notes  unto  us,  that  the  seat  of  saving  truth,  the  cus- 
tody of  the  promises,  and  the  gospel  of  salvation,  doth  still  belong 
unto  Sion,  to  the  church  of  God.  Out  of  the  church  there 
is  no  gospel,  and  therefore  out  of  the  church  there  is  no  salva- 
tion. The  apostle  saith  of  children  which  are  born  out  of 
the  church,  that  they  are  unclean,  1  Cor.  vii.  14;  unto  the 
church  (above  all  congregations  of  men)  belongeth  this  ex- 
cellent privilege,  to  be  the  treasurer  of  the  riches  of  Christ, 
and  to  hold  forth  the  word  of  life  unto  men,  Phil.  ii.  16.     In 


which  sense  the  apostle  salth,  that  it  is  "  the  pillar  and  ground 
of  the  truth,"  1  Tim.  iii.  15;  not  that  which  givoth  hoing  to 
the  truth,  for  the  law  must  not  fail  nor  perish  ;  nor  that  which 
giveth  authority,  imposeth  a  sense,  canonlzeth  and  niaketh 
authentic,  is  a  judge  or  ahsolute  determiner  of  the  truth ;  for 
in  that  sense  the  church  is  held  up  hy  the  word,  and  not  the 
word  by  the  church,  for  the  church  is  built  upon  the  founda- 
tion of  the  prophets  and  apostles,  Eph.  ii.  20;  namely,,  upon 
that  fundamental  doctrine  which  tliey  have  laid :  but  the 
church  is  the  depository  of  the  truth,  that  orb  out  of  wliich 
this  glorious  light  shines  forth  ;  unto  it  appertains  the  cove- 
nants and  the  giving  of  the  law,  and  the  service  of  God,  and 
the  promises.  Her  office  and  her  honour  it  is  to  be  the  can- 
dlestick which  holdeth  up  the  word  of  truth,  to  set  to  her  seal 
unto  the  evidence  and  excellency  thereof;  by  her  ministry, 
authority,  consent,  and  countenance  to  conciliate  respect  there- 
unto in  the  minds  of  ahens,  and  to  confirm  it  in  the  minds  of 
unbelievers ;  to  fasten  the  nails  and  points  thereof,  like  mas- 
ters of  the  assemblies  under  one  principal  shepherd,  who  is 
Christ,  in  the  hearts  of  men.  Not  to  dishonour  it  by  their 
usurped  authority  above  it,  (for  by  that  means  all  controversies 
of  religion  are  turned  not  into  means  to  discover  doctrine,  that 
may  be  rested  in,  which  doth  appear  to  have  in  it  most 
intrinsical  majesty,  spirituality,  and  evidence  ;  but  into  fac- 
tions and  emulations  of  men,  which  that  sect  may  rest  in, 
who  can  with  most  impudence  and  ostentation  arrogate  an 
usurped  authority  to  themselves,)  but  by  their  willing  submis- 
sion thereunto,  to  credit  it  in  the  affections  of  men,  and  to  es- 
tablish others  in  the  love  and  o])edience  thereunto  :  for  the 
authority  of  the  church  is  not  an  authority  of  jurisdiction 
above  the  Scriptures ;  but  only  an  authority  of  dispensation 
and  of  trust,  to  proclaim,  exhibit,  and  present  the  truth  of  G(k1 
unto  the  people  ;  to  point  to  the  star,  which  is  directed  unto 
by  the  finger,  but  is  seen  by  the  evidence  of  its  own  light. 
To  hold  forth,  as  a  pillar,  that  law,  and  proclamation  of 
Christ,  the  contents  whereof  we  discover  out  of  itself.  In  one 
word,  that  place  showeth  the  duty  of  the  church  to  preserve 
knowledge,  and  to  show  forth  the  truth  of  sacred  Scriptures 
out  of  themselves;  but  not  any  infallibility  in  itself,  or  autho- 
rity over  others,  to  bind  their  consciences  to  assent  unto  such 
expositions  of  Scripture,  as  derive  not  their  evidence  from  the 
harmony  and  analogy  of  the  Scriptures  themselves,  but  only 
because  the  church  hath  spoken  it. 


To  conclude  this  point,  we  are  to  note  for  the  clear  understand- 
ing of  the  office  of  the  church  concerning  the  holy  Scriptures  : 
(1.)  That  some  things  therein  are  "Hard  to  be  understood," 
as  St.  Peter  speaks,  2  Peter  iii.  16,  either  by  reason  of  their 
allegorical  and  figurative  expressions,  as  the  visions  of  Eze- 
kiel,  Daniel,  Zechariah,  &c.;  or  by  reason  of  the  obscure  and 
strange  connexion  of  one  part  with  another,  or  of  the  de- 
pendence thereof  upon  foreign  learning,  or  the  like.  But  then 
we  must  note,  that  the  knowledge  of  such  things  as  these,  is 
not  of  absolute  necessity  unto  salvation  ;  for  though  the  per- 
verting of  hard  places  be  damnable,  (as  St.  Peter  telleth  us.) 
yet  that  ignorance  of  them  which  groweth  out  of  their  own 
obscurity,  and  not  out  of  our  neglect,  is  not  damnable. 

(2.)  Some  things  have  evidence  enough  in  the  terms  that 
express  them,  but  yet  are  hard  to  be  believed,  by  reason  of  the 
supernatural  quality  of  them.  As  when  we  say  that  Christ 
was  the  son  of  a  virgin,  or  that  he  died  and  rose  again,  there 
is  no  difficulty  in  the  sense  of  these  things,  it  is  easily  under- 
stood what  he  that  affiimeth  them  doth  mean  by  them.  All 
the  difficulty  is  to  bring  the  mind  to  give  assent  unto  them. 

(3.)  Some  things,  though  easy  in  their  sense  to  be  understood, 
and  it  may  be  easy  likewise  in  their  nature  to  be  believed,  are  yet 
hard  to  be  obeyed  and  practised,  as  repentance,  and  forsaking 
of  sin.  Now,  according  unto  these  differences  we  may  con- 
ceive of  the  office  and  power  which  the  church  hath  in 
matters  of  holy  Scripture. 

[  1 .]  For  hard  places  in  regard  of  the  sense  and  meaning  of 
the  place,  it  is  the  duty  of  the  church  to  open  them  to  God's 
people  with  modesty  and  moderation  ;  and  therein  God  al- 
loweth  the  learned  a  christian  liberty,  (with  submission  of 
their  opinions  always  to  the  spirits  of  the  prophets,  so  long  as 
they  do  therein  nothing  contrary  to  the  analogy  of  faith,  to  the 
general  peace  and  unity  of  the  church,  to  the  rules  of  charity, 
piety,  loyalty,  and  sobriety,)  to  abound  in  their  own  sense,  and 
to  declare,  for  the  further  edifying  of  the  church,  what  they 
conceive  to  be  in  such  difficult  places  principally  intended. 
And  further  than  this  no  church  nor  person  can  go ;  for  if 
unto  any  man  or  chair  there  were  annexed  an  infallible  spirit, 
enabling  him  to  give  such  a  clear  and  indubitable  exposition  of 
all  holy  Scriptures,  as  should  leave  no  obscurity  in  the  text, 
nor  hesitancy  in  the  minds  of  men,  how  comes  it  to  pass  that 
hitherto  so  many  difficulties  remain,  wherein  even  our  adver- 
saries amongst  themselves  do  give  several  conjectures  and  ex- 


plications  ?  and  how  can  that  man,  to  whom  so  excellent  a 
gift  of  infallibility  is  bestowed,  clear  himself  of  envy,  and 
abuse  of  the  grace  of  God,  who  maketh  not  use  thereof 
to  expound  the  Scriptures,  and  to  compose  those  differences 
thereabouts,  which  do  so  much  perplex  the  world  ? 

[2.]  For  those  places  which  in  their  meaning  are  easy  to  be 
understood,  but  in  their  excellent  and  high  nature  hard  to  be 
believed,  (as  all  articles  of  faith,  and  things  of  absolute  ne- 
cessity are  in  their  terms  perspicuous,  but  in  their  heavenly 
nature  obscure  unto  human  reason,)  the  office  of  the  church  is 
not  to  bind  men's  consciences  to  believe  those  truths  u})on  her 
authority ;  for  we  have  not  dominion  over  the  faith  of  men, 
neither  are  we  lords  in  Christ's  flock ;  and  how  shall  any 
scrupulous  mind,  which  is  desirous  to  swallow  things  to  the 
bran^  be  secure  of  the  power  which  the  church  in  this  case 
arrogates,  or  have  any  certainty  that  this  society  of  men  must 
be  believed  in  their  religion,  who  will  allow  the  same  honour 
to  no  society  of  men  but  themselves  ?  But  in  this  case  the 
office  of  the  church  is,  both  to  labour  by  all  good  means  to 
evidence  the  credibility  of  the  things  which  are  to  be  believed ; 
to  discover  unto  men  those  essential  and  intimate  beauties  of 
the  gospel,  which  to  spiritual  minds  and  hearts,  raised  to 
such  a  proportionable  pitch  of  capacity  as  are  suitable  to  the 
excellency  of  their  natures,  are  apt  to  evidence  and  notify 
themselves ;  and  also  to  labour  to  take  men  off  from  depend- 
ence on  their  own  reason  or  corrupted  judgment ;  to  work  in 
their  heart  an  experience  of  the  Spirit  of  grace,  and  an  obe- 
dience to  those  holy  truths  which  they  already  assent  unto ; 
with  which  preparations  and  persuasions,  the  heart  being  pos- 
sessed, will  in  due  time  come  to  observe  more  clearly,  by  that 
spiritual  eye,  the  evidence  of  those  things  which  were  at  first 
so  difficult.  So  then  the  act  of  the  church  is,  in  matters  of 
faith,  an  act  of  introduction  and  guidance ;  but  that  which 
begetteth  the  infallible  and  unquestionable  assent  of  faith,  is 
that  spiritual  taste,  relish,  and  experience  of  the  heavenly 
sweetness  of  divine  doctrine,  which  by  the  ministry  of  the 
church,  accompanied  with  the  special  concurrence  of  Al- 
mighty God  therewith,  is  wrought  in  the  heart ;  for  It  is  only 
the  Soirit  of  God  which  writeth  the  law  in  men's  hearts,  which 
searcheth  the  things  of  God,  and  which  maketh  us  to  know 
them,  • 

[3.]  For  those  places  which  are  difficult,rather  to  be  obeyed 
than  to  be  understood,  the  work  of  the  church  is  to  enforce 


upon  the  conscience  the  necessity  of  them,  to  persuade,   re- 
buke, exhort,  and  encourage  with  all  authority. 

Which  should  teach  us  all  to  love  the  church  of  Christ, 
and  to  pray  for  the  peace  and  prosperity  of  the  walls  of  Sion  ; 
for  the  purity,  spirituality,  power,  and  countenance  of  the 
word  therein,  which  is  able  to  hold  up  its  own  honour  in  the 
minds  of  men,  if  it  be  but  faithfully  published.  We  should 
therefore  study  to  maintain,  to  credit,  to  promote  the  gospel ; 
to  encourage  truth,  to  discountenance  error ;  to  stand  in  the 
gap  against  all  the  stratagems  and  advantages  of  the  enemies 
thereof,  and  to  hold  the  candlestick  fast  amongst  us ;  to  buy 
the  truth,  and  sell  it  not,  betray  it  not,  forsake  it  not,  temper 
it  not,  misguise  it  not.  This  is  to  be  a  pillar,  and  to  sus- 
tain the  gospel  of  Christ.  And  surely,  though  the  pa- 
pists boast  of  the  word  and  name  of  the  church,  (as  none 
more  apt  to  justify  and  boast  of  their  sobriety,  than  those 
whom  the  wine  hath  overtaken,)  yet  the  plain  truth  is,  they 
have  far  less  of  the  nature  thereof,  than  any  other  churches, 
because  far  less  of  the  pure  service  and  ministration  thereof. 
For  instead  of  holding  forth  the  word  of  life,  they  pull  it  down, 
denying  unto  the  people  of  Christ  the  use  of  his  gospel, 
halving  the  use  of  his  sacrament,  breeding  them  up  in  an  ig- 
norant worship,  to  beg  they  know  not  what,  in  all  points  dis- 
gracing the  word  of  truth,  and  robbing  it  of  its  certainty,  suf- 
ficiency, perspicuity,  authority,  purity,  and  energy  in  the 
minds  of  men.  And  this  is  certain,  the  more  they  set  them- 
selves against  the  light  and  general  knowledge  of  the  word  of 
truth,  the  less  of  the  nature  of  the  church  they  have  in  them, 
whatever  ostentation  they  may  make  of  the  name  thereof. 

The  last  thing  observed  in  this  second  verse  amongst  the 
regalities  of  Christ,  was  his  rule  and  government  in  his  church 
by  his  holy  word,  notwithstanding  all  the  attempts  and  ma- 
chinations of  the  enemies  thereof  against  it :  "  Rule  thou  in 
the  midst  of  thine  enemies  ;"  that  is,  thou  shalt  rule  safely, 
securely,  undisturbedly,  without  danger,  fear,  or  hazard  from 
the  enemies  round  about ;  their  counsels  shall  be  infatuated, 
their  purposes  shall  vanish,  their  decrees  shall  not  stand  ; 
their  persecutors  shall  but  sow  the  blood  of  Christ,  and  the 
ashes  of  christians  the  thicker  ;  they  shall  see  it,  and  gnash 
with  their  teeth,  and  gnaw  their  tongues,  and  be  horribly 
amazed  at  the  emulation  and  triumph  of  a  christian's  suffer- 
ings over  the  malice  and  wrath  of  men. 


The  kingdom  of  Christ  is  two-fold  ;  kingdom  of  glory, 
of  which  there  shall  he  no  end,  when  he  shall  rule  over  his 
enemies,  and  tread  them  under  his  feet:  and  his  kin<r(iom  of 
grace,  whereb}'  he  ruleth  among  his  enemies,  by  thcT sceptre 
of  his  word.  And  this  is  the  kingdom  here  spoken  of;  noting 
unto  us,  that  Christ  will  have  a  church  and  piopie  gathered 
unto  him  by  the  preaching  of  his  gospel  on  the  earth,  not- 
withstanding all  the  malice,  power,  or  policy  of  all  his  ene- 
mies. Never  was  Satan  so  loose ;  never  heresy  and  darkness 
so  thick,  never  persecution  so  prevalent,  never  the  tail  of  the 
dragon  so  long,  as  to  sweep  away  all  the  stars  of  heaven,  or  to 
devour  the  remnant  of  the  woman's  seed.  The  o-ates  of  hell, 
all  the  policy,  power,  and  machinations  of  the  kino-dom  of 
darkness  shall  never  root  out  the  vine  which  the  Father  hath 
planted,  nor  prevail  against  the  body  of  Christ.  His  gospel 
must  be  preached  to  the  world's  end,  and  till  then  he  will  be 
with  it  to  give  it  success.  Though  the  kings  of  the  earth 
stand  up,  and  the  rulers  gather  together  against  the  Lord  and 
his  Christ ;  yet  they  imagine  but  a  vain  thing,  and  He  that 
sitteth  in  heaven  shall  laugh  them  to  seorn. 

The  grounds  of  the  certainty  and  perpetuity  of  Christ's 
evangelical  kingdom,  is  not  the  nature  of  the  church  in  itself 
considered,  either  in  the  whole  or  parts ;  for  Adam  and  Eve 
were  a  church  at  first,  a  people  that  were  under  the  law  of 
obedience  and  worship  to  God,  and  yet  they  fell  away  from 
that  excellent  condition.  And  the  prophet  tells  us,  that  ex- 
cept the  Lord  had  left  a  very  small  remnant,  the  church  had 
been  all  as  Sodom  and  like  to  Gomorrah,  Isa.  i.  9.  But  the 
grounds  hereof  are,  L  The  decree,  ordination,  and  appoint- 
ment of  God,  Psa.  ii.  7  ;  Acts  x.  42 ;  Heb.  iii.  2 ;  and  we 
know,  whatever  men  project,  the  counsel  of  the  Lord  must 
stand.  2.  God's  gift  unto  Christ :  ''  Ask  of  me,  and  I  shall 
give  thee  the  heathen  for  thine  inheritance,"  Psa.  ii.  8. 
"  Thine  they  were,  and  thou  gavest  them  me,"  John  xvii,  6. 
*'  My  Father,  which  gave  them  me,  is  greater  than  all ;  and 
no  man  is  able  to  pluck  them  out  of  my  Father's  hand," 
John  x.  29.  3.  God  s  oath,  which  is  the  seal  of  his  irre- 
versible decree  and  covenant  with  Christ .  "  Once  have  I 
sworn  by  my  holiness  that  I  will  not  lie  unto  David.  His 
seed  shall  endure  for  ever,  and  his  throne  as  the  sun  before 
me,"  .Psa,  Ixxxix.  35,  36.  4.  Christ's  own  purchase  and 
price  which  he  paid  for  it.  The  apostle  saith,  Christ  died  not  in 
vain,  Gal.  ii.  21 ;  and  the  virtue  of  his  blood  lasteth  to  the  end  ol 


the  world ;  for  as  his  blood  was  shed  from  the  beginning  of 
the  world,  in  regard  of  God's    decree,  so  doth  it  continue  to 
the  end,  in  regard  of  its  own  merit  and  efHcacy  :  so  long  as  he 
sitteth  at  the  right  hand  of  God,  which  must  be  till  the  time 
of  the  restitution  of  all  things,  the  merit  of  his  blood  shall 
work    amongst  men.      5.   Christ's  own  power,   to  keep  in- 
violable the  propriety  he  hath  gotten  :   "  My  sheep  hear  my 
voice  ;  and   I  give  unto  them  eternal  life ;    and  they   shall 
never  perish,  neither  shall  any  man  pluck  them  out   of  my 
hand,"  John  x.  27,  28.     6.  The  Father's  command  unto  his 
Son :   "  This  is  the  Father's  will,  that  of  all  which  he  hath 
given  me,  I  should  lose  nothing,"  John  vi.  39.     7.   Christ's 
love  and  care.       The  church  is  his  spouse,  under  his  cover- 
ture and  protection  ;  and  therefore  as  he  hath  power  and  office, 
so  he  hath  delight  to  preserve  it  still.     His  love  is  better  able 
to  help,  than  the  malice  of  the  enemy  is  to  hurt.     8.  Christ's 
intercession,  which  is  not  for  the  world,  but  for  those  whom 
God  hath  given  him  out  of  the  world,  and  those  he  demandeth 
of  his  Father,  (who  heareth  him  always,)  in  virtue  of  that  cove- 
nant which   between  them  was   ratified,  on  God's  part  by  a 
promise  and  oath,  and  on  Christ's  part  by  a  merit  and  pur- 
chase.    Now,  Christ's  intercession  shall  last  till  his  return- 
ing to  judge  the  world,  and  therefore  still  he  must  have  a 
church,  for  whom  to  intercede.     9.  Christ's  own  promise  to 
be  with  the  preaching  of  his  gospel ;  that  is,  to  give  it  assist- 
ance and  success,  for  the  gathering  together  and  perfecting  of 
the  saints,  unto  the  end  of  the  world.  Matt,  xxviii.  20. 
Here  then  may  be  answered  two  great  questions  : 
1.  Whether  the  church  may  fail  upon  the  earth  or  not  ?      To 
which  I  answer,  that  the  church  may  be  taken  either  mysti- 
cally, spiritually,  and  universally  ;  and  in   that  sense  it   can 
never  fail,  but  there  must  be  upon  the  earth  a  true  church  of 
Christ,  not  only  by  the  certainty  of  the  event,  which  is  on  all 
sides   agreed  ;    but    by    a    certainty    growing    out    of    those 
irresistible  causes  upon  which  the  being  of  the  mystical  body 
of  Christ  on  the  earth  dependeth.     Or  it  may  be  considered 
particularly  in  the  several  parts  and  places  of  the  world  where 
the  gospel  is  planted  ;  and  hierarchically  and  politically,  de- 
noting a  company  of  men,  professing  the  faith  of  Christ,  and 
reduced  into  a  quiet,  peaceable,  composed  and  conspicuous 
government ;  and  so  we  affirm  that  there  is  no  church  in  the 
world  so  safe,  but  that  it  may  fail,  and  be  extinguished  out  of 
its  place.     The  church  of  the  jews  did,  and  after  them  any 


may.  Else  the  apostle's  argument  even  to  the  Roman 
church  itself  (which  was  then  a  famous  church  throughout 
the  world;  and  of  that  passage  in  the  apostle,  Baronius  makes 
a  long  boast)  were  very  weak,  when  from  tlie  greater  to  the 
less,  he  thus  argueth,  "  Be  not  high-minded,  but  fear ;  for  if 
God  spared  not  the  natural  brandies,  take  heed  lest  he  also 
spare  not  thee,"  Rom.  xi.  20,  21,  Thus  we  find  the  ten 
tribes  in  their  apostacy,  till  they  became  Lo-ammi,  to  be  no 
more  a  people  ;  and  their  brethren  afterwards  full  into  their  con- 
dition. "  Wrath,' saith  the  apostle,  "  iscome  Uj)oii  them  to  the 
uttermost,"  1  Thess.  ii.  16.  And  he  telleth  us,  that  the 
man  of  sin,  the  son  of  perdition,  should  be  revealed  by  apos- 
tacy ;  to  note  unto  us  that  antichrist  was  to  be  generated  out 
of  the  corruption  or  falling  away  of  some  eminent  church,  and 
that  by  a  mysterious  and  insensible  declination. 

2,  A  second  question  which  may  be  made,  is  this, — That 
since  the  church  doth  not  totally  fail  from  off  the  earth, 
whether  that  which  remaineth  thereof  be  always  visible  ?  To 
which  we  answer,  that  if  we  take  the  church  for  the  spiritual 
and  mystical  body  of  Christ,  which  is  indeed  the  house  of  God, 
so  it  is,  in  a  sort,  still  invisible,  because  the  qualities  and 
principles  which  constitute  a  man  in  the  bodv  of  Christ,  as 
faith,  and  the  Spirit  of  grace,  are  invisible  things.  Seen  in- 
deed they  may  be  by  an  eye  of  charity,  in  their  fruits,  but  not 
by  an  eye  of  certainty  in  their  own  infallible  being.  But  if 
we  take  the  church  for  a  company  of  men  professing  the  true 
doctrine  of  Christ,  we  answer,  that  take  the  men  in  them- 
selves so  truly  professing,  and  it  is  impossible  but  their  faith 
should  show  itself  in  the  fruits  thereof;  for  the  kingdom  of 
Christ  is  in  the  heart  like  leaven,  which  will  manifest  itself 
in  the  whole  lump  ;  and  so  we  can  in  all,  even  in  the  worst  ages 
of  the  church,  show  some  who  have  witnessed  the  truth 
against  that  deluge  of  ignorance,  error,  and  idolatry  which 
have  invaded  the  world,  like  gray  hairs  here  and  there  mingled 
on  a  black  head.  As  if  you  single  out  fire  from  the  ashes  it 
will  be  seen  by  its  own  evidence,  though  it  may  be  so  raked 
up  that  it  is  not  observed.  But  then,  if  we  speak  of  these 
men  in  the  aggregate,  as  concurring  to  make  up  a  distinct  ex- 
ternal body,  or  church,  so  we  say,  that  the  professors  of  the 
truth  may  be  so  few,  and  they  persecuted,  traduced,  suppressed, 
cried  down,  driven  into  the  wilderness,  without  any  apparent, 
separated  conspicuousness,  and  government  of  its  own,  (as  in 
the  time  of  Constantius  the  emperor  the  public  professors  of 


the  Divinity  of  Christ's  person,  against  the  damnable  heresy  of 
the  Arians  were  used,)  as  that  in  this  sense  we  may  justly 
deny  the  church  to  have  been  always  visible ;  that  is,  the  few 
true  professors  of  Christ  in  power  and  purity  to  have  had  a 
free,  open,  uncontrolled,  distinct  ecclesiastical  body  of  their 
own,  notoriously  and  in  the  sight  of  men  different  from  that 
tyrannical  and  pompous  hierarchy  under  which  they  suffered  : 
for  though  Christ  rule,  yet  it  is  in  the  midst  of  his  enemies ; 
and  the  enemies  may  be  so  many,  and  Christ's  subjects  in 
whom  he  rules  so  few,  that  the  corn  may  be  invisible  for  the 
abundance  of  weeds  amongst  which  it  grows,  though  in 
itself  very  apt  to  be  seen. 

And  this  giveth  a  full  answer  to  that  question,  where  our 
church  was  before  the  late  reformation  began  by  l^uther  ;  for 
that  reformation  did  not  new-make  the  church,  but  purge  it. 
And  that  it  stood  in  need  of  purging,  the  papists  themselves 
were  fain  to  confess,  and  declare  to  the  world,  in  their  council 
of  Trent.  Only  herein  is  the  difference ;  the  council  pre- 
tended a  reformation  in  points  of  discipline  and  manners,  and  we 
made  a  reformation  in  points  of  doctrine  too.  When  Christ  purged 
the  temple  of  buyers  and  sellers,  it  was  the  same  temple  after, 
which  it  was  before.  When  a  man  separateth  the  wheat  from  the 
chaff,  it  is  the  same  corn  which  it  was  before.  In  these  cor- 
rupter ages,  then,  the  pure  professors  of  Christ,  who  denied 
not  his  faith,  did  dwell  where  Satan  had  his  seat.  The 
members  of  Christ  were  amongst  the  rulers  of  antichrist.  We 
are  not  another  church  newly  started  up,  but  the  same  which 
before  from  the  apostles'  times  held  the  common  and  neces- 
sary grounds  of  faith  and  salvation,  which  grounds  being  in 
latter  ages  perverted  and  overturned  by  anlichristianism,  have 
been  by  valiant  champions  for  the  faith  of  Christ  therefrom 
vindicated ;  who  have  only  pruned  the  Lord's  vine,  and  picked 
out  the  stones,  and  driven  the  boars  out  of  his  vineyard, 
but  have  not  made  either  one  or  other  new. 

Now  this  point,  that  Christ  ruleth  in  the  midst  of  his 
enemies,  is  ground  of  great  confidence  in  his  church,  inasmuch 
as  she  subsisteth  not  upon  any  corruptible  strength  of  her 
own,  but  upon  the  promise,  decree,  oath,  power,  and  love  of 
God,  things  invincible  by  all  the  powers  of  darkness.  Let 
the  enemies  rage  ever  so  much,  they  cannot  dethrone  Christ, 
nor  extinguish  his  gospel,  for  it  is  an  "  everlasting  gospel," 
Rev.  xiv.  6.  It  is  but  as  the  coming  forth  of  shepherds 
against  a  lion,  as  the  prophet  compareth  it,     Isa.  xxxi.  4. 


For  either  Christ  is  unable  to  protect  his  peo))le,  and  tliat  is 
contrary  to  St.  Jude  ;  he  is  "  able  to  keep  you  from  h\\\w^,  and 
to  present  you  faukless,"  Jude,  ver.  24  :  or  else  he  is  un- 
willing, and  that  is  contrary  to  St.  Paul ;  ''  This  is  the  will  of 
God,  even  your  sanctification,"  1  iv.  3 :  or  else  both 
his  power  and  his  will  are  suspended  upon  expectation  of  hu- 
man concurrence,  or  nullified  and  disappointed  by  us,  and 
that  is  against  the  influence  of  his  grace,  which  giveth  us  both 
the  will  and  the  deed,  Phil.  ii.  13 ;  against  the  mercy  of  his 
gracious  promise ;  "  I  will  be  merciful  to  their  unrighteous- 
ness, and  their  sins  and  their  iniquities  will  I  remember  no 
more.  I  will  heal  their  backslidings,  1  will  love  them  freelv," 
Heb.  viii.  12 ;  Hos.  xiv.  4 ;  against  the  immutal)ility  of  hk 
covenant  and  holy  nature  ;  "  I  am  the  Lord  ;  I  cliange  not ; 
therefore  the  sons  of  Jacob  are  not  destroyed,"    Mai.'  iii.  6. 

Now,  besides  this  general  observation,  the  words  afford  some 
particular  notes  which  I  will  but  briefly  touch. 

1.  Christ's  kingdom  in  this  world  is  a  kingdom  of  the  cross  ; 
a  kingdom  beset  with  enemies  ;  of  all  other  the  most  hated  and 
opposed.  They  that  submit  unto  it,  must  resolve  to  be  herein 
conformable  to  their  Head ;  a  cross  was  his  throne,  and  thorns 
were  his  crown  ;  and  every  one  who  will  live  godly  must  suf- 
fer persecution,  and  through  many  afflictions  enter  into  his 
Master's  kingdom.  As  Christ  was,  so  must  christians  be. 
No  marvel  if  the  world  hate  the  church  of  Christ,  for  it  hated 
him  first.  In  his  word  he  is  resisted,  disobeyed,  belied,  and, 
if  it  were  possible,  silenced  and  corrupted ;  in  his  oflicers, 
mocked  and  misused ;  in  his  subjects,  persecuted  and  re- 
viled ;  in  his  Spirit,  thrust  awav  and  grieved ;  in  his  worship, 
neglected  and  polluted ;  in  all  his  ways  slandered  and  blas- 

The  reasons  of  which  strange  entertainment  of  the  kingdom 
of  Christ,  are,  1.  Because  it  is  a  new  kingdom,  which  enters 
into  the  world  by  way  of  challenge  and  dispossession  of  for- 
mer lords,  and  therefore  no  wonder  if  it  find  opposition.  2. 
It  is  an  invisible,  inconspicuous,  unattended,  desolate,  and  in 
appearance  ignoble  kingdom.  It  began  in  the  form  of  a  servant, 
in  the  ignominy  of  the  cross  ;  with  none  of  the  princes  of  this 
world,  none  of  the  learned  of  this  world  to  countenance  or 
help  to  set  it  up,  but  amongst  them  all,  esteemed  as  an  oflen- 
sive  and  foolish  thing.  3.  It  is  an  universal  kingdom  ;  Christ 
will  admit  of  no  consorts  or  rivals  in  his  government.  Body, 
soul,  and  spirit,  he  will  have  wholly  and  throughout  unto 

214    Christ's  kingdom  opposed  in  the  world. 

himself.  And  this  amongst  others  is  given  for  the  reason, 
why  when  Tiberius  proposed  Christ  unto  the  Roman  senate, 
with  the  privilege  of  his  own  suffrage,  to  be  worshipped,  they 
rejected  him,  because  he  would  be  a  God  alone.  If  he  would 
exempt  some  of  the  earthly  members  from  his  subjection,  let 
Just  have  the  eye,  or  folly  the  ear,  or  violence  the  hand,  or 
covetousness  the  heart,  or  any  other  evil  affection  share  with 
him  ;  he  would  be  the  easier  tolerated ;  but  when  he  will  be 
absolute,  and  nothing  must  remain  in  our  hearts  but  as  his 
vassal,  to  be  spoiled,  subdued,  condemned,  and  crucified  by 
him,  if  the  whole  state  of  sin  must  be  ruined,  and  the  body 
destroyed,  no  wonder  if  the  world  cannot  but  away  with  him. 
4.  Which  is  the  sum  of  all,  it  is  a  heavenly  kingdom,  a  spi- 
ritual kingdom  :  "  My  kingdom  is  not  of  this  world ;"  and 
therefore  no  marvel  if  the  devils  of  hell,  and  the  lusts  of  the 
flesh,  do  set  themselves  against  him. 

2.  Even  there  where  Christ's  throne  and  kingdom  are  set 
up  he  hath  enemies.  Satan  hath  his  seat  even  where  Christ 
dwelleth,  Rev.  ii.  13.  Men  may  say  they  are  jews,  and  are 
not,  but  are  of  the  synagogue  of  Satan ;  and  men  may  say  they  are 
christians,  and  are  not,  but  are  of  the  kingdom  of  Satan  too. 
A  wen  in  the  body  seemeth  to  belong  unto  the  integrity  of  the 
whole,  when  indeed  it  is  an  enemy  and  thief  therein.  Ivy 
about  a  tree  seemeth  to  embrace  it  with  much  affection,  when 
indeed  it  doth  but  kill  and  choke  it.  Men  may  take  upon 
thern  the  profession  of  christians,  and  like  a  wen  be  skinned 
over  with  the  same  outside  which  the  true  members  have, 
may  pretend  much  submission,  worship,  and  ceremony  unto 
him,  and  yet,  (such  is  the  hellish  hypocrisy  of  the  heart,)  the 
same  men  may  perhaps  inwardly  swell  and  rankle  against  the 
power  of  his  truth  and  spirit.  "  This  people,"  saith  the  Lord, 
"  draw  near  me  with  their  mouth,  and  with  their  lips  honour 
me,  but  have  removed  their  heart  far  from  me,  and  their  fear 
toward  me  is  taught  by  the  precept  of  men,"  Isa.  xxix.  13. 

In  the  apostles'  times  there  were  false  brethren  and  false 
teachers,  who  crept  in  to  spy  out  and  betray  the  liberty  of 
the  church,  and  privily  to  bring  in  damnable  heresies,  and  to 
speak  hes  in  hypocrisy  ;  that  is,  under  the  pretext  of  devotion 
and  carnal  humility,  to  corrupt  the  doctrine  of  Christ,  and 
under  a  form  of  godliness  to  deny  the  power  thereof^  There- 
fore antichrist  is  called  a  harlot,  because  she  should  seduce  the 
christian  world  with  much  expression  of  love,  and  creep  peace- 
ably and  by  flatteries  into   the  kingdom  of  Christ :  of  these 


several  enemies  of  Christ,  under  the  profession  of  his  name 
and  worship,  some  are  christians,  but  not  in  purity,  as  heretics  ; 
some  not  in  unity,  as  schismatics  ;  some  not  in  sincerity,  as 
hypocrites ;  some  not  so  much  as  in  external  conformity,  as 
evil  workers :  the  heretic  corrupteth  Christ,  the  schismatic 
divideth  him,  the  hypocrite  mocketli  him,  the  profane  per- 
son dishonoureth  him,  and  all  deny  him. 

Let  us  then  learn  to  look  unto  our  hearts,  for  we  may  flatter 
Christ,  when  we  do  not  love  him ;  we  may  inquire  and  seek 
early  after  him,  and  yet  have  no  desire  to  find  him  ;  we  may 
come  unto  his  school  as  untoward  children  ;  not  for  love  of 
his  doctrine,  but  for  fear  of  his  rod ;  we  may  call  him  Hus- 
band, and  yet  be  wedded  to  our  own  lusts ;  we  may  be  bap- 
tized in  his  name,  so  was  Simon  Magus  ;  we  may  preach  him, 
so  did  the  false  brethren  ;  we  may  flock  after  him,  so  did  the 
multitude  who  followed  him  not  for  his  words  or  miracles,  but 
for  the  loaves ;  we  may  bow  unto  him,  so  did  his  crucifiers ; 
we  may  call  upon  his  name,  so  did  the  hypocrites  that  said, 
Lord,  Lord,  and  yet  did  not  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  hea- 
ven ;  we  may  confess  and  believe  him,  so  do  the  very  devils 
in  hell ;  we  may  give  him  our  lips,  our  eyes,  our  tongues,  our 
knees,  our  hands,  and  yet  still  our  kingdom,  our  throne,  our 
hearts  may  be  Satan's.  And  all  this  is  to  make  him  but  a 
mock-king  as  the  jews  did,  when  indeed  we  crucify  him. 

3.  Christ's  word  and  Spirit  are  stronger  than  all  adverse  op- 
position. This  is  his  glory  that  his  kingdom  cometh  in  unto 
him  by  way  of  conquest,  as  Canaan  unto  Israel.  Therefore, 
at  the  very  first  erecting  of  his  kingdom,  when  in  all  presump- 
tion it  might  most  easily  have  been  crushed,  he  suffered  his 
enemies  to  vent  their  utmost  malice,  and  to  glut  themselves 
with  the  blood  of  his  people,  that  so  it  might  appear,  that 
though  they  did  fight  against  him,  they  could  not  prevail 
against  him,  but  that  his  counsel  should  still  stand  and  flourish, 
and  should  consume,  and  break  in  pieces  all  the  kingdoms 
which  set  themselves  against  it ;  that  they  all  should  be  afraid 
of  the  ensign  of  the  gospel,  and  should  fly  from  it. 

This  jealousy  of  God  for  his  church  may  be  seen,  in  frus- 
trating the  attempts,  and  pulling  off  the  wheels  on  which  the 
projects  which  are  cast  against  his  church  do  move,  as  he  dealt 
with  Pharaoh.  He  can  dissolve  the  confederacies,  shatter  the 
counsels,  cast  a  spirit  of  treachery,  unfaithfulness,  and  muti- 
nous affections  into  the  hearts  of  his  enemies,  as  he  did  into 
the  Midianites,  and  into  the  children  of  Ammon,  Moab,  and 

216    Christ's  kingdom  opposed  in  the  world. 

Edom,  when  they  gathered  together  against  his  people.  He 
can  infatuate  their  counsels,  and  make  them  the  contrivers 
and  artificers  of  their  own  ruin,  as  we  see  in  the  consultation 
of  Rehoboam  with  his  young  men,  and  of  Jeroboam  in  his 
idolatrous  policy,  and  of  Haman  in  his  gallows.  He  can  de- 
feat their  expectations,  and  disannul  their  decrees,  and  make 
his  own  counsel  alone  to  stand,  Judg.  vii.  22  ;  2  Chron.  xx. 
22,23;  Isa.  xix.  9;  xxix.  14;  Mic.  iv.  11,  12;  Isa.  xxxvii. 
83,  34;  Psa.  xxxiii.  10,  11. 

Let  us  take  heed  then  of  being  Christ's  enemies,  in  oppo- 
sing the  power  and  progress  of  his  word,  the  evidence  and  pu- 
rity of  his  Spirit  in  the  lives  of  men.  It  is  but  to  make  a  com- 
bination to  pull  the  sun  out  of  the  heaven  ;  or  for  a  wave  to 
contend  with  a  rock :  for  as  the  ruins  of  a  house  are  broken 
on  the  things  upon  which  they  fall,  so  are  the  enemies  of 
Christ,  that  gather  together  against  his  church,  and  fall 
upon  the  rock,  at  length  ruined  by  their  own  malice.  Sam- 
son's foxes  were  themselves  burnt  amongst  the  corn  which 
they  fired.  The  land  brought  forth  corn  the  next  year  again, 
(and  it  may  be  more  plentifully  by  reason  of  that  fire,)  but 
the  foxes  never  came  up  any  more.  Even  so  can  the  Lord 
deal  wuth  those  enemies  that  waste  and  depopulate  his 
church,  make  them  the  authors  of  their  own  utter  confusion, 
and  bring  forth  his  church  with  shouting,  and  with  doubled 

Who  then  is  the  man  that  desireth  tranquillity  of  life,  and  se- 
curity against  all  evil  ?  Let  him  become  a  subject  in  this 
conquering  kingdom,  and  cast  himself  under  the  banner  and 
protection  of  Christ,  and  he  cannot  miscarry.  "He  that 
walketh  uprightly,  walketh  surely.  The  name  of  the  Lord  is 
a  strong  tower ;  the  righteous  runneth  into  it,  and  is  safe. 
The  Lord  is  a  sun  and  a  shield."  A  fountain  of  all  good : 
"The  Lord  will  give  grace  and  glory,  and  no  good  thing  will 
he  withhold  from  them  that  walk  uprightly."  A  protection 
against  all  evil :  "  I  will  not  be  afraid  of  ten  thousand  of 
people,"  saith  the  prophet  David,  "  that  have  set  themselves 
against  me  round  about,"  Psa.  iii.  6.  When  there  is  no  light, 
nor  issue,  nor  in  nature  possibility  of  escape,  he  can  open 
a  door  of  deliverance,  to  relieve  his  church.  As  a  man  in  the 
king's  highway  is  under  the  king's  protection,  so  in  Christ's 
way  we  are  under  his  protection.  Let  us  then  never  repine 
at  the  miscarriages  of  the  world,  nor  murmur  against  the  wise 
proceedings  of  God  in  the  several   dispensations  towards  his 


church  on  earth  :  when  he  punisheth,  he  doth  it  in  measure ; 
less  than  our  sins  deserved  ;  and  when  we  search  and  try  our 
ways,  and  return  unto  liim,  he  knoweth  how  to  work  liis  own 
olory  in  our  deliverance.  Tliose  stones  which  arc  appointed 
for  a  glorious  buikhng  are  first  under  the  saw  and  the  liani- 
mer  to  be  hewed  and  squared ;  and  those  christians  in  whom 
the  Lord  will  take  most  delight,  he  usually  thereunto  fitteth 
by  trials  and  extremities.  He  that  is  brought  to  tremble  in 
himself,  may  with  most  confidence  expect  to  rejoice  in  God. 

4.  This  is  the  honour  of  Christ's  kingdom,  that  it  is  a  peace- 
able, quiet,  and  secure  kingdom,  not  only  after  the  victory, 
but  in  the  midst  of  enemies.  *'  This  man,"  saith  the  prophet 
of  Christ,  "  shall  be  the  peace,  when  the  Assyrian,"  the 
enemy, ''  shall  come  into  our  land,"  Mic.  v.  5.  We  have  peace  in 
him,  when  we  have  tribulation  in  the  world.  Christ  saith  of 
himself,  "  I  came  not  to  send  peace,  but  a  sword,"  Matt.  x. 
34 ;  and  yet  the  apostle  saith,  that  he  "  came  and  preached 
peace  to  those  which  were  afar  off,  and  to  them  that  were 
nigh,"  Eph.  ii.  17.  How  shall  these  things  be  reconciled  ? 
Surely  as  a  man  may  say  of  a  rock,  nothing  more  quiet,  be- 
cause it  is  never  stirred,  and  yet  nothing  more  unquiet,  because 
it  is  ever  assaulted :  so  we  may  say  of  the  church,  nothing 
more  peaceable,  because  it  is  estabhshed  upon  a  rock,  and  yet 
nothing  more  unpeaceable,  because  that  rock  is  in  the  midst 
of  seas,  winds,  enemies,  persecutions.  But  yet  still  the  pro- 
phet's conclusion  is  certain,  "  The  work  of  righteousness  shall 
be  peace,  and  the  effect  of  righteousness,  quietness  and  assur- 
ance for  ever,"  Isa=  xxxii.  17. 




The  prophet  before  showed  the  reign  of  Christ  over  his  ene- 
mies ;  he  now  speaketh  of  his  reign  over  his  people,  and  de- 
scribeth  what  manner  of  subjects  or  soldiers  Christ  should 
have.  I  will  not  trouble  you  with  a  variety  of  expositions,  (oc- 
casioned by  the  many  metaphors  and  different  translations,) 
but  give>  in  a  few  words,  those  which  I  conceive  to  be  most 
literal  and  pertinent  to  the  place. 

"  Thy  people  ;"  that  is,  those  whom  thou  dost  receive  from 
thy  Father,  and,  by  setting  up  the  standard  and  ensign  of  thy 
gospel,  gather  to  thyself. 

"  Shall  be  willing  :"  the  word  is  "  willingnesses  ;"  that  is, 
a  people  of  great  willingness  and  devotion,  or  (as  the  original 
word  is  elsewhere  used,  Psa.  cxix.  108)  shall  be  "  freewill  of- 
ferings" unto  thee.  The  abstract  being  put  for  the  concrete, 
and  the  plural  for  the  singular,  note  how  exceeding  forward 
and  free  they  should  be  ;  as  the  Lord,  to  signify  that  his  peo- 
ple were  most  rebellious,  saith  that  they  were  rebellion  itself, 
Ezek.  ii.  8.  So  then,  the  meaning  is, — Thy  people  shall,  with 
most  ready  and  forward  cheerfulness,  devote,  consecrate,  and 
render  up  themselves  to  thy  government  as  a  reasonable  sa- 
crifice ;  shall  be  of  a  most  liberal,  free,  noble,  and  uncon- 
strained spirit  in  thy  service ;  they  shall  be  voluntaries  in  the 
wars  of  thy  kingdom. 

"  In  the  day  of  thy  power,"  or  "  of  thine  armies."  By 
these  words  we  may  understand  two  things,  both  of  them 
aiming  at  the  same  general  sense :  1.  So  as  that  "armies" 
shall  be  the  same  with  "  thy  people"  before  ;  in  the  day  when 
thou  shalt  assemble  thy  soldiers  together,  when  thou  shalt  set 
up  thine  ensigns  for  them  to  seek  unto,  (that  is,  when  thou  shalt 
cause  the  preaching  of  thy  gospel  to  sound  like  a  trumpet,  that 
men  may  prepare  themselves  in  armies  to  fight  fhy  battles,) 
then  shall  all  thy  people  with  great  devotion  and  willingness 
gather  themselves    together    under  thy  colours,    and    freely 


devote  themselves  to  thy  military  service.  2.  So  as  tliat  by 
"  power,"  or  armies,  may  be  meant  the  means  whereby  this  free 
and  wilUng  devotion  in  Christ's  pco})lc  is  wrought :  that  is, — 
When  thou  shalt  send  forth  the  rod  of  tliy  strength ;  wlicn  thou 
shah  command  thy  apostles  and  ministers  to  go  forth  and 
fight  against  the  kingdoms  of  sin  and  Satan  ;  when  thou  shalt, 
in  the  dispensation  of  thine  ordinances,  reveal  thy  power  and 
spiritual  strength  unto  their  consciences,  then  shall  they  most 
willingly  relinquish  their  former  service,  and  wholly  devote 
themselves  unto  thee,  to  fight  under  thy  banners,  and  to  take 
thy  part  against  all  thine  enemies. 

"  In  the  beauties  of  holiness."  This  likewise  we  may  se- 
verally understand.  Either  in  thy  holy  church :  which  may 
well  so  be  called,  with  allusion  to  the  temple  at  Jerusalem, 
which  is  called  "  the  hcauty  of  holiness,"  Psa.  xxix.  2,  and 
a  "holy  and  beautiful  house,"  Isa.  Ixiv.  11,  and  a  "glorious 
high  throne,"  Jer.  xvii.  12.  And  hither  did  the  tribes  resort 
in  troops,  as  it  were  in  armies,  to  present  their  free-will  offer- 
ings, and  celebrate  the  other  services  of  the  Lord,  Psa.  Ixxxiv. 
7.  Or  else  we  may  understand  it  causally,  thus  :  "In  the  day 
of  thy  power,"  that  is,  when  thou  shalt  reveal  thy  strength  and 
Spirit;  "in  the  beauties  of  holiness,"  when  thou  shalt  reveal 
how  exceeding  beautiful  and  full  of  loveliness  thy  holy  ways 
and  services  are,  then  shall  thy  people  be  persuaded  with  all  free 
and  willing  devotion  of  heart  to  undertake  them.  Or,  lastly,  thus : 
as  the  priests  who  offered  sacrifices  to  the  Lord  were  clothed  with 
holy  and  beautiful  garments,  Exod.  xxviii.  2,  40  ;  or  as  those 
who,  in  admiration  of  some  noble  prince,  voluntarily  follow 
the  service  of  his  wars,  do  set  themselves  forth  in  the  most 
complete  furniture,  and  richest  attire,  that  are  fit  to  give  notice  of 
the  nobleness  of  their  minds,  (for  beautiful  armour  was  wont 
to  be  esteemed  the  honour  of  an  army,)  so  they  who  willingly 
devote  themselves  unto  Christ  to  be  soldiers  and  sacrifices 
unto  him,  are  not  only  armed  with  strength,  but  adorned  with 
such  inward  graces,  as  make  them  "  beautiful  as  Tirzah, 
comely  as  Jerusalem,  fair  as  the  moon,  clear  as  the  sun,  and 
terrible  as  an  army  with  banners,"  Cant.  vi.  9,  10.  All  which 
three  explications  meet  in  one  general,  which  is  principally 
intended,  — that  holiness  hath  all  beauties  in  it,  and  is  that  only 
which  maketh  a  man  lovely  in  the  eyes  of  Christ. 

"  From  the  womb  of  the   morning :  thou  hast  the  dew  of 
thy  youth."   There  is  a  middle  point,   or   colon,  after  those 
words,  "  the  womb  of  the  morning,"  which  may  seem  to  disjoin 


the  clauses,  and  make  these  words  refer  wholly  to  the  pre- 
cedincr      In  which  relation,  there  might  be  a  double  sense 
concetved  in  them.     Either  thus  :— In  the  beauties  of  hohness, 
or  in  holiness  very  beautiful,  more  than  the  Aurora,  or  womb 
of  the  morning,  when  she  is  ready  to  bring  forth  the  sun. 
And  then  it  is  a  notable  metaphor  to  express   the  glorious 
beauty  of  God's  ways.    Or  thus :— Thy  people  shall  be  a  wdling 
people  from  the  very  womb  of  the  morning ;  that  is,  from  the 
very  first  forming  of  Christ  in  them,  and  shining  forth  upon 
them  ;  they  shall  rise  out  of  their  former  nakedness  and  secu- 
rity, and  shall  adorn  themselves  with  the  beautiful  graces  of 
Christ's  Spirit,  as  with  clothing  of  wrought  gold,  and  raiment 
of  needle-work,  and  shall  with   gladness  and  rejoicing,   with 
much  devotion  and  willingness  of  heart,  be  brought  unto  the 
king,  and  present  themselves  before  him  as  voluntaries  in  his 
service,  Psa.  xlv.  13—15.      But  because   the   learned  con- 
ceive that  the  middle  point,  or  colon,  is  only  a  distinction  for 
convenient  reading,   not  a  disjunction  of  the   sense,    I  shall 
therefore  rest  in  a  more  received   exposition  : — Thy  children 
shall  be  born  in  great  abundance  unto  thee,  by  the  power  of 
thy  word,  in  the  womb  of  the  church,  as  soon  as  the  morning, 
or  Sun   of  righteousness    shall   shine   forth  upon    it  :    as  the 
dew  is  born   out   of  the   cool  morning  air,  distilling  down  in 
innumerable  drops  upon  the  earth  ;  so  thine   elect   shall    be 
born  unto  thee,  by  the  preaching  of  thy  word,  and  first  ap- 
proach of  thy  heavenly  light,  in  innumerable  armies.     And 
this  explication  is  very  suitable  to  the  harmony  of  holy  Scrip- 
ture, which  useth  the  same  metaphors  to  the  same  purpose  in 
other  places.     "  The  remnant  of  Jacob,"  saith  the  prophet, 
"  shall  be  in   the  midst  of   many  people  as   a  dew  from  the 
Lord,"  Mic.  v.  7.     And  Christ  is  called  the  "  bright  Morn- 
ing-star," and  the  "  Day- spring,''  and  the  "  Sun  of  righteous- 
ness," Rev.  xxii.  16;  Luke  i.  78  ;  Mai.  iv.  2  :  and  the  time  of 
the  gospel  is  called  the  time  of  day,  or  the  approach  of  day. 
Rom.  xiii.  12  ;   1  John  ii.  8.     So  that,  "  from  the  womb  of 
the  morning,'*  is  from  the  heavenly  light  of  the  gospel,  which 
is  the  wing  or  beam  whereby  the  Sun  of  righteousness  reveal- 
eth  himself,  and  breaketh  out  upon   the  world ;  as  the  rising 
sun,  which  rejoiceth  Hke  a  giant  to  run   his  race,   shall  the 
succession  increase,  and  armies  of  the  church  of  God  be  con- 
tinually supplied. 

The  words,  thus  unfolded,  contain  in  them  a  lively  character 
pf  the  subjects  in  Christ's  spiritual  kingdom.     I.   Described 


by  their  relation  to  him,  and  his  propriety  to  them,— 
*'  Thy  people."  II.  By  their  present  condition,  intimated 
in  the  word,  "willing,"  or  voluntaries,  and  (if  we  take 
"thy  people"  and  "armies"  for  synonymous  terms,  the  one 
notifying  the  order  and  quality  of  the  otlier)  that  is,  mihtary 
men.  III.  By  their  thorough  and  universal  resignation, 
subjection,  and  devotedness  unto  him.  For  when  he 
conquereth  by  his  word,  his  conquest  is  wrought  upon  the 
wills  and  affections  of  men: — "Thy  people  shall  be  wilhng." 
The  ground  of  which  willingness  is  further  added,  (for  so 
chiefly  I  understand  those  words,)  "  the  day  of  thy  power." 
So  that  the  willingness  of  Christ's  subjects  is  effected  by  the 
power  of  his  grace  and  Spirit  in  the  revelation  of  the  gospel. 
IV.  By  their  honourable  attire,  and  military  robes,  in  which 
they  appear  before  him,  and  attend  upon  him ;  "  in  beauties 
of  holiness,"  or  in  the  various  and  manifold  graces  of  Christ, 
as  in  a  garment  of  divers  colours.  V.  By  their  a^e,  multi- 
tudes, and  manner  of  their  birth  ;  they  are  "  the  dew  of  the 
morning ;"  as  many  as  the  small  drops  of  dew :  and  they  are 
born  to  him  out  of  "  the  womb  of  the  morning ;"  as  dew  is  gene- 
rated, not  on  the  earth,  but  in  the  air,  by  a  heavenly  calhng, 
and  by  the  shining  of  the  Morning-star,  and  Day-spring  upon 
their  consciences,  "  Ye  are  all  the  children  of  light,"  saith 
the  apostle,  "  and  the  children  of  the  day  ;  we  are  not  of  the 
night,  nor  of  darkness,"  1  Thess.  v.  3. 

In  these  parts  of  the  holy  Scripture,  which  are  written  for 
models  and  summaries  of  christian  doctrine,  there  is  weight 
in  every  word,  as  in  a  rich  jewel  there  is  worth  in  every  sparkle. 

I.  Here  then  we  may  take  notice  of  Christ's  propriety  to 
his  people: — "thy  people."  All  the  elect  and  believers  do 
belong  unto  Christ :  they  are  his  people ;  they  are  his  own 
sheep  ;  there  is  a  mutual  and  reciprocal  propriety  between 
him  and  them.  "  My  beloved  is  mine,  and  I  am  his,"  Cant, 
ii.  16.  His  desire  is  towards  me.  "  His,"  I  say,  not  as  he  is 
God  only,  by  a  right  of  inseparable  dominion  as  we  are  his 
creatures.  For  "all  things  were  created  by  him  and  for  him," 
Col.  i.  16.  And  he  is  "  over  all,  God  blessed  for  ever,"  Rom.  ix. 
5.  Nor  his  only,  as  he  is  the  Firstborn  and  Heir  of  all  things : 
in  which  respect  he  is  Lord  of  the  angels ;  and  God  hath  set  him 
over  all  the  works  of  his  hands,  Heb.  i.  2,  3 ;  ii.  7,  8.  But 
as  he  is  the  Mediator  and  Head  in  his  church :  in  which  re- 
spect the  faithful  are  his  by  a  more  peculiar  propriety  ;  "  We 
are  thine  ;  thou  never  barest  rule  over  them ;  they  were  not 


called  by  thy  name,"  Isa.  Ixiii.  19.  The  devils  are  his  vas- 
sals ;  the  wicked  of  the  world  his  prisoners  :  the  faithful 
only  are  his  subjects  and  followers ;  his  jewels,  his  friends, 
his  brethren,  his  sons,  his  members,  his  spouse  :  his,  by  all 
the  relations  of  intimateness  that  can  be  named. 

Now,  this  propriety  Christ  hath  unto  us  upon  several 

1.  By  constitution  and  donation  from  his  Father.  **  God 
hath  made  him  both  Lord  and  Christ,"  Acts  ii.  36.  He  "hath 
put  all  things  under  his  feet,  and  gave  him  to  be  head  over  all 
things  to  the  church,"  Eph.  i.  22.  "  Ask  of  me,  and  I  shall  give 
thee  the  heathen  for  thine  inheritance,  and  the  uttermost  parts 
of  the  earth  for  thy  possession,"  Psa.  ii.  8.  "  Behold,  I  and  the 
children  whom  the  Lord  hath  given  me,"  Isa.  viii.18.  "  Thine 
they  were,  and  tliou  gavest  ihem  to  me,"  John  xvii.  6.  For  as 
in  regard  of  God's  justice  we  were  bought  by  Christ  in  our 
redemption,  so  in  regard  of  his  love  we  were  given  unto  Christ 
in  our  election,  that  he  might  redeem  us. 

2.  By  a  right  of  purchase,  treaty,  and  covenant  between 
Christ  and  his  Father.  For  we  having  sold  away  ourselves, 
and  being  now  in  the  enemies'  possession,  could  not  be  re- 
stored unto  our  primitive  state  without  some  intervening  price 
to  redeem  us.  Therefore,  saith  the  apostle,  he  was  made  un- 
der the  law,  that  he  might  buy  out  those  that  were  under  the 
law,  Gal.  iv.  4,  5.  And  again,  "  Ye  are  bought  with  a  price," 
1  Cor.  vi.  20.  He  w^as  our  Surety,  and  stood  in  our  stead, 
and  was  set  forth  to  declare  the  righteousness  of  God,  Rom. 
iii.  25.     God  dealt  in  grace  with  us,  but  injustice  with  him. 

3.  By  a  right  of  conquest  and  deliverance.  He  hath 
plucked  us  out  of  our  enemies'  hand  ;  he  hath  dispossessed  and 
spoiled  those  that  ruled  over  us  before ;  he  hath  delivered  us 
from  the  power  of  Satan,  and  translated  us  into  his  own  king- 
dom. We  are  his  freemen  ;  he  only  hath  made  us  free  from  the 
law  of  sin  and  death,  and  hath  rescued  us  as  spoils  out  of  the 
hands  of  our  enemies ;  and  therefore  we  are  become  his  ser- 
vants, and  owe  obedience  unto  him  as  our  Patron  and  Deliverer. 
As  the  Gibeonites,  when  they  were  delivered  from  the  sword 
of  the  children  of  Israel,  were  thereupon  made  hewers  of  wood 
and  drawers  of  water  for  the  congregation  ;  so  we,  being  res- 
cued out  of  the  hands  of  those  tyrannous  lords  who  ruled  over 
us,  do  now  owe  service  and  subjection  unto  him  that  hath  so 
mercifully  delivered  us.  "  Being  made  free  from  sin."  saith 
the  apostle,  "  ye  became  the  servant?  of  righteousness."    And 


"  we  are  delivered  from  the  law,  that  being  dead  wherein  we 
were  held ;  that  we  should  serve  in  newness  of  spirit,"  Worn. 
vi.  18  ;  vii.  6.  And  again,  "  He  died  for  all,  that  they  wliirh 
live  should  not  henceforth  live  unto  themselves,  but  unto  him 
which  died  for  them,  and  rose  again,"  2  Cor.  v.  15. 

4.  By  covenant  and  stipulation.  "  I  entered  into  a  covenant 
with  thee,  and  thou  becamest  mine,"  Ezek.  xvi.  8.  Therefore  in 
our  baptism  we  are  said  to  be  "  baptized  into  C  lirist,"  and  to  "  put 
on  Christ,"  and  to  be  baptized  into  his  name  ;  that  is,  wholly  to 
consecrate  and  devote  ourselves  to  him  as  the  servants  of  his 
family,  Rom.  vi.  3  ;  Gal.  iii.  27  ;  Acts  xix.  5.  Therefore, 
they  that  were  baptized  in  the  ancient  church,  were  wont  to 
put  on  white  raiment,  as  it  were  the  livery  and  badge  of  Christ, 
a  testimony  of  that  purity  and  service  which  therein  they 
vowed  unto  him  And  therefore  it  is,  that  we  still  retain  the 
ancient  form  of  vow,  promise,  or  profession  in  baptism,  which 
was  to  renounce  the  devil  and  all  his  works,  the  world,  with 
the  pomp,  luxury,  and  pleasures  thereof.  And  this  is  done 
in  a  most  solemn  and  deliberate  manner,  by  way  of  answer  to 
the  question  and  demand  of  Christ.  For  which  purpose  St. 
Peter  calleth  baptism  "  the  answer,"  or  the  interrogatory  trial, 
"of  a  good  conscience  toward  God,"  1  Pet.  iii.  21.  He 
who  conformeth  himself  to  the  fashions,  and  setteth  his 
heart  upon  the  favours,  preferments,  empty  applause,  and  admi- 
ration of  the  world  ;  he  who  liveth  according  to  the  rules  and 
courses,  and  sinful  maxims  of  worldly  men,  in  such  indiffer- 
ency,  compliancy,  and  connivance,  as  may  flatter  others  and 
delude  himself;  he  who  is  freely  and  customarily  over-ruled 
by  the  temptations  of  Satan,  that  yieldeth  to  looseness  of 
heart,  to  vanity  of  thoughts,  lusts  of  the  eye,  pride  of  life, 
luxury,  intemperance,  impurity  of  mind  or  body,  or  any  other 
earthly  and  inordinate  aff'ection,  is  little  better,  in  the  sight  of 
God,  than  a  perjured  and  a  runagate  person  ;  flinging  ofl'from 
that  service  unto  which  he  had  bound  himself  by  a  solemn  vow, 
and  robbing  Christ  of  that  interest  in  him,  which  by  a  mutual 
stipulation  was  agreed  upon. 

b.  By  the  virtue  of  our  communion  with  him,  and  partici- 
pation of  his  grace  and  fulness.  All  that  we  are  in  regard  of 
spirit  and  life  is  from  him ;  we  are  nothing  of  ourselves  ;  and 
we  can  do  nothing  of  ourselves.  All  that  we  are  is  from  the 
grace  of  Christ ;  "  By  the  grace  of  God  I  am  what  I  am," 
1  Cor.  XV.  10.  And  all  that  we  do  is  from  the  grace  of  Christ ; 
"  I  can   do    all  things  through  Christ  which    strengtheneth 


me,"  Phil.  iv.  13.  As  when  we  do  evil,  it  is  not  we  our- 
selves, but  sin  that  dwelleth  in  us ;  so  when  we  do  good,  it  is 
not  we,  but  Christ  who  liveth  in  us,  Rom.  vii.  20 ;  Gal.  ii.  20.  So 
that,  in  all  respects,  we  are  not  our  own,  but  his  who  died  for  us. 
Now,  this  being  a  point  of  so  great  consequence,  it  is  need- 
ful that  we  labour  therein  to  try  and  secure  ourselves  that  we 
belong  unto  Christ.  For  which  purpose  we  must  note,  that 
a  man  may  belong  unto  Christ  two  manner  of  ways  :  1.  By  a 
mere  external  profession.  So  all  in  the  visible  church  that 
call  themselves  christians  are  his,  and  his  word  and  oracles 
are  theirs.  In  which  respect  they  have  many  privileges,  (as 
the  apostles  show  of  the  jews.)  Yet  notwithstanding,  such 
men,  continuing  unreformed  in  their  inward  man,  are  nearer 
unto  cursing  than  others,  and  subject  unto  a  sorer  condemna- 
tion for  despising  Christ  in  his  word  and  Spirit,  with  whom  in 
their  baptism  they  made  so  solemn  a  covenant.  For  God 
will  not  suffer  his  gospel  to  be  cast  away,  but  will  cause  it  to 
prosper  unto  some  end  or  other  ;  either  to  save  those  that 
believe,  or  to  increase  the  damnation  of  those  that  disobey 
it.  He  will  be  more  careful  to  cleanse  his  garner,  and  to 
purge  his  floor,  than  of  other  empty  and  barren  places.  A  weed 
in  the  garden  is  in  more  danger  of  being  rooted  out  than  in  the 
field.  Such  belong  unto  Christ  no  otherwise  than  ivy  unto  the 
tree,  unto  which  it  externally  adheres.  2.  A  man  may  belong 
unto  Christ  by  implantation  into  his  body  ;  which  is  done  by 
faith.  But  here  we  are  to  note,  that  as  some  branches  in  a 
tree  have  a  more  faint  and  unprofitable  fellowship  with  the 
root  than  others,  having  no  further  strength  than  to  furnish 
themselves  with  leaves,  but  not  with  fruit ;  so,  according  unto 
the  several  virtues  or  kinds  of  faith,  may  the  degrees  of  men's 
ingrafture  into  Christ  be  judged  of.  There  is  a  dead,  inope- 
rative faith,  which,  like  Adam  after  his  fall,  hath  the  nakedness 
thereof  covered  only  with  leaves,  with  mere  formal  and  hypo- 
critical conformities.  And  there  is  an  unfeigned,  lively,  and 
effectual  faith  ;  which  is  available  to  those  purposes  for  which 
faith  was  appointed ;  namely,  to  justify  the  person,  to  purify 
the  heart,  to  quench  temptations,  to  carry  a  man  with  wisdom 
and  an  unblameable  conversation  through  this  present  world, 
to  work  by  love,  to  grov/  and  make  a  man  abound  in  the  ser- 
vice of  the  Lord.  And  this  distinction  our  Saviour  giveth 
us,  that  there  are  some  branches  in  him  which  bear  not  fruit, 
and  those  he  taketh  away ;  and  others  which  bear  fruit,  and 
those  he  purgeth  that  they  may  bring    forth    more,    John 


XV.  '2.      Those  only   are  the  branches  which   he  desires  to 


And  thus  to  belong  unto  Christ,  is  that  only  which  maketli 
us  a  purchased  and  a  peculiar  people  unto  him.  And  tlicre 
are  several  ways  of  evidencing  it.  I  will  only  name  two  or 
three,  and  those  mostly  in  the  text.  We  must  know  that  Clirist  is 
a  Morning-star,  a  Sun  of  righteousness,  and  so  ever  comes  to  the 
soul  with  self-evidencing  properties.  Unto  him  belonoeth 
that  royal  prerogative,  to  write  an  hnvard  witness  in  the  hearts 
of  men  ;  to  be  himself  the  witness  to  his  own  acts,  purchases, 
and  covenants.  Therefore  his  Spirit  came  in  tongues  of  fire, 
and  in  a  mighty  wind,  all  which  have  several  ways  of  mani- 
festing themselves,  and  stand  not  in  need  of  any  borrowintr  or 
foreign  confirmations.  If  Christ  then  be  in  the  lieart,  he  will 
discover  himself.  His  Spirit  is  the  original  of  grace  and 
strength,  as  concupiscence  is  of  sin.  It  is  a  seed  in'the  heart 
which  will  spring  up  and  show  itself.  And  therefore,  as  lust 
doth  take  the  first  advantage  of  the  faint  and  imperfect  stir- 
rings of  the  reasonable  soul  in  little  infants,  to  evidence  itself 
in  pride,  folly,  stubbornness,  and  other  childish  sins :  so  the 
Spirit  of  grace  in  the  heart  cannot  lie  dead,  but  will  work  and 
move  ;  and  as  a  Spirit  of  burning,  by  the  light,  heat,  purging, 
comforting,  inflaming,  combating  virtue  which  is  in  it,  make 
the  soul,  which  was  barren,  and  settled  on  the  lees,  and  unac- 
quainted with  any  such  motions  before,  stand  amazed  at  its 
own  alteration,  and  say  with  Rebecca,  *  If  it  be  so,  why  am 
I  thus  ?"  Externals  maybe  imitated  bv  art ;  but  no  man  can 
paint  the  soul  or  the  life,  or  the  sense  and  motion  of  the  creature. 
Now,  Christ  and  his  Spirit  are  the  internal  forms,  and  activt- 
principles  in  a  christian  man  ;  Christ  liveth  in  us  :  "  When 
Christ,  who  is  our  life,  shall  appear,"Col.  iii.  4.  Therefore,  it  is 
impossible  that  any  hypocrite  should  counterfeit,  and  by  con- 
sequence obscure  those  intimate  and  vital  workings  of  his 
grace  in  the  soul,  whereby  he  evidenceth  himself  thereunto. 
It  is  true,  a  man  that  feareth  the  Lord  may  walk  in  darkness, 
and  be  in  such  discomforts,  that  he  shall  see  no  light ;  and  yet, 
even  in  that  condition,  Christ  doth  not  want  properties  to  evi- 
dence himself,  in  tenderness  of  conscience,  fear  of  sin,  striving 
of  spirit  with  God,  closeness  of  heart,  and  constant  recourse 
to  him  in  his  word,  and  the  like  ;  only  the  soul  is  shut  up 
and  overclouded  that  it  cannot  discern  him.  The  Spirit  of 
Christ  is  a  seal,  a  witness,  an  earnest,  a  first-fruit  of  that  ful- 
ness which  is  promised  hereafter,  Eph.  i.  13,  14  ;  Heb.  x.  1.5. 
L  5 


It  is  Christ's  own  Spirit,  and  therefore  fashioneth  the  hearts 
of  those  in  whom  he  dwells  unto  his  heavenly  image,  to  long 
for  more  comprehension  of  him,  for  more  conformity  unto  him, 
for  more  intimacy  and  communion  with  him,  for  more  grace, 
wisdom,  and  strength  from  him  ;  he  turneth  the  bent  and  course 
of  the  soul  from  that  earthly  and  sensual  end  unto  which  it 
wrought  before,  as  a  good  branch  having  been  ingrafted  into 
a  wild  stock  converteth  the  sap  of  a  crabtree  into  pleasant 

Again  ;  if  a  man  be  one  of  Christ's  people,  then  there  hath 
a  day  of  power  passed  over  him,  the  sword  of  the  Spirit  hath 
entered  into  him ;  he  hath  been  conquered  by  the  rod  of 
Christ's  strength ;  he  hath  felt  John's  axe  laid  to  the  root  of 
his  conscience,  and  hath  been  persuaded  by  the  terror  of  the 
Lord  :  for  the  coming  of  Christ  is  with  shaking.  The  con- 
science hath  felt  a  mighty  operation  in  the  word,  though  to 
other  men  it  hath  passed  over  like  empty  breath  ;  for  the  word 
worketh  effectually  in  those  that  believe,  and  bringeth  about 
the  purposes  for  which  it  was  sent.  To  those  that  are  called, 
it  is  the  power  of  God,  1  Cor.  i.  24. 

Again ;  where  Christ  comes,  he  comes  with  beauty  and 
holiness  :  those  who  lay  in  their  blood  and  pollutions  before, 
bare  and  naked,  are  made  exceedingly  beautiful,  and  renowned 
for  their  beauty  ;  are  perfect  through  the  comeliness  which  he 
puts  upon  them.  He  comes  unto  the  soul  with  beauty  and 
precious  oil,  and  garments  of  praise,  Isa.  Ixi.  3 ;  that  is,  with 
comfort,  joy,  peace,  and  healing,  to  present  the  church  a  holy 
church  without  spot  or  wrinkle  to  his  Father. 

Lastly  ;  where  Christ  cometh,  he  cometh  with  the  "  womb 
of  the  morning :"  with  much  light  to  acquaint  the  soul  with 
his  truth  and  promises ;  and  with  much  fruitfulness,  making 
the  heart,  which  was  barren  before,  to  flow  with  rivers  of  liv- 
ing water,  to  bring  forth  fruit  more  and  more,  and  to  abound 
in  the  works  of  the  Lord.  These  are  the  particular  evidences 
of  our  belonging  to  Christ  in  the  text,  and  by  these  we  must 
examine  ourselves.  Do  I  find  in  my  soul  the  new  name  of 
the  Lord  Jesus  written,  that  I  am  not  only  in  title,  but  in 
truth,  a  christian  ?  Do  1  find  the  secret  nature  and  figure  of 
Christ  fashioned  in  me,  swaying  my  heart  to  the  love  and 
obedience  of  his  holy  ways?  Do  I  hear  the  voice,  and  feel 
the  hand  and  judicature  of  his  blessed  Spirit  within  me,  leading 
me  in  a  new  course,  ordering  mine  inner  man,  sentencing  and 
crucifying  mine   earthly    members?       Am  I  a  serious  and 


earnest  enemy  to  my  original  lusts  and  closest  corruptions  ?  Do 
I  feel  the  workings  and  kindlings  of  tlicni  in  n)ine  heart  with 
much  pain  and  mourning,  with  mncii  humiliation  for  them, 
and  deprecation  against  ihem  ?  Is  Christ  my  centre?  Do  I 
find  in  mine  heart  a  willingness  to  he  with  him,  as  well  here 
in  his  word,  ways,  promises,  directions,  and  comforts  ;  yea,  in 
his  reproaches  and  persecutions,  as  hereafter  in  his  glory  ?  Is 
it  the  greatest  business  of  my  life  to  make  myself  more  like 
him,  to  walk  as  he  also  walketh,  to  he  as  he  was  in  this  world, 
to  purify  myself  even  as  he  is  pure  ?  Hath  the  terror  of  his 
wrath  persuaded  me,  and  shaken  my  conscience  out  of  its  car- 
nal security,  and  made  me  look  about  for  a  refuge  from  the 
wrath  to  come,  and  esteem  more  beautiful  than  the  morning 
brightness,  the  feet  of  those  who  bring  glad  tidings  of  deli- 
verance and  peace  ?  Hath  this  gospel  an  effectual  creative 
virtue  within  me,  to  new  form  my  nature  and  life  daily  unto 
his  heavenly  image  ?  Is  it  an  ingrafted  w^ord  which  mingleth 
with  my  conscience,  and  hideth  itself  in  my  heart,  actu- 
ating, determining,  moderating,  and  over-ruling  It  to  its  own 
way  ?  Am  I  cleansed  from  my  filthiness,  careful  to  keep 
myself  chaste,  comely,  beautiful,  a  fit  spouse  for  the  fairest  of 
ten  thousand?  Do  I  rejoice  in  his  liglit,  walking  as  a  child 
of  light,  living  as  an  heir  of  light,  going  on  like  the  sun  unto 
the  perfect  day,  labouring  to  abound  alwavs  in  the  work  of 
the  Lord  ?  Then  I  may  have  good  assurance  that  I  belong 
unto  Christ.  And  if  so,  that  will  be  a  source  of  much 
comfort  to  my  soul. 

1.  If  we  are  Christ's,  then  he  careth  for  us,  for  propriety  is 
the  ground  of  care.  "  He  that  is  an  hireling,"  saith  our  Sa 
viour,  ''  and  not  the  shepherd,  whose  own  the  sheep  are  not, 
seeth  the  wolf  coming,  and  leaveth  the  sheep.  Because  he  is 
an  hireling  he  careth  not  for  the  sheep.  I  am  the  good  Shep- 
herd, and  know  my  sheep,  and  am  known  of  mine,"  John  x. 
12 — 14.  He  watcheth  over  us,  he  searcheth  and  seeketh  us 
out  in  our  stragglings,  and  feedeth  us.  This  is  the  princi])al 
argument  we  have  to  believe  that  God  will  look  upon  us  for 
good,  notwithstanding  our  manifold  provocations,  because  he 
is  pleased  to  own  us,  and  to  take  us  as  his  own  peculiar  peo- 
ple. Though  the  church  be  full  of  ruins,  yet  because  it  is  iiis 
own  house,  he  will  repair  it ;  thougli  it  be  black  as  well  as 
comely,  yet  because  it  is  his  own  spouse,  he  will  \nty  and  che- 
rish it;  though  it  bring  forth  wild  grapes,  and  be  indeed  meet 
for  no  work,  yet  because  it  is  his  own  vine,  planted  by   his 


own  right  hand,  and  made  strong  for  himself,  he  will  be  there- 
fore careful  to  fence  and  prune  it.  This  is  the  only  argum^ent 
we  have  to  prevail  with  God  in  prayer,  that  in  Christ  we  call 
him  Father,  we  present  ourselves  before  him  as  his  own,  we 
make  mention  of  no  other  Lord  or  name  over  us,  and  there- 
fore he  cannot  deny  us  the  things  which  are  good  for  us. 

2.  If  we  are  Christ's,  then  he  will  certainly  purge  us,  and 
make  the  members  suitable  to  the  Head.  "  I  sware  unto  thee, 
and  entered  into  a  covenant  with  thee,  saith  the  Lord,  and 
thou  becamest  mine ;"  and  immediately  it  follows,  "  then 
washed  I  thee  with  water  ;  yea,  I  thoroughly  washed  away  thy 
blood  from  thee,"  Ezek.  xvi.  8,  9.  "  Every  branch  in  me 
that  beareth  fruit,  he  purgeth  it,  that  it  may  bring  forth  more 
fruit,"  John  xv.  2.  He  purifieth  to  himself  a  pecuHar  peo- 
ple. If  we  be  his  peculiar  people,  and  set  apart  for  himself, 
(as  the  pro))het  David  speaks,  Psa.  iv.  3,)  he  will  undoubtedly 
purify  us ;  that  we  may  be  honourable  vessels,  sanctified  and 
meet  for  the  Master's  use,  and  prepared  unto  every  good  work, 
2  Tim.  ii.  21.  He  will  furnish  us  with  all  such  supplies  of  the 
Spirit  of  grace,  as  the  condition  of  that  place  in  his  body 
requires,  in  the  which  he  hath  set  us.  Grace  and  glory  will 
he  give,  and  no  good  thing  will  he  withhold  from  those  who 
walk  uprightly ;  our  propriety  to  Christ  giveth  us  right  unto 
all  good  things  :  "  all  are  yours,  and  ye  are  Christ's." 

3.  If  we  are  Christ's,  then  he  will  spare  us.  This  was  the 
argument  which  the  priest  was  to  use  between  the  porch  and 
the  altar  ;  "  Spare  thy  people.  O  Lord,  and  give  not  thine 
heritage  to  reproach,"  Joel  ii.  17,  18.  Then  will  the  Lord 
be  jealous  for  his  land,  and  pity  his  people.  "  They  shall  be 
mine,  saith  the  Lord,  in  that  day  when  I  m.ake  up  my  jewels ; 
and  I  will  spare  them,  as  a  man  spareth  his  own  son  that 
serveth  him,"  Mai.  iii.  17.  Of  my  servant,  to  whom  I  give 
wages  for  the  merit  of  his  work,  not  out  of  love  or  grace,  I 
expect  a  service  proportionable  to  the  pay  he  receives  ;  but  in 
my  child  I  reward  not  the  dignity  of  the  work,  but  only  the 
willingness,  the  loving  and  obedient  disposition  of  the  heart ; 
and  therefore  I  pass  over  those  failings  and  weaknesses  which 
discover  themselves  for  want  of  skill  or  strength,  and  not  of 
love,  praising  the  endeavours,  and  pardoning  the  miscarriages. 
Thus  doth  the  Lord  deal  with  his  children. 

4  If  we  be  Christ's  he  will  pray  for  us  :  "I  pray  not  for 
the  world,  but  for  them  which  thou  hast  given  me ;  for  they 
ai'e  thine.     And    all  mine  are    thine,  and  thine   are  mine," 

Christ's  subjects  have  a  war  to  fight.    229 

John  xvii.  9,  10  ;  so  that  we  shall  be  sure  to  have  help  in  all 
times  of  need,  because  we  know  that  the  Father  heareth  his 
Son  always,  John  xi.  42  ;  and  those  things  wliich  in  mucli 
fear,  weakness,  and  ignorance  we  ask  for  ourselves,  if  it  be 
according  to  God's  will,  and  by  the  dictate  and  mouth  of  the 
Spirit  in  our  heart,  Christ  himself  in  his  intercession  demandcth 
for  us  the  same  things.  "  And  this  is  the  confidence  that  we 
have  in  him,  that,  if  we  ask  anything  according  to  his  will, 
he  heareth  us  :  and  we  know  that  we  have  the  petitions  that 
we  desired  of  him,"  1  John  v.  14.  For  as  the  world  hateth 
us,  because  it  hateth  him  first ;  so  the  Father  loveth  and 
heareth  us,  because  he  loveth  and  heareth  him  first. 

5.  If  we  be  Christ's,  then  he  will  teach  us,  and  commune 
with  us,  and  reveal  himself  unto  us,  and  lead  us  with  his 
voice.  "  He  calleth  his  own  sheep  by  name,  and  leadeth 
them  out.  And  when  he  putteth  forth  his  own  sheep,  he 
goeth  before  them,"  John  x.  3,  4.  Because  Israel  was  his 
own  people,  therefore  he  showed  them  his  words,  Psa. 
cxlvii.  19.  The  law  was  theirs,  and  the  oracles  theirs.  When 
he  entereth  into  covenant  with  a  people,  that  they  become  his, 
then  he  writeth  his  law  in  their  hearts,  and  teacheth  them. 
This  is  the  prophet  David's  argument,  "  I  am  thy  servant  : 
give  me  understanding,"  Psa.  cxix,  125.  Because  I  am 
thine  in  a  special  relation,  therefore  acquaint  me  with  thee  in 
an  especial  manner.  "  The  earth,  O  Lord,  is  full  of  thy 
mercy  ;"  there  is  much  of  thy  goodness  revealed  to  all  the  na- 
tions of  the  world,  even  to  those  that  are  not  called  by  thy 
name  :  but  as  for  me,  whom  thou  hast  made  thine  own  by  a 
nearer  relation,  let  me  have  experience  of  a  greater  mercv  ; 
"  teach  me  thy  statutes,"  ver.  64. 

6.  If  we  be  his,  he  will  chastise  us  in  mercy,  and  not  in 
fury ;  though  he  leave  us  not  altogether  unpunished,  yet  he 
will  punish  us  less  than  our  iniquities  deserve  ;  he  will  not  deal 
with  us  as  with  others :  '*  Though  I  make  a  full  end  of  all 
nations  whither  I  have  scattered  thee,  yet  will  I  not  make  a 
full  end  of  thee :  but  I  will  correct  thee  in  measure,"  Jer. 
xxx.  10,  11.     I  will  correct  thee  to  cure,  but  not  to  ruin  thee. 

II.  The  second  thing  to  be  considered  in  the  words,  is  the 
present  condition  of  the  people  of  Christ,  which  is  to  be 
mihtary  men,  to  johi  with  the  armies  of  Christ  against  all  his 
enemies.  As  he  was,  so  must  we  he  in  this  world  :  no  sooner 
was  Christ  consecrated  by  his  solemn  baptism  unto  the  work 
of  a  mediator,  but  presently  he  was  assaulted  by  the  tempter ; 

230    Christ's  subjects  have  a  war  to  fight. 

and  no  sooner  doth  any  man  give  up  his  name  to  Christ,  and 
break  loose  from  that  hellish  power  under  which  he  was  held, 
but  presently  Pharaoh  and  his  hosts,  Satan  and  his  confede- 
rates, pursue  him  with  deadly  fury  and  pour  out  floods  of  malice 
and  rage  against  him.  Hell  and  death  are  at  truce  with 
wicked  men  ;  there  is  a  covenant  and  agreement  between  them. 
Satan  holdeth  his  possession  in  peace  ;  but  when  a  stronger 
than  he  cometh  upon,  and  overcometh  him,  there  is  from  that 
time  implacable  venom  and  hostility  against  such  a  soul ;  the 
malice,  power,  policy,  stratagems,  and  machinations  of  Satan  ; 
the  lusts  and  vanities,  the  pleasures,  honours,  profits,  persecu- 
tions, frowns,  flatteries,  snares  of  the  wicked  world  :  the  affec- 
tions, desires,  inclinations,  deceits  of  our  own  fleshly  hearts,  will 
ever  ply  the  soul  of  a  christian,  and  force  it  to  perpetual  combats. 

There  is  in  Satan  an  everlasting  enmity  against  the  glory, 
mercy,  and  truth  of  God ;  against  the  power  and  mystery  of 
the  gospel  of  Christ.  This  malice  of  his  exerciseth  itself 
against  all  those  that  have  given  themselves  to  Christ,  whose 
kingdom  he  mightily  laboureth  to  demolish  :  by  his  power 
persecuting  it,  by  his  craftiness  and  wily  insinuations  under- 
mining it ;  by  his  vast  knowledge  and  experience  in  palliating, 
altering,  mixing,  proportioning,  and  measuring  his  temptations 
and  spiritual  wickedness  in  such  a  manner,  as  that  he  may 
subvert  the  church  of  Christ,  either  in  the  purity  thereof,  by 
corrupting  the  doctrine  of  Christ  with  heresy,  and  his  worship 
with  idolatry  and  superstition  ;  or  in  the  unity  thereof,  by 
pestering  it  with  schism  and  distraction  ;  or  in  the  liberty 
thereof,  by  bondage  of  conscience  ;  or  in  the  progress  and 
enlargement  thereof,  endeavouring  to  blast  and  make  fruitless 
the  ministry  of  the  gospel.  And  this  malice  of  Satan  is  won- 
derfully set  on  and  encouraged  both  by  the  corruption  of  our 
nature,  those  armies  of  lusts  and  affections  which  swarm  within 
us,  entertaining,  joining  force,  and  co-operating  with  all  his 
suggestions  ;  disheartening,  reclaiming,  and  pulling  back  the 
soul  when  it  offers  to  make  any  opposition ;  and  also  by  the 
men  and  materials  of  this  evil  world.  By  the  examples,  the 
threats,  the  interests,  the  power,  the  intimacy,  the  wit,  the 
tongues,  the  hands,  the  reproaches,  the  persecutions,  the  in- 
sinuations and  seductions  of  wicked  men.  By  the  profits,  the 
pleasures,  the  preferments,  the  acceptation,  credit,  and  applause 
of  the  world. 

By  all  which  means  Satan  most  miportunately  pursueth  one 
of  these  two  ends,  either  to  subvert  the  godly,  by  drawing  them 


away  from  Christ  to  apostacy,  formality,  hypocrisy,  spiritual 
pride  and  the  like ;  or  else  to  discomfort  them  will/ dittidc-i ice, 
doubts,  sight  of  sin,  opposition  of  the  times,  vexation  of 
spirit,  and  the  hkc  affections.  And  these  oppositions  of  Satan 
meet  with  a  cln-istian  in  every  respect  or  consideration,  under 
which  he  may  be  conceived.  Consider  him  in  his  spiritual 
state,  in  his  several  parts,  in  his  temporal  relations,  in  his 
actions  or  employments ;  and  in  all  these  Satan  is  l)usy  to 
overturn  the  kingdom  of  Christ  in  him.  In  his  spiritual  state, 
if  he  be  a  weak  christian,  he  assaulteth  him  with  perpetual 
doubts  and  fears  touching  his  election,  conversion,  adoj)tion, 
perseverance,  christian  liberty,  strength  against  corruptions, 
companies,  temptations,  and  persecutions.  If  he  be  a  stronrr 
christian,  he  laboureth  to  draw  him  unto  self-confidence,  sj)i- 
ritual  pride,  contempt  of  the  weak,  neglect  of  further  profi- 
ciency, and  the  like.  There  is  no  natural  part  or  faculty 
which  is  not  aimed  at  likewise  by  the  malice  of  Satan  ;  for 
Christ,  when  he  comes,  takes  possession  of  the  whole  man, 
and  therefore  Satan  sets  himself  against  the  whole  man. 
Corporeal  and  sensitive  faculties  are  tempted  either  to  sinful  re- 
presentations, letting  in  and  transmitting  the  provisions  of  lust 
unto  the  heart,  by  gazing  and  glutting  themselves  on  the  ob- 
jects of  the  world ;  or  to  sinful  executions,  finishing  and 
letting  out  those  lusts  which  have  been  conceived  in  the 
heart.  The  fancy  is  tempted  by  satanical  injections  to  be  the 
forge  of  loose,  vain,  unprofitable,  and  unclean  thoughts.  The 
understanding,  to  earthly  wisdom,  vanity,  infidelity,  prejudices, 
mispersuasions,  fleshly  reasonings,  and  vain  speculations  and 
curiosities.  The  will,  to  stiffiiess,  resistance,  dislike  of  holy 
things,  and  pursuit  of  the  world.  The  conscience,  to  dead- 
ness,  immobility,  and  a  stupid  benumbedness,  to  slavish  ter- 
rors and  evidences  of  hell,  to  superstitious  bondage,  to  carnal 
security,  to  desperate  conclusions.  The  affections,  to  inde- 
pendence, distraction,  excess,  and  precipitancy.  In  temporal 
conditions,  there  is  no  state  of  health,  wealth,  peace,  honour, 
estimation,  or  the  contraries  unto  these  :  no  relation  of  hus- 
band, father,  magistrate,  or  subject,  unto  which  Satan  hath  not 
such  suitable  suggestions,  as  by  the  advantage  of  fieshly  cor- 
ruptions may  take  from  them  occasion  to  draw  a  man  from 
God.  Lastly,  in  regard  of  our  actions  and  employments, 
whether  they  be  divine,  such  as  respect  God,  as  acts  of  piety, 
in  reading, '  hearing,  meditating,  and  studying  his  word,  in 
calling  upon  his  name,  and  the  like  ;  or  such   as  respect  our- 

232  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

selves,  as  acts  of  temperance  and  sobriety,  personal  examina- 
tions, and  more  particular  acquaintance  with  our  own  hearts ; 
or  such  as  respect  others,  as  acts  of  righteousness,  charity,  and 
edification :  or  whether  they  be  natural  actions,  such  as  are 
requisite  to  the  preservation  of  our  being,  as  sleep  and  diet : 
or  civil  actions,  in  our  callings  or  recreations ;  in  all  these 
Satan  laboureth  either  to  pervert  us  in  the  performance  of 
them,  or  to  divert  us  from  it.  There  is  then  no  condition, 
faculty,  relation,  or  action  of  a  christian  man,  the  which  is  not 
always  under  the  eye  and  envy  of  a  most  raging,  wise,  and 
industrious  enemy.  And  therefore,  great  reason  there  is,  that 
christians  should  be  military  men,  well  instructed  in  the  whole 
armour  of  God,  that  they  may  be  able  to  stand  against  the 
wiles  of  the  devil,  and  to  quench  all  his  fiery  darts.  It  is  our 
calling  to  wrestle  against  principalities  and  powers,  and 
spiritual  wickedness  in  high  places,  to  resist  the  devil,  to  strive 
against  sin,  to  mortify  earthly  members,  to  destroy  the  body 
of  sin,  to  deny  ourselves,  to  contradict  the  reasonings  of  the 
flesh,  to  check  and  control  the  stirrings  of  concupiscence,  to 
resist  and  subdue  the  desires  of  our  evil  hearts,  to  withstand 
and  answer  the  assaults  of  Satan,  to  out-face  the  scorns,  and 
despise  the  flatteries  of  the  present  world,  and  in  all  things  to 
"  endure  hardness  as  good  soldiers  of  Jesus  Christ,"  2  Tim. 
ii.  3.  Our  cause  is  righteous,  our  Captain  is  wise  and  puis- 
sant, our  service  honourable,  our  victory  certain,  our  reward 
massy  and  eternal ;  so  that  in  all  respects  great  encouragements 
we  have  to  be  voluntaries  in  such  war,  the  issue  whereof  is 
our  enemies'  perdition,  our  Master's  honour,  and  our  own  sal- 

III.  The  third  thing  observed  was,  the  thorough  awd  uni- 
versal resignation  and  devotedness  of  Christ's  people  unto 
him  :  "  Thy  people  shall  be  wilHng,"  or  a  people  of  great  devo- 
tion, "in  the  day  of  thy  power."  From  whence  I  shall  gather 
these  observations  : 

1.  They  that  belong  unto  Christ  as  his  people,  are  most 
thoroughly  and  willingly  subject  unto  his  government ;  do  con- 
secrate, resign,  and  yield  up  their  whole  souls  and  bodies  to 
serve  in  his  wars  against  all  his  enemies.  For  the  distinct 
understanding  of  which  point  we  are  to  observe,  that  by 
nature  we  are  utterly  unwilling  to  be  subject  unto  Christ. 
The  carnal  mind  is  enmity  against  God,  it  is  not  subject  to 
the  law  of  God,  neither  indeed  can  be,  Rom.  viii.  7,  8,  10. 
For  if  Christ  be  over  us,  the  body  of  sin  must  die  ;  it  once 


crucified  him,  and  he  will  be  revenged  ui).)n  it,  liy  natuie  we 
are  willingly  subject  unto  no  law,  but  the  law  of  our  mem- 
bers;  to  Jio  will,  but  the  will  of  the  flesh  ;  full  of  contumacy, 
rebellion,  and  stoutness  of  spirit  against  the  truth  and  beauty 
of  the  word  and  ways  of  God.  The  love  of  corruj)tcd  nature 
is  wholly  set  upon  our  own  ways ;  as  an  untamed  heifer,or  a  wild 
ass,  men  wander,  and  go  al)out,  and  weary  themselves  in  their 
full  compass  and  swing  of  lust,  and  will  not  be  turned.  -  And 
therefore  it  is  that  they  bid  God  depart  from  them,  and  desire 
not  the  knowledge  of  his  ways ;  that  they  leave  the  paths  of 
uprightness ;  that  having  crooked  hearts  of  their  own,  they 
labour  likewise  to  pervert  and  make  crooked  the  gospel  of 
Christ,  that  they  may  from  thence  steal  countenance  to  their 
sins,  contrary  to  that  holy  affection  of  David,  "  Make  thy 
way  straight  before  my  face ;"  that  they  snuff,  and  rage,  and 
pull  away  the  shoulder,  and  fall  backward,  and  thrust  away 
God  from  them,  Eccles.  viii.  11  ;  Prov.  xiv.  14 ;  Jer.  ii.  24  ; 
viii.  6;  Hos.  iv.  16;  Jer.  ii.  20;  xxxi.  22;  Isa.  Ivii.  10; 
Job  xxi.  14;  Deut.  xxxii.5;  Gal.  i.  7  ;  2  Pet.  iii.  16  ;  Psa.  v. 
8;  Mal.  i.  13;  Neh.  ix.  29;  Acts  vii.  39,  31.  And 
hence  it  is  that  men  are  so  apt  to  cavil,  and  foolishly  to  charge 
the  w^ays  of  God  :  1.  As  grievous  ways,  too  full  of  austerity, 
narrowness,  and  restraint.  "  I  knew  that  thou  wert  a  hard 
man,"  Matt.xxv.  24  ;  and  "  This  is  an  hard  saying  :  who  can 
hear  it  ?"  John  vi.  60.  "  The  land  is  not  able  to  bear  all 
his  words,"  Amos  vii.  10.  There  is  a  lion  in  the  way,  a 
certain  damage  and  unavoidable  mischief  will  follow  me  if  I 
keep  in  it,  Prov.  xxii.  13.  Thus  Israel,  when  they  heard 
of  giants  and  sons  of  Anak,  had  no  heart  to  Canaan,  but 
cried,  and  whined,  and  rebelled,  and  mutinied,  and  in  their 
hearts  turned  back  into  Egypt,  Num.  xiii.  31  ;  xiv.  1,  4; 
that  is,  had  more  will  to  their  own  bondage,  than  to  God's 
promise  :  so  when  a  natural  man  hears  of  walking  in  a  narrow 
way  with  much  exactness  and  circumspection,  that  come  what 
bait  of  preferment,  pleasure,  profit,  or  advantage  whatsoever, 
yet  he  must  not  turn  to  the  right  hand  nor  to  the  left,  nor 
commit  the  least  evil  for  the  greatest  good  ;  that  as  the  people 
in  the  wilderness  were  to  go  only  where  the  cloud  and  pillar 
of  God's  presence  led  them,  though  he  carried  them  through 
giants,  terrors,  and  temptations,  so  a  christian  must  resolve  to 
follow  the  Lamb  whithersoever  he  goeth  ;  he  then  turneth 
back  to  his  iniquities,  and  refuseth  to  hear  the  words  of  the 
Lord.     2.  As  unprofitable  ways  :  for  "  who  will  bhow  us  any 

234  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

good  ?*'  is  the  only  language  of  carnal  men,  Psa.  iv.  6.  What 
can  the  Almighty  do  for  us  ?  say  the  wicked  in  Job,  xxii.  17. 
"  It  is  in  vain  to  serve  God  ;  what  profit  is  it  that  we  have  kept 
his  ordinance  ?"  Mai.  iii.  14,  15.  If  we  must  take  our  con- 
science along  in  all  the  businesses  of  our  life,  there  will  be  no  liv- 
ing in  the  world ;  notwithstanding  the  Lord  saith,  that  his  words 
do  (rood  to  those  that  v/alk  uprightly,  that  godliness  hath  the 
promises  even  of  this  life  ;  that  God  will  honour  those  that 
honour  him,  Mic.  ii.  7  ;  1  Tim.  iv.  8  ;  1  Sam.  ii.  30.  3.  As 
unequal  and  unreasonable  ways ;  as  a  strange,  a  mad,  and  a 
foolish  strictness  ;  rather  the  meteor  of  a  speculative  brain, 
than  a  thing  of  any  real  existence ;  rather  a  wish  or  figment, 
than  a  soHd  truth.  And  from  such  prejudices  as  these  men 
grow  to  wrestle  with  the  Spirit  of  Christ,  to  withstand  his 
motions,  to  quench  his  suggestions,  and  to  dispute  against  him. 
This  people  are  as  they  that  strive  with  the  priest,  such  a 
bitter  and  irreconcileable  enmity  there  is  between  the  two 
seeds,  Hos.  iv.  4. 

2.  We  may  observe,  that,  notwithstanding  this  natural 
averseness,  yet  many,  by  the  power  of  the  word,  are  wrought 
violently  and  compulsorily  to  tender  some  unwilling  services 
to  Christ,  by  the  spirit  of  bondage,  by  the  fear  of  wrath,  by 
the  evidences  of  the  curse  due  to  sin,  and  by  the  wakefulness 
of  the  conscience.  "  They  have  turned  their  back  unto  me, 
and  not  their  face,"  saith  the  Lord  ;  which  notes  the  disposition 
of  their  will.  "  But  in  the  time  of  their  trouble  they  will  say, 
Arise,  and  save  us,"  which  notes  their  compulsory  and  unnatural 
devotion.  "  They  shall  go  with  their  flocks  and  with  their  herds ;" 
that  is,  with  their  pretended  sacrifices,  and  external  ceremonies  ; 
"  to  seek  the  Lord  ;  but  they  shall  not  find  him ;  he  hath  with- 
drawn himself,"  Jer.  ii.  27  ;  Hos.  v.  5, 6.  As  when  the  Lord  sent 
lions  amongst  the  Samaritans,  then  they  sent  to  inquire  after  the 
manner  of  his  worship,  fearing  him,  but  yet  still  serving  their 
own  gods.  But  this  compulsory  obedience  doth  not  proceed 
from  a  fear  of  sin,  but  a  fear  of  hell.  And  that  plainly  ap- 
pears in  the  readiness  of  such  men  to  apprehend  all  advan- 
tages for  enlarging  themselves,  and  in  making  pretences  to 
flinch  away  and  steal  from  the  word  of  grace,  in  consulting 
with  carnal  reason  to  silence  the  doubts,  to  untie  the  knots, 
and  to  break  the  bonds  of  the  conscience  asunder,  and  to  turn 
into  every  diverticle  which  a  corrupted  heart  can  shape ;  in 
taking  every  occasion  and  pretext  to  put  God  off,  and  delay 
the  payment  of  their  service  unto  him.     Thus  Felix,  when  he 

Christ's  people  a  willing  people.         235 

was  frightened  with  the  discourse  of  St.  Paul,  put  it  off  with 
pretence  of  some  further  convenient  season  ;  and  the  unwill- 
ing jews  in  the  time  of  rebuilding  the  temple  at  Jerusalem, 
"  This  people  say,  The  time  is  not  come,  the  time  that  the 
Lord's  house  should  be  built,"  Hag.i.2.  Again;  in  slightinfr  the 
warnings  and  distinguishing  the  words  of  Scripture  out  of  dieir 
spiritual  and  genuine  purity,  and  so  belying  the  Lord,  and 
saying.  It  is  not  he.  '' The  word  of  the  Lord,"  saith'the 
prophet,  "  is  unto  them  a  reproach  ;  they  have  no  delight  in 
it,"  Jer.  V.  12,  13;  vi.  10;  that  is,  they  esteem  me  when  I 
preach  thy  words  unto  them  rather  as  a  slanderer,  than  as  a 
prophet.  Wouldst  thou  then  kuow  the  nature  of  thy  devo- 
tion? Abstract  all  conceits  of  danger,  all  workino-s  of  the 
spirit  of  bondage,  the  fear  of  wrath,  the  pre-occupations  of 
hell,  the  estuations  and  sweatings  of  a  troubled  conscience, 
and  if  all  these  being  secluded,  thou  canst  still  afford  to  de- 
dicate thyself  to  Christ,  and  be  greedily  ambitious  of  his  image, 
that  is  an  evident  assurance  of  an  upright  heart. 

3.  We  may  observe,  that,  by  the  power  of  the  word,  there 
may  yet  be  further  wrought  in  natural  men  a  certain  low  de- 
gree of  desire,  a  languid  and  incomplete  will,  bounded  with 
secret  reservations,  exceptions,  and  conditions  of  its  own, 
which  maketh  it  upon  every  new  occasion  mutable  and  in- 
constant. When  the  hypocritical  jews  came  with  such  a  so- 
lemn protestation  unto  the  prophet  Jeremiah,  "  The  Lord  be 
a  true  and  faithful  witness  between  us,  if  we  do  not  even  ac- 
cording to  all  things  for  the  which  the  Lord  thy  God  shall 
send  thee  to  us,"  Jer.  xlii.  5,  6,  20 ;  I  suppose  they  then 
meant  as  they  spake,  and  yet  this  appears  in  the  end  to  have 
been  but  a  weak  desire  and  incomplete  resolution,  a  zealous 
pang  of  that  secret  hypocrisy  which  in  the  end  discovered 
itself,  and  brake  forth  into  manifest  contradiction.  When  Ha- 
zael  answered  the  prophet,  "  Is  thy  servant  a  dog  that  he 
should  do  this  great  thing?"  2  Kings  viii.  13,  he  then  meant 
no  otherwise  than  he  spake  ;  upon  the  first  representation  of 
those  bloody  acts,  he  abhorred  them  as  prodigious  villanies ; 
and  yet  this  was  but  a  fit  of  good  nature  for  the  time,  which 
•^id  easily  wear  out  with  the  alteration  of  occasions.  When 
Judas  asked  Christ,  Master,  is  it  I  that  shall  betray  thee  ? 
it  is  possible,  and  peradventure  it  is  probable,  that  hearing 
at  that  time  and  believing  that  woful  judgment  pronounced 
by  Christ  against  his  betrayer,  "  It  had  been  good  for  that 
man  if  he  had  not  been  born,"  Matt.  xxvi.  24,  he  might  then, 

236    Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

upon  the  pang  and  surprisal  of  so  fearful  a  doom,  secretly  and 
suddenly  relent,  and  resolve  to  forsake  his  purpose  of  treason  ; 
which  yet  when  that  storm  was  over,  and  his  covetous  heart 
was  tempted  with  a  bribe,  did  fearfully  return,  and  gather 
strength  again.  When  the  people  returned,  and  inquired 
early,  and  remembered  God  their  Maker,  they  were  in  good 
earnest  for  the  time,  and  yet  that  was  a  weak  desire,  and  un- 
grounded devotion,  their  heart  was  not  right  towards  him, 
neither  were  they  stedfast  in  his  covenant.  When  Saul,  out 
of  the  force  of  natural  ingenuity,  did,  upon  the  evidence  of 
David's  integrity,  who  slew  him  not  when  the  Lord  had  de- 
livered him  into  his  hands,  relent  for  the  time  and  weep,  and 
acknowledge  his  righteousness  above  his  own,  he  spake  all 
this  in  earnest  as  he  thought ;  and  yet  we  find  that  he  after- 
wards returned  to  pursue  him  again,  and  was  once  more,  by 
the  experience  of  David's  innocency,  reduced  unto  the  same 
acknowledgement.  The  people,  in  one  place,  would  have 
made  Christ  a  king,  so  much  did  they  seem  to  honour  him  ; 
and  yet,  at  another  time,  when  their  over-pliable  and  unre- 
solved affections  were  wrought  upon  by  the  subtle  pharisees, 
they  cried  against  him,  as  against  a  slave,  "  Crucify  him,  cru- 
cify him  :"  so  may  it  be  in  the  general  services  of  God  ;  men 
may  have  wishings  and  wouldings,  and  good  liking  of  the 
truth,  and  some  faint  and  floating  resolutions  to  pursue  it, 
which  yet  having  no  firm  root,  nor  proceeding  from  the  whole 
bent  of  the  heart,  from  a  thorough  mortification  of  sin  and 
evidence  of  grace,  but  from  such  weak  and  wavering  principles 
as  may  be  perturbed  by  every  new  temptation,  hke  letters 
written  in  sand,  they  vanish  away  like  a  morning  dew,  and 
leave  the  heart  as  hard  and  scorched  as  it  was  before.  The 
young  man,  whom  for  his  ingenuity  and  forwardness  Christ 
loved,  came  in  a  sad  and  serious  manner  to  learn  of  Christ  the 
way  to  heaven  :  and  yet  we  find  there  were  secret  reservations 
which  he  had  not  discerned  in  himself,  upon  discovery  whereof 
by  Christ  he  was  discouraged  and  made  to  repent  of  his  resolu- 
tion, Mark  X.  21,  22.  The  apostle  speaketh  of  a  "repent- 
ance not  to  be  repented  of,"  2  Cor.  vii.  10,  which  hath  firm, 
solid,  and  permanent  reasons  to  support  it ;  therein  secretly 
intimating,  that  there  is  likewise  a  repentance,  which  rising  out 
of  an  incomplete  will,  and  admitting  certain  secret  and  undis- 
cerned  reservations,  doth,  upon  the  appearance  of  them,  flag 
and  fall  away,  and  leave  the  unfaithful  heart  to  repent  of  its 
repentance.     St.  James  tells  us  that  "  a  double-minded  man 


is  unstable  in  all  his  ways,"  James  i.  8,  never  uniform  or  con- 
stant to  any  rules.  Now,  tlii.s  division  of  the  mind  stands 
thus  ;  the  heart,  on  the  one  side,  is  taken  up  with  the  pleasures 
of  sin  for  the  present;  and,  on  tlie  other,  witli  the  desires  of 
salvation  for  the  future ;  and  according  as  the  workings  and 
representations  of  the  one  or  other  are  at  the  time  more  fresh 
and  predominant,  in  like  manner  is  sin  for  ihat  time  either 
cherished  or  suppressed.  Many  men  at  a  good  sermon,  when 
the  matter  is  fresh  and  newly  presented,  while  they  are  looking 
on  their  face  in  the  glass ;  or  in  any  extremity  of  sickness, 
when  the  provisions  of  lust  do  not  relish  for  tlie  present,  when 
they  have  none  but  thoughts  of  salvation  to  depend  upon,  are 
very  resolute  to  make  promises,  vows,  and  professions  of  better 
living  ;  but  when  the  pleasures  of  sin  grow  strong  to  present 
themselves  again,  they  return  like  a  man  recovered  of  an  ague 
with  more  stomach  and  greediness  to  their  lusts  again.  As 
water,  which  hath  been  stopped  for  awhile,  rusheth  with  the 
more  violence  when  its  passages  are  opened. 

4.  But  we  must  observe,  that  in  the  day  of  Christ's  power, 
when  he,  by  his  word  and  Spirit,  worketh  effectually  in  the 
hearts  of  men,  they  are  then  made  free-will  offerings  ;  totally 
willing  to  obey  and  serve  him  in  all  conditions.  The  heart 
of  every  one  stirreth  him  up,  and  his  spirit  maketh  him  willing 
for  the  work  and  service  of  the  Lord,  Exod.  xxxv.  21.  They 
yield  themselves  unto  the  Lord,  and  their  members  as  weapons 
of  righteousness  unto  him,  2  Chron.  xxx.  8  ;  Rom.  vi.  19. 
They  offer  and  present  themselves  to  God  as  a  living  sacri- 
fice ;  and  therefore  they  are  called  "  an  oblation,"  sanctified 
by  the  Holy  Ghost,  Rom.  xii.  1  ;  xv.  16.  Therefore  they 
are  said  to  come  unto  Christ,  by  the  virtue  of  his  Father's 
teaching,  John  vi.  43.  To  run  unto  him,  Isa.  Iv.  3.  To 
gather  themselves  under  him  as  a  common  head ;  and  to  flow 
or  flock  together  with  much  mutual  encouragement  unto  the 
mountain  of  the  Lord,  Hos.  i.  1 1  ;  Isa.  ii.  2,  3.  To  wait 
upon  him  in  his  law,  Isa.  xlii.  4.  To  enter  into  a  sure  cove- 
nant, and  to  write  and  seal  it,  Neh.  ix.  38.  In  one  word, 
"  To  serve  him  with  a  perfect  heart,  and  with  a  willing  mind," 
1  Chron,  xxviii.  9 :  when  the  heart  is  perfect,  undivided,  and 
goeth  altogether,  the  mind  will  be  willing  to  serve  the  Lord. 
This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  showeth  itself  in  two 
things  : 

(1.)  In  begetting  most  cordial  and  constant  enmity  against 
all  the  enemies  of  Christ,  never  holding  any  league  or  intelli- 

238  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

gence  with  them,  but  being  always  ready  to  answer  the  Lord, 
as  David  did  Saul,  "  Thy  servant  will  go  and  fight  with  this 
Philistine."  He  that  is  a  voluntary  in  Christ's  armies,  is  not 
disheartened  with  the  potency,  policy,  malice,  subtlety,  or  pre- 
vailing faction  of  any  of  his  adversaries.  He  is  contented  to 
deny  himself,  to  renounce  the  friendship  of  the  world,  to  bid 
defiance  to  the  allurements  of  Satan,  to  smile  upon  the  face  of 
danger,  to  hate  father  and  mother,  and  land,  and  life,  to  be 
cruel  to  himself,  and  regardless  of  others,  for  his  Master's  ser- 
vice. Through  honour  and  dishonour,  through  evil  report 
and  good  report,  through  a  sea  and  a  wilderness,  through  the 
hottest  services  and  strongest  oppositions,  will  he  follow  the 
Lamb  whithersoever  he  goeth  :  though  he  receive  the  word 
in  much  affliction,  yet  he  will  receive  it  with  joy  too. 

(2.)  In  begetting  most  loving,  constant,  and  dear  affections 
to  the  mercy,  grace,  glory,  and  ways  of  God  ;  and  an  universal 
conformity  unto  Christ  our  Head,  who  was  contented  to  take 
upon  him  the  form  of  a  servant,  to  have  his  will  subjected  unto 
the  will  of  his  Father.  "  I  delight  to  do  thy  will,  O  my  God  : 
yea,  thy  law  is  within  my  heart,"  Psa.  xl.  8.  And  as  he  was, 
so  are  all  his  in  this  world ;  of  the  same  mind,  judgment, 
spirit,  conversation,  and  therefore  of  the  same  will  too. 

Now,  this  dear  and  melting  affection  of  the  heart  towards 
Christ  and  his  ways,  whereby  the  soul  longeth  after  him,  and 
hasteneth  unto  him,  is  wrought  by  several  principles  : 

I.  By  the  conviction  of  our  natural  state,  and  a  thorough 
humiliation  for  the  same.  Pride  is  ever  the  principle  of  dis- 
obedience. They  were  the  proud  men  who  said  unto  Jere- 
miah, "  Thou  speakest  falsely,  the  Lord  our  God  hath  not  sent 
thee,"  Jer.  xliii.  2.  And  they  were  the  proud  men  who  har- 
dened their  necks,  and  withdrew  the  shoulder,  and  would  not 
hear,  and  refused  to  obey,  Neh.  ix.  16,  17,  29.  A  man 
must  be  first  brought  to  deny  himself  before  he  will  be  willing 
to  follow  Christ,  and  to  carry  a  cross  after  him.  A  man  must 
first  humble  himself  before  he  will  walk  with  God,  Mic.  vi. 
8.  The  poor  in  spirit  only  receive  the  gospel :  the  hungry 
only  find  sweetness  in  bitter  things.  Extremities  will  make 
any  man  not  only  willing,  but  thankful  to  take  any  course 
wherein  he  may  recover  himself  and  subsist  again.  When  the 
soul  finds  itself  in  darkness,  and  hath  no  light,  and  begins  to 
consider  whither  darkness  leads  it ;  that  it  is  even  now  in  the 
mouth  of  hell,  under  the  paw  of  the  roaring  lion,  under  the 
guilt  of  sin,  the  curse  of  the  law,  and  the  hatred  and  wrath  of 


God,  it  most  willingly  pursues  any  probability,  and  with 
most  enlarged  affections  meets  any  tender  of  deliverance. 
Suppose  we  tbat  a  prince  should  cause  some  malefactor 
to  be  brought  forth,  should  set  before  his  eyes  all  the  racks 
and  tortures  which  the  wit  of  man  can  invent  to  punish 
prodigious  offenders,  and  should  cause  him  to  taste  some 
of  those  extremities ;  and  then,  in  the  midst  of  his  howling 
and  anguish,  should  not  only  reach  out  a  hand  of  rhercy 
to  dehver  him,  but  should  further  promise  him,  upon  his  sul)- 
mission,  to  advance  him  like  Joseph  from  the  iron  which 
enters  into  his  soul,  unto  public  honour  and  service  in  the 
state ;  would  not  the  heart  of  such  a  man  be  melted  into 
thankfulness,  and  with  all  submission  resign  itself  unto  the 
mercy  and  service  of  so  gracious  a  prince  ?  Now,  the  Lord 
doth  not  only  deal  thus  with  sinners  ;  doth  not  only  cause 
them,  by  the  report  of  his  word,  and  by  the  experience  of  their 
own  guilty  hearts,  to  feel  the  weight,  fruitlessness,  and  shame 
of  sin,  and  the  first-fruits  of  that  eternal  vengeance  which  is 
thereunto  due  :  not  only  set  forth  Christ  before  them  as  a 
rock  of  redemption,  reaching  out  a  hand  to  save,  and  offer- 
ing great  and  precious  promises  of  an  exceeding,  eternal, 
abundant  weight  of  glory ;  but,  besides  all  this,  doth  in- 
wardly touch  the  heart  by  the  finger  of  his  Spirit,  framing  it  to 
a  spiritual  and  divine  conformity  unto  Christ.  How  can  the 
soul  of  such  a  man,  in  these  present  extremities  of  horror, 
which  yet  are  but  the  pledges  of  infinite  more  which  must  en- 
sue ;  and  in  the  evidence  of  so  wonderful  and  sweet  promises, 
the  seals  of  the  eternal  favour  and  fellowship  of  God,  but 
choose,  with  much  importunity  of  affection,  to  lay  hold  on  so  great 
a  hope  which  is  set  before  it,  and  with  all  readiness  and  am- 
bition of  so  high  a  service,  yield  up  itself  into  the  hands  of  so 
gracious  a  Lord,  to  be  by  him  ordered  and  overruled  unto  any 
obedience  ! 

2.  This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  is  wrought  by  a 
spiritual  illumination  of  the  mind.  And,  therefore,  the  con- 
version of  sinners  is  called  a  conviction,  because  it  is  ever 
WTOught  in  us  as  we  are  reasonable  and  intelligent  creatures. 
I  take  it  (under  favour  and  submission  to  better  judgments) 
for  a  firm  truth,  that  if  the  mind  of  man  were  once  thoroughly, 
and  in  a  spiritual  m.anner,  (as  it  becometh  such  objects  as  are 
altogether  spiritual,)  possessed  of  the  adequate  goodness  and 
truth  which  is  in  grace  and  glory,  the  heart  could  not  utterly 
reject  them  :  for  human  liberty  is  not  a  brutish,  but  a  reason- 

240  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

able  thing  ;  it  consisteth  not  in  contumacy,  or  headstrongness, 
but  in  such  a  manner  of  working,  as  is  apt  to  be  regulated, 
varied,  or  suspended  by  the  dictates  of  right  reason.  The 
only  cause  why  men  are  not  willing  to  submit  unto  Christ  is, 
because  they  are  not  thoroughly,  and,  in  a  manner,  suitable  to 
the  spiritual  excellency  of  the  things,  enlightened  in  their 
mind.  The  apostle  often  maketh  mention  of  fulfilling  and 
making  full  proof  of  our  ministry,  and  of  preaching  the  gospel 
fully,  namely  with  the  evidence  of  the  Spirit  and  of  power,  and 
with  such  a  manifestation  of  the  truth  as  doth  commend  itself 
unto  the  conscience  of  a  man.  Col.  iv.  17  ;  Acts  xiv.  26 ; 
2  Tim.  iv.  5;  Rom.  xv.  19.  The  Vv'ord  of  God,  saith  the 
apostle,  "  was  not  yea  and  nay,"  2  Cor.  i.  18  ;  that  is,  a  thing 
which  may  be  admitted  or  denied  at  pleasure,  but  such  a  word 
as  hath  no  uncertain  evidence  in  itself,  nor  leaveth  any  un- 
certainty or  hesitancy  in  a  mind  fitted  to  receive  it.  And  as 
we  may  thus  distinguish  of  preaching,  that  there  is  an  imper- 
fect, and  a  full  preaching :  so  may  we  distinguish  of  under- 
standing the  things  preached  ;  in  some  it  is  full,  and  in 
others  superficial :  for  there  is  a  twofold  illumination  of  the 
mind ;  the  one  theoretical,  and  merely  notional,  consisting  in 
knowledge ;  the  other  practical,  experimental,  and  spiritual, 
consisting  in  the  irradiation  of  the  soul  by  the  light  of  God's 
countenance,  in  such  an  apprehension  of  the  truth  as  maketh 
the  heart  to  burn  thereby,  when  we  know  things  as  we  ought 
to  know  them  ;  that  is  when  the  manner  and  life  of  our  know- 
ledge is  answerable  to  the  nature  and  excellency  of  the  things 
known,  when  the  eye  is  spiritually  opened  to  believe  and  se- 
riously conclude  that  the  things  spoken  are  of  most  pre- 
cious and  everlasting  consequence  to  the  soul,  as  things  that 
concern  our  peace  with  God.  This  is  the  learning  of  Christ,  the 
teaching  of  the  Father ;  the  knowing  of  things  which  surpasseth 
knowledge  ;  the  setting  to  the  seal  of  our  own  hearts  that  God 
is  true ;  the  evidence  of  spiritual  things,  not  to  the  brain,  but 
to  the  conscience.  In  one  word,  this  is  that  which  the  apostle 
calleth  a  spiritual  demonstration.  And  surely,  in  this  case,  the 
heart  is  never  over-ruled  contrary  to  the  full,  spiritual,  and 
infallible  evidence  of  divine  truths  unto  a  practical  judgment. 
Therefore  the  apostle  saith,  that  Eve  being  deceived  was  in 
the  transgression,  1  Tim.  ii.  14  ;  and  there  is  frequent  men- 
tion made  of  the  deceitfulness  of  sin,  to  note,  that  sin  got  into 
the  world  by  error  and  seduction.  For  certainly  the  will  is 
a  rational  appetite ;  and,  therefore,  (as  I  conceive.)  doth  nx)t 


Stir  from  such  a  good  as  is  fully  and  spiritually  represented 
thereunto,  as  the  most  universal,  adequate,  and  unqnestionahle 
ohjeet  of  the  desires  and  capacities  of  a  human  soul  ;  for  the 
freedom  and  willing  consent  of  the  heart  is  not  lawless,  or 
without  rules  to  moderate  it ;  but  it  is  therefore  said  to  be 
free,  because,  whether  out  of  a  true  judgment  it  move  one  way, 
or,  out  of  a  false,  another,  yet  in  both  it  moves  naturally,  in  a 
manner  suitable  to  its  own  condition. 

If  it  be  objected,  that  the  heart  being  unregcnerate,  is  ut- 
terly averse  unto  any  good,  and  therefore  is  not  likely  to  be 
made  willing  by  the  illumination  of  the  mind  ;  to  this  I 
answer.  It  is  true,  the  will  must  not  only  be  moved,  but  also 
renewed  and  changed,  before  it  can  yield  to  Christ.  But 
withal,  that  God  doth  never  so  fully  and  spiritually  convince 
the  judgment  in  that  manner  of  which  I  have  spoken,  without 
a  special  work  of  grace  thereupon,  opening  the  eye,  and  re- 
moving all  natural  ignorance,  prejudice,  hesitancy,  inadvert- 
ency, mispersuasion,  or  any  other  distemper  of  the  mind  which 
might  hinder  the  evidence  of  spiritual  truth.  By  which  means 
he  also  frameth  and  fashioneth  the  will  to  accept,  embrace,  and 
love  those  good  things,  of  which  the  mind  is  thus  prepossessed. 

3.  This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  is  wrouglit  by  the 
communion  and  inspiration  of  the  Spirit  of  grace,  which  is  a 
free  Spirit,  a  Spirit  of  love,  and  a  Spirit  of  liberty  :  a  Spirit 
which  is  in  every  faculty  of  man  as  the  soul  and  principle  of 
its  Christianity,  or  heavenly  being  and  working.  And  there- 
fore it  makes  every  faculty,  in  a  way  peculiar  to  itself,  to  work 
unto  spiritual  ends  and  objects.  As  the  soul  in  the  eye 
causeth  that  to  see,  and  in  the  ear  to  hear,  and  in  the  tongue 
to  speak ;  so  the  Spirit  of  grace  in  the  mind  causeth  it 
rightly  to  understand,  and  in  the  will  causeth  it  freely  to  de- 
sire heavenly  things,  and  in  every  faculty  causeth  it  to  move 
towards  Christ  in  such  a  way  and  manner  of  working  as  is 
suitable  to  its  nature. 

4.  This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  ariseth  from  the  ap- 
prehension of  God's  dear  love,  bowels  of  mercy,  and  riches  of 
most  unsearchable  grace,  revealed  in  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ 
to  every  broken  and  penitent  spirit.  Love  is  naturally,  when 
it  is  once  apprehended,  an  attractive  of  love.  And  therefore 
it  is  that  the  apostle  saith,  Faith  worketh  by  love  ;  that  is,  by 
faith,  first,  the  heart  is  persuaded  and  affected  with  God's 
love  unto  us  in  Christ.  "  I  live  by  the  faith  of  the  Son  ot 
God,  who   loved  me,  and  gave  himself  for  me,"  Gal.  ii.  20  ; 


242  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

Eph.  in.  17 — 19.  Being  thus  persuaded  of  his  love  to  us,  the 
heart  is  framed  to  love  him  again  :  for  who  can  he  persuaded 
of  so  great  a  benefit  as  the  remission  of  sins,  and  not  be  most 
deeply  inflsuned  with  the  love  of  him  by  whom  they  are  re- 
mitted ?  1  John  iv.  19 ;  Luke  vii.  47.  And  by  this  reci- 
procal love  of  the  heart  to  Christ,  faith  becometh  effectual  to 
work  obedience  and  conformity  to  his  will.  Love  is  the  ful- 
filling of  the  law  :  he  that  loves  God,  would  with  all  joyful- 
ness  fulfil  every  jot  of  God's  law  if  it  were  possible  ;  "  This 
is  the  love  of  God,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  that  we  keep  his  com- 
mandments :  and  his  commandments  are  not  grievous."  True 
love  overcomes  all  difficulties,  is  not  apt  to  pretend  occasions 
for  neglecting  any  service  of  God,  nor  to  conceive  any  preju- 
dices against  it,  but  puts  an  edge  and  alacrity  upon  the  spirit 
of  a  man;  he  can  no  more  be  said  to  love  Christ,  who  doth 
not  wilhngly  undergo  his  yoke,  than  that  woman  to  love  her 
husband  who  is  ever  grieved  at  his  presence,  and  delighteth 
more  in  the  society  of  strangers. 

5.  This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  ariseth  from  the 
beauty  and  preciousness  of  those  ample  promises,  which  by 
the  love  of  Christ  are  made  unto  us.  It  is  said  of  Moses  that 
he  chose  (and  that  is  the  greatest  act  of  willingness)  "  rather 
to  suffer  affliction  with  the  people  of  God  than  to  enjoy  the 
pleasures  of  sin  for  a  season  ;"  and  the  ground  of  this  willing- 
ness was,  "  he  had  a  respect  unto  the  recompense  of  the  re- 
ward," Heb.  xi.  25,  26.  So  Christ  endured  the  cross,  and 
despised  the  shame  ;  that  is,  the  shame  (which  would  much 
have  staggered  and  disheartened  an  unresolved  man)  was  no 
prejudice  or  discouragement  unto  him,  to  abate  any  of  his 
most  willing  obedience  ;  and  the  motive  was,  "  for  the  joy  that 
was  set  before  him,''  Heb.  xii.  2.  And  St.  Paul  professeth 
of  himself  that  he  "  pressed  forward  ;"  he  was  not  only  willing, 
but  importunate  and  contentious  to  put  forth  all  his  spirits, 
and,  like  riders  in  a  race,  to  rouse  up  himself  in  a  holy  fervour 
and  emulation,  and  all  this  was  "  for  the  prize  of  the  high 
caUing  of  God  in  Christ  Jesus ;"  which  was,  as  it  were,  be- 
fore his  face  in  the  promises  thereof,  Phil.  iii.  14 :  so  the 
apostle  assureth  us,  that  a  christian's  hope  to  be  like  unto 
Christ  hereafter,  will  cause  him  to  purify  himself,  "  even  as 
he  is  pure,"  1  John  iii.  3.  When  a  man  shall  sit  down,  and 
recount  with  David,  what  God  hath  done  for  him  already ; 
"  Who  am  I,  O  Lord  God  ?  and  what  is  my  house,  that  thou 
hast  brought  me    hitherto?"    and  what  God   hath  further 


promised  to  do  for  him  more ;  "  Thou  hast  spoken  also  of 
thy  servant's  house  for  a  great  while  to  come  :"  of  a  cliild  of 
wrath  thou  hast  called  me  to  an  inheritance  of  the  saints  in 
light,  and  into  the  fellowship  of  more  glory  than  can  he 
shadowed  forth  hy  all  the  lights  of  heaven,  though  every  star 
were  turned  into  a  sun  ; — I  say,  when  the  soul  shall  thus  re- 
count the  goodness  of  God,  how  can  it  but  be  wonderfully 
enlarged  with  thoughts  of  tliankfulness,  and  grieved  at. the 
slow  and  narrow  abilities  of  the  other  parts  to  answer  the  ur- 
gent and  wide  desires  of  a  willing  soul  ! 

6.  This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  ariseth  from  the  ex- 
perience of  that  peace,  comfort,  life,  liberty,  triumph,  and 
security  which  accompanieth  the  Spirit  and  service  of  Christ. 
Nothing  makes  a  man  more  fearful  of  wars  than  the  dangers 
and  hazards  which  are  incident  thereunto.  But  if  a  man  can 
serve  under  such  a  prince,  whose  employments  are  not  only 
honourable,  but  safe  ;  if  he,  who  is  able  and  faithful  to  make 
good  his  words,  promise  us  that  none  either  of  the  stratagems 
or  forces  of  the  enemy  shall  do  us  hurt,  but  that  they  shall 
fly  before  us,  while  we  resist  them  ;  who  would  not  be  a  volun- 
tary in  such  services  as  are  not  liable  to  the  casualties  and 
vicissitudes  which  usually  attend  other  wars,  wherein  he  might 
fight  with  safety,  and  come  off  with  honour  ?  David  had  ex- 
perience of  God's  power  in  delivering  him  from  the  lion  and 
the  bear,  and  was  well  assured  that  God,  who  was  careful  of 
sheep,  would  be  more  pitiful  to  his  people  Israel,  and  that 
made  him.  with  much  willingness  ready  to  encounter  Goliath, 
whose  assurance  was  only  in  himself,  and  not  in  God.  When 
a  man  shall  consider  what  God  might  have  done  with  him, 
that  he  might  have  sent  him  to  hell  as  soon  as  he  first 
breathed,  deprived  him  of  the  means  of  grace,  left  him  to  the 
rebellion  and  hardness  of  his  evil  heart,  and  to  the  rage  of 
Satan,  burnt  his  bones,  and  dried  up  his  bowels  with  the  view 
of  that  wrath  which  is  due  to  sin  ;  and  what  he  hath  done 
with  him  ;  he  hath  called  him  to  the  knowledge  of  his  will, 
refreshed  him  with  the  light  of  his  countenance,  heard  his 
prayers,  given  an  issue  to  his  temptations,  and  a  reviving  out 
of  bondage,  fastened  him  as  a  nail  in  his  holy  place,  given 
him  his  favour  which  is  better  than  life,  and  spoken  of  his 
servant  for  a  long  time  to  come  :  oh  !  how  readily  will  the  spirit 
of  such  a  man  conclude,  Lord,  according  to  thine  own  heart 
hast  thou  done  all  this  unto  me,  and  I  have  found  so  mucli 
sweetness  in  thy  service  above  all  mine  own  thoughts  or 
-M  2 

244  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

expectations,  that  now,  O  Lord,  my  heart  is  prepared,  my 
heart  is  prepared,  I  will  sing  and  rejoice  in  thy  service  I 

7.  This  willingness  of  Christ's  people  ariseth  from  that 
excellent  beauty  and  attractive  virtue  which  is  in  holiness. 
"  Thy  word  is  very  pure  :  therefore  thy  servant  loveth  it." 
And  therefore  we  find  Christ  and  his  church  do  kindle  the 
coals  of  love,  and  stir  up  those  flames  of  mutual  tenderness 
towards  one  another,  do  cherish  those  longing,  languishing, 
and  ravishing  affections,  and  breathings  of  hearts,  by  the  fre- 
quent contemplations  of  each  others  beauty.  "  Behold,  thou 
art  fair,  my  love  ;  behold,  thou  art  fair  ;  thou  hast  dove's  eyes. 
Behold,  thou  art  fair,  my  beloved,  yea,  pleasant,"  Cant. 
i.  15,  16.  These  are  the  principles  of  that  great  devotion 
and  willingness  which  is  in  the  people  of  Christ  unto  his 

And  hereby  we  may  make  trial  of  the  truth  of  that  profes- 
sion, subjection,  and  obedience  which  we  all  pretend  unto  the 
gospel  of  Christ.  It  is  then  only  sound  when  it  proceeds 
from  a  willing  and  devoted  heart,  from  purpose,  fervour,  and 
earnestness  of  spirit ;  for  as  God  in  mercy  accounts  the  will 
for  the  deed ;  because  where  there  is  a  willing  mind,  there 
will  certainly  be  all  answerable  endeavours  to  execute  that  will, 
and  reduce  it  into  act ;  so  he  esteems  the  deed  nothing  without 
the  will.  Cain  and  Abel  did  both  sacrifice ;  it  was  the  heart 
which  made  the  difference  between  them :  let  the  outward 
conversation  be  what  it  will,  yet  if  a  man  regard  iniquity  in 
his  heart,  God  will  not  hear  him.  It  Is  a  worse  token,  saith 
Gregory,  of  an  evil  man  to  love  sin,  than  to  commit  it ;  for  it 
may  be  committed  out  of  temptation  and  Infirmity,  and  so 
may  be  either  in  part  the  sin  of  another  that  tempteth  us,  or 
at  least  not  the  sin  of  our  wholeselves,  but  of  those  remainders 
of  corruption  which  dwell  within  us.  But  our  love  is  all  our 
own  :  Satan  can  but  offer  a  temptation,  the  heart  itself  must 
love  It :  and  love  is  strong  as  death,  it  worketh  by  the 
strength  of  the  whole  man ;  and  therefore  ever  such  as  the 
will  is  (which  is  the  seat  of  love)  such  is  the  service  too. 
And  the  reason  is  : 

(1.)  Because  the  will  is  the  first  mover,  and  the  master- 
wheel  in  spiritual  work ;  that  which  regulateth  all  the  rest, 
and  keepeth  them  right  and  constant :  that  which  holdeth 
together  all  the  faculties  of  the  soul  and  body  in  the  execution 
of  God's  will.  In  which  sense,  among  others,  I  understand 
that  of  the  apostle,  that  love  is  the  bond  of  perfection,  Col. 

Christ's  people  a  willing  people.  245 

iii.  14 ;  because  when  love  rcsideth  in  the  heart,  it  will  put 
together  every  faculty  to  do  that  work  of  God  perfectly  which 
it  goes  about.  And  therefore,  by  a  like  expression,  it  is 
called  the  fulfilling  of  the  law  ;  because  love  aims  still  at  the 
highest,  and  at  the  best  in  that  thing  which  it  loves;  it  is  ever 
an  enemy  to  defects.  He  that  loves  learning  will  never  stop, 
and  say,  I  have  enough  ;  in  this  likewise  love  is  as  stron^r  as 
death.  And  he  that  loves  grace,  will  be  still  ambitious  to 
abound  in  the  work  of  the  Lord,  and  to  press  forward  unto 
perfection  ;  to  make  up  that  which  is  wanting  to  his  faith  ;  to 
be  sanctified  throughout ;  to  bring  forth  more  fruit ;  to  walk  in 
all  pleasing ;  to  be  holy,  and  unblameable,  and  unreprovable, 
without  spot  or  wrinkle.  It  is  an  absurd  thing  in  relifrion  to 
dote  upon  mediocrities  of  grace ;  he  that  with  all  the  exact- 
ness and  rigour  of  his  heart,  can  never  gather  together  all 
grace,  can  surely  never  have  too  much.  In  false  religions  no 
man  is  so  much  magnified  as  he  that  is  strictest.  That  papist 
who  is  most  cruel  to  his  flesh,  most  assiduous  at  his  beads, 
most  canonical  in  his  hours,  macerated  with  superstitious  pe- 
nance, most  frequently  prostrated  before  his  idols,  is  of  all 
other  most  admired  for  the  greatest  saint.  Oh  why  should 
not  an  holy  strictness  be  as  much  honoured  as  a  superstitious 
one  !  why  should  not  exactness,  purity,  and  a  contending 
unto  perfection,  be  as  much  pursued  in  a  true  as  in  a  false  re- 
ligion I  why  should  not  every  man  strive  to  be  filled  with 
grace,  since  he  can  never  have  enough  till  he  have  it  all,  till 
he  is  brim-full!  He  that  truly  loves  wealth,  would  be  the 
richest ;  and  he  that  loves  honour,  would  be  the  highest  of 
any  other :  certainly  grace  is  in  itself  more  lovely  than  any  of 
these  things.  Why  then  should  not  every  man  strive  to  be 
most  unlike  the  evil  world,  and  to  be  more  excellent  than  his 
neighbour ;  to  be  holy  as  God  is  holy  ;  to  be  as  Christ  himself 
was  in  this  world ;  to  grow  up  in  unity  of  faith,  and  in  the 
knowledge  of  him  unto  a  perfect  man  ?  Certainly,  if  a  man 
once  set  his  will  and  his  heart  upon  grace,  he  will  never  rest 
in  mediocrities  ;  he  will  labour  to  abound  more  and  more,  he 
will  never  think  himself  to  have  apprehended,  but  forgetting 
the  things  which  are  behind,  he  will  reach  forth  to  those 
things  which  are  before  him ;  for  all  the  desires  of  the  heart 
are  strong,  and  will  over-rule  any  other  natural  desire.  The 
grief  of  David's  heart  made  him  forget  to  eat  his  bread.  The 
desire  of  Christ's  heart  to  convert  the  Samaritan  woman  made 
him  careless  of  his  own  hunger.     "  It  is  my  meat  to  do  the 

246  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

will  of  him  that  sent  me,  and  to  finish  his  work."  A  true 
heart  will  go  on  to  finish  the  work  which  it  hath  begun. 
"  The  wicked  sleep  not,"  saith  Solomon,  "  except  they  have 
done  mischief;"  and  the  enemies  of  St.  Paul  provided  to  stop 
the  clamours  and  demands  of  an  empty  stomach  with  a  solemn 
vow  that  they  would  neither  eat  nor  drink  till  they  had  slain 
him.  Lust  never  gives  over  till  it  finish  sin,  and  therefore 
the  love  of  Christ  should  never  give  over  till  it  finish  grace. 

(2.)  Because  God  is  more  honoured  in  the  obedience  of  the 
will  than  of  the  outward  man.  Human  restraints  may  rule 
the  one,  but  nothing  but  grace  can  rule  the  other  ;  for  herein  we 
acknowledge  God  to  be  the  Searcher  of  hearts,  the  Discerner 
of  secret  thoughts,  the  Judge  and  Lord  over  our  consciences. 
"  Whatsoever  ye  do,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  do  it  heartily  as  to 
the  Lord,  and  not  to  men.''  Noting  unto  us,  that  a  man  doth 
never  respect  the  Lord  in  any  service  which  cometh  not  wil- 
lingly, and  from  the  inner  man.  Now,  he  worketh  in  vain, 
and  loseth  all  that  he  hath  wrought,  who  doth  not  work  for 
him  who  is  master  of  the  business  he  goes  about,  arid  who 
only  doth  reward  it.  Therefore,  saith  the  apostle,  "  Do  it 
heartily,  as  to  the  Lord ;  knowing  that  of  the  Lord  ye  shall 
receive  the  reward  of  the  inheritance :  for  ye  serve  the  Lord 
Christ."  He  only  is  the  pay-master  of  such  kind  of  work, 
and  therefore  do  it  only  as  to  him,  so  that  he  may  approve 
and  reward  it. 

Before  I  leave  this  point  touching  the  willingness  of  Christ's 
people,  here  is  a  great  case,  and  of  frequent  occurrence  to  be 
resolved,  whether  those  who  are  truly  of  Christ's  people,  may 
not  have  fears,  torments,  uncomfortableness,  weariness,  and 
unwillingness  in  the  ways  of  God  ?  St.  John  states  the 
case  in  general ;  "  There  is  no  fear  in  love ;  but  perfect  love 
casteth  out  fear :  because  fear  hath  torment,"  ]  John  iv.  18  : 
so  that  it  seems  where  there  is  torment  and  weariness,  there 
is  no  love  :  for  the  clearing  of  this  case,  I  shall  set  down  some 
few  positions. 

L  In  general,  where  there  is  true  obedience  there  is  ever  a 
willing  and  a  free  spirit ;  in  this  degree  at  the  least,  a  most 
deep  desire  of  the  heart,  and  serious  endeavour  of  the  spirit  of 
a  man  to  walk  in  all  well-pleasing  towards  God ;  a  longing 
for  such  fulness  of  grace  and  enlargement  of  soul,  that  may 
make  a  man  fit  to  run  the  way  of  God's  commandments. 

2.  Where  there  is  this  will,  yet  there  may,  upon  other 
reasons,  be  such  a  fear  as  hath  pain  and  torment  in  it ;  and 

Christ's  people  a  willing  people.         247 

that  in  two  respects :  1 .  There  may  be  a  fear  of  God's  wrath. 
The  soul  of  a  righteous  man  may  be  surprised  with  some 
gUmpses  and  apprehensions  of  his  most  heavy  displeasure ;  he 
may  conceive  himself  set  up  as  God's  mark  to  shoot  at,  Job 
vii.  20 ;  that  the  poisoned  arrows  and  terrors  of  the  wrath  of 
God  do  stick  fast  upon  him,  Job  vi.  4  ;  that  his  transgres- 
sions are  sealed  up  and  reserved  against  him,  Job  xiv.  17. 
The  hot  displeasure  of  tlie  Lord  may  even  vex  his  bones,  .and 
make  his  soul  sore  within  him,  Psa.  vi.  1 — 3.  He  may  con- 
ceive himself  forgotten  and  cast  out  by  God,  surprised  with 
fearfulness,  trembling,  and  tlie  horror  of  death,  Psa.  xiii.  1  ; 
Iv.  4,  3.  Christ  may  withdraw  himself  and  bo  gone,  in  re- 
gard of  any  comfortable  and  sensible  fruition  of  his  fellowship  ; 
and  in  that  case  the  soul  may  fail,  and  seek  him,  but  not  find 
him,  and  call  upon  him,  but  receive  no  answer.  Cant.  v.  6. 
A  man  may  fear  the  Lord,  and  yet  be  in  darkness,  and 
have  no  light,  Isa.  1.  10.  2.  There  may  be  a  great  fear, 
even  of  performing  spiritual  duties.  A  broken  and  de- 
jected man  may  tremble  in  God's  service,  and  upon  a 
deep  apprehension  of  his  own  unworthiness,  and  erroneous 
applying  of  that  sad  expostulation  of  God  with  wicked  men, 
"  What  hast  thou  to  do  to  take  my  covenant  in  thy  mouth  ?" 
Psa.  1.  16  ;  and,  "  What  hath  my  beloved  to  do  in  mine 
house,  seeing  she  hath  wrought  lewdness  with  many  ?"  Jer. 
xi.  13.  He  may  be  startled,  and  not  dare  adventure  upon 
such  holy  and  sacred  things  without  much  reluctance  and 
shame  of  spirit.  "  O  my  God,"  saith  Ezra,  "  I  am  ashamed 
and  blush  to  lift  up  my  face  to  thee,  my  God :  for  our  iniqui- 
ties are  increased  over  our  head,"  Ezra  ix.  6.  Thus  it  is  said 
of  the  poor  woman,  who  upon  the  touch  of  Christ's  gar- 
ment had  been  healed  of  her  issue  of  blood,  that  she  came  fear- 
ing and  trembling,  and  fell  down  before  Christ,  and  told  him 
the  truth,  Mark  v.  33.  But  yet  great  difference  there  is  be- 
tween the  fear  of  the  saints  and  of  the  wicked.  The  fear  of 
the  wicked  ariseth  out  of  the  evidences  of  the  guilt  of  sin  ;  but 
the  fear  of  the  saints  from  a  tender  apprehension  of  the  ma- 
jesty of  God,  and  his  most  pure  eyes  which  cannot  endure  to 
behold  uncleanness,  (which  made  Moses  himself  to  tremble, 
Acts  vii.  32,)  and  out  of  a  deep  sense  of  their  own  unwor- 
thiness to  meddle  with  holy  things.  Such  a  fear  as  this 
may  bring  much  uncomfortableness  and  distraction  of  spirit ; 
but,  never  at  all  any  dislike  or  hatred  of  God,  or  any  designed 
disobedience  against  him  :  for  as  the  fear  of  tiie  soul  deters, 

248  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

so  the  necessity  of  the  precept  drives  him  to  an  endeavour  of 
obedience  and  v.ell-pleasing.  Slavish  fear  forceth  a  man  to 
do  the  duty  some  v^^ay  or  other,  without  any  eye  or  respect 
unto  the  manner  of  doing  it  ;  but  this  other,  which  is  indeed 
a  filial,  but  yet  withal  an  uncomfortable  fear,  rather  dissuades 
from  the  duty  itself,  the  heart  being  so  vile,  and  unfit  to  per- 
form so  precious  a  duty  in  so  holy  a  manner  as  becomes  it. 

3.  As  the  saints  may  have  fear  and  uncomfortableness, 
(which  are  contrary  to  a  free  spirit,)  so  they  may  have  a  weari- 
ness and  some  kind  of  unwillingness  in  God's  service.  Their 
spirits,  like  the  hands  of  Moses  in  the  mount,  may  faint  and 
hang  down,  may  be  damped  with  carnal  affections,  or  tired 
with  the  difficulty  of  the  work,  or  plucked  back  by  the  impor- 
tunity of  temptations,  so  that  though  they  begin  in  the  Spirit, 
yet  they  may  be  bewitched,  and  transported  from  a  thorough 
obedience  of  the  truth,  Gal.  iii.  1.  A  deadness,  heaviness, 
insensibility,  unactiveness,  confusedness  of  heart,  unprepared- 
ness  of  affections,  insinuation  of  worldly  lusts  and  earthly  cares, 
may  distract  the  hearts,  and  abate  the  cheerfulness  of  the  best 
of  us.  And  hence  come  those  frequent  exhortations  to  stir  up 
ourselves ;  to  prepare  our  hearts  to  seek  the  Lord ;  to  enforce  the 
law  upon  our  children  ;  to  exhort  one  another,  lest  the  deceit- 
fulness  of  sin  harden  us  ;  to  be  strong  in  the  grace  of  Christ ; 
not  to  faint  or  be  weary  of  well-doing,  and  the  like.  All 
which,  and  sundry  like,  intimate  a  sluggishness  of  disposition, 
and  natural  backwardness  of  the  will  from  God's  service. 

4.  The  proportion  of  this  discomfort  and  weariness  ariseth 
from  these  grounds : 

(1.)  From  the  strength  of  those  corruptions  which  remain 
within  us :  for  ever  so  much  fleshliness  as  the  heart  retains, 
so  much  bias  a  man  hath  to  turn  him  from  God  and  his  ways, 
so  much  clog  and  encumbrance  in  holy  duties.  And  this 
remainder  of  flesh  is  in  the  will,  as  well  as  in  any  other  fa- 
culty, to  indispose  it  unto  spiritual  actions.  As  it  is  in  our 
members  that  we  cannot  do  the  things  which  we  would.  Gal. 
V.  17  :  so  in  proportion  it  is  in  our  wills,  that  we  cannot  with 
all  our  strength  desire  the  things  which  we  should  ;  and  there- 
fore David  praiseth  God  for  this  especial  grace,  "  Who  am  I, 
and  what  is  my  people,  that  we  should  be  able  to  offer  so 
willingly  after  this  sort  ?  for  all  things  come  of  thee,  and  of 
thine  own  have  we  given  thee  ?"   1  Chron.  xxix.  14. 

(2.)  From  the  dulness  or  sleepiness  of  grace  in  the  heart, 
which  without  daily  reviving,  husbanding,  and  handling,  will 


be  apt  to  contract  a  rust,  and  to  be  over-grown  with  tliat  bit- 
ter root  of  corruption  within.  As  a  ball  will  not  move  with- 
out many  rubs  and  stops  in  a  place  overgrown  with  grass,  so 
the  will  cannot  move  with  readiness  towards  God,  when  the 
graces  which  should  actuate  it  arc  grown  dull  and  heavy.  A 
rusty  key  will  not  easily  open  the  lock  unto  which  it  was  first 
fitted ;  nor  a  neglected  grace  easily  open  or  enlarge  the  lieart. 

(3.)  From  the  violent  importunity  and  immodesty  of  some 
strong  temptations,  and  unexpellible  suggestions,  which  fre- 
quently presenting  themselves  to  the  spirit,  do  there  beget 
jealousies  to  disquiet  the  peace  of  the  heart.  Satan's  first 
end  is  to  rob  us  of  grace,  hr  which  purpose  he  strengthens 
our  lusts  against  us  ;  but  his  second  is  to  rob  us  of  comfort, 
and  to  toss  us  up  and  down  between  cur  own  fears  and  sus- 
picions :  for  unwearied  and  violent  ':ontradictions  are  apt  to  be- 
get weariness  in  the  best.  "  Consider  Him  that  endured  such 
contradiction  of  sinners  against  himself,"  saith  the  apostle, 
*'  lest  ye  be  wearied  and  faint  in  your  minds,"  Heb.  xii.  3. 

(4.)  From  the  present  weight  of  some  heavy  fresh  sin, 
which  will  utterly  indispose  the  heart  unto  good.  As  we  see 
how  long  security  did  surprise  David  after  his  murder  and 
adultery.  Thus,  as  Jonah,  after  his  flight  from  God,  fell 
asleep  in  the  ship  ;  so  stupidity  and  unaptness  to  work  is 
ever  the  child  of  any  notable  and  revolting  sin.  When  the 
conscience  lays  bleeding  under  any  fresh  sin,  it  has  a  hard 
task  to  go  through  in  a  more  bitter  renewing  the  tears  of 
repentance.  And  hard  works  have  for  the  most  part  some 
fears  and  reluctances  in  the  performing  of  them.  It  hath  not 
such  boldness  and  assurance  to  be  welcome  to  God  :  it  comes 
with  shame,  horror,  blushing,  and  want  of  peace,  and  so  can- 
not but  find  the  greater  conflict  in  itself.  Sin  dis wonts  a  man 
from  God,  carries  him  to  thickets  and  bushes.  The  soul 
loves  not  to  be  discovered  by  God  in  the  company  of  Satan 
or  any  sinful  lusts.  That  child  cannot  but  feel  some  strug- 
glings  of  shame  and  unwillingness  to  come  unto  his  father, 
who'is  sure  when  he  comes  to  be  upbraided  with  the  compa- 
nions which  he  more  delights  in. 

(5.)  From  the  proportion  of  the  desertions  of  the  Spirit : 
for  the  Spirit  of  God  bloweth  where  and  how  he  listeth  ;  and 
it  is  he  that  worketh  our  wills  unto  obedience.  If  he  be 
grieved,  and  made  to  retire  ;  if  he  turn  his  wind  from  our  sails, 
alas,  how  slow  and  sluggish  will  our  motion  be  I  How  poor  our 
progress !  Upon  these,  and  several  other  the  like  grounds,  may 
M  3 

250  Christ's  people  a  willing  people. 

the  best  of  us  be  possessed  with  fears,  discomforts,  and  un- 
wiUingness  in  God's  service.      But  yet, 

5.  None  of  all  this  takes  off  the  will  entirely,  though  it  do 
partially ;  for  the  faithful,  in  their  greatest  heaviness  and 
unfitness  of  spirit,  have  yet  a  stronger  bias  towards  God,  than 
any  wicked  man  when  he  is  at  best  :  for  it  is  true  of  them  in 
their  lowest  condition,  that  they  desire  to  fear  God's  name, 
Neh.  i.  1 1  ;  that  the  desire  of  their  souls  is  towards  the 
remembrance  of  him,  Isa.  xxvi.  8 ;  that  they  arc  seriously 
displeased  with  the  distempers  and  uncomfortableness  of  their 
spirit,  Psa.  xlii.  5 ;  that  they  long  to  be  enlarged,  that  they 
may  run  the  ways  of  God's  commandments,  Psa.  cxix.  32; 
that  they  set  their  affection  unto  God  and  his  service,  1 
Chron.  xxix.  3  ;  that  tbey  prepare  their  heart  to  seek  the 
Lord  God,  2  Chron.  xxx-  19;  that  they  strive,  groan, 
wrestle,  and  are  unquiet  in  their  heaviness  and  dulness,  ear- 
nestly contending  for  joy  and  freedom  of  spirit,  Psa.  li.  11, 
12,  In  one  word,  that  they  dare  not  omit  those  duties, 
which  yet  they  have  no  readiness  and  disposedness  of  heart  to 
perform  ;  but  when  they  cannot  do  them  in  alacrity,  yet  they  do 
them  in  obedience,  and  serve  the  Lord  when  he  hideth  his  face 
from  them.  "  I  said,  I  am  cast  out  of  thy  sight ;  yet  I  will 
look  again  toward  thy  holy  temple,"  Jonah  ii.  4.  He  that 
feareth  the  Lord  will  obey  his  voice,  though  he  walk  in  dark- 
ness and  have  no  light,  Isa.  1.  10.  So  then  the  faithful  have 
still  thus  much  ground  of  comfort,  that  God  hath  their  wills 
always  devoted  and  resigned  unto  him ;  though  thus  much 
likewise  they  have  to  humble  them  too,  the  daily  experience  of 
a  backsliding  and  tired  spirit  in  his  service  ;  and  should  there- 
fore be  exhorted  to  stir  up  the  spirit  of  grace  in  themselves, 
to  keep  fresh  and  frequent  their  conmiunion  with  Christ.  The 
more  acquaintance  and  experience  the  heart  hath  of  him,  the 
more  abundantly  it  will  delight  in  him.,  and  make  haste  unto 
him,  that  it  may,  with  St.  Paul,  apprehend  him  in  fruition,  by 
whom  it  is  already  apprehended,  and  carried  up  into  heavenly 
places  in  assurance  and  representation.  As  long  as  wfe  are 
here  there  will  be  something  lacking  to  our  faith,  some  mix- 
ture of  unbelief  and  distrust  with  it,  1  Thess.  iii.  10.  Cor- 
ruptions, temptations,  afflictions,  trials,  will  be  apt  to  beget 
some  fears,  discomforts,  weariness^  and  indisposedness  towards 
God's  service  ;  the  sense  whereof  should  make  us  long  after 
our  home ;  and  with  the  apostle,  to  groan,  and  wait  for  the 
adoption,  even  the   redemption    of  our  bodies,   and  for  the 

HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing.    251 

manifestation  of  the  sons  of  God,  (for  though  we  are  now  sons, 
yet  it  doth  not  appear  what  we  shall  be,  1  John  iii.  2  ;)  should 
make  us  pray  for  the  accomplishment  of  his  promises,  for  the 
hastening  of  his  kingdom,  where  we  shall  be  changed  into  an 
universal  spiritualness,  or  purity  of  nature;  where  these  relics 
of  corruption,  these  strugglings  of  the  law  of  the  members 
against  the  law  of  the  mind,  shall  be  ended ;  these  languish- 
ings,  decays,  ebbs  and  blemishes  of  grace  shall  be  removed  ; 
where  all  deficiencies  of  grace  shall  be  made  up,  and  that 
measure  and  first  fruits  of  the  Spirit  whicli  we  here  receive, 
shall  be  crowned  with  fulness  and  everlasting  perfection. 
Here  we  are  like  the  stones  and  other  materials  of  Solomon's 
temple,  but  in  the  act  of  fitting  and  preparation  ;  no  marvel  if 
we  be  here  crooked,  knotty,  uneven,  and  therefore  subject  to 
the  hammer,  under  blows  and  buffets.  But  when  we  shall  be 
carried  to  the  heavenly  building  which  is  above,  and  there  laid 
in,  there  shall  be  nothing  but  smoothness  and  glory  upon  us, 
no  noise  of  hammers,  or  axes,  no  dispensation  of  word  or  sa- 
craments, no  application  of  censures  and  severity  ;  but  every 
man  shall  be  filled  with  the  fulness  of  God,  faith  turned  into 
sight,  hope  turned  into  fruition,  and  love  everlastingly  ravished 
with  the  presence  of  God,  with  the  face  of  Jesus  Christ,  with 
the  fulness  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  and  with  the  communion  and 
society  of  all  the  saints. 

There  is  further  to  be  observed,  the  principle  of  this 
willingness,  "  In  the  day  of  thy  power,"  or  "  of  thine  armies  ;" 
tnat  is,  when  thou  shalt  send  abroad  apostles,  and  prophets, 
and  evangelists,  and  doctors,  and  teachers,  for  evidencing  the 
word  and  Spirit  unto  the  consciences  of  men.  Whence  we 
may  observe,  that  the  hearts  of  Christ's  people  are  made  will- 
ing to  obey  him  by  an  act  of  power,  or  by  the  strength  of  the 
word  and  Spirit.  The  heart  is  not  barely  enticed,  but  it  is 
conquered  by  the  gospel  of  Christ,  2  Cor.  x.  4,  5  ;  and  yet 
this  is  not  a  compulsory  conquest,  (which  is  utterly  contrary 
to  the  nature  of  a  reasonable  will,  which  would  cease  to  be 
itself,  if  it  could  be  compelled,)  but  it  is  an  effectual  conquest. 
The  will,  like  all  other  faculties,  is  naturally  dead  in  trespasses 
and  sins :  and  a  dead  man  is  not  raised  to  life  again  by  any 
enticements,  nor  yet  compelled  unto  a  condition  of  such  exact 
complacency  and  suitableness  to  nature  by  any  act  of  violence. 
So  then,  a  man  is  made  willingly  subject  unto  Christ,  neither 
by  mere  moral  persuasions,  nor  by  any  violent  impulsions  ; 

252     HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing. 

but  by  a  power,  in  itself  supernatural,  spiritual,  or  divine  ;  and, 
in  its  manner  of  working,  sweetly  tempered  to  the  disposition 
of  the  will,  which  is  never  by  grace  destroyed,  but  perfected. 
Therefore  the  apostle  saith,  that  it  is  God  who  worketh  in  us 
to  will  and  to  do,  Phil.  ii.  13.  He  frameth  our  will  according 
to  his  own,  (as  David  was  said  to  be  a  man  after  God's  own 
heart ;)  and  then,  by  that  will  and  the  conscious  acts  thereof, 
thus  sanctified  and  still  assisted  by  the  Spirit  of  grace,  he 
setteth  the  other  powers  of  nature  on  work  in  further  obedience 
unto  his  will.  And  therefore  David  praiseth  God  who 
had  enabled  him  and  his  people  to  offer  willingly  unto  the 
service  of  God's  house,  and  prayeth  him  that  he  would  ever 
keep  that  willing  disposition  in  the  imaginations  and  thoughts 
of  the  hearts  of  his  people,  1  Chron.  xxix.  14,  18.  There- 
fore the  apostle  saith,  that  our  faith  standeth  not  in  the  wis- 
dom of  men,  but  in  the  power  of  God,  1  Cor.  iv.  5.  There- 
fore likewise  it  is  called  the  faith  of  the  operation  of  God  who 
raised  Christ  from  the  dead,  Col.  ii.  12. 

For  the  more  distinct  opening  and  evidencing  this  point, 
how  Christ's  people  are  made  willing  by  his  power,  I  will  only 
lay  together  some  brief  positions  which  I  conceive  to  be 
thereunto  pertinent,  and  proceed  to  that  which  is  more  plain 
and  profitable. 

1.  Let  us  consider  the  nature  of  the  will,  which,  to  be  a 
free  agent  or  mover,  to  have  from  itself,  and  within  itself,  an 
indifFerency  and  undeterminateness  unto  several  things ;  so 
that  when  it  moves  or  not  moves,  when  it  moves  one  way  oi 
other,  in  none  of  these  it  suffers  violence,  but  works  according 
to  the  condition  of  its  own  nature. 

2.  We  may  note  that  this  indifFerency  is  twofold ;  either 
habitual,  belonging  to  the  constitution  of  the  will,  which  is 
nothing  else  but  an  original  aptitude,  or  intrinsical  non-repug- 
nancy in  the  will,  to  move  unto  contrary  extremes,  to  work,  or 
to  suspend  its  own  working  :  or  else  actual,  which  is  in  the 
exercise  of  the  former,  as  objects  present  themselves  ;  and  this 
is  twofold  ;  either  a  freedom  to  good  or  evil,  or  a  freedom  to 
will  or  not  to  will. 

3.  Notwithstandmg  the  will  be  in  this  manner  free,  yet  it 
may  have  its  freedom  in  both  respects  so  determined,  as  that 
in  such  or  such  a  condition,  it  cannot  do  what  it  should,  or 
forbear  what  it  should,  or  cannot  do  what  it  should  not,  nor 
forbear  what  it  should  not.  Fallen  man,  without  the  grace 
of  God,  is  free  only  unto  evil,  and  Christ  in  the  time  of  his 

HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing.    253 

obedience  was  free  wholly  unto  good.  Man  free  to  evil,  but 
yet  so,  as  that  he  only  doth  it  voluntarily,  he  cannot  volun- 
tarily leave  it  undone.  Christ  free  only  to  good,  yet  so,  as 
that  he  doth  it  most  freely,  but  could  not  freely  omit  the  doing 
of  it. 

4.  The  will  worketh  not  in  this  condition  of  things  unto 
moral  objects  without  some  other  concurrent  principles  which 
sway  and  determine  it  several  ways  ;  so  that  the  will  is  the  fa- 
culty which  moves,  and  the  other  the  quality  or  virtue  by 
v/hich  it  moves.  And  these  qualities  are  in  natural  men  the 
flesli,  or  the  original  concupiscence  of  our  nature,  which 
maketh  the  motions  of  the  will  to  be  the  will  of  the  flesh  ;  and 
in  the  regenerate,  the  grace  and  spirit  of  Christ,  so  far  forth 
as  they  are  regenerate. 

5.  As  the  will  is  ever  carried  either  by  the  flesh  or  the 
spirit  to  its  objects,  so  neither  to  the  one  or  the  other  without 
the  preceding  conduct  and  direction  of  the  practical  judgment, 
whether  by  grace  enlightened  to  judge  aright,  or  by  corrupt 
affections  bribed  and  blinded  to  misguide  the  will ;  for  the  will, 
being  a  rational  appetite,  never  moveth  but  in  a  judicious 
manner,  upon  apprehension  of  some  goodness  and  conve- 
nience in  the  thing  whereunto  it  moves. 

6.  The  judgment  is  never  thoroughly  enlightened  to  un- 
derstand spiritual  things  in  that  immediate  and  ample  beauty 
and  goodness  which  is  in  them,  but  only  by  the  Spirit  of 
Christ,  which  makes  a  man  to  have  the  self-same  mind,  judg- 
ment, opinion,  and  apprehension  of  heavenly  things  which  he 
had ;  so  that  Christ  and  a  christian  think  the  same  thing,  as 
the  apostle  speaks,  Phil.  ii.  5.  The  Spirit  of  grace,  working 
first  upon  the  judgment  to  rectify  that,  and  to  convince 
it  of  the  evidence  and  necessity  of  that  most  universal 
and  adequate  good  which  it  presenteth,  the  whole  nature  is 
proportionably  renewed,  and  Christ  formed,  as  well  in  the  will 
and  affections  as  in  the  understanding.  So  that,  at  the  same 
time,  when  the  Spirit  of  grace,  by  an  act  of  heavenly  illumi- 
nation, is  present  with  the  judgment  of  reason  to  evidence, 
not  the  truth  only,  but  the  excellency  of  the  knowledge  of 
Christ  thereunto,  he  is  likewise  present,  by  an  act  of  heavenly 
persuasion,  and  most  intimate  allurement  unto  the  will  and 
affections,  sweetly  accommodating  its  working  unto  the  exi- 
gence and  condition  of  the  faculties,  that  they  likewise  may 
(with  such  liberty  and  complacency  as  becomes  both  their  own 
nature  and  the  quality  of  the  obedience  required)  apply  them- 

254    HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing. 

selves  to  the  desire  and  prosecution  of  those  excellent  things 
which  are  with  so  spiritual  an  evidence  set  forth  unto  them  in 
the  ministry  of  the  word.  As  hy  the  same  soul  the  eye  seeth, 
and  the  ear  heareth,  and  the  hand  workelh,  so  when  Christ, 
by  his  Spirit,  is  formed  in  us,  (for  the  Spirit  of  Christ  is  the 
first  act,  or  soul,  of  a  christian  man,  that  which  animateth  him 
unto  an  heavenly  being  and  working,  Rom.  viii.  9 — 1 1 ;  1  Cor. 
vi.  17,)  every  power  of  the  soul  and  body  is  in  some  propor- 
tionable measure  enabled  to  work  in  such  a  manner  as  is  con- 
venient and  proper  to  the  quality  of  its  nature,  to  the  right 
apprehension  and  voluntary  prosecution  of  spiritual  things. 
The  same  Spirit  who,  by  the  word  of  grace,  doth  fully  con- 
vince the  judgment,  and  let  the  light  of  the  knowledge  of  the 
glory  of  God  shine  upon  the  mind,  doth,  by  the  same  word  of 
grace,  proportionably  excite  and  assist  the  will  to  affect  it ;  that, 
as  the  understanding  is  elevated  to  the  spiritual  perception,  so 
the  will  likewise  is  enabled  to  the  spiritual  love  of  heavenly 

By  all  which  we  may  observe,  that  this  working  of  the 
Spirit  of  grace,  whereby  we  become  voluntaries  in  Christ's 
service,  and  whereby  he  worketh  in  us  both  to  will  and  to  do 
those  things  which  of  ourselves  we  were  not  obedient  unto, 
neither  indeed  could  be,  is  both  a  sweet  and  powerful  work ; 
as  in  the  raising  of  a  man  from  the  dead  (to  which  in  the 
Scriptures  the  renewing  of  a  sinner  is  frequently  compared) 
there  is  a  work  of  great  power,  which  yet,  being  admirably 
suitable  to  the  integrity  of  the  creature,  must  needs  bring  an 
exact  complacency  and  delight  with  it.  We  may  frequently  in 
holy  Scripture  observe,  that  of  the  same  effect  several  things 
may  be  affirmed,  by  reason  of  its  connexion  unto  several  causes, 
and  of  the  several  causalties  of  manners,  or  concurrence  with 
which  those  several  causes  have  contributed  any  influence  unto 
it.  As  the  obedience  of  Christ  was,  of  all  others,  the  most 
free  and  voluntary  service  of  his  Father,  if  we  consider  it  with 
respect  unto  his  most  holy,  and  therefore  most  undistracted 
and  unhindered  will,  (for,  if  it  were  not  voluntary,  it  were  no 
obedience  ;)  and  yet,  notwithstanding,  it  was  most  certain  and 
infallible,  if  we  consider  it  with  respect  to  the  sanctity  of  his 
nature,  to  the  unmeasureableness  of  his  unction,  to  the  ple- 
nitude of  his  unseducible  and  unerring  spirit,  to  the  mystery 
of  his  hypostatical  union,  and  the  communication  of  proper- 
ties between  his  natures,  whereby  whatever  action  was  done 
by  him  might  justly  be  called  the  action  of  God,  in  which 

HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing.    255 

regard  it  was  impossible  for  him  to  sin.  In  like  manner,  the 
passive  obedience  of  Christ  was  most  free  and  voluntary  as 
it  respected  his  own  will ;  for  he  troubled  himself,  he  humbled 
and  emptied  himself,  he  laid  down  his  own  life,  he  became 
obedient  unto  death,  even  the  death  of  the  cross ;  and  yet  thus 
it  was  written,  and  thus  it  behoved  or  was  necessary  for  Christ 
to  suffer,  if  we  respect  the  predeterminate  counsel  and  purpose 
of  God,  who  had  so  ordained,  Acts  ii.  23.  God  would  not 
suffer  a  bone  of  Christ  to  be  broken,  and  yet  he  did  not  disable 
the  soldiers  from  doing  it,  for  they  had  still  as  much  strength 
and  liberty  to  have  broken  his,  as  the  others  who  were  cruci- 
fied with  him ;  but  that  which  in  regard  of  the  truth  and  pre- 
diction of  holy  Scriptures  was  most  certainly  to  be  fulfilled, 
in  regard  of  the  second  causes  by  v/hom  it  was  fulfilled,  was 
most  free  and  voluntary.  We  find  what  a  chain  of  mere  casual- 
ties and  contingencies  (if  we  look  only  upon  second  causes) 
did  concur,  in  the  offence  of  Vashti,  in  the  promotion  ot 
Esther,  in  the  treason  of  the  two  chamberlains,  in  the  wake- 
fulness of  the  king,  in  the  opening  of  the  chronicles,  in  the 
acceptance  of  Esther's  request,  and  in  the  favour  of  the  king 
unto  her,  and  all  this  ordered  by  the  immutable  and  efficacious 
providence  of  God  (which  moderates  and  guides  causes  and 
effects  of  all  sorts  to  his  own  fore-appointed  ends)  for  the  de- 
liverance of  his  people  from  that  intended  slaughter  determined 
against  them,  the  execution  whereof  would  evidently  have 
made  void  that  great  promise  of  their  returning  out  of  cap- 
tivity after  seventy  years  :  with  relation  unto  which  promise 
their  deliverance  at  this  time  was  in  regard  of  God's  truth  and 
purpose  necessary,  though  in  regard  of  second  causes  brought 
about  by  an  accumulation  of  contingencies.  In  like  manner, 
when  the  hearts  of  men  do  voluntarily  dedicate  and  submit 
themselves  to  the  kingdom  of  Christ,  if  we  look  upon  it  with 
relation  unto  the  Spirit  of  grace,  which  is  the  formal  virtue 
whereby  it  is  wrought,  so  it  is  an  effect  of  power,  and,  as  it 
were,  an  act  of  conquest ;  and  yet  look  upon  it  with  relation 
to  the  heart  itself,  which  is  the  material  efficient  cause  thereof, 
and  so  it  is  a  most  free,  sweet,  connatural  action,  exactly  tem- 
pered to  the  exigency  of  the  second  cause,  and  proceeding 
therefrom  with  most  exact  delight,  answerably  to  the  measure 
of  the  grace  of  illumination,  or  spiritual  evidence  in  the  mind, 
whereby  our  natural  blindness,  prejudices,  and  mispersuasions 
may  be  removed,  and  to  the  measure  of  the  grace  of  ex- 
citation, assistance,  and  co-operation  in  the  heart,  whereby 

256     HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing. 

the   natural  frowardness  and  reluctancy  thereof  may  be  sub- 

In  one  word,  there  are  but  three  things  requisite  to  make  up 
a  free  and  voluntary  action.  It  must  be  with  a  preceding 
judgment.  There  must  be  an  internal  indeterminateness  and 
equal  disposition  of  itself  unto  several  extremes.  The  will 
must  have  the  power  of  her  own  work.  And  all  these  three 
do  sweetly  consist  with  the  point  of  the  text,  that  the  heart  is 
made  willing  to  obey  Christ  by  an  act  of  power. 

1.  This  power  we  speak  of  is  only  the  power  of  the  word 
and  Spirit,  both  which  do  always  work  in  the  ordinary  course 
of  God's  proceeding  by  them  with  men,  by  wav  of  judgment 
and  conviction,  by  a  way  of  teaching  and  demonstration,  which 
are  suitable  to  a  rational  faculty. 

2.  Which  way  soever  the  will  is  by  the  Spirit  of  grace 
directed  and  persuaded  to  move,  it  still  retains  an  habitual  or 
internal  habitude  unto  the  extremes ;  so  that,  if  it  should  have 
moved  towards  them,  that  motion  would  have  been  as  natural 
and  suitable  to  its  condition,  as  this  which  it  foUoweth  ;  for 
the  determination  of  the  act  is  no  extinguishment  of  the  liberty 

3.  When  the  Spirit,  by  power  of  the  word  of  grace,  doth 
work  the  will  in  us,  yet  still  the  will  hath  the  dominion  of  its 
own  act ;  that  is,  it  is  not  servilely  or  compulsorily  thereunto 
overswayed,  but  worketh  by  a  self-motion,  unto  which  it  is 
quickened  and  actuated  by  the  sweetness  of  Divine  grace,  as 
the  seed  of  that  action.  Thus  we  see  how  the  subjection  of 
Christ's  people  unto  his  kingdom  is  a  voluntary  act  in  regard 
of  man's  will,  and  an  act  of  power  in  regard  of  God's  Spirit, 
inwardly  enlightening  the  mind  with  the  spiritual  evidence, 
not  only  of  the  truth,  but  the  excellency  and  superlative 
goodness  of  the  gospel  of  Christ ;  and  inwardly  touching  the 
heart,  and  framing  it  to  a  lovely  conformity  and  obedience 

The  ground  of  this  point,  why  there  is  an  act  of  power  re- 
quired to  conquer  the  wills  of  sinners  unto  Christ,  is  that 
notable  enmity,  stoutness,  reluctancy,  rebellion,  weariness, 
averseness — in  one  word,  fleshliness — which  possesseth  the 
wills  of  men  by  nature  :  such  forwardness  unto  evil,  so  much 
frowardness  against  good ;  such  a  spring  and  bias  from  pri- 
vate ends,  and  worldly  objects  ;  such  fears  without,  such  fight- 
ings within  ;  such  allurements  on  the  right  hand,  such  frowns 
and  affrlghtments  on   the  left ;  such   depths  of  Satan,  such 


hellish  and  unsearchable  plots  of  prmcipalities  and  powers,  to 
keep  fast  and  faithful  to  themselves  this  chief  mistress  of  the 
soul  of  man  ;  such  sly  and  insinuating,  such  furious  and  fiery 
temptations,  to  flatter  or  to  fright  it  away  from  Christ  ;  such 
strong  prejudices,  such  deep  reasonings;  such  high  imagina- 
tions, such  scornfid  and  mean  conceits  of  the  purity  and  power 
of  the  ways  of  Christ ;  such  deceitfulness  of  heart,  such  mis- 
persuasions  and  presumptions  of  our  present  peace,  or  at  least 
of  the   easiness  of  our  future  reformation  ;  such  strong  -sur- 
mises of  carnal   hopes  which  will  be  prevented,  or  worldly 
dangers  incurred,  or  private  ends  disappointed ;  such  lusts  to 
be  denied,  such  members  to  be  hewed  off;  such  friends  to  be 
forsaken,  such  passions  to  be  subdued  ;  such  certain  persecu- 
tions from  the  world,  such  endless    solicitations   of    Satan, 
such  irreconcileable  contentions  with  the  flesh :  in  the  midst 
of  all  these  pull-backs,  how  can  we  think  the  will  should 
escape  and  break  through,  if  God  did  not  send  his  Spirit  (as 
once  an  angel  unto  Lot,  Gen.  xix.  16)  to  lay  hands  upon  it, 
while  it  Imgers  and  hankers  after  its  wonted  course,  to  use  a 
merciful  conquest  over  it ;  and,  as  the  Scriptures  express  it,  to 
lead  it,  to  draw  it,  to  take  it  by  the  arm,  to  carry  it  in  his 
bosom,  to  bear  it  as  an  eagle  her  young  ones  on   her  wings ; 
nay,  by  the  terrors  of  the  Lord,  and  the  power  of  his  word  and 
wrath,  to  pull  and  snatch  it  as  a  brand  out  of  the  fire  ?  Rom. 
viii.  14  ;  John  vi.  44  ;  Hos.  xi.  3  ;  Isa.  xl.  11  ;  Deut.  xxxii. 
11  ;  Psa.  Ixxxviii.  15,  16;  Jude  23.     Certainly,  there  is  so 
much  extreme  perverseness,  so  much  hellishness  and  devilish 
antipathy  to  God  and  his  service  in  the  heart  by  nature,  that 
if  it  were  left  to  its  own  stubbornness  to  kick  and   rebel,  and 
fall  back  and   harden  itself,  and  were  not   set  upon  by  the 
grace  of  Christ,  no  man  living  would  turn  unto  him,  or  make 
use  of  his  blood :  by  the  same  reason  that  any  one  man  pe- 
risheth,  every  man  would  too,  because  in  all  there  is  as  fun- 
damental and  original  enmity  to  the  ways  of  grace  as  there 
is  in  any. 

The  consideration  whereof  may  justly  humble  us,  in  our 
reflection  upon  ourselves,  whom  neither  the  promises  of  hea- 
ven can  allure,  nor  the  blood  and  passion  of  Christ  persuade, 
nor  the  flames  of  hell  affright  from  our  sins,  till  the  Lord,  by 
the  sweet  and  gracious  power  of  his  Holy  Spirit,  subdues  and 
conquers  the  soul  unto  himself.  If  a  man  should  rise  from  the 
dead,  and  truly  relate  unto  the  conscience  the  woful  and  ever- 
lasting horrors  of  hell ;  if  a  man's  natural  capacity  were  made 

258     HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing. 

as  wide  to  apprehend  the  wrath,  fury,  and  vengeance  of  a  pro- 
voked God,  the  fouhiess,  guilt,  and  venom  of  a  soul  fuller  of 
sins  than  the  heaven  of  stars,  as  the  most  intelligent  devils  of 
hell  do  conceive  them  ;  if  an  archangel  or  seraphim  should  be 
sent  from  heaven  to  reveal  unto  the  soul  of  a  natural  man  the 
infinite  glory  of  God's  presence,  the  full  pleasures  of  his  right 
hand,  the  admirable  beauty  of  his  ways,  the  intimate  confor- 
mity and  resemblance  between  his  Divine  nature  in  himself, 
and  the  image  of  his  holiness  in  the  creature,  the  unsearchable 
and  bottomless  love  of  Christ  in  his  incarnation  and  sufferings, 
the  endless  incomprehensible  virtue  and  preciousness  of  his 
blood  and  prayers ;  yet  so  desperately  evil  is  the  heart  of  man, 
that  if,  after  all  this,  God  should  not  afford  the  blessed  opera- 
tion and  concurrence  of  his  own  gracious  Spirit,  the  revelation 
of  his  own  arm  and  power  upon  the  soul,  to  set  on  those  in- 
strumental causes,  it  would  be  invincible  by  any  evidence 
which  all  the  cries  and  flames  of  hell,  which  all  the  armies 
and  hosts  of  heaven,  were  able  to  beget.  There  is  no  might 
nor  power  able  to  snatch  a  man  out  of  the  hands  of  his  sin,  but 
only  God's  Spirit.  Notable  are  the  expressions  which  the 
Holy  Ghost  everywhere  useth  to  set  forth  this  wretched  con- 
dition of  the  heart  by  nature.  Wilfulness  and  self-willedness  ; 
*'  We  will  not  hearken  :  we  will  not  have  this  man  to  reign 
over  us,"  Jer.  xliv.  16;  Luke  xix.  27  ;  many  wills  in  one; 
rebellion  and  stubbornness,  stoutness  of  heart,  contention 
with  God,  and  gainsaying  his  word  ;  impudence,  stiffness,  and 
hard-heartedness  ;  mischievous  profoundness,  and  deep  reason- 
ings against  the  law  of  God;  resolvedness,  and  abiding  in 
mischief;  holding  fast  deceit,  obstinacy,  and  self-obduration  ; 
"  They  have  hardened  their  necks,  that  they  might  not  hear," 
Jer.  xix.  15.  Impotency,  immovableness,  and  undocility ; 
their  heart  is  uncircumcised,  they  cannot  hear,  there  is  none 
that  understandeth  or  seeketh  after  God,  Jer.  vi.  10  ;  Rom. 
jii.  11.  Scorning  and  slighting  the  messages  of  the  Lord; 
*'  Where  is  the  promise  of  his  coming  ?"  Jer.  xvii.  15  ;  2  Pet. 
3,  4.  Incredulity,  and  belying  the  Lord  in  his  word,  saying 
it  is  not  he  ;  "  W^ho  hath  believed  our  report?  and  to  whom 
is  the  arm  of  the  Lord  revealed?"  Isa.  liii.  1  ;  Jer.  v.  12. 
W^restling,  resisting,  and  fighting  with  the  word,  rejecting  the 
counsel  of  God,  vexing  and  striving  with  his  Holy  Spirit ;  "  Ye 
do  always  resist  the  Holy  Ghost,"  Luke  vii.  30 ;  Isa.  Ixiii. 
10 ;  Acts  vii.  51.  Rage  and  fierceness  of  disordered  affec- 
tions, despising  of  goodness,  traitorous,    heady,  and  high- 

HOW  Christ's  people  are  made  willing.    239 

minded  thoughts  ;  brutishness  of  immoderate  lust,  the  un- 
tamed madness  of  an  enraged  beast,  without  any  restraint  of 
reason  or  moderation.  In  one  word,  a  hell,  and  gulf  of  un- 
searchable mischief,  which  is  never  satisfied.  It  is  impossible 
that  any  reasonable  man,  duly  considering  all  these  difficulties, 
should  conceive  such  an  heart  as  this  to  be  overcome  with 
mere  moral  persuasions,  or  by  anything  less  than  the  mighty 
power  of  God's  own  grace.  To  him  therefore  we  should  will- 
ingly acknovs^ledge  all  our  conversion  and  salvation.  So  ex- 
tremely impotent  are  we,  O  Lord,  unto  any  good,  so  utterly 
unprofitable  and  unmeet  for  our  Master's  use,  and  yet  so 
strongly  hurried  by  the  impulses  of  our  own  lust  towards  hell, 
that  no  precipice  nor  danger,  no  hope  nor  reward,  no  man 
nor  angel,  is  able  to  stop  us,  without  thine  own  immediate 
power ;  and  therefore  "  Not  unto  us,  O  Lord,  not  unto  us, 
but  unto  thy  name"  only  be  attributed  the  glory  of  our  con- 

Again  ;  by  this  consideration  we  should  be  provoked  to  stir 
up  and  call  together  all  our  strength  in  the  Lord's  service,  to 
recover  our  misspent  time,  to  use  the  more  contention  and 
violence  for  the  kingdom  of  heaven,  when  we  consider  how 
abundant  we  have  been  in  the  works  of  sin,  in  the  pursuing 
of  vast  desires  which  had  neither  end  nor  hope  in  them.  Oh 
how  happy  a  thing  would  it  be  if  men  could  serve  God  with 
the  same  proportion  of  vigour  and  willingness  of  mind  as  they 
served  Satan  and  themselves  before  I  I  was  never  tired  in 
that  way ;  I  went  on  indefatigably  towards  hell ;  like  a  swift 
dromedary,  or  an  untamed  heifer,  I  pursued  those  evil  desires 
which  had  vanity  for  their  object  and  misery  for  their  end; 
no  fruit  but  shame,  and  no  wages  but  death.  But  in  the  ser- 
vice of  Christ  I  have  a  price  before  me,  an  abiding  city,  an 
enduring  substance,  an  unfading  crown  to  fix  the  highest  of 
my  thoughts  upon :  I  have  the  promises  of  Christ  to 
strengthen  me,  his  angels  to  guard,  his  Spirit  to  lead,  his  word 
to  enlighten  me.  In  one  word,  I  have  a  soul  to  save,  and  a 
God  to  honour.  And  why  should  I  not  apply  my  power  to 
serve  him  who  did  reach  forth  his  own  power  to  convert  me  .^ 
A  long  way  I  have  to  go,  and  I  must  do  it  in  a  span  of  time  ; 
so  many  temptations  to  overcome,  so  many  corruptions  to 
shake  off,  so  many  promises  to  believe,  so  many  precepts  to 
obey,  so  many  mysteries  to  study,  so  many  works  to  finish, 
and  so  little  time  for  all ;  my  weaknesses  on  one  side,  my 
businesses  on  another :  mine  enemies  and  my  sins  round  about 


me  take  away  so  much,  that  I  have  scarce  any  left  to  give  to 
God.  And  yet,  alas  !  if  I  could  serve  God  on  earth  as  he  is 
served  in  heaven,  if  I  had  the  strength  of  angels  and  glorified 
saints  to  do  his  will,  it  would  come  infinitely  short  of  that 
good  will  of  God  in  my  redemption,  or  of  his  power  in  my 
conversion.  If  God  should  have  said  to  all  the  angels  in 
heaven,  There  is  such  a  poor  wretch  posting  with  full  strength 
towards  hell,  go  stand  in  his  way  and  drive  him  back  again, 
all  those  glorious  armies  would  have  been  too  few  to  block  up 
the  passages  betwen  sin  and  hell ;  without  the  concurrence  of 
God's  own  Spirit  and  power,  they  could  have  returned  none 
other  answer  but  this,  We  have  done  all  we  can  to  persuade 
and  turn  him,  but  he  will  not  be  turned.  If  then  the  Lord 
did  put  forth  his  own  power  to  save  me,  great  reason  there  is 
that  I  should  set  my  weak  and  impotent  faculties  to  honour 
him,  especially  since  he  hath  been  pleased  both  to  mingle 
with  his  service  great  joy,  liberty,  and  tranquillity  here,  and 
also  to  set  before  it  a  full,  a  sure,  and  a  great  reward,  for 
my  further  animation  and  encouragement  thereunto. 

IV.  The  fourth  thing  observed  in  this  verse  was,  the  attire 
vv'herein  Christ's  people  should  attend  upon  his  service  ;  "  In 
the  beauties  of  holiness."  These  words  refer  to  those  before, 
and  that  either  to  the  word  "  people,"  or  to  the  word  "  will- 
ing." If  to  "  people,"  then  they  are  a  further  description  of 
Christ's  subjects  or  soldiers ;  they  shall  be  all  like  servants  in 
princes'  courts,  beautifully  arrayed ;  like  the  priests  of  the  law 
that  had  garments  of  beauty  and  glory  ;  and  so  Schindler  ex- 
pounds it.  If  to  the  word  "  willing,"  then  it  notes  the  ground 
and  inducement  of  their  great  devotion  and  subjection  unto 
Christ's  kingdom  ;  that,  as  the  people  came  up  in  troops  to  the 
Lord's  house,  which  was  the  beauty  of  his  holiness,  or  as  men 
do  flock  toorether  to  the  sight  of  some  honourable  and  stately 
solemnity,  so  Christ's  people  should,  by  the  beauty  of  his 
banners,  be  allured  to  gather  unto  him,  and  fly  in  multitudes 
as  doves  unto  their  windows.  Whichever  way  we  understand 
the  words,  we  may  from  them  observe,  that  holiness  is  a  glo- 
rious and  a  beautiful  thing.  The  holy  oil,  with  which  all 
the  vessels  of  the  sanctuary  were  to  be  consecrated,  was  a  type 
of  that  Spirit  who  sanctifieth  us,  and  raaketh  us  kings  and 
priests  unto  God ;  and  it  was  to  be  compounded  of  the  purest 
and  most  delicate  ingi'edients  which  the  art  of  the  apothecary 
could  put  together.  Therefore,  our  Saviour  still  calleth  his 
spouse  the  fairest  of  women,  to  note,  that  no  other  beauty  \\\ 


the  world  is  to  be  compared  with  holmess,  Cant.  v.  9  :  there- 
fore our  faith  and  holiness  is  called  a  wedding  garment,  at 
which  solemnity  men  use  above  all  other  to  adorn  themselves 
with  their  costliest  and  most  beautiful  attire  :  therefore  we  are 
said  to  "  put  on  the  Lord  Jesus,"  and  to  "  put  on  bowels  of 
mercy,  humbleness  of  mind,  and  meekness,'  Rom.  xiii.  14 ; 
Col.  iii.  12  :  and  therefore  the  church  is  compared  to  a  bride 
decked  in  her  choicest  ornaments  and  jewels,  broidered  work, 
silk,  fine  linen,  bracelets,  chains,  jewels,  crowns,  gold,  silver,  per- 
fect comeliness,  garments  of  salvation  and  of  praise,  and  robes 
of  righteousness.  And  Christ,  the  Husband  of  this  spouse, 
"  the  chlefest"  and  most  amiable  "  among  ten  thousand  ;  yea 
akogether  lovely,"  Cant.  v.  10,  16;  "the  desire  of  all  na- 
tions," and  the  allurement  of  all  hearts  that  can  look  upon 
him,  Hag.  11.  7.  And  Jerusalem,  the  palace  of  this  glorious 
couple,  described  by  the  most  precious  stones  and  desirable 
things  which  can  be  thought  on  :  jasper  the  wall,  gold  the 
pavement,  pearl  the  gates,  precious  stones  the  foundation,  and 
the  Lord  the  light  thereof,  Rev.  xxl.  18 — 23.  Of  ourselves, 
by  reason  of  sin,  we  are  full  of  filthiness  and  deformity  in  flesh 
and  spirit,  clothed  with  filthy  garments,  and  overspread  from 
the  head  to  the  foot  with  wounds  and  putrefaction.  It  is  only 
the  holy  word  of  God  which  maketh  us  clean  from  our  filthi- 
ness, and  from  all  our  pollutions.  By  the  washing  of  water, 
by  the  word,  Christ  sanctlfieth  us  ;  that  he  might  present 
unto  himself  a  glorious  church,  not  having  spot,  or  wrinkle ; 
that  it  might  be  holy  and  without  blemish,  Eph.  v.  27.  And 
therefore  the  apostle,  St.  Peter,  exhorteth  christian  women 
to  adorn  the  inner  man  of  the  heart  with  the  "  ornament  of  a 
meek  and  quiet  spirit,  which  is  in  the  sight  of  God"(whose  pure 
eye  they  ought  rather  to  please  than  the  wanton  eye  of  man) 
"  of  great  price,"  1  Pet.  iii.  3,  4.  And  the  truth  hereof  may 
be  proved  even  from  the  practice  of  hypocrites  themselves ; 
for  no  man  will  counterfeit  villanies,  and  make  a  show  of  the 
vices,  which  Indeed  he  hath  not,  except  he  be  desperately 
thereunto  swayed  by  an  humour  of  pleasing  his  wicked  com- 

This  point  will  more  distinctly  appear,  if  we  consider 
either  the  author,  nature,  properties,  or  operations  of  this 

1.  The  author  is  God  himself  by  his  Spirit.  "  The  very 
God  of  peace  sanctify  you  wholly,"  salth  the  apostle,  and  "  the 
God  of  peace  make  you  perfect  to  do  his  will,"  1  Thess.  v. 


23;  Heb.  xili.  20,21.  Therefore  the  Spirit  is  called  a 
"  Spirit  of  holiness,"  by  the  power  whereof  Christ  rising  from 
the  dead  was  "  declared  to  be  the  Son  of  God  ;"  to  note  the 
answerableness  between  raising  from  the  dead,  or  giving  life 
where  there  was  none  before,  and  the  sanctification  of  a  sinner, 
Rom.  i.  4.  Therefore  the  apostle  calleth  it  the  "  renewing  of 
the  Holy  Ghost,"  and  the  forming  of  Christ  in  us,  the  quick- 
ening and  creating  us  to  good  works.  Tit.  iii.  5  ;  Gal.  iv.  19; 
Eph.  ii.  5,  10.  By  all  which  we  may  note,  that  what  beauty 
the  creation  brought  upon  that  empty  and  unshaped  chaos, 
when  it  was  distributed  into  this  orderly  frame  which  we  now 
admire  ;  or  what  beauty  the  re-union  of  a  living  soul  unto  a 
dead  and  ghastly  body  doth  restore  unto  it ;  the  same  beauty- 
doth  holiness  bring  unto  the  soul  of  a  man  which  was  filthy 
before.  But  yet  further  we  must  note,  that  God  did  not  make 
man  as  other  ordinary  creatures,  for  some  low  and  inferior  use, 
(and  yet  Solomon  saith  that  they  were  made  ail  beautiful  in 
their  season,)  but  there  was  a  pause,  a  consultation,  a  more 
than  common  wisdom,  power,  and  mercy  revealed  in  the  work- 
manship of  man  :  for  God  made  man  for  his  own  more  peculiar 
delight,  company,  and  communion,  one  whom  he  would  enter 
into  a  more  intimate  league  and  covenant  withal.  "  The 
Lord  hath  set  apart  him  that  is  godly  for  himself  This  peo- 
ple have  I  formed  for  myself;  they  shall  show  forth  my 
praise,"  Psa.  iv.  3;  Isa.  xliii.  21.  I  will  magnify  the  beauty 
of  my  glorious  virtues  in  those  whom  I  have  sanctified  for 
myself.  Thus  we  find  what  perfect  comeliness  the  Lord  hath 
bestowed  upon  his  people,  when  he  entered  into  covenant  with 
them,  and  made  them  his  own  ;  one  which  was  always  to  lean 
OH  his  bosom,  and  to  stand  in  his  own  presence,  Ezek.  xvi. 
8,  14.  The  church  is  the  Lord's  own  house,  a  temple  in  the 
which  he  will  dwell  and  walk ;  it  is  his  throne,  in  which  he  sitteth 
as  our  Prince  and  Lawgiver.  And  in  this  regard  it  must  needs  be 
extraordinarily  beautiful ;  "for  the  Lord  will  beautify  the  place 
of  his  sanctuary,  and  will  make  the  place  of  his  feet  glorious," 
Isa.  Ix.  13.  Now  then,  if  by  holiness  we  are  made  God's 
building,  and  that  not  as  the  rest  of  the  world  is,  for  his  crea- 
tures to  inhabit,  but  as  a  temple  for  himself  to  dwell  in,  as  a 
gallery  for  himself  to  walk  and  refresh  himself  in,  certainly 
holiness,  which  is  the  ornament  and  engraving  of  this  temple, 
must  needs  be  a  glorious  thing,  for  there  is  much  glory  and 
wisdom  in  all  God's  works. 

2.  If  we  consider  the  nature  of  holiness,  it  must  needs  be 


very  beautiful.  In  general  it  consists  in  a  relation  of  confor- 
mity, as  all  goodness,  save  that  of  God  doth  ;  for  no  creature 
is  so  absolute  as  to  have  its  being  from  itself,  and  therefore  its 
goodness  cannot  consist  in  anything  which  hath  its  original 
in  itself.  It  is  the  rule  and  end  which  denominateth  the 
goodness  of  any  created  thing ;  that  therefore  which  ought 
not  to  work  for  its  own  end,  ought  not  to  work  by  its  own 
rule,  for  he  who  is  lord  of  an  end  must  needs  be  lord  of  the 
means  and  directions  which  lead  unto  that  end.  And  this  is 
indeed  the  ground  of  all  sin,  when  men  make  themselves,  their 
own  will,  wit,  reason,  or  resolutions,  to  be  the  spring  and 
fountain  of  all  their  actions :  therefore,  sin  is  called  our 
"  own  ways,"  and  the  "  lusts  of  our  own  hearts,"  and  our 
"  own  counsels,"  because  it  is  absolutely  from  ourselves,  and 
hath  no  constituted  rule  to  moderate  and  direct  it.  It  is  im- 
possible for  any  creature,  as  it  comes  out  of  God's  hands^  to 
be  without  a  law,  or  to  be  an  original  law  unto  itself:  for  as 
he  who  hath  none  over  him  cannot  possibly  be  subject  unto 
any  law,  inasmuch  as  a  law  is  but  the  declaration  of  a  supe- 
rior's will,  what  he  requires  to  be  done,  and  what  he  threat- 
eneth  on  default  thereof  to  inflict,  so  he  who  is  under  the 
wisdom  and  ends  of  another  must  needs  likewise  be  subject 
to  the  laws  which  his  will  prescribes  for  advancing  and  com- 
passing his  own  ends,  who,  if  he  be  in  his  own  nature  and 
ends  most  holy,  must  needs  be  holy  in  the  laws  which  he 
enacts.  By  all  which  we  may  observe,  that  holiness  con- 
sisteth  in  conformity  ;  so  that  according  to  the  excellency  of 
the  pattern  whereunto  it  refers,  so  is  the  measure  of  its  beauty 
to  be  conjectured.  And  the  pattern  of  our  holiness  is  God 
himself,  "  Be  ye  holy,  as  your  Father  which  is  in  heaven  is 
holy."  Other  creatures  have  some  prints  and  paths  of  God 
in  them,  and  so  are  all  beautiful  in  their  time ;  but  man  had 
the  image  of  God  created  in  him  ;  his  will  was  set  up  in  our 
hearts  as  a  law  of  nature,  most  pure,  right,  holy,  good,  wise, 
and  perfect ;  and  that  law  did  bear  the  same  relation  to  man's 
life  as  his  soul  doth  unto  his  members,  to  animate,  form,  and 
organize  every  motion  of  the  heart,  every  word  of  the  mouth, 
every  action  of  the  soul  and  body,  according  unto  the  will  of 
God.  When,  after  this,  man  threw  away  this  image,  and  God 
was  pleased  in  mercy  again  to  renew  holiness  in  him,  he  did 
it  again  by  another  pattern,  or  rather  the  same  exhibited  in 
another  manner.  He  made  him  then  conformable  to  the 
image  of  his  Son,  the  heavenly  Adam,  who  is  himself  the 


image  of  the  invisible  God,  the  express  character  of  his 
Father's  brightness,  the  Sun  of  righteousness,  the  Morning 
Star,  the  Light  of  the  world,  the  fairest  of  ten  thousand  :  so  that 
compare  holiness  with  the  first  original  draught  thereof  in 
paradise,  the  nature  of  Adam  as  it  came  new  out  of  God's 
fashioning ;  or  with  the  law  of  God  written  in  his  heart ;  or 
with  the  holiness  of  God,  of  which  it  was  a  ray  shining 
into  the  soul ;  or  image  of  God  with  itself  in  Christ  the 
Second  Adam,  and  every  way  holiness  in  its  nature  consists 
in  a  conformity  and  commensuration  to  the  most  beautiful 

3.  If  we  consider  some  of  the  chief  properties  of  holiness, 
we  shall  find  it  in  that  regard  likewise  very  beautiful. 

(1.)  Rectitude  and  uprightness,  sincerity  and  simplicity  of 
heart.  "  God  hath  made  man  upright ;  but  they  have  sought 
out  many  inventions,"  Eccles.vii.  29  ;  that  is,  have  sought  up 
and  down  through  many  turnings  and  by-ways  to  satisfy 
crooked  affections.  It  was  David  s  prayer,  "  Make  thy  way 
straight  before  my  face,"  Psa.  v.  8 ;  and  it  is  the  apostle's 
instruction,  "  Make  straight  paths  for  your  feet,  lest  that  which 
is  lame  be  turned  out  of  the  way,"  Heb.  xii.  13.  True  ho- 
liness is  a  plain  and  an  even  thing,  without  falsehood,  guile, 
perverseness  of  spirit,  deceitfulness  of  heart,  or  starting  aside. 
It  hath  one  end,  one  rule,  one  way,  one  heart ;  whereas  hypo- 
crites are  in  the  Scripture  called  double-minded  men,  because 
they  pretend  to  God,  and  follow  the  world.  Jam.  i.  8 ;  and 
crooked  men,  like  the  swelling  of  a  wall,  whose  parts  are  not 
perpendicular,  nor  level  to  their  foundation,  Deut.  xxxii.  .5. 
Now,  rectitude,  sincerity,  and  singleness  of  heart  are  ever  in 
the  eyes  of  God  and  man  a  beautiful  thing. 

(2.)  Harmony  and  uniformity  within  itself.  The  philoso- 
pher saith  of  a  just  man  that  he  is  like  a  dice,  which  is  every 
way  even  and  like  itself;  turn  it  how  you  will,  it  falls  upon  an 
equal  bottom.  And  so  holiness  keeps  the  heart  like  itself  in 
all  conditions  ;  as  a  watch,  though  altogether  it  may  be  tossed 
up  and  down  with  the  agitation  of  him  that  carrieth  it  about 
him,  yet  that  motion  doth  no  way  perturb  the  frame,  or  dis- 
order the  workings  of  the  spring  and  wheels  within  :  so,  though 
the  man  may  be  many  vv^ays  tempted  and  disquieted,  yet  the 
frame  of  his  heart,  the  order  of  his  affections,  the  government  of 
the  spirit  within  him,  are  not  thereby  stopped,  but  holdeth  on  in 
the  same  tenor.  We  know  in  the  body,  if  any  part  do  exceed 
the  due  proportion,  it  destroys  the  beauty  and  acceptableness 


of  the  rest.  Symmetry  and  fitness  of  the  parts  unto  one 
another  is  that  which  commends  a  body.  Now  hoHness  con- 
sisteth  in  this  proportion,  there  is  in  it  an  exactness  of  obedi- 
ence, an  equal  respect  unto  all  God's  commandments,  an 
hatred  of  every  false  way,  a  universal  work  upon  the  whole 
spirit,  soul  and  body,  a  supply  made  unto  every  joint,  a  mea- 
sure dispensed  unto  every  part ;  not  a  grace  due  unto  christian 
integrity  which  is  not  in  some  proportion  fashioned  in  a  man. 
He  that  leaves  any  one  faculty  of  his  soul  neglected,  or  atny 
one  part  of  the  service  or  law  of  God  disobeyed,  (I  speak  of  a 
total  and  constant  neglect,)  is  undoubtedly  a  hypocrite,  and 
disobeys  all.  Jam.  ii.  10,  11.  As  David  with  a  Httle  stone 
slew  Goliath,  because  his  forehead  was  open;  so  can  our 
enemy  easily  deal  with  us,  if  he  observe  any  faculty  naked  and 
neglected.  The  actual  and  total  breach  of  any  one  command- 
ment, (total  I  mean,  when  the  whole  heart  doth  it,  though 
perhaps  it  doth  execute  not  all  the  obliquity  which  the  compass 
of  the  sin  admits,)  is  an  implicit,  habitual,  interpretative,  and 
conditional  breach  of  all :  his  soul  stands  alike  disaffected  to  the 
holiness  of  every  commandment,  and  he  would  undoubtedly 
adventure  on  the  breach  of  this,  if  such  exigencies  and  condi- 
tions as  misguided  him  in  the  other  should  thereunto  as 
strongly  induce  him.  He  that  hath  done  any  one  of  these 
abominations,  hath  done  all  these  abominations  in  God's  ac- 
count, Ezek.  xviii.  10 — 13.  There  being  in  a  christian  man 
a  suitable  life  and  vigour  of  hohness  in  every  part,  and  a  mu- 
tual conspiring  of  them  all  in  the  same  ways  and  ends,  there 
must  needs  likewise  be  therein  an  excellent  beauty. 

(3.)  Growth  and  further  progress  in  these  proportions  :  for 
it  is  not  only  uprightness  and  symmetry  of  parts,  which 
causeth  perfect  beauty  and  comeliness,  but  stature  likewise. 
Now  holiness  is  a  thriving  and  growing  thing.  The  word  is 
seed,  and  the  Spirit  is  rain,  and  the  Father  is  an  husbandman, 
and  therefore  the  life  of  Christ  is  an  abounding  life,  John  x. 
10.  The  rivers  of  the  Spirit  of  grace  spring  up  unto  eternity, 
John  vii.  37,  38.  All  who  are  Christ's,  grow  up  unto  the 
point  of  perfection  which  it  becometh  them  to  have  in  him, 
even  "  unto  the  measure  of  the  stature  of  the  fulness  of 
Christ,"  Eph.  iv.  12,  13.  The  meaning  of  the  apostle  is, 
that  Christ  is  not  always  an  infant  in  us  as  when  he  is  first 
formed,  but  that  he  doth  '■'■  grandescere  in  Sanctis"  as  Mus- 
culus  well  expresseth  it ;  that  he  groweth  up  still  unto  the  sta- 
ture of  a  man :  for  wheresoever  there  is  faith  and  holiness, 



there  is  ever  generated  an  appetite  for  augmentation.  Faith 
is  of  a  growing,  and  charity  of  an  abounding  nature,  2  Thess. 
i.  3.  By  the  word  of  truth,  as  by  incorruptible  seed,  we  were 
begotten ;  and  by  the  same  word,  as  by  the  sap  and  milk,  are 
we  nourished  and  grow  up  thereby.  This  affection  holiness 
ever  works,  as  it  did  in  the  disciples,  "  Lord,  increase  our 
faith,"  Luke  xvii.  5  ;  and  in  David,  "  Strengthen,  O  God, 
that  which  thou  hast  wrought  for  us,"  Psa.  Ixviii.  28. 

(4.)  Besides  the  rectitude,  harmony,  and  maturity  which 
is  in  holiness,  there  is  another  property,  which  maketh  the 
beauty  thereof  surpass  all  other  beauty,  and  that  is  indeficiency. 
The  measure  of  Christ  must  be  the  rule  of  our  growth  ;  but 
Christ  never  was  overtaken  by  old  age  or  times  of  declining  ; 
he  never  saw  corruption :  so  we  must  proceed  from  strength 
to  strength,  like  the  sun  to  the  perfect  day,  but  there  is  no 
sinking  or  setting  of  holiness  in  the  heart.  They  that  are 
planted  in  God's  house  do  still  bring  forth  fruit  in  their  old 
age,  and  are  even  then  fat  and  flourishing,  Psa.  xcii.  14. 
"  Though  our  outward  man  perish,  yet  the  inward  man  is  re- 
newed day  by  day,"  2  Cor.  iv.  16.  Our  holiness  is  a  branch 
of  the  life  of  Christ  in  us,  which  doth  never  of  itself  run  into 
death,  and  therefore  is  not,  agreeably  to  its  nature,  liable  to 
decay :  for  that  is  nothing  but  an  earnest,  beginning,  and 
assurance  of  death.  "  That  which  waxeth  old,"  saith  the 
apostle,  "  is  ready  to  vanish  away,"  Heb.  viii.  13/ 

5.  If  we  consider  the  operation  of  holiness,  that  likewise 
will  evidence  the  beauty  thereof ;  for  it  hath  none  but  gracious 
and  honourable  effects.  It  filleth  the  soul  with  joy,  comfort, 
and  peace.  All  joy,  unspeakable  and  glorious  joy,  peace, 
quietness,  assurance,  songs,  and  everlasting  joy.  It  maketh 
the  blind  see,  the  deaf  hear,  the  lame  leap,  the  dumb  sing,  the 
wilderness  and  parched  ground  to  become  springs  of  water. 
It  entertaineth  the  soul  with  feasts  of  fatted  things,  and  of 
refined  wines,  and  carrieth  it  into  the  banquetting  house  unto 
apples  and  flagons.  It  giveth  the  soul  a  dear  communion 
with  God  in  Christ,  a  sight  of  him,  an  access  unto  him,  a 
boldness  in  his  presence,  an  admission  into  most  holy  delights 
and  intimate  conferences  with  him  in  the  galleries  of  love.  In 
one  word,  it  gathers  the  admiration  of  men,  it  secures  the  pro- 
tection of  angels,  and,  which  is  argument  of  more  beauty  than 
all  the  creatures  in  the  world  have  besides,  it  attracteth  the 
eye  and  heart,  the  longings  and  ravishments,  the  tender  com- 
passions and  everlasting  delights  of  the  Lord  Jesus. 


I  have  insisted  on  these  properties  of  hoHness,  which  denote 
inward  beauty,  because  all  the  graces  of  the  Spirit  do  beautify 
inherently.  But  the  word  properly  signifies  outward  adorn- 
ing, by  a  metaphor  of  rich  apparel,  expressing  the  internal 
excellency  of  the  soul:  which  notes  unto  us  two  things 

1.  That  the  people  of  Christ  are  not  only  sanctified  within, 
but  have  interest  in  that  unspotted  holiness  of  Christ,  where- 
with they  are  clothed  as  with  an  ornament.  So  the  priests  of 
God  are  said  to  be  "  clothed  with  righteousness,"  Psa.  cxxxii. 
9 ;  and  we  are  said  to  "  put  on  Christ,"  Gal.  iii.  27.  And 
the  righteousness  of  Christ  is  frequently  compared  to  long 
white  robes,  fit  to  cover  our  sins,  to  hide  our  nakedness,  and 
to  protect  our  persons  from  the  wrath  of  God,  Rev,  iii.  18  ; 
iv.  4  ;  vi.  11;  vii.  9 ;  so  that  to  the  eye  of  his  justice  we  ap- 
pear, as  it  were,  parts  of  Christ ;  as  when  Jacob  wore  Esau's 
garment,  he  was  as  Esau  to  his  father,  and  in  that  relation 
obtained  the  blessing.  God  carrieth  himself  towards  us  in 
Christ,  as  if  we  ourselves  had  fulfilled  all  righteousness  ;  as  if 
there  were  no  ground  of  contest  with  us,  or  exception  against 
us.  And  this  is  indeed  the  "  beauty  of  holiness  ;"  the  model, 
prototype,  and  original  of  all  beauty. 

2.  From  the  metaphorical  allusion  (as  it  is  usually  under- 
stood) it  notes  unto  us  likewise,  that  all  the  people  of  Christ 
are  priests  unto  God,  to  offer  up  sacrifices  acceptable  unto 
him  by  Jesus  Christ,  1  Pet.  ii.  5.  They  have  all  the  privi- 
leges and  the  duties  of  priests.  To  approach  unto  God,  we 
have  liberty  "  to  enter  into  the  holiest  by  the  blood  of  Jesus," 
Heb.  x.  19 ;  to  consult  and  have  communion  with  him,  to 
be  his  remembrancers  ;  for  as  his  Spirit  is  his  remembrancer 
unto  us,  "  he  shall  bring  all  things  to  your  remembrance,  what- 
soever r  have  said  unto  you,"  John.  xiv.  26  ;  so  is  he  our 
remembrancer  unto  God,  to  put  him  in  mind  of  his  mercy  and 
promises,  to  make  mention  of  him,  and  to  give  him  no  rest. 
To  know  and  propagate  his  truth  ;  this  was  the  office  of  the 
priest,  to  be  the  keeper  of  knowledge,  and  to  teach  it  unto  others : 
and  this  knowledge  in  the  gospel  doth  overflow  the  earth,  and 
make  every  man,  in  a  spiritual  sense,  a  priest,  an  instructor, 
and  edifier  of  his  brother.  To  offer  to  him  such  sacrifices  as  he 
now  delighteth  in  :  the  sacrifices  of  thanksgiving,  the  sacrifices 
of  a  broken  and  contrite  spirit,  the  sacrifices  of  praise,  con- 
fession, good  works,  and  mutual  communicating  unto  one 
another :  in  one  word,  the  sacrificing  of  a  man's  whole  self, 



to  be  consecrated  as  a   kind  of  first  fruits  unto  God,  being 
sanctified  by  the  Holy  Ghost. 

We  see  then  that  hohness  is  the  badge  of  Christ's  subjects; 
they  are  called  the  people  of  his  holiness,  Isa.  Ixiii.  18. 
Israel  was  "  holiness  unto  the  Lord,"  and  the  first  fruits  of 
his  increase  consecrated  unto  him  and  his  service  as  a  kind  of 
first  fruits.  The  livery  of  Christ's  servants  is  a  parcel  of  the 
same  Holy  Spirit  with  which  his  own  human  nature  was 
clothed.  All  the  vessels  and  ministerial  instruments  of  the 
tabernacle  were  anointed  with  the  holy  oil;  and  the  house  of 
the  Lord  was  an  house  of  holiness ;  to  signify,  that  every 
christian  should  be  sanctified  by  the  Spirit  of  God,  because  he 
is  a  temple  ;  and  every  member,  because  it  is  a  vessel  and  instru- 
ment for  the  Master's  use.  The  Spirit  of  holiness  is  that 
vyhich  distinguisheth,  and  as  it  were,  marketh  the  sheep  of 
Christ  from  the  wicked  of  the  world:  "Ye  were  sealed  with  the 
Holy  Spirit  of  promise,"  Eph.  i.  13  :  "Ye  have  not  received 
the  spirit  of  the  world,  but  the  Spirit  which  is  of  God," 
1  Cor.  ii.  12.  Holiness  setteth  us  apart  for  God's  service,  for 
his  presence  and  fruition  ;  protecteth  and  privilegeth  us  from 
the  wTath  to  come,  in  the  day  when  he  shall  separate  between 
the  precious  and  the  vile,  and  make  up  his  jewels :  without 
this  no  man  can  either  serve,  or  see,  or  escape  God ;  either  do 
his  will,  enjoy  his  favour,  or  decline  his  fury.  All  our  services 
w  ithout  this  are  but  dross ;  and  who  would  thank  that  man 
for  his  service,  who  with  wonderful  officiousness  should  bring 
nothing  but  heaps  of  dross  into  his  house  ?  If  a  man  could 
pour  out  of  his  veins  rivers  of  blood,  and  offer  up  every  day  as 
many  prayers  as  thoughts  unto  God,  if  his  eyes  were  melted 
into  tears,  and  his  knees  hardened  into  horn  with  devotion ; 
yet  all  this,  if  it  be  not  the  fruit  of  holiness,  but  of  will-wor- 
ship, or  superstition,  or  opinion  of  merit  and  righteousness, 
it  is  but  as  dross  in  God's  sight  ?  "  Wherefore  liest  thou 
upon  thy  face?  there  is  an  accursed  thing  in  the  midst  of 
thee,"  Josh.  vii.  10,  VS.  Whatever  sin  thy  conscience  tells  thee 
lieth  next  thy  heart,  and  warms  it,  so  that  thou  art  unwilling  to 
part  from  it,  take  heed  of  bringing  it  into  God's  presence,  or 
provoking  him  with  thy  services  ;  for  he  will  cast  them  back  into 
thy  face.  "  What  hath  my  beloved  to  do  in  mine  house,  seeing 
she  hath  wrought  lewdness  with  many  ?  Wliat  hast  thou  to 
do  to  take  my  covenant  in  thy  mouth,  seeing  thou  hatest  in- 
struction ?  Who  hath  required  this  at  your  hand  to  tread  in  my 
courts  ?  Bring  no  more  vain  oblations  ;  incense  is  an  abomina- 


tion  unto  me,"  Jer.xi.  15  ;  Psa.  1. 16,  17  ;  Isa.  i.  12,  13.  Until 
a  man  put  away  the  evil  of  his  doings,  and  cleanse  himself,  all 
his  worship  of  God  is  but  mocking  of  him,  and  profaning  his 
ordinances.  In  vain  did  the  mariners  pray  while  Jonah  was 
in  the  ship  ;  in  vain  did  Joshua  intercede  while  the  accursed 
thing  was  in  the  camp.  A  man  shall  lose  all  which  he  hath 
wrought  in  God's  worship,  and  have  neither  thanks  nor  re- 
ward for  it,  so  long  as  he  harboureth  any  unclean  affection  in 
his  heart,  and  will  not  yield  to  part  from  it.  Any  sin  which 
wasteth  the  conscience,  (as  every  great  presumptuous  sin  doth 
in  whomsoever  it  is,)  unqualifieth  that  person  for  the  kingdom 
of  heaven.  Grace  maketh  a  believer  sure  of  salvation,  but  it 
doth  not  make  him  reckless  or  secure  in  living ;  though  there 
be  not  an  extinguishment,  yet  there  is  a  suspension  of  his 
right  upon  any  black  and  notorious  fall,  that  a  man  must  not 
dare  to  lay  claim  to  heaven,  that  hath  dared  in  a  presumptuous 
manner  to  provoke  the  Lord.  Our  hoHness  is  not  the  cause 
of  our  salvation,  but  yet  it  is  the  way  thereunto ;  he  who,  by 
any  wasting  and  presumptuous  sin,  putteth  himself  out  of  that 
way,  must  by  repentance  turn  into  it  again,  before  he  can  hope 
to  find  out  heaven  ;  for  "  without  holiness  no  man  shall  see 
the  Lord."  He  who  is  an  hundred  miles  from  his  own  house, 
notwithstanding  his  propriety  thereunto,  shall  yet  never  ac- 
tually enter  therein,  till  he  have  travelled  over  the  right  way 
which  leads  unto  it.  There  is  an  order,  from  first  to  last,  in 
the  salvation  of  men  ;  many  intermediate  passages  between 
their  vocation  and  their  glory:  justification,  repentance,  and 
sanctification,  as  a  scale  or  ladder  between  earth  and  heaven. 
He  who  falls  from  his  holiness  and  purity  of  conscience, 
though  he  be  not  quite  down  the  ladder,  hath  the  whole  work 
to  begin  again,  as  much  as  ever  ;  yea,  doubtless  he  shall  never 
get  to  the  top  till  he  recover  the  step  from  which  he  fell. 

And  if  in  this  case  it  be  true,  that  the  righteous  shall 
scarcely  be  saved,  oh  then,  where  shall  that  man  appear  whom 
God  at  the  last  shall  find  without  this  garment  and  seal  upon 
him  I  And  therefore  we  should  labour  to  go  to  God's  throne 
with  our  garments  and  our  mark  upon  us ;  for  all  other  en- 
dowments, our  learning,  our  honours,  our  parts,  our  prefer- 
ments, our  earthly  hopes  and  dependencies,  will  not  follow  us, 
but  we  shall  live  to  see  them,  or  the  comforts  of  them,  depart. 
Ahithophel  had  wisdom  like  an  oracle  of  God,  but  he  lived  to 
see  it  bid  him  quite  farewell ;  for  he  died  like  a  very  fool,  or 
child,  who  when  he  may  not  have  his  own  will,  will  be  re- 


venged  upon  himself.  Haman  had  more  honour  than  the  am- 
bition of  a  subject  usually  aspires  unto,  and  yet  he  lived  to  see 
it  bid  him  farevvell,  and  died  the  basest  death  which  himself 
could  devise  for  his  most  hated  and  despised  enemy.  Jehoia- 
kim,  a  king,  lived  to  see  his  crown  take  its  leave,  and  was 
buried  with  the  burial  of  an  ass,  and  dragged  like  carrion  out 
of  the  gates  of  the  city.  There  will  be  nothing  at  last  left 
for  any  man  to  cast  his  trust  upon,  but  God,  or  angels,  or  our 
fellows  ;  and  if  then  God  be  agauist  us,  though  all  which  re- 
mains were  on  our  side,  alas !  what  is  a  handful  of  stubble  to  a 
world  full  of  fire  !  But  yet  there  will  not  be  that  advantage,  but 
the  combat  must  be  single  between  God  and  a  sinner.  The 
good  angels  rejoice  to  do  God's  will,  and  the  wicked  will  re- 
joice to  do  man  any  mischief ;  these  will  be  only  ready  to 
accuse,  and  those  to  gather  the  wicked  together  unto  the  wrath 
of  him  that  sitteth  on  the  throne.  Oh  !  what  would  a  man 
give  then  for  that  holiness  which  he  now  despiseth  !  what 
covenants  would  such  a  man  be  content  to  subscribe  unto,  if 
God  would  then  show  him  mercy  when  the  court  of  mercy  is 
shut  up  !  Wouldst  thou  return  to  the  earth,  and  live  there 
a  thousand  years  under  contempt  and  persecution  for  my  ser- 
vice ?  O  yes,  not  under  thy  service  only,  but  under  the  rocks 
and  mountains  of  the  earth,  so  that  I  may  be  hid  from  the  face 
of  the  Lamb.  Wilt  thou  be  content  to  go  to  hell  and  serve  me 
there  a  thousand  years  in  the  midst  of  hellish  torments,  and 
the  reviling  of  damned  creatures  ?  O  yes,  infinitely  better  would 
it  be,  even  in  hell,  to  be  thy  servant  than  thine  enemy.  Wilt  thou 
revenge  every  oath  with  a  year  of  prayers,  every  bribe  of  cor- 
ruption with  a  treasury  of  aims,  every  vanity  with  an  age  of 
preciseness  ?  Yes,  Lord,  the  severest  of  thy  commands  to 
escape  but  the  smallest  of  thy  judgments.  Oh  !  let  us  be  wise 
for  ourselves ;  there  shall  be  no  such  easy  conditions  then 
proposed  when  it  will  be  impossible  to  observe  them ;  and 
there  are  now  far  easier  proposed,  when  we  are  invited  to  ob- 
serve them. 

Again ;  from  hence  we  learn,  that  none  will  be  willing  to 
come  unto  Christ  till  they  see  beauty  in  his  service,  which,  with 
a  carnal  eye,  they  cannot  do ;  for  naturally  the  heart  is  pos- 
sessed with  much  prejudice  against  it,  that  the  way  of  religion, 
in  that  exactness  which  the  word  requires,  is  but  the  phantasm 
of  more  sublimated  speculations  ;  a  mere  notional  and  airy 
thing,  which  hath  no  being  at  all,  but  in  the  wishes  of  a  few 
men,  who  fancy  unto  themselves  the  shape  of  a  church,  as 


Xenophon  did  of  a  prince,  or  Plato  of  a  commonwealth.  And 
therefore,  though  with  their  tongues  they  do  not,  yet  in  their 
hearts  men  are  apt  to  lay  aside  that  rigour  and  exactness 
which  the  Scripture  requires,  namely,  to  pull  out  our  right  eyes, 
to  cut  off  our  right  hands,  to  hate  father  and  mother,  and  wife 
and  lands,  and  our  own  life ;  to  deny  ourselves,  to  cross  our 
own  desires,  to  mortify  our  earthly  members ;  to  follow  the 
Lamb  through  evil  report  and  good  report,  through  afflictions 
and  persecutions,  and  manifold  temptations  whithersoever  he 
goeth  ;  to  war  with  principaHties  and  powers,  and  spiritual 
wickednesses  ;  to  acquaint  ourselves  with  the  whole  counsel  of 
God,  and  the  like ;  and  instead  thereof  to  resolve  upon  cer- 
tain more  tolerable  maxims  of  their  own  to  go  to  heaven  by ; 
certain  mediocrities  between  piety  and  profaneness,  wherein 
men  hope  to  hold  God  fast  enough,  and  yet  not  to  lose  either 
the  world,  or  their  sinful  lusts.  This  is  a  certain  and  con- 
fessed truth,  that  the  spirit  which  is  in  us  by  nature,  is  con- 
trary to  the  Spirit  of  purity  and  power  which  is  in  the  word  ; 
and  therefore,  the  universal  and  willing  submission  of  the  heart 
unto  this,  must  needs  find  both  many  antipathies  within,  and 
many  discouragements  and  contempts  without.  Christ  was 
set  up  for  a  sign  of  contradiction  to  be  spoken  against,  and 
that  in  the  houses  of  Israel  and  Judah ;  and  as  it  was  then, 
so  is  it  now,  even  in  Abraham's  family,  in  the  household  and 
visible  church  of  Christ,  they  that  are  of  the  flesh  persecute 
those  that  are  after  the  Spirit :  Christ  had  never  greater  ene- 
mies than  those  which  professed  his  name.  This  is  one  of 
the  sorest  engines  Satan  hath  against  his  kingdom,  to  make  it 
appear  in  the  eyes  of  men  as  a  despicable,  contemptuous,  and 
unbeautiful  thing.  And  therefore,  no  man  comes  under 
Christ's  government  till  that  prejudice,  by  manifest  evidence  of 
the  Spirit,  be  removed.  And  for  this  reason  the  ways  of 
Christ  are  set  forth  as  beautiful,  even  under  crosses  and  afflic- 
tions. "  I  am  black"  with  persecution,  with  the  beating  of 
the  sun  upon  me,  but  yet  I  am  "  comely,  O  ye  daughters  of 
Jerusalem,"  Cant.  i.  5.  When  the  watchmen  smote  the 
church,  and  wounded  her,  and  took  away  her  veil,  yet  still  she 
acknowledged  Christ,  for  whose  sake  she  suffered  these  perse- 
cutions, to  be  "white  and  ruddy,  the  chiefest  among  ten  thou- 
sand,"Cant.  v.  7,  10  :  and  the  same  opinion  hath  Christ  of  his 
church,  though  she  be  afflicted  and  tossed  with  tempest,  yet 
he  esteemeth  of  her  as  of  a  beautiful  structure.  "How  fair  and 
how  pleasant  art  thou,  O  love,  for  delights  !"  Isa.  liv.  11,  12 ; 

272  Christ's  subjects  are  numerous. 

Cant.  iv.  1,  7.  And  this  is  that  we  should  all  endeavour  to 
show  forth  in  a  shining  and  unblamable  conversation,  the 
beauty  of  the  gospel,  that  the  enemies  may  have  no  occasion 
from  any  indiscretions,  affectations,  unnecessary  reservedness, 
deformities,  ungrounded  scrupulosities,  over-worldly  affec- 
tions, or  any  other  miscarriages  of  those  who  profess  not  the 
name  only,  but  the  power  of  religion,  to  blaspheme  or  fling  off 
from  a  way,  against  which  they  have  such  prejudices  offered 
them ;  for  all  that  which  the  faithful  have  common  with  the 
world,  shall  yet  be  sure  to  be  charged  upon  their  profession  by 
wicked  men,  who  have  not  either  reason  or  charity  enough  to 
distinguish  between  God's  rule,  and  man's  error.  "  Submit 
yourselves,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  to  every  ordinance  of  man  for 
the  Lord's  sake,  for  so  is  the  will  of  God,  that  with  well 
doing  ye  may  put  to  silence  the  ignorance  of  foolish  men," 
1  Pet.  ii.  13 — 15 ;  for  this  is  certain,  the  ignorance  of  foolish 
men  will  not  so  much  lay  the  blows  upon  your  persons,  as 
upon  that  truth  and  religion  which  you  profess,  when  you 
needlessly  withstand  any  such  ordinances  as  you  might  without 
sin  obey. 

V.  The  last  thing  observed  in  this  verse,  was  the  multitudes 
of  Christ's  subjects,  and  the  manner  of  their  birth ;  "  From 
the  womb  of  the  morning :  thou  hast  the  dew  of  thy  youth." 
Thy  children  are  born  in  as  great  abundance  unto  thee,  as  the 
dew  which  falleth  from  the  morning  womb. 

From  whence  we  may  note, — That  Christ  in  the  day  of  his 
power,  in  the  morning  of  his  church,  had  multitudes  of  chil- 
dren born  unto  him.  This  promise  the  Lord  made  to  Abra- 
ham, and  it  is  not  to  be  limited  to  his  children  after  the  flesh, 
but  to  his  children  of  promise,  that  his  seed  should  be  as  the 
stars,  and  as  the  dust  for  multitude.  Gen.  xxii.  17  ;  xxviii.  14. 
And  the  prophet  applies  that  promise  to  Israel  by  promise, 
when  those  after  the  flesh  should  be  dispersed  and  become  no 
people ;  "  Yet,"  saith  the  prophet,  "  the  number  of  the  chil- 
dren of  Israel  shall  be  as  the  sand  of  the  sea  which  cannot 
be  measured  nor  numbered,"  Hos.  i.  10  ;  meaning  the  Israel 
of  God  amongst  the  gentiles.  Thus  the  faithful  are  said  to 
flock  like  doves  unto  their  windows,  and  to  swell  into  a  sea  of 
great  waters,  an  hundred  and  four  and  forty  thousand,  with  an 
innumerable  company  more,  all  sealed  and  standing  before 
the  Lamb,  Isa.  Ix.  8 ;  Rev.  vii.  4,  9. 

Now,  this  was  in  the  day  of  small  things,  in  the  time  when 
Christ  first  bent  abroad  his  armies  and  the  rod  of  his  strenorth 

Christ's  subjects  are  numerous.  273 

into  the  world.  Before  this,  God  suffered  men  to  walk  in  their 
own  ways ;  yea,  in  his  own  lifetime  Christ  forbad  his  disciples 
to  enter  into  the  cities  of  the  Samaritans,  or  the  gentiles.  And 
he  promised  them  that  they  should  do  greater  works  than  he 
him.self  had  done,  because  he  went  unto  his  Father,  John  xiv. 
12 ;  for  when  he  ascended  up  on  high,  he  then  led  captivity 
captive  ;  he  triumphed  over  that  ignorance  and  thraldom  under 
which  the  world  was  held,  and  gave  gifts  of  his  Spirit  unto 
men  of  all  sorts  in  abundance  ;  visions  to  the  young,  dreams 
to  the  aged,  and  his  gracious  Spirit  unto  all.  We  never  read 
of  so  many  converted  by  Christ's  personal  preaching,  (which 
was  indeed  but  the  beginning  of  his  preaching,  for  it  is  the 
Lord  which  speaketh  from  heaven  still,)  as  by  the  ministry  of 
his  apostles  :  he  thereby  providing  to  magnify  the  excellency 
of  his  spiritual  presence,  against  all  the  carnal  superstitions  of 
those  men  who  seek  for  an  invisible,  corporeal  presence  of 
Christ  on  the  earth,  charmed  down  out  of  heaven  under  the 
lying  shapes  of  separated  accidents ;  and  who  cannot  be 
content  with  that  all-sufficient  Remembrancer,  which  himself 
hath  promised  to  his  church,  John  xiv.  26,  except  they  may 
have  others,  and  those  such  as  the  holy  Scriptures  every 
where  disgraceth  as  teachers  of  lies  and  vanity,  the  crucifixes 
and  images  of  their  own  erecting :  therein  infinitely  derogating 
from  that  all-sufficient  provision  which  the  Lord  in  his  word 
and  sacraments  (the  only  living  and  full  images  of  Christ  cru- 
cified. Gal.  iii.  1,)  hath  proposed  unto  men  as  alone  able  to 
make  them  wise  unto  salvation,  being  opened  and  represented 
unto  the  consciences  of  men,  not  by  human  inventions,  but  by 
those  holy  ordinances  and  offices  which  himself  hath  appointed 
in  his  church,  the  preaching  of  his  word  and  administration 
of  his  sacraments.  And  surely  they  who  by  Moses  and  the 
prophets,  by  that  ministry  which  Christ  after  his  ascension 
did  establish  in  his  church,  do  not  repent,  would  be  no  whit 
the  nearer,  no  more  than  Judas  or  the  pharisees  were,  if  they 
should  see  or  hear  Christ  in  the  flesh.  Therefore,  it  is  ob- 
served after  Christ's  ascension,  that  the  word  of  God  grew 
mightily  and  prevailed,  and  that  there  were  men  daily  added 
unto  the  church,  Acts  xix.  20 ;  ii.  47  ;  that  the  savour  of  the 
gospel  was  made  manifest  in  every  place,  2  Cor..ii.  14  ;  that 
the  children  of  the  desolate  were  more  than  of  the  married  wife, 
Isa.  liv.  1.  Therefore,  the  believers  after  Christ's  ascension 
are  called  "  the  multitude  of  them  that  believed ;  and  multitudes 
both  of  men  and  women  were  added  to  the  Lord,"  Acts  iv, 

274  Christ's  subjects  are  numerous. 

32  ;  V.  14 ;  ten  to  one  of  those  there  were  before.  "  Ten  men 
shall  take  hold  out  of  all  languages  of  the  nations  even  of  the 
skirt  of  him  that  is  a  jew,  saying,  We  will  go  with  you,"  Zech. 
viii.  23  ;  that  is,  shall  take  the  kingdom  of  heaven  by  violence, 
as  Saul  laid  hold  on  the  skirt  of  Samuel's  mantle,  that  he 
might  not  go  from  him. 

The  reason  hereof  is  to  magnify  the  exaltation  and  spiritual 
presence  and  power  of  Christ  in  the  church.  While  he  was 
upon  the  earth  he  confined  his  ordinary  residence  and  personal 
preaching  unto  one  people,  because  his  bodily  presence  was 
narrow,  and  could  not  be  communicated  to  the  whole  world  ; 
for  he  took  our  nature  with  those  conditions  and  limitations 
which  belong  thereunto.  But  his  Spirit  and  power  are  over 
the  whole  church,  by  them  he  walketh  in  the  midst  of  the 
candlesticks.  Christ's  bodily  presence  and  preaching  the  jews 
withstood,  and  crucified  the  Lord  of  glory ;  but  now,  to 
show  the  greatness  of  his  power  by  the  gospel,  he  goes  him- 
self away,  and  leaves  but  a  few  poor  and  persecuted  men  be- 
hind him,  assisted  by  the  virtue  of  his  Spirit,  and  by  them 
wrought  works  which  all  the  world  could  not  withstand.  He 
could  have  published  the  gospel,  as  he  did  the  law,  by  the  mi- 
nistry of  angels ;  he  could  have  anointed  his  apostles  with 
regal  oil,  and  made  them  not  preachers  only,  but  princes,  and 
defenders  of  his  faith  in  the  world.  But  he  rather  chose  to 
have  them  to  the  end  of  the  world  poor  and  despised  men, 
whom  the  world  (without  any  show  of  just  reason  which  can 
be  by  them  alleged)  should  overlook,  and  account  of  as  low 
and  mean  conditioned  men,  that  his  Spirit  might  in  their 
ministry  be  the  more  glorified.  "  God  hath  chosen  the  foolish 
things  of  the  world  to  confound  the  wise  :  and  weak  things  of 
the  world  to  confound  the  things  which  are  mighty ;  and  base 
things  of  the  world,  and  things  which  are  despised,  hath  God 
chosen,  yea,  and  things  that  are  not,  to  bring  to  nought 
things  that  are  :  that  no  flesh  should  glory  in  his  presence,*' 
1  Cor.  i.  27 — 29  ;  and  that  his  own  Spirit  might  have  all  the 
honour  :  therefore,  "  I  was  with  you  in  weakness,"  saith  the 
apostle,  "  and  in  fear,  and  in  much  trembhng,  that  your  faith 
should  not  stand  in  the  wisdom  of  men,but  in  the  power  of  God," 
1  Cor.  ii.  3,  5.  And  again  ;  "We  have  this  treasure  in  earthen 
vessels,  that  the  excellency  of  the  power  may  be  of  God,  and 
not  of  us.  Not  by  might,  nor  by  power,  but  by  my  Spirit 
saith  the  Lord,"  2  Cor.  iv.  7  ;  Zech.  iv.  6.  Thus  we  find, 
tliat  when  the  church  was  most  persecuted,  it  did  then  most 

Christ's  subjects  are  numerous.  275 

grow,  and  in  the  worst  times  it  brought  forth  the  greatest 
Fruit,  to  note  the  power  of  Christ's  kingdom  above  all  the 
attempts  of  men.  "  A  great  door  and  effectual  is  opened 
unto  me,"  saith  the  apostle,  "and  there  are  many  adversaries  ;" 
intimating,  that  the  gospel  of  Christ  had  great  success  when 
it  was  most  resisted.  All  persecutors  (as  St.  Cyprian  observes) 
are  like  Herod ;  they  take  their  times,  and  seek  to  slay  Christ, 
and  overthrow  his  kingdom  in  its  infancy,  and  therefore  at  that 
time  doth  he  most  of  all  magnify  the  power  and  protection  of 
his  Spirit  over  the  same.  Never  were  there  so  many  men 
converted  as  in  those  infant  times  of  the  church,  when  the 
dragon  stood  before  the  woman  ready  to  devour  her  child  as 
soon  as  it  should  be  born.  The  great  potentates  of  the  world, 
which  did  persecute  the  name  of  Christ,  were  themselves  at 
last  thereunto  subjected,  not  by  fighting,  but  by  dying  chris- 
tians. As  a  tree  shaken  sheds  the  more  fruit,  and  a  perfume 
burnt  diffuseth  the  sweetest  savour ;  so  persecuted  Christianity 
doth  the  more  flourish  by  the  power  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  whose 
foolishness  is  wiser,  and  whose  weakness  is  stronger,  than  all 
the  oppositions  and  contradictions  of  men.  But  if  there  be 
such  multitudes  belonging  unto  Christ's  kingdom,  is  not  uni- 
versality, and  a  visible  pomp,  a  true  note  to  discern  the  church 
of  Christ  by  ?  To  this  I  answer,  that  a  true  characteristical 
note  or  difference  ought  to  be  convertible  with  that  of  which 
it  is  made  a  note,  and  only  suitable  thereunto  ;  for  that  which 
is  common  unto  many,  can  be  no  evident  note  of  this  or  that 
particular.  Now,  universality  is  common  to  antichristian, 
idolatrous,  and  malignant  churches.  The  Arian  heresy  in- 
vaded the  world,  and  by  the  imperial  countenance  spread  itself 
into  all  churches.  The  whore  was  to  sit  upon  many  waters, 
which  were  peoples,  and  multitudes,  and  nations,  and  tongues  ; 
the  kings  of  the  earth  were  to  be  made  drunk  with  the  wine 
of  her  fornications,  and  all  nations  to  drink  thereof.  Rev.  xvii. 
2 ;  xviii.  3.  Therefore,  touching  these  multitudes  in  the  church, 
we  are  thus  to  state  the  points :  1.  Consider  the  church  in 
itself,  and  so  it  is  a  very  vast  body ;  but  yet  consider  it  compa- 
ratively with  the  other  more  prevailing  and  malignant  part  of 
the  world,  and  so  it  is  but  a  little  flock  ;  as  many  grains  and 
measures  of  corn  may  lie  hid  under  a  greater  heap  of  chaff. 
2.  The  church  now  is  many,  comparatively  with  the  old 
church  of  the  jews ;  "  More  are  the  children  of  the  desolate 
than  the  children  of  the  married  wife,"  Isa.  liv.  1  ;  but  not 
Gomparatively  with  the  adversaries  of  the  church  in  general. 

"276  Christ's  subjects  are  nUxMerous. 

We  see  of  thirty  parts  of  the  world,  nineteen  are  either  idola- 
trous or  mohammedan,  and  the  other  eleven  serving  Christ  in 
so  different  a  manner  as  if  there  were  many  Christs  or  many 
gospels,  or  many  ways  to  the  same  end.  3.  Though  Christ 
always  have  a  numerous  offspring,  yet  in  several  ages  there  is 
observable  a  different  purity  and  conspicuousness,  according 
to  the  different  administrations  and  breathings  of  the  Spirit 
upon  his  garden.  In  some  ages  the  doctrine  is  more  uncor- 
rupted,  the  profession  and  acceptation  more  universal  than  in 
others.  In  the  apostles'  time  there  were  many  born  unto 
Christ,  by  reason  of  the  more  abundant  measure  of  the  Spirit 
which  was  shed  abroad  upon  them,  Tit.  iii.  6.  In  the  times 
of  the  primitive  persecutions  there  were  many  likewise  born, 
because  God  would  glorify  the  foundations  of  his  church,  and 
the  power  of  his  Spirit  above  the  pride  of  men.  In  the  first 
countenancing  of  it  by  imperial  laws  and  favours,  it  was  very 
general  and  conspicuous,  because  professed  by  the  obedience, 
and  introduced  by  the  power  of  those  great  emperors  whom  the 
world  followed.  But  after  long  peace,  and  after  great  dignities 
had  corrupted  the  minds  of  the  chief  in  the  church,  and  made 
them  look  more  after  the  pomp  than  the  purity  thereof,  the 
mystery  of  iniquity,  like  a  weed,  grew  apace,  and  overspread 
the  corn,  first  abusing,  and  after  that  subjecting  the  power  of 
princes,  and  bewitching  the  kings  of  the  earth  with  its  forni- 

Hence  likewise  we  may  learn  to  acknowledge  God's  mercy 
in  the  worst  times ;  in  those  ages  wherein  the  church  was 
most  oppressed,  many  yielded  themselves  unto  Christ.  The 
woman  was  with  child,  and  was  delivered  even  when  the  dra- 
gon did  persecute  her.  Rev.  xii.  1,4;  and  even  then  God 
found  out  in  the  wilderness  a  place  of  refuge,  defence,  and 
feeding  for  his  church.  As  in  those  cruel  times  of  Arianism, 
when  heresy  had  invaded  the  world,  and  in  those  blind  and 
miserable  ages  wherein  Satan  was  loosed,  God  still  stirred  up 
some  notable  instruments  by  whom  he  did  defend  his  truth, 
and  amongst  whom  he  did  preserve  his  church,  though  they 
were  driven  into  solitary  places,  and  forced  to  avoid  the  as- 
semblies of  heretical  and  antichristian  teachers. 

We  learn  likewise  not  to  censure  persons,  places,  or  times. 
God  had  seven  thousand  in  Israel,  when  Elias  thought  none 
but  himself  had  been  left :  all  are  not  alike  venturous  or  con- 
fident of  their  strength.  Nicodemus  came  to  Christ  by  night, 
and  yet  even  then  Christ  did  not  reject  him.     Therefore  wc 

Christ's  subjects  are  numerous.  277 

must  not  presently  censure  our  neighbours  as  cold  or  dead,  if 
they  discover  not  immediately  the  same  measure  of  courage 
and  public  stoutness  in  the  profession  of  Christ  with  ourselves. 
Some  men  are  by  nature  more  retired,  silent,  unsociable,  unac- 
tive  men  :  some,  by  the  engagement  of  their  places,  persons, 
and  callings,  wherein  they  are  of  more  public  and  necessary 
use  in  the  church,  are  put  upon  more  abundant  caution  and 
circumspection  in  the  moderate  carriage  of  themselves  than 
other  men.  Paul  was  of  himself  very  zealous  and  earnest  in 
that  great  confusion,  when  Gaius  and  Aristarchus  were  dragged 
into  the  theatre,  to  have  gone  in  unto  the  people  in  that  their 
outrage  and  distemper ;  but  the  wisdom  of  the  disciples  and 
some  of  his  chief  friends  is  herein  commended,  that  they  sent 
unto  him,  desiring  him  that  he  would  not  adventure  into  the 
theatre,  and  that  they  suffered  him  not,  Acts  xix.  30,  31. 

Again ;  we  have  from  hence  an  encouragement  to  go  on  in 
the  ways  of  Christ,  because  we  go  in  great  and  in  good  com- 
pany :  many  we  have  to  suffer  with  us,  many  we  have  to  com- 
fort and  encourage  us.  As  the  people  of  Israel  when  they 
went  solemnly  up  to  meet  the  Lord  in  Zion,  went  on  from 
troop  to  troop  ;  the  further  they  went,  the  more  company  they 
were  mixed  with,  all  going  to  the  same  purpose,  Psa.  Ixxxiv. 
7  :  so  when  the  saints  go  towards  heaven  to  meet  the  Lord 
there,  they  do  not  only  go  unto  an  "  innumerable  company  of 
angels,  and  just  men,"  but  they  meet  with  troops  in  their  way, 
to  encourage  one  another,  Heb.  xii.  22,  23.  All  the  discou- 
ragement that  Elias  had  was,  that  he  was  alone  ;  but  we  have 
no  such  plea  for  our  unwillingness  to  profess  the  truth  and 
power  of  religion  now.  We  are  not  like  a  lamb  in  a  wide 
place,  without  comfort  or  company ;  but  we  are  sure  to  have 
an  excellent  guard  or  convoy  unto  Christ's  kingdom.  And 
this  use  the  apostle  makes  of  the  multitudes  of  believers,  that 
we  should  by  so  great  a  cloud  of  witnesses,  be  the  more  en- 
couraged in  our  patient  running  of  that  race  which  is  set  be- 
fore us,  Heb.  xii.  L 

Lastly ;  it  should  teach  us,  to  love  the  multitudes,  the  as- 
semblies, and  the  communion  of  the  saints ;  to  speak  often  to 
one  another  ;  to  encourage  and  strengthen  one  another  ;  not  to 
forsake  the  assembling  of  ourselves  together  as  the  manner  of 
some  is ;  to  concur  in  mutual  desires  ;  to  conspire  in  the  same 
holy  thoughts  and  affections  ;  to  be  of  one  heart,  of  one  soul, 
of  one  judgment ;  to  walk  by  one  and  the  same  rule ;  to  besiege 
Heaven    with    armies  of    united    prayers ;    to    be    mutually 


serviceable  to  the  city  of  God,  and  to  one  another  as  fellow 
members.  Therefore  hath  the  Lord  given  unto  men  several 
gifts,  and  to  no  one  man  all,  that  thereby  we  might  be 
enabled  and  induced  to  work  together  unto  one  end,  and  by 
love  to  unite  our  several  graces  for  the  edification  of  the  body 
of  Christ,  Eph.  iv.  11—13. 

Now,  for  the  manner  of  producing  or  procuring  these  mul- 
titudes, it  is  set  forth  unto  us  in  two  metaphors, — a  womb, 
and  the  dew  of  the  morning.  Now,  first,  the  birth  of  dew  is  of 
heavenly  birth.  That  which  is  exhaled  is  an  earthly  vapour, 
but  the  heavenly  operation  changeth  it  into  dew ;  no  art  of 
man  is  able  to  do  it.  It  is  also  undiscerned  and  secret ;  when 
it  is  fallen  you  may  see  it,  but  how  it  is  made  you  cannot  see. 
Again ;  it  is  a  sudden  birth,  in  a  night  or  morning  it  is  both 
begotten  and  brought  forth.  Here  then  we  have  four  obser- 
vations : 

1.  That  all  Christ's  subjects  are  withal  his  children.  They 
are  born  unto  him.  Christianity  is  a  birth  ;  "  Except  a  man 
be  born  again,  he  cannot  see  the  kingdom  of  God,"  John 
iii.  3.  There  is  a  Father.  Christ  is  our  Father  by  generation  ; 
"  Behold,  I  and  the  children  whom  the  Lord  hath  given  me," 
Isa.  viii.  18  ;  as  we  are  his  brethren  by  adoption  ;  "  He  is  not 
ashamed  to  call  us  brethren,"  Heb.  ii.  1 1.  There  is  a  mother ; 
"  Jerusalem,  which  is  the  mother  of  us  all,"  Gal.  iv.  26. 
And  there  are  subordinate  instruments,  both  of  one  and  other, 
the  holy  apostles,  evangelists,  doctors,  and  pastors,  who  there- 
fore are  sometimes  called  fathers  begetting  us  ;  "In  Christ  Jesus 
I  have  begotten  you  through  the  gospel,"  1  Cor.  iv.  15 ;  and 
sometimes  mothers  bearing  and  bringing  forth  ;  "  Of  whom  I 
travail  in  birth  again  until  Christ  be  formed  in  you,"  Gal.  iv. 
19.  There  is  a  holy  seed  out  of  which  these  children  of 
Christ  are  formed  ;  namely,  "  the  word  of  God,  which  liveth 
and  abideth  for  ever,"  1  Pet.  i.  23.  For  the  heart  of  a  man 
new  born  unto  Christ  cometh  from  the  word  as  a  paper  from 
the  press,  or  as  a  garment  from  a  perfume,  transformed  into 
that  quality  of  spiritualness  and  holiness  which  is  in  the  word. 
There  is  a  formative  virtue,  which  is  the  energy  and  concur- 
rence of  the  Spirit  of  grace  with  the  word  ;  for  the  truth  is 
not  obeyed  but  by  the  Spirit ;  "Except  a  man  be  born  of 
water  and  of  the  Spirit,"  (water  as  the  seed,  and  the  Spirit  as 
the  formative  virtue  quickening  and  actuating  that  seed,)  "  he 
cannot  enter  into  the  kingdom  of  God,"  John  iii.  5.  There 
is  a  new  being  or  nature  ;  a  corruption  of  our  old  man,  and  a 


formation  of  the  new  :  "Old  things  are  passed  away ;  behold 
all  things  are  become  new,"  2  Cor.  v.  17.  The  same  holy 
nature,  the  same  mind,  judgment,  will,  affections,  motions,  de- 
sires, dispositions,  the  Spirit,  produces  in  us  which  were  in  him  ; 
"  He  that  hath  this  hope  purifieth  himself,  even  as  he  is  pure  ; 
as  he  is,  so  are  we  in  this  world,"  1  John  iii.  3  ;  iv.  17.  Pa- 
tient, as  he  is  patient,  Heb.  xii.  2,  3  ;  holy,  as  he  is  holy, 
1  Pet.  i.  15  ;  humble,  as  he  is  humble,  IJohn  xiii.  14  ;  com- 
passionate, as  he  is  compassionate,  Col.  iii.  12  ;  loving,  as 
he  is  loving,  Eph.  v.  2  :  in  all  things  labouring  to  show  Christ 
fashioned  in  our  nature,  and  in  our  affections.  There  is  a 
new  conversation  answerable  to  our  new  nature  ;  that  as  God 
is  good  in  himself,  and  doth  good  in  his  works,  Psa.  cxix.  68, 
so  we  both  are  as  Christ  was,  1  John  iv.  17,  and  walk  as  he 
walketh,  1  John  ii.  6.  There  is  new  food  and  appetites  there- 
unto suitable.  A  desire  of  the  sincere,  immediate,  untem- 
pered,  uncorrupted  milk  of  the  word,  as  it  comes  with  all  the 
spirits  and  life  in  it,  that  we  may  grow  thereby.  New  privi- 
leges and  relations  ;  the  Son  of  God,  the  brethren  of  Christ, 
the  citizens  of  heaven,  the  household,  of  the  saints.  New 
communion  and  society ;  the  fellowship  of  the  Father  and  the 
Son  by  the  Spirit ;  fellowship  with  the  holy  angels,  for  we 
have  their  love,  their  ministry,  their  protection ;  fellowship 
with  the  "  spirits  of  just  men  made  perfect,"  by  the  seeds  and 
beginnings  of  the  same  perfection,  by  the  participation  of  the 
same  Spirit  of  holiness,  by  expectance  of  the  same  glory  and 
final  redemption. 

In  the  mean  time,  then,we  should  "walk  as  children  of  light," 
Eph.  V.  8  ;  or,  as  it  is  here,  as  "  children  of  the  morning."  The 
day  is  given  us  to  work  in,  and  therefore  in  the  morning,  as 
soon  as  we  have  our  day  before  us,  we  should  endeavour  to 
walk  honestly.  Night-works  are  commonly  works  of  un- 
cleanness,  violence,  dishonour,  and  therefore  want  a  cover  of 
darkness  to  hide  them.  Thieves  use  to  come  in  the  night, 
1  Thess.  v.  2.  "  The  eye  of  the  adulterer  waiteth  for  the  twi- 
light, saying.  No  eye  shall  see  me,  and  disguiseth  himself,"  Job 
xxiv.  15.  "  In  the  twilight,  in  the  evening,  in  the  black  and 
dark  night,"  he  goeth  to  the  house  of  the  strange  woman, 
Prov.  vii.  9.  The  oppressor  diggeth  through  houses  in  the 
dark  ;  "  for  the  morning  is  to  them  even  as  the  shadow  of 
death,"  Job  xxiv.  16,  17.  "  They  that  be  drunken  are 
drunken  in  the  night,"  1  Thess.  v.  7.  Sins  are  of  the  nature 
of  some  sullen  weeds,  which  will  grow  nowhere  but  in  the  side 


of  wells  and  of  dark  places.  But  works  of  Christianity  are 
neither  unclean  nor  dishonourable ;  they  are  beautiful  and 
royal  works,  they  are  exemplary,  and  therefore  pubHc  works  ; 
they  are  themselves  light ;  "  Let  your  light  so  shine  before 
men  ;"  and  therefore  they  ought  to  be  done  in  the  light. 

If  we  be  children,  we  should  express  the  affections  of  chil- 
dren. The  innocency,  humility,  and  dove-Hke  simplicity  of 
little  children ;  as  the  sons  of  God,  blameless,  pure,  and 
without  rebuke,  Phil.  ii.  15.  Children  in  mahce,  though 
men  in  understanding.  The  appetite  of  little  children  ;  "  As 
new  born  babes,  desire  the  sincere  milk  of  the  word,  that  ye 
may  grow  thereby,"  1  Pet.  ii.  2,  3.  In  all  impatiency  the  breast 
will  pacify  a  little  infant ;  in  all  other  delights  the  breast  will 
entice  it,  and  draw  it  away  :  ever  so  should  the  word  and  wor- 
ship of  God  work  upon  us  in  all  our  distempers,  and  in  all  our 
deviations.  Christ  was  hungry  and  faint  with  fasting ;  it  was 
about  the  sixth  hour,  and  he  had  sent  his  disciples  to  buy 
meat,  and  yet  having  an  occasion  to  do  his  Father  service  he 
forgat  his  food,  and  refused  to  eat,  John  iv.  6  ;  viii.  34.  The 
love  of  children  ;  he  that  is  begotten  loveth  him  that  did  beget 
him,  1  John  v.  1.  With  a  love  of  thankfulness  ;  "We  love 
him,  because  he  first  loved  us,"  1  John  iv.  19.  "  I  love  the 
Lord,  because  he  hath  heard  my  voice  and  my  supplications," 
Psa.  cxvi.  1.  With  a  love  of  obedience  ;  "  Faith  worketh  by 
love,"  Gal.  V.  6.  "  Love  is  the  fulfilling  of  the  law,"  Rom. 
xiii.  10.  "  If  a  man  love  me,  he  will  keep  my  words,"  John 
xiv.  23.  With  a  love  of  reverence  and  awful  fear ;  "  A  son 
honoureth  his  father,"  Mai.  i.  6.  "  If  ye  call  on  the  Father, — 
pass  the  time  of  your  sojourning  here  in  fear,"  1  Pet.  i.  17. 
The  faith  of  children  ;  for  whom  should  the  child  rely  on  for 
maintenance  and  support  but  the  father  ?  '*  Take  no  thought, 
saying.  What  shall  we  eat  ?  or,  What  shall  we  drink  ?  or, 
Wherewithal  shall  we  be  clothed  ?  for  your  heavenly  Father 
knoweth  that  ye  have  need  of  all  these  things,"  Matt.  vi.  31, 
32.  The  hope,  assurance,  and  expectation  of  children  ;  for 
as  children  depend  on  their  parents  for  present  supply,  so  for 
portions  and  provisions  for  the  future :  fathers  lay  up  for  their 
children,  and  so  doth  God  for  his.  "  There  is  an  inheritance 
reserved  for  us,"  1  Pet.  i.  4.  Lastly  ;  the  prayers  and  requests 
of  children ;  "Because  ye  are  sons,  God  hath  sent  forth  the 
Spirit  of  his  Son  into  your  hearts,  crying,  Abba,  Father," 
Gal.  iv.  6. 

2.  The  birth  of  a  christian  is  a  Divine  and  heavenly  work. 


God  is  both  father  and  mother  of  the  dew  :  by  his  power  and 
wisdom  a  father  ;  by  his  providence  and  indulgence  a  mother. 
Therefore  he  is  so  called  in  Clem.  Alex.  *'Metripaier;'  to  note, 
that  those  causalities  which  are  in  the  second  agents  divided, 
are  eminently  and  perfectly  in  him  united,  as  all  things  are  to 
be  resolved  into  a  first  unity.  "  Hath  the  rain  a  father  ?  or 
who  hath  begotten  the  drops  of  dew?"  saith  Job.  "  Out  of 
whose  womb  came  the  ice  ?  and  the  hoary  frost  of  heaven, 
who  hath  gendefedit?"  Job  xxxviii.  28,  29.  None  but  God 
is  the  parent  of  the  dew ;  it  doth  not  stay  for  nor  expect  any 
human  concurrence,  or  causality,  Mic.  v.  7  ;  Isa.  Iv.  10. 
Such  is  the  call  and  conversion  of  a  man  to  Christ ;  a  hea- 
venly calling,  Heb.  iii.  1 ;  the  operation  of  God  in  us,  Col.  ii. 
12 ;  a  birth,  "  not  of  blood,  nor  of  the  will  of  the  flesh,  nor 
of  the  will  of  man,  but  of  God,"  John  i.  13.  Paul  may  plant, 
and  Apollos  may  water,  but  it  is  God  that  must  bless  both  ; 
nay,  it  is  God  who  by  them,  as  his  instruments,  doth  both : 
"  Of  his  own  will  begat  he  us,"  Jam.  i,  18.  The  ministers 
are  "  a  savour  of  Christ,"  2  Cor.  ii.  15.  It  is  not  the  gar- 
ment, but  the  perfume  in  it,  which  diffuseth  a  sweet  scent : 
it  is  not  the  labour  of  the  minister,  but  Christ  whom  he 
preacheth,  that  worketh  upon  the  soul.  "  I  laboured  more 
abundantly  than  they  all :  yet  not  I,  but  the  grace  of  God 
which  was  with  me,"  1  Cor.  xv.  10. 

It  is  not  good,  therefore,  to  have  the  faith  of  God  in  respect 
of  persons  ;  the  seed  of  this  spiritual  generation  cannot  other- 
wise be  given  us  than  in  earthen  vessels,  by  men  of  like  pas- 
sions and  infirmities  with  others.  Therefore,  when  pure  and 
good  seed  is  here  and  there  sown,  to  attribute  anything  to 
persons,  is  to  derogate  from  God.  Where  gifts  are  fewer,  parts 
meaner,  probabilities  less,  God  may  and  often  doth  give  an 
increase  above  hope,  as  in  the  case  of  Daniel's  pulse  ;  that  the 
excellency  of  the  power  may  be  of  him,  and  not  of  man. 
Though  it  be  a  lame  or  a  leprous  hand  which  soweth  the  seed, 
yet  the  success  is  no  way  altered.  Good  seed  depends  not  in 
its  growth  on  the  hand  that  sows  it,  but  on  the  earth  that 
covers,  and  on  the  heavens  that  cherish  it :  so  the  word  bor- 
roweth  not  its  efficacy  from  any  human  virtue,  but  from  the 
heart  which  ponders,  and  the  Spirit  which  sanctifies  it. 

When  then  thou  comest  unto  the  word,  come  with  affections 
suitable  unto  it.  All  earth  will  not  bear  all  seed ;  some 
wheat,  and  some  but  pulse :  there  is  first  required  a  fitness, 
before  there  will  be  a  fruitfulness*     Christ  had  many  things 


to  teach,  which  his  disciples  at  the  time  could  not  carry  away, 
because  the  Comforter  was  not  then  sent,  who  was  to  lead 
them  into  all  truth,  John  xvi.  12, 13.  They  who  by  use  have 
their  senses  exercised,  are  fit  for  strong  meat,  Heb.  v.  14. 
The  truth  of  the  gospel  is  a  heavenly  truth,  and  therefore  it 
requires  a  heavenly  disposition  of  heart  to  prosper  it.  It  is 
wisdom  to  those  that  are  perfect,  though  to  others  foolishness 
and  offence,  1  Cor.  ii.  6.  The  only  reason  why  the  word  of 
truth  doth  not  thrive,  is,  because  the  heart  is  not  fitted  nor 
prepared  unto  it.  The  seed,  of  itself,  is  equal  unto  all  grounds, 
but  it  prospers  only  in  the  honest  and  good  heart ;  the  rain  is 
in  itself  alike  unto  all,  but  of  no  virtue  to  the  rocks  as  to 
other  ground,  by  reason  of  their  inward  hardness  and  inca- 
pacity. The  pharisees  had  covetous  hearts,  and  they  mocked 
Christ ;  the  philosophers  had  proud  hearts,  and  they  scorned 
Paul.  The  jews  had  carnal  hearts,  and  they  were  offended  at 
the  gospel ;  the  people  in  the  wilderness  had  unbelieving 
hearts,  and  the  word  preached  did  not  profit  them.  But  now, 
a  heavenly  heart  comes  with  the  affections  of  a  scholar,  to  be 
taught  by  God ;  with  the  affections  of  a  servant,  to  be  com- 
manded by  God  ;  with  the  affections  of  a  son,  to  be  educated 
by  God  ;  with  the  affections  of  a  sinner,  to  be  cured  by  God. 
It  considers  that  it  is  the  Lord  from  heaven,  who  speaks  in 
the  ministry  of  the  word  to  him  that  is  but  dust  and  ashes ; 
and  therefore  he  puts  his  hand  on  his  mouth,  dares  not  reply 
against  God,  nor  wrestle  with  the  evidence  of  his  Holy  Spirit, 
but  falleth  upon  his  face,  and  giveth  glory  unto  God ;  believes 
when  God  promiseth,  trembles  when  God  threateneth,  obeys 
when  God  commandeth,  learns  when  God  teacheth,  bringeth 
always  meekness  and  humility  of  spirit,  ready  to  open  unto 
the  word  that  it  may  incorporate. 

From  hence  we  must  learn  to  look  unto  God  in  every  ordi- 
nance, to  expect  his  arm  and  Spirit  to  be  therein  revealed, 
to  call  on,  and  depend  on  him  for  the  blessing  of  it.  If  a  man 
could,  when  he  enters  into  God's  house,  but  pour  out  his  heart 
in  these  two  things ;  a  promise,  and  a  prayer :  Lord,  I  am 
now  entering  into  thy  presence,  to  hear  thee  speak  from  hea- 
ven unto  me,  to  receive  thy  rain  and  spiritual  dew  which  never 
returneth  in  vain,  but  ripeneth  a  harvest  either  of  corn  or 
weeds,  of  grace  or  judgment.  My  heart  is  prepared,  O  Lord, 
my  heart  is  prepared,  to  learn  and  to  love  any  of  thy  words. 
Thy  law  is  my  counsellor,  I  will  be  ruled  by  it ;  it  is  my 
physician,  I  will  be  patient  under  it ;  it  is  my  schoolmaster, 


I  will  be  obedient  unto  it.  But  who  am  I,  that  I  should  pro- 
mise any  service  unco  thee  ?  and  who  is  thy  minister  that  he 
should  do  any  good  unto  me,  without  thy  grace  and  heavenly 
call  ?  be  thou  therefore  pleased  to  reveal  thine  own  Spirit 
unto  me,  and  to  work  in  me  that  which  thou  requirest  of 
me ; — I  say,  if  a  man  should  come  with  such  sweet  prepara- 
tions of  heart  unto  the  word,  and  could  thus  open  his  soul 
when  this  spiritual  manna  falls  down  from  heaven,  he  should 
find  the  truth  of  that  which  the  apostle  speaketh,  "  Ye  are 
not  straitened  in  us,"  or  in  our  ministry,  we  come  unto  you 
with  abundance  of  grace ;  but  ye  are  straitened  only  in  your 
own  bowels  ;  in  the  hardness,  unbelief,  incapacity,  and  negli- 
gence of  your  own  hearts,  which  receiveth  that  in  drops,  which 
falleth  down  in  showers. 

3.  As  it  is  a  Divine,  so  it  is  a  secret  and  undiscerned  birth. 
As  "  the  wind  bloweth  where  it  listeth,  and  thou  hearest  the 
sound  thereof,  but  canst  not  tell  whence  it  cometh,  and 
whither  it  goeth :  so,"  saith  our  Saviour,  "  is  every  one 
that  is  born  of  the  Spirit,"  John  iii.  8.  The  voluntary 
breathings  and  accesses  of  the  Spirit  of  God  unto  the  soul, 
whereby  he  cometh  mightily,  and  as  it  were  clotheth  a  man 
with  power  and  courage,  are  of  a  very  secret  nature  ;  and  not- 
withstanding the  power  thereof  be  so  great,  yet  there  is 
nothing  in  appearance  but  a  voice ;  one  of  the  most  empty 
and  vanishing  things.  As  dew  falls  in  small  and  insen- 
sible drops,  and  as  a  child  is  born  by  slow  and  undiscerned 
progresses,  as  the  prophet  David  saith,  "I  am  fearfully 
and  wonderfully  made,"  Psa.  cxxxix.  14;  such  is  the 
birth  of  a  christian  unto  Christ,  by  a  secret,  hidden,  and  in- 
ward call ;  a  high  calling,  as  St.  Austin  calleth  it.  By  a  deep 
and  intimate  energy  of  the  Spirit  of  grace  Christ  is  formed, 
and  the  soul  organized  unto  a  spiritual  being.  A  man  hears 
a  voice,  but  it  is  behind  him,  he  seeth  no  man ;  he  feels  a 
blow  in  that  voice,  which  others  take  no  notice  of,  though  ex- 
ternally they  hear  it  too-.  Therefore  it  is  observable,  that  the 
men  who  were  with  Paul  at  his  miraculous  conversion,  are 
in  one  place  said  to  hear  a  voice,  Acts  ix.  7,  and  in  another 
place,  not  to  have  heard  the  voice  of  him  that  spake  unto 
Paul,  Acts  xxii.  9.  They  heard  only  a  voice,  and  so  were 
only  astonished  ;  but  Paul  heard  it  distinctly  as  the  voice  of 
Christ,  and  so  was  converted. 

4.  As  it  is  a  Divine  and  secret,  so  is  it  likewise  a  sudden 
birth.      In    human  actions,   great    workr.    move  like   great 


engines,  slowly  and  by  leisure  to  their  maturity  :  but  in  spiritual 
generations,  children  are  born  unto  Christ  like  dew,  which  is 
exhaled,  conceived,  formed,  produced,  and  all  in  one  night. 
Paul,  to-day  a  wolf,  to-morrow  a  sheep  ;  to-day  a  persecutor,  to- 
morrow a  disciple,  and  not  long  after  an  apostle  of  Christ.  The 
nobleman  of  Samaria  could  see  no  possibility  of  turning  a  famine 
into  a  plenty  within  one  night,  2  Kings  vii.  1,  2  ;  neither 
can  the  heart  of  a  man,  who  rightly  understands  the  closeness 
and  intimate  radication  of  sin  and  guilt  in  the  soul,  conceive 
it  possible  to  remove  either  in  a  sudden  change ;  yet  such  is 
the  birth  of  men  unto  Christ.  The  earth  bringeth  forth  in 
one  day,  and  a  nation  is  born  at  once ;  it  is  spoken  of  Jeru- 
salem the  mother  of  us  all,  Gal.  iv.  26. 




From  the  regal  office  of  Christ,  and  the  administration  thereof 
by  the  sceptre  of  his  word  and  Spirit,  to  the  conquering  of 
willing  people  unto  himself,  the  prophet  now  passeth  to  his 
sacerdotal  office ;  the  vigour  and  merit  whereof  is  by  the  two 
former  applied  unto  the  church.  Therefore  we  may  observe, 
that  though  the  tribes  were  interdicted  confusion  with  one 
another  in  their  marriages,*  Numb,  xxxvi.  7,  yet  the  regal 
and  levitical  tribes  might  interchange  and  minofle  bloods ;  to 
intimate  (as  I  conceive)  that  the  Messiah,  with  relation  unto 
whose  lineage  that  confusion  was  avoided,  was  to  be  both  a 
King  and  a  Priest.  Thus  we  find  Jehoiada  the  priest  married 
Jehoshabeath  the  daughter  of  king  Jehoram,  2  Chron.  xxii. 
1 1  ;  and  Aaron,  of  the  tribe  of  Levi,  took  Elisheba  the 
daughter  of  Aminadab,  who  was  of  the  tribe  of  Judah,  Exod. 
vi.  23  ;  Numb.  i.  7.  In  which  respect  I  suppose  Mary,  and 
EHzabeth,  the  wife  of  Zacharias  the  priest,  are  called  cousins, 
Luke  i.  36.  In  the  law,  indeed,  these  two  offices  were  dis- 
tinct. "  Our  Lord,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  sprang  out  of  Juda; 
of  which  tribe  Moses  spake  nothing  concerning  priest- 
hood," Heb.  vii.  14.  And,  therefore,  when  king  Uzziah  en- 
croached on  the  priest's  office,  he  was  smitten  with  a  leprosy, 
2  Chron.  xxvi.  16 — 21.  But  amongst  the  gentiles,  (amongst 
whom  Melchizedek  is  thought  to  have  been  a  priest,)  it  was 
usual  for  the  same  person  to  have  been  both  king  and  priest. 
The  words  contain  the  doctrine  of  Christ's  priesthood. 
The  quality  of  it,  eternal.  The  order,  not  of  Aaron,  but  of 
Melchizedek.  The  foundation  of  both,  God's  immutable 
decree  and  counsel ;  he  cannot  repent  of  it,  because  he  hath 
confirmed  it  by  an  oath.  I  shall  handle  the  words  in  the 
order  as  they  stand. 

*  Notwithstanding  many  learned  authorities  to  the  contrary,  upon 
more  deliberate  consideration  of  this  matter,  I  conceive  myself  to 
have  been  herein  mistaken,  and  am  rather  persuaded,  that  marriages 
were  lawful  between  several  tribes,  save  only  in  the  case  when  daugh- 
ters did  inherit,  to  avoid  confusion  of  possessions  amongst  the  tribes. 

286  Christ's  priesthood 

"  The  Lord  hath  sworn."  Here  are  two  things  to  be  in- 
quired :  How  God  is  said  to  swear  ?  and  why  he  swears  in 
this  particular  case  of  Christ's  priesthood  ?  The  former  of 
these  the  apostle  resolves  in  one  word,  "  an  oath,"  Heb.  vi. 
17.  He  interposed  in  or  by  an  oath,  namely,  himself;  for 
that  is  to  be  suppHed  out  of  the  thirteenth  verse,  where  it  is 
said  that  he  sware  by  himself.  So  elsewhere  it  is  said,  that 
"  he  sware  by  the  excellency  of  Jacob,"  that  is,  by  himself, 
Amos  viii.  7  ;  vi.  8.  "  By  myself  have  I  sworn,  saith  the 
Lord,  that  in  blessing  I  will  bless  thee,"  Gen.  xxii.  16,  17. 
The  meaning  is,  that  God  should  deny  himself,  (which  he 
cannot  do,  2  Tim.  ii.  13,)  and  should  cease  to  be  God,  if  the 
word  which  he  had  sworn  should  not  come  to  pass.  So  that 
usual  form,  *'  As  I  live,"  is  to  be  understood.  Let  me  not  be 
esteemed  a  living  God  if  my  word  come  not  to  pass.  So 
elsewhere  the  Lord  interposeth  his  holiness  ;  "  I  have  sworn 
by  my  holiness  that  I  will  not  lie  unto  David,"  Psa.  Ixxxix. 
35.     As  impossible  for  him  to  break  his  word  as  to  be  unholy. 

For  the  second  question,  why  God  swears  in  this  particular  ? 
I  answer : 

1.  And  principally,  to  show  the  immutable  and  irreversible 
certainty  of  what  he  speaks,  Heb.  vi.  17.  "I  have  sworn  by 
myself,  the  word  is  gone  out  of  my  mouth,  and  shall  not 
return,"  Isa.  xlv.  23.  Thus  we  find  God  confirming  the  im- 
moveableness  of  his  covenant  by  an  oath,  Isa.  liv.  9,  10 ; 
Psa.  Ixxxix.  34,  35.  When  the  Lord  doth  only  say  a  thing, 
(though  his  word  be  as  certain  in  itself  as  his  oath,  for  it  is  as 
impossible  for  him  to  lie  as  to  forswear  himself,}  yet  there  is 
an  implicit  kind  of  reservation  for  the  altering,  revoking,  or 
reversing  that  word  by  some  subsequent  declarations.  As  in 
the  covenant  and  priesthood  of  Aaron,  though  God  made  it  for 
a  perpetaal  ordinance,  yet  there  was  afterwards  a  change  of  it, 
for  the  weakness  and  unprofitableness  thereof.  So  when  the 
Lord  sent  Jonah  to  preach  destruction  unto  Nineveh  within 
forty  days,  though  the  denunciation  came  not  to  pass,  yet  was 
it  not  any  false  message,  because  it  was  made  reversible  upon 
an  implicit  condition ;  which  condition  the  Lord  is  pleased 
sometimes  in  mercy  to  conceal,  that  men  may  be  the  sooner 
frightened  out  of  their  security,  upon  the  apprehension  of 
approaching  danger.  "  At  what  instant,"  saith  the  Lord, 
"  I  shall  speak  concerning  a  nation,  and  concerning  a  king- 
dom, to  pluck  up,  and  to  pull  down,  and  to  destroy  it :  if  that 
nation,  against  whom  I  have  pronounced,  turn  from  their  evil, 


i  will  repent  of  the  evil  that  I  thought  to  do  unto  them," 
Jer.  xviii.  7,  8.  But  when  the  Lord  swears  any  absolute  act, 
or  promise  of  his  own,  (for  the  revocation  whereof  there  can 
no  other  ground  arise,  than  was  extant  at  the  time  of  making 
it,  and  yet  was  no  bar  or  hinderance  unto  it,  namely  the  sin 
of  man,)  he  then  by  that  oath  seals  and  assures  the  immuta- 
bility thereof,  to  those  that  rely  upon  it. 

2.  It  is  to  commend  the  excellency  and  pre-eminence  of 
that  above  other  things,  which  hath  this  great  seal  of  heaven, 
the  oath  of  God,  to  confirm  and  establish  it.  "  Inasmuch," 
saith  the  apostle,  "  as  not  without  an  oath  he  was  made 
Priest :  by  so  much  was  he  made  a  Surety  of  a  better  testa- 
ment," Heb.  vii.  20,  22  ;  and  this  is  a  consequence  of  the 
former ;  for  by  how  much  the  more  abiding,  by  so  much  the 
more  glorious  is  the  ministry  of  the  gospel.  "  If  that  which 
was  done  away  was  glorious,  much  more  that  which  remaineth 
is  glorious,"  2  Cor.  iii.  11.  The  more  solemn  and  sacred  the 
institution  was,  the  more  excellent  is  the  priesthood.  Now, 
this  oath  was  that  seal  of  God,  by  which  he  designed  and  set 
apart  his  Son  for  that  great  office,  in  a  more  solemn  manner 
of  ordination  than  was  usual  to  others.  "  Him  hath  God 
the  Father  sealed,"  John  vi.  27.  It  was  but  "  He  hath  said," 
unto  others,  "  ye  are  gods ;"  but  it  is  "  The  Father  hath 
sanctified,"  to  his  Son,  John  x.  34,  36. 

3.  It  is  to  commend  God's  great  compassion  and  good  will, 
for  the  establishing  of  the  hearts  of  men  in  comforts  and  as- 
surance. He  therefore  confirmed  his  promise  by  an  oath, 
"  That  by  two  immutable  things,  in  which  it  was  impossible 
for  God  to  lie,  we  might  have  a  strong  consolation,  who  have 
fled  for  refuge  to  lay  hold  upon  the  hope  set  before  us,"  Heb. 
vi.  17,  18.  An  oath,  even  amongst  men,  is  the  end  of  all  con- 
troversy, the  determination  and  composing  of  all  differences ; 
how  much  more  when  he  sets  his  seal  upon  his  mercy  and 
covenant,  should  the  hearts  of  men  be  secure,  and  lay  fast 
hold  thereon  without  doubt  or  scruple  ?  Therefore  we  find 
the  saints,  in  the  Scripture,  make  mention  of  the  oath  of  God, 
for  establishing  their  hearts  against  fears  or  dangers.  "  Thou 
wilt  perform  the  truth  to  Jacob,  and  the  mercy  to  Abraham, 
which  thou  hast  sworn  unto  our  fathers  from  the  days  of  old," 
Micah  vii.  20.  "  Thy  bow  was  made  quite  naked,  according 
to  the  oaths  of  the  tribes,  even  thy  word,"  Hab.  iii.  9 ;  that 
is,  thou  didst  make  it  appear  to  thine  enemies  that  thou  didst 
fight  for  thy  people,  and  remember  thy  word  or  covenant  of 

288  Christ's  priesthood 

mercy  which  thou  didst  swear  unto  Abraham  the  father  of  the 
faithful,  and  so  oftentimes  ratify  it  anew  unto  his  se^d,  the 
tribes  which  proceeded  from  him.  And  this  is  the  ground  of 
all  the  church's  comfort  and  stabiHty ;  for,  alas  !  we  every  day 
deserve  to  have  God  abrogate  his  covenant  of  mercy  with  us, 
but  he  is  mindful  of  the  oath  which  he  hath  sworn,  Deut.  vii. 
7,  8  ;  ix.  5.  There  was  wickedness  enough  in  the  world  to 
have  drawn  down  another  flood  aft€r  that  of  Noah ;  the  same 
reason  that  caused  it,  did  remain  after  it  was  removed.  Gen. 
vi.  12,  13  ;  viii.  21.  But  God's  oath  bound  him  to  his 
mercy,  Isa.  liv.  9. 

The  meaning,  then,  of  this  first  clause  is  this, — The  Lord, 
to  show  the  immutability  of  his  counsel,  the  unchangeable- 
ness  of  Christ's  priesthood,  the  excellency  of  it  above  the 
priesthood  of  Aaron,  and  the  strong  consolation  which  the  saints 
may  therefrom  receive,  hath  sealed  it  by  an  oath ;  so  that  he 
is  a  Priest  by  a  decree  which  cannot  be  revoked. 

It  notes  unto  us  the  solemn  call  of  Christ  unto  the 
office  of  priesthood,  as  before  of  King,  ver.  1.  He  did  not 
usurp  this  honour  to  himself,  as  Nadab  and  Abihu  did,  when 
of  their  own  will  they  offered  strange  fire  unto  the  Lord ;  nor 
encroach  upon  it  as  Uzziah ;  but  he  was  ordained  and  be- 
gotten, and  called  of  God  thereunto,  after  the  order  of  Mel- 
chizedek,  Heb.  v.  5,  10.  He  was  sanctified  and  sent,  and 
had  a  commandment,  and  a  work  set  him  to  do,  John  x.  18, 
36,  37.  In  which  respect  he  was  called  a  servant,  or  a 
chosen  officer  formed  for  a  special  employment,  Isa.  xlii.  1 : 
xhx.  5;  liii.  11  ;  Phil.  ii.  7.  Here  then  is  the  consent  of 
the  whole  Trinity  unto  Christ's  priesthood.  1.  The  Fathers 
consent,  in  his  act  of  ordination  ;  "  For  him  hath  God  the 
Father  sealed,"  John  vi.  27.  "  Thou  art  my  Son,  to  day  have 
I  begotten  thee,"  Heb.  v.  5.  2.  The  Son's,  by  voluntary  un- 
dertaking for  mankind  :  for  he  was  the  Surety  of  the  covenant, 
Heb.  vii.  22.  The  apostle  joineth  these  two  together,  "  Lo, 
I  come  to  do  thy  will,  O  God;"  Heb.  x.  9,  10  :  there  was 
God's  will,  and  Christ's  submission  thereunto,  in  which  re- 
gard he  is  said  to  "  sanctify  himself,"  John  xvii.  19.  There 
was  a  covenant  between  God  and  Christ ;  Christ  was  to  un- 
dertake an  office  of  service  and  obedience  for  men,  to  suffer 
himself  a  sacrifice  for  sin,  to  be  made  of  a  woman  under  the 
law,  &c.  And  for  this  God  was  to  prolong  his  days,  to  give  him 
a  seed,  and  a  generation  that  could  not  be  numbered,  a  king- 
dom which  cannot  be  bounded,  a  portion  with  the  great,  and 


a  spoil  with  the  strong;  a  name  above  every  name,  to  set  a 
joy  and  a  glory  before  him,  after  he  should  have  finished  his 
work,  Isa  hu.  8,  10,  11,  12;  Psa.  n,  7,  8;  Phil.  i,.  7,  9^ 
John  xvii,  2  4  5  ;  Heb.  ii.  8,  9 ;  xii.  2.  3.  Here  is  the  con- 
sent  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  who  did  hereunto  anoint  him,  who 
came  along  with  him,  who  formed  him  in  the  womb  of  the 
virgni,  and  descended  upon  him  in  his  solemn  taking  of  this 
office  in  John  s  baptism,  by  which  Spirit  he  was  consecrated, 
warranted,  and  enabled  unto  this  great  function,  Isa.  Ixi.  1  ' 
xlii.  1 ;  Matt.  iii.  16,  17  ;  Heb.  i.  9.  ' 

If  then  God  call  Christ  unto  his  priesthood  by  a  solemn 
oath,  and  make  him  Surety  of  a  better  covenant,  we  ou^ht  to 
take  the  more  especial  notice  thereof;  for  when  God  swears 
he  must  be  heard.  The  more  excellent  anything  is,  the  more 
earnest^^heed  should  be  given  unto  it;  for  "how  shall  we 
escape,  saith  the  apostle,  "if  we  neglect  so  great  salvation," 
so  sure  a  covenant,  Heb.  ii.  1,  3. 

This  is  the  only  rock  on  which  we  may  cast  anchor  in  any 
trouble,  doubt,  or  fear  of  spirit.     It  is  not  our  own  will  or 
strength  that  holds  us  up  from  ruin,  but  only  God's  oath,  by 
which  Christ  IS  made  a  Priest,  "able  to   save  them  to  the 
uttermost  that  come  unto  God  bv  him."     St.  Paul  and  his 
company  were  in  a  great  tempest,  all  hope  that  they  should 
be  saved  was  taken  away,  Acts  xxvii.  20,  yet  he  exhorts  them 
to  be  ot  good  cheer,  because  there  should  not  be  the  loss  of 
any  mans  hfe  amongst  them;  and   the  ground  thereof  was 
Oods  promise,  which  he  believed,  ver.  24,  25.     The  case  is 
the   same  with  us,  we  are  compassed  about  with  infirmities  • 
with  enemies  too  hard,  and  with  sins  too  heavy  for  us  •  with 
tears  and  doubtings,  that  we  shall  lose  all  again  ;  how  can  we 
in  such  tempests  of  Spirit  be  cheered,  but   only  by  casting 
anchor  upon  God's  covenant,  which  is  established  by  an  oath? 
by  learning  to  hope  above  hope?  Rom.  iv.  18;  to  be  strong 
m  him,  when  we  are  weak  in  ourselves  ?  to  be  faithful  in  him 
when   we  are  fearful  in  ourselves  ?    to  be  stedfast  in  him' 
when  we  stagger  in  ourselves  ?  in  the  midst  of  Satan's  buffets 
and  our  own  corruptions,  to  find   a  sufficiency  in  his  grace 
ab  e  to  answer  and  to  ward  off  all  ?  2  Cor.  xii.  10.      To  catch 
hold  of  his  covenant,  and  to  fly  to  the  hope  that  is  set  before 
us,  as  the  only  refuge  and  sanctuary  of  a  pursued  soul,  when 
we   are  not  able  to  stand  by  ourselves  ?  Isa.  Ivi.  6  ;  Heb  vi 
f\-    J^  ^  ""^'^  ^'^'^  ^^"'S  when  a  man  hath  a  distinct  view 
ot  his  hlthmess  and  guilt,  by  reason  of  sin,  not  to  give  over 

290  Christ's  priesthood 

himself  and  his  salvation  as  desperate  things.  It  is  nothing 
but  icrnorance  and  insensibiUty  which  make  men  presume  of 
the  pardon  of  sin.  In  this  case  then  we  must  consider  God's 
oath  and  covenant  with  his  people. 

1.  Not  to  reject  them  for  their  sins.  "Israel  hath  not 
been  forsaken,  nor  Judah  of  his  God  :  though  their  land  was 
filled  with  sin  against  the  holy  One  of  Israel,"  Jer.  li.  5. 
"  My  people  are  bent  to  backsliding, — yet  I  will  not  execute 
the  fierceness  of  mine  anger,  I  will  not  return  to  destroy 
Ephraim :  for  I  am  God,  and  not  man,"  Hosea  xi.  7,  9. 

2.  Not  always  to  suffer  them  to  lay  under  sin,  but  in  due 
time  to  heal  their  backslidings,  Hosea  xiv.  4.  He  will  not 
only  remove  our  transgressions  from  himself,  but  he  will  re- 
move them  from  us  too ;  and  that  so  far,  as  that  it  shall  be  as 
possible  for  the  east  and  west  to  meet  together,  as  for  a  man 
and  his  sins,  Psa.  ciii.  12.  Though  we  made  him  to  serve 
with  our  sins,  and  wearied  him  with  our  iniquities,  yet  he 
will  not  remember  against  us  our  past  sins,  Isa.  xHii.  25  ; 
neither  will  he  see  against  us  the  sins  which  remain.  Numb, 
xxiii.  21.  Those  he  will  forgive,  and  these  he  will  subdue; 
and  all  this  because  of  his  truth  unto  Jacob,  and  his  mercy 
unto  Abraham,  which  he  sware  unto  our  fathers  from  the  days 
of  old,  Micah  vii.  18 — 20.  He  hath  given  us  ground  for 
both  our  feet  to  stand  upon,  and  holdfast  for  both  our  hands 
to  cleave  unto  :  a  promise  and  an  oath,  "  that  by  two  immu- 
table things,  we  might  have  a  strong  consolation,"  Heb.  vi. 
18.  So  the  apostle  saith,  that  all  the  promises  of  God 
in  Christ  are  "  yea  and  amen :"  yea,  to  note  their  truth  ;  and 
amen,  to  note  their  certainty  and  stability,  being  confirmed  by 
the  oath  of  Christ.  For  so  that  word  may  be  understood, 
either  as  an  oath,  or  at  least  as  a  very  strong  and  confident 
affirmation,  which  is  of  equal  force  and  power  unto  an  oath, 
2  Cor.  i.  20  ;  except  haply  we  will  understand  the  words 
"  nai*  and  "  auto'  to  be  the  same  thing  expressed  in  seve- 
ral tongues  ;  as  Abba,  Pater,  in  other  places,  thereby  noting 
not  only  the  stability,  but  the  universality  of  God's  promises. 

Many  things  there  are  in  this  call  of  Christ  unto  his  office 
to  confirm  this  consolation,  and  upon  which  the  troubled  soul 
may  cast  anchor. 

1.  From  the  Father  he  hath  received  a  command  and  call 
unto  this  service,  and  so  as  a  servant  he  hath  fidelity  ;  for 
God  chooseth  none  but  faithful  servants.  He  was  an  Apostle 
and  High  Priest  sent  to  preach   the  will,  and  to  pacity  the 


wrath  of  God;  and  he  was  "  faithful  to  him  that  appointed  him, 
as  Moses  was,"  Heb.  iii.  2.  And  if  he  be  faithful,  we  may  trust 
him,  for  he  will  do  the  work  which  is  given  him  to  do.  "Faith- 
ful is  he  that  calleth  you,  who  also  will  do  it,"  1  Thess.  v.  24. 

2.  From  himself  there  is  a  voluntary  submission,  whereby 
he  gives  himself  for  his  church,  and  lays  down  his  own  life, 
Eph.  V.  25;  Tit.  ii.  14;  John  x.  11  ;  for  being  of  himself 
equal  with  the  Father,  he  could  not  be  by  him  commanded, 
ordained,  or  over-ruled  to  any  service,  without  a  voluntary 
concurring  to  the  same  decree  ;  emptying  himself  and  taking 
on  him  the  form  of  a  servant ;  making  himself  less  than  his 
Father,  and  in  some  sort  for  awhile  lower  than  the  angels, 
that  so  he  might  be  commanded.  So  that  besides  his  fidelity 
to  rest  on  as  a  servant,  here  is  his  especial  mercy  as  a  con- 
curring agent  in  the  decree,  whereby  he  was  ordained  unto 
this  office :  he  is  not  only  a  faithful,  but  a  merciful  High 
Priest,  to  make  reconciliation  for  the  sins  of  men,  Heb.  ii.  17. 
But  a  man  may,  both  by  his  fidelity  as  a  servant,  and  by  his 
mercy,  as  having  the  same  tender  compassion  with  him  that 
sent  him,  be  willing  to  help  another  out  of  misery,  and  yet 
may  not  be  able  to  effect  his  own  desires  for  want  of  power. 
And  therefore, 

3.  By  the  unction  of  the  Holy  Spirit,  who  proceedeth  from 
the  Father  and  himself;  he  is  said  to  be  sanctified  by  the 
Father,  John  x.  36,  and  to  sanctify  himself,  John  xvii.  19; 
to  have  received  power  and  authority  from  his  Father,  Matt, 
xxviii.  18  ;  John  v.  27  ;  xvii.  2 ;  and  to  have  power  likewise 
within  himself,  John  x.  18.  That  Spirit,  which  for  the  dis- 
charge of  this  office  he  brought  with  him  in  fulness,  and  unto 
all  purposes  of  that  service  into  the  world,  is  a  "  Spirit  of 
power,"  2  Tim.  i.  7,  whereby  he  is  enabled  perfectly  to  save 
all  comers,  Heb.  vii.  25  ;  so  that  unto  his  fidelity  and  mercy, 
here  is  added  ability  likewise. 

4.  As  he  received  an  office  and  a  service,  so  he  received  a 
promise  from  his  Father  hkewise,  which  did  much  encourage 
him  in  this  service.  And  this  promise  is  two-fold.  1.  The 
promise  of  a  great  seed,  which,  by  the  execution  of  his  office, 
he  should  gather  unto  himself ;  and  of  a  great  conquest  over 
all  his  enemies.  God  conferred  this  honour  upon  him,  to  be 
the  King  of  a  mighty  people,  whom  he  should  save  and  sanc- 
tify to  himself.  They  were  given  unto  him,  Psa.  ii.  8 ;  John 
xvii.  6  ;  so  that  unto  his  fidelity,  mercy,  and  power,  here  is 
further  added  a  propriety  to  the  thing  which  he  saves  :  and 


292  Christ's  priesthood  confirmed  by  an  oath. 

who  would  not  use  all  fidelity  in  his  own  business,  all  mercy 
towards  his  own  seed,  all  the  power  he  hath  to  deliver  his  own 
house  from  the  fire?  Christ  was  faithful  "  as  a  Son  over 
his  own  house,  whose  house  are  we,"  Heb.  iii.  6.  2.  There 
was  the  promise  of  a  great  glory  and  crown,  which  the  nature 
he  had  assumed  should  in  his  person  receive  after  the  fulfilling 
®f  his  service.  After  he  had  been  a  little  while  lower  than 
the  angels,  he  was  to  be  crowned  with  glory  and  honour, 
Heb.  ii.  7 ;  and  therefore  we  may  be  sure  that  he  hath  ful- 
filled all  righteousness,  and  done  for  his  church  all  which  he 
was  to  do  upon  the  earth,  because  he  is  gone,  and  we  see  him 
no  more  :  for  his  sufferings  were  to  go  before,  and  his  glory  to 
follow,  1  Pet.  i.  11.  This  is  the  apostle's  argument  why  we 
are  not  in  our  sins,  but  delivered  from  them,  because  Christ  is 
risen,  1  Cor.  xv.  17.  "  Who  is  he  that  condemneth  ?  it  is 
Christ  that  died,  yea  rather,  that  is  risen  again,  who  is  even  at 
the  right  hand  of  God,  who  also  maketh  intercession  for  us," 
Rom.  viii.  34.  And  it  is  his  argument  again,  why  we  ought 
to  hold  fast  our  profession,  and  to  come  boldly  to  the  throne 
of  grace  for  help  in  time  of  need,  because  we  have  a  great 
High  Priest  that  is  passed  into  the  heavens,  Heb.  iv.  14 — 16. 
5.  As  he  had  a  promise  from  the  Father  to  encourage  him, 
so  he  had  a  nature  from  us  to  incline  him  unto  the  execution 
of  his  office.  He  was  made  of  a  woman,  made  like  unto  us 
in  all  things,  sin  only  excepted,  tempted  and  afflicted  as  we 
are  :  and  so  there  are  two  things  which  the  heart  of  a  behever 
may  rest  upon  in  him  in  any  discomforts.  1.  His  sympathy. 
For  besides  his  essential  mercy,  as  he  is  God,  there  was  in  him 
a  mercy  which  he  learned  by  being  like  unto  us.  "  In  all 
things  it  behoved  him  to  be  made  like  unto  his  brethren,  that 
he  might  be  a  merciful  and  a  faithful  High  Priest,  "  Heb.  ii. 
17.  Such  was  his  compassion  towards  the  hunger  of  the 
multitude.  Matt.  xv.  32,  because  he  himself  knew  what  hun- 
ger was,  Matt.  iv.  2 ;  and  such  was  his  compassion  towards 
the  sorrows  of  Mary  and  Martha,  John  xi.  33,  33,  because 
he  himself  was  acquainted  with  grief,  Isa.  liii.  3 ;  and  such  was 
his  compassion  towards  Peter  in  that  state  of  desertion  wherein 
he  lay,  Luke  xxii.  61,  because  he  himself  knew  what  it  was 
to  be  forsaken,  Matt,  xxvii.  46.  And  this  is  the  apostle's 
assurance  that  we  shall  obtain  mercy  and  grace  to  help  in 
time  of  need  ;  because  he  had  a  feehng  of  our  infirmities,  and 
was  tempted,  as  we  are,  Heb.  iv.  15,  16.  2.  His  consan- 
guinity.    He  is  not  ashamed  to  call  us  brethren.    He  is  our 


Goel,  our  Kinsman,  and  therefore  our  Redeemer,  Heh.  ii.  11  : 
Ruth  iii.  9 ;  iv.  4. 

"  And  will   not  repent."     Many   things    God  hath    said, 
which  he  hath  revoked,  as  the  destruction  of  Nineveh,    the 
death  of  Hezekiah,  and  tlie  like  ;  which  implying  a  tacit  con- 
dition, fit  in   the  particular  cases  to  be  concealed ;  upon  the 
varieties  of  that,  God  might  be  said  either  to  persevere,  or  to 
repent,  Jer.  xviii.  7,  8 ;  xxvi.  13,  19.     God  is  ever  most  un- 
changeable in  all  his  ways,  counsels,  and  purposes  ;  they  stand 
for  ever.      Nothing  can  fall  out  to  make  God  more  wise,  more 
merciful,  more  provident,  more  powerful,  than  he  was  before  ; 
and,  therefore,  nothing  can  make  him  truly  to  change  his  will, 
or  to  repent  of  his  former  actions  or  resolutions.     There  is 
with  him  "  no  variableness,  neither  shadow  of  turning.    He  is 
not  a  man  that  he  sliould  repent.     I  the   Lord  change  not," 
Jam,  i.  17  ;  1  Sam.  xv.  29;   Mai.  iii.  6.     Only  in  mercy  unto 
our  weakness  God  condescends  unto  the  manner  of  human 
expressions,  retaining  still  the  stedfastness  of  his  own  work- 
ing, which  receiveth  no  variation  nor  difference  from  the  con- 
tingencies  of  second  causes.     He  speaketh  according  to  our 
capacity,  but  he  worketh  according  to  his  own  counsel ;  so  that 
God  is  then  said  to  repent,  when  that  which  is  once  willed  to 
be,  he  after,  by  the  counsel  of  the  same  will,  causeth  not  to 
be  ;  therein   not  changing  his  own  counsel,  but  only  willing 
the  change  of  the  things,  that  the  same  thing  for  this  period 
of  time  shall  be,  and  then  shall  cease. 

Now  then,  when  not  only  the  counsel  of  God  is  immutable 
in  itself,  but  also  he  hath  ordained  some  law,  covenant,  or 
office,  which  he  will  have  for  ever  to  endure,  without  either 
natural  expiration,  or  external  abolishment,  then  is  God  said 
not  to  repent.  To  apply  this  to  the  present  business ;  the 
apostle,  speaking  of  a  new  covenant  which  is  established  upon 
this  new  priestliood  of  Christ,  (for  the  priesthoods  and  the 
laws  go  both  together ;  the  one  being  changed,  there  is  made 
of  necessity  a  change  of  the  other,  Heb.  vii.  12,)  maketh  the 
introducing  of  this  new  covenant,  which  is  founded  upon  the 
oath  of  God,  to  make  the  preceding  covenant  old  and  transitory  : 
"  In  that  he  saith,  A  new  covenant,  he  hath  made  the  first 
old.  Now  that  which  decayeth  and  waxeth  old  is  ready  to 
vanish  away,"  Heb.  viii.  13.  And  he  saith  peremptorily,  that 
it  was  therefore  disannulled,  because  of  ''  the  weakness  and 
unprofitableness  thereof,"  Heb.  vii.  18  ;  and  this  he  affirmeth 


even  of  the  moral  law ;  that  law,  the  righteousness  whereof 
was  to  be  fulfilled  in  us  by  the  Spirit  of  Christ,  Rom.  viii. 
3,  4 ;  namely,  in  sincerity  and  in  love,  which  are  the  bond  of 
perfection,  and  the  fulfilling  of  the  law.  For  the  full  under- 
standing then  and  applying  the  words  to  the  priesthood  of 
Christ  and  the  law  of  grace,  or  the  second  covenant  there- 
upon grounded,  it  will  be  needful  to  resolve  these  two  ques- 
tions :  1.  Whether  or  not  God  hath  repented  him  of  the  law, 
which  was  the  rule  and  measure  of  the  covenant  of  works  ?  2. 
Upon  what  reasons  or  grounds  the  immutability  of  ihe  second 
covenant  or  law  of  grace  standeth  ? 

1.  For  the  first  of  these,  the  psalmist  telleth  us,  that  the 
commandments  of  God  are  sure,  and  that  "  they  stand  fast 
for  ever  and  ever,"  Psa.  cxi.  7,  8.  And  we  may  note,  that 
the  same  form  of  speech  which  the  Lord  useth  to  show  the 
stability  of  the  new  covenant,  ("  The  mountains  shall  depart, 
and  the  hills  be  removed ;  but  my  kindness  shall  not  depart 
from  thee,  neither  shall  the  covenant  of  my  peace  be  removed, 
saith  the  Lord  that  hath  mercy  on  thee,"  Isa.  liv.  10,)  the 
same  kind  of  form  doth  our  Saviour  use  to  express  the  sta- 
bility of  the  law  ;  "  It  is  easier  for  heaven  and  earth  to  pass, 
than  one  tittle  of  the  law  to  fail,"  Luke  xvi.  17.  Now,  the 
law  hath  a  twofold  obligation ;  the  one  principal,  which  is  to 
obedience,  whereunto  is  annexed  a  promise  of  righteousness, 
or  justification  :  the  other,  secondary  and  conditional,  which  is 
unto  malediction,  upon  supposal  of  disobedience.  For  "  cursed 
is  every  one  which  continueth  not  in  all  things  which  are  written 
in  the  book  of  the  law  to  do  them,"  Gal.  iii.  10.  Now,  if  no 
tittle  of  the  law  must  fail,  then  neither  of  these  two  must  fail, 
but  be  both  fulfilled ;  and  then  it  should  seem  that  the  first 
covenant  is  not  removed  notwithstanding  the  weakness  thereof. 
For  resolving  thereof,  we  must  note,  that  in  point  of  validity 
or  invalidity,  there  can  but  five  things  be  said  of  the  law ;  for 
first,  either  it  must  be  obeyed,  and  that  it  is  not,  "  for  all  have 
sinned,  and  come  short  of  the  glory  of  God,"  Rom.  iii.  23. 
Or,  secondly,  it  must  be  executed  upon  men,  and  the  curse  or 
penalty  thereof  inflicted ;  and  that  it  is  not,  for  "  tliere 
IS  no  condemnation  to  them  that  are  in  Christ,"  Rom.  viii.  1. 
Or,  thirdly,  it  must  be  abrogated,  or  extinguished ;  and  that 
It  IS  not ;  for  heaven  and  earth  must  sooner  pass  away. 
If  there  were  no  law,  there  would  be  no  sin,  for  sin  is  the 
transgression  of  the  law  ;  and  if  there  were  no  law,  there  would 
be  no  judgment;  for  the  world  must  be  judged  by  the  law. 


Or,  fourthly,  it  must  be  moderated  and  favourably  interpreted 
by  rules  of  equity,  to  abate  the  rigour  and  severity  thereof; 
and  that  cannot  be ;  for  it  is  inflexible,  no  jot  nor  tittle 
of  it  must  be  abated.  Or,  lastly,  the  law  itself  remaining, 
the  obligation  thereof  notwithstanding,  must,  towards  such 
or  such  persons,  be  so  far  forth  dispensed  withal,  as  that  a 
surety  shall  be  admitted,  (upon  a  concurrence  of  all  their 
wills,  who  are  therein  interested — God  willing  to  allow, 
Christ  willing  to  perform,  and  man  willing  to  enjoy,)  both  to 
do  all  the  duties,  and  to  suffer  all  the  curses  of  the  law,  in  the 
behalf  of  that  person,  who  in  rigour  should  himself  have  done 
and  suffered  all.  So  then,  neither  the  law,  nor  any  jot  or 
tittle  thereof  is  abrogated,  in  regard  of  the  obligations  therein 
contained,  but  they  are  all  reconciled  in  Christ  with  the  second 
covenant.  Yet,  notwithstanding,  to  the  purpose  of  a  cove- 
nant, or  rule  of  righteousness,  between  us  and  God,  so  he 
hath  repented  of  it,  and  removed  that  office  or  relation  from 
it,  that  righteousness  should  come  to  us  thereby,  by  reason  of 
the  weakness  and  unprofitableness  which  is  in  it  to  that 
purpose  by  the  sin  of  man  :  yet  thus  much  the  law  hath  to  do 
with  justification,  that  the  fulfilling  of  the  whole  law  is  there- 
unto ever  some  way  or  other  presupposed.  Only,  in  the  first 
covenant,  we  were  to  do  it  in  our  own  persons  ;  in  the  second, 
Christ  is  appointed  and  allowed  to  do  it  for  us.  He  fulfilled 
all  the  obligations  of  the  law ;  the  duties  thereof  by  active 
obedience  in  his  life,  and  the  curses  thereof  by  passive  obedi- 
ence in  his  death.  Now  then,  we  by  faith  becoming  one  with 
Christ,  the  grace  of  God  doth  number  us  up  in  the  same  mass 
and  sum  with  him,  and  so  imputeth  and  accounteth  that  ours, 
which  was  done  by  him.  There  is  no  righteousness  but  doth 
originally  refer  and  bear  proportion  to  the  law  of  God,  and 
yet  we  are  not  justified  by  the  law,  but  by  grace  ;  because  it 
is  the  favour  of  God,  contrary  to  the  rigour  and  exaction  of 
the  law,  which  alloweth  the  righteousness  of  the  law  by  one 
fulfilled,  to  be  unto  another  accounted.  A  man  is  denomi- 
nated righteous,  as  a  wall  may  be  esteemed  red  or  green. 
Now,  that  comes  to  pass  two  manner  of  ways,  either  by  the 
colour  inherent  and  belonging  unto  the  wall  itself ;  or  by  the 
same  colour  in  some  transparent  body,  as  glass,  which  by  the 
beam  of  the  sun  shining  on  the  wall,  doth  externally  affect  the 
same,  as  if  it  were  its  ovvu,  and  covers  that  true  inherent 
colour  which  it  hath  of  itself.  In  like  manner,  by  the  strict 
covenant  of  the  law,  we  ousht  to  be  risfhteous  from  a  righteous- 


ness  inherent  in,  and  performed  by  ourselves :  but  in  the  new 
covenant  of  grace  we  are  righteous  by  the  righteousness  of 
Christ,  which  shineth  upon  us,  and  presenteth  us  in  his  colour 
unto  the  sight  of  his  Father.  Here,  in  both  covenants,  the 
righteousness,  from  whence  the  denomination  groweth,  is  the 
same,  (namely,  the  satisfying  of  the  demands  of  the  whole  law  ;) 
but  the  manner  of  our  right  and  propriety  thereunto  is  much 
varied.  In  the  one  we  have  right  unto  it  by  law,  because  we 
have  done  it  ourselves :  in  the  other,  we  have  right  unto  it 
only  by  grace  and  favour,  because  another  man's  doing  of  it 
is  bestowed  upon  us,  and  accounted  ours.  And  this  is  that 
gracious  covenant  of  which  the  Lord  here  saith,  "  I  have 
sworn,  and  will  not  repent." 

2.  For  resolving  of  the  second  question,  upon  what  reasons 
the  immutability  of  the  covenant  of  grace  standeth,  w-e  must 
note,  that  as  things  are  of  several  sorts,  so  accordingly  they 
may  be  mutable  or  immutable  several  ways. 

(1.)  Some  things  are  absolutely  immutable  out  of  the  na- 
ture of  the  thing  itself;  and  that  is,  when  the  abrogation  or 
alteration  of  the  thing  would  unavoidably  infer  some  prodi- 
gious consequences  and  notorious  pravity  with  it,  as  certain 
dishonour  to  God,  and  confusion  upon  other  things.  As  if  we 
should  concei'''e  a  man  free  from  worshipping,  reverencing, 
acknowledging,  loving,  or  trusting  in  God ;  herein  the  crea- 
ture would  be  unsubordinated  to  the  Creator,  which  would 
infer  desperate  pravity  and  disorder ;  and  God  would  be 
robbed  of  his  essential  honour,  which  he  can  no  more  part 
from,  than  cease  to  be  God.  But  it  is  repugnant  to  the  nature 
of  an  entire  covenant,  to  be  in  this  manner  immutable.  For 
in  a  covenant  there  is  a  mutual  stipulation  and  consent  be- 
tween God  and  man ;  and  after  performance  of  man's  duty, 
God  maketh  promise  of  bestowing  a  reward.  Now,  there 
can  be  no  binding  necessity  in  God  to  confer,  nor  absolute 
power  in  man  to  challenge  any  good  from  God,  who  doth 
freely,  and  by  no  necessity,  good  unto  his  creatures. 

(2.)  Some  things  are  merely  absolute  law,  not  of  any  in- 
trinsical  necessity,  resulting  out  of  the  condition  of  their  na- 
ture ;  such  as  are  free  either  to  be  or  not  to  be  of  themselves ; 
or  when  they  are  free,  to  continue  or  to  cease  ;  not  in  them- 
selves determined  unto  any  condition  of  being  unvariably  be- 
longing unto  their  nature.  And  such  are  all  covenants ;  for 
God  might  have  dealt  with  men,  as  with  lapsed  angels,  never 
have  entered  anew  into  covenant  with  them :  he  might  have 


reserved  unto  himself  a  power  of  revocation  and  calling  In  his 
patent,  shutting  up  his  office  of  mercy  again.  How  then 
comes  It,  that  this  covenant  is  immutable,  and  Christ's  priest- 
hood of  everlasting  and  unchangeable  vigour  to  all  ages  and 
generations  of  men  ?  that  there  shall  never  be  erected  in  the 
church  any  other  form  of  God's  worship,  or  any  other  instru- 
ments of  man's  salvation,  than  those  which  we  now  enj,oy  ? 
The  apostle  groundeth  it  upon  two  reasons,  the  promise  and 
the  oath  of  God,  Heb.  vi.  17,  18.  1.  The  promise  putteth 
a  right  in  the  creature  which  he  had  not  before  ;  and  that  pro- 
mise determineth  the  will  of  God  to  the  being,  and  leaveth  it 
not  indifferent  to  the  being  or  not  being  of  the  covenant.  For 
it  is  the  foundation  of  a  just  claim,  which  we  by  faith  may 
make  upon  the  fidelity,  justice,  and  power  of  God,  to  make  it 
good.  "  He  is  faithful  and  just  to  forgive  us  our  sins,'' 
1  John  I.  9.  The  righteous  God  shall  give  unto  me  a  crown 
of  righteousness,  '2  Tim.  iv.  8.  Righteousness  and  justice, 
as  well  as  mercy,  are  the  ground  of  forgiveness  of  sin  and  salva- 
tion, not  in  relation  or  respect  to  merit  in  us,  but  to  promise 
in  God.  Only  mercy  it  was  which  moved  him  to  promise ; 
and  having  promised,  only  truth,  fidelity,  and  righteous- 
ness bind  him  to  perform.  As  impossible  it  is  for  God  to 
break  any  promise,  and  to  lie  unto  David,  as  It  is  to  be  an  unholy 
God,  or  to  deny  himself,  Psa.  Ixxxix.  35  ;  2  Tim.  11.  13. 
2.  The  oath  of  God ;  for  that  pawns  his  own  being,  life, 
power,  truth,  holiness,  to  make  good  that  which  he  hath  so 
ratified.  Upon  these  two  doth  the  Immutability  of  the  second 
covenant,  and  of  Christ's  priesthood  depend. 

Here  then  we  see  upon  what  ground  all  our  comfort  and 
assurance  subsisteth  ;  not  upon  any  strength,  power,  liberty, 
or  inherent  grace  already  received,  which  we  of  ourselves  are 
every  day  apt  to  waste  and  be  cheated  of  by  Satan  and  the 
world,  but  upon  God's  unchangeable  mercy  and  covenant. 
This  was  all  David's  "  salvation  and  desire,"  all  that  his  heart 
rested  upon,  that  "  though  his  house  were  not  so  with  God," 
that  is,  did  fail  much  of  that  beauty  and  purity  which  therein 
God  required,  and  therefore  did  deserve  to  be  cast  ofT;  yet 
God  had  made  with  him  an  "  everlasting  covenant,  ordered  in 
all  things,  and  sure,"  2  Sam.  xxiii.  3.  When  the  conscience 
is  afflicted  with  the  sense  of  sin,  with  the  fear  of  its  own  slip- 
periness  and  unstedfastness  in  God's  covenant,  this  is  all  it 
nath  to  support  It,  that  "  God  is  one,"  Gal.  ill.  20 ;  that 
Christ  is  "  the  same  yesterday,  and  to-day,  and  for  ever," 
o  5 


Heb.  xiii.  8 ;  that  he  is  where  he  ever  was,  ready  to  meet 
those  that  return,  Isa.  Ixiv.  5 ;  Luke  xv.  20.  If  I  should  do 
to  men  as  I  have  done  to  God,  they  would  despise,  forsake, 
reveiK^e  themselves  on  me  ;  I  should  never  receive  grace  nor 
favour  acrain  :  but  God  is  not  as  man,  Hosea  xi.  9  ;  the  whole 
cause  of  his  compassion  is  in  and  from  himself,  and  therefore 
he  doth  not  take  the  advantage  of  our  failings  and  exaspera- 
tions to  alter  the  course  of  his  dealing  towards  us,  Psa.  ciii. 
8,  14.  Though  we  fail  every  day,  yet  his  compassions  fail 
not ;  and,  therefore,  from  his  immutable  mercy  it  is  that  we  are 
not  consumed,  Lam.  iii.  22  ;  Mai.  iii.  6.  His  blessing  of 
an  adopted  people  is  an  irreversible  thing ;  because  he  is  God, 
and  not  man,  and  therefore  cannot  repent,  nor  call  in  the  pro- 
mise which  he  hath  made ;  for  which  purpose  he  doth  not  be- 
hold iniquity  in  Jacob,  nor  perverseness  in  Israel,  Numb,  xxiii. 
19 — 21.  I  might  shut  out  the  light  of  the  sun  from  me,  yet, 
as  soon  as  I  remove  the  curtain,  the  sun  is  still  where  it  was, 
ready  to  be  found,  and  to  shine  upon  me.  The  case  were 
lamentable  with  us,  if  so  often  as  man  provokes  God's  justice, 
he  should  presently  revoke  his  mercy ;  if  the  issue  of  our  sal- 
vation should  depend  upon  the  frailty  and  mutability  of  our 
own  nature,  and  our  life  should  be  in  our  own  keeping.  If 
the  pure  angels  of  heaven  fell  from  their  created  condition, 
and  became  most  black  and  hideous  adversaries  of  the  God 
that  made  them ;  if  Adam  stood  not  tirm  with  all  that  stock 
of  strength  and  integrity  of  will  which  he  had  in  paradise, 
how  can  I,  who  have  so  many  lusts  within,  so  many  enemies 
without,  such  armies  of  fear  and  temptations  round  about  me, 
be  able  to  resist  and  stand  ?  Inherent  grace  is  as  mutable  in 
me  as  it  was  in  Adam ;  Satan  as  malicious  and  impetuous 
against  me  as  against  Adam ;  propensities  to  sin  and  falling 
away,  strong  in  me,  which  were  none  in  Adam  ;  snares  as  many, 
weaknesses  more ;  enemies  as  many,  temptations  more.  From 
the  grace  which  is  deposited  in  mine  own  keeping  I  cannot 
but  depart  daily,  if  the  Lord  should  leave  me  in  the  hand  of 
mine  own  counsel :  even  as  water,  though  it  could  be  made 
as  hot  as  fire,  yet  being  left  unto  itself,  will  quickly  reduce  and 
work  itself  to  its  own  original  coldness  again.  We  have 
grace  abiding  in  our  hearts  from  the  Sun  of  righteousness, 
who  shines  upon  us ;  as  we  have  light  in  our  houses,  ahvays 
by  emanation,  effusion,  and  supportance.  Therefore,  this  is  all 
the  comfort  which  a  man  hath  remaining,  tliat  though  I  am 
wantin/T  to  myself,  and  do  often  turn  from  God,  yet  he  is  not 


wanting  to  me,  nor  turns  from  me ;  "  for  the  gifts  and  calling 
of  God  are  without  repentance,"  Rom.  xi.  29.  The  heart  of 
the  best  man  is  like  the  wheels  in  Ezekiel's  vision,  Ezek.  i. 
]  6.  As  mutable  and  moveable  several  ways  as  wheels  ;  as 
perplexed,  hindered,  and  distracted  in  itself,  as  cross  wheels  in 
one  another  ;  grace  swaying  one  way,  and  flesh  another  : 
who  can  expect  stability  in  such  a  thing  ?  Surely  of  itself 
it  hath  none  ;  but  the  constancy  and  uniformity  of  motion 
in  the  wheels  was  this,  that  they  were  joined  to  the  living 
creatures  who,  in  their  motion,  turned  not  when  they  went, 
ver.  17 — 21.  Such  is  the  stability  of  the  faithful  in  the  co- 
venant ;  they  have  it  not  from  themselves,  for  they  are  all  like 
wheels  ;  but  from  Him,  unto  whom,  by  the  same  Spirit  of  life, 
they  are  united,  who  cannot  repent  nor  return  from  the  cove- 
nant of  mercy  which  he  hath  made. 

"  Thou  art  a  Priest  for  ever  after  the  order  of  Melchizedek." 
We  now  come  to  speak  of  the  priesthood  of  Christ  itself, 
which  is  thus  sealed  and  made  immutable  by  the  oath  of  God. 
"  Every  high  priest,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  is  ordained  for  men 
in  things  pertaining  to  God,  that  he  may  offer  both  gifts  and 
sacrifices  for  sin,"  Heb.  v.  1.  These  sacrifices  are  of  two 
sorts  :  some  eucharistical,  expressive  of  homage,  subjection, 
duty,  and  service ;  as  the  dedication  of  the  first-fruits,  the 
offerings  of  Abel  and  Cain,  and  the  meat  and  drink  offerings : 
some  expiatory,  for  the  washing  away  of  sins,  for  making 
compensation  to  the  justice  of  God,  which  had  been  in  sin 
violated,  and  to  propitiate  him  again.  So  that,  in  this  respect, 
a  priest  was  to  be  a  middle  person,  appointed  by  God  to  stand 
and  to  minister  between  him  and  men  in  their  behalf ;  to  be 
impartial  and  faithful  towards  the  justice  and  truth  of  God, 
and  not  to  be  overruled  by  his  love  to  men  to  injure  him;  and 
to  be  compassionate  and  merciful  towards  the  errors  of  men,  . 
and  not  to  be  overruled  by  his  zeal  to  God's  justice,  to  give 
over  the  care  or  service  of  them.  And  such  an  high  priest 
was  Christ :  zealous  of  his  Father's  righteousness  and  glory ; 
for  he  was  set  forth  to  declare  the  righteousness  of  God,  Rom. 
iii.  23  ;  and  he  did  glorify  him  on  earth  by  finishing  the  things 
which  he  had  given  him  to  do,  John  xvii.  4 :  compassionate 
towards  the  errors  and  miseries  of  his  church  ;  for  he  was  ap- 
pointed to  expiate  and  to  remove  them  out  of  the  way,  Col.  ii.  14. 

Touching  this  priesthood,  we  will   thus  proceed  .    I.  To 
inquire  into  the  necessity  we  have  of  such  a  priest.    II.  What 


kind  of  qualifications  are  requisite  in  him  who  must  be  unto 
us  such  a  priest.  III.  Wherein  the  acts  or  offices  of  such  a 
priesthood  do  principally  consist.  IV.  What  is  the  virtue, 
fruits,  ends,  events,  of  such  a  priesthood.  V.  What  are  the 
duties  v^hich  the  execution  of  that  office  doth  enforce  upon 
us,  or  what  uses  we  should  make  of  it.  In  these  five  parti- 
culars, I  conceive,  will  the  substance  of  most  things  which 
pertain  unto  the  priesthood  of  Christ  be  reduced. 

I.  For  the  first  of  these  we  must  premise  this  general  rule : 
There  can  be  no  necessity  of  a  priest,  in  that  sense  which 
is  most  proper,  and  here  intended,  but  between  a  guilty  crea- 
ture and  a  righteous  God ;  for  if  man  were  innocent  in  his 
relations  towards  God,  he  would  stand  in  no  need  of  an  ex- 
piation ;  and  if  God  were  unrighteous  in  his  dealings  with 
man's  sin,  there  would  not  be  due  unto  him  any  just  debt  of 
satisfaction.  This  being  premised,  I  shall,  through  many 
steps  and  gradations,  bring  you  to  this  necessity  of  Christ's 
priesthood  which  we  inquire  into. 

1.  Every  creature  is  unavoidably  subject  to  the  Creator; 
for  he  made  all  things  for  himself,  and  all  are  to  return  that 
glory  to  him  for  which  he  made  them,  Prov.  xvi.  4 ;  Rom.  ix. 
21.  And  this  subjection  of  the  creature  to  the  Creator  doth 
suppose  a  debt  of  service  to  the  will  of  the  Creator.  It  is 
impossible,  and  utterly  repugnant  to  the  quality  of  a  creature, 
not  to  be  subject  to  some  law,  and  indebted  in  some  obedience 
or  other  to  him  that  made  it.  It  is  a  certain  rule  in  creatures, 
that  God  giveth  every  creature  a  being  to  this  end,  that  it 
might  put  forth  that  being  in  some  such  operations  as  he  hath 
fitted  it  for,  and  prescribed  it  to  observe.  The  most  excellent 
creatures  that  excel  in  strength  are  ministers  to  do  his  pleasure 
and  to  hear  his  voice,  Psa.  ciii.  20,  21 ;  and  all  the  rest  have 
their  several  laws  and  rules  of  working  by  his  wisdom  set 
them,  in  the  which  they  wait  upon  him,  and  according  unto 
which  they  move,  like  Ezekiel's  wheels,  by  the  conduct  of  an 
invisible  Spirit,  and  by  the  command  of  a  voice  that  is  above 
them ;  as  if  they  understood  the  law  of  their  Creator,  and 
knew  the  precepts  which  they  do  obey,  Ezek.  i.  13,  16 ;  Psa. 
civ.  19.  No  creature  is  for  itself  only,  or  its  own  end ;  for 
that  which  hath  not  its  being  of  itself,  cannot  be  an  end  unto 
itself ;  inasmuch  as  the  end  of  every  thing  which  is  made, 
is  antecedent  to  the  being  of  it  in  the  mind  and  intention  of 
him  that  made  it. 

2.  No  creature  is  in  its  being,  or  in  any  of  those  operations 


and  services  which  it  owes  to  God,  intrinsically  and  of  itself 
immutable.  It  is  God's  own  peculiar  honour  to  be  without 
variableness  or  shadow  of  change,  James  i.  17;  Mai.  iii.  6. 
There  was  a  time  when  the  sun  stood  still,  and  moved  back- 
ward, and  was  filled  with  darkness,  as  with  an  internal  cloud ; 
when  the  lions  have  forgotten  to  devour,  and  the  fire  to 
consume  :  God  can,  as  he  will,  alter  the  courses  of  nature, 
let  go  the  reins,  and  dispense  with  the  rules  which  him- 
self had  secretly  imposed  upon  the  creatures  to  observe ; 
which  shows  that  they  are  not  in  themselves  immutable. 
That  constancy,  which  in  their  motions  they  observe,  is 
from  the  regular  government  of  that  most  wise  Providence 
which  carries  them  to  their  end  without  any  turning,  Ezek.  i. 
17  :  but  when  his  glory  requires,  and  his  will  commands  it, 
the  mountains  tremble,  the  sea  cleaves  asunder,  the  rivers  run 
back,  the  earth  opens,  the  laws  of  nature  stand  still  for  a  while 
without  any  execution,  as  if  they  were  suspended  or  repealed 
by  him  that  made  them ;  and  therefore  in  that  text  of  Scrip- 
ture, Ezek.  i.  24,  25,  things  are  said  to  move  by  a  voice  which 
is  above  them,  namely,  by  the  command  of  the  Supreme  Cause. 

3.  Man  being  in  his  nature  and  formal  constitution  a  rea- 
sonable creature,  was  appointed  by  God  to  serve  him  after  a 
reasonable  manner,  out  of  judgment,  discretion,  and  election  ; 
to  make  choice  of  his  way  above  all  others,  as  being  most  ex- 
cellent and  beautiful  in  itself,  and  most  convenient  and  advan- 
tageous unto  man  :  therefore  our  service  is  called  a  "  reason- 
able service,"  Rom.  xii.  1  ;  and  David  is  said  to  have  chosen 
the  way  of  truth  and  the  precepts  of  the  Lord,  Psa.  cxix.  30 ; 
and  Moses  to  have  chosen  the  afflictions  of  God's  people  and 
the  reproaches  of  Christ  before  the  pleasures  of  sin,  or  the 
treasures  of  Egypt,  Heb.  xi.  25,  26.  And  hence  it  is,  that 
holiness,  in  the  language  of  Scripture,  is  called  judgment : 
"  He  will  convince  the  world  of  judgment,"  John  xvi.  8 ; 
and  "  he  shall  bring  forth  judgment  unto  victory,"  Matt.  xii. 
20.  Noting,  that  the  Spirit  of  holiness  ruleth  and  worketh  in 
the  producing  of  obedience  by  the  way  of  reason  and  conviction, 
therefore  he  is  called  a  "  Spirit  of  judgment,"  Isa.  iv.  4. 
And  for  this  cause  God  did  not  set  any  overruling  law,  or  de- 
terminating virtue  over  the  operations  of  man,  as  of  other 
creatures,  that  so  he  might  truly  work  out  of  the  conduct  of 
judgment  and  election  of  will. 

4.  There  is  no  deviation  from  a  reasonable  service,  or  true 
active    obedience,  properl)  so  called ;    (for  the  obedience  of 


brutes  and  inanimate  creatures  is  rather  passive  than  active,) 
which  hath  not  some  intrinsical  pravity  in  it,  and,  by  con- 
sequence, some  fundamental  demerit,  or  obligation  unto  pu- 
nishment; for  guilt  is  the  proper  passion  of  sin,  resulting  out 
of  it,  and  therefore  inseparable  from  it.  It  cannot  be  that  a 
creature  should,  of  itself,  and  out  of  the  corruption  of  its 
own  reason  and  judgment,  choose  to  relinquish  the  service  of 
him  to  whom  it  is  naturally  and  unavoidably  subject,  and  by 
that  means  become  altogether  unprofitable,  abominable,  and 
unfit  for  the  master's  use,  and  for  those  holy  ends  to  which  it 
was  ori<Tinally  ordered,  but  it  must  withal  incur  the  displeasure, 
and  thereupon  provoke  the  revenge  of  that  righteous  Creator 
who,  out  of  great  reasons,  had  put  it  under  such  a  service. 

5.  By  all  this  which  hath  hitherto  been  spoken,  it  appears 
that  God  is  not  unjust,  but  most  holy  and  righteous :  1,  In 
making  a  law  for  man  to  observe  when  he  forbad  the  eating 
of  the  fruit  of  the  tree  of  knowledge  of  good  and  evil,  to  show 
that  man  had  nothing  by  personal,  immediate,  and  un derived 
right,  but  all  by  donation  and  indulgence.  Any  law  God 
might  justly  make,  the  obedience  whereof  he  gave  the  creature 
an  original  power  to  perform,  by  reason  of  the  natural  and 
necessary  subjection  of  the  creature  unto  him.  2.  In  annexing 
a  curse  and  penalty  to  the  violation  of  that  law,  which  for  the 
declaration  of  his  glorious  justice  he  might  most  righteously 
do,  because  of  the  inevitable  demerit,  or  liableness  unto  cen- 
sure from  the  disobedience  of  that  law  resultincr.  3.  Inmakimr 
man  in  such  a  mutable  condition,  as  in  the  which  he  might 
stand  or  fall  by  his  own  election,  because  he  would  be  obeyed 
by  judgment  and  free  choice,  not  by  fatal  necessity,  or  abso- 
lute determination. 

6.  Here  then  comes  in  the  fall  of  man,  being  a  wilful  or 
chosen  transgression  of  a  law,  under  the  precepts  whereof  he 
was  most  justly  created,  a\id  unto  the  malediction  whereof  he 
was  necessarily  and  righteously  subject  if  he  transgressed  ; 
for,  as  by  being  God's  creature,  he  was  subject  to  his  will,  so 
by  being  his  prisoner,  he  was  as  justly  subject  unto  his  wrath  ; 
and  that  so  much  the  more,  by  how  much  the  precept  was 
more  just,  the  obedience  more  easy,  the  transgression  more 
unreasonable,  and  the  punishment  more  certain. 

Now,  by  this  fall  of  man,  there  came  great  mischief  into 
tlie  world,  and  intolerable  injury  was  done  by  the  creature  to 
Him  tliiit  made  him.  His  dominion  and  authority  in  his  holy 
conunand  was  violated  ;  his  justice,  truth,  and  power,  in  his 


most  righteous  threcatcnings,  were  despised  ;  his  most  pure 
and  perfect  image,  wherein  man  was  created  in  righteousness 
and  true  hohness,  was  utterly  defaced  ;  his  glory?  which,  by 
an  active  service,  the  creature  should  have  brought  unto  him, 
was  lost  and  despoiled;  so  that  now  things  will  not  return  to 
their  primitive  order  and  perfection  again  till  these  two  things 
be  first  effected :  a  satisfaction  of  God's  justice,  and  a  Repa- 
ration of  man's  nature  ;  which  two  must  needs  be  effected  by 
such  a  middle  and  common  person  as  hath  both  zeal  towards 
God,  that  he  may  be  satisfied,  and  compassion  towards  man, 
that  he  may  be  repaired  ;  such  a  person,  as  having  man's 
guilt  and  punishment  on  him  transferred,  may  satisfy  the 
justice  of  God,  and,  as  having  a  fulness  of  God's  Spirit  and 
holiness  in  him,  may  sanctify  and  repair  the  nature  of  man. 
And  this  person  is  the  Priest  here  spoken  of  by  David. 

Here  the  learned  frame  a  kind  of  conflict  in  God's  holy 
attributes,  and  by  a  liberty  which  the  Holy  Ghost  from  the 
language  of  holy  Scripture  alloweth  them,  they  speak  of  God 
after  the  manner  of  men,  as  if  he  were  reduced  unto  some 
straits  and  difficulties  by  the  cross  demands  of  his  several  at- 
tributes. Justice  called  upon  him  for  the  condemnation  of  a 
sinful,  and  therefore  worthily  accursed  creature,  which  demand 
was  seconded  by  his  truth,  to  make  good  that  threatening : 
"  In  the  day  that  thou  eatest  thereof  thou  shalt  surely  die." 
Mercy,  on  the  other  side,  pleaded  for  favour  and  compassion 
towards  man,  wofully  seduced  and  overthrown  by  Satan; 
and  peace  for  reconcilement  and  pacification  between  an 
offended  Judge  and  an  undone  creature.  Hereupon  the  infi- 
nite wisdom  and  counsel  of  the  blessed  Trinity  found  out  a 
way,  which  the  angels  of  heaven  gaze  on  with  admiration  and 
astonishment,  how  to  reconcile  these  different  pleas  of  his  at- 
tributes together.  A  priest  then  is  resolved  upon,  one  of  the 
same  blessed  Trinity,  who,  by  his  Father's  ordination,  his  own 
voluntary  undertaking,  and  the  Holy  Spirit's  sanctification, 
should  be  fitted  for  the  business.  He  was  to  be  both  a  Surety 
and  a  Head  over  sinful  men,  to  suffer  their  punishments  and  to 
sanctify  their  natures :  in  the  relation  of  a  Surety,  to  pay 
man's  debt  unto  God;  and  in  the  relation  of  a  Head,  to  re- 
store God's  image  unto  man ;  and  thus  in  him,  "  Mercy  and 
truth  have  met  together ;  righteousness  and  peace  have  kissed 
each  other,"  Psa.  Ixxxv.  10. 

So  then  the  necessity  which  fallen  man  hath  of  this  Priest 
here  spoken  of,  is  grounded  upon  the  sweet  harmony  of  God's 


mercy,  truth,  righteousness,  and  peace ;  which  will  more  dis- 
tinctly appear  by  considering  three  things. 

(L)  God  did  purpose  not  utterly  to  destroy  his  creature^ 
and  that  principally  for  these  two  reasons,  as  we  may  observe 
out  of  the  Scriptures :  1.  His  own  free  and  everlasting  love, 
and  that  infinite  delight  which  he  hath  in  mercy,  which  dis- 
poseth  him  abundantly  to  pardon  and  to  exercise  loving-kind- 
ness in  the  earth,  Micah  vii.  18 ;  Exod.  xxxiv.  6,  7  ;  Psa. 
ciii.  8  ;  Isa.  Iv.  7  ;  Jer.  ix.  24.  2.  His  delight  to  be  actively 
glorified  by  his  creatures'  voluntary  service  and  subjection ; 
*'  Herein  is  my  Father  glorified,  that  ye  bear  much  fruit," 
John  XV.  8.  "  I  have  no  pleasure  in  the  death  of  the  wicked, 
but  that  he  turn  from  his  way  and  live,"  Ezek.  xxxiii.  11. 
He  delighteth  most  in  bloodless  conquests,  when  by  his  pa- 
tience, goodness,  and  forbearance,  he  subdueth  the  hearts, 
affections,  and  consciences  of  men  unto  himself,  so  leading 
them  unto  repentance,  and  bringing  down  their  thoughts  unto 
the  obedience  of  Christ.  He  loveth  to  see  things  in  their 
primitive  rectitude  and  beauty,  and  therefore  esteemeth  him- 
self more  glorified  in  the  services  than  in  the  sufferings  of 
men.  He  loveth  to  have  a  church  and  generation  of  men 
wlio  shall  serve  him  in  the  midst  of  all  his  enemies.  "  The 
Lord  loveth  the  gates  of  Sion  more  than  all  the  dwellings  of 
Jacob,"  Psa.  Ixxxvii.  2 ;  because  he  was  there  more  solemnly 
worshipped  and  served.  And  therefore  he  resolved  not  to  de- 
stroy all  men,  lest  there  should  be  no  religion  upon  the  earth. 
When  the  angels  fell,  they  fell  not  all ;  many  were  still  left  to 
glorify  him  actively  in  their  service  of  him ;  but  when  Adam 
fell,  all  mankind  fell  in  him,  so  that  there  was  no  tree  of  this 
paradise  left  to  bring  forth  any  fruit  unto  God  ;  and  this  is 
most  certain,  God  had  rather  have  his  trees  for  fruit  than  for 
fuel ;  and  for  this  reason  he  was  pleased  to  restore  mankind 
again.  These  are  the  causes  why  the  Lord  would  not  utterly 
destroy  man  ;  but  these  alone  show  not  the  necessity  of  a 
priest  to  come  between  God  and  man. 

(2.)  God  did  purpose  not  to  suffer  sin  to  pass  utterly  unpu- 
nished, and  that  for  these  reasons :  1.  Because  of  his  great 
liatred  thereunto.  He  is  of  purer  eyes  than  to  behold  evil ; 
he  cannot  look  on  iniquity,  Hab.  i.  13 ;  it  provoketh  abhor- 
rency  in  him,  Psa.  v.  6;  Zech.  viii.  17;  Amos  v.  21,  22; 
Isa.  i.  13,  14.  2.  Because  of  his  truth  and  the  law  which  he 
had  established  against  sin,  which  he  will  in  nowise  abolish  ; 
*'  One  jot  or   tittle  shall  in  no  wise  pass  from  the  law  till  all 


be  fulfilled,"  Matt.  v.  18.  For  it  is  altogether  indecent, 
especially  to  the  wisdom  and  righteousness  of  God,  for  that 
which  provoketh  the  execution  to  procure  the  abrogation 
of  his  law ;  that  that  should  supplant  and  undermine  the  law, 
for  the  alone  preventing  whereof  the  law  was  before  estab- 
lished. 3.  Because  of  his  terror  and  fearful  majesty  ;  for  God 
will  have  men  always  to  fear  before  him,  and  by  his  terror  to 
be  persuaded  from  sinning,  2  Cor.  v.  10,  11.  God  will,  for 
this  cause,  have  men  always  to  fear  before  him,  because  he 
referreth  entirely  to  himself  the  punishment  of  sin.  "  Feai  him 
which  is  able  to  destroy  both  body  and  soul  in  hell.  I  say 
unto  you,  Fear  him,"  saith  our  Saviour,  Matt.  x.  28  ;  Luke 
xii.  3  ;  for  "  it  is  a  fearful  thing  to  fall  into  the  hands  of  the 
living  God  ; "  and  therefore  we  ought  to  serve  him  "with  reve- 
rence and  godly  fear,"  because  he  is  "  a  consuming  fire," 
Heb.  X.  31 ;  xii.  28,  29. 

(3.)  Add  unto  all  this,  the  everlasting  impotency  which  is  in 
man,  either  to  satisfy  God  or  to  repair  himself.  God's  justice, 
which  is  wronged,  is  infinite,  and  his  glory  infinite  ;  of  which 
man  had  attempted  to  spoil  and  rob  him ;  and  man  is  both 
finite  in  himself,  and  very  impotent  by  reason  of  sin,  (for,  to 
be  a  sinner,  and,  without  strength,  are  terms  equivalent  in  the 
Scripture,  Rom.  v.  6,  8).  Now,  then,  between  finite  and  infi- 
nite there  can  be  no  proportion,  and,  therefore,  from  the  one 
to  the  other  there  can  be  no  satisfaction  :  man  is  utterly  unable 
to  do  any  of  God's  will,  because  he  is  altogether  carnal,  Rom. 
viii.  7  ;  1  Cor.  ii.  14 ;  and  he  is  utterly  unable  either  to  suffer 
or  to  break  through  the  wrath  of  God,  because  he  hath  not 
strength  enough  to  endure  it,  nor  obedience  to  submit  unto  it. 
Now  then,  join  all  these  things  together,  and  we  shall  see  the 
absolute  necessity  we  had  of  a  priest.  God  will  not  execute 
the  severity  of  his  law,  for  thereby  the  creature  should  ever- 
lastingly lose  the  fruition  of  him,  and  he  should  likewise  lose 
the  service  and  voluntary  subjection  of  his  creature.  And  yet 
he  will  not  abolish  his  law  neither,  lest  thereby  his  justice 
should  be  more  securely  abused,  his  hatred  against  sin  the 
less  declared,  his  truth  in  all  his  threatenings  questioned,  and 
his  dreadful  majesty  by  men  neglected.  He  will  not  punish 
those  persons  whom  he  loves,  because  he  is  pitiful  to  them  ; 
he  will  not  pass  over  the  sins  which  he  hates,  because  he  is 
jealous  towards  himself.  Man  and  sin  are  as  inseparably 
joined  together  since  the  fall  as  fire  and  heat ;  yet  God  will 
have  mercy  on  the  man,  and  he  will  take  vengeance  of  the  sin. 


Some  course,  then,  or  other  must  there  be  found  out  to  trans- 
fer man's  sin  on  another's  person  who  may  be  able  to  bear  them, 
and  to  interest  man's  person  in  another  righteousness,  which 
may  be  able  to  cover  him.  Some  way  must  be  found  out, 
that  tilings  may  be  all  one  in  regard  of  man,  as  if  the  law 
had  been  utterly  abrogated ;  and  that  they  may  be  all  one  in 
regard  of  God  too,  as  if  the  creature  had  been  utterly  con- 
demned. And  all  this  is  done  in  our  High  Priest:  on  him 
was  executed  the  curse  of  the  law ;  by  him  was  fulfilled  the 
righteousness  of  the  law  ;  for  him  was  remitted  the  sin  of 
man,  and  through  him  were  all  things  made  new  again.  The 
world  was  in  Christ  as  in  its  Surety,  making  satisfaction  to  the 
justice  of  God ;  and  God  w^as  in  Christ  as  in  his  Ambas- 
sador, reconciling  the  world  unto  himself  again.  By  all  which 
we  see  the  necessity  which  fallen  man  had  of  a  priest  to  re- 
store them. 

Hence  we  may  learn,  how  much  we  ought  to  hate  sin, 
which  arms  the  law,  justice,  and  power  of  God  against  us. 
As  hateful  as  it  is  unto  God,  so  hateful  it  is  in  itself  ;  for  he 
judgeth  uprightly,  he  seeth  things  just  as  they  are,  without 
passion,  prejudice,  or  partiality :  and  as  hateful  as  it  is  in  it- 
self, so  hateful  should  it  be  unto  us,  as  the  only  ground  of 
our  misery,  of  the  creature's  vanity,  and  of  God's  dishonour. 
We  see  it  is  so  hateful  unto  God  that  he  will  most  certainly 
be  avenged  of  it.  If  he  spare  me,  yet  he  will  not  spare  my 
sin,  though  his  own  beloved  Son  must  be  punished  for  it. 
Oh,  then,  why  should  that  be  light  to  me  which  was  as  heavy 
as  a  millstone  to  the  soul  of  Christ  ?  Why  should  that  be 
my  pleasure  which  was  his  passion  ?  why  that  be  in  a  throne 
with  me  which  was  upon  a  cross  with  him  ?  Why  should  I 
allow  that  to  be  really  in  me  which  the  Lord  so  severely  pu- 
nished when  the  guilt  thereof  was  but  imputed  to  his  Son  ? 
Many  sins  there  are  which  others  in  their  practice,  as  well  as 
papists  in  their  doctrine  and  profession,  esteem  for  light  and 
venial  sins.  But,  however,  let  us  not  dare  esteem  that  a  light 
thing,  for  which  Christ  died.  And  woful  had  it  been  for  men 
if  Christ  had  not,  in  his  body  on  the  tree,  carried  as  well  the 
guilt  of  our  idle  words,  our  vain  thoughts,  our  loose  and  im- 
pertinent actions,  as  of  our  oaths,  execrations  and  blasphe- 
mies. If  great  sins  were  as  the  spear  and  nails,  certainly  small 
sins  were  as  the  thorns  which  pierced  his  head.  And  there- 
fore wc  should  learn,  with  David,  to  hate  every  evil  way,  be- 
cause God  hates  it  and  suffers  it  not  to  pass  unpunished ;  to 


revenge  the  quarrel  of  Christ  against  those  lusts  of  ours  which 
nailed  him  to  his  cross,  and  to  crucify  them  for  him  again  ; 
and  for  that  end  was  Christ  crucified,  "  that  our  old  man 
might  be  crucified  with  him,  that  the  body  of  sin  might  be 
destroyed,  that  henceforth  we  should  not  serve  sin,"  Rom. 
vi.  6. 

Again,  we  see  by  this  necessity  of  a  priest,  how  deeply  we 
stand  engaged  to  our  merciful  God,  who  hath  vouchsafed  to 
help  us  in  our  greatest  necessity.  How  we  ought  to  love  him 
who  hath  first  of  all  loved  us ;  how  we  ought  in  our  bodies 
and  in  our  spirits  to  glorify  him  who  hath  so  dearly  bought 
us  ;  how  we  should  willingly  fight  for  him  who  overcame  for  us  ; 
how  thankful  we  should  be  to  him  who  was  so  compassionate 
unto  us  ;  how  we  should  admire  and  adore  the  unsearchable 
riches  of  his  wisdom  and  goodness,  who,  when  we  were  despe- 
rately and  incurably  gone,  had  found  out  a  way  of  escape  and 
deliverance  for  us.  God  stood  not  in  need  of  us,  or  any  ser- 
vice of  ours  ;  he  could  have  glorified  himself  in  our  just  de- 
struction. Who,  then,  can  enough  express  either  the  mercy 
of  God  or  the  duty  of  man,  when  he  considers  that  God 
should  call  together  all  the  depths  of  his  own  wisdom  and 
counsel  to  save  a  company  of  desperate  fugitives,  who  had 
joined  in  combination  with  his  greatest  enemies  to  resist  and 
dishonour  him  ?  It  would  have  posed  all  the  wisdom  of  the 
world,  (though  misery  be  commonly  very  witty  to  shape  and 
fashion  to  itself  images  of  deliverance,)  to  have  found  out  a 
way  to  heaven  between  the  wrath  of  God  and  the  sin  of  man. 
It  would  have  posed  all  the  heavenly  intelligences  and  the 
united  consultations  of  the  blessed  angels  to  have  reconciled 
God's  mercy  in  the  salvation  of  man  and  his  justice  in  the 
condemnation  of  sin  ;  to  have  poured  out  hell  upon  the  sin, 
and  yet  to  have  bestowed  heaven  upon  the  sinner.  If  God 
should  have  instructed  us  thus  far,  You  are  miserable  creatures, 
but  I  am  a  merciful  God ;  the  demands  of  my  justice  I  must 
not  deny,  neither  will  I  deny  the  entreaties  of  my  mercy ;  find 
me  out  a  sacrifice  answerable  to  my  justice,  and  it  shall  be  ac- 
cepted for  you  ail  :  oh !  where  could  man  have  found  out  a 
creature  of  capacity  enough  to  hold,  or  of  strength  enough  to 
bear  the  sins  of  the  world,  or  the  wrath  of  God  ?  Where 
could  he  have  found  out,  in  heaven  or  earth,  amongst  men  or 
angels,  a  priest  that  durst  accompany  such  a  sacrifice  into  the 
presence  of  so  consuming  a  fire  ?  Or  where  could  he  have 
found  out  an  altar  where'on  to  offer,  and  whereby  to  sanctify 


SO  great  a  sacrifice  ?  No,  no ;  the  misery  of  man  was  too 
deep  and  inextricable  for  all  the  created  counsel  in  the  world 
to  invent  a  deliverance.  Now,  then,  if  God  himself  did  study 
to  save  me,  how  great  reason  is  there  that  I  should  study  to 
serve  him  ?  How  ought  all  my  wisdom,  and  counsel,  and 
thouorht,  and  desires  be  directed  to  this  one  resolution,  to  live 
acceptably  and  thankfully  unto  him,  who,  when  he  might  have 
produced  glory  to  himself  out  of  my  confusion,  chose  rather 
to  humble,  and,  as  it  were,  for  a  while  to  unglorify  himself  for 
my  salvation  ?  Certainly,  that  man  did  never  rightly  under- 
stand the  horror  of  sin,  the  infinite  hatred  of  God  against  it, 
the  heaviness  of  his  wrath,  the  malediction  of  the  law,  the 
mystery  and  vast  dimensions  of  God's  love  in  Christ,  the 
preciousness  of  his  sacrifice,  the  end,  purpose,  or  merit  of  his 
death,  or  any  of  those  unsearchable  riches  of  God  manifested  in 
the  flesh,  who  will  not  crucify  a  vanity,  a  lust,  a  pleasure,  an 
earthly  member  unto  him  again ;  who  finds  more  content  and 
satisfaction  in  his  own  ways  of  sin  and  death ;  more  wisdom 
in  the  temptations  and  deceits  of  Satan  and  his  own  fleshly 
mind,  than  in  those  deep  mysteries  of  grace  and  contrivances 
of  mercy  which  the  angels  desire  to  pry  into. 

Therefore,  in  the  last  place,  we  should  labour  to  feel  the 
necessity  we  have  of  such  a  priest.  This  is  the  only  reason 
why  so  few  make  use  of  so  precious  a  fountain,  because  they 
trust  in  their  own  muddy  and  broken  cisterns  at  home,  and 
are  never  sensibly  and  thoroughly  touched  with  the  sense  of 
their  own  wants  ;  for  it  is  not  the  saying  and  confessing  with 
the  mouth  only,  that  I  have  nothing,  nor  the  knowing  in  spe- 
culation only  that  I  have  nothing,  but  the  feeling  and  smarting 
by  reason  of  my  want,  which  will  drive  me  to  seek  for  relief 
abroad.  If  a  man  did  seriously  consider  and  lay  together 
such  thoughts  as  these ;  I  am  very  busy  for  the  affairs  and 
passages  of  this  present  Hfe,  which  will  quickly  vanish  and 
pass  away  like  a  weaver's  shuttle,  or  a  tale  that  is  told  ;  1  have 
another,  and  an  abiding  life  to  live  after  this  is  over.  All 
that  I  toil  for  here  is  but  for  the  back,  the  belly,  the  bag,  and 
posterity.  And  am  I  not  nearer  to  myself  than  I  am  to  my 
money  ?  Am  I  not  nearer  to  my  soul  than  I  am  to  my  body, 
or  to  my  posterity  ?  Must  I  not  have  a  being  in  that,  when 
neither  I  nor  my  posterity  have  either  back  to  be  clothed,  or 
beily  to  be  fed,  or  name  to  be  supported  ?  Oh  !  why  am  I 
as  sadly  employed  ?  why  spend  I  not  some  at  least  as  serious 
and   inquisitive    thoughts    about    this   as  about    the    other  ? 


Do  I  not  know  that  I  must  one  day  stand  before  Him  who  is 
a  consuming  fire  ?  that  I  must  one  day  be  weighed  in  the 
balance  ?  and  woe  be  unto  me  if  I  am  found  too  light  I  Ap- 
pear before  him  I  dare  not  of  myself  alone,  without  a  priest 
to  mediate  for  me,  to  cover  and  protect  me  from  his  fury,^  and 
to  reconcile  me  unto  him  again.  My  person  wants  a  priest ; 
it  is  clogged  with  infinite  guilt,  which,  without  him,  cannot  be 
covered.  My  nature  wants  a  priest ;  it  is  overspread  with  a 
deep  and  universal  corruption  which,  without  him,  cannot  be 
cured.  My  sins  want  a  priest ;  they  are  in  number  and  in 
quality  above  measure  sinful,  which,  without  him,  cannot  be 
pardoned.  My  services  want  a  priest ;  they  are  blemished 
and  poisoned  with  many  failings  and  corruptions  ;  without  him 
they  cannot  be  accepted.  I  say,  if  men  did  seriously  lay  to- 
gether such  thoughts  as  these,  it  could  not  be  that  rational 
and  serious  men,  men  of  deep  thoughts  in  other  matters,  who 
love  to  sift  out  things  to  the  bran,  and  to  be  very  solicitous 
for  evidence  and  certainty  in  them,  should  suffer  such  a  busi- 
ness as  this,  (their  interest  in  that  Priest  who  must  alone 
clothe  their  persons  with  his  righteousness,  and  cleanse  their 
nature  with  his  Spirit,  and  wash  away  their  sins  with  his 
blood,  and  sanctify  their  prayers,  and  alms,  and  all  religious 
devotions  with  his  incense  and  intercession,  or  else  all  of  them 
must  pass  through  the  trial  of  such  a  fire  as  will  consume 
them  all,)  to  be  passed  over  with  loose  and  slender  thoughts, 
and  to  be  rested  in  and  resolved  upon,  rather  by  the  lying 
presumptions  of  a  deceitful  heart,  than  by  the  evidences  and 
testimony  of  God's  Holy  Spirit.  "  Consider  what  I  say,  and 
the  Lord  give  you  understanding  in  all  things." 

II.  The  second  thing  proposed  to  be  considered  in  the 
priesthood  of  Christ,  was  the  qualification  of  that  Person  who 
was  to  be  a  fit  High  Priest  for  us.  Legal  sacrifices  would  not 
serve  the  turn  to  purge  away  sin,  because  of  their  baseness. 
They  are  not  expiations  of  sin,  Heb.  ix.  9,  12  ;  but  were  only 
remembrances  and  commemorations  of  sin,  Heb.  x.  3.  Neces- 
sary it  was  that  heavenly  things  should  themselves  be  purified  with 
better  sacrifices,  Heb.  ix.  23  ;  for  they  of  themselves,  without 
that  typical  relation  which  they  had  unto  Christ,  Gal.  iii.  23,  and 
that  instrumental  virtue  which  in  that  relation  they  had  from 
him,  Heb.  ix.  13,  were  utterly  weak  and  unprofitable,  Heb. 
vii.  18;  as  the  shadow  hath  neither  being  in  itself,  nor 
can  give  refreshment  unto  another,  but  dependency  on  the 
body  to  which  it  belongeth.     And   this  appeareth  by  their 


reiteration  :  where  the  conscience  is  once  purged,  and  there  is 
remission  of  sin,  there  is  no  more  offering,  Heb.  x.  2,  18  ;  for 
the  repeating  of  the  sacrifice,  shows  that  the  person  for  whose 
sake  it  is  repeated  is  in  the  same  condition  now  as  he  was  in 
at  the  time  of  the  former  oblation.  Also,  by  their  variety : 
there  were  both  gifts  and  sacrifices  for  sin,  Heb.  v.  1  ;  viii.  3 ; 
bulls,  and  goats,  and  calves,  and  lambs,  Heb.  ix.  12,  13 ;  and 
that  shows  that  no  one  thing  was  fit  to  typify  the  full  expia- 
tion wrought  by  Christ ;  whereas  he  offered  but  one  sacrifice, 
and  by  that  perfected  for  ever  them  that  are  sanctified,  Heb. 
X.  12,  14.  And  if  legal  sacrifices  would  not  serve  the  turn, 
then  neither  would  legal  priests  be  fit  for  so  great  a  work  ;  for 
all  the  good  which  the  priest  doth  is  in  the  virtue  of  the  sacri- 
fice which  he  brings ;  and  this  likewise  the  apostle  proves  by 
many  arguments.  Because  of  their  sinfulness  ;  for  they  them- 
selves wanted  an  expiation,  and  therefore  could  not  be  medi- 
ators for  the  sins  of  others,  Heb.  v.  3,  7,  27.  Because  of  the 
carnality  of  their  institution  ;  they  were  made  after  the  law  of 
a  carnal  commandment ;  that  is,  of  a  temporary,  perishable, 
and  merely  external  ordinance,  Heb.  vii.  16,  which  prescribed 
only  the  examples  and  shadows  of  heavenly  things.  Because 
of  their  mortality ;  they  were  not  suffered  to  continue  by 
reason  of  death ;  whereas  our  Priest  must  ever  live  to  make  inter- 
cession. Because  of  their  ministry  and  the  revolution  of  their 
services,  which  never  came  to  a  period  or  perfection,  in  which 
the  priest  might  give  over  and  sit  down  :  they  stood  daily 
ministering,  and  oftentimes  offering,  (their  service  did  daily 
return  upon  them  again,)  whereas  Christ,  "after  he  had 
offered  one  sacrifice  lor  sin,  for  ever  sat  down  on  the  right 
hand  of  God,"  Heb.  x.  11,  12. 

To  show  you  then  the  qualifications  of  this  Priest.  A 
priest,  in  general,  is  ordained  for  men  in  things  pertaining  to 

God,  to  offer  sacrifice  for  the  obtaining  of  riohteousness  and 

.    .         J,    .  o  o 

remission  oi  sins. 

1.  Christ  being  a  Priest,  must  of  necessity  be  a  Mediator 
and  a  Surety  between  parties,  that  he  might  have  one  unto 
whom,  and  others  for  whom,  and  in  whose  behalf,  to  offer  a 
sacrifice.  Every  priest  must  be  a  mediator,  to  stand  between 
God  and  the  people,  and  to  intercept  and  bear  the  iniquity 
even  of  their  holy  things.  And  to  this  mediation  there  must 
concur  the  consent  of  the  parties  between  whom  it  is  nego- 
tiated ;  "  For  a  mediator  is  not  a  mediator  of  one."  Now, 
God  giveth  his  consent  by  laying  on  him  our  iniquities,  and 


"  making  his  soul  an  offering  for  sin,"  and  tliereby  declaring 
himself  to  be  one  with  ns ;  and  man  gives  his  consent  when, 
by  faith,  he  receiveth  Christ,  and  so  becometh  not  only  the 
friend,  but  the  son  of  God,  John  i.  12. 

2.  Every  mediator  is  not  immediately  a  priest ;  for  there  is  a 
mediation  only  by  way  of  entreaty,  prayer,  and  request, 
wherein  men  do  obtain,  but  not  deserve,  or  purchase  remission 
for  others  :  such  mediators  were  Joab  and  the  widow  of  Te- 
koah  in  the  behalf  of  Absalom,  2  Sam.  xiv.  There  are 
mediators  by  way  of  satisfaction,  as  sureties  are  between  the 
creditor  and  the  debtor ;  and  such  a  mediator  was  Christ, 
not  only  a  Mediator,  but  also  a  Surety  of  a  better  covenant, 
Heb.  viii.  6  ;  vii.  22.  He  was  not  to  procure  remission  of 
our  sins  by  way  of  favour  and  request ;  but  he  was  set  forth 
to  declare  the  righteousness  of  God,  Rom.  iii.  23 :  and  such 
a  Mediator  between  God  and  us  must  needs  be  a  priest  too ; 
for  the  debt  which  we  owed  unto  God  was  blood  ;  "  Without 
shedding  of  blood  is  no  remission,"  Heb.  ix.  22. 

3.  Being  such  a  Priest,  he  must  have  a  sacrifice  answerable 
to  the  debt  which  was  owed  to  his  Father.  The  debt  we 
owed  was  the  forfeiture  and  subjection  of  our  souls  and  bodies 
to  the  wrath  of  God  and  the  curse  of  the  law.  God  is  able 
to  destroy  both  soul  and  body  in  hell,  Matt.  x.  28.  It  is  not 
to  be  understood  only  of  his  absolute  power,  but  of  that  power 
which,  as  our  Judge,  he  hath  over  us  ;  as  we  are  his  prisoners, 
and  so  obnoxious  to  the  curses  of  his  law.  Therefore  our 
Priest  was  to  have  a  soul  and  a  body,  to  pay  as  a  Surety  for 
our  souls  and  bodies  :  "  Thou  shalt  make  his  soul  an  offering 
for  sin,"  Isa.  liii.  10  ;  "  My  soul  is  exceeding  sorrowful,  even 
unto  death,"  Matt.  xxvi.  38.  And  again,  "  A  body  hast  thou 
prepared  me  ;"  "  We  are  sanctified  through  the  offering  of  the 
body  of  Jesus  Christ  once  for  all,"  Heb.  x.  5,  10  ;  ''  His 
own  self  bare  our  sins  in  his  own  body  on  the  tree,"  1  Pet.  ii. 
24.  So  he  was  to  be  man,  that  he  might  have  a  fit  and  an- 
swerable sacrifice  to  offer.  Thou  hast  fitted,  or  prepared,  a 
body  for  me,  that  my  sacrifice  might  be  proportionable  to  that 
in  the  place  whereof  it  stood.  And  thereby,  as  he  is  fit  for 
passion,  so  also  for  compassion ;  he  was  to  be  our  Kinsman, 
and  of  our  blood,  that  he  might  be  a  merciful  and  faithful 
High  Priest,  Heb-  ii.  11,  17  :  and  fit  for  derivation  of  his 
righteousness,  and  transfusion  of  his  Spirit  upon  us ;  "  for 
both  he  that  sanctifieth,  and  they  who  are  sanctified,  are  all 
of  one,"     And  as  it  must  be  thus  fitted  to  the  sinner,  that  it 


may  be  a  proper  and  suitable  sacrifice  for  his  sin,  so  must  it  be 
perfect  likewise.  Without  blemish  or  sin.  "  Such  an  High 
Priest  became  us,  who  is  holy,  harmless,  undefiled,  separate 
from  sinners,"  Heb.  vii.  26 ;  that  so  he  might  offer  himself 
"  without  spot  to  God,"  and  have  no  need  of  a  sacrifice  for 
himself,  Heb.  ix.  14.  Also,  without  any  manner  of  defect, 
which  should  stand  in  need  of  supplement  and  contribution 
from  something  else  ;  that  of  itself  alone  it  might  be  sufficient 
and  available  to  bring  perfection  and  salvation  unto  men,  and 
to  leave  no  more  conscience  of  sin  behind  it,  Heb.  vii.  19 ; 
X.  2. 

4.  As  there  was  to  be  such  a  sacrifice,  perfect  in  itself,  and 
fit  for  the  use  and  occasion  for  which  it  was  appointed,  so 
there  must  be  an  altar  upon  which  to  offer  it  unto  the  Father ; 
for  it  is  the  altar  which  sanctifieth  the  offering  ;  that  is,  which, 
in  regard  of  God,  giveth  it  acceptance,  and  which,  in  regard 
of  man,  giveth  it  virtue,  merit,  and  value  answerable  to  his 
occasions.  This  sacrifice  was  to  be  sufficient  for  the  satisfac- 
tion of  God,  and  for  the  justification  and  reparation  of  man  ; 
and  both  these  by  means  of  the  altar  on  which  it  was  offered, 
which  was  the  Divine  nature.  "  Through  the  Eternal  Spirit 
he  offered  himself  without  spot  to  God,"  and  so  by  his  blood 
purgeth  our  consciences  from  dead  works,  Heb.  ix.  14.  For 
Christ,  as  God,  sanctified  himself  as  man,  that  so  we,  through 
the  virtue  and  merit  of  his  sacrifice,  might  be  sanctified  like- 
wise, John  xvii.  19.  He  was  to  be  God  as  well  as  man  ;  a 
medium  of  participation  before  he  could  be  the  medium  of  re- 
conciliation ;  that  so  he  might  himself  be  supported  to  un- 
dergo and  break  through  the  weight  of  sin  and  the  law,  and 
having  so  done,  might  have  compass  enough  in  his  sacrifice 
to  satisfy  the  justice  of  God,  and  to  swallow  up  the  sins  of 
the  world. 

3.  Inasmuch  as  the  virtue  of  the  Deity  was  to  be  attributed 
truly  to  the  sacrifice,  (else  it  could  have  no  value  nor  virtue  in 
it,)  and  that  sacrifice  was  to  be  the  life,  soul,  and  body 
of  the  Priest  who  offered  it,  because  he  was  not  barely  a 
Priest,  but  a  Surety,  and  so  his  person  stood  in  stead  of  ours, 
to  pay  our  debt,  which  was  a  debt  of  blood,  and  therefore  he 
was  to  offer  himself,  Heb.  ix.  26  ;  1  Pet.  ii.  24 :  and,  inas- 
much as  his  person  must  needs  be  equivalent  in  dignity  and 
representation  to  the  persons  of  all  those  for  whom  he  medi- 
ated, and  who  were  for  his  sake  only  delivered  from  suffering  : 
for  these  causes  it  was  necessary  that   God   and  man  should 


make  but  one  Christ,  in  the  unity  of  the  same  infinite  Person, 
whose  natures  they  both  were  ;  that  which  suffered,  and  that 
which  sanctified.  The  human  nature  was  not  to  be  left  to 
subsist  in  and  for  itself,  but  was  to  have  dependence  and  sup- 
port in  the  person  of  the  Son,  and  a  kind  of  inexistence  in 
him,  as  the  graft  of  an  apple  may  have  in  the  stock  of  a  plum. 
From  whence  ariseth,  1.  The  communication  of  properties 
between  the  natures  ;  when,  by  reason  of  the  unity  of  the 
person,  we  attribute  that  to  one  nature  which  is  common  to 
the  other,  not  by  confusion  or  transfusion,  but  by  communion 
in  one  end  and  in  one  person ;  as  when  the  Scriptures  attri- 
bute human  properties  to  the  Divine  nature  :  the  Prince  of  life 
was  slain,  Acts  iii.  15;  God  purchased  the  church  with  his 
own  blood.  Acts  xx.  28 ;  they  crucified  the  Lord  of  glory, 
1  Cor.  ii.  8.  Or,  divine  to  the  human  nature  :  as,  the  Son 
of  man  came  down  from  heaven,  John  iii.  18  ;  and  the  Son 
of  man  shall  ascend  where  he  was  before,  John  vi.  62.  Or, 
when  both  natures  work  with  their  several  concurrence  unto 
the  same  work,  as  to  walk  on  the  waters,  and  to  rise  out  of  the 
grave.  By  which  communication  of  properties,  virtue  is 
derived  from  the  altar  to  the  sacrifice,  inasmuch  as  it  was  the 
Lord  of  glory  who  was  crucified.  So  that  his  passions  were, 
in  regard  of  the  person  which  bare  them,  both  human  and 
Divine,  because  the  person  was  God  and  man.  2.  From  the 
unity  of  the  person  supporting  the  human  nature  with  the 
Divine,  ariseth  the  appliableness  of  one  sacrifice  unto  all  men. 
Because  the  person  of  the  Son  is  infinitely  more  than  equiva- 
lent to  the  persons  of  all  men,  as  one  diamond  to  many  thou- 
sand pebbles ;  and  because  the  obedience  of  this  sacrifice  was 
the  obedience  of  God,  and  therefore  cannot  but  have  more 
virtue  and  well-pleasingness  in  it  than  there  can  be  demerit  or 
malignity  in  the  sin  of  man. 

Now,  this  person,  in  whose  unity  the  two  natures  are  con- 
joined, is  the  second  Person  in  the  holy  Trinity.  He  was 
the  person  against  whom  the  first  sin  was  principally  com- 
mitted ;  for  it  was  an  affectation  of  wisdom,  and  to  be  like 
unto  God,  (as  the  falling  sin  now  is  the  sin  against  the  third 
Person ;)  and  therefore  the  mercy  is  the  more  glorious  that 
he  did  undertake  the  expiation.  By  him  the  world  was  made. 
Col.  i.  16,  17  ;  John  i.  3 ;  and  therefore,  being  spoiled,  he 
was  pleased  to  new  make  it  again,  and  to  bring  many  sons 
unto  glory,  Heb.  ii.  10.  He  was  the  express  image  of  his 
Father,  Heb.  i.  3;  Col.  i.  15  ;   and  therefore  by  him  are  we 



renewed  after  God's  image  again,  Col.  iii.  10.  He  was  the 
Son  of  God  by  nature,  and  therefore  the  mercy  was  again  the 
more  glorified  in  his  making  us  sons  by  adoption,  and  so  joint 
heirs  with  himself,  who  was  the  Heir  of  all  things. 

So  then  it  became  us  to  have  such  an  High  Priest  as  should 
be  first  an  equal,  middle  person  between  God  and  man.  In 
rec^ard  of  God  towards  man,  an  officer  appointed  to  declare 
his  righteousness;  and  in  regard  of  man  towards  God,  a 
Surety  ready  to  purchase  their  pardon  and  deliverance. 
Again,  such  a  one  as  should  be  one  with  us  ia  the  fellowship 
of  our  nature,  passions,  infirmities,  and  temptations,  that  so 
he  might  the  more  readily  suffer  for  us,  who  in  so  many 
things  suffered  with  us ;  and  one  with  God  the  Father  in  his 
Divine  nature,  that  so  by  the  virtue  of  his  sufferings  and  resur- 
rection he  might  be  able  both  to  satisfy  his  justice  and  to 
justify  our  persons,  to  sanctify  our  nature,  to  perfume  and 
purify  our  services,  to  raise  up  our  dead  bodies,  and  to  present 
us  to  his  Father  a  glorious  church,  without  spot  or  wrinkle. 
And  both  these  in  the  unity  of  one  person,  that  so  by  that 
means  the  Divine  nature  might  communicate  virtue,  merit,  and 
acceptableness  to  the  sufferings  of  the  human ;  and  that  the 
dignity  of  that  person  might  countervail  the  persons  of  all 
other  men.  And  this  person,  that  person  of  the  three  by 
whom  the  glory  of  the  mercy  should  be  the  more  wonderfully 
magnified.  In  one  word,  two  things  were  requisite  to  our 
High  Priest :  a  grace  of  union,  to  make  the  person  God  and 
man  in  one  Christ ;  and  a  grace  of  unction,  to  fit  him  with 
such  fulness  of  the  Spirit  as  should  enable  him  to  the  perform- 
ance of  so  great  a  work,  Isa.  xi.  2. 

1.  By  all  which  we  should  learn  to  adore  this  great  mystery 
of  God  manifested  in  the  flesh  and  justified  in  the  Spirit,  the 
unsearchableness  of  that  love  which  appointed  God  to  be 
man,  the  Creator  of  the  world  to  be  despised  as  a  worm,  for 
the  salvation  of  such  rebels  as  might  justly  have  been  left 
under  chains  of  darkness,  and  reserved  to  the  same  inevitable 
destruction  with  the  devils  which  fell  before  them. 

2.  To  have  always  before  our  eyes  the  great  hatefulness  of 
sin,  which  no  sacrifice  could  have  expiated  but  the  blood  of 
the  Son  of  God  himself;  and  the  great  severity  and  inexora- 
bleness  of  God's  justice  against  it,  which  no  satisfaction  could 
pacify,  no  obedience  compensate,  but  the  suffering  and  priva- 
tion of  himself.  Oh  !  what  a  condition  will  that  man  be  in, 
who  must  stand,  or  rather  everlastingly  sink,  and  be  crushed 


under  the  weight  of  that  wrath  against  sin  which  amazed  and 
made  heavy  unto  death  the  soul  of  Christ  himself  I  Which 
made  Him  who  had  the  strength  of  the  Deity  to  support  him  ; 
the  fulness  of  the  Spirit  to  sanctify  and  prepare  him ;  the 
message  of  an  angel  to  comfort  him  ;  the  relation  of  a  be- 
loved Son  to  refresh  him ;  the  voice  of  his  Father  from 
heaven  testifying  unto  him  that  he  was  heard  in  that'  he 
feared  ;  the  assurance  of  an  ensuing  glory  and  victory  to  en- 
courage him,  (none  of  which  shall  be  allowed  the  wicked  in 
hell,  who  shall  not  only  be  the  vessels  of  his  vengeance,  but, 
which  will  be  as  grievous  as  that,  the  everlasting  objects  of 
his  hatred  and  detestation ;)  which  made,  I  say,  even  the  Son 
of  God  himself,  notwithstanding  all  these  abatements,  to  pray 
with  strong  cries  and  bloody  drops,  and  woful  conflicts  of  the 
soul  against  the  cup  of  his  Father's  wrath,  and  to  shrink  and 
decline  that  very  work  for  which  only  he  came  into  the 
world ! 

3.  To  praise  God  for  that  great  honour  which  he  hath 
conferred  upon  our  nature  in  the  flesh  of  his  Son,  which  in 
him  is  anointed  with  more  grace  and  glory,  and  filled  with 
more  vast  and  unmatchable  perfection  than  all  the  angels  in 
heaven  are  together  capable  of ;  for  though  for  a  little  while 
he  was  made  lower  than  the  angels,  for  the  purpose  of  his  suf- 
fering, yet  he  is  now  "  sat  down  on  the  right  hand  of  God ; 
angels  and  authorities  and  powers  being  made  subject  unto 
him,"  Heb.  ii.  9 ;  i.  4,  13 ;  1  Peter  iii.  22.  And  for  the 
infinite  mercy  which  he  hath  showed  to  our  souls,  bodies,  and 
persons  in  the  sacrifice  of  his  Son  ;  in  our  reconciliation  and 
favour  with  him ;  in  the  justification  of  our  persons  from  the 
guilt  of  sin ;  in  the  sanctification  of  our  nature  from  the 
corruption  of  sin ;  in  the  inheritance  reserved  in  heaven  for 
us  ;  in  the  communion  and  fellowship  we  have  with  Christ  in 
his  merits,  power,  privileges,  and  heavenly  likeness.  "  Now," 
saith  the  apostle,  "  we  are  sons,  and  it  doth  not  yet  appear  what 
we  shall  be ;  but  we  know  that  when  he  shall  appear,  we 
shall  be  like  him,  for  we  shall  see  him  as  he  is,"  1  John  iii.  2. 

III.  From  these  things  which  have  been  spoken  of  the 
personal  qualifications  of  our  High  Priest,  it  will  be  easy  to 
find  out  the  third  particular  inquired  into,  touching  the  acts 
or  ofiices  of  Christ's  priesthood,  or  rather,  touching  the  parts 
of  the  same  action,  for  it  is  all  but  one.  Two  acts  there  are 
wherein  the  execution  of  this  office  doth  consist. 

1.  An  act  of  oblation  himself  once  for  all,  as  an  adequate 


sacrifice   and   full    compensation    for  the  sins  of  the  whole 
world    Heb.  ix.  14,  26.     Our  debt  unto  God  was  twofold  ; 
as  we  were  his  creatures,  so  we  owed  unto  him  a  debt  of  active 
obedience  in  doing  the  duties  of  the  whole  law  ;  and  as  we  are 
his  prisoners,  so  we  owed  unto  him  a  debt  of  passive  obedience, 
in  suffering  willingly  and  thoroughly  the  curses  of  the  law. 
And  under  this  law  Christ  was  made,  to  redeem  us  who  were 
under  the  precepts  and  penalties  of  the  law,  by  his  fulfilling 
all    that   ri<7hteousness.       Therefore    the    apostle    saith,    he 
was  "sin  for  us  ;"  that  is,   a  sacrifice  for  sin,  to  meet  and 
intercept  that  wrath  which  was  breaking  out  upon  us,  2  Cor. 
V,  21.     Herein  was  the  great  mercy  of  God  manifest  to  us, 
that  he  would  not  punish  sinners,  though  he  would  not  spare 
sin.     If  he  should  have  resolved  to  have  judged  sinners,  we 
must  have  perished  in  our  own  persons  ;  but  being  pleased  to 
deal  with  sin  only  in  the  abstract,  and  to  spare  the  sinner,  he 
was  contented  to  accept  of  a  sacrifice,  which  (under  the  rela- 
tion and  title  of  a  sacrifice)  stood  in  his  sight  like  the  body  of 
sin  alone  by  itself ;  in  which  respect  he  is  likewise  said  to  be 
made  "a  curse  for  us,"   Gal.  iii.  13.     Now,  that  which,  to- 
gether with  these  things,  giveth  the  complete  and  ultimate  for- 
mality of  a  sacrifice  unto  the  death  of  Christ,  was  his  own  will- 
ingness thereunto  in  that  he  offered  himself.    And  therefore  he 
is  called  the  "  Lamb  of  God  which  taketh  away  the  sin  of  the 
world,"  because  "  he  was  dumb  and  opened  not  his  mouth,  but 
was  obedient  unto  death,  even  the  death  of  the  cross,"  Phil.  ii.8. 

(1.)  Christ's  death,  in  regard  of  God  the  Father,  was 
a  necessary  death ;  for  he  had  before  determined  that  it 
should  be  done,  Acts  iv.  28.  *'  Thus  it  is  written,  and 
thus  it  behoved  Christ  to  suffer,"  Luke  xxiv.  46.  "  The 
Son  of  man  must  be  lifted  up,"  John  iii.  14 ;  and  therefore 
he  is  said  to  be  a  "  Lamb  slain  from  the  foundation  of  the 
world,"  in  regard  of  God's  decree  and  pre-ordination.  But 
this  gave  it  not  the  formality  of  a  sacrifice  ;  for  God  the 
Father  was  not  the  priest,  and  it  is  the  action  of  the  priest 
which  giveth  the  being  of  a  sacrifice  to  that  which  is  ofiered. 

(2.)  Christ's  death,  in  regard  of  men,  was  violent ;  they  slew 
him  with  wicked  hands,  and  killed  the  Prince  of  life.  Acts  ii. 
23;  iii.  15.  And  in  this  sense  it  was  no  sacrifice  either, 
for  they  were  not  priests,  but  the  murderers  of  Christ. 

(3.)  His  death,  in  regard  of  himself,  was  voluntary.  "  1 
lay  down  my  life,  fio  man  taketh  it  from  me,  but  I  lay  it  down 
of  myself.     I  have  power  to  lay  it  down,  and  I  have  power 


to  take  it  again,"  John  x.  17,  18  :  and  this  oblation  and  will- 
ing obedience,  or  rendering  himself  to  God,  is  that  which 
gives  being  to  a  sacrifice.  He  was  dehvered  by  God,  Acts 
ii.  23;  he  was  delivered  by  Judas  and  the  Jews,  Matt,  xxvii. 
2 ;  Acts  iii.  13 ;  and  he  was  yielded  and  given  up  by  him- 
self, Gal.  ii.  20 ;  Eph.  v.  25.  In  regard  of  God,  it  was 
justice  and  mercy,  John  iii.  16,  17  ;  Rom.  iii.  25  ;  in  regard 
of  man,  it  was  murder  and  cruelty,  Acts  vii.  52 ;  in  regard 
of  Christ,  it  was  obedience  and  humility,  Phil.  ii.  8.  And 
that  voluntary  act  of  his  was  that  which  made  it  a  sacrifice ; 
"  He  hath  given  himself  for  us  an  offering  and  a  sacrifice  to 
God  for  a  sweet  smelling  savour,"  Eph.  v.  2.  His  death  did 
not  grow  out  of  the  condition  of  his  nature,  neither  was  it  in- 
flicted on  him  by  reason  of  an  excess  of  strength  in  those  that 
executed  it,  (for  he  was  the  Lord  of  glory,)  but  only  out  of 
mercy  towards  men,  out  of  obedience  towards  God,  and  out 
of  power  in  himself.  By  his  power  he  assumed  those  infirmi- 
ties which  the  economy  and  dispensation  of  his  priesthood  on 
the  earth  required ;  and  by  the  same  power  he  laid  them  aside 
again  when  the  service  was  ended ;  and  this  I  say  was  that 
which  made  it  a  sacrifice.  As  martyrdom,  when  men  lay 
down  their  lives  for  the  profession  of  the  truth  and  the  service 
of  the  church,  is  called  a  sacrifice,  Phil.  ii.  17. 

If  it  be  here  objected,  that  Christ's  death  was  against  his 
own  will,  for  he  exceedingly  feared  it,  Heb.  v.  7  ;  and  prayed 
earnestly  against  it,  as  a  thing  contrary  to  his  will.  Matt.  xxvi. 
39.  To  this  I  answer,  that  all  this  doth  not  hinder,  but  com- 
mend his  willingness  and  obedience.  Consider  him  in  private 
as  a  man,  of  the  same  natural  affections,  desires  and  abhor- 
rences  with  other  men ;  and  consider  the  cup  as  it  was,  a  very 
bitter  cup,  and  so  he  most  justly  feared  and  declined  it,  as 
knowing  that  it  would  be  a  most  woful  and  a  heavy  combat 
which  he  was  entering  upon.  But  consider  him  in  his  public 
relation,  as  a  Mediator,  a  Surety,  a  merciful  and  faithful 
High  Priest,  and  so  he  most  wiUingly  and  obediently  sub- 
mitted unto  it.  And  this  willingness,  by  reason  of  his  office, 
was  much  the  greater,  because,  by  reason  of  his  nature,  his 
will  could  not  but  shrink  from  it.  It  is  easy  to  be  wilHng  in 
such  a  service  as  is  suitable  to  our  natural  condition  and 
affections  ;  but  when  nature  shall  necessarily  shrink,  sweat, 
startle,  and  stand  amazed  at  a  service,  then,  not  to  repent,  nor 
decline,  nor  fling  off  the  burden ;  but,  with  submission  of 
heart,  to  lie  down  under  it,  this  is,  of  all  other,  the  greatest 


obedience.  It  was  the  voice  of  nature,  and  the  presentation 
of  the  just  and  implanted  desires  of  the  flesh,  to  say,  "  Let  it 
pass  from  me ;"  it  was  the  retractation  of  mercy  and  duty  to 
say,  "  Glorify  thyself."  Whatever  my  nature  desires,  whatever 
my  will  declines,  whatever  becomes  of  me,  yet  still  glorify  thy- 
self, and  save  thy  church  :  if  it  cannot  otherwise  be  than  by 
drinking  this  bitter  cup,  "  Thy  will  be  done." 

2.  The  second  act  in  the  work  of  Christ's  priesthood  is  the 
act  of  application,  or  virtual  continuation  of  this  sacrifice  to 
the  end  of  the  world ;  and  that  is  in  the  intercession  of  Christ, 
unto  which  there  is  pre-required  a  power  and  prevalency  over 
all  his  enemies,  to  break  through  the  guilt  of  sin,  the  curse  of 
the  law,  and  the  chains  of  death,  with  which  it  was  impossible 
that  he  should  be  held.  The  vision  which  Moses  had  of  the 
burning  bush  was  an  excellent  resemblance  of  the  sacrifice  of 
Christ.  The  bush  noted  the  sacrifice  ;  the  fire  the  suffering  ; 
the  continuance  and  prevailing  of  the  bush  against  the  fire, 
the  victory  of  Christ,  and  breaking  through  all  those  suffer- 
ings which  would  utterly  have  devoured  any  other  man.  And 
this  power  of  Christ  was  shown  in  his  resurrection,  wherein 
he  was  "  declared  to  be  the  Son  of  God  with  power,"  Rom. 
i.  4  ;  and  in  his  ascension,  when  he  led  all  his  enemies  captive, 
Eph.  iv.  8  ;  and  in  his  sitting  at  the  right  hand  of  God,  far 
above  all  principalities  and  powers,  Eph.  i.  19,  20.  All 
which  did  make  way  to  the  presenting  of  his  sacrifice  before 
the  mercy-seat,  which  is  the  consummation  thereof,  and  with- 
out which  he  had  not  been  a  priest.  "  We  have  such  an 
High  Priest,"  saith  the  apostle,  "  who  is  set  on  the  right 
hand  of  the  throne  of  the  Majesty  in  the  heavens ;  for  if  he 
were  on  earth  he  should  not  be  a  priest,  seeing  that  there  are 
priests  that  offer  gifts  according  to  the  law,"  Heb.  viii.  1,  4. 
It  was  the  same  continued  action  whereby  the  priest  did  offer 
without  the  holy  place,  and  did  then  bring  the  blood  into  the 
holiest  of  all,  Heb.  xiii.  11.  For  the  reason  why  it  was  shed 
was  to  present  it  to  the  mercy-seat,  and  to  show  it  imto  the 
Lord  there.  So  Christ's  act  or  office  was  not  ended,  nor  fit 
to  denominate  him  a  complete  priest,  till  he  did  enter  with 
blood,  and  present  his  offering  in  the  holiest  of  all,  not  made 
with  hands,  Heb.  ix.  24.  And  therefore  he  had  not  been  a 
priest  if  he  should  have  continued  on  the  earth  ;  for  there  was 
another  priesthood  there,  which  was  not  to  give  place  but 
upon  the  accomplishment  of  his  ;  for  the  whole  figure  was  to 
pass  away  when  the  whole  truth  was  come.     Now,  Christ's 


oblation  was  the  truth  prefigured  in  the  priest's  sacrificing  of 
the  beast ;  and  his  entrance  into  heaven  was  the  truth  pre- 
figured in  the  priest's  carrying  of  the  blood  into  the  hohest  of 
all.  And  therefore  both  these  were  to  be  accomplished  before 
the  levitical  priesthood  did  give  place. 

Here,  then,  it  will  be  needful,  for  the  more  full  unfolding  of 
the  priesthood  of  Christ,  to  open  the  doctrine  of  his  inter- 
cession at  the  right  hand  of  his  Father.  The  apostle  calleth 
it  the  appearing  of  Christ  for  us,  Heb.  ix.  24 ;  which  is  a 
forensic  term,  an  expression  borrowed  from  the  custom  of 
buman  courts  ;  for,  as  in  them,  when  the  plaintiff'  or  defend- 
ant is  called,  their  attorney  appeareth  in  their  name  and  be- 
half; so  when  we  are  summoned  by  the  justice  of  God  to 
defend  ourselves  against  those  exceptions  and  complaints 
which  it  preferreth  against  us,  "  we  have  an  Advocate  with 
the  Father,  Jesus  Christ  the  righteous,"  who  standeth  out, 
and  appeareth  for  us,  1  John  ii.  1.  As  the  high  priest  went 
into  the  sanctuary  with  the  names  of  the  twelve  tribes  upon 
his  breast,  so  Christ  entered  into  the  holiest  of  all  with  our 
persons,  and  in  our  behalf ;  in  which  respect  the  apostle  saith 
that  he  was  apprehended  of  Christ,  Phil.  iii.  12 ;  and  that 
we  do  sit  together  in  heavenly  places  with  him,  Eph.  ii.  6. 
Merit  and  efficacy  are  the  two  things  which  set  forth  the  virtue 
of  Christ's  sacrifice,  by  which  he  hath  reconciled  us  to  his 
Father.  The  merit  of  Christ  being  a  redundant  merit,  and 
having  in  it  a  plentiful  redemption,  and  a  sufficient  salvation, 
hath  in  it  two  things  :  First,  there  is  an  expiation,  or  satis- 
faction, by  way  of  price  ;  secondly,  there  is  an  inheritance, 
by  way  of  purchase  and  acquisition,  Eph.  i.  14.  He  was 
made  of  a  woman,  made  under  the  law,  for  two  ends,  that  he 
might  redeem  us  from  the  curse  under  which  we  lay,  and  that 
he  might  purchase  for  us  the  inheritance  which  we  had  for- 
feited before ;  for  so  by  adoption  in  that  place  I  understand, 
in  a  complex  and  general  sense,  every  good  thing  which  be- 
longs unto  us  in  the  right  of  our  sonship  with  Christ,  and 
that  is  the  inheritance  of  glory,  Rom.  viii.  17,  23. 

Now,  all  this  is  eff'ected  by  the  obedience  of  Christ's  death  ; 
for  in  that  was  the  act  of  impetration,  or  procurement,  con- 
sisting in  the  treaty  between  God  and  Christ.  But  there  is 
yet  further  required  an  execution,  a  real  effectualness,  and 
actual  application  of  these  to  us.  As  it  must  be,  in  regard 
of  God,  a  satisfaction  and  a  purchase,  so  it  must  be  likewise 
in  regard  of  us,  an  actual  redemption  and  inheritance.     And 


this  is  done  by  the  intercession  of  Christ,  which  is  the  com- 
memoration, or  rather  continuation  of  his  sacrifice.  He 
offered  it  but  once,  and  yet  he  is  a  Priest  for  ever  ;  because 
the  sacrifice  once  offered  doth  for  ever  remain  before  the 
mercy-seat.  Thus,  as  in  many  of  the  legal  oblations,  the 
beast  was  slain  on  the  altar,  and  then  the  blood  was,  together 
with  the  incense,  brought  before  the  mercy-seat,  Lev.  xvi. 
11,  15:  so  Christ  was  first  slain,  and  then,  "by  his  own 
blood,  he  entered  into  the  holy  place,"  Heb.  ix.  12 :  that 
was  done  on  the  earth,  without  the  gate  ;  this  in  heaven,  Heb. 
xiii.  11,  12:  that  the  sacrifice,  or  obtaining  of  redemption;, 
this  the  application,  or  conferring  of  redemption.  The  sacri- 
fice consisted  in  the  death  of  Christ  alone ;  the  application 
thereof  is  grounded  upon  Christ's  death,  as  its  merit,  but 
effected  by  the  life  of  Christ,  as  its  immediate  cause.  His 
death  did  obtain,  his  life  did  confer  redemption  upon  us ;  and 
therefore,  in  the  Scriptures,  our  justification  and  salvation  are 
attributed  to  the  life  of  Christ :  "  He  was  delivered  for  our 
offences,  and  was  raised  again  for  our  justification,"  Rom.  iv. 
25.  "  If  Christ  be  not  raised,  your  faith  is  vain  ;  ye  are  yet 
in  your  sins,"  1  Cor.  xv.  17.  "  He  shall  convince  the  world 
of  righteousness,  because  I  go  to  my  Father,"  John  xvi.  8, 
10.  "  Because  I  live,  ye  shall  live  also,"  John  xiv.  19.  "  If 
we  be  dead  with  Christ,  we  believe  that  we  shall  also  live 
with  him,"  Rom.  vi.  8.  "  Being  made  perfect,"  or  conse- 
crated for  ever,  "  he  became  the  Author  of  eternal  salvation 
unto  all  them  that  obey  him,"  Heb.  v.  9 ;  vii.  28.  He  is  able 
perfectly  to  save,  because  he  ever  liveth,  Heb.  vii.  25.  We 
were  reconciled  in  his  death ;  but  had  he  there  rested,  we 
could  never  have  been  acquitted,  nor  entered  in,  for  he  was  to 
be  our  Forerunner;  and  therefore  the  apostle  addeth  a  "much 
more  "  to  the  life  of  Christ :  "  Much  more,  being  reconciled, 
we  shall  be  saved  by  his  life,"  Rom.  v.  10.  Not  in  point  of 
merit,  but  only  of  efficacy  for  us  ;  as  in  buying  land,  the 
laying  down  of  the  price  giveth  a  man  a  meritorious  interest ; 
but  the  delivering  up  of  the  deeds,  the  resigning  of  the  pro- 
perty, the  yielding  up  of  the  possession,  giveth  a  man  an 
actual  interest  in  that  which  he  hath  purchased  :  so  the  death 
of  Christ  deserveth,  but  the  intercession  and  life  of  Christ 
applieth  salvation  unto  us.  It  was  not  barely  Christ's  dying, 
but  his  dying  victoriously,  so  that  it  was  impossible  for  death 
to  hold  him.  Acts  ii.  24,  which  was  the  ground  of  our  salva- 
tion.    He  could  not  justify  us  till  he  was  declared  to  be 


justified  himself;  therefore  the  apostle  saith  that  he  was 
"justified  in  the  Spirit,"  1  Tim.  iii.  16;  namely,  by  that 
Spirit  which  quickened  him,  Rom.  i.  4;  viii.  11 ;  1  Peter  iii. 
18.  When  Christ  offered  himself  a  sacrifice  for  sin,  "  he 
was  numbered  with  the  transgressors,"  Mark  xv.  28.  He 
bare  our  sins  along  with  him  on  the  tree,  and  so  died  under 
the  wrongs  of  men,  and  under  the  wrath  of  God,  in  both  re- 
spects as  a  guilty  person  ;  but  when  he  was  quickened  by  the 
Spirit  of  holiness,  he  then  threw  off  the  sins  of  the  world 
from  his  shoulder,  and  made  it  appear  that  he  was  a  righteous 
person,  and  that  his  righteousness  was  the  righteousness  of 
the  world.  So  then  our  faith  and  hope  was  begun  in  Christ's 
death,  but  was  finished  in  his  life ;  he  was  the  Author  of  it, 
by  enduring  the  cross ;  and  he  was  the  Finisher  of  it,  by 
sitting  down  on  the  right  hand  of  the  throne  of  God,  Heb. 
xii.  2.  The  apostle  sums  up  all  together :  "  It  is  God  that 
justifieth.  Who  is  he  that  condemneth  ?  It  is  Christ  that 
died,  yea  rather,  that  is  risen  again,  who  is  even  at  the  right 
hand  of  God,  who  also  maketh  intercession  for  us,"  Rom.  viii 

Now,  to  show  more  distinctly  the  nature  and  excellency  of 
Christ's  intercession,  it  consisteth  in  these  particulars. 

1.  His  appearance,  or  the  presenting  of  his  person  in  our 
nature  and  in  his  own,  as  a  public  person,  a  Mediator,  a 
Sponsor,  and  a  pledge  for  us ;  as  Judah  was  both  a  mediator, 
to  request,  and  a  surety,  to  engage  himself  to  bear  the  blame 
for  ever  with  his  father  for  his  brother  Benjamin,  Gen.  xliii. 
8,  9  ;  and  Paul  was  a  mediator  for  Onesimus  ;  "  I  beseech  thee 
for  my  son  Onesimus,"  Philem.  ver.  9,  10:  and  a  sponsor; 
*'  If  he  hath  wronged  thee,  or  oweth  thee  ought,  put  that  on 
mine  account;  I  will  repay  it,"  ver.  18,  19.  So  Christ  is 
both  a  Mediator  and  Surety  for  us,  Heb.  vii.  22 ;  viii.  6. 

2.  The  presenting  of  his  merits  as  a  public  satisfaction  for 
the  debt  of  sin,  and  as  a  public  price  for  the  purchase  of  glory  ; 
for  the  justice  of  God  was  not  to  be  entreated  or  pacified 
without  a  satisfaction  ;  and  therefore  where  Christ  is  called 
an  Advocate,  he  is  called  a  Propitiation  too,  1  John  ii.  2 ; 
because  he  doth  not  intercede  for  us  but  in  the  right  and 
virtue  of  the  price  which  he  paid :  for  the  Lord  "  spared 
not  his  own  Son,  but  delivered  him  up  for  us  all,"  Rom.  viii. 
32.     He  dealt  in  the  full  rigour  of  his  justice  with  him. 

3.  In  the  name  of  his  person,  and  for  the  vigour  and  virtue 
*ii  bis  merits,  there  is  a  presenting  of  his  desires,  his  will,  his 

P  5 


request,  and  interpellation  for  us,  and  so  applying  both  unto 
US :  "  Father,  I  will  that  they  also  whom  thou  hast  given  me 
be  with  me  where  I  am,"  &c.,  John  xvii.  24. 

4.  To  all  this  doth  answer  the  consent  of  the  Father,  in 
whose  bosom  he  is,  who  heareth  him  always,  John  xi.  42  ; 
and  in  whom  he  is  well  pleased.  Matt.  xvii.  5 :  who  called 
him  to  this  office  of,  as  it  were,  master  of  requests  in  the  be- 
half of  his  church,  and  promised  to  hear  him  in  his  petitions  ; 
"  Ask  of  me,  and  I  shall  give  thee,"  Psa.  ii.  8,  Thus, 
when  ^schylus  the  tragedian  was  accused  in  the  Areopagus  of 
impiety,  his  brother  Amyntas  stood  out  as  his  advocate,  using 
no  other  plea  but  this,  he  opened  his  garments,  and  showed 
them  how  he  had  lost  his  hand  in  the  service  of  the  state,  and 
so  vindicated  his  brother.  Or.  as  Zeleucus,  when  he  put  out 
one  of  his  own  eyes  for  his  son,  who  had  been  discovered  in 
adultery,  delivered  him  from  half  the  punishment  which  him- 
self had  decreed  against  that  sin.  Or,  to  come  nearer,  as 
when  the  hand  steals,  if  the  back  be  scourged,  the  tongue  may, 
in  matters  that  are  not  capital,  intercede  for  a  dismission  :  so 
Christ,  when  he  suffered  for  us,  (which  he  might  more  justly 
do  than  any  one  man  can  for  another,  because  he  was,  by 
Divine  pre-ordination  and  command,  and  by  his  own  power, 
more  lord  of  his  own  life  than  any  other  man  is  of  his,  John 
X.  18,)  may  justly,  in  the  virtue  of  those  his  sufferings,  inter- 
cede in  our  behalf  for  all  that  which  those  his  sufferings  did 
deserve,  either  for  the  expiation  of  sin,  or  for  the  purchase  of 
salvation ;  in  which  sense  the  apostle  saith  that  the  blood  of 
Christ  is  a  speaking  or  interceding  blood,  Heb.  xii.  24. 

By  all  which  we  may  observe  the  impiety  of  the  popish 
doctrine,  which  distinguishes  between  mediators  of  redemption 
and  mediators  of  intercession ;  affirming  that,  though  the 
saints  are  not  redeemers  of  the  world,  yet  they  are,  as  the 
courtiers  of  heaven,  mediators  of  intercession  for  us,  and  so 
may  be  sought  unto  by  us.  To  which  I  answer,  that  we  must 
distinguish  of  interceding,  or  praying  for  another  :  there  is  one 
private,  and  another  public,  (which  some  learned  men  have 
observed  in  Christ's  own  prayers ;)  or  praying  out  of  charity, 
and  out  of  justice  or  office.  Or,  praying  out  of  humility, 
with  fear  and  trembling,  or  out  of  authority,  which  is  not 
properly  prayer,  (for  prayer,  in  its  strictest  sense,  is  a  pro- 
posing of  requests  for  things  unmerited,  which  we  expect  out 
of  God's  gracious  promise,  and  not  out  of  any  price  or  pur- 
chase ;)  but  the  presenting  of  the  will  and  good  pleasure  of 


Christ  to  his  Father,  that  he  may  thereunto  put  his  seal  and 
consent ;  the  desiring  of  a  thing  so  as  that  he  hath  withal  a 
right  jointly  of  bestowing  it,  who  doth  desire  it.  To  be  a 
Mediator  belongs  only  to  Christ,  because  true  intercession  (as 
it  is  a  pubhc  and  authoritative  act)  is  founded  upon  the  satis- 
factory merits  of  the  person  interceding :  he  cannot  be  a  right 
advocate  who  is  not  a  propitiation  too  ;  and  therefore  the,  pa- 
pists are  fain  to  venture  so  far  as  to  affirm  that  the  intercession 
of  the  saints  with  God  for  us  is  grounded  upon  the  virtue  of 
their  own  merits.  "  We  pray  the  saints  to  intercede  for  us ;  that 
is,  that  we  may  enjoy  the  suffrage  of  their  merits  :"  but  this  is 
a  very  wicked  doctrine.  1.  Because  it  shareth  the  glory  of 
Christ,  and  communicateth  it  to  others.  2.  Because  it  commu- 
nicateth  God's  worship  to  others.  3. Because,  under  pretence  of 
modesty  and  humility,  it  bringeth  in  a  cursed  boldness  to  deny 
the  faith,  and  driveth  children  from  their  Father  unto  servants, 
expressly  therein  gainsaying  the  apostle,  who  biddeth  us  make 
our  requests  known  to  God,  Phil.  iv.  6 ;  and  assured  us  that 
by  Christ  we  have  boldness  so  to  do,  Heb.  x.  19  ;  and  free 
access  allowed  us  by  the  Spirit,  Eph,  ii.  18  ;  whereas  one 
chief  reason  of  turning  to  the  saints  and  angels  is  because 
sinful  men  must  not  dare  to  present  themselves  or  their  ser- 
vices unto  God  in  their  own  persons,  but  by  the  help  of  those 
saints  that  are  in  more  favour  with  God,  and  with  whom  they 
may  be  bolder. 

Now,  from  this  doctrine  of  Christ's  intercession,  many  and 
great  are  the  benefits  which  come  unto  the  church  of  God ;  as, 

1.  Our  fellowship  with  the  Father  and  his  Son.  "  I  pray  for 
these;"  that,  "  as  thou,  Father,  art  in  me,  and  I  in  thee,  they 
also  may  be  one  in  us,"  John  xvii.  20,  21. 

2.  The  gift  of  the  Holy  Ghost.  "  I  will  pray  the  Father, 
and  he  shall  give  you  another  Comforter,  that  he  may  abide 
with  you  for  ever;  even  the  Spirit  of  truth,"  John  xiv.  16, 
17.  All  the  comforts  and  workings  of  the  Spirit  in  our 
hearts  which  we  enjoy  are  fruits  of  the  intercession  of  Christ. 

3.  Protection  against  all  our  spiritual  enemies.  "  Who  is 
he  that  condemneth  ?  It  is  Christ  that  died,  yea  rather,  that 
is  risen  again,  who  is  even  at  the  right  hand  of  God,  who 
also  maketh  intercession  for  us,"  Rom.  viii.  34.  "  I  pray  that 
thou  wouldest  keep  them  from  the  evil,"  John  xvii.  l5.  But 
are  not  the  faithful  subject  to  evils,  corruptions,  and  tempta- 
tions still  ?  How,  then,  is  that  part  of  the  intercession  of 
Christ  made  good  unto  us  ?     For  understanding  hereof  we 


must  know  that  the  intercession  of  Christ  is  available  to  a 
faithful  man  immediately ;  but  yet  in  a  manner  suitable  and 
convenient  to  the  present  state  and  condition  of  the  church,  so 
that  there  may  be  left  room  for  another  life,  and  therefore  we 
must  not  conceive  all  done  directly.  As  the  sun  shineth  on 
the  moon  by  leisurely  degrees  till  she  come  to  her  full  light ; 
or,  as  if  the  king  grant  a  pardon  to  be  drawn,  though  the 
ijrant  be  of  the  whole  thing  at  once,  yet  it  cannot  be  written 
and  sealed  but  word  after  word,  and  line  after  line,  and  action 
after  action :  so  the  grant  of  our  holiness  is  made  unto  Christ 
at  first,  but  in  the  execution  thereof,  there  is  line  upon  line, 
precept  upon  precept,  here  a  little  and  there  a  little ;  such  an 
order  by  Christ  observed  in  the  distribution  of  his  Spirit  and 
grace  as  is  most  suitable  to  a  life  of  faith,  and  to  the  hope  we 
have  of  a  better  kingdom.  "  I  have  prayed  for  thee  that  thy 
faith  fail  not,"  saith  Christ  unto  Peter ;  yet  we  see  it  did 
shake  and  totter :  the  prayer  was  not  that  there  might  be  no 
failing  at  all,  but  that  it  might  not  utterly  and  totally  fail. 

4.  The  assurance  of  our  sitting  in  heavenly  places.  His 
sitting  in  heavenly  places  hath  raised  us  up  together  and 
made  us  sit  with  him,  Eph.  ii.  6 ;  because  he  sitteth  there  in 
our  flesh  ;  because  he  sitteth  there  in  our  behalf ;  and  because 
he  sitteth  there  as  our  centre,  Col.  iii.  1,  2 ;  and  so  is  near 
unto  us,  by  the  unity  of  the  same  nature  with  us ;  by  the 
quality  of  his  office  or  sponsorship  for  us,  and  by  the  commu- 
nion and  fellowship  of  his  Spirit. 

5.  Strength  against  our  sins :  for,  from  his  priesthood  in 
heaven,  which  is  his  intercession,  the  apostle  infers  the  wTiting 
of  the  law  in  our  hearts,  Heb.  viii.  4,  6,  9,  10. 

6.  The  sanctification  of  our  services  ;  of  which  the  levitical 
priests  were  a  type,  who  were  to  "  bear  the  iniquity  of  the 
holy  things  of  the  children  of  Israel,"  that  they  might  be  ac- 
cepted, Exod.  xxviii.  38.  He  is  the  Angel  of  the  covenant, 
who  hath  a  golden  censer  to  offer  up  the  prayers  of  saints. 
Rev.  viii.  3.  There  is  a  three-fold  evil  in  man  :  1.  An  evil 
of  state,  or  condition,  under  the  guilt  of  sin.  2.  An  evil  of 
nature,  under  the  corruption  of  sin,  and  under  the  indispo- 
sition and  inaptitude  of  all  our  faculties  unto  good.  3.  An 
evil  in  all  our  services,  by  the  adherency  of  sin  ;  for  that  which 
toucheth  an  unclean  thing  is  made  unclean  ;  and  the  best  wine, 
mixed  with  water,  will  lose  much  of  its  strength  and  native 
spirits.  Now,  Christ,  by  his  righteousness  and  merits,  justi- 
fieth  our  persons  from  the  guilt  of  sin  ;  and  by  the  grace  and 


Spirit,  doth  in  measure  purify  our  faculties,  and  cure  them  oi 
that  corruption  of  sin  which  cleaves  unto  them.  And,  lastly, 
by  his  incense  and  intercession,  doth  cleanse  our  services  from 
the  noisomeness  and  adherency  of  sin,  so  that  in  them  the 
Lord  smelleth  a  sw^eet  savour :  and  so  the  apostle  calleth  the 
contributions  of  the  saints  towards  his  necessities,  "  an  odour 
of  a  sweet  smell,  a  sacrifice  acceptable,  well  pleasing  to  God," 
Phil,  iv,  18 ;  Gen.  viii.  21.  And  this  is  a  benefit  which  run- 
neth through  the  whole  life  of  a  christian ;  all  the  ordinary 
works  of  our  caUing,  being  parts  of  our  services  unto  God, 
(for  in  them  we  work  as  servants  to  the  same  Master,)  are  unto 
us  sanctified,  and  to  the  Father  made  acceptable,  by  the  inter- 
cession of  his  Son,  who  hath  made  us  priests,  to  offer  all  our 
sacrifices  with  acceptance  upon  this  altar,  Rev.  i.  6  ;  I  Peter 
ii.  5. 

7.  The  inward  intercession  of  the  soul  itself  for  itself, 
which  is,  as  it  were,  the  echo  of  Christ's  intercession  in  our 
hearts :  "  The  Spirit  maketh  intercession  for  us  with  groanings 
which  cannot  be  uttered,"  Rom.  viii.  26.  The  same  Spirit 
groaneth  in  us,  and  more  fully  and  distinctly,  by  Christ,  pray- 
cth  for  us.  "  These  things  I  speak  in  the  world,"  saith  our 
Saviour,  "  that  they  might  have  my  joy  fulfilled  in  them- 
selves," John  xvii.  13  ;  that  is,  as  I  conceive,  I  have  made 
this  prayer  in  the  world,  and  left  a  record  and  pattern  of  it  in 
the  church,  that  they,  feeling  the  same  heavenly  desires 
kindled  in  their  hearts,  may  be  comforted  in  the  workings  of 
that  Spirit  of  prayer  in  them,  which  testifieth  to  their  souls 
the  quality  of  that  intercession  which  I  will  make  for  them  in 

8.  Patience  and  unweariedness  in  God's  service.  "  Let  us 
run  with  patience  the  race  that  is  set  before  us,  looking  unto 
Jesus  the  Author  and  Finisher  of  our  faith  ;  who  for  the  joy 
that  was  set  before  him  endured  the  cross,  despising  the  shame, 
and  is  set  down  at  the  right  hand  of  the  throne  of  God," 
Heb.  xii.  1,  2. 

9.  Confidence  in  our  approaches  to  the  throne  of  grace. 
*'  Seeing  then  that  we  have  a  great  High  Priest,  that  is  passed 
into  the  heavens,  Jesus  the  Son  of  God,  let  us  hold  fast  our 
profession,  and  come  boldly  unto  the  throne  of  grace,"  Heb. 
iv.  14 — 16.  And  again;  "  This  Man,  after  he  hath  offered 
one  sacrifice  for  sins  for  ever,  sat  down  on  the  right  hand  of 
God,  from  henceforth  expecting  till  his  enemies  be  made  his 
foot-stool ;"  from  whence  the   apostle  inferreth,    "  Having, 


therefore,  boldness  to  enter  into  the  hoUest  by  the  blood  of 
Jesus ;  and  having  an  High  Priest  over  the  house  of  God ; 
let  us  draw  near  with  a  true  heart  in  full  assurance  of  faith," 
Heb.x.  12,19,21,22. 

And  all  these  things  are  certain  to  us  m  the  virtue  of  this 
intercession  of  Christ :  because  the  Father  heareth  him  and 
answereth  him,  John  xi.  42  ;  xii.  28,  and  appointed  him  to 
this  office,  Heb.  v.  4,  5.  Because  the  Father  loveth  us  ;  "I 
say  unto  you,  that  I  will  pray  the  Father  for  you :  for  the 
Father  himself  loveth  you,  because  ye  have  loved  me,"  John 
xvi.  26,  27.  Because  as  Christ  hath  a  prayer  to  intercede 
for  us,  so  hath  he  also  a  power  to  confer  that  upon  us  for 
which  he  intercedeth ;  "  I  will  pray  the  Father,  and  he  shall 
give  you  another  comforter,"  John  xiv.  16.  "  If  I  go  not 
away,  the  Comforter  will  not  come  unto  you  ;  but  if  I  depart, 
I  will  send  him  unto  you,"  John  xvi.  7.  That  which  Christ 
by  his  prayer  obtained  for  us,  by  his  power  he  conferreth  upon 
us  ;  and  therefore  he  is  said  to  "  receive  gifts  for  men,"  Psa. 
Ixviii.  18 ;  noting,  the  fruit  of  his  intercession ;  and  by  the 
apostle  "  to  give  gifts  unto  men,"  Eph.  iv.  8 ;  noting,  the 
power  and  fulness  of  his  person.  "  Having  received  of  the 
Father  the  promise  of  the  Holy  Ghost,  he  hath  shed  forth 
this,  which  ye  now  see  and  hear,"  Acts  ii.  33.  Thus  great, 
and  thus  certain  are  the  benefits  which  come  unto  the  church 
from  the  intercession  of  Christ. 

IV.  The  fourth  thing  to  be  inquired  into  about  the  priesthood 
of  Christ,  was, — what  are  the  virtue  and  fruits  thereof?  They 
may  be  all  comprised  in  two  general  words :  there  is  the  payment 
of  our  debt,  and  an  overplus  and  redundancy  of  merit.  Satis- 
faction, whereby  we  are  redeemed  from  under  the  law ;  and  an 
acquisition,  or  purchase  of  an  inheritance  and  privileges  for 
us.  The  obedience  of  Christ  hath  a  double  relation  in  it ; 
there  is  the  relation  of  a  legal  righteousness,  as  it  bears  exact 
and  complete  conformity  to  the  law,  will,  and  decree  of  his 
Father.  And  there  is  the  relation  of  a  merit  over  and  beyond 
the  law ;  for  though  it  were  that  which  we  did  necessarily  owe ; 
yet  it  was  that  which  of  himself  he  was  not  bound  unto,  but 
by  voluntary  susception,  and  covenant  with  his  Father  ;  for 
it  was  the  blood  and  obedience  of  God  himself. 

Here  then  it  is  to  be  considered  his  payment  of  that  debt 
which  we  did  owe  unto  God,  in  which  respect  he  is  said  to 
bear  our  sins.  To  bear  sin,  is  to  have  the  burden  of  the  guilt 
of  sin  and  malediction  of  the  law  laid  upon  a  man ;  so  it  is 


said,  "  He  that  troubleth  you,  shall  bear  his  judgment,"  Gal, 
V.  10.  "  The  son  shall  not  bear  the  iniquity  of  the  father, 
neither  shall  the  father  bear  the  iniquity  of  the  son ;  the 
wickedness  of  the  wicked  shall  be  upon  him,"  Ezek.  xviii.  20. 
So  wrath  is  said  to  abide  on  a  man,  John  iii.  36 ;  and  sin  is 
said  to  be  retained,*  or  held  in  its  place,  John  xx.  23.  So 
Christ  is  said  to  bear  our  sins  in  his  body  on  the  tree,  1  Pet. 
ii.  24 ;  Isa.  liii.  4,  5 ;  and  by  so  bearing  them  he  took  them 
off  from  us,  cancelled  the  oUigations  of  the  law  against  us, 
and  did  all  whatsoever  was  requisite  to  satisfy  an  offended 
justice ;  for  he  fulfilled  the  law,  which  was  our  debt  of  ser- 
vice ;  "  It  becometh  us  to  fulfil  all  righteousness,"  Matt.  iii. 
15.  And  he  endured  the  cross,  and  curse,  the  bloody  agony, 
and  ignominy  of  that  death  which  was  the  debt  of  suffering, 
Heb.  xii.  2 ;  and  the  covenant  between  him  and  his  Father 
was,  that  all  this  should  be  done  by  him  as  our  Head  and 
Surety :  and  so  he  was  to  taste  death  "  for  every  man,"  Heb.  ii. 
9 ;  Rom.  v.  8.  So  there  is  a  commutation  allowed,  as  it 
were,  that  he  should  be  in  our  stead  ;  his  soul  a  sacrifice,  and 
his  life  a  price,  and  his  death  a  conquest  for  ours ;  and  there- 
fore he  is  called  a  price  or  ransom  for  all  those  in  whose  place 
he  was  made  sin,  1  Tim.  ii.  6  ;  and  a  curse,  2  Cor.  v.  21 ;  Gal. 
iii.  13.  Though  he  had  not  any  demerit,  or  proper  guilt  of 
sin  upon  him,  which  is  a  deserving  of  punishment,  (for  that 
ever  grows  out  of  sin  either  personally  inherent,  or  at  least 
naturally  imputed,  by  reason  that  he  to  whom  it  is  accounted, 
was  naturally  contained  in  the  loins  of  him  from  whom  it  is 
on  him  derived,)  yet  he  had  the  guilt  of  sin  so  far  as  it  notes 
an  obligation  and  subjection  unto  punishment,  as  he  was  our 
Surety,  and  so  in  the  sight  of  God's  court  of  justice,  one 
with  us  who  had  deserved  punishment  imputed  unto  him. 

The  fruit  which  redounds  to  us  hereby,  is  the  expiation  or 
remission  of  our  sins  by  the  imputing  of  his  righteousness  unto 
us.  "  This  is  my  blood  of  the  new  testament,  which  is  shed 
for  many  for  the  remission  of  sins,"  Matt.  xxvi.  28.  "  In  whom 
we  have  redemption  through  his  blood,  the  forgiveness  of  sins, 
according  to  the  riches  of  his  grace,"  Eph.  i.  7.  And  this 
must  needs  be  a  wonderful  mercy,  to  have  so  many  thousand 
talents  forgiven  us,  such  an  infinite  weight  taken  off  from  our 
consciences,  the  penalty  and  curse  of  so  many  sins  removed 
from  us.  Our  natural  condition  is  to  be  an  heir  of  everlast- 
ing vengeance,  the  object  of  God's  hatred  and  fiery  indigna- 
tion, exiles  from  the  presence  of  his  glory,  vessels  fit  and  full 


of  misery,  written  within  and  without  with  curses,  to  be 
miserable,  to  be  all  over-miserable,  to  be  without  strength  in 
ourselves,  to  be  without  pity  from  other,  to  be  without  hope 
from  God,  to  be  without  end  of  cursedness ;  this  is  the  condition 
of  a  sinner,  and  from  all  this  doth  the  mercy  of  God  deliver  us. 
The  manner  whereby  the  satisfaction  of  Christ  becomes 
profitable  unto  us,  unto  the  remission  of  sin  and  righteous- 
ness, is  by  imputation,  Rom.  iv,  3,  5,  8  ;  v.  19.  No  man  is 
able  to  stand  before  God's  justice,  for  he  is  "  a  consuming 
fire,"  Heb.  xii.  29.  No  flesh  can  be  righteous  if  God  enter 
into  judgment.  He  is  of  purer  eyes  than  to  behold  iniquity, 
Hab.  i.  13 ;  for  his  eyes  are  not  eyes  of  flesh,  Job  x.  4. 
Now,  all  the  world  is  guilty  before  God,  and  cometh  short  of 
his  glory  ;  it  Ueth  in  wickedness,  1  John  v.  19 ;  and  therefore 
must  be  justified  by  a  foreign  righteousness,  and  that  equal  to 
the  justice  offended,  which  is  the  righteousness  of  God  unto 
us  graciously   imputed.      We   are    "justified  freely  by  his 

frace,  through  the  redemption  that  is  in  Christ  Jesus," 
Lom.  iii.  12,  24. 
To  open  this  point  of  justification  by  imputed  righteous- 
ness :  we  must  note  that  two  things  are  pre-required  to  deno- 
minate a  man  a  righteous  man.  There  must  be  extant  a 
righteousness  which  is  sufficient  and  able  to  justify  ;  and  there 
must  be  a  right  and  propriety  to  it,  whereby  it  cometh  to  pass 
that  it  doth  actually  justify. 

We  must  then  first  inquire  what  the  righteousness  is 
whereby  a  man  may  be  justified.  Righteousness  consisteth 
in  a  relation  of  rectitude  and  conformity.  "  God  hath 
made  man  upright ;  but  they  have  sought  out  many  in- 
ventions," and  turned  into  many  crooked  diverticles  of  their 
own,  Eccles.  vii.  29  ;  Deut.  xxxii.  5.  A  wicked  man  loveth 
crooked  ways,  to  wander  up  and  down  in  his  own  course, 
Jer.  xxxi.  22  ;  Hos.  iv.  16 ;  whereas  a  righteous  man 
loveth  straight  ways,  Heb.  xii.  13 ;  Psa.  v.  8,  because  right- 
eousness consisteth  in  rectitude  :  and  this  presupposeth  some 
rule,  unto  which  this  conformity  must  refer.  The  primitive 
and  orighial  prototype,  or  rule  of  holiness,  is  the  righteousness 
of  God  himself,  so  far  as  his  image  is  communicable  to  the 
creature,  or  at  least  so  far  as  it  was  at  the  first  implanted  in 
man :  "  Be  ye  perfect,  even  as  your  Father  which  is  in  hea- 
ven is  perfect,"  Matt.  v.  48.  It  is  not  meant  of  his  infinite 
perfection,  (for  it  was  the  sin  of  Adam  to  aim  at  being  a* 
God,  in  absoluteness  and  independent  excellency,)  but  of  that 


perfection  of  his,  which  is  in  the  word  set  forth  unto  us  for 
an  image  and  pattern  whereunto  to  conform  ourselves.  There- 
fore, the  secondary  rule  of  righteousness,  or  rather  the  same 
rule  unto  us  revealed,  is  the  law  of  God  written  in  his  word; 
in  the  which  God's  holiness,  so  far  as  it  is  our  example,  ex- 
hibiteth  itself  to  the  soul,  as  the  sun  doth  communicate  its 
light  through  the  beam  which  conveys  it.  Now,  in  the  law 
there  are  two  things  ;  one  principal,  obedience  ;  the  other  se- 
condary, malediction,  upon  supposition  of  disobedience : 
"  Cursed  is  every  one  that  continueth  not  in  all  things  which 
are  written  in  the  book  of  the  law  to  do  them,"  Gal.  iii.  10. 
So  then,  upon  supposition  of  the  sin  of  man,  two  things  are 
required  unto  justification ;  the  expiation  of  sin  by  suffering 
the  curse ;  and  the  fulfilling  of  righteousness  again.  Man 
created  might  have  been  justified  by  obedience  only ;  but  man 
lapsed  cannot  otherwise  appear  righteous  in  God's  sight,  but 
by  a  double  obedience ;  the  one  passive,  for  the  satisfaction 
of  his  vindictive  justice,  as  we  are  his  prisoners ;  the  other 
active,  in  proportion  to  his  remunerative  justice,  as  we  are  his 

But  besides  this,  that  there  must  be  a  righteousness  extant, 
there  is  required  in  the  person  to  be  justified  or  denominated 
thereby,  a  propriety  thereunto,  that  it  may  be  his  righteous- 
ness, Jer.  xxxiii.  16.  Now,  there  may  be  a  two-fold  pro- 
priety to  righteousness  according  to  a  two-fold  manner 
of  unity.  There  is  a  personal  and  individual  unity,  whereby 
a  man  is  one  in  and  by  himself,  and  so  hath  propriety  to  a 
duty  performed,  because  it  is  performed  in  his  own  person, 
and  by  himself  alone.  There  is  a  common  unity,  whereby  a 
man  is  one  with  another,  or  whereby  many  are  one  in  and  with 
some  other  thing  which  is  the  fountain  and  original  of  them 
all.  And  this  is  the  ground  of  righteousness  imputed ;  for 
in  the  law  a  man  is  justified  by  performing  entire  obedience  in 
his  own  person  ;  for  the  law  requireth  righteousness  to  be 
performed  by  a  created  and  implanted  strength,  and  doth  not 
put,  suppose,  or  indulge  any  common  principle  thereof  out  of 
a  man's  self :  therefore  legal  righteousness  is  most  properly 
called  our  own  righteousness,  and  is  set  in  opposition  to  the 
righteousness  of  God,  or  that  which  is  by  grace  imputed, 
Rom.  x.  3 ;  Phil.  iii.  8,  9.  We  see  then,  that  in  this  matter 
of  imputation,  either  of  sin  or  righteousness,  for  the  clearing 
of  God  from  any  injustice  or  partiality  in  his  proceedings, 
there  must  ever  be  some  unity  or  other  between  the  parties  ; 


he  whose  act  is  imputed,  and  the  other  to  whom  it  is  imputed : 
it  would  be  prodigious  and  against  reason  to  conceive  that  the 
fall  of  angels  should  be  imputed  unto  men,  because  men  had 
no  unity  in  condition  either  of  nature,  or  covenant  with  the 
angels,  as  we  have  in  both  with  Adam. 

This  common  unity  is  two-fold :  either  natural,  as  between  us 
and  Adam,  in  whom  we  were  seminally  contained,  and 
orio-inally  represented ;  for  otherwise  than  in  and  with  Adam 
there  could  at  the  beginning  be  no  covenant  made  with  man- 
kind, which  should  equally  reach  unto  all  particular  persons 
in  all  ages  and  places  of  the  world :  or  voluntary,  as  between 
a  man  and  his  surety,  who  are  to  be  viewed  but  as  one  per- 
son. And  this  must  be  mutual,  the  one  party  undertaking  to 
do  for  the  other,  and  the  other  yielding  and  consenting  there- 
unto ;  as  between  us  and  Christ ;  for  Christ  voluntarily  un- 
dertook for  us,  and  we  by  the  Spirit  of  Christ  are  persuaded 
and  made  willing  to  consent,  and  by  faith  to  cast  our  sins 
upon  Christ,  and  to  lay  hold  on  him.  And  besides  the  will 
of  the  parties  who  are,  the  one  by  default,  the  other  by  com- 
passion and  suretiship,  engaged  in  the  debt,  there  is  required 
the  will  and  consent  of  the  judge,  to  whom  the  debt  is  due, 
and  to  whom  it  belongeth,  in  the  right  of  his  jurisdiction,  to 
appoint  such  a  form  of  proceeding  for  the  recovery  of  his 
right  as  may  stand  best  with  the  honour  of  his  person,  and 
the  satisfaction  of  his  justice,  who,  if  he  would,  might  in  rigour 
have  refused  any  surety,  and  have  exacted  the  whole  debt  of 
those  very  persons  by  whose  only  default  it  grew.  And  thus 
it  comes  to  pass  that  by  grace  we  have  fellowship  with  the 
Second  Adam,  as  by  nature  with  the  first,  1  Cor,  xv.  45.  So 
then,  between  Christ  and  us  there  must  be  an  unity,  or  else 
there  can  be  no  imputation.  And  therefore  it  is  that  we  are 
said  to  be  "justified  by  faith,"  and  that  "faith  is  counted  for 
righteousness,"  Rom.  iv.  5  ;  not  the  act  of  believing,  as  if  that 
were  in  itself  accounted  righteousness,  as  it  is  a  work  proceeding 
from  us  by  grace  ;  but  because  it  is  the  bond  of  union  between 
us  and  Christ,  and  by  that  means  makes  way  to  the  imputation 
of  Christ's  righteousness  unto  us.  Therefore  we  are  said  to  be 
buried,  and  crucified  in  and  with  Christ,  by  the  virtue  of  faith 
incorporating  Christ  and  a  christian  together,  and  communi- 
cating the  fellowship  of  his  sufferings  and  resurrection,  Rom. 
vi.  6 ;  Gal.  vi.  14 ;  Eph.  iii.  17  ;  Phil.  iii.  10.  "  If  I  be 
lifted  up,"  saith  our  Saviour,  "  I  will  draw  all  men  unto  me." 
When  Christ  hung  on  the  cross,  we  in  a  sort  were  there  loo. 


As  in  Adam  we  were  all  in  paradise  by  a  natural  and 
seminal  virtue,  so  in  Christ  by  a  spiritual  virtue,  whereby 
in  due  time  faith  was  to  be  begotten  in  us,  and  so  we 
to  have  an  actual  being  of  grace  from  him,  as  after  our 
real  existence  we  have  an  actual  being  of  nature  from 
Adam.  Thus  we  see  that  Christ  did  for  us  fulfil  all  right- 
eousness, by  his  passive  meriting  and  making  satisfaction  unto 
the  remission  of  sins  ;  by  his  active  covering  our  inabilities, 
and  doing  that  in  perfection  for  us,  which  we  could  not 
do  for  ourselves.  He  suffered  our  punishment ;  "  he  was 
wounded  for  our  transgressions,  he  was  bruised  for  our  iniqui- 
ties ;  the  chastisement  of  our  peace  was  upon  him  ;  and  with 
his  stripes  we  are  healed,"  Isa.  liii.  5.  If  it  be  here  objected, 
that  an  innocent  person  ought  not  to  suffer  for  a  guilty,  for 
guilt  is  inseparable  from  sin ;  "  The  son  shall  not  bear  the 
iniquity  of  the  father,  neither  shall  the  father  bear  the  iniquity 
of  the  son ;  the  soul  that  sinneth,  it  shall  die,"  Ezek,  xviii. 
20.  For  the  clearing  of  this  objection,  we  must  note  that 
there  is  a  two-fold  manner  of  guilt,  (as  I  have  before  touched,) 
either  such  as  grows  out  of  inherent  sin,  which  is  the  deserv- 
ing of  punishment,  as  it  is  in  us  ;  or  such  as  grows  out  of  im- 
puted sin,  and  that  not  by  reason  of  natural  union,  as  the  guilt 
of  Adam's  sin  is  imputed  unto  us,  Cwhich  manner  of  imputa- 
tion is  likewise  the  foundation  of  our  demerit,  and  causeth  us 
to  deserve  punishment,)  but  voluntary,  by  way  of  recognizance 
and  apprehension.  And  so  guilt  is  only  a  free  and  willing 
obnoxiousness  unto  that  punishment  which  another  hath  de- 
served. Amongst  sinful  men  it  is  true,  that  the  son  shall  not 
bear  the  punishment  of  the  father's  sin  :  1.  Because  he  is 
altogether  personally  distinct.  2.  Because  he  is  not  appointed 
so  to  do,  as  Christ  was,  John  x.  18.  3.  Because  he  is  not 
able  to  bear  them,  so  as  to  take  them  off  from  his  father,  as 
Christ  did  ours.  He  was  himself  able  to  stand  under  our 
punishment  without  sinking,  and  was  able,  by  suffering  them, 
to  take  them  off  from  us,  because  his  person  was  answerable 
in  dignity,  and  therefore  (by  the  grace  of  God,  and  the  act  of 
his  Divine  jurisdiction  in  ordering  the  way  to  his  own  satis- 
faction) equivalent  in  justice  unto  all  ours.  4.  Because  he 
hath  already  too  many  of  his  own  to  bear.  But  yet,  if  the 
will  of  the  son  go  along  with  the  father  in  sinning,  it  is  not 
strange,  nor  unusual  for  him  to  suffer  for  his  father's  and  his 
own  sin  together,  as  for  the  continuation  of  the  same  offence ; 
because,  though  he  do  not  will  the  punishment,  (as  Christ  did 


ours,)  yet  imitating  and  continuing  the  sin,  he  has  comeritecl 
to  the  cause  for  the  punishment  too. 

1.  Now  for  an  answer  and  resolution  of  the  question, — 
whether  or  not  an  innocent  person  may  suffer  for  a  guilty,  we  must 
first  note,  that  God,  out  of  his  dominion  over  all  things,  may 
cast  pains  upon  an  innocent  person,  as  it  is  manifest  he  did 
upon  Christ.  And  what  ground  of  complaint  could  any  crea- 
ture have  against  God,  if  he  should  have  created  it  in  fire, 
and  made  the  place  of  its  habitation  the  instrument  of  its 
pain?  Do  not  we  ourselves  without  cruelty  upon  many 
occasions  put  creatures  that  have  not  offended  us  unto  pain  ? 

2.  It  is  not  universally  against  equity  for  one  to  suffer  the 
punishment  of  another's  sin :  we  see  the  infants  of  Sodom, 
Babylon,  Egypt,  of  Korah,  Dathan,  and  Abiram,  were  in- 
volved in  the  punishment  of  those  sins  of  which  themselves 
were  not  guilty.  The  Lord  reserved  to  himself  the  punish- 
ment of  the  fathers  on  the  children  ;  he  punished  the  sins  of 
three  hundred  and  ninety  years  all  together,  Ezek.  iv.  5. 
Ham  committed  the  sin,  and  yet  Canaan  was  cursed  for  it, 
Gen.  ix.  22,  25.  The  sin  was  Gehazi's  alone,  and  yet  the 
leprosy  cleaved  not  to  him  only,  but  to  his  posterity,  2  Kings  v. 
27.  The  sin  of  crucifying  Christ  was  the  sin  of  the  jews  in  that 
age  alone,  and  yet  wrath  is  come  upon  them  to  the  uttermost 
even  unto  his  day.  Matt,  xxvii.  23  ;  1  Thess.  ii.  16.  Achan 
trespassed  alone,  but  he  perished  not  alone,  but  his  sons,  and 
his  daughters,  and  all  that  he  had  with  him,  Josh.  vii.  24.  See 
1  Kings  xxi.  21 ;  Judges  ix.  56  ;  1  Kings  ii>  33  ;  Jer.  xxii.  30, 

3.  The  equity  hereof  in  the  case  of  Christ  doth  herein 
plainly  appear,  when  all  parties  are  glorified,  and  all  parties 
are  willing  and  well  pleased,  there  is  no  injury  done  unto  any  ; 
and  in  this  the  case  is  so.  1.  All  parties  are  glorified:  the 
Father  is  glorified  in  the  obedience  of  his  Son  ;  "  I  have  both 
glorified  my  name,  and  will  glorify  it  again,"  John  xii.  28. 
"  I  have  glorified  thee  on  the  earth :  I  have  finished  the  work 
which  thou  gavest  me  to  do,"  John  xvii.  4.  The  Son  is 
glorified  ;  "  Thou  madest  him  a  little  lower  than  the  angels ; 
thou  crownedst  him  with  glory  and  honour,"  Heb.  ii.  7  ; 
John  xvii.  5.  And  the  sinner  is  glorified  ;  "  I  will  that  they 
also,  whom  thou  hast  given  me,  be  with  me  where  I  am ;  that 
they  may  behold  my  glory,"  John  xvii.  24.  2.  All  parties 
are  willing :  the  Father  is  willing,  for  by  his  ordination  he 
appointed  Christ  to  it,  Acts  iv.  27,  28 ;  by  his  love  and  ten- 
der compassion  he  bestowed  Christ  upon  us,  John  iii.  16  ;  by 


his  Divine  acceptation  he  rested  well  pleased  in  it,  Matt.  xvii. 
5 :  in  one  word,  by  his  wonderful  wisdom  he  fitteth  it  to  the 
manifestation  of  his  glory  and  mercy,  to  the  reconciliation  of 
him  and  his  creature,  and  to  the  exaltation  of  his  Son.  The 
Son  is  willing ;  he  cheerfully  submitteth  unto  it,  Heb.  x.  9  ; 
and  freely  loved  us,  and  gave  himself  unto  us.  Gal.  ii.  20. 
The  sinner  is  willing,  and  accepteth  and  relieth  upon  it,  as  we 
have  seen  at  large  before  in  the  third  verse ;  so  that  there  can 
be  no  injury  done  to  any  party,  where  all  are  willing,  and 
where  all  are  glorified. 

4.  That  an  innocent  person  may  thus  in  justice  and  equity 
suffer  for  a  guilty,  there  is  required,  (besides  these  acts  of  or- 
dination in  the  supreme,  of  submission  in  the  surety,  and  of 
consent  in  the  delinquent,)  1.  An  intimate  and  near  conjunc- 
tion in  him  that  suffereth  with  those  that  should  have  suffered. 
Several  unions  and  conjunctions  there  are  ;  as  poKtic,  between 
the  members  and  subjects  in  a  state  ;  and  thus  in  a  common- 
wealth, universally  sinful,  a  few  righteous  men  may,  as  parts 
of  that  sinful  society,  be  justly  subject  to  those  temporary  evils 
which  the  sins  of  the  society  have  contracted  ;  and  the  people 
may  justly  suffer  for  the  sins  of  the  prince,  2  Sam.  xxiv.  17 ; 
and  he  for  theirs,  1  Sam.  xii.  25.  2.  Natural,  as  between 
parents  and  children ;  so  the  Lord  visited  the  sins  of  Dathan 
upon  his  little  ones.  Numb.  xvi.  27,  33.  3.  Mystical,  as 
between  man  and  wife  ;  so  the  Lord  punished  the  sins  of 
Amaziah,  the  priest  of  Bethel,  by  giving  over  his  wife  unto 
whoredom,  Amos  vii.  17  ;  and  we  see,  in  many  cases,  the 
husband  is  liable  to  be  charged  and  censured  for  the  exorbi- 
tances of  his  wife.  4.  Stipulatory  and  by  consent ;  as  in  the 
case  of  sureties,  or  hostages,  who  are  punished  for  the  sins  of 
others  whom  they  represent,  and  in  whose  place  they  stand 
as  a  caution  and  defence  against  injuries  which  might  be 
feared,  as  we  see  in  the  parable  of  the  prisoner  committed 
to  the  custody  of  another  person,  1  Kings  xx.  39,  42. 
5.  Possessory,  as  between  a  man  and  his  goods  ;  and  so  we  find 
that  a  man  was  to  offer  no  beast  for  a  sin-offering  but  that 
which  was  his  own,  Lev.  v,  6,  7.  Now,  in  all  these  respects 
there  was  in  some  manner  conjunction  between  us  and  Christ; 
he  conversed  amongst  men,  and  was  a  member  of  that  tribe 
and  society  amongst  whom  he  lived,  and  therefore  was  alto- 
gether with  them  under  that  Roman  yoke  which  was  then  upon 
the  people,  and  in  that  relation  paid  tribute  unto  Cassar.  He 
had  the  nature  of  man,  and  so  was  subject  to  all  human  and 


natural  infirmities  without  sin.  He  was  mystically  married 
unto  his  church,  and  therefore  was  answerable  for  the  debts 
and  misdemeanours  of  the  church.  He  entered  into  covenant, 
and  became  Surety  for  man,  and  therefore  was  liable  to  man's 
engagements.  He  became  the  possession,  in  some  sort,  of 
his  cliurch  ;  whence  it  is  that  we  are  said  to  receive  him  and 
to  have  him,  1  John  v.  12 ;  not  by  way  of  dominion,  (for  so 
we  are  his,  1  Cor.  vi.  19,)  but  by  way  of  communion  and 
propriety  ;  and  therefore,  though  we  cannot  offer  him  up  unto 
God  in  sacrifice  for  our  sins,  yet  we  may  in  our  faith  and 
prayers  show  him  unto  his  Father,  and  hold  him  up  as  our  own 
armour  and  defence  against  the  wrath  of  God,  Rom.xiii.  14. 

There  is  required  in  the  innocent  person  suffering,  that  he 
have  a  free  and  full  dominion  over  that  from  which  he  parteth 
in  his  suffering  for  another.  As  in  suretiship,  a  man  hath 
free  dominion  over  his  money,  and  therefore  in  that  respect  he 
may  engage  himself  to  pay  another  man's  debt ;  but  he  hath 
not  a  free  dominion  over  himself  or  his  own  life,  and  there- 
fore he  may  not  part  with  a  member  of  his  own  in  commuta- 
tion for  another's,  nor  lay  down  his  own  life  for  the  delivering 
of  another  from  death,  except  in  such  cases  as  the  word  of 
God  limiteth  and  alloweth.  But  Christ  was  Lord  of  his  own 
life,  and  had  therefore  power  to  lay  it  down,  and  to  take  it  up. 
And  this  power  he  had,  (though  he  were  in  all  points  subject 
to  the  law  as  we  are,)  not  solely  by  virtue  of  the  hypostatical 
union,  which  did  not  for  the  time  exempt  him  from  any  of 
the  obligations  of  the  law,  but  by  virtue  of  a  particular  com- 
mand, constitution,  and  designation  to  that  service  of  laying 
down  his  life :  "  This  commandment  have  I  received  of  my 
Father,"  John  x.  18. 

It  is  required  that  this  power  be  ample  enough  to  break 
through  the  suffering  he  undertaketh,  and  to  re-assume  his 
life,  and  former  condition  again.  "  I  have  power  to  lay  it 
down,  and  I  have  power  to  take  it  again."  So  then,  the  sum 
of  all  is  this ;  by  the  most  just,  wise,  and  merciful  will  of  God, 
by  his  own  most  obedient  and  voluntary  undertaking,  Christ 
Jesus,  being  one  with  us  in  a  manifold  and  most  secret  union, 
and  having  full  power  to  lay  down,  and  to  take  up  his  life 
again  by  special  command  and  allowance  of  his  Father  given 
him,  did  most  justly,  without  injury  to  himself,  or  dishonour 
to  or  injustice  in  his  Father,  suffer  the  punishment  of  their 
sins,  with  whom  he  had  so  near  an  union,  and  who  could  not 
themselves  have  suffered  them  with  obedience  in  their  own 


persons,  or  with  so  much  glory  to  God's  justice,  mercy,  and 

If  it  be  here  again  objected,  that  sin  in  the  Scripture  is 
said  to  be  pardoned,  which  seems  contrary  to  this  payment 
and  satisfaction :  to  answer  this,  we  must  note  that,  in  the 
rigour  of  the  law,  the  delinquent  himself  is  in  person  to  suffer 
the  penalty  denounced  ;  for  the  law  is,  "  In  the  day  that  thou 
eatest  thou  shalt  die  ;"  and  "  the  soul  that  sinneth,  it  shall 
die.  Every  man  shall  bear  his  own  burden,"  Gal.  vi.  5.  So 
that  the  law,  as  it  stands  in  its  own  rigour,  doth  not  admit  of 
any  commutation,  or  substitution  of  one  for  another.  There- 
fore, that  another  person  suffering  may  procure  a  discharge 
to  the  person  guilty,  and  be  valid  to  free  him,  the  will,  con- 
sent, and  mercy  of  him  to  whom  the  infliction  of  the  punish- 
ment belongeth  must  concur,  and  his  over-ruling  power  must 
dispense,  though  not  with  the  substance  of  the  law's  demands, 
yet  with  the  manner  of  execution,  and  with  that  rigour  which 
binds  wrath  peremptorily  upon  the  head  only  of  him  that  hath 
deserved  it.  So  then  we  see  both  these  things  do  sweetly 
concur ;  a  precedent  satisfaction  by  paying  the  debt ;  and  yet 
a  true  pardon  and  remission  thereof  to  that  party  which  should 
have  paid  it,  and  out  of  mercy  towards  him,  a  dispensing  with 
the  rigour  of  that  law,  which  in  strictness  would  not  admit  any 
other  to  pay  it  for  him. 

Thus  we  see  how  Christ  hath  suffered  our  punishment. 
But  further,  he  did  all  obedience,  and  fulfilled  all  actions  of 
righteousness  for  us  ;  "  for  such  an  High  Priest  became  us, 
who  is  holy,  harmless,  undefiled,  separate  from  sinners,"  Heb. 
vii.  26.  He  came  not  into  the  world  but  for  us,  and  there- 
fore he  neither  suffered,  nor  did  anything  but  for  us.  As 
the  colour  of  the  glass  is  by  the  favour  of  the  sun-beam 
shining  through  it  made  the  colour  of  the  wall,  not  inherent 
in  it,  but  shining  upon  it,  by  an  extrinsical  affection ;  so  the 
righteousness  of  Christ,  by  the  favour  of  God,  is  so  imputed 
unto  us,  as  that  we  are  by  an  act  of  grace  in  the  sight  of  God 
righteous  too.  In  which  sense  I  understand  those  words, 
"  He  hath  not  beheld  iniquity  in  Jacob,  neither  hath  he  seen 
perverseness  in  Israel,"  Numb,  xxiii.  21.  Though  it  is  in- 
deed in  him,  yet  the  Lord  looketh  on  him  as  clothed  with  the 
righteousness  of  Christ,  and  so  is  said  not  to  see  it ;  as  the 
eye  seeth  the  colour  of  the  glass  in  the  wall,  and  therefore 
cannot  behold  that  other  inherent  colour  of  its  own,  which 
yet  it  knoweth  to  be  in  it. 


Now,  of  the  doctrine  of  justification  by  Christ's  righteous- 
ness imputed  we  may  make  a  double  use.  1.  It  may  teach 
us  that  great  duty  of  self-denial ;  we  see  no  righteousness  will 
justify  us  but  Christ's,  and  his  will  not  consist  but  with  the 
denial  of  our  own.  And  surely,  whatever  the  professions  of 
men  in  word  may  be,  there  is  not  any  one  duty  in  all  the 
christian  reho^ion  of  more  difficulty  than  this,  to  trust  Christ 
only  with  our  salvation  :  to  do  holy  duties  of  hearing, 
reading,  praying,  meditating,  almsgiving,  or  any  other  ac- 
tions of  charity  or  devotion,  and  yet  still  to  abhor  ourselves 
and  our  works ;  to  esteem  ourselves  after  we  have  done  all, 
as  unprofitable  servants,  and  worthy  of  many  stripes  :  to  do 
good  things,  and  not  to  rest  in  them  ;  to  own  the  shame  and 
dross  of  our  solemn  services  :  when  we  have  done  all  the  good 
works  we  can,  to  say,  with  Nehemiah,  "  Remember  me,  O 
my  God,  concerning  this,  and  spare  me  according  to  the 
greatness  of  thy  mercy,"  Neh.  xiii.  22  ;  and  with  David, 
"  Unto  thee,  O  Lord,  belongeth  mercy  :  for  thou  renderest  to 
every  man  according  to  his  work,"  Psa.  Ixii.  12  ;  it  is  thy 
mercy  to  reward  us  according  to  the  uprightness  of  our  works, 
who  mightest  in  judgment  confound  us  for  the  imperfection 
of  our  works :  to  give  God  the  praise  of  our  working,  and 
to  take  to  ourselves  the  shame  of  polluting  his  works  in  us. 
There  is  no  doctrine  so  diametrically  contrary  to  the  merits  of 
Christ,  and  the  redemption  of  the  world  thereby,  as  justifica- 
tion by  works.  No  papist  in  the  world  is,  or  can  be,  more 
conscientious  for  good  works  than  we  both  in  our  doctrine, 
and  in  our  prayers,  and  in  our  exhortations  to  the  people. 
We  say  no  faith  justifieth  us  before  God,  but  a  working  faith  ; 
no  man  is  righteous  in  the  sight  of  men,  nor  to  be  so  es- 
teemed, but  by  works  of  holiness  ;  "  for  without  holiness  no 
man  shall  see  the  Lord  ;"  he  that  is  Christ's  is  "zealous  of 
good  works  ;"  "  purifieth  himself,  even  as  he  is  pure,"  and 
walketh  as  he  did  in  this  world.  Here  only  is  the  difference ; 
we  do  them,  because  they  are  our  duty,  and  expressions  of 
our  love  and  thankfulness  to  Christ,  and  of  the  workings  of 
his  Spirit  in  our  hearts  ;  but  we  dare  not  trust  in  them,  as  that 
by  which  we  hope  to  stand  or  fall  before  the  tribunal  of  God's 
justice,  because  they  are,  at  best,  mingled  with  our  corrup- 
tions, and  therefore  do  themselves  stand  in  need  of  our  High 
Priest  to  take  off  their  iniquity.  We  know  enough  in  Christ 
to  depend  on,  we  never  can  find  enough  in  ourselves.  And 
this  confidence  we  have,  if  God  would  ever  have  had  us  justi- 


fied  by  works,  he  would  have  given  us  grace  enough  to  fulfil 
the  whole  law,  and  not  have  left  a  prayer  upon  public  record 
for  us  every  day  to  repeat,  and  to  regulate  all  our  own  prayers 
by,  "  Forgive  us  our  trespasses."  For  how  dare  that  man 
say,  I  shall  be  justified  by  my  works,  who  must  every  day  say, 
Lord,  forgive  my  sins,  and  be  merciful  unto  me  a  siimer  I 
Nay,  though  we  could  fulfil  the  whole  law  perfectly,  yet  from 
the  guilt  of  sins  formerly  contracted,  we  could  no  other  way 
he  justified,  than  by  laying  hold  by  faith  on  the  satisfaction 
and  sufferings  of  Christ. 

2.  It  may  teach  us  confidence  against  all  sins,  corruptions, 
and  temptations.  "  Who  shall  lay  anything  to  the  charge 
of  God's  elect  ?  It  is  God  that  justifieth.  Who  is  he  that 
condemneth  ?  It  is  Christ  that  died,"  Rom.  viii.  33,  34. 
Satan  is  the  blackest  enemy,  and  sin  is  the  worst  thing  he  can 
allege  against  me,  or  my  soul  is  or  can  be  subject  unto  ;  for 
hell  is  not  so  evil  as  sin.  Inasmuch  as  hell  is  of  God's 
making,  but  sin  only  of  mine.  Hell  is  made  against  me,  but 
sin  is  committed  against  God.  Now,  I  know  Christ  came  to 
destroy  the  works,  and  to  answer  the  arguments  and  reasonings 
of  the  devil.  Thou  canst  not  stand  before  God,  saith  Satan, 
for  thou  art  a  grievous  sinner,  and  he  is  a  devouring  fire. 
But  faith  can  answer,  Christ  is  able  both  to  cover  and  to  cure 
my  sin,  to  make  it  vanish  as  a  mist,  and  to  put  it  as  far  out 
of  mine  own  sight,  as  the  east  is  from  the  west. — But  thou  hast 
nothing  to  do  with  Christ,  thy  sins  are  so  many  and  so  foul,  says 
Satan.  Surely  the  blood  of  Christ  is  more  acceptable  to  my 
soul,  and  much  more  honourable  and  precious  in  itself,  when 
it  covereth  a  multitude  of  sins.  Paul  was  a  persecutor,  a 
blasphemer,  and  injurious,  the  greatest  of  all  sinners ;  and  yet 
he  obtained  mercy,  that  he  might  be  for  a  pattern  of  all  long- 
suffering  to  those  that  should  after  believe  in  Christ.  If  I 
had  as  much  sin  upon  my  soul  as  thou  hast,  yet  faith  could 
unlade  them  all  upon  Christ,  and  Christ  could  swallow  them 
all  up  in  his  mercy. — But  thou  hast  still  nothing  to  do  with 
him,  because  thou  continuest  in  thy  sin,  says  Satan.  But 
doth  he  not  call  me,  invite  me,  beseech  me,  command  me,  to 
come  unto  him  ?  If  then  I  have  a  heart  to  answer  his  call, 
he  hath  a  hand  to  draw  me  to  himself,  though  all  the  gates 
of  hell  and  powers  of  darkness,  or  sins  of  the  world  stood  be- 
tween.— But  thou  obeyest  not  this  call,  says  Satan.  True 
indeed,  and  pitiful  it  is,  that  I  am  dull  of  hearing,  and  slow  of 
following  the  voice  of  Christ.    I  want  much  faith ;  but  yet, 



Lord,  thou  dost  not  use  to  quench  the  smoking  flax,  or  to 
break  the  bruised  reed.  I  believe,  thou  art  able  to  help 
mine  unbelief.  I  am  resolved  to  venture  my  soul  upon  thy 
mercy,  to  throw  away  all  my  own  loading,  and  to  cleave  only 
to  this  plank  of  salvation. — But  faith  purifieth  the  heart, 
whereas  thou  art  unclean  still,  repKes  Satan.  True  indeed, 
and  miserable  man  I  am  therefore,  that  the  motions  of  sin  do 
work  in  my  members.  But  yet.  Lord,  I  hate  every  false  way  ; 
I  delight  in  thy  law  with  my  inner  man  ;  I  do  that  which  I 
would  not,  but  I  consent  to  thy  law  that  it  is  good ;  I  desire 
to  know  thy  will,  to  fear  thy  name,  and  to  follow  thee  whither- 
soever thou  leadest  me. — But  these  are  but  empty  desires, 
the  wishings  and  wouldings  of  an  evil  heart,  says  Satan. 
Lord,  to  me  belongeth  the  shame  of  my  failings,  but  to  thee 
belongeth  the  glory  of  thy  mercy  and  forgiveness.  Too  true 
it  is  that  I  do  not  all  I  should ;  but  do  I  allow  myself  in  any- 
thing that  I  should  not  ?  do  I  make  use  of  mine  infirmities  to 
justify  myself  by  them,  or  shelter  myself  under  them,  or  dis- 
pense with  myself  in  them  ?  Though  I  do  not  the  things  I 
should,  yet  I  love  them,  and  delight  in  them,  my  heart  and 
spirit,  and  all  the  desires  of  my  soul  are  towards  them  ;  I  hate, 
abhor,  and  fight  with  myself  for  not  doing  them.  I  am 
ashamed  of  mine  infirmities,  as  the  blemishes  of  my  profession ; 
I  am  weary  of  them,  and  groan  under  them  as  the  burdens  of 
my  soul.  I  have  no  lust,  but  I  am  willing  to  know  it ;  and 
when  I  know,  to  crucify  it.  I  hear  of  no  further  measure  of 
grace,  but  I  admire  it,  and  hunger  after  it,  and  press  on  to  it. 
I  can  take  Christ  and  affliction,  Christ  and  persecution 
together.  I  can  take  Christ  without  the  world  ;  I  can  take 
Christ  without  myself.  I  have  no  unjust  gain,  but  I  am 
ready  to  restore  it.  No  time  have  I  lost  by  earthly  business 
from  God's  service,  but  I  am  ready  to  redeem  it.  I  have 
followed  no  sinful  pleasure,  but  I  am  ready  to  abandon  it ;  no 
evil  company,  but  I  mightily  abhor  it.  I  never  swore  an  oath, 
but  I  can  remember  it  with  a  bleeding  conscience.  I  never 
neglected  a  duty,  but  I  can  recount  it  with  revenge  and  indig- 
nation. I  do  not  in  any  man  see  the  image  of  Christ,  but  I 
love  him  the  more  dearly  for  it,  and  abhor  myself  for 
being  so  much  unHke  it.  I  know,  Satan.  I  shall  speed  never 
the  worse  with  God,  because  I  have  thee  for  mine  enemy. 
I  know  I  shall  speed  much  the  better,  because  I  have  my- 
self for  mine  enemy. — Certainly.,  he  that  can  take  Christ 
offered,    that   can    in    all    points     admit    him,    as    well    to 


purify  as  to  justify,  as  well  to  rule  as  save,  as  well  his 
grace  as  his  mercy,  need  not  fear  all  the  powers  of  darkness, 
nor  all  the  armies  of  the  foulest  sins  which  Satan  can  charge 
his  conscience  with. 

The  great  virtue  and  fruit  of  the  priesthood  of  Christ 
emanated  from  the  redundancy  and  overflowing  of  his  me'rit. 
He  doth  merit  to  have  a  church  ;  for  the  very  being  of  the 
church  is  the  effect  of  that  great  price  which  he  paid  ;  there- 
fore the  church  is  called  a  purchased  people,  Acts  xx.  28. 
"  Ask  of  me,  and  I  shall  give  thee  the  heathen  for  thine  inhe- 
ritance," Psa.  ii.  8.  When  he  made  his  soul  an  offering  for 
sin,  he  did  by  that  means  see  his  seed,  and  divide  a  portion 
with  the  great,  Isa.  liii.  10 — 12.  The  delivering  and  select- 
ing of  the  saints  out  of  the  present  evil  world  was  the  end  of 
Christ's  sacrifice.  Gal.  i.  4.  He  did  merit  all  such  good 
things  for  the  church,  as  the  great  love  of  himself  and  his 
Father  towards  the  church  did  resolve  to  confer  upon  it.  They 
may,  I  conceive,  be  reduced  to  two  heads : 

1.  Immunity  from  evil ;  whatsoever  is  left  to  be  removed 
after  the  payment  of  our  debt,  or  taking  off  from  us  the  guilt 
and  obligation  unto  punishment.  Such  is  the  dominion  of 
sin : — "  Sin  shall  not  have  dominion  over  you,"  Rom.  vi.  14. 
"  The  law  of  the  spirit  of  life  in  Christ  Jesus,  hath  made  me 
free  from  the  law  of  sin  and  death,"  Rom.  viii.  2.  "  He  that 
committeth  sin  is  the  servant  of  sin ;  but  if  the  Son  shall 
make  you  free,  ye  shall  be  free  indeed,"  John  viii.  34,  36. 
"  Whosoever  is  born  of  God  doth  jiot  commit  sin,"  1  John 
iii.  9 ;  that  is,  he  is  not  an  artificer  of  sin,  one  that  maketh 
it  his  trade  and  profession,  and  therefore  bringeth  it  to  any 
perfection.  He  hath  received  a  spirit  of  judgment,  that 
chaineth  up  his  lusts,  and  a  spirit  of  burning,  which  worketh 
out  his  dross,  Isa.  iv.  4  ;  Mai.  iii.  2, 3  ;  Matt.  iii.  12.  Such 
is  the  vanity  of  our  mind,  whereby  we  are  naturally  unable  to 
think,  or  to  cherish  a  good  thought,  2  Cor.  iii.  5 ;  Eph.  iv. 
17.  The  ignorance  and  hardness  of  our  hearts,  unable  to 
perceive,  or  delight  in  any  spiritual  thing,  Eph.  iv.  18  ;  John 
i.  5 ;  Luke  xxiv.  25,  43.  The  spirit  of  disobedience  and 
habitual  strangeness  and  averseness  from  God,  Eph.  iv.  18. 
Such  are  also  all  those  slavish,  affrightful,  and  contumacious 
effects  of  the  law,  in  terrifying  the  conscience,  irritating  the 
concupiscence,  and  compelling  the  froward  heart  to  an  unwill 
ing  and  unwelcome  conformity.  The  law  is  now  made  our 
counsellor,  a  delight  to  the  inner  man ;  that  which  was  a  lion 
before,  hath  now  food  and  sweetness  in  it. 


2.  Many  privileges  and  dignities,  in  the  virtue  of  that  prin- 
cipal and  general  one,  which  is  our  unity  unto  Christ ;  from 
whence,  by  the  fellowship  of  his  holy  and  quickening  Spirit, 
we  have  an  unction  which  teacheth  us  his  ways,  and  his  voice, 
which  sanctifieth  our  nature,  by  the  participation  of  the 
Divine  nature ;  that  is,  by  the  renewing  of  God's  most  holy 
and  righteous  image  in  us,  which  sanctifieth  our  persons,  that 
they  may  be  spiritual  kings  and  priests.  Kings,  to  order  our 
own  thoughts,  affections,  desires,  and  studies  towards  him;  to 
fight  with  principalities,  powers,  corruptions,  and  spiritual 
enemies.  Priests,  to  offer  up  our  bodies,  souls,  prayers,  thanks- 
givings, alms,  and  spiritual  services  upon  that  altar,  which  is 
before  his  mercy-seat,  and  to  slay  and  mortify  our  lusts  and 
earthly  members ;  which  sanctifieth  all  our  actions,  that  they 
may  be  services  to  him  and  his  church,  acceptable  to  him,  and 
profitable  to  others. 

From  this  unity  with  him  grows  our  adoption,  which  is 
another  fruit  of  his  sacrifice.  He  was  "  made  of  a  woman, 
made  under  the  law,  that  we  might  receive  the  adoption  of 
sons,"  Gal.  iv.  4,  5.  By  which  we  have  free  access  to  call 
upon  God  in  the  virtue  of  his  sacrifice ;  sure  supplies  in  all 
our  wants,  because  our  heavenly  Father  knoweth  all  our 
needs ;  a  most  certain  inheritance,  and  salvation  in  hope ;  for 
we  are  already  "  saved  by  hope,"  Rom.  viii.  24,  and  Christ 
is  to  us  the  "  hope  of  glory,"  Col.  i.  27. 

Again ;  there  is  from  hence  our  exaltation,  in  our  final 
victory  and  resurrection,  by  the  fellowship  and  virtue  of 
his  victory  over  death,  as  the  first-fruits  of  ours,  1  Cor. 
XV.  20,  49;  Phil.  iii.  21.  And  in  our  complete  salva- 
tion, being  carried  on  in  our  souls  and  bodies,  that  they 
may  be  presented  to  himself  without  spot  and  blameless, 
Eph.  V.  26,  27,  and  to  be  brought  unto  God,  1  Pet.  iii.  18. 
Now,  to  take  all  in  one  view,  what  a  sum  of  mercy 
is  here  together !  Remission  of  all  sins,  discharge  of  all 
debts,  deliverance  from  all  curses;  joy,  peace,  triumph, 
security,  exaltation  above  all  evils,  enemies,  or  fears ;  a  pe- 
culiar, purchased,  royal  seed,  (the  gift  of  God  the  Father 
to  his  Son,)  deliverance  from  the  dominion  and  service  of  all 
sin,  vanity,  ignorance,  hardness,  disobedience,  bondage,  co- 
action,  terror ;  sanctification  of  our  persons,  natures,  lives, 
actions  ;  adoption,  hope,  victory,  resurrection,  salvation,  glory. 
Oh,  what  a  price  was  that  which  procured  it !  Oh,  what  man- 
ner of  persons  ought  we  to  be  for  whom  it  was  procured ! 

V.  The  fifth  thing  to  be  spoken  of  about  the  priesthood  of 


Christ  1  shall  quickly  despatch, — the  duty  we  owe  upon  all 

1.  We  should  not  receive  so  great  a  grace  in  vain,  but  by 
faith  lay  hold  upon  it,  and  make  use  of  it.  "  Let  us  fear," 
saith  the  apostle,  "  lest,  a  promise  being  left  us  of  entering 
into  his  rest,  any  of  you  should  seem  to  come  short  of  it. 
For  unto  us  was  the  gospel  preached,  as  well  as  unto  theiyi : 
but  the  word  preached  did  not  profit  them,  not  being  mixed 
with  faith  in  them  that  heard  it,"  Heb.  iv.  1,  2.  God  in 
Christ  is  reconcileable  unto  us,  one  with  us  in  his  good 
will,  and  in  his  proclamation  of  peace.  When  two  parties 
are  at  a  variance,  there  is  no  actual  peace  without  the  mutual 
consent  of  both  again ;  till  we  by  faith  give  our  consent,  and 
actually  turn  unto  God,  and  seek  his  favour,  and  lay  hold  on 
the  mercy  which  is  set  before  us  :  though  God  be  one,  in 
that  he  sendeth  a  Mediator,  and  maketh  tender  of  reconcile- 
ment with  us,  yet  this  grace  of  his  is  to  us  in  vain,  because  we 
continue  his  enemies  still.  The  sun  is  set  in  the  heavens  for 
a  public  light,  yet  it  benefiteth  none  but  those  who  open  their 
eyes,  to  admit  and  make  use  of  its  light.  A  court  of  justice 
or  equity  is  a  public  sanctuary,  yet  it  actually  relieveth  none 
but  those  that  seek  unto  it.  Christ  is  a  public  and  universal 
salvation,  set  up  for  all  comers,  and  applicable  to  all  particu- 
lars, John  iii.  16.  "  He  is  not  willing  that  any  should 
perish,  but  that  all  should  come  to  repentance,"  2  Peter  iii. 
9.  He  tasted  death  for  every  man,  Heb.  ii.  9.  But  all  this 
is  not  beneficial  unto  life,  but  only  to  those  that  receive  him. 
Only  those  that  receive  him  are  by  these  mercies  of  his  made 
the  sons  of  God,  John  i.  12  :  without  faith  they  abide  his 
enemies  still.  God  in  Christ  publisheth  himself  a  God  of 
peace  and  unity  towards  us.  Gal.  iii.  20  ;  and  setteth  forth 
Christ  as  an  all-sufficient  treasure  of  mercy  to  all  that,  in  the 
sense  of  their  misery,  will  fly  unto  him,  Rev.  xxii.  17.  But 
till  men  believe,  and  are  thus  willing  to  yield  their  own  con- 
sents, and  to  meet  his  reconciliation  towards  them,  with  theirs 
towards  him,  his  wrath  abideth  upon  them  still ;  for,  by  believ- 
ing only  he  will  have  his  Son's  death  actually  effectual,  though 
it  were  sufficient  before.  Oh,  therefore,  let  us  not  venture  to 
bear  the  wrath  of  God,  the  curse  of  sin,  the  weight  of  the  law, 
upon  our  own  shoulders,  when  we  have  so  present  a  remedy, 
and  so  willing  a  friend  at  hand  to  ease  us ! 

2.  We  should  labour  to  feel  the  virtue  of  the  priesthood 
and  sacrifice  of  Christ  working  in  us,  purging  our  consciences 


from  dead  works,  renewing  our  nature,  cleansing  us  from  the 
power  and  pollution  ol  sin  ;  for  when  by  the  hand  of  faith, 
and  the  sweet  operations  of  the  Spirit  we  are  therewithal 
sprinkled,  we  shall  then  make  it  all  our  study  to  hate,  and  to 
forbear  sin,  which  forced  out  so  precious  blood,  and  wrung 
such  bitter  cries  from  so  merciful  a  High  Priest ;  to  live  no 
lono-er  to  ourselves,  that  is,  as  men,  1  Cor.  iii.  3 ;  Hosea  vi. 
7,  after  our  own  lusts  and  ways :  but  (as  men  that  are  not 
their  own,  but  his  that  bought  them,)  to  live  in  his  service, 
and  to  his  glory,  1  Cor.  vi.  19,  20  ;  2  Cor.  v.  14.  All  that 
we  can  do  is  too  little  to  answer  so  great  love :  love  to  empty 
himself,  to  humble  himself,  to  be  God  in  the  flesh,  to  be  God 
on  a  cross,  to  take  off  from  us  the  hatred,  fury,  and  vengeance 
of  his  Father,  and  to  restore  us  to  our  primitive  purity  and  con- 
dition again.  Why  should  it  be  esteemed  a  needless  thing  to 
be  most  rigorously  conscionable,  and  exactly  circumspect,  in 
such  a  service  as  unto  which  we  are  engaged  with  so  infinite 
and  unsearchable  bounty?  He  paid  our  debt  to  the  ut- 
most farthing,  drunk  every  drop  of  our  bitter  cup,  and  saved 
us  thoroughly  :  why  should  not  we  labour  to  perform  his  ser- 
vice, and  to  fulfil  every  one  of  his  most  sweet  commands  to 
the  utmost  too  ? 

3.  We  should  learn  to  walk  before  him  with  all  reverence 
and  fear,  as  men  that  have  received  a  kingdom  which  cannot 
be  moved,  Heb.  xii.  28.  And  with  frequent  consideration  of 
the  High  Priest  of  our  profession,  that  we  may  not,  in  pre- 
sumption of  his  mercy,  harden  our  hearts,  or  depart  from  God, 
Heb.  iii.  1,  8.  But  in  due  remembrance  of  the  end  of  his 
sacrifice,  which  was  to  purchase  to  himself  a  peculiar  people, 
zealous  of  all  good  works.  Tit.  ii.  14. 

4.  We  should  learn  confidence  and  boldness  towards  Him, 
who  is  a  great,  a  faithful,  and  a  merciful  High  Priest :  this 
use  the  apostle  makes  of  it ;  "  Seeing  that  we  have  a  great 
High  Priest,  let  us  hold  fast  our  profession,  and  come  boldly 
unto  the  throne  of  grace,"  Heb.  iv.  14 — 16.  And  again  ; 
"  Having  therefore  boldness  to  enter  into  the  holiest  by  the 
blood  of  Jesus ;  and  having  an  High  Priest  over  the  house 
of  God  ;  let  us  draw  near  with  a  true  heart,  in  full  assurance 
of  faith,'  Heb.  x.  19—22. 

5.  We  learn  perseverance  and  stedfastness  in  our  profession, 
because  he  is  able  to  carry  us  through,  and  save  us  to  the 
utmost.  This  is  that  which  indeed  makes  us  partakers  of 
Christ.     "  We  are  made  partakers  of  Christ,  if  we  hold  the 


beginning  of  our  confidence  stedfast  unto  the  end,"  Heb.  iii. 
14.  The  considering  of  him,  of  his  perseverance  in  finishing 
of  his  own  work,  and  our  faith,  and  his  power  and  ablhty 
to  save  us  to  the  uttermost,  will  keep  us  from  fainting  in 
our  service  and  the  profession  we  have  taken,  Heb.  xii.  2,  3 ; 
X.  23. 

6.  We  have  hereby  access  to  present  our  prayers,  and  all 
our  spiritual  sacrifices  upon  this  altar,  sprinkled  with  the  blood 
of  that  great  sacrifice,  and  liberty  to  come  unto  God  by  him 
who  liveth  to  make  intercession  for  us,  Heb.  vii.  25.  "  In 
whom  we  have  access  with  confidence  by  the  faith  of  him," 
Eph.  iii.  12.  Therefore  the  Lord  is  said  to  have  his  eyes 
open  to  our  prayers,  to  hearken  unto  them,  1  Kings  viii.  52 ; 
because  he  first  looketh  upon  our  persons  in  Christ,  before  he 
receiveth  or  admitteth  any  of  our  services. 

7.  We  ought  frequently  to  celebrate  the  memory,  and  to 
commemorate  the  benefits  of  this  sacrifice  wherein  God  hath 
been  so  much  glorified,  and  we  so  wonderfully  saved.  There- 
fore the  Lord  hath  of  purpose  instituted  a  sacred  ordinance  in 
his  church,  in  the  room  of  the  paschal  lamb,  that  as  that  was 
a  prefiguration  of  Christ's  expected  death,  so  this  should  to 
all  ages  of  the  church  be  a  resemblance  and  commemoration 
of  the  same  exhibited.  "  As  often  as  ye  eat  this  bread,  and 
drink  this  cup,  ye  do  show  the  Lord's  death  till  he  come,'* 
1  Cor,  xi.  26.  For  in  the  ordinances  he  is  crucified  before 
our  eyes,  Gal.  iii.  1  ;  therefore  the  apostle,  more  than  once, 
infers  from  the  consideration  of  this  sacrifice  and  office  of 
Christ,  our  duty  of  not  forsaking  the  assemblies  of  the  saints, 
and  of  exhorting  and  provoking  one  another,  Heb.  iii.  13; 
X.  24,  25. 

I  now  proceed  to  the  last  thing  mentioned  in  the  words 
concerning  the  priesthood  of  Christ,  and  that  is  about  the 
order  of  it  : — "  Thou  art .  a  Priest  for  ever  after  the  order  of 
Melchizedek."  Of  this  Melchizedek,  we  find  mention 
made  but  in  two  places  only  in  the  Old  Testament,  and 
in  both  very  briefly  ;  the  first  in  the  history  of  Abraham, 
returning  from  the  slaughter  of  the  kings,  when  Melchizedek, 
being  the  priest  of  the  most  high  God,  brought  forth  bread 
and  wine,  and  blessed  him,  Gen.  xiv.  18 — 20;  and  the  other 
in  this  place.  And  for  this  cause  the  things  concerning  him 
and  his  order  are  hard  to  be  understood,  Heb.  v.  11.  It 
was  so  then,  and  so  it  would  be  still,   if  St.  Paul   had  not 


cleared  the  difficulties,  and  showed  wherein  the  type  and  the 
antitype  did  fully  answer ;  which  he  hath  largely  done  in 
Heb.  vii. 

For  understanding  and  clearing  the  particulars  which  are 
herein  considerable,  here  are  some  questions  which  offer  them- 
selves, 1.  Who  Melchizedek  was?  2.  What  is  meant  by 
"his  order?"  3.  Why  Christ  was  to  be  a  Priest  after  his 
order,  and  not  after  Aaron's?  4.  Why  he  brought  forth 
bread  and  wine  ?  5.  What  kind  of  blessing  it  was  with 
which  he  blessed  Abraham?  6.  In  what  sense  he  was 
without  father  and  without  mother,  without  beginning  of  days 
or  end  of  life  ? 

1 .  For  Melchizedek,  who  he  was,  much  hath  been  said  by 
many  men,  and  with  much  confidence.  Some  heretics  of 
old  affirmed  that  he  was  the  Holy  Ghost.  Others,  that  he 
•was  an  angel.  Others,  that  he  was  Shem,  the  son  of  Noah. 
Others,  that  he  was  a  Canaanite,  extraordinarily  raised  up  by 
God  to  be  a  priest  of  the  gentiles.  Others,  that  he  was  Christ 
himself,  manifested  by  a  special  dispensation  and  privilege 
unto  Abraham  in  the  flesh,  who  is  said  to  have  seen  his  day, 
and  rejoiced,  John  viii.  56.  Difference  also  there  is  about 
Salem,  the  place  of  which  he  was  king.  Some  take  it  for 
Jerusalem,  as  Josephus,  and  most  of  the  ancients.  Others, 
for  a  city  in  the  half  tribe  of  Manasseh,  within  the  river  Jor- 
dan, w^here  Hierom  reports  that  sOme  ruins  of  the  palace  of 
Melchizedek  were  in  his  days  conceived  to  remain.  I  might 
be  tedious  in  insisting  on  this  point,  who  Melchizedek  was : 
but  when  I  find  the  Holy  Ghost  purposely  concealing  his 
name,  genealogy,  beginning,  ending,  and  descent,  and  that  to 
special  purpose,  I  cannot  but  wonder  that  men  should  toil 
themselves  in  the  dark  to  find  out  that  of  which  they  have 
not  the  least  ground  of  solid  conjecture,  and  the  want  of  evi- 
dence whereof  is  expressly  recorded,  to  make  Melchizedek 
thereby  the  fitter  type  of  Christ's  everlasting  priesthood. 

2.  What  is  meant  by  "  his  order  ?"  It  is  as  much  as  the 
state,  condition,  or  prescribed  rule  of  Melchizedek  ;  and  that 
was  "  after  the  power  of  an  endless  life,"  Heb.  vii.  16.  Not 
by  a  corporeal  unction,  legal  ceremony,  or  the  intervening  act 
of  a  human  ordination,  but  by  a  heavenly  institution,  and  im- 
mediate unction  of  the  Spirit  of  life ;  by  that  extraordinary 
manner  whereby  he  was  to  be  both  King  and  Priest  unto  God, 
as  Melchizedek  was. 

3.  Why  was  he  not  a  Priest  after  the  order  of  Aaron  ? 


The  apostle  givcth  us  this  answer,  because  "  the  law  made 
nothmg  perfect,"  but  was  "  weak  and  unprofitable,'*  and  there- 
fore was  to  be  abolished,  and  to  give  place  to  another  priest- 
hood. Men  were  not  to  rest  in  it,  but  by  it  to  be  led  to  Him 
who  was  to  aboHsh  it,  Heb.  vii.  11,  12;  as  the  morning-star 
leadeth  to  the  sun,  and  at  the  rising  thereof  vanisheth.  The 
ministry  and  promises  of  Christ  were  better  than  those  of  the 
law;  and  therefore  his  priesthood,  which  was  the  office  of 
dispensing  them,  was  to  be  more  excellent  likewise,  Heb.  viii. 
6,  For  when  the  law  and  covenant  were  to  be  abolished, 
the  priesthood,  in  which  they  were  established,  was  to  die 

4.  Why  Melchizedek  brought  forth  bread  and  wine  ? 
The  papists,  that  they  may  have  something  to  build  the 
idolatry  of  their  mass  upon,  make  Melchizedek  to  sacrifice 
bread  and  wine,  as  a  type  of  the  eucharist.  I  will  not  fall 
into  so  tedious  a  controversy,  as  no  way  tending  to  edification  ; 
and  infinite  litigations  there  have  been  between  the  parties 
already  about  it.  In  one  word ;  we  grant  that  the  ancients  do 
frequently  make  it  a  type  of  the  eucharist,  but  only  by  way 
of  allusion,  not  of  literal  prediction,  or  strict  prefiguration ;  like 
that,  "  Out  of  Egypt  have  I  called  my  Son,"  and,  "  In  Rama 
was  there  a  voice  heard,"  which  were  literally  and  historically 
true  in  another  sense,  are  yet,  by  way  of  allusion,  applied  by 
the  evangelist  unto  the  history  of  Christ,  Matt.  ii.  15,  18. 
But  we  may  note :  it  is,  he  brought  it  forth,  he  did  not  offer 
it  up.  He  brought  it  forth  to  Abraham  as  a  prince  to  en- 
tertain him  after  his  conquest,  as  Josephus,  and  from  him 
Cajetan  understand  it ;  not  as  a  priest  to  God.  If  he  did 
offer,  he  offered  bread  and  wine  truly ;  these  men,  only  the 
lying  shapes  thereof,  and  not  bread  and  wine  itself,  which  they 
say  are  transubstantiated  into  another  thing.  The  priesthood 
of  Melchizedek,  as  type,  and  of  Christ  as  the  substance,  was 
a  priesthood  which  could  not  pass  unto  any  other,  either  as 
successor  or  vicar,  to  one  or  the  other,  and  it  was  only  by 
Divine  and  immediate  unction ;  but  the  papists  make  them- 
selves priest  by  human  and  ecclesiastical  ordination,  to  offer 
that  which  they  say  Melchizedek  offered :  and  by  that  means 
most  insolently  make  themselves  either  successors,  or  vicars, 
or  sharers,  and  co-partners,  and  workers  together  with  him 
and  his  antitype,  Christ  Jesus,  in  the  offices  of  such  a 
priesthood  as  was  totally  uncommunicable,  and  intransient, 
Heb.  vii.  24 ;  and  so  most  sacrilegiously  rob  him  of  that 
Q  5 


honour  which  he  hath  assumed  to  himself  as  his  pecuHar 

5.  What  kind  of  blessing  it  was  wherewith  Melchizedek 
blessed  Abraham?  To  this  I  answer,  that  there  is  a  two-fold 
benediction.  The  one  out  of  love,  and  so  any  man  may  bless 
another  by  way  of  well-wishing :  "  The  blessing  of  the  Lord 
be  upon  you :  we  bless  you  in  the  name  of  the  Lord,"  Psa. 
exxix.  8 ;  the  other  with  authority,  as  a  king,  a  priest,  an  ex- 
traordinary superior  and  public  person,  by  a  way  of  office,  and 
to  the  purpose  of  effecting,  and  real  conveying  the  blessing 
itself  desired  :  "  Without  all  contradiction,"  saith  the  apostle, 
"  the  less  is  blessed  of  the  better,"  Heb.  vii.  7  ;  and  such  was 
this  of  Melchizedek,  a  seal,  assurance,  and  effectual  confirma- 
tion of  the  promise  before  made,  Gen.  xii.  2,  3. 

6.  In  what  manner  he  received  tithes  ?  I  answer,  with 
Calvin,  that  he  received  them  as  testifications  of  homage, 
duty,  and  obedience  from  Abraham  ;  for  the  apostle  useth  it 
as  an  argument  to  prove  his  greatness  above  Abraham,  which 
could  be  no  argument  in  the  case  of  pure  gift :  since  gifts,  as 
gifts,  though  they  prove  not  a  general  inferiority  in  him  that 
receives  them,  yet  they  prove,  that  in  that  case  there  is  some- 
thing which  may  be  imputed,  and  which  deserves  acknow- 
ledgment. But  in  this  particular  all  the  acknowledgments 
are  from  Abraham  to  Melchizedek.  Besides,  nothing  was 
here,  by  Abraham  or  Melchizedek,  done  after  an  arbitrary 
manner,  but  according  to  the  extraordinary  influences  of  the 
Holy  Spirit,  and  officially  on  both  sides,  as  the  learned  Came- 
ron hath  observed. 

7.  In  what  sense  he  was  without  father,  mother,  or  gene- 
alogy ?  I  answer,  with  Chrysostom,  that  it  is  not  meant 
literally  and  strictly ;  but  only  the  Scripture  takes  notice  of 
him  as  an  extraordinary  man,  without  signifying  his  line,  be- 
ginning, end,  or  race,  (as  Tiberius  said  of  Rufus,  that  he  was 
a  man  born  out  of  himself,)  that  so  he  might  be  the  fitter  to 
typify  Christ's  person  and  excellency,  in  whom  those  things 
were  really  true,  which  are  only  spoken  of  the  type,  of  whose 
beginning,  end,  or  parentage,  we  neither  have,  nor^  can  have 
any  knowledge.  These  things  thus  premised,  it  will  be  easy 
for  you  to  anticipate  those  observations,  which  grow  between 
the  type  and  the  antitype,  which  therefore  I  will  but  cursorily 

1.  Christ's  priesthood  is  such  as  did  induce  a  kingdom 
with  it  ;  for  Melchizedek  was  "  king  of  Salem,  and  priest  of 


the  most  high  God."  This,  Jerome,  and  from  him  Am- 
brose, report  to  have  been  meant  by  the  order  of  Melchizedek, 
namely,  that  Christ  was  to  be  a  royal  Priest.  By  way  of 
merit  purchasing  a  kingdom  of  his  Father,  and  by  way  of 
conquest  recovering  it  to  himself  out  of  the  hands  of  his 

2.  Christ,  by  offering  up  himself  a  sacrifice  unto  God,  is 
become  unto  his  people  a  King  of  righteousness,  or,  the  Lord 
our  righteousness,  in  which  sense  he  is  called  "  the  Prince  of 
Hfe,"  Acts  iii.  15  ;  that  is,  he  hath  all  power  given  him  as  a 
Prince,  to  quicken,  and  to  justify  whom  he  will,  John  v.  20, 
21.  And  this  comes  from  his  sacrifice  and  perfect  obedience 
to  us  imputed,  and  by  faith  employed  and  apprehended ;  for 
having  fulfilled  the  righteousness  of  the  law,  and  justified  him- 
self by  rising  from  the  dead,  he  became,  being  thus  made 
perfect,  the  Author  of  righteousness  and  salvation  to  us,  Heb. 
v.  9.  We  had  in  us  a  whole  kingdom  of  sin,  and  therefore 
there  was  in  him  that  should  justify  us,  a  kingdom  of  grace 
and  righteousness  ;  "  that  as  sin  hath  reigned  unto  death, 
even  so  might  grace  reign  through  righteousness  unto  eternal 
life  by  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord,"  Rom.  v.  21  ;  and  therefore 
we  are  said  to  be  justified  by  the  righteousness  of  God,  Rom. 
iii.  21,  22;  that  is,  such  a  righteousness  as  is  ours  by  gift 
and  grace,  not  by  nature,  Rom.  x.  4  ;  and  such  a  righteous- 
ness as  God  himself  did  perform,  though  in  the  human  nature, 
in  our  behalf,  Acts  xx.  28  ;  Phil.  ii.  6 — 8. 

And  this  is  the  ground  of  all  our  comfort,  the  best  direc- 
tion in  all  our  miseries  and  extremities  whither  to  flee.  A 
king  is  the  greatest  officer  amongst  men,  and  his  honour  and 
state  is  for  the  support,  defence,  and  honour  of  his  people : 
he  is  the  father  and  the  keeper  of  the  laws.  If  I  want  any 
of  that  justice  and  equity,  of  which  his  sacred  bosom  is  the 
public  treasure,  I  may  freely  beg  it  of  him,  because  he  is  an 
officer  to  dispense  righteousness  unto  his  subjects  ;  so  also  is 
Christ  unto  his  church.  I  find  myself  in  a  miserable  con- 
dition, condemned  of  sin  by  the  conscience,  by  the  testimony 
of  the  word,  by  the  accusations  of  Satan,  and  full  of  discomforts. 
God  is  a  God  of  justice,  and  a  consuming  fire  ;  myself  a 
creature  of  sin,  and  all  stubble  ;  Satan  the  accuser  of  the 
brethren,  who  labours  to  blow  up  the  wrath  of  God  against 
me.  In  this  case  what  shall  I  do  ?  Surely  God  hath  set 
his  King  on  Zion  ;  and  he  is  a  King  who  hath  life  and 
righteousness    to  give  to  me ;    who  hath  grace    enough    to 


quench  all  sin,  and  the  envenomed  darts  of  Satan ;  in  whom 
there  is  erected  a  court  of  peace  and  mercy,  whereunto  to  ap- 
peal from  the  severity  of  God,  from  the  importunity  of  the 
devil,  and  from  the  accusations  and  testimonies  of  our  own 
hearts.  And  indeed  he  had  need  be  a  king  of  righteousness 
who  shall  justify  men  ;  for  our  justification  is  in  the  remission 
of  our  sins  ;  and  to  pardon  sins,  and  dispense  with  laws  is  a 
regal  dignity  ;  and  God  taketh  it  as  his  own  high  and  peculiar 
prerogative,  "  I,  even  I,  am  he  that  blotteth  out  thy  trans- 
gressions for  mine  own  sake,  and  will  not  remember  thy  sins," 
Isa.  xliii.  25.  No  man,  nor  angel,  nor  created  power,  no 
merit  nor  obedience,  no  rivers  of  oil  nor  mountains  of  cattle, 
no  prayers,  tears,  nor  torments,  can  wipe  out  the  stains,  nor 
remove  the  guilt  of  any  sin  ;  I  only,  even  I,  and  none  else 
can  do  it.  None  but  a  Divine  and  royal  power  can  subdue 
sin,  Micah  vii.  18. 

And  this  is  aground  of  another  comfort,  that  being  a  King 
of  righteousness,  he  is  rich  in  it,  and  hath  treasures  to  bestow  ; 
that  as  we  have  a  kingdom,  a  treasure,  and  abundance  of  sin ; 
so  we  have  a  King  who  hath  always  a  residue  of  Spirit  and 
grace,  who  hath  a  most  redundant  righteousness  from  faith  to 
faith,  Rom.  i.  17.  A  man's  faith  can  never  overgrow  the 
righteousness  of  our  King.  If  we  had  all  the  faith  that  ever 
was  in  the  world  put  into  one  man,  it  could  not  over-clasp  the 
righteousness  of  Christ,  or  be  too  big  for  it.  As  if  a  man  had 
a  thousand  eyes,  and  they  should  one  after  another  look  on 
the  sun,  yet  still  the  light  would  be  revealed  from  eye  to  eye ; 
or  as  if  a  man  should  go  up  by  ten  thousand  steps  to  the  top 
of  the  highest  mountain,  yet  he  could  never  overlook  all  the 
earth,  or  fix  his  eye  beyond  all  visible  objects,  but  should  still 
have  more  earth  and  heaven  discovered  unto  him  from  step  to 
step  ;  so  there  is  an  immensity  in  the  righteousness  and  mercy 
of  God,  which  cannot  be  exhausted  by  any  sins,  or  over- 
looked and  comprehended  by  any  faith  of  men.  As  God 
doth  more  and  more  reveal  himself,  and  the  righteousness  of 
Christ  unto  the  soul,  so  man  maketh  further  progresses  from 
faith  to  faith.  And  therefore,  we  should  learn  everlasting 
thankfulness  unto  this  our  King,  who  is  pleased  to  be  unto  us 
a  Melchizedek — a  Priest  to  satisfy  his  Father's  justice,  and  a 
Prince  to  bestow  his  own. 

3.  Melchizedek  was  king  of  Salem,  that  is,  "of  peace."  Here 
are  two  things  to  be  noted ;  the  place,  a  city  of  the  Canaan- 
ites  ;  and  the  signification  thereof,  which  is  peace  ; 


(.1.)  Then  we  must  observe,  that  Christ  is  a  Kiufr  of  Ca- 
ll aanites,  of  gentiles,  of  those  that  lived  in  abominable  lusts : 
"  Such  were  some  of  you ;  but  ye  are  washed,  but  ye  are 
sanctified,  but  ye  are  justified  in  the  name  of  the  Lord  Jesus," 
1  Cor.  vi.  11.  Be  a  man  ever  so  sinful  or  unclean,  he  hath 
not  enough  to  pose  or  nonplus  the  mercy  and  righteousness  of 
Christ :  he  can  bring  reconciliation  and  peace  amongst  Jebu- 
sites  themselves ;  though  our  father  were  an  Amorite,  our 
mother  an  Hittite ;  though  we  were  gentiles  estranged  from 
God  in  our  thoughts,  lives,  hopes,  ends  ;  though  we  had  jus- 
tified Sodom  and  Samaria  by  our  abominations,  yet  he  can 
make  us  nigh  by  his  blood,  he  can  make  our  crimson  sins  as 
wnite  as  snow,  he  can  for  all  that  establish  an  everlasting  co- 
venant unto  us,  Eph.  ii.  11,  13;  Isa.  i.  18;  Ezek.  xvi.  60. 
I  was  a  blasphemer,  a  persecutor,  very  injurious  to  the  Spirit 
of  grace  in  his  saints  ;  I  wasted,  I  worried,  I  haled  into  pri- 
son, I  breathed  out  threatenings,  I  was  mad,  and  made  havoc 
of  the  church ;  I  was  within  one  step  of  the  unpardonable  sin, 
nothing  but  ignorance  between  that  and  my  soul ;  "  Howbeit 
for  this  cause  I  obtained  mercy,  that  in  me  first  Jesus  Christ 
might  show  forth  all  long -suffering,  for  a  pattern  to  them  which 
should  hereafter  believe  on  him  to  life  everlasting,"  saith  St. 
Paul,  1  Tim.  i.  13,  16.  Let  us  make  St.  Paul's  use  of  it: 
1.  To  love  and  to  believe  in  Christ,  to  accept  as  a  most 
faithful  and  worthy  saying,  that  Christ  came  to  save  sinners  ; 
indefinitely,  without  restriction,  without  limitation ;  and  me, 
though  the  chiefest  of  all  others.  Though  I  had  more  sins 
than  earth  or  hell  can  lay  upon  me,  yet  if  I  feel  them  as  heavy 
weights,  and  if  I  am  willing  to  forsake  them  all,  let  me  not 
dishonour  the  power  and  unsearchable  riches  of  Christ's  blood  ; 
even  for  such  a  sinner  there  is  mercy.  2.  To  break  forth  into 
St.  Paul's  acknowledgment,  "  Now  unto  the  King  eternal, 
immortal,  invisible,  and  only  wise  God ;"  to  him  that  is  a 
King  of  righteousness,  and  therefore  hath  abundance  for  me, 
that  is  eternal,  and  yet  was  born  in  time  for  me ;  immortal, 
yet  died  for  me ;  invisible,  yet  was  manifested  in  tlie  flesh  for 
me ;  the  only  wise  God,  and  who  made  use  of  that  wisdom, 
to  reconcile  himself  to  me,  and  by  the  foolishness  of  preach- 
ing doth  save  the  world,  "  be  honour  and  glory  for  ever  and 
ever.     Amen." 

(2.)  From  the  signification  of  the  word,  we  may  note, 
where  Christ  is  a  King  of  righteousness,  he  is  also  a  King  of 
peace.      So  the  prophet  calleth  him,  "  the   Prince  of  peace," 


Isa.  ix.  6  ;  a  Creator  and  Dispenser  of  peace.  It  is  his  own  by 
propriety  and  purchase,  and  he  leaves  it  unto  us :  "  Peace  I 
leave  with  you,  my  peace  I  give  unto  you :  not  as  the  world 
o-iveth,  give  I  unto  you,"  John  xiv.  27.  The  world  either 
deceives,  or  is  deficient ;  but  peace  is  mine,  and  I  can  give  it. 
Therefore,  as  the  prophet  Jeremiah  calleth  him  by  the  name  of 
rif^hteousness,  Jer.  xxxiii.  16,  so  the  prophet  Micah  calleth 
him  by  the  name  of  peace ;  '*  This  man  shall  be  the  peace 
when  the  Assyrian  shall  come  into  our  land,"  Micah  v.  5.  To 
which  St.  Paul  alluding,  calleth  him,  our  peace,  Eph.  ii.  14. 
By  him  we  have  peace  with  God,  being  reconciled  ;  and 
again,  "  Being  justified  by  faith,  we  have  peace  with  God 
through  our  Lord  Jesus  Christ,"  Rom.  v.  1  ;  so  that  the 
heart  can  challenge  all  the  world  to  lay  anything  to  its  charge. 
By  him  we  have  peace  with  our  own  consciences  ;  for  being 
sprinkled  with  his  blood,  they  are  cleansed  from  dead  works, 
and  so  we  have  the  witness  in  ourselves,  as  the  apostle  speak- 
eth,  Heb.  ix.  14  ;  1  John  v.  10.  By  him  we  have  peace  with 
men.  No  more  malice,  envy,  or  hatred  of  one  another,  after 
once  the  kindness  and  love  of  God  our  Saviour  towards  men 
appeared.  Tit.  iii.  3,  4.  All  partition  walls  are  taken  down, 
and  they  which  were  two  before,  are  both  made  one  in  him, 
Eph.  ii.  14.  And  then  there  is  towards  the  brethren,  a  love  of 
communion ;  towards  the  weak,  a  love  of  pity ;  towards  the  poor, 
a  love  of  bounty,  either  brotherly  love,  or  general  love ;  to- 
wards those  without,  mercy,  charity,  compassion,  forgiveness  ; 
towards  all,  good  works,  2  Pet.  i.  7.  By  him  we  have  peace 
with  the  creatures,  we  use  them  with  comfort,  with  liberty, 
with  delight,  with  piety,  with  charity,  with  mercy,  as  glasses 
in  the  which  we  see,  and  as  steps  by  the  which  we  draw 
nearer  to  God.  No  rust  in  our  gold  or  silver ;  no  moth,  nor 
pride  in  our  garment ;  no  lewdness  in  our  liberty ;  no  hand 
against  the  wall ;  no  flying  roll  against  the  stone  or  beam  of 
the  house  ;  no  gravel  in  our  bread  ;  no  gall  in  our  drink ;  no 
snare  on  our  table  ;  no  fears  in  our  bed  ;  no  destruction  in  our 
prosperity :  in  all  states  we  can  rejoice ;  we  can  do  and  suflTer 
all  through  Christ  that  sirengtheneth  us.  We  are  under  the 
custody  of  peace ;  it  keeps  our  hearts  and  minds  from  fear  of 
enemies,  and  maketh  us  serve  the  Lord  with  confidence,  bold- 
ness, and  security,  Phil.  iv.  7.  "  The  work  of  righteousness 
shall  be  peace  ;  and  the  effect  of  righteousness  quietness  and 
assurance  for  ever,"  Isa.  xxxii.  17. 

4.  From  both  these,  that  is,  from   a  peace  grounded  in 


righteousness,  blessedness  must  needs  result;  for  it  is  tlie 
blessedness  of  a  creature  to  be  re-united  and  one  with  his 
Maker  ;  to  have  all  controversies  ended,  all  distances  swallowed 
up,  all  partitions  taken  down  ;  and  therefore  the  apostle  useth 
.righteousness  and  blessedness  as  promiscuous  terms,  Rom.  iv. 
5,  9.  All  men  seek  for  blessedness,  it  is  the  sum  and  collec- 
tion of  all  desires  ;  a  man  loveth  nothing  but  in  order  and  sub- 
ordination unto  that.  And  by  nature  we  are  all  children  of 
wrath,  and  held  under  by  the  cuFse  ;  so  many  sins  as  we  have 
committed,  so  many  deaths  and  curses  have  we  heaped  upon 
our  souls,  so  many  walls  of  separation  have  we  set  up  between 
us  and  God,  who  is  the  fountain  of  blessedness.  Till  they  be 
all  covered,  removed,  forgiven,  and  forgotten,  the  creature  cannot 
be  blessed :  "  Blessed  are  they  whose  iniquities  are  forgiven, 
and  whose  sins  are  covered,"  Rom.  iv.  7.  All  the  benedic- 
tions which  we  have  from  the  most  high  God,  come  unto  us 
from  the  intercession  and  mediation  of  Christ.  His  sacrifice 
and  prayers  give  us  interest  in  the  all-sufficiency  of  Him  that 
is  above  all,  and  so  are  a  security  unto  us  against  all  adverse 
power  or  fear ;  for  what  or  whom  need  that  man  fear,  that  is 
one  with  the  most  high  God  ?  "  If  God  be  for  us,  who  can 
be  against  us?"  Rom.  viii.  31.  When  God  blesseth,  his 
blessing  is  ever  with  effect  and  success  ;  it  cannot  be  reversed, 
it  cannot  be  disappointed :  "  Hath  he  said,  and  shall  he  not 
do  it  ?  or  hath  he  spoken,  and  shall  he  not  make  it  good  ? 
Behold,''  saith  Balaam,  "  I  have  received  commandment  to 
bless  :  and  he  hath  blessed ;  and  I  cannot  reverse  it,"  Numb, 
xxiii.  19,  20. 

5.  From  Melchizedek's  meeting  Abraham  returning  from 
the  slaughter  of  the  kings,  we  may  observe  the  great  forward- 
ness that  is  in  Christ  to  meet  and  to  bless  his  people,  when 
they  have  been  in  his  service:  "  Thou  meetest  him  that  re- 
joiceth,  and  worketh  righteousness,"  Isa.  Ixiv.  5.  "  I  said,  I 
will  confess  my  transgressions  ;  and  thou  forgavest  the  iniquity 
of  my  sin,"  Psa.  xxxii.  5.  No  sooner  did  David  resolve  in 
his  heart  to  return  to  God,  but  immediately  the  Lord  was  be- 
fore him  with  his  mercy,  and  anticipated  his  servant's  confes- 
sion with  pardon  and  forgiveness  :  "  Thou  preventest  him  with 
the  blessings  of  goodness,"  Psa.  xxi.  3.  As  the  father  of  the 
prodigal,  "  when  he  was  yet  a  great  way  off',"  far  from  that 
perfection  which  might  in  strictness  be  required,  yet  because 
he  had  set  his  face  homeward,  and  was  now  resolved  to  sue 
for  pardon  and  re-admittance,  when  he  saw  him,  "  he  had 


compassion,  and  ran"  (the  father's  mercy  was  swifter  than  the 
son's  repentance)  "  and  fell  on  his  neck,  and  kissed  him," 
Luke  XV.  20,  We  do  not  find  the  Lord  hasty  in  his  punish- 
ments ;  he  is  slow  to  anger,  and  doth  not  stir  up  all  his  wrath 
together.  He  is  patient  and  long-suftering,  "  not  willing  that 
any  should  perish,  hut  that  all  should  come  to  repentance ;" 
lie  comes,  and  he  comes  again,  and  the  third  year  he  forbears, 
before  he  cuts  down  a  barren  tree  :  but  when  he  comes  with  a 
blessing,  he  doth  not  delay,  but  prevents  his  people  with 
goodness  and  mercy.  Oh,  how  forward  ought  we  to  be 
to  serve  him,  who  is  so  ready  to  meet  us  in  his  way,  and 
to  bless  us  ! 

6.  From  the  refreshments  and  preparations  which  Melchi- 
zedek  made  for  Abraham  and  for  his  men,  we  may  observe, 
that  Christ,  as  King  and  Priest,  is  a  comforter  and  refresher  of 
his  people  in  all  their  spiritual  weariness,  and  after  all  their 
services.  This  was  the  end  of  his  unction,  to  heal  and  to 
comfort  his  people  :  "  The  Spirit  of  the  Lord  is  upon  me, 
because  he  hath  anointed  me  to  preach  the  gospel  to  the 
poor  ;  he  hath  sent  me  to  heal  the  broken-hearted,  to  preach 
deliverance  to  the  captives,  and  recovering  of  sight  to  the 
blind,  to  set  at  liberty  them  that  are  bruised,  to  preach  the 
acceptable  year  of  the  Lord,"  Luke  iv.  18,  19,  To  provide 
"  a  feast  of  fat  things,  a  feast  of  wine  on  the  lees,  of  fat  things 
full  of  marrow,  of  wine  on  the  lees  well  refined,"  Isa.  xxv.  6. 
To  milk  out  unto  his  people  consolations  and  abundance  of 
glory,  Isa.  Ixvi.  11.  To  speak  words  in  season  to  those  that 
are  weary,  and  to  make  broken  and  dry  bones  to  rejoice,  and 
to  flourish  like  an  herb,  Isa.  1.  4 ;  Psa.  li.  8 ;  Isa.  Ivi.  14, 
And  this  is  a  strong  argument  to  hold  up  the  patience,  faith, 
and  hope  of  men  in  his  service,  and  in  all  spiritual  assaults ; 
we  have  a  Melchizedek  who  after  our  combat  is  ended,  and 
our  victory  obtained,  will  give  us  refreshments  at  the  last,  and 
will  meet  us  with  his  mercies.  If  we  faint  not,  but  wait 
awhile,  we  shall  see  the  salvation  of  the  Lord,  that  in  the 
end  "  he  is  very  pitiful,  and  of  tender  mercy,"  Exod.  xiv.  IS  ; 
Jam.  v.  11.  "  He  is  near  at  hand,  his  coming  draweth  nigh: 
he  is  near  that  justifieth  me  ;  who  will  contend  with  me  ?  Let 
us  stand  together  :  who  is  mine  adversary  ?  let  him  come  near 
to  me,''  Isa.  1.  8,  9.  The  readiness  of  the  Lord  to  help  is 
a  ground  of  challenge  and  defiance  to  enemies,  Phil.  iv.  5  ; 
Jam.  V.  8.  Job  went  forth  mourning,  and  had  a  great  war 
to  fight ;  but  the  Lord  blessed  his  latter  end  more  than  his 


beginning,  and  after  his  battle  was  ended,  met  him  like  Mel- 
chizedek  with  redoubled  mercies.  David,  Hezekiah,  Heman 
the  Ezrahite,  and  many  of  the  saints  after  their  example,  have 
had  sore  and  dismal  conflicts,  but  at  length  their  conflicts  have 
been  proportionable  to  their  wrestlings  ;  they  never  wanted  a 
Melchizedek  after  their  combats  to  refresh  them.  "  Rpjoicc 
not  against  me,  O  mine  enemy ;  when  I  fall,  I  shall  arise ; 
when  I  sit  in  darkness,  the  Lord  shall  be  a  light  unto  me.  I 
will  bear  the  indignation  of  the  Lord,  because  I  have  sinned 
against  him,  until  he  plead  my  cause,  and  execute  judgment 
for  me ;  he  will  bring  me  forth  to  the  light,  and  I  shall  behold 
his  righteousness,"  Mic.  vii.  8,  9.  He  hath  strength,  cou- 
rage, refreshment,  and  spirit,  to  put  into  those  that  fight  his 
battles  ;  though  they  be  but  as  Abraham,  a  family  of  three 
hundred  men,  against  four  kings,  yet  he  can  cut  Rahab,  and 
wound  the  dragon,  and  make  a  way  in  the  sea  for  the  ran- 
somed to  pass  over,  and  cause  his  redeemed  to  return  with 
singing,  and  with  joy  and  gladness  upon  their  heads.  "  I, 
even  I,  am  he  that  comforteth  you  ;  who  art  thou,  that 
shouldst  be  afraid  of  a  man  that  shall  die,  and  of  the  son  of 
man  which  shall  be  as  grass  ?"  Isa.  li.  12. 

7.  From  Melchizedek's  receivhig  of  tithes  from  Abraham, 
(which  the  apostle  taketh  special  notice  of  four  or  five  times 
together  in  one  chapter,  Heb.  vii.  2,  4,  6,  8,  9,)  we  may  ob- 
serve, that  Christ  is  a  receiver  of  homage  and  tribute  from  his 
people.  There  was  never  any  type  of  Christ  as  a  Priest,  but 
he  received  tithes ;  and  that  not  in  the  right  of  anything  in 
himself,  but  merely  in  the  virtue  of  his  typical  office  ;  so  that 
originally  they  did  manifestly  pertain  to  that  principal  Priest, 
whom  these  represented,  whose  personal  priesthood  is  stand- 
ing, unalterable,  and  eternal,  and  therefore  the  rights  thereunto 
belonging  are  such  too. 

Not  to  enter  upon  any  disputes  or  unwelcome  controversies, 
thus  much  I  cannot  by  the  way  but  observe,  that  those  who 
labour  in  the  word  and  doctrine,  and  therein  are  ambassadors 
for  Christ,  and  stand  in  his  stead,  to  reveal  the  mysteries  and 
dispense  the  treasures  of  his  grace  in  the  church,  ought  to 
have,  by  way  of  homage  to  Christ,  and  by  way  of  recompense 
and  retribution  to  themselves,  a  liberal  maintenance,  befitting 
the  honour  and  dignity  of  that  person  whom  they  represent, 
and  of  that  service  wherein  they  minister.  The  apostle  saith, 
that  they  are  worthy  of  double  honour,  an  honour  of  reve- 
rence, and  an  honour  of  maintenance,  1  Tim.  v.  17,  18 ;  and 


doubtless  the  very  heathen  shall  rise  up  in  judgment  against 
many  who  profess  the  truth  in  both  these  respects ;  for  the 
heathen  themselves  did  show  so  much  honour  to  their  idol- 
atrous priests,  that  I  remember  reading  of  one  of  the  Roman 
consuls  seeing  a  priest,  and  some  vestal  virgins  going  on  foot, 
and  he  riding  on  his  chariot,  descended,  and  would  not  go  into 
it  again,  till  those  diabolical  votaries  were  first  placed.  Nay, 
their  very  kings  and  emperors  in  Greece,  Egypt,  and  Home, 
thought  it  one  of  the  greatest  honours  to  be  withal  the  priests 
for  the  people. 

Liberal  maintenance  is  due  to  those  that  labour  in  the  word 
and  doctrine,  out  of  justice,  and  not  out  of  mercy,  for  their 
work's  sake.  I  will  not  press  the  examples  of  heathens  them- 
selves in  this  duty  for  the  shame  of  christians.  We  find  that 
the  priests  of  Egypt  had  portions  out  of  the  king's  own  trea- 
suries, and  that  their  lands  were  still  reserved  unto  them,  Gen. 
xlvii.  22.  And  we  find  besides  these  lands,  that  they  had  the 
third  part  of  all  yearly  tribute  and  levies,  as  Diodorus  Siculus 
tells  us.  But  we  vnll  first  look  upon  the  example  of  God's 
own  priests  and  levites  under  the  law ;  and  then  upon  the 
precepts  and  commands  of  the  gospel.  God  is  not  less  mind- 
ful of  ministers  under  the  gospel,  than  of  those  under  the  law. 
Now  then,  if  you  will  not  believe  that  a  liberal  maintenance  is 
now  by  God  allotted  unto  the  ministry,  look  what  he  did  allot 
to  them.  Look  upon  the  proportion  cf  their  persons,  and 
then  upon  the  proportion  of  their  maintenance.  For  their  per- 
sons :  it  would  not  be  hard  to  prove  that  the  tribe  of  Levi, 
though  the  thirteenth  part  of  the  people  in  regard  of  their 
civil  division,  were  not  yet  the  fortieth  part  of  the  people ; 
look  unto  the  numbering  of  them,  and  compare  Numb.  i.  46 
with  Numb.  iii.  39.  The  other  tribes  were  numbered  from 
twenty  years  old  and  upward,  all  that  were  able  to  bear  arms, 
which  was  to  the  age  of  fifty  years,  as  Josephus  reports  ;  (for 
at  that  age  they  were  supposed  to  be  unserviceable  for  war ;) 
and  yet  thus  their  number  amounted  to  six  hundred  and  three 
thousand  five  hundred  and  fifty  men  able  to  go  to  war.  The 
levites,  on  the  other  side,  were  numbered  from  one  month  old 
and  upward,  and  yet  the  whole  sum  amounted  but  to  twenty  and 
two  thousand.  Now,  conjecture  the  number  of  those  in  the  other 
tribes  who  were  under  twenty  years  of  age,  and  who  were  too 
old  for  warlike  service  to  be  but  half  as  many  as  the  rest,  yet 
the  whole  number  of  the  tribes  reckoned  from  their  infancy 
upward  will  amount,  at  the  least,  to  nine  hundred  two  thousand 


men.  Of  which  number,  the  number  of  the  levites  is  just  the 
one  and  fortieth  part.  Afterwards  we  find  that  they  increased  to 
a  mighty  number  more,  1  Chron.  xxiii.  3  ;  but  the  whole  people 
mcreased  accordingly;  for  the  tribe  of  Judah,  which  was  before 
but  seventy-four  thousand,  was  then  five  hundred  thousand ; 
and,  in  Jehoshaphat's  time,  eleven  hundred  thousand  at  least, 
2  Sam.  xxiv.  9  ;  2  Chron.  xvii.  12 — 19  ;  well  then,  the  levites 
were  but  the  fortieth  part  of  the  people,  (not  so  much,)  so 
that  this  tribe  was  but  almost  a  quarter  as  numerous  as  the 
rest.  Now  look,  in  the  next  place,  to  the  proportion  of  their 
maintenance.  One  would  think  that  the  fortieth  part  of  the 
people  could  require  but  the  fortieth  part  of  the  maintenance 
in  proportion.  But,  1.  They  had  the  tenth  of  all  the  increase 
of  seed,  and  fruit,  and  great  and  small  cattle.  Lev.  xxvii.  30. 
2,  They  had  forty-eight  cities,  with  suburbs  for  gardens,  and 
for  cattle.  Numb.  xxxv.  2 — 7.  Which  cities  were  next  to 
the  best,  and  in  many  tribes  the  best  of  all ;  in  Judah,  Heb- 
ron, in  Benjamin,  Gibeon,  both  royal  cities  ;  so  that  those, 
with  about  a  mile  suburb  to  every  one  of  them,  can  come  to 
little  less  than  the  wealth  of  one  tribe  alone,  in  that  little 
country,  which,  from  Dan  to  Beersheba,  was  about  a  hundred 
and  sixty  miles  long.  3.  They  had  all  the  first-fruits  of  clean 
and  unclean  beasts,  Numb,  xviii.  13:  of  the  fruits  of  the 
earth  and  the  fleece  of  the  sheep,  Deut.  xviii.  4  ;  Neh.  x.  35  : 
of  men  to  be  redeemed.  Numb,  xviii.  15.  4.  The  meat  of- 
ferings, the  sin  offerings,  the  trespass  offerings,  the  heave 
offerings,  and  the  wave  offerings,  were  all  theirs,  Numb,  xviii. 
9 — 11.  5.  They  had  all  vows,  and  voluntary  oblations,  and 
consecrations,  and  every  hallowed  thing.  Numb,  xviii.  8,  9. 
6.  Excepting  the  holocaust,  they  had  either  the  shoulder,  or 
the  breast,  or  the  skin,  or  something  of  every  sacrifice  which 
was  offered,  Numb,  xviii.  18;  Lev.  vii. ;  Deut.  xviii.  3.  7. 
The  males  were  to  appear  three  times  a  year  before  the  Lord, 
and  they  were  not  to  come  empty-handed,  Exod,  xxiii.  15,  17. 
8.  Unto  them  did  belong  many  recompenses  of  injury,  which 
was  the  restitution  of  the  principal,  and  a  fifth  part.  Numb. 
V.  7,  8.  Now,  put  the  tithes,  the  cities,  and  these  other  con- 
stant revenues  together,  and  the  priests  and  levites,  who  were 
but  about  a  quarter  as  many  as  one  tribe,  had  yet  about  three 
times  the  revenues  of  one  tribe. 

But  to  leave  this  argument,  let  us  consider  what  the 
apostle  saith  :  "  Let  him  that  is  taught  in  the  word  commu- 
nicate unto  him  that  teacheth,"  in  all  his  goods,  as  Beza  well 


expounds  it,  Gal.  vi.  6.  "  The  elders  that  labour  in  the 
word  and  doctrine  are  counted  worthy  of  double  honour.  For 
the  Scripture  saith,  Thou  shalt  not  muzzle  the  ox  that  treadeth 
out  the  corn.  And,  The  labourer  is  worthy  of  his  reward," 
1  Tim.  V.  17,  18.  "  Whogoeth  a  warfare  at  any  time  of  his 
own  charges  ?  who  planteth  a  vineyard,  and  eateth  not  of  the 
fruit  tliereof  ?  or  who  feedeth  a  flock,  and  eateth  not  of  the 
milk  of  the  flock?  Say  I  these  things  as  a  man,"  (that  is, 
am  I  partial  ?  do  I  speak  merely  out  of  affection,  and  human 
favour  to  mine  own  cause,  or  calHng  ?)  or  "  saith  not  the  law 
the  same  also  ?  For  it  is  written  in  the  law  of  Moses,  Thou 
.shalt  not  muzzle  the  mouth  of  the  ox  that  treadeth  out  the  corn. 
Doth  God  take  care  for  oxen  ?  Or  saith  he  it  altogether  for 
our  sakes."  That  is,  doth  God  provide  laws  for  rewarding 
and  encouraging  the  labour  of  brute  beasts,  and  doth  he  leave 
the  maintenance  and  honour  of  his  own  immediate  officers  to 
the  arbitrary  and  pinching  allowances  of  covetous  and  cruel 
men  ?  "  For  our  sakes,  no  doubt,  this  is  written.  That  he 
that  plougheth  should  plough  in  hope  ;  and  that  he  that 
thresheth  in  hope  should  be  partaker  of  his  hope."  That  is, 
that  the  encouragement  of  the  ministers  in  their  service  might 
depend  upon  such  a  hope  as  is  grounded  on  God's  law  and 
provision,  and  that  they  might  not  be  left  to  the  wills  and 
allowances  of  those  men  against  whose  sins  they  were  sent. 
And  this  the  apostle  proveth  by  an  argument  drawn  from  a 
most  answerable  equity ;  "  If  we  have  sown  unto  you  spiritual 
things,  is  it  a  great  thing  if  we  shall  reap  your  carnal  things  ?" 
If  you  do  rightly  judge  of  those  heavenly  treasures  which  we 
bring  in  abundance  unto  you,  impossible  it  is  that  you  should 
judge  our  pains  and  service  towards  your  immortal  and  pre 
cious  souls  sufficiently  rewarded  with  a  narrow  and  hungry 
proportion  of  earthly  and  perishable  things.  "  Do  ye  not 
know  that  they  which  minister  about  holy  things,  live  of  the 
things  of  the  temple  ?  and  they  which  wait  at  the  altar  are 
partakers  with  the  altar :"  (to  note,  that  they  receive  their 
maintenance  from  the  hand  of  God  himself,  whose  only  the 
things  of  the  altar  are,  and  not  from  men  :)  "  Even  so  hath 
the  Lord  ordained  that  they  which  preach  the  gospel  should 
live  by  the  gospel,"  1  Cor.  ix.  7 — 11,  13,  14.  And  what  is  it 
to  live  ?  They  must  live  as  men,  they  must  have  for  neces- 
sity and  for  delight.  They  must  hve  as  believers.  "  He  that 
provideth  not  for  his  own  is  worse  than  an  infidel,"  1  Tim.  v, 
8.     They  must  therefore  have  by  the  gospel  sufficient  to  lav 


up  for  those  whom  the  law  of  common  humanity,  much  more 
of  faith,  commands  them  to  provide  for.  They  must  hve  as 
ministers.  They  must  have  wherewith  to  maintain  the  duties 
of  their  calhng,  a  good  example  of  piety,  and  charity,  anj 
hospitality,  that  they  may  confirm  by  practice  what  in  doc- 
trine they  teach,  1  Tun.  iii.  2.  And  the  instruments  of  "their 
calling,  which  is  a  profession  of  so  vast  and  unlimited  a  com- 
pass of  learning,  (for  there  is  no  part  of  learning  in  the  whole 
circle  thereof  which  is  not  helpful,  and  may  not  contribute  to 
the  understanding  of  holy  Scripture,  and  to  some  jiart  or  other 
of  a  divine  employment,)  cannot  but  be  very  ciiargeablo. 
And  alas  I  how  many  men  preach  the  gospel,  and  yet  can 
scarcely  find  the  first  and  meanest  of  all  these  sup])Hes !  This 
is  the  greatest  inoratitude  of  the  world,  and  withal  the  malice 
and  policy  of  Satan,  by  the  poverty  and  contempt  of  the  mi- 
nisters, to  bring  the  gospel  itself  into  contempt,  and  to  deter 
able  men  from  adventuring  on  so  unrewarded  a  calling,  as 
Calvin  justly  complains.  All  that  can  with  colour  or  coun- 
tenance be  pretended  by  those  who  are  guilty  of  this  neglect, 
is  poverty  and  disability  to  maintain  the  gospel.  And  it 
were  well  if  there  were  not  places  to  be  found  wherein  dogs 
and  horses,  hawks  and  hounds  grow  fat  with  God's  portion ; 
and  the  mercenary  preacher,  when  he  grows  lean  with  want, 
is  accused  of  too  much  study.  But  suppose  that  poverty  be 
truly  alleged ;  do  we  think  poverty  a  just  pretext  for  the  neg- 
lect of  a  moral  duty  ?  May  a  man  spend  the  Lord's-day  in 
his  business  because  he  is  poor,  and  wants  means  ?  And  if  I 
may  not  rob  God  of  his  time,  upon  pretence  of  poverty,  neither 
then  is  the  same  any  argument  to  rob  him  of  his  portion. 
"  Be  not  deceived,  God  is  not  mocked,"  Gal.  vi.  7  ;  namely, 
with  pretence  of  poverty  and  necessity,  as  Calvin  expounds 
that  place.  St.  Paul  bears  witness  unto  some  men,  that  they 
did  good  beyond  their  power,  that  they  were  richly  liberal, 
though  they  were  deeply  poor,  2  Cor.  viii.  2,  3  ;  and  yet 
those  were  but  contributions  out  of  mercy,  whereas  double 
honour  is  due  to  the  ministers  of  the  gospel  by  a  law  of  jus- 
tice. It  is  a  wrong  and  foolish  apology  to  pretend  the  pu- 
nishment for  the  continuance  of  tlie  fault.  The  poverty  of 
many  men  is  doubtless  a  just  recompense  for  their  neglect 
of  the  honour  of  the  gospel ;  for  God  hath  ever  severely 
punished  the  contempt  and  dishonour  done  to  his  mes- 
sengers, 2  Chron.  xvi.  10,  12  ;  xxiv.  21,  25;  xxvi.  19,  20; 
xxxvi.  16,   17.     Whereas,  on   the  other  side,  do  thou  deal 


faithfully  with  God,  fulfil  to  thy  power  his  appointment  and 
decree,  that  they  which  preach  the  gospel,  may  live  by  the 
gospel,  and  then  hearken  unto  God :  "  Honour  the  Lord 
with  thy  substance,  and  with  the  first-fruits  of  all  thine  in- 
crease ;  so  shall  thy  barns  be  filled  with  plenty,  and  thy  presses 
shall  burst  out  with  new  wine,"  Prov.  iii.  9,  10.  "  Consider 
now  from  this  day  and  upward,  from  the  day  that  the  founda- 
tion of  the  Lord's  temple  was  laid,  consider  it.  Is  the  seed 
yet  in  the  barn  ?  From  this  day  will  I  bless  you,"  Hag.  ii. 
18,  19.  "  Ye  are  cursed  with  a  curse;  for  ye  have  robbed 
me,  even  this  whole  nation.  Bring  ye  all  the  tithes  into  the 
storehouse,  that  there  may  be  meat  in  mine  house,  and  prove 
me  now  herewith,  saith  the  Lord  of  hosts,"  (if  you  will  not 
do  it  out  of  duty,  yet  do  it  out  of  experiment,)  "  if  I  will  not 
open  you  the  windows  of  heaven,  and  pour  you  out  a  blessing, 
that  there  shall  not  be  room  enough  to  receive  it,"  Mai.  iii. 
9,  12.  There  was  never  any  man  lost  by  paying  God  his 
dues ;  there  was  never  any  man  thrived  by  grudging,  or 
pittancing  the  Almighty.  I  will  conclude  this  point  with  the 
apostle ;  it  is  his  doctrine :  faithful  ministers  are  worthy  of 
double  honour.  And  it  is  his  exhortation  ;  "  Render  to  all 
their  dues  :  tribute  to  whom  tribute  is  due  ;  custom  to  whom 
custom  ;  fear  to  whom  fear  :  honour  to  whom  honour,"  Rom. 
xiii.  3. 

8.  The  priesthood  of  Christ  is  an  everlasting  priesthood. 
He  also  was  without  father  and  without  mother,  without  be- 
ginning of  days,  or  end  of  life.  As  man,  without  a  father  ;  as 
God,  without  a  mother  ;  "  The  same  yesterday,  and  to-day, 
and  for  ever,  Heb.  xiii.  8.  His  name  was  "  Everlasting 
Father,"  Isa.  ix.  6.  His  gospel  an  "  everlasting  gospel," 
Rev.  xiv.  6.  He  was  the  Lamb  slain  from  the  beginning 
of  the  world.  The  virtue  of  his  blood  goes  backward 
as  high  as  Adam.  He  was  fore-ordained  before  the  foun- 
dation of  the  world,  2  Tim.  i.  9.  The  redemption  of 
those  that  transgressed  under  the  first  testament,  the  remission 
of  sins  that  were  past,  were  procured  by  this  sacrifice,  Heb. 
ix.  15  ;  Rom.  iii.  25.  It  goeth  downward  to  the  end  of  the 
world ;  he  must  reign  till  all  be  put  under  his  feet,  and  he 
must  raise  up  all  by  the  power  and  virtue  of  his  victory  over 
death.  And  lastly,  it  goeth  onward  to  all  immortality  ;  for 
though  the  acts  and  administration  of  his  priesthood  shall 
cease,  when  he  shall  have  delivered  the  kingdom  to  his  Father, 
and  have  brought  the  whole  church  into  God's  presence  ;  yet 


the  virtue  and  fruits  of  those  acts  shall  be  absolutely  eternal ; 
for  so  long  as  the  saints  shall  be  in  heaven,  so  long  they  shall 
enjoy  the  benefit  of  that  sacrifice,  which  did  purchase  not  a 
lease,  or  expiring  term,  but  an  endless  life,  an  everlasting  glory, 
an  inheritance  incorruj)tible,  and  that  fadeth  not  away,  re- 
served in  heaven  for  them. 






In  the  former  part  of  the  psalm,  we  have  had  the  description 
of  Christ's  offices  of  King  and  Priest,  together  with  the  effects 
thereof  in  gatliering  a  willing  people  unto  himself.  Now, 
here  the  prophet  showeth  another  effect  of  the  powerful  admi- 
nistration of  these  offices,  containing  his  victories  over  all  his 
enemies,  allegorically  expressed  in  a  hypotyposis,  or  lively 
allusion  unto  the  manner  of  human  victories ;  wherein  first  I 
shall  in  a  few  words  labour  to  clear  the  sense  ;  and  then  the 
observations  which  are  natural,  will  the  more  evidently  arise. 

"  The  Lord  at  thy  right  hand."  To  lay  aside  their  expo- 
sition who  understand  these  words  of  God  the  Father ;  the 
words  are  an  apostrophe  of  the  prophet  to  those  at  whose 
right  hand  the  Lord  Jesus  is.  Some  make  it  an  apostrophe 
to  God  the  Father,  a  triumphal  and  thankful  prediction  of  that 
power  and  judgment  which  he  hath  given  to  this  his  Benja- 
min, the  Son  at  his  right  hand ;  because  that  thereby  the 
phrase  retaineth  the  same  signification  and  sense  which  it  had 
in  the  first  verse.  As  if  David  had  said,  O  God,  the  Father 
of  all  power  and  majesty,  worthy  art  thou  of  all  praise,  thanks- 
giving, and  honour,  who  hast  given  such  power  to  thy  Son  in 
the  behalf  of  thy  church,  as  to  smite  through  kings,  and  judge 
the  heathen,  and  pull  down  the  chief  of  his  enemies,  and  to 
subdue  all  things  to  himself.  These  read  it  thus  :  "  O  Lord, 
he  that  is  at  thy  right  hand  shall  strike  through  kings." 
Others  make  it  to  be  an  apostrophe  to  the  church,  and  so  to 
be  a  phrase  not  expressing  Christ's  exaltation,  as  verse  1,  but 
his  care  and  protection  over  his  church,  his  readiness  to  assist 
and  defend  his  own  people  against  all  the  injuries  and  assaults 
of  adverse  power.  Solomon  saith,  "  A  wise  man's  heart  is  at 
his  right  hand ;  but  a  fool's  heart  at  his  left,"  Eccles.  x.  2. 


That  is,  his  heart  is  ready  and  prepared  to  execute  any  wise 
counsels  or  godly  resolutions ;  as  the  prophet  David  saith, 
"  My  heart  is  fixed,"  or  prepared  ;  "  O  God,  my  heart  is  fixed : 
I  will  sing  and  give  thanks."  But  a  fool's  heart,  when  he 
should  do  anything,  is  like  his  left  hand,  unskilful,  un- 
active  and  unprepared ;  "  when  he  walketh  by  the  way,  his 
wisdom  faileth  him,"  ver.  3.  And  this  readiness  and  present 
help  of  God  to  defend  and  guide  his  church  is  expressed  fre- 
quently by  his  being  at  the  right  hand  thereof.  "  Because 
the  Lord  is  at  my  right  hand,  I  shall  not  be  moved,"  Psa. 
xvi.  8.  "  He  shall  stand  at  the  right  hand  of  the  poor  to 
save  him,"  Psa.  cix.  31.  "  I  the  Lord  thy  God  will  hold 
thy  right  hand,  saying  unto  thee,  Fear  not,  I  will  help  thee," 
Isa.  xH.  13.  As  if  David  had  said.  Be  not  dismayed  nor  cast 
down,  O  ye  subjects  of  this  King,  as  if  being  exalted  to  God's 
right  hand,  he  had  given  over  the  care  and  protection  of  his 
people ;  for  as  he  is  at  the  right  hand  of  his  Father  in  glory 
and  majesty,  so  is  he  at  your  right  hand  too,  standing  to  ex- 
ecute judgment  on  your  enemies,  and  to  reveal  the  power  of 
his  arm  towards  you  in  your  protection. 

Now  the  reasons  of  this  phrase  and  expression,  as  I  con- 
ceive, are  these  two.  1.  To  note  that  Christ's  power,  provi- 
dence, and  protection  do  not  exclude,  but  only  strengthen, 
assist,  and  prosper  the  ordinary  and  just  endeavours  of  the 
church  for  themselves.  The  Lord  is  not  at  our  left  hand,  to 
succour  us  in  our  idleness  and  negligence ;  but  at  our  work- 
ing hand,  to  give  success  to  our  honest  endeavours.  The 
sword  of  the  Lord  doth  not  fight  without  the  sword  of  Gideon, 
Judg.  vii.  18.  In  the  miracles  of  Christ,  when  he  fed  and 
feasted  men,  he  never  created  wine  nor  bread  of  nothing ;  but 
blessed,  and  so  changed,  or  multiplied  that  which  was  by  hu- 
man industry  prepared  before.  Our  Saviour  had  fish  and 
bread  of  his  own,  and  yet  he  would  have  his  disciples  put  in 
their  net  and  catch,  and  bring  of  their  own  ;  to  note  unto  us, 
that  God's  power  and  providence  must  not  exclude,  but  en- 
courage man's  industry,  John  xxi.  9,  10.  He  protecteth  us 
in  our  ways,  not  in  our  precipices  or  presumptions,  Psa.  xci. 
11.  So  long  then  as  the  church  is  valiant  and  constant  in 
withstanding  the  enemies  of  her  peace  and  prosperity,  God  is 
andoubtedly  with  her  to  bless  that  courage,  and  to  strengthen 
that  right  hand  ;  so  long  as  Moses  held  up  his  hand,  God 
fought  for  Israel.  There  were  Joshua's  sword,  and  the  hand  or 
prayer  of  Moses,  and  upon  those  God's  blessing,  Exod.  xvii. 



12,  13.  And  they  were  all  to  concur.  If  the  sword  should 
cease,  the  prayer  would  do  no  good ;  for  God  will  not  be 
tempted :  if  the  prayer  faint,  the  sword  is  in  vain,  for  God 
will  not  be  neglected.  As  in  a  curious  clock,  stop  any  wheel, 
and  you  hinder  the  whole  motion.  If  God  promise  to  be 
present,  Joshua  must  promise  to  be  courageous,  Josh.  i.  3, 
6,  9.  2.  To  note  unto  us  the  care  and  miHtary  wisdom  of 
Christ  our  Captain,  to  meet  with  and  to  prevent  our  enemies, 
and  to  intercept  their  blows  against  us ;  for  we  may  observe 
in  the  Scripture,  that  Satan  plieth  the  right  hand  of  the 
church  ;  laboureth  to  weaken  and  assault  us  where  there  is 
most  danger  towards  him.  "  Let  Satan  stand  at  his  right 
hand,"  Psa.  cix.  6 ;  that  is,  give  him  over  to  the  rage  of 
Satan,  that  he  may  be  hurried  to  execute  his  will.  Thus 
Satan  stood  at  the  right  hand  of  Joshua  the  high  priest,  to 
resist  him,  Zech.  iii.  ] .  Noting  the  assiduous  and  indefati- 
gable endeavours  of  Satan  to  resist,  disappoint,  and  overthrow 
the  works  of  the  worthies  in  God's  church  :  "  We  would  have 
come  unto  you,  even  I  Paul,  once  and  again  ;  but  Satan  hin- 
dered us,"  1  Thess.  ii.  18.  And  to  divert  the  strength  of 
men  upon  his  own  service.  And  therefore,  to  rebuke  him, 
and  to  show  to  the  church  that  our  strength  is  from  him,  and 
due  unto  him,  he  also  stands  there  to  outvie  the  temptations 
and  impulses  of  Satan. 

These  are  the  two  expositions  which  are  given  of  these  words, 
"  The  Lord  at  thy  right  hand."  1  think  it  is  not  unfit  to 
embrace  both ;  and  so  something  I  shall  touch  upon  both 

"  Shall  strike  through,"  or  wound,  or  make  gore  of  blood ; 
"  kings  in  the  day  of  his  wrath."  The  word  is,  "  Hath 
stricken  through  kings."  It  is  a  prophecy  of  things  future, 
spoken  as  of  things  to  be  done.  To  strike  through,  notes  a 
complete  victory  and  full  confusion  of  the  enemy,  an  incurable 
wound,  that  they  may  stagger,  and  fall,  and  rise  up  no  more, 
and  that  affliction  may  not  arise  a  second  time,  Nahum  i.  9  ; 
1  Sam.  xxvi.  8.  The  only  difficulty  is  what  is  meant  by 
kings  ;  for  which  we  must  note,  that  the  kingdom  of  Christ  is 
spiritual,  and  his  war  spiritual,  and  therefore  his  enemies  for 
the  most  part  spiritual.  Therefore  I  take  it,  we  are  hereby  to 
understand  the  most  potent  enemies  of  Christ;  whether  spi- 
ritual, ("  We  wrestle  not  against  flesh  and  blood,  but  against 
principalities,  and  powers,  and  spiritual  wickedness  in  high 
places,"  Eph.  vi.  12  ;  2  Cor.  x.  4 ;)  or  carnal,  as  heathen  and 


wicked  men,  Psa.  ii.  8,  9;  the  fat  and  the  strong  enemies  of  the 
church,  Ezek.  xxxiv.  16.  Our  spiritual  enemies  are  called 
kings,  in  Scripture.  Satan,  the  prince  of  this  world,  the  god  of 
this  world,  the  prince  of  the  power  of  the  air,  John  xvi.  11  ; 
2  Cor.  iv.  4;  Eph.  ii.  2  :  the  king  of  the  locusts,  Rev.  ix.  11. 
Sin  and  original  concupiscence  are  a  king  :  "  Let  not  sin  reign 
in  your  mortal  bodies,"  Rom.  vi.  12.  And  the  earthly  enemies 
of  Christ  are  called  kings.  The  ten  horns,  that  is,  ten  kings, 
make  war  with  the  lamb.  Rev.  xvii.  12,  14.  "  The  kings  of 
the  earth  stood  up,  and  the  rulers  were  gathered  together 
against  the  Lord,  and  against  his  Christ,"  Acts  iv.  26.  And 
death,  which  is  the  last  enemy,  is  a  king ;  the  king  of  terrors, 
that  reigneth  over  men.  And  over  all  these  kings  do  the 
victories  of  Christ  reach.  Some,  by  kings,  understand  the 
Roman  emperors,  (who  are  called  kings,  1  Pet.  ii.  13,  17,) 
and  their  overthrow  for  persecuting  the  church.  But  since 
all  sorts  of  Christ's  enemies  are  called  kings  in  Scripture,  and 
all  of  them  do  push  at  his  kingdom  in  the  church,  I  see  no 
ground  why  we  may  not,  by  kings,  understand  them  all,  with 
their  subjects,  armies,  and  associates.  As  in  great  victories 
the  lords  and  principal  men  are  said  to  be  overcome,  when  the 
servants  and  soldiers  are  routed  and  slain. 

"  In  the  day  of  his  wrath."  That  is,  when  time  hath 
ripened  the  insolency  and  malice  of  the  enemy,  when  his  fury 
is  fully  stirred  up  and  provoked,  when  the  just  and  full  time 
of  his  glory  is  come  ;  that  it  may  appear  that  they  are  over- 
come, not  by  time,  or  chance,  or  human  power,  or  secular 
concurrence,  but  only  by  the  power  of  his  wrath  he  will  do  it. 
Christ  is  never  destitute  of  power,  but  in  wisdom  he  hath 
ordered  the  times  of  his  church  ;  when  to  have  his  church 
suffer  and  bear  witness  to  him,  and  when  to  triumph  in  his 
deliverances.  So  the  meaning  of  this  clause  is  this, — When 
the  day  of  recompense  is  come,  when  the  sins  and  provocation 
of  his  enemy  are  ripe,  when  the  utmost  period  of  his  patience 
is  expired,  in  the  fixed  and  unmoveable  day  which  he  hath  set, 
be  the  probabilities  never  so  poor,  and  preparations  never  so 
small,  the  expectations  never  so  low,  the  means  in  human  view 
never  so  impossible,  yet  then,  by  his  wrath,  he  will  utterly  and 
incurably  wound  his  enemies,  both  spiritual  and  temporal,  that 
they  shadl  not  rise  a  second  time. 

"  He  shall  judge  amongst  the  heathen."     The  word  judg- 
ment noteth  both  government  and  punishment.     "  The  Lord 
shall  judge  his  people,  and  repent  himself  for  his  servants, 
R  2 


when  he  seeth  that  their  power  is  gone,"  Deut.  xxxii.  36 : 
there  to  judge,  noteth  government,  "  The  Lord  standeth 
up  to  plead,  and  standeth  to  judge  the  people,"  Isa.  iii.  13. 
*'  That  nation  whom  they  serve  will  I  judge,"  Gen.  xv.  14  : 
there  to  judge  noteth  punishment.  Here  it  is  taken  for  ex- 
ecuting condemnation  upon  the  contumacious  adversaries  of 
the  gospel  of  Christ  amongst  the  gentiles,  as  in  the  great 
victory  of  Gog  and  Magog,  Ezek.  xxxix.  Some,  by  gentiles, 
understand  all  enemies,  both  spiritual  and  earthly. 

"  He  shall  fill  the  places  with  dead  bodies."  That  notes 
both  the  swiftness  of  the  victory,  and  the  greatness  of  the 
victory;  that  it  shdl  be  so  general,  and  so  speedy,  that 
the  enemy  shall  have  either  none  left,  or  they  that  are  left 
shall  not  be  able,  nor  have  leisure  to  bury  their  dead  bodies, 
Ezek.  xxxix.  11. 

"  He  shall  wound  the  heads  over  many  countries."  That 
is,  either  the  principal  of  his  enemies  everywhere ;  or  Satan, 
who  is  the  god  of  the  world,  that  ruleth  as  head  over  the 
children  of  disobedience  in  all  places ;  or  anti-christ,  the  head 
of  nations,  the  chief  of  God's  enemies.  Rev.  xiii.  7,  8. 

I.  "  The  Lord  at  thy  right  hand."  According  to  the  two- 
fold apostrophe  before  mentioned,  here  are  two  observations 
which  I  will  but  touch. 

1.  That  God  the  Father  is  worthy  to  have  all  the  power, 
majesty,  and  judgment,  which  he  hath  given  to  his  Son  our 
Mediator,  for  our  protection,  salvation,  and  defence,  most 
thankfully  and  triumphantly  acknowledged  to  him.  We  find 
our  Saviour  himself  praising  God  on  this  behalf,  that  he  had 
delivered  all  things  into  his  hand,  even  power  to  make  babes 
believe  on  him,  Matt.  xi.  25,  27.  And  to  this  St.  Paul  fre- 
quently refers,  namely,  in  praising  and  glorifying  God  for 
Christ.  "  O  wretched  man  that  I  am !  who  shall  deliver 
me  ? — I  thank  God  through  Jesus  Christ  our  Lord,"  Rom. 
vii.  24,  25.  "  All  the  promises  of  God  in  him  are  yea,  and 
in  him  Amen,  unto  the  glory  of  God  by  us,"  2  Cor.i.  19,  20. 
"  He  gave  himself  for  our  sins,  that  he  might  deliver  us  from 
this  present  evil  world,  according  to  the  will  of  God  and  our 
Father :  to  whom  be  glory  for  ever  and  ever.  Amen,"  Gal. 
i.  4,  5.  "  That  every  tongue  should  confess  that  Jesus  Christ 
is  Lord,  to  the  glory  of  God  the  Father,"  Phil.  ii.  11.  And 
reason  there  is  that  it  should  thus  be  acknowledged  to  the 
Father,  because  he  hath  all  his  kingdom  and  power  in  the 
church  from  the  Father.     All  power  is  given  unto  me.     He 



hath  given  me  a  name  above  every  name  ;  and  this  the  IS 
hath  revealed  to  us,  that  so  he  might  manifest  tlie  name, 
that  is,  get  glory  to  his  Father  thereby,  John  xvii.  6,  7. 
For  it  was  Grod  in  Christ  that  reconciled  the  world  to  himself. 
2.  He  hath  it  all  given  unto  him  in  our  nature,  in  our  be- 
half, and  as  our  Head ;  so  that  we,  in  the  gifts  of  God  to  him, 
were  only  respected,  and  therefore  we  have  reason  to  praise 
God  for  them.  It  was  not  indeed  given  to  him  strictly,  (for 
it  was  to  him  an  office,  but  not  a  benefit,)  but  to  him  for  us, 
or  to  us  hi  and  by  him.  In  all  the  victories,  deliverances, 
refreshings,  and  experiences  of  God's  power  and  goodness,  we 
must  ever  remember  to  praise  God  in  and  through  his  Son  ;  to 
acknowledge  the  power  of  his  right  hand,  which  is  not  now 
against  his  church,  but  against  the  enemies  of  his  church. 
Therefore,  the  deliverance  of  his  church  is  ascribed  to  God's 
right  hand,  because  he  hath  there  one  to  plead,  to  entreat,  to 
move  his  right  hand  in  our  behalf.  Therefore,  in  all  our  dis- 
tresses, in  all  conflicts  and  temptations,  we  must  by  faith  look 
up  unto  God's  right  hand,  and  put  him  in  remembrance  of  that 
faithfulness,  righteousness,  atonement,  and  intercession  which 
is  there  made  in  our  behalf.  There  we  have  matter  enough 
to  fill  our  mouths  and  hearts  with  praises,  and  triumph, 
and  rejoicing  in  him.  "  It  is  Christ,  who  is  at  the  right 
hand  of  God;"  therefore  "  Who  shall  separate  us  from  the 
love  of  Christ  ?"  Rom.  viii.  34,  35.  Here  are  two  arguments 
for  the  church's  safety  and  triumph ;  the  love  of  Christ,  and 
the  honour  of  Christ.  He  loveth  all  his  to  the  end.  But 
what  good  can  love  do  without  power?  Therefore,  he  that 
loveth  us  is  exalted  by  God,  and  hath  all  power  given  him  for 
this  purpose,  that  his  love  may  do  us  good.  In  the  conflicts 
of  my  corruptions,  (which  are  an  adversary  too  subtle,  too 
numberless  for  me  to  vanquish,)  I  may  yet,  when  I  am  driven 
to  Paul's  extremity,  rest  in  his  thanksgiving ;  and  looking  up 
to  Jesus,  who  will  be  the  finisher  of  every  good  work  which 
he  begins,  and  seeing  him  at  God's  right  hand,  may  triumph 
in  the  power  and  office  which  God  hath  given  to  his  Son 
there,  which  is,  to  subdue  our  iniquities,  and  to  sanctify  us  by 
his  truth,  and  by  that  residue  of  Spirit  which  he  keepeth  for  the 
church,  John  xvii.  17,  19:  for  that  prayer  is  a  model,  as  it 
were,  and  counterpart  of  Christ's  intercession ;  for,  saith  he, 
"  I  come  to  thee  ;  and  these  things  I  speak  in  the  world,  that 
they  might  have  my  joy  fulfilled  in  themselves,"  vcr.  13; 
that   is.    That  they   having  a   specimen  and   form   of  that 


intercession,  which  with  thee  I  shall  make  for  them,  left  upon 
public  record  for  them  to  look  on,  and  there  finding  that  their 
sanctification  is  the  business  of  my  sitting  at  thy  right  hand, 
may,  in  the  midst  of  the  discomforts  and  conflicts  of  their  cor- 
ruptions, have  a  full  joy  and  triumph  in  the  honour  which 
thou  hast  given  me.  I  am  beset  with  the  temptations  of  my 
enemies,  and  persecutions  for  the  name  of  Christ ;  in  this  case 
I  may  give  God  praise  for  the  power  which  he  hath  given  to 
his  Son.  I  may  appeal  from  mine  enemies  unto  God's  right 
hand.  I  may,  like  Stephen,  when  the  stones  and  buffets  are 
about  my  soul,  look  up  by  faith,  and  see  there  my  Captain 
standing  up  in  my  defence.  Acts  vii.  55.  I  may  acknowledge 
unto  God  the  power  given  unto  his  Son,  that  though  nothing 
of  all  this  fall  upon  me  without  his  provision  and  permission, 
yet  sure  I  am,  that  he  hath  power  and  mercy  in  his  right  hand ; 
that  though  mine  enemies  were  as  strong  as  a  combination 
and  army  of  kings,  yet  the  Lord  at  his  right  hand  hath  from 
him,  in  my  behalf,  received  power  enough  to  strike  through 
kings,  when  the  day  of  his  wrath  is  come. 

Note  further :  Christ  is  at  the  right  hand  of  his  people,  present 
with  them,  and  prepared  to  defend  them  from  all  their  enemies. 
Present  by  his  Spirit,  to  strengthen,  comfort,  and  uphold  them ; 
enabling  them  to  glory  and  rejoice  in  all  their  sufferings,  as 
knowing  that  they  are  but  for  a  moment,  and  that  which  is 
needful  to  purge  their  faith,  and  to  make  them  bear  their 
shame,  1  Pet.  i.  6,  7  ;  Jam.  i.  2,  3  ;  and  to  glorify  the  conse- 
quent power  of  Christ,  which  shall  be  revealed  to  their  joy, 
1  Pet.  iv.  13;  when  he  will  recompense  double  to  us  in  mercy, 
and  to  our  enemies  in  severity,  Isa.  liv.  7,  8 ;  Ixi.  7.  Present 
by  his  mighty  power,  and  by  his  angels,  to  rescue,  deliver,  and 
protect  them  ;  to  be  as  a  wall  of  fire,  as  a  shield,  a  buckler,  a 
rock,  a  Captain  to  his  people,  Zech.  ii.  5. 

And  this  is  the  ground  of  all  the  church's  comfort,  that 
more  is  with  them  than  against  them.  The  enemies  have 
combinations  and  confederacies  of  men  ;  but  the  church  hath 
Immanuel,  God  with  them,  Isa.  viii.  10.  None  can  pull 
Christ  from  the  right  hand  of  God,  or  from  the  right  hand  of 
his  people ;  that  is,  none  can  take  away  either  his  power  or 
his  love  from  his  people.  The  church  and  truth  can  never 
be  crushed  and  overthrown,  no  more  than  a  rock  with  the 
raging  of  the  waves :  they  are  heavenly  things,  and  therefore 
nothing  of  earth  or  hell  can  reach  to  corrupt  them.  It  was 
but  a  vain  attempt  of  the  giants  to  build  a  tower  to  heaven. 


The  world  was  made,  that  there  might  be  therein  a  church  to 
worship  and  contemplate  that  God  who  made  it ;  tlierefore, 
in  the  creation,  God  never  rested  till  he  came  to  a  church,  to 
note,  that  this  was  the  end  thereof ;  and  therefore  it  is  easier 
to  pull  down  the  world,  and  to  shake  in  pieces  the  frame  of 
nature,  than  to  ruin  the  church.  The  church  hath  Christ  for 
her  Husband;  he  to  whom  all  knees  must  bend,  he  whom  every 
tongue  must  confess,  he  who  will  subdue  all  things  to  him- 
self;  so  she  hath  love,  power,  and  jealousy,  all  three  very 
strong  things,  on  her  side.  And  therefore,  the  only  way  to  be 
safe,  is  to  keep  Christ  at  our  right  hand,  to  hold  fast  his 
truth,  worship,  and  obedience  ;  for  so  long  as  we  have  Imma- 
nuel,  all  adverse  power  is  but  flesh,  and  all  flesh  is  but  grass, 
withered  in  a  moment  when  God  blows  upon  it. 

Note  again :  Christ,  in  his  appointed  time,  will  utterly  over- 
throw the  greatest  enemies  of  his  kingdom,  and  deliver  his 
church  from  under  the  sorest  oppressions.  There  is  not  any 
one  argument  in  the  holy  Scriptures  more  frequently  repeated, 
than  this  of  Christ's  victories :  they  w^ere  prefigured  in  the 
deliverance  of  Israel  out  of  Egypt,  1  Cor.  x.  2 — 4 ;  in  the 
deliverances  of  the  ark  out  of  the  waters,  1  Pet.  iii. ;  and  in 
the  deliverance  of  the  jews  from  Babylon,  Rev.  xiv.  8  ;  Isa. 
xi.  10,  12,  13  :  to  note,  that  in  the  sorest  extremities  and 
greatest  improbabilities,  God  will  show  himself  jealous  for  his 
people.  1.  This  victory  is  expressed  by  treading  of  a  wine- 
press, Isa.  Ixiii.  I — 6,  when  there  are  none  to  help  ;  when  the 
church  is  brought  to  sorest  extremities,  though  multitudes 
meet  against  her,  as  many  as  the  grapes  in  a  vintage,  they 
shall  all  be  but  as  clusters  of  grapes,  he  shall  squeeze  out  their 
blood  like  wine,  and  make  his  church  to  thresh  them.  Lam.  i. 
13;  Rev.  xiv.  19,  20;  Joel  iii.  13;  Micah  iv.  13.  2.  By 
the  dissipation  of  smoke  out  of  a  chimney  ;  "  They  shall  be  as 
the  smoke  out  of  the  chimney,"  Hos.  xiii.  3.  3.  By  fire 
consuming  thorns  and  briers,  Isa.  x.  17.  While  they  be 
folded  together  as  thorns,  and  while  they  are  drunken  as 
drunkards ;  that  is,  while  they  have  plotted  their  counsels  and 
confederacies  so  curiously,  that  no  man  dares  so  much  as 
touch  them,  and  while  they  are  drunken  with  the  pride  and 
confidence  of  their  own  strength,  they  shall  then  be  devoured 
as  stubble  that  is  fully  dry,  Nahum  i.  10 ;  Isa.  xxvii.  4  ; 
xxxi.  9. 

Therefore,  the  Scripture  calleth  Christ  "  a  man  of  war," 
Exod.  XV.  3,  because  he  is  furnished  with  all  arts  of  victory. 


Power  invincible;  as  a  lion  amongst  shepherds,  so  is  he 
amongst  his  enemies,  Isa.  xxxi.  4.  Wisdom  unsearchable, 
which  must  stand,  ver.  1,  2  :  if  he  purpose,  none  can  disap- 
point him,  Isa.  xiv.  27.  Authority,  by  the  least  intimation 
to  gather  together  all  the  forces  of  the  world  against  the  ene- 
mies of  his  church  :  if  he  but  hiss  unto  them,  they  presently 
come  in  troops,  Isa.  v.  26  ;  vii.  18.  He  can  command  help 
for  his  people,  Psa.  xliv.  4  ;  Ixxi.  3 ;  and  if  that  should  fail, 
he  can  create  help  for  his  people,  as  he  did  for  Israel,  when 
he  wrought  miracles  to  deliver  them,  Psa.  cvi. 

We  may  more  profitably  consider  the  truth  and  comfort  of 
this  point,  by  discoursing  of  it  in  the  several  enemies  of  Christ 
and  his  people.  The  great  enemy  of  the  Seed  of  the  woman 
is  the  serpent,  that  great  red  dragon,  whose  names  are  all 
names  of  enmity  ; — the  accuser,  the  tempter,  the  destroyer, 
the  devourer,  the  envious  man ; — furnished  with  much  strength, 
and  mighty  succour,  legions  of  principalities  and  powers 
attending  on  him  ;  and  with  much  wisdom,  which  the  Scrip- 
ture calleth  the  wiles  and  craftiness  of  Satan.  And  his 
arts  of  destroying  men  are  two, — to  tempt,  and  to  accuse. 
His  temptations  are  two-fold  :  either  unto  sin,  or  unto  discom- 
fort; either  to  make  us  offend  God,  or  to  make  us  disquiet 
ourselves  ;  either  to  wound  us,  or  to  vex  us.  And  in  all  these 
his  arts,  Christ,  our  Captain,  will  tread  him  under  our  feet,  and 
will  give  his  church  the  victory  at  the  last ;  either  by  arming  us 
with  sufficiency  of  grace  and  faith  in  his  victories  ;  putting  us, 
by  his  Spirit,  in  mind  of  his  temptations,  which  taught  him 
compassion  towards  us,  who  are  so  much  weaker  ;  encou- 
raging our  hearts  to  cry  out  unto  him  who  is  our  merciful  and 
compassionate  High  Priest,  in  our  extremities,  as  Paul  did, 
2  Cor.  xii.  8,  9  ;  stirring  up  our  faith  to  lay  hold  on  him  when 
we  are  in  darkness,  and  the  spirit  of  adoption  to  cry  unto  him 
when  we  are  in  danger,  and  the  spirit  of  wisdom  to  solve  the 
objections,  to  discern  the  devices  of  Satan,  and  to  prepare  and 
arm  our  hearts  accordingly  to  wrestle  with  him  :  or  else,  by 
rebuking  of  him,  pulling  in  his  chain,  a^nd  chasing  him  away, 
and  undertaking  the  combat  in  person  for  us,  when  Satan  is 
ready  to  prevail,  Zech.  iii.  1,  2.  Thus  he  overcometh  him  as 
a  tempter,  and  ever  giveth  some  either  comfortable  or  profitable 
issue  out  of  them. 

He  likewise  overcometh  him  as  an  accuser.  Satan  accuseth 
the  saints  either  by  way  of  complaint  and  narration  of  the 
things  which  they  have  done,  Rev.  xii.  10.  which  the  apostle 


calleth  his  laying  of  crimes  to  the  charge  of  men,  Rom.  viii. 
33 ;  and  then  Christ  overcometh  him  by  his  intercession,  and 
in  the  hearts  of  his  saints  by  making  them  judge  and  accuse 
themselves,  that  they  may  be  able  to  clear  themselves  too, 
1  Cor.  xi.  31  ;  2   Cor.  vii.  11.     Or,  he  accuseth  by   way  of 
suspicion  or  preconjecture,  as  he  did  Job,  Job  i.  9 — 11  :  and 
herein,  likewise,  Christ  overcometh  him  in  his  servants,  by  per- 
mitting him  to  tempt  and  vex  them,  that  they  may  come  the 
purer  out  of  the  fire ;   and  by  putting  a  holy  suspicion  and 
jealousy  into  them  over  their  own  hearts,  which  may  still  be  a 
means  to  prevent  them  against  evils  that  are  likely  to  assault 
them,  to  teach  them   in  every  condition,  as  well  possible  as 
present,  how  to  walk  acceptably  before  God,  Phil.  iv.  11 — 13. 
Another  great  enemy  of  the  kingdom  of  Christ,  is,  the  lust 
of  our  own  evil  nature.     "  The  carnal  mind  is  enmity  against 
God :  for  it  is  not  subject  to  the  law  of  God,  neither  indeed 
can  be,"    Rom.   viii.   7  :    enmity   in   grieving,   vexing,    and 
quenching  the  Holy  Spirit  in  us,  and  lusting  enviously  against 
his  grace.   Jam.  iv.  4,  3.     And  here  also  Christ  overcometh, 
by  the  prevailing  power  of  his  Spirit ;  giving  us  more  grace, 
demolishing  the  kingdom  of  sin,  and  judging  the  prince  of  this 
world,  who  before  did  rule  in  the  children  of  disobedience. 
And  this  he  doth  by  the  judgment  seat  and  sceptre  of  his- 
Spirit  in  the  heart;  for  the  judgment  of  the  Spirit  is  too  hard 
for  the  principality  of  Satan,  John  xvi.  11.     The  Spirit  of 
Christ  is  a  victorious  Spirit ;    he  bringeth  forth  his  judgment 
unto  victory,   Matt.  xii.  20  ;  Isa.  iv.  4.     He  worketh  out  by 
degrees  the  dross  and  impurity  of  our  nature  and  services. 
1.  By  faith  fixing  upon  better  promises  and  hopes  than  lust 
can  make,  1  John  v,  4 ;  Heb.  xi.  24 — 26.     2.  By  watchful- 
ness in  eyeing  corruptions,  and  so  stirring  up  those  arguments 
and  principles  which  are  strongest  against  them,  Job  xxxi.  1 ; 
Psa.  xxxix.  1.     3.  By  leading  us  to  more   acquaintance  with 
God   in   knowledge,  love,  and   communion.  Job  xxii.  21 ; 
1  John  i.  3 ;  and  so  fetching  more  wisdom  and  strength  from 
him  :  for  this  is  the  way  that  we  get  all  our  strength,  even  by 
learning  of  him,   Phil.  iv.  12.     4.  By  inclining  the  heart  to 
hate,  and  to  complain  of  corruptions  ;  to  bemoan  itself,  as  Paul 
and  Ephraim  did,  Rom.  vii.  23 ;  Mark  ix.  24 ;  Jer.  xxxi.  18, 
19.     5.  By  bringing  the  heart  into  the  light,  there  to  approve 
and  judge  its  actions,  John  iii.  20 ;  by  setting  it  always  in 
God's  eye,  that   it  may  not   sin  against  him,   Psa.  xvi.  8. 
6.  By  convincing  the  heart  of  the  beauty  and  excellency  of 


arace,  of  the  loathsomeness  of  sin  to  God ;  and  so  making  the 
soul  more  full  of  desires  for  the  one,  and  against  the  other^  Isa. 
xxvi.  8  ;  Ezek.  xxxvi.  31  ;  and  thus  kindling  lust  against  lust. 
Gal.  V.  17.  7.  By  being  always  a  present  monitor  and 
watchman  in  the  soul,  to  supply  it  with  spiritual  weapons  and 
reasoning  against  the  temptation  of  lust,  John  xiv.  26.  8.  In 
one  word,  by  daily  supplies  from  the  residue  of  the  Spirit  which 
is  in  our  Head  ;  whereby,  according  to  the  proportion  and 
exigence  of  the  members,  he  floweth  into  them,  Mai.  ii.  15 ; 
Phil.  i.  19.  This  is  that  seed,  that  leaven,  that  vital  instinct, 
which  is  ever  in  the  heart,  setting  itself  against  the  workings 
and  life  of  lust,  and  by  Httle  and  little  wasting  it  away,  as  fire 
doth  water. 

The  grand  instrument  of  Satan  and  lust  (who  are  the  two 
leaders  in  this  war  against  Christ)  is  the  wicked  world;  that  is, 
the  power,  malice,  wisdom,  learning,  or  any  other  either  natural 
or  acquired  abilities  of  evil  men :  for  even  in  an  earthly  re- 
spect, by  the  word  "kings,"  we  are  not  only  to  understand  those 
raonarchs  and  princes  of  the  earth,  who  set  themselves  against 
Christ ;  but  all  such  as  excel  in  any  such  worldly  abilities  as 
may  further  that  opposition.  It  notes  the  strength,  poHcy, 
pride,  and  greatness  of  mind,  or  scorn  of  subjection,  which  is 
in  the  heart  against  Christ.  So  that  "king"  here  stands  in  op- 
position to  subject ;  they  who  reject  Christ's  yoke,  and  break 
his  bonds  asunder,  and  will  not  have  him  to  reign  over  them, 
these  are  the  kings  in  the  text.  And  these  also  will  he  smite 
through,  and  confound  by  the  power  of  his  word,  and  the 
strength  of  his  arm.  "  The  Lord  gave  the  word :  great  was 
tlie  company  of  those  that  published  it.  Kings  of  armies  did 
flee  apace  :  and  she  that  tarried  at  home  divided  the  spoil," 
Psa.  Ixviii.  11,  12.  "  Tophet  is  ordained  of  old;  for  the 
king  it  is  prepared,"  Isa.  xxx.  33.  "  Come  and  gather  your- 
selves together  unto  the  supper  of  the  great  God  ;  that  ye  may 
eat  the  flesh  of  kings,  and  the  flesh  of  captains,  and  the  flesh 
of  mighty  men,  and  the  flesh  of  horses,  and  of  them  that  sit  on 
them,  and  the  flesh  of  all  men,  both  free  and  bond,  both  small 
and  great,"  Rev.  xix.  17,  18.  "  But  those  mine  enemies, 
which  would  not  that  1  should  reign  over  them,  bring  hither, 
and  slay  them  before  me,"  Luke  xix.  27.  "  Be  wise  now,  O 
ye  kings  ;  be  instructed  ye  judges  of  the  earth.  Serve  the 
Lord  with  fear,  and  rejoice  with  trembling.  Kiss  the  Son, 
lest  he  be  angry,  and  ye  perish  from  the  way,  when  his  wrath 
is  kindled  but  a  little,"  Psa.  ii.  10 — 12.      Thus  the  Lord 


overthioweth  his   church's  enemies,  and  protecteth  it  against 
all  their  greatest  preparations,  and  most  formidable  power. 

This  he  doth  several  ways  :  1.  Sometimes,  by  diverting  their 
forces  from  liis  church  into  some  other  necessary  cliannel,  or 
ambitious  design  of  their  own.  Thus  Rabshakah  and  his 
host  were  called  from  Judah,  2  Kings  xix.  7,  8.  So  the  Lord 
promised  his  people,  that  when  they  went  up  to  appear  before 
him  thrice  a  year,  he  would  divert  the  desires  of  their  enemies 
from  their  land,  Exod.  xxxiv.  24.  Thus  Julian  the  apostate, 
having  but  two  main  plots  to  honour,  (as  he  supposed,)  his 
government  and  his  idols  withal ;  the  subduing  of  the  Persians, 
and  the  rooting  out  of  the  Galileans,  as  he  called  them  ;  was 
prevented  from  the  one  by  being  first  overthrown  in  the  other  ; 
for  the  prosperous  success  of  which  expedition  he  vowed  unto 
his  idol-gods  a  sacrifice  of  all  the  christians  in  the  empire,  as 
Gregory  Nazianzen  relateth.  2.  Sometimes,  by  infatuating,  and 
implanting  a  spirit  of  giddiness  and  distraction  in  the  enemies 
of  his  church,  making  them  destitute  both  of  counsel  and 
courage.  When  God  would  punish  Babylon,  (which  is  a 
type  of  the  enemies  of  Christ's  kingdom,)  he  made  their  hearts 
melt,  that  they  should  be  amazed  one  at  another,  and  "  their 
faces  should  be  like  flames,"  Isa.  xiii.  7,  8 ;  that  is,  not  only 
pale  like  a  flame,  but  rather,  as  I  conceive,  full  of  variety  of 
fearful  impressions,  and  distracted  passions :  nothing  so  tre- 
mulous, so  various,  so  easily  bended  every  way  with  the 
smallest  blast,  as  a  flame  ;  so  their  fear  should  make  their 
blood  and  spirits  in  their  faces  to  tremble,  quiver,  and  vary,  to 
come  and  go  like  a  thin  flame  in  them.  Thus  God  threatened 
to  mingle  a  perverse  spirit,  to  make  the  spirit  of  Egypt  fail  in 
them,  and  their  wisdom  to  perish,  Isa.  xix.  1 — 3,  14,  17. 
3.  Sometimes,  by  ordering  casualties  and  particular  emergencies 
for  the  deliverance  of  his  church ;  a  thing  wonderfully  seen  in 
the  histories  of  Joseph  and  Esther.  Thus  a  man,  by  a  chain 
made  up  of  several  links,  some  of  gold,  others  of  silver,  others 
of  brass,  iron,  or  tin,  may  be  drawn  out  of  a  pit :  so  the  Lord 
by  the  concurrence  of  several  insubordinate  things,  which  have 
no  manner  of  dependence,  or  natural  coincidence  amongst 
themselves,  hath  oftentimes  wrought  the  deliverance  of  his 
church,  that  it  might  appear  to  be  the  work  of  his  own  hand. 
3.  Sometimes,  by  ordering  and  arming  natural  causes  to  defend 
his  church,  and  to  amaze  the  enemy.  Thus  the  stars  in  their 
courses  are  said  to  fight  against  Sisera,  Judg.  v.  20.  A 
mighty  wind  from  heaven  beating  on  their  faces  discomfited 


them,  as  Josephus  reports.  To  make  good  that  promise, 
"  No  weapon  that  is  formed  against  thee  shall  prosper."  Thus 
the  Lord  slew  the  enemies  of  Joshua  with  hail,  Josh.  x.  1 1  ; 
and  thus  the  Moabites  were  overthrown,  by  occasion  of  the 
sun  shining  upon  the  water,  2  Kings  iii.  22, 23.  4.  Sometimes, 
by  implanting  fancies  and  friglitful  apprehensions  into  the 
minds  of  the  enemy,  as  into  the  Midianites,  Judg.  vii.  13,  14 ; 
and  the  Assyrians,  2  Kings  vii.  6.  Thus  the  Lord  caused  a 
voice  to  be  heard  in  the  temple,  before  the  destruction  of  Je- 
rusalem, warning  the  faithful  to  go  out  of  the  city.  5.  Some- 
times, by  stirring  up  and  prospering  weak  and  contemptible 
means,  to  show  his  glory  thereby.  The  Medes  and  Persians 
were  an  effeminate  and  luxurious  people ;  Cyrus  a  mean  prince, 
for  he  was  not  at  this  time  the  emperor  of  the  Medes  and  Per- 
sians, but  only  son-in-law  to  Darius,  or  Cyaxares ;  and  yet 
these  are  made  instruments  to  overthrow  that  most  valiant 
people,  the  Babylonians,  Isa.  xlv.  1,  13.  As  Jeremiah  was 
drawn  out  of  the  dungeon  by  old  rotten  rags,  which  were 
thrown  aside  as  good  for  nothing,  Jer.  xxxviii.  1 1  :  so  the 
Lord  can  deliver  his  church  by  such  instruments  as  the  enemies 
thereof  before  would  have  looked  upon  with  scorn,  as  upon 
cast  and  despicable  creatures :  for  God,  as  he  useth  to  infa- 
tuate those  whom  he  will  destroy  ;  so  he  doth  guide  with  a 
spirit  of  wonderful  wisdom  those  whom  he  raiseth  to  defend 
his  kingdom.  The  Babylonians  were  feasting,  and  counted 
their  city  impregnable,  being  fortified  with  walls  and  the  great 
river ;  and  God  gave  wisdom  beyond  the  very  conjectures  of 
men,  to  attempt  a  business  which  might  seem  unfeasible  in 
nature,  to  dry  up  the  Euphrates,  and  divide  it  into  several 
small  branches ;  and  so  he  made  a  way  to  bring  the  army  into 
the  city  while  they  were  feasting,  the  gates  thereof  being  in 
great  confidence  and  security  left  open,  Isa.  xliv.  27 ;  xlv.  1  ; 
Jer.  li.  36.  6.  Sometimes,  by  turning  the  hearts  of  others  to 
compassionate  the  church,  to  hate  the  enemies,  and  not  to 
help  them,  but  to  rejoice  when  they  are  sinking,  Isa.  xiv.  6  ;  x. 
16;  Nahum  iii.  7.  7.  Sometimes,  by  the  immediate  stroke  of 
God  upon  their  bodies  or  consciences.  Thus  God  gave  the 
church  rest  by  smiting  Herod,  Acts  xii.  23, 24.  8.  Sometimes, 
by  tiring  them  quite  out,  and  making  them,  for  very  vexation 
and  want  of  success,  give  over  their  vain  attempts  ;  or  else  dis- 
heartening them  that  they  may  not  begin  them.  9.  Sometimes, 
by  turning  their  own  devices  upon  their  heads,  ruining  thern 
with  their  own  counsels,  and,  it  may  be,  despatching  them 


with  their  own  hands.  Thus  the  Lord  set  every  man's  sword 
against  his  fellow  in  the  huge  host  of  the  Midianites,  Jud<T. 
vii.  22.  Thus  Pilate  and  Nero,  the  one  the  murderer  of  Christ, 
the  other  the  dedicator  of  all  the  consequent  great  persecu- 
tions, both  died  by  their  own  hands,  as  being  most  wicked  and 
most  cruel,  and  therefore  fittest  to  revenge  the  cause  of  Christ 
and  his  people  upon  themselves.  Thus  God  did  not  only 
curse  the  counsel,  but  revenge  the  treason  of  Ahithophel  by 
an  act  of  the  most  desperate  folly  and  inhumanity  which  could 
be  committed.  1 0.  Sometimes,  by  hardening  them  unto  a  most 
desperate  prosecution  of  their  own  ruin,  as  in  the  case  of 
Pharaoh ;  suffering  them  to  lift  at  the  stone  so  long,  till  it 
loosen,  and  fall  upon  them,  Zech.  xii.  3 ;  Matt.  xxi.  44. 
11.  Sometimes,  by  ingratiating  the  church  with  them  to  their 
own  destruction,  as  he  did  Israel  with  the  Egyptians,  Exod. 
xii.  35,  36.  By  these,  and  many  other  like  means,  doth  the 
Lord  overthrow  the  enemies  of  his  kingdom. 

II.  Now  all  this  is,  "  In  the  day  of  his  wrath"  or  in  his 
own  due  time :  where  we  may  note,  by  the  way,  that  Christ 
hath  wrath  in  him  as  well  as  mercy.  Though  he  be  by 
wicked  and  secure  men  misconceived,  as  if  he  were  only  com- 
passionate ;  yet  he  will  more  sorely  judge  them  hereafter, 
whom  he  doth  not  by  persuasions  and  allurements  prevail  with 
here.  So  merciful  he  is,  that  he  is  called  a  Lamb  for  meek- 
ness ;  and  yet  so  terrible,  that  he  is  called  a  Lion  for  fury.  It 
is  true,  fury  is  not  in  him,  Isa.  xxvii.  4,  namely,  to  those  that 
apprehend  his  strength,  and  make  their  peace  with  him.  But 
yet  to  those  that  will  not  kiss,  that  is,  not  love,  worship,  nor 
obey  him,  he  can  with  a  little  wrath  show  himself  very  ter- 
rible, Psa.  ii.  12.  He  cometh  first  with  peace,  Luke  x.  5  ; 
but  it  is  a  peace  mercifully  offered  ;  not  a  peace  growing  out 
of  any  necessity  or  exigencies  on  his  part,  and  so  wrought  by 
way  of  composition  for  his  own  advantages.  The  peace  of  a 
conqueror,  Zech.  ix.  10;  a  peace  which  putteth  conditions  to 
those  to  whom  it  is  granted,  that  they  shall  be  tributaries  and 
servants  unto  him,  Deut.xx,  10 — 12.  Therefore  the  apostle 
saith,  that  he  came  to  preach  or  to  proclaim  peace,  Eph.  ii. 
17  ;  but  if  we  reject  it,  he  then  denounces  the  sentence, 
"  Those  mine  enemies  which  would  not  that  I  should  reign 
over  them,  bring  hither,  and  slay  them  before  me,"  Luke 
xix.  27. 

But  the  main  thing  here  to  be  noted,  is,  that  Christ  hath  a 
day,  a  prefixed  and  constituted  time  wherein  he  will  be  avenged 


on  the  greatest  of  his  enemies.  When  he  forhears  and  suffers 
them  to  prevail,  yet  still  he  holdeth  the  line  in  his  own  hand  ; 
the  hook  of  his  decree  is  in  their  nostrils,  and  he  can  take 
them  short  when  he  will.  It  is  never  want  of  power,  wisdom, 
or  love  to  his  church,  that  their  quarrel  is  not  immediately  re- 
yeno-ed  ;  but  all  these  are  fitted  to  his  greater  glory.  The 
Lord  seemeth  to  neglect,  to  break  up  the  hedge,  to  sleep  while 
his  church  is  sinking ;  (as  Christ  to  his  disciples  seemed  care- 
less, Mark  iv.  38, 39  :)  thus,  frequently  in  Scripture  the  saints 
expostulate  with  God  in  an  humble  and  mourning  debate  ; 
"  Why  sleepest  thou,  O  Lord  ?  arise,  cast  us  not  off  for 
ever,"  Psa.  xliv.  23 ;  Jer.  xiv.  8.  9.  But  God  hath  his 
question  against  us  too  for  this  infirmity  and  haste  of  ours ; 
"  Why  sayest  thou,  O  Jacob,  and  speakest,  O  Israel,  my  way 
is  hid  from  the  Lord,  and  my  judgment  is  passed  over  from 
my  God  ?" — that  is,  he  hath  not  taken  notice  of  my  calamity. 
"  Hast  thou  not  known,  hast  thou  not  heard,  that  the  ever- 
lasting God,  the  Lord,  the  Creator  of  the  ends  of  the  earth, 
fainteth  not,  neither  is  weary  ?  there  is  no  searching  of  his 
understanding,"  Isa.  xl.  27,  28.  '*'  He  is  wonderful  in  coun- 
sel, and  excellent  in  working ;"  and  therefore  he  doth  not 
slumber  nor  sleep  ;  but  only,  in  wisdom,  ordereth  times  and 
seasons,  that  there  may,  in  the  end,  be  the  greater  glory  unto 
him,  and  in  the  things  done,  the  more  beauty.  "  Everything," 
saith  Solomon,  "  is  beautiful  in  its  season  :''  if  you  gather  it 
before,  it  loseth  both  its  beauty  and  virtue.  It  would  be  a 
madness  for  a  man  to  mow  down  his  corn  when  it  is  in  the 
green  blade.  "  The  husbandman  waiteth,"  saith  the  apostle, 
"  for  the  precious  fruit  of  the  earth,  and  hath  long  patience  for 
it,"  Jam.  V.  7.  Now,  the  prophet  assuretn  us,  that  "light," 
that  is,  comfort,  refreshment,  peace,  deliverance,  "  is  sown  for 
the  righteous,"  Psa.  xcvii.  11.  It  was  sown  for  the  people  of 
God  when  they  were  in  captivity,  though  to  themselves  they 
seemed  as  dead  men  in  their  graves  ;  yet  indeed  they  were  not 
dead,  but  as  seed  in  the  furrows,  which  revived  again,  Psa.  cxxvi. 
5,  6  ;  and  therefore  the  Lord,  like  a  husbandman,  is  said  to 
wait,  that  he  may  be  gracious  to  his  people,  Isa.  xxx>  18. 
Though  a  man  suffer  ever  so  much  injury,  and  be  most 
violently  kept  out  of  his  own  right,  yet  he  must  wait  till  time 
and  mature  proceedings  have  brought  on  his  matters  to  a  trial ; 
therefore  the  Lord  calleth  it  "  The  year  of  recompenses  for 
the  controversy  of  Sion,"  Isa.  xxxiv.  8.  It  is  not  for  private 
men  to  order  the  periods,  or  bounds,  or  revolutions  of  times 


wherein  businesses  are  to  be  tried ;  but  public  authority 
constitutes  that,  and  every  man  must  wait  for  tlie  appointed 
time:  so  the  church  must  not  set  God  the  times  when  it 
would  be  heard  or  eased  ;  but  must  trust  his  wisdom  and  power, 
Jer.  xlix.  19 ;  for  there  is  a  set  time  wherein  he  will  have 
mercy  upon  Sion,  Psa.  cii.  13.  Now,  this  time  is  ruled  and 
bounded  by  these  considerations  : 

1.  When  the  sin  of  the  enemy  is  grown  ripe,  and  his  heart 
proud  and  insolent  against  God  and  his  people ;  when  he 
trampleth  upon  the  poor;  when  he  sacrificeth  to  his  own  net; 
when  he  adoreth  his  own  counsels ;  when  he  deifieth  his  own 
condition,  and  thinketh  that  none  can  pull  him  down  :  then  is 
it  a  time  for  God  to  show  himself,  and  to  stir  up  his  glory 
"  It  is  time,"  saith  David,  "for  thee,  OLord,  to  work  :  for  they 
have  made  void  thy  law,"  Psa.  cxix.  126  :  so  outrageous 
they  are,  that  their  fury  runneth  over  from  thy  servants  to 
thine  ordinances,  to  blot  out  the  very  records  of  heaven,  the 
name  and  fear  of  God  out  of  the  earth.  And  this  reason  and 
period  of  time  we  find  frequently  in  the  Scriptures  given  :  "  In 
the  fourth  generation  they  shall  come  hither  again ;  for  the 
iniquity  of  the  Amorites  is  not  yet  full,"  Gen.  xv.  16  ;  it  is  not 
grown  to  that  ripeness  and  compass,  as  I,  in  my  wise,  secret, 
and  patient  providence,  will  permit.  "  O  thou  that  dwellest 
upon  many  waters,  abundant  in  treasures,"  (saith  the  Lord  to 
Babylon,)  "  thine  end  is  come,  and  the  measure  of  thy  cove- 
tousness,"  Jer.  li.  13.  When  men  have  filled  up  the  measure 
of  their  sins,  then  is  their  end  come ;  be  their  wealth,  or 
safety,  or  their  natural  or  acquired  strength  ever  so  great. 
"  Put  ye  in  the  sickle,''  saith  the  prophet,  "  for  the  harvest  is 
ripe  :  come,  get  you  down  ;  for  the  press  is  full,  the  fats  over- 
flow ;  for  their  wickedness  is  great,"  Joel  iii.  13.  When 
wickedness  is  so  great,  that  it  filleth  all  vessels,  then  is  the 
Lord  ready  to  put  in  his  sickle,  and  to  cut  it  down. 

It  is  further  demanded  when  sin  is  full  ?  To  this  I  answer, 
that  there  are  three  things  principally  which  set  forth  the  sin- 
fulness of  sin, — universality,  impudence,  and  obstinacy. 
1.  When  a  whole  land  is  filled  with  it,  that  there  are  none  to 
intercede,  or  to  stand  in  the  gap  ;  when  from  streets  to  palaces, 
from  houses  to  courts,  from  schools  to  churches,  from  every 
corner  sin  breaketh  forth,  so  that  blood  toucheth  blood. 
"  The  land  is  full  of  adulterers,"  saith  the  prophet ;  "  because 
of  swearing  the  land  mourneth  ;  for  both  prophet  and  priest 
are  profane ;  yea,  in  my  house  have  I  found  their  wickedness, 


saith  the  Lord,"  Jer.  xxiii.  10,  11 :  when  in  every  place,  and 
at  every  view  there  are  new,  and  more  abominations,  Ezek. 
viii.  17  ;  Jer.  v.  16.  2.  When  sin  is  impudent  and  out- 
rageous ;  when  there  is  no  fear,  modesty,  or  restraint,  but  it 
breaketh  all  bounds,  and  like  a  raging  sea  overrunneth  the 
banks.  "  They  declare  their  sin  as  Sodom,"  saith  the  pro- 
phet, "  they  hide  it  not.  Woe  unto  their  soul !"  Isa.  iii.  9 : 
it  is  so  full,  that  it  breaks  out  into  their  countenance  ;  hypo- 
crisy itself  is  too  narrow  to  cover  it.  This  is  that  which  the 
apostle  calleth  an  "  excess  of  riot,"  1  Pet.  iv.  4 ;  and  the  pro- 
phet, a  rushing  like  an  horse  into  the  battle,  Jer.  viii.  6.  Now, 
when  God  thus  gives  a  man  over,  sin  will  not  be  long  a  filhng 
up.  When  lusts  break  forth,  and  throng  together ;  when  from 
concupiscence  sin  goes  on  to  conception  and  delight,  to  for- 
mation and  contrivance,  to  birth  and  execution,  to  education 
and  custom,  to  maintenance  and  defence,  to  glory  and  boast- 
ing, to  insensibility,  hardness,  and  a  reprobate  sense,  then 
there  is  such  a  fulness  in  sin,  as  is  near  unto  cursing ;  the 
very  next  step  is  hell.  3.  When  sin  holds  out  in  stubborn- 
ness, and  is  incorrigible ;  when  the  remedy  is  refused,  the  par- 
don rejected,  peace  not  accepted ;  then  is  sin  come  to  its 
fulness.  The  sins  of  the  Amorites  were  never  quite  full, 
until  they  rejected  that  peace,  mercy,  and  subjection  to  God's 
people,  which  was  offered  them.  But  when  men  sin  against 
those  means  of  grace  which  are  sent  unto  them,  and  leave  no 
remedy  to  themselves  ;  no  marvel  if  the  Lord  give  them  over, 
and  let  in  the  enemy  upon  them,  2  Chron.  xxxvi.  16.  There- 
fore, we  must  take  heed  of  finishing  sin,  for  it  is  not  sin 
alone,  but  the  consummation  ard  finishing  of  sin  which  con- 
demns a  man. 

Now,  when  thus  the  sin  of  the  enemy  is  grown  so  ripe, 
that  it  breaketh  forth  into  pride  and  insult  against  God's 
people,  then  is  the  Lord's  tiu:e  to  show  himself.  "  I  will 
restore  health  unto  thee,"  saith  the  Lord  to  his  church,  "  and 
I  will  heal  thee  of  thy  wounds ;  because  they  called  thee  an 
out-cast,  saying,  this  is  Sion,  whom  no  man  seeketh  after," 
Jer.  xxx.  17  :  see  Jer.  1.  11 ;  Ezek.  xxv.  3 ;  Obad.  verse  3,  4. 
When  the  highways  were  waste,  and  the  way-faring  man 
ceaseth,  and  the  enemy  regarded  no  man,  "  Now  will  I  rise, 
saith  the  Lord ;  now  will  I  be  exalted,"  Isa.  xxxiii.  10, 
W^hen  the  enemies  help  forward  the  affliction  of  God's  people, 
and  by  their  pride  and  insult  double  the  misery  which  is  upon 
them,  then  will  the  Lord  return  them  in  mercies,  and  be 


sore^-displeased  with  his  enemies,  Zech.  i.  15,  16  ;  Isa.  xl. 
2 ;  xlvii.  5,  6. 

2.  When  God's  people  are  thoroughly  humbled  and  pur- 
ged :  for  God  useth  wicked  men  as  his  staff  or  weapon,  as  his 
fire  or  fan,  to  correct  and  purge  them,  Isa.  x.  12.  He  intended 
not  in  his  punishments  such  severity  against  them,  as  against 
their  enemies:  if  the  rod  be  for  the  child,  the  lire  is  for. the 
rod,  Isa.  xxvii.  7 — 9.  When  men  are  so  smitten,  that  they 
can  return  to  him  that  smiteth  them,  and  not  revolt  more  and 
more ;  for  God  will  not  throw  any  more  darts  at  those  who 
are  sunk  and  dead  already.  When  they  are  stirred  in  their 
hearts  jointly  to  seek  the  Lord,  and  to  meet  him  in  the  way  of 
his  judgments,  and  to  compassionate  and  favour  the  dust  of 
Sion,  then  is  the  day  of  his  wrath  :  for  when  God's  time  to 
deliver  a  people  is  come,  he  will  more  abundantly  stir  up  the 
hearts  of  his  people  to  pray  for  it,  Psa.  cii.  16,  17  ;  Dan.  ix. 
2,  3 ;  whereas,  when  he  will  destroy  a  people,  he  will  not 
suffer  his  saints  to  pray,  Jer.  xiv.  1 1 . 

3.  When  all  human  hopes  and  expectations  are  gone,  when 
a  people  is  so  pilled  and  broken,  that  they  have  no  courage, 
means,  succours,  or  probabilities  left,  then  is  God's  time  to 
deliver  his  church,  and  to  punish  his  enemies.  "  The  Lord 
shall  judge  his  people,  and  repent  himself  for  his  servants, 
when  he  seeth  that  their  power  is  gone,"  Deut.  xxxii.  36 ; 
Psa.  cix.  31.  In  one  word,  when  the  preparation  and  pre- 
mises, as  it  were,  unto  God's  glory  are  best  ordered  and  put 
together,  then  is  the  day  of  his  wrath  come. 

The  church  then  need  not  be  cast  down  with  the  insults  of 
her  enemies,  since  Christ  is  the  same  yesterday,  and  to-day, 
and  for  ever ;  such  as  he  was  ever  to  his  church,  such  he  is 
still,  Deut.  XX.  3,  4 ;  Isa.  li.  12,  13 ;  Deut.  xxxi.  6 — 8.  If 
he  has  delivered  his  church  from  the  pride  of  her  enemies 
heretofore,  his  power,  truth,  watchfulness,  compassion,  are  still 
the  same  ;  and  by  faith  in  them  we  may  rebuke  Satan,  we  may 
chide  away  the  weakness  and  fear  of  our  own  hearts,  we  may 
rejoice  against  those  that  insult  over  us,  when  they  rage  most ; 
we  may  hope  their  time  is  short,  and  that  it  is  but  the  biting 
of  a  wounded  beast.  Therefore,  we  find  the  saints  in 
Scripture  arm  themselves  against  present  dangers,  with  the 
consideration  of  what  God  hath  done  for  his  church  in  times 
past,  Psa  Ixviii.  7,  8;  Ixxiv.  13,  18;  Isa.  li.  9 — 11;  and 
in  the  confidence  of  the  same  truth  and  power,  break  forth  into 
a  holy  scorn   of  their  enemies,  Micah  vii.  8 — 10.     In  the 


sorest  extremities  we  may  fix  our  faith  on  God ;  and  he  de- 
Hcrhteth  to  be  depended  upon  alone,  when  all  outward  helps 
and  probabilities  fail:  see  Isa.  xli.  17,  18;  Habak.  iii.  17, 
18.  One  of  the  hugest  hosts  of  men  that  we  ever  read  of 
came  against  Asa,  yet  by  relying  on  God  they  were  all  de- 
livered into  his  hand ;  and  the  reason  is  added,  because  God 
hath  eyes  and  strength,  2  Chron.  xvi.  8,  9 ;  or,  as  he  is  else- 
where described,  seven  horns,  and  seven  eyes,  much  wisdom 
and  much  power,  to  show  himself  valiant  in  the  behalf  of  those 
that  walk  uprightly,  Rev.  y.  6. 

We  should  learn  likewise  to  rejoice  and  triumph  with  all 
thankfulness  of  heart  when  Christ  subdueth  the  enemies  of 
his  kino-dom,  and  giveth  deliverance  and  refreshment  to  his 
people.  When  he  maketh  his  hand  known  to  his  servants, 
and  his  fury  to  his  enemies,  then  should  all  those  that  love 
Jerusalem  rejoice,  Isa.  Ixvi.  10.  Thus  the  church,  after  they 
were  delivered  from  the  malice  of  Haman,  instituted  days  of 
joy  and  feasting,  Esther  ix.  22.  It  is  a  sign  of  an  evil  heart 
against  the  peace  and  prosperity  of  the  church  of  Christ,  to 
envy,  or  slight,  or  think  basely  of  the  instruments  and  ways 
whereby  Christ  delivereth  it ;  as  we  see  in  Tobiah  and  San- 
ballat,  Neh.  iv.  2,  3. 

4.  We  should  learn  wisdom  to  lay  hold  on  the  times  and 
seasons  of  God's  peace,  because  he  hath  a  day  of  wrath  too  ; 
to  apprehend  the  offers  and  opportunities  of  grace.  Christ 
had  been  at  the  church's  door,  and  had  knocked  for  admit- 
tance ;  but  neglecting  that  season,  he  was  gone,  and  she  suf- 
fered much  before  she  could  find  him  again.  Cant.  v.  2 — 6. 
When  the  Lord  speaketh  unto  us  in  his  ordinances,  and  by 
the  secret  motions  and  persuasions  of  his  Holy  Spirit,  we  should 
not  defer,  nor  put  him  off,  as  Felix  did  Paul,  to  some  other 
time,  but  pursue  the  occasion,  and  set  ourselves  to  do  every 
duty  in  God's  time.  There  is  a  time  for  every  work,  and  it 
is  beautiful  only  in  its  time ;  and  therefore  fit  it  is,  that  we 
should  observe  wisely  the  signs  and  nature  of  the  times.  Matt, 
xvi.  3;  and  accordingly  proportion  our  devotions  for  the 
church  and  ourselves.  It  is  the  worst  loss  of  time,  to  let  slip 
the  seasons  of  grace  and  spiritual  wisdom,  till,  it  may  be,  God's 
time  of  mercy  is  passed  over,  "  If  thou  hadst  known  in  this 
thy  day  the  thing  that  belongs  to  thy  peace  I"  But  now  thy 
day  is  over,  and  my  day  of  wrath  is  come,  they  are  now  hid- 
den from  thine  eyes. 

III.  "  He  shall  judge  amongst  the  heathen."     By  heathen 


we  are  to  understand  the  same  with  enemies,  verse  1,  and 
people,  Isa.  Ixiii.  6 ;  meaninsr  all  the  armies  and  swarms  of 
Christ's  enemies,  either  spiritual  or  secular.  The  word  ^ren- 
tile  was  a  word  of  great  contempt  and  detestation  amongst 
God's  people,  as  the  word  jew  is  now  amongst  us  ;  a  proverbial 
word  to  cast  reproach  and  shame  upon  men.  Therefore  the 
apostle  saith  of  the  Ephesians,  that  in  times  past  they  had 
been  gentiles  in  the  flesh,  Eph.  ii.  11  ;  as  if  by  being  chris- 
tians they  had  ceased  to  be  gentiles,  or  rather  that  word  had 
ceased  to  be  a  term  of  reproach.  Gentile  was  a  word  of 
scorn,  as  Samaritan,  John  viii.  48,  or  Canaanite,  Ezek.  xvi. 
3,  or  publican,  Matt,  xviii.  17,  Luke  xviii.  11  ;  and  therefore 
we  find  those  two  joined  together,  publicans  and  sinners  :  and 
so  the  apostle  joineth  these  two  words,  gentiles  and  sinners, 
Gal.  ii.  15.  So  then,  the  word  heathen  is  added  by  David 
to  the  enemies  of  Christ,  to  render  them  the  more  odious,  and 
to  express  their  more  abject  and  hateful  condition.  Thus 
the  meaning  is, — his  most  abject  and  hateful  enemies,  that 
are  unto  him  as  Canaanites  and  Samaritans,  he  shall  judge  ; 
that  is,  he  shall  condemn  and  punish  them 

Whence  we  may  note,  that  Christ's  victories  over  his  ene- 
mies shall  be  by  way  of  pleading  and  controversy.  His  mili- 
tary is  likewise  a  judiciary  proceeding,  grounded  upon  right- 
eous and  established  laws.  Therefore,  the  day  of  God's  wrath  is 
called  a  time  of  vengeance,  and  recompense  for  the  controver- 
sies of  Sion,  Isa.  xxxiv.  8 ;  to  show  that  the  Lord  doth  not 
take  vengeance  but  by  way  of  debate.  And  therefore,  when 
he  punisheth,  he  is  said  to  plead  with  men  :  "  The  priests 
said  not,  where  is  the  Lord  ?  and  they  that  handle  the  law 
knew  me  not.  Wherefore  I  will  yet  plead  with  you, 
saith  the  Lord,  and  with  your  children's  children  will  I  plead," 
Jer.ii.  8,  9.  Thus  to  plead,  and  to  take  vengeance,  go  together, 
Jer.  Ii.  36.  And  the  Lord  is  said  to  reprove  with  equity, 
and  to  smite  the  earth  with  the  rod  of  his  mouth  ;  that  is,  to 
convince,  and  argue  before  he  doth  punish,  Isa.  xi.  4  ;  as  we 
see  in  the  case  of  Sodom,  Gen.  xviii.  21,  23.  Herein  the 
Lord  showeth  that  all  our  misery  begins  with  ourselves ;  that 
if  we  perish,  it  is  because  we  would  not  take  his  counsel,  nor 
be  guided  by  his  will ;  that  he  did  not  sell  us  to  any  of  his 
creditors,  but  that  for  our  iniquities  we  sold  ourselves,  Isa.  1.  1. 
In  human  wars,  though  ever  so  regularly  and  righteously 
ordered,  yet  many  particular  men  may  perish  without  any  per- 
sonal guilt  of  their  own.     But  in  these  wars  of  Christ,  there 


shall  not  a  man  perish,  till  he  be  first  convinced,  by  a  judiciary 
proceeding,  of  his  own  demerit.  "Every  mouth  must  be 
stopped,  and  all  the  world,"  by  the  evidence  and  acknowledg- 
ment of  their  own  conscience,  "  become  guilty  before  God," 
before  his  wrath  shall  seize  upon  them.  The  Lord  sent  Noah 
to  preach,  before  he  sent  a  flood  to  destroy  the  old  world. 
He  aroiied  with  Adam,  before  he  thrust  him  out  of  paradise. 
The  voice  goeth  ever  before  the  rod,  Micah  vi.  9.  This 
course  our  Saviour  observed  towards  him  who  had  not  the 
weddino-  o-arment ;  first  convinced  him,  until  he  was  speech- 
less, and  then  cast  him  into  outer  darkness.  Matt.  xxii.  12, 
13.  And  this  course  the  Lord  took  with  his  people  when  he 
punished  them,  Isa.  v.  3,  4 ;  Amos  ii.  11  ;  iii.  7.  For  he 
will  have  the  consciences  of  men  to  subscribe,  and  acknow- 
ledge the  justness  of  his  proceedings,  and  to  condemn  them- 
selves by  their  own  witness ;  when  he  entereth  into  judg- 
ment he  doth  it  by  line  and  plummet,  Isa.  xxviiL  17  ;  in 
proportion  to  the  means  of  grace  neglected,  to  the  patience 
and  forbearance  abused,  to  the  times  of  grace  overslipped,  to 
the  purity  of  the  law  violated  and  profaned.  We  must  take 
heed,  therefore,  of  continuing  gentiles,  of  being  aliens  from 
that  commonwealth  of  Israel,  and  strangers  from  that  cove- 
nant of  promise,  of  living  without  God  in  the  world.  No 
man  can  with  hope  or  comfort  say,  "  Enter  not  into  judge- 
ment," but  he  who  is  the  Lord's  servant,  and  of  his  household 
We  must  be  all  ingrafted  into  the  natural  olive,  and  become 
the  seed  of  Abraham,  and  jews  by  covenant,  before  Christ 
will  be  our  peace,  or  reconcile  us  unto  his  Father,  Rom.  ii 
29 ;  xi.  17,  24  ;  Gal.  vi.  16  ;  Eph.  ii.  11,  14. 

IV.  "  He  shall  fill  the  places  with  dead  bodies."  This 
notes  the  greatness  of  the  victory,  that  none  should  be  left  to 
bury  their  dead.  There  shall  be  an  universal  destruction  of 
wicked  men  together  in  the  day  of  God's  wrath,  they  shall 
be  bound  up  in  bundles,  and  heaped  up  for  damnation,  Matt, 
xiii.  30 ;  Psa.  xxxvii.  38 ;  Isa.  i.  28 ;  Ixvi.  17.  And  it  notes, 
the  shame  and  dishonour  of  the  enemy,  they  shall  lay  like 
dead  bodies  upon  the  face  of  the  earth,  and  shall  be  behold- 
ing to  their  victors  for  a  base  and  dishonourable  burial ;  as 
we  see  in  the  great  battle  with  Gog  and  Magog,  Ezek.  xxxix. 

V.  "  He  shall  wound  the  head  over  many  countries." 
Either  literally,  antichrist.  Rev.  xvii.  2,  8  ;  who  taketh  upon 
him  to  be  universal  bishop  and  monarch,  and  to  dispose  of 
crowns,  and  dispense  kingdoms  at   his  pleasure.     Or  spiri- 


tually,  Satan,  who  is  the  prince  of  this  world,  whose  head 
Christ  was  to  crush  and  tread  under  our  feet,  Gen.  iii.  15  ; 
Rom.  xvi.  20.  Or  figuratively,  the  head,  tliat  is,  the  counsel 
and  power  of  many  nations,  which  shall  at  last  appear  to  have 
been  but  a  vain  thing,  Psa.  ii.  2  ;  1  Cor.  i.  19.  What  sense 
soever  we  follow,  the  main  thing  to  be  observed  is  •  that 
which  we  handled  before ;  that  Christ  will  in  due  time  ut- 
terly destroy  the  greatest,  the  highest,  and  the  wisest  of  his 
enemies.     And  therefore  this  may  suffice  upon  this  verse. 




Some  understand  these  words  in  the  sense  of  the  two  former, 
for  a  figurative  expression  of  the  victories  of  Christ ;  and  that 
in  a  two-fold  manner.  Some  by  "  brook,"  understand  the 
blood  of  the  adversary,  with  vdiich  the  way  should  be  filled 
as  with  a  stream  :  and  by  drinking  thereof,  the  satiating,  re- 
freshino-,  and  delighting  himself  in  the  confusion  of  his 
enemies ;  for  the  Lord  is  eased  when  his  enemies  are  sub- 
dued, Isa.  i.  24.  Others,  that  he  should  pursue  his  victory 
with  such  heat  and  importunity,  that  he  should  not  allow  any 
time  of  usual  repast,  but  should  content  himself  with  such 
obvious  refreshment  as  should  offer  itself  in  the  way  ;  and 
should  immediately  lift  up  his  head  again,  to  pursue  the 
enemy  at  the  heel ;  and  in  this  sense,  there  is  no  more 
new  matter  here  intimated  than  that  which  hath  been  before 

Others  understand  the  means  whereby  Christ  should  thus 
lift  up  his  head,  and  exalt  himself  above  all  the  enemies  of  his 
kingdom ;  namely,  by  his  passion  and  sufferings  :  by  death 
"destroying  death  and  him  that  had  the  power  of  death, 
which  is  the  devil."  I  will  not  undertake  to  define  which 
sense  is  most  agreeable  to  the  place ;  it  being  so  difficult. 
But  upon  occasion  of  this  latter,  (which  I  think  is  more  ge- 
nerally embraced,)  I  shall  speak  something  of  the  means  and 
grounds  of  Christ's  victories  over  his  enemies,  and  of  his 
government  in  his  church,  namely,  his  sufferings  and  resur- 

"  He  shall  drink  of  the  brook  in  the  way."  By  brook, 
then,  or  torrent,  we  may  understand  the  wrath  of  God,  and 
the  rage  of  men  :  the  afflictions  and  sufferings  which  befel 
Christ.  And  this  is  a  very  frequent  metaphor  in  holy  Scrip- 
tures, by  water  to  understand  afflictions,  Psa.  xviii.  4,  5  ;  xlii. 
7  ;  Ixix.  1 ;  cxxiv.  4,  5.  Thus  the  wrath  of  the  Lord  is  called 
a  stream,  and  a  lake,  Isa.  xxx.  33 ;  Rev.  xix.  20.     In  regard 


of  the  rage  and  irresistibleness  thereof;  and  In  regard  of  the 
turbidnessand  thickness  thereof;  for  Ciod's  wrath  is  full  of  dreo-g, 
Isa.  li,  17  ;  Psa.  Ixxv.  8.  It  is  said  in  the  history  of  Clirist's 
passion,  when  he  was  going  to  wrestle  with  that  woful  agony 
in  the  garden,  tliat  "he  passed  over  the  brook  Cedron,"  John 
xviii.  1.  And  we  may  observe  in  the  history  of  the  kings, 
that  when  the  good  kings,  Hczekiah,  and  Asa,  and  Josi<ih, 
purged  the  city  and  the  temple  of  idolatry,  "  they  burnt  the 
cursed  things  at  the  brook  Kidron,  and  cast  them  thereinto,'* 
2  Chron.  xv.  16;  xxix.  IG  ;  xxx.  14;  2  Kings  xxiii.  6.  To 
note  unto  us,  that  this  brook  was  the  sink,  as  it  were,  of  the 
temple  ;  that  into  which  all  the  uncleanness  of  God's  house, 
all  the  cursed  things,  were  to  be  cast :  with  relation  whcreunto 
it  is  not  improbable  that  the  prophet  David,  by  a  prophetical 
spirit,  might  notify  the  sufferings  of  Christ,  by  drinking  of 
that  cursed  brook  over  which  he  was  to  pass,  to  signify  that 
on  him  all  the  faithful  might  lay  and  pour  out  their  sins,  who 
is  therefore  said  to  be  made  sin,  and  a  curse  for  us,  2  Cor. 
V.  21  ;  Gal.  iii.  13.  As  the  people  when  they  laid  their  hands 
on  the  head  of  the  sacrifice,  did  thereby,  as  it  were,  unload  all 
their  sins  upon  it. 

Now,  as  waters  signify  afflictions,  so  there  are  two  words 
with  relation  thereunto,  which  signify  suffering  of  afflictions, 
and  they  are  both  applied  unto  Christ.  "  Are  ye  able  to 
drink  of  the  cup  that  I  shall  drink  of,  and  be  bapiized  with 
the  baptism  that  I  am  baptized  with  ?"  Matt.  xx.  22.  He 
that  drinketh  hath  the  water  in  him ;  he  that  is  dipped  or 
plunged  hath  the  water  about  him  :  so  it  notes  the  univer- 
sality of  the  wrath  which  Christ  suffered,  it  was  within  him  ; 
"  My  soul  is  exceeding  sorrowful,  even  unto  death."  And  it 
was  all  about  him  ;  betrayed  by  Judas,  accused  by  jews,  for- 
saken by  disciples,  mocked  by  Herod,  condemned  by  Pilate, 
buffetted  by  the  servants,  nailed  by  the  soldiers,  reviled  by  the 
thieves  and  standers  by,  and  which  was  all  in  all,  forsaken 
by  his  Father.  Thus  then,  drinking  of  the  brook,  is  meant 
suffering  of  the  curses  ;  and  it  is  frequently  so  used,  Jer.  xxv. 
27  ;  xUx.  12  ;  Ezek.  xxiii.  32,  34 ;  Habak.  ii.  16  ;  Rev.  xiv  , 
9,  10. 

By  "  the  way,"  we  must  understand,  either  the  life  of  Christ 
on  earth  ;  his  passage  between  his  assumed  voluntary  humility 
and  his  exaltation  again :  or  the  way  between  mankind  and 
heaven,  which  by  that  flood  of  wrath,  and  torrent  of  curses, 
which    were    *"  against    us,"    Col.  ii.    14,  was  made    utterly 


impassable,  till  Christ,  by  his  sufferings,  made  a  path  through 
it,  for  the  ransomed  of  the  Lord  to  pass  over. 

**  Therefore  shall  he  lift  up  his  head."  It  noteth,  in  the 
Scripture  phrase,  victory  ;  bursting  forth,  and  breaking  through 
those  evils  which  did  urge  and  press  a  man  before,  Psa.  xxvii. 
6 :  and  also  boldness,  confidence,  and  security  to  the  whole 
body,  Luke  xxi.  28.  And  further,  it  is  not,  He  shall  be  lifted 
up  ;  but,  He  shall  do  it  himself.  He  hath  the  power  of  Hfe, 
and  the  fountain  of  life  in  himself,  John  v.  26  ;  x.  18.  So 
that,  following  this  sense  of  the  words,  the  meaning  is,  He  shall 
suffer,  and  remove  all  those  curses  which  were  in  the  way 
between  mankind  and  Heaven  ;  and  then  he  shall  lift  up  his 
head  in  the  resurrection,  and  break  through  all  those  suffer- 
ings into  glory  again  ;  which  sense  is  most  punctually  and 
expresslv  unfolded  in  those  parallel  places,  Luke  xxiv.  26, 
46;  PhiLii.  8,  9;  ]  Pet.  i.  IL 

"  He  shall  drink  of  the  brook  in  the  way."  From  hence 
we  may  note,  that  between  mankind  and  Heaven  there  is  a 
torrent  of  wrath  and  curses,  which  doth  everlastingly  separate 
between  us  and  glory ;  a  great  and  fixed  gulf,  which  all  the 
world  can  neither  wade  through  nor  remove.  The  law,  at 
first,  was  an  easy  and  smooth  way  to  righteousness,  and  from 
thence  to  salvation  ;  but  now  every  step  thereof  sinks  as  low  as 
hell.  It  is  written  within  and  without  with  curses  ;  which  way 
soever  a  man  stirs,  he  finds  nothing  but  death  before  him :  one 
man's  way  by  the  morality  of  his  education,  the  ingenuousness 
of  his  disposition,  the  engagement  of  other  ends  or  relations, 
may  seem  more  smooth  and  plausible  than  another's  ;  but,  by 
nature,  they  all  run  into  hell ;  as  all  rivers,  though  ever  so  dif- 
ferent in  other  circumstances,  run  into  the  sea.  It  is  as  im- 
possible for  a  natural  man,  of  himself,  to  escape  damnation,  as 
it  is  to  make  himself  no  child  of  the  old  Adam,  or  not  to  have 
been  begotten  by  fleshly  parents.  The  gulf  of  sin  in  our 
nature  cannot  be  cleansed,  and  therefore  the  guilt  thereof 
cannot  be  removed.  The  image  we  have  lost  is  by  us  irre- 
parable ;  the  law  we  have  violated,  inexorable  ;  the  justice  we 
have  injured,  unsatisfiable  ;  the  concupiscence  of  our  nature, 
insatiable ;  sin  an  aversion  from  an  infinite  good,  and  a  con- 
version to  the  creature  infinitely ;  and  therefore  the  guilt 
thereof  infinite  and  unremovable  too. 

We  should  learn  often  to  meditate  on  this  point,  to  find 
ourselves  reduced  unto  these  straits  and  impossibilities ;  that 
we  cannot  see  which  way  to  turn,  or  to  help  ourselves,  for 


that  is  the  only  way  to  draw  us  unto  Christ.  Everv  man  na- 
turally loves  to  be  m  tlie  first  place  beholding  to  iinnsclf;  in 
any  extremity,  if  his  own  wits,  purse,  projects,  or  endeavours 
will  help  him  out,  he  looks  no  further  ;  but  when  all  his  own 
succours  have  forsaken  liim,  then  he  seeks  abroad.  It  is 
much  more  true  in  the  matter  of  salvation  ;  no  man  ever  did 
begin  at  Christ,  but  went  unto  him  upon  mere  necessitv, 
when  he  had  experience  of  the  emptiness  of  all  his  other 
succours  and  dependences ;  we  all  by  nature  are  oU'ended  at 
him,  and  will  not  have  him  to  reign  over  us,  till  thereunto 
we  be  forced  by  the  evidence  of  that  infinite  and  unpreventable 
misery,  under  which,  without  him,  we  must  sink  for  ever. 
This  is  of  all  other  the  most  urgent  argument  to  men  at 
first  to  consider,  that  there  is  a  torrent  of  curses,  a  sea  of 
death,  a  reign  of  condemnation,  a  hell  of  sin  within,  and  a 
hell  of  torments  without,  between  them  and  their  salvation  ; 
and  there  is  no  drop  of  that  sea,  no  scruple  of  tliat  curse,  no 
tittle  of  that  law,  which  must  not  all  be  either  fulfilled  or  en- 
dured. Suppose  that  God  should  summon  thy  guilty  soul  to 
a  sudden  appearance  before  his  tribunal  of  justice  ;  and  should 
there  begin  to  deal  with  thee  even  at  thy  birth ;  alas  !  thou 
wouldst  be  utterly  gone  there ;  even  there  of  the  seed  of  evil 
doers,  the  spawn  of  viperous  and  serpentine  parents,  a  cursed 
child,  a  child  of  wrath,  an  exact  image  of  the  old  Adam,  and 
of  Satan.  But  then,  after  this  is  produced  a  catalogue 
and  history  of  sins  of  forty,  fifty,  or  threescore  years  long. 
And  in  them  every  inordinate  motion  of  the  will,  every  sud- 
ien  stirring  and  secret  working  of  inward  lust,  every  idle 
word,  every  unclean  aspect,  every  impertinency  and  irregu- 
larity of  life  scored  up  against  thy  poor  soul,  and  each  of  them 
to  be  produced  at  the  last,  and  either  answered  or  avenged. 
Oh,  where  shall  the  ungodly  and  sinners  appear,  if  they  have 
not  right  in  Christ !  And  how  should  men  labour  to  be  se- 
cured in  that  right !  Who  would  suffer  so  many  millions  of 
obligations  and  indictments  to  lay  between  him  and  God  un- 
cancelled, and  not  labour  to  have  them  taken  out  of  the  way  ? 
Now,  the  only  way  to  be  brought  hereunto,  is,  to  deny  our- 
selves, and  all  we  do  ;  to  do  no  good  thing  for  this  end,  that 
we  may  rest  in  it,  or  rely  upon  it  when  we  have  done,  but 
after  all  to  judge  ourselves  unprofitable  servants :  when  we 
have  prayed,  to  see  hell  between  heaven  and  our  prayers  ; 
when  we  have  preached,  to  see  hell  between  heaven  and  our 
sermons ;  when  we  have  done  any  work  of  devotion,  to  see 


Iiell  between  heaven  and  all  our  services,  if  God  should  mark 
w^hat  is  amiss  in  them,  and  should  enter  into  judgment  with 
us  :  in  one  word,  to  see  hell  between  heaven  and  anything  in 
the  world  else,  save  only  between  Christ  and  heaven.  Till  in 
this  manner  men  be  qualified  for  mercy,  they  will  have  no 
heart  to  desire  it,  and  God  hath  no  purpose  to  confer  it. 
Christ  must  be  esteemed  worthy  of  all  acceptation,  before  God 
bestows  him :  and  the  way  so  to  esteem  of  him  is,  to  feel 
ourselves  the  greatest  of  sinners.  And  when  the  soul  is  thus 
once  humbled  with  the  taste  and  remembrance  of  that  worm- 
wood and  gall  which  is  in  sin,  there  is  then  an  immediate 
passage  unto  hope  and  mercy.  Lam.  iii.  19 — 22 ;  and  that 
hope  is  this,  that  Christ  hath  drunken  up  and  dried  that 
torrent  of  curses  which  was  between  us  and  heaven,  and  hath 
made  a  passage  through  them  all  by  himself  unto  his  Father's 
kingdom.  He  was  made  sin,  and  a  curse  for  us,  that  so  he 
might  swallow  up  sin  and  death,  and  might  be  the  destruction 
of  hell,  Hosea  xiii.  14.  I  will  here  but  touch  upon  two  things, 
1.  What  Christ  suffered.     2.  Why  he  suffered. 

1.  For  understanding  of  the  first,  we  must  note,  that  Christ's 
human  nature  was,  by  the  hypostatical  union,  exalted  unto 
many  dignities,  which  to  all  the  creatures  in  the  world  besides 
are  utterly  incommunicable ;  as  the  communication  of  pro- 
perties, the  adoration  of  angels,  the  primogeniture  of  the  crea- 
tures, the  co-operation  with  the  Deity  in  many  mighty  works, 
the  satisfaction  of  an  infinite  justice  by  a  finite  passion,  &c. 
Exalted  likewise  it  was  by  his  spiritual  unction  above  all  his 
fellows,  with  that  unmeasurable  fulness  of  grace,  which  wonder- 
fully surpasseth  the  united  and  accumulated  perfections  of  all 
the  angels  in  heaven.  We  must  note  likewise,  that  all  these 
things  Christ  received  for  the  work  of  man's  redemption, 
and  therefore  he  had  them  in  such  a  manner  as  was  most 
suitable  and  convenient  for  the  execution  of  that  work.  Now, 
Christ  was  to  fulfil  that  work  by  a  way  of  suffering  and  obe- 
dience ;  by  death  to  destroy  him  that  had  the  power  of  death  ; 
as  David,  by  Goliath's  sword,  slew  him  that  was  master  of  the 
sword.  As  there  fell  a  mighty  tempestuous  wind  upon  the 
Red  sea,  whereby  the  passage  was  opened  for  Israel  to  go  out 
of  Egypt  into  Canaan  ;  so  Christ  was  to  be  torn  and  divided 
by  his  sufferings,  that  so  there  might  be  a  passage  for  us  to 
God,  through  that  sea  of  wrath  which  was  between  our 
Egn,-pt  and  our  Canaan,  our  sin  and  our  salvation.  Here 
then  are  two  general  rules  to  be  observed  concerning  the  suf- 


ferings  of  Christ.  1.  That  the  economy  or  dispensation  of 
his  mediatorship,  is  the  measure  of  all  that  lie  sutf'ercd.  So 
much  as  that  required,  he  did  suffer,  and  more  In;  did  not  t 
for  though  he  suffered  as  man,  yet  he  suffered  not  hecause  he 
was  a  man,  but  because  he  was  a  mediator.  2.  Inasmucli  as 
a  mediator  between  God  and  sinners  was  to  be  lioly  and  se- 
parate from  sinners,  (for  if  he  should  have  ])een  a  sinner,"  he 
had  been  one  of  the  parties,  and  not  a  mediator,)  therefore 
none  of  those  sufferings  which  are  repugnant  to  his  holiness, 
and  by  consequence  unserviceable  to  the  administration  of 
his  office,  could  belong  unto  him.  Such  things  then  as  did 
no  way  prejudice  the  plenitude  of  his  grace,  the  union  of  his 
natures,  the  quality  of  his  mediation,  such  things  as  were 
suitable  to  his  person,  and  requisite  for  our  pardon,  such  as 
were  possible  for  him,  and  such  as  were  necessary  for  us,  those 
things  he  suffered  as  the  punishments  of  our  sins. 

Now,  punishments  are  of  several  sorts ;  some  are  sins, 
some  only  from  sins.  Some  things,  in  several  respects,  are 
both  sins  and  punishments.  In  relation  to  the  law,  as  de- 
viations, so  they  are  sin  :  in  relation  to  the  order  and  dis- 
position of  God's  providence,  so  they  are  punishments ;  as 
hardness  of  heart,  and  a  reprobate  sense.  Other  punish- 
ments are  from  sin,  and  in  this  regard  sin  is  two  ways  to  be  con- 
sidered, either  as  inherent,  or  as  imputed  :  from  sin,  as  inherent, 
or  from  the  consciousness  of  sin  in  a  man's  self,  doth  arise 
remorse,  or  torment  and  the  worm  of  conscience.  Again  ;  sin, 
as  imputed,  may  be  considered  two  ways  ;  either  it  is  imputed 
upon  a  ground  in  nature,  because  the  persons  to  whom  it  is 
imputed  are  naturally  one  with  him  that  originally  committed 
it,  and  so  it  doth  descend,  and  is  derived  upon  them.  Thus 
Adam's  sin  of  eating  the  forbidden  fruit  is  imputed  unto  us, 
and  the  punishment  thereof  on  us  derived,  namely  the  priva- 
tion of  God's  image,  and  the  corruption  of  our  nature.  Or 
else  it  is  imputed  upon  a  ground  of  voluntary  contract,  un- 
dertaking, or  engagement,  so  that  the  guilt  thereupon  growing 
is  not  a  derived,  but  an  assumed  guilt,  which  did  not  bring 
with  it  any  desert,  or  worthiness  to  suffer,  but  only  an  obliga- 
tion and  obnoxiousness  thereunto.  As  if  a  sober  and  honest 
person  be  surety  for  a  prodigal  and  luxurious  man,  who  spend- 
ing his  estate  upon  courses  of  intemperance  and  excess,  hath 
disabled  himself  to  pay  any  of  his  debts;  the  one  doth  for  his 
vicious  disability  deserve  imprisonment,  unto  which  the  other 
is  as  liable  as  he,  though  without  any  such  personal  desert. 
s  2 


Now  then,  the  punishments  which  Christ  suffered  are  only 
such  as  agree  unto  sin  thus  imputed,  as  all  our  sins  were  unto 

Again;  in  punishments  we  are  to  distinguish  between 
punishments  inflicted  from  without,  and  punishments  ingene- 
rated,  and  immediately  resulting  from  the  condition  of  the 
person  that  sufFereth ;  or  between  the  passions  and  actions 
of  the  men  that  are  punished.  Punishments  inflicted,  are  those 
pains  and  dolorous  impressions  which  God,  either  by  his  own 
immediate  hand,  or  by  the  ministry  of  such  instruments  as  he 
is  pleased  to  use,  doth  lay  upon  the  soul  or  body  of  a  man. 
Punishments  ingenerated,  are  those  which  grow  out  of  the 
weakness  and  wickedness  of  the  person  lying  under  the  sore 
and  invincible  pressure  of  those  pains  which  are  thus  inflicted ; 
as  blasphemy,  despair,  and  the  worm  of  conscience.  In  one 
word,  some  evils  of  punishment  are  vicious,  either  formally  in 
themselves,  or  fundamentally,  and  by  way  of  connotation  in 
regard  of  the  originals  thereof  in  the  person  suffering  them. 
Others  are  only  dolorous  and  miserable,  which  press  nature, 
but  do  no  way  defile  it,  nor  refer  to  any  either  pollution  or 
impotency  in  the  person  suffering  them,  and  of  this  sort  only 
were  the  punishments  of  Christ. 

Now,  these  punishments  which  Christ  thus  suffered,  are 
either  incohate,  or  consummate.  Incohate,  as  all  those  defects 
of  our  nature  which  neither  were  sins,  nor  grounded  upon  the 
inherence  of  sins,  (for  he  took  not  our  personal,  but  only 
our  natural  defects,)  so  far  as  they  have  pain  and  anguish  in 
them :  and  these  were  either  corporeal,  as  hunger,  thirst, 
weariness,  and  the  like  ;  or  spiritual,  as  fear,  grief  and  sor- 
row, temptations.  Consummate,  were  those  which  he  suffered 
at  last :  and  these  likewise  were  either  corporeal,  as  shame, 
mockings,  buffets,  trials,  scourgings,  condemnation,  and  an 
ignominious  and  cursed  death ;  or  spiritual,  and  those  were 
principally  two : 

(1.)  A  punishment  of  dereliction;  "My  God,  my  God, 
why  hast  thou  forsaken  me  ?"  Matt,  xxvii.  46.  There  was 
some  kind  of  separation  between  God  and  Christ  during  the 
time  of  his  sufferings  for  sin  in  that  cursed  manner.  For  un- 
derstanding whereof  we  must  note,  that  he  had  a  fourfold 
union  unto  God.  1.  In  his  human  nature,  which  was  so  fast 
united  in  his  person  to  the  Divine,  that  death  itself  did  not 
separate  it  either  from  the  person  or  from  the  Deity.  It  was 
the  Lord  who  lay  in  the  grave.     2.  In  love,  and  so  there  was 


never  any  separation  either ;  but  when  he  hanged  on  the  cross, 
he  was  still  the  beloved  Son  of  his  Father,  in  wlioin  he  was 
well  pleased.  3.  In  the  communion  of  his  spirit  and  iiuliness  ; 
and  in  that  regard  likewise  there  was  no  disunion,  for  he  was 
offered  up  as  a  Lamb  without  spot  or  blemisii.  4.  In  the 
fruition  of  the  light  of  his  countenance,  and  of  his  glory  and 
favour ;  and  in  this  respect  there  was  for  the  time  of  iiis  suf- 
ferings a  dereliction,  by  the  withdrawing  of  his  countenance, 
not  by  the  dissolvhig  of  his  union.  He  looked  upon  Christ 
as  a  God  armed  against  the  sins  of  the  world  which  were  then 
upon  him. 

(2.)  There  was  a  punishment  of  malediction.  Ciirist  under- 
went the  curse  of  the  law,  he  grappled  with  the  wrath  of  God, 
and  with  the  powers  of  darkness  ;  he  felt  the  scourges  due  unto 
our  sins  in  his  human  nature,  which  forced  and  wrung  from 
him  those  strong  cries,  those  deep  and  woful  complaints,  that 
bloody  and  bitter  sweat,  which  drew  compassion  from  the  very 
rocks.  And  surely  it  is  no  derogation  to  the  dignity  of 
Christ's  person,  but  on  the  other  side,  a  great  magnifying  of 
the  justice  of  God  against  sin,  of  the  power  of  Christ  against 
the  law,  and  of  the  mercy  of  them  both  towards  sinners,  to 
affirm,  that  the  sufferings  of  Christ,  whatever  they  were  in  the 
kind  of  them,  were  yet,  in  their  weight  and  pressure,  equally 
grievous  with  those  which  we  should  have  suffered  :  for  being 
in  all  things,  save  sin,  like  unto  us,  and  most  of  all  in  his 
liableness  to  the  curse  of  the  law,  (so  far  as  it  did  not  neces- 
sarily denote  either  sin  inherent,  or  weakness  to  break  through 
in  the  person  suffering,)  I  see  no  reason  why  he  should  not 
be  obnoxious  to  as  great  extremities  of  pain ;  for  no  degree  of 
mere  anguish  and  dolor  can  be  unbefitting  the  person  of  Him 
who  was  to  be  known  by  that  title,  "  A  man  of  sorrows." 
And  surely,  it  was  far  more  indignity  to  him  to  suffer  a  vio- 
lent death  of  body  from  the  hands  of  base  men,  than  to  suffer 
with  patience,  obedience,  and  victory,  far  sorer  stripes  from 
the  hand  of  God  his  Father,  who  was  pleased  to  lay  upon 
him  the  iniquity  of  us  all. 

2.  For  the  second  thing  proposed,  Why  Christ  suffered  these 
things ;  the  Scripture  giveth  principally  these  reasons :  To 
execute  the  decree  of  his  Father,  Acts  iv.  27,  28.  To  fulfil 
tlie  prophecies,  prefigurations,  and  predictions  of  holy  Scrip- 
tures, Luke  xxiv.  46.  To  magnify  his  mercy  and  free  love 
to  sinners,  and  most  impotent  enemies,  Rom.  v.  8.  To  de- 
clare the  righteousness  and  truth  of  God  against  sin,  who 


would  not  be  reconciled  with  sinners  but  upon  a  legal 
expiation,  Rom.  iii.  25.  For  although  we  may  not  limit  the 
unsearchable  wisdom  and  ways  of  God,  as  if  he  could  no  other 
way  have  saved  man  ;  yet  we  are  bound  to  adore  this  means, 
as  being  by  him  selected  out  of  that  infinite  treasure  of  his 
own  counsel,  as  most  convenient  to  set  forth  his  wonderful 
hatred  of  sin,  his  inexorable  justice  and  severity  against  it, 
his  unsearchable  riches  of  love  and  mercy  towards  sinners, 
and  in  all  things  to  make  way  to  the  manifestation  of  his 
glory.  But  further,  to  show  forth  his  own  power,  which  had 
strength  to  stand  under  all  this  punishment  of  sin,  and  at  last 
to  shake  it  off,  and  to  declare  himself  to  be  the  Son  of  God 
by  the  resurrection  from  the  dead,  Rom.  i.  4.  For  though 
Christ  did  exceedingly  fear,  and  for  that  seems  to  decline  and 
pray  against  these  his  passions ;  yet  not  out  of  jealousy,  or 
suspicion  that  he  should  not  break  through  them.  But  he 
feared  them  as  being  pains  unavoidable,  which  he  was  most 
certain  to  suffer ;  and  as  pains  very  heavy  and  grievous,  which 
he  should  not  overcome  without  much  bitterness,  and  very  woful 
conflict.     Now  for  a  word  of  the  last  clause. 

"  Therefore  shall  he  lift  up  the  head."  We  may  hence 
observe,  that  Christ  hath  conquered  all  his  sufferings  by 
his  own  power.  As  in  his  passion,  when  he  suffered,  he 
bowed  down  his  head,  and  gave  up  the  ghost  with  a  loud 
voice,  to  note,  that  his  sufferings  were  voluntary,  John 
xix.  30 ;  so  in  his  resurrection,  he  is  said  to  lift  up  his  head 
himself,  to  note,  that  he  had  life  in  himself,  that  he  was  the 
Prince  of  life,  and  that  it  was  impossible  for  him  to  be  held  under 
by  death,  as  we  were  by  the  law,  Rom.  vii.  6.  And  that  his 
exaltation  was  voluntary  likewise,  and  from  his  own  power, 
for  he  was  not  to  have  any  assistance  in  the  work  of  our  re- 
demption, but  to  do  all  alone,  John  ii.  19;  v.  26;  x.  17; 
Acts  iii.  15. 

If  it  be  objected,  that  Christ  was  raised  from  the  dead  by  the 
glory  of  his  Father,  and  that  he  raised  him  up,  Rom.  vi.  4; 
Acts  xiii.  33 ;  to  this  I  answer,  that  this  was  not  by  way  of  sup- 
plement and  succour,  to  make  up  any  defect  of  power  in  Christ ; 
but  only  by  way  of  consent  to  Christ's  own  power  and  ac- 
tion, that  so  men  might  jointly  honour  the  Son  and  the  Father, 
John  V.  19,  23.  Or,  by  the  glory  of  the  Father  we  may  un- 
derstand, that  glorious  power  which  the  Father  gave  unto  his 
Son  in  the  flesh,  to  have  life  in  himself,  John  v.  26  ;  annexing 
thereunto  a  command  to  exercise  the  same  power,  John  x.  18 




Or,  he  is  said  to  he  raised  hy  himself  and  his  Father 
Ijoth,  because  the  Holy  Spirit  which  immediately  quickened 
him,  was  both  his  and  his  Father's,  Rom.  i.  4 ;  1  Tim.  iii. 
16  ;  1  Pet.  iii.  18.  It  was  not  any  personal  thing  wlic. 
the  Son  differed  from  the  Father,  which  raised  Jesu^  from 
dead,  but  that  Spirit  which  was  common  to  them  both. 

To  conclude,  then,  with  the  consideration  of  those  great 
benefits,  and  that  excellent  use  which  this  resurrection  of 
Christ  doth  serve  for  unto  us. 

1.  It  assureth  us  of  the  accomplishment  of  his  works  of 
m.ediation  on  earth,  and  that  he  is  now  in  the  execution  of 
those  other  offices  which  remain  to  be  fulfilled  by  him  in 
heaven,  for  the  application  of  his  sacrifice  unto  us  ;  for  having 
in  the  resurrection  justified  himself,  he  thereby  rose  for  our 
justification  likewise,  Rom.  iv.  25.  For  if  the  debt  had  not 
been  taken  quite  off  by  the  Surety,  it  would  have  been  upon 
the  principal  still.  And  therefore,  the  apostle  provcth  the 
resurrection  by  this,  that  God's  mercies  are  sure,  Acts  xiii.  34  ; 
whereas,  if  Christ  were  not  risen  from  the  dead,  we  should 
be  yet  in  our  sins ;  and  so,  by  consequence,  the  mercies  of 
David  should  have  failed  us,  1  Cor.  xv.  17,  18.  And  for 
this  reason  it  is,  as  I  conceive,  that  the  Lord  sent  an  angel 
to  remove  the  stone  from  the  mouth  of  the  sepulchre  ;  not  to 
supply  any  want  of  power  in  him,  who  could  himself  have 
rolled  away  the  stone  with  one  of  his  fingers  ;  but  as  a  judge, 
when  the  law  is  satisfied,  sendeth  an  officer  to  open  the  prison 
doors  to  him  who  hath  made  that  satisfaction :  so  the  Father, 
to  testify  that  his  justice  was  fully  satisfied  with  the  price 
which  his  Son  had  paid,  sent  an  officer  of  heaven  to  open  the 
doors  of  the  grave,  and,  as  it  were,  to  hold  away  the  hanging, 
while  his  Lord  came  forth  of  his  bedchamber. 

2.  It  assureth  us  of  our  resurrection  ;  for  as  the  Head  must 
rise  before  the  members,  so  the  members  are  sure  to  follow 
the  Head.  The  wicked  shall  rise  by  his  judiciary  power,  but 
not  by  the  virtue  and  fellowship  of  his  resurrection,  as  the 
faithful,  who  are  therefore  called  the  "  children  of  the  resurrec- 
tion," Luke  XX.  36  ;  1  Cor.  xv.  20,  21. 

3.  It  doth,  by  a  secret  and  spiritual  virtue,  renew  and  sanc- 
tify our  nature,  Rom.  vi.  4.  For  the  acts  of  Christ's  mediation 
in  his  sufferings  and  victories  are  spiritually  applicable  and 
effectual  in  us  unto  answerable  efl'ects.  His  death  to  the  mor- 
tification of  sin,  Heb.  ix.  14;  1  John  i.  7  ;  and  his  resurrection, 
to  the  quickening  of  us  in  holiness,  Eph.  ii.  5;  Col.  ii.  12. 


4.  It  comforteth  us  in  all  other  calamities  of  life  which  may 
befall  us,  that  He  who  raised  up  himself  from  the  dead,  hath 
compassion  and  power  to  deliver  us  from  all  evil,  and  to  keep  us 
from  falling.  This  is  the  sum  of  Job's  argument,  God  will 
raise  me  up  at  the  last  day,  therefore  undoubtedly  he  is  able 
(if  it  stand  with  my  good  and  his  own  glory)  to  lift  me  up 
from  this  dunghill  again.  Job  xix.  27.  And  this  is  God's 
argument  to  comfort  his  people  in  patient  waiting  upon  him 
in  their  afflictions,  because  their  dead  bodies  shall  live,  and 
those  that  dwell  in  the  dust  shall  awake  and  sing,  Isa.  xxvi.  19. 

5.  Lastly,  it  serveth  to  draw  our  thoughts  and  affections 
from  earth  unto  heaven ;  because  things  of  a  nature  should 
move  unto  one  another.  Now,  saith  the  apostle,  "  our  con- 
versation is  in  heaven,  from  whence  we  look  for  the  Saviour, 
the  Lord  Jesus  Christ ;  who  shall  change  our  vile  body,  that 
it  may  be  fashioned  like  unto  his  glorious  body,  according  to 
the  working  whereby  he  is  able  even  to  subdue  all  things  unto 
himself."  To  Him,  with  the  Father  and  the  Holy  Ghost, 
three  Persons,  and  one  God,  be  all  honour,  glory,  majesty, 
and  thanksgiving  for  ever.     Amen. 

THE    END. 

Londoa:  Printed  by  W.  Clowes  and  SoKS,  Stamfoul-street. 









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