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' 4 JAN 1986 



(born 1911: died 1963) 
presented to the 




in fulfilment of the intention of her son 
(born 1915: died 1964) 

'Jar* C* 








V- ry 

Fasciculi Malayenses 

















At the University Press of Liverpool 
No. 45* October , 1903. 500 





1 V'J ‘y'g 

MR 9 \ 





A S accurate information regarding the Malay Peninsula, and especially 
those states under Siamese rule, is difficult of access, or altogether 
inaccessible, we have thought it well to add to our report a brief 
general account, personal as well as zoological and anthropological, of the 
places at which we stayed and the country we traversed. Those sections of 
the itinerary deal with districts we visited together which have been prepared 
jointly, but as each of us worked in places of which the other can have little 
or no first-hand information, one or other has added his name at the end of 
other sections, which treat, chiefly or wholly, of places for the facts regarding 
which he is alone responsible. 

South Perak 

W E stayed rather over two months in the Batang Padang district of South 
Perak, the greater proportion of our time being devoted to anthro¬ 
pological work, though conditions relatively more favourable than in 
the Patani States enabled us to get together a considerable zoological 
collection, representing nearly all terrestrial divisions of the animal kingdom. 
The district, as a whole, has only been opened up within the last twenty years, 
and before was entirely buried in primaeval jungle, with only a few scattered 
Malay hamlets and a comparatively large number of Sakai camps. It is now, 

under British administration, one of the most important mining districts in the 
state of Perak, while planting operations have also been commenced on a consider- 
ahlescale, though the high price of labour,due to the mining industry, has militated 
against this form of activity. Under these circumstances, it will be readily 
understood that the district is by no means a favourable one for studying the 



indigenous Malay, who is to be found chiefly in the more agricultural districts 
of Kuala Kangsar and Krian ; as a matter of fact, even the Malay population, 
such as it is, consists, to a large extent, of Achinese and other island folk, as the 
official census' would seem to indicate. 

The case is different when we come to consider the Sakats (Mai Dardt), 
The whole of the main range of the Peninsula, which here attains a height of 
over seven thousand feet, as well as the subsidiary foot-hills, is still untouched by 
civilization, and only occasionally visited by wandering Chinese and Malay 
pedlars ; while the mountains are inhabited by a considerable Sakai population, 
who still retain, in many respects, their primitive habits and customs. As far 
as the tribes living in the higher hills are concerned, there has not been time 
for the purity of the race to be affected by Chinese and Malay admixture—a 
contingency which the comparatively strict ideas of sexual morality held by the 
Sakais also postpones for the present. 

We give a short account of each village visited in the Batang Padang 
magistracy, with a record of the work accomplished. 

Bidor. A large village some seven miles from Tapah, which was, at the 
time of our visit, the administrative centre of the district, though now that 
the railway from Penang to Singapore has reached Bidor, the headquarters have 
been transferred to the latter place. The population is considerable but mainly 
Chinese, though several Sakai communities exist within a few miles. In the 
immediate proximity of the village there is no old jungle, the land consisting 
of worked-out tin diggings, with a few badly cultivated rice-fields. 

We stayed at Bidor, which has an unenviable reputation for unhealthiness, 
for two or three days at a time on several occasions during January and 
February, 1902, During this time we measured a fair number of Perak Malays 
as well as several Sakais from Perangkap, a clearing at the base of the main 
range, seven or eight miles away, and paid a visit to a Sakai camp at Paku. 
We also investigated some interments, and obtained an imperfect skull of a 
Sakai woman, and a small ethnographical collection. Practically no zoological 
collecting was done, but a few Hymenoptera and Heterocera were obtained, and 
here, for the first time, we met with the nocturnal wasp, Vespa doryloides , which 
is usually so common in Malayan countries, but which appears to be absent 
from, or very scarce in, the Pa tan 1 States. 

Gedong. A small Malay clearing, with about forty inhabitants, a few miles 
from Bidor. The clearing is surrounded by bamboo jungle, and we visited 
a small camp of Sakais in the immediate neighbourhood, obtaining some 
ethnographical specimens and the measurements of several individuals. 

1. Ftuck. Malay. — Anthropology^ part I, pp, 39, 68, 69. 



A number of birds belonging to the ordinary Malayan lowland fauna were 
obtained, among them a young individual of the rare Baza sumatrensis, which 
was brought to us by a Sakai, but nothing else of note. Among the insects 
the most striking point was the great abundance of beetles belonging to the 
family Languridae , which we only met with elsewhere sporadically. 

We stayed at Gedong from January 6th to 13th, 1902. 

Jeram Kawan. A small hi 11 -rice clearing four or five hours up stream 
from Sungkei, at the limit of navigation for canoes. The place is sur¬ 
rounded by high jungle, and some thermal springs close by are much 
frequented by big game, including gaur, sambhur, rhinoceros, pig, and tapir. 
A good many species of animals not elsewhere collected were secured here, 
among the vertebrates being specimens of the recently described bat, Emballonura 
peninsularis , Miller, and skins of He Ho mis personate and Phodilus hadius. 
The crocodile Tomistoma schlegelti was also noticed on a log on the river. 
Several camps of the Mai Darat existed at no great distance from Jeram Kawan, 
and the members of one party who visited us were measured. 

We stayed at Jeram Kawan from February 12th to i6th, 1902. 

Jor. A public works bungalow on the banks of the Jor river at its point 
of junction with the Batang Padang, about twenty miles from Tapah, and about 
two thousand feet above the level of the sea. We stayed at Jor for two or 
three nights in January, 1902, on our way to and from Telom, and collected 
a few species of insects. Jor seems to be about the superior limit of the low¬ 
land fauna in the Batang Padang valley, and we noticed that Qrniiboptera 
brookeandj still common in the remoter parts of Batang Padang, though almost 
extinct in the rest of Perak, was not found beyond this point. Dragon flies 
were very numerous at Jor/ but we did not obtain specimens. A species of the 
Rhopaloceran genus Leptocircus , always local in the Peninsula, is here abundant. 
Between Jor and Tapah we captured two specimens of a tortoise allied to T\ emys> 
which has been described by Mr. Boulenger as Testudo pseudemys. 

In a restricted belt below Jor the hillsides are covered with clumps of 
a giant bamboo, which reach an enormous height and girth, producing beast¬ 
like sounds as they swing together in the wind, and providing one of 
the most magnificent manifestations of vegetable growth to be found anywhere 
in the tropics. 

Sungkei, A large Malay village fifteen or sixteen miles from Tapah, on the 
river of the same name. Being situated in a district largely agricultural, the place 
has only a small Chinese population, and the Malays are probably of a rather 
less mixed type than at any other place in the Batang Padang district which 

I, Sec footnote ofi p. 193, Fascic. Malay . — Zoology , Vol. 1 . 



we visited. Through the exertions of the Penghulu (headman of the sub- 
district), a man of considerable influence among his compatriots and a 
relation of the Sultan of Perak, we managed to obtain measurements of a 
considerable number of Malays and of several Sakais, who happened to be 
visiting the village. In the immediate vicinity the country is mainly arable and 
orchard land, but at no great distance there are tracts at old jungle. A good 
many species of birds not elsewhere seen were obtained at Sungkei, including 
Treron nipaknsis, Platysmums leucopterus y and a species of P/atylopkus } as well as a 
new rat, Mus an?iandaki y which is very distinct from any hitherto known from 
the Peninsula. The situation of the rest-house, near the bank of the river, 
was very attractive to moths and nocturnal Orthoptera, and a considerable 
number were captured at light. 

We stayed at Sungkei from February 6th to I ith, 190a. 

Tapah . A considerable town on the Batang Padang river, about six 
miles from the railroad between Kinta and Telok Anson, the port of South 
Perak. Until quite recently it was the headquarters of the district magistrate, 
but has now been superseded by Bidor. As it is the centre of an important 
mining district, the population is mainly Chinese, but there are also a large 
number of Klings (Madras Tamils) and Bengalis. The small and mixed Malay 
population of the neighbourhood is principally settled in surrounding hamlets, 
not in the town itself. 

We stayed in Tapah on several occasions during January and February, 
but our time was almost entirely occupied in preparations for other journeys, 
and we did little or no scientific work in the place; two Sakai skeletons were, 
however, obtained from deserted clearings in the vicinity. 

Telom, A dilapidated bungalow in the mountains separating Perak from 
Pahang, about forty miles from Tapah. Though within the jurisdiction of 
Perak, Telom is technically in Pahang, as it is situated three or four miles east 
of the main watershed, on the headwaters of a small stream running into the 
Telom River, which is itself a tributary of the Pahang. The height of our 
collecting station was between three thousand five hundred and four thousand 
feet above sea level, but the mountains in the immediate vicinity ran up to 
over seven thousand feet. The district round Telom is inhabited by tribes of 
Sakais, of whom, for a variety of reasons, we were unable to see as much as 
we desired. A large number of them, however, were met with, a few 
measurements were taken and a small ethnological collection was obtained 
from them. 

Zoologically, Telom was quite the most interesting place that we visited, 
as the fauna was entirely a mountain one, differing in important respects from 



that of the surrounding lowlands, and assimilating in many features to that of 
the Himalayas, and of the mountains of the Greater Sun da Islands, The rain¬ 
fall must have been extremely heavy, and the jungle was denser than that met 
with anywhere else in the Peninsula, The trees were loaded with epiphytes 
of various orders, orchids being especially numerous, though but few were in 
flower at the time of our visit, and the myrmecophilous fer n^Polypodium comosum , f 
or an allied species, was common. Of other plants, a fine rhododendron with 
large umbels of salmon pink flowers, a species of violet, which grew in great 
abundance among the rocks at the edge of the stream, and a Rubrus , bearing 
small, tasteless fruit, may be mentioned. Curiously enough, no species of 
pitcher plant was observed on the Batang Padang mountains, though several 
are abundant on the Larut hills and were also found on the Selangor mountains, 
further to the south. The Sakais form large plantations, some of them over 
fifty acres in extent, at an altitude of from one thousand five hundred to five 
thousand feet, in the neighbourhood of Telom, in which they grow a kind of 
millet and a coarse tapioca, bananas and rice not flourishing at these altitudes, 
and their methods of agriculture are very destructive to the jungle, as no more 
than two or three crops are ever taken from a clearing. 

Mammals were scarce, but one species of rat, three squirrels, one of which, 
Sc . mackllandi kucoth, does not seem to occur in the Peninsula except on high 
ground, and a tree shrew ( Tupaid) y were obtained, as well as the skulls of a 
very large bear and of a wild pig, these being purchased from the Sakais. 
Reptiles and Amphibia were very rare, and no species of Draco , so abundant 
on Bukit Besar and the Selangor hills, was even seen. 

Birds 1 2 , on the other hand, were abundant both in species and in individuals, 
though the thickness of the undergrowth and the precipitous nature of the 
ground rendered collecting very difficult. Flocks of a small babbler 
{Siachyridiopsis locager?) flitted about the clearing round the bungalow, and were so 
fearless that it was difficult to get far enough from them to obtain specimens in an 
undamaged condition. Imperial pigeons {Carpophaga badid) were common on 
the neighbouring peaks, though we never obtained specimens, and on our 
downward journey both of us saw several individuals of a dull grey pigeon 
which Robinson has little doubt was the rare Columba grisea , G. R. Gr., only 
known with certainty from Borneo and Sumatra. Other species seen but not 
obtained were Melanocichla peninsulae^ afterwards found on Gunong Semangko, 
Selangor, and a ground thrush that from its strongly hooked beak was probably 
a Zoolbera. All, our headman, persisted in saying that he had seen a silver 

i. See Yapp, Anwth of £o/any, Vol. XVI, No. LXII, pp. 186-199. 

2, Info rma Hon regarding the bird* of those districts which we visited together U due to my collaborator. N. A. 



pheasant on more than one occasion, but we did not come across it ourselves. 
The most interesting specimen obtained was a small Ploceid belonging to a 
genus ( Chhrura ) hitherto only known from the mountains of the Sunda 
Islands and the Philippine highlands. Altogether, the Batang Padang mount¬ 
ains, which had previously been explored by Mr, L. Wray of the Perak Museum, 
would undoubtedly yield a rich harvest to any ornithologist who was prepared 
to stay at elevations exceeding three hundred feet for some considerable time, 
and who would be content with quality rather than quantity in his collection. 

With the exception of butterflies, which were very numerous, and amongst 
which were several Tenasserim forms and also a line new Prioneris, the insects 
were not particularly striking, though small and inconspicuous forms were 
enormously abundant. Among the beetles, red and black Malacoderms of 
various genera were especially noticeable, while a magnificent new species of 
the Long!corn Lysinda , a moth and several Diptera were evidently members 
of the same mimetic association. Dragon flies of all families were very scarce, 
and not more than three species were even observed. The collections of 
invertebrates, so far as they have been worked out, show that the fauna, as 
might be expected, is largely made up of species that are also found in 
Tenasserim on the one hand and the mountains of Borneo and Sumatra on the 
other, while the Burmese element, which is so marked in the lowland fauna 
of the Patani States, is almost absent. 

We stayed at Telom from January 16th to 28th, 1902. 


Kuala Lumpur . Kuala Lumpur is the capital of the State of Selangor 
and the administrative centre of the Federated Malay States. While An nan- 
dale was in Upper Perak and the Siamese States, I spent some three months 
in the town, but, with the exception of a few insects captured at light, no 
collections from this locality are included in the present report. The town is 
situated in the midst of a thickly populated mining district, and there is no 
considerable area of jungle nearer than five or six miles. At Batu,'about 
seven miles away, there are large limestone caves similar to those at Biserat, 
and a few spiders and other Arthropods, including species of Sen tig era, were 
collected there, as well as the * moon snake,’ Coluber taeniurus . 

Semangko Pass. I spent a week in May, 1902, at this locality, which is 
exceptionally well situated for zoological collecting. It is a rest-house on the 
border between Selangor and Pahang, on the main watershed of the Peninsula, 
at a height of two thousand seven hundred feet. On either side the mountains 
rise steeply to over five thousand feet, and the whole country for miles 



around is almost untouched jungle. On Gunong Semangko, to the north of 
the Pass, an alluvial tin mine has recently been opened, with its main workings 
situated at a height of over four thousand feet. The path from the trunk 
road to this mine leads through deep jungle and afforded an admirable 
collecting ground. Among other vertebrates, a new species of lizard {Lygosoyna 
miodactylum) was collected, as well as other forms recently described from the 
Larut Hills in central Perak, while in birds, specimens of Cutia cervimcrissa 
and Melanocichla peninsula* , hitherto only known from the types collected by 
Mr. Wray in 1887, were secured. Some thirty or forty species of moths 
were captured at light in the rest-house, and of these some ten or a dozen have 
been described as new to science by Colonel Swinhge . 1 

Labuansara ■ A small jungle clearing some eight miles from Kuala 
Lumpur, inhabited by a tribe of c Orang Bukit/ a people of mixed Sakai 
stock. We visited them together on two occasions in June, 1902, and obtained a 
series of the more important physical measurements, as well as a small ethno¬ 
graphical collection. On our way to Labuansara we incidentally captured a 
specimen of the rare butterfly, Charaxes durnfordt , Dist., being the third known 
specimen of the typical form of the species. 

Central Perak 

My personal knowledge of this part of the state is slight, being confined 
to a visit to the town of Kuala Kangsar and a drive thence to Upper Perak. 
There appears to be a considerable amount of cultivated land in the districts 
of Kuala Kangsar and Krian, and not much mining, so that the population 
has a larger element of indigenous Malay blood than in Batang Padang. 
Much of the country, however, especially towards the main range, has never 
been cleared, still supporting the jungle tribes, who, in this region, from what 
we could hear, are very largely of a mixed Semang stock. 

Kuala Kangsar. An important Malay centre in Perak, being the resi¬ 
dence of the Malay sultan. The town, which is on the railway, is small, but 
well laid out. The Malays here take their share in petty commerce, having 
many shops of their own, though even 111 Kuala Kangsar the majority of the 
larger stores are in the hands of Chinamen or Bengalis. From what I saw, I 
am certain that even the Malay of this district is not a homogeneous type, 
having probably absorbed a deal of Arab or bastard Arab blood. 

I spent four days in Kuala Kangsar in March, 1902, and obtained a 
series of photographs of native-born Malays. 


Fittest. Malay. — Zoofagy, VoL I. 



Upper Perak 

The district of Upper Perak, including the * New Territory/ which was 
ceded or restored by the Siamese in 1899, occupies a considerable area, but is 
mainly covered with jungle, there being very little cultivated land and few or 
no mines, though deposits of gold are said to exist at Berusong, on the 
Temongoh River. The settled population is small, being centred in the 
villages of Lenggong, Grit, and Temongoh, or scattered in small clearings on 
the banks of the Perak River, which here forms a very important ethnological 
barrier. The jungle tribes living north of it have no settled place of abode 
or permanent dwellings, while the hill clans to the south make large plantations, 
which keep them in the same place, at any rate for a time, and there is 
a marked difference between the Malays of the two regions thus naturally 
separated ; there is said also to he a difference in the gibbons 1 found on the 
two banks, but this question has not been properly investigated. I spent a 
month (March r 8th to April 18th, 1902,) in Upper Perak, doing very little 
but anthropological work, except to collect some butterflies. 

Grit. The most important place in the New Territory, being situated 
only a few miles from the Rhuman border, at a point where large numbers of 
cattle are brought over into Perak. Formerly the village consisted of a col¬ 
lection of rather small Malay houses, but since 1899 a new settlement, with 
Chinese stores and government plank buildings, has come into being on the 
opposite side of the Grit River, a small tributary of the Perak. There is now 
a school for Malay boys at the place, and the district magistrate has a bungalow, 
which he frequently visits. The Malays of the place and of the surrounding 
hamlets are of a somewhat different type both from those of Kuala Kangsar 
and those of the East Coast States, having shorter faces, rather shorter heads, 
a slightly greater stature, straight hair, and clear yellowish complexions. Many 
Semangs inhabit the neighbouring jungle, coming regularly into the 
village to obtain tobacco and the like in exchange for jungle produce. 
Immediately round the houses the land has been cleared, and there are large 
wet rice-fields ; many patches of secondary jungle and of grassy savannah 
exist in the vicinity, though most of the jungle is evidently old. The high 
woods abound in game birds, such as the fire-back pheasant, Lopbnia igtrila^ 
and the long-beaked partridge, Rbizotbera longirostris ; and the butterfly, 
Melanocytna faunula , a very local form, is common. In comparatively open 
places in the jungle I found other species, such as Papilla megarus^ P. antipbates , 
App'tas nero , enormously prolific in individuals ; but the scarcity of Danaids 
was noteworthy. 

I. Ftitcii, Malay. — Zoology , Vo). I, p. 3. 



I stayed at Grit from March 21st to April 3rd, 1902, and obtained there a 
considerable series of photographs, specimens (including a skeleton), and measure¬ 
ments illustrating the anthropology of the Semangs, and also a collection of the 
butterflies typical of the district, which differed considerably in its Rhopaloceran 
fauna from any we had visited, approaching the Jalor-Rhaman border most 
closely in this respect 

Janing . The government headquarters in Upper Perak at the time of 
my visit were here, though possibly they may have been moved elsewhere by 
this date. The place, situated on the Perak River, was very largely of European 
origin, and consists principally of government buildings and Chinese shops. 
The district magistrate, who until recently was the only European in the district, 
has an extremely comfortable house, with a large garden. The members of 
the Semang camps in the neighbourhood visit Janing regularly, where, it is 
said, they often get drunk. Rogue elephants have frequently broken down the 
telephone poles on the road between this place and Lenggong, and my men 
declared that one had attacked them as they loitered by the roadside behind 
my bullock cart. The road is not metalled, but is sufficiently good in dry 
weather to permit the passage of a gharry, or one-horse carriage. There is a 
good jungle-track, along which 1 walked twice, between Janing and Grit—a 
distance of about twenty-two miles, I stayed at Janing for a night or two on 
two occasions in March and April, 1902. 

Lenggong. This is really the biggest and most important place in Upper 
Perak, but it has an unfortunate reputation for gang robberies. The Malays 
here chiefly claim descent from R ham an or Kedah, but have a fabric of 
pottery 1 that appears to belong to the characteristic Perak type. There are 
Klings, Chinamen, and other Oriental foreigners in the village, which is a 
model of orderliness and respectability, as far as outward appearances go, as 
compared with the dirty little mining centres of Batang Padang ; a fine rest- 
house, a hospital, and a school have a wonderfully civilized aspect. Janing is 
thirty-two miles distant from Kuala Kangsar, and the road is well metalled 
and in good condition, there being no government railway to compete with it. 
1 left Kuala Kangsar by gharry at daybreak, and reached Lenggong in time 
for lunch, staying there for a night on my way to Janing, which is about 
twenty-six miles further on. 

Temonggoh. The only other village but Grit of any importance in the 
New Territory, being in the centre of a region occupied by numbers of jungle 
folk, who bring in the rattans and other natural produce they collect. The 
inhabitants of the village are Malays, evidently with a considerable admixture 
of native blood in their veins, and a Chinese store has lately been set up. 

. L. WltAY, Journ . Anthrop. Inst*, 190 3, pp. 34*33. 




Two separate tribes inhabit the neighbouring jungle, one living near 
the village, in subjection to the Malays, the other leading an independent 
existence on the hills, where they make large clearings for the cultivation of 
tapioca, yams, bananas, and millet—rice they refuse to eat. These two tribes, 
however, do not appear to be racially distinct from one another ; we have 
called them * Sakais * in the text, but it is evident, I think, that they are 
merely Semangs with some Malay blood in their ancestry, so that the term 
* bastard Semangs/ which is used on the map, defines them more clearly. I 
reached Temonggoh on foot from Grit; the journey, along a very bad elephant 
track for the greater part of the way, should only have taken two days, but 
my guide lost the way, and 1 only discovered that we were travelling in a 
circle by noticing a hornbiirs feather on the ground beside a tree trunk, where 
1 remembered seeing it before, so that we were obliged to spend two nights 
in the jungle. On this journey I was very much struck by the variety of 
frogs and toads in the old jungle, where I noted eight species in one day, and 
also by the sounds produced by stridulating insects at night and by small birds 
early in the morning ; indeed, the fauna of the tree-tops appeared to be richer 
than in any locality where we made zoological collections. 

I stayed at Temonggoh for four days in April, 1902, obtaining some 
photographs, anthropological measurements, and ethnographical specimens, as 
well as four skulls of one of the jungle tribes, known as Sakai Jehehr. 






HE state of Senggora, called Sun-kra or Sun-kla by the Siamese, has, if 

i the districts of Tibaw and Chenaw be included, an area rather greater 
than that of Rhaman ( g*v .), Of Tibaw and Chenaw very little is known, 
our own experience consisting merely of two days’ hasty march along the 
coast; they seem to be sparsely populated in the interior, and to consist chiefly 
of jungle country. Senggora proper, on the other hand, has mostly been 
cleared, where the ground is not too barren to render clearing a work of 
supererogation, and it is doubtful whether any old jungle now remains within 
the district. The coast land of all three districts resembles that of the Patani 
States, but it is obvious that the sea is here rapidly eating into the land, as we 
saw many Casuarina trees that had been undermined by the waves and had 
fallen on the beach. A remarkable feature of the vegetation along this coast, 
especially in the immediate vicinity of Senggora town, is the abundance of 
certain myrmecophilous plants; in some places there is hardly a tree other than 
a Casuarina—for the Casuarina harbours few epiphytes or creepers—'but gives 
support to one or more plants of a Disddia y which we found also growing on the 
same stump as a species of Myrmecodia y or an allied genus. We noticed, however, 
that the modified leaves of the Discidia were very liable to have holes eaten in 
them by some insect or mollusc, and that the ones so injured, which permitted 
water to enter their cavities, were not frequented by ants; the species 
inhabiting the bulbous stem of the Myrmecodia was not the same as that which 
lived in the leaves of the Discidia that grew a few inches away. On our 
walk along the shore from the mouth of the Tibaw River to Senggora town, 
we saw several sea snakes ( Hydropkinae ) which had been buffeted in the tremendous 
surf, which broke all along the coast, and cast ashore ; they were evidently in 
a very vicious condition, attempting to bite any object thrust in their way. 
We were obliged to travel very light, and accomplished the journey from 
Kampong Anak Bukit, in Nawngchik, to Senggora in three days, although the 
foot track between the former village and the Tibaw River was almost entirely 
submerged, owing to the heavy rains which had fallen—it was December—-and 
although the sand of the seashore, to which we took in order to avoid the 
floods, provided very heavy going. It is doubtful whether we could have 
moved with anything like the same rapidity, had we not gone barefoot, clad in 
the lightest of Chinese clothing, which the wind dried almost as soon as the 
rain had soaked it. 



Kuala Zircom. A small Malay fishing village, at the mouth of the Chenaw 
River, where we spent a night on our way to Senggora. Near Kuala Zircom 
we entered a curious encampment, the huts in which were roughly built on 
the ground of slabs of bark. The people who occupied it were Malays, who 
said that they had never heard of white men, and asked whether white men 
were like Malays, were Mahommedans. After we had warmed ourselves 
over a fire in one of the huts, and had grown more friendly with its inhabitants, 
who were very curious to know what manner of men we were, they told us 
that they were all just recovering from smallpox, and that the people of the 
village had driven them out of it. Little pieces of white bark, displayed on 
sticks at the Zircom side of the camp, were a sign that no one coming from 
that quarter might approach it, but no objection was made to us proceeding on 
our way in the opposite direction, 

Senggora, The town of Senggora is externally a Chinese city, surrounded 
with a high castellated wall, and formerly closed at nights by heavy gates, 
which are now fixed permanently open to admit the entry of telephone and 
telegraph wires. The principal buildings also are Chinese, except some of the 
many Buddhist monasteries, whose high-gabled roofs appear amidst the foliage 
of the trees with the softest of mellow orange-brown, dull copper-green, and 
emerald-green tiles; they are built in the true Siamese style of architecture, 
which is founded on the Chinese, but is less solid and even more fantastic. 
The population, a large proportion of the Buddhist part of which must be in 
celibate orders, is partly Chinese, partly Siamese, and partly Malay, but the 
Siamese official element is large, as Senggora is the centre of the administration 
of all the country between Kelantan and Ligor, and the Malays, who retain 
el Islam, have mostly foregone their proper language in favour of Siamese. 
Indeed, we found that English carried us further than Malay in the town, for 
many of the officials could speak English well, though there are no pure bred 
Europeans resident in the state. Across the straits from the modern town, 
which has been built by former Chinese governors on the south bank of the 
entrance to the Taleh Sap, lies old Senggora, now chiefly occupied by Malays, 
the descendants of prisoners of war brought from Kedah two generations ago. 
These people occupy themselves in fishing, and the size of their families is so 
notorious that childless Siamese women in the town procure all their 
drinking water from a well in one of the Malay villages, attributing the 
fecundity of its inhabitants to this source. The Malays have also, in the vicinity, 
several villages entirely to themselves in which the houses are erected partly 
on dry land and partly on piles in the lake, so that they can draw up their 
dug-outs directly from the surface and suspend them beneath the platform on 



which their dwelling-rooms are built. Altogether, the environs of Senggora 
offer a strange study in contrasts ^ for while phonographs and acetylene bicycle 
lamps are on sale m several of the Chinese shops in the town, real lake dwell¬ 
ings are in actual occupation within a mile or two. The town market dues 
are very heavy in Senggora, and a most irksome regulation was made at the 
beginning of 1902, forbidding women to carry on their heads, in the immemorial 
manner, anything intended for sale within the walls, the reason being that all 
such goods must be inspected by the police, who objected to pry too closely into 
things which had been sanctified by being placed on the head of a human 

We spent ten days in Senggora in December, 1901, recruiting our health 
and preparing for a journey to Kedah, and one of us returned for another short 
visit at the end of the spring of 1902, A few spiders and one or two ethno¬ 
graphical specimens were all that we collected here, but on both occasions we 
thoroughly appreciated the kind hospitality of His Excellency the Siamese 
High Commissioner. 


This state, the south of which marches with Senggora, the west with 
Trang and other West Coast States, and the north with Ligor, or Nakawn 
Sitamarat, is thickly populated in the neighbourhood of the Taleh Sap, but 
there appear to be only scattered villages in the interior, where considerable 
numbers of Sernangs probably still exist in the jungle. The country is flat 
near the coast, but dotted over with limestone peaks, 1 and the central range 
sends down low spurs to within a few miles of the lake. I travelled by boat 
from Senggora to Lampam in May, 1902, and from Lampam overland to 

Lampam . This place, the capital of Patalung (Muang Talun in Siamese), 
is a neat little Siamese town, with handsome government offices, a fine temple, 
and a curious shrine in which crocodile skulls are reverenced. The population 
consists of Siamese, a few Chinamen and a considerable number of half-castes, 
the children of Chinese fathers and Siamese mothers. These people, who in 
the Patani States are confused with the race of their fathers, are here recognized 
as a class apart, wearing their hair hanging on the shoulders, but not in a 
queue ; they are called Baba. The country all round Lampam is very highly 
cultivated, chiefly by Siamese, who have evidently a full share ofSemang blood 
in their veins, and, to a less extent, by Malays, who dress and speak like their 
neighbours, though they live in their own villages and cling to the Mahommedan 
religion. The land is very fertile, producing two crops of rice in a year, and 

1. It 19 tlic pointed conical form of tome of then: peak* which ii believed to give the medicine-men of Patalang 
such great magical power (Cf. Fustic* Malay*—Anthro^nlogy,, part I, p. 60). 



the orchards of the district are famous throughout Lower Siam, The journey 
from Senggora to Lampam can be done in a day by boat, if there is no wind, 
and if sufficient boatmen be employed, but it took me two days and part of 
a night, owing to the choppy character of the waves in May. 1 spent two 
nights at Lampam, waiting for an elephant to take my baggage to Trang, and 
there procured the skeleton of a Siamese child. I also noted a curious 
insect that I had taken at the same place in 1889, namely, an aquatic glow¬ 
worm (apparently the larva of some Malacoderm beetle), which Is common 
in the swamps round the town. 

The Taleh Sap . This extraordinary lake, known to the Malays as Laut 
Dalam (the Inner Sea), is nearly fifty miles long and of very variable breadth, but 
not, save for a few deep pockets, more than a few feet deep. To the south 
it communicates freely with the sea, and a canal has been cut between a point 
near its northern limit and the coast, though there does not appear to exist 
any such natural channel as that marked on many maps, which very possibly, 
however, has recently disappeared. Another artificial channel, known as 
Klong Sukhum, in honour of Phya Sukhum, the Siamese High Commissioner, 
who directed its construction, now joins the Taleh Sap to the Ligor River. 
The waters of the lake, at any rate in December, March, April, and May, are 
only slightly brackish, though the tides are felt in the Lampam River. The 
islands with which it is dotted are either low and marshy or consist of lime¬ 
stone peaks rising abruptly from the water. The latter afford in the caves 
with which they are riddled a breeding-place for Collotalia innominata> the 
edible nests of which are extremely valuable, while the reed-beds round the 
other islands and along the shore shelter innumerable water-fowl, especially the 
cotton teal, Nettapus coromandelianus , and the tree-duck* Dendrocygna javanica , 
which is generally called a teal in the Straits. There is a small cetacean, 
probably a species of Flatantsta y in the lake, and a viviparous sting-ray is caught 
off Lampam, where sharks are said also to occur. The centre appears to be 
almost devoid of animal and vegetable life, though a few minute worms were 
taken by Mr. Richard Evans and myself in 1899 ; but beds of Fotamogeton 
and other water-weeds at the mouth of the Lampam River have evidently a 
very rich insect and crustacean fauna, while the fish from the same locality are 
partly marine and partly freshwater forms. The marine or lacustrine zoologist 
who was willing to be satisfied with minute and inconspicuous specimens 
would find a most interesting hunting-ground in this lake and its northern 
adjunct, the Taleh Noi, and although the people who inhabit the shores have 
an unenviable reputation among the Malays and Siamese, I never experienced 
anything but courtesy from them. 





This state marches with Patalung on the east and reaches the sea on the 
west, including within its jurisdiction a number of islands which the native 
Mahommedans regard as appertaining to the sultanate of Kedah, The interior 
of Trang, where Semaugs are said to have been formerly numerous, is occupied 
partly by Siamese rice cultivators and partly by Chinese pepper planters, but 
the coast people are either Mahommedan, Samsams, or pagan Grang Laut. The 
road from Lampam, a good sandy track, recently set in order, passes through little 
but cultivated ground between the base of the western slope of the main 
range, which reaches an altitude of several thousand feet at this point, and the 
large market town of Tap-tien, formerly the capital of Trang, from which 
I proceeded by boat to Kantang, the whole journey taking three days. The 
banks of the Trang River are here densely wooded, but the jungle has a peculiar 
character, due to its estuarine nature at a considerable distance from the sea, 
for, even as high as Tap-tien, there are a number of small floating islands, 
composed of the roots of nipa palms with other vegetation entangled among 
them, which float up stream with every tide. In the neighbourhood of 
Kantang this palm is largely cultivated for the sake of its sap, out of which 
sugar is made, and of its young leaves, which serve in place of cigarette papers. 

Chau Mai . A place on the coast, a few miles north of the estuary of 
the Trang River. Formerly the limestone cliffs at this place, and the caves 
which they contain, were regarded as sacred by the Orang Laut, who deposited 
their dead in the latter, but Chinese pepper planters, searching for bats’-dung 
guano, have dispelled the sacred influences. The character of the vegetation on 
this coast is strikingly varied, for immediately along the shore there is usually a 
belt of casuarina trees, and behind them there are vast tangled mangrove 
creeks, the trees of which give support to many orchids and other epiphytes, 
while the characteristic flora of the cliffs resemble that on the limestone 
islands of the Taleh Sap, having as its most conspicuous member a large 
candelabra-like euphorbia. I saw among these cliffs a land crab some six or 
eight inches across the carapace ; it appeared to be one of the Oxypodidae, 
which has ventured further from the sea than many of the species of this 
family are in the habit of doing, but my men unfortunately left a specimen 
which I had obtained behind. The duck, Asarcomis scuidlata? so scarce in 
collections, appears to be common on the Trang coast, going inland every 
evening and passing in numbers over the town of Kantang. 

Kantang. The new capital of Trang, founded about ten years ago by 
the Chinese hereditary governor, who has now been promoted to the high 

l. The * Skeat* specimen was mpelf in the interior of Patalung, nnd the note tin my label jjjiv® 
the statement that the species was migratory as a native belief (Cf* Bonhcte, P.Z,S*> 1901, Vol. I, p. So). 



commissionership of the * circle ’ of which Trang forms a part. To the 
ethnologists and naturalist Kan tang is not a place of any interest, except, 
perhaps, as regards the butterflies common in Its vicinity, which struck me as 
being different from those seen elsewhere. The town consists chiefly of 
government offices and elegant villas, in which the officials Live, and it is far more 
modern in all essentials than any place on the East Coast which we visited. I 
was obliged to wait at Kan tang for some days to get a boat to take me to the 
coast, and again to catch the steamer for Penang, and during my stay was 
much indebted to the kind offices of Mr. A. Steffen, a German engineer in 
the employ of the Siamese Government, the native officials 1 * * being here sus¬ 
picious of me. From Mr. Steffen I procured some valuable ethnographical 
and antiquarian specimens, 

Ban Pbra Muang. A large 4 Malay,’ or, more accurately, Samsam, village 
at the mouth of the Trang River. I spent several days there in May, 1902, 
obtaining some ethnographical specimens and a series of anthropometrical 
data. The people, who call themselves Malays, are recognized as Samsam s 
by their neighbours, that is to say, as being of mixed Malay and Siamese origin. 
They speak a dialect of Siamese mixed with Malay words and phrases, and 
resemble the Malays of Upper Perak in appearance, 

Pulau Mentia . A little island lying off the Trang coast. Part of it is 
high, and there edible birds’-nests are collected. The part facing the 
coast, however, is flat, with the most beautiful white sand, and is occupied for 
part of the year by a Samsam community which has its permanent village some 
distance up the Chau Mai River. A family of Orang Laut Kappir were also 
encamped on the island at the time of my visit The fauna between tide- 
marks was very varied, owing to a plentiful growth of sea grass ( Zostera\ 
among which Holothurians, some of which were captured as trepang, were 
particularly numerous, while the * pearl oyster,’ Arenga magariiifera , or an allied 
species, was taken in great numbers from the sand, rather as an article of diet 
than for its pearls, a few of which were, however, collected. A Sipunculid 
worm, Pbymosoma japonicum in all probability, was dug out from the sand and 
eaten by the Samsams, as well as several bivalves and a lantern shell [Lingula), 
On Pulau Mentia, where I was only able to spend one night, I obtained two 
skulls, which I believe to be those of Samsams. 

Pulau Telibun , This island is partly the delta of the Trang River, but 
has also a limestone basis. It is densely wooded except along the coast opposite 
the mouth of the river, where it has a muddy shore, in which a variety of 

1. The High Comnvisiioner at Senggora had ^iven me j letter of to trod net too, of course written in Siamese, to 

the Governor of Trang, and in din tetter it was stated that 1 had come ‘to inspect knowledge,’ so that I wm naturally 

regarded as some new kind of ipy. 



molluscs, crustaceans, and coelenterates abound. When the tide goes out, the 
whole shore becomes covered in a moment with vast numbers of little pinkish 
crabs, resembling the Australian genus Mycteris ; they are perpetually on the 
move, not infrequently walking right across the discs of gigantic mud-coloured 
sea anemones, which remain expanded, but very inconspicuous, in little pools 
caused by the tide swirling round their bases. Hundreds of the crabs cling to 
their tentacles, but the rest proceed on their way, without apparently learning 
by experience to avoid them. A Fatani man, who accompanied me, 
and who had never seen so many crabs together, exclaimed when I pointed 
them out to him, ' What a fine relish they would make! * and rushed forward 
to capture them, but they sank instantaneously into the sand. 1 spent several 
days on Pulau Mentia, staying in the Siamese revenue station recently established 
on the island, and obtained some interesting musical instruments and other 
specimens from a Samsam camp, where I also measured a few of the men. 





Rhaman is the largest of the seven Patani States, bordering on the north 
with Tibaw, Jalor, Patani, Jhering, and Telubin ; on the west with Kedah ; on 
the east with Kelantan, Legeh, and Telubin ; and on the south with Perak. 
We spent a few days at Ban Kassot on the Jalor border in 1901, and I made 
a hasty journey from Upper Perak to Patani through Rhaman in April, 1902, 
so that our acquaintance with this state is comparatively slight. Kota Bharu, 
the capital, we did not visit, but 1 was there in 18 99 ; it is a small and 
unimportant village, not situated on any navigable river, and therefore only 
of note as a centre of the cattle trade between the East Coast and Perak. 

Only a small proportion of Rhaman is under cultivation, the rest being 
buried, for the most part, in dense jungle, and only a few unimportant tin 
mines, all worked by Chinamen, now existing, though there are said to be rich 
mineral deposits. The district between Jarum and the Perak border, however, 
is an undulating savannah, covered with long buffalo grass, but intersected 
with many streams, the banks of which are thickly wooded and give shelter 
to numerous birds and to several of the scarcer jungle butterflies and dragon 
flies, such as Ka/lima buxtoni and a fine species of Gomphus , in comparatively 
large numbers. 

The following villages were visited on my journey ; — 

Belong. Now the Siamese headquarters in the Hulu Rhaman district, 
which is often known as Neg’ri Jarum. Betong is a large and flourishing 
Malay village, evidently, from the size of the fruit trees, and the enormous 
masses of orchids upon them, of considerable age ; the only non-indigenous 
inhabitants being a few Siamese officials and police and a couple of Chinese 
traders. The prevailing type of Malay is that noted at Grit, and a Semang 
tribe has its hunting grounds in the neighbourhood. The village fauna is that 
characteristic of the central region of the Peninsula, the common squirrel being 
Sciurus vtftatus % not Sc. concolor or Sc. caniceps . The savannah 1 near is said to be 
inhabited by large herds ofSladang (Bos gaur) and Sapt ( Bos sondaicus f), with 
possibly a third species (Bos frontalis f) ; but the habits of these wild cattle, if 
what was told me is true, differ from those of jungle individuals, for the former 
are said to be mild and inoffensive, while the latter are notoriously savage. 
The jungle fowl ( Gallus gallus) is very abundant, and the cocks frequently come 
into the village and interbreed with the tame poultry. The domestic cattle 

1. Tbe hunting dog (Cyan rutilarti) is aho comparatively- common in tlii» diatrict, and also, very possibly—in my 
opinion, probably —a species of jackal. 



are chiefly of the ‘Siamese’ breed 1 2 ; but zebu blood has been lately introduced, 
and many buffaloes are kept. 

The journey from the Perak border to Betong took me three days on 
foot, but could have easily been accomplished in two, had it not been for the 
state of the track between GritandKrunei—a regular slough of despond, churned 
into mud, and rendered filthy beyond description by the passage of cattle from 
the Patani States to Perak, and of elephants in both directions. It appeared 
to swarm with a parasite (possibly a Nematode allied to Sfrongyloides intestinalis 1 )^ 
which penetrated the skin of the feet, especially between the toes, and caused 
extreme irritation and discomfort. We had experienced the same pest in places 
on Bukit Besar where elephants had been, and the Malays say, probably with 
truth, that it originates in elephants’ dung. I found the only way to obtain 
even comparative immunity from it was to walk barefoot and to wash my feet 
very carefully at every stream we crossed, as footgear of any kind, which, at 
any rate, the tenacity of the mud rendered irksome, appeared to harbour 
the parasite, which it was difficult to eliminate. 

Jarmn , A smaller Malay village, some six miles north-west of Betong, 
and probably at one time a more important place than at present. It still 
contains a residence of the Raja of Rhaman—a miserably dark and dirty old 
house, swarming with parasitic Acari, which are said to come from the goats 
stabled under it, sand flies and mosquitoes, especially Anopheles , which breed 
in enormous numbers in puddles of filth in the village, and which are the 
probable cause of the great prevalence of malaria in the neighbourhood. I 
stayed here for some days in April, 1902, waiting for an elephant to carry my 
luggage to the Patani River, and obtained a few butterflies and ethnographical 
specimens, but only caught a glimpse of the Semang tribe whose Malay master 
is the headman of the village, 

Krunei A straggling village, wholly Malay, close to the Perak border, 
which is here marked by a small cairn of stones standing at the edge of a pool 
called Lubong Gajah Puteh, or the pool of the white elephant. The 
chief of the Semang tribe whose Malay master lives at Krunei has 
obtained the right from a former raja to call himself Penglima Sakai ; he 
and his followers acted as my porters for a short distance, and I did not 
stay at Krunei because he told me that he owed five dollars to a Malay and 
was afraid to enter the village. I spent the night at Kampong Jong (not the 
one marked on the map), a mile or two distant; it was evidently a place of 
recent foundation, as the fruit trees were just beginning to bear for the first 

1. Fttcic, Malay.—Zoology ^ vol, t, p, 44, 

2, See Dr, Paul Van Dunne’ s Em/tryom dt $trongyloidtt mttstinaUi % Univeraity Press of Liverpool, 1903 



time. The headman, in whose house I stayed, told me that his people had 
come from a place called Kampotig Lalang, the ruins of which] I passed the 
next day a few miles to the north-west. It was interesting to notice that the 
crow (Corvus enca (?) ), which in the Malay Peninsula is rarely found at any 
distance from human dwellings, still haunted the site of this and other 
deserted villages that I passed in this tract of country. 

Ban Matwas . A small Siamese village near the point where the Mai was 
River enters the Patani. Judging from the curly hair and dark complexions 
of many of the people, they have absorbed a considerable proportion of Semang 
blood, and they call the Semang tribe of the neighbouring jungle 1 Sakai 
Perak,* saying that the jungle men have only recently come from over the 
border. It is probable, from the age of the fruit trees and from what we 
know of the Siamese invasions of this part of the Malay Peninsula, that the 
inhabitants of Ban Maiwas represent a comparatively recent Siamese settle¬ 
ment, which has intermarried to a great extent with the aboriginal inhabitants 
of the country, and, therefore, it is worthy to note, that while a large propor¬ 
tion of the population approximate to the aboriginal type, a minority appear 
to have the characters usually associated with purer Siamese blood than that 
habitually fortnd in the Patani States, having clear yellow skins, straight hair, 
and somewhat Mongoloid features. 

From a zoological point of view, Ban Maiwas is interesting, as being the 
village furthest west in this latitude in which I found the common village 
squirrel to belong to the Sdurus concolor type. The fauna in the neighbour¬ 
ing jungle seemed to be very rich, and at one point 1 found the cast pupal 
skins of Flata limbata , the Chinese wax insect, or an allied species, covering 
the leaves of a shrub in enormous numbers, while th£ moth-like adults of the 
same species clung to tree trunks in the vicinity, having much the appearance 
of a fungus that grows in the same situation. 

The journey from Betong to Ban Maiwas took me three days, though 
the distance is short in a straight line. Several steep spurs had to be sur¬ 
mounted, and the track crossed and re-crossed the Patani River in such a way 
that the stream had to be forded fourteen times in the course of one morning ; 
though the water was low, 1 had to swim at one ford. At Maiwas, owing to 
the kindness of the district magistrate at Betong, a well educated Bangkok Malay, 
who entertained me most hospitably, rafts were waiting to take me to Bendang 
Stah, another journey of three days, and from there to Patani* three days 
more. On the way I was able to obtain some interesting information regarding 
the popular religion of the people of the district from my raftsmen, especially 
about the cult, common to Mahommedans and Buddhists, of ‘ Joh Nr a late 
raja of Rhaman. 





Of late years much confusion has arisen from the very varied meaning 
given in the Straits, in Europe, and in Siam to the term, ‘Patani,’ and it may, 
therefore, he well before commencing a description of the country in which 
the greater part of our time was spent, which was the original goal of our 
expedition, to explain the three different senses in which this term is used. 

i. Until about a century and a half ago the kingdom c/Patani, which was 
frequently governed by a female sovereign, appears to have been one of the largest 
and most powerful in Malaya, exceeding the modern states of Perak, Pahang, 
or Kelantan in size. It comprised the whole watershed of the Patani and 
Telubin Rivers, a part of the Upper Perak valley, and probably some of the 
northern tributaries of the Kelantan ; but very possibly it consisted rather of 
a confederation of petty native rajas under a powerful chief than of a single 
state, and Malay domination may never have extended much north of the 
Patani River, except immediately along the coast. 

At the end of the eighteenth and the commencement of the nineteenth 
century the Siamese finally conquered the country, which had long owed them 
a feebly defined and easily broken allegiance ; and 4 Patani * was divided into 
seven minor states, each independent of its neighbours, and each under a 
Siamese nominee, who was in some cases a Malay and in some a Siamese. It 
is from these Siamese governors, who were tributary to the Chinese governor 
of Senggora, himself a vassal of Siam, that the present Malay rajas of the 
seven states are descended. The names of the seven states are Nawngchik or 
Tojan, Patani or Tanl, Jhering, and Sai or Tclubtn, along the coast; and Jalor 
or Yaia, Rhaman, and Ra-nge or Legeh, in the interior. During the greater part 
of our visit their local administration was kept separate, each state being under 
a Malay raja nominally and a Siamese governor or commissioner practically, 
except Nawngchik, the governors of which never became Mahommedans and 
which was entirely under Siamese rule. In 1902, however, the seven states 
were reunited, with the title of the Division of the Seven Provinces, under a 
commissioner resident in Patani town but responsible to the High Com¬ 
missioner of the Ligor Circle, who resides at Senggora. 

The term ( Patani’ is usually held in the Straits to include these seven 
provinces, which are indicated when we talk of the ‘Patani States.’ We are 
indebted to the High Commissioner of the Ligor Circle for the following 
particulars regarding their population and that of the neighbouring states. His 
Excellency regards the figures as substantially correct, and if they are only 
moderately accurate, the curious and unexpected fact is shown that, even 
including the nominally independent principality of Johor, there are more 
Malays under Siamese than under British rule in the Malay Peninsula, 



Population of Monthon Nakon Sri Thamarat (Ligor Circle ). 

‘The following figures are from the census, and may, therefore, be taken as 
accurate :— 






Ligor (Nakon Sri Thamarat) ... 


3 M -39 


1 95*°5 3 








3 , 5<>3 



Division of the Seven Provinces . 

39 * 5^3 




The following figures for Kelatitan and Trengganu are only approximate, 
as no census has been taken :—- 

Kelantan has about 250,000 inhabitants, of whom about 20,000 are Siamese, 
15,000 Chinese, and the rest Malays. 

Trengganu has about 120,000 inhabitants, of whom very few are Siamese ; 
there are about 1,000 Chinese, and the rest are Malays/ 

There are no Europeans, and few Indians or Arabs, resident in the Pataui 
States, Senggora, or Patalung. 

2, The modern state of Patani^ or, as the Siamese call it, Tani, is a small 
strip of territory, with a coast line less than ten miles long and a length of 
rather over twenty miles, the northern part of which extends on both sides of 
the Patani River, while the southern half is bounded by it to the west. 
Except in the immediate vicinity of the coast, where the soil is sandy and 
barren and supports large open woods of casuarina trees, the country is well 
cultivated, under artificial irrigation, and supports a population probably as 
dense as that of any part of the Malay Peninsula which is not occupied by 
tin miners. There is little or no old jungle left in the state, 

3. Patani town , locally known as Kuala Bukar, is the most important 
place in the Division of the Seven Provinces, both as the seat of government 
and as the only port with a reasonably safe anchorage between Kuala Kelantan 
and Senggora. Patani Roads, indeed, enjoyed considerable reputation among 
the old voyagers, and formed a nucleus for the trade of ‘Further India* in the 
seventeenth century, at which date there was a factory of the East India 
Company at Patani ; but nowadays, at any rate, anchorage is only possible in 
them from March to October, and they are so shallow that vessels drawing 
more than twelve feet must anchor over two miles from the mouth of the 
river, which is blocked by a bar rarely covered with more than four feet of 



The town was situated, in 1901, on the east bank of the stream, about a 
mile and a half from the sea, but in the course of its history it has frequently 
been moved,from one bank to the other, and in the summer of 1902 prepara¬ 
tions were being made to build a new town across the stream. It is divided 
into two quarters, one occupied by Mahommedans, the other by Chinamen and 
Siamese, and the government buildings, consisting of a post and telegraph office, 
a police station, and the commissioner's residence, are situated between them on 
the river bank. Here also are the buildings of a Siamese wat t or monastery 
(almost the only solid buildings in the place except the mosque in the Malay 
quarter) ■ they are surrounded by a balustraded wall with ornate gateways in 
Chinese style, and separated by a row of fine sugar palms from the river, over 
which a gorgeously painted and gilded guest-house has lately been built. 

The Chinese quarter, in which the greater part of the local trade is con¬ 
ducted, contains numerous large houses of brick and rubble, and in its shops 
articles of European manufacture, such as crockery, hardware, cotton goods, 
and a limited selection of tinned provisions, can be bought at prices but little 
in excess of those current in the Singapore bazaars. Much of the purchasing, 
however, is carried on by means of little perforated pewter coins of Malay 
manufacture, and only current in the state of Patani, of which eight hundred 
go to the Straits dollar. 

The Malay quarter, in which we rented a house during six months of our 
stay in the Patani States, is much less pretentious, and also less odorous, than 
the Chinese, consisting chiefly of a few large compounds belonging to the raja 
and other wealthy Mahommedans, and a street of small houses with open booths 
in front of them. This street leads from the raja's compound, in the open 
space in front of which a daily market is held, to a landing stage on the river, 
and in the opposite direction the town gradually merges into the cluster of 
hamlets which surround it, large open spaces being left for the cemetery and 
for cultivation. Two broad sandy roads, excellent except for their heat in dry 
weather, lead to Jambu and to the sea from the Malay quarter. 

When we talk of ( Patani,’ we refer to the town, unless it is otherwise 
stated or inferred. 

The trade of Patani is probably less extensive than it was even at the 
middle of last century, and is carried on, as far as imports are concerned, almost 
exclusively with Singapore. A certain amount of jungle produce and a small 
quantity of inferior tin are brought down from the interior, and silk garments, 
woven in the town, are exported to Kelantan and Trengganu, being of better 
quality than the rather shoddy goods manufactured in these places ; but the 
staple industries are the curing of salt-fish and the manufacture of salt in brine 



pits on the coast. The crude salt is carried, chiefly to Kelantan but also to 
Trengganu and Senggora, in flat-bottomed sailing barges of five or six tons 
burden. A steamer called about once in five weeks on its way to Singapore, 
and as often on its way to Bangkok, during the first half of 1901, but it was 
discontinued later, and we are not aware in what way communication of the 
kind is now kept up. 

Leaving Chinamen out of account, the population of Patani town is chiefly 
Malay, and those Siamese who live there belong largely to the official class and 
are not natives of Lower Siam. The Chinamen, however, have a large pro¬ 
portion of Siamese blood in their veins, and it is probable that half of them are 
really half-breeds. There must have been a considerable Bugis element at one 
time, and Anderson* states that in the seventeenth century there were many 
Japanese traders settled at Patani. When we reached Patani most of the shops 
in the Malay quarter were in the hands of Malays, hut later in the same year 
a sudden irruption of Arabs and Tamils took place, who occupied many of 
them. The immigrants apparently came from Singapore. It is difficult to 
estimate the population of the town with any approach to accuracy, but, 
excluding the surrounding hamlets, it may reach the total of about five thousand, 
while the remainder of the state probably supports five or six times that 
number of people. 

During the nine months of our stay in the Patani States (April to December, 
1901), Patani was practically our headquarters, and we spent, in the aggregate, 
many weeks in the town, to which one of us returned for a brief visit in May, 
1902. We collected a considerable proportion of our ethnographical collection 
here, and one of us conducted investigations, with interesting results, into the 
customs and beliefs of the fishermen, * 1 * 

Our zoological work at Patani was chiefly marine, and in Patani Bay we 
obtained several species of sea-snake, including the anomalous Thalassopbis 
annandalel , only known from this locality, and the rare Distira wrayu We 
also took surface tow-nettings at different hours of the day and night, and 
Mr. Andrew Scott tells us that they include representatives of a new family 
of Copepoda. The 4 porter ’ crab, Dorippe facckim , which lies in the mud 
clasping a sea anemone to its back by means of modified ambulatory claws, 
was taken in shallow water, and we noted that a specimen from which the 
anemone had been forcibly removed seized hold of a Rhizostomous medusa, 
which had been accidentally placed in a jar with it, and carried it in the same 
position. When the anemone from another individual was placed in the jar, 
the crab dropped the medusa and snatched up the anemone. 

I. English Intercourse <with Siam in the Seventeenth Century. London, 1890, pp, +2-4+. 

i- Fasciculi Matayenses — Anthropology^ part. 1. 



JujuL A large Malay fishing village on the east bank of the Patani River 
at its mouth. We obtained some specimens of fishing apparatus there. 

Kampong Uban Tras. A Malay village, some eighteen miles above Patani, 
where one of us collected some zoologiail specimens. 


The state of Jalor has an area about three times greater than that of 
Patani, from the northern third of which it is separated by the Patani River. 
The Patani River also separates it to the east from Rhaman, which bends 
round to the south so as to march with it on this border too ; it marches with 
Tibaw to the west, and with Nawngchik to the north. The revenue of the state, 
owing largely to the amount of opium consumed in it, is larger than that of 
any other of the Seven Provinces, or, as the Malays call them, the ‘Seven 
Fruit of Countries 1 ( Tujoh Buab Negri). The northern half is rather thickly 
populated, partly by Malays and partly by Siamese; that is to say, by 
Mahommedans and by Buddhists, for we can find very little difference, except 
that of religion, between the two peoples in Jalor. South of Petal there is 
much primaeval jungle, and the tin mines, which are the largest in the 
Division, occupy only a small area, being, compared to those of South Perak > 
small and unproductive. A considerable proportion of our time was spent in 
Jalor, and we made two journeys through the southern half of the state to the 
Rhaman border or Its vicinity. 

Biserat. Rise rat, which is known to the Siamese as Ta Sap, has been 
the Siamese headquarters in Jalor for some years, and the Malay Raja, whose 
residence is at Kampong Jalor, some miles away from the river, has lately 
been persuaded to take up his abode in a house on the outskirts of the 
village. The population is considerable, consisting almost entirely of Siamese 
officials and their families and of Chinamen and Chinese half-castes engaged 
in river transport or petty trade. At the time of our visits all the houses 
were of a flimsy nature, being built chiefly of bamboo and palm-thatch ; the 
largest was the old government offices, one wing of which was assigned to us 
by the Commissioner, as they were being replaced by more substantial timber 
buildings r among these a telephone station m direct communication with 
Senggora, Patani, and Kota Bharu (the chief place in Rhaman), which is also 
connected with Biserat by a good track. 

The country round Biserat consists of a large and fertile plain, most of 
which is in use as rice-field or orchard, and the only jungle that remains in 
the district is that on two limestone hills, called Bukit Tapang and Bukit 
Bayu, which rise abruptly from the midst of swamps behind the village. Their 



sides are more or less precipitous at all points, in many places so much so 
that there is no lodgement for soil, and vertical crags are exposed. Thus the 
hills, though they are certainly not more than about six hundred feet in 
height, have a massive and solid appearance, belied by the fact that they are 
penetrated in all directions by natural tunnels, which here and there expand 
into lofty domed chambers of considerable extent. Bukit Tapang and Rukit 
Bayu, in fact, are precisely similar in geological formation to many hills and 
islands on both sides of the Malay Peninsula. The stone of which they are 
formed is highly crystalline and has been exposed to metamorphic action of a 
kind that leaves little hope of the discovery in it of organic remains. It is 
evident that they represent the ancient land surface, now much eroded, through 
which the central range of plutonic rock has been erupted. In certain places, 
especially in the neighbourhood of Kampong Jalor and Tanjong Luar, the 
two formations meet and become confused together in a very curious way, and 
in such localities metalliferous veins appear to be common. 

The fauna of Bukit Tapang and Bukit Bayu may be divided into two 
distinct sections, one of which is found on the exterior, while the other inhabits 
the caves. The former is prolific, for the vegetation that grows in the scanty 
soil which covers the limestone is more luxurious than might be expected from 
the rapidity with which the ground dries up after rain, and rich vegetation 
always means a rich fauna. It is noteworthy, however, that the fauna of these 
hills is by no means so characteristic, to all appearance, as the flora, which 
differs, on the one hand, from that found on granite mountains like Bukit 
Besar, and, on the other, from that which covers marine or semi-marine cliffs 
like those of Chau Mai or the islands of the Taleh Sap. Speaking generally, 
while the number of tall trees, epiphytes, and ferns is smaller than it would be 
in the former situation, the number of fleshy-leaved or fleshy-stemmed species 
is smaller than in the latter. The animals are mostly those found in the plains, 
though certain species, for example, the Malay serow, or 1 kambing gurun ’ 
[Nemorhaedus swettenbamt ), do not occur on level ground. This antelope, 
the only one that penetrates down into Malaya, is especially common 
on limestone hills of the kind, taking shelter from the rain in the caves; but It 
also abounds on Bukit Besar. The avi fauna is not particularly noteworthy ; 
an ant thrush ( Pitta tyampterd) becomes common at the base of the cliffs in 
November, and is partly responsible for the heaps of broken snail shells at the 
mouths of the caves, but a species of Myiophonevs , whose cry wc frequently 
heard, probably contributes its share, for on a previous visit one of us collected 
a young specimen in just such a place on Bukit Tapang. Insects are rather scarce, 
but in some patches of jungle the tailor ant [Qecophylla smaragdind) is so abundant, 



and so vicious, that passage through the thorny undergrowth is difficult. A 
careful search would probably reveal a large molluscan fauna, always rich 
on limestone, but we were unfortunate in this respect in the dryness of 
the year, which probably caused the majority of the species to disappear into 
the earth. As a member of the ‘Skeat 1 Expedition one of us took on Bukit 
Tapang several new slugs of the brilliantly coloured and peculiar genus Atopos y as 
well as a very curious snail, Rh'to stoma jalorensis , Sykes, which has a shell that 
looks as if it had become partially uncurled and had then been joined together 
by a tubular bridge running between two whorls. Its operculum is also peculiar, 
being very thick and fitting into the shell with a regular spiral screw, probably 
as a protection against the evaporation of moisture, as the species is found, at 
any rate in dry weather, buried in leaf mould, only dead and eroded shells 
occurring on the surface of the ground, where they are very common in certain 

The cave fauna is mainly interesting because it is not a true cave fauna in 
the sense that that of the Mammoth Cave of Kentucky is one, probably because 
the Jalor caves, though they penetrate into the hills for a considerable distance, 
are not uniformly dark throughout, the roof having fallen in in many places 
and so permitted light and moisture to enter, and with them the fauna of the 
outside world. Nevertheless, there are several species found in the darker 
parts of the caves which are, at any rate, very rare elsewhere, notably the so- 
called * moon snake,’ Coluber taeniurus y which, however, is not so common as 
in the caves of Selangor. A very large whip-spider, Stygophrynus cerberus , 
Simon, is extremely abundant on the walls, and a wingless grasshopper belonging 
to the family Stenapelmatidae is even more so. The latter has extremely long 
antennae, one of which is longer and stouter 1 than the other, and the 
whip-spider’s first pair of legs, which it carries crossed over its back, are even 
longer than those of some of its allies, largely taking the place of eyes, though 
these organs, which would appear to be useless to the animal, are well developed 
even as regards their internal structure. Certain Isopods, found under stones 
in the caves, may possibly have degenerate eyes, but they have not yet been 

We stayed at Biserat for some weeks in June, July, October, and 
November, 1902, and there obtained a considerable proportion of our anthropo- 
metrical data regarding the Malayo-Siamese, as we have thought it best to call 
the very mixed indigenous population of the Patent States. Our subjects were 
partly prisoners in the jail and partly inhabitants of the neighbouring hamlets. 
We also made large zoological collections in the neighbourhood, and, as 
regards insects, were particularly fortunate because of two events, viz., the 

. Detailed measurements show that this is usually, but not invariably, the left anteona.—N,A, 



discovery in ati accessible position of a flowering shrub which attracted enormous 
numbers of beetles and other insects not elsewhere obtained, and, secondly, 
the arrival of the High Commissioner with a large train of elephants, which 
were followed or accompanied by some interesting beetles of the genus Heliocopris. 
The situation of the house in which we stayed, in an open space surrounded by 
orchards, proved attractive to moths, of which large numbers were taken round 
our lamp in the evenings. Several species of Diptera belonging to the family 
Celypbidae were collected, together with a Phytophagous beetle which some of 
them resembled very closely, as well as a number of ant-like spiders {Atndai) % 
in some cases with their specific ‘models.' 

On each occasion we came to Biserat by boat from Patani—a dull and 
tiresome two days’ journey, for the boat, a large flat-bottomed punt with a 
low-roofed cabin amidships, a small kitchen behind and a sloping platform for 
the polers in front, kept constantly sticking on a snag or sand bank. The 
river is so shallow and the currents are so variable that no steersman can know 
it intimately from one month to the next. The country on both banks is 
tame, covered with a succession of Malay and Siamese villages, which are 
separated from one another by patches of secondary growth and clumps of 
bamboo. The only interesting feature of the journey is the Sungei Bharu or 
* New River,’ a canal cut across a bend of the river by a late raja of Patani* 
who wished at one stroke to shorten the journey from the interior to his 
capital, to bring more water into the river which reached the sea through his 
territory, and to deprive the governor of Nawngchik of the revenue accruing 
to him through the passage of goods through his state. All of this the canal 
has performed satisfactorily, 1 and it is a good instance of what can be affected in 
engineering by sheer force of numbers of workmen, though, of course, no great 
difficulty had to he surmounted in its construction. It is about six miles long, 
broad enough for two house-boats to pass one another with some difficulty, 
and very fairly straight. 

Bayu. A village of indigenous Siamese about two miles from Biserat, 
from which it is separated by a stretch of level ground and then hy Bukit 
Bayu. The village is surrounded with large orchards, especially of durian 
trees, which prove most attractive to the giant squirrel, Ratufa bicolor y when 
in fruit. It is separated from a considerable Buddhist monastery by a winding 
lake which occupies the hollow at the base of the cliff*, immediately below 
which the monastery buildings have been erected. The monks have charge 
of a cave a little above their residence in which, about a century ago, a Chinese 
governor of Senggora on tour through the Seven Provinces caused a colossal 
recumbent statue of Buddha to be built. Since then many other figures of 

i. Bui the Siame« did not permit him to levy toll* at both end* of the canal, a* he wished to do. 

FA SCIC t MA L A Y: iTtmiRA R Y. 



inferior size, hut still gigantic, have been set up round it, and the cave is 
regarded as being sacred by Malays and Siamese alike. 

We paid several visits to Bayu to measure the people, who were of the 
Siamese type normal in Jalor, many of them having wavy hair. From the 
lake we obtained specimens of a freshwater sponge and a freshwater Polyzoon, 

Bendang Stab , An important village, partly Chinese and partly Siamese, 
a full day’s journey, going down stream, above Biserat. Its importance lies 
in the fact that it is the point of embarkation of the tin from the Jalor mines, 
with which it is in constant communication by means of elephants and pack 
buffaloes, which we did not see elsewhere in the Patani States. We made no 
collections at this place, but spent a very uncomfortable night, tormented by 
minute Acari, in a Chinese house m the village, on our way from Tanjong 
Luar to Biserat. 

Kampong Jalor . This village, which is marked as Raja Jalor on some 
maps, was until recently the most important in the state, being the residence of 
the raja at a date when the Siamese rule was merely nominal. It is still a 
considerable Malay centre, and its most important feature is the raja’s com¬ 
pound, in which there is a large balei , or audience hall, built of flimsy materials 
and now much dilapidated, and reported to have been constructed at the cost of 
$40, It contains the raja's insignia, which consist of a large drum, made of 
a hollow palm-trunk, and a huge wickerwork torch-holder. The village itself 
is dirty and crowded, and its inhabitants, very few of whom are Siamese, are 
mostly opium-smokers, many of them being employed in connexion with the 
raja’s elephants, and all elephant mahouts, it is commonly said, being addicted 
to this habit. Few, however, indulge to excess, the majority merely taking a 
pipe m the morning and another at night; it appears to do them little harm 
so long as they can get their two pipes a day, but if this is impossible for a 
single day they become very weak and miserable. The opium monopoly in 
the village was held at the time of our visit by a Chinaman who had married 
a Siamese woman notorious as a witch who kept familiar spirits. She had 
originally been married to a member of the raja’s family, being the daughter 
of a Bangkok noble, but several husbands had divorced her in succession, 
because of her reputation in respect of black magic. 

The country round Kampong Jalor resembles that round Biserat, from 
which it is some five miles distant, but the limestone hills are rather higher and 
occur in close proximity to granite outcrops, on which vegetation is extremely 
scanty. The mammalian fauna is richer, owing to the neighbourhood of 
extensive tracts of jungle, and a number of species were brought us by the 
Malays, who appeared to be rather better jungle men than in some parts of the 



Patani States* Among these was the type of a new species of civet cat, 
Paradoxurus minor . We also obtained, chiefly from the same source, several 
interesting reptiles, including a new tortoise of considerable size, Cyclemys 
annandalii , and a new snake, Dtpsadomotpbus pallidus. As heavy rain fell during 
the greater part of our stay at Kampong Jalor, we were able to do very little 
collecting ourselves, but we were fully occupied in preserving the specimens 
brought to us and in anthropological work. With the rains came numerous 
wading birds, which had hitherto been absent or scarce, including several species 
of heron and at least two of stork. Vultures of two species were very abundant, 
and specimens were obtained of both. The Siamese Commissioner had 
caused a house to be built for us outside the village, but it had been erected 
on an abandoned rice-field on which dead cattle and dogs had formerly been 
cast out, and the remains of these, and of the animals we had skinned, proved 
most attractive to the vultures, which sat on the ground in rows, often too 
fully gorged to fly, within sight of our verandah. 

As regards anthropology, we obtained a considerable series of anthropo¬ 
rn etrical data, but not so large a one as we desired, owing to a rumour, spread 
we know not how, that we were measuring people in order to enlist them 
against their will in the white men’s army. A large collection of ethnographical 
specimens were made, and much information concerning native beliefs and 
customs obtained. The specimens included some very fine neoliths, which 
were preserved as charms against lightning and as hones for the artificial spurs 
which were formerly attached to the legs of fighting cocks but are now 

We stayed at Kampong Jalor in October and November, 1901, arriving 
from Biserat, and starting from the former village for our trip to the Rhaman 
border. Between Biserat and Jalor there is a road which is fairly good in 
dry weather, except that most of the planks in the bridges spanning the 
numerous runnels of water which traverse it have been stolen ; during the 
rains the road becomes mostly mud, though cattle and elephants are warned 
off it by means of elaborate signs, such as a model of the elephant* hobbles 
used in the country, suspended across the track or from a pole set up at 
its side. 

Mabek * A small community of Malays in the interior of Jalor, situated 
near the point where the fauna and flora commence to take on a true jungle 
character, which is practically absent, except on Bukit Besar, northwards 
towards the sea. We noticed a very marked difference between the fauna of 
this place and that of the country round Biserat, especially as regards the 
dragon flies, which were more numerous here than at any other collecting 



station, in species and individuals. Among mammals* a gibbon was common, 
and we obtained a specimen of the monkey Presbytes (Semnopithecus) femora Its^ 
which seemed to replace the common P. obscurus. Several specimens of the 
rare porcupine, Hystrtxgtout, were brought us by the natives. 

Our object in visiting Mabek was to meet a small tribe of Semangs, 
calling themselves Hami or 4 Men/ whose Malay lord resided there. In 
this we were, so far, successful, for we saw and talked with five adults and 
obtained from them several interesting ethnographical specimens, as well as 
taking measurements and photographs of them, but their master was afraid 
that we intended to kidnap them and so hindered us from seeing as much of 
them as we desired. At the same time, he arranged that the people of the 
village should refuse to sell us supplies, so that we could obtain little to eat. 
The Hami are probably of purer Semang stock than the Semin of Upper Perak. 

Petai. A small Malay village some miles north of Mabek. Here we 
spent a night on the way to Tanjong Luar, incidentally obtaining some 
curious information regarding the Malay belief in familiar spirits and witches. 

Tanjong Luar. Tanjong Luar is a small Malay hamlet only separated 
by the Sungei Groh, a tributary of the Fatani, from the Siamese community 
of Ban Kassot ; but as the Sungei Groh also forms the boundary between 
Jalor and Rhaman, the two hamlets, or rather quarters of the village, are in 
different states, Ban Kassot being on the Rhaman and Kampong Tanjong 
Luar on the Jalor bank. The two together contain some fifteen to twenty 
houses, whose inhabitants, being too lazy to practice artificial irrigation, 
cultivate hill rice (which needs no such aid for its growth), maize and bananas in 
small clearings often some little distance from the village, living during part of 
the year in their plantations. The scenery in the surrounding country is 
mao-nificent. The bold outlines of the limestone hills, which are several 


times higher than those near Biserat, the whiteness of the exposed cliffs, and 
the luxuriance of the vegetation at their base afford a series of contrasts very 
grateful in Malaya. At one point a stream makes its way through a lofty 
tunnel in a marble crag, and the hills, if the natives 1 stories be true, are full of 
splendid caves. We were invited by the Luang Chin, or head of the Chinese 
community in Patani, to visit a tin mine which he owned in the neighbour¬ 
hood, having first been warned of the precautions we must take not to scare 
away the tin spirit. In forming the mine, which is probably the most 
important in the Patani States, the side of a hill has been completely dug 
away, but the Luang Chin told us that it did not now pay to work it to its 
full capacity. He took us to see in the immediate neighbourhood a beautiful 
little valley at the entrance to which a pair of huge rocky pinnacles stood 
sentinel, strangely reminiscent of certain rocks in Switzerland, except that one 



of them was partly covered with Cycads—a family of plants rarely seen in 
numbers in the Patanl States* 

The fauna at Tanjong Luar is that of the central region of the Peninsula* 
especially as regards the but ter flies, the only animals of which we made collections 
there. They congregate in enormous numbers on the Sungei Groh, which is 
very muddy owing to the tin workings higher up, and often settle in patches a 
foot or more square upon the banks. The yellow, red and white species, such 
as dppias nero s Terias and several Pierinae t keeping, as a rule, densely crowded 
and confused together, while the more sombre Euploetdae and their allies 
remain separate, consorting with those Papiltoninae which resemble them in 
coloration, and the large black members of this last family dart from place to 
place, settling to drink alone. 

At the time of our visit the people of the Ban Kassot were being deci¬ 
mated—eight adults out of about forty had died during the preceding month 
—by a disease which closely resembled rapid consumption in its symptoms, 
while the children, almost without exception, appeared to suffer from some¬ 
thing very like tuberculosis of the intestine. The houses of the village were 
unusually small and close, and were built in a little hollow, shadowed by three 
mountains, where the sunshine barely reached. As the people themselves told 
us, they * dwelt in the path of the spirits,’ which were constantly passing from 
one hill to another. This, they agreed, was the cause of their sickness, from 
which the neighbouring hamlets appeared to be free ; indeed, it was only 
here that we experienced in the Patani States any form of disease so rapidly 
or widely fatal as those frequently associated with the tropics, for cholera, 
plague and beri-beri, if they exist in the Division of the Seven Provinces, 
are very rare, while smallpox, though probably endemic in a mild variety, only 
becomes epidemic, virulent and awe-inspiring to the populace at intervals of 
several years. 

We had visited Tanjong Tuar in order to meet a tribe of Semangs, who 
were said at that time (November, 1901) to have taken up their abode for 
the rains in certain caves, for we had heard that their * herdsman * or guardian 
was the Siamese Nai-ban of Ban Kassot, and although we failed in this project, 
our three days’ journey from Kampong Jalor—much of it through flooded 
rice-fields in which the horse leeches were uncomfortably common—was richly 
rewarded by the acquisition of an authentic Semang calvaria, which we found 
lying at the base of a cliff where the rest of the body had been completely 
devoured by porcupines, and of an almost complete skeleton of the same race, 
procured for us from a cave, in which the corpse had become partially mummified, 
by the medicine-man, or mor t of the village. The Nai-ban, herdsman of 

FA SC 1C: MA LA Y: t T INF. It A Ry 

View at NawngchUt town, with Bukit Besar in the distance 



the t Sakais,’ and his friends allowed us to loot their houses in our 
search for ethnographical specimens, which we did with great satisfaction 
both to them and to ourselves, having some difficulty in persuading them 
to accept the remuneration that we considered fair, but they regarded as 
altogether extravagant. Altogether we spent nearly a week in this neigh¬ 
bourhood, where we had the opportunity of inspecting the preliminaries of 
an indigenous Siamese funeral, as well as obtaining some interesting speci¬ 


The state of Nawngchik lies between Jalor and the sea, marching with 
Patarii to the East and with Tibaw on the other side. Its area is about a 
third greater than that of Patani. Seen from the flank of the mountain 
Bukit Besar, the greater part of the state is covered with low brushwood, and 
little thick jungle remains. The population in a few localities is, however, 
dense, and there are open plains on which a large number of cattle are 
pastured. We paid three visits to Nawngchik, staying for some weeks at a 
time on two occasions, and a considerable part of our zoological, anthropo- 
metrical and ethnographical data were obtained in the state, as the conditions 
were favourable in all cases. 

Nawngchik town t called Tojan by the Malays, is situated on a branch of 
the Patani which was formerly the chief effluent of that river ; it lies about 
two miles from the sea, and about six from Patani town, with which it is 
connected by a sandy track and a ferry. A wooden bridge also serves for 
foot-passengers across the Nawngchik River, but is too weak to support an 
elephant ; the only vehicular traffic in the neighbourhood is conducted in 
Japanese ’rickshas, which have been introduced into Patani and are occasion¬ 
ally taken to the neighbouring places. The population of Nawngchik town 
cannot exceed two thousand, consisting very largely of indigenous Siamese, 
though there is a considerable Chinese element. The place is the headquarters 
of the governor, who is also recognised as raja or phya . Much of the 
surrounding country is waste ground, covered with short grass and clumps of 
bushes, among the roots of which the orchid, Phalanopsis esmeraldae\ is very 
common and reaches a magnificent development, differing from most orchids 
in preferring to grow in almost pure sand. 

We were detained at Nawngchik for about ten days in December, 1901, 
waiting for elephants to take our baggage to Senggora. There were extensive 
floods at that time in the neighbourhood, and we were forced at last to leave 

1. Malay children in this district call it hajt naiHuJa (pilgrims on horseback), owing to the shape of the flowers, 
but its common name is fiiang mu mug (civet cat's banana), owing to a belief that civet cats eat the fruit. 



in dug-outs, which took us and our belongings in a ditch to within a few miles of 
Anak Bukit (where we obtained elephants and porters with considerable 
difficulty. During our enforced stay we occupied a pavilion used by the raja 
as a grand stand when bull-fights were in progress. We shared the place 
with a caretaker, who spent his time in breeding fighting fish—an illegal way of 
encouraging gambling. The only zoological specimens collected were birds, 
among which were examples of the Indian roller, not hitherto been recorded 
from the Malay Peninsula, though it is common enough in December in the 
coast region of the Patani States. The most important acquisition, however, 
was a series of native Siamese skulls, which were obtained from trees near the 
town, a recrudescence of f tree-burial —a primitive custom now officially 
obsolete and utterly illegal in Lower Sianv—having recently taken place. 

Kampong Anak Bukit . A small Malay and Siamese village, about ten 
miles from Nawngchik, which has become important as a government station 
and as the point where the telephone and telegraph lines from Patani to 
Senggora and to Jalor and Rhaman diverge. The scenery between this point 
and the Tibaw River is remarkable, reminding one of us of parts of Queens¬ 
land. Immediately along the coast is a narrow belt more or less sparsely 
covered with casuarinas and Pandani \ above this are wide plains, overgrown 
with coarse grass, which is usually low but occasionally grows as tall as a 
man, and, dividing the plains at intervals, stand straight rows of 1 trap’ 1 trees 
which closely resemble the t\ trees ( Melanofeuca ) of Australia, having 
conspicuous white bark (out of which the cattle-drovers of these parts some¬ 
times make the walls of their houses) and small foliage not unlike that of a 
birch. Behind these plains thick jungle, abounding in palms, occurs. Anak 
Bukit means the 4 child ofthe hill', and the village has gained a name from its 
proximity to Bukit Besar, 

We stayed at Anak Bukit for a night on two occasions in [901, 
passing through the village on others and collecting a certain number of birds 
and insects. On our first visit, in April, when the country was very parched, 
one of us found the remains of a freshwater sponge, which was suspended, 
high and dry, but full of gem mules, from the stem of a creeper overhanging 
the bed of a torrent. 

Bukit Be$ar y the ( Great Hill,’ also called Gunong Negiri, Is a mountain 
approximately 3,500 feet high, on the borders of Nawngchik, Jalor and Tibaw. 
It is a very conspicuous feature in the landscape of the coast region, 
for it rises abruptly from the plain on three sides, being quite isolated 
except for a subsidiary range of no great height, with which it appears to be 
connected towards the west or north-west. Its formation is granitic, with 

1. It it probable that this name it given to different trees in different parts of the Peninsula, 


Jungle on Bukit Besar* Nawngcbik* 



stanniferous veins in the rock, and its flanks are strewn with large granite 
boulders. Towards the south it is very steep, with curious gaps and caverns, 
but the northern slope, with which we are best acquainted, is gradual. On 
this side a large area has been cleared, reaching as high as about a thousand 
feet, but most of it is now overgrown with secondary growth, and, above, the 
jungle is virgin, except for an old clearing, at about 2,500 feet, which was 
orginally made by tin prospectors, but afterwards occupied as a place of 
retreat by the monks of a Buddhist monastery at Sai Kau. 

This clearing, in which we stayed, is overgrown with long grass, brush¬ 
wood and wild bananas ; the plate of jungle on Bukit Besar gives a good idea 
of the vegetation both in such deserted clearings and in the ancient jungle 
surrounding them, but the small trees in the foreground are durian trees, which 
the monks have planted. On the lower slopes of the mountain the trees are 
high, with slender trunks, which are usually almost free of epiphytes, though 
ferns and orchids abound on the tree-tops. Above 3,000 feet bamboo thickets 
are common, while about 300 feet below the peak a sudden and complete 
change takes place in the flora, the trees becoming low and stunted, and their 
trunks being wreathed m moss, lichen, ferns, orchids and other epiphytes, 
among which we were surprised not to see a single pitcher plant. The ground 
orchid, Annectochilus , is abundant among the undergrowth, growing where 
there is a thin layer of soil over rock, and the summits of some of the large 
boulders in the jungle are buried in ferns and in the foliage and blossoms of 
a white-flowered orchid belonging to the genus Calantbe. Comparatively few 
of the tree orchids have conspicuous flowers, but a certain number were very 
beautiful, while the large seed-vessels of others, which scattered an im pal able 
powder of seed at a touch, showed that the blossoms had not been small. 
Two forms of vegetation may be mentioned as being connected with the 
fauna in a very special way, viz., (1) the gingerworts and wild bananas, and (2) 
certain forest trees, the trunks of which are strengthened by the outgrowth 
of laterally projecting buttresses at their base. Occasionally these buttresses 
coalesce at their free extremity, thus forming cavities in which dead leaves and 
rain water collect, and when this occurs, a regular microcosmos is the result^ 
Between the buttresses of one such tree, in the water or on its surface, the 
following species were taken : — the lizard, Gonatodes affinis , which sought 
shelter in the water when disturbed ; the snake, Tropidonotus cbrysargu$> 
feeding on the spawn of the frog, Ixalus borrtdus ; the water bug, 
Rhagovelta insignis , which covered the surface in a little cloud and was not 
seen on any pool or stream in the neighbourhood ; the larva of a dragon fly ; 
the pupa and adult of a Tipulid, and the larvae of several other Diptera and 



beetles. Of these the frog is probably peculiar to this habitat, while the same 
is possibly true of the bug. The broad leaves of the gingerworts and 
bananas also have their peculiar fauna. Many species of insects—including the 
members of a peculiar Dipterous family {Diopsidae) y which, in the Malay 
Peninsula at any rate, are rarely found apart from these plants — delight to run 
about on and to hover over their surface, and others conceal themselves during 
the day in the funnels formed by the young leaves; while the so-called flying 
gecko, Ptyehozoon homocepbalum , not infrequently chooses the lower surface 
of the adult leaves on which to lay its eggs. 

The larger mammals are scarce on Bukit Besar, but we often heard the 
curious cry of the male serow, Nemorhaedus swettenbami — something between 
a bleat and a bark — and the still stranger call of the muntjac ( Cet'vulus 
muntjae)) which is a regular roar. One night our slumbers were disturbed 
by the yelping of a pack of hunting dogs { Cyon ) and by the growls of a pair 
of tigers which wandered round our hut; while traces of the Malay bear 
(Ursus malayanus ) and wild pig were abundant. Among rodents we took 
specimens of six kinds of squirrels, and saw a family of a seventh, namely 
the variable species, Sciurus finiaysoni. Of those actually collected, two, 
Sc. robinsom and the ground squirrel, Funambulus insignis jalorensis , were new, 
and we also obtained two new rats, Mus bukit and M. ja/orettsis. The birds 
were neither numerous nor peculiar, though many of them had exquisite 
plumage ; only a few, probably owing to the isolated position of Bukit Besar, 
belonged to the true mountain fauna of the Peninsula. The reptiles and 
frogs were mostly arboreal forms, and therefore difficult to collect or even see ; 
but we obtained two new frogs, Ixalus horridus and Rbacophorus robinsoni y and 
some interesting lizards, including the peculiar horned species Acantbosaurus 
armata , and also Dibamus novae-guimae — the only representative of a family not 
hitherto recorded from the mainland of Asia. Insect life was rich, but not so 
rich as in 1899, which was a very much wetter' year ; we had opportunities 
both of collecting and also of photographing and observing, under natural 
conditions, a number of interesting forms, including the marvellous flower 
mantis, Hymenopus bicorn is> the white and pink * varieties * of which were proved 
to be mere phases in the life history, as Shelford believes, while a third phase, 
of a pinkish coifee-colour, was noted in connection with the flower of a 
creeper. We were not so fortunate as to obtain specimens of the Peripatus 
discovered on Bukit Besar by the ‘ Skeat * expedition. 

1. It is possible that the annual rainfall in the Fatani States is fairly uniform, hut that its distribution through 
the months differs considerably from year to year. In *899 there was almost daily rain between April and the end 
of what would be the summer b Europe, In 1901, a more or less sustained drought prevailed during this period in 
the plains, while thunderstorms were Jess numerous and violent on the hill*. Neither year was considered extra¬ 
ct* inary by the natives, who expect a heavy rainfall a:d high winds in the latter end of November, in December and 
January, and a short period of calm, dry weather in March and the beginning of April, 



We lived on the mountain, for three weeks in April and May and a 
fortnight in August and September, in a little hut of branches and palm 
leaves, tied together with the stems of creepers, which our coolies practically 
built for us in the course of about two hours, and we had also a photographic 
dark room, constructed over a clear mountain stream, and a stage for drying 
specimens erected in the clearing. But for the dampness, due rather to a fine 
mist, which the sun never wholly dissipated, than to rain, for consequent 
attacks of violent toothache, for the parasite to which one of us has already 
alluded, and for land leeches, which were most unpleasantly abundant, we were 
very comfortable, as the Malays of Sai Kau brought us up provisions, which 
they sold to the cook for ridiculously small prices, almost every other day. 
They also brought little bamboo tubes full of specimens which they 
had collected during the ascent, and Siamese pig-hunters often visited us with 
similar wares, so that we saw a good deal of the natives even on the mountain. 
So far as we could discover, there are now no aborigines living on Bukit 
Besar, though it is quite possible that the stories of spirits with which our 
men were regaled on their return to the plains were due to the presence of 
some particular shy and retiring tribe, which may or may not be extinct. 

Ban Sai Kau , sometimes called Kampong Pasir Puteh by the Malays 
(both names meaning * the village of white sand ’), is a large village, or rather 
collection of hamlets, with about six hundred inhabitants, and lies immediately 
below Bukit Besar. The population is almost equally divided between 
Malays and Siamese, the two ( peoples 1 here, as in Jalor, being more 
accurately described as the followers of Buddha and Mahommed respectively. 
They do not, however, occupy the same hamlets, for every small group of 
houses is hidden in a grove of cocoanut and areca palms and other fruit 
trees, and separated by extensive rice-fields from its neighbours. Many 
cattle and buffaloes are also pastured in the neighbourhood, and the people, 
though very poor, are well able to live in comfort on the products of their 
fields, orchards and poultry, the sale of their cattle, many of which are sent 
over into Perak and Kedah, providing them with such luxuries as they desire. 
In type they differ somewhat from the Malayo-Siamese of Jalor, the common 
occurrence among them of wavy hair, a dark complexion and a very broad 
nose probably pointing to Semang blood, while it is possible that there has 
been less mixture with Chinamen or true Siamese. Their customs and 
education are very primitive, though Malay boys are invariably taught to 
read the Koran—often without understanding what they read'—'in Arabic, 
and we found that the majority of them could not count above ten, so that a 
purely concrete system of decimal arithmetic had to be used in our monetary 



dealings, every ten cents being placed by itself in a little heap, and the different 
heaps being again combined in tens to form dollars. An interesting feat are 
of their culture was the fact that they displayed a far greater tendency, 
possibly inherited from Semang ancestors, to decorate bamboo articles with 
engraved patterns than their Malayo-Siamese neighbours, though their patterns 
were of a more regular and elaborate character than those common among the 
wild tribes of the Peninsula. Their cloth, on the other hand, was very 
coarse, only three kinds of dye — the bark of the jack-fruit tree {Artocarpus 
integrifolia ), the wood of a species of acacia and an indigo- — being at all 
commonly employed, and checks being the only type of pattern as a rule 
attempted. Unlike most of the Malayo-Stamese, however, they grew a 
proportion of the cotton they used, and many of their spindles and other 
implements were finely carved, while the stands of their cotton-winders were 
often ornamented in a very tasteful way with a combination of carving and 
painting in simple colours. The everyday language of Mahommedans, as 
well as Buddhists, was a dialect of Siamese, but all the older Mahommedan 
men, and most of the younger ones, could also speak Malay. 

The country round Sai Kau is not particularly interesting, except towards 
the mountain , and the greater part of our work there was anthropological. We 
obtained large ethnographical collections during the two visits we paid, one in 
May, when we stayed for about a week, and one in September, when our sojourn 
was rather longer. A number of people were measured, photographs were taken 
and two skeletons of murdered persons were procured, for it is not very 
difficult to carry off the remains of those whose violent death has caused 
their ghosts, which follow the remains, to be a menace to the neighbours. 



The state of Jhering lies between Patani and Telubin, which we did not 
visit, and the most direct route from the interior of Rhaman to the coast 
runs through it. Although its area is considerably larger than that of.Patani, 
the proportion inhabited is very much smaller, for the interior of the country, 
according to all accounts, consists chiefly of swamps and morasses, in which 
the Jambu River, which appears to have been at one time connected 
with the Patani, now loses itself. The population is chiefly Malay, being 
almost entirely occupied in fishing and salting fish, but we heard persistent 
rumours of the existence of a large Siamese village, peopled by the descendants 
of former invaders, and the rajas of the state are of true Siamese origin, 
though now Mahommedans. 



Jambu The capital of Jhering was probably the most thoroughly Malay 
place we visited in the Malay Peninsula, for it was of sufficient size, on the 
one hand, to be something of a centre for local traffic, and too insignificant, 
on the other, to be attractive even to Chinese traders, while Siamese influence 
appeared in 1901 less obvious than in other places in the Patani States. It 
is probable, from what one of us heard in Patani in 1902, that considerable 
external changes have since taken place in the town. In the summer of the 
previous year the place certainly had not more than 2,000 inhabitants, the 
great majority of whom were Malays, and the only building of any solidity 
was the mosque, which betrayed strong traces of Chinese design. A number 
of Malay rajas had houses in the town, for the place enjoyed the reputation 
of being very healthy, probably on account of the sea breezes which reach it 
through the odoriferous casuarina woods ; but these ‘ palaces' were built for 
the most part of bamboo and palm thatch, though the size of some of them was 
considerable. One, assigned to us as a lodging, belonged to the Raja Mudah of 
Rhaman, at that date (June, 1901) a fugitive from justice, and was extremely 
commodious and cool, our quarters consisting of a large central hall, a room 
of the same width at the entrance for our followers, and a bedroom behind 
for ourselves. There was a well of good water inside the house, and the only 
objection to the place, according to the Malays, was that it was haunted by a 

The surrounding country consists partly of barren, sandy stretches, 
partly of mangrove swamps, the latter following the course of the river, which 
is little more than a tidal creek, and of the many channels into which it breaks 
up at its mouth. The town lies about a mile and a half from the sea, and 
six miles by road from Patani. 

More extensive traces of the old pagan religion of the Malays exist in 
this neighbourhood than at any other point on the coast which we visited, 
and the worship of spirits is carried on quite openly, whereas it is usually con¬ 
cealed, The custom of * casting away sickness' on little models of ships is 
especially rife, and we were told that a few years ago, when an epidemic of 
smallpox raged throughout the Patani States, many children who were 
attacked by the disease were set adrift on rafts, in order that they might carry 
it away with them out to sea. 

We spent ten days at Jambu, originally visiting it in search of health, as 
we were never well in Patani, probably because of the bad water supply. 
Much of our time was occupied in watching the habits of the ‘ walking Ashes’ 

1. The name ha* been given the town on account of the large numbers of eschew nuts which flourish in the 
tamijr foil of the neighbourhood, for this fruit, as well as the rose-apple, i* called jambu in the Patani dialect of 



{Penopbthalmus and Boleophthabnus) on the mud fiats exposed at low tide. An 
interesting series of these truly amphibious forms was obtained, and a number 
of the specimens have been found by Mr. J. Johnstone to belong to a new 
species, which he has named Pcriopbthalmus pbya . A few ethnographical 
specimens were obtained, as well as the skeleton of a murdered Malay. 

Cape Patani is a narrow sand spit, ranging in breadth from nearly a mile 
to a hundred yards or less, which stretches out to sea for ten miles from the 
south bank of the Jarnbu estuary. Its southern beach is exposed to the open 
sea (the Gulf of Siam), while it protects Pantani Roads to the north, at the 
same time rendering them liable to be silted up. 

No greater contrast could be imagined than that between the jungle on 
Bukit Besar and the vegetation on Cape Patani, for here we have no tropical 
luxuriance, except in the tiny thickets which surround the pools of water that 
well up in the broader parts through the sand, but either woods as open as 
those on the South Coast of England, or scenes as parched and dry as the 
sun-stricken deserts of Somaliland. In the casuarina woods, with their lawn¬ 
like glades, gnarled tree-trunks and absence of undergrowth or epiphytes, 
there is little to tell the eye that one is not in a northern pine-forest, while in 
the sandy wastes round the villages, so hot that a European cannot walk 
barefoot on the sand at midday, the hedges of spurge, Pandanus and prickly 
pear 1 recall a country far other than Malaya. 

As will be readily understood, the fauna of such a locality is peculiar and 
impoverished, though large numbers of cattle and sheep are pastured in the 
woods. Mammals, except otters and the two common monkeys, Pres bytes 
obscurus and Macacus fascicularis> are rare ; we heard stories of an enormous 
red rat which lived among the hedges, but saw neither it nor the civet cat 
which inhabits the woods ; squirrels especially are scarce. Of birds, several 
woodpeckers are common, and a little black-and-white tit is particularly 
characteristic ; the place of sea birds is largely taken by the fishing eagles, 
hawks and ospreys which nest in the highest casuarina trees, swarming on 
the beach wherever fishing operations are in progress. Towards the point, 
however, terns (Sterna sinensis and at least one other species) are fairly 
numerous, as is also a cormorant indistinguishable, except by its small size, from 
the common British species, while at the time of our visit (September and 
October, 1901), enormous numbers of plovers and sandpipers had just arrived 
on migration. The Malays who lived in the fishing villages on the Cape told 
us that, a little later, a bird they called burong lah paid them a visit of a few 
days in large flocks, and was captured for food with nets and snares. Their 

1. Of course introduced ; a species of Opuntia is now not uncommon in the dryer parts of Malaya. 



v in the Casaarina Woods on Cape Patani. 



description of its appearance and habits answered exactly to Pitta cyanoptera, 
which a Patani man later picked out from the whole collection in the Selangor 
State Museum as the burong lab, though this species is known at Jalor as burong 
pacbat; but they said that there were two kinds of burong /ah, one a little larger 
than the other, which did not travel together. 

The insects in this locality are mostly small and inconspicuous, and there 
are few other invertebrates except marine forms. Among these we took, on 
the beach, an Opisthobranch mollusc so closely resembling a seed which 
commonly germinates in sea water that only a very close examination revealed 
its true nature. Indeed, one of us, some argument having arisen about these 
seeds, actually lifted the animal up under the impression that it was one of 

The people living on Cape Patani are all Malays, who appeared to differ 
considerably, especially as regards their narrow face^, from any others we met 
with on the East Coast. Unfortunately, they were unwilling to be measured, 
and we only secured a very small series of physical data ; their hair was 
straight. The nature of the soil makes agriculture impossible for them, but 
their cattle are valuable for export overland to Perak. The sheep are chiefly 
kept to be sacrificed at the shrine of * Toh Panjang/ a Mahommedan saint, 
whose legend has been told by Mr. W. W. Sjceat in his Fables and Folk-tales 
from an Eastern Forest, 

There arc several little fishing villages on the sand-spit, of which Kampong 
Datoh, the seat of the shrine, and KampongTanjongBudi are the most important. 
We stayed at the latter for some days, being literally driven to it by the mos¬ 
quitoes, which rendered life a misery in the camp we had established at 
the edge of the woods on the other side of the Cape. It is difficult, without 
seeming exaggeration, to give any idea of their numbers, and the only con¬ 
solations we had regarding them were that their presence was to some extent 
compensated for by the absence of another plague, namely land leeches, and that 
they included few or no specimens of the malaria-bearing genus Anopheles , 
which appears to have a very local distribution in the Malay Peninsula. 


Our only personal knowledge of this state was obtained during a 
hurried three days 1 journey through it from Senggora to Alor Stah, where 
we stayed one night. We were able, however, to verify one important 
geographical fact bearing on the question of the high level fauna of the 
Peninsula, which differs so completely, at any rate as far as the birds are 
concerned, from the fauna of the plains. There is a very distinct break in 



the main range in Central Kedah, for in crossing from Senggora we neither 
ascended higher than a few hundred feet above sea level, nor did we see a 
single high mountain in the vicinity of the track. This fact is interesting, 
because it has frequently been taken for granted that the mountain fauna of 
Perak, which is not found much below 3,000 feet, has a continuous distribu¬ 
tion with that of the mountains of Northern India, to which it is so nearly 
related ; whereas it is evident, in the light of this observation, that no such 
exact relationship can exist at the present day, unless, as seems improbable, 
the mountain forms are in the habit of migrating across intermediate tracts of 
level ground. In short, it seems that the Malay Peninsula, as our whole 
collection has served to confirm, is connected with India, as regards zoo¬ 
geography, in a degree not much more intimate than that which links it 
to Borneo, though many mainland forms peculiar to the plains have made 
their way south across the Isthmus of Kra. The discovery of an elephant, 
known from the Upper Si wall k beds, also in Nawngchik/ affords definite 
evidence that the Isthmus existed as long ago as late Pliocene or early 
Pleistocene times, and it is more probable that land has sunk beneath the sea 
in this region than that it has risen since the modern fauna came into existence. 1 

The part of Kedah through which we passed was almost covered entirely 
with secondary jungle of no great age; ancient forest did not exist, and villages 
were few and far between. We noted what appeared to be an abrupt change 
in the population as we passed into the state, the coarse, rather flat-faced type, 
common on the East Coast, giving place largely to one with far more refined 
and delicate features, resembling those of the people of South Perak. The 
track across the Peninsula at this latitude has largely fallen into disrepair, but 
is still good at many points. * 

A lor Slab, The modern capital of Kedah is situated some miles up the Kedah 
River from the West Coast of the Peninsula. Though it has not more than 
half-a-dozen European residents, it closely resembles Penang or Singapore in 
outward appearance, having handsome public buildings and private residences, 
a large Chinese and a large Indian quarter. We saw, however, during a walk 
through the town, at least one shop devoted entirely to the manufacture and 
sale of the kris t a weapon which is rapidly becoming obsolete in most parts of 
the Peninsula and is, of course, typically Malay. A daily steamboat service 
exists between Alor Stah and Penang, and there is a large export trade in 
cattle, poultry and fish, among the last being rice-field Silurids, which can be 
carried alive for long distances in wooden tubs with very little water and a 
cover to prevent their escape. 

1, C. W. Andrew*, Fasck* Malay*—Zoology^ Part II, p. 305. 

z. Fossil* of marine origin were found in Central Pat slung by Mr. W. W. Skcat and myself in 1899, which 
Professor McKcnny Hughe* (Report Brit, jitioe*, 1901, p. 414.) regard* a* being of late Carboniferous or Permo- 
Carboniferous .age. N.A. 


T HE map illustrating Fasciculi Malayenses has been prepared by the 
Edinburgh Geographical Institute from the latest surveys of the Malay 
Peninsula, to which we have added the positions* as nearly as it was 
possible to do so, of certain villages in South Perak and the Pa tan i States. 
We are also responsible for the location of the jungle tribes as indicated. 
With regard to spelling, we have chiefly followed that of the large map pub¬ 
lished by Stamford for the Straits Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society, but 
have attempted to standardize such common geographical terms as tanjong 
(Cape), and in a few instances, such as that of c Senggora,’ we have returned to 
an earlier form that seems to give a more accurate rendering of the Malay 
name. For adding an h at the beginning of such words as hulu, we can plead 
no such excuse, but only the custom of Malay writers and scholars. Especially 
in the Patani States, it is often impossible to render native names with any 
degree of accuracy, but we have thought it best to follow a simple mode of 
spelling in such cases, even though it is phonetically inexact, rather than to 
adopt the somewhat complicated symbols used by Mr. W. W. Skeat in 
transliterated local names in this and the adjacent dictricts.’ 

The expenses in connexion with the map have been defrayed out of a 
further grant of £ioo> made by the University of Edinburgh from the 
Earl of Moray Fund, towards the publication of our Reports. 


For Malay ensis (heading) lege, Malay enses. 
For Lampan lege t Lampam. 

For Nwangchik lege , Nawngchik. 

. Prat. ZooL Stc. 1901, pp. 583-586. 






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O Pattai 

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If. Badtla Kaj!u\ 

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Hf .PlHtAe*] 




S E L A n(g 0 R 

r Pans/hafun r Naming 

Bvlu / 

■K. Sabai 

K. Sharp 

P. Barbuki 

,9. Bantu 

>04 for us 

i S. OiHSd 



ikulf qf Knglinh Stwlntr Mili?w 



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J. & filMilljJlIKM 



F.M., Z*>1 



,pt 0^ot«v 1^05. 


A LTHOUGH from so rich a region, it will be seen that our collection of 
mammals embraces only some sixty-four species, of which several are 
represented by unique specimens. This is, perhaps, to be explained by 
the fact that I was only able to devote a small proportion of my time to this group, 
and also because we were not successful in securing the assistance of natives 
who were good jungle men. From time to time we set a very large number 
of traps, but found that the animals, when captured, were frequently either 
removed by small carnivores or else spoilt as specimens by ants. An efficient 
trap which will capture small mammals alive has, apparently, yet to be invented. 
In the districts visited by us I have little doubt, from my own observation, 
that there are a considerable number of small insectivores, shrews and the like, 
as well as a great variety of rats and mice, which can only be obtained by the 
merest accident by a collector who is not prepared to spend the great propor¬ 
tion of his time on the group. The Chiropterous fauna, too, must be very 
extensive, and I may mention that in the limestone caves near Kuala Lumpur 
I obtained, in one morning, twelve species, including the rare Eonyaens spelaea y 
which number could doubtless be increased by systematic collecting, 

I have added to Mr. Bonhote’s paper certain field-notes made by 
Mr. Annan dale or myself, which are distinguished by being placed between 
inverted commas. 

A complete set of all species obtained, including the types of new species, 
has been deposited in the National Collection. 






T HE mammal collection brought home by Messrs. Robinson and An nan- 
dale has, perhaps, tended more to our knowledge of the fauna of the 
Malay Peninsula than any other collection from that district which has 
reached this country of late years. This has not alone been due to the fact that 
the present material has been procured on the modern system, accurate measure¬ 
ments being taken, and the skulls carefully preserved apart from the skins, but 
also because during the last four or five years the 1 Skeat f Expedition and the 
collections of Mr. Lvlb in Siam proper, as well as large collections received in 
America from Dr. W. L. Abbott, had, while adding many facts, opened up 
many interesting points, several of which this collection has enabled us to 
solve. The result is that, although much still remains to be done, the mam¬ 
malian fauna of the Malayan area is as well, or even better, known than that 
of any other part of the Oriental region. 

The present collection contains some sixty-four species, of which eight 
are described as new. The connexion between the Malayan and Bornean 
fauna is shown, apart from species previously noticed as having representative 
forms In both localities, by the discovery of a cat, closely related to Fe/is badia , 
and a small squirrel, related to $. lowii y which I have named after Mr. 
Robinson. A species of Rhinolopbus allied to, but quite distinct from, 
R. affinis is described ; this species has been known for some time, but was 
considered as referable to R . rouxi % Tcmm., which, however, is shown not to 
be the case. It will probably, eventually, be found to occur in Borneo, as 
Mr. Miller has already described another form of it from one of the islands 
in the S. China Sea, under the name R. spadix . 

Four species of Mus are among the novelties j one, Mas annandalei, is a 
very distinct species, especially in its cranial characters, while of the other three 
two belong to the Mus raff us group, and one is allied to Mus jerdonu Owing 
to the large number of species already described from this part of the world, 
the working out of these rats necessitated a very careful examination, as far as 
was possible, of the whole of the rats of the Oriental region, the results 



of which arc incorporated in the present paper, and will, I trust, prove of use 
to future workers. I must here record my thanks to Mr, Gerritt S. Miller, 
of the National Museum at Washington, who very kindly sent me over a 
series of topotypes of several of his recently described species, which have been 
of the greatest assistance. 

Two rare species of bats, whose occurrence on the Peninsula was doubtful, 
have been procured, viz., Cynopicrus ecaudatus and Nycteris javanica , and also 
several specimens of Mr. Miller’s recently described Emballonura peninsularis . 

Several fine adult skulls and skins of the porcupine Hystrix grvtet, Gray, 
hitherto only known from the type, a young specimen, were brought back. 
They are apparently of the same species as that recorded by me in the ‘ Skeat 1 
collection as H. yunnane?isis t which is probably identical with Gray’s species. 
Nemorhoedus swettenbami proves to be a good form distinct from N . 
sumatrensis , and a revision of the Tragulidae , partly brought about by the 
series in this collection, has already been published. In addition to the actual 
specimens, the collectors have made some very interesting field-notes on the 
habits and distribution of several species, which will be found under those 
species to which they refer ; among other points, a difference in the habits of 
Sciurus vittatus and S. mgrovittatus y which are now proved to be perfectly 
distinct species, is noted, and a curious difference between the habits of the 
former species on the East and West Coasts is pointed out. The distribution 
of species on either side of the Peninsula seems likely to be a matter of con¬ 
siderable interest, but at present our knowledge is too limited for any definite 
statements to be made j as a rule, the species on either coast appear to be much 
the same, but their distribution is different; in the case of Funamhulus insignis , 
however, the Eastern form differs from that found on the West Coast. It has 
been found that Linnaeus’ name of cynomolgus , for the common macaque 
could no longer stand, as it applies to an African monkey, probably a baboon, 
and in consequence, Raffles’ name of fasckularis has been used. Mr. Miller 
has been followed in the use of the generic name Pmbytes instead of that of 
Semnopithecus , in accordance with the laws of priority, 

It only remains for me to tender my best thanks to Mr. Oldfield Thomas, 
who has so greatly helped me with his advice and opinion on the difficult points 
which arose during the writing of this paper, 

Hylobates sp. (?) 

‘ We never actually saw a gibbon except doubtfully, at a great distance, 
on Bukit Besar, but we frequently heard them near Mabek, and judging from 
the noise they made they must have been very abundant on the hills round 
the Semangko Pass on the Perak Pahang boundary.’ 



* In Upper Perak it Is believed by the Malays that different species of 
gibbon inhabit the two banks of the Perak River, and this belief is, to some 
extent, bom out by the cries heard by myself (see Anthropology , part I, p. i). 
I was surprised to see a gibbon, a white individual ( H. lar* Linn.), among the 
mangrove swamps at the mouth of the Trang River ; possibly it had escaped 
from captivity, as in the Malay Peninsula the genus Hylobates is usually confined 
to hilly ground covered with bamboos or dense jungle. The Siamese of 
Trang believe that all gibbons are females, being the other sex of the 16 tong 
(j Fresbytes')* which, they say, is always male.’—N.A. 

Macao us nemestrmus (Linn.) 

‘ The u broh " is frequently met with in captivity in the Patani States, but 
it is doubtful if it occurs wild in the districts we visited. It is often trained, 
especially by the Siamese, to pluck the nuts from the cocoanut palms, and 
captive specimens occasionally attain a very large size, but are apt, when full 
grown, to become morose and savage. 

‘This monkey is not uncommon near the villages of Upper Perak, and 
I believe that I have seen at least one troop in South Perak, at Gedjpng. It 
is captured in large numbers at Malacca, and is abundant on the outskirts of 
the town of Singapore, especially in the grounds of a Mahommedan shrine near 
the Tanjong Pagar docks.’—N.A. 

Macacus sp. (?) 

‘In a patch of jungle, not far from Biserat, 1 came across a very large 
species allied to the preceding. I had only a light collecting gun with me and 
No. 12 shot, so I was unable to secure it, but as it was very leisurely in its 
movements I had an excellent view of it. In general colour it resembled 
M. nemestrinus, but excelled in size the largest specimen I have seen of that 
species, and possessed a very marked ruff of almost white hair round its face. 
The tail was very short, not more than about three inches in length.’ 

1, Macacus fascicular Is (Raffles) 

Simia fascicularis. Raffles* Trans. Linn. Soc . xrn, p. 246 (1822). 

Macacus cynomolgus (Linn.), Blytb, Cat. p. 9 ; id. Mamm. Birds Burma , p. 7 ; 

Anderson, An. Z00L Res. p. 73 (1879); Flower, P.Z.S. 1900, p. 316; 

Bonhote, loc. cit . p. 872 ; and of authors generally. 

a. £ , Patani. 2nd June, 1901. 

$ ad. Biserat, Jalor. 16th July, 1901. 

c, d. 9 ad., £ jr. Biserat, Jalor. 16th July, 1901, and 20th July, 1901. 

( m £ t State of Nawngchik. 17th September, 1901, 

Jtg. 2 £ imm. Ban Sai Kau (captive spms.). 



This series shows a considerable amount of variation, the male from 
Nawngehik belonging to the rufous coloured variety (Af. aureus), which colour 
is also approached by two specimens from Biserat ; the remainder are of various 
shades, all belonging to the commoner greenish-brown type. 

The skull of one of the females from Biserat shows certain conspicuous 
differences in the teeth, also in the general build of the skull and size of the 
bullae. It may possibly be specifically distinct, but much more evidence bear¬ 
ing on the point is required before a definite opinion can be pronounced. 

For many years this species has been known under the name of 
M. cynomolgus (Linn.), a name which should, unfortunately, no longer be used 
for it, as it undoubtedly belongs to an African species, probably a baboon. 
Nor is the name M. cynomolgus (Buffon nee Linn.), as used by Blanford, 
available, as this species, renamed M. irus by Cuvibr, was founded on what 
Buffon considered to be M. angolensis major , Rev, but which Cuvier shows 
to be a different species from Senegal, intermediate between the Guenons and 
Baboons. There is, therefore, no choice but to fall back on Raffles’ species, 
which is well described, leaving little doubt as to the animal intended. 

‘The U kra,” “krah," or “kerah," as it is variously called in different parts 
of the Peninsula, was common in all districts on the East Coast visited by us. 
It was specially numerous among the mangroves of the tidal creeks near Jambu, 
and was also not uncommon at Biserat, where specimens were obtained as they 
came to feed on the young Indian corn in a newly-made jungle clearing. In 
South Perak, where monkeys of all species are scarce, possibly owing to the 
presence of a large aboriginal population, we did not meet with it, but it was 
abundant in the vicinity of Kuala Lumpur, Selangor. 

Contrary to the experience of many naturalists we found the "kra” very 
wary, more especially upon the sea coast, where it was found impossible to 
obtain specimens without the expenditure of a quite disproportionate amount 
of time. It is frequently to be seen upon the ground walking with a peculiar 
stride and holding the tail parallel to the general line of the body. When the 
tide is low it often frequents the mud banks in search of crustaceans, etc., 
retreating to the mangroves when disturbed and chattering defiance at the 
intruder at a safe distance. The alarm-note is a rattle-like cry, from which the 
vernacular name is possibly derived. When young they are very commonly 
captured for pets by the natives, and one or two may generally be seen beneath 
the houses in almost every village, but it is very rare to see a really adult male 
in captivity, as they become very vicious on approaching maturity. Younger 
specimens seem, as a rule, much more ferruginous in colour than the older 



* We had three specimens of this species in captivity for some time, all of 
which had been taken from their mothers when too young to fend for them¬ 
selves* Our Malays attempted to teach these monkeys, after they had reached 
a considerable size, to climb trees and bring down fruit, but we were surprised to 
find that not one of them was able to make the initial leap by means of which 
a wild “ kra ” negotiates the bare trunk of a tree below where the branches 
originate. Once they were lifted to the first branch they seemed thoroughly 
at home, but they appeared to have no idea how to commence climbing a tree. 
It is conceivable that this deficiency may have been partly a physical one, due 
to disuse of the hind limb in captivity, but we see no reason to regard this as 
being the case, believing rather that the inability was simply due to lack of 
education on the part of the monkeys, which had never been taught to climb 
by their parents. If this is so, it is a point of great interest in animal psychology. 
It may be well to note in the same connexion that we found that while young 
kittens of Felts bengaknsis were able to swim perfectly well before their eyes 
were open, young Malay otters (.Lutra cinerea ), at the same stage, merely 
floundered about in a quite ineffectual manner when placed in a basin of water, 
and sank almost immediately/ 

Macao us sp. (?) 

* We had in our possession, for some months, a female of a species allied 
to the preceding, which was said to have been captured on the Patani River. 
Unfortunately, it died and its body was thrown into the river by one of the 
servants. It appeared to us to differ from the common form in having a much 
rounder head and a totally different facial expression, which it is difficult to 
put into words ; in addition, it possessed a small crest, which was formed by 
the hair radiating from a circular whorl on the top of the head, and it was 
evident that when full grown it would have been a much smaller animal. We 
were inclined to regard this specimen as a representative of a species taking 
the place of M. fascicularis in the thickly-wooded central region of the Pen¬ 
insula, very much as Presbytes femoralis probably takes the place of P, oheurus. 
Near Ben dang Stah we saw several large families in the trees on the banks of 
the Patani River, that appeared to belong to the same variety as our captive 

2. Presbytes obscurus 1 (Reid) 

Semnopithecus obscurus, Retd t P.Z.S. 1837, p. 14; Flower , op . at. 1900, 
p. 317 ; Bonhote , op . cit. p. 872. 

i. I have followed Mr, Miller [Proe. U.S. Nar. Mm ,, XXVI, p. 477 (1903) ) in using Prabyta t Esth,, Kotzebue’* 
En(deck. Reiee, III, p. 196 (1821), instead of the well-known Semnopitfocus, Cuv. Dent*. Mantra,, pp. 14, 247 



a, b, c. £ ,9 ski., juv. in ale. Tanjong Patani. loth June, 1901. 

d-h. S , 4 9 . Tanjong Pa uni. 1 st October, 1901, 30 th September, (901. 

*■ & jr. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 18th September, 1901. 

I, & Tenebortg, Jalor. 1 ith August, 1901, 

A very typical series showing no variation. The immature specimen is 
just losing the first yellow pelage which is only left on the hind-quarters and 
tail. Over the rest of the body the hairs are of a uniform greyish-black, the 
light patch on the occiput being hardly distinguishable. 

* Thelotong is very generally distributed over those parts of the Peninsula 
that we visited, with the exception of South Perak. Near Biscrat it was very 
abundant on the craggy limestone hills in the vicinity, where it was practically 
inaccessible, but it never approached the village. Among the casuarinas on 
Tanjong Patani it was abundant and tame, keeping in troops of one old male with 
five or six females and young ; these old males are said by the natives to be 
frequently very savage and even to attack small children. In habits it is much 
more arboreal than the “ kra,” and we never saw one of them on the ground. 
Judging from two specimens obtained the young must be born about February 
or March (at the end of the stormy season), and until they are about one- 
third grown are of a beautiful golden-yellow colour, with fur of a soft and 
silky texture. 

1 When driven on to an isolated tree these monkeys would ascend the trunk 
as high as they could, and then strive to conceal themselves by pressing their 
bodies as closely as possible against the trunk or some large branch, under 
which circumstances it was very difficult to make them out exactly. At Tan- 
jong Patani the food of those specimens which we examined had consisted 
entirely of the young shoots of the casuarina. 

1 A curious change has taken place in the habits of this species at Biserat 
within the last two years. When Annandale was there in 1899 as a member 
of the c Skeat * Expedition, it was common among the fruit trees of the village, 
into which one or more families came down from the hills nearly every day. 
The natives deny that it ever does so now. The reason for the change is 
probably that the houses of Biserat have recently been separated from one 
another by a broad roadway. Possibly also the large numbers of Siamese and 
Chinamen now settled there may have something to do with the disappearance 
of the lotong from the village, for these two races, unlike the Malays, eat the 
flesh of the monkey, believing that it has strong tonic qualities, especially for 
pregnant women. We noticed that while P. obsamts was extremely wary in 
the interior, it was comparatively tame in the neighbourhood of the purely 
Malay fishing villages on the coast.' 



3. Presbytes femoralis (Martin) 

Semnopithecus femoralis, Martin , CharleswortF s Mag . NIL ii, p. 436(1838); 

Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 318. 

Semnopithecus siamensis, Miiller and Scblegei t Verhandl\ p, 60 (1841); 

Anderson , An. Z00L Res p. 37 (1879). 

a. $ imm. Mabek, Jalor. 27th July, 1901. 

There can be no doubt that this specimen belongs to the same species as 
that referred to in the description of S. femoralis. As to whether S. femoralis 
and S. albocimreus are one and the same species or not is a matter which can¬ 
not at present be satisfactorily settled. The typical femoralis is quite distinct 
from the typical albodnereus , but apparently intermediate forms may occur. 

S. siamensis of Muller should apparently stand as a synonym of S , 
femoralis , and according to the original description, Muller's type was a dark 
coloured monkey and not 4 clear ashy grey' as stated by Anderson, The 
original type locality of S. femoralis is Sumatra, so that further series may well 
prove it to be distinct from siamensis , 

‘ I know nothing of this species except that it probably replaces the fore- 
going in the denser jungle towards the centre of the Peninsula, where it appears 
to be well known to the natives under the name of ‘kaka.’ It is extra¬ 
ordinarily agile and shy, and the one troop that we saw kept to the tops of the 
loftier trees in a patch of thick jungle near Mabek. Semnopitheci were very 
abundant, but 1 think that all that we saw between Mabek and Biserat belonged 
to S. obscurusA 

Pres bytes sp, (?) 

On Bukit Besar An nan dale saw a large brown monkey with an entirely 
black face and a very long tail ; it was not improbably S. maurus . 

4. Nycticebus tardi£radus (Linn.} 

Lemur tardigradus, Linn. SysL Nat. 1, p. 44 (1766). 

Nycticebus tardigradus (Linn.), Blanf Faun . Brit. lnd. y Mamm ., p* 45 (t 888) ; 
Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 321 ; Bonhote , op. at. p. 873. 

a. $ ad, Jambu, Jhering. 7th June, 1901. 

b . $ ad. Biserat, Jalor. i8ih October, 1901. 

Both these individuals belong to the variety described by Mr. Blanford as 
N. bengaknsis (Geoffr.) 





* In Perak and Selangor this species is known as * kongkang,’ in the East 
Coast States of Patani and Jalor as * nilong/ and in Jalor also as ‘ krU duku/ 
Around it many native superstitions centre, and the presence of a specimen on 
a fishing boat is believed to ensure a favourable wind. We never met with 
the species ourselves, the specimens in the collection having been brought in 
by the natives.' 

6. Felis pardus, Linn. 

Felis pardus, Linn, Syst. Nat. r, p, 61 (1766); Flower, P.Z.S, 1900, 
P- 3 ^ 3 - 

a. Skull, Tanjong Luar, Borders of Rhaman and Jalor. November, 1901. 

6. Felis sp. (?) 

There is a single specimen of a young cat from Ban Sai Kau on the 
21st May, 1901. The whole of the upper parts are of a dull rusty-red, the 
under parts white, spotted with black. Although it is impossible to make a 
definite statement on this single immature individual, it appears to belong to 
a species most nearly allied to Felis badia of Borneo, of which it is possibly the 
mainland form, 

‘ The specimen commented on above was brought to us by the natives 
and kept alive for some days. It was of a very savage disposition, and escaping 
from its cage was killed in process of recapture. The species appears to be 
well-known to the villagers of the neighbourhood of Bukit Besar, who describe 
the adult as being of a uniform bright red, and in size “as big as a dog." The 
smaller jungle cats are known collectively as “ rimau akar " —creeper cats/ 

Felis bengalensis, Kerr 

( We obtained three kittens only a few days old at Kampong Jalor, which 
may probably be referred to this species/ 

7* Viverra zibethu, Linn. 

Viverra zibetha, Linn, Syst. Nat. 1, p. 65 (1766) ; Flower, P.Z.S, 1900, p. 327 ; 

Bonhote , op. cit. p. 873. 

a. $ iram. K,impong Jalor. 28 th October, 1901. 

Precisely similar to the specimen brought home by the ‘Skeat’ Expedition, 
and described in my paper quoted above. 

There are also three specimens of a very young Viverra, procured at 
Mabek, on the 28th July, 1901, which I would also refer to this species. 



They are of a uniform dark-brown colour* and the tail is indistinctly 
ringed with white* which is most easily seen on the under surface. The large 
white mark across the throat is plain and conspicuous, but the other two light 
transverse bands are only faintly visible. The anterior one is dull but uniform 
in colour, while the posterior one is pure white but somewhat irregular and 
broken up. The under parts are slightly lighter in tone at the bases of the 
limbs. Above, the hair on the anterior surface of the ear is conspicuously 
lighter* but* apart from this, no other markings are easily seen. By close 
inspection, however, the light markings on the side of the neck may be made 
out and also traces of light markings on the flanks, 

8. Viverricula malacccnsis I'Gmel.) 

Viverra malacccnsis (Gmel.), Linn. Syst. Nat. i, p. 92 (1788). 

Viverricula malaccensis (Gmel.), Flower, P.Z.S. 1900, p. 328. 

ad. skull. Patam. 15th June, 1901. 

‘ The above specimen* which was brought to us in too decomposed a state 
to preserve the skin, was greyish-brown in coloration, with black lateral 
stripes and ill-defined side stripes on the belly. Tail with greyish-brown and 
white bands and a broad white tip, the white bands broader than the others. 

The vernacular name is mwarig bulan (moon civet), and immature speci¬ 
mens are very frequently seen in captivity, becoming very tame and following 
their owners about the village. 1 

9. Paradoxurus minor sp. nov. 

General appearance of P. niger , but only half the size. Colour above, 
pale fulvous, showing on the back five longitudinal black stripes* of which the 
two outer ones tend to break up into spots. These stripes converge anteriorly 
to form one broad black stripe, which arises from the crown of the head, slightly 
anterior to the ears. Across the forehead the hairs have white tips, giving it 
a grizzled appearance* while the muzzle, limbs, and under part of the throat 
are very dark brown. There is a small white crescent below, and slightly 
anterior to the eye, and a few irregular white spots on the chin. The remainder 
of the under parts are of a dull brownish-grey, while the flanks show a few 
irregular black spots. The tail is black throughout its length, with the excep¬ 
tion of the terminal three or four inches which are of a dirty white. The hairs 
throughout the tail have light coloured bases which are most conspicuous at its 
roots, while the light hairs on the body have dark ash-coloured bases. 



The skull, which, except for its size is that of a typical paradoxure, most 
nearly resembles one marked P. typus in the National Collection. The edge 
of the bony palate is hardly posterior to the posterior angle of the last molar. 
The audital bullae are placed wide apart and are more rounded on the inferior 
surface. In other respects, howcver } the skull hardly differs from that of most 
species of the genus. 

Dimensions (measured in the flesh). Head and body, 450 mm. ; Tail, 
460 mm. ; Hind foot, 64 mm.; Ear, 39 mm. 

Skull. Greatest length, 96 mm. ; Length of palate, from 43 mm, ; 
Zygomatic breadth, 53 mm. ; Breadth of palate, between canines, 10 mm. ; , 
Between inner roots of carnassials, 14 mm. ; Greatest width of brain-case, 
32 mm. 

Habitat . State of Jalor (Kampong Jalor), Malay Peninsula. 

Type. 9 adult, collected on the 3rd November, 1901, by Messrs. 
H. C. Robinson and N. Annan dale. 

The small size of this paradoxure will be quite sufficient to enable it to 
be at once distinguished from any of the other species known to inhabit the 
Peninsula. There is a second skull that agrees with that of the type in all 

tO. Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, Schreb. 

Paradoxurus hermaphroditus, Schreb. Sauge, p. 346 (1778); Flower , P.Z.S. 

1900, p. 329 ; Bonhote , op . cit. p. 873, 

a. 9 ad. Kampong jalor. 13 th November, 1901. 

b , 9 imm. Kampong Jalor. 19 th October, 1901. 


In both of these examples the ground colour is very light, and the three 
dark dorsal stripes clearly cut and well marked. 

11. Paradoxurus sp. (?) 

a. (fjuv. Near Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 12 th September, 1901. 

The above specimen, which is very young, is uniform brownish-grey 
throughout, except for the head and face which are whitish, especially that 
portion immediately anterior to the ears. The two fore feet and tail are also 
white ; the ears and a small patch over the anterior half of the eye, dark 
brown. I am not able, from the material available, to make out its specific 



4 This specimen was found by our Malays in a nest in a hollow tree, and 
was said to be the young of a species of which the vernacular name is Musang 
tagalung , and which lives largely on fish. In appearance it closely resembles a 
specimen associated with an adult Paradoxurus leucomystax in the Selangor 
State Museum, Kuala Lumpur.’ 

12. Putorius nudipesj F. Cuv. 

Putorius nudipes, F. Cuv. Mamm . in, p. 149 (1823) ; Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, 
P* 334 - 

a. $ . Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, April, 1902, 

13 . Lutra cinerea, linger 

Lutra cinerea, Illiger, Abb . Akad. Berl, i8ii, p. 99; Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, 
P- 33 + ; Bonbote, op. cit. p. 874. 

a. 9 . ad. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 25th May, 1901. 
imm. Biserat, Ja I or. 13th July, 1901. 

Measurements in flesh of the adult:—Head and body, 445 mm, ; Tail, 
273 mm. ; Hind foot, 85 mm. ; Ear, 10 mm. 

* Otters, probably of more than one species, are common in the Patani 
States, both high up the rivers, in estuarine waters, and even in Patani Bay, 
the coast form attaining a very large size. The people of the fishing village 
of Tanjong Budi, on Patani Bay, told us that the species was polygamous, and 
that the old dog otter always endeavoured to destroy the male pups, the usual 
number of a litter being four. It was very abundant in this locality, and was 
often to be seen along the edge of the mangroves at low tide, or swimming in 
the waters of the bay. Travelling down the Patani River, above Biserat, in 
very rainy weather, we surprised a party of four on a shingle bank, who sat up 
on their hind legs and watched us, rubbing their faces with their paws. 
Native name, Brang brang , or Atijing ayer (water dog).* 

14. Ursus malayanus, Raffles 

Ursus malayanus, Raffles, Trans . Linn . Soc. xui, p, 254 (1822); Flower, 
P.Z.S. 1900, p- 335 - 

One skin (purchased from natives). Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 

* From what we heard the sun-bear was by no means uncommon on the 
slopes of Bukit Besar, and, on one or two occasions, we came upon fallen tree 
trunks which had been pulled to pieces in the search for honey and grubs. 
The species has usually the reputation of being harmless and inoffensive, but 
in the Patani States, at any rate, it is considered “ more wicked than the tiger.” ’ 



* In the mountains of South Perak we obtained, through the Sakais, the 
skull and bones of a very old male, which seems to have attained an excep- 
tional size, but from native testimony (and Malays have a keen zoological 
instinct) it seems very probable that another species remains to be discovered 
in the Peninsula, which is perfectly well-known to the natives as the ‘bruang 
bukit’ (mountain bear), 1 and which lacks the yellowish-white on muzzle, paws, 
and breast, which is so characteristic a feature in Ursus malayanus. 

* By some Malay systematists Nyctieebus is considered a bear, just as for 
some occult reason the gibbons are classed as squirrels/ 

Cyon rutilans. S. Mail. 

* Near Jarum, in the north-west of Rhaman, 1 disturbed a pack of either 
five or six hunting dogs, which were resting at mid-day under a large tree, 
in the centre of an open space overgrown with long grass, and surrounded 
with thick jungle. The dogs walked off quite slowly into the jungle, at a 
distance of not more than thirty yards in front of me, and, as I heard from a 
man who followed me, returned very shortly to continue their siesta under 
the tree. They were absolutely silent, a fact on which my Malay followers 
congratulated themselves, it being considered most unlucky, in fact, a certain 
omen of death, to meet the srtgdla (as the Malays call it), if it barks. So far 
as I could see, the body, head, and limbs of the individuals of this pack were 
of an almost uniform bright rufous, the hair being rather longer than that of 
the Malay pariah, but closely resembling that of the Sakai domestic dog ; 
while the tail, which was carried hanging down, was almost entirely black and 
moderately bushy. The head was held erect, and the animals walked high on 
their feet. The Malays of Rhaman state that there are two species of srtgdla 
not uncommon in the Jarum district, the larger and redder species—that which 
1 saw—being called srtgdla bukit (mountain jackal), and not venturing near the 
villages, though it always goes about in packs ; while the smaller variety, which 
may very well be a true jackal, goes solitary or in pairs, and frequently steals 
sickly lambs, kids, or calves. In Nawngchik and Jalor the same two species 
are said by the natives to occur, coming down in early spring into the plains 
near the villages.’—N. A. 

4 On Bukit Besar, on a bright moonlight night at the end of April, we 
were disturbed, towards dawn, by a hideous yelping and yelling, probably 
produced by a large pack of hunting dogs. It passed along close to our hut 
and then came to a standstill, continuing for some time, some distance away in 
the jungle ; and on several succeeding occasions we heard the sound about the 

i. In Hulu Rhaman this hypothetical bear, without the pale markings on the breast, but with spectacled eyes, is 
known as bruang anjing (dog bear) as distinct from the common species, bruang orang (man bear), which it is said to 
exceed in site,—N. A. 



same time of night, or rather early morning. The Malays hold the same belief 
with regard to the urine of the srtg&la as that held by the Ghonds and other Indian 
tribes regarding that of the dhole (Cyon ruiilans\ vis that It causes blindness, 
and that the dogs make use of this quality by urinating against the trunks of 
trees on which their prey is likely to rub itself' 

16 . Tupaia belangeri (Wagn.) 

Cladobates belangeri, Wagner , Scbreb . Saugtb. Suppl. n, p. 42 (1841). 

Tupaia belangeri (Wagner), Bonbote , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 192. 

a. £ad. Blscrat, Jalor. 4th July, 1901. 

T. ferruginea is the southern form of this species and, judging by recent 
collections, it does not appear to go very far north. 

16, Tupaia mataccana, Anders. 

Tupaia malaccana, Anders. Z00L Res. Yunnan p. 134 (1879). 

Tupaia javanica, Horsf., Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 336. 

a. $ ad. Td6m, Perak-Pahang boundary, alt. 4000', 25th January, 190a. 

17. Crocidura murina (Linn.) 

Sorex murinus, Linn , Syst. Nat . r, p. 74 (1766). 

Crocidura murina (Linn.), Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 337 ; Bonbote , lot. tit . p. 874. 

d. $ ad, Alor Stah, Kedah. 17th December, 1901. 

Although perfectly adult this is a small specimen, being about the same 
size as the one noted by Blanford (Faun. Brit. Ind. Mamm., p. 235 (1888) ). 
The measurements in the flesh were as follows :—Head and body, 97 mm. ; 
Tail, 55 mm. ; Hind foot, 18 mm.; Ear, 8 mm. 

* It is probable that this musk shrew is an introduction into the Peninsula, 
and not an indigene. We never met with it in the Patani States, though it is 
not a mammal that is likely to escape notice, and if it occurs at all it must be 
decidedly rare and local. On the other hand, it was extremely common at 
Kuala Lumpur, where I saw several specimens which were captured under the 
houses, and it is well-known both in Penang and Singapore. The specimen 
in the collection was captured by one of our men on the curb of a well in the 
early morning ; it appeared to be quite blind, as it actually ran over his foot. 
The eyes were very small and almost unpigmented.’ 



18. Crocidura fuliginosa (Blyth) 

Sorex fuliginosus, Blyth> J. A. S. B. xxiv, p. 362 (1856). 

1 in ale. Biserat, Jalor, 19th July, 1901. 

Measurements in the flesh 1—Head and body, 74 mm. ; Tail, 63*5 mm. ; 
Hind foot, 15 mm. ; Ear, 9 mm. 

< The single specimen obtained was found caught by the tail in one of our 
rat traps, near the entrance of a limestone cave in fairly thick jungle/ 

19. Pteropus vampyrus {Linn.) 

Vespertilio vampyrus, Linn. Syst. Nat. 1, p. 31 (1758), 

Pteropus edulis (Geoffr.), Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 339. 

Pteropus vampyrus (Linn.), Bonhote , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 875. 

a. £ad, Patani, i5th June, 1901, 

b-e. £ad. Bsserat, Jalor, July, *901 

f. . Kampong Bayu, nr. Biserat. 9th July, 1901. 

‘ This big fruit bat, or kluang , the largest of all the Chiroptera, is very 
common in every locality in the Peninsula visited by us. Just before sunset, 
especially in the fruit season, flights of them are to be seen making their way 
to the nearest orchard, where they commit great depredations. The line of 
flight is very direct and usually at a great height, and appears curiously 
deliberate and raven-I ike, though the pace at which they travel is really con¬ 
siderable. We noticed them in immense numbers in the estuary of the Klang 
River, and they were also very numerous on Bukit Besar during our second 
visit in September, 1901. Some Siamese eat them readily, though no Malay 
would touch them/ 

20. Cynopterus sphinx (Vahl) 

Vespertilio sphinx, Vahl y Serivten af Naturbistone-Selskabet 4te Bind, iste Heft 

P- 12 3 0797)- 

Cynopterus marginatus (Geoffr.), F/ower t P.Z.S. 1900, p. 349 ; Bonhote , loc. 
cit. p. 875. 

9. Pawns. 17th June, 1901. 

29. Biserat, Jalor. 7th July, 1901. 

Several specimens in alcohol from Biserat and from the Batang Padang 
district, South Perak. 

‘ Very common in the houses wherever we went. The specimen from 
Pa tan i was shot hanging to the under surface of the mid-rib of a cocoanut 



21, Cynopterus ecaudatus (Temm.) 

Pachysoma ecaudatum, Temm. Mon. Mamm. n, p. 94 (1839). 

Megaera ecaudata, Temm. Mon. Mamm . 11, p. 359 (1841). 

Megaerops ecaudatus (Temm.), Matschie^ Megacbir. Berl. Museum , p. 79 (1899). 
Cynopterus ecaudatus (Temm*), Dobs. Cat. Chir. Brit. Mus. p. 87 (1878), 

4. 9 ad. in ale. Bidor, South Perak. January, 1901, 

Very few specimens of this rare bat have hitherto been obtained. The 
type was procured at Padang, Sumatra, and the remaining few examples known 
(with the exception of the present one) have all come from Borneo. This 
species differs from the other members of the genus Cynopterus by having only 
two incisors in the lower jaw. 

Measurements of the above specimen: —Head and body, 78 mm.; Forearm, 
53 mm. 

The total absence of the tail, the long nostrils, short muzzle, and presence 
of but two incisors in the lower jaw, enable this species to be easily recognized. 

( Shot under the eaves of the rest-house, Bidord _ 

22. MO-CroglOSSus minimus (Geoffr.) 

Pteropus minimus, GeofjfrAnn. Mus . xv, p, 97 (1810). 

Carponycteris minima (Geoffr.), Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 341. 

Kiodotus minimus (Geoffr.), Bonbote , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 875. 

a. 9»d. Piitani. 12nd April, 1901. 

23. Rhinolophus afftnla, Horsf. 

Rhinolophus affinis, Horsfield % Z00L Res. Java (1824) ; Miller , Proc. Acad. Nat . 
Set , Pbilad. 1898, p. 319 ; Flower y P.Z.S. 1900, p. 342. 

1 spm. in ale. Biserat, Jalor. 16th July, 1901. 

The forearm of this specimen measures exactly 50 mm. 

24. Rhinolophus malayanus, sp. nov. 

Nearly allied to R. rfgfo/V, Horsf., but much smaller, only slightly exceed¬ 
ing R. minor , Horsf., in size. 

Ears sharply pointed, and when laid forward reach to the extremity of 
the muzzle. The outer margin is concave immediately below the tip, and 
then slightly convex and separated from a large anti tragus by a deep notch. 

The horseshoe, which is moderately broad and sharply cleft in front, is 
large enough just to conceal the nostril anteriorly. Sella of moderate width, 
the erect transverse portion being of equal width throughout Its length and 




slightly narrower than the horizontal part. The connecting process behind the 
sella hardly rises above the vertical part of the same and is rounded off. The 
posterior leaf is of moderate size, the tip elongate* and the margins slightly 
concave, Lower lip with three vertical grooves. Wing membranes from the 
ankles ■ interfemoral membrane nearly straight ; only the extreme tip of the 
tail projects. 

Fur moderately long, sepia brown above, lighter beneath. 

Dimensions of type: — Head and body, 46 mm.; Tail, 20 mm. ; Forearm, 
41 mm. ; Ear (from base of antitragus to tip), 14 mm. ; Tibia, 16 mm. ; 
Greatest width of horseshoe, 8 mm. ; Length from tip of posterior leaf to 
anterior edge of horseshoe, 13 mm. ; Total expanse, 227 mm. 

Habitat. Biserat, Jalor. 

Type . Adult female in spirit collected on the 8th August, 1901. 

There are some specimens in the British Museum collected by Signor 
L. Fea in the Karin Hills, Burmah, and recorded by Thomas,’ under the 
name R. affinis rouxt 1 (Temm.) These specimens, though slightly larger and 
somewhat more rufous in body colour, belong undoubtedly to the species just 
described, or are, at most, only subspecifically distinct. As regards the name 
rouxi, Temminck states that it is a bat similar in all respects to R. affinis , and 
gives the length of the forearm as * 1 pouce, lolignes,* or 50 mm. Horse- 
field’s type from Java has a forearm of 49'5 mm. ; there can, therefore, be 
little doubt that Temm mac’s rouxi is a synonym of affinis . 

The present species may be at once distinguished from R . affinis by its 
smaller size, and from R. minor by the shape of the connecting process between 
the sella and the posterior leaf, which, in this latter species, ends in a point 
well above the vertical portion of the sella. 

Rhino lop bus spadix. Mill. (Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. m, p. 136 (1901) ) from 
Sirhassen Id. is closely allied to this species. 

25. Fthmolophus minor, Horsf, 

Rhinolophus minor, Horsfield , ZooL Res . Java (1824); Flower , P Z.S . 1900, 
P- 34 2 * 

i spins, in ale. Biserat, Jalor. 8th August, 1901. 

26. Hipposiderus armiger, (Hodgs.) 

Rhinolophus armiger, Hodgson , J. A . S . B . iv, p. 699 (1835). 

Hipposiderus armiger ( Hodgs .), Flower, P.Z.S. 1900, p. 342 ; Bonhote , loc . cit.> 
p. 87 j. 

a, ad. Biserat, Jalor. 

1. Thoma*, f^iaggia di Ltonanio Fta r p. 15, Genoa, 1891. 

z. Teraminck, Man. Mamm. tl, p. 306 (1835). 


l 7 

27. Hipposiderus larvatus (Horsf.) 

Rhinolophus larvatus, Horsf eld , ZooL Res . (1824). 

Hipposiderus larvatus (Horsf.), Miller , ./Vac. Afa/. &■#. Phiiad . 1898, 

P- 3 1 9 5 Flower, P.Z.S. 1900, p. 343. 

i sprn, in ale. Biserat, Jalor. loth August, 1901. 

28. Hipposiderus bicotor (Tcmm.j 
Rhinolophus bicolor, Temminck> Mon, Mamm, n, p. 18 (1835-41). 
Hipposiderus bicolor (Temm,), Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 343. 

4 spins, in ale, Biserat, Jalor, loth August, 1901. 

29. Nycteris javanica, Dobs. 

Nycteris javanica, Dobs. Mon , As. Chir ,, p, 81 (1876) ; id. Cat. Cbir. Brit. Mus.y 
p. 164 (1878); Flowery P.Z.S. 1900, p. 345. 

I spm. in ale., imm. Biserat, Jalor. August, 1901. 

The occurrence of this specimen confirms Blvth’s statement that the 
species is found in the Peninsula. 

80. Scotophiiita castaneus 1 (Horsf.) 

Nycticejus castaneus, Horsf Cat. Mamm. E. Ind. Coll. t p. 38 (1851). 
Scotophilus castaneus (Horsf.), Bonhote y P.Z.S , 1900, p. 192. 

o r b, i?, Patani. 22nd April, 1901. 

f, d. 2 imm. Patani. 2nd June, 1901. 

10 spms. in ale. Biserat, jalor. June, 1901. 

I have previously noted the differences between the present species and 
S. kuhliy and this series entirely bears out my former notes. As regards colora¬ 
tion, it is not strictly accurate to state that the under parts are not lighter, for 
although, as a rule, the colour is very uniform, some specimens are decidedly 
paler below. The general colour also varies from smoky-brown to bright 

I can find no description of this bat by Gray, and it is certainly not in 
the ‘ Illustrations of Indian Zoology,' which has been quoted by several authors 
as containing the original description of the species. It is very closely allied 
to, if indeed it be not identical with, S . temminckii (Horsf.) from Java, but 
owing to paucity of material the matter cannot be decided at present. 

1 We found this bat to be the common house bat of the Eastern Malay 
States. It was exceedingly abundant in the roofs of the houses at Patani, and 
the specimens from Biserat were obtained in the hollow of the flagstaff facing 
the government offices.'___ 

1. For an account of the paraiitev, taken on this and other bat*, see Dr. Speiier’a subsequent paper on the 
Diptera Pupipara. 



31. Myotis rrturicola (Gray) 

Vespertiiio muricola, Gray\ Nat. Mamm. Nepaul. and Thibet , p. 4 (1846); 

Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 347 ; /<?r. tit. p. 876. 

Myotis muricola (Hodgson), Miller , /tor. yfrW. Nat. Set. Philad , 1898, p. 321. 

1 spm. in ale. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2500'. 1st September, 1901. 

* This species was not uncommon on Bukit Besar, especially during our 
second visit in August and September. It appeared in great numbers in the 
half-hour preceding sunset, flying very much in the manner of the common 
British serotine. In the jungle it was frequently to be seen up to about 
10 a.m., but during the daytime it retired to the young rolled-up leaves of 
musaceous and zingiberaceous plants, from which the individual recorded 
above was obtained." 

32. Emballonura penInsularis, Miller 

Emballonura peninsularis, Miller , Prat. Acad. Nat, Set. Philad. 1898, p. 328. 

4 spms. in ale. Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 15th February, 1902. 

As these specimens are practically topotypes 1 of Mr, Miller's species, I 
have placed them under that name. According to Mr. Miller, it is most 
nearly allied to E. montkola , Temm., from Java, 

33. Taphozous longimanus, Hardwicke 

Taphozous longimanus, Hardwicke , Trans. Linn. Soc . xiv, p. 535 (1823) ; 
Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 349. 

a, b. £. Biserat, Jalor. 15th July, 1901. 
f A cave species, ’ 

Petaurista nitido, Desm. 

4 We were disappointed at not securing any specimen of flying squirrel, 
all the species of which are very largely nocturnal in their habits ; one of a 
uniform foxy-red, which may be supposed to belong to this species, was shot 
at Sungkei, but stuck in the fork of a tree and could not be retrieved." 

34. Rat ufa bicolor (Sparrm) 

Sciurus bicolor, Sparrm. Gbtheb, Vet. Svensk. Hand!, 1, p, 70 (1778). 

Ratufa bicolor (Sparrm.), Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 354 ; Bonhote > Ann. Mag. Nat . 

Hist. (7) vol. v, 1900, p, 493 ; Id. P.Z.S . 1900, p. 876. 

Ratufa melanopepla, Miller , Proc . IVash. Acad. Set . n, p. 71 (1900). 

a-c. Neighbourhood of Biserat, Jalor, July and August, 1901, 

1 . Jeram Kawan is, however, over two hundred miles from Trang, the type locality of the species. Edd. 



I have very carefully compared these specimens with a series in the 
Museum from Java and Sumatra, as well as with a para type of Mr. Miller’s 
R . melanopepla. Mr. Miller states (Joe. «/.) that R. melanopepla differs from 
true R. bicolor * in the clear black of the upper parts/ which is by no means a 
constant feature, and I can match these individuals exactly with Javan specimens. 
Nevertheless, from what we already know of the variability of members of this 
group, I should not be surprised that, on comparison with a large series from 
Java, the Malay form should turn out to be distinct. 

‘ Although only a few specimens were obtained, this giant squirrel, which 
is known locally as Grabok r is fairly common in Jalor, in the neighbourhood 
of Biserat, where it usually frequents the jungle, keeping to the topmost 
branches of lofty trees and taking a very heavy charge of shot to bring down. 
When the fruit is ripe it is often to be found in the orchards surrounding the 
villages, being like nearly all animals, from the tiger downwards, exceedingly 
fond of durians. In no instance did we observe any specimen of the fawn- 
coloured forms on the Eastern side of the Peninsula, although one or two were 
noticed in the high jungle near Sungkei, South Perak.’ 

35. Sciurus hippurus, Is. Geoffr. 

Sciurus hippurus, Is . Geoffr. Etudes Zool. No. 6 pi. 6 (1832) ; Anders. Zool. 

Res. Yunnan , p. 241 (1879) ; Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p, 356. 

a. ? ad. Sungkei, South Perak, 10th February, 1901. 

The occurrence of S . hippurus and S. erythraeus in the Peninsula proves 
the former to be a distinct species, and not merely the southern representative 
of the latter, as has been suggested. 

c This was the only specimen seen, and was shot running along a fallen tree 
in deep jungle/ 

36. Sciurus erythraeus, Fall. 

Sciurus erythraeus, Pallas , GIire$ y p, 337 (1778) ; Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p, 356 ; 

Bonhote t he. cit., p. 877 ; id, Ann. Mag . Nat. Hist , (7) m, p. 161 (1901). 

<7. $ . Gunung Semangko, borders of Pahang and Selangor, alt. 4000'. loth May, 1902. 

The further occurrence of this species in the Malay Peninsula renders it 
certain that its range extends considerably further south than was formerly 
supposed, but possibly it is confined to the hills. In appearance this specimen 
most nearly approaches S . erythraeus typieus from Assam ; the red tail is, how¬ 
ever, lacking, being alternately ringed with black and rufous, and the rufous is 
more strongly developed on the head than elsewhere. 



1 From the fact that the only two specimens known from the Malay 
Peninsula have both been procured at altitudes exceeding 4000', it is, I should 
say, almost certain that the species in this region is a purely mountain form. 
Parallel instances occur among the birds, for such species as Mesia argent a uris, 
Siva sordidior y and Brhinga remtfer y ail forms of an Himalayan facies, are rarely, 
if ever, seen below an altitude of 3000'.’ 

Sciurus fin lay son!, Horsf. 

( On Bukit Besar Mr. Annandale saw a party of four individuals of a 
species about the size of S. concolor t one of which was pure white, while the 
others were bright foxy-red. Afterwards, at the base of the hill, we examined 
two specimens tn the possession of the Siamese magistrate of the district. 
One of these was bright red, but the other was pure white, with the iris pink, 
and the nails and skin devoid of pigment—in fact, the specimen was 
undoubtedly an albino.* 

As a rule, white specimens of this species are not albinos, having black 
eyes and very dark nails. 

37. Sciurus concolor, Birth 

Sciurus concolor, Blytb , J. A . S . B. xxiv, p. 274 (1855) ; Bonhote y Ann. Mag. 
Nat. Hist. (7) vii, p. 272 (1901). 

Sciurus caniceps, Gray, Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 356 ; Bonbote y lot. cit. y p. 877. 


9 . 


16th June, 1901. 

b , c. 

Patau i. 

16th and 19th June, 1901. 


Biserat, Jalor. 

July, 1901. 

i-m . 

$ , $ imm. 

Biserat, Jalor. 

July, 1901 


Biserat, Jalor. 

10th August, 1901. 

S imm. 

Biserat, Jalor. 

October, 1901. 



Anak Bukit, Nasvngchik. 

25 th April, 1901, 



Bukit Besar, do, 2500'. 

and September, 1901. 


$ imm. 

Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 

September, 1901. 


Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 

19 th May, 1901. 


Kuala Lumpur, Selangor. 

October, 1900, 

This series shows very little variation ; most of the specimens are in their 
dullest pelage, but in a few the brown colour of the back is much more intense, 
though the annulations on the hairs are always plainly visible. The brightest 
specimens are all females, which would, therefore, appear to keep in their 
bright dress later than the males. The young are dull in colour, resembling 
their parents in their duller pelage. 



* This species is emphatically the village squirrel of the Patani States, and 
it is very exceptionable to find it otherwise than in the immediate proximity 
of dwellings, It is exceedingly abundant in the cocoa nut groves and orchards, 
and commits great ravages among the fruit, being particularly destructive to 
the jack fruit or nangka ( Artocarpus integrifolid). It is commonly seen on 
the trees in the early morning, up till about 9 a.m., and after about 4 p.rru, 
and in the heat of the day remains hidden in the crowns of the palms, where 
it also forms nests similar to the drey of the British species. In South Perak, 
if it occurs, it must be very rare, and we never saw a specimen, but in the 
neighbourhood of Kuala Lumpur it, or a closely allied species, is fairly 
abundant. An entirely black variety was seen at Biserat on several occasions/ 

Mr. Annan dale also notes * On the upper reaches of the Patani River, 
the village squirrel was an almost uniformly grey species. A grey species 
very similar in appearance extended also, as far as I could see, from Lampam, 
in Patalung, to Trang, though it was absent, or very rare, in the Jarum district 
and in Upper Perak.’ 

38. Sciurus macclellandi leucotis (Terom.) 

Tamias ieucotis, Temminck , Zool. sur la ctie de Guenie> p. 252 (1853). 

Sciurus macclellandi, (Horsf.) Flower , P,Z.S . 1900, p. 357. 

Sciurus macclellandi Ieucotis, Bonbote , Ann. Mag , Nat. Hist. (7) v, p. 53 (1900), 

tf-f. z $ , 9. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang boundary, alt. 4000", January, 190a, 
d % e. $ , ? . Semangko Pass, Selangor, alt. 2700'. loth May, 1902. 

* This beautiful little species was not met with on the Eastern side of the 
Peninsula. In Perak and Selangor it is certainly a mountain form, and I do 
not think that it occurs much below 3000'. It was very common at Telom, and 
was also very abundant on the mountains round the Semangko Pass. It is 
very largely an insectivorous species, and seems to keep chiefly to the trunk 
and main branches of the trees, running along them with its tail pressed close 
against the bark/ 

39, Sciurus tenuis surdus, Milter 
Sciurus tenuis surdus, Mill. Proc. Wash. Acad. Sci. n, p. 80 (1900). 

Sciurus tenuis, (Horsf.) Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p, 357 ; Bonbote , loc. cit. t p. 878. 


$ , 3 9 ■ Bukit Besar, Nawngehik, 2500'. 

May, 1901. 


$ . Bukit Besar, Nawngehik, 2500', 

26th August and 1st September. 


9 * Bukit Besar, Nawngehik, 2500', 

31st August and 1st September. 

j«v, Bukit Besar, Nawngehik, 2500'. 

27th August, 

M A 

4^,9. Telfim, Perak-Pahang boundary, alt. 4000'. 

January, 1902, 


£ . Semangko Pass, Selangor, alt. ijoo*. 

13 th May, 1902. 



I have assigned Mr. Miller’s name to these specimens as they are 
certainly somewhat duller than specimens from further south. At the same 
time, there are, in the British Museum, some bright specimens from Perak, 
so that the difference would appear to me to be rather individual than 
geographical or seasonal, but much larger series than I have at my disposal 
would be required before pronouncing a definite opinion. 

4 This is also a jungle species, and, as far as our observation goes, is not 
found in low country ; wherever found it appears to be abundant, its habits 
being very similar to those of the preceding species. On Bukit Besar, in 
August, a nest was found in a clump of birds-nest fern growing on a tree-trunk 
some forty feet above the ground. The nest consisted of a globular chamber 
some four or five inches in diameter, and was lined with fine black vegetable 
fibre. It was approached by a slanting tunnel, and contained either two or 
three young ones, which were nearly half-grown.* 

40. Sciurus prevosti humei, Bonh. 

Sciurus prevosti humei, Bonhote , Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist . (7) vn, p. 170 (1901). 
Sciurus prevosti, (Desm.) Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 358. 

a. $ ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 9th February, 1901. 

A very typical example of the Malay race. 

‘ A pair were shot for us by the Malay Pengghulu of Sungkei, who was 
a keen naturalist, and to whom we were indebted for much assistance in the 
way of collecting. Large numbers are always on sale in the bazaars of Singa¬ 
pore, but appear principally to belong to the Sumatran race.* 

41. Sciurus vittatus, Raffles 
(Plate IV, fir- 7 ) 

Sciurus vittatus, Raffles , Trans. Linn. Soc . xm, p. 259 (1822). 

Sciurus notatus, (Bodd.) Flower^ P.Z.S. 1900, p. 358 ; Bonhote , loc. cit ,, p. 878. 
Sciurus notatus miniatus, Mill. Proc. Wash. Acad. Set. 11, p, 79 (1900). 

Sciurus vittatus typicus, Bonhote , Ann. Mag . Nat. Hist. (7) vn, p. 447 (1901). 



Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 1500'. 

7th May, 1901. 


Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2500*. 

26 th August, 1901. 



Jambu, Jhering. 

7th June, 1901. 

$> 39 - 

Gedong, Batang Fadang, South Perak. 

January, 1902. 

h t i. 

9 > 

Sungkei, B a tang Padang, South Perak. 

7th and 8th February, 1902. 


9 - 

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor. 

27th October, 1900. 

This series shows hardly any variation ; the colour of the under parts is 
practically the same in all the specimens, the difference, if there be any, is a 
tendency among those from the Eastern States (jalor and Jhering) to become 



slightly lighter. Referring to a note 1 of Messrs. Stone and Rehn in a recent 
paper on the red tip to the tail, this is not a conspicuous feature in the individuals 
of the present series, but the annulations of the hairs of the tip are red, although 
the colour does not spread throughout the whole length of the hair. 

* The habits of this squirrel in different parts of its range are of consider¬ 
able interest ; in Perak, and also in Selangor, it is the common village squirrel, 
being abundant actually within the town of Kuala Lumpur, and also frequenting 
low country jungle, though it was not found by us at any elevation on the 
Western side of the Peninsula. O11 the East Coast, on the other hand, we 
never met with it near a village, nor, with a single exception, which was shot 
among the casuarinas on the sea-coast, did we come across it, except at a con¬ 
siderable elevation on Bukit Besar, where, together with the succeeding species, 
it was very common, though difficult to secure, as it only appeared for a short 
time in the early morning and late afternoon, and then kept to the highest 
branches of lofty jungle trees. 

4 Mr. An nan dale further notes that in Upper Perak squirrels were not 
numerous, and the only specimens seen belonged to the present form, which was 
the dominant species in the Jarum district of Rhaman, and occurred commonly 
in the villages, at least as far east as Belong/ 

42. Sciurus nigrovittatus, Horsf, 

(Plate IV, Hg . 6) 

Sciurus nigrovittatus, Horsfield , Zool. Res, Java (1824) ; Bonbote , Ann, Mag, 

Nat . Hist, (7) vii, p. 452 (1901). 

Sciurus notatus, (Bodd.) Flower , P,Z.S, 1900, p. 358 ; Bonbote, op.cit., p. 878. 


3 £ (1 imm.). 

Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2500'. 

May, 1901. 

t , 9 *d. 

Bukit Besar, Nawngchtk, *500'. 

28 th August, 1901. 


9 - 

Bukit Besar, Nawngehik, 2500'. 

3rd September, 1901 


9 * 

Geelong, Batang Padang, South Perak. 

10th January, 190*. 


9 . 

Td6m, Perak-Pahang boundary, alt. 4000'. 

22 nd January, 1902. 

Specimens from the Eastern States have the red on the face and throat 
very well marked, and produced, in some cases, into a narrow ventral line, an 
inch or more in length. 

When I wrote my paper dealing with this group, the skulls at my disposal 
were so fragmentary that a thorough description and comparison of the cranial 
differences between this species and the foregoing was impossible. 


I, Stone ami Rehn, Free, Acad, Nat , Sit, PhilaJ, igol, p, t 



The skulls of the two species are easily distinguishable ; that of the 
present species being largei and more robust. 1 The nasals are longer and 
broader at their anterior extremity, and the muzzle slightly more compressed 
laterally, especially noticeable when viewed from the under side* The 
postorbital processes are shorter and stouter, and do not taper to such a fine point. 
The most conspicuous and easily seen difference, however, is in the posterior 
nares, which, in the present species, are much broader and practically uniform 
in breadth throughout their length, whereas in Sc . vitta/us, apart from being 
always narrower, they tend to contract posteriorly. 

I append the average measurements of a series of six skulls of mgrovittatus , 
as compared with a series of eight of vittatus .*— 

Sc. nigrovittatus. 

Sc, vittatus 

Greatest Length 

Length of palate 
from he usd inn 



507 mm. 


3 * 



(* 9 - 3 *) 

48*5 mm. 



( 48 - 49 ) 



I'ntrrarbUoJ Length of Greatest breadth 

breadth nwlt of poit. uarcs 

>7 + 15*1 S'6. 

(17‘iS) (14-16) i$-5~6) 

* 7 + * 3 '$ 4 *J‘ 

(17-18) £13-14-) 4-s) 

* In the East Coast States this species occurs under precisely the same 
conditions as S, vittatus t but in Perak, so far as our observation goes, it is 
never found in the villages and ranges higher up the mountains. A specimen 
shot at Telom seemed to us a bulkier, more heavily built, animal, though there 
was little real difference In the measurements.’ 

43. Sciurus robinsoni sp, nov, 

(Plate I). 

General appearance similar to Sciurus lowii t Thos., from Borneo, but 
rather smaller. 

Colour above a uniform grizzled black, and rufous becoming rather 
greyer and lighter on the flanks and sides of the face. 'Each hair is dark at 
its base, and has one or more rufous annulations and a black tip. Under parts 
and inner sides of the limbs buffy white, with a tendency to rufous on the 
hind limbs. Ears short and covered with short hairs similar in colour to the 
back. Muzzle, and a narrow stripe under the eye, fillvous. Tail above, similar 
in colour to the upper parts, but with light tips to the hairs, below rufous. 

Skull. Similar in general shape and conformation to that of S. lowii i but 
much'smaller, and the muzzle relatively rather shorter and narrower. On the 
under side the bony palate extends well back beyond the last molar, which is 
not the case with S. lowii % and the bullae are more flattened and rounded, and 
do not project so far downwards. The molar scries is very much shorter and 
smaller, but the incisors are about the same size. 

1. Till* exactly controvert* the condition I came to before. My former remark* were, however, chiefly 
bated on imperfect Javan skulls, where a* these mutt be console red a* applying to the Mainland race. 



Dimensions of type (measured in the flesh) Head and body, 130 mm. ; 
Tail, 95 mm. ; Hind foot, 28 mm. ; Ear, 12 mm. 

SkulL Greatest length, 35 mm. ; Basal length, 28 mm. ; Length of 
palate from henselion, 15 mm. ; Length of molar series, 5*5 mm. ; Zygomatic 
breadth, 21*5 mm. ; Interorbital breadth, 11 mm. ; Length of ansals, 10 mm. 

Habitat . Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2500'. 

Type. Adult female, collected on the 30th August, 1901. Original 
number, 136, 

The size of this squirrel suffices to distinguish it at once from Sc. lowti , 
the only species with which it might be confounded. In colour it is rather 
paler and lacks the warm tinge. One specimen only was obtained, so that it 
would not appear a very common species, though possibly occasionally confused 
with Sc. tenuis r from which it may be at once distinguished by the colour of 
the under parts. That another species of Bornean facies should occur on the 
Peninsula is by no means surprising, and we may soon expect to find most 
Bornean species with their Malay representatives. 

4 In the field this species might certainly be readily confounded with 
Sc. tenuis , but I find that this specimen is noted in my journal as possibly 

44. Funambulus ins ignis jalorensfs subsp, nov. 

Funambulus insign is (Cuvier) Bonbote y P.Z.S. 1900, p. 878. 

When working out the 4 Skeat ’ collection I noted that the single specimen 
sent home differed from those hitherto described, and the advent of two more 
specimens exactly resembling it leave no doubt of the existence of a distinct 
race from the Eastern side of the Peninsula. 

Differs from S . ins ignis of Sumatra in its much greyer coloration, the 
only rufous parts being the shoulders and thighs. The dorsal stripes are black 
and well marked, the centre one reaching as far as the back of the crown of 
the head. Under parts pure white, except the inside of the thighs, which are 

SkulL The skull is rather more slender than those from the West Coast 
of the Peninsula, and may be most easily recognized by the nasals, which are 
slightly shorter and taper off posteriorly to a much greater extent. The series 
of skulls is so imperfect that it is not possible to give a fuller description. 

Dimensions of type (measured in the flesh) —Head and body, 183 mm. ; 
Tail, 98 mm. ; Hind foot, 38 mm. ; Ear, 10 mm. 

Habitat. Bukit Besar (Jalor 1 ), 2500'. 

1, Strictly ipcsking cite aide of Bukit JJeiar oa which we collected it not in Jalor, but in the neigubouring petty 
State of Nawngchik, The boundary, however, wai said to run along the crc« of the hill barely half-a-mile from our 
encampment. Edd, 



"Type, Adult male, collected on the 9th May, 1901, Original number, 9. 

The grey colour forms a very conspicuous difference by which this race 
may be readily recognized. Specimens from the West Coast do not appear to 
differ from those found in Sumatra. A second specimen was procured from 
the same locality in August. 

Dimensions of skulls compared with one from the West Coast. 





Length of 

Lett! width 
of nitwit 





Type of jakrensh 50 mm. 

21 mm. 

1 5 mm. 

3 mm. 

27*5 mm. 


Co-type „ 49*5 mm. 

20 mm. 

15 mm. 

4 mm. 

27-5 ram. 


Spm.fromW.Coast ... 

z i"5 mm. 

15*5 mm. 

4*5 mm. 

29 mm. 


1 Almost purely terrestial in its habits ; of the two specimens in the 
collection, one was shot on the ground and the other caught in a trap baited 
with melon rind.* 

45 . Mus cremoriventer, Miller 

Mus cremoriventer, Miller > Free. BioL Soc. Wash, xin, p. 144 (1900). 

a, $ ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, z 500', 4th September, 1901. 

b. £ ad. in ale. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 1500'. 18th May, 1901. 

I have compared these specimens with some paratypes kindly lent me by 
Mr. Miller, and with which they perfectly agree. 

* These two specimens were trapped in the jungle with traps baited with 
melon rind, whereas Mus bukit came into our hut and were caught by the cook 
in the rice-bags.’ 

4 - 6 . Mus surifer, Miller 

Mus surifer, Mill. Proc. BioL Soc . JVasb. xm, p. 149 (1900). 

a-d. if, z 9. Goah Tanah, Bukit Tapang, Biserat, Jalor. July, 1901. 
e, Goah Tanah, Bukit Tapang, Biserat, Jalor. loth July, 1901. 

f $ . Bukit Besar, Nawngchik (at foot of hill). 17th September, 1901. 

g. 9 * Jeram Kawan, South Perak 15 th February, 1902. 

h, finale. Biserat, Jalor. July, 1901. 

This series, which is slightly duller in colour, shows less black on the back 
than a series of paratypes forwarded to me for comparison by Mr. Miller. 
The species seems to be very largely an inhabitant of caves. The specimen 
brought home by the ‘ Skeat ’ expedition, and referred by me to Mus cremori¬ 
venter , belongs to the present species. Apart from other differences, Mus 
cremoriventer is much smaller and has a uniformly brown tail. 


As pointed out by Mr. Miller, the species bears a very close resemblance 
to Mus rajah , Thos,, from which it only differs in external appearance by its 
smaller size. The skull, however, apart from its size, has a much more slender 

47. Mus bukit, Bonhote. 

(Plate IV, fig 2). 

Mus bukit, Bonbon r, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) xi, p. 125 (1903). 

Similar in appearance to Mus cremoriventer , Miller, and Mus kina, Bonh., 
but larger than either. 

General colour of a uniform pale ochreous, intermixed with short black 
hairs, which are nowhere so prominent as to unduly predominate. Sides paler 
and greyer, caused by an absence of black hairs and general shortness of fur, 
which enables the light-coloured spines to show through. Under parts yellowish- 
white, sharply defined from the colour of the upper parts. Feet with dark-brown 
centres and light toes and margins. Tail rather longer than the head and body, 
markedly bicolor and scantily clad with hairs. 

Skull. Intermediate between those of M. rapit and M. kina. I11 size it 
approaches most nearly to that of M. rapit y but the muzzle is considerably 
shorter and broader in proportion, and the auditory bullae are larger. The 
anterior zygoma root is very large and solid, greatly exceeding in size that of 
M. rapit. The nostrils are long and taper greatly towards their posterior end. 
The supraorbital ridges are well marked, and extend right backwards to the 
posterior margin of the panetals. The bullae are large and well developed, but 
lie rather flatter than in M. kina. 

Dimensions of the type (measured in the flesh):—Head and body,i2i mm.; 
Tail, 148 mm, ; Hind foot, 24*5 mm. ; Ear, 17 mm. 

Skull. Greatest length, 37 mm. ; Basal length, 28 mm.; Palatal length, 
16 mm. ; Diastema, 9*5 mm. ; Length of incisive foramina, 6 mm. ; Length 
of nasals, 15 mm. ; Zygomatic breadth, 1 8 mm. ; In ter orbital breadth, 6mm,; 
Greatest breadth of brain case, 15 mm. ; Length of molar series, 6*5 mm. 

Habitat. Bukit Besar, Nawngchtk, 2500'. 

Type. Adult male, collected 10th May, 1901. Original number, 11. 

The series brought home by Messrs. Robinson and Annan dale, con¬ 
sisting of two males and three females, is very uniform, and presents no 
individual variation, whilst, at the same time, they exactly agree with several 
specimens sent home from Siam by Mr. Lyle, and recorded by me as Mus 
jerdoni 1 . I have thought it well to name this species, though subsequent 
investigations may prove it to be a synonym 0 1 M. jerdoni. 

1, F.Z.&, 1902, P . 39. 



The specimen of Mus pellax in the British Museum is practically a topo- 
type of M. jerdoni , but, as I have stated elsewhere, until the skin and skull of 
Blyth’s M. jerdoni can be closely compared with specimens of M, pellax and 
M. huku , the matter cannot be definitely settled. The skulls, however, of 
these last two species being so distinct there should be no difficulty in deciding 
the question, even though the type is young. 

48. Mus rufe&Oens, Gray. 

(Plate IV, fig. 3). 

Mus rufescens, Gray, Cbarlesw. Mag. Nat . Hist, i, p. 585 (1837) ; Bonbote , 
P.Z.S. 1900, p, 878. 

Mus rattus, (Linn.), Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, p. 361. 

a, b, B i sera t, Ja lor. 4 th July, 1901. 

In external appearance these specimens agree well with the most common 
form of the rattus group found in the Peninsula ; the skull, however, is 
distinguished by having very small teeth. As, however, I find a certain amount 
of variability in the size of the teeth in a series from Siam and the Peninsula, 

1 presume it is merely a question of individual variation. 

49. Mus jalorensis, sp. nov, 

(Plate II, figs, i and 2, and Plate IV, fig. 4), 

A medium sized short tailed rat of the Mus rattus group. 

Fur moderately long and soft, thickly interspersed with very slender 
spines. General colour warm grizzled brown, becoming greyer on the flanks. 
Each hair is ashy-grey at the base with a broad brownish tip, the spines are whitish 
with a black tip, and there are also some long black hairs. Under parts pure 
white, sometimes with a slightly yellowish tinge, the line of demarcation between 
the upper and under parts being well marked. Feet, dark brown. The tail 
hardly exceeds the head a$d body in length, and is uniformly dark throughout, 
and scantily clothed with very short stiff hairs. 

Skull. Similar to that of Mus rufescens from the Malay Peninsula, but 
smaller and narrower. The nasals taper greatly towards their posterior end. 
The supraorbital ridges end altogether or become inconspicuous about the 
middle of the parietals. Viewed from below, except for being narrower and 
more slender, the skull does not offer any very striking points of difference. 
The bullae are rather more rounded and do not appear to stand out quite so 
much from the base of the skull. 

Dimensions of type (measured in the flesh :—Head and body, 144 mm. ; 
Tail, 177 mm, ; Hind foot, 31*5 mm. ; Ear, 19 mm. 



SkuIL Greatest length, 40 mm. ; Basal length, 32 mm.; Palatal length, 
19 mm.; Diastema, n mm.; Length of incisive foramina, 7 mm. ; Length 
of nasals, j 4 mm,; Combined breadth of nasals: Anteriorly,4 mm.; Posteriorly, 
1*5 mm.; Zygomatic breadth, 19 mm.; Interorbital breadth, 6 mm. ; Breadth 
of brain case at roots of zygomata, 14 mm. ; Length of molar series, 7 mm. 
Habitat . Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik, and in the neighbouring State of 
Jalor. Also found in Perak and Siam. 

Type , Adult female, Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik, collected on the 11th 
September, 1901. Original number, 148. 

This rat may be easily recognized by its dark and uniform upper surface, 
short tail, black feet, and white under parts. In Mus rufescens the back is much 
lighter and not so uniform in colour, tail rather longer, and feet white. Mus 
rufescens has also a considerable longer ear. 

The series of eight individuals in the present collection is very uniform, 
and the Museum also contains specimens from Siam, so that it would appear 
to range from Burmah eastwards. 

Series received in present collection. 

a, h. 2 9 ad. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 1Ith September, 1901. 

(one of these is the type). 

t . 9, Biserat, Jalor. 17th July, 1901. 

d-h, 2 £ t 39* Tel&m, Perak-Pahang boundary, alt. 4000". January, 1902. 

Average measurements compared with M, rufescens: — 

Mus jalotensts. Head and body, 145 (137-152) mm.; Tail, 165 
(151-177) mm.; Htnd foot, 30 (29*5-31*5) mm. ; Ear, 17*5 (19-17) mm. 

Mus rufescens (Siam). Head and body, 170 mm.; Tail, 184 mm.; 
Hind foot, 32 mm. ; Ear, 24 mm. 







Breadth of »ssjl 1 » 







of brain 





nf nasals 















M* jalorensh ... 

(Av. of 7 spms.) 


3 1 7 








M. rufescens ... ... 




1 2 

l 6 







* Not a house rat ; the Telom specimens came from deep jungle ; and the 
others were trapped in the rice-fields.’ 



50. Mus griseiventer, sp. nov. 

(Plate II, fig, 3, and Plate IV, fig. 5). 

A species of the Mus rattus group. Fur soft, short, and close, containing 
a few slender and scattered spines. 

General colour of upper parts very much as in the last species, but rather 
paler and more uniform in coloration throughout, being hardly, if at all, 
darker along the centre of the back. Under parts uniform dull grey, with a 
yellowish tinge caused by fulvous tips to some of the hairs. Feet, dark brown ; 
ears short, naked, and rounded. Tail rather longer than the head and body, 
of a uniform black throughout, covered with numerous short stiff black hairs. 

Skull Similar to that of Mus jalorensis, but longer and narrower. The 
nasals do not appear to taper quite as much, and the supraorbital ridges are 
more strongly marked and inclined outwards. The bullae are slightly larger, 
not converging anteriorly quite as much, and the incisive foramina are also 
rather narrower. 

Dimensions of type (measured in the flesh) :—Head and body, 161 mm. ; 
Tail, 212 mm. ; Hind foot, 35 mm.; Ear, 19 mm. 

Skull . Greatest length, 42 mm. ; Basal length, 35 mm.; Palatal length, 
20 mm. ; Diastema, 12 mm. ; Length of incisive foramina, 7 mm. ; Length 
of nasals, 1 5 mm. ; Combined breadth of nasals : Anteriorly, 4 mm. ; 
Posteriorly, 2 mm. ; Zygomatic breadth, 19 mm. ; Interorbital breadth, 
6 mm.; Breadth of brain case at roots of zygomata, 15 mm. ; Length of 
molar series, 7 mm. 

Habitat , Bidor, South Perak. 

Type , Adult female, collected on the 3rd February, 1902. Original 
number, 215. , 

The size of the hind foot and comparative shortness of the ear form two 
features by which this species may be easily recognized. The uniform dull 
coloration and grey under parts enable it to be distinguished at a glance from 
Mus jalorensis. The tail in the type appears somewhat longer than that in the 
remainder of the series. 

Four specimens, 2 £ and 2?, were brought back, all from the same 
locality. The average measurements of the four are :—Head and body, 
155 mm, ; Tail, 177 mm. ; Hind foot, 34 mm, 

* A house rat ; very abundant in the Bidor rest-house.’ 

51. Mus annandalei, sp. «ov. 

(Plate IV, fig-, i). 

A medium-sized rat, allied to Mus neglectus^ Jent, Fur soft and moder¬ 
ately tong ; entirely destitute of spines. 


3 1 

General colour grizzled fulvous, having a slightly darker area from the 
nose and down the middle of the back* Under parts pure white, somewhat 
tinged with ochraceous, the line of demarcation not being very distinct. Outer 
sides of all four limbs greyish-brown, inner sides of fore limbs white, of hind 
limbs dark brown. Feet dark brown. Tail slightly longer than the head and 
body, uniform black in colour, and covered with short stiff hairs. Ears some¬ 
what elongated and naked. 

SkulL The skull, which is elongated, is chiefly noticeable for the large 
bullae. The nasals, which are of a fairly level breadth throughout their length, 
end in a line with the posterior margin of the praemaxillae. The supraorbital 
ridges, which are not well marked, end about half-way across the parietal. 
The anterior root of the zygoma bends abruptly outwards about its centre. 
Viewed from below the most conspicuous features are the audital bullae, which 
are very large and rounded, compressing the basioccipital and making it narrow. 

Dimensions of type (measured in the flesh) -Head and body, 151 mm. ; 
Tail, 196 mm. ; Hind foot, 35 mm. ; Ear, 17 mm. 

SkulL Greatest length, 44 mm. ; Basal length, 33 mm. ; Palatal length, 
19 mm. ; Diastema, 11 mm. ; Length of incisive foramina, 7*5 mm. ; Length 
of nasals, 16 mm.; Zygomatic breadth, 19-5 mm.; Breadth of brain case 
at posterior roots of zygomata, 15 mm. ; Length of molar series, 7*5 mm. ; 
Length of bullae, 8 mm. ; Length between external and internal auditory 
meatus, 7 mm. ; Breadth of basioccipital anteriorly, 8 mm. 

Habitat. Sungkei, South Perak. 

Type. Adult female, collected on the 8th February, 1902. Original 
number, 223. 

This species must be considered as allied to the Mus rattus group, although 
the large size of the bullae give the skull a very distinct and easily recognizable 
appearance. Superficially it is somewhat like Mus validus> Mill., only con¬ 
siderably smaller ; whilst its nearest ally would appear to be Mus neglect us, 
from Borneo. 

* Trapped among old tree stumps near a patch of recently cleared jungle. 1 

1 append a list of names with references to original descriptions and type 
localities, showing the main groups into which some of these Oriental rats 
may be classed. The list has no pretence at being complete or exhaustive, 
but it may, perhaps, by rough subdivision, enable more competent workers to 
attack and put in order the unwieldly genus Mus . 



3 * 

It has been found impossible to divide these species Into groups of equal 
value. In the case of the Jerdoni , Wbitebeadi, Xarttkurus } and Rattus sections, 
these groups are so subdivided as to have become, for practical purposes, of 
almost generic value, although showing no characters of sufficient importance 
to enable them to be generically separated. The remainder are groups of 
slightly superspecific value, and equal to the subgroups of the more variable 


Moderate steed to large rats ; fur as a rule thickly beset with spines. Colour above, brown 
or ochraceous, sharply marked off* from pure white under parts. Tail long and generally bicolor. 


Similar to above but tail short, and the species all of moderate size. Colour of upper parts 
not sharply divided from that of lower parts, which are generally of a bufFy white. 


Large, soft-furred rats of brownish colour above, not sharply divided from that of the under 
parts, which are lighter in colour, sometimes white. The tail is of moderate length, naked, and 
its terminal portion white. 


Large grtezled rats with long black tail. Under parts white. 


Large rats of a silver)" or brownish-grey colour minutely flecked with white. Tail long, 
uni color. 


The large and difficult group of Mus raitus t I propose, dealing only with Oriental specimens, 
to divide into three subgroups, viz, :— Rujitteens y Pyctoris , and Griseif enter. 

Subgroup Rufescens 

Hairs long, light coloured and yellowish, especially along the flanks, interspersed with longer 
black ones down the centre of the back. Ears large. Under parts white or yellowish-white. 
Tail slightly longer than head and body. Average measurements :—Head and body, 1 70 mm, ; 
Tail, 184 mm. ; Hind feet, 32 mm. ; Ear, 24 mm, A tree rat. 

(&) Subgroup Pyctoris * 1 

Hair moderately long and soft ; much darker and more uniform above than rufescens „ 
Under parts white. Tail bearing about the same proportion to the head and body as in the 
former subgroup, possibly rather shorter. Whole animal smaller, especially the ear. Average 
measurements:—Head and body, 145 mm,; Tail, 165 mm.; Hind feet, 30 mm.; 
Ear, zi mm. A hill rat. 

t. This is the niridut group of Thomas and various authors ; Mvt miidut belong* to rojf third subgroup, which 

I have called griieivmter to *ave confusion. The typei of both pyaorii and nitidus are In the British Museum. 



(0 Subgroup Griseiventer 

Larger, Hairs short and dose. General colour much more uniform. Under parts grey 
or yellowish-grey. Tail longer than head and body. Hind foot very large ; ear small. 
Average measurements Head and body, 155 mm. ; Tail, 177 mm. ; Hind feet, 35 mm. ; 
Ear, 19 mm. A house rat. 


Small rats, of a dull uniform colour; tail short, not exceeding the head and body in length. 
They may most easily be recognized by their very soft, sooty fur. 

I have endeavoured, as far as possible, in the following lists, to assign 
each name to a group, but, in some instances, this has been found impossible, 
and in others there has been only a very scanty description to go upon, A 
group has not always been called after the name of the oldest species it contains, 
but rather after a species which is fully described and can be easily identified. 


Subgroup Edwards! 

Mus cdwardsi, Thos . P.Z.S. 1882, p. 587. 

Mus siponmus, Thos. Ann, Mus, Civ. Genoa t xxxiv, p. n (1895). 
Mus ciliatus, Bonhote^ P.Z.S. 1900, p. 879, 

W. Fokien, China, 

Isle of Sipora, Sumatra. 
Gunung Inas, Perak. 

Subgroup Sabanus 

Mus sabanus, Thos. Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist , (5) xx, p. 270 {1887), 
Mus vociferans, Mill. Pm. Biol Sec. Wash, xiii, p, 138 (1900). 
Mus lnncavcnsis, Mill. Pm, Biol, Sec. Wash, xiii, p. 188 (1900). 
Mus strepitans. Mill. Pm. Wash. Acad. Sci. ii, p. 207 (1900). 
Mus fremen s, Mill. Pm. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phi lad. 1 902, p. 154. 

Kina Balu, Borneo, 

Trang, Lower Siam. 

Pulau Lankawi, S. China Sea. 
Anambas Island. 

Sinkep Island. 

Subgroup Jordoni 

Mus pel lax, Mill Pm. Biol. Sec. Wash, xiii, p. 147 (1900), 

Mus fulvescens, Gray , Cat. Hedgs. Coll. t p. 18 (1846). 

Mus caudatior, Hodgs. Ann, Mag . Nat. Hist. (2) iit, p. 203 (1849). 
Mus jerdoni, B/yth f J.A.S.B, xxxii, p. 350 (1863), 

Mus coxingi, Stvinhot, P.Z.S, 1864, p. 185, 

Mus rapit, Bonhote, Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. { 7) xi, p, 123 (1903). 

Trang, Lower Siam, 




Kina Balu, Borneo, 

Subgroup Niveiventer 

Mus bukit, Benhote , Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) xi, p. 125 {1903). 
Mus niveiventer, Hodgs, J.A.S.B.V. p. 234 (1836). 

Mus confucianus, M. Edw. Nouv. Arch . Mus, vii, p. 93 (1871), 

Jalor, Malay Peninsula. 

Moupia, China, 

Subgroup Rajah 

Mus rajah, Thos. Ann. Mag . Nat. Hist . (6) xiv, p. 45] (1894). 
Mus helhvaldi, Jentink t Notts Leyden Mus . p. 11 (1878). 

Mus anambae, Mill. Proc. Wash. Acad. Set . ii, p. 205 (1900). 
Mus lingensis. Mill „ „ „ p. 206 (1900), 



Anambas Island. 
Linga Island. 




Mus surifer, Mill. Proc. Biol. Sot. Wash, xiii, p. 148 (1900). 

Mus flavidulus, Mill. „ „ „ p. 189(1900). 

Mus butangensis, Mill.„ „ „ p. 190(1900). 

Subgroup Crcmoriventer 

Mus cremori venter, Mill. Proc. Biol. See. Wash , xiii, p. 144 (1900). 
Mus flavi venter, Mill. Pm. Wash. A tad. Set. ii, p. 204 (1900). 
Mus kina, Bonhote , Ann. Mag. Hat. Mist. (7) xi, p. 124 (1903). 


Mus whiteheadi, Thos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6)xiv, p. 452 (1894). 
Mus ochraceiventer, Thos., „ „ „ p. 451(1894). 

Mus mussehenbroeki, Jentink , Notts Leyden Mus. p. 19 (1878). 
Mus alticola, Thos, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) ii, p. 408 (1888). 
Mus baeodon, Thos. „ „ (6) xiv, p. 452 (1894). 

Mus asper, Mill. Pm. Biol. Sot. Wash, xiii, p. 145 (1900). 


Mus bowersi, Anders. Zool. Res. Yunnan , p. 304 (1S79). 

Mus latouchei, Thos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xx, p. 113 (1897). 
Mus fcrrocanus, Mill. Proc. Biol. Sot. Wash, xiii, p. 140 (1900). 
Mus berdraorei, Blyth , J.A.S.B, xx, p, 173 (1851). 


Mus xanchurus, Gray , P.Z.S. 1867, p. 598. 

Mus celebensis, Gray, P.Z.S, 1867, p, 598. 

Mus meyeri, Jentink , Notes Leyden Mus. i, p. 12 (1878). 

Mus everetti, Gunth , P.Z.S. 1879, p. 75. 

Mus macleari, Thos. P.Z.S . 1887, p, 573. 

Mus luzonicus, Thos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xvi, p. 163 (1805). 


Mus muelleri, Jentink, Notes Leyden Mas., p. t6 (1879). 

Mus palm arum, Zelebor, Reise der Ost Fregat. Novara, Zool. i, p. 26 

Mus validus, Mill, Proc. Biol. See, Wash, xiii, p. J 41 {1900). 

Mus integer, Mill. Proc. Wash, Acad. Set. iii, p. 111 (1901). 

Mus firm us, Mill. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sts'. Phi/ad. 1902, p. 155. 

Mus stoicus, Mill. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxiv, p. 759 09 °^)* 

Mus tadturnus, Mill. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxiv, p, 762 (1902). 


Mus infraiutcus, Thos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) ii, p, 409 (1888). 

Trang, Lower Siam, 
Pulau Lankaws. 

Trang, Lower Siam. 
Anambas Island. 
Kina Balu, Borneo. 

Kina Balu, Borneo. 
Kina Balu, Borneo, 

Kina Balu, Borneo. 
Kina Balu, Borneo. 
Trang, Lower Siam. 


Kuatun, China. 
Trang, Lower Siam. 




Luzon, Philippines. 

Xiihs Island. 

Luzon, Philippines. 



Trang, Lower Siam. 
Sirhassen Island. 

Linga Island. 

Henry Laurence Island, 


S, Andaman Island. 

Kina Balu, Borneo, 




Subgroup Rufescens 

Mus rufescens, Gray, Charltsw. Mag. Nat. Hist, i, p. 585 (1837). 
Mas flaveseens, J Elliot, Madr. Joum. x, p. 214, (1839), 

Mas brunncuscuhis, Hodg. Ann . Nat, Hist, xv, p. 267 (1845). 

Mus tetragonurus, Kelaart, Prtktr&mus (1850). 

Mus nemoralis, Biyth, J.A.S.B. xx, p. 168 (1851}. 

Mus robtistulus, Biyth, J.A.S.B. xxviii, p. 294 (1859), 

Mus Andaman ensis, Biyth, J.A.S.B. xxix, p. 103 (i860). 

Mus fiavipcctus, M. Edtv. Neuv. Arch. Mus . vii, p. 93 (1871). 
Mus slndcni, Anders. Zool. Res. Yunnan , p. 305 (1879). 

Mus yunnanensis, Anders. Res. Yunnan, p. 306 (1879). 

Mus vicerex, Bonhote, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) xi, p. 473 (1903). 








Moupin, China. 




Subgroup Pyctoris 

(the nitidus group of Thomas, Sdater, and other authors.) 

Mus pyctoris, Hodgs. Ann. Mag. Nat, Hist. xv, p. 267 (1845). 

Mus aquicaudalis, Hodgs. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist, (2) lit, p. 203 

Mus rubncosa, Anders . Zool. Res. Yunnan, p. 306 (1879). 

Mus neglect us, Jentink, Notes Leyden Mus. 1879, P* *+■ 

Mus tiomanicus, Mill, Free, Wash, Acad. Set , iii, p. 209 (1900). 
Mus j a lore n sis, Bonhote, an tea, p. 29. 





Tioman Island. 

Subgroup Griseiventer 

Mus tndicus, Desm. (nec Bechsf.) Mamm, ii, p. 299 (1822). 

Mus asiaticus, Gray, Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. i, p. 385 (1837). 

Mus rattoidcs, Hodgs. Ann, Mag. Nat, Hist, xv, p, 267 (1845). 
Mus nitidus, Hodgs. Ann, Mag. Nat. Hist. XV, p. 267 (1845). 
Mus kandinnus, Kelaart , Prodromus (1850). 

Mus germaini, M. Edw. Rech. Mamm., p. 289 (1874). 

Mus pamiosus, Mill. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash, xiii, p. 190 (1900). 
Mus tambelanicus, Mill. Proc. Wash, Acad. Set. ii, p. 212 (1900). 
Mus siamanicus, Mill. Proc. Wash. Acad. Set. ii, p, 210 (1900). 
Mus atratus, Mill. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxiv, p, 767 (1902}. 

Mus flebilis. Mill. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. xxiv, p, 762 (1902). 

Mus pulli veil ter. Mill. Proc . U.S. Nat, Mus . xxiv, p, 765 (1902). 
Mus grisei ven ter, Bonhote , an tea, p. 30. 






Pulau Condor, 


Big Tambelan Island. 

Pulau Siantan. 

Barren Island, Andamans. 

Henry Laurence Island, 


Great Nicobar Island. 


I have been unable to refer the following to either of the three subgroups. 

Mus decumanoides, Hodgs. J.A.S.B. x, p. 915 (1841). 

Mus ceylonus, Kelaart Prodromus, (1850), 

Mus infralmeatus, Elliot; Biyth, J.A.S.B. xxxii, p. 348 (1863). 

3 6 



Mus chrysocomus, Hoffmn. Abh . Mus. Drtsd. iii, p. to (1887)* Celebes, 

Mus ruber, Jenttnk, Notes Leyden Mus , ii, p. 18 (1879)* New Guinea, 

Mus balucnsis, TAos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xiv, p. +54 (1894)- Ki *a Balu » Borneo ' 

Mus fratrorum, Tbs. Ann. Mag, Nat. Hist. (6) xviii, p, 24 6 (1896). Rurukan, Celebes. 

Mus datae, Meyer, Abh. Mus . Dresd. vii, p. 25 (1899). PMUipines. 

The following six species are very distinct from all those that have gone 
before as well as from each other. They are merely noted here to show that 
they have been taken into consideration when making out the above list. 

Mus mettada, Gray , Charlsw, Mag. Nat. Hist, i, p. 586 (1837). Madras. 

Mus gleadowi, Mu/ray, P.Z.S. 1885, p. 805, pi, li. W* India. 

Mus blanfordi, TAos, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. {5) vii, p, 24 (18 3 1). S, India, 

Mus humei, TAos. P.Z.S. 1886, p, 63, pi. v. Manipur, 

Mus annandalei, BonAote, antea, p. 30. S- Perak. 

Mus coelestis, TAos. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) xviii, p. 248 (1896). S, Celebes. 

I append a few notes to shew the distinguishing characters of some of 
the species and subgroups. 

The Edwardsi group are Urge rats of a dark colour, their fur intermixed with spines of 
medium stiffness. In M. edwardsi and M. siporanus the tail is bicolor and has the terminal 
third white. In M. ciliatus it is uniformly dark. In the original description of M. siporanus 
Mr. Thomas was inclined to consider it as allied to M. maclean ; a comparison of the skulls, 
however, clearly shews it to belong to the Jesdon't group. 1 have pointed this out to Mr, 
Thomas, who concurs in the view here expressed. 

SabatlUS group, M. sabanus is slightly smaller than the rats in the above group, and 
lighter in colour, especially about the shoulders. The tail is very long, bicolor, and with the 
tip white, 

Jerdoni group. Smaller and much brighter in colour than individuals of the former 
groups. The fur in this group is much longer and softer than in all the others, being 
especially so in M. fuhescem and M. caudatm, which are synonyms. In M. taxings, however, 
although the fur is very long it is very thickly interspersed with stiff spines. Tail moderately 
iong and bicolor. 

The Niveiventer group closely resembles the last, but the fur is shorter and very spiny, 
especially in the case of M. nivtiventer, where it is of a dull greyish brown on the back. They 
are all slightly smaller than the Jerdoni group, and the tail is shorter in proportion and 
bt color. 

The Rajah group contains rats slightly paler in colour than those of the Jerdons 
group. They are intermediate in size, between the Jerdoni and Sabanus groups, and the fur 
is thickly beset with spines. Tail only slightly longer than the head and body, bicolor, and 
white for about an inch at the tip. 

The C re mori venter group is composed of smaller rats than the previous ones, fur 
light yellow', thickly interspersed with spines. Tail of moderate length, unicolor. 



Whiteheadl group- M. whiteheads and M, asper arc very closely allied, M. achraeeiventer 
is larger, has deep ochraccous under parts, and is much darker above, Mus aiticola is dark brown 
above, showing no trace of the fulvous tint; the under parts are dull white, 

M. baeodon is considerably smaller than M. whiteheads, and has whitish under parts ; it also 
differs in its cranial characters. With the exception of M. mmsekenbroeki, they are all spiny. 

Bowersi group. The two specimens from the Hume Collection referred by Mr. Thomas 
(F-Z.S. 1886, p. 62), to Mus berdmorei, Blvth, resemble Mus bowersi so closely, except in size, that 
I have no hesitation in placing them in the same group. The hind feet of M. berdmorei measures 
35 mm., and that of M. bowersi 52 mm. 

Xanthums group. The differences between the various species have been tabulated by 
Mr. Thomas (P.Z.S. 1887, p, 573)1 who also, in his description of M. iuzonicus, clearly 
distinguishes it from M. everetti , 

Muelieri group. This group are large dark coloured rats, with long uniformly black tails. 
They are all grizzled to a greater or less extent with fulvous ; the under parts arc, in the case of 
M, vaUdus, of a greyish-white, but in M. muelieri itself, yellowish-white. 

MllS iufraluteus is a fine and distinct species, but allied to the above group in size and 
cranial characters. It is of a uniform very dark brown above, some of the hairs having light, 
glistening tips. Under parts with dark grey under fur, and long, light, glistening stiff hairs, of a 
spiny character. 

The divisions into which I have divided the rats of the Mus rattUS group are, to a large 
extent, correlated with the habits and situations in which they are found. Those of the Rufescens 
subgroup are tree rats, although in many places they may also be found in houses, and at 
considerable elevations as well. 

The Pyctoris subgroup contains hill rats which are not found in low lying land, and Mus 
grieiventer represents the true house rat, its chief characters being the large feet, correlated with 
short ears. The great difficulty to be contended with in this group is the fact of their travelling 
about on ships, with the result that many varieties and forms occur which cannot be definitely 
assigned to any of the subgroups, and this has caused a great number of these varieties to be 
described. One finds, however, as in the case of most small mammals, that in localities 
away from the direct influence of imported specimens, individuals from any one district are 
remarkably constant in their characters. In working out this group, reference should be made 
to the following sources :— 

Oldfield Thomas, P.Z.S , 1881, p. 521, etc, 

W. L. Sclater. F.Z.S. 1890, p. 523. 

Cat. Martins . Ind . Mus., p. 62 (1891). 

I have not gone into the Chinese forms of this group with the exception of M . favipectus, 
which belongs to the Rufescens subgroup, differing therefrom only in having the under parts 
suffused with huffish. 

M. vice rex, which I have recently described, is a very well-marked form of M. rufescens; 
its main point of distinction lies in its bicolor tail, which is also well-clothed with moderately 
long hair. In colour it is a pale-grey form of M. rufescens, the long black hairs having a 
greenish gloss, which, although present in Rufescens, is not nearly so conspicuous a feature. 

Most of the specimens labelled M. nitidus in the Museum belong in reality to M. pyctoris , 
Hones., which is chiefly to be distinguished by its darker and warmer tints and its longer fur. 

3 * 


I have placed M. negitctus in the Pyc/crh subgroup, as the most typical specimens certainly 
agree with the main features of that group. The scries in the Museum, however, shews a wide 
range of variation, which, owing to lack of sufficient data, I have not been able to satisfactorily 
work out. Some specimens closely approach Af. Jlavipcctus, which undoubtedly belongs to the 
Ruftscew subgroup, while others with their large feet and short ears approximate to the 
Grmlventer subgroup, and it is probable that all three subgroups are represented in Borneo. 

Mm nltidusy Hodos., which has been confounded with Mus pyttorts, is a large rat of the Mus 
gristiventer subgroup, resembling this last in the large feet and the comparatively small ears. On 
the back the type resembles M, griseivmter, except in being rather paler, the under parts being 
of a dirty yellowish-grey. Other specimens, however, from the same locality, are very much 
brighter on the back. 

Mus germaini from Cochin, China, is another species of the Criseiventer subgroup, and except 
in its more fulvous colour is not unlike M. nitidus ; the under parts, however, arc yellowish white 
instead of yellowish grey, and the hind feet are also whitish. 

I have not had time or material to go carefully into the Chiysmmus group, but have placed 
them together, as they may all be easily recognized by their extremely soft, woolly fur, entirely 
destitute of spines. The skulls of M. fratrorum and M . datae may be recognized by the long 
snout, flattened bullae, and large teeth. The skull of M. bulutnsis resembles more closely that of 
M. titgketus, but is somewhat intermediate, having the snout more attenuated and the bullae 
flatter than in the last named. 

62. Mus concolor, Blyth. 

Mus concolor, Blyth y J.A.S.B . xxvm, p. 295 (1859) ; Flower , P.Z. 8 . 1900, 
p. 361 ; Bonhote, op . c/ 7 ., p. 879. 

a. $ Bukit Bcsar, Jalor. ioth May, 1901. 

b-e. 3d,i? Biserat, Jalor. 3rd July, 1901. 

f-i. 3 £ » 1 ? Tojan, Nawngchik. 29th Nov., 1901. 

k-m. 3 spms. in ale. Biserat, Jalor. July, 1901. 

‘ The common house mouse of the Patani States.’ 

63. Mus, sp. 

a. 9 ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak, 13th February, 1902, 

This mouse is apparently closely allied, if not identical, with Mus 
concolor , but is slightly larger, and owing to the size of the skull I do not feel 
justified in assigning it to that species. 

64. Rhizomys sumatrensis {Raffles) 

Mus sumatrensis, Raffles > Trans. Linn. Soc . xm, p. 258 (1822). 

Rhizomys erythrogenys, binders. Zool. Res * Yunnan , p, 324 (1879). 

Rhizomys sumatrensis (Raffles), Flower y P.Z.S. 1900, p. 363 ; Bonbote, he . ci/.> 
p. 881. 

a t b, 9. Kampong Jalor, Jalor. 4th November, 1901. 

c. 9 . Gedong, Batang Padang, South Perak. 12th January, 1902. 



One of the Jalor specimens, while apparently fairly adult, is considerably 
smaller and darker than the other two. At first sight, small dark coloured 
examples of this species resemble R. pruinosus, but they may always be dis¬ 
tinguished by the red on the face and the longer tail. 

They are possibly referable to R. erytbrogenys, Anders., which, on the 
material at my disposal, I can only consider as a colour phase of the true 
R . sumatrensis, depending on the individual rather than the locality whence it 

* We never met with the bamboo rat ourselves, all our specimens having 
been brought in by natives. With the larger of the Jalor specimens were four 
young ones, almost exactly resembling their parent in coloration/ 

55. Hystrix grotei (Gray) 

(Plate III) 

Acanthochoerus grotei, Gray , P.Z.S. 1866, p. 310 ; Sc later, too. cit p. 417. 
Hystrix longicauda (Marsden), Sdater , P.Z.S. 1871, p. 234 ; Flower , P.Z.S. 

1900, P . 364. 

Hystrix yunnanensis (Anders.), Bonbote, P.Z.S. 1900, p. 881. 

a-e. ad. Mabek, Jalor, 27th July, 1900, 

d. $ imm. (skull only). 27th July, 1900. 

The type of H. grotei, which is unfortunately a young specimen, and with 
which I have compared the above, leaves no doubt that these can be referred 
to that species. The only question about which doubt can exist is as to the 
advisability of using Gray's name instead of the H. longicauda from Sumatra 
of Marsden 1 ; Marsden gives a plate but no description, and without specimens 
from Sumatra it is impossible to say whether the Sumatran animal is identical 
with that of the mainland or not, 

Gray’s description of his type agrees well with the adult specimens, but 
in the skin the nuchal crest is not visible, as the spines forming It are hardly, 
if at all, longer than those on the surrounding parts, but a few of them have 
a conspicuous white tip. The narrow lunate half collar under the throat is 
also well marked in all the specimens. 

The skull, which is large, approaches most nearly to that of H. muelleri , 
Jent, from Borneo, but is larger and has a much stouter muzzle. The nasals 
are long and of fairly uniform width throughout their length, their posterior 
margin being about level with the hinder edge of the first molar, and being 
longer than the greatest length of the frontals by about half-an-inch. The 
praemaxilla is of moderate breadth at its posterior end, which lies about level 
with the anterior margin of the premolar. 


1. Marsckn, Ndt. Hiit , Sumatra (3rd cd.), p, 118, pi. xiu (1S18) 




The measurements are as follows :—‘Greatest length, 140 mm. ; Hen- 
selion to edge of occipital foramen, 113 mm. ; Zygomatic breadth, 72 mm. ; 
Length of nasals, 61 mm. ; Greatest length of frontals, 51 mm. ; Breadth of 
nasals at posterior edge of praemaxilla, 30’5 mm. ; Ditto at tip, 23 mm. 

It will be noticed that in these specimens the nasals are about 10 mm. 
longer than the greatest length of the frontals, whereas in H . yunnanensis> which 
was brought back by the ( Skeat ’ Expedition two years ago, the nasals are 
4 mm, shorter than the frontals. I have, however, compared these skulls 
with that previously identified as Ii, yunnanensis y and consider that they all 
belong to the same species. 

4 Porcupines, presumably of this species, must have been exceedingly 
abundant round Biserat, especially in the caves, the floors of which were covered 
with innumerable tracks, but no trap that we could obtain proved effectual. 
The series in the collection were obtained for us by natives, and were dug 
from their holes in deep jungle. * The immature specimen of which only the 
skull was preserved, was found in the same hole along with one of the females 
and an adult male, which escaped, and the remaining pair were captured 
together. Both the females contained a single fairly advanced embryo, so 
that it is evident that the young ones remain with their parents until the young 
of the succeeding year are born. 

A wound from a porcupine’s quill is considered by the Malays as very 
dangerous, and we were solemnly informed that if the quill penetrated as far 
as the first dark ring, the injury would inevitably prove fatal. 

Locally this species is known as landak , the brush-tailed porcupine being 
called landek 


56. Atherura macroura (Lion.) 

Hystrix macroura, Linn, Syst . Nat. 1, p. 77 (1766). 

Atheroura macroura (Linn.) Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 364. 

a . £ . Kampong Jalor, Jalor. 14th November, 1 go 1. 

57. Ncmorhoedus swettenhami, Butler 

Nemorhoedus swettenhami, Butkr y P.Z.S, 1900, p. 675. 

Nemorhoedus sumatrensis (Shaw), Flower y P.Z.S . 1900, p. 370 ; Bonbote y 
op. « 7 ., p. 882. 

z $ (skins only). Biserat, Jalor. 30th July, 190J, 

Frontlet, Purchased in Patani Town. 

Frontlet. Purchased from Hill Sakais, Temongoh, Upper Perak, 



In these skins the whole animal is jet black, with the exception of the 
hairs along the mane, which are tawny at their tips and dirty white at their 

* The kambing gurun is, speaking relatively, quite a common animal in 
suitable localities throughout the Peninsula, though no more than one 
specimen has ever been shot by a European. Its favourite haunts are the 
precipitous limestone hills, thickly clad with jungle, that form a very 
characteristic feature in the landscape of many parts of the Peninsula, both 
on the East and West coasts. It is, however, by no means confined to such 
localities, for it was not uncommon on Bukit Besar, more especially on the 
precipitous South-Western face, and even at our encampment above 
Ban Sai Kau we heard the curious call, half-way between a bleat and a roar, 
of the male. By offering a liberal reward we managed to persuade some of 
the Biserat natives to snare us two specimens. 1 

58. Gervulus muntjac (Zimin.) 

Cervus muntjac, Zimm. Geog. Gesch . ri, p. 131 (1780). 

Cervulus muntjac (Zimm.), Flowe r, P.Z.S. 1900, p. 371. 

Six pairs of horns, Tanjong Luar, Jalor-Rharaan border, and the jamm district of Rhaman 

(obtained from natives). 

* The muntjac was evidently common on Bukit Besar, and its barking cry 
was often heard/ 

59. Cervus unicolor, Bechst, 

Cervus unicolor, Becbst Allgem . Uebers d. vierfus y Thiere y 1, p. 112 (1700) ; 
Flowery P,Z,S. 1900, p. 372 ; Bonhote y op. cit ., p. 882. 

Frontlet. Tanjong Luar, Jalor-Rhaman border. 

Frontlet. Hulu Sungkei, South Perak, 

* Obtained from natives. At Jabar, some distance inland from Biserat, we 
saw a nearly adult female of this species in the possession of the Siamese 
magistrate of the district/ 

60. Tragulus javameus canescerts, Mill. 

Tragulus canescens. Mill. Proc. Biol. Soc . Wash . xm, p. 185 (1900). 

Tragulus napu (F. Cuv.), Flowery P.Z.S. 1900, p. 374. 

a. imp. sk. and skull. Grit, Upper Perak, April, 1902. 

‘This form is also common in the Batang Padang district, South Perak, 
and we saw two or three specimens at Gedong in the possession of natives. 
Speaking generally, this species is everywhere rarer than the succeeding, or 
possibly is not so much esteemed for food/ 



61. Tragulus kanchil affinis, Gray 

Tragulus affinis, Gray, P.Z.S. x 861, p. 138. 

Tragulus javanicus (Gm. nec Osbeck), Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 374 ; Bonkote y 
op, cit.> p. 883, and of authors generally. 

Tragulus ravus, Miller > Proc . Biol. Soc. Wash, xv, p, 173 (1902). 


9 - 

Mabek, Jalor. 

28th July, 190!. 


9 - 

Biserat, Jalor. 

14th July, 1901. 


9 - 


14th July, 1901. 


9 . 

Kampong, Jalor. October, 1901. 

In my recent paper on the genus I have shewn the reason for adopting 
Gray’s name for this form of T. kanchil. It is, however, very closely allied 
to T. fulviventer , of which the exact locality is unfortunately doubtful. They 
may be distinguished from T. fulviventer by their slightly smaller size and 
paler coloration. The type of T. fulviventer has in addition a rufous trans¬ 
verse stripe under the throat at the apex of the triangular marking which 
connects the colour at either side of the neck. 

4 The Malays are acquainted with four species of Tragulus , which they 
state are quite distinct, viz. : the Napu (T. javanicus) ; the Pelmdok , which is 
the present species ; the Pelandok angin (wind chevrotain ), 1 which is said to be 
very rare and which we have not been able to identify; and the Kanchil , which is 
much smaller than any of the other species, and may be the young of T. kanchil. 

Throughout the Malay Peninsula Traguli of one species or another are 
extremely abundant, though so shy that they can rarely be captured, except 
by snaring. They do not seem to frequent nor seem to care for very thick 
jungle, frequenting by preference the bamboo forest that is very prevalent in 
certain localities, such as the Batang Padang Valley, between about 1500 and 
3000 feet, and the country round Mabek, where we frequently saw specimens/ 

62, Sus crist at us, Wagner 

Sus cristatus, Wagner , Munch, gel. Anz p. 535 (1839) ; Flower , P.Z.S . 1900, 
P- 375 - 

Skin of head and skull, imm, 9 * Tel6m, Perak Pahang boundary. January, 1902, 

* This specimen was sold to us by some Sakais who had brought it up as 
a pet, and whom it followed about like a dog, coming to them when they 
called it, but foraging for itself in the jungle/ 

63. Orcaella brevirostris (Owen) 

Phocaena brevirostris, Owen , Trans. Z,S . vi, p. 24, pi. 4, figs. 1-3 (1866). 
Orcaella brevirostris (Owen), Anders. P.Z.S . 1871, p.143. 

a. £ skeleton, nr. Patani. October, 1901. 

1. Cf> Fastie. Malay,—-Anthropology -~part i, p. [oi. 



c A school of five individuals of this species were enclosed in the fisher¬ 
men's seine, on the sea face of Tanjong, Patani, and we secured two specimens. 
Unfortunately, one was washed away by an unusually high tide. The fisher¬ 
men told us that they were often seen in Patani roads, and even crossed the 
bar of Patani River, but we never saw them except on this occasion. The 
specimens were both males, and were of a grey colour, between French grey 
and lead, slighter paler on the ventral surface.* 

The dimensions, in millemetres, were as 

follows ;— 



■ Length, snout to middle point of fluke 



* 75 * 

Breadth of fluke ... ... ... 

... ... 



Length of flipper ... ... ... ... 



Anterior margin of flipper to anus ... 




Anus to middle point of fluke 

... ... 



Girth at flippers 




Girth at anus ... 

... ... 

7 H 


Greatest Girth 




From middle point of fluke to posterior margin 

of dorsal fin 



Length of dorsal fin ... ... 


H 4 


Height of dorsal fin 




‘At Pak Yun, on the Taleh Sap (great lake), about half-way between 
Senggora and Lampam, 1 saw, on May 12, a school of five or six small 
cetaceans, apparently not much over four feet in length, and of an almost 
uniform rich chocolate brown (Platanista sp. ?). The water was here only 
very slightly brackish, the taste of salt being hardly perceptible. At the end 
of March, 1899, the ‘ Skeat* Expedition saw a school of similar cetaceans at 
almost exactly the same place, and the natives told me that it was always in the 
vicinity of the village, the lake being very narrow at this point.’—N.A. 

1 In the estuary of the Trang River, in salt water, I had a good view of 
a solitary cetacean, apparently about twice the size of those at Pak Yun, and 
of a uniform dead white colour. Its rostrum was only moderately elongated 
(Sotalia sinensis ?).’ —N.A. 

64. Manis javamca, Desm. 

Manis javanica, Desm . Mamm . p. 377 (1822) ; Flower , P.Z.S. 1900, p. 378 ; 

Bonhote y he, cit. p. 883. 

a. $ ad. Kampong Jalor, Jalor. 3rd November, 1901. 

by c. HjHmm. Ban Sai Kau, NawngchiL Map, 1901. 

In the two immature specimens the latter half, and in the adult the 
terminal third, of the tail is white. 




e In addition to the buffalo {Bub (Jus in die us) > which has become feral in 
parts of Legeh, and on the islands off the Trang coast, the Malays of the 
Patani States own two breeds of horned cattle—-a small, short-horned variety 
of the zebu (. Bos zebu ), and a breed known in the Federated Malay States as 
Kelantan cattle, but called in Patani, Letnbu siam . The latter are also small, 
and resemble the cattle of the Channel Islands in build and colouring, being 
generally dun with black points and ankles* The zebus are frequently black 
or red. The bulls of the latter breed are trained to fight with one another, by 
shoving with their heads, rarely using their horns, and large sums of money 
are lost and won in betting on a favourite bull. The * Siamese * cattle are only 
used for ploughing, and for sale in the British States. The two breeds are 
allowed to mingle freely, and every gradation from one to the other, as far as 
hump, general configuration and colour, is frequently to be seen, but the 
hybrids show a curious tendency to develop depressed and somewhat 
corrugated horns like those of a buffalo/ 

Elephants and Sheep 

* The captive elephants in the Patani States are allowed to wander freely 
in the jungle for a considerable proportion of the year, with hobbles shaped 
like a figure of eight on their forelegs. Some attention is paid to breeding 
them by the Rajas of Legeh and Jalor, and in each of these States there is an 
official known as Ku Chang, whose duty it is to superintend all matters of the 
kind. The Raja of Jalor told me that fully adult elephants breed once in five 
or seven years, and that the female went pregnant for from ten to twelve 
months,' and also that the period of gestation was longer in the case of a bull 
calf. He also said that ordinary cattle bred every year, buffaloes once in three 
years, and sheep and goats twice in the year. He had never heard of a cow 
having more than one calf at a time/—N.A, 

( At Kampong Budi, where a considerable number of sheep were pastured, 
we were told that they bred every seven months/ 

Canis familiaris 

In connexion with Mr. Bon note’s remarks in a former paper (P.Z.S* 
1900, p. 874) it may be of interest to note that we examined a considerable 
number of pariah dogs’ skulls at Kampong Jalor, and found that the large 
proportion of them were asymmetrical in both jaws, there being frequently one 
tooth less than the normal number either on the left or right side indifferently. 

1. Two year* is usually believed to be tbe correct period,— N, A, 





Sdurua robinsuni, Bonhote (p, 14) 


Figs. j f z, Mm j-iiorensia, Bonhote (p, 2$) 
Fig. 3. Mus grjtei venter, Bonhote (p, 30) 


Hyttrix grotei, Gray (p, 39) 


Fig. l. Mus nunandatei, Bonhote (p. 30) 
Fig, 1, Mus bukit, Bonhote (p. zf) 

Fig, 3, Mm rufeaceni, Gfny (p, 2S) 

Fid, 4, Mus jaJorcnsit, Bonhote (p. i8) 

Fig. 5. Mus griseiventer,, Bonhote (p, 30) 
Fig, 6 , Sciurm mgrovittatus, Horsf, (p, z$) 
Fig. 7, Sciurus vittatm, Raffles (p. *z) 



R GtiodcMld del ut litK 


Mi-ntern Brag imp 




^5 xoj Aw 

H Goodckild etlitk. 

MmtarnBros imp 

Z'WSCIC; MALAY: zoology. Part I 


tt-Gro&vald del atlvtk 


(NAT SrZEj. 

JfiTi.t*T>nBT , 0 3 imp 




6 . 

4 co 

3 cc 

1 CL. 

5 Or. 

2 CC . 

Skulls of Sciurtts ami Mm from the Malay Peninsula. 





T HE Batrachians collected by Mr. Robinson and myself, on which, with 
the Reptiles, Mr. Boulenger has been kind enough to furnish a report, 
were obtained in the Patani States, a few of the commoner species 
being also represented by duplicates from Perak or Selangor. The Reptiles 
are mostly from the same district, but some interesting forms were obtained 
in Selangor by Mr. Robinson, and the type of a new species of Testudo and 
several snakes and lizards were collected by us together in South Perak. In 
preparing the notes I have added to Mr, Boulenger’s report, I have used 
Mr. Robinson’s observations as well as my own, some of the latter having been 
made as long ago as 1899 ; and the descriptions of the colour of the living 
animals were mostly our joint work. From a bionomical standpoint, two 
interesting features in the collection are the evidence it affords (1) of the 
superior conspicuousness of coloration possessed by young individuals of certain 
species of Reptiles, and (2) of the mimicry of the deadly Naia bungarus by a 
non-venomous snake. 

It should be noted that while the ‘ Skeat ’ collection of Reptiles from the 
Patani States, which was made by myself, was peculiarly rich in snakes, our 
attempt in the present one was to obtain as representative a series of the 
lizards of the district as possible, so that the two collections supplement one 
another in a very interesting way. 






T HE collection made by Messrs. Annan dale and Robinson* and kindly 
entrusted to me for study, affords a substantial supplement to our 
knowledge of the herpetology of the Malay Peninsula, recently 
enriched by the efforts of Messrs. S. Flower, A. L. Butler, and L. Wray, 
and by the f Skeat' Expedition, in which Mr. Annandale himself took part, 
and the results of which have been reported upon by Mr. Eaidlaw. The 
present report contains descriptions of two new frogs, two new tortoises, a 
new lizard, and a new snake ; whilst three lizards ( Mabuia siamemis , Lygosoma 
quadrivittatum> Dibamus novae-gutneae) and one snake ( Anchtrodon rhodommd) are 
recorded for the first time from the Malay Peninsula. 




1 . Megalophrys Montana, Kubl 
(Plate V, Fig, i.J 

A young specimen, 26 mm. from snout to vent, and numerous larvae 
from Bukit Besar (2,500 feet). A half-grown male from Jalor. 

The curious larvae, with their enormous funnel-shaped lips, were first 
described and figured by Professor Max Weber, 1 and further specimens from 
Bukit Besar, obtained by the 1 Skeat ’ Expedition, and identified by me, have 
been noticed by Mr. Laidlaw , 1 and figured by Dr. Gadow, in the Reptile 
volume of the Cambridge Natural History y p. 60. 

I. A PM, Sard. Bot. Butrennorfa Suppl. ii, 1898, p. J. 
3, Free, Z00L Soc, 1900, p, 889, 



The superciliary ‘horns 1 are merely indicated in the half-grown specimen 
and in a young perfect specimen, and no trace of them is to be seen in one, 
only half as long, which has retained the tail fully developed. The tympanum 
is distinct Until more specimens have been examined, it is, in my opinion, 
safer to designate this frog by the varietal name aceras than to describe it as 
a new species. 

1 The adult appears to be nocturnal, and all the specimens that I have 
seen under natural conditions have been taken in dead tree-trunks lying on 
the jungle floor. The larvae were obtained from a pool, not more than a 
foot-and-a-half square, in a little watercourse of partially artificial origin, 1 
took a number of specimens in the same pool at the beginning of May, in 
1899. They occupy the extreme edge, where the water is so shallow that 
their tails almost touch the bottom when they are suspended from the surface 
film ; and when the pool dries up, as it does in comparatively dry weather, they 
conceal themselves among the mud and dead leaves that remain, living, at any 
rate for some days, under such conditions. Nevertheless, we were unable to keep 
them alive in captivity for more than a day or two, probably because we did 
not put them in sufficiently shallow water. Their food, judging from the 
contents of their intestines, consists of algae and minute organisms, both 
animal and vegetable, I do not believe that it is possible for them to rasp 
the leaves of water-plants, as Dr. Gadow suggests. As a rule, they hang 
from the surface film, as in Dr. Gadow’s figure, but occasionally they sink to 
the bottom, where they often lie on one side for a few minutes before 
returning to the surface. The moment that they commence to sink, the funnel 
round the mouth collapses, taking on the form of a pair of horns, curling 
backwards along the side of the head ; but, as they touch the surface again, it 
re-expands into a regular parachute form r I was able to obtain photographs 
illustrating this action. It is probable that development is liable to be protracted 
by drought, as we found specimens in the same pool both at the end of April 
and again in September and October, and those taken in the autumn were, 
with a few exceptions, only a very little further advanced than those taken in 
spring, an unusually dry summer having intervened. It Is, however, possible 
that they may have belonged to different broods, and I am only led to make 
the suggestion that this was not so, by the fact that on one occasion, even in 
September, when the rains should be commencing, the pool dried up almost 
completely, and the tadpoles took refuge in the mud. The funnel round the 
mouth exhibits some curious histological features, which will, I hope, be 
described in a subsequent paper. 1 


l 33 


2. Bufo asper, Grave nh. 

Bukit Besar, 2,500 feet, and Stmgkei, Batang Padang, South Perak. 

* A common species, both in Perak and in the Siamese States. It is 
generally found near human dwellings or in secondary jungle, but occasionally 
penetrates into thick forest country.' 

3. Bufo parvus, Blgr. 

Sung led, South Perak, 

4. Bufo melanostictus, Gthr. 

Jalor and Selangor. 

‘Probably the commonest terrestrial Batrachian in most parts of the 
Peninsula, but I have never seen it in thick jungle. In the town of Senggora 
it issues forth from holes in the city wall every evening, or after a shower, in 
enormous numbers.' 


5. Callula pulchra. Gray 
Jalor and Sdangor. 

4 Common in the Patani States and Senggora, apparently less so on the 
west side of the main range. It is chiefly nocturnal in its habits, often hiding 
during the day among the cocoanut-husks and other refuse under native houses. 
I have seen a specimen seated in the hollow of a dead branch, surrounded by what 
appeared to be the remains of an ants' nest ; but all the ants were dead, 
whether killed by contact with the Batrachian or not, 1 cannot say, though it seems 
probable that this may have been the case. I have noted elsewhere, 1 how the 
way in which this toad inflates itself on being disturbed causes its conspicuous 
coloration to be displayed.' 

6. Microhyla ornata, D. & B. 

Mabek, Jalor. 

* Not uncommon in the long grass of clearings surrounded by jungle.' 

*. Proc. Zooi , Soe t 1900, p« 857. 




7. Oxyglossus lima, Gravenh. 

Cape Patani, 

( Common in the freshwater pools among the sandy Casuarina woods on 
Cape Patani ; appears to be largely an aquatic species. Local in distribution.’ 


8. Rana macrodon, D. & B. 

Bukit Besar, 2,500 feet; and Telfim, Perak'Pahang boundary, 4,000 feet (young specimen). 

f Both specimens were taken hiding under stones at the edge of jungle 

9. Ranatigrina, Daud. 

Jambu, Jhering. 

< The specimen was taken on the mud of the brackish mangrove swamp 
at the mouth of the Jambu River. In such environment it is not uncommon, 
occupying holes exactly similar to those of the mangrove crabs. 1 have seen 
a specimen dive into a strongly saline pool and remain under the surface for 
some minutes. It is also abundant, judging from its characteristic croaking, in 
the swamps of the Taleh Sap at Lampam, in Patalung, these swamps being 
possibly brackish at certain seasons of the year.* 

10. Rana linrmoch&rifl, Boie 

* The common rice-field frog, both of the Patani and the Federated 
Malay States. In dry weather it is occasionally found in the jungle, and it is 
generally common on elephant tracks in all places where the ground is 
sufficiently soft to retain impressions wherein water may collect. Puddles 
thus formed are a favourite spawning-place, but the eggs are also frequently 
laid in ditches and pools. They form a feebly coherent, one-layered mass of 
no great size that floats on the surface of the water, which oftens becomes 
quite hot under the mid-day sun. The ova appear to have about half the 
diameter of those of R . temporarily and to hatch within a week. In Jalor, 
spawning takes place throughout the summer months, but most frequently in 
June or July, apparently reoccurring after every heavy fall of rain. R, Immcharis 
sits in great numbers along the edges of the embankments of flooded rice 
fields, and when a person or large animal approaches, leaps hurriedly, with a 
splash, into the water. It swims away for a yard or two, and then returns 



abruptly to the embankment, only a few feet in front of its former station. So 
rapidly is this manoeuvre executed, that the frog is often re-established on 
dry land before the cause of its disturbance comes on a level with it, in which 
case it again leaps off and acts as before. At night and during breeding times 
in summer, the rice-field frogs (in Malay berkatak hendang ) are very noisy, their 
croaking somewhat resembling the syllables 4 g6ng-g&ng,gdng-gfing,’repeatedly 
and monotonously reiterated. In Jalor, Malay children imitate it very 
accurately by means of an ingenious toy. They take a narrow strip of rattan 
or other flexible but fairly stiff material, and split it for about half its length ; 
on each section they fasten a large Ampuliana shell, and then draw a stick 
rapidly backwards and forwards between the two shells. 

* In a number of specimens of R . limnocharis , taken from the same field 
and on the same day, the colour variation is considerable, some being devoid 
of a pale mid-dorsal line, which in some is white, in some green, in some pink, 
and in some tinged with yellow ; while, occasionally, the whole of the dorsal 
surface, which is usually of a dull mottled-grey, is suffused with bright green. 
This frog forms a very important item in the diet of several reptiles and of 
the numerous wading birds that collect in the rice fields during the rains of 
autumn and winter.' 

11. Rana erythraea, Schlg. 

M.ibek, Jalor. 

‘I do not remember having seen this frog either in the coast lands of the 
Patani States, in the rice fields of Jalor and Nawngchik, or in the comparatively 
dry jungle on the limestone hills of the former state; but it is not uncommon 
at Mabek, sitting on bushes at the edge of the stream, into which it leaps as 
soon as any disturbance occurs in its vicinity. Several may sometimes be 
seen on one bush. Near Kuala Lumpur, as Mr. Robinson has pointed out 
to me, it is common in the rice fields.’ 

12. Rhacophorus leucomystax, Gravenh. 

Kampong Bajru and Biserat, Jalor. 

1 This species is fairly common in the neighbourhood of human 
dwellings, both in the Patani States and other parts of the Peninsula, though 
being largely nocturnal, it is not very often seen. Its spawn is never, so far 
as I am aware, deposited in the water, but is either suspended from the leaves of 
trees, the eaves of houses, or some other point projecting over water or damp 
soil, or else is laid on the edge of buffalo-wallows or the embankments of 




rice fields* The larvae appear to be able to develop considerably, at any rate 
to assume an elongate form, before the froth, in which they are enveloped, 
comes in contact with water ; but if the direct rays of the sun fall upon them, 
as is often the case, and if they are not washed into some pool or puddle 
within a week or so, they perish. The frog is by no means sagacious in 
placing its spawn. 1 

Rbacophorus leucomystax has greater powers of colour change than any 
other frog with which we met, the changes being due partly to changes in the 
surroundings, or perhaps rather to variations in the intensity of reflected 
light, and partly to its own emotions. A specimen sitting among green 
leaves in the open is usually of a yellowish-green shade, while one confined 
in a comparatively dull environment becomes darker ; but sluggish specimens, 
which may be diseased, are generally dark ; and if a green specimen is 
handled, It also becomes dark, the bars on its hind legs being very con¬ 
spicuous. We saw one specimen, which, seated on a withered banana leaf 
and surrounded with other withered trunks and foliage, had assumed the 
dull grey of such surroundings exactly ; even the iris, which is habitually 
yellow or brown, having become of this colour. This was at mid-day, in 
fairly bright light, but the individual appeared to he unusually comatose.* 

13. Rhacophorus robinsonii, sp. nov. 

(PL V, Fig. 2). 

Vomerine teeth in two strong and oblique series touching the inner 
front edge of the choanae. Snout narrow, as long as the diameter of the 
orbit; loreal region nearly vertical, slightly concave ; nostril a little nearer 
the end of the snout than the eye ; interorbital space a little broader than the 
upper eyelid ; tympanum very distinct, two-thirds the diameter of the eye. 
Fingers rather short, much depressed, entirely webbed, the disks as large as 
the tympanum ; toes webbed to the disks, which are a little smaller than 
those of the fingers ; subartieular tubercles small but very prominent ; a very 
small inner metatarsal tubercle; no tarsal fold. Tibio-tarsal articulation 
^reaching between the eye and the tip of the snout. Skin smooth, granulate 
on the belly and under the thighs ; no dermal flaps at the heels or above the 
vent ; a strong fold above the temple. Pinkish-brown above, bluish-grey on 
the sides of the body and limbs ; sides of head darker purplish-grey, which 
above is sharply defined on the canthus rostralis ; ill-defined dark spots on 
the back ; limbs with greyish-brown cross-bars ; interdigital webs blackish, 
with light veins ; whitish beneath, throat mottled, belly marbled with grey. 
From snout to vent, 73 mm. 

1 * Cf. G a (low's Amphibia a-ui RtpiiUt, p. 247 . 



J GrteiL d<sl et JitH. Jfcnt«Tm Bros. imp. 



FA sere : MALAY: ZOOLOGY.— Fun L 



J Ctr-bqrv del ut litX 



Mint,amBro* imp 



This fine new Rhacophorus is very near R* fascia tus^ Blgr., from Sarawak, 
It differs in. the more rounded snout, the more anterior nostril, a larger 
tympanum, and strikingly in colouration, R, sbelfordi , Blgr., also from 
Sarawak, which agrees very closely in most respects with this species and with 
R. fasciaiuSy is distinguished by having the disks of the fingers considerably 
smaller than the tympanum. 

A single specimen, from Bn kit Besar, 2,500 feet, 

( The specimen was taken in the morning, seated, a foot or two above 
the ground, on the leaf of a herbaceous plant growing in thick jungle. It was 
very sluggish, making no attempt to escape, though considerable disturbance 
had been caused by our passage in its immediate neighbourhood. The fore¬ 
legs were folded beneath the chest, and the hind legs were pressed close to 
the sides of the body, beneath which the feet were partially concealed ; the 
snout was somewhat depressed. The colour of the whole of the dorsal 
surface was a pale coffee, which so closely resembled the shade assumed by 
many dying leaves that the frog, with its leaf-like outline in the attitude 
described, was, at first sight, mistaken for a leaf that had fallen from the trees 
above and had accidentally lodged on the plant; Mr. Robinson, a Malay 
who accompanied us, and I were all completely deceived. At this time the 
purplish-grey of the side of the head was black, and extended in a well- 
defined band down each side. When the specimen was handled, its colour 
became darker, and mottlings of an ill-defined character, as well as the cross¬ 
bars on the limbs, made their appearance, as they so often do in species of 
Rhacophorus. The specimen permitted itself to be captured almost without a 
struggle, after waiting while a camera was fetched and a photograph taken. 

14* Rhacophorus nigropalmatus, Blgr. 

(Pi. vi, Figr. i). 

This handsome frog, probably the very species alluded to by Wallace 1 2 3 
as the c flying frog/ was first described from Sarawak. It has since been 
rediscovered In Sumatra 1 and in Upper Perak.* 

A female specimen was obtained at Mabek, Jalor, on the 22nd July, 
1901. Its colour in life was as follows * Dorsal surface pale grass green, 
powdered with white ; a conspicuous white mark on the dorsal surface of the 
thigh ; on the dorsal surface of the feet, the green changes gradually into 
orange ; membrane of the feet, orange marked with black ; sides of the body 

1. Mday Archifxl&go I, p. 60. 

2. F. Werner, Zoo!. Jahrb. Syst . XIII, 1900, p. 496, 

3. S. Flower, Prof. Zoal. Sot. 1899, p. 899. 


U 8 

orange, changing into deep salmon pink on the abdomen and under surface of 
digits ; throat and chest cream-colour.* 

The specimen, a female, measures 88 mm. from snout to vent. The 
largest specimen, from Bidi, Sarawak, in the British Museum, measures 100 mm. 

The male is still unknown. 

* Mr. Robinson, who took the specimen, notes that it dropped almost 
vertically from a tall tree growing at the edge of a large clearing in the jungle, 
while the individual obtained by Mr. L. Wray, in Upper Perak, was sitting 
on a tree-trunk.' Beyond the statement of the Chinamen who procured 
Wallace his specimen, there appears to be no evidence to prove that the w flying 
frog ” does use its enormous feet to support it in the air, and, so far as we 
could see, it did not appear likely, from the condition of the web in the living 
animal, that their purpose was that assigned to them by the discoverer of the 
species. The seemingly gorgeous coloration may very possibly be protective 
in its proper surroundings, for, with the exception of the black and orange on 
the feet, the colours are not arranged so as to contrast with one another, and, 
as 1 have pointed out elsewhere, 1 2 the most brilliant colours, provided only 
their arrangement be correct, may serve for concealment under conditions of 
light common in the Malay jungle. In the plate, our specimen of R. nigra- 
palmatus is represented as it now is, for the marblings on its dorsal surface 
only became apparent after it was plunged into spirit. It is interesting to 
notice that markings of a similar character appear on the bodies of all the three 
species of Rhacophoms taken, if they are roughly treated, and probably also if 
they are in bad health. These markings are not conspicuous enough to be 
instances of warning coloration, but are rather analogous to the blushing or 
paling of a human being under the influence of emotion or in pathological 

* Within the limits of the genus Rbacopborus we have the three main 
divisions, into which the phenomena of protective coloration may be divided, 
all well illustrated ; in the first place, there are species, like R. kprosus , which 
are coloured to suit their habitual environment, having little power of adapting 
their colour to any other environment; in the second place, there are species, 
like R. leucomystax , which can, to a certain extent, adapt themselves so as to 
be concealed in environments of several different kinds ; while in the third, 
there are species, like R. robinsonii , which appear to resemble some definite 
object, in this case a dying leaf, not necessarily to be found in the environment 
in which they are seated for the moment, but which might very well occur in 
surroundings of the kind.* 

1. /Vac. Z'joL Soc , 1899, p. 899. 

2. Free, Zosl. Sot. 1900, pp, 849-852. 


1 39 

15. Ixalus larutcnsls, Blgr, 

(PL V, Figs, 3 and 4) 

Snout rounded or obtusely pointed, as long as the diameter of the orbit; 
can thus rostralis distinct ; loreal region concave ; nostril a little nearer the 
end of the snout than the eye ; interorbital space as broad as the upper eyelid ; 
tympanum moderately distinct in the adult, indistinct in the young, half the 
diameter of the eye. Fingers free, toes half webbed ; discs of fingers as large 
as the tympanum ; subarticular tubercles moderate ; a small inner metatarsal 
tubercle. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches between the eye and the tip of 
the snout. Upper parts smooth, or with small fiat warts ; throat, belly, and 
lower surface of thighs granulate. Grey brown or reddish-brown above, with 
dark brown symmetrical markings, a cross-band between the eyes being con¬ 
stant ; usually a )( or )-(-shaped marking on the anterior part of the body; 
sides of body and of thighs with white spots on a brown ground, or between 
a brown network ; a dark-brown lumber spot may be present ; limbs with 
dark cross-bands ; lower parts white, spotted or speckled with brown. One 
of the two young specimens from Jalor has a whitish vertebral line from end 
of snout to vent, a similar line along the upper surface of the thigh and leg 
and another from the chin to the breast ; the lower parts are obscured by 
brown mottlings. 

From snout to vent, 35 mm. 

This species was described in 1900 1 from specimens obtained in the 
Larut Hills, between 4,000 and 4,500 feet altitude. Two young specimens 
from Bukit Besar (2,500 to 3,500 feet) are in Messrs. Annan dale and 
Robinson's collection, and are here figured. 

* The specimens were found among dead leaves, to which they bore a 
remarkable resemblance, on the jungle floor.' 

16. Ixalus horridus, sp, nov. 

(FI. VI, Fig. 2). 

Very similar in general appearance to Rhacophorus leprosus , Schlg., and 
Ft. CQStkalis , Blgr. Head rather strongly depressed, the obtusely pointed snout 
a little longer than the diameter of the orbit; canthus rostralis obtuse; loreal 
region concave; nostrils close to the end of the snout; interorbital space a little 
narrower than the upper eyelid ; tympanum distinct, as large as the eye. 
Fingers half webbed, with large terminal expansions which are broader than 
long, and as broad as the diameter of the tympanum ; toes webbed to the 
disks, which are smaller than those of the fingers ; terminal phalanx bifur¬ 
cate ; subarticular tubercles of fingers and toes very small; a small, oval, 

1, Ann. Mag. Nat , Wit. (7) Vf, p. 187 (1900.) 



inner metatarsal tubercle. The tibio-tarsal articulation reaches between the 
eye and the tip of the snout. Upper parts with very prominent, irregular 
large warts, themselves studded with granular asperities in the adult ; throat, 
breast, lumbar, and antero-femoral region and lower surface of limbs smooth ; 
belly and anal region with large flat granules. Dark warm-brown above, 
with rather indistinct blackish spots on the body and regular cross-bars on 
the limbs ; the granular asperities greyish ; a large black lumbar spot; webs 
blackish ; lower parts white (* bright blue-grey ’ in life), largely spotted and 
marbled with black. Male, with a large soft pad on the inner side of the 
first finger and an internal vocal sac. 

From snout to vent, 40 mm. 

Description of Tapole. Body much depressed, a little longer than broad, 
its length one and three-fifths to one and three-fourths in that of the tail. Eyes 
superior, two and one-half to three diameters apart ; distance between 
nostrils about two-thirds interocular width. Mouth ranid in type, elliptical, 
its width a little greater than the interocular. Beak black, sides and lower 
edge of the lip fringed with papillae, upper lip with a long series of fine 
horny teeth, followed on each side by three series, three interrupted series 
of teeth on the lower lip. Spiraculum on the left side, in the posterior third 
of the body, directed straight backwards. Anus turned to the right, close 
to the lower edge of the tail. Tail two and two-thirds to three times as long 
as deep, rounded at the end, the depth of the muscular portion, in the middle 
of the length, about half the total depth, the upper caudal crest does not 
extend on the body. 

The length of the numerous specimens, which are uniform dark-brown 
or blackish, with the lines of sensory organs distinct and whitish, varies 
between 15 mm, and 50 mm. 

* A considerable number of adults of this species inhabited a tree in 
the jungle near our camp on Bukit Besar, occasionally manifesting their 
presence by low grunts or croaks, uttered singly at intervals. The tree was 
one of those from the lower part of whose trunk large buttresses project, 
and in its case these buttresses had coalesced in pairs, so as to form 
cavities, which contained several gallons of rain water and dead leaves. The 
frogs deposited their spawn on the trunk in frothy masses about the size 
of a cricket ball, a foot or two above the surface of the water in these cavities, 
which was of a deep brown colour. The masses resembled those produced 
by Rhacophorus leucomystax t but were rather smaller and paler in colour. I 
found that if they were not washed down by the rain into the water within 
three or four days, the froth dried up and the ova perished. The cavities 



were haunted by a snake, ^tropidonotus chrysargus , two specimens of which 
were taken feeding 011 the spawn, despite the froth in which it was embedded. 

* The ova were quite devoid of colour, but the larvae soon assumed an almost 
uniform velvety black hue. The blue grey, so conspicuous on the belly of the 
adult, did not commence to make its appearance until the hind legs were fairly 
well developed, and was much less intense on the young frog than in the 
older specimens, being in very young individuals merely greyish-white. The 
dorsal surface of the adult so closely resembled the bark of the tree on which 
our specimens were taken, that I was unable to distinguish any of the individuals 
captured in the shadow of the buttresses, and only knew of their presence 
through their croaking or when they moved; they were caught with a net in 
the water in the cavities, into which they dived when the trunk was tapped. 

*The resemblance, both above and below, between this species and 
Rhacophorus leprosus, known from the mountains of Perak, is very close indeed, 
and is probably an instance of adaptive resemblance or a convergence/ 1 though 
the two frogs belong to closely allied genera, seeing that they both differ 
widely in appearance from the typical members of their respective genera. 
Their habits appear to be identical, 1 and it is probable that a very close resem¬ 
blance also exists between their larvae, which live under very similar conditions, 
but it is not known whether the species are found together. It would almost 
seem as if there was some physiological connexion in these genera between a 
warty, bark-like dorsal surface, and a blue-grey belly, mottled with black, as 
it is most improbable, in consideration of the conditions under which these 
frogs live, with their bellies closely pressed against the bark of trees, that the 
conspicuous coloration of the ventral surface is an advertisement to enemies. 
The coloration does not appear to be altogether parallel to that of Bombmuor , 
as the species of the latter genus are said to display the brilliant orange or 
yellow of their bellies at the sides of the body, though the fable that they turn 
over on their backs to do so has been refuted.* It may be pointed out, how¬ 
ever, as Dr. Gadow himself confesses, that it is not always possible to induce 
tame individuals of this genus to adopt the ‘ warning attitude/ and that it is 
just possible that the attitude has primarily no connexion with the coloration of 
the ventral surface, as it is one paralleled by the common attitude of alarm of 
many animals which are soberly coloured below, even by certain Orthoptera 
and Crustaceans. In this case, boldly contrasting patterns on the belly of these 
four Batrachians may very well have a common origin in each instance, though 
we cannot at present state their object/ 

1. Cf. L. Wray, Perak Museum Nonet and yeum. Straits Branch Roy. A slat. Soc., 1S90, p. 144. 
Z, Gadow, Amphibia end Rrptiits^ pp, 156, 157, 






1. Batagrur baska, Gray 

A young specimen from the lower reaches of the Patani River. 

2 . Oamonia subirijuga, So%, & Mull. 

Lower reaches of Patani River. 

3. Cyclemys amboinensis, Daud, 

Kampong Jalor. 

* Also common in the pools on Cape Patani, where it is frequently kept 
as a pet by the Malay children ; its fat is used as a medicine for fever.’ 

4. Cyclemys platynota, Gray 
Kampong Jalor, 

5. Cyclemys an nan dal If, sp. nov, 

{Plates VII and VIII) 

Belongs to the first section of the genus, including C. p/atynota> dhor r and 
mouhoit , characterized by the plastron not completely closing the shell and 
being emarginate posteriorly, and by the separated posterior margin of the 
carapace. Agrees with C. platynota in having the suture between the pectoral 
shield and the marginals longer than that between the abdominal and the 
marginals, but differs chiefly in the stronger bicuspid beak, the denticulate 
border of the upper jaw, the more slender zygomatic arch of the skull, the 
larger axillary shield, the smaller anal shields with a deeper notch between 
them, and, normally, in the absence of a sixth vertebral shield. 

This species, with which 1 have much pleasure in connecting the name 
of Mr. Annan dale, is founded on three specimens from Kampong Jalor ; 
two young in spirit, and a large male, preserved dry, with skin and 

A. Description of the Young . 

Carapace depressed and uni carinate, with serrated posterior margin, 
vertebral shields broader than long, as broad as or a little narrower than 
the costals, first as broad, or nearly as broad, as the second. Plastron 
narrower than the opening of the shell, with deeply notched hind 




J.Oretn d*l et iith 

CYCLEMYS ANN ATTD ALII ^ Young . (| kat. size] 




lobe, and connected with the carapace by a distinct bridge, the width 
of which is contained twice-and-a-half in the length of the plastron ; 
axillary and inguinal shields large, the suture between the pectoral shield 
and the marginals longer than that between the abdominal and the marginals, 
the suture between the pectoral shields as long as or a little shorter than 
that between the abdominals, the suture between the humeral shields 
shorter than that between the gulars, and that between the anals shorter than 
that between the femorals. Hook of the upper jaw bicuspid. Digits 
extensively webbed, claws long, curved, sharp. Front part of the jaw with 
broad, band-hke transverse shields. Carapace dark brown, spotted with black 
in the young, plastron and lower surface of marginal shields yellowish, with 
symmetrical dark-brown markings in the young. Head and upper surface of 
the neck dark-brown ; a yellowish streak on each side of the head, from the 
upper surface of the snout to the neck, passing above the eye and the 
tympanum, another, higher up, and parallel with the lower, on the temple, on 
the neck, lower jaw and edge of upper jaw, yellowish. 

Of the two specimens, one (<?) is newly born, the other (b) considerably 

(a) Length of shell, 60 mm. ; width, 55 mm. ; depth, 28 mm. Shields 
rugose ; an additional shield intercalated between the fourth and fifth verte- 
brals, and another between the fourth costal and the fifth vertebral. Vertebral 
keel and edge of marginals yellow ; roundish black spots irregularly disposed 
ori the vertebral and costal shields ; marginal shields blackish above, speckled 
with lighter in their proximal third. Plastron with a complicated dark pattern 
with rounded outlines, between which are dark vermiculations; similar markings 
cover the bridge and the greater part of the lower surface of the marginals, 

( b ) Length of shell, 145 mm.; width, 117 mm.; depth, 67 mm. Shields 
with concentric grooves and radiating ridges around the rugose portion. 

Traces of the symmetrical dark markings of the younger specimen can be 
observed on the plastron. 

B . Description of the Adult Male . 

Shell three times as long as deep, once and two-thirds as long as broad ; 
its posterior border much less strongly serrated than in the young; shields 
nearly smooth, with the vertebral keel merely indicated on the fourth and 
fifth vertebral shields ; second and third vertebral shields as long as broad, 
about two-thirds the width of the corresponding costals; plastron deeply 
concave, the relative proportions of the shields as in the young. Upper 
jaw with two very strong median cusps, and a very distinct denticulation 

T 4l9i°t 



along the whole border. The in ter digital web appears to have been less 
developed than in the young. Tail nearly as long as the head. Shell 
black, with yellow markings over the marginal shields and on the plastron, 
the latter forming a broad median band ; head blackish, vermiculate with 
yellowish, but without longitudinal bands. 

Length of shell, 380 mm,, width, 245 mm., depth, 130 mm. 

‘Numerous specimens were brought to us at Kampong jalor by natives, w f ho 
frequently keep this tortoise in captivity, boring a hole in the posterior margin 
of the carapace, and tying a string, passed through this, to their house-posts. 
We were prevented from preserving more than one large specimen by the 
bulk, and by the difficulty experienced in killing tortoises. The adult appears 
to be largely terrestrial in habits, but it is probable that the young are 
aquatic. The species probably attains a bulk considerably greater than that 
of our adult specimen. 1 

6* Cycle my a dhor, Gray 
A young specimen from Kampong Jalor. 

7. Gcoemyda spinosa, Gray 

A young specimen from Kampong Jalor, another from the Batang Padang district. 

* Common in the flooded rice fields of the Patani States. 1 

3. Testudo pseudemys, sp. nov. 

(PI. IX) 

Shell much depressed, its depth one-third to two-fifths its length ; anterior 
and posterior margins reverted and strongly serrated ; nuchal shield present, 
rather large, broader than long ; supracaudal shields two, embracing a deep 
notch ; discal shields concentrically striated and more or less concave ; verte- 
brals much broader than long, at least as broad as the costals, the second, 
third, and fourth, with the antero-lateral side not half as long as the postero¬ 
lateral. Plastron large, gular region more or less produced and notched, 
hind lobe deeply notched ; width of the bridge one-third to two-fifths the 
length of the plastron ; pectoral shields meeting on the median line, the suture 
between them measuring one-seventh to one-third the length of that between 
the humerals ; axillery shield very small, inguinal large. Head rather small ; 
temporal arch narrow, slender, its width not more than one-fifth the diameter 
of the orbit ; two large praefrontal shields and a large frontal ; jaws not 
hooked, not denticulate, the alveolar surface of the upper jaw with a feeble 
median ridge. Limbs with very large bony, imbricate tubercles, some of 



Hintam Brui. imp. 

J. Grasp. dal at lith 




which, on the front of the fore limb and on the heel, are pointed and spine- 
like ; a group of bony tubercles on the back of the thigh, the central ones 
very large and conical. Tail of male ending in a divided, claw-like bony 
tubercle. Yellowish or pale brown, dark brown or blackish on the periphery 
of the dorsal shields and on the anterior border of the marginals ; youngwith 
the carapace speckled with blackish ; plastron yellow or brown and yellow ; 
head and limbs yellow, more or less variegated with dark brown. 

Fig, i. Skull of Testudo pseudemys. Two-thirds natural size. 

These tortoises agree in colour and general appearance with the shell 
from Siam described by Dr, Gunther as Geoemyda impressa, but they differ 
from it, as well as from all specimens of Testudo emys examined by me, in 
having the antelateral side of the vertebral shields so much shorter than the 
postero-lateral. The skull of Geoemyda impressa is unknown, but that of 
Testudo emys and that of Testudo phayrii differ from that of Testudo pseudemys 

Fig. z. Skull of Testudo emys. Two-thirds natural size. 

in the much wider temporal arch, as may be seen by the annexed figure, 
taken from a specimen from Sarawak. 

Two specimens, from the Batang : Padang district, South Perak (1,000 
feet to 2yooo feet), in the collection, the shell of the larger measuring 
255 mm,, that of the other 100 mm. 1 have besides examined a specimen 
from the Larut Hills, Perak (4,000 feet altitude), obtained by Mr. A. L. 
Butler in 1900, and a young specimen from Thao, Kasia Hills (3,200 feet 



to 4,500 feet), collected by the late Mr, L. Fea, and which I first referred to 
Testudo emys.* 

I have lately examined a rather large number of specimens of Testudo 
emys , from the Malay Peninsula and from Borneo, and doubts, similar to 
those expressed by Dr, von Lidth de Jeude,* have arisen in my mind as to 
the specific identity of Testudo phayrii and Geoemyda impressa. The type of 
the former having been carefully figured by Anderson,* and the skull of its 
co-type by Gray , 1 * 3 4 it is possible to form a correct idea of the specimens 
with which to compare the new material. Both the tortoises brought home 
by Messrs. Annandale and Robinson agree with Testudo phayrii in the shape 
and proportions of the plastral shields, and in having the nuchal shield much 
wider than long, but the carapace is more flattened, more of the lateral 
marginal shields being visible when the shell is viewed from above, and 
the second and third vertebral shields have a different shape, their antero¬ 
lateral borders being much shorter than the postero-Iateral. The greater 
depression might be merely due to age, the type of Blyth’s species 
measuring 510 mm. in shell-length. As to the second differential character, 
it appears to me to be of specific importance, and, coupled with the 
difference in the temporal arch, suffices to separate T. pseud emys. 

In all the specimens, 5 four in number, which agree with T\ emys in having 
the pectoral shields of plastron more or less widely separated from each other, 
the antero-lateral border of the second and third vertebral shields is as long 
as the postero-lateral, or but slightly shorter ; this is quite irrespective of the 
great difference in shape which these shields undergo with age, the shells at 
my disposal varying from 120 to 480 mm, in length. With one exception 
(the type of Manouria fusca , Gray, from Penang), all these specimens have 
the nuchal shields as long as broad, or longer than broatf. 

Judging from the figure given by Gray, the skull of T,phayrii is identical 
with that of T. emys ; and as the extent of the pectoral shields is a character 
subject to considerable variations according to Anderson, whose figures show 
a gradual passage between the two extreme types, I think it best to provisionally 
maintain the species T. emys in the sense in which 1 have taken it in the 
Catalogue of Cbe Ionians published in 1889. 

‘The two specimens of Testudo pseudemys were taken on a jungle path at 
dusk, within a few yards of one another. When alarmed they drew in their 

1, jinn. Mas. Genova (i) stiii, 1893, p, 

i, Notei Leyd, Mut. xvii, 1S95, p, 197, 

3. Proc. Zoot. 187*1 p, 416. 

4. Proc. Zwl, Soc ,, 1869, p. 470 (Sea pi* falconer?). 

5. Mostljr from Borneo j three from Penang, two from the Lanit Hilli, Perak. 



heads, but when lifted from the ground became very vicious, hissing, stretch¬ 
ing out their necks and attempting vigorously to bite, their whole demeanour 
differing from that of specimens of T. emys I have seen in captivity in the 
Malay Peninsula/ 

9 . Testudo elongata, Blyth 
Kampong Jalor. 

* Several specimens were brought us by natives at Kampong Jalor, and 
they said it was common among the granite rocks of a hill in the neighbour¬ 
hood, named Bukit Bubu (Bald Hill), never being found in the vicinity of 
water. They called it kura-kura 1 mas , or 1 gold tortoise,’ because of the bright 
yellow colour of parts of the shell. In life the soft parts are of a pallid and 
slightly yellowish flesh-colour, and in all the specimens we saw, the nose was 
pink and inflamed, owing to the head and neck having been used as a lever to 
right the animal when it had been turned on its back/ 

10 . Chelone mydas, L. 

11, Chelone imbricata, L. 

Both the green turtle and the hawksbill occur at the mouth of the 
Patani River, ‘Their eggs, a perquisite of the Malay raja, are collected in 
enormous numbers, both on Cape Patani and more especially on certain small 
islands off the coast, a little to the north; but it is difficult to know what the 
turtles feed upon here, as the sea in these parts is almost devoid of sea-grass 
and large algae/ 



12. Tomistoma borneensis, Schlg, & Man. 

A gavial-like crocodilian was observed by Mr. Robinson, lying on a log 
in the Sungkei River, between Jeram Kawan and Sungkei, South Perak. 

13, Crocodilus porosus, Schn. 

Jambtt, Jherjng, 

‘ The distribution of this crocodile in the Patani States is somewhat 
local, probably because it needs muddy banks on which to sun itself It is 
abundant on the Jambu River, which is little more than a tidal creek, the larger 
specimens, as a rule, staying some distance up stream, but occasionally 
descending to the sea. On the lower reaches of the Patani River it is scarce, 

i, Kura-kura i* their general name For tortoises, but the large species of Cyclcmys are called lelagu t while land 
tortt'ises are known at and the Trionychidac as la&i-Iabi. N. A. 



and the species which is abundant above Bendang Stah is very probably 
C. palustris ; it occurs on the islands of the Taleh Sap and in the Lampam 
River, for a Siamese crocodile hunter at Lampam showed me a number of skulls, 
all of which appeared to be those of C. porosus . He told me, however, that 
about one individual in every hundred he killed had a very long nose, with a 
lump at the end, that is to say, probably, was a specimen of Tomhtoma borneenis. 



14, Gymnodactylus marmoratus, Kuhl. 

Bukit Besar. 2,500 feet, 

( Not uncommon on tree-trunks in the jungle. When disturbed it 
frequently runs down to the ground, and takes refuge in one of the rat$ T holes 
common at the roots of trees.* 

IS. Gymnodactylus pulchellus, Gray 

Bukit Besar, 2,500 feet, and Goah Tanah (Earth Cave), near Biserat. 

* The specimen from Bukit Besar was obtained from a hole in the trunk 
of a dying palm, about thirty feet above the ground. Those from the Jalor 
cave were found crawling on the sides and door in absolute darkness ; there 
are specimens, taken in a similar habitat in Selangor, both in the State Museum 
at Kuala Lumpur and in the Raffles Museum at Singapore,’ 

16. Gonatodes afflnis, Stol. 

Bukit liesar. 2,500 feet, * 

i Dorsal surface dull grey, mottled with black and closely banded with 
yellow ; mid-dorsal line slightly paler yellow ; a large black spot, with a bright 
yellow u eye in the centre, and bordered posteriorly with the same shade, just 
behind the base of the fore limbs, these markings being far more conspicuous 
in the male than in the female ; three faint yellowish lateral bars.’ 

* Common on tree-trunks in the jungle, especially on the one on which 
the frog Ixalus botritius was taken. The gecko was generally found between 
the upper part of the buttresses of this tree, but when it was disturbed it 
slipped down into the water in the cavities, beneath the surface of which it 
remained for some minutes, finally pushing out its head atone side so carefully 
that not the slightest commotion was caused. The roughness of its integument 
caused it to be covered with a film of air while beneath the surface of the 



water, but it is doubtful whether this was anything but adventitious. Besides 
these geckos and frogs, and also snakes, the pools in the cavities were inhabited 
by numerous insects—Hemiptera and larval Diptera, Beetles and Odpnata,’ 

17, Hemidactylus frenatus, D t ft B. 

Patani ; Gedong and Tapah, South Perak ; Kuala Lumpur, Selangor, 

18, Hemidactylus platurus, Schn. 

Patani j Bukit Besar. 

19. Gehyra mutilata, Wiegm. 

Bidor, South Perak. 

1 The three preceding species are all common in houses, both in the 
Patani States and in Perak. They all exhibit considerable power of colour 
change, becoming at night, under the influence of strong light reflected from 
whitewashed walls, of a peculiar translucen t pale yellowish brown. If, however, 
they run across any dark object on the walls, they immediately become 

20. Gehyra butleri, Blgr, 

Kuala Lumpur, 

Described in 1901’ from three specimens obtained by Mr. A, L. Butler, 
at Kuala Lumpur, the largest measuring 32 mm. from snout to vent. The 
specimen brought home by Mr. Robinson measures 35 mm. from snout to 
vent, and has six lamellae under the inner toe, and eight under the fourth. 
Reddish above, speckled with brown and with yellow dark-edged ocelli, 
theos ocelli closely approximating in pairs on the tail. 

4 1 obtained several specimens of this species in Selangor, which, so far as 
1 my observation goes, is rarely found m houses. All my specimens were 
captured among the fibre at the base of the leaves of cocoanut palms, where 
they seem to feed largely on the small centipedes and millipedes found in such 
situations.’ H.C.R. 

21. Gecko verticil (at us, Laur, 

1 This species is common on the trunks of cocoanut palms in the Patani 
States, but does not live in the houses either in this district or in Senggora, 

1. Journ. Bombay N. H , Soe. XIII, p. 333, PI, —, Fig. 1. 



where there are many large brick and plaster buildings, as it does in Bangkok, 1 
where I have seen it commonly in European dwellings. It appears to have no 
power of colour change.” 

22. Gecko stcntor, Cant, 

Batang Padang. 

‘Though somewhat scarce in collections, this gecko is really common in 
the Malay jungle, especially in Upper Perak and the adjacent parts of R ham an, 
where I heard its characteristic cry almost continuously. It is usually a jungle 
species, frequenting the upper branches of high trees, but a large specimen, 
now in the State Museum at Taiping, Perak, was taken in a hospital (built at 
the edge of the jungle), in the walls of which its cry had disturbed the patients 
for some time. Our specimens were shot on trees by the Sakais, with their 
blow-guns ; they consider its flesh a delicacy. The changes of colour under¬ 
gone by the individuals of this species are very slight, being confined to a 
slight paling or darkening. 

* The characteristic note of this large gecko is often heard in certain 
bungalows in Kuala Lumpur/ H.C.R, 

23. Gecko monarchus, D. & B, 

Bidor, South Perak ; Kuala Lumpur, Selangor. 

* The species appears to be somewhat particular as to its environment, 
occurring abundantly on the walls and ceilings of some houses, but avoiding 
others close to them. It has very little power of colour change/ 


24. Ptychozoon homalocephatum, Gray 

Two newly hatched young, from eggs obtained on Bukit Besar. 

* The eggs, of which several sets, hatched and otherwise, were noted on 
Bukit Besar, are deposited in pairs, on the lower surface of leaves or on tree- 
trunks, sometimes quite near the ground. They have brittle calcareous shells, 
but must be soft when laid, as they are flattened where they come in contact 
with one another, the outline of the two together forming a figure of eight, and 
as the lower surface, which is also flattened, retains an impression of the 
surface to which it clings and on which the eggs have been laid. The eggs measure 
about 13 mm, in diameter, and 11 mm. in depth. The period of incubation 
is long for so small an animal ; in the case of the eggs of a captive specimen 

, Cf. S. Flower, P,Z.S. 1899 , p. 632 . 




J. Oft :hiv iel at lith 

1 . 


MiivLenv Bros .imp. 



in Java, F. H, Bauer 1 found that it lasted from November to May ; specimens 
obtained by ourselves in May, in which the embryos were already far advanced, 
hatched a month later, and we found others, some advanced and some in an 
early stage of development, in September, When the young geckos emerged 
they were covered with a delicate membrane, which they cast immediately, 
rubbing it off against sticks and pulling it from the hind limbs with their 
mouths, and then devouring it. One specimen was kept alive for about a 
fortnight, during which it evinced not the slightest tendency to make use of 
the fold of skin along its side as a parachute. Indeed, this fold, except when 
accidentally displaced by coming in contact with some foreign substance, was 
always kept closely tucked round the body, so that it was hardly apparent. 
The young gecko, which was coloured so as to exactly resemble the bark of a 
tree, was slightly darker by night than by day, a white bar across the tail 
becoming more conspicuous in the evening ; otherwise the colour changed very 


25. Draco fimbriatus, Kuhl. 

Sungkei, South Perak, and Semangko Pass (*,700 feet), Sdangor-Pahang boundary. 

1 General colour above greyish, brown on head and neck, with irregular 
spots of black, tail banded with blackish brown and day colour ; lower surface 
of body uniform dirty grey, chin dusky grey, spotted with black and white on 
jaws, gular pouch salmon pink, lateral folds more orange/ 

28. Draco punctatus, Blgr. 

(PL x, %. 1) 

Head rather large ; snout as long as the diameter of the orbit ; nostril 
lateral, directed upwards ; tympanum naked, nearly as large as the eye-opening. 
Upper head-scales small, keeled ; a distinct j^-shaped series of enlarged scales 
on the forehead ; a conical, spine-like tubercle at the posterior corner of the 
orbit and another in front of it ; ten upper labials. The male’s gular appendage 
hardly as long as the head. A short and strong denticulate nuchal fold. 
Dorsal scales a little smaller than ventrals, feebly keeled ; a lateral series of 
enlarged scales. The fore limb stretched forwards extends a little beyond the 
tip of the snout ; the ad pressed hind limb barely reaches the axil. Tail with 
a very strong crest of long pointed scales. ( Greyish above, tinged with rusty 
on the crown and on the middle line of the back, with numerous small black 
spots ; four large dark blotches forming a cross between the shoulders ; alar 



l. Cartow'i Amphibia and Rtptilc 1, p, 511 



membrane blackish above, streaked with whitish, uniform whitish beneath ; 
lower parts bluish, throat and breast with small blackish spots ; gular appendage 
and inner side of lateral wattles bright chrome-yellow/ 

Total length, 230 mm, ; head, 17 mm, ; width of head, 12 mm, ; body, 
67 mm. ; fore limb, 37 mm. ; hind limb, 43 mm. ; tail, 145 mm.’ 

This species was known from one specimen from the Larut Hills, Perak, 
and a second from Sarawak. 

A single male was obtained on Bukit Besar, 2,500 feet; shot on a tree 
in the clearing. 

Draco punctatus is most nearly related to the Bornean D , cristatellus^ Gthr., 
from which it differs in the stronger caudal crest, in the presence of a dorso¬ 
lateral series of enlarged scales, in the shorter gular appendage, in the rather 
larger upper head-scales, and in the perfectly lateral nostril. 

27. Draco melanopogon, Blgr. 

Bukit Besar. z t $oo feet. 

This species is now known to have a wide distribution, as it has been 
recorded from various localities in the Malay Peninsula (Malacca, Singapore, 
Ulu Selama, Bukit Besar) and from Borneo, Sumatra, and the Natuna 

The specimens from Bukit Besar (males) are described as having in 
life the dorsal surface moss-green and black, the ventral surface cream, 

marked with dark brown ; gular pouch black and white; alar membrane 

black, spotted with golden yellow. 

23, Draco formosus, Blgr. 

Bukit Besar, 1,500 feet ; and Pa tang Padang, South Perak, 

* Sides of throat deep claret-colour ; upper surface of alar membranes 
pale gamboge, with five irregular bars of blackish mottling, becoming claret- 
colour towards the outer edge ; a broad subterminal zone of paler claret and 
dull yellow mottled with black.* 

* A pair of this species, probably a male and female, sailed into our 

clearing from the jungle and alighted on a large tree-trunk on several 

occasions, generally towards evening. The last to alight was once or twice 
secured, but the first always escaped. If unmolested, the former chased the 
latter up the tree in a spiral course, until they disappeared among the branches. 

1 The common D . vo/ans has the same habit, and in its case it is easy to 
distinguish the sexes by the colour of their gular appendages. D. vo/ans y 


T 53 

of which we did not obtain a specimen, is somewhat sporadically distributed 
in the Patani States, occurring in fair numbers on the trunks of the cocoanut 
and betel palms in some villages, while apparently absent from others. When 
seated on the trunks of these trees, however, its coloration and the immova¬ 
bility of its pose render it practically invisible. On the coast of Trang it is 
very abundant in the villages, as it is in many parts of Perak—though we did 
not happen to see it in that state—and Selangor, as well as in Singapore and 

29. Draco blanfordii, Blgr. 

Bukit Besar. 2,500 feet. 

30. Gonyocephalus borneensis, Schlg. 

Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. 2,700 feet. 

( I took the specimen representing this species ; it was seated on a 
chair in the Government Resthouse, on the Semangko Pass, and was very 
sluggish. I have noticed the same sluggishness in the case of the North 
Australian G. boydu Young individuals were not uncommon in the neigh¬ 
bourhood, and were exceedingly active and difficult to capture/ H. C, R. 

31. Gonyocephalus herveyi, BIgr, 

Batting Padang, South Perak. 

32. Gonyocephalus grandis, Gray 
B a tang Pad an g, South Perak. 

^he specimens in our collection of this and the preceding species were 
shot by the Sakais with their blowguns. For one of them we are indebted 
to Mr. G. B, Cerruti, late Superintendent of Sakais, who also presented us 
with other zoological specimens from the same district/ 


33. Acanthosaura armata, Gray 
Bulut Besar ; 2,500 feet. 

4 1 found the specimen digging for earth worms in a small bare patch in 
the jungle. It had evidently been successful, as its stomach was full of earth. 
Apparently only its fore limbs were used in digging. When disturbed it 
rushed into a hole in a tree trunk. Another specimen was seen on Bukit 
Besar, clinging to the stem of a sapling. When a hand was stretched out to 
seize it, it dropped rather than leaped into the undergrowth. 

15 + 


1 When first seen, the specimen taken was almost black, with only small 
blotches of green on the body ; there was a distinct division in the coloration 
a little behind the fore limbs, and in front of this the shade was much duller 
than it was on the tail and the hind quarters. When the animal was 
handled, the green blotches began gradually to expand, until, finally, the 
comparative extent of green and black was completely reversed. This is 
remarkable as being exactly the opposite of what takes place when Calotes 
crista tellus is roughly treated/ 

34. Calotes crist at ell us, Kuht. 

Jilor, Bating Padang 

* This lizard is the most common Agamid in South Perak and Selangor, 
and though it is, perhaps, less abundant in the Patani States, it is far from 
being scarce ; I have seen specimens in Patalung. Though essentially a brush¬ 
wood species, it penetrates into high jungle on Bukit Besar. It is rather less 
active than C. versicolor , and often sits quite motionless on tree-trunks, with 
its head and forequarters raised from the surface to which it clings. It is 
usually of a bright green colour in life, but if ill-used becomes almost black, 
the green only remaining in the form of small blotches and veinings, which, 
however, re-expand if the animal is killed or narcotized/ 

36. Calotes versicolor, Daud. 

Jalor and Bating Fading, South Perak. 

( Calotes versicolor , the * chamaeleon * of the Europeans of the Malay 
Peninsula, is very abundant in the northern parts of the Patani States, in 
Senggora, on the shores of the Taleh Sap, and also in Upper Perak ; but 
is rare in South Perak, It is an extremely active form, principally found 
in the neighbourhood of human dwellings. Mr. Robinson has watched 
a specimen seated on a tree trunk, up which a stream of leaf-sewing ants 
(Qecopbylla smargadina) were making their way to their nest. It devoured 
many as they passed, and there is reason to believe that they form an important 
item in the food of the species. When this lizard is very much excited and 
in rapid motion, the locomotion becomes, at any rate for short distances, 
bipedal/ I have published an account of the nuptial dance of the Malay 
* chamaeleon * elsewhere, 1 2 which is of interest as showing that the changes of 
colour which have given the lizard its English name proceed, like those of the 

1. Cf. E, Cretin, N, AnnamJale, and W. Seville Knit $ Nature^ 1902, voL Ixvi, pp. 492, 577, anti 630. 

2. Prte. Zed. Sec. IS99, p. 858. 



true chamaeleon/ very largely from a psychological or psychico-physiological 
stimulus. The same view is illustrated by the fact that dark vertical bars, 
which are a fairly conspicuous feature in the young at all times, only become 
apparent in the adult when it is annoyed. My note on Calotes emma in Dr. 
Gadow’s Amphibia and Reptiles (pp. 518, 519) should refer to this species/ 

36. Calotes emma, Gray 
Bukit Besar and jalor 

* General colour pale sage green ; a broad longitudinal band of dirty 
white on each side ; irregular transverse markings of sienna brown, becoming 
darker where they cross the longitudinal band ; dorsal and nuchal crests pale 
sage green ; lateral surface of head bright green, with a dark bar running 
backwards from the angle of the eye. Skin and base of scales on gular pouch 
dark crimson lake ; a triangular sooty pouch immediately in front of fore 

* Jalor is, so far as is known, the southern limit of this species, which is 
quite common in the interior of Patalung ; but it is a jungle-loving form, 
and, as such, liable to escape detection, its powers of colour change are slight, 
consisting chiefly in an accentuation of the darker markings on annoyance or 

37* Liolepis bellii, Gray 
(PI. X, Fi*. *.) 

Patani and Jalor. 

The young from Patani recall, by their livery, the young of various 
Lacertids of the genera Acantkodactylus and Eremins. The following notes on 
their life coloration were taken by the collectors :— * Tail bright brick-red ; 
median and lateral stripes on body lemon-yellow ; pale yellow spots and faint 
. traces of cross-bars occur between the stripes on the sides. In the adult, the 
tails become dull grey, and the pale yellow spots and traces of cross-bars 
increase in size and become orange and purple respectively, more brilliant in 
the male than the female, while bright blue markings, also more brilliant 
and more extensive in the male, make their appearance on the ventral surface. 

4 In the Patani States, and apparently also in Kelantan, Trengganu, and 
Pahang, Liolepis bellii is confined to sandy localities, almost bare of vegetation, 
between the foot hills and the sea. On the West Coast, it is common on the 
coast and islands of Trang, and has been recorded from other localities, but 

i. Pout ton, Tht Colour* of Ari}ma{t t pp. S4 and 90, 



want of suitable habitats makes its occurrence sporadic, and renders it generally 
rare in the south of the Peninsula. I am now certain that it is monogamlc, 
a single pair inhabiting a burrow, which is shared by several young ones, 
probably hatched in March or April, at least for some weeks. If an 
individual is surprised away from home, it does not bolt down the nearest 
burrow, but makes its way to its own, running with the fore part of the 
body somewhat depressed and the tail raised high in the air. Within the 
mouth of its burrow it often turns to view the cause of its disturbance, 
before disappearing. Mr. Laidlaw has found vegetable matter in the 
stomach of specimens from Trengganu, * 1 but the ordinary food of the species 
consists largely of the small Acridlids common in the localities it frequents. 
A specimen was taken by Mr. Robinson climbing a tree-trunk at Sai Kau ; 
but this is a most unusual position. 

C I have already commented upon the purple and orange cross-bars on 
the sides of this species at some length ; l but I may add, that when the 
males are fighting they make themselves as fiat as possible, thus, incidentally, 
displaying the brilliant coloration on their sides. They stand facing one 
another, with the forequarters and head raised as high as possible, and each 
tries to slip past his adversary's guard and seize him by the shoulder. At 
last one catches the other with his jaw, either on the shoulder or the snout, 
and commences to worry him. If the individual so seized can shake himself 
free, he bolts. The victor does not pursue, but stands with uplifted head, 
which he bows repeatedly in the direction of his adversary’s flight, for some 
minutes, and then makes off in the opposite direction. 

1 The brilliant coloration of the young of this lizard affords a good 
instance of a phenomenon which has not received the attention it merits among 
students of animal coloration, I mean the fact that young reptiles are very 
often more brilliantly or more conspicuously coloured than adults of the 
same species. To give other examples from species actually collected by Mr. 
Robinson and myself in the Malay Peninsula, the youngof Cyclemys annandalii 
has yellow streaks on the head, as well as markings on the carapace, which 
disappear in the adult ; the young of Crocodilus porosus and Varanus sa/vator 
exhibit greater contrasts of colour on their dorsal surface than do the adults ; 
many Malay Scincidae (*•.£., Mabuia multifasciata ) have longitudinal pale 
stripes on the dorsal surface of the young that become broken up into 
inconspicuous spots or blotches, or altogether disappear, in the adults ; the 
young of the snake Hypsirhina bocourtii are marked with black and yellow 

1. Proe. Zoct. Sot, 1900, p. 309. 

1 . Proc, Ztol. <&K, t 1900, pp. 857, SjS. 


1 57 

where the adult only displays different shades of inconspicuous brown ; the 
dorsal cross-bars of black or dark green on several of the Hydrophinae 
disappear with age, leaving an almost uniform dull green or grey coloration. 
These are only a few instances, taken from a comparatively small number 
of species from a very limited area ; but, even from them, it is clear that the 
young of reptiles lose their characteristic juvenile coloration in one of two 
ways, either by the fading of brilliant or intense colours, or by the growth of 
dark pigment, which encroaches upon pale areas, either obliterating them 
altogether or breaking them up in such a way that they arc no longer con¬ 
spicuous, In some genera the conspicuous coloration persists, in a more or 
less marked way, through life in certain species, being confined to the young 
in others, so that it is more probably a vestigial character than a new develop¬ 
ment ; for example, the yellow streaks on the head which disappear in the 
adult of Cyclemys annmdalii , normally persist through life in C . amboinensis. , 
while the lateral bars in Cables versicolor are only occasionally visible in this 
species in the adult (when it is in a state of irritation), generally present in the 
young, and at any rate closely paralleled in the adult of C , emma even when 
the animal is undisturbed. Of course, sexual coloration, such as the cross-bars 
on the sides of Liolepis bellii , has no connexion with this phenomenon of the 
juvenile livery, and, equally of course, there are many reptiles which retain a 
conspicuous or intense coloration, however old they may be, and others which 
develop such a coloration after their extreme youth is past, for reasons possibly 
other than sexual. Among Batrachians, conspicuous coloration is rare in 
youth ; frogs and toads endowed with bright pigment, like Ixalus horridus , 
do not possess it when first they lose their tails, though its extent in later 
development may be indicated, while almost adult specimens of Ichthyopkis 
glutinosuSy which l have seen alive in a stream in the Malay Peninsula, have 
had both the yellow and the black of their characteristic coloration less intense 
than was the case with larger individuals/ 


38. Varanus nebulosus, D. & B. 

Jalor, and Batang Padang, South Perak, 

39. Vcranus sal vat or, Laur. 


* On the coast ot the Pa tan i States both Faranus nebulosus and F t salvator 
are very common, especially on the mud-flats near Jambu, where they stalk 

i 5 « 


the mangrove crabs and the different t( mudhoppers ” ( Periopbthalmus , 
Boieophthaimus , and the like), which bask in the sun in such localities. About 
Biserat and Kampong Jalor, Varanus nebuksus is the commoner of the two near 
the villages ; but V. sahator is abundant on the limestone hills and in the 
pools at their base. In the interior of Rhaman and Kelantan, the former species 
is comparatively rare. Neither species, as a rule, penetrates into deep jungle, 
where their place is taken by F, rudicollis and other scarcer species. In the 
sheltered waters of Patani Bay, V. sahator may occasionally be seen swimming 
in the sea. It seems to find water more necessary than V. nebulosus , which, 
on the other hand, is more frequently observed on tree-trunks and branches, 
though both are aquatic and arboreal on occasion. The food of both species 
includes almost every kind of small animal and carrion. The yellowish 
markings of the dorsal surface of V. sahator are more brilliant and con¬ 
spicuous in the young than in the adult.’ 


40. Tachydromus sexlineatus* Daucf. 

Biserat, Jalor 

4 1 have only seen this species in the neighbourhood of Biserat (the one 
recorded locality in the Malay Peninsula), where it lives among long grass, 
along the top of which the great length of its tail and the slenderness of its 
body permit it to run without bending the blades. In life, its tail is very brittle/ 


41. Mabuia macularia, Blyth.' 

Biserat, Jalor. 

42, Mabuia rugifera, Siol. 

Muar River, Selangor 

43* Mabuia multifasciata, Kuhl. 

Jalor, Bukit Besar, Batartg Padang (South Perak), and Selangor. 

1 Probably the common skink of all cultivated parts of the Malay 

44. Mabuia siamensis, Glhr. 


This is an addition to the herpetological fauna of the Malay Peninsula, 
the species being previously known from Southern China and Siam. 



46. Lygosoma praesigne, Blgr, 

Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. 

The single specimen agrees very closely in size, scaling, and coloration, 
with the type from the Larut Hills, altitude, 4,000 feet, which I described in 
the Annals and Magazine of Natural History (7) vi, 1900, p. 191. 

* The specimen was captured in a crevice in a tree-trunk, and many 
others were noted in the vicinity, which I neglected to secure, mistaking 
them for the immature stage of the common Mabuia multifasciata y to which 
L* praesigne bears a strong superficial resemblance.’ H. C. R. 

46. Lygosoma bowringii, Stwr. 

jambu, Jhcring. 

* The specimen was taken at dusk, on a sandy path. It progressed, 
rather slowly, by movements of the body, the limbs giving, apparently, very 
little aid.’ 

47. Lygosoma quadrivittaium, Ptrs. 

Bukit Besar. 

This skink was known from Celebes (Gorontalo) and the Philippines 
(Mindanaor) ; the British Museum has received it from Sandakan, North 
Borneo ; and its range is now found to extend to the Malay Peninsula. 

48. Lygosoma chalcides, L. 

Batang Padang, South Perak. 

* The limbs of this and similar slender forms are of more use in 
progression than their small size v/ould indicate, at any rate upon the surface 
of the ground. The species are, however, burrowing forms, so often found 
associated with the Typhlopidae that the Malays regard them as the larvae of 
these snakes.' 

49. Lygosoma miodactylum, sp. nov. 

(Plate X, Fig. 3) 

Section Lygosoma. Body much elongated, limbs minute, the anterior with 
toes rudimentary, bud-like digits with blunt claws ; the posterior terminating 
in a single sharp claw. Snout short, obtuse ; lower eyelids scaly, nostril 
pierced in the anterior lower part of the nasal; no supranasai ; fronto-nasal 
twice as broad as long, forming sutures with the rostral and with the frontal; 

v 1/9/03 



praefrontals small; frontal slightly longer than broad, broader than the supra¬ 
ocular region, in contact with the first and second supraoculars ; four supra- 
oculars, six superciliaries ; fronto-parietals distinct; interparietal longer than 
the fronto-parietals ; parietals forming a suture behind the interparietal ; first 
upper labials largest, fourth entering the orbit ; ear completely hidden ; twenty- 
two smooth scales round the middle of the body, equal; a pair of enlarged 
pracanals; tail thick, dark-brown above, white beneath, sides white with 
longitudinal series of brown spots corresponding to the scales. 

Total length, 152 mm. ; head, 11 mm. ; width of head, 7 mm. ; fore 
limb, 4 mm. ; hind limb, 6mm.; tail (regenerated), 65 mm. 

A single specimen from Semangko Pass, Sdangor-Pahang boundary. 1,700 feet. 

Very closely allied to L. larutense , Blgr.,* from Larut, Perak (3,000 
to 4,000 feet). Distinguished by the monodactyle hind limb, and the smaller 
number of scales round the body, viz., twenty-two instead of twenty-six. 


50. Dibamus novac-guineae, D. & B. 

An embryo from Bukit Besar. 

New to the Malay Peninsula. Known from New Guinea, the Moluccas, 
Lombok, Celebes, Sumatra, and the Nieohars. 

i The egg, which was found by a native in a dead tree-trunk, was broad 
in proportion to its length, but not circular ; it had a brittle and highly 
calcareous shell. 1 



51. Typhlops braminus, Daud. 

Bukit Besar and Selangor. 

52. Typhlops nigroalbus, D. & B. 

Bukit Besar, Sai Kau, and Jalor, 

* The distribution of the Typhlopldae in the State of Jalor is somewhat 
sporadic, but appears to coincide with that of burrowing lizards, such as 
Lygosoma chafades , and of the burrowing Amphibian, Ichthopbys gluthwsus. 
For instance, these forms are exceedingly rare, if they occur at all, in the 

1, Ann. and Mag. N, H . (7) v, 1900, p, 306- 



immediate vicinity of Biserat ; while they are all abundant at the villages of 
Mata Rusa and Parang, which are four or five miles distant across the rice fields, 
and which stand in large and ancient orchards. The Malays, who delight in 
zoological theorizing, say that the t( earth snakes ” avoid the banks of the river 
because they are afraid of some particular ant, which is abundant there. This 
theory may be the correct one, but to myself, who have not had the opportunities 
of observation enjoyed by the natives, it seems more probably that they avoid 
a sandy soil, in which there are few earthworms, and prefer a rich leaf-mould 
in which earthworms abound/ 


53. Python reticulatus, Schn. 

Batang Padang and Jalor. 

Not uncommon in <the Patani States and Lower Siam. The Malays 
have many superstitions regarding it/ 


54. Chrysydrus gran U fat us, Schn. 

55. Tropidonotus piscator, Schn. 


56. Tropidonotus chrysargus, Schl^. 

Bufcit Besar and Jalor. 

* Two specimens were captured in pools of water in a tree-trunk, feeding 
on the spawn of the frog Ixalus horridus / 

57. Macroplsthodon rhodomefas, Bote. 

Batang Padang. 

58. Lycodon Jaoensis, Cthr, 


Was only known from Siam until discovered at Kota Bharu (Rhaman) 
by the ‘Skeat* Expedition. 

i. Fateie. Malay n Antkrop^ part I, p. 88, See also Sic cat's Malay Magi( f pp. 30a, 303 



59. Zamenis korros, Schlg. 


4 A very common snake in Jalor and Nawngehik, generaliy being found 
in or near brushwood. The Malays call it the “ wild snake" (ular liar) on 
account of its vicious behaviour when captured. At Biserat a native brought 
us a male and female which he had taken paired. The male, which had evidently 
lost the tip of his tail, measured 174 cm., and the female 202 cm. in length. 
Both these specimens had the ventral surface of the neck of a bright chrome 
yellow, which was more intense in the male than the female. This brilliant 
colour is usually absent, and is probably assumed only at the breeding season. 
The large, black-edged scales of the tail of this species give large specimens 
a rather close resemblance to the Hamadryad (Naia bungarus ) which has 
often an orange patch of considerable size on its throat. Consequently, the 
Malays often confuse the two species, the harmless with the venomous, and 
call large specimens of the former by the name that properly belongs to the 

4 A very large specimen, measuring 2,505 mm. in length, was brought 
us at Kampong Jalor, and was more variegated in coloration than were the 
smaller specimens commonly seen. Its general colour above was dark fuscous, 
with mesial and lateral black lines, joined by black cross-bars. The ventral 
surface was cream, vermiculated with slaty black, the sides of the scales being 
very dark lead-grey. The tail was almost entirely of the latter shade beneath ; 
above it had a diamond-shaped pattern of black on a dark fuscous ground. 
The skin between the scales was pale yellow, producing zigzag markings 
along the sides. This specimen deceived not only the natives of the village, 
but also ourselves. We were about to start on a journey and merely examined 
the colour of the specimen, never doubting but that it was one of Naia 
bungarus / 

60. Coluber taeniurus. Cape 

Goah Tanah, near Biserat, Jalor ; and Bam Caves, near Kuala Lumpur, Selangor. 

The large specimen from Jalor agrees with the definition of the 
var. ridleyiy Butler, 1 whilst the smaller specimen (97 cm.) from the Batu 
Caves is of a generally darker colour and shews faint traces of a reticulate 
pattern on the middle part of the body, whilst the dorso-lateral stripe is 
intensely black on the posterior part of the body and on the tail. 

‘This snake, which is called by the Malays of Selangor and Patam “moon 
snake” (ular bulan)^ is not so common in the Jalor caves as in those near Kuala 

. Jaunt* Bomt't So c. N, H t x», i899, p, 426, 



Lumpur. In both localities its food consists entirely or principally of bats. 1 
The sound it produces when disturbed is most peculiar, in no way resembling 
a hiss, but rather, as I find it described in my notebook, being midway between 
a mew and a squeal. The snake is usually found in the darkest parts of the 
cave, but though it seems dazed and purblind when suddenly brought out 
into a bright light, it soon regains normal vision. The difference between the 
young specimen and a much larger one, of the ridkyi variety, taken the same 
day as that on which we took the former, and within a few yards of its place 
of capture, was, perhaps, more marked in life than it would have been in 
preserved specimens, and the fact that the ridleyi variety departs further from 
the normal coloration of the species, makes it most improbable that the 
superior intensity of the pigmentation of the smaller individual was merely a 
juvenile livery, Mr. Bou lender points out, that no very young specimen of 
Coluber taeniurus has been recorded from the Malay caves, and that it is very 
possible, on the one hand, that if young specimens were kept in total darkness, 
they would, so to speak, fade into the variety ridleyi , and, on the other, that 
older specimens of this variety, if kept in daylight, might possibly become 
darker and assume the typical markings of Cope’s species ; and the living 
specimens we have seen bear out this view. It is strange, however, how 
extremely rare specimens of Coluber taeniurus appear to be in the Malay 
Peninsula, except in the caves, in some of which they are quite abundant/ 

61. Coluber rad i at us, SchJg. 


* This is the “ rat snake ” {ular tikus) of the Patani Malays, in whose 
houses it not infrequently takes up its abode, feeding on rats and on the 
sparrows, 1 which nest in the roofs of the larger buildings/ 

62. Dendrophis pictus, Gmel. 


4 Probably the most abundant snake in the cultivated parts of the Patani 
States, where it is called ular lidi y that is, “ midrib of the cocoanut-palm snake,” 
a name the appropriateness of which is realized when one sees a leaf of this 
palm from below, with the midrib black against the sky, and an apparent light 
space on either side of it, due to the comparative narrowness of the leaflets where 
they leave it. The snake is generally found among bushes, often at the edge 
of rice fields/ 

1. S. Flower, Free, Zool* Sire. 1S99, p. 668 

Ptilltr mantanut. 



63. Calamarta pavimentata, D. & B, 

Jalor, Sai Kan (Nawngchik), and B.uang Padang (South Perak), 

The black line along the lower surface of the tail may be absent. 

* Not uncommon among the rubbish under native houses in the Patant 
States, where small specimens are sometimes called ular lima kendiri 3 “ five 
kendirt snakes,” a kendtri being three cents, or considerably less than a penny. 
This curious name is given them because it is believed that the effects of their 
bite can be remedied for medicine worth fifteen cents/ 

64. Hypsirhina plumbca, Boie, 


* Essentially aquatic, but often found under dead trees some distance 
from'water. On Cape Patani it is common in the freshwater pools, on the 
bottom of which it may often be seen, lying stretched out almost straight/ 

65. Hypsirhina bocourtii, Jan. 


* Often found with Acrochordus javanicus in swamps and pools. The 
superior brilliance of coloration of young specimens is remarkable/ 

66 . Dtpsadormorphus dcndrophilus, Bole. 


The specimens belong to the var. mdanotus of Rleeker. 

‘This nocturnal snake is very vicious, and drums with its tail on the 
ground when alarmed, but its food consists of small mammals, frogs, lizards, 
other snakes, fish, and, curiously enough, slugs/ 1 

67. Dfpsadomorphus cynodon, Boie. 


* The specimen was taken coiled up on a bush about four feet above the 
ground. Unlike all the specimens of D . dendrophilus which I have seen 
in life, it was sluggish in demeanour, and made little attempt to escape, 
though it had evidently not had a recent meal/ 

66 . Dipsadomorphus pal Ildus, sp. nov. 

Anterior palatine and mandibular teeth enlarged, but less than in D, 
eynodon . Rostral broader than deep, well visible from above, internasals 

I, Cf. /Vff, Zwt t I9O0, p. SSJ, 



broader than long, shorter than the praefrontals ; frontal as long as broad, as 
long as the distance from the end of the snout, shorter than parietals ; loreal 
tapezoid, longer than deep ; one praeocular, in contact with the frontal ; two 
postoculars, in contact with the frontal ; temporals 2 + 3 ; eight upper labials, 
third, fourth, and fifth entering the eye ; four or five lower labials in contact 

Fig. 3 . Head of Dipsadomorphut pallidus . Two-thirds natural size. 

with the anterior chin-shields, which are smaller than the posterior. Scales in 
twenty-one rows, vertebral row strongly enlarged. Ventrals, 256 mm. ; anal, 
entire ; subcaudals, 154 mm. Head and neck purplish-grey above, fading into 
a pale brown on the body ; no spots or markings of any kind ; upper lip 
and lower parts yellowish-white ; belly and tail speckled with grey. Total 
length, 1,580 mm. ; tail, 420 mm. 

A single female specimen from Jalor. 

69. Psammodynastes pulverutentus, Bole. 


70. Dryophis prasinus, Boie. 

Patani, Bukit Besax, and Jalor. 

1 Common throughout the Patani States, equally so in virgin jungle 
at 3,000 feet, and in the open casuarina woods on Cape Patani. It 



feeds chiefly on skinks. On Bukit Besar, we watched a large specimen 
on the look-out for prey. It had its tail and the posterior half of its 
body coiled among the branches of a small shrub growing among long 
grass, while the anterior half of its body stretched outwards without support, 
the neck being arched. This position was retained for some minutes, and 
then an abrupt movement changed the direction of the head and neck, 
without an alteration in the position of the tail and that part of the body 
coiled in the shrub. The same movement was repeated at intervals, so 
that the snake viewed all quarters in turn. When annoyed, D, prasinus 
puffs out its slender neck so that it attains a girth approximately equal 
to that of the body, and by so doing causes the skin to be stretched and 
the black and blue-grey markings between the scales to be displayed. The 
three colour-varieties, the commonest of which has in life the general colour 
of the dorsal surface a bright leaf-green, while the others have it emerald 
green and golden brown respectively, are found together in the Patani States, 
and the difference in their appearance does not appear to be due either to age, 
to sex, or to environment/ 

71. Chrysopetea or n at a, Shaw 

* Also a common species in the Patani States, Senggora, Patalung, and 
Trang, frequently entering native houses and lodging in the roof. The 
commonest coloration in these States is blackish, finely chequered and 
veined with greenish yellow. Individuals thus coloured are called ularjelbiong 
by the Malays of the Patani States, jeldtong , the colour of the Ibtong monkey, 
Presbytes (Semnopithecus) obscurus , being a dark slaty grey. When a specimen 
has scarlet and black spots on the sides, it is called ular batu daching , or 
" balance-weight snake,” because these spots resemble' the little scarlet and 
black “ crabs' eye " seeds, used as weights in the Malay goldsmiths’ scales/ 

72. Thalassophis artnandalii, Laidlaw 

Distira annandalii, Laidlaw> P.Z.S., 1901, ii, p. 579, pl.xxxv. 

Head moderate, body short and stout, strongly compressed behind the 
neck. Rostral broader than deep ; nasals small, separated by a pair of large 
internasals, which widen in front, upper head shields more or less broken up, 
the parietals small and separated from each other, and sometimes also from 
the frontal, by very small scales ; frontal and supraocular unusually large, 
well developed, eye separated from the upper labials by one or two suboculars, 
one or two prae-, and one or two postoculars ; temporal scales small, numerous; 



nine to twelve upper labials, chin-shields usually broken up into scales. Scales 
extremely small, ninety to one hundred round the middle of the body, juxta¬ 
posed, dorsals with a more or less distinct central tubercle or short keel. 
Ventrals, 350-370 mm., very feebly enlarged. Pale greyish olive above, white 
below ; back with dark cross-bars, narrower than the interspaces, tapering to a 
point on the sides. 

Total length, 600 mm. ; Tail, 80 mm; Greatest depth of body, 43 mm. 

Several specimens from Patani. 

This is a very remarkable sea snake, distinguished from all other 
Hydro phi nae by its extremely small scales. As the nasal shields are distinct 
from the internasals, it is better placed in Tbalassophis than in Distira , if, 
however, the former deserves to rank as a valid genus. 

73. Hydrophis caerulescens, Shaw 


74. Distira wrayi, BIgr. 


75. Distira jerdortti, Gray 

76. Enhydris hardwickli, Gray 


77. Enhydris valakadlen, Boie. 


( This appears to be by far the commonest species in Patani Bay, in the 
shallow and muddy waters of which sea snakes literally swarm, while they 
appear to be very little less common in the open sea on the other side of 
Cape Patani. A very large proportion of the fish on which they feed in the 
bay are Silurids and others provided with long, sharp spines, and the manner 
in which these spines are eliminated from the snakes 1 bodies is curious, for 
they appear to pass out through the walls of the alimentary canal and through 
the body wall to the exterior. I have frequently found specimens of the 
Hydrophinae with fish spines actually protruding from within through 
the integument, without, apparently, causing any inflammation or incon¬ 
venience. Sea snakes cannot hiss, but produce a low gurgling sound 
when annoyed. During the fishing season at Patani, in the spring 
and summer months, they are comparatively harmless, being inoffensive 
except when injured, and never, it is said, biting men wading in the sea 
with their nets ; but during the north-east monsoon, in November, December, 

w 4/9/oj 



and January, when a tremendous surf breaks all along the shore and 
practically blocks up the mouths of the rivers, the sea snakes, battered in 
the waves, often cast up on the beach torn and wounded, naturally lose their 
temper, and bite anything in contact with which they come. We have seen 
them in this condition, and can well believe, as we were told, that several 
deaths are annually caused by their bites among the fishermen of every little 
community by the sea, who take the opportunity to go out shrimping whenever 
a break in the weather occurs. It is said, too, that numbers of the snakes are 
shut up in the river mouth, where they have taken refuge from the storm, and 
that when in fresh or brackish water their bite is most dangerous. The 
Malays say that when a person is bitten blood starts out from his eyes and 
ears, and he dies in high fever within twenty-four hours/ 

78. Naia tripudiana, Merr. 

jalor. Belongs to the var .fasriata. Gray. 

e The cobra is rare throughout the Patani States, but is said to be 
more abundant on Cape Patani than elsewhere. We could not hear of a 
single death from its bite. The only specimen which we saw in nine months, 
except the specimen preserved, belonged to the same variety, and was 
brought to us at Sai Kau. A very beautiful variety of an almost uniform 
yellowish colour, known to the Malays as u turmeric ladle-hood snake” (ular 
tedong sendok kunyit), is, apparently, not very uncommon in Rhaman, where, 
in 1899, I saw two specimens in one day/ 

At Kuala Lumpur, cobras were very common, and numerous specimens 
were brought to me at the Museum. They belonged without exception to 
the black variety, N, sputatrix , Boie, which is the prevalent form in the 
southern half of the Peninsula. 

79. Naia bungarus, Schleg. 

Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 

* General colour fuscous, some of the scales with a yellow base ; skin 
of the neck irregularly blotched with black and yellow ; top of the head 
sienna brown ; under surface dirty white, with a fuscous bar on the neck 
followed by a patch of dull orange ; scales on the tail paler in colour and 
broadly edged with black. Total length, 3,317 mm/ 

‘The Hamadryad seems to be commoner in the Patani States than the 
cobra, but the specimen preserved was the only .one examined, and it is 
very easy to confuse with it a large specimen of Zamenis korros hastily seen. 
Our specimen was shot by Mr. Robinson, under a native house in the 



village of Sai Kau. It had taken refuge in a pile of cocoanuts, from 
which it was persuaded to come out by a Chinaman armed with a long 
pole; it attempted to crawl away, making no movement in our direction* 
though we were within a few yards of it. This was said to be the 
same individual which had bitten a man on the shin a day or two 
previously. According to this man’s own story, he had been passing along 
a path close to the house under which the specimen was shot, when 
an u tdar selor , as big as a cat/’ leaped out from behind a log and bit 
him. We were asked to see him the next day, and found him 
apparently dying of pain and fright ; his leg was tremendously swollen 
but not above the knee, and had a slightly bluish tinge, and he felt pain 
in the glands under the arm-pits and elsewhere. We applied such remedies 
as we were able, and, what was more important, persuaded him and his 
friends that we could cure him. When we left Sai Kau, a week later, 
he was well on the way to recovery. I have described this incident, 
because 1 think that there is strong circumstantial evidence that the man 
actually had been bitten by a Hamadryad. It was certain that he had been 
bitten by a large poisonous snake, for the marks of the fangs, which were 
just visible, were far apart. I do not know of any poisonous snake (t as 
big as a cat,” except a Hamadryad or a large cobra, for the Malays gauge 
the size of an animal by its girth, rather than its length or height, and 
the bite was rather high on the limb for it to have been that of a species 
that lies on the ground like Anctsirodon rhodostoma . It is not at all 
improbable that poisonous snakes' are less deadly in the Malay Peninsula 
than the representatives of the same species in India, except, perhaps, the 

80. CaMophis gracilfis, Gray 
BaUmg Padang, South Perak. 

81. Doliophis bivirgatus, Bote. 

Jalor. The typical form. 

81 Doliophis intcstinalis, Laur. 

Bukit Besar and Batang Patang (vars. anneetcns t Belgr. ; and iineata. Gray). 

* The Malays of Patani say that both Z), bivirgatus and D. Intestmahs , 
which share the name of “sunbeam snake "(ularstna maia-hart)^ frequently pro¬ 
gress with the bright coral-red part of their tails held upright, apparently 
in very much the same manner as Cylin drop bis rufus y as figured by Captain 

1. The proper Malay name of this snake is ufar te!or y and it is through a mistake of my own that >t is called 
u/ar tehr (egg snake), in Mr. Laid law's report on the snakes of the * Skcnt ' Expedition. N. A. 



Flower . 1 Moreover, they assert that all red-tailed snakes are very 
poisonous, believing that the “ sunbeam snakes ” flourish their tails in the 
air as an advertisement of the fact. It is probable that the observation 
that they flourish their tails is a true one, but it is very doubtful whether 
the species of Do Hop bis can be reckoned, practically, as dangerous forms, in 
spite of the enormous size of the poison glands in D. bivirgatus. Cylin- 
drophis rufus is a most inoffensive and feeble snake, and many specimens are 
devoid of the red mark on the tail ; indeed, it is probable that the 
whole theory of warning coloration, as far as the Patani Malays are con¬ 
cerned, rests on the fact that the readiest way of distinguishing between 
the venomous Lacbesis gram'tneus and the harmless Dryopbis prastnus y when the 
shape of the head cannot be seen, is the reddish tail of the former species, 1 


83. HaplopeJtura boa, Boie. 

Bukit Besar, z,ooo feet. 

£ A specimen was taken lying almost straight along the midrib of the leaf 
of a small palm in the jungle. The whole coloration and attitude suggested 
a stick that had fallen from above, and the blunt snout and buff markings on 
the head appeared to represent that part of the stick which had been broken 
from its parent branch.’ 

84. Amblycephalus moelfendorffil, Bug. 



86. Ancistrodon rho do stoma, Boie. 


This large and deadly Cratal ine snake was only recorded with certainty 
from Java, and with doubt from Siam. I have, however, been recently shown 
a specimen from Puket,* Siam, received by the Christiania Zoological Museum. 
The distribution is the same as that of the Cheloman Damonia subtrijuga , 

£ A. rbodostoma cannot be scarce in the neighbourhood of Biserat and R, 
Jalor, as several specimens, of which we did not keep all, were brought us at 
both of these places. The Jalor Malays call it ular kapak daun , or u leaf axe- 

i P.Z.&, >899, pL XXXVii. 

2. Puket is the chief place in the Siamese island of junk Ceylon or Sclangka, which lies off the west coast of 
the Malay Peninsula, south of the Isthmus of Kra. N. A. 



snake,” but, as Mr. Laid law * 1 has pointed out, the term ular kapak is of wide 
application, while the present species certainly shares the name of “ leaf axe- 
snake * * with Lachesis gramineus> and probably with other forms that resemble 
leaves living or dead. The persons who brought us specimens of Ancistrodon 
rhodostoma denied that its bite was fatal, though they said that it made a man 
very ill. This is curious, as peasants, whether British or Malay, have usually 
a tendency to exaggerate the dangerous qualities of animals with which they 
are liable to come in contact, and I do not think there was any superstitious 
reason 1 why they should speak no ill of this snake, for I asked them, on several 
occasions, after the specimen was dead and in spirit. They say that the u leaf 
axe-snake ” lies about among dead leaves and is very sluggish, as its figure 
would suggest.’ 


List of the Batrachians and Reptiles Recorded from the 
Malay Peninsula, South of Tenasserim 

N UMEROUS additions have been made to our knowledge of the 
Batrachians and Reptiles of the Malay Peninsula, since the publication 
of Capt. S. S. Flower’s useful list in the Proceedings of the Zoological 
Society in 1896 (p. 856), A second list given by Capt. Flower, in 1899 
(pp. 600 and 885), is obscured by the fact that Siam is included. 1 therefore 
gladly fall in with the suggestion that a complete list should now be given, 
embodying the additions made by the 1 Skeat ’ Expedition, the reptiles of which 
were described by Mr. F. F. Laidlaw (Pm. Z00L Soc. 1900, p. 883, and 
1901, i, p. 301, and ii, p. 575) ; and by the collections of Messrs. L. Wray 
and A. L. Butler, and described by me {Ann. Mag. N, H . (7) v, 1900), 
and Journ. Bomb. N. H . Soc. xiii, p. 333 (1900), or listed by Mr. Butler 
(Proe. Zool, Soc. 1902, ii, p, 188). 

In this list the names of species not in Capt. Flower’s list of 1899 are 
marked with an asterisk (*). 

1, Proc. Zool. Sot* 1901 (*), p. 576. 

I Cf. Faicic. Malay. Anthrop . p part I., pp. X04.1 


Lhthyophk gludnom , Linn. 





z. Uhthy aphis monochraus, B1 fcr, 



4 * 

5 - 

6 , 

Megalophrys man tana, Kuhl. 
„ ftasan j, Schleg. 

„ kngipes, Blgr. 

Leptobrachittm kasseltii, Tsch. 

9. Bufi penangemis, Stol. 


„ jerboa, Blgr. Gunung Inas, 

1 5 * 

Perak (Laidlaw). 



M asper, Gravh. 

• ■ ~ 


„ melanastktus, Schn. 

l 7 * 

! 3 * 

„ parvus, Blgr. 



Cakphryne pieumtsgma, Tsch. 

z c. 


Fhryneila pukhra, Blgr. 




„ pailkaris, Blgr. 

4 y* 

■ „ _ 


Mierohy/a miata, D. & B. 

z 7 * 


,, wrnata, Blgr. 


* 3 * 

„ leucostigma , Blgr. 


,, butleri , Blgr. 

Larut, Perak (A. L. Butler). 



3 °* 

Qxygkssus lima, Gravh, 

* 47 - 

3 *. 

„ laevh, Gthr. 

3 2 * 

Rana cyanophlyctis, Schn. 


33 * 

„ kuhiii, D. & B, 

* 49 * 

34 * 

„ latkept, Blgr. 

35 * 

„ macrodan, Kuhl, 


* 36 . 

», d&riae, Blgr. Larut, Perak 

5 *- 

(L. Wray). 


37 * 

„ pUcatclla , Stol. 

"S 3 * 


„ hascheana , Stol. 

39 * 

„ tigtina, Daud. 

* 54 * 


1, Hmnochar it, Boie. 

55 * 

" 56 * 


„ macrodaety/a, Gthr. 

4 *- 

„ erythraea, Schleg, 

43 * 

„ kbialis, BlgT. 


‘ 44 * 

„ jerboa, Gthr. Batu Caves, 

J i * 


Selangor (A. L. Butler). 

* 45 * 

„ later alts, Blgr, Kuala Aring, 

59 * 

Kelantan (Laidlaw). 


,> luetuosa, Ptrs. 



* 7 - Leptobrachium helet opus , Blgr. 

Larue, Perak (A. L. Butler). 
# 8. „ pehdytoides, Blgr. 

Larut, Perak (L. Wray). 


1 4. Bufa quadriporcatus, Blgr, 

, divergent, Ptrs. 

(A. L. Butler). 

Mkr&hy/apukhra, Hallow, 

,, achatina, Boie, 

„ annectent, Blgr. 

Larut, Perak {A, L, Butler). 
», berdmmi , Blyth. 

u t — - -"O- r 

Perak (Laidlaw). 

*, glandulosa, Blgr. 

„ livlda, Blyth, Larut, Perak 

(L, Wray). 

,, taruiemis , Blgr. 

^.hacophorut leprosus, Tsch. 

„ leucomystax, Gravh, 

,, bimaculatus , Blgr. 

Larut, Perak (L. Wray), 

„ rabinsmU, Blgr, 

Supra p, 136 
„ nigropalmatus, Blgr. 

xalm larutensh , Blgr. Larut, Perak 

{A. L. Butler). Supra p. 139 

„ pittus, Ptrs. 

„ vermknlatus, Blgr. Larut, 

Perak {A, L. Butler) 

» aspet\ Blgr. 

,, horridut , Blgr. Supra p. 139 







Dermockdys cosiacea. 




Callagur put a, Gray, 

* 9 * 

Cyclemys annandalii , Blgr. 

Supra p. 142 

3 * 

Baiagur baska, Gray. 


„ dhor t Gray. 

4 * 

Hardella thurgi. Gray, 


Gcorny da spinosa, Gray. 

* 5 - 

Damon in subtrijuga, Schleg. & 

Mull. 12. 

,, grandis , Gray. 

Supra p. 142 t « 

Tcstudo emys r Schleg, Sc Miili, 


Be Ilia crassicollis. Gray. 

#l 4 * 

„ pseudemys , Blgr, 

Supra p. 144 

7 * 

Cyclemys amboinensis , Daud. 

15 - 

„ elongates, Blyth. 


Cyclemys platynota, Gray. 



Ckckne mydas , Linn. 

l 7 ‘ 

Chiknc im brie a fa, Linn. 

18. Thalassochdys caret la, Linn. 

19. Trionyx subplanus , Geoffr. 

20. ,, huruniy Gray. 

21. „ phayrii, Gray. 


zz. Trionyx carti/agincus, Bodd. 
23. Pdochdys cantori t Gray. 



24. Tomistoma schlegdii, S. Mali. 25. Cmodilus porosui , Schn. 

z 6 , Crocodilus palustris, Less. 




Gymmdactylus marmoratus , KuhL 



pcguctssis, Blgr. 

Patalung (Lasdlaw). 





pukhdius. Gray. 

* 4 * 


Gona lodes kcndalli , Gray. 

3 1 * 


affinis, Stol. 


3 2 - 

Aeluroscakbates felinus , Gthr. 

33 - 

Hemidactylus frenatus, Schleg. 


34 * 

brookii, Gray. 


35 - 


depress us. Gray. 



kschenaultii , D. 5 c B. 


37 * 


jlavwiridis , Rilpp. 


(coctaei, D. p & B.) 



garnets, D, 5 c B. 

5 ° 

Hemidactylus platyurus, Schn. 
Mimetozosn craspedotus, Mocq* 

Gehyta muiilata , Wiegm. 

„ larutensis , Blgr. 

Larin, Perak (A. L. Butler), 

„ butlers , Blgr. 

Kuala Lumpur, Selangor (A. L. Butler). 
Lepidodactylus cry lone ns is, Blgr, 

„ lugubrh, D» & B. 

Gecko vertidllatus, Lawr. 

„ stentor, Cantor. 

„ mgnarchus, Sc hi eg. 

Ptychozoon homalocephalum , Crev. 

,, kor$Jsddii y Gray. 



5 *- 


53 * 

* 54 * 

* 55 - 

* 56 . 

* 57 * 

5 *. 



74 * 
75 - 
7 6. 
77 * 

* 79 * 


# Si. 



s 4 * 


99 * 


Draco volant y Linn, 

„ maculatus r Cantor, 

,, fimbria tut , Kohl. 

„ punctatus, Blgr. Larut, Perak 
(A. L, Butler), Supra p. 151 

,> formosus, Blgr. Larut, Perak 
(A, L. Butler), Supra p. 152 

yt blanfordtiy Blgr. La rut, Perak 
(A. L. Butler). Supra p. 153 

„ microlepity Blgr, Larut, Perak 
(A. L. Butler). 
yt melampogon, Blgr. 

59 * 


6 i, 




6 5 . 

66 . 


68 . 

Varanus flavetemsy Gray. 
„ nebuhsus. Gray. 


7 J * 



*73- Tachydromus sexiineatus, Daud. 


Mabuia tiovemcarinata. And. 

>t m&cularia, Blyth, 

»» rugifera, Blgr, 

,, mu/tifasria/a, Kuhl. 

„ stamens it, Gthr. Supra p. 158 

Lygosoma steUatuniy Blgr, Larut, Perak 
(S. Flower, A. L, Butler). 

,, praesigne, Blgr. Larut, Perak 

(A, L. Butler). 

,, scotophilum t Blgr. Batu caves, 

Selangor (A. L. Butler). 

„ malayanum , Doria. Larut, 

Perak (A. L. Butler). 

„ f'oteeri, Laldlaw, Gunung 

Inas, Perak (Laidlaw). 
Lygosoma mac uiaturn, Blyth. 


86 . 


88 . 



9 1 * 



94 * 

* 95 * 


Draco quinquefasciatusy Gray, 
Aphianotis fusea , Ptrs. 

Gonyocepkalut forveyi, Blgr, 

„ borneensis, Schleg, 

„ grandis, Gray. 
Acanthosaura armata , Gray. 

Calotes cristateUus , Kuhl. 

,, versicolor, Daud, 

„ emma T Gray. Patalung 


Uokpii bellit y Gray. 

Fa ran us rudicollisy Gray. 
,, salvator , Laur. 

Bieerat, (Laidlaw). 

Lygosoma anomakpus, Blgr. 

„ olwaceumt Gray. 

„ atmostatm, Less. 

,, singapounse t Stdr, 

n bampfyldii, E. Bartl. 

Larut, Perak (A. L. Butler). 

„ bozttringii, Gthr. 

„ albopunctatum , Gray. 

„ quadrivittatum, Ptrs. 

Supra p, 1 59 

„ surdunty Blgr. Selangor 

(A. L. Butler). 

„ chakidesy Linn. 

„ larutemgy Blgr. Larut, Perak 

(L. Wray, A, L. Butler). 
„ miodactylum f Blgr, Supra p. 159 


*97, Dibamus nozae-guineae t Blgr, Supra p. 160 



Typkkps HneatuSy Boie. roi, Typhhps bothriorhynchus % Gthr. 

„ brammus , Daud, 102, „ nigroalbusy D. Sc B. 

„ albhepiy Blgr. Larut, Perak 

(A. L. Butler). 



1 75 


10 6 . 


! II. 
I 12. 

* 1 1 5 ’ 




121 . 
I 22. 

12 3 * 





* 128. 


133 * 
I 3 +* 
* 35 - 

> 37 * 

> 39 * 




Python reikulatus, Schn. 


104. Python molurus, Linn. 
105. Python curt us, Schleg. 

Cyfindrophis rufus, Laur. 


107. Cyfindrophis fin eat us, Blanf. 


108. Xenopiltis unkolor, Retnw, 


A crochordus Javan teas. Honest. 


Chersydrus granul&tus , Schn. 


Xemdermus javanicus t Reinw, 


Palyodontophis geminatus, Boic. 

14 6 . 

,, sagit/arius, Cantor. 


Xenochrophis cerasogaster. Cantor. 


Tropuhnatus mas , Laidlaw. 


Gunung In as, Perak (Laidlaw). 


„ trianguligerus y Boie. 


„ pi sea for, Schn. 


„ sfolatus, Linn. 

* 53 - 

„ vittatus, Linn. 

1 54 - 

,, subminiatus, Schleg. 

> 55 * 

„ cArysargus, Schleg, 


„ maculatus, Edel. 

*> 57 * 

Maeropistbdon faviceps, D. & B. 

,, rhodomelas, Boie. 

i S 8. 

Helicops schisiosus, Daud, 

1 59 * 

Ly codon a adieus, Linn. 


„ laoensis, Gthr. Khota Bharu, 


Rhaman (Laidlaw). 


„ butlers, Blgr. Larut, Perak 


(A. & L, Butler). 


„ effrents, Cantor. 


„ subduct as, Boie. 


Dryocalamus subannalatus, D. & B. 


Zaocys carinatus, Gthr. 


„ Justus, Gthr, 


Zamenis korros, Schleg. 


„ mucosas, Linn. 


„ fascfolatus, Shaw, 


Xenelaphis hex ago not us. Cantor, 

> 73 - 

Coluber porphy race us. Cantor. 


„ taeniurus , Cope. 

> 75 - 

„ oxycephalus, Boie. 


„ melanurm , Schleg, 


„ radsatus , Schleg. 


Gonyophis margaritatus, Ptrs. 
Dendrophis pictus, Gm. 

„ for moms, Boie. 

Datdrelaphis caudofintatus, Gray. 

Si mates purpu fastens, Schleg. 

„ oydarns. Cantor. 

„ mofintatus, Schn. 

„ sigr/atus, Gthr, 

„ cruentafus, Gthr. 

Ablabes tricolor, Schleg. 

,, baliodirus, Boie. 

„ kngicauda, Ptrs. 

Macrocalamus lateralis, Ptrs. 
Pseudorhabdioti longiceps, Ptrs. 

Calamatia vermiform is, D. & B. 

Larat, Perak (A. L. Butler). 

,, albiventcr , Gray, 

„ sumatrana, Edel. 

„ Itucoctphala, D. & B. 

„ pavimentata , D. & B. 

Hypsirhina indie a , Gray, 

,, phmbea, Boie. 

„ enhydris, Schn. 

„ becourtii. 

„ sicboldii, Schleg. 

Homalopsis buccata , Linn. 

Cerberus rbynchops, Schn, 

Fordonia kucobalia, Schleg. 

Cantaria violacea, Gir. 

Bipistes hy dr inns, Cantor, 
Dipsadmorpkus multmaculaius, Boie, 

„ gpkeol, Gray. 

„ dendrephilus, Bote. 

„ jaspideus, D. &z B. 

„ drapiezii, Boie. 

„ pallidas, Blgr, 

Supra p. 164. 
„ cynodon, Boie, 


B/ 9 /OJ 



> 79 * 

Psammodynastes puherulentus, Boie. 



Dryophis xanthoxona, Boie. 


„ prasinus , Boie. 

1 99 - 


Dryophiops rubes tens, Gray, 


I» 3 * 

Ghrysept lea crrnta, Shaw. 



„ chrysoehkra, Boie. 


Hydras pfa turns, Linn. 

£ U £* 

* 186. 

Thalassaphis annandalii, Laidlaw. 


Patani (Laidlaw), 



Hydropkis cae rule seen s y Shaw, 



„ nigrocmctus, Daud. 



„ gradjts, Shaw, 



, t can tori, Gthr. 



„ fascia fas, Schn. 



„ rhombifer, Blgr. 

2 to. 

Coast of Perak (L. Wray). 

21 I. 

J 93 * 

„ to rq status, Gthr, 

2 t 2. 


j, ebscurus, Daud. 

213 * 

> 95 * 

Distira stoke sit. Gray. 


j 96. 

„ ertta/a, Gray. 



„ brugmansii, Boie. 



Haplopdtura boa, Boie. 



Ambiycephaim vertebrates , Blgr. 

2 19. 

Larut, Perak (A. L. Bn tier). 

* 220. 


* 2 z 1. 

Andsirodon s hodostoma, Boie. 


Supra p, 170. 



Laches is monricota, Gthr. 



« purpureomaculatus , Gray. 

Coltlbridae —continued 

Distira wrayi, Blgr. Perak Coast 

(JL Wray), Pa tan i (Laidlaw). 

„ cyanocincta, Daud. 

,, jerdoni, Gray. 

Etskydns curtus, Shaw. 

Patani (La id law). 

„ kardwkksi, Gray. 

Enhydrina valakadien, Bole. 

Aipysurus eydotixi, Gray. 

Ptatums laticaudatm, Linn. 

„ colubrinus, Schn. 

„ fasciatus, Schn. 

„ Candidas t Linn. 

Bungarusflat?kepi, Reiuw. 

Naia tripudiam, Merr. 

„ bungarus, Schleg. 

Calhphis gract/h, Gray. 

„ maculkeps, Gthr. 

Doliophis bivirgatus t Boie. 

„ intcstinalis r Laur, 

Amblyccphalus iaevis, Boie. 

„ malaccanus, Boie. 

,, mocUcndorffu , Bttgr. 

Biserat, Jalor (Laidlaw). 

Lac he si $ gramincus, Shaw. 

„ sumhtranus, Raffles. 
„ uag/eri, Boie. 




nniTJSH Mu»euM (natuaal hktory), cromwell sdao, ionuom 

ls5uec\ 1 ^ 05 . 

Tj^arV ok flpl I *j0h 


T HE most noteworthy point brought out by the present collection is the 
complete absence of any of the higher mountain hirds from Bukit 
Besar. That this cannot be due to altitude alone is proved by the 
fact that the mountain fauna is strongly represented on the Selangor Hills at 
a height considerably less than that of our encampment on Bukit Besar 
(2,500 feet). 

From Mr. Ogilvie-Grant's paper it is evident that the avifauna of the 
Patani States is on the whole more Burmese than Malayan, as is shown by 
the occurrence of Gecimis * virtdanus instead of G. vittaius and by the presence 
of such species as Coracias affinis and Crypsirhina Vartans. 

The affinities of the high mountain fauna are puzzling, and both Bornean 
and Sumatran forms seem to be represented, though as might be expected the 
latter are predominant* The existence of a species of Chlorura is interesting 
as this genus has not hitherto been recorded from continental Asia. 

Taking the Peninsula as a whole, three very distinct faunal zones can be 
recognized which may be called 

I. The Indo~Burmese zone : occupying the whole of the coastal districts 
as far south as Penang on the west coast, and extending to the Pahang River 
on the eastern side of the Peninsula. This zone is coterminous in range with 
that of Thereieeryx lineata , Partis c%nereus y and, among plants, with Casuarina 

II. The Malayan zone ; including the remainder of the Peninsula with 
the exception of the high mountains. The characteristic forms are Nyctiornis 
amicta , Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus , Hemixus cinereus. 

III. The Himalayo-Sundaic zone ; covering the mountains of the main 
range above three thousand feet as far south as Southern Selangor, and also 
certain of the loftier isolated massifs. The characteristic forms are Rhinukhla 
mitrata , Sibia simillima , etc. 

Speaking generally there seems but little more to do on the western side 
of the Peninsula, even in the mountains, as assiduous collecting for the last 
year has only resulted in the discovery of one new species and the addition of 
some five or six others to the list of birds found in the Peninsula. 

Gunong Tahan in Pahang may, however, be expected to yield a consider¬ 
able number of novelties, while it is highly important that the lofty mountains 
north of Senggora on the east coast, which are as yet absolutely virgin ground, 
should be thoroughly explored in order to ascertain whether the fauna occurring 
on Mooleyit in Tenasserin extends so far south. 

In the present paper my own notes are distinguished by being enclosed 
within inverted commas. 


Selangor State Museum 
Kuala Lumpur 
24 tk November y 1904 





D URING their recent expedition to the Siamese Malay States and Perak 
Messrs. H. C. Robinson and Nelson Annan dale made a large 
collection of birds, which they have kindly placed in my hands for 
identification. Below will be found a complete list with notes. One species 
of Bulbul (Pycnonotus robinsont ) appears to be new. A female Green Weaver-finch 
of the genus Chlorura may likewise represent a distinct form near C. bomeensis t 
but until the arrival of male examples I have refrained from naming it. The 
first set of this fine collection has been presented to the British Museum, the 
remaining specimens being given to the Royal Scottish Museum, Edinburgh, 
To save repetition, Mr. J. L. Bonhote's report 1 On the Birds collected during 
the Skeat Expedition to the Malay Peninsula* (P.Z.S., 1901, pp. 57-81) is 
quoted as ( Bonhote.* Mr. E, Hartert’s article 1 On Birds from Pahang, 
Eastern Malay Peninsula* (Nov. ZooL ix, pp. 537-580 (1902) ) is quoted as 
* Hartert/ 


1. Corvus enca, Horsf. 

Corone enca, Sharpe^ Cat . B. Brit. Mus . iii, p. 43 (1877), 

$ ad. Jcram Kawan, South Perak. 13th February. (No. 663) 

The Slender-billed Crow has the iris brown, and the bill and feet black. 
The Museum possesses only two examples from the Malay Peninsula, procured 
respectively at Johore and Malacca. 

1 The above locality is situated in deep jungle many miles from any 
considerable extent of open country, and I find that the individual secured is 
recorded in my journal as having a much more subdued and less raucous 
“ caw *’ than the succeeding species. ’ 

* Malay name, Gagak hut an? 



2. Corvus macrorhynchua, Wag]. 

Corone macrorhyncha, Sharpe , Cat . 5 nV. Mus. iii, p. 38 (1877). 

$ ad. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik, 26th April, (No. 15) 

$ ad. Bayu, Jalor. 9th July (No. 260) 

tj ad. Jambti, Jhering. 9th June, (No. 167) 

The Jungle-Crow has the iris brown and the bill and feet black, 

4 In the Malay Peninsula at least* the trivial name of this species is some¬ 
what misleading as it is rarely, if ever found far from open country. In 
Patani and other east coast districts, it is very abundant, roosting and 
nesting in the crowns of cocoa-nut and sugar palms, but in the Federated 
Malay States it is comparatively scarce. In Patani, on an easily understood 
homoeopathic principle, the ashes of a crow's wing-feathers are in great demand 
as a specific against grey hair, whilst in South Perak, oil in which the feathers have 
been boiled is used for a similar purpose, Malay name, Gagak kampong ,.’ 

3. Platysmurus leucopterus, (Temm.) 

Platysmurus leucopterus, Bonhote, p. 59, 

$ ad. Sungkei, South Perak. Bth February. (No. 621) 

The White-winged Jay has the iris red and the bill and legs black. 

4 Apparently rare ; the above individual was shot in deep jungle. Malay 
name, Gembala gajah (Elephant herd).’ 

4. Cry psirhlna varians, (Lath.) 

Crypsirhina varians, Sharpe, Cat . B. Brit. Mtis. iii, p. 83 (1877). 

£, 9 ft d* Patani, 30th May and 18th and 19th June. (Nos, 14.0, 198, 199) 

The Racket-tailed Magpie has the iris red and the bill and feet black. 

4 Only met with in Patani, where it was not uncommon during May and 
June, generally frequenting the Cashew trees in search of cockchafers and big 
green Ruteitd beetles ( A noma la viridis). The species has not been previously 
recorded from the Malay Peninsula, and is apparently unknown on the west 
coast or further south than Patani.’ 


5. Eula toes javanensis, (Osbeck) 

Mainatus javanensis, Bonhote , p. 66. 

Gracula javanus (Cu v.),Hartert, p. 579. 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 22nd May. (No. 123) 

$ , $ad. Biserat, Jaior. June, July. (Nos. 209, 210, 271) 

£ ad. Mabck, Jalor, 27th July (No, 325) 


In the Malay Grackle the iris is brown, the wattles orange, paler at the 
base, the bill orange-lemon, yellow at tip, and the feet bright yellow. 

( The Tiong gajak or Tiong mas , as the Malays call this species, is very 
common in the Patani States, frequenting open forest and orchard-land, but 
it is not found in the coast-districts, and is much rarer on the western side of 
the Peninsula. It is a favourite cage-bird among the natives, and large sums 
are paid for clever talkers.* 

6. Calornis chalybeus, (Horsf.) 

Calornis chalybea, Bonhote , p. 66. 

$ ad. Patani. 30th May. (No. 144) 

$ , $ad. et 9 imm. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. April, May. (Nos. 16, toy, 114) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor. 5th and 16th July. (Nos. 24a, 283) 

$ imm. Bidor, South Perak. 2nd and 3rd Feb. (Nos. 607, 6io, 612) 


The Glossy Calornis has the iris carmine and the bill and feet black, 

■ Common everywhere in open country, nesting in the Pinang palms, or 
occasionally at the top of dead trees. Malay name, Per ling' 

7. Aethiopsar fuse us, (WagJ.) 

Acridotheres fuscus, Bonhote, p. 66, 

Ban Sai Kau, 21st May. (No. 121) 

$juv. Biserat, Jalor. 7th and i 3 th July. ^03.253,275) 

The Jungle-Myna has the iris deep yellow (white, tinged with yellow in 
the young), the bill orange with the basal portion of the lower mandible black 
feet yellow, claws paler. 

* Very common in the rice-fields ; nearly always in close attendance on 
the buffaloes and oxen, so much so that it is often difficult to shoot 
specimens. Malay name, Burong gembala kerbau (Buffalo-herd).* 


8. Chaptia aenea, (VieilJ.) 

Chaptia aenea, Sharpe , Cat. B . Brit. Mus . iii, p. 243 (1877). 

d* 9 ad. Telfim, Perak-Pahang border. 24th January. (^3.581,582) 

The Bronzed Drongo has the iris red and the bill and feet black. 

* Very common on the edge of high bamboo jungles in the hill country, 
perching on the extreme tips of the higher shoots. The species is probably 
semi-crepuscular in its habits, as it rarely appeared before 5 p.m., when it was 



to be seen hawking insects (chiefly winged termites) and performing 
wonderful aerial summersaults* The note is a clear melodious whistle, twice 
repeated with a brief interval between. In Patani species of Dicruridae are 
known as Anak damak or Hamba kSra (Monkey's slave), while in South Perak and 
Selangor CkawFchawi is the commoner name*’ 

9. Bhring^a remitter, (Temm.) 

Bhringaremifer, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1887, p. 434 ; Bonhote , p. 59 ; Hartert , p. 580. 

$ , 9 ad, Tel6m T Perak-Pahang border. 3,500-4,000 feet. 19th and 20th January. 

(Nos. SSI, SS^ 559) 

Five examples from Perak differ constantly from the large series of 
Bhringa from North India, etc., in having the web on the terminal part of 
the lengthened outer tail-feathers much narrower, 0*5 inch or less in width. 
The racket-shaped end is greatly lengthened, and extends much further down 
the shaft, tapering off gradually towards the base, instead of terminating 
abruptly. Birds from Sumatra and Java appear to share this peculiarity, but 
the Museum series is very deficient in examples with complete tails. The 
name Edolius remifer was given by Tem minor to birds from Java and Sumatra, 
and should no doubt include the birds from Perak ; the northern examples 
standing as B. tectiroslris , Hodgs. 

* In habits similar to the preceding.’ 

10. Dissemurus paradiseus (Linn.) 

Dissemurus paradiseus, Bonhote^ p. 59. 

Dissemurus paradiseus paradiseus, Hartert y pp. 579 and 580. 

£ ad. 

«f, 9 ad. 

9 ad, et imm. 


£ ad. 

Nawngchiek, 28th November. (No. 484) 

Bisera t, Jalor. 14th July. * (Nos. 277, 286) 

Mabek, Jalor. 22nd and 23rd July. (Nos. 302, 307, 308) 

K. Datoh, Tanjong Patani. 3rd October. (No. 408) 

Sungkei, South Perak, 8th and loth February. (Nos, 620, 622,645) 

Batang Padang, South Perak. 29th January. (No. 604) 

The Larger Racket-tailed Drongo has the iris chestnut or red and the bill 
and feet black, 

‘ Widely distributed from the sea-coast to the thick central Jungles, but 
not ascending the hills to any considerable elevation.' 


11. Or Solus consanguincus, Ward) aw-Ramsay. 

Oriolus consanguineus, Sharpe , P.ZX, 1887, p. 434 ; Bonhote> p. 59. 

$ ad. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang border, 19 th January (No. 548} 



The Crimson-breasted Oriole has the iris chestnut and the bill and feet 
pale bluish-horn. Specimens from the Malay Peninsula appear to be some¬ 
what larger than those from Sumatra, males from the former locality having 
the wing 5*4 inches, while those from the latter measure y 1-5*2 inches. We 
may here remark that 0, vulneratus , Sharpe, from Borneo, appears to be 
indistinguishable from the present species, the supposed differences found in 
the gloss of the upper parts and the amount of red on the primary-coverts 
being apparently of no importance (cf. Ibis , 1887, p. 438). 

* This bird frequents dark and narrow gullies overgrown with the 
thickest vegetation, and is shy and retiring in its habits. Its lower limit is 
about three thousand feet, and it is by no means a rare bird to those acquainted 
with its habits/ 



12. Munla maja, (Linn.) 

Munia maja, Bonhote y p. 67. 

9 imm. Patani. 30th May. (No. 143) 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 20th December. 

$ ad. Biserat. iSthJuly. (No. 288) 

This White-headed Munia has the iris brown, the bill lead-blue, and the 
feet greyish-black. 

‘Common on the rice-fields and on waste ground ; a favourite cage bird 
with Malays. Malay name, Burong pipit \ Burong laki padt (husband of the 
rice)/ « 

13. Munia. acuiicauda, Hodgs. 

Munia acuticauda, Harter /, p. 579. 

£ad. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik, 26th April. (No. 10) 

Hodgson's Munia has the iris rich sienna-brown, the bill bluish lead- 
colour, black along the culmen, and the feet greyish-black. 

( Not so common as the preceding species and found as a rule in low brush¬ 
wood overgrown with lalang grass.’ 

14. Ploceus atrlgula, Hodgs, 

Ploceus atrigula, Bonhote y p. 67. 

Ploceus passerinus infortunatus, Hartert , p. 577. 

9 *d. Ban Sai Kau. 24th May. (No. 131) 

$ ad. Biserat, Jalor. istjuly. (No. 223) 





These birds, with the wing 275 inch, belong to the slightly smaller race 
which has been named P. passerinus infortunatus, Hartert. 

In the birds from India the wing measures 27-j'O inches. & iris brown, 
bill black, a yellow bar across the base of the lower mandible, feet flesh colour. 
¥ iris brown, bill yellowish-horn, feet pinkish. 

( Common in the environs of almost every village. The peculiar u abortive 
nests * 9 or swings made by the male, and weighted with lumps of mud, are 
well known, and a source of wonder to the Malays, who are extraordinarily 
observant in matters zoological/ 

15. Chlorura, sp. 

9. TeI6m, Perak-Pahang border. 22nd January. (No. 570) 

The adult female Chlorura , collected by Mr. Robinson at Telom, is very 
closely allied to C. intermedia , Hartert, from Lombock and Flores, having 
the same dark tawny rufous lores, but the chest and breast are somewhat paler, 
and in this respect the Malay bird closely resembles C. bomeensis . 

The iris is brown, the bill black, and the feet yellowish-brown. 

4 Only one specimen of this bird was seen, creeping about among low 
bamboos, very much after the manner of a Titmouse/ 


16. Em ben 2a aureola, Pall. 

Emberiza aureola, Sharpe , Cat B . Brit. Mus . xii, p. 509 (1888). 

ad. et imm. Nawngchik. November. 

£ The Yellow-breasted Bunting was evidently on migration, at the com¬ 
mencement* of the heavy rains.* 

17. Passer montanus, Linn. 

Passer montanus, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit. Mus, xii, p. 301 (1888). 

$ ad. Ban Sat Kau. 14th September. (No. 386} 

? ad. Anak Bukit. 25 th April (No. 9) 

The Tree-Sparrow has the iris brown, the bill black, and the feet flesh- 

4 In towns and near the coast as common as the English sparrow at home, 
but rarely seen in up-country villages/ 


7 1 


18. Anthus rufulus, Vieilt. 

Anthus rufulus, Bonhote, p. 66. 

Anthus rufulus malayensis, Eyton y Hartert y p. 575. 

, ^.td, Kampong Jalor. 29 th October, 5th November, (Nos, 457, 4,69) 

$ad. Bayu, Jalor, 9th July. (No. 261) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor, iSth July. (No. 287) 

The specimens before us belong to the form of the Indian Pipit known 
as A, malayensis, Eyton, having the outer web of the penultimate tail-feathers 
black almost to the tip, edged externally with white. 

* Almost the most characteristic bird of open country and dry rice-fields. 
No. 287 was snared on its nest which was situated among long grass at the 
edge of a rice-field, and consisted of a flat circular pad some five inches in 
diameter, composed of dead grass and loose maize leaves, lined with a 
few horse-hairs, which must have been hard to come by as there were only 
three ponies in the country. The eggs were four in number, rather pointed, 
the ground colour dirty white, thickly covered with very fine dark sienna- 
brown mottlings, evenly distributed, and also with large purplish-black blotches 
more thickly congregated at the larger end. Malay name, Apit-apit,' 

19. Motacilla borealis, (Sund.) 

Motacilla borealis, Sharpe , Cat . 23 , Brit. Mus , x, p. 552 (1885). 

<j?ad. Patani Town, 20th April. (No. 1) 

$ imm. Nawngchtk. 27th November. (No. 481) 

$ , 5? ad. Ban Sai Kau. 16th September. (Nos. 389, 390) 

The Grey-headed Wagtail has the iris black, the bill black, paler at the 

base, and the feet black, with the soles yellowish. 

* Common in open country from September to April, 1 

20* Motacilla melanope, Pall. 

Motacilla melanope, Sharpe y P.Z.S> y 1887, p, 441, 

Motacilla boarula melanope, Hartert, p. 575. 

9 ad, Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 16th February, (No, 677) 

ad, et imra. Sungkei, South Perak. 7th February. (Nos. 617, 652) 

The Grey Wagtail has the iris dark brown, bill black, feet brownish- 


7 2 


21. Arachnothera modest a, (Eyton.) 

Arachnothera affinis modesta, Harter /, p. 574. 


9 ad, tl imm. Bukit Bcsar, Nawngcfoik, 2,500 feet. May. (Nos. 30, 54* 364) 

$ ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 15th February. (No. 669) 

The Grey-breasted Spider-hunter has the iris hazel, the bill blackish, 
yellowish horn-colour below, and the feet flesh. 

* The habits of all the species of Spider-hunters arc very similar. On 
Bukit Besar, where they are very abundant, they chiefly frequented the wild 
banana and tall zingiberaceous plants that covered the clearing in which we 
were encamped. They run along the underside of these broad leaves with 
great rapidity, displaying a singular fearlessness. Their food in part at least 
consists of vegetable matter, and they are particularly fond of the purple 
seeds of a shrubby plant probably belonging to the Stertuliaceae 

22. Arachnothera robusta, (Mull, and SchJ.) 

Arachnothera robusta, Harter /, p. 574. 

9 (d ) ad. Kulu Bidor, South Perak, 2tst February. (No. 6 79) 

The example of the Stout-billed Spider-hunter is certainly a female, and 
lacks the ornamental chest-plumes characteristic of the male. 

Iris dark brown, bill and feet black. 

23. Arachnothera longlro&tris, (Lath.) 

Arachnothera iongirostris, Sharpe , P.Z. 5 ., 1887, p. 441, 

Arachnothera longirostra, Hartert , p. 574. 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 3,000 feet. 23rd May. 

In the Little Spider-hunter the iris is light brown, the bill black, greyish 
at the base of the lower mandible, and the feet black. 

24. Arachnothera. chryaogenys, (Teinm.) 

Arachnothera chrysogenys, Gadow, Cat . B. Brit. Mus, ix, p. 108 (1884). 

$, 9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. 3rd and 4th May. (Nos, 45, 52, 57) 

The Yellow-eared Spider-hunter has the iris brown, the bill black, the 
gape and tomia yellow, and the feet yellowish-grey.. 



25. Arachnoihera magna, Hodgs. 

Arachnothera magna, Sharpe^ P.Z.S., 1887, p. 441. 

9 ad. Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. 1,700 feet. 16th May and November. 

The Large Spider-hunter has the iris dark brown, the bill black, the 
tomia dull yellow, and the feet bright gamboge. 

* Very abundant on a flowering bamboo in company with Aetkopyga 

25. Arachnothera crasairostris, (Reichcnb.) 

Arachnothera crassirostris, Bonhote , p. 64. 

ad. Gedong, South Perak, 7th January. (No. 499) 

The Thick-billed Spider-hunter has the iris hazel, the bill black, horn- 
coloured at base, and the feet flesh-coloured with the soles orange. 

27. Anthothreptes hypogrammica, {S. Mull.) 

Anthreptes hypogrammica, Hartert , p. 574. 

$ ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. and May. (No. 14) 

The Blue-naped Sun-bird has the iris brown, the bill black, and the feet 
olive-brown, yellow on the soles, 

4 It was met with on a flowering tree in the early morning. 

* Apparently a strictly jungle species and evidently rare, as only a single 
specimen was collected or even seen/ 

25. Anthothreptes malaccensis, (Scop. 

Anthothreptes malaccensis, Bonhote , p. 65. 

Anthreptes malaccensis, Hartert , p. 573. 

Patani. 19th June. 

$ , 9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 25th May. 

S imm. Jambu, Jhering. 5th and 6th June, (Nos. 150, 158) 

$ , 9 *d. Sungkci, South Perak. 7th and 9th February, (Nos. 625, 634) 

The Brown-throated Sun-bird was feeding on the inflorescence of the 
cocoa-nut palms. 

The iris is chestnut or brown, the bill black in the male, with the tip 
and base of the lower mandible bluish in the female, the legs greenish, and 
the soles orange. 



* The commonest of the Sun-birds throughout the Peninsula, and found in 
every garden and native village, but not in jungle. In these localities it feeds, 
as noted above, on the cocoa-nut palms and on the flowers of Hibiscus, but 
among the Casuarinas on the sea coast it is often found in great numbers, and 
in this case is probably attracted by small insects found on the cones and in 
the crevices of the bark. Malay name, Burong black am I 

29. Aethopyjga wrayi, Sharpe 

Aethopyga wrayi, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1887, p, 440, pi. xxxviii, fig. 2, 1888, 
p. 277 ; Hartert , p. 573. 

3 ad. Gunong Berirniban, Perak. 5,000 feet. 28th January. (No, 602) 

A male of Wray’s Sun-bird. 

( Very common at times among low shrubs and bamboos at high 
elevations, but very difficult to secure uninjured, chiefly owing to its 
extraordinary tameness and curiosity/ 


30, Prionochilu* Ignicaplllus, Eyton. 

Prionochilus ignicapillus, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 277. 

$ viz ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. *,500 feel. 10th May. (No. 87) 

The Crimson-breasted Flower-pecker has the iris reddish-brown, the bill 
black, and the feet lead-colour. In the present instance the green-edged 
primaries characteristic of immaturity are still retained. 

4 It frequents the tops of the high trees in flocks of five or six individuals/ 

31. Dicaeum cruentatum, (Linn.) 

Dicaeum cruentatum, Bonhote , p, 65. 

^ ad. Patani, 14th June and 10th October. (Nos. 187, 443) 

£ ad. Nawngchik. ayth November. (No. 480) 

£ ad. Gedong, South Perak, 8th January. (No. 505) 

The Scarlet-backed Flower-pecker has the iris brown and the bill and 
feet black. 

1 An open-country and coastal form ; very abundant at Patani among 
the Cashews. Known to the Malays m old-folk tales ; it is an important 
figure as the Burong supa Parti (Princess-bird)/ 



32. Dicaeum tri go nostigma, (ScopO 

Dicacum trigonostigma, Bonhote, p. 65 ; Harteri , p, 575. 

£ad. Biserat, Jalor. lath June. (No. 169) 

9 ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 13th February. (Noa, 656, 660, 661) 

The Orange-bellied Flower-pecker has the iris black, the bill black, and 
the feet lead-colour. 

33. Dicaeum ignipectus, (Hodgs.) 

Dicaeum. ignipectus, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1887, p. 441 ; Bonhote , p. 65 ; Harteri , 
P* 575- 

<?(£) ad. Tclfim, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 21st January. (No. 561) 

The example of the Fire-breasted Flower-pecker, undoubtedly a male, 
resembles typical D . ignipectus in plumage, and has the flanks of quite the 
same colour, but the bill is strikingly longer and stronger. 

The iris is dark brown, and the bill and feet lead-colour. 

* A high mountain form on the Malay Peninsula. I am inclined to 
think that there has been some mistake in the locality of the specimens 
recorded by Mr. Bonhote (Joe, cit,)* 


34. Zosterops aure I venter, Hume. 

Zosterops auriventer, Sharpe, P.Z.S., p. 441 ; Harteri , p. 575. 

9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2nd September, (No. 373). 

Hume’s White-eye has the iris brown, the bill lead-blue, black along 
the eulnien and at the tip, and the feet lead-blue. 

* Only seen on one day, when it suddenly appeared in considerable 
numbers after a very stormy night,’ 

35. Zosterops palpebrosa, (Temra.) 

Zosterops palpebrosa, Sharpe, Cat, B. Brit. Mus, ix, p. 165 (1884). 

$ , 9 ad. Tanjong Patani. 28th and 30th September. (Nos. 410, 411, 412) 

The birds collected at Patani appear to be typical examples of the Indian 
White-eye (Z. palpebrosa), and are easily distinguished from the Chinese 
Z. simplex, Swinh. 

The iris is greyish-hazel, the bill black, lead-coloured at the base, and the 
feet lead-coloured. 

7 6 


‘Found only among the Casuarmas on Cape Patani, where they were 
very abundant, though none were present during May and June ; equally 
common in similar situations in Selangor, nesting among the mangroves only 
a few inches above high-tide level/ 



36. Dendrophila azurea, (Less.) 

Sitta Azurea, Sharpe y P.Z.S., 1887, p. 441 ; Harter /, p.573. 

Ad. Sernangko Pass, Sdangor-Pahartg border. 4,000 feet, 9 th May. (No. 1) 

The Azure Nuthatch has the iris white, the obital skin livid bluish-white, 
and the bill and feet livid bluish-horn. 

‘A mountain form : abundant in the above locality/ 

37, Dendrophila saturatior, Hartert 

Sitta frontalis saturatior, Hartert , p. 573. 

?ad. et imm. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. May and August. (Nos, 93, 94, 366) 

I have provisionally employed Mr. Hartert’s name for the violet¬ 
breasted form of the blue Nuthatch found in the Malay Peninsula, though 1 
am by no means satisfied that it is really distinct from D . oenochlamys (lilacea) 
from the Philippines. 

Mr. H. C. Robinson collected two adult females with the breast washed 
with violet, and a younger specimen in which these parts are greyish-rufous 
and entirely devoid of violet. 

Iris brown or lemon-yellow, bill coral-red, feet brownish-black. 

* Usually a jungle-species ; one specimen, however, was shot in an orchard 
at Biserat, but was too much damaged to preserve.’ 


38. Melanochlora sultanea, (Hodgs.) 

Melanochlora sultanea, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1888, p. 277. 

d* ? ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. February, May, and August. 

(Nos. 25, 28, 65, 66, 68, 360) 

A male of the Sultan-bird has the iris dark brown, the bill black, and the 
feet greenish-grey. 

* This bird was often noted in flocks of seven or eight individuals feeding 
along the edge of our clearing in Bukit Besar. I11 flight and actions it does 
not in the least resemble a Titmouse, but reminds one more of the Bulbuls.’ 



39. Par us at ri ceps, Horsf. 

Parus atriceps, Oates , Faun. Brit . lnd. y Birds i, p. 46 (1889). 

Parus Cine reus, VieilL> Gadow. r B. Brit. Mus. viii, p. 16, (1883). 

£ad. Pawn), June, September. (Nos. 410, 422) 

£, ?ad. Jambu, Jhering. June. (Nos. 149, 160, 161) 

The Indian Grey Titmouse has the iris brown or hazel, the bill black, 
and the feet greenish-grey or greenish-blue. 

* Another of the species which, in the Malay Peninsula, appears to be 
strictly confined to the belt of Casuarinas skirting the coast in certain 


40. Platylophus ardesiacus, (Cab.) 

Platylophus ardesiacus, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit. Mus. Hi, p. 317 (1877) 

$ ad. Sungkfci, South Perak. 7th February. (No. 61+) 

The Jay-Shrike has the iris Indian red, and the bill and feet black. 

The specimen is in freshly moulted plumage and has the upper parts very 
dark and the under parts washed with grey, 


41. Lanius tigrinus, Drap. 

Lanius tigrinus, Grants Nov . Zoo!, ix, p. 480 (1902) ; Hartert i p. 576. 

9imm. Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 13th February, (No. 659) 

The young of the Thick-billed Shrike has the iris hazel, the bill black, 
pinkish at the base, and the feet bluish-grey, 

42. Lanius cr is tat us, Linn. 

Lanius cristatus, Gadow t) Cat. B. Brit. Mus . viii, p. 271 (1883) ; Grants Nov . 
Zoo!, ix, p. 481 (1902) 

9 ad. ct imm. Anak Bukit, Nawngchik. 24th April. (No. 7) 

A female of the Brown Shrike has the iris black, the bill lead-colour, 
paler at the base and black at the tip, and the feet black. 


43. Orthotomus atrig ularis, Temm. 

Orthotomus atrigularis, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit . Mus. vii, p. 220 (1883). 

9 ad. Cape Patani. 10th June. (No. 169) 

9 imm, Bukit Resar, Nawngchik. 10th May. (No. 83) 

9 ad. Gedong, South Perak, 8 th January. (No, 504) 


u/ 7/05 

7 « 


Two adult females of the Black-necked Tailor-bird have the iris brown or 
pale yellow, the upper mandible black, the lower yellowish-horn, and the 
feet yellowish-flesh. 

*A coastal and scrub-country form; never apparently found in old 

44. Phylloscopus borealis, (Bias.) 

Phylloscopus borealis, Seebohm , Cat . B . Brit . Mus. v, p. 40 (1881), 

$ imm, Patani. and October. (No, 433) 

The Arctic Willow-warbler has the iris hazel, the bill black above, yellowish 
beneath, and the feet yellowish-brown. 

( Evidently on migration, large flocks appearing on the breaking of the 


45. Turdufi obscurus, Gmel. 

Merula obscurus, Seebohm^ Cat. B. Brit. Mus . v. p. 273 (1881). 

<J ad. TelGm, Perak-Pahang border, 4,000 feet. 24th January. (No. 583) 

The Dark Ouzel has the iris pale hazel, the bill black above, yellow below, 
and the feet pale yellow. 

* Only this individual was seen ; it was so busily engaged in wrestling 
with a large and hairy caterpillar that I had time to send for a twelve-bore 
gun, the only one available, extract most of the shot from the cartridge, and 
shoot the bird within a distance of about ten yards from the ladder of our hut 
on which I was sitting.* 

46. Geocichla davisonl, Hume. 

Geocichla davisoni, Sharpe, m Seebohm s Monogr . Turdidoe, i, p. 101, pi. xxi, 

dad. Tdflm, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 22nd January. (No. 659) 

In Davison’s Ground-Thrush the iris is dark brown, the bill black, and 
the feet dull yellow. 

‘ Another specimen was secured by Mr. L. Wray in the Larut Hills, also in 
the winter months/ 



47. Cittocincla tricolor, (Vieill.) 

Kittacincla macrurus tricolor, Harter f, p. 572, 

S ad* Bukit Bcsar, Nawngchik. 1,500 feet* 9th May. (No, 74) 

£(£)ad, Biserat, Jalor. 15th July. (No. 285} 

$(£) ad. Gedong, South Perak. 9th January. (No. 510) 

The three specimens of the Shama are all in fully adult male plumage j 
of these two are no doubt incorrectly marked as female. The birds obtained at 
the two first named localities in Patani have long tails measuring respectively 7*0 
and 7’3 inches, and the breast and underparts lighter chestnut. The third 
specimen from Perak has a shorter tail, measuring 6 inches, and the breast 
and underparts deeper chestnut. All intermediate stages are represented in 
the British Museum collection. 

1 The Shama is found distributed throughout the Peninsula, but does not 
appear to ascend the hills much above three thousand feet, or to occur among 
the mangroves of the tidal estuaries. It mainly affects secondary jungle, but 
is often found in the middle of comparatively large towns. Malay name, 
Murat rimba y or Murat bate.' 

48. Copsych us muflicus, (Raffl.) 

Copsychus musicus, Sharpe y P.Z.S 1888, p. 436. 

Copsychus saularis musicus, Hartert y p. 571. 

Copsychus saularis (Linn.), Bonhote y p. 63. 

£ , 9 a£ l* Ban Sat Kau, Nawngchik. May. (Nos. 125, iz6) 

$ ad. Biscrat, Jalor. July. (No. 265) 

£ad. Patant. May, June. (Nos. 142, 165) 

£ ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 2nd February. (No. 616) 

The Magpie-Robin has the iris hazel or brown, and the bill and feet 

* Quite the commonest bird in the Peninsula in towns and villages, 
extending along the roads to an altitude of about three thousand feet, but 
never found in jungle. 1 

49. Hcnicurus schist ace us, Hotlgs. 

Enicurus schistaceus, Hartert y p. 570. 

£ ad, Sempan, Selangor-Pahang border. 4,200 feet. 1 oth May, 

A male of the Slaty-backed Forktail in very worn plumage, has the 
iris black, bill black, and the feet yellowish flesh-colour. 



* Several pairs of this species were seen in the bed of a rocky stream. 
Their habits are very similar to those of the Wagtails ; and the note* which 
is constantly uttered, is a very high-pitched whistle, almost a scream. 1 


50. Mesia argentauris, Hodgs. 

Mesia argentauris, Sharpe , P.Z.S. y 1886, p. 352 ; 1888, p. 276 ; Hartert y p, 

d, $ad. Telfon, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet, 26th, 27th January. (Nos. 500, 505, 

563 , 59 6 ) 

The Silver-eared Mesia has the iris dark brown, the bill pale orange, 
and the feet wax-yeilow. 

* Common above three thousand feet ; usually found in pairs hunting 
for food among the dead branches of fallen trees. 1 

51. Cutia cervinicrissa, Sharpe. 

Cutia cervinicrissa, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 276. 

9 ad. Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 

A female of the Malayan Cutia agrees well with typical examples 
collected by Mr. L, Wray, and has the iris brown, the bill slate, and the feet 

f Common in the above locality in small flocks of five or six individuals, 
climbing among the branches of low trees and searching for insects very 
much in the manner of a Titmouse. 1 

52. Herporms xantholeuca, Hodgs. 

Herpornis xantholeuca, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 275. 

Erpornis xantholeuca, Hartert , p. 568. 

<j>ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 24th August. (No. 342) 

The White-bellied Herpornis has the iris brown, the bill fleshy-horn, and 
the feet pinkish-flesh, 

53. Siva SOrdtdior, Shaqie. 

Siva sordida, Sharpe ( net Hume\ P.Z.S. , 1887, p. 438. 

Siva sordidior, Sharpe, P.Z.S,, 1888, p. 276. 

£‘ f 9 fl d. Te 16 m, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. January, (Nos. 571, 589, 598) 

The Perak Siva has the iris hazel, the bill pinkish-horn, and the feet 

4 Found in pairs, associating with Alcippeperacensis* 



54. Sibia, sifnillima, Salvad, 

Sibia simillima, Sharps , P.Z. 5 ., 1886, p. 352 ; 1888, p. 274 ; Bonhote, p. 63. 
Sibia picaoides simillima, Hanert , p. 567. 

^ , 9 a( l. Tcl6m, Perak-Pahang border. 18th to 27 th January. 

(Nos. 546, 549, 550, 591, 594) 

The Long-tailed Sibia has the iris reddish- or hazel-brown, and the bill 
and feet black. 

* Very common at Telom in Bocks of four or five ; contrary to the 
habits of most of the hill birds, it usually keeps fairly high up in the trees, 
and is one of the most conspicuous and easily obtained species. 1 

55. Mixornis gularis, (Raffl.) 

Mixornis gularis, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1888, p. 275; Bonhote, p, 64; Hartert , 
p. 567. 


# ad, Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. 2nd September. (No. 375) 

$ ad. Ban Sai Kau. 22nd May. 

$ ad. Gedong, South Perak. 8th January. (No. 503) 

$ ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 14th February. (No. 666) 

The Sumatran Yellow-breasted Babbler has the iris brown, the loral-space 
lead-blue, the bill bluish lead-colour, the feet greenish-brown, and the toes 
yellow. The black shaft streaks on the feathers of the throat seem to be 
widest in examples from the southern parts of its range, being most strongly 
marked in birds from the southern part of the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. 

56. Stachyrhidopsis chrysaea, (Hodgs.) 

Cyanoderma chrysaea, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1887, p. 440. 

Stachyridopsis chrysaea assimills, Hartert , p. 566. 

£ , 9,’id. Tclfim, Perak-Pa hang border. 3,500 feet. January. (Nos, 538, 552, 580) 

The Golden-headed Babbler has the iris dark sienna, the bill dark lead- 
colour, paler on tomia and pinkish at the base of the lower mandible, and the 
feet flesh-colour, inclining to yellowish behind. 

In spite of Mr. Hartert’s statement to the contrary (cf. Nov. ZooL ix, 
p. 566 (1902), I think Dr. Sharpe was perfectly justified in referring the 
Perak bird, collected by Mr. L. Wray, to this form rather than to S. assimiBs. 
The three specimens now before us agree perfectly with other birds from 
Perak, and are in my opinion inseparable from typical S. chrysaea, differing 
from S . assimilis in the colour of the back and underparts which are much 
brighter yellow. The range of S. assimilis appears to be limited to northern 



Tenasserim and Karenee. Should the Malaccan bird be regarded as distinct 
from S. ehrysaea , it must bear the name of S. bocagei* Salvad., founded on 
examples from Sumatra (cf. Ann , Mm. Civ. Gen. (i) xiv, p. 223 (1879) ). 

* Very abundant among the undergrowth, and so extraordinarily tame and 
inquisitive that it was difficult to get far enough away to shoot specimens 
without blowing them to pieces.' 

57. Stachyrhis maculata, (Temm.) 

Stachyris maculata, Hartert , p. 56b* 

$ad. Gedong, South Perak, 12th January. (No. 534) 

68. Stachyrhis davisoni, Sharpe. 

Stachyris nigneeps, Sharpe (nec Hodgs .), P.Z.S. y 1887, p. 440, 1888, p. 275. 
Stachyris davisoni. Sharpe* Bull , B.O.C. i, p. 7 (1892) ■ Hartert , p. 566, 

d ad. Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. November, (Butler Coll.) 

A specimen of Davison's Babbler agrees with others from the Malay 
Peninsula in having the breast paler in colour than in birds from Sumatra 
(S. laruata ) and Borneo (S’. bomeensis'). Whether these latter are really distinct 
from one another seems doubtful. 


69. Alcippe peracertsis, Sharpe. 

Alcippe peracensis, Sharpe* P.Z.S.* 1887, p. 439 j Hartert , p. 566. 

d,?ad. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang border. 3,500-4,000 feet. January, 

(Nos. 547, 554, 560, 564, 568, 593, 600) 

In the Perak Babbler the iris is reddish-brown, the bill horn-colour, 
yellow on the tomta, and the feet yellowish-flesh. 

* Very common on most of the hills of the main range from three 
thousand feet upwards.' 

60. Alcippe clnerea, BJyih. 

Alcippe cinerea, Hartert , p. 566. 

ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngcbik, May, (Nos. 50, 81) 

Mr. Robinson describes the soft parts of the Grey Babbler as follows :— 
$ Iris brown, bill lead-coloured, feet plumbeous, pinkish at the upper 
portion of the tarsus. 

$ Iris brown, bill blackish-brown, feet lead-green. 



61. Malacopterum magnirostre, (Moore). 

Malacopteron magnirostris, Harter /, p. 563. 

,fad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. May and August. (Nos, 21, 330, 362) 

The Brown-headed Tree-Babbler has the iris red, chestnut, or dark 
brown, and the bill and feet lead-colour. 

62. Malacopterum clnereum, Eyion 
Malacopteron cine reus, Hartert , p. 564. 

$ ad, Sungkei, South Perak. 1 ith February. (No. 654) 

In this Tree-Babbler the iris is dark, the bill black, flesh-coloured at the 
base of the lower mandible, and the feet flesh-coloured. 

63. Pcllorncum subochraccum, Svrfnh. 

Pellorneum subochraccum, Hartert , p. 562. 

£ ad. Biserat, Jalor. 3rd July, (No. 246) 

$>ad. Mabek, Jalor. 26th July. (No, 321) 

The Burmese Spotted Babbler has the iris hazel, the upper mandible 
black, the lower yellowish, and the feet flesh. 

‘Frequenting low bushes in dense secondary jungle, and very shy and 
hard to flush. The bird bears a curiously close, but of course purely 
superficial resemblance to Ambus rufulus , which it would be hard to explain 
in any theory of mimicry.’ 

64. Qampsorhynchus saturation Sharpe 
Gampsorhynchus saturation, Sharpe^ P,Z.S.> 1888, p. 273. 

Vix. ad. Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. November. (Butler Coll,) 

Three nearly adult female examples of this Shrike-Babbler with the 
hinder part of the crown still mixed with brown feathers and with lateral 
traces of the band across the chest, characteristic of youth, shew signs of 
acquiring white shoulders, one or two white feathers being mixed among 
the brown plumage. It seems to us very doubtful if Dr. Sharpe’s G . saturatior 
can be maintained as a distinct form, for, though the type—a freshly- 
moulted bird in perfect plumage—is darker than specimens of G . torquatus 
in the British Museum collection, the birds before us do not appear separable, 

< I have recently obtained numerous specimens of this species in the 
locality indicated above. They frequented the sides of a steep gully clothed 
with dense bamboo, and appeared, morning and evening, in flocks of nine or 

8 + 


ten. The flight is hurried and never long sustained, and the note a rattling 
cry somewhat resembling that of the Kera monkey ( Macacus fascicutaris)* 

65. Rhinocichla mitrata (S. Miil!.) ' 

Rhinocichla mitrata, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1886, p. 352; 1888, p. 274; Harteri, 

p. 562. 

S ad. TelSm, Perak-Pa hang border. 3,500-4,000 feet. January. (Nos. 537, 579, 587) 

Two adult males of the Chestnut-capped Babbling Thrush have the iris 
chestnut, the naked skin round eye white, the bill orange, and the feet chrome- 

* Almost the most abundant species of bird in the jungles of the main 
range above three thousand five hundred feet. Generally found in parties 
of two or three/ 

66. Melanocichla lugubris (S. Miil]. 

Melanocichla lugubris, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mas. vii, p. 451 (1883). 
Melanocichla peninsularis, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 274. 

$ ad. Semangko Pass, Selangor-Pahang border. May. 2,700 feet. 

Bill rich orange, iris chestnut, bare skin on each side of the throat livid 
blue, M. peninsularis was founded by Dr. Sharpe on a somewhat worn 
specimen procured by Mr. L. Wray on Gunong Batu Patch, in Perak, at an 
elevation of three thousand four hundred feet. A female bird in the 
Twkeddale collection got by Carl Bock on Mount Sago, Sumatra, 
3rd September, 1878, is indistinguishable from the type of M. peninsularis, 
and I am therefore of opinion that only one species, M. lugubris, really exists. 

* In habits somewhat similar to Rhinocichla mitrata, but more terrestrial. 
On the three occasions on which I have met with it, it has always been on 
the ground in flocks of from three to seven individuals.' 


67. Otocompsa emerla (Linn.) 

Otocompsa emcria, Hartert , p. 561. 

$ ad, ParanL May and June. (Nos, 145, 190, 196) 

^ ad. Ban Sal Kau, NawngchiL 22 nd May. (No. 127) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor. 5th July, (No. 245) 

This Red-whiskered Bulbul has the iris brownish-chestnut or dark hazel, 
bill and feet black. 

* Extremely common in open country on the east coast littoral, 
decidedly rare on the western side of the Peninsula/ 



68. Pycnonotus fmiaysoni, Strickl. 

Pycnonotus findlaysoni [sic) Bortkote, p. 62. 

Pycnonotus finlaysoni, Hartert, p, 560, 

$ad. Mabck, Jalor. 23rd July. (Nos. 309, 310) 

Finlayson’s Bulbul has the iris dark brown, the bill dark horn, and the 
feet plumbeous. 

69. Pycnonotus Salvador! i, Sharpe. 

Pycnonotus salvadorii, Hartert y p, 561, 

<?ad. Gedong, South Perak, 12th January. (No. 532) 

In Salvadori’s Bulbul the iris is chestnut, the bill horn colour, whitish at 
the base, and the feet brownish-horn. 

4 Shot in dense bamboo-jungle/ 

7Op Pycnonotus ana! is, (Horsf.) 

Pycnonotus goiavier analis, Bonhote , p, 62 ; Hartert y p. 560. 

$ ad. et^imm. Patani. June, September, and October. (Nos. 194, 414, 436) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor. 15th July. (No. 179) 

9 ad. Gedong, South Perak. 9th January. (No. 311) 

9 ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 8th February. (No. 630) 

In the Yellow- veil ted Bulbul the iris is hazel, and the bill and feet black. 

4 This species and the Magpie-Robin (Copsychus musicus) are, perhaps, the 
commonest and most characteristic birds of the towns and villages throughout 
the Malay Peninsula. It is quarrelsome and pugnacious in its habits, and is 
almost invariably found in pairs. The note is a very unmusical crescendo 
chuckle terminating abruptly. Malay name, Mfrgbah' 

71. Pycnonotus robinsoni, sp. nov. 

This species is most nearly allied to P. rinereifrons y from Palawan, but 
differs in lacking the grey markings on the forehead, which is uniform olive- 
brown, much like the rest of the crown. From P.plumosus it is distinguished 
by having more distinct white shaft-streaks to the feathers of the cheeks and 
ear-coverts, the outer edges to the quills dull greenish, not olive-green, and 
the middle of the breast and belly pale yellowish-white. In possessing the 
two last characters the present species resembles P. cinereifrom . 

$ Total length, 7*0 inches ; wing, 3*35 \ tail, 3-4 ; tarsus, 0*85. 

$ » 7'Q n » V 1 » 3*3 » °' 85 ‘ 

9 ad. Tanjong, Patani. 30th September and 1st October. (Nos. 413, 424) 





Robinson's Bulbul has the Iris brown, the bill brownish-horn, and 
the feet blackish-lead. 

* As previously noted, the littoral belt of Casuarinas, occurring in certain 
parts of the Malay Peninsula, seems to support an avifauna not met with 
elsewhere. The present species flies in flocks of four or five, never stopping 
long in one tree.' 

72, Pycnonotus simplex, Less. 

Pycnonotus simplex, Bonhote> p, 62 ; Harter /, p, 560. 

£»9ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2,500 feet. 3rd May arid 30th August. (Nos. 46 & 370) 

£ ad. 

Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 

14th February. 

(No. 665) 

£ ad. 

Gedong, South Perak. 

9th January. 

(No. 517) 

£ ad. 

Sungkei, South Perak. 

9th February. 

(No. 633) 

Moore's Olive Bulbul has the iris red, orange, white, or brown, the bill 
black, the base of the lower mandible slate-colour, and the feet reddish-brown. 

73. Trachycomus ochrocephalus. (GmeL) 

Trachycomus ochrocephalus, Sharpe> P.Z.S., 1888, p. 272 ; Bonhote, p. 62. 

Ad. Mabek, Jalor. 28 th July, (No. 326) 

<! ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 7th February. (No. 613) 

The Yellow-crowned Bulbul has the iris yellow or hazel, and the bill and 
feet black. 

The 4 Burong-baran-baran 1 of the Malays is one of the most beautiful 
songsters of the Peninsula and very local in its habitat, but common 
wherever it is found, frequenting thick brushwood by the edge of rivers 
above tidal limits. 

74k TrichoJcstes criniger, (BSytli). 

Tricholestes crimger, Hartert , p, 560. 

9 ad. Gedong, South Perak, 9th January. (No. 516) 

The Bristle-backed Bulbul has the iris hazel, the bill bluish-horn, and 
the feet yellowish-brown. 

76. Criniger tephrogenys, (Jard, and Sclb.) 

Criniger tephrogenys, Hartert , p. 558. 

, 9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. March, May, August. (Nos. 24, 42, 55, 351) 

The Malayan White-throated Bulbul has the iris orange, hazel, or rich 
brown, the bill bluish lead-colour or black, whitish at base of the lower 
mandible, and the teet pink or pale yellow. 



No examples were obtained of C. ochraeeus> Moore, a species which had 
till recently been overlooked and united with the above under the name 
C. gutturalis , till Dr, Hartert pointed out the error. 

‘Very common at certain places and seasons. In the Semangko Pass in 
May, 1902, it suddenly appeared in enormous numbers, being doubtless 
attracted by the swarming of a species of termite which was then taking placed 

76. Nlicropus melanocephalus, Gmd. 

Micropus melanocephalus, Sharpe , Cat, B. Brit, Mus. vi, p. 65 (1881). 

£ad. SungkeI, South Perak, 1 ith February. (No. 651) 

A male of the Black-headed Bulbul, has the iris blue, and the bill and 
feet black. 

77. Pinarociehia euptilosa, (J. and S.) 

Pinarocichla euptilosa, Sharpe, Cat, B, Brit, Mus, vi, p. 62 (1881). 

£ ad. Gcdong, South Perak. 9th January. (No. 508) 

In the Crested Brown Bulbul the iris is red, and the bill and feet black. 
* Met with among low undergrowth in dense jungle, climbing about with 
restless and jerky movements, alternately raising and depressing its crest.' 

73. tote olivacoa, Blyth. 

Iole ohvacea, Hartert , p. 558. 

£ ad. Gedong, South Perak. 1 ith January. (No. 526) 

The Olive Bulbul has the iris chestnut, the bill brown, whitish at the 
base, and the feet brownish-horn. 

76. Iole pcraceriSiS, Hartert and But!. 

Iole tickelli (Blyth), Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1887, p. 436 ; Bonhote, p, 61. 

Iole tickelli peracensis, Hartert and But /,, Nov, Z00L v, p. 506 (1898); 
Hartert , p. 558. 

£ ad, Tel6m, Pcrak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 21st to 28th January. (Nos. 565, 599) 

This subspecies of L tickelli, which we may call the Perak Bulbul, 
appears to be well characterized. Three specimens in the national collection, 
as well as those mentioned above, have the crown darker and the ear-coverts 
brownish, and in these respects differ constantly from typical I, tickelli. 



SO. Hemixus cinereus, (Blylh.) 

Hemixus cinerea, Bonhote , p. 61 ; Hartert , p, 557. 

£ , $ ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. April and August. 

(Nos, 18, 344, 363, 368, 369) 

In the Grey Bulbul the iris is chestnut and the bill and feet black. 

4 Fairly common in the above locality, and also at Telom. 

1 In life the loose moustachial feathers are continually depressed and 
extended exactly as in the case of certain Australian Fly-catchers of the genus 

81. Hemixus mal&ccensis, Biyth. 

Hemixus malaccensis, Hartert , p, 558. 

£, $ ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak, 15th February, (Nos. 670, 671) 

The Malayan Bulbul has the iris chestnut, the bill black, reddish at 
the base ; and the feet brownish. 

82. Irena, cyanea, ESegbie. 

Irena cyanea, Hartery p. 557, 

Irena puella, Bonhote ( nec . Lath .), p, 62. 

<3 , 9 ad. et. imm. Bukit Bcsar* Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. April, May, August, and September. 
(Nos. 19, 23, 39, 44, 47, 6 % t 73, ioi, 348, 355, 359, 376, 377. 37®, 379) 

A fine series of the Malayan Fairy Blue-bird was collected. It is 
represented in all stages of plumage, from the young in female dress to the 
fully adult. 

* Only met with in this one locality, where it was very abundant in parties 
of five or six, which, as a rule, included only one fully pi uni aged male, feeding 
on the fruit of a species of Ficus, The skin of this bird is extraordinarily 
tender, and it is almost as difficult to skin as the Trogons/ 

83. Chloropsis cyancpogon, (Temra.) 

Chloropsis cyanopogon, Hartert , p. 557. 

9 m ad. Mabek, Jalor. 23rd July. (No. 32a) 

The Blue-whiskered Chloropsis is represented by a nearly adult female, 
with the blue streak partially developed on one side only. 

‘Not uncommon, but difficult to see or shoot on account of the close 
assimilation between the colour of its plumage and the thick foliage which it 
seldom leaves. With other species of a general green colour it shares the 
Malay name of Burong daun (Leaf-bird)/ 



84, Chloropsis hardwiekii, J, and S. 

Chloropsis hardwickii, Sharpe , Cat, Birds , Brit, Mus. vi, p. 18 (1881). 

£ad. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang border, 4,000 ieet. 21 st January. (No. 562) 

An adult male of the Orange-bellied Chloropsis, has the iris dark, bill 
black, and feet French-grey. 

85, Ghloropis zosterops, Vig. 

Chloropsis zosterops, Sharpe , Cat . B. Brit . Mus. vi, p. 24 (1881). 

$ r ^ ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. May and August. 

(Nos. 33, 51,99, 356, 357, 371) 

The Malachite-shouldered Chloropsis has the iris dark brown, the bill 
black, and the feet lead-grey. 

‘We found this species, together with Irena cyanea , extraordinarily local 
in habit, occurring only in a small patch of jungle, on Bukit Besar, where a 
species of Ficus was fruiting in great abundance/ 

86. Chloropsis icterocephala (Less.) 

Chloropsis tcterocephalus, Hartert , p. 557. 

The Malayan Chloropsis is represented by several pairs. The iris is 
dark brown, the bill black, and the feet plumbeous-green, 

87. Aethorhynchus lafresnayl, (HartI.) 

Aethorhynchus lafresnayi, Sharpe, Cat . 5 . Brit. Mus. vi, p. 14 (1881). 

9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. May and September. (Nos. 90 and 381) 

The Great lora is a rare species in collections, and the specimens collected 
by Messrs. An nan dale and Robinson are a valuable addition to the National 
Collection. Iris brown, bill bluish-lead colour, feet yellowish. 

‘Though local, this bird is not really uncommon in deep jungle on hills 
of moderate elevation throughout the Peninsula. It is, however, difficult to 
procure, as it keeps to the tops of the highest trees/ 

88. Aegtthina viridissima, (Bonap.) 

Aegithina viridissima, Sharpe , Cat . B . Brit . Mus. vi, p. 6 (1881). 

9 ( £ f Native Coll.) Gedong, South Perak. 8th January. (No, 506) 

The example of the Green I ora is no doubt an adult female. The iris is 
white, the bill and feet pale lead-blue. 

* Shot in thick bamboo jungle/ 



89, Aegithina tiphia {Linn.) 

Aegithina tiphia, Bonkoie, p. 61 ; Harter r, p. 557. 

$ ad, tt $ imm. Biserat, Jalor. July and October, (No. 450) 

$ ad. et i intra, Patani. April and June, ' (Nos, 177, 188) 

£ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 7th February, (No. 623) 

Two males of the Common I ora from Pat an i and Biserat, are rather dull- 
coloured birds, and doubtless immature. They show no traces of black on 
the crown. In a fully adult male procured at Sungkei in February the feathers 
of the top of the head and nape are very slightly edged with black, and the 
chest is deep, brilliant yellow. 

4 Common in the neighbourhood of villages throughout the Peninsula.* 


90. Graucalus sumatrensis, (S. Mull,) 

Graucalus sumatrensis, Harter r, p. 554. 

$ ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 8th February. (No. 628) 

The Sumatran Cuckoo-Shrike has the iris whitish and the bill and feet 

* Apparently confined to the lowlands, where it seems to be rare. In the 
mountains its place is taken by G. larutensh y Sharpe, of which I have 
recently collected several specimens, and which seems to be a far more locally 
abundant species.* 

91. Pericrocotus cine reus, Lafr. 

Pericrocotus cinereus, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv, p. 83 (1879). 

Tirana. Sungkei, South Perak. 13th February, (No. 637) 

The Ashy Minivet is represented by one immature male, with the iris 
hazel, and the bill and feet black. 

92. Pericrocotus flammlfer, Hume, 

Pericrocotus flammifer, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit. Mus. iv, p. 74 (1879). 

£ ad. Semangko Pass, East Selangor. November. (Butler Coll.) 

Mr. Oates* key to the species of Pericrocotus (cf. Faun . Brit , Ind. i, p. 
478 (1889) ) is somewhat misleading, for when he speaks of the first two or 
more primary quills being entirely black, he evidently refers to the outer webs 
only. Thus the present species, Davison’s Scarlet Minivet, comes under the 
heading:—* b* First three primaries entirely black,’ but, as a matter of fact, the 
third quill has a well-marked red patch on the margin of the inner web. 


9 1 

93. Pericrocotus montan us, Salvad, 

Pericrocotus montanus, Hartert, p. 554. 

Pericrocotus wrayi, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 269, pi, xv. 

9ad. Tei&m, Pcrak-Pahang border* 3,500-4,000 feet. (Nos. 539, 575, 596) 

Wray's Scarlet Minivet has the iris brown and the bill and feet black. 

94. Pericrocotus croceus, Sharpe. 

Pericrocotus croceus, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 269 ; Bonhote, p. 60 ; Hartert , 
P‘J 55 * 

9 ad. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang border. 3,500-4,000 feet. January. (Nos. 540, 576) 

This species was described by Dr. Sharpe from a single male example 
procured by Mr. L, Wray on Gunong Batu Putch. It appears to be 
a well-defined form, and not a mere colour-variety of P. montanus as Dr. 
Sharpe was inclined to* believe. I11 March, 1898, Mr. A. L. Butler 
procured a female of this species on Gunong Ijas, (4,000 feet) ; it was 
at first identified by Dr. Hartert as a female of P. montanus , but subsequently 
correctly determined as P. croceus and the distinctive differences were indicated. 
In 1 899, the £ Skeat ' Expedition procured an adult male at Gunong Inas, Perak, 
(4,000 feet). Two adult females in the present collection resemble the 
female of P. montanus in the coloration of the underparts, but the top of the 
head and back are dull glossy black, instead of dark grey, and the lower back 
and rump are clear orange-yellow, instead of dusky-yellow. They resemble the 
male type of P. croceus in all respects, but the chin is white and the throat 
yellow as in the female of P. montanus. 

4 The habits of the all species of Minivets in the Peninsula are very similar. 
Only P. flammifer is at all common below three thousand feet, the others being 
usually found in parties of three or four flying about the branches of lofty 
trees, but never staying long in one place. As a rule, the sexes seem to keep 
together, and males are very much commoner than females.’ 


95. Culicicapa ceyloriensis, (Swains,) 

Culicicapa ceylonensis, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 271 ; Hartert , p. 553. 

^ ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. May, August, and September, 

(Nos. 40, 351, 374) 

The Grey-headed Fly-catcher has the iris hazel, bill black above, pinkish 
beneath, feet brown or pale gamboge, soles orange. 



96. Stoparola thalassinoidcft, (Cab.) 

Stoparola thalassinoides, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1888, p. 271. 

Stoparola thalassoides (sic), Hartert , p. 553, 

£ , 9 ad. Semangko Fass, Sdangor-Pahang border. November. (Butler Coll.) 

The above male of the Sea-blue Flv-catcher and other specimens in the 
national collection are much less brilliant than one collected by Mr. L. Wray 
at LaruJ, Perak. The latter skin is not dated, but appears to be freshly 
moulted, which no doubt accounts for its much brighter plumage. 

97. Philentorna velatum, (Temm.) 

Philentoma velatum, Sharpe t P.Z. 5 ., 1888, p. 271 ; Hartert , 553. 

9 . Bukit Besar, Navvngchik. 2,500 feet. 5th May, (No. 64) 

A female of the Maroon-breasted Fly-catcher has the iris reddish-brown 
and the bill and feet black, 

98. Philentoma pyrrho pterum, (Temm.) 

Philentoma pyrhoptera (sic), Hartert , p. 553. 

Philentoma pyrrhopterum, Sharpe , P.Z t S. } 1888, p. 271. 

<J ad. Bukit Besar, NawngcMk, 9th May. (No. 77) 

An adult male of the Chestnut-winged Fly-catcher has the iris red, the bill 
pale lead-colour, and the feet black, 

99. Rhipidura Javan ica, Sparrm, 

Rhipidura javanica, Bonhote y p. 60. 

$ t 9 ad. et imm, Patani. June, September, and October. (Nos. 189, 419, and 432) 

The Javan Fantail Fly-catcher has the iris pale hazel and the bill and 
feet black. 

‘Very abundant on the east coast of the Peninsula, but not extending 
far inland ; rarer but more generally distributed in Perak and Selangor, and 
found at greater distances from the coast. Known to the Malays as the 
Murat gila, or mad thrush, on account of its curious dancing movements.’ 

100. Rhipidura alblcolll* (VieilL) 

Rhipidura aibicollis atrata, Salvad,, Sharpe , P.Z.S. , 1887, p. 435; Hartert , 
P- SS *■ 

9 2d. TelSm, Perak-Pahang border. 22nd January. (No. 573) 



The large series of skins in the British Museum, ranging from India to 
the Malay Peninsula, clearly shews that the width of the white tips to the 
tail-feathers is an unimportant character, and that R. atrata y of Salvador!, has 
no claim to specific rank. The iris is brown, the bill black, and the feet 

‘Not rare at Telom, and in habits precisely resembling the foregoing 

lOt. Terpsiphone irtcii, Gould, 

Terpsiphone inch, Sharpe^ Cat. B. Brit. Mus , iv, p. 350 (1879). 

£ imm. Ban Sai Kan, Nawngchik. 17th September, (No. 395) 

(i'jmr. Bukit Besar. 3,500 feet. 30th April. (No. 17) 

An immature male of Ince’s Paradise Fly-catcher has the iris brown^ 
the bill cobalt-blue, and the feet lead-colour ; a still younger male in first 
plumage is similar, but the bill is lead-colour, tinged with pink. 

102. Terpsiphone affinis, (Blyth.) 

Terpsiphone affinis, Sharpe , P.Z.S 1888, p. 270; Bonkote i p. 60; Hartert , 
P* 553 * 

, ? ad, et imm. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. May. 

(Nos. 58, 63, 64, 71, 86, 92, 95) 

$ ad. Gedong, South Perak. 12 th January, 

(No, 533) 

Adult males of the Burmese Paradise Fly-catcher have the iris chestnut- 
brown, the bill cobalt-blue, the inside of the mouth emerald-green, the 
wattle round the eye cobalt-blue, and the feet blue-grey. 

The female has the bill dark horn, paler at the base, 

1 This wonderful Fly-catcher, perhaps the most beautiful of all birds, was 
very abundant on Bukit Besar, though full-plumaged males in good condition 
were somewhat hard to procure, as they were very shy and restless. They 
are very proud of their plumage, and display it by perching across a bough, 
depressing and half-spreading the wings and raising and expanding the tail, 
a habit which is shared by the Shama and the Magpie-Robin. 

* A nest was found on Bukit Besar on the 7th May. It was built in the 
fork of a small sapling about eight feet from the ground, and externally has 
a deep crucible-shaped cup covered with moss, and internally a shallow oval 
cup lined with the fine black tendrils of a creeper. 

4 Malay name, Mirhau ekor gading (Ivory-tailed Thrush). 

* The food consists largely of evil-smelling Bugs, such as Acanthocoris 
scalier ;* N.A. 





103. Hypothymis azurea, {Bddd,) 

Hypothymis azurea, Hartert, p. 552. 

£,?ad. Bukit Iksar, Nawngchik. May and August. (Nos. 82, 361) . 

$ ad. Mabek, Jalor. July. * 

The Azure Fly-catcher has the iris red, the bill bright cobalt-blue, and 
the feet bluish-lead colour. 

‘A very uncommon bird in the East Coast States. The specimens 
obtained were all shot in high trees growing over streams.’ 

104. Poliomyias luteola. (Pall.) 

Poliomyias luteola, Sharpe, Cat . B . Brit, Mus, iv, p. 201 (1879). 

$ imm. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang border. 22nd January. (No. 572) 

The Rufous-breasted Fly-catcher appears to be a winter visitor to the 
Malay Peninsula. The iris is black, the bill horn-coloured, the gape yellow, 
and the feet black. 

105. Niltava decipiens, Salvad. 

Niltava grandis, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1886, p. 351 ; 1887, p. 436 ; 1888, p. 272. 
Niltava grand is decipiens, Harter /, p. 551. 

9 *. Td6m, Perak-Pahang border. zoth and 26th January, ^03.557,592) 

$ juv. Gunong Berumban. 28th January. (No. 601) 

The females of this form, as Mr. Haktert has already remarked, are 
easily distinguished from the females of TV. grandis by having the top of the 
head and nape strongly washed with purplish-blue, and by their smaller size, 
the wing measuring 3*7 inch in length in the present species, and 4*2 inch in 
N. grandis. The national collection contains a specimen of the adult male 
from Lolo, Sumatra (Carl Bock), Tweeddale collection, and a female 
obtained by Mr. L. Wray at Batang-Padang, Perak. The latter is remark¬ 
able in having two of the outer tail-feathers on the right side blue. 

106. Alseonax latirostris, (Ram.) 

Alseonax latirostris, Sharpe , Cat. B . Brit . Mus . iv, p. 127 (1879). 

9 ad. Tcl&m, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 22nd January. (No. 567) 

9 ad. Gedong, South Perak. 12th January. (No. 530) 

Two females of the Brown Fly-catcher have the iris hazel, the bill black, 
yellow at the base of lower mandible, and the feet brownish. 

* One of the two bitds collected at Telum it marked as a male—no doubt a miitake has been made. 



107. Hemichelidon ferruginea, Hod^s. 

Hemichelidon ferruginea, Hartert , p. 549. 

$ ad. Teldm, Perak-Pnhang border. 3,500 feet, 17th January, (No. 536) 

A male of the Ferruginous Fly-catcher has the iris brown, the bill black, 
and the feet flesh-colour. 


108. Hirundo badia, (Cass.) 

Hirundo badia, Bonhote , p. 66. 

9 ad. et. imra. Biscrat, Jalor. 28th, June and 13th July. (Nos. 213, 233, 274) 

Two adult females with the tails deeply forked and measuring, respec¬ 
tively, 3'7 and 3-8 inches, have distinct black shafts to all the chestnut feathers 
of the underparts. In an immature female with the tail less deeply forked, 
measuring only 3*0 inches in length, and with the secondaries and greater 
wing-coverts narrowly margined at the tips with rufous, the black shaft 
streaks on the feathers of the underparts are only indicated on some of the 
feathers of the chest. This difference is important and does not appear to have 
been properly recorded. 

The Malayan Chestnut Swallow has the iris hazel, the bill black, yellow 
at the gape, and the feet fleshy-brown. 

* This species seems only to be found in the precipitous limestone hills, 
honeycomed with caves, which are so characteristic a feature of certain parts 
of the Malay Peninsula. Round these hills it is very abundant, nesting in the 
entrances of the caves and beneath overhanging ledges of the cliffs/ 

109. Hirundo fifutturalis, (Scop.) 

Hirundo gutturalis, Sharpe^ P.Z.-S., 1887, p. 442, 

9 imm. Pa tan I Town. 30th September. (No. 415) 

<3 imm. Nawngchik. 28th November, (Nos. 485, 486) 

$ imm. Anak Bukit. 24th April. (No. 8) 

9 ad- Kampong, Jalor. 4th November. 

The six specimens of the Eastern Chimney-Swallow are most immature. 
Adults have the iris dark brown, and the bill and feet black. 


110. Pitta cyanoptera, Temm. 

Pitta cyanoptera, Bonhote , p. 67. 

£ad. Bukit Jalor. 28th October, (No. 456) 

£ad, Kampong, Jalor. 3rd November. (No. 465) 



The Lesser Blue-winged Pitta has the iris dark hazel, the bill black, and 
the feet flesh-colour. 

* Pittas are very local birds in the Malay Peninsula, and only this species 
was met with by us. It is, undoubtedly, a migrating bird in,the Patani States, 
arriving at the commencement of the wet season. At Tanjong Patani, large 
numbers are annually caught in the ground-nets after landing in an exhausted 
condition. The specimens mentioned above were snared by little Malay boys 
in a swampy patch of jungle at the foot of a precipitous limestone hill/ 

Malay name, Burong lak, or Burongpachat , (Leech-bird). 


111. Calyptomena viridis, Raffl. 

Calyptomena viridis, Sharpe, P.Z.S>, 1887, p. 432 ; Bonhote , p. 67 ; Hartert , 

p. 5+8. 

$ , 9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 9th May. (Nos. 69, 75) 

The Green Broadbill has the iris black, the bill dull-green, yellow on the 
tomla and at the tip of the culmen, and the feet greenish.v 

* Local ; usually in heavy jungle, but occasionally in secondary growths 
on the outskirts of villages/ 

112. Eurytaemus ochromelas, Raffl. 

Euryhemus ochromelas, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1887, p. 432 ; Bonhote i p. 68. 

9 ad. Sungkci, South Perak. 10th February. (No. 641) 

The Black and Yellow Broadbill has the iris whitish, the feet yellowish- 
flesh, and the bill pale blue, with the tomia black. 

* Shot on a banyan tree, in company with many other species of 
frugivorous birds/ 

IIS. Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus, (Gmel.) 

Cymborhynchus macrorhynchus, Bonhote, p. 68. 

Cymbirhynchus macrorhynchus leniniscatus (Raffl.), Hartert, p. 548. 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor. 5th July. (No. 241) 

^ ad., iram. et juv. Mabek, Jalor. 22nd to 25th July. (Nos. 303, 304, 317, 

3 * 8 , 3 * 9 ) 

9 t & ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 7th and 8th February. (Nos. 615, 627) 

9 a d, Gedong, South Perak. 9th and loth January. (Nos. 312, 513, 319) 

The Black and Red Broadbill has the iris dark emerald-green, the hill 
blue, the base of the lower mandible chrome-yellow, and the feet bluish lead¬ 
en] our. 



A nest of this species known as the Burong hujan-hujan was found 
at Mabek, on July 22nd, in secondary jungle, suspended from the projecting 
limb of a small tree, about eight feet from the ground, and looking like a 
mass of debris left there by a flood. The nesting-chamber was formed in 
the upper portion of an elongate oval, about 270 mm. long, and 360 mm. 
in its greatest diameter, and was entered by a circular hole furnished with an 
eave. The materials were palm fibres, twigs, creepers and aerial roots with 
a few leaves, the inside was neatly lined with grass, and the eggs, which 
were three in number, were deposited on a bed of fresh, green leaves. In 
shape the eggs were slightly elongate ovals, the shell being rather dull, and 
of a pinky-white colour, thickly covered with dark terra-cotta-brown blotches 
fairly evenly distributed, though they form a rather thick zone towards the 
larger end of one egg. Dimensions: A, 26*5 x 19 ; B, 27 x 19*75 ; 
C, 27*5 x 19 mm. 

114. Corydon Sumatran us, Rain. 

Corydon sumatranus, Sharpe , P.Z.S. % 1888, p. 278 ; Harter /, p. 548. 

<f ad. Gedong, South Perak. 1 zdi January. (No. 528) 

The Dusky Broadbill has the iris brown, the orbital skin pink, the bill 
pink, lavender on the tomia and tip of the culmen, and the feet brownish, 

A nest of this species was found at Sungket Tali, Ulu Ben tong, Pahang, 
on the 16th December, 1904. It is a very large pendant pyriform structure 
made of dead creepers, etc., somewhat loosely interwoven, the entrance low 
down on one side, and the lining and foundation formed of flat strips of 
palm-leaf. It was suspended from the end of a ratan thirty feet from the 
ground, and contained three highly incubated eggs. These are rather 
wide, blunt ovals. In all three the ground colour is pinkish-white, but the 
markings vary, one having the small yellowish-brown surface spots and pale 
lavender shell-marks evenly distributed all over the shell ; in a second, the 
spots, though equally fine, are mostly concentrated towards the larger end of 
the shell, the smaller end being almost devoid of markings ; while in the 
third the spots are larger, the majority being clustered round the larger end^ 
and the remainder sparingly scattered over the rest of the shell. The 
measurements in all three are 1*2 x ‘95 inch. 


115. Sasia abnormis, (Temm,) 

Sasia abnormis, Sharpe, P.Z.S 1888, p. 279, 

Sasia abnormis everetti, Hargitt, Hartert y p. 547. 

$ad. Bukit Besar. 2,500 feet. 5th and nth May, (No. 59) 

9 8 


The Malayan Piculet has the iris carmine, the skin round the eye pinkish- 
red, the upper mandible black, and the lower pale horn-colour or lemon- 
yellow, and the feet gamboge-yellow. 

‘The habits of this Piculet, as has also been noted by Butler in the 
case of S. innominata, differ considerably from those of the true Wood-peckers. 
Both my specimens were shot among the terminal twigs of small trees, and 
nearly invariably perched across the boughs, and not longitudinally.’ 

tie. lyrtgipicus carticapHlus, Slytb, 

Yungipicus canicapiUus, Har/ert t p. 547. 

i t $ ad. Patani. ist June and 6th October. (No. 146) 

$ ad. Biserat, Jalor. 13th July. (No. 175) 

^ , $ ad. Jambu, Jhering. 3th and 7th June. (Nos. 147* * 4 ®» *63, *64) 

The Burmese Pigmy-Woodpecker has the iris brown or hazel, the bill 
bluish horn-colour, the base of the lower mandible whitish, and the feet olive- 

117. Miglyptes tukkf, (Less.) 

Miglyptes tukki, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 279 ; Bonhote, p. 7 1. 

Meiglyptes tukki, Harier /, p. 547. 

i f 9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 24th May. (Nos. 129, 130) 

The Buff-necked Barred Woodpecker has the iris hazel, the upper 
mandible black, the lower bluish-horn, and the feet brownish-grey. 

118. Miglyptes gram m It ho rax, (Math.) 

Miglyptes grammithorax, Sharpe , P.Z.S., 1887, p. 443 ; Bonkote , p. 71. 
Meiglyptes grammithorax, Hartert, p. 547. 

i ad. Kampong Mabek, Jalor. 22nd July. (No. 298) 

9 ad. Bukit Besar, 28th August. (No. 358) 

The Fulvous-rumped Barred Woodpecker has the iris hazel, the bill 
bluish-horn, and the feet greenish. 

119. Hemicorcus sordidU8, Eyton. 

Hemicercus concretus sordid us, Harter/, p. 547. 

( i ) 9 ad, Gedong, South Perak. loth January. (No. 521) 

In the Grey and Buff Woodpecker the iris is brown, the bill bluish-horn, 
and the feet greenish lead-colour. 



120, Chrysocolaptes valid us, (Temm.) 

Chrysocolaptes validus, Bonhote, p. 72. 

9 ad, Gedong, South Perak, toth January. (No. 522) 

The Orange-backed Woodpecker has the iris chocolate-brown, the bill 
yellowish-horn, and the feet greenish lead-colour. 

121. Chrysocolaptes guttacri status, (Tick.) 

Chrysocolaptes guttacristatus, Hargitt i Cat . B . Brit . Mas. xviii, p. 448 (1890). 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor, 29th June, (No. 211) 

Tic kell’s Golden-backed Woodpecker has the iris chestnut, the bill 
bluish-horn, and the feet greenish lead-colour. 

122. Ti£a Javanensis, (Ljung.) 


Tiga javanensis, Bonhote , p. 72 ; Harter /, p. 547, 

£ad. Patani. loth and 15th June. (No. 195) 

$ t 9 ad. Ban Sai Kau, Nawngchik. 24th May and 9th September. {Nos. 132, 133, 384) 

9ad. Biserat, Jalor. 15th and 18th July, (Nos, 278, 292) 

£ad. Jambu, Jhering. 5 th June. (No, 150) 

The Golden-backed Three-toed Woodpecker has the iris chestnut, the bill 
bluish-horn, and the feet greenish-slate. 

This species is eminently a denizen of cultivated lands, and I have 
hardly ever seen it outside the groves of cocoanut and Penang palms which 
surround every Malay village. It feeds mainly on ants, principally the 
tailor-ant (Oecoplylla smaragdim ), but I have observed it attack and swallow 
a small flying lizard {Draco volans). 

123. Micropternus brachyurus, (VieiH.) 

Micropternus brachyurus, Sharpe , P.Z. 5 ., 1888, p. 279; Bonhote , p. 72; 
Hartert , p. 547. 

9 ad. Gcdong, South Perak, 9th January. (Nos, 509, 520) 

$ ad, Biserat Jalor. 30th June. (No, 220) 

£ , 9 ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 7th February. (Nos. 618, 626) 

The Malay Rufous Woodpecker has the iris brown, the bill dull black, 
and the feet greenish-grey. 

124. Micropternus phacoceps, Blyth. 

Micropternus phaeoceps, Margin, Cat . B. Brit . Mas . xviii, p. 393 (1890). 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor, 30th June, (No. 219) 



A female of the Northern Rufous Woodpecker has the iris dark hazel, 
the bill bluish-horn, and the feet greenish-grey. 

This is probably the most southern limit of the species. 

126. Gauropicoides raffle si, [Vi#.) 

Gauropicoides rafflesi, Margin, Cat . B . Brit . Mus. xviii, p. 132 (1890). 

9 ad. Te)6m, Perak-Pahang border. 18th January. (No. 5+4) 

Raffles’ Three-toed Woodpecker has the iris sienna, the bill bluish-horn 
colour, and the feet plumbeous-green, 

£ By no means common ; the present specimen and one from Northern 
Pahang, now in the Selangor Museum, are the only specimens I have seen 
from any Peninsular locality north of the territory of Malacca/ 

126, Chrysophlegma wrayl, Sharpe. 

Chrysophlegma wrayi, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1888, p. 279 ; Bonkote, p. 71. 

9 ad, Tcl6m, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 24th January. (No, 57S) 

Wray’s Woodpecker has the iris bright chestnut-red, the bill bluish-lead 
colour, greener on the lower mandible, and the feet greenish-lead colour. 

e Though rare in collections, this Woodpecker is very common through¬ 
out the mountain jungles of the main range of the Peninsula above about 
three thousand feet, generally flying in pairs, and when disturbed uttering a 
cry very similar to that of the English Green Woodpecker/ 

127. Chrysophlegma malaccense, (Lath.) 

Chrysophlegma malaccense, Sharpe, P.Z.S., 1887, p, 442 ; Bonkote , p. 71. 
Chrysophlegma miniatus malaccensis, Hartert , p. 546. 

$ ad. Patani. 19th June. (No. 200) 

The Banded Red Woodpecker has the iris reddish-brown, the bill bluish- 
horn, paler at tip, and the feet greenish. 

128. Ohrysophlegtrta humci, Margin. 

Chrysophlegma humei, Hartert , p. 546. 

9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawagchik. 2,500 feet. August and September. (Nos. 345, 380) 

The Checkered-throated Woodpecker has the iris chocolate, the upper 
mandible black, the lower bluish-horn, and the feet greenish-lead colour. 

( Not common in any part of the Peninsula, keeping to the upper 
branches of tall forest trees, and hence rather difficult to obtain/ 



129 . Gecinus puniceus, (Horsf.) 

Gecinus puniceus, Sharpe, P.Z,S.> 1888, p. 279. 

Gecinus puniceus observandus, Harter^ Nov. Z00L Hi, p. 542 (1896), and ix, 
p. 547 (1902). 

£ ad. Kampong, Jalor. 18th November. (No. 474) 

The Crimson-winged Green Woodpecker has the iris red, the bill dull 
olive, pale yellow beneath, and the feet greenish-lead colour. 

130. Gecinus viridanus, (Rlyth) 

Gecinus viridanus, Hargitt , Cat . B. Brit. Mus. xvhi, p. 47 (1890). 

$ ad. Patani. 10th June. (No, 174) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor, 5th July. (No. 448) 

The Burmese Sealy-bellied Green Woodpecker has the iris chestnut, the 
upper mandible black, greenish towards the base, and the lower mandible 
greenish-yellow with black tip. 

1 Common among the Casuarinas on the coast, but rare elsewhere; south 
of the latitude of Penang it appears to be replaced in similar situations by the 
allied G. vittatus.' 


131. Psilopogon pyrolophus, S. Mull. 

Psilopogon pyrolophus, Sharpe , P.Z.S ., 1886, p. 352; 1887, p. 442 ; Shelley, 
Cat . B> Brit. Mus. xix, p. 98 (1891). 

<Jad. Tel&m, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 23rd and 25th January. (Nos. 574, 585} 
In the Fire-tufted Barbet the iris is reddish-brown with an outer ring of 
whitish, the bill apple-green with a dark vertical band, and the feet greenish- 
lead colour. 

132. Xantholaema haematocephala, Marshall. 

Xantholaema haematocephala, Bonhote , p. 73. 

$ ad. Ban Sai Kau. 19th May. (No. 104) 

<jfad. ct. ^ imm. Biserat, Jalor. 30th June, 14th July. (Nos. 222, 276) 

The Crimson-gorgeted Barbet or Coppersmith has the iris dark hazel, 
the orbital region crimson-lake, the bill black, and the feet bright coral-pink. 

( Fairly abundant in Patani and the neighbouring States, but decidedly 
scarcer on the west coast. The note from which it derives its name is 
frequently heard at noon, when nearly all other birds are silent. Curiously 
enough its Malay appellation is Tukattg best (Blacksmith).* 

u/7/0 j 



133. Mesobucco duvauceli (Less.) 

Mesobucco duvauceli, Bonhote^ p, 73. 

9 imm. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 16th May. (No. 96) 

£ad, Sungkei, South Perak. 11 th February. (No. 650) 

The Black-eared Barbet has the iris dark brown, the bill black, and the 
feet plumbeous. 

134. Thereiceryx hodgsoni, (Remap.) 

Cyanops lineata (Vieill.) ; Bonhote , p. 73. 

Thereiceryx lineatus hodgsoni, Harter f, p. 546. 

$ ad. Patani. 10th June. (No. 176) 

Hodgson’s Barbet has the iris hazel, the bare orbital skin orange-yellow^ 
the bill orange-brown, and the feet pale gamboge-yellow. 

135. Cyanops mystacophanos, (Temm.) 

Cyanops mystacophanes, Bonhote , p. 73. 

$ , 9 ad. et. imm. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2,500 feet. March, May; August, and September. 

(Nos. 38, 41, 43, 53, 72, 84, 98, 349, 363, 372) 

$ ad. et. imm. Biserat, Jalor. 9th and 18th July. 

(Nos. 259, 270, 290) 

The Gaudy Barbet has the iris brown, the bill black, and the feet 

136. Cyanops henrfeti, (Temm.) 

Cyanops hen rich, Bonhote , p. 72. 

3 ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak, 1 5th February. (No. 668) 

In Henric/s Blue-throated Barbet the iris is brown, the bill black, and 
the feet plumbeous-green. 

‘The habits of all the Barbets are very similar, and what is said of one 
will equally apply to most of the others. With the exception of Xantbolaema 
haematocephala and Mesobucco duvauceli which are frequently found in orchards, 
and Thereiceryx hodgsoni which inhabits the coastal belt, they are usually 
inhabitants of old jungle, though, when certain trees, more especially figs, are 
in fruit, they may be found in the environs of villages. The peculiar clanking 
calls which are so characteristic a sound in Malay forests, are probably referable 
to Barbets, but it is difficult to say with certainty, as the birds invariably 
become silent when the tree in which they are feeding is approached. They 
are shy and retiring and exceedingly difficult to localize among the branches, 
notwithstanding their gaudy colours/ 



137. Chotorhea chrysopogort, (Temm.) 

Chotorhea chrysopogon, Bonhote> p. 72. 

$ imra, Bukit Besar, Nawngchik, 2,500 feet. 28th August. (No. 354) 

9 ad, Sungkei, South Perak. loth February. (No. 647) 

The Golden-bearded Barbet has the iris brown, the bill black, and the 
feet plumbeous-green. 

138. Ohotorhea versicolor, (Raff!.) 

Megalaema versicolor, Sharpe> P.Z,S ., 1888, p. 280. 

£ ad. Gedong, South Perak. uth January. (No. 529) 

The Beautiful Barbet has the iris black, the bill black, and the feet 



139, Rhopodytes tristis, (Less.) 

Rhopodytes tristis, Bonhote y p. 75 ; Hartert , p. 545. 

9 ad. Ban S*i Kau, toth May. (No. 106) 

$ ad. Biserat. a8th June and 17th October, (Nos. 214, 449) 

£, <j>ad. Jambu. 6th and lath June. (Nos. 156, 182) 

The Large Green-billed Malkoha has the iris hazel, the orbital skin lake- 
red, the bill pale sea-green, and the feet greenish-grey. 

1 Very common among bamboos around villages, but rarely found in 
old jungle. Very weak in flight, and loth to use its wings unless hard 
pressed. In Perak and Selangor this species is only found in the hills, and 
the Patani river seems to be about its southern limit for low country, 1 have 
never seen it on the ground as mentioned by Davison. In Patani most Cuckoos 
of the group Phoenicophainae are called Burong k$ra y probably from the chuckling 
note which somewhat resembles the sound made by the K£ra Monkey.* 

140. Rhopodytes diardf, (Less.) 

Rhopodytes diardi, Bonhote, p. 75 ; Harter p. 545. 

$ ad. Bjscrat, Jalor. 7th July. (No. 262) 

& ad. Mabek. 23rd and 28th July. (Nos. 313, 329, 331) 

9 ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 7th February. (No. 624) 

<j>ad. Gedong, South Perak, nth and 12th January. (Nos. 525, 531) 

DrARD*s Green-billed Malkoha has the iris white, the orbital skin red, the 
bill sea-green, and the feet lead-colour. 



141. Urococcyx erythrognathus, (Harti,) 

Urococcyx erythrognathus, Bonhote , p. 76. 

9 ad, Bukit Bcsar, Nawngchik. 15th August. (No. 347) 

ad, Ban $ai Kau. 16th September. (No. 591,) 

$ ad. Kampong Bayu, Riserat. 8th July. (No. 255) 

9 ad. Kampong Mabek. 23rd July. (No. 311) 

£ t 9 ad. Gcdong Ratang, Perak. gth January, (Nos. 514, 523, 524) 

The Greater Red-billed Malkoha has the iris orange or yellow, ocular space 
crimson, bill pale sea-green, basal half of the lower mandible crimson, and the 
feet lead-colour. 

142. Rhinortha chlorophaea, (Raffl.) 

Rhinortha chlorophaeus, Bonhote, p, 75 ; Hartert r p. 545, 

^ , 9 #a d, Biserat, Jalor. June and July. (Nos. 218, 268) 

9 ad. Mabek, Jalor. 23rd July. (No, 306) 

9 ad. Sungkci, South Perak. 10th February. (No. 638) 

In Raffle's Green-billed Malkoha the iris is dark hazel or yellowish, the 
orbital skin pale blue, the bill pale sea-green, and the feet bluish-horn. 

* Similar in habits to the preceding, but frequenting jungle also, where it 
climbs about the parasitic creepers depending from the trees, looking more 
like a squirrel than a bird.' 

143. Zanclostomus Javan Icus, ( Horst’.) 

Zanclostomus javanicus, Bonhote, p. 75 ; Hartert y p. 545. 

9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 9th May. (No. 80) 

£ad. Biserat, Jalor. 9th July, (No. 262) 

In the Lesser Red-billed Malkoha the iris is dark hazel, the orbital skin- 
blue, the bill coral-red, and the feet plumbeous. 

* Usually in the hill-jungle/ 

144. Ceniropus javanicus, (Dumont.) 

Centropus javanicus, Bonhote , p. 75. 

$ ttnm. Gcdong, South Perak. 7th January. (No, 498) 

The immature of the Lesser Coucal has the iris brown, the bill black, 
horn-coloured at the base, and the feet lead-colour. 

* AH the examples of this species are marked * $ ’ but the sex of three has undoubtedly been 
wrongly determined- 



145. GervtropuS sinensis, (Steph.) 

Centro pus sinensis, Bonhote^ p. 74. 

9 ad. Patani, 22nd June. (No. 205) 

<J ad. et imm. Ban Sai Kau. 20th May and 9th September, (Nos, 115, 385) 

$ imm. Biserat, Jalor. 10th July, (No. 266) 

S ad, Sungkei, South Perak. 8th and 16th February. (Nos, 631, 678) 

The common Coucal or Crow-Pheasant has the iris red and the bill and 
feet black. 

4 Both species of Crow-Pheasant inhabit the brushwood near villages, 
secondary jungle, and stretches of lalang grass. When disturbed they 
generally make use of their running powers, but if forced to take to flight resort 
to the nearest tree, which they ascend by a series of awkward hops from 
branch to branch.’ 

146. Eudynamis horonata, (Linn.) 

Eudynamis horonata, Bonhote , p. 74. 

£ r 9 ad, Nawngchik. 27th and 30th November. (Nos, 487, 488) 

$ ad. Ban Sai Kau. 22nd May. (No. 124) 

$ ad. et juv. Biserat, Jalor, 30th June and 9th August. (No. 334} 

The Indian Koel has the iris red, the bill greenish-horn, and the feet 
bluish or greenish-lead colour. 

147. Chalcococcyx xanthorynchua, (Horst.) 

Chalcococcyx xanthorynchus, Shelley^ Cat . B. Brit . Mus, xix, p. 289 (1891). 

9 imm. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. uthMay. (No. 89) 

ad. etjuv. Biserat, Jalor, iSthJuly. ^03.289,291) 

The Violet Cuckoo has the iris brown, the eyelid vermilion, the hill 
yellow, vermilion at base, and the feet black, 

148. Chalcococcyx malayanus, (Raffl.) 

Chalcococcyx malayanus, Harter /, p. 545. 

$ ad, Patani. 13th June, (No, 186) 

The Malayan Bronze Cuckoo has the iris reddish with a whitish line 
outside the pupil, the eye wattle vermilion, the bill black, and the feet greenish. 

149. Cacomantis merutinus, (Scop.) 

Cacomantis merulinus, Bonhote , p, 74 ; Hartert , p. 545. 

9 Ad. et. imm, Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 6th May and 28th November. (Nos. 67, 483) 

9 juv. Biserat, Jalor. 3rd July. 



The Rufous-billed Cuckoo has the iris red, the bill horn-colour, the gape 
yellowish, and the feet yellow. 

150. Surnlculus lugubrlB, (Horst.) * 

Surniculus lugubris, Hartert , p. 544, 

£ , $ ad. Bukit Bcaar, Nawngchik. 12th May, (Nos. 63, 91) 

9 ad, Mabek, Jalor. 23 rd July. (No. 314) 

£ ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 10th February. (Nos. 643, 644) 

The Drongo-Cuckoo has the iris dark brown, the bill black, and the feet 
dull lead-colour. 


151. Pyrotrogfon erythrocephalus, (Gould.) 

Harpactes erythrocephalus, Sharpe^ P t Z.S. t 1888, p. 280. 

£ ad. Tel6m, Perak-Pahang border. 4,000 feet. 24th January. (No. 577) 

In the Red-headed Trogon the iris is chestnut-red, the bill and the 
orbital skin purplish-cobalt, and the feet pinkish. 

* Trogons of at least two species are very common at Telom, but were 
very difficult to see, and still more difficult to convert into specimens, for, as 
has been remarked elsewhere, their skin is of the consistency of wet tissue 
paper. Malay name is Burong kasumba (Pink bird).’ 

152. Pyrotroffon o res ki os, (Temm.) 

Harpactes oreskius, Shaife t P.Z.S. 7 1888, p. 280. 

Pyrotrogon oreskios, Hartert , p. 544. 

? ad, Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 9th May and 27th August. (Nos. 76 and 353) 

The Yellow-breasted Trogon has the iris brown, the bill blue, and the 
feet lead-colour. 

153. Pyrotrogon duvauceli, (Temm.) 

Harpactes duvauceli, Sharpe , P.Z.S ., 1886, p. 353 ; Bonhote > p. 70, 

£ imm, et. ?ad, Bukit Besar, Nawngehik, 8th May and 24th August. (Nos. 68, 341) 

£ ad. Gedong, South Perak. 11th January. (No. 527) 

The Red-rumped Trogon has the iris dark brown, the orbital skin silvery- 
cobalt, the bill purplish-cobalt, black on the culmen, and the feet nearly black. 




154. Tachornls infumata, (Sd.) 

Tachornis infumata, Hartert, Cat . B . itor. xvi, p. 467 (1892). 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 20th May. (No, 113) 

The Little Palm Swift has the iris reddish-brown, the bill black, with the 
lower mandible red, and the feet greenish. 

4 It suddenly appeared in large flocks among the cocoa-nut palms at about 
six p.m. one evening, but was never met with again.’ 


155. Caprimulgus macrurus, Horsf. 

Caprimulgus macrurus, Bonhote , p. 68. 

Caprimulgus macrourus, Hartert , p. 544. 

<j?ad. Ban Sai Kau. itst May, (No. 119) 

£ ad. Biscuit, Jalor. 20th Oct, (No. 451) 

Horsfield’s Night-jar has the iris hazel, the bill horn, and the feet 
pinkish flesh-colour, 

4 Very common in open country throughout the Peninsula during every 
month of the year/ 

156. Caprimulgus jotaka, Temm. and Schl. 

Caprimulgus jotaka, Harter r, Cat . B. Brit . Mm . xvi, p. 552 (1892). 

$ ad, Td&m, Perak-Pahang border. 1 6th January, (No. 535) 

The Jungle Night-jar is a winter visitor to the'Malay Peninsula ; it has 
the iris brown, the bill horn, and the feet pinkish-brown. 

4 1 am inclined to think that this species is resident in the higher mountain- 
jungles of the Peninsula and not merely a migrant as is generally supposed. 
I have met with it in March, May, and September, but have never seen it 
otherwise than in deep jungle.’ 


1 G 7 . Anthracoceros malabaricus, (Gmd.) 

Anthracoceros malabaricus, Bonhote , p. 70, 

9 ad. Mabck, Jalor. 22nd and 25th July. (Nos. 301-320) 

9 ad. Sungkei, South Perak. 10th February. (No. 636) 

The male of the Malayan Pied-Horn bill has the iris chestnut, the orbital 
skin purplish-blue, and the bill ivory-white, with a nearly black patch on the 
casque. In the female the iris is chestnut-brown, the bare skin of the throat and 



face silvery-white, livid blue round the eye, the bill pale ivory-yellow with a 
black and brown patch at the base of the lower mandible, and the feet black. 

4 It frequents more open country than the Jungle-Hornbills, usually along 
the river-banks and is much less noisy. It is usually met with in parties of five 
or six, and the flight, though less laboured, is rarely sustained for as long as that 
of the larger species/ 

158. Dichoceros bicornis, (Linn.) 

Dichoceros bicornis, Bonhote y p, 70. 

$ (head only). Biserat, Jalor, July. 

The Homrai HornbilL 

4 Three species of large Hornbills were not uncommon in the jungles 
round Bukit Besar, but I did not consider it worth while spending much 
time in hunting them/ 

The species seen included Rhinoplax vigil, the Helmet* Hornbill, and 
Buceros rhinoceros , the Rhinoceros HornbilL The habits of all are very 
similar. They fly in flocks varying from six to as many as fifteen individuals, 
using their wings with slow measured strokes, the rush of air through the 
primaries making a noise which may perhaps be compared to the distant sound 
of a traction engine toiling up a hill. As soon as they alight on a tree, they 
give vent to a series of harsh discordant screams, but Rhinoplax vigil has, in 
addition, a sharp staccato note which has given rise to the Malay legend that 
the bird was once a man, who, becoming enraged with his mother-in-law 
started to chop through the posts supporting her house, and was thereupon 
turned into the bird, whose notes represent the blows of the axe. 

4 Skulls of Rhinoplax vigil command a high price in the Peninsula, as much 
as five or ten dollars being asked and obtained for them. Rings made out of 
t he dense frontal portion of the casque are reputed to act as talismans, turning 
green when dipped into a poisoned liquid/ 


159. Upupa indica, Reichenb, 

Upupa indica, Bonhote , p, 68, 

$ad. PatanL 10th June. (No. 173) 

$ , 9 ad. Nawngchik. 27th and 49th November. ^03.479,491) 

The Indian Hoopoe has the iris hazel or chestnut, the bill black, horn- 
coloured at the base, and feet brownish-black. 

1 Exceedingly local in the Patani States, and always met within open 
sandy country near the coast/ 




160. Merops sumatranus, Raftl. 

Merops sumatrensis {sic ), Bcnhote^ p, 69. 

$ ad. Patani. 13th and 15th June, (Nos, 183. 184) 

$ ad, Biserat, Jalor. 2nd and 3rd July. (Nos. 229, 230, 231, 343, 444) 

$ , ? ad, Sungkei, South Perak. yth and nth February. 

In the Sumatran Bee-eater the iris is red and the bill and feet black. 

161. Merops philippinus, Linn. 

Merops philippinus, Sharpe , Cat . B. Brit . Mus . xvii, p. 71 (1892). 

i t 9 ad* Patani. 13th and 15th June. (Nos* 185, 192) 

9 ad. Nawngchik. 29th and 30th November. (Nos, 492, 493) 

The Blue-tailed Bee-eater has the iris red and the bill and feet black, 

* This bird was breeding in great numbers in the banks of the Perak 

River, near the Siamese border, in the month of April/ N.A, 

162, MeHttophagus swinhoei, (Hume) 

Merops leschenaulti swinhoei, Hartert , p. 544. 

£ad, Patani, 15th June. (No. 191) 

dad. Nawngchik. a8th November. (No. 481) 

The Chestnut-headed Bee-eater has the iris red and the bill and feet 

* These three species of Bee-eaters, which are collectively known as 
Berek-berek , are common throughout the Peninsula in open country and round 
rice-fields. Nyctiomis amicta , on the other hand, the only other species of 
Mala van Bee-eater, is exclusively a high-forest bird, which on the east coast 
of the Peninsula does not seem to range as far north as Patani, though 
common in Selangor and Perak/ 


163, Coracias affinis, McClelL 

Coracias affinis, Sharpe y Cat . B> Brit . Mus. xvii, p. 13 (1892). 

$ad. Nawngchik. 27th November. (Nos. 477 and 478) 

The Burmese Roller has the iris dark hazel, the bill black, and the feet 

4 The birds were probably on migration, as this Roller was abundant in 
the Patani district in November and December, but not seen at any other 
time of the year/ N.A. 




164. Eurystomus ortentalis, (Linn.) 

Eurystomus oricntalis, Benhote i p, 68, 

9 ad. Patani. 30th May. (Noa, 138 and 139) 

9 ad, Biserat, Jalor. 5th July and 16th October. (Nos. 247, 447) 

£ad. Jambu, Jhering. loth and 12th June. (Nos. 166, 180, and 1 81) 

The Non-migratory Broad-billed Roller has the iris brown, the bill 
vermilion, black at the tip, and the feet coral-red. 

165. Eurystomus cal onyx, Hod^s. 

Eurystomus calonyx, Sharpe^ Cat . B. Brit. Mus. xvii, p. 38 (1892). 

9 ad. Patani. 2nd October. (No. 430) 

The Migratory Broad-billed Roller has the iris hazel, the bill dark red, 
blackish at the tip, and the feet coral-red. 


166. Halcyon smyrnensis, (Linn.) 

Halcyon smyrnensis fusca (Bodd.), Bonhote , p. 69 ; Hartert, p. 543. 

$ , 9 ad. Ban Sai Kau, 26th April, 19th May. (Nos. 13, ill) 

$ imm. Rhaman, near Biserat. 19th July. (No. 296) 

The White-breasted Kingfisher has the iris brown or chestnut, the bill 
dark coral-red, and the feet coral-red. 

167. Halcyon pileatus, (Bodd.) 

Halcyon pileatus, Sharpe> Cat . B. Brit. Mus. xvii, p. 229 (1892). 

9 imm. Kampong Jalor. 29th October. 

$ ad. Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 16th February, (Nos. 675, 676) 

In the Black-capped Kingfisher the iris is dark brown, the bill dark 
vermilion, and the feet coral-red. 

168. Halcyon coromandus, (Lath.) 

Halcyon coromandus, Sharp e^ Cat, B . Brit . Mus . xvii, p. 217 (1892). 

9 ad. Patani. 3rd October. (No. 439) 

The Ruddy Kingfisher has the iris dull brown, the bill vermilion, and the 
feet coral. 



169. Halcyon humel, Sharpe. 

Halcyon humii, Bonhote> p. 69 ; Hartert y p. 543, 

£ ad, Patani. aistjwnc. (No. 207) 

$ ad. et, imm. Jambu, Jhering. 5 th and 7th June. (Nos. 152, 157, 159) 

9 ad, et. $ imm. Nawngchdk. 29th and joth November. (No. 496) 

Hume’s Kingfisher has the iris brown, the bill black, with the basal part 
of the lower mandible white, and the feet brownish-black. 

170. Oarclneutes pulohoMus, (Horsf.) 

Carcineutes pulchellus, Sharpe^ P,Z.S., 1886, p. 35a. 

$ ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 2*500 feet, nth May. 

The Banded Kingfisher has the iris brown, the bill black, whitish at the tip 
and on the lower part of the under mandible, and the feet greenish-white, 

171. Ceyx tri dactyl a, (Pail.) 

Ceyx tridactyla, Sharped Cat, B, Brit, Mm, xvii, p. 174 (1892). 

9 ad. Bukit Besar, Nawngchik. 5th September. (No. 382) 

The Indian Three-toed Kingfisher has the iris brown, the bill vermilion, and 
the feet pinkish-vermilion. 

172. Alcedo meninting, Horsf. 

Alcedo me muting, Harter r, p. 543, 

9 ad, Bjserat, Jalor, 3rd August. (No. 330) 

The Malayan Kingfisher has the iris dark brown, upper mandible black, 
the lower orange-red with a yellowish tinge towards the tip, and the feet bright 

173. Alcedo ispfda, Linn. 

Alcedo ispida, Bonhote , p. 69. 

$ad. Jcram Kawan, South Perak. 14th February. (No. 677) 

In the Common Kingfisher the iris is brown, the bill black above, coral 
beneath, and the feet coral. 

174. Pelargopsis f rase ri, Sharpe, 

Pelargopsis fraseri, Botthote y p„ 69. 

9 ad. Patani. 30th May and 10th October. (Nos. 141,444) 

£ ad. Nawngchik, 29th November. 

$ ad. Ban Sai Kau. 20th May. (No. 118) 

9 ad. et imm. Biserat, 16th and 18th July, (Nos. 281, 293) 

The Malayan Stork-billed Kingfisher has the iris brown, the bill deep 
lake-red, the inside of the mouth rich orange, and the feet red. 




176, Lortculus galgulus, (Linn,) 

Loriculus galgulus, Bonhote x p. 76 ; Harter /, p. 542. 

£imm, Biserat, Jnlor. tath and 16th July. (No. 272, 284) 

<J ad, Sungkei, South Perak. 9th February. (No. 635) 

The Malayan Loriquet has the iris dark brown, the bil! blackish, and the 
feet plumbeous-green. 

176* Psittinus malaccensis, (Lath.) 

Psittinus incertus (Shaw), Bonhote> p. 7 6. 

Psittinus malaccensis, Hartert y p. 542. 

<f, 9 ad* Biserat, Jalor. 6th July and 15th October* (No. 252) 

The Little Malayan Parrot has the iris red, the upper mandible red, the 
lower greenish, and the feet greenish. 


177, Photodilus bad i us, (Horuf.) 

Phodilus badius, Sharpe y Cat . B . Brit . Mus * ii, p, 309 (1875). 

9 * Jeram Kawan, South Perak. 13th February. (No. 658) 

The Bay-Owl has the iris sooty-black, the bill pinkish-horn, and the feet 

i Shot in deep jungle sitting on a dead branch with its body pressed close 
to the trunk of the tree,’ 

178, Syrnium setoputo, (Horsf.) 

Syrnium sinense, Sharpe , Cat. B . Brit . Mus . ii, p. 261 (1875) ; Bonkote y p. 58. 
Syrnium seloputo, Blanford y Faun , Brit. India , Birds iii, p. 278 (1895). 

$, 9 ad. Ban Sat Kau. 18th September. (Nos, 397, 398) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor. 8 th July. (No. 254) 

The Malayan Wood-Owl has the iris yellow, the bill bluish-horn, paler at 
the base, and the feet grayish. 

‘ Common in orchards and gardens round the rice-fields.’ 

179. Kinox scutulata, (Raffl.) 

Ninox scutulata, Grants Ibis, 1896, p. 111. 

£ad, Biserat, Jalor. 20th July. (No. 297) 

The Brown Hawk-Owl has the iris chrome-yellow, the bill bluish-horn, 
the cere green, and the feet yellow. 



ISO. Ketupa ketupa, (Kaup.) 

Ketupa javensis (Less.), Bonhote , p. 58. 

9 ad, et, imm. Ban Sai Kzu, 45th May. (Nos. 135, 136) 

9 *d. Biserat, Ja)or, 8th July- (No. 257) 

$ hum. Kampong, Jalor. aoth November. (No. 475) 

Adult examples of the Malayan Fish-Owl with the spotting on the upper- 
parts nearly obsolete have only three light bufFbars on the middle tail-feathers, 
while in the more spotted immature birds there are five caudal bands. Iris 
orange, bill bluish-horn, feet dull yellow. 

‘ Very common in similar situations to Syrnuim seloputo r roosting during 
the day in the durian and mangosteen trees. The stomach of one bird which 
I examined contained a large rat and several small fish and crustaceans. 

c This Owl also feeds largely on the big aquatic Bug, Amorgus indicus' N. A. 


1st. Polioaetus ichthyaetus, (Horsf.) 

Polioaetus ichthyaetus, Bonhote , p. 58, 

£ad. et. imm, Tanjong Pa rani. 27th September and 6th October. (Nos, 400, 440) 
The Grey-headed Fishing-Eagle has the iris pale yellow, the bill and cere 
lead-colour, darker on the culmen, and the feet yellowish-white. 

4 Very abundant on the seaward face of Tanjong Patani, together with 
Haliattus leucogaster and Haliastur intermedins,' 


182. Microhie rax fringi Darius, (Drap.) 

Microhierax fringiilarius, Bonhote , p. 58 ; Hartert , p. 541. 

$ ad. 

Ban Sal Kau. 

17th September. 

(No. 394) 

9 imm. 

Biserat, Jalor. 

15th July. 

(No. 280) 

$ imm. 

Mabek, Jalor. 

25th July. 

(No. 316) 

9 ad. 

Sungkei, South Perak, 

8th February. 

(No. 629) 

9 ad. 

Gedong, South Perak. 

8th January. 

(No. 507) 

The Black-legged Falconet has the iris yellow or dark hazel, and the 
bill and feet black. 

* The Lang-belalang or Grasshopper-hawk is widely spread throughout the 
Peninsula in suitable localities, frequenting by preference the edges of rice- 
fields and recently burnt jungle. 

* I have watched a pair sitting at the end of a blackened branch and 
darting out at the insects that flew past. 1 N.A, 

1 H 


183, Haliastur intermedius, Gurney. 

Haliastur Indus, Bonhote (nec Bodd.), p. 58. 

9 ad. et, imm. Patani. 22nd June and and October. (Nos. 203, 426-428) 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 7th and iSth September, (Nos. 383, 396) 

9 ad. Mabek, Jalor. 26th July. (No, 323) 

9imm. Jarnbu, jhering. $tb June. (No. 153) 

The Malayan Brahminy Kite has the iris yellow, the bill bluish-horn, 
yellowish towards the cere, and the feet dull yellow. 

4 Very abundant on the coast, and occurring wherever there are large 
stretches of rice-land, but found much more sparingly towards the interior of 
the Peninsula/ 

184. Spizaetus alboniffer, (Blyth) 

Spizaetus alboniger, Sharpe , Cat . B. Brit . Mas . i, p. 271 (1874). 

$ imm. Gedong, South Perak. 7th January. (No. 500) 

The immature of Blyth’s Hawk-Eagle has the iris whitish-yellow, the 
bill and cere lead-blue, and the feet chrome-yellow. 

185. Spizaetus limnaetus, (Raffl.) 

Spizaetus limnaetus, Sharpe , P.Z.S 1887, p. 433. 

9 ad. Kampong Jalor. 17th November. (No, 473) 

The Changeable Hawk-Eagle has the iris brown, the bill lead-colour, and 
the feet cadmium-yellow. 

186. Spilornis bach a, (Baud.) 

Spilornis bacha, Sharpe , P.Z.S,, 1887, p. 433. 

Spilornis cheela, Bonhote (nec Lath.), p. 57. 

$ ad. Ban Sai Kau. 19th May. (No. 102) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor, 26th July, 21st October. (No. 452) 

These specimens belong to the larger, high-ground, darker form of 
Crested Serpent-Eagle, of which the typical examples are from Java. 

187. Spilornis poll ictus, Walden. 

Spilornis bacha, Hariert , p. 541, 

if ad. Gedong, South Perak. 9th January. (No. 513) 

The above adult male represents the smaller and paler low-ground form* 
originally described from Borneo. It has the iris orange, the cere pale 
chrome-yellow, the bill bluish-horn, darker at the tip, and the feet dull 




188, Pseudogyps bcngalonsis, (Gmel.) 

Pseudogyps bengalensis, Sharpe , Cat. B . Brit. Mus. i, p. n (1874), 

9 ad. Patani. 10th June. 

1 mm. Kampong Jalor, 2nd November. (No. 4.65) 

The Indian White-backed Vulture has the iris black, the naked skin of 
the head yellowish-green, and the feet black. 

189. Otogyps calvus, (Scop.) 

Otogyps calvus, Sharpe, Cat. B. Brit. Mus . i, p. 14 (1874). 

£ ad. Biserat, Jalor. 6th August. 

$ ad, Kampong Jalor. 30th October. (No. 464) 

The Black or Pondicherry Vulture has the iris creamy-yellow* the bare 
skin on the head and neck red mottled and dusky, the bill black, and 
the feet dull red. 


ISO, Phalacrocorax carbo, (Lion.) 

Phalacrocorax carbo, Hartert , p. 540, 

£ ad. et 9juv. Patani. 1 6th August and 2nd October. (Nos. 336, 429) 

In the common Cormorant the adult male has the iris dark emerald-green, 
the gular region bright chrome, the bill whitish-horn, and the feet black. 

The young female has the iris greyish-green, the bill yellowish-horn, the 
bare skin cadmium-yellow, and the feet black. 


191, Dendrocycim Javan ica, (Horsf.J 
Dendrocycna javanica, Ronkote , p- 81. 

Dendrocygna javanica, Hartert , p. 541. 

9 ad. Patani. 12nd Juno. (No. 206) 

The Whistling Tree-Duck has the iris brown, the eyelids yellow, the bill 
dark greenish-horn, and the feet black. 


192, Dissura episcopus, (Bodd.) 

Dissura episcopus, Sharpe , Cat . B . Brit. Mus . xxvi, p. 294 (1898). 

9 ad. Bayu, Jalor. 8th July. (No. 256) 

9 ad, Kampong Jalor. 30th October. (No. 461) 



The White-necked Stork has the iris brown, the bill reddish, darker at the 
base, and the feet crimson-lake. 

Dr. Reich enow (cf. Vtigel Afr. i, p. 347 (1901) ) has pointed out that 
African examples of this genus belong to a distinct specie^ D . microscelts 
(G. R. Gray), which had been regarded by most authors as synonymous with 
the present species. A third species, D. stormi (Blas,), found in Borneo, has 
also been described as D, mortem. Grant. 


193. Ardetta cinnamomea, Gmel. 

Ardetta cinnamomea, Sharpe , Cat. B . Brtt. Mus. xxvi, p. 236 (1898). 

$ vix, ad. Patani River, a*nd April, (No. 6) 

The Chestnut Bittern has the iris brownish-yellow, with a white ring 
round pupil, and the feet yellowish-green. 

‘ Snared by the natives among high reeds.’ 

194. Bubulcus coromandus, (Bodd.) 

Bubulcus coromandus, Bonhote t p. 80. 

$?imm, Kampong, Jalor. 16th and 17th November. (Nos. 471,47«) 

The Cattle-Egret has the iris yellowish-white, bill and feet chrome- 
yellow, and the feet black. 

‘Very abundant on flooded rice-fields in the above locality, suddenly 


appearing with the bursting of the monsoon. Scarce and sporadic during the 
dry season from April to October. Malay name, Bangau' 

195. Ardeola gray!, (Sykes) 

Ardeola gray!, Sharpe, Cat . B. Brit . Mus , xxvi, p. 207 (1898). 

Nawngchik. 30th November, 

The Pond-Heron has the iris chrome-yellow, and the feet greenish-yellow. 
‘Consorting with Bubulcus coromandus on flooded meadows at the 
commencement of the wet season.* 

196. Butorides javanica, (Horsf.) 

Butorides javanica, Sharpe^ Cat. B. Brk . Mus . xxvi, p« 177 (1898), 

Imm. Patani River. zxnd April, (No, 5) 

9imm. Jambu, Jhering. 6th June. (No, 162) 


Il 7 

The Little Green Heron has the iris chrome-yellow, the bill black, with 
the lower mandible, except the tomia greenish-yeLlow, the loral space chrome- 
yellow, the feet greenish in front, and yellowish behind. 

* Not uncommon among the mangroves of the tidal creeks, where it was 
very difficult to discern on account of its colours harmonizing so exactly with 
the surroundings. In its normal attitude of rest this bird stands with its bill 
pointing vertically upwards, making its whole outline as linear as possible.' 

197. Demiegretta sacra, (Gme!.) 

Demiegretta sacra, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit . Mus . xxvi, p. 137 (1898). 

9 ad. (white form). Kampong D.itoh, 3rd October. {No. 437) 1 

The Eastern Reef-Heron has the iris whitish, the upper mandible and tip 
of lower black, the remainder yellowish-green, the lores yellowish-green, and 
the feet sage-green. 

* Procured on the mud among mangroves.' 

198. Garzetta garzetta, [Linn.) 

Garzetta garzetta, Sharpe, Cat . B . Brit . Mus. xxvi, p. 1 18 (1898). 

£ , 9 Jambu, Jhering, 6 th June. (Nos. 154, 155) 

In the little Egret the iris is yellow, the lores greenish-yellow, the bill 
black, the base of the lower mandible bluish-white, the tarsi black, and the feet 
pale greenish-yellow, 

‘ From a flock of nine or ten, feeding on the mud-flats of the estuary 
at low tide.' 


199. Gallinago stenura, (Bonap.) 

Gallinago stenura, Sharpe , Cat. B . Brit. Mus . xxiv, p. 619 (1896). 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 18th September. (No. 392) 

The Pin-tailed Snipe has the iris hazel, the bill blackish-brown, yellowish 
at the base, and the feet greenish-yellow. 

« Snipe arrived in the Patani States during the second week in September, 
and were extraordinarily abundant during the two succeeding months, large 
numbers of them being killed by flying against the recently erected telephone 






200. Trlnga minuta, (Leial.) 

Limonites minuta, Sharpe , Cat . B . Brit . xxiv, p. 538 (1896). 

Tanjong Budi, Patani. September and October. (Nos. 406, 41 6 , 435) 
The Little Stint has the iris, bill, and feet blackish. 

201 . Trlnga piatyrhyncha, Temm. 

Limicola platyrhyncha, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit. Mus . xxiv, p. 612 (1896). 

9 ad. Kampong Budi. 291)1 September. (No. 418) 

The Broad-billed Sandpiper has the iris dark brown, the bill black, 
yellowish at the base, and the feet greenish-brown, 

202, Tringa subarquata, Gtildenst. 

Ancylochilus subarquatus, Sharpe, Cat . B . Brit. Mus., xxiv, p. 586 (1896). 

9 ad. Patani River. 24th September. (No. 409) 

The Curlew-Sandpiper has the iris, bill, and feet black. 

203, Terekia cinerea, (Gfiidcnst.) 

Terekia dnerea, Sharpe , Cat . B. Brit. Mus . xxiv, p. 474 (1896). 

9 ad. Kampong Budi. 2nd October. (Nos. 429 f and 454) 

The Terek Sandpiper has the iris hazel, the bill black, yellow at the base, 
and the feet yellowish. 

204. Aerial it is d tibia, (Scop.) 

Aegialitis dubia, Sharpe , Cat . B . Brit. Mus . xxiv, p, 263 (1896). 

9 ad. Kampong Jalor. 4th November. (No, 466) 

The Little-ringed Plover has the iris dark, the bill black, yellow at the 
base, and the feet yellowish. 

205. Aegialitis mongo lie us, (Pall.) 

Ochthodromus mongolus, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit , Mus. xxiv, p. 223 (1896). 

& tram. Patani. znd October* (No. 481) 

S 1 9 imm. Tanjong Budi. 22nd and 24th September. (Nos. 402, 408, 417) 

Immature specimens of the Lesser Sand-Plover have the iris dark hazel 
and the bill and feet black. 

206. Oharadrius domlnicut, Mull. 

Charadrius dominicus, Bonhote , p, 79. 

9 imm. Tanjong Budi, Jhering. 23rd September. (No. 404) 

£ad. Kampong Jalor. 5th November. (No. 470) 


The Eastern Golden Plover has the iris dark hazel, the bill black, and 
the feet greenish-lead colour. 

207. Streps!las interpret, (Lirm.) 

Arenaria interpres, Sharpe, Cat . B. Brit. Mus. xxiv, p. 92 (1896). 

$ , 9 imm. Tanjong Budi, Jhering, aand and 13rd September. (Nos. 401, 405) 

The Turnstone has the iris dark brown, the bill black, reddish-brown at 
the base, and the feet yellowish-orange. 

* Shore-birds become abundant on the coasts of the Peninsula towards the 
end of August, rapidly increasing in numbers during September and October. 
In addition to the species enumerated above, Curlews and the Burmese Wattled 
Plover (1 Sarcogrammtts atrinuchalis) were very abundant on Tanjong Patani 
during the first few days of October. 1 


208. Sterna sinensis, Gmel. 

Sterna sinensis, Bonhote, p. 80. 

$, 9 ad, Tanjong Budi, Patani. t6th August. (No. 337, 338) 

The White-shafted Little Tern has the iris dark brown, the bill chrome- 
yellow, tipped with greenish-black, and the feet chrome. 

•In addition to the above species, Sterna bergii and a gull resembling 
L. ridihundus in winter plumage were noted off Tanjong Patani/ 


209. Heflopats person at a, (Gray) 

Heliopais personata, Bonhote , p. 79. 

£ ad, Jcrara Kawan, South Perak. 13 th February. (No. 66a) 

The Masked Finfoot has the iris chrome, the bill bright yellow, and the 
feet pale apple-green* 

c Rareas this species is in collections, it is by no means uncommon in suitable 
localities throughout the Peninsula. It frequents the upper reaches of rivers 
where the current is strong and the water is clear, and is very shy. When 
disturbed it only takes to flight with the greatest reluctance, and then for a 
very short time. Normally it escapes down stream, using its wings as paddles 
and with his head bent back, very much in the attitude of the Snake-bird, 
(Flatus melanogaster ), which affects similar situations. If the opportunity is 
afforded it, it takes refuge beneath the overhanging banks/ 

* The Malay name is Itek ayer (Water-Duck).’ N.A. 




210, Gallicrex cinerea, (Gmel.) 

Gallicrex cinerea, Bonhote > p. 79. 

A male of the Kora or Water-cock in the blackish suirfmer-plummage 
bears no particulars. 

* The Ayam-ayam or ‘ Hen 1 is very local in its distribution, but common 
wherever found. The present specimen was obtained near Patani. 

211. Amaurornis phoenicura, (Foret.) 

Amaurornis phoenicura, Sharpe % Cat. B. Brit. Mus. xxiii, p. 156 (1894). 

9 ad. Patani. 22nd April. (No, 4) 

$ imm, Kampong Jalor. 23rd November, (No, 476) 

2 ad. Sungkci, South Perak, (No. 647) 

The White-breasted Water-Hen has the iris dark sienna-brown, the bill 
greenish-olive, the base of the upper mandible and frontal shield crimson, and 
the feet yellow with a gamboge tinge. 

1 Common along river-banks and in swamps throughout the Peninsula/ 

212. Amaurornis fuscus, (Linn,) 

Limnobaenus fuscus, Sharpe , Cat. B. Brit . Mus. xxiii, p. 146 (1894). 

<f ad. Patani. 22nd April. (No. 3) 

The Ruddy Crake has the iris and eyelid crimson, the bill leaden-black, 
inclining to greenish, the feet brick-red, brighter above the tibio-tarsal joint, 
the claws and hinder aspect of tarsus darker. 

c Snared by Malays among the reeds at the mouth of the Patani River/ 

213, Rallina suporci Marla, (Eyton) 

Ralliim superciliaris, Sharpe^ Cat. B . Brit. Mus . xxiii, p. 76 (1894), 

$ ad. G. Berumban, Perak, 6,ooo feet, 2Sth January, (No. 603) 

‘ The Banded Crake was collected by Sakai s/ 


214. Chalcophaps indica, (Linn.) 
Chalcophaps indica, Bonhote^ p. 77 ; Hartert y p. 540. 

d, $ ad. Biserat. 2nd July. (Nos. 226, 227, 228) 



The Bronzed-winged Dove has the Iris dark hazel, the orbital skin dark 
lake, the bill vermilion, orange towards the tip, darker at the base, and 
the legs purplish-lake* 

* Met with everywhere throughout low-country jungle, and trapped 
by means ol a pigeon call. It is extensively used as food. Malay name, Punai 
tana / 

2t5. Gcopelia striata, (Linn.) 

Geopelia striata, SalvaA, y Cat . B. Brit . Mus . xxi, p. 458 (1893). 

9 ad. Patani. toth June. ^03.204,340) 

d, 9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 16th and 17th September. (Nos. 388, 393) 

The Barred Ground-Dove has the iris brown, the bill lavender, and the 
feet lake-red. 

4 Found in similar situations to the preceding, but not so common/ 


216. Turtur tigrinus, (Temm, and Knip.) 

Turtur tigriuus, Bonhote y p. 77. 

Turtur tigrina, Harter /, p. 540, 

£ad. Patani. 10th June. 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 16th September. (No. 387) 

9 ad. Biserat, Jabr. 1st and 6th July, (Nos. 224, 250, 251) 

$ imm. Jambu, jhering. 9th June. (No, 178) 

The Malay Spotted-Dove has the iris brown or orange, the bill black, 
and the feet coral-pink. 

( Commonest near the coast in open sandy localities ; one of the 
favourite cage birds of the Malays/ 

217. Osmotreron olax, (Temm.) 

Treron olax, Bonhote , p. 77 ; Hartert , p. 539. 

$ ad. Jeram Kavvan, South Perak. 13th February. (No. 655) 

£ ad. Bidor, South Perak, 3rd February. (No. 6 m) 

# ad. Gedong, South Perak. /th January. (Nos. 501, 502) 

The Little Malayan Green Pigeon has the outer ring of the iris terra- 
cotta-red, the inner white, the bill yellowish-green, and the feet bright coral. 

* This species and O. verrtans are common everywhere throughout the 
Peninsula, though their place is largely taken by 0 . fulvicoliit in the mangroves 
on the coast/ 



21S. Osmotreron vernans, (Lion.) 

Osmotrcron vernans, Bonhote , p. 76* 

9 ad. Patani. loth June. (Nos, 170, 171) 

9ad. et $ imm, Biserat, Jalor. June, July, and October. {Nos, 215, 2 16, 

' * 17 . * 3 %> * 39 f 454 ) 

In the Pink-necked Green Pigeon the iris is yellow, with an orange ring 

round the pupil, the bill bluish-horn, paler at the tip, and the feet deep 

219. Treron nipalcnsis, (Hodgs.) 

Trcron nipalensis, Salvad. } Cat . B . Brit , Mus, xxi, p. 34 (1893). 

$ , 9 ad. Sungkei, South Perak, mil February. (Nos. 648, 649) 

The Thick-billed Green Pigeon has the iris pale cream-colour, the bill 
pale yellow, the base of the lower mandible crimson, and the feet bright 

220. Bu treron cupel lei, {Temm.) 

Bu treron capellei, Bonhote > p. 76 ; Hartery p. 539. 

$ ad. Mabek, Jalor. 24th July. (No. 315) 

The Large Thick-billed Green Pigeon has the iris yellowish-brown, the 
bill greenish-yellow, and the feet bright yellow, 

‘Somewhat rare and shy, feeding on the tops of very high trees. 1 


221. Turn Ex taigoor, (Sykes) 

Turnix taigoor, Bonhote , p. 78 ; Hartert , p, 539. 

9 ad. Ban Sai Kau. 26th April. (No. 13) 

The Bustard-Quail has the iris red, and the bill and feet pale plumbeous. 
‘Fighting quails are much kept by the Malays, more especially in the 
northern parts of the Peninsula. Both this and the Painted Quail ( Exca/factona 
chine mis) are common wherever there are wide stretches of lalang grass.’ 


222, Gal Jus gal I us, (Linn.) 

Galtus gall us, Bonhote , p. 78, 

9 ad. Biserat, Jalor. 2nd July. (No. 232) 

$ ad. Sungkc), South Perak, 9th and 10th February. (Nos. 632, 640) 

The Jungle-Fowl has the iris yellowish-brown, the wattles red, the bill 
pale horn colour, and the feet pale lead colour. 

1 Everywhere abundant, and interbreeding with the domestic poultry.’ 



223. Polyplectron malaccenais, (Scop.) 

Polyplectron blcalcaratum, Grafts Cat . B . Brit . Mus. xxii, p. 354, (1893) ; 

Bonhote , p. 78. 

Polyplectron malaccensis, Bartert y p. 538. 

<J , 9 ad. Lower Bating Padang, South Perak, 29th January. (Nos. 605, 608) 

Dr. Hartert is no doubt right in maintaining that P. malaccensis is the 
correct name for the Malayan Peacock-Pheasant. 

4 Usually inhabiting the densest jungle, and even more shy than the Argus. 
Malay name, Kuang chermin (Mirror Argus-Pheasant), alluding to the tail 
spots. 1 ' 

224. Pavo mu tic us, Linn. 

Pavo muticus, Bonhote y p. 78 ; Hartert , p. 538. 

$ ad. et imm. Mabek, Jalor. 22nd July. (Nos. 299, 300) 

The Burmese Pea-fpwl has the iris dark hazel, the anterior portion of the 
bare face lavender-blue, the hinder portion from the gape upwards pale chrome- 
yellow, the bill black, horn-coloured at the tip, and the feet black. 

1 Exceedingly rare on the western side of the Peninsula, but very 
abundant in Pahang and the more inland districts of the Patani States, 
and frequenting low jungle near rivers. Malay name, Merak (probably 
onamatopoetic), 1 

225. Argusiartus argus, Linn. 

Argustanus argus, Bonhote , p. 78 ; Hartert , p. 538. 

$ ad, Rhamaru 19th July. (No. 295) 

The Argus has the iris greenish-hazel, the naked skin of the head blue, 
the bill whitish-horn, and the feet pale coral-pink. 

4 Common throughout the Peninsula in old jungle, but apparently does 
not frequent the swampy tracts near the coast. It is especially fond of the ridges 
of the hills, where spaces cleared by the cocks as “ showing-off 11 grounds are 
often to be met with. The natives told me that this peculiarity was taken 
advantage of by them in trapping the males, who are very particular in 
removing any dead leaves or twigs from their grounds. A strip of bamboo 
sharpened on the lower edge is firmly pegged down in the form of a hoop in 
the centre of the space, and the bird in its efforts to remove It places its head 
beneath the sharpened edge and so decapitates itself. I give the story for 
what it is worth. By the Sakai the Argus-Pheasant is not unfrequendy 
tamed, and hens may often be seen among their domestic poultry. The 
Malay name is Burong kuang' 


Jfialaya Publishing tfouse, 
£td., Singapore 



Bukit Tapani, from near Biserat, 



View at Nawngchik town, with Btikit Besar in the distance. 


Jungle on Bukit Besar* Nawngcbik* 

View in the Casuardna Woods on Cape Patani 






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^5 xoj Aw 

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MmtarnBros imp 

Z'WSCIC; MALAY: zoology. Part I 


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(NAT SrZEj. 

JfiTi.t*T>nBT , 0 3 imp 




6 . 

4 co 

3 cc 

1 CL. 

5 Or. 

2 CC . 

Skulls of Sciurtts ami Mm from the Malay Peninsula. 



J GrteiL d<sl et JitH. Jfcnt«Tm Bros. imp. 





CYCLE MYS ANDALIL Youwo . (■§■ nat. size) 

CYCLE MVS ANNANBALil (Ikat.size), 


Fie, i. Skull of Testwbpsetidsmys. Two-thirds natural stse. 

Fig. z. Skull of Testudo mys. Two-thirds natural size. 




J. Oft :hiv iel at lith 

1 . 


MiivLenv Bros .imp. 

Fic, 3. Head of Dipsadomorphm paffidm. Two-thirds natural size.